EX LIBRIS BRYANT WALKER . Mussum QL 400 S73 many sowerly used to stepe with my grandfather & shells were figurent Er bei collecticar, as I an expect the parts were taken in de urecede . alle faithfully. ( (Bo) b. I. eMetcalfe. 72 THESAURUS CONCHYLIORUM, OR MONOGRAPHS OF GENERA OF SHELLS. EDITED BY B. SOWERBY, JUN., F.L.S. setting ham Qeorge VOL. I. LONDON: SOWERBY, 70, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY. 1847.-887 Museum gl. 4-6-1939 5vola, MONOGRAPHS of Genera of Shells contained in the first volume of the 'THESAURUS CONCHYLIORUM.' Page. 1 to 16. 17 — 19. Plate. 1 to 3 4 - . } • 21 – 24. 5 . 25 -- 39 41 - 44 6--10 11 -- . . - 45 -- 82. . 83 -- 88 . 89 156 . 83 -- 108 (bis.) . 109 146 (bis.) 147 (bis)190 . 191 to 220. 221 336 . . 237 238 341 -- 364 . . 12 - 20 • 21 -- 22 . 23 -- 31 32 - 35 36 --- 40 • 41 -- 45 · 46 -- 55 56 -- 66 67 . 68 -- 72 . HELICINA PUPINA. . ROSTELLARIA APOPRHAIS STRUTHIOLARIA STROMBUS. . PTEROCERAS. PECTEN HINNITES LIMA .. CYCLOSTOMA . SCALARIA. COLUMBELLA. TEREBRA. VOLUTA TELLINA . LINGULA TEREBRATULA ORBICULA CRANIA HIPPONYX THECIDIUM MARGINELLA CYMBA. MELO . . SPONDYLUS PLICATULA PEDUM . . . . - . 365 – 371 73 - . 373 -- 406 . 407 -- 411 . . 412 416 417 — 434 . 74-78 . 79 -- 80 . 81-83 84 -- 89 . 435 -- 438. . 90 — 91 - N.B. The binder will observe that Pages 83 to 186 have been, by error, repeated; but the table of contents will prevent confusion. *** In binding his own copy, the editor intends placing the plates in one cover, and the letter-press in another, and thinks the subscribers will find it most convenient to do the same. NOTICE. a In presenting this series of illustrated monographs to the .public, the editor wishes to express his thanks to those friends who have assisted him by permitting the use of their specimens, and by drawing up those monographs which appear under their names. He is also grateful for the general support with which he has been honoured during the progress of the work. The difficulties experienced in col- lecting the necessary information, the great labour and expense of the illustrations, and the comparatively slow return of the capital employed, are the reasons for those long intervals between the appearance of the Parts, which have been so much complained of. As the latter difficulty gradually gives way, the former will be over- come, as the editor will be enabled to give more time to the work, and to obtain increased assistance in the subordinate departments. The editor having heard of those who would wish to possess the work, but are deterred from doing so on account of its slow appearance, begs to suggest that their subscriptions would contribute towards the re- moval of the evil which they deprecate. If a small number of additional subscribers were obtained; if a few of the more affluent subscribers would take a second copy; and others, by shewing the present volume to their friends, were to induce them to join in patronizing the under- taking, there would be no difficulty in producing the parts at short and regular intervals. Those who are anxious for such a result may pro- mote it in this way . As one effect of that increased support which has already commenced, it will be seen that in the latter Parts a larger number of plates has been given, and the letter-press has been fuller in proportion, than in the earlier Parts. It is intended to carry on the work in future on the same scale of increased liberality; and the editor cherishes a hope that the successful termination of the present volume will so far add to the list of subscribers as to enable him to proceed with greater rapidity with the successive monographs. The 'Thesaurus Conchyliorum' will in future be published at No. 70, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, to which place Mr. G. B. Sowerby, Sen., F.L.S., is removing his stock of Books, Minerals, Fossils, and Shells. Among the latter will be found many of the species described and figured only in the monographs, as well as others more generally known. G. B. Sowerby, Jun., having made arrangements to assist in the business, will be happy to supply the desiderata of those who may favour him and his father with their commands. MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS HELICINA, Char. Gen. Molluscum terrestre; testâ spirali, sub-globosâ ; anfractibus quatuor ad sex; columellâ brevi; aperturæ margine interno sub-recto, margine externo plus minusve incrassato, reflexo. Operculo concentrico, semi-lunari vel sub-quadrato, nucleo centrali. This genus consists of heliciform land shells, with from four to six whorls, having the inner margin of the aperture nearly straight, and the outer lip generally thickened and more or less reflected. The operculum is concentric, having the nucleus near the centre, and of a semi-lunar or sub-quadrated form. The greater part are brought from the West Indies, many from South America, particularly Brazil, and a few from North America. Several new and interesting species have been lately brought from the Philippine Islands by Mr. Cuming. No species has yet been found in Europe. The species vary in form from the rounded globe to the depressed lens, and the whorls are either rounded or angular in the centre, generally smooth, more rarely ribbed in either direction. The inner lip is sometimes thickened near the colu- mella, which is short, terminating sometimes in an angle, and sometimes in a point, with an incision behind it in the outer lip. and sometimes it is confluent with the outer lip. In attempting to arrange the various species according to their affinities with each other, it was found impossible to divide them into sections by any fixed and undeviating rule; in the following arrangement therefore, we have been content to place together those species which most nearly resemble each other in groups, which may be imperfectly defined in the following manner :- Sec. 1. Lip thickened, sinuous, depressed at the base of the columella. H. Aurantia, Jamaicensis, hæmastoma, depressa, Aureola, stria- tula, solidula, Maugeriæ. Sec. 2. Shell thick, sub-angulated ; a notch at the base of the columella. H. Sagra, sub-marginata, pulcherrima, festiva. Sec. 3. Shell more globose, thinner, notch deeper. H. major, Brownii, dentigera, hispida, minima. B 2 Sec. 4. Spirally ribbed or striated ; outer lip diffuse; columella flat- . tened or concave. H. pulchella, Tankervillii, virginea, globosa, costata. Sec. 5. Globose ; outer lip confluent with the columella ; inner lip thin. H. zonata, lutea, variegata, neritella, picta, variabilis, Antil- larum, occidentalis. Guadaloupensis, maculata, polita, similis, parva, globulosa, maxima, ambeliana, Zephyrina, pellucida, flavida. Sec. 6. Columella as in Sec. 5; shell pyramidal. H. Trochulina, conica, elongata, elegans, rupestris, Sloanii. Sec, 7. Shell carinated ; outer lip confluent with the columella. H. acutissima, Trochiformis, Oxystoma, Carocolla, aggluti- nans, Lazarus, viridis, candeana, carinata, Rotella, pilosa. Sec. 8. Shell depressed; columella angulaled. H. Rhodostoma, angulata, fulva, Brasiliensis, sylvatica, oresi- gena. Sec. 9. Shell horny ; columella rather angulated, or slightly notched ; cuter lip scarcely thickened. H. orbiculata, cornea, castanea, nitida, rotunda, minuta, vestita, rugosa. DESCRIPTIONS. Sec. l. Lip thickened, sinuous, depressed at the base of the columella. Sp. 1. H. AURANTIA,(pl.i. f. 1, 2.) Gray, Zool. Journ. i. p. 69. Testâ globosâ, lævi; labio externo reflexo, crasso, in medio sub-expanso, postice et antice depresso; labio interno crasso, ex- panso; columellâ latâ complanatã. The peritreme of this globular shell is generally of a light orange colour; it is thick, and the outer lip is depressed above, and at its union with the columella, which is broad and flattened. Jamaica. 2. H. JAMAICENSIS, (pl. i. f. 3, 4.) nobis. T. H. aurantiæ simillimâ, sed magis conicâ, et magis tenui ; peritremate pallidiore, minus incrassato. More conical than the last, with the edge of the aperture thinner. It may be only a variety. 3. H. HÆMASTOMA, (pl. i. f. 5, 6. pl. iii. f. 98.) Moricand. y Mem. Coq. terr. et. fluv. de Bahia. T. H. aurantiæ simili, sed anfractibus supernè striatis ; colu. mellâ sub-angulatâ. Our first two figures of this shell were copied from those given 3 x p. 70. by Moricand, but subsequently the kindness of Mr. Cuming en- abled us to give f. 98. which is from a specimen. The species differs from H. aurantia in being slightly angulated at the colu- mella and in not having the inner lip spread over the body whorl. Antilles. 4. H. DEPRESSA, (pl. i. f. 47.) Gray, Zool. Journ. i. p. 70. T. albâ, lævi, depressâ, tenui; aperturâ transversim elongatâ; columella triangulari; labio externo depresso, supra infraque sub- dentato. White, smooth, depressed, thin; with a triangular columella ; the outer lip thickened and sinuated above and below. 5. H. AUREOLA. (pl. i. f. 44, 45, 46.) Gray. Zool. Journ. i. T. globosâ, minutè spiraliter striatâ; aperturâ sub-quadratâ, marginè lato, supra infraque unidentato. Shell globular, finely striated, with the aperture rather square, and the edge broad, with a tooth above and below; the last whorl contracted near the margin. Jamaica. 6. H. STRIATULA. (pl. i. f. 43.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. sub-depressâ, concentricè sub-striatâ, fulvo-rufescente, aper- turâ sub-quadratâ, margine albo, crasso, reflexo, integro, sub- sinuato, posticè sub-depresso. A concentrically striated, sub-depressed shell, placed next to H. aureola on account of the margin being slightly bending and de- pressed, above and below, Martinique 7. H. SOLIDULA. (pl. ii. f. 52, 53, 54.) Gray. Beech. App. T. crassâ, depresso-conicâ; anfractibus carinatis; labio interno calloso, externo crasso, prope columellam sub-coarctato, Thick, conical, depressed; whorls with a central keel; inner lip thickened; outer lip thick, slightly contracted near the columella. 8. H. MAUGERIÆ. (pl. ii. f. 55.) Gray. Beech. App. T. crassa, depressa; anfractibus uni-carinatis; labio interno crasso, magno; columellâ angustatâ; labio externo crasso, supra infraque sub-emarginato. Thick, depressed; whorls angular and keeled ; inner lip thick, columella terminating in a point; outer lip thick, slightly emargi- nated above and below, prominent in the centre. Sec. 2. Shell thick, sub-angulated, a notch at the base of the columella. 9. H. Sara. (pl. i. f. 10. pl. iii. f. 126.) D’Orb. Moll. Cub. p. 240. T. crassâ, conoideâ, subcompressả, concentrice sub- striatâ; aperturâ subtriangulari, labio externo vix reflexo; prope columellam sub-emarginato; labio interno expanso, calloso, colu- mellâ sub-complanatâ, acuminatâ; epidermide fuscâ ,viridescente. Shell thick, conical, depressed, with the whorls angulated, the aperture rather triangular, the outer lip scarcely reflected, thickened within, inner lip thickened and spread widely over the under part of the last whorl. Cuba. 10. H. SUB-MARGINATA, (pl. iii. f. 123 and 137.) Gray, Zool. B 2 a Х Journ. i. 68. H. rubra, Pfeiffer. crassa, D'Orb. Moll. Cub. P. 243. T. Sagræ simili, sed magis depressâ, anfractu ultimo minori, magis rotundato. Smaller and more globose than the last, with the last whorl smaller in proportion and less angulated, probably however only a variety of H. Sagra. Cuba. 11. H. PULCHERRIMA, Lea. (pl. i. f. 14.) Lea. obs. T. H. Sagræ simili, sed magis globosâ, striis concentricis regula- ribus, distinctis. Rather lighter and much more globose than the last, with the striæ distinct and regular. 12. H. FESTIVA. (pl. i. f. 9.) Gray. Beech. App. T. H. Sagræ simili, sed concentricè lirata, interstitiis rubro- lineatis. Shaped like Helicina Sagra, but concentrically grooved, with the interstices coloured red. The figure is taken from Beechey's Appendix; we are inclined to think it over-coloured. See. 3. Shell more globose, thinner, notch deeper. 13. H. MAJOR. (pl. i. f. 12, 13.) Gray. Zool. Journ. i. 68. T. globosâ, lævi, sub-tenui, anfractu ultimo magno; aperturâ semilunari; labio externo reflexo, expanso; prope columellam valdè emarginato; labio interno subtus leviter calloso; columellâ parvâ ; operculo calcareo. Shell rather thin, globose, the last whorl large, aperture semi- lunar, outer lip reflected, expanded, with a deep notch at the termi- nation of the columella, inner lip expanded, slightly callous under- neath, operculum shelly. 14. H. BrownII. (pl. i. f 7, 8.) T. globosâ, tenui, anfractu ultimo magno; aperturâ semi-lunari; labio externo reflexo, paululum expanso; prope columellam incisurâ elongatâ ; labio interno prope columellam sub-calloso; columellâ obliquâ, acutâ. Globose, thin, shaped like H. major, but differing from that and all other species in the deep elongated incision at the base of the columella. 15. H. DENTIGERA. (pl. iii. f. 107, 108.) D’Orb. Moll. Cuba. X Х p. 293. T. globosâ sub-depressá, albâ, labio externo paululum reflexo prope columellam emarginato; labio interno tenui; columellâ pro- ductâ, acutâ, dentem efformante. A small white shell, shaped like the two last, with the outer lip slightly reflected and the notch as in H. major. Cuba. 16. H. Hispida. (pl. iii. f. 112, 113.) Pfeiffer. Weig. Arch. für Natürgesch, Band. i. 1839. T. globuloso-depressâ, tenui, rufâ, hispidâ; anfractibus 4 con- vexiusculis; callo columellari tenui; angulo columellari dentem efformante; labro crassiusculo juxta dextram acutè inciso; aperturâ semi-lunari. 5 x Х X It is difficult to distinguish this from H. dentigera, the surface, however, is rather rougher, and the outer lip is scarcely reflected. Matanzas. 17. H. Minima. (pl. iii. f. 119.) D’Orb. Moll. Cub. p. 240. T. minutâ, H. dentigeræ simili, emarginatione minus valida. A minute shell, somewhat resembling the H. dentigera in shape, but the last whorl larger in proportion, and the notch less distinct. Cuba. Sec. 4. Spirally ribbed or striated, outer lip diffuse, columella flattened or concave. 18. H. PULCHELLA. (pl. i. f. 15, 16.) Gray, Zool. Journ. i. 64. T. conicâ, sub-angulatâ, spiraliter costatâ; costis distantibus, rugosis; labio externo expanso, reflexo; columellâ latâ, complanatâ. Conical, rather angulated, with rugose, distant ribs, in a spiral direction, with the outer lip expanded, reflected and confluent with the columella; columella broad, flattened. 19, H. TANKERVILLII. (pl. i. f. 17.) Gray, Zool. Journ. i. 250. T. H. pulchellæ simillimâ; sed majori; carinâ interruptâ, in medio anfractuum ornatâ. Very much like H. pulchella, but larger, with an interrupted keel, in the middle of the whorls. 20. H. VIRGINEA. (pl. i. f. 18, and pl. iii. f. 114.) Lea. Obs. T. H. pulchellæ simili, sed crassiori, costis magis numerosis ; columellâ concavâ. Differing from H. pulchella in being thicker, having the ribs closer and more numerous, the outer lip less expanded above, and the columella rather hollow. 21. H. GLOBOSA. (pl. i. f. 24.) Gray Beech. App. T. formâ H. virgineæ simili, anfractibus suprâ costatis infrâ lævibus. In this species, the upper part of the whorls only are ribbed, the outer lip is less expanded, and the upper part of the whorl more elevated than in H. virginea. 22. H. COSTATA. (pl. i. f. 20.) Gray Zool. Journ. i. 66 T. minutâ, H. virgineæ simili, sed costis paucis; columellâ angustiori; labio externo vix expanso. A minute shell, resembling H. virginea in shape, but with the ribs larger and fewer in proportion, the outer lip scarcely expanded and the columella narrower. Sec. 5. Globose; outer lip con fluent with the columella ; inner lip thin. 23. H. zon ATA. (pl. ii. f. 62, 63, 64.) H. fasciata, H. flava, Spix; H. variabilis, Wagner. T. conicâ, sub-rhomboideâ, leviter spiraliter costatâ; anfractibus angulatis, unicarinatis,; carinâ alterâ, plus minusve distinctâ infra angulum ; aperturâ sub-quadratâ; labio externo expanso, supernè depresso in medio attenuato, ad columellam sub-angustato, + Х 6 - Conical, obscurely ribbed on the upper part of the whorls, with a blunt keel on the angle, and another more or less distinct below; outer lip expanded in the centre and lower part, confluent with the columella, operculum horny. Of the synonyms quoted above, fasciata and variabilis were pre-occupied, flava was given to one of the varieties on the supposition of its being a distinct species, and on that account is thought unsuitable. Common in woods, upon trees and green leaves, in Bahia. 24. H. LUTEA. (pl. ii. f. 59. and pl. iii. f. 142.) T. globosâ, sub-angulatâ, lævi; labio externo paululum expanso, vix incrassato; labio interno leviter incrassato. ; Resembling the last in general form, but smooth, with the outer lip scarcely reflected; the inner lip slightly thickened; the colour varies from light yellow to dark brown, operculum horny. Antilles. 25. H. ADSPERSA. (pl. iii. f. 103, 115, 124, 125.) Pfeiffer. Wieg. Arch. für Naturgeshichte. Band i. 1839. H. variegata, D’Orb. Moll. Cub. p. 242. var. H. ornata, Fer. marmorata, D’Orb. T. globosâ, lævi; anfractibus rotundatis; prope suturam elevatis; aperturâ semi-lunari; labio externo expanso, postice depresso; columellâ parvâ. Globose, smooth; wherls round, elevated near the suture ; aperture semi-lunar; outer lip expanded, the upper part de- pressed; columella small. Varieties occur as follows, -yellow, yellow banded with brown, brownish white with broad brown bands, brownish white with brown bands and spots between; the last variety being named picta by Pfeiffer. Callajabas, Cuba, Matanzas. 26. H. NERITELLA. (pl. ii. f. 72 to 75.) Lamarck. Gray Zool. Journ. T. H. variegatæ simili, sed magis depressâ; anfractibus minus distinctis; labio externo magìs expanso et reflexo. This shell resembles the last; it, however, is more compressed, the upper part of the whorls are less elevated, the outer lip and columella more flattened and expanded. West Indies. 27. H. Picta. (pl. ii. f. 56. and pl. iii. f. 140, 141.) Ferussac. Fasciata, Lamarck ? T. depressâ, lævi; anfractu ultimo magno; labio externo sub- expanso; columellâ obliquâ, confluenti. Depressed, smooth, with the last whorl large; the outer lip rather expanded and obliquely confluent with the columella. Co- lours varying, but generally arranged in bands. This is the shell which Gray has figured as H. fasciata, Lam. Its identity, how- ever, appearing doubtful, we have applied the name given by De Ferussac. Martinique and Jamaica. 28. H. VARIABILIS. (pl. ii. f. 57, 58, and pl. iii. 106, 109, 129.) Guild. Zool. Journ. T. H .PICTÆ simili, sed anfractu ultimo minori. X 7 a The principal difference between this and the last species, is, that the whorls increase more gradually in size, the outer lip is also generally more thickened on the outside; the colours of this species vary considerably and are arranged in bands as in the last. West Indies. 29. H. ANTILLARUM. (pl. ii. f. 68, 69, 70.) T. depressâ, magnâ, tenui, leviter striatâ ; anfractu ultimo magno; labio interno tenui, prope columellam paululum incras- sato; columellâ rotundatâ, angustâ, obtusissime angulatâ; labio externo expanso, reflexo, postice sub-depresso. Depressed, large, thin, very finely striated ; last whorl large; inner lip thin, swelled near the columella ; columella rounded, narrow, obtusely angulated at its union with the outer lip, which is thickened, expanded, and reflected. The commonest variety is coloured with brown mottled bands on a light ground; another variety is of a uniform light green, and a third purplish brown; in an individual of the last, a very obtuse keel is to be traced in the centre of the whorl. Antilles. 30. H. OCCIDENTALIS, (pl. ii. f. 86 and 87.) Guild. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 529. T. depressâ, reticulatâ ; obsoletissime carinatâ; columellâ rotun- datâ ; labio externo expanso, reflexo; operculo corneo. Depressed, reticulated, very obscurely carinated, or rather an- gulated ; columella rounded, passing smoothly and obliquely into the outer lip, which is expanded, reflected, and rather depressed above; operculum horny. West Indies. 31. H. GUADALOUPENSIS. (pl. ii. f. 65, 66,) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. depressâ, sub-angulatâ, concentricè leviter striatâ ; columella ad basin sub-nodosâ; labio externo crasso, reflexo; anfractibus gradatim crescentibus, supra infraque sub-ventricosis; operculo fusco, corneo. This shell is rather thicker and more depressed than the last, the whorls more gradually increasing, and the outer lip less expanded. Guadaloupe and the Antilles. 32. H. MACULATA. pl. iii. f. 131). T. trapezoideâ, sub-angulatâ, suprâ infrâque conicâ, lævi, tenui, rubro-fasciatâ et maculatâ; labio externo reflexo, sub-expanso, ad basin columellæ tenui; columellâ sub-callosâ, ad basin attenuatâ; operculo corneo. Several varieties of this pretty little shell were kindly commu- nicated by M. D’Orbigny, and, no name being attached to them, I have ventured to give it the above, regretting, however, that time would not allow of a previous communication with their possessor. This species is more angular than the preceding, and conical above and below. There are several varieties, muttled and banded, with red or brown, on a pink or yellowish ground. South America. 8 8 x 33. H. POLITA, (pl. ii, f. 76 to 81.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. politâ, tenui, pellucidâ, plus minusve depressâ et angulatâ ; anfractibus supra sub-complanatis, infra ventricosis ; labio in- terno tenui, anticè paululùm inflato; columellâ angustatâ ad basin leviter angulatâ ; labio externo tenui, expanso, reflexo, supra angulum plus minusve depresso; operculo internè rubro, externe sub-margaritaceo. Smooth, thin, transparent, more or less depressed and angulated; the whorls rather flattened above; rather more ventricose beneath; inner lip thin, rather swelled near the columella ; columella narrow, rather angulated at the base; outer lip thin. expanded, reflected, more or less depressed above the angle; operculum red within, pearly without, rather square. The principal varieties in size and colour are shown in the plates. Brought by Mr. Cuming from the Philippine Islands. 34. H. Similis. (pl. iii. f. 130.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. formâ H. politæ simillimâ, sed magis angulatâ, et leviter striatâ. Presenting a medium between H. Guadaloupensis and H. polita, from the latter of which it differs in being lightly striated, and rather more angular. Guadaloupe. 35. H. PARVA. (pl. ii. f. 82.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. H. politæ simillimâ, sed minori, magis globosâ, et labio externo vix reflexo. Between the more globose and small varieties of polita, and this shell, it is difficult to recognise the distinction, which, however consists partly in the shape, and partly in the outer lip being less reflected. Philippine Islands. 36. H.GLOBULOSA.(pl. ij. f. 127, 128.) D'Orb. Moll, Cub.p. 294. T. globosâ, lævi, sub-tenui; labio externo sub-expanso, reflexo; columellâ acutâ. Globose, smooth, rather thin; outer lip rather expanded, re- flected; columella acute. Cuba. 37. H. MAXIMA. (pl. i, f. ii.) Zool. Proc. 1842. T.globoso-sub-depressâ, lævi, albâ; aperturâ magnâ, semilunari, margine reflexo, acuto; labio interno sub-crasso; columellâ obtuse angulatâ. Rather more depressed than H. major, and the base of the colu- mella angulated instead of being notched. 38. H. AMBELIANA. (pl. i. f, 19, 26.) De Roissy, Guerin. Mag. Zool, Cl. v. pl. 68. T. conicâ, lævi, spiraliter tenuissimæ striatâ; aperturâ semi- lunari; labio externo crasso, reflexo, rotundato; operculo corneo. Rather conical, globose, nearly smooth, with the aperture semi- lunar, and the outer lip thickened, reflected and rounded ; oper- culum horny, Our shell, which has been named Texasiana and Bulanderiana, in manuscript, agrees better with the figure pub- lished in Guerin than with the accompanying description. Antilles and Texas. x x 9 X 39. H. ZEPHYRINA. (pl. i. f. 25, 27. pl. iii. f. 118.) Duclos Guerin Mag. Zool. T.globosâ sub conicâ, lævi, tenui; labio externo reflexo; colu- mellâ obliquè attenuatâ. Globose, rather conical, smooth, thin; outer lip reflected, colu- mella obliquely attenuated. Figure 118 is a more conical variety. Cuba. 40. H. PELLUCIDA. (pl. iii. f. 138.) T. H. Zephyrinæ simili, sed columellâ pone rectâ, subangulatâ. A more transparent shell than the preceding, with the columella nearly straight, and joining the outer lip at an angle. French Guiana. 41. H. FLAYIDA. (pl. iii. f. 117, 134.) Menke, Syn. Moll. Pyri- montis 1830. p. 132. T. trochiformi, sub-crasso; labio externo crasso, reflexo, ro- tundato. A smaller shell than H. Zephyrina, with the outer lip thickened reflected, and rounded. Sec. 6. Columella like the last, shell pyramidal. 42. H. TROCHULINA. (pl. iii. f. 105.) D'Orb. Moll. Cub. p. 249. T. trochiformi, sub-angulatâ; labio externo paululum incrassato, vix reflexo. Trochiform and slightly angulated; outer lip very slightly thickened, scarcely reflected. Cuba, 43. H. PYRAMIDALIS (pl. iii. f. 104.) H. CONICA. D’Orb. Moll. Cub. p. 249. T. formâ H. Trochulinæ simili, sed majori; labio externo incras- sato, in medio sub-expanso. Larger than H. Trochulina, with the outer lip thickened, and expanded in the centre. The name given by D'Orbigny was pre- viously occupied. Cuba. 44. H. ELONGATA. (pl. iii f. 110.) D’Orb. Moll. Cub. T.conicâ, elongatâ, angulatâ, lævi; aperturâ semi-lunari ; labio externo latè expanso, in medio producto, ad basin columellæ an- gustato; operculo corneo. Another conical species, longer than the last. The outer lip is expanded and broad, particularly in the centre, where it is bent forwards; near the columella it is extremely thin. The shelly operculum fits on the margin of the aperture. Cuba, 45. H. CONICA. (pl. ii. f. 101.) Pfeiffer. Wiegmann Archiv für Naturgesch. Band i. 1839. H. elegans, D’Orb, Moll. Cub. P. 290. “ T. conicâ, acuminatâ, subtus convexiusculâ, pallide rufâ; anfr. 6 planiusculis, spiraliter confertim striatis; ultimo spiram sub- æquante, ad basin sub-angulato; callo columellari angusto; labio albo, expanso, acuto; aperturâ integrâ, sub-triangulari.” Oper- culo testaceo, pallido. Conical, very finely striated in both directions; whorls nearly P. 291. 10 X round; outer lip widely expanded, flat, narrow at the base of the columella. Matanzas, Cuba. 46. H. RUPESTRIS (pl. iii. f. 120.) Pfeiffer. Wiegmann Arch. für Naturgesh. Band i. 1839. “ T. conicâ, subtus convexiusculâ, vitreâ, spiraliter striatâ; an- fract. 5 disjunctis, ultimis sub-angulatis; callo columellari obsoleto; aperturâ integrâ, ovatâ.” Operculo tenuissimo, flavo. A small yellow conical shell, slightly striated in both directions, the aperture somewhat square, the outer lip scarcely reflected, and the operculum fitting to the margin. Matanzas. 47. H. SLOANII. (pl. iii, f. 102.) D'Orb. Moll. Cub. p. 248. T. trochiformi, angulatâ, sub-carinatâ; striis spiralibus, distanti. bus, cinctâ, labio externo reflexo; operculo corneo. Trochiform, angulated, with an obtuse keel in the centre of the whorls, and distant, spiral striæ; outer lip reflected; operculum horny. Cuba. Sec. 7. Shell carinated, outer lip confluent with the columella, 48. H. ACUTISSIMA (pl. ii. f. 92 to 95, and pl. iii. f. 133.) nobis, Zool. Proc. 1842. T. plus minusve depreșsâ, concentricè leviter striatâ, angulari, acutissime carinatâ; infrà angulum paululum complanatâ; aperturâ triangulari; labio interno tenuissimo; columellâ sub-complanatâ ; ad basin sub-undatâ; labio externo acuto, validè reflexo, expanso, supra angulum sub-depresso. More or less depressed, concentrically and finely striated, angu- lar, very sharply keeled, rather flattened under the angle; aperture triangular; inner lip very thin; columella rather flattened, rather undulated at the base; outer lip sharp, widely reflected and ex- panded, above the angle rather depressed. Varies much in colour, as will be seen in the figures. Brought by H. Cuming from the Philippine Islands. 49. H. TROCHIFORMIS. (pl. ii. f. 90.) nobis, Zool. Proc. 1842. T. luteâ, Helicinæ acutissimæ simillimâ, sed spirâ altiori. It differs from acutissima in being more conical. Found on the leaves of palms, or on mountains in the Isle of Negros by H. Cuming 50. H. OxystoMA. (pl. iii. f. 139.) Gray, Beech, App. T. H. acutissimæ simili, sed crassiori; labio interno valido. Not having seen the shell, we are uncertain of its distinctness; it appears from the figure, however, to be more solid and more distinctly conical than H. acutissima, with the inner lip thickened. Bahia. 51. H. CAROCOLLA. (pl. ii. f. 88, 89.) Moricand. Mem. Coq. terr. et fluv. T. depressâ, conicâ, tenuissimè decussatâ; anfractibus angu- latis, in medio carinatis, suprà et infrà paululum inflatis; aperturâ sub-trapezoidali; columellâ sub-callosa; labio externo valide ex- panso, reflexo, in medio sub-attenuato. 7 11 X Depressed, conical, finely striated in both directions; whorls ang ulated, with a keel in the middle, above and below which they are slightly rounded; aperture rather trapezoidal; columella slightly callous, making a rounded outline at its union with the outer lip; outer lip much expanded, strongly reflected, and lengthened at the angle. Almada. 52. H. AGGLUTINANS. (pl. ii. f. 83, 84, 85.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. depressâ, angulatâ, obtusè carinatâ, supra infraque æqualiter convexâ, minutè concentricè striatâ, aperturâ quadrilaterali; labio interno tenuissimo; columellâ triangulari, complanatâ, sub-umbi- licatâ, ad basin obtusè angulatâ; labio externo effuso, reflexo, postice leviter depresso; operculo sub-crasso, irregulariter quadri- laterali; epidermide aliquando, per adhesionem rupium particularum in carinam latam præruptam productâ. This shell is found on rocks, the decomposed particles of which are agglutinated to the epidermis in some specimens so as to form a broken keel on the angle of the whorls. Found by Mr. H. Cuming in the Philippine Islands. 53. H. Lazarus. (pl. ii. f. 91.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. H. agglutinanti simillimâ, sed magis elevatâ, columellâ angustiori. Very much like H. agglutinans, but more elevated and the columella narrowed. Taken on the leaves of palms by Mr. Cuming in the island of Luzon, Philippines. 54. H. VIRIDIS. (pl. ii. f. 67.) Lam. Hist. Nat. vi. 103. T. lævi, tenui; anfractibus angulatis, carinatis, suprà et infrà rotundatis; labio externo tenui, expanso; columellâ sub-callosâ. Our figure is taken from the Zoological Journal. The specimen cannot now be found. 55. H. CANDEANA. (pl. iii. f. 97, 99.) D’Orb. Moll. Am. Mer. No. 17. T. depressâ, lævi; anfractibus angulatis in medio valde cari- natis; labio externo expanso, reflexo, in medio sub-acuminato, attenuato; operculo corneo. This shell resembles H. Carocolla, but is smooth, with the outline rather more rounded, the outer lip less expanded, and pointed upwards in the centre. Bay of Honduras. 56. A. CARINATA. (pl. ii. f. 60. and pl. iii. f. 96.) D'Orb. Moll. Am. Mer. p. 360. T. formâ H. Candeanæ simili, spiraliter obsolete distanter striatâ ; columellâ sub-complanatâ, triangulari ; labio externo crasso, rotundato ; carinâ obsoletâ, infra carinam centrali; operculo corneo. Like H. Candeana in form; spirally, obsoletely and distantly striated; columella rather flattened, triangular; outer lip thick, rounded; with an obsolete keel under the central one; operculum horny. Brazil 12 + .; 57. H. ROTELLA. (pl. iii. f. 135, 136.) T. lævi, ang ulatâ, vix carinatâ; labió externo reflexo; labio interno expanso; columellâ sub-angulatâ. Shaped like the last, but small, smooth, with the outer lip very little spread, and the inner lip expanded. We have figured a yel- low and a brown variety. 58. H. Pilosa. (pl. iii. f. 121, 122.) nob. Zool, Proc. 1842. T. parvâ, corneâ, angulatâ, supra angulum distanter spiraliter striatâ, labio externo vix reflexo; epidermide ad angulum in cari- nam pilosam productâ. A small, brown, horny, angulated shell, smooth below the angle, with three or four spiral grooves above; the epidermis is produced into a broad keel or fringe at the angle of the whorls. Opara. Sec. 8. Shell depressed, columella angulated. 59. H. RHODOSTOMA. (pl. ii. f. 71.) Gray. Z. J. i. 68. T. angulatâ lævi, carinatâ ; labio externo valide reflexo, com- planato, lato; columellâ supra callosâ, ad basin productâ, acu- minatâ. Augulated, smooth, carinated ; outer lip reflected, flattened and broad; columella callous above, produced into a point at the base. 60. H. ANGULATA. (pl. ii. f. 61. and pl. iii. f. 100,) nob. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. conicâ, spiraliter striatâ; anfractibus supra et infra sub- inflatis, in medio carinatis, labio externo reflexo, rotundato, supra angulum sub-depresso; collumellâ sub-rectâ, ad basin angulatâ ; operculo corneo. Conical, spirally grooved; with the whorls rather inflated above and below the angle, keeled in the centre; outer lip rather rounded, its outline more inflated below than above the angle; columella sharply angulated; operculum horny. The general colour of this shell is whitish yellow, the operculum is red, and there is a red line within the outer lip. Brazil. 61. H. FULVA. (pl. i. f. 23.) D’Orb. Moll. Am. Mer. p. 398. T. sub-angulatâ, spiraliter striatâ; columellâ triangulari, ad basin angulatâ; labio externo reflexo; operculo calcareo. Rather angulated, spirally grooved; columella triangular, pointed at the base; outer lip reflected ; operculum calcareous. Bolivia. 62. H. BRASILIENSIS. (pl. i. f. 29.) Ferussac. T. H. fulvæ simillimâ, sed aperturâ sub-quadratâ; columellâ rectâ, angustatâ. Very much like the last, but with the aperture rather square ; columella straight and narrow, with a triangular space behind it. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 63. H. SYLVATICA. (pl. i. f. 30.) D'Orb. Moll. Am. Mer. p. 399. T. H. fulvæ simili, sed leviori, spirâ magis elevatâ. This shell is smooth excepting immediately under the centre 13 of the whorls where it is slightly striated, the lip is not much thickened, and the spire is more elevated than in H. fulva, which in other respects it resembles. Bolivia, South America. 64. H. ORESIGENA. (pl. i. f. 28.) D’Orb. Moll. Am. Mer. p. 399. T. H. fulvæ simillimâ, sed labio externo vix expanso; sub- reflexo, columellâ angustiori. The outer lip and columella of this species are narrower than in H. fulva, and the shell is rather more depressed. Bolivia, Sect. 9th. Shell horny; columella rather angulated, or slightly notched ; outer lip scarcely thickened. 65. H. ORBICULATA. (pl. i. f. 33,34.) Oligyra orbiculata, Say. . Zool. Journ. i. 70. T. parvâ, globosâ, depressâ, concentricè tenuissimè striatâ; labio interno sub-calloso; columellâ obliquâ, sub-angulatâ ; labio externo tenui, sub-reflexo. Small, globose, depressed, concentrically and very finely striated; inner lip rather callous; columella oblique, rather angulated; outer lip thin, a little reflected. North America, 66. H. CORNEA. (pl. i. f. 35, 36.) T. H. orbiculatæ simillimâ, sed crassiori; labio externo ad basin columellæ sub-emarginato; columellâ callosâ. Thicker and darker than H. orbiculata, rather less depressed with the columella and the lower part of the inner lip callous, and the outer lip very slightly notched behind the columella. 67. H. CASTANEA. (pl.i. f. 31, 32.) Guilding ? T: H. orbiculatæ simili, sed lævi, depressã; labio externo tenui. Like H. orbiculata, but smooth and depressed ; outer lip thin. North America. 68. H. NITIDA. (pl iii. f. 116.) Pfeiffer. Wiegmann Archiv für Naturgesch. Band i. 1839. “T. sub-depressâ, tenui, glabrâ, saturate incarnatâ, supra subtus- que convexiusculâ, apice mucronato, anfractibus 5, ad suturam minutissimè striatis ; columellâ vix callosa; labio simplici, acuto, sinuato, ad angulum columellarem acutè dentato." Differing from H. castanea in having a sinuosity in the upper part of the outer lip, which is slightly thickened. Matanzas. 69. H. rotunda. (pl. iii. f. 111.) D'Orb. Moll. de Cub. P: 292. T. globosâ, conicâ, nitidâ, tenui; labio externo tenui, supernè sinuato, depresso. Globose, conical, shining, thin; outer lip thin, the upper parts sinuated and slightly depressed. Cuba. 70. H. MINUTA. (pl. i. f. 40, 41.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. parvâ, depressâ, sub-angulatâ, rubrâ vel stramineâ; margine crasso, effuso; làbio interno calloso; columellâ ad basin sub- emarginatâ. 14 More angular and more depressed than H. orbiculata, and slightly striated. 71. H. VESTITA (pl. i. f. 42.) Guild. M. S. T. globosâ, tenui, concentricè lyratâ, parvâ ; aperturâ semi- lunari; labio externo tenui. Globose, thin, concentrically ribbed, small; aperture semi-lunar; outer lip thin. North America. 72. H. RUGOSA. (pl. iii. f. 132.) Pfeiffer. Wiegmann Archiv. für Natürgesch. Band i. 1839. “ T. depressâ, subtus convexiusculâ, rubello-succineâ; anfract. 5, elegantissimè obliquè rugosis; callo columellari tenui, albido; labro albido, incrassato, prope angulum columellarem sub-dentato; aperturâ ovatâ.” Concentrically ribbed, like H. vestita, but depressed, with the margin of the aperture thickened, and slightly angulated at the base of the columella. The author is unable to identify the following, the figures of which are copied from the works referred to .- 73. H. substriata (pl. i. f. 22.) Gray Zool. Journ. i. p. 66. W.I. 74. · unifasciata (pl. i. f. 21.) Gray Zool. Journ.i. 75. flammeata. (pl. i. f. 37, 38, 39.) Quoi. Voy. Astr. 76. — tæniata. (pl. ii. f. 49, 50, 51.) Ib. 77. lens. (pl. i, f. 48,) Lea. Obs. — striata, Lam. Hist. Nat. vi. p. 183. . - sordida. King. Zool, Journ. 11 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. - P. 69. - 仍 ​. - - - - - - HELICINÆ. Figures of the natural size. 1. H. Aurantia. Sp. 1. 19. H. ambeliana. 38. 2. var. 20. costata. 22. 3. - Jamaicensis. 2. 21. unifasciata. 74. 4. var. 22. sub-striata, 73. 5. -hæmastoma. 3. 23. fulva. 61. 6. var. 24. globosa. 21. 7. Brownii. 14. 25. Zephyrina. 39. 8. - var. ambeliana. 38. 9. - festiva. 12. 27. Zephyrina, var. 39. 10. — Sagra. 9. 28. oresigena. 64. 11. maxima. 37. 29. Brasiliensis. 62. 12. major. 13. 30. sylvatica. 63. 13. var. 31. - castanea. 67. 14. pulcherrima. 11. castanea, 15. pulchella, 18. 33. orbiculata. 65. 16. -, var. 26. - - - - - - - 32. - - - 34. orbiculata. 17. – Tankervillii. 19. 35. . cornea. 66. 18. - virginea. 20. 36. - 15 - -- . - - - - - - - - - - - - E] - - - - - - . - - - - - - 37. H. 38. flammeata, 3 views.75. 39. 40. minuta. 70. magnif. 41. 42. vestita. 71. 43. striatula. 6. 44. Aureola. 5. 45. var. 46. var. 47. depressa. 4. 48. – lens. 77. magnif. 49. 50. tæniata. 3 views. 76. 51. 52. solidula. 7. 53. var. 54. var. 55, Maugeriæ. 8. 56. picta. 27. 57. — variabilis. 28. 58. 59. lutea. 24. 60. carinata. 56. 61. angulata. 60. 62. zonata. 23. 63. var. 64. var. Guadaloupensis. 31. 66. var. 67. - viridis. 54. 68. — Antillarum. 29. 69. 70. 71. Rhodostoma. 59. 72. — neritella. 26. 73. 74. 75. 76. — polita. 33. 77. - 78. - 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. agglutinans. 52. 84. H. agglutinans. 85. - 86. occidentalis. 30. 87. occidentalis. 88. — Carocolla. 51. 89. 90. Trochiformis 49. 91. Lazarus. 53. 92, acutissima. 48. 93. 94. 95. 96. - carinata, var. 56. 97. — candeana. 55. 98. hæmastoma. 3. 99. - candeana, 55. 100. angulata. 60. 101. conica. 45. 102. — Sloanii. 47. 103. adspersa. 25. 104. pyramidalis. 43. 105. Trochulina. 42. 106. variabilis. 28, 107. dentigera. 15. 108. 109. – variabilis. 28. 110. — elongata. 44. 111. rotunda. 69. 112. hispida. 16. 113. 114. virginea, var. 20. 115. adspersa. 25. 116. -- nitida. 68. 117. flavida. 41. 118. - Zephyrina. 39. 119. minima. 17. magnif. 120. rupestris. 46. magnif. 121. pilosa. 58. 122. 123. sub-marginata. 10. 124. - adspersa. 25. 125. - adspersa. 126. — Sagra. 9. 127. globulosa. 36. 128. globulosa. 36. 129. variabilis. 28. 130. similis. 34. - - - - - 9 - 65. -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - parva. 35, - 16 - 131. H. maculata. 32. 132. rugosa. 72. 133. acutissima. 48. 134. flavida. 41. 135. Rotella. 57. 136. 137. H. sub-marginata. 10. 138. — pellucida. 40. 139. Oxystoma, 50, 140. picta. 27. 141. - 142. lutea. 24. - . - - I 9 12 19 17 18 20 16 25 22 21 23 26 21 21 28 30 29 33 32 31 34 35 36 + + 12 LO 37 32 39 + 23 45 46 47 44 48 II, (® 2 و 50 اگ 6 51 58 61 ون 60 63 61, 65 66 67 62 69 72 68 70 76 77 13 75 72 82 2/ 79 80 23 85 ای 8 86 4/ وع 0/ 22 93 94 از M. 96 97 93 99 100 102 101 102 103 105 106 104 102 109 mo Il 1/2 //6 115 114 TS 1/3 118 112 + 121 119 + 720 123 124 122 125. 126 129 128 130 129 133 131 132 134. 135 134 138 136 129 139 ILO LI 14,2 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS PUPINA. Char. Gen. Molluscum terrestre; testâ sub-cylindricâ, vitreâ, nitidissimâ; anfractibus quinque ad sex, penultimo inflato, ultimo paululum coarctato; aperturâ circulari, margine crasso, reflexo, ad basin columellæ inciso vel emarginato; operculo corneo, spirali. A genus of small pupiform land shells, with a round spiral oper- culum, generally having an incision at the base of the columella ; differing from those species of Cyclostoma which are similarly shaped and which have a similar incision, in the glassy enamel which covers the shell, and fills up the suture of the spire. The first species described under this generic name was P. Ke- raudrenii, published by Vignard, in the “ Annales des Sciences." 1829. Mr. Grateloup subsequently described P. Nunezii under the generic name Moulinsia, neither of these naturalists being ac- quainted with the operculum. All the species here described, with the exception of P. humilis and P. Keraudrenii, were recently brought to this country by Mr. Cuming from the Philippines. DESCRIPTIONS. X Sec. I. The axis of the spire turned backwards. Sp. l. P. NUNEZII (pl. iv. f. 8, 9, 10, 11.) Moulinsia Nunezii, Grateloup. Ann. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1840. T. globosâ, obliquâ; aperturâ magnâ, margine validè expanso, reflexo, complanato, incisurâ triangulari penitùs diviso; labio co- lumellari concavo; anfractu ultimo prope aperturam sub-compla- nato. Obliquely globose, with the aperture large; the margin reflected ; expanded, flattened ; notch deep and triangular, nearly dividing the peritreme; the last whorl rather flattened in front. Varying from bright orange to purplish cream colour and dark brown. Found on leaves of small plants and low bushes in several of the Philippine Islands. 2. P. PELLUCIDA (pl. iv. f. 18, 19, 20.) Zool. Proc. 1842. T. obliquâ, sub-globosâ, pellucidâ; spiræ axe validè retrorso; anfractu penultimo elevato, ultimo complanato margine reflexo, in- cisurâ diviso; columellâ latâ, convexâ. с 18 Х + Smaller, more transparent, and with the spire more bent than the last; the outer lip less expanded, the notch completely dividing the peritreme, and the columella convex. Found on small plants in woods, in the Philippine Islands. Sec. 2. Spire nearly straight. 3. P. LUBRICA. (pl. iv. f. 12 to 16.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. sub-obliquâ, cylindricâ; spirâ brevi obtusâ; aperturâ rotun- datâ; margine anticè sub-expanso, paululum incrassato, ad basin columellæ vix emarginato; columellâ callosâ. In this species the notch is scarcely perceptible, and there is a rounded callosity behind the columellar lip. The inner lip is thickened on the body whorl. Found in dense woods on small plants in the Philippine Islands. 4. P. VITREA. (pl. iv. f. 6,7) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. sub-elongatâ, rectâ; anfractibus sub-rotundatis, margine expanso, reflexo, complanato, incisurâ diviso. The spire is straight and elevated, gradually tapering towards the obtuse apex; the peritreme is expanded and flattened, the notch deep Mindinao and Luzon, Philippines. 5. P. SIMILIS. (pl. iv. f. 4, 5.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. fulva, sub-elongatâ, rectâ; anfractibus sub-rotundatis; mar- gine pallidè fulvo, expanso, reflexo, rotundato, crasso; incisurâ usque ad dorsum diviso. Resembling P. vitrea, but the margin not flattened, and the notch so deep that it is seen at the back of the shell. Found on leaves of bushes and trunks of trees in the Island of Luzon, Philippines. 6. P. EXIGUA. (pl. iv. f. 17.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. parvâ, translucidâ, albâ. cylindricâ; anfractu penultimo inflato; margine aperturæ paululum incrassato, incisurâ diviso. This small, transparent white species has the margin very little thickened, and the notch deep. Found on small plants in the Philippine Islands. Sec. 3. Spire straight, with a notch at both ends of the aperture. 7. P. HUMILIS (pl. iv. f. 2.) Jacquenot. T. ovali, solidâ, pallidè luteâ; anfractibus sub-rotundatis, ultimo propè aperturam paululum complanato; aperturâ rotun- datâ, margine crasso, expanso, reflexo; labio interno crasso, posticè plicato; columellâ crassâ, latâ, tortuosâ, reflexâ; incisurâ ad dorsum litâ. This being a dead shell has lost the brilliancy of the enam el. The teeth or folds at the posterior part of the inner and outer lips form a very distinct canal. distinct canal. The columella is tortuous and turned backwards, and the notch is seen at the back like the corresponding part of a Buccinum. IV. - Pupina 8 13 12 10 9 11 14 15 17 16 & 18 20 19 19 У 8. KERAUDRENII. (pl. iv, f. 2) Vignard. T. parvâ, cylindricâ, griseâ, rufescente; spirâ obtusâ, rectâ, , aperturâ parvã, margine incisurâ diviso; labio externo leviter incrassato, posticè sub-plicato; labio interno plicato. A pupiform species with a posterior canal. Manilla and Singapore. 9. P. BICANALICULATA. (pl. iv. f. 1.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. parvâ, ovali, albâ, translucidâ; anfractibus ventricosis; i ; aperturâ magnâ, margine sub-expanso, sub-incrassato, ad basin columellæ inciso; labio interno posticè plicato. This species differs from P. Keraudrenii in shape, being more ventricose, having a tapering spire, and a very strong fold on the inner lip. Found on small plants in the island of Zebu, Philip- pines. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. - - - 9 - - ang tini conco PUPINÆ 1. P. bicanaliculata. Sp. 9. 11. P. bicanaliculata. var. 2. -- humilis. 7. - 12. — lubrica. 3. Keraudrenii. 8. 13. var. similis. 5. 14. var. var. 15. var. vitrea. 4, 16. var. var. 17. exigua. 6 Nunezii. 1. 18. pellucida. 2. var. 19. var. 10. var. 20. var. 9 - . . - C 2 21 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS A PORRHAIS. Char. Gen. Mclluscum marinum ; testâ turritâ, fusiformi; aperturâ sub-quadratâ; labio externo ætate dilatato, magno, antice et postice propè canales undatim emarginato; canali anticò rostrato, sub-foliato; labio interno crasso, canali postico. DESCRIPTIONS. + Sp. 1. A. PES-PELECANI. (pl. v. f. 3, 4.) Linn. T. turritâ fusiformi, anfractibus angulatis, nodulosis ; apertura sub-quadratâ; canalibus duobus, rostratis, sub-complanatis; labio externo crasso, bilobato. A well known species found in Great Britain and the Mediterranean. 2. A. PES-CARBONIS. (pl. v. f. 1)? T.quam A. Pes-Pelecani magis tenui; canalibus elongatis; labio externo trilobato. A thinner and smaller species, with the beaks of the canals narrower and more lengthened, and the outer lip divided into three digitations. Mediterranean. 3. A. OCCIDENTALIS. (pl. v. f. 2.) f T. turritâ, concentricè plicatâ, spiraliter striatâ; canalibus brevibus; labio externo unilobato. Shell turrited, with longitudinal ribs, spirally striated ; canals short; outer lip with one digitation. + MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS ROSTELLARIA. Char. Gen. Molluscum marinum; testâ fusiformi, antice in canalem rostratum desinente; aperturâ ovali; canali postico partem spiræ decurrente; labio interno crasso; labio externo digi- tato ad canalem emarginato; operculo corneo, unguiculato. 22 In this genus the notch or sinus is close to the canal, thus differing from Strombus, in which a portion of the outer lip intervenes. DESCRIPTIONS. * Sp. 1. R. CURVIROSTRUM. (pl. v. f. 9.) Enc. Met. Strombus Fusus. Gmel. T. crassâ, lævi, fusiformi; apice plicato; anfractibus numerosis, convexiusculis; canali postico, super anfractûs penultimæ partem, decumbenti; canali antico brevi undato. This is the well known species with a short curved beak; the general colour is reddish brown, with the aperture white. Moluccas and Red Sea. 2. R. CURTA. (pl. v. f. 7, 11.) nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. R. Curvirostro simillimâ, sed anfractu ultimo breviori; canali recto. The last whorl of this species is shorter than of R. Curvirostrum, and the canal is straight. There is a broad band of brown colour close to the suture of the whorls. The specimen is in Mr. Cuming's collection. 3. R. RECTIROSTRUM. (pl. v. f. 8, 10.) Lam. T. fusiformi, elongatâ, medio lævigatâ; anfractibus convexis primis cancellatis, ultimo infrà spiraliter sulcato, rostro elongato, recto, gracili; labio externo prope canalem posticum lobato, emar- ginato; digitibus quinque ad sex. Much more graceful and slender in form than the two preced- ing; the whorls nearest the apex are cancellated; all of them are ventricose; the suture of the spire is deeper, and the digitation of the outer lip commences nearer the posterior canal. The variety, fig. 10, with wider aperture, and somewhat less slender form, may possibly be distinct. The specimen is in the collection of Mr. Cuming China ? Sumatra. 4. R. Povisii. (pl. v. f. 5, 6.) Petit. M. S.? T. turritâ; anfractibus supernè angulatis, spiraliter sulcatis ; aperturâ angustatà; labio interno crasso, labio externo crasso, granulato, prope canalem posticum lobato; digitis quatuor; canali postico recurvo; canali antico rostrato, brevi. This species, which is spirally grooved, takes the general form of Strombus Fissurella, but, like the other Rostellariæ, has the outer lip emarginated close to the canal. China. x 23 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS STRUTHIOLARIA. Char. Gen. Molluscum marinum ; testâ turritâ, ovali, ventri- cosâ; anfractibus plus minusve angulatis; apice obtuso; labio interno calloso, oblique elongato; labio externo crasso, sub-reflexo, sinuoso; supra infraque emarginato, in medio prominente; canali antico brevi, indistincto, minime profundo. Turrited, ventricose, oval: whorls more or less angulated ; apex obtuse; inner lip callous, obliquely elongated, so as to form a sort of obtuse beak at its union with the outer lip, behind this the canal is short and shallow, the outer lip is thickened and sinuous, receding at each extremity, and produced into a prominent lobe at the centre. We regard the sinus near the canal as connecting this genus with the Strombidæ. DESCRIPTIONS. * Sp. 1. S. STRAMIN EA. (pl. v. f. 16, 18, 20.) Murex stramineus, Gmel. Str. nodulosa, Lam. T. crassâ, spiraliter striatâ, flammulis undatis, fulvis, pictâ ; anfractibus angulatis, ad angulum nodulosis ; aperturâ sub- quadratâ, margine crasso. This well known species has the whorls angulated, and, when full grown, has the prominent lobe in the outer lip thick; the nodules on the angle of the whorls are triangular and large. New Zealand. 2. S. INERMIS. (pl. v. f. 12, 13, 19.) Sow. Zool. Journ.-? T. brevi, spiraliter striatâ; anfractibus rotundato-angulatis, ad angulum minutè nodulosis; aperturâ sub-quadratâ, margine Short, spirally striated; with the angle of the whorls rounded and beaded ; aperture nearly square, with the inner and outer lips angustatâ. 3. S. GIGAS. (pl. v. f. 17.) nobis. T. S. stramineæ simillimâ, sed majori; angulo anfractuum rotundato, nodulis minoribus ornato. A large shell, resembling S. straminea in general character, but having the angle of the whorls rounded, and the nodules narrow. 24 smaller, as in S. inermis. The specimen is in the collection of the Rev. F. J, Stainforth. 4. S. oblita (pl. v. f. 14, 15.) Sowerby Tankerville Catalogue App. p. xviii, T. ovali, lævi; anfractibus angulatis ; suturâ varice tumida lævi, impletâ, labio externo vix reflexo, paululùm incrassato; labio interno crasso. Oval, smooth; whorls angulated; the suture covered by an enamelled tumidity, outer lip scarcely reflected, slightly thickened ; inner lip thick. New Zealand. We have had no opportunity of indentifying S. microscopica described by Mr. Gray in the Zoological appendix to Beechey's voyage. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. - - - - - The figures half the natural diameter. 10. R. Rectirostrum. 3. A PORRHAIS. 11. - curta, young. 2. 1. A. Pes-Carbonis. Sp. 2. 2. occidentalis. 3. STRUTHIOLARIA. 3. Pes-Pelecani. 1. 12. S. inermis. 2. 4. -, young 13. var. 14. oblita ROST ELLLARIA. 15. var. 5. R. Povisii. 4. 16. straminea. 1. 6. 17. gigas. 3. curta. 2. 18. straminea. 1. 8. - Rectirostrum. 3. 3 19. — inermis, var. 2. 9. - Curvirostrum. 1. 20. – straminea, young. 1, - . - เว้ - 02 III - - om ź nat.diam, V 2 7 8 9 10 13 12 15 16 17 18 GB S.Jun. 19 20 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS STROM BUS. a Char. Gen. Molluscum marinum ; testâ conicâ, spirali, ventri- cosâ, crassâ; spirâ conicâ, plerumque plicatâ, acutâ ; apertura plerumque angustatâ, posticè canaliculatâ, anticè in canalem brevem emarginatum desinente; labio interno plerumque incras- sato; labio externo ætate dilatato, posticè plus minusve emargi- nato, unilobato, medio intùs incrassato, anticè sinu è canali dis- tincto, interrupto; operculo corneo, pyriformi, nucleo terminali. In conformity with the plan announced in the first page of this number, the author contents himself with stating the characters of this genus as generally understood, without presuming at present to attempt such a definition as would prevent the possi- bility of shells being confounded with it which do not belong to it; it will, however, be perceived, on glancing over the plates, that there is an indescribable peculiarity in form and appearance by which most persons in the habit of seeing shells would know a Strombus at first sight. The shells belonging to this genus are spiral, conical and thick, with the spire conical, and generally plicated near the apex, the aperture is narrow, with a canal close to the body whorl, near to or upon the spire, and a short anterior canal, sometimes produced into a truncated beak; inner lip gene. rally thickened with age; outer lip, when full grown, dilated, at the spiral extremity more or less elevated, emarginated, and having a single lobe, in the centre thickened within, generally inflected, and having a sinus near to the anterior termination, but distinct from the canal; operculum horny, pyriform, terminated by the nucleus anteriorly in a point. The difference between Strombus and Rostellaria is stated to be that in the latter there is no sinus in the outer lip distinct from the canal. In Pteroceras, the ante- rior canal is lengthened into a caudal appendage, and the outer lip is digitated. Strombi are found in seas of warm climates. In the following arrangement of species we commence with two be- longing to a form which may probably hereafter be erected into a genus, the character of the anterior and posterior canals presenting a strong resemblance to those of Rostellaria, but having in the species now described a distinct though shallow sinus in the outer lip. There are, however, fossil species of the same general form without the sinus. a a D 26 ; 7 DESCRIPTIONS. Sp. 1. S. FISSURELLA. (pl. viii. f. 64, 65.) Lin. Syst. Nat. 1212. Rostellaria Fissurella, Lam. ? T. turritâ, fusiformi, concentricè plicatâ, spiralitèr striatâ; aper- turâ ovali, posticè in carinâm canaliculatam ad apicem decurrente, anticè canali rostrato; labio externo crasso, crenulato; labio in- terno crasso. Turrited, fusiform, concentrically plicated, spirally striated ; aperture oval, with a posterior carinated canal running up the spire ; outer lip thick, crenulated; inner lip thick. The colour varies from pale yellow to banded brown. India and the Philippines. 2. S. CRISPATUS. (pl. viii. f. 62, 63.) T. turritâ, fusiformi, concentricè plicatâ, spiralitèr striatâ ; aperturâ ovali, posticè in canalem carinatam crispatam desinente, anticè canali breviter rostrato; labio externo crasso, crenulato; labio interno crasso; operculo lateralitèr serrato. Rather more ventricose than S. Fissurella, with the beak shorter, and the posterior canal resting upon the penultimate whorl only, and coiled at the extremity; the outer edge of the operculum is serrated. Body pale straw colour, with three brown bands across the last whorl, Brought by Mr. Cuming from Luzon, Bureas and Panay, Philippines. 3. S. CAMPBELLI. (pl. vi. f. 22, 23.) Griffiths Cuvier. Mol- lusca, pl. 25. T. sub-fusiformi, ventricosâ, lævi; spirâ turritâ, elongatâ; an- fractibus convexiusculis, propè suturam unisulcatis, dorso anfrac- tûs ultimi, obtusè unilobato, anticè sulcato; labio externo elevato, expanso, postice inflexo; sinu parvo. Rather fusiform, ventricose, smooth; spire turrited, elongated, whorls rather convex, with a groove near the suture, the last whorl with a very obtuse tubercle on the back, and several grooves near the anterior termination; outer lip elevated, expanded, with an inflected prominence towards the upper part; sinus small. The colour is pale brown, with interrupted bands of brown. 4. S. VITTATUS. (pl. vi. f. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.) Linn, Syst. Nat. p. 1211. Including S. turritus and S. sulcatus, Lam, and Chemn. T. fusiformi-turritâ, fulvo-rufescente, albo-fasciatim-maculatâ; spirâ elongatâ, plicatâ; anfractibus angulatis, prope suturam sul- catis, ultimo anticè sulcato; labio interno crasso, angusto; labio externo dilatato, internè sulcato, ad angulum sub-lobato. Another fusiform species, of a pale brown colour, nearly covered by interrupted brown bands, the elongated spire is plicated, with a spiral groove near the suture, the body whorl generally smooth, sulcated anteriorly. S. turritus, (f. 27.) Lam, is distinguished 27 only by the spire being rather longer in proportion, and the greater part of the body whorl being plicated. S. sulcatus, (f. 31.) Chemn. is a dwarfish variety, with the groove near the suture deepened. There is another variety (f. 30.) in which only the first two or three whorls are plicated. East Indies. 5. S. DEFORMIS (pl. vi. f. 1, 8.) Griffith's Cuvier, Moll. pl. 25. T. sub-fusiformi, spiraliter striatâ; spirâ mediocri; anfractibus angulatis; labio externo internè striato, ad anfractum ultimum elevato, prope spiram paululum emarginato; sinu antico mediocri, labio interno striato. A dull white shell, spirally striated all over, except in the middle of the body whorl in front; the spire plicated, the anterior canal of the aperture elevated, the outer lip slightly emarginated at the upper angle, both lips striated with raised lines, the sinus of the outer lip not very deep. 6. S. COLUMBA (pl. vi. f. 2, 3, 6, 7.) Lam. Tankervillii, Swain- + son? X T. sub-ovali, spiraliter striatâ, dorso prope marginem plicâ lon- gitudinali; spire anfractibus angulatis, plicatis; labio interno calloso, striato; labio externo expanso, striato, supra infraque va- lidè emarginato; apeturæ canali postico lobato, spiræ partem de. currente. Nearly oval, spirally striated, with a longitudinal fold on the back near the margin of the aperture; whorls angular, plicated ; inner lip striated, outer lip expanded, striated, with a deep emargi- nation on the upper angle, and the anterior sinus deep; posterior canal with lobated margins running up part of the spire. The . usual colour is pale brown, nearly covered on the back by mottled dark brown, which is interrupted by a nearly white band in the centre. India ? and the Philippines. 7. S. DILATATUS. (pl. vii, f. 38, 39.) Sw. Zool. Ill. 1820, 1. T. S. Columbæ simillimâ, sed magis ovali; plicâ laterali minus distinctâ ; labio externo magis expanso; lobâ posticâ minori. A more oval and finely striated pale brown species, with the outer lip more expanded, and less distinctly lobed and sinuated above than S. Columba. 8. S. LABIOSUS. (pl. vi. f. 15, 16.) Wood. Cat. Suppl. T. ventricosâ, angulatâ; omnino sive in medio anfractûs ultimi striatâ; spirâ plicatâ ; anfractibus angulatis, ultimo ad angulum no- duloso; labio externo magno, expanso, margine incrassato, posticè unilobato, internè striato. Ventricose, angulated ; spirally striated in every part except the middle of the last whorl; spire plicated; the last whorl tubercu. lated; the outer lip large, expanded and thickened, striated within, with a lobe at the upper angle. The beautiful specimen from which figure 15 is taken is in the collection of W. Metcalfe Esq. it is of a rich, shining, yellowish brown colour. 9. S. VARIABILIS. (pl. vi. f. 9, 13, 14.) Sw. Zool. Ill. х D 2 28 x T. ovali, sub-angulatâ, lævi; spirâ brevi; anfractibus plicatis ; labio externo expanso, medio incrassato, ad canalem pos ticum et ad angulum supernum lobato, sinu valido. Smooth, oval angulated, white, with interrupted brown bands; angle of the whorls plicated; outer lip with a lobe close to the posterior canal, and another at the upper angle, with a sinus be- tween; anterior sinus not very deep. 10. S. EPIDROMIS (pl. vi. f. 12.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1211* T. ovali, lævi; anfractibus sub-angulatis, ad angulum plicatis ; labio externo magno, validè expanso, incrassato, postice paululum sinuato. Oval, smooth, brown, aperture white; spire plicated at the angle of the whorls; outer lip much expanded, slightly thickened above the anterior sinus, and very slightly emarginated near the spire. 11. S. MINIMUS. (pl. vi. f 4, 5.) Sw. T. S. epidromi simillimâ, sed minori; labio externo posticè bilo- bato, inter lobos valide sinuato. Very much like S. epidromis, but smaller, with a deep sinus be- tween the two lobes on the posterior angle of the outer lip. Colour dark reddish brown or fawn, with a white band on the angle, and another in the centre of the whorls. East Indies. 12. S. SIBBALDII. (pl. vi. f. 10, 11.) nobis. T. sub-clavatâ, lävi; spirâ parva: anfractibus angulatis. plicatis; ultimo magno, ventricoso; labio interno nigro-lineato; labio ex- terno interne striato, medio sub-incurvo; sinu parvo. This species has a small spire and ventricose body whorl; the inner lip is striated in the centre with short black lines; outer lip expanded, striated, with a very slight sinus. Colour white, banded and mottled with fawn. Brought by Dr. Sibbald from Ceylon. 13. S. SUCCINCTUS. (pl. vi. f. 20, 21.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1212. T. ovato-oblongâ, spiraliter tenue striatâ; spirả brevi; anfracti- bus sub-angulatis ; aperturâ elongatâ; canali postico spiram de- currente ; labio externo intùs striato, ad angulum inflexo; sinu antico parvo. Oval-oblong, very finely striated; spire short; whorls rather an- gulated ; aperture elongated; anterior canal running up the spire ; outer lip striated within; with an inflection at the angle; sinus small. The ground colour is a dull white, but the body of the shell is nearly covered by broad brown bands jagged at the edges. The pink variety is in the collection of the Rev. F. J. Stainforth. East Indies, 14. S. MARGINATUS (pl. vi. f. 17.) Gmel. p. 3573. No. 15 T. S. succinctæ simillimâ, sed magis conicâ, angulo anfractuum carinato. Veiy probably only a variety of the last, it is more conical in form, with the dorsal angle of the last whorl sharply keeled. East Indies. Y 29 15. S. LINEATUS (pl. vii. f. 32, 33.) Lam. An. sans vert. S. polyfasciatus, Chemn. T. conicâ, lævi, albâ; lineis nigris interruptis cinctâ; spirâ brevi; anfractibus noduloso-angulatis, aperturâ angustatâ aurantiâ; labio externo prope spiram emarginato; labio interno tenui. A smooth conical shell, white, with interrupted blackish lines or bands across the body whorl. The spire is short; the whorls an- gular, plicated at the angle. The aperture is of a golden tint. Red Sea. 16. S. CYLINDRICUS. (pl. vii. f. 50, 57, 59.) Swainson. Zool. Illus. S. Mauritianus Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii. p. 206. T. conicâ, lævi, spirâ brevi, anfractibus sub-angulatis, plerumque plicatis, ultimo ad angulum gibboso, aperturâ angustâ, labio externo posticè paululùm emarginato et unilobato. A conical species, with short spire and narrow aperture; the outer lip is not much expanded; it is slightly emarginated above the outer angle. The usual colour is pale brown, with brown mottled bands. Fig. 50 represents a white variety, belonging to the Rev. F. J. Stainforth. The inside of the aperture has a beautiful tinge of pink. Isle of France. 17. S. LUHUANUS. (pl. vii. f. 54.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1209. T.conicâ, S. cylindrico simillimâ, sed columella nigro marginatâ. We can scarcely regard this as distinct from the preceding, although the columellar lip is edged with black, and in some spe. cimens the outer lip is more decidedly lobed above. Moluccas. 18. S. CONIFORMIS. (pl. vii. f. 55, 61.) T. conicâ, lævi, pallidè fulvâ, fasciis brunneis interruptis cinctâ, valide angulatâ; spirâ brèvissìmâ; anfractibus ad angulum plicatis; aperturâ angustatâ ; labio externo vix expanso, sinu parvo. Both specimens are rather yourg, from the cabinets of Messrs. Norris and Stainforth, but we think that from the general form, and the absence of the posterior sinus, the species will prove to be distinct. 19. S. DUBIUS. (pl. vii. f. 80.) We insert in this place a singular shell, from the collection of Mr. Cuming, which has the general form of a cone, yet the outer lip is slightly expanded upwards and crenulated near the margin within. 20. S. MUTABILIS. (pl. vii. f. 40, 45, 46, 47, 49, 52.) Swainson. Floridus, Lam. T. ovatâ, angulatâ, anticè truncatâ, ad extremitates spiraliter striatâ; spirâ brevì, nodulosâ; aperturâ angustâ; labiis striatis, externo postice angulato, sinu antico valido. Oval, angular, striated at the spire and at the anterior part of the body whorl; spire short, tuberculated; aperture narrow, with both lips striated; outer lip angular above, truncated at the anterior termination, with the anterior sinus deep. The variations in colour are almost innumerable. Moluccas and Philippines. X D3 30 21. S. URCEUS. (pl. vii. f. 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42.) Gmel. p. 3518. No. 29. var. S. incisus. Wood. Ind. Test. Supp. T. S. Mutabili simillimâ, sed magis elongatâ, anticè magis attenuatâ; spirâ longiorâ. This species has not the square, truncated, flattened appearance of S. mutabilis. All the varieties, although differing greatly from each other, are easily distinguished from that species by the more tapering form of the extremities. The typical variety has the aperture of a dark, black colour. Some are of a delicate pink; others are beautifully mottled on the back, and a variety (f. 36) brought by Mr. Cuming from the Philippines, is of a much more oval shape. Between the variety (f. 41) named S. incisus, by Wnod, and the typical variety, (f. 34) there appears to be a great difference, but having a great number of specimens, we traced the passage so gradually that it would be impossible to draw a line of separation. É. Indies and Philippines. 22. S. MACULATUS. (pl. vii. f. 53.) Nuttall. T.ovali, lævi, anticè truncatâ; spirả brevi, anfractibus rotundato- nodulosis ; aperturâ angustatâ, lævi. A species having the general form of S. mutabilis. It is of a dingy white colour, with obscure purple spots. Sandwich Islands. 23. S. rugosus. (pl. vii. f. 58, 60.) Sow. Tank. Cat. App. “ T. oblongâ, longitudinaliter plicatâ, transversè striatâ, apice acuminato, anfractibus supernè nodulosis; ultimo anfractu alterâ tuberculorum minimorum serie instructo; aperturâ oblongâ, labio externo intus striato, columellari valido, supernè infraque trans- versim striato; suturâ crenulatâ.” In shape like S. plicatus, but distinguished by its rugosity and by a second row of tubercles on the last whorl. The colour is white, mottled with brown. East Indies. 24. S. PLICATUS. (pl. vii. f. 56.) Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii. p. 210. T. ovali, angulatâ, undatim longitudinaliter plicatâ spiraliter striatâ, apertura striatâ. Resembling S. mutabilis &c. in form, but longitudinally plicated, with the whorls angular, the ribs raised in tubercles at the angles. Colour grey, banded with brown; or brown, with white spotted bands. E. Indies and Moluccas. 25. S. ELEGANS. (pl. vii. f. 43, 48.) Nobis. T. sub-elongatâ, fusiformi; spìrâ sub-elongatâ, anfractibus angulatis, ad angulum plicatis, in medio minutè tuberculatis, anticè sulcatis; ultimi margine varicoso; aperturâ ovali, striatâ. Much shorter in the body whorl than any of the three preceding species. It is of a pale brown, clouded in bands with darker brown; the aperture is striated and of a dark brown colour. It approaches S. rugosus in some characters, but is much more fusiform; the spire much larger in proportion to the aperture. One variety is nearly smooth. 31 26. S. HÆMASTOMA. (jl. vii. f. 51.) Nobis. T. ovali, striatâ, longitudinaliter plicatâ; aperturâ roseâ, striatâ ; labio externo sinu valido. A small white striated species, with longitudinal ribs and a purplish pink striated aperture. Specimens are contained in the collections of Mr. Norris, Mr. Stainforth and Miss Saul. 27. S. GIBBERULUS. (pl. vi. f. 18, 19, 24, 25, 26.) Gmel. 3514. T. ovali, medio lævigatâ, anticè striatâ; anfractibus inæqualiter gibbosis, ultimo ad dorsum complanato; spirâ brevi; labio externo posticè validè lobato, sinuato ; sinu antico valido. The whorls are unequally gibbous at the upper angle. The varieties are, pale brown, mottled with zigzag lines of brown; white, with spotted brown bands; the same with a purple streak on the columellar lip and on the inner surface of the outer lip; and nearly white, with pink aperture, East Indies and Moluccas. 28. S. FUSIFORMIS (pl. ix. f. 91, 92.) Nobis. T. fusiformi, lævi, anticè subtruncatâ ; spirâ conicâ, anfractibus prope suturam uni sulcatis ; ultimo ad marginem striato, dorso sub- gibboso; aperturâ angustatâ ; labiis intùs strîatis posticè in canalem spiræ partem decurrentem atienuatis; externo obliquè truncato; sinu antico parvo. The colour of this species is of a pinkish or purplish white, mottled and banded with brown, the lips of the aperture are buff. The aperture is peculiar in form, the lips being attenuated into a canal which is bent forwards on the penultimate whorl of the spire, and the outer lip obliquely truncated at the base This character connects S. fusiformis with the following species. Messrs. Norris, Stainforth and Cuming possess specimens. 29. S. DENTATUS. (pl ix. f. 86, 87.) Gmel. p. 3519. and den- tatus Wood. S. tridentatus Lam. T. oblongâ, lævi, anticè striatâ, truncatâ ; spirâ breviusculâ ; an- fractibus plicatis, convexiusculis ; aperturâ posticè in canalem brevem angustatâ, anticè effusâ; labio interno angusto paululùm incrassato, posticè striato; externo brevi, striato, anticè quinque- fariam dentato, effuso, obliquè truncato. The shortness of the outer lip, its anterior tooth-like lobes and its truncated character distinguish this species so that it might almost stand alone as a genus. The colour is yellowish white in- clining to pink or purple at the apex, ornamented by waved spots of brown. The striæ on the inside of the outer lip are interlined with dark brown. 30. S. TEREPELLATUS. (pl. ix. f. 84, 85.) T. elongatâ, lævi, spirâ brevi; anfractu ultimo anticè obliquè truncato; aperturâ internè striatâ; labio externo vix expanso, pau- lulùm incrassato; sinu antico indistincto, sub-dentato. A narrow, elongated smooth species, shaped like a Terebellum with the last whorl truncated. The colour varies from pale yellow, X 32 + to pale brown, mottled with darker brown. The striæ on the inner part of the aperture are in some specimens nearly obsolete. 31. S. BULBULUS (pl. ix. f. 81, 82, 83.) Nobis, Zool. Proc. 1842. T. S. terebellato simillimâ sed magis ventricosâ, anfractu penul- timo gibboso; labio interno validiore; labio externo validè striato, posticè spiræ partem decurrente. More ventricose than S. Terebellatus, with the penultimate whorl gibbous, the inner lip thicker, the outer lip striated to its edge and posteriorly elevated on the last whorl of the spire. Fig. 84. is from a specimen in Mr. Stainforth's collection where it has existed for some time without any history, and we think it may be a variety of this species which has been brought by Mr. Cuming from the Philip- pine Islands. 32. S. GLABRATUS. (pl. viii. f. 66, 67.) Nobis. T. sub- pyramidali, nitidâ; aperturâ ovali, bicanaliculatâ ; colu- mellâ truncatâ ; labio externo crasso reflexo,anticè sub-emarginato; operculo ovali; anfractu ultimo ad dorsum prope suturam plicato. This singular shell, having the general form of a Nassa, never- theless has a slight emargination in the outer lip, and is considered by experienced conchologists as being allied to the family, at least, of Strombidæ, although differing from the present genus in being covered by a glassy enamel. We place it here to remain till some author shall undertake to erect it into a new genus, and define its characters. The colour is pale straw, with a reddish tinge on the back, and a grey line under the suture of the spire. 33. S. PUGILIS. (pl. viii. f. 74.) Lin. Syst. Nat. 1209. T. turbinatâ, ventricosâ; spirâ brévi, spiraliter sulcatâ; anfracti- bus angulatis ad angulum tuberculis magnis acutis coronatis; aper- turâ angustâ, labio interno tenui expanso, externo brevi, interne striato, posticè emarginato, lobato, anticè truncato; sinu magno; operculo parvo, pyriformi. This well-known shell is of a rich vermilion colour, tinted with yellow and at the anterior termination with purple. It is lobed at the angle of the outer lip and truncated at the anterior extremity. W. Indies 34. S. PYRULATUS, (pl. viii. f. 72, 75.) Lam. T. S. pugili simili sed magis elongatâ, spiræ anfractibus vix tu- berculatis validè striatis. More elongated than S. pugilis, with the whorls of the spire scarcely tuberculated. The colour is dark brown, tinged with purple at the mouth. The variety, f. 72, is white with zigzag lines of brown. We think, however, that both varieties may belong to S. pugilis, the difference not being greater than between acknow- ledged varieties of other species. Florida 35. S. GRACILIOR (pl. viii. f. 73,) Sow. App. Tank. Cat. “T. ovato-oblongâ, apice acuminato-pyramidali, ad basin trans- versè striatâ, pallidè aurantiacâ; anfractibus supernè nodulosis ; labio interno tenui expanso, externè dilatato intùs transverse leviter sulcato, 7 + + 33 We think this more distinct from S. pugilis, than S. pyrulatus. It is more slender, the spire more pyramidal, a larger space being left between the angle and suture of the whorls. The colour is yellowish brown; the aperture white, the outer lip edged with orange. South Seas. 36. S. CANARIUM. (pl. viii. f. 69, 70.) T. ventricosâ, crassa, lævi, anticè sulcatâ; spirâ brevi; anfracti- bus rotundato-angulatis; labio interno gibboso; labio externo ex- panso, crasso, angulato, antice angustato. The colour of this species is a light brown, sometimes tinged with purple, and covered by zigzag lines of light or dark brown; the aperture is white, or nearly so. A very dark variety is named S. Vanikorensis, in Voy. Astr. Ceylon, Moluccas. 37. S. ISABELLA. (pl. viii. f. 68, 71.) Lam. T. S. canario simillimâ, sed graciliori; anfractibus obtusè angu- latis. More slender than S. canarium, the whorls in a slight degree more angular, the colour generally paler. We are doubtful, how- ever as to its distinctness. A banded variety is named S. tæniatus, in Voy. Astr. 38. S. FASCIATUS. (pl. x. f. 104, 106.) Gmelin. p. 3510. Bu- bonius, Lam. p. 203. T. ovali, sub-quadratâ, lævi; spirâ brevi; anfractibus angulatis, ad angulum tuberculatis, ultimo tuberculorum seriebus tribus ; aperturâ sub-quadratâ ; labio externo posticè elevato, medio incras- sato; sinu antico magno. Oval, ventricose, angulated, smooth; spire rather short, tuber- culated at the angle of the whorls, with three rows of tubercles on the last whorl, those on the posterior angle largest. General co- lour light brown, with zigzag patches of white on the rows of tubercles. Antilles. 39. S. GRANULATUS. (pl. ix. f. 100.) Sowerby Zool. Journ. T. ovali, sub-quadratâ, spiraliter striatâ ; spirâ longiusculâ; an. fractibus angulatis, tuberculis coronatis, ultimo seriebus tribus tuberculornm minorum, margine flexuoso; labio interno tenui, expanso; labio externo crasso, sub-inflexo, posticè elevato, interne granulato; sinu anticè magno. . A species resembling S. fasciatus in shape, with brown and blackish spots arranged in bands on a light ground; the aperture is white within, yellow inclining to orange on the margins; the inner surface of the outer lip is granulated. 40. S. THERSITES. (pl. x, f. 109.) Gray. T. ovali, spiraliter striatâ; spirâ elongatâ; anfractibus angu- latis, acutè tuberculatis, ultimo gibboso, ventricoso, margine crasso, expanso; aperturâ sub-quadrata ; labio interno crasso, ex- panso; posticè elevato, calloso; labio externo crasso, postice elevato, quadrato, medio crasso. 34 The ground colour of this shell is white, with spots of deep brown arranged in bands, the spire is rather long and slender, the lips of the aperture are thick, and formed into an elevated square at the upper part, they are of a buff colour, with band-like spots on the outer margin. In the collection of Mr. Cuming and Miss Saul. Rurutu. 41. S. TRICORNIS. (pl. x, f. 103, 107.) Humph. Portland Cata- logue, p. 5. T. ventricosâ, sub-trigonâ, lævi, spiraliter obscurè rostratâ ; spirâ brevi, nodulosâ; anfractibus angulatis, ultimi margine flexuoso, crasso, ad angulum tuberculis tribus magnis, mediano maximo, elongato; aperturâ sub-trigonâ; labio externo dilatato, crasso, posticè elevato in spinam ad angulum posticum elongato. A triangular shell, with three tubercles on the back of the body whorl, the largest in the centre, the outer lip is elevated and elon- gated at the outer angle, the ground colour is white or pale brown, in some varieties very elegantly mottled with dark brown streaks and patches; the aperture is buff. Antilles. 42. S. PERUVIANUS. (pl. x. f. 110.) Sw. Zool. Illust. T. trigonâ; spiraliter costatâ; spirâ obtusâ; anfractibus nodu- losis, ultimo magno, tuberculis magnis coronato, ad dorsum uno maximo, in medio serie tuberculorum minorum ; aperturâ sub-tri- gonâ; labio interno posticè crenato; labio externo in angulum acutum elevato. The colour of this shell is pinkish brown; the aperture is buff, tinged with deep rose and orange. 43. S. LOBATUS. (pl. viii. f. 76, 77, 78.) Sw. Zool. Illustr. 1821. S. bituberculatus, Lam, vii. p, 202. (1822.) . T. trigonâ, spiraliter costatâ; spirâ brevi, tuberculatâ; anfractu ultimo margine expanso flexuoso, ad angulum tuberculis coronato, dorso duobus maximis armato, in medio seriebus duabus tubercu- culorum minorum ; aperturâ sub-trigonâ, posticè plicatâ ; labio externo expanso posticè bilobato, internè crenulato. The usual ground colour is grey, mottled with greenish brown. The variety, figure 78, is destitute of the two large tubercles which generally characterize the species. Antilles. 44. S. GALLUS. (pl. x. f. 108, 111.) T. S. lobato simili, tuberculis maximis tribus; labio externo magis dilatato, posticè in digitam attenuato; canali anticè elon- gato. Resembling S. lobatus, but having three large tubercles, the two minor rows of tubercles wanting, the outer lip much more expanded, with a posterior elongated lobe, and an anterior caudal canal. Asia and America ? 45. S. ACCIPITRINUS. (pl. x. f. 115, 116.) T. sub-trigonâ, spiraliter costatâ; spirâ brevi; anfractibus an- gulatis, ad angulum tuberculatis, ultimo marginè expanso, tuber- culis magnis duobus, mediano maximo; aperturâ latâ; labio 7. 35 interno expanso; externo posticè angulato, medio crasso, sub- reflexo. A large white, short, thick species, with a very large tubercle on the dorsal part of the angle of the last whorl, and one rather smaller between it and the margin. 46. S. INERMIS. (pl. x, f. 113.) Sw. Bligh Catalogue. T. S. accipitrino simili, sed longiore; spirâ magis attenuatâ ; tuberculis principalibus minoribus; anfractu ultimo medio crenu- lato. Like S. accipitrinus, but longer, with the spire more attenuated; the principal tubercles smaller; the last whorl is crenulated in the middle. 47. S. GIGAS. (pl. x. f. 117.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1210. T. sub-quadratâ, angulatâ, rugosa, spiraliter costatâ ; spirâ mediocri ; anfractibus angulatis, tuberculis magnis, elongatis, armatis; aperturâ latâ; labio externo dilatato, tenui, posticè in alam sub-quadratam elevato. This well-known shell, the largest but one of the genus, is of a buff colour, with a greenish brown epidermis, the aperture beauti- fully tinted with rose colour. Antilles 48. S. GOLIATH. (pl. x. f. 118.) Chemn. xi. p. 147. T. ovali, rugosa, spiraliter, distanter, sulcatâ sulcis duplicatis ; anfractibus ad angulum obtusè nodulosis; labio externo latè ex- panso, complanato, posticè in alam rotundatam elevato; sinu antico parvo. p. 1209. Oval, rugose, with distant, double, spiral grooves; the whorls obtusely angulated with large blunt tubercles; the outer lip, espe- cially at the upper part, is widely expanded and flattened; the an- terior sinus is shallow. The colour is white, shaded with light pink, and yellow in the aperture. 49. S. AURIS-DIANÆ. (pl. ix. f. 101, 102.) Linn. Syst. Nat. T. ovali, lævi; spirâ glabratâ; anfractibus angulatis; ad angu. lum plicato-tuberculatis, ultimo lato; aperturâ angustâ, canali elongato, recurvo; labio interno tenui expanso, margine spiram tegente; labio externo crasso, sub-inflexo, posticè in digitam elon- gato; sinu antico magno. The back of this shell is white, marbled with purplish brown; the inner lip is continued in a glassy enamel covering the spire and the front of the shell, the inside of the aperture is richly tinted with deep vermilion. 50. S. LAMARCKII. (pl. ix. f. 98, 99. varieties, 88, 93.) Gray. T. S. Auris-Dianæ simili, sed rugosâ, crassiore; labio interno minus expanso; aperturâ internè crenulatâ. This species nearly resembles Auris-Dianæ, but is rugose, having two rows of tubercles besides those on the angle, and the inside of the aperture is crenulated at both extremities. Some 36 varieties however, occur, which connect the two species rather closely. Fig. 88 is a very fine variety from the collection of Mr. Cuming, with an orange aperture. Fig. 93 is one belonging to Mr. Norris, which has not the crenulations in the aperutre. East Indies. 51. S. MELANOSTOMA. (pl. ix. f. 89, 90, 94.) Sw. S. adustus, Nonnull. T. ovali,sub elongatâ, angulatâ, rugosâ; spirâ mediocri; anfrac- tibus tuberculatis; aperturã angustâ; labio interno expanso; labio externo crasso, sub-inflexo, posticè, in digitam elongato elevato. A species resembling the two former in shape, having the external rugosity and internal crenulation of S. Lamarckii. The inner lip and the margin of the outer lip are of a deep black, except in the varieties, fig. 89 and 94, in which the anterior part of the inner lip and a wider portion of the outer lip are of an orange colour. The variety, f. 89, is remarkable for the shortness of the posterior digi- tated lobe. East Indies. 52, S. PACIFICUS. (pl. ix. f. 95.) Sw. Exotic Conchology, T. sub-trigonâ, lævi, spiraliter sulcatâ; spirâ elongatâ; anfrac- tibus angulatis, plicato-tuberculatis; aperturâ internè sulcatâ, sulcis fulvo-inter-lineatis; labio interno calloso, expanso; labio externo expanso, ad anfractus tres elevato; posticè lato, uni-lobato. The shell is pinkish white, ornamented by zigzag lines and patches of light brown, the outer lip is broadly expanded, and so elevated as to reach three whorls of the spire; the inside of the aperture is strongly ribbed, of an orange colour between the ribs. Pacific Ocean. 53. S, AUSTRALIS. (pl. ix. f. 96, 97.) nobis. T. ovali, rugosa, spiraliter costatâ; spirâ elongatâ; anfractibus angulatis, plicato-tuberculatis, ultimo costis tuberculatis duabus ; aperturâ latâ; labio interno anticè gibboso; labio interno ad anfrac. tus duos elevato, validè expanso, uni-lobato, intùs sulcato, posticè costis duabus magnis, marginê crasso, sub-inflexo, intùs crenulato : canali recurvo. A white shell, tinged with purple, banded at the margin with brown, with deep reddish brown on the margins of the inner and outer lips; the shape resembles that of S. pacificus, but it is more square, and thicker; the inner and outer lips are both gibbous in front, the outer lip is sulcated within, having two large distinct ribs near the suture. Australia. 54. S. GALEATUS. (pl. x. f. 114.) Sw. Phil. Mag. (1823.) S. crenatus. Sowerby, Tank. Cat. (1825 ) S. Galea, Wood's Cat. T. sub-conicâ, spiraliter costatâ; spirâ brevissimâ; aperturâ latâ; labio interno tenui, expanso; labio externo expanso, crasso, cre- nato, posticè lato. This shell is remarkable for the large rounded ribs and for the conical form of the young specimen. When in good preservation, 37 it is covered by a rather thickish brown epidermis, the inner lip is orange, the outer lip white, banded with orange. 55, S. PAPILIO. (pl. vii. f. 44.) Chemn. S. exustus, Humph. T. ovali, rugosa, spiraliter striatâ, seriatìm tuberculatâ; spirâ brevi; anfractibus angulatis; ad angulum tuberculatis; aperturâ angustâ, nigrâ, striatâ; canali bi-emarginato; labio externo postice trilobato, medio incrassato, sub-inflexo, inter sinum anticum et canalem dentato; labio interno anticè emarginato. The ground colour of this shell is a whitish grey, with three irregular interrupted bands of light brown with dark coloured zigzag lines ; the inner lining of the aperture is of a deep red, in- ; clining to black 56. S. LENTIGINOSUS. (pl. viii. f. 79.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1208. T. ovali, rugosâ, crassa, seriatim tuberculatâ ; spirâ brevi; an- fractibus angulatis; tuberculis magnis, coronatis ; aperturâ an- gustâ; canali bi-emarginato; labio externo posticè trilobato, medio incrassato, inter sinum anticum et canalem dentato; labio interno gibboso, posticè elevato, anticè truncato. The colour of this shell is whitish grey with brown spots, the aperture of a delicate pinkish white, obscurely banded. S. Pa- pilio resembles this species, but is thinner, with a black striated aperture, East Indies. 57. S. LATISSIMUS. (pl. x. f. 112.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1211. T. ovali, ventricosâ, truncatâ, spiraliter obsoletè costatâ ; spirâ mediocri; anfractibus sub-angulatis, tuberculatis; ultimo sub- complanato, lateraliter gibboso, margine validè expanso; aperturâ latâ, labio interno incrassato; labio externo latissimo expanso, posticè elevato, medio latè inflexo; sinu antico parvo. The general colour is pale brown, with interrupted bands of white, and longitudinal undulated streaks of dark reddish brown; the aperture is white, much expanded, and remarkable for the broad flattened inflection in the central part. 58. S. LACINIATUS. (pl. x. f. 105.) Chemn. S. cristatus, Lam. vii. p. 202. T. ovali, spiraliter striatâ; spirâ elongatâ; anfractibus angu- latis, tuberculatis, ultimo propè aperturam gibboso, sub-compla- nato, ad dorsum tuberculis magnis tribus, mediano maximo, armato, margine expanso; aperturâ magnâ; labio externo ex- panso, posticè suprà spiram decurrente, quadri-lobato, medio latè inflexo, anticè inter sinum et canalem dentato; sinu magno. The colour of this beautiful shell is light brown with interrupted light bands at the back, and white with zigzag brown lines in front; the inner part of the aperture is deep purplish brown. The inflected and lobed margin of the outer lip, which is expanded and carried upwards to the apex of the spire; the general form of the body whorl ; and the prominent dentated lobe between the anterior sinus and the canal point out the close relation which this species bears to the genus Pteroceras. The author is unable to identify S. persicus and S. Integer, Sw. p 38 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, -- 2 - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20, - - - - - STROMBIS. 1. S. deformis. var. Sp.5. 46, S. mutabilis, var, 2. Columba, var. 6. 47. var, 3, -, var, 48. elegans, var, 25, 4. — minimus, 11, 49. — mutabilis, var. 20. 5. var. 50, - cylindricus, var, 16. 6. - Columba, var. 6. 51,- Hæmastoma, 51, 7. 52, --mutabilis. var. 20. 8, — deformis, 5, 53. maculatus, 22. 9, variabilis, 9. 54. Luhuanus. 17. 10, – Sibbaldii, 12, 55. coniformis. 18. 11. 56. plicatus. 24. 12. -epidromis, 10. 57. — cylindricus, var. 16. 13. — variabilis, var, 9. 58. rugosus. 23. 14, var, 59. cylindricus. 16. 15. labiosus, 8, 60. rugosus. 23. 16. var. 61. — coniformis. 18. 17. marginatus, 14, 62. - crispatus. 2. 18. gibberulus, var, 26. 63. 19. — 64. Fissurella. 1. succinctus, var, 13, 65. var. 21, 66. glabratus. 32. 22, Campbelli, 3. 67. 68. Isabella. 37. 24, gibberulus, var, 27. 69. I canarium. 36. 25, var, 70. 26. --, var, 27, 71. Isabella, var. tæniatus. 27, vittatus, var. 4. 71. 28, 72. — pyrulatus, var. 34. 29. 73. gracilior. 35. 30. <, var, sulcatus 74. — pugilis. 33 - . 31, - var, turritus. 75. — pyrulatus. 34. 32, lineatus. 15. 76. — lobatus. 43. 33, 77. 34. - urceus, 21, 78. var. 35, var, 79. – lentiginosus. 56. 36. var, 80. dubius, 19. 37. var, 81. Bulbulus. 31. 38. dilatatus, 7, 82. var. 39, 83. var. 40, mutabilis, 20, 84. terebellatus, var. 30. 41. urceus, var, 21, 85. 42, var. 86. dentatus. 29. 43 elegans, 25. 87. -, var. 44, Papilio, 55, 88. Lamarckii, var. 50. 45, mutabilis, var, 20, 89. - melanostoma, var. 51 23. - - - - - - - - 2345% - - - - - - 9 - - > - - - - - - - 12 Nab. Diam. V1 2 4. 5 3 8 10. 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 WRINTHA 24 21 25 20 22 23 26 27 28 29 31 30 CBS. Jun" VII 12 Nat. Diam 33 32 36 35 34 40 37 38 39 47 42 45 43 44 46 47 52 57 48 49 50 56 53 54 55 <<<< 195222 60 58 59 67 GBS Jun Nat Diam VIII 66 VIDIM 62 63 64 65 67 Nat Diam 2/ 69 70 72 74 73 75 76 77 78 7.9 A.R.Shan Nai Dram 97 82 83 84 85 80 86 87 89 38 90 91 92 PM DI 96 97 93 94 95 A 99 101 102 100 GRS Tun nat. diam X 106 107 103 104 105 108 109 y/o nat. #nat diam be 113 GB B Juni 117 118 39 - - - - 90. S, Melanostoma 91. -fusiformis. 23. 92. - 93. Lamarckii, var. 50. 94. — melanostoma, var. 51. 95. Pacificus. 52. 96. Australis. 53. 97. 98. Lamarckii. 50. 99. 50. 100 granulatus, 39. 101. Auris-Dianæ. 49. 102. 103. tricornis. 41. 104. - fasciatus. 38. . 105. S. laciniatrs, 58. 106. fasciatus. 38. 107. tricornis. 41. 108. - Gallus. 44. 109. Thersites. 40. 110. Peruvianus. 12. 111. Gallus, var. 44. 112. latissimus. 57. 113. inermis. 45. 114. - galeatus, 54. 115, accipitrinus. 45. 116, 117,- gigas. 47, 118. —Goliath, 48. - - - - - - - - 41 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS PTEROCERAS. Char. Gen. Testâ ovali, angulatâ, spiraliter costatâ; spirâ conicâ, anfractibus angulatis aperturâ elongatâ, anticè que pos- ticè, in digitam canaliferam desinente; internè longitudinaliter uniplicatâ; labio externo ætate dilatato, incrasato, digitis arcuatis canaliferis diviso; operculo corneo, ungulatim acuminato. The shells of this genus are generally of an oval shape, angulated on the upper part of the whorls, and spirally ribbed. The aperture is elongated, terminating at each extremity in a lengthened caudiform canal. When full grown, the outer lip is expanded, thickened and divided into from four to eight hollow digitations. The anterior sinus is separated from the canal by a prominent lobe; the inner lip is thickened, and, when mature, unites with the upper part of the outer lip in partly concealing the spire. DESCRIPTIONS. 1. Pt. TRUNCATUM. (pl. xi. f. 13.) Lam. Anim. sans Vert. vii. p. 195. T. magnâ, ovali, spiraliter costatâ, albâ, lutescente, vel pallidè roseâ; spirâ nodulosâ, apicè truncatâ, complanatâ; aperturâ lævi; labio externo digitis quinque brevibus, sub-rectis. This species, which is the largest of the genus, differs from P. Lambis in the apex of the spire, the top of which is trun- cated and flattened. The shell is about a foot in length, and in the oldest specimens we have seen, the digitations are much shorter than those of P. Lambis. Polynesia and Australia. 2. Pt. LAMBIS. (pl. xi. f. 5, 6, 7.) Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1208. T. subtrigonâ, spiraliter costatâ, angulatâ; anfractu ultimo tuberculorum seriebus tribus; tuberculo magno dorsali ad angulum ; aperturâ lævi, canalibus sub-elongatis; labio externo expanso; digitis quinque sub-recurvis. This species seldom reaches above half the length of P. truncatus, and the apex of the spire is acute. The colour varies in the aperture from white to dark clouded orange, and E 42 + on the back from pinkish white, mottled with brown, to greyish white, mottled with black. India. Ceylon. 3. Pt. AURANTIA. (pl. xi. f. 11.) Lam. Anim. sans Vert. vii. p. 198. T sub-quadratâ, spiraliter striatâ, seriebus tribus tuberculorum cinctâ, albâ, rufo-maculatâ; aperturâ elongatâ, aurantiacâ, lævi, canalibus duobus et digitis quinque tenuis, arcuatis, elongatis; labio interno angusto, anticè gibboso. The digitations of this smooth orange-mouthed species are elongated, slender, and curved upwards. East Indies. 4. Pt. CHIRAGRA. (pl. xi. f. 12.) Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1207. p T. ponderosâ, magnâ, spiraliter costatâ, ad angulum tuberculatâ, rufâ, pallidè fulvâ, fusco-maculatâ; aperturâ excavatâ, internè plicatâ, roseâ, nigrostriatâ; canalibus terminalibus (postico præcipuè) recurvis, digitis marginalibus quatuor arcuatis, unà inter canalem et sinum; labio interno gibboso, nigrescente, internè striato. In this well known species the posterior canal is strongly recurved and bent downwards over the spire as far as the angle. The digitations are large and strongly curved; one of them being placed on the lobe between the sinus and the canal; the aperture is deep. East Indies. 5. Pt. RUGOSUM. (pl. xi. f. 9. 10.) nobis. T. crassa, sub-ovali, spiraliter striatâ, costis quatuor nodulosis cinctâ, digitis crassis, arcuatis, terminalibus, recurvis, unâ inter sinum anticum et canalem; aperturâ; latâ, validè excavatâ, intùs uniplicatâ, sulcis nigris striatâ ; labio interno sulcis nigris striato. After careful examination, we have arrived at the conclusion that this shell, although generally regarded as a mere variety of Pt. Chiragra, is perfectly distinct. The principal difference consists in the comparative smoothness and flatness of the inner lip and the strong downward curve of the posterior canal, which reaches the angle of the body whorl in Pt. Chiragra. Pt. rugosum is thick, sub-oval, spirally striated, with four tubercu- lated ribs on the body whorl , below the angle. The digitations are thick and curved, the posterior terminal one, although somewhat recurved is not bent downwards over the spire, as in Pt. Chiragra. The aperture is wide, and very deep, with the interior strongly plicated, and transversely sulcated with black interstices; the inner lip is sulcated in the same manner. The general colour of the shell is light brown mottled with darker touches and blackish stripes on the terminations of the digitations. The aperture is more or less strongly tinctured with rose colour; the black striped grooves covering a larger 43 portion of the interior in one variety than in the other. South Seas. 6. Pt. SCORPIO. (pl. xi. f. 1.) Linn. Gmel. p. 3508. No. 4. T. sub-quadratâ, spiraliter sulcatâ, tuberculorum seriebus tribus cinctâ, tuberculorum dorsalium tribus ad angulum maximis, tuberculis intermediis parvis, digitis septem, terminalibus, elongatis, tuberculatis; posticâ ad basin in alam complanatam dilatatâ; aperturâ elongatâ, ad marginem carneolâ, intus purpureâ, costis albis nigro interlineatis, transversis; labio interno costis albis nigro interlineatis. This species is distinguished from the rest by the knobs in the digitations, for which reason it is generally called the “Gouty Scorpion." Moluccas, East Indies. 7. Pt. PsEUDOSCORPIO. (pl. xi. f. 2.) Lam. T. crassâ, sub-quadratâ, spiraliter costatâ, tuberculorum seriebus tribus cinctâ, ad angulum tuberculis magnis, digitis septem, crassis, vix nodulosis; posticâ ad basin crassâ; aperturâ sulcis interlineatis, irregularibus, elongatis, ad labium internum distantibus, ornatâ. Differing from Pt. scorpio in the thickness and comparative smoothness of the digitations, in the absence of the flattened lobe at the base of the posterior canal, and in the comparative coarseness of the sulci on the inner lip. The colour is of a whitish brown mottled with darker brown, which is darkest at the extremities; the aperture in one variety is light brown, and in the other of a dark reddish brown, with narrow white ribs interlined with black. 8. Pt. MILLIPEDA. (pl. xi. f. 3.) Linn. T. ovali, sub-lævigatâ, spiraliter levitèr striatâ, dorso ad angulum tuberculis magnis ; infra-angulum seriebus duabus tuberculorum ; digitis decem, parvis; tribus posticis unetâ anticâ, longiusculis; medianis brevissimis, arcuatis: aperturâ sub-lævigatâ, intùs albo sulcatâ, fulvo-interlineatâ, margine dilatatâ, tenui. The general colour is whitish brown mottled with darker brown, with a narrow blackish line at the suture of the whorls; the aperture is of a smoky brown, which is darker between the white ridges. Philippines, Indian Ocean. 9. P. MULTIPES. (pl. xi. f. 8.) Chemn. (Strombus) 10. pl. 159. f. 1494, 1495. Purpurascens Swainson. T. Sub-ovali, albâ, fusco-maculatâ, spiraliter striatâ, dorso ad angulum tuberculis maximis; infra-angulum costis tribus noduliferis, margine costato; aperturâ sulcis elevatis striatâ, fauce purpureâ; labio externo dilatato, margine fulvo-fasciato, digitis (extra canalem posticam) decem, sub-complanatis, 44 x parvis, anticâ bilobatâ ; labio interno angusto, vix sulcato, anticè gibboso, roseâ tincto. A most beautiful shell, rarely seen in perfection. It is white, beautifully and regularly marked with brown; the outer lip is much dilated, strongly grooved, and banded on the margin between the digitations with pinkish buff; the inside is marked by a tinge of rich purple. There are ten small flattish digitations besides the caudal canal. 10. P. ELONGATUM. (pl. xi. f. 4.) Swaing. Sow. Tank. Cat. P. Croceum, Reeve. Conch. Syst. pl. 248. f. 2. [G. B. S. Jun. regrets the necessity of changing his opinion, with respect to the relative merits of the two names given above. The author of the Tankerville Catalogue has expressed his assurance that the name elongatum was published by Swainson previously to being quoted in that work. The name is also in common use.] T. sub-elongatâ, spiraliter sulcatâ, tuberculis magnis ad angulum, costis noduliferis, infra-angulum; spirâ elongatâ, acuminatâ; aperturâ sub-angustatâ; labio externo crasso, margine lato, complanato, intùs sulcis albis purpureo interlineatis, striato; labio interno crasso, sulcato, margine distincto, digitis extra canalem anticam òcto, quarum unâ posticâ, elongatâ, bilobatâ, tùm unâ sub-rectâ, sub-elongatâ, deinde sex brevibus obtusis. This species is remarkable for the elongated spire, and the flattened margin of the outer lip, with the short obtuse digitations. The colour is the same as in other species, with purplish black lines between the white grooves of the aperture, and a strong tinge of yellow inside. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XI. 1. Pteroceras Scorpio Sp. 6. 2. Pseudoscorpio. 7. 3. Millepeda. 8. 4. elongatum. 10. 5. Lambis. 2. 6. 7. 8. Multipes. 9. 9. rugosum, var. 5. 10. 11. Aurantia. 3. 12. Chiragra. 4. 13. truncatum. Sp. 1. var. var. W Nat Dram Y Tos 10 Nat. Dram. 12 13 GBS Jun 45 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS PECTEN. Char. Gen. Molluscum acephalopodum monomyarium. Testâ interdum liberâ, inæquivalvi, subæquilaterali, biauriculatâ, plerumque radiatim costatâ, atque regulari; cardine rectâ, foveolâ trigonâ centrali cartiliginem recipiente; ligamentum lineare; umbonibus contiguis. Obs. The bivalve shells included in this genus are free, regular, inequivalve, subequilateral, with a pair of triangular flattened auricles forming the hinge margin in each valve; and ribs radiating from the point of the umbones. The hinge is straight and toothless, with a linear ligament near the edge, and a triangular pit in the centre, containing the elastic sub- stance called the cartilage. In nearly all the species, there is a sinus in the anterior auricle of the lower, or right valve, apparently to admit the passage of a byssus. In nearly all cases the colouring is much paler in the right valve (therefore considered the lower) than in the left, and in many instances the rich tints and markings which adorn the latter, are entirely wanting in the former. a DESCRIPTIONS. Sp. 1. P. MAXIMUS. (pl. xv. f. 98 to 100.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p, 1144. T. subrotundatâ, lateralitèr expansâ, subdepressâ; umboni- bus lævibus, marginibus striatis; valvâ sinistra propè umbonem concavâ, propè mediam paululùm elevatâ; auriculis magnis, rectangulatis, striatis, cardinè obliquè plicato; costis 12 ad 14 subdepressis, rotundatis, sulcatis, latis; interstitiis sulcatis ; colore albo-lutescente, vel fusco-lutescente, fusco vel rubro precipuè ad umbones, angulariter maculato. Long. 6.50.; lat. 1. 60.; alt. 6.; poll. A large, rounded, inequivalve species, rather spread at the sides, and having 12 or 14 rounded, sulcated, rather flattish ribs in each valve. It is smooth near the umbones, and in the 46 ? x upper valve has an elevation between the umbo, which is concave, and the centre. This is the common British and Medi- terranean Scallop Shell. Mr. Cuming has a specimen from Brazil. 2. P. Similis. (pl. xvi. f. 116. 117.) nobis. T. P. maximo simillimâ, sed costis in valvâ sinistrâ magis elevatis, magis sulcatis, in valvâ dextrâ læviusculâ; valvâ sinistrâ externè concavâ. Long. 3. 70.; lat. 0. 60.; alt. 3. 40.; poll. Differing from P. maximus in having the ribs in the upper valve more elevated and more deeply sulcated; the upper valve has not the same elevation near the centre. We have only seen one specimen, which belongs to the Rev. F. J. Stainforth. Great Britain ? 3. P. JACOBæus. (pl. xv.f. 107. 108. and pl. xvii. f. 153.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1144. T. subrotundâ, lateraliter expansâ, subdepressâ; valvâ sinistrâ, propè umbonem concavâ, lateribus elevatis; auriculis latis, rectangulatis, concavis, propè marginem sulcatis; costis 14 ad 16, in valvâ sinistrâ valdè elevatis, rotundatis, concentricè striatis ; in valvâ dextrâ valdè elevatis, quadratis, valdè radiatim sulcatis, sulcis moniliformibus, interstitiis concentricè striatis; colore albo-lutescente, vel fusco-lutescente, fusco vel rubro angulariter maculato. Long. 6. 50.; lat. 1. 75.; alt. 6.; poll. This British shell differs from P. maximus in the character of the ribs, which in the upper valve are much raised and concentrically striated, and in the lower valve are square, elevated, deeply grooved, and deeply undercut. Great Britain ? and Mediterranean. 4. P. LAQUEATUS. (pl. xv. f. 101.) nobis. T. rotundatâ; valvâ dextrâ costis 7, latis, sublævibus, subquadratis, complanatis, obsoletè radiatim sulcatis, utrinque ad laterâ tribus minoribus; interstitiis angustatis, planis; valvâ sinistrâ ignotâ; colore albo, ad umbonem purpureo tincto. Long. 4. 20., lat. 1. 20.; alt. 3. 50.; poll. We have only the deep valve of this species. The principal ribs are seven in number, broad, flattened, with subangular edges; there are also three or four smaller ribs on each side; the interstices are narrow. Brought by Capt. Dixon frcın N. W. America. 5. P. MEDIUS. (pl. xv. f. 102, 103, 104. pl. xviii. f. 177, 178.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. p. 163. P. Jati-costatus, British Museum. T. sub-rotundatâ, sub-depressâ, lævi; valvâ sinistrâ planâ, 47 propè umbonem sub-concavâ, lateribus paululùm elevatis ; auriculis æqualibus, latis, concavis, propè marginem sulcatis ; costis in valvâ sinistrâ 14, angustatis, ad laterâ angulatis, planis, in valvâ dextrâ 16, latis, divisis, depressis, sub-rotun- datis; interstitiis in valvâ sinistrâ latis, planis, in medio sub- costatis, in valvâ dextrâ angustatis; colore albo-lutescente vel fusco, rubro-maculato vel rubro, albo-maculato vel purpureo fasciato. Long. 3. 30. lat. 0. 80.; alt. 2. 80.; poll. The ribs in the upper valve are narrow, and angulated at the side, those of the lower are broad, and generally divided in the centre, the breadth of the ribs in the lower valve corres- ponding with the broad interstices in the upper. West Indies. 6. P. SULCICOSTATUS. (pl. xiii. f. 35, 36.) nob. T. rotundatâ, radiatim sulcatâ, sub-ventricosâ; auriculis latis, excavatis, striatis; costis 12, in valvâ sinistrâ elevatis, sub-quadratis, sulcatis; in valvâ dextrâ rotundatis, striatis, interstitiis in valvâ sinistrâ mediocris, sulcatis, in valvâ dextrâ sub-nullis; colore valve sinistræ pallidè fulvo, rubro-fulgurato, valvæ dextræ purpureo. Long. 1. 65.; lat.O. 50.; alt. 1. 50; poll. Rounded, radiately sulcated, rather ventricose; the auricles wide, concave, striated; the ribs 12 in number, in the left valve elevated, rather square, sulcated, in the right valve rounded and striated, with scarcely any interstices. The interstices in the left valve are as wide as the ribs, and sulcated. The colour of the left valve is pale fawn, with angulated streaks of red, in the right valve it is purple. From Mr. Norris's Collection. 7. P. SUB-VIRIDIS. (pl. xviii. f. 165, 166.) nobis. T. sub-rotundâ, sub-ventricosâ; valyâ sinistra propè um- bonem concavâ, lateribus elevatis; auriculis latis, rectangulatis, concavis, propè marginem sulcatis; costis centralibus 13, in valvâ sinistra elevatis, rotundatis, lævibus; lateralibus minori- bus : in valvâ dextrâ, obsoletè sulcatis, rotundatis, interstitiis concentricè striatis, colore valvæ superioris fusco-viridescente, valvæ inferioris albo, ad umbonem Iuteo, in medio sub-fusco. Long. 2. 20.; lat. 0. 60.; alt. 2; poll. Resembling P. Jacobæus in form, but less spread at the sides,with the deep valve more ventricose, and the ribs in both valves rounded and nearly smooth; the upper valve is of a greenish brown colour, 8. P. FUSCUS. (pl. xvi. f. 118, 119.) Klein. T. rotundatâ, ventricosâ, lævi; valva sinistrâ ad umbonem 48 و concavâ, ad latera paululùm elevatâ; valvâ dextrâ ad umbonem valdè convexâ, ad marginem valvam alteram superante; auriculis latis, rectangulatis, striatis, concavis; costis 14, in valvâ sinistra sub-quadratis, angustis, in valvâ dextrâ latioribus, rotundatis, interstitiis planis; colore fusco-nigres- cente vel rubescente, intùs fulvo-nebuloso. Long. 3. 50.; lat. 1.; alt. 3. 20.; poll. Rounded, ventricose, smooth, with the left valve concave at the apex, rather elevated at the sides, the right valve very , convex at the apex, overlapping the other valve at the margin ; the auricles are wide, rectangular, striated, concave; the ribs are 14 in number, in the upper valve they are narrow and nearly square, in the lower they are wider and rounded, with smooth interstices. The colour is blackish or reddish brown; the inside clouded with light brown. 9. P. SINENSIS. (pl. xvi. f. 120, 121, 134.) nobis. T. rotundatâ, ventricosâ, concentricè striatâ; auriculis concavis, striatis, valvâ sinistrâ valdè concavâ, costis centra- libus duodecim, quadratis, complanatis, sulcatis, angustatis; lateralibus parvis; interstitiis latis, concentricè striatis; valvâ dextrâ ventricosâ; costis latis 14, rotundatis, obsoletè radiatim sulcatis, interstitiis angustis, margine alteram valvam superante; colore fulvo-rufescente, fusco-maculato, et angulatim lineato. Long 3. 10.; lat. 0. 70.; alt. 2. 70.; poll. Differing from P. fuscus in having the upper valve deeply concave, the ribs flatter, the interstices concentrically striated. The prevailing colour is light reddish brown, mottled with darker brown; near the umbones outside the greater part of the inside and two or three ribs white. China. 10. P. Ziczac. (pl. xvi. f. 129 to 133.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1144. T. rotundatâ, ventricosâ, lævi; auriculis magnis, rectangu- latis, distanter sulcatis; valvâ sinistrâ complanatâ, lateribus planis; costis 31, depressis, alternatis, interstitiis angustis, minutissimè striatis; valvâ dextrâ costis viginti quatuor, latis, propè umbonem obsoletis, interstitiis nullis ; colore variegato. Long. 3. 60; lat. 0. 90.; alt. 3. 30.; poll. Rounded, ventricose, smooth; the auricles having one or two broad slightly raised ribs on the upper part ; the upper valve flat, with a broad area on each side destitute of ribs, the ribs 31 in number, the intermediate ones filling up the inter- stices so that only narrow serrated grooves remain; the lower valve radiated with 23 grooves, which are nearly obsolete near the umbones. The variations in colour are numerous, 49 p. 109. that of the under valve being generally of a reddish brown, softened into purple or white towards the umbones and auricles; in the upper valve being variegated with white spots, interrupted rays of brown and zigzag lines; in one variety the upper valve is nearly black, and the under valve white, with fulvous lines in the grooves. Mr. Cuming has specimens from the Red Sea and the Philippine Islands. 11. P. DENTATUS. (pl. xv. f. 105, 106.) Sow. Zool. Proc. 1835. “T. valdè inæquivalvi, æquilaterali; auriculis æqualibus, valvâ (sinistra) planulatâ, sulcato-radiatâ et striatâ, alterâ valdè convexâ, lævigatâ, radiatim sulcatâ, margine ventrali profunde dentato : long. 3. 75.; lat. 1. 5.; alt. 3. 5. poll.” The edges of the ribs are deeply cut in the form of teeth, and the edge of the upper valve falls deeply within. St. Elena. 12. P. ERYTHREENSIS. (pl. xviii. f. 163, 164.) - - ? T. rotundatâ, ventricosâ, lævi; auriculis concavis, magnis; valvâ sinistrâ concavâ, costis concavis, medianis, distantibus novem; ad latera utrinque tribus minoribus; valvâ dextrâ costis duodecim, rotundatis, latis, ad marginem valvam alteram superante; colore albo-lutescente, rubro-variegato, umbonibus purpureo-tinctis, internè fusco-purpurascente. Long. 2. 10; lat. 0. 60.; alt. 2.; poll. The general character of this species is similar to that of P. fuscus, but the shell is narrower, and the ribs fewer in number and flatter, those in the upper valve being crossed with lines and spots of red. Found in coral sand in the Red Sea. 13. P. PYXIDATUS. (pl. xii. f. 24, 25.) Born. Mus. Cæs. Vind. t. 6. f. 5, 6. Ostræa sulcata, Gmel. T. inæquivalvi, rotundatâ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, magnis, costatis; valvâ sinistrâ complanatâ, propè umbones excavatâ, costis viginti-duobus, angustis; distantibus et minoribus, numerosis, lateralibus, interstitiis latis, complanatis, valvâ dextrâ ventricosissimâ; margine alteram superante, costis lævibus, latis, interstitiis nullis. Long. 2. 40; lat. 0. 60.; alt. 2. 20.; poll. Inequivalve, orbicular; the auricles large and nearly equal, with several fine costæ; the upper valve flat, inversely hollowed near the umbones, the ribs, twenty-two in number, are narrow and distant, with some smaller ones at the sides, which are rather elevated, the interstices are wide and flat; the dextral valve is very ventricose, the margin over-reaching the other, the ribs are smooth and wide, with no interstices. x F 50 a China, Australia, St. Nicholas, Zebu. Sandy mud, 10 fathoms, Mr. Cuming. 14. P. ASPER. (pl. xix. f. 196, 197.) nobis. T. sub-rotundatâ, sub-compressâ; auriculis latis, obsolete striatis, valvæ dextræ ad marginem serratis; valvâ sinistra sub-complanatâ, versus umbones paululùm elevatâ; costis octodecim, angulatis, prope marginem bi-angulatis, angulis serratis, interstitiis angustis, planis, concentricè striatis : valvâ dextrâ ventricosã, costis octodecim, rotundatis, ad umbonem angulatis, concentricè striatis; interstitiis angustis, planis : colore valvæ superioris pallidè rubro, lineis concen- tricis minutis strigato, interstitiis rubris, valvæ inferioris albo, lineis paucis, rubris, concentricis; costis rubro interlineatis, umbone rubrotincto. Long. 1. 40.; lat. 0. 30.; alt. 1. 20.; . poll. More flattened than any of the preceding species; the auricles are nearly equal, flat and broad, those of the lower valve serrated at the margin ; the upper valve is nearly flat, and very slightly elevated near the umbones; the ribs, eighteen in number, are angulated near the umbones, and the tops flattened so as to form a double angle near the margin; the angles are finely serrated; the lower valve rather ventri- cose, with the ribs more rounded near the margin than in the other; the interstices in both valves are narrow and flat; a general tint of dull red is made in the upper valve by minute concentric touches on the ribs, and bands in the interstices; these being less numerous and more distant in the lower valve, leave it nearly white. New Guinea. (Mr. Hinds.) 15. P. INÆQUIVALVIS. (pl. xix. f. 193 to 195.)—-? Portland Catalogue. T. sub-rotundatâ, sub-compressa, obliquâ, posticè expansâ, concentricè striatâ ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, parvis; anticis minoribus; valvâ sinistrâ sub-complanatâ, versus umbones paululum elevatâ, costis octodecim, sub-angulatis, elevatis; interstitiis angustis, planis; valvâ dextrâ ventricosâ, costis octodecim, elevatis, rotundatis, prope marginem sub-quadratis; interstitiis, angustis, planis; colore valvæ superioris griseo, brunneo-nigrescente aboque maculato; valvæ inferioris albo- rufescente; costis fusco-maculatis; lateribus griseo-maculatis. Variat valvâ inferiori rubro-maculatâ. Long. 1. 30. ; lat. 0. 50.; alt. 1. 20.; poll. This species, as well as the last, presents a medium between those with the deep lower valve, and those which have both valves deep, the upper valve of this being rather ventricose in 51 in the centre. It is a thicker shell than the last, with the auricles much smaller, and on the whole more ventricose. Some young specimens were brought from the Philippine Islands by Mr. Cuming. 16. P. ASPERSUS. (pl. xix. f. 198, 199.) Sow. Zool. Proc. 1835. p. 110. “T. sub-orbiculari, depressiusculâ, sub-æquivalvi, æquilate- rali, auriculis inæqualibus, dextrâ majusculâ, valvarum alterâ radiatìm costatâ, pallescente seu albâ, costis quatuordecim majoribus, rotundatis, lavibus, alterâ radiatìm costatâ, costis quindecim acutioribus, fuscis, punctulis cærulescentibus asper- sis, interstitiis tenuissimè transversim striatis, pallescentibus : long. 1. 4.; lat. 0. 5.; alt. 1. 3.; poll.” This must be distinguished from P. aspersus, Lam. that author having applied that name to the species which had been previously named “ danicus” by Chemnitz. It is rather ine- quivalve; the rays in the upper valve are more acute than those in the lower. Tumbez, Peru. 17. P. NUCLEUS. (pl. xiv. f. 85.) Born. Mus. Cæs. t. 7. f. 2. Ostrea turgida, dubia ? guttata ? conspersa ? Gmel. T. rotundatâ, ventricosâ, sub-æquivalvi, crassâ, costis octo- decim ad viginti, elevatis, sub-quadratis, concentricè striatis ; interstitiis mediocribus; auriculis parvis, sub-æqualibus, sul- catis, rectangulatis; colore griseo nebuloso, fusco-maculato. Variat albo-rufescente, rubro-maculato. Long. 1. 50.; lat. 0. 90.; alt. 1. 45.; poll. Rounded, ventricose, nearly equivalve, thick; having from 18 to 20 ribs, which are elevated, nearly square and con- centrically striated; colour grey, clouded with greyish brown; or nearly white, clouded with reddish brown. 18. P. CIRCULARIS. (pl. xii. f. 23.) Sow. Zool. Proc. 1835. p. 110. “T. sub-orbiculari, tumidâ, sub-æquivalvi, æquilaterali , fusco alboque variegatâ; auriculis magnis, sub-æqualibus; costis radiantibus octodecim ; interstitiis latioribus, arcuatim striatis; valvâ alterâ sulcis profundioribus: long. 1. 5.; lat. 0. 8.; alt. 1. 4.; poll.” This species is not so rounded as P. Nucleus, and the auri- cles are larger and less obtuse. “Found in sandy mud at a depth of 7 fathoms.” California and St. Vincent's. 19. P. VENTRICOSUS. (pl. xii. f. 18, 19, 26.) nob. P. tumi- dus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1835. p. 109. “T. sub-inæquivalvi, æquilaterali; auriculis magnis, sub- æqualibus; valvâ alterâ turgidâ, fusco-rufescente albidoque 52 variegatâ, radiatim octodecim costatâ, costis supernè planulatis, interstitiis transversim striatis, alterâ turgidiore, albicante, radiatim sulcatâ ; costis interstitialibus latioribus, planulatis, lateralibus fusco-variis; marginibus ventralibus acutè dentatis : long. 1. 75.; lat. 1.; alt. 1. 75.; poll.” "Found in sandy mud at from 6 to 10 fathoms.” The above name is given on account of the name “tumidus" " having been previously applied to a small lenticular species. It differs from P. Nucleus in having one valve much more ven- tricose near the apex than the other, in the more trigonal shape, and in the greater flatness of the ribs: it is also gene- rally a much larger shell. St. Elena; and young specimens brought from Calapan, Philippines, by Mr. Cuming. 20. P. IRRADIANS. (pl. xvii. f. 139, 140.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. p. 173. P. turgidus, Sow. Genera of Shells. P. concentricus, Say. T. rotundatâ, ventricosa, sub-tenui, concentricè minute striatâ ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, striatis, anticis minoribus, ad basin emarginatis; costis octodecim, rotundatis; interstitiis latis. Long. 3. 80.; lat. 1. 35.; alt. 3. 50.; poll. Rounded, ventricose, rather thin, concentrically and minutely striated; the auricles are nearly equal, the anterior rather the smaller; and in both valves emarginated at the base; the ribs, 18 in number, are rounded, with wide interstices. The colour is pale reddish yellow, nearly covered by broad bands and large patches of greyish and reddish brown, a larger portion being left nearly white in the lower valve. Mediterranean and Newhaven. 21. P. PURPURATUS. (pl. xv.f. 113 and pl. xvi. f. 123—125.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. p. 166. T. rotundatâ, ad latera expansâ, ventricosâ, crassâ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, radiatim costatis, ad basin emarginatis; costis viginti-duobus, latis, complanatis; lateribus valdè serratis, interstitiis angustis, in medio serratis, ad marginem dentatis; colore purpureo, albo nigroque maculato; variat aurantiaco et etiam albo occurrit. Long. 4. 80.; lat. 1. 70.; alt. 4. 15.; poll. More spread at the sides than the last, and thicker, with the ribs, 22 in number, broad, flattened on the top, with serrated edges; the interstices are narrow, having a small serrated rib in their centre. The ground colour is pale purple; the ribs are ornamented with strongly marked festoons of white, purple and blackish brown. Bay of Callao, Peru. 22. P. GIBBUS. (pl. xii. f. 1, 2, 17, and pl. xiv. f. 76.) Linn. 53 have given 7 Syst. Nat. p. 1147. Including P. Sowerbii, Guilding. Ostrea principalis, flavellum, radiata ? plana ? crocea ? Alorida ? Gmel. T. rotundatâ, venticosâ, concentricè et radiatum striatâ ; ariculis sub-æqualibus, striatis, obtusis; costis octodecim, sub-scabris; valvâ dextrâ quam alterâ paululùm magis ventricosâ; colore vario. Long. 1. 75.; lat. 0.75.; alt 1.65.; poll. Rounded, ventricose, concentrically and radiatedly striated; the auricles are nearly equal, striated and obtuse; the ribs are 18, rather rough; the lower valve rather more ventricose than the upper. The numerous variations in colouring seem to rise to many of the specific names quoted above; some are dull brown, others bright red, others delicately pink, mottled with brown, others of a light blue tint, variegated with patches of dark brown and touches of white and yellow. The variety (f. 17.) named P. Sowerbii, is from St. Vincents. Coasts of the Pacific. 23. P. OPERCULARIS. (pl. xvii. f. 141 to 146.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p 1147. Including lineolatus, Lam. &c. T. rotundatâ, sub-ventricosâ, concentricè et radiatim striatâ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, striatis, obtusis, valvæ inferioris anticâ majusculâ, basin emarginatâ; valvâ sinistrâ scabrâ quam alterâ majis ventricosâ, costis octodecim ad viginti, sub-angulatis, interstitiis latis; valvâ dextrâ costis minùs angulatis, interstitiis angustioribus; colore vario. Long. 2. 50.; lat. 0. 95.; alt 2. 30.; poll. This well known British species differs from P. gibbus, in being less ventricose and more dilated at the sides; the ribs are somewhat less elevated, and the upper valve is much more ventricose than the lower. The varieties are numerous, the commonest is light reddish brown, banded and variegated with purplish brown, much lighter on the lower valve; there is also a bright orange variety and a white one. The variety named P. lineolatus is white, with a red line on the top of each rib. Great Britain and Mediterranean. 24. P. SUB-RUFUS. (pl. xix. f. 208 to 210.) Pennant. Brit. Zool. iv. p. 100. t. 60, 63. P. Audouini, Payr. Ostræa palliata ? Gmel. T. sub-rotundatâ, sub-compressâ, posticè sub-attenuatâ; scabrâ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, striatis, obtusis, valvæ inferioris anticâ majusculâ, basin emarginatâ ; costis viginti, angulatis, angulis serratis, lateribus concentricè striatis; inter- stitiis scabroso-striatis; colore vario. Long. 2. 50.; lat. 0. 90.; alt. 2. 40.; poll. a p 54 Rounded, more oblique and rather flatter than the two preceding, the posterior ventral margin rather enlarged; the auricles nearly equal, with serrated striæ; ribs angular, finely tuberculated. This species differs from the last in shape, in the greater angularity of the ribs, and their rugosity. The varieties are reddish brown, with zigzag white marks; purple, variegated; and pale orange, variegated with brown and white. Great Britain and Mediterranean. 25. P. EXASPERATUS. (pl. xviii. f. 183 to 186.) nobis. T. rotundato-sub-quadratâ, sub-ventricosâ, scabrâ; auriculis magnis, scabroso-striatis ; costis octodecim, sub-angulatis, angulis serratis, lateribus serratim striatis, interstitiis scabroso- striatis ; colore vario. Long. 0. 95.; lat. 0. 55.; alt. 1.; poll. In the character of the ribs this species resembles the last, they are, however, rather thicker, the shell is more ventricose, less oblique, and has broader auricles. The variations in colour are similar to those of the last species. Mediterranean. 26. P. BIFRONS. (pl. 12. f. 9. 10.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. p. 164. T. rotundatâ, anticè minùs expansâ, scabrâ; auriculis latis, quadratis, striatis, posticis paululùm minoribus; costis novem paululum elevatis, rotundatis, duplicatis vel triplicatis; inter- stitiis latis, radiatim irregulariter costatis; colore valvæ sinis- træ pallidè purpureo, costis fuscis nigricantibus, prope um- bones maculatis, valvæ dextræ albo, costis rubris, intus pur- pureo; variat purpureo. Long. 2. 30.; lat. 0. 75.; alt. 2.20.; poll. A nearly equivalve, nearly equilateral shell with nine slightly raised distant ribs, and smaller ribs at the sides and in the interstices; the margin is shaded with light purple, and the ribs are of a deep blackish red colour, excepting near the umbones, where they are spotted. It also occurs with a stronger shade of purple, and the ribs are not so distinctly lineated. 27. P. PATAGONICUS. (pl. xiii. f. 60.) King. Zool. Journ. T. rotundatâ, sub-ventricosâ, sub-lævi ; auriculis striatis, obtusis, anticis majoribus; costis 34, sub-quadratis, elevatis, lævibus; colore pallidè fulvo, costis fulvis rubescentibus. Long. 2. 40.; lat. 0. 80. ; alt. 2. 40.; poll. Rounded, rather ventricose, nearly smooth; the auricles striated, obtuse, the anterior the larger; the ribs, 34 in number, are nearly square, elevated and smooth ; the colour is pale fawn, the ribs reddish brown. Patagonia and the Straits of Magalhaens. و 55 x 28. P. SOLARIS. (pl. xii. f. 7, 8, 22.) Born. Mus. Cæs. t. 6. f. 4. T. rotundatâ, sub-æquivalvi, sub-æquilaterali, complanatâ ; auriculis parvis, sub-æqualibus, lævibus; costis octodecim, lævibus, rotundatis, æqualibus, interstitiis latis, transverse sub-striatis; valvæ dextræ costis latioribus, plus minùsve striatis, interstitiis sub-nullis; colore pallidè rubro, lineis spadiceis et maculis albis rubrisque fasciatim maculato, variat albo, rubro fasciatim irregulariter maculato. Long. 2. 15.; lat. 0.50.; alt. 2. 5.; poll. Orbicular, nearly equivalve, equilateral, rather flat, auricles small, nearly equal, smooth, ribs 18, smooth, rounded; in one valve the ribs are broader than the interstices; in the other, the reverse, the interstices, which are very narrow in the lower valve, are slightly striated. The colour is pale red, variegated with irregular bands and transverse lines of red and white. Macassar and China. 29. P. OBLITERATUS. (pl. xvi. f. 126.) Linn. Syst. Nat. x p. 1146. X T. sub-ovali, lævi, compressâ, internè striatâ, ad marginem dentatâ, utrinque hiante; auriculis æqualibus, obtusis; colore fulvo, marginibus purpurascentibus, fasciis rubris radiatim et concentricè picto. Long. 1. 80.; lat. 0. 40.; alt. 1. 90.; poll. The internal ribs, more numerous in this species than in the following, are visible externally through the semi- transparent substance of the shell. The lower valve is not white, though considerably lighter than the other. China. 30. P. PLEURONECTES. (pl. xvi. f. 127, 128, 135, 136.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1145. T. rotundatâ, sub-ovali, lævi, compressâ, utrinque hiante; auriculis æqualibus, obtusis ; internè costis duodecim, dupli- catis, vel viginti quatuor singulis ; interstitiis sub-striatis; colore valvæ sinistræ purpureo vel fulvo, vel fusco rubescente, fasciis medianis, radiatis, bi-lineatis ; valvæ dextræ albo. Long. 3. 5.; lat. 0. 60.; alt. ; 3. 15.; poll. Rounded, rather oval, smooth, flat, gaping on both sides; the auricles equal, blunt, with 12 pairs of lightly raised linear ribs within. The ground colour of the upper valve is pale greyish fawn, or dark mahogany brown, or purplish pink, lighter near the umbo, and radiated with bands of darker colour, corresponding to the pairs of ribs within, each band defined by a sharp line on either side. China. 31. P. JAPONICUS. (pl. xv. f. 109, 110.) Gmel. p. 3317. No. 8. 56 T. rotundatâ, lævi, sub-compressâ, utrinque valdè hiante ; auriculis æqualibus, obtusis, parvis; internè costis 22, dupli- catis, vel 44 singulis; colore valvæ sinistræ rubro, griseo, radiatim fasciato, fusco-rubescente concentricè fasciato, propè umbonem lineato; valvæ dextræ albo. Long. 5.; lat. 1. 20.; alt. 5. 20.; poll. Differing from P. Pleuronectes in having twice the number of internal ribs, in being rather rounder, and more gaping. The colour of the upper valve is dull red, with concentric lines and bands of a darker tint, with faint light rays. China and Japan. 32. P. LAURENTII. (pl. xvi. f. 137, 138.) Gmel. p. 3317. No. 7. T. sub-rotundatâ, ad latera sub-angulatâ, lævi; auriculis latis, rectangulatis, marginibus undulatis; valvâ sinistra sub-com- planatâ, lateribus elevatis, costis internis 47; valvâ dextrâ ventricosâ, ad latera subcompressâ, costis internis 41: colore valvæ superiorioris rubro-fuscescente, pallidè fulvo-radiato, albo-maculato; valvæ inferioris pallidè fulvo, fusco-radiato, umbone albo. Long. 3. 40.; lat. 0. 75.; alt. 3. 25.; poll. Rather rounded, with a rounded angle at each side, smooth; with wide straight auricles, slightly undulated at the margins; the upper valve rather flattened in the centre, and elevated at the sides, the lower valve correspondingly ventricose in the centre; there are about 47 internal ribs; the colour of the upper valve is of a reddish brown, faintly radiated with darker brown, speckled with white; the lower valve has a shade of pale fawn, from the centre to the margins, radiated with pale brown. China. 33. P. MAGELLANICUS. (pl. xvi. f. 122.) Gmel. p. 3317. No. 9. T. rotundatâ, sub-compressâ, utrinque hiante, striis nume- rosis scabris minutis radiatâ; auriculis striatis, latis, rectangu- latis; valvâ sinistrâ quam altera magis ventricosâ; colore valvæ sinistræ fusco; valvæ dextræ pallidè fulvo. Long. 3. 80.; lat. . 0. 90.; alt. 3. 80.; poll. Rounded, rather flat, gaping at both sides, radiated with numerous rough minute striæ ; the auricles striated, wide, rectangular; the upper valve more ventricose than the lower ; the colour of the upper valve is brown, that of the lower nearly white. This species, notwithstanding its name, does not come from Magellan but from Massachusets. 34. P. PSEUDAMUSIUM. (pl. xix. f. 211. 212. and pl. xx, f. 243.) Klein. Meth. Ost. 146. p. 134. 1. 9. f. 31. P. х 57 exoticus, Chemn t. 207. p. 2037, 2038. P. dispar ? Lam. Ostræa hybrida, Gmel. Dist. 1. 173. f. 10. T. rotundatâ, compressâ, lævi, vel radiatim minutissimè striatâ; auriculis planis, æqualibus; colore cinereo vel pallidè fulvo, maculis magnis fuscis. Long. 1, 30; lat. 0. 37; alt. 1, 30; poll. This is the true P. Pseudamusium of Klein, the P. Pseu- damusium of Chemnitz being only a variety of his P. Danicus. It varies from nearly smooth to being finely striated; though much smaller, it resembles P. Pleuronectes, &c. in general form and appearance. Gambia, Africa. 35. P. GREENI ANDICUS. (pl. xiii. f. 40.) nob. T. æquivalvi, orbiculari, sub-compressâ, sub-æquilaterali, pellucidẫ, tenuissimâ, lævi; auriculis parvis, obtusangulatis, anticis minoribus; valvâ dextrâ laminâ tenuissimâ, opacâ, indutâ. Long. 1; lat 0, 25; alt. 1; poll. This white transparent shell is brought from Greenland. We are indebted to Albany Hancock, Esq., of Newcastle, for the loan of the specimen figured. 36. P. LATI-AURATUS. (pl. xii. f. 20. 21.) Conrad. P. Mesotimeris, Conrad, inclusus ? T. obliquè sub-quadratâ, inæquilaterali, tenui, sub-com- planatâ; posticè attenuatâ, auriculis obliquis, costatis; um- bonibus anticè reclinentibus; costis duodecim rotundatis, lævibus; interstitiis concentricè striatis; colore fusco, albo fasciatim variegato. Variat aurantiaco. Long. 1; lat. 0, 30 ; alt. 1, 10; poll. Of a somewhat square shape, very oblique, inequilateral, thin, rather flat, posteriorly attenuated; auricles wide, oblique, costated ; umbones leaning considerably towards the anterior side of the shell; the ribs, twelve in number, are rounded and smooth; the interstices concentrically striated; the colour brown, variegated with zigzag marks of white; there is also a plain orange variety. California. 37. P. TUMIDUS. (pl. xiii. f. 27. 28. 29.) Turton. T. rotundatâ, sub-compressâ, parvâ, tenui, lævi; auriculis magnis, sub-æqualibus ; colore pallidè fulvo, rubro fulvoque radiatim maculato, vel albo, vel luteo. Long 0, 22; lat. 0, 8; alt. 0,22 poll. A small lenticular smooth species with large auricles. The colour is pale fawn, mottled with red and brown; there are also white and yellow varieties. Collection of A. Hancock Esq. Cullercoats, Great Britain. 38. P. ORBICULARIS. (pl. xx, f. 231. 232.) nob. T. rotundatâ, inæquivalvi, lævi, tenui, sub-æquilaterali ; G 58. a y و auriculis sub-æqualibus; valvâ sinistrâ ventricosâ; valvâ dextrâ sub-depressâ, auriculâ anticâ validissimè emarginatâ ; colore corneo, fusco variegato, intùs fusco purpurascente fasciato. Long. 0, 45; lat. 0, 17. alt. 0, 40. poll. Rounded, inequivalve, smooth, thin, nearly equilateral ; the auricles nearly equal; the upper valve ventricose; the lower valve rather depressed, with the anterior auricle widely emarginated; the colour of the upper valve is horny, with a broad sub-marginal band of purplish dark brown, and speckled with lighter brown; the lower valve is much lighter, and has only light brown speckles. British Museum. Co. of Africa. 39. P. HYALINUS. (pl. xiv.f. 66. 67.) Poli. t. 28. f. 6. T. rotundatâ, lævi, hyalina, sub-compressâ; lateribus sub-expansis; auriculis magnis, sub-æqualibus, acutangulatis, planis; colore corneo, rubro, fusco alboque radiatim maculato. Variat immaculato. Long. 1; lat. 0, 39; alt. 0, 95; poll. Rounded, smooth, glassy, nearly flat, rather expanded at the sides; auricles large in proportion to the shell; the colour is red, with small angulated marks of brown and white arranged in rays; in some varieties there are no spots. Mediterranean. 40. P. FLAGELLATUS. (pl. xiii. f. 41 to 43.) Lam. Anim. sans Vert. vi. p. 167. T. rotundatâ, sub-quadratâ, compressâ, tenui, pellucidâ, irregulariter costatâ vel striatâ; auriculis magnis, acutis ; colore corneo, ad latera et ad auriculas roseo vel luteo, fusco alboque angulatim minutè variegato, variat fusco-nigrescente. Long. 0. 75.; lat. 0. 16.; alt. 0. 70.; poll. Of a squarish round shape, thin, nearly transparent, irregu- larly ribbed or striated, that is, the striæ in some varieties nearly large enough to be called ribs; auricles large, with acute angles, the colour is horny, pinkish or yellowish at the sides and auricles, with minute angular marks of white and brown; and there is also a variety of a blackish brown. Mediterranean. 41. P. GLABER. (pl. xviii. f. 169 to 176.) Linn. according to Gmel. P. flavidulus, sulcatus, virgineus, griseus, virgo, Lam. Ostræa lutea? flavescens ? aurantia ? modesta ? depressâ ? Gmel. O. citrina, rustica, Poli. T. rotundatâ, sub-complanatâ, lævi vel radiatim striatâ ; margine expanso; auriculis sub-æqualibus, latis, acutangulatis; costis decem, rotundatis, paululum elevatis, propè margines evanidis, alternis minùs elevatis; colore vario. Long. 2. 10.; lat. 0, 65.; alt. 2. poll. 59 t Rounded, rather flattened, smooth or radiately striated; spreading at the sides, ears nearly equal, large, but narrowedatthe base; ribs 10, rather rounded, slightly raised near the umbones, flattened so as almost to disappear near the margin, the alternate ones much less elevated. The varieties are too numerous to describe particularly. In those which are variegated the markings are broad, angular and defined. Mediterranean. 42. P. PROTEUS. (pl. xiii. f. 53, 54 and pl. xiv. f. 83 and 84.) Solander. according to Dillwyn. Chemnitz. 207. f. 2042. P. discors,—-? T. sub-trigonâ, compressâ, sub-inæquivalvi, lævi; vel obsoletè striatâ: auriculis sub-æqualibus, sub-striatis, valvâ sinistrâ alterâ magis ventricosâ, margine alteram superante: costis latis, rotundatis quinque; valvâ dextrâ costis quatuor, latis, sub-duplicatis ; colore vario. Long. 1. 65.; lat. 0. 55 ; alt. 1.70; poll. In P. sulcatus there are 10 ribs nearly equal in size; in P. glaber 5 are large, and the 5 intermediate ones comparatively small; in this species which retains the general form, the intermediate 5 are wanting, but there are gradations between each. The varieties in colour are, plain orange; orange mottled ; plain purple ; purple mottled; yellow variegated and intermediate rays; and greyish, with beautiful zebra-like markings of brown. Adriatic. 43. P. SULCATUS. (p. xviii. f. 179. 180. 181.) Born. Mus. Cæs. pl. 6. f. 3. T. rotundatâ, sub-complanatâ, radiatim striatà ; auriculis sub- æqualibus, latis, acutangulatis; costis decem sulcatis, rotun- datis, elevatis, æqualibus; colore lacteo, fusco maculato, vel aurantiaco, vel fusco-nigricante. Long. 1. 30; lat. 0, 50; alt. 0. 20. poll. Rounded, rather flattened, radiately striated; auricles nearly equal, wide, rather narrow at the base; the ribs, ten in number, are sulcated, rounded, elevated, equal, equally raised through- out; the colour is nearly white, spotted with brown; there is a purple variety, and one of a blackish brown colour. The shell here described is unquestionably the true P. sulcatus of Born, though possibly P. sulcatus of Lamarck may be only one of the numerous varieties of P. glaber, from which this species differs not only in having the ribs equal, but in having them as much elevated at the margin as at the umbones. Mediterranean. 44. P. UNICOLOR. (pl. xii. f. 5. 6.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. p. 163. with grey 60 T. rotundatâ, sub-irregulari, inæquivalvi, sub-ventricosa, sub-lævi; auriculis sub-æqualibus, striatis; valvâ sinistrâ alterâ magis ventricosâ, margine alteram valvam superante; costis novem, rotundatis, sub-distantibus, sub-depressis; valvâ , dextrâ sub-complanatâ, costis minùs elevatis; colore auran- tiaco immaculato, vel pallidè roseo, fulvo concentricè fasciato. Long. 1, 70; lat. 0, 50; alt. 1,50; poll. Rounded, rather irregular, inequivalve, rather ventricose, nearly smooth ; the auricles nearly equal, striated; the upper valve more ventricose than the lower, overlapping it at the margin; ribs nine, rounded, rather distant and depressed ; right valve flattish, with less elevated ribs, the colour is plain orange, or a pale red, concentrically banded with light brown. Black Sea. 45. P. FLEXUOSUS. (pl. xix. f. 200 to 205.) Poli. P. Isabella, Lam. P. polymorphus, Jay. T. sub-equilaterali, fabellatim rotundatâ, plus minùsve ventricosâ, lævi vel obsoletè radiatim striatâ; marginibus plerumque inflexis; auriculis sub-equalibus, radiatis, rectis, acutangulatis, ad basin emarginatis : costis quinque, magnis, gradatim elevatis; et interdum quinque parvis intermediis : costis internis duplicatis, ad marginem dentatis : colore vario. Long. O. 80.; lat. 0. 40.; alt. 0. 75.; poll. Some varieties of this species are rather difficult to dis- tinguish from P. glaber, having smaller ribs between each of the five large elevated ones; the margins are generally inflected: the ribs on the under valve are broader, with a groove in the centre. Mediterranean. 46. P. UNDULATUS. (pl. xix. f. 206, 207.) nob. T. P. flexuoso simillimâ, sed lateribus magis expansis, margi- nibus angulatim inflexis, costis magis elevatis; colore, valvæ sinistræ rubro fulvescente, intus purpureo; valvæ dextræ albo, rubro tincto. Long. 1. 30.; lat. 0. 46.; alt. 1. 8. ; poll. The difference between this species and the last will be more easily recognizable from the figure than from the descrip- tion. It may be observed however that in P. undulatus the ribs are more widely divergent, much deeper, and slightly knobbed. The whole shell is radiately grooved, the colour of the upper valve is yellowish red outside and purple inside, that of the under valve is nearly white tinted with rose. Mediterranean? 47. P. CLAVATUS. (pl. xii. f. 14, 15.) Poli. Test. 1, 2. f. 17, Including P. inflexus, Poli. f. 4, 5? P. aspersus, Lam? T. rotundato sub-trigonâ, inæquivalvi, sub-æquilaterali de- 61 pressâ, minutissimè cancellatâ, umbonibus acuminatis, margine ventrali denticulato, plerumque inflexo; auriculis parvis, posticis minoribus; valvâ sinistrâ in medio paululum excavatâ, costis 5, magnis, elevatis, gradatim declinentibus, propè umbones angulatis, propè margimen inflatis; valvâ dextrâ sub- ventricosâ, costis 4 magnis, elevatis, latis, rotundatis; colore pallidissimè rufo, maculis rubris parvis, et fuscis radiatis vari- egato; valvæ dextræ albo. Long. 1. 10.; lat. 0. 35.; alt. 1. 20. poll. This shell differs from P. Danicus, in being much narrower, and more elongated towards the umbones; having the margins generally inflected, the ribs larger and deeper, and the upper valve concave. We believe P. flexuosus, figured in the same plate of Poli's work, to be a variety of this Mediterra- nean species. Sicily. 48. P. DANICUS. (pl. xii. f. 16. and pl. xvii. f. 187.) Chemn. Conch. 11. t. 207. f. 2043. Including P. Pseudam- usium, Chem. 7. t. 63. f. 601. 602. P. aspersus, Lam. Ostræa f hybrida, Gmel. T.compressâ, sub-circulari, subæquilaterali, lævi vel radiatim obsoletè striatâ; costis septem, latis, pauxillulùm elevatis, gradatim declinentibus, angulatis, prope marginem evanidis ; colore pallidè rubro, maculis rubris, parvis, numerosis, varie- gato, vel fusco, obsoletè maculato. Long. 1. 60.; lat. 0. 43. ; alt. 1. 60.; poll. A compressed, somewhat equilateral species. The general surface is smooth, obsoletely striated, with seven very slightly raised angular ribs, which are fainter near the margins. The colour is pale red, sprinkled with minute irregular spots of darker red. A variety occurs of a dull brown colour. Scotland, Denmark? 49. P. DISTANS. (pl. xiii. f. 46, and pl. xviii. f. 182.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. p. 169. T. sub-ovali, sub-compressâ, sub-æquilaterali, radiatim striatâ ; cardine oblique plicato ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, anticis ad basin emarginatis; costis decem, rotundatis, elevatis, crassis; colore griseo, maculis et fasciis fuscis, nigricantibus variegato; intùs fusco. intùs fusco. Long. 1. 54.; lat. 0. 61.; alt. 1.87.; poll. Rather oval, rather flattened, nearly equilateral, radiately striated; hinge obliquely plicated; auricles nearly equal, narrowed at the base; the ribs, 10 in number, are rounded, elevated and thick; the colour is a light cream, with bands and spots of a very dark brown, inside brown. Specimens 62 have been brought to this country by Mr. Cuming from Mindoro and Calapan, Philippines. Atlantic Ocean, Lam. 50. P. RASTELLUM. (pl. xiii. f. 30.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. p. 166. T. rotundatâ, compressâ; auriculis magnis, radiatim striatis, marginibus erecto-squamatis; costis novem, gradatim decli- nentibus, tribus medianis rotundatis, squamis minutis; late- ralibus angulatis, squamis rectis, acutis ; colore aurantiaco, costarum interstitiis angulatim fusco-maculatis, lateribus maculatis; vel albo, fusco maculato. Long. 1.40.; lat. 0. 40.; alt. 1. 25.; poll. A compressed, nearly equilateral species, with the auricles large, radiately striated, marginated at the base, with erect sharp scales on the edges. Ribs 9, gradually shelving down, the three centre ones rather large and rounded, with small triangular scales on the top; the lateral ones rather smaller and angulated; the scales on the extreme ones sharp and erect. This species is distinguished from P. squamatus, (figured in Reeve's “Conchologia Systematica” as P. Rastellum, Lam.) in being regular, and smooth, having the sides of the ribs undefined, aud the scales small in proportion. Our authority for the identity of this species is that of Delessert, who has figured several varieties in his work on the Lamarckian species. Mr. Norris's collection. “ Habite les Mers du Nord," Lam. 51. P. PICTUS. (pl. 20. f. 233.) nob. T. obliquè ovatâ, compressâ ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, mar- gine serrato, radiatim sulcatis, ad basin emarginatis; lateribus striatis; costis 13, triangulatis, elevatis, lævibus; interstitiis angustis, bi-sulcatis, crenatis : colore pallidè fulvo, fasciis et punctis et lineis rubris variegato; intùs albo; Long, 0. 80.; lat. 0. 25.; alt. 0. 85.; poll. Obliquely oval, flat, ears nearly equal, with the edge of that in the under valve, serrated ; radiately striated, emarginated at the base; at each side of the shell there is a small space slightly striated; ribs 13, square at top, with slanting sides; interstices narrow, defined by two small grooves, and crenu- lated; colour, dull white, with broad irregular bands, fine transverse lines, and spots of variegated red. Isle of Baicus. Mr. Cuming 52. P. SUPERBUS. (pl. xii. f. 11.) nob. T. sub-ovali, obliquâ, posticè expansâ, compressâ, crassa; auriculis parvis, obtusis; costis 23, crassis, rotundatis, lævibus, interstitiis angustis ; colore propè umbones roseo, propè mar- gines, pallidè luteo, fasciis rubris, præruptis,angulatis variegato. Long. 2. 40; lat. 0. 65.; alt. 2. 60.; poll. 63 9 A flat, solid, obliquely oval shell; the auricles small, obtuse; with 23 rounded smooth, thick ribs; general colour, pale straw, pale pink near the umbones, variegated with interrupted angular bands of brightish red. We have only seen one specimen of this magnificent shell which is in the collection of Mr. Cuming. 53. P. HISTRIONICUS. (pl. xx. f. 240.) Gmel. p. 3326. No. 54. T. obliquè sub-ovali, compressa, sub-æquivalvi; valvâ dextrâ magis ventricosâ, auriculis striatis, posticis minoribus, anticis ad basin emarginatis; costis valvæ sinistræ 15,rotundatis, lateribus serratis, tribus lateralibus; valvæ dextræ duodecim, centralibus lævibus, lateralibus serratis; colore albo, valvæ sinistræ costis alternis nigro, alternis rubro, maculatis. Long. 1. lat. 0. 18.; alt. 0. 21.; poll. A flat shell rather spread out at the sides, and slightly elon- gated at the posterior ventral margin ; the lower valve is slightly ventricose, and the upper valve flat; the 7 central ribs are broad, rounded, smooth on the top, and serrated at the edges; the 3 lateral ribs on each side are much narrower, and serrated across, those of the under valve being 12 in number, and the lateral ones only serrated: ground colour nearly white; some of the ribs of the upper valve spotted with red, the inter- mediate ones with black. Ceylon and Singapore. 54. P. RADULA. (pl. xvii. f. 154, 155.) Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1145. Ostrea maculosa ? Gmel. T. sub-trigonâ, crassâ, compressâ, scabrâ, radiatim sulcatâ, ad marginem posticè sub-elongatâ, ad latera sub-quadratâ auriculis sub-æqualibus, obtusis, ad basin emarginatis, rugosis, sulcatis, costis novem ad duodecim, elevatis, sub-quadratis, crassis, sulcatis, concentricè lyratim striatis ; interstitiis latis, sulcatis ; cardine obliquè plicato; colore pallidè luteo, nigro fuscoque maculato, vel fusco latè fasciato et maculato. Long. 3. 40.; lat. 0. 80.; alt. 3. 80.; poll. Rather trigonal, thick, rough, nearly equilateral, the posterior margin slightly produced, and the sides fattened, the auricles nearly equal, roughly ribbed; the ribs vary in number from nine to twelve, they are thick, elevated, rather square, radiately grooved, and concentrically striated; the interstices are of the same shape, inverted; hinge obliquely plicated; the ground colour is pale yellowish, spotted with brown or black, sometimes nearly covered with broad brown bands. Ceylon, 55. P. VELUTINUS. (pl. xiii. f. 31.) nob. T. sub-ovali, sub-compressâ, æquilaterali, radiatim leviter striatâ, ad marginem sub inflatâ; auriculis sub-æqualibus, 64 striatis, margine obliquè plicato: costis quinque, crassis, rotundatis, gradatim declinentibus; colore fulvo-rufescente, fasciis albis, angulatis, subtùs fusco-marginatis variegato, intûs albo. Long. 1. 15.; lat. 0. 37.; alt. 1. 25.; poll. Nearly oval, rather flat, equilateral, with fine radiating striæ, rather swelled at the margin; the auricles nearly equal, striated; hinge obliquely plicated; the ribs, 5 in number, rounded, shallow, of a dull fawn colour, variegated with angular bands of white, margined with brown. The whole surface of the shell has a somewhat velvety appearance. Macassar, Mr. Hinds. 56. P. NODULIFERUS. (pl. xiii. f. 38, 39 and pl. xvi. f. 94.) nob. T. sub-trigonâ, sub-compressâ, radiatim striatâ, æquivalvi ; auriculis radiatim sulcatis, anticis paululum majoribus ; cardine obliquè plicato; costis octo, crassis, rotundatis, nodulosis, internè ad marginem plicatis; colore rufo, intùs nebuloso, extùs angulatim maculato. Long. 1. 35.; lat. 0.50.; alt. 1. 46.; poll. Rather trigonal, rather compressed, radiately striated, equivalve; the auricles radiately sulcated, the anterior ones rather larger than the posterior; hinge obliquely plicated; the ribs, 8 in number, are thick, rounded, slightly knobbed, internally plicated at the margin; the colour is red, clouded inside, with defined angular spots outside. This species differs from P. corallinoides in being more angular and compressed, less spread at the sides, and having the nodules less distinct. Mr. Morris's collection. 57. P. SUBPLICATUS. (pl. xiii. f. 37, and pl. xiv. f. 72, 73, 81.) nob. T. æquivalvi, sub-trigonâ, sub-æquilaterali, depressâ, radia- tim striatâ; internè lævi, leviter undulatâ; auriculis magnis, striatis, posticis majoribus, sub-rectangulatis; cardine obliquè plicato; costis quinque, latis, vix elevatis, interstitiis latioribus; colore pallidè fulvo, fusco-nigrescente, angulatim variegato. Long. 1. 45.; lat. 0. 45; alt. 1. 57.; poll. Rather flat, nearly equilateral, and radiated with fine striæ; the auricles are broad, the posterior ones rather broader than the anterior; the hinge is obliquely plicated; the ribs, 5 in number, are slightly elevated; the ground colour is light cream, with broad angular patches of dark blackish brown, or , brick red; a great part of the inside is brown, particularly about the hinge. The obliquity of the plicæ on the hinge, the flatness of the shell, and the slight elevation of the ribs, serve to distinguish this species from P. Plica. Amboina. x 65 58. P. PLICA. (pl. 20. f. 237 to 239.) Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1145. T. rotundatâ, sub-trigonâ, ventricosâ, crassâ, radiatim striatâ, prope umbones complanatâ ; auriculis parvis, sub-æqualibus, obtusis, striatis, ad latera coarctatis : cardine plicato; costis tribus centralibus, crassis, rotundatis, et quatuor lateralibus minoribus, intùs dentato-plicatis; colore vario, plerumque maculis magnis fasciatim variegato, cardine fusco. Long. 1. 40.; lat. 0. 60.; alt. 1. 30.; poll. Of a rounded, trigonal form, ventricose, thick, radiately striated; the auricles small, nearly equal, blunt, striated, con- tracted at the sides ; hinge perpendicularly .plicated; there are 3 central ribs, and 2 on each side much smaller; the colour is various, generally a light ground variegated with large patches of a darker colour, the hinge nearly always brown. Nicobar. Ceylon. China. 