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SALANSDALIKUTANA TONING STRAI p. T 2. Ma tu ma t, Man # R IN -* ##! #1 **TER) · 112 DA 25 ;ES H34 ? COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING, &c., RESENTED MAJES ぐう ​BV CALENDAR LUJWN. COVER OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1643-1660, PRESERVED IN THE STATE PAPER DEPARTMENT OF HER MAJESTY'S PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. CASES, Jan. 1654-Dec. 1659, WITH INTRODUCTION, ADDENDA, AND INDEX. EDITED BY MARY ANNE EVERETT GREEN, Author of "The Lives of the Princesses of England," &c. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASTER OF THE ROLLS, AND WITH THE SANCTION OF HER MAJESTY'S SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C.; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH; and 21, DRURY STREET, GLASGOW; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., 104, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN, 1892. CONTENTS OF THIS VOLUME. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED INTRODUCTION CASES IMPERFECT CASES - ADDENDA ERRATA INDEX · 70858. Wt. 21703. U 1 • T & 3 Page iv V 3177 3256 3261 3309 3313 (iv) ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE LEFT-HAND MARGIN. ACCTS. Accounts. ART. Articles of War. c. Certificate. C.P. Case postponed. C.R. Case referred. D. Deposition. E.W. Order for examination of witnesses. F.C. Fine confirmed. н. Hearing. 1. Interrogatories. IND. Indenture. INF. Information, L. or LET. Letter. L.C.C. Letter of County Com- mittee. o. Order. o.c. Order confirmed. o.c.c. Order of County Committee. o.c.F.s. Order of Committee for Sequestrations. o.c.o.s. Order of Council of State. O.C.P.M. Order of Committee for Plundered Ministers. O.H.C. Order of the House of Com- mons. O.T.T. Order of the Trustees for sale of lands forfeited for treason. O.T. Negative oath taken. P. Petition. P.E. Particular of estate. P.O. Parliament order. P.R. Petition referred. PROT. Protection. PUB. Publication of proofs. R. Report. REC. Receipt. REQ. Request. R.C. Reference to County Com- mittee. s. Summons to appear. SUR, Survey of estate. ( v ) INTRODUCTION. THE natural place for an introduction is at the beginning of the first volume or part of a work, but in the present instance, although the general outlines of the proceedings of the Com- pounding Committee were given in the preface to the first part of this Calendar, and to the Cases in the preface to the second part, it was not found possible to trace the full bearings of the Committee upon the cases until the whole of these were in print and indexed. An attempt will now be made, by the selection of illustrative example, to show how the legislation of Parliament and of the Committee for Compounding acted upon the individuals concerned. In the earlier cases the initiative was taken by Parliament, and Early cases. chiefly against those who were already prisoners in the Tower for delinquency. Sir Robert Cooke had been assessed at 2,000l., and sequestered for refusing to pay, but discharged 7th Oct. 1644, on payment of the whole sum with 100l. for charges; yet a week later he was again sequestered for non-payment of a second fine of 2,000l., imposed because he declared it was against his conscience to take the protestation, or contribute on the Parliamentary propositions, or send horses and arms to the musters. In Nov. 1646, he implored for his discharge, declaring that he had been guilty of no act of delinquency, and regretting that he had said or done anything to give offence. His case was referred to the Committee for Compounding, but no further record of it appears (pp. 857, 858). Sir Rob. Littleton, of Hagley, co. Worcester, also prisoner in the Tower, was fined 4,000., which he refused to pay, on the ground that his estate lay in the King's power, and would be taken from him if he paid composition money. The difficulty was met by his settling his impropriations on Ministers, in lieu of payment of part of his fine (p. 863). A large proportion of the early compositions, from 7 Feb. 1644, to Dec. 1645, were based upon the "Declaration of Both Kingdoms "an important document, though little known, as it is not found in the large collections of printed State papers of the Declaration of both King- doms. vi INTRODUCTION. period, nor does a copy exist in print or MS.in the Public Record Office. It is to be found in Edw. Husbands' collection of Par- liamentary papers, 1643 to 1646, p. 417,* and is thus headed :— "Die Martis, 30 Januar., 1643 [i.e., 1644]. The Declaration of the Kingdomes of England and Scotland joyned in Armes for the Vindication and defence of their Religion, Liberties, and Lawes, against the Popish, Prelaticall, and Malignant party; By the Honourable Houses of the Par- liament of England, and the Honourable Convention of Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland, in the year 1643." (< After denouncing as "professed adversaries and malignants those who, on pretext of indifference, refuse "to take the Covenant and joyne with all their power in the defence of this cause against the common enemy," it proceeds thus :- (C Fourthly. Because a great many of the multitude of the people, upon ignorant mistakeings, false Informations, and Threats, or Compulsions, against their wills and inclination, have been induced or constrained to joyne in Armes with the Enemies. against their Religion and Native Country; Wee doe declare that all common Souldiers who, upon the humble acknowledegment of their former Errors, shall offer themselves willingly and speedily to take the Covenant, and shall joyne heartily and really in the defence of this Cause, as becommeth good Christians and lovers of their Country, shall be freely accepted into the Covenant, and their former Error passed by; otherwise let them expect the punishment of wilfull Delinquents and Malignants. "} * * * "Fifthly. Because some of the Scottish Nation, upon their own private respects, or upon specious pretences and faire persuasions, have joyned themselves in Armes with the Popish, Prelaticall, and Malignant party, against the Parliament and Kingdome of England Wee doe therefore again Warne all such, of whatsoever quality, and in whatsoever place, speedily to withdraw themselves from that Faction, to confesse their mistakes, and to joyne in the Covenant and Cause of God in both Kingdoms, before the first day of March next; otherwise Wee declare, in the behalfe of the Kingdome of England, that they are to expect no favour, but are to be used as desperate Malignants; and Wee Declare, in behalfe of the Kingdome of Scotland, if they either * I am indebted to Mr. S. Rawson Gardner's invaluable history for this indication. INTRODUCTION. vii continue in Armes after the foresaid first day of March, or withhold their helpe and assistance from their Native Country in the time of trouble and danger, they are to be censured and punished as publique Enemies to their Religion and Country, perfidious transgressors of their Nationall Covenant, and their Estates disposed of for the use of the Publique. CC Sixthly. Because there are divers Noblemen, Knights, Gentle- men, Citizens, and others, who by forsaking or deserting the Parliament of England, and by joyning themselves to the enemies of religion, his Majestie's happiness, and peace of the kingdoms, have made the Division greater and yet are not to bee reckoned amongst the prime Authors of this unnaturall Warre, nor amongst the malicious and desperate Enemies of their Religion and Country: Wee doe Declare, That all such forsaking their former Opposition, returning to their duty, and indeavouring the good of Religion, and the publique Peace, shall, as to their lives and liberties of their persons, be secured, and shall be received into favour: But to the end that a just difference may be made betwixt such persons returning so late to their duty, and those that never departed from it, they must expect that toward the payment of the publique Debts, relieving the common burdens of the Kingdomes, and repairing of particular losses, all which in a great part have been contracted and sustained by their default or procurement their Estates in some proportions should be lyable, and that as the wisedome and discretion of the Parliament, or of such as shall be authorized by them (who will be as carefull to prevent their ruin, as to punish their Delinquencies) shall find and judge to be necessary for that end. "Wherein also, the time of their returning and offering them- selves, the reality of their affections and intentions, and readiness, to joyne in the common Cause, and Covenant, will be taken into speciall consideration. And in And case they persist in their Opposition, and shall not return before the first day of March next, they are not to expect favour, but shall be punished as public enemies to their religion and country. "Seventhly, Because Papists and Popish Recusants, according to the principles of their Profession, have ever been plotting and contriving the change of Religion in this Island, and the Ruine of all the professors thereof; And after the Frustration of viii INTRODUCTION. their attempts, having waited upon such a time as this, have alienated the Heart of the King's Majestie from his Protestant and Loyall Subjects, taken Armes against the Parliament and Kingdome, and by all their meanes and powers, have maintained a Bloody and unnaturall Warre, presuming in the end to have their execrable Superstition and Idolatry set up in the place of the true Reformed Religion, and the King and his Kingdomes to be brought under the Power and Tyranny of the Pope: We doe hereby Declare, That all such Papists and Popish Recusants, who have been, now are, or shall be actually in Armes, under the false pretence of defending the King's Person and Authority are to Look for no favour, but to be punished as Traytors, and profess'd and intolerable Enemies of Religion and their Native Country. The same Declaration We also make against all such Irish Rebels, whether Papists or others, who have come over from Ireland, and assisted in this Warre against the Parliament, and Kingdom of England.” are "And lastly. Because there are some few wicked and divellish Spirits of both Kingdomes, who have kindled and fomented the Fire of Division and Warre betwixt the King and Parliament, or bave misgoverned his Majestie's counsels and courses, to his own dishonour, and to the destruction of his loving and dutiful subjects, or have infused malignanoie in others, or have been restless and active instruments of the troubles and miseries of his Majestie's dominions, Wee doe Declare, concerning those who or shall be found by the Supreame Judicatories of the Kingdomes respectively, or their Committees appointed for that effect, to be such that, as the conscience of their own bad deservings hath made them to despair of favour, and thereby uncessantly to work more and more mischief against their religion and native country, so are they to looke for such Execution of Justice, as is due to Traytors and enemies of religion, of the King and his kingdomes, for terrour and And it is further example to others, in all times to come. now declared, that the whole Estates, reall or personall, move- able and Inheritance, of those that shall not come in at the times before limited in the Sixth Article, and of the persons before excepted from Pardon (as of Papists in Arms, Irish Rebels, and those who shall be found to come within the compass of the precedent Article), shall be forfeited, and em- + INTRODUCTION. ix ployed for paying the Publique Debts, relieving the common bur- dens of the Kingdomes, and repairing of particular Losses.” to the Com- There is no reference directly in this document to the Committee Cases referred for Compounding, but it is indicated in the phrase that delinquents mittee for returning to their duty are to be liable to such payments towards Compounding. the public debts "as the wisdom and discretion of Parliament or of such as shall be authorized by them may deem fitting.” The petitions were therefore made to Parliament and by them. referred to the Committee for Compounding. The first of these compounders, 7 Feb. 1644, was Sir Edw. Dering. He will freely pay what proportion of his estate Parliament thinks fit, "trusting to them to preserve him from ruin," as his family have received nothing since his sequestration. His fine was 1,000l. (pp. 831-2). The next case was that of Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland. He petitions the House of Peers, expressing penitence that he was seduced to desert and oppose Parliament, for which he is now ready to sacrifice life and fortune, and begs for restoration to liberty, and to "such part of his fortune as to their wisdom seems fit." As he had already paid 2,000l. for his twentieth part, it was decided to "deal freely and nobly with him," and grant him three fourths of his estate. His fine was set first at 2,0007., but on his appearing to plead his own cause, it was reduced to 1,000l. (p. 832). He was followed by Sir Rich. Halford, Bart., who was fined 2,000l. (p. 835), and Sir Fras. Leigh, 1,000l. (p. 837). Sir John Baker, Bart., was first fined 5,000l., but this was reduced to 3,000l. (p. 840). There are 13 other cases of persons who came in on this Declaration, including that of James, Earl of Carlisle, whose fine of 1,000l. was reduced to 500l. (p. 853). The last was that of Sir Thos. Gower, Bart., on 2 Dec. 1645 (p. 1042). By this time the constitution and powers of the Committee for Compounding were so well established that compounders appealed directly to them, without intervention of Parliament. The modus operandi was that the intending compounder pre- Modus sented to the Committee his petition, stating the nature and operandi. amount and date of his delinquency. This was accompanied by particulars of his estate, which were to be entered into a book and signed by himself (p. 27) and certificates of his having taken the X INTRODUCTION. Fines. House of Lords. National Covenant, and the Negative Oath, or Oath of Abjuration.* These papers, with any others sent in exculpation of the delin- quent, were then passed on to the Counsel for the Committee, who thereupon issued a report, on which the fine was set, and its amount is usually noted upon the report. To ensure the good faith and accuracy of the particulars of estates, it was ordered that in case of any concealment or omission of the value of an estate "as it was before these troubles began," the owner shall pay 4 times the value of the real estate omitted, and forfeit all the personalty (p. 30). The fines varied in amount from two thirds to a tenth of the value of the compounder's estate, according to the more or less aggravated circumstances of his delinquency. On payment of the first half of the fine, the Committee had power to suspend the sequestration of the estate, and to discharge it on payment of the whole, but the compounder was within 6 weeks to sue out his pardon under the Great Seal, and it was to be allowed and passed by both houses of Parliament (p. 33). The action of the Lords seems, however, to have been nugatory, for although on February 1st, 1647, they passed an order refusing to authorize the compositions made at Goldsmiths' Hall, and for- bidding the County Commissioners to discharge the sequestrations (p. 55), no notice whatever seems to have been taken of it. Indeed, the Commons had virtually defied the action of the Lords in matters of composition, by authorizing the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers to pay certain moneys charged on them "any orders of the House of Lords notwithstanding" (p. 44). The difference in the rates of fine was not quite so great as, prima facie, it appeared to be, because there was a different mode of calculation for the different classes of compounders (p. 58). Those fined at a tenth paid at the rate of 20 years' purchase, or 2 years' value of their estates, those fined at a sixth paid at the rate of 18 years' purchase, those at a third or half paid at 15 years' purchase, and those fined at two thirds paid only at 12 years' purchase. The heavy penalty of two thirds was only inflicted on those pertinacious Royalists who were M.Ps, held out to the very last, and were in Pendennis Castle at its surrender, or who were very active against Parliament. * A copy of this oath occurs in G 101, p. 1053. INTRODUCTION. xi The fines inflicted on Peers and wealthy Commoners were enor- Large fines. mous, when it is considered that they have to be multiplied by 4 to represent their value in money at its present rate. Among the highest recorded are those of Sir Hen. Fred. Thynne, ancestor of the Marquess of Bath, who was first fined at 17,900l., being half his estate, but the fine was reduced to 7,160l. on proof of his early surrender (p. 910). Baptist Noel, Viscount Campden, was fined 14,000l. (p. 939), Richard, Lord Newport, upwards of 10,000l. (p. 924), and Sir Edw. Hussey, Bart., 10,2001. (p. 1022). The Earl of Thanet represents his case as one of special hardship, because in December 1643, he paid 2,000l. on pain of sequestration. Later he lost through the wars 6,000 oz. of plate, horses and sheep worth 2,000l., a house which cost 32,000l., woods and timber worth 20,000l., beside his parks and deer which were destroyed, and his household stuff, taken from his 3 houses at Windsor, Heathfield, and London. On these grounds his fine was first set at 4,000l., but a remonstrance was made that, as his real estate was worth 10,000l. a year, and as he had not only been in actual war against Parliament, but had sent plate and money to the King, his fine ought to be 20,000l. This, however, was modified to a fine of 9,000l., which was paid (pp. 839, 840). Sir Rich. Leveson, K.B., who had been a member of the House. of Commons, but deserted Parliament, and sat in the assembly at Oxford, was fined at 9,846l., though he pleads that he has been nine months a prisoner, that his estate is heavily charged, that he has been sequestered three years, has lost personalty worth 24,000l., and that his chief house in Shropshire has been demolished, and his park and pales destroyed, to his further loss of 6,0001. He obtained no mitigation beyond an abatement of 3,846. in lieu of 380l. a year, the value of tithes settled by him on Ministers. As to these he complains that they are undervalued in his composition, as coming to him only in 1642, he had not ascertained their true value. This statement was received with suspicion. When a man compounded, the smaller he made his estate to appear the smaller was his fine; but when rectories or tithes were allowed for, the greater their value, the larger was the reduction on the fine. So he now pleads that the value of the tithes was 4381. instead of 380l. a year, and that this valuation was made at 10 years' purchase, whereas his fine was set at 15 years' purchase. he did not succeed in obtaining any abatement (p. 990). But xii INTRODUCTION. Fines medium. Fines small. 8 The Earl of Down, whose estates lay chiefly in Oxfordshire, was fined 5,000l., but as all his lands, except 400l. a year, lay in the King's quarters, he was ordered to pay 1,500l. at once, and the rest in 6 months, provided Oxford was then reduced. He managed to pay in 1,000l., but failing to pay the rest, he was re-sequestered 4 years later. At length he got leave from Parliament to sell land worth 500l. a year to enable him to pay the 4,000l.; the fine was refused at first, because he had elapsed the time allowed for pay- ment, but Parliament ordered that it should be received, on security that the interest should be paid in a month (pp. 934, 935). Lady Portman, the widow of Sir Wm. Portman, of Orchard, Somerset, was fined 5,414l. 4s, on behalf of her young son, and this sum was to be paid over to the town of Taunton, in recom- pense of their losses and sufferings in the Parliament's cause. The fine was reduced, however, by the settlement of rectories, and the rectification of errors in the composition, to 8577. 10s. 8d. (pp. 900,901). Of the aristocracy, while a considerable number compounded, others, as the Earls of Arundel and Newcastle, Duke of Bucking- ham, &c., submitted to the spoliation and sale of their estates rather than so far acknowledge the authority of Parliament as to compound for them, though by so doing they forfeited the whole excepting the fifth reserved to the families of delinquents. The compounders of the upper and middle classes of society were very numerous, and with fines ranging from a few thousands to a few hundreds of pounds. Some compounded on their own discovery, as by so doing they obtained a mitigation in the pro- portion of the fine. Others compounded because they were in the hands of the Sequestration Committee, and though they professed their innocence, they found its proceedings so slow and so expensive that rather than wait for their discharge, they pre- ferred to compound for their estates (see Skeffington, p. 2207; Withers, p. 2208). As time advanced, the ever craving needs of the Exchequer led to the admission to composition of persons of very small means, including some who possessed literally nothing beyond their wear- ing apparel, or in addition their horses and arms. Thus we come to fines of 1l. only, as Wm. Maltby (p. 2705), Wm. Fairside (p. 2722), Ant. Brocket (p. 2742), Chris. Kirk, who paid a guinea for wearing apparel value 67. 6s. 8d. (p. 2724), and Edm Hobart, who paid 16s. 8d. for wearing apparel value 5l. (p. 2906). Small INTRODUCTION. xiii as these fines appear, they would amount to a heavy sum because they were levied on so large a number of persons. It is true that on 8 Dec. 1646 an order was issued by the House of Commons (p. 51) that no persons should be fined whose estates were under the value of 2001., and a few instances occur where this plea was successfully urged (see Pycke, p. 2135; Rose, p. 2145; Beale and Parker, p. 1716; Hatton, p. 3284); but the instances above given, which might be multiplied a hundred fold, prove that it remained for the most part a dead letter. vants. Those gentlemen who were in the personal service of the King, Crown ser- Queen, or Prince, frequently pleaded for exemption from fine, on the ground that they were bound to attendance by their oath of office; this plea was not allowed to avail them if it could be proved that they had entered into active military service for the King, but their fines were limited to a tenth (p. 139). Thus Sir George Grimes, "a sworn servant," was fined 500l. on report that he was at the battle of Edgehill, and "is yet unsettled in his judgment in the difference between King and Parliament" (p. 835); Sir Francis Leigh, gentleman of the Privy Chamber, was first fined 3,0007., though he had only served 3 months at Oxford, and had lost 3,000l. by the felling of his woods, but on his earnest plea to the House of Commons, the fine was reduced to 1,000l. (p. 837). John Ayton, gentleman usher to the Prince, was fined 400l. for being a delinquent at Oxford, although he pleaded that by taking the Covenant and submitting to Parliament, he had lost his place, worth 400l. a year (p. 896), and Nicholas Horne, yeoman of the King's guard, was fined 931. for a small estate, notwithstanding his plea that he gave 310l. for his place, which obliged his attendance on the King, and that he has no other maintenance for himself and five children (p. 959). John Neale, clerk of the Spicery, was fined 1307., although he declared that he only went to Oxford in execution of his office, according to his oath on admission, and never took up arms against Parliament (p. 1048). As to the Civil Officers of the Crown, Parliament ordered Civil Officers. that they were all to be summoned to attend and take the Covenant; such as complied were to be retained, and the rest dismissed from office. Thos. Willis, a clerk of the Crown in Chancery, having gone to Oxford with the King, John Bolles was put in his place. In 1649 Willis petitioned for restoration to xiv INTRODUCTION. Lawyers and Clerks. office, on the ground that he was forcibly carried to Oxford by a party of the King's horse, and pleaded for leave to return to the Parliament at Westminster, but was refused. He was, however, treated as a delinquent and fined 516l. 13s. 4d., which he paid, with 25l. 6s. 8d. interest. In 1654, being in prison for debt, he petitioned the Protector that his creditors might be paid from the profits of the office, for which Bolles, who only acted as his deputy, should be called to account. Bolles denied that he was only a deputy, and said that he was sworn in by both Houses as clerk in his own right, on Willis' desertion of his post. The report on the case, by a Committee of Council, to whom it was referred, was that Willis was rendered incapable of office by delin- quency, and therefore it should be granted either to his son Valentine, or to Bolles if he can make good his claim at law (pp. 830, 831). Offices were not allowed to be compounded for as estates were, because positions of trust were not to be retained in the hands of persons whose fidelity to Parliament was doubtful. Robert Henley, a chief clerk in the King's Bench (p. 927), and Sir William Brun- card, who held the surveyorship of the issues of jurors, as well as the lease of the rents thereof, were refused composition on this ground (pp. 2760, 2761), as were many others. Ministers and men of the legal profession were fined more severely than others, the fornier because they had the power- and sometimes exercised it-of denouncing Parliament's pro- ceedings from the pulpit; the latter because it was considered that their legal knowledge should enable them to grasp the situation, and decide between the rights of the conflicting parties. These classes were therefore fined at a third (see John Jean, pp. 1104, 1105). The result of the heavier penalty was sometimes an effort at concealment of the profession, but the County Committees' vigilance rendered such evasions difficult. John Herbert, who was fined at two thirds, pleads that though he was in practice as an attorney in co. Brecon, he never practised at Westminster, and surrendered to Parliament in 1645. Therefore he obtained its reduction to a sixth, in spite of strong accusa- tions against his tyranny and wickedness (p. 1359). John Wilson, who compounded 22 April 1646, was ordered to be sequestered, if a report that he was proctor in the Consistory Court at Chester is proved to be well-grounded, unless he com- INTRODUCTION. XV pounded as an attorney. This he had done, and thus escaped further punishment (pp. 1196, 1197). The full penalty was, however, inflicted on Edward Russell, of Chester, who, though an attorney, had compounded as an ordinary delinquent (p. 1211). John Tyrer, attorney of the Common Pleas, was fined at a third, although he remonstrated that he had not exercised his profession for many years. A hearing was promised him on payment of the full fine, but the final verdict is not recorded (p. 1259). John Smith, of Nibley, co. Gloucester, pleaded that although called to the bar at his father's desire, he never intended to make the law his profession, but he was fined at a third, 600l. (p. 948). Thos. Leman pleaded that his sole delinquency was in opposing for an hour the Parliamentary forces, not knowing them to be such, but he also was fined at a third, 367l. (p. 954). As to ministers, or clerks as they were technically called, there was some severity in their treatment, especially by Parlia- ment. Rich. Sykes (p. 977) was fined at a third, 1,350l., but because he lost a church-living worth 300l. a year and a great personal estate, and had many children, and because, moreover, he was an opposer of bishops and a very moderate man, the House was recommended to accept a fine of 1,000l.; but they refused, and the full amount was exacted. Many of the clergy were vehement partisans of the Royalist cause. Ralph Poole, of Bebington, co. Chester, is reported to have left his pulpit on a Sunday in Nov. 1643, and rushed down to the water-side to prevent the landing from Liverpool of Col. Moore, with the Parliamentary forces, and to have joined Prince Rupert when he had taken Liverpool (p. 2802). • Isaac Martin, rector of Great Bolas, Salop, was accused not only of railing against Puritans and upholding Episcopacy, the Book of Common Prayer, &c., but of preaching against Par- liament, and of encouraging the people to adhere to Prince Rupert. He denied the charge, and examinations were taken on both sides, but the result does not appear (p. 2793). Benjamin Harrison, rector of rector of St. Clement's in Sandwich, Kent, impugned for non-observance of the days of humiliation and thanksgiving enjoined by Parliament. He complained that when he was summoned, though he appeared, none of his friends or witnesses were allowed to enter the room, nor was b was 70358. xvi INTRODUCTION. Composition of non-delin- quents. Return of fines. Fines reduced on Articles of War. he allowed to cross-examine the witnesses who appeared against him. On this he departed from the room, and a few days after received a notice that he was sequestered from his living, and a like notice was posted in the market-place. On his appeal, the sequestration was suspended, and the judgment upon his misdemeanours referred to the Committee for Plundered Ministers, "who have the jurisdiction of the case" (p. 2502). A few instanes occur, but they are not numerous, where a man who professes not to be a delinquent, and against whom no pro- ceeding has been taken, yet requests to compound for fear of being troubled in the future (see J. Durston, p. 2731). Although the rules of the Committee were rigidly enforced, that no appeal should be allowed till the first half of the fine was paid, instances are not infrequent where rents unduly levied, after payment of the full fine, were ordered to be repaid, as in the case of Sir Phil. Tirwhitt, who, after payment of a fine of 3,4887. 15s. Od., with interest, had 4941. returned of rents received since by the County Committee, who are also to show cause why they should not pay 2851. more claimed (pp. 954, 955). In many instances of surrender of towns or garrisons on Articles of War, these Articles stipulated the rates to be paid on com- position by the surrenderers, which were always below the usual rates; therefore delinquents who could legitimately claim the benefit of those Articles were eager to do so. S Sir John Poulett, son of John, Lord Poulett, of Hinton St. George, being an M.P., had sat in the assembly at Oxford, for which offence the heavy fine of 9,400l. was inflicted on him. On a strong remonstrance from Sir Thos. Fairfax, to whom he surrendered on Exeter Articles, the fine was reduced to 3,760l. 12s. Od. He paid the first half of this fine, but in March 1649, Parliament remitted the remainder," out of respect to the Lord General" (pp. 1051, 1052). Fairfax also interceded in behalf of Lord Poulett, the father, whom he calls a "near relation." His lordship begged leave to compound on Exeter Articles, although he had been excepted from them by a vote of the House of Commons. His fine at two thirds as a Peer on those Articles would have been 10,4327., and at a tenth would be 2,7431. It was fixed at the lower sum, but in addition, he was to pay 2001. a year to the inhabitants of Lyme Regis, Dorset, in reparation for their losses through fidelity to Parliament, and INTRODUCTION. xvii also 1,500l. to Ellen, Lady Drake, whose house at Ash had been burned down by Lord Poulett's means (pp. 866, 1052, 1053). The smaller cases where reductions took place on Exeter Articles are very numerous, and the influence of Sir Thos. Fairfax was frequently brought to bear in behalf of those claiming the benefit of his Articles of surrender. The fine of Edward Molins, of London, was reduced on Exeter Articles from 271. to 187 (p. 2554). That of John Barcroft, of Chard, from 800l. to 500l. (p. 829). The same remark applies to compounders on Articles of War at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Truro, Oxford, Pendennis Castle, Bristol, and other garrisons and castles taken by the Parliamentary forces. These will be traceable in the Index of Places. The case of Edward, Viscount Conway, whose father had been Secretary of State to James I. and Charles I., presents several noteworthy points. He was one of the persons who went without leave to Oxford, but he only remained "two or three days in that pretended Parliament," and had two sons in the service of Parliament. His fine was set at 3,000l., but he remonstrated, and specially begged that his books, which had been seized by the Camden House Committee,-i.e., the County Committee, for sequestration in London,-might be delivered to him on a reason- able composition. He was ordered to pay 20%. for them. In 1649, he petitioned that the House of Lords ordered his whole fine to be remitted, and desired the Commons to join them therein, but that House was dissolved before anything was done. On his request for relief, the fine was reduced to 2,3301., and again to 1,8591. 5s. Od., on proof of charges on the estate. He next petitioned the Committee for relief on Articles of War, in conjunction with his son Edward, for the benefit of Dublin Articles, being a Protestant of Ireland, and residing there till the war broke out. The son's estate had been sequestered on an order to the Committee of the revenue in Ulster to sequester all those whose estates were sequestered in England. The answer of the Committee was that they found nothing to prevent the enjoyment of the whole estate by Viscount Conway and his son (pp. 980-1). The Earl of Huntingdon, who lost an estate of 1,000l. a year in Ireland, but got into trouble for living in Ashby-de-la-Zouch, when a King's garrison, begged for relief, as to his English estates, on the Articles of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, and restitution to his land in b 2 3 Hardships. xviii INTRODUCTION. Ireland on Dublin Articles, and this was to be granted provided he had done nothing to forfeit the benefit of the Articles (p. 1043). A few illustrations should be given of the manner in which the proceedings of the Committee for Compounding pressed heavily upon delinquents. Sir Henry Anderson was sequestered in 1649, but having lost 6,000l. by the King's party, and 2,500l. taken by the Committee at Hull, he appealed to Parliament, which ordered his discharge; yet for some reason that does not appear, his estate was not restored to him, but was let by the County Committee, and he was committed to prison for debt. This notwithstanding, he was summoned to pay in a debt of 1,000l. said to be due from him to Rebecca Salvin, a recusant, who, being 90 years of age, wished to contract for her estate, and asked the Committee's aid to get in her debts. Anderson's angry reply was, that the State owed him far more than would pay the 1,000l. and all his debts, for though his estate was let at 1,700l. a year five years since, he had only received 600l., of which 251. was stopped as salaries to Commissioners. "I must appeal to the Supreme power against such injustice,” he adds, "You suffer me to lie in prison and starve for debts." Yet the County Commissioners were ordered to levy the whole debt- which, with interest, now amounted to 2,500l.-upon his estate and those of his sons, who were his sureties. On this he begged for a legal trial, urging that the sequestration was laid on against all practice, execution being issued before any hearing. At length the order to levy the debt against him was stayed, and there are no further proceedings on that score. Yet he still remained prisoner for debt, and bitterly complained that, by the indirect practises of the Committee, he is kept out of an estate of 1,000l. a year (pp. 2336, 2337, 3162, 3164). Elizabeth Wingate, widow, of co. Bedford, being anxious to pre- vent the wardship of her son from passing away from her own. hands, obtained a pass to go to Oxford, when Charles I. held his Court there; she was detained there by a serious illness, and could not return within the 10 days prescribed by her pass; yet for this involuntary delay, her estate was sequestered, and only released on payment of a fine of 100l. (p. 865). Thomas Lacy, a Suffolk recusant, "a very ancient feeble creature, much given to solitariness, and his abode in no place certain," was believed to be dead, because during the last 6 years he had never INTRODUCTION. xix applied, as he was wont, for the third of his estate, sequestered for recusancy, and his Protestant heirs appealed for the discharge of the estate. The reply was that though there was "a violent pre- sumption" that Lacy was dead, there was not sufficient proof of the death. More than two years elapsed before another appeal was made, and then the Committee for Compounding allowed payment to Lacy's heir of the third that used to be paid to himself, but still retained their hold on the two thirds of his estate sequestered for recusancy. It was not until four years later, eleven years from the time of his last being heard of, that the sequestration was removed (pp. 2534, 2535). Sir George Sandes, prisoner in the Tower for delinquency, com- plained that he was deprived of goods and estate worth 30,000l., and nothing allowed for maintenance. He was allowed to come from the Tower when needful to prosecute his composition, and fined at 3,350l. He urged that having been long imprisoned, he had been sequestered unheard, but the orders were relentless; he must be se- questered, and have his woods cut down unless he paid half his fine forthwith. This done, he made an appeal for reduction in the second half, as he was only tenant for life, and owed 7007. balance of a debt of 2,000l. to John Goodwin, M.P. Still the Committee was in- exorable, the whole fine was to be paid, and then the debt was to be considered. The fine was paid and the estate discharged (pp. 867,868). Sir William Kingsmill, of Sidmonton, Hants, was one of the numerous cases in which the delinquent became such under com- pulsion. His house, being "in the middle of the Western Road," he was obliged to entertain all comers, and the King, 3 years ago, made him sheriff of the county, for executing which office the Earl of Essex plundered him of 1,000l., yet he was fined 500l. This was increased to 1,0297., but afterwards reduced to 750l., at which sum it was finally confirmed (pp. 882, 883). Mary, wife of Thomas Leigh, of Adlington, co. Chester, pleaded on his behalf that he was only 2 hours in arms against Parliament, and that was for maintenance of the possession of his own house, yet he was taken prisoner and only lately released on exchange. The estate being sequestered, at least such part of it as was not settled in jointure on her or in trust for the children-she begged to compound for it. The fine was set at 2,000l. Leigh paid one-half, but pleading that he could not pay the other half, 560l. of the 1,000l. was abated on his settling Bosley tithes, worth 50l. a year, on the neighbouring ministers (pp. 893, 894). XX INTRODUCTION. Sir Thomas Haggerston complained that on an order of Parliament for payment of 1,4307. from his estate to the soldiers of Capt. John Shafto, Governor of Holy Island, Shafto and his wife have had for three years possession of the estate, but took all the produce to them- selves, paying nothing to the soldiers; that in 1643 Shafto had ran- sacked his house, and taken from him plate, money, goods, and cattle, not even sparing the clothes on his wife and children's backs; and that the Shaftoes have given in false musters, and are greatly in arrears to the State, which he could prove, only his witnesses are at Holy Island, "three-score long Northern miles " from Durham, where the examinations are to take place. The case was referred to the Re- venue Committee, but the County Committee for Northumberland were allowed to take the examinations of the witnesses (pp. 902, 903). Richard Langley complained that he had been three years se- questered, only for being a spectator, with hundreds more, when the Cambridge University plate was to have been conveyed to the King; he is 70 years old, has paid his taxes, and set out a dragoon, with horse and arms, for Parliament. He was fined 75l., but it was reduced to 50l., as part of his estate was in jointure (pp. 928, 929). Stephen Thompson, owner of Scarborough Castle, was forced to fly thither from Hull, by the malice of Sir John Hotham, when he contributed largely to Parliamentary service; but failing to persuade the inhabitants of Scarborough to lay down their arms, left it in July 1644. Having willingly resigned his castle to Sir Hugh Cholmeley, he was allowed to compound, and fined 400l. Of this he paid half, and begged that some of the rents and arrears of the castle might be accepted in lieu of the second half, and some course taken for settlement of the castle, his father having offered it to Parliament. The reply was a stern order to pay the rest of his fine. He replies that this will be his ruin, having a wife and 10 children, and having never received a penny from the castle for 10 years. His petitions to Parliament, to the Committee for Compounding, and to the Army Committee, proving of no avail, he appealed to the Protector, through whose influence he at length obtained an order for remission of the latter half of his fine, in lieu of the arrears received from the castle (pp. 929, 930). William Prowse, of Buckfastleigh, after having compounded with the County Committee for Devon, and paid them a fine of 20%., was told that he must compound with the Committee for Com- pounding, and had to pay a second fine of 117. 5s. Od. (p. 2906). INTRODUCTION. xxi Nicholas Smart, of Week Regis, Dorset, had his estate seized by the County Committee, only because he left home for ten days, his house being by the sea-side, and went to Abbotsbury, which was afterwards a garrison for the King; but being 72 years old, and very infirm, he preferred to compound rather than to defend himself, and paid a fine of 2821. 3s. 4d. (p. 2683). Edward Herbert was fined 166l. 13s. 4d., a sixth of his estate, for going to Oxford when it was a garrison for the King, although at the date of the offence he was under fourteen years of age (p. 2860). Committee for The multiplicity of business before the Committee for Delays of the Compounding was often the cause of vexatious delays in its Compounding. proceedings. Charles Barnwell, writing in Nov. 1649, complains that the Committee is so full of business, that though he has been at great charges in long attendance, he cannot obtain his discharge, though his fine is paid, and therefore he has not yet been able to receive his Lady Day rents (p. 2137). John Somerset, being on appeal on the Act of Pardon, asks to have his rents allowed on security, there being 30 cases set down to be heard before his; he evidently had friends in Court, for he was not only heard within a month, but his estate dis- charged, although it had been sequestered before the date prescribed by the Act of Pardon, 1 Dec. 1651 (p. 2971). Some cases, notably those involving large property and many Long cases. debtors, drag on to great length. That of Sir Rich. Gurney, Royalist Lord Mayor of London in 1642, though it began in August 1644, did not end till June 1654 (pp. 858-862). That of James Bunce, Alderman of London, lasted from Christmas 1649 to Nov. 1654 (pp. 2138-2140). Other cases, where father and son, or husband and wife, are represented, and where large property was involved, were very lengthy and protracted, notably that of the Earls of Arundel, which occupies 19 pages (2461- 2480), and takes in the proceedings against three consecutive Earls of Arundel, and Alathea, Countess Dowager, who being a daughter of the Earl of Shrewsbury, held considerable estates. in her own right. This case lasted from Aug. 1650 to Dec. 1655. That of Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, his wife and two sons, began in Feb. 1650, lasted till Sept. 1654, and fills 11 pages (2182–2192). That of the Viscounts Dunbar dragged on from Jan. 1650 to June 1655, and occupies 10 pages (2146-2156), and that of the Earls of Cleveland was almost as long (pp. 2156-2166). xxii INTRODUCTION. Ꮮ Bribery of officers. Acts of Mercy. The bribing of the officers of the Committee was a modus operandi occasionally resorted to by claimants, to procure the expedition of their cases, but was not always successful. Elizabeth, granddaughter of Nath. Birkenhead, gave two of the officers 20 gold pieces to obtain her a lease of her grandfather's estate. They failed to do this, whereupon she demanded her money back, on the plea that, her business being uneffected, there could be no fees; but they refused restitution of the money, nor did her appeal secure her an order for it (p. 2578). A graver case was that of Sir Edw. Seabright, who was informed against as having bribed Registrar Cox to induce the witnesses on his case, by payment of 25l. a-piece, to sign depositions in his favour, contrary to those which they had formerly made against him. Cox denied the bribery, throwing the blame on his subordinate, Rob. Wakeman, but pleaded guilty to negligence in the custody of the depositions, owing to which the originals. had been changed for others in Sir Edward's favour. The details. of the bribery were given in full, but they were not sufficiently proved, and at the end of three years, Seabright was discharged both from delinquency and bribery (pp. 2606-2610). Many instances have been alleged in which injustice and harshness were shown towards delinquents, and many in which they suffered oppressions inevitable in times of civil war; but some should be pointed out where they were treated with leniency. Elizabeth Warner, who begged leave to compound for having corre- sponded with the wife of Col. Blague, when he was Governor of Wallingford House for the King, was recommended to the House of Commons to be discharged without fine (pp. 903–904). Chris. Dodington's sequestration was discharged on his pleading that, though his name was inserted in several commissions issued either from the King or the Prince's Council, this was done without his knowledge, and he did not act upon them (pp. 936-937). Rob. Molineux, a boy of ten, asked leave to compound for the family estates, fallen to him by death of Robert his grandfather, who was a Recusant, and of Robert his father, who was also a delinquent. The fine was set at 2407., which he paid, but complained that the estate was still sequestered for recusancy of his ancestors, though his guardian, Cuthbert Ogle, was a known Protestant. He had to borrow the 240l. to pay the fine, and has four brothers and sisters to support. At length, in March 1652, after lapse of 1 years, he INTRODUCTION. xxiii obtained an order that as he is brought up a Protestant, on proof of the father's death, the estate shall be discharged, with arrears since the payment of the fine, 21 Feb. 1651 (p. 830). There are several examples of important reductions in fines, Fines reduced. independently of those on Articles of War. Sir Edw. Bishop, who was taken in arms at Arundel Castle, and sent to the Tower, was reported as "very opposite " to Parliament from the first, and as having lands worth 2,500l. a year, and a fine of 12,300l. was proposed; then his estate proving to be only worth 1,500l. a year, it was reduced to 7,500l.; but on his complaint that this fine was far above his ability,-being burdened with his father's debts, and himself but tenant for life, it was reduced to 4,7901. He died before payment of the fine, and the lands being claimed, part by his widow for jointure, and the rest entailed or settled on his children, the estate was discharged on their behalf (pp. 849-850). Sir Wingfield Bodenham, who had been taken prisoner by Crom- well at Burleigh in Jan. 1644, and sent to the Tower, was fined by Parliament 1,000l. in Aug. 1644, but obstinately refused to pay, saying that he was averse to Parliament and expected a change. In March 1646, he petitioned the Committee for Compounding for leave to compound, but the reply was that if he paid the fine already ordered, he should have his liberty. He was released on bail, however, in 1647, and still continued his appeals, but without effect, till June 1653, when, on the dissolution of the Parliament that had set his fine, he appealed to the Council of State; they referred him to the Committee for Compounding, who reduced the fine to 4951. 19s. 4d.; then on request of the Council of State, based on the smallness of his estate, it was further reduced to 3757. 19s. 4d., paid, and his estate discharged, ten years after the beginning of his case (pp. 850–1). Sir Rich. Lee's fine was first set at 6,2887. 12s. 2d., but reduced to 4,1937. 178., and on requesting a review, on account of mistakes in calculating the composition, it was further reduced to 2,8137. (pp. 1005, 1006). estates. Mention has been made (Preface to part I., pp. xii, xiii) of an order Charges on passed in 1649 by which the County Committees were forbidden any longer to make allowances from sequestered estates-which they had hitherto done on orders from the Committee for Sequestrations, or on allowances granted on general instructions by former County Committees, unless the claims were formally allowed by the xxiv INTRODUCTION. Ministers' augmentations. Committee for Compounding (see John Vaughan's case, p. 2536). The principle previously adopted had been that if the claimant could prove his previous receipts of the allowance, it should be continued, therefore this new order was productive of wide-spread distress. In many instances, during the confusion of civil war, the original allow- ance of the charge had been destroyed or mislaid, and then the whole process of proving the claim-already gone through in most instances before the Committee for Sequestrations-had to be repeated. The claims were various. Wives and children suing for their third or fifth of the yearly profits of the estates; ministers for their augmentations from sequestered rectories, &c.; mortgagees who had lent money on land; creditors who had extents on the estate for debts due from the compounder; legatees, and annuitants for their respective rights; tenants who held leases of the estate either from the compounder or from the County Committees who had power to let it (see Musgrave, p. 2308, Hopton, pp. 2302, 2303, Cobb, 2316-2319, &c.) The cases of wives and children were afterwards relegated to the County Committees (p. 289). The cases of the Ministers presented a serious difficulty in the compositions of delinquents who had large landed property, owing to the disposition, during their sequestration, of the tithes and impropriate rectories which they held, on behalf of ministers.* When the delinquent came to compound, he naturally wished the composition to embrace the whole of the forfeited estate, not- withstanding the orders of Parliament and of the Committee for Compounding, that advowsons, rights of patronage, and impropriate rectories should be excepted from composition. The compro- mise finally adopted was that the compounder should have his fine reduced by about 100l. for each 10l. a year allowed out of his estate to ministers. These arrangements brought a multi- tude of petitions from ministers and parishioners, which give valuable details of the condition of the parishes, the poverty of the livings, &c. Thus Thomas Audley, "a notorious wicked man, guilty of two murders before the wars," has his fine reduced from 500l., to 2007., if he settle 30l. a year on the rectory of St. Ives, which is very large, the means not 52l. a year, "the poor very * As early as 8 Dec. 1646, a conference had been ordered by the House between the Goldsmiths' Committee and that for Plundered Ministers, who held in their gift all sequestered rectories, tithes, and church lands, from which they granted augmentations, as to the best mode of settling this vexed question (p. 50), but its proceedings are not recorded. INTRODUCTION. XXV many, and apt to expect much, for want whereof, as in most places, they are apt to be prejudiced against the Gospel" (p. 877). The fine of Sir Hen. Fred. Thynne was reduced from 7,1607. to 3,554l. on his settling 2,000l. on Kempsford, Buckland, and Laverton rectories, and 1,6061. on Cirencester and other rectories (p. 910). In the case of Bryan Cooke, Alderman of Doncaster, there are petitions from the inhabitants of Birstal, co. York, who complain that their parish of 2,800 communicants has suffered "by the enormous violence of the enemy;" and in billetting money and other charges for the Scottish army they have lost 3,000l. Their living being only worth 34s. a year, they are in great fear lest the 40l. a year granted them by the Committee for Plundered Ministers in 1646 out of the sequestered estate of Bryan Cooke should be withdrawn. The inhabitants of Cleckheaton chapelry, 2 miles distant, whose minister had only 5l. a year, plead on the same grounds for confirmation of 40l. a year granted them from the said estate. Their requests were granted and Cooke's fine reduced thereby from 2,3231. to 1,460l. (pp. 945, 946). In some of these cases, the orders made on composition were in confirmation of previous orders made by the Committee for Plun- dered Ministers during the sequestration of the estates; but in many others, when the ministers and parishioners of, or adjoining to an impropriate rectory, heard that the owner was compounding, they took the opportunity of pleading for a grant from the rectory. Thus the inhabitants of Batley, Yorkshire, complain that their vicarage is not worth 30 marks, and request that Edward Copley, the owner of Batley rectory, worth 401. a year, may settle it on their minister. The request was granted, and 4007. deducted from his fine of 600l. (pp. 1001, 1002). Sir Richard Lee, Bart., of Langley, Salop, first had his fine reduced by 1,2281. on settling Langley rectory on churches; this done, the inhabitants of Calverley, a parish of 16 villages with only 81. a year for the minister, begged for 401. or 50l. from his lands. Noted, “ 201. a year." The Governor of Ludlow Castle begged for a settlement on the minister there, who has only 20l. a year, so that "the ancient corporation and castle garrison are altogether destitute of a minis- ter." An order was given thereupon for 40l. a year to Ludlow from the tithes of Preston, co. Salop. But upon this the minister of Preston Gubbals requests an increase of maintenance, and the xxvi INTRODUCTION. Mortgagees. inhabitants plead to the same effect, there being 50 families of 500 souls, who "must inevitably sufferan extreme famine of their spiritual food, in case the minister be removed." They urge, moreover, that whilst their townships are left without mainte- nance, their tithes are assigned to the minister of Ludlow, which is 20 miles distant. No order appears upon this last petition (pp. 1005, 1008). On the composition of Sir Edward Alford, who held Cheltenham rectory, value 600l. a year, the parishioners preferred the humble request that the stipend of their minister,-which was only 40%., till 371. 168. was added to it by the Committee for Plundered Minis- ters in 1646,-might be increased to 100l., theirs being "a great market town." The request was granted, and a proportionate reduction made in Sir Edward's fine (p. 1010). The inhabitants of Stowe, co. Lincoln, plead that they have a large parish of 600 communicants, and have long been destitute of a preaching minister, the living being only worth 10l. a year, though the vicarage, in the hands of Sir Edw. Hussey, is worth 1607.; they beg provision therefrom for their minister, but the success of their request is not recorded (p. 1022). The grant of an augmentation sometimes proved fallacious, by an endeavour on the part of the delinquent to evade the fulfil- ment of his promise. The inhabitants of Oundle petition that the 40l. which Edward Page had agreed to settle on their rectory—his fine of 5001. being on that account reduced from 500l. to 100%.-is not paid them, though their minister has only 20 marks a year, and ask to have the 407. settled on Sir John Dryden, Bart., and other trustees, in their behalf. Re-sequestration of the estate was at once ordered for this breach of faith, and the delinquent settled the 401. a year as required (p. 1054). Similar instances might be multiplied ad libitum, but the above must suffice. One small order book in the composition series. [G 22] is devoted entirely to the grants of augmentations from sequestered estates, and 378 such grants are recorded between 6th Oct. 1652 and 4th September 1655. The numerous settle- ments made may be found from the General Index (p. 2399), under Delinquents, Settlements of Rectories, Tithes, &c. The cases of mortgages and extents, though easily dealt with when the delinquent was willing to compound, presented great hardship when the estate was sequestered, and the owner unwilling INTRODUCTION. xxvii to compound; or if he did compound, unable to pay his fine and procure his discharge; therefore though the claims of the mortgagees were undoubted, they could receive neither the principal nor the interest of their loans. To meet this emergency, an Act was passed 1 Aug. 1650, by which, on the mortgagee's paying in the proportion of the fine due for the part of the estate claimed, that part was to be discharged from sequestration, and he allowed to hold it, till his debt and the fine were paid (p. 286). The proceedings on such claims were often tedious, because of the legal proofs required as to the validity of the claim. These had to be submitted to Counsel, and their reports thereon contain a large mass of information respecting the owner and his family and ancestry. The claimants on the estate of Sir George Moreton (pp. 3273- 3276) afford a fair sample of the proceedings on this Act; see also a claimant on the estate of John Theyer (p. 2803). The appeal made by a claimant on the Duke of Hamilton's estate was negatived, because the Duke was a delinquent at the time of making the deed on which the estate was granted (p. 2426). Sometimes a request made by a mortgagee to compound for part of an estate would bring home to the owner the importance of compounding for it himself, and then his request was accepted in preference to that of the mortgagee. (See pp. 2110, 2111, claimant on Johan Cole's estate.) tions. In spite of the efforts of the various Committees employed in Undervalua- bringing delinquents to task, the Committee for Compounding was well aware that in numerous instances-especially in counties where the royal influence was still strong-they were left undis- turbed. Also that those who compounded-the amount of the fine being proportioned to the valuation of the estate given in— had concealed part of their estate, or undervalued the whole. Frequent complaints had been made on this subject, and the penalty usually inflicted was a re-sequestration of the under- valued or concealed portion of the estate (see Sir H. Mildmay, pp. 1144, 1145; Sir John Acland, p. 1201); but further legislation was deemed necessary. In October 1650, therefore, an Act was passed giving leave to all who would discover their own errors to compound for the under- valuations, if the fine was paid before 24 Nov. 1650, otherwise the fines were to be increased. (See preface to 1st part of this Calendar, p. xvi.) Discoverers or informers were usually allowed xxviii INTRODUCTION. Savings to compound. a fifth of the sums paid in on their discoveries (see pp. 289, 337), though in some instances they only received 1s. in the pound. (See Leake, 2586; Grosvenor, 1187, and pp. 269, 599.) Numerous delinquents availed themselves of this opportunity of rectifying their former statements, but frequent disputes arose between them and the discoverers as to their respective rights. (See Viscount Stafford, pp. 2083, 2084; Robert Farmery, p. 2646; Sir M. Wharton, p. 957.) In some cases, after discovery made by informers, and before action taken thereon, the delinquent himself gave information of his undervaluation, and then the question arose whether the lower fine, as for his own discovery, or the higher, as for a discovery by an informer, should be set. (See Sir T. Leigh, p. 1135; Sir John Lucas, p. 1439; Sir Edw. Littleton, p. 2293.) The agents of the Committee for Compounding were not to receive allowances for discoveries, because they were paid their salaries for service, but they were allowed all their expenses. (See Beverley, pp. 2662, 2663.) A difficulty arose as to statements of property made by persons who held expectant or reversionary estates, or who had suits at law pending about their estates. They did not care to compound for property not in their possession, and yet they ran the risk of being accused of undervaluations should they become its owners. To obviate this, delinquents were permitted to register a "saving to compound" for the said estates, when they should come into possession. On 31 Aug. 1652, an order was passed that those who had savings and had not compounded for them, should be summoned to show cause why they should not be sequestered, and letters were sent to the several County Committees to give notice thereof to the persons who had savings in their respective counties, of whom a list was also forwarded. (See Benson, p. 950.) These lists, classified in counties, were duly entered in one of the order books of the Committee, and are 95 in number. [G12, pp. 519–521.] Some applications to compound thereon were made, but still many did not compound, some probably from reluctance to make further payments, others because the property in question had not as yet come into their hands. Of these a list is preserved in G 49, pp. 203-233, and they are 78 in number, but in many cases a prolongation of the period during which compositions for savings • INTRODUCTION. xxix were allowed had been sought for and obtained. Particulars in each case are given in G 49. Of all the vexatious proceedings against the Royalists, the Discharges required. one that caused the most wide-spread distress was issued 16 Dec. 1651 (p. 518), ordering all who had received their discharges from the Committee of Sequestrations or the Barons of Exchequer, or from the former County Committees, to produce their discharges to their respective County Committees, on pain of re-sequestration. Sometimes this could be done, and then no further difficulty occurred (see Wm. Shackspere, p. 2968); but in many cases, owing to the tumults of the civil war, the discharges had been burnt, or lost, or mislaid, and could not be produced, and the poor delin- quents, who had procured them at such an expense of time and money, and payment of heavy fines, had their labour to begin again, even though the County Committees were fully aware that the discharges were valid. The next piece of legislation bearing upon the Compounders was Act of Pardon. a decided boon to them. It was the Act of Pardon passed 24 Feb. 1652, freeing from sequestration all estates not sequestered before 1 Dec. 1651, an account of the working of which has already been given. (See Preface to part I. of this Calendar, p. xxxviii.) The applications for discharges upon it were very numerous. Those who were wearied with long sequestration or composition suits saw here a chance of escape. John Griffith, of Salop, pleaded that, although he bore arms for the State, and was moreover an intelligencer, the County Com- mittee, on an unproved charge, had secured his estate. Further examinations were taken, but he declared that the witnesses. absolutely disclaimed making the depositions said to be signed by them, and said that they deposed to his fidelity to Parliament as deputy governor of Oswestry. The Act of Pardon, however, saved him from a fine, as he was not sequestered 1 Dec. 1651 (p. 2857). One order-book of the Committee for Compounding [G21] is devoted entirely to the recording of discharges on this Act, and they are 65 in number; but this volume only begins 26 Sept. 1652, and many discharges occur in the other order-books. The parties chiefly aggrieved by this Act were informers and discoverers of estates, who had spent time and money in prosecution of cases, hoping to be compensated by the allowances made to them as discoverers, when they suddenly found themselves left in the XXX INTRODUCTION. Acts of Sale. lurch by the discharge of the delinquent. A case in point is that of the soldiers of Leeds, Bradford, &c. (pp. 2692, 2693), to whom Parliament granted 3,000l. arrears for service, from their discoveries of delinquents' estates; these they prosecuted with vigour, but one Richardson, whose estate would have brought them in 1,4007., was discharged on the Act of Pardon, and they only received in all 500l., most of which was spent in the charges of pro- secution. It was at length decided that the estates of delinquents who would not compound, or who failed to pay their fines, should be placed in the hands of Trustees, to be sold. (See preface to Part I., p. xix.) The two first Acts of Sale, dated 16 July 1651, and 4 Aug. 1652, contained only 73 and 29 names respectively, but the last Act, passed 18 Nov. 1652, was far more sweeping, and was intended to embrace all those whose estates were still under sequestration; it contained no less than 617 names. This Act was accompanied by the important proviso made by Parlia- ment, 3 Sept. 1653, that the delinquent might compound for his own estate, by payment of a third of its value. The alternative being that the entire estate would otherwise be sold out of hand, provided a purchaser could be found, many who had hitherto declined any dealings with the Composition Committee now came forward, compounded and paid the full fine, and had their estates discharged. (See Thos. Gelly brand, p. 3071; Thos. Hopkins, p. 3073; Sir F. Nethersole, p. 3076; Ralph Rishton, p. 3077; R. Atterton, p. 3086; T. Jones, p. 3088; M. Pudsey, p. 3089, and very many others in the spring of 1653, pp. 3090–3134.) By far the larger number of the estates were, however, sold, sometimes as a whole, more often in parcels, and the list of discharges granted to purchasers seems of an appalling length, (See General Index, p. 3398, Delinquents, lands of, purchased from Trustees for Sale.) Careful surveys and valuations of the estates were made, and are transcribed in two important volumes, which still exist in good condition. [G 58, 58a.] Many persons inserted in this last Act for Sale complained that their names ought not to be in it, being inserted by mistake. James Clarke (p. 3067) had his estate returned to him; also the heir of Sir Wm. Theakston (p. 3071), also John Lewis (p. 3073), John Wenlock (p. 3075), whose sequestration was only because he ab- sented himself to avoid payment of taxes, Thos. Wortham (p. 3076), INTRODUCTION. xxxi Nath. Prichard (p. 3077), and Thos. Winkle (p. 3078), the seques- trations being only for recusancy. On the other hand, petitions for exemption were negatived when the grounds on which they were solicited were not proved (see D. Washington, p. 3072). Sometimes the full penalty was exacted in spite of pleas that seemed strong, as in the case of the Chaffey family (p. 3085), who were all fined a third, though one pleads that he never fought on the King's side, but lost sight and hearing in the Parliamentary service, and two others that they only assisted the King's forces under compulsion, and have large families. The pressure fell heavily upon the wives and families of the delinquents whose estates were sold, because they were debarred from receipt of their fifth. Mary, widow of Sir Francis Howard of Corby, complains that her husband's estate being in the Act for Sale, nothing is left for her and nine young children, and begs her fifth of the rectories and tithes which were excepted from sale. This was granted her, regardless of the fact that the whole tithes had already been settled on Ministers, and the County Commissioners confess themselves unable to comply with the order to pay her first, and the Ministers from the other . She suggests that a proportion should be deducted from each minister. On this the Ministers threaten with law any who obstruct their payments, and the County Commissioner declares that he must resign his office if the order is enforced, and sug- gests that the lady herself should sue the Ministers (p. 2588). The question has often been raised as to the amount of moneys Receipts. realised from the fines imposed by the Committee for Com- pounding. The papers preserved do not give any sufficient answer, as no summary of the treasurers' accounts has been found. The nearest approach to it is a digest of the payments made in each of the English counties by delinquents and recusants for the year ending March 1651. These added together make a total of 98,4867. 2s. 11d. This comes to nearly half-a-million of money at its present value (p. 429). A treasurer's ledger, still preserved, (G 45), with each page added up, presents the following results :- Fines, &c., paid in 1651, Jan. to Dec. - 96,380l. 15s. 3d. 1652, 38,9421. 7s. 5d. 1653, 23,2411. 2s. 6d. 11,5497. 10s. Id. 1654, C در "} " 70358. }) "> "" ور در در xxxii INTRODUCTION. Recusants. Amongst the books discovered in the exhaustive search, lately made by order of the present Deputy-keeper of the Public Records, Mr. H. Maxwell Lyte, C.B., in the cellars of the office, one has been turned up, which is an account by Sam. Avery, and three other treasurers for sequestration, of the moneys received by them from sequestered estates in the various counties specified, between 16 June 1643, and 26 Nov. 1649, the total of which was 209,547l. 18s. Od. It is signed by each of the treasurers, and was produced before the Committee of Accounts, 2 July 1658. But this sum does not include any of the fines paid on composition. Another of the books so discovered gives the amounts realised by sale of the sequestered goods of the late King, Queen, and Prince, 1649 to 1652; total sum, 101,1667. 18s. 8d. This book was sent in by an order of Lord Treasurer Southampton, of 14 Feb. 1661. Still another book gives the payments from fee-farm rents by Sir John Wolstenholme, treasurer, between 1650 and 1658-total amount, 528,8091. 8s. 3d., equalling about two millions of present money. The vexed question of the Interregnum Exchequer, may possibly obtain a more definite solution when a complete search among the disinterred records has been made. * No further action against delinquents seeming feasible, the attention of the Committee was next turned to the numerous Recusants scattered all over the country, to ascertain if they could not be induced to compound, and thus do something towards replenishing the ever-craving Exchequer. The Committee for Compounding wrote to Sir Henry Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, who had the keeping of the records relating to Recusants, requesting a list of those who since 1 James had been convicted as Papists. His reply was that many hands could not compile it in twelve months, but that his clerks should do what they could, and meantime he would readily give certificates relating to any particular persons enquired for (p. 611). An Act was passed 21 Oct. 1653, empowering all Recusants to contract for the two thirds of their estates that were detained in sequestration because of their religious opinions. This led to a rush of applications, and between 22 Nov. 1653 and 21 Jan. *No definite reference can be given to these three books, because they remain among records still unarranged. INTRODUCTION. xxxiii 1654, no less than 613 Recusants applied for leave to contract on this Act. But the Act not only imposed on them the payment of four years' value of their estates, and a third of their personalty, but it ordered half to be paid in one month, and the other half in 3 months; and moreover it contained a proviso that if the estates were settled on Recusants who were of age, these should be subject to all the penal laws in force against them (p. 657). So severe were these terms, that only 14 advanced so far as to have their fines set, and only 12 paid the fines and had their estates discharged (see T. Hanson, p. 3171; S. Bray, p. 3181, &c.). The total of these fines, as recorded in the treasurer's ledger (G 45, p. 164), amounted to 1,3591. Os. 4d. The volume in which the proceedings under this Act are entered is a lasting proof of its abortiveness. It is a large folio volume (G 26), of which the first 42 folios were reserved for names of applicants, and 13 of them are crowded with names. At p. 43 comes the heading of "Fines Set," for which ff. 43-179 were reserved, but only 2 folios occupied, and 3 more ff. 180-182 are given to "Fines paid and estates discharged," so that a large portion of the book consists of blank pages. on The unwillingness of the Recusants to contract may partly have resulted from the advent to power of Oliver Cromwell, who became Protector in Dec. 1653, and was believed to be more tolerant in his rule than the Parliament which he superseded, and therefore they might hope for relief from their oppression. Not only were they deprived of two thirds of their landed property, but they often had the distress of knowing that their estates were falling into decay and ruin for want of repairs, upon which neither the government nor the tenant was willing to spend money (see Hawkins, p. 2930, Nuthall, p. 2504), and therefore their estates would be greatly lessened in value, should they be re- stored to themselves or their heirs on their becoming Protestants. There are several instances of such restorations either to the Recusant himself, on his change of faith (see Halsall, p. 2973, Higgenson, 2991), or to his representatives, after his death; but this latter was only on the rigidly exacted condition that the heir, if a minor, should be brought up a Protestant; and if not, that he should take the Oath of Abjuration (see Ireland, p. 2503, Tocketts, p. 3075). Yet there are occasional instances where discharge was refused by the Committee, even after the Recusant xxxiv INTRODUCTION. Decimation tax. had taken the Oath. Wm. Stanley pleads that he has been dis- charged by the Exchequer Court, and taken the Oath of Abjura- tion, yet the Committee for Compounding refuse to confirm the discharge (p. 2359). A final blow was struck in 1655 at the unfortunate de- linquents. The insurrection in the West magnified in the reports given of it, from the Protector's desire to place the whole country under the rule of Major Generals and Commissioners, with country militia at their call--was made the pretext for imposing a decimation tax, one-tenth of the value of their real estates, and one fifteenth of their personalty, upon all the more important per- sons who had been sequestered for delinquency (p. 731). The Council themselves felt that an apology was needful for so strin- gent a proceeding, and they thus excuse it :-"It may seem great severity to tax the whole party, when few have been convicted or detected, in which case their whole estates had been confiscated; but we appeal to all indifferent men whether the party was not generally involved in this business" (Gen. Calendar, 1655, p. 410). My The remonstrances and petitions to the Protector for exemptions from this tax were referred for adjudication sometimes directly to the Majors General and Commissioners for securing the peace (pp. 885, 933, 999, 1011, 1048, 1244, &c. &c.); and sometimes. to a Committee of Council appointed for the special cases (pp. 1070, 1207, 1244), but they grew so numerous that it became needful to appoint a special Committee of Council to consider and decide upon them (pp. 939, 1433). In several cases the answer to the petition does not appear (see Penruddock, p. 1434; Sir H. Bagot, p. 1477; Sir H. Underhill, p. 2844; Earl of Thanet, p. 840; Sir E. Bray, p. 2087); but the large majority of the pleas were admitted, and the petitioners. discharged from further trouble (see Leversage, p. 934; Sir John Monson, p. 1433; Sir E. Bathurst, p. 3267; Wm. Constantine, p. 940; F. Layton, 1005; Hen. Leigh, p. 1175; Walter Waring, p. 1184; Sir P. Ball, p. 1228; Edm. Jones, p. 1524; Lord Paget, p. 873; Major T. Cromwell, p. 919; Rob. Villiers, p. 1076; Lieut. Gen. George Porter, p. 1098; John Strode, p. 1292, &c., &c.) The pleas were usually disclaimers of delinquency, or assurances of a change of mind. Hen. Widdrington pleads for the benefit of that part of the Protector's instructions which extends favour to INTRODUCTION. XXXV those who have "wholly changed their interest in that party with which they were at first engaged" (p. 999). "" Parkinson Odber puts in a plea that "if any of the late King's party be a true proselyte and convert, this is the man ; and the Protector himself wrote a holograph reference of his case to Council, who the same day sent orders to the Majors General of Hants, Somerset, Wilts, and Durham to stay all proceedings against him (p. 1659). John Dolling pleads that he only took up arms "on the prin- ciple of preserving the Government under which he lives, by which principle he still acts," and that he came from Corfe Castle, and laid down his arms, while his whole estate was under power of the King's garrison. His discharge was ordered if his state- ments proved true (p. 1315). Robert, Lord Rich, son of Robert, Earl of Warwick, "is very unhappy to find himself ranked as a delinquent, after so many years' peaceable deportment"; pleads that he has no personal estate except his clothes, and that he has not been privy to any plot against Government, but abhors all such designs. Upon this, Council ordered his discharge (p. 1729). Henry, second son of Sir Peter Osborne, objects to payment of the tax, “because it would give him the character of disaffection," whereas he has been "obedient and peaceable" since his discharge on Oxford Articles. He "hopes the return of his service is of more value than the small tenth of a younger brother's estate" (p. 1975). John, Lord Belasyse, expresses his willingness to pay the tenth on his own estate, in cos. York and Durham, but begs exemption for the portion settled in trust on his younger children (p. 1339). The Earl of Lindsey was not freed at once, but was allowed to compound at a gross sum for his decimation tax, and discharged on payment of 1,200l. (p. 1504). The numerous instances in which the decimation tax was paid without remonstrance do not appear in these papers, the seques- trations being made by the County Committees on orders of the Majors General, and payments being made to the Receivers General of the counties. The extinct Composition or rather Sequestration Committee, Sir G. Booth's as it was now called, after several years of quiescence, was rising. re-vivified in 1659, in order to deal with the numerous xxxvi INTRODUCTION. Addenda. delinquents concerned in Sir George Booth's rising (see preface to part I. of this Calendar p. xxii). Out of these it is noticeable that only 50 names are those of fresh delinquents; all the remainder are the old Royalists, who, though they had suffered severely for their political opinions, yet ventured once more-in the unsettled condition of public opinion-to risk their fortunes for the restora- tion of fallen monarchy (pp. 751-776). Among these were the Earls of Shrewsbury, Northampton, and Chesterfield (pp. 1777, 1250, 1265), Viscount Kilmorey (p. 1285, 1286), Lord Herbert of Chirbury (p. 1682), Lady Brereton (p. 1230), and Sir Rich. Byron (p. 1308). Colonel Randolph Egerton, Rob. Werden, Sir George Booth, and Sir Thos. Middleton, the leaders of the in- surrection, had already been before the Committee (pp. 1522, 1155, 1550, 3246), and their complicity in it was notorious. Sir Hen. Every was considered the principal promoter of it in Der- byshire, and his estate was secured accordingly (pp. 2449, 2450). In other cases, the grounds of suspicion seem slight. John Harris was suspected on the testimony of his footman (p. 2893); Jonathan Trelawney because in July 1659, he came home armed from Bath, leaving his wife there (p. 1509); John Coriton, because he had a store of stately horses," and had let his house for 3 years, on pretence of living in London (p. 1679); George Phil- pott, because he left home, and did not appear for some weeks (p. 2095). << Sir Hen. Littleton was taken prisoner of war, but the case against him could not be proved, because the witnesses had secreted themselves, and could not be found (p. 2899). Sir Thos. Harris was sequestered, he being reported to have been concerned in all the insurrections since 1648, been long a prisoner in the Tower, and not at home 3 days before he engaged in this business (p. 1027). But though the promoters of this enterprize were in terrible earnest, they failed. It was by the pen, not by the sword, that Charles II. was at last restored to the throne of his ancestors; although the pen would have, probably, had little chance had there not been the strong, though scabbarded sword of General Monk in the background (p. 762). A word of explanation seems to be needed in reference to the number of the Addenda to the Calendar. It can only be accounted for by an explanation of the arrangement of the Royalist INTRODUCTION. xxxvii papers. Composition papers. They remained unbound for a century and Nature of three-quarters, till in 1824 an order was issued for their binding; but unfortunately this was done without any attempt at re- arrangement. They formed two distinct masses, technically known as Pa. (papers) and Co. (composition). The latter of these, which should have had the precedence, was bound as the second series, although it contains the papers initiating a very large majority of the composition cases; it is fairly chronological in its arrange- ment, though the dates followed are those of the reports on the cases, not of the petitions. These papers are bound in their original sequence, as designated by the Co., numbers ranging from 1 to 3,634; they extend from Vol. G 173 to Vol. 227. There is one notable exception in their chronological order; part of Vol. 223 contains some of the earliest composition cases, as may be seen from this Calendar (pp. 895, 904, 905, 909, 922, &c.). The first series of composition papers, G 61 to 172, are of a much more miscellaneous character. Vols. 61 to 135 consist mainly of the cases, alphabetically arranged, of claimants on or lessees and purchasers of the estates of the compounders, but with exceptions; as in Vols. 109-112 are papers relating to Parliament, and in Vol. 63, pages 607 to 821, are papers relating to the Army Committee. It should be noted that the purse strings were held by the Army Committee. Their warrants for payments of money still exist in large numbers among the Exchequer papers of the Interregnum, and when sorted and tabulated, would probably throw light on the vexed question of the expenditure of the Interregnum (see G 16, pp. 35, 99, 198). Vols. 136 to 145 of the Composition Papers are chiefly very short miscellaneous cases, and Vols. 146 to 173 contain the reports sent by the County Committees on cases, in response to orders of the Committee for Compounding. In addition to these bound papers are 34 volumes of unbound papers, of which 16 belong to the General Proceedings and 18 to the Cases, and 65 vols of Order-books and other records belonging to the Composition Committee. After the trial of several modes of dealing with this large and Mode of calendaring. heterogeneous mass of papers, it was considered that to secure clearness, the best plan would be to take each individual com- xxxviii INTRODUCTION. Larger Index. pounder, beginning his case with its earliest date, and carrying it on consecutively to the end, giving references to the books and papers relating to it. This was easy in the simple composition cases, but became complicated when there were claimants upon, or purchasers of the estate. It was necessary to group these with the owner of the estate, for the sake of clearness, and also because the claims were often opposed by him, or one claimant opposed another, and therefore it would not be possible to understand the case without bringing these varying claims together. But unfortunately, in the binding of the papers, each claimant upon an estate was placed, not with the owner of the estate, but under the initial letter of the claimant's name, so that when there were a dozen or more claimants on any estate, their cases have had to be extracted from a dozen volumes. In the longest case of the series-that of the Earls and Countess dowager of Arundel (pp. 2461-2480)-the claimants numbered 35, so that the papers had to be gathered from numerous volumes. The references to those portions of the case that are calendared, as given in the right-hand margin, are 343, while those to the papers recorded, but not calendared, on the left-hand margin, are 251, total 594, an average of about 31 per page.* This statement will show the difficulties that have existed in bringing together all the papers relating to a case, and explain why, whilst many thousands of claimants have been placed with the cases to which they belong, the instances are still rather numerous in which the connection has been discovered too late for press, and they have had to be relegated to later portions of the volume, or to the Appendix. A project was at one time considered of cutting up the composition volumes, and rebinding the papers according to the arrangement of the present calendar, but it was abandoned, owing to the existence of an elaborate Index of persons and places, in 11 volumes, made shortly after the papers were bound, of each series of the composition papers, which has been largely consulted during the last 50 years, and many references from it * An explanation of the nature of papers calendared, and of those only referred to, is given in the preface to the Cases in Part II. of this Calendar, p. 5. INTRODUCTION. xxxix printed, which would have been rendered useless by a redistribution of the papers. The Index volumes are distributed as follows:- Vol. 1. First series, index nominum, A-F. 2. G-O. P-Y. 3. 4. 5. ∞o oi 8. "" 9. 10. 11. رد "" >> 6. Second,, 7. در "" "" }) >> >> "" "" "" 70858. )) >> >> "} >> "" "" "} >> در "" >> >> >> >> در 13 locorum cos. Bedford to Middlesex. " nominum A-Z. locorum cos. Bedford to Derby. Devon to Kent. "} >> }) }} cos. Monmouth to York, including Wales. Lancaster to Salop. Somerset to Wilts. Worcester to York, including Wales. This Index is of considerable value, but it has also its defects. In the Index of Proper Names- 1. Many names are omitted altogether*. 2. Those which are inserted have no subdivision, so that there is not the slightest clue as to whether the reference is to an important petition or letter, or whether it is to the most casual notice. 3. There are no cross references, and each name is spelled just as it occurs in the original, so that the same man may be indexed under two to six different spellings with no clue to guide the searcher from one to the other. This constitutes a special difficulty in the names of peers, as they are sometimes written, and therefore indexed with, and sometimes without the Christian name, and no attempt has been made to identify those to whom no Christian name is given. * To illustrate this statement, a list is appended of the names of persons omitted between Ab and Ag Abdy, Sir Thos. Abercromby, Susan. Acheson, Martha. Achim, Thos. Ackland, Art. Acton, Adam. Adams, Lieut. Chas. >> Adams, Rowland. Sir Thos. Addison, Lancelot. Adshead, Rich. Agard, Thos. Ager, John. d xl INTRODUCTION. Bayley's Index. Present index. Index of names. The Index of places presents the same defects, mutatis mutandis. It is however, classified into counties, which are arranged in alphabetical order, and this is a great convenience to topographical searchers. Another Index-a contemporaneous one, also merits notice. It was compiled by Thos. Bailey, officer to the Committee for Compounding, in two large folio volumes, and forms Nos. 268, 269, of the Composition volumes. It is alpha- betical only as to the two first letters of the name. It contains references to the first 35 of the Order and Letter Books of the Committee, but these are marked according to their original lettering, the key to which will be found in the list of these books given on pp. xxv to xxvii of the preface to the first part this Calendar. This Index does not deal at all with the papers in the second composition series, but only with those of the first series; the references given being Pa. with a number; the numbers may be easily found in the respective volumes, being printed in the list of the volumes xxxi to xxxiv of the said preface. Many of these Pa. papers, nearly one third of the whole, have been destroyed by damp. The remainder follow in numerical order from 1 to 7300, and tabs or small slips with the number of the Pa. are attached to the first of each of the papers. Here, however, again occurs a difficulty, because all persons bearing the same surname are placed under one Pa., which thus sometimes contains 30 or 40 cases or more, without attempt at classification. In such names as Smith, Clark, Jones, Lloyd, Morgan, Vaughan, &c., the want of subdivisions materially enhances the difficulty of search. The Index to the Composition papers here printed has been an onerous task, both in compilation and revision. It is intended to include every name and every place in the 3,309 pages of the Calendar, and in itself it occupies 519 pages. For the sake of clearness it has been divided into two sections : the first, or General Index, includes names of persons, and such subjects as it has been deemed advisable to introduce. Peers will be found under their surnames, not under their titles, to which, however, there are cross references. This plan INTRODUCTION. xli is adopted for the sake of keeping them with their children and relatives. Bishops and deans will be found under their surnames, with cross references under the sees. In this Index the strict alphabetical sequence is preserved as to the surnames, but it has been deviated from as to the Christian names by the grouping together the whole of each family under its head, rather than amalgamating all those persons bearing the same Christian name; take, for example, the name Jones. There are two Annes, wives of Nathaniel and William, and an Ann, sister of William of Hardwick. Two Elizabeths, wives of Hugh and Isaac. Two Williams, a brother of Hugh and a son of Sir Philip, in addition to several that appear in their alphabetical place. Samuel, son of Isaac. Alexander, son of John of Eccles. Edmund, son of John of Hardwick. John and Thomas, sons of John of Dingestow, and John, father of William of Hardwick. Hugh, son of Nathaniel. Margaret, sister of Roger, and Margaret and Cecil, sisters of William of Hardwick. These all appear, for the sake of facility of research, coupled with their respective relatives. In the second section, the index of places, a deviation from strict Index of places. alphabetical sequence has also been adopted in reference to places bearing double names. All those belonging to one county are placed together, the single name, if there be one, first, and then names with the affixes; and the order observed is the alphabetical order of the counties in which the places are situated. Take for example Newton. First come two Newtons with affixes in Bucks. In Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, and Cumberland, single names only. Derbyshire one single name and one with an affix. Devon seven affixes. Durham three affixes, and so on. The searcher, therefore, of names with an affix must look for them under the first name, and under the county in which they are situated. xlii INTRODUCTION. Much pains has been taken to secure accuracy in the Index, and although it can hardly be hoped that in so many thousands of references, mistakes may not here and there be found, it is trusted that these will be few. I must acknowledge my great obligations to my Index maker, Mrs. Lomas, of 46, Underhill Road, Forest Hill, who has bestowed much intelligence and industry on the compilation of the Index. I am also much indebted to Mr. G. W. Morris, of the Public Record Office, for the zeal and energy with which he assisted me for five years, by order of the late Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, Sir Thomas Hardy, in the compilation of this Composition Calendar, 100, Gower Street, 17th November, 1892. M. A. E. G. CASES BEFORE THE COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING WITH DELINQUENTS. 4 Jan. 1654. I.C.C. I.&D. C. 114 9-18 173 499 -505 33 26 114 419 -23 R. 114 1 ACCTS.139 191 114 195 L.C.C. 156 19 70358. THOMAS JEPSON, Recusant, Myerscough, Co. Lan- caster, ELIZABETH his Wife and the Claimants on the Estate. THOS. JEPSON begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of 141 571 his sequestered estate. 4 Jan. 1654. Referred to Reading 26 4 27 7 9 Jan. 1655. WM. RICHARDSON and NATH. KEIGHLEY, infants, by 114 Thos. Jepson, their guardian, third husband of their mother, beg discharge of of a messuage, water corn-mill, and lands in Myerscough, and of two messuages and lands in Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, of which Thos. Richardson, father of Wm. Richardson, and Hugh Keighley, father of Nath. Keighley, were seized in fee simple. On their death, the premises were found in the possession of Elizabeth, mother of both petitioners, and now wife of Thos. Jepson, and the premises are seques- tered for her recusancy, though she has no title to them. Beg that the Yorkshire Committee may take examinations of such witnesses as they produce in proof of the claim. 9 Jan. Referred to the County Committee 12 July. On report, they are ordered to show that their fathers died intestate, or if there were wills, to produce them, in proof that no part of the estate was left to their mother; of claimed as her dower is to be continued under sequestration. 4 Sept. On further certificate their claim allowed · Vol. No. G or P. RICHARD WHITE, Runwell, Essex, and a Claimant on his Estate. 27 114 227 5 28 13 28 24 4 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of 130 271 his sequestered estate. Noted as referred to Reading. CC 28 Jan. 1654. THOS. SORRELL, of Runwell, petitions that he 139 189 became tenant 4 years since to a farm in Runwell, sequestered 144 193 for recusancy of Rich. White, at the rent of 1601., a dear pennyworth," for the former tenant was offered it for 201., but refused it on account of the decay of the houses. The late County Commissioners promising to abate needful repairs from his rent, he spent 1001. therein, but the present County Commissioners refuse to relieve him. Begs allowance for the repairs, without which the farm would not have been habit- able. Wt. 21703. A 3178 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 4 Jan. 1654. L.C.C. 156 21 BILL 144 189 5 Jan. 1654. P.E. 93 53 P.R. 93 52 93 50 R. P.R. 139 117 P.E. 139 119 R. 139 115 C. R. 33 401 96 213 -217 96 193 6 Jan. 165 4. RICHARD WHITE-cont. 28 Jan. 1654. Order to the County Committee to certify 8 June. On Sorrell's request for confirmation of this order, the County Commissioner is ordered to certify on what terms he is tenant, and for how long, and to take examinations about the disbursements, and certify. 7 Nov. He begs allowance for repairs on return of the certificate 144 191 7 Nov. Order that as the State's title is but for the recusant's life, 501. be allowed to Sorrell for his expenses, to be abated from his rent. 27 154 K RECUSANTS. 4 Jan. 1654. The following recusants petitioned to contract for 26 4,5 their estates on the Act of 21 Oct. 1653, and were referred to Reading: RICH. ATMORE, Tardleigh, co. Worcester Thos. Bedingfield, Suffolk MARY STANLEY, widow, Great Eccleston, co. Lancaster JOHN WHITE, Bacons, Mountnessing, Essex RICH. BLACKBORNE, Tarnacre, co. Lancaster JOHN COLLYSON, Dunnington, co. York THOS. CRATHORNE, Welwick, co. York RICH. HESKETH, Tarnacre, co. Lancaster 20 JOAN HIXON, widow, Morton, co. Durham DAME MARY HOWARD, widow, Brafferton, co. York JOHN MAYRE, Hardwick, co. Durham JOHN MILLER, alias ATKINSON, Nateby, co. Lancaster SILVESTER NORRIS, Bratton Clovelly, Devon ISABEL SALVIN, widow, Cawton, co. York Jo. SALVIN, Heworth, co. Durham ANT. SKINNER, co. Warwick - THOS. STICH, Newbury, Barking parish, Essex WM. SWYNBURNE, Halliwell, co. Lancaster THOS. WALMSLEY, Claughton, co. Lancaster THOS. WILKINSON, Tarnacre, co. Lancaster - ISABEL WITHAM, widow, Preston, co. Durham JANE WYLDE, widow, Hunton, co. York 141 577 67 857 · 120 150 ❤ - 130 272 · 69 216 142 136 - 77 343 93 55, · Vol. No. G or p. 25 108 27 67 - - 138 91 - 101 - 105 239 - 107 389 - 115 · " - 152 189 590 5 · 117 707 W 141 574 121 394 - 128 168 - 139 106 718A CLAIMANT ON THE EState. 96 203 13 July 1654. CHRIS. KIRK, of Rivaulx, co. York, begs enquiry into 96 201 s 219 L.C.C. -211 1.& D. 145 641 his claim to, or discharge of the sequestration of of an estate in Stainton, conveyed to him in 1637 and long enjoyed by him, but now are sequestered for the recusancy of his grand- father, Fras. Pinckney. -649 115 717 121 - 131 298 - 130 711 * FRANCIS PINCKNEY, Silton, Co. York. 5 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 3 of 112 191 his sequestered estate. 5 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 5 13 July. County Committee to certify and Brereton to report 27 7 96 199 17 May 1655. Claim allowed on report, and sequestration to be 23 1686 discharged, with arrears from date of petition. ROGER ASHTON, Recusant, Newton, Co. Lancaster. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of his seques- 64 299 tered estate. 6 Jan. 1634. Referred to Reading - 26 6 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3179 6 Jan. 1654. D. C. D. R. 142 73 142 67 142 65 142 61 -63 10 Jan. 1654. CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE. 2 3 20 June 1654. WM. CALDWALL, for his children, begs discharge of g of a meadow, worth 20s. a year, demised 16 years ago by petitioner to Roger Ashton for 21 years, and he bequeathed the remainder of the term to petitioner's children; but the County Committee, notwithstanding Roger Ashton's death, continue the sequestration of for his delinquency. 27 June. [Edw.] Robinson, the County Commissioner, to dis- 27 charge it if he judges the proofs sufficient. Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS GOODIER, Leintall Starkes, Co. Hereford. L.C.C. 1157 391 6 Jan. Referred to Reading & D. J -393 6 Jan. 1654. THOS. GOODIER, infant, by Thos. Mayo, of Bodenham, 142 next of kin and guardian, begs discharge of of lands in Leintall, sequestered for recusancy of his late father [Thos. Goodier], who left them for raising portions for his younger children. 16 Feb. Claim allowed on report, but no arrears, because it does not appear when the father died, nor for whose recusancy the lands were sequestered. WM. BARNES, Rowington, co. Warwick JOHN BROWN, Tamworth, co Warwick RAPHAEL DAVIES, Drarabiett, co. Flint ANT. KIRTON, Morton, co. York DOROTHY MASHITER, widow, co. Lancaster MARY STANLEY, co. Lancaster 12 April. Order on proof that Thos. Goodier, sen., died in 1651; 23 1594 that if he be the infant's father, arrears are to be paid from his death. · FRANCES HELMES, Widow. 6 Jan. 1654. Depositions of Mark Bradley, scrivener, of London, 89 1007 to a deed whereby in 1637 Sir Fras. Brandling, George Wray, and James Fawcett, merchant of London, were bound in 2001. to pay Frances Helmes 1047. Also depositions, seemingly in the same case, of Wm. West, of 89 1009 Middleton, co. Lancaster, to his witnessing a deed of 16 Aug. 1639 between Nich. Singleton and John Leyburne. GEORGE BLUNT, Blagdon, Devon EDW. CODRINTON, Sutton Mandeville, Wilts ROB. CONSTABLE, Westborough, co. Lincoln EDW. COTTON, Shelwood, Surrey FRANCES, widow of JOHN COTTON, Steeple Gidding, co. Hunts SIR THOS. FLEETWOOD, Bart., Caldwick, co. Stafford THOS. GREENWOOD, Briyers-Norton, Oxon ELLEN HANKINSON, widow, Eccleston, co. Lancaster JAMES HORNBY, Medlar, co. Lancaster JOHN HUNT, Rowington, co. Warwick RECUSANTS. 6 Jan. 1654. The following recusants petitioned to contract for 26 5,6 their estates on the Act of 21 Oct. 1653, and were referred to Reading:- FRANCES, daughter of SIR HEN. JAMES, Smarden, Kent SIR RICH. LEECHFORD, Dorking, Surrey ADAM LUTLEY, Laughton, co. Salop - GEORGE WILKINSON, Broughton, co. Lancaster Vol. No. G or P. 72 776 C 84 - 59 71 - 25 278 142 69 23 1579 · 66 837 71 331 79 695 97 338 - 142 128 - 120 151 * 82 308 75 426 75 616 76 861 76 863 85 1061 142 123 - 94 319 142 43 92 306 95 400 142 159 - · 142 129 - 139 107 A 2 3180 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 10 Jan. 1654. L C.C. I. & D. C. L.C.C. & D. R. { C. 93 312 -320 33 353 93 329 L.C.C. 138 69 173 557 93 321 -331 145 451 -457 93 299 33 410 138 71, 73 D. 138 59-67 R. 138 47 L.C.C.165 485 SUR. 165 487 L.C.C. & D. D. 105 51 -53 ELIZABETH, Widow of WILLIAM FINCH, Croston, Co. Lancaster. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of her tered estate. 10 Jan. 1654. Referred to Reading - of her seques- 85 479 CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE. 3 May 1654. RICH. HODGSON, of Croston, begs discharge of lands 93 in Croston, assigned to him in trust in 1637 by Wm. Finch, who held them in trust for William and Rich. Ashton, but se- questered for recusancy of Elizabeth, widow of Wm. Finch. 3 May. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 9 March 1655. Order on hearing that the claim be allowed and sequestration discharged, with arrears from the date of peti- Vol. No. G or P. 1 Aug. The depositions returned not being full enough for proof, 93 345 he begs an order for further examination. Granted. 27 8 23 1676 26 5 DOROTHY, Widow of JOHN GIFFORD, Boscobel, Co. Salop. tion. 3 May. He begs discharge from a claim made on him by the 93 336 County Committee for 81. fine, due from Eliz. Smith, who had only a life interest in an estate now come to him in trust. 3 May. Reading to peruse the petition and the order of discharge 27 379 of 9 March last, and report verbally. 2 3 5 27 93 307 I 309 343 10 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for the 136 187 sequestered of her estate. 10 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 5 26 June 1655. She complains of detention of her thirds of lands 136 77 in White Lady's, co. Salop, and Pattingham Rectory, co. Stafford, and also of spoil on her lands. Begs allotment of a separate third, being aged and in debt. 26 June. Granted, and orders sent to the County Committees of 20 1181 Salop and Stafford accordingly. CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE. 9 Jan. 1655. GEORGE GEERY, of Gray's Inn, Middlesex, complains 138 that he is obstructed in enjoying two messuages, &c., in Hedg- ford and Brewood, co. St fford, purchased 4 Jan. 1655 for 100l. for 31 years of Frances Colton, sole daughter and heir of John [and Dorothy] Gifford, but sequestered for Dorothy's recu sancy. Begs reference to counsel. 9 Jan. 1655. Referred to the County Committee RICHARD, Son and Heir of SIR ROGER MARTIN, Recusant, Long Melford, Suffolk. - 27 227 * 138 55 - 23 1687 17 May. He is required to make further proof of his title 17 July. He begs to offer further proof - 138 45 28 17 July. The County Committee to examine and certify, and 29 Reading to report. 10 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 105 of his sequestered estate. 105 35 10 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 -42 156 133 13 June. Rob. Hammond, and 2 other trustees for his 105 -139 creditors and younger children, petition that in May 1654, 90 57 75 1 5 33 282 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3181 10 Jan. 1654. c. 105 57 -59 33 368 105 55 D. 105 45 C. -50 R. 105 105 15 L.C.C. L.C.C. 167 277 142 31 -36 & D. 171 262, 271-277 c. 142 38 39 33 336 D. 142 39 R. 142 15 L.C.C. & D. B. 142 9 -13 171 261 -265 142 3 11 Jan. 1654. L.C.C. 169 379 -381 Rich. Martin demised Smeaton Hall, Blampsters, and other lands in Essex [value 2007. a year] to them for 80 years, or his life, for payment of debts and provision [of 2,000l.] for his younger children, but they are sequestered for recusancy of Sir Roger Martin, who has no interest therein. Begs examination of their title. 13 June 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 27 6 105 31 · 3 Oct. The petitioners requesting a speedy day of hearing, order that the case be heard in 3 weeks, and that meantime, the County Committee forbear to meddle with the estate. 23 Nov. Claim allowed, and sequestration discharged, with arrears from date of petition. If the estate is of greater value than 2001. a year, the County Commissioners are to improve it to the best advantage. Vol. No. G or P. 90 278 27 127 105 43 23 1647 2 Jan. 1655. Order on return from the County Commissioners 105 that the estate be let by them to the tenant who will give most for it. Claimant on the Estate of EDWARD SKELLING, or SKILLING, Draycot, Wilts. LO 5 16 Jan. Order confirmed, and good security to be taken for pay- 27 253 ment of the overplus above the 2007. a year and arrears, as ordered 23 Nov. 1654. 10 Jan. 1654. HENRY SKELLING, of Whiteparish, Wilts, being a 142 1,25 Protestant, and a frequenter of Church, begs discharge of or examination of his title, as nephew and heir, to manors and lauds, cos. Wilts and Hants, which were sequestered for Edw. Skelling's recusancy; can prove that the widow Barbara has no interest therein, the lands being entailed on him. 10 Jan. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 25 271 142 23 28 Jan. Pedigree of the Skilling family, and notes on their 142 respective claims. 7 13 April. Order on report that the claim cannot be allowed on pre- 23 1596 sent proof, but Barbara, widow of Edw. Skilling, and Henry 142 Skilling's are to depose that she has no interest in the estate except in Draycot Farm, and that they have neither of them lost or released their several interests therein. 29 June. The lands discharged, with arrears from date of peti- 23 1617 tion, but & of Mrs. Skelling's portion to be sequestered for her recusancy. SANCTIA BRAY, Widow, Cobham, Surrey. Begs to compound on the late Act for her estate, sequestered for 70 457 recusancy only. 11 Jan. 1654. Referred to Reading - - 26 6 31 May. Sanctia Bray and Joshua Chandler, of Cobham, beg 70 discharge of the sequestration. Sanctia was brought up a Protestant, and attended Church till disabled by extreme old age and deafness, but the County Committee have sequestered her for recusancy without proof, and require 127. a year for her. Not expecting the sequestration to continue when the County Committee were rightly informed, she sold her estate to Chandler, and gave bond for his quiet enjoyment of it. 31 May. The County Committee are to certify when and why the 27 61 estate was sequestered, and what proofs there are of her recu- sancy. 451 453 26 Sept. Order on their return discharging the sequestration, and 27 124 the rents received are to be repaid. 3182 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 11 Jan. 1654. O.T.T. 144 681 12 Jan. 1654. 12 Jan. 1654. L.C.C. 149 527 13 Jan. 1654. FRANCES HODGES, Widow, East Quantoxhead, Somerset. 11 Jan. 1654. Begs to compound on the late Recusants' Act for of her sequestered estate. 11 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 6 17 Jan. She also begs to contract for a copyhold estate on the 91 810 said Act. 17 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 9 Purchaser of the Estate of JOHN LYNNAKER, Widnes, Co. Lancaster. 11 Jan. 1654. Discharge from sequestration of lands in Widnes, 18 929 forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Ashworth. RECUSANTS. 11 Jan. 1654. The following petitioned to contract on the late 26 5, 6 Recusants' Act for the sequestered of their estates, and were referred to Reading M THOS. SANDERS, Knowle, Warwick 115 856 THOS. THRELFALL, Whittingham, co. Lancaster, for an estate 138 623 in Broughton in right of his wife, Elizabeth, widow of John Dillworth. JOHN VAUGHAN, Ruardean [co. Gloucester], or Upper Ross, 126 95 co. Hereford. WM. LAWES, Kiopey, co. Durham MAT. MARSTON, Writtle, Essex THOS. MARTIN, Baltonsborough, Somerset - WM. BASELEY, South Brewham, Somerset, for a small tene- 142 125 ment in Brewham, of which is worth 41. a year. MARGARET, widow of SIR HEN. CURWEN, Bart., Rottington, 78 554 Cumberland. 3 ANN HAWLEY, widow, Millmeece, Eccleshall, co. Stafford 92 202 ROB. HAWLEY, Millmeece, Eccleshall, co. Stafford 92 204 ELIZ. HILL, widow, Tunstall, co. York 92 338 3 873 · 102 · - 105 61 - 108 193 141 625 - 130 269 - 134 479 ELEANOR ORDE, Sturton Grange, Northumberland WM. WHITBRED, White Notley, Essex EDW. WHITE, Stock, Essex RICH. WRIGHT, Brentwood Weale, Essex Vol. No. G or p. 91 764 . · . 137 * · PHIL. SHESWELL, Cornwall. Begs the benefit of the Act of Pardon, his estate not being se- 142 questered 1 Dec. 1651. 12 Jan. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 25 284 · ROWLAND BARTLETT, Castle Morton, Co. Worcester, and a Claimant on his Estate. 41 Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of his se- 67 265 questered estate. 13 Jan. 1654. Referred to Reading - 26 10 4 July 1655. RICH. WAGSTAFFE, of Castle Morton, begs reference 126 709 to counsel of his title to a house in Driffield, co. Gloucester, demised to him 22 Charles by Rowland Bartlett, in reversion after Jane Tipping, the then tenant, at whose death he entered the premises, but the County Committee have sequestered them for recusancy of Bartlett, who has no interest therein. 4 July. County Committee to certify and Reading to report - 29 10 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3183 13 Jan. 1654. L.C.C. 164 469 JOHN BERRINGTON, Winslow, Co. Hereford. 13 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 67 481 of his sequestered estate. · 13 Jan. Referred to Reading 17 Jan. Begs allowance of his incumbrances, and the benefit of 67 483 any future orders towards abatement of his 4 years' purchase. 17 Jan. Referred to Reading RICHARD COTTAM, Recusant, Claughton, Co. Lancaster, and a Claimant on his Estate. Vol. No. G or P. 13 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 142 of his sequestered estate. 13 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 8 - 26 12 CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE. 2 Jan. 1655. THOMAS BEESLY, of Goosnargh, begs reference to the 68 127 County Committee and to counsel of his title to lands in Claughton, sequestered for the recusancy of Richard Cottam, deceased, whose son Lawrence conveyed them to petitioner for payment of debts. Granted. 27 227 2 May 1655. He begs an order for examination of further proofs. 68 82 Granted. 27 378 EDWARD MOSTYN, Recusant, T'alackrey, Co. Flint. 13 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 103 603 of his sequestered estate. 13 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 9 JANE and MARGARET MYLOTE, or MILLOTT, Whit- toll, [? Whitwell], Co. Durham, 401 LESSEE OF THE ESTATE. 19 June 1655. THOS. BROWN, of Aston, Llanasa parish, co. Flint, 164 409 begs confirmation of his lease for 7 years, at 701., of of Mostyn's estate, co. Flint. 19 June. Granted, if let as instructed · 71 434 - 27 419 13 Jan. 1654. Each begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act 102 853 for a corn-mill and bakehouse, Chester, co. Durham. 855 13 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 8 CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE. 13 Jan. 1654. MARK AWDE, of co. Durham,-tenant to the Com- 27 179 monwealth for of a water corn-mill called Chester Mill, sequestered for the recusancy of Jane and Margaret Millott, rent 141. a year,-complaining that Ralph Hedworth has erected a malt-mill within the manor, and got great quantities of malt ground at his mill, though the tenants are bound by custom to grind all their corn, &c., at the said "antient mill," wherefore Awde cannot continue to pay his rent, Hedworth is summoned to shew what right he had to erect the mill. 3 April. Order for a hearing on 3 May, and stay of proceedings 27 against the tenant meantime. 20 Feb. 1655. His counsel urging that the malt mill is not built 27 304 on Chester Manor, belonging to Jane Millott, but on his own manor called the Deanery of Chester, and begging a commis- sion to examine the case, it is granted. 35 A 3184 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 13 Jan. 1654. P. 27 382 L.C.C. 150 103 144 275 L.C.C. 173 659 JANE AND MARGARET MYLOTE-cont. 17 May 1655. The Committee for Compounding not being satisfied of the allegations in Awde's petition, order the County Com- mittee to search the Court Rolls of the late Bishop's manor of Chester, whether the tenants of Hedworth's manor are bound to grind their corn at the mill there, and meantime they are to forbear to levy the rent from Mr. Awde. LANCELOT PORTER, Recusant, Dean, Cumberland, and a Claimant on his Estate. Vol. No. G or P. 27 391 13 Jan. 1654. He begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act 112 933 for of his sequestered estate. 13 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 10 LESSEE OF THE ESTATE. 5 Sept. 1654. RICH. URYELL petitions that in 1651 he leased for 6 144 277 years, from the Cumberland Commissioners, lands in Ewstwick, sequestered from Lancelot Porter, at 177., to be paid to the State, and to Porter. He then let part of the lands to Porter at 61. rent secured by bond. In 1652 Porter got a discharge for that part from the County Commissioners, yet they still demand the whole rent from him, and have forced payment for 2 years. Begs the lands, or allowance on the rent, and an order to distrain Porter's goods for the arrears. 5 Sept. The County Commissioners are to require the whole 27 114 rent, and petitioner to take his remedy at law against Porter. FRANCIS PURCELL, Yealfields, Co. Stafford. 13 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 3 of 138 411 his sequestered estate. Noted as referred to Reading. 13 Nov. 1656. He petitions the Protector. After 50 years' painful 243 industry, having a wife and 14 children, bought a small liveli- hood for his relief in decrepid old age; but on the bare account of a recusant, his estate has been sequestered by the Com- missioners of co. Berks, and let to Thos. Blackman for 7 years at 321. rent, by which he is brought so low that he has not bread for his family, and cannot pay his pressing debts. Begs to be admitted to a reasonable composition, or must desert his wife and children, or end his days in a loathsome prison. 1 13 Nov. Reference thereon to the Treasury Commissioners to I77 496 consider and certify. 18 Dec. Report of the Treasury Commissioners against the grant- 243 ing of the petition, as being contrary to the usual mode of proceeding, though he deserves commiseration. 2 LESSEE OF THE ESTATE. 21 Nov. 1654. THOS. BLACKMAN petitions that being tenant to 144 367 of the estate of Fras. Purcell in co. Berks, he was at great expense in the repairs, and must be at much more to keep up the houses, yet the County Commissioner refuses to give him allowance therefor without order Begs an order to him to certify what he has done. 21 Nov. Granted, and the Commissioner is also to certify whether 27 166 Blackman's lease binds him to repair. 10 April 1655. Allowance refused on certificate that his lease 27 365 does bind him to repair. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3185 13 Jan. 1654. R.C. 27 138 c. 34 9 Vol. No. THOMAS RICHARDSON, Catterall, Co. Lancaster, and G or p. a Claimant on his Estate. 13 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 114 of his sequestered estate. 13 Jan. Referred to Reading JOHN URMSTON, Bedford, Co. Lancaster, and the Claimants on his Estate. 26 8 26 16 Nov. 1654. HEN. BUTLER, of Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, begs 72 allowance of his claim as lord and owner to a messuage in Raw- cliffe, worth 418. a year, sequestered for the delinquency of Thos. Richardson, deceased, the last lessee. The County Committee can only clear estates worth 40s. or under. 3 July 1655. Claim allowed and estate discharged 13 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 3 126 621 of his sequestered estate. 13 Jan. Referred to Reading - 26 10 3 April 1655. Christopher Bate and Rob. Eaton, of West Leigh, 126 605 co. Lancaster, for PETER URMSTON, infant, beg discharge of a messuage and lands in Bedford, settled upon them by John Urmston, in trust for himself for life, and then for Peter, his son, and his heirs, with other reversions. John Urmston died in March last, and the said messuage and lands ought to come to petitioners, in trust for the infant, but the County Com- mittee refuse without order to discharge the lands which are sequestered for his recusancy. They beg an order to the County Committee to discharge the premises, or to take the examinations of the petitioners and such witnesses as they shall produce, in proof of the above particulars, and to refer the same to counsel. MARG. ASHTON, Mawdsley, co. Lancaster ROB. ATWOOD, Rowington, co. Warwick CHRIS. BATE, Croft, co. Lancaster 3 April. The County Committee to certify in a month and Read- 27 358 ing to report. WM. Baynes, Wyersdale, co. Lancaster JOHN BERRY, Greenarbor, Devon RECUSANTS. 13 Jan. 1654. The following beg to contract on the late Recu- 26 5-10 sants' Act for of their sequestered estates, and were referred to Reading ELLINOR BIRKBECK, jun., widow, Hornby, Westmoreland BENEDICT BISLEY ELIZ. BISPHAM, Ashton in Amounderness, co. Lancaster EDW. BLACKBURN, Tarnacre, co. Lancaster JANE BODENHAM, widow, Bringwin, co. Hereford Edw. Bowker, Bretherton, co. Lancaster JOHN BRIGHT, Gillingham, Dorset Thos. Butler, Clayton, co. Lancaster ROB. CANSFIELD, Ellel, co. Lancaster MARY CHURCH - · · · - · - - 29 - 28 1 W - - 72 64 297 142 279 142 379 382 65 304 142 251 68 410 142 368 142 347 69 217 69 535 82 815 142 351 39 137 271 74 707 3186 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. *T. 13 Jan. 1654. RECUSANTS-cont. JOHN COCKS, Crowle, co. Worcester WM. CRICHLOWE, Charnock Richard, co. Lancaster JOHN CRICHLOWE, Clayton, co. Lancaster CHRIS. CURWEN, Camerton, Cumberland JOHN DANIELL JOHN DAY HEN. DICKENSON, Catterall, co. Lancaster FRAS. EVERARD, Linstead, Suffolk RALPH EVERARD, Bedingfield, Suffolk, for jointure lands in Bedingfield settled on his wife Susan by her late hus- band, Francis Bedingfield. THOS. FARR, Balsall, co. Warwick 85 153 THOS. GARSTANG, Brindle, co. Lancaster, has but little land, 142 563 which is in co. Hereford. RICH. GREENE, Cleveley, co. Lancaster (petition missing) RICH. GREYSON, Ashton in Amounderness, co. Lancaster JOHN HARRISON, Ashton in Amounderness, co. Lancaster JOHN HAWARDEN, Widnes, co. Lancaster URSULA HICKEN, Balsall, co. Warwick FRAS. HILDESLEY, Oxon JOHN HODGKINSON, Cottam, co. Lancaster ELIZ., wife of ALBERT HODSHON, Lintshall, co. Durham JAMES HOLLINHEAD, Broughton, co. Lancaster WM. HOLLINHEAD, Ingall, co. Lancaster IVETT HOUGHTON, widow, Euxton, co. Lancaster THOS. HOWE, Leigh, co. Stafford HUM. HUGGEFORD, Sambourn, co. Warwick - FRAS. LEA, Lea, co. Stafford JOHN LEWIS, Co. Monmouth; is 80 years of age ROB. LLOYD · P Manda - - - WM. MYNN, Somerton, Oxon ELIZ. PALMER, widow, Knowle, co. Warwick Kath. PEGG, Widow, Hildersley, co. Derby EDW. PENNANT, Bagillt, co. Flint ANT. PICKERING, Catterall, co. Lancaster JOHN POWELL · - MARY JERNEGAN, widow, Costey [P Costessy], Norfolk ELIZ. KIRKHAM, widow, Pinhoe, Devon WM. KNIPE, Semley, Wilts AGNES, widow of SIR THOS. LAMPLUGH, Dovenby, Cumber- land. HOWELL PRICE, aged 80, for a small estate, co. Brecon JAMES PRICHARD WM. PRICHARD PUDSEY JOHN RIGMAIDEN, Wyersdale, co. Lancaster DOROTHY RISDON, widow, Sandwell, Devon ► D # - I · 142 · · - - - - 142 333 94 799 141 514 · 142 571 - • 98 187 WALTER LUDDINGTON 142 585 DOROTHY, widow of HEULETT MASSY, Rixton, co. Lancaster 101 819 MARGERY MELLING, widow, Lea, co. Lancaster JOHN MERCER, Barnacre, co. Lancaster - 102 23 104 2 - 104 161 ANT. METCALFE, Aldborough, co. York FRAS. MIDDLETON, Lea, co. Stafford - 105 555 PETER MORGAN; is poor, old, and blind · Sin · · 142 578 · 99 519 CUTHBERT MOUNSEY, Graystock, Cumberland - 102 JOAN, widow of GEORGE MOUNSEY, Graystock, Cumberland - 102 THOS. MOUNSEY, Stainton, Cumberland - 102 R - Vol. No. G or p. · - 75 899 142 285 283 78 552 79 119 79 829 80 356 84 840 84 841 · 94 376 94 918 93 352 142 257 142 255 91 334 89 616 142 567 142 575 142 83 - 135 469 135 583 103 414 140 619 110 374 - 142 612 - 110 623 - 11 9 13 - 112 772 - 110 520 - 109 621 - 110 837 - 110 835 - 112 133 - 113 1168 113 803 142 295 . 114 409 . 114 411 - ELIZ. ROGERSON, Widow, Ashton, co. Lancaster DOROTHY ROWE, widow, Staverton, Devon JOHN ROWE, her son, Staverton, Devon THOS. SALISBURY, East Alvington, Devon, for 2 small tene- 115 1023 ments in East Alvington, held in right of his wife. FRAS. SAUNDERS, Brampton, Norfolk - GEORGE SHERRINGTON 115 857 - 142 651 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3187 13 Jan. 1654. 17 Jan. 1654. c. 116 93, 89 33 428 - JOHN WIGMORE AURELIUS WILLIAMS THOS. WILLIAMS, his little land is in co. Hereford WM. WYVELL, Johnby, Cumberland • AGNES SHORROCK, widow, Euxton, co. Lancaster JOHN SILVESTER, Barston, co. Warwick THOS. SMITH, Redlingfield, Suffolk THOS. STARKIE, Leyland, co. Lancaster JENNET TOOTTILL, widow, Catterall, co. Lancaster RICH. VAUGHAN, Courtfield, co. Monmouth CHARLES WALGRAVE, Stanninghall, Norfolk NICH. WALDEGRAVE THOS. WARING, Solihull, co. Warwick AUGUSTINE WHALE, Middleton, Norfolk ELIZ. WHARLES, widow, Ashton-in-Amounderness, co. Lan- 142 743 130 17 caster. - 117 - 142 637 - 118 83 - 120 357 138 645 · - 126 - · - - 127 · 127 · - · - 131 409 · 131 543 - Purchaser of the Estate of GEORGE JANYON, Blackrod, Co. Lancaster. Vol. No. G or p. 29 THOS. BRIDGES, Lea, Co. Hereford, and a Claimant on his Estate. 14 Jan. 1654. O.T.T. 96 1 Discharge from sequestration of Parkhall Manor, in Blackrod, 18 923 forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Ralph Vance, co. Lancaster. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of his se- questered estate. 17 Jan. 1654. Referred to Reading - 4 Sept. 1655. THOS. BENNETT, of Newton, co. Hereford, and JOHN BRIDGES, of Langford, Wilts, beg discharge of lands in Weobly and Wellington, co. Hereford, of which are sequestered for the recusancy of Thomas Bridges, with whom Bennett stood bound in several sums for payment of moneys; he also owed John Bridges several other sums, for security of which he long since conveyed the said lands to petitioners. 4 Sept. Referred to the County Committee 93 127 759 758 439 Claimants on the Estate of GEORGE CALEY (late), Atwick, Co. York, and ALICE his Wife, now Wife of Robert Moore. RICHARD CHENERY (late), Recusant, West Horndon, Essex, and ELIZABETH CHENERY, his Widow. 