MUSEUM ОК 98 S72 187? 1817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS UMUM TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM-AMENAM EVITA CIRCUMSPICE 9.09.DOC MUSEUM Museum 522 A А. BOTANICAL DRAWING - BOOK: OR, AN EASY INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING FLOWERS ACCORDING TO NATURE. By JAMES SOWERBY, F. L. S., &c. ORIGINALLY DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF HIS PUPILS. SECOND EDITION. The Author having experienced the Want of a DRAWING-Book sufficiently accurate to enable YOUNG BEGINNERS, who are fond of DeLINEATING Flowers, to distinguish the different Parts absolutely necessary to characterize each PLANT, he has been induced to offer a few Designs to the Public, in order to facilitate BOTANICAL STUDIES, and blend Amusement with Improvement. LONDON: Printed by RICHARD TAYLOR & Co., Shoe-lane. Published and Sold by the AUTHOR, No. 2, Mead Place, near the Asylum, Lambeth: and Sold by WHITE; Highley, Fleet-street; Nicol, Pall Mall: SYMONDS; LONGMAN, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-row; and all other Booksellers. Plates csata 177 178 OF TOHO Plate 1 0 .I 그 ​4 3 5 9 20 8 7 14 72 23 C -6 7 Sowerby del et foutp Publisha by J.Sowvby, Nov.211788. Museum liber 10-3-39 A BOTANICAL DRAWING-BOOK, &c. Flower LOWERS are defined by BOTANISTS to consist of Seven Parts. First, the Calyx. Second, Corolla, or Petal. Third, Stamen. Fourth, Pistil, or Pistillum. Fifth, Seed-vessel, or Pe- ricarpium. Sixth, Seed. Seventh, Receptacle. To which may be added the Nectary, which generally secretes the Honey. P L Α Τ Ε Ι. We begin with the Third Division, or Stamen, because most simple and easy for Learners to imitate.- This is generally composed of Three Parts, viz. The Filament, or Thread, which sustains the Anther ; in which is contained a fine Dust, the Pollen, or Farina. These are called the Male Parts of a Flower ; and on them are founded the Classes of Plants, Fig. 1. A Filament. (a) the Anther detached from it. 2. A double Anther (which is most common) joining the Filament. 3. The Anther opening, showing the Pollen. This is an Example of all the Three Parts composing the Stamen. 4. Anther, pointed at the Top or Apex. 5. Filament, continuing above the Anther. 6. Showing a Contrast in the Stamen of different Flowers Fig. 7. The Stamen, open at the Apex and emitting the Pollen. 8. Hairy Filament; as Plate VI. 9. Filament remarkably thick, as in the Yucca. 10. Club-formed Stamen, as in the Orchis. Note, This is magnified, and resembles an Anther or Collection of from the Proportion of the Filament and Anther. Pollen. 11. Two Stamens of the Fox-Glove; (6) before shedding the Pollen, (c) after. 12. Many Anthers attached to one Base. 13. Anthers united. 14. Stamens in Two Divisions. اد ou Pl.2 a N Il b. d. 6 5 4 3 2 C... 1 8 ed 77 20 9 7 12 f 8 73 J.Sowerby del et foutp. Publisha by J. Sowerby, Nov, 1:1788. P L A T E II. We proceed with the Fourth Division, or Pistillum, being also easy. It is composed of Three Parts, viz. The Stigma, which is the Apex, or Extremity; the Style, or the Middle; and the Germen, future Seed-vessel, or Pericarpium, generally the Base. These are considered as the Female Parts of the Flower, on which the Orders of Plants are chiefly founded. Fig. 1. A plain Pistil: (a) pointed Stigma, (b) the Style, || Fig. 9. Trifid Stigma, each of which is divided, as in Saffron, (c) the Germen. &c. 2. The Three Parts more distinct, as in Cowslip, Prim- 10. Pistil of a Tulip, Three-sided, with a large trifid rose *, &c. Stigma, and very short Style. 3. The Stigma divided in Two, or bifid, as in Fox- 11. Pistil, of the Poppy, or Papaver, Style concealed. 12. Pistil of an Iris, with (d) the Stigma commonly taken 4. Divided in Three Parts, or trifid, as the Lily, &c. Glove, &c. for Corolla; (e) the Base of the Style, where the 5. Divided in Four, as in Epilobium, &c. In some Plants Petals were taken off; (f) the Germen, or Peri- the Stigma hangs down. carpium. 