59. P. CORALLINOIDES. (pl. xii. f. 3, 4.) D’Orb. Mollusc. p. 102. Ostræa vittata, sub-rotundata, Gmel. T. rotundatâ, ventricosâ, æquivalvi, radiatim striatâ, posticè productâ; auriculis sulcatis, obtusis, anticis majoribus, ad basin emarginatis, cardine obliquè plicato; costis decem, crassis, latis, paralellè nodosis, intùs dentato plicatis; colore rubro, nebuloso, costis alternis pallidioribus. Long. 2. 10.; lat. 1; alt. 1. 90.: poll. A rounded shell, with nodular ribs. Differing from P. nodosus in being much smaller when full grown, much more finely striated, more ventricose, and more spread at the sides, having the ribs equal, and the knobs less considerable. 60. P. MAGNIFICUS. (pl. xv. f. 114.) Sow. Zool. Proc. p. 109. 1835. “T. sub-æquivalvi, æquilaterali, auriculis inæqualibus, striis radiantibus, exiguis, numerosissimis, radiisque tredecim, crassiusculis, rotundatis, nonnunquam sub-nodosis, intùs albâ, purpureo marginatâ: long. 5. 5.; lat. 2.; alt. 5.5.; poll.” The colour is bright red. Mr. Cuming's collection. East Columbia. 61. P. SUB-NODOSUS. (pl. xv, f. 97. 112.) Sow. Zool. Proc. p. 109. 1835. “T. sub-æquivalvi, æquilaterali, auriculis inæqualibus, striis radiantibus, numerosissimus, radiisque decem, crassis, rotun- datis, alternatim nodoso-vesicularibus vel sub-nodosis, intùs plerumque purpureo signatâ. Long. 5. 25.; lat. 2. 75.; alt. 5.; poll. IL 66 Var. 1. Brownish red with white striæ, from California. Var. 2. Variegated with brown and white patches, from Isl. Plata, East Columbia. Var. 3. A more depressed shell, of a bright orange colour, from Tehuantepec Bay, Mexico. The examination of a number of specimens has led me rather to consider this proposed species as only presenting a variation of P. nodosus, in which the knobs are not so large or conspicuous. 62. P. NODOSUS. (pl. xv. f. 115 pl. xvii. f. 147.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1145, Ostr. decemradiata, Gmel? Pecten cor- allinus, D’Argenville. T. rotundatâ, ventricosâ, sub-æquilaterali, æquivalvi, radia- tim sulcatâ: auriculis inæqualibus, sulcatis; anticis majoribus, ad basin emarginatis : cardine plicato : costis novem, crassis, nodulos rotundos excavatos ferentibus, alternis minoribus; internè duplicatis, ad marginem dentatis : long. 5. 20; lat. 1. 50. ; alt. 5. poll. This well known species, which has large knobs on the ribs, is generally of a reddish brown colour, but it occurs also of a bright orange. The auricles are unequal, the hinge plicated and the whole surface roughly sulcated. Brazil and Isle of France. 63. P.MUSCOsus. (pl. xix. f. 225.) Wood Suppl. Ind. Test. T. sub-quadratâ, ventricosissimâ, æquilaterali, æquivalvi scabrâ; auriculis ianqualibus, elongato-acutis, scabroso- sulcatis, basin emarginatis, anticis longioribus; umbonibus prominentibus: costis 18 scabris, sub-angulatis, ad angula spinas breves rectas ferentibus; ad marginem dentatis: colore fusco rufescente, intùs fulvo. Long. 1. 20.; lat. 0. 80.; alt. 1. 30.; poll. Ventricose, equilateral, equivalve, rough ; with elongated, unequal ears, and 18 ribs, which have small, erect spines on their angles : colour reddish brown. The only two specimens we have seen are in Mr. Cuming's cabinet. 64. P. RUGOSUS. (pl. xix. f. 226.) Nobis. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. ovali, ventricosâ, crassâ, scabrâ, æquivalvi, sub-æqui- laterali: auriculis inæqualibus, scabroso-sulcatis; posticis minoribus; anticis basin emarginatis: costis 20, elevatis, squamis annulatis, angulis serratis. Interstitiis lævibus. Colore, pallidè fulvo, maculis obscuris, fuscis, variegato. Long. 1. 12.; lat. 0. 55.; alt. 1. 25.; poll. Oval, ventricose, thick, rough, equivalve, nearly equilateral, ears unequal, roughly grooved; ribs 20, elevated, undercut, with numerous small annulated scales, and serrated edges. 67 X X Interstices smooth. Ground colour pale yellowish, obscurely mottled with smoky brown. Bureas, Philippines. Mr. Cuming. 65. P. PES-FELIS.. (pl. xvii. f. 162. pl. xx. f. 234.) Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1146. Bornii, Payr. O. corallina, Poli. T. ovali-subtrigonâ, compressâ, scabrâ, radiatim sulcatâ, æquivalvi, sub-æquilaterali, crassâ; auriculis inæqualibus, nodoso-sulcatis: posticis parvis, anticis magnis: costis 8, crassis, latis, elevatis, sulcatis. Interstitiis latioribus, sulcatis. Colore, fusco-rubescente, fasciis nigris, et maculis albis varie- gato; variat purpureo. Long. 2.50.; lat. 0. 72.; alt. 2.90.; poll. A well known species from the Mediterranean and also from the Persian Gulf. 66. P. PARVUS. (pl. xx. f. 227-8.) G. B. Sowerby, Sen. . Zool. Proc. 1835. p. 110. T. subovatâ, depressiusculâ, sub-æquivalvi, æquilaterali, albicante: auriculis inæqualibus, graniferis: valvis radliatim costatis; costis 8, inæqualibus, transversim striatis: interstitiis radiatim sulcatis et transversim striatis : Long. 0. 75.; lat. 0. 25.; alt. 0. 80.; poll. “Found in coral sand on the reefs.” Lord Hood's Island. Mr. Cuming 67. P. IMBRICATUS. (pl. xiii. f. 32-3.) Gmel. p. 3318. No. 12. sauciatus Gmel. Chem. t. 69. f. H. T. sub-trigonâ, complanata, sub-lævi, sub-æquivalvi: auri- culis inæqualibus, complanatis, ad marginem nodosis: posticis parvis, obtusis: anticis magnis, acutis: valvâ sinistrâ com- planatâ: costis 9, rotundato sub-angulatis, tuberculatis, forni- citis, globosis ferentibus : alternis depressis : valvâ dextrâ, sub-ventricosâ, costis noduliferis æqualibus 10. Colore albo, roseo-maculato, costis alternis rubro maculatis, intus ad mar- ginem purpureo, medio luteo; nonnunquam occurrit purpureo immaculato. Long. 1. 35.; lat. tuberculis exclusis 0. 40; alt. 1. 55 ; poll. This flat trigonal species is remarkable for the hollow imbricated tubercles which are placed at nearly equal distances on 9 alternating ribs. I believe that the figure in Chemnitz referred to by Gmelim for P. sauciatus is only a variety of this species in the state most common in collections, having the knobs worn down. Red Sea. 68. P. RUBROMACULATUS. (pl. xiii. f. 34.) nob. T. ovali-subtrigonâ, æquivalvi, sub-æquilaterali, sub-com- pressa: auriculis inæqualibus, scabroso-sulcatis: posticis parvis; anticis magnis, costis 18, prope marginem squamosis, alternis depressis, minoribus, interstitiis læviter striatis: costis 68 a valvæ dextræ, numerosis, minutè squamosis, inæqualibus : colore sulphureo, costis alternis depressis, rubro maculatis. Long. 0. 92.; lat. 0. 30.; alt. 1.; poll . The only specimen of this shell with which we are ac- quainted is in the collection of the Rev. F.J. Stainforth. The ribs are scaly near the margin, the intermediate ones, which are more depressed, have spots of a deep red colour in the centre of the shell. 69. P. TIGRIS. (pl. xiv. f. 95-6.) Lam. Anim. sans Vert. T. sub-æquivalvi, obliquè sub-trigonâ, sub-complanatâ, sub- scabrosâ, internè validè costatâ; auriculis inæqualibus, sulcatis, posticis parvis, anticis acutangulatis; costis 11, valide sulcatis, supra sub-angulatis, lateralibus parvis; interstitiis sulcatis, latis: colore albo, supernè lutescentè, fasciis fuscis rufescen- tibus, angulatim maculato, intus luteo, cardine nigro, maculâ roseâ ad basin auriculæ anticæ in valvâ dextrâ. Long. 1. 40; lat. 0. 40; alt. 0. 60; poll. The right valve of this species is a little deeper than the left, contour somewhat oblique and lengthened posteriorly, having 11 longitudinally sulcated ribs, the lateral one on each side very slightly raised. The colour is nearly white, tinged with yellow, marked with tiger-like stripes of dark reddish brown, the inside is yellow with a black band on the hinge, and a pink spot at the base of the anterior auricle of the upper valve. . Indian Ocean, Lam.Isle Masbate, Philippines, Mr.Cuming. 70. P. MADREPORARUM. (pl. xiv. f. 68.) Petit. T. obliquè ovatâ, compressâ, irregulari, radiatim striatâ : auriculis inæqualibus, anticis magnis, posticis parvis: costis 7 obsoletis, distantibus : colore albo, nigro maculato. Long 0. 66.; lat. 0. 10.; alt. 0. 80.; poll. This small, white, flat, oval, black-spotted shell is found in holes of Madrepore. It is from the Red Sea. 71. P. TEGULA. (pl. xiv. f. 90.) Wood's Index. T. sub-quadratâ, irregulari, sub-æquivalvi, compressâ, folia- ceâ; auriculis inæqualibus, anticis maximis, valvæ dextræ anticâ validissimè emarginatâ ; costis, valvæ sinistræ, 9 ad 13 crassis, irregularibus, inæqualibus; squamas crassas, sub- quadratas, ferentibus: interstitiis irregulariter radiatim sul- catis ; costis, valvæ dextræ, numerosis, squamiferis: colore, fusco, paululum variegato. Long. 2. 85.; lat. 0. 90.; alt, 3. 20.; poll. More irregular and more spreading at the sides than the following, with the ribs fewer and thicker; the scales thicker and more square, and the anterior auricles much broader. Japan. a 1 69 Х 72. P. LIVIDUS. (pl. xiii. f. 61. pl. xiv. f. 89 et 91.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. p. 178. P. sulphureo, Lam. et Ost. Tegulo. Wood. inclusis. T. irregulari, sub-ovali, sub-æquivalvi, compressâ, foliaceâ; auriculis inæqualibus, magnis, anticis majoribus, valvæ dextræ, anticâ validissimè emarginatâ ; costis 16 ad 20, inæqualibus vix elevatis, squamas numerosas, acutas ferentibus; interstitiis irregulariter radiatim sulcatis: colore, fusco variegato, squa- mis luteis vel albis; variat fusco paululum variegato, squamis ferè obsoletis; variat quoque sulphureo. Long. 2. 5.; lat. 0. 70; alt. 2. 25 ; poll. An irregular, compressed, foliaceus species, with 16 to 20 irregular, unequal ribs, having numerous thin scales which are nearly obsolete in some varieties; the ribs of the lower valve are more numerous. The general colour is variegated purplish brown, with the scales white or yellow; there is a variety scarcely mottled, and another of an uniform sulphureous tint. Red Sea and Japan. 73. P. SQUAMOSUS. (pl. xiii. f. 48, 49, 50. pl. xiv. f. 88, 92, 93.) Gmel. O. anonyma, Lam, et P. hybridus, Lam. inclu- sis, O. hybrida, Gmel. exclusâ. P. arausicanus, Chemn. T. irregulari, sub-ovali, sub-æquivalvi, complanatâ, foliaceâ; auriculis inæqualibus, magnis, anticis majoribus, valvæ dextræ anticâ validissimè emarginatâ ; costis 12 ad 18, ferè obsoletis, squamiferis, ad umbones evanidis, valvæ dextræ numerosis, paululum angulatis; colore vario, aliquando propè umbones albo fulgurato. Long. 1. 85.; lat. 0. 50.; alt. 2. 10.; poll. The figure in Lister referred to by Gmelin, leaves no doubt of the identity of this species, which is remarkable among the irregular foliaceus group, for a peculiar flatness, particu- larly at the umbones. The varieties are numerous, many of them being marked with fine zigzag lines of white. Northern Ocean. And also brought from the Philippines by Mr. Cuming. 74. P. SERRATUS. (pl. xiii. f. 56.) nob. T. obliquè ovali, irregulari, posticè sub-productâ, sub-com- pressâ, auriculis inæqualibus, posticis minoribus, costis nume- rosis, minutissimè squamiferis; colore sulphureo, maculis magnis, fuscis, variegato, intus ad marginem purpureo. Long. 1. 20.; lat. 0. 50; alt. 1. 40; poll. More ventricose, more oblique, with the auricles smaller and the scales more minute than P. squamosus. Brought from the Philippine Islands by Mr. Cuming. 75. P. IRREGULARIS. (pl. xiii. f. 51-2.) nob. T. obliquè ovatâ, irregulari, sub-æquivalvi ; auriculis in- 7 X 70 æqualibus, scabroso-sulcatis, posticis parvis, obtusis; anticis magnis, acutis; costis numerosis, parvis, scabris, sub-angulatis; colore, miniaceo, radiis septem, albo purpureoque maculatis : umbonibus albis, purpureo,rubroque maculatis: vâriat purpureo, nigro maculato. Long 1, 20, lat 0,42; alt 1, 45.; poll. A rather flat, obliquely-oval, irregular species, with unequal auricles and numerous serrated close set ribs. The under valve is rather more ventricose than the upper. The colour is scarlet with seven rays of interrupted white, mottled with purple; near the umbones the shell is white, mottled with purple. Collection of the Rev. F. J. Stainforth. Mr. Sowerby has a purple variety. 76. P. SQUAMATUS. (pl. xiii. f. 57, 58.) Gmel. p. 3329. Lister. Conch. t. 183. f. 20. T. rotundato-sub-trigonâ compressâ, irregulariter sub-æqui- valvi; valvâ sinistrâ paululùm convexiori; auriculis magnis, costatis, aculeato-squamiferis, anticâ latâ, sub-acutangulatâ; costis alterius valvæ quinque ad septem, latis, lævibus, rotun- datis, aculeato-squamiferis, irregularibus, quindecim minoribus, interstitialibus, interstitiis minutissime punctatis, alterius cos- tis irregularibus, squamiferis, inæqualibus; colore brunneo- rufescente, costis magnis squamiferis rubris; variat testâ albâ. Long. 1. 75.; lat. 0. 50.; alt. 1. 85.; poll. A smooth fiattish shell, with from 5 to 7 broad ribs, with large elevated scales, the intervals being filled up with several narrow ribs in each. The ground colour is dull clouded brown, relieving the principal rils, which are red. An inspection of the figure in Lister, referiel to by Gmelin, will remove all doubts as to the identity of our shell, which has been erroneously figured in Reeve's “ Conchologia Systema- tica,” as Rastellum, Lam. The white variety is figured by favour of Miss Saul. 77. P. BRUEII. (pl. xx. f. 241, 242.) Payr. Moll. p. 78. pl. 2. f. 10, 11. “P. testâ sub-rotundatâ, æquivalvi, sub-æquilaterâ, flavâ; radiis valvæ superioris variis, alternis minoribus, in longum lineatis et tenuiter squamosis; radiis valvæ inferioris binis, etiam lineatis et papillosis; auriculâ alterâ minimâ; novem ad undecim lineas lata." “Hab. les Golfes de Sagone, d’Ajaccio, de Valineo, de Porto Vecchio,. . . . . . Peu abondant.” The rays of the upper valve alternate irregularly in size, they are slightly annulose or papillary; those of the lower are also irregular and papillary, but are disposed in pairs. The 71 shell, which is sub-trigonal, flat and irregular, bears some resemblance to P. Pusio, but the ribs are much larger and more rugose. Corsica. 78. P. ACULEATUS. (pl. xiii. f. 47.) Jefferys Conchological Magazine. P. vitreus, Var. Chemn. t. 67. f. 637. b. T. æquivalvi, sub-ovali, tenui, radiatim striatâ, striis punctis elevatis, minutè aculeatis ; auriculis inæqualibus: posticâ parvâ, anticâ magnâ, alterius valvæ, validè emarginatâ; colore pallidè luteo, rubro-nebulato. Long. 0. 80.; lat. 0. 20.; alt. 0.90.; poll. The specimen from which our figure is taken was found in breaking up a mass of a British species of Serpula. It is identical with the shell figured by Chemnitz in association with, and as a variety of, his P. vitreus, which however, according to his own statement, is quite distinct. Great Britain. 79. P. VITREUS. (pl. xiv. f. 86-7.) Chemn. t. 67. f. 637. a. T. parvâ, compressâ, æquivalvi, sub-æquilaterali, radiatim striatâ, albâ, griseo-punctatâ; auriculis latis, sub-æqualibus. Long. 0. 40.; lat. 0. 10.; alt. 0. 50.; poll. The small shell here figured, which was brought by Mr. Cuming from Sorsogon, resembles the figure given by Chemnitz t. 67. f.637, a. for the first variety of his P. vitreus. which, from the description, as well as from the figure, differs entirely from the shell figured as a second variety, the P. aculeatus of Jefferys. 80. P. CORNEUS. (pl. xiii. f. 44-5. pl. xx. f. 244-5.) nobis. T. pellucidâ, tenui, æquivalvi, rotundato-ovali, obliquè sub- æquilaterali; auriculis inæqualibus, costatis, ad basin striatis, posticâ parvâ, anticâ magnâ, costis lævibus, indistinctis, planulatis, numerosis, interstitiis concentricè minutissimè striatis. Long. 0. 47.; lat. 0. 25.; alt. 0. 52.; poll. A light transparent species, of a horny colour and texture : the anterior auricles are much larger than the posterior, the ribs are irregular, very slightly raised, flattened and smooth: the interstices are very finely striated across. the shell is radiated by several bands of brown. Magellan. 81. P. OBSOLETUS. (pl. xiv. f. 74, 75, 79.) Pennant. Brit. Zool. t. 61. f. 66. Tigerinus, Müller. domesticus, Chemn. T. ovali sub-trigonâ sub-ventricosâ, æquivalvi, sub-æqui- laterali, lævi vel obsoleté striatâ, auriculis valdè inæqualibus, posticis minimis, anticis magnis, sulcatis; colore, valdè vario, plerumque maculis purpureis, albis, luteisque variegato. Long. 0. 84. ; lat. 0. 30. alt. O. 90.; poll. Oval, inclining to triangular, nearly equilateral, æquivalve, a. When young 72 radiately striated or nearly smooth, with the auricles very unequal; the posterior being very smooth. The colouring is various, most commonly consisting of large spots of purple and white upon a ground of light purple or yellow. Great Britain. 82. P. HASTATUS. (pl. xx. f. 236.) nob. T. ovali subtrigonâ, subelongatâ, scabrâ; auriculis in- æqualibus, posticis minimis, anticis magnis, scabroso-sulcatis : valvâ sinistrâ, costis 8, inæqualibus, valdè elevatis, angulatis; spinas numerosas, erectas, subcrispatas ferentibus. costis interstitialibus numerosis, inæqualibus, serratis: valvâ dextrâ, costis 22, angulatis, spinosis; colore rubro, intus albo. Long. 0, 95.; lat. 0. 30.; alt. 1, 15.; poll. Oval, inclining to triangular, rather elongated, rough ; with very unequal ears, the posterior ones being very small; the upper valve has eight unequal, elevated, angular ribs, with numerous erect, slightly curved, sharp spines, and several smaller spinose ribs in the interstices. The lower valve has 22 more nearly equal ribs with more numerous and smaller spines on the angles. The only specimen we have seen is in the collection of the Rev. F. J. Stainforth. 83. P. PUSIO. (pl. xiv. f. 62, 3, 4, 5,) Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1146: palliolum Chem. T. ovali, subæquivalvi, inæquilaterali, subirregulari, radi- atim scabroso-sulcatâ, sulcis in valvâ dextrâ, duplicatis : auriculis inæqualibus, posticis minimus, anticis magnis, ad basin emarginatis, scabroso-sulcatis ; colore vario, plerumque variegatâ. Long. 0. 80.; lat. 0.95.; alt. 1.; poll. The above name has been erroneonsly applied to the ir- regular attached shell properly called Hinnites sinuosus. The shells are somewhat similar in their young state. This species has numerous small rough ribs which are doubled in the lower valve. Mediterranean. 84. P. ORNATUS. (pl. xiv. f. 77, 78, 80.) Lam. Anim. sans Vert. vi. p. 176. T. ovali subtrigonâ, compressâ, æquivalvi, scabrâ: auri- culis inæqualibus, posticis minimis, anticis magnis, acutis, sulcatis ; costis valvæ sinistræ numerosis inæqualibus, alter- natim majoribas-valvæ dextræ, duplicatis. Interstitiis scabris; colore pallidissimè fulvo, maculis elongatis, undulatis, fas- ciatim variegato, plerumque costis tribus, albis; occurrit etiam, rubro, prope umbones solum maculato. Long. 0. 93. ; lat. 0.30.; alt. 1. 10.; poll. Oval, nearly triangular, rather flat, equivalve; auricles ; unequal, the posterior extremely small : the ribs of the upper 73 valve are numerous, unequal, rather undercut, crenulated, the alternate ones most prominent : those in the under valve are doubled. The colour is nearly white, variegated with undulating banded patches of deep red; these patches are generally interrupted by three of the ribs being white; a variety occurs in which the dark red is spread nearly over the entire surface of the shell. Atlantic Ocean. 85. P. ALBOLINEATUS. (pl. xiv. f. 69.) nob. Zool. Proc. 1942. T. ovali subtrigonâ, compressâ, æquivalvi ; auriculis in- æqualibus, posticis minimis, anticis magnis, acutis, sulcatis : costis numerosissimis, æqualibus, subquadratis. Interstitiis lævibus. Colore palidissime; luteo valvæ dextræ, costis griseo maculatis, valvæ sinistræ, costis griseis, lineis albis interruptis, costis tribus albis. Long. 0. 93.; lat. 0. 25.; alt. 1. 19; poll. Differing from P. ornatus in having the ribs more numer- ous and more equal in both valves. The shell is nearly white, with grey spots on the under valve, and in the upper valve, the tops of all the ribs, excepting three, are grey, the spaces between the white ribs being crossed by narrow lines of white. Brought by Mr. Cuming, from Guimaras, Philip- pines. 86. P. SANGUINOLENTUS. (pl. xiii. f. 59.) Gmel. p. 3322. No. 41. T. ovali subtrigonâ, scabrâ, subæquivalvi, suhæquilaterali ; auriculis inæqualibus, noduloso-sulcatis, acutis, posticis mi- noribus; costis 9, crassis, valdè elevatis, subquadratis, nodu- loso-sulcatis, lateribus serratis. Interstitiis magnis, noduloso- sulcatis : cardine obliquè plicato. Colore albo, roseo-tincto, suprà costas fasciis rubris, latis, distantibus, variegato. Long. 1. 60.; lat. 0. 50.; alt. 1. 75.; poll. This species bears some resemblance to P. Pallium, but it is more triangular in form, and the ribs are fewer, much more deeply undercut, and more elevated; the angles of the ears are much more acute. RED SEA. 87. P. PALLIUM. (pl. xvii. f.148—150. pl. xviii . f. 167— 68.) Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1145. O. regia, Gmel. T. Subrotundatâ, compressâ, æquivalvi, subæquilaterali : auriculis inæqualibus, noduloso-sulcatis : costis 14 ad 16, tri- partitis, elevatis, crassis, subquadratis, concentricè squamatis, squamis plerumque tripartitis, imbricatis, numerosis, tenuis; interstitiis squamoso-sulcatis; intus ad marginem dentatis. Colore albo, purpureofasciatim maculato; intusalbo, marginibus I Х 74 p. 3328. aurantiacis; variat aurantiaco, albo-maculato, atque purpureo. Long. 3. 5.; lat. 0. 92.; alt. 3. 5.; poll. This well-known species is remarkable for the three rows of thin, sharp, scales upon each rib. South Seas. 88. P. SPINIFERUS. (pl. xx. f. 229, 230.) G. B. Sowerby, Senr. Zool. Proc. 1835. 110. P. pulcherrimus, Gray, Beechey's Appendix. “T. subovatâ, depressiusculâ, subæquivalvi, æquilaterali, auriculis inæqualibus, sinistrâ majore; valvis radiatim costatis, costis utriusque valvæ novem, latis, squamuliferis, squamulis fimbriatis ; valvæ alterius marginibus dorsali, antico, posticoque spiniferis. Long. 0. 9. lat. 0. 25. alt. 0. 9." A richly sculptured little species, from Lord Hood's Island. 89. P. TRANQUEBARICUS. (pl. xii. f. 12, 13.) Gmel. T. ovali-subtrigonâ, ventricosâ, æquivalvi, æquilaterali, crassâ: auriculis inæqualibus sulcatis ; posticis mediocribus, rectis; anticis majoribus, acutis : costis 18, sublævibus, ele- vatis, subquadratis, lateribus minutissimè serratis : colore pallidissimè fulvo, maculis magnis fuscis irregulariter fasci- atim variegato; vel aurantiaco, immaculato. Long. 1. 35; lat. 0. 60.; alt. 1. 40. Somewhat triangular, ventricose, equivalve, equilateral, thick: with unequal ears, the anterior large; ribs 18, smooth on the tops, very finely striated at the sides. The usual colour is nearly white, with large, defined, brown patches. An orange variety is not uncommon. Tranquebar. 90. P. SINGAPORINUS (pl. xiii. f. 55. pl. xiv. f. 71.) nob. T. rotundato sub-trigonâ, sub-compressâ, æquivalvi, æqui- o laterali, sub-tenui ; auriculis inæqualibus; anticis magnis; costis 24, elevatis, sub-quadratis, lævibus: colore albo pallidè roseo tincto radiis 4, latis, fusco lineatis; propè umbones griseo maculato. Long. 1. 30.; lat. 0. 40.; alt. 1. 30. Differing from the preceding in being more depressed, and rounded, and having a much greater number of less elevated ribs; the auricles, although unequal, are less disproportionate. Var. f. 55. Mr. Norris's collection; Var. f. 71, Mr. Cuming, Singapore. 91. P. SENATORIUS (pl. xvii. f. 151 and pl. xviii. f. 188 to 192.) Gmel. p. 3327. ostræa porphyria ? citrina? aculeata ? Gmel. P. florens, Lam. (f. 188) P. aurantius, Lam. P. ovali sub-trigonâ, sub-depressâ, æquivalvi, sub-lævi; latere postico paululùm expanso : auriculis inæqualibus ; scabroso-sulcatis; posticis plerumque obtusis; anticis elongatis, 7 75 - ad basin emarginatis; costis 20 ad 24 sub-elevatis, lævibus vel minutè serratis, squamis annulatis, ad latera numerosis; colore vario. Long. 1.85.; lat. 0. 70.; alt. 2.; poll. Oval, rather triangular, rather depressed, equivalve; with the posterior side more expanded than the anterior ; auricles very unequal, the anterior being generally much produced ; ribs 20 to 24 slightly elevated, round on the tops and either smooth or very finely serrated, with annulated scales, which are generally obsolete towards the centre of the shell. The author having laid together some 50 specimens of this species, all of which differed from each other in some degree, found that although the extreme varieties, such as f. 151 were scarcely recognizable as belonging to the same species, the intermediate gradations were so minute as to render it impos- sible to divide them. Indies, Molluccas; var. f. 151. Red Sea. 92. P. CRASSICOSTATUS. (pl. xv. f. 111. pl. xvii. f. 152.) nob. T. sub-rotundatâ, crassa, sub-æquilaterali, sub-lævi; auriculis inæqualibus, costas squamiferas ferentibus : costis 24 crassis, elevatis, sub-quadratis, annulatis, lateralibus squamiferis. Interstitiis ferè lævibus, colore pallidè purpureo, vel aurantiaco, intus albo. Long. 4. 50.; lat. 1. 50.; alt. 4. 30. ; poll. The ribs of this species are much more square and elevated than those of P. senatorius, it is also a thicker and larger shell. Locality unknown. 93. P. ICELANDICUS. (pl. xvii. f. 159, 160, 161.) Chemn. 7. to 65. f. 615. 616. Ostr. Cinnabavina. Dillwyn. T. ovali, sub-compressâ; sub-æquivalvi, sub-æquilaterali , tenui, posticè paululùm expansâ; auriculis inæqualibus, scabroso-sulcatis; anticis magnis : costis numerosissimis, inæqualibus, minutè serratis ; colore aurantiaco, concentricè fasciato ; vel albo, vel purpureo concentricè et radiatim fasciato. Long. 3.; lat. 1. 20.; alt. 3. 25.; poll. A well known oval, nearly equilateral, equivalv eshell, with unequal auricles and numerous irregular, unequal, serrated, narrow ribs, which are grouped together in twos, threes and fours. Northern Ocean. 94. P. ASPERRIMUS. (pl. xvii. f. 156, 157, 158.) Lam. Anim. s. vert. vi. P. rotundato sub-ovali, ventricosâ, tenui, æquivalvi, inæquilaterali, scabroso-sulcatâ posticè sub-expansâ: auriculis inæqualibus, scabroso-sulcatis : costis 25, angulatis, ad latera serratis, ad angulum erecto-squamosis : interstitiis nullis X p. 174. 76 colore fusco-rubescente, vel purpureo, vel aurantiaco. Long. 3. 10.; lat. 1. 10.; alt. 3. 20.; poll. Rounded, oval, oblique, ventricose, thin, equivalve; with unequal sulcated auricles; ribs 25, angular, serrated at the sides and having small, regular, erect, scales. The colour of the most common variety is reddish brown; while some specimens are orange red and others purple. Found in sponge. New Holland. 95. P. AUSTRALIS. (pl. xix. f. 210, 220.) nob. T. sub-ovali, ventricosâ, crassiusculâ, æquivalvi, inæqui- laterali, posticè sub-expansâ : auriculis inæqualibus, scabroso- sulcatis ; costis 23 crassis, sub-angulatis, trifariam divisis, lateribus serratis, angulis squamatis; interstitiis planis. Long. 1. 45. ; lat. 0. 55.; alt. 1. 50.; poll. The shell is thicker and rounder than P. asperrimus, with fewer and less angular ribs and flat interstices. The ribs are composed of two rows of small, sharp points and a central ridge with scales. Swan River. 96. P. VARIUS. (pl. xix. f. 214. 218.) Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1146. Ostr. muricata, punctata, mustellina, violacea, tenuis, versicolor (f. 216), incarnata, media, ochreoleuca, flammea, Gmel. T. sub-ovali, tenui, sub-irregulari, valvâ sinistrâ paululum majori, umbonibus angustis ventricosis: auriculis valdè inæqualibus; muricato-sulcatis: posticis parvis, obtusis; anticis magnis, acutis; dextræ valvæ anticâ longitudine alteram superante, margine valde inflexâ et squamatâ, ad basin valdè emarginatâ ; costis 27 ad 30, sub-quadratis distantibus, squamas erectas, acutas, distanter ferentibus : interstitiis latioribus, colore vario. Long. 2.; lat. 0. 75.; alt. 2. 25.; poll. Rather oval, lengthened, thin, not quite regular, with the under valve rather smaller than the upper, which is slightly ventricose near the umbones: the anterior auricles are much elongated, that of the upper valve considerably overlapping the other at the margin, with the sinus very large : ribs from 20 to 30, muricated by distant, erect, sharp scales, the interstices smooth, rather wider than the ribs. Some varieties are considerably smoother than others, with a greater number of ribs. The variations in colour are numerous. In the variegated varieties the white patches have an angulated character. Great Britain and Mediterranean. 97. P. SPLENDIDULUS (pl. xx. f. 246.) nob. T. ovali, sub-trigonâ, tenui, compressâ, ad latera angulatâ ; 77 auriculis valdè inæqualibus, squamoso-sulcatis, complanatis ; anticis latis, elongatis; sinu magno: costis 25, concinnis, sub- distantibus, rotundato sub-quadratis, squamas, distantes, erectas, acutas ferentibus : colore rubro, maculis albis elongatis, ad auricula et ad latera fasciatim variegato. Long. 1. 20.; lat. 0. 35.; alt. 1. 35.; poll. A more compressed, regular, and neat shell than P. varius. In the collection of Mr. Cuming. Singapore. 98. P. SANGUINEUS (pl. xix. f. 221-2) Linn. according to Gmelin. T. ovali, sub-compressâ, regulari, æquivalvi, sub-æquilaterali; auriculis inæqualibus, muricato-sulcatis, marginibus elevatis ; anticis elongatis ; costis 25, crassis, sub-angulatis, squamas, mumerosas, erectas, angulatas, parvas, ferentibus, margine dentatis ; interstitiis angustis, planis; colore rubro, sanguineo, albo-variegato seu griseo, albo nigroque variegato; intus fulvo. Long. 1. 70.; lat. 0. 60.; alt. 1. 95.; poll. The author cannot doubt the identity of the red variety of this species, with the figure quoted by Gmelin. The dark variety, which is variegated black and white, is new to our collectors, Mr. Cuming having brought a number of speci- mens from the Philippine Islands. The ribs are angular, and much thicker than in P. varius, and the interstices are nar- rower than the ribs. 99. P. MINIACEUS (pl. xx. f. 247.) Lam. Anim. sans vert. vol. vi. p. 67 T. ovali, compressâ, subæquivalvi; auriculis inæqualibus, minutè scabroso-sulcatis : costis 30, rotundatis, annulatis, ad latera minutissimè serratis; interstitiis planis. Colore miniaceo, maculis albis, undulatis variegato, costis infra maculos minutè concentricè lineatis. Long. 0.90; lat. 0. 32; alt. 1. 05; poll. A small oval species, with unequal auricles, and 30 ribs which are minutely serrated at the sides, and annulated by obliterated scales. The colour is red, variegated by white undulating patches, beneath which the ribs are crossed by minute concentric lines. Mr. Cuming's Cabinet. 100. P. NIVEUS. (pl. xix. f. 223-4.) ? T. ovali, sub-tenui, ventricosâ, valvâ sinistrâ paululum majori ; auriculis inæqualibus, anticis majusculis : costis 40. lævibus, quadratis; spinas distantes, erectas, acutas ferentibus: interstitiis planis. Colore albo (nonnunquam occurrit rubro angulatim variegato ?) Long. 1. 50; lat. O. 60.; alt. 1. 70.; poll. 78 More regular, more oval and more ventricose than P. varius, with the anterior auricles smaller in proportion, and 40 muri- cated ribs instead of 25 or 30. It is a white British shell, the coloured variety (fig. 223) is more like P. varius, but has the same number of ribs as this species. Great Britain. 101. P. PSEUDOLIMA. (pl. xx. f. 235.) nob. T. rotundato-ovali, sub-obliquâ, sul-æquivalvi, ventricosâ ; auriculis inæqualibus, squamoso-sulcatis; anticis elongatis, acutis, valvæ dextræ, ad marginem spinosis; posticis parvis obtusis; costis 27, crassiusculis, bi-sulcatis, sub-rotundatis, series tres squamarum, acutarum ferentibus : interstitiis angustis, planis : colore aurantiaco, albo (precipuè ad umbones) variegato. Long. 1. 15.; lat. 0. 50.; alt. 1. 20.; ) poll. The ribs in this species are beautifully ornamented by three rows of close, sharp, erect, slightly curved scales. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Jacna, Bohol, Philippines. DOUBTFUL SPECIES, NOT MENTIONED ABOVE. Linnæus. Ostr. striatula, minutæ, pellucens, flavicans. Gmelin. Ostr. elegans, rosea, tenuis (Gault. t. 17. f. 3.) cre- nata, (Lister. t. 170. f. 7.) pusilla (Gault. t. 74. 1. a. a.) triradiata (Müller. Zool. Dan. 2. t. 160. f. 12.-P. dandi- cus? Chemn.) Fuci (Müll. Zool. Dan. 2. t. 60. f. 3. to 5.) septemradiata, arata, crenulata (Radula ?) innominata, subrufa, valentina, (Valent. Abb. t. 13. f. 2.) seminuda (Knorr. Vergn. 6. t. 19. f. 4.). Chemnitz. Pect. vitreum. Conch. t. 67. f. 638. 1. A. B. C. (The two latter are quite distinct.) aculeatus (Jeffreys). Born. Ostr. elongata, t. 6. f. 2. perhaps a small pes felis. Poli. Ostr. nebulosa, t. 2. f. 12. multistriata, t. 28. f. 14. Pennant. Ostr. lævis, pl. 64. f. 3. Gray. Pect. vitreus. App. Parry's Voyage (hyalinus ?). Lamarck. Pect. lineolaris, Anim. sans Vert. p. 166. Dela- sueur. pl. 15. f. 3. a. b. flabellatus, p. 172. dispar., p. 173. (obsoletus ?) quadriradiatus, p. 173. hexactes, p. 178. Conrad. Pect. obliquatus. Philippi. Ostr. testæ. Payradeau. Pect. Dumasii, (inflexus, clavata, Poli.) 79 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS HINNITES. Char. Gen. Molluscum accephalopodum monomyarium. Testâ ad hærente, bivalvi, inæquivalvi, irregulari, biauricu- latâ : cardine recto, foveolâ trigonâ, centrali, cartilaginem reci- piente; ligamento linearo, umbonibus contiguis. Obs. The alledged difference between this genus and Pecten, consists in the disputed fact, that the shells of this genus are attached to submarine substances by the surface of the lower valve, and therefore, in giving the characters as above, I have used the word ' adherente in opposition to the term libera, which is applied to the genus Pecten, because if the genus is to be adopted, that will be its dis- tinction. At the same time, however, I am rather inclined to entertain the opinion expressed by G. B. Sowerby, Senr. (Zool. Journ.) that the Hinnites as well as the Pectines, are provided with a byssus; but that, in the case of the former, the shell growing in a confined situation, “ becomes pressed close to, and takes the shape of the substances to which it adheres, and the extremely rare occurrence of an opportunity of observing its byssus may have given rise to the idea of its being adherent by its outer surface to those substances." DESCRIPTIONS. 1. H. SINUOSUS (pl. xx. f. 1, 2, 3.) Pecten pusio, distor- tus, nonnull. T. oblongâ, tenui, confertim radiatim striatâ, striis scabris ; auriculis inæqualibus, radiatim scabris: valvâ dextrâ prope marginem ventralem plerumque irregulariter depressâ, politâ. Shell oblong, thin, closely striated, striæ radiating, sca- brous ; ears unequal, with scabrous radiated striæ; outside 80 of the lower valve, particularly the ventral margin, generally flattened and smooth. In its young state this shell is quite regular, but becomes increasingly irregular with age. Great Britain. 2. H. GIGANTEUS (pl. xx. f. 3. 4. 5.) Hinnita gigantea, Gray in Ann. of Philos. Aug. 1826. Lima gigantea. Id. in loc. cit. “T. oblongâ, extus pallidè brunneâ confertim radiato-sul- catâ, extus albâ, margine cardinali purpureâ; Long. 4.; alt. 5. poll.” “Irregularly oval, thick, radiately striated, with the ears small, narrow, hinge thick; colour pale brown, with reddish radiating streaks, inside white, hinge purple.” 3. H. CORALLINUS. “T. valdè irregulari, extus corallino-rubrâ, valvâ superiore radiatim costellâ, costellis muricato-subasperis : intus pallidé sub-fuscâ, marginibus basalibus sordidè purpureis; long. et alt. subæqualibus." “Shell very irregular, outside of a fine coral red, upper valve with small radiating ribs, here and there muricated; inside pale subfuscous, basal margins dull purple; muscular impression having the appearance of a horny substance veined with the same as the other parts of the inside, its lower edges variegated with pale dull purple; inside composed of a distinctly facetted crystalline substance, with occasional black coriaceous spots near the edges Lower valve paler in colour than the upper; very rough with the irregularities of the sand-stone rock upon which it has been placed.” Eastern Africa. I am unable to give a figure of this shell, as the only known specimen was in the collection of the Rev. D. Goodall, which has been distributed in various quarters since the lamented death of that dignitary. 91 EXPLANATION OF PLATES XII TO XX. PEOTEN Fig. 1, 2. P. gibbus, Sp. 22. 3, 4. P. corallinoides, 59. 5, 6. P. unicolor, 44. 7, 8. P. solaris, 28. 9, 10. P. bifrons, 26. 11. P. superbus, 52. 12, 13. P. tranquebaricus,89. 14, 15. P. clavatus, 47. 16. P. danicus, 48. 17. P. gibbus, 22. 18, 19. P. ventricosus, 19. 20, 21. P. lati-auritus, 36. 22. P. solaris, 28. 23. P. circularis, 18. 24, 25. P. pyxidatus, 13. 26. P. ventricosus, 19. 27, 28, 29. P. tumidus, 37. 30. P. Rastellum, 50. 31. P. velutinus, 55. 32, 33. P. imbricatus, 67. 34. P. rubromaculatus, 68. 35, 36. P. sulcicostatus, 6. 37. P. sub-plicatus, 57. 38, 39. P. noduliferus, 56. 40. P. Greenlandicus,35. 41, 42, 43. P. flagellatus, 40. 44, 45. P. corneus, 80. 46. P. distans, 49. 47. P. aculeatus, 78. 48, 49, 50. P. squamosus, 73. 51, 52. P. irregularis, 75. 53, 54. P. proteus, 42. 55. P. Singaporinus, 90. 56. P. serratus, 74. 57, 58. P. squamatus, 76. Fig. 59. P. sanguinolentus, S6. 60. P. Patagonicus, 27. 61. P. lividus, 72. 62, 63, 64, 65. P. pusio, 83. 66, 67. P. hyalinus, 39. 68. P. Madreporarum, 70. 69, 70. P. albolineatus, 85. 71. P. Singaporinus, 90. 72, 73. P. sub-plicatus, 57. 74, 75. P. obsoletus, 81. 76. P. gibbus, 22. 77, 78. P. ornatus, 84. 79. P. obsoletus, 81. 80. P. ornatus, 84. 81. P. sub-plicatus, 57. 82, 83, 84. P. proteus, 42. 85. P. nucleus, 17. 86, 87. P. vitreus? 79. 88. P. squamosus, 73. 89. P. lividus, 72. 90. P. Tegula, 71. 91. P. lividus, 72. 92, 93. P. squamosus, 73. 94. P. noduliferus, 56. 95, 96. P. Tigris, 67. 97. P. sub-nodosus, 61. 98, 99, 100. P. maximus, 1. 101. P. laqueatus, 4. 102, 103, 104. P. medius, 5. 105, 106. P. dentatus, 11. 107, 108. P. Jacobæus, 3. 109, 110. P. Japonicus, 31. 111. P. crassi-costatus,92. 112. P. subnodosus, 61. K 82 Fig. 113. P. purpuratus, 21. 114. P. magnificus, 60. 115. P. nodosus, 62. 116, 117. P. similis, 2. 118, 119, P. fuscus, 8. 120, 121, P. sinensis, 9. 122. P. magellanicus, 33. 123, 124, 125. P. purpuratus, 21. 126. P. obliteratus, 29. 127, 128. P. pleuronectes, 30. 129-133. P. ziczac, 10. 134. P. sinensis, 9. 135, 136. P. pleuronectes, 30. 137, 138. P. Laurentii, 32. 139, 140. P. irradians, 20. 141-146. P. opercularis, 23. 147. P. nodosus, 62. 148 -150. P. Pallium, 87. 151. P. Senatorius, 91. 152. P. crassi-costatus,92. 153. P. Jacobæus, 3. 154, 155. P. Radula, 54. 156 - 158. P. asperrimus, 94. 159-161. P. Icelandicus, 93. 162. P. pes-felis, 65. 163, 164. P. Erythræensis, 12. 165, 166. P. subviridis, 7. 167, 168. P. Pallium, 87. 169-176. P. glaber, 41. 177, 178. P. medius, 5. 179-181. P. sulcatus, 43. 182. P. distans, 49. 183 - 186. P. exasperatus, 25. Fig. 196, 197. P. asper, 14. 187. P. Danicus, 48. 188-192. P. senatorius, 91. 193 - 195. P. inæquivalvis, 15. 198, 199. P. aspersus, 16. 200-204. P. flexuosus, 45. 205 - 207. P. undulatus, 46. 208-210. P. subrufus, 24. 211, 212. P. Pseudamusium, 34. 213-218. P. varius, 96. 219-220. P. Australis, 95. 221, 222, P. sanguineus, 98. 223, 224. P. niveus, 100. 225. P. muscosus, 63. 226. P. rugosus, 64. 227, 228. P. parvus, 66. 229, 230. P. spiniferus, 88. 231, 232. P. orbicularis, 38. 233. P. pictus, 51. 234. P. pes-felis, 65. 235. P. Pseudolima, 101. 236. P. hastatus, 82. 237 -239. P. Plica, 58. 240. P. histrionicus, 53. 241, 242. P. Brueii, 77. 243. P. Pseudamusium. var. 34. 244. P. corneus, 80. 245. P. corneus, var. 80. 246. P. splendidulus, 97. 247. P. miniaceus, 99. 248. P. undulatus, 46. HINNITES. 1, 2, 3, 4, H. sinuosus. 5, 6, 7. H. giganteus. Ź Nat Duam ZI 8 10 9 15 13 16 12 17 20 22 19 29 26 25 GBS. Jun XIT Nat Diam 27 28 20 Nat Diam 34 30 33 3/ 32 SET 38 39 36 37 42 41 10 43 45 46 48 49 51 32 30 55 56 53 54 57 59 67 60 GBS Juni nat diam JIT 66 63 67 62 68 64 72 09 70 73 71 78 74 75 70 Ꮄ0 79 81 82 Ꮄ 88 87 Ꭿo 92 ,93 94 95 96 GBS. Tin IT Nat. Diam. 98 97 99 102 100 103 101 107 104 106 105 110 709 108 112 711 173 114 115 GBS.Jun." Nat. Diam ITZ Barur 770 1/2 13 1/9 720 127 122 124 126 /23 125 127 129 130 728 134 133 137 132 136 135 138 137 GB.S. Jun 3 nat diam XTZ RE 140 147 142 139 743 746 147 145 148 150 149 151 1.52 153 154 157 168 155 156 759 161 162 760 G.B.S. Jun." ź nat. diam XVIII 166 163 164 165 168 170 167 169 172 174 17 173 175 130 177 179 176 178 181 187 183 17 182 187 188 184 186 189 100 197 102 GBS Jun" nat, diam ΧΙΣ 195 193 19% 1.97 1.96 200 201 203 202 198 199 204 206 208 205 207 210 212 213 209 21 216 276 217 214 219 220 221 218 226 222 223 221, GB.S. ho ХХ nat diam 23/ 232 227 228 230 229 nat diam 233 234 235 236 237 238 210 217 242 243 239 246 戰 ​244 245 248 annat diam GBS Jun" 83 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS LIMA. Char. Gen. Molluscum acephalopodum unimusculosum. Testâ bivalvi, interdum liberâ, interdum bysso adhærente, subæquivalvi, bi-auriculatâ, obliquè ovali, radiatim costatâ vel striatâ; margine ventrali anticè producto, cardine recto, edentulo; foveolâ trigonâ, in medio areæ centralis cartila- ginem recipiente; impressione musculari sublaterali: colore albo; epidermide fusco, tenui. The shells of this genus are generally equivalve, more or less obliquely oval, with small triangular, lateral auricles. The umbones are kept apart by a triangular disc in each valve. In the centre of each is a pit containing the cartilage, and the ligament is spread upon the surface at each side. In all the species, there is an hiatus at both sides of the shell, although in several species it is very narrow. A byssus passing through the anterior hiatus, occasionally attaches the shell to sub-marine substances. Judging from the shells alone, the Limæ would appear to be closely allied to the genus Pecten, from which they differ in having the umbones kept apart by the triangular disc, and in the ventral margins being produced on the anterior instead of the posterior side, so that the apex of the shell leans in the opposite direction. All the shells are white, or nearly so, but have a thin, transparent brown epidermis. y DESCRIPTIONS. 1. L. SCABRA (pl. xxi. f. 4, 5, 12.) Born. Mus. Cæs. p. 110, Pecten aspera, Chemn. 7. p. 352. pl. 68. f. 652. Ostrea glacialis, Gmel. p. p. 3302. Lam. &c. L 84 و y T. ovali, crassa, subcompressâ, ad latera posticè paululùm, anticè magis, hiante; costis numerosis, angulatim interruptis, in medio angulatim confluentibus ; auriculis striatis; anticis tumidis, subreflexis ; epidermide fusco: cardine crasso, obsoleté plicato. Nonnunqua mtestâ irregulariter linguiformi occurrit. Oval, thick, not very oblique, slightly gaping at the posterior margin, rather more so at the anterior. The surface is rendered scabrous by angularly notched ribs, meeting in the centre; the anterior auricles are tumid, with their edges slightly reflected. 2. L. TENERA. (pl. xxi. f. 2, 3, 10, 11, 13.) Chemn. 7. p. 352., t. 68. f. 652.. Ostrea glacialis, var. Gmel. 3332. Lam. &c. Test. jun. L. annulata, Lam. ? T. Limæ scabræ simillimâ, sed costis minutissimis, squa- mis minutissimis erectis interruptis. Var. a. t. ovali. Var. B. t. subelongatâ. Hab. Ins. Mindoro. Var. y. t. obliquè subtrigonâ. Hab. Batangas, Philippi- narum; Singapore, &c. c The difference between this and the preceding species consists in the comparative fineness of the notched ribs; when in good condition they produce small, erect, seed-like terminations to the notches, as represented in the magnified portion of fig. 13. 3. L. BULLATA (pl. xx. f. 32 and 33) Born. Mus. Cæs. p. 110. t. 6. f. 8. Chemn. 7. p. 348, t. 68. f. 649. b. T. elongato-ovali crassâ, ventricosâ, sub-æquilaterali, ad latera vix hiante; margine cardinali crasso, utrinque subtus auriculis uniplicato ; auriculis validis subæqualibus, acutis ; costis centralibus 20, validis, submoniliformibus, lateralibus minoribus subevanidis. Elongated, thick, ventricose, nearly equilateral, scarcely gaping at the sides; hinge-margin thick, with a plication under the auricles, which are thick, sharp, and nearly equal. About 20 nodose, central ribs, and others less strongly raised at the sides. Found at Sorsogon by Mr. Cuming, in coarse sand, six fathoms. 4. L. SUBAURICULATA. (pl. xxii. f. 23.) Mont. T. minutâ Limæ bullatæ simillimâ, sed costis minutissimis. A minute British species, differing from L. bullata in the extreme fineness of the ribs. 5. L. SQUAMOSA. (pl. xxi. f. 1. 18.) Lam. Anim. sans Vert. 6. p. 156. 156. Ost. lima, Lin. Syst. Nat. Gmel. &c. 85 T. crassa, obliquâ, subcompressâ, utrinquè paululum hiante, latere antico angulariter complanato: auriculis pos- ticis magnis, anticis minoribus : costis 20 ad 24, rotundatis, crassis imbricatis, areâ cardinali magnâ. Thick, oblique, rather compressed, slightly gaping on both sides, anterior side angularly flattened: posterior auricles large, anterior comparatively small; ribs 20 to 24, thick, round, with sharp erect imbrications. The variety from the Red Sea, is more oblique, and has sharper and more numerous scales. Red Sea, Mediterranean. 6. L. MULTICOSTATA. (pl. xxii. f. 38) nobis. T. Limæ squamosæ simillimâ, sed costis circiter 35, monili- formibus. Resembling L. squamosa, but having the ribs much more numerous and less raised ; 35 were counted in the specimen figured. Mediterranean? 7. L. PAUCICOSTATA (pl. xxi, f. 14. 17.) nobis. T. Limæ squamosæ simillimâ, sed costis circiter 12, squamis magnis perelevatis. In this species there are only 12 or 13 ribs, in other respects it resembles Lima squamosa, 8. L. EXCAVATA (pl. xxi. f. 8. 9.) Chemn. 7. p. 355. t. 68. f. 654. Ost. excavatâ Gmel. 3332. T. ovali, tenui, ventricosâ, radiatim striatâ, utrinque pau- lulum hiante; latere antico subtus auriculis areâ excavatâ angulatâ: auriculis, posticis magnis, anticis parvis. Oval, thin, ventricose, radiated by fine distant striæ, slight- ly gaping on both sides, with a concave elongated depression in front; the anterior auricles are small, the posterior large. Norway. 9. L. FASCIATA (pl. xxi. f. 15. 16.) Ost. fasciata. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1147. Lima inflata, Lam. 6. p. 156. Chem. 7. t. 68. fig. 649. a, b. T. tenui, ventricosâ, obliquè ovali, margine cardinali subtus auriculis uniplicato; areâ cardinali parvâ ; latere postico laté hiante; antico paululum prope marginem ventralem hiante; auriculis acutis, anticis parvis, costis numerosis angularibus. Although obscurely described, there can be little doubt of this being the true Lima fasciata of Linnæus. A specimen now exists in the Linnæan collection differing materially from the one subsequently introduced by Sir J. Smith, which we refer to the following species. 10. L. VENTRICOSA. (pl. xxi. f. 6. 7.) nobis. L. glacialis Poli. 28. f. 19.21. 86 x T. Limæ fasciatæ simillimâ, sed magis ventricosâ, costis dis- tantibus, submoniliformibus. Differing from Lima fasciata in being much more ventricose, and having the ribs more distant and beaded. The name given by Poli was previously applied to L. scabra by Gmelin. Mediterranean. 11. L. ROTUNDATA. (pl. xxi. f. 19.) nobis. T. Limæ fasciatæ simillimâ, sed magis rectâ, et ventricosâ ; costis distantibus, moniliformibus. L. Ventricosæ simili, sed formâ obliquè rotundatâ, minimè ovali. Very closely resembling Lima ventricosa, but much shorter from the apex to the ventral margin ; hinge much wider, and the ribs more coarse. Falle Bay c. of G. . 12. L. ANGULATA (pl. xxii. f. 39, 40.) nobis. T. tenui, striatâ, ventricosâ, obliquè ovali, utrinque paulu- lum hiante; posticè prope marginem ventralem angulatâ, margine cardinali angustatâ; auriculis parvis sub-equalibus. Thin, striated, ventricose, slightly gaping on both sides, obliquely oval, with a posterior angle between the lateral and ventral margin, hinge narrow, auricles small, nearly equal. Found by Mr. Cuming at Panama and the Bay of Car- racas, in sandy mud, 10 to 12 fathoms. 13. L. LosCombi. (pl. xxii. f. 20, 21, 22.) Leach. Sowerby's Genera. Lima, f. 4. L. bullata of Turton. T. tenui, ventricosâ, minutissimè striatâ, obliquè ovali, posticè prope marginem ventralem sub-angulatâ, utrinque vix hiante; auriculis parvis acutis; areâ cardinali parvâ. Thin, ventricose, obliquely oval, with the posterior ventral margin slightly angular, scarcely any hiatus at the sides ; auricles small, sharp ; area of the hinge small. Britain. 14. L. FRAGILIS. (pl. xxII. f. 34, 35, 36, 37) Chemn. 7. t. 61. f. 650. L. dehiscens, Conrad. L. linguatula Lam. ? T. tenui, subcompressâ, obliquè elongatâ, ad latera lavi, in medio costis parvis distantibus, angulatis; lateribus validè hiantibus; hiatu postico costâ internâ marginato: auriculis parvis, posticis acutis, anticis obtusis; areâ cardinali angustâ. Thin, rather flat, obliquely elongated, widely gaping on both sides; smooth at the sides, with the central ribs small, distant, and slightly angulated; the margin of the posterior hiatus is formed by an internal rib; auricles small, posterior acute, anterior obtuse ; hinge area narrow. The variety f. 37. is from Tahiti, f. 34. and 35. are from the Philippine Islands. Found under stones at low water. 15. L. ARCUATA. (pl. xxii. f. 41, 42.) nobis. + + + 87 f T. Limæ fragili simillimâ, sed magis hiante ; margine ven- trali magis expansâ, et sub-angulatâ. Closely resembling Lima fragilis, but more gaping, and having the ventral margin expanded and slightly angular. Found at Lord Hood's Island, under coral rocks; at Panama in sandy mud; at Guayaquil Bay; at Guacomayo, under stones, &c. by Mr. Cuming. 16. L. APERTA. (pl. xxii. f. 26, 27, 28, 29.) Ost. hians Gmel. 3333. L. fragilis, Mont. Test. Supp. p. 62. L. tenera, Turton. Zool. Journ. vol. 5. p. 362. pl. 13. f. 2. T. tenui, sub-compressâ, obliquè ovali vel elongatâ, ad latera lævi, in medio minuté striatâ, anticè paululum, posticè latè, hiante ; hiatu postico costâ internâ validâ marginato; auriculis posticis acutis, areâ cardinali parva. More oval than L. fragilis, with the hinge end narrower in proportion, and the striæ much finer. Britain. 17. L. DENTATA. (pl. xxii. f. 30. 31.) nobis. T. obliquè elongatâ, tenui, sub-compressâ, anticè paululum, posticè laté, hiante ; hiatu postico costâ internâ marginato; auriculis anticis parvis, obtusis, posticis acutis ; areâ cardinali magnâ: costis 18, distantibus, scabris, ad marginem ventra- lem dentatis. Obliquely elongated, thin, rather compressed, the anterior side slightly, the posterior rather more widely gaping: a slight internal rib forms the margin of the posterior hiatus; the posterior auricles are extremely sharp, with a notch under- neath them; the hinge area is deep; ribs 18, distant, granu- lated, their terminations producing a dentated ventral margin. Collection of the Rev. F. J. Stainforth. 18. L. CUMINGII. (pl. xxii. f. 24, 25.) nobis. Zool. Proc. T. tenui, parvâ, obliquè elongatâ, subinflatâ, subquinque- laterali ad margines ferè clausâ: posticè vix hiante; margine ventrali sub-quadrato, cardine brevi: auriculis brevibus, sub- obtusis; margine postico obtusè angulato; costis 12 central- ibus, sub-obsoletis, ad marginem dentatis ; umbonibus gib- bosis. We have only seen one specimen of this very distinct small shell, which differs from L. fragilis in being more ventricose, and having the margin closed all round, in the latter respect resembling L. Loscombi. Found in sandy mud, at a depth of 10 fathoms, by Mr. Cuming at Bolinao, Isl. Luzon. a 88 EXPLANATION OF PLATES XXI AND XXII. LIMA. Fig. 1. Squamosa, Sp. 5. Mediterranean. 2. & 3. tenera, 2. Mindoro. 4. scabra, var. 1. 5. scabra, 1. 6. 7. ventricosa, 10. 8. 9. excavata, 8. . 10. 11. tenera, 2. 12. scabra, 1. 13. tenera (portion magnified), 2. 14. paucicostata, 7. 15. 16. fasciata, 9. 17. paucicostata, 7. 18. squamosa, var. Red Sea, 5. 19. rotundata, 11. 20. 21. 22. Loscombi, 13. 23. subauriculata, 4. 24. 25. Cumingii (magnified), 18. 26. 27. 28. 29. aperta, 16. 30. 31. dentata, 17. 32. 33. bullata, 3. 34. 35. 36. 37. fragilis.14 38. multicostata, 6. 39. 40. angulata, 12. 41. 42. arcuata, 15. nat, diam XXI 6 7 8 9. 13 10 12 16 15 17 GBS Jun." nat diam XXII R.S. n. 5. 20 21 22 23 24 26 20 27 2.9 28 30 31 34 KUR 32 35 36 38 37 33 0 39 40 42 GBS Jun" MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS CYCLOSTOMA, BY G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S. &c. Char. Gen. Molluscum terrestre gasteropodum, pulmoni- ferum, sexibus separatis. Testa turbinata, polymorpha, spiræ apice obtuso; anfractibus plerumque rotundatis : aperturâ plerumque ferè circulari, plus minusve posticè angulato; peritremate continuo, sæpe incrassato, reflexo. Operculum pauci-vel multi-spirali, calcareo vel corneo. The diversity of form of the shells composing this genus is very remarkable, as will be seen by reference to our plates, some of the species being turreted, others planorbular, with every intermediate gradation ; the apex of the spire is always obtuse; the volutions are almost constantly rounded, and the aperture is for the most part nearly if not quite circular, in some instances somewhat elliptical and more or less angular posteriorly; the peritreme is generally continuous, sometimes sinuated on the umbilical side, sometimes interrupted at its junction with the last volution, and sometimes notched posteriorly, frequently simple and sharp-edged, and in many instances reflected, or thickened and reflected, and variously fringed, sometimes double, having an inner simple and an external reflected edge. The recent species of this Genus are now very numerous; in 1822 Lamarck had only described 26 ; in 1832 I had drawn up the characters of 108 species, and at the present time we have represented and described 175 species. There are how- ever still several of Lamarck's species with which we are not acquainted, and of which we here mention the names, in hope to gain the information of which we are now destitute : these are his C. ambigua, C. decussata, C. lineolata, and C. multilabris, the number being now reduced to four, whereas in 1831 we gave a list of six species which we then did not know; we are indebted to M. De Lessert for our present knowledge of Lamarck's C. mamillaris and C. Orbella ; the first of which is identical with that called C. Volziana, by Michaud, a 90 It will perhaps be observed that De Lessert has published figures representing the above Lamarckian species; we must, however, note that the one he calls ambigua, represents Lamarck's interrupta ; that the figures intended to represent decussata and lineolata, do not resemble any species we have ever seen, and that the figure of C. multilabris Lam. represents only an accidental deformity* We have particularly to acknowledge our obligations to the Rev. F. J. Stainforth, for the use of his very complete collec- tion of species; to M. Alcide D’Orbigny, for the species collected by him in Cuba; and to Hugh Cuming, Esq., for the numerous species collected by himself among the Philippine Islands, as well as for much information relative to localities which he has kindly communicated to us. We have arranged the species under two divisions, the first consisting of those which have the peritreme simple and not reflected, or very slightly so; and the second consisting of those in which it is more or less reflected, of the former there are 56 species, and of the latter 119 species. At the same time we have endeavoured, as far as we could judge of their affinities, to bring together those species which are most nearly related, so that the whole will be found to form natural groups; for example, the 168th to the 175th species, consisting of c. antillarum, C. tortum, C. ventricosum, C. auriculatum, C. tortuosum, C. altum, C. pupiniforme, and C. minus are evidently closely allied species; thus again the 158th to 162nd which are all European species bearing a general resemblance to each other, are all brought together : the same may be said of C. Involvulus and of C. læve and their cognate species, as well as of nearly all the remainder; if we have not always fully succeeded in our attempt, it appears to have been because the affinities have not been very obvious. . *It seems needful to remind our general readers that CYCLOSTOMA is neuter, consequently the specific names should terminate in um or e, except when they are substantives, such as Orbella, goniostoma, multilabrum, Ortyx, Cincinnus, &c. 91 a DESCRIPTIONS. $1 Peritreme not reflected. 1 C. SUTURALE. pl. xxiii, f. 1. 2) nob. T. orbiculato-depressâ, tenui, epidermide olivaceâ indutâ, anfractibus 3-4, rotundatis, transversim tenuissimè striatis, suturâ canaliculatâ; lineâ levatâ, filiformi propè suturam; aperturâ circulari, supernè emarginatione obsoletâ; peritre- mate tenui, margine acutiusculo; umbilico patulo; operculo concinnè spirali. Shell of a depressed orbicular form, with a nearly flat spire, thin and white, covered with a thin olive-coloured epidermis; whorls 3 to 4, rounded, finely striated trans- versely, or in the direction of the axis ; suture canaliculated, with an elevated, thread-like line next to it; aperture cir- cular, slightly notched at the upper edge, peritreme thin, with a sharpish edge; umbilicus wide, spreading; operculum thickish, testaceous, with a very fine spiral line on the outer side. Demerara, Mr. Bainbridge. 2. C. ASPERULUM (pl. xxiii, f. 3.) nob. T. orbiculato-subdepressâ, tenui, translucidâ; anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, rugulosis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ rotundatâ, supernè acuminatiusculâ, peritremate tenui, mar- gine acutiusculo; umbilico magno. Shell of a somewhat depressed nearly orbicular form, thin, semitransparent, white; volutions 4–5, minutely rugu- lose all over ; suture distinct, aperture nearly circular, but acuminated at the upper part where the peritreme is joined to the last volution, peritreme not thickened, margin sharp; umbilicus large. Several specimens of this species were in Mr. G. Humphrey's collection, labelled “ Pyxis, Jamaica.” A young shell has a shelly operculum, and a thick green epidermis. 3. C. SEMISTRIATUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 6) nob. T. orbiculato-subdepressâ, tenui, albidâ, fasciis pallidè fuscis interruptis ; spirâ subprominulâ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, supernè longitudinaliter striatis, infra lævibus; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ circulari, supernè subacuminatâ; peritremate obsoletissimè subreflexo, tenui, margine acutiusculo; umbilico magno; operculo sulco externo spirali, anfractibus 4–5. Shell of a somewhat depressed orbicular form; thin, whitish, with narrow pale brown interrupted bands; spire 92 9 Sami a rather prominent, its apex rather obtuse ; volutions 4 to 5, rounded, spirally striated on the upper side, but smooth beneath ; suture distinct ; aperture circular, slightly acuminated at the upper part; peritreme thin, with a sharp edge, very slightly reflected; umbilicus large; operculum with a deep spiral groove outside, having from 4 to 5 volu- tions. From G. Humphrey's collection, labelled “Poonah.” 4. C. BRASILIENSE, (pl. xxiii. f. 7.) nob. prominurlum. T. orbiculato-subdepressâ, tenui, albâ, opacâ; anfractibus 4-5, rotundatis, transversim striatis; suturâ profundiusculâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate tenui, acuto; umbilico magno; operculo testaceo, duplicato, extus tenuissimè spirali. Shell of a rather depressed orbicular form, thin,white,opaque and chalky in appearance, volutions 4 to 5, transversely striated, striæ sharp and close set; suture deep ; aperture circular; peritreme thin, sharp-edged; umbilicus large, operculum shelly, thick, double, smooth within, with a very fine spiral line on the outside. Collected in abundance in shady places near Rio Janeiro. 5. C. GIGANTEUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 8, 9.) Gray, Mus. Brit. T. orbiculato-subdepressâ, crassiusculâ, albicante, epider- mide corneâ fulvâ indutâ; apice rufescente; anfractibus 5-6, rotundatis, transversim striatis, striis supernè validioribus; suturâ distinctâ, striâ longitudinaliter impressâ propè suturam; aperturâ subeffusâ, supernè angulatâ, et in ca- ; nalem inconspicuam subdecurrente, peritremate subin- crassato; umbilico magno; operculo lineâ elevatâ spirali, instertitiis obliquè striatis. Shell of a rather depressed orbicular form, thickish, white, with a red apex, and covered with a horny fulvous epidermis, which is sometimes paler above and darker on the lower part, and sometimes worn away in such a manner as to leave a dark fulvous band in the middle of the last volution ; volu- tions 5-6, rounded, transversely striated, more strongly on the the upper than on than on the lower half; suture distinct, with a longitudinally impressed line near to it; aperture rather spreading, angular above, where it forms an incon- spicuous pointed canal; peritreme rather thickened, not very sharp-edged; umbilicus large; operculum with an elevated spiral line, of many volutions, with the interstices obliquely striated. Salango, W. Columbia; under dead leaves. H. Cuming 6. C. Inca.(pl. xxiv. f. 71, 72.) D’Orb. Mag. de Zool, 1835, a х p. 29. 93 a x T.suborbiculari, subdepressâ, tenuiusculâ, viridescenti-fuscâ, fasciâ saturatiori lineâque albicante medianis; spirâ brevissimâ obtusâ, anfractibus 4, lævibus, transversim striatis: suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, posticè subacuminatâ, peritre- mate tenui; operculo crassiusculo, anfractibus 7. Shell nearly orbicular, rather depressed, and thin, of a greenish brown, with a darker band, and a whitish circumferen- tial line; spire very short, obtuse, with four smooth trans- versely striated volutions; suture distinct; aperture circular, rather acuminated posteriorly, with a thin peritreme ; opercu- lum thickish. From Yungas in Bolivia, D' Orbigny, 7. C. ORBELLA. (pl. xxiii, f. 6*, 6**) Lam. p. 148. De Lessert Recueil pl. 29, f. 13. T. suborbiculari, subdiscoideâ, tenui, apice obtuso, paululum levato, submamillari; anfractibus 4, supernè spiraliter striatis, striis prominentibus, infra levitèr striatis ; umbilico patulo; aperturâ circulari, peritremate tenui, subreflexo. Shell nearly orbicular, almost discoid, thin and hyaline, with a slightly elevated, obtuse, submamillary apex; volutions 4, with prominent spiral striæ on the posterior part, but with very slight striæ anteriorly; umbilicus wide spreading; aper- ture circular with a thin and slightly reflected peritreme. In Mr. Cuming's Collection ; locality unknown. 8. C. STRAMINEUM, (pl. xxix. f, 211, 212.) Reeve. T. suborbiculari, subdepressâ, tenui, fulvescente, spirâ obtu- sâ, anfractibus 4, rotundatis, posticè prope suturam rugulosis, deinde striis elevatis obliquis ad umbilicum magnum decurren- tibus; aperturâ subellipticâ, peritremate tenui, acuto, postice paululum angulato, supra ultimum anfractum subinterruptâ; operculo testaceo, anfractibus 7, obliquè striatis, suturâ pro- fundâ. Shell suborbicular, depressed, thin, pale yellow-brown; spire obtuse; volutions 4, rounded, rugulose at the posterior part near the suture, and then with elevated oblique lines, running into the umbilicus, which is very large; aperture slightly elliptical, peritreme thin, sharp edged, slightly angular, and in a small degree interrupted at the last volution ; operculum testaceous, with 7 obliquely striated volutions. From Merida in the Columbian Andes. 9. C. CINGULATUM (pl. xxix. f. 213, 214.) nob. T. suborbiculari, subdepressâ, crassiusculâ, albicante, epi- dermide castaneo-fuscâ indutâ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ, anfractibus 4, rotundatis, rugulosis, cingulo ad peripheriam levatiusculo, a M 94 nigro; aperturâ circulari, peritremate subincrassato, simplici, posticè subacuminato; umbilico magno, intus transversim striato, extùs rugoso. Shell suborbicular, rather depressed, whitish, covered with a chestnut brown epidermis: spire short, obtuse, with 4 round- ed, rugulose volutions, the last showing a slightly elevated black band at the periphery; aperture circular, peritreme slightly thickened, not reflected, a little acuminated posteri- orly; umbilicus large, transversely striated, rugose ex- ternally. From the mountains of New Granada, communi- cated by Mr. Powis. 10. C. PUSILLUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 5, 5*.) nob. T. orbiculari, subdiscoideâ, apice spiræ subprominulo; an- fractibus 4, rotundatis, lineis incrementi solùm striatis; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate tenuiusculo, subre- flexo, posticè, propè anfractum ultimum subemarginato; um- bilico patulo; operculo multispirali, extus concavo, margine canaliculato, intus nitido. Shell orbicular, nearly discoid ; apex of the spire rather prominent, volutions 4, rounded, marked only with fine striæ of growth; suture deep ; aperture circular, peritreme rather thin, slightly reflected, and with a single very slight notch at the posterior part next to the last volution; umbilicus wide ; operculum multispiral, concave externally, bordered with a channel and shining inside. Found at the roots of shrubs and trees at Calaumay, Isle of Luçon, and in the Isle of Negros, in earth under decayed leaves; by Mr. Cuming. 11. C. RUFESCENS. (pl. xxiv. f. 36, 37.) nob. T. suborbiculari, rufescente, spirâ brevi, anfractibus 4 ro- tundatis, spiraliter costellatis et striatis, costellis crenulatis; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circulari, pertremate tenui; umbilico magno. Shell nearly orbicular, generally of a reddish colour, with a short spire consisting of 4 rounded, spirally ridged and striated volutions; the ridges crenulated; suture deep; aperture cir- cular, with a thin sharp peritreme; umbilicus large. From Martinique, communicated by L. T. Powis Esq. 12. C. PLEBELUM (pl. xxv, f. 40.) nob. T. subglobosâ, tenui, obscurâ, subfuscâ, spirâ breviusculâ, anfractibus 4, rotundatis, rapidè crescentibus; apice obtu- siusculo; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ magnâ, circulari, peritre- . mate tenui; umbilico parvulo; operculo multispirali, extus albicante, maculo centrali depresso, margine canaliculato, intus nitido. х 95 a x Shell nearly globose, thin, with a dull reddish brown sur- face, spire rather short, with 4 rounded, rapidly increasing volutions, apex rather obtuse; suture distinct; aperture large, circular, with a thin peritreme; umbilicus small; operculum multispiral, whitish externally with a depressed central spot, inside shining, with a channeled border. Found under dead leaves, near Calaumay, Luçon, H. Cuming. 13. C. STENOSTOMA (pl. xxxi. f. 261.) nob. T. suborbiculari, depressâ, crassa, lævi, castaneâ, albido- maculosâ; spirâ ferè planâ, anfractibus 4, subrotundatis; aperturâ ferè circulari, posticè subangulatâ, paululùm coarctatâ, peritremate subincrassato, umbilico maximo; operculo corneo, anfractibus sex. Shell suborbicular, depressed, thick, smooth, chestnut coloured with whitish specks; spire nearly flat, volutions 4, somewhat rounded ; aperture nearly circular, angular posteri- orly, slightly contracted; peritreme a little thickened ; um- bilicus very large; operculum horny, with six volutions. From Arabia, communicated by Mr. Powis. 14. C. CORRUGATUM (pl. xxiii. f. 10, 11.) nob. T. orbiculato-subdepressâ, crassiusculâ, albidâ, apice ru- fescente, epidermide tenui fuscâ indutâ ; spirâ subpromi- nulâ, acuminatiusculâ ; anfractibus 5, rotundatis, trans- versim striatis et corrugatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, subeffusâ, supernè angulatâ, et in canalem incon- spicuam desinente; peritremate tenuiusculo, margine acu- tiusculo, latere umbilicali incrassato; umbilico magno, margine crenulato, intùs transversim striato; operculo tes- taceo, extùs laminâ elevatâ convolutâ, intùs corneo, polito. Shell of a rather depressed orbicular form, thickish, and of a dirty white colour, with a reddish apex, and covered with a thin fuscous epidermis, spire rather prominent and slightly acuminated, volutions 5, rounded, transversely striated and corrugated; suture distinct, but not deeply marked; aper- ture circular, rather spreading, angular, and forming an inconspicuous canal at the upper part, where it is joined to the last volution ; peritreme thin, its outer margin sharpish, its umbilical edge thickened; umbilicus large, transversely striated within, its edge crenulated; operculum shelly, with a raised convoluted lamina on the outer side, shining and horny in appearance within. Although this species has been long well known it does not appear to have been described or figured by any author. It has been taken for the C. rugosa a و 96 7. of Lam. from which it is, however, very distinct. Its oper- culum is remarkably neat. Jamaica. 15. JAMAICENSE. (pl. xxiii. f. 12, 13.) Gray in Wood's Supp. to Ind. Test. t. 6, f. 3. TURBO JAMAICENSIS, Chemn. T. orbiculato-subconicâ, crassiusculâ, plerumque pallidâ, epidermide fuscâ, indutâ, anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, trans- versim tenuissimè striatis, supernè corrugatis, propè suturam elevatiusculis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, subeffusâ, supernè angulatâ, et in canalem brevissimam, inconspicuam, desinente; peritremate subincrassato, margine externo acutius- culo, interno incrassato, obtuso; umbilico magno, margine carinato, intus transversim striato; carinâ umbilicali extus corrugatâ; operculo testaceo, extus laminâ elevatâ, convolutâ, obtusâ, intús corneo. Shell of a rather conical orbicular form, thickish, generally of a pale colour, covered with a dark brown epidermis ; volutions 4–5, rounded, very finely transversely striated, corrugated on the upper part, and rather raised next to the suture; suture distinct, but not deeply marked ; aper- ture circular, somewhat spreading, angular at the upper part, where it forms a very short and inconspicuous canal, peritreme slightly thickened, its outer margin rather sharp, its umbilical edge thickened and blunt; umbilicus large, and transversely striated within, strongly keeled at the edge, corrugated out- side of the keel; operculum shelly, with a raised, convoluted, obtusely-edged lamina outside, and appearing horny and shining within. Common in Jamaica : it is distinguished from Č. corrugatum by the umbilicus being surrounded by a strongly marked keel, and by the lamina outside the opercu- lum having its edge reflected. 16. C. FILOSUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 14.) Beechey, t. 38. f. 31. T. orbiculato-subconicâ, crassiusculâ, pallidâ, anfractibus 5, rotundatis, longitudinaliter striatis et carinatis, carinis duabis majoribus fusco-articulatis, inferiore suturali: suturâ minimè distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate sub-incras- sato, supernè sinuato, et subangulato, in canalem brevissi- mam inconspicuam desinente, margine obtusiusculo; um- bilico magno, margine carinis duabus, intùs profundè striato. Shell of a somewhat conical orbicular form, its spire rather shorter than the aperture, thickish, of a pale colour, volutions 5, rounded, longitudinally striated and carinated, the two more prominent keels speckled with reddish brown, the lower one running along the suture, which is otherwise very indis- aliculothim Gray 97 tinct; aperture circular, peritreme rather thickened, sinuated at the upper part, and rather angular, forming a very short inconspicuous canal, edge rather obtuse; umbilicus large, deeply grooved within, its edge with two prominent keels. A very rare East Indian species. 17. C. CLATHRATULA. (pl. xxiii. f. 15. 16.) Recluz. Rev. Zool. 1843. T. subglobosâ, crassiusculâ, spirâ subconoidali, apice obtuso; anfractibus 4-5, rotundatis, supernè spiraliter tenuiter striatis, et decussatis, infra lævibus; aperturâ subovali, supernè angulatâ, peritremate crassiusculo, supra umbilicum mediocre, paululùm extenso. Shell nearly globose, thickish, light yellow brown, with an obtusely pointed, rather conoidal spire, volutions from 4–5, rounded, their upper part finely and spirally striated and the interstices of these striæ very finely striated obliquely, the lower part smooth; aperture rather oval, angular above, peritreme thickened, spreading over a very small part of the middling sized umbilicus. From Yemen, Arabia. 18. C. POLITUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 17.) nob. T. subglobosâ, crassiusculâ, subpellucidâ, politâ, spirâ subco- noidali, apice obtuso; anfractibus 4, rotundatis, pallidis, brunneo-variegatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peri- tremate subincrassato, intùs subconstricto, supernè suban- gulato; umbilico parvo. Shell nearly globose, thickish, subpellucid, shining, spire rather conoidal, with an obtuse, and generally black, tip; volutions 4, distinctly rounded, of a pale colour, more or less varied with brown, and having a brown band at the lower part; suture distinctly marked ; aperture circular, peritreme thickened, angular at the upper edge, with a slight internal constriction near the edge, which is obtuse ; umbilicus small. 19. C. LUCIDUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 20. 21.) Lowe. Trans. of Cambr. Phil. Soc. 1831. t. 6. f. 40. T. subglobosâ, olivaceâ, spirâ conoideâ, subacuminatâ, anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, lævibus ; aperturâ subporrectâ, circulari, coarctatâ, margine obtuso; umbilico nullo; operculo crasso, intùs margine elevato. Shell subglobose, olivaceous; spire conoidal, rather acu- minated; volutions from four to five, rounded, smooth; aperture circular, contracted, edge obtuse ; umbilicus none; operculum thick, with the inner edge raised. Madeira 98 - Philliprouin PF+ 20. C. LISTERI. (pl. xxiii. f. 22. 23.) Gray. Mus. Brit. T. subglobosâ, crassiusculâ, spirâ conoideâ, subacumi- natâ, anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, lævibus, nonnunquam supernè spiraliter obsoletè striatis; suturâ distinctâ; aper- turâ circulari, peritremate subincrassato, supernè angulato, latere umbilicali calloso, callo umbilicum partim obtegente; umbilico parvo, spiraliter striato. Shell nearly globose, thickish, spire conoidal, rather acu- minated ; volutions 4 – 5 rounded, smooth, sometimes obsoletely striated longitudinally, more distinctly so in young specimens; suture distinct; aperture circular; peritreme somewhat thickened, angular at the upper part, spread- ing on the umbilical side into a callus which partly covers the small spirally striated umbilicus. Mauritius. 21. C. LIGATUM. (pl xxiii, f. 24.) Lam. Anim. sans Vert. T. tenui, subglobosâ, spirâ conoideâ, subacuminatâ ; anfractibus 5–6, rotundatis, obsoletissimè longitudinaliter et transversim obliquè striatis; suturâ distintâ; aperturâ circulari, supernè subangulatâ ; peritremate tenui, paululùm subreflexo, latere umbilicali patente; umbilico parvo, lævissimo. Shell thin, subglobose, with a conoidal, rather acumi- nated spire, consisting of 5 – 6 rounded volutions which are very obsoletely striated longitudinally on the upper part, these striæ being obliquely crossed by other transverse striæ which are equally faint, the suture is strongly marked; the aperture is circular, rather angular at the upper part; peritreme thin, very slightly reflected, spreading so as partly to cover the umbilicus on the inner side; umbilicus small, and together with the lower part of the volutions quite smooth. The apex is of a dark colour. 22.C.AFFINE. (pl.xxiii. f. 25. 26) nob. Turbo ligatus, Wood. T. tenui, subglobosâ, spirâ conoideâ, subacuminatâ ; apice obtuso; anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, lævigatis; aperturâ cir- culari, supernè subangulatâ; peritremate tenui, latere umbili- cali paululum reflexo; umbilico parvo spiralitèr sulcato; oper- culo lævigato, nucleo sublaterali. Shell thin, nearly globose, with a conoidal, rather acu. minated spire, whose apex is obtuse; volutions 4 – 5, rounded, smooth; aperture circular, slightly angular at the upper part; peritreme thin, very slightly reflected on the umbilical side; umbilicus small, spirally grooved; operculum smooth, with a somewhat lateral nucleus. - Tigalum. Mull: * - 99 4. 23. C. FULVESCENS (pl. xxv. f. 79, 80.) nob. T. globoso-conicâ, tenuiusculâ, pallidè brunneâ, spirâ sub- acuminatâ, anfractibus 5, rotundatis, confertim spiraliter striatis, ultimo maximo; aperturâ fere circulari, peritremate tenui; saturâ distinctâ; umbilico parvo. Shell globosely conical, rather thin; of a pale brownish colour, with transverse bands of darker brown; spire rather acuminated; volutions 5, rounded, covered with close set spiral striæ; the last volution very large; aperture nearly cir. cular, with a thin peritreme; suture distinct; umbilicus small. From Madagascar, sent to Mr. Cuming by M. Petit. 24. C. ortyx. (pl. xxiii. f. 27. 28.) D'Orő. Mag. de pulchrum. Conch. t. 117. f. 2. Sray. T. tenui, subglobosâ, pallidâ, fusco-variegatâ, spirâ conoideâ, subacuminatâ, apice acutiusculo; anfractibus 4–5, ventri- il cosis, spiraliter sulcatis et carinatis ; aperturâ circulari sub-effusâ, peritremate tenui, subreflexo, margine leviter sinuato, umbilico mediocri, spiraliter sulcato; operculi anfractibus obliquè striatis. Var. sulcis carinisque anfractuum obsoletioribus. Shell thin, nearly globose, with a conoidal, somewhat acuminated, rather sharp pointed, spire; volutions 4 to 5, ventricose, longitudinally grooved and carinated; aperture circular, rather effuse, with a thin subreflected peritreme whose edge is slightly sinuated; umbilicus of moderate dimensions, spirally grooved; operculum spiral, its volu- tions obliquely stiated. From the Seychelles. 25. C. UNDULATUM. (pl. xxiii. f 29. 30.) nob. T. globoso-conoideâ, crassiusculâ, spirâ acuminatiusculâ, apice obtuso; anfractibus 5, ventricosis, spiraliter sulcatis, supernè propè suturam distinctam undulatis; aperturâ ferè circulari, supernè obtusissimè emarginatâ, peritremate tenui, latere umbilicali in callum incrassatum, supra umbilicum parvum extenso; umbilico spiraliter sulcato. Shell globosely conoidal, thickish, spire rather acuminated with a blunt point; volutions five, ventricose, spirally grooved, and undulated on the upper edge near the suture, which is well marked; aperture nearly circular, very slightly emarginated near the upper part where it joins the last volution ; peri- treme thin, except on the side next to the umbilicus, where it is thickened into a callus nearly covering the small umbilicus, which is spirally grooved. Bengal. 26. Č. SPURCUM. (pl. xxiv, f. 75, 76.) nob. , ronoidenza 100 costulatum Ziegli T. suborbiculari, rufescente-fuscâ; spirâ prominulâ, anfrac- tibus quatuor rotundatis, albicante-subvariegatis, spiraliter striatis, et subcarinatis; suturâ distinctâ, subcrenulatâ; aper- tura circulari, peritremate albo, tenui, subreflexo; umbilico parvo; operculo crassiusculo, anfractibus quinque. Shell nearly orbicular, of a reddish brown colour; spire rather prominent, consisting of four rounded, spirally striated, and somewhat carinated volutions, usually somewhat variega- ted with whitish; suture distinct, slightly crenulated; aperture circular, with a white, thin, slightly reflected peritreme; umbi- licus small; operculum thickish, with five volutions. In Mr. Cumings collection, locality unknown. 27. C. SULCATUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 31.) Oliv. Voyage dans le Lévant. C. costulatum nonnull. T. tenui, globoso-conoideâ, unicolore, spirâ acuminatiusculâ, apice obtuso, papillari; anfractibus 4-5, ventricosis, spiraliter sulcatis, creberrimè decussatis; aperturâ circulari, supernè subangulatâ, peritremate tenui, continuo; umbilico parvo, spiraliter sulcato; operculo pallido, maculo centrali satura- tiori, anfractibus obliquè striatis. Shell thin, nearly globular, with a somewhat conoidal, sub- acuminated, blunt pointed papillary spire; volutions from four to five, ventricose, spirally grooved, the grooves crossed by very fine striæ; aperture circular, with a slight angle at the upper part, peritreme thin, continuous, blunt edged; umbilicus small, spirally grooved; colour violaceous or orange brown, darker at the apex, and becoming gradually paler as it increases , in size, without any bands; operculum pale coloured, with a darker central spot, its volutions numerous and obliquely striated. This is not the C. sulcata of Lamarck; it was dis- covered by Olivier and has since been found at Mehadia, in the Bannat, by M. Partsch. 28. C. GLAUCUM. nob. (pl. xxiv. f. 39.) T. subgloboso-conicâ, crassiusculâ, rufescente, glauco-tinc- tâ; spirâ mediocri, apicè obtuso; anfractibus 5, subventricosis, lævibus, tenerrimè spiraliter striatis, striis posticis majusculis; suturâ subobtectâ, anticè subcrenulatâ, lineâ impressâ anticâ; aperturâ ferè circulari, posticè subangulatâ; peritremate sub- incrassato ; umbilico parvo, angusto. Shell subglobosely conical, thickish, of a reddish colour with a glaucous tint; spire of moderate length, with an obtuse apex; volutions five, rather ventricose, smooth and transversely striated, the posterior striæ being the lar ; su- x very finely 101 ture partly covered by the edge of the next volution, which is slightly crenulated, with an impressed anterior line; aperture nearly circular, rather angulated posteriorly; peritreme some- what thickened; umbilicus small, narrow. Brought by M. Hoffman, locality unknown. 29. C. Parvum.(pl. xxxi. f. 254, 255.). T. suborbiculari, depresso-conoideâ, tenui, lævigatâ, fulves- cente,radiatimfusco-strigatâ, spiralbrevi, submucronatâ, anfrac- tibus 5 rotundatis, tenerrimè spiraliter striatis, obsoletissimè 4 ad 5carinatis; aperturâ circulari, peritremate simplici, pos- ticè subemarginato, umbilico magno; operculo corneo, crasso. Shell suborbicular, depressedly conoidal, thin, smoothish, yellowish brown, with dark brown radiating stripes ; spire short, somewhat mucronated, with five rounded, very finely spirally striated volutions, the last volution large, with 4 or 5 exceedingly obsolete keels : aperture circular, peritreme sim- ple, slightly emarginated posteriorly; umbilicus large; oper- culum horny, thick. From the Island of Zebu, Mr. Cuming. 30. C. ELEGANS. (pl. xxiii. f. 32, 33.) Auctm. T. oblongo-subacuminatâ, spirâ obtusâ, submamillari ; anfractibus 4-5, ventricosis, spiraliter sulcatis, creberrime decussatis; suturâ distinctâ, rotundato-subexcavatâ; apertura subrotundatâ, supernè subangulatâ; peritremate tenui, con- tinuo; umbilico minimo; operculo pallido, maculâ subcentrali fuscâ, anfractibus paucis, obliquè striatis. Shell of a rather acuminated oblong shape, with an obtuse, rather mamillary apex; volutions 4–5, ventricose, spirally grooved and very finely decussated; suture distinct, somewhat rounded ; aperture nearly round, somewhat angular at the upper part ; peritreme thin, continuous, blunt edged ; umbilicus very small; operculum pale coloured, with a nearly central dark spot, its whorls few, obliquely striated. Europe. 31. C. MARMOREUM. (pl. xxiii. f.34, 35.) Brown in Edin. Journ. of Nat. and Geogr. Science, vol. 1. T. oblongo-subacuminatâ, apice obtuso, submamillari ; anfractibus quatuor, ventricosis, marmoratis, nitidis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subrotundâ, supernè subangulatâ; peri- tremate tenui, continuo; umbilico minimo. Shell of a rather acuminated oblong shape, with an obtuse rather mamillary apex; volutions 4, ventricose, of a dark colour, marbled with white, quite smooth and shining; suture distinct; aperture nearly round, rather angular at the upper a N 102 x و part; peritreme thin, continuous; umbilicus very small. Near Edinburgh, Mr. Gerarde. 32. C. CINCINNUS. nob. (pl. xxiv. f. 77, 78.) T. suborbiculari, subturritâ, tenui, albidâ, interdum fusco- unifasciatâ; anfractibus 5, rotundatis, posticè spiralitèr sul- catis, sulcis subdistantibus, anticè spiraliter, striatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate tenui, versûs umbili- cum parvum subreflexo; apicè obtusiusculo. Shell suborbicular, somewhat turreted, thin, whitish, some- times with a single brown band; volutions five, rounded, pos- teriorly spirally sulcated, the grooves rather distant, anteriorly spirally striated; suture distinct; aperture circular, with a tħin peritreme, which is slightly reflected towards the small umbilicus; apex rather blunt. In Mr. Cuming's collection ; locality unknown. 33. C. MINUTISSIMUM. (pl. xxx. f. 251) Zool. Proc. Feb. 1832. p. 32. T. globoso-pyramidali, fulva, apice nigro; anfractibus 3 rotundatis, suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circulari, peritre- mate acuto; umbilico nullo; operculo corneo. This very minute species, which is not more than one- twentieth of an inch in length, is not quite so wide as it is long, but of a nearly globose form, though slightly pyrami- dal; it is of a dull brownish yellow colour, with a black apex; volutions three, rounded, with a deeply impressed suture; aperture circular, its peritreme sharp : it has an horny oper- culum, but no umbilicus. Found by Mr. Cuming under dead leaves on Pitcairn's Island. 34. C. PUPIFORME. (pl. xxiv. f. 43, 44.) nob. T. subacuminato-cylindraceâ, apice truncato ; anfractibus 4, turgidis, creberrimè decussatis; suturâ distinctâ; aper- turâ subrotundâ, supernè angulatâ; peristomate subreflexo ; umbilico minimo. Shell nearly cylindrical, very slightly acuminated, its apex truncated or decollated ; spire consisting of 4 turgid, very finely decussated volutions; suture strongly marked ; aperture nearly round, angular at the upper part, peritreme very slightly reflected; umbilicus very small, 35. C. MAMILLARE. (pl. xxiv. f. 45.) Lam. C. Volzianum, Michelin Coq. d’Algers. T. subacuminato-cylindraceâ, lævi, albicante, fusco- punctulatâ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus 5—6, subventri- cosis, supernè obsoletissimè decussatis; aperturâ subovali, a a 7 103 very small. supernè acuminatiusculâ; peritremate tenui, subreflexo; umbilico minimo. Shell somewhat cylindrical, rather acuminated, with an obtuse apex, whitish with fuscous dots; volutions from 5 to 6, rather ventricose, smooth, very obsoletely decussated at their upper edges ; aperture rather oval, rather acuminated at the upper part; peritreme thin, slightly reflected; umbilicus Algiers. 36. C. AURANTIACUM. (pl. xxiv. 46, 47.) nob. c. versicolor. aurantium, Gray, Wood. Supp. t. 6. f. 23. Pfm T. acuminato-pyramidali, apice decollato, pallidè fulvâ aurantiaco vel fusco-variegatâ ; anfractibus 5, ventricosis, lævigatis, nonnunquàm decussatis, striis spiralibus eminen- tioribus; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subovali,supernè acu- minatiusculâ, intùs aurantiacâ; peritremate patente, albi- cante; umbilico minimo. Shell of an acuminated pyramidal form, truncated at the tip, of a pale fulvous colour, varied with orange or brown; some specimens are of an uniform colour, and others have several very narrow orange or brown irregular bands; volu- tions 5, ventricose, smooth, sometimes more or less strongly decussated, the spiral striæ being the most prominent; suture distinct; aperture rather oval, slightly acuminated at the upper part, of an orange colour within ; peritreme spread- ing, whitish, umbilicus very small. The apex of this and several others is deciduous, so that when full grown they are always truncated at the tip. I have never seen the young shell of this species. 37. C. SIMILE. (pl. xxiv. f. 48, 49.) Gray, M. S. ined. megacherlos. Pot: es michi T. subacuminato-pyramidali , apice decollato, albicante, interruptim fusco lineatâ; anfractibus 4, ventricosis, ple- rumque decussatis, nonnunquàm lævigatis, striis spiral- ibus eminentioribus; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subovali, fauce croceâ, peritremate patente, albicante; umbilico minimo. Shell of a somewhat acuminated pyramidal form, truncated at the tip; whitish or pale ferruginous, sometimes a little variegated, and sometimes with interrupted brown lines; volutions 4, ventricose, generally strongly marked with de- cussating striæ, the spiral striæ being the stronger, sometimes nearly smooth; suture distinct; aperture nearly oval, inside saffron-coloured; peritreme spreading, whitish, umbilicus Islands of the Mediterranean very small. 104 : 式 ​sulcatuum. Yngs. 38. C. TENELLUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 50.) nob. T. subacuminato-pyramidali , spirâ aperturam superante, apice obtuso; anfractibus 4–5 ventricosis, spiraliter striatis, interstitiis striarum tenuissimè decussatis; suturâ distinctâ, rotundato-impressâ; aperturâ ferè circulari, supernè suban- gulatâ, disjunctâ; peritremate paululùm patente; umbilico parvo. Shell of an oblong rather acuminated pyramidal form, obtuse and rounded, not truncated at the apex; s ire rather longer than the aperture; volutions from 4P 5, ven- tricose, spirally striated, the interstices of the striæ very finely decussated; suture distinct, the volutions being as it were excavated near to it give it the appearance of being grooved out; aperture nearly circular, rather angular at the upper part, separated from the last volution; peritreme very slightly expanded; umbilicus small. A small fillet passes from the upper edge of the aperture to the last volution. 39. C. PYGMÆUM. (pl. xxx. f. 253. ) nob. T. subglobosâ, tenuiusculâ, fuscescente, spirâ acuminatius- culâ, apice obtuso; anfractibus 4}, rotundatis, spiraliter sulca- tis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subcirculari, posticè paululùm acuminatâ ; peritremate tenui, propè umbilicum parvum subreflexo. Shell subglobose, rather thin, fuscous, with a slightly acu- minated, spire, obtuse at the apex, and consisting of 4 rounded spirally grooved volutions; suture distinct; aperture nearly circular, slightly acuminated posteriorly; peritreme thin, slightly reflected near the small umbilicus. Brought from New Ireland by R. B. Hinds, Esq., R. N. sulcatui. 40. C. SICULUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 51, 52.) nob. C. sulcatum, Joop: Drap. and Philippi. T. subacuminato-pyramidali, spirâ aperturam superante, apice obtuso, anfractibus 5, ventricosis, lævigatis, spiraliter obsoletiuscule striatis ; aperturâ ferè circulari, supernè subangulatâ, disjunctâ; peritremate paululùm patente; um- bilico parvo; operculo spirali, anfractibus rapidè majoribus, obliquè striatis. Shell of a somewhat acuminated pyramidal form, obtuse and rounded, not truncated at the apex; spire rather longer than the aperture; volutions five, ventricose, nearly smooth, and obsoletely spirally striated; aperture nearly circular, rather angular at the upper part, and slightly separated from the last volution ; peritreme spreading a very little ; um- 105 sulca hum. vane; bilicus small, its volutions increasing rapidly, obliquely striated. A very common Sicilian species, also found in Provence. 41. C. MELITENSE. (pl. xxiv. f. 53, 54.) nob. T. subcylindraceo-pyramidali, apice obtuso, spirâ aperturam ferè duplo superante; anfractibus 5, ventricosis, spiral- iter sulcatis, sulcis alternis obsoletiusculis; aperturâ feré circulari, supernè subangulatâ, disjunctâ; sinistrali peritrematis margine paululùm expanso; umbilico minimo; operculo spirali, anfractibus rapidè majoribus, obliquè striatis. Shell of a somewhat cylindrical pyramidal form, with an obtuse, but not truncated apex, spire nearly double the length of the aperture; volutions five, ventricose, spirally grooved, the alternate grooves nearly obsolete; aperture nearly circular, rather angular at the upper part, and separated from the last volutions; peritreme white, its sinistral margin somewhat spreading; umbilicus very small; operculum spiral, its volutions rapidly increasing, obliquely striated. Malta. 42. C. PERRUGINEUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 55 to 57.) Lam. T. oblongo-pyramidali, apice obtuso, spirâ aperturam duplo superante; anfractibus 5—6, rotundatis, spiraliter sulcatis ; aperturâ ferè circulari, supernè subangulatâ ; peritremate tenui, acutiusculo; umbilico minimo; operculo spirali, anfractibus rapidè majoribus, obliquè striatis. Shell of an oblong pyramidal form, with an obtuse, but not truncated, apex, spire twice as long as the aperture ; volutions from 5-6, rounded and spirally grooved; aper- ture nearly circular, slightly angulated at the upper part ; peritreme thin, rather sharp edged; umbilicus very small; operculum spiral, with obliquely striated, and rapidly in- creasing, volutions. Spain. 43. C. DISSECTUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 58, 59.) nob. T. oblongâ, apice truncato, spirâ aperturam paululum superante, anfractibus 4, rotundatis, spiraliter sulcatis, et tenuissimè decussatim striatis ; aperturâ ferè circulari, supernè subangulatâ ; peritremate tenui, continuo, disjuncto, obtusè marginato; suturâ distinctâ, sulciformi; umbilico parvo. Shell oblong, very slightly acuminated, truncated or decol- lated at the apex, spire somewhat longer than the aperture; volutions four, rounded, spirally grooved, with very fine decussating striæ ; aperture nearly circular, somewhat angular 106 Vilabris. Monke. x at the upper part; peritreme thin, continuous, separated, with an obtuse edge; suture distinct, having the appearance of a groove; umbilicus small. 44. C. SEMILABRUM. (pl. xxiv, f. 60.) Lam. T. oblongâ, sub-cylindraceâ, subacuminatâ, apice decollato, spirâ aperturam ferè duplo superante; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, tenuissimè decussatis, interruptim fusco-lineatis; aperturâ subovali, supernè angulatâ; peritremate tenui, extus subpatente; suturâ indistinctã; umbilico minimo. Shell oblong, nearly cylindrical, slightly acuminated, the apex decollated; spire nearly twice the length of the aperture; volutions 4, somewhat rounded, very finely decussated all over, with interrupted spiral brown lines; aperture nearly oval, angular at the upper part; peritreme thin, the outer edge somewhat spreading; suture distinct; umbilicus very small. Cuba. 45. C. RUFILABRUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 61.) Beck. M.S. T. oblongâ, cylindraceâ, fulvescente, apice decollato; an- fractibus 4–5, spiraliter sulcatis, sulcis decussato-crenulatis, lateribus subrotundatis; suturâ inconspicuâ; aperturâ ellip- ticâ ; peritremate incrassato, subexpanso, nigricante. Shell oblong, nearly cylindrical, yellowish brown, apex decollated; volutions from four to five, spirally grooved, the grooves crossed by decussating lines which give a crenulated character to the intermediate threads, sides of the volutions somewhat rounded ; suture not very conspicuous; aperture elliptical, with a thickened, somewhat expanded, blackish peritreme. From St. Croix, Dr. Beck. 46. C. TRANSLUCIDUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 4.) T. subglobosâ, subpellucidâ, albâ, epidermide corneo indutâ; spirâ breviusculâ, obtusâ, anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, propè suturam elevatiusculis, striatis, supernè rugulosis ; aperturâ sub-circulari, supernè subacuminatâ, peritremate acuto; umbilico mediocri; operculo testaceo, tenuiusculo, anfractibus septem, striatis. Shell nearly globose, rather pellucid, white, with a thin, horny, fulvous epidermis ; spire short, obtuse, consist- ing of four rounded volutions, rather elevated near the sutures, striated and rugulose on the upper part; aperture nearly circular, acuminated posteriorly, with a sharp peritreme; umbilicus of middling dimension : operculum testaceous, thin, consisting of seven striated volutions. 47. C. DISTINCTUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 38.) nob. Bay of Mon- tija, West Columbia; H. Cuming. 107 a T. orbiculari, depressâ, ferè planorbulâ, tenui, alba; spirâ depressâ, anfractibus 4, distinctis, rotundatis, spira- liter sulcatis ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate tenuissimo, acuto. Shell orbicular, depressed, nearly flat, thin, white, with a depressed spire, consisting of four volutions, not quite contiguous to each other, rounded and spirally grooved; aperture circular, with a very thin sharp-edged peritreme. 48. C. CORNU-VENATORIUM. Gmel. (pl. xxiv. f. 41, 42.) T. orbiculato-depressâ, albicante; spirâ mucronatâ, nigrâ; anfractibus 4 ventricosis, supernè transversim striatis, infra lævibus, lineâ medianâ ferrugineâ; suturâ produndâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate tenui, acuto; umbilico maximo. Shell orbicular, depressed, whitish; spire mucronated, with a black apex; volutions 4, ventricose, transversely ; striated on the upper part, smooth beneath, with a brown spiral line in the middle; suture deep; aperture circular; peritreme thin, acute; umbilicus very large. Obs. This species approaches most nearly in shape to C. Planorbulum Lam.; it may, however, be distinguished by its lip not being at all reflected. 49. C. LÆVIGATUM. (t. xxiv. f. 62, 63.) Webb et Berth- elot, Ann. des Sc. Nat. Mars 1833. C. Canariense D’Orb. T. subrotundatâ, albidâ, fulvo-fasciatâ, lævi, spirâ acumi- natiusculâ; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, obsoletissimè transversim striatis, marginibus supernè decurrentibus, suturâ subcrenulatâ; aperturâ circulari, supernè acuminatâ, peritemate tenui, minimè reflexo; umbilico parvo; operculo spirali anfractibus paucis, leviter obliquè striatis. Shell nearly round, whitish, with brown bands, smooth ; spire slightly acuminated; volutions 4, rounded, very obso- letely transversely striated, with the upper margin decurrent; the suture irregularly crenulated: aperture circular, acumi- nated at the upper part; peritreme thin, not at all reflected; umbilicus small; operculum spiral, its volutions few, slightly obliquely striated. There are several varieties of this species, one of which has the whole of the volutions slightly grooved. This last is not the C. sulcatum of Draparnaud, nor is it very nearly related to the common C. elegans. Teneriffe. 50. C. ELONGATUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 64.) T. oblongo-subpyramidali, decollatâ, pallide ferrugineâ; anfrâctibus 4. spiraliter striatis, interstitiis decussatis; suturâ . 108 simplici; aperturâ ellipticâ, supernè subacuminatâ; peritre- mate tenui, minimè reflexo; umbilico minimo. Shell oblong, somewhat pyramidal, decollated, pale brown; volutions 4, spirally striated, the interstices of the striæ decussated; suture entire (not crenulated); aperture elliptical, rather acuminated at the upper part ; peritreme thin, not reflected; umbilicus very small. 51. C. SUCCINEUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 18, 19.) Zool. Proc. Feb. 1832. T. parvâ, orbiculato-pyramidali, lævi, succineâ; anfrac- tibus quinque, rotundatis ; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ rotundatâ, peritremate tenui, acuto, margine basali interno angulato; umbilico parvo, margine carinato. Å small orbicular shell, having a rather pyramidal form, smooth and of a reddish amber colour ; volutions five, rounded; with a distinct and strongly impressed suture; aperture rounded; having a prominent angle at the lower in- ternal margin; peritreme thin, sharp-edged: umbilicus small, its margin having a strong spiral ridge. Opara, Mr. Cuming. 52. C. fasciatum. (pl. xxiv. f. 65.) Lam. Cylindirella . T. cylindraceo-turgidâ, apice decollato; anfractibus 6, lævibus, fasciâ spirali fuscâ centrali; suturâ crenulatâ ; aperturâ ferè circulari. Shell nearly cylindrical, somewhat swelled near the middle, with the apex deeply truncated; volutions six, with a fuscous spiral band on the two central ones; suture crenulated ; aperture nearly circular. It seems a doubtful Cyclostoma. 53. C. FLAVULUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 66, 67.) Lam. T. cylindraceo-attenuatâ, apice obtuso, paululùm decollato; anfractibus sex, planulatis, lævibus; suturâ distinctâ, integrâ; aperturâ ferè circulari, supernè subangulatâ ; peritremate obtuso, extùs producto. Shell nearly cylindrical, somewhat attenuated towards the apex, which is blunt and decollated; volutions six, smooth, nearly flat-sided ; suture distinct, entire ; aperture nearly circular, rather angular at the upper part ; peritreme obtusely edged, its external lower part produced. 54. C. CUMINGII. (pl. xxiv. f. 68, 69.) nob. T. orbiculari, subdepressâ, albicante, epidermide fscâ ; spirâ elevatiusculâ, carneâ; anfractibus 5–6, rotundatis, spiraliter sulcatis; suturâ subdecurrente; aperturâ ferè cir- culari, obliquâ, albâ, supernè subacuminatâ, peritremate sim- plici, subincrassato ; um bilico maximo ; operculo corneo tenui, spirali, anfractibus plurimis, margine fimbriato. cylindraceum: Chomn: - 109 Syn. Zoological Proceedings, Feb. 1832. Shell nearly orbicular, rather depressed, whitish, with an olive brown epidermis, which appears to be very deci- duous and which is much thinner on the lower than on the upper parts of the shell, where its remains form a broad, dark band just below the suture; spire somewhat raised, reddish, obtuse, consisting of five or six rounded, spirally grooved volutions; suture rather decurrent, and indistinct'; aperture nearly circular, oblique, white, rather acuminated at the posterior part, and with a slightly thickened simple peritreme; umbilicus very large; operculum horny, thin, hyaline, light brown, with numerous volutions and a fringed margin. Island of Tumaco, W. Col. Mr. Cuming. 55. C. FLAVUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 60.) Brod. Zool. Proc. March 1832. T. subglobosâ, crassiusculâ, flavâ, spirâ brevi, subpyrami- dali, anfractibus 5, ventricosis, spiraliter sulcatis, suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subcirculari, supernè acuminatâ, peritre- mate internè incrassato, margine labii externi acuto; umbilico mediocri; operculo corneo, tenui. Shell nearly globose, thickish, yellow; with a short, somewhat pyramidal spire, volutions five, ventricose, spirally grooved, with a distinct suture; aperture nearly circular, acuminated at the upper or posterior end, peritreme thickened internally and the margin of the outer lip sharp- edged : umbilicus of middling dimensions; operculum horny, thin. Found by Mr. Cuming, buried in the earth, under the root of a palm tree on Chain Island, S.S. This species has the aspect of a marine shell and bears a close resemblance to Littorina. 56. C. INCONSPICUUM. (pl. xxiv. f. 73, 74.) nob. T. suborbiculari, depressiusculâ, albicante, lævi, subrugu- losâ, spirâ depressâ, obtusâ, anfractibus quatuor subventri- cosis, subdeclivibus, suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ suborbiculari, supernè acuminatâ, peritremate tenui, acuto; umbilico magno. . Shell nearly orbicular, rather depressed, whitish, smooth with slight rugulosities, spire depressed, obtuse ; four rather ventricose, somewhat inclined volutions, with a distinct suture; aperture nearly orbicular, acuminated at the upper part, with a thin, sharp-edged peritreme, which is close pressed to the last volution just above the large umbilicus. Popayanum Lea. у 0 110 variegatum swain § 2. Peritreme more or less reflected. 57. C. BILABIATUM. (pl. xxv. f. 81, 82.) nob. Pterocyclos bilabiatus, Benson. T. discoideâ, spirâ depressâ, ferè planâ, colore pallido, castaneo-undulatâ; anfractibus 5, rotundatis, gradatim majoribus, lævibus; suturâ distinctâ, profundiusculâ; aper- turâ feré circulari; peritremate duplici, interno simplici, supernè emarginato, externo extùs undulato, sinuoso, supernè in tuberculum fornicatum desinente; umbilico patulo, an- fractibus distinctis; operculo circulari, spirali, intus concavo, extus convexo, lamelloso. Shell discoid, with a depressed, nearly flat spire, of a pale colour, undulated with chestnut; volutions five, rounded, in- creasing gradually in size, quite smooth; suture distinct, rather deep; aperture nearly circular, with a double peri- treme; inner peritreme simple, notched at the upper part, outer one sinuous and undulated, running into a vaulted tubercle at the upper part ; umbilicus large and spreading, volutions distinct within; operculum circular, spiral, concave within, convex and lamellar externally. Brought from Salem, near Madras, by J. M. Heath, Esq. 58. C. PLANORBULUM. (pl. xxv. f. 83 to 86.) Lam. Anim. sans. vert. vi. 2. p. 143. T. discoideâ, spirâ depressa, planâ, colore pallido, castaneo- variegatâ; anfractibus 5, rotundatis, gradatim majoribus, lævibus; suturâ distinctâ, profundiusculâ; aperturâ ferè cir- culari, peritremate incrassato, supernè et extùs reflexo, ultimum versus anfractum desinente, fornicato; umbilico patulo. Shell discoid, spire depressed, flat, colour pale, varied with chestnut ; volutions five, rounded, increasing very gradually in size, smooth,with faintly marked transverse lines of growth; suture distinct, rather deep; aperture nearly circular, with a thickened peritreme, the upper and outer part of which is reflected, and forms a vaulted projection running upon the last volution ; umbilicus wide, spreading, the volutions con- spicuous within. Several varieties were brought by Mr. Cuming from the Philippine Islands : it is also found in Bengal. 59. C. SPIRACULUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 270. 271. 272. var. f. 273.) nob. Genus Spiraculum nonnull. T. suborbiculari, planorbulâ, crassiusculâ, albicante, casta- neo radiatim irregulariter strigatâ, epidermide fuscescente Thispidu. Personi 111 a indutâ; anfractibus 5, rotundatis, nonnunquam lævibus, non- nunquam spiralitèr striatis, striis subasperis; aperturâ circu- lari, peritremate duplici, interno angusto, subreflexo, posticè emarginato, externo crassiusculo, reflexo, posticè in canalem desinente; anfractu ultimo spiraculum tubulosum, vel fornica- tum propè aperturam gerente; umbilico maximo, expanso; operculo multispirali, intùs concavo, extùs convexo, lamina spirali conspicuâ munito. Shell suborbicular, planorbular, thickish, whitish with irre- gular chestnut coloured radiating streaks, covered with a brown epidermis; volutions 5, rounded, sometimes smooth, sometimes with roughish spiral striæ; aperture circular, peri- treme double, inner narrow slightly reflected, notched poste- riorly, outer thickish, broader, reflected and forming a canal posteriorly ; the last volution with a tubular or vaulted spira- cle near the aperture and close to the suture; umbilicus very large and wide spreading; operculum of many volutions, concave within, convex externally, and furnished with a white prominent spiral lamina. From India, in Mr. Stainforth's collection ; we have a smaller, pale coloured variety, also from India. 60. C. DISCOIDEUM. (pl. xxv. f. 87, 88.) nob. T. discoideâ, spirâ depressâ, planâ, pallidâ, epidermide olivaceâ; anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, gradatim majoribus, lævibus; suturâ distinctâ, profundiusculã; aperturâ circulari, peritremate supernè et internè tenui, simplici, externè reflexo, duplici; umbilico patulo, anfractibus intùs conspicuis. Shell discoid, with a depressed, nearly flat spire, of a pale colour, with an olivaceous epidermis, volutions from four to five, rounded, increasing very gradually in size, smooth; suture distinct, rather deep; aperture circular, with the upper and inner part of the peritreme thin and simple, the outer part double and reflected; umbilicus spreading, the volutions distinct within. Demerara. 61. C. LITHIDION. (pl. xxxi. f. 262.) nob. T. suborbiculari, subdepressâ, crassa, albidâ, apice fusco; spirâ paululùm levatâ, anfractibus 4, rotundatis, spiraliter sulcatis, propè suturam inconspicuam subplanulatis, anticè lævioribus; aperturâ circulari, obliqué positâ, posticè subangu- latâ, peritremate paululùm reflexo; umbilicum versus declivi; umbilico maximo, intus lævi. Shell nearly orbicular, rather flat, thick, whitish, with a brown apex; spire slightly raised, of 4} rounded, spirally X 112 x striated volutions, rather flattened towards the indistinct suture, nearly free from grooves in front ; aperture circular, obliquely placed, slightly angular posteriorly, peritreme slightly reflected, slanted off toward the umbilicus, which is very large and smooth within. From Yemen, Arabia ; com- municated by Mr. Powis. 62. C. VITTATUM, (pl. xxv, f. 89. 90.) nob. T. subdiscoideâ, spirâ elevatiusculâ ; anfractibus quinque, ro- tundatis, albicantibus, spiraliter fusco-fasciatis, supernè spira- liter striatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ magnâ, circulari, intus fulvâ, fusco-fasciatâ, peritremate albicante, reflexo; um- bilico amplo, anfractibus intus conspicuis. Shell subdiscoid, with a rather elevated spire; volutions five, rounded, whitish, spirally banded with brown, and longitudinally striated on the upper part; suture distinct; aperture circular, yellowish, with brown bands within, peri- treme whitish, reflected; umbilicus large, the volutions con- spicuous within. Brought from Madegascar by Mr. Caldwell. 63. C. EXIGUUM. (pl. xxv. f. 92.) nob. T. subdiscoideâ, spirâ elevatiusculâ; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, albis, lavibus; suturâ profundâ impressâ ; aper- turâ circulari, peritremate marginato; umbilico magno. Shell subdiscoid, with a rather elevated spire, and with four rounded white smooth volutions; suture deeply impressed ; aperture circular, with a reflected bordered peritreme: umbi- licus large. 64. C. MEXICANUM. (pl. xxv. f. 93.) Menke. T. orbiculato-convexâ, albidâ, opacâ, spirâ submucro- natâ, anfractibus 5, rotundatis, transversim striatis; suturâ profundiusculâ : aperturâ circulari , intus flavidâ: peritremate obtuso, reflexo, latere anfractûs ultimi emarginatione obtusâ; umbilico lato et profundo. Shell orbiculato-convex, whitish, dull, with a slightly mucronated spire consisting of five volutions, which are rounded and transversely striated and separated by a rather deep suture : aperture circular, yellowish within : peritreme obtuse, reflected, with an obtuse notch in the side next to the last volution : umbilicus broad and deep. Found near Papontla in Mexico, Schiede. 65. C. MACULOSUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 256, 257.) nob. T. suborbiculari, depressã, crassiusculâ, lævi, castaneâ, albido-maculosâ; spirâ paululum levatâ, apice nigricante; anfractibus 4, rotundatis, obsoletè spiraliter striatis ; aper- a 113 turâ subcirculari, peritremate subincrassato, subreflexo, pos- ticè acuminatiusculo; umbilico maximo, spiraliter castaneo lineato. Shell nearly orbicular, depressed, thickish, smooth, of a chestnut colour mottled with whitish; spire slightly elevated, with a blackish apex, volutions 4, rounded, obsoletely , spirally striated; aperture nearly circular, with a slightly thickened and somewhat reflected peritreme, rather acumi- nated posteriorly. Umbilicus very large, spirally coloured with chestnut lines. In Mr. Cuming's collection. 66. C, MUCRONATUM. (pl. xxv. f. 91. ) nob. T. suborbiculari, depressa, pallescente fuscâ, tenui, spirâ brevi, mucronatâ; anfractibus quatuor, rapidè crescentibus, rotundatis, tenerrimè transversim striatis; suturâ validâ ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate duplici, externo lato subre- flexo ; interno angusto, lineari ; umbilico lato; operculo multispirali, suturâ anfractuum lamellosâ, margine canali- culato, intus nitido. Shell suborbicular, depressed, of a pale brown colour, thin, with a very short mucronated spire, volutions 4, rounded, increasing rapidly, very finely transversely striated ; suture deep; aperture circular, with a double peritreme, external peritreme broad, reflected, internal narrow, linear; umbilicus broad, operculum multi-spiral, the suture of its volutions lamellose; its border channelled, and inside smooth and shining. Found by Mr. Cuming, under decayed leaves, at Calauang in Luçon. 67. C. SUBSTRIATUM. (pl. xxv. f. 95.) nob. T. suborbiculari, depressâ, crassiusculâ, læviusculâ, fusces- cente; spirâ brevissimâ, submucronatâ; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, posticè transversim striatis, striis ex suturâ pro- fundâ radiantibus, anticè lævibus; aperturâ circulari, peritre- mate subincrassato, subreflexo: umbilico lato, operculo multi-spirali, latere canaliculato, intus nitido. Shell nearly orbicular, depressed, thickish, and rather smooth; of a brownish colour; spire very short, slightly mucronated, volutions 4, rounded, posteriorly transversely striated, striæ radiating from the deep suture ; smooth ante- riorly; aperture circular, peritreme somewhat thickened and reflected; umbilicus broad; operculum multi-spiral, with a channelled border and shining inside. Found in the earth, under decayed leaves, in the Island of Siquijor, by H. Cuming. 114 Hebraicrim, rosson.t a 68. C. DISTOMELLA. (pl. xxv. f. 94.) nob. T. suborbiculari, depressiusculâ, lævi, albicante, fasciâ fuscâ infra mediam anfractûs ultimi; spirâ subprominulâ, nigricante, anfractibus 5, rotundatis, lævigatis, suturâ pro- fundè impressâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate duplici, in- terno simplici, continuo, externo tenui, extùs sub-variciformi, supernè seu posticè interrupto. This is a very remarkable species of a nearly orbicu- lar, rather depressed shape, smooth, whitish or dull brown with a dark brown band below the centre of the last volution : spire rather prominent, blackish, consisting of five rounded smooth volutions, with a distinct, deeply impressed suture; aperture circular, with a double peritreme, the inner of which is simple and continuous, and the outer thin, some- what inflated and variciform externally; and interrupted at the upper or posterior part close to the last volution. 69. C. CARINIFERUM. (pl. xxv. f. 98.) nob. T. orbiculari, subdepressâ, fulvescente-fuscâ, cingulo saturatiori; anfractibus 5 rotundatis, spiraliter striatis et ; cariniferis, carinis 8 — 10 acutis, superioribus majoribus ; aperturâ magnâ, orbiculari, peritremate reflexo, posticè supra anfractum ultimum paululum extenso; umbilico maximo, spiraliter striato; suturâ distinctâ. Shell orbicular, depressed, yellowish brown with , a belt of a darker colour ; volutions five, rounded, with numerous spiral striæ and from eight to ten sharp keels, of which the upper are the larger; aperture large, orbicular, with a reflected peritreme, which is slightly extended over the last volution at the upper or posterior part; of a dark brown colour within : umbilicus very large, spirally striated within ; suture distinct. 70. C. LUZONICUM. (pl. xxvii. f. 136. 137.) nob. Zool. Proc. June, 1842. T. suborbiculari, albidâ, fusco-variâ, spirâ depressiusculâ. obtusâ; anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, concinnè spiraliter striatis, fasciâ albidâ infra-suturali fusco-articulatâ ; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate crasso, reflexo; umbilico maximo, Shell nearly orbicular, whitish, varied with brown, spire somewhat depressed, obtuse ; volutions from 4 to 5, rounded, with close set spiral striæ, and a whitish band articulated with brown immediately below the suture, which is strongly marked and deeply placed ; aperture circular; peritreme a Woodicam . 7 a 115 a thick, reflected; umbilicus very large. First brought from Luçon by J. K, Smith, Esq. Mr. Cuming has collected numerous varieties, generally under decayed leaves, in Mas- bate and Luçon, &c. 71. C. CANALIFERUM. (pl. xxvii. f, 140. 141. 142.) nob. Zool. Proc. June, 1842, p. 81. C. Gironnieri, Soul. in Rev. Zool. April, 1842 ? T. orbiculari, subdepressâ, crassiusculâ, albicante, brunneo- marmoratâ; spirâ depresså, obtusâ; anfractibus quatuor, , rotundatis, spiraliter striatis et supernè cariniferis, propè suturam brunneo albidoque articulatis et cingulo centrali brunneo ornatis: suturâ canaliculatâ, margine canalis eleva- to; aperturâ circulari, peritremate incrassato, reflexo, versus umbilicum patulum lamelloso-patente; operculum corneum, anfractuum margine lamellari levatiusculo. Shell orbicular, rather depressed, thickish, whitish, mar- bled with brown; spire depressed, obtuse ; volutions 4, rounded, spirally striated and carinated posteriorly, articula- ted with brown and white close to the suture, and with a central brown band : suture canaliculated, margin of the canal elevated : aperture circular, peritreme thickened, reflec- ted, spreading in a lamellar form and partly covering the wide internally spirally striated umbilicus ; operculuni horny, the edge of its volutions lamellar and raised. Islands of Luçon and Burias, H. Cuming. 72.C.CUVIERIANUM. (pl.xxx.f.218.219.) Petit. Rev. Zool. T. suborbiculari, subdepressa, tenuiusculá, striatâ, bicari- natâ, fulvo-rufescente, spirâ subdepressâ, anfractibus 4, rapidè crescentibus, rotundatis, posticè, concinnè spiralitèr striatis, carinis duabus, validis, anticè striis gradatim majusculis ornatis; suturâ oblitâ; aperturâ magnâ, ferè circulari, posticè paululum acuminatâ, peritremate lato, foliaceo, reflexo, expanso; umbilico magno, spiraliter striato. Shell suborbicular, somewhat depressed, rather thin, spi- rally striated, reddish brown; spire slightly depressed, with 4 volutions, increasing rapidly, rounded, and spirally striated posteriorly, with two prominent keels, and furnished in front with gradually increasing striæ; suture indistinct; aperture large, nearly circular, a little acuminated posteriorly and with a broad, foliaceous, reflected, spreading peritreme; umbilicus large, spirally striated. Lately received from Madagascar, 73. C. OCULUS-CAPRI. (pl. xxv. f. 96.) Helix Oculus-Ca- pri, Wood. Ind. Test. t. 32, f. 7. C. Volvulus, Lam. vi. 2, p. 143. C. Rafflesii, Sow. Zool. Journ. a 116 ; a breve. Martyn. T. orbiculari, albicante, castaneo-variegatâ et fasciatâ; spirâ depressiusculâ, apice obtuso; anfractibus 4–5, ventri- cosis, supernè spiraliter striatis (striis distantibus, interstitiis obsoletè striatis) ultimo maximo, omnibus propé suturam de- pressis; aperturâ circulari, peritremate flavicante, simplici, incrassato, reflexo, supernè subangulato; umbilico magno et regione umbilicali albicantibus, spiraliter striatis. Shell orbicular, nearly white, varied and banded with chest- nut colour, spire rather depressed, with an obtuse apex : volutions from four to five, ventricose, spirally striated at the upper part, the striæ distant, the interstices obsoletely striated, the first volution obliquely striated, the last very large, all de- pressed near the suture: aperture circular, peritreme yellowish, simple, thickened, reflected, slightly angular at the upper part: the large umbilicus and the umbilical region whitish, spirally striated. This is the largest species I know: it varies, however, very much in size, from one inch and a half in width to two inches and a half: the largest specimen was brought from Sumatra by the late Sir T. Stamford Raffles. It is one of several which Lamarck has confounded under the name of C. Volvulus. Java. 74. C. PETIVERIANUM. (pl. xxv. f. 100, 101.) Gray in Wood's Supp. to Index Testac. t. 6. f. 2. T. subglobosâ, spirâ depressiusculâ ; anfractibus 5 ven- tricosis, brunneis, medianě fusco-fasciatis, supernè suban- gulatis, albido-articulatis; suturâ marginatâ; aperturâ cir- culari, intùs albâ, peritremate reflexo, brunneo, supernè in canalem decurrente; umbilico magno, margine angulato; operculo spirali, crasso, corneo. Shell subglobose, with a somewhat depressed obtuse spire; volutions five, ventricose, of a dark brown colour, with a fuscous medial band, their upper edges slightly angular, varied with whitish; suture distinct, with a raised border ; aperture circular, white within, its peritreme reflected, brown, and its upper edge produced in the form of a pointed canal running upon the latter volution; umbilicus large with an angular margin; operculum spiral, thick and horny. 75. C. TURBO. (pl. xxv. f. 102, 103) Trochus Turbo, Chemn. ix. p. 53. t. 122, f. 1059. T. subglobosâ, spirâ conoidali, anfractibus 5, planulatis pallidis, brunneo-variegatis; suturâ inconspicuâ; apertura ferè circulari, latere columellari subangulato; columellâ rectiusculâ, sub-obliquâ; peritremate reflexo, rotundato, 117 posticè marginato, infra in angulum desinente; umbilico clauso, calloso; operculo corneo, tenui, spirali. Shell somewhat globose, with a conoidal spire, and five volutions, whose surfaces are flattened, of a pale colour, varied with brown; suture inconspicuous; aperture nearly circular, its columellar side somewhat angular; columella nearly straight, rather oblique ; peritreme reflected, rounded edged, bordered behind, and forming an angle at the lower part ; umbilicus closed with a callous covering; operculum spiral, horny, thin. Sumatra. 76. C. CITRINUM, (pl. xxv. f. 104.) nob. T. subglobosâ, spirâ conoidali, anfractibus 5, ventri- cosis, pallidè aurantiacis, supernè spiraliter striatis, infra lævi- gatis: suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate valdè reflexo, rotundato, albo; umbilico magno, spiraliter sulcato. Shell subglobose, with a conoidal spire; volutions five, ventricose, pale orange coloured, spirally striated on their upper parts, and smooth below; suture distinct; aperture circular, peritreme very much reflected, rounded, white; umbilicus large, spirally grooved. 77. C. CANDIDUM. (pl.xxvi, f. 107.) nob. T. subglobosâ, spirâ obtusâ; anfractibus 5, rotundatis, spiralitèr sulcatis, candidis ; aperturâ subcirculari, supernè acuminatâ : peritremate incrassato, supernè subsinuoso : infra externè crasso, reflexo; margine interno calloso, supra umbilicum magnum partim extenso. Var. callo umbilicali minore, reflexo. Shell nearly globular, with an obtuse spire, consisting of five rounded, spirally grooved, white volutions : aperture nearly circular, acuminated at the upper part: peritreme thickened, rather sinuous at the upper part, outer edge thick and reflected at the lower part, the inner edge callous, and partly extended over the large umbilicus. There is a variety in which the umbilical callus is much smaller and reflected. Sometimes the lower part of the upper volutions is of a rusty brown colour. 78. C. NATICOIDE. (pl. xxvi. f, 108. 109.) Reclus Rev. Zool. 1843. p. 3. T. subglobosâ, crassâ, albicante, interdum pallidè fulves- cente, lævigatâ, lineis levatiusculis striisque transversalibus irregulariter clathratâ; spirâ brevi; obtusâ, anfractibus quinis, rotundatis, posticè tenerrimè striatis, et concinnè decussatis ; ultimo maximo ventricoso; suturâ distinctâ, tenui; apertura aur auriculoare. Gray. % P 118 Xe subcirculari, posticè subacuminatâ, intus aurantiacâ; peristo- mate albo, crasso, subreflexo, latere umbilicali incrassato, lato, extenso, umbilicum majusculum plerumque claudente: operculo elliptico, posticè angulifero, anfractibus tribus, extùs striatis, intus lævibus. Shell subglobose, thick, whitish, sometimes light brownish yellow, smooth, irregularly clathrated by elevated lines and transverse striæ; spire short, obtuse, with 5 rounded volu- tions, which are very finely spirally striated posteriorly and delicately decussated, the last being very large and ventri- cose; suture distinct, but slender; aperture nearly circular, rather acuminated posteriorly, of an orange colour within and with a white, thick, very slightly reflected peritreme, which is thickened and expanded in the inner side, so as generally to cover the rather large umbilicus ; operculum elliptical, acuminated posteriorly, of three volutions, slightly convex and striated externally, smooth and rather concave within. From the Island of Socotra. 79. C. ALBICANS. (pl. xxvi. f. 110, 111, 112.) nob. T. subglobosâ, spirâ obtusâ, anfractibus 5, rotundatis, supernè spiralitèr sulcatis, infra lævissimis, albicantibus ; aperturâ subcirculari, supernè subacuminatâ; peritremate incrassato, supernè subsinuoso, infra externè crasso, reflexo ; , margine interno angulifero; umbilico magno. Shell nearly globular, with an obtuse spire, consisting of five rounded volutions, spirally grooved on the upper part, very smooth below, and whitish ; aperture nearly circular, rather acuminatad above, peritreme thickened, somewhat sinuous above, the lower part of the outer edge thickened and reflected, inner edge with an angle on the side of the umbili- cus, which is large, and smooth within. 80. C. CALCAREUM. (pl. xxvi. f 113.) nob. C. sulcata, Lam. T. globoso-conicâ, spirâ acuminatâ, albâ: anfractibus 5, ventricosis, spiraliter sulcatis : suturá distinctâ : apertura circulari, peritremate simplici, reflexo: umbilico mediocri, intus spiraliter sulcato. Shell of a globoso-conical form, with an acuminated spire, white, with five ventricose, spirally grooved volutions : suture distinct: aperture circular: peritreme simple, reflected : um- bilicus middle-sized, spirally grooved within. There is no doubt of this being the C. sulcata of Lam. inasmuch as it accords perfectly with his description, but it must not be confounded with the C. sulcatum of Olivier. Lamarck speaks of it as a very rare species. 119 و 81. C. UNIFASCIATUM. (pl. xxvi. f. 105. 106.) nob. T. subglobosâ, spirâ acuminatâ, decollatâ, anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, lævigatis, obsoletè spiralitér striatis, albi- cantibus, ultimo fasciâ basali fuscâ unicâ; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, intus aurantiacâ, peritremate albo, reflexo, superné sinuato, propé umbilicum calloso; umbilico minori, spiralitèr sulcato. Shell subglobose, with an acuminated but decollated spire, consisting of 4 rounded, smooth volutions, with faint spiral striæ; volutions whitish, the last with a single fuscous band near the base; suture distinct; aperture circular, orange coloured within, peritreme white, reflected, sinuated above, thickened on the side of the umbilicus, which is small and spirally grooved. Madegascar. 82. C. INVOLVULUS. (pl. xxvi. f. 114 to 116.) nob. C. Volvulus. Lam. Anim. sans vert. vi. Turbo Volvulus, Chemn. ix. f. 1066. T. globoso-conicâ, pallidâ, brunneo-variegatâ et fasciatâ, spirâ depressiusculâ, obtusâ ; anfractibus 5 rotundatis, supernè spiraliter sulcatis, infra lævibus; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, supernè subangulatâ; peritremate simplici; reflexo, ætate subcontinuo, antiquato; umbilico mediocri, intùs lævi. Shell of a globosely conical form, with a rather depressed obtuse spire, consisting of 5 rounded volutions, spirally grooved on the upper part, and smooth below; suture dis- tinct; aperture circular, rather angular at the upper part; peritreme simple, reflected, becoming somewhat continuous and antiquated by age; umbilicus middle-sized, smooth within; colour pale, varied on the upper part, and banded on the lower, with chestnut. This is one of several species which are confounded by Lamarck under the name of C. Volvulus; it is common in India. 83. C. CARINATUM. (pl. xxvi. f. 117. 118.) Lam. Anim. sans vert. vi, 2. p. 143. T. globoso-conoideâ, brunneâ, spirâ acuminatâ, plerumque decollatâ; anfractibus 4–5, ventricosis, spiraliter carinatis, carinis plurimis, confertiusculis ; aperturâ circulari , superné subacuminatâ, peritremate albo, incrassato, subreflexo, callo umbilicali conspicuo; umbilico parvo, margine carinâ super- eminente, intùs carinato. Shell globosely conical, of a brown colour, with an acumi- nated, generally decollated spire ; volutions 4–5, with nume- Mich chaudi; Irat? a 120 3 caanpanırlatum F.129. Pferd rous close set, spiral ridges; aperture circular, rather angular at the upper part; peritreme white, thickened, somewhat reflected, forming a distinct callosity, partly covering the um- bilicus, which is small, with a prominent keel forming its edge and several ridges within. I have a variety with an orange coloured peritreme. 84. C. UNICARINATUM. (pl. xxvi. f. 119, 120. Lam. Anim. sans vert. vi. 2. p. 144. Encycl. Meth. t. 461. f. 1. a. b. T. globoso-conicâ, pallidâ, spiraliter fusco-fasciatâ, spirâ acuminatâ; anfractibus 4–6, rotundatis, lævibus, medio ultimi carinâ albâ solitariâ ; aperturâ circulari, supernè sub- angulatâ; peritremate albo, incrassato, revoluto; umbilico mediocri, spiraliter sulcato. Shell globosely conical, of a pale colour, with dark brown spiral bands, spire acuminated; volutions from four to six, rounded, smooth, the last having a single white keel; aperture circular, slightly angular at the upper part; peritreme white, thickened, revolute; umbilicus of middling size, spirally grooved. Madegascar. 85. C. BICARINATUM. (pl. xxvi. f. 121.) nob. T. globoso-conicâ, subfusca, spirâ acuminatâ, decollatâ, anfractibus 4–6, rotundatis, spiraliter obsoletè striatis, carinis duabis albis, alterâ medianâ, alterâ posticâ ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate fulvo, reflexo, patente, callum supra umbilicum mediocre, spiraliter sulcato, efformante. Shell globosely conical, of a brownish colour, with an acu- minated decollated spire; volutions from four to six, rounded, obsoletely spirally striated, with two white keels, the one central, the other above; aperture circular, peritreme fulvous, reflected, spreading, not revolute, forming a callosity over the middle-sized umbilicus, which is spirally striated within. Distinguished from the last not only by its having two keels, but also by its peritreme being spreading and not revolute. Madegascar. 86. C. TRICARINATUM. (pl. xxvi. f. 122.) Lam. Anim. sans. vert. vi. 2. p. 144. Chemn. xi. f. 1103, 1104. . . T. globoso-conicâ, pallidè fulvâ, spirâ acuminatiusculâ ; anfractibus 4–6, ventricosis, marginibus superioribus, sub- undulatis, carinis duabis ad quatuor acutis ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate reflexo, supernè acuminato; umbilico magno, intùs carinato, margine carinâ supereminente. Shell globosely conical, of a pale fulvous colour, with a carinatum, Bon. 121 7 x rather acuminated, and generally decollated spire, volutions from four to six, ventricose, their upper margins rather undu- lated, with from two to four sharp keels; aperture circular; peritreme reflected, acuminated at the upper part; umbilicus large, carinated within, and its margin consisting of a promi. nent keel. India. 87. C. RUGOSUM. (pl. xxvi. f. 123.) Lam. Anim. s. vert. vi. 2. p. 145. T. globoso-conicâ, albidâ, spirâ brevi, depressiusculâ, apice acuminatiusculo; anfractibus quinque, supernè exquisite de- cussatìm striatis, infra lævibus; aperturâ circulari; peritre- mate revoluto, latere umbilicali tenui, expanso; umbilico magno, intùs lævi. Shell globosely conoidal, whitish, with a short, rather depressed spire, whose apex is rather acuminated ; volutions five, with delicately decussated striæ on the upper part, and smooth on the lower; aperture circular, and peritreme revo- lute, its umbilical side thin and partly spread over the umbi- licus, which is large and smooth within. Trinidad. 88. C. OBSOLETUM. (pl. xxvi. f. 124. 125.) Lam. Anim. Madagascariense f./23, s. vert. vi. 2. p. 144. C. Madagascariense Gray in Griff. Cuvier. T. globoso-conoidali, albâ, fusco-fasciatâ, spirâ subacumi- natâ, anfractibus rotundatis, lævibus, ultimo ventricoso; aperturâ circulari; peritremate albo, reflexo, subrevoluto, su- pernè subacuminato; umbilico magno, spiraliter sulcato. Shell globosely conoidal, white with fuscous bands; spire rather acuminated; volutions rounded, smooth, the last ven- tricose; aperture circular; peritreme white, reflected, some- what revolute, and acuminated at the upper part ; umbilicus large, spirally grooved. 89. C. volvulus. (pl. xxvi. f. 126) Lam. Anim. s. vert. vi, p. 145. Encycl. Meth. t. 461. f. 5. a. b. Helix Volvulus, Müller, Vermium, p. 82, no. 280. T. globoso-conicầ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus quinque, rotundatis, pallidis, fusco-variegatis, lævibus; suturâdistinctâ, margine inferiore levato; aperturâ circulari, supernè subcana- liferâ, peritremate albo, incrassato, reflexo; umbilico medio- cri, margine obtusè carinato, intùs lævi; operculo corneo, tenui, spirali. Shell globosely conical, with a rather obtuse apex ; volu- tions 5, rounded, pale coloured varied with dark brown, smooth, suture distinct, its lower edge prominent; aperture 122 * circular, its upper part slightly canaliferous; peritreme white, thickened, reflected; umbilicus middle-sized, its mar- gin obtusely keeled, smooth within; operculum horny, thin, spiral. Lamarck has confounded several species under the name of C. Volvulus, but this appears to be the one to which that name was first applied. Chemnitz has given two species under the name of Turbo Volvulus, but the present appears to be the only one to which no other name has been given. Found at Pulo-Condore according to M. S. in the Banksian Collection. 90. C. PERDIX. (pl. xxvii, f. 127. 128.) nob. Zool. Journ. iv. T. suborbiculari, albidâ, fusco-variâ, spirâ subdepresso- conicâ, subacuminatâ; anfractibus 4–5, primis carinatis, ul- timo carinâ obsoletâ, fasciâ suturali pallidâ, fusco-articulatâ ; suturâ subobsoletâ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate expanso, subrevoluto; umbilico magno. Shell nearly orbicular, whitish, varied with fuscous; spire rather depressed conical, rather acuminated with from 4-5 volutions, the first of which are keeled, and the last with the keel obsolete, and a pale band, articulated with fuscous im- mediatelely below the suture, which is rather indistinct ; aperture circular; peritreme spreading, almost revolute; um- bilicus large. A variety occurs with more ventricose and less strongly keeled volutions, a more elevated spire, and a white, thickened, revolute peritreme. Another variety has ventricose volutions, and an orange coloured peritreme. The young shells have an angular aperture, 91. C. TUBA. (pl. xxvii. f. 129. 130.) vide Zool. Proc: June, 1842, p. 83. T. suborbiculari, depressiusculâ; tenui, lævi, albicante, rufescente-fusco variegatâ et nubeculatâ; spirâ brevi, subde- pressâ, acuminatâ; anfractibus quinis, planiusculis, primis carinatis, ultimo maximo, rotundato; aperturâ maximâ, circu- lari, expansâ, albicante, peritremate albicante, tenui, lato, revo- luto, supra anfractum ultimum interrupto; umbilico magno. Shell suborbicular, rather depressed, thin, smooth, whitish, varied and clouded with reddish brown; spire short, rather flattened, acuminated at the apex; volutions 5, flattish, the posterior carinated, the last very large, and rounded ; aperture very large, circular, expanded, whitish : peritreme whitish, thin, broad, revolute, interrupted over the last volution : um- bilicus large. 123 Х Found under deayed leaves near Mount Ophir, in Malacca, H. Cuming. 92. C. AQUILUM. (pl. xxvii. f. 131.) nob. T. suborbiculari, subdepressâ, tenuiusculâ, lævi, fulvescente fuscâ, nonnunquam cingulo pallescente mediano; spirâ brevi, acuminatiuscula, anfractibus quinis subplanulatis, primis pau- lulùm carinatis, ultimo maximo, rotundato; aperturâ circulari, expansâ, albicante vel fulvescente, peritremate subincrassato, reflexo, supra anfractum ultimum interrupto, ad latere umbili- cali subsinuato; umbilico magno. Shell nearly orbicular, rather depressed and thinish, smooth, of a yellowish brown, sometimes with a paler circum- ferential band; spire short, rather acuminated, of 5 rather flattened volutions, the first of which are slightly carinated, the last very large and rounded ; aperture circular, expanded, whitish or fulvous, peritreme slightly thickened and revolute, interrupted by the last volution and somewhat sinuated on the umbilical side; umbilicus large. Found under decayed leaves in the Woods at Singapore, H. Cuming. 93. C. VALIDUM. (pl. xxvii. f. 132. 133.) nob. T. orbiculari, crassiusculâ, pallidâ, brunneo-variegatâ, spirâ levatiusculâ, anfractibus quinque rotundatis spiraliter striatis et nonnunquam obtusè quatuor ad quinque carinatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate incrassato, reflexo, umbilicum versus patente; umbilico mediocri; operculo corneo, tenuiusculo, margine anfractuum lamellari. Shell orbicular, rather thick, of a pale colour varied with brown; spire rather elevated, of 5 rounded, spirally striated, sometimes obtusely 4 or 5 keeled volutions; suture distinct; aperture circular, with a thickened, reflected peritreme some- what spread on the umbilical side, so as partly to cover it; umbilicus moderate; operculum horny, rather thin, the edge of its volutions lamellar, Several varieties were found in Samar and Leyte, among the Philippine Islands, by Mr. Cuming, generally under decayed leaves. 94. C. IRRORATUM. (pl. xxvii. f. 134. 135.) nob. punctatum. T. subgloboso-conicâ, tenui, lævi, pallescente, fusco-irroratâ, plerumque cingulo mediano nigricante; spirâ elevatiusculâ, apice nigricante, obtuso; anfractibus quinis, ventricosis, pri- mùm subcarinatis, deinde rotundatis; suturâ tenui; aperturâ ferè circulari, posticè obsoletè subacuminatâ, anfractu ultimo tenuitèr modificatâ, peritremate crassiusculo, rotundato- reflexo; umbilico mediocri. Grat: 124 Shell globosely conical, thin, smooth, of a pale colour vari- ously speckled with brown, and generally having a blackish circumferential band; spire rather elevated, its apex dark coloured and obtuse; volutions 5, ventricose, at first slightly carinated, afterwards rounded; suture slender; aperture nearly circular, very slightly acuminated posteriorly, a little modified by the last volution; peritreme thickish, rounded, reflected; umbilicus moderate. China, common. 95. C. ACUTIMARGINATUM. (pl. xxvii. f. 138. 139.) nob. Zool. Proc. T. suborbiculari, conicâ, tenui, lævi, subpellucidâ, badiâ, albido-marmoratâ; spirâ subacuminatâ, submamillari, anfrac- tibus quatuor, rapidè crescentibus, supernè infraque rotundatis, margine carinato, acuto, propè suturam marginemque coloribus alternatis; aperturâ magnâ, orbiculari, peritremate reflexo, albo, incrassato, propè ultimum anfractum subinterrupto, su- pernè productiore, minimè reflexo; umbilico mediocri, pro fundo; operculo corneo, multispirali. Shell nearly orbicular, conical, rather depressed, thin, smooth, somewhat pellucid, of a brownish colour, marbled with white; spire rather acuminated, slightly papillary; volu- tions 4, increasing rapidly, rounded both above and below, with a sharp keeled edge, with the colours alternating at the suture and at the margin; aperture large, with a reflected, white, and thickened peritreme rather interrupted by the last volution, and rather more produced above, but not reflected ; umbilicus moderate, deep; operculum horny, multispiral. On palm leaves at Catbalonga, I. of Samar, Mr. Cuming. 96. C. SEMISULCATUM. (pl. xxv. f. 99.) nob. T. suborbiculari, depressiusculâ, tenuiusculâ, albicante, fasciâ angustâ medianâ fusco-nigricante, posticè plerumque brunneo-variegatâ; spirâ brevi, anfractibus quinque, postice spiraliter sulcatis, sulcis distantibus, anticè læviter striatis, vel lævibus; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ fere circulari, peri- tremate incrassato, subreflexo, posticè angulifero; umbilico lato, intùs spiraliter striâto; operculo corneo, crassiusculo, ; extus sublamelloso, intus lævi. Shell nearly orbicular, flattish, rather thin, whitish, with a narrow dark brown circumferential band, and posteriorly generally variegated with brown; spire very short, volutions five, posteriorly spirally grooved with distant grooves, an- teriorly smoothly striated or smooth ; suture distinct; aper- ture nearly circular, peritreme thickened, somewhat reflected, with a posterior angle next to the last volution ; umbilicus X 125 broad, spirally striated within; operculum horny, thickish, externally somewhat lamellar, internally smooth and shining. 97. C. DESMOULINSII. (pl. xxv. f. 97.) Grat. Moulinsü, T. suborbiculari, depressiusculâ, tenuiusculâ, pallescente, Grat: strigis plurimis irregularibus fuscis spiraliter pictâ, spirâ brevi, anfractibus 4}, rotundatis, leviter spiraliter striatis, rapidè crescentibus, ultimo maximo; suturâ tenui, angustâ; aperturâ ferè circulari, postice subangulatâ; peritremate angusto, reflexo, prope ultimum anfractum subexpanso; umbilico magno. Shell nearly orbicular, rather depressed, thinnish, of a pale colour, marked with numerous irregular brown spiral streaks, spire short, volutions 4, rounded, smooth, finely ) spirally striated, increasing rapidly, the last being much larger than the former; suture rather indistinct; aperture almost circular, rather angular posteriorly; peritreme narrow, reflected, a little spread over the last volution; umbilicus large. In several collections, locality unknown. 98. C. LINGUIFERUM. (pl. xxix. f. 198.) nob. T. suborbiculari, subconicâ, crassâ, pallescente, maculis saturatè brunneis angulatim variegatâ; spirâ subacuminatâ, submamillari, anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, lævibus, spiral- iter obsoletè striatis ; aperturâ magnâ, orbiculari, peritremate incrassato, subreflexo, labio interno linguam latam efformante, umbilicum partim tegente. Shell nearly orbicular and globosely conical, thick, of a pale colour, angularly varied with dark brown, spire some- what acuminated, slightly mamillary, with four rounded, smooth, obsoletely spirally striated volutions; aperture large, orbicular, peritreme thickened, slightly reflected, columellar lip forming a broad tongue-shaped process, which partly covers the umbilicus. Found under decayed leaves in the Island of Bohol, by Mr. Cuming 99. C. PHILIPPINARUM. (pl. xxix. f. 205, 206, 207.) zebra, Grat; nob. Zool. Proc. 1842, p. 83. A.203. 2017: T. globoso-conicâ, pallidâ, fusco-marmoratâ ; spirâ sub- acuminata, anfractibus 5 subrotundatis, supernè longitudi- naliter sulcatis, ultimo infra lævigato; aperturâ subrotundâ, peritremate obtuso, reflexo, supernè producto, latere umbilici subsinuato; umbilico parvo; operculo tenui, corneo, lævi. Shell globosely conical, of a pale colour, marbled with 126 + brown ; spire rather acuminated, consisting of five somewhat rounded volutions, longitudinally grooved on the upper part, the last volution smooth beneath; aperture nearly round, peritreme obtuse, reflected, its upper edge produced, and the side towards the umbilicus rather sinuous: umbilicus small. First brought by Mr. Smith from Luçon. Mr. Cuming has collected many varieties, generally under decayed leaves, though sometimes on leaves of trees and bushes, on several of the Philippine Islands. 100. C. TIGRINUM. (pl. xxix. f. 201, 202, 203, 204.) nob. T. suborbiculari, subconicâ, crassiusculâ, læviusculâ, palles- cente, strigis irregularibus, transversis, saturatè brunneis pictâ ; spirâ subacuminatâ, apice obtusiusculo, anfractibus quinque, raptim crescentibus, rotundatis, plerumque carinis tribus vel quatuor subobsoletis; aperturâ magnâ, orbiculari, posticè subemarginatâ, peritremate reflexo, albo, incrassato, prope ultimum anfractum subinterrupto; labio columellari sub- extenso, umbilicum mediocre partim tegente; suturâ dis- tinctâ; operculo tenui, corneo, multispirali, marginibus anfractuum lamellosis. Shell suborbicular, subconical, thickish, rather smooth, of a light brown, with irregular transverse stripes of dark brown: spire slightly acuminated, rather obtuse at the apex; volutions five, increasing rapidly, rounded, with 3 or 4 rather obsolete keels; aperture large, circular, slightly emarginated posteriorly, with a thickened, reflected, white peritreme, slightly interrupted at the last volution ; columellar lip rather spread, partly covering the middle-sized umbilicus; suture distinct; operculum thin, horny, multispiral, with the edges of its volutions lamellar. Many varieties of this species were brought by Mr. Cuming from the Philippine Islands, see Zool. Proc. 1842. 101. C. LINGULATUM. (pl. xxix. f. 208, 209, 210.) nob. T. suborbiculari, subdepresso-conoideâ, tenuiusculâ, lævi- gatâ, pallidâ, fusco variè maculatâ, vel radiatim strigatâ ; spirâ brevi, subacuminatâ, apice obtusiusculo, suturâ subin- conspicuâ ; anfractibus 4, ventricosiusculis, plerumque acutimarginatis, nonnunquam margine ultimi rotundato; aperturâ circulari, peritremate pallido, plerumque duplici, interno lineari, externo latiori, reflexo, supra umbilicum plus minusve latè extenso; umbilico mediocri; operculo corneo, tenui, multispirali. Shell suborbicular, rather depressedly conoidal, thinnish, X 127 smooth, of a pale colour, variously mottled and radiately striped with brown; spire short, slightly acuminated and rather obtuse; suture not very distinct; volutions 4}, rather ventri- cose, generally with a sharply keeled edge, but sometimes having the edge of the last volution rounded; aperture cir- cular, with a whitish, generally double, peritreme, inner peritreme linear, outer broader, reflected, more or less broadly extended over the umbilicus; umbilicus moderate; oper- culum horny, thin, multispiral. Many varieties of this elegant species were brought by Mr. Cuming, from the Islands of Siquijod, Zebu, and Bohol. 102. C. CILIATUM. (pl. xxx. f. 237, 238.) nob. T. suborbiculari, conoideâ, tenuiusculâ, lævigatâ, fulves- cente, fusco-radiatim strigatâ ; spirâ brevi, submucronatâ, apice acuminatiusculo; anfractibus quinque subrotundatis, ultimo magno, margine carinato, (carinâ epidermide ciliatâ ;) aperturâ circulari, peritremate reflexo, posticè emarginato; umbilico magno; operculo tenui, corneo, multispirali. Shell suborbicular, conoidal, thin, smooth, pale yellowish brown, with irregular radiating brown stripes ; spire short, with a rather acuminated apex, and five slightly rounded volutions, of which the last is large and keeled at its edge, where the epidermis forms a fringe of hairs; aperture cir- cular, peritreme reflected, forming a very small notch at the upper or posterior extremity; umbilicus large; operculum thin, horny, multispiral. Found under stones at South Camarinas, Luçon, by Mr. Cuming. 103. C. HELICOIDE. (pl. xxx. f. 245, 246.) nob. T. suborbiculari, conoidali, crassiusculâ, spiraliter striatâ, fulvescente, fusco-radiatim strigatâ ; spirâ brevi, acuminati- usculâ, anfractibus 5 ad 6, rotundatis, anticè lævibus, posticè spiraliter striatis, obsoletè 4 ad 5 carinatis, carinis duabus posticis, epidermide ciliatis; aperturâ circulari, peritremate duplici, albicante, postice emarginato, interno tenui, levatius- culo, externo angusto, reflexo; umbilico majusculo; operculo tenui, corneo, multispirali. Shell suborbicular, conoidal, rather thick, spirally striated, yellowish brown, with radiating dark brown stripes; spire short, rather acuminated, with 5 to 6 rounded volutions, smooth anteriorly; spirally striated posteriorly, and with four orfive obsolete keels, of which the two posteriorare ciliated with 128 epidermis ; aperture circular, peritreme double, whitish, forming a very small notch at the upper or posterior extremity; umbilicus rather large ; operculum thin, horny, multispiral. Found under decayed leaves in the Island of Bohol, by Mr. Cuming. 104. C. CLAUSUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 266, 267.) nob. T. subglobosâ, crassiusculâ, lævi, albicante, posticè fulves- cente, spirâ brevi, subdepressâ, apice obtuso; anfractibus 3}, subrotundatis, posticè spiraliter striatis; aperturâ subcirculari, posticè subacuminato, peritremate tenui, subreflexo, latere umbilicali crassiusculo, rotundato, umbilicum claudente. Shell subglobose, thickish, smooth, whitish, rather fulvous at the obtuse apex of the rather depressed, short spire; volutions 3), somewhat rounded, spirally striated posteriorly ; aperture nearly circular, rather acuminated behind, with a thin, slightly reflected peritreme, thickish and rounded toward the umbilicus, which is covered by it. From Yemen, Arabia, Mr. Powis. 105. C. ATRAMENTARIUM. (pl. xxx. f. 236.) T. orbiculato-pyramidali, crassiusculâ, lævigatâ, purpureo- nigricante, nonnunquàm fusco-maculatâ; spirã mediocri,coni- câ, obtusâ, anfractibus quinque ad sex, rotundatis, tenerrimè transversim striatis ; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, ; margine labii duplicato, peritremate reflexo, latiusculo, umbilicum versus angulato; umbilico mediocri. Shell nearly orbicular, pyramidal, thickish, smooth, of a purplish black colour, sometimes paler and variously spotted with brown; spire of moderate length, conical, obtuse at the apex, and consisting of from five to six rounded volutions, which are very finely transversely striated, and separated by a distinct suture; aperture circular, margin of the lip double, peritreme reflected, rather broad, and angular towards the umbilicus, which is of moderate size. 106. C. HARVEYANUM. (pl. xxx. f. 250.) nob T. sub-globoso-conicâ, crassiusculâ, spiraliter sulcatâ, fulves- cente, spiræ apice obtuso, anfractibus 44 rotundatis, 'tenerrimè transversim striatis, ultimo fasciâ fuscâ antemedianâ ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate albido, subincrassato, subreflexo, posticè paululùm acuminato; umbilico majusculo. Shell rather globosely conical, thickish, spirally grooved, of a fulvous colour; volutions 4}, rounded, very finely trans- versely striated, the last with a fuscous band in front of the a Cisperzuimiot : 129 periphery; aperture circular, peritreme whitish, rather thickened, slightly reflected and a little acuminated posteri- orly; umbilicus rather large. Communicated by Lady Harvey. 