131 541 142 345 70 647 26 8 67 536 29 54 476 17 Jan. 1654. JOHN CALEY and FRANCIS CALEY, of Atwick, each 142 474 begs to compound for his estate, sequestered first for recu- sancy of his mother, and then of Rob. Moore, whom she married, but each has had his third part since he came of age. 18 Jan. 1654. ROB. MOORE, of Marton, co. York, begs to contract 100 697 for of of houses, &c., in Atwick, Beeford, and Hornsea, co. York, in right of his wife Alice, widow of George Caley, all sequestered as his, but belong to John and Fras. Caley, his wife's sons. Noted as referred to Reading. 17 Jan. 1654. Eliz. Chenery begs to contract on the late Recu- 142 477 sants' Act for of her sequestered estate. 17 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 9 CLAIMANTS ON THE ESTATE. 21 March 1655. JOHN SCOTT, of London, petitions that Eliz. 116 127 Chenery, [and her son Richard], sold him a house and land in 75 3188 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 4 17 Jan. 1654. L.C.C. 116 77 I.& D. J -88 D. 243 3-5 c. 116 91 33 436 243 6 R. 116 60 D. 116 80 243 7,9 c. 243 10 L.C.C. 243 11 R. 243 12 c. 34 26 243 13 RICHARD CHENERY, &c.-cont. Cockfield, Suffolk, for 21 years or her life, but he cannot enjoy them as they are sequestered for the recusancy of Rich. Chenery, sen., who is dead. Begs examination of his title, and discharge. 21 March 1655. Referred to the Suffolk Committee and Reading 27 316 116 73 8 22 May. Petition renewed. Begs an order to the Essex Com- 243 mittee to return the proofs, and reference thereof to counsel. 116 95 243 8 27 360 7 22 May. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 8 July. The County Commissioner is to search whether, on the 28 death of Rich. Chenery, there was not an order to continue the estate under sequestration for recusancy; if there was not, the claim is allowed, with arrears from date of petition. Vol. No. G or P. 24 April 1655. THOMAS THORLY, of East Horndon, Essex, begs 145 300 allowance of, or leave to prove his title to lands in Essex, se- questered for recusancy of the late Rich. Chenery, and sold to him 2 April last, by his widow Elizabeth and his son Richard. Noted as referred to the County Commissioner and Reading. ROGER COREHAM, or CORAM, Okeley, Hants. 17 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 144 375 of his sequestered estate. Noted as referred to Reading. 4 Sept. 1655. A petition (missing) of John Poore, relating to 29 Coram, referred to the Hants Commissioner to examine and certify. GEORGE CRESWELL, Dunnington, Co. York. 17 Jan. 1654. Begs to compound on the Recusants' Act for the sequestered of his estate. 17 Jan. Referred to Reading 30 March. He begs to have the may dispose of it to satisfy his creditors. 30 March. Granted his full third, and his mansion-house · 26 7 of his estate set out, that he 77 405 20 1178 59 77 404 DAME MARGARET, Widow of SIR ARTHUR GREY, Spindleston, Northumberland, and the Claimants on her Estate. WILLIAM GOODRICH, Sen., Suffolk. 17 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 88 84 of his sequestered estate. 17 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 7 CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE. 5 July 1654. WM. GOODRICH, jun., petitions that his grandfather 88 Wm. Goodrich, in Aug. 1635, settled upon him lands and tene- ments in Suffolk, after he should attain the age of 21 years, and although he has now attained that age, he cannot receive the benefit of the settlement because of the sequestration. Begs discharge thereof. 5 July. County Committee to examine aud certify 77 29 10 17 Jan. 1654. She begs to contract for of her estate on the 87 836 Recusants' Act of 21 Oct. 1653. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3189 17 Jan. 1554. D. 86 393 D. 87 827 R.C. 27 224 c. 33 404 D. 64 633, 637, 644 c. 64 640 641 H. 29 23 r. 64 623 Vol. No. G or P. 26 12 17 Jan. 1654. Referred to Reading 13 June 1654. MARTIN FENWICK complains that of the estate of 86 391 Dame Marg. Grey, in Spindleston, sequestered for recusancy, being let to him, Edw. Grey, pretending a title thereto, has sealed a lease of ejectment to Nich. Carnaby before appealing to the Committee for Compounding. Begs that they may both be summoned to prove their titles. 13 June. Referred to the County Commissioner, and if Fenwick's 27 petition be true, Grey is to be ordered not to molest him in the estate, and to be forbidden at his peril to try his title at law till his claim is allowed by the Committee for Compounding. 75 of 27 Dec. 1654. DAME MARGARET GREY and Martin Fenwick, of 87 825 Kenton, plead that the late Rob. Dodsworth, tenant to Dame Margaret's sequestered estate, was obliged to spend 861. 178. in repairs, but the County Commissioners would only allow him 287. 19s., which was, charging Lady Grey, who only had of the estate, with of the repairs, and now they demand the 281. 19s. as arrears of rent from Fenwick, though it was allowed to be defalcated by Dodsworth. 1 7 Feb. 1655. Order that Fenwick be no further troubled for the 27 283 287. 19s. to 28 Dec. 1654. EDW. GREY, of Morpeth, begs allowance of his title 87 823 of Ulchester Manor and other lands and tithes, cos. North- umberland and Durham, settled on him in 1636 by the late Sir Roger Grey, but the premises were then in lease, and the in- terest of the lease coming to Dame Marg. Grey, the lands are sequestered for her recusancy. 28 Dec. Referred to the County Committee · 27 139 49 10 Jan. 1655. AND. YOUNG, of Bourn, and 3 others, beg reference 135 to counsel and examination by the County Committee of their title under Sir Arthur and Sir Roger Grey, deceased, to the moiety of Ulchester Manor and Grange, Ballingborough parish, Northumberland, of which are sequestered as the estate of Margaret, widow of Sir Art. Grey. 10 Jan. County Committee to certify and Reading to report - 27 229 24 April 1655. JONATHAN ATKINS, of Henderskelf Castle, co. York, 64 620 begs allowance of his title to of lands in Ulchester, purchased for 9401. of Edward Grey, and sequestered for the recusancy of Dame Margaret Grey, who had an interest therein only during a lease which expired at Whitsuntide. 24 April. Referred to the County Committee 27 359 17 July. He begs possession of the premises, and liberty to try 64 618 his title thereto at the common law. 19 July. Petitioner is to try his title at law, notwithstanding 28 16 Fenwick's motion to the contrary. HUBERT HACON, Norfolk. 17 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 3 of 144 421 his sequestered estate. Noted as referred to Reading. 3 17 Nov. He petitions that Hilton, solicitor for the County Com- 144 423 missioners, took a note of his lands, and allotted of his estate for the Commonwealth and for petitioner, who refused this till Hilton promised to add to it some farms and lands, value 81. a year. These he held 9 years, but lately the County 3190 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 17 Jan. 1654. L.C.C. 243 15 c. 33 441 243 16, 17 D. 243 18 R. 243 19 c. 243 20 HUBERT HACON-cont. Commissioners have forced the tenants to pay them the rents ever since the additional allowance, which is unjust and con- trary to the Act of Oblivion, as they were not sequestered 1 Dec. 1651. Has 10 children and owes 2,000l. Begs examination of the premises. Vol. No. Gorp. 17 Jan. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 27 138 14 Feb. 1655. Claim allowed on report to the 87. a year, with re- 27 293 payment of what has been received, it appearing a part of his 1. 2 7 Sept. JOHN, THOMAS, and CRESSY TASBURGH, of East Wretham, and 121 583 HEN. HUMBERSTON, of Loddon, Norfolk, beg discharge of all the lands of the late Hubert Hacon, of which were sequestered for his recusancy. John and Thomas Tasburgh claim under deed poll of 7 July 1655, and by codicil to his will, all his lands in Norfolk. Cressy Tasburgh and Henry Humberston claim by grant from Mary his relict all his lands in Suffolk for 20 years, being her jointure. 7 Sept. Referred to the County Committee CHRISTOPHER JETTER, and MARGARET, and ELIZABETH, and MARY JETTER, Recusants, Carlton Colville, Suffolk. 17 Jan. 1654. They all beg discharge on the late Recusants' Act 95 731 of 3 of their sequestered estates. 728 17 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 5 EDMUND KNOLLYS, Boveat, Hants, and a Claimant on his Estate. 29 55 CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER JETTER. 31 Aug. 1654. MARY JETTER, age 14, begs discharge of lands in 95 Norfolk, surrendered in 1642 for her use by her father, Chris. 243 Jetter, into the hands of the lord of the manor of Bowerton, but of which are sequestered for her father's recusancy. 1 Sept. County Committee to certify and Reading to report 27 243 17 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 97 of his sequestered estate. Noted as referred to Reading. 733 14 8 14A BRYAN METCALF, Recusant, Sutton-under-Whitstone Cliff, Co. York, and a Claimant on his Estate. 15 27 Feb. 1655. ROBERT FORDER, sen., of Pitt, parish of Hursley, 144 543 Hants, begs examination and allowance of his title to a house and 30 acres of land in Craford, Dorset, assured to him many years ago, but sequestered for recusancy of Edm. Knollys. 27 Feb. Referred to the County Committee for Dorset and to 27 315 Reading. 31 May. His witnesses being old, and living mostly in Hants, he 144 542 begs an order to the County Commissioner there to examine them and certify. 31 May. Referred to the County Commissioner of Hants and to 27 402 Reading. 17 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the Act of 21 Oct. 1653 for of 104 163 his sequestered estate. 17 Jan. Petition referred to Reading 26 9 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.—CASES. 3191 17 Jan. 1654. c. 104 167 P.E. 142 717 R.C. 25 273 142 701 c. 142 707 -715 D. 142 705, 719-723 R. 142 689 R. 142 673 16 May 1654. Confirmation to Sam. Belsoe, of London, of a demise for 3 lives made 39 Eliz. by Bryan Metcalf, sen., to Belsoe, of a farm and lands belonging to the Archbishopric of York, and discharge thereof from sequestration. ANTHONY NORRIS, Sen. (late), MARGARET, his Wife, and Claimants on their Estates. ANTHONY NORRIS (Jun.), Milverton, Somerset. 17 Jan. 1654. GEORGE and MARGARET TATTERSALL, and THOMAS 142 679 and ANNE ROWE-the wives being daughters and co-heirs of Anthony Norris,—beg to contract for of their estates on the Recusants' Act of 21 Oct. 1653. 17 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 9 18 Jan. 1654. MARGARET NORRIS, and ANT. NORRIS [jun.], each 107 400 beg to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of their sequestered estates. 401 18 Jan. Referred to Reading - 26 8 681 703 28 Feb. 1654. GEORGE TATTERSALL begs reference to counsel for al- 142 lowance of his title, in right of his wife, to houses and chief rents in Milverton, two-thirds of which are sequestered for the recu- sancy of Margaret her mother, who is only seized of the same as guardian of her daughters during minority or till their mar- riage. The rest thereof was never sequestered but lately secured on pretence of petitioner's recusancy. Never was a recusant, as is proved by certificates. 21 July. The court rolls of the copyhold lands and the leases 23 1622 of the leasehold lands to be produced and proved on 142 677 oath, and Margaret Norris examined on oath as to her jointure. 12 Oct. Tattersall's claim to a moiety of those lands which are 23 1634 not Margaret Norris' jointure allowed, and sequestration dis- charged. HEN. ALEXANDER, Little Melton, Norfolk JOHN ALLANSON, Skelton, co. York RECUSANTS. 17 Jan. 1654. The following petitioned to contract for their 26 6-13 estates on the Act of 21 Oct. 1653, and were generally referred to Reading, but sometimes the petition is not referred, though noted for reference :- ► MARG. ALLGOOD, Bromley, Northumberland AUDREY ATWOOD, widow, Rowington, co. Warwick - ROB. BALDWIN, Newton St. Faith's, Norfolk CECIL, LORD BALTIMORE MAWDLEN BLACKBURNE, widow, Capin in Wray, co. Lan- caster. DAME MARG. BLACKSTON, widow, Gibside, co. Durham THOS. BLOUNT, Inner Temple, London MAT. BURNET, Winsley, co. York HEN. BURTON CATH. COPPITHORNE, Chideock, Dorset THOS. CURR, Hungerford, Berks EDM. DANIEL, Acton, Suffolk JOHN DANIELL - - HENRY CASSY, Whitfield, co. Gloucester GEORGE CHAPPELL, Dinton, Wilts ANNE CHERNOCK, widow, Leyland, co. Lancaster, aged 72 THOS. CLARKSON, Heysham, co. Lancaster, for Jane, his wife, widow of Rich. Sherburne. JAMES CLERKE, Easton, Norfolk រ W Vol. No. G or P. 18 945 - - - . 141 172 · 142 395 74 77 75 105 - 61 614 62 181 62 240 142 277 141 202 142 393 69 220 69 382 82 305 71 569 71 648 74 856 142 327 · 144 382 - 79 203 79 201 3192 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 17 Jan. 1654. Vol. No. G or p. 81 217 88 891 144 359 - 84 424 · 84 918 84 724 JOHN FARMER, Bradley, Cookham parish, Berks 86 52 HEN. FAVILL, Altofts, co. York, for houses, &c., in Skelton 142 537 RECUSANTS cont. ROB. DORMER, Peterley, Bucks ROB. EDMONDSON, Heysham, co. Lancaster ROB. ELMESTON, Norfolk HEN. ENGLEFIELD, Ditton, Salop MARG. ERRINGTON, widow, Coxlodge, Northumberland KATH. EURE, widow parish, Cumberland, purchased in 1649 from Julian Buckley. JOHN FINCH, Preston, Kent (petition missing). THOS. FINCH, Mawdsley, co. Lancaster RICH. FITZ, Letheringsett, Norfolk - ROB. GARDINER, Aspull, co. Lancaster DAME DOROTHY GERRARD, Shenfield, Essex THOS. GOODRICH JAMES GREENE, Willett Elworthy parish, Somerset MARY GREENE, Elworthy, Somerset - EDW. GRIFFIN, Bickmarsh, co. Warwick THOS. GRIFFIN (petition missing). - GRACE GWATKIN spinster, Llangarren, co Hereford JOHN HARRINGTON, Bishton, co. Salop RICH. HARRISON, Waterhead, co. Lancaster - JOHN HAWSON, Markington-cum-Ingerthorpe, co. York GEORGE HILTON, Helbeck, Westmoreland - - . · - ANN MOLINEUX, spinster, Southwark, Surrey CHRIS. NETHERWOOD, Burton Leonard, co. York RICH. NEWINGTON, Upton, Bucks JOHN ORCHARD, Chideock, Dorset HESTER PERKINS, widow 85 488 142 535 - 88 1150 89 268 88 86 · * - < . · JANE HODGKINSON, widow, Garstang, co. Lancaster THOS. HORNER, Braithwaite, co. York MARG. HOWES, widow, Burton, co. Leicester PETER INGOLDBY, Raventofts, co. York WM. KEMEYS, Llanthewy, co. Monmouth Fras. KendalL, Hampsthwaite, co. York JOHN KIRTON, D.D., and CATHERINE, his wife, aged 60, for 97 335 an estate held during his wife's life. AND. KNIGHTLEY 97 1 Mary Langley, widow, Stamford, co. York 99 706 99 236 JANE LAWSON, Togstone, Northumberland Kath. Lawson, and NICH. FENWICK, her assignee, Brough, 99 226 co. York. - - - - THOMASINE LOGGINS, widow, Hampton-in-Arden, co. 142 583 Warwick. George LoopE, Garway, co. Hereford EDW. LUCAS, Fovant, Wilts THEO. MASCALL, Tardebigg, co. Worcester 142 587 MARY MESSENGER, alias GYLHANNON, or HANNAN, Kymes- 142 329 bery, Upton St. Leonard, co. Gloucester. CHRISTIAN MILBORNE, spinster, Winestow, co. Mon- 103 699 mouth. 96 337 · 142 581 C · 87 650 87 648 88 396 142 562 94 708 94 798 - 142 569 94 76 94 920 91 862 89 618 95 1044 - 105 710 142 315 - 142 606 - 138 362 - 110 907 JOHN PERKINS, Beenham, Berks - 110 906 ROB. PLACE, York, for an estate in right of his wife, 142 622 formerly Pudsey. OLIVER PLATT, Kendal, Westmoreland PETER, son of OLIVER PLATT, Kendal, Westmoreland JOHN Reeve, Rowington, co. Warwick (petition missing). ROB. RENNISON. Melsonby, co. York- WM. ROOPER, Ruardean, co. Gloucester . MARY, widow of THOS. SALKELD, Coniscliffe, co. Durham WM. SARVANT, Sykes, Kirkby Malzeard, co. York MARG. SHAW, widow, for houses and lands in Rothwell and Leeds, co. York, value 101. a year. - 98 813 98 451 - 108 913 - 108 915 142 635 114 487 115 775 142 649 142 656 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3193 17 Jan. 1654. P.E. 128 253 c. 71 309 119 453 18 Jan. 1654. 70358. 117 612 ANT. SINGLETON, Aldborough, co. York DOROTHY SMALLBONE, widow, East Bockhampton, Berks, 118 413 begs allowance for incumbrance on the estate. JOHN SMITH, Rowington, co. Warwick ANN STREET, widow, Gatertopp, Hope-under-Dinmore, 142 646 co. Hereford. - 118 87 JOHN TREVILIAN, Knowle, Somerset- JOHN WATKINSON, Menthorpe, co. York ROB. WATKINSON STEP. SUTTON, Bishop Thornton, co. York 121 120 ELIZ. TAYLOR, widow, Thorpe, near Norwich, Norfolk WM. TAYLOR, Thorpe, near Norwich, Norfolk - 121 671 - 121 673 WM. ROSSER THOMAS, Llanvihangel Llanternam, co. Mon- 142 633 mouth. IGNATIUS WEEDON, Longdon Hall, co. Stafford SWITHEN WELLS, Godlingstone, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset ROB. WESTBY, Killingwood, co. Lancaster, for Lucy, wife, widow of THOS. WOOLMER, Kington, co. Worcester WM. WRIGHT, Euxton, co. Lancaster EDW. YAXLEY, Norwich, Norfolk FRAS. YAXLEY, Mellis, Suffolk RICH. YAXLEY, Norwich, Norfolk WM. YOUNG, Elstronwick, co. York - ELIZ. ARUNDEL, widow, Longwood, Hants ANNE ASHE, widow, co. Lancaster THOS. BARRETT, Droitwich, co. Worcester GEORGE BENTLEY - · - THOS. CREW, Tosford, co. Chester JOHN CROOKE, Preston, co. Lancaster THOS. ELSON, for a house in Haydon, Wilts WM. EVANS, Lanvihangel Llanternam, co. Monmouth WM. EVANS - - << 139 104 JENNET WILKINSON, widow, Claughton, co. Lancaster THOS. WILSON, Wardle, co. Chester 132 101 Jos. WOOD, Ingatestone, Essex, for an estate in High Ongar, 137 91 Essex. ANNE JOHNSON, widow, Broomaw ham, co. Derby EDMUND, Son of JOHN JONES, Hardwicke, co. Monmouth JOHN JONES, Llangattock, near Usk, co. Monmouth ELIZ. LIMBURY, Chideock, Dorset GRISSELL and MARY LIMBURY, Chideock, Dorset JOHN LIMBURY, Chideock, Dorset JAMES MELLING, Fishwick, co. Lancaster GEORGE MORGAN, Killough, co. Monmouth MARY MORGAN, widow (petition missing). WM. MORGAN, Llanthewyvach, co. Monmouth # · - 128 - his · • · . 131 369 - 134 426 - 141 156 141 160 141 154 54 · · = 67 272 · 136 656 - - 144 443 142 369 WALLISTON BETHAM, Rowington, co. Warwick BODENHAM BRADFORD, Garnston, co. Hereford JOHN BRADLEY, Thornley, co. Lancaster STEP. BUCK, Oddingley, co. Worcester - 70 416 136 581 THOS. COTTON, Bramdean, Hants, for an estate for the 76 859- life of his wife Elizabeth, widow of Wm. Morgan. THOS. COTTON, Warblington, Hants, for an estate in co. 76 849 Monmouth for life of his wife. Vol. No. G or P. - 135 - - 77 36 78 23 83 723 84 516 84 518 86 1000 MARG. FITZWILLIAMS, Malpas, co. Chester RICH. FORSTER, Stousley, co. York, for a colliery in Ben- 85 680 well, Northumberland. ALLAN FRAMPTON, Tarrant Hinton, Dorset Edw. GERRARD, Haighton, co. Lancaster 136 179 EDW. GIFFARD, Wolverhampton, co. Stafford THOS. GILFIN, for a farm in Kildall parish, Westmoreland - 142 559 RICH. GREEN, Cleveley, co. Lancaster 87 646 JOHN HENSLOW, West Burrant, Hants 92 646 95 646 125 163 245 128 249 141 301 129 443 129 85 - - - - 62 435 64 762 - 85 890 89 272 95 166 95 158 136 667 - 136 670 - 136 665 - 102 25. 103 419 - 103 287 R 3194 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 18 Jan. 1654. 90 969 -976 c. 90 978 L.C.C. & D. } -982 R. 90 959 Vol. No. G or P. - 103 604 - 109 915 - 110 631 - 142 337 110 827 142 625 113 1038 115 1063 118 85 118 438 118 438 142 647 - 122 313 - 142 665 · - 125 326 HEN. VAUX, Eye, Suffolk 327 125 615 JENNET WATKINS, widow, and GEORGE, her son, Llanarth, 127 421 co. Monmouth. RECUSANTS-cont. THOS. MOSTYN, Stockin, co. Flint ELIZ. PARKER, Charnock Richard, co. Lancaster JOHN PEACOCK, Heath House, Hants - WM. PERRY, Bilston, co. Stafford THOS. PRICHARD, Clytha, co. Monmouth WM. PRISSOE, Dalton, co. Lancaster WM. THOS, RICHARD, Llanvrechva, co. Monmouth WM. SANDERSon, Alston, co. Lancaster THOS. SMITH, Somerton, co. Oxon RICH. SMITHSON, Newsham, co. York WM. SMITHSON, Newsham, co. York- LAMBERT SMITHURST, Bedford, co. Lancaster KATH. THETCHER, widow, Priesthawes, Sussex WM. TUNSTALL, Hutton, Long Villors, co. York THOS. TURBERVILE, Skerr, co. Glamorgan - JOHN WHITTINGTON, Slindon, Sussex WM. WOLGAR, Soke, Hants - 1 B I 1 * - - G - c. 34 11 17 July. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - - ALICE WHITGREAVE, widow, Moseley, co. Stafford, aged 71 142 331 ANT. WHITTINGTON, Slindon, Sussex · · 130 401 128 247 142 737 - · · HUGH CHARNLEY, Haighton, Co. Lancaster, ALICE his Wife, HENRÝ his Son and Heir, and the Claim- ants on the Estate. 18 Jan. 1654. Hugh Charnley begs to contract on the late Recu- 142 317 sants' Act for of his sequestered estate. 18 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 11 983 23 March 1654. Jas. HollanD and SETH BLACKBURN, of Preston, 90 967 beg leave to prove their title to lands in Durton, alias Urton, Whittingham, Furnshaulgh, and Broughton, sequestered for re- cusancy of Hugh Charnley, but by his death come to Hen. Charnley, his son and heir, who in Feb. 1654 granted them to petitioners for 21 years, in trust for raising portions and paying debts. 23 March. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 2 Nov. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged, with arrears from date of petition, but the debts due to delinquents and of those due to recusants are to paid the first to the State. 17 July 1655. HENRY CHARNLEY begs discharge of, or examina- 142 319 tion of his title to a house and land in Grimsargh, demised 1 Car. by Sir Rich. Houghton, Bart., to Alice Osbaldeston, of Grimsargh, widow, his mother, by the name of Alice Charnley, for her life, and those of Wm. Singleton and of petitioner, at 53s. 8d. rent, and assigned to him by his mother, 24 Car., but are sequestered for recusancy of Alice Osbaldeston, who has no interest therein. Petitioner has taken the Oath of Abjuration, and constantly attends church. ELIZABETH MONNINGTON, Widow, Sarnesfield, Co. Hereford. 25 274 90 966 23 1641 Ma 29 11 3 18 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 142 601 of her sequestered estate. 18 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 9 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3195 18 Jan. 1654. L.C.C. 110 805 & D. J 807 R. 34 97 20 Feb. 1655. Eliz. MONNINGTON, as asignee of Edw. Witham, begs 142 599 acceptance of the rent for of her estate let by Capts. Benj. Mason and Silas Taylor, County Commissioners, at 160%., whereas 601. was the previous rent, on condition that the State should pay all contributious and repairs, the houses being much ruinated, but the Commissioners refuse to allow the charges and taxes. Vol. No. G or P. 20 Feb. Taylor to certify the covenants of the lease, and why he 27 300 does not fulfil them. 20 March. Order that there being no covenant for repairs, they 27 342 are disallowed, and of the taxes only allowed, the recusant to pay her third; Capt. Taylor thanked for preventing an abuse. 2 3 8 Dec. 1659. Particulars of the estate sequestered in 1649, & of the 243 clear value being estimated at 1001. yearly, and a lease granted thereof to Rowland Adams for 25 years, if her recusancy so long continue, at 1357. c. 34 59 4 Sept. Case referred to the County Committee GEORGE MORGAN, Wilcrick, Co. Monmouth. 18 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of 103 422 his sequestered estate. 18 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 11 21 CLAIMANTS OF THE ESTATE. 21 April 1654. LUKE COKER, of Maypowder, Dorset, begs allow- 143 405 ance of an annuity of 81. on the estate of Elizabeth and George Morgan, co. Monmouth, sequestered for recusancy, granted to him in part payment of a legacy of 3001. left to Frances Flower his wife, by her grandmother, Ann Flower, of Llantillio- Pertholey, co. Monmouth. 21 April. Referred to the County Committee 27 5 4 Sept. 1655. WM. DAPWELL begs reference to the County Com- 172 596 missioner of Monmouth and to counsel of his title to lands in Wilcrick, &c., co. Monmouth, in right of his wife and of Walter Lawrence her son by a former husband, being his guardian during his minority; they were late in the tenure of George Morgan, a recusant, and Eleanor his wife, who was the mother of Moses Lawrence, father of the said Walter. She held the greater part of the premises as her jointure, the rest being hers by inheritance. The said lands were all sequestered for George Morgan's recusancy, although he was no recusant. She is now dead, and the lands belong to the said Walter. o.c.c. 145 281 4 May. Referred to the County Committee 29 54 RICHARD PALYN, Dearnsdale, Co. Stafford. 18 Jan. 1654. Being 60 years of age, begs to contract for of his 110 801 estates on the Recusants' Act of 21 Oct. 1653. 18 Jan. Referred to Brereton 26 12 20 Feb. 1655. Being discharged of delinquency in 1650, he is 30 430 freed by the Act of Pardon, but his & sequestered for recusancy 110 807 are to be let to the best advantage, and all arrears levied. 11 April. Confirmation of a lease made to himself 21 April 1652 27 364 of the of his estate. LESSEE OF THE ESTATE. 4 May 1655. RALPH TRUBSHAW, of Haughton, co. Stafford, com- 145 283 plains that having been tenant 30 years to Blakehaugh and Hol- linbirch closes, sequestered for Rich. Palyn's delinquency, Palyn threatens to oust him, although he promised not to disturb him. 27 379 B 2 3196 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 19 Jan. 1654. D. 142 359 357 L.C.C. 117 I.&D. 1 ROLAND BADGER, Hanley Castle, Co. Worcester. Begs to contract for of his estate on the late Recusants' Act 142 364 11 Jan. 1655. Complains of his sequestration for recusancy on a 142 361 bare suspicion, having lived quietly all the late troubles. 11 Jan. Order for examination of witnesses in the case 27 247 · - Vol. No. G or P. HENRY ROBINSON, London. 19 Jan. 1654. Petitions that the 2 last Kings, by grants detailed, 114 921 had fee-farm rents reserved of 537., 190l., 3001., and 721. 8s. 8d. on lands in Sutton and Gedney Marsh, co. Lincoln, and the late Parliament, in the Act for Sale of the remaining fee-farm rents, declared that the lands liable to the payment should stand charged therewith. The late King in 1630 granted to Anne Stewart, Lady Salton, power to levy all arrears of rent which had been in super for 6 months, and to have the profits for 21 years for herself, the other for the King. Has an interest in this grant, and has issued Duchy of Lancaster writs to levy the rents, but is obstructed by the County Commissioner. The chancellor and officers of the Duchy refer him to the Committee for Compounding. Begs an order to the County Commissioners to forbear obstruction. 19 Jan. The County Commissioners to certify what they know of 25 286 the case. Claimant on the Estate of LAWRENCE SHARROCK, Recusant (late), Fulwood, Co. Lancaster. 19 Jan. 1654. WM. SHARROCK, of Fulwood, his administrator, 117 27 on behalf of his 6 infant children, begs to compound for a tenement in Fulwood, sequestered for Lawrence Sharrock's recusancy. The children have no other livelihood. 19 Jan. Referred to Reading - 26 23 March. Wm. Sharrock begs examination of witnesses in proof 117 of his title, that he may receive allowance thereof. 23 March. Referred to the County Committee 11 8 23 25 274 117 7 9 -16 c. 33 353 117 17, 21, 22 14 Dec. The Committee for Compounding do not allow the claim, 23 1653 unless on fresh examination it can be proved that petitioner is not Wm. Sharrock of Brindle, on whose estate Fowle, their late solicitor, found a seizure 1 Aug., 3 Car., for recu- sancy. R. 117 3 L.G.C.) 178_525 L.c.c.) 173 525 19 Jan. 1655. Claim allowed on return of the County Commis- 23 1664 sioner's certificate, and the deposition of John Sudell, and sequestration discharged. ELEANOR WILLIAMSON, Recusant, Co. Worcester. 19 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of 132 235 her sequestered estate. Noted as referred to Reading. 25 April Begs to be continued in possession of her mansion 132 234 house and tenancy of of Whitford Farm, co. Worcester, se- questered for her recusancy. At the instance of her nephew and heir-at-law, John Williamson, with whom she has a suit in Chancery, the County Committee have re-sequestered the premises for his recusancy, and granted a lease of the whole to one Eedes for 7 years, giving John Williamson possession as under-tenant. Begs that the lease may be voided, or that she may have the house and her in kind. 25 April. The County Committee to certify, and the party from 27 whom the estate is sequestered to prove his title. 132 5 234 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3197 19 Jan. 1654. c. 136 61 20 Jan. 1654. o.c.c. 80 190 c. 80 192 RECUSANTS. 19 Jan. 1654. The following petitioned to contract for their 26, 11, 13 estates on the Act of 21 Oct. 1653, and were generally referred to Reading, but a few petitions, though noted for reference, were not referred :- Kateg MARY APPLEBY, widow, Lartington, co. York 142 139 WM. BRAND, LAUR. PARKINSON, RICH. BACKHOUSE, CHRIS. 83 144 GREGSON, and ANN WHALLEY, widow, aged 80, petition jointly and beg a joint discharge, being too poor to contract singly. EDW. FITCHETT, Lyndhurst, Hants 142 326 MARG. HIDE, widow, for an estate in reversion after ex- 92 476 piration of a lease and payment of debts. JOHN KNIGHT, Newport Pagnell, Bucks EDMUND LEWKNOR, Eastbourne, Sussex WM. LUCAS, Eastbourne, Sussex FRAS. MARSH, Eastbourne, Sussex THOS. RUSSELL, Little Malvern, co. Worcester JOHN WALSTED, Worcester, co. Worcester JOHN WIDDRINGTON, Bedlington, Northumberland - - - MARY WEEDON, widow, Cookham, Berks ANN WOODISON, Hampreston, Hants MARY WOORNALL, widow, Lydney, co. Gloucester JAMES YATEMAN, Sandford, co. Oxon - - RICH. AYLIFF, Ewhurst, Hants LAWRENCE CHAMPNEY, Clayton, co. York JOHN COOKE ANNE DAVIS, widow, Solihull, co. Warwick JOHN GIFFORD ANNE HARWARD, widow, Coughton, co. Warwick, for an estate in Coughton. THOS. LANE, Husley, Somerset JOHN RAINE - - 136 98 - 101 - 115 • 128 • · Vol. No. G or P. 62 334 - 144 379 - 77 137 79 672 · 136 111 - 90 889 → - • 98 679 37 453 179 99 28 144 295 141 305 . 133 478 ANTHONY APPLETREE, Ledwell, Co. Oxon, and the Claimants on his Estate. 1 37 133 21 142 741 144 288 20 Jan. 1654. Order to the County Committee to re-sequester his 30 357 estate unless he produces his discharge. 23 March 1654. RICH. APPLETREE, of Deddington, begs discharge 143 27 of lands in Deddington, purchased from Ant. Appletree and seized for his supposed recusancy. 23 March. Referred to the County Committee - 25 274 14 March 1655. On the death of Rich. Appletree, John, his son 143 29 and heir, renews the petition; pleads that it is a mistake that Ant. Appletree was sequestered in 1646. 14 March. Referred to the County Committee 25 316 JOHN DENTON, Fawler, Co. Oxon. 20 Jan. 1654. His estate to be re-sequestered as being illegally 30 357 discharged. 11 April. His estate being seized by the late County Commis- 27 23 sioners till he proves his discharge on 15 July 1647, by the late County Committee, the registrar and auditor are to certify, and if nothing appears against him, his discharge is to be drawn. 13 April. On return of the certificate, discharge made absolute - 27 26 3198 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 20 Jan. 1654. P.R. 25 293 129 111 D. 129 115 117 25 309 R. 129 108 27 116 H R H H. 21 Jan. 1654. Jan. ? c. 34 37 5 Dec. Reading to report if there be any fresh proof 23 Jan. 1654. O.T.T. 108 979 24 Jan. 1654. Claimant on the Estate of JOHN GASCOIGNE, Barnbow, Barwick parish, Co. York, and THOMAS, his Son, Recusants.* 113 20 Jan. 1654. SIR GEORGE WHITWORTH, of Woolley, co. York, peti- 129 101 tions the Protector for allowance of his title to the lands of John and Thomas Gascoigne, his son, forfeited for recusancy in the time of the late King, who leased them to petitioner for a rent of 60%. With reference to the Committee for Com- pounding, to take examination as to the petitioner's title. 19 Oct. Claim disallowed after full hearing of both sides - - 23 1637 5 Dec. Sir George prays a re-hearing, having new matter to offer 129 100 27 194 RECUSANTS. The following recusants petitioned to contract for their estates on the Recusants' Act of 21 Oct. 1653, but none of their peti- tions were referred :- MARG. HARRIS, widow, Milton, co. Cambridge ANNE HENSLOw, widow, Burrant, Hants THOS. HENSLOW, West Burrant, Hants MARY KEMPSON, Oversley, co. Warwick JOHN KNIPE, Forners, co. Lancaster WM. PALMES, Naborn, co. York 1 92 643 92 642 97 300 142 179 109 127 ROWLAND THORNBURGH, Lyndel, co. Lancaster, for an estate 122 531 sequestered for recusancy of John and Fras. Thornburgh. THOS. THORNBURGH, Cartmel, co. Lancaster WM. THORNBURGH, Methap, Westmoreland JOHN TICHBOURNE, Porchester, Hants JAMES WATERS, Coughton, co. Warwick ANNE WOODESON, spinster, Dibden, Hants J C - 91 - • · 122 528 122 529 - 123 498 - 127 580 - 133 476 Like petitions, undated, and without references to Reading:- THOS. BRAYNE, Faddiley, co. Chester JOHN BULKELEY, Spurstow, co. Chester JOHN BURROWES, Weeton, co. Lancaster RALPH MASSEY, Bunbury, co. Chester JOHN PALIN, Spurstow, co. Chester - SIR JOHN PENRUDDOCK, St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex 112 373 RICH. ROUT, Fareham, Hants RANDAL WOOLEY, Tilston, co. Chester 110 795 144 297 G Vol. No. G or p. 144 331 . 144 378 • 71 617 . 101 815 · - · - · 144 446 - Purchaser of the Estate of JOHN WEEKES, Dorset. Discharge from sequestration of a house and lands in Cansway, 18 924 Dorset, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Nich. Payne. Claimant on the Estate of EDWARD BEDINGFIELD, Recusant, Norfolk. THOS. LONDON, surviving executor of Edw. Bedingfield, and guar- 99 735 dian of Charles, his son and heir, petitions that Bedingfield being sequestered for recusancy, died 3 years since, leaving a widow Lettice, and Charles, John, and Mary, infant children. He left his estate to his executors to be sold for payment of debts, and raising portions for his children, but this cannot be done on account of the sequestration. Begs discharge or ex- amination, that he may fulfil his trust. 24 Jan. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 25 272 * Their case is on p. 2313, supra. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3199 24 Jan. 1654. L.C.C. & D. C. R. 99 727 -730 163 522 -532 33 360 99 730 -732 99 719 L.C.C. 100 495 c. 100 497 B. 100 483 25 Jan. 1654. 27 Jan. 1654. 31 Jan. 1654. 21 June 1654. Begs discharge of lands in Kirby-Bedon and Fram- 99 734 725 ingham-Pigot, Norfolk, now descended to the heir. 21 June. The County Committee to certify and Reading to 27 7 report. 99 723 Vol. No. G or P. 26 Oct. Sequestration discharged on report, with arrears from 23 1639 date of the petition of 21 June 1654. 6 Dec. Order on his request for arrears from the date of his first 23 1649 petition, which was 24 Jan. 1654. Claimant on the Estate of ROGER SMALLEY, Lancaster. Co. 493 24 Jan. 1654. RALPH LIVESEY, of Livesey, begs discharge of se- 100 482 questration of, or leave to prove his title to of lands in Balder- ston, demised in 1604 by Roger Smalley to his 5 daughters for 21 years after his death, which was in 1633, and the daughters have had it ever since. On 22 Aug. 1650, Robert, son and heir of Roger Smalley, sold the reversion to petitioner; but though the daughters' term is now expired, remains sequestered for their recusancy. 24 Jan. The County Committee to certify and Reading to report 25 272 100 491 18 May. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged, with 23 1606 arrears from date of petition, provided Rob. Smalley was not convicted of recusancy before 22 Aug. 1650. Claimant on the Estate of PERCIVAL HOLME, Cum- berland. JOHN PORTER, of Dale Main, petitions the County Committee 150 321 that in 1648, he bought 4 oxen for Thos. Holme, of Penrith, for 231., giving a bond in 46l. for payment, but the oxen were se- questered for delinquency of Percival Holme. On petition to the late County Committee, they ordered return of the bond, but this Holme refused, and now he has sued petitioner in the Upper Bench, London, recovered the amount, and arrested him, so that he had to give a new bond for payment, to his utter ruin. Begs relief. 25 Jan. 1654. Recommendation of the case by the County Com- 150 323 mittee to the Committee for Compounding. Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM ACKERS (late), Recusant, Whiston, Co. Lancaster. 361 JOHN ACKERS, of Whiston, petitions that his great-uncle, Wm. 140 359 Ackers, with his son and heir, Peter, and petitioner's father, Wm. Ackers, all died in 1652 of the sore visitation of the plague. Petitioner therefore is heir to the estate, still seques- tered for the recusancy of Wm. Ackers, sen., and begs its discharge, being only worth 10s. a year. With note by Rob. Massey and another in favour of the petition. NOTE 30 217 22 March 1654. The County Committee are to examine the case, 25 322 and if they find the petition true, to discharge the estate. Claimant on the Estate of CHRISTOPHER BANNIS- TER, Recusant, Brockhall, Co. Lancaster. RALPH BANNISTER, his son and heir, begs discharge of, and leave 65 618 to prove his title to houses and lands in Brockhall and Walton, and barns in Whittle and Cuerdale, of which are sequestered for the recusancy of his late father. 31 Jan. 1654. The County Committee to certify and Reading to 25 272 report. Uorm 3200 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 31 Jan. 1654. P.R. 27 72 64 247 D.64 252-258 c. 33 356 64 260-262 R. 64 241 L.C.C. 117 453 & D. J -458 c. 33 354 117 459, 461 R. 117 447 H. 27 151 L.C.C. I.&D. 139 347 -353 c. 139 355 357 R. 139 337 o.c.c. 78 442 L.C.C.78 440, I. &D. 443-448 D. 78 450 c. 78 451 -453 R. 78 429 3 Feb. 1654. L. 80 644 D. 80 640 CHRISTOPHER BANNESTER—cont. 14 June 1654. JAMES ASHTON, of Preston, begs discharge of of lands in Walton, co. Lancaster, purchased for 2671. 6s. 8d. of Ralph, son and heir of Christopher Bannister, and sequestered for Christopher's recusancy, although he is now dead. 6 July. Claim allowed with arrears from 14 June 1654 - Claimant on the Estate of BERNARD STUTTARD, Co. Lancaster. - 23 1620 31 Jan. 1654. RICH. SHUTTLEWORTH, of Gawthorpe, co. Lancaster, 117 begs discharge of a house and lands let by him on a lease now expired to Bernard Stuttard, for whose recusancy they are sequestered. 31 Jan. Referred to the County Committee 16 Nov. Discharge granted, with arrears from date of petition - Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM SLATER (late), Recusant, Urton, or Durton, Co. Lancaster. Vol. No. G or P. - 64 249 265 Claimant on the Estate of ELLEN WILKINSON, Re- cusant, Thornley, Co. Lancaster. 345 31 Jan. 1654. Robert Cowell, of Whittingham, kinsman and 139 334 guardian of THOMAS SLATER, his son and heir, begs an order to prove the son's title to a house and lands in Durton, of which are sequestered for recusancy of his late father. 31 Jan. Referred to the County Committee and Reading NATHAN DIXON, Informer. W 442 451 27 July. On report, claim allowed with arrears, unless on exami- nation of Ellen by the County Committee, cause is shown to the contrary; they are to certify for whose delinquency or recusancy the lands were sequestered before 1 Dec. 1651. 25 272 117 449 23 1645 27 July. Claim allowed on report, with arrears from the death 23 1626 of Wm. Slater, unless the County Committee find on enquiry that he is still living. 25 272 139 343 31 Jan. 1654. Thos. Crombleholme and Rob. Parker, guardians 78 428 of JOHN WILKINSON, beg leave to prove their ward's title to a 438 house and land in Thornley, come to him from the late John Wilkinson, but sequestered by mistake for recusancy of Ellen Wilkinson, widow. 31 Jan. The County Committee to certify and Reading to report 25 272 78 435 23 1624 3 Oct. The certificate being returned, claim allowed, and the new 23 1632 County Commissioners are to discharge the premises and pay arrears from the death of Eliz. Bradley, grandmother to the infant. Petitions the Protector, complaining that, notwithstanding 80 638 orders from the Committee for Advance of Money and Com- mittee for Sequestrations for receiving his fifth for his dis- covery of Henry Calverley, of Calverley, co. York [see p. 1872, supra], to be an intelligencer to the enemy, he has only re- ceived 201., though Calverley has paid 1,4551. as a fine; neither bas petitioner received a penny for his discovery of Thos. Vavasour, of Weston, who compounded and paid 500l. fine. [See p. 1037, supra.] With order to the Committee for Com- pounding to allow him the money due for his discoveries, or certify to the Protector why they do it not. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3201 3 Feb. 1654. c. 33 334 80 643-646, 634 14 Feb. 1654. R. 227 15 15 Feb. 1654. O.T.T. 143 443 L.C.C. 243 24 I. &D. J -26 c. 243 27 L.C.C. Į 243 28 I.&D.j 29 c. 33 406 243 30 R. 243 31 L.C.C.75 75 I. &D. J -84 D. 75 86 c. 75 87 Vol. No. Gor p. 16 Feb. 1654. They order the treasurer, registrar, and auditor 25 296 to certify what they find in the case. 80 641 of the 1,5097. 16s. 8d. paid into 25 304 90 R. 75 67 1 March. Dixon to be allowed the Treasury by Calverley. 30 March. The County Committee of York to certify as to Vava- 27 sour's estate, and who first discovered it. 19 April. Dixon requests that counsel may be heard as to their 80 632 return. 2 May. He is granted of Vavasour's fine of 593l. 19s. 2d: - 27 40 RICHARD QUICK, Woolton Magna, Co. Lancaster. Begs to compound on the late Act of Sale for lands in Much 227 17 Woolton, Childwall parish, lately surveyed and appointed 117 525 to be sold for his delinquency. 14 Feb. 1654. Referred to Reading - 227 19 EDWARD MIDGEHALL, Goosnargh, Co. Lancaster, and a Purchaser of his Estate. · c. 82 302 31 Oct. John Blount complains that part of the premises are 82 304 sequestered for the recusancy of Margaret Midgehall, widow, mother of Edward the delinquent, though she died 5 years ago, and never claimed the estate. Being seized for life only of lands sequestered for his delinquency, 143 442 begs to compound for them on survey, according to a pro- viso in the late Act for Sale; also an order to the County Committee to take proofs in the country of his claim to the said lands. 15 Feb. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Brereton - 25 272 22 June. Discharge from sequestration of lands in Goosnargh, 18 955 forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by JOHN BLOUNT, of London. 18 31 Oct. Proof to be made that Margaret is dead, and that the re- version is in Edw. Midgehall. 9 Jan. 1655. Blount renews his petition, having brought in the 82 301 required proofs of death, but part of the estate is sequestered for recusancy of Alice Midgehall, long since dead. 27 147 9 Jan. Sequestration discharged, and arrears ordered from pay- 18 972 ment of the first of his purchase money. HENRY PIERPOINT, Golborne, Co. Lancaster. 15 Feb. 1654. Begs discharge, he being conformable, of of his 112 estate, sequestered [in 1643] for recusancy of his father [Rich. 243 Pierpoint], who is dead. Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM SINGLETON, Re- cusant, Co. Lancaster. - 15 Feb. 1654. THOS. CLAYTON, of Chorley, begs leave to prove, by 75 a reference to counsel, his title to a house and land in Brough- ton, settled by the late Wm. Singleton on himself, with rever- sion to Wm. Daniell; the latter owing money to petitioner, he was obliged to take the premises at a dear rate for his debts, but are still sequestered for Singleton's recusancy. 3853 15 Feb. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 25 272 243 17 Oct. He begs leave to examine further witnesses on the case. 112 Granted. 27 137 23 48 49 22 60 74 15 Feb. The County Committee to certify and Reading to 25 272 report. 75 73 3202 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 15 Feb. 1654. L.C.C. 142 427 I.&D. J -436 c. 142 437 -445 L.C.C.142 415 I.&D. J -423 R. 142 403 16 Feb. 1654. 17 Feb. 1654. WILLIAM SINGLETON-cont. 27 July 1654. Order on report for proof to be made before the County Committee of the death of Wm. Singleton, and whether the conveyance was bona fide, or whether the deed had a clause of revocation; if the proofs are satisfactory, the claim will be allowed with arrears. 10 Oct. Full proof being made as required, Clayton begs a dis- 75 55 charge. 10 Oct. Granted with arrears from the date of petition 23 1634 · Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS THRELFALL [Sen.] (late), Recusant, Clifton, Co. Lancaster. 413 15 Feb. 1654. THOS. COTTAM, of Longland, Garstang parish, co. 142 400 Lancaster, petitions that the late Thos. Threlfall in 1651 as- signed to him and others a house, &c., in Clifton, of which were sequestered for his recusancy. Begs examination of the assignment and of his interest therein. 15 Feb. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 21 Dec. Order on report that his claim be allowed to the lands settled for maintenance of Thos. Threlfall, jun., with arrears from date of petition, and the same for the other, for pay. ment of Thos. Threlfall, sen.'s debts, unless the County Com- missioners find that Margaret, wife of Thos. Threlfall, is the Marg. Threlfall of Poulton, who has been convicted of recu- sancy. Vol. No. G or P. 23 1628 Claimants on the Estate of JOHN STYTH (late), Re- cusant, Co. Lancaster. 1 Aug. Begs an order to the County Committee for further ex- 142 397 aminations, their returns not being full enough. Granted. 27 8 23 1655 - 25 142 Claimant on the Estate of RICHARD CARTER, Widnes, Co. Lancaster. 273 411 WM. WALKER, LAURENCE WORTHINGTON, and RICHARD and JAMES 128 321 STYTH beg an order for discharge of of messuages and tene- ments in Wharley, co. Lancaster, assigned to them by John Styth 6 Jan. 1651, for 99 years, or 3 lives. Although Styth is dead, the County Committee refuse to discharge the seques- tration laid on for his recusancy. 16 Feb. 1654. Referred to the County Committee - 25 272 O.T.T. 73 317 Discharge from sequestration of a house, &c., in Widnes, Prescot 18 936 parish, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Fullerton. Claimant on the Estate of ISABEL DENT, Co. York. 17 Feb. 1654. JOHN DODSWORTH, of Thornton-Watlass, co. York, 81 8 petitions that King James, Ao. 7, granted a house in Bain- bridge and Gill Edge, Middleham Manor, for 40 years to Metcalf, which coming to Isabel, wife of Wm. Dent, it was se- questered, but the lease expired in 1649. It then fell to trustees for the City of London, who bought the manor 7 Car., and admitted petitioner tenant on paying his fine; but in 1651 Simon Topham, on pretence that the sequestration was not discharged, produced a lease from the County Commissioners for 7 years. Begs examination, that he may have the arrears of rent since sequestration. 17 Feb. County Committee to certify and Reading to report - 25 273 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3203 17 Feb. 1654. L.C.C.1 243 36 I. &D. J -39 c. 33 369 243 40, 41 O.B.E. 233 42 R. 243 43 c. 243 44 Claimants on the Estate of EDWARD TARLETON, Sen. (late), Recusant, Aigburgh, near Garstang, Co. Lan- caster. L.C.C. 243 32 17 Feb. Referred to the County Committee and to Reading I.&D. J 33 20 Feb. 1654. 249 17 Feb. 1654. ROB. CHANTREL and RICH. BUDGES beg discharge of, 143 233 or examination of their title to lands in Aigburgh, demised to them 18 June 1653 by Edw. Tarleton for 21 years after his decease, in trust for payment of debts and raising portions for his younger children. He died 22 June last. His son and heir, Edw. Tarleton, confirmed the grant 24 June and died 28 June, the premises are sequestered for Tarleton's recusancy. L.C.C. 143 255 30 June. The trustees beg an order to the County Committee 143 237 I.&D. -262 R. 143 239 to examine witnesses to prove the debts. Granted. c. 143 251 253 33 367 H. 27 199 L.C.C. 173 543 I.&D. J 545 :} Vol. No. Gorp. or recusant, give him notice of the claim, and ask if he can show cause against it; if none be shown, it will be allowed. - 143 247 25 272 4 Jan. 1655. Order on report that the County Committee find 23 1658 out who is heir-at-law to the estate, and if he be a delinquent 7 Feb. Order on their return, and on a letter from Richard Tar- 23 1668 ton [son, and brother of the above Tarletons] that he knows no cause against the claim, that it be allowed, and that the trustees hold the estate in discharge of their trust, with arrears from date of petition. Purchaser of the Estate of HUMPHREY WEARE, Kings- ton, Somerset.* 13 June 1654. THOMAS LITHERLAND, of Prescot, co. Lancaster, 143 403 begs discharge of a messuage, &c., in Hugton, sequestered for 243 34 the recusancy of Edward Tarleton, the late tenant, who had only an estate for life therein by the courtesy of England in right of Dorothy his wife; their son Edward Tarleton, also deceased, together with his father, in consideration of 1007. paid them by petitioner and Elizabeth Alcock, sold them the aforesaid premises. 13 June. Referred to the County Committee 16 Feb. 1655. Litherland begs further order to the County Com- 143 401 mittee to examine him and other witnesses. 16 Feb. Referred accordingly 27 299 27 6 243 35 O.T.T. 145 73 17 Feb. 1654. Discharge from sequestration of a house in Kings. 18 930 ton, Somerset, forfeited by him and bought from the Treason Trustees by Rob. Musgrave. *See his case on p. 8115. JOHN EVELEIGH, Clerk, Co. Devon. Begs discharge of, or leave to prove his title to Holcombe Manor 84 558 and barton, St. Mary Ottery, Devon, conveyed by his grand- father, John Eveleigh, 23 Eliz., to trustees for the life of himself, and Joan his wife, with reversions to his sons George, Richard, and John, and with leave to George to let the estate for 3 lives or 80 years. George and Richard left no issue, but John, who died in George's lifetime, left petitioner son and heir. George demised part of the estate to Robert and Wm. Heathfield at rent of 32s. Petitioner has recovered part thereof, but part is claimed by George Eveleigh, alias Browne, his uncle George's illegitimate son. 20 Feb. 1654. The County Committee to examine and Reading to 25 273 report. 3204 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 21 Feb. 1654. D. 86 665 -667 c. 33 347 86 669 672 86 657 L.C.C. -661 1.&D. 170 249 -251 c. 86 674 676 D. 86 663 R. 86 641 H. 27 253 c. 33 329 143 507 -511, 497 23 Feb. 1654. SUR. 58A 536 P.R. 227 25 R. 227 21 2 March 1654. c. 114 293 291 7 March 1654. 137 420 -423, 435 163 617 619 c. 137 417 427 D. 137 425 R. 137 405 27 157 H. L.C.C. & D. —— Claimant on the Estate of FRANCES, Widow of THOMAS HUGFORD, Recusant, Solihull, Co. Warwick. 697 THOMAS FARREN begs allowance of a lease at 51. rent of lands in 86 656 Solihull, co. Warwick; Frances, widow of Thos. Hugford who died Jan. 1653, granted it to him for 7 years, or her life, but the lands are sequestered for Thos. Hugford's recusancy. 21 Feb. 1654. Petitioner is to prove his title, the County Com- missioners to certify, and Brereton to report. 25 April 1654. There being a change of County Commissioners, 27 35 [Edw.] Chamberlain, the present Commissioner, is ordered to attend to this order. Vol. No. G or p. 1 Aug. Farren having his proofs ready, begs to be allowed his 86 700 rents on security pending a hearing. 1 Aug. The rents to remain in the hands of the County Commis- 27 107 sioner, but the hearing to be speeded. 86 653 25 273 1 Feb. 1655. Claim allowed on report, and sequestration dis- 23 1665 charged, with arrears from date of petition, but the County Commissioner is to take care that the estate is re-sequestered on the death of Frances Hugford, who is 80 years old. JOHN KESSEL, Egloshale, Cornwall. 21 Feb. 1654. Discharged from sequestration on the Act of 21 1312 Pardon.* ELIZABETH MOLINEUX, Widow, age 80, Recusant, Newhall, West Derby, Co. Lancaster. 9 May. Begs repayment of 851. received by the County Commis- 143 495 sioners during the sequestration. Granted. 27 44 Her estate being sequestered for recusancy, she is too poor to 105 835 contract for it, if rules according the late Act come out, and therefore begs an order to the County Committee to pay her the. Granted. 25 300 · JOHN ROSCOE, Barrow, Co. Lancaster. 23 Feb. 1654. Being in the last Additional Act for Sale, begs to 140 437 compound for his estate according to a proviso in the said Act. 227 23 24 Feb. Fine 247. - 227 22 21 June. The fine being fully paid, his estate discharged 24 1123 Purchaser of the Estate of the DEAN AND CHAPTER OF YORK. Discharge of sequestration of Bockhill Manor, co. York, belong- 18 931 ing to York Deanery, forfeited by them, and sold by the Dean and Chapter Trustees to George Rhodes, of London, on rental of 21. 9s. 4d. a year. - Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS EASTON (late), Thorndon, Suffolk. 433 FRANCES EASTON, his widow and executrix, begs discharge, with 137 415 arrears, of lands in Gissing, Norfolk, sequestered for the sup- posed recusancy of her husband, who was never sequestered for recusancy or delinquency in Suffolk, but constantly attended church, and he willed the sale of these lands for payment of debts, &c. 7 March 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 25 273 137 413 16 Nov. Claim allowed on report, and sequestration discharged, 23 1645 with arrears from date of petition. *The earlier part of this case is in the Calendar for Advance of Money, p. 1454. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3205 8 March 1654. L.C.C. 152 633 I.&D. -641 13 March 1654. O.T.T. 111 35 14 March 1654. 66 809 L.C.C. -820 I.&D. 149 193 -199 c. 33 360 66 794 796 o.c. 27 70 66 797 66 799 I. & D. 1 -808 H. 27 254 R. L.C.C. 66 773 SUR. 58A 543 17 March 1654. o.c. 18 963 L. 109 957 97 273 -285 1.&D. 170 295 s I.C.C. 309 Claimant on the Estate of JOAN MOLINS, alias SPEARE, Recusant, Dorset. Purchaser of the Estate of GEORGE PARSONS, Beeston, Co. Chester. ANDREW MOLINS petitions that Joan Molins had a copyhold 102 529 estate in a house in Netherbury, Dorset, during widowhood; it is forfeited on her marriage with Thos. Speare, but the County Committee keep it sequestered for her recusancy. Being tenant in reversion, he begs its discharge, or examination of his title. 8 March 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 25 273 Discharge from sequestration of a house and lands in Beeston, 18 935 Bunbury__ parish, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Jane Dove. Claimant on the Estate of MARY BAYLY, Widow, Co. Chester. MAT. BATESON, skinner of London, begs notice to the County 66 785, Committee of Chester to discharge lands in Congleton Manor, 791, 824 mortgaged to him for 8007. by Wm. Bramhall, of London, and extended for the debt in 1649, but part thereof were se- questered for recusancy of the tenant, Mary Bayly, whose lease expires at Easter. 14 March 1654. County Committee to examine and Reading to 66 789 report. 25 273 Vol. No. G or P. 13 July. Petition renewed, with request that [Thos.] Robinson, 66 823 the County Commissioner, may have notice. 13 July. County Commissioner to certify and Reading to report MILES PHILIPSON, Tisbury, Wilts, and a Purchaser of his Estate. 22 Sept. Bateson begs an order for further examination of 66 822 witnesses. Granted. 27 123 14 March 1654. Discharge from sequestration of a house in Tis- bury manor, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Butler. 1 Feb. 1655. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged, with 23 1665 arrears since date of the petition. Purchaser of the Estate of THOMAS PARKER, Grayston- leigh, Co. Lancaster. 27 17 66 787 22 March. He begs to compound for his estate, surveyed, and 112 809 in the late Act for Sale. Noted as referred to Reading. o.T.T. 109 911 Discharge from sequestration of a messuage, &c., in Castell 18 934 in Clitheroe, co. Lancaster, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees for Cuth. Tildsley, co. Lancaster. Claimant on the Estate of BLAZE SHELDON, Temple Grafton, Co. Warwick, and MARGARET, his Mother. 1 Aug. 1654. On complaint from the Treason Trustees that 27 107 the County Committee do not discharge the sequestration, on pretence that the estate was sequestered in the names of the tenants, order that the County Committee summon the tenants to show cause why the purchaser should not enjoy the benefit of his purchase, take examinations, and return them. 271 17 March 1654. RICH. KEMPSON, of Oversley Lodge, and Thos. 97 301 ROUND, of Alcester, co. Warwick, beg allowance of their title to lands in Grafton, &c., demised to them by Blaze Sheldon, for payment of 6001. debts and other charges, but sequestered 3206 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 17 March 1654. C. 33 383 97 287 -291 D. 97 293 295 R. 22 March 1654. BLAZE SHELDON, &c.-cont. for recusancy of Margaret, mother of the said Blaze, who has no interest therein. 97 257 27 Feb. Order renewed for 14 days longer 23 March 1654. c. 33 375 17 March 1654. County Committee to examine and Reading to 25 274 report. 97 269 27 321 27 Feb. 1655. On the trustees' request for a hearing, it is granted in 3 weeks, and meantime the County Commissioner for War. wick is to detain the rents, but to pay them into the Exchequer afterwards, unless he receives an order to the contrary. - 27 344 12 April. Claim disallowed on report, but petitioners allowed 23 1683 to make further proof. 97 215 27 July. The trustees beg an order to the County Commissioner to examine further proofs, and if the lands were sequestered as Blaze Sheldon's, to certify whether he was ever convicted of recusancy, or refused the Oath of Abjuration. Granted. Purchaser of the Estate of EDMUND WELLS, Littleton Drew, Wilts. O.T.T. 129 461 17 March 1654. Discharge from sequestration of a house, &c., 18 933 in Littleton Drew parish, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by George Hurd, of London. Vol. No. G or P. Claimant on the Estate of LADY ELIZABETH LEN- THALL, Recusant, Co. Oxon. 29 43 EDM. LENTHALL petitions that he contracted with the County 100 25 Committee of Oxon, for the estate of Lady Eliz. Lenthall, sequestered for recusancy only, for 7 years, and his lease was confirmed 8 July 1652; but on late directions on an Act of Parliament for disposing of recusants' estates, the County Committee, finding his lease is not sealed, threaten to make it void. Begs the remainder of his term, if Lady Lenthall, who is 80 years old, live so long. 22 March 1654. Granted, if there be no other cause than the 25 317 non-sealing of the lease; if there be, it is to be certified forthwith. JOHN WILKINSON, Bardsey, Westmoreland, and a Pur- chaser of his Estate. 1 Sept. The lease of of Lady Lenthall's estate confirmed, so 30 358 far as let according to instructions. O.T.T. 139 93 6 July. Discharge from sequestration of houses, &c., Kirkby- 18 966 Kendal and Burton, Westmoreland, forfeited by Wilkinson, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Thos. Wharton. 22 March 1654. Begs to contract for his estate on survey, being 139 101 in the last Act for Sale. Noted as referred to Reading. Claimant on the Estate of EDWARD ASTLOW. ANTHONY KNIGHTBRIDGE, of Gray's Inn, London, his executor, 143 438 begs discharge of Little Hornmead Manor, co. Herts, which Astlow in 1636 leased ot John Newport, of Furneux-Pelham, at 40l. a year, but were sequestered for Astlow's recusancy, and notwithstanding his death, the County Commissioners for- bear to discharge it. Begs arrears from the time of his death. 23 March 1654. County Committee to examine, and Reading to 27 report. 4 Lessee of the Estate of HENRY FOX, Recusant, Co. Salop. 23 March 1654. RICH. JACKES, of Westby [? Westbury], being 95 338 tenant to of Fox's estate, sequestered for recusancy, begs leave to pay his rent to the County Treasurer, the payment at Goldsmiths' Hall being troublesome, expensive, and dangerous. Granted. 25 321 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.—CASES. 3207 23 March 1654. 'SUR. 160 99 L.C.C.160 102 c. 33 369 L.C.C. / 130 643 I.&D. 1 -650 R.C. 33 354 { 130 653 R. 130 633 O.T.T.144 642 23 March 1654. Discharge from sequestration of lands in North 18 949 Walton and Eccleston, co. Lancaster, forfeited by Wm. Gradell, but sequestered for recusancy of his mother, Eliz. Gradell, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Wm. Dicconson of London. D. 130 655 c. 130 657 L.C.C. 139 320 I.&D. -328 C. 33 353 139 329-331 R. 139 309 Purchaser of the Estate of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH GRADELL, Ulneswalton, Co. Lancaster. 25 July. The County Committee not discharging the estate, 27 201 Dicconson is to bring in proof that the lands were sequestered 80 355 for recusancy of Eliz. Gradell, and she is to show cause why they should not be discharged, as she alleges them to be her jointure. Claimants on the Estate of ROBERT HOTHERSALL (late), Co. Lancaster. Vol. No. G or p. 24 Oct. She not having made out her claim, Dicconson begs a 80 354 hearing and speedy possession. 24 Oct. Discharge granted, with arrears from payment of the 18 965 purchase money. 641 23 March 1654. ROB. BOLTON, of Chipping, begs leave to prove 130 629 his claim to a house and closes in Elston, settled in 1650 by Rob. Hothersall on his wife Katherine, who, since his death, has sold her interest therein to petitioner, but they are seques- tered for Hothersall's recusancy. 23 March. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 3 May. County Committee to examine and certify 13 June 1655. Elston's petition renewed. Has purchased the re- version of the premises claimed, and begs an order to the County Committee to certify further proofs, &c. Granted. 14 Dec. On report, Bolton's claim allowed to the moiety of a 23 1653 house and lands which were leased to him by Katherine Hothersall in 1653 for 21 years or her life, with arrears from the date of petition. 25 274 130 651 3 May 1654. ROB. ELSTON, of Brockholes, begs a certificate in 83 722 reference to the estate in Elston and Grimsargh, let to him in Feb. 1654 for 7 years by John Hothersall, but sequestered for the recusancy of Rob. Hothersall, his father; also leave for the rents to remain meanwhile in the tenants' hands. - 27 5 83 719 27 418 24 May 1655. JOHN FISHWICK, of Grimsargh, begs that the 137 569 County Committee may be empowered to discharge of a barn and 6 acres of barren land in Grimsargh, under 40s. a year rent, demised to petitioner in 1652 by Sir Rich. Hough- ton, Bart., for 99 years, or 3 lives, but sequestered for recu- sancy of Rob. Hothersall, who had only a life interest therein, which is determined by his death. 24 May. Granted if it be under 40s. value, and if Fishwick make 27 399 good his title. Claimant on the Estate of JOHN TAYLOR (late), Co. Lancaster. 335 23 March 1654. THOMAS and ROB. COWELL, of Whittingham, beg 139 317 examination of their title to, and discharge of 2 houses and lands in Broughton, leased to them for 21 years by Christopher, son and heir of the late John Taylor, of Broughton, for pay- ment of debts, but still sequestered for the father's recusancy. 23 March. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 25 274 139 315 2 Nov. Claim allowed on report, with arrears from date of peti- 23 1641 tion, but the debts due to delinquents, and of those due to recusants are to be first paid to the use of the State. 3208 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 23 March 1654. 28 March 1654. Purchaser of the Estate of GEORGE THERLWALL, Roth- bury, Northumberland. O.T.T. 145 63 23 March 1654. Discharge from sequestration of 2 farms in 18 935 Allanton and a house in Wreghill, Northumberland, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Thos. Wynard. L.C.C. 73 873 -879 162 7-10 D. 73 869 -872 c. 73 875 876 73 853 30 March 1654. R. L.C.C. (78 483 I.&D. -491 C. 33 353 78 493 497 D. 78 481 L.C.C.101 149 I.&D. 1 -155 C. 78 495 78 473 27 160 R. H. 31 March 1654. o.c.c. 103 175, 183, 177, 187 O.S.F.S. 103 179 185 c. 103 189 L. 27 103 L. 145 569 Claimants on the Estate of DR. JOHN WALCOT, late Prebendary of Lincoln. ALICE, widow, of THOS. CHAPMAN, serjeant-at-law, and AMBROSE SAUNDERS and JOHN MAJOR, his executors, with WM. STUBBINS and THOS. HEADLEY, beg quiet allowance, or reference to counsel of their claim to the rectory and tithes of St. Mar- garet's church and Knighton chapel, co. Leicester, demised 8 James by Dr. Rich. Cleyton, prebendary, to Rob. Sadding- ton and John Blunt for 3 lives, at 317. rent; they were after- wards assigned to Thos. Chapman, the tithes by him demised to Wm. Stubbins and Thos. Headley, and the rectory left to the widow and executors; but part of the tithes are stayed as belonging to Dr. Walcot, delinquent, and the rest of the premises are threatened, without order of allowance. 28 March 1654. Referred to Brereton 22 June. Claim allowed on report, and [John] Baker, one of the late County Committee, who detains the tithes, is to account for them to the State and to the petitioners. Vol. No. G or P. Claimant on the Estate of GEORGE CROOKE, Sen. (late), Recusant, Broughton-in-Amounderness, Co. Lancaster. * 73 850 867 25 321 73 865 23 1613 479 JOHN SEED, of London, petitions that George Crooke, son and 141 467 heir of George Crooke, Anne, his widow, and John, another son, leased in 1654 a house and land in Broughton to petitioner for 99 years, but of it is sequestered for recusancy of George Crooke, who is dead. Begs examination of his title, and the rents on security meantime. 30 March 1654. The County Committee to certify and Reading to report. 1 Aug. The certificate returned not being full enough, he begs an order for further examination. Granted. 27 141 78 472 27 8 4 477 23 Nov. On report, the claim allowed and sequestration dis- 23 1647 charged, with arrears from date of petition. JOB MURCOTT, late Solicitor for Sequestrations, Co. Chester. 181 45 Petitions the Protector for an order for the arrears of his salary. 103 173 Served 6 years on a commission from the Committee for Seques- trations, incurring losses therein to the amount of 1,000l.; 243 2,4427. 17s. is due to him for salary, and he is undone for want of payment. Has lost one son in the service, and has two others now at sea. With reference thereon to the Haberdashers' Hall Committee, and his reference signed to Sir Charles Wolseley and Col. Jones. 26 April 1654. The County Commissioners to certify their know- 27 ledge of the matter, and Reading to report. 7 June. [Thos.] Robinson, the present commissioner for co. Ches- 27 ter, to inquire for what committees Murcott was solicitor, and for how long, whether he was the only solicitor, what sums he could receive that at 6d. a pound could raise his salary to 2,4427. 178., and how much of his salary he received. * See his case on p. 3173, supra. 38 75 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3209 31 March 1654. L. 103 163 c. 143 523 P.E. 137 517 155 187 L.C.C. 137 481 155 189 R. 137 473 c. 144 371 12 Sept. Order by the Committee for Compounding that 27 116 Vaughan, late registrar to the Committee for Sequestrations, get all the information he can as to what is really due to Murcott; that Murcott give in an account of the profits of the estates managed by him; and that Robinson enquire what money actually passed through Murcott's hands, in order that the State may not pay him 6d. in the pound when it has been 30 97 (2) already paid to Hen. Cockson, or any other solicitor. L. 149 217 L. 4 April 1654. c. 86 389 18 April 1654. 70358. 18 Aug. 1654. Murcott complains to the Protector of the tedious 243 and dilatory ways adopted by the County Commissioners as to their return in his case; begs consideration of "the sad, un- done condition of a poor, wearied-out hireling, oppressed in his wages," and relief for himself, wife, and many children, ready to perish. With reference signed by the Protector to Wolseley and Jones. Vol. No. G or P. 45 26 Aug. Thos. Robinson reports that he considers Murcott an 103 167 honest man; that 32,5207. 8s. was paid in during Murcott's date of office, and 1791. paid to him by Murcott. Purchasers of the Estates of the BISHOPRIC OF DURHAM. Discharge from sequestration of Houghton-le-Spring Manor, and 18 940 ancient rents of Easington ward, value 251. 18s. 3d., on purchase from the Trustees for Sale of Bishops' lands by GEORGE FENWICK, of Brenckbourne, Northumberland. 18 April 1654. Like discharge from sequestration of Howder 18 942 Manor, and rents therein, total 351. 8s. 6d., belonging to the late Bishopric of Durham, bought from the said Trustees by WM. UNDERWOOD and 2 others, of London. 483 14 June. Request by ALD. STEPHEN ESTWICK, of London, that 137 479 he may be allowed to receive the sequestered rents named in Darlington, &c., co. Durham, total 4l. 11s. 34d., according to his contract with the Trustees for Sale of Bishops' lands. 14 June. The County Committee to certify the cause of seques- 25 93 tration, and whether the rents are payable out of the estates 137 477 named, and Brereton to report. 6 Dec. The said rents allowed on report, except 2s. 1d., and 23 1649 the County Committee are to pay the same with arrears from date of purchase. Claimant on the Estate of EDWARD CHURCH, Recusant, Co. York. 14 Nov. Like discharge for WM. CAVE, of Grantham, co. Lin- 18 967 coln, who purchased Northallerton Manor, co. York, [be- longing to the Bishopric of Durham,] with 4. 14s. rent payable by Sir Hen. Browne for lands in Little Smeaton and Birkby, from the Trustees for Sale of Bishops' lands; the 41. 14s. rent to be paid out of of Sir H. Browne's estate if it was sequestered for recusancy, but out of the whole, if seques- tered for delinquency. 3 WM. COOKE, of York, mariner of the Paragon, begs that he and his 77 311 father may have,—at 6l. 8s. 4d. rent or at the rent now set on it- the farm in Aislaby Wood, co. York, of which he and his ancestors have been tenants 180 years. When it was first sequestered for the recusancy of Edw. Church, he and his father had it at the rent of 61. 5s. 6d. After building on it, and otherwise improving it, the rent was raised to 101. Two- thirds of the whole estate was by the Yorkshire Committee let to Humphrey Harwood for seven years from 25 March 1652, at 967. 13s. 4d. a year. Harwood surrendered his lease, с 3210 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 18 April 1654. 20 April 1654. o.c.c. 108 17 25 April 1654. L.C.C.154 617 -621 2 May 1654. SUR. 58A 523 R. 227 197 EDWARD CHURCH-cont. which was then granted by the County Committee to Rob. Dixon and others, but not confirmed. Petitioner's rent is now 61. 18s. 8d., but on tendering it as ordered to Dixon, it was refused, and being unable to evict, Dixon carried away his hay and cattle, worth 401., and took possession of some of his land. Having liberty from the Vice- Admiral to come to town to petition, has accidentally met his poor wife, who for relief has been forced to come 180 miles afoot. Begs that if he may not have the farm at the former rent, he may have it at that now set on it, and allowance for improvements; also reparation from Dixon for his cattle, &c., taken away, so that his wife may return to her children. 18 April 1654. The County Committee to have a copy of the 27 petition, to call the parties together, and either compose the difference between them, or certify the truth of the case. ZACHARY NEWBURY, Totnes, Devon.* it; Has nothing but a small tenement worth 201. a year, which has 108 15 been sequestered 10 years, and he has received nothing from the 1, though allowed to his wife Elizabeth by the County Commissioners, has been detained 6 years. Is an impotent old man, with a wife and 3 children, and begs a reasonable composition. Claimant on the Estate of RALPH GRAY (late), Trumble Hill, Co. Durham. 20 April 1654. The County Committee to pay all arrears due of 20 1178 the from 24 Dec. 1649, but the petitioner cannot be allowed to compound. Vol. No. G or P. 25 April 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 19 Jan. 1655. Registrar's certificate that Ralph Gray was in the last Act for Sale. ROB. GRAY, his son and heir, begs an order to the County Com. 87 830 mittee to examine his title to lands in Trumble Hill, knowing not why they keep him out of possession thereof. Claimants on the Estate of WILLIAM LEYBURN (late), Co. Lancaster. 28 25 April 1654. William Garnett and Francis Bowers, Trustees for 88 942 NICHOLAS, CHARLES, and JOHN, children of JOHN LEYBURN, all of Witherslack, Westmoreland, plead that they have several years yet to come of a lease of a house and lands at Baire, co. Lancaster, but they are unduly sequestered for delinquency of the late Wm. Leyburn, who was only tenant at will. Their claim being allowed by the Committee for Removing Obstruc- tions, they beg that it may be examined. 25 April. Referred to the Lancashire Committee and Reading 27 5 2 May. Fine 191. 2s. 6d. 21 June. Paid and estate discharged 27 2,5 33 400 HUGH DOBSON, Leagrim, Chipping, Co. Lancaster. Being in the late Act for Sale, begs an order to the County Com- 227 199 mittee to examine his proofs that his estate as surveyed, for 80 663 which he wishes to compound, is but his for life, and reference thereon to counsel. A purchaser of his estate, co. Dorset, is on p. 3172, supra. 2 May 1654. County Committee to examine and Reading to 27 report. 5 227 201 227 201 24 1123 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3211 3 May 1654. 9 May 1654. O.T.T. 144 599 L. 98 185 L. 98 183 R. 243 46 L.C.C.157 165 Claimant on the Estate of CHARLES VAUX, Suffolk. LAWRENCE LOMAX, infant, begs allowance of his title to a mes- suage, garden, orchard, and 22 acres of land in Eye and Yaxley, and the tithes of corn and grain in Cranley, Cookley, &c., in Suffolk, seized for the recusancy of Charles Vaux. 3 May 1654. Referred to the County Committee Purchaser of the Estate of THOMAS CHANCEY, Kid- derminster, Co. Worcester. Discharge from sequestration of messuages, &c., in Kidder. 18 937 minster, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trus- tees by Rob. Ewyre. DR. HUGH LLOYD, Clerk, Andrew's, Co. Glamorgan, and Eye, Co. Hereford. Vol. No. Gor p. 99 777 Claimant on the Estate of HENRY HALL, London. 9 May 1654. The CHURCHWARDENS OF ST. OLAVE'S, SOUTHWARK, 138 355 beg an order for payment of the arrears of 16s. a year received out of Henry Hall's estate, under sequestration since 1645. The poor of their parish are so increased that not less than 9001. a year are issued for their relief. 9 May. The arrears ordered to be paid, the whole of them if 27 the estate is sequestered for delinquency, & if for recusancy. 27 5 9 May 1654. Order in the Council of State referring his petition I75 281 to Strickland, Col. Jones, and Col. Mackworth. 31 May. Order in Council that he be allowed possession of the 27 tenement in Eye, co. Hereford, claimed by him in right of his 175 wife for her life. 9 May. Order by the said Committee that the Committee at 98 195 Goldsmiths' Hall certify the cause of the sequestration of his estate, which is inserted into the Bill for Compounding at two- sixths. May? Note that in the Act for Sale, his estate, co. Hereford, is 98 196 returned at 15l. a year. 27 52 16 May. The Committee for Compounding request Capt. Taylor, 27 the Commissioner for co. Hereford, to certify the cause of sequestration. Claimants on the Estate of JOHN SWINBURNE, Caphea- ton, Northumberland, and ELLEN, his Widow. 45 26 May. Order in Council that,-inasmuch as the only cause of 175 322 Lloyd's sequestration from his benefice in co. Glamorgan was his refusing to take the Solemn League and Covenant, on which his real estate was sequestered and returned to Parliament, and thus put into the Act for Sale, and therefore he is capable of relief, the Treason Trustees forbear sale of his lands for a week. 65 331 7 June. Order in the Committee for Compounding accordingly. 27 65 18 Sept. County Committees of Gloucester and Glamorgan re- 30 156 quired to certify any delinquency on his part. 422 9 May 1654. Francis Godfrey, guardian to JOHN SWINBURNE, his 88 114 son and heir, petitions that the father bought in 1642 from Nich. Thornton of Gallow Hill Manor and 2 farms, in Bolam parish, and died 10 years ago, but the premises are under se- questration for cause unknown. Begs leave to prove the title, and relief. 9 May. County Committee to certify and Reading to report 27 6 C 2. 3212 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 9 May 1654. c. 104 479 D. 104 473 -477 c. 33 419 104 481 R. 104 465 10 May 1654. L.C.C. 168 23 134 467 156 17 11 May 1654. O.T.T. 73 711 24 May 1654. O.T.T. 135 403 30 May 1654. Vol. No. Gor p. JOHN SWINBURNE, &c.—cont. 16 May 1654. Wm. Parkinson, for the children of JOHN FIFE, of 112 525 Garstang, begs discharge of lands in Garstang and Pilling Moss, co. Lancaster, of small value, leased to Roger and Wm. Haughton and to John Swinburne, who sold his remainder to John Fife, and are sequestered for recusancy of Ellen Swin- burne, his widow. 16 May. Referred to the County Committee Claimant on the Estate of THOMASINE WAKEMAN, Recusant, Devon. 549 9 May 1654. JOHN MAYNARD, serjeant-at-law, begs discharge of 104 471 copyhold tenements in the manor of Beer Ferris, Devon, of which he is lord, held for life by Thomasine Wakeman, recusant, now dead, and sequestered for her recusancy; great wastes and spoils, to the value of 2001., are committed by the under-tenants. 9 May. County Committee to examine and certify, and petitioner 27 6 to have the estate on security for 3 months, if not already 104 469 leased. 22 March 1655. Claim allowed on report, and sequestration dis- 23 1678 charged, with arrears from date of petition. 27 389 THOMAS WRIGHT, Recusant, Essex. His whole revenue is from 2 houses, fit for trade or gentlemen of 134 465 quality, in Suffolk and in Essex, but they will soon become useless for want of repairs, and one would cost 201. and the other 401. Cannot do it himself, and begs allowance therefor. 10 May 1654. The County Committee to certify the cost of repairs 27 45 27 June. Order that as he does not enjoy his mansion-house in 27 83 Suffolk, of the 401. estimated repairs of the house be allowed him. Purchaser of the Estate of THOMAS FENWICK, Prest- wick, Northumberland. O.T.T. 86 249 11 May 1654. Discharge from sequestration of a messuage, &c., in 18 957 Prestwick, Ponteland, forfeited from him and bought from. the Treason Trustees by Gilb. Crouch. EDWARD CARLETON, Hesleside, Northumberland. Discharge from sequestration of lands in Tynedale and Redesdale, 18 954 Northumberland, forfeited by him and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Rushworth. Purchaser of the Estate of JOHN BARNETT, Wrenbury Parish, Co. Chester.* Discharge from sequestration of Hill House in Sound, Wrenbury 18 946 parish, co. Chester, for a debt of 2321. 2s. 34d., forfeited by him and bought from the Treason Trustees by James Barnett. PRESCOTT, Claimant on the Estate of EDWARD Shevington, Co. Lancaster. ROBERT PRESCOTT petitions that he assigned 12 years ago to his 111 204 brother Edward a house and 6 acres of land in Shevington, for 11 years, but during the wars the estate was sequestered for Edward's delinquency. The lease expiring Aug. 1653, begs examination of his title and discharge, with payment of all moneys received since that date. 30 May 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 27 6 5 Dec. It being proved that Edward Prescott has no further 27 196 interest in the estate, the petition granted. * A claimant on his estate is on p. 3065, supra. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.--CASES. 3213 31 May 1654. O.T. T. 125 387 1 June 1654. O.T.T. 112 719 5 June 1654. C. 94 909 -915 33. 401 94 899 -907 L.C.C. I.&D.Ĵ R. 94 891 7 June 1654. c. 101 167 D. 101 165 176 R.C. 27 8 101 145 1.&D. 101 159, 161, 157, 169 L. 101 157 C. 149 33 360 101 171, 173 H. 27 147 D. 101 177 R. 101 135 13 June 1654. c. 92 649 L. 169 505 H. 27 114 CASE 141 169 JOHN TURNER, Wootton-Fitzpaine, Dorset. Discharge from sequestration of messuages, &c., in Charmouth, Whitchurch, and Wootton-Fitzpaine, forfeited by him and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Lea and Rich. Knight. Purchaser of the Estate of JAMES PEMBERTON, Whis- ton, Co. Lancaster. Claimant on the Estate of RICHARD, Son of ROGER HESKETH (late), Upper Rawcliffe, Co. Lancaster. Discharge from sequestration of houses and lands in Whiston, 18 946 forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Fullerton, of London. [See his case, p. 1952, supra.] Vol. No. G or P. 18 939 6 June 1654. LUKE HODGKINSON, of Preston in Amounderness, co. Lancaster, begs discharge of a tenement and lands in Upper Rawcliffe, leased to him for 99 years in May 1654, by Richard, son and heir of Roger Hesketh, for whose recusancy were sequestered, and are so continued, notwithstanding his death. 6 June. County Committee to certify why no claim has been 27 made since Roger's death in 1649, and whether the sequestra- tion is not continued for delinquency or recusancy of Rich. Hesketh or some other. 6 94 895 Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM CROOKE, Brindle, Co. Lancaster. 5 July. Diligent search to be made whether, on Roger Hesketh's 28 6 death, the sequestration was not continued for delinquency or recusancy of Rich. Hesketh, or some other. 5 Sept. On return of the depositions the claim allowed, with 28 arrears from date of petition. 94 897 922 26 LIEUT. JOHN MARSH, of Preston, co. Lancaster, begs allowance of 101 181 his title to Welshman's House and 3 acres in Preston, of which was sequestered in 1644 for the recusancy of Wm. Crooke; he died without issue 4 years ago, leaving it to his nephews, George and John Crooke, who sold it to petitioner. [See p. 573, supra.] 7 June 1654. Referred to the County Committee - 25 July. He begs arrears since the date of his purchase 23 Nov. Claim allowed and estate discharged with arrears Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM HUNT, late Rector of Kibworth, Co. Leicester. - 27 6 · 101 178 · 147 23 1647 ANN HENSLOW, Widow, Fishbourne, Sussex. Prays voidance of a lease at 201. a year to Edw. Cole and John 92 647 Masters of of her small estate, they detaining the other }, allowing her but 107., and deducting 21. or 31. for taxes. The estate was not posted or boxed, and she had no notice of the letting; begs to be admitted tenant, and offers good security for the rent. 13 June 1654. Referred to the County Committee - 27 68 12 Sept. The County Committee are to certify whether the estate 27 116 was surveyed, posted, and boxed according to instructions. 13 June 1654. JOHN YAXLEY, minister of Kibworth, complains 141 167- that he is now sued at law by Wm. Hunt, the late rector, sequestered for delinquency by the late County Committee; 3214 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 13 June 1654. L.C.C. 92 280 R. 92 275 NOTE 141 149 D. 140 529 -531 L. 164 419 WILLIAM HUNT-cont. was settled there by the Committee for Plundered Ministers, and confirmed therein by the Committee for Sequestrations, and has enjoyed the living quietly 7 years. Vol. No. G or p. 13 June 1654. Order that the present County Commissioner 27 certify what has passed there, and Rice Vaughan what passed in the late Sequestration Committee. 27 June. On return of the certificates, Yaxley begs their opinion 141 147 whether Hunt was not duly sequestered, and whether he does not so remain, never having been discharged. 150 27 June. Order that [John] Horton, the County Commis- 27 sioner, use all lawful means to quiet Yaxley in his possession of the rectory. 70 80 JOHN WILLIAMS, late Rector of Northop, Co. Flint. 13 June 1654. Petitions that he was sequestered in the country, 131 539 and discharged on appeal to the late Committee for Sequestra- tions by their order; but Rob. Leigh, farmer, refuses to pay him a certain rent out of the rectory, pretending that that particular is not mentioned in the order. Begs order for payment; has been a preacher 37 years, and is too old to attend the Committee. 13 June. The Society for Propagating the Gospel in Wales are to 27 certify on the case. 70 CLAIMANTS ON THE ESTATE. 13 June 1654. Archibald Sparke, minister of Northop, complains 140 533 that having 50l. a year augmentation granted from Northop Rectory, sequestered from John Williams, it was interrupted 2 years ago by the Propagators of the Gospel in Wales, but since confirmed by the Commissioners for Approbation of Pub- lic Preachers; yet it has been lately stayed, on John Williams' plea to have his sequestration discharged, on an order of the Committee for Sequestrations in 1648. Begs payment in future, and the arrears in the hands of Rob. Leigh, 13 June. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 5 Sept. The County Committee to keep the profits whilst the case is pending, and Brereton to perfect his report. 27 69 4 July. Petition renewed - 140 535 4 July. Williams is to show cause in 3 weeks why the augmenta- 27 87 tion should not be paid, with arrears. 4 Aug. 1654. Rob. Leigh, of Newnham Regis, co. Warwick, begs 97 667 not to be troubled for the rent of Northop Rectory, co. Flint, demised to him long before the wars by John Williams, and sequestered for his delinquency; an augmentation of 50%. granted therefrom by the Committee for Plundered Ministers to Arch. Sparke, but taken from him by the Society for Pro- pagating the Gospel in Wales, and granted to the master, &c., of Bala School, co. Merioneth. The Public Preachers' Com- mittee say that Sparke should have the augmentation, and this Committee ordered it to be paid, yet the County Committee order it to be paid to them, with arrears, and Williams claims it as discharged from sequestration. Begs leave to retain it till this Committee orders to whom it shall be paid. 4 Aug. Granted till Williams and Sparke have made out their 27 106 claims. 5 Sept. Sparke begs a hearing of the certificate of the County Com- 140 528 mittee, and order for payment of his augmentation, with arrears. 27 115 30 Nov. Sparke's petition renewed, Williams certifying his con- 140 525 sent to the payment. 30 Nov. Granted with arrears from Dec. 1649, any order by the 27 183 Propagation Society notwithstanding. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3215 15 June 1654. 20 June 1654. c. 127 155 L.C.C.127 145 I.&D. J -151 E.W. . 27 114 H. 27 325 D. 127 163-167 R. 127 129 D. 127 159, 161 21 June 1654. L.C.C. I.&D. 143 467 -493 172 116 c. 33 400 143 463,466 Vol. No. Claimant on the Estate of RICHARD FORSTER (late), G or p. Co. York. HENERY, son of the late SIR RICH. DARLEY, of Butter Crambe, 143 212 petitions that in 1617, Sir William Eure, late Lord Eure, de- mised to his father Pulford Manor, in Hamsterley, co. Durham; Roger Tocketts, of Ulnaby, co. Durham, and 2 others also demised to his father a mansion-house and lands in West Ship- ley and South Bedburn, co. Durham, all which now descend to petitioner as eldest son and heir; his father, living far off, had left the management of the estate to Rich. Forster, the tenant, who was his kinsman, and it being supposed to be Foster's, thereof are sequestered for his recusancy, he being absent in France. Petitioner's house at Butter Crambe was burned during the wars, but the deeds having escaped the fire and come to his hand, he begs leave to prove his title in the North, where his witnesses live, and discharge of sequestration. 15 June 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 27 7 Claimants on the Estate of THOMAS WEEDON, Recu- sant, Co. Salop. WM. WALL and 3 others beg allowance of 3 deeds made by John 127 Hill, of Woodhouse, or Silvington, co. Salop, conveying to them tenements called Parrett's, More Green, Hinley's, Brook, and Oyleys, in Alton, in the possession of which they are inter- rupted by order of Committee for Compounding for levying a debt owing to [Thos.] Weedon, a recusant, which debt was not adjudged till after the date of the said conveyances. Also ask the voidance of a lease of the premises made by the County Committee to Edw. Boylston, but not confirmed, and not let according to instructions. 20 June 1654. Referred to the County Committee, and Boylston 27 76,79 is to show cause why the lease should not be voided. 127 141 17 July 1655. GEORGE HERBERT petitions that he made good, some years since, a claim to a debt of 500l. or 6001. due from John Hill to Thos. Weedon, recusant, and Hill consented to pay it on indemnity; but Wm. Maund, whose name is in the trust deed, now claims the whole debt. Begs leave to prove his own claim, and stay of proceedings meantime. [The case of Hill v. Weedon is among the papers of the Committee of Indemnity.] 8 March 1655. Claim allowed with arrears, and Boylston's lease 23 1675 voided. 17 July. Referred to Reading; the County Commissioners are to examine witnesses on behalf of petitioner, and also of Wm. Maund. 143 201 Claimant on the Estate of MARY WILLY (late), Reou- sant, Co. York. 92 683 29 29 449 WM. LAZENBY, of Haxby, begs examination of his title to cot- 143 461 tages, &c., in Ugthorpe, co. York, which Gervase Smith, late of Brighton, co. York, held by lease from petitioner's predecessors, and which he demised to Mary Willy, for whose recusancy were sequestered. Her interest is determined by her death. 21 June 1654. Referred to the County Committee and to Brereton 27 7 143 459 17 May 1655. Claim allowed with arrears, and sequestration 23 1686 ordered to be discharged. 3216 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 22 June 1654. L.C.C. 173 645 I.&D. 1 -653 O.C. 27 260 c. 34 1 O.T.T. 72 23 23 June 1654. 30 June 1654. 112 639 145 427 -439 L.C.C. I. & D. C. 33 371 112 641 643 H. 27 151 R. 112 627 D. 112 645 $47 Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM BLOUNT, Recusant, Co. Worcester. 4 July 1654. O.T.T. 717 22 June 1654. Discharge from sequestration of Scales Hall, and 18 958 houses, &c., in Lancaster, Cockerham, and Whalley, co. Lan- caster, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Thos. Slater, M.D. HUM. BURY, of Mamble, begs allowance of his title to an estate 142 253 in Shelsley, co. Worcester, secured for the supposed recu- sancy of Wm. Blount. 22 June 1654. Referred to the County Committee and to 27 7 Reading. 28 Feb. 1655. Complains that for want of a direction to the 142 249 County Committee to take his oath concerning the premises, they refused his deposition. Begs an order thereon; is ancient and unable to travel. 28 Feb. The County Committee are to take his deposition, and 27 321 allow him to examine and cross-examine witnesses. Purchaser of the Estate of JOHN BRADSHAW, Scales, Co. Lancaster. Vol. No. G or P. Purchaser of the Estate of HENRY BUTLER, Goosnargh, Co. Lancaster. c. 72 21 HEN. BUTLER, minister of Weston, co. Warwick, petitions that he 72 30 has 401. a year augmentation granted by the Committee for Plundered Ministers out of the estate of Mrs. Morgan; but complains that the County Committee only pay him 40 marks a year, on pretext of paying to Mrs. Morgan. 22 June 1654. Discharge from sequestration of lands in Goos- 18 958 nargh parish, forfeited by him, and sold by the Treason Trustees to John Fullerton. JOHN GORE, Papist, Co. Lancaster. 22 June 1654. Certificate by Aud. Thos. Browne that of a house 87 1067 in Bickerstaffe, sequestered from him, was let to himself at 31. 4s. rent. Claimant on the Estate of MRS. MORGAN, Recusant, Co. Warwick. 23 June 1654. Order for payment of the whole with arrears, 22 1487 Mrs. Morgan's to be paid some other way. 72 27 Lessee of the Estate of WILLIAM PARKINSON (late), Recusant, Co. Lancaster. 638 ROB. PARKINSON begs allowance of a lease of lands in Overleigh, 112 605 co. Lancaster, made to him 5 June last by Richard and Jane Parkinson, and discharge of the sequestration thereof, for the recusancy of Wm. Parkinson, father of Richard, and husband of Jane. 30 June 1654. Referred to the County Committee Claimants on the Estate of SIR WILLIAM WISEMAN (late), Wimbish, Essex. 27 7 112 635 16 Nov. Sequestration discharged, with arrears from the date of 23 1644 his petition. ROB. WHITING and WM. OUTRUM beg an order to the tenants to 129 603 allow an annuity of 60l., bought 40 years ago by Dorothy COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3217 4 July 1654. L.C.C. 156 13 July 1654. L.C.C. I.&D. C. 78 17 149 469 -479 33 405 7813-15 R. 78 3 77 4 July 1654. County Committee to certify and Reading to 27 8 report. 27 July 1654. 3 Aug. 1654. L.C.C. 164 337 D. 84 510 335 Fitz-Williams, of Taplow, Bucks, from Sir Wm. Wiseman. She left it to Sam. Lone and Hen. Mansfield, and it reverted to George, son of Sam. Lone, who conveyed it to petitioners in trust to raise money to pay his debts, but the estate is se- questered for Wiseman's recusancy. 14 Aug. 1654. P.E. 97 511 D. 97 511 L. 97 515 Claimants on the Estate of ROBERT THISTLETON, Co. Lancaster. GEORGE METCALF, Recusant, Firby, Co. York. Being sequestered for recusancy, begs to have his separated, 104 160 and allowance of his mansion house, &c. Granted. 27 92 Vol. No. G or P. 13 July 1654. JOHN CROKE, of Kellamergh, and THOS. CROMPTON, 78 of Canton, beg discharge of a messuage and lands in Warton, worth but 31. 6s. a year, conveyed to them 18 Aug. 1653 by Rob. Thistleton, of which were sequestered for his Popery. He died Sept. 1653. 13 July. Referred to the County Committee 27 78 4 July 1655. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged with 28 arrears. Purchaser of the Estate of ARTHUR LANGFIELD, Sea- croft, Co. York. 21 July 1654. O.T.T. 145 1 Discharge from sequestration of of houses, &c., in Eccleshill, 18 962 Bolton, and Seacroft lordships, in Bradford, Cawerly [? Calver- ley], and Whitchurch parishes, co. York, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Williams. 12 21 79 3 · 9 3 EXCISE OFFICER. Certificate by George Foxcroft, Treasurer of Excise, &c., that 79 827 JOHN DAY, by an order of the Commissioners for Appeals and regulating the Excise of 26 May 1654, was to pay 1987. 13s. 5d., being so much by him owing for excise of sugars. 21 Sept. 1654. He having made default of payment and not ap- 79 825 pearing on summons, order by the said Commissioners that he be sequestered for non-payment. OWEN EVANS, Clerk, Heneglwys, Anglesey. 84 513 Complains that John Parry and Thos. Michael, by virtue of a pretended order from this Committee, let livings in Anglesey, and have let his church, with Trewalchmay chapel, though he has never been a delinquent, nor scandalous, nor an absentee, nor accepted any other benefice. Begs stay of their proceedings. 3 Aug. 1654. County Commissioners to show cause in 14 days 27 105 12 Sept. They making no return, he begs the profits of his living 84 512 on security pending judgment. 12 Sept. Granted for 6 weeks if the estate is not sequestered, and 27 115 the order to certify renewed. Claimant an the Estate of THOMAS COFFIN, Recusant, Essex. Order in Council, on report from the Committee, to whom the I75 486 petition of John Leech, Treasurer at Goldsmiths' Hall, to 97 513 compound for of Stondon Place, Essex, yearly value 177., and for a house value 137. 6s., sequestered for recusancy of Thos. Coffin was referred, granting permission to the Committee for 3218 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 14 Aug. 1654. 24 Aug. 1654. c. 33 392 1 Sept. 1654. 7 Sept. 1654. O.T.T. 118 405 14 Sept. 1654. O.T.T. 65 301 THOMAS COFFIN-cont. Compounding to take off the sequestration, on Leech's paying 2 years' purchase money. 24 Aug. 1654. Leech presents his petition to the Committee for 97 511 Compounding accordingly. 6 Sept. Order in the said Committee that the fine be 707. 6 April 1655. Paid and estate discharged - - Claimant on the Estate of ANN WATSON, Recusant, Co. Lancaster. RICH. KING, Of Preston, begs discharge of a messuage and small 96 284 tenement in Chaigley, co. Lancaster, to which he is entitled by a lease from Rich. Sherburne, of Stonyhurst; are seques- tered for the Popery of Ann Watson, notwithstanding she is dead. NICHOLAS CLARKE, Ascot, Co. Oxon. Order that unless he pay in his arrears of 100l., and give in ac- counts of Lord Craven's estate, the arrears of 5l. fine be levied on his estate. 24 Aug. 1654. County Committee to examine and certify, and 27 8 Reading to report. 9 Feb. 1655. Fine to be levied with arrears 1 March. He confesses a debt of 701. from moneys received from Lord Craven's estate at Ascot, but begs a year's time, when he hopes to receive moneys and to be able to pay. 1 March. Allowed a respite of 2 months · Purchaser of the Estate of RICHARD HUNTER, Clerk, Frodingham, Co. York. Vol. No. G or P. 26 44 26 182 Purchaser of the Estate of HENRY SNART, Bretherton, Co. Lancaster.* O.T.T. 93 771 1 Sept. 1654. Discharge from sequestration of a house and lands 18 965 in Frodingham, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Step. Kirke. Purchaser of the Estate of THOMAS BAINES, Twistle- ton, Co. York. 27 112 30 359 74 847 6 June 1656. The said Trustees report that the sale is cancelled, 93 761 and doubled bills returned to Kirke, the lands being devised away by will by George, father of Rich. Hunter, for payment of debts. Claimant on the Estate of ROBERT DAYLES, Ug- thorpe, Co. York. 27 319 Discharge from sequestration of houses and lands in Bretherton, 18 965 co. Lancaster, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Wm. Dicconson. Discharge from sequestration of houses, &c., in Twisleton, 18 965 Ingleton parish, and in Garriston and Horton, co. York, for- feited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Step. Kirke. 14 Sept. 1654. JOSEPH DAYLES, of Egton, petitions that in 1644 143 of the estate leased to Rob. Dayles became sequestered for recusancy, but he being lately dead, it comes to his sons Gabriel, Ralph, and John, who in July 1654 sold their interest to petitioner, with arrears since their father's death. Beg an * See a claimant on his estatė, p. 2767. 600 615 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3219 14 Sept. 1654. -637 R. 143 605 order to the County Commissioners to discharge the seques- tration and pay the arrears, or examination of his title, or a speedy hearing, and the rents on security meantime. 143 L.C.C. (143 617 14 Sept. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 27 & D. 1 -622 L.C.C. 143 623 & D. 1 -632 33 371 C. 143 633 20 Sept. 1654. L.C.C. 143 535 -542 1.&D. 145 489 -493 33 377 143 544 547 R. 143 529 C. L.C.C. I.&D. 173 531 -535 26 Sept. 1654. L.C.C. 145 627 I.&D. -635 24 Oct. Begs an order for further examination of witnesses, and 143 602 for a certificate of the cause and date of sequestration. Granted. Claimant on the Estate of ROBERT SHARPLES, Co. Lancaster. Vol. No. G or P. 27 137 26 April 1655. Claim allowed on report and sequestration dis- 23 1684 charged, with arrears from date of petition. 8 613 14 Sept. 1654. JOHN SHARPLES, servant to John Trott, of Laver. 117 353 stoke, Hants, begs examination of his title to of a house in Balderston, co. Lancaster, sequestered for recusancy of Rob. Sharples, his late father, and then for that of his late mother. The estate is worth under 40s., and he has always been con- formable, yet the County Committee will not discharge it. Lessees of the Estate of ROBERT COWLEY (late), Re- cusant, Sutton, Co. Lancaster. 14 Sept. Order that his claim be allowed on proof of title, and 27 118 sequestration discharged on the general resolve in like cases. 533 ARTHUR and HEN. BOLD, of Sutton, beg discharge and allowance 143 527 of their lease of a house and lands in Sutton, in reversion after Rob. Cowley, now deceased, for whose recusancy it was sequestered. 20 Sept. 1654. Referred to the County Committee 27 8 143 549 5 April 1655. Claim allowed, with arrears from date of petition - 23 1681 Purchaser of the Estate of THOMAS LATHOM, Co. Lan- caster. 20 Sept. 1654. JOHN SUMPNER having purchased of the Trustees 121 199 of Drury House Allerton Manor, part of the estate of Rich. Lathom, in co. Lancaster,-whereof one tenement was in the possession of Thos. Lathom, deceased, and sequestered for his recusancy,-begs that the County Committee may certify why they refuse to give him possession thereof. 6 March 1655. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged 27 328 10 April. Complains that the County Committee refuse to pay 121 197 him the arrears of rent. Claimant on the Estate of JOHN DAWSON, Sen. (late), Esbricke, Co. Lancaster. 10 April. They are ordered to pay such as have grown due from 27 363 25 March 1654, which have been unduly received, but not those due before. 26 Sept. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 6 Dec. Claim allowed and sequestration dischagred JOHN DAWSON, infant, begs discharge of of a messuage and 79 750 lands, worth 51. a year, in Esbricke, settled by his grandfather on himself for life, after his decease on Rowland Dawson, peti- tioner's father, and sequestered for the Popery of the grand- father [John Dawson, sen.], who died 11 Sept. 1654. Petitioner is conformable. 27 9 27 198 3220 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 26 Sept. 1654. L.C.C. I.&D. C. 143 665 145 601 -609 33 375 143 667 -671 R. 143 657 10 Oct. 1654. L.C.C.144 213 I. & D. J -222 c. 33 431 144 227 R. 144 201 c. 144 223 -226 17 Oct. 1654. o.c.c. 145 611 L.C.C.145 613 I.&D. J -625 33 375 127 193 B. 127 169 C. 24 Oct. 1654. Vol. No. Claimants on the Estate of KATHERINE WIGNALL, Co. G or p. Lancaster. 26 Sept. 1654. Roв. FIDLER, of Ormskirk, and EDM. WALLER, of 143 Burscough, trustees for Emblin Woods and her children, beg examination of their claim to, and discharge of a lease for 3 lives, not expired, of a house and lands [value 77. a year] in Ormskirk and Burscough, co. Lancaster, conveyed in 1653 to them by Kath. Wignall, in trust for herself for life, and then for Emblin Woods, but are still sequestered for Katherine's recusancy, though she died in Feb. 1654. 26 Sept. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 5 July 1655. Claim allowed on report and sequestration dis- 28 charged, with arrears from date of petition. Claimants on the Estate of ELIZABETH, Widow of AM- BROSE TOWNLEY, Co. Lancaster. 27 143 4 July 1655. Order on report that if the County Commissioners 28 find as alleged, that the Anne Townley of Pendle Forest, returned as a Papist 6 April 1654, is a mistake for Elizabeth, they discharge the sequestration, with arrears from date of petition. 211 JOHN SKIRROW, and ANNE his wife, beg discharge of a house and 144 198 lands in Ightenhill, co. Lancaster, leased by Charles Townley to Elizabeth, widow of Ambrose Townley, for her own life and that of Anne Townley, her daughter, now married to petitioner; Elizabeth is dead, but the estate is still sequestered for her recusancy. Petitioners are both Protestants, and conformable. 10 Oct. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and to Reading 27 9 144 209 2 Claimants on the Estate of GRACE WILKINSON (late), Recusant, Co. Lancaster. 655 663 9 661 8 30 Aug. The entry being a mistake, the County Committee order 243 47 the discharge. 197 JAMES WALL, of Preston, and 2 others, beg discharge of a house, 127 191 &c., in Preston, co. Lancaster, held by the late Grace Wilkin- son from the late Sir Rich. Houghton, Bart., for the life of Richard, son of Thos. Ward, of Preston, and assigned by her to petitioner, but are still sequestered for her recusancy. Begs arrears from her death, or leave to prove his title. 17 Oct. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 27 127 127 189 27 Feb. 1655. Claim allowed on report, and sequestration dis- 23 1673 charged, with arrears from date of petition. 1 Dec. 1654. Petition of the same to the Protector for an order 243 for payment of the said . With reference thereon to the Com- mittee for Compounding to order payment. DORSETSHIRE OFFICERS. COL. JAMES HEANE, for himself and other late officers in Dorset, 243 48 discoverers of the delinquency of George Pitt, having requested an order for payment of the of 1,2571. 12s. 1d., brought in on the discovery, it is resolved that though the sum is due, the Committee for Compounding cannot order its payment, the right so to do being vested in the late Committee for Com- pounding, but not in themselves. 49 16 Dec. Order in Council to advise a warrant to pay to Col. I75 624 Heane 2501. for himself and the rest of the officers interested, in full of their as requested. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.—CASES. 3221 24 Oct. 1654. 31 Oct. 1654. o.c.c.141 139 c. 33 440 7 Nov. 1654. D. 116 115 C. 33 428 116 117 -125 L.C.C. I.&D. J R. 116 97 8 Nov. 1654. Vol. No. Claimant on the Lands of the DEAN AND CHAPTER OF G or p. Llandaff. 24 Oct. 1654. HECTOR MORGAN complains that the Trustees for 103 379 Maintenance of Ministers having demised to him the tithes of Llantillio and other rectories, co. Monmouth, late belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Llandaff,-he is disturbed therein by Capt. Wm. Herbert, on pretence of this Committee's order of 10 Aug. 1654. 24 Oct. The County Commissioners to certify and Brereton to 27 147 report. 6 Dec. The case pending, the County Committee is to receive the 27 198 rents. 14 Dec. Committee for Compounding to Lord Herbert. We 27 207 desire you to produce the lease of the Dean and Chapter of Llandaff, said to be in your hands; it is expired, and the tithes are claimed by the Trustees for Maintenance of Ministers. 28 Dec. Lord Herbert deposes that he never had the lease, knows 103 369 not where it is, and believes it to be yet unexpired. 2 Jan. 1655. Capt. Herbert is to enjoy the lease unless Morgan 27 233 show cause to the contrary in a month. 9 Jan. On Morgan's offer to prove that the Earl of Worcester's 27 245 lease is expired, and that the lands are vested in the Trustees for Ministers, from whom he holds them, further enquiry is ordered. 3 April. Case dismissed, Morgan not prosecuting it further 27 351 27 July. Capt. Wm. Herbert begs to be admitted tenant of the 92 680 rectories for another year, at the same rent as by the lease of 29 46 1 Sept. 1654. Granted. Claimants on the Estate of HENRY YAXLEY, Babergh, Norfolk. JOHN, son of AND. FELGATE, and others of Yaxley, Suffolk, beg an 144 142 order for payment of an annuity of 61. 13s. 4d. on lands in Yaxley, granted 27 Eliz. by Wm. Yaxley for the poor and repair of highways, and paid ever since, till of the lands were se- questered for recusancy of Henry, son and heir of Wm. Yaxley. 31 Oct. 1654. Referred to Brereton 27 137 5 Dec. Certificate by D. Williams that Hen. Yaxley was convicted 141 145 of recusancy in the late King's time. Claimant on the Estate of NICHOLAS INGHAM (late), Recusant, Essex. 116 109 -114 7 Nov. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading JOHN SCOTT, of London, begs discharge of, or leave to prove his 116 129 title to 5 houses with lands in Downham Manor, Essex, con- veyed to him by John Marler, of Downham, but being for- merly held by the late Nich. Ingham, they are sequestered for his recusancy. 107 U Claimant on the Estate of MARGARET, Widow of JOHN BILLINGTON, Co. Chester. 27 138 116 105 31 May 1655. Claim allowed on report and sequestration dis- 23 1691 charged, with arrears from date of petition. 115 FRANCIS, EARL OF SHREWSBURY, begs release of lands in Budworth, 117 31 co. Chester, leased by his great uncle, George, Earl of Shrews- bury, 2 Charles, for 3 lives, all dead, to Thos. Masterson, who assigned them to John Billington, and they are now seques- tered for the recusancy of Margaret, his widow. 3222 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 8 Nov. 1654. C. 33 284 117 118, 123, 126 R. 117 107 L.C.C. 1117 93 I.&D. Ĵ 95 c. 33 384 117 105 R. 117 85 14 Nov. 1654. 28 Nov. 1654. LET. 173437 I. & D. J } -445 MARGARET BILLINGTON-cont. 8 Nov. 1654. Referred to the County Committee - 5 April 1655. The claim cannot be allowed without proof that there is no further estate granted than is set forth in the report. 9 May. On proof being given, sequestration discharged, with 23 1690 arrears from date of petition. Lessee of the Estate of JOHN WALKER, Recusant, Co. Chester. 8 Nov. 1654. FRANCIS, EARL OF SHREWSBURY, begs release of lands 117 in Budworth, co. Chester, leased by his father to John Walker, but sequestered for his recusancy. 8 Nov. Referred to the County Committee Vol. No. G or p. 27 138 117 113 23 1682 Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM HODGSON, Recu- sant, Co. Durham. 33322 5 April 1655. The claim cannot be allowed till the County Com- 23 1682 mittee take examinations and certify. Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM ETHERINGTON, Co. York. 91 29 May. On their return, claim allowed, with arrears from date 23 1690 of petition. 27 138 117 89 ELIZABETH MITFORD, Recusant, Northumberland, and a Claimant on her Estate. JARVIS BAXTER, a soldier under Col. Hen. Pretty, begs allowance 66 875 of his title to a messuage called the Fieldhouses, in Gateshead, co. Durham, with coal mines and quarries, conveyed to John Baxter, his father, by a deed 13 April, 9 Car., as security for 2107. lent to Wm. Hodgson, for whose recusancy the premises are sequestered. 14 Nov. 1654. Referred to the County Committee 27 163 GEORGE ETHERINGTON, of Great Driffield, co. York, begs allowance 144 448 of his title to the moiety of a water corn-mill in Great Driffield, sequestered in his absence beyond seas for the delinquency of Wm. Etherington, deceased, who was never possessed thereof. 28 Nov. 1654. The County Committee to certify - 27 138 28 Nov. 1654. ELIZABETH, widow of DR. BARNABY POTTER, late 111 90 Bishop of Carlisle, begs reference to the County Committee to examine, and to counsel to report her title to the of New- castle-on-Tyne rectory, demised in 1640 by the late Dean and Chapter of Carlisle to John Garnett for 21 years, at rent of 107. 10s., but sequestered for recusancy of Eliz. Mitford, whose title expired last October, and now belonging to petitioner, who is not in any Ordinance of sequestration. Begs also that no augmentation may be paid therefrom till her claim is heard. 28 Nov. Granted in all points - 27 178 19 Dec. Petition renewed for a claim also to Over Tointon chapel, 111 88 co. Lincoln, and request for examination by the County Com- mittee of Devon, where the witnesses to the assignment live. 19 Dec. County Committee of Devon to examine, and Brereton to 27 191 report. Nov. ? 1654. Capt. George Wood, for ELIZABETH, widow of HENRY 137 33 MITFORD, petitions that for 10 years, the tithes of Newcastle Rectory, value 1001. a year, have been sequestered from her COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3223 28 Nov. 1654. 5 Dec. 1654. c. 133 9 173 423 L.C.C. 173 605 c. 33 430 133 11-17 ; C. 34 18 7 Dec. 1654. D. 133 5, 11 DAME MARY WIDDRINGTON, widow, of Blankney, co. Lincoln, begs 133 23 discharge of of a messuage, &c., in Scopwick, purchased of Wm. Beresford, now deceased. She cannot enjoy the premises because of their sequestration for his recusancy. 5 Dec. 1654. Referred to the County Committee for her recusancy, and neither the late nor the present County Committee have accounted for the profits; last year they were let for 1031., but as corn is now cheap, she begs a lease at 66l. 138. 4d., which with her §, 331. 68. 8d.,will be 100l. a year, with allowance for taxes, augmentations, &c. Also requests that the County Committee may account for the profits since first sequestered, and pay in the moneys in their hands. With order for accounts accordingly, and the County Committee to be told that the Committee for Compounding have granted Capt. Wood a lease. 12 Dec. 1654. Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM BERESFORD, (late), Recusant, Minting, Co. Lincoln. · 8 March. Order accordingly 19 July. Claim allowed and estate discharged 8 March 1655. She begs that the County Committee may take 133 further examinations, she and some of her witnesses being still unexamined. Vol. No. G or P. - 27 133 Claimant on the Estate of GEORGE SELBY, Recusant, Co. Durham. JOHN PROBIN, Recusant, Frodsham, Co. Chester, and a Claimant on his Estate. c. 33 410 7 Dec. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 190 1 19 5 Dec. 1654. GEORGE SHAFTOE, infant, by Thomas and Phillis 117 357 Harrison, his guardians, petitions that George Selby, a Papist, unjustly got half a close in Whickham, co. Durham, and dying 12 years ago, petitioner made a lease, brought an action of ejectment, and obtained judgment, but could not get of the premises, they being sequestered for George Selby's recusancy. Begs discharge or examination of his claim. 5 Dec. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 27 334 28 14 27 190 JOHN COTTINGHAM, of Frodsham, begs examination and allowance 144 343 of his title to Goulding's hay land, Frodsham, which he let 4 years ago to Mr. Whitley, but it has since been sequestered as the estate of Mr. Naseborow, who had no title to it. 27 190 13 May 1655. He begs leave to examine further witnesses, 144 341 naming the estate as sequestered for delinquency of John Probin. Granted. 27 387 23 Jan. JOHN PROBIN begs to be tenant to of his estate, se- 110 778 questered for recusancy, at the same rent as Thos. Leatham, the present tenant. 23 Jan. Granted for a year, he giving as much as any other, and 27 261 the County Commissioners to certify the contract and value of the estate. STEPHEN FRUIN, London. Petitions that in 1649 the administrators of Rich. Shallett made 144 335 over to him the remainder of a 20 year's lease of a house in Tubney, Berks, held from Magdalen College, Oxford. Paid 3224 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 12 Dec. 1654. 13 Dec. 1654. C. c. 105 659 33 436 173 675 L.C.C. 243 53 I. &D. 54 c. 243 55, 56 R. 243 57 14 Deo. 1654. O.T.T. 74 427 19 Dec. 1654. o.c.o.s. 144 457 STEPHEN FRUIN-cont. great arrears due from it to avoid being outed, and then sur- rendered his lease, and obtained a new one from the college for 20 years, but is interrupted by the County Committee of Berks on pretence of sequestration. Being neither delinquent nor recusant, begs the benefit of his lease, or an order to the County Commissioners to state the cause and date of sequestra- tion, and to counsel to report. 12 Dec. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 27 190 20 Feb. 1655. Registrar's certificate that Dr. Step. Fruin [or 33 414 Frewen, ? the same] is returned as sequestered by the County Committee of Berks, and is in the last Act for Sale. JOHN SAUL, Kendal, Westmoreland. 12 Dec. 1654. Complains that the County Commissioners have 115 125 sequestered of a small tenement in Stainton, of which he was seized in fee, on pretence that he was a recusant,-though never convicted,-because he married a recusant. Has taken the Oath of Abjuration, has many small children, and the only lets for 51. 68. 8d. Has been at great expense in coming to London, and begs his estate for a year on security. Vol. No. G or P. 12 Dec. He is to be admitted tenant to his estate for one year on 27 207 security. 27 Nov. 1658. Discharged by the Exchequer, having taken the 243 50 Oath of Abjuration, and produced a certificate of his attend- ance in church. Claimant on the Estate of ANNE CHAWNER (late), Re- cusant, Co. Lancaster. Edward, Cuthbert, Alice, Margaret, and William Molineux, 105 658 sons and daughters of the late ROBERT MOLINEUX, of Garston, 243 51 petition that their father, by virtue of a lease from Wm. Norris in 1650, duly executed, assigned them a house, &c., in Garston for their maintenance, and preferment and payment of debts, but it was sequestered for recusancy of Anne Chawner, the late tenant, now dead. They being all conformable to the Church of England, beg examination of their title for the discharging of their estate, and reference of the case to counsel. 13 Dec. 1654. Referred to the County Committee and Reading 27 190 243 52 * Purchaser of the Estate of ROBERT CHORLEY, Yealand, Co. Lancaster. Discharge of a house in Yealand Conyers, Warton parish, co. 18 870 Lancaster, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Thos. Wharton, JOHN FIRTH, Minister of Mansfield, Co. Notts. Begs an order to the County Committee to allow him the aug- 144 456 mentation of 50l. a year from the tithes of Colston Bassett, sequestered from Mr. Gawling, and 201. from those of Ossing- ton, sequestered from [John ?] Cartwright, as allowed him by the Protector and Council among other things 12 July last. 19 Dec. 1654. Granted, and Gabriel Odingsells, the present Com- 27 212 missioner, is to pay him the 501. and 201. a year, with all arrears. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3225 20 Dec. 1654. -819 74 785 H. 27 278, 302 R. 74 805, NICH. CLARKE, of Chisfield, Herts, begs discharge of, or leave to L.C.C. 807, 821 prove his title to of lands in Oaken and Croxall parishes, co. Stafford, sold to him on 13 Dec. 1654 by Marg. Roper and 3 others, but are sequestered for recusancy of Wm. Roper, Margaret's brother. & D. 2 3 823 173 369 33 408 74 824-827 D. 74 809 C. L.C.C. 173 493 c. 33 422 28 Dec. 1654. :} L.C.C. & D. 243 60 724 61 C. 33 443 243 62 L.C.C. 243 63 & D. J 64 c. 243 65, 66 R. 243 67 2 Jan. 1655. L.C.C. 68 107 1.&D. -114 C. 33 429 68 116-124 L.C.C.1 68 93 -98 68 85 R. c. 144 411 70358. Vol. No. Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM ROPER, Co. G or p. Stafford. 22 Feb. 1655. Claim allowed, and petitioner to enjoy the estate till 600l., the portion of Marg. Roper, is paid, he accounting with the auditor for his receipts, and then the profts to return to the State. 20 Dec. 1654. The County Committee to certify and Reading to 74 801 report. 27 191 23 1672 NICH. NEWCOMB, Inwardleigh, Devon. 20 Dec. 1654. Begs the benefit of the Act of Pardon, and an 106 911 order to the County Commissioners to certify, and to Brereton to report on his case. 20 Dec. Referred to the County Commissioner and Brereton - 27 214 Claimants on the Estate of FRANCIS TURNER (late), Recusant, Goosnargh, Co. Lancaster. 2 May 1655. Their certificate alleging that 51. was received 106 913 from his estate, when indeed, there was not one penny, he begs that [James] Pearse, the Commissioner, may peruse the books again, and that he may bring his proofs. Granted. 74 803 852 RICH. SHUTTLEWORTH, of Goosnargh [or Gawthorpe], and PETER 117 431 BLACKBORNE, of Brooks in Bleasdale, co. Lancaster, beg dis- 243 58 charge of a house, &c., in Goosnargh, fallen to them on the death of Fras. Turner for whose recusancy it was sequestered. 28 Dec. 1654. Referred to the County Commissioners - 27 378 Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS SEED, Co. Lan- caster. THOS. BEESLEY, of Goosnargh, begs reference to the County 68 103 Committee and to counsel of his title to lands in Goosnargh 129 and Thornley, sequestered for recusancy of the late Thomas Seed and James Seed, his nephew, but now belonging to Thomas Seed, jun., brother of James, who, in 1654, conveyed them to petitioner to raise money for portions and debts, yet the sequestration is still continued. 27 July. Order on report that the claim cannot be allowed with- out inquiry as to what interest Elizabeth, mother of James Seed, had in the estate; if none, then the claim is to be allowed, with arrears from date of petition. 2 Jan. 1655. The County Commissioners to certify and Reading 27 227 to report. 68 101 Claimant on the Estate of ALEXIUS VODKA, M.D. (late), York, Co. York. 27 139 243 59 2 May. Begs order for examination of further proofs. Granted 68 84 27 378 28 21 2 Jan. 1655. ALEXIUS VODKA, M.D., his son, begs discharge with 144 386 arrears of, or examination of his title to an estate in Carhill, near Whitby, and 2 houses in York, of which are still 397 D 3226 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 2 Jan. 1655. C. 33 431 144 413 L.C.C. 144 407 & D. J-409,419 c. 144 416 -418 R. 144 391 D. 144 387 3 Jan. 1655. L.C.C. 144 399 2 Jan. 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners and Brereton 27 227 & D. J ::} -401 144 395 3 April. Begs an order to the County Commissioners to take his 144 383 own deposition, and that of some other witnesses. Granted. 27 358 28 14 9 Jan. 1655. R.C. 27 315 71 466 L. 71 465 173 609 33 432, 471, 487 D. 71 471-485 29 42 H. R. 71 453 L.C.C. 72 937 173 607 C. 33 342 72 931, 937 D. 72 932-935 H. 29 42 ALEXIUS VODKA-cont. sequestered for recusancy of his father, long since dead; but petitioner, having been beyond seas 4 years, has not procured their discharge. C. 19 July. Order on report that the claim cannot be allowed, as the estate was sequestered for recusancy of Ellen Vodka, peti- tioner's mother, unless she deposes that she has no estate in the premises. 4 Sept. Mrs. Vodka's replies to interrogatories not being satis- 29 52 factory, she is to appear and be examined vivâ voce. Claimant on the Estate of ARTHUR UPTON (late), Bruton, Somerset. Vol. No. G or P. c. 243 68 His estate sequestered by the Committee for Sequestrations on 27 245 an order of the Excise Commissioners of 7 Dec. 1654 for non- 243 payment of 5071. 13s. 4d. arrears of excise. 69 PHILIP YNGS, his administrator, petitions that Upton had a lease 144 286 for 3 lives, one still in being, of Byeash lands, Bruton Manor, worth 401. a year, which is now vested in petitioner, but is de- tained by the County Commissioner. Begs its release. 3 Jan. 1655. Referred to the County Commissioner and Reading 27 227 THOMAS PEIRCE, Excise Officer of St. Andrew's, Hol- born, and the Claimants on his Estate. 26 July 1655. As the case cannot be now heard, and the Excise 29 42 Ordinance limits a time for the sale of estates seized for arrears, no warrant is to be issued for sale of this estate till the hearing, which is to be in 6 weeks. 2 March 1655. THOS. BROWNE begs examination of his title to a messuage, &c., near Clement's Inn, sold to him 10 Feb. 1654, by Thos. Peirce, before the latter engaged for the Excise, in virtue of which engagement the premises are now sequestered. 71 439 4.67 3 April. On his requesting the Lady-day rents on security, order 27 349 for the tenants to retain them one month. 26 July. No warrant to issue for sale of the estate till the case is 29 42 heard, providing it be brought to a hearing in 6 weeks. 6 Sept. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged 28 27 8 March 1655. JOHN CANNON, of Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex, 72 919 begs reference to counsel of his claim to a lease of 2 houses 929 in High Holborn, granted him May 1653 by Thos. Peirce, but sequestered for arrears due by Peirce to the Excise, although the transfer was before Peirce engaged in the Excise. 8 March. County Committee to certify and Reading to report - 27 315 72 927 26 July. No warrant to issue for sale of the estate till the case is 29 42 heard within 6 weeks. 6 Sept. The claim cannot at present be allowed, but the County 28 27 Committee are not to dispose of the furniture till further notice. R. 72 921 14 March 1655. GILES EDNEY, of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, and MARY 77 760 his wife, widow of Thos. Crofts, complain that by reason of the order of 9 January last, their tenants in Shoreditch are pre- vented from paying rent, on pretence of the houses being part COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3227 10 Jan. 1655. C. 34 21 10 Jan. 1655. 11 Jan. 1655. 23 Jan. 1655. c. 95 644 24 Jan. 1655. of Peirce's estate, though it belongs to Mary Edney and her children by Thos. Crofts. Beg discharge of seizure, or exami- nation of their claim. 14 March 1655. County Committee to certify and Reading to 27 316 report. EXCISE OFFICER. Certificate by G. Foxcroft, Treasurer of Excise, of CHRIS. HUSSEY'S non-payment of 741. 8s. due "for 20 potaccoes of tobacco." 30 Jan. 1655. Order by the Commissioners for Regulating the 93 479 Excise to the Committee for Sequestrations that as he has been summoned and heard on this charge, and was ordered to pay by 29 July last, on pain of sequestration, but has not paid -he is to be sequestered. Claimant on the Estate of JANE PENRUDDOCK (late), Recusant, Wilts. 