6. Divided in Five, and knobbed. 13. The Stigma, Style, and Germen of an Epilobium; 7. The Stigma fixed like a Button on the Style. (g) the Top of the Pericarpium, where the Calyx 8. A Stigma with nearly two Knobs. and Petals were taken from. * If the Pupil would examine the Primrose, (for Example,) he would discover the Stigma in the Centre, and Five very small Anthers connected by their short Filaments within the Tube of the Flower. UND OF MICH P23 4. 3 N 2 my a 8 D d.. 7 o 5 с mm 20 V 9 2 g S. Sowerby del:et fculp. Publisha by J.Sowerby Nov. 11708 P L A T E III. COROLLA, or PETALS -Second Division A Petal is divided into Two Parts; the spreading Part or Lamina, and the narrow Base, Claw, or Unguis: When tubular, the spreading Part is called the Limbus. Fig. 1. A Petal, nearly round, or orbicular. 2. Oblong, as in many Flowers. 3. Heart-shaped, or Cordate, with the Point downwards, as Roses, &c. 4. Nearly Triangular, as Mallow, &c, 5. Twisted, as in the Dog's-tooth Violet, &c. 6. The Four Petals of a Butterfly-like, or Papilionaceous, Corolla. (a) the upright Petal, Standard, or Vexillum; (6) the Wings, Side Petals, or Alæ; (c) the keeled, lower Petal, or Carina*, Fig. 7. The Unguis and Lamina distinct, as in the Stock or Wall Flower. (d) The Unguis; (e) the Lamina. 8. The same in the Pink, or Dianthus; the Lamina notched, or serrated. 9. Two Petals of a Compound Flower. (f) the Centre; (g) the Radius t. 10. Two other Florets often compounded in a similar Manner. 11. A Petal split, or cloven, as in Chickweed. * Connected at the Base in an acute Angle, something resembling the Keel of a Boat. + Compound Flowers have sometimes but one Sort of Floret, as Dandelion; sometimes two, as Daisy, &c. which I hope the Pupil will examine. ST P74 3 4 1 10 基於 ​7 8. . a J.Sowerby del et foulp. Publihi bijwerbu' To 1,1788. P L A T E IV. The CALYX, or First Division, Which is of One, Two, Three, or more Parts, and various in its Form, Colour, &c. This is said to be a Continuation of the Epidermis, or outer Bark. Fig. 1. A One-leafed or Monophyllous Calyx; this is a Sheath, or Spatha, as in Narcissus, &c. 2. Monophyllous, with Five Divisions at the Top, or Apex. . 3. Calyx of a Grass, in Two Parts, or Diphyllous. 4. Ditto, with Three Parts or Segments, or Triphyllous, 7. Ditto, with Two Lips, or Bilabiate. Some Calyces show this much more distinctly. 8. Ditto, with Five Segments turned back or upwards, the other Five inwards or downwards, as in many Plants. 9. Calyx double, as in Dandelion. 10. A Receptacle, or Receptaculum, of the Dandelion. This belongs to the Seventh Division, and is the End of the Foot-stalk, or Pedunculus *, connecting and supporting the other parts of Fructification. Some- times very different. as Plate VI. 5. Ditto, divided into Four Parts, as Herb Paris, &c. 6. Ditto, divided into many Segments. * Pedunculus, the Foot-stalk of the Flower or Fruit. When coming from the Root, as in Narcissus, Fig. 1, it is a Scapus; also, in the Dandelion, Fig. 9. This is cut, to show it is hollow, (it is also milky or lactescent); the other Examples have part of their proper Peduncles. CH زارا TING Pl6 d 4 3 2 1 8. 7 6 5 B 10 f оа Gb 9 14 25 23 12 11 SiSowerby del et foulp. Publish'd by J. Sowerby Nov 11786. P L A T E V. SPECIMENS of various FLOWERS, &'c. Fig. 1. A Bell-shaped or Campanulate Corolla; this being but a single Petal, is called Monopetalous: (a) the Calyx, (b) the Peduncle. Note, Most of the Flowers here represented have their Calyces and Peduncles. 2. A Monopetalous and Salver-formed Corolla, called Hypocrateriform; example, Water Violet, Prim- at n, called the Neetary; this differs exceedingly in Form, &c. in different Flowers: that Part of a Corolla which cannot be comprised under any of the Seven Terms or Appellations, is commonly con- sidered as Nectary; in the present Case, it is evi- dently an Elongation of the Corolla. Fig. 6. A Monopetalous Corolla with Eight Segments, as in Chlora. This is not so well seen till examined. 