1817 ARTES SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 22 TUEBOR 151.QUERIS PENINSULAM AMENAM CIRCUMSPICE 09./DS OSBJETAVIS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY BEQUEST OF BRYANT WALKER HONORARY CURATOR OF MOLLUSKS 1910-1936 WW co W. HEFFERSON LTD. Booksellers Now & Second hand) CAMBRIDGE, England 09 1313 ette 48 celowodales Rare Museum QL 404 ,H24 + THE CONCHOLOGICAL MISCELLANY OF Charles Thorp SYLVANUS HANLEY, 3 B.A. (OXFORD), F.L.S., &c., (AUTHOR OF “RECENT BIVALVE SHELLS,''BRITISH MOLLUSCA,' 'SHELLS OF LINNÆUS,' ETC., ETC.) ILLUSTRATIVE OF PANDORA, AMPHIDE SMA, OSTREA, MELO, THE MELANIAD Æ, A MPULLARIA AND CYCLOSTOMA. IN FORTY PLATES. WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. 1854 To 1858. Museum 81 3.28-1939 AMPHIDE SMA. (WITH SYNDO SMYA AND SCROBICULARIA). 1 (i). A. obliquum of Reeve's monograph in the Conchologia Iconica, as the Tellina o. of Wood's General Conchology. 2 (i). A. (Semele) modestum ?? of A. Adams in the Zoological Proceedings, 1853, p. 95. 3 (ii). A. subtruncatum of Reeve's monograph, and of Sowerby's Species Conchyliorum. Agrees with the prior description of A. radiatum of Say in the Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, v. 3, a (ii). A. subtruncatum, var. of Sowerby's Species Conchyliorum. 4 (ii). A. solidum of Gray in the Spicilegia Zoologica. 4 (iii). A. Australe of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 200. 5 (ii). A. cordiforme of Sowerby's Species Conchyliorum, as the Tellina c. of Chemnitz. 6 (ii). A. cancellatum of Reeve's monograph, as of Sowerby's unpublished Species Conchyliorum. 7 (i). A. lamellosum, do. do. 8 (i). A. reticulatum (the Tellina reticulata of Linnæus and Chemnitz). 8, a (i). A. reticulatum of Sowerby's Species Conchyliorum. 9 (i). A. crenulatum of Reeve's monograph, and of Sowerby's Species Conchyliorum. 10 (i). A. duplicatum, do. do. 11 (i). A. multicostatum of Sowerby's Species Conchyliorum. 12 (ii). A. ellipticum of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832. 13 (ii). A. corrugatum of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, and in the Species Conchyliorum. 14 (ii). S. prismatica of Forbes and Hanley's British Mollusca, as Mya p. of Montagu. . 15 (ii). S. tenuis, do. as Mactra t. of Montagu. 16 (ii). S. alba, do. as Mactra a. of Wood in the Linnean Transactions, vol. vi. 17 (ii). Scrobicularia Cottardi : Lutraria C. of Payraudeau : A. Siculum of Sowerby's Concho- logical Illustrations. 23 (iii). A. pulchrum of Sowerby in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1832. 24 (iii). A. pulchrum, var. of Sowerby's Conchological Illustrations. 25 (iii). A. formosum of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 199. 26 (iii). A. roseum of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 199. 27 (iii). A. punctatum of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 200. 28, 29 (iii). A. purpurascens of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 199 : not A. purpurascens, Lamarck, which does not belong to the genus. 30 (üi). A. rupium of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 199. 31 (iii). A. rupium, var. from Gallapagos, of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832. 32 (iii). A. pallidum of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 199. 33 (iii). A. læve of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 199. 34 (iii). A. lenticulare of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 200. 35 (iii). (Not an Amphidesma). OSTREA. Neither the general shape of the valves nor the particular form of the muscular scars (which follows or is modified by the varying outline of the shell) are available as distinguishing characters in this very difficult genus; colouring appears to be of more than ordinary value for essential distinction. The number of recorded species is not large, and a considerable proportion of those constituted are founded on the accidents of age and growth. An examination, at Paris, of the originals of the meagre descriptions in the 'Animaux sans Vertébres' will corroborate my assertion. PLATE I. 1, 4. Ostrea rhizophoræ of Guilding (Zool. Journ.). 2. Ostrea bicolor of Hanley (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845). 