8 Feb. Order in the Committee for Compounding for his seques- 27 285 tration accordingly. Vol. No. G or p. 10 Jan. 1655. WILLIAM GREENHILL, jun., and JANE his wife, of 144 438 London, beg discharge of of 2 houses in Salisbury, one a mansion-house going to ruin, the other the Dolphin, yielding 81. a year, come to them on death of Jane [widow of Antonio] Penruddock, and mother of Jane Greenhill, she died 3 years since, and for her recusancy they are sequestered; petitioners are neither recusants nor delinquents. - 27 228 10 Jan. Referred to the County Commissioner and Reading 14 May. Petition renewed 144 435 14 May. Referred to Brereton 27 360 13 July. The County Committee having still made no return, 144 433 Greenhill renews his petition for discharge. 13 July. The former order reinforced 29 11 - 93 481 -483 · Claimant on the Estate of DOROTHY THOMPSON, Recu- sant, Hexham, Northumberland. JOHN TAYLOB, of York, begs discharge, with allowance of 121 669 arrears, of of Tailer's Close, in Hexham Manor, Northum- berland, surrendered by Dorothy Thompson, widow, deceased, -for whose recusancy it is sequestered-to William, her son, by whose death it descended to Robert Thompson, who sold it to petitioner. 11 Jan. 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners WILLIAM GRANT, Minister of Thistleworth, Middlesex, Son of JOHN GRANT, formerly Minister of Bar- tholomew's, Exchange, London. 27 228 Claimant on the Estate of ANNE HAUGH, Northumber- land. THOS. JOHNSON, alderman of Norwich, begs discharge from 95 643 arrears of an estate purchased 5 years since from Richard Browne, son of Martha Browne, who had a life estate therein, the remainder to Rich. Browne, out of which estate of an annuity of 81. was sequestered for the recusancy of Mrs. Anne Haugh, or Hall. Martha Browne died in August 1652, whereby the estate became the property of petitioner, and Mrs. Haugh died 13 Nov. 1652. 23 Jan. 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners · 27 228 The registrar certifies that he has not compounded for his 33 405 delinquency. D 2 3228 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 24 Jan. 1655. 31 Jan. 1655. ACCTS. 101 277 c. 101 275 WILLIAM GRANT-cont. 29 June 1655. Like certificate, with the addition that the regis- 34 trar finds no proceedings before the Committee for Compound- ing in order to a composition. Claimants on the Estate of JOHN GIFFORD, Wolver- hampton, Co. Stafford.* AND. MILLS petitions that in 1651 he took a year's lease from the 101 279 County Committee of Stafford of the estate of John Gifford, and on promise of a 7 years' lease on security, has spent much on husbandry and repairs, but most of the lands are sold to Fras. Gregg, and discharged from sequestration. The County Committee charges him with arrears for Leacroft Farm, and do not make him just allowances, and Ant. Dormer disturbs him therein, on pretence that it is copyhold, whereas most of it is freehold. Begs leave to prove his title, and be quieted in his possession. 31 Jan. 1655. The County Commissioners to examine the case, 27 279 and whether any part of the farm is copyhold, and Reading to report, and petitioner is to give in his account. Vol. No. G or p. 8 27 Feb. Order on the auditor's report that the County Commis- 23 1673 sioners show cause why Mills' accounts should not be allowed, and what they know in the case, when further order will be given. 24 April. Order that only 17. 14s. of the 157. demanded by Mills 27 371 for repairs, &c., be paid, 131. 6s. being allowed on his account, and his bond for rent is to be delivered up. THOMAS and JOHN PLOMBE, Garston, and THOMAS MOLYNEUX, Speke, Co. Lancaster. 31 Jan. 1655. They petition that they were sequestered for recu- 138 377 sancy in 1649, but took the Oath of Abjuration and enjoyed their estates till the County Committee seized them on some new general instructions. Beg relief. 3 July. Thos. Molyneux and Thos. Plombe renew their petition 105 647 for relief. 1 Feb. 1656. Thos. Molyneux and Thos. Plombe petition the Pro- 105 643 tector for relief. Cannot be fully discharged from sequestra- tion without the order of the Committee for Compounding, which does not sit, and they have been 12 years under seques- tration. c. 24 51 8 Feb. Referred to Brereton Claimants on the Estate of the late JOHN WHITE- BREAD, Writtle, Essex. CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE OF JOHN PLOMBE. 19 June 1655. WM. DWARRIHOUSE, of Grassendale, co. Lancaster, 145 266 petitions that the late John Plombe, settled 2 houses on peti- tioner and others on trust, and left his personal estate for pay- ment of debts. Is a Protestant, and Plombe being dead, hopes the estate may discharged. Begs an order to the County Commissioners to examine, and stay of proceedings meantime. 19 June. Referred to the County Commissioners and Reading - 27 403 29 80 Seemingly the same John Gifford as on p. 2998. 31 Jan. 1655. ANTH. KNIGHTBRIDGE, of London, begs the benefit of 143 435 his purchase of tenements in Writtle, Essex, from the four daughters and co-heirs of John Whitebread, deceased, for whose recusancy they are sequestered. 31 Jan. The County Commissioners to certify, and Reading to 27 228 report. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3229 31 Jan. 1655. L.C.C. 141 635 & D. 1 637 c. 33 426 { 141 644 -647 D. 141 639 641 R. 141 629 7 Feb. 1655. 8 Feb. 1655. 173 667 L.C.C. 243 72 I.&D. 73 c. 33 439 243 74, 75 R. 243 76 L.C.C. 173 629 -633 1.&D. 243 79 80 c. 34 9 243 81 82 L.C.C.243 83 R. 243 84 c. 243 85 16 Feb. 1655. 1 March 1655. HEN. WHITEBREAD, of Falkborn, Essex, begs dis- 141 627 charge of an estate lately purchased of the four daughters of John Whitebread, but sequestered for recusancy of the father, who is dead. 1 March. Referred to the County Commissioners and Reading 27 315 141 633 24 May. Claim allowed on report, and sequestration discharged, 23 1689 with arrears from date of petition. Claimant on the Estate of JOHN DIXON, late Rector of Glenfield, Co. Leicester. · JANE DIXON, his wife, states that on her petition, the Committee for 80 620 Plundered Ministers granted her of the profits of the seques- tered rectory, and the late County Committee ordered Mr. Port, the minister, to pay it; but of late he refuses it, and she and her 3 children have no other subsistence. Begs redress. Vol. No. G or p. 7 Feb. 1655. It is to be shown whether the rectory was seques- 27 283 tered for delinquency or scandal, in order that this Committee may consider as to the desired. 26 June. Petition renewed. Her husband was sequestered for 80 619 being in the King's garrison of Ashby-de-la-Zouch. The County Committee have not returned the certificate ordered. 26 June. The County Commissioner to certify why the has not 27 432 constantly been paid. Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM RICHARDSON, Recusant, Co. Lancaster. Claimant on the Estate of HUMPHREY (late), Recusant, Uprossall, Co. Salop. THOS. MOLYNEUX, of Garston, begs discharge of a house in Child- 105 655 wall parish, now reverting to him on the death of Wm. 243 70 Richardson, for whose recusancy it was sequestered. 8 Feb. 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners SANDFORD Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM KEMPSON (late), Co. Lancaster. 8 Feb. 1655. RICH. SANDFORD, of Lea, Whitchurch, co. Salop, 115 939 begs discharge of sequestration on the estate [in Edgstone and 243 77 Baystone, co. Salop], descended to him from his father, Hum. Sandford, who died 24 March 1654, and who was under seques- tration for recusancy. Is a Protestant, and a public hearer of divine ordinances. 8 Feb. 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners 27 228 243 71 Claimants on the Estates of ROBERT REYNOLDSON, Recusant, and of RICHARD LOCKWOOD (late), Sowerby, both Co. York. 27 228 243 78 ELIZABETH KEMPSON, his infant daughter and heir, by John Hill, 97 297 her cousin and guardian, and Rob. Fitzherbert, her grand- father, begs discharge of of a rent-charge of 141. on lands in Temple Grafton and Ardens Grafton, co. Warwick, reserved on a lease made 16 Charles by Wm. Kempson, and sequestered for his recusancy; but he died 2 years since, leaving a sole daughter, 1 year old, who is brought up by Hill, a Protestant. 16 Feb. 1655. County Commissioners to examine, and Brereton to 27 229 report. 16 Feb. 1655. FEANCIS, eldest son and heir of RICH. LOCKWOOD, 139 252. begs discharge, with arrears of, or allowance of his title to a 3230 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 16 Feb. 1655. o.c.c. 139 265 L.C.C. 139 263, I.& D. ƒ 266–272 } C. 34 13 139 261, 273-277 20 Feb. 1655. D. 71 488 L.C.C. 173 713 c. 33 439 ROBERT REYNOLDSON-cont. house, &c, in Melsonby, sold in 1629 to his father by Roger Peirson, but & sequestered by the County Commissioners as the estate of Rob. Reynoldson, recusant, who has no interest therein. 16 Feb. 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners and Reading 27 229 11 April. Like petition of MATTHEW LOCKWOOD, son and heir of 139 245 Rich. Lockwood. 27 359 Vol. No. Gor p. 259 11 April. Referred to the County Commissioners and Reading 26 June 1655. Matthew Lockwood petitions that, on the death of 139 243 his father in 1646, he was committed to Rich. Wright as his guardian. Having lately come of age, he finds his estate let by the County Committee for 7 years without cause, and thus he cannot raise money to pay just debts and children's por- tions, or to supply himself. Begs discharge of the estate with arrears from his father's death, or examination of his title. Can depose that he knows nothing to bar him therefrom. 26 June. Referred to the County Commissioners and Brereton - 27 429 139 257 23 July. Report that he was 14 years old at his father's death, 139 253 and beyond sea, that his estate was sequestered for refusing the Oath of Abjuration, and let to Dorothy, his mother, for 6 years, but of her jointure were sequestered for recusancy; but that he was educated a Protestant, goes to church, and attends communion. 24 July. The oath being tendered to him before he was 21 years 21 1317 old, when he was not capable of having it administered to him, and the sequestration unduly laid on, it is discharged according to the Act of Pardon. ROBERT BROWNE, Minister, Scotchman. Begs the benefit of the Protector's Ordinance [dated 12 April 71 442 1654] of Pardon and Grace to the people of Scotland, within which he is comprised, yet is threatened sequestration by the Committee of Northumberland. Begs restitution of what has been taken from him. Claimants on the Estate of JOHN JOHNSON, Wednes- bury, Co. Stafford. 20 Feb. 1655. Copies of the petition and affidavit to be sent to 21 1316 the County Commissioners of Northumberland, who are to peruse them, and also the Protector's said Ordinance, and to observe the directions therein for discharge of persons in the like condition, to the end that Browne " may have such benefit thereof as to him belongeth." 20 Feb. 1655. ELIZABETH, Widow and executrix of ROBERT HODG- 93 337 SON, of Welton, co. Lincoln, petitions that in 9 Car. John Johnson demised to Wm. Megson lands in Brunthorp and Cum- berworth, co. Lincoln, for 21 years, rent 667. 13s. 4d., to be paid a year beforehand, and this abated at the end of the lease. The lease passed on the same terms by several assignations to Rob. Hodgson, but now being sequestered for recusancy and delinquency of Johnson, she appealed to the County Com- mitttee to discharge her of 331. 6s. 8d., the last year's payment, which is not in their power. Begs an order therefor. 20 Feb. Referred to the County Commissioners and Reading 27 229 12 June 1655. HUM. ANSON, of Edial, begs discharge of an estate, 145 255 now descended to him, called Llangarr, in Brentwood, co. Stafford, sequestered for recusancy of John Johnson, the late lessee. 12 June. Referred to the County Commissioners - - 27 403 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3231 20 Feb. 1655. 22 Feb. 1655. o.c.c.243 88 L.C.C. 243-89 I. &D. 90 c. 243 91, 92 R. 243 93 27 Feb. 1655. 28 Feb. 1655. 7 March 1655. L.C.C. 243 96 I.&D. J 97 WILLIAM MORTON, Co. Worcester. 20 Feb. 1655. Wm. Morton and Robert Ridley, of Leigh, co. 102 571 Worcester, beg discharge of a messuage, &c., in Upper How- sill, parish of Leigh, which Morton, being interested therein for life, demised, 8 Feb. 1642, to James Morton for 12 years, and on expiration thereof, for 21 years to Ridley, at 10s. a year rent, with maintenance and house-room for petitioner Morton, or else 201. 10s. a year. James Morton's lease being expired, Ridley entered on the premises by virtue of the second lease, but lately the County Committee have distrained Ridley's cattle, on pretence that Wm. Morton is a recusant. Both beg discharge and satisfaction for the damages sustained. 20 Feb. County Commissioner to certify Claimant on the Estate of BARBARA METCALF, Rack- wood Hill, Co. Durham. - 27 229 Vol. No. G or P. GEORGE MEYNELL, of Dalton, co. York, begs an order to the Com- 103 197 mittee of co. Durham to examine his claim to lands in Rackwood 243 86 Hill, as surviving purchaser thereof, with Rich. Metcalf, de- ceased, from Chris. Athowe, and ½ are now sequestered for recusancy of [Barbara] Metcalf, widow. 22 Feb. 1655. County Commissioners to examine and Reading to 27 report. 243 HENRY PARRY, Minister, Kemes, Co. Montgomery. Being presented by the Protector, and approved by the Com- 111 mittee for Preachers, begs discharge of the sequestered rectory, and the profits with arrears. By the Committee for Ejecting Scandalous Ministers all sequestered rectories have been placed in the hands of honest men for future incumbents, but the tenant will not, without order, allow him the profits. L. 111 19 27 Feb. 1655. A certificate ordered of the value of the rectory, 22 1492 when the profits will be allowed from 25 Sept. 1654, the date of his Highness's grant. - 229 87 7 Claimant on the Estate of CUTHBERT LOWE, Co. Lan- caster. HENRY DEANE and ANNE, his wife, of Whalley, Co. Lancaster, 80 224 petition that John Lowe, of Wiswall, in 22 Jac. leased to John Fairbank, a close there for the life of Anne, wife of James Crooke, of Pendle, at 1d. rent, and afterwards several other closes at rent of 6l. His widow and executrix, Ellen Fairbank, grant this rent to petitioners, Anne Deane being her daughter. They had 2 of the closes in lieu of 4., and received the 40s. till the estate was lately sequestered for recusancy of Cuth- bert, son of John Lowe. Beg allowance with arrears, or leave to prove their claim. Claimant on the Estate of RICHARD OSBALDESTON, Sholley, or Shewley, Co. Lancaster. 28 Feb. 1655. County Commissioners to certify and Reading to 27 315 report. 4 Sept. Petition renewed. As of Newland Close, one of the 80 223 said closes, is worth less than the 40s. a year, they beg its dis- charge. 4 Sept. Granted, if under 40s., and if they make good their title 29 51 JOHN OSBALDESTON, servant of Sir Wm. Harvey, of Hengrave, 108 835 Suffolk, begs discharge of, or examination of his right to lands 243 94 in Osbaldeston and Balderston, co. Lancaster, left him by his father, Richard [Osbaldeston], in reversion after Margaret, his 3232 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 7 March 1655. C. 34 4 243 98 D. 243 99, 100 R. 243 101 c. 243 102 9 March 1655. 15 March 1655. NOTE 62 445 D. 62 471 474 R. 62 447 R. 62 463 L.C.C. & D. 22 March 1655. c. 114 675 -681 Vol. No. G or P. RICHARD OSBALDESTON-cont. father's then wife, both of whom are now dead; but of the premises being sequestered for their recusancy, the County Committee will not give them up without order. 7 March 1655. County Commissioners to examine and Reading 27 316 to report. 243 95 WILLIAM PARRY WYNN, aged 80, Co. Flint. His estate, co. Flint, being sequestered for recusancy, Nich. 132 427 Brereton and another rated it at 26 acres, value 61. 10s., yet his rent is raised to 91., which in these extreme hard times he is unable to pay. Begs reduction and allowance for repairs. 9 March 1655. The County Commissioners to certify why the rent 27 330 was raised, whether the estate grew out of repair in the State or the petitioner's possession, and what the charge of repair will be. Claimant on the Estate of HENRY BUTLER, Recusant, Dorset. 469 Charles Arundel, by John Talbot, his guardian [appointed by the 62 475 Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal], petitions, stating that lands, cos. Dorset, Somerset, and Wilts, were settled on trustees by his great grandfather for payment of debts now discharged, with remainder to his grandfather William, and his father, Charles, both dead, and to their heirs, and now the lands devolve on him, but those in Dorset are sequestered for recusancy of Hen. Butler, who has no title to them. - 27 316 15 March 1655. Case referred to the Treasury Commissioners 10 June. Order in Council that the Committee for Sequestra- 29 95 tions commit the case of Charles Arundel to the Treasury Commissioners, to consider and report. 27 June. Order in the Committee for Sequestrations that the 29 registrar deliver to Arundel a copy of Reading's report in his case for transmission to the Treasury Commissioners. [The two first entries on p. 1225, supra, seem to belong to this case.] Claimants on the Estate of LORD THOMAS SOMERSET, 5th Son of Henry, 10th Earl of Worcester. 111 481 15 March 1655. WILLIAM, LORD PETRE, and HUMPHREY WELD, of 111 -492, East Lulworth, Dorset, beg discharge of the manors of Castle 499-506 Bytham and Little Bytham, co. Lincoln, demised by Thos. 173 715 Somerset, a son of the late Earl of Worcester, for whose re- D. 111 493 cusancy they are sequestered, to Benjamin Weston, who con- -498, 507, veyed them to petitioners. 509, 515 c. 33 437 111 511-515 15 March. Referred to the Lincolnshire Commissioners R. 111 457 24 May. Claim allowed and estate discharged JAMES ROGERS, Richmond, Surrey. Order by the Treasury Commissioners that the Committee for 114 677 Compounding certify whether he has ever been adjudged a delinquent, or had any part of his estate secured or seques- tered. 95 446 479 27 316 111 477 - 23 1690 3 April 1655. They certify that he has never been a delinquent 27 349 nor sequestered. → 23 March 1655. C. 34 24 O.T.T. 100 165 3 April 1655. L.C.c.1 109 887 -896 D. 109 883 917 R. 109 867 c. 34 14 109 901 -907 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. Claimants on the Estate of THOMAS AYREY, Recusant, Westmoreland. Purchaser of the Estate of JAMES LINKHORNE, Bow- yet, Hants. GEORGE ROGERS and ROB. STIRLING beg allowance of their title to 114 683 houses and lands in Whinfell and Patton, Westmoreland, con- veyed to them by John, son and heir of Thos. Ayrey, to sell for payment of debts, &c., but they cannot do it, being se- questered for recusancy of Thos. Ayrey, who is dead. 23 March 1655. The County Commissioners to certify and Reading 27 316 to report. 3233 23 March 1655. Discharge from sequestration of a house in 182981 Otterbourne parish, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Ab. Browne. Vol. No. G or p. NORFOLK TENANTS. 23 March 1655. AND. TANNER, and numerous other tenants named of 106 931 sequestered estates, petition that they are tenants on rack-rents by leases which granted allowances for repairs, and deduction for out-rents and other reprises, of which they delivered in an account, yet unnoticed. Are returned as being in arrears with their rents, and will suffer much unless relieved. Beg that their accounts may be allowed, and the levying of the arrears stopped, and that the present Commissioner, who alleges he has no power to make them the allowances, may be ordered to examine their case. 23 March. Referred to the County Commissioner to take proof 27 346 of what has been expended; the levy of arrears suspended for 3 months, after which all that is judged due is to be paid in; all out-rents under 40s., when proved, are to be allowed without further trouble to petitioners. 23 March 1655. Like petition of ROB. BARRETT and numerous 106 933 other tenants of sequestered estates in Norfolk. 23 March. Like order to the County Commissioner 27 346 - THOMAS GUNTER, Abergavenny, Co. Monmouth. The Monmouth Committee report him as 127. in arrears for rent 173 687 of his house. bore proceedings, on plea that the house is not his own. poor, and 86 years old. 6 April 1655. Order that the arrears be levied on him, and 20s. 30 273 fine. 3 July. He begs discharge of a house in Abergavenny, formerly 88 735 sequestered for his recusancy, but the County Committee for- Is Claimant on the Estate of JOHN SHERBORNE, Recu- sant, Co. Lancaster. 3 July. To be discharged on oath taken that he has no other 29 3 house. 913 3 April 1655. THOS. PARKER, of Browsholme, co. York, begs dis- 109 881 charge of of a messuage, tenements, and lands in Ribleton, co. Lancaster, to which he is entitled by conveyances from John Sherborne, late of Ribleton, and Henry his son, and which are sequestered for the Popery of John Sherborne. But he having died, and being buried 20 March 1655, the premises ought to come to petitioner. 3 April. Referred to the County Commissioners 27 July. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged . 27 358 · 109 879 28 20 3234 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 10 April 1655. c. 32 28 R.C. 22 9 143 513 c. 34 9 144 503 -509 R. 144 499 11 April 1655. 24 April 1655. L.C.C. I.&D. 243 105 106 { {² Claimant on the Estate of JOHN AINSCOE, alias MAR- TIN (late), Recusant, Co. Lancaster. Vol. No. G or P. Order on the petition (missing) of WM. PARKE, of Walton in the 27 363 Dale-for discharge of of a messuage inhabited by John Ainscoe, alias Martin, and a barn, &c., in Walton, sequestered for his recusancy,--granting discharge, Martin being dead, and the Committee's interest therein determined. TRISTRAM AXWORTHY, Milton, Devon. 10 April 1655. Begs discharge of his estate in Alberston and 144 498 Garracroft, Cornwall, leased at an undervalue, and sequestered for his supposed delinquency; also examination into the cause of sequestration, and whether he was sequestered before 1 Dec. 1651. 10 April. Referred to the County Committee 27 361 511 5 July. The returns being made that there is nothing to render 144 495 him liable to sequestration,-he being an ignorant person, alto- gether unacquainted with sequestrations, but a great sufferer therefrom, he begs reference to counsel, and an order for dis- charge of his estate. Noted as referred to Reading. 26 July. Order on report that the claim cannot be allowed, nor 21 1317 the sequestration discharged on the Act of Pardon. ROBERT PARKIN, Recusant, Woodhall, Co. York. 10 April 1655. Begs an order to the County Committee to set 144 528 him out a third in kind of his sequestered estate, allowing him his mansion-house. 10 April. Granted, and the County Committee are to set out his 20 1180 in kind. Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM WOODSON (late), Recusant, Hants. 10 April 1655. JOHN CROKE begs discharge of a tenement held by 78 Wm. Woodson, now dead, in the manor of Dibden, Hants, for which petitioner compounded 5 years since. 10 April. Referred to the County Commissioner 20 27 358 RICHARD BURTON, Preston, Co. Lancaster. Begs an order to the County Committee to examine his title to 71 of Bradley House, Marsden, sequestered for delinquency of Simon Blakey, and Ann his widow, though by their death it has come to petitioner; it is only value 20s. a year. Begs an order to the County Committee to discharge it, as the clearing it before this Committee would be a great charge. 642 11 April 1655. The County Commissioners allowed to discharge it 27 365 if under 40s. a year value, and on oath that the State's interest therein is determined. Claimant on the Estate of DOROTHY, Mother of JOHN BERRY, Devon. EDW. PYNE and 2 others petition that in 1653 John Berry demised 108 1089 to them Berrynarbor and Mattinghoe manors, Devon, for 120 243 103 years, in trust for payment of debts and raising portions for his younger children; but they cannot proceed because on a mistake of the County Committee, the estate is sequestered for COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3235 24 April 1655. 1.&D. {243 107 L.C.C. 108 c. 34 23 243 109 110 R. 243 111 : 25 April 1655. L.C.C. 64 425, I.&D. 431-442 NOTE 29 83 c. 34 9 64 443 -448 R. 64 413 D. 64 411 9 May 1655. c. 145 273 o. 145 275 c. 145 271 recusancy of Dorothy, mother of John Berry, who has no in- terest therein. Beg discharge and repayment of profits since the commencement of their interest. 24 April 1655. Referred to the County Commissioner and 27 359 243 104 Reading. 26 July. Beg an order for further examination of evidence, which 108 1087 they could not procure before. Granted. 29 44 Vol. No. G or P. THOMAS JONES, Rector of Caereinion, Co. Montgomery. 24 April 1655. Petitions that he was presented by the Protector 95 313 16 Aug. 1654 to the rectory, and on 4 September had an instru- ment for it from the Committee for Approving Public Preach- ers. Rice Wynn was ejected therefrom for scandal by the Society for Propagation of the Gospel. Has claimed his arrears, but finds the tithes are partly in the parishioners' hands, and partly in those of the County Commissioners, who will not allow him his rights without an order, which he requests. 24 April. The County Commissioners to certify why and from 27 369 whom the arrears were sequestered, and what profits they have from them. Claimants on the Estate of JOHN WILLIAMSON, Co. Warwick. 449 BARBARA and MARY ASKEW [daughters of the late ROBERT ASKEW] 64 423 beg discharge of a tenement and lands in Lapworth, co. Warwick, worth 167. a year, purchased in 1641 by their father of Wm. Ashby, and then in lease for 12 years to John William- son, but sequestered for his recusancy. 25 April 1655. Referred to the County Commissioner 27 359 27 July. Claim allowed and discharge granted, on deposition of 28 23 John Williamson that he has no other title to the estate. 14 May 1656. Order confirmed, the oath being duly taken 28 28 - 3 May 1655. c. 34 11 HEN. ASHURST, of London, for his brother Wm. Ashurst, of Ash, 64 556 Hurst, petitions for discharge of a tenement in Dalton, let for 3 lives to Alex. Barker, and sequestered for his delinquency, the last of the lives having fallen in. 3 May 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners Claimant on the Estate of ALEXANDER BARKER, Dalton, Co. Lancaster. · 27 359 EDWARD GRAY, Angerton Milne, Northumberland. 3 May 1655. His petition, subject not named, referred to the 27 359 County Commissioners. EXCISE OFFICERS. Order, on the Exise Ordinance of 17 March 1654, that the Com- 27 384 missioners for Devon sequester the estates of ROGER Bradon, Sub-Commissioner of Excise there, for 8321. 19s. 9d. arrears due 11 May last, and 12831. 7s. 6d. on a surcharge, to be paid by him, Edm. Cross, and John Norwood, his securities, 27 March 1655, and Cross' estate also to be sequestered. 12 July 1655. Order that as the 8341. 19s. 9d. and 2831. 7s. 6d. 12 641 for which the estates of Roger Bradon and Edm. Cross were ordered to be sequestered are now paid in, the Commissioners of Devon discharge them from sequestration, and deliver up all bonds, &c. 3236 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 11 May 1655. 17 May 1655. c. 34 53 22 May 1655. 24 May 1655. I.&D. 243 114 115 34 16 c. 243 116 117 NOTE 243 118 Vol. No. Claimant on the Estate of ALEXANDER BLEASDELL G or p. (late), Recusant, Co. Lancaster. CHRIS. MARTIN, of Burholme, co. Lancaster, and MARGARET, his 105 wife, petition that Leonard Bleasdell, Margaret's father, settled on her a house and land at Dinckley Green, after her brother Alexander, who is lately dead, but are still sequestered for his recusancy. Beg examination and discharge. 11 May 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners and Reading 27 359 Claimant on the Estate of JOAN BROOKES (late), Recu- sant, Wilts. NEVILL MASKELINE, of Purton, Wilts, petitions that he is tenant 145 306 in reversion to a copyhold estate in Wootton Bassett Manor, sequestered for recusancy of Joan Brookes, widow, now dead; begs its discharge and admission thereto. 17 May 1655. Referred to the County Commissioner and Reading 27 360 Claimant on the Estate of JEFFREY WHALLEY, Co. Chester. 17 May 1655. JOHN, EARL OF BRIDGWATER, petitions that the of 89 799 a small house and 14 acres of land in Tatton, co. Chester, parcel of his manor of Tatton, sequestered from Jeffry Whalley, delinquent, is now fallen in, as he held it for the life of Alice Whalley, his mother, now dead; the rent is 14s., and certain boons. Begs that being under 40s. value, it may be discharged by the County Commissioner, [John] Robinson. 17 May. Granted, if the right be proved, and it is under 40s. 11 27 390 17 July. He petitions that Robinson refuses discharge, because 89 796 the premises, if taxes are not deducted, may be worth 3l., or 5 marks a year. 17 July. Reading is to make a verbal report 29 23 24 July. Order on his report that the claim be allowed, and 29 35 sequestration discharged. - Claimant on the Estate of GEORGE WEEDON (late), Recusant, Cookham, Berks. GEORGE WEEDON, his infant son and heir, begs discharge of, or 141 299 reference to the County Commissioners of his title to Leith closes, Hants, of which are sequestered for recusancy of his father, who died 2 years ago, and the late County Commissioners permitted him to receive the profits; but the present County Commissioners will not discharge the estate, worth 41. a year, without order. 22 May 1655. The registrar and auditor are to certify Claimants on the Estate of JENNETT BALL, Recusant, Co. Lancaster. 27 394 JOHN TRAVERS and PETER HOUGHTON, beg discharge of 2 of a 138 614 messuage in Windle, worth 10s. a year, granted in 1640 by Sir 243 112 Wm. Gerrard, Bart., to Peter Travers, of Windle, at rent of 8s. 10d. for the lives of Jennett Ball, widow, and James and John Travers, sons of the said Peter; he assigned his interest therein to petitioners, but are sequestered for recusancy of Jennett Ball, who is now dead. 24 May 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners to certify, 27 405 243 113 and Reading to report. 20 Dec. Report that the petitioners are only trustees for the wife 243 119 [Jane], and eldest son of Peter Travers, and that their recu- sancy should be enquired into. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3237 24 May 1655. 25 May 1655. 29 May 1655. H. 34 1 c. 243 122 -124 } L.C.C. 243 125 & D. o.c.c.243 126 R. 243 127 Vol. No. Claimant on the Estate of JAMES UNSWORTH, Recusant, G or p. West Leigh, Co. Lancaster. 24 May 1655. RICH. RENNICARS begs discharge of a messuage and 112 1087 lands in West Leigh, of which are sequestered for the recu- sancy of James Unsworth, who is dead, and his interest therein determined. The premises are let at a small value, under 40s. a year. 24 May. To be discharged on his making his title clear to the 27 400 County Commissioners, if under the value of 40s. Claimant on the Estate of ELIZABETH DOWSON, Recu- sant, Co. Lancaster. EDW. DOWSON, of Walton-in-le-Dale, co. Lancaster, begs examina- 79 747 tion of his title to lands in Walton, conveyed 35 Eliz. by his grandfather, John Dowson, to Wm. Frodsom, in trust for himself for life, then for his reputed son, John Frodsom, alias Dowson, petitioner's father, who died 11 years ago, when of the estate was sequestered for recusancy of his mother, Eliz. Dowson; she has only a right to of the premises, and peti- tioner is eldest son and heir. 25 May 1655. The County Commissioners are to certify and 27 402 Reading to report. Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS BLACOE (late), Rocher, Co. Lancaster. GEORGE BLACOE, of Samlesbury, feoffee of Margaret, widow of 145 261 Thos. Blacoe, Rocher, co. Lancaster, begs discharge of a mes- suage worth 50s. a year, called the Rocher, settled by John Southworth, of Rocher, on his daughter Margaret, and her husband Thos. Blacoe, but it was sequestered for Blacoe's de- linquency, and so continues, though he is now dead. 29 May 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners and Reading 27 360 EDWARD OVERTON, Morcott, Rutland. 29 May 1655. Begs discharge on the Act of Pardon, finding by 108 801 accident that he is returned as sequestered, though his estate 243 120 has never been sequestered nor secured, nor any charge of delinquency brought against him. 29 May. Referred to the County Commissioner and Reading 27 406 243 121 WARREN TOWNSHEND, Co. Salop. 29 May 1655. His farm, called Cound, co. Salop, being sequestered 124 S01 for his supposed recusancy, begs his set out in kind, and his chief mansion-house. 29 May. Granted if sequestered for recusancy only CLAIMANT ON THE ESTATE. 26 June 1655. RICH. CRESSETT pleads that ever since the reducing 77 353 of the county, he has been tenant to Cound Farm, sequestered for recusancy of Warren Townsend, his uncle, but lately the County Commissioners have ordered him to allow Townsend of the estate, and the mansion-house. Is lord of the manor, and has the mansion-house, but this order will throw him out of habitation. Has always paid his rent, and out of affection has paid more than to his uncle, who has lived in London. Begs suspension of the order till 25 March next. 26 June. Granted for 2 months, and the County Commissioner is 27 433 to certify meantime. · 20 1180 3238 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 31 May 1655. 12 June 1655. c. 34 26 19 June 1655. Vol. No. Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM MORGAN (late), G or p. Recusant, Co. Monmouth. JAMES JONES, of Caerleon, co. Monmouth, guardian of WM. 95 307 MORGAN, infant, begs discharge of of an estate in Llanthe- wyvach, St. Michael, and Llanvrechva, in co. Monmouth, which Alice Morgan, widow, by indenture of 16 May 1655, granted to petitioner; also of of an estate in Panteage, &c., descended to Wm. Morgan by the death of Wm. Morgan, his father, for whose recusancy the premises were sequestered. 31 May 1655. County Commissioners to examine and certify 27 360 6 Sept. He begs an order for further examination of witnesses. 95 306 Granted. 29 64 Claimant on the Estate of ELIZABETH FAZAKERLEY, Recusant, Co. Lancaster. JOHN SUMPNER having purchased the reversion of a messuage held 121 201 by Eliz. Fazakerley, lately deceased, which is part of the manor of Allerton, co. Lancaster, sequestered for her recu- sancy, begs discharge of the sequestration. 12 June 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners and to 27 402 Reading. 17 July. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged 29 26 Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM HILL (late), Recu- sant, Co. Lancaster. 12 June 1655. MARY, widow of Henry Roughly, petitions that 145 258 Rich. Roughly, of Sutton, co. Lancaster, in 1 Car. let to Mat. Hill a close in Sutton for 3 lives, all dead, and now the right is in petitioner, but are sequestered for recusancy of Wm. Hill, one of the lives. Begs discharge, with arrears from Hill's death, or examination of her title. 12 June. Referred to the County Commissioners and Reading 27 402 Claimant on the Estate of HENRY LINAKER (late), Recusant, Co. Lancaster. 12 June 1655. EDWARD GREENE complains of the sequestration for 87 639 recusancy of Henry Linaker, of Cliffe House, in Much Woolton, and lands, co. Lancaster, leased to petitioner 13 Jan. 1655 for the residue of a term of 99 years by Thomas Miller, jun., of Allerton, who had it of Edw. Pendleton, jun., and Margery, his wife, in 1652, and he of his father, Edw. Pendleton, of Speke, by lease in 8 Charles. 12 June. County Commissioners to examine and certify c. 34 27 19 June 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners · -m - Claimant on the Estate of RICHARD COLLIER, Co. Stafford. HENRY LANE, co. Stafford, begs allowance of his title to a house in 99 33 John's-lane, Wolverhampton, and a meadow in the manor of Hatherton, sequestered as the estate of Richard Collier. - 27 403 Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS GREEN, Recusant, Scremerston, Northumberland. 27 402 19 June 1655. ANT. HALL, of Scremerston, Durham, begs an order 89 632 to the Commissioners of Northumberland to certify why the half of a farm in Bolam, which half he purchased of Thos. Green, should be sequestered for Green's recusancy, as no order for its sequestration can be found. 19 June. County Commissioners to certify and Brereton to report 27 403 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3239 21 June 1655. c. 243 127 26 June 1655. c. 34 109 29 June 1655. Claimants on the Estate of THOMAS STURNALL, Recu- sant, Co. Gloucester. EXCISE OFFICER. Order by the Commissioners of Excise for sequestration of JAMES 243 127A CLARKE, late Sub-Commissioner for Boston, [co. Lincoln ?] on certificate of his default of payment of 321. arrears of Excise. 18 April 1656. Order thereon in the Committee for Compounding 29 for his sequestration. Claimant on the Estate of JOAN, Widow of JOHN BUSBY (late), Recusant, Co. Oxon. 21 June 1655. JANE and ALICE BERKIN, of Awre, co. Gloucester, beg 145 268 abatement of their rent of a barn and lands in Awre, seques- tered for Sturnall's recusancy, and let to them. By an accident and no fault of theirs, the whole year's crop was lately burnt in the barn, which they pray may be rebuilt by order of this Committee. 21 June. The County Commissioner to certify whether petitioners 27 424 or the Commonwealth were, by the terms of the lease, to bear the charge of repairs. JOHN BAGSHAW begs allowance of his purchase last May for 400l. 65 628 of a 31 years' lease of lands in Bicester, co. Oxford, and a house in St. Nicholas' Shambles, London, bought from Joan Busby, but the County Committees of Oxford and Middlesex disturb him as to because of the recusancy of John, hus- 28 band of Joan Busby, long since dead. 26 June 1655. Referred to Brereton R Ant. Turberville, co. Glamorgan R Thos. Turberville, co. Glamorgan R Jenkin Thomas, co. Glamorgan HENRY ROGERS, D.D., Stoke Edith, Co. Hereford. 26 June 1655. Registrar's certificate that he finds not that Henry 34 6 Rogers has ever been sequestered for delinquency; but a Mr. Rogers, of Blaby, was returned from Leicester, 21 April 1648, in a list of ministers of that county, as sequestered and outed of his living. P & D John Winter, co. Brecon P Mary Janes, co. Brecon P Howell Preece, co. Brecon THOMAS BROOKE, Battle. Sussex. Begs discharge of messuages, &c., descended to him by the death 72 206 of Priscilla Baker, 3 years ago, when he was in Virginia, and sequestered for his supposed recusancy. On hearing of her death, took shipping for England, where he arrived 3 weeks since. 29 June 1655. Referred to the County Commissioners te P Edw. Winter, co. Brecon P Baynham Vaughan, co. Radnor P John Vaughan, co. Radnor P James Baskerville, co. Radnor R Anne Baskerville, co. Radnor SOUTH WALES DELINQUENTS. 29 June 1655. Note of a contract to COL. JAMES PHILLIPS for the 111 669 following sequestered estates of Papists and Recusants in Wales: - · £ s. d. 100 0 0 a year 35 0 0 12 0 0 28 0 0 900 6 13 4 101 1 6 131 1 4 600 50 12 6 7 10 0 ** 39 "} Vol. No. G or P. ** "" 88 "J "" "" 33 27 429 - 27 429 "} 29 June. Letters to the respective County Committees to let the 27 438(3) estates to Phillips for one year, or show cause to the contrary. 3240 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3 July 1655. 5 July 1655. 11 July 1655. 12 July 1655. LANCASHIRE DELINQUENTS. ELIZ. BRETTON, widow, JOHN ROSSALL, WM. NICKSON, and WM. CRICHLOWE, all beg the benefit of their discharges by the County Committee, their estates being under 40s. a year, and they unable else to subsist. 3 July 1655. Granted, if they have an undoubted right to the 29 6 estates, and if the value is not more than 40s. SAMPSON COYNEY, Weston Coyney, Co. Stafford. RALPH COYNEY petitions that his nephew, Sampson Coyney, 139 443 granted him in 1637 a rent-charge of 40s. for life on his lands, but the estate is sequestered for recusancy and delinquency of Anne, widow of Sampson, and John, his son, so that the annuity has not been paid for 3 years. Being aged and past labour, having no other livelihood, and having served and suffered for Parliament, begs relief. Vol. No. G or P. 83 200 5 July 1655. Order for discharge of the annuity on his proving 29 to the County Commissioners that it is but 40s. a year, and that he has a good title thereto. 17 July 1655. WM. LAWTON begs discharge of the sequestered 99 483 of a messuage, mill, and lands, in Brerehurst and Talke, co. Stafford, the reversion of a third part of which his father bought of Sampson Coyney, and Anne, his wife. Mary Erdwick, widow, had an estate therein for life; she is lately dead, and yet the premises are continued under sequestration for her recusancy. 17 July. The County Committee to examine and certify, and 29 Reading to report. 11 July 1655. The County Commissioners are to discharge them 29 if satisfied that their value does not exceed 40s., and that peti- tioners have an undoubted right thereto. Claimant on the Estate of ROBERT SOWERBUTS, Re- cusant, Redisnap, Co. Lancaster. LANCASHIRE DELINQUENTS. BANASTER MAYNARD, RICH. KING, HUGH COOPER, and CUTHBERT 104 464 CORDWELL, beg the benefit of discharges granted by the County Committee for all estates under the yearly value of 40s., accord- ing to former orders of the Committee for Compounding. 8 Claimants on the Estate of MARGARET WELLS, Recu- sant, Dorset. 11 ELIZABETH SOWERBUTS, his widow, and John, his son and heir, 145 260 complain that the County Commissioners, supposing her to be a recusant, will not discharge the of her husband's estate, let at 158. a year. Beg an order for discharge, with repayment of receipts from the estate. - 18 12 July 1655. The discharge by the County Commissioners 27 417 ordered, if the estate be of so small value, and if petitioners prove their title to it. 12 July 1655. SAMUEL HOLMES, of Andover, Hants, and GEORGE 89 1005 RYTHE, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Middlesex, beg leave to prove their title to of Gedlingston house, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, and out-houses and sundry lands, demised to them 6 July last by Thos. Wells for 21 years, or his life, but they are seques- tered for recusancy of Marg. Wells, grandmother of Thomas, and she is now dead. 12 July. Referred to the County Commissioner and Reading 29 10 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3241 17 July 1655. 20 July 1655. 26 July 1655. 4 Sept. 1655. 70358. Claimant on the Estate of EDWARD DOWNES, Bodney, Norfolk. FRAS. BACON and 2 others beg allowance of their title to the 65 estate in Bodney, and elsewhere in Norfolk, settled on them by Edm. Downes, being sequestered for his recusancy. 2 3 17 July 1655. County Committee to examine and certify, and 29 Reading to report. Vol. No. G or P. - Claimant on the Estate of ROBERT ROBERTS, Co. Flint. JOHN ROBERTS, infant of 3 years, by Wm. Stoddart, his guardian, 114 755 begs discharge of of an estate in Nerquis, co. Flint, of which Rob. Roberts, his grandfather, died seized, and which was sequestered for his recusancy. John Roberts, his eldest son and heir, is also dead, and petitioner is John's son and heir. Claimants on the Estate of WILLIAM BALLARD, Recu- sant, Co. Lancaster. 20 July 1655. County Committee to examine and certify, and 27 403 Brereton to report. JOHN HUNT, of Speke, and OLIVER BROWNBILL, of Kirkby, co. Lancaster, beg discharge of of a messuage and lands in Speke, demised by indenture of 25 Sept. 1630 by Sir William Norris and 3 others to William Ballard and Anne his wife for their lives. Wm. Ballard being dead, the said Anne, by in- denture dated 14 July 1645, demised the same to petitioners, but as were sequestered for Ballard's recusancy, the County Committee refuse to discharge the sequestration. Claimant on the Estate of JOHN PEACOCK, Chichester, Sussex. THOS. HARPUR begs leave to recover by law against John Pea- 91 223 cock a debt of 1,000l. and 50s. costs, granted by the Common Pleas, 14 Charles, of which he has received but 1007. interest, being hindered by the sequestration of of the estate for Pea- cock's recusancy; also begs an order to the Commissioners of cos. Sussex and Hants to certify the cause of sequestration. 26 July 1655. Order to the County Commissioners accordingly 29 11 Claimant on the Estate of ROBERT ROSSE, Recusant, Norfolk. 4 Sept. 1655. County Committee to examine and certify, and Read- 29 ing to report. 77 4 Sept. 1655. DAME JANE BACON begs discharge of of a house 65 called Ropers, in Scole, Norfolk, granted by Sir Wm. Cornwallis 9 Jac. to Rob. Rosse for 40 years, the reversion of which belongs to her. Has received the profits till the County Committee, on pretence that thereof have been sequestered for Rosse's re- cusancy, have not only prevented her from receiving more rent, but threaten to distrain for that received since Rosse's death. 11 92 254 4 Sept. County Commissioners to examine and certify, and 29 Reading to report. E 54 75 55 ANN SOUTHERNE, Co. Stafford. 4 Sept. 1655. Reference of her petition (missing) to the County 29 55 Commissioners of Stafford and to Brereton. 3242 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 7 Sept. 1655. L.C.C. 1243 128 129 c. 34 35 243 130, 131 R. 243 132 D. 243 133 12 Sept. 1655. • o.c. 29 102 c. 243 138 139 P.E. 130 251 P. 130 247 0 €. 29 98 28 Sept. 1655. Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS and MARY MYERS- COUGH, Co. Lancaster. Vol. No. G or P. ELLINOR, VISCOUNTESS KILMOREY, widow, begs discharge of lands, 97 439 &c., in Nether Wyersdale, left in reversion to her by Thomas, Lord Gerard, but sequestered for recusancy of Thomas and Mary Myerscough, the previous owners, now dead. 7 Sept. 1655. Referred to the Lancashire Commissioners and 29 Reading. EXCISE OFFICERS. On certificate of non-payment, order by the Excise Commis- 243 sioners that THOS. YOUNG, late farmer of Excise, Kent, and his surety, be sequestered by the Commissioners thereto ap- pointed for non-payment of 1,475l. 5s. arrears ordered to be paid 25 January last. 18 April 1656. Order in the Committee for Sequestrations ac- 29 cordingly. 24 Feb. 1657. Certificate by the Excise Commissioners of its pay- 135 ment, and order for delivery of his bond. 6 March. Order thereon for discharge of sequestration 55 134 135 11 July. Granted; the order thereupon sent to the Excise Com- 29 missioners, to be delivered unless they have given any special order for proceedings against White. 86 27 102 136 137 12 Sept. 1655. On certificates of the Excise Treasurer of non- 243 payment, order that BARTH. HELBY, WALTER CURTIS, and RICH. ELKIN, farmers of Excise, of Essex, and their sureties, be sequestered for non-payment of 945l. 15s. 93d. ordered to be paid 21 June last. 45 18 April 1656. Order by the Committee for Sequestrations ac- 29 89 cordingly. 11 July. Rob. White, of Lambeth, one of their 8 sureties, com- 130 249 plains that his estate alone is sequestered, and not that of any of the principals or of the other sureties, and that the others will not pay their proportions; he begs an order for seques- tration of all alike. Purchaser of the Estate of EDWARD BARRETT, Droit- wich, Co. Worcester. 96 26 July. They detail proceedings in getting in the debt, and state 130 243 that White was sequestered because he was counter-secured; but they are willing that all the parties concerned should be sequestered. 1 Aug. Order given accordingly for sequestration of all till the 29 97 debt is paid. 7 Nov. The Commissioners for arrears of Excise are to appear and 29 98 show cause why this order is not executed. 12 Nov. Order enforced for its immediate execution 29 98 o.c. 29 102 19 Feb. 1657. Order of the Excise Committee, on payment of 29 101 portions of the said debt, remitting the remainder, and dis- 130 241 charging the estate of White, who is to accept 721. 15s. 5d., being Helby's proportion, towards the 135l. 10s. 3 d. he has paid, this sum being the balance of 500l. to which the debt was reduced. Discharge from sequestration of of a bulliary of salt water in 67 275 Droitwich, and a messuage, &c., in Upton Manor, co. Worcester, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Benj. Andrews, of London. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3243 14 Dec. 1655. SUR. 58A 553 554 c. 34 9 21 Dec. 1655. 3 Jan. 1656. 5 Jan. 1656. 24 Jan. 1656. 28 Feb. 1656. 4 March 1656. 11 March 1656. Vol. No. Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS KIRKBY, Upper G or p. Rawcliffe, Co. Lancaster. EDW. TILDESLEY begs to compound on the Act of Sale of 10 Feb. 123 437 1654 for the estate of Thos. Kirkby, to whom his father, Thos. Tildesley, of Myerscough, was assignee. Noted as referred to Reading. JAMES LEVINGSTON, Co. Cambridge. JAMES LEVINGSTON, Somerset. Registrar's certificate that he finds neither ever sequestered, but 34 40 in a list of persons sequestered in Berks since 1 April 1643, and not discharged by Parliament, the Committee for Seques- tration, Barons of Exchequer, or Committee for Compounding before 1 Dec. 1651, the name James Levistone occurs. EXCISE OFFICERS. 139 On certificates by the Treasurer of Excise, that Edw. Brush and 243 138 Wm. Rawlinson, sureties for CAPT. JOHN ROBERTS, have not paid in, as ordered. 50l. arrears of the farm of Excise for Sussex, order by the Excise Commissioners that the Committee for Sequestrations sequester their estates. 6 June 1656. Order in the Committee for Compounding ac- 29 cordingly. THOMAS [JOHN] TOWERS, Bishop of Peterborough. Registrar's certificate that Thos. Towers (sic), Bishop of Peter- 34 borough, has never been returned as a delinquent, but the late Bishop of Peterborough's name is in the list of sequestered persons within the City of London, returned in pursuance of an order of the Committee for Compounding of 22 March 1648; also in similar lists from cos. Northampton and Bucks. [See Committee for Advance of Money Calendar, p. 1480.] HENRY WINGFIELD, Suffolk. Like certificate that he was returned in an undated list of seques- 34 tered persons in Suffolk as having been discharged. THOMAS LOCKINGTON, London, JOB SEDGWICK, Hackney, Middlesex. 18 April 1656. Order of the Committee for Sequestrations ac- cordingly. Like certificates that he finds not that they have ever com- 34 53 pounded for delinquency. 29 94 11 April 1656. Like certificates for both, with the addition that 34 59 they have never been seized nor sequestered, nor has any charge of recusancy or delinquency been exhibited against them. SIR RALPH VERNEY, Delinquent. Registrar's certificate that by letter of the County Committee of 34 Bucks, dated Aylesbury, 29 May 1647, he finds Sir Ralph seized of the manor of Middle Claydon, &c., worth 9127. 11s. 4d. a year, held since the sequestration by the former tenants, and that he is also seized of lands at Borestall, worth 90l. a year. By another letter of that County Committee, dated 1 Feb. 1648, his estate was certified to be discharged from sequestration 5 Jan. 1647, by order of the Committee for Sequestrations. 43 EXCISE OFFICER. 141 On certificate of the Excise Treasurer of non-payment, order by the 243 140 Excise Commissioners for sequestration of LAURENCE MAIDWELL for non-payment of 1801. due to the Excise, and ordered to be paid 12 Feb. 1656. 47 87 55 E 2 3244 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 20 March 1656. 6 May 1656. 22 May 1656. 3 June 1656. 19 June 1656. 1 July 1656. 2 July 1656. 8 July 1656. Vol. No. G or P. EXCISE OFFICERS. 143 Order by the Excise Commissioners to the Committee for Se- 243. 142 questrations to sequester RоB. BURDETT, of Morden, Mitcham parish, Surrey, merchant, on a certificate from their Treasurer given, of his non-payment of 301. Excise money due on a bill of exchange drawn on him from Portsmouth in May 1654. 30 May 1656. Order in the Committee for Compounding that he 29 be sequestered for non-payment, in contempt of the order of the Excise Commissioners of 19 Feb. 1656. MATTHEW BARKER. Registrar's certificate that in a list of sequestered persons re- turned by the Commissioners of London, 2 April 1652, are the names of Matthew Barker, one of the attorneys at Guild- ball, and Matthew Barker, a West Country gentleman; and that in a similar list from Devonshire, there is that of Matthew Barker, of Topsham ; but he cannot say whether they are one and the same person. 34 61 EDWARD, LORD GORGES [of Dundalk, Ireland], JOHN GOFTON, of Stockwell, Surrey, and RICHARD GORGES, of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Middlesex. Registrar's certificate that he finds not that they have ever been 34 seized or sequestered, or ever compounded, or had any charge exhibited against them for recusancy or delinquency. GEORGE GIFFORD, Co. Stafford. Like certificate that in a list of sequestered persons returned 34 from co. Stafford without date, he is inserted as a Papist in arms. ANDREW BARKER, Old Windsor, Berks. Registrar's certificate that he was never sequestered for delin- 34 quency, recusancy, or otherwise; but Andrew Barker, of London, is in a list of sequestered persons returned from London, in pursuance of an order of 22 March 1648. Also that neither Francis nor John Rowe, of Cheapside, nor Owen Rowe, merchant of London, ever compounded for any part of the said Barker's estate, or for any debt due by him. NICHOLAS BAKER, Hants. Registrar's certificate that he finds not that he was ever seized 34 or sequestered, or ever compounded, or had any charge exhi bited against him for recusancy or delinquency. ANDREW HALFORD. Registrar's certificate that he was returned in 1649 as a delin- 34 quent who compounded with the County Commissioners at Leicester, and that on 8 May 1650, the Council of State ordered his estate, with those of others, to be seized and inventoried, but that it has never been compounded for nor discharged. Also that in 1652, And. Halford, of Walden, Essex, was returned in a list of sequestered persons. 92 8 July 1656. Like certificate respecting Thos. Smith, though three 34 of that name compounded for their delinquency. 64 65 66 69 70 JOHN and THOMAS SMITH. Registrar's certificate that though seven of the name of John 34 71 Smith have compounded for their delinquency, no John Smith has compounded for an estate in Sheare Lane, Bell Alley, Pigott's Fields, Thames Street, Strand, or Soaper Lane, London. 71 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3245 20 Aug. 1656. 29 Aug. 1656. 10 Sept. 1656. 19 Nov. 1656. 1 Dec. 1656. 6 March 1657. P.E. 227 677 P.R. 29 103 227 673 701 D. 227 687 -691 c. 227 685 R. 227 663 NOTE 227 699 23 April 1657. c. 243 145 EDMOND PLOWDEN, Shiplake, Co. Oxon. Registrar's certificate that neither he nor any of the same name has ever been seized or sequestered, or ever compounded, or had any charge of delinquency or recusancy exhibited against him; but in a list of sequestered persons returned from London, without date. is inserted as follows:-" Plodden, of Shiplock.' SIR MICHAEL EARLY, alias EARNLEY, London. Like certificate that he was in a list of sequestered persons in 34 London returned to the Committee for Compounding 22 March 1648. 5 May 1657. Order in the Committee for Discoveries, in the case between Thos. Billop for the Protector, and John Sleigh and Mary Peryent,-Billop alleging that the money informed of was due to Sir Michael Early, who was sequestered;-that Bayly bring next Friday a perfect list of all sequestered persons in Middlesex, and then the case will be heard. Vol. No. G or P. 34 77 78 84 429 STEPHEN HAWKINS, Middle Temple, London. Registrar's certificate that his name was in a list of sequestered 34 78 persons returned by the County Commissioners of London in obedience to the order of the Committee for Compounding of 22 March 1648, but that he does not find that Hawkins ever compounded. RICHARD RAVENHILL, Sen., Recusant, Co. Hereford. Like certificate that he does not find that the contract made by 34 82 the County Commissioners of Hereford with Wm. Burcop for of Ravenhill's estate has been confirmed. THOMAS TREW, Caistor, Co. Lincoln. Like certificate that he finds not that Trew has compounded for 34 84 his delinquency. ERNESTUS BYRON, Son of SIR NICHOLAS BYRON. There having been no Committee for Compounding since he 227 679 came of age, Parliament allows the Committee for Se- questrations to compound with him at. 11 March 1657. He begs to compound for the estate inherited 227 661, from his father, and liable to sequestration for his father's 676, 693 delinquency. 10 15 April. Fine at 6, 901., to be paid into his Highness' receipt 12 646 of Exchequer. 227 671 695 EXCISE OFFICERS. Order by the Excise Commissioners, 17 March 1654, for seques 243 144 tration of John Matrevers, Thos. Filkin, and Silvester Waight, for non-payment of 2201. rent, in which they were bound to THOS. MORICE and WM. DOBSON, farmers of Excise in Kent, and which they were ordered to pay 6 Jan. 1657. c. 243 147 23 April 1657. Like order for sequestration of Major Rob. Bee, 243 146 late farmer of Excise in North Wales, and Urian Oakes, security for CAPT. WM. OAKES, also late farmer, for non-pay- ment of 781. arrears ordered 14 April last. 27 May. Order in the Committee for Sequestrations in both cases accordingly. 29 104 3246 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 19 Nov. 1657. C. 34 104 c. 34 108 17 Feb. 1659. 7 June 1659. 3 Sept. 1659. Vol. No. G or P. THOMAS WYNN, Croydon, Surrey. Order for delivery of a writ issued for enquiry whether he was 29 110(2) sequestered for delinquency 4 March 1656, and when first sequestered. Brown to search. 24 April 1658. On a writ of certiorari of 27 March 1658, the 243 148 County Committee are to enquire whether he was sequestered for delinquency on 4 March 1656; and if so, when he was se- questered, and they are to send up all papers relating thereto. EXCISE OFFICERS. Order by the Commissioners for Appeals and regulating Excise 243 149 to the Committee for Sequestrations to proceed against RICH. BEST, farmer of Excise for cos. Devon and Cornwall, for nou- payment of 3,500l. arrears due by him. 17 Feb. 1659. Like order for sequestration of his sureties · 243 150 151 Feb.? Order in the Committee for Sequestrations accordingly - 243 152 24 Nov. Bond in 500l. for his payment of 250l. rent for his se- 243 153 questered houses in London and Westminster, let to him by the Committee for Sequestrations. HENRY OWEN, Ludgate, London. Registrar's certificate that be finds his name in a list of se- 34 111 questered persons returned by the Committee of London, in obedience to an order of the Committee for Compounding of 22 March 1648, upon the Ordinance of Parliament of 6 March 1648. Also like certificate of the mention of his name in a letter of the Committee of London, dated 2 April 1652. SIR THOMAS MIDDLETON. WILLIAM WINCHURCH, Co. Worcester. Order in the Sequestration Committee for Sir Thos. Middleton 263 17 to be sequestered for complicity in Sir George Booth's rising. 13 Sept. 1659. The County Committee for York are to enquire 59 228 about an estate he is said to have about Wakefield. 14 Oct. The North Wales Committee are informed that no 59 136 claims on his estate of persons concerned in the late insur- rection will be allowed. 8 229 83 19 Oct. His personal estate in Cheshire, Yorkshire, &c., ordered 59 to be sold, and the rents of his real estate seized for the State. 24 Oct. The County Committee for Salop report that his estate 263 there is in iron-works, and that he has 2 partners, Wm. Win- church, of co. Worcester, and Wm. Wilson, of co. Derby [or Denbigh], who should be called to account, and the clerks ordered to pay in the moneys. With marginal notes of orders accordingly. 59 55 27 Oct. Committee for Sequestrations to the County Committees 169 218 of Derby, Salop, and Worcester. You are to make enquiries whether these persons were engaged in the late rebellion. 29 Oct. The Salop Committee report that they can do nothing 263 without further orders. 87 82 Oct. ? Sir T. Middleton's witnesses to be examined in the country 264 3 Nov. Committee for Sequestrations to the Commissioners of 59 137 cos. Flint and Denbigh. The suit between Sir T. Middleton and Sir Rich. Lewson cannot be stayed, because there were pro- ceedings in the Exchequer before sequestration. 9 Nov. Note that Sir Thomas and Thos. Middleton have 264 estates in most counties in North Wales. 9 23 Nov. The Salop Committee send details of the condition and 243 154 value of the iron-works in which he, Thos. Mytton, and Thos. Kynaston are partners. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3247 3 Sept. 1659. D. 243 155 19 Sept. 1659. o.c.c. 264 22 16 Dec. The Committee for Sequestrations order an inventory 59 of Sir Thos. Middleton's estate in Cheshire, &c., and an ac- count of the receipts therefrom, to be returned. 22 Sept. 1659. L.C.C. 243 158 I.&D. I -159 25 Nov. 1659. The Committee for Worcester report that they 264 will secure Winchurch's estate. Vol. No. G or P. 20 21 Dec. The Salop Committee give further particulars of the 264 stock, which is in iron pigs and iron stone, and of the difficulty in disposing of it. 29 Dec. A Staffordshire debtor of Sir T. Middleton to be sum- 59 207 moned to pay in his debts. 7 Jan. 1660. The Salop Committee complain of difficulties because 243 156 the partners do not live in the county, and cannot be compelled to obey their orders 18 Jan. Renewed complaint by the Salop Committee of difficul- 264 ties in getting in the debts, and n the sale of the iron. 13 220 3 Jan. The Salop County Committee stating that Winchurch 59 171 cannot appear before them, because he is summoned before the County Committee of Worcester, the Committee for Seques- tration direct the Salop Committee to call him to speedy account, and in case of refusal or delay, to seize his estate. They also direct the Worcester Committee to send him up, as the Salop Committee have made good progress in the busi ness; as he is in arrears to Sir Thos. Middleton of 2,000l., due for a slitting mill in co. Worcester, they are to demand these arrears, and send up an account. 48 THOMAS DAVIES, CHARLES MASON, Co. Montgomery, North Wales. 19 Jan. The Committee for Sequestrations order the Committee 59 172 for Salop to proceed in proving Sir Thos. Middleton's debts, but as to the sale of the iron, judgment must first be given that the iron belongs to him. RICHARD JONES, ROGER JONES, JOHN LEWIS, JOHN MAYSMORE, JOHN OLLIVER, OLIVER THOMAS, Co. Merioneth. 19 Jan. The County Commissioners of York report that they 264 68 have secured his rents, but not received any of them. 67 21 Jan. The Worcester Committee send up Winchurch's ac- 243 157 counts, and state that the case between him and the other part- ners is depending in Chancery. The Committee for Compounding order the North Wales Com- 59 134 mittee to seize the estates of Davies and Mason, real and personal, and send up particulars. 19 Oct. 1659. The other six having confessed their being engaged 59 136 in the late rebellion, their estates are to be seized and se- questered. 13 Oct. 1659. Deposition of Mary, wife of Wm. Window, to 263 Freame's telling her of the rising, wishing her husband to join it, promising him a horse, and after Massey was taken, wishing her to clear him, and lay the blame upon Mr. Britton, the minister. 7 Feb. 1660. Notice to be given to all of publication of the de- 59 141 positions against them. THOMAS FREAME, Lyppiat, Co. Gloucester. Deposition that he sent two horses, one being a white horse for 263 35 Wm. Window, for Col. Edw. Massey's rising. [See also pp. 748, 749.] 36 3248 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 22 Sept. 1659. 24 Sept. 1659. L.C.C.243 163 THOMAS FREAME-cont. 7 Dec. 1659. The County Commissioners ask whether to allow him 264 the further time which he requests, to examine more witnesses in his defence. Dec.? Permission granted THOMAS VEALE, Jun., Simonshall, Co. Gloucester, and NICHOLAS, his Brother. Vol. No. Gorp. 38 22 Sept. 1659. The County Committee report that they have 263 secured the estates of the two Veales and summoned them to answer, but they are fled, and the witnesses summoned refuse to appear or take oath. 264 82 27 Sept. Committee for Sequestrations order their estates to be 59 sequestered, unless they appear to answer in 10 days. >> 9 Nov. The County Commissioners report seizure of their corn and 243 160 cattle, but are obliged to keep 2 men in charge, as they refuse to give security for it, and have turned the agents out, saying that Parliament is dissolved and the sequestration will be taken off. They also seized an estate of Nich. Veale's, which was his mother's jointure, but Edw. Hill, of Cam, Veale's brother- in-law, pleads a lease, for which he gave 600l. He has received 1,4001. from the estate. 17 Nov. The County Committee report that they cannot take 243 161 security for the estate of Thos. Veale as ordered, because there are 3 Thos. Veales, father, son, and grandson, the son being the one sequestered, and the estates cannot be distinguished. 22 Nov. Depositions to the ejection of the sequestration agent 243 162 from Simonshall Farm by young Thos. Veale, saying that his uncle, Nich. Veale, was coming out of prison from Hurst Castle, and one exclaiming, "Now, you rogue, now Monk is a-coming.' SIR THOMAS LEVENTHORPE and RALPH BASH, Co. Herts. 25 Nov. Committee for Sequestrations order the personal estate 59 of Thos. Veale to be proved before security can be accepted, but the examination of witnesses must proceed. It should be proved that Massey was taken in part of Veale's house, and that they ran away with him. 24 Nov. Deposition to like effect, Mary Veale saying she hoped 243 164 the English army and Monk's army from Scotland would neither eat nor drink till they had fought. 34 The County Committee report that they are suspected of com- 263 plicity in Sir George Booth's rising, but only one witness found against them. 72 27 Sept. 1659. Their estates are to be secured, but further evidence 59 to be sought for. 12 Oct. Bash allowed his estate on security upon the appraise- 264 ment. 74 - 264 - 264 43 77 82 17 Oct. The Herts Committee send the names of men in Col. 263 73 Berry's troop quartering near Lincoln, who can witness against them, and also the informations and examinations. 20 Oct. The Committee for Sequestrations order the County 59 112 Commit.ee of Lincoln to examine 3 men in Col. Berry's troop now quartered there, who can witness against them. 12 Dec. The Herts Committee certify that they have no further 243 164 charge against Bash than that already sent. Dec. Publication ordered in Bash's case Jan. 1660? Bash discharged from sequestration 82 83 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.—CASES. 3249 24 Sept. 1659. 27 Sept. 1659. o.c. 59 83 L.C.c.243 165 JOHN MUNDY, High Sheriff of Co. Derby. 24 Sept. 1659. The County Commissioners report that they have 263 secured his estate. 5 Oct. They report him to be a principal encourager of Sir 263 George Booth's rebellion in co. Derby, but the particulars of his estate are reserved, because he has concealed part, and threatens the witnesses. 25 Oct. They send up further depositions 263 16 Nov. The Committee for Sequestrations complain that the 59 depositions are very lame, and request more positive evidence. • Vol. No. G or P. 39 14 Dec. Mr. King claims 2001. said to be due to Mundy, but 264 really his own money. 24 Dec. A further deposition against Mundy sent up by the 264 County Committee. 29 Dec. The Committee for Sequestrations order that any person 59 refusing to be examined in his case shall be committed to prison for contempt. JOHN STANHOPE, Co. Derby. 24 Sept 1659. The County Committee report that he being 263 accused of complicity in Sir George Booth's rising, they have secured his estate. 5 Oct. They send the papers relating to him to the Committee 263 for Sequestrations. 7 Oct. 1659. As he intends to justify himself, the Committee for Se- questrations request a copy of his charge, and of the proceed- ings taken against him. · 56 84 56 42 SIR EDWARD HOPTON, Surrey. 83, His estate in cos. Hereford, Montgomery, and Surrey, to be seized 59 and secured, and witnesses examined against him. 134, 201 59 135 21 Oct. The County Committee report that they have entered on 263 the estates and require the rents to be paid to them. See a claimant on and lessee of his estate, pp. 2640, 3054, supra. 50 25 Nov. County Committee complain that Nicholas still persists 264 in requiring the rents of the estates to be paid to him, and request order to be taken with the Treasury Commissioners not to let the tenants suffer for paying rents to them. 57 10 Oct. The Surrey Committee report that they have secured his 263 65 estate for complicity in Sir George Booth's rising; it is 1007. a year in right of his wife, and he has 601. or 701. in Augustine Friars, London; they send depositious. 39 11 Oct. Committee for Sequestrations request the Hereford and 59 Surrey Commissioners to inform them how long he has been absent from his abode, why he went, and when, and anything else material as to his acting in the late rebellion. 31 Oct. Committee for Sequestrations report that they must dis- 59 137 charge him, unless they can get further information. Nov.? Note of his discharge 56 83, 264 83 THOS. HORNIHOLD, Blackmore Park,* and RICHARD MOORE, Powick, Co. Worcester. 27 Sept. 1659. Having been adjudged delinquents in the engage- 59 216 ment at Worcester, their estates are to be seized and secured. 201 8 Oct. The County Committee report that they were suspected 263 64 of complicity in Sir George Booth's rising, but their estates found already sequestered, and their rents received by the county receiver-general, Col. John Nicholas. 76 20 13 Dec. The County Committee are to receive the profits of their 59 219 estates. 3250 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 27 Sept. 1659. 30 Sept. 1659. JOHN POOLER, Hartlebury, Co. Worcester. 27 Sept. 1659. His estate to be secured, he having been adjudged 59 217 a delinquent in the engagement at Worcester. 64 Vol. No. G or P. 8 Oct. The County Commissioners report that they have secured 263 his estate for complicity in Sir George Booth's rising. 21 Oct. The pretender to his estate summoned to defend himself 263 in 10 days, or the profits of the estate will be taken. JOHN RUMNEY, Knightwick, and PAUL RUMNEY, Suckley, Co. Worcester. 27 Sept. 1659. John Rumney's estates in co. Worcester to be 59 216 secured because he has been engaged for Charles Stuart at Worcester. 8 Oct. The County Committee report that being suspected 263 of complicity in Sir George Booth's rising, his estate was found sequestered for being in the Scots' engagement. 21 Oct. The County Commissioners report that they have seized 263 the estates of John and Paul Rumney. 76 25 Nov. The County Committee report that they taken security 264 for his personal estate, and ask directions for his real estate, worth 201. a year, still in his own hands. 64 31 Oct. The Committee for Sequestrations order that if Paul 59 219 Rumney_refuse to give security for his estate, it must be appraised and sold. 76 EDMOND and PETER MEYRICK, and SIR JOHN OWEN, North Wales. 20 17 Jan. 1660. The Hereford Commissioners report that they 264 62 seized his estate at Bosbury, on an order from this Committee. FRANCIS CHARLETON, Co. Salop. He being suspected of complicity in Sir George Booth's rising, 59 168 the County Committee are informed that the horses taken from him were before any order of sequestration, and were prize of war. 3 Oct. 1659. His estate is to be secured till further order - 59 168 11 Oct. Renewed enquiries ordered as to the manner in which 59 169 his horses were taken. 30 Sept. 1659. The estates of Owen and others known to be fled 59 135 are to be sequestered, unless they appear within 10 days after notice given. 22 Dec. The depositions against the Meyricks being re- 59 139 turned, those against Peter are found defective, and other examinations are to be taken. 26 Jan. 1660. Publication ordered in the cases of Sir J. Owen 59 141 and Edm. Meyrick. HUMPHREY WATTS, London. 30 Sept. 1659. He being prisoner in Shrewsbury, the Salop 59 168 Committee are to take examinations in his case, and give him leave to defend himself. 11 Oct. The said Committee are to take further examinations 59 169 about him. 19 Oct. Orders given to discharge his estate, because, though the 59 169 presumptions against him are great, no discovery has been made that amounts to a conviction. ! COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3251 3 Oct. 1659. L. 59 55 6 Oct. 1659. L. 59 76 10 Oct. 1659. COL. THOMAS SAUNDERS, Co. Derby. The Committee for Sequestrations consider that there is evidence enough in the depositions for a charge against him, and the seizing of his estate, but request the County Committee to obtain further evidence. 22 Nov. 1659. He requesting publication of proofs, the Committee 59 for Sequestrations inquire if there are any more witnesses to examine. [See pp. 770, 773 supra.] NICHOLAS PLAYER, Lyppiat, Co. Gloucester. The County Committee report that he is accused of having arms 263 placed in his house by some person of quality. 19 Oct. 1659. The Committee for Sequestrations order his estate 59 to be seized. Vol. No. G or p. 59 54 29 Nov. The said Committee state that the depositions sent 59 will not convict him, unless by examination of his servants and acquaintance, it can be proved that he was privy to the design, and that the arms found in his house were prepared for the service. ELIZABETH BICKERSTAFFE and CHARLES her Son, Chelsham, Surrey. The County Committee report having secured their estate because 263 they have been away ever since the Cavalier party were in Holt Wood. The goods are far off at Chelsham, and in danger of embezzlement, and are a great charge. 2 Nov. 1659. They report that Mrs. Bickerstaffe being summoned, 264 an agent for her appeared, but offered no defence, and does not know where she lives. 22 Nov. Her affidavit sent to the County Committee and their 264 answer requested; they are to inventory and appraise her estate, and take good security, putting the State to as little charge as they can. 12 Dec. The County Committee beg payment of their charges in 264 keeping the goods, caused by non-appearance to give security for them. 21 Jan. 1660. County Committee send up the examination of 264 Charles Bickerstaffe, and desire further directions. JASPER LISTNEY, Reigate, Surrey. 10 Oct. 1659. The County Committee report that they have 263 seized his estate for complicity in Sir George Booth's rising, and taken security for it. He pleads a debt of 827., though Major Audley seized the estate at the time of the rising. During his absence, most of his goods were embezzled by his wife, on pretence of former debts. Oct.? Allowed his corn on security " 22 Dec. Several parcels of his personal estate, which were con- veyed away, to be seized, that they may be forthcoming with the rest. 56 59 73 75 65 2 15 41 69 264 82 2 Nov. The County Committee report that he was summoned 264 2 but did not appear, and that John Parkes of Reigate seized his corn for rent, which claim be should prove before the Committee for Sequestrations, and the corn should be sold to pay charges. 65 59 202 3252 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 12 Oct. 1659. 13 Oct. 1659. 14 Oct. 1659. 19 Oct. 1659. o.c. 59 202 2 Nov. 1659. His portion of an estate which he holds as joint be 59 127 tenant with Sir Hen. Littleton in co. Northampton to be seques- tered, he being adjudged by Parliament's late proclamation. 25 Oct. 1659. JOHN MORDAUNT. His estate in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Bedford, Bucks, and North- ampton, to be seized and sequestered for complicity in the late rebellion. Vol. No. G or p. 2, 59 182, 201 24 Nov. The rents of the estate are to be received, and no claims 59 127 allowed unless made to the Committee for Sequestrations. 25 Jan. 1660. Examinations are to be taken relative to the claim 59 128 made by the hospitals on the estate, that the tenants may be freed from distresses and forfeitures, the rents being stayed by order of the County Committee. PHILIP EGERTON, Oulton, Co. Chester. Being suspected of complicity in Sir George Booth's insurrection, 243 166 he is ordered a copy of his charge, and leave to examine wit- nesses, the depositions to be sent up sealed. AMBROSE PUDSEY, Bolton-by-Bowland, Co. York. The County Commissioners report that they have secured his 263 estate for complicity in Sir George Booth's rising. 19 Jan. 1660. They state that as he appeared and denied the 264 charge, witnesses were summoned, but the Parliament being turned out, nothing further can be done. JOHN BUTLER, Clerk, Litchborough, Co. Northampton. The County Committee, having sent up examinations against 59 126 him, are to find another credible witness, which should not be difficult, the things being publicly delivered by him in a There will then be matter to seize and secure his estate, if he has any beside his benefice. sermon. ANCHITILL GRAY, Co. Derby. The County Committee send up depositions against him, as con- 263 cerned in Sir George Booth's rising. 25 Dec. 1659. The County Committee are to give him a copy of 59 127 his charge and leave to examine witnesses, and also to have his estate on security, unless he was taken in actual arms. After a month, there is to be publication and a hearing. 71 22 Nov. A letter to be written by the Committee for Sequestra. 164 tions to the County Committee for a day of publication, if they 59 have examined any further witnesses. With the letter. Dec.? His estate discharged 68 . 264 · 30 Nov. Being suspected of complicity in Sir George Booth's rising, -he complaining that the County Committee for Notts have sequestered his estate, and begging a copy of his charge and leave to examine,-the County Committee for Gloucester are to take examinations, especially as to how he made engagements to raise men. 25 Oct. 1659. Order that he be allowed his personal estate, when 243 167 inventoried and appraised, on security, and the rents of his real estate due 29 September, if he were not taken in arms. 24 15 56 83 JOHN HOWE, Co. Gloucester. 25 Oct. 1659. The Committee for Sequestrations cannot at present 59 130 give directions about him to the County Committee of Notts. 59 75 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3253 28 Oct. 1659. I.&D. 243 168 Oct. ? 2 Nov. 1659. o. 59 131 9 Nov. 1659. 16 Nov. 1659. Vol. No. G or p. PETER HARRISON, Minister of Cheadle, Co. Chester. Accused of contributing 41. for a foot soldier to serve Sir George 243 168 Booth under Col. Leigh, of Adlington, and promising a horse and arms. Also of preaching against the present government, both before and after the late rebellion, and telling his people that they must not only pray for the peace of Jeru- salem, but pay for it, and, if needful, fight for it; and that it was time to rise when the gentry and the church were in danger, and heretics and sectaries disturbed the church's peace. With his answer, pleading compulsion as to the sending of a soldier, and denying the expressions alleged. 24 Jan. 1660. He is to have notice of publication of depositions in 59 16 his case on 8 February, before which he may examine witnesses. PETER WILBRAHAM, Co. Chester. Being accused of complicity in Sir George Booth's insurrection, 243 169 allowed his estate on security. 19 Jan. 1660. The County Committee are to inform him that 59 proceedings will be taken on his confession, unless he show cause to the contrary before 6 February. 15 NICHOLAS CAREW, Beddington, Surrey. The County Committee are to secure his estate for complicity in 264 2 Sir George Booth's rising, take security for his goods, and send up examinations. 15 Nov. 1659. The Committee for Sequestrations requiring that 243 170 he should have his charge and the examinations against him, the County Commissioners reply that some are already in that Committee's hands, but they will send the remainder. 17 Nov. Committee for Sequestrations request the charge and 59 202 depositions, none but the County Committee to be present at the examinations. ROBERT, Son of FRANCIS PIERREPOINT, Co. Lincoln. 2 Nov. 1659. Pending trial of his case, he is to be allowed his 59 112 Michaelmas rents in co. Lincoln, on security to repay them in 14 days if adjudged a delinquent. 30 Nov. The Commissioners for co. Notts having sent up the 59 131 codicil of Francis Pierrepoint's will, the Committee for Seques- trations agree with them about Rob. Pierrepoint's claim to the estate, but the portions of the daughters, Frances and Eliza- beth, should be paid. The County Committee are not to refuse him his charge or leave to defend himself, because he is proved to have been in arms, unless he were taken in fight. The depo- sitions must be taken and sent up. RALPH ASHTON, Middleton, Co. Lancaster. His estate being sequestered for complicity in Sir George Booth's 243 171 rising, and his son John begging allowance of a rent-charge of 301. a year on his sequestered estate, the County Commis- sioners are to examine witnesses on oath to prove the deeds, and to take care that they are not abused by any personating the witnesses. THOMAS BAKER, Wrexham, Co. Denbigh. The North Wales Committee having reported badly of him, 59 138 the Committee for Sequestrations will deal as severely as they can with justice, but cannot deny him the liberty of an appeal and trial, as be is resolved to stand upon it; so the 3254 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES 16 Nov. 1659. 27 Nov. 1659. 30 Nov. 1659. Nov. P 6 Dec. 1659. THOMAS BAKER-cont. North Wales Committee must examine witnesses, let him cross-examine, and send up the depositions, but his goods and rents cannot be disposed of before trial. As to his concealed goods, the penalty is not on a supposed delinquent who con- ceals, because no man is a delinquent till he is adjudged or confesses, but upon second persons who conceal delinquents' estates. Vol. No. G or p. HUGH PENNANT, Whitford, Co. Flint. 16 Nov. 1659. Order on his petition that the County Commis- 243 172 sioners give him the heads of the charge against him, [of being concerned in Sir George Booth's rising] and allow him to cross- examine witnesses in his defence, and send up the examinations. They are meantime to inventory and appraise his estate, real and personal, that security may be taken for it. LADY DOROTHY GREY. Petitions the Committee for Compounding that since the death 243 173 of her husband, Lord Grey of Groby, she maried Gustavus Mackworth, who was engaged with Sir George Booth, and slain, since which many of the goods left her by her former husband have been unduly seized by the Salop Commissioners, though the propriety was never altered, so that by law they ought not to be meddled with. She begs leave to make good her claim. Noted as referred to counsel, and the petition to be sent to the County Commissioners. 17 Jan. 1660. The Salop Commissioners reply that they seized 243 174 the goods as Mackworth's, and that nothing as yet appears to the contrary. GEORGE WARBURTON, Co. Chester. His estate in co. Chester being seized, and depositions sent up, his estate in co. Worcester is also to be seized. 59 219 19 Jan. 1660. The County Committee for Chester are to give 59 15 him notice that publication will take place 6 February, but he may examine witnesses meantime. FRANCES WYBUNBURY, Adderley, Co. Salop. Order on her petition,-requesting allowance of her title to 2 yoke 243 175 of oxen and the crop of corn seized by the County Commis- sioners for her son John's being engaged in Sir George Booth's rising,-referring her claim to counsel, and the County Com- missioners to take examinations on her petition. LADY PHILADELPHIA CAREY. Order of the Committee for Sequestrations, on motion on her 243 176 behalf, giving her leave to depose before the County Com- missioners of Sussex, where she now is, concerning her release of a claim on which she and her sisters petitioned this Com- mittee, and the said Commissioners are to examine whether she has released the debts, or her claim to the lands of which she and her sisters desire allowance, and to certify. 6 Feb. 1660. She deposes that neither she nor her sisters, Ladies 243 177 Judith and Anne Carey, have released their claim to the rever- sion of a lease of Brereton Manor, made to them in Feb. 1654 by William, Lord Brereton, for 3,000l., no part of which has been repaid them. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-CASES. 3255 12 Dec. 1659. 22 Dec. 1659. GODFREY HAVERCAMP, Surrey. The County Commissioners report that he confessed that a box of 264 arms was brought to his house by the son of Sir John South- cott, of Meistam, who armed himself there, but this Havercamp concealed till the Cavaliers, Lord Lichfield, John Mordaunt, and Charles Bickerstaffe, had left Surrey. Vol. No. G or p. 41 21 Jan. 1660. The County Commissioners send up his examina- 264 tions, and ask further directions. JOHN HERBERT, Co. Salop, Steward of Lord Herbert of Cherbury. 7 Jan. 1660. The County Committee report that he confesses to 264 being in arms in Sir George Booth's rising, but lives in co. Montgomery, and is a prisoner in Redcastle. 69 The Sequestration Committee complain of the defectiveness of 59 171 the depositions sent up against him, and beg further evidence. 57 11 Jan. The Commissioners for North Wales are to certify what 59 140 they know about him. ( 3256 ) 24 Oct. 1645. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 8 Nov. 20 Nov. 18 Dec. 12 Feb. 1646. 28 Feb. 24 March. 16 April. 28 April. 30 April. 2 May. 9 May. 16 May. 21 May. 2 June. 9 June. IMPERFECT CASES. The following persons were entered as having petitioned to compound, but their petitions are missing JOHN BOOTH, Pershore, co. Worcester, who took the Negative Oath and lived at Thistleworth. NICH. HARMAN, Chelsea, Middlesex, who took the Negative Oath and the Covenant. ROB. JASON, by his father-in-law, Sir Hen. Roe, Shacklewell, Hackney. RANDAL TAYLOR, London, who took the Negative Oath and the Covenant; he says he has no estate. ROB. CHESLAND, London, who took the Negative Oath THOS. RAYMOND, clerk, Salisbury, Wilts, who took the Nega- tive Oath. HEN. MIDDLETON, Lovesgrove, co. York, who took the Negative Oath. THOS. SMITTEN, Gainsborough, co. Lincoln, who took the Oath THOS. GRIFFIN, Maidenhead, Berks, who took the Negative Oath. EDW. WILLIS, the Temple, London, who took the Negative Oath. CAPT. GEORGE WARD, Northampton HUM. PANDELLS GILBERT SWINEHOE RICII. HIGHMORE REYNOLD CARNABY EDW. GODWIN ANT. LEWKNOR ROB. LAIGHBORNE CHARLES WALMSLEY ROB. PULLENGER CHRIS. TOWNLEY FRAS. LECHE HUM. MAY- WM. CHALWELL · · • THOS. BEALE, Wakefield Lodge, co. Northampton, who took the 3 40 Negative Oath. EDW. PAWSON, who took the Negative Oath WM. MICKLE FRAS. AMERY JOHN RAWSON DR. LAWRENCE RICH. MIDDLETON, jun. JOHN PEYTON MARY PARKER RICH. HUTTON ANT. WILKINSON THOS. TEMPLE · I I • • Vol. No. G or P. I 2 117 2 116 2 121 2 121 121 699 2 123 2 123 2 124 2 131 2 132 2 131 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 *** DIN8* 48 66 77 78 78 88 88 3 92 3 92 3 92 3 92 3 91 3 92 3 93 3 98 3 98 3 108 3 108 3 114 3 114 3 114 3 114 3 115 3 126 3 136 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-IMPERFECT CASES. 3257 13 June 1646. 25 June. 27 June. 30 June. 22 July. 23 July. 24 July. 30 July. 18 Aug. 28 Aug. 10 Sept. 24 Sept. 20 Oct. 31 Oct. 3 Nov. 7 Nov. 19 Nov. 21 Nov. 5 Dec. 7 Dec. 10 Dec. 24 Dec. 31 Jan. 1647. 1 March. 6 March. 3 April. 5 April. 14 April. 19 May. 7 July. 22 Nov. 21 Feb. 1648. 7 April. 7 July. 70958. JOHN HILDYARD THOS. FOSTER, Cardington, co. Bedford JOHN THIMBLEBY, Snidale, co. York EDW. TAYLOR RAPHAEL THROCKMORTON JAMES HOLMES EDM. OGAR JOHN MAY EDW. LAWES - - THOS. GALE WM. STYLES ROGER CHARNOCK EDW. RAWSTON ROB. BROWNLOW RICH. WILLYMAN JOHN PREION JEFFRY TOULSON JOHN HAWARD DR. SOUTH JANE SLATER PETER BENSON HANNIBAL POTTER LEONARD LICHFIELD GEORGE MORLEY - 1 } 8 JOHN RICHARDS, HUM. DEWELL, WM. HATTON, ROB. LONG HEN. ELMES THOS. DENNIS THOS. GIBBONS THOS. SPENCER THOS. ROWE RICH. KITSON WM. BARNARD, about an impropriation SIR WM. CARTWRIGHT on Oxford Articles THOS. MORRIS, Treverid, co. Montgomery RICH. CANNING, Heerscot, co. Warwick RICH. LYMING, Grantham, co. Lincoln THOS. GALE RICH. PILKINGTON, Hatfield, co. York JOHN PREGER, Harnbridge, Somerset JOHN MORRIS, Newark, Notts Ju CUTHBERT APPLEBY, Langley Dale, co. Durham WM. ASHURST, Dalton, co. Lancaster Barth. Allen, Chamock, Somerset JUDITH DODD, Malpas, co. Chester 14 April 1649. HENRY, son and heir of WM. PERT # RICHARD BYRON, Macclesfield, co. Chester EDW. PALER I MARGARET POWELL, widow, guardian of Sir Thos. Powell, infaut, heir to Sir Thos. Powell, Bart. 1 1 · • Vol. No. G or P. 3 137 3 152 3 155 3 160 3 160 3 179 3 182 3 184 3 184 3 191 3 191 3 191 3 191 3 191 3 191 3 209 3 224 3 233 3 245 3 265 3 277 3 277 3 277 3 279 3 282 3 297 3 301 3 317 3 321 3 326 3 344 4 13 4 33 4 35 4 60 4 63 4 63 70 4 94 4 94 94 4 102 4 141 4 180 4 196 4 210 5 85 5 85 5 85 GICA F 3258 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-IMPERFECT CASES. 28 June 1650. 2 July. 5 July. 2 Aug. 6 Aug. 9 Aug. 30 Aug. 18 Oct. 27 Nov. 7 Jan. 1651. 8 Jan. 5 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 20 March. 25 March. 27 March. 15 April. 30 April. 6 May. 9 May. 15 May. 5 June. 11 June. 3 Sept. 16 Sept. 12 Nov. 24 Dec. 24 March. 30 March. 1 April. Vol. No. G or p. IMPERFECT CASES-cont. 8 180 8 191 8 205 NICHOLAS KNOLLYS (titular), Earl of Banbury ANNE, widow of SIR JOHN BYRON, sen. THOS. NORMANSELL, and ANNE his wife JOHN WESTBROOK, Godalming, Surrey THOS. WALKER, Camberwell, Surrey JAMES CLEMENT, London O - 11 66 11 68 11 73 JOHN MIDDLETON, Hangleton, Sussex 11 70 Capt. Nehemiah Collins, for JOHN HARPER, both of Bristol - 11 129 10 190 ROB. THROCKMORTON, for allowance of a debt Eliz. DAVENANT, widow, Hedingham, Essex ANN SWINGLEHURST, spinster 10 227 10 326 10 329 RANULPH MANNING, executor of Edward Norgate DAME DOROTHY LEA 10 383 14 25 JAMES TOWERS, Burnemoore, co. Lancaster ROB. ELLETSON, Rosethwaite, co. Lancaster RICH. KING, Preston, co. Lancaster 14 25 14 30 LETTICE, widow of FERDINANDO STANHOPE, and ANNE, her 14 57 daughter. THOS. NORTHEY, merchant GEORGE HOLMES SEYMOUR BOWMAN, Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex THOS. FRANCIS and JOHN CHAPMAN EDW. FRYER, Hants WM. ASHTON PAUL VANPAINE and NICH. CARCELLIS, London THOMAS, OF SIR THOS. GRESHAM, prisoner in the Fleet THOS. ANDREWs, Crayford, Kent ROB. DAWKES, London WM. COLLINGWOOD, Durham, co. Durham 16 March 1652. JOHN WILSE 23 March. ALLEN, Devizes, Wilts ROGER FIELDING, Horton, co. Gloucester JOHN GUY, Ripon, co. York LADY ELIZ. LEIGH, Longborough, co. Gloucester RICH. LOBB, Mylor, Cornwall ROGER MILLS, merchant of London | JOAN HASTINGS, widow, North Hinton, Hants RICHARD PARKER and MARGARET WENHAM, Cambridge, co. Cam- 14 68 bridge. 1 PHIL. DRAYCOT, Painsley, co. Stafford THOS. DYKE, Kingston, Somerset THOS. PETTY, York, co. York JOHN and TнOS. PICKWORTH, Cawthorpe, co. Lincoln GEORGE CODD, Ash, Kent - SIR STEPHEN LEONARD, Wickham, Kent THOS. EBBITT, Sutton-at-Hone, Kent ROB. SCOLES, Watringbury, Kent - 1 · · · · C - - T * G C Certificates by the Registrars of the Committee for Compound- ing, that the under-named persons have not been sequestered or proceeded against for delinquency, and have not compounded :- · - - - 1 · · 14 59 14 81 14 100 14 107 14 114 14 124 14 149 14 157 15 4 12 308 15 83 15 152 16 141 32 10 32 5 32 5 32 5 32 ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ 32 32 8888 32 32 32 32 6 6 7 32 7 •~~ 7 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 77 7 8 8 ვი 8 32 8,9 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-IMPERFECT CASES. 3259 1 April 1652. 2 April. 5 April. 7 April. 8 April. 12 April. 16 April. 22 April. 27 April. 6 May. 7 May. 12 May. 13 May. 20 May. 25 May. 27 May. 28 May. 1 June. 2 June. 3 June. 5 June. 15 June. 17 July. 24 July. 23 Nov. 26 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Nov. 31 Jan. 1653. 5 Sept. 13 Dec. JOHN AGER, Stockton, co. York RICH. LEWIS, Esington, co. Oxon THOS. LOVELL, Stratton, co. York JOHN GOSLING, Leyburn [co. York] THOS. FLOWER, Askham, Notts MAURICE GATER, Blofleming, near Saltash, Cornwall CAPT. JOHN ELLINSON, Middlesex SIR ROB. NEEDHAM, Surrey EDW. THURSTON, Somerset GILBERT GARRET, Shenfield, Berks ANT. LIBB, Goring, co. Oxon JOHN SMITH, Great Torrington, Devon GEORGE BROCKDEN, Highweek, Devon WM. CLEAKE, Newton Abbott, Devon EDW. GILDON, Newton Bushell, Devon JOHN PALMER, Halberton, Devon EDW. SHEWSTER, Wilts ( RICH. CULPEPPER, Adeford, Kent EDW. WOOD, Culmstock, Devon JOHN DRURY, Docking, Norfolk THOS. LEVINGSTONE, Mitchell dever, Hants JOHN WORTHAM, Wimbish, Essex JOHN EDWARDS, Shardington, co. Gloucester SIR CHARLES HOWARD, Surrey JOHN GIBBONS, Exeter, Devon RICH. JONES, Litlington, co. Bedford JOHN OFFLEY, Madeley Manor, co. Stafford WM. PAINTER, Gillingham, Dorset THOS. EDWARDS, East Malling, Kent RICH. MACHYN, co. Gloucester THOS. CHILD, Northwick, co. Worcester THOS. THORNEHURST, Winfrith, co. Dorset GILBERT CLARKE, the Brook, near Chesterfield, co. Derby GEORGE HELE, Whitstone, Cornwall THOMAS CROOKE, co. Oxon THOS. DRAKE, Plympton Earls, Devon EDW. MOULTON, Plympton, Devon RICH. TURNER, Rector of Marham Church, Cornwall PAUL MOREAU, Knowsley, co. Lancaster SIR JOHN BENNETT, Harlington, Middlesex HENRY HANNE, or HENNE, Woodbury, Devon ROB. HEWES, Sherburn, co. York T THOS. CROMPTON, Chancery Lane, London MARK SHAFTOE O S · HUM. GITTINS, cos. Monmouth or Montgomery WM. CALEY, Brumpton, co. York ROB. POTTINGTON, Hatfield, co. York JOHN, LORD TALBOT, son of the Earl of Shrewsbury HENRY LONG, Ashley, Box parish, Wilts - WM. PUTT, Gittisham, Devon JOHN NEWNHAM, Somerset 1 ROB. HOLDER, clerk, Claxby and Normanby, co. Lincoln JAMES ROBINS, Penryn, Cornwall FRANCES MICK LETON " 100 b - • - • - Vol. No. G or p. 8 200 32 32 32 32 32 32 11 11 11 13 13 32 13 32 13 32 13 32 14 32 15 32 16 - 32 17 32 17 18 19 32 21 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 9 32 10 32 32 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ @@ @ ** ** ** Z Z Z 32 32 32 32 32 21 32 21 22 22 23 32 32 32 32 32 ∞ ∞ ∞ *** ** ** 8 9 32 24 32 9 8 32 9 32 32 23 24 24 26 28 32 28 24 24 24 38 32 38 32 41 32 118 32 115 32 115 32 118 32 135 32 135 32 177 33 300 33 323 ∞888888888 F 2 3260 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-IMPERFECT CASES. 13 Dec. 1653. IMPERFECT CASES-cont. WM. WHITCHURCH, Banwell, Somerset 11 March 1654. SIR THOS. ABDY, Felix Hall, Essex 26 June. 27 June. 4 Jan. 1655. 7 Jan. 1656. 12 Jan. 29 Jan. 20 May. 5 June. 20 June. 19 July. 1 Aug. 10 Nov. MORGAN GOODWIN, D.C.L., co. Gloucester THOS. SWIFT, Goodrich, co. Hereford HENRY DAVENPORT, Halton, Salop JOHN CALVELY, cos. Lancaster, Chester, and Denbigh WM. ROPER LIONEL CRANFIELD, EARL OF MIDDLESEX THOS. FOWNES, Stapleton, Dorset - ALEX. SOUTHWOOD, London PHIL. COLVILL, Stanhope, co. Durham THOS. DUNN, Dixton in Ragland, co. Monmouth THOS. EDWARDS, D.D., Kington, co. Hereford DAME MARGARET BROWNE, Kiddington, co. Oxon JOHN SCOTT, Shrewsbury, Salop I · - - - 1 Vol. No. G or P. 33 322 33 338 339 34 6 34 6 *********** 33 358 33 395 34 43 34 46 48 63 65 67 75 77 81 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 ( 3261 ) GENERAL PROCEEDINGS.* P. 26. 18 Oct. 1645. The fine of 10,000l. on Sir Richard and Fras. Newport, except the settlement of impropriations on the ministry, is to be employed in the service of co. Salop. [G 228, No. 150a.] P. 208, after line 20, add- 2 May 1650. Certificates to payments to Lady Brooke, for maintenance of Fulke Greville, son of the late Lord Brooke, of the following sums from the sequestered estate of the Earl of Antrim and Duchess of Buckingham, viz.: P. 833. 27 Feb. 1644. 24 Dec. 1649. From the estate in co. Bucks 3 Jan. 1650. Rutland Leicester 5 Jan. 1650. [G 251, No. 3 a, b, c. P. 835. 29 Feb. 1644. P. 851. Aug. 1644. ADDENDA. L.C.C. 139 205 227 D. 139 223 225 R. 139 215 "" "" P. 363. 27 Nov. 1650. The petition of Col. Thos. Mason and Capts. Rich. Price and Thos. Ball [for payment of arrears, missing], referred to Brereton, to state the case and report. [G 10, p. 228; see also Warrants, 4 March and 30 May 1651, p. 818, supra.] "" "J J 7791. 3001. 20007. CASES AND ADDENDA TO CASES.† SIR THOMAS BOWYER. May 1650. JOHN BENSON, of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, begs that his composition may be deferred pending the hearing of an appeal before the Barons of Exchequer by the executors of the late Sir Thos. Bowyer, concerning Grace Torcoott's 67 acres of land in North Mundham, mortgaged to him by Bowyer, and Thos. Payne, of Petworth, Sussex, for securing 4001. borrowed of petitioner 9 March 1649. The principal and some interest are yet unpaid. Vol. No. G or P. 67 597 SIR THOMAS BISHOP. 5 Feb. 1651. On his request that his case may be speedily reported 10 383 to Parliament, and that he may receive his rents meantime, order that a report be drawn up and presented with speed, and if it is not reported before quarter-day, his case will be further considered. SIR WINGFIELD BODENHAM. 8 31 May 1650. On motion in behalf of the Master, Fellows, and Students of Trinity College, Cambridge, that the rent of 139 220 marks reserved out of Algarth [or Aysgarth] Rectory, co. York, leased by their predecessors to Sir Fras. Bodenham, and now sequestered for the delinquency of Wingfield Bodenham, his son, may be paid to them without further trouble, they are to make it appear what the rent is. 95 229 27 Aug. Rent-charge allowed on the report, and the County 11 Committee are to pay it with arrears. 11 97 * A few Addenda to the General Proceedings are printed on p. 827. † The cases which are entire, and not mere Addenda, are marked with an asterisk. 1 Jan. 1651. The College beg that they may not be hindered in the 139 199 disposal of their interest therein. to Major Jenkins. 221 1 Jan. Referred to the County Committee 10 316 139 219 3262 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 靠 ​Aug. 1644. P. 864. Aug. 1644. P. 866. 23 Oct. 1644. 34 84 C. P. 867. 23 Oct. 1644. P. 876. 12 Dec. 1644. P. 889. 9 May 1645. c. 208 420 R. 208 419 SIR WINGFIELD BODENHAM-cont. 7 March 1651. On Brereton's report the County Committee are to call to account those that have received any of the College rents in Aysgarth, and to certify their own receipts out of the rectory since the sequestration, &c. HENRY NEVILLE. 49 A Sept. 1655? Petitions the Protector. Before Nov. 1653, his 228 estate was conveyed to trustees for payment of debts; they 192 151 have mortgaged it, and some land was to be sold, but the sale is prevented by his decimation. Begs suspension thereof till Maj.-Gen. Haynes has examined the deeds. 16 June 1656. Petition for a hearing, he begging also that 228 meanwhile the decimation may be taken off his estate in Essex, 228 and laid on that in co. Leicester. Granted. WILLIAM GANDY and THOMAS HARRISON. 30 April 1653. Registrar's certificate that Harrison was in a list of sequestered persons of 3 March 1653 as sequestered since 1643, and has not been discharged nor has he compounded. Vol. No. G or p. 42 14 10 Dec. The London Committee are to proceed according to in- structions; the Committee for Compounding cannot relieve him. 7 Jan. 1652. Latham's petition for relief renewed. Noted as ordered to pay 40s. a quarter till the debt be discharged. 49B 49c WILLIAM GIBSON. 10 Dec. 1651. WM. LATHAM-being indebted to Wm. Gibson in 237., 98 558 which was called in by the Trustees of Armourers' Hall [County Commissioners for London] in regard of Gibson's delinquency,- begged time, in consideration of his great losses and sufferings by the late King, whereby he was disabled from paying his debts, offering to discharge the debt as Providence should enable him; the said Commissioners referred him to this Com- mittee. Begs not to be charged beyond his ability. 32 235 98 567 15 126 98 566 28 Sept. 1653. Having paid 41., and being unable to pay more, 98 541 he prays the Committee's Christian releasing of him, or else acceptance of 30s. or 40s. in lieu of the rest. 28 Sept. The County Committee of London are to enquire as to 25 212 his condition, and proceed with moderation. CHRISTOPHER BYERLEY. 6 Oct. 1652. Begs allowance of his title to, and discharge of 69 112 a messuage and lands in Nosterfield, and a rent-charge of 481. a year upon the manor of Ellerton Abbey, co. York, which belonged to his brother Thomas, who died without issue, the lands being sequestered for Thomas's recusancy. 6 Oct. Referred to the County Committee - 17 304 CHRISTOPHER, LORD ROPER OF TEYNHAM. 20 March 1647. JAMES WILKINSON, of Marden, Rutland, begs to 208 417 compound for the of a messuage and 18 acres of land pur- chased of Lord Roper, for whose recusancy they are seques- tered. Has ever been well-affected. 20 March. Fine 81. 6s. 8d. - 208 417 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3263 P. 903. 31 July 1645. D. P.R. 16 324 62 247 62 251 253 62 243 D. 62 261 R. P. 913. 30 Sept. 1645. Pp. 915, 916. 1 Oct. 1645. P.R. 15 172 D. 112 179 115 357 L. 115 365 -367 P. 916. Claimant on the Estate of SIR THOMAS HAGGERSTON, Bart. 3 3 Sept. 1651. LANCELOT ALGOOD, of Hexham, Northumberland, 62 257 executor of Mabel Oard, widow, petitions the Committee of 154 Durham for allowance of a rent-charge of 121. a year on Haggerston's lands, sequestered for delinquency, which Mrs. Oard bought for 150l., and from which, by her will, divers legacies have been paid, and others are still owing. 3 Sept. They refer the case to the Committee for Compounding Vol. No. G or P. 62 154 Claimants on the Estate of THOMAS SAVAGE, Brother * of JOHN, EARL RIVERS. 20 April 1652. Allgood petitions the Committee for Compounding 62 249 to like effect; begs reference to counsel, and payment of the rent-charge with arrears. 22 July. The lands being in the Act for Sale, all charges thereon 17 36 are to be made good. 255 1 Claimant on the Estate of SIR H. F. THYNNE. 1 June 1652. CHRIS. PARKE, for the inhabitants of PRESTWOLD, 111 191 co. Leicester, petitions that their rectory has a chapel of ease belonging to it. The parish consists of 4 townships-Prest- wold, Burton, Cotes, and Hoton-but the minister's main- tenance is only 41. a year. Their rectory being sequestered, the County Committee allowed them 40l. from it, but it is now compounded for, and the compounder is too poor to allow it, so that the work and wages being so disproportionable, no able minister will accept the cure. Beg some augmentation. With note that 50l. a year be allowed out of the first settlement, and query whether Parliament has disposed of any part of the rectories to be settled by Sir Hen. Fred. Thynne. 11 March 1651. EDW. RADDON begs discharge of Ipplepen 113 Manor, Devon, mortgaged to him by Sir Wm. Harvey and Lady Penelope [Gage], his wife, but sequestered for delin- quency of Thos. Savage, who had no legal right thereto. erg 11 March. The County Committee for Devon are to certify the 14 43 date and cause of sequestration, and the name of the de- 115 369 linquent. * Called by mistake his son on p. 914. 10 June. On Raddon's request, the County Committee are to for- 14 153 bear keeping any court on his estate till the title is determined. 115 371 7 Jan. 1652. Edw. Raddon, SIR WM. HICKES, THOS. BENNET, 113 4 D.C.L., and other creditors of Thos. Savage, beg discharge on the Act of Oblivion of Ipplepen and Torbrian manors, Devon, conveyed in 1642 by Thos. Savage and Lady Bridget, his wife, to Richard, Viscount Lumley, and Isaac Creame, in trust for payment of Savage's debts, sequestered for his re- cusancy, and now in the hands of Lady Penelope Gage, wife of Sir Wm. Harvey, for non-payment of 4,000l. to her children. [7 signatures.] 24 March. Granted on affidavit that Savage died in the Upper 16 209- Bench Prison 16 Sept. 1651. 25 Nov. 1652. CAPTS. JOHN HOLWELL and EDW. MUGFORD beg of 115 361 their discovery of the estate of a recusant who has compounded 3264 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 7 Oct. 1645. L.C.C. 152 295 C. 32 170 115 363 C. P. 948. 4 Nov. 1645. P. 970. 18 Nov. 1645. P.E. 177 640 P.R. 177 644 P.R. 14 14] 177 636 D. 177 646 -652 c. 177 642 R. 177 632 THOMAS SAVAGE, &c.-cont. only as a delinquent, and from whose estates 30,000l. may be raised. P. 991. 26 Nov. 1645. 25 Nov. 1652. Allowed on their putting in security to prosecute 17 450 the charge. Noted, "Thos. Savage, Ipplepen, Torbrian." 34 54 2 Feb. This being done, the trustees are allowed to receive the 17 652 profits of the estate. 2 Dec. Statement by Edw. Mugford of the case against Savage, 17 473 that he compounded as a delinquent only, although he was also 115 383 152 303 a recusant. Vol. No. G or P. 2 Dec. His lands in Devon are to be seized till the Committee 17 473 are satisfied, and his trustees are to account for their receipts from Ipplepen and Torbrian manors, fraudulently granted them for raising debts and paying portions to his daughters, who are recusants. 19 Jan. 1653. Seizure discharged for want of proof of recusancy, but a schedule of the debts to be produced. 17 614 JOHN SMITH. 12 Nov. 1651. He has liberty to examine witnesses touching the 15 82 matters in his petition (missing) before the County Committees of Gloucester, Monmouth, and Hereford. Claimants on the Estate of THOMAS CHANDLER. 23 May 1651. WILLIAM, MARY, and BRIDGET CHANDLER, children 177 639 of Thos. Chandler, deceased, petition Parliament that the executors of their father may be allowed to sell his lands for payment of his debts, amounting to 4,500l., of which present- ing no particular, he had no allowance from the Committee for Compounding. Barton Farm being discovered to be under- valued, now the purchaser refuses to proceed unless either the former composition is confirmed, or order given by the Com- mittee for Compounding that the executors may compound for the undervaluation, which they cannot do without leave, the time limited by the resolves of Parliament of 2 October having expired. Their father died 12 October last, long before the time expired, and the executors were ignorant of the estate and extent of debts; one of them relinquished his trust, and the other but lately undertook it. 24 June. Fine at 16, 350l. · - 12 249 251 16 Dec. 1653. ANNE MYNN begs allowance of her title to Barton 140 622 Farm, by her purchased in Easter Term 1652 of Mr. Hussey, who purchased it of Thos. Chandler. The estate was not under sequestration 1 Dec. 1651, yet an order is served on her to show cause why it should not be sequestered for the non-pay- ment of an additional fine of 3501. Begs stay of proceedings against her. 16 Dec. Referred to the Hampshire Committee 25 267 14 March 1654. They report that the estate was compounded for 167 279 and discharged Aug. 1649, but seized for non-payment of the additional fine. Claimants on the Estate of SIR RICHARD LEVESON. 11 June 1649. The INHABITANTS of BLURTON, NEWSTEAD, and 142 103 Chapelry of COCKNIDGE, in Trentham, co. Stafford, beg towards 105 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3265 26 Nov. 1645. P. 1013. 29 Nov. 1645. P. 1018. 29 Nov. 1645. P. 1025. 29 Nov. 1645. P. 1038. 29 Nov. 1645. P. 1050. 11 Dec. 1645. P.R. 16 6 108 773 D. 108 707 708 R. 108 699 Vol. No. G or P. the maintenance of their minister, Thos. Adams, 307. a year from the tithes of Trentham Rectory, sequestered from Sir Rich. Leveson, and allowed in his composition towards the maintenance of a minister. With certificate of the value of the tithes. SIR WILLIAM CLARKE. 27 March 1651. MARY CLARKE, his widow, petitions that her 74 917 husband was sequestered in 1643, and in 1644 the Committee for Sequestrations ordered the County Committee to pay her }, or shew cause, but she could not obtain it. In 1646, after her composition at Goldsmiths' Hall in behalf of her son, the County Committee, in lieu of her, allowed her some arrears in the tenants' hands, value 1641. 16s. 4d. For several years she received towards her of 4007. a year only 921. 13s., and now the County Committee demand the 1647. 16s. 4d., saying that they have no record of the transaction. Begs an order for her, part of the Lady-day rents for maintenance of herself and many children, and examination of the case in the country. 27 March. The County Committee of Kent to certify the pro- 14 ceedings tonching Sir Wm. Clarke, and Reading to report. 68 28 March. The said Committee to examine and certify, and allow 14 71 her a full of her husband's sequestered estate, and on their return, Brereton to report. RICHARD GILDON, Motcomb, Dorset. 10 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of 142 297 his sequestered estate. 10 Jan. Referred to Reading - 26 5 SIR JOHN and JOHN LOWTHER. 8 Oct. 1659. The estates, real and personal, of John Lowther, son 59 66, of Sir John Lowther, of Cumberland, in cos. Durham, Westmore- 223, 228 land, and York, to be seized, because he, being engaged on behalf of Charles Stuart since Jan. 1649, they are liable to sequestration by the Act of 27 Aug. 1659. 15 Dec. The Cumberland Committee are to allow him to appeal, 59 41 in case he wishes to defend himself; if not, judgment will proceed on the evidence given. 3 Jan. 1660. The said Committee are to see that the proceed- 59 ings are regular, though he is a known delinquent. He is to have notice of publication, and an affidavit taken of its delivery, and a copy of the bond taken from him by the late County Committee for Westmoreland is to be procured and sent up. He is also to give security for his estates, and care is to be taken to prevent embezzlement. 41 SIR JOHN WEBB. 10 Jan. 1654. He begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act 129 265 for of his sequestered estate. 10 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 5 Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM POOLE. 705 11 Feb. 1652. SIR RICH. ONSLOW, of West Clandon, Surrey, begs 108 698 continuance for his tenants of a grant of 30 loads of timber from Oakley Woods, near Cirencester, co. Gloucester, the se- questered estate of Wm. Poole. 26 Feb. He is to enjoy the woods and carry them away, 16 70 any title yet appearing in behalf of the State notwithstanding. 3 3266 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 1055. 16 Dec. 1645. L.C.c. 162 423 P. 1111-1113. 2 March 1646. P.O. 82 851 -858 L.C.C. 82 868 158 443 c. 32 198 82 849, 865, 870,872 R. 82 862 c. 117 1159 117 1103 1 Claimant on the Estate of SIR JOHN PENRUDDOCK. 28 June 1654. SEYMOUR BOWMAN, of Lincoln's Inn, petitions 140 260 against Ald. Francis Allen, lord of the manor, who has dis- trained his tenants for arrears of a fee-farm rent due from land at Ealing, Middlesex, late the estate of Sir John Penruddock, and sequestered for his recusancy. 28 June. The County Committee to examine and certify, and 27 82 Allen to have notice to prove his title to the rent. Vol. No. G or p. 10 April 1655. Bowman begs abatement of his rack-rent of 140 256 371. 9s. 4d. quarterly, or he will be a great loser, as the man- sion-house has been damaged in the war and is uninhabitable, and corn is fallen in price; also an allowance for repair of the house. Noted as dismissed. 4 July. He requests an order to the County Committee to forbear 140 319 levying the arrears of rent till Ald. Allen has proved his title to the fee-farm rent which he pretends to be due to him by pur- chase from the Gurney House Trustees; also an order to Allen to make out his title, which he has hitherto failed to do. 25 July. Order for a letter to Allen to make out his title forth- 27 100(2) with, or the tenant will be put in possession, and the County Committee are to take care that the State's tenant is not in- terrupted, and to suspend the levying the 701. from him. With the letter to Allen as ordered. 4 Sept. Order confirmed, and the County Committee are to 29 57(2) respite from Bowman's rent the amount received by Allen. With letter to Allen ordering him to pay the 907. he has received, unless he makes out his title in 8 days. Claimants on the Estate of JAMES, EARL OF DERBY. 866 11 Aug. 1652. SAM. BODEN, minister of Holland, co. Lancaster, 82 860 petitions that the parish church of Holland, formerly but a chapel in the parish of Wigan, is by Parliament Ordinance of 28 Sept. 1643, made a distinct parish from that of Wigan, and the minister thereof is allowed by the same Ordinance 19 marks a year out of the tithe-corn of Holland and Dalton; yet owing to the sequestration for the delinquency of the late Earl of Derby, petitioner is refused payment. Begs an order to the County Committee for payment thereof, with arrears. 11 Aug. The County Committee to certify, and Brereton to report 8 Dec. 1653. On Brereton's report, the Committee for Com- pounding order that if the Commissioners of Lancaster fiud Samuel Boden to be an honest man, and of abilities in the work of the ministry, they are to allow him the said 19 marks a year, and the arrears from 11 Aug. 1652. 18 June 1652. JAMES SMITH, minister of Rainford, co. Lancaster, 117 1153 begs payment with arrears of 401. a year granted on an order 1155 given of 17 March 1647 by the Committee for Plundered Ministers, out of Prescot Rectory, sequestered from the Earl of Derby. 17 140 82 867 19 1145 18 June. The County Committee to certify to his conduct and 16 558 abilities. } 27 Oct. Renews his petition, having again subscribed the engage- 117 1157 ment before the County Committee. Granted. 17 365 - 15 Sept. 1654. On his death, June 1654, Bridget his widow com- 117 1102 plains that the County Commissioners refuse a half-year's pay of the 501. augmentation granted out of the impropriations of Culcheth and Bedford, co. Lancaster, though she has had her husband's place supplied by godly and able ministers. 15 Sept. Payment ordered 27 117 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3267 2 March 1646. P. 1119. 2 March 1646. L.c.c. 172 273 R. 67 527 P. 1131. 17 March 1646. 21 July 1652. Order on the petition (missing) of the 5 children of THOMAS WAINWRIGHT, of Ormskirk,-for payment to them of of 5l. a year, granted to their father, 15 Charles, from the profits of fairs and markets at Ormskirk,-that the County Committee allow it, with arrears from Dec. 1649, provided Thos. Wainwright is not a recusaut. 7 July 1653. CAPT. THOS. HUNTER, of Bowscoate [or Roscoate], co. Lancaster, begs an order to the Committee of Lancaster to pay him for his discovery to them in July 1650 of lands called Bolton Heads, and the ore mines in Adgarley, sequestered from James, Earl of Derby, worth 951. a year. Has received no satis faction as yet for this discovery. 7 July. The County Committee to examine and certify 19 July. George Inman and Hen. Hartley, of Urswick, co. Lan- caster, petition that they farmed Bolton Heads in 1650 for 151. from a servant of the Earl of Derby, and ploughed and sowed it with oats, when Thos. Hunter, of Roscoate,-who had farmed it the year before, but had been dismissed for non-payment of rent,-pretended that the grounds were se- questrable for the Earl's delinquency, and offered 401. for them for that year, hoping to reap the crop sown by petitioners; whereupon the County Commissioners wish to dismiss them or compel them to pay 401., though the lease was before the delin- quency, and on survey the land was only valued at 207., being much above the value. Beg to prove their statement that their lease was before the Earl's delinquency, so that they may not be ruined by Hunter's malice. 19 July. Referred to the County Commissioners · Vol. No. G or P. 48 17 93 774 - 25 114 95 743 25 127 LESSEE OF THE ESTATE. 13 Nov. 1650. LIEUT.-COL. THOS. DOLEMAN begs to be admitted tenant for 7 years of the manors of Thirsk, Kirkby Malzeard, Burton, and Menwith, co. York, lately belonging to the Earl of Derby. 13 Nov. The County Committee to let the land according to 10 211 instructions. 81 81 82 Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS TANKARD. 8 May 1651. RALPH BELL, of Thirsk, co. York, and JOHN, his 67 533 son, beg reference to counsel of the certificate of the County Committee as to their claim to a rent-charge of 201. a year on the lands of Thomas Tankard, of Brampton, co. York, granted them in 1639 till 2507. and the arrears of the 201. a year should be paid, but for some years sequestered, so that they have had no profit. 8 May. Referred to Reading 14 111 67 529 68 26 Feb. 1652. The County Committee to allow it out of the part 16 of Tankard's estate, with arrears since 24 Dec. 1649. SIR EDWARD BATHURST. 4 Jan. 1656. Petitions the Protector for exemption from the 230 76A decimation tax, that he and his wife and 13 children may be saved from ruin. Would have joined the Earl of Essex in the beginning of the late war, but was prevented by his marriage; lived peaceably at Lechlade, and only signed warrants for the late King on threat of prison or plunder. Has never been privy to any plot against his Highness, and abhors the wicked practices of the malignant party. 4 Jan. The Major-General and Commissioners of co. Worcester 176 452 are to suspend proceedings against him till further orders. 3268 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 1156. 26 March 1646. LEASE 148 161 106 189 -192 148 167 -169 R. 106 179 L.C.C. & D. P. 1164. 2 April 1646. P. 1179. 13 April 1646. P. 1191. 18 April 1646. L.C.c. 158 253 D. 158 252 P.E. 68 270 D. 68 267 P. 1214. 28 April 1646. Vol. No. Gor p. Claimants on the Estate of JOHN and ROBERT WERDEN. 7 May 1651. THE GOVERNORS OF THE FREE SCHOOL OF MACCLES- 106 177 FIELD, co. Chester, petition that the school was incorporated by 181 Edward VI. with grant of lands for maintenance of a school- master and usher. In 35 Eliz. the governors let lands in Chester for 60 years, at rent of 101. 7s. 4d., to Randle Stanley and Wm. Davenport, but lately Rob. Werden, assignee to part of the lands charged with a rent of 51. 4s., was distrained for non-payment, when the County Committee claimed the pre- mises for the State on account of Werden's delinquency, but being convinced of petitioners' title, paid 101. 14s. arrears of rent. Beg allowance thereof, and an order for future payment during continuance of the lease. 7 Aug. County Committee to certify and Brereton to report - 14 109 106 183 14 Jan. 1652. The returns being made, and the report ready, the 106 175 Governors beg a speedy hearing, the maintenance of a charity being concerned. 14 Jan. To be heard to-morrow THOS. PRESTON. 21 June 1649. The fine being paid, the estate discharged - 15 189 15 Jan. Claim allowed, and the rent to be paid, with arrears 15 195 since 24 Dec. 1649. - 230 164▲ RICH. TRAVES. 16 Jan. 1651. Information by John Rolfe that Traves' houses in 125 Cornhill are worth 301. a year more than the 50%. at which he compounded for them. 19 Feb. Traves begs discharge of the re-sequestration of a 125 house in St. Michael's, Cornhill, procured at the instance of John Rolfe, scrivener, a tenant, who alleged the same to be worth 801. a year, whereas petitioner compounded for it at 501. a year. This was the value at which he let the houses on lease, but last January he bought back the lease from Alder- man Dethick, and settled them on his own wife as jointure. 12 March. The case referred to counsel 4 2 14 46 JOHN BILL. 27 Sept. 1651. Begs to compound for an estate in money of 68 268 1,500l., principal and interest, owing him by Sir Walter Roberts, Bart., of Glassenbury, Kent; also for the reversion of other lands and tenements after 37 years. Is reduced to so great poverty that he cannot raise his fine, nor contend at law against Sir Walter Roberts, who means to defraud him of his estate. Begs an order to the County Committee to levy the said debt, and render him the overplus, after payment of any fine that may be imposed on him. JOHN GIFFORD. 5 Aug. 1650. BERNARD MUNDY, aged 80 years, begs reduction of the 103 153 rent of his house in Distaff Lane, parish of St. Augustine-by- Paul's, London, to 81. a year. It now stands sequestered for the delinquency of his landlord, John Gifford; formerly paid 102., but had it reduced to 81. Noted for the County Committee to let it according to instructions. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3269 28 April 1646. P. 1224. 30 April 1646. H. 8 88 10 330 129 339 P.R. 11 39 R. 81 433 c. 81 443 H. 11 213 NOTE 11 217 64 466 L.C.C.231 37, 37A 16 Feb. 1653. He begs allowance for repairs, being unable himself 103 155 to defray the cost. L. 63 97 4 July. Blandford's lease confirmed, and Weeks' made void 16 Feb. The County Committee to view the house, and certify 17 680 what repairs are necessary, and whether they let it for the tenant to bear the cost of repairs. Vol. No. G or P. Claimants on the Estate of HENRY, LORD ARUNDEL, Wardour, Wilts. 31 May 1650. Petition of Stephen Blandford, of Semley, Wilts. 129 On 22 Dec. 1647, Semley Manor and Hook Farm, co. Wilts, were adjudged sequestered for delinquency of Lord Arundel, and 2 verdicts at law have been given against Lord Baltimore's title thereto. Is tenant thereof, but is interrupted by Luke Weeks [of Dunhead St. Mary], who pretends a grant from others, being part of the Committee of the said County, of of the said estate sequestered for recusancy of Lord Baltimore. Begs protection in his lease. 14 June. Order on request of Luke Weeks that the evidence 8 132, 135 before the Committee for Sequestrations be returned against 10 43, 44 the time of hearing, and Rice Vaughan to send it accord- ingly. 5 July. Order that the case between lords Arundel and Baltimore touching the fifths and thirds be heard. 11 July. Order that a copy of the votes of 4 July in the case be 11 delivered to the parties who desire them. - 341 Aug. ? Petition of Henry, Lord Arundel. Is heir-at-law to Semley Manor and Hook Farm, and has 2 judgments in the Upper Bench. The Committee are now pleased to examine the title, but notwithstanding this, and their orders of 4 and 24 July last in favour of Blandford, his tenant, Lord Baltimore tries to receive the profits, and he and his agents have destroyed the woods and committed much waste. Begs admission of a fit tenant, at a suitable rent, till hearing of the case. 8 200 10 58 129 345 8 203 10 59 12 19 July. Petition of Alice, Lady_Dudley, "enabled by Act of 81 435 21 James to be a femme sole.” Begs confirmation of an order of the Sequestration Committee for allowance to her of 3001. a year from Semley Manor, purchased by her, 5 Charles, for 3,000l. from Thomas, Lord Arundel, of Wardour, but se- questered for recusancy of Lord Baltimore, into whose hands it came, or for delinquency of the now Lord Arundel. 19 July. Case referred to counsel at law 24 July. Order on Lord Baltimore's desiring to have his thirds in Semley Manor, Hook Farm, and Tisbury, and an explanation of the order about the mansion-house, that the two Lords be left to their trial at law, and meanwhile this Committee will not allow a third or fifth to either party; the present tenant is not to disturb Lord Baltimore in his possession of the house, &c., and on the trial, the Committee request a special verdict for clearing the title. 11 39 11 47 63 105 20 Aug. Petition of Cecil, Lord Baltimore. Semley Manor, 63 202 Hook Farm, &c., in Tisbury, Wilts, were let by the County Committee to his tenant, John Weeks. Has been at great charge in repairing the mansion-house, building out-houses, value 300l., stocking the estate, &c. But on pretence made thereto by Lord Arundel, Stephen Blandford got a lease from another part of the County Committee of the same, and John Weeks' lease being dated before, and Blandford's after Michael- mas Day, the Committee declared in favour of the latter. 