7. Corolla of Grass, with the Three Stamina; the Two feathered Styles, &c. (b) its Calyx. 8. A Butterfly or Papilionaceous Corolla; the different Petals explained in Plate III. Fig. 6. rose, &c. 3. A Wheel-formedor Rotate Corolla; example, Veronica. 4. A Cross-formed or Cruciform Corolla; example, Wall-Flower, or Single Stock. 5. A Grinning or Ringent Corolla, called also Personate, as Snap Dragon, which has a long and pointed Base SEEDS, very various in FORM, COLOUR, &c. Fig. 9. Three Seeds, or Semina; one round, or spherical, as a; || Fig. 14. A Broad Bean, in which the Eye or Hilum f is very one Kidney, or Reniform, b; one triangular, c:- visible; and the protuberating Part g is caused by They have sometimes a Crown, or Corona; or are the Root or Radicula. The Heart and Essence of winged with a Down, or Pappus, forming Star-like the Seed, viz. the Corculum, with the Plumula, or Rays if viewed at the Top or Apex, as Fig. 10.- future Plant, will be seen in dividing this Seed; and Without a Foot-stalk, or Sessile, being immediately the Learner will do well to examine Nature at all attached to the Seed, as Fig. 11. Opportunities. 12. Standing on a Foot-stalk or Stipes. 15. A Seed-vessel with Five Cells (cannot be easily mis- 13. Each Ray is feathered. This is often a useful distinction. taken): Seed-vessels vary much, as is well known. A Seed is divided into different Parts. (I have here represented an Apple *, Pomum, or pulpy Pericarpium.) * This is called the Cherry Apple in the Pomona Britannica, from its external Resemblance to that Fruit. OF 2107 P1:6 Publish'd by I:Sowerby Nov.21788. I Sowerby det et faitp. P L A T E VI. TRADESCANTIA VIRGINICA, or VIRGINIAN SPIDER-WORT. The Parts contained in this Flower, no doubt, will easily be understood by those who have become Masters of the preceding; we therefore explain the Remainder for their Satisfaction: Each Flower is supported by its proper Peduncle, or Flower-stem; in this Plant many arise from the same common Centre, forming a simple Umbel; the Two Leaves form a kind of Involucrum, or partial Calyx; the Stem, or Caulis, so called when it supports the Fructification and Leaves, is cut obliquely from the rest of the Plant, which shows it to be rather pithy. It may be necessary to inform those who wish to enter into this pleasing SCIENCE, that very much de- pends on the Parts, Situation, and Structure of the Flower*, that it is highly necessary they should examine their various Forms: by so doing, with the Assistance of this Book, I presume they may attain to Perfection in this part of Drawing. K This WORK being intended to convey to those, inclined to retain, by delineating, the Form of Subjects in NATURAL HISTORY, particularly in BOTANY; we have made use of Outlines, as more easy and distinct, for good Outlines are the first grand Principle of all Drawing. For an accurate and complete Illustration of the Science of Botany, see Dr. Smith's Introduction, just publishing by Longman and Co. UN OA CH Plate 7 6 7 5 7 2 8 3 A Aug. 21807. Publish'd by Ja: Sowerby London, P L A T E VII. Some Plants, often large Trees, have Flowers of one sort on one part of the branch, and of another sort on another part of the branch, or the Male Flowers separate from the Female ones: thus the Cedar of Lebanon, one extent of Solomon's Botanical Wisdom, is of this nature. Fig. 1, The Male Flower. Fig. 2, The Female Flowers, which become large cones when ripe. Sometimes the different Sexes are on different Plants. Other Plants are often of admirable structure, although they have no parts that may come under the general denomination or appearance of Flowers. So the Filices or Ferns produce almost invisible seeds in little seed-vessels or capsules, generally on the back of the Frons*:- See Eng. Bot. 