107. C. CINCTUM. (pl. xxix. f. 199.) nob. Testâ globoso-conoidali; crassiusculâ, pallidâ, fasciâ fusca unicâ infra-medianâ; anfractibus 4–5 rotundatis, supernè spiraliter sulcatis, infrâ læviusculis; suturâ distinctâ; apertura circulari, intus fulvâ; peritremate subincrassato, subreflexo, latere umbilicali subexpanso, prope ultimùm anfractum sinuato, tenuiori ; umbilico majori, intus spiraliter sulcato. Shell globosely conoidal, thickish, and of a pale colour, with a single fuscous band below the middle of the volutions; volutions from 4 to 5, rounded, spirally grooved on the upper part, smooth beneath ; suture distinct; aperture circular, fulvous within ; peritreme somewhat thickened and rather reflected, spreading out on the umbilical side, thin and sinuated at that part which lies next to the last volution; umbilicus large, spirally grooved within. E. Indies. 108. C. PYROSTOMA. (pl. xxix. f. 200.) nob. T. subgloboso-conicâ, tenuiusculâ, flavescente, aurantiaco pallidè strigatâ, spirâ mediocri, apice obtusiusculo, anfractibus 5, rotundatis, posticè spiraliter striatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ ferè circulari, peritremate aurantiaco, subincrassato, rotundato, subreflexo, posticè subacuminato, prope ultimum anfractum subinterrupto; umbilico magno. . Shell subglobosely conical, rather thin, yellowish, with stripes of pale orange colour; spire of moderate length, rather obtuse at the apex ; volutions five, rounded, spirally striated posteriorly, and smooth anteriorly, with a distinct suture; aperture nearly circular, with a slightly thickened, orange coloured, rounded, subreflected peritreme, slightly acuminated behind, and interrupted for a short distance next to the last volution ; umbilicus rather large. From Miss Sauľs collection, locality unknown. 109. C. PULCHELLUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 263, 264.) nob. T. tenui, subgloboso-conoideâ, pallescente, tenuissimè spiraliter striatâ; anfractibus 5, ventricosissimis, fasciis 5-6 interruptis fuscis; ultimo carinâ parvâ medianâ; aper- turâ circulari, peritremate reflexo, aurantiaco; umbilico mediocri, intùs spiraliter sulcato; suturâ validâ. Shell thin, of a conoidal nearly globose form, and of pale colour, smooth, very finely spirally striated; volutions five, very ventricose and rounded, with five or six much 130 f interrupted brown bands; last volution with a small keel near the middle : aperture circular, with a reflected reddish orange peritreme: umbilicus of moderate dimensions, spirally grooved within ; suture distinct. Locality unknown. The specimen from which our drawing and description were taken was obligingly communicated by M. Keraudren. 110. C. GOUDOTIANUM. (pl. xxix. f. 193.)—? T. subgloboso-conicâ, tenui, lævi, fulvâ, spirâ gradatim acuminatâ, apice obtuso, nigricante, anfractibus quinque, rotundatis, spiraliter tenerrimè striatis et rufo-nigricante quadrifasciatis, aperturâ circulari, peritremate tenui, extus lato, reflexo, latere umbilicali angusto, reflexo; umbilico mediocri, spiraliter striato. Shell subglobosely conical, thin, smooth, yellow, spire gradually acuminated, with an obtuse blackish apex; volutions 5, rounded, very finely spirally striated and with 4 reddish black bands; aperture circular, peritreme thin, its outer edge broad and reflected, inner edge narrow and turned back ; umbilicus of moderate size, spirally striated within. Found at Natal, by Dr. Krauss. 111. C. VIRGATUM. (pl. xxix. f. 192.) nob. T. oblongo-pyramidali, tenuiusculâ, pallescente, lævi, spirâ acuminatâ, apice obtusâ; anfractibus quinque, rotunda- tis, spiraliter castaneo fasciatis; aperturâ circulari, peritremate subreflexo, ad ultimum anfractum interrupto; umbilico parvo ; operculo testaceo, paucispirali, anfractibus transversim undato- striatis. Shell of an oblong pyramidal form, rather thin, smooth and of a pale brownish colour; spire regularly acuminated, with an obtuse apex; volutions 5, rounded, with chestnut coloured ; spiral bands; aperture circular, with a slightly reflected peri- treme, a little interrupted at the last volution ; umbilicus small; operculum testaceous, with few volutions, which are transversely undato-striated. Locality unknown. 112 Č. FLEXILABRUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 258. 259.) nob. T. globoso-conoideâ, crassa, lævi, brunnescente; spirâ obtusâ, anfractibus 4], subventricosis, ultimo rotundâto, fasciis castaneis spiralibus ornato; aperturâ ferè circulari, peritremate incrassato, reflexo, posticè sinuato; umbilico minimo, lineari, vel clauso. Shell globosely conoidal, thick, smooth, brownish; spire obtuse, volutions 4), rather ventricose, the last rounded and a و multistriatum say, x 131 ornamented with a chestnut spiral band; aperture nearly circular, with a thickened, reflected peritreme; sinuated posteriorly; umbilicus very small and linear, or closed. Madegascar, communicated by Mr. Powis. 113. C. ICTERICUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 268. 269.) nob. T. globoso-conicâ, crassiusculâ, fulvescente, spirâ acumi- natâ, apice decollato; anfractibus 4, rotundatis, spiraliter sulcatis; aperturâ circulari, peritremate incrassato, reflexo, suprà umbilicum parvum crasso, extenso, umbilicum ferè tegente, posticè subacuminato; sulcis spiralibus umbilici majoribus. Shell globosely conical, thickish, fulvous, with an acumi- nated spire, apex decollated; volutions 4, rounded, spirally grooved; aperture circular, peritreme thickened, reflected, thick and spread over the small umbilicus so as to cover it, and somewhat acuminated posteriorly; spiral grooves of the umbilicus larger than the others. 114. C. MEGACHEILUS. (pl. xxxi. f. 276.) nob. Sowerbii, T. globoso-conicâ, crassiusculâ, brunnescente, fasciâ antè mediam castaneâ ;spirâ breviusculâ ; anfractibus 44, rotundatis, posticè lineis levatis spiralibus, albo-castaneoque articulatis, ultimo anticè lævi; aperturâ circulari, peritremate crasso, reflexo, rotundato, albicante; umbilico mediocri. Shell globosely conical, thickish, brownish, with a chestnut band in front of the periphery; spire rather short, with 4} 4 rounded volutions, posteriorly with raised white spiral lines with chestnut spots, the last smooth in front; aperture circular, peritreme thick, reflected, rounded, broad, whitish; umbilicus of moderate size. 115. C. GUIMARASENSE. (pl. xxxi. f. 274. 275.) nob. : T. globoso-conicâ, tenui, brunneâ, pallescente maculatâ, ad suturam articulatâ : spirâ acuminatâ, apice obtusiusculâ ; anfractibus 5, ventricosis, posticè obsolete 2 vel 3 carinatis; aperturâ circulari, amplâ, peritremate tenuiusculo, reflexo, albo : umbilico mediocri. Shell globosely conical, thin, brown, varied with paler, and with an articulated brown and whitish band at the suture; spire acuminated, with an obtuse apex; volutions 5, ventri- cose, posteriorly with 2 or 3 obsolete keels; aperture circular, large; peritreme rather thin, reflected, white; umbilicus middling. From the Island of Guimaras, H. Cuming. 116. C. LATILABRUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 281.) D'Orb. T. globoso-conoideâ, tenui, subhyalinâ, albidâ; apice decollato; anfractibus 4, rotundatis, tenuissimè transversim 132 x و striatis; suturâ profundâ, aperturâ circulari; peritremate duplici, interno subreflexo; externo latè expanso; umbilico magno. Shell globosely conoidal, very thin, slightly hyaline, whitish; apex truncated; volutions 4, rounded, and very delicately transversely striated, with a deep suture; aperture circular; peritreme double, inner slightly reflected, outer widely spread, thin; umbilicus large. 117. C. PULCHRUM. (pl. xxvii. f. 143. 144.) Gray, in Supp. to Wood's Ind. Testac. T. suborbiculari, spirâ conoidali, apice mamillari (plerumque decollato) anfractibus 3–5, ventricosis, rotundatis, spiraliter carinatis, et transversim striatis; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate duplici, interno tenui, elevatiusculo, externo lato, reflexo, undulato; umbilico magno, spiraliter carinato et transversim striato. Shell nearly orbicular, with a rather short conical spire, the apex of which is mamillated, it is, however, generally decolla- ted; volutions 3–5,(3 when decollated, 5 when complete) ventricose, rounded, with 8 or 10 spiral keels, and transversely striated; suture deep; aperture circular, with a double peri- treme, the inner of which is thin and slightly elevated, the outer broad, reflected, and undulated, each undulation forms at the back the continuation of one of the spiral keels, and the beautiful fringe or ruffle formed by this undulated peritreme, is concentrically striated. The whole shell is of a fawn colour, with dark marks arranged in rows above and below the spiral keels; these keels are only distinct on the two last volutions. That side of the reflected peritreme which is towards the last volution, is spread over it a little. Jamaica. 118. C. FIMBRIATULUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 145, 146.) Sow. in Tank. Cat. App. p. viii. no. 1015. T. globoso-conoideâ, albidâ, spirâ breviusculâ, decollatâ : anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, spiraliter sulcatis, sulcis confer- tissimè decussatis, asperis ; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circu- lari; peritremate duplici, interno simplicissimo, externo latè expanso, undulato; umbilico magno; operculo testaceo, spirali, anfractibus intùs lævibus, extùs lamellâ spirali reflexâ. Shell globosely conical, whitish, with a rather short decolla- ted spire, consisting of from 4 to 5 rounded, spirally grooved volutions, rough, with very close-set decussated striæ ; suture deep; aperture circular, peritreme double, the inner one very simple, the outer one broadly expanded and undulated ; a a 4 133 a a umbilicus large ; operculum shelly, spiral, its volutions smooth within, and with a reflected spiral lamella outside. Jamaica. 119. C. SCABRICULUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 147.) nob. T. globoso-conoideâ, albidâ, spirâ breviusculâ, decollatâ, anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, spiraliter sulcatis, sulcis con- fertissimè decussatis, asperis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circu- lari, peritremate duplici, interno tenui, externo latè expanso, undulato, posticè undulato-lamellari: umbilico mediocri ; operculo lamellâ levatâ spirali. Shell globosely conoidal, whitish, with a rather short decol- lated spire, consisting of 4 rounded, spirally grooved volu- tions ; grooves very finely decussated, rough ; suture distinct; aperture circular, peritreme double, inner thin, outer broadly expanded, undulated, posteriorly undulated lamellar; umbi- licus middling ; operculum with a spiral elevated lamella. Jamaica. 120. C. LÆVE. (pl. xxix. f. 220 to 222.) Gray. in Supp. to Wood's Ind. Testac. t. 6. f, 5. Turbo immaculatus, &c. Chemn. ix. p. 57. t. 123. f. 1063. T. globoso-conicâ, tenui, pellucidâ, albidâ, lævi, spirâ acuminatâ; anfractibus quinque, subrotundatis, ultimo ventri- coso; aperturâ subcirculari; peritremate reflexo, latere columellari sinuato; suturâ subobtectâ; umbilico parvo ; operculo tenui, corneo, spirali. Shell globosely conical, thin, pellucid, whitish, smooth, with an acuminated spire; volutions 5, slightly rounded, the last ventricose; aperture nearly circular; peritreme reflected, its columellar side sinuated; suture partly hidden ; umbilicus small; operculum thin, horny, spiral. First brought by Dr. Solander, in 1780. I have since received it from Luçon, collected by J. K. Smith, Esq., and Mr. Cuming has brought six varieties from the Philippine Islands. The young shell is keeled. 121. C. NITIDUM, (pl. xxix. f. 225, 226, 227.) nob. T. globoso-conicâ, tenui, pellucidâ, lævi, albidâ, interdum fusco-variegatâ; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 5, rotun- datis, ultimo maximo, ventricoso; aperturâ circulari, peritre- mate reflexo, latere columellari subsinuato; suturâ distinctâ ; umbilico parvo: operculo tenui, corneo, spirali. Shell globosely conical, thin, pellucid, smooth, white, or whitish variously speckled and marked with brown; spire acuminated, consisting of 5 rounded volutions, of which the last is very large and ventricose: aperture circular, with a R 134 reflected peritreme, which is slightly sinuated on the side towards the umbilicus, which is small; suture distinct; oper- culum thin, horny, of 5 or 6 volutions. Found on leaves of trees and shrubs in the Islands of Guimaras and Zebu, H. Cuming. 122. C. CONCINNUM. (pl. xxix. f. 223. 224.) nob. T. globoso-conicâ, tenui, pellucidâ, lævi, albidâ, viridifusco spiraliter lineatâ; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 5, rotun- datis, ultimo maximo, ventricoso; aperturâ circulari, peritre- mate reflexo, latere columellari subsinuato; suturâ distinctâ; umbilico parvo; operculo tenui, corneo, spirali. Shell globosely conical, thin, pellucid, smooth, whitish with spiral greenish brown lines; spire acuminated, of 5 rounded volutions, of which the last is very large and ventricose; aperture circular, with a reflected peritreme, and slightly sinuated on the side next to the umbilicus; suture distinct umbilicus small; operculum horny, thin, spiral. In the young state, while the epidermis remains the green- ish brown spiral lines are hairy. Several varieties were found by M. Cuming, on leaves of trees and bushes in the Islands of Bohol, Mindanao, and Camiguing. 123. C. PANAYENSE, (pl. xxx. f.239.) nob. T. globoso-conicâ, tenuissimâ, pellucidâ, lævi, fuscescente, spirâ brevi, obtusiusculâ, anfractibus quinque, spiraliter et distanter substriatis, rotundatis, ultimo anticè ad peripheriam carinâ obsoletâ munito ; aperturâ magnâ, ferè circulari, peri- tremate lato, reflexo, ad ultimum anfractum interrupto, mar- gine interno albo, externo fusco; umbilico parvo; operculo tenui, corneo, anfractibus 5—6. Shell globosely conical, very thin, pellucid, smooth, brown- ish; spire short, rather obtuse ; volutions five, rounded, dis- tantly spirally striated, the last furnished with a very indistinct keel at the periphery; aperture large, nearly circular, with a broad reflected peritreme, interrupted over the last volution, with a white internal and brown outer margin ; umbilicus small; operculum thin, horny, of five or six volutions. Found on leaves of bushes at Dingle in the Island of Panay, by Mr. Cuming. 124. C. VITREUM. (pl. xxx. f. 252.) Lesson. T. globoso-conicâ, tenuiusculâ, lævi, subpellucidâ, fulve- Nova-Jaber nice scente, spirâ acuminatå, anfractibus 5–6, rapidè crescentibus, Itibarnice rotundatis, suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ ferè circulari, peritre- mate albo, incrassato, reflexo, ad ultimum anfractum subin- X 135 و terrupto, latere umbilicali subsinuato, demùm latiori, suban- gulato; umbilico parvo; operculo testaceo, extùs concavo, anfractibus 4–5. Shell globosely conical, rather thin, smooth, slightly pellu- cid, fulvous, with an acuminated spire; volutions 5—6, in- creasing rapidly, rounded, with a distinct suture; aperture nearly circular; peritreme white, thickened, reflected, inter- rupted at the last volution, slightly sinuated on the umbilical side, when it becomes broader and rather angular, umbilicus small; operculum shelly, concave outwardly, its volutions 4-5. From New Ireland, Mr. Hinds. 125. C. LUTEOSTOMA. (pl. xxx. f. 228, 229.) nob. T. globoso-conicâ, tenui, pellucidâ, albidâ, epidermide tenui, corneâ indutâ; spirâ acuminatâ; anfractibus quinque, rotun- datis, ultimo magno, ventricoso; aperturâ subcirculari, peri- tremate reflexo, aurantiaco, latere columellari subsinuato, propè ultimum anfractum interrupto; suturâ distinctâ, umbi- lico parvo; operculo tenui, corneo, multispirali. Shell globosely conical, thin, pellucid, whitish, covered with a thin horny epidermis; spire somewhat acuminated, with five rounded volutions, of which the last is large and ventricose; aperture nearly circular, with a reflected orange coloured peritreme, slightly sinuated on the columellar side, interrupted and very thin upon the last volution ; suture dis- tinct, umbilicus small, operculum thin, horny, multispiral. Found on leaves of bushes in the Island of Guimaras, and at Dingle I. of Panay. by Mr. Cuming. 126. C. FIBULA, (pl. xxx. f. 240. 241. 242.) nob. T. suborbiculato-conicâ, tenui, cinerascente-fuscâ vel albidâ, nonnunquam fusco angulatim strigatâ, spirâ acuminatiusculâ, anfractibus 5—6, lævibus, lineis spiralibus nonnullis elevatius- culis, ultimo magno, anticè obtusè carinato, ante peripheriam subplanulato; aperturâ subobliquâ, rotundato-subquadratâ, peritremate reflexo, supra ultimum anfractum latè interrupto, latere umbilicali rotundato, revoluto; umbilico parvo, angusto : operculo tenui, corneo, anfractibus 6—7. Shell suborbicular-conical, thin, light greyish brown or whitish, sometimes more or less strongly marked with irre- gularly angular brown stripes and specks; spire rather acuminated; volutions 5 or 6, smooth, with several slightly elevated spiral lines, the last large, very obtusely carinated in front, and rather flattened before the periphery; aperture rather oblique, of a rounded subquadrate form, with a reflected ser a 136 peritreme which is broadly interrupted at the last volution and rounded and turned back on the side of the umbilicus, which is small and narrow; operculum thin, horny, with 6 or 7 volutions. Found on leaves of palms and other trees, in the north part of the Island of Luçon, by Mr. Cuming. 127. C. PERPLEXUM. (pl. xxx. f. 243. 244.) nob. T. suborbiculari, subconicã, tenui, albidâ, pallidè fusco variè nubeculatâ ; spirâ brevi; anfractibus quinque subrotundatis, lævibus, ultimo ad peripheriam subcarinato, posticè lineis levatiusculis distantibus nonnullis munito; suturâ indistinctâ ; aperturâ subcirculari, peritremate crassiusculo, reflexo, ad ultimum anfractum interrupto, latere umbilicali revoluto, umbilico mediocri. Shell suborbicular, subconical, thin, whitish, variously mottled and speckled with pale brown; spire short, volutions 5, rather rounded, smooth, the last slightly carinated at the periphery, and having several posterior slightly elevated distant lines; aperture nearly circular, peritreme thickish, reflected, interrupted at the last volution, rounded and turned back on the side of the umbilicus, which is of moderate size. Found on bushes at Abulug, by Mr. Cuming. 128. C. PILEUS. (pl. xxix. f. 196. 197.) nob. T. conicâ, tenui, albidâ, fusco pallidissimè nubeculatâ; spirâ subacuminatâ, anfractibus quinque, planulatis, anticè carinatis; aperturâ rotundato-subtrigonâ, extùs angulatâ, peritremate albo, reflexo, labiis posticè disjunctis; umbilico parvo. Shell conical, thin, whitish clouded with very pale brown, spire rather acuminated, with 5 flattened volutions, keeled in front; aperture subtrigonal, rounded, angular outside, peri- treme white, reflected, lips disunited posteriorly ; umbilicus small. Several varieties of this species were found by Mr. Cuming, under decayed leaves, near Sinait and St. Juan. 129. C. STAINFÖRTHII. (pl. xxix. f. 215. 216. & pl. xxx. f. 217.) nob. Zool. Proc. 1842, p. 82. T. tenui, albicante, pyramidali , carinatâ; spirâ acuminatius- culâ, anfractibus 5–6, lateribus subventricosis, ultimo longè maximo, margine mediano carinato, lineis spiralibus fuscis 4–6 ornato; suturâ subobsoletâ; aperturâ magnâ, suborbi- culari, latere columellari rectiusculo; peritremate albo, subincrassato, reflexo, supra anfractum penultimum subin- terrupto; umbilico mediocri ; operculo corneo, tenui, margi- nibus anfractuum lamellosis, levatiusculis. ; 137 Shell pyramidal, thin, whitish, keeled around the edge; spire rather acuminated, volutions 5-6, slightly ventricose on the sides, the last by far the largest, with its medial edge keeled, and having from 4 to 6 spiral brown lines; suture rather indistinct; aperture large, suborbicular, with its colu- mellar side rather straight; peritreme white, somewhat thick- ened, reflected, somewhat interrupted at the last voluton; umbilicus moderate; operculum horny, thin, with the edges of its volutions lamellar, rather elevated. Found by Mr. Cuming on leaves of trees and bushes, in several of the Philip- pine Islands, and named in honour of the Rev. F.J. Stainforth. 130. C. ATRICAPILLUM. (pl. xxx. f. 230. 231.) nob. T. globoso-pyramidali, tenui, nitidulâ, albicante, variè fusco-strigatâ, apice nigro, anfractibus 5, subrotundatis, . plus minusve obsoletê spiraliter carinatis; suturâ distinctâ ; aper- turâ rotundatâ, supernè subacuminatâ; peritremate acuto, reflexo, latere umbilicali subsinuato, ultimi anfractûs interrup- to; umbilico parvo; operculo corneo, tenui. Shell globoso-pyramidal, thin, somewhat shining, whitish, variously striped and speckled with dark brown, and having a black apex; volutions 5, rather rounded, more or less obso- letely spirally carinated; suture distinct; aperture round, rather acuminated at the upper part; peritreme acute, reflected, slightly sinuated on the side toward the umbilicus, interrupted against the last volution ; umbilicus small. First brought from the Philippine Islands by J. D. Smith, Esq. Mr. Cuming collected several varieties on the leaves of trees and shrubs, at Puerto-galero, in the Island of Mindoro. 131. C. GONIOSTOMA. (pl. xxx. f. 233. 234.) nob. T. suborbiculari, conoideâ, margine carinato, tenui, subpel- lucidâ, lævi, albidâ, fusco-varie strigatâ, spirâ acuminatâ, apice nigricante, obtusiusculo; anfractibus 5į, planulatis, ultimo subventricoso, obsoleté bi-vel tri-carinatis, margine acuto, - anticè subplanulato; aperturâ rotundato-subtrigonâ, anticè subrotundatâ, posticè extusque angulatâ, peritremate tenui, angusto, reflexo; umbilico parvo. Shell suborbicular, conical, with a carinated edge, thin, rather pellucid, smooth, whitish, variously striped with brown; spire acuminated, rather obtuse, blackish ; volutions 5}, flat- tened, the last slightly ventricose, with two or three obsolete keels, sharp at the edge, flattened in front; aperture of a rounded subtriangular form, rounded in front, and angular posteriorly as well as at the external edge; with a thin, narrow, 138 reflected peritreme; umbilicus small. Two varieties were found by Mr. Cuming, at Cagayan in the Island of Mindanao. 132. C. INSIGNE, (pl. xxx. f. 232.) nob. T. subglobosâ, subconoideâ, prætenui, corneâ, pellucidâ, viridescente-fuscâ; spirâ acuminatiusculâ; anfractibus quinque, primis rotundatis, lævibus, duobus ultimis tenerrimè trans- versim striatis, margine acutè carinato, posticè subplanulatis, 5 ad 7 carinatis, ultimo maximo, anticè subobsolete 2 vel 3 carinatis; aperturâ magnâ, subcirculari, peritremate tenui, reflexo, intùs albo, ultimo anfractu modificato; umbi- lico exiguo; operculo tenui, corneo. Shell subglobose, somewhat conoidal, very thin, horny, pellucid, of a greenish brown colour; spire rather acuminated; volutions five, of which the three first are rounded and smooth, and the two last very finely transversely striated, with a sharp keeled edge, rather flattened posteriorly and having from 5 to 7 rather obsolete keels; the last volution very large, with two or three rather obsolete keels anteriorly; aperture large, nearly circular, with a thin, reflected peritreme, white on the inner edge and modified by the last volution ; umbilicus small, operculum horny, very thin. Found on leaves of trees at Calapan, Island of Mindoro, by Mr. Cuming. 133. C. ACUMINATUM. (pl. xxx. f. 235.) nob. T. subglobosâ, pyramidali, tenui, lævi, pellucidâ, albicante, spirâ acuminatâ, apice obtusiusculo, fuscescente; anfractibus sex, rotundatis, substriatis, ultimo magno, carinâ ad periphe- riam obsoletiusculâ munito, ante carinam planulatiusculo; aperturâ subcirculari, posticè subacuminatâ, peritremate tenui, reflexo, ad ultimum anfractum interrupto; latere umbilicali subsinuato; umbilico parvo. . Shell subglobose, pyramidal, thin, smooth, pellucid, whitish; spire acuminated, with a rather blunt, brownish apex, volu- , tions six, rounded, very slightly and distantly striated, the last large, furnished with an indistinct keel at the periphery and very slightly flattened in front of the keel; aperture nearly orbicular, slightly acuminated posteriorly with a thin reflected peritrenie, interrupted at the last volution, and slightly sinuated at the side next to the umbilicus, which is small. Found by Mr. Cuming on leaves of trees at St. Juan, Island of Luçon. 134. C. TENUE, (pl. xxxi, f. 265.) nob. T. globoso-pyramidali, tenui, albicante, opacâ ; spirâ acumi- natiusculâ, apice obtuso; anfractibus 5-6, rotundatis, posticè * very small. 139 spiraliter substriatis, ultimo fulvo-unifasciato, anticè lævi ; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ rotundatâ; peritremate tenui, sub- reflexo; umbilico mediocri. Shell globoso-pyramidal, thin, nearly white, dull; spire rather acuminated, but with an obtuse apex; volutions 5-6, rounded, slightly spirally striated posteriorly ; the last volution with a single fulvous band and smooth in front; suture deep; aperture round, peritreme thin, very slightly reflected; um- bilicus middling. Africa; Mr. Gray. 135. C. GIBBUM, (pl. xxx. f. 247. 248.) Fer. Mag. de Zool. pl. 117. f, 1. T. suborbiculari, subpyramidali, tenui, subdistortâ, cineras- cente, spirâ mediocri, obtusâ, apice rufescente, anfractibus quinque rotundatis, transversim striatis, ultimi dorso inflato, demum coarctato et quasi strangulato; aperturâ circulari, margine duplicato, umbilicum versus subsinuato, peritremate latiusculo, reflexo, acuto, umbilicum versus angustiori; um- bilico mediocri. Shell nearly orbicular, somewhat pyramidal, rather thin, and having a distorted appearance, ash-coloured; spire of moderate length, blunt, with a dull red apex, consisting of five rounded, transversely striated volutions, the dorsal por- tion of the last volution inflated, and then suddenly contracted, as if strangled ; aperture circular, having a double margin, and slightly sinuated on the side toward the umbilicus, with a rather broad, sharp-edged, reflected peritreme, narrower toward the umbilicus, which is of moderate dimensions. Operculum circular, horny, exactly closing the contracted part or throat of the aperture. From the grottos of Touranne, in Cochin-China. 136. C. PRETREI, (pl. xxxi. f. 260.) D'Orb. T. globoso-pyramidali, tenui, scabrâ, albâ, spirâ acuminatâ, apice decollato, fusco; anfractibus 4, rotundatis, transversim striatis et costatis, costis minutis, subdistantibus, muricatis, ultimo propè aperturam disjuncto : suturâ profundâ; aper- turâ circulari, peritremate duplici, interno simplici, externo angusto, reflexo, undulato; umbilico magno, spiraliter cos- tato. Shell globosely-pyramidal, thin, white, rough; spire acumi- nated, its apex decollated, brown; volutions four, rounded, transversely striated and ribbed; ribs small, distant, muricated; the last volution disjoined near the aperture ; suture deep; aperture circular, peritreme double, inner simple, outer nar- 140 x و row, reflected, undulated; umbilicus large, spirally ribbed. From Cuba, communicated by D’Orbigny. 137. C. LINCINELLUM, (pl. xxviii. f. 150. 151,) Lam. Anim. s. vert. vi. 2. p. 148. C. Lincina, Encycl. Meth. t. 461, f. 2. C. compressum, Gray. in Supp. to Ind. Testac. t. 6. f. 42. T. globoso-conoideâ, pallidâ, seriatim fusco-maculatâ, spirâ subacuminatâ; anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, subtilissimè striatis, ultimi terminatione subporrecto, disjuncto; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate duplici, continuo, interno simplici , porrecto, externo angusto, expanso; umbilico parvo; operculo spirali, anfractibus paucis, extùs lamellâ spirali, reflexa. Shell globosely conical, of a pale colour, with rows of fuscous spots, spire rather acuminated, consisting of four or five rounded volutions, which are very finely striated, the last volution separated at its termination and standing for- ward; suture deep; aperture circular; peritreme double, continuous, the internal simple, standing forward, the external narrow, spreading ; umbilicus small; operculum spiral, con sisting of few volutions, with a spiral reflected lamella outside. Jamaica. Mr. G. Humphrey. 138. C. LINCINUM, (pl. xxviii. f. 148. 149.) Turbo Lincina, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. t. 1. p. 1239, no. 639. Chemn. ix. f. 1060. a. T. oblongâ, pallidâ, spirâ decollatâ ; anfractibus 3—4, teren- tibus, confertissimè decussato-striatis, asperis; suturâ pro- fundấ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate dilatato, latè expanso, planiusculo, crenato, supernè nonnunquam reflexo; umbilico parvo; operculo testaceo, lamellâ externâ spirali, reflexâ, striatâ. Shell of an oblong, somewhat conical form, with a decol- lated spire, consisting of three or four rounded volutions, which are rough all over, with close set decussating striæ ; suture deep; aperture circular; peritreme dilated, spreading widely, rather flat, crenated, the upper part sometimes re- flected; umbilicus small, externally with a spiral, reflected, striated lamella. This is undoubtedly Linné's Turbo Lincina, with which Lamarck's Cycl. Lincinella and his Cycl. inter- rupta, have both been confounded, neither of which, however, agrees with the character Linné gives of his T. Lincina, viz. T. testa oblonga, obtusa, rugoso striata, apertura limbo dilatato plano crenato. Jamaica 141 y 139. C. ALBUM, (pl. xxviii. f. 154.) nob. T. oblongâ, albâ, spirâ subconoidali , decollatâ; anfrac- tibus 3—4, rotundatis, lævibus; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ ellipticâ; peritremate duplici, interno tenui, simplici, externo angusto, subreflexo, supernè angulato. Shell oblong, white, spire rather conical, decollated; volu- tions from three to four, rounded, smooth; suture distinct; aperture elliptical; peritreme double, the internal one thin, simple, the external one narrow, somewhat reflected, angular at the upper part. 140. c. CHEMNITZII, (pl. xxviii. f. 155. 156.) Gray. in Supp. to Wood's Ind. Testac. t. 6. f. 6. T. oblongâ, subconoidali, apice decollato ; anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, lævibus, fasciâ fuscâ spirali unicâ, vel fasciis quatuor fuscis interruptis ; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ sub- rotundâ, supernè subacuminatâ ; peritremate duplici, interno tenui, simplici, externo latiusculo, subexpanso, supernè sub- acuminato, flexuoso; umbilico minimo; operculo testaceo spirali, anfractibus paucis striatis. Shell oblong, somewhat conical, apex truncated, with from four to five smooth rounded volutions, sometimes with a single fuscous broad spiral band, or with four narrow spiral interrupted fuscous bands; suture distinct; aperture nearly round, rather acuminated at the upper part; peritreme double, ; internal slender, simple, external rather wide and spreading, rather acuminated and flexuous at the upper extremity; umbilicus very small; operculum shelly, spiral, consisting of very few striated volutions. South Africa. 141. C. INTERRUPTUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 152. 153.) Lam. Anim. sans vert. vi. 2, p. 145. T. tenui, pellucidâ, ovato-conoideâ, apice obtuso, fusco ; anfractibus 4–5, ventricosis, lævibus, albidis, fasciis luteis, spiralibus, interruptis; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circulari ; peritremate interno tenui, levatiusculo, externo reflexo, dilatato-patente ; umbilico parvo. Shell thin, pellucid, ovately conoidal, with an obtuse dark brown apex; volutions from 4 to 5, ventricose, smooth, whitish, with spiral interrupted fulvous bands; suture deep; aperture circular; internal peritreme thin, rather elevated, external reflected, dilated, spreading; umbilicus small. The smallest volutions are transversely striated. M. Chenu, in the Receuil, &c. has given this for C. ambiguum, and vice versa has represented Lamarck's C, ambiguum, under the name of C. interruptum. 3 s 142 142. C. PICTUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 157. 158.) Cistula picta, Humph. M.S. ined. T. oblongo-conoideâ, tenui, subpellucidâ, spirâ acuminatâ, apice decollato ; anfractibus 4–5, ventricosiusculis, lævibus, albis, fusco-marmoratis; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ circulari ; peritremate interno tenui, levatiusculo, luteo, externo reflexo, dilatato-patente; umbilico parvo. Shell oblongo-conoidal, thin, somewhat pellucid, with a gradually tapering acuminated spire, whose apex is decollated ; volutions from 4 to 5, rather ventricose, smooth, white, marbled with brown, principally at the lower part; suture deep; aperture circular; internal peritreme slender, rather elevated, yellow, external reflected, spreading; umbilicus small. Jamaica. 143. C. SUBASPERUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 159.) Lister. Cistula decussata, Humphrey. M.S. ined. T. oblongo-conoideâ, spirâ elevatâ, decollatâ; anfractibus 5—6, rotundatis, subfuscis, albido-marmoratis, decussatìm striatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subellipticâ, disjunctâ, peritremate subrevoluto, latere anfractûs ultimi non continuo; umbilico mediocri. Shell of an oblong shape, with an elevated, gradually taper- ing spire, decollated at the apex, with 4 or 5 rounded volu- tions, of a brown colour marbled with whitish, and wholly covered with decussating striæ ; suture distinct; aperture rather elliptical, separated, with a somewhat revolute peri- treme, which, however, does not continue on the side of the aperture towards the last volution; umbilicus middle-sized. This is one of the largest of the pyramidal Cyclostomata, much resembling C. Labeo, from which it may easily be distinguished by the disjoined aperture, and the peritreme not continuing on the side towards the last volution. East Indies. 144. C. ARTICULATUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 160. 161.) nob. T. oblongâ, pyramidali, spirâ subacuminatâ, plerumque decollatâ; anfractibus 4—7, rotundatis, transversìm striatis; albidis, et articulatìm fusco-marmoratis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subcirculari; peritremate angusto, reflexo ; umbilico mediocri; operculo testaceo, tenui, extùs laminâ spirali conspicuâ. Shell oblong, pyramidal, with a subacuminated, though generally decollated spire; volutions 4—7, (4 or 5 when decollated, 6 or 7 when entire,) rounded, transversely striated, whitish marbled with fuscous, and having an alternately white 143 a + and fuscous band just below the suture, which is distinct ; aperture nearly circular, with a narrow, reflected peritreme; umbilicus deep, of moderate extent; operculum thin, shelly, with a distinct spiral lamina outside. This has been confounded with C. mirabile of Gray, but may very easily be distinguished by attention to the characters of the peritreme. Demerara. 145. C. THYSANORHAPHE. (pl. xxviii. f. 162. 163.) nob. T. oblongâ, pyramidali, spirâ acuminatâ, plerumque decol- latâ; anfractibus 3–6, rotundatis, transversìm striatis, fusco interruptìm fasciatis, marginibus superioribus plicato-fimbria- tis; (suturá crenulatá ;) aperturâ circulari; peritremate interno crassiusculo, levatiusculo, externo dilatato-patente; umbilico parvo; operculo extùs anfractibus 5–6, oblique striatis. Shell oblong, pyramidal, with a rather acuminated, but generally decollated spire; volutions 3–6,(3 or 4 when decollated, 5 or 6 when entire,) rounded, transversely striated, of a pale colour, with narrow interrupted fuscous bands, and the upper edges, close to the suture, plicato-fimbriated, the suture itself consequently appearing crenulated : aperture circular; the internal peritreme thickish, rather elevated, the external one wide, spreading; umbilicus small; operculum spiral, consisting of two lamina, the internal smooth and shining, the external with 5 or 6 obliquely striated volutions. From Demerara and the Antilles. 146. C. OBESUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 278.) nob. T. oblongâ, crassiusculâ, fuscescente, apice decollato, anfrac- tibus 3—4, rotundatis, spiraliter sulcatis, tenerrimè transversim striatis, aperturâ subovali, peritremate tenui, reflexo; umbilico parvo; operculo tenui, anfractibus 3. Shell oblong, thickish, of a light brown colour; apex decol- lated; volutions 3—4, rounded, spirally grooved, and very delicately transversely striated; aperture rather oval, with a thin, reflected peritreme; umbilicus small; operculum thin, with only 3 volutions. Collected by Pfeiffer, in Cuba. 147. C. PUDICUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 282.) D, Orb. T. ovato-pyramidali, crassiusculâ, tenerrimè decussatâ, rufo-fulvescente: apice decollato; anfractibus 3, rotundatis, peritremate duplici, interno simplici, externo tenui, lato, reflexo, latere columellari emarginato, propè umbilicum incrassato et reflexo, umbilicum claudente. Shell ovate pyramidal, thickish, very delicately decussated, reddish fulvous : apex decollated: volutions 3, rounded; peri- treme double, inner simple, outer thin, broad, reflected, with 144 a a notch on the columellar side close in front of the umbilicus, thickened and reflected over the umbilicus so as completely to cover it. Collected by D’Orbigny, in Cuba. 148. C. BANKSIANUM. (pl. xxix. f. 194.) nob. T. ovato-pyramidali, tenuiusculâ, pallescente, aurantiaco- brunneâ pallidè strigatâ , apice decollato ; anfractibus 3 ad 4, rotundatis, tenerrimè transversim striatis, striis paululùm undulatis; suturâ distinctâ, crenulatâ ; aperturâ magnâ, circu- lari, aurantiaco-brunneâ, peritremate duplici, interno tenui, paululùm levato, externo angusto, reflexo, propè ultimum anfractum discontinuo; umbilico mediocri, spiraliter striato. Shell ovately pyramidal, rather thin, of a light colour, with pale orange-brown stripes; apex decollated; volutions 3—4, rounded, very finely transversely striated, the striæ slightly undulated; suture distinct, crenulated; aperture large, circular, orange-brown, with a double peritreme, inner peritreme thin, slightly raised, outer narrow, reflected, not continuous over the last volution ; umbilicus middling, spirally striated. From Manchester Mountains, Jamaica ; named in honour of Miss Banks, of Doncaster. 149. C. XANTHOSTOMA. (pl. xxix. f. 195.) nob. T. oblongo-turritâ, crassiusculâ, cinereo-rufescente, apice decollato, anfractibus 4 ad 5, rotundatis, transversim tener- rimè striatis, et spiraliter sulcatis, nonnunquam transversim tenuitèr sulcatis, sulcis distantibus; suturâ profundâ ; aperturâ subcirculari, peritremate duplici, aurantiaco-rufescente, interno simplici, tenuiusculo, externo latiori, reflexo, tenuitèr subun- dulato; umbilico mediocri. Shell oblong, turreted, thickish, reddish-gray, apex decol- lated; volutions 4 to 5, rounded, very delicately transversely striated, and distinctly spirally grooved; sometimes also with slender, rather distant transverse grooves (apparently marking short periods of growth ; ) suture deep; aperture nearly circu- lar, peritreme double, reddish-orange, inner peritreme simple, thin, outer broader, reflected, very slightly undulated, umbilicus moderate. Savannah la mèr, Jamaica. 150. C. AUBEREANUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 285.) D'Orb. C. crenulatum. Pf. T. oblongo-pyramidali, crassiusculâ, albicante, fusco angu- latim lineolatâ, apice decollato ; anfractibus 4, subrotundatis, spiraliter striatis, eleganter decussatis; suturâ crenulatâ; aperturâ subellipticâ, posticè subangulatâ, peritremate subre- flexo; umbilico parvo, striis validioribus; operculi anfrac- tibus 2. X 145 > Shell oblong, pyramidal, thickish, whitish, with zigzag brown lines; apex decollated; volutions 4, somewhat rounded, spirally striated, and elegantly decussated; suture crenulated; aperture subelliptical, posteriorly a little angular, peritreme somewhat reflected; umbilicus small, with larger striæ ; operculum of 2 volutions. Cuba, communicated by D’Orbigny and Pfeiffer. May this be the C. lineolatum of Lam? 151. C. CANDEANUM. (pl. xxxi. f. 283, 284.) D’Orb. T. oblongo-turritâ, tenui, decussatâ, fulvo-rufescente, punc- tulis castaneis ordinatis; apice decollato ; anfractibus 4, subrotundatis, suturâ crenulatâ; aperturâ circulari, posticè subacuminatâ ; peritremate duplici, externo latiusculo, reflexo, latere umbilicali angustiori; umbilico parvo. Shell oblong, turreted, thin, decussated, reddish-brown, with rows of chestnut coloured dots, apex decollated ; volutions 4, somewhat rounded ; suture crenulated ; aperture circular, subacuminated posteriorly; peritreme double, outer rather broad, reflected, narrower on the side of the umbilicus, which is small. Cuba, communicated by D'Or- bigny and Pfeiffer. It seems distinct from C. decussatum Lam. 152. C. SAULIÆ. (pl. xxviii. f. 189.) nob. T. pyramidali, subturritâ, tenui, eleganter striatâ, pallescente, brunneo articulatim spiraliter lineatâ, apice decollato, anfrac- tibus quinque, rotundatis, suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate duplici, interno tenui paululùm levato, externo latiori reflexo, latere externo crenulato, albo brunneoque articulatim picto, posticè anticeque expanso, prope ultimum anfractum angusto; umbilico mediocri. Shell pyramidal, subturreted, thin, elegantly striated, of a pele colour, with interrupted brown spiral lines ; apex decollated ; volutions 5, rounded, with a distinct suture: aperture circular, peritreme double, the inner thin and slightly raised, the outer broader, reflected, with its outer edge crenulated, alternately brown and white, rather more spread both anteriorly and posteriorly, and narrow near the last volution; umbilicus moderate. From the West Indies, named in honour of Miss Saul. 153. C. MIRABILE. (pl. xxviii, f. 164.) Gray in Wood's Supp. to Ind. Testac. t. 6. f. 22. T. oblongo-pyramidali, tenui, pellucidâ, albidâ, fusco inter- ruptim fasciatâ, spirâ subacuminatâ, obtusâ, plerumque decol- latâ; anfractibus 4–7, rotundatis, transversim striatis; aperturâ circulari, peritremate reflexo, dilatato-patente; , 146 a a umbilico magno; operculo spirali, tenui, anfractibus 5, extùs laminâ latâ trivolutâ conspicuâ. Shell oblong, pyramidal, thin, pellucid, whitish, with inter- rupted fuscous bands, spire somewhat acuminated, but obtuse and generally decollated; volutions 447, (4 when decollated, 7 when entire) rounded and transversely striated ; aperture circular, with a wide spreading, and much reflected peritreme; umbilicus large ; operculum spiral, thin, with 5 volutions, and having externally a broad spiral lamina of three whorls. At the upper part of the volutions of this shell there is a strongly marked brown band, with distinct whitish articulations. From Demerara, G. C. Bainbridge, Esq. 154. C. LABEO. (pl. xxviii. f. 165.) Lam. Anim. s. Vert. vi. 2. p. 145. T. oblongâ, pyramidali, apice decollato; anfractibus 4, rotundatis, subfuscis, decussatìm striatis ; aperturâ ellipticâ ; peritremate albo, reflexo, latiusculo; umbilico mediocri. Shell oblong, pyramidal, with a decollated apex; volutions 4, rounded, of a brownish colour, and covered with decussa- ting striæ; aperture elliptical, with a broad white reflected peritreme; umbilicus rather small. This is one of the largest of the pyramidal species, being equal in size to C. subasperum, to which it bears a general resemblance, and which has been confounded with it. Under that species I have noticed the distinguishing marks. From Jamaica, Lam. 155. C. RUGULOSUM, (pl. xxviii. f. 166. 167.) Pfeiffer. Cistula scabrosa, Humphrey, M.S. T. cylindraceo-subpyramidali, apice decollato; anfractibus 4—7, subventricosis, decussatis, scabris, margine superiori crenulato; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ ellipticâ, supernè angu- latâ, peritremate disjuncto, reflexo, angustiori, umbilico minimo. Shell rather pyramidally cylindrical, generally decollated at the apex, with from 4 to 7 volutions, (4 when decollated, 7 when entire) rather ventricose, decussated, rough, with their enemulated upper edges decollated; suture distinct ; aperture elliptical, angular at the upper part; peritreme narrow, reflected, separated from the last volution; umbilicus very small. . From Providence Island and Cuba. 156. C. CHLOROSTOMA. (pl. xxviii. f. 168.) nob. T. cylindraceo-pyramidali, nigricante, apice decollato; anfractibus quinque, ventricosis, decussatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate continuo, reflexo-patente, flavo; umbilico minori. x 147 Shell pyramidally cylindrical, decollated at the apex, of a brownish black colour; volutions five, ventricose, decussated, with a distinctly marked suture; aperture circular, with a con- tinuous, reflected, spreading, yellow peritreme; umbilicus small. From Demerara, G. C. Bainbridge, Esq. 157. C. OBSCURUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 169.) Gray. M.S. T. ventricoso-subpyramidali, fuscâ, apice decollato; anfrac- tibus 4, ventricosis, decussatis, subasperis; suturâ crenulati- usculâ; apertura circulari ; peritremate crasso, reflexo-sub- patente, albicante; umbilico minori; operculo laminâ spirali reflexâ. Shell rather ventricosely pyramidal, fuscous, decollated at the apex, with four ventricose, decussated, rather rough, volutions; suture slightly crenulated; aperture circular, with a thickish, reflected, rather spreading, whitish peritreme; umbilicus small; operculum with a reflected spiral plate. 158. C. TESSELLATUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 173.) nob. T. oblongâ, pyramidali, albicante, maculis quadratis brunneis ornatâ; spirâ acuminatâ, ad apicem obtusâ, anfrac- tibus 7, convexis, quinque ultimis longitudinaliter striatis ; aperturâ subcirculari, supernè subacuminatâ, peritremate reflexo, tenui, albo, propè anfractum ultimum interrupto, umbilico nullo. Shell oblong, pyramidal, whitish, with a few squarish brown spots, principally next below the suture ; spire acuminated, obtuse at the apex, consisting of seven convex volutions, the , five last of which are longitudinally striated ; aperture nearly circular, rather acuminated at the upper part, with a thin reflected, sharp edged, white peritreme which is not continuous at that part where the lip comes in contact with the last volution : there is no umbilicus. From Corfu, M. Partsch. 159. C. PATULUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 170.) Draparnaud, pl. 1. f. 9, 10. Lam. Anim. vert. vi. 2. p. 149. T. turrito-conicâ, cinerascente-fuscâ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus 7, oblique striatis ; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ subellipticâ, superně subacuminatâ; peritremate albicante, extus reflexo-patente; umbilico minimo. Shell turrito-conical, greyish brown, sometimes speckled a little with darker brown; apex somewhat obtuse; volutions seven, obliquely striated, with a distinct suture; aperture rather elliptical, slightly acuminated at the upper part; peritreme whitish, its outer edge reflected, spreading; umbilicus very small. Found according to Lamarck, in the clefts of rocks, near Montpelier, in the South of France. 148 160. C. MACULATUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 171.) Draparnaud. T. turrito-conicâ, cinerascente, fusco-maculatâ, apice obtusiusculo, anfractibus 7—8, rotundatis, transversim tenuitèr striatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subellipticâ, supernè subacuminatâ, peritremate extùs incrassato, patulo, margine acuto; umbilico minimo. Shell turrito-conical, greyish, spotted with fuscous, apex rather obtuse ; volutions from seven to eight, rounded, with slender transverse striæ; suture distinct; aperture rather elliptical, oblique, its upper part somewhat acuminated ; peritreme white, its outer part thickened and spreading, not reflected, with a sharp edge; umbilicus very small. It is found in the South of Europe. 161. C. STRIOLATUM. (pl xxxi. f. 286.) Par. T. acuminato-pyramidali, tenui, subfusca, fasciis interruptis fuscis; anfractibus 73, subrotundatis, transversim obliquè tenerrimè striatis; aperturâ subcirculari, posticè subangulatâ, peritremate tenui, reflexo; umbilico parvo. Shell acuminated, pyramidal, thin, light brown with inter- rupted brown bands; volutions 71, slightly rounded, with transverse, oblique, very delicate striæ ; aperture nearly circular, rather angular posteriorly; peritreme thin, reflected; umbilicus small. European, sent to Mr. Cuming by M. Parreys. 162. C. AURITUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 172.) Ziegler. C. excisilabrum, nonnull. T. turrito-pyramidali, cinerascente, anfractibus 8, ventrico- sis, transversìm tenuitèr striatis, superioribus costellatis, costellis rariusculis; aperturâ ellipticâ, obliquâ, supernè subacuminatâ, peritremate albicante, patente, tenui, latere umbilicali marginato; umbilico tecto; operculi anfractibus paucis obliquè striatis. Shell turrito-pyramidal, ash grey, volutions 8, ventricose, with close-set, slender, transverse striæ, upper volutions with rather distant ribs; aperture elliptical, oblique, somewhat acuminated at the upper part, with a whitish, spreading, thin peritreme, which is notched on the umbilical side; the umbi- licus is covered ; operculum of few volutions, which are obli- quely striated. From Albania, Hungary, and Transylvania. 163. C. CRENULATUM. (pl. xxviii. f.174.175.) Gray.M.S. T. turrito-pyramidali, pallidâ, fusco-maculatâ, apice decol- lato; anfractibus 4, ventricosiusculis, transversim striatis; suturâ crenulatâ; aperturâ subobliquâ, ellipticâ, supernè 149 subacuminatâ, peritremate reflexo-patente, supernè acuminato, latere umbilicali flexuoso, sinuato ; umbilico parvo. Shell of a turreted pyramidal form, of a pale colour, with brown spots arranged in four rows; apex decollated; volu- tions 4, rather ventricose and transversely striated; suture crenulated; aperture rather oblique, somewhat elliptical, and acuminated at the upper extremity; peritreme slightly reflected, spreading, acuminated above, flexuous and sinuated on the umbilical side; umbilicus small. From the Antilles. 164. C. Fascia. (pl. xxviii. f. 176. 177.) Gray in Wood's Supp. to Ind. Testac. t. 6. f. 8. T. turrito-pyramidali, pallidâ, fusco-fasciatâ, fasciis non- nunquàm variè interruptis; apice plerumque decollato ; anfractibus 4–6, ventricosiusculis, plerumque decussato-stri- atis; suturâ crenulatâ ; aperturâ subobliquâ, ellipticâ, supernè subacuminatâ, peritremate duplici, interno simplici, externo variabile, reflexo-patente, supernè acuminato, latere umbilicali flexuoso, sinuato; umbilico minori; operculo spirali, anfrac- tibus paucis, obliquè striatis. Shell of a turreted pyramidal form, and generally of a pale colour, with brown bands, which are sometimes variously interrupted ; apex generally decollated; volutions from 4 to 6, rather ventricose, and generally decussato-striated, though sometimes striated only transversely ; suture crenulated ; aperture rather oblique, somewhat elliptical and acuminated at the upper extremity ; inner peritreme simple, entire, outer slightly reflected, spreading, acuminated above, flexuous and sinuated on the umbilical side ; umbilicus small; operculum with few volutions, increasing rapidly in width, and obliquely striated. West Indies 165. C. QUATERNATUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 178. 179.) Lam. Anim. sans vert. vi. pt. 2. p. 147. T. oblongo-subcylindraceâ, tenui, apice decollato, anfractibus 4, convexis, spiraliter tenuissimè striatis; suturâ crenu- latâ; aperturâ ellipticâ, supernè anguliferâ, peritremate continuo, disjuncto, angusto, reflexo; umbilico minimo, spiralitèr striato. Shell oblong, somewhat cylindrical, thin, pellucid, its apex decollated, with 4 finely spirally striated, convex volu- tions; suture crenulated; aperture elliptical, angular at the upper part, with a narrow, reflected, continuous peritreme, separated from the last volution ; umbilicus very small, with a few spiral striæ. Africa. T 150 x 166. C. SAGRA. (pl. xxxi. f. 279, 280.) D'Orb. C. Mahogani, Gould ; C. pictum, Pfeiffer. T. oblongâ, tenui, pellucidâ, nitidâ, spiraliter striatâ, pallidâ, maculis punctisque numerosis seriatim dispositis ornatâ; apice decollato; anfractibus 3—4, subventricosis; aperturâ ellipticâ; postice subacuminatâ, peritremate subincrassato, subreflexo; umbilico parvo; operculi anfractibus duobus. Shell oblong, thin, pellucid, shining, spirally striated, pale, with numerous brown dots disposed in rows; apex decollated; volutions 3—4, rather ventricose; aperture elliptical, slightly acuminated posteriorly; peritreme rather thickened and slightly reflected; umbilicus small; operculum with two volutions. Cuba, communicated by D’Orbigny, Gould and Pfeiffer. 167. C. CROCEUM. (pl. xxix. f. 190, 191.) nob. T. oblongâ, ventricoso-pyramidali, crassiusculâ, glabrâ, croceâ, versus apicem in aurantiaco-fuscam exeunte ; spirâ acuminatâ, apice obtusiusculo ; anfractibus 7—8, sub- ventricosis, obliquè substriatis; aperturâ ovali, postice acuminatâ, peritremate interno angusto, fulvo; externo incrassato, albo; umbilico parvo. Shelloblong, rather ventricosely pyramidal, thickish, smooth, saffron coloured passing into orange brown toward the apex ; spire acuminated, obtuse at the apex, volutions 7--8, rather ventricose, indistinctly striated obliquely; aperture oval, posteriorly acuminated, inner peritreme narrow, fulvous ; outer thick, white; umbilicus small. Locality unknown; in Mr. Stainforth's collection. 168. C. ANTILLARUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 180.) nob. T. turritâ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus 8, rotundatis, longitudinalitèr striatis, epidermide corneâ instructâ; sutura distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate reflexo-patente, albicante, supernè submucronato, latere umbilicali latè emarginato ; umbilico parvo, margine elevato, crenulato; operculo circulari, spirali, corneo, anfractibus confertis. Shell turreted, with a rather obtuse apex, volutions eight, rounded, longitudinally striated, covered with a brown horny epidermis; suture distinctly marked; aperture circular; peritreme narrow, reflected, spreading, whitish, with a pro- jecting point at the upper part, and a broad emargination on the umbilical side; umbilicus small, with an elevated and crenulated margin ; operculum circular, spiral, horny, with , close-set volutions, From Tortola. 151 169. C. TORTUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 181, 182.) Gray, in Supp. to Wood's Index Testaceologicus. t. 6. f. 32. T. oblongo-ovali, crassiusculâ, lævi, apice decollato; anfractibus 5—6, rotundatis, raptim crescentibus, substriatis; aperturâ circulari; peritremate incrassato, reflexo, latere anfractùs ultimi tenuiori; umbilico parvo. Shell of an oblong oval shape, thickish, smooth, with a decollated apex; volutions from five to six, rounded, rapidly ; increasing in width, slightly striated; aperture circular, peritreme thickened, reflected, thinner on the side next to the last volution; umbilicus small. West Indies. 170. C. VENTRICOSUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 183—184.) D'Orb. T. oblongo-ovali, crassâ, lævi, apice decollato, anfractibus quinque rotundatis, rapidè crescentibus, transversim tener- rimè striatis, penultimo maximo; aperturâ circulari, peritre- mate incrassato, reflexo, latere anfractus ultimi angustiori, postice angulato, latere umbilicali subexpanso; umbilici parvi margine externo obtusè angulato; operculo multispirali, margine anfractuum sublamellari. Shell of an oblong-oval shape, thick, smooth, decollated when full grown, with five somewhat rounded volutions, increasing rapidly and very finely transversely striated; the last but one being the largest; aperture circular, with a thickened and reflected peritreme, narrower on the side of the last volution ; angular posteriorly and with the umbilical side rather spread: umbilicus small, its external margin obtusely angular ; operculum multispiral, with the edge of its volutions slightly lamellar. Cuba, D’Orbigny. 171. C. AURICULATUM. D’Orb. (pl. xxxi. f. 277.) Č. bicolor Gould. T. oblongo-pyramidali, ventricosiusculâ, crassa, spiræ apice obtuso, anfractibus 4–6, subrotundatis, primis pallescentibus, duobus ultimis castaneis, transversim, subundulatim, striatis; aperturâ circulari, peritremate externo incrassato, reflexo, postice in angulum obtusum desinente, deinde, umbilicum versustenui, demùm suprà umbilicum lamellari patente; umbilico mediocri, margine obtuse angulato. Shell oblong, pyramidal, rather ventricose, thick; apex of the spire obtuse; volutions 4–6, rather rounded, the first 2–3 pale, and the two last chesnut coloured, with slightly undulated transverse striæ; aperture circular, outer peritreme thickened, reflected, passing offintoan obtuseangle posteriorly, then thin toward the umbilicus, and at length somewhat 152 y lamellar, and spreading over the umbilicus, which is middling and with an obtuse angular margin. Cuba, D’Orbigny and Gould. 172. C. TORTUOSUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 185. 186.) Turbo tortuosus, Chemn. xi. t. 195, A. f. 1882. 1883. T. oblongâ, pupiforme, albâ, tenui, lucidâ; anfractibus 7, rotundatis, obsoletissimè striatis, ultimo compressiusculo, prope aperturam subcoarctato, exserto; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate continuo, reflexo, infra interne canaliculato; umbilico parvo, carinato, carinâ usque ad mar- , ginem peritrematis continuâ. Shell oblong, pupiform, white, thin, shining, with 7 rounded volutions, which are obsoletely striated, the last of them somewhat compressed, and slightly contracted near the aper- ture, exserted; suture distinct; aperture circular; peritreme continuous, reflected, with a small canal internally at the lower part; umbilicus small, surrounded by a keel which continues to the lower margin of the peritreme. From the Nicobar Isles, Chemn. 173. C. ALTUM. (pl. xxviii. f. 187.) nob. T. acuminato-turritâ, crassiusculâ, fuscâ, lævi, tenuissime striatâ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus 7–8, subrotundatis, suturâ distinctâ, tenui; aperturâ circulari, labio subincrassato, reflexo patente, duplici, margine externo magis expanso, intùs canali parvâ ad basîn columellarem munito; umbilico mediocri extus carinâ obtusâ marginato; operculo corneo, tenui, mul- tispirali. Shell rather acuminated, turreted, thickish, dark brown, smooth, very finely striated; apex rather obtuse ; volutions 7 or 8, somewhat rounded, with a distinct slender suture; aperture nearly circular, the lip rather thickened, reflected, double, the outer margin more spread than the inner, furnished with a small canal within at the base of the colu- mella; umbilicus moderate, bordered externally by a small obtuse keel; operculum horny, thin, multispiral. On trunks of trees, in the mountains of the Isle of Negros. H. Cuming. 174. C. PUPINIFORME (pl. xxviii. f. 188.) nob. T. subcylindrico-turritâ, crassiusculâ, obscurâ, fuscâ, lævi, tenuissimè striatâ, apice subabruptè acuminato; anfractibus 6, subrotundatis, suturâ validâ ; aperturâ circulari, peritre- mate discontinuo; labio externo subincrassato, revoluto, flavido, ad basin columellarem canali angustissimâ spirali interrupto; deinde supernè latiori, demum suprà ultimum 153 anfractum levitèr expanso; umbilico parvo, carinâ obtusâ marginato, hâcce carinâ externam partem canalis angustissimi ad basin columellæ efformante. Shell subcylindrical, turreted, rather thick, smooth, dull, brown, very finely striated; apex rather abruptly acuminated; volutions 6, rather rounded, with a well marked suture; aperture circular, peritreme discontinuous ; outer lip thickened, reflected, yellowish, interrupted with a very narrow spiral canal at the base of the columella, then rather broader, and at length thinly spread over a part of the last volution; umbilicus small, bordered with an obtuse keel, which forms the outside of the very narrow canal at the base of the columella. Found upon trunks of trees, near St. Juan, in the Island of Luçon, by Mr. Cuming 175. C. MINUS. (pl. xxx. f. 249.) nob. T. ovato-oblongâ, cylindraceâ, tenui, hyalinâ,lævi, spirâ ob- tusâ, apice quasi truncatâ; anfractibus 4–5, ventricosis, primis duobus ad 3, minimis, transversim costellatis; aperturâ circu- lari, peritremate reflexo; umbilico nullo. Shell ovate-oblong, cylindrical, thin, hyaline, smooth, shining, spire obtuse, with its apex, as it were, truncated; volutions 4–5, ventricose, the first 2–3 very small, trans- versely costellated; aperture circular, peritreme reflected, umbilicus none. Found under decayed leaves in the Islands of Zebu and Panay, by Mr. Cuming, x 154 CYCLOSTOMA. LIST OF PLATES XXIII to XXXI. TO Obs. All the figures are of the natural size, except when otherwise specified: none are reduced. . Fig. Fig. 1 & 2. C. Suturale, Sp. 1. 41. 42.-Cornu-venatorium 3. ... asperulum, 2. 48. 4. ... translucidum, 46. 43. 44. ... pupiforme, 34. 5. 5*. ... pusillum, 10. 45. ... mamillare, 35. 6. ... semistriatum, 3. 46. 47. ... aurantiacum, 36. 6* 6** ... Orbella, 7. 48. 49. ... simile, 37. 7. ... Brasiliense, 4. 50. ... tenellum, 38. 8. 9. ... giganteum, 5. 51. 52. ... Siculum, 40. 10, 11.... corrugatum, 14. 53. 54. ... Melitense, 41. 12. 13. ... Jamaicense, 15. 55.-57. ... ferrugineum, 42. 14. ... filosum. 16. 58. 59. ... dissectum, 43. 15. 16. ... clathratulum, 17. 60. ... semilabrum, 44. 17. ... politum, 18. 61. ... rufilabrum, 45. 18. 19. ... succineum. 51. 62. 63. ... lævigatum, 49. 20. 21. ... lucidum. 19, 64. ... elongatum, 50, 22. 23. ... Listeri, 20. 65. . . fasciatum, 52. 24. ... ligatum, 21. 66. 67. ... flavulum, 53. 25. 26. ... affine, 22. 68. 69. ... Cumingii, 54. 27. 28. ... Ortyx, 24. 70*... flavum, 55. 29. 30. ... undulatum, 25. 71. 72. ... Inca, 6. 31. ... sulcatum, 27. 73. 74. ... inconspicuum, 56 32. 33. ... elegans, 30. 75. 76. ... spurcum, 26. 34. 35. ... marmoreum, 31. 77. 78. ... cincinnus, 32. 36. 37. ... rufescens, 11. 79. 80. ... fulvescens, 23. 38. ... distinctum, 47. 81. 82... bilabiatum, 57. 39. ... glaucum, 28. 83.-86. planorbulum, 58. 40. ... plebeium, 12. 87. 88. ... discoideum, 60. *f. 60 is erroneously referred to in the text. . . 155 Fig. Fig. 89.90.... vittatum, 62, 154. ... album, 139. 91. ... mucronatum, 66. 155. 156. ... Chemnitzii, 140. 92. ... exiguum, 63. 157. 158. ... pictum, 142. 93. ... Mexicanum, 64. 159. ... subasperum, 143. 94. ... distomella, 68. 160. 161. ... articulatum, 144. 95. ... substriatum, 67. 162. 163. ... thysanorhaphe, 96. ... Oculus-Capri, 73. 145. 97. ... Desmoulinsii, 97. 164.... mirabile, 153. 98. ... cariniferum, 69. 165. ... Labeo, 154. 99. ... semisulcatum, 96. 166. 167. ... rugulosum, 155. 100. 101. ... Petiverianum, 74. 168. ... chlorostoma, 156. 102. 103. ... Turbo, 75. 169. ... obscurum, 157. 104. ... citrinum, 76. 170. ... patulum, 159. 105. 106. ... unifasciatum, 81. 171. ... maculatum, 160. 107. ... candidum, 77. 172 ... auritum, 162. 108. 109. ... Naticoide, 78. 173. ... tessellatum. 158. 110. 112. ... albicans, 79. 174. 175. ... crenulatum, 163. 1 113. ... calcareum, 80. 176. 177. Fascia, 164. 114. 116. ... Involvulus, 82. 178. 179. ... quaternatum, 165 117. 118. ... carinatum, 83. 180. ... Antillarum, 168. 119. 120. ... unicarinatum, 84. 181. 182. ... tortum, 169. 121. ... bicarinatum, 85. 183. 184. ... ventricosum, 170. 122. ... tricarinatum, 86. 185. 186. ... tortuosum, 172. 123. ... rugosum, 87. 187. ... altum, 173, 124. ... obsoletum, 88. 188. ... pupiniforme, 174. 125. ... obsoletum var. 88 189. ... Sauliæ, 152. 126. ... Volvulus, 89. 190. 191. ... croceum, 167. 127. 128.... Perdix, 90. 192. ... virgatum, 111. 129. 130. ... Tuba, 91. 193. ... Goudotianum, 131. ... Aquilum, 92. 110. 132. 133. ... validum, 93. 194. ... Banksianum, 148 134. 135. ... irroratum, 94. 195.... xanthostoma. 149 136, 137. ... Luzonicum. 70. 196. 197. ... Pileus. 128. 138. 139. ... acutimarginatum, 198. ... linguiferum, 98. 95. 199.... cinctum, 107. 140.-142. ... canaliterum, 71. 200. ... pyrostoma, 108. 143. 144. ... pulchrum, 117. 201.-204. ... tigrinum, 100. 145. 146. ... fimbriatulum,118. 205.-207. ... Philippinarum, 147, ... scabriculum, 119. 99. 148. 149. ... Lincinum, 138. 208.-210. ... lingulatum, 101. 150. 151. ... Lincinellum, 137. 211. 212. ... stramineum, 8. 152. 153. ... interruptum, 141, 213. 214. ... cingulatum, 9. . . 4 156 Fig. 215.-217. ... Stainforthii, 129. 253. ... pygmæum, 39. 218. 219. .. Cuvierianum, 72. 254. 255. ... parvum, 29. 220.-222. ... læve, 120. Fig. 256. 257. ... maculosum, 65. 223. 224. ... concinnum, 122. 258. 259. ... flexilabrum, 112. 225.-227.... nitidum, 121. 260. ... Pretrei, 136. 228. 229. ... luteostoma, 125 261. ... stenostoma, 13. 230. 231. ... atricapillum, 130. 262. ... Lithidion, 61. 232. ... insigne, 132. 263. 264. ... pulchellum, 109. 233. 234. ... goniostoma, 131. 265.... tenue, 134. 235. ... acuminatum, 133, 266. 267. ... clausum, 104. 236.... atramentarium, 268. 269. ... ictericum, 113. 105. 270.-273. ... spiraculum, 59. 237. 238.... ciliatum, 102. 274. 275. ... Guimarasense, 239. ... Panayense, 103. 115. 240. 242. ... Fibula, 126. 276. ... megacheilus, 114. 243. 244. ... perplexum, 127. 277. ... auriculatum, 171. 245. 246. ... Helicoide, 103. 278. ... obesum, 146. 247. 248. ... gibbum, 135. 279. 280... Sagra, 166. 249. ... minus. 175. 281. ... latilabrum, 116. 250. ... Harveyanum, 282. ... pudicum, 147. 106. 283, 284. ... Candeanum. 151. 251.... minutissimum. 285. ... Aubereanum, 150 magnified, 33. 286. ... striolatum, 161. 252 ... vitreum, 124. XXIII 3 2 6*4 27 20 18 10 14 12 16 13 15 27 25 24 26 29 30 34 31 35 33 32 GBS Fun! XXXV 38 37 36 39 40 41 43 42 46 47 %% 49 50 52 53 4133 ante 58 59 61 55 56 57 60 64 62 63 68 71 72 70 65 66 69 69 * 67 76 73 74 76 78 GBS Jun" IN X2 82 79 80 86 84 88 C 85 S3 95 90 97 98 97 TESCO assiX24** 100 102 104 103 101 CBS Jun ITVI 109 108 107 106 105 ir 1/2 106 110 114 11.3 119 116 117 118 120 722 723 721 CBS Ju" XIII 125 126 128 137 135 129 130 134 132 133 139 114 138 136 으 ​137 117 143 142 GBS. Jun XXVIII 146 147 148 155 150 157 156 153 152 154 157 158 160 161 159 166 167 164 163 168 171 169 173 170 172 175 165 176 177 180 181 178 178 185 186 G 188 189 183 187 184 183 187 183 182 GBS. Jen XXZX aro 198 199 191 190 193 194 1192 195 196 197 200 203 201 204 205 208 210 206 207 202 209 23 MW 215 211 212 216 220 213 214 221 222 224 223 226 225 227 (Fig. 217. 278. 219. carried to PIZZE GBS. Jun! 23/ 232 Fig. 217 218 219. included) XXX. 217 2.30 228 229 278 234 233 236 235 237 238 240 239 219 247 242 275 246 243 249 244 253 257 262 247 248 250 GB.S. Jun? XXXZ 262 260 255 257 256 26/ 259 264 258 263 265 266 267 269 268 272 273 274 270 271 273 280 279 277 278 286 282 283 284 TRIS TEM TAN 276 286 29/ CBS. Jun? 157* DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME ADDITIONAL SPECIES OF THE GENUS CYCLOSTOMA. FIGURED IN SUPPLEMENTARY Plates XXXI. A. and XXXI. B. 176. CYCLOSTOMA ZEBRINUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 287, 288), Benson. Cyclostoma zebrinum, Benson, Journ. of Asiatic Soc. of Calcutta, 1836, vol. v. p. 355. C. testâ suborbiculari, albidâ, strigis pluribus rufo-castaneis, angulato-flexuosis pictâ ; spirâ subdepresso-conicâ, subacuminatâ; anfractibus quatuor, carinatis, plicis paucis transversalibus dis- tantibus, ultimo rugis undulatis longitudinalibus sculptis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate incrassato, albo, reflexo; umbilico mediocri; epidermide crassâ, fuscâ, plicis longitudinali- bus, his setis fortibus munitis, instructâ. A rather thin shell, of a pale colour, varied with reddish chest- nut angular streaks and lines, and with a thick fuscous epidermis, covered with longitudinal folds, which are furnished with strong bristles ; spire rather depressed, conical, and somewhat acumi- nated; volutions four, carinated and irregularly spirally striated, irregular obsolete ridges on the last volution, few, distant; suture distinct ; aperture circular, with a thickened, white, reflected peritreme; umbilicus of moderate size. India. Benson. From C. perdix it differs in its sculpture, its more developed keel, more contracted umbilical cavity, and in its possession of a singular epidermis. In C. perdix the marks are white, mottled on a chestnut ground; in C. zebrinum they consist of distant zigzag flames of light chestnut on a white ground. 177. CYCLOSTOMA MADAGASCARIENSE (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 289), Gray. C. testâ globoso-conoidali, albicante, fusco spiraliter lineatâ et fasciatâ; spirâ subacuminatâ ; anfractibus rotundatis, lævibus, ultimo ventricoso, subcarinato, carinâ albâ; aperturâ circulari, intus castaneâ; peritremate pallidè aurantiaco, lato, extùs ex- panso, supra umbilicum subrevoluto ; umbilico majusculo, spiraliter sulcato. Shell of a conical globose form, whitish, with spiral fuscous و a* 158* lines and bands; spire somewhat acuminated, whorls five to six, rounded, smooth, the last ventricose, slightly carinated, carina white ; aperture circular, chestnut-coloured within ; peritreme pale orange-coloured, broad, spreading outwards, somewhat re- flected over the umbilicus, which is rather large and spirally grooved within. Our figure 125, which we have given as a variety of C. obso- letum, should rather have been given as C. Madagascariense, var., Gray, and the synonym under C. obsoletum should be omitted. The operculum is testaceous and of few volutions. Madagascar. 178. CYCLOSTOMA SIAMENSE Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 292, 293), nobis. C. testâ depresso-subglobosâ, albidâ, strigis maculisque casta- neis angulariter flexuosis pictâ; spirâ subdepresso-conicâ, subacu- minatâ ; anfractibus 37, rotundatis, ultimo maximo, ventricoso; suturâ distinctâ, tenui ; aperturâ circulari, maximâ, intùs albâ ; peritremate incrassato, pallidè aurantiaco, rotundato, reflexo ; um- bilico majusculo. Shell of a somewhat depressed globose form, whitish with angular markings and streaks of a chestnut-colour; spire some- what depressed, conical, slightly acuminated; whorls 3), rounded, the last very large, ventricose, with a distinct linear suture; aperture very large, circular, white within; peritreme thickened, of a pale orange-colour, rounded and reflected; umbilicus rather large. The entire surface of the shell is covered with very minute granules, irregularly arranged in spiral rows. Siam. 179. CYCLOSTOMA XANTHOCHEILUS (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 294, 295), nobis. C. testâ conico-subglobosâ, lævi , aurantiaco-brunneâ, fusco uni- vel bifasciatâ; spirâ subelevato-conicâ, obtusiusculâ ; anfrac- tibus quinque, rotundatis, primis unifasciatis, ultimo pallidè bifas- ciato ; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ circulari, intùs purpureo-nigri- cante; peritremate aurantiaco, subincrassato, reflexo, posticè subexpanso, supra umbilicum revoluto; umbilico umbilicum revoluto; umbilico parvo; operculo subtestaceo, paucispirali. Shell somewhat conical, globose, smooth, orange-brown, with one or two fuscous spiral bands; spire rather elevated, conical, slightly obtuse ; volutions five, rounded, the posterior having one 159* band, the last two pale bands ; aperture circular, dark purplish- black within ; peritreme brownish orange-coloured, rather thick- ened, reflected, slightly spreading posteriorly, and somewhat evolute over the umbilicus, which is small; operculum externally testaceous, internally horny, of few volutions. Madagascar. Mus. Cuming. 180. CYCLOSTOMA ZONULATUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 296, 297), Férussac, MS. C. testâ globoso-conicâ, albicante, fusco-zonulatâ; spirâ levato- conicâ, acuminatâ, apice obtusiusculo ; anfractibus quinque, rotundatis, posticè carinis quatuor ad quinque tenuibus, antice striis validis instructis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peri- tremate lato, albo, extùs expanso, intùs supra umbilicum posticè revoluto, anticè angustato; umbilico parvo, striis nonnullis validis instructo; operculo testaceo, paucispirali . Shell globose-conical, whitish, girdled anteriorly with narrow fuscous zones ; spire elevated, conical, acuminated ; its apex rather obtuse; volutions five, rounded, posteriorly with from four to five slender keels, and anteriorly with well-marked striæ; suture distinct; aperture circular; peritreme white, broad, spread- ing outwards, and posteriorly revolute over the umbilicus on the columellar side; umbilicus small, spirally grooved within ; oper- culum testaceous, of few volutions, white. Mus. Cuming. 181. CYCLOSTOMA LAXATUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 302), nobis. C. testâ orbiculari-depressâ, albidâ, epidermide aurantiaco- brunneâ indutâ ; spirâ depressâ, apice rufescente; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, rugulosis, ultimo zonis duabus, alterâ albidâ, alterâ fuscâ, striis incrementi validis; aperturâ subdepresso-cir- culari, posticè prope ultimum anfractum paulisper angulatâ ; peritremate tenui, anticè paululùm reflexo ; umbilico maximo, anfractibus quatuor conspicuis. Shell of a depressed orbicular form, whitish, covered with a thick orange-brown epidermis ; spire depressed, with a rufous apex ; volutions four, rounded, covered not only with distinct lines of growth, but also with irregular rugulosities, with two narrow zones, the posterior white, the other fuscous, in front of which the epidermis is more darkly coloured ; aperture not quite circular, but very slightly elliptical, and with a slight angle pos 7 * 160* teriorly close to the last volution ; peritreme thin, anteriorly very slightly reflected ; umbilicus very large, showing internally the four volutions. The shell is somewhat diaphanous, so that the white and dark- brown zones are distinctly seen within the aperture. Columbia. Mus. Cuming. 182. CYCLOSTOMA TEXTURATUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 303), nobis. C. testâ depresso-suborbiculari, albidâ, epidermide crassiusculâ olivaceo-brunneâ indutâ ; spirâ brevissimâ, obtusâ, anfractibus quinque, rotundatis, irregulariter rugulosis seu sulcis irregularibus undulatis circumdatis; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ ferè circulari, posticè prope anfractum ultimum subangulari, intùs albicante; peritremate tenui ; umbilico maximo. Shell suborbicular, depressed, whitish, coated with a thickish olive-brown epidermis ; spire very short, obtuse ; volutions five, rounded, entirely covered with irregular undulated grooves, giving it somewhat the appearance of being woven ; suture distinct ; aperture nearly circular, slightly angular posteriorly close to the last volution, whitish within; peritreme thin; umbilicus very large. From the Province of Guatemala, Central America. Cuming. 183. CYCLOSTOMA INCOMPTUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 298, 299), nobis. ; C. testâ depresso-suborbiculari, albâ, epidermide olivaceo-brun- neâ indutâ ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ ; anfractibus 4), rotundatis, obliquè lineis incrementi validis striatis; suturâ distinctâ ; aper- turâ ferè circulari, posticè prope ultimum anfractum sinuatâ, extùs tuberculam fornicatam formante; peritremate anticè incrassatâ; umbilico magno. Shell suborbicular, depressed, white, covered with an olive- brown epidermis ; spire short, obtuse; volutions 4, rounded, obliquely striated by the strongly marked lines of growth; suture distinct; aperture nearly circular, with a sinus posteriorly close to the last volution, forming a vaulted tubercle externally; peri- treme thin, a little thickened in front; umbilicus very large. This is one of the genus Pterocyclos, of Benson ; we do not know its locality, but suppose it to be Indian. It is in Mr. Cuming's Collection. 161* 184. CYCLOSTOMA SUBDISCOIDEUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 304, 305), nobis. C. testâ suborbiculari, subdiscoideâ, spiraliter liratâ, albicante, zonâ interruptâ, pallidè fuscâ, ornatâ ; spirâ depresso-conicâ, ob-, tusâ; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis; suturâ subcanaliculatâ ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate tenui, albido, paululùm reflexo; umbilico maximo, anfractibus quatuor distinctis. Shell suborbicular, rather discoid, spirally grooved, whitish, with an interrupted zone of a pale brownish colour; spire de- pressedly conical, obtuse ; volutions four, rounded ; suture very slightly channeled ; aperture circular ; peritreme thin, whitish, slightly reflected, and spreading a little posteriorly over the last volution ; umbilicus very large, showing the four volutions within. ز 185. CYCLOSTOMA DEPRESSUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 306, 307), nobis. C. testà suborbiculari, albidâ ; spirâ depressâ, apice prominulo, obtuso; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, lævibus, supernè spi- raliter striatis, medianè subcarinatis; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ ferè circulari, peritremate tenui, subreflexo, supra ultimum anfrac- tum paululùm extenso; umbilico maximo, intùs lævi. Shell suborbicular, whitish, slightly clouded with very pale brown; spire depressed, its apex somewhat prominent, obtuse; volutions four, rounded, smooth, their upper half spirally striated, slightly keeled near the middle; suture distinct ; aperture nearly circular, with a thin, white, slightly reflected peritreme, which is slightly extended over the last volution ; umbilicus very large; smooth inside. Nearest to C. Lithidion, but easily distinguished by its flat spire with an elevated apex. . 186. CYCLOSTOMA SUBRUGOSUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. b, f. 308, 309), nobis. C. testà suborbiculari, depressâ, rugulosâ, albâ ; spira depressâ, obtusâ, apice prominulo; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis, posticè depressiusculis; suturâ distinctâ, lineâ obsoletâ subsuturali no- tatâ ; aperturâ ferè circulari ; peritremate posticè subincrassato, intùs prope umbilicum tenui, ab ultimum anfractum disjuncto; umbilico magno, anticè carinato. Shell suborbicular, depressed, slightly corrugated, white; spire 6* 2 162* depressed, obtuse, slightly prominent at the apex ; volutions four, rounded, slightly depressed posteriorly ; suture distinct, marked with a nearly obsolete line in front; aperture nearly circular ; peritreme slightly thickened posteriorly, thin on the side of the umbilicus, separated from the last volution ; umbilicus large, an- teriorly keeled. This species is related to C. corrugatum. Jamaica. 187. CYCLOSTOMA VOLVULOIDES (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 312, 313), nobis. C. testâ subgloboso-conicâ, pallidâ, pallidè fulvescente zonatâ et sphacelatâ ; spirâ subacuminatâ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus quinque, rotundatis, raptim majoribus, posticè spiraliter liratis, anticè lævigatis; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ ferè circulari, supernè subcanaliferâ, peritremate albo, subincrassato, reflexo, prope umbi- licum tenui, anticè extenso; gulâ subaurantiacâ; umbilico magno, intùs spiraliter striato. Shell somewhat globosely conical, of a light colour, with pale brownish bands and marks; spire slightly acuminate, with its apex rather obtuse; volutions five, rounded, increasing rapidly in size, posteriorly spirally grooved, anteriorly smooth ; suture dis- tinct; aperture nearly circular, slightly canaliculate at the upper part; peritreme white, somewhat thickened, reflected, thin and spreading forward on the side of the umbilicus, which is large and spirally grooved; the throat is somewhat orange-coloured. 188. CYCLOSTOMA DELICIOSUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 314, 315), Férussac. C. testâ subgloboso-conicâ, aurantiaco-castaneâ, albo-lineatâ ; spirâ subacuminatâ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus 4, rotun- datis, posticis unicarinatis, ultimo bi- vel tricarinato, carinis albis; suturâ subinconspicuâ, albicante ; aperturâ ferè circulari, supernè subcanaliferâ, peritremate tenuiusculo, reflexo, extùs albicante, intùs castaneo; umbilico magno, obsoletè spiraliter paucistriato, lineâ albicante unicâ extùs marginato ; operculo crassiusculo, albicante, paucispirali. Shell rather globosely conical, of an orange-chestnut colour, with white spiral lines ; spire slightly acuminated, with a rather obtuse apex; volutions 4), rounded, the first with a single keel, the last with two or three keels, which are white; suture rather indistinct, white ; aperture nearly circular, with a very slight 163* a t canal posteriorly ; peritreme rather thin, reflected, outer part whitish, within chestnut-colour ; umbilicus large, with a few somewhat obsolete spiral striæ, and bordered externally with a single white line ; operculum rather thick, whitish, and paucispiral. Madagascar. 189. CYCLOSTOMA GUAYAQUILENSE (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 319), nobis. C. testâ subgloboso-depressâ, fulvescente, brunneo spiraliter lineatâ ; spirâ subacuminatâ, brevi, apice obtusiusculo, rufescente; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circu- lari, peritremate tenuiusculo; umbilico magno, lævi, lineis incre- mentis tenerrimis solummodò conspicuis. Shell depressedly subglobose, of a dull fulvous colour, with brown spiral lines; spire slightly acuminated, short, with a rather obtuse rufous apex ; volutions four, rounded ; suture distinct ; ; aperture circular; peritreme thin; umbilicus large, smooth, only marked with extremely slender lines of growth. Guayaquil ; Delattre. Mus. Cuming. 190. CYCLOSTOMA INDICUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 320, Ceylanicum. Bere 321), Deshayes, Lam. Anim. sans vert. viii. p. 363. C. testâ turbinato-conicâ, suborbiculari, subdepressâ, fusca, albo-rutilante marmoratâ ; spirâ brevi, subacuminatâ, apice ob- tuso; anfractibus 53, convexis, liris spiralibus tribus vel quatuor elevatis, striis tenuioribus interjectis ; ultimo anfractu ad periphe- riam zonâ nigrescente cincto; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ circu- lari, posticè subcanaliferâ, intùs albâ, peritremate subincrassato, revoluto, albido, nonnunquam subaurantiaco ; umbilico maximo, margine subcarinato; operculum tenue, corneum, anfractibus septem ad octo. Shell of a rather depressed, suborbicular, conical, turbinate form, and of a dark brown colour, variously mottled with brownish- white; spire short, slightly acuminated, with an obtuse apex; ; volutions 5į, convex, with three or four slightly elevated spiral lines, with slender intervening striæ ; last volution with a dark- brown, nearly black zone near the middle; suture distinct ; aper- ture circular, with a very slight channel posteriorly, white within ; peritreme thickened, revolute, whitish, somewhat light orange- brown; umbilicus very large, slightly keeled at the outer edge; operculum thin, horny, with seven to eight volutions. Ceylon, Capt. Templeton. Mus. Cuming. Madras, Mr. Benson. Khasya Hills, Mr. Lear. a 164* 191. CYCLOSTOMA DESHAYESIANUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 326, 327), Petit, Kuster, I. 19. t. 25. f. 8–10. Cycl. gratum, Férussac, MS. C. testà suborbiculari, depressâ, subdiscoideâ, spiraliter liratâ, fulvescente; spirâ brevissimâ, obtusâ; anfractibus quatuor, rotun- datis, spiraliter liratis, posticè plerumque liris acutis, lineis incre- menti decussatis, anticè striatis, striis plus minusve validis ; suturâ subdistinctâ; aperturâ circulari, intùs aurantiacâ, peritre- mate duplici, interno albo, incrassato, ad ultimum anfractum in- terrupto, externo lamellari, extenso, latiusculo; umbilico maximo, intùs spiraliter striato. Shell nearly orbicular, depressed, subdiscoid, of a light fulvous colour ; spire very short, obtuse; volutions four, rounded, with distinct, elevated, sharp-edged spiral lines, which are decussated by indistinct lines of growth, particularly on the posterior part of the shell; the shell is also spirally striated anteriorly, the striæ being more or less prominent; suture rather indistinct ; aperture circu- lar, orange-coloured within, with a double peritreme, the inner of which is thick, prominent, and white, and interrupted at its junc- tion with the last volution ; the outer is lamellar, broad, and spread out; the umbilicus is very large and internally spirally striated. In Mr. Cuming's collection are two specimens which appear to belong to two distinct varieties: the one with an indistinct suture and very slender spiral striæ anteriorly; the other with a distinct suture and strongly marked spiral lines anteriorly. 192. CYCLOSTOMA BITUBERCULATUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 290, 291), nobis. C. testâ oblongo-pyramidali , ventricosiusculâ, crassa, albicante, spiræ apice decollato, obtuso ; anfractibus quinque, lævibus, transversim subundulatim obsoletè striatis ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate externo incrassato, extùs revoluto, posticè contra ulti- mum anfractum in nodulum desinente, deinde umbilicum versus angusto, demùm supra umbilicum nodulum alterum formante; umbilico ferè clauso, margine angulato. Shell oblong, pyramidal, rather ventricose, thick, of a dull whitish colour, apex of the spire decollated, obtuse; volutions five, smooth, with nearly obsolete, slightly undulated, transverse striæ ; aperture circular, with a light-coloured, very much thickened" external peritreme, revolute outwards, posteriorly against the last volution forming a small lobe, then narrow to- a 165* wards the umbilicus, and at length forming another lobe nearly covering the umbilicus, whose margin is angular ; operculum horny, multispiral. Larger, more solid, and smoother than C. auriculatum, and differing from that species in its much thicker, revolute peritreme, forming two distinct lobes, one of which nearly covers the um- bilicus. West Indies. Mus. Cuming. 193. CYCLOSTOMA DECUSSATUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. a, f. 300, 301), nobis. C. testâ oblongâ, pyramidali, fuscâ seu fusco-nigricante decus- satim sulcatâ ; apice decollato ; anfractibus quatuor, rotundatis ; suturâ validâ, crenulatâ; aperturâ subelliptica, peritremate duplici , interno tenuiusculo, sublevato, externo latiusculo, reflexo, umbili- cum parvum subtegente. Shell oblong, pyramidal, fuscous or blackish, decussately grooved, with an obtuse decollated apex ; volutions four, rounded; suture distinct, crenulated; aperture somewhat elliptical, slightly acuminated posteriorly; peritreme double, inner narrow, slightly elevated, outer rather wide, reflected, partly covering the small umbilicus. West Indies. Mus. Cuming. 194. CYCLOSTOMA COPANENSE (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 310, 311), nobis. C. testâ acuminato-turritâ (plerumque decollatâ), lævi , tenuis- simè striatâ, nitidâ, olivaceo-fulvâ; spirâ elongatâ ; anfractibus sex, rotundatis; suturâ distinctâ ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate duplici , interno tenui, angusto, porrecto, ad ultimum anfractum interrupto, externo lato, lamellari, extenso, subinflexo, ad ulti- mum anfractum porrecto, emarginato, flexuoso; umbilico mediocri, extùs carinato; operculo corneo, multispirali, lamelloso, intùs stylo brevi, centrali , margine incrassato. Shell acutely turreted (usually decollated), very finely longitu- dinally striated, but smooth and somewhat shining, of an oliva- ceous fulvous colour; the remaining volutions of the lengthened spire after decollation are in general six ; they are rounded, and the suture is distinct; aperture circular, with a double peritreme, the inner of which is thin, narrow and projected forward, and interrupted at the last volution; the outer is broad, lamellar, spreading, slightly inflected, and flexuous, notched and projected 166* forward close to the last volution; the umbilicus is of moderate size, externally carinated; operculum horny, multispiral, lamellar, with a short central point within, and a thickened edge. а Copan, Province of Guatemala in Central America. Mus. Cuming. a - 195. CYCLOSTOMA FUNICULATUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 316, 317), Benson, Journ. of Asiatic Society, 1838, vol. vi. p. 217. C. testâ cylindraceo-turritâ, læviusculâ, nitidâ, olivaceo-fulvâ; spirâ obtusiusculâ; anfractibus septem, subrotundatis, posticis tenerrimè striatis, ultimo ruguloso, posticè striato; suturâ dis- tinctâ, tenui ; aperturâ circulari; peritremate incrassato, rotundato- reflexo, subaurantiaco; umbilico parvo, extùs carinâ validâ cælatâ munito. Shell of a cylindrically turreted form, smooth, shining, of an olivaceous fulvous colour; spire rather obtuse, with seven slightly rounded volutions, which are very finely striated posteriorly, and the last of which is rather rugulose and posteriorly striated ; suture distinct and slender; aperture circular ; peritreme thick- ened, rounded and reflected, of a dull orange-colour; umbilicus small, furnished externally with a distinct embossed carina. Khasya Hills, India. In Mr. Benson's and Mr. Cuming's Collections. 196. CYCLOSTOMA PAUPERCULUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 318), nobis. ز C. testâ cylindraceo-turritâ, nitidâ, olivaceo-fulvâ; spirâ obtusi- usculâ ; anfractibus sex, subrotundatis, tenerrimè lineis incrementi striatis (erosione nonnunquam rugulosis); suturâ distinctâ, pro- fundiusculâ ; aperturâ ferè circulari ; peritremate subincrassato, rotundato-reflexo, prope ultimum anfractum subfoliaceo, subinter- rupto; umbilico parvo, lineâ subobsoletâ circumambiente. ; Shell small, cylindrically turreted, shining, of an olivaceo-ful- vous colour; spire rather obtuse, with six slightly rounded volu- tions, very finely striated with the lines of growth (sometimes rendered slightly rugulose by erosion); suture distinct, rather deep ; aperture nearly circular ; peritreme slightly thickened, rounded, and reflected, very slightly foliaceous and interrupted at the last volution; umbilicus small, surrounded by a somewhat obsolete raised line. Bootan. Benson. 167* 197. CYCLOSTOMA LIMA (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 324, 325), Adams. C. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, decollatâ, fuscâ; anfractibus quatuor, teretibus, confertim decussato-striatis, asperrimis; suturâ latâ, profundâ ; aperturâ circulari ; peritremate dilatato, latè expanso, lamellari, supernè latiori ; umbilico majusculo, spiraliter tricarinato; operculo testaceo; lamellâ externâ spirali, reflexâ, striatâ. Shell oblong, pyramidal, decollated, brown ; volutions four, rounded, very rough with close-set decussated striæ ; suture broad and deep ; aperture circular, peritreme dilated, broadly ex- panded, lamellar, broader superiorly; umbilicus rather large, with three spiral keels; operculum shelly, with an externally reflected spiral lamella. Jamaica. 198. CYCLOSTOMA BIFASCIATUM (Tab. Suppl. xxxi. 6, f. 322, 323), nobis. C. testâ oblongâ, acuminato-turritâ, pallidâ; anfractibus sep- tem, rotundatis, lævibus, ultimo fusco-bifasciato; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ subcirculari, supernè acuminatâ ; peritremate duplici, in- crassato, externo incrassato, reflexo, interno tenui, angusto; um- ز bilico parvo. An oblong, acuminately turreted shell , of a pale colour, with seven smooth, rounded volutions, the last of which has two brown bands; suture distinct ; aperture nearly circular, acuminated superiorly; peritreme thickened, double, the outer being thick- ened and reflected, and the inner thin and narrow; umbilicus small. Found near Guayaquil, by M. Delattre. 168* CYCLOSTOMA. LIST OF FIGURES IN SUPPLEMENTARY PLATES XXXI. A., XXXI. B. PLATE XXXI. A. - - --- - Fig. 287, 288. C. zebrinum, sp. 176. 289. Madagascariense, 177. 290, 291. - bituberculatum, 192. 292, 293. Siamense, 178. 294, 295. xanthocheilus, 179. 296, 297. -- zonulatum, 180. 298, 299. -- incomptum, 183. 300, 301. decussatum, 193. 302. laxatum, 181. 303. texturatum, 182. --- PLATE XXXI. B. -- -- 304, 305. C. subdiscoideum, 184. 306, 307. — depressum, 185. 308, 309. subrugosum, 186. 310, 311. Copanense, 194. 312, 313. volvuloides, 187. 314, 315. deliciosum, 188. 316, 317. — funiculatum, 195. 318. pauperculum, 196. 319. Guayaquilense, 189. 320, 321. Indicum, 190. 322, 323. — bifasciatum, 198. 324, 325. lima, 197. 326, 327. – Deshayesianum, 191. - - - - Supptementary II. IXIT. A .87 288 289 2.90 291 292 294 295 293 296 297 300 298 302 299 301 303 GBS. Jun? Supplementary Pl. XXXI.B. 306 304 JOS 308 309 307 313 312 310 311 315 314 376 317 J19 320 318 DIPL.5155 321 323 322 324 326 327 GBS Jun 325 83 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS SCALARIA. Char. Gen. Molluscum marinum trachelipodum : testâ spirali, pyramidali; varicibus concentricis; aperturâ sub- rotundata; margine crasso, integro: operculo corneo pauci- spirali. A genus of marine trachelipodous mollusca, with a spiral shell of a more or less pyramidal form, and a flat, horny operculum with a few spiral turns. The edges of the aper- ture are outwardly thickened at various periods of growth, forming external ribs or varices. The aperture is rounded or oval, with a thickened, entire margin. a a DESCRIPTION. y 1. Sc. PRETIOSA. pl. xxxii. f. 17.) Lam. Turbo Sca- aris, Linn. T. ventricosâ, lævi; latè perforatâ ; anfractibus separatis, rotundatis; varicibus 11–13 distantibus, subcrenulatis, lam- inatis, extantibus, paululum recurvis; aperturâ magnâ, ovali, anticè sub-quadratâ : colore inter varices pallidè fulvo-purpu- rascente, aperturâ internè fulvâ. Obs. This is the well known “ Wentletrap,” which although more frequently met with now than formerly, is still an object of value when in good condition; and strikes even the uninitiated observer with the unrivalled beauty of its sculpture. China. 2. Sc. PALLASSII. (pl. xxxii. f. 14, 15, 16.) Keiner, Turbo Principalis, Pallas (ut dicunt auctores nonnulli) var. f. 14. Sc. nicobarica, Beck; M.S. T. sub-ventricosâ, lævi, perforatâ; anfractibus sub-rotun- datis; varicibus extantibus, laminatis, ad angulum posticum in dentem acutum productis; ad suturam junctis : aperturâ, L 84 ovali-subquadratâ ; labio interno anticè extenso: colore, inter varices albas, fulvo vel castaneo. More narrow and pyramidal than Sc. pretiosa, with the whorls closer, the ribs more numerous, with a small tooth- like process at the upper angle of each. Catanuan, Philippines. 3. Sc. ALATA. (pl. xxxii. f. 10, 11.) Sow. Jun., var. f. 14. Isl. Nicobar. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. sub-ventricosâ, lævi, umbilicatâ; anfractibus separatis ; varicibus 8, latis, distantibus, laminatis, latè extantibus, supernè angulatis : aperturâ ovali, marginè sub-quadratâ : colore, inter varices, in medio anfractuum, fulvo vel castaneo nigricante. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Catanuan, Isl. Luzon, Philip- pines. See observations on Sc. replicata. 4. Sc. FASCIATA. (pl. xxxii, f. 12, 13.) Sow. Jun., Zool Proc, 1844. T. Sc. alatæ similimâ, sed varicibus angustioribus, angulo magis elevato, acuto : aperturâ minori, margine acuminato. Also from Catanuan, Isl. Luzon, Philippines, by Mr. Cum- ing, see Sc. replicata. 5. Sc. MARMORATA. (pl. xxxii. f. 9.) Sow. Jun, Zool Proc, 1844. T. Sc. alatæ similimâ, sed varicibus obtusè angulatis : colore, inter varices, fusco marmorato. From India, Mr. Cuming's collection, see Sc. replicata. 6. SC. REPLICATA. (pl. xxxii. f. 23, 24.) Sow. Jun., Zool Proc, 1844. T. sub ventricosâ, brevi, lævi ; anfractibus separatis : vari- cibus 8, distantibus, laminatis, validè replicatis, supernè ele- vatim angulatis, ad suturam junctis : colore albo. This species, and the three preceding, have an affinity with each other; each has the whorls disunited, with broad lami- nated, angulated, distant varices, which are united at the suture; those of Sc. alata, are flat and broad, the angle of each varix, is at some distance from the suture; those of Sc. fasciata, have the angle much sharper, and higher in the whorl, and the shell is, altogether, more pyramidal: a similar form is observed in Sc, marmorata; but in this, the angle of the varices is very obtuse, and as low as that of alata, the varices are also much narrower, and slightly reflected; the shell is beautifully marbled with brown between the varices. X 85 Sc. replicata, brought by Mr. Cuming from Lord Hood's Island, is a short white shell, with a very acute angle on the upper part of each varix, near the suture. The varices are strongly folded back, so as to form a canal behind each. 7. Sc. HYALINA. (pl. xxxii. f. 21, 22.) Sow. Jun., Zool. Proc. 1844. T. tenui, glabrâ; anfractibus latè separatis, angustis; vari- cibus 6, distantibus, lacqueatis, extantibus; colore albo. This elegant little species has the whorls quite distinct from each other, not even united by the varices; which are distant, laminated, and beautifully fluted. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Catanuan, Isl. Luzon, Philippines. 8. Sc. LAXATA. (pl. xxxii, f. 8.) Sow. Jun., Zool. Proc. 1844. T. tenui, lævi; anfractibus validè separatis: varicibus numerosis, sub-regularibus, laminatis, simplicibus; aperturâ ovali: colore albo. The whorls are separated, as in Sc. hyalina, but the vari- ces are very numerous and simple. Brought from Catanuan, Isl. Luzon, Philippines, by Mr. Cuming. 9. Sc. PYRAMIDALIS. (pl. xxxii. f. 4.) Sow.. Jun., Zool. Proc, 1844. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, lævi: anfractibus separatis vari- cibus 9, extantibus, sub-crenulatis, prope suturam in angu- lum acutum productis, ad suturam junctis; aperturâ ovali; labio interno crasso : colore albo. In some respects, resembling Sc. communis, but much less elongated, and with laminated, projecting varices, which have a sharp angle near the suture. Brought from Isl. Caminguing, Philippines, by Mr. Cum- ing; we are also indebted to the Rev. J. F. Stainforth, for the complete specimen, which we have figured. 10. Sc. COMMUNIS. (pl. xxxii. f. 18, 19, 20, 27, 28.) Lam. Turbo clathrus, Gmel. T. elongatâ, lævi; anfractibus numerosis, paululum sepa- ratis: varicibus crassis, reflexis, sub-equalibus, sub-recumben- tibus, ad suturam plicatim junctis, colore purpureo fuscoque maculato et fasciato, vel griseo, vel albo. There is no reason for supposing, as Gmelin, Dillwyn, and other authors have done, that Linneus had his eye upon this common British species, when describing his Turbo clathrus. Great Britain. 86 4 a il. Sc. ANGULATA. (pl. xxxii. f. 5.) Say, Boston Ame- rican journal, pl. 27, Sc. Humphreysii ; Kiener ? T. ovali, obtusâ, lævi: anfractibus paucis, separatis ; vari- cibus distantibus, crassis, supernè angalatis, ad suturam junctis: aperturâ ovali, labio interno sub-expanso: colore albo. Much more oval and obtuse, than Sc. communis, with the whorls much less numerous in proportion to its bulk. It is found in some cabinets labelled “West Indies ;” and is de- scribed by Mr. Say, as an American shell. 12. Sc. PHILIPPINARUM. (pl. xxxii. f. 1, 2, 3.) Sow. Jun.. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. elongatâ, acuminatâ, lævi; anfractibus numerosis, vix separatis; varicibus distantibus, tenuis, obliquis, supernè vix angulatis, ad suturam junctis : colore inter varices, pallidè fulvo, vel castaneo nigricante: variat colore albo. As in the case of some of the preceding and following species, the whorls are so far separated, that a fine thread might be passed between them. One variety is of a chesnut colour between the varices, which are white. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Catanuan, Isl. Luzon, and by Mr. Hinds from Amboyna. 13. Sc. ACULEATA. (pl. xxxii, f. 35, 36, and 37.) Sow. Jun., Zool. Proc, 1844. T. pyramidali, lævi, acuminatâ; anfractibus vix separatis; varicibus laminatis, reflexis, anticè sub-rotundatis, prope sutu- ram in dentem acutum productis, ad suturam plicatim junctis: variat varicibus crassis : colore albo, vel pallidè fulvo. Brought by Mr. Hinds from Hong Kong in China, the straits of Macassar, Malacca, and Amboyna. Also by Mr. Cuming from the Isle of Negroes, and the variety with thick ribs from Catanuan. 14. Sc. GRACILIS. (pl. xxxii. f. 33, 34.) Sow. Jun., Zool. Proc. 1844. T. aculeata, similimâ, sed graciliori. Brought from Dumaguete, in the Isle of Negroes, by Mr. Cuming, and so much narrower than the preceding species, as perhaps, to justify the distinction which we have hesita- tingly made. 15. Sc. MURICATA. (pl. xxxii. f. 29, 31, 32.) Kiener, pl, 4 f. 11. T. pyramidali, lævi, acuminatâ : anfractibus vix separatis : 87 varicibus distantibus, laminatis, latis, extantibus, posticè in angulum acutum productis; aperturâ ovali, labio interno sub- incrassato : colore albo. The varices of this species are broad, projecting, and flat, with an angle at some distance from the suture; the outline of the varix above the angle is curved inwards, so that the angle forms an elevated point. A common West Indian species. 16. S. MITRÆFORMIS. (pl. xxxii. f. 30.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. Sc. muricatæ similimâ, sed magis tenui; varicibus augustioribus, angulis magis elevatis; anfractibus magis distinctis: colore albo. The varices of this shell are less expanded, and the tooth- like angle more elevated than in Sc. muricata; the shell is also lighter and more elegantly formed. From Guacomayo, in Central America. The only specimen we have seen is in Mr. Cuming's Collection. 17. Sc. TENUICOSTATA (pl. xxxiv. f. 76.) Sow, Junr. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. Sc. muricatæ similimâ, sed magis ventricosâ, aperturâ majori; colore albo. This species is so much more ventricose than Sc. muricata, as to render the separation necessary. The aperture is much larger. A small specimen was brought by Mr. Cuming from the Isle of Luzon, but the most characteristic specimens are unaccompanied by any information as to locality. 18. Sc. TENUIS. (pl. xxxii. f. 6, 7.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. tenui, pyramidali, acuminatâ, lævi; anfractibus vix contiguis; varicibus numerosis, laminatis, extantibus, regula- ribus, posticè rectangulatis, ad suturam inter se junctis; colore albo. A very common West Indian shell, very thin and fragile with numerous sharp, laminar, angulated ribs. 19. Sc. DENTICULATA. (pl. xxxii. f. 25. 26.) T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, tenui, spiraliter minutè striatâ 3 anfractibus rotundatis, paululum separatis; varicibus numersis sub-recurvis, prope suturam in dentem acutum productis; aperturâ sub-rotundatâ, labio interno paululùm incrassato : colore albo. Similar to the last, but striated and having a tooth-shaped 88 a angle on each varix near the suture. Also from the West Indies. 20. Sc. FRAGILIS. (pl. xxxiii. f. 64, 65, 66.) Hanley, Book of Species. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, lævi; anfractibus vix contiguis; varicibus numeroris, tenuis, laminatis, ad suturam paululùm dilatatus et junctis; aperturâ ovali: colore albo. A common West Indian shell, which has been confounded with Sc. Clathrus and others. The ribs are widened at the suture, where they are joined with those of the whorl above them, so as to form a continuous line obliquely running up the spire. The colour is generally white, but figure 64 is taken from a dull-grey specimen in Mr. Cuming's Collection from St. Vincents. 21. Sc. GLABRATA. (pl. xxxiv, f. 101,) Hinds. Zool. Proc. 1843. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, glabrâ; anfractibus vix contiguis; varicibus numerosis, tenuis, laminatis, ad suturam junctis, paululùm dilatatis, reflexis, et in dentem acutum productis, colore palide fulvo, inter varices regulariter marmorato. Like the last, but the ribs rather fewer in number and slightly reflected and tooth-shaped at the suture. The younger specimens are beautifully marbled with pale fawn between the varices. Brought by Mr. Hinds from Maccassar and Mallacca. 22. Sc. GEORGETTINA. (pl. xxxiv. f. 77.) Keiner. T. Sub-elongata, lævi; anfractibus vix contiguis; obliquis; varicibus numerosis, sub-rotundatis, simplicibus, ad suturam junctis; colore albo. This shell, which was purchased by Mr. Cuming at Paris, appears on examination, to correspond with the figure and description of Keiner. The ribs are more numerous and rounded than in Sc. communiformis and more simple at the suture. 23. Sc. PRINCIPALIS. (pl. xxxiv. f. 75.) Pallas, Sc. cos- tulata, Keiner. T pyramidali, sub-ventricosâ, tenui, lævi; anfractibus vix contiguis; varicibus numerosis, laminatis, ad suturam dilatatis, irregulariter junctis; aperturâ magnâ; labio interno spiraliter incrassato, colore albo. The ribs are much more numerous, the shell more ventricose, and the whorls more rapidy increasing in size than 89 nSc. communiformis. Xipixappi, WestColumbia, Mr.Cuming. This shell agrees with Pallas's figure, which is copied by Martini, in every respect but size. 24. Sc. OBLIQUA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 69.) Sow. Jun. T. tenui, pyramidali ; anfractibus obliquis, vix separa tis ; varicibus numerosis, angulatis, laminatis. Colore albo. More slender and oblique than Sc. tenuis, with ribs less angular. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 25. Sc. OBESA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 70. 71.) Sow. Jun. T. ventricosâ, brevi; anfractibus prominentibus, vix separ- atis, rapidè crescentibus,varicibus inæqualibus, sub-distantibus, lævibus, reflexis, prope suturam elevatis; non-nullis, incras- satis, duplicatìs: aperturâ obliquè ovali, magnâ; umbilico parvo. Colore inter varices pallidè gríseo, margine aperturæ luteo. A very ventricose species, with rapidly increasing whorls and not very regular varices, simple in form, slightly reflected. The margin of the aperture has a yellow tinge. The whorls do not quite touch each other—although the distance is scarcely perceptible. Mr. Cuming and Mr. Metcalfe have it from Australia. 26. Sc. VENOSA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 72, 73.) Sow. Jun. T. pyramidali, lævi, acuminatâ, imperforatâ; anfractibus sub-numerosis, prominentibus, vix contiguis; varicibus 12, proximis, crassis, in medio valide reflexis, latis, supernè angu- latis, prope suturam sub-angustatis; aperturâ rotundatâ: colore inter varices pallidè fulvio. Remarkable for the shape of the varices, which are turned backward, so as to give the appearance of rounded, tumid veins; the interstices, which appear narrow, are of a delicate fawn colour. From the West Indies. 27. Sc. LYRA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 38, 39, pl. xxxiv. f. 81, 82.) Sow. Jun. T. ventricosâ, acuminatâ; anfractibus prominentibus rapidè crescentibus, prope suturam elevatis, suturâ profundâ distinctis : varicibus tenuis, valde numerosis, obliquis; aper- turâ magni, ovali; labio interno tenui, obliquo; umbilico parvo: colore pallide fulvo, fasciis duabus fuscis, plus minusve distinctis. A very beautiful species with ventricose whorls, distin- guished by a deep suture, and numerous thin, close, regular varices entering the suture obliquely. The colour is very pale brown, or dull white, with two bands of deeper or paler brown; 4 90 a those of the individual fig. 81, appear stronger, in consequence of the varices being partly worn off. Brought from the Island of Masbate, Philippines, by Mr. Cuming. 28. Sc. DUBIA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 41.) Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1844. T. ventricosâ, acuminatâ, minutè striatâ ; anfractibus sub- prominentibus, suturâ profundâ distinctis, rapidè crescentibus ; varicibus numerosis, tenuibus, in medio anfractuum sub-ob- soletis, ad suturam paululum expansis; aperturâ magnâ, sub- ovali; labio externo tenui, labio interno sub-expanso : umbi- lico parvo : colore albo. We have only obtained an imperfect specimen from Mr. Cuming's cabinet, unaccompanied by any information. It differs from Sc. Lyra in the thinness of the varices, which, toward the centre of the whorls, are nearly obsolete; in the suture being less deep, and the whorls less less raised near it; in the varices being slightly spread in a web-like form at the suture; and in being spirally striated, and without colour. 29. Sc. IRREGULARIS. (pl. xxxiii. f. 40, 60.) Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1844. T. ventricosâ, acuminatâ, lævi ; anfractibus contiguis, ro- tundatis, gradatim crescentibus; suturâ distinctâ, varicibus tenuis, numerosis, inæqualibus; nonnullis magnis; aperturâ oblique ovali; umbilico mediocri: colore albo. A ventricose, sharp-pointed species, with the whorls gra- dually increasing in size, separated by a deep suture; most of the varices are very thin and numerous, with sharp edges, with here and there one of thicker and larger size. The umbilicus is of a middle size. The shell is generally white. It is brought from Catanuan, Isle of Luzon, Philippines, by Mr. Cuming 30. Sc. INCONSPICUA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 53.) Sow. Jun. T. Sc. irregulari similimâ sed varicibus magis numerosis, umbilico minori; labio interno anticè sub-angulato. The ribs are exceedingly numerous, regular and fine; the umbilicus is smaller than in Sc. irregularis, which it other- wise resembles, and the inner lip is reflected at the lower or anterior part in the form of an angle. From West Indies. 31. Sc. TRIFASCIATA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 42, 43, 44.) De Haen. T. ventricosâ, brevi, lævi; anfractibus rotundis, paucis; suturâ profundâ: varicibus numerosis, inæqualibus, laminatis; nonnullis duplicatis ; aperturâ obliquè ovali, labio interno, reflexo, sub-expanso: umbilico mediocri: colore pallide fulvo, lineis spiralibus tribus fucis rubescentibus,quaram mediani latâ. 91 a Much shorter and stouter than the other species which most nearly resemble it in other respects. The varices are numerous and prominent, some of them doubled; the whorls are few, the suture deep, the umbilicus large. Three bands of a reddish colour are visible between the ribs. Brought from Masbate, Philippines, by Mr. Cunning; but a white variety in the collection of Mr. Sowerby is ticketed “East Indies.” 32. Sc. LINEOLATA (45, 46, 48.) Kiener. T. tenui, Sc. trilineatæ simili, sed magis elongatâ; fasciis obscuris. Figured by Kiener as a variety of the preceding species, but a much more elongated shell. Brought from Masbate, Phil- lippines. by Mr. Cuming, and from Japan by Dr. Sibbald. 33. Sc. RUBRO-LINEATA. (pl. xxxiv. f. 83, 84.) Sow Jun.. T. pyramidali, lævi, sub-ventricosâ; anfractibus rotundatis prominentibus, gradatim crescentibus; varicibus numerosis sub-æqualibus, validis; aperturâ ovali ; labio interno anticè subquadrato ; umbilico magno : colore pallidè fulvo linea rubrâ vel yuscâ in medio anfractuum. The whorls of this species are very prominent, the varices, numerous, regular, and thick, as in Sc. trilineatâ, but the form is more elongated, and the umbilicus very much larger. The specimens, the smaller of which has a bright red line in the centre of the whorls, are from the cabinet of Miss Saul. 34. Sc. CRASSA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 55.) Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1844. T. pyramidali ventricosâ, lævi ; anfractibus rotundatis, gradatim crescentibus; varicibus sub-numerosis, inaequalibus, laminatis, ad suturam magis expansis, nonnullis in medio anfractum sub-obsoletis : aperturâ magnâ; labio interno anticè subquadrato ; umbilico parvo : colore, inter varices pallidè fulvo, fasciis binis latis; unâ prope suturam, alterâ in medio anfractuum. Variat testâ albâ, opacâ. Much larger and more solid than Sc. lineolata, with the ribs unequally laminated, spreading more at the suture than at the middle of the whorls. The whorls are not so prominent as in Sc. rubro-lineatâ, and the umbilicus is much smaller. Of the four specimens brought from Catanuan, Isl. Luzon, Philippines, by Mr.Cuming, two have two broad bands in the upper part and near the centre of the whorls. 35. Sc. IMPERIALIS. (pl. xxxiii. f. 56. 57.) Sow. Jun Zool. Proc. 1844. 92 T. pyramidali, ventricosâ, acuminatâ, lævi ; anfractibus magnis, rotundatis, contiguis, prope suturam elevatis, gra- datim crescentibus ; suturâ profundâ varicibus numerosis, simplicibus, versus apicem tenuibus, gradatim crescentibus, in ultimo anfractu crassis, nonnullis duplicatis ; aperturâ magni, ovali; umbilico magno: colore, inter varices, fulvo, fasciis binis fuscis in medio anfractus ultimæ purpureo confusis. A very beautiful shell, of an elegant pyramidal form, with numerous regular varices, which in the upper whorls are thin, but in the last whorl are much thicker and some doubled. The umbilicus is large. The colour between the varices is dull fawn, with two bands, which in the last whorl are blended with purple. Mozambique and Swan River. 36.Sc.AURITA.(pl. xxxiii. f. 62.) Sow.Jun. Zool Proc. 1844. T. elongatâ, lævi, umbilicatâ; anfractibus rotundatis, con- tiguis ; varicibus lavibus, decumbentibus, subnumerosis, prope suturam sub-arcuatis, nonnullis crassis, pluribus tenuis; aperturâ magnâ, auriformi ; colore pallidè fulvo, inter varices, fasciis tribus fuscis. In general form resembling Sc. lineata of Say, but differ- ing from it in having a wide umbilicus. The last whorl and aperture are large in proportion to the size of the shell, in which respect it differs from Sc. turricula ; it is prettily coloured with three reddish brown bands; the varices are rather numerous, some rather thick, and others very thin. Coast of Coromandel. 37. Sc. TURRICULA. (pl. xxxii. f. 61. and pl. xxxiv. f. 88.) Sow. Jun. T. elongatâ, umbilicatâ, plerumque transversim minuté , striatâ; anfractibus numerosis, rotundatis, gradatim crescen- tibus ; varicibus sub-numerosis, plerumque tenuis, nonnullis crassis; aperturâ ovali, parvâ; colore albo vel irregulariter fulvo. The whorls are more numerous, and increase in size more gradually than the last, the mouth is consequently smaller, the ribs are irregular, differing from each other in thickness. There are, in most of the specimens numerous transverse striæ, which are wanting in others; one variety is white and strongly striated; another is irregularly patched with light brown, and nearly smooth. The latter variety only is brought by Mr. Cuming from Catanuan Isl. Luzon, Philip- pines. Both occur in the West Indies. 93 38. Sc. VESTALIS. (pl. xxxiv f. 97.) Hinds. Zool. Proc. 1843. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, spiraliter minutissime striatâ; anfractibus numerosis, rotundatis, suturâ distinctâ; varicibus simplicibus, plerumque tenuissimis, nonnullis crassiusculis ; aperturâ ovali, posticé acuminatâ, labio interno anticè sub- incrassato, umbilico mediocri; colore albo. A beautiful small white shell brought by Capt. Belcher from New Guinea. It is finely striated in a spiral direction; most of the varices are thin, so as to be scarcely visible, with here and there one more prominent. 39. Sc. IMMACULATA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 58.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. T. Scalariæ vestali similimâ, sed magis elongatâ, umbilico majori, varicibus prope suturam simplicibus. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Catanauan. Isl. Luzon, Philippines. 40. Sc. MARTINII. (pl. xxxiv. f. 78 and 86.) Wood. Index. Test. Sc. raricosta, nonnul, Sc. striata, Kiener. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, umbilicatâ, transversim striatâ; anfractibus rotundatis, numerosis, rapidè crescentibus; vari- cibus plerumque tenuissimis, vel obsoletis, nonnullis crassis, validis, arcuatis ; aperturâ ovali, auriformi, magnâ; colore albo. A well known species from the West Indies, frequently confounded with, and possibly included in Sc. raricosta of Lamarck, from which it totally differs. The greater part of the varices are so thin as to be scarcely visible, but at irregu- lar intervals thicker ones occur. There is a small specimen from Isle Bohol in the Philippines, in which nearly all the va- rices are elevated : it is found under stones, at low water, by Mr. Cuming 41. Sc. RARICOSTATA. (pl. xxxiv. f. 79, 80.) Sc. raricosta, Lamarck. (Not of Martini, Conch. 4. t. 153 f. 1435-6. T. ventricosâ, pyramidali, cancellatâ ; anfractibus rotun- datis, rapidè crescentibus; suturâ distinctâ; varicibus raris prominentibus, crenulatis, rotundatis, reflexis ; aperturâ magnâ, sub-circulari, marginè crasso, labio interno anticè sub-expanso; umbilico parvo; colore albo. A ventricose shell, minutely cancellated, with here and there a thick, crenulated reflected varix; the aperture is large, with a very small umbilicus behind it. Ceylon? 94 42. Sc, CURVILINEATA. (pl. xxxii. f. 59.) Sow. Jun. T. ovali, lævi, tenui, imperforatâ ; anfractibus paucis, rapidè crescentibus; varicibus subnumerosis, curvilineatis, lævibus, simplicibus ; aperturâ ovali, labio interno antice paululum expanso: colore pallidè fulvo. We have only seen one specimen, which is in Mr. Cu- ming's collection, from Sansonati, in Central America. 43. Sc. CATANUENSIS (pl. xxxiv. f. 93 and 94.) Sow. Jun. Zool Proc., 1844. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, minutissimè striatâ; anfractibus rotundatis, rapidè crescentibus, varicibus plerumque obsoletis, nonnullis rariùs crassis; aperturâ ovali, sub-auriformi; um- bilico parvo; colore validè griseo, in medio anfractuum fasciâ fusca, latâ, obscurâ. It is much shorter than Sc.Martinii, with the thickened costæ still more fewer in number; the aperture is less oval and less auriform. There is a broad band of pale brown in the centre of the whorls. Brought from Catanuan, Isl. Luzon, Philip- pines, by Mr. Cuming. Found in sandy mud 8---10 fathoms. 44. Sc. similis.(pl. xxxiv.f.90.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc.1844. T. sub-ovali, spiraliter minutissimè striatâ; anfractibus paucis; varicibus tenuissimis, plerumque numerosis, nonnullis crassiusculis ; aperturâ ovali, postice sub-angulatâ, labio in- terno vix incrassato et expanso, umbilico parvo ; colore pal- lidissimè fulvo. The whorls are much less prominent, the minute varices more numerous, and the umbilicus considerably smaller than in Sc. Catanuensis. Found by Mr. Cuming at Puerto Galero, Isle Mindoro, in sandy mud, 4-5 fathoms. 45. Sc. BULLATA. (pl. xxxiv. f. 87.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. ventricosissimâ, brevi, lævi; anfractibus paucis, rapide crescentibus; varicibus sub-numurosis, irregularibus, decum- bentibus, plerumque tenuissimis, nonnullis crassioribus, ad suturâm paululum elevatis et reflexis ; aperturâ magnâ; um- bilico parvo, colore albo. , We have only one specimen of this extremely ventricose shell, in a very imperfect state, from Isl. Capul, Philippines, taken by Mr. Cuming on the coral reefs. 46. Sc. BULBULUS. (pl. xxxiv. f. 85.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. 95 T. ventricosâ, pyramidali, lævi, fere imperforatâ; anfrac- tibus paucis, rapidè crescentibus; varicibus sub-numerosis, irregularibus, inequalibus, extantibus; aperturâ magnâ, labio interno sub-expanso, antice sub-quadrato ; colore pallidis- simè rufo. This species is also rather ventricose, but the varices are laminar, and stand out in relief from the shell. The only known specimen is in the possession of Mr. G. Sowerby, Sen. From-- ? 47. Sc. FRIABILIS. ( pl. xxxiii. f. 74.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, tenui, imperforatâ; varicibus tenuissimis, valde numerosis, laminatis, extantibus, prope suturam acutè angulatis; aperturâ magnâ, labio interno sub- incassato; colore albo. A thin pyramidal species with extremely numerous, thin, laminar, varices, which project in an acute angle close to the suture. In Mr. Cuming's collection. Brought from Swan River, by Lieut. Collie, R.N. 48. Sc. INDISTINCTA. (pl. xxxv. f. 141.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1842. T. elongatâ, imperforatâ, minuté spiraliter striatâ; anfractibus numerosis, gradatim crescentibus, suturâ dis- tinctâ ; varicibus numerosis, inæqualibus, rotundatis, decum- bentibus, simplicibus ; aperturâ parvâ, labio interno, antice sub-incrassato ; colore, albo. In Mr. Cuming's collection. Brought from St. Blas, Gulf of California, by the Hon. Mr. Harris. 49. Sc. SULCATA. (pl. xxxv. f. 11.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. elongatâ, acuminatâ, imperforatâ, minuté spiraliter striatâ ; anfractibus numcerosis, gradatim crescentibus; suturâ dis- tinctâ; varicibus numerosis, tenuis, prope suturam angulatis ; aperturâ ovali, labio interno vix incrassato; colore albo. A beautifully pointed, elongated shell, finely striated in a spiral direction, with numerous slightly prominent varices, which are angular near the suture. Brought from Catanuan, Isl. Luzon, Philippines, by Mr. Cuming. 50. Sc. NOVANGLIÆ. (pl. xxxv. f. 112.) Couthoy, Boston Jour. Sc. 2, No. 1, Pl. 3, f. 5. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, fere imperforatâ, spiraliter striatâ 7 96 7 و a of Lam. from which it is, however, very distinct. Its oper- culum is remarkably neat. Jamaica. 15. JAMAICENSE. (pl. xxii. f. 12, 13.) Gray in Wood's Supp. to Ind. Test. t. 6, f. 3. TURBO JAMAICENSIS, Chemn. T. orbiculato-subconicâ, crassiusculâ, plerumque pallidâ, epidermide fuscâ, indutâ, anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, trans- versim tenuissimè striatis, supernè corrugatis, propè suturam elevatiusculis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, subeffusâ, supernè angulatâ, et in canalem brevissimam, inconspicuam, desinente; peritremate subincrassato, margine externo acutius- culo, interno incrassato, obtuso; umbilico magno, margine carinato, intus transversim striato; carinâ umbilicali extus corrugatâ; operculo testaceo, extus laminâ elevatâ, convolutâ, obtusâ, intús corneo. Shell of a rather conical orbicular form, thickish, generally of a pale colour, covered with a dark brown epidermis ; volutions 4–5, rounded, very finely transversely striated, corrugated on the upper part, and rather raised next to the suture ; suture distinct, but not deeply marked ; aper- ture circular, somewhat spreading, angular at the upper part, where it forms a very short and inconspicuous canal, peritreme slightly thickened, its outer margin rather sharp, its umbilical edge thickened and blunt; umbilicus large, and transversely striated within, strongly keeled at the edge, corrugated out- side of the keel; operculum shelly, with a raised, convoluted, obtusely-edged lamina outside, and appearing horny and shining within. Common in Jamaica : it is distinguished from C. corrugatum by the umbilicus being surrounded by a strongly marked keel, and by the lamina outside the opercu- lum having its edge reflected. 16. C. FILOSUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 14.) Beechey, t. 38. f. 31. T. orbiculato-subconicâ, crassiusculâ, pallidâ, anfractibus 5, rotundatis, longitudinaliter striatis et carinatis, carinis duabis majoribus fusco-articulatis, inferiore suturali: suturâ minimè distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peritremate sub-incras- sato, supernè sinuato, et subangulato, in canalem brevissi- mam inconspicuam desinente, margine obtusiusculo; um- bilico magno, margine carinis duabus, intùs profundè striato. Shell of a somewhat conical orbicular form, its spire rather shorter than the aperture, thickish, of a pale colour, volutions 5, rounded, longitudinally striated and carinated, the two more prominent keels speckled with reddish brown, the lower one running along the suture, which is otherwise very indis- articulorhim, Gray. – antico 97 tinct; aperture circular, peritreme rather thickened, sinuated at the upper part, and rather angular, forming a very short inconspicuous canal, edge rather obtuse; umbilicus large, deeply grooved within, its edge with two prominent keels. A very rare East Indian species. 17. C. CLATHRATULA. (pl. xxiii. f. 15. 16.) Recluz. Rev. Zool. 1843. T. subglobosâ, crassiusculâ, spirâ subconoidali, apice obtuso; anfractibus 4-5, rotundatis, supernè spiraliter tenuiter striatis, et decussatis, infra lævibus ; aperturâ subovali, supernè angulatâ, peritremate crassiusculo, supra umbilicum mediocre, paululùm extenso. Shell nearly globose, thickish, light yellow brown, with an obtusely pointed, rather conoidal spire, volutions from 4–5, rounded, their upper part finely and spirally striated and the interstices of these striæ very finely striated obliquely, the lower part smooth; aperture rather oval, angular above, peritreme thickened, spreading over a very small part of the middling sized umbilicus. From Yemen, Arabia. 18. C. POLITUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 17.) nob. T. subglobosâ, crassiusculâ, subpellucidâ, politâ, spirâ subco- noidali, apice obtuso; anfractibus 4, rotundatis, pallidis, brunneo-variegatis; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ circulari, peri- tremate subincrassato, intùs subconstricto, supernè suban- gulato; umbilico parvo. Shell nearly globose, thickish, subpellucid, shining, spire rather conoidal, with an obtuse, and generally black, tip; volutions 4, distinctly rounded, of a pale colour, more or less varied with brown, and having a brown band at the lower part; suture distinctly marked ; aperture circular, peritreme thickened, angular at the upper edge, with a slight internal constriction near the edge, which is obtuse; umbilicus small. 19. C. LUCIDUM. (pl. xxiii. f. 20. 21.) Lowe. Trans. of Cambr. Phil. Soc. 1831. t. 6. f. 40. T. subglobosâ, olivaceâ, spirâ conoideâ, subacuminatâ, anfractibus 4–5, rotundatis, lævibus ; aperturâ subporrectâ, circulari, coarctatâ, margine obtuso; umbilico nullo; operculo crasso, intùs margine elevato. Shell subglobose, olivaceous ; spire conoidal, rather acu- minated; volutions from four to five, rounded, smooth; aperture circular, contracted, edge obtuse ; umbilicus none; operculum thick, with the inner edge raised. Madeira. 98 cibus 9, crassis, rotundatis; aperturâ ovali, marginè incrassato, labio interno incrassato, expanso; colore, inter varices, pallidè cæruleo. The whorls of this very small shell are few in number, the last disproportionately large, with about nine very thick rounded varices; the aperture is oval, with a very thick edge, and the inner lip expanded. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Cagayan in the Isle of Mindinao. 60. Sc. HEXAGONA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 67.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc, 1844. T. brevi, lævi, imperforatâ; anfractibus contiguis; varici- bus sex, crassis, prominentibus, ad apicem obliquè continuis; aperturâ rotundatâ: colore albo. A short, imperforated white species, with whorls closely united, and strong varices forming about six oblique, con- tinuous lines along the spire. In the cabinet of Mr. Cuming, brought by Col. Moffat from Acupalca. 61. Sc. UNIFASCIATA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 68.) Sow. Jun, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. pyramidali, sub-elongatâ, lævi, imperforatâ; anfractibus numerosis, contiguis; varicibus sex, rotundatis, angustis, ad apicem obliquè continuis; aperturâ rotundatâ, labio interno sub-incrassato; colore inter varices, pallidissimè griseo, fasciâ fuscâ prope suturam cincto. Similar to the preceding, but more elongated, with more numerous whorls, on the upper part of which, close to the suture, is a broad brown band, by which the species may be distinguished. West Indies. 62. Sc. ELENENSIS. (pl. xxxiv. f. 102.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc, 1844, T. pyramidali, lævi, imperforatâ; anfractibus contiguis ; varicibus sex, ad suturam sub-plicatis, irregulariter continuis ; aperturâ ovali; colore albo. Like the last, but without any band, and having the varices straighter, and not so regularly continuous. Collected by Mr. Cuming at Punta, St. Elena, West Columbia, in sandy mud, six fathoms. 63. Sc. OBTUSA (pl. xxxii. f. 54.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc, 1844. T. ventricosâ, pyramidali, imperforatâ, lævi; anfractibus contiguis; varicibus numerosis, crassis, rotundatis, continuis, , 99 ز supernè sub-angulatis ; aperturâ rotundatâ, anticè sub-mare- ginatâ, labio interno spiraliter recurvo; colore albo. Rather short and thick, white, with numerous varices, which continue up the spire, from whorl to whorl, and are slightly angular above; the inner lip of the aperture is spirally twisted, and forms an undulated notch at its juncture with the outer lip. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Punta, St. Elena, found in sandy mud six fathoms. 64. Sc. PORRECTA. (pl. xxxv. f. 139.) Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1843. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, imperforatâ ; anfractibus sub- angulatis, ultimâ magnâ; varicibus numerosis, crassis, ad an- gulum anfractuum acuminatis; aperturâ sub-quadratâ, antice angulatâ; colore fusco, lineâ pallidâ ad inferiorem partem anfractuum. An acuminated shell, with angular whorls, the last of which is disproportionately large; the varices are numerous, thick, and somewhat irregular, with elevated points at the angle. The colour is darkish brown, with a narrow band of a darker colour near the lower part of the whorl. Brought by Mr. Hinds, from the Straits of Malacca. 65. Sc. MINDOROENSIS. (pl. xxxiv. f. 91.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. pyramidali, lævi, imperforatâ, tenui; anfractibus vix separatis; varicibus numerosis, simplicibus, ad suturam sub- irregulariter junctis; colore albo. A small, white, thin shell, slightly resembling Sc. obliqua, but less oblique, and with more numerous, and less promi- nent varices. The whorls are close. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Puerto Gallero, Isl. Mindoro. 66. Sc. GRADATA (pl. xxxiv. f. 109.) Hinds. Zool. Proc. 1843. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, lævi, imperforatâ; anfractibus numerosis, prope suturam elevatis; suturâ profundâ; vari- cibus rotundatis, sub-numerosis, distantibus, supernè angu- latis; aperturâ sub-ovali, posticè angulatâ, labio interno tenui; colore albo. The whorls of this elegant species are elevated near the suture, and with the angle on the varices, have the appear- ance of steps. Brought by Mr. Hinds, from Amboyna. N 100 y 67. Sc. ACICULINA. (pl. xxxiv. f. 100. Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1843. T. parvâ, elongatâ, acuminatâ, imperforatâ, tenui, lævi ; anfractibus contiguis, prope suturam elevatis; varicibus decem, inequalibus; aperturâ sub-quadratâ; colore, inter varices, obscurè fulvo. America, Mr. Hinds 68. Sc. ALBOLINEATA. (pl. xxxIII. f. 52.) Sow. Jun. T. aciculinæ similima, sed magis ventricosâ, costis magis numerosis, continuis; colore inter varices fulvo. This species is shorter and thicker than Sc. aciculina, with more numerous and less angulated varices. From the beau- tiful fawn colour contrasting with the whiteness of the ribs, it resembles Sc. Philippinarum, but the whorls are united. 69. Sc. POLITA. (pl. xxxiv. f. 99.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Pooc. 1844. T. tenui, elongatâ, lævi, imperforatâ; anfractibus nume- rosis, vix prominentibus; varicibus sub-numerosis, tenuis, in medis anfractuum obsoletis ; colore pallidè griseo. The whorls are numerous, and not very prominent. The varices appear as if worn away in the centre of the whorls. Taken by Mr. Cuming at Xipixappi, West Columbia, in sandy mud, ten fathoms deep. 70. Sc. TURTONIS. (pl. xxxiv. f. 106, 107, 108. var. pl. xxxiv. f. 89.) Sc. planicostata, Bivon. T. elongatâ, imperforatâ, lævi; anfractibus numerosis, vix prominentibus, contiguis; varicibus decumbentibus, inequal- ibus, ad suturam expansis, elevatis; aperturâ ovali, labio interno crasso; colore maculis et fasciis variegato. This species resembles in general appearance, and in the disposition of the colours, Sc. communis, but the whorls are united and more numerous; the varices are flat, and some of them exceedingly broad: varieties, fig. 106, 107, are from British specimens, fig. 108, from Sicily, fig. 80, from Puerto Galero, Isl. Mindinao. 71. Sc. TREVELYANA. (pl. xxxv. f. 129.) Leach. T. pyramidali, acuminatâ, imperforatâ; anfractibus con- tiguis, rotundatis; varicibus decumbentibus, inequalibus, ad suturam expansis, in dentem acutum elevatis; colore pallidè fulvo. Smaller, and more ventricose in proportion to its length than the preceding, with the varices narrower, rather more 101 + prominent, spread at the suture, and raised into a small sharp tooth, Great Britain. 72. Sc. GREENLANDICA. (pl. xxxiv. fol. 105 and 110.) “Clathrus Greenlandicus,” Chemn. 11. p. 155. f. 1878-79. planicostata ? Kiener; subulata, Couthoy? Boston Journ. Sc. Vol. 2, No. 1. T. elongatâ, crassa, spiraliter sulcatâ; anfractibus con- tiguis, vix prominentibus; varicibus decumbentibus ; ine- qualibus, ad suturam expansis, reflexis, et ad anfractum prox- imam elevatis ; aperturâ sub-triangulari, colore, inter varices, griseo fulvescente. T. juniori, varicibus expansis, reflexis, Like Sc. Turtonis in general form, but with fewer whorls : the varices more elevated and spread, and the whorls spirally grooved. From Greenland and Newfoundland. 73. Sc. LINEATA. (pl. xxxiii. f. 49, 50, 51.) Say. T. pyramidali, sub-ventricosâ, imperforatâ, lævi'; anfrac- tibus rotundatis, rapidè crescentibus; ultimo magno, lineâ spirali, elevatâ, ad inferiorem partem anfractuum varicibus plerumque tenuis; nonnullis magnis, simplicibus, numerosis : aperturâ magnâ; colore inter varices, fusco nigricante, ali- quando fasciis binis ; vel pallidè fulvâ, fasciâ rubrâ. The elevated line at the lower part of the whorls, is very slight in this species, but easily perceptible, the varices are irregular, some of them large. From America. 74. Sc. CLATHRUS. (pl. xxxv. f. 131, 132, 134.) Linneus, Sc. lamellosa, Lam. var. Sc. monocycla. Kiener. T. pyramidali, ventricosâ, lævi, lineâ elevatâ spirali ad in- feriorem partem aufractuum ; varicibus 11, distantibus, lami- natis, extantibus, ad suturam sub-expansis, ad apicem obliquè continuis; aperturâ magnâ, ovali; colore, inter varices fulvo vel fusco-maculato, prope suturam fasciâ latâ ; vel griseo, fasciâ nigrâ. This well-known species to which the name of lamellosa is generally applied, is ascertained, with tolerable certainty, to be the true clathrus of Linneus, having the basal keel which is without the common British species bearing that name. Mediterranean and West Indies. 75. Sc. CORONATA. (pl. xxxv. f. 133.) Lamarck. T. lamellosæ simillimâ, sed varicibus magis numerosis : colore albo, inter varices seriebus tribus macularum fuscarum. The varices are much more numerous than in the last, and 102 the colour is disposed in three rows of angular brown spots between the varices. West Indie s. 76. Sc. DIANÆ. (pl. xxxv.f. 124, 125.) Hinds, Zool. Proc 1843. T. Parvâ, ventricosâ, brevi, lævi, lineâ elevatâ spirali, ad basin anfractuum; anfractibus contiguis subangulatis; vari- cibus paucis, laminatis, extantibus, angulatim latè expansis : colore albo. A small, short, somewhat ventricose shell, with few whorls, and about eight laminar varices, which are spread into broad angles. It is to be regretted, that only one specimen of this very remarkable shell was brought by Mr. Hinds from Amboyna. 77. SC. STATUMINATA (pl. xxxv. f. 127.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. parvâ, crasâ, brevi, lævigatâ, imperfortâ ; anfractibus contiguis, vix prominentibus, anticè lineâ elevatâ cinctis; vari- cibus quinque, prominentibus, ad apicem continuis, anticè crassis, posticè in angulum elevatum expansis; aperturâ sub- rotundâ, labio externo, anticè tenui; colore, inter varices, coeruleo. A small, short, thick species, with very prominent ribs, which are elevated and expanded into a broad angle, at the upper part of the whorls, and very thick at the lower; they are united with each other so as to form five oblique promi- nent ridges along the spire. Brought by Mr. Cuming from Hayti in Peru. 78. SC. MAGNIFICA. (pl. xxxiv. f. 103.) Sow. Jun. Turbo Principalis, Chemnitz. T. elongatâ, imperforatâ, lineis elevatis spiraliter cinctâ, lineâ unâ majori ad inferiorem partem anfractuum, anfractibus sub-numerosis, ventricosis, prope suturam elevatis; suturâ profundâ; varicibus rarissimis, lineis parvis elevatis numerosis; colore albo, pallidissimè purpureo et fulvo tincto. The figure given in Chemnitz underthe name of “principalis” “ Pallas,” is evidently taken from an inferior specimen of this magnificent shell; but as it does not agree in any respect with the original figure and description by Pallas, we cannot put much faith in the assertion of Chemnitz as to its identity. We have given a species under the name of principalis, which agrees much better with the original figure. The splendid specimen which we have figured, is in the collection of E. C. L. Grüner, Esq. of Bremen, who has lately received it from China. 103 + 79. SC. DECUSSATA. (pl. xxxv. f. 140.) Lam. anim s. vert. vi. p. 229. Sc. cancellata, Humphreys. T. elongatâ, imperforatâ, spiraliter sulcatâ; anfractibus 11, contiguis, anticè posticèque angulatis, suturâ profundâ disti- nctis, ultimo anticè carinâ cincto; varicibus numerosis, postice angulatis, laqueatis, aperturâ subquadratâ, labio interno crasso, anticè angulato; colore albo. This elegantly cancellated species is rarely found in a recent state. The specimen figured, is in Mr. Cuming's collection. From the coast of Arabia. 80. Sc. VARICOSA. (pl. xxxv. f. 126, 128, 143.) Lam. anim. s. vert. Sc. fimbriata, Lam. E.M. pl. 451. f. 4. a. b. T. elongatâ, spiraliter obsoletè sulcatâ; anfractibus 12, plus minusve prominentibus, ultimo anticè carinâ cincto; suturâ profundâ, laminis extantibus interruptâ ; costulis parvis, nume- rosis, undulatim crenulatis; varicibus paucis, magnis, extanti- bus, crenulatis, crassis : aperturâ rotundatâ, margine crasso, labio interno varicoso; colore albo. The different varieties, if denuded of the small varices, would present a very similar appearance ; but these, in some cases, fill up the suture with their terminal laminæ, and so reduce the rotundity of the whorls. The larger, or true varices, occur sparingly at irregular intervals. From Capul, Luzon, Bohol, and Žebu, Philippines, by Mr. Cuming. 81. Sc. COCHLEA. (pl. xxxv. f., 142.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc, 1844. T. elongatâ, spiraliter obsoletè sulcatâ; anfractibus 8, pro- minentibus posticè valide angulatis; anticè carinâ validâ cinctis; costulis parvis, undulatim crenulatis; varicibus magnis, crenulatis, posticè angulatis, rarissimis ; aperturâ rotun â; margine crasso; labio interno crasso, varicoso: colore albo, vel pallidissime fulvo. Differing from Sc. varicosa in having the whorls angular, and the suture very large, so as to present the appearance of a screw. From Loanda, West coast of Africa, by Dr. Tamis. In Mr. Cuming's collection. 82. Sc. AUSTRALIS. (pl. xxxv. f. 135.) Lam. anim. s, vert. T. elongatâ.crassa, lævi,imperforatâ; anfractibus 9, contiguis, vix prominentibus; ultimo anticè carinâ validâ cincto; sutura vix excavatâ: varicibus 10,simplicibus, sub-rectis, crassis, lævi- bus, prominentibus, ad carinam terminantibus: colore albo, vel inter varices obscure purpureo. 104 A common species from Swan River in Australia. The keel is thick, and forms the termination of the varices, which are also thick, prominent, and smooth. The whorls are not separated by a deep suture 83. Sc. CRASSICOSTATA. (pl. xxxv. f. 119.) B.M. M.S. Sc. Australi simili, sed varicibus minus prominentibus, et in medio latioribus. There is a much larger specimen than we have figured, in the British Museum, with the above name attached. 84. Sc. GRANULOSA. (pl. xxxv. f. 144.) Turritella gra- nulosa, Guoy et Gaimard, Voyage de l'Astrotabe. T. pyramidali, elongatâ, minutissimè granulatâ, crassâ, im- perforatâ, costulis obsoletis undulatâ; anfractibus 9, vix pro- minentibus, anticè prope medium carinâ obsoletâ cinctis, ad suturam crenulatis; suturâ indistinctâ ; aperturâ subtriangu- lari ; margine incrassato, anticè in angulum extenso; colore pallidè fulvo; aperturâ albâ. In general form resembling Sc. Australis, but the varices are nearly obsolete. From Swan River, Australia. 85. Sc. UNDULATA. (pl. xxxv. f. 136.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc, 1844. T. sub-elongatâ, spiraliter minutissimè striatâ, imperforatâ, tenui; anfractibus 11, paululum prominentibus, anticè prope medium carinâ tenui, lineari, cinctis; varicibus tenuissimis curvi-linearibus, regularibus, distantibus; aperturâ anticè an- gulatâ, colore obscurè albo. The varices are very thin, curvilinear and regular, but much more distinct than in the preceding species. We have only a single specimen from the collection of Metcalfe, Esq. 86. Sc. BICARINATA. (pl. xxxv. f. 113, 114.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc, 1844. T. sub-cylindricâ, elongatâ, imperforatâ, minutè cancellatâ ; anfractibus 6, latis, ad latera planis, ad suturam crenulatis, ultimo carinisdus in medio cincto; aperturâ ovali, margine crasso, minutè crenulato; colore fere albo. A A very curious little shell, with crenulated suture, and two prominent keels in the centre of the last whorls; the edge of the aperture is much thickened. Brought by Mr. Cuming, from Dumaguete, Isl. Negroes, found in coarse black sand, at seven fathoms. 105 a у 87. Sc. CRASSILABRUM. (pl. xxxv. f. 115, 116.) Sow. Jun. T. parvâ, imperforatâ, elongatâ, spiraliter minutissimè striatâ ; anfractibus 6—7, antice angulo parvo, postice angulo magno, cinctis; suturâ crenulatâ; costulis triangulatis nume- rosis; varicibus rarissimis, vel nullis : aperturâ sub-ovali, mar- gine crasso, expanso, minutè striato; colore fere albo. There is a large angle on the upper, and a smaller one on the lower part of each whorl, which are crossed by undulating ribs. The true varices or external edges of former varices are very scarce, in some specimens altogether wanting. The specimens vary very much in form and appearance, but the aperture is always surrounded by a broad margin. Mr. Cuming has specimens from Ticao, and Cagayan, Isl. Mindoro of the Philippines ; also from Sansonati, in Central America. 88. Sc. CRENATA. (pl. xxxv. f. 123.) (Turbo crenatus,) Linn. T. sub-elongatâ, imperforatâ, minutissimè granulatâ ; an- fractibus 8, sub-prominentibus, ad suturam acutè angulatis et crenatis, anticè undulatâ carinâis cinct; varicibus raris- simis vel nullis ; aperturâ magnâ triangulari, anticè angulatâ ; colore fere albo, vel pallidè fulvo rufescente. The whorls have a prominent angle close to the suture, which forms a kind of canal, interrupted by the large crenu- lations surmounting the edge. From Faro in Portugal and from the West Indies. 89. Sc. DIADEMA. (pl. xxxv. f. 121, 122.) Sow. Sen. T. brevi, obtusâ, imperforatâ, minutissime cancellatâ; an- fractibus 7, prominentibus, ad suturam canaliferis, angulatim crenulatis; anticè carinâ crassâ cinctis; prope apicem rapide crescentibus; varicibus prope apicem crassis, prominentibus, in ultimo anfractu sub-obsoletis ; aperturâ ovali; margine crasso, anticè posticeque angulato : colore albo. Much shorter and more obtuse than Sc. crenatus, with the whorls more prominent and excavated at the suture, at the fourth whorl the size increases suddenly, but afterwards more gradually. Brought by Mr. Cuming from James's Island, Gallapagos. 90. Sc. FUSCA. (pl. xxxv. f. 138.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844 T. elongatâ, imperforatâ, spiraliter minutissime striatâ; an- fractibus 12, sub-prominentibus; ultimo, carinâ lineari anticè 106 cinctâ; varicibus tenuissimis, obliquis, ad suturam flexuosis ; aperturâ sub-ovali, margine tenui: colore obsurè fulvo, flamulis fuscis obliquis inter varices seriatim picto. An elongated species, with a very narrow, but distinct keel on the lower part of the last whorl . The varices are very thin, and bent in near the suture. The shell is finely striated, and prettily marked with flame-like patches of dark colour be- tween the varices. There are two specimens in Mr. Cuming's collection, which were found on sand at Seirra-leona. 91. Sc. SUTURALIS. (pl. xxxv. f. 120.) Hinds. Zool. Proc. 1843. T. elongatâ, imperfortâ, spiraliter minutè striatâ ; anfracti- bus 10, paululum prominentibus, anticè carinâ tenui cinctis; suturâ distinctâ, cariniferâ; costulis numerosis tenuis, varici- bus raris, decumbentibus, vix elevatis : aperturâ rotundâ; mar- gine tenui: colore obscurè albo, in medio anfractuum fusco. Brought from Mallaca, by Mr. Hinds. 92. Sc. VULPINA. (pl. xxxv. f. 117, 118. Hinds. Zool. Proc. 1843. T. elongatâ, imperforatâ, spiraliter sulcatâ ; anfractibus 9 prominentibus, carinâ antice cinctis; varicibus 9, crassis, rotun- tadis, æqualibus; aperturâ sub-rotundata ; labio crasso; colore fusco. Brought from Mallacca, by Mr. Hinds. 93. Sc. ACUMINATA. (pl. xxxv. f. 130.) Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. elongatâ, imperforatâ, acuminatâ; anfractibus 15, vix prominentibus, anticè carinâ tenui cinctis ; varicibus creberi- mis, numerosis, tenuis, curvilineatis ; aperturâ ovali, margine tenui, labio interno tortuoso; colore pallide fulvo, fasciis duo, unâ prope suturam pallidâ, unâ in medio anfractuum latâ, dis- tinctâ. Elongated, keeled, with numerous whorls, and very numer- ous close set curvilinear varices. In Mr. Cuming's collection, from Malacca. 107 EXPLANATION OF PLATES XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV. SCALARIA. (The figure at the end of each name, refers to the species in the text.) - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - Fig. 1, 2, 3. Sc. Philippinarum, 12. 4. pyramidalis, 9. 5. angulata, 11. 6, 7. tenuis, 18. 8. laxata, 8. 9. marmorata, 5. 10, 11. alata, 3. 12, 13. fasciata, 4. 14, 15, 16. Pallasii, 2. 17. pretiosa, 1. 18, 19, 20. communis, 10. 21, 22. Hyalina, 23, 24. replicata, 6. 25, 26. denticulata, 19. 27, 28. communis,var. 10. 29. muricata, 15. 30. mitræformis, 16. 31, 32. muricata, 15. 33, 34. gracilis, 14. 35, 36, 37. aculeata, 13. 38, 39. Lyra, 27. 40. irregularis, 29. 41. dubia, 28. 42, 43, 44. trifasciata, 31. 45, 46, lineolata, 32. 47. clathratulus, 52. 48. lineolata, var. 32. 49, 50, 51. lineata, 73. 52. albo-lineata, 68. 53. inconspicua, 30. 54. obtusa, 63. 55. crassa, 34. Fig. 56, 57. Sc. Imperialis, 34.5 58. immaculata, 39. 59. curvilineata, 42. 60. irregularis, 29. 61. turricula, 37. 62. aurita, 36. 63. concinna, 55. 64, 65, 66. fragilis, 20. 67. hexagona, 60. 68. unifasciata, 61. 69. obliqua, 24. 70, 71. obesa, 25. 72, 73. venosa, 26. 74. friabilis, 47. 75. principalis, 23. 76. tenuicostata, 17. 77. Georgettina, 22. 78. Martinii, 40. 79, 80. rari-costata, 41. 81, 82. Lyra, 27. rubro-lineata, 33. 85. Bulbulus, 46. 86. Martinii, 40. 87. bullata, 45. 88. turricula, 37. 89. Turtonis, var.? 70. 90. similis, 44. 91, Mindoroensis, 65. 92. pulcherrima, 58. 93, 94. Catanuensis, 43. 95. creberrima, 56. - - - - - - - - 83, 84. -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 0 108 - - - - - - - - - - - Fig. 96. Sc. multicostata, 54. 97. – vestalis, 38. 98. connexa, 57. 99. polita, 69, 100. aciculina, 67. 101. glabrata, 21. 102. Elenensis, 62, 103. magnifica, 78. 104. ovalis, 59. 105. Greenlandica 72. 106, 7, 8. Turtonis, 70. 109. gradata, 66. 110. Greenlandica, 72. 111. sulcata, 49. 112. Nov-angliæ, 50. 113, 114. bicarinata, 85. 115, 116. crassi-labrum, 87. 117, 118. vulpina, 92. 119. crassicostata, 83. 120. suturalis, 91. 121, 122. diadema, 89. Fig. 123. Sc. crenata, 88. 124, 125. Dianæ, 76. 126. varicosa, 80. 127. statuminata, 77. 128. varicosa, 80. 129. Trevelyana, 71. 130. acuminata, 93. 131, 132. Clathrus, 74. 133. coronata, 75. 134. Clathrus, 74 135. Australis, 82. 136. undulata, 85. 137. subtilis, 51. 138. fusca, 90. 139. porrecta, 64. 140, decussata, 79. 141. indistincta, 48. 142. Cochlea, 81. 143. varicosa, 80. 144. granulosa, 84. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Sp. 53, omitted from p. 96. Sc. multistriata. Say. Amer. Journ. Sc. pulchella, Bivon ! T. parvâ, elongatâ, acuminatâ, imperforatâ, intervaricibus spiraliter tenuitèr sulcatis; anfractibus 10, rotundatis, contiguis; varicibus numerosis lævibus, ad suturam subdentatis, colore albo. A beautiful little American shell resembling Sc. clath- ratulus, but more acuminated, and having minute striæ or ridges between the varices. The specimens from which the annexed cut is taken, were not identified until after the plates were en- graved and printed. They are in the collection of Met- calfe, Esq. Jat, sza VIXZ/ 3 13 en!! DESAMT 18 17 20 23 25 29 28 UUU 30 32 34 GBS Jur" XXXTT 39 10 38 46 56 0 63 64 62 68 72 68 69 73 4 GBS. Jun 78 80 79 84 92 85 83 86 38 .90 9. 