3270 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 30 April 1646. L.C.C.231 37B NOTE 231 37H L.C.C. 231 371 CASE 129 347 81 469 C.R. 11 223 o. 11 226 10 195 D. 63 203 -209 c. 63 211 D. 63 197 199 129 355 LORD ARUNDEL-cont. After next October, will be confined to his habitation by Act of Parliament, and has none other for himself and family than Semley manor-house, so begs that Weeks may be con- tinued as tenant; also that the under-tenants may not be disturbed meanwhile, and especially that the cattle of Luke Weeks, an under-tenant only, seized on this matter of the lease, may be restored. 3 Oct. Order that Blandford has carried the lease at the box 11 209 4 Nov. The case to be stated to Mr. Moore on Thursday peremp- 10 199 torily. L.C.c.231 37 14 Nov. Blandford having offered 131l. 7s. 8d. more than Lord 10 213 Baltimore, he is to be admitted tenant for a year. CASE 17 516 81 471 473 20 Aug. 1650. Order thereon that the full value of the lands be 11 83 stated, and that the County Committee treat with both Lords, and any else who desire to be tenants, and report their offers. Also that although Blandford's lease is pronounced good, the under-tenants be not disturbed. 26 Sept. The County Committee send up sundry offers for the 231 37c-G estate, viz. :—from Lord Baltimore, who offers 2681. 12s., Bland- ford 4001. 3s., James Hely and John Weeks, 2601. each. Vol. No. G or P. 1 Oct. The certificate of the Committee of Wilts, touching Sem- 11 205 ley and Hook farms, ordered to be read and considered on Thursday, 3 October. - 3 Dec. Blandford to be distrained on for the arrears of his rent 30 465 of Hook Farm. Roger Gurd, who offers 5211. 3s. 4d. above all taxes, which is 16l. 38. 4d. more than any other, is to be ad- mitted tenant of Hook and Semley farms. 4 Dec. Lady Dudley, having delivered her case to counsel, begs 81 447 leave to enjoy her right according to law. 4 Dec. Order that in case the counsel for all parties do not attend on summons, judgment will still be given in a fortnight. 10 242 81 464 468 8 Jan. 1651. Luke Weeks summoned to show why the order of 10 330 14 November is not obeyed. 20 Feb. He having voluntarily appeared, Lord Arundel is to exhibit interrogatories about his contempt, and he is to be kept in custody of a messenger. 12 Feb. Luke Weeks, being in contempt for disobeying the above 14 order, is to be sent for in custody. 63 14 1. 63 217 25 March. Order that he is in contempt for not yielding posses- 14 58 -251 D. 63 178 81 475 -479 sion of the estate leased to Blandford, that he be released on security to give up possession forthwith, and that he satisfy Blandford for costs and damages, which the County Com- mittee are to certify. L. 171 253 2 215 21 1 May. The Committee for Wilts to see Blandford put in 14 104 possession of the estate, using the power of the county, mili- tary and civil, if needful. 13 Aug. The case of several claimants on Semley to be stated 14 253 by Reading and Brereton, and if the counsel for the parties do not agree to the statement, the opinion of the Lord Chief Justices and Lord Chief Baron to be desired. 24 Sept. Blandford begs another year's lease at the former rent 63 213 of 400l. 3s., and payment from Weeks of costs and damages. 24 Sept. Both these parties and all desiring a year's lease are to 15 30 bid for the farm, Weeks' discharge to be reported to Parlia- 129 365 ment, and witnesses to be examined about costs. 24 Nov. 1652. Lord Commissioner Whitelock and Major-Gen. 17 433 Harrison are to be requested to move Parliament for direction to some of the Judges to deliver their opinions on this and other difficult cases. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3271 30 April 1646. D. 129 319 172 615 CASE 17 516 D. 63 178 129 361 B.C. 129 357 PUB. 27 61 H. 27 257, 246, 275 R. 129 355 ACCTS.129 353 C.P. 27 278 ACCTS.129 359 R.C. 27 258 c. 129 523 L. 129 529 173 555 D. 129 515 519 L. 129 527 c. 33 417 129 525 521 R. 129 495 c. 34 41 Vol. No. G or P. 371 2 Dec. 1652. Weeks begs leave to examine witnesses on his side. 129 Granted. 15 113 P. 1228. 30 April 1646. 30 May 1653. On a petition (missing) of Lady Dudley to the I 69 163 Council of State, they decline to interfere, as she has had her case pleaded by counsel before the Committee of Haberdashers' Hall and Committee for Compounding. 129 337 25 270 129 363 18 April 1654. He complains of want of notice - 129 367 18 April. A month's delay allowed. 27 33 19 Dec. Order on Blandford's request, for stay of proceedings 27 213 and for a hearing; the levying of the rents to be forborne meanwhile. 21 Dec. Weeks begs delay in publication of proofs 21 Dec. Peremptory publication ordered · 8 Feb. 1655. Order that Weeks pay into the Treasury 701. 68. 8d. 27 288(2) which he has received from the rents of the sequestered estate of which Blandford is tenant, and 301. fine. 8 May. Order that 701. 6s. 8d. damages and 731. 5s. 3d. costs in- 27 382 curred by Blandford be defalked from his rent, and that 129 351 Weeks pay the 70l. 6s. 8d. and 301. fine as directed by his Highness' Ordinance of 10 Feb. 1654. Also that the 57. paid by Blandford to get possession, and the 13l. 15s. expended by his solicitor, be allowed him. 18 Jan. 1655. Petition of Cecil, Lord Baltimore, for redress, being 142 391 dis-seized by the sheriff of Hants of part of his estate at Christ- church, which he holds from the State, and thus disenabled to pay his rent. 18 Jan. Referred to the County Committee - 27 258 25 Jan. Petition of Humph. Weld, of East Lulworth, Dorset, 129 509, for himself, Clare his wife, and Mary Somerset, Katherine 513, 535 Eure, Thomas Talbot, infant son and heir of Frances, Countess of Shrewsbury, and Frances Fortescue, infant daughter and heir of Lady Margaret Fortescue. Thomas, late Lord Arundel, in 12 Charles settled Christchurch Manor, after the death of himself and Ann his wife, on their daughters, whereupon peti- tioners claim & thereof, and have had two law verdicts in their favour; but Lord Baltimore, who had in right of his late wife, [Anne] daughter of Lord Arundel, disturbs them on plea of a lease of of the manor sequestered for his recusancy. Beg a hearing, and orders for their tenants not to be disturbed mean- while.* 25 Jan. Referred to the County Commissioners, and Baltimore 27 170 is to send in his proofs. 14 Feb. Order that the depositions taken in the Courts of Wards 27 293 and Chancery may be used in the case. 22 March. Order thereon, allowing the claim of Weid and his co- 23 1676 petitioners, and discharging the estate from sequestration 129 493 unless Baltimore within 8 days show cause to the contrary. With note that the notice was served, and Lord Baltimore said he had no cause to show. 23 March. Order confirmed - 23 1680 JAMES BARKER. 10 Jan. 1654. His petition (missing) to contract on the late Recu- 26 5 sants' Act for the sequestered of his estate referred to Reading. * The Clare, Mary, Katherine, Frances, Margaret, and Anne named in this peti- tion are the six daughters of Thomas, 1st Lord Arundel of Wardour. 3272 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 1251. 30 April 1646. P. 1258. 30 April 1646. P. 1261. 30 April 1646. P.E. 102 543 P.R. 5 37 P. 1267. April 1646. P. 1277. 8 May 1646. EARL OF NORTHAMPTON. 29 Aug. 1650. JOHN LANGHAM petitions that in 1640, he lent 3,000l. to the late Spencer, Earl of Northampton, and had as security a lease for 99 years of Crosby House, and other houses and warehouses in Bishopsgate Street, London, at a pepper- corn rent, the lease avoidable on repayment of the 3,000l. with 12 months' interest. This failing, in 1642 he lent 600l. more, making with interest 6,000l., which at simple interest to May last, comes to 6,5601.; has only received 7907. 15s. 11d. clear in rents, &c., and does not think the premises, if sold, would be worth the balance of 5,7691. 4s. 1d. Begs to compound for the estate on the late Act for Mortgages, and to enjoy it till repaid. 29 Aug. Referred to Brereton - 11 112 Claimant on the Estate of SIR CHARLES TREVANION. 30 March 1653. EDM. ALDRICH and WM. WAKE, of London, beg 62 275 inquiry if 3 houses co. Devon, value 40l. a year, bought by them from Sir Charles Trevanion, were sequestered before 1 Dec. 1651, and whether they cannot be discharged on the Act of Pardon. 30 March. Referred to the County Committee · Claimant on the Estate of LADY WINDSOR. 14 Dec. 1648. WM. MOLYNS petitions to compound for the Bordsley Lodge farm, with other lands, co.Worcester, purchased of Dame Katherine Windsor 23 Sept. 1648, and sequestered for her recusancy. Vol. No. G or p. 99 783 of 102 541 At Ladyday 1651, the estate being to be let and posted by the County Committee, before the day appointed for letting, Heapes went to the said Committee privately, pretending that he came to take it for the inhabitants as formerly, and pro- cured a lease for 7 years at an undervalue; but he will not allow the inhabitants any benefit, it being drawn in his name only, although it was the County Committee's intent that all the old tenants should hold their parts as before, paying their several rents proportionately. Complains that she cannot en- joy her tithes from him but at double the rent he pays the State, and that he has sued her husband, who is not present to make his own defence, near to outlawry. 25 28 EARL OF CHESTERFIELD. 15 Sept. 1652. ELIZABETH, wife of JOHN TRUEMAN, quartermaster 125 133 to Captain Henry Champion, begs stay of proceedings at law against her husband. He and Fras. Heapes were joint lessees for themselves and the inhabitants, of the tithes of Burton Joyce, co. Notts, for 1650, sequestered for the Earl of Ches- terfield's delinquency. * SIR GEORGE MORTON, Bart., Milborne St. Andrew's, Dorset, and JOHN, his Son. 15 Sept. County Committee to examine and certify touching the 17 228 late County Committee's proceedings herein, &c. P.E. 102 761 Sir George Morton begs to compound on Exeter Articles. Was 102 759 never in arms, but his estate being extended for debts, he was obliged to repair to his friends and kindred, though they were in the King's quarters, for subsistence, and therefore was in Exeter at its surrender to Sir Thos. Fairfax, and was comprised in the Articles of 8 April 1646. Begs allowance for the incumbrances on his estate. 1 June 1652. The County Committee enquire whether, by the 258 order of 5 February last, the extenders of Sir George Morton's estate may take the benefit of the demesne lands, fell trees, 53 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3273 8 May 1646. 1.&D.102 769 -775 R. 25 145 P.E. 226 767 P.R. 12 571 226 761 D. 226 777, 785-791 R. 226 753 P.E. 24 1144 c. 152 695 -L.C.C.152 697 167 49 R. 102 685 5 and have leave to make hedges, or whether the coppices are to be reserved. Also whether may be allowed him for main- tenance, and wood for his own use, he being now deprived of all subsistence. Also what course to take for arrears of old rents. They have distrained the cattle of his tenant, who pleading that he paid his rent to Sir George, refers them to common law. 70358. c. 102 641 29 Dec. Sir George Morton petitions the Committee for relief 102 779 on Articles of War for leave to compound on Exeter Articles, being there at its surrender. Petitioned the Committee for Compounding thereon,-his estate being of little value because of incumbrances, and he being only tenant for life,—but neither the late nor present Committee have set his fine, though they have long since sequestered his estate, and it is now in the Additional Act for Sale, contrary to the vote of Parliament thereon. He begs redress. Vol. No. G or P. 15 June 1652. Sir George is not to fell timber, but to be allowed 30 47 fencing wood. His son may be allowed of old rents and woods. As to the tenants who have replevied the cattle distrained for arrears, the County Committee are to distrain as often as replevied, and if the case come into court, to plead the Act of 25 Jan. 1650. 22 June. John Morton begs for his subsistence of what has been 102 616 received by the sequestrators from his father's estate in co. Dorset, which was extended till 1650, when it was sequestered, and now the extent is again laid on, except on some old rents 16 190 and woods. Granted. 29 Dec. The case to be stated to the Committee for Compound- 102 777 ing, and enquiry made whether he has forfeited the benefit of his Articles. 11 Jan. 1653. The County Committees of Somerset and Dorset 17 582 to certify proceedings before them and the late County Com- mittees, and whether Morton has forfeited the benefit of his Articles of War. 29 July. Order in the Committee for relief on Articles of War, 226 765 on hearing counsel on both sides, that he has not forfeited his Articles, and therefore should be allowed to compound upon them. 20 Oct. He begs to compound on Exeter Articles accordingly - · . 102 643 226 763 25 Nov. Protection from arrest granted him to come up and pro- 25 255 secute his composition. 6 Dec. Fine 6001., to be paid within 6 weeks [9] Dec. Fine paid and estate discharged · - 12 · 12 584 24 1144 CLAIMANTS ON THE EState. 1649 P FERDINAND HASTINGS pleads that he and his late father in 102 693 14 Charles obtained a judgment for 1,2001. due to them on bond of Sir G. Morton, and had Clenston Manor, Dorset, and other lands assigned for the debt and damages, but the estate being sequestered for delinquency, he cannot receive the benefit of his extent. Begs leave to compound for the premises. 8 July 1650. Ferdinand Hastings pleads that 11 years since, he 102 obtained a judgment against Sir G. Morton, on a bond of 1,2007., extended his lands, and on his sequestration, had an order from the Committee for Sequestrations allowing the ex- tent; but Morton, pleading earlier judgments, and combining with his pretended creditors, has got back the estate of great value, and neither paid his debts nor compounded for his de- linquency. Begs examination and redress. Noted that the County Committee are to seize and secure the land till the petitioner makes good his claim. P.E. 102 711 2 Aug. 1650. CHRISTINE and MAT. JUMPER, executors of Mat. 102 713 Jumper, who was executor of Wm. Jumper, beg allowance of 695 G 3274 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 8 May 1646. ACCTS. 132 341 R. 102 623 707 B. 102 619 ACCTS.102 627 D. 102 705 R. 102 753 D. 102 741, 749-751 R. 102 733 H. 15 90 91 ACCTS.102 773 -776 R. 102 765 P.E. 161 423 o.c.c.161 422 H. 15 229 SIR GEORGE MORTON, &c.—cont. their extent on Sir G. Morton's lands for a debt on bond of 130l. to Wm. Jumper, proved before the County Committee of Dorset; but the estate mortgaged therefor being seques- tered, they receive no benefit from the lands. 2 Aug. 1650. The rents are to remain in the tenants' hands pend- 11 64 ing a hearing, and the parties are to bring in their account of 102 715 what has been received, and what is still unpaid. Aug. The executors beg to receive the Michaelmas rents, by 102 709 which their debt would be satisfied. Vol. No. G or P. 2 Aug. 1650. ANNE, widow and executrix of FRAS. WITHINS, begs 102 721 allowance of her extent on Sir G. Morton's lands for a debt of 507. on a bond for 1,000l., which debt was allowed by the Committee for Sequestrations and is not yet paid. Begs restoration of the rents till paid. 2 Aug. Reading is to state the matter, the rents remaining 11 64 meanwhile in the tenants' hands, and she is to bring in an 102 723 account of her receipts. Aug. She begs the benefit of the Act of 1 Aug. 1650, and 132 340 restoration of the rents in arrear since 25 March 1649. 28 Aug. Plea renewed; the lands extended are of the yearly 132 339 value of 2007., and Sir George is only tenant for life; is willing to submit the case to this Committee on the Act of 1 Aug. 1650. Noted as referred to Reading. 4 Dec. Isaac Appleton, and Susan, his wife, widow and ad- 102 739 ministratrix of Sir Rob. Crane, Bart., beg restoration of lands of Morton's for which they had an extent for 2,000l. and 41. costs, for a debt of 1,080l. to Sir R. Crane, and discharge of the sequestration lately put on by the County Committee; the extent is on Milborne farm and lands, Dorset, value 3671. 38. 4d. a year, and Crane died before satisfaction of the debt. The County Committee ordered them satisfaction, but they have been interrupted therein. 4 Dec. Order that Brereton report the state of the case 4 and 20 March 1651. County Committee of Dorset to certify the value of the lands in extent, the receipts by the several claim- ants, and what remains in the tenants' hands. 25 June. Hastings begs for prosecution in Mrs. Within's case of the order of 4 March 1651, which he doubts not would prove that her debt is already paid; also for a time to be fixed for all parties concerned to produce their accounts. 19 Nov. Petition of the Appletons renewed, with request for a speedy hearing. With note of order that the registrar look out the reports on Morton's estate, and that the case be heard in a fortnight, notice being given to Withins, Hastings, and Jumper. 10 102 241 737 14 36 56 90 743 90 742 25 June. The claimants are to account with the auditor on oath, 14 179 and the fines to be set in a fortnight. 90 747 63 941 9 Dec. If Appleton and the other creditors can prove that they 15 122 have orders from the Committee for Sequestrations for en- 102 621, joying their extents, they may receive the rents on security 631, 757, pending a hearing. 767 4 Feb. 1652. Rich. Proger, executor of Anne Withins, pleads the 102 617 order of 9 Dec. 1651, by which Sir G. Morton's creditors were to prove that their debts were allowed by the Committee for Sequestrations, and then to receive their reuts on security, and begs its fulfilment, the allowance being proved. 5 Feb. In the cases of Appleton, Jumper, Withins, and Hast- 15 15 245 ings, they are all to be left to their course of law, seques- 63 943 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3275 8 May 1646. D. 226 783 D. 226 788 L.C.C. 91 731 167 51 D. 91 733 R. 91 723 C.P. 17 689 C. 32 143 L.C.C. 167 45 P.E. 167 47 C. 91 709 H. 27 345 P.R. 16 686 109 383 D. 109 390 391 tration suspended till their debts are paid, and the County Com- mittees are to allow them to receive their rents, except from old rents and coppices, which are reserved for the State. The County Committee for Dorset is to examine whether Morton has granted any estates since sequestration, and Perry, the scri- vener, to give an account of his receipts from the estates of Barth. Lane, Morton's servant, to bring in his accounts. 24 March 1652. Hastings, Appleton, and Proger beg an order for all the arrears of rent due to them by virtue of their ex- tents, but withheld by the orders for sequestration. W 24 March. The order of 5 February confirmed, and [Edw.] Perry 16 207 and Barth. Lane to bring in their accounts of receipts from Sir G. Morton's estates. Vol. No. G or P. 27 May. The order of 5 February to stand, and the Committees 16 474 of the counties where the estates lie are to allow the creditors to receive the rents due since July 1650 that are in the tenants' hands, but not those already received by the said Committees. 90 739 8 July. The rents not accounted for allowed to be paid by the 16 675 County Committees to the creditors, and if the former tenants refuse to pay their arrears, they are to be levied on their estates. 9 April 1652. CAPT. RALPH HORSEY, for the creditors of Sir George Horsey, begs discharge of Horsey and Pegnes manors, con- veyed by Sir George Horsey to trustees, of whom petitioner and Sir George Morton are the only survivors, but the estate is sequestered for Morton's delinquency, though he only holds it in trust. 2 Dec. Proger pleads that by order of 8 July, Morton's rents 102 609 were to be paid to the creditors, and by Reading's report, Mrs. Withins was to be first satisfied before Hastings; begs an order accordingly. 29 Aug. 1650. Reference to Reading of the petition (missing) 11 107 of EDWARD PERRY, of London, to continue in possession of lands formerly Sir George Morton's, extended by petitioner. Oct. P Horsey begs on report that the sequestration may be dis- charged, Sir George Morton's name taken out of the Act of Sale, and the manors in trust preserved for payment of Sir George Horsey's debts. 24 Feb. 1653. Fowle is to see what has been done in the case before the Committee for Sequestrations and Barons of Ex- chequer, and also to examine which of the debts in the schedule annexed to the deed of trust belong to recusants or delinquents, and the Somerset Committee are to certify why the estate was sequestered as Sir G. Morton's. 9 April. The Somerset Committee to enquire as to the date and 16 292 cause of sequestration, and Reading to report. 91 726 91 738 91 727 735 19 1072 29 Dec. The said Committee having not so certified, Horsey 91 711 and the other creditors beg a speedy order to them to do so. 29 Dec. Order for a search in the books of the late County Com- 25 278 mittee accordingly, and the returns when made are to be referred to Reading. 271 12 April 1655. Sir George Morton is to be examined by the 23 1682 Committee for Dorset, and their returns referred to Reading. 3 July. Horsey's claim allowed and the sequestration of the estate 28 petitioned for by the creditors discharged, with arrears since 9 April 1652. 1 13 July 1652. WM. PITT begs leave to extend a part of Sir George 109 379 Morton's estate, yet unextended, for a debt of 1007. on a statute staple for 2001. 387 G 2 3276 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 8 May 1646. R. 109 381 P.R. D. R. C. 17 290 86 849 86 853 851 86 843 32 178 P. 1289. 16 May 1646. R.C. 8 90 10 33 IND. 88 179 L.C.C. 88 171 D. 88 159 CASE 88 173 c. 88 175 88 165 P.E. 88 185 ACCTS. 88 189 -199 c. 88 181 R. -183 D. 93 795 794 19 1082 c. 33 301 2 Aug. 1653. LEONARD Darr, of the Inner Temple, begs leave to 139 565 extend the sequestered estate of Sir George Morton, on a bond of 2001. for a debt of 1021. 13s. 4d., for which he has a judgment in the Common Pleas. 2 Aug. Referred to Reading P.R. 14 58 100 78 792 CASE 88 161 R. 93 787 L.C.C. 162 173 P.E. 162 175 L.C.C. 162 371 P.E. 162 367 369 H. 64 264 CASE SIR GEORGE MORTON, &c.-cont. 27 July. 1652. On report that 851 is still unpaid, order that it be paid from Sir G. Morton's old rents, &c., reserved to the State. 29 Sept. 1652. Caldwall Farrington, merchant of London, exe- cutor of Eliz. Thompson, widow and executrix of THOS. THOMPSON, of London, begs payment out of the sequestered estate of Sir George Morton of a bond of 4051. given in 1631 by Morton to Thos. Thompson, that it may be employed for the benefit of his orphan children, to whom petitioner is trustee. 14 April 1653. Payment ordered - Vol. No. G or P. 55 17 86 847 855 - 25 153 17 Oct. The lease again allowed, and a copy of the auditor's cer- tificate to be sent to the County Committes. Claimants on the Estate of SIR JOHN CULPEPPER. 31 May 1650. EDMUND GIBBON, of the Middle Temple, begs that 88 170 he may enjoy the profits of Thoresway Manor, co. Lincoln, con- veyed to him for 99 years in 1639 by Sir John Culpepper, for 1,000l. debt; it was discharged from sequestration for Sir John's delinquency, by order of the Committee for Sequestra- tions in Sept. 1645, but is again sequestered on general grounds. 22 Aug. His lease allowed, and he ordered to bring in an account of his receipts from the estate towards satisfaction of his debt. 88 187 30 Aug. His agent, Fras. Kenward's, account referred to Aud. Sherwin. 11 84 11 126 M 10 189 29 Jan. 1651. Edward Hudson, of Thoresway, begs payment of his 93 789 annuity of 201. purchased of Sir John Culpepper for 150l., and charged on Thoresway Manor, by indenture of 17 June 1639. On its sequestration in 1644, the County Committee allowed the deed, and ordered payment of the annuity 4 Feb. 1645, but now Edm. Gibbon is forbidden to pay it without special order. 29 Jan. Referred to Brereton 10 371 93 792 3 June. On Gibbon's petition to be tenant for two leases belong- 14 148 ing to Trinity College, Cambridge, sequestered from Culpepper, the County Committee are to survey the premises, and certify the value for a 7 years' lease. 6 Aug. The Master, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College, 139 197 Cambridge, beg to be admitted tenants of the rectories of Randall and Little Coates, and lands in Grimsby, &c., co. Lin- coln, formerly leased for 20 years to Sir John Culpepper, since a delinquent, and let to Gibbon for a year from May 1650, by the County Committee, who promised then to accept a tenant from the College. 6 Aug. The County Committee to enter on the premises, survey 14 243 them, and let them for 7 years according to instructions. 14 Aug. Order detained because Trinity College wishes to rent 14 255 only the leasehold lands, not the freehold, which would be prejudiced thereby; the County Committee are to let all to- gether, and Trinity College to bid by the box. 88 163 11 Sept. This order revoked, and Gibbon to have the estate till 15 16 Ladyday, and to account with the auditor for his receipts. The estate is not to be sold before Ladyday, but the County. Committee are to send up such offers as are then made for it. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3277 16 May 1646. O.T.T. 78 749 778 o.c. 15 128 c. 93 780 26 Nov. Brereton is to certify whether the annuity was allowed by the County Committee of Lincoln, and if so, petitioner is to receive it on security. O.T.T. 78 751 18 Sept. 1651. Gibbon is to have the manor till his debt of 1,400l. is satisfied; his account with Auditor Sherwin is allowed, except 751. paid to Sir John Culpepper, and 867. 11s. 9d. to the minister of Thoresway; of the 1881. 3s. 1d. for charges in prosecution of the discharge of the sequestration, 50l. only allowed; 9791. 19s. 10d. still remains to be received by Gibbon out of the estate. 0.T.T. 78 753 O.T.T. 78 755 O.T.T. 78 747 P. 1301. 21 June 1646. O.T.T. 112 529 26 Nov. Hudson having no means of supporting himself here, 93 783 begs a speedy hearing of his short report. c. 34 7 9 March. Referred to Brereton 29 Jan. 1652. The deed by which Hudson's annuity was granted 15 231 allowed, and payment ordered with arrears from Dec. 1649. 23 March. Gibbon desiring to be continued tenant for a year 16 190 longer, order that on accounting with the auditor, and paying in his receipts out of the estate, this request be considered, and he is to give notice to the Master, Fellows, &c., of Trinity College. Vol. No. G or P. 15 25 23 March. His request will be considered on his accounting with 16 198 the auditor, and paying in his receipts in a week, and he is to give notice to the Master and Fellows to attend the hearing this day 3 weeks. 22 April. Having obeyed this order, he is admitted tenant a year 16 338 longer at full value, accounting with the auditor for his receipts on oath. 15 105 93 779 25 May. The auditor to state the accounts 25 80 9 March 1655. The Master of Trinity College begs an order to the 139 195 County Committee for payment of arrears due for their rectory and parsonage of Randall and Little Coates, let for 20 years to Sir John Culpepper by deed of 27 Nov. 1639. PURCHASERS OF THE ESTATE. Discharge from sequestration of lands forfeited by Sir J Cul- pepper, and bought by the Treason Trustees, viz.: 22 Sept. 1652. Three sheep-walks in Thoresway Manor, co. Lincoln, bought by Edm. Gibbon. 27 331 30 April 1651. JOHN CULPEPPER, merchant, begs payment of his 78 794 annuity of 301. granted him by Sir John Culpepper, by deed of 10 Oct. 1637. Has only received 75l. since 1645, and being beyond seas, could not apply earlier for relief. 30 April. Referred to Brereton · Purchaser of the Estate of LAWRENCE PARKINSON. 21 June 1653. Discharge from sequestration of Swineshead Hall, &c., Upper Wyersdale, co. Lancaster, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Thos. Clayton. 14 100 78 792 28 Sept. Houses in East Randall and 10 other parishes, 17 285 co. Lincoln, bought by Edm. Gibbon. Also Fawshaw Manor, co. Warwick, bought by Edw. Cham- 17 282 berlain. Also marsh land in Bromehill parish, Sussex, bought by Ant. 17 279 Samwell. 29 July 1653. Thoresway Manor, bought by Lewis Audley 18 858 18 778 18 847 8278 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 1302. 30 May 1646. P. 1342. 20 June 1646. Pp. 1345–1347. 20 June 1646. c. 71 665 L. 87 93 155 432 D. 87 95 R. 87 75 L.C.C. & D. 1 120 209 R. -214 120 195 L. 120 209 155 430 D. 120 211 c. 120 210 -214 C. D. 87 98 87 89 -95 SIR THOMAS STAFFORD. 27 March 1648. THE INHABITANTS OF WEST HAM, Essex, complain 129 437 that their vicarage will not maintain a minister, the house and glebe being worth only 201. a year, and the herbage and other profits below 407., so that they have had no constant minister. As their impropriation [sequestered from Sir T. Stafford] is now to be disposed of, they beg an augmentation therefrom. Noted that 207. is to be settled on West Ham, the rest on Low Layton; with the names of 6 trustees allowed of for the settlement. Vol. No. G or P. AUGUSTINE HOLL. 30 June 1651. The executors and others to be examined for 30 293 discovery of the 6.0007, said to be due to Lady Gage by Holl. Claimants on the Estate of RICHARD and CARILL, VISCOUNTS MOLINEUX. 10 March 1649. Order for payment to JOHN BUCKLEY, minister of Shipley, Sussex, by the County Committee, of 100l. a year from [Richard] Lord Molineux's sequestered estate; it was settled on the minister and allowed in Lord Molineux's fine, but Buckley complains of non-payment, owing to a differ- ence between the Committee and Lord Molineux. 5 75 22 Sept. 1653. Buckley's complaint renewed against Lord 71 678 Molineux's agents, who are feoffees in trust, and receive the salary, but detain it, and seek to throw him and his large family out of doors. Begs redress. 22 Sept. Order that as Lord Molineux was allowed in his fine 22 1476 1,4701. for this 1007. a year, and for 471. a year to Southover Church, he pay this augmentation with arrears, or show cause why, on his default, the re-demise of Shipley tithes to him should not be made void. 12 Oct. The trustees to take care that it is duly paid 25 223 21 June 1654. Buckley's augmentation confirmed, on certificate 22 1486 in his behalf by the Committee for Approbation of Ministers. 122 23 Sept. 1653. JOHN FORTESCUE, of London, begs discharge of 87 85 sequestration of Roxwell and other lands in Essex, belonging to Margaret, Lady Carill, widow, now dead, and descended to her grandchild, Mary Molineux, who sold them to peti- tioner. 23 Sept. Referred to the County Committee 25 177 87 87 29 Dec. 1653. WILLIAM STANLEY, of Hoghton, Cheshire, peti- 120 tions that Dame Marg. Carill in 13 Car., settled lands in Essex on the Earl of Thanet and others, in trust for herself for her life, and then for Charlotte, daughter of Lord Molineux, her grandchild, petitioner's wife; she died last August, but the premises are sequestered for her recusancy. Begs discharge of one half thereof. 207 155 29 Dec. Referred to the County Committee to take examina- 25 271 120 205 tions. 9 March 1654. Order on report that Stanley's claim is allowed, 23 1584 but before discharge, Richard, Lord Molineux, and Henry, Lord Morley and Monteagle, are to swear that there has been no revocation of the deed of 1637, by which Stanley claims; the rents to remain 2 months in the tenants' hands. 21 March. Wm. Stanley and John Fortescue beg that the 120 153 Committee for Middlesex may be ordered to repair to Lord COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3279 20 June 1646. R. 87 75 P. 1356. 25 June 1646. P. 1359. 25 June 1646. P. 1372. 30 June 1646. P.E. 118 538 213 653 R. 213 649 o.c. 8 8 P. 1381. 4 July 1646. P.E. 208 68 P.R. 5 35 c. 208 67 R. 208 64 Morley's house, Clare Street, Covent Garden, and take his deposition, he being weak and unable to travel-as to whether Lady Carill ever revoked the said deed. Granted. 25 316 499 501 22 March 1654. The said Committee return his Lordship's deposi- 162 tion, signed Morley and Monteagle, that he does not believe that Margaret, widow of Sir Thos. Carill, made void or altered the deed of 13 Charles between her and John, Earl of Thanet, and others. Vol. No. G or P. 28 March. Stanley and Fortescue beg that the County Committee 120 149 for Lancashire may take the examination of Lord Molineux in the case. Granted. 25 April. In Stanley's case, the sequestration is discharged, on deposition of Lords Molineux and Monteagle as to the validity of the title, and the bonds are to be forthwith delivered up. 27 1 23 April. Fortescue's claim cannot be allowed till [Carill] Lord 23 1587 Molineux, as well as Lord Morley, has deposed that there has been no revocation of the deed. 23 1600 26 April. Both their claims having been allowed, their bonds are 27 36 to be returned. WM. COGAN. 16 July 1650. Order on his petition (missing) to compound, 11 not being sequestered, for a personal estate of 317. 5s. that the fine be at 1, 4l. 22 250 3 Aug. He is to be sequestered for non-payment of the latter of 12 624 his fine. JOHN HERBERT. 5 Aug. 1650. JOAN HERBERT [wife of John Herbert] begs order 92 747 for the allowance of the arrears of her fifth which the Committee for Sequestrations allowed 10 Dec. 1647, and the Barons of Exchequer confirmed 20 Dec. 1649, but the County Committee refuse it without order from this Committee. 18 Jan. 1649. Fine at, 2071.; on proof of the amount of charges on his land allowance will be made for them. 9 Aug. Order to the County Committee to allow it according to 11 71 the instructions. *ANTHONY SOUTH, Wyberton, Co. Lincoln. Thos. South, on his behalf, begs that he may be admitted to com- 118 537 pound on Newark Articles. for his delinquency, he being in arms in Newark at its surrender. By reason of sickness he cannot attend in person. 14 April 1649. Anthony South, of Trinity Hall, Cambridge [P if 213 652 the same], petitions to compound. 21 June. Fine at å, 1507. 6 110 SIR GEORGE PARRY. 11 Dec. 1648. THOS. WALKER of Catpoole, Devon, begs to com- 208 70 pound for lands granted by his grandfather, Thos. Walker, to James Walker and his heirs, and in default of his issue, to John Walker, petitioner's father, and his heirs. Sir George Parry being engaged for James Walker in divers debts, James Walker conveyed the lands to Sir George Parry and Sir John Ackland, deceased. James Walker is now dead without issue, and peti- tioner is son and heir of John Walker, also deceased. The debts being all satisfied, Parry is content to convey the lands to petitioner, but they are sequestered as his lands. Has been in arms, but has no estate, real or personal, and only the pos- sibility of recovery in course of equity of lands mortgaged by James Walker for great sums of money, and forfeited. 5 48. 3280 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 1404. 23 July 1646. P. 1424. 4 Aug. 1646. 136 247 180_258 L.C.C. I.&D. 152 309 -318 c. 32 233 136 241, 259,261 R.C. 25 148 136 283 c. 33 291 R. 136 237 L.C.C. ƒ 152 319 1.&D. -327 c. 136 287 R. 136 277 H. 27 76, 82, 133 136 275 235 c. 34 377 34 63 P. 1429. 4 Aug. 1646. P. 1439. 6 Aug. 1646. c. 98 474 o.c. 16 272 CASE 98 493 D. 98 501 -505 R. 98 483 c. 33 372 402 P. 1446. 6 Aug. 1646. Claimant on the Estate of SILVESTER NORRIS. 12 May 1648. RICH. NEWCOMBE, of Ingerley, petitions to com- 106 909 pound for the manor of Overnawden, in Ingerley and Bratton parishes, Devon, worth 201. 68. a year, purchased of Silvester Norris, for whose recusancy are sequestered. 12 May. Order for a letter to the County Committee to cer- 4 202 tify, &c. Claimants on the Estate of ROGER NEWCOURT. 271 15 Dec. 1652. TOBY NEWCOURT, by his guardian, Wm. Fry of Devon, 136 243 begs allowance of his title to a tenement and lands called Hensby, near Tiverton, Devon, sequestered in Nov. 1652 as the estate of Roger Newcourt, late of Bagborough and Bishop's Lydeard, Somerset, at whose death the said lands descended to petitioner as heir-apparent to John Newcourt, of Pickwell, Devon, in whom the inheritance lies. 15 Dec. Referred to the County Committee → Vol. No. G or p. 27 June 1653. Rich. Newcourt, of Somerton, Somerset, claims 136 273 the same premises on the ground that by his brother Roger's death, they fall to him for a term of years determinable upon his death. 285 18 May 1654. The estate granted to Richard, with arrears from 23 1606 date of petition, unless Toby Newcourt show cause to the contrary within a month. 19 Oct. Both parties to be left to trial at law, and the arrears to be deposited meanwhile, at request of both parties, in the hands of Rob. Walker, of Exeter, 17 508 136 245 3 Oct. Richard Newcourt begs that a peremptory day may be 136 233 fixed for hearing the report on his petition. Granted. 27 129 23 1636 Claimants on the Estate of SIR JOHN STOWELL. 23 Sept. 1651. JOHN BALL, minister of Halse, Somerset, begs an order to the County Committee to pay him 50l. a year granted him by the Committee for Plundered Ministers from Halse Rec- tory, sequestered from Sir John Stowell, as an increase of his maintenance. 65 754 23 Sept. Order for payment accordingly, without any demand for 15 28 fees. · SIR JOHN LUCAS, alias LORD LUCAS. 30 March 1652. Begs the benefit of the Act of Oblivion, not 98 459 having known that there was any discovery of the under- valuation of his estate when he discovered it himself, and the same not being sequestered before Dec. 1651. 30 March. Granted if not sequestered before 1 Dec. 1651 16 240 98 499 23 April. The County Committee for Surrey report that he was 98 491 sequestered before that date in their county. 8 July. Reading to state the case and report 16 679 98 489 WILLIAM RATCLIFFE. 23 March 1652. WM. GRAHAM, WM. PORTER, and ANNE STOBBERT, 88 924 all of Netherwitton, Northumberland, servants to the late Wm. Ratcliffe, beg examination by the County Committee and refer- ence to counsel of their claim to a rent-charge of 127. a year settled in 1635 by Charles Howard of Naworth Castle, 4th son COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3281 6 Aug. 1646. c. 32 196 88 916, 920, 921 D. 88 916 R. 88 909 D. 88 917 P. 1449. 7 Aug. 1646. P. 1485. 12 Sept. 1646. c. 82 555 D. 82 557 -561 R. 82 549 L.C.C. 172 30 to Lord William Howard, and by Dorothy his wife, for 150l. on Wm. Ratcliffe, with power of redemption on re-payment with arrears of rent, and left by him to petitioners; but wanting means, they have yet reaped no benefit therefrom. Vol. No. Gor p. 6 Aug. 1652. County Committee to certify and Reading to report 16 174 20 Oct. 1653. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged, with 19 1133 arrears since date of petition, unless Wm. Ratcliffe, who died Oct. 1647, was sequestered for delinquency before death. JOHN TALBOT. 22 Jan. 1651. DOROTHY, wife of JOHN TALBOT, of Dinckley, co. 121 449 Lancaster, begs of her husband's estate sequestered for recu- sancy and delinquency. Granted. 10 357 EDWARD GREY. 2 Aug 1650. On the petition (missing) of MARGARET, LADY 11 Bowes, and ELIZABETH, BARBARA, and ALICE DELAVALE, sisters and co-heirs of Mary, late wife of Edw. Grey, delinquent, they are ordered to prove whether Edw. Grey is yet living. · 66 20 Nov. They beg discharge of the sequestration on Heaton 82 554 Manor and two messuages called Higham Dykes and Little Benton, Northumberland, of which Robert Mitford was seized, and by indenture dated 16 June 1640 gave them to Sir Peter Riddell, to the use of him, the said Robert, and Marie his then wife, and their heirs, and in default of heirs of the said Robert, to the heirs of Mary. Robert Mitford died without heirs, and Mary entered into the said lands, married Edward Grey, for whose delinquency they are now sequestered, and died in Feb. 1650. By her death the lands have descended to petitioners. 20 Nov. 1650. Referred to Brereton 10 216 82 552 9 Oct. 1651. Fowle to search the Fine Office for any fine levied 15 45 by Mary Grey, and the Enrolment Office for any deed conveying the premises away; and the County Committee to examine Edw. Grey as to whether he has alienated the estate. 8 May 1652. Order that as THOS. MAINWARING has purchased from 16 373 the Treason Trustees lands and a mill in All Hallows parish, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and also lands at Long Benton, Northum- berland, late the estate of Edw. Grey, the County Committee are to forbear to receive the rents, if the premises are seques- tered as belonging to Grey. 27 May 1653. Thos. Mainwaring, of London, petitions that 106 287 having contracted, 21 Jan. 1652, with the Trustees of Drury House for purchase of part of the estate of Edw. Grey, it has since appeared,-by the orders of the Committee for Removing Obstructions, dated 6 July 1652 and 30 March 1653, in allow- ance of a claim of Sir Fras. Bowes, Margaret his wife, and Elizabeth, Barbara, and Alice Delavale, sisters and co-heirs of Mary Grey, late wife of the said Edw. Grey, that the premises were the inheritance of Mary Grey, who died without issue, whereby they descended to the said co-heirs, and no interest remained in Edw. Grey for the said Trustees to dispose of. The Trustees, 9 May 1653, ordered their treasurers to deliver to petitioner his bills, and the interest paid on his purchase money, which they refused, unless he paid the rent received since the contract. Has repaired to the Trustees, who refer him to this Committee to account for the said rent, which amounts to 1701., out of which he has disbursed 64l. 19s. 4d. in taxes and charges. Begs leave to pay in the remainder, and have his discharge; also a certificate to the Trustees and treasurers, so that he may have his bills and interest returned. 3282 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 12 Sept. 1646. ACCTS.106 284 285 c. 33 291 R. 82 485 c. 86 385 D. 86 387, 383, 236 R. 86 377 O.T.T. 87 877 O.T.T. 87 879 O.T.T. 87 875 P. 1491. 16 Sept. 1646. P. 1500. 22 Sept. 1646. EDWARD GREY-cont. 27 May 1653. Order that Mainwaring give in accounts and pay in all he has received from the estate, before he has restitution of his double bills and purchase money. 28 July. Lady Bowes and the sisters are to produce the proceed- ings before the Committee for Removing Obstructions, and Brereton to report. 14 June. Order on compliance for restitution of the double bills 25 and money paid by him as part of his purchase money. July? The 3 Delavale sisters renew their petition, pleading 80 217 allowance of their claim by the Committee for Removing Ob- structions, and beg a further hearing. Vol. No. G or P. 83 25 18 Nov. On report that the lands are sequestered as belong- ing to Edw. Grey, a Papist in arms, the annuity of Katherine Fenwick is allowed; the other two being in Paris, their claim is only to be allowed on certificate that they are brought up Pro- testants," and that there is no jealousy of Popery in them." 19 1109 4 Aug. Their claim allowed, with arrears from date of petition - 9 March 1654. Order for payment to them of 1577. 4s. 9d. received 25 310 by Mainwaring on account. PURCHASERS OF THE ESTATE. Discharge from sequestration of lands in Northumberland, for- feited by Gray, and bought from the Treason Trustees, viz. :— 93 CLAIMANTS ON THE ESTATE. 381 15 June 1652. EDWARD, KATHERINE, and FRAS. FENWICK, children 86 375 of Randal Fenwick, of Little Harle, Northumberland, beg speedy allowance of rent-charges of 51. each, purchased for them for 100l. by their father in 1640, on his sale of the manor to Sir Wm. Riddell and others, and duly paid hitherto, but now the County Committee require a special order therefor. 15 June. County Committee to certify the cause of the seques- tration of the lands on which the annuities are charged. 25 148. 82 493 16 537 86 379 19 1044 8 May 1652. Messuages, mill, &c., in All Hallows parish, 16 373 Newcastle, bought by Thos. Mainwaring. 4 June. Ulgam, or Ougham Grange, Morpeth, bought by 16 516 Nich. Foster. 9 Nov. Also a house called Nunnykirk, bought by Nich. 18 831 Foster. SIR RICH. MINSHULL. 18 Sept. 1651. Certificate by Fras. Phillips, auditor, that Peter 130 Whalley, receiver for co. Northampton, was charged for 1650 with a rent of 397. 13s. 1d.* reserved to the Crown out of Oundle Manor, and that he has answered the same. * This feo-farm rent is alluded to in the particulars of Sir Rich. Minshull's estate, G. 194, p. 51. 11 17 March 1653. Order that it be allowed by Aud. Sherwin 25 19 5 Jan. 1655. Order that it be allowed on Whalley's account, and 12 625 he discharged from further attendance thereon. DR. WILLIAM ERSKINE. 15 March 1649. County Commissioners for Salop to the Com- 232 186A mittee for Compounding. Sir Wm. Owen, of Condover, and Roger, his son, being indebted to Wm. Arskin (or Erskine), D.D., a delinquent, in 5007. by a statute bond of 1,000l., we seized such debt, and ordered the Owens to pay it to us. Thos. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3283 22 Sept. 1646. P. 1515. 26 Sept. 1646. P. 1519. 1 Oct. 1646. O.T.T. 76 349 P. 1522. 1 Oct. 1646. P. 1531. 1 Oct. 1646. P. 1557. 3 Nov. 1646. PASS 207 543 P.E. 207 539 R. 207 537 Nicolls of Salop affirmed that it was due to him as executor to Anne Kynaston, deceased, sister to Rachel, wife of Dr. Arskin, and that Anne had left several great legacies and debts to be paid, and that Rachel had her portion paid or secured to her. In the absence of Nicolls, who was forced to fly out of the county for his affection to Parliament,-this county being then wholly under the power of the late King,-Dr. Arskin, under colour of his intermarriage with Rachel Owen, being a chaplain to Prince Rupert, forced the Owens to enter into the said bond. Nicolls filed a bill in Chancery against Arskin and the Owens, and on his desire we have respited the sequestration and dis- posal of the 5007., until it appears whether it is really due to Dr. Arskin or to Nicolls. They beg respite of Dr. Erskine's composition meantime. O.T.T. 76 351 24 Feb. 1654. Like discharge of houses, &c., Longsdon, Dun- 18 942 wood, and Rowley Yeate, co. Stafford, bought by Rowland Eyre. Vol. No. G or p. SIR ROBERT STAPLETON. 3 May 1649. Having compounded on Oxford Articles, begs a like 119 671 composition for arrears of annuities of 100l. during his mother's life, and 301. after her death, when he shall recover the same in Chancery. Noted as received and referred. Purchasers of the Estate of FRANCIS COLLIER. 28 Sept. 1653. Discharge from sequestration of Dorlaston [? Dar. 18 923 laston] Manor, co. Stafford, forfeited by Collier, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Thos. Smith, of the Middle Temple. Claimants on the Estate of COL. RANDOLPH EGERTON. 1649? THE PARISHIONERS OF BETLEY, Co. Stafford, beg for their 67 705 minister, who for these 20 years has been a painful preacher amongst them, the impropriation of the parish, which will amount to 30l. a year, excepting the tithes of the com- pounder [Col. Egerton]. [70 signatures, copies.] Claimant on the Estate of the DUKE OF RICHMOND. 24 Feb. 1654. LADY JANE GORGES, late guardian of Viscount 88 766 Newburgh, and FRAS. WILLIAMSON beg restoration of 1,016 acres in Sutton Marsh, being of the land belonging to Sir John Levingstone on a grant from King James, but since by a fraudu- lent grant given to the Duke of Lenox [and Richmond], for whose delinquency it is sequestered, though 3,0001. has been spent in embanking and improving it. Long details of pro- ceedings therein. 24 Feb. Brereton to examine and report on the case 13 July 1655. Lady Gorges and others beg restoration of 400 acres, part of the said part conveyed to them by Sir Cornelius Vermuyden, but sequestered for delinquency of the Duke of of Richinond [and Lenox], lately dead. 13 July. The Lincoln Committee to certify and Reading to report 29 21 20 May 1650. Having paid in the lattor half of his fine, with 11. 17s. interest, his estate discharged. 25 307 88 753 * CAPT. WILLIAM SQUIRE, Gaddesby, Co. Leicester. Begs to compound on Oxford Articles for deserting his habitation 207 542 and fighting against Parliament. Was in Oxford at its surrender. 28 Aug. 1648. Reported to Parliament as not having paid his fine 4 Dec. Fine at, 407. 1 196 5 37 57 8 3284 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 1562. 10 Nov. 1646. P. 1582. 1 Dec. 1646. P. 1586. 3 Dec. 1646. P. 1616. 26 Dec. 1646. P. 1650. 14 Jan. 1647. P. 1667. 18 Feb. 1647. P.R. 4 153 R.C. 10 372 69 25 L.C.C. 69 22 36 156 125 HENRY THYNNE. 20 Nov. 1650. Capt. Wm. Hill's petition to compound for an estate of 1001. a year in Walton parish [co. Somerset], seques- tered for delinquency of Hen. Thynne,-there being a legacy of 6001. due to petitioner, as executor to his mother by the will of Hen. Thynne's father-referred to Brereton. Claimants on the Estate of PETER HATTON. 25 March 1651. RICHARD, THOMAS, and ELIZABETH HATTON, his 14 children, allowed on their petition of their father's seques- tered estate. 5 1 July. They beg on the Act of 25 Jau. 1650, of their father's estate, sequestered for his delinquency, though discharged as being under 2001. value. Granted. DR. [HUMPHREY] HENCHMAN, or HINCHMAN. 22 Nov. 1647. Order that he is not to have the benefit of the Articles of Oxford, because he has not prosecuted his compo- sition according to them. Vol. No. Gor p. 12 24 WILLIAM, LORD CRAVEN. 16 Aug. 1650. On Lord Craven's petition for fulfilment of an order of the Committee for Sequestrations of Oct. 1648 for pay- ment of a debt of 1,3007. due by Sir Edw. Widdrington from his sequestered estate, the Committee are to certify why the lands were sequestered, whether Lord Craven be a Papist, and in this land; if not, where he is, and whether he has gone by license of the State. 90 14 Claimants on the Estate of FRANCIS PETRE, Recusant, Cranham, Essex. 62 CLAIMANTS ON THE ESTATE. 13 April 1653. JOHN CARDOLL and THOS. ROSSE beg discharge, with 137 267 repayment of profits, of Preston and Churchlands manors, in Kingsteignton, Devon, purchased by them from the Dean and Chapter Trustees, but sequestered for delinquency of Dr. Hinchman, one of the late prebendaries of Sarum. 66 184 4 141 13 April. Order on a renewed petition (missing) that the Com- 18 824 missioners of Devon allow their claim according to the deed of 20 March 1651 produced, and discharge the premises purchased by them from sequestration, or show cause to the contrary. SIR ROBERT HATTON. July 1653 ? Thos. Wills [or Wells], who purchased [Long Backby] 111 Glebe, at Gurney House, complains of obstructions from Hum. Hollis in leasing the land from the County Commissioners, after petitioner had bought and paid for it, and stocked and tilled it. Begs examination and redress. [See Order, 3 Aug. 1653, p. 1650 supra.] 11 86 27 22 Dec. 1647. DAME ELIZABETH HARRIS, widow, petitions to com- 91 90 pound for the manor of Tintinhull, Somerset, bought of Francis Petre, of which are sequestered for his recusancy. 3 22 Dec. Referred to the Sub-Committee 4 153 29 Jan. 1651. THOS. BIRD, sen., of Drury Lane, London, begs 69 27 allowance of 20l. a year from Stondon Farm, Essex, settled on him by his father, confirmed by decree in Chaucery, COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3285 18 Feb. 1647. L. 69 29 69 32 D. R. 68 23 H. 14 173 P. 1688. 11 March 1647. L.C.C. 108 319 R. 108 299 10 Car., and paid till he leased it for 60 years to Thos. War- wick for payment of a debt. Warwick leased it to Petre, a recusant, for 59 years, if petitioner should so long live, re- serving 201. a year rent. Petitioner discharged his debt to Warwick, and recovered the annuity 23 Car., which Petre constantly paid till last half-year, when it was sequestered for the recusancy of the said Petre, who is only a tenant at rack-rent. Is 75 years old, and has no other subsistence. 23 June 1651. Petition renewed, this allowance being his whole 69 20 livelihood. 26 June. Claim allowed, with arrears from 24 Dec. 1649 - • mittee. Bland returned to London, found his estate disposed of for Parliament, and applied to the Committee for Sequestrations, but only obtained an order for restitution of 2,7187. 13s. 4d., and of this, on account of anticipations by order of Parliament, he only obtained 1501. There is still 13,000l. due from King to Bland, for which King refuses to account, pleading his suffer- ings by Parliament, so that Bland, who used to pay 3,0001. a year in customs, and who lent 2,500l. to Parliament, cannot main- tain his trade or pay his debts to the orphans, having no other means than the assignment of 2,5681. 13s. 4d. due to him on the said order of the Committee for Sequestrations. Begs reference of the case of Proby's orphans to counsel, that it may be re- ported to Parliament, he having accepted for them an assign- ment of the 2,7187. 13s. 4d. 29 Dec. Referred to the County Committee and Reading Vol. No. G or P. Claimant on the Estate of ANDREW KING. 29 Dec. 1652. PHIL. OWEN, citizen of London, executor of Emanuel 108 311 Proby, for his 7 orphan children, petitions that John Bland, 110 782 merchant, owed Proby a large debt, now become desperate without relief; Bland lived in Seville in the wars, but showed his affection to Parliament by trading with parts in their power at great hazard, the King's edict, published by the ambassador in Spain, notwithstanding. In fear of a breach between England and Spain, he made over wines and other goods, value 10,000l. to his partner, And. King, for whose delinquency they were in 1643 seized by the County Com- - 23 Dec. 1653. Order on report that the Committee for Com- pounding cannot relieve him, being forbidden, by the Act of 25 Jan. 1650, to allow payments from Goldsmiths' Hall with- out special order. 14 180 2 June. Order that the London Committee pay him 2,4801. 16s. 8d., the balance of the said sum, 2377. 16s. 11d., being already paid out of sequestration moneys. 17 550 108 309 19 1150 Jan. 1654? Owen petitions Parliament to like effect, begging 108 payment from the estates of delinquents to be discovered by him, who have never been sequestered, nor lawfully impeached of any delinquency against Parliament, and who desire to sub- mit to a composition, according to the rates held forth to per- sons in their condition by the votes of March last, which may preserve Bland from ruin, and be a maintenance for the said orphans. 357 14 April 1654. Petitions the Protector. Has been obliged on 108 297 behalf of the orphans to accept of an assignment of the debt of 2,7181. 13s. 7d. from Mr. Bland, and begs an order to the Committee for Compounding to pay it. With reference to the Committee for Compounding 27 27 63 108 296 3286 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 1699. 25 March 1647. O.T.T. 85 721 P. 1721. 13 April 1647. P.R. 227 13 P. 1753. 27 May 1647. R. 227 9 20 Jan. 1654. Fine 107. L.C.C. 164 397 I.&D. -407 P. 1783. 29 Nov. 1647. c. 206 231 P. 1785. 8 Dec. 1647. P. 1794. 13 Dec. 1647 Purchaser of the Estate of WILLIAM FLEMING. 23 March 1654. Discharge from sequestration of Rydal Manor and fishing, Meller Brigg House, Grasmere, and a house in Kendal parish, Westmoreland, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Isaac Morgan. P.E. 206 739 R.C. 4 206 R. 206 737 SIR WILLIAM GERARD, Bart. 22 Nov. 1653. Begs to compound for part of his estate, being 89 270 in the late Act for Sale. 227 12 - 227 9 Claimant on the Estate of WALTER LLOYD. 7 Oct. 1651. ALICE LLOYD, ANNE OWEN, ELIZABETH, MARGARET, 98 139 BRIDGET, JANE, and THOMAS CORBETT, and WILLIAM PRICE, children and grandchildren of Sir James Price, of Ismangwine, co. Merioneth, deceased, complain of the seizure by the Commis- sioners of North Wales, without previous summons, of the real and personal estate of Sir James Price, settled 8 years ago on petitioners by Bridget, his sole daughter and heir, after de- cease of her first husband, Robert Corbett, and before her marriage with Sir Walter Lloyd, alias Walter Lloyd; it is now seized as Lloyd's estate. Vol. No. G or P. 18 950 13 Feb. 1652. The said descendants (adding VINCENT CORBETT and 76 772 EVAN PRICE, but omitting Bridget Corbett) beg discharge of their estate in co. Merioneth, sequestered by the Committee of North Wales as the surplusage estate, uncompounded for, of Sir Walter Lloyd, who is their mother's second husband. The North Wales Committee have allowed their right thereto. 13 Feb. Referred to Reading Claimant on the Estate of ALICE TURNER. 12 July 1648. RICH. ROBERTS having purchased of Alice Turner, 206 234 widow, a close of 3 acres in Saffron Walden, Essex, let at 21. 13s. 4d. a year, of which were sequestered for the recu- sancy of Thomas Turner,* and remain under sequestration for the recusancy of the said Alice, begs to compound for the said . 12 July. Fine 51. 6s. 8d. - 16 35 - * See his case, p. 3036, supra. · 206 234 ROBERT DORMER. 4 Nov. 1651. MARY DORMER, his wife, petitions for an order for her 81 218 of her husband's estate, sequestered for recusancy, having 10 children, and living far from London. 4 Nov. Granted, with arrears from 24 Dec. 1649 · 15 69 - Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS PECK. 16 June 1648. JAMES HOUBLON, merchant, begs to compound for 206 741 lands in Norwich, Hellesdon, and Colton, worth 14l. a year, purchased 2 years ago of Thomas Peck, for whose delinquency they are now sequestered. 2 Nov. Petition renewed for leave to compound, and discharge 93 of sequestration of the lands. 6 Nov. Fine at 2 years' value, 281. - 5 22 41 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3287 P. 1802. 1647 ? P. 1815. 21 Feb. 1648. P. 1842. 7 June 1648. P. 1854. 21 Sept. 1648. L. 164 277 P. 1865. 13 Nov. 1648. o.c.c. 70 222 L.C.c. 156 49 NOTE 82 501 -503 Lessee of the Estate of EDMUND EDMUND and HENRY COCKERILL. Vol. No. G or P. 14 Jan. 1652. EUBULUS THOROLD, of Grantham, co. Lincoln, begs 122 288 survey of the estates of Henry Cockerill, of Staxby, and of the of Hollinghill, in Whitby, co. York, belonging to Edmund Cockerill, but sequestered for their delinquency, and a lease thereof for 7 years, at the full value. Would then repair the houses, which are running to ruin. 14 Jan. The Yorkshire Committee to certify the yearly value, 15 191 and let according to instructions. THOMAS ROCK. 9 Aug. 1650. The North Wales Committee report that they have 236 101 seized his estate for neglecting to pay his fine. Claimants on the Estate of SIR WILLIAM COURTENAY. 24 May 1655. SIR GEORGE CAREY, WALT. BUCKLAND, and SWITHIN 73 87 and CHARLES WELLS, petition that in 1654, Charles Wells de- mised to the other petitioners Boyett Manor, Eastleigh and other farms, and Branbridge House, Twyford parish, Hants, Edington Manor, Wilts, and Rainscombe Manor, Dorset, for life or 21 years, at a rent of 501., to be paid to Charles Wells on the death of his grandmother, Isabel Wells, or 100l. a year if his mother, Mary, wife of Sir Wm. Courtenay be dead. Isabel being dead, Eastleigh Farm and Rainscombe Manor should come to the other three petitioners in trust, but are sequestered for her recusancy. Beg an order for discharge, and reference to counsel of their right to any other part of the said premises sequestered for recusancy of Sir William and Lady Courtenay. 24 May. The Hants and Dorset Committees to certify and 27 402 Reading to report. Lessees of the Estate of WILLIAM TIRWHITT. 2 June 1652. WM. BOOTH and 3 others of Laneham, co. Notts, 82 601 complain that having farmed houses in Laneham, sequestered from Wm. Tirwhitt, at 901. a year duly paid, and offered 951. for a continuance, the County Committee have let them under- hand at 851. a year to Leonard Upsall and Rob. Draper. They offer 1001. a year to be continued tenants. 2 June. Order for a letter to the County Committee, complaining 82 615 that the estate was only posted an hour instead of 14 days, 16 501 and enquiring whether it was surveyed and let according to instructions. With the letter accordingly, 3 June. Claimants on the Estate of SIR THOMAS FANSHAW. 20 Jan. 1652. WM. BOUCHER, of Claybury, Essex [tenant to Alder- 70 221 man John Fowkes], begs restoration of a horse and 11 milch kine, seized by Joshua Guyver, agent to the Sub-Commissioners of Essex (in distraint for 401., 6 years' tithes due to Great Ilford Hospital from Claybury farm], though petitioner is neither a delinquent nor indebted to any delinquent. 20 Jan. County Committee to certify the case, and allow him the 15 204 cattle on security pending enquiry. 13 Feb. Sam. Ashwell, of Romford, Essex, tenant to Great 63 956 Ilford Rectory, begs reference of the State's interest therein to counsel. 3288 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 13 Nov. 1648. L.C.C.156 41 L. 63 951 D. 70 204 D. 70 209 -217 L.C.C. 156 39 D. 82 797 o.c. 25 152 L.C.C.156 45 P. 1869. 23 Nov. 1648. SIR THOS. FANSHAW-cont. 13 Feb. 1652. Referred to Brereton, and the parties concerned to 16 have notice. Vol. No. G or P. 18 24 Dec. Boucher to show cause within a month why the arrears 17 539 should not be levied upon him. 18 Jan. 1653. Ashwell begs a hearing in the case between him 63 953 and Alderman Fowkes, about an arrear of tithes and quit. rents due from Claybury Farm, Wm. Boucher, the tenant,_re- fusing to appear and show cause why he should not pay. Has been much damaged by Fowkes'-delays. 17 March. Boucher's cattle being again seized, he begs restora- 82 800 tion on security of the 20 kine taken, being his own goods, and he neither recusant or delinquent. Noted as granted on deposit of [251. or] 50l. with the County Committee. 25 March. He pleads that he never knew of the order to appear, 82 799 and cannot pay the 251. required, and that the affair is a private one between him and Sam. Ashwell, a late Sequestra- tion Officer, who, contrary to the Parliament Order of 8 Dec. 1646, rented the said arrears. Begs restoration of the cattle. 25 March. The former order confirmed 25 26 29 March. Writ of replevin by the Commissioners of the Great 70 202 Seal to the sheriff of Essex for restoration of the cattle unjustly detained by Joshua Guyver and Sam. Ashwell. 5 April. Order by the Committee for Compounding to Thos. 25 32 Campbell, high sheriff of Essex, for non-execution of the said writs. 5 April. Thos. Brewer, the Lord Mayor's servant, summoned for 25 32(2) threatening to shoot the agent of the County Committee for distraining the cattle. 13 April. Request for restoration of Boucher's cattle refused - 25 27 April. Boucher threatened if he prosecute his writs against 25 Jos. Guyver, agent of the County Committee, and Ashwell; the sheriffs of Essex forbidden to execute the writs. 30 June. Boucher's petition renewed for restoration of his cattle 30 June. Order to the County Committee to deliver them, or the money received for them forthwith. 30 Aug. Request and order renewed · 33333 39 52 82 800 25 110 82 798 25 183, 184 13 Oct. The County Committee to perform the order, or appear 25 225 to answer for their disobedience. 9 May. Ashwell, tenant to the tithes, bringing in a bill of his dis- 27 bursements through Ald. Fowkes' non-payment of his tithes, order-on hearing counsel for Ashwell, Brewster, and [Thos.] Walton, minister of Ilford,-that Ashwell pay 751. yearly to Walton, and 221. 8s. to the hospital, with all arrears due. 25 Oct. The plea allowed that the cattle were sold before the 25 234 contradictory order came. ACCTS. 86 81 28 April 1654. Committee for Compounding to the County Com- 27 39 mittee for Essex. We have perused your accounts about Ilford tithes belonging to the hospital, and sequestered from Sir Thos. Fanshaw. You return them as let at 901. a year; Mr. Brewster says he offered 1201. You are to give notice to the lessee to show cause why the lease should not be vacated, being underlet; and if he do not show cause, we shall dispose of the tithes in a fortnight. 47 Claimant on the Estate of ANDREW GIFFORD. 16 April 1652. JOHN BRADSHAW, of Covent Garden, and THOS. 71 186 WHARTON, of Gray's Inn, Middlesex, for ANNE BRIDGMAN, spinster, petition that Rob. Gifford, M.D., of St. Martin's-in- COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3289 23 Nov. 1648. L.C.C. 162 505 D. 70 625 626 P. 1872. 27 Nov. 1648. P. 1883. 30 Dec. 1648. P.E. 211 485 P.R. 5 87 D. 211 489 487 R. 211 481 P. 1894. 18 Jan. 1649. P. 1896. 22 Jan. 1649. 70958. the-Fields, owed 2001. to the said Anne, to be paid in 1644, but before then he died, leaving 2 young children, Andrew and Mary, and on account of the smallness and litigiousness of his estate, for many years no one would administer to it. In 1649 Andrew came of age and administered, and on Anne Bridge- man's suing him for the debt, he set over to her the remainder of a lease of houses and grounds in Elm Street, near Long Acre, of which petitioners were peaceably possessed, till lately inter- rupted therein. Beg an order for discharge of the premises, which were not sequestered before 1 Dec. 1651. 16 April 1652. County Committee to certify 16 316 22 Sept. The returns made proving that the estate was not then 71 188 sequestered, the petitioners beg discharge on the Act of Pardon. 22 Sept. They are to produce their title, and Brereton to certify 19 Oct. 1653. Petition renewed. The estate is said to be small houses in Blackamore Alley, held in lease from the Earl of of Bedford, and sequestered for the supposed recusaucy of And. Gifford. The County Committee have made returns as to the date of sequestration, but the case not being determined, they demand of the premises. Beg peaceable possession, having already paid 4001. of Rob. Gifford's debts, or reference of their title to counsel, and a speedy hearing. • Vol. No. G or P. 19 Oct. Brereton to report with speed, and they to receive the 25 229 rents on security till the cause is determined. RICHARD HOUGHTON, Blackburn, or Ridley, Co. Lan- caster. 17 225 71 89 WILLIAM COMPTON. 20 Dec. 1653. Begs to contract on the Recusants' Act of Oct. 75 451 1653 for of his sequestered estate. Noted as referred to Reading. 453 17 April 1649. Begs to compound for delinquency in assisting 211 484 the forces raised against Parliament in the first engagement. Submitted long since. [See a claimant on his estate, p. 1883, supra.] 22 May. Fine at 1, 607. 6 59 WALTER FOWLER. 9 April 1651. CONSTANCE, wife of WALTER FOWLER, for herself 85 867 and children, begs allowance of her of her husband's seques- tered estate, and quiet enjoyment of her mansion, and also of the adjoining park, which the County Commissioners threaten to exchange for a remoter piece of land. 9 April. Her full granted, with arrears from 24 Dec. 1649 14 77 8 Sept. 1652. She begs that Rob. Ducy and Thos. Rogers, the 85 869 late tenants of her husband's estate, may be responsible for the arrears of rent, the County Committee demanding them of Walter Fowler, and threatening to sell her small stock for payment. 8 Sept. County Committee to report mittee. 29 Jan. 1649. Certificate made at his request, that on 22 January last his petition to compound for the delinquency which he confessed was received and referred. - 17 203 PHILIP PLUMLEIGH, Shorner, Devon. His petition to compound (missing), referred to the Sub-Com- 5 49 5 53 H 3290 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 1908. 8 Feb. 1649. P. 1938. 10 March 1649. L.C.C. 72 317 -325 1.& D. 165 39 -49 72 309 33 369 72 313-315 D. C. D. 72 311 R. 72 299 P. 1951. March 1649 P F.E. 227 2 P. 1985. 26 April 1649. L.C.C.150 89 JOHN HAWKINS, Boughton-under-the-Blean, Kent. 13 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 3 90 476 of bis sequestered estate. 13 Jan. Referred to Reading Vol. No. G or Pp. In Sept. 1652, she levied a distress for the arrears, but Petre and his tenants replevied the cattle taken, and the County Commissioners prohibited her from process in the Sheriffs' County Court till she obtained this Committee's order. 24 May. Referred to the County Committee THOMAS PETRE and a Claimant on his Estate. 24 May 1653. ELIZABETH, daughter of the late GEORGE BROOKE, of 72 243 Lapley, begs allowance, with arrears, of the annnity of 801. a 307 year settled by her grandfather, Rich. Brooke, 32 years ago, on her father; he gave it to her mother, now deceased, with reversion to herself and her sister Dorothy, who has since released her part to petitioner. The annuity was charged on the manor of Lapley, Aston, and other of his lands, co. Stafford, now in possession of Thos. Petre, by demise from the County Committee. There were several years' arrears due to petitioner's mother, and 2 years are due to her, but the lands are sequestered for Petre's recusancy. 17 May 1655. Her claim cannot at present be allowed, as it does not appear why she did not put in her petition earlier, but she and Mr. Petre are to be examined by the County Committee on interrogatories sent. 26 10 25 76 72 305 23 1687 13 July. She begs an order to the Committee in co. Lincoln to 72 204 take her examination, she having travelled into co. Stafford, and found the Committee absent; is sickly and unfit to travel. Granted. 29 22 10 Jan. 1654. THOMAS PETRE begs to contract on the late Recu- 111 587 sants' Act for of his sequestered estate. 10 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 5 RICHARD CRITCHLOW, or CROYCHLOW. 15 May 1649. Being sequestered by the County Committee for 227 2 adhering to the King, begs to compound for his small estate. Claimant on the Estate of SIR HENRY KILLIGREW. 3 March 1652. SIR PETER KILLIGREW Complains that, being always 97 425 well-affected to Parliament, he has suffered much in his estate in Cornwall by the adverse party, and particularly by [Sir] Henry Killigrew, of Ince, Cornwall, now deceased, whose estate is under sequestration, and petitioner is his next heir male. Begs to be admitted to compound for the estate, with con- sideration of his losses. 3 March. County Committee to survey and certify the value of 16 88 the estate. 23 March. Sir Peter to have copies of the reports made in Henry 16 175 Killigrew and Jane Berkley's cases. 16 453 26 May. The rents of all the lands of Henry Killigrew, are to be seized, he being returned to _Parliament in order to a second 97 435 Bill for Sale of Delinquents' Estates. Noted as "respited." COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3291 26 April 1649. L.C.C. 150 83 C. 32 132 P.E. 227 195 P.R. 12 610 227 189 R. 227 185 c. 135 135 L.C.C. 135 145 & D. J -153 c. 135 155 159 R. 135 159 D. 135 157 O.T.T. 97 415 Q.T.T. 97 413 P. 2017. 3 May 1649. 17 460 104 537 1.&D. 104 541 R.C. -543 172 395 L. 104 539 172 397 C. 32 215 104 529-333 R. 104 525 10 Nov. 1652. Henry Killigrew, merchant, petitions the Committee for Relief on Articles of War. [Sir] Henry Killigrew, of Lanrack, co. Cornwall, deceased, being in arms against Parlia- ment in Pendennis Castle, submitted to the Parliament's forces under Col. Rich. Fortescue, on Articles whereof one was that the parties surrendering should enjoy their estates, notwithstand- ing which his estate was sequestered. He died and bequeathed to petitioner his estate, which is appointed to be sold. Begs stay of sale, according to the late revived Act for relief on Articles of War. Vol. No. Gor p. 97 437 10 Nov. The Committee for Compounding are to state if he has 97 433 forfeited the benefit of the said Articles. 23 Nov. The County Committee are required to certify all pro- 17 428 ceedings. 31 Oct. 1653. He petitions Parliament for leave to compound 227 183 for the estate. Was under age at the death of Hen. Killigrew, of Lanrack. 31 Oct. Order by Parliament that he may compound for as 227 193 much of the estate as is yet unsold, at two years' value. 29 Dec. He petitions the Committee for Compounding to com- 227 191 pound according to the foregoing order. 97 417 27 April 1654. Fine 1917. 6s. - 227 187 24 May. Paid, and estate discharged · 24 1103 145 11 June 1652. COL. ABRAHAM YARNER, M.D., of Dublin, begs 135 137 to extend the sequestered estate of the late Hen. Killigrew, on a statute of 1,000l. for a debt of 5007. lent by him to Hen. Killigrew in 1641. Being sent into Ireland when the wars broke out, has been unable to look after his money, and has received neither principal nor interest. 11 June. Referred to Brereton 16 534 135 143 29 June. Katherine Yarner, his wife, petitions that she has 135 133 been sent by her husband from Dublin to obtain the money, as Sir George Monk and others certify that he cannot be spared from the sick and the hospitals; she begs an order to the Com- mittee of Parliament in Dublin to take his oath that he has not released his interest in the debt. Granted. 16 605 29 July. Order on report allowing the statute, and the petitioner 17 75 is to extend the premises till paid, with a saving to others whose claims have been allowed. PURCHASER OF THE ESTATE. 17 July 1653. Discharge from sequestration of Lanrack Manor, 18 880 Cornwall, forfeited by Hen. Killigrew, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Zachary Trescot. 16 Aug. Like discharge of Ints or Ince House and the Old 18 864 House, Stephen's parish, Saltash, Cornwall, bought by Zachary Trescot. V Purchaser of the Estate of SIDNEY CONSTABLE. 553 30 Nov. 1652. WILLIAM, LORD MAYNARD, having in 1650 purchased 104 535 Sheriff Hutton Manor, co. York, from George Kirke, begs reference of his title to counsel, the parcel of the said manor called Sherborn having been 3 months since sequestered for Sidney Constable's delinquency. 14 July 1653. Claim allowed, with arrears 19 1099 H 2 3292 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 2026. 4 May 1649. P. 2026. 4 May 1649. P. 2045. 11 May 1649. L.C.C. 170 597 1.& D. 170 593 -595 C. c. 33 367 P. 2056. 18 May 1649. L.C.C. 152 579 D. 152 577 236 48 C, D NOTE 152 577 R. 236 48E P. 2062. 30 May 1649. L.C.C. I. & D. D. 77 775 -780 159 133 -138 77 783 114 270 R. 77 765 p. 77 782 SIR EDWARD FISHER. 6 Nov. 1649. He having compounded for Mickleton Rectory at 601. a year, whereas it is informed to be of greater value, the County Cominittee of Gloucester are to examine into its value and certify. Vol. No. G or P. 6 237 Claimant on the Estate of ANTHONY FRANKLAND. 29 July 1652. WILLIAM GARBUT petitions that being seized of 88 897 lands, &c., in Thirsk and Bagby, co. York, in 1651, the County Committee sequestered him for pretended debts to Mr. Frankland, and his rents have been paid ever since to the said County Committee. The debt was only 50l., of which 301. was paid long since. Has often endeavoured to bring the said County Committee to account for the overplus, but cannot get relief. Begs that they may give in accounts, and restore him the overplus and his bond. 29 July. County Committee to certify how much is paid, and to 17 whom. Claimants on the Estate of THOMAS KITSON. 17 Feb. 1654. JOHN LEYBURNE, for NICHOLAS, ROGER, CHARLES, and 135 524 WILLIAM LEYBURNE, infants, of Witherslack, Westmoreland, petitions that in Feb. 1651, Lucy Kitson [then wife of Thos. Kitson, now wife of Rob. Westby, granted him, for the use of the children, a farm in Killington, rent 107., but the lands are sequestered, because she and her husband are recusants. Begs examination of his title, and leave to receive the rent. 17 Feb. Referred to the County Committee and to Brereton - 25 273 66 17 Oct. Begs stay of the rents in the tenants' hands pend- 135 521 ing a hearing, the infants having no other subsistence. 17 Oct. Order that the report be heard next Thursday - 27 142 EDMUND HEMING. 48A 23 March 1654. JOHN KNIGHT begs allowance of an annuity of 98 681 107. settled on his wife Elizabeth, on Park's Farm, Martin's 236 Town, Dorset, but sequestered for delinquency of the late Edm. Heming. 23 March. Referred to the County Committee and Reading - 236 3 June 1652. Order on report allowing Croft's claim, with arrears since the death, if since 24 Dec. 1649; also Whitfield's claim, with arrears from 30 Aug. 1650, the date when he purchased the interest of the co-heirs in the premises. 48B Claimants on the Estate of JOHN and ELIZABETH LAWTON. 771 28 May 1651. JOHN CROFT and WILLIAM WHITFIELD, of Widnes, 77 763 co. Lancaster, petition that the late John Lawton held lands in Widnes, for his and his wife's life, which were sequestered for their recusancy, but both are dead, and the right is in Croft, who is a Protestant. Lawton also held other lands which he surrendered to Thos. Rose, of Wavertree, and Mar- garet, his wife, now dead, and the right is in Whitfield, who married their daughter and heiress, and has been a soldier for Parliament. They beg discharge of sequestration, with arrears since the death of Lawton and his wife. 28 May. County Committee to certify and Reading to report 14 140 77 773 502 16 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3293 P. 2082. 11 June 1649. R. 135 655 659 c. 135 657 -661 L.C.C. 135 663 P. 2088. 18 June 1649. P. 2100. 29 June 1649. R. 217 83 P.R. 225 823 R. 225 819 P. 2105. 5 July 1649. L.C.C. 98 849 P. 2108. 16 July 1649. Claimant on the Estate of SIR EDWARD LITTLETON. 17 March 1652. HUM. LEWIS pleads that in April 1650, he 135 653 discovered to the Commissioners for co. Stafford, a concealed estate of S.r Edw. Littleton, Bart., kept from sequestration by pretended extents of Sir Wm. Hicks and Fisher Littleton; the latter has compounded for of it, and paid in 1,1347., and the other is still sequestered. He also discovered 2501. arrears of rent due to Sir Charles Cavendish in the hands of the tenants of Barlaston, co. Stafford. Begs of what has been or shall be brought in on his discoveries, according to a Parliament Order of 8 Aug. 1650. 17 March. The Committee for Compounding will consider whether 16 155 any allowance can be made to discoverers by the Act for Ex- 135 665 tents and Mortgages of 1 Aug. 1650. of the profits of the estate still under sequestration will be Lewis, as first discoverer, by the Drury allowed and paid to House Trustees. Vol. No. G or p. 19 March. Order that no can be allowed on the composi- 16 173 tion made by Fisher Littleton on the Act of 1 Aug., but RICHARD COTTON. 17 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants Act for 76 848 of his sequestered estate. Noted as referred to Reading. *RICHARD MARSH, D.D. 29 June 1649. Begs a moderate fine. When chaplain for the late 101 231 King, and returning home from Court 7 years ago, was taken prisoner in Cheshire, and kept three years in durance in or about London, during which time his wife died, and all his estate was disposed of for the Parliament service. He then had livings worth 6001. a year, and 201. a year in an estate of in- heritance, on which the houses are now utterly ruined. 23 June 1652. Begs to be admitted to a composition for his estate 101 230 of 201. a year, his age of 70 years and want having hitherto disabled him from appearing or compounding,-or for his condition to be reported to the Army Committee. 23 June. Recommended to the Army Committee for a report to 16 589 Parliament. 26 July. Fine at 2, 841. 10s. 27 Sept. Paid, and estate discharged 20 July 1653. Finding his name in the late Act for Sale [as John 225 821 Marsh, D.D., of Halifax, co. York], begs to compound for the 101 182 estate. - 225 819 24 1122 Purchasers of the Estate of ROBERT LONG. 25 Aug. 1652. Discharge from sequestration of Colway's Farm, 17 166 Titherton, Wilts, forfeited by Long, and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Hall. L.C.C. 98 847 15 Jan. 1653. Like discharge of Newlodge House, Sutton-on- 18 803 Limsdall, Galtres Forest, co. York, bought by Thos. Wood- ward. DR. JOHN COSIN. 23 Aug. 1654. [DR. LAZARUS SEAMAN], Master of Peterhouse, Cam-I92 bridge, petitions the Protector. While Dr. Cosin was master there, the college stock of 401. was alienated, and the college 76 ** A 3291 16 July 1649. P. 2119. 31 July 1649. 83 551 -561 147 327, 333, 338 NOTE 83 561 L.C.C. & D. s 147 331 R. 83 543 SUR. 58A 450 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.—ADDENDA TO CASES. H. 25 253 83 531 D. 83 523, 528, 498, 496, 514 -516, 508 R. 83 499 DR. JOHN COSIN-cont. plate hidden; the college seal is claimed by the Doctor's children as part of their father's goods, but part of his library remains. Begs that before the children remove, satisfaction may be given to the college. Noted that his Highness orders the children to answer the same; that they give their answer and pray that the books and the other things which were found may be delivered, and a fitting recompense is thereupon referred to Council's consideration. Also that the report be called for. [See a petition of Mary Cosin on behalf of herself and the other children of Dr. Cosin, dated 1 Aug. 1654, p. 302, Calen- dar of Domestic Papers of 1654.] 31 Dec. 1655. The College to deliver the books by 1 February, I 92 or show cause. Vol. No. G or P. 31 Jan. 1656. A former order issued for restoration of the books 176 509 to Mary Cosin,—she paying disbursements made on their ac- count,-confirmed, on account of the necessitous condition of the children. - MILLICENT PRATT and a Claimant on his Estate. 549 30 April 1651. ROB. EDWARDS, of Stibbington, co. Northamp- 83 563 ton [Hunts?] begs discharge from sequestration of copyhold lands called Caules Croft, in Whittlesey, co. Cambridge, sur- rendered 12 years since, when petitioner was imprisoned at Huntingdon for debt, to Millicent Pratt, of Orton, Hunts, for payment of petitioner's debts. But Pratt having got possessiou neglected payment of the debts, and suffered him to continue in prison 3 years till his release was procured by others. 30 April. The Cambridge Committee to examine and certify 3 June 1652. The Hunts Committee certifying that in June 1643 Pratt was sequestered as a Papist, this Committee can- not allow the claim, but petitioner and Millicent Pratt may try their title by any course in law or equity, and the said lands are to continue under sequestration. 76 14 101 83 547 16 510 83 509 531 28 March 1653. Order by the Committee for Removing Obstruc- 83 525 tions on bearing of Graves, counsel to the Trustees for Sale of Delinquents' land, that the premises be dismissed from sale, as being copyhold of inheritance, and not within the Act. 10 June 1653. MILLICENT PRATT, of Cherry Orton, Hunts, being in 109 249 the late Act for Sale, begs to compound on said late Act for his lands, as returned in 4 surveys. Noted as referred to Reading. 29 June 1654. Pratt is to prove that he performed the condition named in the report by payment of those of Edwards' debts for which he was in prison; or if not those debts, that he paid debts amounting to 400l. If no proof whatever be made in 5 weeks, this Committee will consider the allowance of Edwards' claim. Oct. ? Edwards having sealed a lease upon the ground, and in- 83 533 tending to proceed to a trial at law next assizes, begs this Committee to direct the County Committees of Hunts and Cambridge to defend the Commonwealth's title. Noted "Nobody attends." 16 Nov. Having obtained a verdict at the last assizes, he begs 83 529 allowance of his title, and discharge from sequestration. 16 Nov. Referred to Brereton 25 246 7 Dec. On motion on Pratt's behalf that he had not sufficient 25 262 notice of the trial, the case referred to Reading. 83 505 23 1617 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3295 31 July 1649. PUB. 27 232 H. 27 318 83 491 P. 2122. 31 July 1649. O.T.T. 114 1193 P. 2127. 15 Oct. 1649. P. 2137. 20 Nov. 1649. L.C.C. 66 327 331 158 115 c. 66 333 162 617 33 363 NOTE 66 347 L.C.C. 66 366 337 162 615 617 Vol. No. Gor p. 14 Nov. 1654 Case referred to Brereton and Reading, to report 27 162 verbally. 27 180 28 Nov. Time extended for proof of payment of debts * 9 Jan. 1655. Edwards is to enjoy the premises 6 months on security 27 243 of double the value. Witnesses to be examined. 22 May. Edwards' claim allowed and sequestration discharged, 23 1688 with arrears from 30 April 1651. Purchaser of the Estate of JOHN RUTTER. 17 March 1654. Discharge from sequestration of houses, &c., in 18 934 Kingsley, Norley, Frodsham, and Acton, co. Chester, forfeited by him and bought from the Treason Trustees by George Hurd, of London. Claimant on the Estate of CHRISTOPHER ANDERTON. 13 July 1652. JOHN BRADSHAW petitions that all who had an estate in Hope House, &c., co. Lancaster, have time out of mind paid 10s. only for tithes, which on sequestration of the proprietor, petitioner's father paid to the County Committee, and since the discharge of sequestration, to the proprietor again. But on information that 40s. was paid, the County Committee press for an arrear of 81., whereas only 30s. is due, which has been tendered, but refused. Begs stay of proceed- ings and a hearing, or reference to counsel. 13 July. County Committee to certify and Reading to report - 16 683 22 Nov. The County Committee send depositions to prove that 159 419 the estate was bought by Chris. Anderton, of Lostock, and -421 sequestered for bis delinquency. Claimant on the Estate of RICHARD STAPLETON and SIR RICHARD THEAKSTONE. 29 Jan. 1653. RICHARD, infant son of SIR WM. THEAKSTON [son of 110 175 Sir Rich. Theakstone], begs preservation of his birthright. 122 711 His father, who died 4 years ago, was never sequestered, but his estate at Bedale, co. York, is returned in Aud. Sherwin's office to be sequestered for his father's delinquency or for the recusancy of Rich. Stapleton, and so is in the Act for Sale. There was no sequestration before 1 Dec. 1651. 16 Feb. Sir Thos. Barker, his guardian, begs that proofs may be taken in the country; can prove that Sir W. Theakston has never been a delinquent, and died before the sequestration. 71 185 16 Feb. The Yorkshire Committee to certify why the estate was sequestered by them. 66 326, 329, 346, 352, 354 17 685 16 Feb. The County Committee of York reporting that Sir 66 355 William was sequestered at Greenwich as a delinquent for some houses he bought there, the guardian begs a reference to the Kent Committee. Granted. D 17 685 66 296 2 Aug. Begs a present hearing, the estate being contracted for to be sold, and the time to prevent the same short. 10 Aug. Petition renewed for hearing and discharge 10 Aug. Referred to Brereton Sept. ? As a day cannot be obtained for, a hearing, he begs that 66 290 Brereton may report it speedily. 66 291 323 25 161 66 322 3296 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 20 Nov. 1649. D. 66 338 339 R. 66 318 P. 2144. 1694 ? P. 2155. 18 Jan. 1650. P. 2172. Jan. 1650. RICHARD STAPLETON AND SIR RICHARD THEAKSTONE-cont. 19 Oct. 1653. He begs an order to the Committees of London and Westminster and Middlesex to bring in the certificates required. Granted. Vol. No. G or P. 66 340 P. 2181. 19 Feb. 1650. 17 685 6 April 1654. The Committee for Compounding request the Trus- 27 20 tees for Sale of lands to exempt those of Theakstone, as not being sequestered before 1 Dec 1651. L.C.C. 263 71 15 Dec. His estates to be seized and secured by the C mmis- 59 sioners for Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmore- land. * LEONARD AIREY, Kentmere, Westmoreland. Particulars of the estate for which he compounded with the 227 927 Northern Committee; fine 177. 10s. 66, 8 Oct. 1659. Being concerned in Sir George Booth's rebellion, 59 the County Committees for Durham, Westmoreland, and York 223, 228 are to secure his estates. 41 22 Dec. The said Commissioners for Northumberland, Cumber- 261 land, and Westmoreland report that after the battle of Wor- cester, his estate was seized and only released on bond, and he is such a known delinquent that he is not likely to defend himself. 3 Jan. 1660. Notice to be given him of publication of deposi- 59 tions. JOHN, VISCOUNT DUNBAR. 17 Jan. 1654. Begs to compound on the late Recusants' Act for 82 several manors, and lands in reversion, and for of a rent of 3001. sequestered for his recusancy. 17 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 49 41 SIR WILLIAM BLACKSTONE. 14 April 1652. The Durham Committee report that Sir William 237 compounded with the Commissioners of the 4 Northern Coan- ties for delinquency in the second war, was fined 5901. 28. 2d., which he paid, and his estate was discharged by them; they beg direction. 40 48 7 SIR KENELM DIGBY. 30 Aug. 1653. Petitions Parliament. Has been sequestered since 80 541 1643, though no cause was shown, and is utterly ruined. The Barons of Exchequer certify, "We do not find any such matter as may judicially convince him either of recusaucy or delin- quency," which certificate "by the multitude of great affairs in Parliament' was never read. Begs discharge that he may satisfy his creditors,-besides Mr. Harvey, who for a debt of 10,000l. receives all the profits of his estate-and have whereon to subsist. >> c. 33 300 2 Sept. On reference by the Committee for Petitions to the Com- 25 192 mittee for Compounding, they order their registrar and auditor to certify, and Reading to report. 21A 9 June. They report that Blackstone has brought them a dis- 155 251 charge from the said Commissioners, but that they continue the seques:ration till he procures an order from this Committee. 31 Aug. Order on his request that the County Committee allow 69 429 his discharge of 12 May 1652, given by the Commissioners of COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3297 19 Feb. 1650. P. 2207. 4 March 1650. L.C.C. & D. 126 587 -593 R. 126 579 c. 126 577 P. 2225. 19 March 1650. L.C.C. 100 671, 162 295, 297 C. 33 328 100 675 the 4 Northern Counties, if he has committed no act of delin- quency since 30 Jan. 1649. Nov.? Registrar's certificate that William, or Sir William 32 133 Blackstone, of Gibside, co. Durham, compounded with the Com- missioners of the 4 Northern Counties for delinquency in the second war, was fined 5901. 2s. 2d., paid it, and the estate was discharged by them; that the County Committee required an order of the Committee for Compounding, which was granted, but withdrawn on report that he is Papist as well as delinquent, and he and his brethren dangerous men, and that his estate of 1,000l. a year is fit to be sold. Vol. No. G or P. 10 March 1653. George Redshaw discovers that Blackstone com- 138 423 pounded with the County Commissioners at Newcastle 2 March 1652 for 8001.; that his land and colliery are worth 7001. a year, and his wood is worth 1,000l.; that some of the Com- missioners would not sign his order because it was antedated; that he did not take the Oath of Abjuration, and that yet his estate is not in the Bill of Sale. Claimant on the Estate of SIR JOHN SKEFFINGTON. 17 Sept. 1651. RICH. URING, prisoner in the Fleet, London, peti- 126 tions that in 1639, Sir John Skeffington and his trustees mortgaged to petitioner for a debt of 1,2001. the demesne lands of Rinborough, co. York, for 21 years, at ld. rent, and he re- ceived the profits till the troubles; but being thrown into prison for debt, he trusted his writings and lease to John Holhead, a counsellor now dead, and only recovered them a month since. Now he finds that the lands are let by the County Committee at the old demised rent, though he was always a friend to Par- liament; being poor and in prison, he cannot learn why they were seized. Begs an order to the Yorkshire Committee to certify, and relief. 18 Sept. The Yorkshire Committee to certify the cause and date 15 24 of sequestration, and who are the present tenants, and Reading 126 585 to report. 627 591 5 May 1652. The report being ready and he very poor, and the 126 573 County Committee certifying that his rents have been paid into the Treasury, he begs a small sum for his livelihood till his hearing. 5 May. To be heard on Thursday week - 16 357 13 May. His deed allowed, and the County Committee to repay 16 397 their receipts from the estate since 24 Dec. 1649, deducting assessments, and to discharge the sequestration. Purchasers of the Estate of CHARLES and RICHARD TOWNLEY. 11 Aug. Ralph Rymer, the receiver for co. York, certifying that 126 576 he has paid 50%. of the money into the Treasury, Uring begs its repayment for his present necessity, and a representation to Parliament of his sad condition about the rents received before 1649. 11 Aug. Order for repayment to petitioner of 471 10s. out of the 17 138 501., 50s. being the allowance to the County Commissioners for poundage. 6 Oct. 1653. WM. MOORE, merchant of London, begs discharge of 100 lands in Dunston, co. Lincoln, bought by him last July for 3,2007. of Rich. Townley, but sequestered for delinquency and 707 671 3298 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 19 March 1650. D. 100 679 -683 R. 100 653 P. 2232. 27 March 1650. O.T.T. 72 218 O.T.T. 72 219 c. 34 104 P. 2244. 13 April 1650. D. 112 503 L.C.C. 150 75 D. 112 505 CHARLES AND RICHARD TOWNLEY-cont. recusancy of the late Charles Townley, father of Rich. Townley, though he had only a life interest therein; the Committee for Removing Obstructions have allowed Richard Townley's claim thereto. 6 Oct. 1653. County Committee to enquire and certify Vol. No. Gor v. 25 176 100 673 23 1619 100 643 6 July 1654. Claim allowed on proof and debate, sequestration discharged, and arrears to be paid from the date of petition. 16 Jan. 1655. Dorothy Arundel, prisoner in the Fleet, to be 27 253 allowed to attend as witness. 23 Jan. This being considered prejudicial, she is to be examined 27 261 by the Middlesex Commissioners in prison. 1 May. Order that the County Committee of Lincoln pay Moore 27 376 the arrears as ordered, or show cause in 14 days. 19 Sept. 1654. Hapton Manor being claimed by [MARY, widow] 18 9º2 of CHARLES TOWNLEY as part of her dower, and so allowed by the Committee for Sequestrations, order that she shew cause in a month why it should not be granted to the purchaser, who bought it as part of Charles Townley's estate. Purchasers of the Estate of SIR BASIL and THOMAS BROOK. 23 Aug. 1653. Discharge from sequestration of Madeley Manor 18 891 and Wareham Farm, coal mines, steel works, &c., co. Salop, forfeited by Thos. Brook, and bought from the Treason Trustees by John Wildman. 30 Dec. Certificate by the County Committee that Thos. 165 409 Mackworth, assignee of Edw. Cludd, the late owner, has cleared his accounts for rents due on the estate bought by Wildman, and that they have discharged the sequestration. 411 25 Jan. 1654. The counterpart of his lease to be given by the 25 290 registrar to Major Wildman. 28 Feb. 1654. Like discharge of Smithcott, Middle parish, co. 18 948 Gloucester, bought by Wildman. 3 March. Also of North Aston Manor, co. Oxon, bought by 72 271 Wildman. Claimants on the Estate of WALTER LANGDON. 3 Dec. 1651. GEORGE PERRYMAN, of Bodmin, and Wм. HOCKSEN, of 112 499 Advent, Cornwall, petition that last September the County Committee ordered delinquents' estates to be let at Bodmin on 9 October by the box, and papers were posted accordingly. They offered for the barton of Keverell, Walter Langdon's estate, 2051. a year, being 51. beyond any other offer, yet the County Committee refused to let it to them, saying they were only to see what would be given for it, in order that the Committee for Compounding might know its value, as Langdon was com- pounding. He has been beyond seas since the county was reduced, and now the County Committee have let it at a lower rate to his brother, who is brother-in-law to John Jago, one of the Commissioners, and who did not proffer in the box. Beg that their offer may be accepted, they being well-affected, and Perryman having served through the wars. 3 Dec. If this be true, the County Committee are to grant the 15 162 petitioners a lease, and to certify at what they have let the estate for this year. 5 May 1652. Petition renewed for a 7 years' lease, the County 112 197 Committee having refused compliance, and Perryman having twice had to travel from Cornwall on the business. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3299 13 April 1650. L.C.C. 150 7777 H. 16 524 P. 2248. 17 April 1650. L. 30 154 P. 2251. 25 April 1650. L.C.C. 153 507 INF. 153 505 D. 89 752 -756 R. 89 747 H. 15 151 NOTE 94 618 94 623 R. 5 May 1652. The County Committee are to grant the lease at once, or one of them is to appear at his own charge in 3 weeks before the Committee for Compounding. Claimant on the Estate of ELIZABETH, Daughter of THOMAS, VISCOUNT SOMERSET. 16 June. Order on hearing the returns of the County Committee, 16 556 approving what they have done in letting the estate to Mr. Langdon, the brother. Vol. No. G or P. 16 355 5 June 1651. EDWARD CLARKE, of Newent, co. Gloucester, begs 74 955 an order to the County Committee to let him of the estate of [Eliz.] Somerset, of Badminton, sequestered for her recu- sancy. Is the ancient tenant; yet on Ladyday last, the County Committee refused his offer of 2001. a year, the highest bid; he formerly rented it at 1401., and taxes allowed. 5 June. County Committee to certify why they have not let it to 14 150 him. 8 July. They are to receive no lower bid than the greatly in- 30 153 creased value, which upon view they have found to be its true value. CHRISTOPHER HALL and LAWRENCE SAYER, and Claimants on their Estates. 16 March 1652. The depositions against the Clarkes (sic) being 16 141 received, the County Committee are to proceed according to instructions, the case being ready for publication. 7 12 Feb. 1651. Petition of Chris. Hall (missing) referred to 14 Brereton. 89 749 89 751 26 Feb. Christopher and Francis [sons of Thos. Hall, of Hornby in Cleveland], beg a certificate from the County Committee of Durham of the cause of their sequestering the lands of John Douthwaite, of Westholme. Christopher has a right to a rent- charge of 1001. a year thereon, and Francis to a parcel of land and a messuage called Aislaby Holmes, both co. Durham. The premises are sequestered for the delinquency of Christopher Hall, deceased, of West Hartburne, co. Durham, their great uncle, as part of his estate. 26 Feb. Referred to the County Committee 14 29 8 Jan. 1652. On petitioners shewing by witnesses on oath, that 15 176 from the date of the conveyance or grant, they have received the rent-charge and profits claimed respectively, the deeds are to be allowed. 20 July 1653. They beg an order for repayment to them of the 89 691 money received from the said rent-charge of 1007. a year, which has been allowed by this Committee and from Aislaby Holmes, worth 241. a year, discharged from sequestration by order of this Committee. Cannot receive the benefit of these orders with- out further special order. 20 July. The County Committee are to examine witnesses in 25 134 proof of these allegations. 26 Feb. 1651. CUTHBERT HEIGHINGTON, in right of Frances, his 94 631 wife, petitions for payment of two annuities amounting to 181. 6s. 8d. out of lands in Preston-on-Tees, co. Durham, belonging to Lawrence Sayer, and sequestered for his delin- quency. 19 Feb. 1652. Heighington begs an order to the County Com- mittee to examine him and his wife and other witnesses. Granted. 26 Feb. Brereton to examine the deeds concerning the annuities 14 29 and to report. 94 627 94 621 16 39 3300 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 25 April 1650. P. 2285. 6 May 1650. P. 2294. 10 May 1650. L.C.C. 106 131 -135 169 323-327 NOTE 106 127 C. 33 312 106 132, 137, 125 H. 25 253 D. 106 143 R. 106 117 P. 2295. 14 May 1650. P. 2308. 24 May 1650. CHRISTOPHER HALL, &c.-cont. 16 Sept. 1652. Fowle to enquire when Sayer was first seized in the Exchequer, and the County Committee to certify when the rent- charges claimed were first sequestered, &c. 15 Dec. Heighington begs a day for hearing. 15 Dec. To be heard in course amongst the re-reports 15 June 1653. Petition for hearing renewed and granted - SIR THOMAS FLEETWOOD. 30 Dec. 1653. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of 85 1064 his sequestered estate. 26 4 30 Dec. Referred to Reading · Sir Richard being lately dead, and his estate sequestered, 251. of the rent has been in arrear more than a year, and so the rent-charge, mills, &c., have become petitioner's right. Begs that the 251. may be paid him by the sequestrators, and his full rent secured to him by his lawful entry on the pre- mises, promising not to molest the quiet possession of the said sequestrators, if they pay the annual rent. 2 June. Reading and Sherwin to state and certify 10 Sept. Petition renewed 10 Sept. Referred to the County Committee of Surrey Claimant on the Estate of SIR RICHARD WESTON. 2 June 1652. HENRY MASSINGBERD, of Stoughton, Surrey, begs 106 115 allowance of his claim to a rent-charge of 771. a year, in right of his wife, being her jointure from her former husband, Lawrence Stoughton. Sir George Stoughton, of Stoughton, in 16 Jac., leased for 1,000 years certain lands, with water- courses, and paper and corn mills, to Sir Richard Weston, deceased, of Sutton, rent 771. a year; and for security, Sir Richard granted a rent-charge of 771. on his lands in Woking and Sutton, with forfeiture of 51. a day if the rent was unpaid 28 days; and if unpaid for a whole year, Stoughton was to enter on the mills, &c. - Vol. No. G or P. 17 238 94 620 17 512 94 616 25 95 16 496 106 123 - 106 113 - 17 212 106 137 [8 Dec.] Petition renewed, with request for allowance for costs 106 111 of suit and for necessary repairs. D. 116 141 8 Dec. The County Committee are to certify the true yearly 19 1146 value of the mills, what profits have been received from them, whether they are now under sequestration, if not, how they came to be freed, &c. On their returns, the 771. a year will be allowed to Massingberd, if he will give up his interest in the mills. SIR ROBERT SHIRLEY. 11 Sept. 1650. Petitions the Lord President and Council of State 237 144A for release on good sureties from the Tower, where he has been imprisoned since last May, having been called before them and nothing proved against him. His estate is encum- bered with debts, dowers, and annuities of great value, which should be paid at Michaelmas, or the forfeitures therein will utterly ruin him. Begs also discharge of his estate. a customary rent of 51. a year charged on Edenhall lordship, held of Sir Philip Musgrave, which is sequestered as belonging to Rob. Story, who has no interest therein. 28 Oct. Referred to the County Committee Claimant on the Estate of SIR PHILIP MUSGRAVE. 28 Oct. 1652. WM. MUSGRAVE, of Edenhall, Cumberland, begs an 105 452 order to the Committee of Cumberlaud to examine his title to - 17 369 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3301 P. 2315. 31 May 1650. 67 L.C.C. 168 59 I. & V. ] D. 67 o.c.c. 168 L.C.C. 168 69 I. & D. -89 L. 168 57 P. 2318. 31 May 1650. o.c.c. 134 457 L.C.C.134 451, & D. f 453, 459 C. 33 303 D. 98 11 6 Jan. 1653. The Brecon and Radnor Committees to seize the 17 571 estate, and direct the purchasers to show cause in 21 days why it should not be sequestered, Richard Aubrey in his petition to the Barons of Exchequer having acknowledged himself sequestered in 1649. 134 463 L.C.C. 134 455 L.C.C. | 134 443 & D. J -450 c. 134 461 R. 134 433 P. 2326. 31 May 1650. Vol. No. G or P. 55 Claimant on the Estate of RICHARD AUBREY. 6 Oct. 1652. REES LLOYD, CO. Brecon, informs against the County 168 Committees of Brecon and Radnor, that in Aug. 1649, Richard Aubrey, of Boughton, co. Radnor, clerk, was voted a delin- quent, and sequestered by Edward Rumsey, John Williams, and Howell Jones, and his personal estate of 180l. 11s. 4d., disposed of by Wm. Aubrey, Wm. Powell, Thos. Hutchens, and John Williams, then County Commissioners, and not a penny restored to Aubrey or accounted for to the State. They have also received, without accounting for, one year's profits of Tyn y Llaneillew and the Tydy, a mill worth 50l. a year, and of other lands in Talgarth, co. Brecon, worth 401. a year. 1 On their removal, Wm. Watkins, being named a Commis- sioner, received the profits for a year till Aug. 1650, and together with Wm. Aubrey, agreed with Richard Aubrey to purchase the premises for 300l., and discharge the sequestra- tion; since which time they have enjoyed the premises without paying any fine to the State. Begs that Watkins, Wm. Aubrey, Powell, Hutchens, and Williams may answer the charge, and that he may have the benefit of this discovery. 6 Oct. The Brecon and Radnor Committees ordered to call the 17 340 late County Committees to account, to levy what they find to be due, to seize the estate, examine witnesses, &c. 22 Nov. Rich. Aubrey having compounded on the Act for South 25 252 Wales, and had his discharge, and no further prosecution being made by the informer, William Watkins and William Aubrey are discharged from the information against them. Claimant on the Estate of COL. WILLIAM COBB. 478 28 June 1653. JOHN WRIGHT begs allowance of an annuity of 147, 134 441 which Wm. Cobb, by indenture of 20 April 1642, granted for 160l. to John Dusgate, George Wright, petitioner's father, and Hillary Forby, by way of rent-charge on the manor of West- hall, Darsingham, Norfolk, for 99 years. John Dusgate and Hillary Forby, by their indenture of 1 Sept. 1642, declared that they stood seized thereof in trust, and for the sole use of George Wright, who accordingly enjoyed it during his life, and petitioner for three years since his death, it being allowed by the late County Committee, but he is now required by the County Committee to repay it as sequestered for the delin- quency of Wm. Cobb, because petitioner produced no allow- ance thereof by the Committee for Compounding. 28 June. Referred to the County Committee Claimant on the Estate of [EDWARD] SHELDON, Co. Gloucester. 25 107 134 439 4 May 1654. Claim allowed, and such security as has been taken 23 1603 from petitioner to be returned. 21 Nov. 1654. THOS. ARDEN, of Newent, co. Gloucester, begs 63 498 allowance of his title to mills in Stratton, co. Gloucester, as beir-at-law to Thomas Arden, late of Stratton, but the County Committee threaten to sequester them on a plea of a title of Mr. Sheldon, recusant. 21 Nov. The County Committee to certify and Reading to report, 27 166 and meantime Arden is to be put out of possession of the estate. # COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3302 P. 2328. May 1650. o.c.c. 70 21 P.R. 14 171 70 15 D. 70 20 R. 70 13 P. 2334. 6 June 1650. P.R. L. C. D. 27 191 208 73 447 73 451 33 432 73 463 73 457 461 73 439 R. P. 2341. 7 June 1650. P. 2346. 7 June 1650. O.T.T. 83 493 P. 2363. 7 June 1650. P.R. 27 122 Claimant on the Estate of SIR THOMAS BOSVILLE. 18 June 1651. ROBERT, son of SIR HEN. BOSVILLE, of Aynsford, Kent, begs that his annuity of 101. on the estate sequestered for his late brother, Sir Thos. Bosville's delinquency, may be paid to Daniel Winchester, merchant tailor, of Newgate Market, to whom petitioner apprenticed himself for 6 years, assigning him the said annuity, and who refuses to keep him unless it be paid. 8 April 1652. Granted, with arrears from Dec. 1649 Claimants on the Estate of JOHN WEBB. 12 Dec. 1654. JOHN CARYLL and JAMES WILFORD, trustees for MARY 73 449 WEBB, daughter of JOHN and Eliz. Webb, of London, begs dis- 129 269 charge of Giddy Hall and other lands in Essex, settled on them by John Webb, sen., to raise 1,000l. portions for his grand- daughters, but sequestered for recusancy of John Webb, jun. 12 July 1655. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged, with 28 arrears, till the 1,000l. portions be raised. The Trustees to give accounts, and certify yearly as to the life of the said Mary, and if she die, to pay in their receipts. 3 Vol. No. Gor p. 70 18 16 287 JOHN CLAVERING. 12 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for 75 of his sequestered estate. 12 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 6 12 Jan. Referred to Reading 5 April. Petition to the Protector. Demised with Sir Gregory Norton, Bart., his trustee, Weston Manor, near Bath, Somer- set, for 16 years, from Ladyday 1641, at 400l. a year, to Thos. Wild and John Chapman, Arthur Sherston entering into a statute of 3,0001. for the performance of covenants on the lessees' part. Was sequestered for recusancy in 1645, when Chapman, concealing the said lease, obtained from the County Commissioners a new lease at 2001. a year. Appealed to the Committee for Sequestrations, who ordered, 12 May 1647, a full third of the 400l. a year rent to be paid him, yet this order has never been obeyed. Chapman has sworn that peti- tioncr left his house near Newbury when the King's party were like to lose it, and went into Wales, and there lived a year. Was debarred further prosecution of his claim by the dissolu- tion of the Committee for Sequestrations. 11 The Committee for Compounding have no power to discharge sequestrations laid on before their time, except by composition, which petitioner was incapable of, by reason of his recusancy; so his whole estate, the manor of Lansdowne and Hundred of Bath Forum, became sequestered for delinquency, and he has not received his third since September 1645. Begs relief on the late Recusants' Act of 21 Oct. 1653, and allowance of debts contracted during the oppression upon him. With reference thereon to the Committee for Compounding. Purchaser of the Estate of RICHARD EDWARDS. 24 Jan. 1655. Discharge from sequestration of a house and lands 18 973 in Selattin parish, Salop, forfeited by Rich. Edwards, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Ambrose Edwards. 10 JOHN WINCHCOMBE, Henwick, Berks. 12 Jan. 1654. Begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act for of 136 391 his sequestered estate, with allowance for debts and incum- brances. 26 6 27 121 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. 3303 7 June 1650. c. 136 395 c. 33 358 D. 136 381 L.C.c.166 335 D. 136 345 D. 114 889 -896 33 387 144 897 -901 R. 114 879 D. 114 875 R. 114 867 M. 27 326 C. Vol. No. Gor p. 12 April 1654. He petitions the said Committee for reference of 136 389 his case to counsel and to the present Committee for Somerset, and for an order for a certificate from Rice Vaughan of pro- ceedings before the Committee for Sequestrations and Barons of Exchequer; also for certificates of the registrar and auditor of this Committee. R. 27 121 4 Dec. Note by Lisle Long that multiplicity of business has 136 383 prevented the Committee for Compounding's report in the case from being presented to the Protector. P. 2762. 26 March 1651. P.E. 113 525 27 25 12 April. Col. John Gorges, the County Commissioner for 27 Somerset, and the auditor and registrar are to certify proceed- ings thereon before the County Commissioners, Committee for Sequestrations, and the Barons of Exchequer, and Reading is to report. 12 Sept. Chapman and Sherston ordered copies of the complaint 27 116 against them, witnesses to be cross-examined, and the rents to remain in the tenants' hands till Michaelmas. 19 Sept. Order on Winchcombe's request-that as the delay in 27 125 the case has not been caused by him, the rents may remain 136 387 in the tenants' hands till the order is given-that they so remain a fortnight longer. 5 Dec. Request that the order [of 19 Sept.] may be renewed for 136 385 two Mondays more. 5 Dec. The hearing to be in 6 weeks, the rents remaining in the 136 379 tenants' hands meanwhile. 27 195 27 Feb. 1655. Sam Bellingham, the Commissioner for Berks, is 27 311 to postpone his receipt of the rents 14 days longer. 136 343 27 337 15 March. The Commissioners for Somerset and Berks are to allow the rents to remain in the tenants' hands till 14 April 1655, when they are to be levied. 27 364 12 April. A further delay of 6 weeks granted 18 May. The Commissioner for Berks is to grant 14 days longer, 27 393 and certify the value of the estate. CLAIMANT ON THE ESTAte. 903 27 Sept. 1654. THOS. ROBINSON, of Westminster, begs payment of 114 887 a rent-charge, with arrears for 4 years, of 101. a year, bought of Rob. Smeaton, who held it for life, and payable out of Lans- downe Manor, Somerset, sequestered for the recusancy or de- linquency of John Winchcombe. 27 Sept. Referred to the County Committee and to Reading 27 9 114 885 23 1667 6 Feb. 1655. Robinson's claim disallowed, and the sequestration on the 107. a year to proceed. 9 Feb. Begs leave to offer fresh proof to the clearing of his title. 114 873, Granted. 877, 871 27 290 15 March. Claim allowed on further proof, with arrears since 23 1677 1649. *Claimant on the Estate of FRANCIS WISE, Skewsby, Co. York. THOS. REYNOLDS, postmaster of York, begs to compound for an 113 524 estate worth but 41. a year, bought by him from Fras. Wise, who is sequestered for delinquency in arms. Has therefore farmed it from the County Committee. Noted "We cannot relieve the petitioner." 3304 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ADDENDA TO CASES. P. 2803. 16 May 1651. L.C.C. 161 441 -444 & D. 76 595 33 336 76 591 599 R. 76 587 L.C.C. 76 544 -546 76543 R. 76 535 P. 3021. 7 July 1652. L. 105 75 P.E. 115 765 c. 152 691 105 85 P. 3170. 15 Dec. 1653. L.C.C. 75 660 -670 I.&D. 172 377 -383 33 433 75 673, 671 R. 75 653 C. 18 Jan. 1654. Claimant on the Estate of JOHN HALLIWELL. 18 Nov. 1651. THOS. COOPER, of Euxton, co. Lancaster, begs an order to the County Committee to certify in his case, and dis- charge of sequestration. The late John Halliwell, of Welsh Whittle, conveyed to him in 1649 the reversion of a lease of 4 acres in Charnock Richard, rent 4l. 14s. 4d., and of 3 acres at Coppull, rent 41., bnt are sequestered for Halliwell's recu- sancy. Has served Parliament, and subscribed the engagement. 18 Nov. The County Committee to certify the cause and date of 15 89 sequestration, and Reading to report. 76 592 2 3 Vol. No. G or P. 15 June 1654. The County Committee not being satisfied on report as to the relation between the petitioner and John Halliwell, nor who is Halliwell's heir-at-law, the County Committee are to enquire, prove the payment of the 201. nained in the report as paid for the lease, and whether the deed of 1649 was not in trust; and to certify this with the yearly value of the estate. 28 Nov. The County Committee having returned the further 76 542 proof required, Cooper begs allowance of his title. 28 Nov. Reading to make an additional report 76 593 563 76 541 23 1612 2 Jan. 1655. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged, with 23 1657 arrears from his first petition. 27 176 76 539 Claimant on the Estate of JEFFREY SAMWAYS.* 10 Feb. 1652. CAPT. ROGER MARTIN, of Poole, Dorset, begs leave 115 763 to compound for a tenement purchased by him of Jeffrey Sam- 105 73 ways, a delinquent; the mortgage on it being just ended, it has come into petitioner's hands. Wishes to compound for it in the delinquent's name, but will pay the fine. Has been always a faithful servant to Parliament. 15 Dec. 1653. The County Committee to certify and Reading to report. 31 May 1655. Claim allowed and sequestration discharged, with arrears since the death of the father. 10 Feb. Referred to the County Committee 15 258 30 June. He begs discharge of the estate on the Act of Oblivion, 105 88 being not actually sequestered 1 Dec. 1651. Is in a frigate in the Parliament's service. 30 June. Admitted to compound if he proceed within 6 weeks' 16 618 time, otherwise the estate is to be sequestered. 115 761 See his case, p. 3021; but the whole case should have been under the earliest date, 10 Feb. 1652. *THOMAS, Son of THOMAS CONSTABLE, Ganstead, Co. York. 659 His father had an estate in Ganstead, of which were seques- 75 618 tered for his recusancy; but he being dead, the lands now belong to petitioner as his heir. Begs an order to the County Committee to certify the cause of sequestration, and reference to counsel of his title to the estate. 25 179 75 657 23 1691 *MARY MORGAN, Widow. Petitions that her husband's estate was and is still sequestered 103 421 for delinquency, though he died July last. Part of it was settled on her upon her marriage 30 years since, the discharge of which she has endeavoured to procure since his death, but cannot for default of a principal witness. Hoping its dis- charge, she begs to contract for the of it liable to sequestra- tion for her recusancy, on the Act of 21 October. 18 Jan. Referred to Reading 26 10 ( 3305) " P. 971. 18 Nov. 1645. c. 174 121 P. 978. 20 Nov. 1645. R. 174 120 23 Dec. 1645. Fine 501. P. 1171. 4 April 1646. P. 1578. Nov. 1646. P. 1580. 1 Dec. 1646. 70858. SUPPLEMENTARY ADDENDA. *EDWARD WALLIS, Trowbridge, Wilts. Begs a reasonable composition to free his estate from sequestra. 174 tion. Living under the power of the King's army near Farley Castle, was 12 months in arms there for the King, but came into Parliament quarters before the castle was taken; craves pardon for his error. Has only personal estate. Vol. No. G or P. 123 9 March 1646. Fine accepted by the House, he having only chattels worth 5001. 3 8 1 92 *VALENTINE TRYM, Wells, Somerset. Note that he took the Oath and Covenant, that letters were sent 2 129 to the County Committee to certify the same, and that he is lodging at King Street, Covent Garden. 9 April 1646. His fine set at 401. 3 75 Claimant on the Estate of WILLIAM STARESMORE. 31 Jan. 1655. GEORGE RAISON begs allowance of his judgment-at- 144 453 law, obtained 18 Car., against Staresmore for a debt of 2001. and 50s. costs, and of an extent upon of his lands, co. Leicester, which he cannot enjoy because of the sequestration thereof. 31 Jan. The County Committee to certify and Reading to report 27 228 Claimants on the Estate of SIR JOHN FITZHERBERT. 31 Oct. 1650. On petition of EDW. ONLY and 2 others, his trustees, 10 197 the County Committee for Derby are to certify the cause of the sequestration of the lands therein named, and Reading is to report on his title. Claimant on the Estate of SIR CHRISTOPHER HATTON. Dec. 1647 ? JAMES LEWIS, minister of Duston, co. Northampton, 135 641 pleads that the Committee for Plundered Ministers granted him an augmentation of 401. a year from Gretton rectory, sequestered from Hatton, and the order has been confirmed, but he and his Lady obstruct payment thereof by the tenants, though he has not paid in any part of his composition. Begs that his composi- tion may not be reported till the 401. with arrears has been paid. I 3306 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-SUPPLEMENTARY ADDENDA. P. 1608. 17 Dec. 1646. PASS 71 606 P.R. 3 331 P. 1923. 19 Feb. 1649. O.T.T. 90 887 P. 2051. 15 May 1649. P. 2221. 19 March 1650. P.E. 218 370 P. 2230. 22 March 1650. H. 25 146 D. 120 267, 254-267 ACCTS.120 265 R. 120 235 120 251 L.C.C. -256, & D. 270-279 ACCTS. 120 283 285 *ROGER BURGIS, Servant to the Prince. Being a delinquent for bearing arms against Parliament, begs to compound on Oxford Articles. Was there at its surrender, and being lately come to London, has not had time to make a particular of his estate. Noted that he may compound, but not on Oxford Articles, because out of time; when he comes in, he is to have a licence, *EDWARD HAWORD. 24 April 1655. Discharge from sequestration of a house and lands 18 980 in Eccleston, co. Lancaster, forfeited by him, and bought from the Treason Trustees by Wm. Layton. *PETER MARINDALL, Manchester, Co. Lancaster. Fine on composition for one life, at 11. 10s. a year, 31. Vol. No. Gor p. 71 603 *WALTER CHARLETON, M.D., Martin's-in-the-Fields, Middlesex. Begs to compound, not being sequestered, for assisting the King 218 368 in the first war. Claimant on the Estate of SIR FRANCIS MANNOCK, Bart. 19 March 1650. Order that he be sequestered and admitted to 7 60 compound. 20 March. Fine at 31. 6s. 8d. for a personal estate of 201. - 7 63 6 49 8 July. The County Committees of Hunts and Cambridge to certify and Reading to report. 269 8 July 1652. Petition of CHARLES STEPKIN, for himself and other 120 249 creditors of Sir Francis, for discharge of Eltisley Manor and other lands, cos. Cambridge and Hunts, sequestered for recu- sancy, but assigned 8 Charles by Mannock, after his death, to Charles Paris and other trustees, for payment of debts and legacies, and transferred by them to petitioners on payment of 1,000l. to Anne Mannock, and on their undertaking the debts, &c. 1 Dec. 1653. The deed allowed, but the sequestration cannot be discharged till it is proved that the debts and legacies cannot be raised from the estate. Accounts to be taken, and proof to be made of the marriage of Anne Mannock with [Valentine] Saunders, and whether he is a recusant. 16 660 120 247 19 1143 12 Dec. On proof that Saunders has taken the Oath of Abjura- 19 1152 tion, and that the estate is only worth 3001. a year, the claim allowed, and sequestration to be discharged, as 1,495l. has still to be raised from the estate, and Stepkin is to enjoy it with arrears, till the sum is paid, and also two annuities of 41. and 51. 1 May 1655. John Gurdon and Ald. Wm. Gibbs to the Committee 120 233 for Compounding. The late Parliament of 2 Nov. 1644, on the petition of the inhabitants of Nayland, Suffolk, granted them an augmentation for their minister from Stoke Nayland rectory, sequestered from Sir F. Mannock, and the Committee for Se- questrations confirmed to them 977. therefrom, which has been COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-SUPPLEMENTARY ADDENDA. 3307 22 March 1650. P. 2249. 19 April 1650. c. 219 184 P.E. 219 185 R. 219 181 P. 2254. 25 April 1650. P. 2340. 7 June 1650. P. 2387. 28 June 1650. L.C.C. 64 938 o.c.c. 64 930 D. 64 944 946 They paid till the estate was discharged for debts of 1,4901. fearing much to lose their minister, we have mediated between the parties, and beg that the 70l. a year may continue, and that the vicar of Stoke may have the vicarage house, and they beg confirmation thereof. Vol. No. G or P. *RICHARD RICHARDSON, Boreham, Wilts. Begs to compound for an inheritance lately fallen to him of a 219 188 yardland, but sequestered by the County Committee, because being a servant of the late King, he attended him at Oxford in 1643, according to his duty. With note of reference. 7 May 1650. Note that the 6 weeks having elapsed, the compo- 8 26 sition is rejected. 9 July. His fine set at 1, 451. - 11 2 Claimant on the Estate of LAWRENCE SAYER. 14 Sept. 1653. RICH. BULLOCK, of North Holme, and THos. 71 821 ARMSTRONG, of Naborn, co. York, beg examination of their title to a rent-charge of 561. on lands in Preston-on-Tees granted by Sayer to Thos. Metham, who transferred the same to them by will 1st April 1652. 14 Sept. The County Committee to certify and Brereton to report 25 176 Claimant on the Estate of SIR JOHN BYRON. 21 March 1654. MARY, widow of Sir James Stonehouse, begs 143 193 examination and reference to Counsel of her claim to of lands in Farrington, Milverton, Holcomb Rogus, and many other places, and to the of Greenham and many other manors and rectories, all co. Somerset, of which she is seized by conveyance from her father, John Blewett, but they are seized for a debt pretended to be due by her late husband to Sir John Byron, a delinquent, although he had only an estate therein for life, and is lately dead. 21 March. Referred to the County Committee and Reading J 25 274 Claimants on the Estate of RICHARD BROWNE. 935 15 Sept. 1652. WILLIAM and FRANCIS AUSTEN petition that their 64 947 father, Rich. Austen bought-for the lives of Agnes his wife, and William and Frances his children-from Sir John Rodney and others their right to certain lands which Agnes conveyed to Rich. Browne. She died 11 years ago, and Browne retained possession till ejected by law a year ago; but Browne being sequestered, they are now deprived of their possession on pretence of a lease to John Hopkins and others. Beg redress or reference of their title to Counsel. 