3. Ostrea multistriata of Hanley (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845). PLATE II. 5. Ostrea frons of Linnæus (Syst. Nat.). 6,7. Ostrea iridescens of Gray (on tablet in British Museum); margaritacea ? of Lamarck. 8. Ostrea edulis, var. purpurea ? It is not improbable that this beautiful oyster may eventually be distinguished as a new species: I cannot find any published account of it. It has the general aspect of edulis, but differs in its colouring, which, upon the lower valve, where the lamellæ are quite loose, and beautifully festooned in large gathers, is of a rich uniform purple; upon the upper one, where the lamelle are loosely appressed, is of a purplish liver-colour, that becomes intensely purple at the beak, where the lamellæ are abraded. The interior is of an uniform dirty white, with a simple margin, and only rudimentary denticles at the apex. The example, which is rather light, was purchased as from Toulon, and was attached to a stick, which accounts for the uninterrupted expansion of the lamellar foliations. It closely resembles also some specimens received from Philippi as the cristata of his 'Enumeratio,' which I unhesitatingly refer to the common rock oyster of our own coast. PLATE III. 9, 12. Ostrea Sinensis of Gmelin (Syst. Nat.). 10, 11. Ostrea (Gryphæa) angulata of Lamarck (Anim. s. Vert.). MELO. 1 (i), 2 (ii), 3 (ü), 4 (ii), 5 (ü), 5* (üi). M. Indicus of Broderip's monograph in Sowerby's Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. as Voluta I. of Gmelin. 6 (iv), 7 (iv), 8 (v), 25 (xii), 26 (xii). M. diadema of Broderip in do. as Voluta d. of Lamarck. 9 (vi), 10 (vi), 11 (vi). M. nauticus of Broderip in do. as Voluta n. of Lamarck. 12 (vi), 13 (vii), 14 (vii), 15 (vii), 16 (ü), 17 (ix), 34 (xiv). M. Æthiopicus of Broderip in do. as Voluta Æ. of Linnæus. 18 (xiii), 19 (x), 20 (x). M. mucronatus of Broderip in do. as = Voluta Georgina of Gray. 21 (x), 23 (viii), 24 (xi), 44 (xi). M. umbilicatus of Broderip in do. 22 (vii), 27 (x), 28 (v), 29 (ii). M. armatus of Broderip in do. as Voluta a. of Lamarck. 30 (i), 30* (ix), 31 (xii), 32 (xii), 33 (xiii). M. Broderippii in Sowerby's Thesaurus, as Voluta B. of Gray in Griffith's edition of Cuvier's Animal Kingdom. 35 (ix), 36 (xiii), 37 (x), 38 (xiv), 39 (ix). M. tessellatus of Broderip in Sowerby's Thesaurus, as Voluta t. of Lamarck. 40 (xii), 41 (xii), 42 (xiv), 43 (xiv). M. Miltonis of Sowerby's Thesaurus, as Voluta M. of Gray in Griffith's edition of Cuvier's Animal Kingdom. PANDORA. 20, 21, 22. P. Ceylanica, of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1835, p. 94. 23, 24. P. radiata, of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1835, p. 94. 25, 26. P. brevifrons, of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1853, p. 93. 27, 28. P. arcuata, of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1835, p. 93. 29, 30. P. discors, of Sowerby in the Zoological Proceedings, 1835, p. 93. MELANIAD Æ. PLATE I. 1. Melania Matoni of Gray (Zool. Misc.): fusca of Philippi. 2. Melania olivula of Conrad (Silliman's Amer. Journ. of Science xxv.). 3. Melania Hydei of Conrad (New Freshwater Shells). 4. Melania nobilis of Lea (Trans. Amer. Phil. x.): excurata ? of Conrad (New Freshw. Shells). 5. Melania brevior of Troschel (in Philip. Abbild. Conch.). 6. Melania Haysiana of Lea (Trans. Amer. Phil. ix.) teste Phillips and Redfield: the harpa of Lea (Tr. Am. Ph. x.) scarcely differs. 7. Melania spinosa of Benson. 8. Melania acanthica of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from type. 9. Melania quadriseriata of Gray (Zool. Mis.): mutans of Gould (Proc. Bost.) apparently. 10. Melania undulata of Say (Ter. and Fluv. Shells). PLATE II. 11. Melania cancellata of Benson (Ann. Nat. H. 1842). 12. Melania semigranosa of Von dem Busch (Philip. Abbild. Conch.). 13. Melania granifera of Lamarck (Anim. s. Vert.). 14. Melania Byronensis of Gray (Ind. Test. Suppl.): Owensiana, Gray (Zool. Misc.). 15. Melania coarctata of Philippi (Abbild. Conch. ii. as of Lamarck with doubt), not of Lamarck. 16. Melania corvina of Morelet (Test. Novis.), from type. 17. Melania glaphyra of Morelet (Test. Novis.), from type. 18. Melania zonata of Von dem Busch (Philip. Abbild. Conch.). 