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, &c. The MUSCI, or MOSSES, However common, seem only to attract notice from their soft and delicate appearance; but when botanically examined their structure is truly interesting, the capsule being formed like a case with a cover. Fig. 3, Funaria hygrometrica f. Fig. 4, Magnified Capsule. Fig. 5. Calyptra, or Outer Cover- ing of the Capsule. The little Moss, Fig. 6, seldom found in Great Britain, is supposed by Hasselquist to be the Hyssop of Solomon, (or the other extent of his Botanical Wisdom or Knowledge) because he found it on the walls of Jerusalem ;—see Eng. Bot. 1245. Fig. 7. is Splachnum ampullaceum. Fig. 8, The Capsule magnified, showing teeth, commonly called by Botanists the Peristomium. * Frons is the same as foliage in the meaning, but chiefly used for such plants, however, as have all foliage with very little or no main stem, especially those that have seed on the leaf. + Commonly found on damp waste new ground, or bricks, banksides, &c., and has its name from its curving and twisting in dry weather, and being straighter in wet weather. UNIV OF Plate & 6 1 4 7 2 3 Aug.2.1807. Publisha by Ta!Sowerby London. P L A T E VIII. ALGÆ SEA WEEDS (commonly so called) are of this tribe, and are divided by Botanists into Fucus, Ulva, and Conferva, &c. Fig. 1, Fucus punctatus, or Dotted Fucus, has the fruit or seeds on the outside of the Substance. Fig. 2, A Conferva growing on a Fucus, which are mostly divided in partitions, as Fig. 3, but are ex- tremely minute. Fig. 4, Conferva lipunctata, natural size. Fig. 5, A magnified piece. Other Alge are found on trunks of trees, stones, &c., and are, by botanists, termed Lichens, which, although at first they often appear insignificant, yet they are beautiful and truly interesting upon careful examination.- Some are of great importance in assisting the most beautiful scarlet dyes, and lord Dundonald has found them essential in affording a gum for dyers. Fig. 6, Lichen tartareus. Fig. 7, Lichen parietinus, common on old bushes, walls, &c, UNL Plate 9 1 ---- a e a- 3 2 4 Aug.2.2007. Publisha by Ja: Sowerby London, P L A T E IX. FUNGI, or MUSHROOMS. These, by the vulgar, are commonly called Toadstools, or Toadscaps, &c. (if not Mushrooms, or known to be esculent.) There are a great many species, above five hundred *, and some are remarkably curious in their structure. They chiefly consist of five principal parts. First-Lamellæ or Gills, a. Second-Cap, Top, or Pileus, 1. Third-Stem or Stipes, C. Fourth-Annulus or Ruffle, d. Fifth-Volva or First Covering, et Those Fungi with Gills or Lamellæ are called Agaricus by Linnæus. So the true Edible Mushroom is an Agaricus, and is called A. campesiris, because chiefly found in open ground, Fig. 1. Fig. 2. is called A. muscarius,—a beautiful, but poisonous, Agaric. e is the Volva or Wrapper, which once en- veloped the whole Fungus; and the spots on the Pileus, although so very orderly placed, are fragments of it. This is found chiefly in Pine-woods. We add some other vegetables which are called Fungi. Thus there are Fungi formed somewhat cup-like, called Pezizas. Fig. 3. Peziza cochleata, from its curling or involution somewhat on one side. Others are called Lycoperdons, and when dry, Puff Balls, because they hold an extremely fine powder, which passes from them analogous to a barber's puff, The Lycoperdons are sometimes simple skills including the powder. At others they are supported by legs, as it were. Fig. 4. The Volva, having divided into four segments when protruding the ball, and the lining, as it were, extending from it, and supporting the ball on the centre: this is constant in the species. Some Fungi are called Clavaria, because they are in the shape of clubs. Fig. 5. Clavaria Herculeana, being like Hercules's club. Great Britain is favoured with many varieties of these latter classes; and