DA 01817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SEHURTODE TUEBOR SI QUERIS PENINSULAM AMENAM CIRCUMSPICE SUATUD.09.02SSESSUOLA MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY BEQUEST OF BRYANT WALKER HONORARY CURATOR OF MOLLUSKS 1910-1936 Museum QL 404 $23 W THE CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, BY rettingham G. B. SOWERBY, JUN. George LONDON: SOWERBY, 50, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY 1841. GEORGE ODELL, PRINTER, PRINCES STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE. Museum gl. 2-13.39 NOTICE The artist and proprietor feels unwilling to present this series of Illustrations to the scientific public, without taking advantage of the opportunity afforded by its completion, to acknowledge his obligations for the support he has received. During the periodical issue of the parts, he has experienced the utmost kindness and attention from collectors, who have materially assisted him by throwing open their cabinets for his inspection, and by freely allowing him the use of their new and rare shells. He has also enjoyed a degree of patro- nage in the sale of the parts, which, although not amounting to a remuneration for the labour, has sufficed to meet the pecuniary expenses attending their production, and also to afford the prospect of ultimate advantage The 1,500 figures contained in the work, represent 1,000 new species and varieties of 21 different Genera, and include all the species of Cypræa, Chilina, Neritina, Margarita, Eulima, and Typhis. The catalogues embrace 19 Genera, and contain a refer- ence to the description and to the best figure of each species, as far as could be known, up to the date of their publication, Those which were published in the earlier part of the work are from the pen of Mr. G. B. Sowerby, Sen. For the four last, viz.—those of Chiton, Cardium, Murex, and Typhis, a younger and less experienced conchologist must be held responsible. With regard to the whole of them, it is hoped that although some errors and imperfections must have occurred, they will yet be found to present as complete and perfect accounts of the Genera of which they treat as could be expected, considering the intricacies and difficulties of the task; and they will be found to assist materially in the advancement of conchological knowledge. The three remain- ing Genera, of which illustrations, but not catalogues, have been given, are accompanied by indices referring to descrip- tions and stating localities in every practicable instance. A short interval will probably elapse before the commence- ment of a new series, and it is at present a subject of consi- deration whether the Illustrations will be continued in the same form. It has been suggested that moncgraphs of Genera, with the figures on a reduced scale, could be published at a much smaller expense, in proportion to the number of species, and would be more generally useful than the present plan. In compliance with these suggestions, the proprietor is en- gaged in preparing monographs of several Genera, which will make their appearance at about the fall of the year, and the calculations made give reason to hope that the figures and descriptions may be produced at the rate of about one penny for each species. From the fact that the figures contained in the present work, are constantly quoted by the English and Continental conchologists, who have written during the course of its publication, there can be no doubt of the desirableness of continuing to publish figures of species, accompanied by information respecting localities, characters, and nomencla- ture, and the artist would feel a pleasure in doing so, even had he no reason to hope for a greater amount of usefulness or of success than at present enjoyed; but the question is, whether, by altering the plan, and reducing the scale of the figures, he might not command a greater degree of success, and contribute to the advancement of conchological know- ledge, to a wider extent. The experiment is about to be made, and in taking leave of the subscribers for a time, the gratifying hope is entertained, that the future re-appear- ance of the artist, will take place under the influence of their continued encouragement, strengthened by that of many other friends to the science. TABLE OF CONTENTS. (The word "all” placed against figures in the 3rd column, signifies that the whole of the known species are represented. The letters "re” distinguish those catalogues, which have been re-printed, and of which the old copies are to be cancelled.) .. 150 198.. { Desc. of British species 8 . § 86 87 %. 100} ... Genera Numbers Species No. of Letter Press No. of of parts and figures pages varieties figured Amphidesma ...... 17 18 19.... 12 71.... Catalogue and Index,. 2 re. 46 to 51 Cardium 149 150 .. 70 89.... Catalogue and Index.. 8 177 to 184 Nucula.... 14 15 16.... 24 25.... Catalogue and Index.. 4 re. Chiton .... 38 to 45 S Catalogue and Index.. 10 Chitonellus ... 159 to 176 S Fissurella ........ 68 to 78 80.... 77 88.... Catalogue and Index.. 10 21 22 23 26 Bulinus 27 30 31 34 152.... Index, localities, &c... 4 re. 35 137 to 146 185 186 Chilina... .. 135 136: .. 13 all 21all.. Catalogue and Index.. 2 re. Neritina 66 all 125all. . Catalogue and Index.. 4 re. to Eulima... 52 53.... 19 all 19all.. Catalogue and Index, . 2 re. Margarita........ 132 133 134.... 15 all 30all.. Catalogue ... 2 Cancellaria .. 9 to 13.... 45 47.... Catalogue and Index. 10 re. 672 Murex ........ { 128.... Catalogue and Index.. 12 Typhis.. 200.... 6 all llall.. Catalogue and Index.. 2 S 84 85 882 Ranella 25 37.... Index, localities, &c... 2 89 92 93 S Monoceros ...... 79 81 to 83.... 16 27.... Catalogue and Index.. 2 re. Eburna .... 2. 20.... 4 5.... Catalogue and Index.. 2 re. Erato 7 9 1 to 82 Catalogue and Index Ovulum 4 6 26 101 to 131 168 all 327 to Cyprædæ Cypræa 24 25 28 29 32 33 36 37 Conus. 54 to 57.. 137 153.... Index, localities, &c... 4 147 148 151 to 159 .... 187 to 1993..112 .. DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. . The lists printed on small paper and published with each part are to be cancelled. The Plates, Catalogues, Indices, &c. should follow each other in the order indicated in the “ Table of Contents. " The word at the head of each plate will point out the genus to which it belongs, and the figures connected with the subjects will shew the order in which the plates of each genus follow each other. They should be placed, so as to lie open on the right side of the book. The former edition of those Catalogues which have been reprinted, in consequence of having been printed originally on small paper, must be cancelled. The reprints are contained in No. 200, Amphidesma. 2 2 1 2x 2x G.B.S.jun. 3 Amphidesma 5 7 5 Amphidesma 8 co WA 10 9 8 70 10 A CATALOGUE OF THE RECENT SPECIES OF THE GENUS AMPHIDESMA. 1. variegatum Lam. Spec. Conch. Amphidesma. f. 1, 2, 3. Brazil. 2. pulchrum nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Ill. f. 2. St. Elena. W. Columbia. var. f. 2* Panama. Mr. Cuming. 3. pallidum nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec, Conch, Ill. f. 3. Salango, W. Col. Mr. Cuming. 4, formosum nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Ill. f. 8. St. Elena Mr. Cuming. 5. roseum nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Ill. f. 1. Tumbez, Peru. Mr. Cuming. 6. ellipticum nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Spec. Conch. f. 17. Monte Christi, W. Col. Mr. Cuming. 7. australe nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Ill. f. 4. Lord Hood's Island, S. Seas, Mr. Cuming, and N. S. Wales, G. Humphrey. 8. corrugatum nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Spec. Conch. f. 18. Iquiqui, Peru. Mr. Cuming. 9. subtruncatum nob. Spec. Conch. f. 5, 19, 20. West Indies. 10. solidum Gray, Spicilegium Zoologicum part 1, p. 6, t. 6, f. 6, Spec. Conch. f. 6. Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. 11. cordiforme, nob. Spec. Conch. f. 7. Tellina Cordiformis Chemn. XI. f. 1931, 1932. Indian Ocean. 12. Rupium nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec, Conch. Ill. f. 10. Lord Hood's Island. var. f. 10* Galapagos Islands. Mr. Cuming. 13. cancellatum nob. Spec. Conch. f. 8. Antigua and St. Vincents. 8 14. lamellosum nob. Spec. Conch. f. 9, 19. Indian Ocean. 15. reticulatum nob. Spec. Conch. f. 11, 12. Brazil and W. Indies. 16. crenulatum nob. Spec. Conch. f. 13. 17. duplicatum nob. Spec. Conch. f. 14, 15. Ceylon. 18. punctatum nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Ill. f. 7. Gal- apagos Islands. Mr. Cuming. 19. purpurascens nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Ill. f. 5. . St. Elena. W. Col. Mr. Cuming. 20. multicostatum nob. Spec. Conch. f. 16. 21. lenticulare nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch, Ill. f. 9. St. Elena, W. Col, Mr. Cuming. 22. læve nob. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Ill. f. 6 Xipixapi. . W. Col. Mr. Cuming. 23. prismaticum Lam. Spec. Conch. f. 21. British. 24. tenue Lam. Spec. Conch. f. 22. British. 25. Boysii Lam. Spec. Conch. f. 23. British. 26. Siculum nob. Spec, Conch. f. 24. Sicily. LIST OF FIGURES. Parts 17 to 19. Fig. 1. A. roseum. 2. A. pulchrum. 2.*A. pulchrum, var. 3.*A. pallidum. Fig. 6. A. læve. 7. A. punctatum. 8. A. formosum. 9. A. lenticulare. 4. A. australe. 10. A. Rupium. 5. A. purpurascens. 10.*A. Rupium, var. Cardium. 7 2 2 Tan 3 4 1 G.B.Sjun.exc. Cardium. 5 7 6 10 9 G.B.S.jun.cxc. Cardium. 11 12 12* 13 14 75 GB.S. Cardium 16 17 18 19 20 21 G.B.S.jun.exe Cardium WMAN 22 22 23 24 24 25 G.B.S.jun.exe. Cardium. UNT 26 27 27 28 31 29 37 30 GB.S.jun.ecc. Cardium. SEKS SSSSSS ܐܙ 353527 32 33 35 34 36 Cardium. 37 37 AM 38.a 38.6. 39 Cardium 44 L4 07 45 45 46 Cardium 3 42 // 46 Cardium 47 67 48 02 49 Cardium m 50.0 50 50 W 52 52 53 Cardium 58 58 min. - ACC 55 57 56 Cardium 59 60 61 62 63 Cardium 64 65 67 Cardium 69 68 68 70 CARDIUM. A CATALOGUE OF RECENT SPECIES, BY By G. B. SOWERBY, Jun. No. 1 C. costatum, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1121. Chemn. Conch. t. 15, f. 151. 152. Africa. 2 C. indicum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6, p. 4. Con. Illus. f, 46. N.W. coast of America. 3 C. ringens, Lam. Brug. Dict. No. 21. Chemn. Conch. t. 16, f. 170. Gambia, Africa. 4 C. Sinense, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 35. China. 5 C. Asiaticum, Brug. Dict. No. 19. Chemn. Conch. t. 15, f. 153, 154, Nicobar Isl. 6 C. laticostatum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 85. Con. Illus. f. 30. Xipixapi, West Colombia. Mr. Cuming. 7 C. fimbriatum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6. p. 5. Beech. Zool. t. xlii. f. 1. Wood Gen. Conch. t.-. China. 8 C. tenui-costatum. Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6. p. 5. Con. Illus. f. 62. (tenue) f. 36. (varium.) f. 19. Swan River, N. Holland. 9 C. striatulum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 16. 45. Australia, New Zealand, Mr. G. Benett. 10 C. Australe, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f.12* (C. Sauciatum, Beck.—?) Australia, (Var.) China, Ceylon. 11 C. Cumingii. Brod. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 82. Con. Illus. f. 5. Central Amer. G. of Dulce Mr. Cuming. 12 C. apertum, Brug. Dict. No. 22. Chem. Conch. t. 18. f. 181-3. Jamaica. No. 13 C. papyraceum, Brug. Dict. No. 29. Chemn. Conch. , t. 18, f. 184, Con. Illus. f. 55. 56. Japan. 14 C. bullatum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6, p. 6. Solen bul- latus, Linn. C. Soleniforme, Brug. Chem. Conch. t. 6. f. 49.50. Jamaica, St. Vincents. 15 C. aspersum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 85. Con. Illus. f. 15. St. Elena. Mr. Cuming. 16 C. ringiculum. Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 11. St. Vincents. 17 C. latum, Brug. Dict. No. 33. Chemn, t. 19, f. 192. 193. Asia. 18 C. Pseudolima, Lam. Anim. sans. vert. t. 6, p. 7. Con. Illus. f. 67. Red Sea. 19 C. Icelandicum, Gmel. p. 3252. Chemn. t. 19, f. 195. 196. Iceland. 20 C. punctulatum, Brod. & Sow. Zool. Journ. iv. p. 366. Con. Illus. f. 7. Loc. not known. 21 C. rusticum, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1124. Chemn. Conch. t. 19. f. 197. test. Jun. C. fasciatum, Mont. Test. Brit. Suppl.p.30, t. 27,f. 6. Britain & Mediterranean. 22 C. edule. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1125, Chemn. Conch. t. 19, f. 194. var. C. crenulatum. Lam. Britain. 23 C. nodosum, Montagu, Test. Brit. p. 81. Turton. Brit. p Biv. pl. 13, f. 8. Britain. 24 C. ovale, Nob. C. elongatum (preoccupied) Mont. Test. Brit. p. 82. Turt. Brit. Biv. t. 13, f. 9. Britain. 25 C. exiguum, Gmel. 3255, Lister. t. 317, f. 154. Britain. 26 C. Siculum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus, f. 31. Sicily 27 C. Arcticum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con Illus, f. 26. Arctic Seas. 28 C. tuberculatum, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1122. Chemn.Conch. t. 17, f. 173. Britain and Mediterranean. 29 C. paucicostatum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 20. Sicily 3 No. 30 C. Deshayesii, Payr. p.56, t. 1, f. 33. 35. Con. Illus. f. 70. Sicily 31 C. echinatum, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1122. Chemn. Conch. t. 200, f. 1951-3. test. jun. C. ciliare. Gmel. 29. Britain and Sicily. 33 C. aculeatum. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1122. Chemn. Conch. t. 15, f. 156. Europe. 34 C. erinaceum. Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6. p. 8. Chemn, Conch. t. 15. f. 157. Mediterranean, 35 C. multispinosum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 38, 38. a. Misamis, Isl. Mindinao. Mr. Cuming. 36 C. exasperatum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 37. Swan River. 37 C. papillosum, Poli Test. utriusque Siciliæ, Con. Illus. f. 69. Sicily 38 C. graniferum, Brod. and Sow. Zool. Journ. iv. p. 367. . Con. Illus. f. 17. Pacific Ocean. Mr. Cuming. 39 C. Isocardia, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1122. Chemn. Conch. t. 17, f. 174, 176. America. 40 C. Consors. Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 85. Con. Illus. f. 8. St. Elena. Guacomayo, Mr. Cuming. The imbri- cations on the ribs are closer than in C. Isocardia. 41 C. Belcheri Brod. &. Sow. Zool. Journ. iv. p. 366. Tab. ix. f. 3. Coast of California and Panuma. 42 C. muricatum, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1123. Chemn. Conch. . t. 17, f. 177. West Indies. 43 C. senticosum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 84. Con. Illus. f. 10. St. Elena. Rounder than C. muricatum, and tubercles not so oblique. Mr. Cuming. 43.*C. Radula, Brod. & Sow. Zool. Journ. IV. p. 336. 336. We have not seen this shell. It is in Mr. Bland's col- lection. 44 C. foveolatum, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 65. Swan River. 4 No. 45 C. variegatum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 57. Ribs much closer than in C. muricatum. 46 C. unicolor, Sow, jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 29. 42. Brazils. 47 C. multistriatum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 85. Con. Illus. f. 59. St. Elena, Mr. Cuming. 48 C. maculosum, Wood. Gen. Conch. p. 218, t. 52, f. 3. Con. Illus. f. 63. Ceylon. 49 C. impolitum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 6. 66. China. 50 C. Oxygonum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 9. China. 51 C. angulatum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. Seba. Mus. 3, t.86, f. 6. America ? The grooves of this common species are deep; the ribs angular and serrated; the shell oval, ventricose. 52 C. marmoreum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. Chemn. Conch. t. 17, f. 179. Jamaica. Flatter than the last, with the anterior ribs smoother, and not so deep. 53 C. Orbita, Brod. f. Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 85. Con. Illus, f. 13. Isl. Annaa, Pacific. O. More oblique, more closely tuberculated and ribbed that C. mar- moreum. Mr. Cuming. 54 C. elongatum, Lam. Brug. Dict. No. 26. Con. Illus f. 49. (not the figures doubtfully referred to by Brug. & Lamarck.) More ventricose, and elongated than the two last, with 39 or 40 flattened ribs; Ticao, Philippines, Mr. Cuming. 55 C. subelongatum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 61. Ribs fewer and wider apart than in the last. 56 C. maculatum, (Altered from maculosum, preoccupied) Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 85. Con. Illus. f. 18. California. Ribs flattened, nearly smooth; shell not so oblique as C. subelongatum. No. 57 C. enode, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 51. Shell more spread, less ventricose, with ribs flatter and closer than in C. elongatum. 58 C. rugosum, Lam. Anim. sans vert, t. 6, p. 10. C. magnum, Chemn. Conch. t. 19, f. 191. Yellow var. C. flavum. Linn? Con. Illus. (C. subrugosum) f. 32. Dark spotted, Con. Illus. f. 39. Pink spotted, Con. Illus. f. 41. Ceylon, Java. 59 C. subrugosum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 34, 71. Dr. Sibbald. Ribs less elevated, shell less spread, anterior side smoother than the last. 60 C. alternatum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 64. Ticao, Philippines. On the Coral Reefs. Mr. Cuming. 61 C. procerum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 83. Con. Illus. f. 23. Real Llejos, Central America. Mr. Cuming. 62 C. Panamense. Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 85. Con. Illus. . f. 21. Panama. Mr. Cuming. Ribs fewer and more angulated than in C. procerum. 63 C. ventricosum, Brug. Dict. 25. C. magnum, Born. E. M. pl. 299. f. 1. Carolina. 64 C. sulcatum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. tom. 6. p. 10. C. oblongum, Chemn. Conch. t. 19. f. 90. C. flavum, Born. Mediterranean. A shell has been collected at Plymouth by Mr. Cuming, which is distinct from C. serratum, and may probably turn out to be a British variety of this species. 65 C. elatum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 84. Con. Illus. f.3. California. 66 C. serratum, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1123. E. M. 299. f. 2. C. lævigatum. Wood. pl. 54, f. 1. Britain. 67 C. Grænlandicum, Gmel. P. 3252. Chemn. Conch. t. 19, f. 148. var. edentula. Sow. gen. of Sh. Greenland. 68 C. biradiatum, Brug. Dict. 28. Chemn. Conch. t. 18, . f. 185, 186. Ceylon. 6 No. 69 C. attenuatum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. lævigatum, var. biradiatum, Wood, Gen. Conch. pl. 54, f. 2. Very much more elongated than the last. Ceylon. 70 C. multipunctatum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 81. Con. Illus. f. 14. China. 71 C. lævigatum, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1123. Chemn. Conch. t. 18, f. 189. C. citrinum, Gmel. Wood Gen. Conch. pl. 54, f. 3. 54, f. 3. Atlantic. This name is erroneously applied by some authors to the British C. serratum. 72 C. Brasilianum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6, p. 5. Con. Illus. f. 60. Brazil. 73 C. Elenensis, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 58. St. Elena. Not so much elongated poste- riorly as the last ; not lineated. Mr. Cuming. 74 C. Mortoni, Conrad. Boston journal? Con. Illus. f. 53, 54. America. More rounded than C. Elenensis, and nearly equilateral. 75 C. fragile, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 68. 76 C. Æolicum, Born. Mus. Cæs. p. 36. C. pectinatum, Linn? Chemn. Conch. t. 18, f 187, 188. Indian Ocean, China, 77 C. lyratum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 40. Guinea. This species has no smooth surface on the posterior side, as in C. Æolicum. 78 C. lineatum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. v. 6, p. 17. Con. Illus. f. 43. America. 79 C. Donaciforme, Schroeter, Einl. Conch. t. 3, p. 68. Con. Illus, f. 27. Asiatic Ocean. Tranquebar. 80 C. parvum, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 33. 81 C. medium. Linn. Syst. Nat. 1122. Chemn. Conch. t. 16, f. 162, 164. St. Vincents. 7 No. 82 C. biangulatum, Sow. Zool. Journ iv. p. 367. Con. Illus, f. 2. St. Elena, Mr. Cuming. 83 planicostatum, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 83. Con. Illus. f. 25. Guacomayo. Mr. Cuming. 84 C. fornicatum, Sow. Jun. Zool Proc. 1840. Con.Illus, f. 50. 85 C. imbricatum, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 48. Swan River. 86 C. Unedo, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1123. Chemn.Conch. t. 16, f. 168, 169. Ceylon. 87 C. Fragum, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1123. Chemn. Conch. t. 16, f. 166. 