91 102 100 107 105 706 107 108 109 MO CBS XXX Com 1126 113 116 117 778 119 120 127 125 124 722 123 126 727 129 130 128 732 131 133 1 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 110 144 GBS Jun" MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS COLUMBELLA. BY G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S. &c. Testa ovata, vel oblonga, nonnunquam turrita, epidermide induta; spirâ plerumque breviusculâ, nonnunquam elongato turritâ; labio externo plùs minùsve incrassato, medianâ parte intùs tumido vel subtumido, denticulato; labio interno plerumque anticè denticulato vel ruguloso. When I first published some account of this Genus in my work on the Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, compara- tively very few species were known and their general forms more closely approximated to each other; since that period the researches of Naturalists, particularly those of Mr. Cuming have brought to light numerous additions and new forms have contributed to the increase of the Catalogue, now swelled to upwards of an hundred species. The Columbellæ are for the most part small Shells of an ovate or oblong, sometimes of a turreted form covered when in their natural state with an epidermis, which is commonly thin, but in some species is thick and coarse. The spire is usually short, though sometimes of considerable length, and generally acuminated. The outer lip is generally more or less thickened externally, and its middle part within is usually more or less tumid and denticulated, and the inner lip has for the most part various denticles and rugulosities within anteriorly. Aperture in general rather elongated, though sometimes much shorter than the spire and it is usually more or less arched opposite to the swelling within the outer lip, so as to give the aperture a sinuous form. Lamarck's Col. bizonalis, Col. hebræa, and Col. unifascialis, belong to the genus Mitra; and we think his Col. mendicaria and Col. zonalis should be referred to the family of the Purpuridæ. These two last, along with 110 several others to which I have given the specific names of livida, nigro-punctata and pyrostoma in the Zool. Proc. for June 1832, might form together a very natural subgenus. Upon carefully reading over the descriptions given by Lesson of six species in the Revue Cuvierienne 1842 we have not been able to recognize them, they are named by him, Col. Clathra, Col. buccinoides, (this is quite different from that named by me Col. buccinoides in Zool. Proc. 1832) Col. ampla, Col. aphthægera, Col. pulicaris and Col. digitalis. Of two species which are given by Quoy, in the Voyage of the Astrolabe, that named lutea is probably a variety of semiconvexa, and that named rubicundula may be a variety of flavida. DESCRIPTIONS. 1. Col. Strombiformis, Lam. (pl. xxxvi, f. 1, 2.) Col. testâ ovato-turbinatâ, subalatâ, læviusculâ, castaneâ, strigis albis longitudinalibus breviusculis ornatâ; anfractibus 6, tribus ultimis posticè angulatis, ultimo anticè spiraliter striato; spirâ exsertiusculâ, tertiam partem testæ æquante ; aperturâ longitudinali, angustâ, flexuosâ, peritremate auran- tiaco; plicis columellæ subobsoletis. Shell ovate-topshaped, somewhat triangular, smooth, chest- nut coloured, with short white longitudinal streaks; volutions 6, the three last posteriorly angulated; the last very large, spirally striated anteriorly; spire prominent, equal in length to a third part of the shell: aperture narrow, flexuous, with an orange coloured border; columellar folds rather obsolete. The last volution is generally longitudinally grooved on the ventral side. Found on the Isle of Muerte, West Columbia, H. Cuming. 2. Col. major, Sow. (pl. xxxvi, f. 3, 4, 6.) Zool. Pr. ii. 119. Col. testâ ovatâ, medio gibbosâ, castaneâ, albido punctulatâ; spirâ breviusculâ, pyramidali, apice acuto; anfractibus 6—7 lævigatis, ultimo maximo, supernè rotundato-turgido, infrà spiraliter sulcato; aperturâ elongatâ, flexuosa, albâ, supernè angulatâ ; labio externo supernè obtusè angulato albo, intus denticulato; labio columellari supernè callifero, infrà plicato- rugoso. Shell ovate, gibbous in the middle, chestnut coloured, with 111 white dots; spire rather short, pyramidal, acute; volutions 6—7, smooth, the last very large, rounded and turgid, spirally grooved anteriorly; aperture elongated, flexuous, white, an- gular posteriorly ; outer lip posteriorly bluntly angular, toothed within ; columellar lip posteriorly calliferous, anteriorly rugose with small plaits: the posterior part of the outer lip is usually white. This well known species has commonly been regarded as Col. Strombiformis Lam. It is however easily distinguished from that species. We have represented at f. 6, a small and more slender variety. Found under stones on the Shores of South America, H. Cuming. 3. Col. hæmastoma Sow. (pl. xxxvi. f. 5.) Z. P. ii. x p. 116. Col. testâ oblongâ, lævigatâ; apice acuminato; anfractibus 7—8, castaneis, albo-maculatis, ultimi dorso nigro, infrà castaneo; aperturâ elongatâ, flexuosâ; labio externo extùs incrassato, supernè prominente, albo; peritremate aurantiaco; labio interno intùs denticulato; columellâ unituberculatâ. Shell oblong, smooth, apex acuminated; volutions 7–8, chestnut coloured, spotted with white, the back of the last volution black, chestnut in front; aperture elongated, flexuous; outer lip thickened externally, prominent and white poster- iorly; peritreme orange coloured; inner lip toothed within; columella with a single irregular tubercle. Found under stones on the Shores at Panama and the Gallapagos Islands, H. Cuming. 4. Col. castanea Sowb. (pl. xxxvi. f. 7. 11.) Z. P. ii. 118. Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, castaneâ, punctulis albis conspersâ; spirâ breviusculâ, acuminatâ; anfractibus 5, supernè anguli- feris, ultimo magno ad basin spiralitèr sulcato; aperturâ elongatâ, flexuosa, supernè angulosâ; peritremate aurantiaco; labio externo intús denticulato, interno supernè callifero, medio albo, eroso, infra plicato-rugoso. Shell oblong-ovate, chesnut coloured, with white dots; spire rather short, acuminated; volutions five, angular posteriorly, the last large and spirally grooved anteriorly; aperture length- ened flexuous, angular posteriorly; peritreme orange co- loured; outer lip toothed within, inner with a posterior callus, middle white, eroded, rough with small plaits in front. Real Llejos, Central America, H. Cuming, 112 x 5. Col. labiosa. (pl. xxxvi, f. 8, 9.) Sow. Gen. Col. testâ ovato-subtrigonali, latâ, lævigatâ, fuscâ, albido- punctulatâ, epidermide tenui indutâ; spirâ brevi, acuminatâ, anfractibus 6, ultimis tribus posticè obsoletè unisulcatis, ul- timo anticè sulcis transversis obsoletiusculis nonnullis, posticè rotundato-angulato; aperturâ longitudinali, flexuoso; labio externo extùs margine acutiusculo, fusco, intùs albo, varice longitudinali denticulato; labio interno posticè callifero, anticè intùs tuberculo oblongo columellari instructo, medio eroso. p. 113. Shell ovato-subtriangular, broad, smooth, fuscous, with whitish dots and transverse blackish close-set slender lines, covered with a thin epidermis ; spire short, acuminated, with six volutions, of which the three last have an obsolete pos- terior groove and the last is posteriorly rotundato-angular and furnished anteriorly with several rather obsolete transverse grooves; aperture longitudinal, flexuous; outer lip externally with a rather sharp fuscous border, white within, with a longi- tudinal denticulated varix ; inner lip posteriorly callous and furnished within with an oblong columellar tubercle in front. Found abundantly at St. Elena, W. Columbia, H. Cuming. 6. Col. Harpiformis. Sow. (pl. xxxvi, f. 10, 12,) Z. P., Part ii. . Col. testâ ovato-subtrigonâ, nigrâ, albido-maculatâ; epider- mide tenui fulvâ indutâ; spirâ brevi; anfractibus 6—7, marginibus crenulatis, ultimo trigonali, longitudinaliter cos- tato; aperturâ elongatâ, supernè in canalem elongatam productâ; labio externo incrassato, inflexo, intùs denticulato; canali sub-recurvâ. Shell ovate sub-triangular black, speckled with whitish and furnished with a thin fulvous epidermis ; spire short, of 6 or 7 volutions, with crenulated edges; last volution tri- angular, longitudinally ribbed; aperture elongated and pro- duced into a lengthened canal posteriorly; outer lip thick- ened, inflected, internally denticulated; canal slightly recurved. Found on dead shells in the Bay of Panama, at a depth of ten fathoms, H. Cuming. 7. Col. uncinata Sow. (pl. xxxvi, f. 13. 14.) Z. P. ii. 114. Col.testâ oblongâ, utrinque acuminatâ, fulvâ, fasciâ centrali albido-articulatâ; anfractibus 6—7, superioribus parvis, sub- 113 Х nodulosis; ultimo maximo, supernè angulato; aperturâ longi- tudinali, elongatâ, flexuosâ, supernè in canalem brevem uncinatam porrectâ; labio externo incrassato, intus denti- culato; denticulis confertis; labio interno granuloso. Shell oblong, acuminated at both ends, fulvous, with a central band articulated with whitish; volutions six or seven, of which the first are small, subnodulose, and the last very large and angular behind; aperture longitudinal, elongated, flexuous, produced posteriorly in a short, hooked canal ; outer lip thickened, toothed within; teeth close set; inner lip granular. Found on the Island of Muerte and in the Bay of Guaya- quil. H. Cuming. 8. Col. Duclosiana nob, (pl. xxxvi f. 15, 16.) Col. testâ ovatâ, utrinque acuminatâ, longitudinaliter costellatâ, saturatè fuscâ, zonis binis pallidioribus; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 5, costatis, ultimi magni parte ventrali longitudinaliter costato, insterstitiis costarum transversim striatis, dorsali lævigatâ, anticè transversim striatâ; aperturâ latiusculâ, flexuosâ, nigricante; labio externo crasso, intus denticulis 2-9, posticis majoribus; interno posticè cal- lifero; canali breviter acuminato, sub-reflexo ; epidermide crassiusculâ. Shell ovate, acuminated at both ends, with small longi- tudinal ribs, of a deep fuscous colour, with two paler zones : spire acuminated, with five ribbed volutions; the last volution large, its ventral part longitudinally ribbed, with the interstices of the ribs transversely striated, its dorsal part smooth, transversely striated in front; aperture rather broad, flexuous, blackish; outer lip thick, with from 8–9, small teeth within, of which the posterior are the largest; inner lip with a posterior callosity; canal shortly acuminated, sub-recurved. Epidermis coarse and rough: found under stones on the coast of Malacca; H. Cuming; also from Java. 9. Col. chlorostoma, nob. (pl. xxxvi, f. 17, 18.) Col. testâ ovatâ, longitudinaliter costatâ, lævi, albâ, nigro- maculatâ ; spirâ mediocre, anfractibus 5, sub-ventricosis, costatis, ultimo anticè transversim striato, parte dorsali anticâ costis obsoletis; aperturâ oblongâ, latiusculâ, peritre- mate fulvescente; labio externo posticè angulato. Shell ovate, longitudinally ribbed, smooth, white with black specks; spire of moderate length, with 5 rather ventri- 114 X cose costated volutions, the last transversely striated in front and with obsolete ribs on the front of the dorsal part; aper- ture oblong, rather broad, with a slightly fulvous peritreme; outer lip angular behind. A single specimen is in the collection of Mr. Petit de la Saussaye, which he has obligingly communicated. It is not Buccm. chlorostoma of Wood. 10. Col. rustica. Lam. (pl. xxxvi. f. 19, 22, 24.) Col. testâ ovato-turbinatâ, lævi, albo-castaneoque reticu- latâ, prope suturas maculis albis angularibus stellatis ornatâ; spirâ breviusculâ, acutiusculâ, anfractibus 7, sub-ventricosis, ultimo magno, plerumque transversim striato; labio externo intùs denticulis albis, interstitiis plerumque fuscis. Shell ovate turbinated, smooth, chesnut coloured, reticu- lated with white, and ornamented with white angular stellate spots near the suture; spire rather short and sharp pointed, with 7 rather ventricose volutions, the last of which is large and usually transversely striated : outer lip with small white teeth within whose interstices are usually blackish brown. This species, which is common in the Mediterranean, varies greatly in its proportions as well as in its colourings; C. acuminata of Nuttall, from Fayal, does not appear to differ from the more acuminated varieties of the coast of Sicily, of which a representation is given by Philippi. The hairy epidermis distinguishes this species from Col. fuscata. We believe that several of its varieties have been elevated to the rank of species by Duclos, Kiener and others. 11. Col. fuscata. Sow. (pl. xxxvi. f. 21. 25.) Z. P. ii. p. 117. Col. testâ ovato-acuminatâ, medio ventricosâ, castaneâ, albido-guttulatâ, epidermide fusca, lævi, indutâ ; spirâ acumi- natâ : anfractibus 7, ultimo maximo; aperturâ elongatâ flexuosâ; peritrematis albidi aut violacei medio intùs denti- culato; columellæ dimidio inferiore denticulato. Shell ovate, acuminated, ventricose in the middle, of a chesnut colour with little white specks, covered with a smooth fuscous epidermis, spire acuminated: volutions 7, the last very large; aperture elongated, flexuous; peritreme whitish or violaceous, denticulated in the middle within; lower half of the columella denticulated. Common under stones at Panama, St. Elena and Monte Christe, H. Cuming. 115 X 12. Col. reticulata. Lam. (pl. xxxvi. f. 23. 26.) Col. testâ ovato-turbinatâ, lævi, albâ, lineis spadiceis re- ticulatâ ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ, anfractibus 5, turgidis, ultimo magno, anticè transversim striato; aperturâ angustiori, flexuosâ, dentibus labii externi et plicis columellæ obso- letiusculis. Shell ovate, turbinated, smooth, white reticulated with brown lines; spire short, obtuse, volutions 5, swelled, the last large and transversely striated in front; aperture rather narrow, flexuous; teeth of the outer lip and rugosities of the columella rather indistinct. This species varies in its colouring, some specimens being fulvous. From Brazil, in Mr. Cuming's collection. 13. Col. festiva. Kiener. (pl. xxxvi f. 20, 27.) Col. testâ ovatâ, albidâ, lævi, apice breviter acuminato, obtuso nigricante; spirâ mediocre, anfractibus 5, ultimis duobus posticè albidis, ultimo albido castaneo-maculato; aper- turâ flexuosâ, peritremate albo, denticulis columellæ validis. Shell ovate, whitish, smooth, apex short, acuminated, obtuse, blackish ; spire of middling length, volutions 5, the two last whitish posteriorly, the last whitish spotted with chesnut colour, and usually with a row of white specks a little in front of the suture; aperture flexuous; peritreme white, teeth of the columella distinct. Brought from Acapulco by H. Cuming. 14. Col. mercatoria. Lam. (pl. xxxvi. f. 28-32. Col. testâ subovali, crassiusculâ, coloribus variis pictâ, spirâ brevi, sub-acuminatâ, apice acutiusculo, anfractibus 5 ad 6, spiraliter sulcatis, primis interdum longitudinaliter sub- costatis, ultimo maximo, posticè sub-angulato, deinde ventri- cosiusculo, demum subcoarctato, obtuso; aperturâ 2/3 longitudinem testæ æquante, subsinuosâ; labio externo internè validé denticulato; margine externo columellæ ad basin denticulis 6 ad 7, interno denticulis 2 ad 3, antico majori: labio externo posticè reflexo. Var. Monstrosa, spirâ productâ, Sow. Gen. No. ix. Shell nearly oval, thick, variously coloured; spire short, slightly acuminated, apex sharpish, volutions 5 to 6, spirally grooved, several of the first being sometimes longitudinally but slightly ribbed, the last very large, posteriorly subangular, then subventricose, at length somewhat contracted, obtuse ; aperture two-thirds of the length of the shell, somewhat P 116 ཨR༥༧ sinuous; outer lip internally strongly denticulated; outer edge of the columella with 6 or 7 little teeth at the base, inner edge with 2 or 3 of which the anterior is the larger ; outer lip posteriorly reflected. A very common West Indian species; it varies greatly in colour, and sometimes also in form, we have figured a variety with the spire unusually acuminated from Mr. Stainforth's collection. Some varieties of this Shell appear to have been regarded as distinct species by Kiener. 15. Col. rudis. Nob. (pl. xxxvi.. f. 33, 34, 35.) Col. testâ oblonga, rudi, plerumque albidâ, punctis strigisque irregulariter ornatâ; spirâ longiusculâ, acutiusculâ, anfractibus 7, transversim crasse granuloso-striatis, posticè anguliferis, ultimo magno; aperturâ sub-flexuosâ albâ, peritremate posticè angulifero; canali sub-reflexo. Shell oblong, rough, usually whitish, irregularly ornamented with dots and stripes ; spire rather long and sharp-pointed, volutions 7, with thick transverse granular striæ, posteriorly angular, the last large; aperture rather flexuous, white; peritreme angular posteriorly; canal sub-reflected. Two varieties are figured from Nevis; in Mr. Cuming's and other collections. 16. Col. Paytensis Lesson. spurca Sow. (pl. xxxvi. f. 36, 37.) Z. P. Part ii. p. 113. Col. testâ oblongâ, castaneâ, albido maculatâ et guttatâ, spirâ acuminatâ; anfractibus 7, posticè, angulatis, ultimo ventricoso, infrà spiraliter sulcato; aperturâ latâ, oblonga, intùs violascente, supernè angulatâ; labio externo sub- flexuoso, sub-incrassato, intùs denticulato; columellâ infrà unituberculatâ ; labii interni margine ad basin denticulis 6. Shell oblong, chestnut coloured with whitish spots and specks; spire acuminated, volutions 7, posteriorly angular, the last ventricose, spirally sulcated anteriorly; aperture oblong, broad, internally violaceous, angular posteriorly; outer lip rather flexuous and thickened, denticulated internally; columella with one tubercle at the lower part; edge of the inner lip with six small teeth at its base. Common under stones on the coast of Peru; inner Lobos Island, H. Cuming. 17. Col. Turturina Lam. (pl. xxxvii. f. 38, 39, 40.) Col. testâ brevi; crassiusculâ, lævigatâ, albicante, maculis variis aurantiaco-brunneis pictâ ; spirâ brevi; sub-mucronatâ ; 117 х prope apicem granosâ; anfractu ultimo maximo, lævi, ad basin et propè externam partem labii externi transversim sulcato; aperturâ subsinuosâ, purpurascente roseâ, ad basin columellæ denticulis parvis 5 externis, internis duobus validis. Variat sulcis labii externi obsoletis. Variat testâ parvulâ, spirâ acuminatiusculâ. Shell short, thickish, smooth, whitish, variously spotted with orange brown; spire short, somewhat mucronated, granose toward the apex; last volution very large, smooth, trans- versely grooved at the base, and at the outer part of the outer lip: aperture somewhat sinuous, rose-purple colour : with five little teeth at the base of the outer edge of the columella, and two more distinct at the inner edge. From Masbate and Dumaguette, H. Cuming. 18. Col. versicolor Sow. (pl. xxxvii. f. 41–46.) Z. P. ii. 119. Col. testâ ovatâ, medio ventricosâ, pallidâ, coloribus variis pictâ; spirâ acuminatâ ; anfractibus 6, supernè rotundato- angulatis; suturâ profundâ; aperturâ supernè angulosâ, peritremate intùs denticulato, columellæ denticulis internis duobus promentibus. Shell ovate, ventricose in the middle, pale and variously coloured, and mottled with dark colours; spire acuminated, volutions 6, rounded, angular posteriorly; suture deep; aperture angular posteriorly; peritreme denticulated within columella with two prominent teeth within. One of the most variable species, particularly in its colour- ing. Worn specimens of one of its varieties, constitutes Lamarck's Col. scripta. Found at Annaa or Chain Island, H. Cuming. Also founa at Siquijor, H. C. 19. Col. varians Sow. (pl. xxxvii. f. 47–50.) Z. P. ii. p. 118. Col. testâ ovatâ, medio ventricosâ, albidâ, coloribus variis pictâ; spirâ breviter pyramidali; anfractibus 4--6, spiraliter sulcatis, supernè sub-angulatis, noduliferis; aperturâ angustâ, flexuosâ, peritremate surpernè angulato intus denticulato; labio externo propè basin denticulato; columellæ dentibus tribus, parvis. Shell ovate, ventricose in the middle, whitish, variously coloured, spire short, pyramidal, volutions 4–6, spirally grooved, posteriorly sub-angular, nodulous; aperture narrow, flexuous, peritreme angular posteriorly, denticulated within ; ; 118 outer lip denticulated near the base; columella with three small teeth. A very pretty species, exceedingly variable in its colouring. Found in the Gallapagos Islands, H. Cuming. Numerous specimens were brought by the Endeavour, Capt. Cook. 20. Col. pæcila nob. (pl. xxxvii. f. 51, 52.) Col. testâ ovatâ, utrinque subacuminatâ, transversim striatâ, fulvâ, lineis 2—3 transversis castaneis, maculisque albis varie- gatâ ; anfractibus 5—6, posticè subcoronatis, ultimo magno, subtrigonali; aperturâ latiusculâ, flexuosâ, labii externi medio subcoarctato. Shell ovate, slightly acuminated at either end, transversely striated, fulvous, with 2 or 3 transverse chesnut lines and varied with white spots; volutions 5–6, posteriorly subcoro- nated, the last large, somewhat triangular; aperture rather broad, flexuous; middle of the outer lip slightly contracted. Two specimens only were brought from Matnog, by H. Cuming. 21. Col. bidentata Menke. (pl. xxxvii. f. 53, 54.) Col. testâ oblongâ, lævigatâ, pallescente, strigis maculisque castaneis undatis punctisve albis ornatâ ; spiræ apice nigri- cante; anfractibus 6, posticè subnodulosis, ultimo magno, anticè transversim striato; aperturâ latiusculâ, labio externo extùs striato, interno denticulis externis 8–9, internis 2–3; canali latiusculo. Shell oblong, smooth, pale ornamented with chesnut spots, and wavy streaks and white dots; apex of the spire blackish; volutions six, slightly nodular posteriorly, the last large, transversely striated in front; aperture rather broad; outer lip striated externally ; inner lip with 8 or 9 small teeth on the outer edge, and 2 or 3 on the inner edge, and a pale vio- laceous spot in the middle; canal rather broad. A very graceful species, brought lately from the Swan River. 22. Col. flavida Lam. (pl. xxxvii, f. 55, 56, 57.) Buc. flavum Brug. Col. testâ oblongâ, lævi, aurantiacâ, albo-maculatâ et punc- tatâ; spirâ productâ, sub-mucronatâ, anfractibus 7–8, sub- cylindraceis, posticè propè suturam maculis albis ornatâ, ultimo anticè transversim sulcato, medio punctulis albis adsperso; suturâ validâ ; aperturâ longitudinali , breviusculâ, intus roseâ vel purpureâ, flexuosa, labio externo varice crasso instructo, extus costellis transversis medianis, margine flexuoso tenuiusculo, acutiusculo intus denticulato; labio interno la 119 + mellam levatam columellarem efformante; canali brevi, reflexo. Shell oblong, smooth, orange coloured with white spots and dots; spire produced, sub-mucronated; volutions 7-8, sub-cylindrical, posteriorly spotted with white near the suture; last volution transversely grooved in front, sprinkled with white dots in the middle suture distinct; aperture longitudinal, rather short, flexuous, rose coloured or purplish within ; outer lip thickly varicose, with little transverse ridges toward the middle externally, its margin flexuous, rather thin and sharp, denticulated within ; edge of the columellar lip slightly raised; canal short, reflected. A common and variable species, particularlyin its colouring. Its epidermis is rather rough. We have figured several varietes. By mistake this has been called C. semipunctata in my work on the Genera of Shells. 23. Col. semipunctata. Lam. (pl. xxxvii. f. 58 – 61.) Buccm. punctatum Brug. Col. testâ ovato-turbinatâ, lævi, castaneâ, albo maculatâ, spirâ brevi, mucronatâ, anfractibus 7–8, brevibus, albo- castaneoque articulatis, ultimo magno, versus anticam partem attenuato, posticè castaneo-alboque articulato, medianè casta- neo albidoque punctulato, anticè transversim sulcato; aperturâ elongatâ, sub-flexuosâ, posticè canalem angustam instructâ, intùs violascente; labio externo extùs crasso, margine antico tenuiusculo, extùs transversim striato; labio interno anticè laminam levatam columellarem instructo; canali brevi, , reflexo. Shell ovate turbinated, smooth, chestnut coloured with white spots; spire short, mucronated; volutions 7—8, short, alternately white and chesnut spotted, the last large, anteriorly attenuated, posteriorly alternately white and chest- nut spotted, chestnut in the middle, with white dots, ante- riorly transversely grooved; aperture elongated, sub-flexuous, posteriorly with a narrow canal, violaceous within ; outer lip externally thick, its anterior margin thin, outwardly trans- versely striated; columellar lip slightly raised anteriorly ; canal short, reflected. This species also varies much in its colouring; we have a specimen quite white. Philippine Islands, H. Cuming. 24. Col. Tringa. nob. (pl. xxxvii. f. 62.) Mitra Lam. Col. testâ oblongâ, lævi, albâ, maculis inæqualibus, angu- laribus, ferrugineis pictâ, apice acuminato; spirâ sub-elongatâ, މް X 120 anfractibus 8–9, ultimo anticè transversim sulcato; aperturâ longitudinali, sub-flexuosâ; labii externi crassi margine antico tenuiusculo; labio interno lamellam levatam colum- ellarem instructo; canali brevi, sub-reflexo. Shell oblong, smooth, white, with unequal angular rusty spots, apex acuminated; spire rather elongated, volutions 849, the last transversely sulcated in front; aperture longi- tudinal, sub-flexuous; anterior edge of the thickened outer lip rather thin; edge of the columellar lip slightly raised anteriorly ; canal short, somewhat reflected. Very nearly related to Col. flavida. It appears to be very rare as we have only seen two specimens in Mr. Cuming's collection. Lamarck says it is found in the Medi- teranean. We suspect it belongs to the South Seas. 25. Col. obtusa. Sow. (pl. xxxvii, f. 63, 64.) Z. P.ü. p. 117. و Col. testâ oblongâ, sub-cylindricâ, lævi; anfractibus 8, albicantis, castaneo-maculatis, maculis angulatis, sub-trapezi- formibus; anfractu ultimo ad basin sulcato. Shell oblong, sub-cylindrical, smooth; volutions 8, whitish, with angular, somewhat trapeziform chestnut spots; last volution grooved at the anterior part; apex obtuse. Found at Huaheine, one of the Society Islands, H. Cuming 26. Col. splendidula, nob. (pl. xxxvii. f. 65. 66.) Col. testâ oblongâ, lævi, aurantiacâ, maculis albis castaneis- que variegatâ ; spirâ breviusculâ, sub-acuminatâ, anfractibus 7.-8, brevibus, ultimo magno, anticè transversim striato; aperturâ sub-flexuosa, albâ, labio externo extus varicoso, margine tenuiusculo; labio interno antice laminam levatam columellarem instructo: canali brevi, sub-reflexo. Shell oblong, smooth, orange coloured, varied with white and chestnut marks; spire rather short, slightly acuminated; volutions 7–8, short, the last large and transversely striated anteriorly; aperture sub-flexuous, white; outer lip exter- nally varicose, with a thin edge, inner lip with a slightly raised lamina anteriorly; canal short, slightly reflected. Found in coarse sand, at a depth of seven fathoms, near the Island of Corrigedor, Bay of Manilla, by H. Cuming. 27. Col. ovulata Lam. (pl. xxxvii. f. 67, 68, 69.) Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, lævi, transversim tenerrimè striatâ, vel ferrugineâ, vel castaneâ, vel nigrâ maculis albis irregul- aribus sparsis ornatâ ; spirâ brevi, mucronatâ; anfractibus y 121 a Y a 7-8, ultimo maximo, anticè attenuato, transversim striato; labio externo extùs incrassato, margine tenui, intùs denticulis 3 vel 4 medianis; labio interno laminam sub-levatam columel- larem efformante; aperturâ elongatâ, sub-flexuosâ; canali brevi, latiusculo, sub-reflexo. Shell oblong-ovate, smooth, very finely striated transversely, of a rusty or chesnut or black coloured, sprinkled with whitish irregular spots; spire short, mucronated; volutions 7—8, the last very large, attenuated anteriorly and transversely striated, outer lip externally thickened, its edge thin, with 3 or 4 small teeth in the middle within ; inner lip with a slightly elevated columellar lamina; aperture elongated, sub-flexuous; canal short, rather broad and slightly recurved. 28. Col. obscura. Nob. (pl. xxxvii. f. 70, 71.) Col. testâ oblongâ, lævi, obscurè fulvâ, strigis longitudin- alibus nigris, spirâ sub-acuminatâ, anfractibus 7, posticè albo- nigroque articulatis, ultimo anticè transversim sulcato; labio externo sub-incrassato, margine acutiusculo, intùs medianè dentibus 3–4 obsoletis; interno anticè laminam levatam collumellarem efformante; canali brevi sub-reflexo Shell oblong, smooth, of a dull fulvous colour, with irregular longitudinal black stripes; spire slightly acuminated; volutions 7, posteriorly alternately white and black spotted, the last transversely striated anteriorly; outer lip slightly thickened, with a sharpish edge and with 3 to 4 obsolete teeth in the middle within; inner lip and canal-like C. ovulata. North West coast of New Holland, Mr.Cuming's Collection. 29. Col. nitidula. Sow. Genera. Lam. (pl. xl. f. 162.) Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, lævi, nitidâ, albicante, brunneo- marmoratâ, spirâ ad apicem acutiusculâ, anfractibus 6, pauxillulum ventricosis, ultimo maximo, 3/4 longitudinis testæ æquante; aperturâ elongatâ, sinuosâ, angustiori, dentibus internis labii externi circa 12, interstitiis nigri- cantibus. Shell oblong-ovate, smooth, shining, whitish marbled with brown; spire rather sharp at the apex, with six very slightly ventricose volutions, the last of which is very large and equal in length to 3/4 of the shell; aperture elongated, sinuous, rather narrow; internal teeth of the outer lip about 12, with blackish interstices. This very common species is the Buccm. nitidulum Lin. and the Columbella nitida Lam. Linné has confounded our 122 + Col. concinna with it. From Nevis and other West Indian Islands. 30. Col. marmorata Gray in Beechey p. 129. pl. xxxvi. f. 129. (pl. xxxvii. f. 72, 73.) Col. testâ oblongâ, utrinque sub-acuminatâ, lævi, ferrugineâ, albo-maculatâ et punctatâ; spirâ sub-mucronatâ, anfractibus 7---8, ultimo transversim striato, labio externo sub-incrassato, intùs denticulis 8---9; labio interno anticè laminam col- umellarem sub-obsoletam instructo; canali brevi, subreflexo. Shell oblong, slightly acuminated at either extremity, smooth, rust coloured, dotted and spotted with white; spire slightly mucronated, volutions 7---8, the last transversely striated, outer lip somewhat thickened with 8 or 9 small teeth within, inner lip with a slight columellar lamina; canal short sub-reflected. Found on the reefs at the Island of Capul, H. Cuming. 31. Col. Philippinarum Reeve. (pl. xxxvii. f. 74, 75, 76.) Col. testâ ovato-turbinatâ, lævi, albâ, nigro-undatim vari- egatâ, spirâ breviter conicâ, anfractibus 7, ultimo maximo, posticè rotundato-angulato, anticè conico, basi transversim striato; labii externi medio crassiusculo, denticulato, labio interno laminam sub-levatam columellarem efformante; canali reflexo. Shell ovate, turbinated, smooth, white, varied with waved black marks; spire short, conical, volutions 7, the last very large, rounded angular posteriorly, conical anteriorly, base transversely striated; middle of the outer lip thickish, denti- culated, inner lip forming a slightly elevated columellar laminar; canal reflected. Several varieties were found at Puteao, in the Island of Lugon, by H. Cuming. It may be the Col. epamella of Duclos, but we gladly avail ourselves of Mr. Reeve's name in preference to the nonsense name given by Duclos. 32. Col. corniformis nob. (pl. xxxvii. f. 77, 78.) Col. testâ ovato-turbinatâ, lævi, pallidâ, coloribus variis pictâ; spirâ breviter conicâ, anfractibus 7, primis sex medio obtusè angulato, marginibus prope suturam levatiusculis; ultimo anfractu magno, elongato-conico, anticé transversim striato; labio externo tenuiusculo, intùs denticulis plurimis; canali sub-reflexo. Shell ovate, turbinated, smooth, pale, ornamented with 123 various coloured markings; spire short, conical, volutions 7, the 6 first obtusely angular in the middle, their edges near the suture slightly raised; the last volution large, of a lengthened conical form, and transversely striated anteriorly; outer lip rather thin, with many small teeth within; canal slightly reflected. In Mr. Cuming's collection, 33. Col. aspersa; nob. (pl. xxxvii. f. 79, 80.) Col. testâ oblongo-ovatâ, lævi, albâ, castaneo-reticulatâ et maculatâ, spirâ sub-acuminatâ, apice obtuso, anfractibus 6, posticè rotundatis, ultimo anticè transversè obsoletè striato, aperturâ latiusculâ, flexuosâ, labio externo intùs mediané tuberculato, denticulis obsoletis, margine lævigato; canali latiusculo, brevi. Shell oblong-ovate, smooth, white, reticulated and spotted with chesnut colour; spire slightly acuminated with an obtuse apex; volutions six, posteriorly rounded, the last obsoletely transversely striated anteriorly; aperture rather broad flexu- ous; outer lip tubercular in the middle within, the tubercle rather elongated, with obsolete teeth ; margin smooth; canal rather broad, short. Two specimens are in Mr. Cuming's and one in Lady Harvey's collection, locality unknown. 34. Col. albina Kiener (pl. xxxviii. f. 81, 82.) Col. testâ oblongo-acuminatâ, lævi, albidâ, coloribus variis ornatâ; spirâ elongatiusculâ, anfractibus 9, breviusculis, sub- cylindraceis, ultimo magno, ante suturam tumidiusculo, posticè nonnunquam sub-tuberculifero; aperturâ breviusculâ, lati- uscula ; labio externo sub-incrassato, intus denticulato; canali brevi, lato. Shell oblong, acuminated, smooth, whitish, ornamented with various colours, spire rather lengthened; volutions 9, rather short, sub-scylindrical, the last large, slightly tumid in front of the suture, sometimes slightly tuberculiferous behind; aperture rather short and broad; outer lip somewhat thick- ened, denticulated within ; canal short, broad. Found by Mr. Cuming at Puerto-galero, Isle of Mindoro. 35. Col. Ligula Ducl. (pl. xxxviii, f. 83, 84, 85.) Col. testâ oblongâ, acuminatâ, lævi, albidâ, coloribus variis fasciatim pictâ; spirâ elongatá, turritâ, anfractibus 8-9, sub-ventricosis, nitidis, ultimo magno; labio externo extùs crașsiusculo, variciforme, intus denticulato; labio interno an- ticè laminam levatam columellarem efformante, intùs denti- culis rugosiusculo. + Q 124 x X Shell oblong, acuminated, smooth, whitish, banded with various colours; spire elongated, turreted, volutions 8–9, slightly ventricose, shining, the last large ; outer lip thickened externally, variciform, denticulated within ; inner lip forming an elevated columellar lamina in front; rather rough within with small teeth, Found by Mr. Cuming at Ticao. 36. Col. Fabula, nob. (pl. xxxviii, f. 86, 87.) C. Pado- nosta Ducl. Col. testâ ovatâ, lævi, pallidâ, coloribus obscuris variis pictâ, spirâ acuminatâ, conicâ, apice acuto, anfractibus 6–7, margine suturali levatiusculo: ultimo magno, anticè trans- versim striato; aperturâ latâ, labio externo tenuiusculo, pos- ticè sub-emarginato, intùs in mediam sub-tumido, denticu- lato, canali lato. Shell ovate, smooth, pale, varied with dull colours; spire acuminated, conical, its apex acute; volutions 6—7, with the sutural edge slightly raised; the last volution large, trans- versely striated in front; aperture broad, outer lip rather thin, slightly notched behind and somewhat tumid and denticulated within in the middle; canal broad. A variety has been found under stones in the Bay of Muerte Island of Corrigedor by Mr. Cuming. 37. Col. Tyleri, Gray, in Griffith's Cuvier. (pl. xxxviii, f. 88, 89.) C. Palmerina Duclos. Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, lævi, albâ, nigro-reticulatâ ; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 7, ventricosiusculis, ultimo magno, gibboso, anticè transversim striato; aperturâ latiusculâ, labio externo sub-incrassato, intùs denticulis paucis instructo; labio interno laminam columellarem sub-levatam anticè effor- mante; canali brevi, lato, sub-reflexo. Shell oblong, ovate, smooth, white, reticulated with black, spire acuminated, volutions 7, slightly ventricose, the last large, gibbous, transversely striated in front; aperture rather broad, outer lip somewhat thickened, with a few internal teeth ; inner lip forming a slightly elevated anterior columel- lar lamina; canal short, broad, slightly reflected. 38. Col.Pardalina, Lam. (pl. xxxviii, f. 90, 91, 92.) Col. testâ ovatâ, lævi, albâ maculis reteformibus nigris ornatâ, spirâ breviusculâ, anfractibus 6—7, brevibus, ultimo magno, anticè transversim striato; labio externo crasso, extùs transversim striato, intùs in mediam tumido denticulato ; aperturâ angustiori, flexuosâ, labio interno tenui, suprà colum- ellam anticè levato; canali brevi, lato. 125 Shell ovate, smooth, white, reticulated with black, spire rather short, volutions 6—7, short, the last large, trans- versely striated in front, outer lip thick, transversely striated externally, tumid and denticulated in the middle within ; aper- ture rather narrow, flexuous, inner lip thin, raised upon the columella in front: canal short, broad. Brought from the Island of Guimaras and from Ticao, by H. Cuming. 39. Col. Vulpecula, nob. (pl. xxxviii, f. 93.) Col. testâ ovatâ, crassâ, lævi, albidâ, ferrugineo marmoratâ ; spirâ sub-acuminatâ, anfractibus 6—7, ultimo magno, leviter transversim striato, anticè striis validioribus ; labio externo crasso, extùs transversim striato, intùs in mediam tumido, denticulato; aperturâ flexuosâ, canali lato, brevi. Shell ovate, thick, smooth, whitish, marbled with rust colour; spire slightly acuminated, volutions 6—7, the last large, slightly transversely striated, the anterior striæ more distinct; outer lip thick, transversely striated externally, tumid and denticulated in the middle within ; aperture flexuous, canal broad, short. 40. Col. fulgurans, Lam. (pl. xxxviii, f. 94, 95, 96.) Col. testâ ovatâ, crassâ, lævi, nigrâ, strigis albis vel punc- tulis ornatâ; spirâ breviusculâ, acuminatâ, anfractibus 8–9, sub-convexis, ultimo magno, propè suturam validam rotun- dato, aperturâ sinuosâ, callo interno denticulato labii externi prominente; canali brevissimo. Shell ovate, thick, smooth, black, with white streaks or dots ; spire rather short, acuminated; volutions 8–9, rather convex, the last large and rounded near the distinct suture; aperture sinuous, internal denticulated callus of the outer lip prominent; canal very short. It is sometimes of an orange colour with white spots and streaks. Found under stones at low water on the Island of Guimaras, and in many other places in India. It will be observed that we have considered Lamarck's Columbella fulgurans and punctata as mere varieties of one species : we have represented both. 41. Col. flexuosa. (pl. xxxviii, f. 97.) Buccm. flexuo- sum, Lam. Kiener, Buccm, p. 44. Col. testâ oblongâ, crassa, levi, albicante, lineis flexuosis, longitudinalibus castaneis pictâ; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 7, serie unicâ tuberculorum instructis ; aperturâ ovato- 126 x oblongâ, intùs albâ ; labii externi denticulis internis paucis, distantibus, Shell oblong, thick, smooth, whitish, with longitudinal chesnut coloured flexuous lines; spire acuminated, volutions 7, furnished with a single row of small tubercles; aperture oblong-ovate, white within, internal teeth of the outer lip few and distant. Kiener's French description and his figure do not agree, but his figure accords with the character given by Lamarck, who does not mention any tubercles, nevertheless, the only speci- men we have seen, and which was obtained by Mr. Čuming, from Lamarek's collection, possesses these tubercles, and in other respects accords with Lamarck's character we judgefrom these circumstances, that there are two varieties, one with tubercles, and the other without. 42. Col. Terpsichore, Leathes. (pl. xxxviii, f. 98, 99.) Col. testâ oblongâ, crassiusculâ, costellatâ, albicante, maculis strigilisque fuscis concinnè ornatâ, spirâ pyramidali, sub-acu- minatâ, apice obtusiusculo; anfractibus 6, lævibus, primis longitudinaliter costellatis, ultimo primum costellato, deinde lævigato, postice tuberculis parvis instructo, ad basin spira- liter tenuiter sulcato; aperturâ latiusulâ, labio externo intus tantùm denticulato, (nullo modo tumido) rugis ad basin colu- mellæ parvis. Store Shell oblong, thickish, with little ribs, whitish with little specks and streaks of fuscous ; spire pyramidal sub-acumi- nated, its apex rather obtuse : volutions 6, smooth, the first longitudinally costellated, the last costellated at its commence- ment, then smooth and furnished posteriorly with small tuber- cles, slightly transversely grooved in front; aperture rather broad, outer lip only denticulated, (not tumid), within; rugosities at the base of the columella small. s VT90 From Nevis, W. Indies, H. Cuming. 43. Col. Boivinii, Kiener. (pl. xxxviii, f. 100.) Col, testâ ovatâ, crassa, lævi, nigra, albo-guttatâ ; apice acuminato, anfractibus 6–7, brevibus, tribus ultimis posticè tuberculatis; ultimi magni parte ventrali nonnunquam rugis nonnullis instructo; aperturâ latiusculâ, posticè angulatâ, intùs albâ; margine interno labii externi fusco, denticulato. Shell ovate, thick, smooth, black, dotted with white; apex acuminated, volutions 6–7, short, the three last posteriorly tuberculated; the ventral part of the last, which is large, is sometimes furnished with a few wrinkles; aperture rather + 127 broad, angulated posteriorly, white within ; inner margin of the outer lip fuscous, denticulated. From the Gulf of Nocoiya, Central America, R. B. Hinds, Esq. 44. Col. corniculata (pl. xxxviii. f. 101, 102.) Bucc. corniculatum Lamarck, Kiener; Buccm. Linnæi Payrad. Col. testâ oblongo-conicâ, angustâ, lævi, nitidâ, pallidâ, variè maculatâ et strigatâ, apice acuminato; anfractibus 8, planulatis, connatis; aperturâ brevi, latiusculâ, plerumque aurantiacâ, labio externo sub-incrassato, intùs denticulato, denticulis medianis majoribus, canali brevissimo. Shell oblong, conical, narrow, smooth, shining, pale coloured, variously spotted and streaked; apex acuminated; volutions 8, flat-sided, lying close at the sutures; aperture short, rather broad, generally orange coloured, outer lip somewhat thickened, denticulated within, the middle teeth being the largest; canal very short. X This species which is the Buccm. corniculatum of Lamarck and Kiener, has been named Buccm. Linnæi by Payradeau. It is a common species in the Mediterranean and very variable in its colouring. 45. Col. semiconvexa. (pl. xxxviii. f. 103, 104.) Buccm. Lam. Col. testâ ovato-subulatâ, crassiusculâ, lævi, pallidâ, strigis irregularibus castaneis ornatâ, spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 8, sub-planulatis; aperturâ brevi latiusculâ, anticè effusâ, labio externo intùs sub-incrassato, denticulato: anfractu ultimo anticè transversim striato. Shell ovate-subulate, thickish, smooth, pale with irregular chestnut stripes, spire acuminated, volutions 8, flattish; aperture short, rather broad, anteriorly effuse; outer lip some- what thickened within, denticulated; within, denticulated; last volution transversely striated in front. From Port Lincoln, Australia, Lamarck and Kiener have placed it with the Buccina; it varies much in size and col- ouring, and approximates in general character to Col. corni- culata (B. Linnæi Payr.) from 46. Col. Zebra Gray (pl. xxxviii. f. 105.) Col, testâ oblongâ, pyramidali, lævi, pallidâ, castaneo-stri- gilatâ, spirâ subacuminatâ, anfractibus 6, subconvexis, apice obtusiusculo; aperturâ latâ, labio externo intùs subincrassato, denticulis paucis, distantibus. Shelloblong, pyramidal,smooth, pale, streaked with chestnut 128 a a colour; spire somewhat acuminated, volutions 6, rather con- vex, apex rather obtuse; aperture broad, outer lip slightly thickened within, with a few small distant teeth. New Zealand; all the specimens we have seen are pierced and have formed a necklace. 47. Col. fasciata Sow. (pl. xxxviii. f. 106, 107.) Tank. Cat. No. 2014. App. p. xxv. Col. testâ oblongâ, lævi, apice obtuso, basi transversè sul- catâ ; anfractibus albido fulvoque variegatis, posticè albis; suturâ validâ, sulco sub-obsoleto propè suturam ; columellâ læviusculâ. This species is first described in the Catalogue of the Tankerville Collection. On a ticket in Mr. Budgin's hand writing it was called “The white banded and variegated large Olive-nut, from the East Indies; V. fasciata.” The speci- men is in the British Museum, and Mr. Cuming possesses a single specimen of a variety with a few nearly obsolete tu- bercles toward the posterior part of the last volution. The aperture is large and wide. Shell oblong, smooth, apex obtuse, base transversely sul- cated, volutions varied with whitish and chestnut, white pos- teriorly; suture distinct; a somewhat obsolete groove pos- teriorly near the suture; columella nearly smooth. 48. Col. concinna Sow. Genera. (pl. xxxviii. f. 108, 109.) Buccm. lævigatum Lam. Col. testâ oblongâ, albicante, punctulis strigisve fulvis et plerumque vittâ spirali medianâ albo-nigroque articulatâ ornatâ; spirâ pyramidali, apice acuminato, ætate obtuso; anfractibus 5—7, ventricosiusculis, ultimo maximo postice sub-angulato, propè suturam albo strigis fulvis interrupto; aperturâ magnâ, latâ, labio externo intùs denticulato. Shell oblong, whitish, with fulvous dots and streaks and generally ornamented with a white and black spotted middle spiral band, spire pyramidal, apex acuminated, (obtuse with age.) Volutions 5—7, rather ventricose, the last very large and slightly angular posteriorly, white interrupted by fulvous streaks near the suture; aperture large, broad, outer lip den- ticulated within. 49. Col. avara, Say. (pl. xxxviii. f. 110.) Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, fuscescente; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 6, convexiusculis, longitudinaliter costatis, inter- stitiis creberrimè decussatis, ultimoantice transversim striato; a 129 aperturâ latâ, denticulis internis labii externi paucis, distan- tibus : labio interno laminam sub-levatam efformante, margine interno denticulato. Shell oblong-ovate, fuscous, spire acuminated, volutions 6, rather convex, longitudinally ribbed, with the interstices very delicately decussated; the last volution transversely striated in front; aperture wide, small internal teeth of the outer lip few, and distant; inner lip forming a slightly elevated lamina, its inner edge denticulated. Massachusets, Dr. Gould. 50. Col. Miser, nob. (pl. xxxviii, f. 111.) Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, albicante vel lutescente, spirâ py- ramidali, anfractibus 6, convexiusculis anticè castaneo macu- latis, posticis quinque longitudinaliter costatis, antico cos- tato, sed costis dorsalibus anticè evanidis; aperturâ latius- culâ, subrhomboidali, dentibus internis labii externi paucis, parvulis. Shell oblong-ovate, whitish or yellowish, spire pyramidal, volutions 6, rather convex, speckled with chesnut in front, the 5 posterior volutions longitudinally ribbed, the anterior volution ribbed, but the dorsal ribs are almost obsolete ante- riorly, aperture rather broad, sub-rhomboidal, teeth within the outer lip few and small. There is a variety with nearly obsolete ribs. Locality un- known: in Mr. Bean's collection, and in my own. 51. Col. cribraria : Buccm. cribrarium, Lam. (pl. xxxviii. f. 112, 113.) Col. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, lævigatâ, fuscâ, maculis, guttulisque albidis notatâ ; spirâ acuminatâ, plerumque de- collatâ ; anfractibus 7–8, ultimo spiraliter striato ad basin; aperturâ albicante, dentibus internis peritrematis superioribus majusculis. Shell oblong, pyramidal, smooth, fuscous, speckled, and spotted with whitish ; spire acuminated, generally decollated, volutions 7–8, the last spirally striated at the base ; aper- ture whitish, upper teeth of the inside of the outer lip larger than the rest. Very common at Panama, under stones, H. Cuming. It has long been well known, but we have described it by the name of Col. guttata in Zool. Proc, i. p. 118. 52. Col. dichroa, nob. (pl. xl, f. 168, 169.) Col. testâ oblongo-sub-pyramidali, lævigatâ, albâ, casta- 130 neo sphacelatâ, apice obtuso, anfractibus quinque, apertura latâ. Shell oblong, somewhat pyramidal, smooth, white with chesnut patches, apex obtuse; volutions 5, aperture broad. St. Vincents, Rev. L. Guilding, in my own collection. 53. Col. rugosa Sow. (pl. xxxviii. f. 114, 115.) Z. P. ii. X p. 115. Col. testâ oblongâ, medio gibbosulâ ; epidermide fuscâ, spiræ apice plerumque eroso; anfractibus 7, longitudinaliter costato-rugosis; ultimo infrà spiraliter costato, supernè longi- tudinaliter costato, costis omnibus supernè unituberculatis; aperturâ sub-apertâ. . Shell oblong, rather gibbous in the middle; with a fuscous epidermis, apex of the spire generally eroded; volutions 7, longitudinally ribbed or wrinkled, the last transversely ribbed in front and longitudinally ribbed posteriorly; all the ribs posteriorly tuberculated; aperture rather wide. Found under stones at Panama and Xipixapi, H. Cuming, 54. Col. varia Sow. (pl. xxxix. f. 116, 117.) Z. P. ii. p. 116, Col. testâ oblongâ, decussato-costatâ, apicè acuminato; anfractibus 8–9 fuscis, albido variegatis, longitudinaliter cos- tatis, interstitiis costarum sulcatis ; aperturâ sub-ovali; labii externi extùs incrassati margine supernè emarginato. Shell oblong, cross-ribbed, apex acuminated, volutions 8—9, fuscous varied with whitish, longitudinally ribbed, inter- stices of the ribs grooved; aperture nearly oval; outer lip thickened externally ; its edge posteriorly emarginated. The ribs cease a little below the middle of the last volution, Found under stones at Panama, H. Cuming, 55. Col. scalarina Sow. (pl. xxxix. f. 118.) Z. P. ii. p. 116, Col. testâ ovatâ, longitudinaliter costatâ, spirâ pyramidali, anfractibus 6—7, supernè contabulatis, longitudinaliter cos- tatis, interstitiis costarum decussatis, costis ad basin continuis; aperturâ coarctatâ, supernè emarginatâ; peritremate intùs denticulato; denticulis superioribus majoribus. Shell ovate, logitudinally ribbed, spire pyramidal, volutions 6—7, flattened posteriorly, longitudinally ribbed, interstices of the ribs crossed; ribs coutinued on the base; aperture contracted, posteriorly emarginated; peritreme denticulated within, posterior teeth the larger, Found under stones at Panama and Chiriqui, H, Cuming, 131 y of 56. Col. lactea, (pl. xxxix. f. 119, 120.) Bucc. lacteum Kiener. Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, nitidâ, pallescente, spirâ brevius- culâ, acuminatâ, anfractibus 6–7, convexiusculis, lævigatis, ultimo magno; labio externo extùs incrassato, aperturâ lati- usculâ, canali brevi, paululum levato. Shell oblong-ovate, shining, whitish, spire rather short, acuminated, volutions 6—7, somewhat convex, smooth; the last large, outer lip thickened; aperture rather broad, canal short, slightly raised. 57. Col. pulchella, nob. (pl. xxxix, f. 121, 122.) Buccm. pulchellum, Kiener. Col. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, albicante, fulvo marmoratâ, spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 7, convexiusculis, longitudinaliter costellatis, decussatim striatis; aperturâ latiusculâ, dentibus internis labii externi obsoletis. Shell oblong, pyramidal, whitish marbled with fulvous, spire acuminated, volutions 7, rather convex, longitudinally ribbed, decussately striated; aperture rather broad, teeth within the outer lip obsolete. This is the Buccm Triticum of Solanders manuscripts; he gives Caffraria as its locality. 58. Col. dermestoides. (pl. xxxix, f. 123.) Buccm. der- mestoides, Kiener. Col. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, lævi, nitidâ, fulva, fasciis ma- culisque albicantibus ornatâ ; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 6, sub-planulatis ; aperturâ latiusculâ. Shell oblong, pyramidal, smooth, shining, fulvous, with whitish bands and spots, spire acuminated, volutions 6, flattish; aperture rather broad. West Indies, Mr. Cuming's collection. 59. Col. guttata, nob. (pl. xxxix. f. 124.) Col. testâ oblongâ, lævi, castaneâ, albo-guttatâ, apice obtuso, violaceo, spirâ longiusculâ, anfractibus 5, sub-planulatis, ultimo magno, aperturâ magnâ, latâ, dentibus internis labii externi irregularibus ; labio columellari dento unico postico. Shell oblong, smooth, chesnut-coloured, spotted with white, apex obtuse, violaceous; spire rather lengthened, volutions 5, rather flat, the last large; aperture large, wide, teeth R 132 within the outer lip irregular ; columellar lip with a single posterior tooth. In Mr. Norris's and Mr. Stainforth's collections. 60. Col. jaspidea, nob. (pl. xxxix, f. 125.) Col. testâ oblongâ, pyramidali, lævigatâ, albicante, fulvo- marmoratâ, apice acuminato, roseo, anfractibus 7, costellatis, tenuissimè decussatim striatis, costellis ultimi anfractûs antice obsoletis, aperturâ latiusculâ, labio externo extùs incrassato, intùs denticulis nonnullis munito, dente unico anticè prope canalem admoto; labio columellari anticè tuberculum oblon- gum instructo. Shell oblong, pyramidal, smooth, whitish, marbled with fulvous, apex acuminated, rosy; volutions 7, with small lon- gitudinal ribs, very finely decussately striated, ribs of the last volution obsolete anteriorly ; aperture rather wide, outer lip thickened externally, with a few small teeth within, and with a single tooth placed near the canal; columellar lip furnished with an oblong tubercle in front. Found under stones at low water, on the Island of Ticao, Mr. Cuming. 61. Col. achatina. nob. (pl. xxxix. f. 126.) Col. testâ oblongo-turritâ, lævi, pallidâ, brunneo-marmo- ratâ; apice decollato; anfractibus 6, convexiusculis, ultimo majori, anticè sulcato, sulcis paucis, inconspicuis; aperturâ brevi, latiusculâ, intùs violascente, labio externo anticè effuso. Shell oblong-turreted, smooth, pale, marbled with brown, apex decollated; volutions 6, rather convex, the last large, , grooved anteriorly, with few and inconspicuous grooves; aperture short, rather wide, violaceous within; outer lip effuse in front. From Swan River, Mr. Cuming's collection. 62. Col. impolita. nobis. (pl. xxxix. f. 127.) Col. testà oblongâ sub-turritâ, lævi, obscurâ, fulvescente, fasciâ spirali unicâ albidâ; anfractibus 7, sub-planulatis; aperturâ breviusculâ, sinuosâ, denticulis internis labii externi paucis, prominentibus, labio columellari anticè paululum levato. Shell oblong, sub-turreted, smooth, dull, fulvous, with a single whitish spiral band; volutions 7, flattish ; aperture 133 X rather short, sinuous; internal teeth of the outer lip few and prominent: columellar lip slightly raised in front. Mr. Cuming's collection. 63. Col. buccinoides. Sow. (pl. xxxix. f. 128.) Z. P. Part ii. 1832, p. 114. Col. testâ oblongâ, lævi, piceo-nigrâ, propè suturas pallide maculatâ ; spirâ acuminatâ; anfractibus 8, ultimo antice spiraliter striato; labio externo extùs sub-incrassato, intùs obsoletè denticulato, margine superiori sub-emarginatâ ; canali brevissimo. Shell oblong, smooth, pitch black with pale spots near the sutures; spire acuminated; volutions 8, the last spirally striated anteriorly; outer lip rather thickened externally, obsoletely toothed within, its upper margin slightly notched, canal very short. Found under stones at low water at Ancon, Peru. Col. buccinoides of Lesson, published in 1842, is quite distinct from this. 64. Col. unicolor. Sow. Z. P. ii. 119. (pl. xxxix. f. 129.) Col. testâ ovatâ, medio ventricosâ, castaneâ; anfractibus 5, lævibus; suturâ profundiusculâ; aperturâ latiusculâ, ad basin sub-effusâ; canali brevissimo; labio externo extùs incrassato, intùs denticulis obsoletiusculis nonnullis. Shell ovate, ventricose in the middle, chestnut colour; volutions 5, smooth, suture rather deep; aperture rather broad, sub-effuse anteriorly; canal very short; outer lip thickened externally, with a few obsolete teeth within. Found at the Gallapagos Islands, H. Cuming. 65. Col. unifasciata. Sow. (pl. xxxix. f. 130.) Z. P. Part ii. p. 114. 114. C. unizonalis, Gray in Beechey. Col. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, lævi, castaneo-nigricante ; anfractibus 6, medio spiraliter albido-unifasciatis; aperturâ breviusculâ, labio externo intùs denticulis nonnullis in- a structo. a Shell oblong, pyramidal, smooth, chestnut black, volutions 6, with a whitish spiral band in the middle; aperture rather short, outer lip with a few small teeth within. Found under stones at low water, at Valparaiso, H. Cuming. 66. Col. rugulosa. nobis. (pl. xxxix. f. 131.) Col. testâ obovatâ, rugulosâ, crassâ, violaceo-nigricante, fas- 134 ciâ anticâ maculisque parvis albidis ornatâ; anfractibus 5, longi- tudinaliter costatis, tenuitèr decussatim striatis, striis anticis fortioribus; aperturâ latiusculâ, dentibus internis labii externi paucis, majusculis. Shell obovate, rugulose, thick, of a violaceous black, with an anterior band and very small dots of a whitish colour; vo- lutions 5, longitudinally ribbed, delicately decussately stri- ated, anterior cross-striæ stronger than the rest; aperture rather broad, internal teeth of the outer lip few, rather large. Gallapagos Islands, H. Cuming. 67. Col. atramentaria. nob. (pl. xl. f. 174.) Col. testâ ovato-acuminatâ, crassâ, medio vextricosâ, trans- versim striatâ, nigrâ, anfractibus 5---6, tenuitèr longitu- dinaliter costatis; aperturâ latâ, labio externo incrassato, internè denticulis sub-inconspicuis. Shell ovate, acuminated, thick, ventricose in the middle transversely striated, black; volutions 5---6, with fine longi- tudinal ribs; aperture broad, outer lip thickened, with rather inconspicuous small teeth within. Chatham Island, Gallapagos: G. B. Sowerby's collection. 68. Col. Ticaonis nobis. (pl. xxxix. f. 132.) Col. testâ oblongâ utrâque acuminatâ, medio turgido; palles- cente, castaneo-sphacelatầ; anfractibus 6, transversim striatis, suturis levatiusculis; aperturâ oblongâ, labio externo extùs incrassato, margine tenui, denticulis internis paucis, parvulis. Shell oblong, acuminated at either extremity, turgid in the middle, pale, splashed with chesnut colour; volutions 6, transversely striated; margin of the suture rather elevated; aperture oblong; outer lip thickened externally; its edge thin, with a few small denticles within. Found at a depth of 7 fathoms in sandy mud, at the Island of Ticao. H. Cuming. 69. Col. decussata. Nobis. (pl. xxxix. f. 133.) Col. testâ oblongâ, crassa, albâ, fusco-marmoratâ; anfrac- tibus 5, turgidiusculis, decussatim costatis, aperturâ oblonga, subsinuosâ, labio externo albo, crasso, posticè extùs obtuse angulato, margine externo crenato. Shell oblong, thick, white, marbled with fuscous; volutions 5, slightly turgid, with cross-ribs; aperture oblong, rather sinuous; outer lip white, thick, posteriorly obtusely angular externally; inner edge crenated. Australia, G. Humphrey. 135 t 70. Col. coronata Sow. Z. P. ii. 114. (pl. xxxix. f.134.) Col. testá oblongo-acuminatâ, albâ, brunneo-variegatâ; an- fractibus 7–8, lævibus, ultimis tribus serie unicâ tuberculo- rum mucronatorum coronatis ; labio externo intùs denticu- lato. Shell oblong, acuminated, white varied with brown, volu- tions 7–8, smooth, the last three crowned with a single row of mucronated tubercles; outer lip toothed within. This species varies much in the arrangement of its colours. Found under stones in the Bay of Panama, H. Cuming. 71. Col. maculosa Sow. Z. P. ii. p. 116. (pl. xxxix. f. 135.) Col. testâoblongo-subulatâ, albidâ, irregulariter fusco-macu- latâ ; spirâ acuminato-pyramidali; anfractibus 9-10, primis 7-8 lævigatis, cæteris tuberculorum serie unicâ coronatis; ultimo serie alterâ adjectâ; aperturâ brevi, canali sub-recurvo. Shell oblong, subulate, whitish, irregularly spotted with fuscous; spire acuminated, pyramidal, volutions 9—10, the first 7 or 8 smooth, the rest crowned with a single row of tubercles; the last with an additional row; aperture short, canal sub-recurved. Dredged in sandy-mud at Guacomayo, H. Cuming. 72. Col. angularis Sow. Z. P. ii. 118. (pl. xxxix. f. 136.) Col. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, pallidâ, fusco-variâ ; spirâ subulatâ; anfractibus 10, longitudinaliter costatis, ultimi medio subangulato, basi reflexo ; aperturâ sub-quadratâ, canali longiusculo, lato, peritremate extùs incrassato. Shell of an oblong pyramidal form and of a pale colour, varied with fuscous; spire subulate ; volutions ten, longitu- dinally ribbed, with the centre of the last somewhat angular, reflected at the base ; aperture squarish ; canal rather long, broad; peritreme thickened externally. Panama. 73. Col, turrita, Sow., Z. P. ii. p. 115. (pl. xxxix. f. 137, 138.) Col. testâ elongato-pyramidatâ, spirâ subulatâ ; anfractibus 10, albidis, fusco-reticulatis, et propè suturam articulatis; aperturâ oblongâ, supernè acuminatâ, sub-canaliferâ; labio externo incrassato; peritremate albo, sub-reflexo, intus lævi ; columella arcuatâ. Shell elongate, pyramidal, spire subulate; volutions 10, whitish, reticulated with fuscous; and alternately whitish and fuscous next to the suture; aperture oblong, acuminated, 136 a a and with a slight canal posteriorly; outer lip thickened, peritreme white, somewhat reflected, smooth within ; columella arched. There is a variety of a pale colour. Bay of Montigo and St. Elena, Central America, H. Cuming. 74. Col. elegans, Sow., Z. P., Part ii. p. 114, (pl. xxxix. f. 139.) Col. testâ elongato-subulatâ, albâ fusco-variâ et reticulatâ, epidermide tenui fulvâ indutâ; anfractibus 11-12, primis lævibus, cæteris longitudinaliter costatis, ultimo infrà spira- liter sulcato; labio externo incrassato; peritremate sub-re- flexo, supernè intùs emarginato, demùm dentibus nonnullis internis; labio interno lamellari; canali incrassato. Shell elongated subulate, whitish varied and reticulated with fuscous and covered with a thin fulvous epidermis ; volutions 11–12, the first smooth, the rest longitudinally ribbed, the last transversely grooved anteriorly, outer lip thickened, peritreme slightly reflected, posteriorly emargi- nated within, then with a few internal teeth ; inner lip lamel- lar; canal thickened. Found in sandy mud at Guacomayo, in Central America, H. Cuming 75. Col. dorsata, Sow. Z. P. ii. 120. (pl. xxxix. f. 140, 141.) Col. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, albâ, lineis irregularibus, flexuosis, confertis, castaneis obtectâ; anfractibus 8, lævibus, supernè turgidulis; ultimi lateribus inflatis dorso prominente; suturâ distinctâ; aperturâ angustâ, flexuosa, albâ; peritre- mate extùs incrassato ; labio columellari exarato. Shell oblong, pyramidal, white, covered with close set irre- gular, flexuous, chestnut lines; volutions 8, smooth, some- what turgid posteriorly, with the sides of the last inflated, and prominent on the back; suture distinct; aperture narrow, Aexuous, white, peritreme outwardly thickened; columellar lip eroded. Distinguished from Col. gibberula, by its larger size, and by the middle of the columellar lip being worn away. Island of Muerte, Bay of Guyaquil, H. Cuming. 76. Col. gibberula Sow. Z. P. ii, 115. (pl. xxxix. f. 142, 143.) Col. testâ ovato-pyramidali; spirâ subulatâ ; anfractibus 8–9, pallidis, brunneo-nubeculatis; ultimi dorso supernè gibberulo, ad utrumque latus varicoso; aperturâ breviusculâ; peritremate incrassato, expanso, intus denticulis nonnullis ; و 137 labio interno supernè calloso, medio arcuato ; canali brevi, reflexo. Shell ovate, pyramidal, spire subulate ; volutions 8–9, , pale clouded with brown; back of the last posteriorly gibbous, varicose on each side ; aperture rather short; peri- treme thickened, expanded, with a few small teeth within ; inner lip callous posteriorly, arched in the middle; canal short reflected. Bay of Caraccas and Puerto Portrero ; H. Cuming. 77. Col. bicanalifera, Sow. Z. P., part ii., p. 113. (pl. xxxix, f. 144.) Col. testâ ovato-pyramidali, apice acuto, basi spiraliter sulcato; anfractibus 7, superioribus longitudinalitèr rugosis, pallescentibus, fusco-variis, ultimo pallido, fusco strigato, strigis propè suturas saturatioribus ; aperturâ oblonga, in canalem supernè decurrente, labio externo incrassato, reflexo, sub-flexuoso, supernè acuminato. Shell ovate, pyramidal, apex sharp, base spirally grooved, volutions 7, upper ones longitudinally rugose, pale varied with fuscous; the last pale with fuscous streaks, those near the sutures dark in colour; aperture oblong, running into a canal posteriorly ; outer lip thickened, reflected, slightly flexuous, acuminated posteriorly. Dredged in sandy mud at ten fathoms depth : Gallapagos. 78. Col. blanda. Sow. (pl. xxxix. f. 145, 146.) Col. testâ ovato-pyramidali, pallidâ, apice acuto, anfractibus 8, lævibus, longitudinaliter undulatim fusco-lineatis, lineis prope suturam dorsalem ultimi anfractus fortioribus; aperturâ latâ, posticè acuminatâ, labio externo tenuiusculo, extùs turgido, intùs denticulis parvis instructo, canali latiusculo. Shell ovate-pyramidal, pale coloured; apex acute; volutions 8, smooth, with longitudinal undulated fuscous lines, those near the dorsal suture of the last volution darkest in colour ; aperture broad, posteriorly acuminated; outer lip rather thin ; turgid externally, with small denticles within ; canal rather wide. Africa, on the Shore, Solander. 79. Col. costellata. Sow. Z. P. ii. p. 111. (pl. xxxix. 147.) Col. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, albidâ, castaneo-nigricante maculatâ ; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 8–9, longitudinaliter costellatis, ultimo ad basin spiraliter striato, costellis dis- continuis. و 138 X Shell oblong, pyramidal, whitish, spotted with chestnut black; spire acuminated; volutions 8–9, longitudinally cos- tellated; the last spirally striated anteriorly; where the ribs are discontinued. The ribs are rather close-set, narrow and slightly curved; the last six or seven not continuing more than half way from back to front of the volution; the remaining ribs continue farther down. Panama, a single specimen in H. Cuming's collection. 80. Col. fulva. Sow. Z. P. ii. p. 115. (pl. xxxix. f. 148.) Col. testâ ovato-subulatâ, fulvâ; epidermide minutissimè reticulatâ indutâ; anfractibus 10, longitudinaliter costatis, ultimo anticè spiraliter striato, supernè longitudinaliter costato ; aperturæ labio externo dentibusque internis albis. Shell ovate-subulate, fulvous ; with a very minutely reti- culated epidermis ; volutions 10, longitudinally ribbed, the last spirally striated anteriorly and posteriorly longitudi- nally ribbed ; outer lip and internal teeth of the aperture white. Found under stones at Panama, H. Cuming. 80. Col. lyrata. Sow. Z. P. Part ii. p.114. (pl.xxxix.f.149.) Col. testâ oblongâ, acuminatâ, albidâ, epidermide fusca indutâ; anfractibus 10, longitudinaliter costatis, costis infrà nigris; ultimo anfractu infrà spiraliter striato; supernè lon- gitudinalter costato, costis nigro-articulatis; aperturâ ob- longâ, breviusculâ, medio coarctatâ, labio externo intùs den- ticulato. Shell oblong, acuminated, whitish, covered with a fuscous epidermis, volutions 10, longitudinally ribbed, ribs anteriorly black; last volution spirally striated in front; posteriorly longitudinally ribbed, ribs alternately whitish and black, aperture oblong, shortish, contracted in the middle; outer lip toothed within. Found under stones in the Bay of Panama, and at Chi- riqui, H. Cuming. 82. Col. fluctuata. Sow. Z. P. ii. p. 115. (pl. xxxix. f. 150.) Col. testâ oblongâ, albâ, nigro vel castaneo-maculatâ et fluctuatâ; epidermide fuscâ; spiræ apice plerumque eroso; anfractibus 7, longitudinaliter costatis, ultimi costis abbre- viatis; aperturâ medio coarctatâ; labio externo supernè emar- ginato, interno infrà denticulato. Shell oblong, whitish, spotted and undulated with chesnut y 139 7 or black; epidermis fuscous; apex of the spire generally eroded, volutions 7, longitudinally ribbed, the ribs of the last volution abbreviated; aperture contracted in the middle; outer lip emarginated posteriorly; inner lip denticulated anteriorly. Found under stones in the Gulf of Nocoiyo, H. Cuming. 83. Col. nivea. nobis. (pl. xxxix. f. 151.) Col. testâ ovato-pyramidali, crassiusculâ, lævi, niveâ, apice acuminato, anfractibus 8, primis 6 lævigatis, penultimo lon- gitudinaliter costellato, ultimo costato, ad partem dorsalem anticam lævi; aperturâ sub-angustâ, sub-sinuosâ, labio externo crasso, intùs sub-denticulato, labio commellari anticè levato. Shell ovate, pyramidal, thickish, smooth, snow-white, apex acuminated; volutions 8, the first 6 smooth, the last but one longitudinally ribbed, the last with larger ribs, smooth on the anterior part of the back; aperture rather narrow, slightly sinuous, outer lip thick, denticulated within; inner lip elevated anteriorly. In Mr. Cuming's collection. 84. Col. recurva. Sow. Z. P. ii. p. 115. (pl. xl. f. 152.) Col. testâ oblongâ, turritâ, fulvâ, spirâ acuminato-pyrami- dali; anfractibus 10 — 11; primis 6 longitudinaliter costatis, cæteris serie unicâ tuberculorum instructis; ultimi dorso sub-gibbo, parte inferiori transversim striatâ; aperturâ elongatâ canali longiusculâ recurvâ; labio externo reflexo, incrassato. Shell oblong, turreted, fulvous, spire acuminated, pyra- midal, volutions 10—11; the six first longitudinally ribbed, the rest furnished with a single series of tubercles, the back of the last rather gibbous, with the anterior part transversely striated ; aperture elongated, canal rather long and recurved; outer lip reflected, thickened. Found among Coral sand in the Isle of Plata, H. Cuming. 85. Col. lanceolata, Sow. Zool. Pr. ii. p. 116. (pl. xl. f. 153, 154, 155.) Col. testâ oblonga, turritâ, albidâ, fulvo-variâ; spirâ acumi- natâ, pyramidali; anfractibus 10—12, primis 6—7, lævigatis, cæteris serie unicâ tuberculorum instructis; ultimi dorso subgibbo, antice transversim striato; aperturæ elongatæ ca- nali breviusculo, sub-recurvo; labio externo incrassato, variciformi. s 140 و Shell oblong, turreted, whitish, varied with fuscous, spire acuminated, pyramidal; volutions 10-12; the first 6 or 7 smooth, the rest furnished with a single row of tubercles the back of the last volution somewhat gibbous, anteriorly transversely striated ; aperture elongated, canal rather short, slightly recurved; outer lip thickened, variciform. We have represented three varieties of this fine species. From the Gallapagos Islands, H. Cuming. 86. Col. pulcherrima, Sow. Z. P. ii. p. 113. (pl. xl. f. 156, 157.) Col. testâ ovatâ, spirâ subulatâ ; anfractibus 9, primo mini- mo, albo ; 2º, 3º, 4o et sto nigro-rufescentibus, politis; 6to, 7mo, et 8vo, concoloribus, spiraliter sulcatis; ultimo ven- tricoso, spiraliter sulcato, albido, sulcis brunneis; labioexterno incrassato; peritremate polito, intùs supernè emarginato, infrà denticulato; labio interno tenui, polito; canali re- curvo. Shell ovate, with a subulate spire; volutions 9, the first small white, the 2d, 34, 4th, and 5th, blackish red, shining; the 6th, 7th, 8th, of the same colour, spirally grooved; the last ventricose, spirally grooved, whitish, with brown grooves ; outer lip thickened, peritreme shining, emarginated poste- riorly within, and denticulated anteriorly; inner lip thin, shining; canal recurved. A single specimen was found in the Gulf of Dulce, H. Cuming. 87. Col. sub-ulata, nob, (pl. xl. f. 158, 159.) C. testâ turrito-pyramidali, lævigatâ, albidâ, epidermide tenui, corneâ, pallescente indutâ, spirâ sub-ulatâ, anfractibus decem, convexiusculis, primis septem lævibus, tribus ultimis posticè tranversim striatis, ultimo striato, posticè tumido; aperturâ sinuosa, albâ, labio externo extus incrassato, intùs medianè incrassato, denticulato ; labio interno incrassato, levato ; ; canali brevi reflexo. Shell pyramidal, turreted, smooth, whitish, covered with a thin horny, pale coloured epidermis, spire subulate, volutions 10, rather convex, the first 7 smooth, the three last posteriorly transversely striated, the last striated and tumid posteriorly; aperture sinuous, white, outer lip thickened externally; thick- ened and denticulated within ; inner lip thickened and ele- vated; canal short, reflected. In Mr. Norris's collection, locality unknown. 141 88. Col Puella, nobis. (pl. xl. f. 160, 161.) Col. testâ ovato-pyramidali, spirâ acuminatâ, acutâ, pallidè castaneâ vel brunneâ, variegatâ, anfractibus 9, longitudinaliter costellatis, lævibus, ultimo anticè transversim striato; suturâ crenulatâ, albâ; canali distincto, extùs transversim sul- cato; aperturâ oblongâ, sub-rhomboideâ, labio columellari uniplicato. Shell ovate, pyramidal, spire acuminated, acute, varied with pale chesnut or brown; volutions 9, smooth with small lon- gitudinal ribs, the last transversely striated in front; suture crenulated, white; canal distinct, transversely grooved externally ; aperture rhomboidal ; columellar lip with one fold. From Burias, H. Cuming; a variety nearly free from the longitudinal ribs, occurs at Cathalonga. 89. Col. pygmæa. Sow. Z. P. ii. 19. (pl. xl. f. 163.) Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, pallescente ; spirâ acuminatâ ; anfractibus 6, superioribus quinque longitudinaliter costatis, fasciâ interruptâ nigrâ; ultimo supernè longitudinaliter costato, infrà spiraliter sulcato, fasciis duabus interruptis, nigris ; aperturâ latiusculâ; labii externi margine supernè emarginatâ. Shell oblong-ovate, pale coloured, spire acuminated; volutions 6, the 5 first longitudinally ribbed, with an inter- rupted black band; the last longitudinally ribbed posteriorly, and spirally grooved anteriorly, with two black interrupted bands; aperture rather broad: posterior margin of the outer lip notched. Found on dead shells at St. Elena: H. Cuming. 90. Col. lunata. nob. (pl. xl. f. 164.) Nassa Say; Buc- cinum Gould. Col. testâ ovatâ, lævi, pallidè rufo brunnescente, seriebus duabus pallescentibus maculorum semilunatorum ornatâ, apice acuminato, aperturâ ovali, labio externo fusco intùs denticulato. Shell ovate, smooth, pale reddish brown, with two rows of crescent shaped whitish spots; apex acuminated, spire conic; a single impressed line just in front of the suture; aperture oval with a small notch posteriorly, outer lip fuscous, denticu- lated within. Massachusetts, Dr. Gould. 91. Col. sulcosa. Sow. Z. P. ii. 118. (pl. xl. f. 165.) Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, fulvâ, nigricante vel rufo-nigricante X 142 a lineatâ; spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 7, longitudinaliter costatis, decussatim spiraliter sulcatis ; caudâ reflexâ; aperturâ supernè latiori, infrà canali distinctâ; labio externo extùs incrassato, intùs denticulis 4 centralibus, internorugis basalibus nonnullis. Shell oblong ovate, fulvous with black or reddish black lines; spire acuminated; volutions 7, longitudinally ribbed and cross-grooved; canal reflected; aperture broader pos- teriorly, with a distinct canal anteriorly; outer lip thickened externally with 4 central teeth within : inner lip wrinkled in front. From Annaa and Lord Hood's Islands, H. Cuming. 92. Col. suffusa nob. (pl. xl. f. 166, 167.) Col. testâ oblongâ, crassiusculâ, albicante, maculis littur- isque fuscis ornatâ, spirâ acuminatâ, conoidali, anfractibus 6—7, longitudinaliter costatis, interstitiis costarum tenuiter transversim striatis : aperturâ latiusculâ. Shell oblong, thickish, whitish, with fuscous spots and specks; spire acuminated, conoidal ; volutions 6-7, longi- tudinally ribbed, interstices of the ribs slightly transversely striated; aperture rather wide. Pacific Ocean, Cuming. 83. Col. parva nob. (pl. xl. f. 170.) Col. testâ oblonga, pallidâ, fasciâ spirali castaneâ unicâ ornatâ ; apice acuminato, anfractibus 6, longitudinaliter cos- tatis, decussatim striatis, ultimo anticè propè labium externum variciformatum lævigato, supra canalem transversim striato : aperturâ breviusculâ, subsinuosâ, labio columellari levato. Shell oblong, pale, with a single spiral chesnut coloured band; apex acuminated, volutions 6, longitudinally ribbed, cross-striated, the last smooth anteriorly near the outer variciform lip; aperture rather short, somewhat sinuous; columellar lip raised. Found under stones at Monte Christi, West Columbia, H. Cuming 94. Col. catenata nob. (pl. xl. f. 171.) Col. testâ oblongâ, crassâ, pallidâ, undulatim castaneo- marmoratâ, apice acuminato, obtusiusculo, anfractibus 6, lon- gitudinaliter costatis, insterstitiis lævibus, ultimo anticè transversim striato; aperturâ latiusculâ, denticulis parvis 4 labii columellari obtusis. Shell oblong, thick, pale, with undulated chestnut coloured markings; apex acuminated, rather obtuse, volutions 6, 143 * longitudinally ribbed; the interstices smooth; the last vo- lution transversely striated in front, aperture rather wide, with four small obtuse denticles on the columellar lip. Locality unknown: Mr. Cuming's collection. 95. Col. nigricans nob. (pl. xl. f. 172.) Col. testâ oblongâ, nigricante, apice acuminato, anfractibus 6, longitudinaliter costatis, interstitiis costarum tenuiter transversim striatis; suturâ distinctâ, crenulatâ, albicante; margine labii externi pallido. Shell oblong, blackish, apex acuminated, volutions six, longitudinally ribbed, interstices of the ribs slightly trans- versely striated; suture distinct, crenulated, whitish, edge of the outer lip pale. Gallapagos Islands. Mr. Cuming's collection. 96. Col. Dormitor nob. (pl. xl. f. 173.) Col. testâ ovato-conoideâ, pallescente, spirâ conicâ, brevius- culâ, anfractibus 6, transversim sulcatis, aperturâ elongatâ, margine interno labii externi crenulato. Shell ovate-conoidal, of a pale colour, spire conical, rather short; volutions six, transversely grooved ; aperture elon- gated; inner edge of the outer lip crenulated. St. Vincent's, Rev. L. Guilding, in Mr. Gray's collection. 97. Col. Guildingii nob. (pl. xl. f. 175, 176.) Col. testâ oblongo-pyramidali, pallescente, brunneo-varie- gatâ, apice acuminato sub-turrito, anfractibus 6; longitudi- naliter costatis et transversim striatis ; aperturâ longiusculâ, sinuosâ, canali subelongato, extus transversim sulcato. Shell oblong, pyramidal, pale, varied with brown, apex acuminated, sub-turreted; volutions 6, longitudinally ribbed and ransversely striated; aperture rather long, sinuous; canal somewhat lengthened, outwardly transversely striated. Found at St. Vincent's, by the late Rev. Lansdowne Guilding.—In the British Museum. 98. Col. Broderipii nob. (pl. xl. f. 178, 179.) Col. testâ oblongo-turritâ, lævi, castaneâ, variè albo- macu- latâ et guttatâ; anfractibus 5, subventricosis; aperturâ ob- longâ, latiusculã; labio externo intùs denticulis 2-3 obsoletis instructo; anfractu ultimo anticè transversim striato. Shell oblong, turreted, smooth, chestnut colour, variously spotted and speckled with white; volutions 5, rather ventri- cose; aperture oblong, rather wide; outer lip with 2—3 X - X 144 х obsolete denticles within ; last volution transversely striated in front. Alboran Island, W. J. Broderip, Esq., in the British Museum. 99. Col. Kraussii nob. (pl. xl. f. 180, 181.) Col. testâ ovato-oblongâ, lævi, albicante, lineis castaneis undulatis signatâ ; anfractibus 5-6, subventricosis, longitu- dinaliter costellatis, costellis distantibus, interstitiis lævibus ; aperturâ latâ ; canali brevissimo. Shell oblong ovate, smooth, whitish, marked with undula- ted chestnut coloured lines; volutions 5-6 rather ventri- cose, with small longitudinal ribs, which are distant, and the interstices smooth; aperture broad; canal very short. Found at Natal by Dr. Krauss : in the British Museum, 100. Col. monilifera. nobis. (pl. xl. f. 177.) Col.testâ turritâ, albê, maculis irregularibus brunneis pictâ, spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 7, longitudinaliter costatis et transversim sulcatis, series tres posticas et seriem unicam cos- tellarum granuliferarum anticam instructis; aperturâ brevi, latiusculâ. Shell turreted, white, irregularly speckled with brown; spire acuminated, volutions 7, longitudinally ribbed, and trans- versely sulcated, with three posterior and one anterior rows of granulose ribs, aperture short, rather broad. From the West Indies, the late G. Humphrey. 101. Col. pusilla, nob. (pl. xl. f. 182, 183.) Col. testâ ovatâ, lævi, albicante, lineis pallide brunneis pictâ; spirâ sub-acuminatâ; anfractibus 5–6, sub-ventri- cosis; aperturâ latiusculâ; labio externo crassiusculo, intùs obsoletè denticulato; labio interno intùs tuberculo obtuso instructo; canali brevi. Shell ovate, smooth, whitish, with pale brown lines; spire slightly acuminated; volutions 5–6, somewhat ventricose; aperture rather broad; outer lip thickish, obsoletely denticu- lated within ; inner lip with an obtuse tubercle within ; canal short. St. Vincent's, the late Rev. L. Guilding. 102. Col. atomella, Ducl. (pl. xl, f. 184, 185.) Col. testâ oblonga, albicante, nonnunquam pallidè castaneo unifasciatâ, spirâ acuminatâ, anfractibus 6, longitudinaliter + 다​. . 145 costatis; suturâ crenatâ; ultimo anfractu anticè lævi; suprà canalem transversim sulcato ; aperturâ angustâ. Shell oblong, whitish, sometimes with a pale chesnut band; spire acuminated, volutions 6, longitudinally ribbed : suture crenated, last volution smooth in front, transversely grooved on the back of the canal; aperture narrow. West Indies, Rev. L. Guilding. - --- - - - - - - - - - EXPLANATION OF PLATES XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL. COLUMBELL A. (The figure at the end of each name, refers to the species in the text.) Fig. 1, 2, Col. Strombiformis, 1. Fig.51, 52. Col.pæcila, 20. 3, 4. major, 2. 53, 54. bidentata, 21. 5. hæmastoma, 3. 55, 56, 57. flavida, 22. 6. major var, 2. 58 to 61, semipunctata. 23. 7. castanea, 4. 62. Tringa, 24. 8,9. labiosa, 5. 63, 64. obtusa, 25. 10. Harpiformis, 6. 65, 66. splendidula, 26. 11. castanea, 4. 67 to 69. ovulata, 27. 12. Harpiformis, 6. 70, 71. obscura, 28. 13, 14. uncinata, 7. 72, 73. marmorata, 30. 15, 16. Duclosiana, 8. 74, 75, 76. Philippinarum, 31. 17, 18. chlorostoma, 9. 77, 78. coniformis, 32. 19. rustica, 10. 79, 80. aspersa, 33. 20. festiva, 13. 81, 82. albina, 34. 21. fuscata, 11. 83, 84, 85. Ligula, 35. 22. rustica var, 10. 86, 87. Fabula, 36. 23. reticulata, 12. 88, 89. Tyleri, 37. 24. rustica var, 10. 90, 91, 92. Pardalina, 38. 25 fuscata, 11. 93. vulpecula, 39. 26 reticulata var, 12. 94, 95, 96. fulgurans, 40. festiva, 13. 97. flexuosa, 41. 28, 29, 30,1 mercatoria, 14. 98, 99. Terpsichore, 42. 31, 32. 100. Boivinii, 43. 33, 34, 35. rudis, 15. 101, 102. corniculata, 44. 36, 37. Paytensis, 16. 103, 104. semiconvexa, 45. 38, 39, 40. Turturina, 17. 105. Zebra, 46. 41 to 46. versicolor, 18. 106, 107. fasciata, 47. 47 to 50. varians, 19. 108, 109. concinna, 48. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27. - - , - - - - - - - - 146 - - - - rugosa, 53. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - Fig. 110. Col. avara, 49. 111. Miser, 50. 112, 113. cribraria, 51. 114, 115. 116, 117. varia, 54. 118. scalarina, 55. 119, 120. lactea, 56. 121, 122. pulchella, 57. 123. dermestoides, 58. 124. punctata, 59. 125. jaspidea, 60. 126. achatina, 61. 127. impolita, 62. 128. buccinoides, 63. 129. unicolor, 64. 130. unifasciata, 65. 131. rugulosa, 66. 132. Ticaonis, 68. 133. decussata, 69. 134. coronata, 70. 135. maculosa, 71. 136. angularis, 72. 137. turrita, 73. 138. turrita, var. 73. 139. elegans, 74. 140, 141. dorsata, 75. 142, 143. gibberula, 76. 144. bicanalifera, 77. - Fig. 145, 146, Col. blanda, 78. 147. — costellata, 79. 148. fulva, 80. 149. lyrata, 81. 150. fluctuata, 82. 151. nivea, 83. 152. recurva, 84. 153 to 155. lanceolata, 85. 156, 157. pulcherrima, 86. 158, 159. subulata, 87. 160. Nympha, 88. 161. Nympha var. 88. 162. nitidula, 29. 163. pygmæa, 89. 164. lunata 90. 165. sulcosa, 91. 166, 167. suffusa, 92. 168, 169. dichroa, 52. 170. parva, 93. 171. catenata, 94. 172. nigricans, 95. 173. dormitor, 96. 174. atramentaria, 67. 175, 176. Guildingii, 97. 177, monilifera, 98. 178, 179. Broderipii, 99. 180, 181. Kraussii, 100. 182, 183. pusilla, 101. 184, 185. atomella, 102. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - XXXTT TO 10 14 13 16 15 18 12 ry A 26 23 25 22 24 31 30 32 28 29 37 36 36 33 34 GB.S. Jun" XXXVII 39 14 52 52 17 18 46 64 65 $ 63 60 63 68 72 73 66 70 80 77 CBS Tun XXXVIII 82 83 SA 86 AT ANA 92 93 ,90 9+ 88 89 95 101 96 gs g9 700 102 105 103 104 106 107 108 109 173 772 CBS Jur? XXXIX 127 128 178 126 777 116 124 119 120 130 127 122 723 125 129 131 132 742 143 133 134 195 140 741 136 137 138 139 146 16 147 157 149 148 150 6.3. S. Jun XZ 156 157 152 755 153 4:4:4 768 754 I 764 169 766 768 770 777 765 767 774 172 773 776 776 177 778 50 782 783 180 784 779 786 787 GB S.Jun" 147 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS TEREBRA; Bruguière. BY RICHARD BRINSLEY HINDS, ESQ. Testa subulata, acuminata, subturrita. Anfractus nume- rosi, rariùs numerosissimi, rarissimè perpauci, planulati ; ultimus brevis, contractus. Apertura ovalis, interdum sub- quadratus. Columella nuda vel callo induta; recta, obliqua, vel contorta. Canalis subnullus vel paulò productus; rectus vel subrecurvus. Operculum corneum, lamellosum, ungui- forme. Testa elongata, turrita, apice peracuta. Apertura longitudi- nalis. Spirâ duplò vel ultrà brevior, basi posticè emarginata. Columellæ basis contorta vel obliqua. Lamarck. Testa elongata, subulata, anfractibus numerosis, gradatim majo- ribus, aperturâ brevi, oblongâ, in canalem brevem, rectam desi- nente; columellâ contortâ, spirali : operculo corneo, non spirali. Sowerby, Genera. Testa elongata, turrita, apice peracuta. Apertura longitudi- nalis ; spira duplò vel ultrà brevior, basi posticè emarginata. Columellæ basis contorta vel obliqua. Operculum ovatum, cor- neum, lamellosum, imbricatum. Kiener. The animal is remarkable for its small size compared with that of the shell, and also for theminuteness of its organs. That of Terebra dimidiata, is described by MM. Quoyet Gaimard;- head large. Tentacles distant, very small and short. Eyes scarcely visible, situate about the middle of the length of the tentacles. Foot elongated, somewhat cylindrical, grooved. Between the tentacles is a thick cylindrical trunk, capable of dilating itself, and forming a cavity. Stomach elongated, slightly dilated. Salivary glands surrounding the oesophagus, vermicular, united into a mass. Biliary organ and testacle occupy nearly the whole of the spire. Heart apparently very elongated. Follicles situate in the folds of the margin of the mantle, and secrete, more or less abundantly, a mucous fluid. B 148 a - The branchial cavity is extensive, extended longitudinally, and has on its left side a long straight comb of fine and closely set lamellæ. The siphon is thick and short, and capable of being projected only a short distance. Animal of an uniform clear orange colour. Voyage de l'Astrolabe, p. 462-4. M. Kiener's remarks on the animal are so similiar to the fore- going, that they were most probably taken from it. The animal of Terebra subulata was also examined by Quoy and Gaimard, and was found very closely to resemble T. dimidiata, differing only in the relative size of some of the organs. The animal was of a deep yellow colour. Mr. Gray, in the Zoology of Beechey's Voyage, p. 125, thus speaks of the animal, the species not being indicated :"the tentacles of this genus are exceedingly minute, and placed on the upper edge of the inflexed trunk, and they have no eyes. In one spe- cies from St. Christopher which I have examined, there was no appearance of any tentacles, nor eyes; in another, the tentacles are very small with eyes at their tip. at their tip. The male organ is extremely long, filiform, as long as two whorls of the shell. The foot is small, folded across when contracted. The head is rounded. The mantle has a very long slender filiform breathing canal." The number of species belonging to this group at the pre- sent time is rather considerable, and in these halcyon days of new species, the genus has kept in the current and received an accession of strength scarcely inferior to any other. A few species, and among these some of the largest and most richly adorned, were known to the earliest systematic writers, and were placed by them in a separate and distinct section of Buccinum. Subsequently Bruguières embodied them under the present generic head, but it was Lamarck who more par- ticularly brought it into notice, in the illustration of the group by several well-known species. Previous to Bruguières Adanson, and subsequently Schumacher and Blainville have made mention of it, but only to originate errors and create confusion. The number of recent species given by Lamarck is twenty-four; M. Deshayes' list states the recent species to be forty-four, and the fossil sixteen in number; the monograph of M. Kiener contains only thirty-five recent species. These numbers have been chiefly augmented by a list of twenty-one species, published by Mr. Gray in the proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1834, which are of prior date to M. Kiener's labours, but are unnoticed by him; and by a further addition of fifty species, published by myself in the same proceedings of 1843. At this moment, the amount of recent 149 a species is 109, including one or two of doubtful existence, and of fossil, 24; and of the former 8 are found both in a recent and fossil state. The only sectional division of the genus that has been attempted, is that of Mr. Gray in the above proceedings. This division is three-fold; the two first of these depend on the presence of the peculiar girdling or division of the whorls, and which is very conspicuous in many species, but practi- cally I fail to carry it out in detail. Some species also are so excessively variable in this character, that M. Kiener has described Terebra castanea as having girdled whorls, but has figured it without them. The latter writer has not attempted any grouping of the species in his monograph, and as he has done so in most cases, we may venture to infer that he did not see room for it here. It cannot be denied that among the numerous species are several shells, which, taken by themselves, would furnish good grounds for sectional or even sub-generic divisions. And if we take T. maculata as the proper generic type, then T. lanceata, T. armillata, and T. commaculata, seem to offer strong points of difference, and good grounds for sectional heads. But, , with every wish to establish some such divisions, I have found it impracticable so to group the species that there shall be little or no doubt which section they belong to; and, unless this object is attained, I do not see any use in a division; science would not be benefited merely by selecting the salient points and strong grounds of the exceptions, and leaving the crowd to follow as they may. In geographic distribution the group is essentially tropical. Indeed the exceptions are very rare. One species occurs in the Mediterranean Sea, but it is an aberrant form. Another is met with on the shores of the United States, but I am not in possession of its northern range; perhaps a few species occur as extra-tropical on the shores of New Holland. It will thus be seen, that few genera of similar bulk are so excessively tropical. The species abound more particularly in the Asiatic and Pacific Seas, are usually found in situations of sands, sandy mud, or fine coral, often under a few feet of water, though sometimes at greater depths; and seem also to be most fruitful in individuals, since where they inhabit, they may generally be procured in great numbers. In their distribu- tion about fifty-three inhabit the Asiatic and Pacific Seas, seven- teen the American, and fifteen the African; of twenty-four the locality is unknown, and our information of the West Indian species is most barren. Our knowledge of the native country of B 2 150 a large proportion of the published species was so very limited that it became an object with me to supply so important a desideratum from approved sources. And, if in this I have been to a great extent fortunate, it is attributable partly to the care which I find manifested in Mr. Cuming's manuscript catalogues of recording the native country with the circum- stances of habitation, and partly to my own experience, since within the tropics I have chanced to encounter a large num- ber of species. I have also, when practicable, stated every habitat; since several habitats inform us of the range, and we thus attain a step towards geographic diffusion; and as the authority for a habitat unquestionably increases its value, I have studiously attached the name of the collector; the only exception being in my own case, and in almost every instance where no authority is quoted, I am responsible. A reversed species occurs among the fossils, Terebra inversa. Nyst. x DESCRIPTIONS. 1. T. MACULATA. (pl. xlii. f. 33.) Lamarck, Hist. des Ani- maux sans Vert. v. vii. p. 283. Buccinum maculatum, Lin- næus, Syst. Nat. p. 1205, Subula maculata, Schumacher, Nouv. Syst. p. 233. Testâ elongatè conico-subulatâ, ponderosâ, politâ, albidâ ; anfractibus planulatis, versùs medium sulco divisis, maculis fuscis seriatim cinctis, ultimo luteo quadratim maculato; aper- turâ subattenuatâ ; columellâ contortâ. Shell handsome, massive and heavy, subulate, the ground colour of a cream colour with two series of rich reddish- brown, irregular, longitudinal, aggregated strigæ or spots, of which the upper series is the larger ; whorls smooth, flattened, divided by an impressed line, not always very visible in mature individuals, but apparent on the superior whorls; last whorl banded with pale chesnut; aperture an elongated oval; columella naked, somewhat twisted. This is the typical species, and an eminently handsome shell. In the Pacific, the animal is eaten as food, and the shell, ground at an angle, was much in use as a chisel in the construction of the canoes. Its habitat is extensive. It prevails everywhere over the Pacific and Indian Seas, as far as the Seychelles. It usually occurs of a large size, and very numerous in individuals, par- ticularly where sand or fine coral abounds; in the latter, of 151 which it is apt to become dwarf, as I noticed at Bow Island. It also occurs as a fossil on the shores of the Red Sea: Burton. 2. T. STRIGATA. (pl. xli. f. 10.) Sowerby, Tank. cat. p. 25. p . T. elongata, Wood, Index, Suppl. T. flammea, Lesson, Illust. de Zool. t. 48. T. zebra, Kiener, Iconographie, p. 5, t. 3, f. 5. Testâ subulatâ, subturritâ, crassiusculâ, albidâ, strigis longitudinalibus atro-fuscis irregulariter ornatâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, versùs medium sulco impresso divisis; colu- mellâ nudâ, contortâ. This fine species has a subulate acuminate shell, massive, the whorls flattish, duplicate or divided by an impressed line, the superior whorls, as occurs in nearly every species of Terebra, longitudinally plicate, elegantly ornamented with longitudinal strigæ, some of which are occasionally bifid, others only occupying half the diameter of the whorl, generally, however, they are simple and continuous throughout this space; aperture somewhat square; columella naked and twisted. West Coast of America between Panama and Realejo, at the former of which places it is particularly abundant. The Indian locality assigned to it in Wood's Index is un- doubtedly incorrect. 3. T. FLAMMEA. (pl. xlii. f. 36,) Lamarck, 1. c. p. 284. Testà elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, albidâ, strigis longitudi- nalibus ornatâ ; strigis rufis, obliquis, sæpiùs interruptis; an- fractibus subrotundatis, mediò lineis duabus impressis cinctis, infernè subcoarctatis, superioribus longitrorsum nodoso-pli- catis ; aperturâ utrinque attenuatâ; columellâ nudâ, arcuatâ; breviter canaliculatâ. Shell subulate, turrited, white, with longitudinal interrupted oblique red markings; whorls slightly rounded, traversed near the middle with two girdling lines, inferiorly the whorl somewhat contracted, superior whorls with numerous nodulous folds ; aperture attenuated, with a short canal; columella naked. Indian Seas : Kiener. 4. T. SUCCINEA. (pl. xlii. f. 40) Hinds, Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1843, p. 149. . Testâ subulatâ, acuminatâ, succineâ, lævigatâ; anfractibus planulatis, lineâ impressâ divisis, longitrorsum plicis obsoletis vel lineis arcuatis incrementi minutis, transversim infrà lineam impressam læviter striatis: areâ subconcavâ, punctis parvis 152 X fuscis distantibus biseriatim cinctâ, versùs margines tuber- culato-incrassatâ ; columellâ contortâ, acutâ. Shell subulate, acuminate, amber-coloured; whorls flat- tened, even a little contracted, girdled, longitudinally provided with small sharp arched folds, tranversely lightly striated; on each margin of the inferior area is a series of distant reddish punctuations; last whorl sulcate at the base. Aperture somewhat oval. Columella twisted, with a very sharp margin. Two specimens of this elegant species are in the collection of Mr. Cuming, without any history attached to them ; they have evidently been highly cleaned, but retain the appearance of having been once covered by an epidermis. The native country is unknown. 5. T. ROBUSTA. (pl. xlii. f. 35.) Hinds, l. c. p. 149. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, solidâ, ponderosa, albidâ, flammeis longitudinalibus interruptè pictâ; anfractibus inferioribus rotundatis, indivisis, lævigatis, superioribus versùs extremi- tatem spiræ subplanulatis, unocinguliferis, longitrorsum plica- tis ; anfractu ultimo rotundato, triseriatim picto, ad basin coarctato; aperturâ elongatâ; columellâ arcuatâ, subcallosa; epidermide luteo-fuscâ; operculo parvo, crasso. Shell elongated, subulate, turrited, smooth, solid, white, with interrupted longitudinal reddish-brown spots; whorls girdled, but only visible on the superior ones, the last with three series of markings, suddenly contracted inferiorly ; aperture elongated, with a short canal; columella arched, and covered by a thin callus. Operculum small and thick. Epidermis thicker than is usual. West coast of America, between 8° 57' and 21° 32' north latitude; namely at Panama, Gulf of Nicoya, Gulf of Papagayo, and San Blas; in from four to eighteen fathoms, sandy mud: Cuming and Hinds. 6. T. ORNATA. (pl. xlii. f. 34. Gray, Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1834, p. 62. Testâ conico-subulatâ, turritâ, solidâ, albâ, maculis rufis subquadratis triseriatim ornatâ; anfractibus planulatis, an- gustis, lineâ valdè impressâ cinctis, aperturâ subquadratâ; columellâ arcuatâ, acutâ ; breviter canaliculatâ; epidermide tenui indutâ. Shell conical subulate, turrited, solid, white, with three series of reddish brown square spots; whorls flat, narrow, deeply girdled; one series of spots above the girdle, rather smaller and paler than the others; two below it, which are 153 larger, more deeply coloured, and, on the upper whorls, some- times confluent; last whorl short and contracted beneath, with four series of spots. Aperture inclined to square. Columella arcuate, with a sharp margin, slightly callous. Epidermis thin. Galapagos Islands; in five to seven fathoms, coral sand : Cuming. Panama, in seven fathoms, mud. 7. T. CRENULATA. (pl. xli. f. 18, 19. pl. xlii. f. 32.) Lamarck, 1. c. p. 284. Buccinum crenulatum, Linnæus, Gmelin, No. 132. B. candidum, Born, Mus. p. 263, t. 10, f. 8. Terebra maculata, Perry, t. 16, f. 2. Testâ subulatâ, turritâ, solidulâ, albidâ, strigis longitudina- libus fuscis interruptis ornatâ; anfractibus planulatis, sulco vix conspicuo divisis, supernè tuberculis albis coronatis, bise- riatim punctis rufis cinctis; columellâ subproductâ, rectius- culâ. Shell subulate, turrited, heavy, polished, adorned with small interrupted irregular strigæ of a rufous colour; whorls divided by a groove not always very conspicuous, encircled by two series of punctated spots; columella rather produced, particularly in the older individuals, rather straight. Pl. xlii. fig. 32, represents a very pretty variety of this shell from the collection of Sir Edward Belcher, C.B., and which was pro- cured at the Marquesas. Marquesas Islands; Society Islands; Amboina. Fossil, Red Sea: Burton. 8. T. DIMIDIATA. (pl. xli. f. 7, 8.) Lamarck, 1. c. p. 285. Buccinum dimidiatum, Linnæus, Gmelin, No. 138. B. fer- rugineum, Born, Mus. p. 263, t. 10, f. 7, Terebra carnea, Perry, t. 16, f. 1. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, politâ, carneâ, strigis albis longitudinalibus irregulariter ornatâ; anfractibus planulatis, striis arcuatis incrementi conspicuis, supernè sulco impresso divisis; columellâ subcallosâ, rectiusculâ. Shell truly subulate, polished, of a flesh colour, sometimes more intense, sometimes paler, interrupted by white strigæ which are occasionally united or broken in their course ; whorls flattish, duplicate, the superior area less occupied by the white strigæ; aperture effuse; columella somewhat callous, and strait. The character of the ornation is very similar to that in T. strigata. Tahiti, Society Islands; Amboina. Both the darker and lighter individuals are found at Tahiti, and do not appear to affect different localities. 154 9. T. CONSORS. (pl. xlii. f. 26) Hinds, l. c. p. 150. Testâ gradatim subulatâ, lævigatâ, politâ, albidâ, flammeis pallidis fuscis ornatâ ; anfractibus subplanulatis, supernè lineâ impressâ divisis, areâ superiore spiræ læviter tuberculatâ ; an- fractu ultimo propè basin fasciato; aperturâ infernè subeffusâ ; columellâ nudâ, breviusculâ. Shell subulate, turrited, smooth and polished, white, with pale brown flames; whorls flat, distinctly girdled near their upper margin, the superior area somewhat tubercled, last whorl banded at the base. Aperture oval, effuse, without any canal. Columella naked, smooth, truncate. Its nearest ally is T. dimidiata, than which it is far more gradually subulate; the upper area of the divided whorl is raised and somewhat rounded; the white is the base colour of the shell, and the last whorl is distinctly banded. Tahiti, Society Islands. 10. T. ARGUS. (pl. xliii. f. 64.) Hinds, Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1843, p. 160. T. nebulosa, Kiener, Iconographie, p. 23, t. 10, f. 22. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, politâ, albescente, maculis subquadratis saturatioribus seriatim cinctâ; anfractibus vix rotundatis, supernè sulco impresso divisis ; aperturâ oblongâ; columellâ subarcuatâ, acutâ. Shell elongated, subulate, turrited, polished, white, with three series of cream-coloured square spots, of which the middle is rather the larger ; whorls flat, girdled above, desti- tute of any sculpture. Aperture oblong. Columella subar- . cuate. Canal very short. The name attached to this shell by M. Kiener had been previously used by Mr. Sowerby, so that a change became necessary. Tahiti, Society Islands : Cuming. Nukahiva, Marquesas. 11. T. MUSCARIA. (pl. xli. f. 17, 20. pl. xlii. f. 41.) Lamarck, l. c. p. 285. Testâ subulatâ, turritâ, solidâ, politâ, albidâ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè sulco divisis, maculis subquadratis rufo- fuscis treseriatim cinctis, ultimo quadriseriatim ornato; aperturâ effusâ, intùs pallidâ; columellâ rectiusculâ, sub- truncatâ. Shell elongated, subulate, polished, white, approaching to chesnut; whorls flat, divided by a grove, ornamented with three series of squarish reddish-brown spots, a fourth series appearing on the last whorl ; columella straight and somewhat 155 its own. p. 76. truncate. The shell represented at fig. 20, seems to have been regarded as Buccinum hecticum of Gmelin, and recently figured as such by Potiez, but I do not regard it as other, and that apparently not uncommon, than an abnormal develop- ment of T. muscaria. The undeviating character of the decoration on the latter is only to be rivalled by that of T. sub- ulata, and whilst both these species are eminently alike in their style of markings, they are as decidedly distinct from the tenacity with which each adheres to that which is peculiarly Society Islands; Feejee Islands. 12. T. TIGRINA. (pl. xlii. f. 30.) Gray, l. c. p. 59. Buccinum tigrinum, (bis.) Gmelin, No. 135. B. felinum, Dillwyn, v. ii. Terebra felina, Sowerby, Tank. Cat. Testâ conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, lævigatâ, albâ, uniseria- tim maculatâ ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè lineâ impressa divisis, infernè maculis rufis unicinctis, anfractu ultimo iteratis; aperturâ ovali, effusâ; columellâ breviusculâ, nudâ. Shell conico-subulate, acuminate, smooth, white on the inferior part of the whorl, with a single series of reddish-brown spots; whorls flat, distinctly girdled, smooth and polished, the last fuller than usual, and with two rows of spots. Aper- ture oval, effuse, without any canal. Columella rather short, naked, and a little twisted. It would seem quite time that attention was drawn to some of these long known shells, since they continue almost scarce in collections, and we are not satisfied, as in the present case, that their native country is correctly known. 13. T. DUPLICATA. (pl. xli. f. 1, 2, 3, 4.) Lamarck, l. c. v. vii. p. 286. Buccinum duplicatum, Linnæus, Gmelin, No. 136, Terebra Lamarkii, Kiener, p. 30, t. 9, f. 19. Testâ subulatâ, turritâ, politâ, cinereâ, rariùs castaneâ vel atro-fuscâ ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè sulco divisis, lon- gitudinaliter creberrimè plicatis; propè suturam fasciâ pal- lidâ cinctâ, anfractu ultimo duplicatâ; aperturâ intùs fuscâ ; columellâ contortâ. Variat fasciâ maculis rufis transversis ornatâ. Shell subulate, turrited, polished, usually of an ash or blueish gray, but sometimes fulvous, or even of a dark red , colour as in fig. 1; whorls divided by a groove and thickly ; plicate longitudinally; close to and above the suture is a faint narrow band, which also appears on the back of the last whorl. There is a variety in which this band is articulated by reddish transverse spots, fig. 2, and which M. Kiener a с 156 has described as T. Lamarckii, but which seems to me to have no specific importance. Zanzibar ; Singapore; Majambo Bay, Madagascar. Fossil -Shores of the Red Sea : Burton. 14. T. DUSSUMIERII. (pl. xli. f. 9.) Kiener, 1. c. p. 31, t. 8, f. 17.) > Testà elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, griseâ, fulvo fasciatâ: an- franctibus sulco impresso divisis, longitrorsum valdè plicatis ; aperturâ elongatè ovali; columellâ subrectâ. A fine characteristic species distinguished by its numerous sharp folds, and varied markings; the upper area of the divided whorl is more contracted than the inferior, and thus on a lower plane; the suture is bordered by clear milk-white, and the centre of the whorl is broadly banded of a dark chesnut colour ; aperture more elongated than is usual; columella somewhat straight. Haynan, China: Humphreys. 15. T. SUBULATA.(pl. xli. f. 16, pl. xlii. f. 38, 39.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 286. Buccinum subulatum, Linnæus, Gmelin, No. 131. Terebra fusca, Perry, Conchology, t. 16, f. 3. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, politâ, albidâ; anfractibus planulatis, angustis, sulco vix conspicuo divisis, maculis quadratis rufo-fuscis biseriatim cinctis, ultimo triseriatim ornato; aperturâ subquadratâ; columellâ nudâ, contortâ. Shell very lengthened, subulate, turrited, polished; whorls divided by a groove which is scarcely conspicuous except on the upper whorls, adorned with two series of dark red spots of a square shape, a third appearing on the last whorl ; from the flattening of the last whorl the aper- ture is somewhat square; columella twisted acute. At plate xlii. fig. 38, a constant variety is represented of a paler colour, and with the spots smaller, at greater distances, and of a fawn colour. Tahiti, Society Islands; Bow Island; Moluccas. 16. T. OCULATA. (pl. xlii. f. 31.) Lamarck, l. c. v.vii. p. 286. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, pallidè fulvâ; anfrac- tibus subplanulatis, lineâ impressâ divisis, supernè subtu- midis, maculis albis subdistantibus cinctis, ultimo subquadrato biseriatim maculato; aperturâ subquadratâ; columellâ con- tortâ, acutâ, albidâ, breviter canaliculatâ; epidermide tenui indutâ. Shell elongated, subulate, acuminate, turrited, smooth, of a fawn colour ; whorls girdled, the impressed line not being 1 157 very perceptible on the inferior whorls ; above tumid, and ornamented with a series of roundish white spots, placed somewhat distant and doubled on the last whorl ; aperture squarish, and with a short but decided canal; columella naked, twisted, and with a sharp margin. A thin epidermis covers many individuals. Pomoutou and Society Islands, in the South Pacific; Moluccas. 17. T. SPECTABILIS. (pl. xliv. f. 88, 89.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 150. Testâ subulatâ, lævigatâ, politâ; anfractibus supernè sulco impresso divisis, infrà longitrorsum plicatis, interstitiis lævi- gatis, medio saturatè castaneis, infernè albis; cingulo tuber- culato, albido; anfractu ultimo fasciato; columellâ contortâ elongatâ. An elegant glittering species, well distinguished by its ornation, though scarcely by its sculpture. The area above the girdling is white, sometimes of a pale brown; beneath, and in the midle of each whorl, of a dark chesnut; and a narrow portion just above the suture is of a clear milk white, and the last whorl is similarly banded. A very dis- tinct canal exists. The pale individual figured has most probably lost its colour. Guinea, on the sands: Humphreys. Sumatra, on the sands : Ellis. 18. T. GEMMULATA. (pl. xliv. f. 92.) Kiener, 1. c. p. 15, t. 5. f. 11. Testâ subulatâ. subturritâ, fulvescente, anfractibus sub- planulatis, supernè sulco impresso divisis, longitrorsum plica- tis, suprà biseriatim tuberculatis, propè suturam et cum anfractu ultimo albo cinctis; aperturâ utrinque attenuatâ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ, canali mediocri. The superior portion of each whorl is rather contracted, and here it is provided with two series of small rounded tuber- cles; the lower of the two is white, and from each originates a slightly arched fold. The last whorl has a conspicuous white band, with a dark brown base. Native country unknown. 19. T. COPULA. (pl. xlii. f. 76.) Hinds, l. c. p. 151. . Testâ elongatè turrito-subulatâ, acuminatâ, lævigatâ, nitidâ, saturatè castaneâ; anfractibus subrotundatis, supernè cingulo tuberculato cinctis, infrà plico-costatis; cingulo atro-castaneo fasciato, rarò intervallis tantùm maculatis, interstitiis lævi- gatis; anfractu ultimo parvo, rotundato, propè basin duabus C2 158 fasciis albis angustis ornato; columellâ, nudâ, contortâ, acutâ. Highly polished, and of a dark chesnut; the upper series of tubercles having their intestices picked out with black, sometimes almost in a continuous band. The folds are de- licate, and sharp, with the intervening spaces highly polished. Two narrow pale lines cross the last whorl. Guinea, on the sands: Humphreys. 20. T. FATUA. (pl. xlii. f. 28.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 150. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, albidâ, lævigatâ, politâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, superioribus lineâ impressâ cinctis, maculis fuscis pallidis distantibus biseriatim ornatis; spirâ obso- letè plicatâ; anfractu ultimo elongato, maculis exceptis, unicolore. Shell subulate, subturrited, white, smooth; whorls flat, lengthened, polished, the upper girdled, ornamented on the margins with two series of very pale somewhat distant brown spots; last whorl elongated, those of the spire pli- cate. Aperture elongated, effuse. Columella straight, trun- cate; no canal. St. Christopher, West Indies, on the sand: Miller, 1799. 21. T. ALBIDA. (pl. xliii. f. 56.) Gray, l. c. p. 63. Testâ conico-subulatâ, subturritâ, albâ, lævigatâ; anfrac- tibus planulatis, lineâ impressâ obsoletè divisis, ultimo rotun- dato ; aperturâ effusâ; columellâ nudâ, contortâ. Shell conical subulate, somewhat turrited, white, and per- fectly smooth; whorls flat, and divided by a girdling line, which is not readily visible, destitute of any sculpture; last whorl rounded. Aperture effuse, with a very short canal. Columella naked, twisted. New South Wales, on the sands: Humphreys. 22. T. CHLORATA. (pl. xlii. f. 29.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 288. T. Knorrii, Gray, l. c. p. 59. p Testâ conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, subturritâ, lævigatâ, politâ, albâ, strigis maculisque fuscis confusè longitudina- liter pictâ; anfractibus planulatis, suprà medium lineâ im- pressâ cinctis, ultimo elongato interruptè fasciato; apertura ovali, effusâ; columellâ contortâ; canali nullo. Shell conico-subulate, acuminate, somewhat turrited, smooth and polished, white, with aggregated brown spots, strigæ, and lines, sometimes disposed to banding; whorls flat, smooth and girdled, the last lengthened and banded. 159 Aperture oval, effuse, without any canal. Columella naked and twisted. SAD 0 Seychelles : Dufo. 23. T. RAPHANULA. (pl. xliv. f. 94.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 288. Testâ elongatè ovato-subulatâ, acuminatâ, subturritâ, po- litâ, albâ, maculis oblongis pallidè fuscis seriatim ornatâ ; anfractibus subplanulatis, supernè sulco divisis, longitror- sum capillari-plicatis, interstitiis lævigatis ; anfractu ultimo elongato fasciato; aperturâ utrinque attenuatâ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ, subtruncatâ; canali nullo. Highly polished and glittering, the girdled whorls covered with numerous small sharp folds, and ornamented by pale brown oblong spots, placed methodically in the transverse direction. Amboina. 24. T. CERITHINA. (pl. xliii. f. 58.) Lamarck, l. c. v. vii. p. 288. - Testà obeso-subulatâ, acuminatâ, subturritâ, politâ, pallidâ, rufo-fusco strigatâ; anfractibus subrotundatis, lineâ impressa divisis, longitrorsum plicatis; plicis anfractuum superiorum conspicuis, inferiorum evanidis, interstitiis saturatioribus; anfractu ultimo attenuato, subfasciato; aperturâ effusâ, pallidâ; columellâ anticè productâ ; canali nullo. Distinctly obesely subulate, the whorls covered by longi- tudinal folds, but those of the last three or four are so smooth or apparently worn, as to be scarcely salient from the surface of the shell. The columella has rather a thick callus. The portions of the folds above the girdling are distinguished by no peculiarity of conformation, which is unusual. Philippine Islands : Cuming. Bow Island ; Society Islands; Feejee Islands. 25. T. CÆRULESCENS. (pl. xli. f. 5, 6, 15.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 288. Testâ elongatè conico-subulatâ, subturritâ, politâ, cinereâ, nigricante, aut albo variegatâ; anfractibus planulatis, indi- visis, aperturâ effusâ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ, truncatâ. Shell elongated, conical, subulate, acuminate, polished, varying greatly from an ash or dark colour to becoming par- tially white, or in old individuals entirely so; whorls undivided, the last somewhat rounded; columella short, smooth, straight, and truncated. New Holland : Lamarck. Society Islands; Feejee Islands. It usually is found in considerable numbers. 26. T. NIMBOSA. (pl. xlii. f. 21.( Hinds, l. c. p. 151. Testà elongatè conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, lacteâ, strigis ** 160 longitudinalibus nubeculatâ; anfractibus planulatis, lævigatis, politis, integris, infernè propè suturam albo angustè fasciatis, ultimo fasciato ; aperturâ effusâ ;. columellâ lævi, truncatâ. ; Shell elongated, conico-subulate, acuminate, milky white, figured with aggregated slightly waved pale brown strigæ, ceasing suddenly a little above the suture, thus appearing nar- rowly banded with white; whorls smooth, entire, the last elon- gated. Aperture oval, effuse, without the least appearance of a canal. Columella, smooth, straight, and truncate. Rad sea. Habitat unknown. 27. SENEGALENSIS. (pl. xli. f. 11, 12, 13, 14.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 287. T. striatula, Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 288. T. fusco-maculata, Sowerby, Tank. cat. p. 23. Testâ subulatâ, turritâ, nitidâ, longitudinaliter plico-striatâ, cinereâ, cærulescente, rariùs carneâ, strigis albis ornatâ ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè sulco divisis, transversim in- turruptè fasciatis, ultimo elongato, læviusculo; columellâ rec- tiusculâ. Shell subulate, acuminate, turrited, longitudinally striated, but varying greatly in intensity, sometimes coarse, even to folds, at others nearly smooth and polished; fluctuating equally in colour, the prevailing being a gray or blueish ash colour, and varying to chesnut and flesh colour; whorls divided by a groove, and disposed to be banded transversely; last whorl rather elongated; columella straight, and slightly truncate. The variety of character assumed by different indi- viduals is no doubt the reason why it has been described more than once. M. Kiener's figure, t. 9. f. 18, represents T. stri- gilata, and not this shell. Gambia, and other localities on the West Coast of Africa. 28. T. CINGULA. (pl. xliii. f. 45.) Kiener, I. c. p. 28, t. 8, f. 16. Testâ subulatâ, turritâ, cinereâ, confusè fasciatâ ; anfrac- tibus planulatis lineâ impressâ divisis, superioribus plicatis, inferioribus lævigatis, areâ superiore subtumidâ, sparsim maculis rufis cinctâ; anfractu ultimo elongato; aperturâ attenuatâ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ; canali nullo. Shell subulate, turrited, ash colour, indistinctly banded; whorls flat, girdled, the superior with small folds, the inferior smooth, upper area slightly tumid, and ornamented by rather distant rufous spots; last whorl elongated. Aperture attenuate. Columella naked, rather straight. No canal. Habitat unknown. a 161 4 3 29. T. LAURINA. (pl. xlii. f, 27.) Hinds, l. c. p. 152. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, acuminatâ, lævigatâ, politâ, oli- vaceâ; anfractibus planulatis, plicis tenuibus sinuosis, capil- laribus, infrà evanidis, supernè lineâ impressâ obsoletâ cinctis, ultimo unicolore, lævigato; aperturâ fuscâ, effusâ; columellâ lævi, subtruncatâ. Shell elongated, subulate, acuminate, smooth, polished, of an olive colour; whorls flat, above indistinctly girdled, with numerous fine longitudinal folds. Aperture oval, effuse, brown within. Columella straight, naked, truncate. No canal. Western Africa, in sandy mud : Rev. W. V. Hennah. 30. T. STYLATA. (pl. xliv. f. 79.) Hinds, l. c. p. 152. Testâ subulatâ, acuminatâ, politâ, olivaceâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, integris, numerosè plicatis, infrà evanidis, propè suturam albidis maculis fuscis interruptè fasciatis, ultimo lavi- gato, infernè albo angustè fasciato : aperturâ fuscâ; columellâ lævi, subtruncatâ. The whorls are undivided, and at their upper part furnished with numerous small, almost capillary folds, which disappear about the middle, leaving the inferior portion quite smooth, and, at the sametime, of a paler colour. The folds are crossed, just beneath the suture, with transverse narrow dark spots. The aperture is much darker than the rest of the shell. Japan ; Philippine Islands, 31. T. CASTANEA. (pl. xliii. f. 59.) Kiener, 1. c. p. 19. t. 7. f. 14. Testâ elongatè conico-subulatâ, subturritâ, nitidâ, castaneâ; anfractibus planulatis, sulco impresso divisis, longitrorsùm acutèplicatis; interstitiis lævigatis ; aperturâ supernè attenuatâ ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ, subtruncatâ ; canali nullo. The folds are separated by distinct smooth spaces, and are , sharp and nearly straight; the girdling is effected more by the cessation of the folds, than by any constriction. The colour dark chesnut, with sometimes a slight appearance of white near the sutures; the last whorl is banded by white, and its base is somewhat tubercular. Mauritius : Kiener. Guinea : Humphreys. 32. T. PERTUSA. (pl. xlii. f. 42, 43.) Basterot, Buccinum pertusum, Born, Mus. p. 267, t. 10, f. 13. Terebra undata, , f Defrance, Dict. des Scien. Nat. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, subturritâ, nitidâ, fulvâ; anfrac- tibus planulatis, longitrorsum plicatis, lineâ impressâ cinctis, interstitiis plicarum areæ superioris rufo-fusco pictis, lineis is a very 162 interruptis tranversim exculptis ; aperturâ subquadratâ, bre- viter canaliculatâ. Shell elongated, subulate, subturrited, yellow, varying to brown; whorls flat, longitudinally plicate, traversed trans- versely in the intervals between the folds by impressed lines, of which one larger and deeper than the rest represents the girdle. The intervals between the folds of the superior area is richly painted of a deep reddish brown. A short but distinct canal. This is one of those shells with which the earlier Concho- logists were familiar, and it is far better figured by Born than in other more recent works ; indeed, Kiener's figure is scarcely recognizable. Yet though so long known, it continues far from common in collections, and we are ignorant of its native country. Fossils from Bordeaux and the south of Europe have been assigned by Basterot and Bronn to this species. 33. T. NEBULOSA. (pl. xliii. f. 51.) Sowerby, Tank. Cat. p. 25. Testâ elongatè conico-subulatâ turritâ, nitidâ, albâ, maculis magnis aurantiaco-rufis confusè pictâ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè sulco punctato divisis, longitrorsum plicatis: plicis obtusis, approximatis, subarcuatis, interstitiis striatis; anfractu ultimo fasciato. ad basin rufescente; aperturâ elongatè ovali; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ. The girdling is here distinguished by the presence of a punctuation between each fold. The folds are large and broad, and with the interstices striated. The prevailing colour is white, but the shell is handsomely painted with large irre- gular orange-red spots or blotches, and the base and aperture are of the same uniform colour. The last whorl is banded with white. Native country unknown. 34. T. ALVEOLATA. (pl. xlv. f. 120.) Hinds. l. c. p. 151. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, attenuatè acuminatâ, nitidâ, fuscâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, supernè cingulo tuberculato cinctis, infrà plico-costatis, interstitiis striatis ; cingulo et fractu ultimo albo fasciato, maculis quadratis rufis arti- culato. The description is drawn up from a somewhat young speci- men in the collection of Sir E. Belcher, and the mouth and last whorl have not yet attained their full development. The character of the shell is, however, very conspicuous. In this genus the last whorl will be found very frequently 163 to offer decided features, and becomes a valuable aid in the diagnosis. Straits of Malacca ; in seventeen fathoms among mud. 35. T. SPECILLATA. (pl, xliv. f. 96. pl. xlv. f. 116.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 155. Testâ gracilè turrito-subulatâ, valdè acuminatâ, albâ, rufo sparsim maculatâ et nebulosâ; anfractibus subplanulatis longitrorsum subdistanter tenuè plico-costatis, transversim læviter striatis, supernè cingulo tuberculato, interstitiis tuber- culorum præcipuè pictis ; anfractu ultimo fasciato ; aperturâ parvâ; columellâ subrectâ. The spire is attenuated and acuminate, of a dead white irregularly clouded with brown, but much more intense among the series of tubercles; the folds are distant, not very prominent, and nearly straight. Aperture attenuated, and terminating in a canal. San Blas, Mexico; in seven fathoms, sandy mud. 36. T. CONSPERSA. (pl. xliv. f. 74.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 153. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, nitidâ, albâ; anfractibus subrotun- datis, plico-costatis, supernè lineâ impressâ, præcipuè inter- stitiali, cinctis, propè suturam punctis rufis rarò conspersis, interstitiis striatis ; anfractu ultimo ad basin fulvo ; columellâ nudâ, contortâ. A pretty little species, only known to me through the two specimens in the collection of Mr. Cuming; and it will readily be distinguished by its sparsely scattered rufous spots and orange base. Catbalonga, Island of Samar, Philippines ; eight fathoms, sandy mud : Cuming. 37. T. VARICOSA. Hinds, l. c. p. 152. Testâ elongatè conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, nitidâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, plico-costatis, supernè cin- gulo tuberculato contracto cinctis; costis subdistan- tibus, albidis, interstitiis striatis fuscis: anfractu ultimo breviusculo, rotundato, albo, fasciato; co- lumellâ contortâ. Gulf of Papagayo, west coast of Central Ame- rica; in twenty-three fathoms, mud. 38. T. FRIGATA. (pl. xliv. f. 71.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 162. T. gracilis, Gray, l. c. p. 61. Testâ elongatè conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, politâ, nitidâ, pallidã; anfractibus planulatis, supernè lineâ impressâ divisis, plicatis, interstitiis striatis ; areâ superiore tuberculis 3 t р 164 rotundatis instructâ; plicis infernè subtuberculosis; aperturâ utrinque attenuatâ ; columellâ contortâ. The individuals before us appear to have lost all their colour, and are uniformly pale. The folds are remarkable from terminating at their inferior extremity in a swelling or tubercle. A fossil species had previously received Mr. Gray's name. Africa : Gray. Gallapagos Islands; in six fathoms, coral sand : Cuming. 39. T. PLUMBEA. (pl. xliv. f, 70.) Quoy, Voy. de l'Astro- labe, p. 470, t. 36, f. 29, 30. Testâ subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, politâ, nitidâ, nigricante ; anfractibus planulatis, integris, supernè juxtà suturam albidis, infrà saturatioribus, plicatis; aperturâ effusâ, atro-fuscâ; colu- mellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ. A neat highly polished shell with entire whorls and longi- tudinal folds. The whorls at their upper margins are pale, and immediately beneath of a more intense dark than elsewhere. Moluccas : Quoy and Gaimard. Cagayan, Island of Misa- mis, Philippines : Cuming. 40. T. NITIDA. (pl. xlv. f. 103.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 152. . Testâ obeso-subulatâ, acuminatâ, pallidè plumbeâ, politâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, rectè plico-costatis, supernè inter- stitiis lineâ punctatâ cinctis, ultimo parvo subattenuato, uni- colore, plicis evanidis; labio interno producto ; labro anticè subsinuoso. An excellent diagnostic character exists in this species, in the circumstance that the girdling line which traverses the upper part of each whorl does not cross the ribs, but is con- fined to the interstices. Marquesas ; in seven fathoms, sandy mud. 41. T. HASTATA. (pl. xliv. f. 87.) Sowerby, 1. c. p. 76. Buccinum hastatum, Gmelin. Terebra costata, Menke. Syn. Mus. p. 84. Testâ subulatâ, cylindraceâ, acuminatâ, subturritâ, politâ, albâ, brunneo subfasciatâ; anfractibus planulatis, integris, plicis numerosis politis, ultimo attenuato, fasciato; aperturâ attenuatâ ; columellâ nudâ, rectâ, truncatâ ; canali nullo. Remarkably cylindrical, acuminate, white, the lower por- tions of the whorls irregularly ornamented with pale brown. The whorls are entire, with numerous polished folds con- tinuous throughout their breadth. Native country unknown. 165 42. T. CASTA. (pl. xliv. f. 84.) Hinds, l. c. p. 156. Testâ obeso-subulatâ, subturritâ, albescente, lævigatâ, politâ; anfractibus integris, planulatis, supernè plicatis et lacteo fasciatis, infrà lævigatis, strigis longitudinalibus pallidè fuscis nebulosis; anfractu ultimo sub-elongato, lacteo fasciato columellâ brevi, subrectâ ; canali nullo. The milky white colour is broken by longitudinal markings of a pale brown; a narrow banding, however, of uninter- rupted white transverses the superior part of each whorl, and also the last whorl. The folds are delicate and numerous, disappearing towards the middle of the whorl. Aperture effuse. Columella truncate. No canal. This species is not girdled, though from the distribution of the colouring, it might at first appear so; and it will thus be readily distin- guished from T. raphanula, which is decidedly so. Ilo-ilo, Island of Panay, Philippines, at low water : Cuming 43. T. Rudis. (pl. xliii. f. 60.) Gray, l. c. p. 60. T. Petitii, Kiener, l. c. p. 37, t. 13, f. 32. Testâ elongatè conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, pallidâ ; anfractibus planulatis, subangustis, supernè sulco divisis; plicis subrectis, brevibus, lineis duabus vel tribus impressis decus- satis; aperturâ utrinque attenuatâ; columellâ nudâ, contortâ; breviter canaliculatâ. So closely allied to T. plicata, that description must fail to distinguish them; yet on comparison, they are conspicuously distinct. The present is more elongated and coarser, the whorls are narrow and provided with short solid ribs, nearly or quite straight; and these are crossed by two, or perhaps three transverse lines. T. plicata is highly polished, the ribs are longer, delicate and sharp, placed somewhat at a distance, and very regularly crossed by three or sometimes four lines. New York and Philadelphia: Kiener. 44. T. PLICATA. (pl. xliii. f. 61.) Gray, l. c. p. 61. Testâ conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, pallidâ, nitidâ ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè cingulatis, longitrorsum plica- tis; plicis acutis, subarcuatis, transversim lineis definitis, circà quatuor, exsculptis ; aperturâ oblongâ, subquadratâ ; columellâ nudâ, contortâ, acutâ; breviter canaliculatã. Shell conical subulate, acuminate, turrited, of an uniform pale cream-colour, shining; whorls flat, with slightly sinuous folds, girdled above, with about four transverse very regular D 2 166 impressed lines; last whorl obscurely banded. Aperture rather square. Columella naked, twisted. A short canal. Guayaquil; in seven fathoms, sandy mud : Cuming. 45. T. EBURNEA. (pl. xlv. f. 123.) Hinds, l. c, p. 153. Testâ obeso-subulatâ, albâ; anfractibus lævigatis, nitidis, , supernè lineâ impressâ, infernè uni-vel biseriatim lineis punc- tatis, cinctis; anfractu ultimo seriebus quinis linearum punc- tarum ; aperturâ elongatâ; columella lævi, breviusculâ. Solid, like ivory, the inferior whorls obese and smooth, the superior plicate, above girdled by a punctated line; one or two others, similar but less conspicuous, transverse the inferior part, and on the last whorls these are several times repeated. The columella is truncate, and slightly callous. Seychelles. 46. T. AMANDA. (pl. xlv. f. 100.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 154. Testa elongatè conico-subulatâ, nitidâ; anfractibus planu- latis, supernè cingulo tuberculato margaritaceo cinctis, infrà secundo minore concolore, infernè aurantiacis biseriatim punc- tato-lineatis, ultimo brevi; aperturâ parvâ, quadratâ; colum- ellâ contortâ. An uncommonly pretty shell, offering an elegant contrast between the row of pearly tubercles and the general orange colour. It is only known to me from two individuals in the collection of Sir Edward Belcher, and as neither of these has attained mature age, the characters of the columella are wanting. Straits of Macassar; in eleven fathoms, coarse sand. 47. T. TESSELLATA. (pl. xlv. f. 124,) Gray, l. c. p. 61. Testâ subulatâ, turritâ, lævigatâ, albâ, brunneo interruptè trifasciatâ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè seriebus duabus tuberculorum instructis; aperturâ quadratâ; columellâ con- tortâ; canali mediocri. A single specimen only of this species exists, and which is in the collection of the British Museum. Native country unknown. 48. T. LIGATA. (pl. xlv. f. 117, 118.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 153. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, acuminatâ; anfractibus planulatis, transversim striatis, cingulis duobus tuberculatis, cingulo superiore et areâ inferiore maculis quadratis fuscis transversis ornatâ, cingulo inferiore minore albidâ concolore; anfractu ultimo parvo, biseriatim maculato. , An attractive shell, which though like T. triseriata it pos- 167 x sesses two rows of tubercles, there is little fear of confounding with it. The spots here are transverse, which is rather a peculiarity. The pale individual figured has most probably been deprived of its colour. Marquesas; in seven fathoms, sandy mud. 49. T. LINGUALIS. (pl. xliii. f. 50.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 153. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, albidâ, flammeis atro-fuscis longi- tudinalibus ornatâ; anfractibus planulatis, lineis duabus impressis divisis, infrà suturam tuberculatis ; areâ inferiore lævigatâ; anfractu ultimo subrotundato, lævigato, fasciato ; aperturâ quadratâ ; columellâ contortâ; canali reflexo. Shell subulate, turrited, white, with richly coloured dark red flames, occasionally confluent; whorls about twenty, flat, above with a girdling line, a second often invisible on the inferior portion of the whorl or in the upper ones, upper part with coarse tubercular folds, becoming nearly smooth below; last whorl banded. Aperture square; columella twisted; canal reflexed. The whorls, particularly those of the spire, are divided into three spaces by two girdling lines; the lower area is smooth, but the two others, particularly the most superior, is tubercled. It is a handsome species, from the deep reddish-brown flames with which it is covered. Gulf of Papagayo, and Bay of Montejo, west coast of America; ten to seventeen fathoms, sandy mud: Cuming and Hinds. 50. T. CORRUGATA. (pl. xliii. f, 62.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 287. T. punctata, Gray, l. c. p. 61. Testâ longissimè subulatâ, turritâ, solidâ, pallidâ; anfrac- tibus numerosis, angustis, supernè lineâ impressâ divisis; areâ superiore tumidă, nodoso-plicatâ, interstitiis rufo-fusco pictis; areâ inferiore contractâ, lævi, strigis longitudinalibus, rariùs biseriatim, ornatâ ; aperturâ parvâ, quadratâ; columellâ nudâ, contortâ, acutâ, biplicatâ, plicâ inferiore majore; canali reflexo. Shell slender, subulate, turrited, of a pale colour; whorls numerous, about 24, narrow, girdled, the superior area tumid, with nodulous folds, the interstices filled with reddish-brown spots, the inferior area contracted, smooth, with longitudinal spots, sometimes arranged transversely in two series, of which the superior is by far the smaller ; last whorl very short. Aperture square. Columella naked, twisted, with two folds, the inferior being the larger. Canal reflexed. Native country unknown. 168 a 51. T. FUNICULATA. (pl. xliii. f. 63.( Hinds, l. c. p. 153. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, nitidâ, fulvâ; anfractibus numerosis, planulatis, supernè cingulo lævi lineâ impressa diviso, infrà cingulo minore, areâ inferiore transversim striatâ; anfractu ultimo brevi, medio sulco unico; aperturâ parvâ, con- colore; columellâ subarcuatâ, acutâ, anticè productâ ; canali breviusculo. The area above the girdle is smooth and traversed by a sin- gle line, beneath it is tumid, so as to resemble a smaller and second girdling. A remarkable single groove crosses the last whorl near its middle. Native country unknown. 52. T. TRICOLOR. (pl. lxiv. f. 82.) Sowerby, Tank. cat. p. 24. T. tæniolata, Quoy, Voy. de l’Astrolabe, p. 466, t. 36, f. 25, 26. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, lævigatâ, trico- lore; anfractibus numerosis, planulatis, lævibus, supernè lineâ impressâ divisis; areâ superiore albâ, areâ inferiore carneâ, lineâ impressâ et propè suturam lineâ rufâ bicinctâ ; anfractu ultimo tricincto; aperturâ subquadratâ; columellâ anticè productâ. Shell gracefully subulate, perfectly smooth, except that the whorls are girdled, and bear the marks of the arched lines of growth. The superior area is white, and the inferior of a flesh colour; and the line and also the lower part of each whorl close to the suture, has a narrow red line ; an additional one also appears at the base of the last whorl. Tongatabu: Quoy and Gaimard. Island of St. Thomas : Sowerby. It is not probable that both these localities are correct. 53. T. MONILIS. (pl. xliii. f. 65, 66.) Quoy, Voy. de l'As- trolabe, p. 47. t. 36, f. 21, 22. Testâ gracilè subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, luteâ, fulvâ, vel fuscescente, unicolore ; anfractibus planulatis, lineâ impressa divisis, areâ superiore tuberculis quadratis pallidis cinctâ, in- feriore lævigatâ politâ, lineis duabus impressis, nonnumquam obsoletis, instructâ; aperturâ subquadratâ; columellâ acutâ, anticè productâ. Shell gracefully subulate, acuminate, turrited, pale yellow, orange, or brown; whorls flat, girdled, the superior area occu- pied by a single series of square pale pustular looking tuber- cles, the inferior smooth and polished, and traversed by two impressed lines, which are often obsolete. Aperture small, rather square, with a short canal. Columella produced for- ward, with an acute margin. Native country unknown. 169 54. T. CINGULIFERA. (pl. xlii. f. 24, 25.) Lamarck, l. c. v. vii. p. 289. T. punctulata, Sowerby. Tank. cat. p. 24. T. . punctato-striata, Gray, l. c. p. 61. Testâ longissimè subulatâ, turritâ, lævigatâ, flavescente; anfractibus numerosis supernè lineâ valdè impressâ divisis, transversim lineis subdistantibus punctato-striatis indutis ; aperturâ parvâ, subquadratâ; columellâ arcuatâ, productâ ; canali brevi. Shell lengthened, subulate, turrited, smooth, pale yellow ; whorls numerous, girdled, beneath with a few definite punc- tated transverse lines. Aperture squarish, with a short canal. Columella arched, produced forward. New Holland. Kiener. Annaa, South Pacific; Ilo-ilo, Island of Panay, and Island of Burias, Philippines : Cuming. Tahiti, Society Islands. 55. T. BABYLONIA. (pl. xliii. f. 67.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 287. T. striata, Gray, l. c. p. 60. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, lævigatâ, nitidâ, pallidè rufescente; anfractibus planulatis, supernè sulco divisis, longitrorsùm plicatis; areâ superiore tuberculis quadratis albidis, subobliquis instructâ; plicis areæ inferioris latis, albidis, confertis, lineis raris saturatioribus decussatis ; anfractu ultimo ad basin rufo ; aperturâ parvâ, elongatâ; columellâ anticè productâ. Among the gracefully subulate, turrited species, this is more particularly distinguished by its closely set, flat, whitish folds, which are crossed by two, rarely three lines, which together with the interspaces of the folds, are of an orange red colour; the base of the last whorl and the aperture are simi- lourly coloured. Haynan, China: Schroeter. Bow Island; Tahiti, Society Islands; Feejee Islands. 56. T. STRAMINEA. (pl. xlii. f. 22, 23.) Gray, l. c. p. 62. Testâ longissimè subulatâ, turritâ, flavescente vel aurantiacâ ; anfractibus numerosis, lineâ valdè impressâ divisis, trans- versim sulcatis ; areâ superiore plico-tuberculatâ, undique rugulosâ; aperturâ parvâ; elongatè ovali; columellâ arcuatâ productâ; canali breviusculo, subreflexo. Shell gracefully lengthened, subulate, turrited, of a clear yellow, verging to orange; whorls numerous, boldly girdled, transversely sulcate; the upper area plico-tuberculate, and everywhere roughened by the lines of growth crossing the 170 sulci. Aperture small, oval. Columella arched and produced forward. Canal short, reflexed. Haynan, China; Tranquebar : Schroeter. 57. T. PRETIOSA. (pl. xliii. f. 54.) Reeve, Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 200. Testâ longissimè subulatâ, turritâ, rugosâ, pallidâ, fusco interruptè pictâ; anfractibus numerosissimis, circà 30, planu- latis, valdè excavato-cingulatis, plicis longitudinalibus arcuatis confertim instructis, interstitiis striatis ; aperturâ elongatè subquadratâ ; columellâ anticè productâ ; canali mediocri, reflexo. Shell elegantly subulate, very lengthened, turrited, of a pale colour, irregularly painted with reddish-brown; whorls very numerous, boldly girdled, closely set with numerous arching folds, the interstices being striate. Aperture small, elon- gated, squarish. Columella produced forward. A dis- tinct canal. A single specimen only of this fine species is in the collec- tion of Mr. Cuming, and another is known to exist in the col- lection of M. Grüner. It is, however, surpassed in the num- ber of its whorls by T. commaculata. China. 58. T. COMMACULATA. (pl. xlii. f. 37.) Pfeiffer. Bucci- num strigilatum, Gmelin, (nec Linnæus). B. commaculatum, Gmelin, No. 143. Terebra myuros, Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 289. T. scabrella, Lamarck, 1.c. v. vii. p. 289. . Testâ longissimè subulatâ, turritâ, albidâ, maculis magnis rufis longitudinalibus subquadratis ornatâ; anfractibus nume- rosissimis, planulatis, supernè cingulatis, lineis transversis minutè tuberculatis scabris; striis incrementi conspicuis; anfractu ultimo parvo, brevi, infernè coarctato; aperturâ subquadratâ ; columellâ anticè productâ, contortâ, acutâ canali brevi, reflexo. Shell very lengthened, subulate, somewhat turrited, white, with large rather square longitudinal dark red spots; whorls flat, very numerous, in the specimen before me 32 in number, and some of the extreme terminal ones are still wanting, girdled, scabrous from the crossing of transverse striæ with the lines of growth; last whorl small, short, and suddenly contracted. Aperture rather square, terminating in a short reflexed canal. Columella produced. The description and figure are from a very elegant specimen in the collection of Mr. Cuming New Guinea. Fossil on the shores of the Red Sea: Burton. 171 59. TRISERIATA. (pl. xlv. f. 119.) Gray, l. c. p. 61. Testâ gracillimè subulatâ, turritâ, pallidè flavâ ; anfractibus numerosissimis, circà viginti-novem, planulatis, supernè seriebus duabus tuberculorum rotundorum cinctis, infrà cancellatis, ultimo quadrato ; aperturâ perparvâ, quadratâ ; columellâ anticè productâ; canali mediocri. Of greater length, compared with the diameter, than any other species; and it is very elegantly proportioned. The whorls are furnished above with two series of rounded tuber- cles, and between which the girdling line passes. Our speci- mens are of a pale yellow varying to a browner colour. Island of Ticao, Philippines; six fathoms, sand: Cuming. China Sea; twenty-two fathoms. The characters presented by this and the two preceding species are aberrant from the more typical Terebra, and pre- sent the only safe grounds on which, at present, any sectional division can be attempted. As such, I have for some time regarded it, and also assigned the group the following desig- nation, and as my views as to its value seem fixed, it is here introduced. SUBGENUS, MYURELLA. Testa longissimè subulata ; anfractus numerosissimi, supernè cingulo tuberculoso instructi, infernè transversim exculpti, vel rarius totiùs læves. Apertura perparva, canali- culata. Columella anticè producta. I do not doubt that several other species might be placed here with advantage, but I refrain from doing so now, as between the two, there appears to be a gap which the speci- mens before me do not enable me to fill up, and also because these are often not in such a condition as to unable me to decide. Thus, I regard the production of the columella forward as an inner lip as indispensable, but this character in many cases beforeus is not developed, since it is always attendant on mature age. 60. LÆVIGATA. (pl. xliv. f. 93.) Gray, l. c. p. 61. Testâ longissimè subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, concolore ; anfractibus numerosis, planulatis, supernè sulco divisis, infernè lineis parvis impressis transversim instructis; areâ superiore lævi, integrâ; aperturâ parvâ, subquadratâ ; columellâ con- tortâ, acutâ ; canali mediocri. T. funiculata approaches the present species very closely, E 172 but the impressed line of the upper area, and the groove on the last whorl in that shell, with other features, are sufficient to distinguish them. Here both margins of the girdling line are tumid, and prominent above the general surface. Ceylon. 61. T. COLUMELLARIS. (pl. xliv. f. 77,) Hinds, l. c. p. 151. Testâ elongatâ, subcylindraceâ, turrito-subulatâ, aurantiacâ, albo nebulosâ; anfractibus subrotundatis, longitrorsum undatim plico-costatis, supernè lineâ impressâ cinctis; inter- stitiis rufis, striatis; anfractu ultimo breviusculo, rotundato, albo fasciato. Aperturâ effusâ; columellâ nudâ. Remarkable from its great similarity to T. undulata, which is itself a peculiar species. The grounds of distinction are its decidedly cylindrical shape, different distribution of the colour, and its short, abrupt, rounded and banded last whorl. At plate xlv. fig. 127, is represented a white variety, but which has in all probability lost its colour. Native country unknown. 62. T. UNDULATA. (pl. xliii. f. 55.) Gray, l. c. p. 60. T. pertusa, Kiener, Iconographie, var. t. 11. f. 24, c. Testâ attenuatè subovali subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, nitida, aurantiacâ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè lineâ impressa divisis, longitrorsum plicatis; plicis obtusis, confertis, obliquis, suprà cingulum nodulosis, albidis, interstitiis striatis; anfractu ultimo attenuato, concolore; aperturâ utrinque attenuatâ, aurantiacâ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ. The inferior whorls are slightly swelled, which separates it at once from many species, all of which may be regarded as very lengthened cones; the folds are rigidly oblique, and the inter- vals rather closely striate; nodulous range is white, but everywhere else it is of a clear orange. The last whorl and aperture are unusually attenuate. M. Kiener has considered it as a variety of T. pertusa, which is truly a very different shell. Bow Island ; New Guinea ; Straits of Malacca. 63. T. AFFINIS. (pl. xliv. f. 78.) Gray, l. c. p. 60. T. striata, Quoy, Voy. de l'Astrolabe, p. 468. t. 36. f. 23, 24. Testâ elongatè subulatâ, turritâ, politâ, albâ, rufo subseria- tim pictâ; anfractibus sulco divisis, longitrorsùm plicatis ; plicis magnis, planis, latis, interstitiis angustis, striatis; an- fractu ultimo attenuato, tranversim rufo-fusco lineato ; aper- turâ effusâ; columellâ rectiusculâ, contortâ. The individuals vary much ; generally they are small and dwarf, anditis then the shell described by Mr. Gray ; sometimes they are large and fine grown, in which case it is the shell of M. Quoy. Mr Gray observes that it is allied to T. nubeculata, but smaller and of more slender proportions. The shell و the upper 173 و which at present bears this name in the British Museum, is T. nebulosa, and this most probably Mr. Gray means. On the authority of Mr. Sowerby, the author of both these species, T. nubeculata is not to be identified. The name of M. Quoy has priority, but happens to be previously occupied in a fossil species. Feejee Islands; Seychelles. 64. T. VARIEGATA. (pl. xliii. f. 53.) Gray, l. c. p. 61. T. africana, Gray, Griffiths, ed. Cuvier, t. 23, f. 5. Testâ conico-subulatâ, turritâ, albâ vel cinereâ, maculis lon- gitudinalibus atro-rufis ornatâ ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè sulco impresso divisis; areâ superiore tuberculato-plicatâ, in- terrupè fusco pictâ, inferiore sulcis tribus cinctâ; anfractu ultimo albo fasciato; aperturâ subquadratâ; columellâ nudâ, contortâ; canali brevi. Shell conical subulate, turrited, white varying to ash; whorls flat, girdled, the superior area with tubercular folds, inter- ruptedly painted with dark red spots, the lower area polished with the regular grooves, ornamented with longitudinal spots; last whorl banded. Aperture rather square; columella naked, twisted. A short canal. Guayamas, Gulf of California; in ten to twelve fathoms, sandy mud: Cuming. 65. T. INTERTINCTA. (pl. xliv. f. 81.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 155. Testâ conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, pallidâ vel cærulescente; anfractibus planulatis, politis, duabus vel tribus lineis transversis, supernè cingulo tuberculato, infernè obsoletè tuberculo-plicatis, interstitiis tuberculorum fusco maculatis; anfractu ultimo subrotundato, uniseriatim tu- berculato, interstitiis nebulosis; aperturâ ovali; columellâ nudâ, contortâ. The whorls are surmounted by a row of tubercles, with small brown spots in the intervals; beneath the area is polished, with some obsolete folds, which, descending to the suture, gradually develope, and terminate in a small tubercle ; and, tracing them round the whorls till the lip ceases, they con- tinue over the middle of the last whorl as a row of small tubercles. Gambia ; among sandy mud. 66. T. ARMILLATA. (pl. xliii. f. 49.) Hinds, l. c. p. 154. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, acuminatâ, fuscâ; anfractibus planu- latis, longitrorsum subdistanter plico-costatis, transversim lineis definitis impressis, supernè cingulo noduloso, ætate valdè notabili; anfractu ultimo subquadrato, ad basin albo fasciato ; aperturâ atro-fuscâ ; columellâ contortâ. Shell subulate, turrited, acuminate, brown varying to ash colour ; whorls flat, rather distantly plicate, with transvers a E 2 174 impressed lines, above with a coarse nodulous girdle ; last whorl squarish, banded. Aperture brown within, square. Columella twisted, covered with a very thin callus. Abundant in various localities on the west coast of America, between Panama and the Bay of Magdalena in Lower Cali- fornia, in from five to thirteen fathoms; also at the Galapagos, in ten fathoms, chiefly in sandy situations. It was also found imbedded in the fossiliferous cliffs which surround a portion of the Bay of Magdalena. 