15 Sept. Referred to the Somerset Committee and Reading 17 228 64 932 24 May 1653. Wm. Austen renews his petition, complaining that 64 942 Hopkins keeps him out by violence, and has seized his hay, &c. With note of reference to Reading. B. 64 927 4 Aug. Rich. Browne to produce his title to the premises in a 19 1110 week, when the case will be considered. E. 64 919 13 April 1654. The claim of the Austens cannot be allowed on 27 26 present proof, but they may offer better proofs if they can. I1 3308 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-SUPPLEMENTARY ADDENDA. P. 2573. 11 Oct. 1650. P. 2574. 11 Oct. 1650. P. 2777. 23 April 1651. P.E. 227 151 26 182 D. 227 149 R. 227 158 P. 2847. 8 July 1651. P. 2850. 9 July 1651. P. 2930. 8 Jan. 1652. Claimant on the Estate of THOMAS CLIFTON. 1653 ? JOHN LASTLES begs to contract on the late Recusants' Act 99 383 of 21 Oct. 1653 for lands in Westby-cum-Plumpton, co. Lancas- ter, being part of the estate of Thos. Clifton, to which he is tenant. MON Jan. 1654. Like petition of Nich. Tompson. [Add to the end 123 61 of the case.] Vol. No. G or p. Claimant on the Estate of ALEXANDER OSBALDESTON. 17 July 1655. CHARLES HAWORTH, of Naworth, RICH. ASHTON, of 90 393 Downham, and other trustees of Alexander and Anne Osbaldes- ton and their 5 children, petition that on 11 June 1655 (P), Alex. Osbaldeston, in consideration of his marriage with Anne, daughter of Sir John Talbot, with whom he had 1,000l.— settled Osbaldeston and other manors on himself and his wife for life, and then for payment of his debts and provision for his children, with remainder to his son and heir Edward, and his other sons; he ordered Osbaldeston Manor to be sold for pay- ment of debts and of 1,500l., portions of his children, but are sequestered for his recusancy, though he was never convicted. Beg examination of their claim and reference to Counsel. 17 July 1655. The County Committee for Lancaster to certify and Reading to report. JOHN HEYWOOD. 22 Dec. 1653. His fine at 4 years' purchase set at 5381. 7s. 6d. 7 April 1654. The sequestration of the said estate discharged on payment. *Claimant on the Estate of CAPTAIN, or SIR WILLIAM BATTEN. 29 14 195 NOTE 83 216 NATH. BRAD, master of the Peter Bonadventure, allowed to com- pound for of the ship, which belongs to Batten, the rest to 83 213 16 be sold by the County Committee for London, and the money paid into Goldsmiths' Hall. [See Batten's case in the Com- mittee for Advance of Money Calendar, p. 945.] JOHN SEAVIER [a mistake in the Order Book 15, p. 177, for Hen. Seavier]. 11 227 158 26 182 *THOMAS HUTTON. Petitions that, being lieutenant to Captain Nicholson in Parlia- 93 658 ment service, he was at the battle of Higham Moor, and in his absence, 4 of his oxen, value 217., were seized for the Parliament ships lying in Fouldrey Road. Begs satisfaction therefor, having applied in vain to the Committee for the County Pala- tine of Lancaster, and to the County Committee. Noted "We have no power." 8 Jan. 1652. HEN. SEAVIER petitions that he was in Portland at its 116 325 surrender, being lieutenant to the Governor, and the order of Parliament of 20 Jan. 1647 for freedom from sequestration for those who surrendered on Portland Articles has been observed till of late he has been sequestered by the County Committee of Somerset. Begs an order to them to certify the charge against him. 8 Jan. Referred to the County Committee - 15 177 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-SUPPLEMENTARY ADDENDA. 3309 P. 3193. 17 Jan. 1654. P. 3256. 30 April 1646. P. 3258. RECUSANTS. Add Thos. Sheldon, Grafton, co. Warwick FRANCIS EDWARDS *RICH. JOHNSON.DS} (imperfect cases) - *Add to the list ending William Collingwood. 4 Jan. 1652. EDW. WHITE, Bramford Speke, Devon 25 March 1652. JOHN SWAYLE, Gray's Inn, Middlesex THOS. J در PAGE 45, 29 lines from bottom, for Thos., read Fras. Munday. 49, 23 lines from bottom, for Sir Hen. Harman read Hayman. 57, line 21, for Col. [John] reud Col. [Wm.] Coryton. 68, line 8, for 2081. read 1087. 78, 9 lines from bottom, for Gouldsberg read Gouldsbury. 81, line 7, for John Norwich read Sir John. 86, 8 lines from bottom, for Edw. read Edmund Chamberlain. for Farmest read Farmcot. 26 " 89, line 9, for Huith read Hinte. 99, 8 lines from bottom, for Oxinside read Ormside. 100, line 17, John Fletcher Morley not Norley. 102, 13 lines from bottom, for 300l. read 8001. 109, line 8, for Jas. Filkes read Jos. 115, last line, for Rob. Mallock read Roger. 116, line 9, dele lawyer. ERRATA. در "> 118, line 18, col. 2, dele dead. *** Readers are requested to correct the errata in their respective copies, as the Index answers only to copies thus corrected. See also a few errata on p. 828, end of Part I. line 35, col. 2, for Wickampton read Wichampton. >J 119, line 9, for Frances Cornwallis read Francis. line 7, for Beresby read Berisby. 144, 18 lines from bottom, for — Hicks read [Hum.] Hooke. 162, line 4, for Wm. read Sir Wm. Strickland. 185, line 3, for Wolstan read Wolston Paston. 1 - · · Vol. No. G or p. 116 1006 3 92 12 384 16 221 3310 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ERRATA. PAGE 193, 32 and 24 lines from bottom, for Capt. Thatcher read Hatcher. ERRATA-continued. 257, 12 lines from bottom, for Brampton read Brayton. 345, line 10, alter to from Anne, wife of Dr. Thos. Wilson, late wife of John Hills. 402, line 30, for [Henry, Grace] Bedingfield's husband read Mrs. Bedingfield's husband. 456, 5 lines from bottom, for Joyce read Juice. 498, line 4, for Rudderidge read Pudderidge [or Potheridge]. 508, line 25, dele the entry relating to Capt. John Smith. 517, 34 lines from bottom, for [Key ?] read St. Kew. 537, line 4, for Marlborough read Malborough. 372, line 16, for Crynbryn read Crynvryn. 590, line 13, for Wm. Andrews read Owen Andrews. 623, line 34, for S. Walshe read G. Walshe. 99 >> "" 8 lines from bottom, after George read or Charles, Lord Strange. 668, 12 for 5 read 25 March. 698, 20 and 28 lines from bottom, for Sir Edmund D'Ewes read Sir Simon. 699, 2 lines from bottom, for Brudly read Bradley. 700, 17 lines from bottom, for G 73, p. 217 read p. 219. 704, last line, for Aston read Acton. 728, line 23, for Bedbury read Bedgbury. 729, line 27, for Longton read Longston. 730, 15 lines from bottom, for Sir Wm. Fenwick read Sir John. 143, 28 " "" for Kneeton read Kuayton. 788, line 12, for Hartington read Harting. 795, 13 lines from bottom, for Fitchett read Finshead. 800, line 7, for Sir Edw. Kinaston read Edw. Kynaston. 815, line 10, for Milford and Copeland read Milfield and Coupland. 857, line 6, dele Hen. Cooke. 872, line 23, before Tilman add Whetenhall or Samuel. 881, line 21, for Stukeley Manor read Stukeley Magna. 903, 3 lines from bottom, for Blaque read Blague. 907, 10 914, 29 for the Brewers read Ile Brewers. case of Earl of Rivers, for his son read his brother. >> 955, line 17, for Wimbleton read Wimbledon. در "" 1016, 26 lines from bottom, for Sir Simon read Simon Degge. 1021, 3 dele Bart. " 1031, 24 lines from bottom, for the said petitioners read Lady Mary Leppington, Thomas Lord Savage and Elizabeth his wife, and John Howe and Annabella his wife. 1036, dele 2nd paragraph from bottom. 1039, left margin, 7 lines from top, add c. 229 162a. 1100, 11 lines from bottom, for Henrietta, Mary, read Henrietta Mary. 1155, line 24, for Mary read Margaret Dutton. 1197, dele entry lines 10-12 from bottom. 1274, line 8, for John read James Carey. 1277, dele 13th line from bottom. 1291, line 19, for No order read 16 May. Reference but no order. 3114. 1301, 17 lines from bottom, for Sir Peter read Sir Rob. Killigrew. 1402, line 26, for Broadridge read Brodridge. 1453, line 19, for [Essex] read [Salop]. 1480, line 15, after 19 Oct., add 1659. 1507, after the first 9 references, left hand margin, add L.C.C. 232 194▲. 1518, 21 lines from bottom, for Rutland read Ruthland [? Rhuddlan] castle. 1661, 9 lines from bottoin, for Shirland read Shoreland Adams. COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ERRATA. 3311 ERRATA-continued. PAGE t "" also 1665, 11 lines from bottom, dele "Committee, &c.," as far as estate ; marginal references right hand, 8 131, 10 43. 1692, line 13, for Barton-in-Doune, Holland, read Barton, in Downholland. 1701, line 3, for Copplethwaite read Copperthwaite. 1703, line 2, right hand margin, dele 437. 1729, right margin, 4th entry, for 134 120, read 234 120. left margin, after the 7 entries, add L 234 122. "" 1733, left margin, bottom, add to D. 132 209, D. 234 124▲; and to D. 95 904, Accts. 234 124B. 1737, line 7, for Trembell, read Trembett. 1745, 16 lines from bottom, for Ant. Bowles read Rowles. 1758, line 23, for Rob. read Rich. Canning. 1771, line 14, for Bassobel read Boscobel. 1784, 10 lines from bottom, for Grove Park, Bucks, read Peterly, Bucks. 1851, line 9, after Cuxton dele Notts. 1864, left margin, 4 lines from bottom, insert L.c.c. 156 29. 1877, 15 lines from bottom, for Donington read Dennington. 1947, left margin, 14 lines from top, add L.c.c. 163 273. c. & o.c.c. 163 277. 1949, line 12, dele [the Earl of Rivers]. 1952, 14 lines from bottom, for Booth read Bootle. 1955, 21 lines from bottom, dele entry of 2 lines. 1995, line 12, dele of Kirklewe. 2019, top line, read Rich. March or Marsh, and dele D.D.; the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th entries from the top, which belong to the case of Dr. Rich. Marsh, also dele, as they are reprinted in the Addenda p. 3293. 2044, top line, left margin, for 92 352 read 99 353. 2058, lines 1 to 3 dele. 2101, Note. For 28 Jan. 1650, read 28 June. 2139, 15 and 20 lines from bottom, for Guyner read Gaynor. 2180, 12 lines from bottom, for Bowvilston read Bonvilston. 2219, line 23, for Elrington read Ebrington. 2225, line 16, for Rich. Moore read Wm. Moore. 2232, line 19, for Thomas read Fras. Foster. 2261, line 11, for Row read Rewse. 2295, line 16, add references left hand margin 237 144c, and right hand margin 237 144c. 2312, line 7, dele of Llanternam. 2321, 12 and 13 lines from bottom, dele the entry of 24 Feb. 1654. 2338, line 24, for Commissioner read Cornet James Sparrow. 2353, line 17, for Kinneton read Kniveton. 2374, line 13, for 1653 read 1613. 2384, 14 lines from bottom, for Blackdon read Blagdon. 2389, line 9, for Fras. Chenry read Cheney. 2450, line 1, for 1652 read 1659. 2456, line 25, for John Hall read Hatt. 2459, 12 lines from bottom, for Westmoreland read [Sussex]. 2501, 23 2518, 12 2523, line 18, for Edward read Edmond Chamberlain. for Rob. Smith read Rob. Selth. for Warsill read Worsall, >> 2539, line 3, for Elton read Elston. 2541, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th entries from bottom, left margin, for 91 read 90. 2542, 18 lines from bottom, for Wm. Houghton read John Houghton. 2543, remove the top entry to p. 3102. 2572, line 6 and 21, for Lilham read Lytham. 2579, lines 7 and 11, for 25 Sept. read 25 March. " " 3312 COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING.-ERRATA. PAGE 2691, line 17, for Wortley read Worsley. 2721, line 13, for Preesthouse read Priesthawaes. 2733, line 21, for Dorothy read Dr. Fage. 2745, line 3, for Rob. read Thos. Molineux. 2832, line 19, for Dulcot read Burcot. ERRATA-Continued. 2849, 14 lines from bottom, for Elswick farm read a farm in Elswick. 2983, line 15, for James Levington read John. 3022, last line, for Howell read Howett, and add reference in left hand margin, O.T.T. 83 147. 3036, line 4, for Barmester read Bannester. 3099, line 10, for Oakley read Oaken. 3119, dele lines 7 and 8 from bottom, which belong to p. 3205. "} "" 3142, 8 lines from bottom, dele the entry of 21 Dec. 1653. 3158, 23 for 12 Jan. 1655 read 12 Jan. 1654. 3186, line 15, dele petition missing, and add ref. 87, 646. 3193, line 12 from bottom, dele. 3210, 17 "" "" for Nicholas, Charles, and John, read Nicholas, Charles, and Roger. 3212, line 29, for Edw. Carletou read Edw. Charleton. 8259, line 18, for Shardington read Shurdington. 3322, col. 1, to Ashe, John, letters to, add 1083. 3358, col. 2, dele Carleton, Edw. 3366, col. 1, line 20, Charleton, Edw., after 3074 add 3212. 3389, col. 1, to Cromwell, as Lord-lieutenant of Ireland, add 224. 3412, col. 2, to Exchequer, extents, &c., issued from, add 207. 3477, col. 2, Lenthall, Sir Wm., after certificates by, add ..... 612. **** chamber of, 3497, col. 1, Mitton, Col., statement by, for 604 read 624. 3536, col. 2, line 1, to Revenue Committee in Ireland, add 2982. 3672, col. 1, Eccleshall, transfer the words alias Johnson to the next line but one, before prebend of. 3700, col. 1, Hogginton, co. Cambridge, for residents at, 1649, 2347, read see Oakington. 3733, col. 1, to London streets, add Whitechapel, residents in, 2163. 3771, col. 2, after Easthorpe, add East India Company, see General Index, and London, streets, &c., in, East India House. ( 3313 ) GENERAL INDEX OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. • T ·· ··· *** Note that families having the same surname are grouped together as far as possible, so that the Christian names are not always in alphabetical sequence. The thick figures refer to the Cases brought before the Committee. > Abbis, Thos., 555, 895. Abbot, or Abbott, George, M.P., note by, 1399. George, Hants?, Mary, widow of, petition of, 1571. John, of the Prerogative Office, 321. John, co. Lancaster, 2798. wife of, 2799. Edward and John, sons of, 2799. Rich., son of, 2799. daughters of, 2799. *** Marg., see Landen, Marg. Rob., 893. Mr., co. Leicester, 108. .., Mr., minister of Midhurst, Sussex, 1863. " ***** ******} A Abdy, Rob., petitions of, 2225 (2). Sir Thos., 3260. Part I. contains pp. 1— 828. 829-1636. pp. Part II. Part III. Part IV. Part V. pp. 1637-2392. pp. 2393-3176. pp. 3177-3312. ……………… د. در " "" Abel, Mr., of London, 668. Abercromby, Susan, 26, 29, 788, 789. late husband of, 29. Abergavenny, Lord, see Neville, John. Abington, John, and Thos. his son, 1664. Abjuration, Oath of, or Negative Oath, 40, 75, 200, 206, 212, 225, 227, 243, 404, 493, 497 (2), 564, 572, 580, 593, 608, 614, 618, 630, 648,656, 934, 937, 1957, 3230. ……….., persons taking or having taken, passim. ******* ......, exempted from taking, 1593, 2370. *) **** ****** refusing or neglecting to take, 36, 47, 127, 319, 404, 436, 580, 591, 638, 648, 656, 967, 968 (2), 1008 (2), 1064, 1095, 1239, 1425, 1426, 1489, 1556, 1587, 1666, 1706 (2), 1841, 1997, 2125, 2127, 2292, 2462 (2), 2468, 2472, 2493, 2532, 2576, 2594, 2673, 2701, 2745, 2910, 2969 (2), 3004, 3046, 8054, 3068, 3113 (2), 3121, 3150, 3230, 3297. •" ******* Abjuration, Oath of, or Negative Oath-cont. ., persons ordered to take, 967,988, 1006, 1007, 1027, 1064, 1145, 1163 (2), 1175, 1224, 1268 (2), 1312, 1340, 1346, 1365, 1447 (4), 1450, 1490, 1534, 1564, 1602, 1604 (2), 1613, 1667, 1675, 1710, 1723, 1727, 1731, 1776, 1790, 1796, 1891, 1914, 1957, 1989, 2059, 2126, 2127, 2181, 2182 (2), 2200, 2229 (2), 2231, 2250, 2293, 2316, 2318, 2359, 2370 (2), 2408, 2437, 2456, 2461, 2484, 2546, 2672 (2). 2738, 2769, 2779, 2823, 2845, 2847, 2851, 2877, 2881, 2882, 2898, 2909, 2956, 2967, 2969, 2970, 2980, 2996, 3004, 3007, 3023 (2), 3044, 3054, 3069, 3110. ......, persons willing to take, 1043, 1127, 1131, 1141, 1142, 1146, 1150, 1225, 1277, 1288, 1368, 1374, 1375, 1406, 1414, 1422, 1445, 1550, 1603, 1615, 1633, 1635, 1700, 1810, 2425, 2827, 2844, 2948, 3049, 3059, 3135. > Abney, Dan., petition of, 2419. Abrahall, John, sen., Monkbury, co. Hereford, R 2584. John, Ross, co. Hereford, 2584. Paul, uncle of, 2069, 2585. **** John, jun., Yarkhill, co. Hereford, 2584. •" ? .... Ant., grandchild of, 2585. Thos., 2690. Wm., 2202 (2). petitions of, 2202 (2). Abraham, Eliz., and Wm., her son, co. Lan caster, 2871. Wm., 1457. Abrook, Wm., petition of, 1491. Acastle, Henry, and Joan his wife, 1965. petition of, 1965. Accounts, Committee of, at Worcester House, 31, 42, 43, 63, 75, 133, 151, 156, 229, 357 (2), 470, 476, 608, 1444, 2554. ... at Ald. Freeman's house, London, 471. *** at the Duchy House, West- minster, 471. 3314 GENERAL INDEX. Accounts, Committee of-cont. ………………………. ………………, accounts sent up to, 220, 286, 471. ... .......... ... certificates by, 37, 2451. alluded to, 42, 43, 54, 55, 84, 132, 800, 801, 804 (2), 2451. letter of, alluded to, 158. officers of, 1353. orders of, 470, 471. orders to, or alluded to, 26, 31, 167, 394, 1353. Acheson, Martha, Lady, see Atkins, Rich., wife of. .. , ……………… ··· Achim, Thos., 117. Achlowe, see Atsloe. Ackers, Wm., 3199. • ་ .. ·· 3199. Acklam, George, 3111. Ackland, or Aclaud, Arthur, 98. " ... …… • 1221 (2). Acton, Adam, 1484. Edw., 107. > ... > *** ... . ·· Sir Edw., Bart., M.P., 1541, 1641. George, 1220. Rich., doorkeeper of Parliament, 662, 825 (3). 2399. .... ******* " •y > * 4 Sir John, 117, 1221, 1381, 3279. John, his son, 98, 1221. > …………… 9 ...... *** Lady, 94. Adams, Ant., 85. Peter, son of, 3199. Wm., nephew of, 3199. John, son of, petition of, Rich., Sussex, petition of, 3012. Thos., 616, 649, 2399. "" ·· brother and sister of, Walter, 2226. Rob., brother of, petition of, sisters of, 2399. **** Sir Wm., 1528-1530, 2397. petition of, 1528. Lieut. Chas., 22. John, Devon, 2765. John, London, petition of, 3099. John, Somerset, 3090. ……………, petition of, 1366. Rich., petition of, 1867. Rob., 238, 244, 250, 261. Rowland, 3195. Shoreland, 1661. Simon, 2405. Thos., alias Holmes, Devon, 2966, Thos., Northumberland, 142. Thos., co. Stafford, 3265. Sir Thos., Alderman, Lord Mayor of London (1645-1646), 34, 35, 40, 1671. letters to, 35, 39. wife and children of, 1661. Adams-cont. Adamson, James, 2199. • .. Adderley, Sir Charles, 540, 1203, 1745. petition of, 1462. Anne, wife of, 1203. ... ... • • > • **** ·· "" …………… ·· *** Wm., co. Hereford, 2204. Wm., London, 1868. Wm., signature of, 623. …………. John, 3107. Rich., 99. Rob., 2199. Thos., father of, 2199. Addis, John, sen., 3165. (3). ……………… ……………………… .... ……………………., ………………, younger children of, petition of, 3165. …………. Addison, Lancelot, 521. Thos., 1737. ** *> Adishford, Hen., see Ashford, Hen. Adkins, see Atkins. Adlington, Hugh, 2799, 2972. petition of, 2971. **** John, son of, 2799. ...... ****** ..... Peter, younger son of, 2799. petition of, 2799. Admiral, Vice, see Batten, Capt. Wm. Admiralty Committee, letter to, 3082. order in, 2395. ... Ralph, 2954. Wm., 2369 (3). ………….. petition of, 2369. Mr., 963. Arden, son of, 1203, 1204. ......, petitions of, 1203, 1204 John, son of, 728, 3165. Vice, judge of, 1387. Adney, Walter, 1894, 1896 (3). Adshead, Rich., 107. Thos., 317. ** Advance of Money, Committee for, or Haberdashers' Hall Committee, 27, 43, 53, 185, 254, 327 (2), 347, 414, 451, 536, 538, 562, 807 (2), 1014, 1257, 1279, 1444 (2), 1445, 1500, 2007. appeals to, alluded to, 2312, …………… petition to, 2397. ………….., report of, alluded to, 2396. Court of, 3083 (2). 2792. ……………………, ………………, appearances before, or attend- ance on, 488, 554, 896, 898, 984 (2). auditor of, 565; see also Wilcox, **** " .... ... ******* Rich. cases before, 289, 356, 456, 574, 964, 1168, 1444, 1953, 2415, 2442, 2606, 2608, 2617, 2675, 2688, 2802, 2816, 2838, 2839, 2853, 2988. certificates to, alluded to, 43, 340. .... …………… discoveries or informations brought to, or entered at, alluded to, 3315 Advance of Money, Committee for, &c.-cont. 244, 255 (2), 282, 284, 436, 829, 947, 1014, 1090, 1096, 1275, 2146. fines or assessments by, 26, 48, 425, 905, 1132. ****** judgments or declarations by, alluded to, 1853, 2193, 2251 (2), 2378, 2416, 2566, 2714, 2749 (2), 2751, 2760 (2), 2914. .. ..... alluded to, 451, 454. . ………………) ………., money charged on, 392, 434, 442, 467. 1452. **** .... •) ..... ……………… ... , ……………… D officers, messengers, &c., of, 185, 286, 311, 348, 352; see also Dallison, Martin; Cox, Dan. …………….? " ……………. orders to, 866, 1396, 1847. orders of, alluded to, 129, 214, 540, 838, 1166 (2), 1173, 2138, 2284, 2317, 2467, 2556, 2702, 2754, 2765, 2794, 2837, 3136, 3200. orders to, 54, 132, 144, 1169. papers for, or in the hands of, 1200, 1227, 3159. letters to, 45, 1128. ………… .... ….. ………….., payments to, 165, 966, 1167 (2), 2013, 2792. 451. • *) ……………… persons declared delinquents by, 214, 2638, 2844. > …………… "> petitions to, 165, 388, 927. ………….., powers of, Acts of Parliament concerning, 167, 665. .. ******* transferred to the Com- mittee for Compounding, 188, 194. records or registers of, 48, 347, GENERAL INDEX. · received at or sent to, 488. payments from, 278, > 863, 928, 1105, 1153, 1396, 2258. ... .... registrar of, 434, 439 (2), 1187. …………………….. ……………、、 (……………, accusations against, 2606. ………………………. ………………. …....., certificates by, 2978, 3071. ****** references to, 16, 45, 144, 152, sequestrations by, alluded to, 2078, 2135, 2285, 2466, 2847. ………., ………….., treasurers of, 392, 544, 2792; see also Dawson, George. (late), alluded to, 247, 248, 348, 569, 1166, 2662. Ady, John, Oxon, 3030 (2). Adye, John, Kent, 2769. Agard, John, 2982. **3 Thomas, petition of, 1453. Agberowe, alias Townsend, Rob., 2688, Ager, John, 3259, ***** Aglionby, John, 72, 124, 157, 201, 233, 1668. Mrs., 232. Aikman, John, deputy-commissary of the Scots' army, 12, 22, 785. receipt by, 22. Aileworth, Capt., 3. Ailiffe, see Ayliffe. Ainger, Rob., 2923 (2), 2924 (2). petition of, 2924. > ..... Ainscoe, alias Martin, John, co. Lancaster, 3234. Ainscombe, Michael, 2922. Ainsworth, George, 2333. Airey, or Ayrey, Leonard, 176, 203, 758, 762, 3296. Thos., 176, 3233. John, son of, 3233. Wm., 187, 247. .. ******y *** ……………….., Dr., Hants, 105. Aiscough, Ayscough, or Ayscue. Allan, co. York, 2718. ... *** ·· .. ·· { • ………………… "" (3). · **** " *3 ..., father of, 2719. ***** ... > ... ***** .... ……………… Thos., co. Lincoln, 3141. Aiseby, Mr., 615. Aishe, Wm., 1361. .. .. > Sir Edw., 80. Sir George, 1312, 3060. James, co. Lincoln, petitions of, 1331, 2351. *.3 • ... · Aishford, Hen., see Ashford, Hen. Aislaby, George, 2215. Akerman, Ralph, certificate by, 617. Albany, John, see Albone. Alberye, Peter, 3047. Albin, Albine, or Albyn. James, 166, 1859, 2304. 70 Rob., 141, 2020. Albone, Edw., 2082, 2083 (2), 2571. Lewis, 2083. Fras., son of, petitions of, 2718 James, son of, 2718. Rob., son of, 2720. ******* lhos., son of, 2719. > or Albany, John, 1304 (2). petition of, 1304. Alborough, or Aldborough, Art., 1986. ......, Richard, his son, 1958, 1986 (2), 1987. •. petitions of, 2719 (2). petitions of, 2718, 2719. …………. Alice, wife of, 1986 (2). …………………… ………………., Wm., his grandson, 1958, 1986. Albright, Wm., 1410 (2). KATAL Albyn, see Albine. Alcock, Edward, 91. Eliz., 3203. petitions of, 869 (3). **** Thos., co. Chester, 123, 124. Thos., London, 424, 1240, 2710. Sir Thos., petition of, 1886. Wm., 1737. Wm., co. Lancaster, 1107 (2). Alden, Hen., petition of, 2735. Alderne, Dr. Edw., 607, 1487. Aldham, Mary, 96. Aldington, Hugh, 784. 3316 GENERAL INDEX. Aldred, Fras., 2886. *** petitions of, 2885, 2886 (2). Aldrich, Edm., petition of, 3272. Aldridge, Rob., certificate by, 631. Thos., Berkshire, petitions of, 2631 (5). .. " Aldworth, Rich., 1575. " " family of, 1575. Alexander, Mary, Countess of Stirling, wife of Henry, 3rd Earl, 896 (3), 897 (2). petition of, 896. Dr. Fras., deposition of, 531. George, 1929. Mary, his widow, 262, 478, 483, 643, 1929. Thos., Herts Commissioner, 247, 355, 856. Mr., Navy Officer, 544. ... ………………….., Henry, 3191. .. • ་ .. **** ... Jerome, 8, 10, 30, 33, 56, 57 (3), 876, 943, 957, 1166, 1319, 1355. • ... 1055. Matt., 257, 2138, 2139. petition of, 2139. > …………… Thos., petition of, 1908. Mr., Suffolk, 698. Aleyn, Thos, see Allein. Alford, Sir Edw., M.P., 76, 85, 1009. ***** brother of, 1010. Greg., 2077. John, 1071 (2). or Alvard, Rich., 1645 (3), 1646. petition of, 1646. > .. د. **** 1 ** Algood, Lancelot, 202, 2842. • ...... petitions of, 3263 (2). or Allgood, Marg., 3191. Alicock, Thos., 1771. Alien, case of, 2921. Alienation Office, 1302. Alkin, Eliz., 1597. .. .. .... .... ******9 husband of, 1597 (2). Alkington, Rob., 744. Allanson, see Allenson. Allein, Aleyn, Alleyn, or Alleyne. Eliz., 798. Rich., 1412. Thos., certificate by, 531. petition of, 1253. D > orders to, 959, 1014. reference or request to, 1014, Allen, Ant., 2290. .., Barth., 3257. Dorothy, 2535. ****** petitions of, 2535 (2). Edw., co. Chester, 1631. Edw., co. Bedford ?, 2083 (2). Edw., London, 3136. Ald. Fras., M.P., treasurer-at-war, 26, • 63, 135, 136, 234, 248, 336, 344, 352, 356, 392, 408, 424, 430, 536, 546, 583, Allen, Ald. Fras., M.P.-cont. **** 603, 616, 630, 3266. ……………………… ………………, petitions of, 2320, 2723. Fras., Wiltshire, 2734. • •• "> • 788 (2), 790, 936, 1248, 1337, 1520, 1549 (2), 1699, 2806 (2), 3266 (5). letter of, 539. letters to, 411, 536, 541, 558, > ·· > Hen., 1449. Isaac, rector of Prestwich, co. Lan- caster, 468, 2650. James, 501. 3 "" .. ......., John, London, petitions of, 2383, 2384. …………………., John, co. Oxon, 2209, "" > " .. " …… ………………, ………………, deposition by, 281. John, Week, Somerset, 2949. Reynolds, 124. ..... George, 698. petition of, 950. " John, co. Derby, 3068. ………………….., Robert, 5, 7, 8. **** John, Kent, 461. Mary, his wife, 3068. John, Huntspill, Somerset, 260,2949. Rich., co. Bedford, 1652. Rich., sen., co. Chester, 107, 1192. "" family of, 1192. Rich., jun., 1192. Rich., Norfolk, 116. Rich., Somerset, 2304. ………. son of, 7. Thos., 96. Thos., co. Chester, 123. Thos., Essex, 2643. children of, 848. complaints by, 2066, 2067. ****** petitions of, 1007, 2066 (2). Wm., co. Chester, 100, 112, 1222. Wm., his father, 1222. ****** Wm., Kent, petition of, 2145. Wm., London, 172. Wm., Oxon treasurer, 242. ………………………, Mr., Batcombe, Somerset, 179. …………………., Mr., Devizes, Wiltshire, 3258. Allenson, Allanson, or Allison. petition of, 2643. ******* Thos., Oxon, petition of, 3070. Thos., Salop, 2538 (4). .... ..... Thos., Suffolk, 96 ?, 3129. Sir Thos., 14, 375, 616, 718, 848, 2064-2607. petitions of, 2538 (3). Alice, 3060. Edm., petitions of, 2616 (2). Anne, wife of, 2615, 2616 (3). James, 2737, John, 2254, 3191. Capt. Ralph, 1763, 2108, 2621. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2738. Wm., Salop, 1299. GENERAL INDEX. 3317 Allenson, &c.-cont. ·· Allestree, Roger, petition of, 3051. Wm., M.P., 991. > Alleyn, or Alleyne, see Allein. Allgood, Marg., see Algood. Allibond, Job, petition of, 3152. Allicock, George, 88. Allin, Rich., Norfolk, 993. A • Allington, William, Lord Allington, 95. Allison, see Allenson. Almery, George, 2167. *****y petition of, 1655. George, co. Notts, 1897. Almond, Thos., sen. and jun., 2868. Alnut, Henry, 2575 (3), 2576 (2), 3069. petitions of, 2575 (3), 2576 (2), 3069 (2). …………. **** .... Alnwicke, John, 1593. Alp, Fras., 1838. Alston, Alice, petition of, 3174. Dr. Edw. 2735. Sir Edw., 568, 1263. mother of, 1263. Pening, petition of, 2735. ………… ………………… Sir Wm., M.P., 137, 243, 380, 419, 782, 1035 2806 (2), 3266 (5). petition of, 1035. Altham, Jas., Essex, 879. Alured, Chris., 2155. " petition of, 2356. Alvard, Rich., see Alford, Rich. Alvin, Hen., 3129. • ...} • George, Dorset, 1655. ··· Col. John, 1816. Col. Mat., 171, 275, 2155 (3), 2156, 3078. Alwyn, Rob., 1456. Alye, or Ayly, Edw. and Wm., 86, 2889. Amberton, Mr., 318. Ambler, John, 205 ?, 2537. …………. • 3129. Ambrose, Dan, D.D., 2366. ., **** ... > ….. ……………., Mary, widow of, 2366. Isaac, petition of, 436. Leonard, 2751. .. ………………. " "" mother of, see Reynolds, Kath. Rob., 2537. Thos. and Henry, sons of, Mark, 461. Peter, agent for co. Lancaster, 178, 194, 266, 274, 357, 367, 370, 411, 436, 441, 448 (2), 463, 464, 467, 468, 540, 551, 580, 583, 589, 596, 602, 641, 647, 653, 658, 1101, 2493, 2514, 2628. accounts of, 645. letters of, 246, 592, 624. order to, 1110. petition of, 648. sons of, 358, 589. .. .... ……………… *** Wm., 1701. Ameridith, Sir Amos, 1927, 2809, 2810 (4). Amerigo, Signor, Venetian Ambassador, 1604. Amery, Fras., 3256. Ampthill, Mr., Bedfordshire Commissioner, 686. Amwill, Rob., petition of, 3055. Ancram, Earl of, see Carr. Anderson, Bartram, 1178. Fras., petition of, 2558. Sir Francis, 42, 1011. Hen., 95. · · A ⇓ • ………… ·· *** **9 • ·· .. * ... Sir Henry, Bart., Herts, 86, 873. wife of, 873. *****) Sir Henry, co. York, 233, 2385, 3161-3165. letter of, 3162. petition of, 3164. ……………… Frances, wife of, petitions of, 2335 (2). Henry, son of, 2337, 3162, Robert, son of, 3162, 3163. Isabel, daughter of, see Ho- tham, Isabel. • .. ******* 3163. ……………. ****** ·· ··· Jane, see Mennes, Jane. Nath., petition of, 2846. Rob., Sussex, 476, 1493, 2370. wife of, 1493. .. > Capt. Robert, co. York, 197, 218. Stephen, 55, 1069. Katherine, wife of, 1070. a ******* Thos., London, petition of, 2592. Sir Wm., 31, 790, 793. Anderton, Alathæa, Harrockford, co. Lancas- ter, 3175. …………… 2126. Chris., Lastock, co. Lancaster, 94, 2125, 3295. Alathæa, widow of, 2126. **** …………. 2073. ** children of, 2125, 2126. Fras., son of, 2125. James, son of, 2125. Hugh, 21, 626, 682, 2073. · petition of, 1069. children of, 1070. brother of, 1069. ***** > ……………} ...... > .... James, 1903, 2571. petitions of, 2125 (2), Margaret, wife of, petition of, children of, 2073 (2), 2074. Isabel, mother of, 2073. petition of, 2559. Anne, wife of, 2571. petition of, 2571. children of, 21, 2571 (3). Mary, 1879. Rob., 2747. Roger, 2072. 3318 GENERAL INDEX. Anderton, Roger-cont. ………., ……………., James, son of, 2072, ……………………、、 …………*** ……………., Anne, wife of, 2072 (2). • • ****S .. ·· petition of, 2072. ………………………. ……………., Dorothy, daughter of, 2072. Thos., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3131. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2575. ………….., Magdalen, wife of, petition of, 2575. • D. • petition of, 2072. ****** children of, 2072 (2). ** Roger, son of, petitions of, 2073 (2). ……………., Anne, Eliz., and Mary, daugh- ters of, 2072. • • "" Mr., Essex, 315. Mr., Westminster, 91. ****** Andover, Viscount, see Howard. Andrews, alias Edwards, Ambrose, Surrey Agent, 286. Benj., 2024, 2482, 3242. Edw., 19, 882, 973. ..... wife and father of, 882. Edw., co. Gloucester, 88. Edw., co. Northampton, 99. Edw., co. Nottingham, 108, 1197. Lt.-Col. Edw., petitions of, 1268, 1269 (2). ܝ܂. • ……. • ··· > **** Rich., 240. Rich., co. Northampton, petition of, 1884. ..., Rob., 1730. Hen., 1840 (3). Jonathan, 1040. Owen, information by, 590. Phineas, 2691. ******* AAA! לי ..... ******* children of, 2575. ***** Thos., Kent, 3258. Thos., Alderman and Lord Mayor of London, Treasurer-at-War, 536, 546, 2401 (2), 2402 (3). ****** **** ... petitions of, 75, 1839. petition of, 2691. ****** petition of, 2801. letter of, 539. note by, 546. petitions of, 2401, 2402. receipt by, 37. Nath, son of, 127, 1116. petition of, 2401. ***** Thos., messenger, 786, 788, 793, 794. information by, 14. ******* Tobias, 1429. Wm., Bucks, 658 (2). Wm., co. Nottingham, 108. Wm., co. Rutland, 302, 319, 372 (2), 2185. Sir Wm., Bart., 67, 88, 1739, 1884, 3109 (2). Eleanor, wife of, 3109. Andrews, Sir Wm.—cont. Andus, Hen., co. York, 3144. wife of, 3145. ***** …… ………………, Wm., son of, 3145. ******* petition of, 3144. Wm, co. Hereford ?, 1626. Mr., clerk, co. Northampton, 98. .. · • ***** Sir John, Bart., his son, 1740 (2), 1884. *2 Angel, James, 1161. John, 1164. ... Anglesey, Earl of, see Villiers, Charles. Anguish, or Angus, Edm., 114, 1171. family of, 1171. John, 113, 1412. .." …………« • "> Rich., 595. Anhey, John, see Richards, John. Anlaby, John, M.P., 380. Ann, Phil., 2932. 4.45 …………… L "" .. .. ... 2933. younger children of, 2932. ………………………, ………………, Marg., mother of, 2933. John, brother of, 2932. petition of, 2933. ... .. 2933. Annandale, Earl of, see Murray, James. Anneley, Sam., petition of, 887. Annesley, Arthur, Parliamentary Commis- sioner for Ireland, 71, 1783, 1809. Annison, Rob., 2175, Annott, Peter, 328. Ansell, Peter, 115. ..> ... Michael, eldest son of, 2932. Phil., jun., son of, 2932, 2933. Marg., daughter of, 2932, Anslow, Wm., petition of, 2593. Anson, Hum., petition of, 3230. Ansty, Rich. and Eliz., 1812. Ant, Fras., 1758. *** > Mary, daughter of, 1758. Anthony, Edw, 152. Antrim, Earl of, see Macdonnel, Randal. • ....} Thos., brother of, petition of, ***** Antrobus, Isaac, 827. Anyon, Rich., 1157. Countess of, see Villiers, Katherine. Apley, Chris., 1950. Appeal, Commissioners of, see Exchequer, barons of. Susan, petition of, 1157. Appleby, Cuthbert, 203. Fras., Linton, co. York, 3063. Ambrose, brother of, 3063. ... ******* ******* Thos., son of, 3062. Fras., Lartington, co. York, 1871. Fras., uncle of, 1871. ***** **** John, 2587. Mary, 3197. Appleford, Charles, 2774. GENERAL INDEX. 3319 Applegate, Thos., 91. Appleton, Hen., 1626. ……………………. Hen., Navy captain, 454. Sir Henry, Bart., 1537. ………………………., Hen., his son, 94, 1537. Isaac, 2114, 3274 (2). ...) ·· ... .. ... Appletree, Ant., 3197. ... 3275. " …………………, ………………, petition of, 3197. ·· 3274 (2). C " Appleyard, Hen., 2680. ………… ………. ***** .... ... John, Essex, 2746. Rob., 1270. ***** ******* Capt., 2453. Approbation Committee, see Ministers, Com- mittee for Approval of. James, petition of, 2443. Matt. 1440-1442. ………….., John, son of, petition of, 3197. Thos., Oxon Commissioner, 152, 168, 172, 577-579, 602, 684, 686 (2), 1441. letters of, 420, 570, 576, 578. Mr., co. Nottingham, 108. ****** Aprice, Rich., 90. petition of, 1592. Rich., 194, 206, 3057, 3197. > petitions of, 2114, 3274 (2), Susan, wife of, petitions of, > ..... John, 1567. Col. Sir. Matt., 1057. ……………. Mary. ...... sister-in-law of, 1057. Thos., co. Cambridge, 2750. Thos., cos. York and Lincoln, 3053. wife of, 3054. Apsley, Col. Sir Allen, 284, 397, 1295, 1412, 2928. Rob., Hunts, 90, 1778. ****** Rob., son of, 1778. Rob., co. York, and Ann, his wife, petition of, 2824. Thos., 88. .... > *** ………. Ap Thomas, Griffith, 2529. Archadine, Fras., 2775. Archard, Wm., 865. Archbold, Hen., 89, 1536. Mary, widow of, see Orme, ****** Cornet Rich., 2824. Archer, Anchor, and Eliz., his wife, 2334. petitions of, 2334 (3). ... wife of, 1295 (3). Col. Jas., his brother, 1295. Edw., M.P., 920. Col. John, 13, 616, 868, 2371. petitions of, 1836 (2). …….. Cornelius, 3098. Edw., 3092. Wm., jun., son of, 3092. younger children of, 3092 (2). Fras., 399, 2422 (2). Archer-cont. • ………… • • 2 Wm., petition of, 3092. Archloe, or Archlowe, Edw., see Atsloe, Edw. Arden, John, petition of, 2213. Mary, 407, 718. Rob., 1203, 2043. • • • • ·· ****** .. • ·· .... . • .. •• George, 187, 247, 332, 348, 386 (2), 389. John, Westmoreland Commissioner, 247, 257, 416, 673, 687 (2), 688, 696, 702, 723, 724, 811-814, 2588 (3), 2995. letters of, 332, 675, 682, 696, 699, 708, 711, 729. Sir Simon, 1201 (2). Arderne, Rob., 123. Ardington, Hen., M.P., 380. petition of, 1119. Argall, Thos., 1947. Argyll, Marquis of, see Campbell. Arkill, Wm., 227 (2). Arlush, Nich., 1193. petition of, 2041. Armagh, Archbishop of, Dr. James Usher, 75, 91. Arme, Thos., 168. Armeston, Nich., 109. Armiger, Sir Wm., 2050. Armitage, Sir Fras., Bart., 1014, 2897. Kath., widow of, petitions of, 2897 (2). ., ****** • Dorothy, Anne, and Eliz., sisters of, 1203, 1204. Goditha, sister of, 1203, 1204, 2043. Thos., Stratton, co. Gloucester, 3301. Thos., his heir, Newent, co. Gloucester, 3301. petition of, 3301. …………….y .. ………… ..... ……………y ……………. ... ……………… .. "S Gregory, 958. Wm., co. York, 946. Wm., late County Commissioner of co. York, 380. ......" 958, 984. Armourer, John, 204. Armoury, the, officers of, 1439, 1563. Armstrong, Edw., 1096, 1957. Wm., Topcliffe, co York, son of, 984, 2692 (3). Eliz. Beaumont, daughter of, Wm., son of, 2897. Gilb., 2244. Thos., petition of, 3307. Wm., 90. Army, the, allusions to, passim; see also Parliament Forces. ………………………, apothecary to, 2564. ammunition, clothes, stores, or money for, passim. 2175. ***** assessments or taxes, collectors of, Commissioners for levying, 196, 288, 1240. 3320 GENERAL INDEX. Army assessments, &c.-cont. •• ... ... .... ·· .. • ...... • ………. ......, non-payment of, 2175; see also Assessments. > ·· > ... Receiver-general for, 697. commanders-in-chief, or generals of, 39. names of, 18, 1586, 1587, 1654, 1666; see also Devereux, Rob., Earl of Essex; Montague, Edw., Earl of Manchester; Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax; Sir Thos. Fairfax, and Sir Wm. Waller. ………… disbanding of, 43, 44, 46-48, 55-57, 85, 137, 138, 149, 452. free quarters or billetting of, see Soldiers. going into Scotland, 269, 272, 363, 364, 3172. in Devon, 866. commissary general of, see Staines, Dr. deserters from, 655, 1631. in Ireland, see Ireland. in Lancashire, victory of, 128. in London, 1967. in the North, 1048. on the Mendip Hills, 310. new constitution of, or the New Model alluded to, 20 (2), 1161, 1666. officers set aside by, pay- ments to, 20, 29. officers of, committee of, 2002. payments to, passim. reduced, 152 (2), 163, 174, 178. .. …………….. ……………., payments to, 51, 53, 54 .. (2), 58, 60, 63. ·· .... lists of, alluded to, 131, 143, 147 (2). petitions of, 125, 131, 143, > ******* 147 (2), 148. treasurers for, 802. …………., persons cashiered in, 621. ... " • **** ***3 ……… I ... taken prisoner by, 337, 893, 1354, 1700, 1751. ruined or plundered by, 865, 949, 987, 994, 1012, 1030, 1063, 1078, 1084, 1099, 1139, 1160, 1199, 1210, 1215, 1334, 1378, 1457, 2060, 2331. •• ..... ..... places taken by, see Parliament, places taken by. ………… speech to, quoted, 310. treasurers for, see War, Treasurers at. Army Committee, 49, 178, 335, 362, 365, 388, 408, 419, 422, 466, 512, 526, 703, 704, 970, 1198, 1674, 2019, 2129, 2679, 2791, 2823, 2872, 2891. Scottish, see Scottish Army. soldiers of, see Soldiers. ··· cases referred, or to be reported to, 388, 498, 1587, 1716, 1755, 1905, 1909, 1911, 2000 (2), 2001. 2023, 2025, 2031, 2115, 2509-2511, 2858, 2872 (2). conferences of, with the Com- mittee for Compounding, 191, 297, 318, 362, 470, 495, 501. grants or assignments by, 146, 183, 421, 818. Army Committee-cont. · ... ·· .. .. ·· ……. ……………… ... ... 365, 443. ·· • ·· ..... ………………) ***** ** 365, 470, 495, 501, 548. ****** .. ... ... 44 ……………. .. ... 378, 452, 503, 811. orders to, 252, 288, 297, 311, 519, 1197, 1726. .., papers, &c., to be sent or pre- sented to, 278, 318, 336, 384, 134, 439, 441, 499, 522, 526. **** ) letters of, 141. .... references, &c., to, 286, 496, 594, 704 (2), 886, 930, 969, 1494, 1674, 1689. 1966, 2019, 2526, 2595, 3293. ……………., reports of, 717. petition to, 548. ……….., powers of, 194. Richard. D letters to, 379, 563, 696. alluded to, 408, 696. ……………) members of, 297. orders of, 36, 263, 268, 363, .. ·· • ......9 , alluded to, 322, 1445, 1911. ......, reports to, alluded to, 447, 494, 572, 592, 630, 887, 981, 1002, 1120, 1240, 1367, 1420, 1444, 1573, 1845, 2078, 2679, 2707, 2792, 3021, 3293. Secretary to, see Deane, Armyne, Evers, Rutland Commissioner, 559, 560, 612, 613, 2422. dated from Westminster, ·· letters of, 193, 559. ******* Sir Wm., M.P., Northern Commis- sioner, 3, 5, 9, 72, 80, 170, 187, 198, 228, 476 (2), 513, 584, 615 (3), 778 (2), 779, 782, 875, 892, 924, 1003, 1004, 1562 (2), 1503 (2), 2714 (2). letters of, 5, 1501. Arnold, Aut., 85, 2077, 2644. Rich., son of, 2644. alluded to, 24, 140, 173, Arpe, Peter, 3054. ****** George, 1008 (3). ****** petition of, 1008. John, co. Monmouth, 2303 (2). Nich., son of, petition of, 2303. Thos., Bedfordshire Commissioner, 171, 700, 707, 755. ... ... Arnover, Eph., petition of, 2417. ***** .... warrants of, 818. alluded to, 252, 288. ****** warrant for payments to, 798. Thos., son of, 91, 96, 3054. Array, Commission of, for the King, 69, 141, 836, 838, 1016, 1122, 1160, 1368, 1660, 1671, 2446. Anne and Amy, daughters of, 3054 (2). ******♪ members of, 835, 838, 842, 852, 858, 863 (2), 874, 881, 882, 892, 905, 915, 943, 985, 1009, 1025, 1026, 1039, 1057, 1060, 1069, 1088, 1095, 1130, 1134, 1138, 1154, 1177, 1215, 1217, 1226, 1232, 1241, 1258, 1283, 1286, 1293, 1326, 1359, 1405, 1456, 1478, GENERAL INDEX. 3321 Array, Commission of-cont. + • ··· rendezvous of, 1041. ·· ***** warrants of, alluded to, 893, 945, 1055, 1161, 1163, 1608, 1665. Arrears, Committee for, see Weavers' Hall Committee. A ………………………, opposers of, 1920, 1921, 3122. refusals to execute, 839, 843, 926, 1049, 1091, 1365, 1459. Arrom, Capt. Ralph, 1715, 2304, 2632, 2879. Arrowsmith, Rob., 3004 (2). Kath., wife of, 3004 (2). Kath., mother of, 3004. • .. A…………⇓ Arscott, Art., 98. Edw., 180. John, 180. ... **** Rose, or Rosecleer, 117, 2338. Arskin, Dr., see Erskine, Dr. Wm. Arthington, Dr. John, 1869, 1870. *** ***} • ………, ……………., Thurston, son of, petition of, > 3004. 1. • ***** SAKU *** DA ……………… 4.3 ……………. 1479, 1497, 1508, 1514, 1524, 1548, 1556, 1563, 1576, 1594, 1599, 1609, 1613, 1650, 1686, 1738, 1762, 1770, 1815, 1824-1826, 1918 (2), 1919, 1991, 2047, 2146, 2340, 2448, 2607-2610, 2675, 2720, 2725, 2991. > ** > .... *** Arthur, Baldwin, 2170. Capt., 1218. Mr., minister of Clapham, 2279. " ? Arundel and Surrey, Earl of, see Howard. Arundel, Thos., 1st Lord Arundel of Wardour, 1224, 3232, 3269, 3271. J ****** + ... .... ·· " *** A 3232. " ... Anne. Clare. • " 4 ****** } petitions of, 1869 (2). Marg., wife of, 1869. ****** 1225 (2), 3232 (2). .. children of, 1869. petition of, 1869. ******】 Anne, second wife of, 1224, 32 +1. William, younger son of, 3232. Charles, son of, 3232. •• Anne, daughter of, see Calvert, Clare, daughter of, see Weld, Frances, daughter of, see Talbot, Frances. Katherine, daughter of, see Eure, Katherine. ******* Marg., daughter of, see For- tescue, Marg. ******* see So- Mary, daughter of, merset, Lady Mary. Thomas, 2nd Lord Arundel, 1222, 1224. …………. La " Charles, son of, petition of, Blanche, wife of, 78 (2), 1224. Aune, daughter of, see Vaughan, Roger, wife of. ******* Katherine, daughter of, see Cornwallis, Fras., wife of, 70358, Arundel-cont. ……….. *** · A Arundel, Chamond, 117. • AR A **** **> KAKKANAKA ..> • …….., Dorothy, 666, 1602, 3298 ? w •• ·· Henry, 3rd Lord Arundel, 78, 118, 373, 658, 1222, 1797, 1816, 3269. Cicely, wife of, 78, 1222. William, sou of, 118. children of, 78. **" ** ..... •• ******* .. ..... > • …………*** ... TATIANAKU Edmund, co. Gloucester, 1884. ******* Edw., 91. Eliz., co. Ilants, 3193. Ezechiel, 117, 336, 2000. George, Cornwali, 2209. George, Dorset, 118. Hum., 2721. John, Newlyn, co. Cornwall, 2808. John and Mary, children of, petitions of. 2808 (2). A John, Sithney, Cornwall, 98, 117, 522, 1225. ***** > 2020. ******* John, Thos., and Prudence, children of, petition of, 1225. John, Dorset, 2020. Eliz., widow of, 118, 271, ....9 2237. John, Somerset agent (?), 130. Col. John, Trerise, Cornwall, 117, 223, 250, 335, 342, 382, 387, 401 ?. 432, 442, 487, 515, 516, 763, 2237, 2296. Rich., son of, 117, 432, 2210, Gertrude Slauning, wife ·· of, 2210. Eliz., widow of, 1864. .. ... ·} ... 2296. .. Mary, daughter of, 2239. Sir John, Lanherne, Cornwall, 105, 117. 223, 250, 290, 445, 539, 2295. Catherine, wife of, petition of, ▼ …………… ****** ..... Ash, see Ashe. Col. Rich., 153. Thos., 118, 378, 671, 716, 726, 2200, 2297. Wm., Cornwall, 671, 713. Wm., Westminster, 91. Wm. or Sir Wm., Wilts, &c., 254, 269, 289, 388, 1794. Mary. Mr., co. Leicester, 109. ..., Mr., London, 879. Asgill, Edward, Worcestershire agent, 237, 2942. children of, 2296. mother of, 105. wife of, see St. John, Lady ……………., paper by, 237. ***** Ashburne, Hen., petitions of, 1903, 1904. Ashburnham, John, M.P., 39, 1863. petition of, 1390. petition of, 3054. K 3322 GENERAL INDEX. Ashburnham, John, M.P.-cont. 7. ******* ·· ... • • .. ·· •" Ashby, George, 110. Rich., 459. Wm., 3235. ……… .. mother of, see Richardson, Eliz., Viscountess Cramond. ………… ****** ** ………… Ashcraft, John, 1631. · ******} mother of, 1631. Ashe or Ash, Anne, 3193. ... ·· wife of, see Ley, Jane, Countess of Marlborough. ·· · "" > • > .... Edw., member of the Committee for Compounding, 2, 125, 137, 144 (?), 158 (2), 570, 1456, 1607, 1646, 2235 (2). letter of, 573. son of, 1863. Wm., 77, 105, 1282. 26, • " John, Chairman of the Committee for Compounding, 1, 10, 13, 23, 43, 75, 77, 163, 209 (2), 243, 317 (?), 585 (?), 612 (?), 782, 928, 960, 1083, 1145, 1206, 1468, 1561, 2002, 2656(2). letters of, 20, 73, 75, 119, 222, 226, 515, 1294, 1653. ... · " .... ………. Col., 91 ?, 895, 1063. · * • ·· > ... ......, notes, &c. by, 47, 952, 1052, 1055, 1074, 1128, 1271, 1345, 1360, 1368, 1400, 1409, 1552, 1564, 1599, 1610, 1677, 2135. ..... · ……………… Isaac, 2167. James, 2231. letters, &c., to, 12, 28, 140, 168 (2), 177, 189, 191, 221, 515, 1043, 1100, 1241, 1368, 1400, 1482, 1967, 2034, 2137. * ·· orders to, 6 (2), 8-11, 69, 75, 837, 838, 847, 848, 872, 887, 917, 924, 927, 1017 (2), 1075, 1082, 1083, 1245, 1502, 1519, 1523, 2078, 2656. > **** ', reports by, 832 (2), 835-841, 844, 845 (3), 1426, 1430. .... petition of, 2231 (2). Ashenhurst, Edmund, 516. Col. Edw., 1868 (2). ', petitions of, 1449, 2832. ******* Thos., under-sheriff of co. Notting- ham, 570. ·· .... ……………., requests by, 1461, 1607. Capt. John, Somerset, 1928. Joseph, petition of, 2547. Rob., 2832. • certificate by, 376. Col. Randall, petition of, 2476. Ashfield, Thos. or Sir Thos., Bucks, 67, 694, petition of, 590. Wm., Somerset, 260, 1381. petitions of, 1868 (2), 1869. ……………., Major John, Staffordshire Commis- sioner, 173, 316. ****** 766, 2258. ......., Mary, wife of, 2258(3), 2259(5), 2261 (2), 2262. • 2261 (2). Mary, wife of, petitions of, Ashfield, Thos. or Sir Thos., &c.-cont. 1. …… ………………, Hampden,brother of, 2261–2263. Capt., Westminster, 3, 91. **** Ashford, Ayshford, Aishford, or Adishford. Hen., Devon, 470, 518, 606, 1226. Hen., his grandson, 1226. 110 *** ... Ashley, Sir Edw., 82. Sir Isaac, 82, 4.1 Ashmold, Mr., 120. Ashpole, Carrier, 942. Ashton, or Assheton, Edm., 122, 1466. •• ... .. ... ... • .. • …………….., Margt., 3185, .. ** .. • .. 4 ·· .. · ·· ** ......, Lady Clare, mother of, 67, 2264 (2), 2265 (3). • ·· • ·· [ • * • * .. James, son of, 1466. ******) Edw., minister, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 2281. James, petition of, 3200. John, co. Chester, 107. John,co. Lancaster ?, petition of, 2480. " *** " ... *** .. > or Assheton, Col. Ralph, 129. " …… ……………., request by, 1466. Sir Ralph, M.P., 1137, 1138, 1399. ... A Sir Jacob, see Astley. Capt. Thos., 807. .. *** or Assheton, Nich., petition of, 2379. Radcliffe, 2413. Eliz., widow of, 2413. petitions of, 2413 (2). Rich., Ashton, co. Lancaster, 2596, 2666?. • ………………♪ ****** Ralph, co. Lancaster, 3253. John, son of, 3253. petitions of, 2666 (5) ? widow of, see Twisse, Kath. ..... • Rich., Bunfurlong, co. Lancaster, 2522. Rich., Croston, co. Lancaster, sou of, 626, 2596, 2622, 3180 ? wife of, 2597 (2). children of, 2597. .... " ··· .. ………………) Rich., Downham, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 3307. ******* • .. Rich., co. York ?, petition of, 2480. Rob., co. Derby, 2478. Roger, co. Lancaster, 3178. Thos., Croston, co. Lancaster,2598 (2). Hillary, son of, 2598. petition of, 2598. •• ******* John, son of, 2598. ……………… ……………., Bridget, wife of, 2598. .... 1 ……………… ··· **** • petitions of, 2598(3). children of, 2598 (2). grandson of, see French, Matt. Hen., brother of, 2622. ………. ******* Dorothy, daughter of, ****** ** petitions of, 2622 (2). ...., Thos., Hest Bank, co. Lancaster, 1950, Thos., Penketh, co. Lancaster, 1179. Walter, 110. Wm., 3180, 3258. Maj.-Gen., co. Lancaster, 188. GENERAL INDEX. 3323 Ashurst, Hen., 3119. ........., Hen., London, petition of, 3235. • • Ashwell, Sam., 3288 (4). • ** ** • ... ** * "" ··♥ Wm., M.P., 28, 29, 1163, 1193. • *** ... ▼ ... > Ashwood, John, 2977. Ashworth, Edw., 1440, 1143. > ***** " 1443. Joho, 3182. Aske, Rob., secretary to the Earl of Mulgrave, 1254. ..... Rob., co. York, petition of, 2990. Askew, Rob., 3235. • •* ... Askwith, Heury, 72, 124. ·· • Wm., excise officer, 3166. Ald. Wm.. 1810. ………………………Ş ני Barbara and Mary, daughters of, petition of. 3235. ……………… …………. Simon, 2719. Aspden, Marg., 2225. > Wm., brother of, 3235, 3257. Helen, or Ellen, his widow, 798, 1015, 1151, 1152 (2), 1541. ***** ·· Aspenwall, Wm., 1118. Aspinwall, Edw., Lancashire Commissioner, 481 (2), 486, 491 (2), 592, 603, 629, 633, 673, 714. letter of, 486. petitions of, 3287, 3288. Capt. John, 1014, 1152, 1541. Eliz., widow of, petition of, *** Aspshall, Thos., 107. Assheton, Edm., Nich., and Ralph, see Ashton. Assize, clerks of, 357, 365, 408, 1171, 1817. • > ... judges or justices of, 1168, 1170, 2337. Assizes, 171, 1813, 1832, 1979, 2003, 2365. Astley, Edw., Salop, 3060. Agnes, widow of, 1302, children of, 1303. Phil., petitiou of, 3099. Walter, 89, 191, 424, 2921, 2922. Grace Trentham, wife of, 2921. Richard, son of, petitions of, 2921 (2). ……………….., Thos., father of, 2921. Aston, Walter, Lord Aston, and Gertrude, his widow, 89, 1876. ….. or Ashley, Sir Jacob, 82, 115, 265, 1302, 1432. petition of, 1014. children of, 1152, 1541. Ay **** Herbert, John, and Gertrude, children of, 1876. petitions of, 1876 (2). younger children of, 1876, 1877. Aston, Sir Arthur, 101, 242, 251, 295, 301, 326, 571, 1597, 2450. ………………………, ………………, Ellinor, widow of, 2450 (2). .. ama petition of, 2450. Sam, son of, 455. petition of, 2451. **** { } Aston, Sir Arthur-cont. • 120, 1885. Astloe, see Atsloe. Atclee, John, 91, ... . . . . . . . . . . • Atherton, Ellen, see Croft, Ellen. John, 2530. … .... ·· ……………… 1 · • • daughters of, 455, 2451. Charles, information by, 1508. Hen., 3160. Herbert, 1956. .., John, M.P., letter of, 706. Sir Thos., Bart., 100, 101, 107, 112, 120, 688, 898, 1885, 2209, 2450, 2499. • •>> 1 *****} · . · Peter, 87. Athow, Chris., co, York, 3231. Sir Chris., 115, 991. • •• ·· John, 114, 1333. Atkins, Atkyns, or Adkins. George, 2968. ·· · ·· ·· • ** · · " ***** > ·· • 3 *3 ·· ..) ……………… Conyers. > > > 2 " * * ... ** " • ***** Rich., Westminster, 91. Ald. and Lord Mayor Thos., 137, 416, 417. Atkinson, Adam and IIenry. co. York, 1749. George, co. Montgomery, 2376. George, Westmoreland, 177. Gilbert, 108, 1225. Sir Willoughby, his son, 100, Kath., wife of, 2530. **** John, co. Lincoln ?, letter of, 2993. John, co. Northampton, 88, 2106. John, Westminster, 409. Jonathan, 1987, 3189. ****S ******ĵ Nath., 2353. Peter, 432, 502. Rich., co. Gloucester, 86, 1086. Martha, Lady Acheson, his wife, 1086. L father of, see John, Lord petition of, 2352. Jane, wife of, petition of, 2352. Dr. Nath., 2785. A petitions of, 3189 (2). ... • ……… ****** D 窗 ​******* alias Miller, John, see Miller. father of, see More, John. John, his son, 1225. Capt. Henry, 1292. Jane, widow of, 793, 1292. John, co. York, 3126. Miles, co. Lancaster, 1950. wife and children of, 1951. Miles, Westmoreland, 176. Moses, 2824. Ralph, 2958. Rich., 2336. Rich., sen, and jun., co. York, 1226. Rob., 203. Capt. Rob., 767. Simon, 233. Thos., Notts, 1338, K 2 3324 GENERAL INDEX. Atkinson-cont. Wm., co. York, 113. Mrs., 55. Atkyns, see Atkins. Atmore, John, 1261. Rich., 3178. • Thos., Salop, 2838. Thos., co. York, 1748. ..., Wm., Cumberland, 2226. daughter of, 2226. ** D ... *** • ·· Atsloe, Archloe, Achelowe, or Astlow. Edw., 539, 702, 3108, 3206. petitions of, 2460, 2461. - · • • …………………, ………………, Anne, mother of, 3108. Atterbury, Thos., 1806 (2). Atterton, Ralph, 110, 3086. Attorney General, see Prideaux. Edmund. ………… for the Duchy of Cornwall, see Hall, Barth. Attorneys, see Lawyers. Atty, Mr., co. York, minister, 1376. Atwood, Audrey, 3191. Robert, 3185. • Aubert, Maurice and Mary, 1910. Aubigny, Katherine, Lady, 91, 1471. Aubrey, or Awbrey, Edw., 2971. ·· ; " ·· ... ... ·· Eleanor, daughter of, Andrews, Eleanor. .. • ******* Herbert, 1701. John, 1825. Sir John, 861, 1226. petition of, 861. …………………., Mary, wife of, 861. ..... Rich., 2315, 3301. Thos., 1412. Wm., co. Brecon, 3301 (2). Wm., co. Ilereford, petition of, 3016. ·· • ... > " .... > ... Aucher, Sir Ant., 458. Audland, Wm., 2025. Anne, widow of, 2024. Audley, Sir Hen., 901. " •S ……… · > .... uncle of, 1641. ****** Major Lewis, 1625, 1649, 1650, 3251, 3277. Mary, widow of, 2971. Hugh, 91, 421, 454, 1900 (2), 3118. John, 1641. Molineux, 877. Rob., co. Bedford, 931. ••• + ******* Rob., Essex, 2377. ..> • C ……… Thos., uncle of, 931. Agnes, wife of, 2277. petitions of, 2377(2). ****** children of, 2377. Thos., Essex ?, 2401. see ****** Thos., Hunts, 90, 877, daughter of, see Butler, Anne. Wheathill, 90, 1011. ****** Audsley, Roger, 1001. Augden, Fras., 805. Augier, René, Parl. agent in France, 1580. Auncell, Rich., under-sheriff of co. Bedford, 554, 639, 656. wife of, 554. .... "" Austell, Rob., petition of, 2478. Austen, George, 458. Austin, John, Hants, 1973 (2). petitions of, 1973 (2). John, Kent, 459. ... ******* John, Middlesex, 3176. John, Norfolk, 2089, Peter and John, Devon, 2374. Rich., 3307. **** • ·· • " petitions of, 3307 (2). ………………) + ………………………, ………………, Frances, daughter of, 3307. petition of, 3307. Rob., London, 2466. petition of, 2466. .... · 1 • ………. • > • ****** *** ****** Austwich, Thos., 1701. Avent, Thos., 2756. Avery, Benj., 1286. .. "" **** .., Wm., son of, 3307. petitions of, 1286 (2). ****** Ald. Sam., 10, 793, 867, 2305. letter of, 237. Award, Edw., 2963 (2). **** ………………………, ……………., Hen., son of, 2963. Awbrey, see Aubrey. Awde, Mark, 3184. Agnes, wife of, 3307. LOO k ****** petition of, 3183. Axtell, Thos., 2199. Axworthy, Tristram, 3234. Ayde, John, 581. Ayers, Mr., Essex, 95. Aylesbury, Thos., minister, 79. "" ……………… > .... ****** ******* Rob., co. Stafford? 2023. Sir Thos., Bart., 91, 523, 581, 632 (2), 636 (2), 650, 1553. Aylett, John, 95, 1127. Rob., 1536. Ayliffe, Ailiffe, or Ayloffe. …………., petition of, 2022. Rob., Sussex? petition of, 2573. Sir Benj., 95, 848. William, son of, 848. family of, 849. *****3 Fras., 1714. Rich., Hauts, 485, 3197. Aylmer, Edw., 96, 1309. Ayly, see Alye. Ayre, see Eyre. Ayrson, John, Mayor of Durham, 813, 2354, 2355 (3). petitions of, 2354, 2355. Ayry, or Ayrey, see Airey. Ayscough, see Aiscough. Ayscue, see Aiscough. Ayshford, Hen., see Ashford, Hen. Ayton, John, 91, 896. GENERAL INDEX. 3325 B B. S., Garstang, co. Lancaster, Papist, 246. Babington, Rich., Bucks, petition of, 2183. • .. · ▸ ·· • ·· > ** C • •*S .. Bacer, John, petition of, 437. Bache, Thos. 2622. Bachus, Wm., 2531. Backhouse, Frances, 26, 28, 788 (2). > ... ... • A Thos., 2411. ز *****> > ………….. ...) John, 783. Capt. Peter, Stafford Commissioner, 514, 1735, 1737, 1971, 2084 (3), 2653. letters of, 748, 754. L …………… > Wm., co. Lincoln, 2416. Major, Hunts, 761, 765. Mrs., 788. .. " Backland, John, 2304. Backshall, John, see Bagshall, John. Bacon, Clippesby, 115, 595, 2501, *** . …….. Mat., his son, 2412 (4). petition of, 2411. husband of, 26, 788. children of, 26. Rich., 3197. ……………… petitions of, 2084 (2). Edw., 3045. Fras., petition of, 3241. Jane, Lady Bacon, 1390 (2). petition of, 3241. Badby, Edw., 1754. Badcock, John, petition of, 1527. Badd, Sir Thos., Bart, 105, 799? 806? 1386. Nath., 800. Nich., London, 1863, 2337. Nich., Suffolk, 984. *** > Mr. (? Sir Thos.), 799, 806. Baddeley, Rich., 980. Badger, Roland, 3196. Badham, James, 2867. Bagehott, Thos., 908. Bagge, Sir James, (late), 432 ?, 1361. ……………., ………………, George, son of, 153, 1361. petition of, 1349. grandmother of, 153. ** ... > …………… 3 Baggerly, Hump., 1601. Bagly, Mr., minister, co. Gloucester, 2821. Bagnall, Rob., co. Leicester, 110. Rob., Somerset, 1734. Thos., 748. Bagnell, Randle, 440. Bagot, or Bagott, George, 752. .... ****** Harvey, 1203, 1204 (2), 1814. ***** petitions of, 1203, 1204 (3). ......, Dorothy, wife of, 1203. Sir Harvey, Bart, M.P., 89, 1476, Rich., Shrewsbury, 416, 577 (3), 596 (2), 597. letter of, 596. } } 1 Bagshall, or Backshall, John, 1517. Thos., father of, 1518. petition of, 1517. sisters of, etitious of, 1518 1 ... .." **** (2). Mr., Sussex, 2473. Bagshaw, Charles, 3064, ·· • D C .. · Baich, James, see Baish. Baillon, Francis, 1748. Bailes, Bales, or Bayles. ………………………, Thos., Essex, 2827. .. ·· ••• Edw., 3149. Fras., 1902-1904, 3101. ..., Fras., Temple, 2220, 2221. John, co. Northampton, 2108, 3149?. John, Oxon, petition of, 3239. Wm., 2321. Wm., minister, 2476. " …………….y • ...... " "> • Bailey, Bayley, or Baylie. Andrew, 2915. Thos., London, 295, 463 (?), 1936 (2), 1937 (2), 2040 (2), 2041, 2681 (?) petitions of, 1680, 1917, 1935, 1936 (4), 2040 (3), 2292. Thos., co. Oxon? 3069. • ... Fras., co. Stafford, petition of, 1893. ……., George, co. Bedford, petition of. 1821. George, Devon, 97, 2935, 3166. George, Westminster, 91. John, Kent, 459. Mary, 3205. Dr. Rich., 1549. - ** .. .. ·· " ... Wm., Essex, 2216. 743. *……………………♥ Rob., Devon, 153, 3170. petitions of, 3170 (2). Thos., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 492, 501. 543, 566, 605, 630, 661, 669, 701, 711. 731, 733, 734, 737 (2), 744, 884, 1814, 2578. 2785, 2892. certificates, &c., by, 620, 722, letters of, 441, 535, 611, 647. ...... ****** ** ……………+ *** 705, 723, 789, 740 (2), 742. letters to, 143, 462, 540, 621, 637, 640, 645, 649, 687, 699, 700 (2), 720, 782 (2), 733, 736. 739, 743, 1914 .....} > 740, 744 (2), 2578. orders to, 478 (2), 533, CO2, ………..> 614,624, 731, 743, 744, 915, 1894, 2132 2349, 3245. ... 2958. ******* Eleanor Osborne, widow of, - notes, &c., of, 483, 617 (2), payment to, 597. references to, 1107, 1366, 1889, salary of, 644, 824. servant of, 744. ******* Thos., Devon, 97, 498, 1368, 3166. Thos., co. Leicester, 110, 1378. Thos., clerk, Salop, 319, 331 (2), 332. 3326 GENERAL INDEX. Bailey, &c-cont. .. ........, Thos., co. York, 3218, 藿 ​Dr. Thos., Hants, 320 (2). Dr. Thos., co. Montgomery, 1725 (2). Walter, 320. Wm., petition of, 2064. Bailiffe, or Bayliffe, Edw., 1168-1170. د. E ***S John, 2953. Mary, 120. Bailston, John, petition of, 1657. Baines, Banes, Baynes, or Bayne. .... *** ... *** •· 14 4 **** > *** > ? ..) ., Wm., co. Lancaster, 1953, 3185 ? Wm., co. York, 2020. ***** ... ... .. • "" ... **5 Mr., co. York, 665. Bainger, Bernard, 1905. Baish, or Baich, James, 2988. Baker, Edw., petitions of, 1711 (2). Thos., co. Stafford, 2321. Thos., co. Worcester, 2847. ***** .. } ****** .... > ... > **** **** Lieut.-Col. Jeremy, 1904. petition of, 62. ******* John. Selleth, co. Lancester, 1123. John, Wyer-dale, co. Lancaster, 1951. Ralph, 336, 371. Walter, 2458. * Capt. Adam, petition of, 548. Edw., 756. Fras., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2851. Hen., 202, 233, 1668. > > ******* ***> John, 2140, 2486. John, Leicestershire Commissioner, 172, 191, 229, 545, 568, 3208, *****+4 ... > *** ***** Eliz., 817. Fras., 262. Capt. Gabriel, 260. Dorothy, wife of, 2020. , petition of, 2020. children of, 2020. Sir George, 2043. + .... Jane. Gilbert, 1735. Capt. Gregory, 396, 1977. James, 163 (2). ... Rich., co. Monmouth, 719, 2049 (2). petitions of, 2049 (3). Rob., co. Lincoln, petitions of, 2790 (2), 2791. wife of, see Saunderson, Lady certificates, &c., by, 188, 281. > ****** > John, co. Nottingham, 462. Capt. John, see Barker. Sir John, Bart., 840, 1096. Nich., 3244. Priscilla, 3239. Richard, 1736, 1737. certificate by, 545. ***** Rob. Ruskinton, co. Lincoln, 1724. petition of, 1724. A ******* Rob., Somerset, 3143. Roger, 1370. Baker-cont. …….. ... ********** **2 • J **** ·· ••• Sabbath, 100. Sam., deputy examiner to the Com- mittee for Compounding, petition of, 671. **** ** **** 3 Sam., Northampton Commissioner, 1064. ** "" eta e Thos., executor of Col. Fenwick, 817. Thos., of the First Fruits Office, 340, 700, 702. · Thos., Denbigh, 3253. Thos., Hants, 406, 488, 638, 662, 2500 (2). petition of, 3148. Thos., Kent, petition of, 2122. .., Thos., Salop, 449. ******* ·· > • +) 5 Walter, co. Lincoln, 2828. Walter, Southwark, 1217. John, his son, 1217. LA > Wm., Kent, petitions of, 2702 (2), Wm., co. Nottingham, 1404. Wm., Suffolk, 96. Capt., co. Leicester, 109. Mr., co. Gloucester, 224. ********** Bakewell, Thos., petition of, 1061. Balcanquall, Walter, Dean of Durham, 7, 91, 2076. } **** ... Lady Elizabeth Hammond, his ** 1.3 ****** wife, 504 (2), 516, 520, 528, 547, 2076. steward of, Mr. Blades, 7. ***** Balch, Thos., 2916 (2), 2917. Balche, George, 1888. Baldock, Rich., 2762. > ******* Rob., petitions of, 2770 (2). Baldwin, or Baldwyn, Barth., 68, 2268. ………………………, ………………, Mary, wife of, 2268. children of, 2269. Thos., co. Hertford, 3148 (2). • *** * | ****** ..... " Charles, M.P., Salop, 1227. or Bawdewin, Edw., Salop, 1011, 2470, 2471 (3), 2931 (2). ***** ***S ***** > ******* petition of, 2500 (2). petition of, 2471. Mary, wife of, 1011. Edw., steward for Worcester, 426. Rob., Norfolk, 3191. Rob., Sussex, 3047. ני petition of, 2528. father of, 2528. " *** Sam., 2167 (2). Thos., co. Buckingham, 2576 (2). Thos., co. Lancaster, 3158. Wm., Sussex, 514, 2473 (2). letters of, 31, 496. ***** Mr., Cumberland, 232 (2), daughter of, 3047. Bale, Sir John, sen., 111, 2298. **3 ***** Wm., 111, 2298. Sir John, jun., his son, 111, 2298. petitions of, 2298 (4). > Bales, sec Bailes GENERAL INDEX. 3327 Balfour, Alex., 153. *** · *** ******* Balkley, John, 120. ·· Ball, Jennett, co. Lancaster, 3236. R 10. ... ""} ... · Ballard, Grace, see Travers, Grace. Rich., 326. .. .. ··· ·· John, co. Somerset, petition of, 3280. Peter, or Sir Peter, 502, 503, 512, 1228, 1242, 1371, 1384. children of, 1228. Thos., 1304 (2). Wm., co. Gloucester, 1652, …………… > Wm., co. Lancaster, 3241. Anne, wife of, 3241. Ballat, Rob., 91. Balles, Wm., 2772. Ballett, Rob., 1824. wife and children of, 1824. Ballifant, Rob., 1412. Balston, Major John, 800. Katherine, widow of, 800. Baltimore, Lord, see Calvert. Bamber, Edw., sen., 2644. ... *** Sam., attestation by, 2664. Thos., Sheriff, and North Wales Com- missioner, 173, 751. letter of, 560. ***** Capt. Thos., 146, 818, 3261. Wm., Arborfield, Berks, 3054. Wm., Reading, Berks, certificate by, 1019. } Col. or Major Wm., 156 (2), 966. Sir Wm., 790, 792, 798. petition of, 1056. ,, ……………45 > *** > ******* Mr., Beadle of Oxford University, 67. ****** John, 3115. ***** 3116. > ******* • *** ******* 2706. Edw., son of, 2644. ג' Roger, Carleton, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 3115. Bambridge, Abraham, 2706. Rich., son of, 3116. Capt. Roger, the Moor, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2644. ***** petitions of, 3116 (2). *** " Richard and Jennet, parents of, Bamfield, Mr., Westminster, 91. Bamford, Edw., Eccleston, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2039. Mary, wife of, 2039. Henry, his nephew, petition of, Lionel, 1158. ………………….., Thos., 89. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2563. Bamforth, Edw., co. Lancaster, 1951. Bamfylde, Sir John, Bart., M.P., 98, 1234, 1878. ****** certificate of, 1535. Bampfield, Col. Jos., 908. Wm., see Roade, Wm. Banaster, see Bannister. Banastre, or Banaster, Margaret, Lady Banastre, 2304, 2873. petitions of, 2874 (3). Banbury, (titular) Earl of, see Knollys, Nicholas. Countess of, see Vaux, Eliz. ………….. [ Banbury, Roger, 78. Bancaster, Leonard, Mary, widow of, 887. Bancks, or Bankes, see Banks. Bancroft, Rob., 2533. Banes, see Baines. Bangar, Gab., 79. Bangor, Bishop of, see Roberts, Dr. Wm. Bankruptcy Act alluded to, 2501. …………… letter to, 2863. ******* Banks, Bankes, or Bancks. Giles, 110. Hen., jun., co. Worcester, 652. articles by, 652. ... ... Hen., Somerset, 613, 659 ** *** " ... .. • ... * • ·· ., **> • "3 Commission, or Commissioners of, 1019, 1099, 1772, 2351, 2389, 2863, 2864 (3). C > • Sir John, Lord Chief Justice of Com- mon Pleas, 25, 51, 91, 114, 1453, 1517. " ! ****** ** > .. > • John, Kent, 294. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3013. John, co. York, 1763, 3013. Ralph, petition of, 2358. Rich., Cumberland, petitions of, 687, 2590. ***** Bannister, Banister, Bannester, or Banaster. ****2 *.3 ***** Michael, 1477. ****** Rich., Wilts?, 1562. Wm., co. Lancaster ? petition of, 2667. Wm., London, 383, 1298, 3106. Mary, widow of, 119, 898, 899. Jchn, eldest son of, 899 (4). other children of, 898, 899 (4). ……………… Mr., vintner, 266. wife and children of, 1477. Ann, 3175. Barth., 2760. Chris., 907, 3199. **** ... > petition of, 1298. …………… , Ralph, son of, 3200. George, 1412. Heu., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3097. Hen., grandfather of, 3097. ******} Joan, 621. John, 123. Nath., 2650. ******* petition of, 3199. AAPANIS Major Rich., 3158. Nath., son of, 2650. Rich., grandson of, 2650. petitions of, 2650 (2). Sir Rob., 67, 98, 111, 137, 810, ? 1671, 2751 (3). Thos., Hants, 3036. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2962, 2963 (2). 3328 GENERAL INDEX. Baraclough, John, 769. Jos., 769. Wm. 769. …………….y Barber, or Barbor, Edw., Norfolk, 2501. ****** ... ·· ··· A. ****** ... · ... ……….. • • · ·· ***** ... ... .. ... ·· Y ** mother of, 116. ... •>"} Wm., co. York, 3097. ...*.*) Barclay, or Bartlett, Robert, 10, 20, 22, 38, 786 (2). Barcroft, or Bearcroft, John, sen., Somerset, 829. • Gabriel, Norfolk Commissioner, 172, 229, 622. Dr. Gabriel, Herts Commissioner, 746, 751. • **** • Gerard, Denbigh Commissioner, 751. James, 123. John, co. Chester, 123. John, sen., Norfolk, 116, 1288. John, jun., his son, 1958. brother of, 1958. …………….> Jos., Bedfordshire Commissioner, 171, 700, 707. Ralph, 123. Rob., Oxon Commissioner, 1441. Wm., Norfolk, 116, 1288. > · "" **** ·· tock, Mary. ·· ... · petition of, 1777. Barebones, Praise-God, Controller of the Com- mittee for Compounding (1659), 776. Baresby, Wm., 1916. Barfoot, John, 109. Barford, Wm., complaint by, 1169. Bargrave, Rob., 460, 1878. Thos., Kent, 2109. .... Barham, Edw., 2836. Thos., 781. Barker, Alex., 3235. ***** • + .... לי # ··· • " ·· 1. ·· > ... James, 1228. …………………., John, 889, 1051. · **** ******* .....9 Mary, daughter of, see Tos- John, Westminster, 1572. John, co. Worcester, 425, 1464. Rob., 1771. Thos., 1777. > SAKARYA…) > …………… Deborah (or Mary) widow of, petitions of, 889, 890. Frances and Jane, his sisters, Andrew, Berkshire, 3244. Andrew, London, 3244. Art., 100. Edw., 95. Hugh. M.D., 2161 (2). petition of, 2164. …………. John, co. Nottingham, 108, 535 (2), 1389. John, Somerset, 517. or Baker, Capt. or Col. John, 194, 209, 1429, 1430, 1479 (2), 2760. depositions &c., by, 209, 260. 14 ..... Mat., 3244. Mat., Devon, 3244. Barker-cont. • #4 ... D 1 ... • ... ……… • ... 79. ··· ... ... • ·· ·· · ANI • ·· .." .. ... • • י • • ·· · 慶 ​· ... 28J8 (2). Wm., Salop, 617, 640, 2988. • ... Barkstead, or Berkstead, Col. John, Major- General for Middlesex, &c., 181, 326, 827, 846 (3), 943, 1747, 1971, 2416. letter of, 529. .. • wife and daughter of, 1717. ………… Sir Nich., daughter of, see Moore, Anne. .... •• • petition of, 1971. Barley, or Barlec, Rob., 2235. ··" 3296. Wm., Berkshire, 697, 2979. Wm., Cumberland, 1907. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1263. ··· • Mat., London, 3244. Nath., 1716. "} Rich., co. Chester, 101, 575 (?). Rich., Cumberland, 202. Rob., 2752. Sam., petitions of, 1967 (2). Barmester, Thos., see Bannester, Thos., Han!s. Barlow, Edw., 123, 124. **** Eliz., wife of, 1966. Thos., Kirkby, co. Lancaster, 2808. Margery, widow of, petition of, " daughters of, 2808. Thos., Melling, co. Lancaster, 2020. Thos., co. Lincoln, 1412. ……………… > Thos., London, petition of, 2057. Thos., co. York, 3071. Sir Thos., 2235, 2709 (2). "" ....... Grace. , ·· • D Lewis, 443, 182, 530. Mary, 2377. Rich., 1116. Rob., co. Lancaster, 2305. Thos., 1116. Barnaby, Thos., co. Hereford, 2366. • 1 ••• > ...... ..... > ……. ******* Barnard, or Burnard, Constant, 405. petitions of, 2235 (2), 3295 (5), ... > …………. wife and children of, 1263. Hen., Somerset, 2099. Hen., Sussex, 469, 1210. John, co. Pembroke, 443, 2611. John, son of, petition of, 2611. other children of, 2611 (2). petitions of, 2235 (2). daughter of, see Tasburgh, • A ,י *.**. George, 3042. Hen., Essex, petition of, 2536. Hen., Sussex, 2090. Joel, 142. John, 502, 1678. Thos., 1962. John, son of, 2255, 2366. petition of, 1071. Wm., 3257. ………………… > Barnardiston, Art., 172, 283, 243, 404. petition of, 1962. CENERAL INDEX. 3329 Barnardiston-cont. Sir Nath., 2. ……………., Thos., Guildhall Treasurer, 605. Barnby, Thos., 1158. ******* Barnes, Hen., 1541. • .." .. ·· ·· ·· · · · • · .... *** •S • ·· ....) ** [ • ***** • 4 Hermon, 2452. James, co. Lancaster, 2916. > ******; of, 2916 (2). John, co. Hereford, 2454. John, miuister, Wiltshire, 1796. petition of, 1796. > A · ****** - 1 "" Rich., 997. Thos., Dorset, 118, 1960, Thos., co. Durham, 2797 (2), 2798 (2). ……………… , . • Thos., Darlington, co. Durham, 2684. Thos., Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, 3120. Thos., West Derby, co. Lancaster, petition of, 1940. • ... > Michael, 240, 2685. Nathaniel, 2297. Ralph, 3133 (2). Randle, 2725. > Thos., Salop, 120, 1741. Walter, 1223 (4), 1224, 1584, 2140, 2447. family of, 1158. " ******* petitions of, 1222, 1223, 1584, 1832, 2056, 2058. Wm., co. Durham, 203, 1467. Wm., co. Warwick, 2795 (4), 3179. } Capt., Hants, 757. Barnett, John, co. Chester, 112, 3065, 3212, James, brother of, 3212. petition of, 3065. " ……………) George, sen., son of, 2916. Agnes, wife of, 2916. James, son of, 2916. .. AGAN ******* ……………. Barney, sce Berney. Barnsley, or Barnesley, Charles, 89, 1423. Gilbert, his son, 2353. 2353. ... • T A "" ****** ****** ******* Wm., Wiltshire, 52. Wm., co. York, 2146, 2151. wife and children of, 2725. George, jun., son ·· ›› *5 petitions of, 2795 (2). Kath., wife of, 2795 (2). 2913. John, co. Worcester, 2784. petitions of, 1423, 2333. Eliz., wife of, petition of, Nicholas, his father, 1423. petitions of, 2035 (6), 2913 (5). Rich., brother of, co. Worcester, Thos., brother of, 2913. ****** Rich., co. Gloucester, 87, 2913. Capt., 2283. Barnston, Wm., 103, 1555. Barnwell, Charles, 2137. } Barnwell-cont. • **** George, 3123. Barodale, see Barrodale. ··· • ·· Baron, Charles, 2057. David, 3175. • • # > … ..... .... ·· • > 3060. Edw., 115, 2105. 1.5 …………………*** Alice. Hartgill, 2516. Lawrence, sen., 3060. "" Rob., co. Lancaster, 2913. Rob., Northumberland, petitions of, 2748 (2). • " 2972. ... Wm., Devon, 2972. .. > ………… Baronets, cases of, 831, 833, 835, 839, 810, 817-819, 858, 863, 864, 873, 874, 879, 880, 892, 901 (2), 905, 907, 908, 910. 943, 952, 954, 960, 968, 978 (2), 985, 987, 1005, 1009 (2), 1018, 1021, 1022, 1024, 1027, 1035, 1039, 1042, 1056, 1059-1061, 1063, 1065, 1089, 1099, 1126, 1131, 1134 (2), 1136, 1149, 115, 1190, 1193, 1194, 1198, 1203, 1207, 1239, 1243, 1256, 1261, 1272, 1276 (2). 1287, 1297, 1314, 1318, 1323, 1334. 1355, 1372, 1375, 1386, 1387, 1389, 1400, 1431, 1435, 1438, 1443 (2), 1453, 1456, 1460, 1462, 1476, 1483, 150s. 1541, 1548, 1553, 1559, 1577, 1589, 1605, 1629, 1662, 1720, 1739, 1742, 1793, 1826, 1831 (2), 1841, 1858, 1874. 1878, 1884, 1885, 1890, 1928, 1962, 1967, 1978, 1987, 1999, 2007, 2016, 2027, 2034, 2062, 2080, 2105, 2124, 2181, 2207, 2228 (2), 2230, 2239, 2283 (2), 2295, 2308, 2310, 2313, 2370, 2448 (2), 2482, 2487, 2507, 2529, 2531, 2539, 2552, 2556, 2587, 2589, 2602, 2606, 2614, 2665, 2691, 2697, 2725, 2753, 2764, 2766, 2833, 2897, 2947, 2962, 2984, 3006, 3011, 3017, 3179, 3203, 3272, 3286. Barr, Edm., 2473 (2). .. petitions of, 2473 (2). KATARINA) wife and children of, 2473. Barrack, Sam., 105. Barrall, James, 236, 1487, Barre, Mr., Bucks agent, 739. Barrett, Devereux, 109. …………………….., Edw., 3242, John, 818. Lawrence, 2039. > . .. A Lawrence, jun., his grandson, mother of, see Allison, ... 2039. .... .... ……. Eliz., widow of, petition of, Rich., Berks, 2834. Rich., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2276. …………………., Rich., co. York, petition of, 2391 (2). Rob., Norfolk, 3233. Thos., co. Worcester, 3193, Eliz., widow of, petition of, ,Wm., Chester Commissioner, 174, 629, 668, 717. 3330 GENERAL INDEX. Barrett-cont. • Barrey, see Barry. Barrington, Abr., Essex Commissioner, 171, 173, 201, 565, 728, 740. 10 D 痛 ​1 • .. ….. ……….., Wm, see Berrington. Barristers, or counsellors-at-law, casual notices, passim. TRADE cases of, 1125, 1205. Barrodale, or Barodale, Hen., 111, 1211. ……………. .. John, 1430, 2192. Barrow, or Barrowes, Cotton, 2382. Hugh, petition of, 2565. > Matthew, Hereford Commissioner, 366, 391, 555 (2), 578, 579 (2), 623. letters of, 343, 378. Rich., Northern Commissioner, 924. Kich., co. York, 1477. Rob., 520. Thos., Bucks, 2194. Thos., Kent, 328. Wm., 349, 2088. .. • • ·· …….. " ·· Wm., co. Monmouth, petition of, 2443. Capt. Wm., 1736. Mr., Wilts, 861. .. , ··3 2 + **" > Barry, or Barrey, And., petitions of, 2928, 2929. .. ****** C > > ... ... ...2 ', • *** Anth., 292. Sir James, 362. Capt. Matthias, Rutland Commissioner, 171, 193, 243, 400, 559, 612. •" · **** ……………, paper signed by, 479. Barsby, Capt. Rob., petitions of, 3021, 3022. Bartholomew, Mr., Westminster, 91. • Barthropp, Jonathan, 2206. Bartlett, Rob., see Barclay, Rob. ........., Rowland, 87, 3182. Sam., 130. Bartley, George, 3146. •" petition of, 703. signature of, 565. > > Rowland, petition of, 2194. ………………………g Barton, Edw., co. Stafford, petition of, 2485. wife and children of, 2485. • 2804. *****9 ******* .. .. · certificate by, 3080. letters of, 318, 357. ………………. Edw., sen., co. York, 2804. Edw., jun., his son, 2718, 2804. petitions of, 2718 (2). ******* Thos., his son, petition of, > Hugh, Clayton, co. Lancaster, 3174. John, Hants, 600 (2), 642, 3146. John, co. Lancaster, 2957. Rich., 123, 124. Rich., treasurer of the Committee for Compounding (1659), 776. Eliz., co. Lancaster, 2957. Fras., 123, 124. Hugh, co. Lancaster, 2781. Alice, sister of, see Butler, Alice. Barton-cont. ………………………, Rob., 203, 2983. PA a •• ………… .. T • ... " · ·· .. ·· • 4 [ ******* • A · ·· • > "5 **** • .. 2983, 2984 (4). .. Bartow, Peter, 536, 1385. a ... …………..> Bartram, see Bertram. Barwick, George, 233. *** ... Thos., 2917. Sir Thos., 1338. Wm., 2937. Wm., co. Chester, petition of, 1156. family of, 1156. ……………… ………………. Wm., minister, London, 49, 1824. *****9 (2), 1817. Col. Wm., 57, 63. Major, co. Derby, 755, 774, 775. Mr., Cambridge Treasurer, 241. Mr., Gloucester Magistrate?, 1675. father of, 1693. Barwis, John, Cumberland Commissioner, letter of, 232. ……………. ·· "" ……… ... > Hen., uncle of, petitions of, letter of, 5. Base, John, sen., Suffolk Agent and Commis- sioner, 96, 691 (2), 693 (2), 694, 697, 698, 710, 713, 1851, 2257, 2891. Rob., sen., father of, 2984. *** John, Suffolk, petition of, 2820. Roger, 1698. Sam., 78. Wm., 1693. ******* certificates by, 1175, 1685. petitions, &c., of, 1684, 1685 Rich., 3. ……………… letters, &c., of, 742; see also Suffolk, County Commissioners of, letters of and to. Baseley, Wm., 3182. wife and children of, 1385. Bash, Major Ralph, 756, 3248. Basill, Wm., 362, 371, 817. Basing, Wm., 118. Capt. John, 418. Wm., Dean of St. Paul's, temp. Henry III., 1251. ……………………., Wm., Sheriff of London, temp. Edw. II., 1251. Basisto, John, 2866. Baskerville, Anne, 3239. Ca (2). James, 3239. Sir Hum., 2070. ***** · ..... * Thos., son of, 2070 (2). petition of, 2070. ………………) ……………………., Wm., co. Monmouth, 2774 (2). Mr., co. Nottingham, 577. Basnet, Alderman Thos., J.P., Coventry, 630. certificate by, 472. Bassano, Andrew, 2167. Basse, Major Edw., 601, 602. ***** Eliz., his widow, 2070. ……………. petitions of, 2070 GENERAL INDEX. 3331 Bassett, Arthur, 77, 97, 842, 373, 422 (2), 518, 519, 1878. Sir Arthur, 117. " Sir Fras., 117, 2704, 2866. George, 3087. John, 117, 336, 1931, Rich., 2710. ··· * .. • *** O ·· • ·· ******* Bastard, Jos., 2533 (2). Bastwick, Dr., 810. Batailhé, David, report by, 2483. Batchelor, Rich., 1595. # ** > Bate, John, 1093. Bateman, Christopher, 3185. petition of, 3185. • 2 • ·· ***S •* > ... *****3 3 "> • Sir Rich., 803, 1130. Sir Thos., 117. 牆 ​• " James, 457. John, Kent, 461. or Battman, Johu, Clerk for South Wales, list by, 1824. > *** Wm., 85, 224, 1181, 1984, 1985. family of, 1181. **** letter of, 332. ........., Stephen, 78, 3052. Mr., miuister, 1687. *** ..... ... ·· > Eliz., 341. John, Wilts, certificate by, 166. Ralph, 1078. Rich., Mary, wife of, 2139. Roger, 211, 247, 688, 811 (2), 822, 825. .. **** > ** Thos., Berks Commissioner, 172, 351, 409, 473, 533, 682, 705. certificate by, 591. letter of, 477. Thos., London, 914? ..... OUTA *** *> petitions of, 2551 (3). husband of, 2551. Ant., son of, 2551. ** ******* " Bates, Alex., 3116, 3117 (3). petition of, 3116. ***** Wm., 1679, 2963 (2), 2964. petition of, 2963. petitions of, 1895 (2). Rich., brother of, 1895. Bateson, Barth., 2871. Charles, 1268. Rich., 744. Math., petitions of, 3205 (3). Rob., 520. or Batson, Wm., 1800. Bath, Earl of, see Bourchier. ....... and Wells, Bishop of, see Pierce, Wm. Bath, order of the, Companions of the, 1394, 1431. ******* Knights of the, 94 (2), 867, 978, 990, 1003, 1165, 1292, 1425, 1439, 1459, 1541, 1546, 1579, 1602, 1864, 1912, 2048, 2085, 2086, 2301, 2322, 2394, 2782, 2887, 2888. Bath, John, 78. Batho, or Bathoe, Edw., 104. Thos., petition of, 1237. Wm., petition of, 1885. Bathurst, Edw., or Sir Edw., Bart., 86, 1131, 3267. • 1 t .. ·· Batson, Wm., see Bateson. Batt, Jasper, 289, 363, 381, 390, 395, 630, 635, 650. * " ... " *** *." Battelie, Nicholas, 581. • ... • ******* A Batten, Wm., 396. Capt., or Sir Wm., Vice-Admiral of the Parliament fleet, 1587, 1690, 3308. Batterbridge, Ralph, 100. Battersby, George, petition of, 2848. Capt. John, 117, 1945. .. ... ******* " Batterton, Mr., Westminster, 91. Battey, Rich., 1950. Battison, Rich., 2907. ג' ………………………, ………………, Sarah, widow of, 2907. petition of, 2907. .... Wm., petition of, 961. ****** " Battle, Allen, 194. Battman, John, see Bateman. Batty, Abraham, 2486. Baud, Thos., 1806. • ***** John, Wilts., 78. John, co. York, 972. - Susanna, wife of, 1131, 3267. children of, 1131, 3267. deposition of, 654. letters of, 322, 333, 636. ****** Eliz., mother of, 1945. Nich., co. York, 2155, 2156. Col., 2021. CON *** 1806. his children, 1807. · grandchildren of, 1806. Baugh, or Baughe, Henry, 205, 1987. Bavand, Daniel, 61, 217, 348, 1518. ........, Jane, 1875. Thos., 1875. Capt. Thos., 2703. • ****** ******* Anne, widow of, see Byrom, Anne. • *** > Edw., Eliz., and Thos., children of, petitions of, 2704 (2). Bawde, Wm., see Baud. Bawden, Daniel, 2004. John, 1239 (2). Major John, M.P., 2004 (3), 2005 (4). or Bawde, Wm., 88, 317, 432, 1806. Jeromina, William, and Ferd., petition of, 1 > ……………………., Nicholas, 2004. Bawdewin, Edw., see Baldwin. ** John, 1916. petition of, 1916. Bawtree, Hamond, 3049. children of, 3049. ******* ** ******* 3332 GENERAL INDEX. Baxenden, John, 108. Baxter, Charles, 2098. Jamies, 270. John, 3222. Jarvis, son of, petition of, 3222. Major Peter, 797. Rich., Cumberland, 124. Rich., co. York, 1537. ་ • • • • ………. • E • • Bayford, Capt., Herts Commissioner, 746. Bayles, or Baylis, see Bailes. Bayley, or Baylie, see Bailey. Bayliffe, see Bailiffe. Baylton, Wm., 1212. Baynam, Mr., malignant, 13. Bayne, or Baynes, see Baines. ··· Baynham, Rob., petitions of, 2532, 2754. grandmother of, 2532. ... .. ………………………) • Bayning, Paul. 1st Viscount Bayning, 2157, 2753, 2889 (2). > + · · · ……………., Anne, daughter of, 2753 (2). Baynton, Edw., M.P., papers signed by, 28, ·· …. 1553. Bazeer, Dr., 1918. Beach, see Beech. Anne, wife of, see Carlton, Anne, Viscountess Dorchester. Paul, 2nd Viscount Bayning, 1579, 2157 (2), 2753. Beacham, Simon, 1816. Wm., 105 (2). 14 ■ "" Beachmore, Hen., request by, 734. Beadnall, or Bednall, George, 2668-2671. petitions of, 2667-2669 ·· ******* Beale, Ambrose, 459. "" *> …………… > ..... Wm., co. Durham, 2714. Wm., Northumberland? 2584. Wm., co. York, 1279. Col., London, 281. · ·· • ANA Beamont, Thomas, 950. 1 ..." ......} > 548 (2), 607, 2925. Rich., 1817. Thos., 3256. Dr. Wm., Master of St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge, 95. · ***> .... ... Auditor Barth., 164 (?) 743. certificate of, 715. letter of, 590. Bearcroft, see Barcroft. Beard, Francis, 535, 3060. • ****** Edwin, 1716. Paul, Alderman of York, 371, 520, or Bert, Thos., 1333. Mr, 598. Beare, George, 98, 617, 991. > Eliz., wife of, 958, 984 petition of, 950 ..... Mary, wife of, 991. …………………., Belthazar, son of, 991, 2706. ... Nich., Devon, 152, 353, 3092. wife and children of, 3092. ……………. ..3 .. Beare-cont. ... • …………. 2 1955. …………………… Mr., Devon Commissioner ?, 219. Bearne, Thos., 1331. petition of, 1612. Bearscliff, Sam., 2040. Beast, Ant., 2532. Beaton, Edw., sen. and jun., 1867. Beauchamp, Lord, see Seymour. Beauchamp, John, 1153. Lady, 839. Mr., Surrey Commissioner, 252. Beaumont, Sapcot, Viscount Beaumont, 109, 163, 214, 1432, 2047. ... 4 ..J Beaumont, George, 1673. *** ·· • ... · **** A .. ▼ > ... A · > • ""} • ..... ·· · , · ** .. • ... 3 ... *** son, 1988 (2). 2 • Thos., Cornwall agent, 2611. Wm., London, petitions of, 2486 (2). Wm., co. Worcester ?, petition of, son, 109, 1987. • • ****** > Beaver, Mary, 2308, 2309. Beck, Gabriel, 1050. > Sir John, 1st Bart., 1987. ...... " *** ... petitions of, 1050 (2). Jeremiah, 114, 708, 709, 841, father of, 841. } ******* John, London, 265, 2138. John, Westmoreland, 177, 203. Pierce, 3063. Rob., Ashby, co. Lincoln, 1000. kinsman of, 1000. ***** Eliz., widow of, 1987. Sir John, 2nd Bart., his elder ... • " ******} Rich., 2144. ……………… • > Beckingham, Rowland, 2906. Step., 1091. Sir Thos., 3rd Bart., his younger …………… ...... Mr., Berks ?, 2860. Becket, Jonathan, 120. **** Thos., 462. Mr., co. Northampton, 233. Beckwith, Matt., 750, 1016, 2957. wife of, 109, 1988 (2). children of, 1988. Eliz., daughter of, 2144. Rob., Lincoln, co. Lincoln, 1389. Wm., 188. ** .... Arthur, brother of, 2957. widow of, 2957. Thos., John Poulton's trustee, 3046. Thos., Ackton, co. York, 3067. daughters of, 3067. John, brother of, petitions 3067 (2). Thos., Beverley, co. York, 587, 2652 Wm., petition of, 2584. ► ……………. Beconsaw, James, 2781. Beddow, Wm., petition of, 2845. wife of, 2846. alias Bedlow, Mr., 768. GENERAL INDEX. 3333 Bedell, John, 1347. ………………… ******* Bedford, Earl of, see Russell. Bedford, Amand, or Almond, petitions of, 2522, 3084, 3085. ... ..., Capt. Thos., 11, 790. petition of, 31. Mary, wife of, 782. .... .:9 · .. …………….. ·· "" Bedingfield, Ant., London, 395, 780, 1852, 2389, 2623. ……………} • • ·· ******* 1:2 • Rob., 1124. Sam., Bedford and Bucks Commis- sioner, 673, 679, 686, 737, 767, 1306, 1307, 2260, 2575. U • • • **** Commissioners for, letters of or to. petitions of, 726, 727. ... ....... ****** 3158. "3 ... ******* Ant., Norfolk, 2916. ****** ****** > Lettice, widow of, 3198. Charles, John, and Mary, chil- dren of, 3198. Fras., 1852. letters of, see Bedford and Bucks, ******* Edw., Norfolk, 3198. ...... " 2622. widow of, see Everard, Susan. > Hen., Beck Hall, Norfolk, petition. of, 3157. ..., Sir Hen., 115, 174, 220, 249, 274, 307, 402, 484, 601, 2134, 2622. ... · > of, 3157. petitions of, 1852 (2). • Thos., son of, petitions of, 2916, Dorothy, wife of, 3158. ……………… Hen., 2nd son of, 2134. children of, 115, 2623. ......, Thos., son of, 174, 2622. Mary, wife of, petition of, " Marg., wife of, 3157. Michael and Edw., younger sons ...... John, 1851. Nich., 3159. Thos., London, 1867, 3026. …………………., Anne, widow of, 3026. ……………… ………………, Anne, daughter of, see Petre, Anne. Thos., Suffolk, 3178. Sir Thos., 1852. O ..... Bedlow, Mr., see Beddow. Bednall, see Beadnall. Bedwell, Edw., petition of, 1830. ******* Hen., his father, 1852. Hen., his brother, 395, 1851. Grace, his sister, 402, 1851. ******} Sir John, 256. Bee, Cornelius, 240, 2049 (2). • petition of, 2048. ***** Maj. Rob., 3245. Capt., 279. Beech, or Beach, Andrew, 1033. ….., Henry, 79. Capt. John, 789, 791. Beech, or Beach-cont. Win., petition of, 421. Mr., minister, 421. Beecher, Sir Wm., 2869. ……………………** Beeiy, Ellen, 1285 (2). ..... Beesbeach, or Bestbitch, Rich., 1683, 2681. petitions of, 1863, 2681 (3). Beesly, or Beesley, Aath., petition of, i114. George, 3119. James, 3174. ***** .. .. ..... ** "·" ………………♥ "" Thos., Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, petitions of, 3183, 3225 (2). ..,Thos., Haighton, co. Lancaster, 2989. John, eldest son of, petition of, ... * ·· .. ·· ... 2990. > • ·· , Begg, Thos., 66. Belasise, John, co. York, petition of, 968. Belasyse, Thomas, 1st Visct. Falconridge, or Fauconberg, 113, 587, 966. Henry, his son, 966. Grace, wife of, 966. Thomas, 2nd Viscount Falconbridge, his son, 966. John, Lord Belasyse, M.P., 755, 756, 762, 1338. • ** > ..> > ******* *** **** ..... younger children of, 1339. Belbing, Ant., Mayor of Portsmouth, 3009. ………………………) ..... .. petitious of, 3009 (3). ... +3 Belcher, Mr., minister of Ulcombe, Kent, 2737. Belford, Alex., 736. Belhaven, Lord, see Hamilton, Sir John. Belke, Thos., 461. Bell, Chris., 521. ... *** ... of, 1339. ***) ****** Wm., 3155. 2 ·· > George, third son of, 2990. petitions of, 2989, 2990. .. > Mr., 1545. ………….. Hen., son of, 3155. Isabel, petition of, 1733, John, Stafford, 89. John, Westmoreland, 521. Ralph, petitions of, 2710 (2), 3267. ......, John, son of, petition of, 3267. Rich., 2571. Thos. and George, petitions of, 2599, 2600. Frances and Mary, daughters Bellamy, Edw., 3063. ………………, ………………, Marg., wife of, 2900. .. John, 558. Wm., M.P., 55, 802, 806 (2). Wm., minister, 1345. petition of, 1112. ******* Wm., co. York, 2993. Bellasis, or Bellasys, George, co. Durham, 203. John, 2230. Sir Rich., 115, 198, 1919, 2245. letter of, 70. 、、、、、y Sir Wm, 1921, 1922 (2). 3 3334 GENERAL INDEX. Bellchamber, Rich., petitions of, 1149 (2). Bellers, Fulke, petition of, 2218. Bellew, James, petition of, 2617. Bellingham, Sir Edw., Sussex, 2458 (2). ……………………… ……………., Thos., son of, 339, 2458, 3118. ………….., grandson of, see Woodcock, Edw. • .. ………………….., Henry, co. Leicester ?, 1079. Hen., Sussex, 339, 2293. Sir Hen., Bart., 46, 62 (2), 138, 176, 339, 386, 510, 520, 521 (4), 1136, 1867, 2239. • .. ……, ……………., Agnes, daughter of, see Went- worth, Agnes. ***** Eliz., daughter of, see Lowther, John, wife of. Sir James, his son, 521, 1136. U ……. •• · CEMANAG ……………………… *** .. * …………………… ·· .. • • ...*S • ****** 1137 (2), 1138 (7). ↑ (3), 1138. · .. son of, 1137. Allan, his brother, 521, 1137 petitions of, 1137 (3), James, son of, 203. James, Gaythorne, Westmoreland, 3053. James, son of, petitions of, Thos. and Eleanor, children of, …………. " 7 (3), 1138 (4). •1 1138 (2). ***** .... 3053, .< · * • # > 3053 (2). > ******* 41 Thos. ?, 339. Bellott, John, sen., 89, 120, 1130. John, jun., 1130. ******5 U .....} MARINA > > petition of, 3053. ....... Sam., Berks Commissioner, 478, 480, 482, 487 (2), 508 (2), 511 (2), 517, 565, 597, 658, 673, 687, 700, 722, 725, 1793, 2835 (5), 3303. …. 9 ………….. letters of, 597, 626, 674, 686, 690, 715, 729. brother-in-law of, 2835. .. •, of, 2664. • ……………** ……………… Katherine, widow of, 510, petitions of, 1137 > ***** Belsoe, Sam., 3191. Belson, Augustine, 67, 91, 3041. petition of, 2212. Catherine and other children C › of, 3041. * Renatus, 117, 387, 487, 2664. ... · other children of, 2664. Rob., 2268. Philippa, daughter of, petition Mrs., Dorking, 2371. Belt, David, petition of, 2040. Bembridge, Abr., 109. Benbow, Rob., and Joan his widow, 1127. children of, 1127. Thos., 91, ****** Wm., ancestor of, 3041. Edw., 1611. Bendish, Edmund, 1080, 1081. Sir Thos., Bart., 95, 847. Bends, Wm., Suffolk steward, 693–695, 698. Benest, Josue, Jersey, 2331. Benington, Humphrey, 653. Benion, see Benyon. Benlow, Mary, 321. Bennet, Edw., 1736. ………… ·· · · .... • ... 4. *Y James, Pithouse, Wilts, 3052. James, Tollard, Wilts, 78. ………………….., John, co. Bedford, 1304 (2), 1306. petitions of, 1304, 1305. John, sen. and jun., Marston, Wilts, 1673. John, Pithouse, Wilts, 1412. ..... Gervase, M.P., Derby Commissioner, 171, 22, 326, 647, 1232, 1358. > **** .. *** * Hen., 1812. Hen., co. Lincoln, 1326. Hum., or Sir Hum., 96, 139, 883, 1044, 1944, 2 …… .... .... *** **" *** J ·· ·· د. **** ** · *********) > .. **** > **** ** ***** > > John, priest, co. Worcester, 426 (3). Sir John, 3259. Philip, 1677. OU .... ·· > Rich., Devon, 97. Rich., co. Lancaster ?, 1351. Rich., London, 29, 36, 41, 46, 721. Rich., Surrey, 1011. family of, 1011. Col. Rob., 293, 310, 382, 2705. Thos., D.C.L., 91, 2614. petition of, 3263. "} Thos., co. Cambridge. 2688, 2752. Thos., co. Chester, 107, 349, 1413. Eliz., his widow, 1413. Thomas, his son, 1413. Peter, his brother, 1413. wife and children of, ...... · 1413. Thos., co. Hereford, petition of, 3187. Thos. co. Lancaster, 60. · letter of, 228. * ..... .. wife and children of, 1677. Thos., co. Leicester, petition of, 2412. Thos., Wilts, 76, 941. כי ……………… John, son of, 76, 941. wife and children of, 941. Wm., Lord Windsor's page, 426. Wm., Wilts, 217 ?, 2135. family of, 2135. > A **** Capt. Wm., 2383. Thomasine, widow of, 2383. Ald., Exeter, 210. Mr., Essex, 94, 96. Mr., New Park, co. Leicester, 110. Mr., Westminster, 91. Benny, Rich., 2454. Benoke, John, 117. GENERAL INDEX. 3335 Benson, Clement, 1379. " • …………… ……………. ·· • ... ..... a Col. Gervase, J.P., Westmoreland Commissioner, 211, 247. certificate of, 166. letter of, 332. Henry, co. York, 1448. John, Essex, 514, 516, 524, 1882. John, Middlesex, petition of, 3261. John, co. York, 1087. • "" "" > **** **** ..... **** 1088. • · " N " second husband of, see Constable, Wm. father of, 1087. • ... ******* ……. ……………… * • ……….. .. Bent, Joseph, 111, 941. Wm., 110. ... Bentall, John, 2378 (4). Lawrence, 1040. ………. > ·· …………♥* *****? Bentham, Rob., 529. …………… Bridget, widow of, 1088. ***** Peter, 3257. Peter, co. York, 1448. Rich., 249, 472, 1785-1787. Rob., 949. ***** ……………… • Bentley, Christ., petitions of, 1324 (2). Fred., 2546 (2), 3099. } petition of, 1786. petitions of, 1087 (3), ******* wife of, 950. Benyon, or Benion, George. 580, 2085. Sir George, 88, 95, 233, 302, 479, 580 ?, 612, 2421. Beresford, see Berrisford. Berkeley, Anne, 2681. father of, see Darell, Wm. Berkhead, Nath., 2409. Berkin, Jane and Alice, petition of, 3239. Berkly, or Berkley, Sir Charles, 1339. • …………… wife of, 1041. George, recusant, 3193. George, Essex and Cambridge, 539, 539, 702. Sir Edw., 73, 119, 298, 1244, 1321. signature of, 623. ……, ………………, Edw., his son, 1321. Francis, 2216. Hen., 2854. Sir Hen., 240, 1405. ………………, Edw., son of, 1989. Jane, 1984, 1985, 8290. petitions of, 1868, 2492. ******* petitions of, 1985 (2). Sir John, Governor of Exeter for the King, 38, 1190, 1372, 1381. Sir Maurice, 86, 1653. daughter of, 1653. Rich., father of, 86, 1653. ******* Sir Rowland, 42, 46, 1449. ….., Thos., 1989. Berkshire, Earl of, see Howard. Berkstead, see Barkstead. Bernard, Lord, 927. John, 197. ****** Capt. John, 2243. Berners, Hatton, 1415. ****** **** orders to, 715, 737. ******* Berney, or Barney, Hen., 3096. John, petition of, 3097. Capt. Thos., 33, 2827. *******y Berridge, Rich., 2154. ... John, letter of, 591. letter to, 428. ***** Joba, co. Hereford, petition of, 1867. Josias. member of the Committee for Compounding, 194, 221, 311, 668, 686. way •• ……………. , 2405 (3). Berrington, Hum., 472, 548, 2000, ......} ……………, ………………, Anne, wife of, petition of, 2000. children of, 2000 (2). Ant …………………*** #1 ……… ... J *.*** Mr., co. Gloucester, 89. ***** Berrisford, or Beresford, Christopher, Ful- beck, co. Lincoln, 1458. • J ……………… Anne and Joyce, daughters of, petition of, 2000. John, Cowarne, co. Hereford, 618. 3027. John, Winslow, co. 1ereford, 3183. Thos., Berks, 2828. Thos., co. Chester, 1183. Wm., Salop, 2538. ……………! • ! • *** 1458. ** ..... " Berrow, Ant., 64, 1525. Mat., 172. Winifred, sister of, 1458. ******* Chris., Leadenham, co. Lincoln, 1691. Edm., petition of, 2088. Francis, 3161. *** Berry, or Bury, Edw., 2117. George, 568. Hen., 2990. Hum., petitions of, 3216 (2). Col. James, Major-Gen. for North Wales, Salop, and co. Worcester, 128, 943, 1184, 1675, 1725, 1824, 3248 (2). John, Broad Nymet, Devon, 1468. John, Greenarbor, Devon, 3185, 3234. **2 • **** father of, 3161. John and Chris., co. Lincoln ?, peti- tion of, 2408. • ··· ** > petitions of, 2154, 2404, • Thos., father of, 2538. Rob. and Thos., brothers of, John, Salop, 1484. Wm., co. Lincola, 3223. **** ****** children of, 3234. Dorothy, mother of, 97, 3234. John, Westmoreland, 99. Matthew, petition of, 2117. 3336 GENERAL INDEX. Berry, or Bury-cont. Wm., 795, 796. Capt. Wm., Lincoln Treasurer, 1720. Mr., J.P., Oxford, 686. Mr., Rutland steward, 302. Bert, Thomas, see Beard, Thos. Berthow, Mary, 2853. Bertie, Robert, 1st Earl of Lindsey, 1501. **** "" * • • .... ………y Eliz., his widow, Countess Dowager of Lindsey, 1502. younger children of, 1501- 1503. ***. > Bertie, Edw., 1389. Hen., 1854. Sir Peregrine, 908, 1039. Bertram, or Bartram, George, 3040. Berwick, Sir Robert, 380. Besbeech, Nathaniel, 461. Besson, Leonard, 33. Montague, 2nd Earl of Lindsey, his eldest son, High Chamberlain of England, 93, 95, 801, 1353 (2), 1501. Sir Roger, second son of Earl Robert, 1434. Ursula, widow of, 90, 93, **** ***** second husband of, see Penruddock, George. "S Best, George, 458, 1854. John, 459. > 1434 (2). C 24 > ... > ** Bestbeach, Rich., 728, 2746. * $ ****** KA petitions of, 2746 (3). Bestbitch, Rich., see Beesbeach. Bestow, Nicholas, 1207. > son of. 1407, 1408. Betham, Walliston, 3193. Bethell, Col. Hugh, 343, 380, 796, 1979, 2149. certificate by, 378. letter of, 669. ***** > Slingsby, 1387, 2191, 2859. Rich., Excise officer, 3246. Thos., Kent, 648. .., Capt. Thos., co. York, 371, 648, 2550. Mr., co. Stafford, 760. ▼ > Betney, Greg., 769. Bett, Francis, 633. ***** > •••• Bettenham, George, 462. ... J Henry, 460. John, 458. Bettison, Sir Rich., Surrey Commissioner, 252, 253. petition of, 2010. We Betton, Rob., and his sons Rob. and Thos., 1000. Bevan, Wm., 49, 1555, Bevans, Eliz., 494 (2), 563, 2968. Bever, John and Henry, 2185. father of, 2185, ****** Chris., grandson of, 2968. **** > Frances and Mary, grand- daughters of, 563, 2968. Beverley, John, 1077. → • • ** *** ► Bevis, Rich., 106. Bewick, Rob., Newcastle, 3162. *** ... Bewley, Barth., 2438. Thos., 2997. Bewty, Thos., 460. Joseph, Yorkshire agent, 377, 388, 398, 663, 727, 2639 (2), 2662, 2816. deposition of, 654. petition of, 348. ** • Bex, Mr., Bucks, 2266. Bibby, Hen., 2660. Oliver, petitions of, 2660 (2). Bibles, see Books. Bickers, Robert, London, 1968. " A *****3 ***** .. *** Capt., Staffordshire delinquent, 748. Mr., co. Bedford, 24. Mr., Salop, 2027. 1969. · • * Bickerstaff, Howard, 91, 96, 389, 1468. Eliz., wife of, 1468. children of, 1468. Bickerstaffe, Eliz., 3251. "> **** ·· *** ……….., petitions of, 1968 (2). or Vicars, Rob., co. York, see Vicars. ·· ***** **** Bickerton, George, 112, 2993, NAMAN. Ellinor, widow of, 2162, 3163. petitions of, 3163, 3164. **** *** Dorothy, his widow 1968 (5), Bickley, Fras, petition of, 2154. Bickson, John, 1951. * 2 ******♪ Biddulph, or Biddle, John, 1817. Charles, son of, 3251, 3255. George, jun., 112. Hugh, petition of, 2013. John, 112. ... wife and children of, 2944 (2). Fras., his son, 89, 120, 1817. Winifred, Prudence, and Mary, daughters of, 1817. ... S Bidlake, Hen., 153, 2791. **** • "3 ***** Bie, Ferdinando, see Bye. Bierley, see Byerley. Bigg, Thos., 3125. Philippa, wife of, 2791. petition of, 2791. children of, 2791. ******* Agnes, mother of, 2791. Biggs, Abram, 3035. Thos., Westmoreland minister, 176. wife of, 3035. Andrew and John, sons of, 627, 1622. Bigland, Mr., 111. Bill, Major John, Surrey, &c., 96, 102, 132, 1191, 2602, 2603 (2), 3268, Billers, Wm., 110, 3071. Billett, Rob., 2268. GENERAL INDEX. 3337 Billing, John, 116, 1937. *** > ...., Rich., co. Lancaster, 3102. Billinghurst, Mr., Registrar to the Irish Trustees, 722. Billingsley, Col. Fras., 1701, 1816. *** Billingsly, John, minister, petition of, 2658. Billington, George, petitions of, 2786 (2). .., John, 3222. ****** Marg., widow of, 3221. Randle, 101. Billipps, Alderman, 956. Billop, Thos., 3245. Billops, Capt. Rob., 1925 (3), 2153 (3), 2154. petition of, 1925. Bilton, George,Deputy Treasurer-at-War, 535, ** .... · Mr., treasurer for Abingdon garrison, 27. letter of, 535. Bindloss, Sir Robert, Bart., 1679 (2), 1960. petition of, 3107. ... Math., petition of, 2505. Rich., 805. ·· ❤ ***** Bing, or Byng, Hen., 96, 1413. Lawrence, 102, 1942. Rob., D.D., 66, 1977. Wm., 101, 1456. Bingham, Dorothy and Ann, 1717. John, 108, 1717. Col. John, 144, 1135 (3), 1166–1168, 1315. .. .. 540. "" "" *> .. ***** ******* Rich., Dorset, 2764. Major, 1817. Bingley, Auditor of the Revenue Committee ?, 2269. Binloss, Rob., co. York, 197. Binnes, Thos., 2338. Birbeck, Thos., 615. > Birch, Bennett, 2912. ……… " **** • **3 •2 • ……… ………….., information by, 1135, petition of, 1168. Sir Fras., Bart., his son, 1697. Francis, his grandson, 1697. petitions (f, 1697 (4). • Edw., co. Warwick, 2013. Edw., father of, 2013. elder brother of, 2013. ·· 2 John, London, 715. John, Cannock, co. Stafford, 893, 2081?. John, Gorscott, co. Stafford, 89, 2080. Mary, widow of, 2080. John, Harborne, co. Stafford, 89. *** ……………………… ………………, Mary, widow of, 2080. Col. John, M.P., Governor of Here- ford, 62, 71, 132, 161, 265, 487, 1227 (2), 1525 (2), 1701, 2292, 2878. Rich., 1712 (3), 1713. ****** petitions of, 1712 (5). Col. Robert, 1734, 1735. Sam., messenger, 779. 73578. Birch-cont. Capt., or Major Sam., 357, 569, 570, 804. Col. Thos., M.P., Governor of Liver- pool, 51, 162, 170, 178, 280 (2), 358, 481, 589, 1114 (2), 2063. certificate by, 486. …………, ……………., notes, letters, &c., of, 175, 177, 478, 621. ..... 40 *** Birchall, Wm., 2836. Birchenshaw, Edw., examiner to the Com- mittee for Compounding, 671. Birchmore, Thos., 67. Bird, John, Norfolk, 2101 (2). *** "> • .. ...* ·· O ……………… ... > Kath. ► " …………… ………… ***3 ·· **3 • ******5 John, Surrey, 2170, 2171 (2). John, co. Warwick, 2795. ..3 >> Sarah, petition of, 1954. Thos., LL.D., 1594. Thos., sen., London, petitions of, 3284, 3285. …………. ………. Lawrence, 2795. Birdsall, Mr., 974. Birkbeck, Edw., 521. *****) petitions of, 2100, 2101 (3). Eleanor, mother of, 2100. Oswald, 202. ? .... sons, 1631. Kath., widow of, see Barnes, ***** Walter, 1631. petition of, 2795. Hen., 521. Rich., 521. ., Capt. Rich., petitions of, 2250, 2565. ……………., family of, 2250. Thos., 1839. Thos., blacksmith, 521. Thos., infant, 1670. 1.10 Major Wm., 810. Mr., co. Leicester, 110. father of, 3284. Ellinor, jun., 3185. George, 521. • John, Peter, and Henry, his ******) of, 1670 (2). ***** grandfather of, 1670. "? Bridget, grandmother of, 1670. Birkened, John, co. Kent, 2769. Alice. > Henry, father of, 1670. Eleanor, mother of, petitions Birkenhead, or Birkhead, Edw., Serjeant at- arms, 515, 662 (2), 825 (4), 844. 1858. orders or warrants to, 45, 507, 809, 1496, 2187. John, clerk for co. Leicester, 753. Nath., 2577. Alice, daughter of, see Watson, ……………. Elizabeth, daughter of, see Lindsey, Eliz. Birkett, George, sen., 521. Birkhead, see Birkenhead. L 3338 GENERAL INDEX. Birley, Hen., and Mary, his wife, petitions of, 2847 (2). Ralph, 2847. Rob., co. Lancaster, 1093. Birtbie, John, 2100. ………… Birtwistle, Thos., 2571. • ……………… > Bisby, Mr., 9. Biscoe, Lieut.-Col. John, 1625. • Bishop, Sir Edw., Bart., 13, 42, 91, 839, 472, 794, 849, 1231. .. 1. • · • A • .. ·· D O ·· .. • ·· • • | ……… *** • Sir Thos., Bart., his son, 850 (3), 2449 (2). > petitions of, 850 (2). **** * ..) Hen., his younger son, petition of, 850. ... · Frances, Diana, Christina, and Mary, his daughters, 850, 851. petition of, 850. > > A " ·· *** father of, 849. .... " George, of the Committee for Ex- aminations, information by, 2906. wife and children of, 2571. ………. ****** Mary, widow of, 850 (2). petition of, 850. ………….. letters of, 2851, 2852. George, Somerset, 1308. Henry, Surrey, 252, 2171. Henry, Sussex, 1518, 2293 (2). ………………………………, petition of, 2294. > ► John, Northam, Devon, 97. John, Rockbeare, Devon, 1423. Leonard, 2187 (3). Rich., 1471. Thos., co. Bucks, 2191. "> ****** Thos.. co. York, 1907. ******* .., Wm., 1178. Bishops, loss suffered through, 2875. ………………….., opposers of, 977, 1918, 2178. Frances, widow of, 2191. Sir Thos., co. Lincoln, 835, 3261. wife of, 835. Bisley, Benedict, 3185. Bispham, Eliz., 3185. .... ......., revenues or rents of, 99, 1648, 1649 (2); see also under the several sees. > 107. Dr., Essex, 95. Bisse, George, 1688. 3 • "" ******* Wm., Prebendary of Chester, 103, Walter, 79. ……………." Bisson, Thos., petition of, 2088. Bittermie, Paul, 91. Bix, Thos., Kent, 459. Mr., 193. Bize, George, 98. Blackbeard, Johu, 3063. ………. …….., Nich., 1291. father of, 1688. " petitions of, 3063, 3064. Blackborne, Cuthbert, 2590. Blackborne-cont. ………………) Blackburn, Ann, co. Lancaster, 3058. son of, see Catterall, Henry. Edw., co. Lancaster, 3185. Blackburne, John, 2713. *3 • ******* ……………… …., Ralph, petition, of, 2173. .... …………………… 04 Edw., younger son of, petitions of, 2713 (4). • …………… • Richard, son of, 2713. Mawdlen, 3191. Peter, petitions of, 3155, 3225. Kath., his wife, petition of, 3155. S Thos., Somerset Treasurer, 222, 225, 231. Rich., Brindle, co. Lancaster, 2885. Rich., Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 3031. ***** .., Rich., Tarnacre, co. Lancaster, 3178, Rob., 1701. .. ... Thos., petition of, 2559. Wm., 907 (3), 3059. Mrs., co. Lincoln, 1560. ………………….) Blackeller, Rich., 2809, 2810. Blackett, Benj., 396. Blackey, James, 172. Blackford, or Blashford, Rob., 2794. .. mother of, 1702. 9 *** """ Seth, petition of, 3194. Blacklech, Sam., 1116. Blacklock, Laurence, 778 (2), 783. Blackman, Thos., 3184. petition of, 3184. Blackmore, Major, or Col. John, 1259, 2647, • ·· petition of, 1259. Mark, 2966. . …………….. ………………….., Wm., 478, 483, 643 (2). petition of, 2609. ... 2711. .. **** Adjutant, 810. Alderman, 966, Blackshaw, Hum., 123. • **** ·· > John, 124. Blackston, Blakeston, Blakiston, or Blaxton. ■ · ·· .... ………… , • y .... ……………. " ****** 2861. Hen., co. York, 2108, 2621. John, M.P., Member of the Com- mittec for Compounding, 2, 21, 29 (2), 1918. information by, 1259. George, 1517. Hen., Newton, co. Durham, 2861. Wm., or Sir Wm., his son, Susan, or Susanna, wife of, 29, 270, 355, 1732, 2124, 2416, 2417 (2). children of, 2124. …………….) ... • Peter, 2621. Sir Ralph, Bart., Gibside, co. Durham, 33, 2181. …….., Marg., widow of, 3191. petition of, 2785. ………….. younger children of, 2181. • **** …………… GENERAL INDEX. 3339 Blackstone, Sir Ralph, &c.-cont. ……….. • .**.** ***** Wm., co. York, 989. Sir Wm., co. York, 617. Blackwall, or Blackwell, Eliz., 2383 (2). Major Gervase, 370, 566. Hugh, 663. *** .. > .. • ******* 3296. Sir Thos., Bart., Blackston, co. Dur- ham, 2205. Wm., co. Durham, 2370. ... "" Capt. John, Treasurer-at-War, 134, 560, 618, 620, 638, 675 (2), 679, 823, 824, 2332. Philippa. Mr., co. York, 2242. Blacoe, George, petition of, 3237. Thos., 3237. **** • Marg., widow of, 3237. *****9 Blades, George, steward of the Dean of Dur- ham, 7, 528. Blagrave, or Blagrove, Dan., M.P., Member of the Committee for Compounding, 137, 152, 157, 158, 197, 308, 517, 615, 1188, 2279 (3). *** …………. ..... > Jos., 1625. Rich., 1737, 2168. Rich., co. Bedford, petition of, 1976. Thos., or Sir Thos., 108, 1277, 1974– 1976. > …………… Sir Wm., his son, 2181, 2785, Blague, Mary, 798. ……………… petitions of, 2370 (2). letters of, 621, 637. wife of, 903. Blaigburne, Cuthbert, 2715. ··· .... Edw., 582, 583. Jos., 437, 438. Mary, 566. Walter, 1677. Mr., Hants, 253. ****** petitions of, 1975 (4). ' see Carey, Lady wife of, Col., governor of Wallingford for the King, 2922. Blake, Fras., Middlesex Commissioner, 171, 567, 637, 693. ……………… ******* letter of, 576. Hum., Somersetshire Commissioner, 309, 345, 354, 381, 534, 594 (2). letters of, 363, 501. · **** Nicholas, 663. Rich. 1317. Thos., 669. Blakey, Simon and Ann his widow, 3234. Blakiston, or Blakeston, see Blackstone. Blanch, Mr., 91. Blanchard, Rich., petitions of, 2154 (2). Rob., 2515. Roger, 2676. Blanchflower, Thos., 1360. Col. Rob., Governor of Taunton, 614, 1311, 1330, 1380, 1607. wife and children of, 1360. Blancks, David, 1883. Bland, Adam, 1097 (2). letters of, 505, 558. note by, 231. petition of, 682. **** John, 1687, 3285 (2). Sir Thos., 403, 1011, 1768. family of, 1012. Wm., 99. Blandford, Stephen, 3269-3271. .. ……… O C ……., petitions of, 1097 (2). wife of, see Girlington, Lady Katherine. (**) Capt. Fras., Nottinghamshire Com- missioner, 171, 207, 378, 513, 543, 547 (2), 557, 558, 560, 564, 566, 569, 577, 595, 597, 2852. ... Blandy, Edw., 2834. ... " > • > • ******** ...... Blaney, or Blayney, Arthur, 590. …………………… John, co. Montgomery, 590. Rich., London, 744. Maj. Thos., Herefordshire Treasurer, 141, 177, 273, 391. petition of, 2384. Blanks, James, 1489 (5), 1490 (2). petitions of, 1489, 1490. Blanshard, Wm., petitions of, 1923 (2). Blashford, see Blachford. Blaw, Edw., 1326. **** > • .. Blaxton, see Blackstone. Blayney, Edward, 1st Lord Blayney, 1478. • …………………, ………………, Henry, 2nd Lord Blayney, his son, 318, 1477 (2). •à "" ·· •*•* ******* ……………… Mary, his daughter, 318, 1478. Blayney, see Blaney. Blaze, Thos., 2788. petitions of, 3269, 3270, ...... Bleasdell, Leonard, 3236. petitions of, 2833 (2), 2834 (3). ****** > ... ? Marg. Blease, Ald. Chris., Chester, 2094. Nath., petition of, 1874. Blechenden, or Blechinden, Dr. Thos., 328, 2605. ********** Jane, widow of, 233,1477. children of, 1477 (2). Alex., son of, 3236. see daughter of, .... ******* Blechin, Thos., 2808. Blencow, or Blencoe, Chris., 257, 2862. Marg., his wife?, 2605. Hen., Chris., and Mary, children of, petition of, 2862. → grandparents of, see Robinson, Wm. and Frances. Blenkinsop, Fras., certificate by, 196. Joan, 547. Martin, …… Thos., 99, 585, 3024. Blethin, Fras., South Wales Commissioner, 172, 512. Wm., Monmouthshire Steward, 727. L 2 3340 GENERAL INDEX. Bletshoe, Lord of, see St. John, Oliver. Bletsoe, Thos.. 50. Blewett, see Bluett. Blewitt, Dorothy, see Risdon, Dorothy. Blighe, see Blithe. Blincoe, Nich., 95, 833. Blinkarne, Thos., 893. ... Blisse, Rob., 2838. Blithe, Blyth, or Bligh. ·· · .. · ·· • • [ ·· • • ·· .. J • • • • ………….. • Hen, petition of, 2809. "" .., Hugh, sen., 383, 2676. Hugh, jun., 2676. John and Fras., 1468. • petition of, 2029. ......, Walter, his brother, Warwick- shire agent, 2029 (2). Simon, father of, 1468. …………………, ………………, Ellinor, mother of, 1468. > } ... ………… Fras., Leicestershire solicitor, 2029. • ***** • .... • ..... • uncle of, 893. ……………. Young. Major John, 3048. Luke, 1989. , Capt. John, 1468. certificate of, 189. letter of, 108. ……………… Blodwell, John, 1897. Blomer, Frances, co. Gloucester, 87. Frances, Sussex, 21460. ******* > letter of, 149. Nevill, 117, 2731. petition of, 2029. •*) Blomfield, or Bloomfield, Augustine, 113, 1012. Bloome, John, 1826. Rich., 116, 2611. Wm., 1597. • 2nd husband of, see Dixy, John, husband of, 2460 (2). John, son of, 2460 (2). ..... ………………, younger children of, 2460. Wm., petition of, 2460. Mary, wife of, petition of, 2731. > Bloomer, Fras., 656, 3169. Bloomfield, see Blomfield. Blount, Mountjoy, Earl of Newport, 88, 93, 109, 1039, 1244, 2686, Blount, or Blunt, Barbara, 2154. Sir Charles, 660, 2245. 2656 (2). Wm., petition of, 2818. ******* Sir Chris., 164. Michael, eldest son of, 2245 (2). Walter, younger son of, 2245. Lister, brother of, 2245, wife of, see .... Lettice. Sir Edw., Mary, widow of, 2735. Francis, 2069. see Sydney, Lady children of, 2069. Blount, or Blunt-cont. ·· *** 4 ··· > ………………….., John, co. Hereford, 771. .. ***** • ... • • ·· 5.3 ***** • John, London, 1854, 2225, 2748, 3098, 3133 ?, 3201. petitions of, 3201 (2). •" • ……… *** +9 ******* Browne, Eleanor. Rob., 3159. Thos., 2404 (2), 2405 (2), 3191. petition of, 2404. Anne, wife of, 2404. ...... ·· tion of, 2246. ... "*" • • Francis, London, petition of, 2484. George, 153, 701?, 2384, 3179. wife of, see Kirkham, Mary. Capt. Hum., 8, 781. John, 3208. .... Bloxum, Wm., 111. Bludder, Sir Thos., scn., 1498. Sir Thos., jun., M.P., his eldest son, 96, 270, 798, 1498, 2261, 2262. ………………………) ****** Henry, his younger son, 1498. Bludwick, Fras., 68. Bludworth, John, 2864 (2). Bluett, or Bluet, Colan, 116. Capt. Francis, 117, 1808. Miles, 3013. Rich., co. Gloucester, 87. Sir Rich., 2246, 2655. Sir Walter, Bart., 172, 2644. Wm., co. Worcester, 3216. Wm., co. York, petitions of, 2151 (4), 2154, 2206. "} " ·· • > ***** • FAN > **g ·· •U …., ......, John, Cornwall, his son, 1808. .. John, Somerset, 3307. ******* Sam., 1182. Col., 1385. Mr., Westminster, 91. Blundell, Sir Arthur, 127, 128, 575, 600. George, co. Cambridge, 1688. Jane, his wife, see Killi- grew, Lady Jane. , ***** .....9 Walter, 2069. Rich., co. Oxon, son of, peti- Eleanor, daughter of, • .... • petitions of, 2402-2404. .... Sir George, Ireland, 554. Sarah, wife of, 2383. Hen., co. Lancaster, 3168. Marg., wife of, 3168. Hen., Mayor of Preston, Lancaster, 130. U *** WA see ... ...) Hum., 3083. Rob., 441, 2928 (3), 3047. > .., ......, Anne, wife of, petition of, 3047. Hen., son of, petition of, 3047. children of, 3048. daughters of, 1640?, 1818. petition of, 2723. Thos., luce, co. Lancaster, 141, 2635. Anne, wife of, petition of, 2635. GENERAL INDEX. 3341 Blundell-cont. (2). ....., children of, 2692 (2). Nich., father of, 2692. ……………………、 ………………, Wm., grandfather of, 2692. ...., Wm., messenger, 670. Col., 1559. ******♪ Blundes, J., petition of, 1618. Blunt, see Blount. Blurton, John, petition of, 2071. Blyth, see Blithe. Blytheman, Wm., Thorpe Underwoods, co. York, 2021. Blythman, Wm., Newlath, co. York, 931. Boardman, Peter, 1612. Wm., co. Lancaster, 21, 141, 2692, 3124. Anne, wife of, petitions of, 2692 *** Bockett, Auditor John, 744. Bockland, Walter, 2551. ……., ……………., accounts, &c., by, 766, 767 (3). Boddington, Mr., 110. Bode, John, 458. .. ………….. ... Boden, John, 100. Rob., 101. Sam., 2955, 3266. KAAR Rich., minister, 2113. Sam., 2217, 2413, 3056. Capt., Lancashire Commissioner, 745, 765. •>> ·· "> ******♪ Bodenham, Sir Francis, 88, 90, 850, 3261. Theodosia, his widow, 851. ………………………. ………………. ………….., petitions of, 852 (2). . *** "" ………… *** Wingfield, or Sir Wingfield, his son, 88, 163, 438, 472, 850, 1643, 3261. Frances, his wife, 851 petition of, 851. ………………… · **J ***** petition of, 3266. * (2), 852 (2). ... Mary, widow of, 2774. ……………………., Mr., Ramsbury, Wilts, 1539. Bodicote, Thos., 98. Bodurda, Griffith, 1520. ……………. ….9 ………..., request by, 1520. Bodville, Sir John, 1599. ***** ****** ? • ******* Jane, co. Hereford, 3185. Roger, 516, 3028. Thos., 2774. .. Col. John, M.P., his son, 1599. ………………………..………………. ……………., Anne, wife of, 1599-1601. children of, 1599. mother of, 1600. …………………., Hugh, his brother, petition of, 1599. children of, 851. ·· Thos., his brother, 1599. Bodwell, Thos., 2510. Bogans, Hannibal, 2549. .. > mother of, 2549. Boheame, George, petition of, 3046. Bohemia, Queen of, sec Elizabeth. } Bokenham. Ant. and Ilen., 1691. Bold, Arthur, 2726. …………………… ………………, petition of, 3219. a Evan, 3110. Hen., petition of, 3219. • *.*** ... • "" ….. • · Kath., mother of, 2825. Wm., brother of, 2825. *...* ******* Bolingbroke, Earl of, see St. John, Oliver. Bolithoe, Thos., Cornwall Treasurer, 637, 2809 (2), 2810. Bolle, Sir Charles, 1164. Bolles, John, 830. " ******* " ... ··· .. > Bolt, John, 86. Bolter, Joyce, 86. Bolton, Adam, 2749. '' Co LA > > → ** .. Rich., 2825. ***** of, 3084 (2). Rob., petition of, 3207. Thos., 2148. …………… > Bond, Amiel, 2421 (2). Sir Rob., Bart., 1088. …………..) > Ellen, wife of, 2825. ***** 2 Hen., deposition of, 442. Lewis, petition of, 1726. Rich., petitions of, 3083 (2). **** Dennis, M.P., Member of the Com- mittee for Compounding, 1, 13, 187, 874. Rob., son of, 1088. ……. Catherine, widow of, petitions children of, 3084 (2). ……………** Edw., 2606. Edw., Westminster, 1708, 1709 (3). Thos., Wilts, 139. Wm. (Commissioner in Scotland ?), 779. petition of, 2165. Bonithon, John, 117, 799, 803, 1334. *****) letters to, 226, 584. ..... "> Fras., 1504, 1505 (2). Nich., 1428. Bonville, John, 1408. ***** **KE wife of, 1408. Booker, Rich., 339, 1414. Bookey, Foulke, 1268. petitions of, 1708, 1709 (2). ………………, petitions of, 1267 (2). Books, MS., 76, 133, 1856. …… petition of, 1429. Wm., Earth, Cornwall, 117. Wm., Holwood, Cornwall, 117, 1995. Ald. Wm., London, 1619. Bibles, $19. Greek Septuagint, 76. Common Prayer-book, 604, 2793. compounded for, 1960. in the Eastern languages, 807. libraries of, 1845. newsbooks, 2790, Boone, Ilugh, 1810. 33 42 GENERAL INDEX. Boone-cont. Boord, John, Trinity Hall, Cambridge Com- missioner, 754. • Booth, Charles, 2070. .. …… Thos., M.P., Member of the Com- mittee for Compounding, 137. letter to, 198. ..... ...., Capt., co. Worcester, 3015. • • • • George, co. Lincoln, 1364. ..., George and Jane, co. Stafford, .. .... • • ... ·· ** $4 • ..... Act concerning, alluded to, 773, 776, 1110. …………………. …………….. ……….., persons engaged or sus- rected of being engaged in, 751, 752, 762, 764 (2), 766, 769, 771, 774, 1025, 1155, 1185, 1196, 1207, 1230, 1233, 1234, 1250, 1265, 1285, 1286, 1308, 1509, 1522, 1545, 1652, 1679, 1682, 1777 (2), 1824, 1864, 1922, 2017, 2027, 2066, 2095, 2449, 2893, 2899, 2948, 2973, 2980, 3092, 3139, 3246-3255, 3296. " S · 1801. Sir George, Bart., 745, 748, 750-752, 764, 773, 1140, 1277, 1550, 2116, 2830. **9 • 2 ܝ܂ * ... > *** ... rebellion of, 745, 747, 748, 750- 752, 756-759, 764-767, 769, 771-775, 1106, 1156. .." • ** • **** John, co. Worcester, 3256. John, co. York, 1784. ... *****5 wife of, see Smaleman, Wm., widow of. Col. John, 748, 751, 1121, 1175. Jos., 521. Lawrence, 120, 1228. Paul, 770. Rich., 3169. Roger, 123. Rob., 1714. 2 • • **9 ... .... letters of, 756, 759, 762 (2). estates of, 745, 774. letter to, 1090. Gertrude, petition of, 2579. Henry, 1952. John, co. Chester, 120, 1116. John, co. Hereford, 654, 1714. certificate by, 662. ... petitions of, 1566 (3). proclamations of, 751, 774. Thos., 1674. ***** Boothby, Sir Hen., 89, 1099. +4 • father of, 1674. ******* Wm., co. Chester, 120. Wm., co. Lincoln., 1332, mother of, 1332. Wm., co. Nottingham, 1855. petitions of, 1854, 3287. > Mary, wife of, 1099, 1100. …… ………………、 ………………, petition of, 1100. Sir William, son of, 1099. ......, Judith, daughter of, petition of, 1099. Boothby, Sir Hen.-cont. • ** …………………*** · * ** Bootle, Hen., 1952. .. Peter, petition of, 2442. Rob., 2844. .. ………….., Wm., son of, 2844. Boradale, John, London, 2106. Boram, John, 96, 538. Boreman, see Bowerman. Borlase, Borlace, or Burlacy, Lady Alice, 824. Sir John, 27, 66, 800, 919. Col. Nich., 117, 224, 235, 241, 242, 250, 290, 335, 387, 398, 487, 620, 625, 2001. ………… **** .. ', ………………………, ………………, Kath., wife of, 2001-2003. petition of, 2001. children of, 2001, 2002. ……. · 1099. " …………… "" family of, 242. James, brother of, 2002. Borough, Zachary, 586. Borrett, IIenry, petition of, 1877. Borrodale, John, Cumberland, petition of, • " 1703. Bosden, Edw., jun., 997. • ******* • .. ... …………. > Bosdon, Edw., 1509. Bosson, Rich., 123, 124. ... Rich., 396. Col. Walter, 2997. Bostock, Edw., 124, 3032. Rob., 2871. Boston, Hum., 1502. Rob., 1737. ·· } Boseville, Bosville, or Boswell. · > .... **** · **** "" Thos., Brereton, co. Chester, 2555. Mr., Newbold Ashbury, co. Chester, 120. Robt., brother of, 1099 (2). Thos., creditor of, petition of, · Col. Godfrey, M.P., 135, 180, 181, 380, 931, 946, 947, 1162, 1455, 1981, 1982 (2). …………. ……………………. ………………、 ……………., Thos., son of, 2328, 2329. petitions of, 2329 (5). Mary, daughter of, 2329. petition of, 2329. ***** Rob., younger son of, petition Sir Henry, 3302. ******* Sir Thos., son of, 368, 373, 2328, 3302. ………………, ………………, Sarah, widow of, petition of, 2328. Hen., son of, 2596. ·· O • • ** petitions of, 997 (2). father of, 997. Es N • …………" Wm., son of, 931, 947 (2). *.3 ……………… ………..} of, 3302. John, petition of, 982. Sir John, 102. Sir Ralph, 2595. *** · Sir Leonard, son of, 2595, 2596. Anne, widow of, 2596. ******* GENERAL INDEX. 3343 Boseville, Sir Ralph, &c.-cont. 1. ada • *** ..... .. ·· O ··· petition of, 2596. Marg., daughter of, see Bos- well, Sir Wm., wife of. > *****) ., …….….….., Lukenor, brother of, Peregrina, widow of, 2596. ……………… ***** ITU C G ******** …………… …………. ****** Bosworth, Wm., 2454. · Boteler, see Butler. Bothell, Mr., minister, Sussex, 1863. > Dr. George, brother of, 2596. petition of, 2596. Both Kingdoms, Committee for, see Derby House Committee. ******} declaration of, alluded to, 4, 832, 835, 836, 846. Thos., 1118. Col. Walter, 2418. Col. Wm., 743. Sir Wm., 102, 237, 2305, 2306, 2595. Marg., wife of, 2596. petition of, 2595. **** ………… .... ... delinquents petitioning to come in on, 831, 835 (3), 837, 838, 840, 845 (3), 876, 877, 944, 1896, 1938. ......, committee for receiv- ing their petitions, 835, 838, 844. Bothomley, Wm., 1735. Botterell, Capt. Wm., petition of, 1007. Bouche, Anth., 817, 1160. Boucher, Rich., 318.- T ***** Mr., co. York, 162, petition of, 2596. children of, 2596. A Wm., Essex, 3288 (5). ... 9. petitions of, 3287, 3288 (3). Bouchier, Sir John, see Bourchier. Bough, Wm., D.D., 1593. ..> *****♪ delinquents coming in on, 833, 841 (2), 844, 853, 880, 885, 891, 901, 944, 950, 972, 1162. Boughton, Lord Montague of, see Montague. Boughton, Hum., 2042. ***** *** Bould, Thos., co. Chester, 123. Thos., North Wales, 1601, 1602. Boulder, Thos., 535. # Rich., Sussex solicitor, 2292. Sir Wm., Bart., 1203-1205. petition of, 1204. Boule, Mr., Suffolk, 96. Boult, Benj., petitions of, 2945 (2). Bound, Peter, 1315. ***. ......, Capt. Thos., 663, 666. Boune, Gilbert, 2945. ******* Bourchier, Henry, Earl of Bath, 54, 117, 1885, 2465, 2467. petitions of, 2465 (2), 2466. Bourchier, Abr., petition of, 2926. Sir John, M.P., 285, 408, 1456, 1700. 1920, Thos., Yorkshire Commissioner, 212, 630, 673, 720, 722, 723, 725, 2739, 3073. letters of, 724, 733. Bourne, Abraham, 1621, 2029. Anne, 110. ., Capt. Anth., 1414. Ben., 1010. · *** …….. ******* …., Henry, 3146. ... John, co. Northampton, 88, 1374. …………………… ·· ………………………, ……………., Roger, son of, 1210. ..... John, co. Warwick, 2029. Major Nehemiah, Navy Commis- sioner, 696. Thos., 2938. ………………...) Bourowe, Henry, 110. Bovett, Henry, Under-sheriff of Somerset, + statement by, 281. Bovey, Ralph, 2433. ……., petitions of, 2433 (2). Boville, Stephen, 1228. Bowcher, John, 1585. Bowcklet, Rich., petition of, 1620. Bowcock, Wm., 1664. ... George, 427. Bowden, Edw., 972. • George, 3001. John, 78. Bowdle, Wm., 1478. Bowdler, Wm., 1485, 2037. Bowen, Charles, 2438. **** •·. John, Somerset, 1210. •, 1426 (5). Lieut.-Col. Rich., 194, 213, 216, 221 (2), 244, 273, 288, 291, 303, 305, 309, 355, 358, 673, 752, 754, 1428, 1430, 2064. ………………… > petition of, 427. ** ****** 2438. 2438. 141 wife and children of, 1210. .. Mary Tooley, widow of, 392, Thos., son of, 2438. Bower, Bowyer, or Bowen. Edm., 1686. John, 1735. • A ******} Abra, wife of, petition of, Thos., son of, 2438. ******* Edm., see Bower. Edw., Glamorgan Commissioner, 507. John, 482, 2353 (2). petitions of, 2353 (2). father of, 2353. Captain of the Antelope, 2045. Capt., Kent, 2602. John, Somerset, 1536. Leonard, 1622. Rob., 79. Thos., 123. Walter, 1117. Wm., 2051. Mr. London, 602. Bowerman, or Boreman, Dr. Andrew, 77, 1578. Andrew, father of, 1579. 3344 GENERAL INDEX. Bowerman, or Boreman-cont. ... ... • ·· · Wm., Kent, Clerk of the Kitchen, 1607. Bowers, Fras., petition of, 3210. Bowes, Chris., 2304. *...** ·· .... ... • • ·· 1 George, 293 (2), 300, 384, 907, 2585. " petition of, 1763. ..... 2 Wm., Earl of Arundel's trustee, peti- tion of, 2462. …………. • > 3282. 2 D ..... Stephen, 1763. of, 2401. Sir Francis, 1159, 3281. 2386. > • ** ·· ... .. ………… "" Sir George, 2400. ** > • • **** ***** John, 2715. Lady Mary, Middlesex?, 567. Rich., 1414. Thos., 203, 811, 2205, 2385. Sir Thos., petition of, 1962. Tobit, 2400. Wm., sen., 2385. ……………. Ralph and Joan, father and mother of, 2385. Wm., son of, 2385. Marg., wife of, 3281 (2), > ****** Frances. Bowker, Adam and Peter, 2836. Edw., 3185. Nich., sen., 1629. Nich., juu., 1629. Mary, wife of, 2400. Ralph, son of, 202, 2400. Bowkett, Joseph, 2454. Bowle, George, certificate by, 1403. Rich., 1867. **** Bowles, or Bowle, Ant., see Rowles. Mr., 2239. petition of, 3281. Anne, widow of, petition of, ******* ……………………., James, 188, 302. • petitions of, 2385 (6). grandmother of, see Ventrice, Capt. Charles, commissary for Kent, 49, 2482. Diaua, petition of, 2162. Edw., minister, 780. Edw., co. York, statement by, 453. . **** ..... Dorothy, wife of, petition children of, 2401. wife of, 188. John, jun., Wilts, 78, 3052. Sir John, 905. ****** Rob., his son, 905. wife of, 905. > Lieut.-Col. Rich., 76, 3052. mother of, 76, 3052. ……………. ***AUS Thos., 2441. 2441 (2). Alice, widow of, petitions of, Wm., 3047. ……………. Bowley, Fras., certificate of, 1110. Bowman, Leonard, 1564. ........., Nicholas, 1969. petition of, 1969. ... """ ………………….., Thos., brother of, 1969. ........., Seymour, 453, 3140, 3258, 3266. ......., petitions of, 3140, 3141, 3266 (3). Bowtell, Eliz., 1786. "" petition of, 1786. Bowyer, Barnard, 118. Edm., see Bower. Sir Edm., 132. Hen., Kent, 457. Hen., Sussex, 834. petition of, 833, ****** Thos., petition of, 833. Sir Thos., Bart., 469 (2), 833, 3261. ..> ... ··· · ..》 • ·· • > 833. .... >9 of, 833. Box, Henry, petition of, 1253. Boyard, Mr., 578. Boyer, Wm., 2523, 2524. "" • 2524. Boyle, Richard, Viscount Dungarvan and Earl of Cork, 257, 275, 801, 1474, 1651. .... …………… Boyle, John, Hants, 282. Eliz., wife of, 1474. ………… * * * John, Lord Broghill (afterwards created Earl of Orrery), 2983. Patrick, 1715. ... "" Boylston, Edw., Salop, 3215 (3). Henry, 2788. Capt. Thos., 652 (2), 3014, 3015 (3). "" .... · د. .....5 ******* Boynton, Col. Fras., 1917, 3078. ... family of, 833. Amy, wife of, petition of, > James, son of, 833. Sir Thos., jun., son of, petition Isabel, petition of, 2805. Col. Matt., Governor of Scarborough for the King, 2890. Sir Matt., 1376. Wm., son of, petition of, ..> ... > ………………, agreement by, 3015. "" of, 1376. Boys, Christopher, 461. ·· ******* Sir Edw., Lieutenant of Dover Castle, certificate by, 5. John, M.P., recommendation by, 1394. Capt. John, 49, 193. letter of, 49. petitions of, 3014, 3015. .." Frances, widow of, 1376. Sir Fras., son of, 1376. Matt. and Major John, sons ………… ………………, receipt by, 49. " Lieut. Col. John, 102, 1859. John, Somerset, 1197. father of, 1198. Mr., Kent, 1289. GENERAL INDEX. 3345 Bozon, or Bozoon, Hamond, 1853. petition of, 2318. Thos., his son, 1853 (3). petition of, 1158. *** ******* ******* Brabazon, Edw., Lord Brabazon and second Earl of Meath, 3003. · *** 4 D • " CA Brabin, Thos., 2016. Brabon, Wm., petition of, 1670. Mr., co. Chester, 100. .... · Brabrook, see Braybrooke. Brabson, Mr., 100. Brace, Edw., 2008. Philip, 1414, 2653 ? Wm., 756. Bracebridge, Rowland, Bucks Commissioner, ……………… 755. Bracey, Capt. Benj., 149, 168, 169, 814. Brackenbury, John, Durham treasurer, 228, 615, 1662 (3), 1663 (3). petition of, 1662. Mr., co. York, 3112. Brad, Nath., petition of, 3308. Bradborne, Hum., 2085 (3), 2831. .. " *****3 …………♥ ▼ Bradbourne, Ant. and Anne, 2830. • .... ·· "> ………….., Temperance, daughter of, see Murray, Temperance. Bradbury, Raphael, petitions of, 2319 (2). Bradden, Capt., Cornwall, 1642. Braddill, John, 2222. ……………** petitions of, 2222 (3). Braddon, Capt. Wm., 3059. Brade, John, 1950. Bradford, Bodenham, 3193. Capt. Rob., 428. Mr., Norfolk agent?, 672. • Edw. and Johu, children of, 2085 (3). Bradish, John, 79. Bradley, or Bradly, Babbington, 1248. > .. ***3 **9 Wallop, [his 2nd son], 1478. wife and children of, 1478. Henry, son of, 1478. .... "" ... Hillary, 177. James, 3010. .... John, Kent, 102, 2778. John, co. Lancaster, 3193. Eliz., widow of, 3200. Ellen, daughter of, see Wilkin- son, Ellen. Col. John, 48. .. > petition of, 48. soldiers of, petition of, 59. Mark, London, deposition by, 3179. Mark, co. Oxon, petition of, 1700. ………………………, Math., 1572. ………………………. ……………., Anne, widow of, 1572. ***** Mat., nephew of, 1572. Rich., co. Lancaster, 3026. Eliz., widow of, 3026. ****** Eliz., wife of, 3010. father of, 3010. Bradley, or Bradly, Rich.