167. Red Sea. 88 C. Hemicardium, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1121. Chemn. Conch. t. 16, f. 159, 161. Indian Ocean. 89 C. tumoriferum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6, p. 15. Con. Illus. f. 22. New Holland. Ribs narrower and tubercles smaller than in the last. 90 C. obovale, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1833. p. 84. Con. Illus. f. 4. Xipixapi. Mr. Cuming. 91 C. subretusum, Sow. jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. p. 84. Con. Illus, f. 24. 92 C. retusum, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1121. Chemn. Conch. t. 14, f. 139, 140. Suez, Arabia. 93 C. Auricula, Forskäll. Fauna Arabica. f. 122, No. 52. Con. Illus, f. 47. Suez, Arabia. 94 C. Dionæum, Sow. Zool. Journ. iv. p. 367. Beech. Zool. t. 42, f. 6. 6. Con. Illus, f. 52. S. Pacific Ocean. 95 C. Cardissa, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1121. Sow. gen. of Sh. f. 5. test. jun. (C. Dionæum) Con. Illus. f. l. 1.* (C. unimaculatum,) f.1.** S. Pacific Ocean. Nearly equilateral. 96 C. Junoniæ, Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6, p. 17. Chemn. Conch. t. 14, f. 147, 148. C. Humanum, Wood. indian Ocean. Posterior side concave. 97 C. inversum, Lam. Anim. sans vert. t. 6, p. 17. Chemn. Conch. t. 14, f. 149, 150. Indian Ocean. Anterior side concave. 8 CORRECTED LIST OF FIGURES. CARDIA; -Parts 48 to 51, 149–150, 177 to 186. - FIG. 1 1* 1.** C. Cardissa, Sp. 95, FIG. 35 C, Sinense, Sp. 4. 36 C. tenuicostatum, Sp. 8. 37 C. exasperatum, Sp. 36. 38 C. multispinosum, Sp. 35. 39 C. rugosum, var. Sp. 58. 40 C. lyratum, Sp. 77. 41 C. rugosum, var. Sp. 58. 42 C. unicolor, Sp. 46. 43 C. lineatum, Sp, 78. 44 C. lineatum, young, Sp. 78. 45 C. striatulum, Sp. 9. 46 C. indicum, Sp. 2. 47 C. Auricula, Sp. 93. 48 C, imbricatum, Sp. 85. 49 C, elongatum, Sp. 54. 50 C. fornicatum, Sp. 84. 51 C. enode, Sp. 57. 52 C. Dionæum, Sp. 94. 53, 54, C. Mortoni, Sp. 74. 55, 56, C, papyraceum, Sp. 13. 57 C. variegatum, Sp. 45. 58 C, Elenense, Sp. 73. 59 C. multistriatum, Sp. 47. 60 C. Brasilianum, Sp. 72. 61 C. subelongatum, Sp. 55. 62 C. tenuicostatum, Sp, 8. 63 C. maculosum, Sp. 48. 64 C. alternatum, Sp. 60. 65 C. foveolatum, Sp. 44. 66 C. impolitum, Sp. 49. 67 C. Pseudolima, Sp. 18. 68 C, fragile, Sp. 75. 69 C, papillosum, Sp. 37. 70 C. Deshayesii, Sp. 30. 71 C, subrugosum, Sp. 59. young 2 C. biangulatum, Sp. 82. 3 C. elatum, Sp. 65. 4 C. obovale, Sp. 90. 5 C. Cumingii Sp. ll. 6 C. impolitum, Sp. 49. 7 C. punctulatum, Sp. 20. 8 C. Consors, Sp. 40. 9 C. Oxygonum, Sp. 50. 10 C. senticosum, Sp.43. 11 C. ringiculum, Sp. 16. 12* C. Australe, Sp. 10. 13 C. Orbita, Sp. 53. 14 C. multipunctatum, Sp. 70. 15 C. aspersum, Sp. 15. 16 C. striatulum, Sp. 9. 17 C. graniferum, Sp. 38. 18 C. maculatum, Sp. 56. 19 C. tenuicostatum, Sp. 8. 20 C. paucicostatum, Sp, 29. 21 C. Panamense, Sp. 62. 22 C. tumoriferum, Sp. 89. 23 C. procerum, Sp. 61.) 24 C. subretusum, Sp. 91. 25 C. planicostatum, Sp. 83. 26 C. arcticum, Sp. 27. 27 C. Donaciforme, Sp. 79. 28 C. echinatum, var. Sp. 31. 29 C. unicolor, Sp, 46. 30 C. laticostatum, Sp. 6. 31 C. Siculum, Sp. 26. 32 C. rugosum, var. Sp. 58. 33 C. parvum, Sp. 80. 34 C. subrugosum, Sp. 59. George Odell, Printer, 18, Princes-street, Cavendish-square, London. Nucula. 1 3 C.B.S.jun.ca VO. Nucula. 15 17 12 10 12 16 13 II G.B...jut.REC. Nucula 22 20 19 18 23 24. 24 27 ras G.B.S.jun. exc. A CATALOGUE OF RECENT SPECIES OF NUCULÆ * LANCEOLATÆ. 1 lanceolata Lam. Sowerby Gen. of Shells, No. 17, f. 1. Conch. Illustr. f. 1. Xipixapi. 2 Elongata nobis. Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch, Illustr. f. 2. Salango, Mr. Cuming. 3 Tellinoides nobis, Gen. of Shells, No. 17, f. 2. Cumana. 4 Crenifera nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Illustr. f. 3. Xipixapi, Mr. Cuming. ** ROSTRATÆ. 5 arctica, Brod. and Sow. IV. pl. IX. f. 1. Kamtschatka. 5 Nicobarica Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 4. 7 curvirostrum, Humphrey M. S. Conch. Illustr. f. 5. Shell oblong, thin, pellucid, white, smooth, rather gibbous; anterior side rounded, posterior acuminated, turned upward, with three crenated ridges; surface covered with oblique, nearly longitudinal grooves : length 0-7, breadth 0.25, height 0.4. Coast of Guinea, Humphrey. Arca rostrata Mont. Test. Brit. Sup. p. 55. t. 27. 8 Pella Lam. Sowerby's Gen. of Shells No. 17. f. 4. Conch. Illustr. f. 6. 9 glacialis Wood Sup. pl 2. f. 6. 10 fluviatilis nobis, Sow. Gen. of Shells, No. 17, f. 3. (N. rostrata Lam.) Rivers of Coromandel, Schroëtter. 11 minuta Mont. Test. Brit. p. 144. Sowerby Gen. of Shells, No. 17, f. 5. (N. rostrata Sowerby) British. 12 parva nobis, Conch Illustr. f. 7. Shell oblong, white, thickish, with an olivaceous epidermis, longitudinally 4 grooved ; anterior side rounded, posterior rather beaked, angular: dorsal posterior area not grooved; length 0.5, breadth 0.2, height 0.3. The only specimen I have seen was brought from Melville Island in 1821, by Captain Parry. 13 costellata nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Illustr. f. 8. Panama. Mr. Cuming. 14 gibbosa nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Illustr. f. 9. Gulf of Nocoiyo. Mr. Cuming. 15 eburnea nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch Illustr. f. 10. Bay of Caraccas. Mr. Cuming, 16 polita nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Illustr. f. 11. Panama. Mr. Cuming. 17 nasuta, nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 12. Shell oblong, white, very finely longitudinally striated; anterior side rather shorter than the posterior, rounded ; posterior acumi- nated, slightly turned upwards, with an elongated longitudinally striated dorsal area : length 0.8, breadth 0-33, height 0.4. From the East Indies. G. Humphrey. 18 Fabula, nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 13. Shell ovate, white, obliquely striated, nearly equilateral, anterior side rounded, posterior acuminated, slightly turned upwards, with two ridges passing from the umbones to the acuminated extremity, the upper of which is crenated, forming a dorsal posterior area: length 04, breadth 0.15, height 0.25. 19 Elenensis nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Illustr. f. 14. St. Elena, Mr. Cuming. 20 cuneata nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Illustr. f. 15. Valparaiso. Mr. Cuming. 21 striata nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 16. Shell ovate, white, concentrically striated, nearly equilateral, anterior and posterior dorsal slopes nearly equal; anterior side slightly acuminated, rounded ; posterior side acumina- ted, with an indistinct dorsal area : length 0.55, breadth 0:3, height 04. From China, G. Humphrey. 5 22 Mauritiana nobis, Conch. Ilustr. f. 17. Shell ovate white,concentrically grooved, nearly equilateral, anter- iorly rounded, posteriorly acuminated; dorsal slope nearly equal on both sides; length 0.4, breadth 0.2 height 0.25. From the Mauritius, G. Humphrey. 23 limatula Say, American Conchology t. 12. 24 lævis Say, Amer. Conch. t. 12. 25 concentrica Say, Amer. Conch. t. 12. *** ELLIPTICÆ. 26 margaritacea Lam. Sow. Gen. of Shells, f. 7. British. 27 decussata nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 18. Shell somewhat triangular, white, decussately striated; anterior side shorter, its slope rather elevated in the middle; poste- rior side much longer, oblique; ventral margin rounded its edge crenated ; length 0.85, breadth 04, height 0.6. Brought from the coast of Guinea, in 1788, G. Humphrey 28 rugulosa nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 19. Shell ovate triangular, with a greenish epidermis, covered with rugulose striæ; angles obtuse ; anterior slope with a central elevation; posterior slope somewhat rounded ; ventral margin very finely crenulated; length 05, breadth 0.25, height 0.4. 29 nitida nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 20. Shell ovate sub- triangular, smooth, shining, white, with an olive co- loured epidermis; posterior slope somewhat rounded, anterior nearly straight, with a central elevation ; length 0.5, breadth 0.25, height 0.4. Common on the British Coast. 30 obliqua Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 21. Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. 31 tenuis Mont. Test. Brit. Sup. p. 56. t. 29. f. 1. Scar- borough, Frith of Forth, &c. 32 convexa nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 22. Shell ovate, turgid, whitish, smooth; anterior side shorter, slightly acumi- 6. nated; posterior side much longer, dorsal slope rounded; ventral margin entire ; hinge pit very oblique, teeth of anterior side very few; length 0.55, breadth 0.35, height 0.4. From China, G. Humphrey. 33 Pisum. nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Illustr. f. 23, Valparaiso. Mr. Cuming. 34 exigua nobis, Z. P. 1832, Dec. Conch. Illustr. f. 21. and magnified f. 24*, Bay of Caraccas. Mr. Cuming. 1 3 LIST OF FIGURES. Fig. 1. N. Lanceolata. Lm. Fig. 13. N. Fabula. Suruh 2. N. elongata. Souls 14. N. Elenensis. 3. N. crenifera. 15. N. cuneata. 4. N. nicobaricà. Lan, 16. N. striata. 5. N. curvirostra, Herwyho 17. N. Mauritiana... 6. N. Pella. Lane 18. N. decussata. 1 7. N. Souhi parva. 19. N. rugulosa. 8. N. costellata. 20. N. nitida. 9. N. gibbosa. 21. N. obliqua. 10. N. eburnea. 22. N. convexa. 11. N. polita 23. N. Pisum. 12. N. nasuta. 24. N. exigua. 24.*N. exigua. mag.” 1) Chiton. 1 2 5 6 7 GB.S.jun.exo. Chiton 10 11 12 1 une 14 13* 13 G.B.S.Jun.czc. Chiton 15 16 17 127 ED 19 18* EEZE 18 20 21 GB.S.jun. exc. Chiton. 22 23 94 26 25 27 28 TELA 29 30 G.B.S jun.exc. Chiton. SLILLED 31 33 32 34 C o 36 35 37 G.B.S jun.exe - Chiton. 39 38 40 41 43 42 G.B.S.jun.ecc. Chiton 44* 45 46 47 48 El 14** G.B.S. jun.exc. Chiton. 49 50 51 52 53 55 54 C.B.S. Chiton 63 56 57 58 59 67 60 oa 62 Chiton 64 67 62 67 65 33 67 66 Chiton 73 74 78 18.a 68 11 70 Chiton 61, 75 CEN a 172 P) 76 W Chiton 83 0 83 32 80 3) 81 Chiton 24.0 86 24 20 25 3.5 Chiton 87. A. 89 90 88 92 95. 88.0 9/ Chiton 89 IO ga 99 87 99.2 1 O 97 700 96 18.a IL 95 94.a. Chiton 101 104.0 9. 102 701 103 a 103 101.d. 102.a. 104.6. BUNA 103. 104 705 6 Chiton 106 12 401 108 1/3- 106. 601 oll oll 110 a 113 xa 12. Chiton. 1170 7/8 114 MO 77 Chiton 123 125 121 119 123 122 120 121 121 . Chiton 126 man 128 0 127 126 UA 130. 128 /29 128 Chiton 127 127 727 133 2.3.2 194 Chiton 133 137 135 /36 138 139 139 Chiton M 07/ 071 113 122 115 II 111 I'll Chiton wa MZ 154 149 148 152 / Chiton 7 Lif 153 750 155 w 617 I/ 977 A CATALOGUE OF THE RECENT SPECIES OF CHITONES. No. 1 Ch. Echinatus, Barnes, Amer. Journ. of Sc. vol. 7, No. 1, 1823. Tuberculiferus. Sow. Tanc. Cat. Spiniferus, Frembly, Zool. Journ. vol. 3, p. 196, Suppl. pl. xvi. f. 1. Spiniferus, Var. Con. Illus. f.47, Peru. 2 Ch. Spinosus, Brug. Journ. D’Hist. Nat. vol. 1, p. 25. Sow. Gen. Chiton. f.1, Con. Illus. f. 151, Australia, 3 Ch. Spiniger, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. * 1840, Con. Illus. f. 68. 4 Ch. Brevispinosus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1840, Con. Illus. f. 136. Island Johanna. 5 Ch. Blainvillii, Brad. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 27. Con. Illus. f. 6. Inner Lobos Island. 6 Ch. Rugosus, Gray ? Con. Illus. f. 49. 7 Ch. Alternatus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 141. Japan. 8 Ch. Pectinatus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus.f. 146. 9 Ch. Loo-chooanus, Sow. Zool. Journ. vol. iv, p. 368, Loo-choo, 10 Ch. Piceus, Gmel. Linn, p. 3204, Wood, Gen. Con. t. 1, f. 3. convexus, granulatus, gemmatus, tu- * Charlesworth’s New Series of Low don's Magazine of Natural History for June, 1840. B 2 No. berculatus, unguiculatus, zonatus, Auct. Con. Illus. f. 147. 11 Ch. Magnificus, Gray ? Con. Illus. f. 52. 12 Ch. Niger, Barnes, Amer. Journ. Sc. vol. 7, No. 1, 1833, p. 671. Coquimbensis, Frembly, Zool. Journ. vol. iii, p. 197. Tab. Suppl. xvi, f. 2. Peru. 13 Ch. Squamosus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1107, Wood, Gen. Con. pl. 1, f. 1, Var. Bistriatus, Wood, Chemn. Conch. 8, t. 94, f. 788, 791, Var. Obscurus. Nob. Con. Illus. f. 76. West Indies. 14 Ch. Siculus, Gray, Spic. Zool. 1, p. 5. Con. Illus. f. 123 to 125. Pollii Deshayes. Sicily. 15 Ch. Lyratus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 126. 16 Ch. Foveolatus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 60. 17. Ch. Excavatus, Gray ? Con. Illus. f. 131. 18 Ch. Fasciatus, Wood, Gen. Con. p. 10, Con. Illus. f. 153. South America. 19 Ch. Australis, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 46. Australia. 20 Ch. Stokesii, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 25, Con. Illus. f. 24. Columbia. 21 Ch. Sulcatus, Wood, Gen. Con. p. 16, Con. Illus. f. 12. 22 Ch. Virgulatus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 132. 23 Ch. Patulus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 134. 24 Ch. Granulosus, Frembl. Zool. Journ. vol. iii, p. 201. Tab. Suppl. xvii, f. 3. Conception Bay. 25 Ch. Granosus, Frembl. Zool. Journ. vol. iii, p. 200. Tab. Suppl. xvii, f. 1. Chili. 26 Ch. Barnesii, Gray, Spic. Zool. 1, p. 5, Con. Illus. f. 2. Coquimbo. 3 No. 27 Ch. Marmoratus, Gmel. p. 3205, Con. Illus. f. 148, 149, 150. West Indies. 28 Ch. Cymbiola, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 45, 85, 86, Tulippa, Quoy, C. of G. H. 29 Ch. Articulatus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, 59, Con. Illus. f. 18. California. 30 Ch. Levigatus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, 59, Con. Illus. f. 18,* California. 31 Ch. Godallii, Con. Illus. f. 34, 50, Zool, Proc. 1332, p. 25. Gallapagos. 32 Ch. Bowenii, King, Zool. Journ. vol. 5, p. 338, Con. Illus. Chiton, f.37, Terra del Fuego, Str. Magellan 33 Ch. Quoyi, Bl. Dict. des Sc. Oscabrion, Ch. viridis. Quoy et Gaimard, Voyage de ’lAstrolanbe, t. 3, p. 381, pl. 74, f. 17--22. 34 Ch. Striatus, Barnes, Amer. Journ. Sc. vol. 7, No. 1, 1823, Latus, Sow. Tanc, Cat. Olivaceus, Frembl. Zool. Journ. III, p. 199, Tab. Suppl. xvi. f. 4, Chili, Var. subfuscus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 26, Con. Illus. f. 3, 41, Chiloe. 35 Ch. Tenuistriatus Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 135, 36. Ch. Lentiginosus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. 120-1. 37 Ch. Concinnus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. 1178. Chonos. 38 Ch. Evanidus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 139. 39 Ch. Georgianus, Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. Astrolabe, t. 3, p. 379, pl. 25 to 30. K. George's Port. 40 Ch. Cumingii, Frembl. Zool. Journ. vol. iii, p. 198. Tab. Suppl. xvi, f. 3. Var. Con. Illus. 32, 51, Valparaiso 4 No. 41 Ch. Glanco-cinctus, Frembl. Zool. Journ. vol. iii, p. 201, Tab. Suppl. xvii, f. 2. Valparaiso. 42 Ch. Albo-lineatus, Sow. Zool. Journ. vol. 4, p. 368. Con. Illus. f. 39. Mexico. 43 Ch. Versicolor, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 75, var. 122. 44 Ch. Sculptus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 66. 45 Ch. Longicymba, Bl. Dict. des Sc. Oscabrion, Ch. var. Con. Illus. f. 67. Hunter's River. 46 Ch. Textilis, Gray, Spic. Zool. 1, p. 5, t. 6, f. 20. Ch. Indicus, Con. Illus. f.55, var. Ch. Solea, Con. Illus. f. 61, Cape of G. H. 47 Ch. Dispar, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 28, Con. Illus. . f. 25, Panama. 48 Ch. Punctulatissimus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 28. Con. Illus. f. 9, 26. Beechy's Appendix, p. 40, , f. 2, 3. Mexillones, Iquiqui. Africa. 49 Ch. Stramineus. Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 105. Con. Illus. f. 28, var. 838. Chiloe. 50 Ch. Fimbriatus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 137, Peru. 51 Ch. Apiculatus, Say ? Con. Illus. f. 140. Massachu- setts Bay. 52 Ch. Lævis. See Catalogue of British Chitones. 53 Ch. Cancellatus. Do. 54 Ch. Albus. Do. 55 Ch. Marginatus. Do. 56 Ch. Cinereus. Do. 57 Ch. Latus. Do. Fulminatus, Couthoy, Boston. Amer. Journ. 58 Ch. Limaciformis, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p.58. Con. Illus, f. 38. Columbia. 5 No. 59 Ch. Roseus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 58. Con. Illus. f. 14, Columbia. 60 Ch. Lyellii, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 26. Con. Illus, f. 7. Pitcairn's Island. 61 Ch. Catenulatus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 104. Con. Illus, f. 145. Inner Lobos Island. 62 Ch. Rugulatus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 58, var. in conspicuus, Nob. Con. Illus. f. 42, 143, 144. Inner Lobos Island. 63 Ch. Grayi, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 57. Con. Illus. . f. 8, 16. Peru. 64 Ch. Crenulatus, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 27. Con. Illus. f. 43. 65 Ch. Platymerus, Sow. Zool. Beech, Appendix, p. 149, pl. 41, f. 11. 66 Ch. Bipunctatus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 104. Con. Illus. f. 27, 155. 67 Ch. Pusillus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 57. Con. Illus. f. 31. Peru. 68 Ch. Exiguus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 104. Con. Illus. f. 36. Lord Hood's Island. 69 Ch. Fulvus, Wood, Gen. Con. p. 7, t. 1, f. 2. Con, Illus. f. 83, var.? (velatus,) Con. Illus. f. 53. Cadiz. 70 Ch. Swainsoni. Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 27. Con. Illus. f. 5. Peru. 71 Ch. Lineatus, Wood, Gen. Con. p. 15, pl. 2, f. 45. Con. Illus. f. 77. 72 Ch. Atratus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 57, 58. Falkland Island. 73 Ch. Castaneus, Wood, Gen. Con. p. 13, pl. 2, f. 2,3; pl. 3, f. 2, 3. Con. Illus. f. 114, 115, 116. C. of Good Hope. 6 No. 74 Ch. Gigas. Gmel. p. 3206, Chem. Con. 8, t. 96, f. 819. C. of Good Hope. 75 Ch. Elegans, Frembly, Tab. Suppl. xvii, f. 6. Con. Illus. 119, f. 13, Valparaiso, var. Chilensis, Frem- bly, Zool. Journ. vol. iii, p. 204. Tab. Suppl. xvii. f. 8. Chili. var. Ch. Chiloensis, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 58. Con. Illus. f. 13,* 10, 29, 30. Chiloe. var. Ch. Lineolatus, f. 154, Frembly, Zool. Journ. vol. iii. p. 204. Tab. Suppl. xvii, f. 7. Con. Illus. (var.) f. 50, 30, Valparaiso, var. Ch. Graniferus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 104. Conception Bay, Young, Sparsus, Con. Illus. f. 73, 74. 76 Ch. Fastigiatus, Gray ? Con. Illus. f. 11, 35. California. 77 Ch. Disjunctus, Frembly, Zool. Journ. vol. iii, p. 203. Tab. Suppl. xvii, f. 5. Valparaiso. 78 Ch. Janierensis, Gray Sp. Zool. p. 6, f. 8. Con. Illus. f. 56, var. (Occidentalis). Con. Illus. f. 54. Rio Janiero. 79 Ch. Ellinensis, Sow. Zool. Proc, 1832, p. 27. Con. Illus. f. 69. St. Helena. 80 Ch. Cajetanus, Polli. Test. (Ch. concentricus). Con. Illus. f. 72. 81 Ch. Tunicatus, Wood, Gen. Con. p. 11, pl. 2, f. 1. Con. Illus, f. 152. Arctic Ocean. 82 Ch. Monticularis, Quoy, Voy. Astro. t. 3, p. 406, pl. 73, 30. to 36. Con. Illus. f. 129. 83 Ch. Vestitus, Sow. Zool. Journ. vol. 4, p. 368. Arctic Ocean. Ch. Emersoni, Couthoy, Mass. Bay. Con. Illus. f. 128. 84 Ch. Amiculatus, Pallas, Nov. Act. Petrop, ii, p. 241, t. 7, f. 26-30. Con. Illus. f. 80. Kurile Islands. 7 No. 85 Ch. (Chitonellus) Striatus, Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. sans vert. vol. 6, p. 317. Con. Illus. f. 62. New Holland. 86 Ch. (Chitonellus) Lævis, Lam. Anim. sans vert. vol. 6, p. 517. Sow. Gen. of Sh. New Holland. 87 Ch. (Chitonellus) Strigatus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 63. 88 Ch. Hastatus, Nab. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus, f. 127. . 89 Ch. Crinitus. See Cat. of British Chitones. 90 Ch. Fascicularis. Do. 91 Ch. Hirudiniformis, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 59, Con. Illus. f. 23, 48, 142. Garnoti, Bl. Peru. Ch. Danielli. Con. Illus. f. 48, which comes from the Cape of Good Hope, may prove to be a distinct species—but all our Specimens are much worn. 92 Ch. Violaceus, Quoy et Gaimard, Voy.del’Astrolabe, t. 3, p. 403, pl. 73, f. 15, 16, var. 17, 20, Con. Illus. f. 133. 93 Ch. Retusus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 28, Con. , Illus. f. 22. Guacomayo. 94 Ch. Peruvianus, Lam. Anim. sans. vert. Enc. Met. pl. 163, f. 7, 8, var. Zool. Journ. Tab. Suppl. f. 4, var. Con. Illus. f. 44, 44,* 44.** Peru. 95 Ch. Setiger, King, Zool. Journ. vol. 5, p. 338. Con. Illus. f. 17, var. Ch. Fremblii, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 28, Con. Illus. f. 4, var. Ch. setosus, Zool. Beechey, Terra del Fuego, C. Biramosus, Quoy, Costatus, Bl. 96 Ch. Setosus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 27, Con. Illus. f. 19. Guacomayo. 