19. Melania Winteri, var. of Von dem Busch (do.). 20. Melania spinulosa of Lamarck (as in Deles. Rec. Coq. Lam.). PLATE III. 21. Melania hastula of Lea (Zool. Proc. 1850), from type. 22. Melania Frethii of Gray (Cuvier, ed. Griffith); from Fernando Po. 23. Melania lævissima of Sowerby (Zool. Journ.). 24. Melania Indiorum of Morelet (Test. Novis.), from type. 25. Melania corvina, var. of Morelet (Test. Novis.) from description ; Honduras. 26. Melania lacustris of Morelet (Test. Novis.), from type. 27. Melania episcopalis of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from type. MELANIA DÆ. PLATE IV. 28. Melania punctata, var. of Lamarck (Anim. s. Vert.). 29. Melanopsis lineolata, var. of Gray (Ind. Test. Suppl.). 30. Melanopsis cariosa of Linnæus (Syst. Nat.). 31. Melania pyramidalis of Morelet (Test. Novis. i.), from type. 32. Melania fimbriata of Thorp MS. 33. Melania aculeus of Lea (Trans. Amer. Phil.). 34. Paludomus conicus of Gray (Cuvier, ed. Griffith). 35. Melania graphium of Morelet (Test. Novis. i.), from type. 36. Melania erosa of Lesson, teste Philippi (in Abbild. Conch.). PLATE V. 37. Anculosa rubiginosa of Lea (Trans. Amer. Phil. ix.), teste Phillips and Redfield. The shell is described as smooth! but the characters were taken from a single imperfect specimen. Alabama. 38. Anculosa dilatata of Conrad, teste Phillips. Virginia. 39. Anculosa picta of Conrad (Silliman Journ. vol. xxv.); aged, without markings. 40. Melania aculeus!! var. of Lea (Zool. Proc. 1850), from type in Cuming's collection. 41. Anculosa geniculata of Haldeman (Suppl. to Monog. Limniades). 42. Paludomus bicinctus of Reeve (Conch. Icon.). 43. Melania Hugelii, var. of Philippi (Abbild. Conch.); from the Khasya hills. 44, 45. Schizostoma incisa of Lea (Trans. Amer. Phil.). 46. Melania Petiti? of Philippi (Zeitschr. Mal. 1848). ME LANI AD. PLATE VI. 47. Melania aspirans of Hinds (Annals Nat. Hist. xiv.), from types. 48. Melania dactylus of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. 49. Melania blatta of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. 50. Io fluviatilis of Say (as Fusus f.) in the Journ. Nat. Sc. Philad. v.: I. fusiformis, Lea. 51. Io spinosa of Lea (Trans. Americ. Phil. Soc. v.), from types. 52. Melania albescens of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. 53. Melania fumosa of Hinds (Annals Nat. Hist. xiv.). 54. Melania albescens, var. of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. PLATE VII. 55. Melania turriculus of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. 56. Melania tornatella of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. 57. Melania lateritia of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. 58. Melania microstoma of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. 59. Melania costellaris of Lea (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850), from types. 60. Melania armigera of Say (Journ. Nat. Sc. Philad. ii.). 61. Melania pulchella of Anthony (Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. iii.), from types. 62. Paludomus phasianinus of Reeve (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1852). 63. Paludomus baccula of Reeve (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1852), from types. 64. Melanopsis Zelandicus of Gould (Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. i.). PLATE VIII. 65. Melania vicina of Anthony (Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. York, vi.), from types. 66. Melania nigrocincta of Anthony (Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. York, vi.), from types. 67. Melania planospira of Anthony (Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. York, vi.), from types. 68. Melania arachnoidea of Anthony (Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. York, vi.), from types. 69. Melania impressa of Lea (Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. ix.). 70. Melania robulina of Anthony (Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. iii.), from types. 71. Melania nucleola of Anthony (Proc. Boct. Soc. N. H. iii.), from types. 72. Melania elata of Anthony (Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. iii.), from types. 