67. T. ASPERA. (pl. xliii. f. 44.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 154. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, acuminatâ, pallidâ, aurantiacâ vel fuscâ; anfractibus subrotundatis, longitrorsum subconfertè plico-costatis, nodulosis, liris transversis decussantibus, supernè cingulo plico-nodulifero sparsim fusco maculato; anfractu ultimo rotundato, ad basin albo fasciato; aperturâ colorem testæ simulante; columellâ contortâ. Shell subulate, turrited, acuminate, fluctuating from pale to orange or dark brown; whorls somewhat rounded, with numerous closely-set longitudinal folds, these being crossed by transverse grooves, originate numerous small prominent tubercular interspaces; the upper area is usually pale with distant reddish-brown spots ; last whorl rounded, banded with white. Aperture oblong. Columella twisted. Canal short. Panama, Monte Christi, St. Elena, west coast of America; in from six to ten fathoms, sandy mud : Cuming. 68. T. RADULA. (pl. xliv. f. 95.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 155. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, fulvâ, nitidâ; anfractibus rotundatis, plicis tuberculatis longitudinalibus et transversis cancellatis, propè suturam serie tuberculorum majusculorum; anfractu ultimo ad basin albo angustè fasciato; aperturâ oblongâ, con- colore; columellâ contortâ, acutâ. The whorls are rounded and cancellated, with small tubercular elevations at the angles. The series of tubercles above the girdling is somewhat paler, and the last whor) has a narrow band. The shell is unique, in Mr. Cuming's collection. Puerto Portrero, west coast of America; in thirteen fathoms, coral sand: Cuming. 69. T. BIFRONS. (pl. xliii. f. 57.) Hinds, l. c. p. 155. 1 Testâ turrito-subulatâ, lævigatâ, fuscâ; anfractibus rotun- datis, inferioribus multiseriatim tuberculatis, superioribus longitrorsum biseriatim tuberculo-plicatis; tuberculis parvis approximatis, interstitiis lævibus; aperturâ oblongâ; columellâ rectiusculâ, subtruncatâ. 175 Shell subulate, turrited, smooth, of a dirty brown; whorls somewhat rounded, entire, the penultimate and ante- penultimate with about four series of small tubercles, the remaining superior whorls with two series of longitudinal folds, their extremities separated by a narrow smooth interval Aperture oblong, effuse. Columella naked, short, and truncate. No canal. Japan : Dr. E. Siebold. 70. T. GLAUCA. (pl. xliv. f. 85.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 155. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, acuminatâ, glaucescente; anfrac- tibus rotundatis, eleganter cancellatis, propè suturam cingulo albido tuberculato; anfractu ultimo elongato, pallidè fasciato; aperturâ ovali; columellâ contortâ. Probably only the young of T. radula, nothwithstanding the rather different character of the cancellation, and its glaucous appearance. Native country unknown. 71. T. BICINCTA. (pl. xliv. f. 72.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 150. Testâ subulatâ, lævigatâ, nitidâ; anfractibus rotundatis, lineâ impressâ divisis, longitrosum plicatis, supernè areâ coarctatâ, transversim biseriatim super plicas minutè tuber- culatis; plicis tenuibus, acutis, interstitiis lævigatis ; anfractu ; ultimo concolore. Remarkably and very distinctly characterized by the two rows of small tubercles which encircle the whorls beneath the girdling. The shell is otherwise of an uniform white glassy colour, which might be attributable to its condition. Our skilful artist seems to have seen an additional series of tuber- cles; but except on the last whorl where there are three, I cannot discover more than two. The specimen is unique in the collection of Mr. Cuming. Native country unknown. 72. T. TUBERCULOSA. (pl. xliii. f. 48.) Hinds, l. c. p. 154. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, acuminatâ, politâ, olivaceâ; anfrac- tibus planulatis, lævigatis, politis, supernè cingulo tuber- culato, areâ inferiore triseriatim tuberculato; seriebus duabus superioribus frequenter subevanidis; antractu ultimo sub- quadrato, unicolore, multiseriatim tuberculato; columellâ contortâ. Shell subulate, acuminate, turrited, polished, pale olive ; whorls flat, shining, above with a nodulous girdle, beneath with about three series of small regularly disposed tubercles, those in the middle being less distinct; last whorl rather square, not banded. Aperture oblong. Columella naked, twisted. 176 a This is a very distinct tubercled species from the collection of Sir Edward Belcher. Panama; Gulf of Papagayo; San Blas ; in from four to eleven fathoms. 73. T. LARVÆFORMIS. (pl. xliii. f. 46, 47.) Hinds, 1.c. p.155. Testâ subcylindraceâ, turrito-subulatâ, fuscâ, nitidâ; anfrac- tibus brevibus rotundatis, longitrorsum plico-costatis, supernè lineâ impressâ contractatis; costis rotundatis vel varicosis, interstitiis læviter striatis; anfractu ultimo breviusculo, pallidè fasciato ; aperturâ pallidâ. Shell somewhat cylindrical, subulate, turrited, shining, of a rich brown; whorls narrow,rounded, with longitudinal rounded folds, girdled above, the interstices feebly striated ; last whorl short, with a pale banding. Aperture small and contracted. Columella short, twisted. I have examined a number of specimens of this shell, all of which I refer to this species, and find them vary much in the general and relative proportion of their outline and width of whorls. St. Elena and Monte Christi, west coast of America ; in from six to fifteen fathoms, sandy mud. 74. T. FENESTRATA. (pl. xliv. f. 86.) Hinds, l. c. p. 153. Testâ elongatè conico-subulatâ, pallidè fulvâ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè cingulo nodulifero, infrà secundo minore, infernè cancellatis; apice subpapillari; anfractu ultimo quadrato ad basin abruptè contractato; aperturâ parvâ ; labio interno ; subcalloso, producto. The superior series of tubercles is large and prominent, and just beneath is accompanied by a second of smaller size, the remainder of the whorl is cancellated by the crossing of the two or three salient lines. The shell is of an uniform pale dirty yellow colour. 75. T. PICTA. (pl. xlv. f. 105.) Hinds, l. c. p. 156. Testâ subcylindraceâ, turrito-subulatâ, nitidâ, pallidè auran- tiacâ, atro-fusco longitrorsum maculatâ vel nebulosâ; anfracti- bus rotundatis, supernè cingulo tuberculato, infrà plico-costatis, interstitiis striatis; anfractu ultimo fasciato; aperturâ parvâ, atro-fuscâ; columellâ subrectâ. Highly polished, with a pale brown ground, ornamented with longitudinal dark reddish-brown spots. The folds are short, and crowded with striated interstices. Aperture is small, but not quite formed ; last whorl band with white. San Nicholas, Island of Zebu, Philippines. y 177 a 76. T. VIOLASCENS. (pl. xlv. f. 98.) Hinds, l. c. p. 154. . Testâ turritâ, cylindraceo-subulatâ, violaceâ; anfractibus rotundatis, longitrorsum obliquè plico-costatis, supernè lineâ impressâ obsoletè cinctis; costis subconfertis, interstitiis crebrè striatis; aperturâ parvâ, elongatâ; columellâ anticè pro- ductâ. The folds are oblique to the right hand of the spectator, and with the interstices closely striate. It is destitute of the polish of T. picta, its whorls are rounder, and without the dark spots. New Guinea ; in seven fathoms, mud. San Nicholas, Zebu, and Mindanao, Philippines ; in twenty to thirty fathoms : Cuming. The Philippine specimens are of a different colour, and dis- posed to be banded, but they have the appearance of dead shells. The species is very like an American fossil from Alabama, T. venusta, Lea. 77. T. FLAVA. (pl. xliv. f. 75.) Gray, l. c. p. 60. . Testâ obeso-subulatâ, supernè attenuatâ, subturritâ, pallidè flavâ, anfractibus planulatis, supernè lineâ impressâ divisis, longitrorsum plicatis, striis transversis cancellatis; plicis subrectis, confertis; aperturâ abbreviatâ; columellâ nudâ, contortâ. Shell not uniformly subulate, the superior whorls being proportionately more so than the others; this with the flattened cancellated whorls and uniform pale yellow colour will readily distinguish it. Native country unknown. 78. T. ELATA. (pl. xliv. f. 68, 69.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 156. Testâ subcylindraceâ, elongatè turrito-subulatâ, pallidè fulvâ; anfractibus ferè planulatis, longitrorsum plicatis, supernè lineâ impressâ cinctis; plicis approximatis, interstitiis striatis; anfractu ultimo ad basin et propè suturam fusco; aperturâ elongatâ. Gracefully elongated, glittering, the folds sharp, straight, and rather numerous, with the interstices finely striate. The base of the last whorl is of a brown colour; and some individuals are ornamented with longitudinal spots of a reddish-brown. Bay of Montijo, west coast of America ; in fifteen fathoms, coarse sand : Cuming. 79. T. TEXTILIS. (pl. xliv. f. 73.) Hinds, l. c. p. 156. . Testâ subulatâ, pallidè luteâ; anfractibus ferè planulatis longitrorsum plicatis, supernè lineâ punctato-impressâ cinctis, Y 178 serie tuberculorum deindè excisâ albidâ ; plicis approximatis, interstitiis striatis ; anfractu ultimo parvo, unicolore; columellâ plicatâ ; labio interno producto. This Asiatic species very closely resembles the American just described, and furnishes another of those instances of affinity, which, whilst still retaining unquestionable distinct- ness, occur so frequently in the shells of the tropics of the two hemispheres; and thus, whilst both are enriched by similar forms, these present themselves under slight but constant differences. It also bears considerable resemblance to T. flava, but the characters are quite sufficient to recognize each. Sorgoson, Bay of Manila, Philippines ; Straits of Macassar; in from six to thirteen fathoms, sand and coarse gravel : Cuming and Hinds. 80. T. CANCELLATA. (pl. xliv. f. 80.) Quoy, Voy. de l'Astrolabe, p. 471, t. 36, f. 27, 28. Testâ subulatâ, acuminatâ, fuscâ, concolore; aufractibus planulatis, supernè lineâ excavato-impressâ divisis, plicatis ; plicis numerosis, acutis, subobliquis, interstitiis striatis; aper- turâ utrinque attenuatâ, atro-fuscâ; columellâ antice productâ; breviter canaliculatâ. The characters here are so negative, that it is not easy to seize on any circumstance which language can express to establish its distinctness, whilst this to the eye is unquestion- able. Its uniform colour must not be overlooked, or the absence of banding on the last whorl. The aperture is of a dark brown, and a ridge of similar colour runs from the columella around the base of the last whorl. This species has priority of T. cancellata, Gray, which unfortunately is only known to us from description. Moluccas : Quoy and Gaimard. 81. T. PULCHRA. (pl. xlv. f. 129.) Hinds, l. c. p. 151. Testâ turritâ, conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, nitidâ, pallidâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, longitrorsum rectè plico-costatis, supernè lineâ impressâ cinctis, interstitiis lævigatis; anfractu ultimo pallidè lineato. Perhaps more nearly resembling T. plicata than any other species, from which, with a little care, the description will suffice to distinguish it. Marquesas ; in seven fathoms. 82. T. LANCEATA. (pl. xliii. f. 52.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 290. Buccinum lanceatum, Gmelin, No. 137. Testâ elongatè ovato-subulatâ, albâ, politâ, strigis rufis 179 : angustis, rariùs flexuosis seu interruptis, longitrorsum peni- cillatâ; anfractibus subrotundatis, integris, lævigatis, ultimo attenuato ; aperturâ utrinque attenuatâ ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ; canali nullo. Shell elongated, ovately subulate, white, with longitudinal narrow red lines, more or less straight, rarely angular or flexuous; whorls quite entire, smooth and polished. Aperture attenuate. Columella naked, straight. No canal. Tahiti; Mauritius: Cuming. Amboina. 83. T. PENICILLATA. (pl. xliv. f. 91.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 157. Testâ turritâ, obeso-subulatâ, lævigatâ, politâ, albâ lineis undatis rufis longitrorsum dispositis; anfractibus integris, ultimo elongato, efasciato; spirâ obsoletè plicatâ ; apertura elongatâ; columellâ lævi, truncatâ; canali nullo. Shell turrited, subulate, the inferior whorls somewhat swelled, with a smooth polished bone-white surface, ornamented longitudinally with waved reddish lines. Whorls entire, the last similar to the others. Spire inconspicuously plicate. Aperture rather attenuate, and with a smooth naked columella. Seychelles. 84. T. VENOSA. (pl. xliv. f. 90.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 157. Testâ subcylindraceo-subulatâ, lævigatâ, politâ; anfractibus integris, subplanulatis, supernè albo, infrà purpureo cinctis, strigis rufis longitudinalibus flexuosis; spirâ plicatâ ; anfractu ultimo subrotundato, rariùs transversim fasciato vel lineato ; aperturâ elongatâ, albâ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ, truncatâ ; canali nullo. This is, perhaps, the only species in this now extensive genus where the fasciation of the last whorl is not to be relied on as a character. Both the preceding have been united by M. Kiener with T. lanceata, but I cannot help regarding them as most unquestionably distinct. The inferior part of each whorl is usually of a darker colour, and sometimes even to be almost banded. Native country unknown. 85. T. INCONSTANS. (pl. xliv. f. 83.) Hinds, l. c. p. 156. Testà obeso-subulatâ, acuminatâ, lividâ vel pallidâ, politâ; anfractibus integris, subrotundatis, longitrorsum plicatis, interstitiis lævigatis; infrà suturam et ad basin anfractûs ultimi pallidè fasciatâ; aperturâ effusâ; columellâ truncatâ, anticè productâ. This species has much of the general character of T. ano- mala, but the whorls are constantly entire, and the shells are У F 180 7 more acuminate and obese. Pale markings are sometimes present in the interstices of the delicate sharp folds. Sandwich Islands, where it abounds in the sands in con- siderable numbers. 86. T. ANOMALA. (pl. xliv. f. 97.) Gray, l. c. p. 62. Testâ conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, lævigatâ, politâ, pallidâ vel cinereâ; anfractibus planulatis, supernè sulco excavato-impresso divisis, longitrorsum plicatis; plicis acutis, politis, infernè evanidis, interstitiis lævigatis; aperturâ ovali, effusâ ; columellâ truncatâ, anticè productâ; canali nullo. The whorls are girdled and polished, with numerous folds disappearing below. The girdling line is accompanied by small excavations in the intervals. Near the whorl it is disposed to be whiter, and the last whorl is banded. Singapore; in seven fathoms : Cuming. 87. T. CINEREA. (pl. xlv. f. 130.) Basterot. Buccinum cinereum, Born, Mus. p. 267. t. 10, f. 10, 12. Terebra acicu- . lina, Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 290. Testâ conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, politâ, nitidâ, cinereâ vel saturatè fuscâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, integris, tenuè plicatis, infrà suturam albidis, inter plicas rufo pictis, ultimo albo fasciato; aperturâ valdè diffusâ; columellâ antice pro- ductâ, rectiusculâ, truncatâ; canali nullo. The present is an old and abundant species, and like some others seems to have been originally brought into notice by Born, to be subsequently forgotten. The are several other species of very similar character, and it is remarkable that the girdling seems a very unimportant feature among them, since some species are without it, whilst others near akin are provided with it. Manila; on the sand : Cuming. Fossil at Bordeaux : Basterot. 88. T. STRIGILATA. (pl. xlv. f. 101, 122.) Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 290. Buccinum strigilatum, Linnæus Syst. Nat. No.484. Testâ subulatâ, acuminatâ, subturritâ, cinereâ, politâ; anfractibus integris, plicatis, supernè albo fasciatis et maculis rufis seriatim ornatis; plicis confertis, obliquis, planulatis, rotundatis; anfractu ultimo fasciato : aperturâ ovali; columellâ nudâ, subrectâ; canali nullo. Generally of an ash colour fluctuating from pale to dark, above with a white band which is ocellate with dark red spots. The individuals vary a good deal in size, and fig. 122, may be regarded as representing rather a large specimen, since the X 181 a average are smaller. Fig. 101, is an excessively pretty variety of a rich cream colour, but still with the white band, and series of spottings. New Guinea; Straits of Macassar: Hinds. Philippine Islands : Cuming. It is a species which is produced in con- siderable numbers. 89. T. LUCTUOSA. (pl. xlv. f. 121.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 157. Testà gracilè acuminatâ, lævigatâ, politâ, atro-fuscâ, rariùs castaneâ vel olivaceâ; anfractibus subplanulatis, integris, supernè plicis parvis undatis, infrà evanidis, ultimo elongato, concolore; columellâ nudâ, truncatâ ; canali nullo. Shell gracefully acuminate, highly polished, of a dark ches- nut, sometimes nearly black; whorls entire, covered towards their upper part with numerous fine folds. The aperture very dark within, effuse. Columella straight, naked, and truncate. No canal. Gulf of Nicoya; Puerto Portrero, west coast of America ; in twelve fathoms, coral sand: Cuming and Hinds. 90. T. CUSPIDATA. (pl. xlv. f. 28.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 157. Testâ gracilè et elongatè subulatâ, valdè acuminatâ, lævigatâ, politâ, nitidâ; anfractibus planulatis, integris, supernè plicatis, infrà evanidis, pallidis cæruleo angustè fasciatis ; anfractu ultimo lævigato, subdiaphano, ad basin fasciâ rufâ ornato ; aperturâ ovali; columellâ nudâ, excavatâ, truncatâ. Very acuminate, highly polished, and semi-opaque; whorls entire, but in the usual situation of the girdle, with a narrow ash-brown band; their upper half with longitudinal folds. The last whorl with a white base traversed by a well-defined reddish band. Cape Coast, Africa : Humphreys. 91. T. MICANS. (pl. xlv. f. 125.) Hinds, l. c. p. 157. Testâ conico-subulatâ, acuminatâ, semiopacâ, pallidè fulva, nitidâ; anfractibus planulatis, integris, longitrorsum plicis capillaribus, supernè cæruleo et ad basin anfractûs ultimi fusco fasciatis ; aperturâ infernè effusâ ; columella nudâ, truncatâ. Shell conico-subulate, acuminate, of a shining amber colour; whorls entire, polished, clothed with numerous very fine capillary folds, somewhat disappearing towards the lower part of the whorl; variously coloured with reddish-black, generally with a narrow band near the suture, and with the inferior whorls more coloured than the upper. Native country unknown. F 2 182 X 92. T. LEPIDA. (pl. xlv. f. 102.) Hinds, l. c. p. 158. Testâ obeso-vel rariùs subcylindraceo-subulatâ, acuminatâ, lævigatâ, politâ, albidâ vel pallidè fulvâ ; anfractibus planulatis, integris, plicis longitudinalibus acutis, interstitiis lævigatis, supernè maculis rufis cinctis; anfractu ultimo subcylin- draceo, pallidè fasciato ; aperturâ elongatâ; columellâ nuda. Of a pale orange colour, the whorls entire, longitudinally plicate, and highly polished. The folds are distant, rather oblique, sharp, and of a whiter colour. Beneath the suture is a series of red spots, one being situated in nearly every alternate interstice. It differs from T. strigilata, in that the spots of that species are painted on a white band, and again that the folds are broad and rounded and touch each other. Guinea ; on the sands: Humphreys. 93. T. ALBULA. (pl. xlv. f. 126.) Menke, Moll. Noy. Holland, p. 30. Testà subobeso-subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, lævigatâ, politâ, albâ; anfractibus planulatis, integris, supernè crenato- ; plicatis, mediò et infernè lævibus, ultimo elongato ; aperturâ attenuatâ, effusâ ; columellâ rectâ, nudâ, truncatâ ; canali nullo. As I am guided alone by description, there may be some doubt whether I have referred the right shell to it; however, it entirely agrees in this respect, and its characters are few and negative. The folds occupy about a third, or something a less, of the breadth of the whorl. West Coast of New Holland : Menke. 94. T. OBESA. (pl. xlv. f. 106.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 158. Testâ obeso-subulatâ, lævigatâ, albidâ, maculis fuscis longi- tudinalibus pallidè ornatâ; anfractibus paucis subrotundatis, integris, ultimo biseriatim maculato; spirâ obsoletè plicatâ ; aperturâ oblongâ; columellâ truncatấ. Polished and white, with a single series of pale spots ; whorls entire, the inferior obese and smooth, the superior longitudinally plicate. Aperture oblong; columella slightly callous, truncate. No canal. I am only conversant with a single specimen, in the collection of Mr. Cuming, of this small but very distinct species. Native country unknown. 95. T. NASSOIDES. (pl. xlv, f. 115.) Hinds, l. c. p. 158. Testâ obeso-subulatâ, lævigatâ, nitidâ; anfractibus planu- latis, integris, supernè albo, mediò fusco cinctis, ultimo con- 183 a colore; aperturâ infernè effusâ; columellâ nudâ, rectiusculâ, subtruncatâ ; canali nullo. Whorls entire, polished, with longitudinal straight folds ; beneath the suture banded with white, towards the middle with a dark narrow band, elsewhere of an ash colour. Native country unknown. 96. T. FICTILIS. (pl. xlv. f. 109, 110.) Testà obeso-subulatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, lævigatâ, nitidâ, albâ; anfractibus planulatis, lineâ impressâ divisis, plicatis ; plicis acutis, brevibus, interstitiis lævigatis ; propè suturam et ad basin anfractûs ultimi nigricante; apice fuscâ; aperturâ effusâ; columellâ nudâ, subcontortâ; canali nullo. Very similar to T. nassoides, from which it is at once sepa- rable by its girdled whorls. Australia ; most probably from somewhere on its southern shores. 97. T. TUBEROSA. (pl. xlv. f. 99.) Hinds, l. c. p. 152. Testâ turrito-subulatâ, saturatè fulva, asperâ, nitidâ; anfrac- tibus rotundatis, longitrorsum costatis, supernè cingulo numerose tuberculato; costis brevibus, nodulosis striis decus- ; santibus ; columellâ contortâ. In this characteristic species the girdle consists of a number of small tubercles, superior in number to the vertical ribs. 98. T. RUSTICA. (pl. xlv. f. 113.) Hinds, 1. c. p, 158. Testâ obeso-subulatâ, acuminatâ, fuscâ, nitidâ, striis trans- versis scabrâ; anfractibus subrotundatis, longitrorsum plico- costatis, supernè infrà suturam luteis; plicis subdistantibus, ferè continuis; anfractu ultimo elongato, concolore ; apertura elongatâ; columellâ nudâ, lævi, subrectâ. An acuminate, retuse species, with distant straight rounded folds, and scabrous from crossing striæ. The aperture and last whorl are both elongated, and the latter displays no band. The colour is of a rusty red. The figure represents a fine specimen in the collection of Wm. Metcalfe, Esq. Native country unknown. 99. T. ACICULATA. (pl. xlv, f. 104.) Gray, l. c. p. 63. Buccinum aciculatum, Lamarck, 1. c. v. vii. p. 274. Testâ ovatâ, acuminatâ, pallidâ, politâ; anfractibus tuberculato-plicatis, mediò subangulatis et atro-fusco fasciatis, interdum, precipue anfractu ultimo, lineis rufis angulatis ornatis ; aperturâ attenuatâ, subeffusâ; columellâ nudâ, elongatâ. 184 X From the next species this will be distinguished by the angular disposition of the whorls, and the tubercular folds which attenuate towards the sutures. The last whorl occupies nearly half of the entire length. Acapulco; Sonsonati; Xipixapi: Cuming. 100. T. COSENTINI. (pl. xlv. f. 107.) Philippi, Enum. Moll. Sicil. p. 227, t. ll. t. 22. Testâ elongatè ovatâ, acuminatâ, turritâ, cinereâ, politâ; anfractibus integris, supernè tuberculis acutis uniseriatim coro- natis, nigricante pictis, ultimo propè basin fasciato; aperturâ utrinque attenuatâ; columellâ ‘nudâ, rectâ ; canali brevi vel subnullo. Shell ovate, acuminate, polished, the whorls crenated by a row of sharp tubercles, and between them and the suture is a much smaller series, not at first very conspicuous. The character of the shell is rather aberrant, and may he regarded as significant of its extra-tropical habitat. Naples : Philippi. 101. T. TENERA, (pl. xlv. f. 111.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 158. . Testâ parvâ, obeso-subulatâ, lævigatâ, nitidâ; anfractibus plico-costatis, pallidè fulvis, supernè prope suturam rufo fasciatis, ultimo ad basin rufo; plicis continuis; columellâ contortâ. A highly polished pale orange yellow shell, remarkable for the folds being continuous at their extremities throughout the length. Beneath the suture it is surrounded by a reddish band. Straits of Malacca; in seventeen fathoms. Ceylon. 102. T. MERA. (pl. xlv. f. 108, 114.) Hinds, l. c. p. 158. Testâ subcylindraceo-subulatâ, lævigatâ, nitidâ, albidâ, vel pallidè rufo latè fasciatâ ; anfractibus subplanulatis, integris, supernè plicis parvis numerosis obliquis, infrà evanidis; aper- turâ parvâ, elongatâ; columellâ subtruncatâ ; canali mediocri. Its milk-white surface is lightly ornamented with a broad band of dull rose colour. The folds are numerous and oblique, the shell is highly polished. Straits of Malacca ; in seventeen fathoms, mud. 103. T. PYGMÆA. (pl. xlv. f. 112.) Hinds, 1. c. p. 158. p Testâ purpureâ, obeso-subulatâ; anfractibus paucis, sub- rotundatis, longitrorsum minutè plico-costatis, supernè insigniter fasciâ angustā atro-purpureâ cinctis, ultimo propè basin fasciato; aperturâ parvâ, fuscâ; columellâ antice pro- ductâ, truncatâ ; canali nullo. 185 A pretty little elongated ovate shell, with plicate whorls, and a narrow dark band traversing the upper portion of each, and thus running in a spiral manner round the shell. The figure represents an enlarged view. The only specimen of which I am cognizant, is in the collection of Sir Edward Belcher, C.B. Straits of Malacca; in seventeen fathoms, mud. 104. T. ALBA, Gray, l. c. p. 60. “ Testâ turritâ, subulatâ, costis longitudinalibus spirali- busque frequentibus cancellatâ ; anfractibus planis, cingulo convexiusculo; aperturâ parvâ; albâ.” This species I have seen, but at the present moment it is unfortunately mislaid. Its length is three-quarters of an inch. Native country unknown. 105. T. CANCELLATA, Gray, l. c. p. 62. . “ Testâ turritâ, subulatâ, sulcis spiralibus frequentibus profundis, plicis longitudinalibus æqualibus subconfertis; anfractibus planis, sulco posteriore profundo; aperturâ subparvâ, labio interiore incrassato elevato; pallidè cinereâ.” This I have never seen, and I believe the original specimen to be lost. Its length is one inch and three-quarters. The name has been previously applied M. Quoy. Native country unknown. 106. T. NUBECULATA, Sowerby, Tank. cat. app. p. 25. “ Testâ turrito-subulatâ, albo et aurantiaco-nebulosa, anfractibus longitudinaliter sulcatis, sulcis confertis, inter- stitiis sulcorum crenulatis, lineâ propè suturam punctis impressis notatâ; basi aurantiacâ.” Even with the aid of Mr. Sowerby, this species is not now to be identified. The length is nearly two inches and a half. Native country unknown. 107. T. LÆvis, Gray, l. c. p. 61. After repeated examinations of the very miserable specimen which has been described under this name, I feel satisfied that it is only the worn apex of either T. muscaria, or T. oculata, which in an early state are much alike. 108. T. D’Orbigny, Description de l’Egypte, Mollusques, pl. 4. fig. 28. At the above reference will be found a highly magnified representation of a minute shell, which is stated to be a Terebra, but is unaccompanied by any comment or further a 186 explanation. The materials only enable us thus briefly to notice it here. 109. T. SANDWIZENSIS,—-—? Of this I can obtain no information, except that it occurs in a French catalogue. EXCLUDENDÆ. T. VITTATA, Lamarck, Encyclop. pl. 402, f. 4, a. b. T. GRANULOSA, Lamarck, Hist. des Animaux. v. vii. p. 291. T. LINEOLATA, Sowerby, 1. c. p. 76. T. TAHITENSIS, Gray, l. c. p. 63. T. POLITA, Gray, l. c. p. 63. The synonomy of these, together with a list of the fossil species, will be found in my Synopsis of the Genus contained in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1843, p. 166—168. 187 INDEX OF NAME S. PAGE PAGE Terebra aciculata, Gray...... 183 T. crenulata, Lamarck 153 T. aciculina, Lamarck 180 T. cuspidata, Hinds ... 181 T. affinis, Gray .. 172 T. dimidiata, Lamarck 153 T. africana, Gray • 173 T. duplicata, Lamarck .. 155 T. alba, Gray 185 T. Dussumierii, Kiener..... .. 156 T. albida, Gray • 158 T. eburnea, Hinds .... 166 T. albula, Menke... 182 T. elata, Hinds . 177 T. alveolata, Hinds.. 162 T. elongata, Wood .. 151 T. amanda, Hinds 166 T. fatua, Hinds .. 158 T. anomala, Gray 180 T. felina, Sowerby... 156 T. argus, Hinds. 154 T. fenestrata, Hinds .. 176 T. armillata, Hinds 173 T. fictilis, Hinds ... 183 T. aspera, Hinds. ... 174 T. flammea, Lamarck. 151 T. babylonia, Lamarck 1 69 T. flammea, Lesson 151 T. bicincta, Hinds .. 175 T. flava, Gray... 177 T. bifrons, Hinds 174 T. frigata, Hinds. 163 T. buccinoidea, Blainville .. 186 T. funicu'ata, Hinds 168 T. cærulescens, Lamarck .... 159 T. fusca, Perry 156 T. cancellata, Gray.. 185 T. fusco-maculata, Sowerby 160 T. cancellata, Quoy 178 T. gemmulata, Kiener. 157 T. carnea, Perry 153 T. glauca, Hinds. 175 T. casta, Hinds 165 T. gracilis, Gray 163 T. castanea, Kiener 161 T. granulosa, Lamarck 186 T. cerithina, Lamarck 159 T. hastata, Sowerby 164 T. cinerea Basterot .... 180 T. inconstans, Hinds 179 T. cingula, Kiener. 160 T. intertincta, Hinds 173 T, cingulifera, Lamarck. 169 T. Knorri, Gray. . 158 T. chlorata, Lamarck. 158 T. lævigata, Gray 171 T. columellaris, Hinds 172 T, lævis, Gray . 185 T. commaculata, Pfeiffer 170 T. Lamarckii, Kiener.. 155 T. consor's, Hinds 154 T. lanceata, Lamarck. 178 T. conspersa, Hinds 163 T. larvæformis, Hinds .. 176 T. copula, Hinds. 157 T, laurina, Hinds 161 T. corrugata, Lamarck 167 T. Jepida, Hinds.. 182 T. Cosentini, Philippi... 184 | T. ligata, Hinds.. 166 T. costata, Menke 164 T. lineolata, Sowerby 186 G . 188 .. . . . T. lingualis, Hinds. T. luctuosa, Hinds.. T. maculata, Lamarck 7. maculata, Perry.. T. mera, Hinds T. micans, Hinds T. monilis, Quoy T. muscaria, Lamarck T. myuros, Lamarck T. nassoides, Hinds. T. nebulosa, Kiener T, nebulosa, Sowerby T, nimbosa, Hinds T. nitida, Hinds. T. nubeculata, Sowerby T. obesa, Hinds T, oculata, Lamarck T. ornata, Gray T. penicillata, Hinds .... T. pertusa Basterot.. T. Petitii, Kiener T. picta, Hinds T. plicata, Gray. T. plumbea, Quoy T. polita, Gray T. pretiosa, Reeve T. pulchra, Hinds T. punctuta, Gray T, punctato- striata, Gray..... T. punctulata, Sowerby T. pymæa, Hinds T. radula, Hinds... T. raphanula, Lamarck T. robusta, Hinds PAGE 167 181 150 153 184 181 168 154 170 182 154 162 159 164 185 182 156 152 179 161 165 176 165 164 186 170 178 167 169 169 184 174 159 152 PAGE T. rudis, Gray 165 T. rustica, Hinds.... 183 T. sand wizensis ..... 186 T. scabrella, Lamarck .... 170 T. senegalensis, Lamarck .... 160 T. specillata, Hinds 163 T. spectabilis, Hinds 157 T. straminea, Gray 169 T, striata, Quoy 172 T. striata, Gray 169 T. striatula, Lamarck, 160 T. strigata, Sowerby 151 T. strigilata, Lamarck 180 T. stylata, Hinds 161 T. subulata, Lamarck.. 156 T. succinea, Hinds ... 151 T. tæniolata, Quoy... 168 T. tahitensis, Gray 186 T. tenera, Hinds.. 184 T. tessellata, Gray.. 166 T. textilis, Hinds 177 T. tigrina Gray 155 T, tricolor, Sowerby 168 T. triseriata, Gray.. 171 T. tuberculosa, Hinds 175 T. tuberosa, Hinds... 183 T. undata, Defrance 161 T. undulata, Gray 172 T. varicosa, Hinds .. 163 T. variegata, Gray.. 173 T. venosa, Hinds 179 T. violascens, Hinds 177 T. vittata, Lamarck 186 T. zebra, Kiener.. 151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # . 189 EXPLANATION OF PLATES XLI. XLII. XLIII. . XLIV. XLV. TEREBRA. Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4. T. duplicata. 5. T. cærulescens. 6, 15. T. cærulescens. 7, 8. T. dimidiata. 9. T. duplicata. 10. T. strigata. 11, 12, 13, 14. T. senegalensis. 48. T. tuberculosa. 49. T. armillata. 50, T. lingualis. 51. T. nebulosa. 52. T. lanceata. 53. T. variegata. 54, T. pretiosa. 55. T. undulata. 56. T. albida. 57. T. bifrons. 58. T. cerithina. 59. T. castanea. 60. T. rudis. 61. T. plicata. 62. T. corrugata. 63. T. funiculata. 64. T. argus. 15, 6. T. cærulescens. 16, 38, 39. T. subulata. 17, 20, 41. T. muscaria. 18, 19, 32. T. crenulata. 20. T. muscaria, var. 21. T. nimbosa. 22, 23. T. straminea. 24, 25. T. cingulifera. 26. T. consors. 27. T. laurina. 28. T. fatua. 29. T. chlorata. 30. T. tigrina. 31. T. oculata. 32. T. crenulata, var. 33. T. maculata. 34. T. ornata. 35. T. robusta. 36. T. flammea. 37. T. commaculata. 38, 39, 16. T. subulata. 40. T. succinea. 41. T. muscaria. 42, 43. T. pertusa. 44. T. aspera. 45. T. cingula. 46, 47. T. larvæformis. 65, 66. T. monilis. 67. T. babylonia. 68, 69, T. elata. 70. T. plumbea. 71. T. frigata. 72. T. bicincta. 73. T. textilis. 74. T. conspersa. 75. T. flaya. 76. T. copula. 77, 127. T. columellaris. 78. T. affinis. 79. T. stylata. 80. T. cancellata. 81. T. intertincta. 82. T. tricolor. 83. T. inconstans. 190 107. T. Consenti. 108, 114. T. mera. 109, 110. T. fictilis. 111. T. tenera. 112. T. pygmea. 113. T. rustica. 114, 108. T. mera. 115. T. nassoides. 116. T. specillata. 117, 118. T. ligata. 119. T. triseriata. 120. T. alveolata. 121. T. luctuosa. 122, 101. T. strigilata. 84. T. casta. 85. T. glauca. 86. T. fenestrata. 87. T. hastata. 88, 89. T. spectabilis. 90. T. venosa. 91. T. penicillata. 92. T. gemmulata. 93. T. lævigata. 94. T. raphanula. 95. T. radula. 96. T. alveolata. 97. T. anomala. 98. T. violascens. 99. T. tuberosa. 100. T. amanda. 101, 122. T. strigilata. 102. T. lepida. 103. T. nitida. 104. T. aciculata. 105. T. picta. 106. T. obesa. 123. T. eburnea. 124. T. tessellata. 125. T. micans. 126. T. albula. 127, 77. T. columellaris. 128. T. cuspidata. 129. T. pulchra. 130. T. cinerea. XLI ME 72 13 15 14 CAN 16 18 20 17 19 GBS nat. Dram. XLII 24 27 28 37 35 34 33 36 38 10 29 37 GB.S. Jun As nat diam XLIIT 10 45 46 474 48 51 53 50 66 57 39 60 WS flere 66 64 GBS Jun" XLIV 70 71 68 72 11 76 77 79 80 87 82 Lauren Mulo 8 89 36 .93 GBS. Jun XLV 09 103 101 102 105 98 100 1/2 115 106 107 113 108 109 10 Wola cujus 1) 116 121 720 122 118 119 723 198 1842 GBS. Jun" 191 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS VOLUTA. Char. Gen. Testa subovata, coloribus plerumque variis picta. Apex papillaris. Columella plicata, plicis inferioribus majoribus, basi emarginata. Epidermis tenuis. Shell of a more or less elongated oval form, and for the most part variously coloured. Apex of the spire papillary, sometimes very obtuse and somewhat irregular, though generally beautifully regular ; rarely somewhat acute. Columella plaited, the lowest plaits being in general the largest and the most oblique. The Genus Voluta as it was left by Lamarck, (including Cymba and Melo), appears to us to form a very natural family; which might perhaps be further divided into genera and subgenera advan- tageously for the interests of science. What we now give are the Volutes as separated from Cymba and Melo by Broderip, whose opinions upon this subject we gladly adopt, he having studied this family most completely. The various species of this beautiful genus differ greatly in form, and these differences, together with other characters, may either be used as the foundations of divisions in the genus or as subgeneric characters. Those with a large, regular, and smooth apex might properly constitute one division; some of these, as V. imperialis, have the spire crowned with long and strong spines; others, as V. Scapha, are quite free from such spines, or have the last volu- tion only tuberculated posteriorly. A second division might be constituted of such as V. Vespertilio, V. rutila and others, in which of the spire is surrounded by small tubercles. A third division might consist of such as have a small, rather acute, smooth apex, such as V. marmorata, Swains., V. Cymbiola, Chemn., which , approach the Melones; such as V. Vexillum and V. indica, which, having an increased number of folds on the Columella, approach the Musics, which have a still greater number of folds on the Co- lumella. Then the Volutes, with a truncato-papillary apex, which is somewhat irregular, and which approach the Cymba (through the apex а a H 192 a V. Mamilla, Gray), such as V. papillosa, V. fulminata and others, might constitute a fourth division. The Mitriform species, such as V. lyriformis, V. mitriformis and others, would naturally form a fifth division. Several species would still remain, which could not be arranged with any of the above, these are V. bullata, Swains., V. dubia, Brod., which are anomalous and probably osculent forms. The Volutes are marine and appear to belong to the more tem- perate and warmer zones. Many fossil species are known, princi- pally belonging to the tertiary beds. DESCRIPTION. a 1. VOLUTA MARMORATA (pl. xlvi. f. 8.), Swains. Testà ovatâ, suboblongâ, ventricosâ, lævi, fulvo-carneolatâ, ma- culis lineisque castaneis, irregularibus, angulato-flexuosis, fasciatim dispositis, pictâ; spirâ brevi, apice conico, anfractibus tribus ad quatuor primis lavibus, cæteris duobus ad tribus posticè subangu- laribus, seriem unicam spinarum obtusarum parvarum instructis; anfractu ultimo maximo, anticè attenuato, aperturâ maximâ ślon- gitudinis testæ æquante, oblongo, latiusculo, intus fulvescente, an- ticè saturatiori ; labio externo subincrassato, subreflexo; plicis colu- mellæ quatuor, validis, fulvis. Shell ovate, sub-oblong, ventricose, smooth, of a yellowish flesh colour, with irregular spots, and angularly flexuous chesnut lines, arranged in bands; spire short, with a conical apex ; volutions 3–4, the first smooth, and the remaining two or three slightly angular posteriorly, with a single row of obtuse small spines, the last volu- tion very large, attenuated anteriorly; aperture very large, 5 of the length of the shell, oblong, rather broad, fulvous within, which is darker at the anterior end; outer lip somewhat thickened and re- flected; folds of the columella four, distinct, fulvous. This is an Australian form, we have represented Miss Saul's specimen. 2. VOLUTA CYMBIOLA (pl. li. f. 75, 76.), Chemn. Testâ oblongâ, crassiusculâ, glabrâ, pallidâ, maculis pallidè fus- cis subtrigonulis punctisque castaneis sparsim notatâ ; spirâ brevi, subconicâ, apice papillari; anfractibus 5, quorum ultimis duobus ad tribus posticè spiniferis; spinis parvis, acutis; suturâ subtilis- simè spinulosâ; anfractu ultimo elongato, anticè subattenuato; aperturâ oblongâ, columellæ plicis quatuor validis. 193 Shell oblong, rather thick, smooth, of a pale colour, with pale, fuscous subtriangular spots, sprinkled over with chesnut dots, spire short, subconical, with a papillary apex ; volutions five, of which the two or three last are furnished posteriorly with small sharp spines; the suture very finely spinulose; the last volution elongated, anteriorly subattenuated ; aperture oblong ; columella with four distinct folds. This species does not appear to have been ever noticed either by Lamarck or Swainson, although sufficiently well described and figured by Chemnitz, vol. x. f. 1385, 1386. We still use Chemnitz's name (Voluta Cymbiola), for Kiener's assertion that Lamarck had already given that name to another species is not true. We have represented two varieties; our f. 75 is in Mr. Cuming's collection and f. 76 in the British Museum. 3. Voluta Corona (pl. lv. f. 120, 121.), Chemn. Testâ obovatâ, ex carneo albidâ, punctis rufescentibus ornatâ ; Iongitudinaliter striis exaratâ, striis in anfractuum suturas exeunti- bus in spinas subtilissimas et acutissimas; anfractu ultimo posticè spinis coronatâ, spinis anticè fornicatis ; columellæ plicis quatuor anticis distinctis, posticis nonnullisque minoribus : apice papillari . Shell obovate, whitish flesh coloured, ornamented with reddish dots, longitudinally striated, with the strive at the sutures of the volutions running out into very fine and acute spines ; last volu- tion posteriorly crowned with spines, which are vaulted anteriorly; columella with four distinct folds anteriorly, and several smaller posteriorly. We formerly thought that the shell figured by Chemnitz, vol. x. f. 1387, 1388, was only a young shell of V. Cymbiola ; however, upon reading over his description in German, we find he mentions a character that does not belong to V. Cymbiola—he there men- tions, besides four principal folds on the columella, several smaller folds above them. We have therefore copied his figures and drawn up our description from his, as we have never seen the shell. 4. VOLUTA LUTEOSTOMA (pl. li. f. 59.), Chemn.; V. chrysos- toma, Swains. Testâ turbinatâ, crassâ, lævi, albicante, lineis angulato-flexuosis maculisque angularibus continuis fusco-castaneis pictâ, spirâ brevi, subconicâ, apice obtuso, anfractibus primis tribus lævibus palles- centibus, cæteris tribus posticè subangularibus, spinis brevibus acutis fornicatis coronatis; anfractu ultimo maximo; apertura elongatâ, anticè latiori, intus aureâ, labio externo rotundato, sub- incrassato, plicis columellæ 4, validis. 194 4 a Shell turbinated, thick, smooth, whitish, with angularly flexuous dark chesnut lines, and continuous angular spots ; spire short, sub- conical, with an obtuse apex; first three volutions smooth and pale coloured, the remaining three posteriorly subangular, crowned with short, acute, vaulted spines, last volution very large; aperture elongated, broader anteriorly, golden yellow within ; outer lip rounded, somewhat thickened, columella with four distinct folds. Chemnitz says it was found in the East Indian Seas, specimens are in the British Museum and in Mr. Cuming's collection. 5. VOLUTA IMPERIALIS (pl. liv. f. 102.), Lam. Testâ turbinatâ, crassa, lævi, fulvescente, maculis, lineisque an- gulatis castaneis pictâ, posticè spinis coronatâ, spirâ brevi, anfrac- tibus 4 primis lævibus, politis, apicem papillarem efformantibus, duobus ultimis posticè spinis longiusculis, suberectis, subincurvis, coronatis, anfractu ultimo maximo, anticè paululum reflexo, aper- turâ magnâ, intus aurantiaco-flavescente; columellâ quadriplicatâ, plicâ anticâ ferè verticali. Shell turbinated, thick, smooth, fulvous, marked with angular chesnut lines and spots, and posteriorly crowned with spines, spire short, with a papillary polished apex, formed of the four first smooth volutions; the two last volutions crowned with rather long, nearly erect, somewhat curved strong spines, the last volution very large, anteriorly slightly reflected ; aperture large, internally of an orange yellow colour; columella with four folds, of which the anterior is nearly vertical. From the Philippine Islands, Mr. Cuming. 6. VOLUTA SCAPHA (pl. xlvi. f. 1, 2; pl. xlviii. f. 35.). Testà turbinatâ, ventricosâ, lævi, crassâ, pallescente, maculis li- neisque angulato-flexuosis castaneis variè pictâ ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ, anfractibus senis, quatuor primis apicem papillarem efformanti- bus, ultimo maximo, posticè plerumque obtusè subangulato; aper- turâ magnâ, labio externo subalato, interno plerumque supra ultimum anfractum subextenso, posticè incrassato, columellâ quad- riplicatâ. Shell turbinated, ventricose, smooth, thick, of a pale colour with chesnut spots and angularly flexuous lines ; spire short, obtuse, with a papillary apex, formed of the four first volutions, the last volution very large, generally obtusely subangular posteriorly; aper- ture large, the outer lip somewhat winged, and the inner generally slightly extended over the last volution, and thickened posteriorly, columella with four distinct folds. 195 This species is very variable in form; we have represented three varieties, namely, that with the rounded posterior angle, that which is tuberculated and the ovoid form. 7. VOLUTA VOLVACEA (pl. xlvi. f3,4; pl. li. f. 61.), Lam. Testâ ovato-turbinatâ, lævi, crassa, albido-flavescente, fusco ob- scurè nebulosâ, spirâ breviusculâ, apice parvo, papillari, obtusius- culo, anfractibus senis, ultimo maximo, posticè rotundato, subangu- lato; aperturâ magnâ, latiori; columellæ plicis 4, validis, penultimâ subduplicata. Shell ovato-turbinated, smooth, thick, whitish yellow, clouded. with dull brown; spire short, apex small, papillary, rather obtuse; volutions 6, the last very large, and posteriorly obtusely subangular; aperture large, broad; columella with four distinct folds, the last of which is somewhat doubled. We have represented the three principal varieties of this shell ; one, which is the usual variety, without spines; another, with a row of strong vaulted spines around the posterior part of the last volutions, and the ovoid variety : the first is in Mr. Cuming's, the second in Mr. Norris's collection, and the last in the British Mu- seum. 8. VOLUTA ZEBRA (pl. liii. f. 83, 84.), Leach; Zool. Misc. (1814), vol. i. t. 12. f.1. Testâ ovato-oblongâ, crassa, lævi, albidâ, strigis aurantiaco-cas- taneis vel castaneis, longitudinalibus, angustis, undulatis, crebris, pictâ; spirâ brevi, conicâ, apice papillari; anfractibus 21, primis papillam efformantibus, 3tio 4toque paululum granosis, ultimo magno, posticè ventricosiore; aperturâ subelongatâ, labio externo crassiore; columellæ plicis quatuor validis, anticâ minori. Shell oblong-ovate, thick, smooth, whitish, marked with chesnut or orange chesnut, narrow, undulated, close-set, longitudinal streaks; spire short, conical, with a papillary apex of 22 volutions, the 3rd and 4th volutions slightly granose, the last large, ventricose behind; aperture somewhat elongated, with a thickened outer lip; columella with four distinct folds, of which the anterior is the smaller. Placed by Lamarck among the Marginellæ, under the name of Marginella radiata, in 1822. We are inclined to regard the Vol. lineata, Leach, Zool. Misc. vol. i. t. 12. f. 2. as a variety of this species; it differs in being somewhat more elongated, less ventri- cose, of a darker colour, and in having the spire rather more pro- duced, with the row of granules more distinct; its outer lip also is not quite so much thickened; we have represented both varieties. a 196 9. VOLUTA UNDULATA (pl. xlvii. f. 28, 29.). Testâ ovato-subfusiformi, crassâ, lævi, fulvescente, maculis fuscis, lineisque longitudinalibus castaneis undatim flexuosis pictâ, spirâ conicâ, apice papillari; anfractibus senis, tribus primis papillam efformantibus, cæteris tribus solum coloratis ; ultimo posticè obtusè subangulato, ventricoso; aperturâ elongatâ, anticè latiori; labio externo incrassato ; interno (ætate) expansissimo; columellæ plicis 4, nonnunquam plicâ vel plicis duabus minoribus adjectis. Shell ovate, subfusiform, thick, smooth, pale fulvous, with darker spots, and undulated, flexuous, longitudinal, chesnut lines; spire conical, with a papillary apex of 3 volutions, the remaining 3 volu- tions alone being varied in colour, and the last posteriorly obtusely angulated and ventricose, aperture lengthened, broad in front, outer lip thickened; columella with 4 distinct folds, and sometimes with one or two smaller additional folds. In old specimens the inner lip spreads far over the front of the shell and its margin is much thickened; the folds on the columella also are occasionally more or less irregular. From Australia. We regard the V. stragulata of Muhlfeld as a variety of this species. 10. VOLUTA MACULATA (pl. liii. f. 85, 86.), Swains.; Exot. Conch., p. 23. pl. xxxviii. . Testâ oblongâ, crassiusculâ, lævi, nitidâ, fulvescente, macularum subquadratarum fasciis nonnullis transversis castaneis pictâ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ, apice papillari, papillâ magnâ, anfractuum 3; ad 4 sistente; 'anfractibus cæteris duobus solum pictis, ultimo posticè subventricoso ; aperturâ rectâ, elongatâ, latiusculâ, fulvescente; co- lumellæ plicis 4 albis Shell oblong, thickish, smooth, shining, fulvous, with several transverse bands formed of squarish chesnut spots ; spire short, obtuse, with a large papillary apex of 3; to 4 volutions, the two remaining volutions only having the spots, and the last being pos- teriorly somewhat ventricose; aperture straight, lengthened, rather broad, fulvous within; columella with 4 distinct white folds. A very beautiful Australian species, first described by Swainson. We have represented two varieties, which differ slightly in their proportions; f. 85 is in Mr. Cuming's collection, and f. 86 in the British Museum. 11. VOLUTA PALLIDA (pl. liii. f. 91–94.), Gray, in Griffith's Cuvier, v. 13. pl. xxx. f. 4; V. Turneri, ibid. pl . xl. f. 1. Testâ elongato-ovatâ, tenuiusculâ, lævi, fulvescente, spadiceo- 197 a lineatâ, vel pallidè fulvo-bifasciatâ ; spirâ brevi, acuminatâ, anfrac- tibus 6, primis 4 immaculatis, cæteris plus minusve coloratis; aper- turâ elongatâ, labio externo subincrassato; columellâ plicis 4 validis. Shell of a lengthened oval form, rather thin, smooth, with dark brown lines, or two pale fulvous bands, spire short, acuminated, volutions 6, the 4 first unvaried in colour, and the other more or less variegated; aperture elongated, outer lip somewhat thickened ; columella with 4 distinct folds. From the coast of New Holland. We are compelled to unite the V. Turneri of Gray with his V. pallida, because we find nothing to distinguish them except the variations of colour, which cannot be relied on as specific characters. 12. VOLUTA RETICULATA (pl. xlix. f. 47, 48.), Reeve. Testâ oblongo-ovatâ, tenuiusculâ, lævi, fulvescente, castaneo-re- ticulatâ, fasciis duabus saturatioribus, strigis brevibus longitudina- libus nonnullis ante suturam pictis; spirâ brevi, acuminatâ, anfrac- tibus senis, primis 4 fuscis; aperturâ elongatâ, latiusculâ ; columellæ plicis quatuor. Shell oblong-ovate, rather thin, smooth, pale fulvous, reticulated with chesnut, with two darker bands, and with a few short, longitu- dinal streaks in front of the suture; spire short, with an acuminated apex of 4 fuscous volutions, the remaining volutions two, of which the last is very large; aperture lengthened, rather wide; columella with 4 folds. From the coast of New Holland. This species differs from V. pallida of Gray in its proportions. 13. VOLUTA JUNONIA (pl. xlix. f. 44.). Testâ ovato-fusiformi, crassâ, lævi, tenerrimè decussatim striatâ, pallidâ, maculis castaneis rotundato-quadratis fasciatim tessellatâ, seriebus macularum duplicatis ; spirâ breviusculâ, apice acuto-papil- lari, infra apicem cancellatim subrugosâ; anfractu ultimo maximo, oblongo, anticè transversim obsoletissimè striato; aperturâ rectius- culâ, elongatâ, subangustâ; labio externo intus subincrassato; co- lumellâ 4-plicatâ. Shell ovate-fusiform, thick, smooth, very finely decussately stri- ated, of a pale colour, with rounded square chesnut coloured spots, arranged in double transverse rows; spire rather short, with an acute papillary apex; the several smaller volutions are cancellately sub- rugose, and the last volution very large, oblong, and finely striated transversly in front; aperture straightish, lengthened, rather narrow, outer lip somewhat thickened within; columella with 4 folds. 198 This extremely rare and valuable shell is said to be brought from the Gulf of Mexico : the few specimens we have seen have measured from 24 to 4 inches in length. Lamarck has inadvertently described the columella as subseptemplicata. 14. VOLUTA PUNCTATA (pl. liii. f. 89, 90.) Swains. Testâ subovali , crassiusculâ, lævi, pallidè fulva, maculis satura- tioribus subquadratis seriatim dispositis, punctisque concoloribus sparsis pictâ ; spirâ breviusculâ, conicâ, apice obtuso; anfractibus paucis, ultimo posticè tuberculato, tuberculis parvis; columellæ pli- cis 4, validis, albis. Shell nearly oval, thickish, smooth, pale fulvous, with darker squarish spots disposed in rows, and sprinkled over with dots of the same colour; spire rather short, conical, with an obtuse apex; volu- tions few, the last with small tubercles posteriorly; columella with 4 distinct white folds. First described and figured by Swainson in his Zoological Illus- trations, 1st series, pl. 161, from the only specimen hitherto known, which is imperfect. It is in the British Museum. We think it nearly related to V. undulata, and that Swainson has made the apex too acute in his figure. 15. VOLUTA AULICA (pl. xlvi. f. 9, 10, 11, 12.), Sol. ; Tank. Cat. App., p. 19. pl. ü. Testâ ovato-oblongâ, crassiusculâ, lævi, carneolâ, maculis lineo- lisque rufis variè pictâ, spirâ conicâ, apice obtuso, papillari; an- fractibus senis, 3 ad 4 primis papillam efformantibus, politis, uni- coloribus ; cæteris coloribus variegatis, nonnunquam inermibus, plerumque tuberculis vel spinis brevibus armatis; ultimo maximo, elongato; aperturâ elongatâ, posticè acuminatâ, anticè latiori; co- lumellæ plicis quatuor, validis. Shell ovate-oblong, rather thick, smooth, flesh coloured, variously marked with red spots and lines; spire conical ; volutions 6, the 3 or 4 first, which form the obtuse papillary apex, are polished, and of one colour; the remainder are varied with other colours, some- times unarmed, frequently armed with tubercles or short spines; the last very large, lengthened ; aperture lengthened, posteriorly acuminated, anteriorly wider; columella with four distinct folds. For a series of valuable observations on this and several other species of Volutes by W. J. Broderip, Esq., we refer to the second volume of the Zoological Journal; and descriptions of seven varie- ties of this species by the same gentleman will be found in Part X. of the Proceedings of the Zoological Society. We have represented 199 four varieties, the first of which is in the British Museum and the remaining three in Mr. Cuming's collection. It is proper to remark. that Kiener has not given the true V. aulica, but has represented V. rutila under the name of aulica ! 16. VOLUTA PULCHRA (pl. li. f. 61.), nobis ; Tank. Cat. App. p. 28. pl. iv. f. 2. Testâ oblongo-ovatâ, subfusiformi, lævi, nitidâ, pallidè carneâ, ni- veo-maculatâ, maculisque castaneis parvis triseriatim irregulariter dispositis ornatâ ; spirâ subconicâ, subacuminatâ, anfractibus 3 pri- mis papillam subacutam subgranosam efformantibus, cæteris 2–3 posticè adpressis, subangulatis, tuberculatis, tuberculis elongatis, posticè acutiusculis; columellâ quadriplicatâ. Shell oblong-ovate, slightly fusiform, smooth, shining, pale flesh- colour with white specks, and ornamented with small chesnut dots, ir- regularly disposed in three rows; spire subconical, subacuminated, the three first volutions forming the slightly acute, somewhat granose, pa- pillary apex, the remaining two or three posteriorly pressed together at the sutures, slightly angular and tuberculated, the tubercles elon- gated and slightly acute posteriorly; columella with four folds. Vide Broderip, in Zool. Journ., vol. ii. p. 32. Our figure is drawn from a specimen in Mr. Cuming's collection. 17. VOLUTA PIPERITA (pl. li. f. 62.), nobis. Testà obovatâ, ventricosiusculâ, crassiusculâ, pallescente, quin- quefasciatâ, fasciis posticâ medianâ et anticâ brunneo-puncticulatis, strigisque fuscis irregularibus ornatis ; fasciis duabus intermediis pallidioribus, strigis nonnullis lividis, cum strigis fuscis fasciarum alternarum continuis; anfractibus quinque, tribus primis papillam efformantibus, papillâ lævi, posticè subgranosâ, ultimo maximo, ovali; aperturâ elongatâ, latiori, intus aurantiacâ ; columellâ plicis 4, validis, labioque columellari aurantiacis. Shell obovate, rather ventricose, and thickish, of a pale colour with five bands, the posterior, middle, and anterior of which are dotted with brown and ornamented with irregular fuscous streaks, the two intermediate bands are paler, with livid streaks, which are continuous with the brown streaks of the alternating bands; volu- tions 5, of which the three first form the papillary apex, which is smooth, and slightly granose posteriorly; the last volution very large, oval ; aperture elongated, rather wide, orange coloured within"; columella with four distinct folds, orange coloured as well as the columella lip: A single specimen only is known, which is in Mr. Norris's col- lection. a I 200 18. VOLUTA RUTILA (pl. xlvi. f. 5, 6.), Brod.; Zool. Journ. vol. ii. p. 30. tab. III. Testâ ovato-oblongâ, crassiusculâ, lævi, albidâ rufescenteque va- riâ, maculis subtrigonis, confluentibus, croceo-rubris, pictâ ; spirâ breviusculâ, suturâ simplici , apice papillari , subgranulato; anfrac- tibus senis, ultimo maximo, vel inermi vel nonnunquam tuberculis elongatis armato, fasciisque duabus latis, interruptis, rutilis, ornato; columellâ quadriplicatâ, plicâ anticâ validiori. Shell oblong-ovate, rather thick, smooth, varied with whitish and reddish, and ornamented with subtrigonal, confluent saffron-red spots ; spire rather short, suture uninterrupted; apex papillary, slightly granose; volutions 6, the last very large, sometimes armed with elongated tubercles, and ornamented with two broad, inter- rupted, rusty red bands; columella with four folds, of which the anterior is the most prominent. First described and figured by Broderip in the Zoological Jour- nal, vol. ii. and figured afterwards by Kiener under the name of aulica, which belongs to a very distinct species. We have repre- sented the smooth and the tuberculated varieties. 19. VOLUTA MAGNIFICA (pl. liv. f. 103.), Chemn. Testâ ovato-oblongâ, medio ventricosâ, tenuiusculâ, pallidè fulva, fasciis latis tribus aurantio-castaneis, albo-fuscoque maculatis, cinctâ; spirâ subconoideâ, apice papillari, anfractibus primis tribus papil- lam obsoletè granulosam efformantibus, cæteris tribus medio ven- tricosis; ultimo maximo; aperturâ oblongâ, magnâ, posticè acumi- natâ, medio latiori; columellæ plicis quatuor validis, aurantiacis. Shell oblong-ovate, ventricose in the middle, rather thin, pale fulvous, with three broad orange-chesnut bands, marked with white and fuscous spots ; spire subconical, with a papillary apex, formed of the three first volutions, and very obsoletely granulose, the re- maining three volutions are ventricose, the last being extraordi- narily large; the aperture is oblong, very large, posteriorly acumi- nated, wider in the middle; columella with four distinct orange coloured folds. Found in some Australian estuaries. Mr. S. Stutchbury obtained several specimens with the animal alive in about twelve feet water in Rose Bay, Port Jackson. 20. VOLUTA NIVOSA (pl. li.. f. 63, 64.), Brod. Testâ ovato-oblongâ, crassiusculâ, lavi, cinereo-carneolatâ, macu- lis parvis niveis adspersâ, faciisque tribus transversis fusco-lineatis, lineis longitudinalibus; spirâ subconicâ, obtusâ, apice papillari gra- 201 noso, anfractibus senis, 2-3 ultimis posticè subangulatis, angulo obtuso, plus minusve tuberculato; tuberculis plerumque parvis, non- nunquam validioribus : aperturâ magnâ, oblongo-ovatâ, columellâ croceâ, quadriplicatâ. Shell oblong-ovate, thickish, smooth, greyish flesh colour, sprin- kled with small white specks, with 3 transverse bands, consisting of longitudinal fuscous lines; spire subconical, obtuse, with a papillary granose apex; volutions 6, the 2 or 3 last posteriorly subangular, the angle being obtuse, and more or less tuberculated, the tubercles generally small, sometimes very distinct and pointed ; aperture large, oblong-ovate; columella saffron-colour, with four folds. This species is never entirely free from tubercles, nor is it ever spinose. From Garden Island, Australia. 21. Voluta NORRISII (pl. li. f. 65.), nobis. Testâ ovatâ, suboblongâ, ventricosâ, coronatâ, cinereo-fulvâ, ma- culis parvis niveis, aliisque fuscis adspersâ, fasciisque duabus trans- versis fuscis, interruptis, hic illic lineis interruptis longitudinalibus notatis : spirâ brevi, apice papillari, granoso, anfractibus senis, ulti- mis duobus spinis brevibus, acutis, coronatis; aperturâ magnâ, ob- longâ, intus fuscâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ, plicis duabus anticis validioribus. Shell ovate, rather oblong, ventricose, coronated, greyish brown, sprinkled with small snow-white and brown specks, with two trans- verse brown interrupted bands, here and there marked with inter- rupted longitudinal lines; spire short with a papillary granose apex; volutions six, the last two crowned with short sharp spines ; aper- ture large, oblong, brown within; columella with four folds, of which the two anterior are prominent. Found on the reefs at low water on Dupuch’s Island by J. C. Dring, Esq., R. N. In Mr. Cuming's collection ; Wagner has figured this species for V. nivosa. 22. VOLUTA VESPERTILIO (pl. xlvii. f. 15–23, pl. li. f. 67.). Testâ turbinatâ vel ovato-oblongâ, crassâ, coronatâ, variè coloratâ, plerumque pallidâ, vel carneolâ, maculis, strigisque angularibus fus- cis, fulvis vel rufis ornatâ ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ ; apice papillari , quasi truncato, granoso; anfractibus senis, 2 ad 3 ultimis spinis crassis vel tuberculis plerumque coronatis, nonnunquam ferè muticis; aper- turâ oblongâ, posticè subsinuatâ, acuminatâ, labii externi margine posticè subangulari, pone angulum acuto, anticè rotundato, crasso : plicis columellæ quatuor validis. Shell turbinated or oblong-ovate, thick, coronated, variously co- x 202 a loured, frequently pale or flesh-coloured, ornamented with fuscous, fulvous, or dark red spots and angular streaks; spire short, obtuse, with a papillary granose apex, having the appearance of being trun- cated, volutions 6, the 2 or 3 last generally crowned with thick spines or tubercles, sometimes almost unarmed; aperture oblong, slightly sinuated and acuminated posteriorly, margin of the outer lip pos- teriorly subangular, sharp behind the angle, anteriorly rounded, thick; columella with 4 distinct folds. Referring to Zoological Journal, vol. ii. p. 31, where Broderip says, “ After a careful examination of a connecting series of speci- mens, I am unable to discover any satisfactory specific distinction , either in V. pellis-serpentis, in V. mitis, or in V. serpentina, Lam.; nor do I think that any sufficient cause exists for removing them from the situation they formerly occupied as varieties of V. Vespertilio, Linn.,” we think we need merely add that our own opinion coincides entirely with his; we have therefore regarded them all as varieties of V. Vespertilio, and in order to shew the variations of form to which this species is subject, we have given ten figures representing the principal varieties, thus our figures 15, 16, 21, 22, represent Lamark's V.Vespertilio; our figures 17, 20, the V. pellis-serpentis, Lam.; our figures 19, 23, light and dark coloured specimens of Lamarck's V. serpentina, and our figure 18 shews his 7. mitis. 23. VOLUTA ANGULATA (pl. xlvii. f. 13, 14.), Swains. ; V. Du- fresnii, Donovan, Nat. Rep., vol. ii. pl. lxvii. (1824.) Testâ oblongâ, fusiformi, epidermide vitreâ tectâ, pallidâ, lineis irregularibus castaneis longitudinaliter undatâ; spirâ breviusculâ, acuminatâ, apice acutiusculo, anfractibus 5 ad 6, duobus ultimis posticè angulatis, ponè angulum planis, ultimo maximo; aperturâ oblongâ, posticè angulatâ, anticè effusâ, pallidè aurantiacâ; colu- mellâ triplicatâ, anticè acutâ, plicâ posticâ obsoletiori. Shell oblong, fusiform, covered with a shining epidermis, of a pale colour, with irregular undulated longitudinal chesnut lines; spire rather short, acuminated, with a rather acute apex; volutions 5 to 6, the two last angular posteriorly, and flat behind the angle, the last very large; aperture oblong, posteriorly angular, anteriorly effuse, pale orange coloured; columella with three folds, the ante- rior of which is sharp, and the posterior rather obsolete. This was published many years since by Swainson under the name of angulata, but it has lately been republished by Wagner under the appellation of T. nasica : of course Swainson's name has the right of priority, though the apex is sometimes extended in a manner so remarkable as fully to justify the latter name. a 203 X 24. VOLUTA FERUSSACII (pl. xlvi. f. 7.), Donovan; Nat. Rep., vol. ï. pl. lxvii. (1824.) rudis, Gray; in Griffith's Cuvier, vol. xiii. pl. xxx. f. 1. (1834.) Testâ ovatâ, crassiusculâ, rudi, fuscescente; spirâ brevi, subacu- minatâ; apice papillari; anfractibus 41, ultimo longè maximo, ven- tricoso; suturâ indistinctâ, subdecurrente; aperturâ magnâ, latâ, posticè acuminatâ, labio externo tenuiusculo, interno incrassato; columellâ quadriplicatâ, plicis, anticâ validâ, duabus intermediis me- diocribus, posticâ subobsoletâ. Shell ovate, rather thick, and rough, brownish; spire thick and short, somewhat acuminated ; apex papillary; volutions 43, the last being by far the greatest, and ventricose; suture indistinct, and somewhat decurrent; aperture large, broad, acuminated posteriorly, outer lip rather thin; inner lip thickened; columella with four folds, of which the posterior is nearly obsolete, the two intermediate are moderate sized, and the anterior very distinct. Two specimens of this species, both in very bad condition, are in the British Museum. A third specimen is to be seen in the Rev. Mr. Crotch's collection. 25. VOLUTA ANCILLA (pl. liv. f. 101.), Sol., MSS. Testâ oblongâ, ventricosiusculâ, tenuiusculâ, fulvescente, inter- dum flammulis castaneis pictâ, spirâ conoideâ, exsertiusculâ, anfrac- tibus 5, subventricosis, ultimo maximo, obovato, suturâ subplicatâ, aperturâ elongatâ, columellâ triplicatâ. Shell oblong, rather ventricose and thin, of a brownish yellow colour, sometimes with chesnut coloured irregular streaks; spire conical, rather prominent; volutions 5, somewhat ventricose, the last very large, and obovate; suture slightly plaited; aperture elongated; columella with three folds. There is little more than its more ventricose form to distinguish this species from V. Magellanica. Both species are abundant about the southern extremity of South America. The number of folds on the columella appears to vary from 3 to 5. 5 26. VOLUTA SUBNODOSA (pl. xlvii. f. 24.), Leach ; Zool. Misc., vol. i. t. 8. Testâ oblongâ, ventricosâ, tenuiusculâ, fulvescente, flammulis cas- taneis variè pictâ, spirâ conoideâ, exsertiusculâ, anfractibus 5, sub- ventricosis, primo lævi, intermediis subnodosis, ultimo maximo, obo- vato; suturâ subplicatâ ; aperturâ elongatâ ; columellâ triplicata. Perhaps this should be regarded as only a variety of Voluta An- cilla. It is also brought from the Straits of Magalhæns. a 204 27. VOLUTA MAGELLANICA (pl. liv. f. 99.). Testâ ovato-elongatâ, tenui, læviusculâ, fulvescente, flammulis ferrugineis angustis, longitudinalibus, undatis, pictâ; spira elongatâ, subpapillari, anfractibus 7, ultimis quatuor subventricosis; ultimo magno; aperturâ oblongâ, posticè acuminatâ, anticè latiori; labio interno supra anfractum ultimum extenso; columellâ 2- vel 3- plicatâ. Shell elongated oval, thin, nearly smooth, brownish yellow, with narrow undulated longitudinal ferruginous streaks; spire elongated, somewhat papillary, volutions 7, the four last rather ventricose, the last very large; aperture oblong, acuminated posteriorly, and broad in front; inner lip spread over the last volution; columella with two or three folds. Distinguished from V. Ancilla by its much more elongated shape; the number of folds on the columella is variable as in that species ; they do not, however, appear to be so numerous in this. From the Straits of Magalhæns. 28. VOLUTA BRASILIANA (pl. liv. f. 98.), Sol., MSS. Testâ ovatâ, ventricosâ, crassiusculâ, glabratâ, fulvescente, immaculatâ ; spirâ brevi, papillari, papillâ angustâ; anfractibus quinis, ultimo maximo, inflato, posticè subangulato, nodifero ; aper- turâ latâ; columellâ biplicatâ. Shell ovate, ventricose, rather thick, nearly smooth, pale brownish yellow, without spots ; spire short, papillary, papilla narrow; volu- tions 5, the last very large, inflated, posteriorly subangular and tuberculated; aperture wide; columella with two folds. This appears to be a rare species; it is found on the coasts of Brazil ; we have never seen it in good condition though we have occasionally met with the remains of an epidermis, which is very thin and deciduous, and of a dirty brown colour. 29. VOLUTA TUBERCULATA (pl. 1. f. 49, 50.), Cymbiola tuber- culata, Swains. ; Exot. Conch., p. 19. pl. 29. Testâ ovatâ, crassa, læviusculâ, brunneo-fulvescente, maculis, lineisque angulatim flexuosis, castaneis, ornatâ; spirâ acuminatâ, breviusculâ ; apice papillari, papillâ parvâ; anfractibus 57, ultimis duobus posticè tuberculiferis, ultimo maximo; aperturâ magnâ, oblongâ, posticè subacuminatâ ; labii externi margine incrassato; labio interno supra anfractum ultimum expanso, crassiusculo; co- lumellæ plicis 3 ad 5, subirregularibus. Shell ovate, thick, nearly smooth, brownish yellow, with flexuous 205 angular lines and spots of a chesnut colour ; spire acuminated, rather short, with a small papillary apex; volutions 57, the two last posteriorly tuberculated, the last very large; aperture large, oblong, somewhat acuminated posteriorly, outer lip with a thick- ened edge, inner lip rather thick, spread over the last volution ; columella with from three to five rather irregular folds. An extremely rare species, of which the finest specimen we have seen, from which our figure is taken, is in Mr. Norris's col- celtion. Mr. Cuming and the British Museum also possess the species. 30. VOLUTA BECKII (pl. liv. f. 104.), Brod.; Zool. Proc. 1836, p. 43. Testâ ovato-fusiformi, tenui, lævíusculâ, fulvescente, lineis sub- angulatis, castaneis, inscriptâ; transversim striatâ, striis minutis, subundulatis; spirâ mediocri, anfractibus senis, ultimis quatuor posticè tuberculato-subplicatis, ultimo maximo, oblongo; aperturâ ovato-elongatâ; columellâ triplicatâ, plicis subirregularibus. Shell ovato-fusiform, thin, nearly smooth, brownish yellow, with chesnut-coloured, rather angular lines; transversely striated, the striæ small, somewhat undulated; spire moderate, with six volu- tions, the four last of which are posteriorly tuberculato-subplicate; the last very large, oblong; aperture of a lengthened oval; colu- mella with three somewhat irregular folds. This volute, published in 1836 by Broderip under the name of Voluta Beckii, has since been figured by Kiener under the name of fusiformis, a name which had been given by Swainson to a very distinct species in the Bligh Catalogue, and to which species Kiener has given a new name in a most absurd manner. Voluta Beckii occasionally reaches twelve inches in length. 31. VOLUTA PACIFICA (pl. xlviii. f. 25, 26, 27.), Sol., MSS.; Variety, V. elongata, Swains. Testâ oblongo-fusiformi, crassiusculâ, lævi, fulvescente, lineis irregularibus fasciisque quatuor interruptis castaneis notatâ ; spirâ acuminatâ, papillari, papillâ parvâ, anfractuum duorum compositâ ; anfractibus cæteris quinque ventricosiusculis, posticè plùs minùsve tuberculiferis, ultimo maximo, subventricoso; aperturâ elongatâ, posticè acuminatâ, anticè latiori; labio externo incrassato, paulu- lùm reflexo, interno extenso, anticè laminam crassam efformante, columellâ 4- ad 6- plicatâ, plicis irregularibus, plerumque validis. Shell oblong-fusiform, thickish, smooth, yellowish brown, with irregular chesnut lines, and four interrupted bands of the same co- 206 a a lour; spire acuminated, with a small papillary apex, consisting of two volutions; the remaining five volutions rather ventricose, pos- teriorly more or less tuberculiferous, the last very large, somewhat ventricose; aperture lengthened, posteriorly acuminated, anteriorly rather broad; outer lip thickened, slightly reflected, inner lip ex- tended, forming a rather thick lamina anteriorly; columella with from four to six irregular, mostly distinct folds. A variety of this species, more or less free from tubercles, has been described as a distinct species by Swainson, under the name of elongata, in his Exotic Conchology. Mr. Broderip has proved by a careful examination of a number of specimens that it is only a variety, see Zool. Journ. vol. v. p. 332. 32. VOLUTA GRACILIS (pl. lv. f. 117, 118.), Swains., Journ. of Science, xvii. p. 32. Testâ oblongo-fusiformi, crassiusculâ, lævi, fulvescente, lineis irre- gularibus, angulosis, castaneis, pictâ; spirâ acuminatâ, apice papil- lari, anfractibus senis, 3 ad 4 intermediis tuberculato-costatis, ultimo subtuberculato-costato, nonnunquam lævigato; labio externo mar- gine incrassato, columellæ plicis quatuor validis. Shell oblong, fusiform, thickish, smooth, brownish yellow, with irregularly angular chesnut lines; spire acuminated, with a papil- lary apex; volutions 6, of which the 3 or 4 intermediate are longi- tudinally ribbed and posteriorly tuberculated, the last sometimes smooth, sometimes having the same character as the intermediate ones; edge of the outer lip thickened; columella with four distinct folds. First described by Swainson; notwithstanding the assertion in the second edition of his Exotic Conchology, we think it entitled to rank as a distinct species. Kiener refers to this species in his text as a variety of Magellanica, and in his plate as a young elongata. . From New Zealand. 33. VOLUTA BULLATA (pl. liii. f. 88.), Swains. Testâ ovato-oblongâ, lævi, tenuiusculâ, fulvâ, lineis angulatim undulatis maculisque castaneis notatâ ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ, apice papillari; anfractibus 41, ultimo maximo ; labio externo posticè ver- sùs spiram ascendente; columellâ anticè plicis duabus validis. Shell oblong-ovate, smooth, rather thin, with chesnut spots and angular undulated lines; spire short, obtuse, with a papillary apex; volutions 4ụ, the last very large; outer lip extending up toward the spire posteriorly; columella with 2 distinct folds in front. An exceedingly rare species from Algoa Bay, South Africa. It . 207 is у was first described and figured by Swainson in his Zoological Illus- trations, second series; but has been omitted by Kiener with many others. We have only seen two specimens, the one from which our figure was drawn is in the British Museum. 34. Voluta MAMILLA (pl. 1. f. 57, 58.), Gray, Testâ ovato-oblongâ, tenui, lutescente, apice mamillari, obtusis- simo, subspirali; anfractibus duobus, ultimo magno, ovali, maculis lineisque castaneis picto; aperturâ magnâ, columellæ plicis tribus. Shell ovate-oblong, thin, brownish yellow, with a mammillary subspiral, very obtuse apex; volutions two, the last of which is large, oval, marked with chesnut coloured spots and zigzag lines; aperture large; columella with three folds. From New Holland; a single specimen is in the British Museum, which appears to be only a very young shell ; it is a very remark- able species, forming the link that unites Cymba with Voluta, the apex in this species being subspiral, while in Cymba the apex amorphous. 35. VOLUTA FULGETRUM (pl. xlviii. f. 33, 34.), nobis; Tank. Cat. App., p. 28. pl. iv., v.; Brod., Zool. Journ., vol. ii. P. 35. Testâ oblonga, tenuiusculâ, lævissimè transversim striatâ, fulvo- carneâ, strigis flammiferis, enormiter angulosis, castaneis, ornatâ ; spirâ productiori, apice truncato-papilloso, anfractibus senis, ultimis tribus gibbis, ultimo ventricoso, posticè subangulari; aperturâ ob- longâ, posticè acutiusculâ ; labio columellari tenui, supra anfractum ultimum extenso; columellâ triplicatâ. Shell oblong, rather thin, very finely transversely striated, yel- lowish flesh coloured, with very angular, flame-like, chesnut streaks; spire rather prominent, with a truncate-papillary apex, volutions 6, , the three last gibbous, the last ventricose, and posteriorly suban- gular ; aperture oblong, posteriorly rather acute; columella lip thin, spread over the last volution ; columella with three folds. Several varieties of this rare species are now to be seen in col- lections, we have represented two; and a third which is in the British Museum has two rows of chesnut spots on the last volution. 36. VOLUTA PAPILLOSA (pl. xlviii, f. 30.), Swains., in Appen- dix to Bligh Catalogue. Testâ oblongo-ovali, crassâ, lævi, pallidâ, lineis fulvis subtilis- simè reticulatâ, fasciisque castaneo-fulvis, transversis, interruptis, ornatâ; spirâ brevi, subacuminatâ, apice papillari, papillâ crassa, anfractuum duorum compositâ ; anfractibus cæteris tribus coloratis, K 208 a ultimo magno, ovali; aperturâ oblongâ, posticè acuminatâ, labii externi margine incrassato; interni crasso, extenso; columellâ ante mediam subgibbâ, 3- ad 5- plicatâ. Shell oblong-oval, thick, smooth, reticulated with very fine ful- vous lines, and with interrupted transverse chesnut yellow bands, spire short, rather acuminated, with a thick papillary apex of two volutions, the three remaining volutions coloured, the last large and oval; aperture oblong, posteriorly acuminated, outer lip with the margin thickened, inner lip thick, spread; columella anteriorly gibbous, with from 3 to 5 folds. From the Fijee Islands : a remarkable species of extreme rarity. 37. VOLUTA FUSIFORMIS (pl. liv. f. 100.), Swains., in Appen- dix to Bligh Catalogue. Testâ oblongo-fusiformi, crassiusculâ, lævi, fulvâ vel carneo-fulva, maculis lineisque angularibus castaneis ornatâ; spirâ acuminatâ, subelongatâ; apice papillari , papillâ anfractuum duorum parvâ; anfractibus cæteris quinque subgibbis, ultimo paululùm ventricoso, anticè subcoarctato; aperturâ magnâ, posticè subacuminatâ, me- dianè latâ ; labio columellari tenuiusculâ, expansâ, collumellâ antice acutâ, plicis 3 ad 4 parvis, perobliquis, anticâ majori . Sheli oblong, fusiform, thickish, smooth, fulvous or somewhat flesh-coloured, with chesnut spots and angular lines; spire acumi- nated, rather elongated, with a small papillary apex of two volu- tions, the five remaining volutions rather gibbous, the last slightly ventricose, and contracted anteriorly; aperture large, posteriorly subacuminate, broad in the middle, columellar lip rather thin, spread; columella anteriorly sharp, with from three to four small very oblique folds, the anterior of which is the largest. Probably from the Pacific Ocean ; first described by Swainson in the Bligh Catalogue. 38. VOLUTA MEGASPIRA (pl. xlviii. f. 31, 32.), nobis. Testâ fusiformi, turritâ, tenuiusculâ, lævi, rufescente-carneolatâ, strigis maculisque castaneis, notatâ; spiræ anfractibus senis, sub- elongatis, medio ventricosiusculis, primis duobus apicem papillarem efformantibus, 3tio, 4to, 5to et éto obtusè longitudinaliter costatis, ultimo magno, oblongo, anticè attenuato, aperturâ oblongâ, labio externo subreflexo; columellâ quinqueplicatâ, plicis posticis obtusis parvis. Shell fusiform, turreted, rather thin, smooth, of a reddish flesh colour, marked with chesnut streaks and blotches; volutions of the spire six, rather elongated, rather ventricose in the middle, the two 209 first forming the papillary apex, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th, with obtuse longitudinal ribs, the last large, oblong, attenuated ante- riorly ; aperture oblong, outer lip slightly reflected; columella with five folds, the posterior of which are small and obtuse. I have only seen a single specimen which is in Mr. Cuming's extraordinary collection; it is probably the same as Kiener's T. lyriformis, but it is not the same as Broderip's , which is identical with Swainson's Mitra lyriformis. Its papillary apex closely re- sembles that of V. fulminata. 39. VOLUTA FULMINATA (pl. 1. f. 51, 52, 53.). Testâ oblongâ, fusiformi, tenuiusculâ, plerumque transversim im- presso-striatâ, carneo-fulvescente, lineis longitudinalibus castaneis flexuosis pictâ ; spirâ acuminatâ, apice papillari, lævi, anfractuum duorum composito; anfractibus cæteris quatuor longitudinaliter costato-subtuberculatis; ultimo posticè obtusè angulato, subtuber- culato, anticè coarctato, acuminato, densè transversim costato; apert elongatâ, labio externo, subeffuso, subincrassato, antice margine subdenticulato; columellâ anticè acutâ, 6- ad 10- plicatâ, plicis variis. Shell oblong, fusiform, rather thin, generally with transverse impressed striæ, yellowish flesh coloured, with flexuous, longitudinal chesnut lines; spire acuminated, with a smooth papillary apex of two volutions, the four remaining volutions longitudinally ribbed, and tuberculated, the last posteriorly obtusely angular, subtuber- culated, anteriorly contracted and acuminated, closely transversely ribbed; aperture elongated; outer lip somewhat effuse and thick- ened, with the anterior edge slightly toothed; columella sharp an- teriorly, with 6-10 variously prominent folds. We have represented three varieties of this not uncommon spe- cies; of these fig. 62 shows the ordinary character. 40. VOLUTIA DUBIA (pl. lv. f. 115.), Brod.; Zool. Journ., vol. iii. p. 81. pl. ij. f. 1. . . Testâ fusiformi, longitudinalitèr subcostatâ, transversim striatâ, flavicante, maculis fulvis subquadratis, fasciatim digestis, ornatâ ; spirâ brevi; apice acuto-papillari ; anfractibus 4, primo læviusculo, papillam efformante, secundo tertioque brevibus, ultimo elongato, subventricoso, aperturâ oblongâ, posticè acuminatâ, anticè subat- tenuatâ, integrâ; columellæ plicis duabus obsoletiusculis. Shell fusiform, slightly ribbed longitudinally, transversely striated, yellowish, with somewhat square fulvous spots arranged in bands ; spire short, with an acute papillary apex; volutions 4, the first 210 nearly smooth forming the papilla, the 2nd and 3rd short, the last lengthened, somewhat ventricose; aperture oblong, posteriorly acu- minated, narrower anteriorly, entire ; columella with two nearly obsolete folds. This very singular species approaches nearest to V. fulminata, its locality is unknown; it was lent to me many years since by M. Roussel, and we have not a single specimen in England. 41. VOLUTA VEXILLUM (pl. 1. f. 54, 55, 56.). Testâ ovatâ, subfusiformi, crassâ, lævi, nitente, albidâ, fasciis seu taniis aurantio-rubris plùs minùsve numerosis cinctâ; spirâ subconicâ, apice muricato-papillari, anfractuum 2 ad 2, composito; anfractibus 4 cæteris obsoletissimè tuberculiferis, ultimo posticè tuberculis subcompressis remotiusculis coronato, columellæ plicis 6 ad 8, tribus posticis minimis, anticis 2 ad 3 plerumque crassis. Shell ovate, subfusiform, thick, smooth, shining, whitish, with more or less numerous orange red narrow bands or fillets; spire somewhat conical, with a small pointed papillary apex, of from 2 to 2 volutions; the four remaining volutions very obsoletely tuber- culated, the last posteriorly crowned with rather remote and com- pressed tubercles; columella with from six to eight folds, of which the three posterior are very small, and the two or three anterior generally thick. This is commonly called the Orange Flag, we have given two varieties, of which the more slender has been distinguished as a species by some French collectors. 42. VOLUTA INDICA (pl. li. f. 68, 69, 70.), nob.; V. Lapponica auctm. Testâ ovatâ, subfusiformi, crassiusculâ, lævigatâ, pallidâ, maculis punctis lineolisque castaneis variè pictâ; spirâ subacuminatâ, apice papillari anfractuum 2 ad 2. sistente; anfractibus tertio quartoque longitudinaliter costatis, quinto subcostato, sexto subventricoso, lævi, ultimo magno, ovali, anticè transversim obsoletè striato; aper- turâ longiusculã, posticè acutâ, anticè latiusculâ ; labio externo intùs subincrassato, posticè subdecurrente, columellâ 6-ad 8- plicatâ, plicis anticis maximè majoribus, posticis parvis. Shell ovate, subfusiform, thickish, smooth, of a pale brownish flesh colour, variously marked with chesnut spots, dots, and lines; spíre subacuminated, with a small papillary apex of 2 or 2} volu- tions, the 3rd and 4th volutions longitudinally ribbed, 5th slightly ribbed, 6th rather ventricose, smooth, last large, oval, and obso- letely transversely striated anteriorly; aperture rather long, acute ; 211 posteriorly, and rather broad in front; outer lip rather thickened within, running slightly towards the spire posteriorly; columella with from six to eight folds, of which the anterior are much the larger, and the posterior are small. This shell has been named Lapponica by Linné, who has evi- dently been misled by Rumphius to suppose it an inhabitant of the North American seas; it is, however, really found in the East Indian Ocean, wherefore we have altered its name to Indica, 43. VOLUTA HEBRÆA (pl. liv. f. 95, 96, 97.). Testâ ovato-turbinatâ, crassâ, pallidè fulvâ, lineis castaneis undatis veniformibus, confertim fasciatis, interruptis, cinctâ, spirâ conicâ, plùs minùsve productâ, apice papillari, parvo, anfractuum 2 ad 21 com- posito, anfractibus cæteris 3 ad 6 vel 7 tuberculatis, tuberculis plùs minusve acutis, ultimo posticè tuberculis acutis, majusculis, muri- cato, plicis columellæ quinque anticis majoribus, nonnullis posticis minimis. Shell ovato-turbinate, thick, of a pale fulvous colour, with inter- rupted close set bands of chesnut coloured undulated vein-like lines; spire conical, more or less produced, with a small papillary apex of of 2 to 21 volutions, the remaining 3 to 6 or 7 volutions with more or less acute tubercles, the last with rather large acute tubercles posteriorly; columella with 5 rather large folds in front, and a few very small posteriorly. We have represented three varieties of this species ; f. 95 shews the variety with the more produced spire, from a specimen in Mr. Norris's collection; f. 96, the variety with a short spire, from Mr. Cuming's collection; and f. 97, the variety without tubercles, from Miss Saul's collection. 44. VOLUTA MUSICA (pl. xlix. f. 36-43.). Testâ ovato-turbinatâ, nonnunquam oblongâ, crassa, lævi, ple- rumque pallidâ, nonnunquam fulvā, aurantiacâ, carneolatâ, seu sub- fuscâ, castaneo vel aliis coloribus variè maculatâ, fasciis tribus trans- versis, plùs minùsve distinctis, lineis transversis fuscis, parallelis compositis ; aliisque duabus punctis compositis, ad margines inter- medios maculis nigris majoribus ornatâ; spirâ breviusculâ, conicâ, nonnunquam productiori, apice papillari , papillâ parvâ, subrudi, anfractibus tribus efformatâ; anfractibus cæteris 3 ad 4 tuberculis magnis oblongis instructis, ultimo anticè posticèque striis transversis subrugoso; columellæ plicis 9 ad 12, anticis 5 ad 6 majoribus. Shell ovate, turbinated, sometimes oblong, thick, smooth, gene- rally of a pale colour, or brownish, variously spotted with chesnut a 212 and other colours, with 3 transverse, more or less distinct bands, composed of transverse, parallel, fuscous lines, together with 2 other dotted lines, marked in the intermediate edges with large black spots; spire rather short, conical, sometimes rather prominent, with a small mis-shapen papillary apex of 3 volutions, the remaining 3 or 4 volutions furnished with large oblong tubercles; the last both anteriorly and posteriorly roughened with transverse striæ; colu- mella with from 9 to 12 folds, of which the 5 or 6 anterior are the larger. This is another of the species that varies so excessively both in form and colours, that it is not surprising that Lamarck, who had but comparatively slight opportunities, should have distinguished its varieties specifically; we have carefully examined a great series of them, from which we are satisfied that Lamarck's T. Thiarella, V. carneolata, V. guinaica, V. lavigata, and probably his V. nodu- losa, are merely varieties of V. musica. We have represented each of the principal varieties. 45. VOLUTA SULCATA (pl. lü. f. 17.), Lam. Testâ oblongo-ovatâ, crassâ, subrugosâ, pallidè fulvâ, longitudi- nalitèr costatâ, costis obtusis; transversim sulcatâ ; spirâ brevius- culâ, obtusâ, anfractibus tribus primis papillam efformantibus, ultimo fasciis subfuscis duabus lineisque parallelis castaneis, seriebus tribus macularum castanearum instructis; columellâ plicis 10 ad 11. Shell oblong-ovate, thick, rather rugose, pale fulvous, with obtuse longitudinal ribs, and transversely grooved; spire rather short, ob- tuse, with a papillary apex formed of the 3 first volutions; the last volution with 2 subfuscous bands, with several parallel chesnut lines, and three rows of chesnut spots; columella with 10 or 11 folds. This species closely resembles several of the varieties of musica ; it shows moreover the same general system of coloration. We have ventured to consider it distinct, on account of its transverse grooves from one end of the last volution to the other. 46. VOLUTA POLYZONALIS (pl. lii. f. 77,78.), Lam. Testâ subconicâ, turbinatâ, subcrassâ, transversim sulcatâ, cinereo- virescente, castaneo-punctulatâ, tæniis transversis plurimis palles- centibus sparsim fusco-guttatis ; spirâ brevi, conicâ, anfractibus duobus primis papillam parvam efformantibus, cæteris 5 submuri- cato-tuberculatis; ultimo posticè angulato, tuberculis acutis cbro- nato; aperturâ oblongâ, subobliquâ, utrâque extremitate subangu- lari; labio externo incrassato, maculato, posticè tenui; columellâ 12- ad 14- plicatâ, plicis variis, anticis plerumque majoribus. a X 213 Shell subconical, turbinated, thickish, transversely grooved, greenish ash-colour, with small chesnut dots, and many pale trans- verse fillets sprinkled with fuscous specks; spire short, conical, with a papillary apex of 2 volutions, the remaining 5 volutions with pointed tubercles, and the last volution crowned with sharp tuber- cles; aperture oblong, rather oblique, sowewhat angular at both ends; outer lip thickened, spotted, thin at the posterior edge; colu- mella with from 12 to 14 variable folds, the anterior being generally the larger. Easily distinguished from all the varieties of musica. Lamarck's V. fulva is merely a worn variety of this species, and we think his V. chlorosina will prove to be nothing more. We have represented two varieties; f. 77, from Mr. Norris's collection, and f. 78, from Miss Saul's. 47. VOLUTA PUSIO (pl. lv. f. 119.), Swains. Testâ ovato-turbinatâ, crassâ, lavigatâ, fulvescente, fasciis pallidis, punctisque fulvis seriatim dispositis cinctâ ; spirâ brevi, apice acuto; anfractibus 6, ultimo leviter costato, posticè obtusè nodoso; labio externo subexpanso; columellâ subincrassatâ, multiplicatâ, plicis nonnullis validis, aliis intermedüs posticisque parvis. Shell ovate-turbinated, thick, smooth, pale fulvous, with darker coloured bands and spots arranged in rows, spire short, with an acute apex; volutions 6, the last slightly ribbed and obtusely tuber- culated posteriorly; outer lip somewhat spread; columella rather thickened, with many folds, some of which are distinct, and others, which are intermediate and posterior, are small. Perhaps this ought to be merely regarded as a variety of Voluta polyzonalis, from which it differs principally in its proportions ; being wider and having a shorter spire. We are not acquainted with its locality. The specimen is in the British Museum. 48. VOLUTA CUMINGII (pl. lv. f. 105, 106, 107.), Broderip; Zool. Proc., 1832, p. 33. Testâ ovato-pyramidali, crassa, albidâ, cæruleo-castaneo nebulosâ, suturas versus nigro-castaneo vittatâ, spirâ subelongatâ, apice acuto ; anfractibus tuberculatis, ultimo subcostato, costis tumidis, fasciâque subcentrali pallidâ, latâ cincto; labro tumido, subcontracto, sub- reflexo, acuto, varice interno obliquo submedio; columellâ 5 ad plicatâ, plicis tribus anticis majoribus, cæteris indistinctis. Shell ovate-pyramidal, thick, whitish, clouded with blueish ches- nut,and banded near the suture with blackish chesnut; spire some- what elongated, with an acute apex; volutions tuberculated, the last ; 214 partly ribbed, with tumid ribs, and a broad, pale coloured, nearly central band; lip tumid, somewhat contracted and reflected, with an internal, oblique, nearly central varix; columella with 5 or 6 folds, of which the three anterior are large, and the remainder in- distinct. First brought by Mr. Cuming from the Gulf of Fonseca, in the Province of San Salvador, Central America. We have represented three varieties, two from Mr. Cuming's collection, and one from Mr. Norris's. 7 a 49. VOLUTA GUILDINGII (pl. lv. f. 110, 111.), nobis. Testâ oblongâ, crassâ, fulvescente, lineolis saturatioribus aliisque albis pictâ, spirâ acuminatâ, apice obtuso, anfractibus 5 ad 6, sub- ventricosis, longitudinaliter costatis, interstitiis costarum transver- sim striatis, ultimo magno, lævigatiusculo; aperturâ mediocri, labio externo extùs incrassato, albicante, intùs dente parvo instructo; columellæ plicis quinque ad sex parvis, anticis duabus validioribus. Shell oblong, thick, fulvous, marked with little white lines, and others of a darker colour, spire acuminated, with an obtuse apex; volutions 5 to 6, rather ventricose, longitudinally ribbed, interstices of the ribs with transverse striæ, the last volution large, rather smooth; aperture middle-sized, outer lip externally thickened, whitish, furnished with a small tooth internally; columella with 5 or 6 folds, of which the two anterior are more prominent. This is the smallest known species of Volute; it was discovered at St. Vincent's, by the late Rev. Lansdowne Guilding. In Mr. Cuming's and Mr. Metcalfe's collections. 50. VOLUTA CYLLENIFORMIS (pl. lv. f. 112. 113.) nobis. Testâ parvâ, ovatâ, crassâ, læviusculâ, albicante, maculis parvis flavicantibus sparsim ornatâ ; spirâ subconicâ, anfractibus senis, posticè coarctatis, ad suturam granosis, anticè longitudinaliter cos- tatis, ultimo magno, anticè transversim striato, canali reflexo; aperturâ oblonga, labio externo extùs incrassato, margine interno intùs dente parvo instructo, labio columellari anticè rugu- loso, dentibus tribus parvulis munito. Shell small, ovate, thick, rather smooth, whitish, sprinkled with small yellowish specks, spire somewhat conical, with 6 volutions, which are contracted posteriorly, granose at the sutures, and longi- tudinally ribbed anteriorly, the last volution is large, and anteriorly transversely striated; canal small, slightly reflected; aperture ob- long, outer lip externally thickened, its internal edge furnished with parvo, sub- 215 a small tooth, columellar lip rugulose, anteriorly furnished with three small teeth. The only specimen of this curious little shell we have seen is in the collection of W. Metcalfe, Esq., who has obligingly permitted us to describe and figure it. In general appearance it nearly resembles a Cyllene. 51. VOLUTA HARPA (pl. lv. f. 114.), Barnes; Annals of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist. of New York, vol. i. p. 139. pl. ix. f. 4. Testâ ovali, crassa, læviusculâ, albido-carneolâ, maculis punc- tisque castaneis seriatim transversè pictâ, spirâ breviusculâ, acumi- natâ, apice acuto; anfractibus novem, brevibus, ultimis 4 longitu- dinalitèr costellatis, ultimo autem obsoletè transversim striato ; labio externo extùs varice instructo, intùs unidentato, margine tenui, pos- ticè decurrente; columellâ plicis tribus anticè instructâ, aliisque duabus vel tribus inconspicuis. Shell oval, thick, rather smooth, pale flesh colour, with chesnut spots and dots in transverse rows; spire rather short, acuminated, with an acute apex; volutions 9, short, the last four with small longitudinal ribs, and the last having also obsolete transverse striæ ; outer lip with an external varix, and a single tooth within, its edge thin and posteriorly decurrent; columella with three distinct folds anteriorly, and 2 or 3 indistinct behind. From the coast of Peru; in Mr. Cuming's and other collections. 52. VOLUTA COSTATA (pl. lii. f. 71, 72.), Swains., Journal of Science, vol. xvii. 1824, p. 33; V. lyrata, Sowerby, Tankerville, Cat. no. 2140; V. Anna, Lesson. Testâ ovato-oblongâ, tenuiusculâ, nitidâ, albidâ, maculis lineisque interruptis aurantiacis transversim fasciatâ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ, an- fractibus 5 ad 6, duobus primis papillam mediocrem efformantibus, cæteris longitudinalitèr costatis , costis subdistantibus, posticè mu- cronatis, anfractu ultimo anticè transversim costellato ; labio externo extùs varicem instructo, margine tenui; columellâ plicis tribus, anticis majoribus, plurimis posticis minimis distinctâ. Shell oblong-ovate, rather thin, shining, whitish, transversely banded with orange coloured spots and interrupted lines ; spire short, obtuse, with a moderate sized papillary apex of 2 volutions, the remaining volutions with somewhat distant longitudinal ribs, each rib being posteriorly mucronated, with a rather flat space be- tween the ends of the ribs and the suture; last volution transversely striated in front; outer lip furnished with an external varix, and a L 216 a thin edge; columella with three large anterior, and many very small posterior, folds. This species has long been known in this country under the name of V. lyrata, of Humphrey. It is Harpula Harpa, of Swain- son, Exot. Conch.; and Lesson has published it in his Illustr. Zoologiques, under the name of V. Anna. It is not the V. mitri- formis of Lamarck. 53, VOLUTA DELESSERTIANA (pl. lii. f. 73, 74.), Petit; Mag. de Zool., 1842, pl. lvii. Testâ oblongâ, subfusiformi, crassiusculâ, longitudinalitèr mul- ticostatâ, carnicolore, aurantiaco-sphacelatâ et fasciatâ, castaneoque lineatâ; anfractibus duobus primis papillam parvam lævigatam effor- mantibus, cæteris quinque subventricosis, longitudinalitèr costatis, costis crebris, flexuosis, interstitiis costarum transversim striatis; suturis crenatis ; anfractu ultimo magno: aperturâ oblongâ, intùs albâ, margine castaneo-punctato; labio externo extus varicem in- structo, labio columellari subexpanso, plicis anticis tribus validis, posticis plurimis filiformibus. Shell oblong, subfusiform, thickish, longitudinally many-ribbed, flesh colour, with orange coloured blotches and bands and chesnut lines; the two first volutions form the small papillary smooth apex, the remaining five are subventricose, and longitudinally ribbed, ribs close set, flexuous, transversely striated in the interstices; sutures crenated; last volution large; aperture oblong, white within, the margin spotted with chesnut; outer lip furnished with an external varix; inner lip rather spread; columella with 3 distinct folds ante- riorly, and many thread-like folds posteriorly. From Nosse-Bé, on the north coast of Madagascar ; Petit. This species has been named by M. Petit in honour of M. Delessert. 54. VOLUTA MITRIFORMIS (pl. lii. f. 81, 82; pl. lv. f. 109.), Lam.; V. multicostata, Brod. ; Zool. Journ. vol. ii. pl. iii. f. 2. Testâ oblongâ, subfusiformi, crassiusculâ, pallescente, maculis castaneis variis subfasciatâ; spirâ subacuminatâ, apice papillari , papillâ minutâ; anfractibus cæteris 5 longitudinalitèr crebrè cos- tatis, transversè castaneo-lineatis; ultimo anfractu anticè transver- sim costato-subrugoso; aperturâ oblongâ, labio externo extùs vari- cem instructo; columellâ multiplicatâ, plicis anticis majoribus sub- ternis. Shell oblong, subfusiform, thickish, pale, somewhat banded with various chesnut spots; spire subacuminate, with a small papillary apex, the remaining five volutions longitudinally closely ribbed, with a 217 transverse chesnut lines, the last volution anteriorly transversely somewhat rugose, with small ribs; aperture oblong, outer lip fur- nished with an external varix; columella with many folds, of which the two or three anterior are much the larger. From the Australian and Javan seas, according to Lamarck. Broderip’s V. multicostata is undoubtedly identical with this species, as he seems to have suspected it might be: it varies greatly in colouring 55. VOLUTA LYRÆFORMIS (pl. xlix. f. 45, 46.), Brod. ; Zool. Journ. vol. iü. p. 83. pl. ii. f. 3; Mitra lyræformis, Swains.; Zool. Illus. t. 54. Testâ fusiformi-turritâ, crassiusculâ, pallidè carneolâ, maculis lineisque subcæruleis, castaneis, rubro-castaneisque, fasciatim con- gestis, transversis, pictâ ; spirâ valdè productâ, attenuatâ, apice acuto- papillari; anfractibus 7, primis 1 ad 1} papillam efformantibus, cæteris longitudinalitèr costatis (costis interstitiisque longitudinaliter striatis,) ultimo anticè transversim sulcato-corrugato; aperturâ sub- elongatâ, posticè acuminatâ : labio externo extùs varicem instructo; columellâ multiplicatâ, plicis anticis majoribus, cæteris parvis. Shell fusiform-turreted, thickish, pale flesh colour, with blueish, chesnut, and chesnut-red spots and transverse lines, arranged in bands ; spire much produced, attenuated, with an acute papillary apex of 1 to 1} volutions, the remaining 5 or 52 volutions longi- tudinally ribbed, (ribs and interstices longitudinally striated); the last volution anteriorly transversely grooved, rugose; aperture some- what elongated, acuminated posteriorly, outer lip with an external varix; columella with many folds, of which the anterior are large, and the remainder very small. . First published by Swainson under the name of Mitra lyræformis, afterwards, at his suggestion, altered to Voluta lyræformis by Mr. Broderip. From the Eastern coast of Africa. Kiener pretends to have been acquainted with this species, but his figures represent a totally different one, not even nearly related to it. 56. VOLUTA CONCINNA (pl. li. f.66.) Brod. ; Zool. Proc., 1836, p. 43. Testâ oblongâ, fusiformi, tenuiusculâ, lævi, transversim subtilis- simè striatâ, costatâ, fulvescente, lineis castaneis confertis undulatis pictâ; spirâ subacuminatâ, anfractibus 6–7, longitudinaliter cos- tatis, medio subnodosis, ultimo maximo, anticè acuminato; aper- turâ magnâ, angustiore; labio externo tenui; columellæ plicis 4, obsoletiusculis. 218 Shell oblong, fusiform, rather thin, smooth, transversely and very finely striated, longitudinally ribbed, yellowish brown with close-set undulated chesnut lines, spire subacuminate ; volutions 6–7, longi- tudinally ribbed, subtuberculated in the middle; the last very large, acuminated anteriorly; aperture large and narrow, outer lip thin; columella with 4 rather obsolete folds. A single specimen of this remarkable Volute was brought to England by M. Marguièr ; it is now in the British Museum. There is some resemblance between this and V. lyræformis, Kiener. 57. VOLUTA NUCLEUS (pl. lv. f. 116.), Lam. Testâ ovatâ, crassiusculâ, fulvâ, vel fulvescente, maculis seu punc- tis castaneis albidisque transversè seriatim dispositis notatâ; spirâ breviusculâ, conicâ acuminatâ; anfractibus 6 ad 7, duobus primis minimis, lævibus, cæteris longitudinaliter costatis, ultimo anticè transversim striato; aperturâ ovali, posticè subacuminatâ, columellâ plicis duabus anticis majoribus, tertiâ parvâ, nonnullis obsoletis. Shell ovate, thickish, fulvous or fulvescent, with chesnut and whitish spots or dots arranged in transverse rows; spire rather short, conical, acuminated, volutions 6 to 7, the two first very small and smooth, the remainder longitudinally ribbed, the last transversely striated anteriorly; aperture oval, subacuminated posteriorly; colu- mella with two distinct anterior folds, a third quite small, and several others nearly obsolete. From Australia. Schubert and Wagner have given it under the name of V. Perdicina. This species has much the appearance of a little Harpa ; it may nevertheless be very easily distinguished from the fossil V. Harpula, which is much more elongated, and which has numerous small folds on the posterior part of the columella. 58. VOLUTA FESTIVA (pl. lii. f. 79, 80.), Lam. Testâ ovato-fusiformi, crassiusculâ, subventricosâ, longitudina- litèr costatâ, glaberrimâ, carneolatâ, maculis lineolis verticalibus, guttisque fulvis subseriatim ornatâ ; spirâ subelongatâ, anfracti- bus 61, primis l_ papillam efformantibus, cæteris 4 ad 5 costis obtusis longitudinalibus instructis, costis prope suturam obsoletis ; anfractu ultimo anticè subacuminato, transversim striato; colu- mellâ anticè triplicatâ, plicis perobliquis. Shell ovate-fusiform, thickish, somewhat ventricose, longitudi- nally ribbed, very smooth, with fulvous spots, vertical lines, and dots, arranged in rows; spire somewhat elongated, with a papillary apex of 1} volutions, the remaining four or five volutions with ob- tuse longitudinal ribs, which are nearly obsolete at the suture; last a а 219 volution anteriorly subacuminate, and transversely striated; colu- mella with 3 very oblique folds in front. The above description has been drawn up from a drawing which we caused to be made many years past, at the Jardin des Plantes, at Paris ; we have never seen any other specimen. The drawing is now obligingly communicated to us by W.J. Broderip, Esq. VOLUTA. LIST OF PLATES XLVI. TO LV. Fig. 33, 34. Vol. Fulgetrum, Sp. 35. 35. Scapha, 6. - - PLATE XLIX. - PLATE XLVI. Fig. 1. Vol. Scapha, var. parva, Sp. 6. 2. Scapha, var. tuberculata, 6. 3. volvacea, 7, 4. volvacea, var. spinosa, 7. 5. rutila, var. tuberculata, 18. 6. rutila, 18. 7. Ferussacii, 24. 8. marmorata, 1. 9. aulica, 15. 10. aulica, var. spinosa, 15. aulica, 15. 12. aulica, var. tuberculata, 15. -- - - 36. musica, var., 44 ; (V.lævigata, Lam.) 37. — musica, var., 44 ; (V.carneolata, Lam.) 38. — musica, var., 44 ; (V.guinaica, Lam.) 39. musica, var., 44; (V. thiarella, Lam.) 40-43. musica and varieties, 44. 44. Junonia, 13. 45, 46. — lyriformis, 55. 47, 48. reticulata, 12. - - 11. - - - PLATE XLVII. - - 13, 14. 15-23. 24. angulata, 23. - Vespertilio & varieties, 22. - subnodosa, 26. PLATE L. - PLATE XLVIII. 49, 50. tuberculata, 29. 51. fulminata, var., 39. 52. — fulminata, 39. 53. fulminata, var., 39. 54, 55. Vexillum, 41. 56. Vexillum, var., 41. 57, 58. Mamilla, 34. 25. - pacifica, var. inermis, 31. 26, 27. — pacifica, 31. 28, 29. undulata, 9. 30. papillosa. 36. 31, 32. megaspira, 38. - - - - 220 Fig. 89, 90. Vol. punctata, Sp. 14. 91. - pallida, 11. 92–94. — pallida, var., . - 11. - - - - PLATE LIV. - - PLATE LI. Fig. 59. Vol. luteostoma, Sp. 4. 60. volvacea, var., 7. 61. pulchra, 16. 62. piperita, 17. 63. nivosa, var. tuberculata, 20. 64. nivosa, 20. 65. Norrisii, 21. 66. concinna, 56. 67. - Vespertilio, var.sinistra, 22. 68-69. indica, 42. 70. indica, var. tuberculata, 42. - - 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. hebræa, var., 43. hebræa, 43. hebræa, var., 43. Brasiliana, 28. Magellanica, 27. fusiformis, 37. Ancilla, 25. imperialis, 5. magnifica, 19. Beckii, 30. - - PLATE LII. - PLATE LV. - 71,72. costata, 52. 73, 74. — Delessertiana, 53. 75. Cymbiola, 2. 76. Cymbiola, var., 2. 77. — polyzonalis, 46. 78. — polyzonalis, var., 46. 79, 80. festiva, 58. 81, 82. Mitriformis, 54. - - - - - PLATE LIII. 105, 106. 107. 108. 109. 110, 111. 112, 113. 114. 115. 116. 117, 118. 119. 120, 121. Cumingii, 48. Cumingii, var., 48. Nucleus, 57. Mitriformis, var., 54. Guildingii, 49. Cylleniformis, 50. Harpa, 51. dubia, 40. Nucleus, 57. gracilis, 32. Pusio, 47. Corona, 3. - - 83. 84. 85, 86. 87. 88. - Zebra, 8. Zebra, var., 8. maculata, 10. sulcata, 45. · bullata, 33. - - Printed by Reeve, Brothers, King William Street, Strand. 2 nat diam XLVI 3 8 10. 12 11 6 GBS. Jun. 1/2 maut diom. XLVII 75 16 13 @90 19 20 18 wy Mar 96 Man 74 23 22 GBS Jan nat, diam, IZTZII VIL 29 25 30 31 32 34 33 35 27 GB.S. Jun." nat diam XZIX 36 37 38 3.9 SS 44 BENELLI 46 GB.S.Jun." nat. dram. Z 必 ​67 49 50 52 母 ​52 3 3 7 58 G.B.S.Jun." o nat. diam. LI 60 6/ 的​。 合​自 ​63 64 66 ( 70 GBS. Jun 68 gres nat. diam LI 72 73 74 76 77 78 75 363 87 82 79 80 GE, S. Jun ments nat. diam. LIIT 60分​。 !!! IN (CN 44 83 8 85 90 9 TE { { 93 94 91 92 GBS Jun! ś nat. diam. LIT UZUN ASTRA 96 95 98 97 101 99 100 KE 703 102 104 GBS Jun" LV niat diam 707 109 706 705 708 110 112 111 113 116 114 775 120 127 118 719 OBS. Tun 221 A MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS TELLINA. By SYLVANUS HANLEY, B.A., F.L.S., ETC. Char. Gen. Testa bivalvis, cujus latus posticum aut plicaturâ irregulari radiante tumescit, aut cardo ejus dentem dentesve duos laterales ostendit; dentes primarii duo, vel in utrâque, vel in alterâ valvulâ ; margo ventralis nunquam nunquam crenatus; pallii cicatrix maximè sinuata; nymphæ haud prominentes. Ligamentum externum. There are few genera whose definition is more difficult than that of Tellina. The typical species with a strong fold or umbonal ridge and two distinct lateral teeth, cannot indeed be confounded with the shells of any other genus; but the whole of the aberrant divi- sion, in which the fold is oftentimes nearly obsolete and the hinge always devoid of lateral teeth, require the strictest examination, so closely do they approximate to Sanguinolaria and Psammobia. Lamarck himself has included several species of this division in Psammobia and Psammotæa (the latter genus abolished by the unanimous agreement of all conchologists); but the authority of Deshayes gives weight to my own opinion, of the necessity of their annexation to Tellina. The externally projecting nymphal callo- sities which support the prominent ligament, characters which are universal throughout Psammobia, are never present in Tellens of this division. I may remark moreover, as a further assistance to the discrimination of those closely allied genera, that the inclina- tion of the line which unites the posterior muscular impression to the parallel scar is ascending in those aberrant species which most nearly approach Psammobia, whilst it is descending in that genus. I speak more particularly of Psammobia, as there exists in some of its species a fold almost equally profound (but symmetrical) with that of the majority of the Tellinæ. This does not exist in San- guinolaria, of which I regard Rosea and not Rugosa as the type. Certain Donaces, devoid of crenulated margins, might probably M 222 be mistaken for Tellinæ, but these being always perfectly equivalve, strong, wedge-shaped, or triangular shells, with a remarkably short prominent ligament, and the anterior side the more compressed, present a combination of characters which are never united in any of those Tellens in which the characteristic fold is imperfectly de- veloped. The decided sinuation of the palleal scar suffices to separate any species from Lucina, Corbis, or Astarte. DESCRIPTION. * Two lateral teeth in one of the valves, 1. TELLINA ROSTRATA (pl. Ixi. f. 157.) Lin., Syst. 1118; Lin. Mus. Ulr. 481; T. Spengleri, Chem. vol. vi. f. 88, 89; Wood, Gen. Conch. t. 37. f. 2; Lam. no. 8; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 62. t. 4. f. 35; Enc. Meth. t. 287. f. 5. T. testâ elongato-subtrigonâ, angustâ, subinæquivalvi, subæqui- laterali, solidâ, convexiusculâ, subflexuosâ, extus intusque candidâ, prope nates roseo pallidè pictâ, concentricè sulcatâ ; sulcis confertis, obliquis; margine ventrali subrecto aut convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque subrecto et subæqualiter declivi; areis dorsalibus sub- lævigatis, squamis tuberculosis, utrinque dentatis ; latere antico subacuminato; postico subrostrato, biangulato; costâ umbonali angulatâ; ligamento subinfosso; dentibus lateralibus magnis, re- motis. Elongated-subtriangular, narrow, rather flexuous, almost equi- lateral, rather inequivalve, solid, moderately convex, white both externally and internally, with a slight tinge of rose-colour near the beaks, closely and obliquely grooved concentrically; ventral edge but little convex; dorsal margins nearly straight, and almost equally sloping; dorsal areas nearly smooth, and environed by scaly tubercles ; anterior side subacuminated; posterior biangulated and subrostrated; umbonal ridge angulated ; ligament sunken ; lateral teeth strong and distant. Island of Ticao, &c, This is not the Rostrata of Gmelin, Lamarck, nor the majority of writers, but nevertheless, as was surmised by Schumacher from the expression “ano rimâque, subserratis," is the species indicated by Linnæus, as his specimen in the Linnæan Society's cabinet clearly evidences. 223 2. TELLINA DESHAYESII (pl. lvii. f. 66.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. Rostratæ simillimâ, sed albido-roseâ, et lamellis sub- remotis concentricè ornatâ; margine etiam ventrali convexiore. Extremely like T. rostrata, but of an uniform pale pinkish hue, and the surface ornamented with concentric and rather distant la- mellæ; the ventral margin more convex likewise, than in the pre- ceding species. Red Sea ? 3. TELLINA CUMINGII (pl. lvii. f. 72.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ elongato-oblongâ, subæquilaterali, solidâ, compressius- culâ, vix nitidâ, albidâ aut flavescente, maculis strigis lineisve brun- neis aut fusco-purpurascentibus radiatâ ; concentricè sulcatâ, sulcis anticè confertis et subimbricatis, posticè sublamellosis, remotius- culis ; margine ventrali convexo, utrinque sursum acclinato; dor- sali utrinque subdeclivi, anticè convexiusculo, posticè subrecto, subincurvato, subdentato; latere postico attenuato, rostrato, paul- lulum breviore, ad extremitatem biangulato; costâ umbonali valdè prominente ; ligamento inconspicuo; superficie internâ albidâ aut flavidâ; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Elongated-oblong, narrow, subequilateral, solid, rather com- pressed, scarcely glossy, whitish, radiated with narrow brown or chocolate-brown streaks or spots; concentrically sulcated, sulci fine, becoming elevated posteriorly, strong and coarse on the very prominent umbonal ridge, attenuated in the hollow beyond, and projecting again so as almost to dentate the straight or slightly concave ligamental margin ; slopes very gentle; front dorsal area barred with coloured streaks; anterior extremity rounded, but somewhat attenuated; hinder side narrowed, subrostrated, and somewhat biangulated at the extremity; inside white or pale yel- lowish ; lateral teeth strong, and nearly equidistant. Guacomayo and America. 4. TELLINA CRUCIGERA (pl. lviii. f. 78, 79; and pl. lxii. f.178.) Lam., no. 7; Hanl. Des. Cat. P. 61. T. testâ oblongâ, convexâ, inæquilaterali, nitidiusculâ, albidâ. lineis maculisque fulvo-aurantiis aut roseo-purpureis plerumque radiatâ ; (rarius immaculatâ, et radio brevi roseo ad umbones utrinque ornatâ), sulcis exilibus, distinctis, paululum obliquis, con- centricè exaratâ; margine ventrali convexo, posticè sursum accli- nato; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et vix paululum declivi, posticè ز M 2 224 ز a vix convexiusculo satisque declivi; latere antico manifestè longiore; postico attenuato, subrostrato; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; pos- ticâ angulatâ; costâ umbonali conspicuâ; ligamento haud promi- nente; superficie internâ albidâ aut flavidâ ; dentibus lateralibus distinctis, æquidistantibus. Oblong, solid, convex, but slightly glossy, inequilateral, whitish, with (in the typical variety) two deep crimson short rays (thus forming a St. Andrew's cross upon the umbones), but usually only adorned with more or less interrupted rays of tawny-orange or faint lineated markings of purplish crimson, rather obliquely distinctly but not coarsely concentrically grooved ; anterior side much the longer, and rounded at its extremity, its dorsal slope slight but convex; posterior side attenuated, the slightly convex ventral edge rising on that side, so as to form a beak in its junction with the moderately sloping and scarcely convex ligamental one; umbonal ridge blunt but conspicuous; inside white or yellowish, the lateral teeth distinct, and equidistant. The typical variety is extremely rare, I have only seen two specimens in the collection of William Walton, Esq., and the original one in the French Museum. Catbalonga, Isle of Samar ; &c. 5. TELLINA ANTONII (pl. lviii. f. 74, 75; and pl. lx. f. 131.) Philippi, Ab. und Bes. Conch. pt. v. t. 5. f. 3. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, solidâ, convexâ, albidâ aut purpureâ, maculis lineisve nebulosis radiantibus fusco-purpureis rubro-roseis aut fulvo-aurantiis plerumque ornatâ, concentricè sulcatâ et ob- soletè radiatim striatâ; sulcis posticè sublamellosis; margine ven- trali anticè crenato, posticè retuso et sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè vix declivi, posticè subrecto subincurvato satisque declivi; latere postico manifestè breviore, rostrato; flexurâ costâque um- bonali conspicuis; ligamento subdepresso; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Elongated-oblong, solid, convex, somewhat glossy, variable in colouring being uniform whitish or purple (both within and with- out), but more commonly subradiated by purplish brown or rosy- red markings on a whitish ground; surface with very distinct concentric sulci, which become strong elevated striæ as they ap- proach the prominent umbonal ridge, on and beyond which they become sublamellar ; the interstices traversed by nearly obsolete radiating striæ; ventral edge swelling out in front and sloping upwards behind, so as to render the narrow and biangulated pos- terior extremity rostrated; anterior side decidedly the longer, its extremity rounded, its slope very slight ; ligamental edge straightish 225 but somewhat incurved, its slope moderate : flexure conspicuous; lateral teeth strong and nearly equidistant. Guadaloupe. 6. TELLINA VERRUCOSA (pl. lxviii. f. 77.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, solidâ, compressâ; aut flavidâ rubro- purpureo radiatâ, aut pallidè roseâ radiis subalbidis angustis zo- nisque saturatioribus ornatâ; valvulâ alterâ undique (natibus ex- cipiendis) verrucosâ ; alterâ medio concentricè sulcatâ, lateribus solùm verrucosâ; verrucis ellipticis aut semilunatis, in seriebus vix interruptis, concentricè ordinatis; margine ventrali anticè subarcu- ato, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et vix subdeclivi, posticè subrecto, subdeclivi; latere antico longiore, ro- tundato; extremitate posticâ attenuatâ, subrostatâ, obliquè subbi- angulatâ ; ligamento haud prominente; flexurâ ventrali costâque umbonali conspicuis; dentibus lateralibus magnis, æquidistantibus. Elongated-oblong, depressed, solid, yellowish with reddish crim- son rays or pale pink with deeper concentric bands and paler nar- row rays; surface roughened in one valve by concentrically arran- ged and frequently connected compressed wart-like tubercles, which on the disc of the other valve are replaced by concentric elevated sulci; anterior side the longer, rounded; ventral edge arcuated anteriorly and curving upwards to the angulated posterior extre- mity so as to render it subrostrated and attenuated; slopes gentle, ligament not prominent; lateral teeth large. Corrigidor, Bay of Manilla. 7. TELLINA RASTELLUM (pl. lxiv. f. 231. and pl. lxv. f. 242) Hanley, Zool. Proc. (April) 1844; Hanl. Des. Cat. sup. t. xiv. f. 14. . T. Philippii , Anton Ab. und Bes Conch. part v. t. 5. T.testâ elongatâ, solidâ, convexiusculâ, æquilaterali, flavidâ, pallidè roseo radiatâ ; anticè sulcatâ, posticè squamosâ, squamis erectis, la- mellosis, in iisdem seriebus cum sulcis concentricis, ordinatis; mar- gine ventrali vix convexiusculo ; dorsali utrinque paululum declivi, anticè vix convexiusculo, posticè recto ant subincurvato; latere postico attenuato, subrostrato, ad extremitatem obliquè biangulato; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; ligamento costâque umbonali, con- spicuis; superficie internâ albidâ, umbones versus aurantio utrinque fucatâ; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Elongated, solid, moderately convex, equilateral, yellowish with pale crimson rays, the concentric sulci posteriorly so interrupted as to form rows of thin tooth-like scales, and so arranged that the 226 a teeth of one line are just beneath the interstices in the other; dorsal slopes gentle, the posterior one nearly straight, anterior extremity somewhat narrowed and rounded, posterior end much attenuated and subrostrated; ventral edge but little convex; umbonal ridge, ligament, and flexuosity, very prominent; inside white, disc tinged with orange, a short orange ray on either side near the beak ; la- teral teeth strong, and subequidistant. Zanzibar. A species sometimes confused with Pulcherrima, but much more elongated, the strie stronger, and the scales entirely absent from the posterior side. It is not impossibly the Aspera of Gmelin, but that shell is too briefly described for recognition. 8. TELLINA PULCHERRIMA (pl. lxi. f. 165.) Sowerby, Tank. Cat. App. p. 3. t. 1. f.1; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 67. sup. t. ll. f. 14 ; Knorr. vol. iv. t. 25. f. 1. T. testâ oblongâ, solidâ, convexiusculâ, subæquilaterali , flavo ru- broque radiatâ, in medio concentricè et tenuiter sulcatâ; utrinque squamosâ, sqamis erectis, dentiformibus aut sublunatis; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque leviter declivi; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ; posticâ subattenuatâ, angulatâ; superficie internâ albidâ, umbones versus aurantio tinctâ; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Oblong, solid, moderately convex, subequilateral, rayed with pale crimson red and yellow, concentrically sulcated; sulci fine and terminated at either extremity and near the little arcuated ventral margin, by sublunate scales, which in some specimens become more elevated and somewhat tongue-shaped; dorsal slopes gentle; ante- rior extremity rounded; posterior rather attenuated ; lateral teeth very strong, and nearly equidistant. Var. a. More elongated, sulci and scales stronger and more nu- merous. Var. 6. Sulci Var. b. Sulci very fine and rather oblique; scales visible along the ventral margin. Singapore, and Straits of Banca (Cuming). 9. TELLINA ASPERRIMA (pl. lx. f. 135.) Hanley, Zool. Proc., 1844. T. testâ oblongo-ellipticâ, convexiusculâ, solidiusculâ, flavidâ aut incarnatâ, roseo-radiatâ; totâ superficie externâ squamis asper- rimâ; squamis anticè sublunatis, posticè (et præsertim supra costam umbonalem distinctam) spinosis; margine ventrali medio subrecto, flexurâ distinctâ ; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi, et paululum convexi- 227 usculo; latere antico breviore; extremitate posticâ subbiangulatâ, attenuatâ ; dentibus lateralibus magnis, antico approximato. Oblong-elliptic, moderately convex, rather solid, flesh-coloured, with dull crimson rays, the entire surface rough with tooth-like scales, which become more crowded at the rounded anterior extre- mity, and between the distinctly indicated umbonal ridge and the nearly straight posterior edge rise into rather distant elevated fangs; slopes gentle; posterior side the longer, its extremity angulated; ventral edge nearly straight; teeth very distinct, the lateral large, the anterior lateral approximate, The scales are replaced near the beaks by raised concentric striæ. An unique specimen, in the cabinet of Mr. Cuming, was found by him at Sual, province of Sangasinan, Isle of Luzon (sandy mud, six fathoms). Allied to Pulcherrima. 10. TELLINA SULCATA (pl. 60. f. 138.) Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 178. t. 47. f. 1; Hanl. Des. Cat., t. 4. f. 63; Dilw. p. 89. T. testâ ovali-subtrigonâ, solidâ, subcompressâ, subæquilaterali, subimpolitâ, albidâ aut flavescente, concentricè sulcatâ et radiatim striatâ ; sulcis elevatis, subconfertis, ad costam umbonalem promi- nentem rudioribus; flexurâ conspicuâ; margine ventrali convexo; dorsali utrinque (et præsertim posticè) declivi, anticè subrecto, posticè recto aut subincurvato; latere postico leviter subrostrato, attenuato; extremitate posticâ biangulatâ ; superficie internâ flavidâ ; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Oval-subtriangular, solid, rather depressed, subequilateral, ra- ther dull , white or pale straw coloured, with regular rather close raised concentric sulci, which become sublamellar on the prominent umbonal ridge; the interstices with radiating striæ; ventral edge convex; flexure conspicuous; anterior dorsal slope gentle, and nearly straight; posterior side attenuated, its dorsal slope straight and rather strong, its extremity biangulated; inside yellowish; lateral teeth strong and nearly equidistant. A small specimen was procured by Mr. Cuming, at Catbalonga, Isle of Samar. 11. TELLINA INTERRUPTA (pl. lxii. f. 207.) Wood, Gen. Conc. (1815), p. 146. t. 36. f. 3; Dilw. 75. T. maculosa, Lam. (1818) no. 4; Chem. vol. vi. f. 73; Enc. Mèth. t. 288. f. 7. T. testâ ovali aut ovali-oblongâ, æquilaterali, solidâ, subventri- cosâ, impolitâ, albâ, lineis undosis angularibus lividis brunneis fulvis aut purpureis nebulosâ aut subradiatâ; concentricè sulcatâ, sulcis posticè membranaceis ; margine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali utrinque declivi et convexiusculo; latere postico attenuato, subros- 228 trato; extremitate posticâ angulatâ; costâ umbonali prominente; natibus plerumque purpureis ; umbonibus flavis; ligamento magno; superficie internâ flavidâ; dentibus lateralibus magnis, subæqui- distantibus. Var. Testâ angustiore; sulcis remotioribus; margine ventrali rectiore, dorsali utrinque minus declivi. Oval or oval-oblong, equilateral, solid, subventricose, not po- lished, white crowded with narrow zigzag linear streaks of fawn- colour brown chocolate or purple, beaks usually tipped with purple, umbones yellowish; surface with moderately distant raised con- centric sulci, which become more elevated but not thickened on the conspicuous umbonal ridge; ventral edge moderately arcuated; anterior side rounded at its extremity, the dorsal slope gentle ; posterior side attenuated, subrostrated, the slope strong and very slightly convex, the tip obtusely angulated; inside tinged with yel- low; lateral teeth very strong, subequidistant. Var. Narrower and more elongated; dorsal edges less sloping ; ventral edge straighter; sulci rather more distant. Surinam. The T. Mexicana of the 'Revue Cuverienne,' is now regarded by its author as an elongated variety of this species. 2014 12. TELLINA VIRGATA (pl. lxiii. f. 212.) Lin. Sys., p. 1116; Chem. vol. vi. f. 67; Enc. Meth. t. 288. f. 2; Mawe's Conch. t. 6. f. 1; Lam. no. 5; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 61. t. 3. f. 3; Wood, Gen. Conc. t. 35. f. 2, 3. T. testâ ovali, subtrigonâ, solidâ, convexiusculâ, subæquilaterali, flavâ, roseo-purpurascente radiatâ, concentricè sulcatâ, ; sulcis an- ticè subimbricatis, posticè rudioribus magisque elevatis ; margine ventrali posticè sursum acclinato, medio subrecto, anticè arcuato, carinâ umbonali prominente; latere antico breviore, rotundato; postico attenuato, subrostrato; margine dorsali postico elongato, de- clivi, subincurvato; ligamento magno; superficie internâ aurantio tinctâ; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Oval, subtriangular, solid, moderately convex, nearly equilateral, rich yellow, either uniform, or closely rayed with dull purplish crim- son; the concentric sulci becoming closer and slightly imbricated anteriorly, and coarser more prominent and distant as they approach the projecting umbonal ridge; ventral edge subarcuated in front, nearly straight in the middle, and sloping up towards the attenuated and subrostrated posterior extremity; ligamental edge somewhat incurved, much sloping; ligament large and prominent; within usually tinged with orange, the lateral teeth strong and subequi- distant. Indian Ocean. 229 13. TELLINA JUBAR (pl. lxiii. f. 214.) Hanley, Zool. Proc.1844. T. virgata, var. Wood, Gen. Conc. t. 36. f.2. Enc. Mèth. t. 288. f. 4. (bad). T. testâ specie priore magis triangulari, altiore, minus elongatâ ; rubro-purpureâ, radiis albis aut albidis ornatâ; margine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali utrinque decliviore; superficie internâ albidâ, aut coloribus externis fucatâ. Extremely like Virgata, but more triangular and less elongated, the dorsal slopes being more sudden; theventral edge is more convex, and less straight in the middle; the external colouring of broader and narrower white rays on a dull rosy or reddish ground, is fre- quently visible on the otherwise white surface of the interior. Mus. Cuming The ligamental margin inclines to convexity, which is the reverse of what we meet with in Virgata and Marginalis. 14. TELLINA MARGINALIS (pl. lxiü. f. 216.) Dilw. Des. Cat. p. 74; Chem. f. 68, (tolerable). T. testâ Virgatæ et Jubaris maximè assimili, altiore autem, magisque rotundatâ ; margine ventrali planè arcuato, posticè sursum acclivi; dorsali utrinque leviter declivi; superficie externâ albidâ, radiis rubescentibus ornatâ. Closely allied to the two preceding, but less oblong than either ; the ventral edge much more arcuated, and ascending abruptly on the posterior side; the ligamental edge sloping, but slightly and somewhat concavely; the colouring whitish, with pale rosy-red or deep flesh-coloured rays; interior nearly white. Indian Ocean ? &c. 15. TELLINA STAURELLA (pl. lx. f. 148. and pl. lxi. f. 171. and pl. lxv. f. 261.) Lam., no. 6; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 61. sup. t. 11. f. 33; Delessert, t. 6. f. 2; Chem. vol. vi. f. 70, 71; Philip. Ab. und Bes. Conch. part v. t. 5. f. 6. T. scalaris, Lam. no. 29. T. testâ ovali aut oblongo-ovali, solidâ, convexâ, nitidâ, extus in- tusque albidâ aut flavidâ, radiis angustis roseis confertis plerumque ornatâ; concentricè sulcatâ, sulcis anticè subobliquis et subimbri- catis, posticè submembranaceis et paucioribus (plerumque in valvulâ alterâ omnino obsoletis); margine ventrali convexo; dorsali anticè subdeclivi et vix convexiusculo, posticè declivi et subrecto; latere antico manifestè longiore, postico attenuato; extremitate posticâ obtusè angulatâ; natibus plerumque roseis, nonnunquam cruce roseo-rubrâ notatis; ligamento magno, subconspicuo; dentibus la- teralibus magnis, subæquidistantibus. N 230 , Oval or oblong-oval, solid, convex, glossy, white or yellowish, with narrow pink or rosy rays (which often become obsolete,) and concentric sulci, which, subimbricated in front, are almost •lamel- lar towards the decidedly shorter posterior side, where in one valve they almost always become obsolete; dorsal slopes rather gentle ; ventral edge convex; posterior extremity attenuated and angulated; umbonal ridge distinct; inside whitish or tinged with yellow, beaks tinged with rose-colour; lateral teeth strong and nearly equidistant. Var. a, with two short rays at the beak in each valve, forming a small crimson cross; a smooth posterior area in one valve. Var. b, beaks with a very large crimson cross; no rays; sulci finer; area as in last. Var. C, rays distinct; no smooth area. Var. d, As last, but perfectly white, and oval-oblong. T scalaris is but an abbreviated variety of this very variable species, with the posterior side more strongly biangulated and less attenuated at the extremity. The typical specimen of the French Museum is yellow, (externally very pale) with the apical cross of a rich red and very small. Philippines &c., very common. 16. TELLINA GUILDINGII (pl. lvi. f. 1.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongâ, tenui, compressâ, subæquilaterali, albidâ, radiis aurantio-roseis zonisque albido-roseis ornatâ; sulcis exilibus con- fertis concentricè exaratâ ; margine ventrali subrecto, medio sub- retuso; dorsali utrinque declivi, et vix convexiusculo; latere postico paululum breviore, attenuato; extremitate posticâ infernè angulatâ, anticâ rotundatâ; natibus acutis; costâ umbonali et flexurâ ven- trali inconspicuis; ligamento prominente; dentibus lateralibus mag- nis, æquidistantibus. Oblong, thin, compressed, subequilateral, whitish, with narrow roseate flesh-coloured rays, and fine close-set concentric sulci; ven- tral edge nearly straight, rather retuse in the middle; dorsal margin scarcely at all convex or sloping on either side ; posterior side very slightly the shorter, attenuated, its extremity angulated below (biangulated in the young, and the ligamental edge retuse); ante- rior end rounded; umbonal ridge obsolete ; flexure inconspicuous; ligament prominent; inside pale; lateral teeth large, and equi- distant. West Indies. 17. TELLINA PULCHELLA (pl. lvi. f. 4.) Lam., no. 23; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 64. sup. t. 1. f. 4; Philip. En. Mol. Sicil. vol. i. p. 24. 231 T. rostrata, Born. t. 2. f. 10; Poli. Tes. Sic. vol. xv. f. 8; T. virgata, var. Chem. vol. vi. p. 72. T. testâ oblongâ, angustâ, tenui, compressa, nitidâ, radiis roseis vel roseo-aurantiis et albidis vel flavidis eleganter ornatâ, striis con- fertis exilibus concentricè sulcatâ ; margine ventrali subrecto; latere antico producto, rotundato; postico breviore, valde attenuato, sub- rostrato; margine dorsali anticè paululum declivi, posticè valde de- clivi, convexo, intusque roseo; natibus albidis; superficie internâ albido-roseâ; dentibus lateralibus validis, antico subapproximato. Var. testâ omnino roseâ. Elongated-oblong, very thin, compressed, glossy, rayed with rose- colour and white, the former often passing into orange, the latter tinged usually with yellow; more rarely of an uniform rose-colour, except the tips of the beaks which are always pale or whitish; most delicately but regularly and closely striated concentrically; ventral edge nearly straight; anterior side produced, its slope very gentle, its extremity rounded; posterior side shorter, much attenuated, sub- rostrated, the dorsal slope great but convex; inside pink, ligamen- tal edge rosy; lateral teeth strong, anterior one subapproximate. Mediterranean. 18. TELLINA VIRGULATA (pl. lvi. f. 5.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ Donacina simillimâ, sed paululum angustiore, striisque exilioribus ornatâ ; extus intusque albidâ, roseo-radiatâ ; radiis latis, haud interruptis; margine dorsali anticè albido. Extremely like Donacina, but the shape is slightly narrower, the striæ more delicate, and the colouring consists of a few interrupted rose-coloured rays upon a white ground; the interior dorsal edge is white. Mus. Cuming 19. TELLINA DISTORTA (pl. lvi. f. 6.) Poli, Test. Sic. vol. i. t. 15. f. 11; Philip. Mol. Sic. vol. i. P. 25. T. testâ ovato-oblongâ, compressiusculâ, tenui, nitidâ, subpellu- cidâ, pallidè roseâ aut aurantio-roseâ, radiis saturatioribus plerum- que pictâ ; concentricè striatâ, striis minimis et posticè elevatis; mar- gine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque subrecto, anticè minimè declivi; latere antico longiore, ad extremitatem obtusè rotundato; extremitate posticâ cuneiformi, paululum subrostratâ; flexurâ cos- tâque umbonali subinconspicuis; ligamento parvo, satis promi- nente; dentibus lateralibus distinctis, postico subremoto. N 2 232 ; p. Ovate-oblong, slightly compressed, thin, subpellucid, glossy, pink or rosy orange, with narrow deeper-coloured rays, crowded , with minute concentric striæ which become more distinct and ele- vated posteriorly; ventral margin slightly convex; anterior side the longer, obtusely rounded at its extremity, its dorsal edge scarcely at all declining; posterior extremity wedge-shaped, the ligamental edge nearly straight ; ligament small but not sunken; fold and flexure not conspicuous; lateral teeth distinct, posterior the more distant. Mediterranean. 20. TELLINA DONACINA (pl. lvi. f. 12. and pl. lxvi. f. 259.) Lin., Sys. 1118; Lin. Trans. vol. viii. t. 1. f. 1.; Mont. Test. Brit. t. 27. f. 3; Turt. Biv. Brit. p. 103. t. 8. f. 4; Wood, Gen. Conc. t. 45. f. 5; Philip, En. Mol. Sic. vol. i. p. 24; Lam. no. 27; . Hanl. Des. Cat. 64. t. 4. f. 31. T. variegata Poli, vol. i. t. 15. f. 10. T. Llantivyi, Payr. Cat. Cors. p. 40. t. 1. f. 13, 14. T. testâ oblongâ, solidiusculâ, subconvexâ, impolitâ, albido-flaves- cente, radiis roseo-rubris angustis interruptè ornatâ, striisque sub- imbricatis concentricè sulcatâ; margine ventrali convexiusculo, et anticè arcuato; margine dorsali roseo, anticè minimè posticè subito, declivi; latere antico latitudinem postici duplo superante; extre- mitate anticâ rotundatâ, posticâ obtusissimè cuneiformi; natibus radio brevi recto roseo strigatis; superficie internâ Havescente, prope nates roseo-tinctâ ; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Var. Penitus candidâ. Oblong, rather solid, moderately convex, rather dull, pale yellow, with crimson interrupted narrow rays, and concentric subimbri- cated striæ; ventral edge moderately convex, swelling out anteriorly ; dorsal edge rosy; beaks with a short direct rosy streak; anterior side thrice as long as the posterior, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge nearly horizontal; posterior side very short, most obtusely cuneiform, inside tinged with yellow, becoming pink near the beaks, teeth strong, subequidistant. Var. Perfectly white. Britain, Europe. 21. TELLINA TULIPA (pl. lvi. f. 25.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovali-oblongâ, solidâ, subinæquilaterali ,compressâ, niti- diusculâ, lineis elevatis concentricè et confertim striatâ ; albidâ aut albido-roseâ, radiis roseis multis angustis subinterruptè ornatâ ; margine ventrali medio retuso; dorsali utrinque subrecto, antice vix paululum declivi, posticè satis declivi; latere antico paulo lon- a 233 a p. p. 70. giore, ad extremitatem obtusè rotundato; postico truncato-cunei- formi; ligamento prominente; costâ umbonali subobsoletâ; den- tibus ut in Donaciná. Oval-oblong, solid, slightly inequilateral, compressed, somewhat glossy, with very close concentric striæ, which are subimbricated in front, and raised behind; white or pale pink, with numerous rosy somewhat interrupted rays; ventral edge subretuse in the mid- dle; dorsal edges nearly straight, the front one scarcely, the hinder one moderately sloping; ligament prominent; anterior side rather the longer, and obtusely rounded at its termination; posterior side of a truncated wedge-shape; umbonal ridge not prominent ; inside paler than the exterior but usually tinged with rose-colour ; teeth as in Donacina, Mus. Cuming, Walton. 22. TELLINA LINEATA (pl. lvi. f. 35, 36, and pl. lvii. f. 46, 47.) Turton, Conch. Dict. p. 168. f. 16; Turt. Biv. Brit. 99. t. 7.f.l. T. Brasiliana Lam. no. 46; Hanl. Des. Cat. sup: t. 9. f. 3. T. striata Mont. Test. Brit. p. 60. t. 27. f. 2. T.testâ ovatâ, solidâ, convexâ, concentricè et confertissimè striatâ; margine ventrali medio subrecto; dorsali anticè magis minusve convexo et paululum declivi, posticè umbones versus subretuso, deinde convexo et declivi; latere antico longiore, ad extremitatem rotundato; extremitate posticâ cuneiformi; ligamento prominente; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis conspicuis; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Var. a, Testâ sordidè albidâ, umbonibus nonnunquam aurantiis, radioque brevi obliquo roseo anticè ornatis. Var. 6, Penitus can- didà. Var. c, Ovato-oblongâ, lævigatâ, nitidâ, albido-roseâ, radio obliquo ut in var. a; intus roseâ. More or less ovate solid and convex, with concentric minute crowded striæ; the ventral margin nearly straight in the middle; an- terior side the longer (sometimes scarcely so,) its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge but slightly sloping ; posterior extremity wedge- shaped, the ligamental edge, which near the beaks is somewhat re- tuse, becoming convex at its termination ; fold and flexure incon- spicuous; lateral teeth strong, and subequidistant. Var. a, Pale, with a short oblique anterior crimson ray at the umbones, which are sometimes tinged with orange. Var. b, En- tirely white. Var. c, The ray as in var. a, but the shape more , elongated, and the surface pink smooth and glossy; inside rosy. Britain (?), West Indies, Florida, and Brazil. a 234 There being a previous Brasiliana, the subsequent name of Tur- ton must be adopted. 23. TELLINA GELIDA, Hanley. T. testâ ellipticâ, æquilaterali , solidiusculâ, subinæquivalvi, con- vexiusculâ, subnitidâ, intus extusque candidâ, lineis elevatis concen- tricis subconfertim striatâ, striis anticè et posticè elevatioribus ; margine ventrali convexo; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi, subrecto, anticè lamellis lanceolatis dentato; natibus haud incumbentibus ; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ; posticâ subbiangulatâ, costâ umbo- nali distinctâ; ligamento infosso; dentibus lateralibus subæqui- distantibus. Elliptic, equilateral, slightly inequivalve, tolerably strong, mo- derately convex, scarcely glossy, white both within and without, with elevated and rather close concentric lines, which are stronger at the extremities, interstices quite smooth ; ventral edge convex; dorsal but moderately sloping on either side, nearly straight, den- tated in front by lanceolate lamellæ; beaks not inclining; front extremity rounded, hinder one somewhat biangulated ; fold distinct ; ligament sunken; lateral teeth nearly equidistant. Mus. Belcher. Unfortunately a figure of this distinct species cannot be given, as the possessor of the unique specimen is not in England. 24. TELLINA SERRATA (pl. lxv. f. 256.) Costa, p. xvi. no. 8; Philip. En. Mol. Sic. p. 25; Āb. und Bes. Conch. part 5. t. 5 f. 5. T. testâ ovali-trigonâ, solidiusculâ, satis convexâ, inæquilaterali, nitidiusculâ, intus extusque albidâ, (umbonibus plerumque flavis ;) concentricè striatâ, striis exilibus, confertissimis, anticè posticè et infernè subelevatis ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali an- ticè convexiusculo vixque declivi, postico subrecto et valdè declivi; latere antico longiore, ad extremitatem rotundato; posticè cunei- formi; costâ umbonali satis conspicuâ; natibus acutis; ligamento infosso; dentibus lateralibus, magnis, haud remotis, subæquidis- tantibus. Subtriangularly oval, tolerably solid and convex, inequilateral, slightly glossy, within and without whitish, with the umbones usu- ally bright yellow, most closely and delicately striated; the striæ raised at the extremities and towards the moderately convex ven- tral margin; front dorsal edge moderately convex and not much sloping, hinder one straightish and considerably sloping; front side the longer, its extremity rounded; hinder side wedge-shaped; fold 235 ز distinct; beaks acute; ligament sunken; lateral teeth large, tole- rably and almost equally close. Mediterranean. 25. TELLINA OWENII (pl.lx. f.133.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovato-oblongâ, solidiusculâ, subimpolitâ, compressâ, æquilaterali, albidâ, concentricè et confertissimè striatâ ; margine ventrali valdè arcuato ; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi, anticè subrecto, posticè incurvato et lamellis subdentato; extremitate anticâ rotun- datâ ; latere postico acuminato, subrostrato; costâ umbonali con- spicuâ; flexurâ satis distinctâ ; natibus acutis ; ligamento infosso; disco interno aurantio; dentibus lateralibus, subremotis, subæqui- distantibus. Ovate-oblong, tolerably strong, rather dull, whitish, (with often a tinge of orange in the front part of the umbones, and the internal disc always of that colour,) equilateral, compressed, with crowded concentric striæ; ventral edge much arcuated; dorsal moderately sloping on either side of the acute beaks, nearly straight in front, incurved behind and somewhat toothed by the lamellæ, (which in some specimens commence before the conspicuous fold); ligament sunken; lateral teeth distinct, and nearly equally remote. Africa. 26. TELLINA PHARAONIS (pl. lxiü. f. 215.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. Vulsella simillimâ, sed solidâ lineisque elevatis con- centricè striatâ, umbonibus aurantio-roseis; flexurâ sinuatâ. Extremely like T. Vulsella, but solid, and rough with concentric elevated striæ; fold sinuated. In the only specimen I have ever seen, one of the valves is of a delicate pink, the other white tinged with the same hue, the beaks of a very rosy orange and the ventral flexure so deep as to form a sinus; the lower margin is not so convex in front as in Rostrata; the front lateral tooth is distinctly crenated, but this is probably accidental. Red Sea. 27. TELLINA VULSELLA (pl. lxi. f. 162, 163.) Chem. T. ros- trata, Gmel. p. 3233 (in part); Dil. Des. Cat. p. 84 ; Lam. no. 9; Chem. vol. vi. f. 105; Enc. Mèth. t. 289. f.1; Wood, Gen. Conc. t. 37. f. 3; Knorr. vol. iv. t. 2. f. 2,5; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 62. t. 4. . f. 28. T. testâ valdè elongatâ, compressa, tenui, subpellucidâ, nitidis- 236 simâ, sublævigatâ, roseâ, radio pallidiore postico plerumque notatâ ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato, posticè flexuoso et sursum accli- nato; dorsali utrinque vix minimè declivi, prope nates acutas subretuso, deinde subrecto aut paululum convexiusculo ; latere an- tico longiore, ad extremitatem rotundato; postico angusto, acumi- nato, rostrato ; ligamento infosso; flexurâ costâque umbonali con- spicuis; dentibus lateralibus parvis, tenuibus, æquidistantibus. Var. Flavo-aurantiâ. Much elongated, compressed, thin, subpellucid, polished, rose- coloured, with usually a paler posterior ray, nearly smooth, or with minute radiating and concentric striæ; ventral edge arcuated in front, flexuous and greatly elevated behind; dorsal edge scarcely at all sloping in front, rather more so posteriorly, subretuse near the acute beaks, and then straightish or very slightly convex; an- terior side the longer, rounded at its extremity; posterior side forming a narrow acuminated beak; ligament sunken ; fold and flexure conspicuous; lateral teeth thin, small, and equidistant. Var. Rich yellow. Yellow var. Isle of Zebu. As this is not the Rostrata of Linnæus, I have adopted the other name proposed by Chemnitz “Rostrata seu Vulsella”. 28. TELLINA PERNA (pl. lxiii. f. 202, 217, 219.) Spengler, Schrivt. Naturhis. Gelstav. Kiobenha. 4. (1798). T. pallescens . Dil. Des. Cat. p. 84. T. sulphurea and latirostra Lam. no. 10, 11. Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 62. T. incarnata Born p. 36. t. 2. f. 12. (er- . roneously quoted as 11 in text). T. rostrata flavescens Chem. vol. vi. f. 104. T. latirostra, Swain. Zool. Ill. 2nd ser. vol. i. t. 20. T. testà oblongo-elongatâ, tenuiusculâ, convexâ, subpellucidâ, nitidâ, sublævigatâ, albâ, flavâ, aurantiâ aut roseâ, radio pallidiore postico plerumque ornatâ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato, posticè sursum declivi; dorsali anticè vix declivi, convexiusculo, posticè paululum declivi, prope nates conspicuas subincurvato, mox con- vexiusculo; latere antico longiore, subproducto; postico rostrato; extremitate posticâ obtusè angulatâ; umbonibus subtumidis; liga- mento infosso; margine cardinalis interno, angusto, callo liga- mentali munito; dentibus lateralibus tenuibus, inconspicuis, æqui- distantibus. Elongated-oblong, rather thin, semitransparent, convex, glossy, very variable in colouring, being sulphur-yellow, white, pink with or without paler rays, orange with white rays, or orange flesh-co- loured, &c., nearly smooth, often with obsolete radiating striulæ, which are more evident posteriorly; ventral edge arcuated in front, 237 curving up posteriorly; anterior side rather the longer, its extre- mity obtusely rounded, scarcely any dorsal slope, but the edge convex; posterior side beaked, its dorsal edge moderately sloping and convex at its termination, its extremity obtusely subangulated; umbones rather tumid; ligament sunken ; hinge-margin narrow, a callus near the teeth ; lateral teeth thin, equidistant, indistinct. Singapore, Isle of Burias, &c. 29. TELLINA ALBINELLA (pl. lxi. f. 164, 166.) Lam., no. 17; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 63. sup. t. 14. f. 3. T. testâ oblongo-ovali, subæquilaterali, tenuiusculâ, complanatâ, nitidiusculâ, extus intusque albidâ ; alterâ valvulâ sublævigatâ, alterius areâ posticâ concentricè striatâ ; margine ventrali vix con- vexiusculo; dorsali anticè arcuato et declivi, posticè declivi et subincurvato; ligamento infosso; flexurâ subinconspicuâ; costâ umbonali carinatą; dentibus lateralibus perparvis, inconspicuis, antico approximato. Var. Roseâ. Oval-oblong, rather thin, flat, subequilateral, slightly glossy, whitish, (usually with a fulvous stain towards the beaks,) nearly smooth, except on the posterior half of one of the valves which is deeply and distinctly striated concentrically; ventral edge nearly straight in the middle and rising behind; front dorsal edge arched and deeply sloping; posterior side acuminated, angulated below, and slightly beaked, the ligamental edge moderately sloping, and rather incurved ; ligament sunken; inside whitish, the lateral teeth very small, indistinct, the anterior one closely approximate. Var. Rose-coloured. Australia. 30. TELLINA ROSEA (pl. lxi. f. 170) Spengler, Schriv. Natur. Gelsta. Kioben. vol. 4.1798; T. pallidè rosea, Chem. vol. 6. f.96. T. testâ oblongâ, crassissimâ, subæquilaterali , convexiusculâ, nitidâ, roseâ, sublævigatâ, striis concentricis tenuissimis, lineisque radiantibus obsoletis tantum signatâ ; striis posticis prope nates acutas remotis, subelevatis; margine ventrali convexo, posticè acclivi; dorsali utrinque declivi, anticè convexo, posticè subrecto plerumque subincurvato; latere postico subcuneiformi; extremi- tate posticâ subacuminatâ; costâ umbonali angustâ ; flexurâ incon- spicuâ; ligamento infosso; superficie internâ roseâ, politâ, impres- sionibus muscularibus fortiter impressis; margine cardinali intus lato, valido; dentibus lateralibus parvis, subæquidistantibus, ætate obsoletis. Oblong, very solid, subequilateral, rather convex, glossy, pink, O 238 with delicate concentric and obsolete radiating striæ, the posterior concentric more distant raised and distinct near the beaks; ven- tral edge scarcely arcuated, ascending posteriorly; anterior side rounded, its dorsal slope strong; posterior side wedge-shaped, ligamental edge nearly straight, often slightly incurved, moderately sloping, point acuminated; within rosy, polished, scars deeply im- pressed ; hinge margin broad and very strong; lateral teeth sub- equidistant, rather small, by age obsolete. Indian Ocean (?). 