97 Ch. Watsoni, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist, Con. Illus. f. 81, 82, 130. Ch. Castanus, Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. 8 No. Astr. t. 3, p. 387, pl. 74, f, 33–34. C. of Good Hope. 98 Ch. Hennahi, Gray, Sp. Zool. p. 5, Con. Illus. f. 1, 33. Callao Bay. 99 Ch. Spinulosus, Gray, Sp. Zool. p. 5, t. 6, f. 7,7, a. Con. Illus. 70,71, Rio Janiero. Ch.Columbiensis. Sow. Zool. Proc. Con. Illus. f. 15, Ch. Luridus. Sow. Zool. Proc. Con. Illus. f. 20 ? St. Helena. 100 Ch. Scabriculus, Sow. Zool. Proc. 1832, p. 28. Con. Illus. f. 21. Guacomayo. 101 Ch. Ciliatus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus. f. 79. 102 Ch. Petholatus, Nob. Mag. Nat. Hist. Con. Illus.f. 64, 65. var. Porphyrius, f. 59. Australia. N.B.-The remaining Plates, with the Index to the Chitones, will be published for June. 9 CORRECTED LIST OF FIGURES In Parts 38 to 45, and 159 to 176. The Nos. after the Names indicate the situation of the Species in the Catalogue. Fig. 9 1 Hennahi, var. 93. 2 Barnesii, 26. 3 Striatus, var. 34. 4 Setiger, var. 95. 5 Swainsoni, 70. 6 Blainvillii, 5. 7 Lyelli, 60. 8 Grayi, 63. 9 Punctulatissimus, 48. 10 Elegans, var. 75. 11 Fastigiatus, 76. 12 Sulcatus, 21. 13 Elegans, 75. 13* var. 75. 14 Roseus, 59. 15 Columbiensis, 99. 16 Grayi, var. 63. 17 Setiger, 95. 18 Articulatus, 29. 18* Lævigatus, 30. 19 Setosus, 96. 20 Luridus, 99. 21 Scabriculus, 100. 22 Retusus, 93. 23 Hirudiniformis, 91. 24 Stokesii, 20. 25 Dispar, 47. 26 Punctulatissimus, 48. 27 Bipunctatus, 66. 28 Stramineus, 49. 29 Elegans, var. 75. Fig. 31 Pusillus, 67. 32 Cumingii, 40. 33 Hennahi, var. 98. 34 Goodallii, var. 31. 35 Fastigiatus, 76. 36 Exiguus, 68. 37 Bowenii, 32. 38 Limaciformis, 58. 39 Albolineatus, 42. 40 Goodallii, 31, 41 Striatus, var. 34. x 42 Rugulatus, 62. 43 Crenulatus, 64. 44 Peruvianus, var. 94. 45 Cymbiola, 28. 46 Australis, 19. 47 Echinatus, var. sp. 1. 48 Danielli, 91. X-49 Rugosus, 6. 50 Elegans, var. 75. 51 Cumingii, var. 40. 52 Magnificus, 11. 53 Fulvus, var.? 69. 54 Janierensis, 78. 55 Textilis? 46. 56 Janierensis, 78. 57, 58. Atratus, 72. 59 Petholatus, var. 102. 60 Foveolatus, 16. 61 Textilis, 46. 62 (Chitonellus) striatus, 30 85. 75. 10 Fig. Fig. 63 (Chitonellus) strigatus, 126 Lyratus, 15. 87. 127 Hastatus, 88. 64, 65, Petholatus, 102. 128 Vestitus, 83. 66 Sculptus, 44. 129 Monticularis, 82. 67 Longicymba, var. 45. 130 Watsoni, var. 97. 68 Spiniger, 3. 131 Excavatus, 17. 69 Elenensis, 79. 132 Virgulatus, 22. 70, 71. Spinulosus, 99. 133 Violaceus, 92. 72 Cajetanus, 80. 134 Patulus, 23. 73, 74. Elegans,(Young)75. 135 Tenuistriatus, 35. 75 Versicolor, 43. 136 Brevispinosus, 4. * 76 Squamosus, var. 13. 137 Fimbriatus, 50. 77 Lineatus, 71. 138 Stramineus, var. 49. 78 Rugulatus ? 62. 139 Evanidus, 38. 79 Ciliatus, 101. 140 Apiculatus, 51. 80 Amiculatus, 84. 141 Alternatus, 7. 81 Watsoni, 97. 142 Hirudiniformis, 82 - 143 Rugulatus, var. 62. 83 Fulvus, 69. 144 84 Spinulosus, 99. 145 Catenulatus, 61. 85, 86. Cymbiola, var. 28 -146 Pectinatus, 8. 87 to 113. British species 147 Piceus, 10. 7148 Marmoratus, 27. 114 Castaneus, 73. * 149 var. 115, 116. Castaneus, var. 73. (150 var. 117, 118. Concinnus, 37. 151 Spinosus, sp. 2. 119 Elegans, 75. 152 Tunicatus, 81. 120 Lentiginosus, 36. 153 Fasciatus, 18. 121 worn, 36 154 Chilensis, var. Lineatus, 122 Versicolor, var. 43. 75. 123 to 125. Siculus, 14. 155 Bipunctatus, 66. var. 97. -var. 62. p. 7. George Odell, Printer, 18, Princes-street, Cavendish-square. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF BRITISH CHITONES, By G. B. SOWERBY, JUN. While engaged in preparing a Catalogue of the genus Chiton for publication, with these illustrations, my attention has been directed to the confusion, pre- vailing among authors and collectors, respecting the British species. It having consequently occurred to me that effectual service would be rendered to science by determining the nomenclature and synonymes of this section, I have procured specimens from the principal cabinets, through the kindness of their possessors, and compared them carefully with the published figures and descriptions. The following result is presented in a separate form, for the conve- nience of those collectors whose attention is confined to species found on our own coasts. Sp. 1. Ch. FASCICULARIS. Descr. Shell elongated, depressed; valves sub.. triangular, coarsely granulated at the sides, with 2 a dorsal striated band; margin rough, hairy, with bunches of bristles on both sides; inserted laminæ of the valves narrow; colour brown, slightly varied, with one black, and two white, dorsal bands. C. fascicularis, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1106. Chemn. Conch. 10. t. 173. f. 1688. Sow. Jun. Conch. Illustr. f. 87. 87 a. Obs. This species is much more depressed than the following; the valves are closer at the sides, and the granulations coarser. As Linnæus appears not to have recognized two fasciculated species, it cannot be known which he intended to describe; but there can be no doubt of the present species being identical with that figured in Chemnitz. Sp. 2. C. CRINITUS. Descr. Shell oblong; strongly keeled by a dorsal stri ated rib; valves beaked, reniform, finely granulated at the sides, disunited at the extremities; margin smooth, hairy, fasciculated; inserted laminæ broad; colour various. Ch. crinitus, Pennant, Brit. Zool. Ch. discrepans, Brown. Ch. fascicularis, Sow. Gen. of Sh. Wood's Gen. Conch. pl. 2. f. 6. Ch. crinitus, Sow. Jun. Conch. Illustr. f. 88, 93. Obs. This being the most common of the two fasci- culated species, has been most frequently figured under the original name; which, however, it seems to me 3 most correct to retain for the shell of Chemnitz, his figure being the oldest, and universally quoted. The general appearance and the strong central band of striæ in Pennant's figure, leave no doubt on my mind that he intended to represent the shell to which we have fixed the name proposed by him. Sp. 3. C. MARGINATUS. Descr. Shell oval, carinated. elevated, posteriorly widened, minutely granulated ; margin also minutely granulated; colour various. Ch. marginatus, Pennant, Brit. Zool. Wood. Gen. Conch. f. 4. Ch, cinereus, Zool. Jour. v. 5. p. 99. Wood Gen. Conch. f. 5. Chemn. Conch. 96. f. 818? Red var. C. ruber? Chemn. Conch. t. 96. f. 813. Black var. C. Asellus, Chemn. Conch. t. 96. f. 816. Banded var. C. minimus, Chemn. Conch. t. 96. f. 814 C. marginatus and varieties, Sow. Jun. Conch. Il- lustr. f. 106 to 112. Obs. This common species, including many varieties in colour, is more clearly referrible to C. Marginatus, of Pennant, than to C. cinereus, of authors; and with- out presuming to decide whether the description of Linnæus and the figure of Chemnitz were taken from ash coloured varieties of this or of the following species, I prefer applying the respective names as used by col- lectors at present. C. marginatus is more angular than the next species, and the granulations on the dorsal areas are not arranged in longitudinal lines. 4 C. minimus and C. asellus, of Chemnitz, may be black and banded varieties of this or of the next. Sp. 4. C. CINEREUS. Descr. Shell depressed, sub-carinated, minutely gra- nulated; granulations on the central areas arranged in lines ; margin minutely grained ; colour various. Ch. cinereus, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1106? White var. C. albus, Auct ? Striped, C. cimex, Chemn. Conch. t. 96. 815. Black, C. Asellus, Zool. Journ. vol. 5. pl. 5. f. 4. Banded. C. minimus, Chemn. Conch? Asellus. (Young) Zool. Journ. v. 5. pl. 5. f. 3. Ch. cinereus and varieties, Sow. Jun. Conch Illustr. Chiton, f. 94 to 98. Obs. The comparative roundness and flatness of the shell, and the linear arrangement of the dorsal granules in this species distinguish it from the preceding. The white variety may have been the C. albus, of authors, but there is no proof of it, and having little else than colour to guide us, in reference to the ancient figures, it cannot be determined whether C. Asellus, of Chemn. is my black variety of C. marginatus, or Mr. Lowe's black var. of this species. The same difficulty occurs with respect to all the varieties. Sp. 5. C. CANCELLATUS. Leach? Descr. Shell elevated, narrow, with granulated striæ on the dorsal and lateral areas; margin minutely granular. 5 C. cancellatus, Sow. Jun. Conch. Illustr. f. 104. 104. a. b. 105. Obs. This minute species is narrower, more elevated, and more distinctly striated, than the preceding. Sp. 6. C. ALBUS. Descr. Shell oval, depressed, sub-carinated, lightly and minutely granulated; margin scaly. C. albus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ? Mont. test. Brit. Brown, var. C. Aselloides, Lowe, Zool. Journ. v. pl. v. f. 5. C. albus and var. Sow. Jun. Conch. Illustr. Chiton 99. 99. a. 100. Obs. Mr. Lowe, in a subsequent communication, states that his C. Aselloides is a variety of the C. albus, of Montagu. The latter may or may not be the C. albus, of Linnæus. It differs from the preceding in the arrangement of the granules, not being linear, and from C. marginatus in the large size, and regular arrangement of the granules, or rather scales of the marginal integument. Sp. 7. C. LÆVIS. Descr. Shell apparently smooth, but finely granu- lated, narrow, carinated : margin broad, velvety to the eye, but finely reticulated. C. lævis, Pennant, Brit. Zool. 4. t. 36. f. 3? Lowe, Zool. Journ. vol. 5. p. 98. pl. 5. f. 1. C. marginatus, Linn. Trans. viii. pl. 1. f 2. 6 C. lævis and var. Sow. Jun. Conch. Illustr. Chiton f. 101. 101. a. b. 102. Sp. 8. C. RUBER Descr. Shell smooth, shining; valves beaked; mar- gin minutely granular. C. ruber, Linn. Syst. Nat.? Lowe, Zool. Journ. vol. 5. p. 101. pl. 5. f. 2. Sow. Jun. Conch. Illustr. 5 Chiton, 103, 104. Obs. Care must be taken to distinguish this from the 17. red variety of C. marginatus, which it resembles in appearance, and to the unassisted eye seems almost equally smooth. Sp. 9. C. LATUS. Descr. Shell broad, smooth, sub-carinated, margin smooth; colour white and red, variegated. C. latus, Lowe, Zool. Journ. vol. 5. pl. 5. f. 6, 7. Sow. Jun. Conch. Illustr. Chiton, f. 113, 113. a. 7. THE FOLLOWING BRITISH CHITONES ARE CONTAINED IN THE CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, Parts 165, 166, 167, 168. Fig. 87. Chiton fascicularis, two views, enlarged one third. a, 5th. valve, magnified. 88 to 93. C. crinitus. 88. a, 5th valve, magnified. 92, Specimen with the hairs rubbed off, as frequently seen. 94 C. cinereus; a, fifth valve magnified. 95 to 98. C. cinereus and varieties. 98, a, 5th valve of white variety, magnified. 99. C. albus, enlarged. a, 5th valve magnified. 100. C. albus, var. Aselloides, Lowe. 101, 102. C. lævis. 102. a, enlarged. 101. a, 5th valve magnified. b, texture of margin. 103. C. ruber. a, inside ; b, 5th valve, magnified. 104. C. cancellatus. a, 5th valve mag. b, figure en- larged. 105. cancellatus var. 106 to 112. C. marginatus, and varieties. 106, a, 5th valve, magnified ; 110 a, 5th valve of red variety, magnified. 113. C. latus, Lowe, 2 views. George Odell, Printer, 18, Princes-street, Cavendish-square. Fissurella. 1 O 2 3 5 6 G.B.S.Jun.exc. 7 Tissurella.. 8 9 10 ameer 1 SI இபானா 77 12 13 G.B.J. jun.ere. 14 Fissurella. 15 77 - 16 18 21 - 19 GBS.jun.ecc. 20 2 Fissurella. 22 23 23 24 i 26 25 GBS.jun, eac 27 Fissurella 29 29 0 28 30 30 38 32 31 GB.Sjun,exc. 2 Fissurella. 34 C ری 0 36 ۷۷ 37 37 الابدددددا لدالينداد 39 داني ( هوووووری، وی را در زردارية 38 ( 3 ) 100 Fisurella 42 41** 47* 40 44 42 43 G.B.S.jun.eccc. ¿ Fissurella. 46 47 45 48 0 0 50 49 51 GBS.jun.excc Fissurella. 54 54 55 56 57 52 GB.Sjun exc Fissurella. 58 59 59 60 62 37 63 GB.S.jun.exe Fissurella 65 64 67 66 68 00 0 69 C.B.Srin.exe 0 Fifaurella 70 72 73 I 72" 14 75 77 77 GB. han exc A CATALOGUE OF THE RECENT SPECIES OF FISSURELLA, BY G. B. SOWERBY. 5 - - 1 Fissurella picta, Lam., Conch. Illust. f. 4, var, f. 26. Terra del Fuego 2 nimbosa, Lam., Conch. Illust, f. 2. West Indies. 3 crassa, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 9, 11, F. Clypeiformis mihi, Tank. Cat. app. p. vi. Lamarck's F. depressa is only a worn fragment of this species, as Mr. Gray informs me. Valparaiso. 4 græca, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 3. Nevis and the West Indian Islands generally.. nodosa, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 1. Trinidad, Antigua St. Vincents, &c. 6 —Cayenensis, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 7. Monte Christi, West Columbia, Mr. Cuming. Obs. In G. Humphrey's collection were many specimens of this, but without locality. lilacina, Lam. Obs. This is entirely unknown to me. 8 rosea, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 8, West Indies. 9 Barbadensis, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 5. var. f. 6, var, alter. f. 76, Barbadoes and other Islands of the West Indies. Obs. The var. represented f. 76 has been considered as a distinct species, and named virescens by Mr. Guilding. - B 2 10 Fissurella radiata, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 62, var. f. 64, West Indies Obs. This is perhaps only a variety of F. Barbadensis, it differs however from that species in the form of the dorsal aperture. 11 viridula, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 13, Trinidad, Antigua, &c. 12 hiantula, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 10, Southern Africa. Obs. For a representation of this species Lamarck refers to Born. Vign. f. F. which is the same as I named F. aperta in the Tankerville Catalogue. The following are therefore synonyms of this species, viz: Fissurella aperta, Tank. Cat. app. p. vi. Pupillæa aperta, Gray in Supp. to Beechey's Narrative Pustula, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 20, Sowerby Genera, No. xxi. f. 3, Trinidad, Antigua, &c. 14 fascicularis, Lam. Conch. Illust, f. 14, Sowerby Genera, f. 6, West Indies. 15 — Javanicensis, Lam. Conch. Illust. f. 12, Cape of Good Hope. 16 Peruviana, Lam. This is entirely unknown to me. 17 - gibberula, Lam. Conch. Illust, f. 17, Panama, Mr. Cuming 18 minuta, Lam. Conch. Illust, f. 16, Mediterranean. 19 crenulata, mihi, Tank. Cat. app. p. vi. Conch. Illust. f. 31, 38. Obs. I have only seen four specimens of this species, they are in the collections of Dr. Goodall, the Manchester Museum, Mr. Cuming, and Mr. Lincoln; it is from the specimen of the last named gentleman, as being the best - 3 - of the four, that our figures were drawn. I am informed by that gentleman that it was found at Monterey, in Upper California. 20 Fissurella calyculata, mihi, Genera of Shells, No. xxi. f. 4. Conch. Illust, f. 19, 21. 21 maxima, mihi, Zool. Proc.* p. 123. Conch. Illust. f. 18, Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. 22 grandis, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 123. Conch. Illust. f. 48, Valparaiso and Chiloe, Mr. Cuming. 23 limbata, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 123. Conch. Illust. f. 66, 74. var. f. 42, Syn. F. picta, mihi, Genera f. 1, Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. 24 biradiata Frembl. M. S. Zool. Proc. p. 124. Conch. Illust. f. 23, Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. var. Conch. Illust. f. 52, Iquiqui, Mr. Cuming. 25 lata mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 124. Conch. Illust. f. 63,+ St. Mary's Island, Chili, Mr. Cuming. 26 --- pulchra, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 124. Conch. Illust, f. 24, Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. 27 oriens, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 124. Conch. Illust. f. 25, var. f. 60, Island of Chiloe, Mr. Cuming. 28 Chilensis, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 124. Conch. Illust. f. 36, Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. 29 obscura, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 125. Conch. Illust. f. 27, Gallapagos Islands, Mr. Cuming. 30 - coarctata, King, Zoological Journal, vol, 5. p. 339. Conch. Illust. f. 22, Sowerby Genera of Shells, No. xxi. f. 2 (Fissurella crassa). Port Praya. * Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1834. + Miscalled F. Chilensis in the list published with the 76th and 77th parts. It is perhaps as well here to observe that these said lists are all to be cancelled eventually. - 4 -- 31 Fissurella virescens, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 125. Conch. Illust. f. 37, * Panama, Mr. Cuming. 32 nigro-punctata, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 125. Conch. Illust. f. 51, Gallapagos and Lobos Island, Mr. Cuming. 33 macrotrema, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 125. Conch. Ilust. f. 41, Gallapagos and Real Llejos, Mr. Cuming. var. Conch. Illust. f. 41,* Lobos Island, Mr. Cuming. var. Conch. Illust. f. 41, ** Lambeyeque, Peru, Mr. Cuming. 34 hians, Broderip and Sowerby, Zool. Journ. iv. p. 370, + 35 affinis, Gray, Supp. to Beechey's Narrative, Zool. Proc. p. 125. Conch. Illust. f. 44, Coast of Peru, Mr. Cuming. var. Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. 36 – inæqualis, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 126. Conch. Illust. f. 45, Guacomayo and the Gallapagos Islands, Mr. Cuming. 37 Pica, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 126. Conch, Illust, f. 32, St. Elena, Mr. Cuming. Variety, Conch. Illust. 1. 33, Monte Christi, Mr. Cuming. 38 cancellata, mihi, Tank. Cat. No. 802. Conch. Illust. f. 29. Patella cancellata, Sol, M. S.; Patella ventricosa Gmel. according to Mr. Gray; Foraminella Sowerbii, Guilding M, S.; Lucapina elegans Gray, St. Vincents, 39 microtrema, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 125. Conch. Illust. f. 50, Real Llejos, Mr. Cuming. 40 costata, Gray. Shell elliptical, rather depressed, with a few radiating obtuse ribs, externally greenish, * Miscalled F. coarctata King, in the published list. + The specimen beivg mislaid, this species cannot be figured. - - 5 smooth; within white with an undulated margin: dorsal aperture very small, elliptical; internal margin broad : length 2:0, breadth 1.5 inches. Conch. Illust. f. 28, St. Jago. 41 Fissurella olivacea, Gray in Brit. Mus. Conch. Illust. f. 57. 42 Scutellum, Gray in Brit. Mus. Conch. Illust. f. 34, Cape of Good Hope. Obs. This is F. Trapezina mihi, in Zool. Proc. p. 126. 43 Europæa, mihi, Conch. Illust. f. 43, Shores of the British Channel, &c. Obs. This is the Patella græca of British Concholo- gical writers, and the F. cancellata of Gray in Annals of Philos. new series vol. 1. The Patella apertura of Mon- tagu is the young of it. 44 Mediterranea, Gray in Brit. Mus. Conch. Illust. f. 30, Mediterranean. 45 macroschisma Humphrey, Conchology, Conch. . Illust, f. 39, New South Wales, var, f. 39,* Swan River. Obs. This forms the Genus Macroschisma of Gray. 46 Noachina mihi, Conch. Illust. f. 15, Leach's British Shells, Tab, x, f. 4,5 (Cemoria Flemingii). Obs. This is Patella Fissurella, Müll. Zool. Dan, t. 24, f. 4—6. Patella Noachina, Chemn, t. 197, f. 1927, 1928, who says it is British ; and the Genus Puncturella of Lowe, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 77, who found it at Oban in Argyleshire. 47 Chemnitzii mihi, Conch. Illust. f. 55. Zool. Proc. p. 126. . - - 6 - 48 Fissurella latimarginata, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 126. Conch. Illust. f. 69, Valparaiso and Iquiqui, Mr. Caming. 49 æqualis mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 127. Conch. Illust. f. 56, St, Elena, Mr. Cuming. 50 fulvescens, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 127. Conch. Illust. f. 49, Valparaiso, Mr. Cuming. 51 nigrita, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 127. Conch. Illust. f. 47, Cape of Good Hope. 52 aspera, mihi, Zool, Proc. p. 127. Conch. Illust. . f. 46, Pacosmayo, Peru, Mr. Cuming. 53 asperella, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 127. Conch. Illust. f. 71, Lobos Island, Peru, Mr. Cuming. 54 mutabilis, mihi, Zool. Proc, p. 127. Conch. Illust. f. 67, 70, Cape of Good Hope, Mr. Cuming. Brazil ? Humphrey 55 - Panamensis, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 127, Conch, Illust. f. 72, var. f. 72,* Panama, Mr. Cuming. 56 Ruppellii, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 128. Conch. Illust. f. 65, 75, Nevis, Mr. Powers; Red Sea, Rüppell. 