-cont. ... **** 1 Ca *** Roger, co. Lancaster, brother of, petition of, 3026. " Mr., co. Northampton, 233. Bradon, Roger, Excise Officer, 3235. Bradox, Edw., 91. ... ... ... Mr., Westminster, 91. Bradshaigh, Roger, petitions of, 1722. Bradshaw, Edw., 1715. .. ... ·· د. Edw., co. Chester, 2628. petitions of, 2628 (2). …………….y Edw., co. Leicester ?, petition of, 2521. Frances, see Scarisbrick, Frances. Capt. George, 1101. Major Henry, 894. J., Sheriff of co. Lancaster, requests by, 1466, 1640. " sons of, 3026. Roger, Westmoreland, 520. Thos., 1332. " 1 • " John, almsman of Lathom, co. Lan- caster, petition of, 1107. ………………………y James, co. Lancaster, 2492. James, London, 91, 1585. John, Scales, co. Lancaster, 21, 2695, 2741, 3216. Anne, wife of, petition of, > John, co. Durham, 465. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3295. father of, 3295. ...... 2741. John, London, petitions of, 3288, 3289 (5). .. Y Serjeant John, President of the Council of State and solicitor for the Sequestration Committee, 248, 298, 305, 317, 474, 967, 1033, 1101, 1105, 1476, 1528, 1707, 1790, 2092-2094, 2306, 2428, 2499, 2525, 2569, 2570, 2889. estates granted to, 146, 326, 439, 486, 487, 489, 193, 197. ***** letters of, 275, 463, 1241, letters to, 165, 186, 1648 (2). ......, notes, reports, &c., by, 438, 870, 879, 1743, 2284. ·· 1545. alluded to, 870, 1221, 1254, 2066, 2100, 2224, 2235, 2271, 2281, 2285, 2421, 2480, 2500, 2514, 2755, 2782, 3076. ***** **** **** *** KANN ... ******* Richard, co. Chester?, 36. note by, 1160. Rich., Surrey, 1643. Rich., co. York, 2152 (4). petitions to, 1648, 3300. petition of, 2152. *** Rob., co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2126 (2). Rob., co. Leicester, 110. Rob., Surrey, 2102. Roger, the Haigh, co. Lancaster, 2568, 2569, 2701 (2), 2994 (2). 3346 GENERAL INDEX. Bradshaw, Roger-cont. ………………………, ……………., James, father of, 2492, 2701. ……………………… ……………., Roger, grandfather of, 2492, 2701. 14 " petitions of, 2072, 2493, 2568 (2), 2701 (3), 2855, 2971, 2972¸ (2), 2994 (2), 3173. ****** Roger, Sale, co. Lancaster, 2741. …………………., Thos., Devon, 617. Wm., Astley, co. Lancaster, 3176. Wm., co. Lancaster and London, 2493, 2971. Mr., Devon?, 180. Bragg, John, Somerset, 1047. ... .... ..., Rich., 118, 1067. ··· • Braham, Rich., 1437. .... , Sir Rich. (? Graham), 798. Brailsford, or Brailsforth, George, 2974. children of, 2974. Hugh, petition of, 2070. John, 2070. > > **** .. …………… 2070. ·· .. Capt. John, Devon agent, 36. Matthew, 965. Braint, Edm., 2163 (2). Braithwaite, or Brathwaite, Gawen, J.P., 176, Wm., petition of, 2318. 1138. Rich., 176, 386, 1888. Thos., co. Durham, 2522, 3084. Thos., Westmoreland, 521. Brames, Arnold, 457, 458. Walter, 462. Bramhall, John, Bishop of Derry, 33, 120. • ……………. · Brampstone, Hen., 68. Brampton, Mary, 3006. Branch, John, 2172. Branckly, Fras., 110. .... Wm., 696. ……………., Alice, wife of, 696. Brand, Edw., co. Lancaster, 1950. • Mary, his widow, petition of, 1 • Wm., co. Lancaster, 1950. Wm., co. Lincoln, 3022. Wm., London, 3116. Thos., son of, 3116. Brandford, James, 2809. Brandling, Sir Francis, 1075, 1270, 1401, 2046, 2667, 2668, 2670, 3179. ***** Col. Charles, his son, 202, 815, 1401, 2668. ... ... brother of, 120. Wm., London, 3205. Thos., prebendary of Brecon, 2315. Wm., recusant, 3197. Wm., Bucks, 2194. ... > Brandreth, Henry, 1307. Anne, wife of, 1401. petition of, 1307. • " Branshy, Wm., 2514. Branthwaite, Rich., 811, 819. Brasse, or Brass, Sam., petition of, 2598. Wm., son of, 745, 2599, 2714. Brathwaite, see Braithwaite. Brawton, Capt. George, 98. Braxton, Anth., 1555. Rich., 104. Wm., Berks, 2665. Wm., Hants, 282. NOR ** · ·· Bray, Sir Edm., 2087. ... " "> .... • > *** Wm., signature of, 623. Capt., 1217. Dr., 91, 523, 581. Braybrooke, or Brabrooke, Rich., 367, 2575. ……………., Marg., daughter of, see Hide, Marg. Wm., 67. Brayne, John, 424, 2814. "" …… ………………, Ann, widow of, 2315. Sanctia, 3181. ·· Edw., Surrey, 2090, Fras., 2315. ******* ..... • ………. Matthew, 2315. Brazier, Wm., 1853 (2). Breary, Sam., 113. Capt., 843. • ………………………} Bremant, John, 749, 752. Thos., London, 861. Thos., co. Worcester, 85. Brendon, Wm., 2903. Brenie, John, 112. Brent, John, petition of, 2583. • ·· Kitford, 87. Rich., 2209. or Breyne, Thos., 112, 3198. د. Rich., sen., 2919. Edw., son of, 2920. ………………………, ……………., Fulke, son of, 2919, 2920. George, son of, 2920 (2). petition of, 2920. Thos., Hants Commissioner, 749, 752, 754. Nath., Warden of Merton College, Oxford, signature of, 2797. Sir Nath., 2699. widow of, 2315, 2316. > .... ……………. ……………………, ………………, Rich., son of, 2919. > …....., petition of, 2920. ………………, ………………, Jane, daughter of, 2920 (2). ………………, Wm., grandfather of, 2919. Roger, 1977. " ……………… .. "" ……………., Anne, daughter of, 2920 (2). • • ** * Breres, Alex, 1772, 2492, 2493. ……………………, ………………, petitions of, 2492 (2), 2572. Isabel, wife of, 2572. ****** father of, 2572. Lawrence, 1299. Roger, 2757. Brereton, Sir Wm., or Lord Brereton, Baron of Loughlin, 89, 100, 103, 112, 120 (2 348, 488, 604, 1122, 1229, 1836, 2094, 2555 (2), 3254. GENERAL INDEX. 3347 Brereton, Lord-cont. .. ... • ****** D Brereton, John, 120. Nich., 3232. Peter, Counsel at law to the Committee for Compounding, 212, 424, 434, 416, 631, 639, 660, 730, 1248, 1270, 1520 (2), 1797, 1831, 1894, 1900, 1939, 1957, 2032, 2054, 2059, 2606. .. • · C .. ... letters and notes of, 280, 827 (2), 2451. ………………………. ……………., letters, &c., to, 463, 615, 1073. orders and references to, passim. ……………………… ……………., reports of, 452, 603, 889, 1105, 1438. • • • **** alluded to, passim. ………………………. ………………, salary of, 311, 363, 439, 563, 564, 611, 634, 644,816, 818, 819,821- 824. petition of, 2788. wife of, 1229. William, son of, 1229. ……………. Lady Anne, mother of, see Gerard, Lady. John, brother of, 1836. .. • ………………………, ………………, petition of, 1489. 疊 ​...) C Sir Wm., Bart., 60, 100, 154, 269, 797, 893, 896, 905, 933, 978, 1139, 1159, 1175, 1176 (2), 1271, 1315, 1319 (3), 1320, 1438, 1578, 1816, 2126, 2182, 2305 (2), 2779, 2780. chaplain to, 1594. letters of, 38, 75, 275, 992. ………………………、 ………………, report of, 1319. ………………………. ………………, requests by, 978, 1072, 1163. …………. > Frances, daughter of, see Ward, Frances. Brerewood, John, 1547. Sir Robert, K.B., Judge of the King's Bench, 100, 103, 120, 133, 217, 348, 1546, 1803. · ... ... •• ***** …………. • › • > • .... Rich., co. Chester, 106, 120, 1057. Sir Thos., 91. Wm., co. Stafford, 1489 (4), 1490 (2). complaint by, 1489. ·· Bressy, Mr., 3037. Bret, see Brett. ·· **** Bretherton, John, 1178. ……………… .... ******* Bretland, Fras., 2831. wife of, 1547. daughter of, 120. **3 ......, children of, 1547. > ... wife of, 1178. petition of, 2831. John, 123, 124, 491, 1369, 2828. wife of, 2830, 2832 (2). children of, 2830, 2831 (5). Brett, or Bret, Sir Alexander, 310. ……………… Anne, wife of, 310, 1644 (3). Ann, see Ewens, Ann. .., Ant., 428. Francis, 2785. George, 3173. Brett, or Bret-cont. ……… • .. *** ·· ……………… D Michael, 769. 19 Mich., Notts Commissioner, 171, 207, 267, 510 (2), 513, 542, 543(2), 547(2), 557, 558, 560, 561, 566, 569, 577, 595, 597, 2852 (2). .... ** ••• > ► •, *** 44 Hen., co. Gloucester, 86, 1447. Hen., Westminster, 91, 523, 581, 3051. ……………………… • Rich., petition of, 2192. Rob, 3173. Rob., or Sir Rob., 261 (2), 310, 392, 596, 611, 639, 646, 647, 663, 714, 1322, 1644, • **** · Bretteridge, Roger, and Sarah, his wife, peti- tion of, 1376. Bretton, see Britton. Brewen, Wm., Durham agent, 669, 2773 (2). petition of, 669. Brewer, Gabriel, 2455. ……………………… ****** · ******* Nich., minister, 2969. Owen, co. Bedford, 1804. Owen, co. Northampton, 88. Percival, 461. *** ." > • ****** Thos., 294, 460, 2654. **** • **** ...... 2455. ****** letter and note of, 231, 505. • Thos., co. Lancaster, 2786. ……………………………………., Rich., son of, 2786 (2). Grace, daughter of, 2786. Thos., Lord Mayor's servant, 3288. Thos., Middlesex, 3174. Mr., co. Stafford, 1035. Brewerton, Wm., petition of, 2232. Brewster, Fras., 693. ……….. Mary, wife of, 611, 1644. children of, 261, 1644 (3), 1645. Capt., son of, 2654 (2). John, brother of, 2655. …………. ** Hen., petitions of, 2786 (2). Jane, 2886. Eliz., his wife, 2455. Thos., Kent, nephew of, 91, Wm., son of, 458, 2455. petitions of, 2826 (2) ******* John, Member of the Committee for Compounding?, 745. Ro., letter of, 693. ………….. ******* Thos., 2578. ……………………., Mr., 3288 (2). Breyne, Thos., see Brayne. brother of, 693. Brian, Ald. Wm., Cambridge Commissioner, 756, 759, 761, 762. petitions of, 2577 (2). granddaughter of, 2578. letter of, 762. *...** Mr., Surrey Officer, 253; see also Bryan. Brice, Stephen, 3143. Stephen, co. Oxon, 2585. Worthington, 1128. 3348 GENERAL INDEX. + Brice, Worthington-cont. John, son of, 1128. Brickenden, Thos., petition of, 1846. Bricket, Thos., 2688, Brideoake, Ralph, petition of, 2812. Bridge, see Bridges. Bridgeman, or Bridgman, Anne, 1843, 3288, ……………………… ……………… ... ·· **** .. • • ·· • * 3289. Edw., 106, 1107 (2), 1272. " 1107 (4), 1272. …………. gan, Mary, Lady. Wm., 2969, Bridger, Rich., 1069. Sam., 2352. ****** Bridges, or Bridge, Abr., petitions of, 3156 (2). ……………………., Edw., 2017. ………. ..... ******* petition of, 1107. John, co. Cambridge, 282, 284. Dr. John, Bishop of Chester, 107, 1232, 1430, 1605. Sir Orlando, his son, 61, 103, 104, 140, 143, 601, 1181, 1430. > Sir James, 2209. Sir John, 1665. ,י **"" ·· ……………… Anne or Anna, widow of, ., John, co. Warwick, petitions of, 2217, 2218. " " Mary, daughter of, see ... John, Wilts, petition of, 3187. Col. John, 787 (2). ·· petition of, 2736. Mary, petition of, 1937. Ald. Rich., 752 (2). Thos., 2209, Thos., co. Chester, 103, 104, 1230. Thos., co. Hereford, 3187. Thos., co. Herts, see Brugis. Thos., Somerset, 1646. Sir Thos., 75, 77, 969, 974, 1238. Wm., 2209. Wm., co. Cambridge, 2378. Wm., minister, co. Chester, 107. petition of, 1186. ... > Wm., Bosbury, co. Hereford, 2954. Wm., Mintridge, co. Hereford, 2009. petitions of, 2774 (5). Major, Governor of Warwick for Parliament, 2073. Mr., 2169. sisters of, 969. ………………………5 Bridgman, see Bridgeman. Bridgwater, Earl of, see Egerton, John. Bridle, see Brydall. Brigden, Wm., 1654. Nich., petition of, 3107. Brigham, John, certificate by, 169. Wm., 3130. Mor- Briggs, Col. or Lieut.-Col. Edw., 521, 811, 812, 6169, 3116. Brighouse, Rich., 1283, Bright, John, Dorset, 118, 3185. Col. John, co. York, 380, 2474 (3). Brignell, John, 1920. ……………………., Thos., 2077. Brinckhurst, see Brinkhurst. Brinfield, Wm., co. Stafford, 89, 91. Bringerst, Anne, 2191. ·· Bringfield, Wm., Middlesex, 1458. Eliz., wife of, 1458. children of, 1458. Brinkhurst, or Brinckhurst, John, 66, 3172. Brinley, Colborne, petition of, 3130. Colborne, father of, 3130. .. " ·· ... .. • ** ****) ·· > *** > Brisco, or Briscoe, Edw., petition of, 2522. .... " John, Cumberland Commissioner, 267, 285, 287, 304, 390. petition of, 377. Randal, 1573. Rich., deposition of, 893. Wm., 202. Wm., Cumberland Commissioner, 267, 285, 287, 304, 390. letter, &c., of, 232, 1240. د. ► *** ..> ……. ……. Rich., 2188 (3), 2189 (3), 2191. petition of, 2189. כי, ………………) Wm., 81. ... Bristol, Bishop of, late, see Searchfield, Rowland. Earl and Countess of, see Digby. Bristowe, Thos., Notts Commissioner, 557(3), 564. Brittain, Britton, Bretton, Britten, Brittaine, or Brittayne. Dr. Clement, 89. Eliz., London, 1190. Eliz., co. Lancaster, 3240. John, 1150. Lawrence, 96, 2958. Rich., co. Gloucester, 749 (2), 3247. Rich., co. Leicester, 110. Rob., co. Lancaster, and Eliz., his wife, 2963. ***** ………… و Laur., 2867. Rich., 1202. > " Rob., 3130. ****** ……………….... .... 3016. Thos., 2958. Dr., co. Chester, 108. Broad, Edw., Dunklin, co. Worcester, 3014. Edmund, son of, petition of, petition of, 1202. ……………… ·· > 3016. Edw., Stone, co. Worcester, 2043. John, 1415. daughters of, 3016. Charles, brother of, petition of, …………) Broadhurst, Wm., Salop, 1989. Wm., co. Stafford, 1230, family of, 1230. Capt. Wm., co. Derby, 774. Brock, or Brocke, Rich., 2320. GENERAL INDEX. 3349 Brock, or Brocke, Rich.-cont. • ... ******* ******* 2320. ………. **** …………… ** *** · > ·· Wm., Chester, co. Chester, 103, 1364. * [] " + of, 1364. Wm., Tarporley, co. Chester, 3093. Joan, widow of, 101, 3093. ****** Brockas, Mr., 91. Brockden, George, 3259. Brockett, Ant., 2742. Brockholes, John, Clayton, co. Lancaster, • .... .. ……………… · ·· ** • 2713. """ .... ... • D ..> John, 2021. *** ·· Mr., Westminster, 91. • ******* wife of, see White, Dorothy. Thos., 522, 1909, 2634, 2635. children of, 1909 (2). Thos., son of, 1909. .... ………. 1909. .... ', Kath., widow of, petition of, ***** > 1910 (5). Brocklesby, Mrs., 3019. Brockman, Sir Wm., 458. Zouch, 458. Brode, Edm., 2437. Edw., 280. Wm., father of, 103, 1364. ... 1 $ ****** Brodnax, John, 462. Brodridge, Chris., 1402. **** Broghill, Lord, see Boyle, John. Brome, John, 173, 180, 223, 332, 447 (2), 463, 527, 630, 631, 1293, 3006. widow of, 332. • ******* wife and younger children ……………… son of, see Reade, John. Augustine, son of, 2713. Thos., son of, 2713. Lancaster, Co. Lancaster, Bromfield, Edw., 1596. 4. Mary, widow of, 1909 (4), Thos., grandson of, 1909. Mary, wife of, petition of, Rich, 105. Theop., petitions of, 2168 (2), wife of, 2168. ****** Thos., 102, 1474. Capt., 881. Bromley, George, 847. Col. Lawrence, 265, 2551. petition of, 2551. Rob., 101, 107, 120, 349, 1905. Mr., co. Lancaster ?, 2725. Bromsgrove, Ant., 2209. Bromwell, Fras., 2623. **** petition of, 2623. Bromwich, Isaac, 261, 1406. petition of, 1406. Henry, 1220, 1816. John, 1816. Thos., 103, 112, 1139. Wm., 52, 55, 70, 73, 113, 1139. Bromwich-cont. ... ... • • Broncard, Sir Wm, see Brouncker. Brooke, Lord, see Greville. Brooke, Sir John, Lord Cobham, 1, 91, 1230. Brooke, Brook, Brooks, or Brookes. Arthur, 1279. .. ……… > Wm., South Wales and London, 295, 323. ... petitions of, 2360 (2). Wm., co. Stafford, petitions of, 2745 (2). 1 .... ******* 3298. • • > children of, 2232. Edw., 843. Lady Frances, see Neville. Fras., 2534. George, 3290. > **** **** " > ………………………、 ………………, Dorothy, daughter of, 3290. Eliz., daughter of, petitions of, 3290 (2). *** Sir Basil, 2231, 3298. **** • ·· * J ..... ..... 5 **3 *** ******* 2839 (2). 4 .." • ... Rich., father of, 3290. James, 1831. Joan, 3236. John, co. Chester, 107. John, co. Devon, 2955. John, London, petition of, 2247. John, co. Warwick, 2063, Lt.-Col. John, 914, 2948. Mary, 768. Mat., 91. Peter, M.P., 2539 (3). Capt. Randolph, 181. Rich., 2838. · ……… Thos., his son, 363, 585, 2231, • wife of, 3290. • John, Thos., and Marg., petition of, 856. Thos., sheriff of Chester, letter of, 33. Thos., co. Hants, 105, 282, 402, 403, 2516. • ...... Rob., co. Kent, 549. Roger, alias Grin, 120. Sam., 856 (5). Mary, wife of, petition of, 2517. Thos., solicitor for North Wales, 1679, 1680. John, son of, 2838 (2), 2839. petitions of, 2838 (2), ***** } Anne, wife of, 2838. Thos., co. Sussex, certificate by, 2769. Thos.. Battle, co. Sussex, 3239. Walter, 2288, 2374. ……………., daughter of, 2375. Wm., 2094. 1230. Sarah, wife of, 2094. *N Sir Wm., 1, 1230, 1231. petitions of, 2094 (2). Penelope, wife of, 1, 846, 3350 GENERAL INDEX. Brook, Sir Wm.-cont. .... ……… …… **** ... Brooker, Thos., 886. wife and children of, 886. Brookfield, George, 3127. …………, ………………, Marg., wife of, 3127. > Brooksby, Gregory, 111, 2679. Broome, And., 2766. Broster, Rich., 100, 104, 133, 1364. Brough, Fras., 2154. …., Lady, 1901. Mr., minister, Berks, 437. Mr., Suffolk, 96. Mr., co. Worcester, 2640, 2641. ... • Broughton, Col. Edw., 2453. .., John, co. Gloucester, 87. John, co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2739, 2740 (2). " •" *) ·· ... ..... ·· ……. ………………… ****** children of, 1, 1231. Col., 2499, 2948. .... ... " Brouncker, Broncard, or Bruncard, Sir William, 1st Viscount Brouncker, 2760, 2761 (2). petitions of, 2153 (2). sister of, see Mountaine, Eliz. James, 3109. …………⚫ John, co. Stafford, 1117. petition of, 2131. *****} Rob., co. Denbigh, 1437, Col. Rob., 761. Thos., co. Gloucester, 89. Thos., co. Nottingham, 108. Thos., co. Stafford, 27, 29, 789, 951. wife and children of, 951. ……………., Bryan, son of, 951. ***) Wm., co. Denbigh, 1220. Mr., Jesuit, 2720. ****** Brouncker, 91, 268, 2760. • ***** ………………, grandfather of, 2761. Browell, Gilbert, 821. Brown, Anthony, 2nd Viscount Montague, 2293, 2543. ………………… ……………., Jane, widow of, 2543. ..., , .... er, his widow, 1543, 2760. Brown, or Browne, Ab., 3233. ... ...... Winifred, Viscountess Brounck- Francis, 3rd Viscount Montague, 103, 197, 216, 339, 726, 727, 2543. 3147. Sir Wm., his son, 2nd Viscount Col. Adam, 1837. Sir Ambrose, 304, 393, 398. Capt. Anth., 2118. Chris., Rutland Commissioner, 559. Chris., Somerset, 3147. > Danicl, 1956. Eliz., widow, and John, son of, petition of, 1956. Edw., co. Lancaster, 1814. George, co. Chester, 103. George, co. Dorset, 1984. Brown, or Browne-cont. • .. • ... George?, Wilts, 2656. George, Ludgershall, Wilts, &c., 78, 345, 368, 484, 504, 2655. Eleanor, wife of, 2655-2657. ………………, ………………, children of, 2655 (3), 2656 (5). alias Eveleigh, George, see Eve- leigh. ... ……… · ·· • Henry, co. Gloucester, 87. Henry, co. Warwick, 2226. Sir Henry, 3209. ….., Hum., Ald. of Bristol, 515. letter of, 515. .. ...* .. ... J., Exchequer Commissioner, 744. .., John, 3129. John, member of the Committee for Compounding, 1, 163. John, co. Bedford, 2088. • ………………… "" ………………., John, Cornwall, 1078. "" ·· · " • **** George, co. Warwick, petitions of, 2173, 3147. • ** *** · ……………. > "" • .. ……………… →→ ………………………, ………………, Dorothy, widow of, 2875. ..... John, Middlesex, petition of, 3035. John, Receiver-General of co. North- ampton, 767. John, Kettering, co. Northampton, John, Dorset, 118, 1067, 1743. John, Hants, 106. John, co. Hereford, 1850. mother of, 1850 (2). ... > John, co. Lincoln, petitions of, 981, 982. " · ******* daughter of, 515, ******* James, merchant, 784. Capt. James, 510. Jane, Kent, 1833. 19 "" 686. " ? John, London, 745. letter to, 755. Johu, Salop Commissioner, 256, 268, 363, 365, 686. John, Somerset, 2304. John, co. Warwick, 3179. Capt. John, Kent Commissioner, 171, 186, 191, 369, 457, 673, 764, 766, 2603. letters or note of, 239, 448, 455, Major John, Bucks Commissioner, 735, 737, 1808 (2). *** ………………, petition of, 772. John, (late) London, 2875. 738. ****** ****** .... Lawrence, 699. ***** letter of, 736. Leonard, co. York, 3174. Lady Marg., co. Oxon, 3260. Martha, Northumberland, 3227. Rich., son of, 3227. Martin, 538, 550, 2147-2149. petition of, 2148. ………………) informations by, 1750 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 3351 Brown, or Browne-cont. 4. ·· • • ** ……………………, Ralph, 1150. ... · ***** a .. O ***** ..., Peter, co. Oxon, 664. ... **** ****** ■ ... • letter of, 758. Col. or Major-General Rich., 12, 32, 54, 127, 772, 791, 800, 807, 1070, 1608. ………………, ………………, Rich., son of, 54. Rob., Parliamentary officer, 2998. Rob., Scotchman, 3230, .., Rob., co. Leicester, 111. Rob., Somerset, 972. 9 ., Sam., Commissioner of the Great Seal, 48 (2). Stanislaus, 972. .., Thos., 1734, 2169. Thos., Auditor of the Committee for Compounding, 244, 641, 666, 690, 702, 737, 743, 2891. ******* certificates of, 710, 716, 726, 3069, 3216. notes or statements by, 684, 717, 719. orders to, 666, 1829, 2005. petition of, 644. receipt by, 721. salary of, 826. ******} Thos., co. Flint, petition of, 3183. Thos., Kent, 459. Thos., co. Leicester, 110. Thos., co. Lincoln, 942. Thos., London, petition of, 3226. Thos. sen., London, 3032. **** • $ • · " .... ***** "" ******* Rich., Somerset, 310, 2101, 2102 (3), 2386, 3307. wife of, 2101, 2386. children of, 2386. Capt. Rich., Pembroke Commissioner, 517, 747. S ... **** Nich., co. Lancaster ?, 1117. Nich., co. Stafford, 1032. petition of, 1033. ****** NA ***** wife and children of, 1151. Reuben, 2013. • > ***** Rich., Berks, 478. Rich., co. Chester, 124, 1309, 1310. Rich., co. Devon, 153, 2767. Rich., Norfolk, 2731 (4). petition of, 2730. …………4 " .., Thos., Fetter Lane, London, 340. Thos., Magdalen's parish, London, 428. Thos., co. Nottingham, petition of, 1267. .... ... " ******* ******* **** ******* > Anne, widow of, see Sutton, Rob., wife of. Wm., Hants, 386. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2895. **** Thos., minister, co. Oxon, 1640. family of, petition of, 1640. Thos., Westmoreland, 521. Sir Thos., 1336. Marg., wife of, petition of, 2895. ·· ******* Wm., Wigan, co. Lancaster, 1804. Brown, or Browne-cont. ·· ·· Eliz., widow of, 2173. Capt., Westmoreland, 340. Dr., Westminster, 91. ……….., Lady, co. Oxon, 664. Mr., Hants, 386. .. · ·· • ... ……………, Serjeant, 936. Brownbill, Oliver, petition of, 3241. Brownell, John, 2509, 2558, 2600. petition of, 2509. ·· • " Browning, Anne, 744. George, 97. .. *** "" ***** > ………… ... • > Brownjohn, Mary, 1822. ... or Brunning, Henry, 2402 (2). children of, 2402. John, Sheriff of Gloucestershire, let- ter of, 143. ... Wm., co. Leicester, petition of, 3138. Wm., co. York, 2587. Sir Wm., 2173. ***** Brownlow, Sir John, petition of, 1872. Randall, 2014. Rob., 3257. · • Mr., Deputy-Sheriff, Somerset, 1426. ..> C Brownsord, Wm., petition of, 1105. Broxholme, Wm., petition of, 1855. Bruce, Thomas, Earl of Elgin, 2553. Brudenell, Thomas, Lord Brudenell, 88, 90, 109, 233, 410, 1078, 1477, 1676, 2921. Mary, wife of, 1078. ****** children and grandchildren of, 1078, 1079 (3). • Thos., Essex, 1463. Tim., 117. Capt., 30, 789. Mr., Westminster, 94. ……………… son of, see Gwynnett, Rich. Rich., 1553. Mr., 1562. Edm., son of, 2641. ……………………… ………………, Rob., son of, 109, 728, 1078. John, brother of, 2641. Brudenell, Rob., Rutland, 89. *** > Thos., petitions of, 1079 (2). Major, son of, 109. Brudon, John, 1626. Bruen, Jos., 2704 (3). Bruerton, Mr., 391. **** + Bruges, or Brydges, George, Lord Chandos, 66, 86, 846, 2307. Brugis, Rich., 1977. mother of, see Touchet, Anne. William, brother of, 846. or Bridges, Thos., 104, 2290. ……………., Henry, father of, 2290. .. *** Frances, mother of, petitions of, 2290 (2). Bruncard, Sir Wm., see Brounker. Bruning, Ant., 380 (2). Brunning, Hen., see Browning. 3352 GENERAL INDEX. Brunson, Edm., 78. Brunts, Rob., Nottinghamshire Commissioner, 557 (3), 633. .. .." Brush, Edw., 3243. Bryan, John, Salop, 1614 (2). John, Westmoreland, 1784. Rob., petition of, 1206. Thos., 68, 2868. Bryant, George, 119, 1408. Pat., 103, 2486. ·· ** · A "" ... ****** ………… ………………, James, son of, 2486. ******* Frances. Brydall, John, 1567. ..... or Bridle, Walter, 91, 1076. Brydges, see Bruges. Brydon, Jasper, 1573. Bryer, Roger, 2521. Bryme, Capt. Philip, 1735. Bryndlose, Rob. and George, petition of, 2136. Bubwith, Rich., 1350. Buchanan, David, 778. George, 176. .... Buck, Anne, 965. • letter of, 564. .. > **** tion of, 965. ******* Gervase, 237, 471. Capt. Jeremy, Gloucestershire Com- missioner, 174, 384, 393, 404. ·· ··· > ... ……………. Frances, wife of, see Crisp, ………………… " Buckenham, Ant., 95. Maximilian, her executor, peti- ……………. Rob., petition of, 611. ******* Buckhurst, Lord, see Sackville. Buckingham, Duke and Duchess of, see Villiers. Buckland, Charles, 2927. John, co. Durham, 1122. John, co. Lincoln, 2209. Sir John, 1122. Kenneth, 459. .... .. Sam., 1187. , note by, 452. Steph., 743, 3193. Thos., 85, 459, 2644. > Max., father of, 966. ………………. John, Somersetshire Commissioner, 173, 221, 226, 264, 613. Walter, Sussex, 1739. Walter, Wilts, 78. petition of, 3287. Buckle, Wm., co. York, &c., 2642. ……………… John, London, 2403. ……………… Eliz., alias Routledge, widow of, 2642. petitions of, 2403 (3). Marg., daughter of, see Yeomans, Margery. Mr., Westminster, 91. Buckley, John, Essex, 95. John, Sussex, 3278 (2). Buckley, John-cont. ▼ .... Julian, 3192. Mary, and Joseph, her son, 101. Rich., 1929. Thos., co. Cambridge, petition of, 60. Capt. Thos., co. Nottingham, petition of, 2477. > 2 Bucknell, John, Devon, 2765, Buckworth, Edw., 901. Wm., J.P., petition of, 2702. Budd, Edw., Northamptonshire Commissioner, 174. > Rich., 1962. Mr., priest, 416. ****** Budges, Rich., petitions of, 3203 (2). Buffkin, Ralph, petition of, 1471. Bufford, Ben., 106. Mary, 2725. .. Buggens, Hannibal, 117, 398, 669. Buggs, Wm., petition of, 2836. O J Isabel. Bulfinch, John, note by, 172. Bulkeley, John, 3198. Bull, Hen., 29, 1205. ·· .. petition of, 3278. James, 452. John, co. Radnor, 556 (2), 574. John, Somerset, 1203. Lawrence, 1271. Rob., 1277. Sam., Dorset Commissioner, 142, 171, 181, 209, 218, 270, 271, 274. .. 5 **** Wm., 974. …………….. • " Bullen, James, Cheshire Commissioner, 174. letter of, 119. …………………*** petition of, 1283. Buller, Fras., M.P., 1234. Capt. Thos., 61, 801. , …………. …….. .. …………….. Lady, 56. **** Bullingham, Rich., 89, 1497. wife of, 1497. children of, 1498. Bullock, John, co. Derby, 22, 1132. Thos., his brother, 1132. Wm., his brother, 491, 1132. ... • Isabel, wife of, see Flood, AJUDA a …………… ...... ... " Bullyn, John, 172. Bulmer, Ant., 3006. Wm., jun., 268, 1292, 2393, 3095. Dorothy, wife of, 2393. Bulstrode, Edw., 2959. Col Thos., 2835. Eliz., widow of, 61, 801. .... "" Rich., petition of, 3307. Thos., London, 2366. ..... information by, 1686. Buly, Mr., Bucks, 369. Bunbury, Hen.. 61, 100, 103, 1139. John, 546. Bunbury, John-cont. * • Mr., registrar to the Irish Trustees, 1933. Bunce, Ald. James, 68, 69, 159, 180, 239, 257, 265, 286, 446, 450, 609, 945 (2), 1054, 2077, 2138. estates of, 492, 565, 610, 622, …………………… ... • ·· .. .. ·· • .... Bundle, Rich., petition of, 3054. Bunnett, Rob., 96. Bunney, Fras., 1160. · •• 1 wife and children of, 1160. Bunnion, Rich., petitions of, 1898, 1899. Burbage, John, 2411. Burbidge, Rob., 308, 2413. Burchall, Nath. and Thos., 1631. > > Burcop, Wm., 3245. Burdett, Rob., Excise Officer, 3244. Burdon, John, co. York, 2021. Capt. John, Devon, 97. ...... Burdurdoe, Mr., minister, Norfolk, 116. Burges, or Burgess, Edw., 123. Lieut.-Col. Fras., 1094. George, 123. Hum., 516 (2), 3059 (2). Capt. John, Bristol agent, 261, 298, 381 (3), 393, 410 (2), 427, 444 (2), 453, 454, 656, 1296 (4). letters of, 365, 381, 395, 427. petition of, 446. receipt by, 546. ..... Thos., petition of, 1803. Thos., D.D., 1593. • 626. "" • ****** > wife of, 265. Math., 101, 461, 945, 2140. Stephen, 945. ***** Wm.. co. Chester, 123, 992. Wm., Kent, 458. Burgh, Ulick de, Earl of St. Alban's and Clanricarde, 146, 147. Burgh, Edw., 1277. · a Ralph, 123. Thos., signature of, 623. Thos., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 2773. deposition by, 657 ?. ……… 9 Burghall, Arnold, 1990. ....3 Rich., 2950. ………. • Alice. Thos., 2978. wife of, 1277, 1278. > GENERAL INDEX. ***** Burghill, Col. Rob., 805. 9 widow of, see Greenhalgh, > father-in-law of, 1990. Edw., 488, 602, 603, 701, 704, 705. petition of, 1285. 805. Burgis, Fras., 91. Eliz., widow of, 51, 805. Harry and Rowland, sons of, Roger, 3306. Thos., 91. 70358. Burgoine, Wm. and Rob., 3170. Burie, Sam., 271. Burkenville, Thos., 2784. Burkitt, Wm., 98. Burlacy, see Borlase. Burleigh, Capt. Barnaby, 2977. Ferdinando, 2615. • • • • Burleton, Wm., Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1664. Burlton, Rich., Dorset, 2618. 2. ... ..> 2618. Burnard, see Barnard. Burne, John, petitions of, 3110 (3). Thos., co. Stafford, 2982. ......, Frances, daughter of, see Under- hill, Frances. Burnell, Fras., 373, 381. Lodowick, 1608. .. •• ......1 2618. ANA .. .. "" Burnet, John, Malton, co. York, petition of, 2896. Math., 3191. Burnett, John, sen., Croft, co. York, petition of, 3006. Wm., 934. Burnham, Rich., petition of, 1851. Burningham, Peter, J.P., 632. Burns, Johu, 1285 (2). Nich., 1285. .... **) Thos., petition of, 2089. Burnup, Wm., 3012. Burr, Rob., 993. •* ……………… " Burrell, Abraham, 1000. letter of, 12. ..... ***** .. > parents of, 2615. ... Wm., Stalbridge, Dorset, son of, George and Eliz., children of, ..... " wife and children of, 993. Thos., 3168. ..... } Jane, 1334. ..... Burridge, Mr., 91. Sir John, 114, 1000, 1334. Frances, wife of, 1000. Edm., son of, 1334. Redmayne, son of, 1000. • Burrough, or Burroughs, Edw., 752 (2). Dorothy, 1703. *****A Capt. Rich., 1334. Walter, 1450. 3353 petition of, 1703. John, co. Stafford, 2513. or Burrowes. Stanley, 103, 1185. Wm., 396, 2125, 2398. Burrowes, or Burrow, Ant., 521. Hum., 111. Jarvis, receipt by, 37. John, co. Lancaster, 3198. Rich., Northern Commissioner, 924. Rich., carrier, receipt by, 36. M petitions of, 2394, 2395. 3354 GENERAL INDEX. Burrowes, &c.-cont. 2639. Bursby, Rich. or Rob., 2254. GTA .. • Na ** Eliz. Burscough, Gilbert, co. Lancaster, 1951. Gilbert, Aughton, co. Lancaster, 3055. Maximilian, brother of, petition • • • 907. Burslem, Capt. Wm., 748, 753. Burston, Step., clerk for co. Lincoln, 669, 670. Burton, Bryant, 461. Charles, 563. •• * • .. • ·· .. A • ..> • *** • 2 * of, 3055. " Sam., 2639, 2640. **** ****** ... > Peter, 2909. Reignold and Peter, bequest of, 906, ·· John, brother of, petition of, • ... Giles, 1693. Eliz., wife of, see Ridley, Hen., 3191. Hen., officer for co. Derby, 692. Hugh, 107. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3168. father and grandfather of, 3168. Marmaduke, 2677. Michael, sheriff of co. Derby, letter of, 70. Randle, 101. Rich., co. Lancaster, 3234. Rich., Westmoreland, 3025. ....... Thos., heir of, petition of, 3025. Rich., minister, Westmoreland, peti- tion of, 2308. wife and children of, 2308. Rob., beirs of, 532. Thos., officer of the Sequestration Committee, 45. .... • ** Thos., Westmoreland, 521. Wm., London, 1744. …., ……………., Bridget, his mother, 1744. Thos., his brother, petitions of, 1744 (3). Wm., co. Northampton, 99. Capt., 863. Mr., Rutlandshire steward, 302. John, co. Leicester, 109. petition of, 563. John, London, 2721. Marg., 3168. ·· • Thos., Salop, 2213. Burwall, Thos., petition of, 3019. Burwood, James, 1598. Bury, see Berry. Busby, John, 3239. .. petition of, 2213. Joseph, petition of, 3113. Rob., 745. Wm., 2209. Joan, widow of, 3239. wife of, see Hacker, Anne. ..... Busfield, Simon, 521. John, son of, 521. Bushell, Ant., 237, 2006. Edw., 1361. Ralph, 177. Rob., 1978. Seth, 2815. ·· ** .. U ► → Bushop, Edm., petition of, 1596. Buskell, Bridget, 176. Bussy, Thos., 1226. Buster, Thos., 196 (2). Butcher Fras., Kent, letter of, 766. John, 2099. John, Sussex, 2459 (2), 3118. Mary, 2080. Thos., 105. 4. *...> Butler, or Boteler, James, 12th Earl or Mar- quis of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for the King, 59 (2), 63, 68, 69, 71 (2), 126, 130, 131, 138, 806, 808, 2023. 44 • " " ... **** wife of, 48. Butler, or Boteler, Allan, 3082. petition of, 3081. Allan, Bucks, 66. Allan, co. Gloucester, 2957. Lieut.-Col. Ant., 1728. Charles, 1096. • • ... " ** • 1 ·· ... .. • servants of, 1809. ..... Richard, 3rd Viscount Mountgarret, 3052. > > " ·· ., • 3 > **** Margaret, wife of, 3052. William, Lord Boteler, 48, 1499. ****** • petitions of, 2075 (2). ..... 2633. Sir George, Bart., 54, 1400. Greg., petitions of, 2589 (2). Hen., Dorset, 118, 1231, 3232. Hen., Goosnargh, co. .... …………. 3216. Hen., Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, 2966. petition of, 3185. Edw., son of, 2966. ……………… Hen., minister, co. Warwick, petition of, 3216. Edw., 396. Fras., or Sir Francis, 579, 2013. George, sen. and jun., petition of, ... ****** father of, 1096. *** · Hen., co. York, 2676. petition of, 2676. Rich., son of, 2676. Lancaster, Eliz., wife of, 2676. ..... ………………, Marg., daughter of, 2676. Col. Hugh, 809, 1857. James, petition of, 1530. James and Eliz., co. Lancaster, 1879. John, 3205. John, Devon, 1400. John, Bilstone, co. Leicester, 111, 1133. GENERAL INDEX. 3355 Butler, &c.-cont. • .. .... · ....> ··· • · • " John, Braunston, co., Leicester, 1761 (4). > ... > , ***** John, London, 1012. John, co. Northampton, 766, 3252. Sir John, Herts, 20, 25, 785, 852. children of, 853. Rob., co. Leicester ?, petition of, 1709. Rob., co. Notts, 2113. ***** · ·· ... . Thos. 3 + 3 ** *** Thos., 438. Thos., co. Bedford, 2869. Thos., co. Lancaster, 3185. Lieut. Thos., 343, 378, 804, 2200, 2338. Major Thos., Oxfordshire Commis- sioner P, 570, 576, 588. …………… Col. Rob., Dorset, 1315, 1536. Theobald, 189, 2401. family of, 2401. Anne, widow of, 2401. ♪ ··· 2781. ..... petition of, 1761. > ANA petitions of, 1732, 1733 (2). Wm., co. Bedford, letter of, 81. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2781. "} Edw., brother of, 2781. grandparents of, see Parkinson, Edw. and Jane. father of, see Audley, ... Sir Wm., Bart., 49, 91, 102, 226, 554 (2), 575, 579, 1462. Alice, wife of, 2781 (2). Cicely, daughter of, 2781 (4). Edm. and Cuthbert, brothers of, Wm., co. Northampton, 744. Wm., co. Notts, 769. Major Wm., 1735. .... J **** •3 Warwick, Phil. letter of, 454. Joan, his widow, 1462. Sir Oliver, his son, 1462. Major, Major-General for cos. Bedford, Rutland, Northampton, and Hunts, 846, 939, 1069, 1207. Mr., Kirkland, co. Lancaster, 21. Mr., Wilts receiver, 732. Buttall, John, petition of, 2501. Butterwick, Thos., see Buttery. Butterworth, Alex., 2644. Buttery, John, 203, 706, 707. second husband of, see ………….. Button, John, 2114. ………. or Butterwick, Thos., Sussex Agent, 179, 689 ?, 726 (2). petition of, 727. " ****** petitions of, 1755, 2114. Martin, 1498. Miles, co. Glamorgan, 2587. Miles, co. Worcester, 2587. Button-cont. Butts, John, 2864. ·· "" Buxton, Nath., 1339. ******y • ** *** father of, 1339. . Rich., 1736 (2), 2642, Rob., 1736. Byam, Hen., 2974. · ... D John, 2916. Wm., 112. Byard, Hen., 390, 2185 (2), « · ****A Timothy, steward to Lord Goring, 428, "" 597, 598 (3), 600, 2290. >> Bye, or Bie, Ferdinando, 104, 530, 532 (2), 1578. Byerly, or Bierley, Ant., 3024, 3133 (3). 聯 ​... C ❤ • 1 > ** > Sir Miles, 52. son of, 52. Sir Wm., Bart., 48, 797, 1559. > ·· ·· ………4 Byfleet, Thos., 2706. ... • • " • ***? ; ***** Byng, see Bing. Byrom, Adam, petitions of, 2836 (2). Edw., 2836. Chris., 801, 875, 3084 (2), 3262. petition of, 3084. Col. Ant., his elder son, 875, Robt., his younger son, 875, Thos., his brother, 3262. ***** Mary, wife of, 2706. Mary and Marg., daughters of 2706 (2). son of, 1559. Nich., petition of, 2814. Wm., London, 111, 1564. Wm., Somerset ? 2342. .. ****** ******> Robert and Mary, father and mother of, 2706. Dr. George, 100, 103, 1139. "} family of, 1140. Ann, wife of, 1140, 2704 (2). Capt. John, 2774. Ralph, brother of, 2774 (2). Byron, Sir John, 1st Lord Byron, Governor of Chester for the King, 138, 187, 231, 265, 294, 295, 307, 584, 586, 633, 933, 1176, 2182, 2338, 2371, 3089, 3307. …………… ••• Hen., 3081, 3088. CAN SANA. 7 ******* 2338-2340, 3257. ****** Sir Richard, brother of, 2nd Lord Byron, 107, 760, 769, 1278, 1308, 2339. ****** 2340. Cicely, 1st wife of, 1960. Eleanor, 2nd wife of, 633. Sir John, sen., father of, 8257. Lady Anne, widow of, Wm., son of, 760. Rob., his brother, 2711. Mary, his aunt, petition of, 2340. Sir John, his great-grandfather, • M 2 3356 GENERAL INDEX. Byron, Col. Gilbert, 1518. Mary, wife of, 1445, 1446. Sir Nich., 95, 1205, 1886, 3245. Ernestus, son of, 3245. Rich., co. Chester, 123. Rich., 3258. Bysse, John, petition of, 989. Bywater, Thos., 788. • D ... • • Cabell, Rich., 502, 1352. • "" Caborne, Christ., 1328. .... • Cadwell, John, messenger, 780, 781. Cadye, Hen., petition of, 2064. Cadywold, Mr., 1635. ** wife of, 1635. Cæsar, or Cesar, Sir Julius, 2755 (3). *** .. , • .. > Ann, wife of, 2755 (3). Dame Susan, Ferdinando, and John, 997. Cage, Sir Anth., 241, 277, 282, 320, 379, 539, 593, 702, 2453. · .; wife of, 2453, 2454. Calcott, George, London, 1608. John, Middlesex, 3040 (2). petition of, 3039. · .. ... John, petitions of, 1446 (2). .... > ...... • 13 ***** 3040. John, Salop, 1816. > Roger, Receiver of the Prince Pala- tine's revenues, 171, 197, 245 (2), 253, 311, 315, 318, 622, 639, 1251 (2), 2058, 2194, 2196, 3039. · > > • ..... ……………. · "" .... Thos., 112. Caldecott, John, 2045. ***** or Caldicot, Thos., 102, 1888. Caldwall, Lawrence, 1758. .... Macclesfield, co. Chester, > ****** Rich., son of, 1352. с 3187. ..... Wm., petition of, 3179. children of, 3179. Caldwell, George, petition of, 2641. Calendar, Earl of, see Livingstone. Caley, Arthur, 953. ... ... 3187. …………. receipt by, 2183. Sarah, widow of, 3039. petition of, 3039. ****** Abra., brother of, petition of, sisters of, 953. .." George and Alice, 3187. signature of, 623. father and children of, 1758. *** ******9 John and Fras., sons of, petition of, * ་ ; Caley-cont. Capt. Jacob, 418. James, 1091. Wm., 3259. Callis, Serjeant Rob., 2271. · ·· ·· ... ►► Calow, Thos., 2663. parents of, 2663. ..... Calverley, or Calveley, Hen., 1871, 3200, *** *** ... * ** ✰ ... ... ·· 14. ·· *..* ... O Eliz. ……… Steward, Eliz. Rob., co. York, 1231. Thos., 1157. Tim. and John his brother, co. York, 1386. Calvert, Cecil, Lord Baltimore, 51, 78, 3191, 3269-3271. ·· (2). "" ……… 3201. Sir Hugh, 100, 103, 112, 122, 217, " 348, 861, 1156, 1211. ……….., petitions of, 3269, 3271. family of. 3270. ………………, Anne, wife of, 3271. Calvert, John, 21, 2131, 2136? .... 2 ... ……….. petition of, 1157. John, co. Durham, petition of, 1552. John, co. Lancaster, 3260. Sir John, 2619. CA "" …………. > John, his son, 2131. Rich., John, Dorothy, and Jane, children of, 2131. ……………., petitions of, 2131 (2). 5 Cam, Hen., 1414. ………………, ………………, Anne, widow of, 1414. Cambridge, Earl of, see Hamilton, Wm. Camock, or Cammock, Hen., 240. petitions of, 2089 (2). Campbell, Archibald, Marquis of Argyll, 56, 129, 2468, 2479. certificate by, 1467. John, Earl of Loudoun and Chan- cellor of Scotland, 9. *****) daughter of, see Doughty, Rich., his son, 719, 2131. Rich. and Edm., sons of, petition of, 2131. .... ………………. other sons of, 2131. * …………. ·· •S ………… > signature of, 1211. Mary, wife of, 217, 1157 .. Campbell, Donald, 54. ...... ***** > ……………, ………………, certificate by, 1467. Eliz., widow of, see James, 855. petition of, 854. sister of, 855. James, merchant, 779. John, 10, 69. Alderman Sir Rob., 3160. Thos., High-sheriff of Essex, 3288. Campden, Viscount, see Noel. GENERAL INDEX. 3357 Campion, Edw., 1451. Sir Hen., 1450. *** · •• Candish, Rich., petition of, 2595. Col., 1252. Cane, Capt., 279. ****** · *** ... ·· A ****** Canning, Rich., London, 1708-1710. ↓ ..... * > tion of, 1450. } **** 14 family of, 1707. "> Rich., Heerscot, co. Warwick, 3257. Rich., Ilmington, co. Warwick, 1758, 2616. Wm., 1758, 2616. Cannon, John, petition of, 3226. Maurice, 2153. ... ....... 1 **S ** • (3). > *** " Wm., 94, 116. Sir Wm., 49, 270, 797, 1450. Rob., 1937. Eliz., mother of, 1937. Canon, Mr., clerk for co. Northampton, 98. Cansfield, John, or Sir John, 3101. wife of, see Hansby, Ann, John, son of, petitions of, 3101 ..... ……………………… > (2). Rob.. 3185. Thos., 3101. Canterbury, Archbishop of, see Laud, Dr. "" Wm. Canton, Thos., petition of, 2057. Cape, John, 124, 202. Capel, Arthur, 1st Lord Capel, 17, 86, 95, 96, 105, 107, 114, 501, 711, 910, 951, 1931, 3100. "" **** (3). • ·· **) Lady Anne, widow of, peti- *** 1932. .... estates of, 17, 114, 174, 208, 248, 254, 256 (2), 259 (2), 271, 274, 282, 297, 409, 419, 438, 439, 484, 496, 597, 599 (2), 601, 1931–1934. family of, 17. trustees of, Sir Edward Capel and Sir Thos. Dacres, 501, 1932-1934. petitions of, 1933, 1934 Eliz., wife of, 17, 256, 601, petitions of, 1932 (2). father of, see Morrison, *...*) ... soldiers of, petition of, 279. ·· 1934. petitions of, 1707, 1708 (4). Philippa, his wife, 1708 (4). petitions of, 1707, 1708 Capel-cont. …………… Sir Charles. • ……… ******* of, 1931. .. *…………… Wm., uncle of, 17. Capel, Ald. Edw., 85, 224, 227, 1630. Sir Edw., petitions of, 1933 (2). Sir Hen., 1934. Arthur, 2nd Lord Capel, son Sir Arthur, grandfather of, Dorothy, widow of, 1934 (2). petition of, 1934. ……………"> John, 2239. Capperthwaite, Major, 197, 218. Carberry, Earl of, see Vaughan, Rich. Cardell, John, petition of, 2958. Carden, Sam., 460. Cardenall, Thos., 1361. Cardenas, Don Alonzo, Spanish ambassador, 265, 275, 335, 399, 405, 417, 453, 683, 715, 2317, 2374. physician to, see Turner, ********** Cardiff, Ralph, 112. • …………… Cardoll, John, petition of, 3284. Cardrow, John, 1656. petition of, 1656. Careless, Capt. Wm., 383. Carew, Sir Fras., 96, 389, 841. family of, 841. ******* George, Dorset, 1193. Sir George, 2869. ·· Dr. Thos. Dorothy, 2080. ……………**** ·· ·· 懵 ​Sir Hen, see Carey. John, letter of, 614. Sir Mat., 91. Nich., Surrey, 3253. Susan, petition of, 1985. Thos., Studley, Devon, see Carey. Thos., Wycroft, Devon, 1096. Carey, Henry, 4th Baron Hunsdon and 1st Earl of Dover, 1716, 2776. …………, ….……………, daughters of, Anne, 3254 (2). Judith, 759, 3254 (2). Philadelphia, 759, 3254. **** Henry, 3rd Viscount Falkland, 92. Henry, 2nd Earl of Monmouth, 1213 (2). Henry, Lord Carey, his son, Lady Mary [Scrope], ...... Anne. ... • Thos., 91, 1977. .. > * ……………… ….. 1031. ………… *** ·· widow of, 1031. petitions of, 1031 (3). Carey, or Cary, Charles, co. Northampton, 2839. ………………………♥ …………… 1 Anne, daughter of, see Rawlins, > ……………… Edw., examiner to and member of the Committee for Compounding, &c., 215, 290, 430, 506, 517, 539, 647, 668, 2179, 2285. ..... ...... » 686, 687, 694, 2952, 2981, 3080. chambers of, 821. fees of, 312, 434. letters to, 617, 664, 675, 680, orders to, 273, 373, 1784, 1900, 2426, 2607, 2697, 2879. 3358 GENERAL INDEX. Carey, Edw.-cont. C +4 · 4. • • · ………………… • .. ·· • . ·· • · …………… 2912. ……… 822-824. Sir Edw., 97, 153, 373, 432, 2987. Sir George, son of, 2987. petition of, 3287. children of, 2987. 2 • " petitions of, 1505, 1506 (2). ........, Dorothy, wife of, 1505, 1506 (3). Sir Ferdinando, 1975, Philippa, widow of, 1974-1976. second husband of, see Blackwall, Sir Thos. George, 118. > .... Sir Hen., Bickleigh, Devon, 1505, 1506 (3), 1517. "" •" or Carew, Sir Hen., Cockington, Devon, 42, 117, 119, 794, 1140, 1361, 1368, 1419, 1420. > Ernestus, 1563. • …………. ..) Ta > • references to, 268, 426, 427, salary of, 311, 363, 439, 820 (2), ***** ………… **** .., John, Oxfordshire Commissioner, 570, 574, 570, 578 (2), 588, 601, 602, 673, 709, 713, 718 (2), 2835, 3070, 3166, 3167. ** petition of, 1349. Horatio, 3155. Sir Horatio, 2144. James, petition of, 1274. ……………………, accounts by, 709. ……………. John, Kent, 49, 102. petition of, 2945. John, Middlesex, 1402. John, co. Northampton, 690. ****** ………………} 694, 696 (2), 705, 718, 728. John, Somersetshire Commissioner, 194. ... • " Magdalene. information by, 2201. letters of, 674, 684, 686, 690, Sir John, co. York, 1641. Mary, petition of, 3150. Sir Philip, 2945. Roh., Clovelly, Devon, 2014. Rob., Plymouth, Devon, petition of, 1363. John, Suffolk, 3173. wife of, 3173. daughter of, see Umfreville, Thos., Stanton, Devon, 2987. > or Carew, Thos., Studley, Devon, 502, 1232. Thos., Torrington, Devon, 537, 1388. Thos., Somerset, 1858. Sir Thos, delinquent, 438. Sir Thos., Parliament officer, 2107. Caric, John, 1133. Carill, Carrill, or Caryll. Edw., 2277. ……………. .... *** ... • L ….……, ………………, ………………, petitions of, 1915, 1916, 1960, 2171 (2), 2213, 2293 (3), 2517, 3302 ? Sir Rich., 443. Thos., 918. Sir Thos., 3279. ……, ………………, Marg., widow of, 1345, 1347 (2), 2257, 2282 (2), 3278 (2), 3279 (2). petition of, 2278. 2 .. John, his son, 195, 345, 916, 984, 1913-1915, 2171, 2213 (2), 2293 (2). "" Carington, Sam., 120. Carleton, Dudley, Visct. Dorchester, Anne, widow of, 1579, 2157 (2). or Carlton, Edw., 3212. Matthew, 964. Thos., 964. • • petition of, 2831. ******* Wm., 72, 124, 202, 232, 2316, 2982. ………………………., Mary, daughter of, petitions of, 2316 (2). Nicholis, mother of, 2316. Lieut.-Col., 994. Carlisle, bishops of, see White, Fras., and Potter, Dr. Barnaby. Earl and Countess of, see Hay. • John, co. Chester, 1875. Carlisle, Lawrence, 1352. Carlton, see Carleton. Carnaby, John, petitions of, 2953 (2). Nich., 3189. Ralph, 1012. Reynold, 3256. Rich., petition of, 2599. Sir Wm., 1917-1919, 2590. > ... petitions of, 1874, 1875. Sir John, Sussex, 916, 984. > ………… " > .... > **** ………………**** Mr., 1953. > ******* Wm. Carnarvon, Earl of, see Dormer. Carne, Anth., petition of, 2674. Edw., 1369, 1651. ..... Caroll, Johu, 1626. John, Surrey, 2736 (2). Carpe, John, 72. "" Carpenter, Benedict, 118. signature of, 1917. Jane, daughter of, 2046. Fras., brother of, 2046 (2). uncle of, see Salkield, Major Edw., co. Oxon, 3068. Edw., co. Salop, 1816. Gabriel, 2888. John, certificate by, 2. Wm., 808. Mr., minister, 79. GENERAL INDEX. 3359 Carr, or Kerr, Robert, 1st Earl of Ancram, 3141. ……………… ……………., Anne, wife of, 1106, 3141. ......, Anne, Katherine, and Stanley, daughters of, petition of, 3142. Elizabeth, daughter of, 3142. petition of, 3142. ', ........, Vere, daughter of, petition of, 1106; see also Wilkinson, Lady Vere. grandmother of, 1106. Charles, Lord Kerr, 2879,2979 (2). → • E • **• ** letter of, 700. ******* Carr, Cuthbert, 876, 1179. ·· ... D ·· .. • • 4 • • ..... ****** ……………. > "? ... > > petitions of, 1552 (2). John, Northumberland, 202, 1715, 2417. ……………. …………… 2850. Rob., son of, 2417. Major Lewis, 336, 2398. ******* 2849. *YOU* .9 Ralph, 2553. …………… A ……… ..... ……….. petition of, 2266. ………..g ..., Rob., co. Lancaster, 194. Capt. Rob., 10, 11 (2), 14, 779, 781, 782, 784, 2823 (2), 2964. petition of, 7. wife of, 2964 (2). children of, 2964. ..... ..... wife of, 336, 2398. Rob., brother of, 2398. petition of, 2398. Susan. Francis, brother of, 2553, 2848, petitions of, 2553 (2), Anne, wife of, 2848. ****** ** > Rich., 2266, 2267. .... , ****** ..... ******* Stephen, 3157. Thos., Berwick, petitions of, 1409 (2). father of, 1409. ******* Thos., co. Durham, petition of, 2625. Thos., Northumberland, 2812, Thos., Suffolk ?, petitions of, 2535 (2). ***** Sir Rob., Bart., 1458. petition of, 994. wife of, 994. Wm., grandfather of, 2553 (2). petition of, 2849. Mary, wife of, 2535. Wm., son of, 2535. Thos., Westminster, 91. Wm., co. Durham, 202. Wm., Northumberland, 2823. Carrier, James, 88, 1042. Rich., 1232. Susan, widow of, see Ratcliffe, ******* Mr., co. Durham, 1918. Thos., son of, 2823, 2964. ……………** Carrill. John, see Carill Jennett, widow of, 1232. children of, 1232. Carrington, Fras., alias Smith, 1916. Carsen, Fras., see Cursou, Fras. Carter, Edw., Bedfordshire Commissioner, 700. Edw., London, 2208. petition of, 2208. ·· • ... A • ……… ………………, letter, &c., of, 644, 1600. Rich., J.P., Cornwall, 2001. ** • .. .... • • .. .. • Giles, 86, 1308. James, jun., 120. John and George, London, petition of, 2834. Col. John, North Wales Commis- sioner, 131, 173, 422, 665, 799, 803, 1601, 1602 (3). ……… Rich., Devon agent, 198, 199 (2), 210, 220, 228, 258, 283, 284, 342, 352, 381, 385, 407, 418, 527-529, 533, 551, 590. ***NO > 373 (2), 421, 487, 536, 537, 1941. petitions of, 544, 590, 605. • • " ... > ... •• Justice, co. Hertford, 855 (2). Carteret, Fras., 1910. **** ...... Edward, his brothers, 120. Thos., 2555. Wm., co. Chester, 491, 2555. ……………., James, son of, 2555. Wm., Hants, 282. • Rich., co. Lancaster, 3202. Rob., 120, 1124. > ………………, ………………, Philip, son of, 2329. Carveil, Fras. and Rob., petition of, 1034. sister of, 1034. Cartwright, Hugh, 108. Sir Hugh, 1350. John, 596, 1553, 3224?. Mary, 535, 738. Rob., 928. Wm., petition of, 2468. Wm., Essex?, petition of, 1075. Wm,, cos. Hereford and Notts, 1415. Sir Wm., 3257. Carus, Thos., 21, 474, 1172. Thos., his son, 1172. Carvell, Edw., 91. Carver, James, 110. John, 2624. letters, &c., of, 219, 251 (2), ……………… **** Philip, M.D., his son, 1910, Capt., or Sir George, Lieutenant- Governor in Jersey, 2329, 2330, 2332. Joshua de, 2329. ******j Joan, wife of, 2331 2332 (2). Sir Philip, 2329. *****♥ petitions of, 2092, 2093 (5). Jeremiah, Humphrey, and Cary, see Carey. Caryll, see Carill. Case, Capt. John, Lancashire agent, 266, 274, 441, 463, 464, 468, 580, 589, 592, 624, 641, 665 (2), 745. petition of, 643 3360 GENERAL INDEX. Casey, Abr., 111. Cason, Sir Henry, 579, 906. wife of, 906. Thos., son of, petitions of, 906 .... ... (2). ..... • other children of, 906. Cassay, or Cassy, John, 2711, 2998, 2999. Cassey, or Cassy, Thos., co. Gloucester, 87, 2920, 3168. · • .... • ** Cassock, John, 459. Casson, Robt., 1551. Cassy, Hen., co. Gloucester, 87, 3191. John, see Cassay. ……………., Sibill, 2492. • Thos., see Cassey. Castle, John, Hunts, petition of, 2382. John, London, 1615. Dr. John, 91. Capt. Rich., 144, 1801. petitions of, 1801 (2). Col. Rob., 3148 (3). petitions of, 3148. Roger, 115, 1322. Thos., brother of, 1322. Thos., Essex, 1780. Tollemache, 116. **** Castlehaven, Earl and Countess of, see Touchet. Castle-Stuart, Lord, see Stuart. Castleton, Viscount, see Saunderson, Nich. Catcher, John, 1328. Catchmay, Christ., 246. I ... D · .. • ………….. petition of, 1713. Sir Wm., 86, 1678. Cate, Wm., petitions of, 2888 (2). Catelyne, Gamaliel, 1451. ·· ... petition of, 1451. Cater, Edw., Bedfordshire Commissioner, 171, 707. • .. · certificate by, 1036. Catherens, Wm., 1538. Cathrall, see Catterall. Catline, Thos., 96. Catlyn, Rich., 113, 942. > ……………… ? …………. > · " …………. or Cather, Wm., Mayor of Hereford, 548, 2021. *** > Catterall, or Cathrall, Evan, 2823, 2963. Hen., petition of, 3058. John, Brindle, co. Lancaster, 2811. John, Cartmell, co. Lancaster, petition of, 1163. Jane, wife of, 2920 (2). ………………, petition of, 2920. …………… ...... Peter, petitions of, 1281 (2). Rob., co. Lancaster, 3174. Sam., clerk for co. Chester, 104. Minister of Swettenham, co. Chester, 120. wife and children of, 942. Catterick, Ant., co. York, 3112. > …… ……………., Isabel, wife of, 3112 (2). John, sen., son of, 587 ?, 3112. Catterick, Ant., &c.—cont. ………………, ………………, John, jun., son of, 587?, 3112. Caufield, Sir John, 21. Cavan, Baron of, see Lambert, Charles. Cave, James, 1180. ... ·· ❤ ………… : ·· • Cavendish, William, 3rd Earl of Devonshire, 66, 89, 90, 92, 96, 107, 2831. ••• ., John, 1916. • ... • ■ + • ·· • ', > • "y ... 1762. • ·· ... C ... ……………., request by, 2268. Elizabeth, wife of, 2831, 2885. William, Earl of Newcastle, Com- mander for the King, 85, 90, 95, 107, 138, 170 (2), 193, 304, 516, 535, 842 (2), 843, 874, 892, 923, 931 (2), 938, 960, 985, 1003, 1025, 1032, 1034, 1043, 1049, 1078, 1091, 1159, 1256, 1272, 1477, 1508, 1673, 1732, 1799, 1918-1920, 2022, 2243, 2476. collector for, 2720. Commissioners of Array for, · John, clerk, 111. Morgan, 3143. Rob., 1544. Sir Thos., 98. .. • " Wm., co. Lincoln, 3209. Wm., London, 778, 788. . .... •" ******* estates of, 147, 174, 187, 198, 207, 224 (2), 231, 250, 265, 270, 278, 279, 294 (2), 295 (2), 333, 425, 437, 496, 569, 571, 577, 595 (2), 610, 650, 690, 938, 1731-1737, 2021, 2108, 2124, 2653. forces of, 234, 842, 843, 929, 945, 985, 1003, 1023, 1040, 1151, 1152, 1255, 1423, 1493, 1507, 1554, 1917- 1919, 1990, 2243, 2524, 2619. ………….. Committee for Mainten- …………. > ………………) ance of, 449 (2), 842, 1027, 1037, 1762. clerk of, 449. contributions for, 2649. ..... ......, persons serving under, 842, 878 (2), 892, 928, 960, 968 (2), 985–987, 1001, 1025, 1046, 1087, 1092, 1130, 1133, 1150 (2), 1160, 1166, 1174, 1178, 1183, 1194, 1219, 1270 (2), 1292, 1374, 1416, 1448, 1461, 1586, 1690, 1693, 1703, 1750 (2), 1917, 1945, 2099, 2550, 2676, 2812. petition of, 2990. places held or taken by, 1389, 1464, 1922, 2690. prisoners of, 1044, 1151, 1336, .... 1921. ..... " children of, 308, 342, 1732 (2). Marg., wife of, petition of, 1733. ......, Charles, Viscount Mansfield, eldest son of, 1799. 1732. …………….) signature of, 1732. …………………., Henry, son of, 1799. .. • ·· • > ..." Francis, son of, petition of, • " P ******) Lady Jane, daughter of, 1732. petitions of, 1732 (2). signature of, 1732. • ... • •• .. · > • GENERAL INDEX. 3361 Cavendish, Wm., Earl of Newcastle-cont. Lady Katherine, mother of, 1733, 2022. ………. " father and mother of, see Ogle, Lord and Lady. Sir Charles, brother of, 89, 389, 938, 1733 (2), 2021, 2082, 3293. Cavendish, Charles, Westminster, 91. Fras., 984. ** ..... T .... • ** ****……… • Cawdry, Zachary, 922. Cawfield, Lady, 511, 2383. Cawly, Wm., M.P., 31, 44, 885, 1216 (2), 1624. petition of, 834. sons of, 834. Cecil, Thomas, 1st Earl of Exeter, 3063. **** ··· •* ·· • "" •• 879?. .. ...... • ..... 955. ..... • Edward Viscount Wimbledon, his third son, 955. .., Dorothy, daughter of, ****** Wm., Lord Roos, his grandson, 3062, 3063. · • ...... Sir Richard, son of, 3063. William, Earl of Salisbury, 618, 823, 1165, 1930 (5), 1931 (3). • ………….., Charles, son of, Viscount Cran- borne, 2427. •A ... > ……………. ………………) ………. ·· , · Cecil, Sam., 2100, 2101. Ceely, Col. Edw., 83, 221, 238, 244. …………… > .... well, James. Marg., Lady Cecil, 2605. ……… Frances, widow of, 851, 852, ... .. .. Major Peter, Cornwall Commissioner, 177, 614 (2). Col. Thos., Governor of Lyme, 37, 75, 802, 1052, 1066 (5), 1067 (2), 1418. letter of, 746. petition of 273. statement by, 281. ...... Celbeck, or Colbeck, Simon, 2794. Eliz., widow of, 2794. letter and petition of, 1067 (2). Recorder Wm., Somerset Commis- sioner, 194, 213, 216, 221 (2), 226, 244, 266, 273, 288, 291, 305, 309, 358, 595, 596. .. petitions of, 1930, 2772. …………… > CATIA • ******* Celly, Edw., 97. Cesar, see Cæsar. "> petitions of, 2427 (3). Diana, wife of, 2427. father of, see Max- ……………. Chadner, John, 91. Chadwell, Michael, 407, 2006. signature of, 623. wife and children of, 2006. Edw., father of, 2006. petition of, 2794. Paul, son of, 2762, 2794 (3). Wm., jun., M.P., 1565. father of, 1565. Chadwick, Hammond, 509. John, 2166. Chadwick-cont. Capt. John, 1158. Sam., 769. Col., 1720. Chaffe, Thos., 2170 (2). Chaffey, Edw, sen., 3085. ... .. ·· ******5 ……….., John, Somerset, 310, 2415. D • ..." ………….. 414………… children of, 3085. Chafin, Edith, petition of, 3141. Thos., 118, 1012. Chaiter, Col., Westmoreland, 521. Chalcross, Edm., 123. Chalke, Sir Fras., see Chokke, Sir Fras. Lady Mary, 2536 (2). husband of, see Vaughan, John. children of, 2536. Challenor, Fred., petitions of, 2976 (2). Chaloner, or Challener, Hen., 67, 1608. Thos., member of the Committee for Compounding, 161, 1254. Thos., co. Lancaster, 1967. *****} .. ··· ... 9 ....... • > • ******} Thos., Salop, 1091. wife and children of, 1091. Mr., London, plot of, 1687. Chalwell, Wm., 3256. Chamber, see Chambers. " ... • " **** Chamberlain, Lord High, see Bertie, Monta- gue, Earl of Lindsey. Chamberlain, or Chamberlayn, Edm., co. ., > > " "" Rich., sen., 3085. Sam., 3085. .. ... } Gloucester, 2552. Edm., co. Oxon, 2523. Edw., 3277. Edw., Bucks, 67. Edw., Sussex, 1605. > Edw., Warwickshire Commissioner, 172, 220, 472, 673, 677, 679, 714-716, 744, 1913, 2219 (2), 2840, 2841 (2), 3204. •> ....... "> wife and children of, 3085. ......, letters or papers of, 214, 2840; see also co. Warwick, County Commis- sioners of, letters of and to. ..3 ... James, his brother, 310, 2415, widow of, see Barker, Eliz. ***** Edw., jun., clerk for co. Warwick, 273. George, co. Oxon, 1518, 1811. John, co. Bucks, 67. John, co. Gloucester, 85, 279, 1981. Edmond, his father, 86, 1983. Sir John, his uncle, 1981, 1982. ******* John, co. Oxon, 871 (2). Catherine, wife of, 871. Joshua, 2868. Mary, see Gage, Mary. Rich., Clerk of the Court of Wards, 465. ………………, daughter of, 871. John, Sherborn, co. Oxon, 1811. John, co. Warwick, 2618. 3362 GENERAL INDEX. Chamberlain, &c.-cont. Rich, co. Warwick, 1172. ………………………, ………………, Rich., his son, 1172. ……. ... 2 **) ... " " •• ...> f • 2 •• ·· ..... **9 ………………. Steph., 660, 2068 (3). ***** ** a .. ...y Sir Thos., 292, 2534. •> Chambers, or Chamber, Charles, 1702. George, 2714. John, 202. Peter, 3148 (2), 3149. petition of, 3148. 9 Mary, his wife, 1755. Thos., Anne, Barbara, and Blanche, his children, 1755 (2), 1756 (2). ..... Wm., 1755. ... wife of, 1172, 1173. children of, 1173. brothers of, 1174. John, his younger son, 1174. petition of, 1174. ... .. ... petitions of, 1755, 1756. Mr., co. Leicester, 109. complaint by, 2068. widow of, 110, 1877. Thos., son of, 2534. Dr. Rich., 3152. Champ, Sam., 2614. Champernoone, Philip, 1887. Champion, George, 96, 1409. ..... ... ……………. Mrs., Cumberland, 233. ****** Susan, widow of, 3152 (2). petition of, 3152. ..... Capt. Hen., 3272. John, Hants Commissioner, 173, 668. ***** Thos., 1631. Wm., 2137. ******* Champney, Lawrence, 3197. Chancellor, Lord, see Hatton, Sir Chris. .... Chancery, or Equity, Court of, 402, 426 (2), 737, 952, 1102, 1516, 1607, 1740, 1761, 1791, 1808, 2046, 2220, 2552, 2780, 3139. ..... certificate by, 236. letter of, 344. Clerk of the Faculties in, 2268. Clerks of the Crown in, 830, 831, 1439, 1453. Commissioners in, 830. .. ., decrees, or judgments in, alluded to, 232, 491, 539, 912, 994, 1084, 1249, 1270, 1273, 1352, 1366, 1534, 1601, 1727, 1741 (2), 1768, 1807 (2), 1808 (2), 2044, 2101, 2173, 2174, 2176 (2), 2196, 2263, 2435, 2582, 2668 (2), 2731, 2941, 2946, 3063, 3284. depositions in, alluded to, 1808 (2), 2162, 2220, 3164. Hanaper in, 831. masters in, 135, 516, 961, 2161 (3), 2465, 2668. ……………… ………….., depositions or examina- .. tions before, alluded to, 1763, 1845, 1877, 2579. Chancery, Court of-cont. ... ... ... office of 16 writs in, 2983 (5). officers of, 833, 1141. orders or injunctions in, alluded • " …….. • to, 1224, 1740, 1807, 1973, 2040, 2136, 3016. • ………… ·· Chancey, Mary, 2513. ·· Thos., Devon, 97. Thos., co. Worcester, 3211. Chandler, Ant., and Rich., his son, 1825. Joshua, petition of, 3181. Rob., 76, 993, 1592. Thos., Hants, 970, 3264. C ....... 1471, 2120. ,י • > suits, bills, or cases in, alluded to, 193, 510, 546, 596 (2), 604, 861, 913 (2), 997, 1020, 1071, 1080, 1086, 1147, 1170, 1174, 1261, 1274, 1352, 1437, 1658, 1663, 1697, 1791, 1973, 2098 (2), 2129, 2173, 2214 (2), 2337 (2), 2339, 2427 (2), 2436, 2470, 2472, 2474, 2530, 2582 (2), 2718, 2826, 2835, 2836, 2842, 2878 (2), 2939, 3035 (2), 3043, 3165, 3247, 3283 (2). wills allowed by or depending in, 2272, 2275. 4. > "" ., Chandos, Lord, see Bruges. Channon, Wm., 637. ………… "" ***** ………… > children, petitions of, 970, 3264. Chansey, Mr., 110. Chant, Thos., petition of, 2440. Chantrell, Rob., petition of, 3203. Mrs., co. Chester, 60. ………………….. Chaplin, Edw., 2900. •, ******* Wm., son of, 637. Mr., Westminster, 91. ·· Chapman, Edm., or Edw., East Greenwich, 728, 861, 2645. wife of, 861. mother of, see Vaughan, Anne. • references to, 1767, 3163. Six Clerks office in, clerks of, ., " > > Wm., Mary, and Bridget, his Hen., 1198. John, co. Durham ?, 2902, 2903. John, co. Lincoln, 1394. John, London, petitions of, 2085, 2421. John, Somerset, 3302, 3303. John, Suffolk, 2820. 64. •, ****** George, 1370. Hambden, 2304. 2820. Ann, widow of 2901 (3). children of, 2901. ** .... Wm., son of, 2820. ………. "" John, co. York, 2422. Eliz., widow of, petition of, children of, 2422, 2423. wife of, 2422. Rich., Suffolk, 96. ……………………., Rich., Livermere, Suffolk, 96, 2978. GENERAL INDEX. 3363 Chapman-cont. • • .... .... • "" ……… Chappel, Chris., 141, 2023. George, 3191. Chappell, John, 1394. ** ** > G……... Charles I., the King, the late King, or notices of, His Majesty, casual passim. as Earl of Chester, 1115. as Prince of Wales, 1400. • at Chester, 1606. at Exeter, 1384. ........., at Leicester, 190. ... *** Rob., 3019. Sam., 2407. 3208. Thos., Fras., and John, 3258. *** R at Abergavenny, 1131. > at Cardiff, 1130. petitions of, 2407, 2408. …………. > Thos., Serjeant-at-Law, 3208. .... ……………*, at Nottingham, 892, 930, 1153, 1181. > at Oxford, see Oxford. at Ragland, 897. › at Shrewsbury, 1816. in Warwickshire, 1134. Alice, widow of, petition of, …….., agents of, 1520, 2958. arms of, in churches, pulling down of, 280. at York, 891, 1143, 1219, 1409. > ******* assessments for, 1000, 1074, 1089, 1090, 1125, 1700. book in defence of, 1568, *****9 children of, 2072; see also Charles II., James, Duke of York, Henry, Duke of Gloucester, and Henrietta Anne. collectors, assessors, &c., for, 1023, 1271, 1283, 1331, 1389, 1393, 1463, 1500, 1507, 1543, 1576, 2579, 2871. commands, orders, or summons of, alluded to, 831, 883, 930, 1511, 1543, 1562 (2), 1565, 1572, 1573. commissions of or from, alluded to, 849, 853, 897, 1026, 1046, 1130, 1228, 1232, 1278, 1321, 1328, 1382, 1387, 1418, 1480, 1541, 1601. Commissioners, or Committees for,608, 875, 933, 936, 941, 963, 974, 993, 1013, 1018, 1040, 1045, 1047, 1068, 1072, 1073, 1085, 1086, 1088, 1160, 1171, 1176, 1234, 1237, 1252, 1255, 1260, 1283, 1299, 1311, 1314, 1324, 1333, 1339 (2), 1351, 1366,1381, 1388, 1391, 1424, 1449, 1450, 1470, 1508, 1541, 1568, 1615, 1668, 1675, 1751, 1865, 1917, 2704, 3014. Commissioners of Array for, see Array, Commissioners of. h ... of Oyer and Terminer for, see Oyer and Terminer. of Sequestrations for, 926, 950, 978, 1060, 1416, 1448. Constables for, 1382 (2). Council of War for, 1218. } .. Charles I. cont. ………… 44 …………………... ……. ... ..... ... .. **** ·· 1485. ……………………, ………………, disbanding of, 1199. in the West, 1171. ………………………、 ………………, paymaster of, 1572. ·· Court of, 837, 940, 2019, 3293. debts and debtors of, 795, 1362 (2), 1395, 1572 (2), 1631. declaration of, alluded to, 1057. entertainment of, 1134, 1554. .. • escort for, 1234. execution of, alluded to, 1683, 2437, 2756, 2773, 2894. flight of, to the Scotch army, alluded to, 39, 1554. forces or army of, casual notices of, passim. ·· ........, persons taken or imprisoned by, 168, 191, 340, 651, 789, 831, 843, 893, 901, 905, 940, 1060, 1143, 1181, 1329, 1330, 1336, 1344, 1373, 1380, 1381, 1388, 1477, 1540, 1607, 1631, 1658, 1734, 1745, 1866, 2053, 2331. · quartering of, 948, 979. ………………………. ……………., quartermasters of, 1750, 1825. retreat of, 857. ***** ·· persons ill-treated by, 26, 83, 937, 940, 946, 961, 985, 1056, 1062, 1139 (2), 1143, 1154, 1160, 1216, 1344, 1361 (2), 1382, 1385 (2), 1388, 1438, 1470, 1512, 1537, 1540, 1553, 1554, 1582, 1589, 1631, 1677, 1825 (3), 1866 (2), 2052, 2135, 2143, 2172, 2202, 2349, 2556, 2830, 2959. ... ***** *********、 ……………., surgeons to, 1312. treasurer for, 1824. ..... places taken by, or surrendering ****** to, 52, 189, 926, 942, 953, 1143, 1344, 1539, 1631, 1646, 1652 (2). ... ****** ... ****** chaplain to, 1554. Commissioners for regulating, 4 garrisons of, or places held for, passim ; see also Oxford, King's garrison at. generals or commanders of, 1062, 1668, 1758, 1799, 1815, 1817, 1996. giving up of, to Parliament at New- castle, 53. goods of, Committee for sale of, 140. treasurers of, 159. grants, patents, or assignments by, alluded to, 284, 397, 465, 603, 618, 680, 823, 831, 862, 877, 1081, 1362, 1519, 1530, 1532, 1563, 2226, 2260, 2327, 2328, 3005, 3196. ******♪ ·· • Sir Edw. ******} Great Seal of, see Great Seal. knights made by, 600, 1554, 1824. lands of, see Crown lands. leases granted by, alluded to, 164, 1848, 2761. Lord Keeper of, see Littleton, letters of, alluded to, 794, 839, 1058, 1668, 2182. 3364 GENERAL INDEX. Charles I.-cont. CACIB ·· ma .... • …., library of, MSS. in, 76. loans to, 842, 1091. • • *** militia raised for, 1226. ………………………, navy victualler for, 2263. .. • ·· ****** .. • ·· 1880. Lord Chancellor of, see Hyde, Sir Edw. Lord Treasurer of, Dr. Wm. Juxon, 1532. marshall for, 646. Master of Requests to, 1469, 1522, 1553. • g oath of allegiance or protestation to, al- luded to, 1254, 1631, 1919, 2866, 2971. refusal to take, 1019, taken by compulsion, 1360, 1470, 1576, 1607. order of, 897. ... ··· 1816. pardons from, alluded to, 69, 853. ........, party of, men in arms for, or the enemy, casual notices of, passim. drinking of healths by, 400, 2585, 2685. · • ………………………、 ………………, impeachment by, 1069. ..43 on Privy Seal, 1198, 1238, ..... • ****** ………… " favouring of, correspondents with, or intelligencers to, 209, 227, 266, 303, 304, 415, 453, 655, 1161, 1279, 1537, 1918-1921. ………… J 9 imprisonment or ill-treatment by, 1641, 1734, 1772, 1813, 1814, 1816, 1917-1921, 2134, 2363, 2434, 3003. ………….., persons put to death by, 651, 1657. ………… •" ... .., persons deserting or leaving, 843, 879, 882, 905, 919, 940, 943, 953, 955, 972 999, 1030, 1048, 1077, 1096 (2), 1097, 1150, 1200, 1209, 1218 (2), 1234, 1243, 1315, 1364, 1369, 1379, 1385, 1508, 1654, 1675, 1678, 1704, 1717, 1805, 1816, 1835, 1858, 1896 (2), 1979, 1994, 2006, 2102. receivers for, 1652. ……………., retreat of, from Preston, 486. persons compelled to serve with, 882, 883 (2), 887, 952, 968, 1017, 1071, 1075, 1150, 1158, 1218, 1419, 1470, 1576, 1631, 1658, 1917, 1918, 1995, 2034, 2138, 2600. persons going over to, or persuaded to serve, 920, 991, 1019, 1188, 1634. ., persons refusing to serve, 927, 1038. ·· ., persons repairing to, or joining, 265, 1687, 1703. pensioners of, 927. petitions to, alluded to, 831, 892, 951, 1046, 1143. places betrayed to, 2409, Charles I.-cont. • .. ... • ·· • places surrendering to, see Charles I., forces of. proclamations of grace by, alluded to, 848, 874, 955, 1494. ………………………………, persons excepted from, 1380. propositions made to, 25. quarters of, 26, 160. plate belonging to, 12, 13 (6), 782, 783. list of, 15. plate sent to, 839, 881, 895. prisoners of, 1234; see also Oxford, prisoners at. ** lands in, passim. ******* ……………., persons in, or having been in, passim. "> • • ,י ...... exchange of, 991, 1218, 1511. Privy Council of, 1918. rendezvous for, 520 (2), 521 (2), 1130, 1138, 1817, 1865. revenues of, Committee of Trustees upon, at Somerset House, 1395, 1396 (3). officers of, 1235, 2626. ., sequestrations by, 883 (2), 1825. servants of, rule for composition of, 319. " ... ………………, persons leaving, 934, 988. removal of, from Holmby, 238. …………… civil, 835, 841, 949, 1121, 1538, 1668, 3307. clerk of the Privy Seal, 1615. servants or attendants in the household of, 906, 1165, 1206, 1212, 1236, 1327, 1368, 1383, 1389, 1400, 1402, 1403, 1406, 1409, 1433, 1458, 1459, 1497, 1559, 1562, 1582, 1595, 1596, 1607, 1615, 1653, 1745, 1804, 1809, 1961, 1967, 1972, 2072, 2329, 2645, 2667, 2894. Chaplains, 1310, 1481, 1501, ****** 1544, 1565, 1593 (2), 2019, 2132, 2420, 3293. כי D .. .... 1607. DA • the spicery, 1481. Clerk Comptroller, 1570. Cofferer, 1394. Cup-bearer, 943. Esquire, 1551. Gentlemen and pages of the Robes and Bedchamber, 1460, 1468, 1469, 1548. ..... • ... •* Clerk of the Acatry, 1312. the Avery, 1553. green cloth, 1312. the kitchen, 1569, 1582, ** .... …………… Gentleman sewer, 1490. Gentleman Ushers, and servants ………………. of the Privy Chamber, 837, 1205, 1465, 1475, 1510, 1515, 1535, 1547, 1557, 1563, 1572, 1577. GENERAL INDEX. 3365 Charles I., Servants of the household of-cont. gentleman pensioners, 1379, 1438, 1567, 1576, 1592. .. A .. ** • ... · • " ...... .... ... • " *** • · 1577. "" •, ……………., messengers, 1127, 1811. • • Secretary, 2768. ………………………. ……………., Serjeant-Surgeon, 1567. Sumpter man, 1295. Treasurer of the Household, .. 4 "" .... • ··· ... > 1395, 1594. > • ..... > **** ● …………… > 1153. 1583. .. "" ………… > .. Yeoman of the Scullery, 1585. Servants of, military, 1377, 2582, 2585 (2). 2585. , Body or Lifeguard, 919, 943, 1194, 1372, 1493, 1632. Clerk of the Cheque to, of the chamber, 1593. , page of the back stairs, 1240. Physicians, 1399, 1572, 1576. Purveyors, 1038, 1039, 1362, "" ••• Knight Harbinger, 1606. Master of the Buckhounds, A > JU "" …………. ………… Serjeant-at-Arms, 865, 1471. ………………♪ Sheriffs for, or appointed by, 932, 1016, 1185, 1220. ships for, see Ships, revolted. sign manual of, alluded to, 878. speeches in favour of, 892, 907, 2756. standard of, setting up of, alluded to, 863. ***** taxes or rates for, 995, 1091, 1181, 1653. titles of honour conferred by during the wars made nugatory, 49. treason against, accusations of, 893. 943, 2704. Yeomen of, 959, 1530. Deputy Muster-master, 1466. Officers of the horse, 1097. Officers of ordnance, 930, 1500, ……………… treaties with, alluded to, 130, 209, 223, 402, 446, 879, 1667. wards of, 931, 1030, 1215, 1748, 2347. ....., payments by, 931; see also Wards. warrants of, or on behalf of, alluded to, 905, 1063, 1138, 1144, 1227, 1321, 1352, 1361, 1382, 1385, 1511, 1605, 1653, 1664, 1689, 1693, 1770, 1843, 1871, 1887, 1917-1921, 1996. wife of, see Henrietta Maria, Queen. Charles II. as Prince of Wales, 2756. Council of, 936. fleet of, or revolted ships with, 2109, 3009. drums beating for, 1634. in Cornwall, 1328. in Devonshire, 1238. ? in Oxford, 1813. Charles II., &c.-cont. at Truro, 1328. ., SUR……… ani ... .. · • • ……………. ………♥ *** ………….., persons serving under or with, 1184, 1238, 1244. servants of, or attendants on, 139, 982, 1244, 1286, 1390, 1521, 1813, 1860, 1979, 3305. ..... 1897. ………….. ………… A > 1869. > ... Gentleman Sewer, 1521. Groom of the Bedchamber, speeches in favour of, alluded as King of Scots, or Charles Stuart, 138, 455, 749, 761, 1550, 1580, 1647, 2022. .... " to, 2860. at the Hague, messenger sent to, 1377. ****** ·· • in Holland, 1600, 2022, 2295. in Lancashire, 499, 506, 682. in Scotland, 1101. at Worcester, 556, 1195. ……………. ..., agent or ambassador of, 146, 1580. ......, arms, horses, or money for, 519, 584, 745, 2295, 2892. commissions from, alluded to, coronation of, alluded to, 1647, correspondence with, 512, 745, declaration of, alluded to, 762. goods seized for, 1101. invasion by, with the Scots army, rebellion or treason of, business of Wor- cester, &c., 484, 489, 491, 496, 498- 500, 501, 505, 510, 512, 513, 563, 643, 771, 1195, 1196, 1620, 1824, 2156, 2588, 2867, 2878, 2882, 2898, 2913, 2948 (2), 2964, 3014, 3150. • •• • • ..... …………… 1554. *** • ▼ ... ****** 2983. ...... > .. 768, 1253. ******} • A ****** delinquents concerned in, 4 483 (2), 485, 187, 506, 512, 522, 532, 543, 554, 556 (3), 563, 566, 574, 578, 583, 650, 722, 750, 751, 757, 762, 774, 820, 1137. 1699, 1773, 1776, 1777, 1824, 2074, 2306, 2563, 2640, 2922, 2960, 2969, 2975, 3054, 3121, 3155, 3250 (3). ·· lands of, see Crown lands. letter of, alluded to, 2295. ...... party of, or Cavalier party, casual notices of, passim. Gentleman Usher, 896. of the Bedchamber, ******* persons with, or corresponding with, 146, 424, 1580. .. Act concerning, 482. proclaimed as King, 563, 604. ......, protest against, alluded to, 940. ……………… *** • rendezvous for, 761; and see Pitchcroft Meadow, rendezvous at. 3366 GENERAL INDEX. Charles II., &c.-cont. ***** ………………., ………………, servant of, 3306. speech of, alluded to, 1377. Charles, Nich., petition of, 2442. Charleton, Sir Edw., Bart., 2587. .. ... ... D Mary, wife of, petition of, 2587. ……………….., or Charlton, Fras., Salop, 750, 761, 3250. · • •> " • ·· • ***** • · · • ..... .... • ..... George, Cornwall agent, 473, 585. note by, 487. Sir Thos., 2679. ... ***** Dr. Walter, 3306. …………… •• 3074. Wm., Northumberland, 2595, 3074. Edw., son of, 3074. Roger, son of, petitions of, 3074 (2). ………………. restoration of, favourers of, 773. 1. > Wm., nephew of, 2679. Charlton, Rob., 1541. ………………….., Cornet, Cornwall, 398. Charnley, Hugh, 3194. 3194. signature of, 623. Mat., son of, 3074. tion of, 3074. ** petition of, 3074. Wm., .... Charnock, John, jun., petition of, 3128. Roger, 3257. Roger, co. Lancaster, 2799. > Eliz., widow of, petitions of 2798, 2799 (2). Roger, Astley, co. Lancaster, 1415. Thos., Leyland, co. Lancaster and co. Gloucester, 85, 2023, ...... **** 3 Elliot, Marg. Mr., co. Notts, 267. Mr., Salop, 363. .... Cath., daughter of, 3074. Mat., father of, 3074. Edw., brother of, 3074. son of, petition of, Christian, widow of, peti- Marg., daughter of, see ... "" Hen., son of, 3194. Oliver, 2751 (2). Rich., 3090. Mr., 2162. Alice Osbaldeston, wife of, Thos., Preston, co. Lancaster, 1723. Rob., son of, 506, 1723, 1724. petition of, 1723. .... Eliz., and Ellinor, daughters of, 1723, 1724. Mr., co. Northampton, 88. ********** Chase, Gamaliel, B. D., 1322. Chatburne, Wm., petition of, 2555. Chater, Hen., 1962. Chatter, Roger, petitions of, 2599, 2600. Chave, Rich., 2922. Chawner, Anne, 3224. Chaworth, John, 2nd Viscount Chaworth, 1351 (3). ………… ….., ......, Anne, widow of, 107, 1350. Patricius, son of, 3rd Viscount, 107, 532, 1350. ...... .... Chaytor, Nich., and Anne, his wife, petition of, 2253. Cheadle, Capt. Rich., 146. Eliz., Mary, and Anne, daugh- ters of, 1350. Dr., 1529. Cheek, or Cheeke, Edw., Dorset Commissioner, 163, 171. • George, 179, 1962. Hen., 1429. ·· > …., Roger, 2968. Wm., 2297. • • ·· Cheeseman, Cornet Chris., Berks Commis- sioner, 177, 390, 391, 402, 405, 410, 417, 426, 430, 432, 436, 437 (2), 443, 447, 473, 477 (3), 478, 482, 517, 565, 681 (2), 682, 684, 686, 687, 699, 704, 1617. ... ……………… COD41 679, 684. ..... wife of, 686. - ****** , Rich., 625, 629 (4), 631, 635, 639, 642, 650, 652–654. .. ……… Cheetham, Mr., Newark, 676. Cheirtley, Thos., 95. Cheisley, John, 779. Cheke, Sir Thos., 1782. ******* Chenery, Rich. and Eliz., 3187. Rich., son of, 3187, 3188. Cheney, Fras., Norfolk, 114. ... Fras., Suffolk, 96, 1415, 1851, 1852. • " ****** petitions of, 2389, 2657. Chernock, Anne, 3191. Cherrington, Thos., deposition of, 748. Cherry, Edw., 95. charges by, 351 (2), 409. depositions of, 426. letters of, 715, 735. petitions of, 177, 412, 437, 503, ***3 *****) Cheseldine, Kenelm, 2970 (3). letter of, 2970. Cheshire, Thos., petition of, 165. sons of, 165. • ……………. John, 2898. ********* Thos., sen., co. Chester, 107. Thos., jun., Hallow, co. Chester, •5 107, 1947. children of, 1947. Chesland, Rob., 3256. Chester, Bishop of, see Bridgman, John; Vaughan, Dr. Rich. Earl of, see Charles I. ***** Chester, Edw., 3148 (3). petition of, 3148. GENERAL INDEX. 3367- Chester-cont. Hen., petition of, 3170. John, 2727. > ......} John, infant heir of, petition of, 2727. Thos., 86, 1013. Col., 1008. Chesterfield, Earl and Countess of, see Stanhope. Chesweys, Eliz., 101. Chetwyn, or Chetwind, Walter, 89, 1513. John, brother of, 1513. ..... • " Chetwood, Thos., 2438. Mr., co. Stafford, 748. Cheynell, Fras., letter of, 1368. Cheyney, Hen., late Lord Cheney, 2158. Jane, wife of, 2164. Cheyney, Thos., 2158. • .. } " · Eliz., wife of, 2158. Chicheley, Thos., 320, 1437. Chichester, Bishop of, see King, Henry. ·· Viscount, see Leigh, Francis. Chichester, Sir Edward, 1st Viscount Chi- chester of Ireland, 2894. Arthur, his son, 2nd Viscount, .. ………. ... **** ………………) 2894. Chichester, Capt. Hen., 2057. John, 442, 498, 2706. > John, father of, 2706 (2). Anne, mother of, 2706. Amyas, grandfather of, 2706. Susan, grandmother of, 97, 2706 (2), 2707. Henry, great-grandfather of, - .... > .... .. ... ... 2706. Col. John, 1676. ……………, ………………, Mary, widow of, 1676. ****** children of, 1676, 1677. Sir John, 97. Chilcott, John, petition of, 2376. 2376. *..... .. Wm., son of, 2376. Child, or Childe, Hen., Dorset, 409. Thos. co. Oxon?, 3152. wife of, 3152. Mary, daughter of, 2894. ...... A > > …….. Thos., Surrey, 2868. father of, 2868. Thos., co. Worcester, 3259. petitions of, 1955, 3041. a Mabella, widow of, petition of, Wm. 285, 2146. ………………. ………….., 8on of, 2146. Childers, Wm., petitions of, 1788 (2). Amy, wife of, petition of, 1788. Chillenden, Edmund, letter of, 508. Chillingworth, Wm., 2418. Chilman, George, petition of, 2140. Chilmead, Rob., petition of, 2131. Chilton, Thos., 1821. Chinoweth, Ant., 2423. Chippingdale, John, 561. Chisenhall, or Chisnall, Edw., 21, 1860. mother of, see Houghton, .. Chislett, Laurence, 35 (2), 50 (2), 168. ****** ……………………., ……………., statements, &c., by, 1161, 1746. sons of, 35. Chisnall, see Chisenall. Chittenden, John, 458. Chiverton, Rich., 1590 (2). ·· 04 1590 (3). Chokke or Chalke, Sir Fras., 1013. Cholmondeley, Robert, Viscount Cholmonde- ley and Earl of Leinster, 60, 75, 100, 103, 112, 120, 174, 801, 1185, 1228, 1434, 1479, 1818, 2911 (2). chaplain to, 1230. ……………….., Frances, sister of, 1480. Cholmondeley, Cholmeley, or Chomley. • D ... ... ***** ** ... ****** ·· 14 .. Marg. • ...... …………4 " .... Hen., 2992. ... > ……………. .... > Sir Hen., 1002, 1657, 1917, 2062 (2), 2648 (2). ? Rich., 2062. Sir Rich., 2215. ……………, ……………., Marg., widow of, 2215. petition of, 2215. former husband of, Mr. children of, 2215. petition of, 2648. Hugh, or Sir Hugh, Bart., M.P., 101, 104, 107, 120, 134, 874, 929, 983, 2062, 2404 (3). petition of, 2404. children of, 2062. ………………♪ James, co. Durham ?, petition of, 2814. James, Northumberland, 1726. John, petitions of, 2721 (2). Marmaduke, 3133. statements, or petitions of, wife of, 2992. Rich., son of, 2992. "> .... " ..... Roles, 2215. ..... ... 2578. * * * * * * * Robert, 1480. Thos., Bickley, co. Chester, 2414. Thos., Vale Royal, co. Chester, 70, 100, 103, 120, 1232, 1233. Col. Thos., Cumberland Commis- sioner, 312, 821 (2). Mr., delinquent, 446, 2607. Mr., co. York ?, 2397. Cholwell, Wm., 1171. Chorley, Bridget, widow, 2578. children of, 2578. 2578. Col., brother of, 2992. ...** > +) Rich., 141, 2578. Marg., wife of, petition of, Bridget, sister of, petition of, 3368 GENERAL INDEX. Chorley-cont. Rob., co. Lancaster, 3224. Chowne, Bray, petition of, 2234. Christmas, Capt., 756. Christopher, Jeffry, 3093. Robt., 982. petition of, 981. ·· • "> J Chudleigh, Sir George, Bart., 464, 1773, 1879, 2691. petition of, 1226. ………………………, ……………., Thos., 3rd son of, 1879. Church of England, conformity to, see Eng- land, Church of. declarations of Parliament read in, ……… Church, Burbage, 2657. > 2837. ..., persons absenting themselves from, 1891. • · A. persons attending, 2023, 2370, 2373, 2495 (2), 2617, 2627, 2702, 2805, 2827, 2835, 2851, 3059 (2), 3075, 3181 (2), 3194, 3204, 3224. > • .. Anne. ...... ..... > " mother of, 120. Thos., co. Salop, 761. Capt. Wm., 764. Mr., Westminster, 91. Churcher, Alex., 106. Churchill, George, 1121. Edm., 94, 418, 2401. ……………… --> • Mary, daughter of, 2405 (2). ………………, ….……………, petitions of, 2402-2404. Edw., 3209. Mary, 3185. > ·· Randall, 112. Rich., petition of, 1251. Thos., co. Chester, 120. ………. > John, 119, 299, 1176. Churchman, Rich., 111. Chuseman, Fras., 3003. Chute, Challoner, 396, 1560, 1779 (3), 1780 (3). *" ………. • Anne, widow of, 1727, 2401. Anne, daughter of, see Blount, ... *** petitions of, 1530 (2), 1779, 2473, 2889. ** ……………., Anne, widow of, 2491. 、、、、y petition of, 2491. Clanricarde, Earl of, see Burgh. Winston, his son, 299, 1176. wife of, 299. ► ..... ·9 Edw., 2642. George, 457, 2642. Sir George, petition of, 2490. statement by, 2553. ..... Clansey, Judith, petition of, 165. Clapham, Chris., petitions of, 2162, 2478. Ralph, 2523. ... Wm., father of, 2523, 2524. Clapham, Ralph-cont. ………… ** Clapp, Rich., Devon Commissioner, 257, 293, 367, 368, 381, 385, 421, 471, 593, 605, 608, 609 (2), 612, 681, 707, 723. certificates, &c., by, 502, 566. ··· ... letters, &c., of, 283 (2), 284, 321, 342 (2), 418, 428, 431, 441, 445, 464, 470, 471, 476, 479, 497, 543, 590. ………… ... د. • > · Clapton, John, 2814. ✰✰✰ ....... " ." Clare, Earl of, see Holles. Clare, Edw., 778. Sir Ralph, K.B., 91, 1459. Lieut. Wm., 748. Clarencieux King-at-Arms, see Le Neve, Sir Wm. Clarke, or Clerke, Abra., 2266 (3). Clement, 1772. Edw., 3039. Edw., co. Gloucester, 3299. petition of, 3299. "" *C > לי · • · • ...... Mr., Hants?, 402. **** …………… George, co. Durham, petition of, 136. ., George, Sussex, 2981. George, Westminster, 91. Sir George, 1452. כי ... ....3 •> ·· ·· "" *** Edw., Middlesex ?, 639. Edw., Somerset, 914. Fras., 460, 2930. ……………… Wm., brother of, 2523, 2524. • ..., Sir Hen., Essex, 94, 105, 117, 336, 517, 1212, 1577. petition of, 1313. .... Edm. Gilbert, D.D., 2732. …………… petitions of, 2814 (2). ****As ******* Gilbert, co. Derby, 3259. Grace, petitions of, 1516 (3). Is ………… , Barbara, widow of, 1452. Mildred, wife of, 245, 2733. petition of, 2732. children of, 245, 2732. Amy, his wife, 1212. ******* ... Hum., Essex ?, widow of, see Thornton, Joice. James, Excise Officer, 3239. " former husband of, 1212. children of, 1212. brother of, see Parker, Major Hen., son of, 1577. Hum., co. Chester, 124. James, co. Chester, 123. James, Adlington, co. Chester, 123. James, Prestbury, co. Chester, 123. James, Barking, Essex, 3136. James, Ilford, Essex, 3067. ……………… James, London, 3068. James, Norfolk, 3191. Major James, Devon, 501. request of, 502. GENERAL INDEX. 3369 • 5 1 Clarke, &c.-cont. ... • • ..... ·· ... ··· 1. · - · • *** .. • • ··· ·· ** .. .. ני · petition of, 2405. John, Northumberland, 2715. petition of, 2715. John, Notts, 769. " , John, Suffolk Treasurer, 23. John, co. Warwick, 881. John, minister, co. York, petition of, 2735. , " .. *9 Capt. John, Rutland Commissioner, 171, 559, 713. letter of, 357. John, 1705. John, co. Hertford, 1570. John, Kent, 728, 2657. Katherine, widow of, 2657. John, London, 1624, 1737. ... ..... › ******* Jos., 96. Josias, 308, 324. Lady Judith, 94, 926. ... •" Ralph, Derbyshire Commissioner, 171, 1358. · > **** Math., 2524. Mildred, petition of, 2732. Nich., co. Hertford, petition of, 3225. Nich., co. Oxon, 664, 709, 3218. Oliver, 123. Peter, 531 (2). Philip, 743 (2). .... ***) note by, 551. Ralph, Kent, 103, 2657, 2826. Thos., son of, 2826. Rich., 2255. .. petitions of, 2825 (3). children of, 926. a grandmother of, 2255. Rich., Somerset, 1297 (2). ******* petition of, 1295. Cornet Rich., 398, 433. Lieut. Rich., 595, 610. * Dr. Sam., co. Leicester, 111, 1451, 2419. Rob., co. Bedford, complaint of, 1249. Rob., Somerset, 1746. Roger, 2736. > .. 2419 (2). ·· George, son of, petitions of, • ******* Sam., son of, 99, 111, 465 ?, 1451, 2418. petitions of, 2419 (2). Mary, Marg., and Jane, daughters of, petitions of, 2419 (2). Sir Simon, 1134. Timothy, 386. Thos., Essex, 396. Thos., co. Warwick, petition of, 1203. Thos., Westminster, 91. Sir Thos., 457. Valentine, 1653. 70358. Wm., son of, 2420. ****** Clarke, &c.-cont. * Sir Wm., Kent, 102, 1013, 3265. ………………………, ………………, Mary, wife of, 1013. petition of, 3265. ... ……………** …………………… ………………, John, eldest son of, 728, 1013, 3265. D ... Mr., 465, 3019, 3164. Mr., Westminster, 91. Clarkson, George, 2748 (3). ***** ……… ………… ******** 7 • other children of, 1013, 3265. Sir Wm., co. Lincoln, 1233. ., Capt. ?, Bristol, 222. Deputy, 25 (2). .... Clavering, James, 821. ·· • > Wm., co. Durham ?, petition of 2522. " Wm., clerk of the London County Committee, certificate by, 3068. .. Owen, 2117. Thos., Cockerham, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2851. Thos., Heysham, co. Lancaster, Anne, wife of, 2670, 2927. John, son of, 2340, 3302. ………………) ……………, ……………., Wm., Jane, Mary, and Eliz., younger children of, 2341. petition ... " .... 1952, 3191. > *** Jane, wife of, 3191. ******* Wm., Deputy-Sheriff of co. Leicester, signature of, 338. .... > Sir John, 2340, 2667, 2670. of, 2841. **** " Mary, 2341. ** ……………… (2). Clay, Wm., 1736. Claxton, Owen, petitions of, 1488, 2218. Wm., 1116, 3126. Wm., co. York, petitions of, 2356 mother of, Guavarra, Lady Rob., 203. Claydon, Ralph, 552. Claypoole, Adam, 1063. Clayton, or Cleyton, James, 267. John, 380. Ralph, 89. Richard, minister, co. Stafford, peti- tion of, 2485. Rich., Westminster?, petition of, 2208. ', ******* sisters of, 2341. petitions of, 3164 (2). Thos., Cumberland, 502. Thos., Northumberland, 3114. Col., 170. ******* Thos., Chorley, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 3201, 3202. Thos., Lentworth, co. Lancaster, 3277. petitions of, 1300, 1301. N 3370 GENERAL INDEX. Clayton, &c.-cont. ***** Cleaford, John, 100, 120, 1233. · ....... children of, 1233. Cleake, Wm., 3259. Cleare, Hen., surgeon, 806. • Cleere, Eliz., 402. ." *** Lady Marg., 402. Cleggat, Wm., Sussex Commissioner, 264. Cleir, Blunt, 111. ………… Clement, Greg., M.P., member of the Com- mittee for Compounding, 137, 2140, 2378 (2), 2379 (2). ………………………, James, 3258, Clements, Cornet Abr., 3147. Clench, Joshua, 2867. Clent, Littleton, 2973. father of, 2973 (2). Clerke, see Clarke. Cleveland, Earl of, see Wentworth. Cleveland, Thos., 110, 2726. Cley, Mr, Essex, 96. Cleyton, see Clayton. Clibbury, John, 1484. Cliffe, Bernard, 1459. ……………………, ………………, Alice, wife of, 1459. ... children of, 1459. • ·· > .. D letter to, 238. ……………., paper by, 264. Thos., 269. Clifford, Henry, 5th Earl of Cumberland, 1666, 2684. ... > ...... .... Capt. Thos., 1551. Wm., 650, 1735-1737. > Clifford, Cecilia, 2302. **y Thos., Norfolk, 2850. Mr., Devon agent, 211. " ....... or Clift, Mat., Somerset Commis- sioner, 256, 258, 261. ·· 2 • " .... + · • . . John, 1116. •* Mary, widow of, 3087. Ursula, daughter of, 2946, 3087 (2). …………….9 Mary, see Norton, Lady Mary. Rich., 2098. Thos., 649, 2203 (2). ..... • ** George, 3087. Clift, John, petitions of, 2319 (3). Mat., see Cliffe. ... ..... Clifton, Sir Cuthbert, 2572, 2854. petition of, 2302. Wm., 79. .. petitions of, 2202 (2). wife and child of, 2202. Dorothy, widow of, 2855. petitions of, 2854 (2). .... "> ... **** Thos., son of, 551, 721, 1943, 2572, 2854, 3173, 3308. …………………、、 ………………. ………….., Anne, wife of, 2572. • ...... ·· 4 • • ***** petition of, 2572. children of, 2572. ***** Clifton, Sir Cuthbert-cont. • ………… ………………… • ******* John, co. Lancaster, 2714. John, co. York, 3136. Wm., petitions of, 1034 (2). Clinton, Theophilus, Earl of Lincoln, 80, 803 (2). • ... Cuthbert, youngest son of, 2855. Gervase, co. Lancaster, 551, 621,2572, 3032. Sir Gervase, Bart., M.P., co. Notts, 91, 107, 799, 1318. Clifford, his son, 1318. .. "" + …………. • Elizabeth (2nd ?), wife of, 1101, petitions of, 1109 (2), ………… first husband of, see Stanley, Sir Robert. Charles and James, sons of, ……………. " .... " 1108, 1110, 1118. Clive, Col. Rob., 1541. Cliverdon, John, petition of, 2064. Cloake, John, M.D., and Mary, his wife, 1531. petition of, 1530. · ******* Clode, Edw., 2966. Clogher, Bishop of [Henry Jones], 816. Clotworthy, Sir John, 1. Clough, Chris., 398, 2925. John, 205. Clowes, Wm., London, 1567. Wm., Somerset, 2342. Serjeant, 95. Clubmen, 38, 76. ……………., request by, 50. 1110 (4). ... 1118. Cludd, Edw., Notts Commissioner, 746, 747. Edw., Salop, 2231 (3), 2232 (4), 3298. •> Clun, Wm., 461. > Clutterbuck, Jasper, Mayor of Gloucester, letters of, 64, 81. John, 91. Sir Thos., 225. …………… ** Clyburne, Eliz., 2398. *** petition of, 2398. children of, 2398. Coachman, Ezekiel, petition of, 1709. Coates, Hen., 2482. John, 2280. Rich., printer, 778, 780, 781, 785, 794, 807. …………… …………………) > ... **" Rob., 124. Cobb, or Cobbe, Benj., 1422. ... ..... Susan and Marg., daughters of, petition of, 1422. Fras., 1551, 2136 ?, 2649. Jeffry, Gayton, Norfolk, 2318. ………………* Mary, widow of, petitions of, 2317, 2318. ..., Jeffry, Sandringham, Norfolk, 2316, 2318 (2). ………………, Eliz., widow of, see Lloyd, Eliz. Col. Wm., son of, 114, 402, 2316, 3301. " .... GENERAL INDEX. 3371 Cobb, Jeffry-cont. • ……….. ·· Jeffry, Yarmouth, Norfolk, 2766. ………………….., John, 91. ., Rich., Hants Commissioner, 236. Rich., Sussex, 2460. Wm., Kent, petition of, 2391. Wm., co. York, petitions of, 3080 (2). ......., Sir Wm., Oxon Commissioner, 1165, 1441. Lieut., 391. Cobbes, Wm., 3099. Cobham, Lord, see Brooke, Sir John. Cobham, Wm., 460. Cock, Charles, 2645. Charles George, letter to, 672. ……………………, Christopher, 2918. Capt. George, 36. Patrick, 2711. Wm., 769, 2017. …… ……………., Timothy, son of, 769. Mr., 2937. Mr., Cornwall, 285. " petition of, 1956. wife and children of, 2316. ***** ......, Wm., brother of, petitions of, 2318 (3). ... > ... Cockayne, Charles, Lord Cockayne and Vis- count Cullen, 44, 88, 110, 1383. petition of, 2788. sister of, 1384. + > Cockayne, or Cockaine, Sir Aston, 1677. Sir Augustus, Bart., 799. > Charles, 1250. Wm., Devon, 1338. Wm., Salop, 1620. ………………………. ………………, petition of, 1620. 14 ***** .. .... Cockcroft, Wm., and Sarah, his wife, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2224. Wm., co. York, 2224. Cockerill, or Cockrell, Edm., 301, 1801, 3287. Hen., brother of, 301, 587, 1801, 3287. ………….. > ......, Nich., brother of, 197, 301, 1801. ……………… sisters of, 1802. James, 3176. Lawrence, 490. Cockett, Wm, 1117. Cocks, George, 1194. ……………………., John, 3186. .... Cockson, Ant., 3107. ****** **…………♪ Thos., co. Cambridge ?, 3109. Thos., London, petition of, 2057. Thos., co. York, 587. Dorothy, widow of, 3107. George, 3095, ........., Hen., Solicitor and Commissioner for co. Chester, 112, 122, 251, 686, 717, 755, 3209, Cockson, Hen.—cont. ·· ·· Codd, George, 3258. 事 ​Codrington, Edw., 78, 118, 3179. Wm., 2863 (2), 2864 (3). petition of, 2863. ..... "" Coffin, John, Goldworthy, Devon, 3166. …………….., John, Portlich, Devon, 2635. . ……………………… ………………, Mary, wife of, 617, 2635. John, son of, 97, 2064, 2635. ……… ……………. …………….. ……………., Grace, 1st wife of, 2635. Mary, 2nd wife of, 2064, Humphrey, son of, 2064, ……., Mary, wife of, 2064, ··· • • ► ·· ... • · ·· • .... .... "y ·· ..... *** ... ·· ... letters of, 122, 154, 174 (2), 209, 217, 236, 242, 629. •, ******* 2635. "g ………….. 2635. • 3 *} …………. 2635. ... 2635. ……………… ………. כי .. ● ***** Cogan or Coggan, And., or Sir And., 318, 459, 2378. ******) Mary, wife of, 2378. Edm., 1233. Hen., 851 (3), 852. .... .. ... > ……. ..... Coke, Sir Edw., Bart., co. Derby, 45, 47, 3158. George, Bishop of Hereford, 651. John, co. Hereford, 1990. .. •} CJI. AUDI ... ..... .. · ………. ...... ******* Thos., Essex, 3217. ******* petition of, 851. John, petition of, 2219. Mary and Martha, petition of, 2378. Thos., co. Devon, 1835. Wm., 1356, 3279. D Nich., son of, 2635. Rich., son of, 2635. letter of, 617. wife of, 617. John, Suffolk, 34. •• Sir John, sen., late Secretary of State, 1845, 1849. Joan, widow of, 1845. petition of, 1845. ......, or Cooke, Sir John, son of, 45, 46, 987, 1578, 1844-1849, 2919. Eliz., widow of, 1845-1847. petitions of, 1845 ****** John, son of, 2635. ………….., petition of, "" *** ... other sons of, 2635. daughters of, 2635. Mary, widow of, 1990 (2). *** (2), 1846 (3). Thos., M.P., his brother, 126 (2), 147, 587, 704, 1844, 2775. Jane Littleton, wife of, petitions of, 1848 (2). Thos., son of, petition of, 1848. Margaret, signature of, 1942. or Cooke, Rich., co. Derby, 472 ?, 1844, 1848, 1849, 2954. Sir Rob., 66. Wm., see Cooke. N 2 3372 GENERAL INDEX. Coker, Cadwallader, 1536. Hen., 1096. Luke, petition of, 3195. .. · •• ... ... • ··· ……………… 43 ·· • O Colbatch, Wm., Salop, 1484. Colbeck, Paul, see Celbeck, Paul. Colborne, Wm., 547. Colbron, Hen., 862, 2472. .. petitions of, 2471 (2). Colburne, Mr., co. Notts, 543. sons of, 543. Colby, Rob., see Coleby. Colchester, Rich., 86, 87. Thos., 2184 (2). Colclough, Adam, 1736. Coldham, Wm., sen., 55, 1637. Wm., jun., 1637. Cole, or Coles, Edw., 2105. Edw., Sussex, 3213. • • •* ·· "" > לי .. ··· •• ? ·· > " · > **3 ………….. Rich., children of. Hen., co. Notts, 513, 3016. Joan, or Johan, 118, 567, 2110. John, her son, 1201 (2), 2110. ……………………., Thos., her son, 2110. John, D.D., 2973. Mat., 1428, 1430. Robert, sheriff of Dorset, letter of, 70. Wm., Bucks, 67, 799. Robert, son of, 799. Wm., Dorset, 119, 1072. .... ..... Elisha, clerk and Commissioner for , co. Oxon, 194, 520, 570, 588, 757. petition of, 1621. George, co. Cambridge, 3109. signature of, 623. ****** George, London, petitions of, 3166, 3167. > לי ……………. Frances, wife of, 3195. ………… petition of, 2469. Gregory, Devon, 2256 (2). ……………*) petition of, 2256. Gregory, London, 2255. .... John, co. Hereford, petition of, 3027. > John, co. Northampton, petition of, 587. petitions of, 2255 (2). grandchildren of, see Thornhill, ……………… John, Devon agent, 474, 518. John, Hants, 2113, 2114 (6). petitions of, 2114 (2). John, Salop, 750. Sir Nich., Bart., 36, 139, 1978, Ralph, co. Durham, 2057. Ald. Ralph, of Newcastle, 36, 42, 800, 802, 971, 3162-3164. ......., James, his son, 971. petitions of, 3163, 3164. Rich., officer of the Committee for Advance of Money, 286, 661. Rob, 2256 (2). petitions of, 2256 (2). Cole, &c.-cont. *** .. ... .. *** · • ** Colebrand, Wm., 2931. Coleby, or Colby, Rob., 1047, 2131, 2376, 2733, 2526 (2), 2583 (3), 2760, 2858, 2864, 3064 (2), 3073, 3115, 3143. Col., 1211. Coleford, Thos., 1664. .. .... ………** ****** Coleman, John, 89. Colepepper, or Culpepper, Sir Alex., 102, .. ... .... " 3. Thos., co. Bedford, 743. Thos., co. Buckingham, 2091. Thos., co. Lancaster, 1879. Thos., Northumberland, 36. Tim., 85, 2722. Wm., Essex. 2357 (2). Wm., co. Hertford, 2089. Wm., Wiltshire steward and Com- missioner, 504, 755 (2), 760. Mr., Commissioner for the Isle of Ely, 277. Mr., co. Lancaster, 506. · ... 1058. Sir Ant., 1947. …………. " 1947. children of, 1664. ******* ………., John, petition of, 3277. Rich, Kent, 3259. Sir Thos., 102, 1235, 1289. signature of, 623 ?. .... Sir Cheney, eldest son of, 1289, 2614. , י > of, petitions of, 1948 (2). Edw., 2459 (5). Wm., eldest son of, 728, Sir John, 3rd son of, 91, 102, 138, 443, 1058, 1289, 3044, 3276. …………………9 ………………、 ………….., Judith, wife of, 1289. Coleraine, Lord, see Hare. Coles, see Cole. Colfe, Jos., 458. Colfer, Edw., 114, 1271. ****** ....... Thos., his son, 1947. Henry, 3rd son of, 1948. petitions of, 1948 (2). Roger and James, younger sons .. children of, 1271. Colford, Nicholas, 1811. Thos., 1965. Joan and Frances, daughters of, 1965. ……………….., or Colliford, Wm., 1656, 1678. Colgrove, Rich., 804. Collard, Thos., and Frances, his wife, 1965. petition of, 1965. ****** ****** petitions of, 2458, 2459 (3). .... .... Collee, Fras., 2887. Collet, Jos., Gloucestershire agent, 279, 290, 399, 449, 467, 1050 (2), 1982-1984, 2606 (3), 2609, 2610 (2), 3156. information by, 227. petitions of, 426, 467, 1982- 1984, 2609. GENERAL INDEX. 3373 Collet-cont. Mr., co. Stafford, 483. Colleton, John, 119, 1356. Colley, John, sen., petition of, 2573. Collick, John, 2624. ·· Collier, or Collyer, Chris., 90, 1184. • ·· • .. ****** Giles, 2662. Hen., Dorset, 118, 895. Hen., Wilts, 79. James, Newton, co. Lancaster, 1278. James, Rainford, co. Lancaster, 2098. John, Curry Mallett, Somerset, 244, 250. John, Ling, Somerset, 1649. …., John, sen., co. York, 2410. · ·· **** " * > , · ·· " ·· > petition of 298. ******* Colliford, Wm., see Colford. Colling, Nicholas, under-sheriff of Devon, 73. Fras., 89, 633, 1519, 2321, 3283. wife of, 1519. .. .., Rob., co. York, 2076. petition of, 2410. .....} John, jun., petition of, 2410. Rich., Somerset agent, 595, 596 ?. petition of, 298. ... Collings, George, 736. Collingwood, Cuthbert, 2204, 3161-3164. petition of, 3162., children of, 2204. George, eldest son of, petition *****) Rich., co. Stafford, 3238. Wm., Dorset, 119, 1538. Wm., sen. and jun., Somerset agents, 221, 238, 261. Wm., co. Warwick, 1289. ... • ………., ………….., Roger, Isabel, Elinor, and Jane, younger children of, petition of, 2205. ………. • of, 3161. Rob., father of, 2205. petition of, 2385. > ...... George, brother of, 2205, 2206, 3161, 3162. ••, ……………… ……………., Rob., son of, petitions of, 2205 (2). Anne, sister of, see Witham, ... Alex., creditor of, petitions of, 3164 (2). George, co. Lancaster, 1698. George and Michael, Northumber- land, petition of, 2593 ****** Anne. • …………. Rob., Durham City, petitions of, 2604 (4), 2969 (2). ……. , Rob., son of, petition of, 3069. Sir Robert, 2637, 2749. Thos., co. Durham, 2558. Thos., son of, petitions of, 2558 ******* (2). Trevanion, petition of, 2205. Wm., co. Durham, 204, 3163, 3258. petitions of, 2129, 2341, 3163, 3164. Collingwoods, the, 2204. Collins, Benj., 261. ... 44 • · • A • · • • ... ……………, Degory, 117. George, 78. …………… • • • • • ..... Major Nehemiah, Somerset Commis- sioner, 321, 345, 351, 354, 363, 381, 395, 515, 548, 586, 690, 717, 1736, 3258. ……………… ………………, Susan, his wife, 1990. ·· petition of, 1990. ……... > ……………., John, son of, petitions of, 1990, 1991. • …………. • . ·*...* Peter, petition of, 108. Rob., 2509. Sam., D.D., Provost of King's Col- > lege, Cambridge, 1990. " ... > John, Kent, 102, 2945. John, Westminster, 91. C ** ... ..... Wm., auditor to the Committee for Compounding, 178 (2), 2891. accounts by, 197. order to, 208. Thos., Devon, 628. Thos., Somerset Commissioner, 754. letter of, 752. ...... Walter, petitions of, 2944 (2). father of, 2944. ……………. > •> ·· Collinson, Ant., 1463. letters of, 363, 524, 657. statements by, 265, 654. report by, 2891. Wm., co. Warwick ?, petitions of, 1203 (2). Capt. Wm., Worcestershire Commis- sioner, 486 (2), 582, 596, 652, 673, 679 (2), 698, 701, 703, 726, 2490, 2641, 2942, 3015 (2). Collis, John, 31. Collom, Art., 502. Rich., 502. Collyer, see Collier. Collyson, John, 3178. Colman, Marg., 2939. ………… letters of and to, see Worcester, County Commissioners of, letters of and to. Capt., Rutland, 559. Mr., Essex, 318. ▼ ...... Colson, John, 104. Colstock, Thos., 2545. * petition of, 2544. Colston, Edw., co. Durham, information by, 1919. •> children of, 2939. . • petitions by, 2636, 3163. ****** Thos., co. Gloucester, 1191. Thos., co. Huntingdon, 2956, 3106. wife of, 2956. Wm., 1051. Colt, George, 2213. 3374 GENERAL INDEX. Coltınan, Johu, 2639. Wm., 1761. petitions of, 1761 (3). Colton, Frances, 3180. Colvill, Phil., 3260. Colwall, Daniel, 1001. Thos., petition of, 1001. Colwhone, James, petition of, 2735. Combe, George, Somerset, 1811. • *****} ………………. • ……………… · ... ·· .. • .. John, 1607. Comber, John, 1238. Comberbatch, Ralph, 120. Comberford, Fras., 281. Wm., 89. Combes, Mr., Dorset, 650. Comendell, Wm., 2529. Comerford, Col., 1016. Commission, High Court of, 1918. see London, Common Common Council, Council in. Common Pleas, Court of, 629, 927, 1750, 2325. ......, attorneys of, 954, 1258. ………….., grants in, alluded to, 2271, 3241. " ·· ·· , • E 165. officers of, 830, 890, 912. ...... suits, trials, or actions in, 1148, 1523, 1663, 2205, 2351, 2727, 2763. .. " writs from, alluded to, 1969, 2256, 2325. Commons, House of, casual notices of, passim. assignments or grants by, 55, 57. attendance on or appearances before, 1200, 1493, 1599, 1767. cases presented to or before, see Parliament, cases before. certificate to, 37. ....... clerks of, 75, 784, 792; see also Elsing, Henry; Mabbott, Mr. committals to prison by, 857, George, Wiltshire agent, petition of, · 4. ..... judgments in, alluded to, 1034, 1790, 2255-2257, 2289, 2394, 2416, 2527, 2985, 3095, 3276. > > ………..) justices or judges of, 263, 1562, 2835, 3126; and see Williams, Sir David; Crawley, Sir Fras.; Foster, Sir Rob. ... ... Lord Chief Justices of, see Banks, Sir John; Glynn, John; St. John, Oliver. • ·· • > ......? ... > ... ………… 864. wife and children of, 165. "> ******* > ******* Committees of, 1; see also Safety, and Sequestration Committees. alluded to, 1, 15, 27, 51, 1826. debates in, alluded to, 1510. disobedience to, 864. fire and candles for, 825. journals of, papers printed in, 1707, 1729 (2). …………… ******* …………. > Commons, House of cont. ……… ... ………… .... ***** ·· ·· ……………………… ……………………… members of, alluded to, 11, 21, 30, 69, 70, 857; see also Parliament, members of. ... .... • ****** as Commissioners to the Scots Army, 80. ··· expelled, 864. ......, message tc, from the Lords, 16. orders in (1643), 1 (4), 2 (7). ......, (1644), 3-15, 832, 839, 857, 867, 869, 874. (1645), 16-23, 848, 877, 885, 900, 924. ..... (1646), 23–53, 867, 1069, 1075, 1084, 1088, 1089, 1098, 1152, 1191, 1387. " ... •> .. • (1647), 53 (2), 54, 57, 61, 64 (2), 68–71, 73-75, 79, 1157, 1643, 1661 (2), 1686. O • ……….. (1648), 126, 128-137, 142, 144, 866, 878, 925, 1093, 1132, 1146, 1184, 1206, 1838, 1853, 1882. (1649), 201, 1073, 1229, 1638. ...... •, ………………. ·· ………… .. ..... pardons by, see Parliament, pardons by. petitions to, 18, 831, 933, 835, 837 (2), 844 (2), 845 (2), 857, 877, 904, 922, 1059, 1140, 1264, 1329, 1325, 1729 (2), 1828, 1918. ... ……………………… ...... ……………………、 ………………, persons rebuked in, 1920. …………………… .... kokau • prisoners committed by, 1205. prisoners sent to or brought before, 877, 895, 1426. ****** ·· •• released by, 959. recommendations to, 832, 1252. references by, passim. ……………., reports to, 17, 18, 836, 837, 844. alluded to, or ordered to be given to, passim. ..." Speaker of, see Lenthall, Sir Wm. votes of, alluded to, passim. warrants of, 39, 782, 783 (2), 785, 787-800, 808 (2), 809, 812. Commonwealth, the, see State. Complin, Mrs., 106. • [ ****** **** .... ... ……….. ……….. ..... ****** ***** כי …………. ', > alluded to, passim. seditious, alluded to, 864. Compounding, Committee for (1st or Gold- smiths' Hall Committee, appointed 10 Sept., 1643), general entries, relat- ing to, passim. Act of Parliament concerning, ..... 167. ……………., appearances before, or atten- dances on, 842, 908, 964, 1003, 1041, 1194, 1205, 1453, 1724 (2), 2372. ordered or alluded to, ...... ******* passim. ……………………. ………………, arrangements for, 56. auditors of, casual notices of, passim; see also Sherwin, Rich.; Browne, Thos. GENERAL INDEX. 3375 Compounding, Committee for, auditors of— cont. appointment of, 178, 183, orders to, 190. references to, 198, 297. …………. ... 1 ·· ***** aa ·· ● 1. .. *** ** *****3 ……………………. ………………. ………………. ……………., 1644, 831-876. "" .. *** *** **** 184. 1645, 877–1069. ******、 ……………、、 …....., 1646, 1069-1635. ... ********* ………………. …………….. ……………., 1647, 1637-1804. ...... …………. ·· • ·· *** .. · ……………………. ………………. ………………. ……………., 1648, 1804-1884. .... **9 ……………19 ……………., ………….., 1649, 1884-2145. 1650, 2145-2249. *** *** 2 …….. } ……………..) ……………… > ·· M.P. • + certificates by, 1247, 1440, 1464, 1502, 1596, 1988. chairman of, see Ashe, John, ·· ******* ... **5 clock for, 32. ******* compositions with, not autho- rized by Parliament, 55. conferences of, with other com- mittees, 191, 297. counsel for, see Rich, Edw. ; Reading, John; St. Nicholas, Thos. ; Brereton, Peter. ******* bed and bedding for, 796. books for, 787. cases before— **** County Commissioners ap- pointed or allowed by, 168 (2), 171– 174. > ***** …………. • ******* ………… * begun in, 1643, 829, 830. ***** instructions to, 170, 178. dissolution of, alluded to, 1851. examiner to, see Carey, Edw. letters of (1644), 14. (1645), 21. " (1646), 34, 39, 42, 44, 46, 47, 50-52, 1147, 1260, 1309 (2), 1646. (1647), 55, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69-71, 73-75, 1479, 1484, 1683, 1703. ... ……………. …………… ………… (1648), 80-84, 125-128, 131-133, 969, 1061, 1410, 1511 (2), 1672, 1770. (1649), 143, 146, 161, 163, 165 (3), 166, 1497, 1511, 1937, 2039. > ………….. (1650), 168 (3), 169, 171, 174 (2), 178 (3), 184-186, 188, 190 (4). ▼ letters to (1645), 25–28. 44, 45, 49, 992. ……………… ……………… …… (1646), 33, 35 (2), 37, 38, 66, 70 (5), 73–76, 1640. (1647), 55-58, 60–62, 64- (1648), 80-83, 85, 88, 89, 97, 99–101, 103, 106–108, 112 (2), 113 (2), 116, 119 (2), 122, 124, 127, 133– 135, 1209. (1649), 137, 140-143, 145, 146, 148-157, 159, 161-164, 1586, 3282. Compounding, Committee for, letters to-cont. (1650), 170, 172-177, 179– 189, 191-195, 197 (2), 198 (4), 200 (2). members of, 1, 2, 135, 137, 144, 161, 379, 1029, 1790. .. ………… .. E .... ****** ... ·· • ..... 178. } 131, 136, 188, 1730, 2077. salary of, 188. *** notes of proceedings in, &c., 21, 56, 60, 63, 172, 179, 189 (3). ******* officers, messengers, &c., of, casual notices of, passim; see also Vincent, Thos.; Squire, Thos.; Rookes, Thos.; Leech, John; Bailey, Thos.; Hammersley, Thos.; Harcourt, Jonas; Hale, Wm.; Welch, Peter; Heath, Rob. appointment of, 57 (2), "" ******? *** "" 17, 24, 62, 171, 178, 311. ... ** ******* ******* ment of, 778-814. 169. ** ****** *** ****** **9 .. > .. ... **** ·· of, 45. A *****65 1 *** ……………. → *** • ***** orders in or to, and orders in Parliament concerning, passim. ………………………, ………………, paper from Lord Fairfax pre- sented to, 28. as, 136, 165 (2), 168, 169, 177. ▼ alluded to, 44, 58, 130, alluded to, 128, 169. …………….> charges and salaries of, payments by, 782, 800, 806, 807. petitions to, passim. བ་ place of meeting of, change of, 166, 171. Goldsmiths' Hall, casual notices, passim. ******* ••• for, 45, 73. > (2), 162. ·· dismissal of, 57. imprisonment of, 31. instructions to, 80. ……………… ………………) …………、、、 ………….., of, 34, 171, 184. orders to, 33. petitions of, 136, 165 (2), " petitions for employment • ***3 .. letters or papers FDA > dated from, 21, 44, 45, 69–71, 74–76, 125 (2), 126, 128, 129, 138, 158, 159, 163. Treasury at, 73; breaking open ******* **** ……………** payments to, passim. warrants for pay- > ..... • ****** beadle of, 73. books at, 399. doorkeeper or usher furniture for, 56. ******* *****> •• .. wanted by the Gold- smiths' Company, 61, 73, 74. place of meeting of, House of Lords, Westminster, 161, 162, 164, 166. furniture for, 161 watchman Westminster, letters dated from, 166, 169, 199, 247, 249. 3376 GENERAL INDEX. Compounding, Committee for-cont. .. ... .. . • ·· · ·· O • ******* proceedings of, obstructions to, statement of, 23. • " כי recommendations to, 6, 53, 59. references by, or to, passim. …, ………….., registrar of, casual notices of, passim. propositions in, 160, 883. queries sent up to, 145, 175 182, 183, 186, 187. notes of answers to, 175, .... ...* 182, 183, 187. .. , ... ." • ………………、 ………………, report to, 175. • ………………, ………………, salary of, 311. ......, reports of, 9, 159, 161, 836, 844, 1387, 1443, 2050. " * ……, ……………., requests to, 1817. U ***** ******* 137, 144, 149, 168, 185, 188, 193. .. ......, requests of, 70, 1563. revenue of, report of, 159. seal of, 177. sittings or meetings of, ap- pointed, 12, 24, 26, 40, 41, 46, 54, 72- 74, 131 (2), 135 (2), 138, 159, 162, 166. .... sub-committees of, 9, 16, 31, 33, 34 (2), 42, 46 (2), 49, 56, 57 (2), 59, 60, 69, 72 (2), 132, 138, 299, 3284, 3289. • • passim. ... at sitting constantly " Goldsmiths' Hall, 6. at Guildhall "for enter- ing the names of delinquents," 11, 988, 960, 962, 1302, 1546. ………. cases referred to, ... "" ****** *** ...... .... orders to, 898, 939, 954, 990, 1013, 1064, 1075, 1125, 1126, 1157, 1188, 1235, 1253 (2), 1286, 1310, 1318, 1350, 1366, 1379 (2), 1394, 1421, 1435 (2), 1488, 1497, 1580, 1678, 1687 (2), 1692, 1701, 1772, 1881, 1890. orders to attend, certificate by, 1255. orders to, 300, 1240. 6. > 1031, 1370. alluded to, 7, 24, 47, 129, ………… of, 144. 952, 1130. ………………. ………………. …....., report of, 961. alluded to, ... ..... ……… •" at Turners' Hall, 8, 18, 80, 35, 36, 781. Je ( ***** **** > …………… > (2), 780, 784, 785. ***** warrant to, 782. summons by, 166, 174. treasurers of, Richard Waring and Michael Herring, 10 (2), 13 (2), 15, 20, 23-25, 27, 35, 37 (2), 58, 64, 66, 67, 82, 127, 134, 137, 156, 161, 162, 167, 175, 177, 183, 190, 791, 956, 1035, 1284, 1337, 1539. ... members of, names warrants of, 779 Compounding, Committee for, treasurers of cont. · certificate to, 49. letter of, 163. letters to, 27, 168. ******* ******* ……....., money not accounted for by, 83. •• ……………… ……………………… ……………… ………….., note of hand by, 145. orders to, 2-6, 10-14, 17, 19-22, 24, 26-28, 30-32, 34-38, 44, 47 (2), 49, 50, 56,61-63, 71-73, 80, 83, 125 (2), 126, 129, 130, 132, 134, 140, 145, 157, 165 (2), 181, 192, 199, 1100, 1337, 1638, 1680, 1751, 1829. ... ********* ……………......., payments to, 1961. orders for, 30, 65, *** • ..... .. 150. • .... ……………. ………………. 160, 175, 1072, 1863. ……………………… ………………......, reports by, 9, 126. …………………… ……………… ……………., request to, 32. ·· .. 1183. ………………} "" ... ****** , warrants to, 11 (2), 57, 59, 778-826, 1183. alluded to, 187, Treasury of, money owing from or charged on, 75, 1659. **** • • ... • *******) ******* …....., payments to, passim. ………………、 ………………、 ……...., transfer of, 1659. ..., ......, warrants of, 20 (2), 24, 25, 31, 36, 39, 41, 45-47, 57, 134 (2), 163, 779-814, 927. *** ... …………… *** > ******* passim. • ... alluded to, 152 (2), 154 (3), 167, 185, 1271. Committee for Compounding (2nd, entitled Committee for Compositions, Advance of Money, and Sequestrations, ap- pointed April 5, met April 23, 1650), general entries relating to, passim. accounts sent up to, 268, 587. Acts of Parliament concerning, 194, 614, 657, 658. > alluded to, passim. ………………………, ………………, acquittances by, forgers of, 286. ......, appearances before, 969, 1900. ordered, or alluded to, *** ………) .... **** the late, allusions to, 204, 209-211, 214, 215, 217, 226, 230, 238, 239, 246, 247 (2), 249, 258, 271, 276, 280, 286-288, 308, 326, 333, 335, 348, 413, 419, 432, 507, 538, 544, 560, 568, 569, 601, 604, 642, 657, 883, 927, 928, 1033, 1061, i106, 1107, 1182, 1310, 1345, 1426, 1485, 1525, 1535, 1657, 1788, 2205, 2272, 2418, 2577, 2594, 2611. ,י references to, 9, 14, 126, • ', ****** .. **** 218, 225, 227. appointment of, 194. alluded to, 204, 210, 213, > ... ... Money, 1879, 2112, 2285. as Indemnity Committee, 600, 658, 665, 1771, 2849, 3116, 3127. as Committee for Advance of GENERAL INDEX. 3377 ***** ………. Committee for Compounding, &c.—cont. auditors of, casual notices, passim; see also Collins, Wm.; Sher- win, Rich.; Moyer, Wm.; Browne, Thos.; Hancock, Dancer. ……. …………., appointment of, 233, 243, 644, 666. ………………………、 ………………、 ......, assistants of, 644, 2891. books of, alluded to, 2880. certificates of, 820-842, ………………. * ...... 1756, 2188, 2978, 3069. *** .... **** • *****.g ... ……………g ·· ….. · ·· ** • alluded to, 1187, 1662, 1792, 2081, 2630, 2987, 3110, 3276. •• • ………….. ****** for Compounding, officers of. • " …………… ……………………… da orders to, 524, 575, 582, 610, 621, 625, 648, 654, 938, 1028, 1057, 1171, 1373, 1437, 1731, 1775, 1792, 1902, 1913, 1964, 1989, 2112, 2338. • • ………. • 815-825. reference by, 886. references to, 297, 309, 645, 1579, 1898, 1953. ···· • ACA. KAN …………….y ******* 44. 4. + ……….. ……………… books of, 1163, 1187. ..3 cases before, begun in (1650), 2249-2683. ………… *** **** • ***) ******** .... certificates by, 591, 630 (2), 1033, 1545, 1600, 1788, 1791, 1796, 1844. > …………. chairman of, Sam. Moyer, 378, 506, 1396. > ……………. clerks of, casual notices of, pas- sim; see also Leech, John; Cox, Dan; Jackson, Wm. appointment of, 355. salary of, 363, 365. • " ** 14 conferences of, with other com- mittees, 297, 318, 362, 470, 494, 612, 623. passim. .... 439. RO > ……………… 200. > ***** ·· •• ………………y counsel for, see Rich, Edw.; Reading, John; St. Nicholas, Thos. ; Brereton, Peter. clerks of, see Committee " ..... > 640, 644 (2). examiners to, see Carey, Edw.; Birchenshaw, Edw. fees of, 434. references and orders to, …………….., salary of, 311, 363, 365, fire and candles for, 675. first sitting of (April 23, 1650), (1651), 2683-2924. (1652), 2924-3071. (1653), 3071-3176. (1654), 3177-3201. ***** .. reports of, 869. salary of, 363, 408, 439, **** orders to, 575, 633, references to, passim. salary of, 311, 363, 365, Committee for Compounding, &c.-cont. informations to, passim. .. .. ...... …………, ………………, instructions of, to County Com- missioners, 200, 204, 229, 263, 412- 415. - ANOT letters of, (1650), 204 (2), 206, 207, 211, 212, 218, 221 (2), 222, 226 (2), 229, 231, 234 (3), 238 (2), 239, 243, 246 (3), 248 (2), 250 (5), 251 (2), 253 (2), 254 (4), 259 (3), 262, 264 (4), 265 (6), 268 (2), 269 (4), 274-276, 278, 281, 284 (2), 285 (3), 289, 292, 295 (6), 296 (6), 300 (6), 302 (3), 303 (3), 307-309, 312, 313, 318, 323, 324 (2), 333-336, 340, 343, 347, 349-351, 354 (3), 355 (2), 357, 359 (6), 360, 364, 366, 368, 369 (2), 370 (6), 372-374, 376 (2), 379,381 (2), 384 (2), 387 (3), 915, 1090, 1108, 1121, 1172, 1222, 1447, 1817, 1836, 1892, 1943, 2037, 2124, 2136, 2251, 2291, 2355, 2386, 2415, 2419, 2514, 2551, 2567, 2587, 2613, 2619, 2620, 2650 (2), 2651- 2654. • · < …………… (1651), 390 (2), 394 (4), 395,398 (3), 400–403, 406-412,415,417 (3), 419-422, 424, 428, 430, 433-435, 437, 438 (2), 440, 443 (3), 444 (2), 447-450, 452-455, 457, 462, 463, 466- 470, 475-477, 479-487, 489, 491-495, 497 (3), 498, 502, 505-507, 509 (4), 511-518, 830, 833, 889, 894, 911, 912, 918,950,956,964 (2), 1000, 1006, 1007, 1032, 1133, 1140, 1189, 1192, 1207, 1222, 1240, 1297, 1304, 1307, 1503, 1527, 1555, 1557, 1598, 1617, 1698, 1699 (2), 1711, 1738, 1785, 1790, 1799, 1822, 1845, 1862, 1892 (2), 1906, 1936, 1969, 1997 (2), 2030, 2031, 2037, 2053, 2113, 2119, 2128, 2139, 2140, 2148, 2158, 2163, 2186, 2201, 2210, 2211, 2226, 2230, 2245, 2248, 2260, 2290, 2291, 2310-2312, 2350, 2367, 2379, 2399, 2439, 2463 (4), 2465, 2470, 2473 (2), 2503, 2528, 2538 (2), 2544, 2547 (2), 2556, 2599, 2601 (2), 2603, 2606, 2621, 2627, 2644, 2648, 2651, 2657, 2688, 2691, 2696, 2702 (2), 2703, 2720, 2728-2730, 2742, 2749, 2750, 2768, 2769 (2), 2772, 2774, 2779,2785-2787, 2793 (2), 2800 (2), 2827, 2828, 2832, 2844, 2847, 2851, 2857, 2862, 2866, 2870, 2873, 2880, 2886 (2), 2887 (2), 2904, 2910 (3), 2912, 3299. > (1652), 524-526, 529 (5), 530 (2), 532 (3), 533, 536-538, 541 (2), 542 (3), 544-548, 551 (5), 557-560, 563 (2), 567-572, 574-577, 579-586, 588-590, 592-597, 599-611, 613–618, 620 (2), 621,998, 1067, 1095, 1102 (2), 1107, 1119, 1120, 1133 (3), 1138, 1239, 1249, 1303 (4), 1334, 1351, 1360, 1362, 1439, 1448 (3), 1482, 1487 (3), 1554, 1617 (2), 1627, 1683, 1693, 1701, 1786, 1807, 1892 (2), 1963, 1969, 1971, 1989, 2024, 2040, 2050, 2078, 2111, 2119, 2152, 2159, 2168, 2181, 2203, 2236, 2268, 2292, 2324, 2326, 2330, 2361, 2376, 2400, 2428, 2451, 2462, 2466, 2471, 2496, 2523, 2563, 3378 GENERAL INDEX. Committee for Compounding, &c., letters of (1652)-cont. 2584, 2615, 2643, 2652, 2658, 2660, 2685, 2690, 2691, 2701, 2732, 2753, 2837, 2845, 2855, 2863, 2868, 2870 (2), 2873 (2), 2874, 2877, 2887, 2918, 2925, 2931 (2), 2936-2938, 2940, 2943, 2945, 2953, 2956, 2965, 2969, 2971, 2973, 2975, 2990, 3001-3003, 3007, 3010, 3015, 3018, 3031, 3035, 3037, 3042 (2), 3044. ……………bas *** ………… *** ………… • letters of (1653), 624–627, 629, 630 (2), 632-638, 640-642, 646-652, 656 (4), 658-663, 854, 1225, 1650, 1656, 1680, 1765, 2156, 2171, 2211, 2399, 2454, 2510, 2640, 2670, 2752, 2777, 2931, 2944, 2995, 3017, 3052, 3077, 3080 (2), 3082, 3114. (1654), 666, 667 (3), 881, …………… *** ... 2246. letters to (1650), 200, 204-218, 220 (2), 222-230, 232-249, 251-260, 262 (5), 265-267, 269-273, 275-285, 287 (4), 289-301, 303 (3), 304(3), 306– 333, 335-348, 350-353, 355-358, 360- 367, 369 (2), 371-387, 1432 (2), 1599, 1970, 2169, 2308, 2564, 2587. .... 5. …………. (1651), 388-412, 415-421, 423-431, 433, 435-438, 440-456, 462- 494, 496-505, 507-511, 514-520, 827, 1520, 1540, 1586, 2325, 2705, 2769, 2773, 2851, 2852, 2892, 2896. D (1652), 522-524, 526–530, 532-543, 545-550, 552-574, 576-581, 583-593, 595-597, 599-602, 604-606, 609 (2), 611 (2), 612 (5), 614-618, 620-623, 1067, 2925, 2988, 2991. ……………… (1653), 624-661, 663- 665, 2156, 2258, 2261, 2331, 2336, 3043. ..... ……………… 2 408. .. .... 311, 642. 434. (2). • ******* officers, messengers, &c., of, 644, 676, 1396, 1845, and casual notices of, passim; see also clerk, counsel, ex- aminer, registrar, solicitor, and usher of. appointment of, 208, 388, charges and salaries of, 311, 362, 363, 365, 379, 459, 441, 466, 644, 661, 675. warrants for pay- 5... ·· **" (1654), 665-667. members of, 194, 200, 2912. ...... • ... > ments of, 815-826. · ·· ·· • • ******* 607, 671. > ******* …… oath to be taken by, 194. salary allowed to, 288, lists of, 363, 365. orders to, 388, 448, 1396 petitions of, 417, 421, ……………., warrants to, 2386, 2606. *** ***** ******* fees of, 311, 431, 433, • Committee for Compounding, &c.—cont. orders in and to, and orders, in Parliament concerning, passim. ****** Ordinance of Parliament con- cerning, 665. petition of, to Parliament, 415. petitions to, passim. ...... ***** .co. …………………… ·· • .. • ..... places of meeting of, Haberdash- ers' Hall, 676, 2335, 2424, 2891. • ·· ... **** letters dated from, 407, 450, 559, 569, 572, 583, 593, 603, 608, 609, 615, 629, 633 (3), 637 (3), 642-644, 649, 659, 661, 663, 666, 669, 671, 672 (2), 676, 679, 680, 683, 691 (2), 693, 694, 701 (2), 703-705, 709 (2), 710 (3), 715-727, 731, 734, 735 (2), 740 (2), 744, 745, 747, 754, 755. rent of, 675, 693. Westminster, letters, &c., dated from, 200, 204, 262, 301, 324. ………….., powers conferred on, 188, 194, 303. .... ·· > …………………, ………………, queries, requests, or proposals sent up to, 201, 205, 206, 209, 214-216. 220, 224, 231, 235, 254, 255, 267, 275, 290, 299, 336, 350, 361, 368, 409, 418, 421, 465, 468, 478, 479, 494, 557, 562, 580, 583, 585, 588 (2), 594, 624, 638, 643, 660. ·· proceedings in, passim. ......, proposals or queries by, 471, 472, 608. > answers, or notes of answers to, 214, 220, 224, 231, 254, 255, 267, 275, 290, 336, 361, 368, 409, 418, 466, 468, 478, 580, 584, 594, 602, 607, 624, 643. .... ………………………、 ……………., register of, 300. ·· ... , ......, registrars of, casual notices, passim; see also Leech, John; Bailey, Thos. ·· ... ……………. certificates by, 641, 648, ..... ……………65 660, 1068, 1137, 1885, 2081, 2175, 2290, 2407, 2590, 2645, 2676, 2702, 2751, 2794, 2809 (2), 2811, 2812, 2820, 2889 (2), 2966 (2), 2978, 2981, 3001 (2), 3003, 3017, 3019, 3040, 3047 (3), 3049, 3050 (2), 3052 (5), 3060, 3071 (2), 3100, 3111, 3121, 3159, 3258-3260, 3262, 3297. 1696, 2081, 3067. " references by, or to, passim. .. → • 439, 639. " ••• ·· "" ... certificates by, alluded to, 2630, 2987, 3053, 3056, fees of, 433, 620, 2003. orders to, passim. references to, passim. salary of, 311, 363, 365, ……………., regulations for, 200, 252, 411, 412, 439, 621, 622. ………….., reports of, 496, 1784, 2317 (2), 2361. ……………., alluded to, 225, 1138. GENERAL INDEX. 3379 Committee for Compounding, &c.-cont. requests of, 1899, 2329, 2892. ………………………. ………………, requests to, 299, 479, 588. seal for, 446. 4 > sittings or meetings of, ap- pointed, 200, 268, 333, 347. solicitor or agent to, see Fowle, · ……………. *** ·· A · • 4. *……AS ***** > " , • • ·· Treasurers of, Richard Waring, Michael Herring, John Leech, Rich. Sherwin, 214, 227, 246, 248, 256, 275, 276, 292 (3), 295, 300, 324, 327, 332, 338, 346, 367, 370, 386, 439 (2), 467, 477, 495, 502, 606, 632, 647 (2), 665, 670, 962, 1002, 1028, 1153, 1425, 1840, 1872, 2025, 2858, 2890. ……………………… ……………………….., accounts by, 289, 744. [ Thos. ……………………… **** .. ....... ... sented to, 261 (2), 264, 265, 269. > ****** stationery, &c., for, 620, 625, 631, 642, 644, 675. ......, surveyor general wanted for, 466, 495. ... appointment of Leech and Sherwin, 640, 641, 668. books of, 439 (2). certificates of 664, 2772. alluded to, 544. ……………… ………………, declaration by, 737. discharge by, alluded to, 406. > 1 .... • ... …………….y ... ·· 515. alluded to, 362, 453. ***) ......, orders or requests to, 206, 233, 237, 248 (2), 292, 300, 311, 398, 417, 442, 447, 473, 519, 563-565, 574, 597, 614, 625, 634, 661, 662, 981, 1007, 1065, 1259, 1315, 1325, 1332, 1367, 1413, 1425 (2), 1595, 1659, 1677, 1832, 1893, 1982 (2), 2236, 2328, 2434, 2639, 2689, 2698, 2785, 2890, 2983. 4. ... *** salary of, 363, 365, 645. statements or particulars pre- 735. A alluded to, 353 (2), 560, 675, 1073, 1914, 2792. ******* •• ******* ... payments to, alluded to, 400, 440, 451, 452, 505, 640, 865, 1057, 1168, 1601, 1674, 1794, 3141. ... *** ****** ** passim. …………… + .....} on, 439. • **** +24 [ } ****** warrants to, 815–826. ……… ……………… …………………....., alluded to, 250, 263, .. ·· .. 278, 286, 288, 311, 336, 354, 392, 417, 434, 442, 640, 661, 1768, 2367. the late, 721 (3), 731, Treasury of, payments to, door of, papers posted usher of, see Vincent, Thomas. salary of, 311, 363, 365, 439, 644. ……………… letter to, 597. > > ……. ………. ******* receipts from, 467, 543. alluded to, 335, 399. ******* report of, alluded to, 2765. warrants of, alluded to, Committee for Compounding, &c.-cont. · ·· • D • • ·· .... Compounding, Committee for (3rd, entitled Committee for Sequestrations and In- demnity, appointed 10 February 1654), general entries relating to, passim. appointment of, 668. ******* at Haberdashers' Hall, 1699. auditors of, casual notices, passim, see also Browne, Thos., and Hancock, Dancer. ...y · D ****** 733. CON • 432 • …………………… • **** .. .... warrants of, 815-825, 2606 (3). alluded to, 225, 324, 662. "S the late, 668, 670, 682, 684, .... 715, 731, 734, 1542, 1820, 1841, 2320, 2548. · • > U ** · ... ****** 2056, 2260, 2280, 3303. • • > ..... "S ****** ...... "" 1547, 1564, 1873. …………………rg …………….. …………….., statements by, 684, 717. books of, 1428. cases before, begun in (1654), 3201-3225. (1655), 3225-3243. (1656), 3243-3245. (1657), 3245, 3246. certificates by, 683, 744 (2), 2465, 3232. ....) alluded to, 1583. clerk of, request to, 1254. ……………., counsel for, salary of, 68n. letters of (1654), 669-673, 675– 714, 871, 968, 1618, 1699, 1725, 1776 (2), 1894, 2066, 2201, 2270, 2523 (2), 2751, 2835, 2963, 3073, 3288. ·· ****** **** A. ** ***** 3147. · ***** ... ……… ··9 ………………………………, (1655), 715-725, 727–734, 2190, 2888. • (1655), 716-727, 730, 731, 734 (2), 735 (2), 1299, 1712, 2085, 2086, 2270, 2471, 2570, 2830, 2952, 3040, 3077, 3117, 3149 (2). 4. · letters to (1654), 669-671, 673- 700, 702-708, 711, 713, 714, 2180, 2263, 3080, 3162. ·· 1 **** ני • " (1656), 736-740, 742, 743 (3), 2888, 3080. members of, 668. certificates of, 708, 716. alluded to, 693, 694, ******* orders to, passim. lists or notes by, 719, 731, receipts by, 721 (2). references to, 711, 1469, ...) …………………. ………………, payments to, 1698. petitions to, passim. queries by, 670. ? …………, queries to, and reply to, 677. references by, 724, 1801. salary of, 818. officers of, 673, 680, 744, 2100, orders in, or to, passim, references to, 679, 680, 687, 695, 703, 724, 1154, 1801, 1873, 1984. 3380 GENERAL INDEX. Compounding, Committee for, &c.—cont. ………………………………., registrar of, casual notices, pas- sim; see also Bailey, Thos. • ·· ·· ***** certificates by, 744, 1780, 1793, 2165, 2420, 3210, 3227, 3228, 3243-3246, 3260. alluded to, 2056, 3303. כי ****** 1547, 1564, 1873. ·· ...... ……………… ………………………. ………………, requests to, 1806. > ▸▸ ****** • solicitor for, Thos. Fowle, 721. resignation of, 722. > > … ………………, ………………, appointment of Dawbeney Williams, 722. ·· ... · • Ú rooms of, presses, &c., for, 817, 819, 821. •> "} ****** 697. · ** regulations for, 678. **** ………., reports by, 1154, 2368. *** ***** orders to, 722, 1337. Treasurers of, John Leech and Rich Sherwin, 668, 672, 678, 684, 1540, 1984, 2801, 2905. certificates of, alluded to, ****** ………… orders to, 670, 679, 693, 862, 871, 1314, 1357, 1827, 1984, 2108, 2193, 2201, 2758, 2864, 3105. ******* alluded to, 1306. ……………………… ……………. ………………, payments to, passim. receipts of, alluded to, ..... > ... 2732. ………………………) ……………., ......, request to, 2526. 2891. .... ………………………. ………………, ***** ......, treasury of, transfer of, from Goldsmiths' Hall, 740, 871, 2200, 2368. at Haberdashers' Hall, • > ... ......, money sent to, or paid into, passim. Compounding, Committee for (4th, entitled Committee for Sequestrations, appoint- ed 27th August 1659), Act appoint- ing, 745. ******} Acts concerning, 745 (2), 776. cases before (1659), 3246–3255. commissious by, 746 (2). instructions by, 745, 755, 768. letters of (1659), 746-751, 753- 767, 769-776, 1155 (2), 1230, 1265 (2), 1286 (2), 1480, 1522 (2), 1550 (2), 1679, 1682 (7), 1777 (3), 2027 (2), 2450, 2899, 2948, 2973, 2980, 3092 (2), 3139, 3246-3255, 3296 (3). ** *** …………., (1660), 1230 (2), 1286, 1682, 1777, 2023. ******) ..., letters to (1659), 746-767, 769- 776, 3092. orders to, passim. references to, 1212, 1469, *** ... ... ..... · ……… > ***** ……… ****** ****** officers of, casual notices, passim. fees paid to, 776. salaries of, 770. ***** ... order book of, table of contents of, 777. ... Compounding, Committee for, &c.—cont. orders in or to, or alluded to, * ·· ** ** ……………………… ………………, request by, 1682. Compton, William, 1st Earl of Northampton, 1248 (2), 1251, 1831. • • .. .. .. • .. • • .. ……………y passim. · .. Spencer, Lord Compton, 2nd Earl of Northampton, 1246-1249, 1251, 1831, 2097, 2232, 2247, 3272. "" • Mary, Countess of Northamp- ton, his wife, 90, 961, 1246. Compton, Sir Charles, 1879. children of, 1247 (2). ****** Francis, Henry, Annie and Penelope, younger children of, petition of, 1247. Sir William, son of, 1831. **) ... James, 3rd Earl of Northampton, 67, 94, 98, 102, 214, 221, 233, 236, 261, 427, 660, 961, 1129 (2), 1134, 1246, 1444, 1629, 1673. ... signature of, 623. Isabella, Countess of Northamp- ton, his wife, 67 (2). > .... 2922. ... ...... ******} ******* Paston, Thos. " ··· Sir Henry, K.B., 78, 88, 91, 94, 115, > 299, 541, 542, 1602, 2501, 2926, 2927 (2). petitions to, passim. queries to, 750. reference to, 1534. ……………… > ..... ... 2922. •, ·· Henry, son of, 1602. petition of, 2501. Rich., son of, 320, 1602. ? …………………, younger children of, 1603, 1604 (5). ** *** • 4 · **** ******* Comyn, Win., 882. Con, Signor, Nuncio of the Pope, 2463. Condy, Step., 2801. Coney, George, petition of, 1108. Margery, 2692. Rich., 816. Sir Sutton, 178, 1612. Wm., his son, 1612. Mary, wife of, 299, 1602, former husband of, see …………. daughter of, 921. Wm., 1872, 3289. Sir Wm., 1604. ·· George, son of, co. Lancaster, > ………… ANU. .... Congham, Dr. Ambrose, 114, 402, 2831. Ann, wife of, 114. Sir Wm., 2048. Anne, wife of, 1613. petition of, 1613. ...... ***** petitions of, 283 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 3381 Coningsby, Col. Fitzwilliam, 111, 247, 280, 351, 375, 426, 430, 534, 586, 649, 2064, 2454. **** ** ·· ... ·· (3). •S - · 2064. · **** .. ... …………, ………………, Sir Thos., father of, 2068, 2070 (2), 2071. .... **3 .. ville, Eliz. ****** ·· ……………… ·· Sir Francis, 854, 855. ··· Eliza, granddaughter of, peti- tion of, 856. ******} Sir Harry, 856. 