73. Melania bitæniata of Conrad (New Freshwater Shells U. States). 74. Melania alveare of Conrad (New Freshwater Shells U. States). AMPULLARIA. PLATE I. 1, 4. A. Swainsoni of Philippi (Kuster's ed. Chemn.), as the fasciata of Swainson's * Zoological Illustrations,' second series. The lineata of Spix is perhaps the young. 2, 3. A. insularum of D’Orbigny (Voyage Amer. Merid.). PLATE II. 5. A. oni of Hanley (a new species from Honduras). 6. A. sordida of Swainson (Zoolog. Illust. first ser). 7. A. cerasum of Hanley (a new species; small, solid, red-throated). 8. A. conica, var. Gray (in Wood's Suppl. Ind. Test.). From Malacca: operculum shelly. Orientalis of Philippi (Zeit. Mal.). PLATE III. 9. A. depressa of Say (Long's second Exped.). 10. A. Bolteniana of Chemnitz (Conch. Cab. vol. ix. p. 89, penult line, f. 921, 922). 11. A. scalaris of D’Orbigny (Voy. Amer.) and Philippi (Kuster's ed. Chemn.). 12. - A. pulchella “ of Anton.” (Philippi in Kuster's ed. Chemn.). 13. A. conica of Gray (in Wood's Suppl. Ind. Test.), from type. Seems scutata of Mousson. PLATE IV. 14. A. reflexa of Philippi (Kuster's ed. Chemnitz, Amp. pl. 9, f. 6): of Swainson? 15. A. sinistrorsa of Philippi (in Kuster's ed. Chemnitz) as of Lea. 16. A. crassa of Swainson (Zool. Illust. first series). 17. A. luteostoma of Swainson (Zool. Illust. first series). 18. A. Cumingii of King (Zool. Journ. vol. v.), from types. CYCLOSTOMA. p. 91. 1, 2 (I). suturale of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. 3,5 (I). pusillum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 94. 4 (I). Popayanum of Lea in the American Philosophical Transactions. 6, 7 (I). semistriatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 91. . 8 (I). Brasiliense of Sowerby in the Zoology to Beechey's Voyage, and Th. C. i. p. 92. 9, 10 (I). giganteum of Gray in the Thes. Con. i. p. 92 (= Cumingii, Jay, teste Pfeif.) 11, 12, 13 (IV). Jamaicense, var. of Pfeiffer's Monographia Pneumonopomorum. 14, 15 (IV). Jamaicense of Pfeif. loc. cit. (as Turbo J. of Chemnitz); Cyclotus lineatus, Gray. 16, 17 (I). articulatum of Gray in Griffith's edition of Cuvier : filosum of Sow. 18 (I). clathratulum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 97), as of Récluz in the Revue Zoologique, 1843. 19, 20 (I). politum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. p. 97). 21, 22 (I). Valvatoides of Thorpe's MSS. 23, 24, 25 (I). lucidum of Lowe in the Cambridge Philos. Trans. 1831, and of Sow. (Thes. Con. i. p. 97). 26, 27, 28 (I). Listeri of Gray in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, p. 98. 29, 30 (I). Philippianum of Pfeiffer in Kuster's edition of Chemnitz: ligatum of Sowerby's Thesaurus. 31, 32 (I). ligatum of Sowerby's Genera of Shells. 33, 34, 35 (I). affine of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 98), as the Turbo ligatus of the Index Testaceologicus. 36, 37 (IV). ortyx of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 99), as of Valenciennes in the Magasin de Zoologie. . 38 to 41 (I). undulatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 99. 42, 43 (I). sulcatum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 100), as of Olivier (Voy. Ottom.). 44, 45 (I). elegans of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 101), as of authors. 46, 47 (I). marmoreum, do. (Thes. Con. i. p. 101), as of Brown in the Edinburgh Journal of Nat. and Geogr. Science, i. 48, 49 (II). Pupiforme of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 102. 50 (II). mammillare of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 102), as of Lamarck. 51, 52 (II). versicolor of Pfeiffer (Mon. Pn.), for C. aurantiacum of Sowerby (not Schumacher). 53 to 56 (II). simile of Gray in the Thesaurus Conch. (i. p. 103); teste Pf. = and after megacheilos of Potiez (Gal. Douai, i.). 58 (II). tenellum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 104. 59 (II). polysulcatum of Potiez and Michaud's Galerie de Douai, i. 60, 61 (II). Siculum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 104): teste Pfeif. and after polysulcatum, Pot. 62, 63 (II). Melitense of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 105. 64, 65, 66 (II). ferrugineum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 105), as of Lamarck. 