57 Clypeus, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 128. Conch. Illust. f. 77, St. Elena, Mr. Cuming. subrostrata, Gray,* Conch. Illust. f. 35. Shell oval, somewhat depressed, anteriorly subrostrated, extremities raised; white within, with a crenated margin; externally radiately ribbed, ribs rather distant, muricated; dorsal aperture small, elliptical, its internal edge broad: length 1.1, breadth 0.8 inches. Mr. Gray has a single specimen in his own collection, from St. Vincents. 59 sanguinea, Gray, Conch. Illust. f. 53. Shell ovate-oblong, depressed, externally white, radiately ribbed * Not Guilding, as printed incorrectly in the list. - 58 -- - 7 and striated; ribs obtuse, their interstices spotted with bright red; inside white, somewhat transparent, edge crenated; dorsal aperture oblong. Obs. I have only seen one specimen which is in Mr. Gray's Collection. 60 Fissurella Tongana, Quoy and Gaimard, Zool. de l’Astro- labe III. p. 335. t. 68. f. 3. 4. Tonga-tabou. Obs. I have never seen this species. 61 Afra, Quoy and Gaimard, Zool. de l'Astrolabe III. p. 336. Tab. 68, f. 5. 6. Cape de Verd Islands. Obs. I have never seen this species. 62 Lincolni, Gray. Conch. Illust. f. 40. Monterey, Upper California. Obs. A splendid species obligingly lent by Ab. Lincoln, Esq. to be drawn for this work. The only spe- cimen hitherto known is in his collection. 63 candida, mihi, Conch. Illust. f. 58. Shell oblong, white, subhyaline, externally marked with distinct decuss- ting striæ, dorsal aperture anterior, oblong, wider in the middle, contracted at each end, its internal margin broad, truncated posteriorly. Locality unknown. In my own and Mr. Cuming's collection. 64 - obtusa mihi, Conch. Illust. f. 59. Cape of Good Hope, Humphrey. Shell elliptical, rather elevated, pale coloured, with radiating striæ and dark purplish bands; inside green; dorsal aperture elliptical ; its internal mar- gin broad, equal, sometimes with a dark purple edge. Obs. All the specimens I have seen were in G. Hum- phrey's collection. 65 lineata mihi, Conch. Illust. f. 68. Shell oblong, a 8 rather elevated and obtuse at both extremities; cancel- lately ribbed; a few of the ribs pale purple ; dorsal aperture small, much nearer to the anterior than to the posterior end, its margin internally truncated posteriorly: margin crenated. Obs. The only two specimens I have seen were in G. Humphrey's collection, they are now in Mr. Cuming's. 66 Fissurella rugosa, mihi. Conch. Illust. f. 54. Shell of a , , rather lengthened oval shape, depressed, whitish, varied with dark red brown, and covered with a few large rugose radiating ribs and some smaller interstitial ones ; dorsal aperture nearer to the anterior extremity, oblong, its inter- nal margin rather wide, with a dark border; inside green; edge of the whole shell irregularly sinuous : length 1:0, .breadth 0.6 inches, Gallapagos Islands, Mr. Cuming. 67 Mexicana mihi, Conch, Illust, f. 61. Shell oblong, reddish brown, with darker rays, and numerous close-set radiating grooves, which are decussated by very fine con- centric striæ; dorsal aperture oblong, rather contracted in the middle, and with two obsolete teeth on each side; inside white, with a purplish brown crerulated margin: length 1.25, breadth 0:56. Real Llejos, Mexico; Mr. Cuming 68 - crenifera, mihi, Zool. Proc. p. 128. Conch. Illust. f. 73, Real Llejos, Mr. Cuming. und die LIST OF FIGURES OF FISSURELLÆ In Parts 68 to 78, and 80 of the Conchological Hlustrations. Fig. 1 F. nodosa Lam. 2 F. nimbosa Lam. 3 F. Græca Lam. 4 F. picta Lam. 5 F. Barbadenis Lam. 6 F. - var. 7 F. Cayenensis Lam, 8 F. rosea Lam. 9 F. crassa Lam. young. 10 F. hiantula Lam 11 F, crassa Lam. 12 F, Javanicensis Lam. 13 F. viridula Lam. 14 F. fascicularis Lam. 15 F. Noachina nobis. 16 F. minuta Lam. 17 F. gibberula Lam. 18 F. maxima nobis. 19 F. calyculata nobis. 20 F. Pustula Lam. 21 F. calyculata nobis. 22 F. coarctata King. 23 F. biradiata Frembly. 24 F. pulchra nobis. 25 F. Oriens nobis. 26 F. picta Lam, var. 27 F. obscura nobis. 28 F. costata Gray. 29 F. cancellata nobis. 30 F. mediterranea Gray. 31 F, crenulata nobis. 32 F. Pica nobis. 33 F. Pica var, nobis. 34 F. Scutellum Gray. 35 F. subrostrata Guilding. 36 F. Chilensis nobis. 37 F. coarctata King. 38 F. crenulata nobis. 39 F. macroschisma. 39* F. macroschisma var. 40 F. Lincolni Gray. 41 F. macrotrema nobis. 41** F. macrotrema var. 42 F. limbata var. nobis. 43 F. europæa nobis. 44 F. affinis Gray. 45 F. inæqualis nobis. 46 F. asper nobis. 47 F. nigrita nobis. 48 F. grandis nobis. 49 F. fulvescens nobis. 50 F. microtrema nobis. 51 F. pigropunctata nobis. 52 F. biradiata var. 53 F. sanguinea nobis. 54 F. rugosa nobis. 55 F. Chemnitzii nobis. 56 F. æqualis nobis. 57 F. olivacea Gray. 58 F candida nobis. 59 F. obtusa nobis. 60 F. oriens var. nobis. 61 F. Mexicana nobis. 62 F. radiata Lam. 63 F. Chilensis nobis. 64 F. radiata Lam. var. 65 F. Ruppellii nobis. 66 F. limbata nobis. 67 F. mutabilis nobis. 68 F. lineata nobis. 69 F. latimarginata nobis. 70 F. mutabilis var. 71 F. asperella nobis. 72 F. Panamensis nobis. 72*F. Panamensis var. 73 F. crenifera nobis. 74 F. limbata nobis. 75 F. Ruppellii nobis. Red Sea. 76 F. Barbadensis var. 77 F. Clypeus nobis, . Bulinus 2 21 1' 7 ** Bulinus a द Bulinus 9 10 11 12 12 ** 12* 13 Bulinus, 15 15* 140. 14a. 14 c. 16 16x 17 G.B.S.jun.err. Bulinus. 19 20 18 21 20 18 22 22* C.B.S.jun.erc. M Bulinus. 23 24 25 26 29 27 28 30 32 37 G.B.S.jun.exc. Bulinus 33 34 35 36 36 37 35* 37* 38 GB.S jun exc Bulinus 40 42 39 42 43 45 45 48 46 47 6. B.Sjun.ear Bulinus 49 50 52 52 53 55 56 58 57 G.B.S.Jun .exc. اره ها Tutinus 6/ 59 62 62 61 60 60 GRP file Bulinus PL 138. 6 04 64 66 66 1 63 61 67 GBS pur er Bulinas Pl. 139 72 89 67 70 70 71 PL.140 Bulinus 73 75 70 77 77 78 Bulinus 8.3. 83 80 81 82 84 84 •GB S.Jan .. exc. Bulinus 85 85. 80 86 86 19. 87 87 G.B S. Just esc. M Bulinus. 95 9.5 92 91 91 88 96 96 GB I fou ene exc. Bulinus. 97 97 93 90 go 94 GB S frieze EXC Bulinus 98 98 99 100 100 G.B.S. Jun Bulinus. 10/ 103 103 102 GB S fant nuo Bulinus 701 108 109 105 110 106 Bulinus 117 115 316 112 13 109 BULINUS. L I S T OF FIGURES, In Parts, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35, 137 to 146, 185, 186, of the CONCHOLOGICAL ILLLUSTRATIONS, BY G. B. SOWERBY, Jun. Fig. 1*B. Broderipii, Sow. Z. P. 1832. Copiapo in Chili. [**B. Broderipii var. Sow. Z. P. 1832. Inquiqui in Peru. 2 B. nitidus Brod. Z. B. 1832. Tumbez in Peru. 2* B. Cactivorus Brod. Z. P. 1832. Monte Christi in West Columbia. 3 B. Coturnix Sowerby, Z. P.1832. Huasco in Chili. 4 B. Chilensis Sowerby, Coquimbo. 5 B. rosaceus King, Zool. Journ. vol. v. p. 341, Valparaiso. 6 & 6*B. vittatus Biod. Z. P. 1832, Ilo, Peru. 7 B. granulosus Brod. Z. P. 1832, Valparaiso. 7* B. granulosus var. Brod. Z. P. 1832. Conception. 8 B. Coquimbensis Brod. Z. P. 1832, Coquimbo. 9 Partula hyalina, Brod. Z.P. 1832, Oheataroa or Rurutu 10 B. guttatus Brod. Z. P. 1832, Cobija, Peru. 11 B. translucens Brod. Z. P. 1832, Panama 12 B. Gravesii King, Zool. Journ. v. p. 340, Maule, Chili. 12* B. Gravesii var. Conception. 12**B. Gravesii, var. Quilliotta. 13 B. Scalariformis Brod. Z. P. 1832, Ancon, Peru. . 6 14 B. Proteus Brod. Z. P. 1832. Truxillo. 14a B. Proteus var. Z. P. 1832 St. Jacinta. 14b B. Proteus var. Brod. Z. P. 1832. Pacosmayo. 14c B. Proteus var. Brod, Z. P. 1832. Lima. 15 B. mutabilis Brod. Z. P. 1832. Santos, Peru. 15* B. mutabilis var. Brod. Z. P. 1832. Campania of Truxillo. 16 B. versicolor Brod. Z. P. 1832. Mongon, near Casma. 16* B. versicolor var. Brod. Z. P. 1832. Mongon, near Casma. 17 B. pulchellus Brod. Z. P. 1832. Truxillo. 18 B. Princeps Brod. Z. P. 1832. Conchagua, Cent- ral America. 19 B. modestus Brod. Z. P. 1832. Huacho, Peru. 20 B. varians Brod. Z. P. 1832. Truxillo, Peru. 20* B. varians var. Brod. Z. P. 1832. 21 B. Tigris Brod. Z. P. 1832. Truxillo, Peru. 22 B. albicans Brod. Z. P. 1832. Huasco, Chili. 22* B. albicans var. Brod. Z. P. 1832. Copiapo, Chili. 23 B. pustulosus Brod. Z. P. 1832. Huasco. 24 B. scabiosus Sow. 25 B. Panamensis Brod. Z. P. 1833. I. of Saboga, Panama. 26 B. vexillum Brod. Z. P. 1832. Isle of Saboga. 27 B. pupifornis Brod. Z. P. 1832. Huasco. 28 B. chrysalidiformis Sow. Z. P. 1833. 29 B. bilineatus Sow. Z. P. 1833. St. Elena. 30 B. affinis Brod. Z. P. 1832. Hill of Mexillones. 31 B. turritus Brod. Z. P. 1832. Truxillo. 32 B. rubellus Brod. Z. P. 1832. Truxillo. 33 B. Nucleus Sow. Straits of Magalhæns. 34 B. arrosus Brod. Z. P. 1832. 35 B. Jayanicus Sow. . 35* B. do. young . 36 B. punctulifer Sow. Z. P. 1833. Questo Prado, Chili. 37 B. Nux, Brod. Z. P. 1832. Galapagos Islands. 37* B. Nux Brod. Z. P. 1832. Galapagos Islands. 38 B. derelictus Brod. Z. P. 1832. *Cobija. 39 B. scutulatus Brod. Z. P. 1832. Islay, Peru. 39* B. pallidior, nobis, South Sea Islands. 40 B. rugiferus nobis. Gallapagos Islands, 41 B. calvus nobis. Gallapagos Islands. 42 B. ustulatus nobis. Gallapagos Islands. 43 B. unicolor, nobis. Panama. 44 B. pallidior, nobis. var. } Java. 7 45 B. Jacobi, nobis, two varieties. James's Island, one of the Gallapagos. 46 B. bivittatus, nobis. Brazil. 47 B. opalinus, nobis. Brazil. 48 B. lacticolor, nobis. 49 B. conspersus nobis. Lima. 50 B. erythrostoma nob. Copiapo. 51 B. albus Brod. Copiapo. 52 B. discrepans nobis. San Salvador, . 53 B. Luzonicus nob. ovoideus Brug. Manilla, 54 B. undulatus. Bulinulus undulatus. Guilding, St. Vincents. 55 B. unifasciatus nob. Galapagos Islands. 56 B. striatus King. Santos, Peru. 57 B. signatus. Macroceramus signatus Guilding, St. Vincents. 58 B. striatulus nobis. Hills of Lima. 59 B. Mahogani nobis. 60 B. Crichtoni Brod. two views. 61 B. inflatus Brod. thiee views. 62 B. hygrohylæus D'Orb. two views 63 B. maximus Sowerby, in Tank. Cat. Helix kremnoica D'Orb. one view 64 B. apodemetes D'Orb. two views. 64* B. apodemetes var. one view. 65 B. lophoicus D'Orb. Bolivia. 66 B. Pusio Brod. 67 B. Inca D'Orb. 68 B. pæcilus D’Orb. 69 B. pæcilus var. D’Orb. 70 B. thamnoicus var. D'Orb. 71 B. thamnoicus var. D’Orb. two views. 72 B. thamnoicus var. D'Orb. 73 B. Sporadicus D'Orh. Corrientes. 74 B. Sporadicus D'Orb. Corrientes. 75 B. Sporadicus D'Orb. Corrienties. 76 B. auritus, nob. Bahia. 77 B. Tupacii D’Orb. 78 B. Sporadicus D'Orb. Bolivia. 79 B. melanostoma var? 80 B. Onca D'Orb. 81 B. Lychnorum D’Orb. 82 B. Lychnorum var. alba. D’Orb. 83 B. Bacterionides D'Orb. 84 B. montivagus D’Orb. 85 B. eschariferus nob. Galapagos. 86 B. culmineus D'Orb. 8 87 B. rugulosus nob. Galapagos. 88 B. melanostoma var 89 B. multicolor. 90 B. Myersii, Miller. 91 B. pulchellus, nob. Huallaga. 92 B. pulchellus var. Huallaga. 93 B. piperitus, nob. Huallaga. 94 B. Milleri, nob. 95 B. strigatus, nob. Huallaga. 96 B. strigatus var. Huallaga. 97 B. Janeirensis, nob. Rio de Janeiro 98 B. perplexus nob. 99 B. Downesii Gray. 100 B. maculiferus nob. From Lady Harvey's Collection 101 b. hæmastoma var. 102 B. proximus nob. 103 B. hæmastoma, var. 104 B. ovoideus, Brug. 105, 106, & 107 B. ovoideus, varieties, . 108 B. porraceus, Jay. 109, 110, & 111 B. porraceus, varieties, 112 B. virgatus, Jay. 113 B. virgatus, var. 114 B. virgatus, var. 115 B. fictilis, Brod. 116 E. fictilis, Brod. var. 117 B. larvatus, Brod, Chilina. 6 ST NON 2 3 4 5 exc GBS serien Chilina 8 9 igeered 8 10 15 12 12 13 ww.foreni A CATALOGUE Of all the Species hithertoknown of the Genus Chilina, of Gray, represented in the 135th and 136th parts of Conchological Illustrations, By G. B SOWERRY, JUN. Spec. 1 Chilina Dombeyana. Conch. Illustr. f. 11. f. 2. ampullacea Sowerby. Malacological and Con- chological Mag. part 2. Conch. Illustr. f. 3. 3. -tenuis Gray. Conch Illustr. f. 12. 4. fluctuosa. Gray. Spicilegia Zoologica, t. 6. f. 19. Conch. Illustr. f. 2. 5. fluviatilis. Gray. In Mus. Brit. Conch. Illustr. f. 5. 6. -fluminea. Gray. Spicil. Zool. p. 5. Conch. Illustr. f. 7. 7. --major. Sowerby. Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. part 2, Conch. Illustr. f. 10. 8. robustior. Sowerby. Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. part 2. Conch. Illustr. f. 1. 9. -Parchappii D'Orb. Synops. Conch. Illustr. f, 8. 10. Tehuelcha. D’Orb. M. S. Conch. Illustr. f. 9. 11. Puelcha. D'Orb. M. S. Conch. Illustr. f. 13. 12. gibbosa. Sowerby. Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. part 2. Conch. Illustr. f. 4. 13. ovalis. Sowerby. Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. part 2. Conch. Illustr. f. 6. LIST OF FIGURES. Fig. 1. Chilina robustior Sun 2 -Aluctuosa. 'hay . a 베어 ​-ampullacea. Sow, gibbosa. Sur. Aluviatilis. Gray - ai i w co ro og 6. -- 9. ovalis. sow -Aluminea. Tray - Parchappii. a cert. Tehuelcha, d'aert -major. Sow -Dombeyana. ď cert. tenuis and var. Puelcha. d. cort. 10. 11. 12. Gray. 13. - 11 H Neritina 2 2 3 Co 3 92 5. 5. 1. C.B.S. jun" exc. Neritina S.a 8 d. 8 8. b. 8.c. 7 8 e exc. G.B.S. jim" . Neritina 10 77 21 12 9 12 73 13 20 GBSjun.exc. Neritina 14 25 75 16 17 27 16 18 18 14 G.B.S.jun eac. > Nerihina 19 21 21 20 it 22 22 20 23 23 79 GBS June.cc Neritina 24 25 25 26 27 27 26 27 27 27 GB. S. Jun. eso Neritina 30 28 28 29 31 31 32 G. B. S. juna Neritina 33 34 34 36 35 35 36 37 37 38 G.B.S. juni exc Neritina 39 43 43 42 40 40 42 44 44 41 GBS, cæc jun, Nerilina 49 45 51 50 50 48 47 47 46 GBS jun.exc. Neritina 60 60 55 53 54 54 53 52 52 56 50 59 56 58 58 GB.S.jun.cat A CATALOGUE OF ALL THE RECENT SPECIES HITHERTO KNOWN OF THE GENUS Neritina, Figured in Parts 86, 87, 90, 91, 94 to 100, of the CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, BY G. B. SOWERBY, Jun. Spec, 1. N. pulligera Lam. Hist. nat. des. Anim, sans vert. . . Encycl. method t. 455. f. 1. Conch. Illustr. f. 26. Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, Neritina, f. 6. India. ✓ 2. N. canalis Sowerby Tank. Cat. No. 1094, app. p. xi. Wood Ind. Test. Sup. Nerita, f. 17. Conch. Illustr. f. 22. Tahiti. ✓ 3. N. dubia Lam. Chemn. V. f. 2019. 2020. Wood Ind. test. t. 35. Nerita. f. 29. Conch, Illustr. f. 28. ✓ 4. N. Zebra Lam. Encycl, method. t. 455. f. 3. Wood Ind. test. t. 35, Nerita f. 18. Tahiti. 5. N. Ziczac Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 41. v 6. N. punctulata Encycl. method t. 455. f. 2. Conch. Illustr. f. 21 Isle St. Vincents. ✓ 7. N. gagates Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 29. 8. N. lugubris Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 38. ✓ 9. N. Corona, Lam. 1. c. Sowerby Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, Neritina f. 3. Conch. Illustr. f. 20. Mauritius. 2 Sp.10. N. spinosa Budgin M. S. Sowerby, Tank. Cat. No. 1102 Conch. Illustr. f. 9. Tahiti. 11. N. brevispinosa Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 8. 8. a. b. c. d. e. (Spinosa Wood Sup. t. 8. Nerita f. 12.) Timor and Haynam. Humphrey. 12. N. crepidularia Lam. Wood Sup. t. 8. Nerita f. 6. Conch. Ilustr. f. 25. River Hoogly, Calcutta. 13. N. auriculata Lam, Encycl. method. t. 455. f. 6. Conch. Illustr. f. 17. Sumatra. 14. N. Domingensis Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 42. St. Domingo (Lamarck.) 15. N. fasciata Lam. Encycl. method. t. 455. f. 5. Conch. Illustr, f. 35. 16. N. lineolata Lam. Chemn. ix. f. 1981. Encycl. method. t. 455. f. 4. Conch. Illustr. f. 37. 17. N. semiconica Lam. Chemn. ix. f. 1087. Wood Sup. t. 8. Nerita f. 15 India. Conch. Illus, f. 23. 18. N. strigilata Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 4. var. f. 32. (turrita Chemn. ix. f. 1085.) Sumatra. 19. N. Meleagris Lam. Chemn. ix. t. 124. f. D. L. Conch. Illustr. f. 19. (3 var.) (Nerita pulchella Wood. Sup. t. 8. f. 18.) Brazil. 20. N. virginea Lam. Chemn. ix, t. 124. f. H. I. Conch. Illustr. f. 27. (six var.) W. Indies. 21. N. fluviatilis Lam. Drap. t. 1. f. 3. 4. Conch. Illustr. f. 33. Europe. 22. N. viridis Lam. Chemn. ix. f. 1081. 1082. Conch. Illustr. f. 24. (2 var.) West Indies. Antigua. 23. N. Bætica Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 45. Spain. 24 N. granosa Sowerby Tank. Cat. No. 1115. Conch. Illustr. f. 6. (papillosa Jay Cat. of Recent Shells, pl. 4. f. 11. 11.11. 25. N. Oweniana Gray. Wood Sup. t. 8. Nerita f. 8. Conch. Illustr. f. 15. Africa. 3 Sp. 26. N. cariosa Gray. Wood Sup. t. 8. Nerita f. 9. Conch. Illustr, f. 5. (In the list published with the 91st. part of Conch. Illustr. this is incorrectly named N. Caffra Gray.) 27. N. Caffra Gray. Woods Sup. t. 8. Nerita. f. 10. Conch. Illustr. f. 51. Fernando Po. 28. N. Smithii Gray. Wood Sup. t. 8. Nerita f. 11. Conch. Illustr. f. 36. River Hoogly, Calcutta. 29. N. latissima Brod, Zool. Proc. Part II. 1832 p. 201. Conch. Illustr. f. 3. var. Conch. Illustr. f. 16. Real Llejos, 30. N. dilatata. Brod, Zool. Proc. 1. c. Conch. Illustr. f. 11. Tahiti. 31. N. globosa Brod. Zool. Proc. 1 c. Conch. Illustr. f. 12. (Owenii Wood Sup. t. 8. Nerita f. 16.) Chiriqui. 32, N. Nux. Brod. Zool. Proc. 1. c. Conch. Illustr. f. 39. Tahiti. 33. N. intermedia Sowerby, Zool. Proc. loc. cit. Conch. Illustr. f. 7. Bay of Montejo and Gulf of Nocoiya. 34. N. chlorostoma, Sowerby, Zool. Proc. 1. c. Conch. Illustr. f. 34. Tahiti. 35. N. picta, Sowerby, Zool. Proc. 1. c. Conch. Illustr f. 1. Panama. 36. N. reticulata Sowerby, Zool. Proc. 1. c. Conch. Illustr. f. 2, Lord Hood's Island. 37. N. Morio, Sowerby, Zool. Proc. 1. c. Conch. Illustr. f. 40. Ducie's and Easter Islands. 38. N. Faba, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 10. Singapore. 39. N. Afra, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 13. Fernando Po. 40, N. piperina Chemn. Conch. Jllustr. f. 18. Malabar, Chemn. Found among Pepper. 41. N. subgranosa, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 14. Timor. Sp. 42. N. Prevostiana Conch. Illustr. f. 46. Europe. 43. N. Danubialis, Sadler, Conch. Illustr. f.47. Danube. 44. N. Dalmatica, Partsch, Conch. Illustr. f. 57. Dalmatia. 45. N. Pupa, Dillw, Conch. Illustr. f. 30. Providence Island, and Haynam. 46. N. lutescens, Muhlf. Conch. Illustr. f. 56. (varia. Parr.) Cephalonia. 47. N. rivalis, Parreyss, Conch. Illustr. f. 58. Europe. 48. N. Jordani, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 49. (3 var) River Jordan, Dr. Butler. 49. N. labiosa, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 48. 50. N. subsulcata, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 50. 51. N. reticularis, Sowerby, (reticulata, Benson) Conch. Illustr. f. 44. Calcutta. 52. N. obtusa, Benson, Conch. Illustr. f, 43. Calcutta. 53. N. Coromandeliana, Sowerby, Conch. Illust. f. 52. Coromandel. (Humphrey, ex mus. Portl.) 54. N. Philppinarum, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 53. Manilla. 55. N. Cassiculum, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 55. 56. N. Sumatrensis, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr, f. 54, 57. N. pulchra, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr, f. 59. 58. N. triserialis, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 60. 59. N. Guyaquilensis, D'Orb. Guyaquil. Peritina. CORRECTED LIST OF FIGURES. Fig. 1. N. picta, Sow. Sp. 35. 2. N. reticulata, Sow. Sp. 36. 3. N. latissima, Brod. Sp. 29. 4. N. Strigilata, Lam. Sp. 18. 5. N. cariosa, Gray, Sp. 26. 6. N. granosa, Sow. Sp. 24. 7. N. intermedia, Sow. Sp. 33. 8. N. brevispinosa, Lam. Sp. 11. 9. N. spinosa, Budgin, Sp. 10. 10. N. Faba, Sow. Sp. 38. 11. N. dilatata, Brod. Sp. 30. 12. N. globosa, Brod. Sp. 31. 13. N. afra, Sow. Sp. 39. 14. N. subgranosa, Sow. Sp. 41. 15. N. Oweniana, Gray, Sp. 25. 16. N. latissima, Brod. Sp. 29. 17. N. auriculata, Lam. Sp. 13. 18. N. piperina, Chemn. Sp. 40. 19. N. Meleagris, Lam. Sp. 19. 20. N. Corona, Lam Sp. 9. 21. N. punctulata, Lam. Sp. 6. 22. N. canalis, Sow. Sp. 2. 23. N. semiconica, Lam. Sp. 17. 24. N. viridis, Lam. Sp. 22. 25. N. crepidularia, Lam. Sp. 12. 26. N. pulligera, Lam. Sp. 1. 27. N. virginea, Lam, Sp. 20. 6 Fig. 28. N. dubia, Lam. Sp. 3. 29. N. gagates, Lam. Sp. 7. 30. N. pupa, Dillwyn, Sp. 45. 31. N. Zebra, Lam. Sp. 4. 32. N. strigilata, Lam. var. Sp. 18. 33. N. fluviatilis, Lam. Sp. 21. 34. N. chlorostoma, Sow. Sp. 34. 35. N. fasciata, Lam. Sp. 15. 36. N. Smithii, Gray, Sp. 28. 37. N. lineolata, Lam. Sp. 16. 38. N. lugubris, Lam. Sp. 8. 39. N. Nux, Brod. Sp. 32. 40. N. Morio, Sow. Sp. 37. 41, N. ziczac, Lam, Sp. 5. 42. N. Domingensis, Lam. Sp. 14, 43. N. obtusa, Benson, Sp. 52. 44. N. reticularis, Sow. Sp. 51. 45. N. Bætica, Lam. Sp. 23. 46. N. Prevostiana, Sp. 42. 47. N. Danubialis, Sadler, Sp. 43. 48. N. labiosa, Sow. Sp. 49. 49. N. Jordani, Sow. Sp. 48. 50. N. subsulcata, Sow. Sp. 50. 51. N. Caffra, Gray, Sp. 27. 52. N. Coromandeliana, Sow. Sp. 53. 53. N. Philippinarum, Sow. Sp. 54. 54. N. Sumatrensis, Sow. Sp. 56. 55. N. Cassiculum, Sow. Sp. 55. 56. N. lutesens, Sp. 46. 57. N. Dalmatica, Partch, Sp. 44. 58. N. rivalis, Parreyss, Sp. 47. 59. N. pulchra, Sow. Sp 57. 60. N. triserialis, Sow. Sp. 58. Eutina 6 2 4 6 1** 1 3 17 Eutina. 