I thought I could not do better than to use some of them for examples, that those who were inclined might often be able to see growing subjects. * Most of which are figured in English Fungi. + This covers the pileus when young, and as the Fungus advances in growth becomes divided, and forms the white spots. GMT OF grek Plate zo Aug, 2.2007.Publisha by Ja! Sowerby London, Ρ Ι Α Τ Ε Χ. BEFORE I could take my leave of this subject, I could not help adding a short lesson on the use of Opaque Colours, commonly called Body-colours, which are much inquired after, as they generally give additional force or finishing to any subject well managed, and may be carried to admirable nicety by the persevering artist. The little coloured print before us is calculated to show most of the colours necessary for use on this head, and the foregoing plates will show the remainder. Thus there will be a concise list of colours for every purpose, among what are called water-colours. White, or light, is expressed in the heightening the petal of the Primrose, and gradually passes to pale or light yellow, and the five blots are of a fuller yellow. Red is in different gradations at the base of the midrib of the rugose * Primrose-leaf. Blue is seen in some variety in the middle blue flowers of Myosotis scorpioides. Thus there are ex- amples of the three Primitive Colours, from which all others proceed. Yellow and Red compose one of the binaries, making orange, which is exemplified in the little glan- dular covers over the stamina in the middle of the corolla of the Myosotis above mentioned; and, although so small, show some gradations from light to dark. The other binaries are Yellow and Blue, which make the greens, and are pretty well understood; and Red and Blue to form the purple tints, also pretty well known. These three may form all the seven prismatic colours and gradations. The three incorporated, which may be called ternaries, make up the sum total of all tints possible, forming the browns, grays, and blacks t. Thus there are primaries, binaries, and ternaries I:—See Chro- matic Scale. * Smith's Introduction to Botany, p. 163. + I know that Dr. Lewis pronounced that the three primitives would not produce a black. # I was favoured with this by Wilkins, Esq. Secretary at the India House. It next depends upon the artist to place them judiciously for the intended representation, on which alone perfection depends: not unlike the statuary, who can find any form he has ability to produce in the rudest block of stone or marble. I will now in order show all the pigments necessary for use. Whites, whether considered as light or colour, are absolutely necessary for opaque drawings; but the white paper in some drawings may serve, as in tab. 1. fig. 9. 10. 14. tab. 2. fig. 12. or the colour more dilute for a lightish appearance, as is readily seen in different examples. A new magnesian white, found lately in India, is used in the lights of the Primrose *. It will not change, and is likely to prove very useful. 2. The best Whitening, when well managed, may be used in general. 3. Bone-white may sometimes be used, and is convenient with some purples; but changes brown with Prussian blue. Yellows. 4. Gamloge, tab. 1. part of tab. 5, 6, 7, 8. 13. &c. and 5. King's yellow, sometimes used in opaque objects, may be all that are necessary. Reds may be 6. Carmine, tab. 1. fig. 4. 7. Red cochineal, tab. 3. fig. 6.a; and 8. Venetian red, merely a common brick-red, and not worth further notice. And of Blues. 9. Prussian, used in shading flowers, tab. fo. 10. Indigo, useful in fixing shades and dull greens, browns, &c. 11. Antwerp, tab. 5. fig. 1. &c. 12. Smalt; and 13. Ultramarine t. Nos. 4. 