67, 68 (II). dissectum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 105. . 69, 70, 71 (II). semilabrum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 106), as of Lamarck. 72, 73 (II). rufilabrum of Beck in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 106. . 74 (II). cornu-venatorium of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 107), as of Gmelin. 75 (II). lutescens of Pfeiffer in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1851. 76, 77, 78 (II). lævigatum of Webb and Berthelot in the Annales des Sciences, 1833. . .P p. p. 117. . 79, 80 (II). costulatum of Ziegler in Rossmässler's Iconographie. 81 (II). solidum of Pfeiffer in Kuster's Chemnitz, as Truncatella s. of Menke. 82, 83, 84 (II). cylindraceum of Pfeiffer (Mon. Pneu.), as Helix c. of Chemnitz. 85 (II). fasciatum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 108), as of Lamarck. 86, 87 (IV). bilabiatum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 110), as the Pterocyclos b. of Benson. 88, 89 (II). Planorbulum of Sowerby's Genera of Shells. 90 (II). discoideum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 111. 91 to 94 (III). vittatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 112. 95 (II). exiguum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 112. 96 (III). oculus-capri of Sow. (Thes. Con.i. p. 115), as the Helix o. of the Index Testaceologicus. 97, 98 (IV). Petiverianum, do. (Thes. Con. i. p. 116), as of Gray in the Index Testaceologicus. 99 (II). turbo of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 116), as Trochus t. of Chemnitz. 100 (IV). citrinum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 117. 101 (IV). unifasciatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. . 119. 102, 103 (V). candidum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. 104, 105 (III). albicans of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 118. 106 (V). albicans, var. probably (Thes. Con. i. Cyclos. f. 112 ?). 107 (IV). calcareum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 118), as the sulcatum of Lamarck. 108, 109 (IV). spironema of Pfeiffer in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1854. 110 (V). Partioti of Thorpe MSS. 111 (V). tigrinum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 126. 112 (III). Barclayanum of Pfeiffer (Mon. Pneu. p. 201); carinatum of Sow. (Thes. Con. f. 118.). 113 (III). Michaudii of Pfeiffer (Mon. Pneu.), as of Grateloup (Act. Lin. Bord.); carinatum of Sow. Thes. Con. i. Cyc. f. 117. 114 (V). Creplini of Dunker in the Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie for 1848. 115, 116 (III). campanulatum of Pfeiffer (Mon. Pneu. p. 195): unicarinatum of Sow. Thes. Con. f. 119, not 120. 118 (III), 119 (V). bicarinatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 120. 120, 121 (IV). tricarinatum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 120), as of Lamarck. 117, 122 (V). unicarinatum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. Cycl. f. 120, not 119), as of Lamarck : fulvifrons of Reeve (Conch. System.), as of Sow. MSS. 123 (V). rugosum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 121), as of Lamarck. 124 (V). immaculatum of Sowerby in the Zoology to Beechey's Voyage (Turbo i. Chemnitz). 125 (V). Stainforthii of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 136. 126 (IV). obsoletum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 121), as of Lamarck. 127, 128 (IV). volvulus of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 121), as the Helix v. of Muller. 129 (IV). acutimarginatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. 124. 130 (V). tuba of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 122. 131 (V). acutimarginatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 124. . 132 (V). aquila ? of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 123. 133 (V). Luzonicum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 114); after Woodianum, Lea, teste Pfeif. 134, 135 (V). pulchrum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 132), as of Gray in the Index Testaceo- logicus. 136 (V). fimbriatulum of Sowerby in the Tankerville Catalogue and Thes. Con. i. p. 132. 