15 11 9 7 8 12 13 14 14 10 A CATALOGUE or The RECENT SPECIES OF THE GENUS EULIMA. § 1. perforatæ. Sp. 1 splendidula nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 7. St. Elena. Mr. Cuming. 12 marmorata nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 8. 3 interrupta nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 11. Gulf of Nocoiyo, Mr. Cuming. 4 imbricata, nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 4. St. Elena, Mr.Cuming. 5 brunnea nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 9. Haynam and China. § 2. imperforatæ. 6 brevis nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 15. Lord Hoods Island, Mr. Cuming 7 hastata nobis, Conch. Ill. f. 10. St. Elena, Mr. Cuming. 8 major nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 1. var. f. l* and f. 1.** Tahiti, Mr. Cuming. 9 labiosa, nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 2. 01 10 anglica nobis. Corch. Ill. f. 5. Turbo politus. Mont. British. 11 subangulata nobis. Conch. Ill, f. 8. East Indies. 12 pusilla nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 6. St. Elena, Mr. Cuming. 13 articulata nobis. Conch. Illust. f. 12, Australia. 14 varians nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 14. Xipixapi, Mr. Cuming. 15 lineata nobis. Conch. Ill. f. 13. British? Turbo glaber Dacosta. 2 EULIMA. Corrected list of figures in parts 52, 53, of CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. Fig. 1. E. major. Slowb. 1.* var. 1** var. 2. E. labiosa. Sow, 3. E. subangulata. 2 4. E. imbricata. 1 5. E. anglica. 6. E. pusilla. 7. E. splendidula. 8. E. marmorata. 9. E. brunnea. 10. E. hastata. 11. E. interrupta. 12. E. articulata. 13. E. lineata. 14. E. varians. 15. E. brevis. Margareta 3 exc در کرد و در ادا Margarita 9 10 10 e 5 7 7 a Margarita 12 als 13 12 / 17 10 How A CATALOGUE OF ALL THE SPECIES HITHERTO KNOWN OF LEACH'S GENUS MARGARITA, Represented in the 132nd, 133rd, and 134th Parts of Conchological Illustrations, BY G. B. SOWERBY, JUN. . 3 . = Spec. 1. Margarita tæniata, Conch. Ill. fig. 2. 2. violacea, King, in Zool. Journal, vol. v. p. 346. Conch. Ill. f. 11. violacea var. Conch. Ill, f. 12. expansa, Sowerby, in Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. p. 24. Conch. Ili, f. 16. expansa var. Conch. Ill. f. 17. 4. sigaretina, Sowerby, in Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. p. 24. Conch. Ill. f. 14. vulgaris, Leach, Conch. III. f. 13. carnea, (Turbo carneus Lowe) Conch. III. f.9. striata, Brod. & Sowerby, in Zool. Journal, iv. Conch. Ill. f. 3. 18, arctica, Leach, Conch. Ill. f. 6. grænlandica, Beck. Conch. Iil. f. 10. umbilicalis,Brod. & Sowerby, Zool. Journal, iv. Conch. Ill. f. 5. sulcata, Sowerby, in Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. p. 26. Conch. Ill. f. 1. 12. undulata, Sowerby, in Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. p. 26. Conch. Ill. f. 4. 13. costellata, Sowerby, in Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. p. 26. Conch. Ill. f. 15. 14. acuminata, Sowerby, in Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. p. 26. Conch. Ill. f. 7. 15. Solariiformis, Sowerby, in Malacol, and Con- chol. Mag. p. 26. Conch III. f. 8. Ill w on coi ai 10. Cancellaria 9 7 3 G.B.S.jun.ca . Cancellaria. 13 16 wa 15 10 18 021 12 11 G.B.S.jun.exc. 24 Cancellaria 19 21 25 20 * 20 22 23 26 G.B.S jun.exo. Cancellaria. 34 29 29 33 28 35 32 30 31 33 G.B.S.jin, exc. Cancellaria. 43 37 38 Flan? Leaves 36 39 40 41 42 44 G.B.S.jun.exe 4.SOBE ET osob A CATALOGUE e . OF RECENT SPECIES OF THE GENUS tell HD 07 autodo O CANCELLARIA, AT SORE de 1500 I one bute Geld spil, nga BY SERT.1.1.G. B. SOWERBY. DO TI 1 Canc. reticulata Lam. Enyel. meth t. 375 f. 3. Antigua.. 2 Canc. candida nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 1. Shell ovate ob- long, with an acuminated apex, white; volutions seven, entirely covered with decussating ribs; aperture oblong, canal distinct, folds on the columella two, of which the upper is much the larger ; edge of the outer lip sharp, hinside with distant rib-like teeth; length 1.2, breadth 0.7, Polynesia, Mr. S. Stuchbury. olay 3. Canc. ovata nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 2. Z. P. 1832 p. 53. Dredged in sand at from eight to ten fathoms at St. Elena, Western Columbia, Mr. Cuming. 4 Canc. obesa nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 3 jun. f. 4. adult Z. P. 1832, p. 52. From Puerto Portrero and the Gulf of Dulce in central America: dredged at the latter place from a depth of 15 fathoms, Mr. Cuming. 5 Canc. acuminata nobis, Conch. Illustr, f. 5. Z. P. 1832 p. 53. Dredged in sandy mud at a depth of twelve fathoms at Guacomayo in central America, Mr.Cuming. 6. Canc, solida nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 6. Z. P. 1832 p. 50. . Found at Real Llejos and St. Elena, by dredging in a sandy bottom at from eight to ten fathoms, Mr.Cuming. 7 Canc. gemmulata, nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 7. Z. P. 1832 p. 55. Dredged from a sandy muddy bottom in the Gulf of Nocoiyo, in central America, Mr. Cuming. 2 8 Canc, decussata nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 8. Z. P. 1832, P 55. Found in sandy mud by dredging in 10 to 13 fathoms, at Panama and Puerto Portrero. 9 Canc. indentata, nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 9. test. jun. f. 10. adult, Z P. 1832, p. 54. Panama. 10 Canc. buccinoides nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 11. Z. P. 1832, p. 54. Found in sandy mud from 7 to 15 fathoms at Real Llejos, Iquiqui, Callao and Puerto Portrero, by Mr. Cuming 11 Canc. clavatula nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 12. Z. P. 1832, p. 52. Found in sandy mud, in 7 fathoms at Panama and at Payta, Mr. Cuming. 12 Canc. uniplicata nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 13. Z. P. 1832. Two specimens were dredged in sand at a depth of ten fathoms, near Panama, by Mr. Cuming. 13 Canc. mitriformis nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 14. Z. P. 1832 p. 51. Sandy mud at Panama. Mr. Cuming. 14 Canc. Tritonis nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 15. Shell oblong, light brown, varied with darker; with an accuminated spire ; volutions six, rather ventricose, longitudinally ribbed and spirally striated, with a slightly nodular- keel near the upper or posterior part, above which it is blotched with dark brown; aperture large and ui wide; outer lip grooved within ; columella rugulose near the anterior part; with three small plaits, of which "I the middle one is smallest, length 2:3, breadth 1.3. Locality unknown. 15 Canc. granosa nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 16, 17. Shell oblong, reddish brown, with an acuminated spire half the length of the shell; volutions six, flattened on the upper part, longitudinally. ribbed, and transversely grooved, ribs granose, more strongly so above : aper- ture wide, outer lip grooved within ; columella slightly rugulose in front, with three plaits, the two lower 3 smaller: canal distinct: length 17, breadth 1.0. Locality unknown. 16 Canc. piscatoria nobis, Canc. nodulosa Lam. Bucc. piscatorium. Chemnitz iv, f. 1151, 1152. 17 Canc. Littoriniformis nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 18. Shell subglobose, chesnut brown, rough ; spire acuminated; volutions five, rounded with close-set cross striæ ; aperture nearly oval, outer lip grooved within, canal very short and indistinct; plaits on the columella three, small; umbilicus rather large, with a rounded edge: length 0.75, breadth 0.5. From Ceylon, 18 Canc. elegans nobis, Genera of Shells, No. v. fig. 3. 19 Canc. asperella Lam. Encycl. meth. t. 374 f. 3, 20 Canc, oblonga nobis, Tank. Catal. app. p. xv. Conch. Illustr. f. 19. 21 Canc. tessellata nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 20 jun. f. 20* adult. Z. P. 1832 p. 51. Dredged in sandy mud at a depth of from 7 to 10 fathoms in the Bay of Caraccas, at St. Elena and at Xipixapi. Mr. Cuming. 22 Canc, nodulifera nobis, Tank, Cat. app. p. xv. No. 1544. Conch. Illustr. f. 21. 23 Canc. Cassidiformus nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 22. Z. P. 1832 p 53. Young shells of this species were dredged in sandy mud in 16 fathoms water, at Panama, by Mr. Cuming. 24 Canc, australis nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 23. Shell ovato- oblong, decussated, white; spire rather acuminated, obtuse at the apex; volutions five, rounded with a deep suture, and covered with decussating ribs; aper- ture oval, outer lip grooved within; columellar lip slightly rugulose, with 3 plaits; canal distinct; length 0-8, breadth 0:5. New South Wales; the late G. Humphrey's Collection, 25 Canc. lævigata nobis, Conch. Illustr, f. 24. Shell ovato- oblong. smooth, white; spire rather acuminated, obtuse 4 at its apex ; volutions five, rounded. somewhat flattened at the upper part and with a deep suture; aperture oval, outer lip deeply grooved within; columellar lip slightly rugulose in front, with 3 plaits; canal distinct; l'ength 0-9, breadth 0.55. New South Wales, the late - G. Humphrey. 26 Canc, spirata Lam. Conch. Illustr, f. 25, I have received several specimens of this species from Garden Island. Mr. Gray has informed me that the specimens under this name in Lamarcks own collection are not Cancel- lariæ; the description given in his Hist. nat. des anim. sans vertebres, accords, however, so perfectly with my shells, that I cannot hesitate to regard them as Lamarck's species. 27 Canc. obliquata Lam. Conch. Illustr. f. 26. Haynam. 28 Canc. scalata nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 27. Shell oblong, reddish brown, spire acuminated; volutions six, with a bluntly angular-edged and broad groove next to the suture, the margin of which groove is crenulated; the volutions covered with longitudinal, somewhat nodulose ribs, the interstices of which have a few cross-striæ; aperture white, oval, truncated and with an internal tubercle at the upper part, outer lip grooved within ; columella with four small plaits, rugulose, umbilicus small, narrow; length 1.2, breadth 0.7. East Indies. 29 Canc. contabulata nobis. Conch. Illustr. f. 28. Shell oval, pale brown, nodulose-ribbed; spire rather short; volutions five, ventricose, their upper part next the suture flat, with a bluntly angular edge; nodulose longitudinal ribs continued obliquely over the flat space to the suture ; aperture large, white, oval, truncated at its upper part; outer lip grooved within; columella with four small plaits, of which the upper one is very small; umbilicus small: length 1.2, breadth 08. Ceylon 5 30 Canc. crenifera nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 29. Shell ovate; pinkish brown, shining; volutions 5 to 6, rounded with longitudinal crenulated ribs, the upper ends of which form a strongly crenated edge to the canaliculated suture; aperture oval, white; outer lip thickened, reflected, grooved within, columella with three plaits ; canal indistinct; umbilicus small but distinct and rough at its edge: length 0.9, breadth 0:5. From Ceylon. 31 Canc. scalarina. Lam. Chemn. iv. f. 1172, 1173. 32 Canc, crispa nobis, Conch, Illustr. f. 30. Shell oval. brownish with lighter bands, rough; spire acuminated ; volutions 5 to 6, rather ventricose, with longitudinal ribs, which are dentated on their edges and raised above the edge of the canaliculated suture, aperture ovate, truncated at the upper part and forming a small canal anteriorly; outer lip grooved within; plaits on the columella three; umbilicus small: length 1.0, breadth 0:6. Locality unknown. 33 Canc. costifera, nobis, Conch. Illustr, f. 31. Shell oval, light brown, spire acuminated, volutions six, angular at the upper edge, flat next to the suture, with distant longitudinal ribs, which are pointed at the upper part, and then continuous in oblique direction across the flat upper edge of the volutions : interstices slightly cross- striated : aperture oval, truncated at the upper part, outer lip grooved wihin; columella with three plaits, umbilicus very small : length 0.8, breadth, 0.45. 34 Canc. articularis nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 32. Shell oblong, subturrited, orange brown; spire acuminated ; volutions six, canaliculated at the suture, obliquely longitudinally ribbed, ribs prominent at the edge of the channelled suture and crenated in their edges; aperture wide, oval, truncated at the upper part; outer lip reflect- ed, finely grooved within; columella with three small plaits; umbilicus small; length 0:9, breadth 0.5. Ceylon.' 6 P. 52. a 35 Canc. brevis nobis, Conch. Illustr. 33. Z. P. 1832 Found at Puerto Portrero and St. Elena; Mr. Cuming 36 Canc. pusilla nobis, Conch Illustr. f. 34. Shell sub- globose, ventricose, pale; volutions four, with a broad flat area at the upper part, which is crenated at both edges; longitudinally ribbed and cross-straited; aper- ture trigonal, plaits on the columella two; umbilicus none : length 0:5, breadth 0.4, a single specimen was taken out of the umbilicus of a Cassis Rufa from New South Wales. 37 Canc. bullata nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 35. Z. P. 1832 p. 51. Dredged in mud at a depth of twelve fathoms, at Payta, and in the Gulf of Nocoiyo. Mr. Cuming. 38 Canc. tuberculosa nobis, Conch. Illustr, f. 36. Z. P. 1832 p. 51. Dredged in sandy mud, at a depth of seven fathoms, at Iquiqui. Mr. Cuming. 39 Canc. pulchra nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 37 Z. P. 1832 p. 50. Dredged from a sandy bottom in from eight to ten fathoms, at St. Elena. Mr. Cuming. 40 Canc, cancellata Lam. Encyl. Method. 375. f. 4. 41 Canc. similis nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 38. Shell ovate, rather compressed, varicose; spire somewhat acumina- ted, volutions six to seven, gradually increasing, whitish with irregular brown bands, longitudinally obliquely ribbed, ribs distant, crossed by strongly marked elevated lines; aperture white, ringent, outer lip varicose outside, crenated at its border, deeply grooved and strongly toothed a little way within the edge, columella with three plaits, of which the lowest is the smallest and double; canal reflected, umbilicus very small with a broad and distinct border; length 1.2, breadth 0.9. 42 Canc. chrysostoma nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 39. Z. (P. 1832, p. 54. Found in sand at from eight to ten fathoms, at Panama and St. Elena. Mr. Cuming. 7 a 43 Canc, rugosa Lam. Encycl. meth. t. 375 f. 8. China. 44 Canc. hæmastoma nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 40. Z.P. 1832, p. 54. Found in sand at from 10 to 16 fathoms, near the Galapagos Islands. Mr. Cuming. 45 Canc. rigida nobis, Conch, Illustr. f. 41. Z. P. 1832, p. 53. Dredged in sand at 13 fathoms deep at Puerto Portrero. Mr. Cuming. 46 Canc. costata Gray, Conch. Illustr. f. 42. Shell oblong, fulvous varied and banded with dark brown, longitudi- nally ribbed, and transversely striated; spire acumina- ted, volutions six, with a flat, sharp-edged space at the upper or posterior part; ribs distant, sharp-edged an- teriorily, continuing obliquely over the flat space to the suture; aperture subtrigonal, outer lip slightly grooved within; columella with two distinct and one very small plait, lip a little rugose; umbilicus rather large ; length 0.95, breadth 0.7. 47 Canc. goniostoma nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 43. Chemn. iv. Vign. 37 f. a. b. c. Z. P. 1832, p. 51. A single specimen was brought up from a sandy bottom in eight fathoms water at Conchagua by Mr. Cuming. 48 Canc. trigonostoma nobis, Conch. Illustr. f. 44. Del- phinula trigonostoma Lam. vi. pt. 11. p. 231. Shell pyramidal, acuminated, white or pale brown ; volutions five, flat and spirally striated on the upper part; the edge of which is strongly keeled and crenated; slightly longitudinally ribbed and spirally striated on the lower part; aperture triangular, with a distinct varicose edge, and three small plaits on the columella ; umbili- cus very large, crenated at the edge; length 0.9, breadth 0.75. Ceylon. Obs. It is remarkable that in this shell, which is the Bordstrappe of the Dutch Conchologists, the inner edges of the volutions are set against the edge of the umbilicus. . 8 8 is dood... sogur 0.5 5581...02) CANCELLARIÆ. Totes 30911 mosaict 01_n of Corrected List of Figures, in parts 9 to 13. S881.1 Oto Donna Fig. 1. C. candida. Sew. Fig. 24. C. laevigata. Se 2. C. ovata. gal 25. C. spirata. Lom 3 & 4. C. obesa. 3 26. C. obliquata. Lam - buntowo who រំងាស់ 5. C. acuminata. 1 -serien 27. C. scalata. Sow of 6. C. solida. Ta 28. C. contabulata. - 7. C. gemmulata." 29. C. crenifera. pildo 8. C. decussata. 30. C. crispa. Tapos 9. C. indentata, jun.' 31. C. costifera. 10. C. indentata. 32. C. articularis. 11. C. buccinoides. 33. C. brevis. ) 12. C. clavatula. 34. C. pusilla og 13. c. uniplicata." 35. C. bullata. A 14. C. mitriformis. 11 36. C. tuberculosa. . 15. C. Tritonis. la 16, 17. C. granosa. 18. C. Littoriniformis, 1 37. C. pulchra. 38. C. similis. 39. C. chrysostoma." 40. C. hæmastoma.. 41, C. rigida. 42. C. costata. 19. C. oblonga. 20, 20.* tessellata. 21. C. nodulifera. 22. C. cassidiformis. 43. C. goniostoma. 44. C. trigonostoma." 23. C. Australis. Obs. Lamarck's C. senticosa, C. citharella, and C. Ziervo- gliana do not belong to this genus; the first is a Phos, the 2nd, an Oniscia, and the last a Mitra. His C. scalariformis is unknown to the author. > Murar 2 3 Z 6 C:Bfgun" Exe Murex 8 9 10 11 14 12 13 G.B S. Jun Exe Mure. 15 17 16 10 20 21 GB. Mwe. کا را با ما بها في 22 23 24 26 25 27 29 28 G.B.S.jun.exe 30 31 32 art 35 34 33 GB.S.jum.eccc. Murex 36 37 اله 3 38 39 40 G.B.S.jun.exc. Murex. yur 42 41 WELL 43 4.5 GB.Sjun, exc. M Muresc. 46 47 48 49 50 52 GB.S jun.esc. Murex. 54 52 53 54+ G.B.S.jun.exe Murea. 56 57 55 58 G.B.S.jun.ecc. Murex 60 59 63 62 1 Muren 65 64 66 E 68 67 Mures 69 70 71 72 73 Mures x 75. 72 14 77 79 78. 76 Murres. 81 81 89. 83 80 82 Maresco 87 86 88 86 85 Murex 95 94 91 93 96 92 Murex 98 91 90 9.9 100 Murex 103 104 101 102 102 Murex 109 108 105 ered 107 106 Mwex 110 112 Murea 1/3 115 116 Murex 119 118 121 120 MUREX. A CATALOGUE OF RECENT SPECIES, BY G. B. SO WERBY, Jun. Sp. 1. M. tenuispina, Lam. vii. p. 158. Ch. Conch. t. 189. f. 1821. t. 190. f. 1822. Moluccas. Gray says that the M. tenuirostrum of Lam. is a specimen of this, without spines. Philippines. 2. M. ternispina Lam. vii. p. 158. Con. Illus. f. 110 Var. M. aduncospinosus, Beck. Con. Illus, f. 68. E. Indies. 3. M. crassispina, Lam. vii. p. 157. Martini. t. 113. f. 1052. Philippines. In this species the 2nd spine is longest. 4. M. rarispina, Lam. 7. p. 158, M. unidentatus, Con. Illus. f. 52, E. Indies. 5. M. Scolopax, Dillwyn, Descr. Cat. p. 681. Ch. Conch. f. 1819–20. Red Sea Smoother than the last, with yellowish brown lines across. 6. M. Occa Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 45. Nicobar Isl. 7. M. brevispina, Lam. vii. p. 159. Con. Illus, f. 10. 8. M. chrysostoma, Gray ? Con. Illus. f. 1. 9. M. Messorius. Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f.93. 10. M. Haustellum, Lim. Gmel. p. 3524. Martini. Conch. t. 115. f. 1066. Moluccas. Philippines. 11. M. rectirostrum, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 111. 12. M. nigrescens, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 113. Xipixapi. Columbia. Mr. Cuming. 13. M. recurvirostrum, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 174. Con. Illus. f. 9. Gulf of Nocoyo. Central Amer. Mr. Cuming. 14. M. pliciferus. Sow. Jun, Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus, f. 101. 2 Sp. 15. M. plicatus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 6. Gulf of Nocoyo. Mr. Cuming. 16. M. formosus, Sow, Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 112. Persian Gulf. 17. M. Mindinaoensis. Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 92. Misamis, Mindinao, Philippines. Mr. Cuming 18. M. Motacilla, Linn. Gmel. p. 3530. Chemn. Conch. t. 163. f. 1563. Indian Ocean. Var. Con. Illus. f. 69. 19. M. elegans, Beck. Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 84. 20. M. similis, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 70. 21. M. inflatus, Lam. vii. p. 160. Martini. t. 102. f. 980. t. 103. f. 981. E. Indies. Has a triangular tooth on the outer lip. 22. M. elongatus. Lam. vii. p. 161. Con. Illus. f. 88. Var.Con. Illus.f. 89. E. Indies. Has the tooth as in M. inflatus. 23. M, anguliferus, Lam. vii. p. 171. Martini. t. 110. f. 1029—1030. M. inflatus, Var. Con. Illus. f. 53. M. Ferrugo, Wood. Index, Test. costatus ? Gmel. Not including the “Sirat” of Adanson. Atlantic Ocean. 