5 (2). "" ******* ******* Rob., 1689. Thos., cos. Herts and Cambridge, 211, 277, 320, 539, 593, 853. 1. Hum., co. Salop, 2071. Hum., Somerset, 1689. wife of, 1869 (2). ... ... ……… Cecilia, wife of, 2065 (2), 2069. petitions of, 2064, 2065 .. [1 family of, 2065 (3), 2069. Lieut. Col. Hum., son of, **** Major Thos., son of, 2064. daughter of, 2068. Eliz., sister of, see Basker- *****? Mary, wife of, 854, 855. • • > Thos., co. Warwick, 2007. Wm., co. Hereford, 2067. Wm., co. Radnor, 771. Wm., co. Worcester, 652. "9 Conington, Mr., minister, 1502. Conisby, Ralph, 118. Connyett, M., Westminster, 91. Conock, or Connock, John, 117, 2980. Conquest, Houghton, 2979. Lewis, 554. Rich., 1821. > Martha, wife of, 211, 854. ……………., petitions of, 853 (5). Hen., eldest son of, 854-856. petitions of, 854 (4), 855 TAAN. wife of, 855. ..... Thos., younger son of, 854 (2). petitions of, 854 (4). .... Consett, John, M.A., 2048. Constable, Henry, 1st Viscount Dunbar, 113, 500, 2146. estates of, 227, 337, 454, 490 (2), 538, 548, 550, 602, 607 (2), 616. Mary, wife of, 2148, 2155 (5). petitions of, 2155 (3). children of, 2155. wife and children of, 1821. ... John, his eldest son, 2nd Viscount Dunbar, 2146, 3296. John, Rob., Wm., Mary, Cicely, and Kath., his children, 2155, 2156. •* ****** petition of, 2156. ………………………, ………………, Math., his second son, 2153 (2). Constable, Hen. Vt. Dunbar.-cont. Constable, Hen., co. York, 3108, Sir Henry, 2150 (2). John, 2823. ……, ………………, Hen., his third son, 2152 (3), 2154. .... Kath., Eliz., and Ann, daughters of, petition of, 2824. ... …………………… .. .. ………… **** ..... Marg., 2154. Math., 3109. **** of, 1323. ……………………** ··· Marmaduke, grandfather Sir Philip, great-grand- father of, 1323. Philip, son of, 1323, 3134. Ralph, 2007. …………. ? Rob., Dorset, 118, 3175. .., Rob., co. Lincoln, 3179. Rob., co. York?, 1283. of, 1323. .. Sir Philip, Bart., 587 ?, 1323. Anne, wife of, 1324. Marmaduke, son of, 1323. petitions of, 2432 (2). Philip, and other children ·· ... Sidney, 587, 2017, 3291. Thos., 3304 (2). Thos., son of, 3304. Wm., co. Gloucester, certificate by, 279. …………….s …………… " .. .. ... ***S *** ... Bridget. Sir Wm., Governor of Hull, 72, 843, 1835, 2289, 2853. ... ן. Wm., Cathorp, co. York, 3106. Wm., Methley, co. York, petition of, 1087. Bridget, wife of, see Benson, > ………………., Mr., Westminster, 91. Constantine, Wm., M.P., 940. family of, 940. Conti, Prince of, 2483. ……………. Conway, Edw., Viscount Conway and Kil- lultagh, 95, 431 (2), 980. *****} .....3 ****** ……………………… ………………, Edw., son of, 980. father of, 980. • · ******* Conway, Sir Fulke, Anne, or Amy, wife of, 466, 1438 (3). Wm., 1632. Conyers, John, Lord Conyers, 2530. ... .... Dorothy?, wife of, 431, 980. Kath. Conyers, Cuthbert, 2805. Kath., widow of, 2805. John, co. Durham, eldest son of, 2805. ******* Wm., younger son of, petition of, 2805. daughter of, see Atherton, …………………, ………………, Ann, daughter of, 2806. …… ……………… ………………, petition of, 2805. Sir Ralph, father of, 2805. Edw., 202. *** 3382 GENERAL INDEX. } Conyers-cont. John and Alice, co. York, 2719. ………………………、 ………………, nephew of, see Askwith, Simon. Sir John, Bart., 908. children of, 908. Joshua, petition of, 1206. Rob., 2128. Thos., 203. **** Cooke, Bryan, sen., 945, 1014. *** ..> "" ... ***** · ·· ... .. > • ·· , 947. ·· • + ·· , > John, his younger son, 857. …….., Fras., co. Northampton, petition of, 1740. ... ... George, 457. ...., Hen., co. Cambridge, 539. Hen., Kent, 491. Hen., Suffolk, 96. Jacob, 37. John, 3197. ……., John, Essex, petitions of, 3153 (2). John, co. Gloucester, 225. ... ** 857. John, sen., father of, 1415. ., …….., John, jun., co. Northampton, 98?, 1415. Dorothy, 1912. Edm., 1805. Edm., Suffolk, 1991. Edw., 2533. Edw., Hants, 1751. father of, 1751. ... ..... • ***** Edw., co. Hereford, 2536. petition of, 2536. *** Edw., co. Leicester ?, 1079. Col. Edw., 1901, 1902, 1904 (7). petitions of, 1902 (2). Sir Edw., Dorset, 858. ··· > ... Bryan, jun., son of, 945. Susan and Sarah, daughters of, 2792. Sir Robert, his eldest son, 96, John, Hants, letter of, 402. John, co. Hereford, 2536 (2). John, Kent, 102. > John, co. Stafford, 539, 702. Col. John, Westmoreland, 696. Sir John, see Coke. Rich., co. Bedford, 555, 2792. sister of, 2792. Rich., co. Derby, see Coke. Rob., 2792. "" 2793. Cornet Rob., petition of, 2898. Sir Robert, Parliamentarian, 28, 29. Roger, 2892. Thos., M P., see Coke. Thos., co. Lancaster, 1912. Kath., wife of, 2792, 2793. John and Emme, children of, Wm., son of, petitions of, 2792, Cooke-cont. Thos., Somerset, petitions of, 1591 (3). ………………………, ……………., Abraham, father of, 1591. Thos., co. Worcester ?, petitions of, 2035 (6). .. ... *** ……………. ... ....., Thos., Bentley, co. Worcester, petition of, 2714. .. • • ... ... " ... Capt., 36. Col., Essex ?, 400. ......., Mr., London ?, 2366. Mr., Westminster, 91. Cooken, John, 88. •• > Cookson, Hen., petition of, 3069. Thos., 2967. ... ******* Wm., Beeston, co. York, 1077. Wm. and Thos., Sheffield, co. York, petition of, 433. ……….., Winifred, 96. ·· Wm., Berry Narbor, Devon, 2635. or Coke, Wm., Ottery St. Mary, Devon, 219, 251, 293, 1940. Marg., his wife ?, signature of, ... ******* Richard, his brother, 1942. Wm., Kent, information by, 1218. Wm., co. Lancaster ?, 1390. Wm., minister, co. Leicester, 270, (2), 274, 291, 296. Wm., Norfolk, petition of, 1877. Wm., co. York, mariner, petition of, 3210. • > ****** Coolam, John, 2432. Coole, John, 473. ... 1942. *** …………… , 7 ·· ·· Cooling, James, 2014. Coombes, or Coombs, John, 1395 (2), 1396 (5). > .... Thos., Dorset, 3143. Thos., Wilts, 78. Cooper, Sir Anth. Ashley, Bart., 667, 839, 1776, 2275, 2972, 3176. petition of, 1249. ………………, report by, 1776. Edmund, 1971. *** wife and children of, 3210. father of, 3209. ****** wife and children of, 2967. .... Eliz., wife of, petition of, 473. ……………… statement by, 1396. Hen., Dorset officer, 289, 456, 467. Hugh, co. Lancaster, 3240. Hugh, Ormskirk, co. Lancaster, 1191. John, 2554. Joshua, 2786. .." ..., Michael, 2207. Philip, 459. **** ..., Rich., Essex, 396, 2862. ..., Rich., Salop, 205. petition of, 3065. Rob., co. Chester, 106. Rob., co. Leicester, 108, 1819 2. ……., Rob., London, petition of, 2753. . GENERAL INDEX. 3383 Cooper-cont. …………… ..... .. A ·· .... • D ', Cecil, his son, 1324. Thos., co. Lancaster, petitions of, 3304 (2). ·· " • .. 3166. **** Sir Roger, 107, 1324. Major, Southwark, 398, 404, 436, 438. Coote, Sir Charles, Lord President of Con- naught, 1652, 2783. Cooth, Josias, 119, 1480. • > Thos., co. York, 3166. .... .... • .... 4 Cope, Sir Thos., 801. Copeing, or Copping, George, 897. petitions of, 1514 (2). 2 ...., Eliz., his wife, petitions of, 1514 (2). or Coping, Wm., 96, 897. 14 Copeland, Rob., and Kath., his wife, 2909. Laurence, father of, 2909 (2). Copes, John, 442. Coping, Wm., see Copeing. ………………? ני Wm., co. Nottingham, 486. Wm., Somerset, 1295. Copledike, Fras., 2118. Copleston, John, 2948. .. • * Copley, Chris., 380, 2474. " **** Wm., brother of, petition of, .. ………. Thos., son of, 3166. ..... Larder, son of, petition of, 2948. Capt. Rich., 97. > petition of, 1198. Rich., father of, 1480. ******* Rob., Cumberland, 384. Thos., sen. and jun., 2102. Wm., sen., 2157. Edw., 1001. Godfrey, co. York, 1233. children of, 1234. Wm., father of, 1233 (2). John, 1001. Nich., 1562. Nich., Essex, 2369 (2). petition of, 2369. petition of, 2476. John, son of, 2517. …………………… ………………, Wm., son of, 252, 2170, 2517. ………………………, ………………, daughters of, 252, 2517. Col., 1011. > Copperthwaite, Major, 1701, 2852. Copping, George, see Copeing. John, 3175. wife of, 252. Coppithorne, Cath., 3191. Thos., 118. Copps, Rich., 2043. Coram, Roger, see Coreham. Corance, Allan, 1754. John, his son, petition of, 1754. Corbett, or Corbet, B., M.P., Salop, letter of 706. .... ………… + · …………… · • ·· 备 ​.. ... · • • • ·· Jobn, M.P., chairman of the Com- mittee for Examinations, and member of the Committee for Compounding, 42, 70, 135, 137, 243, 541, 838, 2890, certificates by, 1553, 2875. John, Salop Commissioner, letter of, 157. ……………, ………………, daughter of, 1436. ••• Col. Sir John, Bart., M.P., Salop, 325, 735, 1436 (2), 2221. *** >> .... ... 2 Sir John, Bart., Norfolk, 1194. ***** 1193. Miles, M.P., member of the Committee for Compounding, 4, 125, 137, 358, 817, 840 ?. ……………. 3286. Rob., Salop, 1576. ****** ………………………、 ………………, Andrew, son of, 1576. > Thos., 2551. Pelham, 3056. Rob., co. Merioneth ?, 3286. > ****** Wm., 993. Mr., Kent? 193. Corcellis, Nich., 3258. Cordell, Rob., 110. Cordwaine, Marg., 2705. petition of, 2705. Cordwell, Cuthbert, 3240. petition of, 1437. John, his son, 205, 735, 2221. signature of, 623. Bridget, daughter of, petition of, 3286. ......, Eliz., Marg., Jane, and Thos., children of, petitions of, 3286 (2). Coreham, or Coram, Roger, 105, 3188. Corhans, Roger, 106. Corindon, John, 153, 293, 2119. Coriton, Coryton, or Corington. C *** Sir Thos., Bart., his son, 115, Sir Vincent, Bart., 67, 1370, 1541, 1641, 1817. regiment of, 57, 1945, 1981, 1992, 2076. ………………………. ………….., John, his son, 763, 764, 1678. wife of, 1679. ** …… ………………, Philippa, his daughter, 1678. wife of, see Lloyd, Bridget. Vincent, son of, petition of, ……………… Col. Wm., 117, 387, 398, 420, 1678, 2888. ر.. ·S Cork, Earl of, see Boyle. Corles, Mary, 2506. Cornelius, Gilbert, 2551. Jasper, 106. Corney, Huntington Hastings, 1421. …………….S Mary, 823. late husband of, 823. 3384 GENERAL INDEX. Cornish, Abr., 486. ... Cornow, Rich., 361. Stephen, 709. Cornwall, Edw., 2024. ·· .... …………………… 、 ………………, Frances, wife of, 2024. Capt. Gilbert, 770. Sir Gilbert, 2497 (3). Hum., 1544. ……………. . *19*9 Cornwallis, Fras., Dorset, 119, 1224 (4), 1797 (3), 1798. ... • ·· .. ** .. > 1797 (3). > 4. " ·· ………. • .. ...... Sir Wm., 3241. ..... Corporate Bodies, Act for, alluded to, 1943. Corwinne, or Coryn, John, 336, 2318. .. ··· Cory, Thos., prothonotary of Common Pleas, 913. …………. petition of, 912. ******* Thos., Norfolk, 116, 874. Mr., 22. Coryn, see Corwinne. Coryton, see Coriton. Cosin, Dr. John, Dean of Peterborough, 88, .. · ***** Fras., Essex, 96. Fras., Norfolk, 115, 942. family of, 942. ***** Sir Fred., Bart., 91, 1389, 1409, 1863. Frances, wife of, 2108. Frances, Anne, and Eliz., daughters of, 3294. • > petitions of, 2108 (2). ………………………, ………………, Mary, daughter of, 3294. ******* ……………. .. children of, 486. ..... > ……………. ****** petition of, 3294. Cosowarth, Cosworth, or Gosworth. • ** Thos., 2059. 2108, 3293. > petitions of, 1224 (3), 1796, ... , Katherine, wife of, 119, 1224. petition of, 1224. 1935. ******* Cosson, Edw., 95. "") ..... • mother of, see Stourton, Eliz. ***** Cossum, John, co. Lancaster, 2199. Cosworth, see Cosowarth. Sir Sam., 117, 387, 1935. Cotes, Mrs., Bucks, 67. Cotesworth, Cuthbert, Northumberland Com- missioner, letters of, 758, 766. JAU. .... Dulsibella, his wife, petition of, children of, 1935. or Cossen, John, co. Lancaster, 656. Thos., 656, 2962. Cother, Rich., 756. Cottam, Jennet, 3065. Rich., 3183. Ralph, 2127, 2251. Michael, brother of, 767. Wm., brother of, 2253. Lawrence, son of, 3183. *** Thos., petitions of 3202 (2). Wm., 129, 130. Cottingham, John, petitions of, 3223 (2). Cottington, Francis, Lord Cottington, 96, 105, 139, 431, 486, 487, 1099, 2284. estates of, 146, 174, 323, 439, 486, 487. Cottle, Mark, 98. ***** petition of, 964. Simon, 98, 117, 2090. Cotton, Charles, 2088. · • .. • ... · • Edw., Devon, 1403. Edw., Surrey and co. Chester, 104, 330, 345, 455, 1875, 270, 2681?, 2736 (2), 2943, 3179. > · ……….., Mary, wife of, 1875, 2270, 2943. , > •" ••• ******* "" ... Fras., 2270. George, 112, 898. family of, 898. **** John, co. Hunts, 3179. ……………… John, Surrey, 2291 (2). John, co. York, 70? ……………. Rich., Hants, 463, 2088. Fras., son of, 2088. Rich., grandfather of, 2088. ****** Rob., co. Chester, 770 ?, 772 (2)?, 2576. ……………… Sir Thos., Bart., 109, 2589, 2737. Mr., co. Leicester, 108. ……………………., Mrs., co. Chester, 112. Mrs., co. Hunts, 90. Frances, widow of, 3179. Sir John, 24, 28, 788, 891, 895. • petition of, 2481. Mary, wife of, petition of, 2481. Thos., Bramdean, Hants, 3193. Eliz., wife of, 3193. ………………) Thos., Warbluster, Hants, 3193. wife of, 3193. …………** Thos., London, 2271. Cottram, Wm., 2751 (2). Coude, John, 1421. Couldham, James, petitions of, 2817 (3), 2818. Coulson, Fairly, 3110. ……………… Grace, wife of, 3110. George, 1735. ... 2 Council of State, or Privy Council, 162, 186, 198, 252, 289, 345, 354, 358, 519, 537, 540, 588, 683, 699, 757, 824, 1021 (2), 1101, 1107, 1244, 1524, 1617, 1775, 2103, 2295, 2415, 2663 (2), 2685, 2753, 2892, 2922, and casual notices, passim. abuse of, 2437, 2852 (2). allowances by, 2532. ** Ald. Wm., 956. Col., 2397. ………………, appeals or complaints to, alluded to, 305, 530, 1067, 1254, 2173, 2275. appointments by, alluded to, 249, 501, 644, 650, 1925. cases before, 376, 1223, 1396, 2420, 2597 (2), 2851, 3118. GENERAL INDEX. 3385 Council of State, &c.-cont. • .... .. …………… A .. A ……. ……………………. …………………… 4 ……………….. ***** certificates to, or alluded to, 644, 683, 967, 1033, 1791, 3118. charges of, 161, 187 (2), 250. clerk of, see Scobell, Hen. Commissioners named by, 177. committals by, alluded to, 2858. committees of, 159, 417, 687, 919, 939, 1170, 1207, 1244, 1363, 1428 (2), 1433, 1647 (2), 1768, 2040, 2106 (2), 2122, 2165 (2), 2275, 2940, 2983,3159; see also Examinations, Peti- tions, and Prisoners, Committees for. ******* ****** "" ***** 2693. ****** alluded to, 2106. discharges granted by, 2336. information sent or to be sent to, 198, 318, 123. 44 …………… .... letters of, 164, 258, 281, 306, 319, 353, 362, 438, 642, 1617, 1845, 2042 (3), 2769. ***** alluded to, 184, 291, 305, 307, 309, 353 (2), 445, 524, 571, 817- 819, 823, 1254, 1925, 2295, 2851 (2). in conjunction with the Protector, 846, 873, 939, 999. …………. 2893. ……………… 3082. ****• 2881. orders by, 3211. queries by, 2983. ......, reports by, 862, 1647, ... letters to, 161, 165, 185, 428, 435, 523, 581, 720, 2290, 2750, 2772. alluded to, 526, 2002, letters of marque granted by, licences of, alluded to, 2846, members of, 1154, 1549. orders in, (1649), 1100, 1580, 2050, 2106. .... • ………………) …………………… ******* **** .... ……………… ... ... ..5 ****** (1650), 1253, 1254, 1869, 2034, 2295, 2635. ... > (1651), 1032, 1285, 1660, 2635, 2750, 2769, 2858. (1653), 641, 1103 (2), 1154, 1183, 1396, 1540, 1580, 1600, 1647, 1669, 1774, 2092, 2107, 2173, 2193, 2200, 2249, 2383, 2586, 2693, 2905, 3118 (2). ………… . > ÉL. (1654), 667(2), 695(2),862, 1169 (2), 1223 (2), 1580 (3), 1618, 1768 (2), 1775, 1998, 2056, 2078, 2107, 2142, 2173, 2188 (4), 2193, 2238, 2275 (4), 2396, 2693, 2985, 3141 (2), 3211 (3), 3217, 3218, 3220. ******* KATA (1655), 734, 1169, 1170, 1339, 1428, 1648, 1801, 2165, 2194, 2449, 2693, 3232. CAN (1656), 846, 933, 943, 947, 1044, 1098, 1175, 1184, 1228, 1282, 1433, 1474, 1504, 1648, 1725, 1729, 1972, 1991, 2040, 2042 (3), 2084, 2307, 2466, 2583, 2663, 2672, 2806, 2959, 3159. 70358. Council of State, &c.-cont. ORD · ✰✰✰✰ A …………… ·· ……….. ·· ACAD➜ ... A Ca ……………………… 2199, 3142. ... ……………. • · • 1. 2983. ******} ****** ... ... ………….., papers sent or to be sent up to, 309, 347, 650, 706, 1254, 1377. ..., papers sent from, 345, 2415. .., persons examined before, 756, 757. persons imprisoned by, 487, 1553, 1944, 2981. .... ..., persons summoned to attend, 323, 345, 405, 1253, 2892. ………………. persons treating or compounding with, 287, 486, 715, 1776, 1777, 2420. petitions to, 641, 643, 851, 1021, 1035, 1103, 1153, 1257, 1396, 1647, 1669, 1925, 2092, 2173, 2466 (2), 2693, 2806, 2852, 3116, 3118 (2), 3121, 3300. alluded to, 645, 664, 1073, 1292, 1882, 2092, 2396. ………✰✰ ܝ܂ ***2 ****** · *****♪ petitions read in, 840, 1153, 1477, 2122, 2844. > petitions refused by, 994, 2122. President of, see Bradshaw, John; Lawrence, Hen. letters to, 186, 1648 (2). the Protector at, 1647. recommendations to, 1015, 1105, .. 3159. orders in (1657), 1153, 1975, ·" • • ** (1658), 1170 (2). orders to, 185, 2142. Ordinances of, 668, 2056 (2), references by or to, passim. ......, reports read in or presented to, 1021, 1433, 2050, 2922, 2982. •*} • ...... …………… ****** 2396, 3118. , ……………… requests by, 851, 2138, 2769. ……………y requests to. 1048, 1188, 1276, 1325, 1526 (2), 1604, 1899, 1994, 2329, 2892. ****** Gualter; Thurloe, John. ****** taxes imposed by, 919. warrants of, alluded to, 141, 434, 442, 469, 640, 814, 818, 1159, 2858. Council of State, the late, alluded to, 675, 2262. Council of War, see War, Council of. Course, Mat., 102. Court, John, Sussex, 920. .... ***) alluded to, 1775, 1925, resolutions of, alluded to, 871. Secretary of, see Frost, John, co. Warwick, 1804. wife and children of, 1804. Matthew, 459. Courteen, Sir Wm., 2080, 3160. •> Wm., son of, 2080. Courteens, Mr., 1308. Courthope, Peter, high-sheriff of Sussex, 1451. petitions of, 1450 (2), 1451. Courthopp, Thos., 461. O 3386 GENERAL INDEX. ** Courtenay, or Courteney, John, 97, 1234. Sir Peter, 117, 336, 1234. ..... 7. ……………………… ... ... ♦ ... ... } • 3287. Courtney, Alex., 91. Alice, 2658. Fras., Cornwall agent and Commis- sioner, 466, 473, 649, 661, 2003 (2). Courts Leet and Baron, or of Survey, passim. · D * ·9 ·· stewards for, 166, 209, 220, 226, 227, 229 (4), 231, 233 (3), 234, 238, 245 (2), 247, 248, 250, 253, 254, 257-259, 262, 265, 279, 286, 290, 308, 309, 315, 322, 325, 338, 419, 422, 426, 437 (3), 454, 473, 474, 481, 493, 502, 503, 512, 580, 581, 591, 597, 603, 616, 669, 680, 681, 684, 685, 693-695, 698, 713, 716, 721, 727, 870, 935, 993. Courts-martial, 306, 1822 (2). Covenant, the National, or Solemn League and Covenant, Committee for tendering, 832. • ·· • · · • Rich., 116, 1278. Wm., 2731. Sir Wm., Cornwall, 117, 658, 659, 3156. ... · Douglas. > Sir Wm., Bart., Hants, 105 (2), 1841, 3287. Mary, wife of, 1841, 1842, accounts of proceedings in, 585, *** rolls of, alluded to, 241, 262 (2), 275, 286, 520, 539, 541, 581, 585, 588, 681 (2), 684, 1132, 1346, 2323 (2), 2410, 2440, 2637, 2712, 2938, 3032, 3034, 3191. • ·· •5 ..... 1618. " S 2 811, 876. *** petitions of, 2987, 2988 (2). widow of, see Trelawney, ... ………. before, 835, 839, 840. · 4 • **** "" ....... ………………, ………………, report by, 837. ……………., persons exempted from taking, 1593. petitions to, 835, 838, pleadings or informations .. reference by, 838. references to, 832, 839. …………………………, persons having taken, passim. ****** ......, persons not having taken, 880, 898, 1048, 1082, 1392, 1587, 1990, 2034. ....., persons ordered to take, 39, 830, 937, 963, 979, 988, 1019, 1085, 1145, 1163 (2), 1175, 1186, 1253, 1312, 1391, 1613, 1675, 1682, 1723, 1790, 1812. " ………….., persons ready to take, 832 (2), 835, 837, 839, 844 (2), 886, 920, 1011, 1017, 1029, 1036, 1043 (2), 1046, 1121, 1131, 1134, 1141, 1142, 1146, 1191, 1277, 1368, 1373, 1375, 1414, 1422, 1425, 1426, 1443, 1445, 1549, 1633. ………….., persons neglecting or refusing to take, 127, 853, 875, 1019, 1828, 1841, 3211. Coventry and Lichfield, Bishop of, see Frewen, Accepted. Coventry, Thos., 2nd Lord Coventry, 566, 627, 628, 802, 2192, 2892. Coventry, Francis, 718, 2304. • ****** ... Walter, 861. Covering, Mannay le, see Mannay. Covert, John, 102, 787, 858, Col., 11. Coward, Peter, 260, 1984. Thos., 1234. Cowarne, Mary, 2494, 2195 (2). petition of, 2495. ******* Cowban, Wm., Rich., and George, petition of, .. • ……. *** • 2573. Cowell, Rich., and Jane, his wife, 3095. Rob., petitions of, 3200, 3207. Thos., petition of, 3207. ·· ... ****** Cowes, John, 104. Cowles, Mr., co. Gloucester, 227 (2). Cat Cowley, Rob., 3219. Wm., 104. ……………………. , Cowling, John, 521. ANO AN "" ******* Cowper, Sir Edm., 113. Edw., 1576. Rob., 1747. 4 4. U · > Sir Thos., Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, 2907. > Thos., 2182. Walter, 1698. Cowse, Wm., agent to the Countess of Arundel, 492, 2469-2471. petitions of, 2470 (6), 2471 (4). Cox, Charles, 86. Dan., officer of the Committee for Advance of Money, 255, 340, 365, 2606, 2608. ..... > ………………, petition of, 2302. John, 43, 73, 89, 1382, 1678. " " ·· "" " Thurstan, 2086, > ****** ……………… daughter of, 1747. petitions of, 2606–2608. salary of, 311, 363. *****y Edw., Rutland, petition of, 2726. Edw., Westminster, petition of, 2479. John, Devon, 1702. ******* Jonathan, 108. " ., Joseph, 2940, Sarah, 1084. John, Essex, 321. John, co. Gloucester, 87. Thos., co. Gloucester, 87, 1591. Thos., co. Leicester, 111. Thos., co. Monmouth, petition of, 3140. Wm., 485. Wm., Devon, 2765. Wm., merchant of London, 1429 (3), 1792 (2), 2198, 2859, 8143. GENERAL INDEX. 3387 Cox, Wm.-cont. ·· …………4 ... • ………. • ***Na .... …… ******* petitions of, 2198, 2199. Wm., Northumberland, 2599. Wm., Somerset, 261, 281, 310, 527, 1046 (2), 2342. Margaret, 2nd wife of, 2342, ... 2343. ·· " 2344 (3). ………… 2343. ……… ***** Fras., eldest son of, 2342 (2), Sarah, widow of, 2342, petitions of, 2342, children of, 2343. Hugh, 2nd son of, 2343 (2), 2344 (2). petitions of, 2342, 2343 2343. > 2343. •• • " (2). > ………….. > **** ……….. د. ……. · ******* 2343 (2). Wm., Westminster, 91. Col., 306, 2446. Coxwell, John, 2306. .. ******* ·· Hester, 3rd wife of, 2342-2344. petitions of, 2343 (2), 2344 (3). ………………. • 3240. 2343 (3). *** ……………. Coyney, Sampson, 3240. ………………………, ………………, Anne, widow, of, 3240 (2). John, son of, 3240. Ralph, uncle of, petition of, ... *** ****** Thos., 89. Coysgarne, Wm., 2405. Coyte, John and Joseph, petition of, 2925. Coytmor, or Coytmore, Rob., 1113 (2). ** *" Hugh, son of, 2342. ****** Wm., 3rd son of, 2343 (3), petitions of, 2342 (2), Wm., executor of, petitions of, • *** petitions of, 1113, 2352. Cozins, Mr., clerk of the Revenue Committee, 1899. Crachley, Thos., North Wales Commissioner, 686, 688, 689, 693, 727, 737. letters of, see Montgomery, Den- bigh, and Flint, County Commissioners of, letters of and to. Crackenthorpe, or Crackinthorpe, Rich., 99, 203. **** mother and sisters of, 2306. ******) letter of, 195. ........., Capt., 817. Cradock, or Craddock, Joseph, 170, 1873, 2902, 2903. > Rich., Westmoreland Commissioner, 196, 226, 815, 827. ***** wife of, 170. ..... " Ann, daughter of, 2902, 2903. .., Rich., 2180. Thos., Hants, 105, 1131. Walter, 1714. petition of, 3066. Cradock, or Craddock-cont. Wm., 240, 1405, 1406 (2). Craft, Wm., co. Devon, 1382. Crafton, Mr., minister, co. Chester, 488, 602. Cragg, John, receipt by, 590. Craig, Lady, 2383. Craige, Dr. John, 779. Craister, Capt. Thos., Cumberland Commis- sioner, Alderman and Mayor of Car- lisle, 287, 304, 333, 405, 510, 762, 811, 812 (2), 816, 817, 821, 827, 3025. .... Cramlington, Rob., 3138. Cramond, Baron and Richardson. Cranbourne, Viscount, see Cecil, Charles. Crane, John, 51, 105, 1570. Sir Rich., 115, 402, 2707. Sir Rob., Bart., 3274. • ... *** Thos., 2605. Wm., Essex, petition of, 2097. Wm., Norfolk, petition of, 2707. Frances, wife of, 2707. Mrs., widow, co. Bedford, 2762. Cranfield, Lionel, Earl of Middlesex, 3260. Crant, Lieut. Thos., 519. Eliz., widow of, 519. Cranwell, Adam, 1311. Crap, Hen., 105. Cratchroid, John, see Wood, John. ·· •• · ........., Matt., 1091. Crathorne, Dorothy, 2990. • · ... > Ralph, co. York, 3063. Ralph, jun., petition of, 2253. uncle of, see Thornton, Wm. Thos., Ness, co. York, 3063. Thos., Welwick, co. York, 3178. Craven, Wm., Lord Craven of Berks, 438, 515, 674, 707, 732, 1616, 3284. • .... " W ****** > …………………… .... letters of, 267, 285, 297, 304. Baroness of, see ……………… estates of, 421, 445, 448, 453, 465 (2), 468, 483, 489, 493, 502, 506, 509, 520, 524, 561, 571, 574, 584-586, 388, 601, 602, 619, 626, 611, 660, 664, 674, 739, 2113, 3159, 3218 (2). petition of, 1476. Sir Wm., his father, petitions of, 1619, 2197. •*) " …………….? ****** 3 …………… ……………… > llerbert, Eliz. a Salop, brother of, 1622, י 4 1622-1624. .. ** cousin of, 647. Craven, Ant., petitions of, 1620 (2), 1777. Hen., Lincoln officer, 189 ?, 324. John, petition of, 1623. son of, 1624. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2555. Peter, petition of, 1804. Eliz., wife of, 2195, 2196. Eliz., daughter of, see John, Lord Craven of Ryton, > • estates of, 200, 1618 (2), 02 3388 GENERAL INDEX. ¿ Craven, Peter-cont. ... ……. Crawford, Earl of, see Lindsey. Crawford, Maj.-Gen., 1213. Crawley, Sir Fras., Judge of Common Pleas, 91, 1562, 2013. Craxton, Rich., 177. Creame, Isaac, 916, 3263. Creamer, Capt. Thos., 2569. petitions of, 2568 (2). Creed, Major, Salop, 761. Creick, Wm., petition of, 1324. Cresfield, Mr., co. York, 337. ..... Cresheld, Rich. and Thos., London and Dur- ham, petition of, 2524. Thos., co. Worcester, see Creswell. Creshere, Rich., 2308. Cresset, Dean, Westminster, 91. ··· ." ·· ··· letter of, 675. petition of, 2141. John, letter of, 2981. Rich., petition of, 3237. Cressett, Edw., London, 2406. Cressitt, Fras., 53, 135. Creswell, George, 3188. ·· Kang • *** Edw., Master of Sutton's Hospital, 1623. ... ·· ..... Bridget, wife of, 1804. Rich., 2555. Rob., co. Derby, petition of, 2320. Rob., co. Lancaster, 3131. Rob., Lincolnshire officer, 189?, 324. ……. > ……………… John, co. Northampton, 98, 1234. Eliz., wife of, 1235. ………………………. ……………., John, son of, 1234, 1235. ****** John, Salop, 1641. wife of, 1641. " ***** ر. ... ****** or Cresheld, Thos., sen., 2697. Wm., petitions of, 1266 (4). Creswick, Ald. Fras., sheriff of Gloucester- shire, 225, 1630. Ald. John, Bristol, 144, 511, 515. wife of, 515. father of, 515. ****** Crew, or Crewe, John, M.P., 28, 31, 40, 48, 1185. ……….. ..... Richard, 1906. Sir Randolph, 900 (2). "" ******* Randolph, grandson of, 900. Thos., Tosford, co. Chester, 3193. Thos.,Wimbolds Trafford, co. Chester, 101. Crewkerne, John, 1389. Creyk, Greg., 989. Crichlowe, or Critchlowe, James, deposition of, 456. John, co. Lancaster, 3186. or Croychlow, Rich., 1951, 3290. Thurstan, 456. ........., Wm,, co. Lancaster, 3186, Crichlowe, &c.-cont. ·· Cripling, Edw., 974, ..... Crisp, or Crispe, And., Mayor of Berwick, 811. .... Eliz., see Wilmer, Eliz. Frances, 102, 2486, 2937. Henry, 1843. John, co. Lancaster ?, 2223 (6), 2225. ………………………, ………………, petitions of, 2223 (4), 3070 (2)?. ………………………, ………………, Henry, brother of, 2223. > John, Oxfordshire Commissioner, 570, 576. " ..... ·· • ... ·· ·· " • " > (2). Sir Nich., 57?, 1651, 1908, 2181, 2296. " • Wm., co. Lancaster (poor), 3240. Mr., Lancashire agent, 2442. > "" ………………… ', Critchlow, see Crichlowe. Croane, George, 2564. Crocker, Sir Hugh, 98, 1394. Crockett, Wm., Salop, 2925. Croft, or Crofts, Christ., 2017. Edw., 2017. Eliz., 102, 2501. ........., Gilbert, petitions of, 2825 (2). Ellen Atherton, wife of, 2825. Sir Henry, 2167. ******* Wm., son of, 616. John, co. Lancaster, 3292. petition of, 3292. Nicholas, 57?, 88, 1762. ***** ………………….., John, Suffolk, 95. Sir John, 653. ………………………, Ralph, 2901. > .. 2 * ………………………, Thos., London, 3227. · ***** " ... ……….** Wm., 2510, 2511. Mr., co. Northampton, 88. Mary. • John, his son, petitions of, 1762 Rob., co. Hereford, 2207. Thos., co. Leicester, 111. 110013 petition of, 1908. Ellis, son of, 2296. petitions of, 1651 (3). Henry, Kent, father of, 1908. petition of, 1908. ...... children of, 3227. Sir Wm, Bart., 91, 1438 (3). ......, Lady Mary, mother of, 466, 1438 (3). • 1438. Mary, widow of, see Edney, .. **** ****** Lady Anne. ……., petitions of, 1438 (2). Capt., 59. Mr., 91. > Croke, see Crookę. sister of, see Conway, Sir James, Bart., brother of, GENERAL INDEX. 3389 Croker, Gerard, 1639. · mother of, 1639 (2). ……………………, ………………, Henry, his brother, 1639, [ ..... Wm., his uncle, 1640 (2). petitions of, 1640 (3). ·· ... ***** Mr., minister, Wilts, 79. Crombleholme, Thos., petition of, 3200. Crompton, or Crumpton, Anne, 465. ·· " " ·· ………… • > • Fulke, 205, 3043. Mary, 3rd wife of, 3043 (2), 3044 (2). > ..... **** 3044. > **** …...♥ ** ****** 3043, 3044. ………………. ** Gilbert, 1489. John, sen., London, 2456. Anne, widow of, 2456. children of, 2456. John, co. Stafford, petitions of, 1817 (2), 1822. ... ***** ………… ……………. ... ... Cromwell, Oliver, as Lieut.-General, 979, 1052, 1741. ***3 Rob., father of, 1002. ... *** ... Wm., Mayor of Chester, certificate by, 2182. Sir Rob., 2567. Thos., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3217. Thos., London, 3259. Thos., co. York, 1002. ..... petition of, 3043. ………… *73 Eyton, son and heir of, 3043. petitions of, 3043 (2), Capt., 511, Mr., 525. Mrs., 2103. +1 **2 Fulke and Frances, children of, ... alluded to, 2565. letter to, alluded to, 1607. order of, alluded to, 150. ......, pass granted by, alluded to, 932. " 1182. Prudence, wife of, 1817 (2). places taken by, 932. ………………………, ………………, prisoners taken by, 850. reference to, 979. ………………………. ………………, report of, alluded to, 17. ,, ******* …………… ** certificates by, 1457, 1878. letters of, 951, 1586. ……………… …………………….. ……………., army of, 270. > signature of, 48; see also refer- ences by, holograph. ****** as Lord Governor, or Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 155, 224 (2), 250, 270,386, 1148, 2298, 2773. •*) *****) requests of, alluded to, 979, servant of, 2842. ………………………… ………………, as Lord General, 241, 389, 395, ... 448, 463, 488, 489, 510, 665, 1432, 1911, 2002, 2179, 2180, 2184, 2356, 2504, 2577, 2578. abuse of, 2852. Cromwell, Oliver-cont. ………………………. ………………, agents of, 603. ………………………. ………………、, army of, 1048, 2242. ..... ... *** ·· •1 * •, ………………, ………………, Apothecary-Gen, to, 2504. ………………, ………………, surgeon in, 2965. **** Articles of war confirmed by, 2238, 2244. ·· 481, 493, 603, 1705, 2184, 2192. · *……………… 2564. ...... • •" ..... ****** 2435. 3062, 3066. ... ... ……… ... *********y to, 2867. 739. ……………… KUNA C 2682. ****** " "S as Lord Protector, 660, 694, ………………} 695, 701, 702, 719, 720, 735 (2), 737, 743, 1198, 1580, 1754, 1787, 2004, 2106, 2165, 3149, 3245. appointments by, 733, 735, A > *** 2189. State. ******* ……………. ... ……… certificate by, alluded to, 2867. lands granted to, 393, 435, 465, ... counsel for, 1225, 2056. designs against, 1612. estates, &c., granted to, 1754, 2192, 2466 (2), 2467. ANNUA ***** ... letters of, 637, 1432, 1540, 2325, alluded to, 2002, 2565, *** government of, approval of, or adherence to, 939, 940. letters to, 2179, 2180. lifeguard of, 1490. orders by, alluded to, 279, protection granted by, alluded petition on behalf of, 393. petitions to, 643, 3118, 3121. alluded to, 1502. ………………, grants by, alluded to, 1725, 2475, 3224, 3231. → , certificate sent to, 744. alluded to, 1427, 2337, claims of, alluded to, 705, 731, Council of, see Council of 2830, 2958, 3021, 3200, 3294. Ordinances of in Council, see Council of State. instructions of, alluded to, 999. letter of, alluded to, 1044. letter to, 1524. note by, 682. orders of, 737, 1622, 2368, 2387, alluded to, passim. ……………………………………, patent of, alluded to, 733, 1353 (2). J ... • petitions to, 666, 670, 679, 680, 682, 695, 703 (2), 719, 724, 831, 840, 816, 852, 862, 912, 928, 930, 933, 936, 939, 963 (2), 994, 999, 1028, 1048, 1070, 1105 (2), 1112, 1153, 1168-1170, 1196, 1198, 1228, 1282, 1315, 1337, A 3390 Cromwell, Oliver, petitions to-cont. ………. …………………… …………………… ... …………. 2 ... ..... ………… .... ·· • · + • ·· 1338, 1396 (4), 1428, 1434, 1443, 1453, 1477, 1485 (2), 1540, 1613, 1618, 1647 (2), 1648 (3), 1659, 1699, 1704, 1729, 1768, 1775 (3), 1801, 1823 (2), 1824, 1829, 1873, 1975, 1984, 1990, 1991, 1998, 2087, 2092, 2094, 2104, 2106, 2121, 2122 (2), 2142, 2165 (2), 2193, 2194, 2198-2200, 2259, 2267, 2275 (2), 2336, 2368, 2382, 2387 (2), 2123, 2424, 2154, 2164, 2485, 2490 (2), 2498, 2517, 2526, 2583, 2597, 2662, 2663, 2672, 2682, 2693, 2697, 2772, 2806, 2810, 2830 (2), 2844, 2896, 2905, 2946, 2958, 2959, 2983, 2985, 3021, 3083, 3118, 3136, 3142, 3158, 3162, 3198, 3200, 3208, 3209, 3228, 3262, 3267, 3285, 3293, 3302. alluded to, 682, 735, 928, 930 (2), 885, 1067, 1076, 1154, 1428, 1433, 1618, 1706 (2), 1775, 1823, 1894, 1931, 2094, 2173, 2336, 2337, 2387, 2396, 2655, 2811, 2840. 蹲 ​presentations in the hands of, or made by, 1725, 3231, 3235. …………… recommendations by, 1401, 1775, 2983, 3159. ………………………. ……………., request of, 2104. · • · alluded to, 1105. references by, 680, 681 (2), 682 (3), 687, 720, 735, 852, 933, 937, 939, 963 (2), 1070, 1076 (2), 1169, 1170, 1194, 1291, 1428, 1618, 1647, 1648, 1699, 1768, 1801, 1820, 1873, 1984, 2092, 2094, 2104, 2106, 2122, 2193, 2236, 2259, 2267, 2382, 2387 (2), 2454, 2464, 2490 (2), 2517, 2583, 2597, 2662, 2773, 2810, 2830, 2840, 2905, 2940 2946, 2985, 3136, 3198, 3208, 3209, 3228, 3285, 3302. alluded to, 2337, 2397, **** alluded to, 1354. ……………………., requests to, alluded to, 1170, 1648, 2387. ……………… 3116. " ... ****** holograph, 682, 846, 1540, 1659, 2199, 2309. …, ……………., reports, &c., to, 831, 2040, 2337, 2368, 2387. ... resolution of, alluded to, 871. respite by, alluded to, 2489. …………………., secretary of, see Thurloe, John. witnesses for, 1354. " alluded to, 2142, 2368, 2396, 2958, 3083 (4). D > **** GENERAL INDEX. • > • " *** · ***** Cromwell, Anne, 1939. Richard, Lord Protector, 745. Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Baron of Oakham, 89, 950. as the late Protector, 1196, 1777. Hen., 90. Major Oliver, 55. Cromwell-cont. + 44 S ... 4.9 • * .... ·· .... ... • Crook, Crooke, or Croke. ......., Charles, 1268. D * • • •• TAJANA ·· C • ·· O Sir Oliver, alias Williams, Bart., K.B., 90, 978. Col. Henry, son of, 978. " ……………………………., Lady Furrace, wife of, 979 (2). • AUT • ·· …… > Thos., son of, 67, 2877. …………………, ………………, daughters of, 2877, 2878. husbands of, 2878. **** Wm., brother of, 2877. " ..., Alex., nephew of, 2878. ………………………. …………、、、 ......, petitions of, 2877, 2878. Sir Hen., Clerk of the Pipe, 2843. > .... *** ... • "" *………… Rich., 3146. Major Thos., 90, 918. Col. Wm., 792. Mr., J.P., Hants, 2693. (4). > ………………….g Sir Edw., Clerk of the Pipe, 351. George, 721, 3173, 3208. Anne, widow of, 3208. George, son of, 3208. John, son of, 3208. Sir George, 2877, 2878. > ******* · > ·· > *** • **** .. ... certificate by, 2249. letter of, 611. letter to, 609. James, messenger, 786, 794, 795, 798. James, Pendle, co. Lancaster, 3231. Anne, wife of, 3231. · ... .... ****** John, co. Hants, petition of, 3234. John, Kellamergh, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2217. John, Preston, Co. Lancaster, *** , **** 3193. Col. John, Bucks, &c., 68, 118, 1288. ****** > .... Rich., 1282, 3174. Sir Rob., 68, 94, 1471. Thos., 3259. Major Unton, 753, 755, 759, 760, 776. Mary, wife of, 2877, 2878 …………. 3213. ………… wife and children of, 1288. Wm., Dorset, 1013. Wm., Brindle, co. Lancaster, 573, 1282, 3213. letters of, 747, 762. George and John, nephews of, Wm., Urton, co. Lancaster, 3175. Mr., co. Lancaster, 2909. . > Cropley, John, 240, 2059. ****** ………………, petition of, 2058. Cropp, Hen., 530, 532. Cropper, Eliz., 1952. Grace, 1952, husband of, 1952. GENERAL INDEX. 3391 Cropper-cont. Mary, 2991. ………………………, ………………, Ellen, mother of, 2992. ..... Peter, 1717. ... ·· " Cropwell, Thos., petition of, 1893. Crosby, John, 2249. signature of, 623. Sir Pierce, 3081. ………….., Rob., 112. Crosfield, Chris., 1116. Crosland, Hen., 2406. .. .... .... ******* 1717. • · ... ..... • " .*" *** ·· **** Crosse, or Cross, Edm., 3235 (2). George, 879. John, Co. Lancaster, labourer, 2737. .. Jane, 1123. Jordan, 1695, 2735. Bridget, wife of, 188, 1696 (3), 1698. " ***** *** *……………… ***) ***** • ……………. ……………… Sir Jordan, 188, 1695. · ...... ******* John, Barton, &c., co. Lancaster, 1118, 2659, 3041. Cicely, his wife, petition of, } ……………… Thos., deposition by, 1430. ........, Wm., 879. Crossfield, Rob., 176, 1658. > 3041. Latimer, 1336. Mich., 120. ******** ****** Thos., his son, 1658. Crossing, Rich., 211. Crosthwaite, Johu, 1113. petition of, 1113. Croston, Rich., 2086. ... petitions of, 1695 (3). Rob., father of, 2738. Eliz., mother of, 2737. ... petitions of, 1111, 2659. John, son of, petition of, Crouch, Gilbert, 626, 696, 1348 (2), 1731 (3), 1958, 2038, 2131, 2230, 2254 (2), 2342, 2417, 2418 (2), 2461, 2589, 2593, 2600, 2604, 2632, 2676, 2679, 2697, 2715 (2), 2720 (2), 2976, 3006, 3020, 3062, 3064, 3124, 3127, 3133, 3134, 3151,3163 (2), 3164, 3212. 3161. petitions of, 2569 (2), 3161, ………………………….., requests, &c., by, 2182, 2341, 2418, 2518, 2692. Dorothy, wife of, petition of, .... ... 3163-3165. Crow, Edw., 238. children of, 3161. ****** Thos., Sussex, 181, 198. Sir Francis, 2859. ****** Capt. John, Salop collector, 266, 363. Crowder, Edw., co. Chester, 123. Crowley, Rob., 2165, 2166. ………………………, ………………, petitions of, 2165 (2). Crown, the, casual notices of, passim. clerks of, see Chancery. * PARA ... A ……… ………. .. ... • ... "" ·· fee-farm rents on, 166, 566, 610, ***** 1532, 1616; see also Fee-farm Rents. grants of, 1533. leases of, alluded to, 1475, Lands, 711, 2673, 3135. "I 2388, 2404, 2444. A purchase of, 310. revenues or rents of, 207, 231, ? 233, 246, 297, 370, 440, 444, 149, 456, 507, 515, 522, 623, 918, 1186, 1313, 1317. • ? for, 695, 1496, 2106, 2910. ..... sale of, Committee for Remov- ing Obstructions in, 1510. petition to, 164. Trustees for, 1403, 1510, 3101, 3135. 2 " .... د. ... > ··· ***** • *** Crowne, Col. Wm., Salop Commissioner, 180, 243, 256, 331 (2), 363, 463, 584, 617, 630, 683, 706, 719, 725, 735, 2472 (3) 3059. * > collectors of, or receivers > ……………… ………………, letters to, 693, 713, 718. Crowther, Bryan, 239, 1991. ……………A ... ………., surveyors of, 354, 2138. Office, certificate from, alluded to, 2380. ****** cha ******* A "} letters of, 172, 574, 615, 640, 677, 680, 3014, 3059. Croxton, Hugh, London, affidavit by, 255. Col. James, Parliamentary Governor of Nantwich, 46, 796, 1139, 1179, 1689. Thos., 2645. widow of, see Johnson, Alice. auditor of, 715. certificate of, 681. orders of, 2952. petition to, 2138. Wm., Suffolk, 2962 (2). ****** petition of, 2962. Croychlow, see Crichlowe. Crump, Thos., sen. and jun., 2788. Crumpton, see Crompton. Thos., co. Radnor, 2360. Mr., London, 3109. Crymes, Rich., 2077. Simon, see Grimes. Cubitt, Ant., 2344. Thos., 2743 (6). petition of, 2743. • ***** ******* Cuckow, Thos., 2786. Cudworth, Rich., 1466. Cuffand, or Cufand, Math., 475, 1487. daughters of, 1488. ****** Cugley, Hen., Mayor of Gloucester, letter of, 133. Culcheth, Thos., Culcheth, co. Lancaster 3142, 3176. Thos., Halsall, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 2412 (2). > 3392 GENERAL INDEX. Cullen, Viscount, see Cockayne, Charles. Cullen, or Culling, Thos., Kent ?, 1287. Thos., London, 684, 2160. petitions of, 2159, 2160. Cully, Rob., 105. ..... ******* Cullyer, Sam. clerk to the Norfolk Commis- sioners. 182. Culme, Arth., 1886. Phil., 2102. ******♪ ... · .. • * …………………., Philip, brother of, 1161. Wm., 802. Culmer, Herr, burgomaster of Dantzic, 523. Culpepper, see Colepepper. A Cumberford, Wm., 1960. Cumberland, Earl of, see Clifford. Cumberland, John, petitions of, 2641 (2). Cundy, John, 1098. Cunliffe, Ellis, petitions of, 1345–1347. • > 633. '9 Rob., M.P., Lancashire Commissioner, 168, 170, 194, 392, 469, 471, 506, 507, 515, 530, 549, 588, 592 (2), 603, 621, 629, 646 (2), 2881. letters of, 135, 589. letters to, 489, 499. petition of, 2563 ?. Cunningham, Sir David, 896 (6), 897 (2), 2184 (4), 2185. , ******* 1161. ………. ………. • > • Rich., 50, 1161, 1651. Thos., Devon, 2967. Thos., Scotland, 3, 56. Cuny, Capt. Walter, Pembroke Commis- sioner, 618. • · > Cupper, Hen., 1737. John, and Abraham, his son, 1389. Cure, Math., 1622 (2). ... •" …………. petitions of, 1617, 1621, 1622. Curle, Edw., agent for Somerset, 177, 222, 238, 260 (2), 273, 281, 290, 291, 297, 298, 301, 303, 381, 534, 654, 813 (2), 1295, 1296 (3), 1321 (2), 1405 (3), 2500, 2501 (2). Nicholas, Lancashire Commissioner, ..." K. > Judith, his widow, 2102. ***SI 9 ...... ... > Rich., grandson of, petition of, • כי. ... .. 244 (2), 1630. petitions of, 137, 226, 240, 298, 525, 1145. ..., John, 2883. ··· · certificate by, 1321. deposition by, 303. petition of, 2883. **S Walter, Bishop of Winchester, 94, 2761, 2883. Eliz., widow of, 2883 (2). petition of, 2884. .. > Wm., son of, 2883. letters, &c., of, 140, 141, 179, 2884. Curr, Thos., 3191. petitions of, 2883 (6), Curren, Thos., 2707. Marg., widow of, 2707. ……. > Kath. daughter of, 2707. Currer, Hen., 985. ... ........, Hugh, petitions of, 2427, 2428. Wm., M.D., 2780, Curry, Dan, 1216. ........, or Currey, Mat., 695. petition of, 2954. Curson, or Carsen, Fras., 2541 (2). .... ·· ...... ... • petitions of, 2540, 2541. Curtis, Joseph, 462, 469. ………., Rich., 116, 993. • ·· ………. ••• .... • 40 ·· ', Curwen, Bridget, 3001. · • .... "" .. ... ·· " 5 "" • ... 4. ………. • Curzon, Sir John, Bart., Receiver-General for the Duchy of Lancaster, 45, 46, 1854, 2449 (2). · 1. *** ******* petitions of, 2460, 3069. Cusse, Hen., 79, 2645. Wm., 2135. Cusson, Alex., petition of, 3171. Custom House, London, see London. Customs, Commissioners of, 44 (2), 2937. letter of, 523. " …………… ** ·· ……………… *...* Thos., Berks Commissioner, 524 (2). Walter, farmer of Excise, 3242. ………… › 3182. …, ……………., Isabella, his wife, petitions of, 986 (2). Wm., co. Cambridge, 539 (2), 970. Wm., co. York, 72, 665, 1415. Mr., co. Gloucester, 911. ***** husband and children of, 3001. Chris., 124, 3186. Eldred, 72, 124. Henry, 521. ·· **) Cuthbert, Chris., petitions of, 1834 (2). George, 1351. Rich, 1016 (3). .... Col. Sir Patricius, Bart., 43, 124, 985, 1160, 1240. 1 Sir Henry, Bart., 3182. ……………) petition of, 1015. Wm., petition of, 3008. Major, 22. Cutler, Ben., 96, 1128. Edw. 240, 2605. Sir Gervase, 1014. > > Margaret, widow of, 72, 124, > …………… 1014. …………. > •• > farmers of, 1001. scrivener and searcher of, 1001. waiter of, 933. alluded to, 526, 2937. " ..... ........, James, 779. Lady Magdalen, widow of, children of, 1014. John, co. Lancaster, 3013. Rich., 2167. ……………………., Wm., 2166 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 3393 Cutler, Wm.-cont. ...* ******* Cutts, Lady Anne, 2347. ... • ••• * D. J., Preston, 246. Dabbs, Sam., 1214. •• • "" Daborne, Capt., 540. Daccomb, or Dackham, Brune, or Bruen, 118, 1658. ... • ……………………… ·· • ..... ** Dacks, Wm., 205. Dacre, Lord, see Lennard, Francis. Dacre, or Dacres, Mary, co. York, 2319. …………….., Thos., 70. Sir Thos., co. Cumberland, 72, 124, 233, 522, 1560 (3), 1726; see also Capel, Arthur, 1st Lord Capel, trustees of. • " **** · "" John, 1888. Rob., 2642. ...) .. *****g ••• ... Sir Thomas, London, 51, 147. Dade, John, 460. Dagnall, Stephen, 191. Daingerfield, Thos., deposition by, 2425. Dalby, Gerrard, 1296. * .. *** ... petition of, 2166. * 3 •• .. > petitions of, 2347 (2), **** Dale, James, petition of, 3063. Wm., 1156 (2). Dales, Gabriel and Eliz., his wife, petition of, 2824. Dalliland, Jas., 2409. Dallison, Chas., 2408. D petition of, 2540. children of, 1658. Mary, widow of, 1296. children of, 1296. ....... Wm., Rutland Treasurer, 371, 411. Sir Charles, 139, 696, 1339. Martin, clerk to the Committee for Advance of Money, 72, 425, 545, 640, 3121, 3159. certificates by, 547, 2947, 2978, כי petitions of, 1560, 1933 (3). Hen., father of, 1727. Mary, mother of, 1727, 2402. petitions of, 1727 (5). 3071. …………………, note by, 565. ر. orders to, 478, 1838. • ……………., request to, 1083. ……………., salary of, 439. Sir Thos., 2058. Wm., 803, 1340. ……………………… ……………., Rob., his son, 1340. Dallow, Phil., 1613. Dalston, or Dalton, Sir George, 62 (2), 99, 124, 960, 1461. ... - ··· …………… 44 ………… ... .. …… (... •• "……………., son of, 62. John, co. Lincoln, 2135. ………… 1 .. + · ·· • * ** -" " > > > ****** • Robert, grandfather of, 21:5 John, co. Westmoreland, 99, 1416. John, co. York, 3076. Kath., 3113. of, 2559. Pickering, 257. Rob., co. Lancaster, 2559. Thos., son of, 2559. ……………, ………………, Ellen, daughter of, 2559. Margt., Eliz., Jane, Ellen Dorothy, Kath., and Ellinor, daughters of, 2559. …………. · (2). . ... "" •" ………… petition of, 2559. •" Susan, see Nevison, Susan. Sutton, co. Lincoln, 1724. **** Danby, Earl of, sce Danvers. Danby, Alice, petition of, 2823. Edm., 3093. Fras., 1235. James, 2823, 3136 ?. petition of, 2824. • • .... Thos., 21. Sir Wm., Bart., 62 (2), 99, 107, 124, 802, 960. > .... ………… Mr., minister, Cumberland, 3117. " .... Dr. John, 587. Rich. and Eliz., his wife, ¡etition of, 2513. Rob., co. York, 2823. Thos., co. York, 3133. ...... • ……………… Eliz., widow of, petition John, son of, 699, 1855 (2). petitions of, 1724, 1855 Sir Thos., M.P., 1014, 1478. Francis, son of, 1014. Thos., younger son of ?, 1015. Mr., 2574. Mr., co. York, 1351. Dancastell, Fras., petition of, 3031. Dancer, Wm., 67. Dand, John, 1056. …………*** widow of, see Johnson, Eliz. John, son of, 3133. > ******} 1056, 1057 (3). Isabella, widow of, petitions of, John, son of, 1056. Rowland, 510. ……………………、、 Dandy, Hen., 2767. petitions of, 2767 (3). Jeannet, wife of, 2767. Jane, 3175. Wm., petition of, 2622. *****3 Dangerfield, Edw., 3110. Daniell, or Daniel, Edm., Suffolk, 3191. Edw., co. Lancaster, 3175. 3394 GENERAL INDEX. Daniell-cont. 40 C ... ... • · .. → • • .. Hen., 560, 1198. ► …… ………………, petition of, 1622. 1 > · • · • · • · · · 1 · + CACAO · 9 • · ……. ·· "3 > ****** U John. ……… " . > 1764. · • ... 1761. ……………… • > ... Kath. , י > .....} 3303. (6). > - 3032. > > • ↑ • • • ****** .. > ****** .. .p 3103. • • Sir Ingleby, 1763. • ·· **** Kath., widow of, see Poulton, John, son of, 1663, 3032, petitions of, 1663 (2), Thos., son of, petitions of, 3104 Fras., brother of, petition of, Nich., brother of, 3103. Mary, sister of, see Norton, Lady, Mary. John, Staffordshire officer, 2974. .. ***** ** • ↓· • ..... ·· **** · 3 ... John, recusant, 3186, 3191. John, Essex, 3032, 3104 (3). …………. ... ... • ******* ****** " Anne, his wife, 1198. Dannald, Rich., 961. Dannett, George, petition of, 2263. Thos., 110. Dansey, or Daunsey, Roger, 52. father of, see Darell, Sir Frances, his wife, 1764 (3). George, his son, 1763 (2), ……………." petitions of, 1764 (3). Thos., his son, 1763, 1764. petition of, 2974. •*3 John and Edw., Suffolk, 2887, Kath. Wm., co. Worcester, 1478, 1479, 2071. deposition of, 426. Danson, Thos., 2014. ******* Danvers, Henry, Earl of Danby, 98, 1637, 1974-1976. Marg., petitions of, 2825 (3). Peter, 107. Rich., 1702. ……… * * * * * * ******* Rob., 110. Thos., 1877. wife of, 1877 (2). *.***> Wm., co. Lancaster, 3201. Capt. Wm., 1735. ... petitions of, 1763 (2), ·· • ******* niece of, see Shilton, Mary. Wm. co. Hereford, 52, 1991. ……………… Danvers, Dorothy, sec Osborne, Dorothy. ... ******* Col. Hen., Governor of Stafford, 292, 296, 316, 376, 565, 629, 720, 2084. sister of, sce Gargrave, Lady Henry, nephew of, 1638 (2). Eliz., widow of, 1638. John, 110. letters of, 564, 700, 1848. note by, 701. Danvers-cont. ·· G ·· • ** ** …….. U • • • petition of, 2927. ******) Dapwell, Wm., petition of, 3195. wife of, 3195. ... *****} · ·· ..> ... 1 ……… > Darby, Jos., 209. Darcy, John, Lord Darcy of Darcy, 1003. Eliz., widow of, 1003. Sir John, M.P., 138, 360, 1563, 1638 (3), 1974 (2), 1975 (3). petition of, 1639. ·· ***** ..... ……………………, ………………, Henry, 3rd son of, 1694. daughter of, 1121. > ******> Conyers, or Sir Conyers, Lord Darcy and Conyers, 380, 1002, 1121, 2530. petitions of, 968, 2530. , .... > Conyers, eldest son of, 1121. Sir Wm., 2nd son of, 1880, > .. ·· Darell, Darrell, or Dorrell. ………………., Anue, 102. ., .....3 1930. ****** - כי ·· Thos., 2927. ·· " .., Jas., 2404. • · ··· .... **** Eliz., wife of, 2261, 2263 (3). Sir Marmaduke, son of, 2261. ………………………. ………………. ….…………., Anne, widow of, 2264. ... ******* petition of, 2260. Marmaduke, Northumberland, grandson of, 2262–2264. ******) petitions of, 2260, 2261. or Dayrell, Sir Thos., 67, 1212. ...., Wm.,.Sequestration Solicitor, co. Herts, certificate by, 158. Wm., sen., Kent, 2681. A. ****** ……………………… wife of. Marmaduke, sen. and jun., co. Lincoln, 1236. Peter, 67, 1519. Phil., Auditor for Recusants' Re- venues, 4, 286, 384, 390, 780, 861, 862. petitions of, 165, 166, 674, 680, 861. Sir Sampson, Navy Victualler, 2260- 2264. ··· Eliz., daughter of, 1639. Sir John, Bart., 1198. …………. • .. ……………. L Dorothea, his wife, 1880. > daughter of, see Daniell, John, ****** ……………… Eliz., widow of, 2681. Wm., jun., son of, 2681. ... Anne, daughter of, see Berke- ley, Anne. ……………. ……………., younger children of, 2681. Darke, John, 2968. Darleston, Wm., 2572. Darley, John, certificate by, 842. Rich., or Sir Rich., M.P., 64, 135, 169, 379, 380, 1029, 1700, 2021, 3215. ......, Hen., M.P., his son, 3, 4, 31, 523, 581, 657, 663, 677, 778 (2), 780 (3), 929, 985, 1152, 1153 (2), 11617, 1238, 1245 (3), 1255, 1687?, 1768. Darley, Rich., Hen., his son, &c.—cont. …………… ··· ..... J 2134, 3215. ***** Mr., co. York, 277. Darlington, Edw., 101, 1233. Darnell, Ralph, assistant clerk to Parliament, and Registrar for Delinquents' lands, 663, 777, 825 (2), 1625 (2), 1626, 2192. Darr, Leonard, petition of, 3276. Darrell, see Darell. Darwin, Wm., 953. • …… • Dashfield, Hugh, 2192. Dashwood, Wm., petition of, 1619. Dastin, Mrs., co. Hants, 105. ··· "" ..... Daunser, Thos., 436, 438. Daunsey, Wm., see Dansey. Dauntsey, John, jun., Radnor Commissioner, 517, 534. Davell, Rob., 108. •4• • Davenant, Dr. Edw., 77, 1236. Eliz., 3258. ...) ·} ………………………♥ *** Davenport, Art., 101, 632, 2886, Hen., Halton, Salop, 3260. Hen., Worvill, Salop, 3143. John, Hough, co. Chester, 123, 124. Joha, Rode, co. Chester, 122. ……. .. } ... ... ... .. • .... } ..... 687, 967, 1662. …………… ..... > letters to, 608, 618, 650, 676, 709, 725, 1208. petitions of, 725, 2021, .... "" " ……………… letters or notes, by, 615, *** > > Wm., father of, 953. Mary, 3018. Rich., 583, 586. Thos., 110. Wm., Bramhall, co. Chester, 100, 122, 1660, 3268 ? *** Davers, Lady, 1906. Davey, see Davy. David, Philip John, see Evans. Davidson, see Davison. letter of, 587. GENERAL INDEX. • Davis, or Davies, Anne, co. Warwick, 3197. Anthony, John, Francis, Anne, and Grace, 2524. Edw., steward for co. Denbigh, 713, 727, 2310 (2). Peter, son of, 123, 1660. Wm., Widford, co. Chester, 123. John, son of, 122, 123, 1409. Edw., Somerset, 1322, 1591, 3119. Jaquett, wife of, petition of, 3119. *****) Edw. co. Worcester, 1416. John, messenger to Ireland, 785. John, Berks, 1062, 1937. John, Kent, 1832 (3), 1833 (6). petitions of, 1832, 1833 (S). • ******* John, co. Lancaster, 1953. John, co. Montgomery, petition of, 703. John, Sussex, 2051. George, 1709. James, 392. A • 7 Davis, &c.-cont. $4 • • A .. •* .. ·· ·· 1 M • • • • • ..") • • • • ..> **** 1 ..3 •"} "J ... ג' כי •> • ... > ·· > ..3 ****** • ..> ... • .." 3 > Davison, or Davidson, Hen., 1591. Ralph, 28, 986. Rob., Surrey, 389, 1400. Sam., co. Durham, 1400. Thos., 794. Thos., co. Durham, 28, 986. ..? request by, 2697 ?. Thos., Northumberland ?, 3103. Lieut.-Col., 795. .... ****** > ? • U ......} kich., see Davy. Rob., 1206. Rob., clerk of Parliament, 825 (2). Rob., co. Gloucester, petitions of, 2817 (2). Rob., co. Hereford, 326, *3 "J ***** Lancelot, 521. Lewis, 205. Math., co. Dorset, 959. Math., co. Wilts, 3112. petition of, 3112. > D B •> Davorishcourt, Fras., 176. Davy, or Davey, Hen., Devon, 97, 2968, Hen., London, 3127. Morris, 205. Nath., 205. Sir Paul, 362, 819. Raphael, 426, 3179. Rice, 2101. " ******* ****** Hum., 285. John, Carmarthenshire officer, 714. John, Burrington, Devon, 1382. > +4 .., John, Sandford, Devon, 1388, Jonas, 111. or Davies, Rich., 41, 217, 1062. signature of, 623. first wife of, 2102. Mary, 2nd wife of, 2101. daughters of, 2101. Rob., North Wales, 801, 1717. Thos., carrier?, 634. Thos., co. Chester, 113. Thos., co. Derby, 2320. Thos., co. Flint, 1718. Thos., London, 755. Thos., co. Monmouth? 2443. petition of, 2797. ******} Thos., co. Montgomery, 3247. .. petition of, 2654. ******} Thos., co. Pembroke, 392. Wm., M.P., 1827. Rob., petition of, 2709. Daw, John, Dorset, 118, 1798. Henry, grandson of, 326, 3091, AAAAA Dawes, George, 781. KACAN 3395 petition of, 9. Sarah, wife of, 780. ……………………., John, Salop, 2050. 3396 GENERAL INDEX. Dawges, Capt. Wm., 745. petition of, 354. • ***** Dawkes, Rob., London, 3258. Wm., bailiff, Kent, 368, 373. Dawkins, Lieut.-Col. Jenkin, South Wales Commissioner, 387, 557, 647, 676. • ► .... " letters of, 611 (2), 639, 646, 660, 663, 691, 714. Lieut.-Col. Rowland, Major-General for co. Monmouth and South Wales and Governor of Carmarthen and Tenby, 1524, 2042, 2177-2180. .... letters of, 522, 1524, 2180 (2). Dawson, George, treasurer of the Committee for Advance of Money, 606, 813 (2), 2662. order to, 892. ......9 Major George, 1016. mother of, 1016. ………………………♥ • …………… • • + .. • ... · > .." ·· • • "" > · •> ·· " .. • • •y …………… * • > ......} Hen., Mayor of Newcastle, 1178. John, Kent, 461. John, co. Lancaster, 3219, Rowland, son of, 3219. ·· • " .... ... ני ……………. 3219. John, co. Lincoln, 1352. Josiah, 2409. Martin, 2076, Mary, petition of, 143. > כי •" ·· Sir George, 109. Hen., London, 254, 255, 779 (2), 2184. petitions of, 2184 (6). statements by, 255 (2). .... •• *...* " IN • " *** · ·· ***** ·· petitions of, 2996, 2997 (5). Mr., Norfolk, 418. Day, Ciprian, co. Lincoln, 1379, ……………… ., George, 2327. Henry, 106. John, 3186, > *** John, Excise officer, 3217. John, Somerset, 1458, Nich., 1315, Phil., Somerset, 141, 1656, 1857, Phil., co. Warwick, 2017, Mr., clerk, co. Northampton, 98. Dayles, Joseph, petitions of, 3218, 3219. Rob., 3218, John, son of, petition of, husband and children of, 143. ***** Lieut. Maur., 811. Rich., clerk, co. Leicester, 111. Rich., Norfolk, 1886. Roger, and Chris. his son, 1762. Rowland, 203. Thos., co. Leicester, petition of, 168. Thos., co. Notts, 108. Thos., Westmoreland, 521. Wm., 2996. Thos. and Ellen, children of, ****** of, 3218. Gabriel, Ralph, and John, sons Daymond, John, Devon, 502. Dayrell, see Darell, Deacon, Rob., depositions of, 531. Dean and Chapter lands, rents, or livings, 22, 28, 61, 68, 90, 120, 141, 142, 161, 164, 168, 282, 297, 444, 455, 592, 624, 690, 696, 711, 801, 1711, 1893, 2042, 2054, 2194, 299, 3037. Committee for Removing Ob- structions in the sale of, 1711. order by, 1428. alluded to, 3146(3). ... .... ……. • • · • • …………… ·· · ..... man, Mr. ………………, ………………, surveyor general for, 1133. 4 ••• U • …………………, ………………, surveyors of, 1395, 2500 (2). treasurers for, 821, 834. contractors for, 503, 834. ………….1 purchase of, 3037; see also under the several sees. > ……………. > ………….. .. ***** ·· • • " …………… ** ***** .... 2801. ...... trustees for sale of, or Gurney House Trustees, 385, 429, 434, 452, 508, 592, 611, 642, 655, 2498, 2500. auditor of, certificate by, 3126, .. .... ..... .....? ****** deeds of, alluded to, 2465. lands bought or rented from, 1434, 1854, 2405, 2576, 2802, 2807, 2814, 3037 (4), 3078, 3079, 3101, 3123, 3126, 3146, 3204, 3266,3284 (2). leases granted by, alluded ·· **** " ……………… orders of, alluded to, 1302. Deane, Anthony, 2532. petitions of, 551, 2532. Dorcas, petition of, 2532. Sir Drue, 2532. .... …………… ………….. ******* to, 2401. ……………. receiver of, Mr. Hunt, 729. receiver-general of, see Wood- …………. ******} ...... ………… ******* ... .. *** …………… اره George, 2527. > 2527 (2). Hen., and Anne, his wife, petition of, 3231. ... petition of, 2658. John, Somerset, 141, 1356, Sir John, 2532. " ………, ………………, Frances, daughter of, 2532 (2). petitions of, 2532 (2). 2442. books of, 1337. certificate of, alluded to, ………………、 James, 1568, John, Berks, 2984. Edw., son of, petitions of, ****** Rich., co. Chester, 120. Rich., Secretary to the Army Com- mittee and Treasurer at War, 365, 379, 675 (2), 679, 824, 2332. letters of, 443, 2783. letter to, 441. General Rich., 2166, 2167. Mary, widow of, 2166 (2), 2167, children of, 2442. ……………………., Rob., 416 (3). ******* bond of, 416. Thos., 3005, GENERAL INDEX. 3397 Deane-cont. Dearing, John, 2882. Dearlove, Thos., 1448, · ·· • · • Deaves, Thos., petition of, 2306. Decimation tax, see Delinquents, Decimation tax on. Dee, Rowland, petition of, 1171. Deeble, Walter, 152. - ... Deeds, Alex., petitions of, 1833, 1834. Julius, his father, 1833. Deering, Anne, co. Stafford, 2207. husband of, 2207. • J Thos., 459. Deffell, Marg., 3029. .. * .*** Thos., sen. and jun., 3028. .. ... Degg, or Degge, Simon, Callowhill, co. Staf- ford, 1016. Thos., Kent, 461. Wm., Kent, 459. Wm., Somerset, 2618. Mrs., 60. ………. Deincourt, Lord, see Leke, Francis. • Delabere, Kynard, 2889. De la Fountaine, Sir Erasmus, 110, 1581, 3021. ·· ... Delahay, Hen., 593. Rob., 177. > Simon, Kingston, co. Stafford, 89. Simon, Uttoxeter, co. Stafford, 1928. ....., petitions of, 1891, 1928. Delamaine, Rich., 2068 (2). Delandola [? Ignatius Landahola], 735. Delaune, Gideon, 2167. Delavall, Delaval, or Delavale. ....., Barbara, Northumberland, petitions of, 1552 (2). Eliz., Barbara, and Alice, 3281 (2), 3282. petitions of, 3281, 3282. 3 ……………y .... Fras., 3145, Ralph, petition of, 999. Thos., Durham Commissioner, 673. letter of, 472. Delawarr, Lord, see West, Thomas. Delbalzar, Jos., 630, 1656. Deline, Sir Danl., 96. petition of, 1581. ... Delinquents, casual notices of, passim. .. Acts concerning, 146, 167, 178, 286, 124, 657, 776. alluded to, passim. 3 ………..2 beyond seas, 139, 146, 184, 189, 206, 413, 490, 493, 496-498, 593, 925, 1026, 1049, 1054, 1101, 1122, 1203, 1327, 1340, 1580 (3), 1640, 1654, 1656, 1688. feigned death of, 1656. licence to go, 493. cases, compositions or sequestrations .. > of, passim. ****** instructions concerning, see England, County Commissioners of, Instructions to. Delinquents, cases, &c., of-cont. ... ……………… • .... A ... ………… ... • ……………. *** ..... ………………… D ……………… " …………………… · ******** .... • ***** rules, &c. for, 139, 140, 166, 170, 471. • " Committee for Compounding with, see Committee for Compounding. Decimination tax of 1655 on, alluded to, 1011, 1433, 1820, 2168, 2893, 2922, 3262. Committee of Council on, 939, • 2684 1433. order appointing, 731. exemption or discharge from, 940, 1005, 1175, 1184, 1228, 1292, 1504, 1524 (2), 1659, 2087. petitions for 840, 994, 999, 1070, 1244 (2), 1434, 1477, 2841, 3267. ·· ****** ་་ ******* to, 971, 1009. ** ... alluded to, 873, 885, 919, ******* 1009, 1038, 1069, 1076, 1090, 1098, 1194, 1207 (2), 1224, 1244, 1261, 1291, 1292, 1306, 1315, 1339, 1474, 1507, 1555, 1578, 1729, 1793, 1972, 1975, 2056, 2089, 2307, 2653. estates of, concealments or undervalua- tions of, casual notices, passim. Act concerning, alluded complaints of, 965, 1137, ……………… ………………5 1145, 1221, 2083, 2646 (2). " ... ..) discoveries of, by the de- linquent, passim. by informers, see ******* ………………2 2 ………… Informers. ... 3245. ...... discoveries of, Committee for, at Worcester House, 2466 (2), 2467. orders in, 743, 2132, ...... .. INSTA T ... ***3 before, 1814. · $59. •• > …………… " ………….. ****** for Compounding concerning, 144, 469, 471, 487, 501, 591. **** Parliament orders con- cerning, 30, 125, 127, 289, 297, 323, 957. ……………. ......, persons summoned notes of, 226,336, 502, 957. orders in the Committee ………. ………………. ………………, query concerning, 409. excluded from pardon, 133, 134, 138, 139, 146, 159, 161, 1340, 1713, 17341, 2049, 2062. " > ••* ..> ****** petitions, &c., concerning, 137, 140, 226, 240, 565, 827, 997, 1071, 1084, 1130, 1135, and see also In- formers, petition of. ......, names of, 138, 139. executed, 1113. fines of, passim. - refusals to pay, 850, 853, 857- imprisoned or taken prisoner, passim. in arms, passim. lands or estates of, passim. Commissioners for Removing Obstructions in sale of, see Obstruction Committee. .. Ordinance forbidding county officers to buy, alluded to, 1919. 3398 GENERAL INDEX. Delinquents, lands, &c., of-cont. rules for letting, 414. sale of, passim. ... ……. ·· .. ... 1 .. • ** ..... > " •• > 1427. ·· alluded to, passim. debate on, alluded to, discharges on, list of, estates or persons in, ,list of persons in, 715. *** › ………………, names in, reported to Parliament, 616. persons respited *****5 …………….. Trustees or Commis- sioners for, Treason Trustees, or Drury House Committee, 182, 496, 503, 612, 1076, 1113, 1223 (2), 1361, 1767 (2), 1849, 2122, 2189, 2213, 2220, 2396, 2495, 2523, 2581, 2733, 2791, 2859, 2890, 2931, 2965, 3072, 3075. cases presented to .....3 #1 …….. > 2317. > ****3 ว > .... ·· 704. ****** passim. •• .... • ………….. from, 1955. · •• 3. • ******* ·· …………… • • + *** …………. ++ 630, 1361, 2297. ……………… > ………. > certificates from, al- luded to, 734, 1113, 1115. ,certificates to, ordered or alluded to, 1097, 1242, 1451, 1546, 1562, 1691, 1696, 2638, 2829, 2931(2), 2992, 3075, 3077 (2), 3281. chairman of Augus- ……………… ***** ... ***** ... .... • ...... tine Garland, 1913. * ………………, complaint by, 2590. alluded to, 3205. contracts with, al- luded to, 657, 1427, 3044. ****** counsel to, 3294. ………… Acts for, 464, 602, 617, ******9 ...... · .. ... ****** ...... AUDIO • ·· ……. . * > estates in hands of, 501, 1262, 2097, 3116, 3142. • .... estates sold by, or purchased from, 578, 588, 672, 895, 1113-1118, 1120, 1214, 1223, 1263 (2), 1268,1307, 1324, 1348,1361, 1387, 1389, 1429, 1449, 1476, 1524, 1552, 1582, 1602, 1611, 1613, 1649, 1656, 1701, 1712, 1714, 1715, 1722, 1727, 1731, 1734-1737, 1745, 1750 (4), 1766, 1769, 1792 (3), 1801, 1817, 1835, 1837, 1843, 1849, 1854, 1884, 1894, 1895, 1910 (2), 1955, 1958, 1962, 1978, 1979, 2008-2010, 2013, 2017, 2024, 2038, 2042, 2046, 2047, 2073, 2074, 2077, 2082, 2089, 2104, 2131, 2132, 2136, 2140, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2171, 2180, 2188, 2191, 2192, 2194, 2195, 2198, 2199, 2205, 2207, 2220, 2221, 2223- 2225, 2228, 2230, 2247 (2), 2254, 2276, 2303, 2208, 2321, 2342, 2345, 2353, 2356, 2369, 2376, 2379, 2394, 2397(2), 2400, 2407, 2413, 2417, 2418, 2420, 2422, 2424, 2428, 2432,2440, 2442, 2443, 2446, 2451, 2461, 2482, 2486, 2495, 2501, 2507, 2509, 2513-2515, 2519, 2526, 2527, 2531 (2), 2533, 2534, 2534, ……………… Delinquents lands, Trustees for Sale of-cont. 2557, 2570-2574, 2579 (2), 2581, 2583, 2589 (2), 2590 (2), 2593, 2595, 2600, 2604, 2611, 2612, 2623, 2625, 2628, 2630, 2632 (2), 2634 (3), 2637 (2,) 2642, 2644, 2649, 2653, 2658, 2660- 2662, 2C67,2672, 2674, 2676, 2679 (2), 2690, 2695 (2), 2698, 2711, 2712, 2715, 2720, 2728, 2729, 2733, 2717, 2748(2), 2758, 2760 2762, 2763, 2772, 2778, 2801, 2815, 2826, 2853, 2858, 2859, 2861, 2864, 2879, 2882, 2911, 2915- 2917, 2935, 2937, 2957, 2967, 2976- 2978, 2996, 2997, 2999, 3005 (2), 2006, 3010, 3020-3022, 3024, 3028, 3032 (2), 3017 3062 (2), 3064, 3066 (3), 3071-3073, 3077, 3090, 3094, 3096- 3100, 3102, 3103, 3105 (2), 3106, 3109 (2), 3110, 3112, 3115, 3119 (4), 3123-3138, 3141, 3143-3146, 3151(2), 3159, 3168, 3169, 3172, 3173, 3175, 3182, 3187, 3198, 3202, 3203, 3205- 3208, 3211-3213, 3216-3219, 3224, 3233, 3242, 3277 (2), 3281-3283, 3286, 3291, 3293, 3295, 3298, 3302. ....,grants by, alluded to, information from, …………… ... ……………………… ………………… ·· ... TA ……… 1 ... ··· …….. • · ·· .... ***** ·· 2165. ..... *………. alluded to, 1765. ·· •" letters of, 581, 612, 647, 650, 721, 725, 727, 731, 742, 1626, 2156, 3133. alluded to, 581, > …………. > ……………… letters to, 563, 584, 632, 734, 1680, 1969, 2395, 2523, 2531, 2534 (2), 2670, 2830, 2995, 3068, 3071, 3077, 3114. alluded to, **** ** } ..... > .. 613, 2397, 2526, 3133. > …………… …………….y ... 2536, 2791, 2830, 2951. ... ** ******* ……………19 1619. · ...a > **** .... > 2191, 3071. > 766, 776, 777. " notice given by, 2205. officers of, 610, 731, orders of, 554, 604, …………….5 ……………… alluded to, 473, 553, 568, 605, 609, 610, 629,2074, 3281. 21€5. **5 K · ... • 2630, 3114. 208. • . • " .. > ………….. ……………. ..... > ……………… orders to, 8, 558, 604, 766, 1204, 1223, 1242 1259, 1428, 1600, 1618, 1708, 2165, 2166, 2526, 2532 (2), 2536, 2631, 2829, 3024, 3038, 3067, 3073, 3075, 3077, 3211. alluded to, 1600, ……………. ……………., payments by, al- luded to, 3293. 9 ……………Į ……………… place of meeting of, Drury House, 467, 633, 647. references to, 682, …………… 13 ……………… "" ******* ******* ****** ****** J members of, 612, P …………… " ****** ******) 1118, 1223, 1624, 2191. registrar of, 1116– ………………, report of, alluded to, Κ 3399 GENERAL INDEX. Delinquents lands, sale of, Trustees for-cont. ....., requests of, 1033, alluded to, ? ***** 2168, 2205, 2396, 2957. CATA …………… Kaa A ****3 • ... .... …… · + ** CAD " •> surveys ordered by, alluded to, 1113, 1222, 1324, 1642, 1697 (2), 2341, 2764, 3114, 3119. trea-urers of, 731, certificate of, request to, warrants to, 668, 766. Delinquents, lists or notes of, 9 (2),18,21, 33, 38, 39, 48, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 66-68, 72, 73, 76-78,85-124, 131, 136, 137,142(2), 144, 152, 153, 155, 169, 174, 176, 177, 181 (2), 190 (4), 192, 193 (2), 199, 201–205, 328, 329, 336, 457-462, 478, 520, 522 (4), 525, 526 (2), 534, 539, 546, 547, 554, 562, 564-569, 581, 587, 602, 616, 617, 623, 632, 639, 642, 670, 674, 675, 715, 721, 728-730, 732 (7), 733 (3), 735, 736–740, 742, 769. subscribing the engagement, • • " • } ………. 467 (2), 1625, 2191. UNALAANA 2292, 3296. requests to, 2638, > ... • **** ......, surveyors of, 482, 624, 668, 731, 2198. ... 2189. • 2189. ………a 2188. > ********** ……………… 623. ,, ***** ……………… ……………… *9 ... •" ******} > ......, } …………… *** ****** 42.. ……………… ☛ **** ****** ******* ministers, lists of, 79. not allowed to compound, 146, 161, 843, 849, 896, 1100, 1137, 1158, 1465; see also Papists. not sueing out their pardons, 935, 944, 1008, 1018 (2), 1089, 1162, 1176, 1286, 1328, 1381, 1382, 1395, 1405, 1407. 1495, 1496. orders in Parliament concerning, passim. pardons or discharges of, passim. directions for, 27. ****** permitted or forbidden to come near London, see London. petitions of, passim. proclamations concerning, 69, 70, 143, 145. queries concerning, see Committee for Compounding, queries to. returns concerning, by the County Committees, 741, 742. • settlement by, of rectories, tithes, &c., in part payment of their composition fines, 847, 868, 876-878. 882 (2), 894, 899, 900, 910-913, 916, 925, 931 (2), 939, 915, 946, 949, 952, 955 (2), 956, 969, 974, 977, 990, 1001-1003, 1005- 1007, 1010 (4), 1014 (4), 1022, 1025, 1027 (2), 1035, 1036, 1039 (2), 1048, 1054-1056, 1059-1061, 1064, 1082, 1088, 1105, 1108, 1112, 1133, 1134, 1139, 1164, 1165(2), 1175(2), 1180(2), M Delinquents, lists or notes of-cont. ………… . 4 • petition of, 1028. Delval, Maximilian, 630, 1656. Delves, Sir Thos., Bart., 98, 112, 1334. Sir Ien., his son, 1334. Demetrius, Jonas, 485, 2867. Denaford, John, 98. Denbigh, Earl and Countess of, see Fielding. Dendy, Edw., serjeant-at arms, 92. information by, 2785. …………… ** M t ... .. ………. Denham, Jasper, 1289, 40 1186 (7), 1188 (2), 1212, 1226, 1229, 1232, 1236, 1239 (3), 1244, 1245 (2), 1247-1251, 1235, 1257, 1231, 1266(3) 1283-1286, 1288, 1289, 1300 (2), 1301 (2), 1303, 1313 (4), 1320, 1327, 1331, 1334, 1339, 1343 (4), 1345 (5), 1350 (2), 1357 (3), 1358 (3), 1365, 1366 (3), 1370, 1376 (4), 1379 (2), 1383, 1386 (4), 1387, 1409, 1410, 143.– 1436, 1448 (2), 1454, 1455, 1461, 1463, 1466 (3), 1178, 1488 (2), 1489, 1493, 1501-1505. 1508, 1509, 1521 (2), 1522 (3), 1527-1530, 1566-1569, 1570, 1580, 1602-1605, 1613, 1614 (3), 1633, 1639, 1649 (3), 1650 (2), 1662, 1671- 1673, 1C81, 1685, 1692 (4), 1697, 1753 (2), 1772 (2), 1778, 1779, 1820, 1827, 1855, 1862(3), 1880(4), 1881(2), 1894, 1903, 1904, 1906, 1947, 1980, 1988, 2040(2), 2043, 2047(3), 2048(3), 2054, 2079, 2096, 2113 (4), 2126 (3), 2140-2142, 2152 (4), 2191, 2192, 2196, 2232, 2248, 2266 (2), 2267, 2281 (2), 2303(2), 2373, 2374, 2410(3), 2418(3), 2419 (3), 2461 (4), 2478, 2484 (2), 2185 (4), 2012, 2539, 2556, 2588 (2), 2628-2630, 2658, 2735, 2744, 2754(2), 2821, 2934, 2835 (2), 2847, 2862, 2896 (2), 2897, 2988. 3046, 3121, 3214 (3), 3229, 3231. 3263, 3265, 3278, 3280. * · …………., ………………, trustees for. 876, 900, 912, ******* 931, 946,1054, 1056, 1088, 1180, 1239, 1334, 1350, 1357 (2), 1358, 1375, 1376, 1503 (2), 1509, 1661, 1827, 1947. > ………… "" J ***** +4 .. ... John, his son, 1289. ******y John, co. Durham, 2988, John, Essex, &c., 68, 92, 95, 96, 270, 278, 389, 1790, 3041. wife of, 1792. • [...] …………… 3041. Petronella, widow of, 1289, Sir John, 887. children of, 1790 (2). daughter of, 3041. John and Kath., parents of. Mary, daughter of, 887. " ******* Lieut. Nicholas, 487. children of, 487. > …………. ་ Denis, John, co. Lancaster, 1978, Denman, Nich., 197. Dennett, Rich., 104. Dennington, Wm., 2645, Dennis, Thos., 3257, ་ Mrs., Cornwall, 1140. 3400 GENERAL INDEX. Denny, Arthur, 1297. Hen., 635. Sir Wm., 115. Lady, 2249, Dent, Kath., 2879. ....., Rob., 2879. ·· · ••* • .. •• Isabel, wife of, 3202. Denton, Sir Alex., 67, 2269, 2878 (2). wife of, 2878. • • ... • · · ·· • · ·· • ·· • .. • + ·· John, co. Lancaster, 3169. Wm., M.D., 1576. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1727. Wm., co. Northampton ?, 1308. Denyson, Jas., 176. Deodati, Dr. Theodore, 2167. Derby, Earl and Countess of, see Stanley. U · .." * > + Arthur, 2312. Edm., son of, 2878. Edw., co. Lancaster, 3133. Edw., London, 2167. +9 .., George, 124, 202, 233, 1694. John, Bucks and Oxon, 191, 664, 667, 3197. "" 2 ... • "g •9 •" * • " A · Margery, widow of, 2879. ………………, IIen., father of, 2879. Jane, sister of, 2879. Wm., 3202. ****** > …………… *** House Committee, or Committee for Both Kingdoms, 13, 15, 21 (2), 30, 31, 185, 187, 783, 784, 1443, 1487, 1568, 1578 (2), 1682. letter of, 8. order of, 21. ……….... · 9 ……………… to, 22, 24, 30, 791. "" 4. *** "" ………. "" ………. ,י., ..... children of, 2269. • …………………., reports by, 14, 17. ... > C ··· ·· " , ......, reports to, 12, 17. Derdiam, Nath., serjeant's deputy, 797. Dereham, Thos., 497, 2891. orders or directions of, alluded child of, 2891. *****) Derham, Rich., petition of, 1534. Dering, Charles, 1565. orders to, 18, 22, 43, 70. petitions to, 1443, 1578. . propositions of peace by, 1018. receiver for, Gualter Frost, 48. ……………… Sir Edw., Bart., 831. family of, 832. **** ……………. Dermot, officer of the Prize Commissioners, 537 (2). alluded to, 18, 19, 130. Derry, Bishop of, see Bramhall, John. Derry, Rich., 1929. Desborough, Desborow, Disbrowe, or Dis- borow. Isaac, jun., 240, 241, 277, 433,743. Maj.-General or Lieut.-General John, 319, 358, 371, 400, 410, 720, 792, 758?, 991, 2705; see also cos. Devon, Dorset, Somerset, and Wilts, Maj.-General for. Desborough, Maj.-General, &c.-cont. letters of, 387, 2705. De Spencer, Lord le, see Fane. Dethick, Alderman Sir John, 'Treasurer-at- War, 341, 539, 546, 776, 777, 2007 (2). 3268. ... note by, 546. receipt by, 37. Anne [Parker], wife of, 341. Deverell, John, Bucks Treasurer, account by, 559. Thos., Bucks 766. Commissioner, 173, ………………… • " ……………. ... ·· · C ********** ****** Detton, George, 2631. AL • Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex, Lord General, 24, 29, 391, 468, 1152, 1161, 1232, 1284, 1328, 1373, 1918, 2083, 2425, 2866, 3267. • ***** ads. …………. .... abuse of, 892, 1484. ........., army or soldiers of, 15, 130, 827. " • ………………. ………………、 ………….., money for, 1, 8, 13, 15 (2). men or horses for, 1143, …………… • ·· ………..'y ……………… Susan, widow of, petitions of, 2631 (2). Thos. and Anne, children of, 2631. ****** …………… a > 2849. ……………… • ... …………..) …………♥ D 883, 1762. letter of, 631. officers of, 832, 2499. orders by, 863. ......, passes or protections of, alluded to, 893, 1152, 1328, 1389. ...... ......, persons submitting to, 948, 2028. .. • physician of, Kingston, Dr. John, 1790. prisoners exchanged or released by, 897, 1565. …………. · ****** · commissioners for, 1385. commissions from, alluded to, 1683. prisoners taken by, or surren- dering to, 846, 863, 877, 928, 1980. proclamation by, alluded to, 2 ………… " Elizabeth, widow of, Countess of Essex, 92, 801, 1373. second husband of, see ……….. Higgins, Thos. ………… ******J sister of, see Seymour, Frances, Marchioness of Hertford. Devereux, Sir George, 585, 3006. Col. Nich., 181, 1652. Wm., petition of, 2051. Devonshire, Earl of, see Cavendish. Dew, John, Berks, petition of, 3070. Dewe, Bryan, 2886. ……………… **♪ ...... Dewell, Hum,, 3257. petition of, 2885. D'Ewes, Sir Simon, Bart., 698, 1962. Eliz., widow of, see Wray, Eliz. GENERAL INDEX. 3401 D'Ewes, Sir Simon-cont. ·· .. ** ****• ·· .. Dewhurst, or Walmsley, Eliz., 3126. ... +1 • Thos., 3126. Wm., 1089. Dewick, Fras., Mayor of Hull, 367, 380. Wm., 3108. .... nephew of, see Harris, Peter. **** ……………… Dewxell, John, 87. Dewy, James, Dorset Commissioner, 673, 708, 711, 712, 1634. ******* Rob., Bailey, co. Lancaster, 2014. James, son of, petition of, 2014. Rob., Comberall, co. Lancaster, 2014. • · **** abstract by, 711. letters of, 702, 722, 732. ******* Capt. Jas., Devon Commissioner, 163, 171, 259. ** ***.. petitions of, 1785-1787. Dey, Hen., Norfolk, petition of, 3126. Dibble, Martin, 3143. Sir Willoughby, son of, 1962. Paul, father of, 1962. Rich., brother of, 1962 (2). ..... Wm., 1786 (2). ***** John, father of, 2014. Hen., son of, 3143, 3144. Walter, son of, 3143. ……………… Joan. Agatha, and Mary, daughters of, 3144. petitions of, 3143, 3144. ***** ****** Dible, John, 1008. Dicconson, Hugh, Coppull, co. Lancaster, 2364, 2365 (3). letter of, 650. petitions of, 2363, 2365. Edw., father of, 2363, 2364 (2). Anne, wife of, 2364 (2). Hugh, Heskin, co. Lancaster, 2543. **** ****** petition of, 2543. Dichfeld, see Ditchfield. or Dickenson, Wm., 1843, 3103, 3137, 3145 (2), 3207 (3), 3218. Dick, Thos., 2407. ... ………………………, ………………, Mary, his daughter, petition of, 2407. *****} Sir Wm., 56, 134, 137, 1646. children of, 1647-1649. ………… ………………, Alex., son of, petition of, 1648 (2). Sir Andrew, son of, 1649. petitions of, 1648 (4). .... > Wm., grandson of, petitions of, 1648 (2). ****** Dicke, Sir George, 2304. Dickens, Fras., 1519. 70358. …………. mother of, 1649. petition of, 1788. ………….., or Dickins, Wm., father of, > 668, 1519 (2), 1520 (3). brothers and sisters of, 1520. · L Dickens-cont. ·· John, 1591. ********* Dickenson, or Dickinson, Chris., 291. • ** ……………… • ******* .. ·· Thos., Alderman and Lord Mayor of York, Yorkshire Commissioner, 171, 679, 721, 722, 725, 798, 2739,3073 (2). letters of, 720 (2), 723. Wm., Westminster, 409, 2607 (?). Dickerson, Rob., see Dickenson. Dickins, Wm., see Dickens. Dicus, Hugh, 1565. Digby, John, Earl of Bristol, 118, 138, 152. 259, 274, 309, 479, 1305 (4), 2168, 2684. petition of, 2517. John, son of, 2517. ……………….., Thos., Middlesex, 2864 (2). petition of, 2864. ... Hen., 3186. Hugh, Eccleston, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 2821. ··· Hugh, Wraisholme, co. Lancaster, 1962. " Mat., petition of, 2482. Peter, 1340. Rich., 100. or Dickerson, Rob., 1352. *** ··· ··· *****9 Beatrice, or Beatrix, Countess of Bristol, his wife, 1303, 2168, 2169 (2). } ***** Digby, Alex., 902. * * * * * *> Dives, Sir John. ………… (2). (2). George, Lord Digby, his son, 138, 521, 985, 986, 1587, 2168. Anne, wife of, 2168, 2169 petitions of, 2163 children of, 2168, 2169. ·· 3170. "" ***** 3171. Edw., 2792. Everard, 2044, 3170. ... 3171. •9 **** 594, 2043, 3170. *****3 Sir Kenelm, his son, 88, 92, 109, 111, 2043, 2172, 3170, 3296. George, son of, John, son of, 3170, ………………………….., petition of, Kenelm, son of, George, son of, 89, 2043, petition of, 3170. Christian, daughter of, 2044, Eliz. and Frances, daughters 2044. *** ·· ******* 3170. ** * * * * * * * 3170, 3171. ***** of, 3170. *3 Sir Everard, son of, 2043, 3170. Mary, wife of, 67, 109, petitions of, 2168 (2). former husband of, see ******* ………… د. *** …………… Thos., brother of, 3170. P .ވ 3402 Digby-cont. 444 " ... } .... 3079. · ..., James, jun., 3079. John, 309. • • > ·· > Capt. George (K), 95. Jas., sen., 88, 698, 1643, 3079. daughters of, 3079, 3080. Kath. and Dorothy, sisters of, ... 2172. ………………, Anne, wife of, 309. John, co. Nottingham, 769. John, Rutland, 302, 2726. Sir John, 89, 107, 1421. Kenelm, 2172. ...... ***** • .. ****** Digges, Edw., 461. Diggles, Thos., 1735. Dighton, Thos., London, petition of, 3087. Thos., co. Warwick, 1521, 2965 ?. Dillingham, John, petition of, 1843. Dillon, Garrett, 97, 432, 3157. wife of, 97, 3157. ... Simeon, 769. Capt., co. Leicester, 110. Col., 1896. **) ******* .., Rob., Devon, 3088. ... Mr., co. Leicester, 110. > ……………….., Dr., 98. Dillworth, John, 3182. ♪ Thomasine, his mother, 111, Eliz. Dimock, Mr., 92. Dinely, Capt., 2511, 2512. Dingley, Hen., 2524. " Dios, Wm., 861. Dirkin, Alex., 460. Hen., 460. family of, 3157. ..... Dirleton, Earl and Countess of, see Maxwell. Disbrowe, see Desborough. petition of, 3087. Disher, Capt. Wm., Herts Commissioner, 746. Disney, Col. John, Lincolnshire Commissioner, 172, 666, 667 (2), 670, 672, 675, 676 (3), 690, 708 (2), 955 (2), 1431. letters of, 253, 520, 740. ………………………. ……………., statements, &c., by, 691, 730. Molineux, 2143. wife of, 2143. Ditchfield, Edw., co. Lancaster, 3122. Edw., London, 465. ……………………., John, 3110. ……………………., Mr., co. Chester, 451. Ditton, Hum., 318. GENERAL INDEX. ...... ……… Eliz., widow of, see Threlfall, Divall, Griffin, 532, 3121. Dives, Sir John, 1303. 1304. • Sir Lewis, his son, 67, 92, 98, 343, 523, 546, 581, 588, 1303, 2325 (3). Lady Howard, wife of, ………………) Dives, Sir John-cont. • Sir Lewis, his son, Francis and other children of, 1303 (2). petition of, 1303. ******* ****** mother of, see Digby, Bea- trice, Countess of Bristol. Divines, Assembly of, members of, 92, 802, 2539, 3056. Divinity, Bachelors of, 243, 1322, 1588, 2945. Doctors of, 91, 94, 118, 119, 121, 123, 345, 934, 1085, 1120, 1121, 1139, 1246, 1274, 1299, 1308, 1310, 1366, 1452, 1454, 1481, 1500, 1501, 1514, 1521, 1530, 1549, 1552, 1565, 1567, 1570, 1578, 1586, 1593 (3), 1594, 1686, 1798, 1799, 1957, 1966, 1974, 1977, 1990, 2008, 2019, 2030, 2035, 2109, 2160, 2350, 2366, 2496, 2596, 2605, 2661, 2693, 2717, 2732, 2766, 2877, 2879, 2883, 2973, 3115, 3132, 3192, 3239, 3260, 3282, 3293. Dix, James, petition of, 3046. …………………, ………………, daughter and son-in-law of, 3046. Dixe, widow, 508. Dixie, or Dixy, Beaumont, 1847. > ... > • ·· ******* Dixon, Barth., 1463. ', • • " *** ****** ***3 …………. 3229 (2). " ****** wife of, see Willoughby, Mary. Sir Wolstan, co. Leicester, 110. children of, 3229. ... · John, Lincolnshire Commissioner, 110, 182 (2). Nathan, informer, 1037, 3200. petitions of, 886 (2). Rob., Middlesex, 2156, 2163. Rob., co. Northampton, 88. Rob., co. York, 3210. Mr., London, 465. Wolstan, co. Stafford, 89, 104. Young, 1468. Ellinor, wife of, 1468. Dixy, see Dixie. Dobbins, Wm., 2804. Dober, John, Jersey, 2330. Dobson, Chris., 2688. Wolstan, his son, 110, 1991. John, co. Leicester, 3229. ……………. , Jane, wife of, petitions of, ..., John, 92. …………… Edw., co. Lancaster, petition of, 1111. Edw., co. York, 1640. Hen., 1896. Hugh, 3210. Rob., co. Chester, 111. wife of, 1111. Docker, Rob., 521. Dock wra, Hen., 1960. •1 ****** Rob., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2782. Wm., Excise Officer, 3245. Capt. Jas., 895. Dodd, Edward, 103, 112, 905. Thos., son of, 103, 905. GENERAL INDEX. 3403 Dodd, Edward-cont. "" 905 (2). .. .... .... .., John, 2184. Judith, 3257. Piers, or Pierce, 113, 2547. ……………………… ………………, Elinor, widow of, 2547. • ... ………………………、 ………………, John, son of, 2547. .. ... · AYAKAN ·· ……………… *** ……………… Ralph, 103. ........., Thos., D.D., 103, 120, 1798. , Mr., Westminster, 92. Dodding, Col. George, 156, 158, 298, 302, 307, 1535 (2). petitions of, 155, 157. Dodington, or Doddington, Art., 92. > **** ……….. · ******* ………………) Sir Fras., 138, 150, 260 (2), 318, 1256, 1257 (2), 2172, 2557. ……………… ……………., Alice, wife of, petitions of, 1256 (2), 1257 (2). George, 212. ****** John, 2557 (2), 3132. Dodson, George, keeper of the New Prison, 2606. Dodsworth, Sir Edw., 58, 798. Fras., 1765. John, petition of, 3202. Rob., co. York, 3189. Thos., petition of, 2759. father of, 2759. ****** petition of, 2185. wife of, 2185. ... Chris., 638, 653, 936, 2557 (4). mother of, 936. .... Thos., his son, wife of, sister of, 905. • ******* 〃 petitions of, 2548 (2). Marg., mother of, 2759. Wm., co. York, 1765, 1766. petitions of, 2548 (2). Dokin, Peter, 107. Dolbyn, or Doulben, John, 1718. Doleman, or Dolman, John, 2423. father of, 2423. " ... * Mr., Bucks, 191. ……………♥ Marmaduke, 1749. د. petitions of, 1765, 1766. wife of, 1765. ***** Thos., his grandson, 1749. ……………………. ………………………………., Mary, widow of, 1749,1750. petitions of, 1749 Wm., his son, 1749. wife of, 1749. (3), 1750 (2). • Anne and Mary, daughters of, 1749, 1750. Phil., 3144, Rob., 2024, 2642. wife and family of, 2642. Thos., 1246. ••• Dolliffe, Rich., 1389. Dolling, John, 1315. Lieut.-Col. Thos., petition of, 3267. children of, 1315. Dolman, see Doleman. Dolphin, John, 2281 (3). Capt. Rich., 2067 (2). Domvill, Wm., 107. Donaldson, John, 1630. Doncastle, John, 560. Doole, George, 2460. Dorchester, Marquis of, see Pierrepoint. Viscount, see Carleton. ** Dorchester, James, 2858. Dore, John, Devon Devon Commissioner, 199, 218, 251, 283, 293, 321, 322, 367. letter of, 325. John, jun., clerk?, 283. Dormer, [Rob., 1st Lord Dormer], 1706. ·· • …………… **** …………. " 1. ·· ******* Sir Wm., his son, 1705, 1706. Lady Alice, wife of, 67 68, 92, 109, 307, 535, 570, 1705, 1706, 1708, 1709, 2249, 2339, 2340. *3 ……… son of, Charles, 2nd Earl of Carnarvon, 66, 908, 1784, 2269. petitions of, ******* Eliz., daughter of, see Somerset, Eliz., Marchioness of Wor- cester. Dormer, Ant., 2411. ** ...... ·· *** son of, Robert, 1st Earl of Carnarvon, 2269. ……………… " " TAGA 2250 (2). …………. ** Ant., cos. Bucks and Warwick, 1785, 3120, .... Rob., son of, 68, 142, 472, 661, 1784, 3120, 3192, 3286. Mary, wife of, 249. ***** ... *** > .... ...... petition of, 3286. children of, 1784, 3286. Ant., jun., co. Stafford, 2999, 3228. ***** ... John, 66. .., John, M.P., 2939. " Fleetwood, 2804. * .. petition of, 2998. Dorothy, wife of, 2998. petition of, 2939. Mary, or Smith, Mary, 2411. Dr. Peter, 1725, 1726. petition of, 1725. Rich., co. Bucks, 3113, Ursula, widow of, 3113. ……………., Rich., son of, 3113. .... Wm., 240, 1625. ******* petition of, 1785. Dormett, Rich., petition of, 194. Dorney, John, Gloucestershire steward, 215, 262, 275, 279 (2). letters of, 133, 262. ******* Dorrell, Edw., 458. Jas., 461. Sir John, 458. Mr., Kent, heirs of, 329. Mrs., Kent, 368. > Dorrington, Fras., 89, 1843 (2). P & 3404 GENERAL INDEX. Dorrington, Fras.-cont. 1. .. .. Dorset, Earl of, see Sackville. Dorsett, Mr., 400. Doubleday, Fras. 92, 1340. Thos., 92. • • Doudswell, Rich., 2306. Doughty, Hen., 194, 330, 361, 2271, 2957. …………., John, son of, 2271. Eliz., widow of, 2271. Michael and Wm., 2957. ... .... …………♥ ........, Capt. Sam., 754, 772-774. Douglas, James, Lord Mordington, 2124. wife and children of, 2125. *** • Doulben, see Dolbyn. Douthwaite, John, 3299. Dove, Col. John, M.P, member of the Com- mittee for Compounding, 135, 437, 612, 1660. ··, ·· .... Major John, 81. Jane, sister of, 81, 3205 ?. Sir Ralph, 101. Rob., 172. ……………….., Thos., co. Chester, 100. • .. > .. > G Dover, Earl of, see Carey, Hen. Dover, Rob., petition of, 2382. Doves, Jarman, 2045. ……………… 5 .... Dovey, or Dovie, Gervase, 89, 1971. Dowce, Sir Fras., 1095. Margt., wife of, 1843. children of, 1843. ر Frances, widow of, 1592. · .... Thos., co. Northampton, 88, 1016. • • letter of, 372. Eliz. Dowcett, Abr., 469, 1972. Dowd, Mr., surge on, Middlesex, 2766. Dowding, Rob., 118. Dowdswell, George, 87. Dowley, Ralph, petition of, 2288. Rich., petition of, 1479. Capt., Cumberland, 233. Dowman, Wm., 2734. *** **** CAN > petitions of, 2735 (2). Down, Earl of, see Pope, Thos. Down, Downe, or Downes. Edw., 1168, 1817. Edw., Norfolk, 1852, 3241. Col. Edw., Devon, 2823. U ****** Thos., son of, 1095. ·· …………………., report of, 2461. Lewis, 1303. ...... Col. John, M.P., Army Commis- sioner, 408, 563, 2461 (2). wife of, see Fleetwood, 1303. Sam., 1897. Rob. and John, brothers of, Sam., father of, 1897. Thos., co. Chester, 123. Thos., co. Hertford, letter of, 657. Thos., Norfolk, 2755, 2770. Down, Thos., &c.-cont. wife and children of, 2770. ... > ……………………… ………………, Edmond, son of, 2755, 2770. petition of, 2755. widow of, 2770. Marg., daughter of, Ha- ... ', Downhall, Hen., 2645. Downton, Nich., 1538. Rob., 3114. Dowse, Ant., 787, 800. • " .... " .... .. Dowsing, Capt. Wm., petition of, 1415. Dowson, John, 3237. ***** bington, Marg., 2770. ******* Rob. and Eliz., parents of, 2755. Wm., 122. • • > .... ** ... ... Dowthwaite, Nich., 2312. ………… **** Eliz., wife of, 3237. ••, ……………… ………………, Edw., son of, petition of, 3237. " · Sir Fras., 77, 1177. son of, 1177. Giles, 105. Thos., Lincolnshire Commissioner, 172, 182, 183. .., John, alias Frodsom, son of, 3237. **** ……………, Mary, daughter of, 2312. Doyley, Sir Wm., 2134. ... ... "" …………………….. petition of, 2134. Doyly, Col. Charles, 305. John, 70. Drackford, Fras., 1817. Draggott, Rich., 1816. Drake, Acton, 2525. .. ·· petitions of, 1638 (2). ……………………., Lady Ellen, 299, 797, 865, 1053 (3), 1317 (3). > ? • .... ……………………、 ………………, John, son of, 866. Sir Fras., 964 (2). · •·3 Wm., Somerset, 1329, 2312. George, son of, 2312. • Jane, daughter of, 261, 2312. petition of, 2312. Sir John, late husband of, 865. ****** Thos., Devou, 3259. Sir Wm., 2236 (2). > Draper, Rich., co. Nottingham, 108. petitions of, 1738 (2). Rich., and John, his son, Somerset, 1745. Rob., co. Lancaster, 2052. Rob., co. Nottingham, 3287. Thos., 2017. mother of, 964 (2). ……………. " Lawrence, 3114. Nathan, 1746. Rob., 509. Roger, 479, 946-966. petitions of, 964 (2). Rich. and Roger, his sons, peti- tion of, 965. ... ... GENERAL INDEX. 3405 Draper-cont. ***) ..... .. 1640 (2). ……………………., Wm., Salop, 2423. …….., petition of, 2423. Wm., Oxfordshire Commissioner, 152, 168, 172, 206, 570, 576, 577–579, 684. ………………………、 ………………, request by, 588. Draycott, Phil., Draycott, co. Stafford, 89. Phil., Painsley, co. Stafford, 2024, 3258. " •, Wm., Oxon, 1640. ... **** Drew, Emanuel, 573. ... • Mrs., North Wales, 737. ..... Driffield, Matthias, 2215. Dring, Mr., Somerset, 604. Drinkell, Thos., petition of, 2281. Driver, Michael, petition of, 2456. Drogheda, Viscount Moore of, see Moore. Drover, Rich., letter of, 27. Drury House Trustees, see Delinquents, lands of, Trustees for sale of. ………..> **** Drury, Sir Drue, Bart., 96, 114, 1297. Susanna, wife of, 1298. Fras., 1689. Dryden, Erasmus, 50. Mary, widow of, petitions of, Dryfield, Fras., 1750. Dryhurst, John, petitions of, 3168 (2). Duck, Arthur, LL.D., 1469. John, 2832. children of, 2832 (2). Duckenfeld, Col. Rob.,Governor of Chester,146. letters, &c. of, 269, 1104. Ducker, Charles, 103, 104. ...> ………………♪ Duckett, Anth., and James, his son, 1907. ******* Sir Rob., his son, 262, 1298. ………………, grandfather of, 1298. John, Norfolk, 3259. Rob., 2612. deposition of, 573. Sir John, Bart., 28, 31, 40, 65, 788, 1054, 1088. L**** Jane and Mary, 177. Duckworth, Charles, 2132. Thos., Sheriff of Lancashire, 367. Ducy, Sir Rich., Bart., 64, 65 (2), 76, 85, 89, 206, 224, 1017. Robt., 1891, 3289. ... Dudbridge, Rich., deposition of, 748. wife, and father of, 748. Duddell, Thos., 2716. …………. ……………… widow of, Grimshaw, Jane, 2716. Wm., 2716. ..... daughter of, Sudall, Grace, 2716. Dudley, Robert, 1st Earl of Leicester, 164. ..... ****** Lady Lettice, executrix of, 164. Alice, duchess of Dudley, [his daughter-in-law], 3271. …………… ****** Lord, see Sutton, Edward. Dudley, Augustine, 1581. petitions of, 3269, 3270. Dudley, Augustire—cont. petition of, 1581. Chris., 99, 1416. petition of, 2227. ……. ** ……………. alias Sutton, Col. Dudley, 89, 516, 2611. ··· ... " 2611 (2). .... ……., Hen., co. Chester, 1092. Rich., 108, 190, 1879. Thos., 110. Toby, petitions of, 2181 (2). Wm., 2164. Wm., Surrey?, 2884 (2). ... children of, 2611. Sir Gamaliel, 1844, 2804. ……………… ****** """ Due, Arthur, 16, 782, 784. Duffield, Thos., 2662, 2914. Lieut., 33. Dugdale, James, sen., D.D., 1521. ….., James, jun., 2588. John, 1963. > Ellinor, wife of, petitions of, Mr., Suffolk, 96. Wm., 1573. Duke, George, London, 2645. +9 petition of, 2884. George, Bulford, Wilts, 78. George, Salterton, Wilts, 3047. John, Bedford, 2977. John, Wilts, 3047. > ..., Dr, 803. Dukeson, Dr., 92, 523, 581. Dumaresq, Capt. Benj., 2330. ******* ..... Capt. Hen., J.P., 2329–2332. letters of, 2331, 2332. family of, 2329. John, brother of, 2331. Du Molin, Peter, co. York, 2024. Du Moulin, Peter, minister, 2077. Dunbar, Viscount, see Constable. Dunbar, Mr., Scotch merchant, 2937. Duncalfe, John, 2155 (6), 2156. petition of, 2155. Duncan, or Dunxcombe, Dr. Eleazor, preben- dary of Durham, 170, 528. Nath., 2623. ………………………, Sam., Suffolk, petition of, 2460. Duncastle, John, 3087. Dunce, Rob., 1358. father of, 1358. Duncombe, Fras., 2524. George, 2472. ...... sons of, 2472 (2). petition of, 2472. *...*} ***** .., John, Bucks and Westminster, 92, 1521. John, Oxon, 1615. Rich., petition of, 865. Eliz., wife of, 865. KAGAKUS Mr., Suffolk, 96. Dunfield, Nich., 2515. # 3406 GENERAL INDEX. Dungarvon, Viscount, see Boyle, Rich. Dunhead, Sir John, 504. Dunkin, James, petitions of, 3033, 3034. Dunn, Thos., 3260. Wm., co. Lancaster, 1112 (4). petitions of, 1112 (6). Wm., Northumberland, 3103. Dunning, Rich., 112. Dunsmore, Lord, see Leigh. Dunstall, Thos., 11, 858. Dunxcombe, Dr., see Duncan. Duport, James, 109, 1746. Alice, his wife, 1746. first husband and children of, see Everard. • • Duppa, Brian, Bishop of Salisbury, 2169. Durant, George, 2498. Durburn, Capt. Thos., petition of, 1853. Durham, Bishop of, see Moreton, Dr. Thos. ; Neyle, Rich. **** Dean of, see Balcanquall, Walter. Durnford, Hen., 118, 140, 813, 1759. Wm., 1689. • • ** Durston, John, 2731. Dury, John, 528, 2140-2142. letter of, 463. petitions of, 2141 (3), 2142 (3). ………………………. ……………., Dorothy, wife of, 2142. petition of, 2142. BORANG ***) ……………… Dusgate, John, 3301. Dutch Ambassador, 1618. • • ****** • " +9 Officers, payments to, 30, 789. Dutton, John, 86, 400, 1273, 1797, 1798. ... **** …………………u > ... • Sir Ralph. 85-87, 512, 1273. ', ………………………, ………………, Lady Mary, wife of, 512. Wm., son of, 512. ******* Rich., 399, 472, 1679. Wm., London, 2088. Mr., minister, co. Leicester, 576. Duxbury, John, 3096. Dwarrihouse, Wm., petition of, 3228. Dyer, Edw., sen. and jun., 1141. Jane, see Halford, Jane. Lady Kath., 2501. "" ...... • .... ... . • • .. •) children of, 1689. Marg., petition of, 1155. *** ... James. Sir Lodowick, Bart., 90, 907. ………. petitions of, 1797 (2). Thos., 2968. Wm., Malborough, Devon, 537,1485, 2959. ** "" petition of, 2500. late husband of, see Hanham, Janc, widow of, 1485. Rich., son of, 1485. Rich., father of, 1486. Win., Exeter, Devon, 2959. family of, 2959. Wm., Surrey agent, 237, 291, 298. Dyke, or Dykes, Leonard, Sheriff of Cumber- land, 2862. .. Dymock, Charles, 1379, 1676. ………………………、 ………………, Lady, mother of, 1676. Edw., 1379 (4). ……. • Thos., jun., Cumberland, 202, 2931. Thos., sen., Gilcrux, Cumberland, pe- tition of, 2931. ****** ………………………、 ………………, son of, 1379. Dyott, Sir Rich., 89, 547. E. H., Cornwall, 445. Eady, Morrice, 460. ****** father and brother of, 2931. Thos., Somerset, 3258. Wm., 1326. Eaglesfield, Rich., 72, 124. ….., Thos., 72, 124. Eales, John, 1021. ► ………………………. ……………., Joan, widow of, 1021. ……………, petitions of, 1021 (2). Thos., 3137. ***** petitions of, 3137 (2). …………** Eames, Sam., 2623. petitions of, 1379 (2). Earle, John, sen., petition of 173. Sir Walter, Lieutenant of Ordnance, '' 10 (3), 125, 129 (2), 796, 799 (2), 1237. Earles, Dr., 79. Earlett, or Harlett, Hen., Berks agent, 443 (2), 447, 477, 478. **** Earnley, Edw., 792, 950. E or Early, Sir Michael, King's Go- vernor of Shrewsbury, 1609, 3245, East, John, 3109. ....... ... ·· John, petitions of, 2176 (3). ****** > Eastchurch, Thos., 153. Eastcot, Capt. Thos., 98. petition of, 1739. Michael, 2559. Eastcourt, Rich., petitions of, 2384, 2385. ………………., Grace, wife of, 2384. Easthorp, Reuben, petition of, 2668. Mr., minister, Durham, 1763. East India Company, 44 (2). .. **** ***** orders to, 2050, 2075. petition of, 1254. president of, 2378. ……………., secretary of, 3039. ... …………….., House, treasurer of, 2378. Eastland Company, 44. Eastmond, Mr., 2501. Easton, Thos., Suffolk, 3204. ………………….., Frances, widow of, petition of, 3204. GENERAL INDEX, 3407 Eaton, Phil., 3032. .. ... Ebbitt, Thos., 3258. Eburne, Dr. James, 79. Eccles, Benj., 3095. • Ecclesfield, Mr., London bookseller, 1191. Eccleston, Ralph, 2549. Sir Rich., 798. …………………., Thos., 506, 2038. C , • *** ? Rob., petition of, 3185. Thos., co. Hereford, 2069. …………, petition of, 2070. Sir Thos., 1817. Mr., co. Chester, 103. • .... • ****** 2039. Eden, Gascoigne, 204. .......... ... ……………………) Wm., Lancaster agent, 361, 441. deposition of, 392. letter of, 489. .... Wm., co. Lancaster, 3175. ****** .... 2355. Rob., 615, 2355, 2356. petition of, 2355. Isabel, wife of, petition of, Harry, or Henry, son of, 2039. petition of, 2039. ******* Eliz. and Mary, daughters of, Edgar, Mr., 2120. Edgcock, John, petition of, 2194. Edgcombe, Col. Pearse, Piers, or Peirce, 57, 105, 117, 290, 336, 382, 802, 1082. Wm., 1625. Col., or Major Rich., 105, 117, 290, 336, 382, 1082. Mr., co. Derby ?, 760, 1265 (2). Edge, John, 2007. Edgeworth, John, petition of, 1107. ****** ………….. Anue, wife of, petition of, 1107. Edgworth, Roger, 726 (2). Edisbury, or Edgisbury, John, 2549. Edmonds, George, 1390. Wm., co. Chester, 103, 1748. Wm., Norfolk, 1312. Capt., Salop ?, 340. Hen., 2980. Edmondson, Joseph, 203. Rob., 1997, 3192. ***** uncle of, see Sherbourne, Rich. Edmunds, Rob., 3049. Thos., co. York, 1003. Edney, Giles, petition of, 3226. ***** ……………… Mary, wife of, 3227. petition of, 3226. ………………. **** ******* Edow, Thos., 1719. Edsawe, John, 1568. Edward VI., school incorporated by, 3268. Edwards, Ambrose, London, 2345, 3302. petitions of, 2344, 2345 (5). Ambrose, Surrey, see Andrews, Am- brose. And., co. Durham, 406. Edwards-cont. ... ………… M ·· ... • • • " ***** *** • "" And., London goldsmith, 704. Ant., Gloucestershire Commissioner, 404. > Hum., M.P., 135, 1618, 2183 (2). ……………, petition of, 1717. John, 717. John, Cornwall, 2980. John, Chirk, co. Denbigh, 1720. John, Christioneth, co. Denbigh, 3138. John, Bristol, co. Gloucester, 1972. John, Shardington, co. Gloucester, 2307, 3259. John, co. Monmouth, 311. · 3 ❞ • John, Salop, 2114. Peter, 1070. Rich., 2167. …………….., Rich., Cheshire Commissioner? 174, 2063 ? *. .. > ***** Barbara, 1843. Evan, 1605. Fras., 3309. certificate by, 279. letters of, 649, 651, 657. Rich., London, 2345, 3302. Rob., 2167 (2). Rob., co. Northampton or Hunts, 3294, 3295 (2). **** ***** Sam., 2815. Thos., 2166, 2167. Thos., co. Bedford, and Lucy, his wife, petition of, 2157. petitions of, 3294 (3). ………………………, Thos., Kent, 3259. Thos., Salop, 205. Sir Thos., Bart., 1456. Vincent, 205. Wm., Salop, 205. Wm., co. Warwick, 3120. Col. Wm., M.P., 1139, 1176. Mr., Killhewry, Salop, 205. ...3 Edwardson, alias Thomasson, Hen., petition of, 3110. Eedes, Mr., 3196. Egerton, John, 1st Earl of Bridgwater, 1307 (2), 1963. Thos., co. Hereford, 3260. ****** **** …………….5 ………………… ………………, Magdalen, daughter of, 1014. John, 2nd Earl of Bridgwater, 1620. petitions of, 1307 (2), 3236. Egerton, Sir Chas., 27, 33, 787-782, 795. Peter, London, 543 (2), 547. information by, 513. petition of, 542. Col. Peter, co. Lancaster, 2945. ****** Phil., 3252. Ralph, 101, 120. Capt, or Col., Randall, or Randolph, 89, 113, 745 (2), 748, 754, 773, 776, 1521, 3283. 3408 GENERAL INDEX. { Egerton-cont. • ………………♪ ton, Sir Wm. Capt., 810. .... Egglesfield, Thos., and Rich., his father, 1668. Egiock, or Egioke, John, petitions of, 1255, 2942. Eglonby, Edw., 2996. Ekins, Alex., 2091. …….. • Elbourne, Wm., 1968, 1971. wife of, 1971. ·· .... Elcock, George, petition of, 2374. Rob., 120, 1157. Rich., 75, 100, 103, 134, 1075, 1076, 1801. ****** ……………………… ……… " Eldred, Ezekiel, Essex officer, 321, 514, 516, 525, 530, 540. widow of, 514, 516, 525. Elector, Prince, see Palatine Elector. Elgin, Earl of, see Bruce, Thos. Elizabeth, Queen, deeds, leases, &c., in the time of, alluded to, 164, 917, 1251, 1475, 1673, 1807, 1808, 2580, 2761. Lord Chancellor of, see Hatton, Sir Chris. Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, chaplain of, 1501. letter of, 38. .. John, Northamptonshire Commis- sioner, 50, 632. • *** **** …………, ………………, money for, 36, 793. > Elkin, Rich., M.D., certificate by, 150. > Ellam, Edw., petition of, 3081. children of, 3081. Rich., son of, 1075, 1076. brother-in-law of, see Brere- ...... ** > Ellatson, Jeffery, 1114, 1117, 1118 (2), 3099 petitions of, 1114 (2). ... ....... Ellerker, Edw., and Eliz., his wife, 2135. Sir Ralph, 2990. > • • • ………… Rich., farmer of Excise, 3242. > ***** 2990. > ** > Thos., 277. Ellesdon, Wm., 1963. Elletson, Rob., Broughton, co. Lancaster, Eleanor, widow of, 2990 (3). Ralph, his son, 2990. John, his nephew, petition of, Ellice, Col. Rob., see Ellis. Ellinson, Capt. John, 3259. Elliot, Barth., 92. 2502. Rob., Rosthwaite, Co. Lancaster, 3258. Capt., 541, 551. George, 92. Wm., Northumberland, 3074. wife of, 3074. ... .... Elliott, John, Middlesex agent, petition of, 213. Thos., 1897. Ellis, Andrew, Flint steward, North Wales Commissioner, 247, 253, 258, 751, 1102 ?. Ellis-cont. *** .... George, his son, 2487. ………, ………………, ……………., Frances, widow of, 2487. Godfrey, information by, 1017. 9 Hen., Kent, 1598, 1702. …………. ………………… ………………, Sarah, widow of, 102, 1598. ... ………………………, ………………, daughters of, 1702. ………. *** petitions of, 1768 (2), 1769. Kath., his wife, petitions of, 1768 (2), 1769. • Edw.. co. Montgomery, 8056. Edw., Westminster, 1205. Fras., 2487. ·· 2986. Rob., sen., co. York, 1978. ………………………, ……………., Rob., jun., his son, 1978. brothers and sisters of, 1978. • ··· .. ..... Edmund, his brother, petitions of, 1702 (2). Hum., minister, Hants, depositions by, 531. .... Hum., North Wales Commissioner, 686, 688, 689, 691, 693, 1113. Prother, 453, 530 (2), 532, 576, Thos., Monmouthshire steward, 375. Wm., M.P., Member of the Commit- • tee for Compounding, 1, 2, 80, 2224. **** ··· ****** or Ellice, Col. Rob., co. Denbigh, 1499, 1500. ……………., petition of, 2805. Wm., son of, 2805 (2). John, father of, 2805. Ellison, Edw., 2688. ***** Thos., 405, 1180 (2). petition of, 1180. Capt., 13. ****** .. > Wm., co. Stafford, 3026. Wm., co. York, 2805. ………., Mary, widow of, 2805 (2). Ellwyn, Wm., 1342. ………….y Elly, John, 1483 (2). ……………., Daniel, son of, 1483 (2). Elmes, Hen., 3257. Hum., 1510. petitions of, 1342 (2). Mary, wife of, 1510. Hum., son of, 1510. Thos., 2732. ..... ** "" Elmeston, Rob., 3192. Elmhurst, Rich., Norfolk, 113. Rich., co. York, 987, 1033, 1767- 1769. petition of, 1767. Rich., jun., co. York, 2824. Elphick, George, 3011. ……………… petition of, 3011. Elrington, John, 1127. wife and children of, 1127. Elsing. Hen., Clerk of the House of Commons, 132, 1302, 1992, 2245. ***** GENERAL INDEX. 3409 Elsley, Chas., 33. Lieut., 33. ******* Elsmore, Capt., 3171. Elson, Thos., Wilts, 3193. Elston, John, Berks, 2538, 2658, 2828. Rob., 1814. ·· > ……………… petitions of, 3207 (2), Elton, John, 1568. Rich., petition of, 2365. Eltonhead, Edw., letter of, 516. ……….. *** Elvins, Adam, 2892. ****** Elvish, Lady, 2546 (2), 2547. Elwald, Wm., sen. and jun., 1095. Elwayes, Jeremy, sen., 2295–2397, 2529, 2530 ...** Edw., Alderman of Worcester, 663, 666, 2640. ****3 petitions of, 2394, 2395 (2). Jeremy, jun., 722, 2396-2398, 2530. Mary, mother of, 2530. Elwes, Sir Gervase, 980, 2529, 2530. Hen., 2510, 2396. **** .. • ALLA John, Serjeant-at Law, 2514. petition of, 2514. 4. •S Rich., sen., 2089. Wm., petition of, 2727. (2). Elwood, Phineas, 460. Ely, Archdeacon of, see Wigmore, Ely. Bishop of, see Wren, Dr. Matt. Ely, Thos., sen., 1176. • • .. ·· Eman, Tim., 2226. Emerson, Chris., co. Durham, petition of, ·· ******* **** ……………… 3061. Chris., co. Lincoln, 1532. petition of, 1534. Thos., jun., 1151. George, 3061. 3062 (2). > …………. (2). Ralph, 3061. Rich., 3061. ..) .> …………. John, son of, 3061 (2), 3062. George, son of, 3061 (5), petition of, 3061. ...) Thos., 2631. Emes, Foulke, complaint of, 2219. Empson, George, 1017. **** Thos., 1738. ………………………. ………………, Gregory, his brother, 1738. Eliz., widow of, 3061. Rob., son of, 3061. Kath., daughter of, 3061, 3062 petition of, 3062. ***** Wm., his nephew, 1738. Enderard, Charles, 664. Enderby, Edw., petition of, 3049. George, 2517. Engham, Sir Edw., 2703. Thos., 2406. England, Fras., 652. Hen., 1740. England, Hen.—cont. petitions of, 1740, 1741. · ******♪ Engleby, John, 2310. Mary, widow of, 2310. Englefield, Sir Fras., sen., 1st Baronet, 2546 **** (2), 3017. ………… • > .. 548. Sir Fras., 2nd Baronet, 95, 108, 1055 (2), 3017. ... ………. ··· Mary. Hen., 2630, 3192. English, Edm., 2477. ……. •J wife of, 2630. ..... Wm., 320, 1793, 3017. Rob., 782, 784, 786, 790, 1648 (2). petition of, 1647. Christian, wife of, 778, 779, 1647, 1648. ……… " …………… ? ……………. د. ………. petition of, 1648. children of, 1647, 1648. Capt. Thos., 244. Enrolment Office, see Exchequer. Enyon, Sir James, 92, 98. Equity, Court of, see Chancery. Erdeswich, Marie, 89. Erdwick, Mary, 3240. Ernley, see Earnley. Errington, Cuthbert, 2736, 2737. > Jane, his wife, 2546, 3017. Ant., his 3rd son, 481, 487, Winifred, widow of, 3018. daughter of, 3018. Mary, daughter of, see Roper, ·· .... •> 2736. David, 203. John, Devon, 2251. ..., John, jun., co. Leicester, petition of, 1989. 01 **** כי John, Northumberland, 2598, 2599. Hen., son and heir of, 2598. petitions of, 2593, 2604. ……………… ? ……………………., John, sen., co. York, 2771. first wife of, 2771 (2). ·· ………, ………………, Mary, wife of, petitions of, 2771 (3). 2715. **** John, son of, 2771. other children of, 2771 (3). niece of, see Wilkinson, Mary. Lancelot, Aden Castle, Northumber- land, petition of, 2599. Mabel, widow of, petition of, Lancelot, and Adinell, his wife, Bing- field, Northumberland, 3038. ****** ** petition of, 3038. Lancelot, Denton, Northumberland, 2715. Marg., widow of, petition of, Mark, son of, 2715. other children of, 2715. ? * ******* wife and children of, 2598. ******* → 3410 Errington cont. Marg., Coxlodge, Northumberland, 3192. Mark, Pont Eland, Northumberland, 2907. Gilbert, his eldest son, 1730, 2594, 2907, 3048. ✰✰✰ • *" ** Nich., eldest son of, 1730, 2907 (2). .... children of, 1731. Hen., son of, 2907 (2). petitions of, 2907 (3). ………………………. ………………. ………………, Kath., wife of, 2907. petition of, 2907. children of, 2907. Ralph and Roger, sons of, 2907 (2). • ** **** ***** د. …………. .... petitions of, 2907 (2). Mark, West Denton, Northumberland, 202, 1075, 1270 (2), 2715. Charles, son of, petition of, •• 2715. ... ****** Ralph, 1805. Thos., sioner ?, 430. ****** .... ……………… .. ………….., George, son of, 1270. petition of, 1075. ........., Thos., Newcastle, Northumberland, petition of, 3107. Erskine, Sir Chas., 26. Hẹn., 2482. or Arskin, Wm., D.D., 1500, Escott, Chris., 1379. $282. ………………, Rachel, wife of, 1500 (3), 3283. ………………, Anne, sister of, see Kynas- ton, Anne. ***** ……………… ... GENERAL INDEX. Eliz., mother of, 1380. *** " Essex, Earl and Countess of, see Devereux. Essex, Col., 1629. Mr., 391. Estcott, Charles, 1141, 2302 ?. 1142. Northumberland Alice, his executrix, widow of Rich. Estcott, 1141, 1142. petitions of, 1141 (3), ** • ·· "" children of, 1141. Estcourt, Edm., 2415. John, son of, 2415. Estwick, Nich., 560. Sampson, 2038. Alderman Stephen, 463. Commis- note by, 433. ………………………、 .., requests by, 2621, 3209. Etherington, George, petition of, 3222. ****** Nich., 2116. Wm., co. Stafford ?, 2301. Wm., co. York, 3222. Eubank, or Ewbank, John, 2219 (2), 2220. petition of, 2219. Mercy, his wife, 2220 (5). ………………, petitions of, 2220 (6). * Eubank, or Ewbank, John-cont. John, his son, 2220. "" Toby, or Tobias, 2529. Eudon, John, petition of, 1848. Eure, William, 2nd Lord Eure, 2240, 2241. Sir Fras., his 2nd son of William, "" 2nd Lord Eure, 2240, 2241. Horatio, son of, 2240. ……………………. ……………… …………….. ……………., Fras., eldest son of, 2240. ******* OUR CO ……………… George, 2nd son of, 6th Lord Eure, 2240. Ralph, 3rd Lord Eure, 2244, 2241. ………, ………………, Mary Dawney, wife of, 2240. Wm., 4th Lord Eure, 2240, 3215. Ralph, eldest son of, 2240. Kath., wife of, 2240, 2241, *** ••, ****** …………… 3271 ?. …………♣ 2242. ....... ………. ………………. …………….. ......, petitions of, 1224, 2241. • L ... • ·· ... Sherard, Phil. > • ****** Margaret and Mary, daughters of, 2240-2242. Wm., 5th Lord Eure, 2240. Eure, Kath., 3192. Michael, 1959 (2). ………………, petition of, 1958. ………………………, Ralph, 1341. ……………………, or Ewyre, Rob., 2711, 3211. Sir Sampson, 1510. Thos., petition of, 1958. Wm., 900. > petitions of, 2220 (5). "" Ann. "? Wm., 2nd son of, 2240, 2243. Marg., wife of, 2240, ... →→ Evans, Alice, 2887. > **** 753. ***** ………………) ………………) Sir Wm., 2679. petition of, 2241. 2nd husband of, see Marg., widow of, 900. David, co. Glamorgan, 2178. Thos., son of, 240?, 2679. Wm., son of, 2679. Mary, daughter of, 2664. petition of, 2664. Ann, daughter of, see Lloyd, David, co. Radnor, petition of, 709. Dennis, petition of, 3100. Edw., 1724. Hugh, North Wales Commissioner, Ivell, 1186. Johane, 253. John, 1825. Lewis, heir of, 2888. Lyson, 1856. Morris, 205. Owen, 3217. alias David, Philip John, petitions of, 3115 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 3411 Evans, Phil. John-cont. ***** petitions of, 1221 (2). ………………….., Rob., 92, 1808, .. ·· ………… """ David, grandfather of, 3115. Rich., Exeter Commissioner, 56, 211, 1221 (5). •• Thos., Monmouth Commissioner, 172, 352, 673, 710, 1714. letter of, 705. ………. • Judith, widow of, 710, 722 (2), 724, 730, 739. • Thos., South Wales Commissioner, 172, 512, 720. ·· , ****** Mr., co. Durham, 552. Evanson, John, officer of the Committee for Compounding, 2027 (2). Eve, Simon, 2150. ** petition of, 2516. Eveleigh, Charles, Exeter, 2966. ··· ·· .... Wm., 3193. Wm., co. Chester, 2546 (2), 2547. Wm., co. Monmouth, 3193. Wm., Somerset, 2832, 3029. 1642. > > • his son, 3203. ****** J John, Devon, 3203. " Mary, mother of, 2832. petition of, 2832. Nich., Exeter, 463. Evelyn, Major Arthur, 600, 743, 2180. Charles, London, 2346. Edw., 2785. Sir George, Surrey, 1619. .. 1619. ***> ***** ***) ******* > Sir John, 525, 544, 2050 (2). recommendation by, 1206. ****** Mr., co. Bedford ?, 1821. Evens, Rich., sen., London, petition of, 744. Joan, wife of, 3203. Capt. George, son of, 422, 1359, alias Browne, George, John, son of, 3203. *...** John, his son, 3203. Rich., son of, 3203. Everard, Lady Ann, 759. Arthur, petitions of, 2168 (2). ……………………, Dorothy, 1877, 2817. Fras., 418, 1877, 3186. John and Fras., 2886. petitions of, 2885, 2886 (2). Jonathan, 616. Ralph, 3196. ………………………. ……………., Susan, wife of, 3186. ...... Charles, his son, petition of, Sir Rich., Bart., petitions of, 2315 (4). Stephen, 1746. Alice, wife of, see Duport. Thos. and Alice, his children, ... 1746. Thos., Kent, 457. Everard-cont. • • 4 • > . Thos., Somerset, 1689. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1615. (3). • ***** > 1616. ·· ***** • •• 1615, 1616. Evernden, John, petition of, 2656. Walter, 3011. petitions of, 3012 (3). > .... Evers, Mrs., 108. Everton, John, 1740. Every, John, Cornwall, 2980. John., co. Derby, 1265 (2). ……………………, John, Dorset, petition of, 1066. Sir Simon, Bart., 2103, 2448. Anne, wife of, 2448. .... ··· Lucy, sister of, 1616. Lawrence, grandfather of, 1615, ... Squibb, Lawrence. Thos., father of, 1615, 1616. Thos., brother of, 1615, 1616 Sir Henry, Bart., eldest son of, 772, 1265, 2448. Thos., great-grandfather of, children of, 2448 (2), 2450. • John and Fras., younger sons of, 2448. …… ………………, Mary Leigh and Kath. Every, daughters of, petition of, 2448. Evett, Henry, 1823. Da ………… ……………… > ***** petition of, 1823. John, 1823. John, co. Worcester, 1420. Wm., 1329. ***** Ewbank, see Eubank. Ewens, John, 3173. Ann, wife of, 3173. Ewers, Mr., 92. Ewyre, Rob., see Eure, Rob. Examinations, Committee of Council for, 852, 1049, 1165, 1597, 2013, 2851. ......, appearances before or atten- dance on, 857, 883, 931, 1493. release from, 1049. arrests by order of, 838, 959. chairman of, John Corbett, 541, discharges by, or alluded to, ******) *** 2nd husband of, see 838. 837, 1131. orders in, or alluded to, 86, 1002, 1437, 1844, 2453. ****** submission to, 1275, 1691. …………………. Exchequer, Court of, 227, 284, 315, 349, 680, 690, 721, 2276, 2380, 2545, 2686, 2829. allowances in, alluded to, 1858, 2385. auditors of, 725; see also Darell, Phil., and Spackman, Nich. certificates by, 465, 8232. petition to, alluded to, 1589. reference by, 952. releases by, 838. 3412 GENERAL INDEX. t Exchequer, Auditors of-cont. letter to, 507. ... **** Barons of, Commissioners of appeal to the Sequestration Committee, 96, 153, 159, 169, 170, 171, 188, 216, 221, 223, 296, 322, 380, 423, 425, 450, 452, 490, 997, 1005, 1019, 1153, 1438, 1517, 1742, 1803, 1858, 1870, 2145, 2146,2328 (2), 2329, 2384, 2427, 2444, 2448, 2656, 2738, 2913, 2939, 2943, 2994 (2) 3243; see also Gates, Thos.; Rigby, Alex.; and Weston, Sir Rich. allowances by, alluded to, 253, 263, 413, 602, 1721, 1781, 1817, 2147, 2153, 2213, 2416, 2649, 2696, 3122, 3279. appeals or petitions to, 2176 alluded to, 193, 334, 395, 546, 563, 638, 829, 830, 833, 853, 868, 997, 1080, 1155, 1470, 1476, 1695, 1742, 1745, 1791, 1802, 1806, 1818, 1823, 1871, 1909, 1917, 1928, 1947, 1949, 1958, 1959, 1990, 2018, 2029, 2061, 2077, 2135, 2148, 2172, 2173, 2175, 2176, 2231, 2233, 2241, 2255, 2268, 2269, 2293, 2296, 2300, 2316, 2322, 2328, 2335, 2342, 2344, 2348 (2), 2353, 2360, 2369, 2413, 2429, 2430, 2443, 2444 (2), 2449, 2453, 2487, 2488, 2505, 2511, 2516, 2541, 2545, 2561, 2555, 2561, 2567, 2579, 2596, 2619, 2621 (2), 2633, 2646, 2654, 3656, 2657, 2682, 2684, 2690, 2696, 2780, 2792, 2812, 2821, 2855, 2868, 2901, 2917, 2922, 2924, 2940, 2945 (2), 2949, 2954, 2958, 2974, 2989, 2994, 3009, 3076, 3100, 3101, 3104, 3261, 3301. ... (2). ………….. cases before, 159, 167, 257, 282, 284, 326, 359, 417, 435, 445, 1107, 1204, 1552, 1791, 1895, 2029, 2043, 2132, 2208, 2292, 2296, 2363, 2376, 2388, 2427, 2444, 2527, 2750 (2), 2798, 3056. …… 3296. certificates of, alluded to, 2292, discharges by, 189, 555, 3224. alluded to, 413, 425, 480, 484, 491, 508, 512, 518, 530, 533 (2), 547, 555, 558, 576, 614, 629, 734, 833, 1235, 1263, 1272, 1423, 1721, 1761, 2062, 2173, 2233, 2234 (2), 2259, 2292, 2313, 2364, 2523, 2699, 2722, 2725, 2877, 2916, 2947, 2978, 3121, 3143. …………… ...... divided opinion of, 2855. grant by, 1562. ****** judgments of, alluded to, 2080, 2110, 2256, 2269, 2328, 2348, 2369, 2410, 2944. 2534. .. letter of, alluded to, 1272. letters to, 452, 480, 495, 614, orders of, 745, 1233. …………..) alluded to, 201, 230, 236, 282, 294, 300, 321, 335, 380, 413, 423, 570, 685, 833, 1155, 1287, 1956, 1958, Exchequer, Barons of-cont. ·· · ... .. ..... ……………. ………….., references by, 997, 1080, 2300, 2322, 2360. ·· .. ……… .. ... ..... . 2081, 2062, 2105, 2120, 2144, 2176, 2258, 2271, 2353 (2), 2364, 2444, 2453, 2457, 2498, 2505, 2567, 2659, 2696, 2750, 2812 (2), 2943, 2946, 2961 (2), 2993, 3033, 3104. order to, alluded to, 2944. ....., papers sent, or to be sent to, 527, 1272, 2196, 2233 (2). proceedings before, alluded to, 2322, 2370, 2386, 2570, 2706, 2940 (2), 2946, 2950, 3275, 3303 (2). .. 2292. "" alluded to, 2633. references to, 251, 988. ......, registrar of, see Vaughan, Rice. certificate of, alluded to, .., charges of, or from, 197, 321, 835, 500, 1362, 1759, 1956, 2362. clerks of, 1439, 1585. Commissioners appointed by, 744. •••• sequestrations by, alluded to, 2255, 2271, 3049. Chamber, Committees meeting in, 11, 226, 358. information in, alluded to, Chancellor of, for the King, see Hyde, Sir Edw. 2263. "y ... Committee for Compounding treasury transferred to, 740, 871, 2200, 2868. decrees in, alluded to, 1807 (2), 1808, 1983, 2294, 2790. deeds in, alluded to, 1721. deeds under seal of, 2227. Enrolment Office in, 706, 3281. extents or suspensions issued from, 217, 292, 533, 540, 1823. fine office in, 3281. ." Greenwax Office in, 2156. judgments in, alluded to, 2082, 8213, 2347. Lord Chief Baron of, see Tanfield, Sir Laurence, and Wilde, John. officers of, 41, 166, 744, 830, 1129, 1494, 1538, 2806. papers in, 450. ? payments from, alluded to, 744, 1006, 1540, 1648, 3141, 3142. payments to, alluded to, 249, 538, 690, 692, 696, 706, 714, 725, 744, 776, 1073, 1299, 2385, 2748, 3151. ******* 1540. ordered, 3206, 3245. Ordinance for, alluded to, 955, Pipe Office in, 706, 2843. clerks of, 609, 611; see also Croke, Sir Henry. GENERAL INDEX. 3413 Exchequer, Pipe Office in, clerk of,-cont. certificate to, 351. .. • • .. ... ………………….., pleas in, 450, 484. ........., precedents in, 2389. processes, trials, or suits in, alluded to, 607, 1947, 1983 (2), 2046, 2411, 2412, 2433, 2449, 2750. quietus from, alluded to, 1171, 2227, 2258, 2460. Remembrancer's office in, 706. officers in, 1649. ........., reports to, alluded to, 2707, 3083. returns sent to, 740, 741. alluded to, 2545, 2750. seizures by, 251, 1821, 3300. treasurers of, 733. Usher of, see Vine, Chris. writs of elegit from, alluded to, 2303. writ of inquisition certified in, al- luded to, 2935. Excise, the Grand, 716, 1153, 3082, 3226. ***** ·S ***** *****……… roll of, 175, 190. pleadings in, alluded to, 1171, 2291, 2359, 2699, 3002. MA 3169. •y ***** ******** appeals in, and regulating of Act, for, alluded to, 660, 716, 3148, 3169. Commissioners for, 141, 744, 3149, case before, 659. certificate by, 3242. ………………………, ………………, Complaint by, 3147. ………………………. ………………, examiner for, 638. • ………………. • ****** "" ... ..... letters of, 740, 3217, 3242 (2). letters to, 3149 (2). ......, money advanced by, charged on, or received from, 16, 19, 27, 29, 54, 128, 130, 135, 252, 436, 798. ……………… ……………… > treasurer for, Gilbert Harrison, 131, 135. orders of, 666, 3217, 3227, 3239, 3242-3245. .... > ****** 3147. ..... ', **** …………. letters to, 190, 609. ... AUTOMI ………… sub-commissioners of, 3167, 0168, 3235, 3239, 3244. Drapery Office, cashier of, 3166. farmers of, 613, 656, 660, 661, 744, 745, 3147, 3148, 3169. " Act of sequestration for, alluded to, 773. office of, letter dated from, 740. office of, at Portsmouth, see Ports- mouth. ……………. alluded to, 613, 3226. request by, 723. sitting in the Court of Wards, officers of, 613, 693, 753, 933, 1260, 1564, 3147, 3166, 3169, 3217, 3226, 3235, 3242-3246. letter of, 740. Ordinance for, alluded to, 742, 1826, 3226, 3235. Excise, &c.cont. payments to, ordered, 656, 660. not made, 721, 723, 3147, 3167, 3169, 3239, 3242-3244. • TO ·· "" certificates of, 723, 3227. ……………………, ………………, warrant for, alluded to, 1651. Exeter, Earl and Countess of, see Cecil. Extents, Act for, see Mortgages. Exton, Rob., 952. children of, 952. Eyre, Capt. Adam, 127, 2692. Ant., Essex, 1353. Giles, 1791. remodelling of, 161. treasurers of, 819, 3169, 3217, 3242- 3244. • " ·· ****** • " 2744. ·· ****** Sir Gervase, 107, 2744. ****** ···· ...... ………………, Ant., son of, petition of, 2744. younger children of, 2744. John, co. Derby, 1694. ………………………, Rob., 1541. George, son of, 1694, John, Norfolk Commissioner, 643. > Rich., petition of, 2320. Ant., co. Notts, father of, 769, ▼ Rowland, 3283. Rowland, Bradway, co. Derby, 2090. Thos., minister, petition of, 2754. Thos., Hassop, co. Derby, 2286. Anne, wife of, 2320. ... **** 440, 729, 2286, 2319, **** Gertrude. Col. Thos., 266, 808. Eyston, John, sen., 2984, .... petition of, 2320. *******} Rowland, son of, 62, 80, 89, 110, daughter of, see Fleetwood, John, son of, 2984. Eyton, Sir Gerard, and Kenrick, his son, 1236. Sir Rob., Salop, 1599. …………………, ………………, Rob., son of, 1599. family of, 1599. Sir Thos., 1674. Eyves, Ralph, 3096. John, sen. and jun., co. Flint, 1720. Capt. Phil., 146. Rich., son of, 3096. daughter of, see Wallis, Joan. Thos., 3161. F Faber, Ralph, 2427. wife of, 2427. Fabian, Edm., petition of, 1929. ***** Mr., of the Court of Wards, 3173. Fage, John, M.D., 2733, 3414 GENERAL INDEX. Fage, John, M.D.-cont. (2). Fairbank, John, 3231. ………………………, ………………, Ellen, widow of, 3231. daughter of, see Deane, Anne. Fairchild, Edw., petitions of, 2935 (3). Fairclough, Alice, 3095. • Fairfax, Ferdinando, 2nd Lord Fairfax, Lord General of the North, 43, 785, 842, 843, 1023, 1047, 1090, 2581, 2682. , • • ·· ………………………、 ………………, army of, 1153. ..... Rob., 3095. Wm., 3095. as governor of Hull, 43, 928. ......, agent or treasurer for, see White, Wm. •• ••••••, •…………., money, &c. for, 6, 7 (2), 9-11, 18, 19, 24, 35, 779, 1153, 1180. officers of, 14, 127, ··· 808. ………………………, ………………, intelligencer to, 1180. letters of, 28, 832. ………………, passes or protections from, 1018, 1411, 1508, 1540, 2229. ……….., persons serving under, 1551, 1576. ******* • ... .... petitions to, 832, 1133. ......, prisoners taken by, or surren- dering to, 972, 999, 1089, 1096, 1133, 1272, 1283, 1373, 1446. Rhoda, Lady Fairfax, widow • of, 1023. ******* Constance, daughter of, 2733 Sir Thomas, or the Lord General, 3rd Lord Fairfax, 26, 50, 64, 74, 126, 134, 136, 137, 152, 215, 241, 306, 318 (2), 333, 380, 400, 523, 648, 918, 933, 941, 960, 971, 980, 1020, 1052 (2), 1126, 1161, 1315, 1432 (2), 1502, 1526, 1545, 1589 (2), 1607, 1757, 2002, 2095, 2372, 2435, 2446, 2704, 2851. agents of, 400, 810, 2186. ……………., army of, 18, 288, 1046, 1390. ......, money, &c., for, 29-32, 37, 38, 41 (2), 56, 58, 141, 179, 201, 472, 473, 789-791, 793, 1183, 1256, 1292, 1385, 1555, 1651, 1878. ……………., persons serving in, 1311, *…………… A● 2692. ...... • *** Articles of surrender made or confirmed by, 38, 1199, 1644, 2238, 2244. …………. ... ..... certificates by, 64, 305, 926, 1128, 1424, 1798, 1837, 1853, 1886, 2000, 2031, 2119. 255. alluded to, 72, 84, 326, 869, 1047, 1126, 1215, 1221, 1242, 1244, 1283, 1288, 1392 (2), 1422, 1426, 1493, 1561, 1592, 1654, 1756, 1873, 1971, 2053, 2100, 2297, 2694. ..... ……………. ., chaplain to, 255, 1575. claims of, alluded to, 225, 243, court martial under, 306. Fairfax, Sir Thomas-cont. ·· ... ... ……………………… • •• grants to, or estates settled on, 2183 (2), 2186 (3). ****** Commissioners or Trus- tees for, 357, 372 (2), 2186 (2). in the west, 1380, 1385, 1485, 1504, 1678 *** ……………... …………. jewel to be presented to, 26, 788 (2), 790. ***** letters of, 35, 305 (2), 870, 1043, 1044, 1052, 1053, 1082 (2), 1083, 1100, 1126, 1128, 1164, 1190, 1209, 1238, 1258, 1311, 1320, 1378, 1401, 1512, 1561, 1967, 2039. letters to, 207, 1863. > ………………………., passes or protections of, 1382, 1383, 2553. alluded to, 41, 1052, 1083, ………………. 1190, 1209, 1303, 1394, 1571, 3062 3066. …………………n) • • ***** } ** alluded to, 1043, 1057, 1184, 1219, 1237, 1243, 1275, 1311, 1326, 1338, 1382, 1422, 1439, 1454, 1463, 1475, 1478, 1482, 1523, 1557, 1652, 1676, 1688, 1793, 1859, 1996, 2036. ******* 4 orders of, alluded to, 173, 1210, 1561. ………….., payments to, 1121, 1945, 2186 (2). ………………………) petitions to, 870, 1560. places beseiged or taken by 134, 937, 1140, 1212, 1242, 1299, 1309, 1315, 1333, 1338, 1381, 1384, 1394, 1397, 1534, 1555, 1597, 1629, 1757, 1798, 1867, 1935, 3272. ……. ***** prisoners sent to or taken by, 125, 926. 1859. ……………., proclamation of, alluded to, receiver to, Laurence Maidwell, 302. ………………………. " recommendations by, 192, 1131, 1278, 1312, 1401. alluded to, 473, 1401, 2211 (2). Secretary and Commissioner to, see Rushworth, John. ……………, ………………, servant of, payment to, 809. surrenders to, 945, 1051, 1073, 1199, 1206, 1209, 1217, 1238, 1258, 1278, 1288, 1654, 1806, 1811, 2811. Anne, Lady Fairfax, wife of, > • • ..... 794. • " ... 2154. "" .. *) Thomas [of Gilling], 2nd Viscount Fairfax [Ireland], 2154. William, 3rd Viscount Fairfax, 2154. Elizabeth, wife of, 2154. Kath., daughter of, petition of, Fairfax, Charles, Norfolk, 2024. Col. Charles, 197, 211, 380, 492, 822, 1576. Chris., 1332. ……., Lieut. Col. Fras., 1552. GENERAL INDEX. 3415 Fairfax-cont. ………………………, ……………., Ann, wife of, 2806. Thos., co. York, 1380. Thos., York, co. York, petition of, 2806. Nich., co. York, 1805, 2151. Thos., London, 2690. ****** 800. Fairs, see Markets. Fairside, Wm., 2722. Falconbridge, Falconberg, or Fauconberg. Sir Wm., 79, 800, 2241, 2904. Capt., 2227. Falconer, Edw., 1055. · ……… Thos., Receiver-General, 135, 223, 624, 702. ..... ... Faldoe, Susanna, 24, 26. Falkland, Lord, see Carey. Fall, Arthur, petition of, 1854. Susannah, 787. • **** ……. د. Fallis, Hen., 3056. Fallowfield, John, Cumberland Commissioner, 196, 226, 466 (2), 3025 (2). Fanbeard, Rob., 2357. Fancourt, John, 1748. Rich., 2917. Fane, Francis, 1st Earl of Westmoreland, 1081. Mildmay, Lord le De Spencer, and 2nd Earl of Westmoreland, 90, 109, 832, 1082, 1957, 2499. > petitions of, 1081 (4). children of, 832. Fane, Sir Fras., K.B., 92, 239, 443, 494, 563, 764, 1003, 1092. Eliz., wife of, 1003. George, co. Lancaster, 709. George, Middlesex, 2099. Sir George, Kent, 3044. Frances, widow of, 79, 142, …………… ……………. ……………. 3044. petitions of, 1055 (2). wife and children of, 1055. ..... 3044. Fanshaw, John, Essex, 95, 1299. brothers of, 1300. *, Lady Anne, widow of, 759, Anne and Eliz., daughters of, ****** Leon, 1736. Rich., Essex, 724, 1864. Rich., London, 1649. Sir Simon, 425, 1370. Thos., M.P., Essex, 95, 1661. Thos., London, petitions of, 2569 (2). Sir Thos., K.B., 94, 1649, 1864, 3287. Thos., son of, 1864. Lady Fanshaw, his mother, 1864. Mr., Westminster, 92. Farbrace, Thos., 458. Farewell, or Farwell, George, 1117, 1361. Farewell, &c.-cont. **** John, Counsel for the Committee for Compounding, (1659), 405, 770, 1429 ?, 2130, 2574, 2707. "" Farington, see Farrington. Farley, John, London, 1399. Farlow, Hen., 1629. Farmer, Edw., 686. ………………….., George, Gloucester or Salop ?, 913. petitions of, 912 (2). ****** George, Salop, 1816, 1817. Sir Hatton, 1063. ………………………, ……………., Anne, widow of, 98, 1063. Sir Wm., Bart., his son, 98, ·· .. 1063. ………………………) John, Rutland, petition of, 1762. Wm., jun., 245. ……………… ******* Hen., Bucks, 68. Hen., co. Northampton, 99. John, Berks, 2825, 3192. John, Bucks, 66. Rich., 99, 1935, Wm., co. Stafford, petitions of, 1991, 3137. ·· " ·· Capt. Wm., receiver of bishops' and ministers' revenues, 539, 551, 578, 703. Capt., 2083. Farmery, John, D.C.L., Chancellor of Lincoln, 1371. Rob., 554, 2646. …….. ·· ******* Julian. **** wife of, 1063 (2). ... Thos., 1354. Farnabye, John, 460. Mr., 9. Farnham, Edw., 111, 941. Farnolls, Roger, petition of, 2889. Farr, Greg., 3021. Col. Hen., 2387. John, 3021. ... family of, 3021. Thos., co. Warwick, 3186. Farrand, Ant., 2769. Rob., petition of, 985. John, nephew of, 2647. petition of, 2646. > ******* Farrar, Mr., co. York, 379. ***** ..9 Julian, niece of, see Smith, Farren, Thos., petitions of, 3204 (2). Farrer, Lieut.-Col. Constance, 37. Bridget, widow of, 37. …………? Thos., co. Bedford, 2167, 2869. petition of, 2869. ***** Thos., co. Chester, 101. "} Mr., agent to the Earl of Northampton, 1249 (2). Farringdon, Wm., sen,, 2024, 2025. petition of, 2822. *** Wm., jun., 472, 2025. 3416 GENERAL INDEX. Farrington, or Farington, Caldwell, petition of, 3276. ……………………, John, Kent, 102. ………., John, Sussex, 55. Farrow, George, petition of, 1805. Farthing, John, 1072. Farvax, merchant, 735. Farwell, see Farewell. Fast, or Thanksgiving Days, 605. Fauconberg, Lord, see Belasyse. Fauconberg, see Falconbridge, Thos. Faulkner, John, petition of, 3018. Faunt, or Fawnt, Ant., 2756. ·· ·· · *** ·· • > " • George, solicitor to the trustees for maintenance of ministers, 714. George, 214, 327, 1167 (3), 1169, 1170 (2), 1406. Fauntleroy, Thos., 2186, 2187. petition of, 2187. • Rich., 1991. Walter, jun., co. Leicester, 2346. Walter, cos. Nottingham and North- ampton, 486, 2585. Sir Wm., 327. Hen., petition of, 1163. John, co. Chester, 120, 2555. ………...♥ .. Favill, Hen., 3192. Fawcett, or Fawcet, James, London, 3179. James, Northumberland, 1047. James, Westmoreland, 99. John, Kent, 459. 5 Bridget, daughter of, 327, 1166. Frances, daughter of, of, see Wortley, Frances. د. "" .. petitions of, 1749, 1750. ***** Rich., minister, co. York, petition of, 2062. Wm., 33. Fawdington, Rob., 1694. Fawkes, Michael, 1042. .... John, Clerk to the Westmoreland Committee, 187, 247, 435, 817. list by, 176. ……………… Rich., co. York, 1750 (2). ++ • petition of, 1406. .. ·· "" ****** Fawnt, see Faunt. Fazakerley, Eliz., co. Lancaster, 3238. Kath., 2861. ........., Nich., 2520. ………. .. "" T ……………… …………… Mary, his wife, 1042. ·· ***** 2521 (2). Rob., son of, 141, 2520. ARDITA ... • .. • > petitions of, 1042 (2). 