31. TELLINA INÆQUISTRIATA (pl.lvii. f.58. and pl.lviii. f.80.) Donovan, Brit. Shells, (1802), vol. 4. t. 123; T. sanguinea, Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 159. t. 44. f. 2; Hanl. Desc. Cat. p. 67. t. 4. f. 27. T. testâ oblongo-subtrigonâ, solidiusculâ, subæquilaterali, nitidâ, compressiusculâ, pallidè rubro-sanguineâ, concentricè confertim et exilissimè striatâ ; striis posticis alterâ in valvulâ remotis, rudi- oribus; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et subdeclivi, posticè declivi et prope nates retuso; latere antico paulo longiore, ad extremitatem rotundato; postico truncato-cunei- formi; colore interno saturatiore; ligamento prominulo; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis; dentibus lateralibus magnis, antico approximato, postico haud remoto. Var. u, striis posticis in utrâque valvulâ remotis, rudioribus. Var. 6, testâ albidâ, pallidè aurantio ad nates utrinque radiatâ. Oblong, very slightly triangular, rather solid, somewhat com- pressed; glossy, subequilateral, of a pale blood red, with fine and crowded concentric striæ, which however in one of the valves are posteriorly replaced by coarser and more distant ones ; ventral edge nearly straight; anterior side rather the longer, its end rounded, its dorsal slope moderate and tolerably convex; posterior end trun- cated-cuneiform, its dorsal slope strong, nearly straight, or some- what concave near its acute beaks; ligament but slightly projecting; fold and flexure obsolete; internal colours deeper ; lateral teeth large, the posterior not very distant, the anterior subapproximate. Var. a, the posterior striæ distant in both valves. Var. 6, white, with a short pale orange ray on either side of the beaks. In sculpture resembling Nitida. Bay of Guayaquil; (Cuming). 32. TELLINA PRINCEPS (pl. lxiii. f. 206.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongo-ellipticâ, æquilaterali, solidâ, compressâ, niti- diusculâ, intus extusque roseo-purpurascente, concentricè sulcatâ ; striis exilibus, profundis, radiantibus, sulcos confertos, utrinque (et 239 alterâ in valvulâ undique) decussantibus; margine ventrali sub- recto; dorsali utrinque leviter et æqualiter subdeclivi; extremitate posticâ obtusissimè angulatâ; flexurâ ventrali costâque umbonali, obsoletis; ligamento prominente; dente laterali antico approximato et conspicuo, postico parvo, remoto, inconspicuo. Oblong elliptic, equilateral, solid, compressed, rather glossy, both internally and externally of an uniform reddish lilac colour, the surface decussated by close-set concentric sulci and fine but very distinct radiating striæ, which are only visible at the extreme sides in one of the valves; the ventral edge nearly straight; the dorsal slopes gentle and all but equal; the posterior end most ob- tusely angulated; umbonal ridge and flexure obsolete; the anterior lateral tooth extremely close and distinct, the posterior very distant and inconspicuous. Not readily confused with any in this division, but very closely allied to Purpurascens, from which the teeth distinguish it. Tumbez, Peru; (Cuming). 33. TELLINA PUNICEA (pl. lviii. f. 89. and pl. lx. f. 154.) Born, p. 33. t. 2. f. 2; Lam. no. 21; Enc. Meth. t. 291. f. 2; Gmel. 3239; Dil. Des. Cat. p. . 90. T. testa ovali-trigonā, solidâ, convexiusculâ, subæquilaterali, nitidâ, extus intusque albido-roseâ, (rarius candidâ) prope nates albas colore saturatius tinctâ ; concentricè sulcatâ, sulcis confertis, nonnunquam alterâ in valvulâ posticè obsoletis ; margine ven- trali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque declivi, anticè convexiusculo, posticè subrecto; extremitate anticâ obtusâ, et supernè subemar- ginatâ; latere postico truncato-cuneiformi: flexurâ costâque um- bonali inconspicuis; ligamento prominulo aut prominente; denti- bus lateralibus distinctis, antico valdè approximato, postico remoto. Var. ? Magis trigonâ, tenuiore, saturatius pictâ, sulcis alterius valvulæ posticè obsoletissimis, emarginatione subobsoletâ. Subtriangularly oval, solid, moderately convex, nearly equilateral, glossy, of a pale rose-colour, increasing in intensity near the white- tipped beaks; surface closely and deeply grooved (the sulci rarely obsolete behind); ventral edge slightly convex; anterior side (if ; either) the shorter, the extremity obtusely emarginated or indented near the dorsal slope, which is slight and rather convex; posterior side of a truncate wedge shape, its dorsal edge nearly straight and much sloping; fold and flexure obsolete; ligament always more or less prominent; lateral teeth distinct, the front one approximate, the hinder remote. Var.? more triangular, thinner, deeper coloured; the sulci pos- a 02 240 teriorly quite obsolete in one of the valves ; emargination almost obsolete. Xipixapi, W. Columbia, in sandy mud, 10 fathoms (Cuming); and Trinidad, W. Indies ; Britain (?). Easily distinguished from Striata, by its closer and more delicate sulci, its less prominent beaks, and the absence of all radiation. It is also thicker and more opaque, and remarkable for the slight in- dentation which terminates the rather flattened space adjacent to the front dorsal edge, a character which is not possessed by any of the allied species. 34. TELLINA STRIATA (pl.lxi. f. 161.) Chemn., vol. x. p. 349. f. 1654-5; T. angulosa, Gmel. 3244; T. læta, Montagu, Test, Br. p. 57; T. punicea, in part, Turt. Dic.; Donax Martinicensis. Lam. (fide Deles. Rec. t. 6. f. 15.) T. testâ ovali-subtrigonâ, solidiusculâ, subpellucidâ, convexius- culâ, nitidâ, aut albido-roseâ radio roseo utrinque ornatâ, aut al- bidâ radio flavescente; concentricè sulcata, sulcis remotis, alterâ in valvulâ posticè evanescentibus ; margine ventrali paululum con- vexiusculo; dorsali utrinque declivi, anticè convexiusculo, posticè subrecto; latere antico longiore, postico truncato-cuneiformi; extremitate anticâ simplici, rotundatâ; flexurâ costâque umbonali inconspicuis; natibus acutis, pallidis; ligamento prominente; den- tibus ut in Puniceá. Subangularly oval, moderately solid and convex, either pale pink with a roscate ray down the obsolete umbonal ridge (preceded by a paler streak) and a short roseate ray in front of the acute and prominent beaks, or white with the rays yellowish ; surface grooved by subimbricated distant sulci, which disappear on one of the valves at the truncate wedge-shaped hinder extremity; ventral edge but slightly convex; anterior side the longer, its extremity simply rounded and never indented, its dorsal edge but moderately sloping and slightly convex; hinder dorsal edge sloping and nearly straight; flexure nearly obsolete; teeth as in Punicea. W. Indies; Britain (?). The rays are never absent, and the anterior side is always the longer. Mr. Sowerby informs me, that this is the Tellinides rosacea) of King (Zool. Journ. vol. 5.), which is too briefly defined for re- cognition. TELLINA REGIA (pl. lx. f. 140.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongâ, tenui, compressiusculâ, subinæquivalvi, sub- æquilaterali, nitidissimâ, pellucidâ, intus extusque roseo-purpuras- a 241 cente; concentricè sulcatâ, sulcis remotis, alterâ in valvulâ posticè evanescentibus; margine ventrali subrecto, medio subretuso; dor- sali utrinque subæqualiter declivi, posticè subrecto; latere antico paululum breviore, ad extremitatem obtusè rotundato; extremitate posticâ supernè angulatâ, attenuatâ; costâ umbonali et flexurâ ventrali obsoletis ; ligamento prominulo; dentibus ut in Puniceá. Oblong, thin, rather compressed, almost inequivalve, subequi- lateral; extremely glossy, both externally and internally of a deep subpellucid purplish crimson; the surface marked with distant concentric grooves, which posteriorly become obsolete in one or both of the valves; the ventral edge nearly straight, subretuse in the middle; anterior side slightly the shorter, its extremity ob- tusely rounded; posterior extremity almost biangulated; dorsal moderately and almost equally sloping on either side of the beaks, nearly straight posteriorly; umbonal ridge and flexure nearly obso- lete; the ligament rather prominent; teeth as in Punicea. Most closely allied to Puniceu, but its deep purplish red, and its more distant sulci suffice to distinguish it. From Princeps it differs by the absence of radiating striæ; from Striata, by its slightly longer posterior side; from Rubescens, by its colouring, and the lesser slope of the dorsal edges. Real Lleijos, Central America. 36. TELLINA EBURNEA (pl. lvii. f. 91.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongâ, opacâ, solidâ, inæquivalvi, convexâ, nitidâ, albidâ, inæquilaterali; concentricè sulcatâ, sulcis profundis, remo- tis, (alterâ in valvulâ, nonnunquam posticè evanescentibus); mar- gine ventrali convexiusculo, anticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè subrecto, leviterque declivi, posticè recto subitoque declivi; latere postico multuin breviore, subcuneiformi; lineis erectis obliquis aream nymphalem et analem rugantibus; ligamento brevi, promi- nente; flexurâ ventrali costâque umbonali subobsoletis ; superficie internâ candidâ; dentibus lateralibus, ut in Puniceá. Oblong, solid, opaque, rather inequivalve, convex, whitish, glossy, clearly inequilateral, with strong deep concentric sulci, which usually become obsolete in one of the valves, and which diverge and become elevated on passing the flattened space at the upper edge of the more convex valve; ventral edge very slightly convex, curving obliquely upward anteriorly; posterior side much the shorter, subcuneiform; the ligamental edge straight, and abruptly sloping; ligament short and prominent; fold and umbonal ridge almost obsolete; inside pure white, teeth as in Punicea. 242 The peculiar elevated sulci on the dorsal areas, at once distin- guish it from all the allied species. Tumbez, Peru. 37. TELLINA ALTERNATA (pl. lxi. f. 159.) Say, Jour. Ac. Phil. vol. č. p. 275; Amer. Conch. t. 65. f.1; Hanl. Des. Cat. ii p. 66. sup. t. 14. f. 9. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, solidiusculâ, nitidâ, compressiusculâ, albâ aut albo-flavescente, (intus flava); concentricè sulcatâ, sulcis remotis, profundis, ad costam umbonalem obsoletissimam alternatim evanescentibus; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè declivi convexiusculo, posticè recto et multum declivi; latere postico manifestè longiore, ad extremitatem rotundato; antico cuneiformi; ligamento prominente; flexurâ inconspicuâ; dentibus iisdem ut in Puniceá. Elongated-oblong, rather solid, and somewhat compressed, of a glossy opaque white or yellowish white, grooved concentrically with rather distant deeply impressed sulci, which alternately disappear in crossing the nearly obsolete umbonal ridge; ventral edge nearly straight; anterior side much the longer, rounded at its extremity, its dorsal edge moderately sloping in a convex line; posterior side cuneiform, its dorsal line being straight and greatly sloping; liga- ment prominent; fold indistinct; inside white, the teeth as in Punicea. In the only specimen I have ever seen of this shell, the striæ are closer in one valve than in the other. In general appearance the shell is extremely like Striata. South Carolina. 38. TELLINA RUBESCENS (pl. lx. f. 153.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. Striata et Punicea simillimâ, ab hâc autem differt, testâ tenuiore anticæ emarginationis experte, ab illâ natibus obtu- sioribus et extremitate posticâ minus attenuatâ ; ab utraque, super- ficie nitidissimâ, ligamento infosso, margineque dorsali convexiore et utrinque subæqualiter declivi; sulcis in utrâque valvulâ posticè obsoletis ; dentibus ut in Puniceá, sed minimis, inconspicuis. Most closely allied to Striata and Punicea, but differing from the former by the greater obtuseness of its beaks, and the lesser attenuation of its hinder extremity; from the latter by its more delicate texture and the absence of any anterior emargination; from both, in the sunken ligament, the greater convexity and more equal slope of the dorsal edge. The sulci are obsolete posteriorly 243 in both the valves, and the whole surface is peculiarly glossy; the teeth are as in Punicea, but very small and indistinct. Tumbez and Panama (Cuming). 39. TELLINA PRORA (pl. lx. f.152.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ subtrigonâ, ovali, solidâ, convexiusculâ, subæquilaterali , nitidâ, extus intusque pallidè roseâ; aut sublævigatâ, aut concen- tricè et tenuissimè striatâ; margine ventrali convexo; dorsali utrinque valdè et subæqualiter declivi, subrecto; extremitate pos- ticâ acuminatâ ; flexurâ ventrali costâque umbonali subobsoletis ; ligamento prominulo; dentibus lateralibus magnis, antico ap- proximato. Subtriangular, oval , tolerably convex, solid, glossy, nearly equi- lateral, uniform pink both within and without, becoming deeper towards the beaks, most delicately and regularly striated concen- trically; ventral edge convex ; dorsal edges nearly equally sloping, slopes strong and scarcely at all convex; posterior end acuminated ; fold and flexure nearly obsolete; ligament but little prominent, both slopes being slightly excavated; lateral teeth large, the anterior approximate. Porto St. Elena, and Salango, West Columbia. 40. TELLINA LACERIDENS (pl.lxi. f. 168 and 176. and pl. lxvi. f. 258.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongo-subtrigonâ, solidâ, opacâ, subæquilaterali, niti- dissimâ, convexiusculâ, alba (intus candidâ), supernè lævigatâ, in- fernè concentricè et confertim striatâ; margine ventrali convexius- culo; dorsali utrinque convexiusculo, et subæqualiter declivi; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ (plerumque subattenuata), posticâ rotundato-acuminatâ; costâ umbonali et flexurâ ventrali inconspi- cuis; ligamento magno, elongato, prominente; dentibus primariis laceratis, antico laterali subapproximato, postico laterali minore, remoto. Var. Testâ magis trigonâ, undique sulcis confertis excavatâ. Oblong subtriangular, solid, subequilateral, of an extremely glossy enamel-like opaque white surface, which is smooth near the beaks, and grooved closely towards the but slightly convex ventral margin; dorsal line nearly equally sloping on each side, the edges very slightly convex; anterior extremity rounded (and in the typi- cal examples rather attenuated), posterior end obtusely acuminated; fold and umbonal ridge obsolete; ligament large, elongated, and prominent; inside white; the primary teeth minutely jagged, and 244 one of them rather large, anterior lateral rather approximate, pos- terior lateral smaller and distant. Tumbez, Peru. Var. More triangular, the close concentric sulci occupying the entire surface. Chiriqui, West Columbia. Its extraordinary teeth, large and elongated ligament, and either smooth or closely sulcated surface, suffice for its distinguishment. 41. TELLINA MADAGASCARIENSIS (pl. lxiii. f. 218.) Gmelin, 3237; Wood Gen. Conch. 169. t. 39. f. 2, 3; List. 386, f. 233; T. rosea, Lam. no. 14; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 63. t. 4. f. 46. . t T. testâ ovatâ, crassissimâ, convexâ, subimpolitâ, pallidè roseâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali vix convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque valde declivi; costâ umbonali latâ, obtusâ; latere antico manifestè breviore, postico subcuneiformi; extremitate anticâ obtusâ; super- ficie internâ roseâ, margine cardinali latissimo; dentibus lateralibus subobsoletis, parvis, antico approximato, postico remoto; impres- sionibus muscularibus fortiter impressis. Ovate, very thick, convex, rather dull, darker or paler pink, smooth, ventral edge but little convex; anterior side somewhat the shorter, its extremity rounded, its slope moderate; posterior side subcuneiform, its extremity obtuse, its dorsal edge much sloping and slightly convex; umbonal ridge very obtuse; ligament prominent; inside rosy, scars deeply impressed; hinge-margin very broad ; lateral teeth subobsolete, small, anterior one approxi- mate, posterior distant. Madagascar. The figure in Lister is referred to by Spengler for his T. rudis, but neither the locality he gives, nor the expression with coarse transverse striæ,” will apply to this species. 42. TELLINA TONGANA (pl. lxiii. f. 209.) Quoy and Gaimard, Astrolabe Zool. vol. ii. p. 498. t. 81. f. 11, 12, 13. T. testà oblongâ, solidâ, subpellucidâ, subæquivalvi, convexâ, subæquilaterali, nitidâ, sublævigatâ, albâ (intus albidâ), roseo ad nates radiatâ, eodemque colore ad laterum extremitates ornatissimè pictâ; margine ventrali subarcuato, posticè sursum acclivi; dor- sali anticè vix declivi, posticè leviter declivi convexo; latere pos- tico paululum breviore, attenuato, subrostrato; flexurâ ventrali valde conspicuâ; costâ umbonali prominente; umbonibus tumidis; ligamento infosso; dentibus lateralibus haud magnis, subæquidis- tantibus. Oblong, solid, subequivalve, convex, subequilateral, rather pel- ( 245 lucid, nearly smooth, glossy, white, the beaks rayed with rose- colour, the extremities of the sides pink ; ventral edge subarcuated, ascending posteriorly; anterior side very slightly the longer, its dorsal edge scarcely sloping; posterior edge attenuated and some- what beaked, its dorsal side convex and moderately sloping; the flexure and umbonal ridge very conspicuous; umbones tumid; liga- ment sunken; inside whitish, a ligamental callus, and rather small and nearly equidistant lateral teeth. Tonga. 43. TELLINA ELEGANS (pl. lxv. f. 241.) Gray in Wood's Ind. Test. sup. t. 1. f.5; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 62. t. 1. f.5. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, valdè tortuosâ, subinæquivalvi, sub- æquilaterali, solidâ, polità, subventricosâ, lævigatâ ; niveâ, (intus albidâ) roseo radiatâ, radis latis versus marginem ventralem arcuatum et posticè acclinatum evanescentibus ; margine dorsali anticè convexiusculo et vix declivi, posticè leviter declivi et prope nates roseas subincurvato deinde convexo; latere postico paululum longiore, attenuato, leviter subrostrato; extremitate posticâ rotun- dato-angulatâ; ligamento brevi, pergrandi, prominente; costâ um- bonali obsoletissimâ; dentibus parvis, antico subapproximato. Twisted, elongated-oblong, solid, rather inequivalve, subequi- lateral, subventricose, smooth, highly polished, white with broad rosy rays, which disappear towards the arcuated and posteriorly ascending ventral margin ; extremity of the anterior side rounded, its dorsal edge but slightly sloping ; posterior side very slightly the longer, attenuated, obtuse at the extremity; umbonal ridge quite obsolete; ligament peculiarly large, short, and prominent; inside white, the lateral teeth small and rather approximate. Gulf of Mexico. 44. TELLINA RADIATA (pl. lxiii. f. 220,221.) Lin. Syst. 1117; Lam. no. 1; Chem. 6. f. 102; Wood, Gen. Con. t. 38. f. 2, 3; Ency. Mèt. t. 289. f. 2,3; Hanl. Des. Cat. p.61. t.4. f. 26; Knorr. vol. iv. t. 2. f. 2,4; T. unimaculata, Lam. no. 2. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, subinæquilaterali, haud tortuosâ, sub- ventricosâ, solidã, lævi, politâ, albâ, (intus flavescente) radiis roseis latis plerumque ornatâ; margine ventrali vix convexiusculo; dor- sali anticè vix declivi, posticè subrecto et leviter declivi; extremi- tate lateris antici longioris rotundatâ, lateris postici subattenuatâ, obtusè angulatâ, ligamento brevi, magno, prominente; costâ umbonali obsoletâ ; flexurâ ventrali conspicuâ; lunulâ distinctâ, angusto-lanceolatâ; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. P 246 Var. testâ radiorum experte; natibus roseis. Elongated-oblong, more or less ventricose, solid, not twisted, of a highly polished smooth white, with zones of very pale yellow, and generally with broad rosy rays; ventral margin scarcely con- vex; anterior side rather the longer, its dorsal edge scarcely sloping, its extremity rounded; posterior side slightly attenuated, its extre- mity obtusely subangulated, its dorsal edge nearly straight and but slightly sloping ; ligament short, large, and prominent; lunule distinct, elongated-lanceolate; inside yellowish ; lateral teeth strong and nearly equidistant. West Indies. 45. TELLINA BRASILIANA (pl. lxii. f. 179.) Spengler, Skriv. Nat. Selskab. Kiobenh. 1798; T. semizonalis, Lam. no. 3; Deles. t. 6. f. 1; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 61. sup. t. 11. f. 60. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, inæquilaterali , solidâ, convexiusculâ, nitidâ, pallidè roseo-violaceâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè vix declivi et paululum convexiusculo, posticè de- clivi et subrecto; latere antico longiore, producto; extremitate posticâ obtusè angulatâ; costâ umbonali obtusâ ; lunulâ lanceolatâ angustâ; superficie internâ roseo-purpurascente, radiis duobus pallidioribus aut albis ad extremitatem posticam ornatâ; dentibus lateralibus remotis, postico parvo. Elongated-oblong, inequilateral, solid, slightly convex, glossy, pale lilac, smooth; ventral margin nearly straight, slightly as- cending in front, its flexure distinct; the umbonal ridge obtuse; anterior side much the longer, its dorsal slope very gentle; pos- terior extremity obtusely angulated, the dorsal edge nearly straight and moderately sloping; a narrow lanceolate lunule; the inside of a purplish crimson with two pale or white rays at the posterior extremity; teeth remote, equidistant, the posterior one small and rather indistinct. Brazil (fide Spengler). 46. TELLINA PUDICA (pl. lvi. f. 7.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ parvâ, solidâ, ovato-subtrigonâ, subæquilaterali, nitidâ, candidâ, sublævigatâ, tenuissimè concentricè striatâ; margine ven- trali anticè arcuato, posticè subito sursum acclinato; dorsali utrinque valdè declivi, anticè convexo, posticè elongato et subrecto; latere antico paululum breviore, subventricoso, rotundato; postico compresso, rostrato; extremitate posticâ subacuminatâ ; natibus prominentibus ; flexurâ ventrali costâque umbonali subinconspi- 247 cuis; ligamento minimo, infosso; superficie internâ politâ; den- tibus lateralibus distinctis, subapproximatis, subæquidistantibus. Small, ovate, subtrigonal, nearly equilateral but rather longer posteriorly, rather ventricose in front but compressed at the pos- terior end, tolerably thick, of a very glossy pure uniform white, with scarcely impressed concentric striæ; the ventral edge bulging out towards the rounder anterior extremity, but rising in rather a concave line towards the posterior end, which is strongly beaked and has the tips rounded but much attenuated; front dorsal edge convex and strongly sloping, ligamental edge elongated, nearly straight and strongly sloping; beaks prominent; umbonal ridge and fold not conspicuous; ligament sunken and minute; inside polished, the lateral teeth distinct and nearly equally subap- proximate. Catbalonga, Isle of Samar. 47. TELLINA SOWERBII (pl. Ixiii. f. 205.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ subellipticâ, subæquivalvi, tenui, compressa, lævigatâ, politâ, candidâ; margine ventrali arcuato, posticè sursum accli- nato; dorsali anticè vix paululum declivi, convexiusculo, posticè paululum declivi et prope nates subincurvato, deinde convexo; latere antico longiore, subproducto; postico rotundato-acuminato; ligamento parvo, angustissimo, infosso; flexurâ ventrali costâque umbonali subinconspicuis; superficie internâ albidâ, plerumque aurantio tinctâ ; dentibus lateralibus tenuibus, subæquidistantibus.( Nearly elliptical, subinequivalve, compressed, highly polished, of an uniform smooth white (in some specimens with a tinge of rosy orange which increases in intensity towards the beaks); ven- tral edge arcuated, and rising at the posterior extremity; anterior side decidedly the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge nearly horizontal; posterior side attenuated, but rounded at its termination, its dorsal edge a little sloping at first, slightly incurved near the beaks, and then decidedly convex; ligament sunken, and very narrow; inside usually tinged with orange; lateral teeth thin, and nearly equidistant. Australia. 48. TELLINA LATA (pl. lxiv. f. 237.) Quoy et Gai. Astrol. Zool. vol. 3. p. 497. t. 81. f. 8, 9, 10; Lam. 2nd. ed. vol.6. p.108; , , Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 71. sup. t. 14. f. 13. . . T. testâ subovali, inæquilaterali, solidâ, subæquivalvi, compres- siusculâ, nitidâ, albâ, sublævigatâ, rubro eleganter radiatâ; radiis P 2 248 interruptis; margine ventrali convexo, utrinque (maximè autem. posticè) sursum acclinato; dorsali posticè valdè declivi prope um- bones subincurvato moxque subrecto, anticè convexiusculo et paulo declivi; latere postico brevi, acuminato; antico producto, ad extremitatem rotundato-obtuso; natibus acutis, rubro-roseis; liga- mento infosso; superficie internâ albâ aut flavescente; dentibus lateralibus modicis, haud remotis. Large, suboval, subequivalve, inequilateral, strong, rather com- pressed, nearly smooth or marked with concentric striulæ ; of a glossy white with brilliant rays of a rosy red; ventral edge convex, rising at each extremity, but more particularly so at the posterior end which is short and acuminated ; anterior side produced, its extremity obtusely rounded, its dorsal edge but slightly convex and little sloping; posterior dorsal edge greatly sloping, somewhat incurved near the rather acute beaks which are always rosy-red, and then nearly straight or but slightly convex; ligament sunken; inside usually tinged with yellow, lateral teeth moderately large and distant. South Seas. 49. TELLINA CHLOROLEUCA (pl. lxiii. f. 208, 210.) Lam. no. 15; Rumphius t. 45. f. 1. T. testâ ovatâ, subtenui, convexâ, nitida, albidâ aut albido-fla- vescente, radiis multis angustis pallidè roseis ornatâ, sublævigatâ, (lineis obsoletis radiantibus sæpe versus marginem ventralem strias concentricas confertissimas decussantibus); margine ventrali arcuato, posticè sursum acclivi; dorsali anticè convexo aut con- vexiusculo satisque declivi, posticè satis brevi convexiusculo et valdè declivi; latere antico longiore, ad extremitatem rotundato; postico brevi, acuminato; natibus roseis, prominulis; costâ um- bonali et flexurâ ventrali conspicuis; ligamento angusto infosso ; superficie internâ albido-flavescente; dentibus lateralibus, distinctis, subæquidistantibus. Var. Radiis albidis et rubro-aurantiis pictâ; natibus vix roseis. Ovate, convex, rather thin, of a glossy yellowish white, with numerous interrupted narrow rays of a pale rose colour, nearly smooth, (often decussated towards the arcuated and posteriorly rising ventral margin with concentric striulæ and obsolete radiating lines); anterior side the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge convex and moderately sloping; posterior side acuminated, very slightly beaked and rather short, the dorsal edge but slightly convex and much sloping; beaks of a deep rose-colour and rather prominent; ligament narrow and sunken ; umbonal ridge and 249 flexure distinct; inside yellowish white; lateral teeth distinct and nearly equidistant Var. Rayed with orange-red and white; beaks but slightly if at all rosy. 68. Isle of Negros, Philippines (Cuming). 50. TELLINA LÆVIGATA (pl. lxiv. f. 225, 227.) Lin. Sys. 1117; Lin. Mus. Ulr. 480; Schroet. einl. t. 7. f. 10; List. t. 387. f. 234; Lam. no. 36; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. T. testâ ovato-rotundatâ, solidâ, subæquilaterali, nitidâ, convexâ, aut subventricosâ, sublævigatâ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali, anticè subdeclivi magis minusve convexo, posticè declivi et supernè subretuso aut subrecto et in- fernè convexo; latere antico paululum longiore, rotundato, dila- tato; postico magis minusve angulato; natibus prominentibus ; pube striis lamellosis rugosâ; ligamento infosso; flexurâ costâque umbonali conspicuis ; cardine, dentibus lateralibus validis, subap- proximatis, subæquidistantibus. Var. a. Subalbidâ, radiis roseo-aurantiis ornatå. Var. b. (T. concinna, Phil. Ab. und Bes. Conch. part. 5. t. 5. f. 1.) Albidâ, marginibus intus extusque rubro-aurantiis. Rounded-ovate, solid, subequilateral, glossy, convex or subven- tricose, nearly smooth (there are obsolete crowded radiating lines, and frequently but not always minute very close raised concentric striulæ towards the lower margin and at either extremity) ; ventral edge arcuated in front, greatly rising behind ; anterior side rather the longer, rounded and dilated, its dorsal edge more or less con- vex and not much sloping; posterior side more or less angulated, its dorsal edge sloping and nearly straight or slightly retuse above, but convex at its termination ; beaks prominent; ligament sunken; fold and flexure conspicuous; lateral teeth strong, subapproximate, subequidistant. Var. a. Whitish, or flesh-coloured with rosy orange rays. Var. 6. White with the edges alone of a bright orange red, and the umbones and interior usually tinged with yellow. An extremely variable species, with the beaks usually worn at the touching point. St. Thomas, West Indies. 51. TELLINA SEMEN (pl. lvi. f. 8,) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovali, crassâ, inæquilaterali, subventricosâ, nitidâ, albidâ (intus submargaritaceâ), anticè rotundatâ, posticè obtusâ; concen- tricè striatâ, striis anticè subimbricatis confertissimisque, posticè ز 250 remotioribus et elevatis; margine ventrali convexo; dorsali utrin- que convexo aut convexiusculo, anticè subdeclivi, posticè declivi; latere antico multo longiore; natibus obtusis; ligamento minimo, prominulo; lunulâ angustissimâ; costâ umbonali nullâ, flexurâ subobsoletấ; dentibus lateralibus conspicuis, postico magis approx- imato. Var. Ovatâ aut obovatâ, margine dorsali utrinque magis declivi. Oval, thick, inequilateral, subventricose, glossy, whitish, with concentric striæ, which in front are crowded and subimbricated, but behind are rather distant and elevated ; ventral edge convex; dorsal edges more or less convex, the hinder one sloping, the front one but moderately so, anterior side much the longer, rounded (and sometimes attenuated) at its extremity; posterior extremity obtuse; ligament very small and rather prominent; a very narrow lunule; beaks obtuse; flexure nearly obsolete; inside subnacreous; lateral teeth distinct, the hinder much the closer. Var. Ovate or obovate, the dorsal edges more sloping. Were it not for the slight fold, it might easily be mistaken for a Donax. 52. TELLINA BIMACULATA (pl. lvi. f. 16, 19, 20, 21, 22.) Lin., Sys. 1120; Chem. vol. vi. f. 127, 132. Dillwyn. D. Cat. p. 101. Encyc. Méth. t. 290. f. 9, 10. Donovan, Brit. Shells, t. 19. f. 1. Turt. Biv. Brit.t. 8. f. 5; Lam. no. 52; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 71. t. 4. f. 83; T. sexradiata Lam. no. 53.; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 71. sup. t. 11. f. 37. T. testâ ovatâ aut ovato-rotundatâ, crassâ, convexâ, nitidiusculâ, lævigatâ, variis coloribus pictâ; margine ventrali convexo aut ar- cuato (sæpe posticè paululum subincurvato); dorsali utrinque pau- lulum convexiusculo, anticè valde declivi, posticè brevi leviterque declivi; latere antico longiore, attenuato, ad extremitatem rotun- dato; postico brevi, obtusè biangulato; costâ umbonali et flexurâ ventrali obsoletis; ligamento brevi, prominente; natibus acutis, nymphis prominentibus, incumbentibus; dentibus primariis per- magnis; lateralibus brevibus, crassis, subæquidistantibus, (ple- rumque obsoletis). Varying in shape from ovate to rounded ovate; thick, convex, slightly glossy, smooth ; ventral edge varying from convex to ar- cuated, often slightly incurved posteriorly; hinder side much the shorter, obtusely biangulated, its dorsal edge very short and but slightly sloping; anterior side much attenuated, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge much sloping and little convex, beaks in- clined ; ligament short but very prominent; primary teeth large, 251 the lateral (which however are usually obsolete), short, thick, and nearly equidistant. The varieties in colouring are too numerous to specify, the prin- cipal however, are are as follows; violet, orange-red, white, yellow or pinkish red, (either uniform, or rayed with purple , the white specimens with usually two lateral crimson internal spots); whitish or yellowish with narrow interrupted violet rays often assuming the appearance of arrow-heads; violet, rayed with white; whitish, with broad fawn-coloured and narrower purplish rays. Britain, and West Indies. 53. TELLINA LUCINOIDES (pl. lvi. f. 32.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testà suborbiculari, tenui, subæquilaterali, subventricosâ, im- politâ, intus extusque albâ, striis concentricis tenuissimis lineisque radiantibus minutissimis obsoletè decussatâ, utrinque rotundatâ ; margine ventrali arcuato ; dorsali utrinque convexiusculo et subæ- qualiter declivi; latere antico paululum longiore; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis ; ligamento angustissimo, infosso; dentibus la- teralibus magnis, æquidistantibus. Suborbicular, thin, subequilateral, rather ventricose, dull, both externally and internally white, with very delicate concentric striæ and most minute radiating lineoles; ventral margin strongly arcu- ated; extremities rounded; dorsal edges nearly equally sloping and slightly convex; anterior side very slightly the longer; umbonal ridge and fold obsolete; ligament very narrow, sunken; lateral teeth distinct, equidistant. Not unlike the shell which is figured without a name in the 292nd plate (f. 8.) of the Encyclopèdie Méthodique. Chain Island, South Seas. 54. TELLINA NUX (pl. lvi. f. 33.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ obovali, subinæquivalvi, subæquilaterali, tenui, convexâ aut subventricosâ, nitidâ, sublævigatâ aut infernè concentricè sub- striatâ, intus extusque albidâ, umbonibus hyalinis et fulvis; mar- gine ventrali subarcuato ; dorsali utrinque convexo, satis et æqualiter declivi; extremitate posticâ obtusâ, attenuatâ ; ligamento angus- tissimo, infosso; natibus obtusis ; flexurâ distinctã; costâ umbo- nali subinconspicuâ; dentibus lateralibus distinctis, antico paululum propinquiore. Oboval, thin, slightly inequivalve, almost equilateral, from con- vex to subventricose, rather glossy, whitish both externally and 252 internally, with the umbones diaphanous and of a tawny orange- colour ; nearly smooth or merely substriated concentrically towards the somewhat arcuated ventral margin ; dorsal edges convex, equally and moderately sloping on either side; beaks obtuse ; fold distinct; umbonal ridge almost obsolete; posterior side obtuse and attenu- ated; ligament extremely narrow, sunken ; lateral teeth distinct, the anterior slightly the nearer. Cagayan, Misamis, Mindanao ; St. Nicolas, Zebu. More oval than the three succeeding allied species. 55. TELLINA PINGUIS (pl.lvi. f.34.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ parvâ, rotundato-ovali , tenui, subinæquivalvi, subæqui- laterali, nitidâ, convexâ aut subventricosâ, intus extusque albidâ (rarius incarnata), lævigatà (nonnunquam concentricè substriata); margine ventrali arcuato, dorsali utrinque convexo et subæqualiter declivi; extremitate posticâ obtusâ; flexurâ distinctâ ; natibus minimis; costâ umbonali ferè obsoletâ ; ligamento angustissimo, infosso; dentibus ut in Nuce. Rounded-oval , thin, rather inequivalve, nearly equilateral, from convex to subventricose, both externally and internally whitish, or more rarely flesh-coloured, smooth, (sometimes concentrically substriated); the ventral edge arcuated; the dorsal on each side nearly equally sloping and convex; beaks minute; fold distinct; umbonal ridge almost obsolete ; posterior end obtuse; ligament extremely narrow and sunken; teeth as in Nux. St. Nicolas, Zebu. By its more orbicular outline it may be distinguished from Nux and Casta. It is still more closely allied to Robusta, but its tenuity, more obtuse hinder extremity, and the greater convexity and less sudden slope of the dorsal edges, suffice for its separation. 56. TELLINA ROBUSTA (pl.lvi. f.2, 3.) Hanley,Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ parvâ, rotundato-subtrigonâ, solidâ, subinæquivalvi, subæquilaterali, ventricosâ, nitidâ, aut albo-flavescente, aut pallidè rosaceâ, sublævigatâ (plerumque inferius remotè substriatâ); mar- gine ventrali valdè arcuato, dorsali utrinque subrecto et valdè de- clivi; latere postico attenuato, ferè subrostrato, ad extremitatem acuminato; ligamento angustissimo, infosso; natibus distinctis, prominentibus, et rectè incurvatis ; umbonibus tumidis; flexura distinctâ ; costâ umbonali ferè obsoletâ ; lunulâ parvâ; superficie internâ, plerumque sub umbonibus, flavidâ aut roseâ; dentibus ut in Nuce. 253 و Rounded-subtrigonal, solid, rather inequivalve, nearly equila- teral, ventricose, of a glossy yellowish white, or pale rose-colour, nearly smooth, or marked in fresh specimens with distant striulæ towards the extremely arched ventral margin; dorsal edges nearly straight and strongly sloping on either side; posterior side atten- uated, almost beaked, and obtusely acuminated at the extremity; ligament extremely narrow and sunken; umbones tumid; beaks distinct, prominent, and incurved; fold distinct; umbonal ridge almost obsolete ; inside usually yellow or rose-coloured at the um- bones; a small lunule; teeth as in Nux. Isle of Annaa, South Seas, and Isle of Burias, Philippines. Is closely allied to Nux, Pinguis and Casta, but of a stouter texture even in the youngest individuals. The ligamental edge being nearly straight, easily separates it from Pinguis, where it is decidedly convex. 57. TELLINA CASTA (pl. lvi. f. 9,) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ obovali , tenuissimâ, subinæquivalvi, subinæquilaterali , pellucidâ, convexâ, nitidâ, extus intusque candidâ, lævigatâ ; mar- gine ventrali maximè arcuato ; dorsali utrinque subrecto, subæqua- liter satisque declivi; extremitate posticâ angustâ, biangulatâ ; ligamento angustissimo, subinfosso; natibus acutis; flexurâ ven- trali costâque umbonali distinctis; dentibus ut in Nuce. Oboval, extremely thin, slightly inequivalve, nearly equilateral, convex, glossy, pellucid, white, smooth; ventral margin extremely arcuated; the dorsal on either side nearly straight, moderately and nearly equally sloping; beaks acute; fold and umbonal ridge dis- tinct; posterior extremity narrow and biangulated; ligament ex- tremely narrow and scarcely, if at all, projecting ; teeth as in Nux. Singapore. Bears some resem blance to Nux, but the shape is less broad, the ventral edge decidedly arcuated, the dorsal edges less convex and shorter, and the umbones colourless. 58. TELLINA BALAUSTINA (pl. lvi. f. 10.) Lin. Sys. 1119. Poli. Test. Sic. vol. i. t. 14. f. 17.; Lam. 2nd ed. vol. vi. p. 209;"Phil. En. Mol. Sic. vol. i. p. 25; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 72. sup. t. 9. f. 17; Lucina balaustina, Payr. Cat. Cors. t. 1. f. 21, 22. T. testâ obovatâ, aut suborbiculari, solidiusculâ, convexâ, miti- diusculâ, albo-flavescente, radiis angustis rubris ornatâ, sublævigatâ, nonnunquam lineis elevatis concentricè striatâ ; margine ventrali arcuato ; dorsali utrinque convexo aut convexiusculo, satisque de- Q 254 clivi; latere antico vix paululum longiore, ad extremitatem rotun- dato; extremitate posticâ obtusissimè subangulatâ ; natibus acutis, prominentibus, rectè incurvatis ; ligamento angustissimo, infosso; umbonibus plerumque flavis; flexurâ ventrali costâque umbonali satis conspicuis; superficie internâ flavâ ; dentibus lateralibus magnis, subæquidistantibus. Shape varying from obovate to suborbicular, moderately strong, decidedly convex, when quite perfect dull and covered with raised membranaceous concentric striæ, but usually worn smooth and rather glossy; whitish or yellowish, with numerous narrow red rays and the umbones tinged with yellow ; ventral edge arcuated; both edges of the dorsal line convex and moderately sloping; front ex- tremity rounded; that of the scarcely shorter posterior side most obtusely subangulated; beaks prominent and incurvated ; ligament extremely narrow and sunken; fold and umbonal ridge tolerably manifest; inside yellow ; lateral teeth large and nearly equidistant. Mediterranean. 59. TELLINA OBLIQUILINEATA (pl.lvi. f. 11, and pl.lix. f.127.) Conrad, Jour. Ac. N. S. Philad. 7. T. testâ parvâ, ovatâ, tenuiusculâ, inæquilaterali , convexâ, nitidâ, intus extusque flavescente aut rosaceo-incarnatâ, tenuissimè striatâ; striis obliquis et anticè flexuosis; margine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali anticè arcuato et declivi, posticè longiore convexiusculo et angulum acutum cum margine ventrali formante; latere antico brevi, rotundato; postico producto, acuminato; natibus ligamento que parvo prominulis; flexurâ costâque umbonali inconspicuis; dentibus lateralibus satis distinctis, subæquidistantibus, antico majore. Small , ovate, rather thin, very inequilateral, glossy, convex, tinged both externally and internally with yellow or rosy flesh- colour, and most delicately but distinctly striated in oblique lines which become flexuous in front; the ligament small and scarcely projecting; the beaks rather prominent; the umbonal ridge and the fold not conspicuous; anterior side short and rounded, the dorsal slope rather sudden and very convex; posterior side pro- duced, and rendered acuminated by the elongated and rather con- vex ligamental edge forming an acute angle with the rather arcuated ventral ; lateral teeth distinct, neither very distant, the anterior decidedly larger. Sandwich Isles. 60. TELLINA AMPULLACEA (pl. lvi. f. 23, 24.) Philippi, (June 255 ; 1844) Ab. und Bes. Conch. part 5. t. 5. f. 7; T. puella, Hanley, Zool. Proc. (November) 1844. T. testâ inæquilaterali, tenui, ventricosâ, lævi, nitidiusculâ, extus intusque albido-roseâ aut pallidè carneâ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè primum retuso et vix declivi deinde arcuato satisque declivi, posticè primum sub- recto deinde convexiusculo et valde declivi; latere antico longiore, rotundato; postico brevi, et obtusè angulato; flexurâ costâque umbonali haud conspicuis sed satis distinctis; lunulâ parvâ, im- pressâ ; natibus obtusis ; ligamento angusto, prominulo; dentibus parvis; lateralibus remotis, subæquidistantibus. Ovate, thin, inequilateral , ventricose, smooth, rather glossy, pink or flesh-coloured both externally and internally; ventral edge ar- cuated in front, rising posteriorly; dorsal edge convex and but little sloping in front, slightly convex and much sloping behind ; anterior side the longer, rounded; posterior side short, narrowed and angulated; umbonal ridge nearly obsolete, ventral flexure dis- tinct; beaks obtuse; ligament rather prominent; teeth small, the lateral distant and nearly equally remote. Senegal. Dr. Philippi's publication had not reached me at the date of my describing this very distinct species. 61. TELLINA STRIATULA (pl. lxi. f. 175.) Lam. no. 33; Enc. Mèth. t. 292. f.1; T. hippopoidea, Jonas, Áb. und Bes. Conch. part 3. t. 5. f.1. T. testâ sublenticulari, subobliquâ, paululum subinæquivalvi, solidiusculâ, subnitidâ, candidâ, sublævigatâ; margine ventrali valdè acuto, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè convexo, satisque declivi , posticè subrecto et valdè declivi; natibus acutis, prominentibus; flexurâ ventrali subinconspicuâ; areâ posticâ dor- sali marginibus acutis costä umbonalis circumseptâ, planulatâ aut subconcavâ; ligamento infosso; latere antico longiore, rotun- dato; extremitate posticâ breviter acuminatâ ; superficie internâ nivea; dentibus lateralibus magnis, antico approximato. Sublenticular, rather oblique, very slightly inequivalve, not very strong, convex, slightly glossy, white, nearly smooth, (being only marked with most indistinct minute radiating lines near the arcu- ated ventral margin which rising upward posteriorly almost forms a rectangle with the nearly straight and strongly sloping ligamental edge; front side the longer, extremity rounded, dorsal edge convex and moderately sloping; beaks acute and prominent, slightly curving 2 Q 256 forwards ; ligament sunken ; edges of the almost terminal umbonal ridge acute, the intervening space flattened or concave; fold not conspicuous; inside pure glossy white; lateral teeth large, the anterior approximate. St. Nicholas, Zebu. The Inflata of Chemnitz (6. f. 86.) is very like this species, but ( I do not venture to assert its identity, as the figure certainly differs in some respects, and neither Lamarck nor Philippi, although both conversant with the figure, have quoted it. 62. TELLINA DELTOIDALIS (pl. lix. f. 128 and pl.lxiv. f.229.) Lam, no. 49; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 70. sup. t. 13. f. 3; T. lactea, t Quoy et Gai. Voy. Astrol. Zool. vol. 3. p.501. t. 81. f. 14, 15, 16; Deles. t. 6. f. 7. T. testà subtrigonâ, ovatâ, obovatâ, aut suborbiculari, solidâ, sub- inæquivalvi, convexâ, subæquilaterali , impolitâ aut vix nitidiusculâ, intus extusque albidâ, sublævigatâ; margine ventrali in medio subrecto, utrinque sursum acclivi; dorsali anticè vix declivi, pos- ticè valdè declinente incurvato; latere postico subcuneiformi, ad extremitatem subangulato; extremitate anticâ obtusâ; natibus prominentibus, rectè incurvatis; flexurâ costâque umbonali dis- tinctis; ligamento magno, infosso; dentibus lateralibus parvis, antico approximato, postico remoto plerumque subobsoleto. Var. Latere antico haud dilatato; margine dorsali anticè magis declivi, posticè recto haudque incurvato. Shell varying in shape from ovate-triangular to suborbicular- triangular, solid, slightly inequivalve, convex, subequilateral, scarcely if at all glossy and usually quite dull chalky white, nearly smooth or only marked with rather strong lines of growth; ventral mar- gin sloping upward at both ends, nearly straight in the middle; fold and umbonal ridge distinct ; beaks prominent and incurved; ligament large but sunken; anterior side dilated, obtuse, dorsal slope slight; posterior side somewhat wedge-shaped (at times almost subrostrated), its dorsal edge incurved and very strongly sloping, its extremity subangulated and much attenuated; lateral teeth small, the anterior approximate, the posterior distant and often almost obsolete. Var. Ligamental edge not incurved but straight; anterior side not dilated, slope stronger, and extremity rounded. Australia. 63. TELLINA FAUSTA (pl. lxiv. f. 230, 234) Donovan, vol. 3. t. 98; Dor. Cat. t. 5. f.5; Dillwyn D. Cat. p. 94 ; Hanl. Des. Cat. 257 p. 68. t. 4. f. 68; T. lævis, Wood, Gen. Con. p. 181. t. 37. f. 1; T. remies, Born, p. 36. t. 2. f. 11; Lam. no. 31; List, t. 266. f. 102. T. testâ ovato-suborbiculari, solidâ, convexâ aut subventricosâ, impolitâ, albidâ; concentricè striatâ, striis tenuibus, confertissimis, ad umbones posticèque obsoletis; lineis verticalibus interruptis fissuræformibus notatâ; margine ventrali convexo vel subarcuato; dorsali posticè subrecto (plerumque subincurvato) declivi, anticè prope umbones retuso, deinde convexo, satisque declivi; latere postico breviore, subbiangulato; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; natibus prominentibus, acutis; ligamento maximo, prominente; flexurâ ventrali satis distinctâ ; superficie internâ nitidâ, plerumque flavescente; dentibus lateralibus magnis, antico approximato. Var. Obovatâ, extus flavescente, intus flava. Rounded-ovate, solid, varying from convex to subventricose, dull whitish, with vertical fissure-like interrupted lines, and crowded concentric fine striæ, which latter become obsolete on the umbones and posteriorly; ventral edge varying from convex to subarcuated; beaks prominent and acute, with a forward inclination; fold tolerably distinct; ligament very large, projecting; anterior side rounded, rather the longer, the dorsal edge at first slightly concave and then convex and moderately sloping; posterior end nearly biangulated, the dorsal edge nearly straight (usually incurved) and rather strongly sloping; inside glossy, white, or tinged with yellow; lateral teeth large, anterior approximate. Var. Obovate, yellowish; within deep yellow. West Indies. 64. TELLINA DISCUS (pl.lxiv. f. 228, 232) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. remiei simillimâ, sed subobliquâ et sulcis concen- tricis valdè irregularibus vixque continuis; natibus haud rectè incurvatis; margine dorsali posticè elevatiore, anticè prominulas subincurvato; umbonibus lævigatis; extremitate pos- ticâ angulatâ. Var. Testâ magis compressâ; sulcis concentricis haud rudibus, et versus marginem ventralem solum conspicuis. In sculpture, colour, and general shape extremely like Remies, but appearing oblique from the beaks having a forward inclination, and the anterior dorsal edge being slightly incurved; posterior dor- sal edge the more elevated, longer than in the last species; pos- terior extremity distinctly angulated ; ventral edge slightly as- cending posteriorly; beaks rather prominent. prope nates 258 Var. More depressed, the sulci less coarse and only visible near the ventral margin. Isle of Ticao, Philippines. 65. TELLINA REMIES (pl. lxiv. f. 226.) Lin. Sys. 1119; Lin. Mus. Ulr. p.482; Chem. vol.6. f.113; Wood, Gen. Conch. p.182. t. 38. f.1; Dillw. D. Cat. p. 94; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 67. sup. t. 1. f. 2; T. sulcata, Lam, no. 32; T. convexa, Wood, Ind. Test. Sup. t. 1. f. 2. T. testà suborbiculari, solidissimâ, inæquivalvi, æquilaterali, ventricosâ, subimpolitâ, extus intusque albidâ, epidermide tenui fulvo-cinereâ aut fulvo-fuscâ indutâ; supernè concentricè striolatâ, infernè concentricè sulcatâ, sulcis latis, profundis, rudibus; mar- gine ventrali valdè arcuato; dorsali utrinque subrecto, anticè pau- lulum, posticè satis declivi; latere antico rotundato; postico su- pernè subangulato; ligamento satis magno, prominente; lunula nullâ ; natibus obtusis et rectè incurvatis ; flexurâ ventrali conspi- cuâ; costâ umbonali subobsoletâ ; dentibus magnis, validis, antico laterali quamplurimum approximato, postico permagno subremoto. Suborbicular, very solid, inequivalve, equilateral, ventricose, scarcely glossy, whitish both within and without (covered when fresh with a dull yellowish brown epidermis), most delicately stri- ated concentrically near the obtuse and incurved beaks, but very coarsely grooved towards the regularly arcuated ventral edge; an- terior side rounded, its dorsal edge nearly straight or very slightly convex and but little sloping; posterior side subangulated above, its dorsal edge moderately declining and straight or subretuse; fold obscure, flexure conspicuous; ligament large and prominent; no lunule; teeth large and strong, the front lateral as close as possible, the hinder very large and rather distant. Baclyon, Isle of Bohol (Cuming); Amboyna; Australia. 66. TELLINA CYRENOIDEA (pl. lvi. f. 31) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ suborbiculari, solidiusculâ, inæquivalvi, valdè inæqui- laterali, subventricosâ, sordidè albâ (intus sub umbonibus pur- purea), concentricè costellatâ; striis minutis obliquè radiantibus costellas confertas posticè decussantibus; margine ventrali ar- cuato; dorsali utrinque valdè et subrectè declivi, anticè brevi, posticè longiore; latere antico breviore, obtusè rotundato; extre- mitate posticâ obtusâ, paululum attenuatâ ; natibus prominentibus; lunulâ distinctâ; ligamento infosso; flexurâ costâque umbonali 3 259 obsoletissimis : dentibus lateralibus parvis, distinctis, subæquidis- tantibus. Suborbicular, tolerably solid, inequivalve, very inequilateral, rather ventricose, hardly at all glossy, dirty white, with regular close-set narrow concentric ribs, which posteriorly are decussated by minute rather oblique radiating striulæ; ventral edge arcuated; anterior side the longer, its dorsal edge strongly sloping, rather long, nearly straight, its extremity rounded; posterior end obtusely rounded, slightly subangulated above, by the short straight and much sloping dorsal edge; beaks prominent ; fold and umbonal ridge obsolete; ligament sunken; a purple internal stain beneath the umbones; lateral teeth small, but distinct, subequidistant and rather close. St. Nicolas, Isle of Zebu. 67. TELLINA SPLENDIDA (pl.lvi. f.39.) Anton, Verz. Conch. p.5. T. testâ suborbiculari, solidiusculâ, subinæquivalvi, inæquilate- rali, convexâ, nitidâ, albido-flavescente, prope umbones subcæru- lescente aut purpureo tinctâ; anticè profundè et concentricè sulcatâ, dein striis subradiantibus remotis obliquè exaratâ, et in valvâ sinistra posticè concentricè striatâ; margine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali utrinque subrectè declivi, anticè brevi; extremitate anticâ obtusè rotundatâ, supernè angulatâ ; latere postico longiore, ad extremi- tatem rotundatam subattenuato; ligamento infosso; costâ umbo- nali obsoletâ; flexurâ ventrali subinconspicuâ; superficie internâ purpureâ; dentibus lateralibus parvis, distinctis, subapproximatis, antico magis approximato. Suborbicular, tolerably strong, rather inequivalve, inequilateral, glossy (usually, as in the succeeding species, coated here and there with a dark rust-like substance), yellowish white assuming a pale blueish or purplish cast towards the beaks; with strong rather dis- tant concentric anterior grooves, followed by deep and not very close oblique radiating ones, which terminate posteriorly in one valve in fine close concentric striæ; ventral edge rather arcuated; anterior extremity obtusely rounded and rather angulated by the very short straight and much sloping dorsal edge; posterior side the longer, rather attenuated at its rounded extremity, the dorsal slope strong and nearly straight; ligament sunken and small; flexure not conspicuous; umbonal ridge obsolete; inside purple; lateral teeth small but distinct, close, anterior one the more so. Basay, Isle of Samar; coarse sandy mud, four fathoms; (Cuming). 68. TELLINA SENEGALENSIS (pl. lvi. f. 17.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. a 260 X T. testâ T. splendida simillimâ, sed striis sulcisque exilioribus et magis confertis ; utrâque valvulâ striis arcuatis obliquis ad extremitatem posticam notatâ ; superficie internâ purpureâ, albo posticè biradiatâ. Extremely like the last, but in addition to the superior delicacy and more crowded arrangement of both sulci and striæ, the pos- terior end is distinguished by the possession of those curved ob- lique striæ which we perceive less distinctly in Carnaria; the inner surface is adorned posteriorly with two white or pale rays on a purplish ground. Senegal 69. TELLINA CARNARIA (pl. lvi. f. 37, 38.) Lin. 1119; Chem. vol. 6. f. 126; Wood, Gen. Conch. t. 40. f. 4; List, t. 339. f.176. Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 72. t. 4. f. 79; Lucina carnaria, Lam. no. 8; Strigilla carnaria, Turt. Brit. Biv. p. 117. t. 7. f. 15. T. testâ suborbiculari, convexâ, subinæquivalvi, inæquilaterali, solidiusculâ, nitidâ, albido-roseâ, (intus rosea), variè et exiliter stri- atâ, striis medio obliquis, radiantibus, ad latus posticum spectan- tibus; anticè flexuosis et cum striis mediis angulum formantibus; posticè tenuissimis, confertissimis, arcuatis (nonnunquam subob- soletis, et cum striis mediis angulum acutissimum formantibus); margine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali utrinque subrecto, declivi, anticè brevi, posticè elongato; extremitate anticâ obtusâ, supernè subangulatâ; latere postico valdè longiore, attenuato, ad extremi- tatem rotundato; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis; dentibus lateralibus distinctis, subæquidistantibus. Suborbicular, convex, moderately strong, glossy, pink, rose-co- loured, or whitish more or less tinged with pink, most delicately striated in various directions; striæ on the anterior area very flexuous and forming an angle with those on the central area, which obliquely radiate posteriorward; striæ on the posterior slope extremely fine, curved, and meeting at a very acute angle; ventral edge arcuated; anterior side much the shorter, its extremity obtuse, and subangulated above, its dorsal edge short and moderately sloping, posterior extremity rounded and narrowed, the dorsal edge greatly sloping and nearly straight; a small lunule; ligament sunken ; umbonal ridge and flexure nearly obsolete; beaks in- curved; inside rosy; lateral teeth distinct and nearly equidistant. W. Indies; W. Columbia. The shell is deeper from the umbones to the ventral margin, than in Splendida ; the posterior and central striæ are often divi- ded by a smooth radiating space. 261 70. TELLINA SINCERA (pl. lix. f. 144.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. Carnaria simillimâ, sed majore, latiore, compressâ et albidâ; striis tenuioribus; ligamento valdè angusto; natibus pau- lulum ad latus anticum spectantibus ; margine ventrali solum sub- arcuato; dentibus lateralibus conspicuis, subæquidistantibus. Extremely like Carnaria, but larger, broader, white and depressed; the ligament extremely narrow; sculpture still finer, beaks slightly curved forward, ventral edge less arcuated ; lateral teeth conspi- cuous and subequidistant. N. W. Coast of America, (Dr. Sinclair). 71. TELLINA PISIFORMIS (pl. lvi. f. 30.) Lin. Syst. 1120.; Dillwyn. D. Cat. p. 102.; Wood. Gen. Con. p. 194. T. testâ parvâ,suborbiculari, solidiusculâ, ventricosâ, nitidiusculâ, albido-roseâ; obliquè substriatâ, striis posticè angulo acuto re- flexis; margine ventrali convexo; dorsali anticè brevi subrecto et paululum declivi, posticè convexo et valdè declivi; extremitate anticâ obtusâ ; latere postico longiore, rotundato ; natibus promi- nentibus; umbonibus extus intusque roseis; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis ; dentibus lateralibus distinctis, subæquidis- tantibus. Var. Testâ majore, pallidè luteâ. Small, subglobose, tolerably strong, but slightly glossy, both within and without of a pinkish white with the umbones rosy, ob- liquely substriated, the striæ curving posteriorwards, except over the umbonal slope, (which, as well as the fold, is quite obsolete) where they are met at acute angles by another set with a slight anterior inclination ; ventral edge simply convex; front dorsal edge very short, nearly straight, and scarcely sloping, the hinder one convex, and greatly sloping; anterior extremity obtuse; pos- terior side the longer and narrower, tip rounded ; beaks very pro- minent; lateral teeth distinct, and nearly equidistant. Var. Larger, and of an uniform pale yellow. W. Indies. The Cardium discors of Montagu, which has erroneously been inserted in the British Fauna, is evidently this or the succeeding species. 72. TELLINA FLEXUOSA (pl. lvi. f. 28, 29.) Say. Journ. Ac. N.S.; Philad. vol. č. p. 303.; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 2; T. mirabilis, ü Philippi, Wiegm. Archiv. f. nat. 1841. p. 260. R 262 T. testâ T. pisiformi simillimâ, pallidiore autem et margine ven- trali magis arcuato; striis obliquis, fortioribus, flexuosis, posticè bis terve in ziczac flexis; ligamento minimo, Extremely like T. pisiformis, but paler and more arcuated at the ventral margin; the oblique striæ are flexuous and more deeply impressed than in that species, and at the posterior extremity se- veral times change their direction at acute angles, thus forming numerous zigzag lines; the ligament is minute and not prominent. United States. 73. TELLINA FIMBRIATA (pl. Ix. f. 132.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ obovato-suborbiculari, solidâ, convexâ, impolitâ, intus extusque candidâ, striis concentricis confertissimis lamellosis fim- briatis et lineis radiantibus confertis decussatâ; margine ventrali arcuato, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali utrinque convexiusculo, anticè subdeclivi, posticè valdè declivi ; latere antico longiore, ro- tundato ; extremitate posticâ brevi, angulatâ; costâ umbonali valdè conspicuâ; ligamento infosso; lunulâ distinctâ; dentibus latera- libus subremotis, subæquidistantibus. Rounded-obovate, solid, convex, very inequilateral, dull white, with extremely delicate crowded lamellar striæ, which are fringed by the intersection of radiating lines; one of the valves projecting beyond the other at the beaks ; ventral margin arcuated and rising posteriorly; anterior side the longer and rounded, its dorsal edge moderately convex and sloping ; posterior side short and angulated, the ligamental edge strongly sloping and tolerably convex; fold very prominent; ligament sunken ; a distant lanceolate lunule; inside white; lateral teeth rather remote and subequidistant. Mus. Cuming. 74. TELLINA DECUSSATA (pl. lx. f. 184.) Lam., no. 45.; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 70.; Encyc. Mèth. t. 292. f. 2.? T. testâ suborbiculari, subæquilaterali , solidâ, convexâ aut sub- ventricosâ, impolitâ, sordidè albâ, striis concentricis costellas radi- antes decussantibus; striis elevatis, confertissimis, tenuissimis; costellis numerosis, paululum obsoletis; margine ventrali arcuato; dorsali utrinque declivi, anticè convexo, posticè convexiusculo; la- tere antico rotundato; postico obtusè angulato; ligamento infosso; natibus prominulis ; flexurâ costâque umbonali inconspicuis; den- tibus lateralibus magnis, antico propinquiore. Var. Testâ majore, candidâ; striis magis elevatis et minus con- ertis ; margine dorsali postico elevatiore. X 263 Suborbicular, solid, nearly equilateral, from convex to subventri- cose, dull dirty white, sculptured with numerous somewhat obso- lete radiating costellæ, which are decussated by very fine raised crowded concentric striæ; ventral edge arcuated; the dorsal sloping from the rather prominent beaks on either side, and rather the more convex in front; anterior side rounded, posterior obtusely subangu- lated; ligament sunken, fold and umbonal ridge not conspicuous; inside white; lateral teeth large, the front one the nearer. Var. Larger, white; the hinder (and not as in the type,) the front), dorsal edge the more elevated; the striæ more elevated and rather more distant. Australia; the variety from Ceylon. 75. TELLINA CARNICOLOR, (pl.lvi. f. 15.); T. incarnata Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ obovatâ, subobliquâ, inæquilaterali, ventricosâ, solidâ, incarnatâ aut albido-roseâ, impolitâ; striis elevatis concentricis tenuissimis strias radiantes elevatas confertissimè decussantibus ; margine ventrali arcuato, posticè sursum accliviore ; dorsali antice declivi et prope nates paululum incurvato, posticè elevatiore subar- cuato et subito declivi; latero antico longiore, rotundato; extremi- tate posticâ rotundato-angulatâ ; ligamento angusto, parvo, infosso; natibus acutis, prominentibus; flexurâ costâque umbonali subobso- letis ; lunulâ lanceolatâ ; superficie internâ flavescente, margines versus subroseâ; dentibus lateralibus maximis, subæquidistantibus. Obovate, rather oblique, dull, solid, ventricose, pinkish white, or flesh-coloured, closely decussated by elevated radiating, and by fine concentric lamellar striæ; ventral edge arcuated, and ascending posteriorly; anterior side the longer, its extremity rounded and slightly attenuated, its dorsal edge sloping, and near the acute and prominent beaks, somewhat incurved; hinder extremity subangu- lated, the more elevated ligamental edge sloping rather suddenly, and in an arcuated line; ligament small, narrow, and sunken; um- bonal ridge and fold nearly obsolete ; a lanceolate lunule; inside yellowish, pink near the margins ; lateral teeth very large and nearly equidistant. San Nicolas, Zebu. In almost every adult specimen the tips of the beaks are chalky white, the umbones yellow, and the ligamental edge rosy. I had inadvertently designated this shell with a pre-occupied name. 76. TELLINA GARGADIA (pl. lxi. f. 156 and pl. lxii. f. 181,) X R 2 264 و Lin. Sys. 1116; Lin. Mus. Ulr. 476. Chemn. vol. vi. f. 63, 64; Lam. no. 40; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 69. t. 3. f. 1. T. testâ ovatâ, solidâ, compressiusculâ, nitidiusculâ, candidâ ; margine ventrali arcuato; dorsali anticè subrecto et valdè declivi, posticè elevatiore valdè declivi paululum convexiusculo dentato; latere antico longiore, angustato, rotundato; extremitate posticâ, obtusè biangulatâ ; lunulâ areâque ligamentali excavatis; natibus acutis, prominentibus, ligamento infosso; dentibus lateralibus va- lidis, æquidistantibus. Var. a. Sulcis irregularibus, rudioribus, subobliquis, concentri- cis, posticè exaratâ ; lineis subobliquis, exilibus, concentricis, anticè striatâ. Var. 6. Sculpturâ obsoletissimâ. Ovate, solid, rather compressed, and not very glossy, uniform white; ventral edge arcuated; anterior side the longer, attenuated but rounded at its extremity ; its dorsal slope sudden, and nearly straight ; hinder side obtusely subangulated, its dorsal edge toothed, rather short and scarcely convex, the slope sudden; ligament sunken ; lunule and lozenge excavated; beaks acute and prominent; fold and umbonal ridge by no means conspicuous; inside white, or yellowish white; the lateral teeth strong and subequidistant. Var. a. Hinder side roughened by coarse irregular rather ob- lique concentric grooves; anterior surface traversed by more or less delicate rather obliquely concentric striæ. Var. 6. Sculpture almost entirely obsolete, but usually discernible on one of the areas, Siquijor, Philippines, (Cuming), &c. 77. TELLINA SPINOSA (pl. lviii. f. 40.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovatâ, solidiusculâ, subimpolitâ, inæquilaterali, convex- iusculâ, extus intusque albidâ, striis minutis elevatis confertissi- mis concentricè asperatâ; margine ventrali arcuato, posticè sursum acclinato, dorsali posticè elevatiore convexo et declivi, antice prope nates acutas subincurvato, deinde subrecto subdeclivi; latere pos- tico brevi; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ; extremitate posticâ spi- narum duabus vel tribus seriebus radiantibus serratâ ; lunulâ parvâ distinctâ ; ligamento infosso; dente laterali antico subapproximato, postico remoto. Ovate, moderately strong, inequilateral, not very convex, dull whitish, with minute elevated crowded concentric striæ; ventral edge rather arcuated, and rising behind; anterior side the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge slightly incurved near the 265 a . acute beaks and then straightish, (or slightly convex), and mode- rately sloping ; posterior side short, and armed at its extremity with two or three rows of radiating serrated spines, its dorsal edge con- vex and sloping; ligament sunken ; a small distinct lunule; inside white, the anterior lateral tooth slightly the closer, posterior distant. Island of Ticao. 78. TELLINA CRASSA (pl. lxi. f. 169, 173.) Pennant, Brit. Zool. vol. iv. p. 73. t. 48. f. 28; Wood Gen. Conc. p. 186. t. 40. f.1; Turt. Biv. Brit. p. 109. t. 7 f. 2; Lam. no. 35; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 68. t. 4. f. 75; List. t. 299. f. 136; T. rigida Don. Br. Sh. vol. 3. t. 103. T. testâ rotundato-ovali, subobliquâ, solidâ, inæquivalvi, subven- tricosâ, impolitâ, albidâ, radiis angustis rubris plerumque ornatâ, sulcis rudibus concentricè exaratâ; margine ventrali arcuato; dor- sali utrinque declivi, convexo, posticè elevatiore, anticè convexiore ; latere antico longiore, rotundato, prominente ; postico abbreviato, ad extremitatem obtuso; costâ umbonali obsoletâ ; natibus incum- bentibus ; lunulâ parvâ, excavatâ ; ligamento infosso; flexurâ dis- tinctâ; superficie internâ plerumque aurantiâ, (rarius albidâ) ; dentibus lateralibus magnis, antico subapproximato; cicatricibus muscularibus profundè impressis. Roundish oval, slightly oblique, inequivalve, very inequilateral, rather ventricose, dull white, almost always adorned with narrow red rays, and concentrically and coarsely grooved; the ventral edge , arcuated; the anterior side the longer, its dorsal edge arcuated, its extremity rounded and projecting; the posterior side rather short, its dorsal slope very sudden and very convex, its tips most obtusely subangulated; the umbonal ridge obsolete; ligament sunken ; fold distinct; the beaks recurved anteriorwards; the lunule small and excavated; inside usually stained with orange, very rarely white; the lateral teeth large, the anterior one rather approx- imate; muscular impressions deeply impressed. Britain, Europe. The T. maculata of Turton (Biv. Brit.) is a young discoloured specimen of this species. 79. TELLINA PLECTRUM (pl. lxi. f. 177.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1845. T. testâ obovatâ, solidâ, convexiusculâ, subæquilaterali, impolitâ, intus extusque albidâ, lamellis confertis concentricis undique as- peratâ ; interstitiis lævibus ; margine ventrali arcuato; dorsali utrin- que subrecto, subdeclivi (in junioribus declivi); extremitate anticâ 266 X rotundatâ ; latere postico vix paululum longiore, biangulato; na- tibus acutis; costâ umbonali prominulâ; ligamento infosso (?); lunulâ distinctâ ; dente laterali antico majore postico parvo et remotiore. Obovate, solid, moderately convex, nearly equilateral, not po- lished, white, the entire surface covered with regular, distinct, short and crowded lamellæ, the interstices smooth ; ventral edge arcuated; anterior side very slightly the shorter, extremity rounded; posterior extremity biangulated ; dorsal edges straightish, and not greatly sloping; beaks acute; ligament sunken (?); fold not prominent; a distinct lunule; inside white, the front lateral tooth distinct, the hinder small and remote. A single valve in the collectiou of .J E. Gray, Esq. is all I have ever seen of this distinctly characterized species, I am consequently unable to state whether it be equivalve or not. 80. TELLINA SCOBINATA (pl. lxvi. f. 235.) Lin. Syst. 1119; Lin. Mus. Ulr. 482; Chem. vol. 6. f.122-124; Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 180. t. 35. f.1; Lam. no 34; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 68. t. 4. f. 67. T. testâ suborbiculari, inæquivalvi, solidâ, æquilaterali, ven- tricosâ aut subventricosâ, impolitâ, albidâ, maculis brunneis un- datis radiatâ aut nebulosâ, tuberculis, squamosis confertis undique asperatâ; margine ventrali arcuato; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi et leviter convexiusculo; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ, posticâ obtusè subangulatâ; costâ umbonali distinctâ, obtusâ; lunulâ excavatâ, lanceolatâ ; flexurâ ventrali conspicuâ; ligamento de- presso; disco interno albido-flavescente; dentibus lateralibus vali- dissimis, subæquidistantibus. Suborbicular, solid, inequivalve, equilateral, more or less ven- tricose, dull whitish clouded or rayed with wavy brown markings, and rough with small crowded rasp-like tubercles which become almost spinous beyond the distinct but obtuse umbonal ridge; fold conspicuous; ligament depressed; a lanceolate excavated lunule ; anterior side rounded, the dorsal edge scarcely convex and little sloping; hinder side with the extremity obtusely subangulated, the dorsal edge nearly straight and moderately sloping ; inside yellowish white; the lateral teeth very strong and subequidistant. Society Islands and Philippines ; (Cuming). 82. TELLINA LINGUA-FELIS (pl. lxiv. f. 236.) Lin. Sys. 1116; Lin. Mus. Ulr. p. 476; Knorr, vol. 2. t. 2.f.1; Wood, Gen. Conch. t. 40. f. 2,3; Lam. no. 37; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 69. t. 3. f. 2. T. testâ obovatâ, subventricosâ, solidâ, subæquilaterali, albidâ, Y 267 roseo radiatâ, impolitâ, squamis tubercularibus confertis undique asperrimâ; margine ventrali posticè arcuato, anticè sursum acclivi; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et paululum declivi, posticè elevatiore convexo et valde declivi; latere postico breviore, subrostrato; ex- tremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; natibus acutis, roseis aut roseo-pur- pureis, incumbentibus; lunulâ excavatâ, lanceolatâ ; costâ umbo- nali et flexurâ conspicuis; ligamento infosso; dentibus lateralibus validis, subæquidistantibus. Obovate, rather ventricose, crowded with rasp-like scales, solid, white with crimson rays and the beaks of the same colour ; ante- rior side rather the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge slightly convex and little sloping; hinder side slightly beaked, the ligamental edge the more elevated convex and deeply sloping; ventral edge much arcuated in front, ascending posteriorly; flex- uosity and umbonal ridge conspicuous; beaks acute, inclined for- wards; lunule deeply impressed, lanceolate; lateral teeth strong, subequidistant. Isle of Negros, Philippines; (Cuming). 82. TELLINA RUGOSA (pl. lxiv. f. 233, 238.) Born, p. 29. t. 2. f. 3, 4; Wood, Gen. Conch. t. 41. f.2,3; Lam. no.38; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 69. t. 3. f. 8. . T. testâ obovatâ, inæquivalvi, subæquilaterali, solidâ, subventri- cosâ, intus extusque albâ (rarius roseo-purpurascente aut aurantiâ); subconcentricè rugosâ, rugis erectis flexuosis interruptis, striis radiantibus minutissimis decussantibus ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato; dorsali anticè paululum declivi, posticè subrecto et valdè declivi; latere postico obtusè subcuneiformi; lunulâ elongatâ, excavatâ ; flexurâ costâque umbonali conspicuis; dentibus latera- libus magnis, subæquidistantibus. Obovate, subequilateral, inequivalve, solid, rather ventricose, white both within and without (rarely orange or purplish crimson), with raised interrupted irregularly but concentrically disposed wavy wrinkles which become still rougher from the minute radiating striæ; anterior side rounded, its dorsal edge scarcely sloping; posterior side obtusely subcuneiform; ligamental edge strongly sloping and nearly straight; ventral edge much arcuated in front; lunule very elongated, excavated; fold and flexure conspicuous; lateral teeth large, subequidistant. Isle of Opara (Cuming), New California. 83. TELLINA SUBTRUNCATA (pl. lvii. f. 48.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. 268 X 69. sup. T. testâ obovatâ, solidiusculâ, convexâ, impolitâ, valdè inæqui- laterali , intus extusque striis lamellosis confertissimis fimbriatis ornatâ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato, posticè subrecto et sur- sum acclinato; dorsali utrinque magis minusve convexo, anticè declivi, posticè maximè declivi; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; latere postico brevissimo, subtruncato, angulato; ligamento infosso; natibus prominentibus ; costâ umbonali subinconspicuâ, terminali ; dentibus lateralibus subæquidistantibus. Obovate, moderately thick, convex, very inæquilateral, dull whitish, with very crowded fringed lamellar striæ; ventral mar- gin arcuated in front, straightish and ascending behind; dorsal edges moderately convex; anterior side the longer, rounded, its dorsal edge sloping; posterior side subtruncated, its extremity angulated; beaks prominent ; fold terminal and not prominent ; ligament sunken ; inside white, sometimes with two orange rays; lateral teeth subequidistant. Isle of Bohol, Philippines. 84. TELLINA PRISTIS (pl. lxi. f. 160.) Lam. no. 41; Han.. Des. Cat. p. t. 9. f. 4. (young); Enc. Mèth. t. 287. f. 1. T. testâ rotundato-ovatâ, crassa, subinæquilaterali, convexâ aut subventricosâ, extus intusque albâ, impolitâ; concentricè striatâ, striis elevatis, confertis ; interstitiis, striulis minimis radiantibus, decussatis ; margine ventrali magis minusve convexo; dorsali anticè brevi, subretuso et paulo declivi, posticè subrecto et valdè declivi; latere antico paululum longiore, ad extremitatem rotun- dato-obtuso; latere postico angulato; natibus acutis ; lunulâ liga- mentoque infosso magnis; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis conspi- cuis; dentibus lateralibus subremotis, subæquidistantibus. Rounded-ovate, thick, rather inequilateral, convex or subven- tricose, white both within and without, not glossy, with concentric elevated crowded striæ decussated by minute interstitial radiating striulæ ; ventral edge more or less convex; dorsal short subretuse and but little sloping in front, nearly straight and considerably sloping behind; anterior side very slightly the longer, obtusely rounded at its termination; posterior side angulated; beaks acute; ligament sunken, and as well as the lunule, large; fold and flexure tolerably strong; lateral teeth rather and nearly equally distant. Australia, &c. 85. TELLINA CAPSOIDES (pl. lxii. f. 185.) Lam. no. 44; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 70. T. testà obovato-subtrigonâ, solidâ, subæquilaterali, convexius- 269 culâ, vix nitidâ, intus extusque albâ aut albidâ ; concentricè stri- atâ, striis posticè elevatioribus, anticè a lineis radiantibus dis- tinctis decussatis; margine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali utrinque valdè declivi, anticè convexo, posticè recto aut subrecto; extremi- tate anticâ rotundatâ ; latere postico angulato; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis distinctis; ligamento magno, infosso; dentibus lateralibus distinctis, remotis, validis, subaquidistantibus. Obovate-subtriangular, solid, subequilateral, moderately convex, scarcely glossy, white or whitish, anteriorly decussated by closely radiating and concentric striæ, posteriorly with the concentric striæ more distant and more elevated; ventral edge subarcuated; dorsal slopes strong, the posterior nearly straight and roughened by the edges of the concentric sulci; posterior tip angulated; beaks acute; anterior extremity rounded; ligament sunken, and large; fold and flexure moderate; inside white; lateral teeth strong, subequidistant. Jimaimalan, Isle of Negros, &c.; (Cuming). 86. TELLINA PERPLEXA (pl. lx. f. 139.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844; T. concinna, (?) Ab. und Bes. Conch. part 5. t. 5. f. 1. T. testâ T. ostraceæ affinis, ovatâ autem, striisque ejus concen- tricis confertioribus, et supernè haud lamellosis; margine dorsali antico paululum declivi. Very like T. ostracea but subovate and not triangular; the con- centric striæ more crowded and not lamellar, except near the less arcuated ventral margin; the anterior dorsal edge but little sloping Bay of Manila and Isle of Annaa; (Cuming). 87. TELLINA OSTRACEA (pl. lvii. f. 45.) Lam. no. 54; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 71. sup. t. 14. f. 11; Enc. Mèth. t. 290. f. 13. . T. testâ obovato-subtrigonâ, solidiusculâ, satis convexâ, extus intusque albidâ, lineis elevatis subremotis concentricè ornatâ ; in- terstitiis lævibus ; margine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali utrinque declivi, anticè convexo, posticè recto aut subretuso; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ; latere postico paulo breviore cuneiformi; natibus acutis, prominentibus; ligamento infosso; costâ umbonali promi- nente; dentibus lateralibus, distinctis, postico subremoto. Obovate-subtriangular, tolerably strong and convex, uniform white, with regular raised rather distant concentric striæ, the inter- stices smooth ; ventral edge arcuated, sloping upward posteriorly; anterior side rather the longer, its dorsal edge convex and sloping, its extremity rounded; posterior side subrostrated and wedge- S 270 shaped, its dorsal edge straight (or subretuse) and much sloping; beaks prominent, acute; ligament sunken ; umbonal ridge very distinct; inside white; lateral teeth distinct, the hinder slightly the more distant. Ceylon. 88. TELLINA PLICATA (pl. lxii. f. 191.) Valenciennes, Enc. Meth. t. 287. f. 3. T. testâ obovali , tenuiusculâ, subventricosâ, tortuosâ, æquilate- rali, impolitâ, intus extusque candidâ, striis elevatis lamellosis con- centricè ornatâ; margine ventrali arcuato, posticè sursum accli- nato; dorsali utrinque paululum declivi, anticè convexo (sed juxta lunulam brevem distinctam incurvato), posticè convexiusculo et elevatiore; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ, obtusè biangulatâ ; costâ umbonali subcarinatâ flexurâque ventrali conspicuis; liga- mento longo, infosso; dentibus lateralibus parvis, antico subap- proximato. Oboval, rather thin, somewhat ventricose, tortuous, nearly equi- lateral, dull white, with regular raised and moderately distant con- centric sublamellar striæ; the ventral margin arcuated, and rising behind; anterior side very slightly the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge near the short but distinct lunule in- curved and scarcely sloping; extremity of the posterior side ob- tusely biangulated, its dorsal slope the more elevated slightly convex and moderately sloping; ligament elongated and sunken; umbonal ridge subcarinated, and as well as the ventral fold, very distinct; inside white; lateral teeth small, the anterior the more approximate. Hab.? Mus. Cuming, Metcalfe. 89. TELLINA CRYSTALLINA (pl. lvii. f. 43.) Chem. vol. 11. p. 210. f. 1947, 1948; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 66. t. 3. f. 10; Wood, Gen. Conch. 149. T. testâ obovatâ, tenui, inæquivalvi, inæquilaterali, convexius- culâ, nitidâ, submargaritaceâ, candidâ, subpellucidâ, lamellis sub- remotis concentricis undique ornatâ ; interstitiis lævibus; margine ventrali valdè arcuato, posticè brevi et incurvato; latere antico longiore, rotundato; postico brevi, rostrato; natibus acutis; liga- mento minimo, infosso; costâ umbonali distinctâ ; dentibus latera- libus distinctis, subæquidistantibus. Obovate, thin, inequivalve, inequilateral, moderately convex, glossy, pure white, subnacreous, with distant regular raised con- centric striæ, the interstices quite smooth ; ventral edge greatly p. 271 arcuated ; anterior side much the longer, rather dilated, rounded, its dorsal edge convex and not greatly sloping; posterior side termi- nating in a short beak, which is placed very high up owing to the shortness and small slope of the incurved dorsal edge; fold pro- minent; ligament minute and sunken; beaks acute; inside white; lateral teeth distinct, subequidistant. St. Elena, West Columbia. 90. Tellina BURNETI (pl.lviii. f. 99.) Broderip and Sowerby, Zool. Jour. vol. 4. p. 362. t. 9. f.2; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 72. t. 13. f. 51. T. testâ trigonâ, suborbiculari, subtenui, subæquilaterali, inæ- quivalvi, compressâ, candidâ, submargaritaceâ; valvulâ planulatâ lineis elevatis concentricè striatâ ; valvulâ convexiore sulcis dila- tatis concentricis obsoletissimè anticè et supernè ornatâ; margine ventrali arcuato; dorsali utrinque valde declivi et dentato, anticè valdè incurvato, posticè subrecto; natibus acutissimis, anticè in- cumbentibus; ligamento minimo lunulâque maximâ infossis ; flexurâ distinctâ; dentibus lateralibus distinctis, subæquidistan- tibus. Triangular, rather thin, inequivalve, subequilateral, compressed, subnacreous, white; the convex valve with obsolete distant dilated concentric grooves, which are most visible in front and towards the elevated acute and curving beaks (one of which projects over the other); the flat valve with elevated fine rather irregular and close concentric striæ, which become obsolete posteriorly; ventral edge arcuated; dorsal edges strongly sloping on either side, and armed with large tooth-like projections, the front one greatly in- curved, the hinder nearly straight; ligament minute; dorsal slopes excavated; fold and flexure distinct; lateral teeth distinct, rather remote, and subequidistant. Salango, W. Columbia. 91. TELLINA LYRA (pl. lxii. f. 187.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ellipticâ, tenui, compressâ, nitidiusculâ, intus extusque albâ, striis concentricis elevatis ornatâ; striis anticè et infernè confertioribus, interstitiis lævigatis ; margine ventrali medio con- vexiusculo, utrinque arcuato; dorsali posticè elevatiore convexo satisque declivi, anticè prope lunulam excavatam, aut horizontali aut leviter acclivi; latere antico paululum longiore, rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusâ; ligamento infosso; natibus acutis, prominentibus, incumbentibus ; flexurâ obsoletâ; dentibus latera- libus distinctis, antico approximato, postico parvo, remotiore. 2 s 272 Elliptic, thin, depressed, scarcely glossy, white both within and without (sometimes subnacreous), with regular elevated concentric striæ, which are distant towards the very prominent and acute beaks, but become closer towards the ventral edge (which is rounded at both extremities, but is little convex in the middle); the interstices of the striæ quite smooth ; anterior side very slightly the longer, the extremity rounded ; situation of the umbonal ridge indicated by a linear carina almost adjacent to the convex and moderately sloping dorsal edge and separated from it by a narrow concavity; the beaks curved forwards; the anterior dorsal edge the less elevated, and at first running almost horizontally or even slightly ascending; lunule and nymphal area excavated; front lateral tooth distinct and subapproximate, the hinder one small and distant. Probably inequivalve, but as yet I have only seen one of the valves. Tumbez, Peru. 92. TELLINA GOULDII (pl. lvi. f. 26.) Hanley. T. testâ parvâ, obliquè subovatâ, solidâ, convexiusculâ, nitidis- simâ, extus intusque niveâ, lævigatâ, valdè inæquilaterali; mar- gine ventrali anticè fortiter arcuato, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali antico subdeclivi, prope nates acutas retuso, deinde arcu- ato; dorsali postico subrecto, subitoque declivi; latere postico brevissimo, obtusè angulato; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; lunulâ parvâ; flexurâ costâque umbonali subobsoletis ; ligamento minimo infosso; dente laterali antico parvo et haud approximato, postico rudimentali. Obliquely subovate, solid, small, moderately convex, very glossy, quite smooth and both within and without of a pure white; ven- tral margin much arcuated in front, ascending posteriorly; front dorsal edge moderately sloping, retuse near the acute beaks and then arcuated or convex; hinder dorsal edge nearly straight and suddenly sloping; sides very unequal, the hinder peculiarly short and obtusely angulated; front extremity rounded ; fold and flexure almost obsolete; ligament minute and sunken; a small lunule; front lateral tooth small and not approximate, hinder almost rudimentary West Indies ; (Guilding). Named in honour of the talented author of the Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusets'. 93. TELLINA RUBICUNDA (pl. lxvi. f. 255.) Gould, Proc. Bos- ton Nat. Hist. Soc. 1845. 273 T. testâ oblongo-ovali, inæquivalvi, compressâ, tenui, subnitidâ, inæquilaterali, pallidè aurantio-roseâ, radiis subroseis ornatâ; sub- lævigatâ, concentricè exiliter striolatâ, valvulâ autem alterâ sulcis remotis concentricis posticè exaratâ; margine ventrali medio sub- recto ; dorsali anticè convexiusculo paululumque declivi, postice subrecto et subdeclivi; latere postico brevi, angulato; extremitate anticâ rotundato-obtusâ; ligamento prominulo; costâ umbonali subinconspicuâ; dentibus lateralibus distinctis, subæquidistan- tibus. Oblong-ova, inequivalve, compressed, thin, not very glossy, in- equilateral , of a very delicate salmon-colour, with light pink rays ; smoothish, being merely striolated concentrically, with a posterior space grooved concentrically and distantly in one of the valves only; ventral edge straightish in the middle; dorsal slightly con- vex and very little sloping in front, moderately sloping and nearly straight behind; posterior side short and 'angulated; anterior extremity obtusely rounded; ligament moderately projecting; fold by no means conspicuous; lateral teeth distinct, and tolerably equidistant. ** With a single anterior lateral tooth. Africa, (Dr. Bates). 94. TELLINA Mars (pl. lxii. f. 180.) Hanley. T. testâ oblongâ, solidâ, subæquilaterali , compressiusculâ, extus intusque roseâ, concentricè et confertissimè striatâ, lineisque obso- letis radiatim impressâ; margine ventrali in medio subrecto, utrin- que convexo, posticè incurvato; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et vix paululum declivi, posticè prope nates obtusas excavato deinde con- vexo et subdeclivi; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; latere postico obtusè acuminato, subrostrato; flexurâ costâque umbonali valdè conspicuis; ligamento infosso; dente laterali quamplurimum ap- proximato. Oblong, solid, nearly equilateral, rather compressed, rose-coloured within and without, decussated by very crowded concentric striæ and obsolete radiating lines; ventral edge nearly straight in the middle, convex at the sides, incurved posteriorly; dorsal edge but slightly convex and scarcely at all sloping in front, posteriorly ex- cavated near the obtuse beaks and then convex and moderately sloping; front extremity rounded; posterior side subrostrated and obtusely acuminated; fold and flexure very conspicuous ; ligament sunken ; lateral tooth as approximate as possible. The only specimen I have ever seen, (now in the possession of Mr. Cuming,) is stated to have come from Guinea. 274 95. TELLINA FOLIACEA (pl. lxiv. f. 253.) Lin. Sys. 1117; Lin. Mus. Ulr. p. 479; Chem. vol. 6. f.95; Wood, Gen. Conch. t. 36. f.1; Lam. no. 12; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 62. t. 3. f. 20; Knorr. vol. v. . t. 29. f. 2. T. testâ oblongâ, tenui, planulatâ, nitidissimâ, subæquilaterali, aurantiâ, sublævigatâ, concentricè et obsoletè substriatâ, et supra carinam umbonalem alterâ in valvulâ punctis squamosis radiatâ ; margine ventrali subrecto; latere antico subattenuato, rotundato; postico biangulato; margine ligamentali convexo, paululum de- clivi, et spinis lanceolatis armato; umbonibus valdè compressis; natibus inconspicuis ; ligamento infosso; dente laterali approximato, parvo. Oblong, thin, and flattened, very glossy, subequilateral, bright orange-yellow, nearly smooth but substriated in front with very fine concentric lines, and roughened in one valve beyond the subcari- nated umbonal ridge by radiating rows of scaly dots; ventral edge nearly straight; anterior side rounded, and rather attenuated; pos- terior side obtusely biangulated; ligamental edge convex, but little sloping, elongated, and armed with lanceolate spines; liga- ment elongated and sunken ; beaks not prominent; umbones much flattened, plicated; inside somewhat tinged with purple ; lateral tooth small and approximate. San Nicolas, Zebu (Cuming); Amboyna; Moluccas. 96. TELLINA MAGNA (pl. lxiv. f. 239, and pl. lxiii. f. 201. young.) Spengler, loc. cit. (1798); T. acuta, Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 157. t. 44. f.1; Dillw. Des. Cat. p. 81; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. t. 3. f. 25; T. elliptica, Lam. no. 16. T. testâ oblongâ, solidâ, inæquilaterali, compressâ, nitidissimâ, lævigatâ, albidâ, pallidè aurantio supernè radiatâ (in junioribus aurantiâ, radiis angustis pallidioribus ornatâ); margine ventrali convexo, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè convexo et pau- lulum declivi, posticè supernè subretuso satisque declivi; latere antico longiore, rotundato; postico angustato, angulato; natibus roseis, compressis; ligamento infosso; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis conspicuis; dente laterali subapproximato. Oblong, solid, inequilateral, compressed, smooth and polished, white with pale orange rays near the umbones; the beaks com- pressed and rosy (in the young the surface is deep orange with narrow paler rays); ventral edge convex and rising posteriorly; anterior side the longer, rounded at the extremity, its dorsal edge more or less convex and but little sloping ; posterior side narrow and angu- p. 63. 275 lated, its dorsal edge (in the adult) retuse above and moderately sloping; ligament sunken; fold and flexure distinct; interior whitish tinged with orange; lateral tooth tolerably close. West Indies; (Wood). 97. TELLINA SOL (pl. lxiv. f. 240.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongo-ellipticâ, solidiusculâ, compressâ, nitidâ, rubro- aurantiâ, alterâ valvulâ concentricè substriatâ, alterâ sublævi- gatâ ; margine ventrali convexo, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi, convexiusculo; latere antico longiore, ad ex- tremitatem rotundato; extremitate posticâ in junioribus subacumi- natâ, in adultis obtusè angulatâ ; natibus planulatis; ligamento infosso; dente laterali distincto. Oblong-elliptic, tolerably strong, compressed, glossy, orange red (rayed in some specimens with paler streaks); one valve with concentric striulæ, the other nearly smooth; ventral edge simply convex, ascending posteriorly ; dorsal edges moderately sloping, and slightly convex; anterior side the longer, its extremity rounded; hinder extremity somewhat acuminated in the young, obtusely an- gulated in the adult; beaks flattened and devoid of colour; liga- ment sunken; lateral tooth distinct. Hab.? The adult is in the cabinet of Mr. Cuming, the young in that of Mr. Metcalfe. 98. TELLINA STRIGOSA (pl. lxiii. f. 211.) Gmelin, 3239; Dillw. Des. Cat. 82; Lam. no. 19; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 63. t. 4. f. 61; Le Vagal, Adanson, Seneg. t. 17. f. 19. T. testâ ovato-oblongâ, solidâ, inæquivalvi, convexiusculâ, nitidâ, candidâ, subpellucidâ, sublævigatâ; margine ventrali sụbrecto, medio paululum subretuso, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali an- ticè arcuato declivi et elevatiore, posticè prope nates subretuso et vix declivi, deinde convexiusculo et obliquo; latere postico longiore, ad extremitatem attenuatam subrostrato; extremitate anticâ ro- tundatâ ; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis conspicuis; ligamento infosso; superficie internâ candidâ, plerumque roseo subradiatim tinctâ ; dente laterali approximato, plerumque obsoleto. Ovate-oblong, solid, inequivalve, moderately convex, of a glossy subpellucid white, with the marks of growth tinged with zones of violet grey, nearly smooth, but the convex valve posteriorly grooved near the beaks with most delicate but distinct crowded striæ; ven- tral margin somewhat retuse in the middle, rising behind; ante- rior side rather the shorter, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge 276 arcuated; hinder extremity attenuated and subrostrated; fold and flexure distinct; the ligamental edge at first incurved, and then ob- lique and slightly convex; within often stained with rose colour ; ligament sunken; the approximate lateral tooth almost or entirely obsolete. Senegal. 99. TELLINA PLANATA (pl. lxi. f. 174.) Lin. Sys. 1117; Born, t. 2. f. 9; Lam. no. 20; Philip. En. Mol. Sic. vol. 1. p.26; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 63. t. 3. f. 24; Poli. vol. 1. t. 14. f.1 to 5. VAR. (?) T. flavescens operculata, Chem. vol. 6. f. 98. T. testâ ovali, solidiusculâ, inæquivalvi, æquilaterali, convexius- culâ, nitidâ extus intusque albido-carneâ, sublævigatâ ; margine ventrali convexiusculo, medio subrecto; dorsali anticè convexius- culo paululumque declivi, posticè subdeclivi et prope ligamentum infossum subretuso; latere antico rotundato; postico subangulato; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis conspicuis; dente laterali parvo, approximato. Oval, tolerably strong, inequivalve, equilateral, moderately con- vex, nearly smooth, pale flesh colour ; ventral margin moderately convex, but nearly straight in the middle; anterior side rounded, its dorsal edge convex and scarcely at all sloping ; posterior extre- mity subangulated; the ligamental margin moderately sloping, retuse near the sunken ligament; fold and flexure tolerably dis- tinct; inside flesh-coloured ; lateral tooth small, approximate. Mediterranean. The shell represented by Chemnitz (vol. vi. f. 98) is probably a variety. It is slightly more elongated, with the radiating lines more distinct. 100. TELLINA IMBELLIS (pl. lx. f. 155.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongo-ovali , solidâ, inæquivalvi, inæquilaterali, con- vexâ, nitidâ, extus intusque albidâ, valvulâ convexiore striis eleva- tis concentricis posticè notatâ; valvulâ alterâ lævigatâ; margine ventrali convexo, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè convexi- usculo paululumque declivi, posticè magis minusve declivi et sub- retuso; latere antico producto, rotundato; postico brevi, obtusè angulato; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis; ligamento promi- nente; dente laterali parvo, approximato. Oblong-oval, solid, inequivalve, inequilateral, convex, rather glossy, whitish (inside white), smooth, excepting upon the poste- rior side of the more convex valve, which is finely striated by raised 277 concentric lines; ventral margin convex and rising behind ; anterior side produced, its dorsal edge tolerably convex and but little slop- ing; posterior side short and obtusely angulated ; ligamental edge straightish or subretuse, more or less sloping; ligament prominent ; fold and flexure obsolete ; lateral tooth small, approximate. Hab.? The unique specimen which I purchased without a locality, is now in the possession of H. Cuming, Esq. 101. TELLINA MERA (pl. lxvi. f. 268.) Say, Amer. Conch. pl. 64. f. 2. T. testâ ovato-suborbiculari, inæquilaterali, convexâ aut convex- iusculâ, vix nitidâ, haud solidâ, extus intusque albâ, lineis exilibus elevatis concentricè asperatâ ; margine ventrali convexo et posticè sursum subacclinato; dorsali utrinque declivi, anticè convexo, posticè subrecto; latere postico breviore, et inferne obtusissimè angulato; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ; natibus acutis; ligamento subinfosso; flexurâ costâqué umbonali haud conspicuis; dente la- terali haud magno, haud approximato. Rounded ovate, moderately inequilateral, more or less convex, not solid nor highly polished, white both within and without, most delicately striated by raised concentric lines, (which however are scarcely visible in the young); ventral margin convex, and somewhat rising posteriorly; dorsal edges sloping, the front one more or less straight, the hinder decidedly convex; posterior side the shorter, very obtusely angulated below; anterior side rounded; beaks acute; ligament rather sunken ; fold and flexure just evident; lateral tooth neither large nor approximate. Guayaquil ; south coast of U. States. 102. TELLINA CYCLADIFORMIS (pl. lvii. f. 61.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testa rotundato-subtrigonâ, tenui, ventricosâ, intus extusque incarnatâ aut pallidè roseâ, sublævigatâ, aut concentricè tenuissimè striolatâ; margine ventrali convexo; dorsali utrinque declivi, con- vexiusculo; latere antico rotundato, paulo breviore; extremitate posticâ obtusè subangulatâ; ligamento prominulo; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis; dente laterali parvo, approximato. Small , subtriangularly orbicular, thin, ventricose, nearly smooth, (or marked with most minute concentric striæ), both within and without of a pale rose or flesh-colour; ventral edge convex, both dorsal edges sloping and moderately curved; anterior side rather the shorter, rounded; hinder extremity obtusely subangulated ; т 278 3 ligament tolerably large, and somewhat prominent; fold and flex- ure obsolete; lateral tooth small, approximate. San Nicolas, Zebu. 103. TELLINA LISTERI (pl. lxv. f. 251.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844; Lister, Hist. Conc. t. 288. f. 235; T. scutra Gould, Proc. Boston Nat. H. Soc. T. testâ obovatâ, solidâ, ventricosâ, (anticè subventricosâ), æqui- laterali, glabrâ, extus intusque candidâ; margine ventrali medio subrecto; dorsali anticè arcuato paululumque declivi, posticè recto et declivi; latere antico dilatato, obtusè rotundato ; posticè obtu- sissimè biangulato; ligamento magno, infosso; natibus obtusis; umbonibus plerumque subplanulatis; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis distinctis; dente laterali parvo subapproximato. Obovate, solid, more or less ventricose, equilateral, white both externally and internally, almost smooth, (being merely marked with the concentric wrinkles of growth), rather glossy; the ventral edge nearly straight in the middle; the anterior side dilated, its ex- tremity obtusely rounded, its dorsal edge scarcely sloping and much arcuated ; hinder extremity most obtusely biangulated, the dorsal edge straight and much sloping; umbonal ridge and ventral flexure not very conspicuous; ligament large and sunken ; umbones rather flattened; beaks obtuse; lateral tooth small, and nearly approxi- mate. Senegal. 104. TELLINA INÆQUALIS (pl.lvii. f.44.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ subovatâ, valdè inæquilaterali, solidâ, convexâ, candidâ, tenuiter striatâ; striis supernè obliquis, infernè concentricis, flex- uosis; supra costam umbonalem inconspicuam, rugis erectis flex- uosis asperatâ; margine ventrali convexissimo; dorsali anticè subincurvato et valdè declivi, posticè brevi recto subdeclivi; latere antico producto, ad extremitatem attenuato, rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusâ; natibus acutis ; lunulâ distinctâ ; superficie internâ candidâ, aut flavescente; dente laterali magno, subremoto. Subovate, very inequilateral, solid, convex, white with fine striæ, which are oblique near the acute beaks, but become concentric and flexuous towards the very convex ventral margin; the surface beyond the umbonal ridge (which is not prominent), covered with elevated flexuous oblique wrinkles, which project so as to form three radiating lines; anterior side produced, attenuated but rounded at the extremity, its dorsal line rather concave and greatly ز 279 sloping; hinder side very short, its extremity obtuse but slightly angulated above, its dorsal edge moderately sloping; beaks acute; a distinct lunule; inside yellowish ; lateral tooth moderately dis- tant. Ceylon. 105. TELLINA PUMILA (pl. lvii. f. 41.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. Philippinarum simillimâ, sed angustiore; margine ventrali medio subrecto; dorsali utrinque recto aut subconcavo, anticè paululum declivi; margine antico recto, verticali; latere postico cuneiformi. Bearing a very close resemblance to T. Philippinarum, but deci- dedly narrower ; both dorsal edges (except in the young) straight or even concave, and the front one which is longer and less sloping than in the next species, forming an angle with the straight and direct anterior margin ; the hinder extremity wedge-shaped, the ventral margin (which is nearly straight in the middle) not being elevated posteriorly. Valparaiso. 106. TELLINA PHILIPPINARUM (pl. lvii. f. 55, 56.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovatâ aut subovatâ, tenui, subæquilaterali, intus extusque candidâ, (sæpe umbones versus incarnatâ aut pallidè aurantiâ), submargaritaceâ, concentricè et tenuissimè striatâ ; margine ven- trali arcuato, posticè sursum acclivi; dorsali anticè brevi recto subdeclivi, posticè declivi et convexiusculo; extremitate anticâ obtusâ; latere postico subcuneiformi, aut obsoletè subangulato; ligamento prominulo; concavitate dorsali anticâ lunulam simu- lante; dente laterali subapproximato, (in junioribus subobsoleto). Ovate or subovate, thin, subequilateral, rather depressed, whitish (with a pearly gloss), often tinged near the beaks with flesh- colour or pale orange, most delicately striated concentrically; ven- tral edge arcuated, inclining upward towards the posterior side, which varies from subcuneiform to obsoletely subangulated ; ante- rior side very slightly the longer, its dorsal edge slightly sloping and not convex, its extremity obtuse; an obsolete lunule; a dis- tinct subapproximate lateral tooth which is nearly obsolete in the young Philippines. 107. TELLINA CULTER (pl. lvii. f. 51.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T 3 280 T. testâ parvâ, ovatâ, inæquilaterali, tenuiusculâ, convexâ, niti- dâ, intus extusque aurantio-roseâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato, posticè sursum acclivi; dorsali anticè magis mi- nusve convexo satisque declivi; latere antico producto, ad extre- mitatem obtusè rotundato; postico acuminato; natibus acutis; ligamento vix prominulo; costâ umbonali ferè et flexurâ ventrali omnino obsoletis; dente laterali parvo, approximato. Small, ovate, inequilateral, thinnish, tolerably convex, both ex- ternally and internally of a rosy-orange, nearly smooth, in young specimens there are indications of concentric striæ near the arcu- ated front of the ventral edge, which latter ascending posteriorly in nearly a straight line, acuminates the short anterior side at its junction with the straight and much sloping ligamental margin; front dorsal edge always convex and not greatly sloping, extremity obtusely rounded ; ligament scarcely prominent; ventral flexure entirely obsolete, umbonal ridge nearly so; beaks acute; lateral tooth small, approximate. Mindanao, Philippines. 108. TELLINA CORBULOIDES (pl. lvii. f. 50, 57.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844: T. testâ subovali, inæquivalvi, solidâ, subventricosâ, sublævi- gatâ, roseo-incarnatâ, epidermide tenuissimâ et opali coloribus nitente indutâ; margine ventrali sinistræ valvulæ ultra marginem convexiusculum alterius prominente; margine dorsali anticè con- vexiusculo et declivi, posticè subrecto et valdè declivi; latere an- tico breviore, obtusè acuminato; extremitate posticâ rotundatâ ; ligamento prominulo; areâ dorsali posticâ in adultis planulatâ ; natibus obtusis; flexurâ ventrali distinctâ; superficie internâ ple- rumque aurantio-rubrâ; dente laterali parvo, approximato. Var. b. Oblongâ; margine ventrali subrecto; flexurâ obsoletâ. Var. c. Extus intusque candidâ. Suboval, inequivalve, solid, nearly smooth, more or less ventri- cose, covered when fresh with a very thin opalescent epidermis, under which the shell is dull, and of a rosy flesh colour ; ventral edge moderately convex and in the left valve projecting beyond that of the right; anterior side shorter, and obtusely acuminated, its dorsal edge nearly or quite straight and much sloping; hinder side rounded, its dorsal edge convex and moderately sloping; hinder dorsal area flattened in the adult; beaks obtuse; ventral flexure distinct ; inside usually orange-red; a single small approx- imate lateral tooth. 281 Var. 6. Oblong, the ventral edge nearly straight; flexure obso- lete. Var. c. Entirely white. Catbalonga, Philippines, and Bay of Manila (var. 6.). 109. TELLINA RHODORA (pl.lix. f.105.) Hinds, Zool. Sulphur, vol. 2. t. 21. f. 3. p. 67. . T. testâ oblongo-triangulari, solidâ, convexâ aut subventricosâ, subæquilaterali, nitidissimâ, lævi, extus intusque albido-roseâ, marginibus roseis ; margine ventrali convexiusculo, et anticè con- vexo; dorsali utrinque subrecto, anticè subdeclivi; latere postico breviore, cuneiformi ; extremitate anticâ obtusè rotundatâ ; flexurâ subobsoletâ ; ligamento depresso; dentibus primariis parvis; late- rali antico maximo et subapproximato, postico rudimentali et sub- remoto. Oblong-triangular, solid, rather ventricose, nearly equilateral, perfectly smooth and glossy, within and without of a pale pink, becoming rose-coloured near the margins; ventral edge convex in front, dorsal edges nearly straight, the anterior one scarcely sloping; hinder side the shorter, wedge-shaped ; front extremity obtusely rounded ; ligament depressed; primary teeth small, front lateral close and very large, a rudimentary remote hinder one. Straits of Macassar. 110. TELLINA FELIX (pl. lviii. f. 52.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testà subovali, solidiusculâ, valdè inæquilaterali, convexius- culâ, nitidâ, intus extusque roseâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali vix convexiusculo; dorsali anticè vix declivi convexo, posticè valdè declivi; latere postico brevissimo, obtusè subtruncato, infernè obtusè angulato; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; costâ umbonali et flexurâ ventrali subobsoletis ; ligamento brevi, prominulo; dente laterali magno, approximato. Suboval, tolerably strong, very inequilateral, slightly convex, both within and without of a glossy rose-colour, quite smooth; the ventral edge nearly straight; the anterior side produced and rounded, its dorsal edge convex and little sloping; hinder side extremely short, and obtusely but rather obliquely subtruncated; umbonal ridge and fold, nearly obsolete; ligament rather promi- nent; a single large approximate lateral tooth. Panama. 111. TELLINA HILARIS (pl. lvii. f. 54.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. 282 T. testâ oblongo-cuneiformi, tenui, compressiusculâ, inæquilate- rali, nitidâ, lævi, intus extusque roseâ, albo biradiatâ ; radiis latis submediis ; margine ventrali convexiusculo (flexurâ obsoletâ); dor- sali anticè vix convexiusculo et subdeclivi, posticè subrecto et valdè declivi; extremitate lateris antici longioris rotundatâ; extremitate posticâ brevi, cuneiformi ; dente laterali parvo, subapproximato. Oblong-wedge-shaped, thin, rather compressed, inequilateral, glossy, smooth, rosy both within and without, with an anterior and posterior subcentral broad white ray; ventral margin slightly con- vex and devoid of flexure; anterior side the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge scarcely convex and little sloping; hinder extremity short and wedge-shaped, the ligamental edge nearly straight; the lateral tooth small and nearly approximate. Red Sea (M. Clery.) 112. TELLINA HIBERNA (pl. lvii. f. 53.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongâ, solidâ, compressiusculâ, valdè inæquilaterali, subnitidâ, extus intusque candidâ, lævigatâ ; margine ventrali sub- recto; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et paululum declivi, posticè pri- mùm convexo deinde subincurvato; latere antico producto rotun- dato; postico brevi, cuneiformi; flexurâ subobsoletâ ; ligamento pro- minulo; dente laterali, magno, approximato. Oblong, solid, rather compressed, very inequilateral, rather glossy, white both within and without, smooth; ventral edge straightish ; front dorsal margin slightly convex and scarcely slop- ing, hinder one first convex and then somewhat incurved ; anterior side produced and rounded; posterior short and wedge-shaped ; flexure nearly obsolete; ligament rather prominent; lateral tooth large, approximate. Panama; Bay of Guayaquil. 113. TELLINA POLITA (pl. lvii . f. 60.) Say. Jour. Ac. N. S. Philad. 2. p. 276.; Say. Amer. Conch. t. 65. f.2. ; Hanl. Des. Cat p. 65. Sup. t. 9. f. 39. T. testâ T. Teneræ affini, minus autem inæquilaterali; extremi- tate posticâ acutâ, cuneiformi; margine ligamentali, recto. Allied to T. Tenera, but less inequilateral, the ligamental edge straight, and the hinder extremity acute and wedge-shaped. Massachusets to Georgia, North America. 114. TELLINA TENERA (pl. lvii. f. 59.) Say. Jour. Ac. N. Sc. Philad. 2. p. 303.; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 65. sup. t. 9. f. 38.; Gould Invert. Massa, f. 44. p. 68. 283 pro- T. testâ oblongo-ovali, tenui, inæquilaterali, compressiusculâ, nitidâ, intus extusque candidâ, submargaritaceâ, sublævigatâ; mar- gine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali anticè subrecto paululumque declivi, posticè declivi et vix convexiusculo; latere antico producto, rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusè cuneiformi; flexurâ obso- letâ ; ligamento prominulo; dente laterali distincto, approximato. Oblong-oval, thin, inequilateral , rather compressed, and both within and without of a nacreous white, nearly smooth or with delicate and almost obsolete concentric striæ; ventral edge mode- rately convex ; dorsal straightish and but little sloping in front, slightly convex and decidedly sloping behind; anterior side duced and rounded; posterior extremity very obtusely wedge- shaped; flexure obsolete ; ligament slightly prominent ; lateral tooth distinct and approximate. North America. 115. TELLINA INCARNATA (pl. lx. f. 142. pl. lxvi. f. 265.) Lin. Syst. 1118; (from his collection); Poli. 1. t. 15. f. 1.; T de- pressa Lam. no. 22.; Wood Gen. Con. t. 45. f. 3; Philip. En. Moll . Sic. 1. p. 27; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 63. t. 4. f. 48; Turt. Biv. Brit. p. 105. t. 8. f. 6; T. squalida Mont. Test. Brit. p. 56. T. testâ oblongo-ovali, subtenui aut solidiusculâ, subcompressâ, subæquilaterali, subnitidâ, albido-aurantiâ and roseo-aurantiâ, con- centricè substriatâ, striis alterâ in valvulâ obsoletis; margine ven- trali convexo; dorsali anticè convexiusculo paululumque (in juni- oribus vix minimè) declivi, posticè subrecto aut subretuso et sub- declivi; latere antico longiore, rotundato ; extremitate anticâ an- gulatâ subrostratâ ; flexurā satis distinctâ ; ligamento infosso; colo- ribus superficiei internæ plerumque saturatioribus ; dente laterali subapproximato. Oblong-oval, rather thin or but moderately strong, somewhat compressed, subequilateral, more or less glossy, of a pale orange or deep flesh colour, with (in the young chiefly,) two whitish approxi- mate posterior rays, concentrically substriated in one of the valves; ventral edge convex; anterior side rounded and rather the longer its dorsal edge slightly convex and but little sloping ; posterior ex- tremity angulated and subrostrated; the ligamental edge straight- ish or subretuse and moderately sloping; ligament sunken ; fold and flexure tolerably distinct; internal colouring usually darker; lateral tooth subapproximate. Britain, and Mediterranean. 116. Tellina VALTONIS (pl. lvii. f. 68.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. 284 T. testà subovali, tenui, compressâ, subæquilaterali, nitida, albido-roseâ radio angusto pallidiore (nonnunquam duobus) pos- ticè ornatâ, sublævigatâ, pellucidâ, anticè rotundatâ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque convexiusculo, posticè declivi, anticè subdeclivi; latere postico paululum breviore, ob- tusè cuneiformi; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis; ligamento prominulo; dente laterali parvo, approximato. Suboval, thin, compressed, subequilateral, pink with one or two marrow posterior whitish rays, nearly smooth, glossy, pellucid, rounded in front, rather shorter and obtusely wedge-shaped be- hind; ventral and dorsal edges tolerably convex, very moderately sloping in front, but more so behind; fold and flexure quite obso- lete; ligament moderately prominent; lateral tooth small , ap- proximate. Hab.? Mus. Metcalfe. 117. TELLINA EXILIS (pl. lix. f.104.) Lam. no. 26; Deshayes, Ency. Meth. vol. iii. p. 1013; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 64. sup. t. 13. f. 2; Deles. t. 6. f. 6. T. testâ subovali, tenuissimâ, compressâ, nitidâ, inæquilaterali , pellucidâ, roscâ, radio uno vel altero posticè ornatâ, minutissimè striatâ; striis anticè concentricis, medio obliquis ; margine ven- trali subrecto; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et subdeclivi, posticè subrecto et declivi; latere postico cuneiformi et paulo breviore; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis; ligamento prominulo; dente laterali parvo, subapproximato. Suboval, very thin, pellucid, compressed, rose-coloured, with two narrow white posterior rays, nearly smooth being only marked with very delicate and almost imperceptible regular striæ, which, concentric in front, become oblique on reaching the middle of the shell ; ventral margin nearly straight ; anterior side rather the longer, rounded, its dorsal edge not much sloping and slightly convex; posterior end wedge-shaped, the ligamental edge nearly straight ; fold and flexure obsolete ; ligament moderately promi- nent; lateral tooth small, approximate. Hab.? Mus. Walton. 118. TELLINA VIRGO (pl. lvii. f. 42.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ subovali, tenuissimâ, compressiusculâ, inæquilaterali , nitidâ, pellucidâ, candidâ, striis obliquis subremotis regularibus ornatâ ; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè convexo et subdeclivi, posticè subrecto et declivi; latere antico longiore, 285 rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusè cuneiformi; flexurâ costâque umbonali subobsoletis; ligamento satis prominente; dente laterali distincto, subapproximato. Suboval, inequilateral, rather compressed, very thin, pellucid, white, with regular and not very close oblique striæ; ventral edge nearly straight; dorsal margin more or less convex and not greatly sloping in front, nearly straight and moderately sloping behind; anterior side the longer, rounded; posterior extremity obtusely wedge-shaped ; ligament moderately prominent; fold and flexure obsolete; lateral tooth distinct, subapproximate. Chiriqui, West Columbia. 119. TELLINA SIMILIS (pl. lvii. f. 65.) Sowerby, Brit. Miscel. pl. 75; Mont. Test. Brit. Sup. p. 167; Turt. Biv. Brit. p. 102; Philip. Ab. und Bes. Conch. part 9. pl. 5. f. 7. T. testà subovali, solidiusculâ, inæquilaterali, convexâ, nitidâ, extus intusque albidâ, concentricè et oblique striatâ; striis obli- quis, minutis, confertissimis; ultimâ parte posticâ alterâ in val- vulâ sublævigatâ, in alterâ autem striis subimbricatis haudque confertis concentricè exaratâ ; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè convexiusculo, posticè brevi subretuso, utrinque paululum declivi; latere antico longiore, rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusè biangulatâ ; costâ umbonali satis conspicuâ; ligamento prominente; dente laterali magno, approximato. Suboval, moderately strong, inequilateral, convex, glossy, whitish both within and without, with a few concentric and crowded mi- nute oblique striæ, which do not extend to the obtuse hinder extremity, but are replaced before reaching the distinct umbonal ridge, by not very close subimbricated striæ (obsolete in one of the valves); ventral edge straightish; dorsal not greatly sloping on either side, convex in front, short and retuse behind ; anterior side the longer, rounded; ligament prominent; lateral tooth large, approximate. West Indies. 120. TELLINA DECORA (pl. lvi. f. 27., lix. f. 127., and lxvi. f. 260.) Say, Jour. Acad. Philad. voL v. T. testâ T. simili simillimâ, sed minore, magis convexâ, magis inæquilaterali, radiis angustis roseis ornatâ ; margine cardinali roseo sub ligamento. Very like a young Similis (of which it may possibly prove a variety), but decidedly more convex than specimens in that stage, and when adult much more inequilateral than full grown shells of a U 286 the preceding species; delicately coloured by narrow lighter or darker tinged crimson rays, and the hinge margin stained with rose-colour beneath the ligament; ventral edge decidedly convex. Honduras (Dyson); Florida. 121. TELLINA IRIS (pl. lxvi. f. 267.) Say, Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. vol. i. T. testâ subovatâ, solidiusculâ, valdè inæquilaterali, nitidâ, satis convexâ, extus intusque albidâ, anticè radio subluteo obsoletè pictâ, striisque obliquis confertis utrâque in valvulâ insculptâ; margine ventrali anticè subarcuato, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali utrinque convexiusculo, anticè declivi, posticè valdè declivi; ex- tremitate anticâ rotundatâ; latere postico brevi, cuneiformi; flex- urâ costâque umbonali subinconspicuis; dentium lateralium an- tico subapproximato, postico subobsoleto. Subovate, tolerably strong, very inequilateral, moderately con- vex, glossy, white both within and without, with a yellowish ante- rior indistinct ray at the umbones, and very distinct and numerous oblique striæ, which in both of the valves reach even to the but little prominent umbonal ridge; ventral edge subarcuated in front, and rising posteriorly; dorsal edges moderately convex, sloping, the hinder one particularly so; front extremity rounded ; posterior side short and wedge-shaped; front lateral tooth distinct and rather close, hinder almost obsolete. Carolina to Georgia, United States. Very closely resembling T. similis from which it may be distin- guished by the much greater slope of its dorsal edges, its pointed posterior termination, the greater extension of its oblique striæ, and the presence of a second (though indistinct) lateral tooth. Mr. Say adds, "it has generally a rosaceous disk and one or two posterior (i.e. anterior) rays.” 122. TELLINA IRIDESCENS (pl. lviii. f. 88.); Sanguinolaria, Benson, Annals Nat. Hist. 1842. vol. ix. T. testâ oblongâ, solidiusculâ, nitidâ, subæquilaterali, convexius- culâ, lævigatâ, albido-aurantiâ (intus aurantiâ), epidermide tenuis- simâ subirridescente indutâ; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè subrecto paululumque declivi , posticè vix convexo et valdè declivi; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ; latere postico, vix breviore, cuneiformi; ligamento haud prominente; flexurâ costâque umbo- nali obsoletis; dente laterali parvo, approximato. Oblong, moderately strong, tolerably convex, subequilateral, smooth, glossy, pale orange, covered by a very thin slightly irri- ; 287 descent epidermis; ventral edge nearly straight; anterior side slightly the longer, rounded at its extremity, its dorsal edge scarcely convex and strongly sloping; ligament not prominent; fold and flexure obsolete ; inside orange, a single small approxi- mate lateral tooth. Chusan, China. I have received the species from Dr. Philippi with the proposed name of T. carnea, but know not whether he has subsequently published it. 123. TELLINA FABULA (pl. lvii. f. 62.) Gmelin, 3239; Donov. Brit. Shells. vol. iii. t. 97; Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 156. t. 45. f. 4; Lam. no. 24; Philip. En. Mol. Sic. p. 26; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 64. t. 3. f. 23. T. testâ ovato-oblongâ, tenui, compressâ, nitidâ, extus intusque candidâ, subæquilaterali , anticè rotundatâ, posticè cuneiformi; valvulâ alterâ lævigatâ; margine ventrali subrecto, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè subdeclivi et convexo, posticè declivi et juxta ligamentum prominens retuso, deinde magis minusve con- vexo; flexurâ obsoletâ; dente laterali approximato, distincto. Ovate-oblong, thin, compressed, glossy, white within and with- out, nearly equilateral, rounded in front, wedge-shaped behind; one valve smooth, the other with crowded oblique striæ; ventral edge nearly straight, and rising posteriorly; front dorsal margin moderately sloping and convex, posterior one declining and near the prominent ligament retuse, but afterwards more or less convex; lateral tooth approximate, distinct. Britain, Europe. T. fragillissima of Chemnitz, vol. vi. f. 101, (T. vitrea of Gmelin), is usually considered as a bad representation of this species. 124. TELLINA TENUIS (pl. lviii. f. 81, 82.) Da Costa, Brit. Conch. p. 210. Wood. Gen. Conch. p. 155. t. 44. f. 3,4.; Mont. Tes. Brit. 1. p. 59.; Lam. no. 25. Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 64. t. 3. f. 22.; Philip. En. Mol. Sic. 1. p. 27.; T. balaustina, Dillw. D. Cat. p. 93. T. testâ ovali, tenuiusculâ, compressâ, nitidissimâ, subæquilate- rali, intus extusque albâ, aurantiâ aurantio-rubrâ aut roseâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali anticè convexo, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè convexo subdeclivi, posticè declivi et juxta ligamentum pro- minens retuso ; latere antico paulo longiore, rotundato; antico ob- tusè angulato; flexurâ costaque umbonali subinconspicuis; dente laterali minimo, approximato. U 2 288 ز Var. (T. exigua, Poli. Test. Sicil. 1. t. 15. f. 15, 17.) testâ ab- breviatâ et idcirco margine dorsali utrinque magis declivi ; flexurâ omnino obsoletâ. Oval, thinnish, compressed, extremely glossy, subequilateral, smooth both within and without, of an orange, white, orange-red, yellow or rose colour ; the ventral edge convex in front, straightish and ascending behind ; anterior side rather the longer, rounded, its dorsal edge moderately sloping; posterior extremity obtusely an- gulated ; ligamental edge sloping, at first retuse, then rather con- vex; ligament prominent ; fold and flexure not quite obsolete ; la- teral tooth very small , approximate. Var. Shortened, the dorsal edges consequently more sloping; the flexure quite obsolete. Britain, Europe. I agree with Dr. Philippi, in regarding the T. hyalina of Deshayes (Exped. Morea, t. 18. f. 12, 13, 14.), as a narrow variety of this very variable shell. 125. TELLINA JUVENILIS (pl. lvii. f. 63.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovatâ, subtrigonâ, tenui, pellucidâ. compressiusculâ, nitidâ, rubro-aurantiâ, lævigatâ, inæquilaterali; margine ventrali convexo aut convexiusculo; dorsali anticè subrecto et declivi, posticè convexo et valdè declivi; latere antico longiore, subat- tenuato, rotundato; postico brevi, et obtusè subcuneiformi; flexurâ costâque umbonali subobsoletis ; ligamento satis conspicuo; dente Subtriangularly ovate, inequilateral, thin, pellucid, slightly com- pressed, smooth, glossy, orange-red; ventral margin more or less convex; anterior side the narrower, rounded at the extremity, its dorsal edge nearly straight; posterior extremity short, and obtusely wedge-shaped, the ligamental edge being convex and abruptly sloping; ligament distinct; fold and flexure almost entirely obso- lete; lateral tooth small. Philippines. 126. TELLINA LUX (pl. lvii. f. 71.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testà subovali, tenui, pellucidâ, compressâ, nitidâ, aurantiâ, sublævigatâ, inæquilaterali; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi, anticè convexiusculo, posticè brevi et incur- vato; latere postico breviore, obtusissimè biangulato; extremitate anticâ obtuse rotundatâ ; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis ; liga- mento prominente; dente laterali approximato, distincto. laterali parvo. 289 Somewhat oval, thin, pellucid, compressed, inequilateral, nearly smooth, and of an uniform glossy orange-flesh colour ; the ventral margin moderately convex; the dorsal but little sloping on either side, but moderately convex in front, incurved and short behind ; anterior extremity obtusely rounded; the posterior side much the shorter, and very obtusely biangulated ; fold and flexure obsolete; ligament prominent ; lateral tooth distinct and approximate. Philippines. 127. TELLINA VERNALIS (pl. lviii. f. 84.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ subovali, tenuissimâ, compressiusculâ, pellucidâ, nitidis- simâ, lævi, valdè inæquilaterali , albido-roseâ, utrinque rotundatâ ; margine ventrali convexiusculo, anticè sursum acclinato; dorsali utrinque paululum convexiusculo, posticè declivi, anticè vix minimè declivi; latere antico producto, postico brevi; flexurâ obsoletâ ; dente laterali minimo, subapproximato. Somewhat oval, extremely thin and pellucid, slightly compressed, very inequilateral, uniform glossy pink, rounded at both extremi- ties; margins slightly convex, the ventral rising in front, the ante- rior dorsal scarcely sloping ; flexure obsolete; anterior side short and cuneiform ; lateral tooth minute and nearly approximate. Singapore. 128. TELLINA INSCULPTA (pl. lx. f. 136.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, solidiusculâ, compressâ, æquilaterali, extus intusque candidâ ; sulcis confertis concentricè exaratâ, striis- que tenuissimis radiantibus (præsertim posticè) decussatâ ; ultra costam umbonalem subobsoletam subsquamosâ; margine ventrali elongato, subrecto; dorsali utrinque subrecto, subdeclivi; extre- mitate posticâ subbiangulatâ ; flexurâ ventrali distinctâ; dente laterali quamplurimum approximato. Elongated-oblong, tolerably solid, compressed, equilateral, ex- ternally and internally white, with concentric crowded sulci, and most minute posterior radiating striulæ; beyond the almost obsolete umbonal ridge, the surface roughened by small scales or inter- rupted delicate lamellæ ; ventral edge nearly straight, and much elongated; dorsal margins nearly straight and but moderately slop- ing; hinder extremity somewhat biangulated; ventral flexure dis- tinct; lateral tooth extremely approximate. Chiriqui, W. Columbia. 290 y . 129. TELLINA PSAMMOTELLA (pl. Ix. f. 134.) Lamarck, no. 30. Hanl. Des. Cat. P. 65. sup. t. 14. f. 6. T. testâ oblongo-ovali , subtenui, convexiusculâ, nitidâ, extus in- tusque pallidâ, lævi, inæquilaterali; margine ventrali convexius- culo; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi , subrecto; latere antico producto, subattenuato, rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusè biangulatâ ; ligamento satis prominente; flexurâ obsoletâ ; dente laterali dis- tincto, subapproximato. Oblong-oval, inequilateral, rather thin, moderately convex, glossy, smooth, both within and without of a very pale dull orange yellow ; ventral margin moderately convex; dorsal edges but moderately sloping, and nearly straight; anterior side produced, rounded, and rather attenuated; ligament moderately prominent; flexure obso- lete; lateral tooth distinct, approximated. Hab. (?) Mus. Cuming and Walton. 130. TELLINA (TELLINIDES) EMARGINATA (pl.lvii. f. 70.) Sow. Tankerv. Cat. App. p. 3; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 74. sup. t. 13, f. 55. T. testâ oblongâ, tenui, subinæquivalvi, convexiusculâ, nitidâ, pallidâ, radio brevi rubro-aurantio utrinque ad umbones notatâ, lævigatâ, valdè inæquilaterali; margine ventrali subrecto, antice sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè recto et subdeclivi, posticè con- vexo et valdè declivi; latere antico producto, rotundato, attenuato; cxtremitate posticâ brevi, obtusâ, emarginatâ; flexurâ obsoletâ ; dente laterali distincto, approximato. Oblong, rather inequivalve, tolerably convex, glossy, very pale orange, with a short deeper tinged ray on either side of the beaks, smooth, subpellucid, very inequilateral, produced rounded and at- tenuated in front, obtuse short and emarginated behind; ventral and anterior dorsal edges nearly straight, the latter not much slop- ing; posterior dorsal much sloping and convex beyond the ligament; flexure obsolete; lateral tooth distinct, approximate. Singapore. The Oblonga of Gmelin, (p. 2314. from Chemnitz, vol. 6. f. 87.) may possibly prove to be this or the preceding, but the re- semblance is not sufficiently exact for identification, the figure bearing a greater resemblance to Cumana, or Aurora, but the des- cription of the teeth by no means coinciding with the hinge of either. a 131. TELLINA (TELLINIDES) TRUNCATULA (pl. lvii. f. 69.) Sowerby, Tankerv. Cat. App. p. 3; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 73. p 291 T. testâ T. Vestali simillimâ, sed fulvo-aurantiâ, valdè com- pressâ, et magis inæquilaterali; extremitate posticâ emarginatâ ; margine dorsali postico subretuso, hand autem excavato. Very like Vestalis, but more compressed and inequilateral, of a tawny orange, with the hinder extremity clearly notched, and the posterior dorsal edge not at all excavated, but simply and slightly retuse. Ilo Ilo, Isle of Panay, Philippines (Cuming.) 132. TELLINA VESTALIS (pl. lvii. f. 67.) Hanley. Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongo-angustâ, tenuissimâ, convexiusculâ, nitidâ, lævi, intus extusque niveâ, inæquilaterali; margine ventrali subrecto, pau- lulum convexiusculo, anticè sursum acclinato ; dorsali anticè minimè declivi et paululum convexiusculo, posticè prope ligamentum ex- cavato, deinde convexo et subdeclivi ; extremitate lateris antici longioris rotundatâ ; extremitate posticâ subemarginatâ, subatte- nuatâ, obtusè biangulatâ; flexurâ obsoletâ ; dente laterali approxi- mato. Elongated-oblong, extremely thin, slightly convex, inequilateral, smooth, glossy, snowy white both within and without ; ventral margin but very slightly convex, and somewhat rising in front; anterior side rather the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge scarcely convex and hardly at all sloping ; hinder dorsal edge excavated at the ligament, afterwards convex and slightly sloping; posterior extremity rather attenuated, slightly emarginated, and obtusely biangulated; flexure obsolete ; the lateral tooth approxi- mate. Isles of Negros and Luzon, Philippines. 133. TELLINA LANCEOLATA (pl. lvii. f. 86, 87.) Chemnitz, vol. vi. p. 111. f. 103; Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 167. t. 45. f. 2; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 67. t. 4. f. 40; Psammotæa pellucida, Lam. no. 4; Deles. t. 5. f. 10. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, tenui, compressâ, nitidiusculâ, æqui- laterali, roseâ aut albido-roseâ, concentricè et confertissimè striatâ, anticè rotundatâ, posticè lanceolatâ; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali utrinque convexiusculo, anticè subhorizontali , posticè sub- declivi; costâ umbonali conspicuâ; ligamento satis prominente; costellà internâ ex umbonibus posticè radiante; dente laterali distincto, subapproximato. Elongated oblong, equilateral, thin, compressed, rather glossy, 292 rose-coloured or white with a rosy tinge; concentrically striated, the striæ extremely close; ventral edge nearly straight; dorsal but moderately convex on either side, nearly horizontal in front, and not greatly sloping behind; anterior extremity rounded; posterior lanceolate; ligament tolerably prominent; fold conspicuous; an internal posterior radiating riblet; the lateral tooth distinct, sub- approximate. Isle of Negros, Philippines (Cuming). 134. TELLINA HYALINA (pl. lxi. f. 167.) Gmelin, 3235; Dillw. Des. Cat. p. 85; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 67. t. 4. f. 39; T. com- planata pellucida, Chem. vol. vi. f. 99. T. testâ oblongâ, inæquivalvi, tenuissimâ, compressâ, valdè in- æquilaterali, nitidâ, albidâ, subpellucidâ, lævigatâ; margine ven- trali convexo et posticè acclivi; dorsali posticè subrecto vixque declivi, anticè arcuato et declivi; latere antico perbrevi, rotun- dato; postico producto, rotundato, attenuato; natibus inconspicuis; ligamento infosso; flexurâ obsoletâ; costellis duabus internis pos- ticè radiantibus ; dente laterali quamplurimum approximato. Oblong, inequivalve, very thin, much compressed, very inequi- lateral, of a brilliant smooth semi-transparent white; the ventral margin convex and rising behind; the hinder area of the dorsal edge, which is but slightly convex and not greatly sloping poste- riorly, and sloping and arcuated anteriorly, flattened ; anterior side short and rounded; posterior side produced, rounded, and at- tenuated; ligament sunken; beaks not prominent ; fold obsolete; two internal rib-like lines radiating from the hinge posteriorwards ; the lateral tooth almost touching the primary ones. The only perfect specimen I have ever beheld of this extremely rare shell, belongs to Dr. Bates, who most courteously forwarded it from the United States, for my inspection. 135. TELLINA (TELLINIDES) TIMOKENSIS (pl.lxi. f.158, 172) Lamarck, Anim. sans vert. vol. v. T. testâ oblongâ, tenuiusculâ, subæquilaterali, compressiusculâ, nitidâ, subpellucidâ, extus intusque candidâ (nonnunquam margi- nibus roseo tinctis) concentricè substriatâ, anticè rotundatâ, pos- ticè attenuatâ et supernè obtusè angulatâ; margine ventrali sub- recto; dorsali utrinque subrecto et subdeclivi, anticè paululum convexiusculo, posticè subretuso; flexurâ costâque umbonali obso- letis; ligamento magno, prominente ; dente laterali, approximato. Oblong, rather thin and semi-transparent, nearly equilateral, rather compressed, both within and without of a glossy white 293 which is often tinged with yellow and rarely with rose-colour at the margins, concentrically substriated; the ventral edge nearly straight, and usually very indistinctly inflated behind; anterior side slightly the shorter, rounded at the extremity; posterior side rather attenuated, and obtusely angulated above; dorsal edges scarcely sloping and nearly straight, the front being very slightly convex, the hinder somewhat retuse; ligament large and promi- nent; umbonal ridge and fold quite obsolete; teeth distinct and generally tinged with rose-colour, the lateral one approximate. Isle of Negros, Philippines ; &c. 136. TELLINA CONSPICUA (pl. lviü. f. 100.) Hanley. T. testâ T. Timorensi simillimâ, sed abbreviatâ, et ovali-subtri- gonâ; margine dorsali utrinque magis declivi, posticè convexius- culo. Very like Timorensis, but not so elongated; the dorsal edges much more sloping, and the front one not retuse. This may eventually prove but a young variety of Sinuata, but the only specimen I have ever seen (purchased with this name attached, and now in the collection of Mr. Cuming) has been pro- nounced distinct by every Conchologist who has inspected it. 137. TELLINA SINUATA (pl. lxiii. f. 203.) Spengler, loc. cit.; Tellinides Timorensis, Sow. Gen.; Reeve, Conch. Syst. t. 56. f. 2; Young, T. nivea, Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 177. t. 46. f. 1; Dillwyn, D. Cat. p. 89; Index Test. t. 4. f. 92. T. testâ subovali, solidiusculâ, inæquilaterali, compressiusculâ, nitidâ, extus intusque albidâ, concentricè striolatâ, striisque obli- quis anticis infernè decussatâ; margine ventrali subrecto, posticè sinuoso; dorsali anticè brevi subrecto declivi, posticè incurvato vixque declivi; extremitate posticâ latâ, rotundatâ; anticâ obtusâ ; costâ umbonali obsoletâ; ligamento magno, prominente; dente laterali approximato. Oval, rather oblique, tolerably strong, and somewhat compressed, glossy, whitish, with concentric striulæ which are decussated in front by fine raised oblique and rather distant ones; ventral edge sinuated posteriorly, and somewhat swollen in the middle; ante- rior side clearly the shorter, its extremity obtuse, its dorsal edge nearly straight and moderately sloping; posterior extremity ob- tuse, rounded below, but forming a rounded-off angle with the short concave and scarcely sloping dorsal margin; ligament large and prominent; umbonaſ ridge obsolete; inside white, teeth as in the last, but never tinged with rose-colour. X 294 y ; Closely allied to Timorensis, but differs in shape, sinuosity, and the decided inequality of its sides. The anterior oblique striæ, which in some specimens extend along the ventral edge posterior- ward, are rarely present in that species. Tranquebar; Sumatra. 138. TELLINA TRIANGULARIS (pl. Lx. f. 150.) Chemnitz, vol.vi. p. 96. f. 85; Dillwyn, D. Cat. p. 79; Desh.ed. Lam. vol.vi. p. 209; Tellinides triangularis, Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 74. t. 4. f.33; Tellinides politus Sow., Tanker. Cat. App. p. 4; T. trilatera, Gmel.; T. ob- liqua, Lam. no. 47. T. testâ ovato-trigonâ, inæquilaterali, solidiusculâ, compressâ, nitidissimâ, sub epidermide flavescente-candidâ, anticè et prope marginem ventralem convexum concentricè striatâ, alterâque in valvulâ striis flexuosis obliquis posticè ornatâ; margine dorsali anticè brevi et arcuato, posticè subrecto et producto; extremitate posticâ obtusè acuminatâ; anticâ rotundatâ ; ligamento promi- nente; flexurâ nullâ; dente laterali approximatissimo. Ovate-triangular, tolerably solid, compressed, inequilateral, both internally and externally white, the epidermis yellowish and very glossy ; with concentric striæ in front, and towards the convex ventral margin which rises a little behind; anterior side rounded, its dorsal edge convex; posterior side produced and obtusely acu- minated, the dorsal edge nearly straight and very oblique; liga- ment prominent; flexure obsolete; the lateral tooth quite close to the beaks. Moluccas ? Mus. Cuming, &c. able 13 oun - CAG.H. 139. TELLINA (TELLINIDES) ACUMINATA (pl.lx. f.141.) Han- ley, Des. Cat. p. 73. sup. t. 13. f. 53. T. testâ elongatâ, subovatâ, solidiusculâ, valdè inæquilaterali et inæquivalvi, compressâ, politâ, lævigatâ, extus intusque albidâ aut albido-aurantiâ; margine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali anticè sub- arcuato satisque declivi, posticè elongato subrecto et declivi; latere antico breviore, rotundato; postico valdè producto, acuminato, ad extremitatem rotundato; ligamento infosso; flexurâ costâque um- bonali obsoletis ; dente laterali approximato. Elongated, subovate, moderately strong, very inequilateral and inequivalve, both valves compressed, but one much shallower than the other; smooth, polished, both within and without of a pale orange becoming white towards the subarcuated ventral edge; anterior side the shorter, rounded, its dorsal edge arched and moderately sloping ; posterior side much produced, acuminated, وز 11 295 with the tip rounded, the dorsal edge nearly straight, moderately sloping, and very long; ligament sunken; umbonal ridge and flexure obsolete ; lateral tooth approximate. Hab.? Mus. Britannicum. 140. TELLINA PLANISSIMA (pl. lix. f. 124. and pl. lxii. f.197.) Anton, Verzn. Conch. p. 4; Ab. und Bes. Conch. part 5. t. 5. f. 2; Tellinides rosea, Sow. Gen. Shells, f. 1; Reeve, Conch. Syst. t.56. f. 1. T. testâ ovatâ, tenuiusculâ, inæquivalvi, inæquilaterali, com- pressâ, extus intusque roseâ, concentricè substriatâ; margine ven- trali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque declivi, anticè convexo, pos- ticè subrecto; latere antico rotundato; postico longiore, rotun- dato-cuneiformi; ligamento prominente; flexurâ subobsoletâ ; costellâ internâ in valvulâ complanatâ posticè radiante; dente laterali parvo, approximato. Var. Candida. Ovate, rather thin, inequivalve, inequilateral, compressed, rose- coloured both within and without, concentrically substriated; ven- tral margin moderately convex, the flexure not quite obsolete; dorsal edges sloping, the anterior convex, the posterior nearly straight; anterior extremity rounded; posterior side the longer and of a rounded wedge-shape; ligament prominent; an internal rib radiating posteriorward in the flattened valve; lateral tooth small, approximate. Var. Quite white. Moluccas. The Opalina of Chemnitz is closely allied to, if not identical with, the white variety of this shell. 141. TELLINA (TELLINIDES) PURPURASCENS (pl. lxii. f. 194.) Broderip and Sowerby, Zool. Jour. vol. iv. p. 363; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 74. sup. t. 9. f. 18; Zool. Beechey's Voy. t. 42. f. 2. T. testâ oblongo-ovali, tenui, compressâ, nitidiusculâ, subæqui- laterali , roseo-purpurascente, pellucidâ, striis radiantibus et con- centricis confertissimè decussatâ ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque paululum declivi , anticè convexiusculo, postice subrecto; latere antico minimè longiore, rotundato; extremitate posticâ subangulatâ, subemarginatâ ; ligamento prominente; flex- urâ omnino obsoletâ ; dente laterali approximato. Oblong-oval, thin, compressed, rather glossy, nearly equilateral, purplish-rose coloured, pellucid, decussated by most crowded radi- ating and concentric striæ ; ventral margin moderately convex; X 2 296 dorsal but little sloping on either side, slightly convex in front, nearly straight behind; anterior side very slightly the longer, rounded; posterior extremity subangulated, subemarginated; li- gament prominent; flexure quite obsolete; lateral tooth approxi- mate. Real Leijos, Central America (Cuming). 142. TELLINA (TELLINIDES) OVALIS (pl. lx. f. 147.) Sowerby, Tank. Cat. App. p. 3; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 73. sup. t. 13. f. 56; T. tridentata ? Anton, in Wiegm. Arch. 1837. T. testâ ovali, tenuissimâ, pellucidâ, subæquilaterali, compressâ, nitidâ, roseâ, radiis angustis albidis frequentibus ornatâ, concen- tricè substriatâ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque paululum declivi; latere antico longiore, rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusâ, aliquantulum latiore ; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis ; natibus inconspicuis; ligamento prominente; dente laterali approximato, distincto. Oval, pellucid, subequilateral , compressed, extremely thin, con- centrically substriated, and variegated with crowded narrow whitish rays on a rose-coloured ground; the ventral margin slightly con- vex; the dorsal but little sloping on either side, the ligament edge slightly retuse; posterior extremity obtusely rounded, and rather broader than the rounded termination of the more elongated ante- rior side; fold and flexure obsolete; beaks not prominent; ligament projecting; a distinct approximate lateral tooth. Moluccas; San Nicolas, Zebu; (Cuming). The Solen striatus, of Gmelin (from Chemnitz, vol. vi. f.57,58.), seems closely allied if not identical. 143. TELLINA COCCINEA (pl. lviii. f. 90.) Chemnitz, vol. vi. p. 118. f. 109; Dillw. Des. Cat. p. 87; Tellinides coccinea. Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 74. t. 4. f. 42. T. testa ovali, tenuissimâ, compressâ, æquilaterali, pellucidâ, roseo-purpurascente, utrinque rotundatâ ; concentricè striatâ, striis anticis frequentibus, posticis remotis et subimbricatis; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque paululum declivi; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis ; ligamento prominente; costellis duabus internis (in junioribus) posticè radiantibus; dentibus pri- mariis subobsoletis, dente laterali approximato, distincto. Oval, compressed, very thin, equilateral, of an uniform pellucid purple-rose colour, with concentric striæ which are crowded in front, but distant and subimbricated behind; the ventral edge moderately convex; the dorsal but little sloping on either side of 297 the little prominent beaks; extremities rounded and nearly equally broad; the fold and flexure obsolete; the ligament prominent; two rather indistinct internal rib-like lines radiating (in the young only) posteriorward; cardinal teeth nearly obsolete, the approxi- mate anterior lateral very distinct (when young). San Nicolas, Zebu (Cuming). 144. TELLINA RHODON (pl. lviii. f. 93.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testà oblongâ, tenuissimâ, compressiusculâ, nitidissimâ, lævi, roseâ, pellucidâ, valdè inæquilaterali, utrinque rotundatâ ; margine ventrali convexiusculo, anticè sursum acclivi; dorsali anticè con- vexiusculo et vix declivi, posticè subdeclivi; latere postico brevi subattenuato; natibus inconspicuis ; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis; dente laterali approximato. Oblong, very inequilateral, extremely thin, rather compressed, smooth, polished, and of an uniform purplish rose-colour ; the ventral margin slightly convex, and rising in front; the dorsal but slightly convex on either side, scarcely sloping in front, but moderately so behind; the extremities rounded, and the shorter posterior side somewhat attenuated; beaks not prominent; the fold and flexure obsolete; lateral tooth approximate. Hab.? Mus. Cuming. 145. TELLINA OUDARDI (pl. lxvi. f. 262.) Payraud. Cat. Corse, p. 40. t. 1. f. 16, 17, 18; Desh. ed. Lam. vol. vi. p. 210; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 65. sup. t. 14. f. 8. . “T. testâ ovatâ, compressâ, nitidâ, pellucidâ, obliquè cancellatâ, lineis transversis albis parvulisque longitudinalibus rubris ornatâ ; anticè et posticè radiis luteo-rubescentibus; intus et extus rubrâ. Ovate, compressed, glossy, transparent, obliquely cancellated, adorned with transverse white lines and small longitudinal red ones; rays of a yellowish red both in front and behind; red both within and without." I have been obliged to content myself with reprinting the ori- ginal description, and giving a representation of the typical shell deposited in the Museum at Paris, as I am unable to procure a specimen in England for the purpose of comparison. Had it not been for the mention of sculpture on the surface of one of its valves, I should have doubted its distinctiveness as a species. “The valves are furnished with transverse striæ in lozenges, ac- companied by a multitude of silvery-white little rays both which are crossed by very delicate longitudinal lines of a deeper red than the a 298 ground-colour of the shell.” There seems from the drawing to be but a single anterior moderately distant lateral tooth, and no external appearance of rays in the front of the shell. The sculpture must indeed be minute, to have escaped the attention (as it has) of our very accurate artist. 