24. M. Senegalensis, Gmel, “Sirat” Adanson. M. Brasili- ensis, Con. Illus. f. 55, white variety, Con. Illus. f, 61. Senegal. 25. M. Calcitrapa, Lam. vii. p. 161. Martini. t. 103. f. 982 M. brevifrons. Lam. vii. 160. Martini, t. 103. f. 983. t. 104, f. 984—6. America. Subject to great variations, but distinguished from M. inflatus by the absence of the tooth. Red Sea, Indian Ocean. 26. M. Monodon. Sow. Tank. Cat. Martini, iii. t. 105, f. 987-8. Swan River. 27 M. Pomum, Gmel. p. 3327. M. asperrimus, Lam. vii. p. 164. Martini; t. 109. f. 1021-1023. West Indies. 28. M. scabrosus, Sow. Jun. Zool Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 73. 29. M. Cervicornis, Lam. vii. p. 163, Sow. Gen. Murex. f. 2. New Holland: 3 Sp. 30. M. axicornis, Lam. vii. p. 163. Martini Conch. t. 105. f. 989. var. black, Con. Illus. f. 66. Moluccas. Philippines. 31. M. Banksii, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 82. 32. M. aculeatus, Lam. Con. Illus. f. 63. Moluccas. 33. M. Palma-rosæ, Lam. vii. p. 161. Lister, Conch. t. 946. f. 41. Ceylon. 34. M. Saulii, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 77. A dwarf variety is brought from Ticao by Mr. Cuming. 35. M. torrefactus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. 120; Var. 121. Ticao, Philippines. Mr. Cuming. 36. M. adustus, Lam. vii. p. 162. Martini. t. 105, f. 990 991. Singapore and Philippines, 37. M. rubescens, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 174. Con. Illus. f. 7 Tahiti. Mr. Cuming. 38. M. microphyllus, Lam. vii. p. 163. E. M. pl. 415. f. 5. Con. Illus, f. 105. 39. M. Maurus, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 174. Con. Illus. f. 12. Var. f. 67. Isl. Annaa, Pacific Ocean. 40. M. Capucinus, Lam. vii. p. 164. Chem. Conch. t. 192. f. 1849. 1850. Nicobar Isl. E. Indies. Singapore. 41. M, castaneus, Con. Illus. f. 44. Mr. Norris's collection. 42. M. rufus, Lam. vii. p. 162. White variety, f. 99. Indian Seas. 43. M. palmiferus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 104. Red Sea. 44. M. corrugatus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 72. 45. M. laqueatus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus.f. 78. 46. M. triqueter, Born. p. 291. t. 11. f. 1-2. Martini, t. 111. f. 1038. Philippines. 47. M. laciniatus. Nob. Zool. Proc. 1841. Con. Illus. f. 59. 48. M. trigonulus, Lam. vii. p. 157. Con, Illus. f. 102. Persian Gulph. 49. M. pinniger. Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 174. Con. Illus. f,50 and 109. (M. cristatus) Xipixapi. Mr. Cuming. 50. M. cancellatus, Sow. Jun.Zool Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 79. 4 Sp. 51. M. canaliferus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 74. 52. M. Mitriformis, Sow. Jun. Zool Proc. 1841. Con. Illus. f. 75. 53. M. Capensis, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 76. Cape of Good Hope. 54. M. pinnatus, Swainson, Bligh. Cat. Appendix p. 17. Zool. Illus. 2nd Ser: pl. 122. China. 55. M. tripterus, Born, p. 291. t. 10. f. 18-19. Wood, Index. Test. M. Trialatus, Con. Illus. f. 54.54* (Not M. Trialatus, C. I. f. 33.) Gmelin was mistaken in referring this sp. to the fossil which bears the name. Ticao, Philippines. 56. M. trigonularis, Lam. vii. p. 165. Con. Illus. f. 107. Our shell agrees so well with Lamarck's descrip- tion, that we venture to apply the name to it, not withstanding Mr. Gray's statement, that the M. trigonularis of Lam. is nothing but Acanthop- terus deprived of its fringes. Mr. Gray cannot have studied the subject, for he has mixed up the latter species with the “M. Purpura alata” of Chemmitz. (M. foliatus of Gmelin,) Bantayan, Philippines. Mr. Cuming 57. M. uncinarius, Lam. vii. p. 166. Martini iii. f. 1034-5. Con. Illus. f. 106. Isl. Masbate, Philippines. Mr. Cuming 58. M. trialatus, Sow. Jun. Zool Proc. 1841. Con. Illus. f. 33. (Not trialatus, f.54. 54.*) 59. M, acanthopterus, Lam. vii. f. 165. E. M. pl. 417. f. 2. a. b.Con. Illus. f.85. Brown variety, young (alatus,) Con. Illus. f. 51. A very large shell from Isl. Mindinao exists in Mr. Cuming's cabinet, which may probably be referable to this species, Con. Illus. f. 115. 60. M. foliatus Gmel. p. 3529. M. Tripterus. Lam. vii. p. 165. "M. Purpura alata” Chem. 10, t. 161. f. 1538-9 N.W. Co. of America. 5 Sp. 61. M. emarginatus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. 98, 100. Mr. Cuming. 62. M. monoceros, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus, f: 64, 65. and 97, Mus. Norris. Stainforth. Cuming. 63. M. erinaceus, Lam. vii. p. 172. Martini. t. 110. f. 1026-8. M. decussatus, Gmel. Britain. Mediter- ranean. 64. M. Tarentinus, Lam. vii. p. 173. M. erinaceus, var. Con. Illus. f. 24. Sicily, Portugal. We are still doubtful about this being distinct from M.erinaceus. 65. M. torosus, Lam. vii. p. 174. Con. Illus. f. 39. Perhaps a variety of the last. Sicily? 66. M. Edwardsii, Menke. Syn. p. 66. Philippi. Enum. Mollusc. Siciliæ.p. 210. Purpura Lassaignii, Basterot. Con. Illus. f. 80, var? Sicily Placed here because it has not three regular varices. 67. M. inconspicuus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1841. Con. Illus. f. 81. Var. 117. Jersey. 68. M. fasciatus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con, Illus. f. 86, (M. fasciatus, Risso ? ) R. Gambia. 69. M. varius, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus.f.57.108. A variety occurs with more than 3 varices. R.Gambia. 70. M. cornutus. Gmel. p. 3525. Martini. Conch. t. 114, f. 1057. Moluccas. 71. M. tumulosus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 71. 72. M. Brandaris. Gmel. p. 3526. Chemn. t. 164. f. 1571. Mediterranean and Adriatic. 73. M. Rota, - ? Con. Illus. f. 119. Isle of Capul, Philip- pines. 74. M. Scorpio. Lam. vii. 169. Martini, t. 106. f. 998-1003. E. Indies. Moluccas, Philippines. 75. M. secundus, Lam. vii. p. 169. Con. Illus. f. 116. Isl. Masbate, Philippines. 76. M. varicosus, Sow. Jun. Zool Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. - f. 49. 6 No. 77. M. digitatus, Sow. Jun. Zool Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f 114. Red Sea. 78. M. fenestratus, Lam. vii. p. 174. Chemn. 161. f. 1536- 1537. Con. Illus. f. 41. Isl. Capul. Philippines. 79. M. Jatonus, Adanson. Senegal. 1. t. 9. f. 21. M.“ Lingua vervecina,” Chem. t. 161. f. 1540. 1. M. Lingua, Dillwyn, Wood's Index. M. Gibbosus, Lam. vii. p. 166. In a young state, M. hemitripterus, Lam. vii. p. 166. E. M. 418. f. 4. a. b. Con. Illus. f. 60. Senegal. 80. M. Oxyacantha, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 176. Con. Illus. f. 11. Real Llejos, Central America. Mr. Cuming 81. M. humilis, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 175 Con. Illus. f. 46. 47. St. Elena. Mr, Cuming. 82. M. melanomathos, Lam. vii. p. 168. Martini. 108. p. 1015. E. M. 418. 2, a. b. E. Indies. 83. M. Princeps, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 175. Con. Illus. f. 43. Puerto Portrero, Central America. 84. M. nitidus, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 175. Con. Illus. f. 4. Real Llejos, Central America. Probably a variety of the last in a young state. 85. M. Radix. Gmel. Swains. Zool. Illus, “ Muricinæ." Columbia, Bay of Caraccas. 86. M. saxatilis, Gmel. p. 3529. Martini 108. f. 1013. 1014. . Chemn. t. 161. f. 1528-9. M. eurystomus, Sw. Gambia. 87. M. Rosarium. Chemn. t. 161. f. 1528-9. Con. Illus. f. 118. M. Melonulus, Lam. vii. p. 171. E. Indies. 88. M. Brassica, Lam. vii, p. 167. M. Ducalis, Brod. Zool. Journ. iv. p. 377. Con. Illus. f. 56. Mazatlan, Pacific. The description by Lamarck agrees per- fectly well with our shell, besides which we have the direct testimony of Mr. Gray, who has seen Lamarck's shell, as to its identity. 89. M. Regius, Swainson, Exotic Conch. part 2. Wood's Supplement, Murex, No. 13. Panama. 7. Sp. 90. M. Imperialis, Swainson Zool. Illus. “Muricinæ " M. Pomum. Var. Gmel. p. 3327. Chemn. t. 110, f. 1024-5. California. 91. M. erythrostoma, Swains. Zool. Illus. " Muricinæ ” Var. Con. Illus. f. 38. Acapulco. 92. M. Endivia, Lam. vii, p. 168. Martini. t. 107. f. 1008, M. Saxatilis, Wood. Index. M. chicoreum, Gmel? Philippines. 93, M. Saxicola, Brod. Zool. Journ. Vol. 2. p. 202. Tab. suppl. xi. f. 3. More angulated than M. Endivia. Isl. Ticao. Mr. Cuming. 94. M. turbinatus, Lam. vii. p. 170. Con. Illus. (M. fulvescens) f. 30. Var. Con. Illus. f. 90, 91. 95 M. Trunculus, Lam. vii. p. 170. Martini, Conch. t. 109. f. 1018, 1020. Mediterranean and Atlantic. 96. M. angularis, Lam. vii. p. 174. M. costatus E. M. 441. f. 3. a b. “ Cofar” Adanson. Senegal, 9. f. 22. M. Octonus, Con. Illus. f. 32. Senegal. 97. M. Megacerus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 18. S. Seas. 98. M. Lappa, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 177. Con. Illus, f. 15. St. Elena. Mr. Cuming. 99. M. Zelandicus, Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. de. l’Astr. t. 2. p. 529. Pl. 36. f. 5-7. M. Nova Zelandiæ, Con. Illus, f. 34. N. Zealand. 100. M. aduncus, Con. Illus. f. 35 In Mr. Norris's Cabinet. 101. M. falcatus Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Iilus. f. 31. Japan. 102 M. hexagonus, Lam. vii. p. 169. E. M. pl. 418. f. 3. a, b. 103. M. inermis, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus, f. 87. Japan. 104. M. erosus, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 16. var. f. 96. Panama, H. Cuming. 105. M. balteatus, Beck. Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 83. Masbate, Philippines. H. Cuming. 106. M. exiguus, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 175. Con. Illus• f. 17. Salango. Columbia. Mr. Cuming. 8. Sp. 107. M. Cyclostoma, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 95. Bohol. Philippines. Mr. Cuming. 108. M. lugubris, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 175. Con. Illus.f 26. Puerto Portrero, Central America. Mr.Cuming. 109. M. incisus, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 176. Con. Illus. f. 13. St. Elena. Mr. Cuming. 110. M. breviculus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 37. 111. M. tetragonus, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 174. Con. Illus, f. 25, 36. 112. M. Peruvianus, Sow. Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 103. Pacosmayo, Peru. 113. M. Dipsacus, Brod. Zool Proc. 1832. p. 194. Con. Illus. f. 20. (M. Octonus, Gray. N. Zealand.) St. Elena. 114. M. crispus, Brod. Zool. Proc. 1832. p. 176. Con. Illus. f. 8. M. tortuosus. Pacosmayo, Peru. The following are admitted among the Murices with considerable hesitation, 115. M. miliaris, Gmel. p. 3536. No. 39. M. vitulinus, Lam, vii. p. 174, E. M. pl. 419, f, 1, a, b. 7. a. b. , 116, M. salebrosus, King, Zool, Journ, v, p. 347, Con. Illus, f, 5, var, f, 48, Southern Coast of S. America. 117. M. Fiscellum, Chemn. 10. t. 160. f. 1524. 5. M. Funi- culum, Wood's Index. test. M. fimbriatus, Lam. Iostoma, Con. Illus. f. 42. M. Australis, Quoy et Gaimard Voy. de l'Astr. 2. p. 534. pl. 36. f. 13-16. Named M. ricinuloides on the plate. Var. Con. . Illus. f. 62. Pulo Condore. 118. M, margariticola, Brod. Zool, Proc, 1832. p. 177. Con. Illus, f. 21. Lord Hood's Isl, Pacific, Mr. Cuming. 119. M, dubius, Nob. M. aculeatus, Wood. (pre-occupied) Index. test, Con. Illus. f, 23. Panama, Mr. Cuming. 120. M. noduliferus Sow, Jun. Zool. Proc. 1840. Con. Illus. f. 94. Masbate, Philippines. Mr. Cuming. 9 9 121, M. cristatus, Brocchi, p. 394. t. vii.. f. 15. Cancellaria cristata, Brown. Reise p. 550. Murex Blainvillii, , Payradeau, p. 149. t. 7. f. 17, 18. M. pliciferus, Bivon, 1. c. p. 26. t. 3. f. 10. Var. “costatus, nodulis inermibus.” Philippi, v. t. xi. f. 25. M. fortis, Risso. Var. M. cataphractus, Con. Illus. f. 10. The recent varieties correspond with those in a fossil state, and there is an indivisible chain running from those which are frondose and almost spinose, to those which are characterized by plain simple nodules. Mediterranean. 122. M. vittatus, Brod. Zool, Proc. 1832. p. 176. Con. Illus. f. 19. Isl. Muerte, Bay of Guayaquil. Mr. Cuming. The following Murices of Authors belong to other Genera, viz:- Fusi, M.magellanicus, lamellosus, scaber, lyratus, and cingu- latus, of Lamarck. M. Horridus, buxeus, Carduus squamosus, Nucleus, cariniferus, and pallidus, of Broderip. M. distinctus, Philippi ? PURPURÆ. M. costularis, Lam. M. crispatus, Lam. M. crassi- labrum, Gray. Typhis, M. fistulosus, Brocchi. Philippi. POLLIÆ, M. concatenatus, granarius and pulchellus, of Lamarck; M. Vibex, Broderip. The following cannot be identified. Lamarck ; M. aciculatus, phyllopterus, quadrifrons, poly- gonulus, cinguliferus and subcarinatus. King; M. Rhodocheilus, Z. J. v.p. 347. Broderip; M. pumilus Z. P. 1832. p. 175. Conrad; M. Nuttali. Risso ; M. fistulatus, ramulosus, bicristatus, Orbignianus, rudis, bicolor, affinis, angulatus, Pairaudoce, triangularis, imbricatus, postdiluvianus, succinctus, columnus. The latter are very vaguely described and neither figures nor synonyms referred to. MURICES. Index to the Figures in Parts 58 to 67, and 187 to 199. (The Figures after the name refers to the Catalogue.) FIG. 34 M. Zelandicus, Sp. 99. 35 M. aduncus, Sp. 100. 36 M. tetragonus, Sp. 111. 37 M. breviculus, Sp. 110. 38 M. erythrostoma, var. Sp. 91. 39 M. torosus, Sp. 65. 40 M. cristatus, Sp. 121. 41 M. fenestratus, Sp. 78. 42 M. Fiscellum, Sp. 117. 43 M. Princeps, Sp. 83. 44 M. castaneus, Sp. 41. 45 M. Occa, Sp. 6. 46 47 }M. humilis, Sp. 81. FIG. 1 M. chrysostoma, Sp. 8. 2 Fusus nucleus. 3 Fusus pallidus. 4 M. nitidus, Sp. 84. 5 M. salebrosus, var. Sp. 116. 6 M. plicatus, Sp. 15. 7 M. rubescens, Sp. 37. 8 M. crispus, Sp. 114. 9 M. recurvirostrum, Sp. 13. 10 M. brevispina, Sp. 7. 11 M. Oxyacantha, Sp. 80. 12 M. Maurus, Sp. 39. 13 M. inscisus, Sp. 109. 14 Purpura, crassilabrum. 15 M. Lappa, Sp. 98. 16 M. erosus, Sp. 104. 17 M. exiguus, Sp. 106. 18 M. megacerus, Sp. 97. 19 M. vittatus, Sp. 122. 20 M. dipsacus, Sp. 113. 21 M. margariticola, Sp. 118. 22 Fusus carduus. 23 M. dubius, Sp. 119. 24 M. Tarentinus, Sp. 64. 25 M. tetragonus, Sp. 111. 26 M. lugubris, Sp. 108. 27 Fusus squamosus. 28 Pollia buxea. 29 Fusus horridus. 30 M. turbinatus, Sp. 94. 31 M. falcatus, Sp. 101. 32 M, angularis, Sp. 96. 33 M. trialatus, Sp, 58. 48 M. salebrosus, Sr. 116. 49 M. varicosus, Sp. 76. 50 M. pinniger, Sp. 49. 51 M. acanthopterus, var. Sp. 59. 52 M. rarispina, Sp. 4. Martinianes Reese- - 53 M. anguliferus, Sp. 23. 54 M. tripterus, Sp. 55. 55 M. Senegalensis, Sp. 24. 56 M. Brassica, Sp. 88. 57 M. varius, Sp. 69. 58 Fusus cariniferus. 59 M. laciniatus, Sp. 47. 60 M. Jatonus, young, Sp. 79. 61 M. Senegalensis, var. Sp. 24. 62 M. Fiscellum, var. Sp. 117. 63 M. aculeatus, Sp. 32 64 M. Monoceros, Sp. 62. 65 front view of the same. 66 M. axicornis var. Sp. 30. FIG. Fig. 67 M. Maurus, var. Sp. 39. 68 M. ternispina, var. Sp. 2. 69 M. Motacilla, var. Sp. 18. 70 M. similis, Sp. 20. 71 M. tumulosus, Sp. 71. 72 M. corrugatus, Sp. 44. 73 M. scabrosus, Sp. 28. 74 M. canaliferus, Sp. 51. 75 M. mitriformis, Sp. 52. 76 M. Capensis, Sp. 53. 77 M. Saulii, Sp. 34. 78 M. laqueatus, Sp. 45. 79 M. cancellatus, Sp. 50. 80 M. Edwardsii, Sp. 66. 81 M. inconspicuus, Sp. 67. 82 M. Banksii, Sp. 31. 83 M. Balteatus, Sp. 105. 84 M. elegans, Sp. 19. 85 M. acanthopterus, Sp. 59. 86 M. fasciatus, Sp. 68. 87 M. inermis, Sp. 103. 88 M. elongatus, var. Sp. 22. 89 M. elongatus, var. Sp. 22. 90 M. turbinatus, Sp. 94. 91 variety of the same. 92 M. Mindinaoensis, Sp. 17. 93 M. Messorius, Sp. 9. 94 M noduliferus, Sp. 120. 95 M. Cyclostoma, Sp. 107. 96 M. erosus, var. Sp. 104. 97 M. Monoceros, Sp. 62. 98 M. emarginatus. Sp. 61. 99 M. rufus, var. Sp. 42. 100 M. emarginatus, Sp. 61. 101 M. pliciferus, Sp. 14. 102 M. trigonulus, Sp. 48. 103 M. Peruvianus, Sp. 112. 104 M. palmiferus, Sp. 43. 105 M. microphyllus, Sp. 38. 106 M. uncinarius, Sp. 57. 107 M. trigonularis, Sp. 56. 108 M. varius, var. Sp. 69. 109 M. pinniger, Sp. 49. 110 M. ternispina, Sp. 2. 111 M. rectirostrum, Sp. 11. 112 M. formosus Sp. 16. 113 M. nigrescens, Sp. 12. 114 M. digitatus, Sp. 77. 115 M. acanthopterus ? Sp. 59. 116 M. secundus, Sp. 75. 117 M. inconspicuus, Sp. 67. 118 M. Rosarium, Sp. 87. 119 M. Rota, Sp. 73. 120 M. torrefactus, Sp. 35. 121 M. torrefactus, var. Sp. 35. 7 Jupitels 9 2 2 5 ennem GENUS TYPHIS MONTF. A CATALOGUE Of all the Species hitherto known; as described by BRODERIP, in the Zoologioal Proceedings, 1832 ; And figured in Part 200 of the Conchological Illustrations, By G. B. SOWERBY, JUN. 1 T. Cumingii,Brod. Bay of Caraccas, Columbia, Mr. Cuming. 2 T. coronatus, Brod. Salango, Columbia, Mr. Cuming. 3 T. Belcheri, Brod. Cape Blanco. Zool. Museum. 4 T. Sowerbii, Brod. Mediterranean. Philippi considers this as identical with the fossil T. fistulosus, Brocchi. 5 T. pinnatus, Brod. TYPHIS. List of Figures, Part 200. 1, 2 T. Cumingii. Prva . 3, 4 T. coronatus. 5,6 T. Belcheri. 7,8 T. Sowerbii. 41 9 T. Sowerbii, var. 10, 11 T. pinnatus. Ranella. 2 3 hanella 6 הבלגית. BY 3 8 5 Ranella PATA 10 70 .22* CBS jun - Ranella. 15 75 CIKK IT 12 73 14 GBS jun.eac. Ranella. 16 17 17 TELU 76 CCS7 78 78 GB.Sun.com Ranella. 19 DUR 20 20 19 21 21 22 GBSjunetc. RENELLA. Index to the Figures in parts 84, 85, 88, 89, 92, and 93, of the CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, BY G. B. SOWERBY, Jun Fig. 1,1*, R. pusilla, Brod. Z. P. 1832, Pacific Ocean. 2. R. pyramidalis, Brod. Z. P. 1832. Panama. 3. R. vexillum, Sow. Jun. Z, P. 1841. Chiloe and Con- ception. The brown beaded bands are smaller and more numerous, and the outer lip more effuse than in R. argus. 4. R. nitida Brod. Z. P. 1832. Columbia. 5,5.* R. cruentata, Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1841. Ticao, of the Philippines. 6. R. nana, Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1841. Panama. 7. R. rugosa, Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1841. 8. R. cælata, Brod. Z. P. 1832. Panama. 9. R. crumena, Lam. 10. R. rhodostoma, Beck. Sow. Jun. 1811. Isl. Masbate, of the Philippines. 11. R. muriciformis, Brod. Z. P. 1832, Columbia. 11.* R. muriciformis, var. 12. R. affinis, Brod. Z. P. 1832. Annaa. 13. R. tuberculata, Brod. Z. P. 1832. Taheite. 14. R. albo-fasciata, Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1841. Panama, of the Philippines. 8 15. R. lævigata, Lam. 16. R. ventricosa, Brod. Z. P. 1832. Callao. Peru. 17. R. elegans, Beck. Chemn. 1270. Nicobar. 18. R. sub.granosa, Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1841. Bay of Man- illa. This shell differs from R. elegans in being more finely grained and in the tubercles being much less sharp and prominent. 19. R. pulchra, Gray. Jay's catalogue, comonly called the “ Finned Frog.” 20. R. verrucosa, Sow. Jun. from a shell in the collec- tion of J. Norris, Esq. resembling, in general form, R. Rhodostona and R. cruentata, but having on each side of the whorl, 3 rows, each consisting of three large, mahogany brown, smooth, rounded tubercles, between the varices, and of one on the varix. The teeth on the inner lip are interlined with red. 21. R. scrobiculator, var. 22. R. neglecta, Sow. Jun. Z. P. 1841. Monoceros 3 3 7 CINCI I a DOLEN Z GBS.jun.exe Monoceros 6 GB. S. Jon Monoceros 8 10 10 17 11 ] 8 اررر ۔ کل GB.S jun.exc. Monoceros 73 13 14 15 15 16 LBS, A CATALOGUE OF ALL THE RECENT SPECIES HITHERTO KNOWN OF THE GENUS Monoceros, OF LAMARCK. Spec. 1. Mon. cingulatum Lam. Hist. Nat, des anim. sans vert. Encycl. meth. t. 396. f. 4. Sowerby, Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, No. 5, Monoceros, f. 4. Panama. 2 Mon. imbricatum Lam. 1. c. Encycl. meth. t. 396. f. 1. Sowerby, 1.c. Monoceros, f. 1. Tierra del Fuego. var. Conch. Illustr, f. 15. 3 Mon, striatum Lam. 1. c. Encycl. meth. t. 396. f. 3. M. breve, Sowerby, 1, c. Monoceros f. 2. Tierra del Fuego. 4 Mon. glabratum Lam. 1. c. Encycl. meth. t. 396. f. 5. var. Conch. Illustr. f. 16. 5 Mon, crassilabrum Lam. 1. c. Encycl. meth. t. 396. f. 2. Conch. Illustr. f. 14. var. Conch. Illustr. f. 13. Valparaiso. 6 Mon. cymatum, Sowerby, Tank. Cat. No. 1888. Zool. Proc. Buccm, cymatum, Solander, M. S. ined. Mono- ceros lugubre, Sowerby, Genera, No. 5. Monoceros f. 3. Wood Supplement. Tab. 4. Buccinum, f. 11-12. Conch. Illustr. f. 11. California. 7 Mon. grande Gray, in Beechey's Narrative. Conch. Illustr. f. 1. operculum 1. a. Galapagos. 8 Mon. costatum, Sowerby, Zool. Proc. Conch. Illustr, f. 6. Chili (Conception.) 9 Mon.acuminatum, Sowerby, Zool. Proc. Conch. Illustr. f. 10. Chili (Baldivia) 4 Spec. 10 Mon. Globulus, Sowerby. Zool. Proc. Conch. Illustr. f. 8. Chili (Maulé.) 11 Mon, citrinum, Sowerby, Zool. Proc. Conch. Illustr. f. 2. var. Conch. Illustr. f. 12. Coquimbo. 