137 (V). lincinellum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 140), as of Lamarck. 138, 139 (V). lincinum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 140), as Turbo l. of Linnæus. 140 (V). album ? of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 141). p. 141 (V). Bouciera ? nov. spec. ? (genus of Pfeiffer in Zeits. Malak. 1851); if so the name Sowerbyi is suggested. 142, 143, 144 (V). Chemnitzii of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 141), as of Gray in the Index Testaceologicus. 145 (V). interruptum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 141), as of Lamarck. 146 (V). thysanorrhaphe of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 143. . 147 (V). evolutum of Reeve in the Conchologia Systematica, as of Sowerby in the Species Conchyliorum 148, 149 (V). articulatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 142. 150, 151 (V). Redfieldianum of Adams, in his Contributions to Conchology. 152 (V). tenebrosum ? ? of Morelet in his Testacea Novissima. 153, 154 (V). mirabile of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 145), as of Gray in the Index Testaceologicus. 155 (V). labeo of Pfeiffer (Licina 1. Mon. Pneu.), as Nerita l. of Muller. 156 (V). Reeveanum of Pfeiffer in Kuster's Chemnitz, as the decussatum of Sowerby (not Lam.). 157, 158 (VI). lineolatum ? of Lamarck's Animaux sans Vertèbres. 159 (VI). chlorostoma of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 146. 160 (VI). Grayanum of Pfeiffer (Zeit. Mal.): obscurum of Gray (not of Draparnaud). 161 (VI). maculatum of Rossmässler (Iconog.), as of Draparnaud. 162 (VI). obscurum of Rossmässler (Iconog.), as of Draparnaud. 163 (VI). auritum of Zeigler in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 148. 164 (VI). columna of Gray in the Index Testaceologicus. 165 (VI). maritimum ? var. of Adams in his Synop. Con. Jamaicensium. 166, 167 (VI). fascia of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 149), as of Gray in the Index Testaceologicus. 168 (VI). 'fascia ? var. of Sowerby's Thesaurus. 170, 171 (VI). quaternatum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 149), as of Lamarck. 172 (VI). Antillarum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 150. 173 (VI). tortum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 151), as of Gray in the Ind. Testac. 174 (VI). tortum, var. do. do. 175 (VI). tortuosum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 152), as Turbo t. of Chemnitz. 176, 177 (VI). Brasiliense of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 92. 178 (VI). Michaudi, var. of Pfeiffer (Mon. Pneum.). 179 (VI). cinctum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 129. 180, 181, 182, 183 (VI). Philippinarum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 125), in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1842. 184 (VI). translucidum ? of Sowerby. See figures 193, 194. 185 (VI). acuminatum, var. of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 138. 186 (VI). tenue of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 138. p 187, 188, 189 (VI). Cumingii of Sowerby in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1832. 190 (VI). distomella of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 114. 191 (VI). A. Bulimus erroneously introduced. 192 (VI). succineum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 108), in the Zoological Proceedings, 1832, p. 108. 193, 194 (VI). translucidum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 106. . 195, 196 (VII). canaliferum of Sowerby in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1842. 197, 198 (VII). cariniferum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. P. 114. 199 (VII). atramentarium of Sowerby, loc. cit. p. 128. 200, 201 (VII). gibbum of Férussac in the Magasin de Zoologie (and of Thes. Con. i. p. 139). 202, 203 (VII). distinctum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 106. 204, 205 (VII). pulchellum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 129. p 206, 207 (VII). gradatum of Pfeiffer in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1854. 208, 209 (VII). asperulum ? of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 91. . 