146. TELLINA SUBROSEA (pl. lvii. f. 64.) Hanley. T. testâ oblongâ, tenuissimâ, compressâ, valdè inæquilaterali, roseâ, pellucidâ, lævi, nitidâ, posticè breviore et obtusè cuneiformi, anticè obtusâ aut rotundatâ ; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè paululum declivi, posticè declivi, utrinque subrecto aut con- vexiusculo; flexurâ inconspicuâ; dente laterali subobsoleto, ap- proximato. Oblong, extremely thin, compressed, smooth, pellucid, rosy, very inequilateral and highly glossed; ventral margin straightish; dor- sal edges straightish or but slightly convex, very slightly sloping in front, moderately so behind; anterior extremity rounded or obtuse; posterior side the shorter and obtusely wedge-shaped ; flexure very inconspicuous ; lateral tooth approximate and almost obsolete. Catbalonga, Isle of Samar, soft mud; (Cuming). The specimens closely resemble the young of the Punicea group, but both locality and dentition are adverse to this conclusion. They appear, however to be scarcely adult. . 147. TELLINA MARGARITINA (pl. lxvi. f. 257.) Lam. no. 18; Deless. Rec. t. 6. f. 4. T. testâ ovali, tenui, pellucidâ, nitidâ, margaritaceâ; latere an- tico (postico) attenuato. Oval, thin, transparent, glossy, nacreous white, front (hinder) side attenuated. New Holland. The representation of the species in Delessert's magnificent folio, enables me to refer this shell to the present division. I am unable, however, to add a more lengthened description than the very meagre outline furnished in the ‘Animaux sans vertèbres'. The only specimens I have ever seen were the original types of the French Museum ; but they sufficed to convince me of the clear distinctness of the species from any possessing a similar dentition. * Devoid of lateral teeth. * 148. Tellina Cumana (pl. lviii. f. 73.) Psammobia Cumana, a x 299 Costa Cat. Test. Sicil. 20. t. 2. f. 7.; Tellina Costa Philip. En. Mol. Sic. 1. p. 28. t. 3. f. 11. T. testâ ovatâ aut ovali-oblongâ, tenuiusculâ, inæquilaterali, valdè convexâ, subnitidâ, lævigatâ, extus intusque albidâ, nmbo- nibus hyalinis et plerumque pallidè aurantiis; margine ventrali sa- tis convexo; dorsali utrinque subrecto, posticè satis, anticè paulu- lum declivi; latere antico longiore ad extremitatem rotundato; postico angustato, obtusè subtruncato; natibus acutis, et rectè in- curvatis ; costâ umbonali satis distinctâ, haud autem conspicuâ ; ligamento infosso; dentibus parvis. Varying from ovate to oval-oblong, rather thin, inequilateral, not very glossy, smooth, both within and without whitish, with the umbones usually hyaline and often tinged with orange; ventral edge moderately convex, but not arcuated; dorsal edges nearly straight, sloping behind, and but moderately so in front; anterior side the longer and rounded at its termination; posterior side nar- rowed, and obtusely subtruncated; beaks acute and not inclining to either side ; ligament sunken, umbonal ridge not prominent but tolerably evident; teeth small. Very closely resembling Plebeia, but proportionally more ventri- cose, with the ventral edge less arcuated, &c. Mediterranean. 149. TELLINA PLEBEIA (pl. lix. f. 129, and f. 151.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844.; Psammobia lævigata (?) Lamarck. T. testâ subovatâ, solidiusculâ, convexâ, subnitidâ, lævigatâ, in- tus extusque, albidâ, umbonibus hyalinis et rubro-aurantiis ; mar- gine ventrali convexo aut subarcuato; dorsali anticè recto et paululum declivi, posticè recto satisque declivi; latere an- tico longiore, rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusè angulatâ; liga- mento infosso; costâ umbonali conspicuâ; flexurâ obsoletâ. Ovatâ ; castâ umbonali minus conspicuâ; umbonibus sæpe albidis. Subovate, tolerably strong, convex, not very glossy, smooth, both within and without whitish, with the umbones hyaline and orange-red ; ventral edge convex or subarcuated ; anterior side the longer, rounded, its dorsal edge straight and scarcely sloping near the beaks; posterior extremity obtusely angulated, the ligamental edge straight and sloping; ligament sunken ; flexure obsolete. Var. (from Africa) ovate, the ventral edge more regularly arcuated, the fold less prominent, and the umbones often colour- less. Real Leijos, Central America ; Senegal. prope nates Var. 300 х a a 150. TELLINA UMBONELLA (pl. lvi. f. 13.) Lamarck, no. 48. Hanl. Des. cat. p. 70. T. testâ obovali, solidiusculâ, subinæquilaterali, convexâ aut convexiusculâ, subimpolitâ, extus intusque albidâ, umbonibus hya- linis et roseo tinctis, epidermide tenui fugaci cinerascente indutâ, lævigatâ ; margine ventrali convexo aut subarcuato; dorsali utrinque subrecto et paulo declivi; latere antico paulo longiore, rotundato; postico subangulato; natibus haud prominentibus ; ligamento infosso; costâ umbonali obsoletâ ; dentibus minimis. Oboval, tolerably strong, slightly inequilateral, merely convex, not glossy, both within and without whitish under a thin ashy epider- mis, with the beaks somewhat hyaline and tinged with rose-colour, smooth or with a few antiquated lines ; ventral edge decidedly con- vex; the dorsal edges but little sloping, and nearly straight; an- terior side rather the longer, rounded at its extremity; posterior side subangulated ; ligament sunken; beaks not prominent; um- bonal ridge obsolete; teeth minute. Very like Plebeia in all but the shape, which is much more elongated in that species. Port Lincoln, Australia. 151. TELLINA NOBILIS (pl.lx. f. 143.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovali, solidiusculâ, convexâ, inæquilaterali, nitidissimâ, intus extusque roseâ, lævigatâ ; margine ventrali convexiusculo medio plerumque subrecto; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et vix declivi, posticè subdeclivi et subrecto aut convexiusculo; latere antico longiore, ad extremitatem obtusè rotundato; postico obtusè angulato; natibus obtusis; flexurâ costaque umbonali subobsoletis ; ligamento prominulo; dentibus parvis. Oval, tolerably strong, convex, inequilateral, very glossy, smooth, rosy within and without; ventral edge moderately convex; dorsal tolerably convex and scarcely sloping in front, moderately sloping and varying from straightness to slight convexity behind; ante- rior side the longer, obtusely rounded at its extremity; posterior side obtusely angulated; fold and flexure nearly obsolete; liga- ment rather prominent; beaks obtuse; teeth small. Luzon, Philippines. 152. TELLINA LUCERNA (pl. lviii. f. 98.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongâ, solidiusculâ, subventricosâ, nitidiusculâ, lævi- gatâ, albidâ, umbonibus aurantiis, anticè longiore et rotundatâ, posticè obtusè cuneiformi, margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali pos- 301 ticè declivi, anticè paululum declivi, utrinque subrecto; flexurâ obsoletâ; ligamento subinfosso; disco interno aurantio. Oblong, tolerably solid, rather ventricose, slightly glossy, smooth, whitish, with the umbones orange, anteriorly longer and rounded, posteriorly obtusely wedge-shaped ; ventral and dorsal edges straightish, the latter posteriorly sloping, anteriorly scarcely slop- ing; flexure obsolete; ligament rather sunken; inner disc orange. Isles of Negros, Mindanao, and Panay. 153. TELLINA AURORA (pl. lviii. f. 76.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. Psammotellæ simillimâ, convexiore autem, et umbo- nibus rubro-aurantiis; ligamento infosso; dentibus lateralibus nullis. Very like T. Psammotella but more convex, and with the um- bones of an orange-red. The ligament too is sunken and the hinge devoid of lateral teeth. Panama. 154. TELLINA GALATÆA (pl. lxiv. f. 223.) Psammobia Galatæa Lam. no. 18; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 58. sup. t. 13. f. 44. T. Sericina t Jonas, Ab. und. Bes. Conch. part 3. t. 5. f. 1. T. testâ oblongâ, solidiusculâ, convexâ, valdè inæquilaterali, subnitidâ, extus intusque candidâ, punctis minutissimis elevatis confertis radiatim asperatâ; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè subhorizontali, posticè brevi recto et declivi; latere antico producto, rotundato; extremitate posticâ truncato-cuneiformi; liga- mento infosso; flexurâ obsoletâ ; dentibus parvis. Var. (T. Diana, Zool. Proc. 1844.) subovatâ, punctis obsoletis ; margine dorsali utrinque magis declivi; extremitate posticâ magis obtusâ. Oblong, tolerably strong, convex, very inequilateral, rather glossy, white within and without, roughened by crowded radiating rows of minute raised dots ; ventral edge nearly straight; anterior side produced, rounded at the extremity; dorsal edge convex and nearly horizontal; posterior side of a truncated wedge-shape; the ligamental edge straight, short, and much sloping; ligament sun- ken; flexure obsolete; teeth very small. Var. Subovate, the dots obsolete; dorsal edges more sloping; posterior end more obtuse. China. 155. TELLINA CANDIDA (pl. lxii. f. 195.) Psammotæa candida Lam, no. 6. Hanl. Des. Cat. P. 60. Y 302 T. testâ elongato-oblongâ, subæquivalvi, maximè inæquilate- rali, extus intusque candidâ, lævigatâ, convexâ aut subventricosâ; margine ventrali posticè convexiusculo, anticè arcuato et sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè convexiusculo paululumque declivi, pos- ticè retuso et valdè declivi, extremitate anticâ rotundato-attenuatâ; latere postico brevissimo, obtusè cuneiformi; ligamento subinfosso; costâ umbonali subobsoletâ ; dentibus minimis. Elongated-oblong, subequivalve, extremely inequilateral, white both within and without, convex or subventricose, smooth, with however obsolete radiating lines, and very indistinct striulæ towards the ventral margin, which latter is straightish behind, but curves upward in front, so as somewhat to attenuate the rounded anterior extremity; front dorsal edge scarcely at all sloping, rather convex ; posterior side very short and obtusely wedge-shaped, the dorsal edge retuse and decidedly sloping; ligament rather sunken; fold nearly obsolete; teeth minute. China (?) Mus. Metcalfe. Very closely allied to Galatea, but narrower, more convex, and utterly devoid of those radiating lines of raised dots, which are so characteristic of that species. The posterior extremity is more regularly cuneiform, and the anterior termination more attenuated. 156. TELLINA ELONGATA (pl. lxii. f. 199.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ elongatâ, angustâ, tenuiusculâ, satis convexâ, extus in- tusque candidâ, lævigatâ, valdè inæquilaterali; margine ventrali medio subretuso, anticè obliquè arcuato; dorsali anticè subhori- zontali et subrecto, posticè subdeclivi et subretuso; extremitate lateris antici longioris obtusâ posticâ acuminato-truncatâ; liga- mento infosso; flexurâ obsoletâ ; dentibus parvis. Elongated, narrow, thinnish, moderately convex, smooth, white, very inequilateral; ventral edge rather retuse in the middle, and obliquely arcuated anteriorly; anterior side the longer, its extre- mity obtuse, its dorsal edge almost horizontal and nearly straight; hinder extremity with a truncated acumination, the ligamental edge slightly incurved and moderately sloping; flexure obsolete; liga- ment sunken; inside white; teeth small. Chiriqui, West Columbia. 157. TELLINA ASSIMILIS (pl. lviii. f. 95.) Hanley, Zool Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. elongatæ simillimâ, convexiore autem, et latere postico obtusè cuneiformi paululumque subrostrato. X 303 Closely resembling a young Elongata, but more convex, and the hinder side obtusely wedge-shaped and slightly beaked; the hinder extremity not in the slightest degree truncated, but the ligamental edge sweeping to the lower margin in a concave and then convex curve. Luzon, Philippines. 158. TELLINA LILIUM (pl. lviii. f. 85.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovato-oblongâ, tenuiusculâ, convexâ aut subventricosâ, extus intusque albâ; concentricè substriatâ, striis supra costam umbonalem elevatis ; margine ventrali subrecto anticè sursum ac- clinato; dorsali anticè subrecto paululumque declivi, posticè valdè declivi et prope ligamentum prominulum recto deindeque convexo; • extremitate lateris antici producti infernè et obliquè rotundatâ ; ex- tremitate posticâ brevi, cuneiformi. Ovate-oblong, rather thin, convex or subventricose, white both within and without, with concentric striulæ, and obsolete radiating lines, which latter are most perceptible in the younger specimens, the striulæ elevated upon and beyond the tolerably distinct fold; anterior side produced, its dorsal edge nearly straight, and scarcely sloping, its extremity obliquely rounded near the straight ventral margin ; posterior side short and wedge-shaped; the ligamental edge straight, but convex at the extremity ; ligament small, and moderately prominent. Isles of Burias and Negros, Philippines. ; 159. TELLINA TENTA (pl. lxvi. f. 266.) Say, Am. Conch. t. 65. f. 3; Gould, Invert. Massach. p. 68. f. 43. T. testâ oblongâ, tenuissimâ, subflexuosâ, convexiusculâ, extus intusque albidâ, lævigatâ, valdè inæquilaterali; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè convexo (aut subarcuato) et paululum de- clivi, posticè retuso et subdeclivi; latere postico brevi, ad extremi- tatem angustato et paululum subrostrato ; extremitate anticâ rotun- datâ; costâ umbonali subinconspicuâ; ligamento parvo, prominente; superficie internâ lineis radiantibus ornatâ ; dentibus minimis. Oblong, very thin, rather flexuous, moderately convex, whitish, very inequilateral, very nearly if not quite smooth , ventral margin straightish; front dorsal edge convex or subarcuated, and very little sloping; hinder one retuse and moderately sloping ; posterior side short, narrowed and very slightly beaked at its termination, the tip truncated or subemarginated; anterior end rounded; fold Y 2 304 not very conspicuous; ligament small, projecting; inside whitish, and distinctly marked with radiating lineoles ; teeth very small. Boston. 160. TELLINA ANCILLA (pl. lviii. f. 94.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, tenuiusculâ, satis convexâ, nitidissimâ, extus intusque candidâ, concentricè substriatâ, lineisque obsoletis radiantibus ornatâ ; striis supra costam umbonalem subobsoletam remotioribus, distinctis, subimbricatis; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè subdeclivi et convexiusculo, posticè subrecto et de- clivi; extremitate lateris antici producti rotundatâ; latere postico breviore, obtusè cuneiformi. Elongated-oblong, thinnish, moderately convex, very glossy, pure white both within and without, with concentric striulæ, which are most perceptible at the nearly straight ventral margin, and become subimbricated distinct and rather distant upon and beyond the almost obsolete fold; anterior side produced, its extre- mity rounded, its dorsal edge slightly convex and not much sloping; posterior side obtusely wedge-shaped, ligamental edge straightish, tip rounded. Lord Hood's Island, 161. TELLINA BODEGENSIS (pl.lix. f.102.) Hinds, Zool. Sul- phur, vol. ii. t. 21. f. 2. p. 67. T. testâ oblongo-elongatâ, inæquilaterali, solidiusculâ, compressâ, nitidâ, extus intusque candidâ, concentricè et subimbricatim sul- catâ; margine ventrali subrecto, anticè sursum acclinato; dorsali utrinque subrecto, anticè vix minimè declivi; latere postico bre- viore, cuneiformi; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; flexurâ obsoletâ ; ligamento satis prominente; dentibus lateralibus nullis. Elongated-oblong, inequilateral, rather solid, compressed, of a glossy ivory white, with regular moderately distant concentric sub- imbricated sulci, (which in the only specimen I have ever seen disappear in one valve at the posterior end); the ventral margin nearly straight, rising in front, the anterior dorsal scarcely at all sloping; posterior side the shorter, wedge-shaped; front extremity rather obtusely rounded; fold and flexure obsolete; ligament moderately projecting; inside white; no lateral teeth. Russian Bodejas. 162. TELLINA RHOMBOIDES (pl. lviii. f. 92, 96, 97.) Quoy and Gaim., Voy. Ast. Zool. vol.iii. p.502. t. 81.f.4-7; T. clathrata , 305 Desh. Lam. vol. vi. p. 208; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 65. sup. t. 14. f. 12. T. testâ ovali-oblongâ, solidiusculâ, valdè inæquilaterali, magis minusve convexâ, subnitidâ, albidâ, pallidè luteâ, aurantiâ aut albido-roseâ, striis anticè concentricis et medio obliquis confertim ornatâ ; margine ventrali subrecto aut paululum convexo ; dorsali anticè subrecto et paululum declivi, posticè satis declivi; extremi- tate lateris antici producti obtusè rotundatâ; extremitate posticâ magis minusve obtusè cuneiformi ; ligamento prominente; flexurâ vix perspicuâ. Var. Pallidè luteâ, radiis angustis roseis ; striis obliquis majori- bus et fortioribus. Oval-oblong, very inequilateral, tolerably strong, more or less convex, rather glossy, whitish pink, pale yellow, or orange, with very delicate striæ, which are concentric in front but become ob- lique in the middle; ventral edge straightish, or not much con- vex; anterior side produced, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge straightish and but little sloping; posterior side rather varia- ble in shape, but short, and more or less obtusely wedge-shaped ; ligament prominent; flexure not quite obsolete. Var. Pale yellow with narrow rosy rays, the oblique striæ larger and stronger. Isles of Zebu and Ticao, Philippines, (Cuming). 163. TELLINA FORMOSA (pl. lviii. f. 83.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ obovatâ, solidiusculâ, nitidâ, convexiusculâ, subpellucidâ, albidâ, radiis interruptis roseis striisque minutis obliquis confertis undique ornatâ ; margine ventrali convexo; dorsali utrinque con- vexiusculo, anticè subdeclivi, posticè valdè declivi; extremitate lateris antici producti rotundatâ, lateris postici brevissimi obtusis- simè angulatā; natibus roseis; ligamento parvo et satis promi- nente; flexurâ subobsoletâ. Obovate, moderately strong, glossy, scarcely convex, somewhat pellucid, white, with numerous narrow rosy interrupted rays, and crowded minute oblique striæ; ventral margin convex; dorsal moderately convex on both sides, little sloping in front but greatly so behind; anterior side produced, its extremity rounded; poste- rior side short, its extremity very obtusely angulated; beaks rosy; ligament small, moderately prominent; flexure nearly obsolete. Daleguete, Zebu. 306 164. TELLINA DISPAR (pl. lix. f. 108, 113, 114.) Conrad, Jour. Ac. N. S. Philad. vol. vii. T. testâ ovatâ, solidiusculâ, satis convexâ, nitidâ, candidâ aut roseâ, subæquilaterali , posticè breviore et obtusè angulatâ aut ob- tusissimè cuneiformi, anticè rotundatâ ; alterâ valvulâ lævi, alterâ striis tenuissimis anticè concentricis deinde obliquis confertim or- natâ ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque haud multum declivi aut convexo; ligamento prominente; flexurâ ob- soletâ. Ovate, tolerably strong, moderately convex, glossy, white or rose-coloured, nearly equilateral, rounded in front, rather shorter and very obtusely wedge-shaped or obtusely angulated behind; one valve smooth, the other with fine striæ, which are concentric in front and then become oblique and crowded ; ventral margin but slightly convex; dorsal edges not greatly sloping or convex; ligament prominent; flexure obsolete. Sandwich Isles; and Isle of Bohol, soft mud, eight fathoms, (Cuming). In some specimens there is a tinge of rose-colour near the dorsal edges. 165. TELLINA LUTEA (pl. lix. f. 103, and lxv. f. 249.) Gray in Index Test. Sup. t. 1. f. 3; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 67. sup. t. 1. f.3. T. Guildfordiæ, Gray in Grif. Cuvier, Mol. t. 19. f. 2. Young; T. alternidentata, Brod. and Sow., Zool. Jour. vol. iv. p. 363; Zool. to Beechey Voy. t. 44. f.5. T. testâ ovali-subtrigonâ, subæquilaterali, subinæquivalvi, com- pressiusculâ, sublævigatâ, albidâ aut pallidè roseâ, epidermide subviridi fugaci (in junioribus) indutâ, anticè rotundatâ; margine ventrali subrecto aut convexiusculo; dorsali anticè subdeclivi et convexiusculo, posticè declivi et prope ligamentum magnum sub- retuso deindeque convexo; latere postico obtussissimè cuneiformi; natibus erosis ; flexurâ obsoletâ ; superficie internâ albido-roseâ, utrinque saturatius fucatâ, aut roseo subradiatâ ; dentibus prima- riis in utrâque valvulâ duobus, altero simplici, altero bicuspidato, alternatim inter se insertis. Oval-subtriangular, subequilateral, rather compressed, slightly inequivalve, nearly smooth, whitish or pale rose-colour under (in young specimens only) a thin fugacious greenish epidermis; ven- tral edge but slightly (if at all) convex; anterior side rounded, its dorsal edge but slightly convex and not much sloping; posterior extremity very obtusely wedge-shaped, the dorsal edge near the 307 ز great ligament retuse but afterwards convex; beaks eroded; flexure obsolete; inside pink with a darker ray or stain on either side; primary teeth two in each valve, a simple and a bicuspidate, which are alternately inserted. Icy Cape. 165. TELLINA COLUMBIENSIS (pl. lxv. f. 246.) Hanley, Zool. Proc 1844. T. testâ ellipticâ aut oblongo-ellipticâ, compressiusculâ, sub- tenui, lævigatâ, extus intusque albidâ, epidermide tenuissimâ fulvo- cinereâ indutâ ; margine ventrali medio convexiusculo, utrinque arcuato; dorsali utrinque convexo, anticè paulo, posticè satis de- clivi; latere antico longiore, rotundato; extremitate posticâ acu- minatâ ; flexurâ costâque umbonali subobsoletis; ligamento pro- minulo; dentibus minimis. Elliptic or elongated-elliptic, fragile, subinequivalve, rather compressed, whitish, covered by a very thin opalescent pale drab epidermis, quite smooth ; ventral edge arcuated, ascending poste- riorly; anterior side much the longer, its extremity rounded and somewhat attenuated, its dorsal edge convex and scarcely sloping; posterior end acuminated, hinder dorsal edge at first hollowed out for the slightly prominent ligament, then very convex and consi- derably sloping; flexure and umbonal ridge all but obsolete; in- side white, teeth minute. Monte Christi , West Columbia. Its more compressed valves and minute teeth will distinguish it from the few species which are allied to it in outline. The hinge- margin is very short and rather broad. 167. TELLINA RUFESCENS (pl. lxiii. f. 213.) Chemnitz, vol. vi. f. 97. (malè); Dillw. D. Cat. p. 85; T. operculata, Gmel. 3235; Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 165. t. 42. f.1; Lam. no. 13; Sow. Gen. Shells ; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 62. t. 4. f. 37; Knorr. vol. vi. t. 12. f.1. T. testâ oblongâ, inæquivalvi, inæquilaterali, solidâ, subnitidâ, rubro-roseâ (intus saturatius fucatâ), sublævigatâ, lineis obsoletis radiantibus plerumque notatâ; alterâ valvulâ convexâ, alterâ com- planatâ ; margine ventrali medio subrecto, utrinque (præsertim postice) sursum acclinato ; dorsali antico convexo, et vix declivi; dorsali postico subdeclivi, prope ligamentum magnum prominensque retuso, deinde magis minusve convexo; latere antico paululum breviore, rotundato; postico attenuato obtusissimè acuminato; costâ umbonali latâ, obtusâ; flexurâ subobsoletâ. Oblong, inequivalve, rather strong, scarcely glossy, within and 308 у without of a lighter or darker reddish rose-colour, nearly smooth, often with obsolete radiating lines, covered when fresh with a very thin epidermis; one valve convex, the other flat; ventral edge nearly straight or subretuse in the middle, rising at the extremities and particularly posteriorly; anterior side rather the shorter, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge convex but scarcely sloping; posterior side very obtusely acuminated, the dorsal edge at first retuse and little sloping, then moderately sloping and convex; fold broad and obtuse; flexure nearly obsolete; ligament large. Tumbez, Peru ; soft sandy mud, five fathoms (Cuming). 168. TELLINA NITIDA (pl. lix. f. 101.) Poli, Test. Sic. vol. i. t. 15. f. 2, 3, 4; Lam. no. 28; Philip. En. Moll. Sic. vol. i. p. 27; Hanl. Des. Cat. P. 64. sup: t. 14. f. 4. T. testâ oblongâ, valdè compressâ, æquilaterali, satis solidâ, ni- tidâ, pallidè carneâ aut fulvâ; concentricè striatâ, striis tenuissi- mis, confertis, sed alterâ in valvulâ posticè magis remotis alterâque in valvulâ posticè obsoletis; margine ventrali medio subrecto; dor- sali anticè convexo et subdeclivi, posticè declivi et subrecto; latere antico rotundato, postico cuneiformi; flexurâ nullâ. Oblong, much compressed, equilateral or nearly so, tolerably strong, very glossy, pale flesh-coloured or fulvous, within of a deeper hue, with fine regular and close concentric striæ, which at the posterior end of one valve are quite obsolete, and in the other are there replaced by stronger, more distant, and subimbricated ones ; ventral edge nearly straight in the middle; anterior side rounded, its dorsal edge convex, and but moderately sloping ; hin- der side wedge-shaped, ligamental edge nearly straight; no flexure. Mediterranean. 169. TELLINA SOULEYETI (pl. lix. f. 111.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongâ, tenuiusculâ, convexo-depressâ, extus intusque albidâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsalianticè con- vexiusculo et subdeclivi , posticè recto aut subretuso et valdè de- clivi; flexurâ costâque umbonali distinctis; latere antico longiore, rotundato; extremitate posticâ subrostratâ; ligamento infosso; natibus acutis. Oblong, tolerably convex, nearly equilateral, but rather longer in front, of a rather dull white, not very thick, and quite smooth; the ventral edge more or less convex; the flexure as well as the umbo- nal ridge quite distinct; dorsal edge moderately convex and scarcely sloping in front, nearly straight or slightly retuse behind ; anterior 309 extremity rounded, posterior somewhat beaked; beaks acute; liga- ment sunken; inside white. San. Nicolas, Zebu. In the young, there is a slight appearance of rudimentary lateral teeth. 170. TELLINA MICANS (pl. lix. f. 106.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovato-oblongâ, tenui, compressiusculâ, subinæquilate- rali, nitidissimâ, pellucidâ, niveâ; striis paucis remotis subobsoletis concentricis, etiamque in adultis, striis subobliquis remotis, anticè ornatâ ; margine ventrali anticè obliquè arcuato, posticè subrecto; dorsali anticè vix declivi et convexiusculo, posticè declivi subretuso et angulum obtusum cum margine postico subincurvato formante; latere postico breviore, cuneiformi; extremitate anticâ obtusè rotun- datâ ; flexurâ obsoletâ. Ovate-oblong, thin, rather compressed, slightly inequilateral, ex- tremely glossy, pellucid, snow-white, with a few indistinct and rather distant concentric striæ in front, which are crossed in adult specimens by very slightly oblique and distant ones; ventral edge obliquely rounded anteriorly, and straightish behind; anterior side slightly the longer, obtusely rounded, its dorsal edge scarcely slop- ing; hinder extremity wedge-shaped, the ligamental edge subretuse near the moderately projecting ligament, and forming a very obtuse angle with the slightly incurved posterior edge; flexure obsolete. Catbalonga, Isle of Samar. Bias, Isle of Negros. 171. TELLINA MILES (pl. lxii. f.188.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ T. cuspidi affini sed oblongâ, rostratâ, compressiore; margine antico dorsali vix paululum declivi; ventrali convexo ; valvulâ alterâ lineis elevatis concentricis undique striatâ. Like T. cuspis but oblong, beaked, and more compressed; front dorsal edge scarcely at all sloping; ventral edge convex; one valve nearly smooth, the other with regular fine elevated concentric striæ. Hab. ? (Mus. Metcalfe.) 172. TELLINA CUSPIS (pl. lix. f. 125.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovatâ, solidiusculâ, convexâ, nitidiusculâ, roseâ, anticè et infernè substriatâ ; margine ventrali arcuato; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi, anticè convexo, posticè recto aut subretuso; flexurâ costâque umbonali distinctis; latere antico paululum longiore, rotundato; postico subacuminato, subrostrato ; ligamento infosso. z 310 و Ovate, moderately strong, convex, rather glossy, deep rose-colour, substriated in front and towards the lower margin; ventral edge arcuated; dorsal but slightly sloping on either side, convex in front, straight or subretuse behind; fold and flexure perceptible; ante- rior side slightly the longer, rounded; posterior subacuminated, and somewhat beaked; ligament sunken. Hab. ? (Mus. Cuming, Metcalfe.) 173. TELLINA SCALPELLUM (pl. lix. f. 116.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongâ, tenuissimâ, compressâ, nitidissimâ, valdè in- æquilaterali, saturatius roseâ, pellucidâ, sublævigatâ ; margine ven- trali recto aut subrecto; dorsali antico paululum declivi, subrecto; latere postico brevi, obtusè subcuneiformi; extremitate lateris an- tici longioris, rotundatâ; ligamento parvo, prominulo; flexurâ obsoletâ. Oblong, very thin and pellucid, very inequilateral compressed, nearly smooth or concentrically substriated, of a very glossy deep rose-colour ; ventral edge more or less straight; front side pro- duced, rounded at its extremity, its dorsal edge nearly straight and very little sloping ; hinder side obtusely wedge-shaped ; ligament small and prominent; flexure almost entirely obsolete. Isle of Zebu. 174. TELLINA UNDULATA (pl. lix. f. 107.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ oblongâ, tenuissimâ, compressâ, impolitâ et valdè in- æquilaterali, intus extusque albidâ, subobliquè et concentricè undu- latâ; margine ventrali convexo; dorsali anticè subrecto et vix decli- vi, posticè incurvato satisque declivi; latere postico brevi, attenuato, rostrato, ad extremitatem biangulato; flexurâ costâque umbonali distinctis; natibus acutis; ligamento infosso. Oblong, very thin, compressed, very inequilateral, whitish both within and without, not glossy, with oblique undulations which be- come concentric near the short attenuated and beaked posterior ex- tremity, of which the tip is acute and biangulated ; ventral edge con- vex; dorsal anteriorly straightish and scarcely sloping, posteriorly incurved and moderately sloping; anterior side produced, its extre- mity obtusely rounded; fold and flexure perceptible; ligament sunken; beaks acute. St. Elena, West Columbia. 175. TELLINA CYGNUS (pl. lix. f. 122.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. 311 T. testâ ovatâ aut ovato-oblongâ, solidiusculâ, subæquilaterali, convexâ, nitidâ, candidâ, concentricè substriatâ ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali anticè subrecto et paululum declivi, posticè recto et valdè declivi; extremitate anticâ rotundato-obtusâ; latere postico cuneiformi, subrostrato; flexurâ ventrali distinctâ; liga- mento infosso; superficie internâ candidâ, submargaritaceâ. Ovate or ovate-oblong, tolerably firm, nearly equilateral, convex, glossy, white, concentrically substriated; ventral margin slightly convex; dorsal nearly straight and very slightly sloping in front; quite straight and much sloping behind; anterior end obtusely rounded; posterior side wedge-shaped, and subrostrated ; flexure distinct; ligament sunken; outside white and somewhat pearly. Bias, Isle of Negros, Philippines. 176. TELLINA ALA (pl.lx. f.137,146.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testa ovatâ, solidiusculâ, subinæquivalvi, subæquilaterali, nitidâ, convexiusculâ, extus intusque albidâ, radio brevi pallide aurantio in adultis utrinque ornatâ, concentricè substriatâ; margine ventrali magis minusque convexo; dorsali anticè convexo et sub- declivi, posticè declivi et prope nates subretuso; latere antico rotundato, longiore; postico angulato, subrostrato; flexurâ costa- que umbonali conspicuis ; ligamento infosso; cardine dentibus primariis parvis, et nonnunquam dente laterali antico rudimentali, instructo. Var. ovato-trigonâ, solidâ, lævi aut sublævigatâ, convexâ, nequa- quam rostratâ ; flexurâ costâque umbonali subinconspicuis. Ovate, tolerably solid, very slightly inequivalve, nearly equila- teral, rather convex, of a silky gloss, concentrically substriated, whitish within and without, with (in adult specimens) a short pale orange streak radiating on either side from the beaks; ventral edge more or less convex; anterior side rather the longer, rounded at its extremity, its dorsal edge convex, and not greatly sloping ; poste- rior side angulated and subrostrated, its dorsal edge retuse near the beaks, and decidedly sloping; fold and flexure conspicuous; ligament rather sunken ; primary teeth small, sometimes a rudi- mentary anterior lateral one Var. Ovate-triangular, solid, convex, nearly or quite smooth, not at all beaked, the orange rays clearly visible; fold and flexure by no means conspicuous. Ceylon. 177. TELLINA NYMPHALIS (pl. lxi. f. 196.) Lam. no. 50; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 70. z 2 312 T. testâ ovatâ aut obovatâ, magis minusve ventricosâ, solidius- culâ, subnitidâ, sublævigatâ, subæquilaterali , extus intusque albidâ, lineis obsoletis pallidioribus subradiatâ, epidermide pertenui lutes- cente indutâ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè prope nates acutas subrecto deindeque arcuato et subdeclivi, posticè subretuso et valdè declivi; latere antico longiore, rotundato; postico attenuato, angulato, et paululum subrostrato; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis conspicuis; ligamento prominulo; dentibus minimis. Ovate or obovate, more or less ventricose, not very strong, rather glossy, nearly equilateral, whitish both within and without, covered by a very thin yellowish ash-coloured epidermis, nearly smooth being merely wrinkled by the lines of growth, peculiarly marked with obsolete radiating lines ; ventral edge arcuated in front and rising behind; anterior side rather the longer, its extre- mity rounded, its dorsal edge at first nearly straight and then arched and moderately sloping; posterior side attenuated, angu- lated, and very slightly beaked; fold and flexure tolerably distinct ; ligament short and slightly prominent; teeth very small. Gambia. In typical examples there is a slight groove-like depression behind the fold, which does not exist in the next species. 178 TELLINA CAYENNENSIS (pl. lxii. f. 190.) Psammobia C. Lam, no. 11; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 58. sup. t. 11. f.48; Deles. Rec. . t. 5. f. 7; T. constricta, Phil., .Ab. und Bes. Conch. part 3. t. 5. f. 5; T. intastriata, Say, Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. T. testâ ovali-trigonâ, solidâ aut solidiusculâ, magis minusve ventricosâ, subinæquivalvi, subinæquilaterali, nitidiusculâ, extus intusque albidâ, epidermide cinerascente indutâ, sublævigatâ ; mar- gine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali anticè convexo et subdeclivi, posticè subrecto et declivi; latere antico paulo longiore, rotundato; postico cuneiformi; natibus rectè incurvatis; ligamento promi- nulo, satis magno; flexurâ costâque umbonali satis conspicuis; dentibus haud parvis. Triangularly-oval, more or less solid and ventricose, slightly inequivalve and inequilateral , scarcely glossy, nearly smooth, whitish within and without, covered by a very thin ashy epidermis; ven- tral edge slightly convex ; dorsal convex and moderately sloping in front, straightish (never incurved) and strongly sloping behind; front side rounded, rather the longer ; hinder side wedge-shaped ; beaks incurved; ligament little prominent, and as well as the teeth, of a moderate size; fold and flexure tolerably distinct. 313 Closely resembling the last, of which it is possibly a variety, but is more triangular, and not so distinctly marked with radiating lines. Guiana, Mexico, Florida. 179. TELLINA ALBA (pl. lxii. f. 193.) Quoy and Gaim., Voy. Astrol. Zool. vol. üi. p. 500. t. 81. f. 1, 2, 3. T. testà subovatâ, solidiusculâ, subcompressâ, subpellucidâ, niti- diusculâ, extus intusque albâ, sublævigatâ; margine ventrali con- vexo et posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè arcuato et vix subdeclivi, posticè elongato declivi et subrecto; latere antico lato, multum breviore, rotundato; postico attenuato, obtusè cuneiformi; ligamento infosso; costâ umbonali et flexurâ ventrali inconspicuis; natibus subacutis; dentibus bifidis, subvalidis, simplicibus subob- soletis, Subovate, tolerably strong, rather flat, semi-transparent, nearly smooth, somewhat glossy, white, one of the valves with obsolete concentric striæ; the ventral edge convex and ascending poste- riorly; anterior side broad, and distinctly the shorter, rounded at its extremity, arcuated and but little sloping at its dorsal margin; the posterior side obtusely cuneiform, its tip attenuated and ob- tusely angulated, its dorsal edge elongated scarcely convex and obliquely sloping; beaks rather prominent; ligament sunken; umbonal ridge not conspicuous; the bifid teeth rather strong, the simple nearly rudimentary. In all the specimens I have seen, there are two or three obsolete radiating folds at ths anterior extremity. Australia. 180. TELLINA PROXIMA (pl. lxvi. f. 264. and lix. f. 115.) Brown in Zoology to Beechey, p. 154. t. 44. f. 4; Phil. Ab. und Bes. Conch. part 9. pl. 5. f. 4; T. sordida, Couthouy, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. ii. p. 59. t. 3. f. 11; Sanguinolaria sordida, Gould, Invert. Massachusetts, p. 67; Macroma tenera, Leach, Appendix Ross. Voyage. T. testâ obovali, tenuiusculâ, valdè inæquilaterali , convexâ aut convexiusculâ, impolitâ, extus albidâ, intus candidâ, epidermide cinerascente fugaci indutâ, concentricè obsoletè et subimbricatim striolatâ ; margine ventrali magis minusve convexo; dorsali anticè arcuato et paulo declivi, posticè recto et valdè declivi; latere postico brevi, et infernè subangulato; extremitate posticâ rotundatâ ; nati- bus plerumque erosis; ligamento magno, prominente; costâ um- bonali subobsoletâ; dentium altero in utrâque valvulâ bifurcato. Oboval, thinnish, fragile, very inequilateral, more or less con- 314 vex, dull whitish (internally pure white), covered by a thin ash- coloured fugacious epidermis ; ventral margin more or less convex; front dorsal edge arched and slightly sloping, hinder one straight and greatly sloping; posterior side short, subangulated below; anterior extremity rounded; beaks usually eroded ; ligament large and prominent; fold almost obsolete; one of the teeth bifurcate (when the hinge is perfect, which is rarely the case) in each valve. Boston, (Gould); Arctic Ocean. 181. TELLINA CALCAREA (pl. lxii. f. 183.) Chemnitz, vol. vi. p. 140. f. 136; Dillwyn D. Cat. p. 93; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 46. t.4. f. 43; T. sordida, Phil. Ab. und Bes. Conch. part 9. t. 5. f. 6. T. testâ ovatâ aut subovatâ, solidiusculâ, subinæquivalvi, con- vexiusculâ, inæquilaterali, extus intusque albidâ, epidermide cine- rascente indutâ, sublævigatâ; margine ventrali satis convexo, posticè acclinato; dorsali anticè convexo et subdeclivi, posticè declivi et subrecto; latere antico longiore, ad extremitatem rotun- dato; postico obtusè cuneiformi; natibus acutis, prominentibus ; costâ umbonali satis distinctâ ; flexurâ ventrali subinconspicuâ; ligamento magno, prominulo; dentibus parvis. More or less ovate, moderately firm, very slightly inequivalve, tolerably convex, inequilateral , whitish both within and without, never polished but often slightly glossed, covered with an ashy epidermis, under which it is nearly smooth or merely marked with the lines of growth; ventral edge ascending behind, moderately convex; anterior side the shorter, rounded at its extremity, its dorsal edge convex and somewhat sloping, but near the acute and prominent beaks slightly incurved; hinder side obtusely wedge- shaped, the ligamental edge nearly straight; umbonal ridge tole- rably evident; the ventral sinus almost obsolete; ligament large and moderately projecting. Iceland and Greenland. ; X 182. TELLINA NASUTA (pl. lxiv. f. 224.) Conrad, Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. vol. vii. p. 258; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 71. sup. t. 14. f.7. T. testâ ovato-oblongâ, solidâ, inæquilaterali, convexâ, impolitâ, sublævigatâ, albidâ, epidermide cinerascente plerumque indutâ; margine ventrali medio subretuso; dorsali anticè convexo paulu- lumque declivi, posticè elongato recto et declivi; latere antico bre- viore, rotundato ; postico cuneiformi; extremitate posticâ subbi- angulatâ ; natibus obtusis; lunulâ nullâ ; flexurâ costâque um- 315 bonali conspicuis; ligamento magno et satis prominente; super- ficie internâ candidâ; dentibus satis magnis. Ovate-oblong, solid, inequilateral, convex, dull, whitish, usually covered by an ashy epidermis, nearly smooth, flexuous; ventral margin convex at the sides, but retuse in the middle ; anterior side rounded, its dorsal edge convex and but little sloping; posterior side wedge-shaped, its extremity nearly biangulated, its dorsal margin elongated sloping and nearly straight; fold and flexure conspicuous; ligament tolerably large and prominent; beaks ob- tuse; no lunule; inside white, the teeth of a moderate size. California. 183. TELLINA EDENTULA (pl. Ixv. f. 243.) Brod. and Sow., Zool. Jour. vol. iv. p. 363; Zool. to Beech. Voy. t. 41. f. 5. and t. 44. f. 6; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 71. T. testâ obovali-subtrigonâ, solidiusculâ, subventricosâ, subim- politâ, subinæquilaterali, sordidè albidâ, sublævigatâ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi, anticè con- vexo, posticè subrecto; latere antico paulo longiore, rotundato; postico obtuse subangulato; flexurâ costâque umbonali subobso- letis; ligamento magno, prominente; dentibus minimis, sublamel- losis. Var. Abbreviatâ et magis inæquilaterali. Oboval, subtriangular, tolerably strong, more or less ventricose, of a rather dull dirty white, nearly smooth, more or less inequila- teral; ventral edge moderately convex; dorsal not greatly sloping on either side, convex in front, straightish and rather short be- hind; anterior side the longer, rounded at its extremity; posterior side obtusely subangulated; fold and flexure rather obsolete; liga- ment large and prominent; inside white; teeth very small, and usually sublamellar. Var. Shorter and more inequilateral. Behring's Straits. 184. TELLINA INORNATA (pl. lix. f. 123.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovato-oblonga, subtenui, subventricosâ, impolitâ, sub- æquilaterali, sordidè albidâ, epidermide tenui et cinereâ indutâ, lævigatâ; marginis ventralis parte mediâ rectâ aut subretusâ ; dor- salis parte anticâ convexiusculâ et paululum declivi, parte posticâ subdeclivi; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ, posticâ attenuato-rotun- datâ; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis. Ovate-oblong, rather thin, subventricose, and nearly equilateral, 316 smooth, dull dirty white under a thin ash-coloured epidermis ; ven- tral edge straight or subretuse in the middle; dorsal slightly con- vex and very little sloping in front, moderately sloping behind; front extremity rounded, the hinder rounded but attenuated; fold and flexure obsolete. Conception, Chili. A fossil-like shell, which much resembles an elongated and swollen Edentula. 185. TELLINA BALTHICA (pl. lix. f. 121.) Lin. Sys. 1120 ; Chem. vol. 6. f. 128. Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 72. t. 4. f. 85. T. testâ suborbiculari, subtrigonâ, solidâ, æquilaterali, subven- tricosâ, albidâ aut pallidè carneâ, intus plerumque roseâ, lævigatâ ; margine ventrali arcuato et posticè sursum acclinato ; dorsali antico brevi, subdeclivi, et prope nates prominentes subrecto, deindeque convexo; margine ligamentali subrecto aut convexiusculo, et valdè declivi; latere antico rotundato; extremitate lateris postici angulati rotundatâ; ligamento magno, prominente; flexurâ costâque um- bonali obsoletis; dentibus parvis. Suborbicular, slightly triangular, thick, equilateral, more or less ventricose, white or pale flesh coloured, with the interior usually rosy, smooth, not glossy; ventral edge arcuated, rising behind; front dorsal edge, short and not much sloping, nearly straight ad- jacent to the prominent beaks, becoming convex subsequently; hinder dorsal edge nearly straight or but slightly convex, much sloping; anterior side rounded; posterior side angulated, but with the tip rounded; ligament large, and prominent ; fold and flexure obsolete; teeth small. Baltic. Easily distinguished from the allied species, by its more rounded shape, its ventricoseness, and arcuation of its lower edge. T. Fab- ricii which approaches it in these respects, is less angulated behind. 186. TELLINA FUSCA (pl. lix. f. 117.) Psammobia fusca, Say, Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 5. p. 220. Sanguinolaria fusca Conrad. Am. Mar. Conc. p. 34. t. 7. f. 1; Gould, Inv. Massa. p. 66. f. 42. T. testâ obovatâ, solidiusculâ aut subtenui, subæquilaterali, compressâ aut convexiusculâ, subimpolitâ, albidâ, epidermide tenu- issimâ cinerascente indutâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali maximè et regulariter arcuato; dorsali utrinque subdeclivi, anticè arcuato, posticè subrecto; latere antico rotundato; postico subangulato; 317 a natibus parvis acutis, prominentibus ; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis, ligamento prominulo; dentibus angustissimis. Obovate, rather thin, nearly if not quite equilateral, more or less compressed or but slightly convex, scarcely at all glossy, whit- ish under a thin ashy epidermis, smooth ; ventral edge regularly and greatly arcuated; the dorsal edges not much sloping, arched in front, and nearly straight behind; anterior side rounded, posterior subangulated; beaks small, acute, and prominent ; ligament rather projecting ; fold and flexure obsolete; teeth very narrow. * Its varieties in size, strength, and colour, are very great. In muddy bays, they grow to a larger size, and are thick and of a blueish and, sometimes, a rusty colour, and covered with a firm dark epidermis. In clean sandy localities they are very thin, pure white, or sometimes of a delicate rose or lemon colour, and the epi- dermis very slight.”- .”—Gould. - North America. a 187. TELLINA INCONSPICUA* (pl. lix. f. 120.) Broderip and Sow., Zool. Jour. vol. 4. p. 363; Zool. to Beech. Voy. t. 41. f. 6. Hanl. Des. Cat. P. 72. T. testà Solidulæ affini, sed impolitâ et epidermide fusco-cine- a * A species which bears some resemblance to a young Inconspicua, or Fusca, but which nevertheless is probably distinct, at least judging from the figure, for I have never been able to procure a specimen of the shell, is the TELLINA PETALUM (pl. lxvi. f. 263.) VALENCIENNES in Zool. to Humb. and Bonpl. Voy. vol. č. p. 222. t. 48. f. 2. T. testâ subovatâ, tenuiusculâ, fragili, subæquilaterali, compressius- culâ, sublævigatâ, supernè subroseâ, infernè albido-luteâ, zonis sub- roseis plerumque ornatâ; margine ventrali satis convexo; dorsali an- ticè convexo et subdeclivi, posticè convexiusculo et declivi; latere antico rotundato; postico subangulato; ligamento parvo, brevi; den- tibus lateralibus nullis. Subovate, thinnish, fragile, nearly inequilateral, rather compressed, nearly smooth, merely marked with the striæ of growth, somewhat rosy near the beaks, becoming pale yellowish with rosaceous zones towards the ventral edge, which is but moderately convex ; front dorsal edge convex and not much sloping, hinder one but slightly convex and decidedly sloping ; anterior extremity rounded ; posterior side suban- gulated, ligament short and small; teeth small, no lateral ones. Acupulco 2 A 318 rascente indutâ; latere antico breviore ; postico haud acuminato; ligamento permagno; natibus et umbonibus plerumque erosis. Very like Solidula, but the front side is the shorter one, and the posterior extremity is not at all acuminated. The surface is not glossy, is usually eroded near the beaks, and covered with an ashy- brown epidermis near the ventral margin, which is regularly sub- arcuated. The ligament is very large and prominent. Arctic Ocean. 188. TELLINA FABRICII (pl. lix. f. 112.) Hanley ; Venus fra- gilis, Otho Fabr., Faun. Groen. p. 413. T. testâ suborbiculari, solidâ, æquilaterali, convexâ aut subven- tricosâ, impolitâ, extus intusque albidâ, epidermide cinerascente indutâ, concentricè subrugulosâ; margine ventrali magis minusve arcuato; dorsali utrinque convexiusculo, antici subdeclivi, postice declivi; latere antico rotundato; postico vix etiam obtusissimè subangulato; natibus erosis; ligamento permagno, prominente; flexurâ obsoletâ ; dentibus minimis. Suborbicular, solid, equilateral,convex or subventricose, dullwhite, covered by an ashy epidermis, concentrically wrinkled by the lines of growth ; ventral margin more or less arcuated ; dorsal edges moderately convex, rather sloping in front, decidedly so behind; anterior side rounded, posterior scarcely at all angulated; beaks eroded ; ligament large, and prominent; flexure obsolete; teeth very small. There being already a T. fragilis, I am compelled to alter the orginal specific appellation of the shell. Northern Seas. و 189. TELLINA SOLIDULA (pl. lix. f. 109, 110.) Pultney, Cat. Dorset. p. 29; Mont. Test. Brit. p. 63; Maton, Lin. Tr. 8; Wood, p Gen. Con. 193. t. 46. f. 2; Lam. no. 51; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 70. t. 4. f. 84; T. zonata, Dillw. D. Cat. p. 100; Psammobia solidula, Turton, Biv. Brit. p. 95. t. 8. f. 2; T. Balthica, Phil. En. Moll. Sic. vol. i. p. 28; T. rubra, Da Cost. Brit. Conch. t. 12. f. 14. T. testâ rotundato-ovatâ, solidâ, subæquilaterali, convexâ aut subventricosâ, magis minusve nitidâ, lævigatâ, albidâ, luteâ, auran- tiâ aut roseâ; margine ventrali anticè arcuato, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè arcuato et subdeclivi, posticè declivi et vix convexiusculo; latere antico paululum longiore, rotundato; postico acuminato; natibus acutis, prominentibus; costâ umbonali obsoletâ ; ligamento magno prominente; dentibus angustissimis et sæpe obsoletis. 319 Rounded-ovate, solid, subequilateral, convex or subventricose, more or less glossy, smooth or with a few ridges of growth, very variable in colouring, being white yellow orange or rosy; ventral edge arcuated in front, and rising behind so as to form a sharp angle with the slightly convex and moderately sloping ligamental margin; anterior side very slightly the longer and rounded; its dorsal edge arched and moderately sloping; ligament prominent; fold obsolete; beaks rather prominent and acute; teeth extremely narrow, and usually obsolete. Britain ; Europe ; Senegal. 190. TELLINA IRUS (pl. lx. f. 145.) Hanley, Zool Proc. 1844, T. testâ ovatâ aut obovatâ, crassâ (in adultis), subventricosâ, subæquilaterali, impolitâ, extus intusque sordidè albidâ ; concen- tricè rugosâ, rugis interruptis, minutis, confertissimis, elevatis ; margine ventrali magis minusve arcuato; dorsali anticè convexo et subdeclivi, posticè convexiusculo elongato declivi; latere antico paululum breviore, rotundato; postico infernè angulato; lunula (in adultis) parvâ, profundâ ; ligamento infosso; costâ umbonali subobsoletâ; dentibus satis magnis. Ovate or obovate, solid, coarse, subventricose, subequilateral, dull dirty white both within and without, the surface roughened by minute concentrically arranged but unconnected elevated wrin- kles (reminding one of those upon Rugosa but on a much smaller scale), which however are usually (except in portions) abraded; front dorsal edge convex after passing the small but distinct lunule; ligamental edge not greatly convex, and decidedly sloping so as to form an angle with the more or less arched ventral margin; beaks inclining to the rounded extremity of the shorter anterior side; ligament sunken but distinct; a large bifid and a simple scarcely rudimentary tooth in one valve, two rather strong diverging obtuse ones in the other. Guinea ? Mus. Cuming and Walton. 191. TELLINA FRAGILIS (pl. lvi. f. 14. and lx. f. 149.) Lin. Syst. 1117; Chem. vol. vi. f. 84; Philip. Mol. Sic. p. 28; Poli. Test. Sic. t. 15. f. 22, 24 ; Petricola ochroleuca, Lam., no. 2 ; Payr. Cat. Cors. t. 1. f. 9, 10; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 52. sup. t. 1. f. 6; Psammobia fragilis, Turt. Biv. Brit. p. 88. t. 7. f. 11, 12. p T. testâ ovato-trigonâ, solidiusculâ, subpellucidâ, valdè inæqui- laterali, satis tumidâ, subimpolitâ, albidâ aut pallidè croceâ, ad umbones flavescente aut croceâ, striis remotiusculis elevatis concen- tricè asperâ; margine ventrali convexo, posticè sursum acclinato; . 2 A 2 320 dorsali utrinque satis declivi, anticè convexo, posticè prope nates subretuso deindeque convexiusculo; latere antico rotundato, bre- viore; postico obtusè acuminato et paululum subrostrato; natibus obtusis ; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis ; superficie internâ plerumque croceâ; dentibus satis magnis. Var. Magis elongatâ, tumidâ; striis lamellosis ; margine ven- trali minus convexo; extremitate posticâ obtusè biangulatâ. Ovate-trigonal, moderately solid, slightly pellucid, very inequi- lateral, rather tumid; almost devoid of glossiness, whitish with a tinge of yellow or saffron colour (which sometimes but rarely per- vades the entire surface) upon the umbones; rough with concen- tric elevated rather distant striæ; ventral edge convex; dorsal slightly retuse on either side of the obtuse beaks, and then convex and rather sloping in front, scarcely convex but decidedly sloping behind; anterior side short and rounded; posterior obtusely acu- minated and very slightly subrostrated; fold and flexure obsolete; inside usually of a saffron colour; teeth rather large, two diverging ones in one valve, a recurved one in the other. Var. Elongated and not at all triangular, tumid; the striæ lamellar ; ventral edge scarcely at all convex ; hinder end obtusely biangulated. Scarcely a Tellina, but with the teeth and general characters of so many usually included in that genus, that I know not how to separate it. From the figure in Delessert, the Psammotaa Tarentina of Lamarck is probably a variety of this shell. Britain, Europe. 192. TELLINA GUINAICA (pl. lix. f. 130.) Chemnitz, vol. xi. p. 348. f. 1651, 1652, 1653; Dillw. Des. Cat. p. 69; T. polygona, p Gmel.; Lam. no. 43. T. testâ ovatâ, solidâ, ventricosâ, impolitâ, inæquilaterali, extus intusque albidâ, lineis rudioribus subremotis elevatis concentricè striatâ; margine ventrali magis minusve convexo; dorsali posticè subdeclivi et subrecto, anticè magis declivi et subincurvato; latere antico brevi, rotundato; latere postico rotundato-angulato aut obtu- sissimè cuneiformi, extremitate ejus semper rotundatâ ; costâ um- bonali subinconspicuâ; lunulâ distinctâ ; ligamento infosso; denti- bus magnis. Ovate, solid, ventricose, dull, inequilateral, within and without whitish, roughened by coarse raised concentric and rather distant striæ; ventral edge more or less convex; dorsal edge straightish and not much sloping behind, more sloping and somewhat incurved in front; anterior side short and rounded; posterior somewhat 321 angulated below, or very obtusely wedge-shaped, the tip always rounded; fold not very distinct; ligament sunken ; a distinct short lunule; teeth very large. Guinea. This is probably the Abildgaardiana of Spengler. 193. TELLINA POLYGONA (pl. lxii. f. 189.) Chemnitz, vol. vi. p. 91. f. 77; Dillw. Des. Cat. p. 77; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 69. t. 3. f. 11; T. multangula, Gmel., 3230; Lam. no. 42. T. testà ovato-oblongâ, solidâ, ventricosâ, inæquilaterali , impo- litâ, extus intusque albidâ, lineis elevatis confertis concentricè striatâ, anticè breviore, posticè subcuneiformi; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè paululum declivi, posticè longo subrecto declivi; extremitate anticâ obtusâ; posticâ attenuatâ et biangulatâ ; flexurâ costâque umbonali perspicuis; ligamento subinfosso; den- tibus magnis. Ovate-oblong, solid, ventricose, inequilateral, not glossy, whitish within and without, roughened by coarse crowded concentric raised striæ, shorter in front, somewhat wedge-shaped behind; ventral edge straightish, but rendered wavy by two extremely obsolete and subcentral radiating ridges; anterior extremity obtuse, dorsal edge short and scarcely at all sloping; posterior tip narrow and bian- gulated, the ligamental margin long straightish and sloping; fold and flexure evident; teeth large. Guinea. 194. Tellina BRUGUIERI (pl. lxii. f.192.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844; Enc. Mèth. t. 231. f. 2. T. testâ rotundato-trigonâ, solidâ, subæquilaterali, convexâ, im- politâ, extus intusque albidâ, sublævigatâ, (aut striis exilibus ob- soletis radiantibus strias concentricas tenuissimas decussantibus); margine ventrali convexo aut subarcuato; dorsali posticè elevatiore valdè declivi et paululum convexo, anticè arcuato et declivi; ex- tremitate anticâ obtusâ; posticâ rotundatâ ; natibus prominentibus, et anticè incumbentibus; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis ; ligamento infosso; lunulâ parvâ; dentibus maximis. Suborbicular, subtriangular, solid, nearly equilateral, convex, white within and without, dull, nearly smooth, when closely ex- amined some of the adult specimens present the appearance of a most minute decussation, caused by the intersection of delicate obsolete radiating lines and very fine concentric striæ, which latter are chiefly apparent near the convex or subarcuated ventral mar- gin; posterior dorsal edge abruptly sloping, slightly convex, and y ; 322 more elevated than the arcuated and moderately sloping anterior ; front extremity broad and rounded, hinder one obtuse; ligament sunken ; fold and flexure obsolete; beaks prominent and inclining forward; teeth extremely large. Isle of Panay, Philippines (Cuming). 195. TELLINA ALTA (pl. lxii. f. 200.) Conrad, Jour. Ac. N. S. Philad. vol. vii. p. 258; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 71. T. testâ obovali, subventricosâ, crassiusculâ, subinæquilaterali, impolitâ, concentricè et confertim rugosâ, extus intusque albidâ ; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali utrinque paululum declivi, an- ticè convexo, posticè recto; latere antico longiore, rotundato; extremitate posticâ obtusè biangulatâ; costâ umbonali latâ, planu- latâ ; natibus rectè incurvatis; ligamento infosso; dentibus an- gustis. Oboval, slightly ventricose, thickish, slightly inequilateral, dull white, with crowded concentric wrinkles ; ventral edge straightish; dorsal little sloping on either side, convex in front, rectilinear be- hind; anterior side rather the longer, rounded at its extremity; posterior side obtusely biangulated; umbonal ridge broad but flattened; beaks directly incurved ; ligament sunken; inside white; the teeth narrow; the hinge margin broad. California. a 196. TELLINA EPHIPPIUM (pl. lxv. f. 244.) Spengler, loc. cit. T. testâ Lacunosa simillimâ, sed valdè inæquivalvi et planè inæquilaterali; costâ umbonali angustissimâ, carinatâ. Closely resembling Lacunosa, but decidedly inequivalve and in- equilateral; the umbonal ridge narrow and carinated in the flatter valve, replaced by a linear indentation in the other. East Indies (Spengler). 197. TELLINA LACUNOSA (pl. lxv. f. 252.) Chem., vol. iv. p. 92. f. 78; Lam. no. 39; Enc. Mèth. t. 290. f. 14; Hanl. Des. Cat. P. 69. t. 3. f. 12; T. papyracea, Gmel. T. testâ obovali, ventricosâ, subinæquivalvi, subæquilaterali , tenuiusculâ, subpellucidâ, extus intusque candidâ, sublævigatâ, medio contorto-lacunosâ; margine ventrali subrecto sed contorto; dorsali antico subarcuato; ligamentali subdeclivi, subrecto; latere antico lato, rotundato; postico lato, obtuso; natibus prominenti- bus, incurvatis; ligamento subinfosso; costâ umbonali latâ, ob- tusâ. 323 obtusely Var. Testâ crassiore; parte superiore lateris postici partem in- feriorem superante. Oboval, rather thin, very slightly inequivalve, nearly inequilateral, ventricose, somewhat pellucid, white, nearly smooth or with delicate concentric wrinkles, which are chiefly apparent near the rounded anterior extremity; ventral edge nearly straight (as to convexity), but much twisted, owing to the concavity in front of the obtuse but prominent umbonal slope in one of the valves; dorsal edge scarcely sloping, arcuated in front, straightish behind; extremity of the hinder side (which is slightly the shorter) very biangulated; ligament rather sunken; beaks broad and directly incurved; teeth small. Var. Thicker and coarser ; a broader space from the umbonal ridge to the posterior end, which latter projects at its upper ex- tremity. Guinea. 198. TELLINA SPECTABILIS (pl. lxv. f. 254.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovato-trapeziformi, subtenui, maximè inæquilaterali , ventricosâ, impolitâ, extus intusque albidâ ; concentricè striatâ, striis elevatis, tenuibus, rugosis; margine ventrali paululum con- vexo; dorsali anticè convexo et declivi, posticè recto aut subin- curvato et maximè declivi; extremitate lateris antici longioris obtusâ; extremitate posticâ truncato-cuneiformi, obtusè biangu- latâ ; flexurâ costâque umbonali conspicuis; ligamento magno, haud prominente; dentibus minimis. Ovate, subtrapeziform, not solid, extremely inequilateral, ven- tricose, dull, white both internally and externally, with fine raised concentric wrinkles, which are rather distant near the beaks, but become closer towards the but little convex ventral margin ; ante- rior side produced, its dorsal edge convex and sloping (in the young it is at first almost parallel with the ventral); its extremity obtuse or more rarely rounded ; posterior side extremely short, its extremity truncato-cuneiform and obtusely biangulated, the ligamental edge abruptly sloping and straight or slightly incurved ; fold and flexure prominent, the former subcarinated in the young; ligament large but not projecting; teeth minute. Bay of Manilla and Isle of Siquijor. 199. TELLINA DOMBEI (pl. lxii. f. 182, and pl. lxiv. f. 222.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ obovatâ aut ovali, subinæquivalvi, magis minusve so- 324 a lidâ, subventricosâ, subimpolitâ, sublævigatâ, extus intusque albidâ, umbonibus aurantio-roseis; margine ventrali subrecto aut paulu- lum convexo; dorsali antico vix declivi et prope nates prominulas subretuso, deinde magis minusve convexo; margine ligamentali declivi, subrecto; extremitate anticâ rotundatâ ; latere postico breviore, obtusè cuneiformi; flexurâ subobsoletâ, (rarius distinctâ); ligamento infosso. Var. Testâ majore, impolitâ, opacâ, concentricè subrugosâ, umbonibus haud erubescentibus; flexurâ costâque umbonali dis- tinctis. Varying in form from obovate to oval, more or less solid, rather ventricose, rarely at all glossy, whitish with the umbones reddish crimson, nearly smooth, (in full grown individuals with a few con- centric striæ near the scarcely convex ventral margin, whose flexure is rarely distinct); anterior side the longer, sometimes greatly, at others scarcely so, its dorsal edge for about half its length from the rather prominent beaks somewhat retuse and nearly parallel to the lower edge, thence declining in a convex slope to the rounded termination ; hinder extremity more or less obtusely wedge-shaped, the ligamental edge sloping strongly, and being more or less straight; ligament sunken; the inner disk red; one umbone projecting beyond the other. Var. Larger, dull, opaque, the umbones not coloured, the sur- face somewhat wrinkled concentrically ; fold and flexure distinct. Panama, the variety from Tumbez. 200. TELLINA ANGULATA (pl. lxv. f. 250.) Chemnitz, vol. vi. p. 89. f. 74,75 ; Wood, Gen. Conch. p. 146. t. 43. f.l; Schroet. Einl. vol. ii. t. 7. f. 8; Lutraria Tellinoides, Lam.; Deles. t. 3. f.5; Hanl. Des. Cat. p. 27. sup. t. 11. f. 33. T. testâ subovali , inæquivalvi, solidiusculâ, inæquilaterali , con- vexâ aut subventricosâ, extus intusque albâ, sublævigatâ; margine ventrali subrecto aut convexiusculo ; dorsali utrinque paululum declivi aut subdeclivi et subrecto, posticè elevatiore, anticè prope nates subincurvato; latere antico obtuso aut rotundato, longiore; extremitate posticâ obtusâ, subattenuatâ, aut obtussimè biangu- latâ; natibus prominentibus incurvatis, acutis ; costâ umbonali satis distinctâ; ligamento parvo, angusto, infosso; dentibus ob- soletis. Somewhat oval, inequivalve, tolerably strong, moderately inequi- lateral, convex or subventricose, white both within and without, nearly smooth; ventral edge straightish or but slightly convex ; anterior side the longer, its extremity rounded when the straightish 7 325 dorsal edge (which is slightly incurved near the beaks) is mode- rately sloping, when but little sloping obtuse; posterior extremity very obtusely biangulated, or attenuated and obtuse; beaks acute prominent and incurved; fold tolerably distinct; ligament small narrow and sunken; teeth obsolete. Ceylon and Isle of Negros, Philippines ; (Cuming). This is not the T. angulata of Linnæus, which I believe to be a Psammobia. 201. TELLINA GUBERNACULUM (pl. lxii. f. 186.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ subovatâ, subinæquivalvi, tenui, compressiusculâ, lævi, extus intusque albidâ, valdè inæquilaterali; margine ventrali con- vexiusculo, anticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè magis minusve convexo et declivi, posticè recto brevi et subito declivi; extremitate lateris antici longioris rotundato-attenuatâ ; extremitate posticâ brevissimâ, truncato-cuneiformi; flexurâ costâque umbonali obso- letis; ligamento infosso; dentibus parvis. Var. Testâ magis elongatâ; latere postico brevissimo; margine dorsali posticè maximè declivi, anticè subrecto. Subovate, rather inequivalve, thin, somewhat compressed, smooth, whitish, very inequilateral ; ventral edge moderately convex, sloping upwards in front; dorsal more or less convex and sloping ante- riorly, but short straight and abruptly declining posteriorly; ante- rior side produced, its extremity attenuated and rounded; poste- rior side extremely short and truncato-cuneiform ; fold and flexure obsolete; ligament sunken; teeth small. Var. More elongated; hinder side extremely short; dorsal edge nearly straight in front, most abruptly sloping behind. Real Lejos, Central America (Cuming). 202. TELLINA TRUNCATA. (pl. lxii. f. 198.) Jonas, Ab. und Bes. Conch. part 3. t. 5. f. 2. T. testâ ovali-subtrigonâ, solidiusculâ, subinæquivalvi, subven- tricosâ, subimpolitâ, extus intusque albâ, sublævigatâ, valdè inæ- quilaterali; margine ventrali subrecto; dorsali anticè convexiusculo et declivi aut subdeclivi, posticè recto subelongato et valdè declivi; latere antico producto, ad extremitatem rotundato-attenuato; la- tere postico subcuneiformi, ad extremitatem angusto et subangu- lato; flexurâ subobsoletâ ; ligamento magno, infosso; dentibus primariis distinctis. Oval-subtriangular, tolerably strong, slightly inequivalve, rather ventricose, rather dull white, nearly smooth, very inequilateral; 2 B 326 ventral edge nearly straight; anterior side attenuated, produced and rounded, its dorsal edge sloping and tolerably convex; poste- rior side nearly wedge-shaped, the extremity narrow and subangu- lated, the dorsal edge straight, rather long in proportion and strongly sloping ; flexùre almost entirely obsolete; ligament large and s unken; inside white; teeth distinct. Bay of Manilla (Cuming). Not unlike Gubernaculum but the hinder side in that species is less wedge-shaped, the tip being broader, and the ligamental edge decidedly shorter. 203. TELLINA PELLUCIDA (pl. lix. f. 118.) Philippi, Ab und. Bes. Conch. part 3. t. 5. f. 4. T. testâ ovatâ aut obovatâ, tenui, inæquilaterali, convexâ, nitidâ, extus intusque niveâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali convexo, posticè sursum acclinato; dorsali anticè convexo et paulo declivi, posticè convexiusculo et declivi ; extremitate lateris antici longioris rotun- datâ ; extremitate posticâ obtusâ aut rotundatâ ; natibus acutis, haud prominentibus ; ligamento fulvo, infosso; costâ umbonali obsoletâ ; dentibus angustis, minimis. Var. Testà abbreviatâ; margine dorsali utrinque magis declivi et minus convexo. More or less ovate, thin, decidedly convex, inequilateral, pure glossy white both within and without, smooth, or with a few lines of growth; anterior side the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge convex and but little sloping; hinder side clearly the shorter, its dorsal edge sloping and but slightly convex, tip ob- tusely rounded; ventral edge convex (or even subarcuated) and inclining upward posteriorly; ligament yellow and sunken; beaks acute but not prominent ; umbonal ridge obsolete; teeth minute. Var. Abbreviated; the dorsal edges more sloping and less a convex. Bay of Manilla (Cuming). 204. TELLINA CHINENSIS (pl. lvi. f. 18.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovali, solidiusculâ, convexâ, subinæquilaterali, impolitâ, extus intusque candidâ, lævigatâ; margine ventrali subrecto; dor- sali anticè convexiusculo et paululum declivi, posticè subrecto satisque declivi; extremitate posticâ obtusâ ; latere antico longiore, rotundato; ligamento - ?; costâ umbonali obsoletâ. Oval, tolerably strong, convex, slightly inequilateral, dull white, smooth ; ventral edge nearly straight; anterior side the longer, 327 f rounded at its extremity, its dorsal edge scarcely at all sloping and moderately convex; posterior extremity obtuse, the hinder dorsal edge moderately sloping and nearly straight; ligament - ?; umbonal ridge obsolete; inside white. China (Mus. Brit.). 205. TELLINA FRIGIDA (pl. lix. f. 119.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovali, solidiusculâ, convexâ, inæquilaterali, nitidâ, al- bidâ (intus candidâ), lævigatâ, utrinque rotundatâ; margine ven- trali convexo; dorsali antico subdeclivi, convexo; latere postico planè breviore; natibus inconspicuis; flexurâ costâque umbonali obsoletis; dentibus minimis. Oval, tolerably strong, convex, inequilateral, glossy, whitish, smooth, rounded at each extremity; ventral edge convex; front dorsal convex and moderately sloping; posterior side decidedly the shorter ; beaks not prominent; fold and flexure obsolete; teeth minute; inside white. Kamskatchka. 206. TELLINA GRANDIS (pl. lxv. f. 247.) Hanley, Zool. Proc. 1844. T. testâ ovali, subtrigonâ, solidâ, subinæquivalvi, lævi, convexâ, subimpolitâ, extus intusque albidâ, anticè rotundatâ; margine ventrali convexiusculo; dorsali utrinque declivi, posticè recto aut subrecto, anticè vix convexiusculo; extremitate lateris antici bre- vioris obtusâ; flexurâ costâque umbonali subobsoletis ; ligamento magno Subtriangularly oval, solid, slightly inequivalve, convex, smooth, rather of a dull white under an almost imperceptible epidermis, which is only visible near the but little convex ventral margin; anterior side clearly the longer, its extremity rounded, its dorsal edge but little convex and moderately sloping, ligamental edge straight, and strongly sloping; posterior termination obtuse; fold and flexure almost entirely obsolete; inside white, the hinge-plate strong, the teeth of a moderate size. Tumbez, Peru. 207. TELLINA SECTA (pl. lxv. f. 245, 248.) Conrad, Jour. Ac. N. S. Philad. vol. vii. p. 257. HanL. Des. Cat. p. 67. . . T. testâ solidiusculâ, inæquivalvi, nitidâ, extus intusque can- didâ, lævigatâ ; alterâ valvulâ convexâ, alterâ complanatâ; mar- gine ventrali subarcuato; dorsali utrinque haud multum declivi, a x 2 B 2 328 et prope ligamentum magnum inciso ; extremitate anticâ rotun- datâ; costâ umbonali magis minusve conspicuâ; dentibus prima- riis distinctis; margine cardinali sub ligamento intus incrassato, superficie internâ impolitâ. Testá seniore obovali , æquilaterali; margine dorsali subhorizon- tali, convexiusculo; latere antico lato; extremitate posticâ obtusâ ; margine postico angulum obtusum cum margine ventrali formante; ligamento maximo. Testá juniore sicut in seniore, sed ovali, inæquilaterali ; margine dorsali antico subdeclivi; latere antico longiore, attenuato. Var. Testâ ovali, inæquilaterali, margine dorsali antico subde- clivi; latere antico longiore, plerumque ad extremitatem attenuato; extremitate posticâ angulatâ; margine ventrali posticè subincur- vato et magis sursum acclinato. Inequivalve, tolerably strong, smooth, glossy, rounded in front; one valve convex, the other flattened ; ventral margin subarcuated; dorsal edges not greatly sloping, near the large ligament (under which the hinge margin is internally thickened) with an incision; umbonal ridge more or less conspicuous; teeth distinct. Adult. Oboval, equilateral, hinge-margin subhorizontal and slightly convex; anterior side broad; hinder extremity obtuse; posterior edge forming one obtuse angle with the ventral ; ligament very large. Young. Resembling the adult, but oval and inequilateral; the front dorsal edge moderately sloping; anterior side the longer, attenuated at its termination. Var. Oval, inequilateral; front dorsal edge moderately sloping; anterior side the longer, and generally attenuated at its extremity; posterior end angulated, the hinder ventral edge being somewhat incurved and sloping upward. California, To this section belong, likewise, the T. lateralis and brevifrons of Say, which, however, I am unable to identify; and as the species have not been recognised by any subsequent conchologists, and are unknown even to the naturalists of the United States, I cannot, consequently, add to descriptions which will not exactly apply to any Tellens I am acquainted with. “TELLINA LATERALIS, Say, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad. Transversely subovate, subequilateral ; posterior (anterior) mar- 329 a gin regularly rounded, anterior (posterior) margin beaked, the rostrum turned to the left and slightly gaping, ligament slope straight; basal margin regularly arcuated, a little contracted near the beak; valves whitish, often tinged with ferruginous, with small concentric wrinkles and slight waves; within white, a little sculp- tured by the external waves; no lateral teeth, two cardinal in one valve, and one with another hardly elevated filiform one in the other. South coast of the United States.” TELLINA BREVIFRONS Say, Am. Conch. t. 64. f. 1. Ovate, thin, fragile, not very convex, white, tinged particularly on the umbo with pale dull fulvous ; with transverse (concentric) slender striæ, and in a particular light obsolete longitudinal (radi- ating) striæ are visible; beaks much anterior (posterior) to the middle, forming an angle in consequence of the anterior and pos- terior hinge-margin being rectilinear to a considerable distance, the latter parallel to the base; anterior (posterior) side short and ab- rupt, rounded at the tip, and with a submarginal undulation; posterior (anterior) side more than as long again as the anterior (posterior), rounded at tip; within much more deeply coloured with fulvous ! cardinal teeth, two in the left and one in the right valve ; lateral teeth none.” The shell is represented in the drawing as nearly an inch long, of a pale rose-colour (!), and of a subelliptical contour, a shape neither agreeing with the description nor with the further state- ment that “its outline corresponds with T. donacina, but is more convex” (!). I regard it as a very doubtful and ill-defined species. ) A single specimen only has been met with by Dr. Ravenel in South Carolina. The T. lintea of Conrad, which, being described in company with recent shells, I had introduced into my 'Descriptive Cata- logue, I have since ascertained to be fossil. 330 TELLINA. LIST OF PLATES LVI. TO LXVI. PLATE LVI. . Fig. Fig. 37, 38. Tel. carnaria, Sp. 69. 39. splendida, 67. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46, 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55,56. 57. 58. 59. - 15. - - - 1. Tel. Guildingii, Sp. 16. 2, 3. robusta, 56. 4. pulchella, 17. 5. virgulata, 18. 6. distorta, 19. 7. pudica, 46. 8. semen, 51. 9. casta, 57. 10. balaustina, 58. 11. obliquilineata, 59. 12. donacina, 20. 13. umbonella, 150. 14. fragilis, 191. carnicolor, 75. 16. bimaculata, 52. 17. Senegalensis, 68. 18. Chinensis, 204. 19, 20.7 bimaculata, 52. 21, 22. 23, 24. ampullacea, 60. 25. tulipa, 21. 26. Gouldii, 92. 27. decora, 120. 28, 29. flexuosa, 72. - -- PLATE LVII. spinosa, 77. · pumila, 105. virgo, 118. crystallina, 89. inæqualis, 104. ostracea, 87. lineata, 22. subtruncata, 83. mera, var. 101. Corbuloides, 108. culter, 107. felix, 110. Hiberna, 112. hilaris, 111. Philippinarum, 106. Corbuloides, 108. inæquistriata, 31. tenera, 114. polita, 113, Cycladiformis, 102. fabula, 123. - juvenilis, 125. subrosea, 146. similis, 119. · Deshayesii, 2. vestalis, 132. Valtonis, 116. - - - - - - -- 60. - 61. - - - . - - 62. 63. 64. 65. 96. 97. 68. - - 30. - pisiformis, 71. 31. Cyrenoidea, 66. 32. Lucinoides, 53. 33. 34. - pinguis, 55. 35, 36. lineata, 22. nux, 54. - - 331 Fig. 69. Tel. truncatula, Sp. 131. 70. emarginata, 130. lux, 126. - 71. PLATE LVIII. - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - 72. 73. 74,75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81, 82. 83. 84. 85. 86, 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96, 97. 98. 99. 100. Cumingii, 3. Cumana, 148. Antonii, 5. aurora, 153. verrucosa, 6. crucigera, 4. inæquistriata, 31. tenuis, 124. formosa, 163. vernalis, 127. lilium, 158. lanceolata, 133. iridescens, 122. punicea, 33. coccinea, 143. eburnea, 36. rhomboides, 162. rhodon, 144. ancilla, 160. assimilis, 157. rhomboides, 162. lucerna, 152. Burneti, 90. conspicua, 136. - - Fig. 109, 110. Tel. solidula, Sp. 189. 111. Souleyeti, 169. 112. Fabricii, 188. 113, 114. dispar, 164. 115. proxima, v.macroma, 180. 116. scalpellum, 173. 117. fusca, 186. 118. pellucida, 203. 119. frigida, 205. 120. inconspicua, 187. 121. Balthica, 185. 122. cygnus, 175. 123. inornata, 184. 124. planissima, 140. 125. cuspis, 172. 126. obliquilineata, 59. 127. decora, 120. 128. deltoidalis, 62. 129. – plebeia, 149. 130. Guinaica, 192. PLATE LX. Antonii, 5. fimbriata, 73. Owenii, 25. 134. Psammotella, 129. 135. asperrima, 9. 136. insculpta, 128. 137. ala, 176. 138. sulcata, 10. 139. perplexa, 86. 140. regia, 35. 141. acuminata, 139. 142. incarnata, 115. 143. nobilis, 151. 144. sincera, 70. 145. irus, 190. 146. ala, 176. 147. ovalis, 142. - - - 131. 132. 133. - - - - - - - - - PLATE LIX. - - - - 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. - nitida, 168. Bodegensis, 161. lutea, 165. exilis, 117. rhodora, 109. micans, 170. undulata, 174. dispar, 164. - - - - - - -- 332 - prora, 39. - - Fig. 184. Tel. decussata, Sp. 74. 185. - Capsoides, 85. 186. gubernaculum, 201. 187. — lyra, 91. 188. — miles, 171. 189. polygona, 193. 190. Cayennensis, 178. 191. plicata, 88. 192. Bruguieri, 194. 193. alba, 179. 194. purpurascens, 141. 195. candida, 155. 196. nymphalis, 177. 197. planissima, 140. 198. truncata, 202. 199. elongata, 156. 200. alta, 195. - - - - PLATE LXIII. Fig. 148. Tel. staurella, Sp. 15. 149. fragilis, 191. 150. triangularis, 138. 151. plebeia, 149. 152. 153. rubescens, 38. 154. punicea, 33. 155. imbellis, 103. PLATE LXI. 156. gargadia, 76. 157. rostrata, 1. 158. Timorensis, 135. 159. alternata, 37. 160. pristis, 84. 161. striata, 34. 162, 163. vulsella, 27. 164. albinella, 29. 165. pulcherrima, 8. 166. albinella, 29. 167. hyalina, 134. 168. laceridens, 40. 169. — crassa, 78. 170. 171. staurella, 15. 172. Timorensīs, 135. 173. 174. - planata, 99. 175. striatula, 61. 176. laceridens, 40. 177. plectrum, 79. PLATE LXII. 178. crucigera, 4. 179. Brasiliana, 45. 180. Mars, 94. 181. gargadia, 76. 182. Dombei, 199. 183. calcarea, 181. - - - - - - rosea, 30. - - - crassa, 78. - 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. - 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. magna, 96, perna, 28. sinuosa, 137. virgata, 12. Sowerbii, 47. princeps, 32. interrupta, 11. chloroleuca, 49. Tongana, 42. chloroleuca, 49. strigosa, 98. virgata, 12. rufescens, 167. jubar, 13. Pharaonis, 26. marginalis, 14. - - - - - perna, 28. - Madagascariensis, 41. perna, 28. 333 Fig. 221, 220. Tel. radiata, Sp. 44. - - -- - Fig. 244. Tel. ephippium, Sp. 196. 245. secta, 207. 246. Columbiensis, 166. 247. grandis, 206. 248. secta, 207. 249. lutea, 165. 250. angulata, 200. 251. Listeri, 103. 252. lacunosa, 197. 253. foliacea, 95. 254. spectabilis, 198. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. - 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. -- PLATE LXIV. Dombei, 199. Galathæa, 154. nasuta, 182. lævigata, 50. remies, 65. lævigata, 50. discus, 64. deltoidalis, 62. fausta, 63. rastellum, var. 7. discus, 64. -- - - - 233. rugosa, 82. - - -- 234. 235. 236. 237. 238, fausta, 63. scobinata, 80. lingua-felis, 81. lata, 48. - PLATE LXVI. rubicunda, 93. serrata, 94. margaritacea, 147. laceridens, var. 40. donacina, v. Lantivyi, 20. decora, 120. staurella, v. scalaris. 15. Oudardi, 145. petalum, p. 317, note. proxima, 180. incarnata, 115. tenta, 159. iris, 121. - rugosa, 42, 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. - PLATE LXV. - magna, 96. - 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. Sol, 97. elegans, 43. rastellum, 7. edentula, 183. mera, 101. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. acuminata, Sp, 139. ala, 176. alba, 179. albinella, 29. alta, 195. alternata, 37. ampullacea, 60. ancilla, Sp. 160. angulata, 200. Antonii, 5. assimilis, 157. asperrima, 9. aurora, 153. balaustina, 58. 2 c 334 Balthica, Sp. 185. bimaculata, 52. Bodegensis, 161. Brasiliana, 45. Bruguieri, 194. Burneti, 90. calcarea, 181. candida, 155. Capsoides, 85, carnaria, 69. carnicolor, 75. casta, 57. Cayennensis, 178. Chinensis, 204. chloroleuca, 49. coccinea, 143. Columbiensis, 166. conspicua, 136. Corbuloides, 108. crassa, 78. crucigera, 4. crystallina, 89. culter, 107. Cumana, 148. Cumingii, 3. cuspis, 172. Cycladiformis, 102. cygnus, 175. Cyrenoidea, 66. decora, 120. decussata, 74. deltoidalis, 62. Deshayesii, 2. discus, 64. dispar, 164. distorta, 19. Dombei, 199. donacina, 20. eburnea, 36. edentula,Sp. 183. elegans, 43. elongata, 156. emarginata, 130. ephippium, 196. exilis, 117. Fabricii, 188. fabula, 123. fausta, 63. felix, 110. fimbriata, 73. flexuosa, 72. foliacea, 95. formosa, 163. fragilis, 191. frigida, 205. fusca, 186. Galathæa, 154. gargadia, 76. gelida, 23. Gouldii, 72. grandis, 206. gubernaculum, 201. Guildingii, 16. Guinaica, 192. Hiberna, 112. hilaria, 111. hyalina, 134. imbellis, 100. inæqualis, 104. inæquistriata, 31. incarnata, 115. inconspicua, 187. inornata, 184. insculpta, 128. interrupta, 11. iridescens, 122. iris, 121. irus, 190. 335 Philippinarum, Sp. 106. pinguis, 55. pisiformis, 71. planata, 99. planissima, 140. plebeia, 149. plectrum, 79. plicata, 88. polita, 113. polygona, 193. princeps, 32. pristis, 84. prora, 39. jubar, Sp. 13. juvenilis, 125. laceridens, 40. lacunosa, 197 lævigata, 50. lanceolata, 133. lata, 48. lilium, 158. lingua-felis, 81. lineata, 22. Listeri. 103. lucerna, 152. Lucinoides, 53. lutea, 165. lux, 126. lyra, 91. Madagascariensis, 41. magna, 96. margaritina, 147. marginalis, 14. Mars, 94. mera, 101. micans, 170. miles, 171. nasuta, 182. nitida, 168. nobilis, 151. proxima, 180. Psammotella, 129. pudica, 46. pulchella, 17. pulcherrima, 8. pumila, 105. punicea, 33. purpurascens, 141. radiata, 44. rastellum, 7. regia, 35. remies, 65. rhodon, 144. rhodora, 109. rhomboides, 162. robusta, 56. rosea, 30. rostrata, 1. rubescens, 38. rubicunda, 93. rufescens, 167. rugosa, 82. scalpellum, 173. scobinata, 80. secta, 207. semen, 51. nux, 54. nymphalis, 177. obliquilineata, 59. ostracea, 87. Oudardi, 145. ovalis, 142. Owenii, 25. pellucida, 203. perna, 28. perplexa, 86. petalum, p. 317, note. Pharaonius, 26. 2 c 2 336 Senegalensis, Sp. 68. serrata, 24. similis, 119. sincera, 70. sinuata, 137. sol, 97. solidula, 189. Souleyeti, 169. Sowerbii, 47. spectabilis, 198. spinosa, 77. splendida, 67. staurella, 15. striata, 34. striatula, 61. strigosa, 98. subrosea, 146. subtruncata, 83. sulcata, 10. tenera, Sp. 114, tenta, 159. tenuis, 124. Timorensis, 135. Tongana, 42. triangularis, 138. truncata, 202. truncatula, 131. tulipa, 21. umbonella, 150. undulata, 174. Valtonis, 116. vernalis, 127. verrucosa, 6. vestalis, 132. virgata, 12. virgo, 118. virgulata, 18. vulsella, 27. LVI 7 2 4 3 .5 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 76 78 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2.9 20 27 28 30 C 32 31 33 34 35 share 36 37 38 39 CE Sowerby. Jun." LVII 40 12 13 41 44 45 46 48 49 47 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 59 60 67 62 64 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 GE. Sowerby, Jun! LVIII 72 74 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 4 85 82 86 88 nilaian 90 99 94 9.3 92 96 95 98 100 GASJun LIX 102 101 103 107 * 104 107 105 106 110 108 109 114 115 112 113 116 118 119 720 122 121 723 125 124 120 127 VO 128 229 GDS Fun" ove the LX this nat. diam. 737 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 142 141 143 146 115 148 147 149 157 132 150 133 14 155 GBS. Jun! 3 nat. dum LX 157 158 156 Mica 159 160 161 163 162 105 164 166 167 168 169 17/ 170 172 174 173 175 176 CAS. LIIT 180 777 179 18.3 787 782 184 736 187 188 199 190 792 197 194 796 1.93 79.5 7.97 7.9.9 7.98 200 C.B.S. Jun! nat diam owner 202 205 303 20 202 208 209 217 272 216 2015 462 IS 227 GBS. nat, diam L.XIV 991 223 222 227 925 230 228 229 232 23.5 237 233 234 237 238 236 GBS.Jun Snat diam LIV be 2.39 240 242 LG bana 243 215 249 261 G.B.S. Jun" LXVI nat. duam 255 2.57 256 258 259 260 26/ 262 263 264 266 266 268 G.B.S Jun." 267 337 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS LINGULA, Brug. By G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S., ETC. Char. Gen. Testa tenuis, subæquivalvis, æquilateralis, ovato- elongata, depressa, apice subtruncato, basi subacutâ, pediculo affixã. Impressiones musculares in utrâque valvâ quatuor, ad utrumque latus duæ, altera basalis, altera subcentralis. Shell thin, consisting for the most part of a horny epidermis, lined with a small quantity of calcareous matter within ; its gene- ral form when the valves are closed is an elongated oval, com- pressed and much resembling a duck's bill, (whence the specific appellation of the first known species). The two valves are very nearly equal, the dorsal being somewhat thicker and more acumi- nated at the base. When in a state of rest, the two valves are closed at the edges in all parts. There is neither ligament nor hinge, the two valves being held together by the adductor muscles. Muscular impressions several in each valve, arranged in pairs, one pair nearly central, another toward the posterior part, and a third, small and double, close to the posterior apex. The shell is attached by a peduncle which is fixed within the apex of the dorsal valve. Of recent species seven are here described and figured, more than double that number are known in a fossil state, as charac- terizing the various secondary and tertiary deposites. a DESCRIPTIONS. 8 1. LINGULA ANATINA (pl. lxvii. f. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10.) Lam. L. testâ oblongâ, compressâ, longitudinaliter substriatâ, apicis basisque valvarum latitudine æquali, apice subtrilobo, valvâ ven- trali medio intùs longitudinaliter incrassatâ. Shell oblong, compressed, slightly striated longitudinally, equal 338 a in width at both ends; apex somewhat trilobate; ventral valve longitudinally thickened near the centre within. Fig. 1 represents the usual variety with its peduncle. Fig. 2, 1 inside of the dorsal valve. Fig. 3, inside of the ventral valve. Fig. 9, a variety of a brown colour, found in sand at low water, at the Island of Siquijor, by Mr. Cuming. Fig. 10, a dark coloured variety. From the Indian Ocean and the Moluccas, H. Cuming. 2. LINGULA HIANS (pl. lxvii. f. 4.) Swains. L. testâ elongato-oblongâ, tenuissimâ, angustiori, prope basin paulatim attenuatâ, convexiusculâ. Shell of a lengthened oblong form, very thin and rather narrow, slightly attenuated and rather convex toward the base. Distinguished from L. anatina by being much thinner and of a more delicate green colour; it is also slightly and gradually atte- nuated toward the base; it only gapes at the extremities when the valves are separated from the animal and dried. 3. LINGULA AUDEBARDI (pl. lxvi. f. 5.) Brod. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 100. p . L. testâ elongato-oblongâ, glabrâ, pallidè flavâ, viridi transversim pictâ, margine antico rotundato, viridi. “ The rounded anterior edge of this shell is given and the trans- verse lines of that colour are produced by the progressive increase of the shell which is small and parchment like. In all the dried specimens the thin anterior edge is contracted into a square form, but in its natural state this edge is rounded. A general contrac- tion moreover gives the dried shells a narrower and more ventricose character than they really possess, and the remains of the cilia of the mantle give to their edges a bearded appearance.”—Brod. Found by Mr. Cuming in hard coarse sand at about half tide, from four to six inches below the surface, at the Island of Punam in the Bay of Guayaquil. 4. LINGULA SEMEN (pl. lxvii. f. 11.) Brod. l. c. L.testâ ovato-oblongâ, crassiusculâ, planâ, albidâ, lævissimâ, politâ, margine antico rotundato. Shell ovate-oblong, thickish, flattened, whitish, very smooth and polished; anterior margin rounded. This shell is much firmer than is usual to Lingula, so firm indeed as not to have contracted at all in drying. In size and appearance it bears a near resemblance to a melon seed.”—Brod. Dredged off the Isle of Plata, West Columbia; H. Cuming. - LIVIT 11 10 3 さらに​また​い​た ​7 GBS Jun 393 5. LINGULA TUMIDULA (pl. lxvii. f. 7.) Reeve, Zool. Proc. 1841. P. 100. L. testâ tenui, corneâ, subquadratâ, latâ, rufescente-olivaceâ, radi- atim irregulariter striatâ, apice subtrilobo. Broader in proportion than any other known species ; it is some- what narrower toward the base than at the apex, and it is irregu- larly and somewhat radiately striated from the base to the broad and subtrilobate apex. . New Holland. Lingula compressa of Reeve is only a badly preserved specimen of this species. Masbate, H. Cuming. 6. LINGULA OVALIS (pl. lxvii. f. 8.) Reeve, Zool. Proc. 1841. p. 100. L. testâ oblongo-ovali, subcompressâ, tenui, anticè rotundatâ. Distinguished from other species by its regularly oblong-oval shape, both ends being nearly similar. Sandwich Islands, H. Cuming. 7. LINGULA ALBIDA (pl. lxvii. f. 6.) Hinds, Moll. Voy. of the f Sulphur, p. 71. t. 12. f.4. L.testâ oblongâ, lævi, complanatâ, anticè truncatâ, ubique albidâ ; pediculo brevi, cylindraceo. “This species is distinguished by its uniform dead white colour, and very short pedicle, which does not exceed half the length of the shelly portion.”—Hinds, Bay of Magdalena, California. EXPLANATION OF PLATE LXVII. 1. 2. 3. Lingula anatina, Sp. 1. 4. hians, 2. 5. Audebardi, 3. 6. albida, 7. 7. tumidula, 5. 8. ovalis, 6. 9. anatina, var. 1. 10. anatina, var. 1. 11. semen, 4. Printed by Reeve, Brothers, King William Street, Strand. 311 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS TEREBRATULA, By G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S., ETC. a Char. Gen. Testa inæquivalvis, æquilatera, ovata vel subtrigona, pediculo brevi, tendineoque affixa; valva dorsalis posticè plùs minùsve producta, sæpe recurva, apice perforato, foramine vel integro vel incompleto ; cardo dente in utroque latere unico; valva ventralis intus ossiculo testaceo, gracili, plerumque furcato, variè flexuoso, e cardine nascente instructa. Shell inequivalve, equilateral or symmetrical, very variable in general form (the same species varying greatly in its different stages of growth,) being sometimes nearly egg-shaped, sometimes very flat, but generally rather ventricose; it is attached to sub- marine rocks, stones, corals, shells, &c. by a short tendinous pe- duncle formed of strong, closely united fibres, which are however frequently a little separated at the attached end ; this peduncle passes into the shell through the perforation of the dorsal valve. The posterior apex of the dorsal valve is more or less produced, frequently recurved and perforated at its termination or deeply notched at its anterior edge, with a small curved tooth on each side of its hinge, which fits into a corresponding hollow in the other valve in such a manner that the two valves cannot b sepa- rated without breaking these teeth or the edges of their sockets. The ventral valve is usually less ventricose than the dorsal, its posterior apex is very seldom even slightly produced, it is furnished within with a slender shelly appendage, which is sometimes simple, short, and recurved, sometimes of considerable length, branched and variously bent, so as to form several symmetrical loops : these generally commence on each side of the hinge, but sometimes near the centre of the shell, and they are sometimes united to the shell at other points. In many species the dorsal valve shows a distinct cardinal area somewhat resembling that of Spondylus, and in the centre of this are generally attached two little triangular 2 D 342 appendages called deltidia, which are in some species united together in the middle, in which case the perforation is rendered entire; when they are separated it is incomplete : these deltidia are of an elongated form and continue from the anterior margin of the cardinal area to the apex in those species (T. psittacea and T. nigricans) that have a pointed beak. It is also to be remarked that these species are not punctated on the surface as all other species are. Terebratula was formerly placed among his Anomia by Linné; it is however very easily distinguished from the legitimate Anomia, by its regularity, its produced beak, its being attached by a fibrous peduncle and by its internal appendage. The recent species of the genus are found in all climates, and they are for the most part very abundant in all localities where they occur. We have never been able to meet with T. rotundata of Lam. represented in Encycl. méth. t. 239. f. 5. DESCRIPTIONS. X Impunctate. 1. TEREBRATULA PSITTACEA (pl. lxxi. f. 78, 79, 80.) Lam. Testà subglobosâ, posticè acuminatâ, tenui, nigricante, valvis inæqualibus, radiatim concinnè striatis, lineâ marginali ex umbones declivi, demùm ascendente et anticè valdè sinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè acutâ, recurvâ, anticè deflexâ, sulco mediano lato, indistincto, foramine trigonali, haud integro; areâ cardinali inconspicuâ, ro- tundatâ, deltidiis angustis, ad lateres foraminis coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali ventricosâ, anticè latiori, carinâ medianâ inconspicuâ, ad marginem anticum solummodo distinctâ ; dentibus cardinalibus internis ex umbonem porrectis recurvis duobus ad utrumque latus uno: margine valvarum integerrimo. From Labrador, where it is found in abundance in the mud on the shore at low water : dredged alive at Melville Island by Lieut. Griffith. 2. TEREBRATULA NIGRICANS (pl. lxxi. f. 81, 82.) nobis. Testâ anticè rotundatâ, posticè acuminatâ, tenuiusculâ, nigricante, valvis inæqualibus, radiatim costatis, costis rotundatis, lineâ margi- nali rectiusculâ; valvâ dorsali subtrigonâ, depressiusculâ; anticè rotundatâ, lateribus posticis declivibus, foramine magno, haud integro, quadrato ; areâ cardinali magnâ, planiusculâ, lateribus 343 WM. X rotundatis; deltidiis angustis ad lateres foraminis coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali depressâ, transversim ovatâ ; dentibus cardinalibus ut in 1. psittacea; margine valvarum crenulato. From New halomol. A single specimen of this very interesting species was found in the collection of the late G. Humphrey, without locality. This and the T. psittacea are the only species that are not punctated. Punctata. 3. TEREBRATULA CAPUT-SERPENTIS (Pl. lxviii. f. 1 to 4. and Pl. lxxii. f. 116.) Lam. Testâ ovatâ, rotundato-subpentagonali, albicante; valvis subæ- qualiter convexis, longitudinaliter radiatim costellatis, costellis bi- furcatis, granuliferis; lineâ marginali lateralitèr flexuosâ, anticè subemarginatâ; valvâ dorsali subrostratâ, foramine mediocri, haud integro, obliquo; areâ cardinali subdepressâ, deltidiis ferè obsoletis ; ossiculo interno (valvæ ventralis) parvo, i longitudinis valvæ, an- ticè arcuato, fornicato; margine interno valvarum minutissimè crenulato. Shell ovate, of a rounded somewhat pentagonal figure, whitish; valves nearly equally convex, longitudinally and radiately costel- lated, the little ribs being dichotomous and granulated ; marginal line flexuous on the sides, slightly emarginate in front; dorsal valve somewhat beaked, with a moderate sized perforation, which is oblique and not entire; the cardinal area is rather flattened and the deltidia are nearly obsolete: internal appendages, (which are always attached to the ventral valve) small, about the length of the shell, arched in front and vaulted ; internal edge of the valves very minutely crenulated. This species, which is found on most of the northern coasts of Europe, and which abounds on some of our own coasts, is also found in the Mediterranean. It appears to us, however, to be distinguishable without difficulty from the North American species described by Couthouy under the name of T. septentrionalis. In different stages of growth and under peculiar circumstances it has had several names assigned to it, thus a young shell has been named T. costata by Lowe, and T. aurita by Fleming; and speci- mens covered with an apparently pubescent epidermis (or a minute hairy zoophyte ?) have been named T. pubescens by Müller. We have represented the emarginated variety from the Mediterranean at fig. 1; the entire and more gibbous variety from Oban at fig. 2 ; the emarginated variety from Loch Fine at fig. 3; the rather com- pressed and pubescent variety from the Norwegian coast at fig. 4; and the nearly quadrangular variety at fig. 116. 2 D2 344 a 4. TEREBRATULA SEPTENTRIONALIS (pl. lxviii. f. 5, 6.) Couth. Testà subovatâ, posticè subacuminatâ, obtusâ, albicante; valvis subæqualiter convexis, longitudinaliter radiatim costellatis, costellis tenuissimis bifurcatis, subrugosis; lineâ marginali lateribus flexu- osis, anticè rectiusculâ ; foramine majusculo, haud integro, sub- obliquo; areâ cardinali subdepressâ, deltidiis parvis, ferè obsoletis ; ossiculo interno parvo, ž longitudinis valvæ, anticè arcuato, supernè ramulo ad utrumque latus, in medium connexis; margine interno valvarum minutissimè crenulato. Shell subovate, slightly acuminated but obtuse posteriorly, nearly white; valves nearly equally convex, longitudinally radi- ately costellated, the little ridges very slender, dichotomous and roughish: marginal line flexuous on the sides, nearly straight in front: perforation rather large, not complete; somewhat oblique ; cardinal area rather flattened, with small , nearly obsolete deltidia; internal appendages small, of the length of the valve, arched in front with a little branch above on each side, joined in the middle ; inner margin of the valves minutely crenulated. Distinguished from 7. Caput-serpentis by its much finer radiating striæ, its larger and less oblique foramen, and by its rather more extended and somewhat differently formed internal appendage. We have represented two varieties from the coast of Maine, Mas- sachusets, obligingly forwarded by Dr. Gould of Boston. 5. TEREBRATULA JAPONICA (pl. lxviii. f. 7, 8.) nobis. Testà oblongâ, anticè rotundatâ, tenui, albicante, valvis subæ- qualiter convexis, longitudinaliter radiatim striatis, striis numerosis, subirregularibus, subbifurcatis ad lateres prope cardinem confer- tiusculis ; lateribus prope cardinem subplanulatis; lineâ marginali rectiusculâ, ad lateres posticè declivi; valvâ dorsali posticè sub- productâ, truncatâ, foramine mediocri, haud integro, perobliquo; areâ cardinali inconspicuâ, deltidiis obsoletis ; ossiculo interno parvo, } longitudinis valvæ, ramulos duos angustos, demum amen- tum latum flexuosum sistente: marginibus valvarum minutissimè denticulatis. Shell oblong, rounded in front, thin, whitish, valves nearly equally convex, longitudinally radiately striated, striæ numerous, rather irregularly dichotomous and very close-set on the sides near the hinge; the sides near the hinge rather flattened; marginal line nearly straight, inclining to the sides near the hinge; dorsal valve somewhat produced posteriorly and truncated, with a mode- rate sized very oblique and incomplete perforation ; cardinal area indistinct, with obsolete deltidia ; internal appendages small, , the 3 a 345 length of the valve, with two narrow little branches and then a broad flexuous loop; margin of the valves very minutely denticu- lated. In Mr. Cuming's collection ; from Japan. Easily distinguished from T. cancellata of Koch, by its foramen not being entire. 6. TEREBRATULA RUBRA (pl. lxviii. f. 9, 10, 11), Pallas. T. sanguinea, Leach and Lam.; T. Capensis, Chemn. Testâ rotundato-subquadrangulari, tenuisculâ, rubrâ; valvis in- æqualiter convexis, (dorsali gibbosâ, ventrali planiusculâ,) radiatim costatis, costellis plerumque simplicibus ; lineâ marginali ad lateres rectiusculâ anticè subflexuosâ ; valvâ dorsali subproductâ, obliquè truncatâ, foramine magno, haud integro; areâ cardinali angustâ, declivi, deltidiis parvis ; valvâ ventrali posticè latâ, margine rec- tiusculo; ossiculo interno ramulos duos centrales divergentes, ad apices expansos sistente; margine valvarum crenulato. Shell of a rounded somewhat quadrangular form, ventricose, rather thin and of a deep red colour; valves unequally convex (the dorsal being gibbous and the ventral rather flattened,) radi- ately ribbed, the ribs being for the most part simple; marginal line nearly straight on the sides, somewhat flexuous anteriorly; dorsal valve slightly produced, obliquely truncated, with a large incomplete perforation; cardinal area narrow, inclined, with small deltidia; ventral valve broad posteriorly, with a nearly straight margin ; internal appendages consisting of two central diverging branches somewhat spread out at their ends; margin of the valves crenulated. From South Africa. Fig. 9 and 11 show the ventral and dor- sal valves from a specimen in the British Museum : fig. 10 shows the internal ossicle. 7. TEREBRATULA Pisum (pl. lxix. f. 37 to 39.) Lam. T. Nata- lensis, Kuster. Testâ transversim subovatâ, rufescente; valvis subæqualibus, radiatim obsoletè liratis, liris paucis, obtusis, rotundatis; lineâ marginali rectâ, anticè profundè sinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali paulisper productâ, obtusissimâ ; foramine magno, haud integro; areâ car- dinali parvâ, lineari ; deltidiis parvis, subtrigonulis ; carinâ medi- anâ latâ, magnâ, rotundatâ ; valvâ ventrali posticè latiusculâ, mar- gine postico rectiusculo; sulco mediano magno, lato, rotundato; margine valvarum obsoletissimè subcrenulato; ossiculo interno ut in T. rubrâ Pall. Shell transversely subovate, slightly reddish ; valves nearly equal, with rather obsolete radiated ridges, which are few, obtuse, and X 346 rounded; marginal line straight, deeply sinuated in front; dorsal valve slightly produced, very obtuse ; with a large incomplete per- foration; cardinal area small, linear; deltidia small, nearly trian- gular, central keel broad, large and rounded ; ventral valve rather broad posteriorly, its posterior margin nearly straight; with a large, broad and rounded ventral groove; internal appendages as in T. rubra ; margin of the valves very slightly crenulated. Brought from Natal by Dr. Krauss ; a comparison with the Lamarckian specimen has proved this to be his ì. Pisum ; it has nevertheless been described under the name of T. Natalensis by Kuster. Also found at Sydney by Mr. Jukes. 8. TEREBRATULA COGNATA (pl. lxviii. f. 12, 13, 14.) Chemn. vol. viii. pl. 78. f. 688. a,b. Testâ subtrapezoidali, anticè rotundatâ, pallescente, nonnunquam rubente; valvis inæqualibus, radiatim obsoletè striatis, striis versus marginem obliteratis ; lineâ marginali lateraliter antice-que flexuosâ, valvâ dorsali convexâ, lirâ medianâ inconspicuâ; apice subacumi- nato, reflexo, foramine magno, haud integro, areâ cardinali angustâ, deltidiis parvis, trigonalibus; valvâ ventrali planulatâ, margine postico rectiusculo, sulco mediano subperspicuo, ossiculo interno ramulos duos centrales divergentes, ad apices expansos sistente ; margine interno valvarum denticulato. Shell nearly trapezoidal, rounded in front, of a pale colour, some- times reddish ; valves unequal, obsoletely radiately striated, the striæ entirely obliterated near the margin ; marginal line flexuous in front and on the sides; dorsal valve convex, with an inconspicu- ous central ridge, its apex somewhat acuminated, reflected, with a large incomplete perforation ; cardinal area narrow, deltidia small, triangular ; ventral valve flattened, its posterior margin nearly straight, with a scarcely evident central furrow; internal appen- dages consisting of two little central diverging branches, expanded at their apices ; margin of the valves denticulated within. We have two varieties in colour ; from South Africa, according to the late G. Humphrey. 9. TEREBRATULA DORSATA (pl. lxviii. f. 15, 16, 17.) Lam. Testà suborbiculato-trapezoidali, gibbosa, albicante, valvis inæ- qualibus, radiatim liratis, lineâ marginali flexuosâ; valvâ dorsali posticè subacuminatâ, reflexâ, truncată, carinâ medianâ latâ, obtusâ, foramine mediocri, haud integro; areâ cardinali magnâ, latâ, sub- planulatâ, deltidiis parvis, trigonalibus ; valvâ ventrali subtrigonali, apice subacuto, marginibus posticis declivibus, sulco mediano lato subperspicuo, ossiculo interno magno, i testæ longitudinis, posticè а. x 347 a a ad utrumque latus aculeifero, deinde ad medium valvæ decurrente, et amenta dua lateralia, demùm amentum superum magnum re- flexum efformante; margine valvarum crenulato. Shell of a suborbicular trapezoidal form, rather gibbous, whitish, valves unequal, radiately ridged; marginal line flexuous; dorsal valve slightly acuminated posteriorly, reflected, truncated, with a broad obtuse central ridge, and a rather large, but not complete perfora- tion; cardinal area large, broad, rather flattened, with small trian- gular deltidia; ventral valve rather trigonal, with a rather acute apex, its posterior margins inclined laterally; with a broad, not , very distinct longitudinal central groove; internal appendage large, aths the length of the valve, with a sharp point standing out from the posterior part, then running down to the centre of the valve, and forming two lateral loops, which turn upwards and unite after forming a large superior loop; margin of the valves crenulated. From the Straits of Magalhaens : common. 10. TEREBRATULA CHILENSIS (pl. lxviii. f. 18, 19). Brod. Zool. Proc., Nov. 1833, p. 134. Testà suborbiculari, subtranversâ, subgibbâ, pallescente, valvis subæqualiter convexis, radiatim liratis, liris obtusis, haud promi- nentibus ; lineâ marginali rectiusculâ, anticè sinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè obtusâ, lateribus declivibus, carinâ medianâ latâ, obtusissimâ, foramine magno, subintegro; areâ cardinali magnâ, latâ, planulatâ, deltidiis mediocribus, trigonalibus; valvâ ventrali transversim ovatâ, subplanulatâ, sulco mediano lato, perspicuo; ossiculo interno magno, i testæ longitudinis, amenta ut in 1. dorsatá efformante ; margine valvarum obsoletè subcrenulato. Shell suborbicular, somewhat transverse and slightly gibbous, of a pale colour; valves nearly equally convex, with numerous ob- tuse scarcely prominent ridges; marginal line nearly straight, sinuated in front; dorsal valve obtuse posteriorly, with inclined sides and a broad, very obtuse longitudinal central keel, perforation large, nearly entire, cardinal area large, broad and flattened, delti- dia of moderate size, triangular ; ventral valve transversely ovate, rather flattened, with a broad, distinct central groove; internal appendage large, žths the length of the valve, forming loops as in T. dorsata ; margin of the valve rather crenulated. From the Bay of Valparaiso ; Cuming. 11. TEREBRATULA FLEXUOSA (pl. lxix. f. 23, 24.) King. Zool. Journ., vol. v, p. 337. . Testà subtetragonâ, rotundatâ, subgibbâ, fuscescente pallidâ ; 348 a valvisinæqualibus, radiatim liratis, liris prominentibus, obtusis, lineâ marginali lateraliter subflexuosâ, anticè sinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali ad apicem obtusâ subreflexâ, lateribus declivibus, carinâ medianâ latâ, obtusissimâ; foramine magno, haud integro; areâ cardinali magnâ, latâ, planulatâ ; deltidiis mediocribus, trigonalibus; valvâ ventrali latiori quam longâ, subplanulatâ, sulco mediano lato, subincon- spicuo ; ossiculo interno magno, i testæ longitudinis, amenta ut in T. dorsatá efformante ; margine valvarum crenulato. Shell rounded subtetragonal, rather gibbous, of a palish brown; valves unequal, with radiating prominent obtuse ridges ; marginal line somewhat flexuous on the sides, sinuated in front; dorsal valve rather obtuse and reflected posteriorly, its sides inclined towards the front, with a broad, very obtuse mesial ridge, perforation large, not complete ; cardinal area large, broad and flattened; deltidia small and triangular ; ventral valve broader than long, rather flat- tened, mesial groove broad, but rather indistinct; internal appen- dage large, żths the length of the valve, forming loops as in 7. dorsata ; margin of the valves crenulated. Found in the Straits of Magalhaens, in the vicinity of Port Famine ; rare ; Capt. King, Brit. Mus. The last three here described, namely, T. dorsata, T. Chilensis, and T. flexuosa may prove to be merely varieties of the same species. 12. TEREBRATULA SOVERBII (pl. lxviii. f. 20, 21, 22.) King. Zool. Journ. vol. v. p. 338. Testa rotundato-subtetragonâ, planiusculâ, ferrugineo-subfuscâ ; valvis inæqualibus, glabris, obsoletissimè radiatim liratis, liris in- conspicuis; lineâ marginali subflexuosâ, anticè rotundato-sinuatâ ; valva dorsali ad apicem obtusâ, subreflexâ, lateribus declivibus, carinâ medianâ subobsoletâ, latâ, rotundatâ ; foramine magno, haud nitǝgro, areâ cardinali magnâ, latâ, planulatâ, deltidiis mediocribus, trigonalibus ; valvâ ventrali subplanulatâ, rotundato-subtrigonâ ; sulco mediano lato, inconspicuo; ossiculo interno magno, i testæ longitudinis, amenta ut in T. dorsatá efformante; margine val- varum obsoletissimè subcrenulato. Shell of a rounded somewhat tetragonal form, flattish, of a rusty brownish colour ; valves unequal, smooth, with very obsolete and inconspicuous radiated ridges; marginal line somewhat flexu- ous, with a rounded sinuosity in front; dorsal valve obtuse poste- riorly, slightly reflected, with its sides inclined towards the front; mesial ridge rather obsolete, broad and rounded; perforation large, not entire, cardinal area large, flattened, deltidia small and زا 349 X trigonal; ventral valve flattish, somewhat triangular, rounded; mesial groove broad, indistinct; internal appendage as in T. dor- sata ; margin of the valves very slightly crenulated. Found by Capt. King in the Straits of Magalhaens. Brit. Mus. 13. TEREBRATULA AUSTRALIS (pl. lxix. f. 25–33.) Quoy. T. dentata and flavescens, Lam. Testà subovatâ, posticè subacuminatâ, plerumque gibbosâ, non- nunquam subplanatâ, albicante, flavescente, vel subfuscâ, valvis inæqualibus, glabris, plerumque plus minusve (nonnunquam obso- letissimè), radiatim sulcatis ; lineâ marginali rectiusculâ, anticè plus minusve sinuatâ; valvâ dorsali posticè subacumiatâ ad apicem obtusâ, reflexâ; carinâ medianâ latâ, inconspicuâ, foramine medio- cri, integro, areâ cardinali latâ, subinconspicuâ, marginibus rotun- datis; deltidiis magnis, coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali subcirculari, gibbosiusculâ, sulco mediano inconspicuo, lato; ossiculo interno magno, i testæ longitudinis, amenta ut in T. dorsatá efformante, amento supero maximo; margine valvarum plerumque dentato, dentibus plus minusve numerosis, magnis vel parvis, nonnunquam rotundatis vel obsoletissimis, interdum maximis, præcipuè illis effor- mantibus lateres sulci mediani. Shell nearly oval, slightly acuminated posteriorly, generally rather gibbous, sometimes slightly flattened, whitish, yellowish or brownish ; valves unequal, smooth, generally more or less (some- times very obsoletely), radiately grooved ; marginal line nearly straight, more or less sinuated in front; dorsal valve somewhat acuminated posteriorly, obtuse, reflected, with a broad, indistinct mesial ridge; perforation of moderate size, entire, round; cardinal area broad, rather indistinct, with rounded edges ; deltidia large, united in the middle; ventral valve nearly circular, gibbous, with a broad and indistinct mesial groove; internal appendage as in T. dorsata, the upper loop being very large; margin of the valves generally toothed, teeth more or less numerous, large or small, sometimes rounded, sometimes very obsolete, sometimes very large, particularly those which form the sides of the mesial furrow. The varieties of this species are numerous, and they have been described under several names, we have preferred using that given by Quoy, as properly including all , and we have represented the following, viz.-fig. 25, 28, two views of a variety with few large radiated grooves and correspondingly few and large marginal teeth ; fig. 26, 27, another variety with more numerous radiated grooves and consequent smaller and more numerous marginal teeth ; fig. 29, 31, two views of a variety with rather obsolete 2 - 350 terior apex radiated grooves and rounded small marginal teeth; fig. 30, an unusually oblong and acuminated variety ; fig. 32, a rather young shell with very slight traces of radiating grooves; fig. 33, another variety with obsolete grooves, obsolete marginal teeth and the pos- of the dorsal valve more lengthened and recurved. 14. TEREBRATULA RECURVA (pl. lxix. f. 34-36.) Quoy. Testà rotundato-subtrigonâ, gibbosâ, pallescente, valvis perine- qualibus, glabris, obsoletissimè radiatim sulcatis ; lineâ marginali posticè lateralitèr flexuosa, anticè subsinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali suba- cuminatâ, obtusâ, subrugosâ, ad apicem reflexâ; carinâ medianâ obsoletâ, foramine mediocri, integro; areâ cardinali latâ, subincon- spicuâ, marginibus rotundatis, deltidiis magnis, coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali gibbosa, transversim longiori, sulco mediano incon- spicuo, lato; ossiculo interno ut in T. australe; margine valva- rum undulato. Shell rounded subtrigonal, gibbous, of a pale colour, valves very unequal, smooth, very obsoletely radiately grooved, marginal line flexuous posteriorly towards the sides, slightly sinuated in front; dorsal valve somewhat acuminated, obtuse, rather rugose, reflected; mesial ridge obsolete; perforation of moderate size, entire; cardinal area broad, rather indistinct, with rounded sides ; deltidia large, united in the middle; ventral valve gibbous, broader than long; with an indistinct mesial furrow ; internal appendages as in T. Australis; margin of the valves undulated. This may be merely a variety of T. Australis, it may however be easily distinguished by its much recurved beak. Australia, Mr. Cuming. 15. TEREBRATULA RUBELLA (pl. lxix. f. 40–42.) Sowb. Testâ subovatâ, posticè subacuminatâ, subgibbâ, anticè subsinu- atâ, rubrâ, valvis inæqualibus, glabris, lineâ marginali rectiusculâ, anticè subsinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè subacuminatâ, reflexâ, ca- rinâ medianâ nullâ, sulco mediano obsoletissimo, foramine parvo, , areâ cardinali angustâ, ad lateres rotundatâ, deltidiis majusculis, coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali ovatâ, sulco mediano latiusculo, emarginationem anticam efformante; ossiculo interno ut in T. australe; margine valvarum lævissimo. Shell nearly oval, rather acuminated posteriorly, a little gibbous and slightly sinuated anteriorly ; valves unequal , smooth; margi- nal line nearly straight, a little sinuated in front; dorsal valve rather acuminated posteriorly, reflected, without any mesial ridge; hut with a very obsolete mesial furrow; perforation small; cardi- 351 a ; nal area narrow, rounded at the sides, with rather large united deltidia ; ventral valve ovate, with a broad mesial groove forming a sinus in front ; internal appendage as in T. Australis; margin of the valves quite smooth. From Japan ; in Mr. Norris's Collection. 16. TEREBRATULA PICTA (pl. lxx. f. 43, 44.) Anomia picta. Chemn. vol. xi. f. 2011, 2012. Testâ ovatâ, posticè subacuminatâ, tenui, rubrâ, maculis albidis subradiatim pictâ, valvis subæqualibus, glabris, lineâ marginali rectâ, anticè obsoletissimè sinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè subacu- minatâ, carinâ medianâ nullâ ; apice subrecurvo; foramine parvo, integro; areâ cardinali parvâ, ad lateres rotundatâ, deltidiis parvis, angustis, coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali subplanulatâ, sulco medi- ano nullo ; ossiculo interno magno; margine valvarum integerrimo. Shell ovate, slightly acuminated posteriorly, thin, red, marked with somewhat radiated white spots, valves nearly equal, smooth; marginal line straight, very obsoletely sinuated in front; dorsal valve acuminated posteriorly, without any mesial ridge, its apex recurved, with a small entire perforation ; cardinal area small, rounded laterally, with small, narrow, united deltidia; ventral valve flattish, without mesial furrow; internal appendage large ; margin of the valves quite entire. From Java; in Mr. Norris's and other Collections. 17. TEREBRATULA RUBICUNDA (pl. lxx. f. 45, 46, 47), nobis, T. sanguinea, Quoy, Astr. Testâ suborbiculari, posticè subacuminata, gibbâ, glabrâ, rubrâ, valvis inæqualibus, subirregularibus ; lineâ marginali ad lateres subflexuosâ, anticè sinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali, posticè productâ, trun- catâ, foramine magno, obliquo, subintegro; areâ cardinali rotun- datâ ; deltidiis magnis, distinctis; carinâ dorsali latâ, prominente, utrinque rotundato-angulatâ, obtusâ; valvâ ventrali subpentago- nali , posticè angustiori, medianè latâ, rotundato-subangulatâ; an- ticè subtruncată, sulco mediano lato, conspicuo; ossiculo interno magno, fere ut in 1. dorsatá efformato; margine valvarum in- tegro. Shell nearly orbicular, rather acuminated posteriorly, gibbous, smooth, of a red colour; valves unequal, rather irregular ; mar- ginal line slightly flexuous on the sides, sinuated in front; dorsal valve produced behind, truncated, with a large, oblique, nearly entire perforation ; cardinal area rounded, deltidia large, separate; mesial ridge broad, prominent, angularly rounded and obtuse on ; 2 E 2 352 both sides ; ventral valve somewhat pentagonal, narrow posteriorly, broad in the middle, with rounded angles, and slightly truncated in front; mesial groove broad and distinct; internal appendage as ; in T. dorsata ; margin of the valves entire. From the Moluccas ; in Mr. Cuming's Collection and in the British Museum. 18. TEREBRATULA CALIFORNICA (pl. lxx. f. 50–52.) Küst. Testà suborbiculari, posticè subacuminatâ, gibbosâ, fuscescente, valvis subæqualibus, glabris; lineâ marginali ex umbonem ascen- dente, demum rectiusculâ, anticè et medianè obsoletissimè sinuatâ : valvâ dorsali subrostratâ, apice brevi, subacuminato, reflexo; fora- mine parvo, integro; areâ cardinali latiusculâ, marginibus obtuse anguliferis ; deltidiis oblongis, trigonalibus, coalescentibus ; ca- rinâ medianâ nullâ; valvâ ventrali orbiculari, sulco mediano nullo; ossiculo interno magno, testæ longitudinis, ferè ut in T. dorsatá efformato ; margine valvarum integro. Shell nearly orbicular, slightly acuminated posteriorly, gibbous, light brown; valves nearly equal, smooth, marginal line ascending from the apex and then straight, anteriorly and in the centre very obsoletely sinuated; dorsal valve slightly beaked, apex short, slightly acuminated, reflected; perforation small, entire ; cardinal area rather broad, its edges obtusely angular ; deltidia oblong, tri- angular and united; mesial ridge none; ventral valve orbicular, without any mesial furrow; internal appendages large, gds the length of the shell, formed as in T. dorsata ; margin of the valves entire. Abounds on the Coasts of California ; in Mr. Cuming's and other Collections. This is the largest recent species known. 19. TOREBRATULA DILATATA (pl. lxx. f. 48. 49.) Lam. T. Gaudichaudi, De Blainv. Testà suborbiculari, tenui, glabrâ, fulvescente; valvis inæquali- bus, lineâ marginali flexuosâ; valvâ dorsali posticè subacuminatâ, reflexâ, obtusā; foramine magno, haud integro; areâ cardinali majusculâ, planulatâ, lateribus obtusè angulatis, deltidiis majus- culis discretis ; carinâ dorsali obsoletissimâ; valvâ ventrali sub- orbiculari; ossiculo interno magno, longitudinis testæ, ut in T. Californicá efformato; margine valvarum integro. Shell nearly orbicular, thin, smooth, of a pale brownish colour ; valves unequal ; marginal line flexuous; dorsal valve slightly acu- minated posteriorly, reflected, obtuse; with a large incomplete perforation ; cardinal area rather large, flattened, with obtusely 353 ز angular sides, deltidia rather large, separate; mesial ridge very slight; ventral valve nearly orbicular ; internal appendage large, aths the length of the shell, formed as in T. Californica; margin 'f the valves entire. In the British Museum and in Mr. Metcalfe's Collection. 20. TEREBRATULA Uva (pl. lxx. f. 53–55.) Brod. Zool. Proc. 1833, p. 124. . Testà oblongâ, gibbosâ, glabrâ, subdiaphanâ, pallescente; valvis inæqualibus; lineâ marginali ex umbonem ascendente, demùm subflexuosâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè subelongatâ, apice reflexo, trun- cato, foramine magno, integro, perobliquo, margine crasso; areâ cardinali inconspicuâ, rotundatâ ; deltidiis parvis, coalescentibus, concavis ; carinâ medianâ nulla ; valvâ ventrali ovato-oblongâ, sulco mediano nullo ; ossiculo interno parvo, radiis binis, ex cardinem extensis, ad apices expansis efformato; margine valvarum integro. Shell oblong, gibbous, smooth, slightly diaphanous, pale in colour ; valves unequal ; marginal line ascending from the apex, then somewhat flexuous; dorsal valve posteriorly lengthened, with a reflected, truncated apex; perforation large, entire, very oblique, with a thickened margin; cardinal area indistinct, rounded; deltidia small, united, concave; ventral valve ovato- oblong; internal appendage formed of two rays setting off from the hinge and expanded at the ends; margin of the valves entire. This species is destitute of mesial ridge and furrow. From the Gulf of Tehuantepec; in Mr. Cuming's Collection. The punctulation in this species is much coarser than in T. vitrea. 21. TEREBRATULA VITREA (pl. lxx. f. 56–59.) Lam. Testâ rotundato-ovatâ, ventricosâ, subdiaphanâ, lævissimâ, albi- cante; valvis subæqualibus, lineâ marginali rectiusculâ; valvâ dorsali posticè rotundato-subacuminatâ, recurvâ ; foramine parvo, integro, subobliquo, margine crasso; areâ cardinali inconspicuâ, rotundatâ ; deltidiis inconspicuis, coalescentibus ; carinâ medianâ nullâ; valvâ ventrali subcirculari, anticè rotundato-subtruncatâ, sulco mediano nullo ; ossiculo interno parvo, i longitudinis testa, anticè arcuato, fornicato; margine valvarum integerrimo. Shell of a rounded ovate form, ventricose, slightly diaphanous, very smooth, whitish horn colour, valves nearly equal and marginal line nearly straight ; dorsal valve rounded and slightly acuminated behind, recurved; perforation small, entire, rather oblique, with a thickened margin; cardinal area indistinct, rounded, with united indistinct deltidia ; ventral valve nearly circular, slightly truncated > 354 anteriorly; internal appendage small, žth the length of the shell, anteriorly arched and vaulted; margin of the valves entire: mesial ridge and furrow none. From the Mediterranean ; in Mr. Cuming's and other Collec- tions. 22. TEREBRATULA CRANIUM (pl. lxx. f. 60–62). Müll. Testâ ovatâ, anticè subtruncatâ, posticè paulisper acuminatâ, gibbosâ, pallescente, subhyalinâ; valvis æqualitèr convexis ; lineâ marginali flexuosâ, anticè subsinuatâ; valvâ dorsali posticè sub- productâ, subrecurvâ, obliquè truncatâ; foramine magno, haud integro; areâ cardinali inconpicuâ, rotundatâ ; deltidiis parvis, linearibus, distinctis; valvâ ventrali planiusculâ, anticè subangu- latâ ; ossiculo interno magno, i longitudinis testæ, amentis binis lateralibus, ad utrumque latus uno, demùm amento magno supero efformante; margine valvarum integerrimo. Shell ovate, anteriorly subtruncate, posteriorly slightly acumi- nated, gibbous, of a pale colour, somewhat diaphanous; valves equally convex, marginal line flexuous, slightly sinuated in front; dorsal valve somewhat produced posteriorly, slightly recurved, and obliquely truncated; perforation large, incomplete; cardinal area indistinct, rounded, with small linear, separate deltidia; ventral valve slightly flattened, and somewhat angular in front; internal appendage large, ſrds the length of the valve, forming two lateral loops, one on each side, and then uniting to form one very large upper loop; margin of the valves quite entire. From the coast of Norway and the North Seas ; in Mr. Cuming's and other Collections. This species resembles T. vitrea in general appearance, it may however easily be distinguished by its large foramen which is not entire; as well as by its extended internal appendage. 23. TEREBRATULA TRUNCATA (pl. lxxi. f. 64-67.) Lam. Testâ transversim suborbiculari, depressâ, latere cardinis trun- cato, rectiusculo, pallescente, valvis subæqualibus, radiatim con- cinnè striatis, lineâ marginali subirregulari, rectiusculâ, anticè sub- sinuatâ; valvâ dorsali posticè truncatâ, emarginatâ, foramine magno, haud integro, areâ cardinali elongato-trigonali, planulatâ ; deltidiis minutis, inconspicuis; carinâ medianâ parvâ; valvâ ventrali sub- planulatâ, posticè rectiusculâ, emarginatione medianâ parvâ; sulco mediano latiusculo, subinconspicuo; ossiculo interno valdè com- plicato, nonnunquam vario ; facie internâ radiatim graniferâ, granulis seriatim confertis, parvis ; margine valvarum integro. 355 Shell transversely suborbicular, depressed, truncated posteriorly and very wide, of a brownish colour, and with a nearly straight hinge line; valves nearly equal, very finely radiately striated; marginal line rather irregular, nearly straight and slightly sinuated in front; dorsal valve posteriorly truncated, notched, with a large incomplete foramen ; cardinal area of a lengthened triangular shape, flattened, with minute, inconspicuous deltidia; mesial ridge small; ventral valve rather flattened, straight behind, with a small mesial notch, mesial groove rather broad, not very distinct ; in- ternal appendage in general very complicated, occasionally varying in form ; internal surface radiately granular, the very small granules arranged in close set rows; margin of the valves entire. Abounds on the coast of Sicily and in other parts of the Medi- terranean. 24. TEREBRATULA DECOLLATA (pl. lxxi. f. 68-70.) Desh. Anomia, Chemn. vol. viii. p. 96. A. detruncata, Gmel., T. aperta, De Blainv., T. detruncata, Phil. Testâ transversâ, anticè rotundatâ, posticè angulatâ, crassâ, fus- cescente ; valvis valdè inæqualibus, radiatim costatis, lævibus, cos- tis obtusis, paucis, lineâ marginali anticè rectâ; valvâ dorsali majori, posticè angulatâ, anticè rotundatâ ; areâ cardinali magnâ, trigonali, planulatâ ; foramine magno, haud integro; valvâ ven- trali semicirculari, cardine posticè lineari, transverso, recto; ossi- culo interno costis tribus radiantibus, elevatis, versùs cardinem truncatis, dentibus cardinalibus duobus ad utrumque latus uno; margine valvarum incrassato. Shell transverse, rounded in front, angular behind, thick, brownish, valves very unequal, radiately ribbed, smooth, ribs ob- tuse, few in number ; marginal line straight in front; dorsal valve large, angular behind, rounded in front; cardinal area large, trian- gular, flattened, with a large incomplete perforation ; ventral valve semicircular, hinge line linear, transverse and straight behind; the internal appendages consist of three radiating elevated ribs, truncated toward the hinge; cardinal teeth one on each side ; margin of the valves thickened. From the Coral fisheries in the Mediterranean : common. Y 26. TEREBRATULA CUNEATA (pl. lxxi. f. 83. 84.) Risso. Testâ minimâ, transversâ, anticè rotundatâ, posticè angulatâ, subtruncatâ, albicante, valvis valdè inæqualibus, subrugosis, radia- tim costatis, interstitiis costarum roseis, costis obtusis, perpaucis; lineâ marginali rectiusculâ; valvâ dorsali posticè obtusâ, foramine 356 و maximo incompleto ; areâ cardinali magnâ, planulatâ ; valvâ ven- trali depressâ, latè suborbiculari, margine postico recto, medianè emarginato; ossiculo interno e costâ unicâ constante; margine val- varum crenato. Shell very small, tranverse, rounded in front, rather angular and truncated behind, whitish, valves very unequal, rather rough, radiately ribbed, ribs very few, obtuse, their interstices rose- coloured; marginal line nearly straight; dorsal valve obtuse, with a very large incomplete perforation ; cardinal area large, flattened; ventral valve depressed, broadly suborbicular, its posterior margin straight, notched in the middle; the internal appendage consists of a single rib; the margin of the valves is crenated. Found on the coast of Sicily and at Nice. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. 26. TEREBRATULA LUNIFERA (pl. lxxi. f. 85. 86.) Phil. Testâ minimâ, subcordatâ, depressâ, punctatâ, (punctis magnis) hyalinâ, albicante, valvis subæqualibus, lævibus, politis, anticè emarginatis ; areâ cardinali parvã, foramine magno, trigonali, in- completo ; ossiculo interno e costâ unicâ, elevatâ constante; mar- gine valvarum subcrenato. Shell very small, somewhat cordiform, depressed, dotted, (with unusually large dots,) hyaline, whitish ; valves nearly equal, smooth, polished, notched in front; cardinal area small, with a large in- complete triangular perforation ; internal appendage consisting of a single elevated rib; margin of the valves slightly crenated. We do not find in this species the sort of internal appendage described by Philippi. In Mr. Cuming's specimens it is nearly similar to that of T. cuneata, though the shells are in other res- pects very different. From the coast of Sicily. 27. TEREBRATULA SEMINULUM (pl. lxxi. f. 87. 88.) Phil. Testà subtransversa, suborbiculari, compressâ, posticè acumi- natâ, anticè emarginatâ, fulvescente ; valvis inæqualibus, radiatim costatis, costis perpaucis, rotundatis, subobsoletis ; valvâ dorsali posticè acuminatâ, foramine magno, incompleto, trigonali, areâ cardinali mediocri, planulatâ, deltidiis parvis angustis; valvâ ventrali transversâ, lineâ cardinali rectâ ; ossiculo interno e costâ elevatâ submedianâ unicâ constante; margine interno valvarum incrassato, granoso. Shell somewhat tranversely suborbicular, compressed, acumi- nated posteriorly, emarginated in front and of a pale fulvous colour, valyes unequal, with very few radiating ribs, which are * 357 rounded and nearly obsolete; dorsal valve acuminated behind, with a large incomplete triangular perforation ; cardinal area of moderate size, flattened, with small, narrow deltidia; ventral valve transverse, with a straight hinge line; internal appendage con- sisting of a single elevated central ridge; inner margin of the valves thickened and granulous. From deep water at Drepani; in Mr. Cuming's Collection. 28. TEREBRATULA SANGUINEA (pl. lxxi. f.71-73.) nobis. Anomia sanguinea, Chemn. T. erythroleuca Quoy. Testâ suborbiculari, anticè subemarginatâ, gibbosiusculâ, tenui, sanguineâ, radiis maculisque radiantibus albidis ornatâ ; lineâ marginali rectâ, anticè subsinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè subacumi- natâ, truncatâ, foramine mediocri, integro, areâ cardinali latiusculâ, marginibus subacutis, deltidiis majusculis, coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali depressiusculâ, transversim obovatâ, anticè subsinuatâ, ossiculo interno primùm format radios duos, deinde annulum cen- tralem et amenta dua lateralia, demùm amentum superum reflexum annulo centrali adjunctum; margine valvarum integro. Shell suborbicular, slightly notched in front, rather gibbous, thin, of a bright light red colour with white rays and radiating spots; marginal line straight, slightly sinuated in front; dorsal valve rather acuminated behind and truncated; perforation middle-sized, complete ; cardinal area rather broad, with sharpish edges ; delti- dia rather large and united; ventral valve somewhat depressed, transversely obovate, slightly sinuated in front ; the internal ap- pendage at first forms two rays, then a central ring and two lateral loops, and at length a reflected dorsal loop united to the central ring; margin of the valves entire. From the Island of Zebu, attached to Coral under stones ; H. Cuming. و x 29. TEREBRATULA ROSEA (pl. lxxi. f. 74–77.) Humphrey. Testâ oblongo-ovali, subdepressâ, posticè subattenuatâ, crassa, roseâ, albicante, radiatim pictâ; valvis subæqualibus, lævibus ; lineâ marginali subflexuosâ, anticè reflexâ; valvâ dorsali majori, posticè subproductâ, truncatâ, foramine minimo, integro; areâ car- dinali latiusculâ, cum deltidiis coalescentibus, sulco mediano dis- cretis ; valvâ ventrali ovali, anticè paululùm rotundato-attenuatâ ; lineâ marginali ex umbone ad utrumque latus declivi, ossiculo in- terno costà elevatâ, porrectâ, simplici constante; margine valvarum integro. 2 F 358 Shell of an oblong oval form, rather depressed, slightly attenu- ated behind, thick, rose-red, painted with paler radiating marks ; valves nearly equal , smooth; marginal line somewhat flexuous reflected in front; dorsal valve the larger, rather produced poste- riorly, and truncated ; perforation very small, entire ; cardinal area rather wide, with united deltidia, marked by a mesial groove; ventral valve ovate, anteriorly slightly attenuated and rounded; its marginal line slanting downward from the apex on each side; internal appendage consisting of a single elevated rib, standing out; margin of the valves entire. From Brazil , according to the late G. Humphrey. The pale variety, f. 77, is from a specimen in Mr. Cuming's Collection. 30. TEREBRATULA CANCELLATA (pl. lxxi. f. 93–95.) Koch, vide Küster vii.i. t. 2. b. f. 11-13. Testâ ovato-oblongâ, ventricosâ, fuscescente; valvis valdè inæ- qualibus, radiatim striatis, striis tenuibus confertissimis, lineis incrementi creberrimè decussatis; valvâ dorsali oblongâ, posticè subacuminatâ, truncatâ; foramine magno, circulari, integro; areâ cardinali rotundatâ, deltidiis majusculis, obsoletè sulcatis, in medio coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali subovatâ, lateribus posticis anticè declivibus ; lineâ marginali flexuosâ, margine valvarum exilissimè crenulato. Shell ovate-oblong, ventricose, brownish ; valves very unequal, radiately striated; striæ very slender, close-set, and very finely decussated by the lines of growth ; dorsal valve oblong, acumi- nated behind, and truncated; perforation large, circular, entire ; cardinal area rounded, with rather large, obsoletely grooved delti- dia, united in the middle ; ventral valve subovate, with the poste- rior sides inclining forward; marginal line flexuous; edge of the valves very delicately crenulated. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. 31. TEREBRATULA CRENULATA. (pl. lxxi. f. 96–98.) nobis. Testà suborbiculari, posticè subacuminatâ, subtruncatâ, crassius- culâ, albicante, valvis inæqualibus, radiatim costatis, costis paucis, majusculis, rotundatis; lineâ marginali flexuosâ, anticè subsinuatâ ; foramine magno, subintegro; areâ cardinali magnâ, subplanulatâ, margine undulato; deltidiis magnis, discretis ; valvæ ventralis margine postico ad utrumque latus declivi; ossiculo interno e spinâ validâ obtusâ, anticè porrectâ, ramulis duobus lateralibus retro- versis ; margine valvarum crenato. 359 Shell suborbicular, rather attenuated and subtruncate behind, rather thick and whitish ; valves unequal, with few rather large, rounded, radiating ribs ; marginal line flexuous, slightly sinuated in front; perforation large, nearly entire ; cardinal area large, flattish, with an undulated margin; deltidia large, separate; pos- terior margin of the ventral valve inclined on either side; internal appendage consisting of a single strong spine standing forward and with two lateral reflected branches; margin of the valves crenated. From Santa Cruz; in Mr. Cuming's Collection. 32. TEREBRATULA GLOBOSA (pl. lxxi. f. 99-101.) Lam. Testâ ovatâ, ventricosâ, glaberrimâ, albicante; valvis subæquali- bus, anticè subtrilobis ; lineâ marginali rectâ, anticè subsinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè subacuminatâ, vertice subreflexo, truncato; foramine magno, obliquo, fere integro; areâ cardinali majusculâ, lateribus rotundatis; deltidiis majusculis, trigonalibus, discretis ; carinâ dorsali latâ, rotundatâ, subinconspicuâ; valvâ ventrali ro- tundatâ, anticè sublobatâ; ossiculo interno magno, į longitudinis testæ, ut in T. Californicá, margine valvarum integro. Shell ovate, ventricose, very smooth, whitish; valves nearly equal, very slightly trilobed in front, marginal line straight, sinuated in front; dorsal valve slightly acuminated behind, its vertex subreflected and truncated; perforation large, oblique, nearly complete; cardinal area large, rounded on the sides, deltidia large, triangular, separate; mesial ridge broad, rounded, not very distinct ; ventral valve rounded, slightly lobed in front; internal appendage large, kds the length of the valve and formed as in T. Californica ; margin of the valves entire. I have only seen a single specimen of this species, which is in Mr. Cuming's Collection without locality: it agrees perfectly with the representation in the Enc. Méth. t. 239. f. 2. still the foramen is not quite complete, although Lamarck gives “foramine integro as one of its characters. 33. TEREBRATULA INCONSPICUA (pl. lxxi. f. 102-104.) nobis. Testâ rotundato-subtrigonali , posticè acuminato-rotundatâ, an- ticè subsinuatâ, obscurè rufâ ; valvis inæqualibus, glabris ; lineâ marginali flexuosâ; valvâ dorsali rotundato-subtrigonâ, foramine maximo, incompleto ; areâ cardinali latâ, ad utrumque latus declivi; deltidiis mediocribus, latè discretis; valvâ ventrali transversim ob- longâ, subplanulatâ, sulco mediano lato, subinconspicuo; margine valvarum integro. 2 F2 360 у Shell rounded, subtrigonal, acuminated and rounded behind, slightly sinuated before, dull red; valves unequal, smooth ; mar- ginal line flexuous; perforation large, incomplete, cardinal area broad, inclining on each side, deltidia of moderate size, widely separated ; ventral valve transversely oblong, somewhat flattened, with a broad, rather indistinct mesial groove; margin of the valves entire. From the late G. Humphrey's Collection ; locality unknown. 34. TEREBRATULA PULCHELLA (pl. lxxi. f. 105-107.) nobis. Testà subovatâ, posticè acuminato-rotundatâ, lævi, albidâ, lineis nonnullis radiantibus rufis; valvis inæqualibus; lineâ marginali subflexuosâ; valvâ dorsali subplanulatâ, posticè acuminatâ, anticè rotundatâ, foramine magno, incompleto; areâ cardinali inconspicuâ, , lateribus rotundatis; deltidiis parvis, discretis; valvâ ventrali sub- circulari, planulatâ ; ossiculo interno e gnomone porrecto, anticè posito constante; margine valvarum integro. Shell subovate, acuminated and rounded behind, smooth, whitish with a few radiating red lines ; valves unequal, marginal line somewhat flexuous; dorsal valve rather flattened, acuminated posteriorly, rounded in front; perforation large, incomplete ; car- dinal area indistinct, its sides rounded ; deltidia small, separate; ventral valve somewhat circular, flattened; internal appendage consisting of a single prominent gnomon near the front; margin of the valves entire. Found by Mr. Cuming attached to Corals at Calapan, Isle of Mindoro. Also from the Island of Cocos, Lieut. Swainson; in the late G. Humphrey's Collection. 35. TEREBRATULA LENTICULARIS (pl. lxxii. f. 108-110.) Desh. Mag. de Zool. 1841 pl. 41. Testâ orbiculari, lentiformi, lævigatâ, rubrâ; valvis subinæqua- libus, lineâ marginali ex umbone ascendente, deinde rectiusculâ, anticè obsoletissimè subsinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè subacumi- natâ, recurvâ, foramine parvo, integro; areâ cardinali planulatâ, lateraliter angulatâ ; deſtidiis majusculis, planis, coalescentibus ; valvâ ventrali circulari; ossiculo interno e costâ unicâ medianâ longitudinis testæ, et ramulis duobus ex umbone constante; margine valvarum integro. Shell orbicular, lentiform, smooth, dark red; valves somewhat unequal ; marginal line ascending from the umbo, then nearly straight; and very slightly sinuated in front; dorsal valve slightly acuminated posteriorly and recurved ; perforation small, complete ; 361 cardinal area flattened, angular on the sides; deltidia rather large, flat and united; ventral valve circular; the internal appendage consists of a single mesial rib one-third the length of the shell and two branches setting off from the umbones. From the Straits of Fauveau, New Zealand. Kindly lent to us by M. Deshayes, who has stated that it not only differs from T. Californica in colour, but in the internal appendages. In the only specimen we have seen these appendages appear to us to be incom- plete. A specimen of our T. inconspicua is attached to it near the apex. 36. TEREBRATULA ZELANDICA (pl. lxxii. f. 111-113.) Desh. Mag. de Zool. 1841 pl. 42. Testà subtransversa, subrotunda, subacuminatâ, ventricosâ, crassiusculâ, rubrâ, valvis inæqualibus, radiatim costellatis, costellis dichotomis; lineâ marginali flexuosâ, anticè subsinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali posticè subattenuatâ, reflexâ, rotundatâ ; foramine magno, integro; areâ cardinali magnâ, rotundatâ; deltidiis majusculis, tetragonis, medianè coalescentibus, sulco centrali distincto; ca- rinâ dorsali inconspicuâ, latâ, rotundatâ ; valvâ ventrali transversim obovatâ, anticè subsinuatâ; marginibus posticis declivibus; ossi- culo interno prope cardinem e ramulis duobus divaricatis, costâ centrali posticâ constante; marginibus valvarum crenulatis. Shell subtransverse, nearly orbicular, slightly acuminated, ven- tricose, rather thick, red; valves unequal, radiately costellated, the little numerous ridges dichotomous; marginal line flexuous, somewhat sinuated anteriorly; dorsal valve slightly attenuated behind and reflected, and rounded; perforation large, complete, cardinal area large, rounded ; deltidia rather large, trapezoidal, united in the centre, with a distinct central groove; mesial ridge broad, rounded and rather indistinct; ventral valve transversely obovate, slightly sinuated in front; posterior margins inclined downwards; internal appendage close to the hinge consisting of two divaricating branches and a central posterior ridge; margin of the valves crenulated. From New Zealand; the specimen from which our figure is taken was kindly lent to me by Madame Dupont. 37. TEREBRATULA TRANSVERSA (pl. lxxii. f. 114, 115.) nobis. Testâ transversim subovatâ, tenui, rudi, glabrâ, pallescente ; lineâ marginali subflexuosâ, anticè subsinuatâ ; valvâ dorsali ovato- subtetragonâ, reflexâ, posticè obtusissimè angulatâ ; foramine maximo, incompleto; areâ cardinali magnâ, planatâ ; deltidiis 362 parvis, longè discretis ; carinâ dorsali inconspicuâ, rotundatâ ; valvâ ventrali transversim oblongâ, anticè rotundatâ, posticè in angulo obtusissimo desinente; sulco mediano subinconspicuo, rotundato ; margine valvarum integro. Shell transversely subovate, thin, rugose, smooth, of a pale colour; marginal line somewhat flexuous, slightly sinuated in front, dorsal valve of a somewhat tetragonal ovate form, very obtusely angular behind and reflected; perforation very large, incomplete; cardinal area large and flattened, deltidia small, very distant mesial ridge rounded, indistinct, ventral valve transversely oblong, rounded in front, and finishing in a very obtuse angle behind ; mesial groove rounded, indistinct; margin of the valves entire. In Mr. Norris's Collection, and in that of M. Janelle. ز 38. TEREBRATULA LABRADORENSIS (pl. lxxi. f. 89, 90.) nobis. Testâ suborbiculari, posticè acuminatâ, obtusâ, crassiusculâ, albidâ, valvis valdè inæqualibus, radiatim obsoletè costatis; lineâ marginali subflexuosâ; valvâ dorsali anticè rotundatâ, posticè acu- minatâ, obtusâ; foramine magno, integro; areâ cardinali magnâ, subplanulatâ; deltidiis majusculis, coalescentibus; carinâ dorsali inconspicuâ; valvâ ventrali suborbiculari, posticè subacuminatâ, margine valvarum crenulato. Shell suborbicular, acuminated behind, obtuse, thickish, whitish; valves very unequal, obtusely radiately ribbed; marginal line some- what flexuous; dorsal valve rounded in front, acuminated and obtuse behind; perforation large, entire; cardinal area large, some- what flattened ; deltidia rather large, united ; mesial ridge indis- tinct; ventral valve nearly orbicular, slightly acuminated behind ; margin of the valves crenulated. In the British Museum, from Labrador; C. Goodsir. 39. TEREBRATULA ALGOENSIS (pl. lxxi. f. 91, 92.) nobis. Testâ suborbiculari, posticè subacuminatâ, anticè sublobatâ, albidâ ; valvis radiatim striatis, carinâ dorsali conspicuâ, rotundatâ ; foramine magno, incompleto; margine valvæ dorsali minutissimè crenulato. Shell suborbicular, slightly acuminated behind, rather lobed in front, whitish; valves radiately striated; mesial ridge distinct, roundish; perforation large, incomplete; margin of the dorsal valve very minutely crenulated. A single valve of the species is in the British Museum, labelled “Algoa Bay; Bowerbank.” 363 40. Of the TEREBRATULA ROTUNDATA, Lam. Hist. nat. des Anim. sans vert. vi. pt. 1. p. 246. Encyl. méth. t. 239. f.5., it is impos- sible for us to give any representation, as we have never seen the shell, and it is not to be found in the Collections of London or Paris : we almost suspect it to be a fossil and not a recent species : we earnestly entreat information upon this subject and upon the existence of M. Le Comte de la Touche's Collection, where it is cited by Lamarck. TEREBRATULA, LIST OF FIGURES IN PLATES LXVIII TO LXXII. . Fig. - - - - - - - Tig. 1, 2, 3, 4. -- T. Caput-serpentis, Sp.3 64 to 67. truncata, 23. 5,6. — septentrionalis, 4. 68 to 70. — decollata, 24. 7, 8. —- Japonica, 5. 71 to 73. -- sanguinea, 28. 9 to 11. — rubra, 6. 74 to 77. - rosea, 29. 12 to 14. cognata, 8. 78 to 80. - psittacea, 1. 15 to 17. dorsata, 9. 81, 82. nigricans, 2. 18, 19. — Chilensis, 10. 83, 84. cuneata, 25. 20 to 22. Soverbii, 12. 85, 86. — lunifera, 26. 23, 24. flexuosa, 11. 87, 88. seminulum, 27. 25 to 33. - Australis, 13. 89, 90.- Labradorensis, 38. 34 to 36. - recurva, 14. 91, 92. Algoensis, 39. 37 to 39. -- Pisum, 7. 93 to 95. — cancellata, 30. 40 to 42. rubella, 15. 96 to 98. -- crenulata, 31. 43, 44. — picta, 16. 99 to 101. – globosa, 32. 45 to 47. -- rubicunda, 17, . 102 to 104. — inconspicua, 33. 48, 49. dilitata, 19. 105 to 107. — pulchella, 34. 50 to 52. -- Californica, 18. 108 to 110.-- lenticularis, 35. 53 to 55. — Uva, 20. 111 to 113. — Zelandica, 36. 56 to 59. — vitrea, 21. 114, 115. -- transversa, 37. 60 to 63, — Cranium, 22. 116. — Caput-serpentis, 3. - - - - - 364 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Algoensis, Sp. 39. f. 91, 92. aperta, v. decollata, 24. australis, 13. f. 25 to 33. Chilensis, 10. f. 18, 19. Californica, 18. f. 50 to 52. cancellata, 30. f. 93 to 95. cognata, 8. f. 12, 13, 14. Capensis, v. rubra, 6. Caput-serpentis, 3. f. 1, 2, 3, 4, 116. Cranium, 22. f. 60 to 63. crenulata, 31. f. 96 to 98. cuneata, 25. f. 83, 84. decollata, 24. f. 68 to 70. dentata, v. australis, 13. dilatata, 19. f. 48, 49. dorsata, 9. f. 15, 16, 17. detruncata, v. decollata, 24. erythroleuca, v. sanguinea, 28. flavescens, v. australis, 13. flexuosa, 11. f. 23, 24. Gaudichaudi, v. dilatata, 19. globosa, 32. f. 99 to 101. inconspicua, 33. f. 102 to 104. Japonica, 5. f. 7, 8. Labradorensis, 38. f. 89, 90. lenticularis, 35. f. 108 to 110. lunifera, 26. f. 85, 86. nigricans, 2. f. 81, 82. picta, 16. f. 43, 44. Pisum, 7. f. 37 to 39. psittacea, 1. f. 78, 79, 80. pulchella, 34. f. 105 to 107. recurva, 14. f. 34 to 36. rosea, 29. f. 74 to 77. rotundata, 40. rubella, 15. f. 40 to 42. rubicunda, 17. f. 45, 46, 47. rubra, 6. f. 9, 10, 11. sanguinea, v. rubra. 6. v. rubicunda, 17. sanguinea, 28. f. 71 to 73. seminulum, 27. f. 87, 88. septentrionalis, 4. f. 5,6. Soverbii, 12. f. 20, 21, 22. transversa, 37. f. 114, 115. truncata, 23. f. 64 to 67. Uva, 20. f. 53 to 55. vitrea, 21. f. 56 to 59. Zelandica, 36. f. 111 to 113. · PLL XVIII + 5 3 10 9 71 14 72 13 8 7 17 16 15 22 18 10 20 2/ GB. Sowerby. Jun PL. LXIX 23 24 25 28 26 31 29 30 32 33 35 34 36 37 39 38 12 41 40 G.B.Sowerby. Jun! XX 47 있 ​46 43 44 45 55 53 54 48 49 63 50 62 5.9 52 60 62 57 56 CB Sowerby. Im LXXI 70 65 64 66 67 73 76 68 71 72 74 75 82 32 77 79 78 80 86 85 83 84 87 88 89 90 92 92 95 98 97 96 93 94 107 104 .99 100 105 103 107 205 106 GB Sowerby. Tin? LXXTI 108 110 109 116 211 112 11.3 714 115 GBS. Jun" 365 MONOGRAPHS OF THE GENERA ORBICULA, CRANIA, HIPPONYX AND THECIDIUM. ORBICULA. Testa suborbicularis, inæquivalvis, compressa, valva superiore depresso-conicâ, vertice subcentrali; valvâ inferiore extùs disco parvo, postico, pediculi adhæsione, processu obtusiusculo intus terminato; cardine ligamentoque cardinis nullis. A nearly orbicular, rather irregular, inequivalve, compressed bivalve, affixed by a tendinous pedicle, which spreads over a small disk placed near the posterior part of the lower valve externally; in the middle of this disk is a fissure, which divides it longitu- dinally, which opens into the valve and is terminated anteriorly by an obtuse process; the upper valve is of a flattened conical form with a nearly central vertex. The Orbiculæ consist almost entirely of a horny substance, with very little, if any, testaceous matter. 