12 Mon. brevidentatum, Gray, in Beechey’s Narrative. Woods Index testaceologicus, Suppl: t. 4. Buccinum, f. 10. Conch. Illustr. f. 4. Purpura cornigera, De Blainville, Annales du Museum, Monographie des Pourpres t. 9. f. 4. 13 Mon. punctulatum, Gray, in Beechey's Narrative. Conch, Illustr. f. 3. 14 Mon, unicarinatum, Sowerby. Conch. Illustr. f. 5. 15 Mon. tuberculatum, Gray. Conch. Illustr. f. 9. 16 Mon, fusoides, King, Zool. Journ. V. p. 348. Conch. Illustr, f. 7. 1 CORRECTED LIST OF FIGURES In Parts 79, 81 to 83, of the CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, Fig. 1. M. grande, a operculum.y. 2. M. citrinum. Sun. 3. M. punctulatum. Gray 3 4. M. brevi-dentatum. 1 5. M. unicarinatum. Sous. 6. M. costatum. 7. M. fusoides, King 8. M. globulus. So. 9. M. tuberculatum. Gray 10. M. acuminatum. Suwi 11. M. cymatum. 12. M. citrinum, var. 13. M. crassilabrum, var. Lam 14. M. crassilabrum. 15. M. imbricatum, var. 16. M. glabratum, var. sowi Eburna. 4 2 5 3 A CATALOGUE OF ALL THE RECENT SPECIES OF THE GENUS EBURNA. CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, Part 20 i spirata Lam. Encycl. meth. t. 401. f. 2. E. Indies. 2 Ambulacrum nob. Tank. Cat. App. p. 22. Conch. Illustr. f. 2. Java. 3 Valentiana Swains. Zool. Illustr. first series pl. 144. Red Sea. 4 pacifica Swains. (lutosa Lam.) Zool. Illustr. first series pl. 146. New Zealand. 5 tessellata Swains. (areolata Lam.) Zool. Illustr, first series. pl. 145. China, Lam. 6 Zeylanica Lam. Encycl. meth. t. 401. f. 3. Ceylon. 7 plumbea nob. Conch. Illustr. f. 3 & 4. Bucc. plumbeum auct.m 8 australis nob. ( Cancellaria spirata Lam. secund. D. Gray.) Conch. Illustr, f. 5. New South Wales. Shell ovate, pinkish brown, with darker spots, spirally striated, with a deep spiral groove close to the suture; outer lip with a small tooth at the edge near the base. 9 papillaris nob. Tank. Cat. App. p. 22. Conch. Illustr. f. 1. Cape of Good Hope. LIST OF FIGURES. Fig. 1. E. papillaris. Sww.fo. 2. E. Ambulacrum. Svw.fo 3 & 4. E. plumbea. Suo hi Sew of f . 5. E. australis. 17 Me Cypraa 5 5 3 7 7 7 1 6 6 0 # 4 8 * 8 8 “ՆՆԱՐԿ GBS. Exc Cypraa 13 10 10 1 9 9 onun mim Walloni 71 17 12 UpV 12 12 G.B.S.Jun. uoc. Cypraea 17 14 14 16 16 15 75 10 ICOS 伊 ​DUNIA 19 19 12 * 78 18 G.B.S.Jun.eu Cypræa. 20 20 22 25 25 2 21 21 TO 12 XX 12 XX 24 23 23 Сурга. 26 26 16X 16% 22X 22X 27 27 2x 28 268 -B.S. jun.axc. Cypræa 30 30 32 36 35 37 34 38 33 29 49 37 G.B.S.jun , w00 Сурга. 42 30 % 39 43 38 x 2* 4.5 48 46 47 AR 50 G.B.S.jun exc. 17 Cypræada 57 55 55 57 57 60 60 56 56 59 59 61 40 58 52 53 54 G.B.S. jun. exo. Cyprеа. 63 w 64 64 65 66 66 GBS Junew 63 Сурга. 67 68 68 "112 69 69 70 22 71 6.B.S. jun.exc. 67 : Gypraa. 1 72 74 74 73 75 () GBS jun.exc. Cypræa 76 77 78 78 73 79 79 76 GBS.junar Operved. Annn 背景 ​暴力 ​87 87 也是 ​80 82 82 () 83 83 80 GB. Sjun exc. Cyprеа. 84 84 84 85 86 86 87 85 87 GB.S. jun. ecco Cypræa. KODE walang 89 88 88 90 91 91 92 JB.Sinema Cypræa 93 94 94 HAI Pulau 90 95 93 95 JBS jun' exc. Cyprеа. 3.40 97 96 96 98 98 99 1.0 97 100 100 6.B.Sjun.ecco Gypræa. 101 102 102 103 103 99 tul 104 104 101 GBSjin.co. Сурга. 105 106 106 108 108 107 210 210 GBS Jun exc Cypræa. 109 105 105 111 111 107 112 112 109 GBS. Jun exc Cyprea 117 116 116 115 115 113 1114 114 117 GBS Juniex Cypraa 118 121 120 120 113 119 119 122 G.B.S.JU Gypræa a. 124 DO 12.3 123 ဝင် 000 09 10 125. 126 126 127 G.B.S fun ise Exprea 128 129 129 2 130 130 125 131 131 1332 ę B f. Jun exe Cypræa 13.- 73.3 131 496 /31 137 34 137 Hot G. B. d. Gunt, exe Cypræa 738 138 133 139. 139 40 134 140 GBS. Jun exe Cyprša COCO 143 143 142* B4 141 144 144 A 142 ته 142 G.B.S. funies puudho 136146 MUS 147 PHI : Gl38 pouces Cyprea 150 129 149 тие 152 151 151 150 GB S Jun 2 ext Cypre raa 153 154 152 152 155 153 hun GBS ponesa Cypraa 152 158 156 100 160 CBS fenese Cypraea 159 161 102 156 162 162 157 G.B.S. June Cyprcea 163 163 165 1644 167 6.B Cyprea 163 166 166 164 168 Q R S fun Gypræa . 772 172 269 170 170 GBS jun.ecco. Gypræa 174 173 173 169 171 171 174 enc GB.S.jun M Cypraa . 175 776 В.Г. ил. ас. Gypræa. 775 O 777 EU TUL Cyprea 180 181 1.81 179 179 180 GBs fumica A CATALOGUE OF THE RECENT SPECIES OF CYPRÆADÆ. In the following Catalogue the Recent Species of the family of Cypræadæ are arranged as far as the present state of knowledge will enable us according to their apparent relations. It is drawn up by Mr. G. B. SOWERBY, the Elder, who alone must be held responsible for all its imperfections, be they few or many. He has added Descriptions of such as are not already described in the Zoological Journal. As representations are given of those that are not figured before they will be referred to in this Catalogue. A few observations are added, and no charge is made for it. Genus CYPRÆA. 2 1 Cypræa Princeps, Gray, Zool. Jour., I. p. 75, Conch. Ill. f. 1, Persian Gulf Mappa, Linn., Encycl. Meth. t. 352, f. 4, Sowerby, Gen. of Shells, Cypræa, f. 3, Indian Ocean, Friendly Islands, Annaa, &c. Obs. Of this beautiful species there are four or five varieties from different localities. 3 Arabica, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 352, f. 1, 2, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Obs. This appears to be a variable species. The C. Histrio, and C. reticulata of some authors, Encycl. Meth., t. 351, f. 1, may possibly prove to be distinct. I have never seen the C. maculata of Barnes, but if - 2 permitted to form my judgment from his figure (Ann. of Lyceum of Nat. Hist. of New York, vol. I., part 1, p. 133, pl. IX. f. 1.) I should say it was perfectly distinct. 4 Cypræa Tigris, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 353, f. 3. Indian and Pacific Oceans. Pantherina, Solander, Encyel. Meth., t. 353, f. 5. Persian Gulf. Obs. C. umbilicata of Sowerby, in Tank. Cat. may prove to be only a variety of this. 6 Mauritiana, Linn., Encycl. Meth. t. 350, f. 2. East Indies and Pacific. 7 stercoraria, Linn., Encycl. Meth. 354, f. 5. Persian Gulf. 8 Aurora, Solander, Chem. XI., f. 1737-1738. Ulitea, one of the Society Islands. 9 Leucodon, Brod., Zoological Journal IV., t. 5. Locality unknown. 10 sulcidentata, Gray, Zool. Journ., t. 7 & 12, f. 5, Locality unknown. 11 Arabicula Lam., Zool. Journ. I., t. 7 & 12, f. 4. St. Elena : small variety from Real Llejos, 12 Lynx, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 355, f. 8. , East Indies and Pacific. 13 Vitellus, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 354, f. 6. East Indian Ocean, Pacific; Annaa. 14 Carneola, Linn., Wood Ind. Test, t. 16, f. 9. East Indian Ocean, Pacific; Annaa. 15 cinerea, Linn., Wood Ind. Test., 17, f. 27. West Indies 15* Reevei, Gray. Shell oval, ventricose, brown; spire evident, aperture narrow, ends short, reddish; teeth 3 small, numerous, continuing over the columella and strongly marked over the cavity at its anterior extremity; length 1.2, breadth 0.85. From Garden Island, mouth of the Swan River. Conch. Illustr., f. 52. 16 Cypræa melanostoma, Leathes, Zool. Journ., t. 18, f. 3, 4. Persian Gulf. 17 achatina, Solander, Wood Ind. Test., t. 17, f. 18. Annaa, South Seas 18 arenosa, Gray, Zool. Journ., I. t. 7 & 12, f. 6. Pacific Ocean, Annaa. 19 - nivosa, Brod,, Zool. Journ. III., t. 4, f. 1, Mauritius 20 Broderipii, Gray, Conch. Illus., f. 2. Mada- gascar. Shell oval, ventricose, rather acuminated in front, of a pale fulvous colour varied with rosy hue and whitish, and for the most part covered with variously sized brown reticulations, dorsal line rather lateral, wide, not covered with the brown reticulations; aperture rather narrow, teeth nearly covering the whole of the columellar lip, white, rather large, those of the columellar lip smaller ; base orange brown; sides darker, cracked, with some white spots about their upper edge; extre- mities brown: length 2:65, breadth 1075, Conch. Illust. f. 2. C. Broderipii, Gray, Descrip. Cat. p. 3, no. 18. Obs. The only specimen known is in Mr. Cum- ings Cabinet. 21 Exanthema, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 349. West Indies. 22 Cervus, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 351, f. 3. . East Indies 4. 23 Cypræa Testudinaria, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 351, f. 2, Mauritius. 24 Talpa, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 353, f. 4, Indian Ocean, Annaa. 25 exusta, Conch. Illustr., f. 2*. Persian Gulf. Shell oblong-oval, dark brown, beneath pitch black; extremities rather produced; teeth very numerous, close-set, small, short, particularly those of the colu- mellar lip; base of the columella white, with two rather obsolete teeth near the anterior extremity; teeth dark brown, not extending over the columella, nor over the concavity near its base; space between the teeth and the fold forming the anterior canal very narrow. Length 2:6, breadth 1:4. Inhabits the Persian Gulph. Obs. This is the Cypræa Talpa exustus of Gray's Descr. Catal. p. 4, no. 28. It appears to be quite distinct. 26 Argus, Linn., Encycl. Method., 350, f. 1. , 0 Indian Ocean ; Friendly Islands. 27 - Scurra, Chem., Encycl. Meth., t. 352, f. 3. Annaa, East Indies. 28 pulchra, Gray, Zool. Journ., Vol. I. t. 7. , and 12, f. 9. Persian Gulf. Isabella, Linn. Wood's Cat., t. 17, f. 18. East Indian and Pacific; Annaa. 30 controversa, Gray, Zool. Journ., t. 7 & 12, f. 7. Obs. This may prove to be only a variety of C. Isabella 31 lurida, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 354, f. 2. Mediterranean. 32 microdon, Gray, Conch. Illust. f. 3. 29 5 - -- 33 Cypræa Scottii Brod., Zool. Jour., Vol V., p. 330, t. XIV. Garden Island. 34 Mus, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 354, f. 1. Obs. The Ovula tuberculosa, Duclos, is a decided Cypræa, and should come next to this; it is the same as Mr. Gray has called Cypræa Deshayesii. 35 tessellata, Swainson, Zool. Illust., t. 111. South Sea Islands. 36 annulata, Gray, Conch. Illust. f. 4. Annaa. 37 Margarita, Sol., Conch. Illust., f. 6. Ulitea. 38 Cicercula, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 355, f. 1. Annaa. 39 Globulus, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 2, East Indies 40 Staphylæa, Linn., Encycl. Meth:, t. 356, f. 9. Mauritius. Nucleus, Linn., Encycl. Meth. t. 355, f. 3. Mauritius; Annaa. 42 Madagascariensis, Lam., Sowerby's Genera, Cypræa, f. 6. Madagascar, Pacific. 43 guttata, Gmel., Zool. Journ., II., t. 18, f. 1, 2. 44 poraria, Lam., Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 4, Ceylon ; Pacific. 45 albuginosa, Gray, Zool. Journ., I., t. 7 and 12, f. 2, Ceylon ; Mexico. 46 Listeri, Gray, Lister, t. 701, f. 48. 47 gangrenosa, Gmel., Conch. Illustr., f. 8, Cey- lon 48 citrina, Gray, Conch. Illustr., f. 9. 49 Helvola, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 13. Tahiti. labong 41 - - 6 50 Cypræa bicallosa, Gray, Conch. Illustr., f. 10. Shell ovate-oblong, extremities rather produced, mar- gined, orange brown, back paler with brown dots; a light coloured callosity at each end of the back; base darker coloured ; teeth large, close, much extended; length breadth 51 spurca, Linn., Encyel. Meth., t. 356, f. 14. var. alba, Conch. Illust., f. 53. 52 flaveola, Linn., Conch. Illustr., f. 11. 53 erosa, Linn., Encycl. Meth. t. 355, f. 4. Annaa. 54 Lamarckii, Gray, Conch. Illustr., f. 12. 55 ocellata, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 355, f. 7. Ceylon. 56 Turdus, Lam., Zool. Journ. I., t. 7 and 12, f. 3. var. alba, Conch. Illust., f. 54. 57 Caput-serpentis, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 354, f. 4. Tahiti, 58 Annulus, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 7. Tahiti. 59 obvelata, Lam., Conch. Illustr., f. 13. Tahiti. 60 Moneta, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 3. 61 Asellus, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 5. 62 4-maculata, Gray, Wood's Cat. App., t. 3.f. 8. 63 interrupta, Gray, Conch. Illustr., f. 15, Ceylon. 64 Hirundo, Linn., Wood's Cat., t. 17., f. 36, var. Owenii, Conch. Illustr., f. 12**. 65 stolida, Linn., Chemn., XI., 1743, 1744, Ceylon. 66 neglecta nobis, Conch. Illustr., f. !2*. Shell ovate-oblong, bluish; with an irregular rust- colored blotch in the middle of the back, ends produced, 7 spire depressed; two black dots at each end; margins and base white, the former brown dotted: teeth nume- rous, much extended on both sides, length 0:7., breadth 04. From the Mauritius. C. Hirundo, var. 1. Gray, Descr, Cat., p. 9. C. stolida, var, nobis. Obs. A very pretty little shell, which may be distin- guished at first sight with ease from both C. Hirundo and C. stolida, though more like the latter than the former. 67 Cypræa punctata, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 355, f. 10, Mauritius. 68 pulchella, Swainson, Conch. Illustr., f. 40. 69 pyriformis, Gray, Conch. Illustr., f. 23, Ceylon. 70 Walkeri, Gray, Conch. Illustr., f. 22*, Shell ovate, somewhat pear-shaped, pale with yellow brown dots, and a broad interrupted central band; spire depressed; base and margin yellowish, the latter with a few purple dots; anterior extremity with two purple spots, posterior with an irregular dark blotch; teeth whitish, their interstices purple, those of the inner lip small, close-set, and somewhat extendedl ; inside purple ; length 0.9. breadth 0:5. Cypræa Walkeri, Gray, Desc. Cat., Cypræadæ, p. 11. Hab. in the Persian Gulph. Collection of Mr. Walker. 71 Humphreysii, Gray, Zool. Journ., I. p. 489, Conch. Illust., f. 55. 72 teres, Gmel., Conch. Illust., f. 56. Shell oblong, cylindrical, pale purplish brown; with three interrupted bands, consisting of short longitudinal stripes, the middle band broadest ; spire umbilicated ; base white; margin white with a few brown spots ; a --- 8 extremities produced, turned upwards; outer lip rather thickened, reflected, with its front depressed ; teeth small, numerous, close-set, all within the aperture, which is narrow and linear, length 08. breadth 0:35. From Haynam. This species approaches nearest to C. tabescens of which Mr. Gray considers it a variety : it appears to me to be easily distinguished by the above characters. 73 tabescens, Solander, Conch. Illustr., f. 14, Ceylon, Tahiti. 74 cylindrica, Born., Sowerby's Genera, Cypræa, f. 4. Tahiti. 75 Cribraria, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 355, f. 5, Mauritius, var. Conch. Illustr., f. 16*. 76 Goodalli, Gray, Conch. Illustr., f. 16. Shell oblong, white, margins with a few brown dots; back with a nearly central irregular brown blotch, having a few white spots on it; spire depressed ; teeth ; small; length 0:55, breadth 0:3. Found by Mr. Cuming. Lord Hood's Island.* C. Goodallii Gray Descrip. Cat. Cypræadæ, p. 10. 77 Cypræa Cumingii, Gray, Conch. Illustr., f. 5, Shell oblong, ends produced, spire depressed; back pale fulvous, with round white spots, margins with round very dark brown dots, outer margin thickened; base white, mouth long and narrow, teeth very small : length 0:6. breadth 0:3. Cypræa Cumingii, Gray, Descr. Cat., p. 6, No. 41. Obs. Two specimens were found by Mr. Cuming. 78 Caurica, Linn., Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 10. * Lord Hood's Island and Annaa or Chain Island belong to the Paumotian group. 9 III - 79 cruentata, Gmel., Encycl. Meth., t. 353, f. 2. 80 errones, Linn., Wood's Cat. t. 17, f. 39. 81 felina, Gmel., Wood's Cat. t. 17, f. 26. 82 irrorata, Solander, Conch. Illus. f. 25. Eli- zabeth Island. 83 Spadicea, Swains., Zool. Illust. t. 182. Upper and lower figures. 84 Onyx, Linn., Wood's Cat. t. 17, f. 31. Obs. There are several varieties of this species, one of which is C. adusta of Lam, : and another very beautiful : variety of a fine flesh-color is represented at f. 17 of these Conch. Illust. 85 Pyrum, Gmel., Encycl. Meth. t. 373, f. 1. Mediterranean. 86 picta, Gray, Zool. Journ. t. 7 & 12, f. 10. Guaymas. 87 zonata, Lam., Zool. Journ., t. 7 & 12, f. 8. 88 Xanthodon, Gray, Conch. Illust. f. 18. Shell ovate, bluish brown, with central and posterior darker transverse bands and dotted with olive brown; base rounded, fulvous, sides rather thickened, lighter, with a few large black spots; teeth reddish brown; inside dark purple: length 1.2, breadth 0:75. Cypræa Xanthodon, Gray's Descrip. Cat., p. 10. 89 nigro-punctata, Gray, Conch. Illust. f. 22. Gallapagos Islands. 90 pallida, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 19. 91 punctulata, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 23. Panama. 92 ziczac, Linn., Encyl. Meth., t. 356, f. 8. 93 undata, Solander, Wood's Cat., t. 17, f. 23. 94 clandestina, Linn., Wood's Cat., app. t. 3, f. 17. Б 10 95 Cypræa lentiginosa, Gray, Zool. Journ., t. 7 & 12, f. 1. Ceylon. 96 contaminata, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 21. Shell pale buff colour, oblong pear-shaped; base and margin with dark brown dots; dorsal margin of the outer lip slightly reflected; spire depressed, extremities produced; teeth small, close set. Length 0:5, breadth 0.27. C. contaminata, Gray's Descriptive Cat. p. 11, No. 88. 97 sanguinolenta, Gmel., Swains. Zool. Illust. t. 182, middle figures. 98 fimbriata, Dillw. Wood's Cat., t. 17, f. 57. Sibo, Mauritius, &c. 99 angustata, Gmel., Wood's Cat., t. 17, f. 32. South Africa. 100 piperita, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 24. New South Wales. 101 - Algoensis, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 26. South- ern Africa. 102 edentula, nobis, Conch. Illust., f. 26.* South- ern Africa Shell pear-shaped, fulvous, dotted with brown; be- neath and border lighter, with darker and larger dots ; margin of the outer lip thickened ; aperture rather wide, without teeth ; anterior extremity of the columella curv- ed downwards, without any folds ; spire distinct, flat ; posterior extremity rather produced : length 0.9, breadth 0.6. Obs. This, according to Mr. Gray, is a variety of his Luponia Algoensis, “ with the teeth more or less ob- literated :” but there never have been the slightest vestige of teeth in any of the specimens we have seen, 11 Cape , nor are there any irregular ridges crossing the front edge of the columella, which form the distinguishing mark of his genus Luponia. It is an extremely rare and very distinct species from Southern Africa. 103 Cypræa similis, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 27. of Good Hope. Shell pear-shaped, smooth, pale brown, with the border and base lighter and spotless : anterior end of the columella crossed by two or three irregular ridges ; teeth of the outer lip large, distant; those of the inner lip closer, slightly extended : length 1.4, breadth 0:9. C. similis, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 36. 104 fusco-dentata, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 28. Cape of Good Hope 105 capensis, Gray, Wood's Cat., app. t. 3, f. 18. Cape of Good Hope. 106 pustulata, Lam., Sowerby's Genera, f. 5. Panama and Isle of Plata, Mexico. 107 Adamsonii, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 7. Mau- ritius. Shell pearshaped, with numerous transverse ribs, decussated by less distinct and more distant longitudinal ribs; whitish, mottled with pale brown; teeth numer- ous, close-set and sharp : length 0:4, breadth 0.25. C. Adamsonii, Gray, Descrip. Cat. of Shells, p. 7, Cypræadæ No. 48. 108 ovulata, Lam., Encycl. Meth., t. 355, f. 2, Cape of Good Hope 109 aperta, Swainson, Wood's Cat., app. t. 3, f. 10. Cape of Good Hope. 110 carnea, Gray, Wood's Cat., app. t. 3, f. 15. - - 12 - 111 Cypræa Maugeriæ, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 30. Galla- pagos. Shell oval, thin, pellucid, rose coloured, with darker ends and a central dorsal blotch; ribs thin, numerous, rather close, the interstices roughish; dorsal groove distinct, narrow; lips whitish, teeth sharp: length 0:5, breadth 0.35. Cypræa Maugeriæ, Gray, Descr. Cat. p. 13, No. 111. 112 Australis, Lam., Conch. Illust., f. 29. New South Wales. 113 - rufescens, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 31. Shell nearly globular, pale reddish, thin, pellucid, ribs thin, rather close; under side white, outer lip rather narrow; no dorsal line; length 0:4, breadth 0:3. Cypræa rufescens, Gray, Descr. Cat. p. 13, No. 112. . 114 Europæa, Lam., Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 1. b. 115 sanguinea, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 32. Panama and Mexico. Shell ovate, dark purplish brown, with a dark crimson blotch on the back, dorsal line short, its ends whitish; ribs rather distant, smooth, lighter coloured: length 0:45, breadth 0:30. Cypræa sanguinea, Gray, Descr. Cat. P. 14, No. 119. quadripunctata, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 33. 