210 (VII). asperum of Potiez and Michaud in the Galerie de Douai: Harveyanum, Sow. Thes. Con. i. p. 128. 211, 212 (VII). maculatum of Rossmässler (Iconographie), as of Draparnaud. 213, 214 (VIT). flavum of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 109), as of Broderip, Zool. Proc. 1832. 215, 216 (VII). Banksianum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 144. 217, 218 (VII). virgatum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 130. 219, 220 (VII). Moulinsii of Grateloup in the Actes Lin. Bordeaux: Desmoulinsii, Sow. Thes. Con. 221, 222 (VII). tigrinum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. p. 126. 223, 224 (VII). glaucum of Sowerby in the Thesaurus Conchyliorum, i. 100. 225, 226 (VII). Inca of Sowerby (Thes. Con. i. p. 92), as of D'Orbigny in the Magasin de Zoologie, 1835. 227, 228 (VII). pyrostoma of Reeve (Conch. Syst.), as of Sowerby's Species Conchyliorum. P. The plates of Cyclostoma (together with those of Melo, Pandora, and Amphidesma) were originally intended to appear in the Species Conchyliorum' of the late G. B. Sowerby. He did not, however, publish them, but discontinued his beautiful, yet unremunerative, work, after the first number. Subsequently to his decease, a few imperfect sets were sold by one of the principal London dealers in second-hand books, and issued as “Species Conchyliorum, part ii.” The first five plates of Melania, those of Ostrea, and those of Ampullaria, were conjointly published, in three parts, on the twenty-fourth of November, 1954; the ‘Miscellany' was not then continued until the first of October, 1857. Owing to the unfortunate destruction of the lithographic stones, and the too delicate style of engraving adopted in certain of the copper- plates, a very limited number of perfect sets can be supplied to the public. FINIS. E. NEWMAN, PRINTER, 9, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. PANDORA 30 29 22 26 27 20 28 25 21 24 23 기 ​ AMPHIDESMA. 1 1. 1.a 8.a 1.b. 2 TI 10. 9. 7. a. 7. 8 Il AMPHIDE SMA. 11 6. 15. 16. 14 4. 5. 12. 77. 13. 3. 3.a. AMPHIDESMA. 111 25 33 24 26 4 31 30 32 CS 23 We 35 09:44 34 28 29 27 PC.I. 3 T. Hall del,et lith P.IT 5 6 7 3 Tilall deletlith PL. III. 9 인 ​[ O 12 T. Hall del et lith. 08 I ( T & IN ME LO 2 4 11. 16 Man 29 3 5 ME LO II. A 9 AT O IN 1 M E L O V 1 28 MELO. 11. 9 10 11 12 13 MELO. V1 14 . 22 15 MIELD, 11 23 10 17 MELO. TX. 39 35 O M E L X. 20 27 19 37 21 MELO). X 24 N M E L O XIL 32 31 26 40 47 25 МЕ M E L O X111. 18 36 MELO, XIV. 38 42 43 he PL.1 3 2 5 6 7 9 8 10 THell delet lith, PL II 11 13 12 11 16 15 17 18 19 20 THal adathil PL. III 21 23 22 24 25 26 27 T.Hall del, et lith. P. IV 28 30 29 33 32 31 34 35 ΤΗ. PL V. 37 38 39 40 42 41 44 46 PU. VI. 47 18 49 50 51 52 53 54 W. West Imp G.B. Sowerby PU VII. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 62 64 G.B. Sowerby W. West Imp PU. VIII. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 74 72 73 W. West Imp. G. B. Sowerby PC..I. 2 3. THall.delet lith PL. Il 6 7 8 8 THoll delet lith PUM. 70 10 12 12 11 9 T! Hall del, etlich P.IV. 14 15 15 14 16 76 17 18 18 17 THaule lith. CYCLO STOMA. 1. 3 6 7 2 4 8 5. 7 21 78 23 22 20 24 25 26 16 17 27 9 28 35 30 29 10 39 33 38 34 31 32 45 46 +7 40 43 42 44 CYCLOSTOMA, 11 18 ژر 53 51 49 54 52 50 63 56 62 60 58 67 30 74 75 65 64 67 66 82 71 68 70 69 83 84 85 76 78 72 73 8 8 89 (0) 3 87 /) 77 79 90 CYCLO STOMA , 111 112. 113. 118. 104. 105. 91. 115. 116. 93. 92. 94. 96. 103. 102 CYCLOSTOMA. 1V 30 86. 87 © 37 SUEDAR 720. 121. 108. 109 107 : 15 700. 14. 13. 71. 12. 129. 97 126 12 728 98. CYCLOST OMA. V. 125 136 124 10 137 101 112 114 132 123 106 119 MU 138 139 117 122 130 0 740 146 147 155 131 135 134 141 142 133 143 144 145 156 148 149 153 154 150 152 152 CYCLO STOMA. VI. 159 158 157 160 161 162 163 164 165 168 176 167 177 166 169 187 173 174 189 171 170 178 179 175 172 188 1922 1001 183 181 180 182 190 184 193 192 185 194 191 186 CYCLOSTOMA VII 206 207 228 270 227 213 214 224 223 218 217 195 203 202 221 222 210 212 211 797 7.98 ME let 215 216 225 200 201 209 208 796 219 220 226 199 799 204 205 Yes/ M Eus Museums QL 404 H24 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06344 9527 DIY, OF MOLLUSKS CAGE