6 and 9, if truly perfect and bright, would answer for the composition of all colours. The others are merely supernumeraries for cheapness or brightness; and Nature, ever willing to help us, has allowed us to make two more tints; viz. Orange lead, and Verdigrise green, which happily are seldom wanted; the first is apt to turn black, and the other is unwholesome to use much of. I once thought of adding to this a Chromatic Scale, or List of Colours; but as that is calculated for more universal purposes, I shall publish it separate, that it may be attached to this or any other work, as may be most desirable. * I was favoured with this by --- Wilkins, Esq. Secretary at the India House. + These two latter ones are seldom wanted, are very opaque, and require strong gum Arabic water in using them; the others a more moderate share, and seldom any thing else when well ground. Gamboge is a sort of gum, and wants no addition, PROSPECTUS OF WORKS PUBLISHED BY JAMES SOWERBY. 1. BRITISH MINERALOGY, or the Minerals of England, Scotland, and Ireland; comprehending the Combustibles, Earths, and Metals, in Coloured Figures, with Descriptions from the Primitive Crystals to their Amorphous States, as either for Ornaments, Agriculture, or other useful and scientific Pur- poses. By James Sowerby. No. 1 to 41, Price 6l. 10s. Continuing in Numbers, published every two Months, at 5s. each. 2. SOWERBY'S ENGLISH BOTANY, or Coloured Figures of all the Plants Natives of the Empire of Great Britain, with their Essential Characters, Synonyms, and Places of Growth, &c.; to which are added occasional Remarks on their medicinal Virtues, and other useful Observations. No. 1. to 186. 361. 2s. Continuing in Montbly Numbers at 5s. per Number. The Descriptions by Dr. Smith. 3. BRITISH MISCELLANY, or Coloured Figures of new, rare, or little known Animal Subjects, many not before ascertained to be Inhabitants of the British Isles, and chiefly in Possession of the Author, James Sowerby. 12 Numbers. 4. Exotic BOTANY, or Coloured Figures of new, beautiful and rare Exotic Plants. No. 1 to 22; 4to, at 5s. per Number. 8vo, at 2s. 6d. each Number. 5. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY; Part I, with Models, 10s. 6d. ; without Models, 15.-Intended to explain the Nature of the Crystallization of different Mineral Substances. The First Part being on Coals, the Second is intended to explain the Formation of that curious combustible Substance the Diamond, or . pure Carbon 6. English FUNGI, or Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms. By James Sowerby, F.L.S. &c. In 27 Numbers, 101. 35. 6d. Shortly will be published, 7. A Concise PRODROMUS of the British Minerals in Mr. Sowerby's Cabinet, as a sort of Essay towards a new, natural, and easy Arrangement, with References to the Author's British Mineralogy, made for the use of those who will find British Mineralogy more useful for a Library than a travelling Book. Mr. Sowerby having found no consistent reason, generally speaking, for the foundation of any former System, presumes to offer this, rather to learn the Sentiments of the Public on such a system, allowing for errors, which he hopes to have corrected by their discernment. In his more extensive application, Mr. Sowerby thinks a good Arrangement may much facilitate this useful foundation of every branch of knowledge. 8. Also an Essay for a new and universal CHROMATIC SCALE, or List of Colours. It being a great desideratum in the present state of our knowledge in natural researches, to find a means of universal agreement on this head, the Author was induced to offer this, as likely, with much simplicity, case, and facility, to answer that end. By JAMES SOWERBY, *** Mr. Sowerby has, in the above Works, endeavoured at filling up some of the desiderata of British information with the best intent. Their utility is sufficiently evinced by the publicity they have obtained without the usual aid of continual advertisement. RICHARD TAYLOR & Co. Printers, Shoe-lane. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06196 3206 BOUND MAY 26 1945 UNIV. OF MICH. LIBRARY HERBARIUM GRIVIERAMY