117 globosa, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 34. Shell globular, reddish, closely and acutely ribbed; dorsal line narrow, distinct, running from the posterior to the anterior extremity; margin thickened; under side rounded, white; teeth small, sharp: length 0:3, breadth 0:25. Cypræa globosa, Gray, Descr. Cat. , I p. 14, No. 121. 118 exigua, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 35. Shell ovate, pellucid, white, varied with rose colour; 116 -- - -- 13 - extremities subrostrated ; dorsal ribs thick, distant ; ; lateral and ventral ribs thin and close, and teeth small; no dorsal groove: length 0.2, breadth 0.15. New South Wales, G. Humphrey. Cypræa exigua, Gray, . Descr. Cat. p. 15, No. 123. • 119 Cypræa subrostrata, Gray, Conch. Illust. f. 36. 120 fusca, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 37. Gallapa- gos and Bay of Guyaquil. Mus. Cuming. Shell ovato-globose, dark brown, with a pale dorsal streak, extremities slightly produced; ribs small, rather close, some of them not continued to the edge of the lips beneath: length 0:33, breadth 0.25. (ypræa fusca, Gray, Descr. Cat. p. 15, No. 125. p 121 Oryza, Lam., Conch. Illust., f. 38., . 122 nivea, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 38*. - 123 Pulex, Solander, Conch. Illust., f. 32, - 124 Pediculus, Linn , Encycl. Meth., t. 356, f. 1, a. 125 Pacifica, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 39*. Galla- pagos. Shell ovato-oblong, brown, with minute dots and four squarish darker brown alternating spots on the sides of the narrow dorsal grove ; ribs narrow, rather close set; sides rather thickened, rose coloured, base and teeth white : length 0:4, breadth 0:25. Cypræa pacifica, Gray, Descrip. Cat. p. 15, No. 133. 126 suffusa, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 41. Shell ovate, rose-coloured, dotted and varied with reddish brown, base paler ; dorsal groove narrow, ribs close-set, granose on the back; anterior end on each side of the canal rose-red : length 0:45, breadth 0-30. Cypræa suffusa, Gray, Descr. Cat. p. 16, No. 134. 127 Californica, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 42. . - 14 128 Cypræa Solandri, Gray, Conch. Illust., f. 43. Shell reddish brown, with a light-coloured dorsal groove, and a dark streak along each side of it; ribs prominent, wide apart, tuberculated at their dorsal ex- tremities, mouth rather narrow, teeth of the outer lip more numerous than in C. radians: margin generally broad : length 0-7, breadth 0:55. Pacific Ocean. Obs. This species is very much like radians, indeed it is impossible to know which of the two, this or the one we commonly call by that name, is the radians of Lam. The principal difference is in the number of teeth on the inner edge of the outer lip. 129 radians, Lam., Wood's Cat. t. 17, f. 58. 130 depauperata, Nobis, Conch. Illust., f. 49. Shell nearly orbicular, rather depressed. pale fawn coloured, dorsal line narrow, distinct ; transverse ribs few, distant, sometimes interrupted; margins thickened ; under side somewhat rounded; ribs and teeth of the outer lip more numerous and closer than those of the inner: length 0.5, breadth 0·4. The locality of this species, which does not appear to be nearly related to any other is unknown; very few specimens have occurred. Genus, ERATO, Gray. Obs. I readily adopt this Genus, which appears to have been first established by Risso, followed by Gray : merely observing that it is a link connecting Cypræa with Marginella. a 15 ; 2 - 1 Erato scabriuscula, Gray : Marginella Cypræola, Sow- erby, Conch. Illust. f. 45. Shell ovate, turbinate, purplish brown, covered, ex- cept the dorsal line, with minute granules ; spire short, conical ; aperture rather wide, paler coloured; colu- mellar lip plaited transversely its whole length ; outer lip thickened, largely toothed on its inner edge ; ante- rior canal wide : length 0:4, breadth 0.2. Brought by - Mr. Cuming from St. Elena and Acapulco. Obs. Young shell destitute of the minutely granular coat, and of course not showing the dorsal line. sulcifera, Gray, Conch. Illustr. f. 46. Shell ovate, turbinate, pallid, very minutely and in- distinctly granular ; (lorsal line wide, deeply impressed ; aperture linear, very narrow, outer lip thickened, nearly white, minutely toothed on its inner margin ; anterior part of the columellar lip minutely toothed ; a single red spot at the anterior extremity : length 0-2, breadth O‘l. From the Cape of Good Hope ; a single specimen in the late G. Humphrey's collection. lævis, Gray; Cypræa Voluta Mont. Test. Brit. p, 203, t. 6, f.7. Voluta lævis, Dovovan. Coasts of Britain and Mediterranean, Conch. Illustr. f. 57. 4 Maugeriæ, Gray, Conch. Illustr. f. 47. Shell somewhat conical, turbinate, livid ; spire very short, last volution ventricose, very obtusely angular behind ; outer lip thickened, nearly white, toothed along its inner margin ; a few very indistinct teeth near the front of the columella : length 0-2, breadth 0.15. West Indies, common. 5 - Lachryma, Gray. Lachryma trifasciata, Humphrey, MSS., Conch. Illust. f. 48. Shell oval, turbinate, whitish, with three red transverse 3 - - 16 bands, smooth; aperture narrow; outer lip somewhat thickened, minutely toothed on its inner edge; colu- mellar lip slightly concave, toothed anteriorly : length 0.2, breadth 0:13. From New South Wales ; several specimens were in the cabinet of the late G. Humphrey. 6 Erato Guttula, Sowerby, Conch. Illustr. f. 50. Shell ovate, rather ventricose, cream coloured ; spire very short, indistinct, aperture narrow, rather effuse anteriorly; outer lip thickened, very minutely and in- distinctly toothed along its inner margin; columellar lip with three folds anteriorly: length 0.25, breadth 0.15. From the Mauritius. Obs. When worn the spire is distinct. 7 angistoma, Sowerby. Semi-Cowry, G. Humphrey. Shell ovate, gibbose, pallid ; spire short; aperture as long as the whole shell, very narrow; outer lip rather thickened, wide, very minutely toothed along its inner margin; columella with six or seven anterior folds and internal concavity : length 02, breadth 0.15. From the East Indies. Conch. Ill. f. 51. 29 92 99 92 22 Genus OVULUM. 1 Ovulum Ovum, Sowerby, Spec. Conch. Ovulum, f. 1 to 5. 2 Margarita f. 19, 20. 3 Adriaticum f. 23. 24. 4 Pyriforme f. 21, 22, 25. 5 Carneum f. 17, 18. 6 Marginatum f. 15, 16. 7 Lacteum f. 13, 14. 8 Breve f. 26, 27. 9 verrucosum f. 10, 11, 12 2 - 92 92 17 99 99 5 95 99 99 وو 99 99 99 9 9 92 99 99 10 Ovulum angulosum, Sowerby, Sp. Con. Ovulum f. 6 to 9, 11 triticeum f. 35. 12 Frumentum f. 37. 13 striatulum f. 38. 14 emarginatum f. 54, 55. 15 gibbosum f. 28 to 31. 16 obtusum f. 34. 17 Seminulum f. 40. 18 Formicarium f. 39. 19 Secale f. 36. 20 -- Spelta f. 43. 21 intermedium f. 32, 33. 22 birostre f. 41, 42, 44, 45. 23 longirostratum f. 46 to 48. 24 Volva f. 56, 57. 25 aciculare f. 49 to 52. 26 patulum f. 58. 27 hordeaceum f. 53. 28 rufum. Shell oblong, acuminated at the pos- terior extremity, red; outer lip thickened, paler ; aperture narrow, broader anteriorly; columella with a depressed longitudinal line within, and a slightly spiral posterior plait ; length 0:5, breadth 0.15. Varies in being wholly of a pale colour. A few specimens were dredged in sandy mud at a depth of seven fathoms in the Bay of Caraccas by Mr. Cuming. Conch. Ill. Cypræde, f. 58. 29 - Avena. Shell oblong, red, extremities rather acuminated, back somewhat gibbous, very finely trans- versely striated : outer lip thickened, paler ; aperture narrow, broader at the anterior, and notched at the pos- terior extremity; columella with a single plait poste- 99 99 18 riorly ; length 0:55. breadth 0.22. Found by Mr. Cuming at Conchagua in Mexico. Varies in the inten- sity of its colouring. Conch. Ill. Cypreadæ, f. 59. 30 Ovulum inflexum. Shell oblong, somewhat cylindrical, smooth, pale; posterior extremity somewhat beaked, beak inflected; aperture rather effuse anteriorly; outer lip thickened, columellar lip keeled within, with a single of plait posteriorly, length 0:7. breadth 0-25. A single specimen was found by Mr. Cuming in the Gulph of Dulce. Two were in the late G. Humphrey's Collection. Conch. Ill. Cypreade, f. 60. æquale. Shell oblong, somewhat cylindrical, red; outer lip thickened; extremities rather obtuse; aperture rather broad; equal at each extremity; columella with a distinct internal keel, length 0:45. breadth 0:18. Found at Panama by Mr. Cuming. Conch. Ill. Cyp- ræada, f. 61. 31 - INDEX TO THE CYPRÆIDA. Contained in Parts 1 to 8, and 101 to 131, inclusive, ... 4. 5. ... 6. ...... FIG. 1. Cypræa Princeps. Sp. 1. Sowerby's Catalogue. 2. Broderipii. Sp. 22. 2.*...... exusta. Sp. 35. 3.. microdon. Sp. 32. ... annulata. Sp. 36. Cumingii. Sp. 77. Margarita. Sp. 37. 7. ...... Adamsonii. Sp. 107. 8. ... .... gangrenosa. Sp. 47. 8.*...... gangrenosa. var. 9. ...... citrina. Sp. 48. bicallosa. Sp. 50. 11. .... flaveola. Sp. 52. 12. Lamarckii and var. Sp. 54. 12.* ...... Stolida. var. Sp. 65. 12.** ... . Hirundo. var. Sp. 64. 13. 10. ...... .. ...... obvelata. Sp. 59. 14. ...... tabescens. Sp. 73. interrupta. Sp. 63. 16. Goodallii. Sp. 76. 16.*.... cribraria. var. Sp. 75. 15. ... ii. INDEX. ..... FIG. 17. Cypræa Onyx. var. Sp. 84. 18. ...... Xanthodon. Sp. 88. 19. pallida. Sp. 90. 20. ...... punctulata. Sp. 20. 21. ...... contaminata. Sp. 96. 22. .. nigro-punctata. Sp. 89. 22.*...... Walkeri. Sp. 70. 23. ...... pyriformis. Sp. 69. 24. ...... piperita. Sp. 100. 25. ...... irrorata. Sp. 82. 26. ... Algoensis. Sp. 101. 26.*. .... edentula. Sp. 102. 27. ...... similis. Sp. 103. 28. fusco-dentata. Sp. 104. 29. australis. Sp. 112. 30. ...... Maugeriæ. Sp. 111. 31. ...... rufescens. Sp. 113. 32. ...... sanguinea. sanguinea. Sp. 115. 32.*... .... Pulex. Sp. 123. 33. ... 4-punctata. Sp. 116. 34. ...... globosa. Sp. 117. 35. ...... exigua. exigua. Sp. 118. 36. ...... subrostrata. Sp. 119. 37. ...... fusca. Sp. 120. 38. ...... Oryza. Sp. 121. .. 38.*...... nivea. Sp. 122. 39.*.. pacifica. Sp. 125 40. ... pulchella. Sp. 28. 41. ...... suffusa. Sp. 126. 42. ...... Californica. Sp. 127. 43. Solandri. Sp. 128. 44. ...... Scottii. Sp. 33. 45. Erato scabriuscula. ...... INDEX. nii. Fio. 46. Erato sulcifera. 47. .... Maugeriæ. 48. .... Lachryma. 49 Cypræa depauperata Sp. 130. 50. Erato Guttula. 51. .... ... angistoma. 52. Cypræa Reevii. Sp. 15. 53. Spurca, var. alba. Sp. 51. 54. .... Turdus, var. alba. Sp. 56. 55. Humphreysii. Sp. 71. 56. ...... teres. Sp. 72. 57. Erato lævis. 58. Ovulum rufum. 59. ... Avena. 60. inflexum. 61. ...... æquale. 63. Cypræa cribraria. Sp. 75. 64. melanostoma. Sp. 16. 65. melanostoma, var. 66. .. Vitellus. Sp. 13. 67. ...... ocellata. Sp. 55. 68. .. poraria. Sp. 44. 69. Childreni. Not in Catalogue.* 70. ...... Mappa, var. S. Pacific Ocean. Sp.2. 71. .... pustulata. Sp. 106. Pyrum. Sp. 85. 73. .... Achatina. Sp. 17. 74. .... pulchella. Sp. 68. 75....... arenosa. Sp. 18. 76... pallida. Sp. 90. 77. ...... arabicula. Sp. 11. 78. ...... Globulus. Sp. 39. 79. ... ... zonata. Sp. 87. * It should be placed next to C. Nucleus. Sp. 41. 72. ...... iv. INDEX. Fig. 80. Cypræa Histrio. (Arabica Sp. 3.) 81. ...... spurca. Sp. 51. 82. ... ... lurida. lurida. Sp. 31. . 83. ...... staphylæa. Sp. 40. 84. ...... Cicercula. Sp. 38. 85. ...... arabica. Sp. 3. 86. ...... Nucleus. Sp. 41. 87. ... ... clandestina. Sp. 94. 88. ...... 4-maculata. Sp. 62. 89. ... ... var. 90. ...... Tigris. Sp. 4. 91. ...... stolida. Sp. 65. 92.. .... var. 93. ...... Asellus. Sp. 61. 94. ...... tessellata. Sp. 55. 95. ...... spadicea. spadicea. Sp. 83. 96. ... ... Lamarckii, var. alba. Sp. 54. 97. .... Beckii, Gask. Not in Catalogue. 98. ...... Isabella. Sp. 29. 99.. Mappa, var. Sp. 2. 100. ...... nivosa. Sp. 19. 101. .. .. .. cylindrica. Sp. 74 102. ...... albuginosa. Sp. 45 103. ...... Indica, (Scurra, Sp. 27.) 104. .. .. .. spurca. Sp. 51. 105. ...... angustata. Sp. 99. 106. ...... Scurra. Sp. 27. 107. ...... Lynx. Sp. 12. 108. ...... sanguinolenta. Sp. 97. 109. ...... undata. Sp. 93. 110. ...... sulcidentata. Sp. 10. 111. ...... Capensis. Sp. 105. 112. ...... cruentata. Sp. 79. INDEX. v. Sp. 53. 121...... 123... ... FIG. 113. Cypræa Talpa. Sp. 24. 114. .. Listeri. Sp. 46. 115. ...... Annulus. Sp. 58. 116... Madagascariensis. Sp. 42. 117. ...... punctulata. Sp. 91. 118... Lynx, var. Sp. 12. . 119. ...... erosa, var. 120... .. vesicularis. Gask. Not in Catalogue, Helvola. Sp. 49. 122. ..... citrina. Sp. 48. Moneta. Sp. 60. 124. .. errones, var. Sp. 80. 125. .. Argus. Sp. 26. 126... pulchra. Sp. 28. 127... Caput-Serpentis var. Sp. 57. 128... errones, var. Sp. 80. 129. errones, Sp. 80. 130... Moneta, var. Sp. 60. 131. .. Caput-Serpentis. Sp. 57. 132. ...... errones, var. Sp. 80. 133. .. adusta. (Onyx Sp. 84.) 134. .. Pantherina, var. Sp.5. 135. .. Felina, var. Sp. 81 136. .. controversa. Sp. 30. 137... Felina. Sp. 81. 138. .. fimbriata, var. Sp. 98 139... lentiginosa. Sp. 95. 140... fimbriata. Sp. 98. 141... .. Aurora. 142. ...... europæa. Sp. 114, 142* .... adusta. .... .. ... europæa, var. Sp. 114. .. Ziczac. Sp. 92. 144. ... ... aperta. Sp. 8. 143....... Sp. 109. vi. INDEX. ..... Fig. 145. Cypræa ovulata. Sp. 108. 146. ...... radians. Sp. 129. 147. ...... carnea. Sp. 110. 148. ...... Pediculus. Pediculus. Sp. 124. . 149. ...... candidula. candidula. Gask. Zool. Proc. 1836. 150. ...... rubinicolor. Gask. ditto. 151. .. formosa. Gask. ditto. 152. ...... testudinaria. Sp. 23. 153. ...... labiosa. Gask. Zool. Proc. 1836. 154. ...... vesicularis. Gask. ditto. 155. ...... producta. Gask. ditto. 156. ...... Mus. Mus. Sp. 34. 157. ...... Mus, var? 158. ... ... Caurica. Sp. 78. 159. ...... Caurica, var. 160. ...... Caurica. var. 161. ...... erythræensis. Beck. Not in Catalogue. 162. ...... picta. Sp. 86. 163. cinerea. Sp. 15. . 164. Mauritiana. Sp. 6. 165. ...... carneola. Sp. 14. 166. ...... arabica. arabica. Var. reticulata. Sp. 3. 167. ...... stercoraria. 168. Pantherina. Sp. 5. 169. ...... Pantherina. Var umbilicata. Sp. 5. 170. ...... exanthema. exanthema. Sp. 21. 171. ...... erosa. Sp. 53. 172. ...... erosa, var. 173. ...... Turdus. Sp. 56. 174. ... ... Hirundo. Sp. 64. 175. ...... Cervus. Sp. 22. 176. ...... guttata. Sp. 43. 177. ...... 'Leucodon. Sp. 9. Side view. . . Sp. 7. INDEX vii. FIG. Part 131. 178.Cypræa Leucodon. Front view. Sp. 9. 179. ...... achatidea. Gray. Not in Catalogue. 180. ...... errones. var. Sp. 80. (C. subviridis. Reeve.) 181. Cumingii. var. Sp. 77. ... N.B. Parts 1 to 8, and 101 to 131, inclusive, will be found to contain a complete illustrated monograph of the Genus Cypræa. The List published with each separate Part may now be cancelled. 15th Nov. 1837. George Odell, Printer, 18, Princes-street, Oxford-street. Conus 7* 3 5* 6 7 GB.S jun coc Conus. 0 8 Ꮄ ? 10 13 71 72 13x G.B.S.jun.exe Conus. 15 15 K WY 17 18 16 27 20 19 G.B.S.jun.exe Conus 22 23 26 25 24 27 29 28 G.B.S.jun.exo Conus. 31 32 306 300 30 a 30 a 33 30 G.B.S.jun exc Conus 35 34 36 ALICE 39 37 38 40 3.0 41 GBS jun exc Conus 43 44 K 42 w 46 45 48 19 47 G.B.S.jun.ea Conus 51 52 50 2 55 53 54 56 58 57 GB.S jun.c.co. Conus 60 6 59 63 66 Bahan Conus 72 73 71 75 74 21.3 .. 4 Conus 77 76 78 70 81 Ꮄ0 82 84 Ꮄ3 G.B.S.jun. X Conus. 85 86 87 88 89 91 90 90* GB.S. jun.erc. Conus. 76 93 95 Free 96 92 Conus பயறு Web o la 99 98 91 100 101 102 Conus 103 103 104 SEBEL 105 106 Conus பன்ரன் பாரம் 108 107 109 110 Conus 112 1/2 113 be Conus 116 115 119 11a be Conus 29 123 12 /20 /26 . Conus 124 125 120 127 122 132 730 129 Die 131 136 Conus 131 133 du 128 132 135 The following Species and Varieties of the Genus CONUS Are contained in parts 24, 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 36, 37, 54 to 57, 147, 148, 151 to 158, of the CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 1,1*. C. muriculatus Nob. Z. P. 1841. Isl. Masbate, Philip- pines, on Coral Reefs. 2. C. albo-maculatus, Nob. Z. P. 1811. (C. bicolor. Con. Illus.) 3,3*. C. maculosus & var. Nob. Z. P. 1841. Isl. Capul. Phi- lippines. 4. C. Zebra, Lam. 5,5* C. Fabula, Nob. 6. C. nanus, Brod. Z. P. 1833. Lord Hood's Island. 7. C. aurora, Lam. 8,8*. C. luteus, Brod. Annaa. 9. C. arcuatus, Nob. Z. G. IV. 379. Bay of Montija. Sandy mud, at 15 fathoms: 10. C, tiaratus, Brod. Z. P. 1833. Galapagos Islands. 11. C. alveolus, Nob. Z. P. 1841. 12. C. legatus, Lam. Musivum, Brod, Z. P. 1833. Philip- pines. 13. 13* C. purpurascens, Brod. Z. P. 1833. Annaa. 14. C. venulatus, Lam, var, C. nivifer, Brod, Z. P. 1833. Cape De Verd Islands. 15. C. planicostatus, Nob. Z. P.'1841. 16. C. aspersus, Nob. Z. P. 1841. St. Croix. W. J. 17. C. acuminatus, var. (C. insignis, Con. Illus.) 18. C. bicolor, Nob. Z. P. 1841. 19. C. modestus, Nob. perhaps a variety of cinereus, 20. C. unicolor, Nob 21. C. vittatus, Lam. var. 22. C. cardinalis, Lam, var.? (C. ornatus, Con. Illus.) 2 FIG. 23. C. maculiferus, Nob. Z. P. 184). 24. C. bullatus, Lam. var, 25 C. tornatus, Brod. Z. P. 1833, Panama. 26. C. geographus, var. (C. obscurus, Con. Dus.) 27. C. Daucus, Brug. var. “ lutea, fasciata et punctata." (Croceus, list.) 28 C. discrepans. 29. C. regularis, var. Nob. Z. P. 1841. 3). C. Princeps, var. Brod. Z. P. 1833. St. Elena. 30, a, b, C. Princeps, varietates. Monte Christe, Panama, 31. C. Nux, Brod, Z. P. 1833. Galapagos Is!. 32. C. concinnus, Brod. Z. P. 1833. Gulph of California 33. C. geographus, var, rosea, Brod. Z. P. 1833. Annaa. 31. C. Gladiator, Brod. Z. P. 1833. Panama. 35. C. artoptus, Nob. Z. P. 1811. S. Seas. 36. C. incurvus, Brod. Z. P. 1833. Monte Christe. 37. C. monilifer, Sow. Z. P. 1833. Salango. 38. C. Archon, Brod. Z. P. 1833. Bay of Montija. 39. C. Glans, var.? 40. C. Orion. Brod, Z. P. 1833. Rio. Llejos 41. C. inflatus, Nob. 42. C. consors, Nob. Z. P. 1841. 43. C. cinereus, var. 44. C. Spectrum, var. 45. C. regularis, Nob. Z, P. 1811. 46. C. Ammiralis, var. coronatus. 47. C. venulatus, Lam. var. (C. nivifer, Brod.) Cape De Verd Isl. 48. C. Mercator var.? 49. C. Catus, var. 50. C. Hyæna Lam.? 51. C. sphacelatus, Nob. Z. P. 1841. 52. C. cedo-nulli, var? 53. C. splendidulus, Nob. Z. P. 1841. 54. C. promethæus, young ? (C. papillaris C. I. list.) 55. C. proteus Lam. } var? (C. Breviculus C. I. list.) Leoninus Lam. 55. C. Sinensis. (not fine.) China. 3 FIG. 57. C. dispar 58. C. balteatus, Nob. Probably a variety of C. lívidus. 59. C. concolor, Nob. Z. P. 1811. 60. C. Mediterraneus, var, (C. glaucescens C. I. list.) 61. C. pulchellus, Nob. Z. P. 1831. 62. C. Nussatella, var. 63. C. brunneus, Wood, Suppl. pl. 3. f. 1. variety from Galapagos Isl. 61. C. tendineus, var. Annaa. 65. C. Elventinus, Duclos, Guerin. Icon. Sept. 1833. 66. C. algoensis, Nob. 2. P. 1831. Algoa Bay. 67. C. vitulinus, var. 68. C. flavescens, Gray. 69. C. pusio. Nob. 70. C. textile, var. 71. C. auratus Lam. (C. aulicus, var :) 72. C. nimbosus, var. 73. C. monachus, var ? 74. C. Capitaneus, var. 75. C. flammeus, Lam, var? 76. C. solidus, Nob. Z. P. 1841. (Textile, var. list.) 77. C. mustelinus, test. jun. ? 78. C. pauperculus, Nob. Z. P. 1841. 79. C. maculosus, test. jun? (C. papilliferus C. I. list.) 80. C. Thalassiarchus, Gray. 81. C. miliaris, var. granulatus. (C. minimus, C. I. list.) 82. C. fulgetrum Nob. Z P. 1811. 83. C. lividus Lam. var. (C. Roseus, Lam. C. I. list.) 81. C. venulatus, Lam. var. (C. nivifer, Brod. C. I. list.) 85. C. Thalassiarchus, var. 86. C. reticulatus, Wood. 87. C. Regalitatis, Nob. Z. P. 1834. Real Llejos. 88. C. brunneus, Wood. (C. Diadema, C. I. list.) 89. C. monachus, var. 90,90* C, Proteus, test. jun. (C. Papilionaceus, test, jun. (Con. Illus. list.) 91. C. luzonicus. Lam? 92 93 C. Tulipa. 91. C. Cervus. 4 FIG. 95. C. geographus. 96. C. bullatus. 97. C. tessellatus. 98. C. tessellatus, var'. 99. C. Genuanus. 100. C. Miles. 101. Ceburneus. 102. C. Quercinus. 103. C. Centurio, 104. C, Sumatrensis, 105. C. Barbadensis. 106. C. Colubrinus. 107. C. Guinaicus, 108. C, cingulatus, Tank. Cat. Adamsonii. Gray. 109. C. achatinus. 110. C. aurisiacus. 111. C. Præfectus. 112. C. floccatus, No3. Z. P. 1841. (C. Dux C. J. list.) This shell is much broader, less distinctly striated, and more solid than the true C. Dux. of Lamarck and it is sprinkled with flakes of white. 113. C. Generalis, Lam. 114. C. maldivus, Lam. 115. C. Omaicus. 116 & 117. C. Nobilis & var. 118, 119. C. Monile. 120, 120*. C. marmoreus. 121. C. Bandanus. Lam. 122, 123. C. nocturnus, Lam. 124. C. Nicobaricus, Lam. 125, 126. C. araneosus, Lam. 127. C. Zonatus, Lam. 128, 129. C. Imperialis, Lam. 130, 131. C. fuscatus, Lam. 132. C. viridulus, Lam. 133,4,5. C. Capitaneus. 136. C. Mustelinus. 137. C. Rattus DIV. OF MOLLUSKS colu