1. ORBICULA LAMELLOSA (pl. lxxiii. f. 1.) Brod. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 124. Testâ corneâ, fusca, suborbiculari, subdepressâ, lamellis concen- tricis, elevatis, rugosâ. Shell of a horny substance, chesnut brown, nearly orbicular, rather depressed, covered with elevated concentric lamella; disk of adhe- sion oblong, close to the posterior edge, perforation oblong, placed near the hinder part of the disk. Found in groups on various parts of the coasts of Peru, H. Cuming. 2. ORBICULA LÆVIS (pl. lxxiii. f. 2, 3.) Sow. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xiii. Testâ lævi, tenuiusculâ, apice ex margine remoto. Shell smooth, rather thin; apex distant from the margin ; disk of adhesion oblong, not close to the posterior margin; perforation short, near the hinder edge of the disk of adhesion. 2 G 366 p. Found by Mr. Cuming attached to Mytili, at a depth of six fathoms, off Conception, Chili. 3. ORBICULA TENUIS (pl. lxxiii. f. 4,5.) nobis. Testà lævi, tenui, apice ad marginem propinquo. Shell smooth, thin, apex of the upper valve near the posterior margin; disk of adhesion obtusely triangular, close to the hinder edge; perforation linear. 4. ORBICULA CUMINGII (pl. lxxii. f. 6.) Brod. Zool. Proc. 1833. 124. Testà subconicâ, suborbiculari, crassiusculâ, striis ab apice radiantibus numerosis, lineis incrementi elevatis decussantibus, epidermide pallidè fusca. Shell nearly orbicular, subconical, rather thick, with numerous striæ radiating from the subcentral apex, and decussated by the elevated lines of growth; epidermis of a pale brown colour. Found by H. Cuming, at Payta, St. Elena and Panama. 5. ORBICULA STRIGATA (pl. lxxiii. f. 7.) Brod. Zool. Trans. vol. i. pt. 2. pl. xxiii. f. 1. Testà crassiusculâ, subrotundâ, substriatâ, radiatim castaneo- strigatâ; epidermide tenui fuscâ. Shell rather thick, nearly orbicular, slightly striated, radiately streaked with chesnut colour, epidermis thin, pale brown. Island of Cana, Guatemala, Malacca, and Corrigedor; H. Cuming. 6. ORBICULA STRIATA (pl. lxxiii. f. 8.) Sow. Trans. of Linn. Soc. vol. xii. Testæ valvuld superiore striis elevatis plurimis, ex vertice ad marginem decurrentibus. Shell rather irregularly orbicular, thickish, apex nearly central ; upper valve with numerous elevated striæ from the apex to the margin. This is the species which Lamarck has elevated to the rank of a genus (named Discina), from not rightly knowing his own pre- viously established genus Orbicula. Locality unknown; found in ballast used to mend roads near London. CRANIA. Testa inæquivalvis, æquilatera, (subirregularis) rotundato-sub- 367 quadrata, valvâ superiore depresso-conicâ, vertice subcentrali, in feriore planulatâ extus adhærente; cardine et ligamento cardinali nullis. Shell of two unequal valves which are equilateral, and of a rounded subquadrate form, though rather irregular on account of its being fixed to rocks, stones, shells, corals, &c.; upper valve of a flattened conical form, with the vertex near the centre; lower valve flattened, adhering by its external surface. Hinge and car- dinal ligament none. Muscular impressions in each valve four, of which in the attached valve two are near the centre and approxi- mated (sometimes united), and two are near the posterior margin and distant. In some species there is a prominence just behind the central pair which bears a slight resemblance to a nose, so the shell resembles a front face, whence its name, the posterior mus- cular impressions being compared to eyes, and the two anterior, when united, resembling the mouth. Crania is distinguished from Orbicula by its mode of attach- ment; and from Hipponyx by its muscular impressions. These are the only three genera known which are destitute of hinge, and hinge ligament. CRANIA PERSONATA (pl. lxxiii. f. 9.) Lam. Hæninghaus monogr. p. 2. f. 1. a, b. Testa valvâ inferiore ovato-orbiculari, posticè retusâ; cicatri- cibus posterioribus obliquis subreniformibus, anterioribus in unam orbicularem confluentibus, tuberculosis; rostello nullo, disco pal- mato-radiato, limbo anticè incrassato, granuloso. Lower attached valve of a rounded ovate form, truncated poste- riorly; the posterior muscular impressions are somewhat reniform and the anterior are united together forming one orbicular tuber- culated impression, without any rostellum; disk with a radiated palmate impression; anterior margin thickened, granular. India; Retz, Hæninghaus. We have never met with this species, and have therefore copied the description from Hæninghaus' Beitrag zur Monographie der Gattung Crania (1828); and have to acknowledge our obligation to that gentleman for the drawing which he was so kind as to communicate. 2. CRANIA RINGENS (pl. lxxiii. f. 10, 11.) Honing. I. c. p. 3. f. 2. a,b. Testa valvâ inferiore suborbiculari, posticè retusâ, impressi- 2 G 2 368 onibus posterioribus transversis, anterioribus in unam transversalem confluentibus, rostello parvo, disco pedato, limbo antico incrassato; valvâ superiore subtrapezoidali , cicatricibus posterioribus magnis limbo interno incrassato, elevato, margine tenui; extus lævi, brunneâ. Found upon corals in the Mediterranean. The upper valve, which is very rarely seen in England, is rather smaller than the attached valve, its posterior muscular impressions are large and prominent, and its outer edge is very thin. This species is but slightly distinguishable from C. personata. 3. CRANIA NORVEGICA (pl. lxxiii. f. 15, 16, 17.) nobis. Patella anomala, Müll. Zool. Dan. Patella distorta, Montagu Test. Brit. Testæ valvâ inferiore transversim rotundato-subtetragonâ, posticè retusâ; cicatricibus posticis magnis ovatis, anticè subangularibus, anticis discretis, ovatis, in centrum ferè coalescentibus; rostello obtuso; disco palmato-radiato; limbo antico incrassato, granulato; valvâ superiore tenuiore, rugulosâ, subtrapezoidali, brunneâ, cica- tricibus posterioribus magnis, limbo interno incrassato, margine tenui. There is little to distinguish this from C. personata and C. ringens, except the separation of the anterior muscular impressions in the attached valve, by the interposition of what Hæninghaus calls a rostellum "like a nose between the mouth and the eyes”; in the present species, however, the upper valve is exactly of the same dimensions as the lower. Coasts of Ireland and Scotland, abundant in some localities. 4. CRANIA ROSTRATA (pl. lxxiii. f. 12, 13, 14.) Hæning. I. c. p. 3. f. 3. a, b. Testæ valvâ inferiore rotundato-subtrapezoidali, margine postico rectiusculo, cicatricibus posticis orbicularibus; anticis parvis, semi- lunaribus, anticè coalescentibus, rostello parvo, acutiusculo; disco sinuato, limbo granifero, anticè irregulari, incrassato; valvâ supe- riore tenuiore, albâ, subradiatim rugosâ, intus costellis duabus elevatis, radiantibus, ex centro versus marginem posticum decur- rentibus. Inferior or attached valve of a rounded, somewhat trapezoidal form, its posterior margin nearly straight, posterior muscular impression orbicular; anterior small , somewhat lunulate, united anteriorly; rostellum small, rather sharp; disk with palmated and digitated impressions; border granulose, irregular and thick- 369 ened in front; upper valve thinner, white, somewhat radiately rugose, internally with two elevated ridges diverging from the centre towards the posterior lateral margin ; umbo somewhat posterior. From the Mediterranean. In Mr. Cuming's collection. ز HIPPONYX. a Testa inæquivalvis, subæquilatera, valvâ inferiore affixa, com- pressâ, margine plerumque elevato; valvâ superiore subconicâ, vertice ad marginem posticum inclinato; impressionibus muscu- laribus in utrâque valvâ duabus, posticè coalescentibus, formam ferri equini conjunctis exhibentibus; cardine et ligamento cardinis nullis. Shell inequivalve, nearly equilateral, attached by the lower valve, which is compressed and its margin generally thickened; upper valve somewhat conical, rather inclined toward the posterior margin, muscular impressions two in each valve, when taken together somewhat in shape like a horse-shoe, those of the upper confluent posteriorly, Distinguished and proved to be a bivalve by Defrance, who first met with the two valves together in a fossil species. The species have usually been called Patella, because the upper valve alone was known. Very rarely the two valves have been met with together. Several species in this complete state have been dis- covered and brought to this country by Mr. Cuming, from whose Collection our drawings have been taken. 1. HIPPONYX BARBATA (pl. lxxiii. f. 26, 27.) Sow. Zool. Proc. 1835. p.5. Testâ pallidè fulva, subelevato-conicâ, radiatim confertim striatâ ; margine ventrali producto; epidermide pilosâ, margine interno crenulato. Shell pale yellowish brown, of a slightly elevated conical form, covered with radiated close-set striæ; ventral margin produced ; inner edge crenulated ; epidermis coarsely hairy. Found on the Coral reefs around Toobouai, one of the Society Islands, by Mr. Cuming. 2. HIPPONYX MITRULA (pl. lxxiii. f. 18, 19, 20.) Defr. l. c. Pileopsis mitrula, Lam. Patella mitrula, Auctm. Testâ albâ, depresso-conicâ, concentricè lamellosa, lamellis sub- confertis, radiatim striatis ; epidermide pilosâ. 370 Shell white, of a depressed conical form, concentrically lamellar, and radiately striated ; lamellæ close-set; epidermis hairy. Found by Mr. Cuming upon stones among coarse sand in seven- teen fathoms water, near Lobos Island, on the coast of Peru. 3. HIPPONYX SUBRUFA (pl. lxxiii. f. 21, 22, 23.) Sow. l. c. Pileopsis subrufus, Lam. Patella subrufa, Dillw. Testâ aurantiaco-rufescente, subconicâ, concentricè sulcatâ, ra- diatim striatâ, striis profundis, marginibus sulcorum crenulatis; vertice posticè inclinato. Shell somewat conical, of an orange reddish colour; concentri- cally grooved and radiately striated, with deep striæ; margin of the grooves crenulated; vertex inclined backwards. Found with H. Mitrula, by Mr. Cuming. 4. HIPPONYX RADIATA (pl. lxxiii. f. 24, 25.) Gray, l. c. Testâ subdepresso-conicâ, fulvescente, radiatim costatâ, costis crebris, imbricato-squamosis; vertice postico. Shell of a somewhat depressed conical form, and of a yellowish brown colour, radiately ribbed, ribs very close and fine, with little imbricated scales; vertex posterior. Found attached to rocks at Panama and the Gallapagos Islands, by Mr. Cuming 5. HIPPONYX TICAONICA (pl. lxxii. f. 28, 29.) nobis. Testà suborbiculari, radiatim confertim striatâ, albidâ ; vertice versus marginem postico-dextrum reflexo; epidermide pilosâ, ful- vescente. Shell suborbicular, with close-set radiating striæ, whitish ; ver- tex turned backward toward the right margin; epidermis hairy, pale fulvous. From Ticao; H. Cuming. THECIDIUM, De France. Testa inæquivalvis, æquilatera, valvâ alterâ gibbosâ, sæpe rostratâ, imperforatâ, extùs affixa, alterâ planâ operculiformi; cardine ut in Terebratulis; ossiculo interno in valvâ planâ intus affixo; areâ cardinali magnâ, trigonâ. The principal circumstance which distinguishes this genus from Terebratula is, that there is no perforation at the apex of the deeper valve. It is found adhering to the Red Coral, in the Medi- terranean. TEXTIT 3 7 6 E 11 14 12 10 sete 23 15 17 16 21 18 29 20 22 23 26 25 27 24 2.9 / 30 32 3/ GB.S. Jun! 371 THECIDIUM MEDITERRANEUM (pl. lxxiii. f. 30, 31, 32.) Risso. Testæ valvâ dorsali gibbosâ, posticè rostratâ, anticè subbilobatâ ; valvâ ventrali planulatã, operculiformi; intùs lamellis ad utrumque latus lobulos duos, alterum semilunatum, magnum, alterum alterum parvum internum efformante. Shell with the dorsal valve gibbous, produced behind, and some- what bilobate in front; ventral valve flattened, operculiform ; internal appendage lamellar, forming two lobes on each side, one of which is large and semilunate, and the other very small; they ad- here throughout to the inside of the ventral valve. Found on Corals in the Mediterranean. ORBICULA, CRANIA, HIPPONYX, AND THECIDIUM. LIST OF FIGURES IN PLATE LXXIII. - 4,5. - - - - - Fig. 1. Orbicula lamellosa, 1. 2, 3. lævis, 2. tenuis, 3. 6. Cumingii, 4. 7. strigata, 5. 8. striata, 6. 9. Crania personata, 1. 10,11. ringens, 2. 12, 13, 14. rostrata, 4. 15, 16, 17. Norvegica, 3. 18, 19, 20. Hipponyx Mitrula, 2. 21, 22, 23. subrufa, 3. 24, 25, radiata, 4. 26, 27. barbata, 1. 28, 29. Ticaonica, 5. 30, 31, 32. Thecidium Mediterraneum. - 373 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS MARGINELLA. By G. B. SOWERBY, JUN. F.L.S. а Char. Gen. Testa subovata, nitida ; spirâ brevi, obtusâ, nonnun- quam occultâ. Apertura elongata, anticè plerumque emarginata ; columellâ nonnunquam callosâ, plicatâ ; labio externo reflexo, plerumque incrassato; operculum nullum. Shell oval, smooth. Spire short, obtuse, sometimes hidden by the deposition of enamel, or included in the last whorl. Aperture long, generally emarginated at the anterior extremity; columellar lip sometimes thickened at both extremities, with folds increasing in obliquity and length towards the anterior termination, but not so much so as in Voluta ; outer lip reflected and generally thickened so as to form a varix; no operculum ; no epidermis. The shell being almost enveloped by the mantle, has a brilliancy of polish equal to the Cowries. This, and the reflected edge of the outer lip, sufficiently distinguish all the species from the genus Voluta. 1. MARGINELLA FABA (pl. lxxiv. f. 1, 2.), Linn. Syst. Nat. M. bifasciata var., Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii. p. 357. M. ovatâ, griseo-fulvâ, punctorum magnorum seriebus irregula- ribus 7 ad 9 sparsim cinctâ; spirâ prominulâ; anfractibus vix angulatis, ad angulum crenulatis ; columellâ quadriplicatâ, labio externo crasso, paululùm arcuato, plerumque minutè subcrenulato, posticè subemarginato, anticè attenuato, emarginato. Oval, greyish buff, with 7 to 9 rows of distant large spots; spire rather prominent; whorls very slightly angulated, crenulated columella with four folds; outer lip slightly bowed, very lightly and minutely crenulated, emarginated at the base. There is no doubt of this being the true Voluta Faba of Linnæus; from Senegal. ; 2 H 374 x 2. MARGINELLA HARPÆFORMIS (pl. lxxiv. f. 7, 8.), Beck. M.S. M. angulatâ, pallidissimè roseâ, griseo obscurè fasciatâ, punctis minutis, creberrimis, seriatim ornatâ; spirâ subelongatâ ; anfracti- bus angulatis, crenulatis; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo crasso, validè crenulato, anticè emarginato. It is difficult to describe with precision the difference between this species and M. bifasciata ; it is however thicker and more ; angular, and the aperture is shorter. From Senegal. 3. MARGINELLA BIFASCIATA (pl. lxxiv. f. 13, 14, 15.) Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii., p. 557. M. ovali , pallidè fulvâ, griseo nebulatâ vel undulatâ, fasciis dua- bus nigrescentibus cinctâ, seriatim creberrimè punctatâ; spirâ brevi, crenulatâ, vix angulatâ, obtusâ; columellâ obliquè quadri- plicatâ; labio externo subelongato, arcuato, validè crenulato, anticè emarginato. More rounded, with the spire shorter in proportion, and the outer lip more bowed outwards than the M. Faba ; the spots are also much more numerous and minute : fig. 14, with the strong dark bands, is Lamarck's shell; fig. 15 is a very beautiful variety with the bands fainter, and with lightning-like markings between, from Mr. Cuming's Collection; in fig. 13 the bands are scarcely per- ceptible. From Senegal. 4. MARGINELLA OBTUSA (pl. lxxiv. f. 11, 12.) nobis. M.ovali, crassâ, pallidè fulvâ, griseo nebulatâ, creberrimè seriatim punctatâ, fasciis duabus, interruptis, nigrescentibus, cinctâ ; spirâ breviusculâ, obtusâ; anfractibus leviter angulatis; plicis obtusis, elongatis ; aperturâ angustâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ, anticè acutâ ; labio externo lævi, crasso, posticè elongato et angulato, anticè cmarginato. A remarkable shell in the collection of Miss Saul, differing from M. bifasciata and the rest of the group in being much thicker, with a shorter obtuse spire, with a thickened, smooth outer lip, which is angulated and lengthened towards the apex; there ; are a few obtuse ribs running nearly all the length of the body whorl. Locality unknown. 5. MARGINELLA PSEUDO-FABA (pl. lxxiv. f. 21, 22.), nobis, Zool. Proc. 1846. M. Faba, Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii. M. angulatâ, anticè attenuatâ, sub-recurvâ, pallidè fulvā, griseo nebulatâ, punctorum irregulorum seriebus 10 sparsim cinctâ, spirâ prominulân; anfractibus angulatis, ad angulum validè crenu- 375 ; latis; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo crenulato, crasso, paululum arcuato, posticè angulato, anticè emarginato, attenuato. Much more angular than the true M. Faba, and has the anterior part of the body whorl tapering and bent upwards. From Senegal. 6. MARGINELLA ADANSONI (pl. lxxiv. f. 3, 4, 5.), Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. Marginella, p. 5, M. bifasciata, (Lam.), Sow. Gen. of Sh. M. angulatâ, posticè sub-attenuatâ, sub-recurvâ; griseâ, lineis nigris obliquè longitudinaliter fasciatâ; vel rubrâ, lineis fuscis, vel fasciis duabus interruptis, et liniis obliquis fuscis ; spirâ promi- nulâ; anfractibus angulatis, ad angulum leviter crenulatis; colu- mellâ quadriplicatâ, labio externo crasso, crenulato; posticè sub- angulato, anticè emarginato, attenuato. Much like M. pseudo-faba in general form, but decidedly angular and more elongated; there are several varieties in colouring, but all have the undulated oblique lines. Isle of Gorea, Senegal. 7. MARGINELLA SPLENDENS (pl. lxxiv. f. 23, 24.), Reeve, Zool. Proc. 1842, and Conch. Syst. M. ovali, creberrimè plicatâ, pallidè roseâ, griseo vel rubro nebu- latâ, maculis griseis vel roseis curvatis per seriebus tribus dispo- sitis; spirâ productâ, anfractibus rotundatis; columellâ plicis quatuor sub-quadratis, ultimis duabus obliquis; labio externo anticè emarginato, intùs crenulato, extùs punctato. Like M. glabella in general form, but finely ridged, and having three rows of curved spots on the back, besides the minute dots which cover the shell. In Mr. Cuming's Collection ; from Guinea. 8. MARGINELLA BELLII (pl. lxxiv. f. 28, 29.), nobis. M. angulatâ, plicatâ, griseâ, fasciis duabus nigrescentibus cinctâ, lineis nigris elongatis, creberrimè undatâ; spirâ productâ; columellâ obliquè quadriplicatâ ; labio externo crasso, intùs crenu- lato. The plicæ or ribs are lengthened so as nearly to reach the ante- rior part of the whorl; the aperture is shorter in proportion to the spire, and the outer lip thicker, than in M. Adansoni; there are very minute waved lines all over the shell. From Professor Bell's Collection ; locality unknown. 9. MARGINELLA STRIATA (pl. lxxv. f. 81, 82.) nobis. M. parvâ, ovali, albâ ; anfractibus crenulatis; columellâ quadri- plicatâ, labio externo crenulato. 212 376 A very minute white shell with crenulated whorls ; from North America, in Professor Bell's Collection. 10. MARGINELLA MUSCARIA (pl. lxxv. f. 45, 46, 47.) Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii. p. 359. M. angulatim ovatâ, fulvâ, vel aurantiâ; spirâ validè productâ ; anfractibus subangulatis, ultimo leviter crenulato, prope labrum tumido; columellâ albâ, expansâ, callosâ, plicis quatuor obliquis, quarum anticâ sub-retusâ; labio externo albo, posticè tumido, subemarginato, anticè attenuato, ponè rotundato, anticè varicem validam formante. This species is remarkable for a tumidity near the reflected lip on the back of the last whorl, and for the callosity of the colu- mellar lip which is spread over the front. From the West Indies. 11. MARGINELLA FORMICULA (pl. lxxv. f. 41, 42.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii. p. 359. M. angulatâ, pallidè fulvâ; spirâ productâ; anfractibus angu- latis, crenulatis; aperturâ angustâ; columellâ subrectâ, plicis qua- tuor, quarum anticâ tenui, obliquâ; labio externo valido, posticè angulato, emarginato, in medio incurvo, anticè attenuato, validè emarginato, ponè validè reflexo, anticè ad basin varicis columellari juncto. Angular, of a dull brown colour ; with the spire produced, the whorls angular, crenulated. Of the four folds in the columella the last is thin and oblique. The outer lip is thickened inwards, with a notch or slope near the posterior end. It is strongly re- flected, and at the anterior runs into a strong spiral varix. New Holland. ; a 12. MARGINELLA TRANSLUCIDA (pl. lxxv. f. 62, 63.), nobis. M. sub-elongatâ, albâ, translucidâ; spirâ productâ; aperturâ elongatâ, columellâ quadriplicatâ, labio externo intùs in medio incurvo, anticè reflexo, extùs validè reflexo, anticè varicem validum formante. A small, elongated, white, thin shell, having the outer lip gracefully bent inwards in the centre, and having a varix at the lower part of the last whorl. Australia. 13. MARGINELLA LIMBATA (pl. lxxiv. f. 18, 19, 20.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vii. M. ovali, subventricosâ, lævi, pallidè fulva, lineis undulatis 377 longitudinaliter ornatâ; spirâ brevi, anfractibus subrotundatis; columellâ callosâ, expansâ, quadriplicatâ ; labio externo crasso, intùs leviter crenulato, ad marginem externum lineatim nigro maculato. Oval, rather ventricose, smooth, of a pale fawn colour, marked by distant undulating lines. The spire is short, the aperture large; the columellar lip thickened and spread over the front of the last whorl. The outer margin of the reflected lip is marked by groups of strong, blackish lines. Common; from Gambia. The reversed specimen (f. 18), is from Mr. Cuming's collection. 14. MARGINELLA HELMATINA (pl. lxxv. f. 38, 39), Rang, Guerin, Mag. de zool. Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. Marginella, p. 10. M. ovali, lævi, griseo maculatâ, fasciis tribus, nigrescentibus interruptis cinctâ; spirâ brevi, anfractibus paucis, rotundatis ; aperturâ elongatâ ; columellâ tenui, expansâ, quadriplicatâ ; labio externo intùs minutè crenulato ; ponè marginem externum sub- canalifero. Much smaller and more ventricose than M. limbata, having the columellar lip thinly spread over a portion of the last whorl, and a very narrow groove behind the reflected lip. The colour is spotted grey . From the River Gambia. 15. MARGINELLA CUMINGII (pl. lxxiv. f. 33, 34, 35.), Petit, Revue Zoologique ? M. ovali, lævi, ventricosâ, griseâ, creberrimè seriatim punctatâ, maculis nigrescentibus trifasciatâ, spirâ brevi, obtusâ; aperturâ elongatâ, columellâ sub-callosâ, paululùm expansâ, quadriplicatâ; labio externo crasso, rotundato, intùs regulariter crenulato, ponè margine acuto, validè canalifero. Much more ventricose than M. helmatina, with the outer lip much thicker, the reflected margin sharper, and a deeper groove behind it. The variety having the very broad outer lip (fig. 33.) is in the collection of Mr. Gaskoin; the others are Mr. Cuming's. From Senegal. 16. MARGINELLA PETITII (pl. lxxiv. f. 31, 32.), Guerin, Mag. de zool. M. ovali, lævi, ventricosâ, pallidâ, griseâ rubescente leviter fas- ciatim punctatâ ; spirâ brevi, anfractibus paucis, rotundato-sub- 378 angulatis; aperturâ latâ ; columellâ callosâ, expansâ; labio ex- terno crasso intùs irregulariter crenulato, extùs margine rotundato, vix canalifero. The spire is rather more produced than in M.Cumingiä, the colu- mella is tumid and spread over a large portion of the body whorl ; the crenulations on the inner lip are irregular, and the outer margin is rounded instead of being short as in M. Cumingii. 17. MARGINELLA GLABELLA (pl. lxxv. f. 52, 53, 54.), Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. p. 1189. M. ovali, ventricosâ, lævi, rubrâ vel brunneâ, prope suturam præcipuè, maculis albis conspersâ ; spirâ conicâ, obtusâ, anfractibus vix rotundato-angulatis ; aperturâ pyriformi, columellâ validè quad- riplicatâ, plicis obliquitate versùs basin crescentibus; labio externo crasso, intùs crenulato, posticè emarginato, tum in angulum incur- , vum producto, anticè leviter emarginato. Oval, ventricose, smooth, of a red or dark brown colour, which is darkest near the suture, sprinkled with roundish white spots, those near the suture larger and irregular ; the spire is conical, with the apex obtuse and the whorls slightly rounded; of the four folds on the columella, those nearest the anterior termination are the most oblique, the last nearly vertical ; the outer lip is hollowed out near the suture and then bends forward into a sort of angle. From Senegal a 18. MARGINELLA GOODALLII (pl. lxxiv. f. 16, 17.), Sow. Tank. Cat. M. angulatim ventricosâ, lævi, fulvo-rubescente, maculis albis, rotundatis, magnis conspersâ ; spirâ conicâ, obtusâ, anfractibus ro- tundato-angulatis; columellâ quadriplicatâ, plicis tenuis; labio externo crasso, intùs crenulato, extùs validè reflexo. Differing from M. glabella, in being of a more regular form, in having the outer lip more thickened and more straightly reflected, and in having the folds of the columella much thinner and in the large size of the white spots. 19. MARGINELLA IRRORATA (pl. lxxv. f. 43, 55.), Menke, Voluta glabelloides, Humphreys, M.S. M. ovali, sub-angulatâ, pallidè fulvâ, in medio rubescente, punctis albis, confertis, angulatim lineatâ; spirâ productâ, anfracti- bus subangulatis; columellâ quadriplicatâ , labio externo crasso, intùs crenulato, margine leviter reflexo. 379 Less ventricose than M. glabella with the mouth shorter in proportion to the spire, and the outer margin of the reflected lip less distinct; the shell is beautifully marked by zig-zag lines of minute white spots. Mr. Cuming's and other Cabinets; from Senegal. 20. MARGINELLA FULMINATA (pl. lxxviii. f. 173.) Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv. Marginella, p. 33. pl. xii. f. I. . 1 “M. testâ ovatâ, sub-globosâ, albidâ, maculis rufis, angulosis, longitudinaliter depositis ornatâ ; spirâ conicâ, obtusâ; labro intùs albo; varice extùs lutescente; columellâ quadriplicata.” “Habite l'ocean Atlantique austral, la baie de Bahia.” Not having the shell, we copy the description and one of the figures. 21. MARGINELLA AURANTIA (pl. lxxv. f. 49, 50.), Lam. Anim. S. vert. vii. p. 358. M. ovali, lævi, rubrâ, albo maculatâ, columellâ quadriplicatâ, labio externo aurantiaco, intùs crenulato, extùs validè reflexo. The difference between this and M. glabella is more easily observed than described; it is however much less ventricose and the outer lip more nearly straight; there is also a peculiar bluntness about the anterior part of the shell; the white irregular markings are arranged in three interrupted bands across the body whorl. Common. From the River Gambia. 22. MARGINELLA NODATA (pl. lxxiv. f. 30.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. March. M. testâ elongatè ovatâ vel sub-fusiformi, luteo-olivaceâ lineis nigris subflexuosis longitrorsum ornatâ, punctis concoloribus con- spersis; labio intùs denticulato; columellâ quadriplicatâ.” “With the general aspect and character of M. Cleryii, but somewhat larger, more broadly shouldered, the longitudinal lines studded at intervals with dark spots, and which are somewhat regularly disposed in the transverse direction ; and lastly the spire is less elongated and furnished with rather indistinct pliciform ribs.” In Capt. Belcher's Collection, from Cape Blanco, W. coast of Africa; found in sand at 12 to 15 fathoms. 23. MARGINELLA MUSICA (pl. lxxv. f. 36, 37.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844, March. “M.testâ ovatâ, cinereo-olivaceâ, lineis nigris transversim ornatâ; 380 spirâ retuso-conicâ ; labro paululùm incrassato, intùs lævi ; colu- mellâ quadriplicata.” A smooth shell of a conical form, banded with lines of dark colour, between which are undulated pale greyish markings. In Capt. Belcher's and Mr. Cuming's Collection; from Cape Blanco, west coast of Africa, in 12 to 15 fathoms. 24. MARGINELLA BELCHERI (pl. lxxiv, f. 25, 26, 27.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844, March. “M. concinnè ovatâ, albâ, lineis eleganter punctatis raris, fre- quentioribus, vel confertis transversim depositis, interdum albo- fasciatâ ; spirâ mediocri, conicâ; labro incrassato, albo, prope medium sub-dilatato, intùs lævi; columellâ quadriplicatâ.' Thick, oval, slightly angulated, smooth, the columella with four folds, the outer lip thick, particularly in the centre; the marking consists of bands remote, or close, or finely punctuated lines. In Capt. Belcher's and Mr. Cuming's Collection ; from Cape Blanco, west coast of Africa; taken in 12 to 15 fathoms. 25. MARGINELLA CLERYII (pl. lxxiv. f. 9, 10.), Petit. Guerin, Mag. de zool. 1836, pl. 78. M. sub-elongatâ, pallidè fulva, griseo obscurè trifasciatâ, lineis nigrescentibus undatis longitudinaliter strigatâ ; spirâ productâ, apicè obtusâ; aperturâ breviusculâ, columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo sub-crenulato, posticè sub-arcuato, in medio incrassato, anticè emarginato. Rather elongated, smooth, with beautiful zebra-like longitudinal lines. From Senegal. 26. MARGINELLA HÆMATITA (pl. lxxv.f. 60, 61.), Kiener. Sp. gen. coq. viv. M. parvâ, nitida, ventricosâ, rubrâ; spirâ productâ, apice obtusâ; anfractu ultimo posticè ventricoso; labio externo intùs crenulato, extùs validè varicoso; columellâ quadriplicatâ. Small, smooth, red; with a prominent, obtuse spire; the last whorl swelled near the suture; the columella has four folds, the outer lip is crenulated within and forms a strong varix on the outside. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. From Porto Rico. 27. MARGINELLA NUBECULA (pl. lxxv. f. 51.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. M. pyrum. Gronovius ? M. picta, Dillw, cat. M. angulatâ, conicâ, lævi, ventricosâ, maculis latis, griseis vel 381 roseis, nigro ponè marginatis ornatâ ; spirâ productâ, anfractibus angulatis ; apice obtuso; aperturâ latâ ; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo lævi, posticè sub-emarginato, tum angulato, anticè vix emarginato, ponè leviter varicoso. Conical, smooth, with broad patches of a greyish or rosy colour, edged by dark zigzag lines; the whorls have an angle at some dis- tance from the suture; the outer lip is smooth, and its external margin is not very prominent. From the east coast of Africa. 28. MARGINELLA INTERMEDIA (pl. lxxiv.f. 6.pl. lxxvi. f. 90.), Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc., 1846. M. nubecula, var. alba, Kiener ? M. ovali, subangulatâ, ventricosâ, obliquâ, albâ, lævi ; spirâ productâ ; anfractibus rotundato-angulatis; columellâ quadripli- catâ ; labio externo lævi, crassa, latè reflexâ. A more oblique and less conical shell than M. nubeculata, and the outer lip is more broadly and strongly reflected. Mr. Sowerby's Collection 29. MARGINELLA MOSAICA (pl. lxxv. f. 58, 59.), nobis. M. conicâ, lævi, ventricosâ, maculis griseis subquadratis, an- gulatim ornatâ ; spirâ breviusculâ ; anfractibus angulatis; aper- turâ latâ ; columellâ quadriplicatâ, labio externo lavi, posticè emar- ginato, tum angulato, deinde prope angulum emarginato, in medio sub-incrassato, ponè vix varicoso. This species has a much shorter spire than M. nubeculata, and the outer lip has a notch near the posterior angle. 30. MARGINELLA ROSEA (pl. lxxv. f. 56, 57.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. v. vii. M. ovali, lævi, maculis roseis vel fulvis, nigro-marginatis ornatâ; spirâ productâ, apice obtusâ, anfractibus sub-rotundatis, vel leviter angulatis ; aperturâ latâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo lævi, posticè emarginato, tum angulato, deinde latè emarginato, ponè fasciatim maculato. More oval than M. nubeculata, and much less an gular; the outer lip has a notch near the angle. West Africa. 31. MARGINELLA PIPERITA (pl. lxxv. f. 40, 44.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. “M. testâ obovatâ, maculis parvis nigris et albidis, interdum longitudinaliter coalitis, confertim ornatâ ; spirâ retusâ, conica; و 21 382 btusâ, anfractu ultimo rotundatè angulato; spirâ lineâ unicâ comitatâ ; labro incrassato, extùs nigro maculato, intùs lævi; colu- mellâ quadriplicatâ. Differing more from M. rosea, in general appearance and colour- ing than in more tangible characteristics. In Mr. Cuming's Collection ; locality unknown. 32. MARGINELLA ALBO-CINCTA (pl. lxxv. f. 48.), nobis, Zool. Proc. 1846. M. sub-conicâ, subangulatâ, lavi, spirâ productâ ; anfractibus angulatis, ultimo fasciâ albâ prope angulum, et alterâ ad terminum anticum cinctâ, inter fascias fusco maculato et punctis nigris pictâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ. Provisionally described from a youug specimen in Mr. Cuming's Collection. When full grown it would probably resemble M. nubeculata in form. coq. viv, 33. MARGINELLA FESTIVA (pl. lxxv. f. 72, 73.), Kiener, Sp. gen. . M. parvâ, oblongâ, lævi, pallidè fulvâ, lineis tribus roseis cinctâ, inter lineas, fasciis fuscis angulatim fusco-marginatis ornatâ ; spirâ conicâ, productâ; columellâ anticè sub-incrassatâ, quadriplicatâ ; labio externo intùs crenulato. A richly-marked small species, the only specimen of which we have seen is in the Collection of Professor T. Bell; locality un- known. 34. MARGINELLA FUSIFORMIS (pl. lxxv. f. 76, 77.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. M. fusiformi, albidâ vel pallidè corneâ; spirâ elatâ obtusâ; an- fractu ultimo gradatim attenuato; labro paululùm incrassato, intùs lævi; aperturâ lineari ; columellâ quadriplicatâ. A small, fusiform, white shell, with the anterior parts of the whorls slightly angulated; the columella has four small folds, and the outer lip is smooth, swelled inwards near the centre. In Capt. Belcher's Collection; from Straits of Malacca ; taken in 17 fathoms, mud. 35. MARGINELLA CANDIDA (pl. lxxv. f. 86, 87.), nobis. M. parvâ, ovatâ, albâ; spirâ brevi, anfractibus sub-rotundatis; aperturâ elongatâ, columellâ quadriplicatâ, labio externo intùs crenulato, extùs validè reflexo. 383 Described from a small white shell in the British Museum ; differing from M. Margarita in being of a more oval form, having the mouth much longer and wider, and having the crenulations of the outer lip less distinctly prominent. 36. MARGINELLA MARGARITA (pl. lxxv, f. 66, 67.), Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv. M. parvâ, ovatâ, albâ; anticè angustatâ, spirâ breviusculâ, coni- câ, anfractibus prope suturam rotundatè sub-angulatis ; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo intùs dentato, extus validè varicoso. A small white species not uncommon in Collections, from India. 36. MARGINELLA CÆRULESCENS (pl. lxxvii. f. 153, 154, 155.), Lam. Anim s. vert. vii. M. prunum, Gmel. Syst. p. 3445. M. ovali, sub-elongatâ, cinereâ, obscurè trifasciatâ ; spirâ conica; anfractu ultimo versus apicem elevato, anticè marginato; aperturâ elongatâ, magnâ, intus validè fuscâ ; columellâ anticè callosâ ; plicis quatuor validis ; labio externo posticè angulatim elevato, anticè minimè emarginato. From Panama. Fig. 155 represents a dwarf variety. 38. MARGINELLA CONSTRICTA (pl. lxxvii. f. 156, 157.), Hinds, Pro. Zool. Soc. 1844, p. 74. M.“ albidâ, obscurè trifasciatâ ; spirâ retusè conicâ ; anfractu ultimo prope medium coarctato; labio incrassato, medio incurvato, intùs lævi, supernè ad spiram adscendente; columellâ quadripli- catê.” In Mr. Cuming's Collection : locality unknown. 39. MARGINELLA SAPOTILLA (pl. lxxvii. f. 150, 151.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. M. “elongatè ovatâ, ferè sub-cylindraceo-ovatâ , cinereâ vel glaucescente, concolore; spirâ retuso-conicâ; aperturâ intùs fuscâ; labro incrassato, recto, albo, posticè fulvo, intùs lævi; columellâ quadriplicatâ." Differing from M. cærulescens in being more cylindrical, and in not having the angular elevation of the outer lip. In Panama ; from 5 to 13 fathoms, sandy mud. Captain Belcher's and Mr. Cuming's Collection. 40. MARGINELLA PULCHRA (pl. lxxvii. f. 152.), Gray, Breechey's Voyage. M. cærulescenti simili, sed spirâ magis productâ, anfractibus rotundatis; colore corneo fulvescente, fasciis obscurè purpureis. 2 1 2 384 Differing from M. cærulescens in the spire being more produced and in the colouring, which is buff, with obscure purplish bands. y 41. MARGINELLA CINCTA (pl. lxxvii. f. 165, 166.), Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv., p. 21. M. sub-ovali , posticè sub-angulatâ, varice tumido, aurantiaco latera spiram et terminum anticum colligente; spirâ productâ, anfractibus rotundatis; aperturâ angustâ; columellâ callosâ, latè expansâ, plicis quatuor, quarum duabus anticis incrassatis, labio externo lævi, crasso, posticè emarginato. More angular than M. bivaricosa, encircled with a bright orange callous margin, which surrounds the spire and is not doubled on the right side. Mr. Cuming's Collection ; locality unknown. 42. MARGINELLA BIVARICOSA (pl. lxxvii. f. 171, 172.), Lam. Vol. marginata, Born, Mus. t. 9. f. 5.6. M.ovali ; varice tumido, uno latere duplicato, latera, spiræ partem, et terminum anticum colligente; spirâ productâ anfractibus ro- tundatis; aperturâ angustâ; columellâ callosâ, late expansâ, plicis quatuor ; labio externo crasso, posticè emarginato. Remarkable for the manner in which the lips of the aperture are extended and thickened round the sides, and at the back of the shell, nearly enveloping the spire, and forming a double ridge on the right side. From Senegal 43. MARGINELLA AMYGDALA (pl. lxxvii. f. 160, 161, 162.), Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv. M. ovali, ventricosâ, pallidè cinereâ, ad latera et anticè tumidâ, fusco marginatâ ; spirâ conicâ, anfractibus albo-marginatis ; aper- turâ intùs fuscâ, anticè sub-dilatatâ ; columellâ latè expansâ, albâ, plicis quatuor, quarum duabus anticis validis, spiralibus ; labio externo albo, crasso, versùs apicem elevato, anticè sub-acuto, pro- ducto. Variat pallidè fulvâ, minùs ventricosâ; variat etiam cinereo- fuscâ. Figures 160-1, may be taken to represent the typical form of this shell. Fig. 162, represents a rather young specimen of a less ventricose variety in the Collection of Mr. Cuming, who also possesses a pale fawn-coloured variety of similar form. From Senegal 385 > 44. MARGINELLA QUINQUEPLICATA (pl.lxxvii. f. 145,146.), Lam. anim. s. vert. vii. M. pyriformi, ventricosâ, pallidè griseâ, anticè areâ triangulari varice marginatâ ; spirâ brevissimâ ; aperturâ magnâ, posticè an- gulatâ ; columellâ plicis quinque validis, duabus anticis proximis ; prope medium anfractùs ultimi varice transverso plus minusve valido, labio externo ad suturam angulatim elevato, tum rotundato, deinde crasso, rectiusculo, anticè emarginato, extùs validè canali- fero. Pyriform, ventricose, of a slaty colour, with a broad triangular varix at the anterior part of the last whorl ; the spire short; the aperture posteriorly angulated, anteriorly widened; there are five thick folds on the columella, and a transverse callosity on the body whorl above the folds. The outer lip is broad, angular, with a groove behind the reflected margin. A common shell ; Mr. Cuming has it from Malacca. 45. MARGINELLA ELEGANS (pl. lxxvii. f. 147, 148, 149.), Gmel. p. 3448. Voluta cancellata, Schrieber. Voluta undulata, Chem. et Voluta strigata, Dillwyn, inclusis. M. sub-conicâ, ventricosâ, pallidè griseâ, lineis nigrescentibus, fasciis albis interruptis, fasciatim cinctâ, vel lineis interruptis undu- latis sparsim ornatâ, anticè varice acuto marginato; aperturâ latâ, columellâ anticè callosâ plicis quinque aurantiis quarum duabus anticis proximis ; labio externo lævi, paululùm incurvo, ad extremi- tates subexpanso, plerumque aurantio, extùs validè reflexo. The variety, fig. 148, is the Voluta undulata of Chemn.; it is rather more ventricose than the variety, fig. 147, which is M. elegans of Gmel. From the East Indies. 46. MARGINELLA TURBINATA (pl. lxxv. f. 70, 71.), nobis. M. turbinatâ, angulatâ, pallidè fulvâ; spirâ breviusculâ, anfrac- tibus angulatis, ad angulum crenatis ; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo lavi, posticè angulato, in medio incurvo, anticè emar- ginato, ponè ad basin varicis columellari juncto. At the base of this and several succeeding species there is a raised band or varix running from the columella round the back of the shell into the reflected edge of the outer lip. This differs from other species of the same group, in being turbinated in form and crenulated at the angle of the whorls. Mr. Gaskoin's Collection ; locality unknown. 386 47. MARGINELLA SCRIPTA (pl. lxxv. f. 83, 84, 85.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. “M. parvâ, retusè ovatâ, cinereâ, lineis nigris longitudinalibus validè angulatis, sparsim maculatis; spirâ retusissimâ; labro intus denticulato; columellâ quinqueplicatâ, duabus superioribus trans- versis.' A conical shell, marked with beautiful dark zig-zag lines. The columella has five folds, and the outer lip is crenulated. The speci- men (fig. 85.), which has the lines more minute and more undu- lated, is in the Collection of Mr. Bell. The others are from Mr. Cuming's specimens. Straits of Macassar; in 11 to 15 fathoms, coarse sand. 48. MARGINELLA AUSTRALIS (pl. lxxv. f. 64, 65.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. p. 75. “M. testâ retusè ovatâ, albidâ vel pallidè corneâ, spirâ conico- retusâ ; labro incrassato, ponè albido, intùs lævi; columellâ quad- riplicatâ, versus basin albo fasciata.” Of a somewhat turbinated form, and greyish horn colour ; remarkable for the strong white raised band, or varix, running at the anterior part of the last whorl into the strongly reflected outer lip, which is also white. Mr. Cuming's Collection; from the north-west coast of Aus- tralia; taken in coral-sand at low water. 49. MARGINELLA PYGMÆA (pl. lxxv. f. 78, 79.), nobis, Zool. Proc. 1846. M. coniformi, lævi, pallidissimè fulvâ; spirâ brevi; aperturâ elongatâ; columellâ minutè quadriplicatâ ; labio externo lavi, extùs varicosâ. Resembling M. Saulia in general form, but wanting the coloured lines, and having the outer lip externally varicose. There is also a varix at the anterior part of the whorl. The specimen is in the Collection of Mr. Bell. Locality unknown. 50. MARGINELLA SauliÆ (pl. lxxv. f. 68.), nobis. M. conico-subovali, lævi, pallidissimè fulvâ, lineis rubris binis cinctâ ; spirâ brevi; aperturâ elongatâ, columella quadriplicatâ, plicâ ultimâ subincrassato, labio externo, in lævi, medio paululum incurvâ, extùs minimè varicosâ. A beautiful small, rather conical, smooth shell with two reddish lines across the last whorl. The spire is very short, the aperture 387 long; the columellâ with four folds, and the outer lip smooth, scarcely raised from the body whorl at its reflected margin. From Miss Saul's Collection ; locality unknown. 51. MARGINELLA CONOIDALIS (pl. lxxvi. f. 93, 94, 97–101.), Kiener. Sp. Coq. viv. Marginella, p. 37. M. apicina, Menke. M. ovato-conicâ, albâ, interdum apice rubrâ, vel carneâ fascis- tribus pallidis griseis ; spirâ brevi; columellâ sub-callosâ quadripli- catâ ; labio externo lævi, plus minusve crasso, postice emarginato. in medio sub-incurvo, extùs varicoso. Several varieties occur of this conical species, and some speci- mens are less angularly conical than others. Figures 93 and 94 were engraved with a view to describing the shell as a separate species ; subsequent examination, however, proved it so near to the variety figured at 101, and the gradation from that to the more conical varieties appeared so complete, that it seems impossible to separate them. From the East Indies; variety fig. 100, from Honduras. 52. MARGINELLA DIAPHANA (pl. lxxvi. f. 95, 96.), Kiener. Sp. gen. coq. viv. Marginella, p. 38. M. pellucida, Pfieffer? M. conicâ, corneâ, diaphanâ ; spirâ brevi; columellâ quadripli- catâ; plicis duabus anticis magnis ; labio externo lævi, anticè angulato, extùs fusco marginato. Differing from M. conoidalis in being transparent, and having a much thinner outer lip. From Cuba. 53. MARGINELLA VITREA (pl. lxxv. f. 74, 75.), Hinds. Zool. Proc. 1844. M. coniformi, hyalinâ, nitidâ; spirâ valdè retusâ ; labro paulu- lùm incrassato et reflexo, intùs lævi; columellâ plicis quatuor gracilibus." Much more angular and conical than M. margarita, with the outer lip smooth. In the Collections of Capt. Belcher and Mr. Bell; from the west coast of Africa. 54. MARGINELLA INCONSPICUA (pl. lxxv. f. 80.), nobis. M. elongato-ovali, lævi, palidissimè fulvâ; spirâ brevi ; apertura elongatâ; columellâ minutě quadriplicatâ ; labio externo lævi extùs vix varicosa. 388 A small, pale, oval shell, with short spire, and aperture pro- portionately lengthened. The outer lip is smooth. The collu- mellar folds are small. The specimen is in Mr. Bell's Collection. Locality unknown. 55. MARGINELLA EVANIDA (pl. lxxv. f. 69.), nobis. M. elongato-ovali, lævi, albâ; spirâ brevi; aperturâ angustatâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ, plicis duabus anticis tumidis; labio externo crasso, in medio incurvo, extùs vix varicoso. The outer lip of this small white species is thick, and bent inwards so as to narrow the aperture. The last two of the four folds on the collumella are close together and tumid. Mr. Bell's Collection; locality unknown. 56. MARGINELLA MINIMA (pl. lxxvii. f. 220.), Guilding. M. minutissimâ, albâ, pellucidâ, subcylindricâ, anticè obliquè sub-angustâ; spirâ vix exsertâ; columellâ anticè inæqualiter tri- plicatâ; labio externo posticè angulatim elevato, intùs lævi, extùs vix varicosâ. A very minute, transparent, white, oval shell; with the outer lip smooth, and three unequal folds on the columella. From St. Vincents. x 57. MARGINELLA MONILIS (pl. lxxvi. f. 117, 118.), Lam. (Volvaria) vii. p. 363. M. ovali, sub-cylindricâ, opacâ, nitidâ, lacteâ; spirâ vix pro- ductâ, anfractu ultimo ad apicem tumidè elevato ad latera calloso, anticè varicoso; apertnrâ elongatâ, columellâ tumidè expansâ, plicis sex, quarum posticis tribus parvis, anticâ unicâ parvâ, sub-retusâ ; labio externo crasso rectiusculo, posticè emarginato, anticè sub- quadrato, vix emarginato; extùs leviter varicoso. A small, white, oval or sub-cylindrical species, with the spire nearly hidden by the tumid elevation of the outer lip. The colu- mellar lip is spread and thickened so as to form a kind of lateral edge to the back of the shell, which is continued round the last whorl. Great numbers of this species are used by the Africans for necklaces. From Senegal. 58. MARGINELLA TRITICEA (pl.lxxvi. f.119,120, 121.), Lamark, (Volvaria) vol. vii. Voluta exilis, Wood's catalogue. M. elongatâ, sub-conicâ, posticè subangulatâ, anticè sub-coarc- tatâ, pallidè fulvâ, fasciis tribus latis, fulvis vel cinctâ; spirâ a х 389 conicâ; aperturâ angustatâ, elongatâ; columellâ plicis quatuor minutis prope terminum anticum; labio externo lavi, incurvo, extùs varicoso. Elongated, nearly conical, slightly angulated at the posterior part of the whorls, narrowed towards the anterior termination ; aperture narrow, long; columella with 4 minute folds close to the anterior ; outer lip smooth, externally varicose. Mediterranean. & 59. MARGINELLA NITIDA (pl. lxxvi. f. 131.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. M. elongatè ovatâ, fuscâ, politâ, nitidâ, concolore; spirâ conicâ, obtusâ ; labro tenui, acuto, inflexo, pallido; columella quadriplicatâ.” Of a lengthened oval form, and dark brown colour; the aperture narrow, the columella with four oblique folds, the outer lip slightly thickened, bent inwards near the centre. In Mr. Cuming's Collection ; locality unknown. 60. MARGINELLA INFLEXA (pl. lxxvi. f. 132.), nobis. M. elongatâ, prope medium sub-angulatâ, lævi, fuscâ, versùs basin sub-angustatâ ; spirâ productâ; apice obtuso, suturâ albâ ; anfractu ultimo fasciâ rubrâ prope suturam cincto : aperturâ an- gustâ, columellâ quadriplicatâ, anticè spiraliter albâ; labio externo incurvo, crasso, angulato, anticè sub-dilatato. A neat, brown shell , narrow, with the spire produced, and the outer lip angulated near the centre; a white line close to the suture and a reddish brown band under it. The spire is more produced, and the angle nearer the centre, than in M. nitida. Mr. Bell's Collection, 61. MARGINELLA FASCIATA (pl. lxxvi. f. 142.), nolis. M. parvâ, cylindricâ, anticè sub-attenuatâ, lavi, fasciis fuscis binis, et lineis nigrescentibus quinque cinctâ; spirâ brevi ; aper- turâ elongatâ, angustatâ ; columellâ validè quadriplicatâ ; labio externo lævi, rectiusculo, extùs paululùm incrassato. A small, cylindrical species, rather tapering towards the anterior extremity, beautifully banded by brocd zones of brown, edged with darker brown. The folds on the columella are rather stronger than in most species of the same group. Specimens in the British Museum ; locality unknown. 2 K 390 62. MARGINELLA VARIA (pl. lxxvi. f. 137–141.), nobis. Proc. Zool. 1846. M. elongatâ, lævi, anticè expansâ, albâ, vel fuscâ, vel fusco vel rubro trifasciatâ, vel purpureo longitudinaliter et spiraliter inter- ruptim fasciatâ, spirâ plus minusve productâ ; aperturâ posticè angustâ, anticè sub-expansâ ; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio ex- terno in medio incurvo, extùs leviter varicoso. Differing from M. lactea, of Kiener, in being wider at the ante- rior termination, and in the outer lip not being so much elevated. From the West Indies. The varieties represented by figs. 141 and 138 are from Honduras Bay. 63. MARGINELLA LACTEA (pl. Ixxvi. f. 143, 144.), Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv. Marginella, p. 42. M. parva, elongatâ, lævi, albâ, anticè sub-coarctatâ ; spirâ brevi obtusâ ; aperturâ angustâ; columellâ ad basin leviter quadripli- catâ ; labio externo lævi, ad apicem elevato. Small, elongated, white, rather narrowed anteriorly, the outer lip is raised to the apex. From the West Indies ; common. 64. MARGINELLA PALLIDA (pl. lxxvi. f. 108.), (Volvaria), Lamarck, vol. 7. M. cylindricâ, tenui, anticè sub-expansâ, pallidè fulva, leviter trifasciatâ ; columellâ in medio sub-ventricosâ, tum arcuato, anticè obliquè quadriplicatâ ; labio externo tenui, lævi, incurvo, anticè expanso, extùs vix incrassato. A thin, cylindrical shell, with a very short spire, four thin, oblique folds on the columella, the mouth widened anteriorly and the outer lip scarcely thickened. From the West Indies. 65. MARGINELLA CYLINDRICA (p. Ixxvi. f. 134.), nobis. M. cylindricâ, tenui, pallidè fulva, leviter fasciatâ ; spirâ brevi; columellâ anticè triplicatâ, labio externo lævi sub-incrassato. Less cylindrical, with a more produced spire and the aperture narrower at the anterior than in M. pallida. The outer lip is also more thickened. Specimens in the Collection of Mr. Bell. Locality unknown. 66. MARGINELLA NEGLECTA (pl. lxxvi. f. 135, 136.), nobis. M. parvâ, elongato-subovali, pallidè fulva, trifasciatâ; columellâ x 391 x X quadriplicatâ ; aperturâ posticè angustatâ, anticè subexpansâ ; labio externo in medio sub-incurvo, extùs vix incrassato. A minute species differing from M. cylindrica in general form having a much more produced spire. Locality unknown. Cape of good soften wim. 67. MARGINELLA TÆNIATA (pl. lxxvi. f. 128, 129.), nobis. Zool. Proc, 1846, M. ovali, cylindricâ, pallidè fulva, fasciis fuscis tribus cinctâ ; spirâ brevi, aperturâ elongatâ, posticè sub-angustatâ; columella plicis quatuor quarum duabus anticis majoribus; labio externo lævi, latè reflexo. Differing from M. avena, in having a short spire, and the outer lip more broadly reflected. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. Locality unknown. 68. MARGINELLA AVENA (pl. lxxvi. f. 130.), Valenciennes, Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv. Marginella, p. 17. , M. parvâ, oblongâ, sub-cylindricâ, albâ vel pallidè flavidâ, sub- diaphanâ; spirâ conicâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo lævi, prope medium incurvo, extùs paululùm varicoso. Small, oblong, rather cylindrical, white, or pale yellowish fawn- coloured, the spire conical, the columella with four folds; the smooth outer lip bent inwards near the centre. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. From Baclayon, Isle of Bohol. 69. MARGINELLA Fauna (pl. lxxvi. f. 126, 127.), nobis. Zool. Proc. 1846. M. ovali, sub-cylindricâ, pallidissimè carneâ, spirâ brevi; colu- mellâ obliquè quadriplicatâ ; labio externo prope medium incurvo, extùs sub-incrassato. Slightly resembling M. pallida, but more oval; the lower part of the aperture less open, and the outer lip thicker. Mr. Cuming's Collection. Locality unknown. 70. MARGINELLA RUBELLA (pl. lxxvi. f. 133.), -- ? M. elongato-ovali, pallidissimè roseâ, spirâ brevi; columella obliquè quadriplicatâ ; labio externo in medio incurvo, extùs vix incrassato. A smooth oval, pale pink species, with four folds on the colu- mella, and the outer lip slightly thickened and bent inwards near the centre. f 2 K 2 392 71. MARGINELLA ZONATA (pl. lxxvi. f. 115, 116.), Kiener', Sp. gen. coq. viv. Marginella. M. cylindricâ, lævi, albâ, lineis rubris binis, vel fasciâ fuscâ latâ, unicâ cinctâ; spirâ brevi; aperturâ elongatâ, anticè sub-expansâ; columellâ plicis quatuor ad quinque prope terminum anticum, quarum anticis majoribus; labio externo subrecto, subincrasato. Cylindrical, with broad band in the centre of the last whorl, edged by two dark brown lines, in one variety, and two reddish lines alone. There are four or five small folds at the anterior termination of the columella, of which the last are the largest. From the West Indies. The bi-lineated variety from the Cape of Good Hope. In Mr. Cuming's collection. 72. MARGINELLA FUSCA (pl. lxxvi. f.122, 123.), nobis, Zool. Proc. 1846. M. elongatâ, sub-ovali, posticè sub-angulatâ, anticè latè mar- ginatâ, in medio paululùm contractâ, fuscâ, vel pallidè purpureâ, fusco-trifasciatâ; spirâ breviusculâ, apice obtuso; aperturâ angus- tatâ, columellâ rectiusculâ, plicis quatuor, quarum duabus anticis albis, prominentibus, spiraliter elongatis; labio externo albo, intùs in medio incurvo, extùs fusco, latè reflexo. Differing from M. nitida, in the colouring, in the shortness of the spire, and in the outer lip being more broadly reflected. In Mr. Cuming's collection. From the West Indies. 73. MARGINELLA CRASSILABRUM (pl. lxxvi. f. 124, 125.), nobis, Zool. Proc., 1846. M. sub-ovali, in medio sub-angulatâ, pallidè griseo-fulvâ; spirâ brevi; anfractibus distinctis, ultimo dilatato, ad spiram elevato; columellâ plicis quatuor, quarum duabus anticis prominentibus, spiraliter elongatis; labio externo, crasso, latè incurvo, angnlato, extùs varicoso, ad apicem tumidè elevato. This species is remarkable for the broad, angular disc formed by the outer lip, which is much thickened at the back and raised so as nearly to cover the spire. In Mr. Cuming's collection. From W. Indies. 74. MARGINELLA OLIVÆFORMIS (pl. lxxvii. f. 163, 164.), Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv. M. ovato-oblongâ, anticè sub-attenuatâ; pallidè carneâ, obscurè trifasciatâ; spirâ productâ; columellâ plicis quatuor quarum x 393 у duabus anticis proximis; labio externo lævi, in medio incurvo, anticè minimè emarginato, extùs validè et nitidè emarginato. Resembling M. constricta, but not so much contracted in the centre of the last whorl. From Senegal. 75. MARGINELLA FRUMENTUM (pl. lxxviii. f. 221, 222.), Sowerby, Zool. Proc., 1831. p. 57. M. ovali, subventricosâ, stramineâ, fasciis pallidè rubris et lineis undulatis per seriebus dispositis; spirâ planatâ, circulari, margine punctatâ; aperturâ albâ, anticè emarginatâ; columella anticè maculâ unicâ fuscâ, plicis quatuor quarum duabus anticis majo- ribus; labio externo lavi, extùs vix incrassato. Oval, ventricose, with bands of pale brown between three series of undulated reddish brown lines across the whorl; spire flattened, circular; columella with four small plaits and a brown spot on the anterior part, which is swelled. The outer lip is smooth, and very little thickened at the outside. From the West Indies. 76. MARGINELLA PULCHELLA (pl. lxxviii. f. 213, 214, 215.), Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv. p. 27. M. ovali, anticè marginatâ, stramineâ, lineis undatis et angu- latis, rubris ornatâ ; spirâ celatâ, marginatâ; aperturâ spiram superante; columellâ anticè tumidâ, plicis numerosis parvis, duabus, anticis majoribus; labio externo albo, intùs lævi, anticè emarginato, extùs vix incrassato. Narrow, oval, with a raised edge at both extremities, marked by undulating and angular lines of light reddish brown. From Sydney. 77. MARGINELLA CATENATA (pl. lxxviii. f. 225, 226.) Trans. Linn. Soc. p. 133. M. parvâ, ovali, ventricosâ, pallidissimè stramineâ, lineis albis rubro angulatim maculatis quinque; spirâ planatâ, circulari; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; labio externo spiram superante, anticè emarginato, extùs vix incrassato. This small Bristish species is marked by narrow white bands spotted with red. 78. MARGINELLA SAGITTATA (pl.lxxviii. f. 223, 224.), Hinds, Zool. Proc., 1844. “M. testâ retuso-ovatâ, pallidâ, lineis rufis sagittatis, transversis, a 394 alteris longitudinalibus confluentibus, ornatâ; apice puncticulato; labro sub-reflexo, intùs lævi; columellâ vix quadriplicatâ.” Hab. Brazils. Cab. Cuming. The markings are arrow-headed, arrayed in transverse rows, which are connected by bands of undulating fine lines. 79. MARGINELLA PHRYGIA (pl. lxxviii. f. 218, 219.). nobis. M. parvâ, ovali , posticè sub-quadratâ, pallidè fulva, maculis guttuliformibus in seriebus angulatis dispositis ornatâ; spirâ pla- natâ circulari, margine punctatâ; aperturâ albâ, anticè emargi- natâ; columellâ anticè tumidâ, plicis quinque, quarum duabus anticis magnis; labio externo posticè spiram superante; extùs vix incrassato. This beautifully marked small species differs from M. guttata of Swainson, in shape; the spire is flattened but not hidden entirely. In Professor Bell's Collection. 80. MARGINELLA GUTTATA (pl. lxxviii. f. 208, 209, 210.), Swainson. Zoological Illustrations. M. maculosa, Kiener. M. ovali, sub-ventricosâ, pallidissimè fulvâ, maculis guttuliformi- bus fasciatim ornatâ; spirâ celatâ ; aperturâ albâ, angustâ anticè validè emarginatâ ; columellâ anticè varicosâ, plicis duabus posticis parvis, unicâ latâ validâ, alterâ magnâ terminali; labio externo intùs lævi, extùs vix incrassato. Oval, sub-ventricose, mottled with tear-shaped spots arranged in bands. The spire hidden; the aperture lengthened; the colu- mella with two small posterior folds, then one broad and flat, swelled into a varix, and the last large and oblique. The outer lip is anteriorly emarginated, smooth within and scarcely thickened without. In Mr. Cuming's Collection ; from St. Vincents. 81. MARGINELLA MURALIS (pl. lxxviii. f. 217.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. p. 75. “M. testâ elongatè ovatâ, ferè subcylindraceâ, lacteâ, nitidâ ; maculis pallidè rufis quadratis transversis ornatâ, interdum albo- marginatis, majoribus per series tres dispositis ; labro vix incras- sato, sub-inflexo, intùs sulcato; columellâ plicis tribus inferioribus distinctis, obliquis, alteris superioribus obsoletis transversis. The markings are disposed in rows of square patches ; the three largest rows being in the centre and near each extremity. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. The locality is unknown. 395 X 82. MARGINELLA TESSELLATA (pl.lxxviii. f. 194–197.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii. p. 361. s M. ovali, albâ, vel stramineâ, maculis subquadratis magnis fas- ciatim ornatâ; spirâ penè celatâ, apice fasciâ rubrâ circulari cinctâ; aperturâ anticè et posticè validè emarginatâ ; columellâ albâ, in medio tumidâ, anticè in varicem tumidum elevatâ, plicis quatuor ad quinque obscuris, inæqualibus; labio externo intùs albo, crenato, extùs fusco, varicoso. A common species from Venezuela, distinguished by the dark squarish spots arrayed in broad bands with narrow passages between. 83. MARGINELLA MULTI-LINEATA (pl. lxxviii, f. 192, 193.), nobis. Zool. Proc. 1846. y M. ovali, stramineâ, lineis rubris numerosis cinctâ ; spirâ penè celatâ, apice fasciâ circulari cinctâ; aperturâ anticè et postice emarginatâ; columellâ albâ, in medio tumidâ, anticè callosâ, plicis quatuor ad quinque inæqualibus; labio externo albo, intus crenu- lato, in medio sub-angulato, extùs tenuiter reflexo. On the whole resembling M. tessellata, but it is much shorter, with the outer lip less varicose on the outside, and coloured by numerous red lines instead of the square patches. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. 84. MARGINELLA INTERRUPTA (pl. lxxviii. f. 201-205.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. viii. p. 362. M. ovali, stramineâ, lineis interruptis, rubris vel nigris cinctâ; interdum fusco-maculatâ ; spirâ celatâ ; aperturâ anticè et posticè emarginatâ, spiram superante, columellâ crassâ, in medio tumide ventricosâ, posticè in varicem elevatâ, anticè expansâ, varicosâ, , , plicis septem irregularibus; labio externo arcuato, intùs crenulato, extùs plus minusve varicoso, nitidè marginato. Of an oval and rather irregular form, with the spire hidden and the lips of the aperture raised beyond it; the columella lip is tumid, at the apex raised into a varix, in the centre swelling so as to form a ventricose outline and anteriorly raised into a sort of blunt tooth; it has irregular plaits on the pillar. The outer lip is denticulated within and neatly marginated without. In colouring there are many varieties, bnt all are marked with more or less interrupted transverse lines. From Demerara. a 396 X 85. MARGINELLA SIMILIS (pl. lxxviii. f. 206, 207.), nobis. Zool. Proc. 1846. M. ovali, stramineâ, griseo nebulatâ, lineis creberrimis inter- ruptim cinctâ; spirâ penè celatâ ; aperturâ angustâ, anticè et posticè emarginatâ; columellâ ad spiram tumidâ, anticè varicosa, irregulariter septemplicatâ ; labio externo posticè spiram paululum superante, intùs crenulato, extùs nigro maculato, vix marginato. The spire is less concealed, and the margin of the reflected lip less distinct than in M. interrupta. The colouring is more mottled. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. From Brazil. 86. MARGINELLA IMBRICATA (pl. lxxviii. f. 211, 212.), Hinds, Zool. Proc. 1844. M. interrupta similâ sed angustiorâ et maculis rufis quadratis prope medium unifasciatâ. It is immaterial whether this be considered as a variety of M. interrupta, or distinct. It is narrow, and has a row of square spots near the centre of the last whorl. In Mr. Cuming's Collection. Collected at Acapulco, by Col. Moffat. p. 76. P. 87. MARGINELLA KIENERIANA (pl. lxxvii, f. 198, 199, 200.), Petit, Magas. de zool. 1838. 110. M.“ testâ parvâ, pyriformi, fulvâ, maculis albis transversis per series quatuor dispositis ornatâ ; spirâ brevissimâ, exsertiusculâ ; labro dextro crasso, intùs vix crenulato, columellâ octoplicatâ.” Pyriform, dark brown or pale yellow, with four rows or trian- gular white spots edged by angular lines, which are reddish brown on the yellow ground, or dark grey on the brown. The columella is thickened and flattened and has folds nearly up to the posterior extremity almost in the manner of a Cypræa. The outer lip is finely denticulated. From Venezuela. Mr. Cuming possesses both varieties. 88. MARGINELLA LABIATA (pl. lxxvi. f. 104, 105.), Kiener, Sp. gen. coq. viv. M. ovato-conicâ, lævi, pallidè roseâ, fasciis pallidis nigrescentibus fasciatâ ; spirâ brevi; anfractu ultimo posticè ad marginem tumido; aperturâ elongatâ, angustâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ, expansâ, .posticè et anticè callosâ ; labio externo crasso, intùs irregulariter crenulato, extus validè varicoso, aurantiâ marginato. 397 Conical, with a short spire, smooth, of a pale rose colour with faint greyish bands. The outer lip extends over the spire and at the back of it, at the upper part of the body whorl, is a calosity. Gulf of Mexico, 88.* MARGINELLA OBESA (pl. lxvi. f. 91, 92.), nobis. M. labiata similimâ sed magis elongatâ, spirâ magis productâ. This species is more elongated than M. labiata, with the spire more produced. In Professor Bell's Collection. 89. MARGINELLA CURTA (pl. lxxvii. f. 88, 89.), Sow. Zool. Proc. M. conico-subovali , fusco-cærulescente, transversim pallidè fas- ciatâ ; spirâ brevi, conicâ ; aperturâ angustatâ, castaneâ; colu- mellâ callosâ, expansâ, castaneo marginatâ, quadriplicatâ; labio externo crasso, lævi, posticè validè emarginato, intùs albo, extùs castaneo, validè varicoso. Of a short, conical form, and greyish brown colour crossed by white interrupted bands in both directions. The columella is thickened and spread over the body whorl. The outer lip is smooth, very deeply emarginated at its union with the body whorl. The inside of the mouth, the outer edge of the inner and outer lips are of a very deep chesnut colour. Casma and Samanco, Peru. ; 90. MARGINELLA LONGIVARICOSA (pl. lxxvi. f. 112, 113.), Lam. vii. p. 358. M. guttata, Dillw. i. p. 526. . M. oblongo-ovali, lævi, carneâ maculis albis, rotundatis sparsâ ; spirâ parvâ, mamelliformi; anfractu ultimo prope marginem pos- ticè calloso, suturâ fusco cinctâ; aperturâ elongatâ posticè cana- liculatâ angustatâ; collumellâ callosâ, expansã, quadriplicatâ ; labio externo crasso, lato, anticè vix emarginato, intùs lævi, extùs varicoso, fusco fasciato. Oval, oblong, smooth, of a flesh colour sprinkled with round white spots; spire very small, mammeliform, the last whorl swelled at the posterior part near the margin. The suture is banded with brown. The aperture is lengthened, the collumellar lip spread thickly over part of the body whorl, the outer lip very thick and broad and crossed by rich brown bands. There is a variety in Mr. Cuming's Collection, of a pale colour, without the bands. From Honduras Bay and Jamaica. a 2 L 398 a У 91. MARGINELLA NIVOSA (pl. lxxvi. f. 109, 110), Hinds, Zool. Proc. M.“ovatâ, cinereo-fuscâ; maculis lacteis laceratis super lineas longitudinales dispositis; spirâ retusâ; labro sub-recto, incrassato, albo, ad spiram adscendente, intùs infra medium leviter denti- culato; columellâ quadriplicatâ.” Something like M. longivaricosa, but of a darker colour, having white spots or interrupted bands, and having the spire much more produced and conical. Mr. Cuming's Collection; locality unknown. 92. MARGINELLA CARNEA (pl. lxxvi. f. 102, 103, 114.), Storer, Boston Journal of Science. M. oblongo-ovali, lævi, pallidissimè fulvâ, fasciis latis, tribus, carneis vel aurantiacis cinctâ, spirâ brevi; anfractu ultimo prope marginem posticè calloso, prope medium sub-angulato; apertura angustatâ, elongatâ; posticè canaliculatâ, columellâ callosâ, ex- pansâ, quadriplicatâ; ſabio externo crasso, lato, anticè paululùm emarginato, intùs lævi, extùs varicoso, fusco-fasciato. Resembling M. longivaricosa but having an angle in the last whorl, and the colour arranged in three broad bands. The spire is also more produced. From West Indies ; a very strangely coloured variety from Honduras Bay. Variety, fig. 103, in Mr. Gaskoin's Collection. 93. MARGINELLA PRUINOSA (pl. lxxvi. f. 3.), Hinds. Zool. Proc. 1844. M.“ovatâ, coarctatâ, albidâ, obsoletè trifasciatâ ; maculis parvis lacteis conspersâ; spirâ conico-retusâ, sub-callosâ ; labro incras- sato, paululùm incurvato, intùs leviter denticulato ; aperturâ an- gustâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ. Differing from M. longivaricosa in having a more produced spire and a depression in the centre of the last whorl. It is a pale shell, with spots of white in rows. Mr. Cuming's Collection ; from the West Indies. 94. MARGINELLA OBLONGA (pl. lxxvi. f. 106, 107.), Swains. Zool. Illus. M. carnea similimâ, sed magis elongatâ. Having the character of the M. carnea; excepting that it is much longer. 399 95. MARGINELLA ANGUSTATA (pl. lxxvii. f. 169, 170.), nobis. Zool. Proc., 1846. Voluta bullata, Gmel. and Kiener. M. elongato-ovali , pallidè rubrâ vel crimeâ, lineis rubris inter- ruptis fasciatim cinctâ ; spirâ celatâ ; aperturâ elongatâ, ad apicem extensâ; columellâ posticè et anticè callosâ, plicis tribus, quarum anticâ unicâ magnâ, penè duplicatâ ; labio externo crasso, albo, extùs rubro, latè et tenuiter expanso, The true M. bullata is figured so unquestionably in Born and Chemnitz, that it is a matter of surprise that M. Kiener should have followed Gmelin in applying the name to this species. M. angustata is narrow, with bands of colour crossing each other in the two directions, and the spire hidden by the outer lip, which is thinly and broadly reflected. From the East Indies. 96. MARGINELLA MILIARIA (pl. lxxviii. f. 227 to 230.), Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. xii. p. 184. M. oryza, Lam., inclusâ. p M. parvâ, pyriformi, ventricosâ, albâ vel pallidè fulva, fasciâ latâ, fuscâ, in medio cinctâ, posticè marginatâ, spirâ parvâ, rubro cinctâ; aperturâ elongatâ, anticè emarginatâ; columellâ quinque- plicata, labio externo intùs crenulato, posticè emarginato, extùs paululùm incrassato. Small, pyriform, white or pale-brown, with a broad brown band, spire small , encircled with a reddish line; aperture length- ened, marginated at both extremities; columella thickened, with about five folds; outer lip crenulated within, slightly thickened on the outisde. From Senegal. 97. MARGINELLA PERSICULA (pl. lxxviii. f. 189, 190, 191.), Voluta Persiula, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. p. 1189. M. avellana, Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vii. inclusâ. M. breviter sub-ovali, pallidè fulvâ, punctis rubris ornatâ; spirâ celatâ, aperturâ spiram superante, posticè et anticè validè emar- ginatâ, columellâ callosâ, albâ, prope spiram varice valido, anticè ad marginem quinqueplicato, plicâ magnâ obliquâ terminali; labio externo posticè arcuato, intùs crenato. This species and M. lineata differ only in the latter having lines, and the former, spots. While retaining this as, at least, a recog- nizable distinction, we cannot establish any distinction between the variety of M. persicula (f. 189.) with large spots, M. avellana, Lam., and the variety having the spots much smaller. From the river Gambia. 2 L 2 400 1 . 98. MARGINELLA LINEATA (pl. lxxviii. f. 185, 186.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vii. M. breviter sub-ovali , pallidè fulvâ, lineis rubris obliquè lineatâ ; spirâ celatâ ; aperturâ spiram superante; columellâ callosâ albâ, prope spiram varice valido, anticè ad marginem quinque-plicato, plicâ magnâ obliquâ terminali ; labio externo posticè arcuato, intùs crenato, pone spiram validè emarginato, anticè validè emarginato. Of a shortened oval form, and pale straw colour, with oblique transverse red lines which sometimes run obliquely into each other, and are sometimes interrupted. There is a strong notch at the union of the outer and inner lips, which are both extended beyond the spire. a 99. MARGINELLA CORNEA (pl. lxxviii. f. 183, 184.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vii. p. 360. s M. elongato-ovali, corneâ, obscurè fulvo quinque-fasciatâ, spirar superante; columellâ albâ, tenuiter expansâ, posticè callosâ, anticè spiraliter varicosâ, plicis sex ad septem obscuris ; labio externo intùs radiatim plicato, anticè pone spiram emarginato, extùs an- gustè reflexo. Of a lengthened oval form, horn coloured, with five obscure bands of brown. There is a notch at the juncture of the inner and outer lips, the inside of which is grooved. From Senegal. 100. MARGINELLA SARDA (pl. lxxviii. f. 174, 175.), Kiener. Sp. gen. coq. viv. Marginella p. 30. M. ovali, ventricosâ, pallidè roseâ, obscurè purpureo fasciatâ ; spirâ celatâ; aperturâ spiram superante; columellâ callosâ, ex- pansâ, posticè varice tumido, anticè tumidâ, plicis quatuor, quarum anticis duabus angulatis; labio externo crasso, intùs acutè dentato, extùs aurantio, latè reflexo, validè varicoso. Much shorter than M. L'argillieri, &c., with a neatly toothed edge to the outer lip. In Mr. Cuming's collection. Ceylon. 101. MARGINELLA BLANDA (pl. lxxvii. f. 167, 168.), Hinds, Zool. Proc., March, 1844. ‘M. testâ ovatâ, tenui, sardonychiâ, obsoletè fasciatâ ; spirâ vix occultâ, pallidâ; labro incrassato et sub-reflexo, intùs levi; colu- mellâ albidâ, sexplicatâ, plicis superioribus evanidis.” Hab. Cape Blanco, West coast of Africa, in twelve to fifteen fathoms. Not having the shell we copy the figures and description. > 401 102. MARGINELLA OVULUM (pl. lxxviii. f. 188.), nobis. M. ovali, lævi, albâ, spirâ celatâ ; apertura spiram superante ; columellâ anticè quadriplicatâ, labio externo integro lævi, extùs latè et tenuiter reflexo. A most complete little Ovulum but for the folds on the columella. In Mr. Bell's collection. The locality is unknown. 103. MARGINELLA DACTYLUS (pl. lxxviii. f. 187.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vii. M. cylindricâ, pallidè fulva, spirâ celatâ; aperturâ spiram supe- rante, columellâ plicis quinque, spiraliter extensis; labio externo lævi, integro, latè expanso. , Cylindrical, pale fawn, with the spire hidden; the aperture over-reaching the spire as in the genus Ovulum. There are five folds on the columella. Locality unknown. 104. MARGINELLA BULLATA (pl. lxxvii. f. 158, 159.), Born, Mus. p. 218. Chemn. 159. t. 150. f. 1409, 1410. M. Bellangeri, Kiener Sp. gen. coq. Marginella p. 27. M. magnâ, sub-pyriformi, ventricosâ, pallidè carneâ, leviter fasciatâ ; spirâ retusâ, umbilicatâ ; aperturâ intùs fulva, columella anticè spiraliter callosâ; quadriplicatâ, labio externo lævi, albâ, extùs validè varicosâ, aurantiacâ. This large and elegant species is ventricose at the upper part, and tapers off towards the anterior. The spire is in a slightly hollowed disc. The colour is pale buff, lightly banded, reddish brown inside the aperture, and the margin of the outer lip orange. Fig. 159 represents a pale lemon coloured variety in Mr. Cuming's collection. The species is from Brazil. 105. MARGINELLA TRICINCTA (pl. lxxviii. f.181, 182.), Hinds, Zool. Proc., March, 1844, p. 76. “M. testâ obeso-ovatâ, cinereo-cærulescente, fusco trifasciatâ, labro incrassato, luteo, intùs lavi; columellâ sexplicatâ, ad basin albâ; plicis tribus superioribus transversis, supremâ paululùm obsoletā.” Oval, ventricose, rather narrowed anteriorly, of a greyish colour, with three reddish brown bands. The spire is hidden, the outer lip going beyond it. The columella has six folds. Capt. Belcher's and Mr. Cuming's collection. Taken in the straights of Macassar ; in eleven fathoms, coarse mud. Х 402 106. MARGINELLA LILACINA (pl. lxxviii. f. 176, 177.), nobis. M. ovali, pallidè lilacinâ, fasciâ latâ pallidè purpureâ cinctâ ; spirâ celatâ, umbilicatâ; aperturâ spiram superante; columellâ posticè et in medio callosâ, anticè paululùm tumidâ, plicis quatuor, quarum duabus anticis magnis, sub-quadratis; labio externo crasso intùs irregulariter dentato, extùs roseo, validè varicoso, ad margi- nem sub-canalifero. Judging from the worn shell in the collection of Mr. Bell, the species must have been beautiful, the colour being pale lilac, with a broad band of darker tint, and the onter lip a delicate rose. This shell differs from M. L'argillieri in having four folds on the columella, and in the different form of the columellar swelling at the posterior end. 107. MARGINELLA L'ARGILLIERI (pl. lxxviii, f. 178, 179, 180.), Kiener Sp. gen. coq. viv. Marginella p. 43. . M. ovali, pallidè rubrâ, obscurè trifasciatâ, albo maculatâ; spirâ celatâ, umbilicatâ; aperturâ spiram superante; columellâ posticè in varicem validem spiram superante elevatâ, anticè callosâ, plicis tribus quarum anticâ magnâ maximâ, penè duplicatâ; labio ex- terno crasso, intùs irregulariter crenato, albo, extùs aurantio, validè , varicoso, canalifero. Oval, pale, reddish, with obscure bands and white spots. The outer and columellar lips are both extended beyond the spire as in the Cowries, and the latter forms a raised edge near the mouth, then there are two small folds and one large thick one from which a small tooth is parted. The outer lip is jagged on the inner edge, it is externally orange, with a groove behind its reflected edge. The pale variety, f. 178, is from Mr. Bell's collection, the others are Mr. Cuming's specimens from Bahia, Brazil. 108. MARGINELLA CLANDESTINA (pl. lxxviii. f. 216.), Brown. M. testâ minutâ, ovato-globulosâ, lævi, pellucidâ, cinereâ; spirâ brevissimâ, labio externo vix denticulato; columellâ triplicatâ. Very minute, pyriform, globose; with a very short spire, the outer lip very slightly crenulated, three small folds on the colu- mella. From the coast of Sicily. a MARGINELLA, LIST OF FIGURES IN PLATES LXXIV TO LXXVIII. Fig. Fig. - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1, 2. M. Faba, Sp. 1. 3 to 5. — Adansoni, 6. . 6. — intermedia, 28. 7, 8. — harpæformis, 2. 9, 10. — Cleryii, 25. 11, 12. — obtusa, 4. 13 to 15. — bifasciata, 3. 16, 17. — Goodallii, 18. 18 to 20. — limbata, 13. 21, 22. — pseudo-faba, 5. 23, 24. — splendens, 7. 25 to 27. — Belcheri, 24. , 28, 29. — Bellii, 8. 30. nodata, 22. 31, 32. - Petitii, 16. 33 to 35. - Cumingii, 15. 36, 37. — musica, 23. , . 38, 39. helmatina, 14. 40. — piperita, 31. 41, 42. formicula, 11. 43. - irrorata, 16. 44. — piperita, 31. 45 to 47. muscaria, 10. 48. — albo-cincta, 32. 49, 50. aurantia, 21. 51. — nubecula, 27. 52 to 54. — glabella, 17. 55. — irrorata, 19. 56, 57. rosea, 30. 58, 59. — mosaica, 29. 60, 61. — hmæatita, 26, . 62, 63. M. translucida, 12. 64, 65. — Australis, 48. 66, 67. — margarita, 36. 68. Sauliæ, 50. 69. evanida, 55. 70, 71. turbinata, 46. 72, 73. — festiva, 33. 74, 75. vitrea, 53. 76, 77. — fusiformis, 34. 78, 79. - pygmæa, 49. 80. — inconspicua, 54. 81, 82. — striata, 9. 83 to 85. — scripta, 47. 86, 87. - candida, 35. 88, 89. curta, 89. 90. — intermedia, 28. 91, 92. - obesa, 88.* 93, 94. conoidalis, 51. 95, 96. diaphana, 52. 97 to 101. conoidalis, 51. 102, 103. 104, 105. - labiata, 88. 106, 107. - oblonga, 94. 108. — pallida, 64. - 109, 110. — nivosa, 91. 111. — pruinosa, 93. 112, 113. - longivaricosa, 90. 114. carnea, 92. 115, 116. zonata, 71. 117, 118. - monilis, 57. 119 to 121. - triticea, 58. - - - - - - - - carnea, 92. - - - - - - . - - - - - - - 404 Fig. - - - - - - avena, 68. - - - - - - - - - - - 122, 123. M. fusca, Sp. 72. 124, 125. crassilabrum, 73. 126, 127. — fauna, 69. 128, 129. taniata, 67. 130. 131. nitida, 59. 132. — inflexa, 60. 133. – rubella, 70. 134. - cylindrica, 65. 135, 136. neglecta, 66. 137 to 141. · varia, 62. 142. fasciata, 61. 143, 144. — lactea, 63. 145, 146. — quinqueplicata, 44. , 147 to 149. – elegans, 45. 150, 151. — sapotilla, 39. 152. — pulchra, 40. 153 to 155. cærulescens, 37. 156, 157. constricta, 38. 158, 159. — bullata, 104. 160 to 162. — Amygdala, 43. · 163, 164. Olivaformis, 74. 165, 166. cincta, 41. 167, 168. blanda, 101. 169, 170. angustata, 95. 171, 172. – bivaricosa, 42. Fig. 173. M. fulminata, 20. 174, 175. sarda, 100. 176, 177. — lilacina, 106. 178 to 180. — L'argilieri, 107. 181, 182. tricincta, 105. 183, 184. cornea, 99. 185, 186. — lineata, 98. 187. — dactylus. 103. 188. — Ovulum, 102. 189 to 191. — Persicula, 97. 192, 193. — multilineata, 83. 194 to 197. – tessellata, 82. 198 to 200. Kieneriana, 87. 201 to 205. — interrupta, 84. 206, 207. — similis, 85. 208 to 210. — guttata, 80. 211, 212. imbricata, 86. 213 to 215. — pulchella, 76. clandestina, 108. 217. — muralis, 81. 218, 219. — phrygia, 79. , - 220. minima, 56. 221, 222, frumentum, 75. 223, 224. - sagittata, 78. - - - - - - - - - - 216. - - - - - - - - - - - ALPHABETICAL INDEX. > Adansoni, Sp. 6. f. 3, 4, 5. albo-cincta, 32. f. 48. Amygdala, 43. f. 160 to 162. angustata, 95. f. 169, 170. apicina, see conoidalis sp. 51. aurantia, 21. f. 49, 50, australis, 48. f. 64, 65. 225, 226. - catenata, 77. 227 to 230. - miliaria, 96. avellana, see Persicula, sp. 97. Bellangeri, see bullata, sp. 104. avena, 68. f. 130. Belcheri, 24. f. 25 to 27. Bellii, 8. f. 28, 29. bifasciata, 3. f. 13 to 15. bivaricosa, 42. f. 171, 162. 405 blanda, 131. f. 167, 168. bullata, 104. f. 158, 159. cancellata, see elegans, sp. 45. candida, 35. f. 86, 87. carnea, 92. f. 102, 103. catenata, 77. f. 225, 226. cærulescens, 37. f. 153 to 155. cincta, 41. f. 165, 166. clandestina, 108. f. 216. Cleryii, 25. f. 9, 10. conoidalis, 51. f. 93, 94, 97 to 101. cornea, 99. f. 183, 184. constricta, 38. f. 156, 157. crassilabrum, 73. f. 124, 125. Cumingii, 15. f. 33 to 35. curta, 89. f. 88, 89. cylindrica, 65. f. 134. dactylus, 103. f. 187. diaphana, 52. f. 95, 96. elegans, 45. f. 147 to 149. evanida, 55. f. 69. faba, 1. f.1, 2. fasciata, 61. f. 142. fauna, 69. f. 126, 127. festiva, 33. f. 72, 73. formicula, 11. f. 41, 42. frumentum, 75. f. 221, 222. fulminata, 20. f. 173. fusca, 72. f. 122, 123. fusiformis, 34. f. 76, 77. glabella, 17. f. 52 to 54. glabelloides, see irrorata, sp. 19. Goodallii, 18. f. 16, 17. guttata, 80. f. 208 to 210. Harpæformis, 2. f. 7, 8. hæmatita, 26. f. 60, 61. helmatina, 14. f. 38, 39. imbricata, 86. f. 211, 212. inconspicua, 54. f. 80. inflexa, 60. f. 132. irrorata, 19. f. 55. intermedia, 28. f. 90. interrupta, 84. f. 201 to 205. Kieneriana, 87. f. 198 to 200. labiata, 88. f. 104, 105. lactea, 63. f. 143, 144. L'argilieri, 107. f. 178 to 180. lilacina, 106. f. 176, 177. limbata, 13. f. 18 to 20. lineata, 98. f. 185, 186. longivaricosa, 90. f. 112, 113. maculosa, see guttata, sp. 80. margarita, 36. f. 66, 67. minima, 56. f. 220. miliaria, 96. f. 227 to 230. monilis, 57. f. 117, 118. mosaica, 29. f. 58, 59. multilineata, 93. f. 192, 193. muralis, 81. f. 217. muscaria, 10. f. 45 to 47. musica, 23. f. 36, 37. neglecta, 66. f. 135, 136. nitida, 59. f. 131. nivosa, 91. f. 109, 110. nodata, 22. f. 30. nubecula, 27. f. 51. obesa, 88*. f. 91, 92. oblonga, 94. f. 106, 107. obtusa, 4. f. 11, 12. Olivæformis, 74. f. 163, 164. oryza, see miliaria, sp. 96. Ovulum, 102. f. 188. pallida, 64. f. 108. pellucida, see diaphana, 32. Persicula, 97. f. 189 to 191. Petitii, 16. f. 31, 32. phrygia, 79. f. 218, 219. piperita, 31. f. 40, 44. 406 pruinosa, 93. f. 111. prunum, see cærulescens, sp. 37. pseudo-faba, 5. f. 21, 22. pulchella, 76. f. 213 to 215. pulchra, 40. f. 152. pygæma, 49. f. 78, 79. pyrum, see nubecula, sp. 27. quinqueplicata, 44. f. 145, 146. rosea, 30. f. 56, 57. rubella, 70. f. 133. sagittata, 78. f. 223, 224. sapotilla, 39. f. 130, 131. sarda, 100. f. 174, 175. Sauliæ, 50. f. 68. scripta, 47. f. 83 to 85. similis, 85. f. 206, 207. splendens, 7. f. 23, 24. striata, 9. f. 81, 82. strigata, see elegans, sp. 45. tessellata, 82. f. 194 to 197. tæniata, 67. f. 128, 129. translucida, 12. f. 62, 63. tricincta, 105. f. 181, 182. triticea, 58. f. 119 to 121. turbinata, f. 46. f. 70, 71. undulata, see elegans, sp. 45. varia, 62. f. 137 to 141. vitrea, 53. f. 74, 75. zonata, 71. f. 115, 116. PI. LXXIV 10 11 12 14 1.5 16 17 18 LALAL 23 1.9 20 21 24 29 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 GBS Jun P. LXIV 42 37 36 38 3.9 10 16 48 47 13 19 51 32 57 36 58 0 66 63 67 68 67 62 76 79 17 78 70 74 71 72 73 333 02 SS ? TO 87 82 85 23 CBS Jan. LXXVI 8.9 88 90 92 91 9.5 93 94 99 96 98 100 101 106 107 102 103 104 105 11 110 109 108 113 12 01909 125 125 124 121 129 120 178 123 117 276 122 134 1333 132 137 130 130 129 128 127 136 136 140 137 138 135 139 14.3 1-12 GBS Jun LXXTTI Stass 555 148 147 145 146 150 131 149 152 155 156 153 262 138 157 134 164 0 16.3 165 166 160 167 168 139 169 170 172 172 GBS. Jun." LXXVII G 174 175 176 173 170 178 183 184 179 180 187 182 990) 188 189 185 190 197 186 187 響​。 KOC 195 201 192 193 194 196 197 198 199 200 202 203 204 208 20.5 206 207 200 210 0 212 211 213 274 275 216 220) 217 218 219 226 230 2211 225 227 228 221 222 223 222 GPS.Jun 407 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS CYMBA. As described by W.J. Broderip, Esq., for the Species Conchyliorum'. Char. Gen. “Testa lævis, admodum ventricosa. Epidermis lævis, fusca, tegmine quasi vitreo partim vel omnino obducta. Apex rudis. Spira brevissima. Columella curva, 2-4-plicata, plicis magnis, acutis. Labium externum hand reflexum. Basis profundè emar- ginata. Apertura hians. “Caput grande, planum, tentaculis remotis, oculis pone tenta- cula positis. Pallium magnum. Pes maximus. Operculum nul- lum. Animal carnivorum. “Marinum in calidioribus mundi veteris regionibus. « The genus Cymba seems to form a natural group of testaceous Mollusca, the shells of which are marked by very strong characters; for these are ventricose, sombre, and for the most part, uniform in colour, and the apex of the spire is so rudely fashioned, that in the greater part of the species, it may be said to be almost shapeless. The shells are covered with a smooth, brown epidermis, which is, in adult individuals, more or less coated (in some instances entirely) with a vitreous covering or enamel-like glaze, probably secreted by the mantle. The columella is curved, and the base deeply emarginate. The food of these marine Trachelipoda consists of animal substances; they are inhabitants of warm climates, and there is no direct evidence that one of the genus has been found in the New World, if we confine the meaning of that term to America and its Islands; neither is the author aware that any of the shells of this genus have been found in a fossil state.” 1. Cymba NEPTUNI (pl. lxxx. f. 14, 17, 23.) Voluta Neptuni, Gmel. “C. testâ obovatâ, ventricoso-tumidâ, rufo-fuscescente, anfrac- tus basalis limbo apicem obliteratum prætereunte, carinato, subre- flexo; columella 4-plicatâ. “Shell obovate, tumid, ventricose, of a brownish red, covered with a strong brown epidermis, over which an enamel-like glaze is 408 a extended from the pillar over about a fourth part of the shell, leaving the epidermis of the back uncoated. In full grown speci- mens the spire and apex are entirely concealed, and the upper border of the body whorl , which is carinated and somewhat re- flexed, overhangs both, so as to form an open, somewhat round concavity. The pillar is four-plaited. “In younger individuals (Fig. 17.) and especially in those lately produced, the shell is thin, of a brownish red mottled with white, and the rude apex of the spire appears entirely uncovered. "From Africa, near the shore”. 2. CYMBA TRITONIS (pl. lxxix. f. 8. lxxx. f. 25.) Brod. Sp. Conch. “C. testâ ovato-tumidâ, elongatâ, pallente, anfractus basalis limbo apicem rotundum supereminente subreflexo; columellâ tri- plicatâ. “Shell ovate, tumid, elongated, pale-brown or whitish, covered with a brownish epidermis, over which an enamel-like glaze ex- tends from the pillar about as far as it does in Cymba Neptuni. The rounded apex of the spire in full grown individuals is very nearly concealed, and is over-hung by the border of the spire and body-whorl, so as to present the appearance of a shallow winding excavation, (at the bottom of which the tip of the apex may be dis- cerned,) differing entirely in character from that which is observed in Cymba Neptuni, the aperture is much less patulous; and the whole shell is more symmetrical and melon-shaped”. From Africa. 3. CYMBA PATULA (pl. lxxix. f. 7.) Brod. Sp. Conch. “C.testâ tumidâ, labium versus gibbâ, brunneo-rubente, anfractus basalis limbo excavato subreflexo, apicem subrotundum exsertum vix prætereunte; columellâ 4–plicatâ; aperturâ valdè patulâ. "Shell tumid, gibbous towards the outer lip, brownish red, covered with a brownish epidermis, partially coated, as in the last species, with an enamel-like glaze. The spire is excavated and open, the rounded apex partly apparent, and the upper border of , the body-whorl carinated, and somewhat reflected. The pillar, which has four plaits, is straighter than that of Cymba Neptuni and Cymba Tritonis, and the aperture from the gibbous extension of the outer lip is very wide. The shells of all the individuals of this species seen by the author, have the appearance of being full-grown, and are very much inferior in size to the two species last described”. From the African Ocean, near the shores. а 409 4. CYMBA PROBOSCIDALIS (pl. lxxix. f. 2. pl. lxxx. f. 22, 27.) Brod. Sp. Conch. “C. testâ elongatâ, ventricoso-cylindraceâ, pallidè fulvâ, anfrac- tus basalis limbo apicem obliteratum prætereunte, producto, patulo, carinato, subreflexo; columellâ 4-plicatâ. “In ætate provectâ, testâ tegmine vitreo penitus adoptera. Apex in junioribus exsertus subglandiformis . “Shell elongated, somewhat cylindrical, but ventricose towards the middle, reddish yellow, which becomes paler in full grown spe- cimens, covered with a dark brown epidermis, which is entirely coated in adults with the enamel-like glaze. The spire and apex are almost entirely obliterated in full grown individuals, and the reflected upper border of the body-whorl exposes a wide, somewhat excavated, snout-like area, from which the species obtains its name. The pillar has four plaits, the last being comparatively small. The shell grows to a large size. The author possesses a shell of this species, to which numerous Coronula (Chelonobie, Leach,) and Crepidula are attached; the animal has buried the majority of these adhesions under the thickest coat of enamel-like glaze hitherto observed on the shell of the species”. African Ocean, near the shores. a 5. CYMBA PORCINA (pl. lxxix. f. 1, 5, 9, 16, 18. pl. lxxx. f. 20.) Lam. Anim. s. vert. “C. testâ subcylindricâ pallidè fuscâ; anfractus basalis limbo apicem subobsoletum vix supereminente, patulo, tantum non plano, subcarinato; columellâ biplicatâ. “Shell subcylindrical, whitish, covered with a thin ash-coloured epidermis, which is coated by a silvery enamel-like pellicle, extend- ing over about of the shell . The apex is more visible than in Cymba proboscidalis, but the spire is entirely concealed. The upper border of the body-whorl is less reflexed than it is in that shell , and the area, though very open, is less excavated. In fine specimens the aperture is of a rich brown colour. The plaits on the pillar are only two, the shell is very uniform in size to that of Cymba proboscidalis”. Senegal. 6. CYMBA RUBIGINOSA (pl. lxxix. f. 12, 13. pl. lxxx. f. 19.) Swain. Exotic Conch. “C. testâ elongatâ, subcylindricâ, pallidâ, anfractus limbo 410 apicem subobliteratum supereminente; columellâ triplicatâ ; fauce rubiginosa. “Shell elongated, irregularly cylindrical, pale, (except on and near the pillar and in the aperture, where it is of a rich rusty brown) covered with a pale brown epidermis, which is entirely coated' in old individuals with a brown enamel-like glaze. The apex of the shell is almost obliterated, and the border of the spire and body-whorl, which is less sharp than in the species described, is produced somewhat beyond it, exposing a rounded excavated area, deeper, but much more contracted than that of the shell of Cymba porcina. The pillar is three-plaited”. Australian Seas. 4 7. CYMBA OLLA (pl. lxxix. f. 3, 4, 11.) Linn. Syst. Nat. “C. testâ, ventricosâ, pallidè luteo-fulvâ; spirâ brevi, canalicu- latâ, apice subconico, exserto; columellâ 2-plicatâ. “Shell ovate, ventricose, pale fulvous, covered with a thin pale brown epidermis, which is coated with an enamel-like glaze from near the pillar to about two-thirds of the shell. The subconical apex is exposed as well as the spire, which last, together with the upper part of the body-whorl, is rounded and deeply channelled. Pillar with two-plaits”. Mediterranean. 8. CYMBA GRACILIS (pl. lxxix. f. 15. pl. lxxx. f. 24.) Brod. Sp. Conch. “C. testâ, subcylindricâ, albo rufoque nebulosâ; spirâ sub-exca- vatâ, apice subglandiformi conspicuo; labii, limbo spiram versus inflexo ; columellâ 4-plicatâ. “Shell subcylindrical, clouded with white and reddish. The spire somewhat excavated, and the subglandiform apex conspi- The area much less, and the channelling much shallower than in C. cymbium; the pillar, which has four plaits, much straigh- ter, the aperture narrower, and the whole shell more slender and sym- metrical. The sharp upper border of the lip is very much inflected towards the spire, and the shell is covered with a thin brown epi- dermis, which is coated with the enamel-like glaze for about one third of the shell, beginning near the pillar. There is reason to con- clude that in very old specimens this coating extends much further”. 9. CYMBA CYMBIUM (pl. lxxix. f. 6, 10. pl. lxxx. f. 21, 26.) Linn. et auct. cuous. 3 nat. diam. LXXX 00 20 19 21 24 22 23 26 25 27 GBS. Ju 1/3 nat diam. LXXIX. 8 10 11 12 13 14 26 17 75 28 GBS Jun! 411 C. testâ subovatâ, albo rufoque marmoratâ ; spirâ canaliculatâ, carinatâ, apice subglandiformi, conspicuo; columellâ 3-plicatâ. “Shell irregularly ovate, marbled with white and brownish red, covered with a thin brown epidermis, which is coated for about one third of the shell with the enamel-like glaze, which takes its commencement near the pillar. The spire is deeply channelled and carinated, exposing the subglandiform apex, and forming with the subreflected sharp upper border of the body-whorl, a wide spiral excavation. The upper edge of the outer lip recedes from the spire. The pillar, which is very much curved, has three plaits, and is bordered on the basal half, with a rich chesnut longitudinal band.” From Senegal. а CYMBA. LIST OF FIGURES, IN PLATES LXXIX. AND LXXX. - - Fig. 1, 5, 9, 16, 18, 20. C. porcina, sp. 5. 2, 22, 27. – proboscidalis, sp. 4. . 3, 4, 11. — olla, sp. 7. 7 6, 10, 21, 26. cymbium, sp. 9. 7. patula, sp. 3. 8, 25. Tritonis, sp. 2. 12, 13, 19. — rubiginosa, sp. 6. 14, 17, 23. — Neptuni, sp. 1. 15. 24. — gracilis, sp. 8. - - - 412 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS MELO. As described by W. J. Broderip, Esq., for the “Species Conchylio- rum”, Part 2, unpublished. Char. Gen. “Testa ventricosa, lævis, ut plurimum colore vario. Epidermis lævis viridi-fusca. Apex spiralis papillaris. Spira brevis. Columella vix recta, 3-4-plicata, plicis magnis , acutis. Labrum subacutum. Basis profunde emarginata. Apertura hians. Operculum nullum. Caput grande, planum; tentaculis lateralibus remotis, ocellis pone tentacula positis magnis, branchiæ satis magnæ, dextra majore. Pallium mediocre. Pes maximus ovalis. “ Animal carnivorum. “ Marinum in calidioribus mundi veteris regionibus præsertim ad Novam Hollandeam. “The apex or nucleus which in the shell of the sub-genus Cymba was almost a shapeless mass, takes in that of Melo a well fashioned and spiral form; with this papillary summit we have the vivid and elegant colouring which is its almost constant companion. The suture of the spire no longer rude, is either neatly laid around the apex so as to touch it, and in some instances overwrap it, or as in the coronated section is free, slanting out from the apex and adorned with a diadem of vaulted spines. The shell of Melo is ventricose light melon-shaped. It is generally marked with a well-defined variety of colour and protected by a smooth greenish brown epidermis which in some species is very thin but always wants the glazed coating of Cymba. The papillary nucleus which never increases after birth, almost presents the appearance of a piece of workmanship from the turning lathe. The pillar, which is rarely straight, has from three to four plates sharp and well-deve- loped. The edge of the outer lip is generally somewhat sharp, the base is very deeply notched and the aperture, which is unprotected by any operculum is very wide.” a 413 X 1. MELO INDICUS (pl. lxxxi. f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.) Voluta melo, Solander, Voluta, Gmel. “M. testâ valdè ventricosâ, ovato-globosâ, flavâ vel rubro-auran- tiacâ, maculis strigisque castaneis sub-triseriatim tessellatâ; spirâ occultatâ, columellâ quadriplicatâ, epidermide viridi-fuscâ, tenui ; long, 6–9. lat. 37–8. poll. "Shell very ventricose, ovate, globose, yellow, yellowish red, or ruddy-orange, tessellated with chesnut spots or stripes disposed for the most part in transverse lines which gird the body-whorl. The spire is entirely covered in full grown shells, and in old individuals, so is the apex, which in young shells is always bare and prominent." Indian Ocean. a 2. MELO TESSELLATUS (pl. lxxxi. f. 6, 7, 8.) Voluta tessel- lata, Lam. “M. testâ ventricosâ, albido-sulphureâ, zonis tribus vel duabus castaneis tessellatis ; spinis decumbentibus, apicem versus conver- gentibus; epidermide viridi-fuscâ, tenui; long. 6. lat. 4. poll. “Shell ventricose, of a straw or sulphurous colour, banded with three and sometimes two zones of tessellated spots. The spines which are broad at the base and decumbent, converge towards the apex, the tip only of which in fine specimens rises above them. Epidermis greenish brown and thin. The immaculate variety is more frequently found in a fine and sound state. In the beauti- ful figure by Swainson a few spots mark the transition from the youth to the colourless state. I have both the varieties in almost every stage of transition, but even in those which are entirely spotless, an examination of the first volution of the spire at the base of the apex or nucleus will shew, that, in its youth, the shell was tessellated with spots, though, as it advanced in growth, it ceased to secrete them”. x 3. Melo ÆTHIOPICA (pl. lxxxi. f. 9. pl. lxxxii. f. 13, 14, 19.) Voluta Æthiopica, Linn. “M. testâ obovatâ, ventricosâ, cinnamomeo-lutescente, spinis brevibus, suberectis, columella, 3-4-plicatâ; epidermide tenui, virescente; long. 6–12. lat. 4-8. poll. “ Labro supernè sub-angulato, in senioribus apicem spiræ trans- eunte. “Shell obovate, ventricose, of a yellowish cinnamon colour, the spines short, frequent, suberect; pillar with from three to four plaits; epidermis thin, of a greenish brown”. ; 414 4. MELO NAUTICUS (pl. lxxxii. f. 10, 11, 12.) Voluta nau- tica, Lam. ; “M. testâ ventricosâ, tumidâ, subglobosâ, cinnamomeo-fulva; spinis crebris, decumbentibus, inflexis, apicem versus convergenti- bus, columellâ 3-4-plicatâ; epidermide tenui, virescente, long. 6–8. lat. 4. poll. “Shell ventricose, tumid, of a yellowish cinnamon colour, the spines numerous, close set, decumbent, converging towards the apex ; pillar with from three to four plates ; epidermis thin, greenish. "It is possible that this may be only a variety of Melo Æthio- picus”. 5. MELO DIADEMA (pl. lxxxii. f. 16, 17, 20.) Voluta diade- Х ma, Lam. “M. testâ valdè ventricosâ, fulvo vel castaneo, interdum albo- marmoratâ, spinis brevibus rarioribus; labro supernè angulato; columellâ triplicatâ ; epidermide virescente tenui; long. 6–13. lat. 4-8. poll. “Shell very ventricose, of a tawny-orange or chesnut colour, often marbled with white; the spines short and not frequent; the whorl of the spire angulated as well as the termination of the outer lip. Pillar with three plaits. Epidermis thin, greenish. “This shell varies extremely both in size and colour. Though the very young shells of each variety are more or less marbled with white. The animal ceases to secrete spines as it advances in growth”. Asia. X 6. MELO ARMATUS (pl. lxxxii. f. 15. pl. lxxxiii. f. 21, 22.) Voluta armata, Lam. "M. testâ ventricosâ, ovatâ, supernè coarctatâ, luteo-aurantiacâ albo-marmoratâ ; spinis longis subrectis; columellâ triplicatâ : epidermide viridi-fuscâ tenui ; long. 7. lat. 4. poll. Shell ventricose, ovate, narrowed towards the spire, of a saffron orange or chesnut colour, marbled with white. The spines are long and generally nearly straight, though they are sometimes a little curved. Plaits on the pillar three, epidermis greenish brown. “The spines are longer less distant and more numerous than in M. diadema. They are continued to the edge of the last whorl. The shell is of far smaller volume than M. diadema and measures less across the spines.” Asia. > 415 х a 7. MELO MILTONIS (pl. lxxxiii. f. 24, 25.), Gray, in Griffiths' 'Animal Kingdom' vol. xii. t. 29. Melo cylindratus, Brod. “M. testâ cylindratâ, tenui, albidâ vel subroseâ, maculis strigisque castaneis angulatis pictâ; spirâ sub-productâ; spinis brevibus, basi latis apicem versus incurvis; columellâ triplicatâ; epidermide tenuissimâ subvirescente; long. 7. lat 34. poll. “Shell sub-cylindrical, thin, whitish or pinkish, boldly painted with angulated stripes and spots, which have sometimes a flamy or lightening-like character in their shape. The spire, somewhat produced, is adorned with shortish sharp spines, broad at their bases and incurved towards the apex at their points. The pillar is three-plaited, though there is sometimes a trace of a fourth plait, as is the case in many species. The junction of the upper extre- mity of the outer lip with the body of the shell, is at a lower point than any of the preceding species, and hence we find the spire more produced.” Swan River, New Holland. 8. Melo BRODERIPII (pl. lxxxiii. f. 26, 27.), Gray (Voluta) Griffiths' ` Anim. Kingdom', vol. xii. t. 26. M. regius, Brod. “M. testâ ventricosissimâ, tumidâ, albidâ strigis maculisque rubro-castaneis inscriptâ; spinis brevibus, valdè apertis, frequen- tisimis; columellâ quadriplicatâ, spirâ productiori; epidermide sub-fuscâ, tenui ; long. 8–14; poll. lat. 57–71 poll. “Shell very ventricose, tumid, whitish, inscribed with stripes and spots of a reddish chesnut colour. Spines short, very open and very thickly set. Pillar with four plaits. Spire produced. Epidermis brownish, thin. This species varies much in size and colour, and when very old seems to loose the power of secreting spines. My very large specimen of the bifasciated variety, which is fourteen inches and a half long, ten and half broad, and seven and a half in diameter, measured from the upper to the lower side, was found alive at Manilla, by Mr. J. K. Smith; and do. of the 을 ​superior carinated edge of the body-whorl are unarmed with spines. In this specimen the spire is very well shown, and indeed it is more produced in this species than in any other.' Manilla. a 9. MELO MUCRONATUS (pl. lxxxiii. f. 23-28.). “M. testâ ovato-oblongâ, admodum ventricosâ, luteâ vel castaneâ albo-marmoratâ; spinis magnis, latis, apertis; columellâ triplicatâ ; epidermide fuscâ; aperturâ latâ, aurantiacâ; long. 13. lat. 9. poll . 416 “Shell ovate, oblong, considerably ventricose, orange, saffron colour or chesnut, marbled with white. Spines broad, open, and somewhat distant. Pillar with three plaits. Epidermis brown. Aperture wide, of an orange colour.” Moreton Bay, in New Holland. 10. MELO UMBILICATUS (pl. Ixxxii. f. 18. pl. lxxxiii. f. 29, 30.), Brod. “M. testâ ventricosissimâ, subcompressâ, flavâ albo-marmoratâ, vel albâ flavo reticulatâ, bifasciatâ, fasciis transversis nigro-casta- neis, subtessellatis; spirâ apicem longè prætereunte, spinis magnis, raris; aperturâ latissimâ; columellâ quadriplicatâ ; epidermide pallidè virescente, tenuissimâ; long. 124. lat. 9. poll. “Shell very ventricose, somewhat compressed, yellow or reddish- yellow, marbled with white, or white reticulated with the same colours, girt with two narrow, blackish chesnut, somewhat tessellated bands. The spire projects far beyond the apex, which in old specimens is seen as it were at the bottom of an excavation, while in very young shells it projects beyond the spire. The spines are large, long and somewhat distant. The aperture, which is of a light yellow, or very pale orange, is very wide, measuring upwards of six inches and a half in old individuals. The pillar has four plaits, in some very young shells, and in all the old ones which I have seen; those of intermediate growth have generally but three. As the shell increases in growth the colours become less vivid, and the bands more interrupted, till at last both are almost lost.” Moreton Bay, New Holland. а LIST OF FIGURES IN PLATES LXXXI. TO LXXXIII. 9 - - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. M. Indicus, sp. 1. 6, 7, 8. — tessellatus, sp. 2. 9, 13, 14, 19. 9 Æthopicus, sp, 3. 10, 11, 12. — nauticus, sp. 4. 15, 21, 22. — armatus, sp. 6. 16, 17, 20. 18, 29, 30. umbilicatus, sp. 10. 23, 28. diadema. sp. 5. - mucronatus, sp. 9. 24, 25. — Miltonis, sp. 7. 26, 27. Broderipii, sp. 8. - LXXXT W 20 3 9 5 Kuna Bee 12 15 MA 20 16 LXXIII 24 21 23 22 26 25 211 30 28 22 417 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS SPONDYLUS. Class, Conchifera. Order, Monomyaria. Fam. Pectinides. Gen. Char. Testa inæqualvis, auriculata, irregulariter costata et foliacea; valvâ inferiori affixâ, areâ cardinali triangulari ligamenti- ferâ; cartilagine resiliendi in foveam areæ cardinalis dispositâ ; dentibus duo validis in utrque valvâ. The Spondyli are inæquivalve, auriculated, irregularly foliaceous, ribbed, and generally spinous or foliaceous. The lower valve, which has an external , triangular area, is attached to sub-marine substances by a greater or less portion of its surface. The elastic cartilage of the hinge is placed in a linear grove in the centre of the cardinal area, which terminates in a rounded spoon-shaped process within. There are two teeth, locking into corresponding cavities in each valve. The younger portion of the shell generally takes its form from the substance to which it is attached, and it is not until the lower valve in its growth parts from that substance that the true shape can be known. If this takes place at an early period, the shell is regular, and generally of an obliquely oval form; but if, as in some cases, the whole lower surface is in contact with the rock or madrepore, it is liable to every kind of variation. In some species there appears to be a tendency to grow more freely than in others, as in S. regius, S. Cumingii, and more particularly in S. imperialis, in which the point of attachment is scarcely perceptible. The spines, or scales, or imbrications, are also much influenced by the circumstances and position in which the growth has taken place, many shells being spinous at one period of their development, and foliaceous at another. In the lower valve, where the surface ceases its contact with the rock, there are frequently thrown out broad foliations, apparently for the purpose of reaching it, and rendering the position of the mollusc more firmly secure. These variations are so perplexing and complicated, that it is quite impossible, with any degree of confidence to define the species, or to fix their limits a 418 X by permanent characters. The following must be taken as the nearest approximation which the variations above described will admit. 1. SPONDYLUS AMERICANUS (pl. lxxxviii. f. 42. pl. lxxxix. f. 64, 65.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 188. S. arachnoides, Lam. S. longispina, Lam. S. avicularis, Lam., et S. striato- spinosus, Chemn., inclusis. S. testâ subrotundatâ, crassa, asperâ; umbone valvæ inferiori plerumque producto; areâ cardinali magnâ; costis 6 principa- libus; squamis subdistantibus, elongatis, erectiusculis, plerumque palmatis, lævibus subtùs sulcatis; costis interstitialibus spinis acutis ornatis; valvâ inferiori plerumque foliaceis; colore pallidè fulvo, prope umbones rubro. This well-known species being somewhat variable in the shape and disposition of its spines, has occasioned Lamarck and others to describe varieties under the name given above. His S. arach- noides and his S. longispina, are both varieties with lengthened spines, which are narrower than in others. Between each of the six principal rows of lengthened, and somewhat erect, palmated scales, there are in some specimens three or four rows of spines. In S. striato-spinosus of Chemn., these intermediate spines are fully developed, while the larger scales are nearly obsolete. From America. 2. SPONDYLUS GÆDEROPUS (pl. lxxxvii. f. 29. pl. lxxxviii. f. 41.), Linn. Syst. Nat. S. testà plerumque tenui, subrotundatâ, vix costatâ, laminis in seriebus 6 ad 9 dispositis, erectiusculis, purpureis, lævibus, ad ter- minas complanatis ; interstitiis creberrime spinis minutis, seriatim ornatis. Ďalvâ inferiori foliaceâ, plerumque albâ, vel pallidè croceâ. The spatulæ of the true Spondylus Gæderopus are somewhat distantly arranged in eight or nine rows. They are for the most part erect, flattened at the extremity, and grooved underneath. The interstices are crowded with minute pointed prickles. The laminæ and spines of the upper valve are of a purple colour, which is strengthened at the roots. The laminæ of the lower valve are generally broad and white, or nearly so. Figure 29 represents the more common variety, in which the upper valve has a general purple aspect. From the Mediterranean. Mr. Cuming's specimens are from Malta. 419 3. SPONDYLUS ACULEATUS (pl. lxxxv. f. 11, 13.), Chemn. t. 44. f. 460. S. dentatus, Chemn. pl. 25. f. 1. pl. 27. f. 2. S. testâ ovali, purpureâ vel fuscâ; costis 10 ad 11, spinis bre- vibus numerosis, aculeatis, erectiusculis, albis; interstitiis minutè spinosis. Of an oval form, with ten or twelve rows of white, short, rather erect, numerous thick spines, upon a purple or brown ground, covered with very fine spines. From the Mauritius. x 4. SPONDYLUS PETROSELINUM (pl. lxxxiv. f. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. pl. lxxxviii. f. 49.), Chemn. vol. vii . t. 46. f. 472, 473. S. costatus, Lam., Knorr. vergn. vol. i. t. 9. f. a. S. multilamellatus, Lam. ? S. testâ ovali, lineatim purpureâ, vel fuscâ, prope umbones variegatâ ; costis 6 validis, albis; squamis erectiusculis, arcuatis, plicato-palmatis ; interstitiis costis duobus vel tribus validis, plus minusvè divisis, nonnunquam scabriusculis. Figures 6, 8, and 10 probably represent S. costatus of Lamarck. Fig. 9 is from a shell exactly resembling S. Petro- silium, as represented by fig. 472, 473 of Chemnitz. From the latter, in which the groves between the intermediate ribs are partly filled up by laminæ, and the palmated scales are nearly obsolete, to the former, in which the ribs and spatulæ are fully developed, we possess specimens presenting an unbroken series of gradations, rendering it impossible to separate them. Lamarck refers to the same figures in Chemnitz (472, 473), first, for S. multilamellatus, his description of which does not agree with them, and afterwards for his S. longispina, with which they agree still less. The orange variety is represented by the favour of Mr. Norris, from whom we also received (when too late) a much finer specimen of the typical variety than our figure (6) represents. Fig. 6 is from the Mauritius. Mr. Cuming collected var. f. 7 at the Isle of Ticao, Philippines. x 5. SPONDYLUS CROCEUS (pl. lxxxvii. f. 31.), Chemn. vol. vii. t. 45. f. 163. S. testâ ovali, croceâ, costis quinque, spinis distantibus crassius- culis; interstitiis irregulariter costatis. This species has five or six ribs, with a few thick spines on each. a 420 X The interstices are smoothly and irregularly ribbed. The colour is uniformly orange. West Indies. 6. SPONDYLUS LONGITUDINALIS (pl. lxxxvi. f. 23, 25, pl. lxxxix. f. 56.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 191. S. multila- mellatus, Lam. Chénu. Illust. conch. S. testâ plerumque ovali, costatâ ; costis principalibus 5 ad 8 creberrimè imbricatis et aculeatis squamis erectiusculis numerosis planulatis et truncatis ; colore vario plus minusve croceo. The specimens of this very variable species, of which fig. 25 may be considered typical, correspond fairly with the shells in Lamarck's collection, as figured by Chénu in the 'Illust. conch.' When in perfect condition, and fully developed, the ribs are nu- merous, and sharply imbricated; from five to eight of them are closely studded with rather erect, flattened, smooth scales, slightly hollowed underneath. All the specimens are from the West Indies, excepting the last mentioned, which is from China. 7. SPONDYLUS DIGITATUS (pl. lxxxix. f. 58, 59.), nobis, Proc. Zool. Soc., May, 1847. S. testà subrotundatâ, tenui, costatâ ; costis 6 ad 8 principali- bus, vix elevatis, squamis rectiusculis, arcuatis, ad terminos pal- matis, aculeatim divisis, interstitiis spinosis; colore fusco, vel rubro, vel purpureo, ad umbones rubro variegato. The shells here described may possibly be only young specimens of S. longitudinalis, with the scales developed in a remarkable man- ner; their peculiarity consists in the beautifully branched and digi- tated palmations, which terminate the arched outstanding scales. Taken from ships' bottoms, at Bermudas. In H. Cuming's collection. 8. SPONDYLUS LINGUA-FELIS (pl. lxxxvii. f. 50.), Sow., Jun. Proc. Zool. Soc., May, 1847. S. testâ ovali, crassâ, fuscâ, subtùs croceâ; areâ cardinali et auri- culis magnis ; costis numerosis vix elevatis, spinis brevibus, æqua- libus, numerosis, armatis. A much more solid shell than S. asperrimus, with large hinge, and of an uniform dark brown colour, which is shown in the in- terior by a strongly marked brown border. The shell is covered by nearly equal ribs, which are armed by short thick numerous 421 prickles. The interstices are smooth. In the collection of Mr. Gruner, Bremen. Locality unknown. 9. SPONDYLUS TENUISPINOSUS (pl. lxxxvii. f. 37.), nobis. S. testâ ovali, tenui; costis principalibus 8; spinis elongatis, tenuis, erectis, numerosis ; spinis interstitialibus minutè spinosis, interstitiis minutè imbricatis ; laminis valvæ inferiori elegantissimè foliaceis; colore pallidè cinereo, prope umbonem rubro variegato, valvâ inferiori albâ, prope umbonem flavidâ, rubro radiatâ. The only specimens of this elegant shell are in the collection of Mr. Cuming. The species is distinguished by the thin, sharp, erect white spines, which ornament the numerous ribs. The upper valves are of a pale ashy colour, variegated with red near the umbo, and the under valve is white with beautifully foliated laminæ, and a few graceful spines. Isle of Zebu, Philippines ; Cuming. 10. SPONDYLUS ASPERRIMUS (pl. lxxxvii. f. 38.), Sow., Jun., Proc. Zool. Soc., May, 1847. S. testâ subrotundatâ; costis numerosis vix elevatis, subequa- libus; aculeis brevibus, erectis, creberrimis, subtùs canaliculatis; interstitiis scabriusculis et spinosis; colore valvæ superiori fusco, prope umbonem variegato, valvæ inferiori croceo. This shell is remarkable for the numerous, nearly equal ribs, which are armed with very short, erect, equidistant spines. The shell is in Mr. Cuming's collection. 11. SPONDYLUS SPATHULIFERUS (pl. lxxxvi. f. 26. pl. lxxxix. f. 61.), Lam. anim. s. vert. vol. vi. (synom. exclus.), var. purpureâ, S. violaceus, Lam. S. testâ ovali ventricosâ, costis principalibus 6 validis; squamis distantibus, ad basin angustibus, ad terminos arcuatis, palmatis, subdivisis, subtùs sulcatis; interstitiis quinque-sulcatis, sulcis im- bricatis, spinis parvis, vel squamis, ornatis; colore purpureo, vel rubro, vel fusco, plerumque subtùs croceo tincto, prope umbones rubro variegato. Variat squamis flavidis. The scales of the six principal ribs are narrow and erect at the base, and at the termination slightly arched, flattened, and pal- mated. They are few in number, and the interstitial ribs gene- rally have a few smaller and more pointed scales. The colour, whether brown or purple, is generally dark, and uniform, present- ing a well-defined border in the interior. The umbones are varie- gated with red, and the under side of the shell is generally more or less tinged with saffron. The figure in Plate lxxxix may be 422 regarded as typical. Fig. 26 is a fine shell, with yellow scales, in the collection of Mr. Norris, and Fig. 24 is from a specimen in which the scales seem to be accidentally aculeated. This species is given on the authority of those who have seen the specimens in Lamarck's collection, and that of the museum at Paris, although Lamarck refers to figures in Chemnitz repre- senting another shell, which Chénu calls S. Lamarckii. From the West Indies. 12. SPONDYLUS MICROLEPOS (pl. 88. f. 46.), Lam., Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 192. S. “testâ utrinque rubrâ, longitudinaliter costatâ et striatâ ; costis 5 ad 6 squamiferis, squamis ligulatis truncatis exiguis.” We are favoured with the shell from China, represented, fig. 46, by Mr. Hanley, and think it may probably be the species to which Lamarck refers. The five or six principal ribs are notched by im- bricated rudimentary scales, which near the margin present the narrow ligulate character above described. The intermediate ribs numerous and minutely imbricated. There is a yellow shell in Mr. Cuming's collection, presenting similar characteristics, and agreeing equally well at the same time, with the fig. in “Knorr", part 6. pl. 13. f. 3. referred to it by Lamarck. The shell described by Lamarck is red. 13. SPONDYLUS PICTORUM (pl. lxxxvi. f. 28. pl. lxxxv. f. 17. pl. lxxxviii. f. 45.), Chemn. Tab. 69. lit. E. F. Spondylus crassi- squama, Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 191. S. princeps, Brod. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1833, p. 4. S. dubius, Brod. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 4. $. testâ ponderosâ, subrotundatâ ; cardine magno; limbo pro- fundè plicato; costis principalibus 6, validis; squamis crassis, dis- tantibus sub-depressis, ad terminos subcomplanatis, paululum sulcatis ; costis interstitialibus 3 ad 6, spinis crassis brevibus, vel squamis extantibus, sub-palmatis, inæqualibus ; colore externè et ad marginem internè, rubro; variat purpureo, squamis aurantiis. A ponderous shell , of a deep red or orange-colour, with large hinge and six principal ribs, with thick scales; when young, it has three interstitial ribs, which increase in number with the growth, so that in the full-grown shell there are seven between each of the principal ribs. The intermediate scales are few at an early growth, but increase in frequency, and they are more aculeate than the others. Mr. Cuming posesses a very young shell, in which the earliest scales are beautifully vaulted. S. dubius, Brod., is a variety 423 in which the interstices are more distinctly striated than in those which Mr. Broderip has named S. princeps. By the rule of pri- ority, both names, together with Lamarck's S. crassisquama, given on the authority of specimens so named in Lamarck's col- lection, must give place to that which we have adopted, on an examination of the figures in Chemnitz. Mr. Cuming's speci- mens are from the Isle of Plata, West Columbia, and from the Gulf of Tehuan. Mr. Sowerby posesses a small shell, which ap- pears to be a variety of this, but which may be distinct, from China. 14. SPONDYLUS LEUCACANTHA (pl. lxxxvii. f. 35, 36.), Brod. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1833, p. 5. S. testa solidâ, ventricosâ, ovali; costis 6 principalibus, squamis elongatis subarcuatis, lævibus, angustis, subtùs concavis, ad ter- minum subtruncatis; interstitiis minutissimè imbricatim striatis, costis vix elevatis, tribus (mediâ maximâ) aculeatis, regularibus, subarcuatis, ornatis; colore croceo vel rubro; squamis albis. This elegant species is named from the beautifully white scales standing out from an uniform ground of bright orange or scarlet. The shell is solid, with six principal ribs, armed with strong, even, and rather lengthened scales, which are slightly flattened and de- pressed, but not spread at the ends. Between each rib there are three rows of scales, some of which are pointed at the ends. Collected by Mr. Cuming at the Island of Plata. 15. SPONDYLUS UNICOLOR (pl. lxxxv. f. 19.), Sowerby, Proc. Zool. Soc. May, 1847. S. testà solidâ, obliquè ovali, rubro violascente; costis 6 prin- cipalibus, squamis crassis, arcuatis , subtùs concavis, paululùm palmatis, propè marginem numerosis; costis interstitialibus, spinis crassis, brevibus, armatis ; inter costas sulcis nonnullis. Solid, obliquely oval, of an uniform purplish-red colour, which is shown in the interior by a strongly defined, deep red margin round a white centre. The five or six most prominent ribs are ornamented by strong, arched, hollow spathulæ, which are slightly. depressed and palmated at the end. The intermediate ribs are studded with short thick spines near the margin. Between some of the ribs there is occasionally a deep groove; in the thickness and arrangement of the scales and ribs, and in the solidity of the shell, it resembles S. pictorum, from which it differs principally in the more tumid and obliquely oval form of the fully developed specimens. After figuring M. Gruner's specimen, we have met a 424 a with a much more finely coloured specimen in the hands of Mr. Sowerby, sen., which fully confirms our description. The locality is unknown. 16. SPONDYLUS IMPERIALIS (pl. 88. f. 43, 44.), Chénu, Illust. conch. p. 6. pl. 26. f. 2, 3. . S. testâ regulari ovali, subdepressâ; areâ cardinali parvâ; costis principalibus 6, spinis distantibus elongatis, leviter arcuatis; in- terstitiis costis tribus spinis acutissimis triserialibus ornatis. In this species, which grows much more freely than any other, the point of attachment is scarcely perceptible, and the cardinal area is very narrow. The shell is more depressed than S. regius. The long spines on the six principal ribs are not so erect, nor the interstitial ribs so numerous as in S. regius. There are three between each principal rib, beautifully ornamented by spines curved outwards. Towards the margin there is a row of smaller spines on each side of the larger ones. The usual colour is red- dish fawn between the ribs, and on the ends of the long spines, while the six principal ribs are white. From China. The white variety, fig. 43, is in the collection of Mr. Cuming. 17. SPONDYLUS ARMATUS (pl. lxxxix. f. 53.), nobis. S. testâ ovali, pallidè fulvâ; costis principalibus quinque, spinis rectis, longissimus, extantibus, interstitiis lævibus, aculeis parvis in seriem dispositis. The description is taken from a single valve in the British museum, having five slightly raised ribs, with three or four very long straight spines on each, some of which exceed the shell in length. Between the ribs there are a few very small spines. The rest of the shell is smooth. 18. SPONDYLUS REGIUS (pl. lxxxvii. f. 30.), Gmel. no. 2. S. testâ regulari, ovali; areâ cardinali parvâ; costis 6 principa- libus, imbricatis; spinis elongatis, distantibus, erectis, ad terminos subcomplanatis; interstitiis costis numerosis, imbricatis. This species generally grows freely, and is consequently regular in form, and has a small cardinal area. The six principal ribs are each armed with five or six long, straight spines, which are slightly flattened at the termination. The interstices have numerous sharply imbricated smooth ribs. The colour is of a reddish-brown between the ribs, and on the points of the spines; a white variety is represented in Chenu's 'Illust. conch.' From the Sooloo Islands, H. Cuming. a 425 19. SPONDYLUS CUMINGII (pl. lxxxix. f. 62.), nobis. S. testâ regulari, subrotundatâ, subdepressâ ; areâ cardinali parvâ; costis principalibus 6, elevatis, lævibus; squamis subelon- gatis, lævibus, arcuatis, palmatis, ad latera palmarum undulatim fimbriatis; interstitiis imbricatim striatis; colore fusco-rubescente. A free growing species, like S. regius and S. imperialis, with a short cardinal area, of an uniform purplish-brown tint, with six principal ribs, ornamented by arched palmated scales, the sides and ends of which are frilled and fluted. The interstices are filled with numerous imbricated ribs. In Mr. Cuming's collection. From the Island of Java. 20. SPONDYLUS VARIEGATUS (pl. lxxxv. f. 14, 15.), Lam., Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. f. 189. S. testâ rotundato-ovali, auriculis subquadratis, costis 6 princi- palibus; spinis obtusis, rectiusculis, distantibus ; interstitiis bi- costatis, bisulcatis ; colore interstitiarum per lineis angulatis dispo- sito, prope umbones maculato et variegato. The five or six principal ribs are characterized by straight, erect, thick and blunt spines, the interstitial ribs and grooves seldom present spines or imbrications. The colour is dark variegated brown, and sharp angulated lines, upon a nearly white ground, between the ribs. The pale pinkish variety represented by fig. 14, is in the collection of M. Gruner; the typical specimen, fig. 15, is from Amboyna. 21. SPONDYLUS LAMARCKII (pl. lxxxv. f. 20. pl. lxxxix. f. 63.), Chenu, Illust. conch. pl. 9. f. 4. p. 6. S. ducalis, var., Lam. S. spathuliferus, Lam. (?) Chemnitz fig. 474, 475. S. testâ ovali depressâ, lævi, vel læviter striatâ, purpureo vel fusco variegatâ ; margine interiori purpureo; cardine fusco; costis principalibus 6, squamis erectiusculis, tenuis, distantibus, compla- natis, lævibus; variat squamis nullis, irregulariter costatâ. Shell oval, rather depressed, smooth, or very slightly striated, purple, variegated with white, with a strong band of dark purple in the interior ; hinge dark brown; six ribs, with distant, thin, smooth, arched, palmated scales, which in some specimens are obsolete. This species differs from S. ducalis (if really distinct) in the absence of the well-defined grey stripes, and in the smooth- ness of the interstices. We are informed that Lamarck considered it as a variety of Chemnitz's S. ducalis, and Chenu has accordingly figured it as such, in his plates ; but he has subsequently given to а 426 it the above name, which is here, with some hesitation, adopted. The younger shell, figured in Plate lxxxix, is certainly the same as Chemnitz's Plate xlvii. fig. 474, 475, referred to by Lamarck as S. spathuliferus, but differs entirely from those which he has so named in his own collection. 22. SPONDYLUS DUCALIS (pl. lxxxv. f. 16.), Chemn. t. 7. pl. xlvii. f. 477, 478. S. testâ ovali, griseo lineatâ, prope umbonem variegatâ, cardine et auriculis magnis; costis 9 ad 10, vix elevatis, albis; squamis subarcuatis, palmatis, plerumque distantibus ; interstitiis striatis. Of an oval form, with broad auricules stripped with dark grey, and rather variegated at the apex. There are nine or ten ribs with short, white, palmated, slightly arched scales. In many specimens, however, the scales are nearly obsolete. The . grey stripes between the rows of scales form a rather strongly marked character, in this species, and distinguish it from S. Lamarckii Locality, “Indian Seas,” Lamarck. Philippines, H. Cuming. 23. SPONDYLUS FRAGILIS (pl. lxxxix. f. 57.), nobis. S. testâ tenui, ovali, tenuissimè striatâ, auriculis parvis; squa- mis erectis, tenuis, numerosis, palmatis, subdivisis, per series 6 principalibus (alternis minoribus), aculeatis dispositis; interstitiis imbricatis ; colore palidissimè fulvo, prope umbonem maculis fuscis interruptim radiato, ad interstitias punctato, ad squamas roseo tincto; valvâ inferiori aculeatâ, inter spinas scabriculâ. Much thinner than the thinnest varieties of S. ducalis, and having much smaller auricles. The scales are also much thinner and more gracefully elongated than in that species. The inter- stices are finely imbricated. The colour is arranged near the apex in radiating rows of dark angular patches, which near the margin, are subdivided into minute dots. Mr. Sowerby, sen., posesses two specimens of this elegant shell, the locality of which is unknown. 24. SPONDYLUS VARIANS (pl. lxxxvi. f. 21, 22.), Sowerby, Appendix to Catalogue of Polynesian shells collected by Mr. Sam. Stuchbury, p. 1. Owen, Article on the Water-clam', in Mag. of Natural History, new series, 1838. Spondylus Delessertii, Chenu. Illust. conch. pl. xii. Test. junior, S. obliquus, Chenu. Illust. conch. p. 7. pl. xxiv, f. 5. . х . 427 S. testâ ponderosâ, minimè liberâ, plerumque ad umbonem rubrâ; areâ cardinali plerumque elongatâ, fusco fasciatâ; valvâ inferiori concameratâ. "Testâ juniori lævi, triangulari, costis dis- tantibus, noduliferis radiatâ. Testâ maturâ maximâ, ovali, ple- rumque squamis lingularibus, lævibus, depressiusculis, ornatâ. From the circumstance of water being retained between the laminæ of the shell in old specimens, this has commonly been called the “ Water Spondylus.” The young is of a three-cornered ” shape, smooth, and of an orange or purple colour, with five or six beaded ribs, and a very elongated area, The age to which this form is retained, depends partly upon the period at which the lower valve becomes free. The full-grown shell is oval, generally white, except at the umbones, and has numerous long, rather flat- tened and depressed spathulæ. This species was first decided by Mr. Sowerby, Sen., after a com- parison of the various ages and forms exhibited in the beautiful series of specimens brought from the Polynesian Islands by Mr. S. Stutchbury. 25. SPONDYLUS LIMBATUS (pl. lxxxviii. f. 51.), Sowerby, Jun., Proc. Zool. Soc. May, 1847. S. testâ ovali, vix costatâ, squamis depressis, lævibus, palmatis, brevibus, in seriebus irregularibus, inæqualibus 6 ad 11 dispositis; interstitiis minutissimè striatis ; cardine magno; colore squama- rum croceo, interstitiarum obscurè violaceo, intùs limbo pur- pureo. The specimen figured is in the collection of M. Gruner, and there is also another fine specimen in the British Museum. The shell is of a loose texture, with seven or eight rows of smooth, flattened scales, of a brownish orange colour. The interstices are obscurely ribbed, with occasional imbrications, and are of a dull purple colour ; which colour constituting the principal pigment, is shewn in a broad, bright, purple band round the border of the interior. The hinge-teeth are remarkably large. M. Gruner, G. B. Sowerby, Sen., and the British Museum have specimens from the Persian Gulf. 26. SPONDYLUS SINENSIS (pl. lxxxvii. f. 32, 33, 34.), nobis. - S. testâ lævi elongato-ovali, areâ cardinali plerumque elongatâ ; costis 5 ad 7 principalibus, vix elevatis, squamis lævibus, depres- sis, palmatis ; interstitiis lævibus, costis inæqualibus et squamis minoribus; colore pallidè fulvo vel roseo vel albo, prope umbonem fusco variegato. a 428 Remarkable for the smooth, depressed, palmated, spoon-shaped scales, on the five or seven principal ribs, which are repeated in miniature in the interstices. From China. 27. SPONDYLUS AURANTIUS (pl. Lxxxiv. f. 1, 2. pl. lxxxix. f. 55.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 192. an Test. jun. S. radians, Lam. S. Nicobaricus, nonnul? S. testâ ovali, tenui ; spinis extantibus subdistantibus subarcu- atis angustis per series 15 ad 18 dispositis; interstitiis lævibus ; colore spinarum aurantio, inter spinas flavido-rubescente, ad um- bonem albo, nigro vel rubro variegato, cardine fusco fasciato. Variat valvâ superiori albo, nigro radiatim variegato. Variat quo- que fusco, subtùs croceo. The spines of this species are slender, rather distant from each other, a little curved and sharp pointed. They are arranged in from ten to twenty rows. The interstices are smooth. The colour is, as the name implies, orange, which is ribbed with red between the spines, while the apex, which is white, with short spines and , presenting those dark spots which form the characteristic of S. Nicobaricus. A variety coloured uniformly with dark orange- brown, and another with the upper valve white, are of frequent occurrence. Mr. Cuming has the white variety from the Philip- pines. The greater part of the specimens are from the Sechelle Islands. 28. SPONDYLUS NICOBARICUS (pl. lxxxviii. f. 48.), Chemn. . vol. vii. t. 45. f. 469, 470. S. regius, Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. + p. 192. S. testâ ovali , tenui; costis vix elevatis numerosis, spinis bre- vibus, tenuis, subtùs concavis ornatis; interstitiis striatis; per series macularum nigrarum vel rubrum radiatim disposito; variat purpureo, prope umbones rubro radiatim maculato. The spines above the slightly elevated; the numerous ribs are short, and in fine specimens, sharply pointed. The interstices are striated. The colour is arranged in radiating rows of dark angular spots, upon a white ground. The specimen figured is from Bureas, and we have other speci- mens from the Mauritius. Although the character of this shell presents a suspicious resemblance to that of the umbo of S. auran- tius and S. zonalis, yet we do not observe, in its approach towards maturity any disposition in the spines to assume the form by 429 which those species are distinguished; we therefore admit the species, but not without an impression that it may possibly be only the young state of those mentioned above. 29. SPONDYLUS CILIATUS (pl. lxxxix. f. 52.), nobis. S. acu- leatus, Brod. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1833, p. 5. S. testå parvâ, rotundatâ, subdepressâ, albâ : spinis aculeatis subrecurvis, frequentibus, gracilibus horridâ ; interstitiis minutis- simè aculeatis. A small, thin, rounded shell, crowded with long gracefully curved, extremely slender spines. It is necessary to give a new name to it, in consequence of the name S. “aculeatus," having been previously applied to another species by Chemnitz. From Lord Hood's Islands, in the Pacific Ocean. It was found by Mr. Cuming attached to a piece of coral on the reefs. 30. SPONDYLUS ZONALIS (pl. lxxxv. f. 12, 18. pl. lxxxvi. f. 27. pl. lxxxix. f. 60.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. 6. v. i. p. 183. Chenu. pl. vii. f. 3, 4. S. Herinaceus, Chenu. Illust, conch. pl. xxv. f. 3, 4. P. 6. S. testâ ovali, tenui; costis vix elevatis 20 ad 23, spinis sub- numerosis, subdepressis, plerumque truncatis, interstitiis lævibus ; colore fusco purpurascente, inter spinas fasciatim disposito, umbone albo, nigro radiatim maculato. The species nearly resembles S. aurantius, but the spines, or rather scales, are more numerous, and generally flattened at the termination. The interstices are smooth. The umbo is white, spotted with black, as in S. aurantius and S. Nicobaricus, and the colour, which is generally purple, is arranged in ribands between the spines. We had thought of separating the shell represented by fig. 18, under a new name, and also of admitting Chenu's S. herinaceus to be distinct, but the shell figured (no. 27), presents in the central part, the usual character of S. zónalis, near the margin on the left-hand side, it has the short yellow scales upon a dark purple ground, for which fig. 18, is remarkable, and on the right-hand side, the spines which characterize S. herinaceus ; thus combining the whole. From the Mauritius, Torres Straits; Mr. Cuming has them from Isles Ticao, and Minodro, Philippines. 31. SPONDYLUS CANDIDUS (pl. lxxiv. f. 3, 4, 5.), Lam. Hist. nat, anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 188. . 430 S. testâ albâ; costis numerosis, inequalibus, angulatis, monili- feris, nonnunquam rubris; interstitiis striatis. The ribs are numerous, unequal, angular, with little raised bead-like notches, which in some specimens are of bright scarlet colour. We had doubtfully identified this species from the very slender materials afforded by Lamarck's description, previously to seeing Chenu's figure of Lamarck's shell confirming our view. Mr. Cuming's specimens are from Lord Hood's Island. 32. SPONDYLUS NUDUS (pl. lxxxviii. f. 39, 40.), Chemn. vol. ii. p. 235. pl. 203. f. 1989, 1990. S. testà subtriangulari imbricatim striata ; auriculis parvis; areâ cardinali elongatâ; costis 6 albis, parvis, numerosis, minutis- simè noduliferis; colore rubro. Variat albo, rubro radiatim striato. A small solid species, with narrow auricules and lengthened cardinal area, covered with minute beaded ribs. The colour is red, with six or seven of the principal ribs white; it also occurs white, broadly striped with red. The former variety is from the Red Sea, the latter is from the Phillippine Islands. 33. SPONDYLUS GUSSONI (pl. lxxxix. f. 54.), Costa, Philippi, Enum. Mollusc. Sicil. vol. i. p. 87. S. minimus, Chenu, Illust. conch. ? S. albus, B. M. S. albidus, Brod. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 43. S. testâ parvâ, tenui, ovali, striatâ, albâ; striis minutissimè im- bricatis. A small, thin, white, oval, minutely striated shell, with the striæ minutely imbricated. We cannot perceive the difference between this shell and S. minimus of Chenu, or the one named S. albus in the British museum. From the Mediterranean. * 34. SPONDYLUS COCCINEUS (pl. lxxxviii. f. 47.), Lam., Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 190. S. testâ purpureâ, prope umbones radiatim rubro variegatâ i costis vix elevatis, numerosis ; spinis inæqualibus, brevibus validis. The distinction between this species and the variety of S. spa- thuliferus most nearly resembling it (fig. 61), is that the former is covered by numerous short spines, while the spathula of the latter are less numerous and more distant. It is uncertain whether fig. 56, which at p. 419 is included as a variety of S. longitudi- 431 nalis, may be an undeveloped specimen of that species, or of S. coccineus. Fig. 24 may probably be referred to this species. SPECIES NOT IDENTIFIED. 35. S. AMBIGUUS, Chénu, Illust. conch., pl. xxviii. f. 1. “T. inæquivalvi, superiorè fuscâ; inferiorè croceâ radiato-cos- tatâ et spinosâ. Very probably a variety of S. zonalis, but possibly distinct. America. رو 36. S. ASIATICUS, Chénu, Illust. conch. pl. xxiv. f. 1, 2. “T. inæquivalvi, cinereo vel fuscâ violascenti, longitudinaliter costatâ et spinosa, spinis squamosis truncatis." This I suppose to be new, but both the specimens figured are covered with extraneous matter. 37. S. EXCAVATUS, Chénu, Illust. conch. pl. xxix. f. 2. “T. inæquivalvi, utrinque violaceo-muticâ; costis 9 longitudi. nalibus, et costis 6–7 ad interstitia." Possibly a worn and undeveloped specimen of S. Cumingii. 38. S. GRACILIS, Chénu, Illust. conch. p. xxvi. f. 1. “T. albâ, multicostatâ, et tenuiter spinosa, costis intermediis minoribus spinosisque; intùs albâ, ad limbum roseâ." A small white shell, rather resembling S. candidus, Lamarck. 39. S. LIMA, Chénu, Illust. conch. p. 6. pl. xxiv. f. 7. “T. violaceâ albido-maculosâ, fusco zonatâ ; multicostatâ et spi- nosâ; costis minimis approximatis, spinis tenuissimis.” "Cette espèce est fort voisin du S. radius, mais elle en diffère par la regularité de ces cotes toutes égales, par la tenuité des èpines, et l'uniformité de sa coloration.” 40. S. ROSTRATUS, Chénu, Illust. conch. pl. xxvi. f. 4. “T. inæquivalvi, albidâ, violaceo-maculatâ, longitudinaliter mi- nimè striatâ; costis 10-majoribus; valvâ inferiori ventricosâ; area cardinali maximâ, curvatâ; intùs albida.” 432 SPONDYLUS. LIST OF FIGURES IN PLATES LXXXV. TO LXXXIX. . Half the natural diameter. The figure after each is the number of the species. Fig. - - 42. - - - - - - - -- 50. - Fig. 38. S. asperrimus, 10. 39, 40. nudus, 32. 41. Gæderopus, 2. Americanus, var. 1. 43, 44. — imperialis, 16. 45. — pictorum, 13. 46. microlepos, 12. 47. coccineus, 34. 48. Nicobaricus, 28. 49. — petroselenum, var. 4. lingua-felis, 8. 51. limbatus, 25. 52. ciliatus, 29. 53. armatus, 17. 54. Gussoni, 33. 55. aurantius, var. 27. 56. — longitudinalis, var. 6. seu coccineus, var.? 57. — fragilis, 23. 58, 59. — digitatus, 7. , 60. — zonalis, 30. 61. - spathuliferus, 11. Cumingii, 19. 63. - Lamarckii, 21. 64, 65. Americanus, 1. - 1, 2. S. aurantius, sp. 27. 3,4,5. candidus, 31. 6 to 10. — petroselenum, 4. 11. aculeatus, 3. 12. zonalis, 30. 13. aculeatus, 3. 14, 15. — variegatus, 20. 16. — ducalis, 22. 17. — pictorum, 13. 18. — zonalis, 30. , 19. — unicolor, 15. 20. Lamarckii, 21. 21, 22 - varians, 24. 23. - longitudinalis, 6. 24. — spathuliferus, 11. 25 - longitudinalis, 6. seu coccineus, var.? 26. spathuliferus, 11. 27. zonalis, 30. 28. — pictorum, 13. 29. - Gæderopus, 2. 30. — regius, 18. croceus, 5. 32 to 34. Sinensis, 26. 35, 36. leucacantha, 14. 37. — tenuispinosus, 9. - - - - - - - 31. 62. - - - 1 nat diam LEITZ 3 DAILLES 1 8 9 10 prat. dia... LXXXV um 12 14 16 /8 15 13 19 20 natdiam. LIXIT 23 24 21 25 28 26 27 22 GBS. Jun." 2 nat. diam LIIXVTI 20 30 32 34 33 37 36 GBS. Jun 22 nat. diam ZXXXVII 07 39 67 NE 77 ST 26 47 67 87 50 ood LXXXIX 52 56 57 58 59 .کر 60 IMIENTO 62 6/ 00 63 65 62 GBS. Gun 433 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. . aculeatus, sp. 3. f. 11, 13. albidus, see Gussoni, 33. albus, see Gussoni, 33. ambiguus, 35, unidentified. Americanus, sp. 1. f. 42, 64, 65. arachnoides, see Americanus, 1. armatus, 17. f. 53. Asiaticus, 36, unidentified. asperrimus, 10. f. 38. aurantius, 27. f. 1, 2, 55. candidus, 31. f. 3 to 5. ciliatus, 29. f. 52. aculeatus, 3. coccineus, 34. f. 47. crassisquama, see pictorum, 13. croceus, 5. f. 31. Cumingii, 19. f. 62. costatus, see petroselenum, 4. dentatus, see aculeatus, 3. digitatus, 7. f. 58, 59. dubius, see aculeatus, 3. ducalis, 22. f. 16. ducalis, see Lamarckii, 21. excavatus, 37, unidentified. fragilis, 23. f. 57. Gæderopus, 2. f. 29, 41. gracilis, 38, unidentified. Gussoni, 33. f. 54. herinaceus, see zonalis, 30. imperialis, 16. f. 43, 44. Lamarckii, 21. f. 20, 63. limbatus, sp. 25. f. 51. Lima, 39, unidentified. lingua-felis, 8. f. 50. longitudinalis, 6. f. 23, 25. leucacantha, 14. f. 35, 36. minimus, see Gussoni, 33. monachus, Chénu, spathuliferus, var.? 11. multilamellatus, see longitudina- lis, 6. and petroselenum, 4. Nicobaricus, 28. f. 48. microlepos, 12. f. 46. nudus, 32. f. 39, 40. petroselenum, 4. f. 6 to 10, 49, pictorum, 13. f. 28, 17, 45. princeps, see pictorum, 13. radians, Lam., Nicobaricus, 28. regius, 18. f. 30. rostratus, 40, unidentified. Sinensis, 26. f. 32 to 34. spathuliferus, 11. f. 26, 61. tenuispinosus, 9. f. 37. unicolor, 15. f.19. varians, 24. f. 21, 22. variegatus, 20. f. 14, 15. violascens, see spathuliferus, 11. zonalis, 30. f. 12, 18, 27, 60. 3 435 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS PLICATULA. Class, Conchifera. Order, Monomyaria. Fam., Pectinides. Gen. Char. “Testa inæquivalvis, inarticulata, basi (apex) at- tenuata; margine supero (ventral) rotundato, subplicato; natibus inæqualibus; areis externis nullis. Cardo dentibus duo validis in utrâque valvâ. Fovea intermedia ligamentum penitùs internum recipiens.” Lamarck. The Plicatula are irregular, attached, bivalve shells, with one muscular impression, and two teeth, locking into corresponding hollows in each valve. In the attached valve, there is an external triangular area at the hinge, but the ligament cartilage in both valves is internal, being placed in a cicatrix between the the teeth. All the species are, when freely developed, somewhat triangular in form, and plicated; but when fixed by a large portion of their surface they lose their plicated character, and take the form of substances to which they are attached, the plication only commencing when the shell begins to grow freely. Between species so nearly resembling each other in their defor- mities, as well as in their regular characters, it is impossible to distinguished with certainty by any permanent characters. All we undertake to do is to give a general account of the distinctions sought to be established by others. 1. PLICATULA RAMOSA (pl. xc. f. 1 to 4.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 184. Plicatula gibbosa, ibid. Spondylus plicatus, Linn. Gmel. p. 3298 P. testâ solidâ, crassâ; plicis subrotundatis, geminatis; colore pallidè fulvo, plicis lineis brevibus griseis vel rubris ornatis. The shell is solid; the plicæ are rounded, of average number, and repeatedly doubled so as to branch out towards the margin. The colour is arranged in short grey or red lines, on the top of the folds. Lamarck gives America as the locality. Fig 4 is from a specimen belonging to Mr. Cuming, from Lord Hood's Island, 436 2. PLICATULA CRISTATA (pl. xc. f. 8.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 185. P. reniformis, Lam., inclusa, D’Orb. P. testa solidâ; plicis paucis, magnis, angulatis, ad angulos fuscis, ad latera rubro-lineatis. Variat testâ albâ. Having the plicæ larger, more angular, and less numerous than P. ramosa, and not generally divided, as in that species. Mr. Dyson has brought a white variety from Honduras Bay; Mr. Adams has collected the ordinary variety at Jamaica. 3. PLICATULA DEPRESSA (pl. xc. f. 7.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 185. P. testâ solidâ, plicis numerosis, raro divisis; colore per lineas et punctas disposito. The folds are much more numerous than in the other species, and very few of them divided. The flatness from which the spe- cies is named, is merely an accident in the specimen. 4. PLICATULA AUSTRALIS (pl. xci. f. 20 to 22.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 185. P. testâ tenui, subrotundatâ, depressâ, nigro punctatâ; plicis parvis, irregulariter ramosis, imbricatis, interruptis. The slightly raised ribs are irregularly branched, and occasion- ally interrupted by turned up points. The shell is generally spotted with black, but it occurs smooth, and without spots. The form is not so angular as in other species. From Australia, Lamarck. Philippines, Cuming. 5. PLICATULA PHILIPPINARUM (pl. xc. f. 5 ? 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. p.xci. f. 23 ?) Hanley, Recent Shells. P. testâ solidâ, rubro vel nigro lineatâ, plicis magnis, continuis, angulatis, raro divisis, angulis subimbricatis. This species has large, angular plicæ, more numerous than in P. cristata, and generally imbricated at the angles. The lines of colour are longer. In the shells represented by figures 9, 10 and 11, no part of the surface is plicated, because no part has grown freely. In fig. 23, the ribs and even the lines of growth in the area to which the lower valve is attached, is shown distinctly on the outside of the upper valve. Collected by Mr. Cuming in the Philippine Islands. 437 6. PLICATULA IMBRICATA (pl. xc. f. 6. pl. xci. f. 15 to 18.), Menke, Moll. Nov. Hollandiæ, p. 35. P. testâ subfoliaceâ, plicis angulatis, magnis, alternatim divisis, ad angulos foliis extantibus fornicatis, imbricatis; colore fulvo, lineis rubris. Variat fusco, et albo, lineis nullis. The folds are angular, with foliaceous vaulted imbrications, the average form and number of which are shown in fig. 18. Fig. 6 is extreme specimen with which we are favoured by Mr. Hanley. Fig. 15, 16 represent the Chinese variety. Fig. 17 is of a specimen collected at the Bay of Manila, Island of Corregidor, by Mr. Cuming. The var. fig. 18 was collected by Mr. David Dyson at Hondurus Bay. 7. PLICATULA DUBIA (pl. xc. f. 12? pl. xci. f. 19. Hanley, Recent Shells. P. testâ tenui, foliaceâ, depressâ subrotundatâ; plicis brevibus, interruptis, irregularibus, foliis extantibus fornicatis truncatis non- nullis; colore fusco rubescente, fusco maculato, prope umbones punctato. Similar to P. australis, but with the interrupted plicæ more irregular, and fewer in number, with occasional upturned vaulted ends. Collected by Mr. Cuming at the Island of Samar, and at the Island of Cana, West Columbia. LIST OF FIGURES IN PLATES XC. AND XCI. . Fig. 1 to 4. P. ramosa, sp. 1. (P. gibbosa, Genera of Shells.) 5. Philippinarum, var, sp. 5. 6. imbricata, 6. 7. — depressa, 3. 8. cristata, 2. 9 to 11. Philippinarum, 5. 12. dubia, var. (?) sp. 7. 13, 14. Philippinarum, 5. 15 to 18. - imbricata, 6. 19. — dubia, 7. 20 to 22. — australis, 4. 23. — Philippinarum, var. (?) sp. 5. - 438 MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS PEDUM. Class, Conchifera. Order, Monomyaria. Fam., Pectinides. Gen. Char. “Testa inæquivalvis, subauriculata ; valvâ inferiori hiante; natibus inæqualibus, divaricatis. Cardo edentulus. Liga- mentum partim externum, in fossulâ canaliformi natium pariete internâ affixum. Valva inferior prope basin posticam emarginata.” Inequivalve, foliaceous, attached by a byssus passing through an opening in the side of the lower valve. Hinge with a trian- gular area in each valve, that of the attached valve considerably largest. Ligament on the area, and the elastic cartilage in a groove in the centre of the area, terminating in the interior. PEDUM SPONDYLOIDEUM (pl. xci. f. 1 to 4.), Lam. Anim. s. vert. vol. vi. p. 154. Ostræa Spondyloidea, Gmel. no. 109. P. testâ cuneiformi, depressâ, imbricatim striatâ, valvæ infe- rioris areâ cardinali magnâ, lateribus reflexis; colore fulvo, pur- pureo nigrescente marginato. Variat albo. Wedge-shaped, flat, with the sides of the lower valve turned upwards, and the surface striated with rows of raised points. The young (fig. 2) is much shorter in proportion than the full-grown shell. The smoothness of var. f. 4 is accidental. From the Isle of France. PLATE XCI. Fig. 1. Pedum Spondyloideum. 2. The same, young. 3. White variety 4. Smooth variety. nat. deam, ХС 5 6 9 10 3. Il 12 13 14 GBS nal.diam. XCT 17 18 21 15 20 22 19 23 16 nat. diam. 2 3313 3 C.B.S. Guri. YY 1817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURTOUS URUA TUEBOR SI QUÆRIS PENINSULAM AMENAM CIRCUMSPICE MUSEUM DIY, OF MOLLUSKS