2520, 2521 (2). *Naam) sons of, 2520. • Anne, widow of, 2520 (2). petition of, 2520. Nich., son of, 2521 (2). Nich., son of, 2520, petitions of, Thos. and John petition of, 2520. ... **** …………• …………… ... Fazakerley, Nich.-cont. · **** Wm. and Thos., Allerton, co. Lan- caster, 2521. Feake, Wm., clerk for co. Stafford, letter of, 774. .. …………. ·· ... Fearne, Thos., 458. Fearnley, Ann, 1298. Featley, Dr., 858. Fee Farm Rents, 85, 166, 187, 252, 329, 330, 337, 346, 351, 431, 440, 449, 455, 465, 490, 494, 507, 520, 538, 541, 566, 588, 610, 612, 624, 628, 639, 652, 671, 683, 690, 890, 960, 968, 1120, 1126, 1141, 1181, 1291, 1296, 1324, 1346, 1364, 1366, 1471, 1527 (4), 1531-1534, 1619, 1673, 1680 (2), 1874, 1876 (3), 1893, 1968 (2), 2126 (2), 2127, 2169, 2188- 2191, 2199, 2242 (2), 2270, 2294, 2313 (2), 2385, 2405, 2420, 2444, 2465, 2475, 2488, 2599 (2), 2643 (3), 2648, 2703, 2735, 2748, 2874, 2888, 2897 (2), 3041, 3048, 3134, 3138, 3158, 3196, 3266 (2), 3282. ****** Rob., son of, Thos. and Wm., his sons, 2520. Marg., daughter of, 2521. > • * …………… • ** ……………, petition of, 2520. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2895. , " • Feilder, Col., 282. Felgate, And., 3221. ………………………, ………………, John, son of, petition of, 3221. ..... Fell, John, Dorset, 502. > Trustees for Removing Obstruction in sale of, contract with, 1141. ... .. letter of, 430. letters to, 440, 1503. orders of, alluded to, 449. rents purchased from, 1619, 1620, 2643. ... ***** ·· ***** letter of, 478. Felton, Wm., 1814, Fenn, Sir Rob., 92, 95, 96, 1312. Rob., his son, 1312. Leonard, sen. and jun., 1704. Dr. Sam, Dean of Christ Church, 1528, 1529 (3). Judge Thos., Cumberland, 635. opinion of, 635. Thos., M.P., co. Lancaster, 481, 1172, > 1846 (2). ***** Fenner, Joan, 1308. Fennyhouse, Rich., and John, his son, 2117 (2). A Fenton, Sir Wm., 814. petition of, 2117. ****** Mr., co. Stafford, 2103. Fenwick, Edw., petition of, 2593. George, Northumberland Commis- sioner, 683, 685, 688, 730, 1180?, 2737?, 3162. ......" letters to, 683, 685, 701, 3163; see also Northumberland Commis- sioners, letters to. ………………, papers sent by, 729, 3164. GENERAL INDEX. 3417 Fenwick-cont. ·· .... MENU. .. *** ..... ... ... ·· George, Brenckbourne, Northumber- land, 3209. Major or Col. George, Governor of Edinburgh, 170, 329, 510 (2), 535, 584 (2), 814, 1025, 2356, 2357. petitions of, 2357 (2). .. ******} Major or Lieut.-Col. John, 256 (2), 1143. " ATANA ... Sir John, Bart., M.P., 72, 730, 2487 (4), 2488, 2600, 3074 (2). petitions of, 2487 (4), 2488. Lancelot, and Rob., his son, 999, 3020. Martin, 2748, 3189 (3). ****** petitions of, 2747 (2). Nich., petitions of, 2599, 2600. Nich., co. Durham, 3192?. > ******} ...) Randal, 2969, 3282. ....... Edw., Kath., and Fras., children of, 3282. petition of, 3282. ******* *** Col. Rob., 3, 72, 794, 758, 815, 1737 ?, 2954, 2982, 2251, 2253 (2). Col. Roger, 807, 812 (2), 814. > ******** Thos., Hexham, Northumberland, petition of, 2842. Thos., Prestwick, Northumberland, 3212. Wm., Heaton, Northumberland, 3108. Wm., Wallington, Northumberland, 815, 3074. letter to, 2591. petition of, 2591. *** Sir Wm., or Wm., Blagdon, North- >> umberland, 2487, 3107. 2488. -- ***** ******* • petitions of, 2746 (6), 2747. · ****49 3107. Sir Wm., Meldon, Northumberland, 2746. …………. 2748. ******* Eliz., or Isabel, widow of, peti- tions of, 2747 (3). • Ralph, son of, 2747. other sons of, 2747. ****** Cath., daughter of, see Rat- cliffe, Cath. Dorothy, daughter of, 2747, ... Mary. Marg., widow of, petition of, Wm., son of, 2487. Wm., grandson of, 730, 2487, Ferne, James, 57 (2), 803. ****** ... • petition of, 2748. Mary, daughter of, see Young, Colonel in the King's army, 982. Mr., 1183. Fernes, Hen., 2820. ****** 70358. Dr., co. Leicester, 108. mother of, 2820. Fernes, Hen.-cont. ... * ... a Fernihaugh, Thos., 752 (2). Ferrace, Lady, 579. Ferrars, Sir Hum., 1264. 14 1 · ··· Ferrer, James, 1116. Ferrers, Sir Hen., Bart., 799, 1453. Fetherston, Chris., 543. • . ·· ***** deposition of, 510. Fetherstone, Heneage, 1786, 1787 (4). petitions of, 1786. Hen., father of, 1786. • ·· • " ***** Anne, widow of, see Stanhope, Anne, Countess of Chesterfield. John, son of, 1880. } ****** A ▸▸ ……… ·· · " petition of, 547. Fetherstonhaugh, John, 204. Ralph, 204. Sir Timothy, 124, 157, 232, 1669. Lady Bridget, widow of, 1669. petitions of, 1669 (3). Hen., son of, 1142, 1669. Thos., son of, 1669. · · ...... 1. ر. ****** · *> ****** 510, 577. Sir John, 2830. ………………… ***) *ALL** ******* · · ……………… Wm., 513, 543, 544, 566, 2586 (2). deposition or information by, Jos., brother of, 2820. sisters of, 2820 (2). ****** • "> **3 ……………… · ……………………** Fettiplace, Edm., 3174. daughters of, 1669. ***** (2)?. John, 1542. Martha, 2641 (2). Fidler, Rob., petition of, 3220. Fidoe, Ant., 2399. Field, John, printer, 167. 2315. ******* · U D Fras., 2313. Fielden, Rob., 3129. Jane, Dorothy and Bridget, ******* } petitions of, 1669 (2). petition of, 1669. *** " other children of, 1669. petitions of, 3128, 3129 (2). ****** Fielder, Col. John, M.P., 404, 612, 956–958, 1790 (3), 1791 (2), 1793, 2259, 2261 (5), 2262 (2), 2503. · ……………*} Josias, 2152. Playford, 92. Theophilus, Bishop of St. David's, Wm., 1625. Mr., Sussex messenger, 515. discovery by, 1790. petition of, 956. Fielding, Basil, Lord Fielding and Earl of Denbigh, 36, 76, 436, 466, 468, 479, 486, 490, 497 (2), 523 (2), 581, 656, 791 (2), 1304, 2183, 2422, 2769 (2). letter of, 436. ** petitions of, 2813 (2), 3153 3418 GENERAL INDEX. Fielding, Basil-cont. 41 ... ... ·A 40 .. ..." .. ****) Fielding, Alex. and George, petitions of, 2724 (2). George, 2611. ******* Eliz., wife of, petition of, 2611 Roger, 3258. Colonel in the King's army, 1070. Fiennes, William, Viscount Say and Seale, 801, 1078, 1152, 1421, 1662, 1900. ……………. O • .. ... • ……… ..... Fiennes, Col. John, 827, 1478. AL · or Fines, Colonel Nath., 511 ?, 1629. Fife, or Fiffe, John, 3212. Mrs., widow of, 1284. family of, 1284, 3212. Fileoll, or Filyoll, Wm., 2847. Filkes, Jos., 109, 1522. Filkin, Rich., 1465. .. •9 1 L • · + letters to, 497, 608. steward of, 656. warrant of, 792. Susan, his mother, Countess ****** Dowager of Denbigh, 436, 490, 2769. Fillis, Rich., 2525. Filyoll, see Fileoll. · · " Finch, Heneage, Earl of Winchelsea, daugh. ters of, 75. .. • • " ·· • · Mabella, wife of, 2061. Finch, Clement, Milton, Kent, 329, 2676, 2971, 2972. • • • ***** ..) •• • ... ... • ****** ·· • ... > ...... FORKIDS ..." .. ……………… Mr., trustee for, 75. John, Lord Finch [brother of?], 102, 2061. *) ·· ..... Thos., 3245. ...... ·· ** • • ...*** • letter of, 497. letter to, 497. sister of, 490, 497, 2769. • ... ... Clement, Herbert, Anne, Eliz., and Philip, children of, petition of, 2677. ………...♥ petition of, 1465. • ******* ……………… John, Preston, Kent, 102, 610, 2346, 3192. 9 ******* ……………… Fras., 86, 2025. John, co. Gloucester, 2026. John, Grove Hurst, Kent, 2845. family of, 2845. petition of, 2486. John, co. Stafford ?, information by, 1522. Mary, wife of, 102, 2677. ***** petitions of, 2677 (2). ******* John, eldest son of, 2676. Sir John, 2923. wife of, 2923. Mark, 461. Thos., Kent, petition of, 2677. Thos., co. Lancaster, 3192. Wm., 3180. Eliz., widow of, 1951, 3180. Fincham, Ralph, 1758. • ... Fines, Col. Nath., see Fiennes. Finimore, or Finnimore, Hen., co. Cambridge, 3161. ... ... Finster, John, 1731. ... petition of, 1731. ... ****** Firbanck, or Firbank, George, 377, 389, 398. petitions of, 377, 958 (2). ... ... ... ... First Fruits Office, 1129. officer in, see Baker, Thos. Firth, John, co. Nottingham, 3224. Fish, James, co. Lancaster, 3169. Fisher, Alex., sub-warden of Merton College, Oxford, signature of, 2797. •• ... · ► .. *** .. .. • ... A • • ...... wife and children of, 1758. Thos. and Rachel, petitions of, 2324, 2325. ·· "" · ·· > > • *** ...> **** .. ·· …………………., James, 433. •• .." Hen.,co. Huntington, 539, 702, 2837. Rob., petition of, 2837. **** 2905. > **** 2 **** כי .... **** , ****** ...> > ......., Rob., Cumberland, 72, 124, 1881. Rob., Rutland, 2185. petition of, 2185. • ******* Rob., sen. and jun., Somerset, 1815. Sir Rob., Bart., 797, 1548, 1793 (2). Eliz., wife of, 1549. > Sir Clement, Bart., his eldest son, 89, 1793. Thos., his 2nd son, 1549 (3). petitions of, 1548, 1549 Edm., 1573. Edw., 94. Sir Edw., 85, 2026. Foulke, 2221. Fras., 2904, 2905. > **** .... *** > John, Dorset, 1741. John, Isle of Ely, 1406. John, co. Lancaster, 1236, 1951. wife and children of, 1236. ******* John, Wilts, 1162. Nich., 1865. .. 4 cancy petitions of, 2904 (2). Susan, or Susanna, widow of, petitions of, 2904 (2). • ליי, ……………… (2), 1784. > ………… Fras., his younger son, 1793. Sam., petition of, 1956. Thos., 582, 583, 3049. Thos., London, 728, 1683 (2). ****** Sir Thos., 2843. Wm., Hants, 106. Wm., Wilts, 1652. ....., Captain in the King's army, 1373. Fishwick, John, 3207. petition of, 1683. ****** Thos., Salop, 1484. petition of, 3207. Rich., Yorkshire agent, 2116. deposition of, 654. GENERAL INDEX. 3419 Fishwick-cont. .... Fissenden, Capt. Thos., 172, 264. Fist, Chris., assistant clerk to the Committee for Public Debts, 670. ·· • Fitch, Col. Thos., Governor of Carlisle, 232, 279, 810, 811, 815, 1169, 1170, 1668; see also Carlisle, Governor of. • Fitchett, Edw., 3197. Rob., 1745. …………….3 Fithian, Rich., 120. Fitter, Joan, petition of, 2745. • > Fittiplace, Fras., 3031. Fitton, Sir Edw., Bart., 104, 326, 2092, 2093, 2283, 2843. • atau a *** * ** Fitz, Rich., 3192. Fitzgerald, George, 16th Earl of Kildare, 1853. ……………., …………..,' Joan, Countess of Kildare, his widow, 1853. Fitzherbert, Henry, Parliamentary messenger, 662. John, co. Derby, 295. ………………………, ………………, petition of, 1927. .... Rob., petitions of, 2267 (2). Thos., petition of, 2127. " ……….. *** ……………… ...... .. **** ****** Ann and Dorothy, mother and grandmother of, 1927. letter of, 304. wife of, 1169. Dame Felicia, 122. Mr., 326. Sir John, 1488, 1489 (2), 1578, 2283. Wm., his son, 68, 89, 575, Katherine, his sister, 1489. J ******} 1488. } ****** Rob., co. Lancaster?, 3229. ·· ** son, Eliz. *** Rob., co. Stafford, 89, 1927. ***** Fitzjames, Joan, or Johan, Dorset, 586. petition of, 2168. ……………… John, Holnest, Dorset, 118. John, Leweston, Dorset, 32, 790. sisters of, 32. Col., Parl. officer, 1993. ****** Fitzmorris, Patrick, Lord Kerry, petition of, 2788. Fitzwilliam, Thos., Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Merion, Ireland, 63. ... "> A granddaughter of, see Kemp- ****** **** Holles, 63. William, 2nd Baron Fitzwilliam of Lifford, Ireland, 1210. Margaret, wife of, 1230. Col. Oliver, his son, 63. wife of, Lady Ellinor Fitzwilliam, Dorothy, 2098, 3217. • …………… Mary. Oliver, co. Nottingham, 2102. mother-in-law of, see Plunket, { Fitzwilliams, Hen., clerk for co. Devon, 322, 422 (2), 734. • Flackett, Rob., 177. Flavell, Fras., 487. A ……………… Fleet, the, Admirals of, see Rich, Rob., Earl of Warwick; Monk, Col. George. ……… A > Fleetwood, Lieutenant-General, or Sir Charles, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 570, 641, 919, 1555, 2304, 2373. > * ……… ………… * ... +4 Vice-admiral of, 3210; see also Batten, Capt. Wm. ......., as Major-General for Bucks, co. Oxon, &c., 641, 736, 737, 1009, 1076, 1612 (2). …………………*** letter of, 474. ******" Hen., co. Lincoln, 2612. Margaret, 104?, 3193. Wm., 240, 2408, 2793. petition of, 1890. > *** ………… " · .. *** *** " ………………………) ……………} Edw., co. Lancaster, 2741. Edw., Westminster, petition of, 1281. • ...} ** **** "" as Lord Fleetwood, 764. information by, 1402. > ******* Sir Rich., Bart., 89, 938 (2), 2283, 2301, 2665. Sir Gerard, 67, 106, 1095, 1273 (4). Eliz., daughter of, 1095. Sir Thos., Bart., son of, 89, 438, 938, 2132, 2283, 3179, 3300. Gertrude, wife of, 2286. ******* Hen.. co. Lancaster, petition of, 1723. Capt. Jeffry, 1116, 2695. John, 1787. ……………… 2289. ****** ... letters of, 576, 1403 (2). Ann, sister of, 1403 (2). *** 2289. ……………… petitions of, 1721 (5). ……………… ***** Capt. Wm., 3rd son of, 2283, *****y Fleming, Edw., 110. Robert, 4th son of, 2287, 2289. wife and children of, ***** Henry, 5th son of, 2287. Sir Wm., 1209, 1403. Colonel, Royalist, Hants, 970. Johan, petition of, 2635. Sir Oliver, 511, 2378. Rob., petitions of, 539, 2660. Roger, 2624. Thos., 2624. Wm., 1693. ………….., John, eldest son of, 1695-1698, 1703, 222e. Win., son of, 188, 332, 340, 547, 1695–1698. …… ………………, ………………, Agues, daughter of, 1696 (2). petitions of, 1695 (3), 1696. Q & 3420 GENERAL INDEX. Fleming, John-cont. 054 ..... 1 4 • petitions of, 2227. ……………、 ………………、 ……………… ……………., Dan., son of, 2228. ., petitions of, •• A • Fletcher, Ann, petition of, 1849. children of, 1849. Gainsford, 87. Sir Hen., Bart., 1662. ………………… ……………., Kath., widow of, 1662. " ****** Sir George, son of, 1662. James, 1117. James, Kent, 458. John, co. Chester, 100, 120, 1199. Rich., son of, 120, 1199. ....., John, and Anne, his mother, co. Lan- caster, 2924. · * • .." **** Wm., son of Bridget, daughter of, see Crosland, Bridget. • [ • > ... 1695, 3286. > ·· ... M D > 1696, 1697. Wm., Carmarthenshire Commissioner, 557, 639. John, London, 52. ..., John, Middlesex, petition of, 2197. Marg., petition of, 192. Thos., petition of, 3098. Wm., 276. ·· 1101. Fleyre, Wm., see Floyer, Wm. Flintoft, Wm., 3109. Flood, Hen., Surrey, 1236. ……………… ………… **** Flower, Ann, 3195. , ******* Dan., 2nd son of, 1695, 2228. Wm., son of, 124, 188, > > · ...y "> or Lloyd, Hen., Cheam, Surrey, 2836. Isabel, widow of, 2836. John, petitions of, 2365 (2). CANY Thos., petition of, 888. or Lloyd, Wm., Surrey, 1585. Dr., co. Hereford, 2754. AÐ ****** Frances, granddaughter of, see Coker, Frances. **** .... Flowerden, Ralph, 115. Floyd, Sir Edw., see Lloyd. or Flowers, George, 258, 307, 1328 (2), 2339 (2), 2340. Edw., son of, 276, 285, 300, ·· wife of, 2754. Hen., co. Durham, 2129. Thos., 3259. Tristram, 1276, 1400. petition of, 1858. Mr., Somerset, 580, 588. .... "> Jeffry, 92. John, petition of, 2048. Walter, 443. Wm., co. Brecon, see Lloyd. Mr., co. Stafford, 89. Floyer, or Flevre, Wm., 2796. Wr., nephew of, 2796. father in-law of, 2796. Fludd, Mary, Surrey, 2437. Rich., 67. …………………… Foard, Dorothy, 107. Thos., 107. Fogg, Rob., 800. " wife of, 800. Fole, Hole, or Hall, John, 1654. Foljambe, Lady Eliz., 119. petitions of, 1769 (3), 1770. Font, George, 111. Foole, Rob., 3025. D • > 3025. Foote, Thos., Alderman and Lord Mayor of London, 2140, 3169. certificate of, 2217. ... Forbes, Wm., Lord Forbes, 64, 66, Forbes, Col. Wm., 1764. • • . D "" ********** Forby, Hillary, 3301. Forcer, Eleanor, 3107. Ford, Col., or Sir Edw., sheriff of Sussex, 13, 105, 839, 869, 887, 904, 921, 932 (2), 962, 1063, 1065, 1093, 1914, 2044. ... לי ……. 44 · ... "" . S ***** ……………… • ……………… 1764. Mr., Scotch preacher, 453. *** ****** > ******* > ***** > 2094. petition of, 1914. ******y Major Edw., Devon, 463. Fortune, 1360. "> ******* Gilbert, 2955. Hen., London, 489. Hen., Mayor of Worcester, 3141, 3142. Jennet, widow of, petition of, George, 2094. John, Lord Morley's guardian, 2278, 2279. "" Mary, widow of, petition of, ****** ………… ******* petitions of, 2525 (3). Rob., Wilts, 78. Simon, 2835 (3). ………………………. ………………, letters, &c., of, 2835 (3). > petitions of, 2835 (3). ……………………, ………………, daughters of, 2526. ... John, Hants, 106, 1688. Rich., Derby ?, information by, 2448. petition of, 2450. petition of, 1360. children of, 1360. Rich., London, 2109. Rob., sen., Somerset, 2525. .... ... Eliz., widow of, petition of, ……….. …………. **) Thos., 205. Wm., collector and informer, 2, 779. petition of, 156. Wm., Northumberland, petition of, 2879. …………. Rob., jun., his son, 2525. Jane, wife of, 2879. ""> Sir Wm., 27, 788, 789, 932. Ald., co. Chester, 120. George, son of, 120, 2207. GENERAL INDEX. 3421 Ford-cont. ****** Mr., Over, co. Chester, 604. Forder, Nich., 531. Forest, see Forrest. .... Forisbrooke, Rich., 1365 (2). Forrest, or Forest, Edw., 2018. Hum., 107, 2116. . children of, 2116. ******* Mary, petition of, 3018. Rob., 1293. Forser, John, 2632. • ► ... • Forster, Sir Hum., 880. son of, 880. "" ******* Rich., 3193, 3215. Fortescue, Anne, 109. .. • ***** "" ·· AN ► > · • ………… Arth., 180. .., Hugh, 180, 1939. John, Fallowpit, Devon, 117, 153, 502, 1424, 1938, 1939. " L •• ………………… > **** ·· 1940. > "" .. • Rob., sen., petitions of, 3190 (2). 3279. " ……………., Jane, wife of, petition of, 2632. .... *** *** ***** 2217. • ', John, Spridleston, Devon, 1911. John, co. Leicester ?, 1079, 1080. John, London, 3279. ………… 2218 (2). .…… Edm., grandson of, petition of, John, co. Worcester, 2217. signature of, 623. Wm., father of, 2217. Sir Nich., grandfather of, Fras,, younger son of, ****** Vaughan, Anne. " petitions of, 2312, 3278 (2), ******* GUA **** Sir John, Bart., sen., 67, 2539. ……………. petitions of, 2217 (2). Wm., brother of, 2540 (2). Anne, wife of, ………1 children of, 2540 (2). Sir John, Bart., jun., 2539. Lady Marg., 3271. Frances, daughter of, 3271. ………………………. ………………, ancestors of, 486. · ..... Colonel for Parl., 1587. Forth, Earl of, see Ruthven, Patrick. Forth, Hugh, 45, 1070 (2). *****♪ Mary, petitions of, 2218 (3). Col. Rich., 3062, 3066, 3291. Wm., co. Warwick, 221 ?, 486. petition of, 1070. • ****** Thos., petition of, 1734. Wm., 1092. .、འ.. Fossatt, Hen., petition of, 2122. Fossett, Step., 1500, 1597 (2). Fosson, Thos., petition of, 2165. Foster, Arth., 817. Lady Eliz., 179, 584 (2). Fras., petition of, 2232. see Foster-cont. .. .. .. • • • + • • 14. ·· " .." · * > > •• > ·S > •, • 2 ." > •3 Rob., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2792. Sir Rob., Justice of the Common Pleas, 51, 92, 96, 1543. Step., 1466. Thos., Cardington, 3257. Thos., Elstow, 2438. > ·· > ·· Hen., 1867. Sir Hum., 859. Jane, 3175. John, co. Bedford ?, 2013. John, sen., Northumberland, 202. John, jun., Northumberland, 202. Lancelot, 2821. Martin, 2510. Mat., 1520. Nich., 3282 (2). Reginald, 2365. Rich., 196. ………….., John, son of, 196. Rob., Devon, 2966. Fotherby, Eliz., 2302. ...y . **** ** Mr., co. Chester, 120. Mr., Hunts and Suffolk, 90, 96, 739, 740, 742, 743. Thos., co. Denbigh, 1948. Thos., Loudon, 1511. Thos., Northumberland, 202. Col. Thos., 1701. Wm., Bucks, petition of, 2484. wife of, see Leveson, Fras. ... > Wm., co. Leicester, 111, 1236. assignation by, 343. Fothergill, John, 203, 521. Wm. and Ant., 2513. Fouliambe, Peter, 1734. Foulds, James, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3096. Fountaine, or Fountayne, Eliz., see Royley, Eliz. Sir Erasmus de la, see De la Fountaine. John, 85, 90, 114, 1205, 1209, 2878 ?. wife and children of, 1206. father-in-law of, see Davis, Rob. Julian, or Sir Julian, 2531 (2). E > CO. sons of, 743. alias Froster, Mr., Middlesex, 3098, Mr., co. Oxon, petition of, 3085. Capt. Hen., Yorkshire agent, 243, 343 (2), 408, 419. CO. Bedford, ……………… ... Bedford, 579, Fowell, Hen., see Foyle, Hen. Fowke, Gerard and Olive, 2168. Gerard, co. Derby, 1667. wife and children of, 1667. Gerard, co. Stafford, 89, 1881. John, co. Stafford, 2772. or Fowkes, Ald. John, London, 3287, 3288 (S). ******* 3422 GENERAL INDEX. Fowle, Edw., or Edm., Norfolk, petitions of, 2886 (2). Prudence, wife of, petition of, .. .. ** • AAAAA .. • • ·· .. ..." references to, 1889, 2317. report by, 2022. request by, 706. resignation of, 711. salary of, 345, 363, 388, 439, 645, 818-820, 822-824. Thos., co. Leicester, 2313, 2314. petitions of, 2313 (2), 2314. Fowler, Dan, 748. Hen., 2685. Rob., 460. Thos., Devon, 502. Thos., Salop, 1991. • • · 4 · .. 13 **** • 5 · 2886. F EX •) "> • > • 2 or Fowles, Thos., solicitor for the Committee for Compounding, 198, 340, 351, 382, 434, 447, 468, 566, 581 (2), 602, 674, 680, 685, 693, 722, 820, 1122, 1195, 1628, 1921, 2295, 2296 (4), 2347, 2481, 2524, 2555, 2556, 2576, 2651, 2673, 2682, 2701, 2724, 2726, 2759, 2777, 2779, 2804, 2892, 3089. certificates by, 630, 3144. .... > ………………2 alluded to, 1171, 2044, 2201, 2702, 2832, 2948. ******* information by, 453, 2602, 2605, 2606, 2937. orders to, 316, 372, 436, 443, 466, 478, 575, 599, 602, 678, 1357, 1459, 1721, 1725, 1820, 2044, 2089, 2128 (2), 2149, 2182, 2260, 2284, 2292, 2333 (2), 2393 (2), 2425, 2481, 2499, 2521, 2534, 2545, 2567, 2600, 2603 (2), 2613, 2617, 2702 (2), 2713, 2770, 2779, 2812, 2832, 2860, 2892, 2937 (2), 2941, 3046, 3080, 3196, 3275, 3281, 3300. D " Edw., Wilts, 78. John, Kent, 457. > **** ...... > · > ... • Walter, 89, 389, 430, 483, 514, 530, 606, 1891, 2084, 3289. A > ..... ·· 1895. • ... 3289 (2). A • > > " • ……………. , 1891. A > ……………… ………………, younger children of, 1894 (2). 1 account of, 514. Constance, wife of, petitions of, children of, 3289. Edw., his father, 1891, 1894, Dorothy, his mother, 89, 890, Wm., his uncle, petition of, 1895. Walter, father of, 1895. 3 Fowles, Thos., see Fowle. Fownes, John, sen. and jun., 2215. Thos., Dorset, 3260. Thos., London, 2007. Wm., 2199. Parson, co. Chester, 112. Mr., minister, co. Berks, 2834. Fox, Anne, 955. ·· ··· ·· ·· ***** · "" • ……………………** • •N ,, • ******* petition of, 2121?. ………… ………………, Margaret, wife of, 2121 ?. Kath., petition of, 2613. Nich., 2613. Henry, son of, 2613. ··· , Hen., Salop, 408, 636, 3206. > ., John, co. Notts, 2901. Col. John, 220, 2367. .... ** wife of, 2367 (3), 2368. Humphrey and John, sons of, 2367 (4), 2368 (4). • · Major John, Lancashire Commis- sioner, 745. > ·· Foxall, Capt. Wm., 643 (2). ·· .) > Foxcroft, George, Treasurer of Excise, certi- ficates of, 723, 3217, 3227. Edw., receiver, 197. Edw., co. Montgomery, 2423. Hen., Essex, petition of, 185. Hen., co. Lancaster ?, 1903. ****** .. • .... > Rich., 89, 2989. Wm., son of, 2989. Walter, father of, 2989. ******* Thos., agent for Salop, 281, 319, 390. petition of, 725. Wm., petitions cf, 2368 (2). ג' • > ****** > Foxley, Sam., 1117, 1613, 1624, 1626, 1731 (2), 2131, 2132, 2192, 2198, 2205 (2), 2206 (2), 2353, 2428, 2482, 2590, 2595 (2), 2637, 2660, 2667, 2748, 2760, 2826, 3005 (3), 3098, 3137 (2), 3146. ...3 2 > " • ******* Thos., 2077, 2140. Foy, Walter, Dorset steward, 308. Foyle, Foyell, or Fowell, Hen., 105, 282, 283, 385, 386 (2), 530, 532 (2), 700, 995 (2), 2697. petition of, 2576. .... > Hen., 2086. Frampton, Allen, 3193. wife of, 2086. John, 772. John, co. York, petition of, 3101. John, 118. Rob., petition of, 1710. Frances, Serjeant, Westminster, 92. Francis, Albine, 2226. petitions of, 2198, 2199. Edm., or Edw., 240, 2559. James, 993. John, 1715, 1716. John, Kent, 459. Col. John, 1311. Matthew, 1715. Philip, Mayor of Plymouth, 3035 (3). petition of, 3035. ·· "" Franck, Thos., petitions of, 2648 (3). Thomasin, wife of, 2648, Franckes, Fras., 2892, 2893. "" W > GENERAL INDEX. 3423 Francklyn, Rich., petitions of, 1329 (3). ……………………… ………………, Capt. John, son of, 1329 (2). !, Rich., son of, 1329. • ... 1. .... .. Frank, Marmaduke, 2517. ………………………, ……………., Anne, wife of, 2518. A ... • · ** · · > Frankish, Alex., 1978. Frankland, Ant., 2026, 3292. Hen., Essex, 2587 (3). Wm., 3107. "J Eliz. *** " wife of, 3107. Franklin, or Franklyn, Edw., co. Stafford, petition of, 2970. Edw., Wilts, 1795, 1797. George, 2139. ... ... • · + 2518. ...} ** * .*, ****** ******* ……… A > .... ...... Mary. Wm., son of, 2139 (2). children of, 2139. Major Jenkin, South Wales Commis- sioner, 172, 412, 512, 571, 2177. ··· ... Rob., 1374. Wm., 2420. > > ***** • > .. A Franks, Rich., 3109. Frayle, Mr., Cornwall, 284. Freake, Mary, and Ralph, 2557. or Freke, Robt., 993. > John, his son, 118, 993. Mrs., 92. another son of, 1329. Philip, uncle of, 1329. .... ………… *** Eliz., daughter of, see Salkeld, Prisca, daughter of, petition of, ………… letter of, 222. John, M.P., 1329, 1539 (3), 1540. ………………, Deborah, widow of, 1539. Major, son of, 1539, 1540. children of, 1540. Nich., London, 1680, 1681 (2). petitions of, 1681 (4). Freame, Thos., 748, 749 (2), 769, 3247. Wm., Cirencester, co. Gloucester, 86, 87. Capt. Nich, Kent collector, 300 (2), 2330 (2). Mary, widow of, see Bateman, Frederick, John, petitions of, 860, 2389. Freeman, Alice, petitions of, 192 (2). Edw., London, 454. ………… ………………, depositions of, 586. Edw., co. Northampton, petition of 1080. Thos., co. Oxon, 2245. Wm., Sapperton, co. Gloucester, 2838. Wm., Lyppiat, co. Gloucester, 749, 755, 756, 769. Edw., Rutland, 642, 3146. Col. Edw., Attorney-General South Wales, 507, 517, 1017. letter to, 593. list by, 827. **** **** for Freeman-cont. ** • • ... ... ••• ... " 1. ... ANA • ****9 · * wife and children of, 2514. ******* Howsley, and Thos., his son, Co. York, 1963. John, messenger, petitions of, 169 (2). John, Essex, 94, 844. > > > • ... > •• > > > Gabriel, 2513. > > . 844. John, cos. Gloucester and Worcester, 86, 87, 1017. Mary, wife of, 1017. Rob., son of, 1017. …………… ·· • ………… Freemasons, 3085. **** 5 Freer, Robt., 3105. Freere, Edw., co. Chester, 1364. Freke, Rob., see Freake. French, the, prisoners taken by, 507. agent, M. Ozier, 493. French, Abel, 117, 2026. =; • 4. • · **) • ... • ܕ *** • John, co. Oxon, petition of, 934. Martin, 405. Paul, 207. "> AAAAAA Helena, widow of, 845. petition of, 192. Sir Ralph, 96, 1522, 2260, 2261. Robt., 1579. Thos., Essex, 94, 1554. Thos., Westminster, 92. Thos., Wilts, 755. Wm., 1638. **** .. Rich., son of, 844 (2). other children of, 844. Rich., brother of, petition of, petitions of, 844 (2), 845. Arthur, Durham agent, 303, 313, 369. petition of, 304. Grace, wife of, 304, 621. children of, 304, 621. ***** Edw., Preston, co. Lancaster, 2543, 2909. Wm., Sussex?, petition of, 2282. Alderman of, London, 399, 471. Mr., 1808. "" ****** Edw., Mayor of Preston, deposition of, 682. Capt. Edw., Lancashire Commis- sioner, 745, 765. petition of, 3102. Anne, wife of, 2909. ………… petition of, 173. ***** Fred., petition of, 388. Math., petitions of, 2598 (2). 2659. R., signature of, 1943. Thos., Wilts, 152. letter of, 145. Thos., Aldermau of Cambridge, and Cambridgeshire Commissioner, 756, 759, 761, 762. Capt. Thos., Cambridgeshire steward, 226 (2), 233, 443, 575 (2), 579, 585, 606, 612. letter of, 238. 3424 GENERAL INDEX. Frere, Ant., 782. letter of, 113. Fretchville, John, and Sarah, his wife, 1048. Frewen, Accepted, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 1266, 1334, 1649, 1671, 2711. Stephen, see Fruin. .. • * Friend, Edw., deputy serjeant-at-arms, 39, 670. Rob., 78. Vaughan, 78. · ·· · • *S Frime, Val., 974. Frith, Rowland, 89, 1471. ... John, petition of, 2121. ……………., Frances, wife of, 2121. Rich., 128. Tobias, Norfolk Commissioner, 172, 622, 638. Frizell, Wm., 204. • · * • ·· • " Frodsom, alias Dowson, John, see Dowson. Wm., 3237. ... > Frogg, John, co. Chester, 1850. petition of, 1803. Mr., Whitby, Yorkshire, 61. . · > • • • ..... Froman, Wm., Kent, 102. Fromond, Barth., 2677. **** • ... >" · ·9 ..... Eliz. > ……………., Edw., son of, 1471. "" ... 1. " **3 Fromonds, Wm., sen., 1680. ..... • •• ··· Frost, Frances, 2749. *Y ..... • ..... Fryer-cont. Mary, daughter of, 2678. Dorothy, 2678. C " note by, 2437. Froster, Mr., see Foster. Froude, or Frowd, Col. Philip, 728, 1325. Fruin, or Frewin, Steph., or Dr. Steph., 3223. Fry, or Frye, Art., 3019. Fras., 118, 1051. > • Eliz., widow of, see Howard, Hen., 2708. ……………… Wm., administrator of, 2678. Gualter, or Walter, receiver of the Derby House Committee, secretary to the Council of State, 13, 48 (2), 187, 376, 783 (2), 824. Eliz., widow of, 2708. Wm., jun., 1680. petition of, 1713. ****** Fryer, Edw., co. Chester, 100. Edw., Hants, 3258. Hen., 2698. *** Bridget, his widow, 488, 539, 663, 702, 2698, John, member of the Committee for Compounding, 137 (2). George, petitions of, 2257 (2). Gualter, delinquent, 438. Sam., 1969. Wm., Devon, 3280. Col. Wm., 299. John, M.D., his brother, 2699. …… ……………… ………………, petitions of, 2699 (2). John, co. Chester, 101. ·· 4 .. a *** ……….., Rich., Salop, 2941. ……. • " ·· ... ... U O ……….. Fuidge, Thos., 2415. Fulcher, Rich., Revenue Committee messenger, 342. Thos., 342. Fulford, Sir Fras., 118, 378, 799, 1311. …………., George, 1312 (3). ... Fulham, Edw., petition of, 2419. John, co. Leicester, 110. Rich., co. Chester, 101, 134. 2928. " " • ******* Mr., Salop, 2928. • Fuller, Dan., 2664. ܕ܂ • ****** ... * ……………., Marg., wife of, see Clarke, Marg. > > wife and children of, 2941. Eleanor, widow of, petition of, children of, 2928. ***** Fullerton, John, 1118 (2), 1885, 2424, 2513, 2611, 2861, 2967, 3202, 3213, 3216. Fullor, Rich., 2151. Fulwood, Major or Capt. James, Derbyshire Commissioner, 746, 774. Dr. Thos., 1308. Dr. Wm., 1565. > Dowse, 105, 2807. ***** petitions of, 2664 (2). Furlong, John, 153, 373, 2439. Furness, Sir John, 795. Furnice, Hen., 92. Furnifall, Rich., 120. Wm., 2555. Furrace, Lady, see Cromwell, Col. Hen., wife wife and children of, 1565. letters of, 756, 773. ', Peter, petitions of, 1266 (2). of. Furse, John, 45. Fursey, Thos., 310, 1327, 1645 (2). petition of, 1645. *" ………………………. ……………., George, son of, 1645. petitions of, 1645, 1646 (2). Furthoe, Thos,, 3098. ……………………、、 ………………, John, M.D., brother of, 3098. Fussell, John, Dorset, 118, 2026. John, Kent, 2256. Peter, Hants, petition of, 2369. EUGENE Fussey, Peter, co. York, 3174. Rob., 3026. Fussill, Rich., 1594. Futter, Augustine, 983 (5). Mr., goldsmith, 2. > Fynes, Sir Harry, 1213. > Norreys, his son, 1213, 2409. Frances, wife of, see .... ******* ……………** Mounson, Frances. Fythian, John, 112. GENERAL INDEX. 3425 Gace, John, 212. Gadd, Rob., 1085. ........., Mr., Somerset, 2145. Gaffer, George, 2809. Gage, Anne, 1350. …………. DA ·· ·· ·· …………………… *****? ………………………♥ J ··· • ... • ** …………………… > ADANA ******* Frances. · 2 ****** ******* > Sir John, 3011. ******* Lady Penelope, widow of, see Harvey, Penelope. ……………… John, Edw., Hen., Frances, Penelope, Eliz., and Ann, children of, 3011. • ……………………… · Sir Thos., Bart., son of, 596, 626, 3011. ***** Mary Chamberlain, wife of, 3011 (2), 3012 (2). ***** George, co. Northampton, 1949. George, Suffolk, 2624. Sir Thos., jun., Bart., eldest son of, 3011 (2). > .... **** petition of, 3011. John, 2nd son of, 3011. petition of, 3011. Hen. and Joseph, younger sons of, 3011. Frances, eldest daughter ……………… .... ……………… of, 3011. > • wife of, see Tresham, Lady * …………… Mary, Kath., and Eliz., younger daughters of, 3011, 3012. Wm., co. Hereford, 604, 607, 613, 616, 628, 631. 2518. G ·· · **** D ……. ……………… > Gainsford, Rob., 694. Galbreth, Mr., 92. Gale, Rob., 113, 3097. ………… ***** Wm., Kent, &c., 102, 329. Wm., Sussex, 2211. ****** Bridget, wife of, 2211. Thos., son of, 2211. ……………., younger children of, 2212, 2213 (2). Mr., Wilts, 78. Roger, 614. Thos., 3257 (2). …………….., Mr., London, 951. Galhampton, or Yalhampton, Rich., 153, 4 Mary, wife of, 2519. ………………) Frances, children of, 2519. petition of, 2519. > ………………♪ John, George, Rich., Mary, and peti- .... tions of, 2519 (2). Gallard, Edw., petition of, 3120. Galleylie, Nich., petition of, 2130. Gallimore, Wm., 2555. ****** Gamble, Ald. Wm., 1523. Games, Barth., Brecon Commissioner, 517, 634. · • *** Gamlyn, Hugh, 3082 (2). Gamlyng, John, 1511. 2 } .. **3 Gamull, Fras., or Sir Fras., Bart., M.P., 61, 104, 120, 217, 269, 275, 292, 300, 330, 346, 349, 455, 1186, 1187, 1874- 1876, 2711, • 4. Adrian. · wife of, 455, 1874 (2). children of, 1874. ………. } Lettice, Sydney, Alice, and Christian, daughters of, petition of, 1875. ………., Thos., 2305. Wm., 61, 1438. Gandy, Wm., 866, 3262. Gane, Mr., under-sheriff of Hants, 2113. Gannock, Wm., 2837. Gape, Wm., 1468. Gapper, Thos., 1865. Garbett, John, Salop, 2537. Garbutt, John, 1905. Wm., petition of, 3292. Gardiner, Gardener, or Gardner. Devereux, 804. • ……………………, ………………, Anne, widow of, 2365. > petition of, 2365. ……. …………….3 eng Barth., Northumberland ?, 2748. letter of, 627. ******* Edw., South Wales treasurer, 494. Hoo, South Wales, 512. John, co. Brecon, 1710, 1712 (4). petition of, 1712. **** Mr., under-sheriff of Hants, 362. > • Edm., Berkshire agent, 437, 482, 487 (2), 618, 700. Jeremy, 2365. د. **** . .... ***** .... **** ***** 118, 498, 2995. "y father-in-law of, see Scrope, ******* John, Dorset, 2996. NO A Nich., 458. **** ……..., Peter, 1513. Ralph, 2637. , Isot, his sister, petition of, 2996. Wm., his son and executor, ………………, Temperance, his executor, 2996. ****** John, co. Lancaster, 1950. John, Salop, 1268. Joyce, petition of, 2976. .. Maurice, petition of, 1587. Michael, 29, 383, 403, 3106. • > petition of, 2638. wife of, 2637, 2638. Dr. Rich., 1529 (2). Rob., co. Lancaster, 3192. Rob., London, 45, 1070. Roger, 1978. Capt. Sam., 794, 807. Thos., co. Chester, 103. 3426 GENERAL INDEX. Gardiner, &c.-cont. …………………s • ... • Wm., Excise officer, 3166. Wm., co. Gloucester, 86. Capt. Wm., Herts Commissioner, 746, 751. Mr., 25. Garfield, John, Finningley, co. York, 336. John, Tickhill, co. York, 2376. ..... ·· Pa ... • ***** · > Gargrave, Sir Richard, 1997. • • ……. ... ** 2148, 2149. Garland, Augustine, M.P., 137, 144, 158, 531, 532, 542, 581, 592, 606, 1127, 1168, 1173, 1695, 1753, 1796, 1889, 1913, 1923, 2549, 2791, 2935, 2941, 2965. letter of, 673. note by, 612. petition of, 1779. 1784. " > ... .. ... ……… " ... "" ... ******* Katherine, Lady, his widow, 1637, 1638 (2), 1970, 2149. petitions of, 1637, 1997, • Thos., Essex, 1431. Thos., > · Thos., co. Lancaster, petition of, 1114. Thos., sen., Salop, 205. Thos.. Wilts, 78, 3052, Sir Thos., 1559. Valentine, 1984. ……………… Wm., petitions of, 999, 1108. Garley, Ant., 2911. Garlick, John, 108, 1324. ……………… Garner, Dr., 98. Garnet, Agnes, 547. ... • " 2872. ...... Hen., 3020. John, Notts Commissioner, 746. Capt. John, 366. Rob., 2872. ·· .... Lancashire Commissioner, Susan, wife of, 3090. **** Bryan and Thos., sons of, 3090. Garnett, John, co. Durham, 1164, 3222. Wm., Westmoreland, petition petition of, 3210. ****** Ant., 547, 3090. Garnish, Nich., 96, 2947. Garnons, Roger, 537, 3044. Garrett, or Garret, George, 2307. (…………… "J Mary, widow of, petition of, Capt. Wm., Westmoreland agent, 247 (2), 348,812. Gilbert, Berks, 3259. Jacob, Westmoreland, wife of, 176. Capt. Thos., Norfolk Agent and Com- missioner, 274, 350, 643, 644, 676, 685, 708-710, 1476, 1829. certificate of, 244. ****** • ... ******* ****** ......, letters, &c., of, 212, 220, 249, 256, 307, 350, 581, 1553. letter to, 334. petitions of, 388, 708. Thos., jun., 854. Garside, Gabriel, 1640. wife of, 1640. Garstang, Thos., 3186. ..., Wm., 2909. **** "" Ke ... · Garter, George, 3033, 3100. D 4 • • 2 + ...S ·· • Eliz. ... O " ………………………♥ > •• Garter King-at-Arms, 1999. Garth, James, 2372-2374, • > .... · ■ A ***** + ***** petitions of, 2373 (3), 2374. John, 615. Thos., solicitor for co. Cumberland, letters of, 124, 133, 156, 157. • · • Wm., 552. Garthwaite, Sam., 743 (2), 3142 (2). information by, 3141. ·· ...) note by, 157. petition of, 2876. Thos., Westmoreland?, petition by, 1698. > ………………♪ **** Gartside, James, receipt of, 46. Garvis, Wm., see Jervis. > Garway, Sir Hen., 1080 (2), 1481. · ………. "" ****** ******* > Eliz., daughter of, see Walton, ... Rob., son of, 3100. ..) petition of, 3033. Wm., agent for co. York, 958. deposition by, 655. ……………… " Garwell, Barth., 1547. Gascoigne, John, or Sir John, 2314 (3), 3198. ………………………, ……………., Anne, wife of, 2314. ******) ...... John, son of, 3100. other children of, 3033. ... > > son, 534, 576, 587, 2313, 3198. John, his son, petition of, 1080. Thos., his son, 1080. petitions of, 1080 (3). ..... > Wm., his son, 1481. → > …………….) petitions of, 2314, 3060. A *** • Thos., co. Northampton, 2635. Thos., co. York, petition of, 2542. Gaskell, Thos., co. Lancaster, 2973, 2974. Gatchill, Hen., 1778. ……………. petition of, 2314. Thos., or Sir Thos., Bart., his ………………” John, younger son of, pe- titions of, 2314 (2). Michael, 2593. Rich., 3061. petitions of, 2432 (2). wife of, 2313. George, younger son of, Gate, Tim., 3008. Gater, Maurice, 3259. Nich., 2966. Gates, Charles, petition of, 1925. John, 460. ……………………., deposition of, 416. > ....... Thos., Baron of the Exchequer, 2081, 2490, 2491 (2). ……………., Anne, widow of, 2081, 2491 (3), 2492. GENERAL INDEX. 3427 Gates, Thos.-cont. ** .. Anne, widow of, petitions of, 2491 (2), 2492. Gathorne, Edw., 254. Gatts, Thos., 1071. uncle of, 1071. ……… > ****** Gauden, Denis, 546, 779, 781. # · ………………………、 ………………, note by, 546. ... Gault, Thos. and Ann, his wife, petition of, 1514. Rich., 2287. Gawdy, Sir Charles, 95, 96, 1236. .. ******} Lady Vere, wife of, 1236. Gawen, John, 262. · *." •*) ***** • > ****** ………….. M *** > ……………… 2439. ……………………… ………………. ………….., Cath., wife of, 2439, 2 *** **** ... ... petition of, 2440. Thos., 78, 262, 2439. """ Gawling, Mr., co. Notts, 3224. Gawsell, Gregory, 2317. Gay, Isaac le, 457. Jeremy, 459. Rich., 1360. **** ** ... ... **** 1360. Wm., Westminster, 1088. • · ……………… sons of, 1560. • ·· •" …………… petition of, 1360. Gaylard, Wm., Somerset, 3131. Gayler, Wm., Dorset, 118. Gayton, Edm., 1595. Gaywood, Thos., 89, 1822. John, son of, 1822. ****** Eliz., wife of, 2439. Wm., Somerset, his son, 266, ****** Geare, John, 2840 (2). Margery, wife of, 2840. Gee, Edw., 2955. Emanuel, 1516. John, 123. Sir John, 1131. Thos., co. York, 1680. Sir Thos., 904. ****** petition of, 2440. ******* children of, 2439, 2440. Judith, daughter of, petition of, ****** ****** Lady, 903. > ………………) Eliz. Geere, Wm., receiver of Crown Revenues, petition of, 2106. Geeres, Fras., petition of, 2001. Thos., brother of, 2001. Geery, George, petitions of, 3180 (2). or Geering, Wm., 1680. Eliz., daughter of, see Warner, wife and children of, 1681. father of, 1681. > ******* Gegg, Walter, 2974. Geldart, John, Alderman of York, 171, 665, 720, 721, 724, 725. letter of, 723. Gell, Sir John, 312, 337, 376, 435, 445, 960, 1063, 1232, 2750. • Y ·· • .. U · ... .. • • *** ... .. ……………………… ......" "" .. ·· …………………> · Gellybrand, Thos., 3071. Generals for Parliament, see Montague, Earl of Manchester, and Lord Generals. Gent, Major or Lieut.-Col., Thos., Stafford- shire Commissioner, 173, 276, 748. letter of, 700. ****** George, John, co. Monmouth, 3003. Thos., petition of, 3066. 2750. Mr., co. Durham, 2807. Gerard, Thomas, 1st Lord Gerard, 2788, 3242. Dutton, 3rd Baron Gerard, his grandson, 2788. ■ + ..... " ** ……………. ... ·· Mr., steward to the Earl of Oxford, 2753 (2). ******* > .. · *****) of, 2788. Elizabeth, daughter of, Gerard, or Gerrard, Sir Charles, 1692, 2440, 2441. ... • Wenman, Philip. **** ……………… son of, 90. > petition of, 2321. signature of, 63. Mary, wife of, 2750. John, son of, 2750 (2). •> petition of, 1847. • > Kath. and Eliz., daughters of, Thos., brother of, 445. ……….. petition of, 2788. ., ****** ***** ***** *****} …………. T or Jarret, Evan, petitions of, 2799 (2). Lieut.-Col. Gilbert, 242, 295, 326, 455, 472, 571, 716, 1480 (2), 2450 (3), 2451 (3). ……….. "" Eliz., 2nd wife of, petition 2nd husband of, see Charles, 4th Lord Gerard, Dorothy, Lady, 3192. Edw., 3193. > 100, 102, 120, 1230 (3), 2557. …………………, ………………, daughter of, 2557. *** Charles, son of, 2440. ……………. Sir Gilbert, 120, 1609. Sir Gilbert, Treasurer-at-War, 1, 2, 19, 778, 779. letter of, 746. petitions of, 2450 (3), 2451 (2). wife of, Lady Anne Brereton, letter of, 1243. Hen., co. Lancaster, 2723. Eliz. Walton, wife of, 2723. Hen., son of, 2723. Hen., co. Leicester, 110. Sir Jacob, petition of, 2523. James, 2956. John, co. Lancaster, 2885. …………………, ……………., John, son of, 2885. Radcliffe, 1692. Thos., sen., co. Lancaster, 1279, 3141 ?. 3428 GENERAL INDEX. Gerard, Thos., sen. -cont. ··· • .. …………………., Lady Eliz. Plumleigh, his wife, 1280. • · ... • ..... • *** ****) · ****** · ·· 1280. ·· ·· ………… ... .... Sir Wm., Bart., 21, 141, 617, 1556, 1720, 3236, 3286. •• ** Anne, daughter of, 1721 (2). petitions of, 1721 (2). ******* . Sir Thos., sen. and jun., father and grandfather of, 1722. Rich., brother of, 1556. 1781. ** *2 • > ... , Wm., Bucks, 3157. Wm., co., Lancaster, 2079. petition of, 2927 ?. Lieut.-Col., 242, Widow, 1118. Germany, Ferdinand, Emperor of, agent of, > ………………3 ...... S court of, 599. ..... Gery, George, co. Bedford, 1558. ………………………, ………………, Thos., his brother, 1558. George, Bucks, 2270. ·· ******* 2240. " > Col. or Gen., Royalist, 104, 326, 1175, 1492, 1825, Gesling, Kath., 89. Gethin, Maurice, 799, 807. > ... Geust, Randle, 101. Ghest, John, 1772. …………., Capt., Surrey solicitor, 357. Gibb, Sir Henry, Bart., co. Durham, 924, 2239. …………, ………………, Anne, wife of, 2239. > • • > ....... petition of, 1280. ***** Thos., jun., his son, 441, 1279. wife of, 2424. Gibbes, George, and Rich., his father, petition of, 2476. 2381. ……………… Eliz. and Dorothy, his daughters, Gibbon, or Gibbons, Ant., co. Lincoln, 1593. petition of, 1465. …………., Edm., 3276 (4), 3277 (4 petition of, 3276. petition of, 1280. John, his uncle, 1279. Hen., certificate by, 1335. Capt. Wm., 90. 1. …………… Eliz. and Frances, daughters of, James, 2381. Marg., widow of, petition of, children of, 2382. • > John, 3160. John, co. Chester, 104, 120. John, Devon, 3259. Rich., and Fras., his son, 994. Thos., 3257. Thos., Kent, 461 (2). Thos., sen., Kent, 461. Major, Kent, 2602. Gibbon, or Gibbous-cont. Mr., London, 598. Gibbs, Eliz., 1219. Hen., 118. Sir Hen., and Thos., his son, Warwick, 2073. Thos., Bedfordshire Commissioner, 755, 2422 ?. ..... • **** ... ·· "S Gibson, George, 1915. Thos., Somerset, 1812. Wm., co. Brecon, Eliz., widow of, petition of, 2971. ↑ "" .." ...3 • "" ...) …………… ... > .., Rich, signature of, 623. ***** Rich., Middlesex, 2209. Rich., co. York, petitions of, 2959 (2). ... > ……….. D *** Mary, wife of, 2959. Sam., minister of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1824. ** **** Gidley, Barth., 1702. Gifford, And., 1867, 3288. • ** …… ………………, Kath., widow of, 1867. Thos., son of, 1868. Wm., co. Gloucester, 87. Wm., co. Warwick, 2840. * > petitions of, 2840, 2841. Ald. Wm., London, letter of, 3306. Dr., 92. …………………*** …………………. > John, Westmoreland, 196. John, Oldendale, Westmoreland, 521. Sir John, co. York, 1906. **** ** …………. mother of, 1867. …………………, ………………, Mary, sister of, 3289. ……………………., Ant., 97, 498, 3087. **** 3289. " Thos., 2590. Wm., 341 (2), 866. ………………………, ………………, Honor, widow of, 3087. …………. (2). •2 • 4400 ******* ... " ▼ petitions of, 3087, 3088. Edw., Chillington, co. Stafford, 89, 3150. ……………………., Emanuel, 861. petition of, 1868. ******* children of, 1868. Rob., M.D., father of, 3288, Edw., Wolverhampton, co. Stafford, 3193. Co. John, son of, 3087 (2), 3088 ………AA CONS 90. George, London, 2452. sister of, see White, Eliz. ****** George, co. Stafford, 89, 3244. Dr. George, 539. **** …………., Gerard, Eliz., wife of, 2374. > …………..) Marg., daughter of, 2374, 2375. John, 3197. John, Berks, 89. John, Somerset, 1670. John, co. Stafford, 1771. ………………………, ………………, Dorothy, widow of, 424, 3180. Frances, daughter of, see Colton, Frances. GENERAL INDEX. 3429 Gifford-cont. ► ****** ··· … ... ... ……….. 2 • Capt. John, cos. Berks and Stafford, 608, 633, 1213, 2711, 2998, 3228, 3268. Eliz., wife of, 1213. 2: …………… Dorothy, daughter of, see Dor- mer, Dorothy. Peter, son of, 89, 440, 574, 575, *** - 2711. > ...... > petition of, 2288. Capt. John, co. Gloucester, 2142, 2143 (3), 2418?. •9 .. 1. ... •• 2946. Mrs., Westminster, 92. Gilbert, or Gilberd, Fras., 336, 2321, Hen., co. Derby, 1494. ** '' ....., Hen., co. Gloucester, 86. ......., Hen., co. Warwick, 1978. Nich., Cornwall, 1505. ..? ..... ………**** …………… ……………} ♪ bury, Devon, 2946. · > > A > ***3 petition of, 2143. ******) Col. John, Devon, 97, 502, 1237. Marg., 417. Peter, Westminster, 92. Sir Peter, 80. Rich., 3130. Rob., 3156. Roger, 502, 1991. Thos., 89. Walter, 89, 3146. Wm., Devon, 97, 2946. Gilbourne, Hen., 461. Gilby, Ant., 108, 2632. Emanuel, 2632. • " · widow of, see Barnsley, Eliz. daughters of, see Atkins, Jane, and Merry, Anne. Gildon, Edw., 3259. ****……… Rich., 1018, 3265. **** Giles, or Gyles, Fras., 153, 522, 2931. John, co. Hereford, 2362. petition of, 2362. ………………………, John, father of, 2362. *) Thos., 1844. Thos., Kent, 461. Thos., co. Leicester, 111, 1351. Wm., Kent, 2175. Wm., Somerset, informer, 2582 (3), 2583. father of, 2946. John, jun., brother of, Hales- .9 ***** Nich., co. Derby, 2352, 2908. Eliz.,widow of, petition of, *** John, Challock, Kent, 458. John, Snodland, Kent, 2751. Nath., Wilts, minister, 79. Dr. Nath., Berks, 66, 1274. Nath., his son, 1274. Walter, Worcestershire Commissioner, 172, 679 (2), 698. letters of, 701, 703, 730. Gilfin, Thos., 3193. Gill, Edw., co. York, petitions of, 2474 (2). Col. George, 1154 (2). petitions of, 1153, 1154 (2). wife and children of, 1153. .. ... } **) **** · • **** ·· 1 ... ... …………….) Roger, petition of, 3057. ..., Thos., London, petitions of, 3050, 3051. J ****** Col., 438. ………….. ..." Gillet, Nich., 2140 (4). · ……………… Hen., 535, 547, 1743. Sir John, 1655. Philip, 1053. Gilliams, Peter, 106. Gilpin, Chris., 176, 332, 340, 521, 547, 2881. ** ………. 14 Thos., co. York, 3140. Tristram, 135. George, brother of, 2882. **** Kath., his widow, peti- tions of, 2882(2). .... "} Isaac, 508, 516, 547. letters of, 170, 504, 528. ………….., papers sent by, 1917, 1945. petitions of, 170, 508. family of, 170. ***** Wm., Devon, 2875, 2966. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2737. John, father of, 2738. ***URANT Rob., 521. Thos., 176. Gilson, Thos., petition of, 2658. Gimbalt, or Gimbert, Capt. Godfrey, 269 (2). ··· ******* ………………y widow of, 269. Gimblett, Thos., 573. Ginger, John, 459. Gipps, George, petition of, 2900. Girdler, Capt. Rob., 501, 716, 719, 2367. Girlington, Chris., co. York, 3055. Bridget, widow of, 3055. .... **** wife and children of, 1053. ****** ……………… ……………… ****** John, co. Lancaster, 2905 ?, 2960. Sir John, 21, 176, 1096 (2), 1097 (5), 2112. 4. • ... ****** Bland, Adam. > Dame Kath., his widow, 1096, second husband of, see John, son of, petition of, 1097. children of, 1096. ***** Nich., petitions of, 3055 (3). Rich., co. Lancaster, 2902. ………………$ 2902. Eliz., mother of, 441, 2724, Mr., co. Lancaster, 474. Gisborne, Alderman John, Derbyshire Com- missioner?, 746. Gittings, John, petition of, 1620. Gittins, Hum., 3259, Gladwin, Wm., 111. Glaister, Rich., 1668. 3430 GENERAL INDEX. Glanville, Sir John, 502, 2683. Wm., 1661. Glasbrooke, James, petition of, 860. ………………………, John, 2609. Glascock, Ignatius, 3016. ***** Glasier, Jeffry, 1664. Glassier, or Glaseour, Thos., 60, 1568. Major, 521. ***** Glassington, John, 885. ..., Capt., 92. Glave, George, 3031. .. ·· .... ·· ** ………………….. Thos., 2910. Gleave, John, 107, 120. Gledhill, John, 2099. ... ....... Glenham, Dr. Hen., 1855. **** · ··· •, 2889. or Glemham, Sir Thos., 96, 1008, 1579, 2157 (2), 2789, 2889 (2). Sackville, son of, 1579. Glide, Rich., 265. or Glidd, Wm., 1416. family of, 1416. *** ...... …………… wife and daughters of, 3031. John, son of, 3031. petition of, 3031. •" Marg. and Anne, widows, petition of, 2910. *> •• > Glindall, Mr., 120. ………… *** ***g Gloucester, Duke of, see Henry. Glover, John, co. Durham, certificate by, 431. John, Sussex, petition of, 2460. Rich., co. Gloucester, see Matthews, Rich. John, and Mary, his mother, 2347. ... Rich., Kent, 328. Rich., London ?, 1073. Rob, 1761. Sam., 110. Glyn, Walter, 117. Glynn, Edm., 151. • ·· .. *** ****** .. Goater, Fras., petition of, 2095. Gobb, Wm., 1094. "" Goddard, John, 502. …….. Rich., his brother, 2099. *** Dr. Jonathan, petition of, 2798. …., Reignald, 2831. …….., Rich., Hants, 105. > ***** " petitions of, 1855 (2), 2157, Serjeant John, Recorder of London and Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 1 (2), 8, 13, 1453. Rich., and Hester, his wife, New Sarum, Wilts, 994, 1044. children of, 994. ………… .... > Rich., Swindon, Wilts, 1738. Capt. Rich., Berks, 376. petition of, 582. Vincent, 139. Mr., Wiltshire treasurer, 582. Godfrey, Barth., 104. Fras., Norfolk, 116. Godfrey-cont. ·· • .. ·· • ... ... ... ··· · Fras., Northumberland ?, petition of, 3211. ., John, 1811. " Lambert, 34, 101, 226, 239, 328, 448 (2). ., Thos., 2052. …………… Godolphin, Fras., 115, 117. .. ... ……………., • • • ..... Godsalve, John, petition of, 1969. Godshall, Ann, 2017 (2). Godwin, see Goodwin. Goffe, Rice, 1826. L .... .... Mary. A .., Sidney, 92. Wm., Spargor, Cornwall, 117, 336, 1559, 1587. ****** family of, 1559. Wm., Trewerveneth, Cornwall, 1907. Sir Wm., 117, 336. > ……… Gofton, John, 3244. Gohogan, John, 1377. Golbourne, Rich., 522. Gold, Anth., 92. 1 A .... 4. • Sir Thos., 328, 2600. Wm., 1839, 1840 (3). " ...) Wm., Somerset, 1946. Col., or Lieut.-Col. Wm., 306; see also Sussex, Hants, and Berks, Major- General for. Mary, widow of, see Philcott, ******* petition of, 1908. ****** Golding, or Goulding, Sir Edw., 307, 535, 558, 564, 2388. children of, 2053 (3). Hen., 2893. James, 609, 610, 622, 626, 627. Rich., 118. ...... " Goldsborough, or Goldsburgh, Ant., 90, 94, 1538. petitions of, 75, 1838. ... Hen., 2947. ... Hum., London Commissioner, 212. Thos., 1908. 2419. letters of, 687, 1659. father of, 687. > ******* Mary. Thos., 2643. Goldsmith, or Gouldsmith, Dan., petition of, Mary, wife of, see Clarke, Tubal, wife of, 2949. Ann, wife of, 1538. brothers and sisters of, 1538. Fras., 3096. petition of, 1415. **** Sam., 1350. Anne, daughter of, see Gage, Anne. Goldson, Jon., 752. Goldstone, Rich., 1922. Golland, Avery, 108. Gollop, Wm., 118. GENERAL INDEX. 3431 Golsey, Hen., petition of, 1633. Golston, Thos., 105. Gomeldon, Wm., 1513. Gomey, Thos., 556 (2), 574. Gomond, Hum., 1036. Gonson, Sackville, Surrey treasurer, 357. Gooch, Rob., Norfolk, 2915. Sam., 96, 1513. 200 ·· ******* Good, Ellis, 1216 (2). ... ·· 44 ·· ·· VAN . • ** ... ..... ... • .. "" petition of, 3137. ...... Goodall, John, Wm. and Margaret, 1913. ..., Michael, 1171. "> • • **** · , 1514 (2). · } ··· ******* •• Wortley, 1162 (2), 1163. Gooden, Thos., Eccles, co. Lancaster, 2723. children of, 2723. ** 3 ******* or Gouge, Thos., 2289. ... ……… , Goodgion, Hen., 1598. > P ………. Rob., 1629. Goodier, Thos., 3179. •* Hen., 79. John, 3137. • ……………. Thos., son of, 3179. petition of, 3179. ………………. Gooding, Hen., Oxon Commissioner, 1441. Rich., petition of, 1810. Stephen, 96, 1810. *** ****** .*) Eliz., Ann, and Mary, sisters of, > …………… 1810. Goodlad, Anna, petition of, 1375. ........., James, 2546. Goodman, Edw., 1718. 2.09 ... .. John, grandfather of, 1514. ………………, petitions of, 1170, 1171, Thos., 1162. Hen., uncle of, 2289. petition of, 1216. ……………. • Thos.,Little Bolton,co.Lancaster,3160. Eliz., wife of, 3137. John, son of, 3137 (2). ……………} Magdalen, wife of, 1162. Margery. Goodrich, or Goodrick, Fras., 1138 (2). Hen., 576. petition of, 2865. **** Geo., 1514. John, co. Leicester, 658. Wm., 2699. Anne, daughter of, petition of, Margery, wife of, 2699. niece of, see Sompner, ··· …………*** 3188. Wm., Yorkshire Commissioner, 380. Major Wm., 2102 (2). petition of, 2101. Sir John, Bart., 113, 791, 974, 1059. wife of, 1059. ...... Sarah, petition of, 2983. Thos., 3192. Wm., sen., Suffolk, 3188. Wm., grandson of, petition of, Goodrich, &c., Major Wm.-cont. ………………………, ………………, Eleanor, wife of, see Pointz, Eleanor. Goodwin, Ann, 105. ……………… ·· ……………… A • ·· N *^* • certificates by, 403, 2291. letters of and to, see Surrey, ... County Commissioners of, letters of and to. Edw., 3256. Hen., J.P., Oxon Commissioner?, 577. Jasper, 1960. John, M.P., chairman of the Com- mittee for Petitions, 64, 868 (2), 1605 (3), 2426 (2), 2511 (?). ……………… Benj., Surrey Commissioner, 174, 237, 272, 400, 401, 673, 693, 738, 2291. > "y > • " .. John, clerk, co. Hertford, 3. John, Commissioner of Surrey, certi- ficate by, 355. ****** • · ******* **** Rob., M.P., Member of the Committee for Compounding, 1, 2, 3, 72, 149, 612, 1646, 2511. ***** Goodyeare, Moses, 152, 2518. Goodyer, Rob., co. Chester, 1369. Mr., co. Hereford, 655. Gookin, or Gooking, John, 460. ܝ. Morgan, D.C.L., 3260. Ralph, M.P., 1474. > Rob., Sussex, 1603. Goose, John, petition of, 3128. Gore, Edw., 3145. petitions of, 1603, 2947 (2). Thos., 994. Mr., Somerset, 260 (2). Sam., counsellor-at-law, 247, 325, 464, 702. letter of, 647. > ****** Thos., 1150, 2221, 2711. petitions of, 2267 (2), 2947 (2). Hugh, 1594. John, 3216. Gorendge, John, 1735. Ralph, petition of, 1530. Capt. Thos., 372. Wm., petition of, 2657. Alderman of, London, 2938. Gorges, Edw., Lord Gorges, of Dundalk, Ire- land, 3244. ...*) 2983. ……………. (2). ………..> ……………… Jane, Lady Gorges, his widow, petitions of, 1530, 3283 former husband of, see · Levingston, Sir John. • *** ......, James, son of, see Leving- ston, Sir James, Viscount Newburgh. Gorges, or Gorge, Sir Arthur, 961. ………………………, ………………, Eliz., wife of, 961 (2). Arthur, sou of, 961 (2). ………………} Lady Eliz., mother of, 961, 962. or Georges, Col. John, M.P., Somerset Commissioner, 194, 321, 345, 354, 358 ?, 363, 375, 381, 395, 453, 501, 561, 586, 594 (2), 629 (3), 631, 639, 642 (2), 3432 GENERAL INDEX. Gorge, or Georges, Col. John-cont. ·· 651 (3), 652, 654 (5), 659 (2), 661- 664, 673, 678, 711, 717, 725, 1397, 1428-1430, 1574, 2344, 2525, 2633, 3303. …………… letters, &c., of, 386, 501, 595, 631, 678, 690. notes, &c., by, 562, 594, 629, 659. ·· ********** ……………., warrant by, 629. *** ***** > Capt. Thos., his brother, 466, 625, 629, 642, 645, 651 (3), 663. deposition by, 655. Rich., Middlesex, 3244. Sir Rob., sen., 1406. ** Sir Rob., jun., son of, 1406. ………………………. ………………, daughter of, 1406. .... Sam., 971, 1047. Sir Theobald, M.P., 1045. son of, 1045. Mr., Kent, 461. Mr., Yorkshire treasurer, 248. Goring, George, Lord Goring, Earl of Nor- wich, 92, 339, 428, 597, 598, 624, 625, 650, 1520, 1607, 2051, 2290, 2680. as leader of the Kentish insur- rection in 1648, 2378. …………. ******} • .... ……………? • ..... " estates of, 551, 600, 625. forces of, or persons serving under, 1176, 1382, 2860. ··· , letter of, 598. letter to, 597. Col. George, Lord Goring, eldest son of, 92, 597, 599, 904, 968, 2051. …………. .... د. 598. .. *** ……………. orders to, 1428, 2583. petition of, 645. ", • ****** family of, 598. Goring, Hen., Burton, Sussex, petition of, 2051. Hen., Cobden, Sussex, 1070. ..,Hen.,Higden, Sussex, petition of, 2051. John, 2860. Col. John, Staffordshire Commis- sioner, 173, 275, 288, 292. father of, 292. ****** letters of, 597, 598. Col. Charles, younger son of, Sir Wm., 907. letters to, 598 (2). petition of, 2402. Hen., son of, 907. " > ****** Gorsuch, Edw., 2803. Gorwey, Joan, 424. Goslin, Ant., 2694. Gosling, Ann, 1884. James, 395, 1280, 2758. make John, co. York, 3259. Mr., London, 942. Gosnold, George, 1785 (2). petitions of, 1196, 1785 (2). Rob., 96, 1467. Gospel, propagating of, Act for, alluded to, passim; see also Wales, Propagators of the Gospel in. ………… ***** ***** treasurer of, 634. Gosse, Jeremiah, 1504. petition of, 1504. • • ... ……………… ·· petition of, 1729. .... ******* ...... ……………., Rebecca, widow of, 1730. petition of, 1730. Goswarth, see Cosowarth. Goswell, John, Devon, 1398. Goter, Wm., 2554. * "} ... •1 Nich., brother of, 2554. Gotherson, Dan., Surrey Commissioner, 237, 245, 304, 357, 394, 398. .... .... • commissioners for, 304, 323, 392, 634, 637, 649, 688, 696, 701-703, 705, 707, 709, 726, 727, 1004, 2588, 2589, 3235. ***** letter of, 298. Gott, Sam., petition of, 1852. Gouge, Thos., see Gooch. Gough, John, 2844. Thos., 1625. · • Gould, James, 2425 (2), 2426 (3). petitions of, 2424-2426. ..... • *****3 .... > Goulder, John, 458. Goulding, see Golding. Gouldsbury, Augustine, 78, 3052. Gouldsmith, see Goldsmith. Gove, Dawking, 1826. Government, the present, see State. Gower, Abel, petition of, 1809. ******* Sam., 1730 (2). .... ...... Nich., member of the Committee for Compounding, 137, 2424. Alderman of Exeter, 210. ." > • **** • Col., Exeter, 463. .., Edw., [sen.,] Hutton, co. York, 1778. Edw., [jun.,] Hutton, co. York, 2026. Rob., 280, 1809, 1857. Col. Thos., 1434 (2). petition of, 1434. ****** Doyley, 1576. Edw., Sussex, 616. • ******* Sir Thos., Bart., sen., 217, 1042. • Sir Thos., jun., his son, 1042. Wm., co. York, 2026. Gowin, Mr., Westminster, 92. Gowling, John, 3117. petition of, 3117. ……. • > ******* Gradell, Wm., and Eliz., his mother, 3207. Graft, Rob., 3176. Grafton, And., petition of, 2218. Wm., 2703, 2704 (6). ****** Graham, George, 202, 233. Sir Rich., Bart., 72, 124, 795, 798, 1018. Thos., 2383. Wm., Northumberland, petition of, 3280. ** GENERAL INDEX. 3433 Graine, Capt., co. Leicester, 109. Grandison, Viscount, see Villiers. Grane, Mr., 56. Grange, Fras., 33. ………………….., Gregory, 2872. • ****** Granger, Lancelot, petition of, 1113. Gransden, Rob., 458. Grant, Dorothy, 1115, 1116. ………………….., Jane, 3168. John, London, 3227. Wm., son of, Middlesex, 3227. Thos., Lincoln, 1309. Thos., London, 1910. ****** petition of, 1910. Wm., co. York, 3084. Winter, 2141. ……….., Mr., Westminster, 92. Grantham, Lady Lucy, 570, 2096. petitions of, 2096 (6). A ..." .. TA ... > Rich., 107. Thos., M.P., 2147, 2482. petition of, 1264. ..... Col. Thos., 2222 (2), 2223 (6). petitions of, 2223 (2). ******* Graves, or Greaves, Edw., M.D., 1579. ……………… DU • ... .... .. .. • ******} ·· ... , ..... John, certificate by, 279. Thos., 79. , ..... > *** ******) George, 1133. ******* John, 44. Rich., Essex steward, 286, 404, 418, 890, 983 ?, 2220, 3165, 3294 ?. ******* 2626. petitions of, 2159, 2160 (3). Gravett, John, 582. Gray, see Grey. Great Seal, the, 830, 831, 992, 2253, 2852. of the King at Oxford, 131. serjeant-at-arms in attend- …………… …… Rich., town clerk of London, and clerk of Assize, Middlesex, 293, 408, 1110, 1491, 1846 (2) ?, 2005, 2654. Col. Rich., 804. Rob., 1278. wife and children of, 1278. Wm., co. Derby, 1142. Wm., Middlesex, 2160-2162. " ……………… letter of, 1639. ****** 3232. .... > ance on, 1632. Lords Commissioners of, 7, 47, 409, 453 ?, 573, 588, 830, 1808, 1902, 2812, 2923, 3071; see also Lisle, John; Grey, Hen., Earl of Kent; St. John, Oliver, Earl of Bolingbroke; Wylde, Serjeant John; Brown, Sam. ; Prideaux, Edm.; Whitelock, Bulstrode; Keeble, Rich.; Widdrington, Sir Thos. guardians appointed under, 2408, ****** Rich., his uncle, 1133. .. ****** petitions of, 1957 ?, 2212, 2220, 70358. letters of, 493, 1599. letters to, 494, 525, 1147. Great Seal, Lords Commissioners of-cont. orders of, 1993, 2137. orders or requests to, 27, A ·· ………… yaz AAS.. • [# • .. • Greaves, see Graves. Greek MSS., editing of, 76. • Septuagint, see Books, Bible. Green, or Greene, Alex., co. Lancaster, 1118. ... · **** • • Ann, 3175. *** ..., Edmond, 2347. payments to, 47, 798. writ of replevin by, 3288. Lord keepers of, 855; see also Coventry, Sir Thos.; Littleton, Sir Edw. > 166, 1098, 2137. ..> ·· ... ·· officers of, 830. . "" pardons under, 28, 33, 62, 83, 115, 498, 950, 959, 1178, 1328, 1395. 1555. *****} patents or grants under, 27, 64, 333, 405, 1726. •" .., Edw., co. Chester, 123. Edw., Essex, 308, 347, 2424. ……, ………………, daughter of, 2424. Edw., Somerset, petition of, 1591. George, co. Lancaster, 3174. > • 4 **** ... ………., Hum., receipt by, 22. > .... > 3 .... > ...> ... ****** **) ******* Mary or Frances, widow of, 2615, 2616 (2). children of, 2347. ****** Edw., 2038, 2192, 2482, 2589 (2). petition of, 3238 ?. > George, co. Leicester, petition of, 3046. Giles, 129. Giles, Essex, 2615. ...., Rich., co. Chester, 112, 120, 326. Rich., co. Lancaster, 2966. Rich., Cleveley, co. Lancaster, 3193. Rich., Garstang, co. Lancaster, 21, 2569. James, co. Lancaster, 2569. James, Somerset, 3192. John, co. Bedford, 1304. John, co. Chester, 121. John, Essex, 891. Leonard, 462 (2). Mary, Somerset, 3192. Nich., Wiltshire Commissioner, 172, 1223. ...... John, co. York, 1992. ·· .... > ………. brothers and sisters of, 861. Dorothy, wife of, 2570, 2571. petition of, 2570. ་་་ ་. children of, 2570. his wife, petition of, 3103. Rob., co. Worcester ?, 505. Rich., Middlesex, 1490. Rich., Westminster, 92. Rich., co. Worcester, petition of, 1204. Rob., co. Leicester, 110. Rob., Northumberland, and Isabel R 3434 GENERAL INDEX. Green, &c.-cont. • • • ... 444 · • .." · · ·· ……. • ... • [ ……. • ·· .." • > Wm., co. Gloucester, 1585. Wm., London, 2688, 2689 (5). petition of, 2689. Wm., co. York, 3102. Dr., Hants, 105. Mr., Cumberland minister, 232. Mr., Essex, 95. Parson, 52. da > Greenfield, Hen., petition of, 539. …………….., John, petition of, 2876. Greenhalgh, John, Governor of the Isle of Man, 2950. · "" Rob., co. York, 1018, Roger, 2851. ……………., Anne, wife of, 2851. Thos., co. Chester, 120, 123. Thos., Gloucester, co. Gloucester, 86, 1594. 2 > 2 ……………… • > > • ·· · ....3 ****** Thos., Pakenall, co. Gloucester, 748. Thos., Northumberland, 3238. Thos., Salop?, petition of, 2922. Thos., co. Warwick, 2816. (5). Wm., Congleton, co. Chester, 121. Wm., Poulton, co. Chester, 3141. Greenhill, Hen, 2456. Rob., 2749. Wm., treasurer for maimed soldiers, 43, 97, 810, 811. Wm., jun., Wilts, petitions of, 3227 (3). Jane, wife of, petitions of, 3227 " (2). Jane, mother of, see Penrud- dock, Jane. A ****** *** 193 " ******* *** …………. **Ag Greenleaf, Rich., petition of, 3052. .... Alice, widow of, 2950, 2951. deposition of, 2591. petitions of, 2950 (5). Rich., son of, 2950, 2951. Thos., grandson of, 2951. TATIONS petitions of, 2950, 3951 > **** 651. " 1 ... ******* Greenous, John, 534. Greeensmith, John, 745. Greenstreet, James, 2685. Simon, 457. ..) Greenwax Office, see Exchequer. Greenway, Fras., petitions of, 1595 (2). Joan, wife of, information by, Thos., son of, 651, 3052. Greenwell, Thos., petition of, 364. Greenwood, Edw., Devon, 2742. Wm., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 787 (2). ., George, 705. Hunt, Cornwall Commissioner, letter of, 775. , James, petition of, 1904. Rowland, 3043. | Greenwood-cont. Gregg, Fras., 2486, 2999, 3228. petition of, 2080. ……………… Rob., Excise Officer, co. Chester, 634, 638. + ·· .. * • · ••• ·· Gregory, Andrew, 1574 (5). ••• + • ... Edm., 664. ....., Fras., 2833. .... ... • ... ……………. > *** **** ', ... Simon, 1500. Thos., 407, 3179. Major, or Capt., co. Derby, 772–774. " > ****** Gregson, Chris., 3197. John, 1922. 1556. Rich., Thos., 1586. Mr., minister, co. Lincoln, 174, 2181. Roger, 1113. Thos., 1214. Grenville, Bevill, or Sir Bevill, 1318, 2214. Sir John, his son, 117, 228, 250, 335, 387, 487, 2214, 2215, 2853. Chamon, or Chamond, 117, 2712. ** *** letter of, 638. receipt by, 46. Hutton, 2651. Jerome, 2266. ... ……………… John, co. Bedford, 2720. John, London, 3081. ***** petitions of, 1574 (3). petition of, 1519. Oliver, petition of, 1946. Roger, co. Notts, petition of, 1851. Roger, co. Oxon, petition of, 3070. Thos., 1595. Valentine, 369, 1056. Wm., 111. **♪ Sam., letter of, 1165. Gresham, Sir Thos., heir of, see Novill, Rich. Gresley, George, co. Derby, letter of, 45. Gretton, Alex., 1481. Sir Rich., 92, 117, 139, 487, 512, 1399, 1607, 2704, 2756, 2866. Grevey, Nich., deposition of, 893. Greville, Fulke, 1st Lord Brooke, 2919. .., Rob., 2nd Lord Brooke, 71, 84, 156, 804 (3), 2283, 2919. "" Katherine, wife of, 79, 318, 722, 2169 (5), 2170, 2182, 3261. petitions of, 2169 (4), 2919 (2). Fulke, son of, 79, 208, 3261. Grew, John, 1306 (4). * ******* petitions of, 1306 (2). Grexson, James, 110. Grey, Hen., 8th Earl of Kent, 2474. ******* ……………45 Eliz., Countess of Kent, widow of, 1774, 2464 (2), 2473-2476. > father of, see Talbot, Gil- bert, Earl of Shrewsbury. Anthony, 9th Earl of Kent, 2474. ****** GENERAL INDEX. 3435 Grey-cont. .........; Hen., 10th Earl of Kent, Commis- sioner of the Great Seal, 47, 559, 581, 724. letter of, 37. ……………………., Hen., Earl of Stamford, 38, 46, 53, 57, 62, 69, 80 (2), 133 (2), 148, 158, 376 (2), 440, 793, 2319 (7), 2931. certificate of, 1196. letter of, 164. letter of, 2360. letter to, 2257. …………………….9 ………………) ………….., Dorothy, widow of, 3254. Wm., Lord Grey of Wark, 1336 (2), 1337 (7). • ... ****** *** Grey, or Gray, Anchitill, 3252. …………………., Angel, 108, 118, 360, 1563. Sir Arthur, 3189. ... ……………, ………………, Marg., widow of, 3188. Isabel, daughter of, see Fen- wick, Isabel. ******* Thos., his son, Lord Grey of Groby, Major-General for Parliament, 137, 148, 286, 295, 405, 437, 962, 1266, 1580, 1624, 1643, 1830, 2033, 2047, 2258, 3254. "" ... 9 · ***S *** > Edw., co. Durham, petition of, 2525. Edw., Angerton, Northumberland, 3235. Edw., Deanham, Northumberland, 2969. ****** *** .. ·· > ... ** ****** *** Edw., Morpeth, Northumberland, 1485, 2592 (2), 3002, 3189(3), 3281. petition of, 3189. Mary, wife of, 3281 (4). children of, 1485. …………. sisters of, see Bowes, Marg., and Delavale, Eliz., Barbara, and Alice. …………………., Eliz., Lady, 795, 808. > **** ** Capt. Edmond De, 115, 1334. James, brother of, 115. · Col. Edw., Cowpon, Northumberland, 1409, 2749. *> **** ·· petition of, 2508. *****3 Fras., petition of, 1581. George, late Durham Commissioner, 1917. ., John, 87. Ralph, Durham, 3210. Eliz., Northumberland, 2968. ****** …………., Rob., 1737. Hen., 2978. James, co. York, 1767 (3), 2620. Job, 2418 (4). * ... *** Rob., son of, petition of, 3210. Rich., 360, 2129, 2130. Rob., Dr. Moreton's agent, petitions of, 1930, 1931. Rob., co. York, 2759. Sir Rob. de, 840. family of, 840. Grey, &c.-cont. ………………….., Quarter-master, co. Lancaster, 441. Greyson, Rich., co Lancaster, 3186. Grice, Fras., 1551. ………………… Hen., 1747. ', Grievances, Committee of Parliament for, 1395, 1730. Griffin, Ann, 3076. ·· A · .. ... ****** -1 ... .. .. Sir Roger, 3189 (2). Thos., 456. Wm., St. Margaret's, Westminster, 802. Col., Royalist, 139. Dr., Northumberland, 198. Mr., co. Stafford, 478. د. John, co. York, 2038. Maurice, 92. Rich., co. Chester, 112, 1809. • …… ………………, Rich., jun., son of, 1809. Thos., 3192. Thos., Berks, 3256. Mr., 92. • • Griffith, Edw., 1946. .. Sir Edw., M.P. 88, 1206. or Griffith, Lady Eliz., 360, 1425. John, messenger, 792. John, co. Gloucester, deposition of, 748. > > •" family of, 3076 (2). Edw., 3192. Sir Hen., Bart., 79, 89, 142, 162, 800, 1375, 2890, 2891. .. .... "} Frances. Eliz., Lady, see Griffin. Hen., co. Chester, 112. > *** ****** of, petitions of, 2784 (2). James, co. Worcester, 2784. ** " John, 51. John, solicitor to the Countess of Arundel, 2463 (2), 2470 (2), 2477 (4). complaint of, 2477. John, Salop, 205, 2857. Mary, 467. ****** *** Lady Marg., his wife, 1375. Frances, his sister, see Boynton, ** · Hen., Hum., and Edm., sons 1826. information by, 289. petition of, 1707. Mat., D.D., 66, 1514. Peter, 1624. Rich., 1624, 2248. Rob., 112. Thos., 60. Thos., Alderman of Carmarthen, Wm., 2055. Mr., minister of the Charter House, 434. Griffiths, Hugh, 2888. Peter, 1722. Griffyth, Randall, 113. R 2 3436 GENERAL INDEX. X Grigg, Michael, 787, 1018. wife of, 1018. ... ·· ………………) Grigson, Rich., 49. Grills, Charles, 153, 2647. father of, 2647. Sir John, 117, 223, 246, 250. · .. Grimes, Bethel, 2643. ** Sir George, 835. Jeffrey, petition of, 1207. Sir Rich., 92. Lieut.-Col. Simon, see Grymes. Sir Thos., 835. Grimsdall, or Grimsdale, George, Bucks Com- missioner, 173, 361, 766. .. **** " .... "" ………. …………………., Jos., 766. Grimsell, Stephen, 461. >> Grimshaw, John, 489 (2), 490, 2379, 3145. brothers of, 3145. ******* Ellinor, or Ellen, mother of, 2379, 3145. …………… 1. ..... · - ... , .....> > ****** Grimston, Sir Harbottle, Bart., 50, 51, 1661. petition of, 1791. Mr., Bridlington, 162. Grin, alias Brook, Roger, 120. > .. *** 5 ... ... Grinder, Ralph, petition of, 2023. Grinley, Wm., 100. Groom, or Groome, George, petition of, 2088. John, 1625. Capt. John, Governor of Ludlow, 750. Grose, Nich., 2003. Grosse, Chris., 487, 2980, Thos., 2866. U ... > Grosvenor, Edw., 1868. ··3 children of, 1019. "> **3 Nich., 3096. ***** ****** ****** Thos., 2716. ……………………, ………………, petitions of, 1875, 1876. ', Fulke, 1486. Gowen, 1538. letter of, 631. .., Capt. Hen., 2856 (3), 2857. petition of, 2856. Anne, daughter of, 3096. •" Jane, wife of, 2716. ****** **** ****** information by, 2772. Edw., co. Chester, 120. Col. Edw., London, 1875, 1876. • •· * ,, John, 966, 3106. Mary, 103. Sir Rich., Bart., 103, 106, 269, 300, 1 318, 345, 346, 1185, 2711. sister of, 1186. Capt., Rob., co. Stafford, 2856 (8), 2857. petition of, 156. petition of, 2856. Solomon, 89. Walter, co. Stafford, 89. Walter, jun., co. Stafford, 89, 1571. Grosvenor, Walter, jun.-cont. ·· ·· .. Grove, Hen., petition of, 2633. Hugh, 77, 1013. Hum., see Sellar Hum. Capt., or Major John, 1476 (6). Rob., 78, 1013. Mr., 92. ·· ·· T • Grover, James, Bucks, 755. Mr., carrier?, 418. ⇓) · ………. > Grubb, Ralph, 2963. .. د. ……. • *** ******y Col., or Quartermaster-General, 2162 (2), 2483. > ·· •> Grundy, Ralph, list by, 1824. Gryme, Capt. John, 1625. Grymes, Grimes, or Crimes, Lieut.-Col. Simon, 537, 788, 1407 (2), 1798. Guavarra, Lady Mary, 2341. 01 " • > > 1.1 ………… *** …………… ………………… …………………*) , Gubbs, Ant., 2704, • > Gudgeon, Hen., petition of, 985. ., Wm., 1681. Guest, John, petition of, 2568. …………… Ellinor. ………….. Dorothy. ', wife and children of, 1571 (2). Guildford, or Guildeford, Edw., 102, 1663, 1896. לי ··" , > > widow of, 2963. .... John, executor of, 2963. Thos., petitions of, 2660 (2). Capt., Westminster Commissioner ?, 1059. ………. C …….. ... Guillims, John, widow of, 2908. Guise, George, 85, 3143. son of, see Clavering, Sir John. daughter of, see Swinhoe, grand-daughter of, see Oard, • wife and children of, 2705. Jos. and Ant., his sons, 2704. ******* Guiver, see Guyver. Guldeford, Rob., petition of, 2362. Gully, Fras., 2903. Thos., 2026. Gunn, Rich., 317, 2840. Gunten, Capt., see Gunter, Col. George. Gunter, Bodenham, 494, 607, 3001. *** Rich., 2688, Rob., 102. petitions of, 3032 (2), 3033. sister of, see Poulton, Cath. ........, or Gunten, Capt. or Col. George, 55, 1237, 1512. wife and children of, 1237. Wm., co. Gloucester, 86, 512. Wm., co. Worcester, 1196. ..., John, Brecon Commissioner, 627. Eliz., widow of, 726, 820, 1196. children of, 726, 820. letter of, 492. ****** John, co. Brecon, 506, 1524 ?. Thos., co. Monmouth, 3233. Thos., Sussex, 904. GENERAL INDEX. 3437 Gunthorpe, George, 2852. Gurd, Roger, 3270. Gurdon, John, M.P., 1, 2, 189, 211, 925. .. Gurnall, Wm., 3161. .... Gurney, John, 1806 (2). ******* > ·· ... ... (2). ………………… " Sir Rich., Bart., Lord Mayor and Alderman of London, 286, 858, 2246 (2), 2468, 2472. ... .. 859. *** " Guthery, Eliz., 1584. ……………. letter of, 3306. ……….. > Rob., 53, 57, 69, 72 (2), 1083. ני *** Fras. Guy, John, 3258. ., .. …………. Rob., Northamptonshire Commis- sioner, 174, 632, 686. Wm., 203, 386. Guyver, Guiver, Gwynor, or Gynor, Joshua, Essex agent, 2139 (2), 3287, 3288 (2). Gwater, Wm., 106. Gwatkin, Grace, 3192. Gwavas, Wm., 117, 2415. Gwillam, Peter, 1873. Gwilliam, Rudhall, 2361. 0 > > ******} petitions of, 2360, 2361. Gwinn, Wm., 1494. Gwynn, Col. Howell, 1881, 1882. Rowland, 392, 412, 1824. , .... > Col. Wm., son of, 392, 1824. Gwynnett, George, petition of, 1822. Rob., son of, petitions of, 3161 ……………… Eliz., wife of, 861. Eliz. and Anne, daughters of, petition of, 859. petitions of, 1584 (4). late husband of, see Stourton, Mary. Gwynor, Josh., see Guyver. Gyles, see Giles. Gylhannon, see Hannon. Gynor, see Guyver. ↑ Rich., 1822. H-, Wm., 3160. Haberfield, Wm., 2626. …………… *J > Haberley, Ant., 2500. Habington, Thos., Norfolk, petition of, 2770. Marg., wife of, 2770 (2). mother of, see Brownjohn, H petitions of, 2626 (2), 2627. Thos., co. Worcester, 2942, Mary, widow of, 2941. family of, 2941. Wm., co. Lancaster ?, 2276 (3), 2277 (2). Wm., co. Worcester, 2194. Hacker, Anne, 2209. Hackett, George, 581. .. ► ·· ·· T • Hackwell, Capt. Rob., petition of, 2067. Hacon, Cuthbert, 2665. Hubert, 3189. X • Mary, widow of, 3190. children of, 3190. Haddock, Capt. Rich., 778, 780. Hadley, George, petition of, 2351. Thos., jun., 105. 9. > ... > .... Hadnett, Susan, 2416. > ... , ****** Haggat, John, 395. Haggerston, Sir Thos., Bart., or Col. Thos., 318, 902, 2558, 2773 (3), 3263. ** ·· • } ***** * • "" ·· D ... ……… "> Col. Fras., 564, 2128 (2). certificate by, 510. petitions of, 2130 (2). Capt. John, see Hatcher. ……….3 ****** • Hen., co. Worcester, 1452. Thos., co. Worcester, 498. Mr., Essex, 94. Sa **J 7 Haidock, see Haydock. Haines, or Haynes, James, petition of, 2361. Col. James, see Heane. John, 205, 1818. Thos., 2838. Wm., 2408. Dr., Rutland, 319. Hake, Rob. and John, 2955. Theodore, 1395 (2), 2077. or Hacke, Wm., 88, 1019. Haldanby, Rob., 1551. Hale, Hales, Hayle, or Hayles. Ant., petition of, 1698. Edw., Faversham, Kent, 459. Edw., Tnnstall, Kent, 461. Sir Edw., Bart., 3. Sir James, 458. Sir John, 87. N •> > " …………. .. > ***** younger children of, 2588. • ....) grandchildren of, see Selby, Wm. and Chas. > petition of, 2416. .3 Rich., 1740. ………………… ………………, Anne, daughter of, 1740. Rob., London, 265. Alice, wife of, 903. petition of, 2558. > children of, 903, 2558. Henry, Marg., and Alice, ', Thos., co. Chester, 101. Thos., Westminster, 1585. Wm., messenger of the Committee for Compounding, 34, 71, 190, 365, 388, 439, 448, 466, 480 (2), 482, 487 (2), 508 (2), 511 (2), 597, 644, 673, 686, 687,690, 780-785, 787, 793, 795, 796, 805, 818, 819, 821, 822. orders to, 456, 478, 630. petitions of, 417, 421, 565. 3438 GENERAL INDEX. Halfhide, George, 554. Halford, And., Essex, 95, 3244. • • • • .... • ** · ***** ·· .. • ... Halhead, Miles, 203. Hall, Aune, see Haugh, Anne. J ·· And., co. Leicester, 111, 214, 3244. Chris., 112. George, 111, 214. John, co. Leicester, 109, 2521. Lieut.-Col. John, Warwick Commis- sioner, 472, 744. A * 4 • • "> .. .. > Jane Dyer, wife of, 3056. CON > Sir Rich., Bart., 6, 13, 21, 95, 109, 214, 835. ****** ■ *" • ... family of, 836. ****** Stephen, Keeper of Gloucester Castle, 748, 765. " .. **** Lady Apollina, 1792 (2). Barth., Attorney of the Duchy of Cornwall, 2447. Barth., Suffolk, 96. Benedict, 67, 78, 87, 224, 286, 400, 415, 503, 557, 573, 577, 615, 631, 696, 709, 718, 739, 2200. children of, 2200 (2), 2201. • Ant., petitions of, 2746 (2), 2747, 3238. **** John, son of, petition of, 2203. Chris., Hartburn, co. Durham, 2251, 2982, 3299. Thos., brother of, 2251 (4). petitions of, 2251 (4). Thos., son of, 3299. > > ……………… ? Mat., 214. Rich., 3056. " • " **** "" *" Wm., co. Leicester, 110. Wm., co. Warwick, 1811. • queries by, 214. " AGAI • ****** sons of, petitions of, 3299 (2). Chris., Newsham, co. Durham, 1523. .. • • > # * A ****** * > Hen., co. Lincoln, 1136. Hen., London, 400, 615, 616, 2200- 2203, 3211. Chris. and Fras. Edm., Dorset, 240, 2945. Edm., co. York, 2651. Edw., 67. Edw., co. Stafford, 2745 (2). petition of, 2745. Marg., wife of, 2745 (2). petitions of, 2745 (2). ******* ****. ., Gerard, 2748. Gregory, see Henson, Gregory. James, petitions of, 1909 (2), 1910. John, 1429, 3293. John, Devon, see Fole. John, Kent, 457. John, co. Monmouth, 2779 (2). John, Northumberland, 2748. Wm., brother of, 2748. ***** John, co. Stafford, 484, 2784. John, Surrey, 2105. Hall-cont. ** ·· John, Westminster, 92. Sir John, 87. Dr. Jos., Bishop of Norwich, 95, "" 115, 1615, 1858. ·· " " Philip, petition of, 2361. ………………………, Ralph, co. Durham, 3137. Ralph, co. York, 2995. ***** petitions of, 2994, 2995. Rich., co. Derby, 2319–2321. . .. "" • " 1445 "" ………………….., Rich., Salop, 1484. "" • 5 " • 14 "" .. د. .... .. ******* Joshua, Devon, 549. Lodowick, 1238. Mary, petition of, 3034. Nich., 110. ... > ……………. wife and family of, 1859. ……… ………… Thos., Kent, 459. Thos., sen., London, 16. petition of, 166. Thos., jun., his son, 16, 166. ,י petitions of, 2319 (3), 2320. **** …………… ******* Thos., Surrey, 814. Thos., co. York, 2618, 2772. Sir Thos., 1668. Wm., Greencroft, co. Durham, 2896, 3038, 3137. Thos., son of, 1484. **" Thos., co. Stafford, 3000. ……………………… …………….. ….…….., family of, 2897. Ralph, father of, petitions of, 2896 (2), 2897. Edw., son of, petition of, 3000. Edw., father of, 3000 (2). Wm., Pelton, co. Durham, petition of, 2626. Wm., co. Oxon, 698, 2246. petition of, 2246. " ******* Wm., Somerset, 1813. Capt., Northumberland ?, 903. Mr., Westminster, 92. Halladay, or Holliday, John, 538, 1751. Halliday, Thos., 521. Halliley, Chris., petition of, 1847. Halliwell, John, co. Chester, 123, 124. John, co. Lancaster, 2803, 3304, Wm., brother of, 2803. ......, Wm., petitions of, 2803 (2). Halloway, Charles, 1585. ..., Wm., see Holloway. Hallowes, Nath., M.P., 1266, 1488 (3), 1732, 1735, 2301. ……………… ………………, petitions of, 1034, 1488. Hallward, Mich., 92. Halmack, Randall, 112. Thos., 112. Halsall, Cuthbert, 2973. Wm., 2917. Halse, Mat., 2966. Halsewell, Hugh, 1047. GENERAL INDEX. 3439 Halsey, Cornet, widow of, 788. Halstead, Abra., 1019. ... ***** Ilalsworth, Thos., 2086. Halton, Miles, 2466, 2469, 2470 (3). petitions of, 2469. ............, Dorothy, widow of, petitions of, 2469, 2470 (3). Ham, Hen., 97, 1992. …………………*** John, petition of, 2768. Hambden, Rich., 393, 603. Hambleton, James, 781. ………… Hambly, Giles, 2980. Hamer, Rich., co. Lancaster, 1457. Ilamersley, Thos., see IIammersley. Sir Thos., 1514. • Wm., petition of, 2665. father of, 2665. Hamerton, Sir Phil., 3098. Wm., 2188. A ………………… ... .... > ·· Hamilton, James, 1st Earl of Cambridge, 2nd Marquis of Hamilton, 2426. A Lawrence, sen., 361, 1019. Lawrence, jun., 1019. • ** ...... * Rich., North Wales clerk, 218, 290, i 309, 334. } ** > + …………… James, 2nd Earl of Cambridge, 3rd Marquis, and 1st Duke of Hamilton, 76, 92, 386, 412, 818, 1703, 1866, 2424, 2620, 2653. invasion under, see Scots army (Royalist) in England. William, 3rd Earl of Cambridge, and 2nd Duke of Hamilton, his brother, 2427. …………… …………….} ··· .... well, James, Earl of Dirleton. ******* Sir John, Lord Belhaven, 2426 (3). Hamilton, Claudius, 203. James, of Boigis, Scotland, 25, 56. John, 2969. ……… Hamlin, Edw., 2617. • ..... > ...... Hamlington, Mr., 96. Hamlyn, Capt. Rich., 304, 809, 1045, 1860 (5), 1877 (2), 2138. informations by, 1586 (5), 1877. Hammersley, or Hamersley, Thos., messenger of the Committee for Compounding, 388, 439, 466, 630, 644, 661, 664, 673, 818, 821, 822. ……………… ·· > • 1845. Eliz., wife of, 2427. ** father of, see Max- warrant to, 2606. Hammond, or Hamond, Ant., co. Hereford, 2585 (2). orders to, 405, 456, 634, 1845. petitions of, 417, 421, 447, Hen., grandfather of, 2585. ****** Ant., Kent, 460. Lady Eliz., see Balconquall. Ferdinando, 1750. Dr. Hen., 1529 (2). Sir Hen., 2600. Į { Hammond-cont. .... .. ..." · .." N ..." • 3 · .... .... +1 Rob., petition of, 3180. Col. Rob., Governor of the Isle of Wight, 810, 1855. Thos., Cumberland, 333. Thos., co. York, 3033. Wm., co. Derby, 2465, Wm., co. York, petitions of, 2647, 2648 (2). Hamnet, John, 1946. Hampden, John, 73. ... ******* children of, 145. Hampson, Hen., petition of, 3109. ... Hanbury, John, 85, 227, 2007. > *• or Holman, John, Bucks, 2267. petitions of, 2267 (3). ****** John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2928. John, Norfolk, 113, 1393. Capt. John, Suffolk, 96. Mainwaring, 458. Nich., 1476, 1626. ****** ... ... .. Lady. Hanby, Wm., Suffolk Commissioner, 172, 229, 341, 673, 683, 688, 692, 694, 697, 698, 710, 826. > ……………., Joan, wife of, 2647, 2648 (2). Lady, 170. Hancks, Jane, petition of, 2833. Hancock, Dancer, Auditor to the Committee for Compounding, 666, 679, 710, 721. letter to, 39. lists, &c., by, 731, 733. notes, &c., by, 719, 721. orders to, 666, 1711, 1829, 2005. references to, 1242, 1713. Sir Thos., Bart., petitions of, 2528 (2). ... Rich., co. Gloucester ?, 234. Rich., co. Monmouth?, 1665. ** petitions of 1475 (2). ·· *****3 J ………… *** > ………………} Giles, Gloucestershire Commissioner, 174, 210, 225, 673, 684, 688, 716, 2919. .... > petition of. 1665. wife of, see Morgan, Mary, 651, 657, 729, 736. certificates by, 383, 2618. letters of, 393, 577, 649 (2), Handford, Fras., Bucks, 66. John, co. Lancaster, 1952. Capt. John, Devon, 97, 1408. Mat., petition of, 2054. Rich., Gloucestershire agent, 416. Rob., Cornwall, 2741. Thos., Cheshire collector, 234, 248 (2), 249, 264, 275, 278, 292, 526. Wm., sen. and jun., petition of, 2102. John, petition of, 1713. Mr., co. Hereford, 771. Hanford, Fras., co. Worcester, 2451. Eliz., widow of, see White, Eliz. ………………………, …………., Walter, son of, 2451. younger children of, 2452. 3440 GENERAL INDEX. Hanham, James, 2500. .. • • ·· I · Hankey, Reginald, 276. • · A · Thos., 276. ... " Hankin, John, 100. Hankinson, Ellen, 3179. ·· ·· .. • ·· …. • ..... Hanley, Abra., 521. • •• ··· 2 2 John, son of, 521. " ****** Hanmer, or Hanmers, Arth., petition of, 2771. Isabel, wife of, 2771. • . ……………. .. ·· • • > ·· ** widow of, see Dyer, Kath. John, petitions of, 2446, 2501 (2). ats > Thos., father of, 2500, 2501. Thos., 942. ··· • [} ... • • • · " Hannan, or Gylhannon, Teige, 2999. children of, 2999. IIannay, Sir Rob., Bart., 816. Haune, Hen, see Henne. 5 > > Rich., 107, 121, 3057, 3058 (3), 3175. Hanning, Rob., 3033. Hansby, Ann, 3101. ..." …………..) Roger, 242, 248, 258. petition of, 248. ……………. ******* Thos., 877. > Mary Massinger, wife of, 2999 (3), 3192. ………………? Sir Thos., Bart., 943. family of, 943. Wm., 1040. ****** son of, 942, 943. 2431 (3). Hanslipp, Rich., 3004. Hanslop, Nich., 1740. …………… .. 1 petitions of, 3058 (2). Sir Ralph, 1024, 2430. ** *** signature of, 623. *** *** ...... Thos., 1740 (2), 1741. Hanson, John, 1846. Thos., 3171. **** .... > " 4 Eliz., wife of, 2430-2432. petitions of, 2430 (3), Wm., 2260. Harbert, Edw., see Herbert. Rich., 459. ****** Harbin, John, 952. Rob., 2989. Harbord, Sir Charles, 2783, 3160. Harborne, John, 92. Harborow, John, 672 (2). wife of, 672. Harbottle, George, 3124. Rob., 1734. petitions of, 1740, 1741 (2). John, father of, 1740 (2). Anne, mother of, 1740 (2). grandparents of, 1740. nephew of, see Cusson, Alex. Eliz., wife of, petition of, 1734. children of, 1734. Roger, petitions of, 2673 (5), 2674. Harbottle-cont. Thos., 2747. Capt., 2749. Harby, Mr., member of the Committee for Compounding, 137. Harcourt, Alex., 2014. • • • Eliz., 107. Jonas, officer of the Committee for Compounding, petition of, 126. ********* Sir Simon, and Anne, his widow, 807. Hardcastle, Edw., 3131. > .." • "" Harding, Edw., petition of, 1895. George, petition of, 2815. Giles, 1562 (2). •" .... · ………………., John, Salop, 1158. …….., Nich., 2167. Randall, 121. Mr., Westminster, 92. ... • • .... Hardman, Hum., petition of, 2071. د. •> …………… Hardress, Sir Rich., 459. Thos., 458. James, Lancaster agent, 580, 689, 707 (2), 710, 719. Hardwere, Henry, 2914, • > • 1 Thos., 3131. Wm., 1681. …… …………. Hardwick, Ant., 604. ………………, John, son of, petition of, 604. Eustace, 604. Ralph, petition of, 3020. Thos., 3127, Hardy, James, Barrow, co. Lincoln, petition of, 3039. Capt., 33. ·· ··· , ***** James, 2671. Jane. " wife and children of, 1681. > • > petitions of, 1562 (2). A. Hare, Hugh, Lord Coleraine, 718. Hare, James, 1613. John, 1257. …………… Michael, 2885. Harebred, Rich., 1657. Jane, widow of, see Marrow, James, Grimsby, co. Lincoln, 1449. John, Dorset, 384, 2585. John Le, Jersey, 617, 2331. John, London, 596 (3), 597, 2639, Thos., petitions of, 2363 (3). children of, 2363. Wm., co. Chester, 107. > ****** Ilarecourt, Fras., 89. Wm., eldest son of, 1657. John, son of, 1657. .... Rob., 103. Harfield, John, 104. Harfleet, Sir Chris., 461. Thos., 457. Hargrave, Rob., petition of, 2478. Hargreave, Rich., 2685. GENERAL INDEX. 3441 Harlackendane, Silvester, 460. Thos., 457, 1632. …………………..5 Harland, John, 188, 416. petition of, 2544. > Harlett, Hen., see Earlett, Hen. Harley, or Harlow, Sir Rob., M.P., Master of the Mint, 13, 26, 28, 29, 431 (2), 1036, 1125, 1387, 1496. ………………… Thos., 751. Harlowyn, John, 1681. Harman, John, 478. • Nicholas, 9, 3256. Harmswood, Ralph, 2390. • • """ petition of, 2328. Harnage, or Harnedge, Edw., sen., Belserdine, Salop, 737, 2090, 2953, ·· .. **** : M ……………., younger children of, 2953. Edw., jun., Belserdine, Salop, 424. Harper, or Harpur, Augustine, petition of, 2048. ... ..... · ………… " *** .... ********* Rich., sen. and jun., 974, Wm., 2545. A *** • Ellen. ..... ****** Nicholas, 97. Randall, 1715. ……………………., Thos., London, 2167, 2347. "" • Lieut.-Col. John, co. Hereford, 548. John, co. Oxon, 696, 2201 (3). Sir John, Bart., Calke, co. Derby, 2007. "> Henry, 100, 1069. John, 2345. John, co. Chester, 107, 3060, ******* Sir John, Bart., Swarkeston, co. Derby, &c., 29, 45, 46, 89, 111, 789, 1021. • ……………** petition of, 1774. ………………….., Thos., Sussex ?, petition of, 3241. Wm., 3045. *9 John, co. Gloucester, 3258, John, recusant, co. Hereford, 604. petitions of, 3045 (2). ***** ****** ………………, Mr., Strand, London, 590. Harriatt, John and Paul, petition of, 1064 Harriman, James, 1533. Harrington, Benj., petitions of, 1931, 1932. Hen., co. Leicester, 110. Hen., co. Lincoln, 2722. James, 2348. James, co. Leicester, 2536. James, co. Lincoln, 2026. Sir James, 190, 297, 496, 1168, 2689 (5). petition of, 2347. .. > Thos., co. Stafford, 3135. John, father of, 3060. Ellen, daughter of, see Walker, 44 request by, 2689. wife of, 2689. John, Essex, 1788. .. . MAGNA. > petition of, 1788. Harrington-cont. AUN 量 ​A .. *** CAN • ... · Mr., Dorset, 240. Harris, Anne, Lady Harris, 2772. …….., Chris., 2427, 3122. ... .. ... John, Lincolnshire Commissioner, 172. John, Salop, 424, 636, 3192. John, Sussex, 1929, 2511. Percival, 3128. " • ·· 3128. *** ... ..., ... *****} ..... Thos., 1324. ……………… ……………. **** Edm., 539. Edw., 16, 782, 784. Lady Eliz., petition of, 3284. Fras., 109. Fras., Hants, 2334. > ………………♪ Fras., Leicestershire agent, 184. Giles, 2209. daughter of, 3128. wife of, 2209. ***** Hen., co. Oxon, 195. Hen., Churchill, co. Oxon, 2209. signature of, 623. 2893. Anne, widow of, petition of, John, Lord Morley's trustee, 2276 (3), 2277 (2). ...., John, Bucks, 66. John, co. Cambridge, 491, 539, 2889. or Harry, John, co. Carmarthen, 1825. ****** a Mary. wife of, 2427, 2428. John, Cornwall and Devon, 117, 1140?, 2893. Eliz. Johnson, first wife of, Mary, second wife of, petition of, 2894. former husband of, see Wise, Thos. John, son of, 2893. ***** John, Devon, 3150. ***** > John, brother of, 2334. .. …… *………. Mary, widow of, see Carey, Edw., son of, 3150. ******} John, co. Gloucester, 87, 3049. John, Kent, 459. John, Westminster, petition of, 2185. John and Rich., co. York ?, 2153. Capt. John, 1898, 1900. petitions of, 1899 (2). Dr. John, Warden of Winchester College, deposition of, 531. Jos., 69. Marg., 539, 702, 3198. Mary, 2153. Capt. Peter, petitions of, 3108 (2). Rich., co. Cambridge, petition of, 2933. Martha, wife of, 2933. ****** Rich., Devon, petition of, 2707. 3442 GENERAL INDEX. 4 53 z Harris-cont. • ** ... ·· N Y 4 • • " ··· · 1 ... " ...... ·· ·· **** > • ………… " > Rich., co. Oxon, 2209. Rob., officer of Parliament, 662. Rob.. Devon, 153, 2595. Harrison, Benj., 2502. ·· · John, brother of, 2595. ...? Rob., co. Northampton, 852 (2). petition of, 852. •• •" 2027. > • • Roger, 2422. "" ..... • ……………… Salter, 396. Thos., Cornwall, 117, 1290. Thos., London, petition of, 3052. Thos., co. Northampton, 1435 (2). Sir Thos., Bart., 132, 165, 761, 2027. Sir Paul, father of, 2027. Lady Ann, step-mother of, • Wm., Cornwall, 336, 1880. Wm., co. Monmouth, 505. Mr., in Southwark prison, 401. • } petition of, 1015. ..... George, co. Durham?, 2861. George, co. Lancaster, 1300. George, Suffolk, 96. George, Westmoreland, 521. Gilbert, Chamberlain of London, 131, 135. Chris., petition of, 364. Cuthbert, Norfolk, 113. .... wife of, see Stourton, Mary. Cuthbert, co. York, 1215. Edm., deposition of, 523. Edw., Kent, 158. Edw., Salop, 1816. Fras., 1016 (3). • ... ………………………, ………………, Mary, his wife, petition of, 1523. children of, 1523. "3 ……… ………………, receipt by, 402. .... Hen., 2749. James, officer to Parliament, 662. James, Suffolk, 2460. John, Hants, 1523. John, co. Lancaster, 3186. John, Kirkleatham, co. York, 1423. John, Leeds, co. York, 2855. Sir John, 95, 114, 808, 1206, 1523. Peter, solicitor for co. Lancaster, 549, 568-570, 575, 610, 645, 664 (2), 668, 2955. ... *** Math., 1595. Nath., petition of, 1154. Peter, minister, co. Chester, 3253. ****** letters of, 149, 151. sons of, 2955. ***** Col. Ralph, 22. Rich., co. Durham, 2632, 3023 (5), 3024. ******* ………………………, ………………, Anne, wife of, 2632 (3), 3023 (3). Ralph, son of, petition of, 2632. Harrison, Rich.-cont. ... • • Rich., co. Oxon, 664. ... ....., Rich., Westmoreland, 177. Rob., delinquent, 176. Rob., payment to, 815. Rowland, 203, 386. > > • " .... .? · "" ? Wm., father of, 2738. Marg., grandmother of, 2738 (3). ……………, Thos., Oglett, co. Lancaster, 2972. Eliz., mother of, 2972 (2). ………………) Thos., Speke, co. Lancaster, 2738. Thos., co. Lincoln, 2777 (2). petitions of, 2777 (3). ... Thos., Berks, 866. 3262. Thos. and Phillis, co. Durham, 3223. Thos., Hale, co. Lancaster, 2737, 2972. ... …………. ………………………. .. • > " Rich., co. Lancaster, 3192. .. ****** Col., or Maj.-Gen. Thos., 162, 306, 314?, 456, 495, 496, 517, 557, 643, 657, 690, 717, 720, 1182, 1430, 2304, 3270. **** ****** > ·· • .. ...3 • • ****** "" • " **** Thos., son of, petition of, 2632. Harrock, Thos., 1117. Harropp, Hum., 123. Sir Thos., co. Chester, 113. Sir Thos., co. York, 743, 968. Harrowden, Lord of, see Vaux. Harry, John, see Harris, John. Rob., Cornwall, 2770. Harryes, Wm., petition of, 1711. …………………*** ·· .... • > Harryman, John, sen., co. Stafford, 873 (2). petitions, &c., of, 873 (2). Wm., co. Durham, petition of, 364. Wm., co. Notts, 535, 2639. Mr., 41, 793. Mr., London, 2654. Mr., Westminster, 92. Mr., minister, co. York, 945. Thos., 491. Harsnep, Thos., petitions of, 2560, 2561 (2). John, brother of, 2560. Anne, widow of, 2560 (2). Harsnett, Abraham, 1342. Harstaff, Gervase, 596, 3026 (2). Hart, George, Somersetshire sheriff, 412. letter of, 3043. note by, 2311. petition to, 1895. · • wife and children of, 945. D "" …………… James, 3028. ******* petitions of, 3027, 3028 (4). ** > Rich., co. Bedford, petition of, 1306. Rich., London and Somerset, 642. Thos., petitions of, 3121 (2). ...) Hartborne, Rich., 2797 (2), 2798. Dorothy, widow of, 2797. Hartie, see Harty. GENERAL INDEX. 3443 Hartley, Hen., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3267. …….., John, 2225. Thos., 1114, 1115 (3), 1214, 2712, 2999. Hartlib, or Hartlibb, Sam., 794, 1395 (2), 1521, 2077. Hartnoll, Thos., 418. Hartshorne, Rob., petition of, 2419. Hartstongue, Finch, 1829. petition of, 1830. ………. Harty, or Heartie, Rich., 328, 2701. Harvey, or Hervey, Dan., 2173, 2174. Dan., son of, 2173 (2). ***3 …….………….., Edm., Commissioner of Customs, letter of, 523. .... .. .... 4 ··· ………… ·· N Edw., 260, 1238. " ..., Eliab, 790, 2173 (2), 2174 (3), 3296. · · · " 4 > …………………., John, Earl of Shrewsbury's trustee, petitions of, 1773 (2). John, co. Chester, 104. John, co. Gloucester, 2091. John, London, 505. John, Chard, Somerset, 21, 995, 1067 ?. ** ****** • , " > • ... *** B ...... > · > *** ******* Fras., 1581, 2011. • ******* .., Rob., Lord Dunbar's creditor, 2153. Rob., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 454, 1900. Rob., co. Chester, 1365. wife of, 1365. **** …………………, Rob., London, 2556. **** .. > **** Hen., 179, 226, 262, 2145. Tacy, sister of, 2145. Wm., father of, 179, 2145. כי John, Chardstock, Somerset, 2018. John, Suffolk, 1292. Martin, 98, 1128. Thos., Cornwall steward, 437. Wm., Lincolnshire Commissioner, 59, 172, 666, 667, 669, 672, 676 (2), 1268, 2691 (3). petitions of, 2173 (2), 2174. letters of, 154, 158. list by, 730. Sir Wm., 1342 (3), 3231, 3263. petitions of, 1342, 2381, 2777. Lady Penelope, wife of, 1341 (2), 1342 (3), 2777, 3011 (2), 3263 (2), 3278. ……………… ...) petitions of, 1581 (2), 2011. ... .... Ly .. "" Rebecca, widow of, 1128. children of, 1128. > deposition of, 1342. petition of, 2381. children of, 3263. Col., 125, 2465 ?. Mr., executor of Edw. Uvedale, 1592. Mr., minister, Devon, 1382. Mrs., co. Chester, 101, ****** Harward, Mr., see Harwood. Harwell, Hen., petition of, 1862. Harwood, Anne, 3197. Hum., 3209. • .. • ', ··· ·· • D ·· ..... ANA 4 .. ******* ..) ... Wm., 1596. or Harward, Mr., Receiver of the Committee for Plundered Ministers, 639. Mrs., Essex, 3042. Haselfort, Mr., clerk of the Goldsmiths' Com- pany, 61. ·· " Rob., 1095. Thos., bailiff of Whitby, Yorkshire, 654. ..) 23 Haselrigg, see Heslerigg. Haselwood, see Haslewood. Haskoll, Ellis, 78. Haslanı, Chris., 1536. Haslar, Fras., note by, 557. Haslewood, Haselwood, or Hazlewood. ..., Sir Anth., 88, 1862. "" James, co. York, 1992. " • > ***** ..་ Dorothy, wife of, 155. Haslop, or Haslope, Wm., London Commis- sioner, 183, 204 (2), 207, 673, 680 (2). letters of, 485, 527. • ... ………… ………………, report by, 2800. .', James, son of, 587, 1992. brother-in-law of, 1992. Haslyn, Hen., 458. Hassall, Edw., and Wm., co. Chester, 112. Randall, 932. Edm., 1993. Fras., 420, 2716. Rob., sen. and jun., 1979. Thos., 88, 155, 2633. petition of, 932. 3 …………….* Thos., petition of, 1129. wife of, 1129. y ****** Hastie, John, 232. Ty Hastings, Henry, 5th Earl of Huntingdon, 1043 (3). **** Wm., co. Lancaster?, 2493. Ferdinando, his son, 6th Earl of Huntingdon, 111, 1043, 1845. Lucy, wife of, 1043 (2). children of, 1043. Henry, younger son of, 861, …………… > **** ******* 3029. Henry, Lord Loughborough, 1063, 1746, 2258. .. servant of, 1746. ***) Hastings, Ant., 109, 472, 2027. *****) wife and children of, 2027. brother of, see Hastings, Hen. of Humberstone. Edw., 240. ……………… Ferdinand, 3274 (2), 3275. petitions of, 3273-3275. father of, 3273. Hen.,jun.,Puddletown, Dorset, 2209. Hen., Woodlands, Dorset, 118, 320, 472, 537, 2348. ……………………… ………………, Dorothy, first wife of, 2348. .... 3444 GENERAL INDEX. Hastings, Hen.-cont. …………. ... .... • ·· • ... ·· ** ·· · # • • Anne Langton, second wife of, petitions of, 2350 (3). Sir George, eldest son of, 2348 (3), 2349. [ • ·· · • ··" 2237 (2 ...... • • (3). (5), 2238, 3029. ... A M **** .... ... of, 2349. ... • ……………… • ... > • .. • , Hen., Surrey, 3rd son of, peti- tions of, 2349 (4), 2350. Magdalen Tooley, wife ...... ……………… > •·· • "" …. .. > petition of, 2349. .. > ..... ………………, ………………, Dorothy and Katherine, daughters of, 2349. ..... .. 1406. " **** ..... Hen., Charley, co. Leicester, 110. Hen., Humberstone, co. Leicester, 109, 861. • ... U brother of, see Hastings, Ant. ****** Sir Hen., Braunston, co. Leicester, 110, 1760. "" *** , **** > ....., children of, 1761. Edmund and Ferdinando, his sons, 110. > Sir Henry, Humberstone, co. Leicester, 1378, 1406. Sir or Col. Rich., his son, wife of, 1406. * ***** wife of, 2348. Lady Seymour, widow of, petitions of, 2237 children of, 2237. ****** Edw., son of, 2348, 2349. petitions of, 2348 .... ***** Hasty, Jane, 1912 (2). Thos., 1912. ני Wm., 4th son of, 2349. Wm., son of, 2350. Joan, 3258. Philip, 981. Walter, 109. Hatch, John, 428. Hatcher, or Hacker, Capt., or Col. John, Rut- land Commissioner, 193, 559, 747, 1246, 2307 (2). Lady Eleanor, his wife, 1761. petition of, 1761. Colonel-General, 111. Hatchway, Fras., 1480, 1481 (3). Rich., 460. Thos., 1, 3, 80, 778, 909, 1044?. letter of, 5. Walter, 728, 1806. petitions of, 1480, 1481 (2). Col., Governor of Lincoln, 1098?, 1213. Hatfield, Leonard, petition of, 1774. Hatred, Mr., Westminster, 92. Hatsell, Capt. Hen., petitions of, 1363, 3143. Hatt, John, petition of, 2456. Hatton, Sir Chris., or Lord Hatton, K.B., 28, 31, 40, 42, 65, 88, 111, 233, 690, 1249, 1579, 3305. Eliz., Lady Hatton, his wife, .. ………… 4 ENU.. children of, 1580. Hatton, Chris., co. Oxon, 3125. .... ………. • "" ……… • ·· ****S • C • • ... DANA. • ·· 1579, 1653 (2), 3305. petitions of, 3125 (2). Sir Chris., Lord Chancellor to Queen Elizabeth, 1673. Peter, 107, 1582, 3284. · ... A Mary, wife of, 1649. ·· ……***** Sir Thos., Bart., 813, 1342, 1650, 1869 (3), 1870. Wm., 3257. Wm., co. Leicester, 111, 3158. Sir William, 3138. Mr., 523. Haugh, or Hall, Anne, Northumberland, 3227. .... **** Rob., 1836, 3124. Haughton, see Houghton. Haull, Nevil, 461. Hauton, Mr., Sussex, 368. Hauxwell, Cicely and Eliz., petition of, 2993. Havard, Roger, 506, 562, 627. Havercamp, Godfrey, 3255. Havergill, Thos., 1098. Haviland, Rob., 2526. Haward, Bryan, 3169. John, 3257. Rich., 783. Wm., co. Gloucester, 1949. Wm., Westminster, 802. Sir Wm., 1238. Hawarden, John, co. Lancaster, 3186. · dren of, petitions of, 3284 (2). brother-in-law of, 1582. , "" > …………. > Sir Rob., M.P., 98, 379, 539, 593, 1581, 1649, 3284. ** .. ." AO Thos., co. Lancaster, 3142. petition of, 3172. John, father of, 3142, 3173. Jane, mother of, 3142. ... ', ******* Hawdin, or Howdin, Thos., 229, 2099. ·· •• …………. > .. • • Rich., Thos., and Eliz., chil- Hawdon, Cuthbert, letter of, 736. Hawe, George, co. Stafford, 89, 1177. Charles, son of, 1177. · → petitions of, 1342, 1650. > ......., James, Norfolk, 2380. Haweis, David, 2321. ******" John, and Thomas, younger sons of, 89, 1177. Hawes, Thos., Cornwall, 2804. Wm., messenger of the Committee for Compounding, 644. Hawford, John, 172. Hawk, Nich., 117. Hawke, Rich., 336, 1318, > ………………) Charles, son of, 1318. GENERAL INDEX. 3445 Hawker, Gibbon, 461. Thos., 458. Hawkes, Stephen, 778. Hawkesworth, see Hawksworth. Hawkey, Fras., 2914. Reginald, 1505. ... C ·· Hawkins, Charles, Kent, 103, 2943. Charles, Salop, 1484. ... ... .... ... ** • • Hen., 1972. John, Boughton, Kent, 103, 1908, 3290. John, Nash, Kent, 2933. …………………, ………………, Kath., sister of, petition of, 2933. > John, Somerset, 937. Mary, 2930. Peter, 3117. Rich., 2933. .. ... ** • A • **** > "" ·· Hawkridge, Capt., 269. Hawksworth, or Hawkesworth, Chris., 2723, + Walter, sen., 1827. ■ •> Walter, jun., his grandson, 1828. Hawley, Ann, 3182. ·· .... > > • · ... > ………….. > Stephen, 3245. Thos., Somerset, 629 (2), 654, 659. Wm., Westminster, 362, 390, 1019?, 17352, 2185 (3), 2635. ... Haword, Henry, 1922. > Thos., Cornwall, 335, 1504, 1505. petitions of, 1505, 1507. גי ****** Marg., mother of, 1923. Haworth, Charles, petition of, 3308. > Deborah, petition of, 1828. Sir Rich., 380. ... > 3306. Sir Francis, 953, 1523. Lady Jane, 1523. John, 89. Rob., Somerset, 1858. Rob.. co. Stafford, 3182. > Martha, daughter of, 2933. > ……….. Thos., 1951. Hawson, John, 3192. Hawten, Rich., 2919 (2). Hawthorne, Nath., 336. Hawtin, John, 2944 (2). Isabel, 2445. James, 906, 907. Rich., 1117. · .. Edw., father of, 1922, 1923, · petitions of, 2865 (4). Hawtrey, John, 899. **** petition of, 2944. Hlay, James, Earl of Carlisle, 91, 95, 599, €53. petitions of, 1079 (2). Margaret, Countess of Carlisle, "J his wife, 312, 337, 376 (2), 853. Hay, Archibald, gentleman usher to the Queen, 3038. Clement, 2614. Wm., 440. Haycock, Wm., 2328. Haydock, or Haidock, Rich., 2717. ·· .. • ** • .. Haydon, Nich., 1944. Ralph, 2765. .. ·· Hayes, see Heyes. Hayhurst, Bradley, 2628, 2629 (2). petition of, 2629. .. Hayle, or Hayles, see Hale. Haynes, see Haines. • O .... ♥♥♥ > Hayton, Thos., 521. Hayward, Hen., 1452. .. D ··· Mary, widow of, petitions of, 2717 (3). Roger, Chorley, co. Lancaster, 393. deposition of, 393. > ****** ...... 40 ** " • Hazell, John, 2856. ***** > petition of, 2856. Hazlewood, sce Haslewood. .. ………………y Head, John, Cumberland, 232. John, Kent, ±59. Rich., 460. ·· A > **** Headlam, John, 1142, 2414?. Headley, Thos., petition of, 3208. Heald, George, petition of, 1366. Heale, Thos., 2533. Wm., 491. John, Devon agent, 283, 284, 373, 407, 422, 428, 590. ... .. Roger, Heapey, co. Lancaster, 2117. Heane, Haines, or Hayne, Col. James, Governor of Weymouth, 263, 1911, 2331, 2332, 3220, 3262; see also Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, (Deputy) Major-General for. ……………., Col. James, see Heane. > 3025, 3035, 3012. Heape, Fras., 1267 (3), 3272 (2). petitions of, 544, 590. Thos., Suffolk, 96, 1409. ...... commission to, 2330. , ………………, complaint of, 2330. letters of, 2331, 2912. •> ... Heard, John 180. Hearne, Dr. Edw., see Heron. Hearon, Anue, 2861. Sir Edw., see Heron. Heath, Chris., certificate by, 1632. Edw., co. Northampton, 88. Edw., Rutland, 88, 1643. > **** • …, pass by, 2332. surrender of Jersey to, 2329, petition of, 1267. Thos., 1810. ……………… > .., Fras., 2305. petition of, 2302. John, co. Durham, 304 (2), 1558. John, co. Stafford, 1033. Rich., Egerton, co. Chester, 104, 106, 112, 1818. Rich., Weston, co.Chester, 100, 1665, A "" 3446 GENERAL INDEX. Heath-cont. • ·· Heathcote, Sam., 746. Heathcott, Michael, 1736. Heathfield, Rob. and Wm., 3203. Heatley, Sir Thos., 1366. Heaward, John, 98. Hebblethwaite, Thos., 874. Hebbs, John, 118. Hebden, John, 3102. Hebdon, cornet, co. York, 33. Hebton, Rich., petition of, 3133. Hecendine, Hen., 88. ·· Hedrington, Wm., petition of, 364. Hedworth, Sir John, 1922, 2127, 2128. Dorothy, wife of, 2375. .... Rob., messenger, 76, 82, 788, 794, 795, 798, 804, 807. Sir Rob., Lord Chief Justice of the Upper Bench, 9, 51, 92, 139, 329, 1471, 1472 (2), 1517, 1918, 2775, 2776. wife of, 1471 (2). Edw., eldest son of, 88, 1471. petition of, 2776. ...... ……….., John, son of, 1471. D · Walter, carrier, 2026. O • • ………….. John, son of, 2127, 2129, 2130, 2354, 2375 (2). ...** ………………………. ……………., ancestors of, 2354. Ralph, 3183, 3184. Rich., 2181 (2). ... .... ******* Grey, George. • ******* ·· ***** ... *** ****** כי ***** …. > Heeley, Capt. James, 755, 760. * petitions of, 2375 (4). great grandfather of, 2375. father-in-law of, see Heffenden, John, 458. Heighington, Cuthbert, petitions of, 2739, 3299 (2), 3300 (2). · ******* Frances, wife of, 2739, 3299. Mrs., Northumberland, 2812. …………. Heighley, Thos., petition of, 364. Heine, Israel, 3132. Helby, Barth., 3242. Hele, George, 3259. John, 152. petition of, 2181. Eliz., mother of, 2181. ………………………, ………………, Thos., his brother, 456. Sir John, 542, 2894, 2924. widow of, 542, 2894. > Sampson, 397, 407, 456. Sir Thos., Bart., 97, 117, 336, 536, 1239. Walter, 117, 1887. Helliar, Hellyar, or Helyar. Chanon, 125. Major John, 125, 796, 799. Nich., 1758. or Hildyard, Wm., 1665. " Col. or Major Wm., 125, 502, 976; see also Hildyard. Helm, Thos., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2782. ………………………, ………………, Isabel, wife of, 2782 (2). Helme, Carnsew, 2281 (2). ……… ** ... • Helmes, Art., petition of, 1796. Frances, 3179. Helmore, Thos., 2516. · Hely, James, 3270. Helyar, see Helliar. • Heming, Edm., Dorset, 2055, 3292. Joan, widow of, 2055. • ……………………… ... • Chris., 2225. Robert, see Holme. Thos., Westmoreland, 177. Thos., steward for co. Wilts, 178, 254, 269,326, 406. , > ·· ... • , • 044 Hen., son of, 118, 240, 2055. •" ****** Edw., Derbyshire Commissioner, 760, > 771. Hemingham, Hen., petition of, 1740. Hemings, Luke, 450. Hemsworth, Francis, 1768. …………… .... Poole, Nath. .... ****** Henby, Wm., Suffolk agent, 2710. Henchman, or Hinchman, Hum., D.D., 77, 108, 119, 1586, 3284. wife of, 77. " ******* Hendon, Sir John, 478. Hendra, Peter, 2322. **** **** "" Edw., co. Worcester, 501. Robert, 2295, 2296. · ..... Heneage, Edw., petitions of, 2562 (3), 2563. Jane, wife of, 2562, 2564. petition of, 2562. Sir George, 796, 1365, 2230. signature of, 623 ?. ……………………., Robert, his son, 1365. Henham, Peter, 2676. widow of, see Ellis, Kath. George, Suffolk, petition of, 2731. George, co. York, 3095. Wm., 1351. 2322. *** Alderman of York, petition of, 211. second husband of, see letters of, 750, 755, 769, 771. ***** Adam, son of, 2677 (2). *****) Henley, Rob., clerk in the King's Bench, 927. ………. Thos., brother of, petition of, ...... Henn, Chris., 2576. …………. Robt., Cornwall, 117. Rob., Dorset, 118. Rob., Somerset ?, petition of, 966. Henne, or Hanne, Henry, 3259. Hugh, 96, 389, 1240. wife of, 1240. ******) ………………… Henrietta Anne, Princess, youngest daughter of Charles I., 490, 1308. attendants on, 1607 (2). guardian of, 2769. Henrietta Maria, or the Queen, wife of Charles I., 940, 1180, 1593. • ……………… ………………, accountants or debtors of, 1395. child of, see Princess Henrietta *** • ******* • ... A • • · ******* Anne. grants by, or gifts from, alluded to, 511, 3038. …………………….. persons with or attending on, 490, 497, 1016, 1301, 1580, 1593, 1687, 1703, 2072, 2463, 2667, 2769 (2), 3054. 39 ✰✰✰✰ .. + .. ** *** Henry VII., grant of, alluded to, 441. Henry VIII., hospital founded by, 1012. priory dissolved by, 1251. Henry, Prince, Duke of Gloucester, servant of, 1459. Henshaw, Hugh, petition of, 1113. Dr. Jos., 1366. Roger, 123, 124. Thos., under-sheriff of Sussex, 918. ……………… 3038. . Henslow, Anne, Hants, 3198. Anne, Sussex, 3213. John, 3193. Thos., 2277, 3198. 04 ... * *** 1593. .... L *** **) • 2277. Henson, alias Hall, Gregory, 2995. petitions of, 2995 (2), ** in Holland, 1703, 2072. jewels of, 1580. lands of, see Crown lands. Hepburn, Sir Adam, or Lord Humby, 4, 8 (2), 12, 20, 22, 30, 38, 784 (3), 790. Herald-at-Arms, 25. ! [erbert, Wm., 3rd Earl of Pembroke, 2465 (2). ***** > **** revenues of, 99. servants of, 139, 1228, 2537, Protestant, chaplain to, ..... GENERAL INDEX, Mary, wife of, 2464, 2465 (2), 2476, 3056. father of, see Talbot, Gil- bert, Earl of Shrewsbury. Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke, and 1st Earl of Montgomery, 944, 977, 1102, 1147, 1294, 1627. .. Ralph, son of, petition of, " petition of, 2036. executors of, 1931 (4). ………………y Anne, wife of, Countess of Pem- broke, 257, 1263. James, his second son, 1147 (4), 1148 (2). ... *** petition of, 1146. wife of, 1147. ***** Philip, 5th Earl of Pembroke, and 2nd Earl of Montgomery, 773, 1930 (6), 1931 (2), 2186, 2612, 3135. .. D ****** Wm., 1st Lord Powis, 93, 438, 2193. Ellinor, wife of, 93, 2193. Herbert, Wm., Lord Powis-cont. …………. *** • **** .. ***** · LYN • ******* Ellinor, wife of, father of, see Percy, Henry, Duke of Northumberland. children of, 2193. Sir Percy, his son, 58, 255, 431, 475, 2193. ………………….. ... .. 130 ……………›, ……………., Eliz., wife of, 2195 (2), 2196 (2), 2198. petitions of, 2195 Mary, daughter of, see ... **** (2), 2196. ***** Talbot, Lady Mary. Edw., 1st Lord Herbert of Chirbury, 86, 750, 1682, 2696, ***** Herbert, Sir Arnold, 1592. Charles, 1712. ** Rich., 2nd Lord Herbert, 750, 1682. Mary, widow of, 1682. ****** > Edw., 3rd Lord Herbert, 750, 754, 773, 1682. Lord of Ragland, see Somerset. *U4 ·· • ………………**) • ***** ..., George, petition of, 3215. Hen., M.P., 162, 517, 560?, 786, 1182. .... L………………) John,? M.P., 560. John, steward to Lord Herbert of Chirbury, 750, 757, 3255. John, Co. Brecon, 1358, 1634, 3279. …………………*** ***** ** Joan, wife of, petition of, 3279. Mary, petition of, 2971. Mat., co. Brecon ?, petition of, 1713. Mat., London, 2863 (2), 2864 (2). Capt., or Col. Wm., 364 (2), 1850 (2), 2910, 3221 (2). ..3 • ** • ·· *** Hen., co. Monmouth, 1715. Sir Hen., 92, 95, 236, 425, 1072, 1295. ………… > petitions of, 1713, 3221. Hereford, Bishop of, see Coke, George. Heritage, Marjory, 3041. ***** ******* John, son of, petition of, 3041. Herle, Charles, Surrey ?, certificate by, 973. Charles, clerk, co. Lancaster?, 2539 (8), 2540. 20 3447 or Harbert, Edw., Berks, 2860. Edw., co. Monmouth, 2248. Sir Edw., 92, 583 (2), 3049. Fras., 1240. C > Mary, 803. Herne, John, petition of, 2197. Herneden, James, petition of, 437. Heron, Cuthbert, sen., 3161-3164. petitions of, 2488, 3163. petition of, 2539. Edw., son of, 2539. Edw., sheriff of Cornwall, letter of, 145. ……… A .. ******* or Hearne, Dr. Edw., 110, 1121. or Hearon, Sir Edw., 863, 1631, > 1972. Hen., son of, 1972. 3448 ·GENERAL INDEX. Heron, Sir Edw.—cont. • ·· .. U A ** 10 ► ... • , Herrendine, Hen., 3007. .. ··· Herrick, Hen., petition of, 2290. Herring, Capt. John, Herefordshire Commis- D * * • • ··· • ··· • • ► • L • • • ... .. **** ... ·· • *** •* • ******* > 1262. Herris, Anne, Lady, 728, 2213. Chris., 2722. Edw., London, 75. Edw., Suffolk, and Mary, his sister, petition of, 3026. H., signature of, 623. .... * .... sioner, 366, 384. > letter of, 378. Ald. Michael, 156, 360, 605, 641, > 667, 678, 1157; and see Committee for Compounding, treasurers of. certificates by, 2050, 2772. notes or statements by, 83, • ****** • Hen. son of, brother of, 1972. Hen., 1703. signature of, 623. father of, 1703. Jas., Abingdon, 2209. ……….. ... ..3 .... 175, 501. …………… Wm., Essex, 2716. Herrys, Wm., South Wales, 1715. Hertford, Marquis of, see Seymour. Hervey, see Harvey. Heseltine, George, 2442. Hesilrigg, see Heslerigg. Hesketh, Barth., 2745, 2978, 3010. John, Hunts, 90, 1457. • " ····· ****** .. ******* ....... Rich., 1262. • ...... …………… .... 1110. petitions of, 1788, 2576. ……… petition of, 2981. father and grandfather of, 2981. Gabriel, co. Lancaster, 2960. Gabriel, co. York, 1110, 1111. Anne, wife of, 1110, 1111. Gabriel and Eliz., children of, AL Hugh, 2934. + • • ******* 2934. orders to, 885, 2431, 2497. servant of, 271. ·· …………….. petition of, 1262. Honor, wife of, petition of, Alice, wife of, 2934. Wm., son of, 2934, 2991 ?. …………. Anne, widow of, 2934. Ann, daughter of, 2934. Rob., son of, 2934. Lucy, 2564 (2). Rich., 3178. Rob., 2561. petition of, 2934. ... ..) Thos., son of, 2934. Hugh, grandson of, petition of, Dunderdale, co. Lancaster, Rob., Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 2960 (2). Hesketh-cont. U . C -- • * · .. • …… E ……….. ………. .. .. ·· • ………………… *** Rob., Rufford, co. Lancaster, 1950. ., Rob., jun., Rufford, co. Lancaster, 2560. …………………) ……………. • C • ..... 4. ……………. Rob., Preston, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2562. ** * > ... J • ..... Jane. *** …………………… • ..... • *** ·· · " ……………. Houghton, Lady Jane. • ......, Cuthbert, brother of, petitions of, 2560 (4). *.3 …………… > of, 2561. ..... > > …………… Cath., widow of, petition Jane, sister of, see Heneage, George, uncle of, 2561. Roger, Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, 3213 (2). 44 ………… • •> ...) Heslerigg, Hesilrigge, or Haselerigg. …………………y ……………… Mary, wife of, 2560. ……………… daughters of, 2934. ..... Thos., North Meols, co. Lancaster, 21, 2051, 2778 ?. ………………} Ellen, his wife, petitions of, 2051 (3), 2052. Wm. and Rob., his sons, 2051. Hugh, Edmond, John, and ... "> Rich., his younger sons, petitions of, 2051 (3), 2052. Rich., son of, 3213. Thos., Mains, co. Lancaster, 21, 2934. Wm., son of, 2934 (2). Rob., son of, 2560. Thos., son of, 2562. > as Member of the Scots Com- mittee, 1. …………………, ……………., as Commissioner with the Scots army, 80. petitions of, 2560 (2). petition of, 2564. ...3 other children of, 2560. Rob., father of, 2560. ****** ***** second wife of, see Thos., co. York, 3094. Thos., brother of, 2560. · ·· ... Mr., co. Lancaster, 474. *****9 Sir Arth., Bart., M.P., 28, 29, 285, 382, 590, 914, 1459, 1763, 1917, 1920, 2129, 2204, 3121. ...y 1 as Northern Commissioner, 238, 267, 287, 300, 329, 340, 366, 378, 452, 678, 923, 1425, 1727, 2128, 2253, 2673 (2). petitions of, 1110, 1111(2), 3094. as trustee for rectories, 1180 (2), 1818. certificates of, 876, 2290. compositions made with, 337, 1468, 1715, 2400, 2876, 3040. estates bought by, or given to 555, 1731, 2204, 2205 (2). letters of, 327, 876. ****** letters of, alluded to, 170, 296, 1744, 2736. note by, 1743. GENERAL INDEX. 3449 40% Heslerigg, Sir Art.-cont. 4. .. · · ..... .. • ··· "} orders to, 163, 184, 185, 188 (2), 191, 198, 2062, 2128, 2182, 2204, 2273 (2). • ………. • ·· • ► .... ……… ………………, payments to, alluded to, 324, 329, 378, 555, 892, 1170, 1907. • .. • .. • **** Heslerton, Wm., 2243 (2). A 2204. 體 ​" ………………. ***** ****** petition of, 2004. petition to, 1743. regiment of, 815, 819. …………., reports of, alluded to, 188, 1580. requests by, 876, 962, 1073, 4449 ******3 O "" ***** ...... ·· • ******* > ****** ……………., Becretary of, see Pearson, Ant. wife of, note by, 328. John, 1308. "" ·S of, 2243. •• " mother of, 2242, 2243. • .. ... ……………… Hester, John, 552. Hetherington, Wm., sen. and jun., co. Dur- ham, 2997. Heveningham, Arth., 114, 1517. • …….. Chris., 1804. Walter, 89, 1865. Wm., M.P., 211, 1517 (2), 2369, 2426, 2501. *** Hevyside, Thos., 1119. *****) petitions of, 1119, 1120. Hewes, Rob., 1768, 3259. Hewett, see Hewitt. Hewish, Edw., 1750, 1751. Hewitt, or Hewett, Fras., 579, 3117. ·· " orders for, 42, 46, 51, 792. petition of, 2243. father of, 2243. Sir John, Bart.. 16, 24, 31, 90, 95, 157, 158, 579, 874. • ... ····· ... ……………. Hewlie, John, 2192. Hewson, Rich., see Hugheson. Hey, Ellis, 1923. *****) ***** Wm., great-grandfather wife and children of, 1517. Heycock, Wm., 1061. Heydon, Fras., 1888. 2 petition of, 2369. Sir John, 92. 114, 1500. Ileyes, or Hayes, James, see Josse, James. Rich., 107, 121, 2015. Thos., 109. Wm., co. Stafford, petition of, 2484. Mr., London, 532. Heylin, Peter, D.D., 86, 92, 1481. Alderman Rowland, 2433. Alice, widow of, 2433. wife and family of, 440. son of, 1923. …………. > Mary, wife of, 1923. Ellis, grandson of, 1923. grand-daughters of, 1923. 70358. Heyman, Sir Henry, M.P., 49. recommendation by, 1394. Heyrick, Hen., 184, 243. Heywood, John, Kent, 459. AU ... .. .. • ! • ** • .. · • • · · .. • ·· • ·· • · .. ... · "" .. · > ****** > "J .. ** • ·· Hibbert, Thos., 123. Hibbetts, John, see Huband, John. Hicken, Ursula, 3186. Hickes, or Hicks, Adam, 110. Sir Elias, 927. or Higgs, Griffith, D.D., Dean of Lichfield, 1501, 2305, 2306. ·· *** 41 .... > T > John, co. Lincoln, 2777, 3308. children of, 2777. ******3 Oliver, petitions of, 2478 (2). Peter, 1789. Dr., Westminster, 92. servant to John Bretland, co. Chester, 491. . *****} -> -> .. • ... Walter. "S ... ... 134 瀟 ​> James, 826. John, Governor of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 2150 (2). Rob., son of, 2150. John, Cornwall, 117. John, London, 890. petition of, 1606. Rich., Cornwall, 3159. Sam., 1473 (3), 1474. petition of, 1473. ****** Thos., Bucks, 67. Thos., co. Chester, 101. Thos., co. Gloucester, 86, 909. …………….g …………….) ******* Thos., Westminster, 1454. Captain, Sarah, widow of, 31. · ***** petitions of, 2081 (2), 3263. Hickman, Thos., 7th Lord Windsor, 1260. Hickman, Horatio, 92. > family of, 1789. Peter, son of, 1789, 2209 ?. Rob., son of, 1789. Rob., father of, 1789. Thos., co. Gloucester, 86. Thos., Wilts, 79. Wm., Hertfordshire Commissioner, 171. Wm., co. Warwick, 1129. Sir Willoughby, 987. Windsor, 96. Hickmot, John, petition of, 890. > ... ..> Sir Wm., Bart., 310, 2082, 2144, 3293. Marg., widow of, 1879. petition of, 1879. *** brother-in-law of, see Jennett, Rob., 2737. Eliz., widow of, see Rose, Eliz. Hicks, see Hickes. Hickson, John, co. Chester, 100, ………………} Rich., 405, 1180, 1731 (2). Isabel, his widow, 1180. Marg. and Jane, his daughters, ***** petition of, 1180. Rob., co. Chester, 1285. S 3450 GENERAL INDEX. Hide, Edw., minister, Wilts, 79. Marg., 3197. Rich., 79. Rob., Wilts, see Hyde. Thos., D.D., 2350. 2. • ***** ***** Mr., co. Cambridge, 2289. Hieram, Sam., petition of, 1266. Higdon, Rich. and Peter, 1199. Higgens, sce Higgins. Higgenson, John, 2991. •* > ... Higginbotham, Mr., Surrey collector, 357. Higgins, or Higgens, Andrew, 556. > ... •" > · •> Higginson, Rich., petition of, 2059. Higgons, Thos., 1373. Rich., Salop agent, 266, 267, 268 (2), 272, 303. …………. • • ******* *****9 Higgs, Griffith, see Hickes. Thos., 67. • ·· ****** Higham, Clement, 3170 (2). ………………………, ………………, petition of, 3169. Thos., 2111. John, sen., co. Worcester, 498. Rich., 187, 212. ... ... Thos., 240, 2090, 2944 (2), 2953. petition of, 2944. *** Mr., Yorkshire solicitor, 2115 (2). ……… ... > > Highlord, Kath., 1926. Mr., 25. Highmore, Rich., 3256. > Higson, Rob., 2896. · Eliz., wife of, 2991. petition of, 2896. Hildesley, Fras., co. Oxon, 705, 3186. John, Hants collector, 406, 1626. letter of, 1659. petition of, 1663. > Ly petition of, 1373. wife of, see Essex, Countess of. Wm., jun., 123, 124. ··· Rob., 124, 202, 1240. ...) ****** *** ··· ******* Ald. Mark, Commissioner of Customs, 1520. Hilditch, Thos., 112. Eliz., widow of, 2111. ' ? " Hildyard, or Hilliard, Chris., Lissett, co. York, 891, 1025. "> ******* Wm., Berks, 2521. letter of, 523. petition of, 1519. .... Chris., Rowth, co. York, 1283; see also Hilyard. Hen., 28, 84, 96, 389, 792, 1093. wife of, 1093. Fras., son of, 2521. > | Hill, or Hills, Alex., 1366. John, 3257. Sir Rob., 799, 1547. Thos., 933. Wm., see Helliar. Mr., Westminster, 92. · •• + .. ,, · ·· ·· • **** J *** • · • ..... • • petitions of, 1514, 1515. ……………………., John, Salop, 2456,3215 (3). Edw., son of, 2456. . • ** And., petition of, 2478. Avery, 458. Chris., 1844. 1570. Edw., co. Gloucester, 3248. Eliz., 3182. Emery, petition of, 2477. Fabian, 1850. Lieut. George, 2746. Hen., petition of, 2442. John, D.D., 345, 1570. • John, co. Northampton, and Susan, his wife, 1514, 1515 (2). sons of, 345. Rob., son of, petition of, 1570. Thos., son of, 1570. daughters of, 1570. John, co. Lancaster ?, 3229. > 2456. .... .... ·· ***3 *** ... ... ******* ... TALLIN Ja • •> " John, co. Stafford, 89, 1475. John, co. Worcester, 3156. Capt. John, Essex, petition of, 2134. Mat., co. Gloucester, note by, 225. Mat., co. Lancaster, 3238. Nich., petition of, 136. > · 2967. ………. ·· wife and children of, 136. > Northam., petition of, 2994. Rich., Guildhall treasurer, 605. Rich., Kent, deposition by, 622. Rich., Wilts, 504. Rich., co. York, petition of, 3101. Rob., co. Cambridge, 1524, 2210. signature of, 623 ?. ………………. Rob., Devon, 152, 2967. Anne Wilson, widow of, 345, • *** > ..... John, his son, 2456 (2). "" Hugh, son of, petition of, " Roger, M.P., member of the Com- mittce for Compounding, 11, 612, 1200 (3), 2772 ?, 2875 ?. ..., Roger, Somerset, 221, 222, 226, 289, 300, 630. children of, 2967. Rob., co. Lancaster, 101. ..... Mary, wife of, petition of, Rowland, 761, 772. …………………, Thos., co. Cambridge, 2210. " Thos., co. Hertford, 856 (2). ****** letters of, 298, 315. petition of, 856. Thos., Kent, 2737. Thos., Somerset, 1814. Walter, 356. petition of, 8091, GENERAL INDEX. 3451 Hill, &c. cont. 1. ·· · ·· A *** ·· *** 4. ******** Hillary, Ant., 79. " ." י J Joseph, 975, 1129. Walter, petition of, 2745. Hillersden, or Hillesden, Rich., 2028. ………………………, Thos., 67, 947. ·· > **** > 586 (2), 2067, 2069. letter of, 579. Wm., Kent, certificate by, 2257. Wm., co. Lancaster, 3238. Wm., London, 888 (2). Wm., solicitor for co. Somerset, let- ters of, 148 (2), 151, 155. Wm., Wiveliscombe, Somerset, peti- tion of, 1429. Capt. Wm., 3384. ***** mother of, 3284. Col., 813. Ensign, Shrewsbury, 750. > ... ********** ** > Wm., Bucks, certificate by, 631. Wm., Foxton, co. Cambridge, 1524. Wm., Fordham, co. Cambridge, 539. Wm., Devon, 3035. Wm., co. Hereford, 534, 578, 579 (2), • ... Lieut.-General, 2653. Mr., co. Leicester, 108. Mr., London, 443. Hilliard, see Hildyard. Hills, see Hill. Hilton, Henry, Baron Hilton, 1921, 2271. Mary, widow of, 1919, 1921, petitions of, 2272 (2), 2nd husband of, see Smith, Sir Wm. ……………….., Rob., brother of, 1921, 2273, 2274 (2). ****** ..... ……………) 2272-2275. ……………. 2274. …………. ……………… …… Marg., widow of, 1919, 1921, 2271, 2273, 2274. ……………. wife and children of, 948. Wm., brother of, 947. father of, 948. ……………… ******> ……………… Hollyman, Thos. ******* ****** of, 2272. *****• ***** ……….. > ... > 504, 1919, 1921, 2271. Hilton, Ciprian, 99, 3053, ………………………, ………………, Frances, widow of, 3053. > petition of, 2274. 2nd husband of, see John, Baron Hilton, his brother, Chris., son of, 3053. ... .. petitions of, 3053 (2). George, Burton, Westmoreland, 99. George, Helbeck, Westmoreland, 3192. John, co. Durham, 204, 2400. ………………….., John, co. Lancaster, 2039, 3175. Alice, wife of, petition ……………., petitions of, 3053 (3). children of, 3053. Hilton-cont. • 鲁 ​... · ** • ·· • *** *** • Hilyard. Chris., co. Durham, petition of, 3038; see also Hildyard. Hinchliffe, Abra., 2028, Hinchlow, Rob., 2665, 3169. .. .." 1. ·· Hinchman, Dr. Hum., see Henchman. Hincksman, Mr., co. Worcester, 2641. Hinde, or Hind, George, 1812. Wm., petitions of, 2480 (2). Col., 1917, 1918 (2). ..., Mr., solicitor for Norfolk, 3189. ·· .. • • • .... ·· * • 1 *** •" Hinderson, Mr., Westminster, 92. Hindley, George, Lancashire agent, 489. ·· certificate by, 489. Hinson, Wm., see Powell, Wm. Hinton, St. George, Lord Poulett of, see Poulett. > Hinton, Anne, Rutland, 1472. ………………………, Eliz., petition of, 2409. John, 2628. John, co. Chester, 2447. ·· ******g Hen., M.D., his brother, peti- tion of, 2665. > ··· • ··· Mary, 547. Rich., petition of, 2630. Rob., Salop, 2117, 2118. ? Rob., Westmoreland, 203. Sam,, 2630. > > > "" Marg., wife of, 2846. niece of, 2846. Rich., co. Stafford ?, 1771. Sam., 2028, Wm., 104, 112, 1758. ..., Dr., co. Northampton, 98. Hippesley, or Hipsley, Gabriel, 68, 92, 1454. Lucy, 2304. Matt., 79. Rich., 1963. Thos., 108. Wm., 1735. > Martha, wife of, 2117, 2118. • ·· .. ******* …………. Rich, co. Flint, 2845. ………… , petitions of, 2447 (2). David, grandfather of, 2447. Rob., uncle of, 2447. wife of, 1454. **** John, 2855, 2856. former husband of, 1454. petition of, 2855. Hiron, George, 789. Hirst, Thos., 2647. Hitchcock, Mary, 31. Sir John, 486, 523, 581, 657, 1716 (2). Wm., steward to Lord Goring, 597, 598 (2), 600, 2051. Wm., quarter-master, 808. Wm., Bucks, 68. Wm., co. Oxon, petition of, 3059. Wm., co. Worcester, 1981. ន ទ - 3452 GENERAL INDEX. Hitchcock, Wm.-cont. D Hitchin, Wm., 2991. …………… .. 1981. Hitchings, Thos., 3115. K 4 • • · ……….. 3115. Hixon, Jane, 3178. Hixton, Mr., Essex, 95. Hoare, Sir Thos., 3174. Hobart, Edm., 2906. • · + 14. ·· 。 • ...... · · • $.. Mr., Westminster, 92. ... …………19 ..> > ... ***** > ****** Rachel, daughter of, see Fin- cham, Rachel. .. Sir Miles, K.B., his son, Norfolk, 249, 516, 1646, 2322, 2780 (2). ......, Margaret, wife of, 2322- 2324, 2780. Hobbs, Fras., 2661. 2 father of, 2906. John, see Proud, John. Sir Thos., 2324. • " Eliz., daughter of, petition of, ***** ** .... ****** Alice, widow of, 2991. of, 2324. Thos., 87, 2350. Wm., 459. Hobdee, Rich. and Step., 457. Hoblyn, Edw., 3056. Hobman, Thos., 1741. Wm., 1741. Eliz., daughter of, petition of, MAGU Hobson, Lancelot, 1390, 1863. ………. "" ** • """ Thos., son of, 2325. Mr., 25. Hoby family, the, 1707. Hockenhull, Rich., 2887. ****** Sir Rich., 66. *** > petitions of, 2324 (5). Sir Miles, son of, 2324. petitions of, 2322-2324. Dorothy, daughter of, petition wife of, see Portlock, Kath. Jane, 3007. petition of, 3007. …………..> John, 533, 2694 (2). Hockley, Wm., 2363. petition of, 2363. Hockmore, Gregory, 1416. Hocksen, Wm., petitions of, 3298 (2). Hoddesdon, Chris., petitions of, 2357 (2). Rich., 2357. Hodey, Gilbert, 2028. Hodges, Frances, 3182. **** **** petitions of, 2693 (2). Paul, Durham Commissioner, 758. Rich., 1330. - Hugh, 119, 1197, 1200. John, co. Lancaster, 1953. John, co. Leicester, 110. John, Charlton, Somerset, 3048. petitions of, 3048 (2). Hodges-cont. .. ... • .... • • • ... ... John, Quantoxhead, Somerset, 3108. Luke, 3169. Rich., 459. Thos., 1167. Thos., M.P., 1244. ., Wm., Somerset ?, 2545. ... Wm., Crewkerne, Somerset, petition of, 2943. Hodgkey, Rich., see Hodgkis. Hodgkinson, or Hodgkenson, Adam, see ·· • ·· · ... ·· ་ 14 • Mr., co. Gloucester ?, 803. Mr., minister, Kingstanley, co. Glou- cester, 748. > "" "} · Robertson. …. > .. Hodgkis, Joshua, 1116. Rich., 2911. "9 or Hodgkey, Thos., 104, 2911. wife and children of, 2911. .... Hodgson, Albert, 359, 730, 2115, 2488. Eliz., wife of, petitions of, 2626, .. ... > Mary. > 1 ... ****** 3186. Jane, 3192. John, co. Lancaster, 3186. Luke, 2008. .... 2 > """ Peter, 3067. ... · **** • 3 petition of, 2476. Dr. Eleazar, and Daniel, his brother, 2905. Rich., 2717. • Ellen. > …………… •" petition of, 3213. petition of, 3066. Alex., 2477. ****** ***** daughters of, 2814. Mary, widow of, see Haydock, Jacob, wife of, 177. John, co. Lancaster, 2909. Rob., co. Lancaster, 3175. Rob., co. Lincoln, Eliz., widow of, petition of, 3230. or Hogeson, Rob., Somerset, 1417. Susan, see Salvin, Susan. Toby, 1609. Rich., brother of, 2909. •• , John, Beeston, co. York, 975. John, Whitby, co. York, &c., 2813. Ellen, daughter of, see Hoole, Elinor, Dorothy, and Eliz., Mary, 3163. Rich., petitions of, 3180 (3). Hodshon, George, 2636. U ... Anne. father of, 1609. ...) Wm., co. Durham, 359 ?, 3222. John and Ann, Northumberland, 2488. John, co. York, 3012. Sir Rob., 2848, widow of, 2848. Anne, daughter of, see Carr, GENERAL INDEX. 3453 Hodshon, Sir Rob.-cont. ………………………、 ………………, Rich., brother of, 2848. ……………………………………., Wm., brother of, 2848. son of, 2849. Hodskins, Wm., petition of, 1877. **** ...... Hody, John, 2647. Hogan, Rob., 2755 (3). · • ·· [] • ··· ... Hogbin, Edw., 459. Hogg, Wm., 3090. Hoggard, Edm., 3111. Holbeck, Thos., 2015. Holbeech, Ambrose, petition of, 3030. Holborne, Sir Rob., 92, 1586, 2208 (2). Lady Anne, widow of, 2208. petition of, 1586. ... Ann. · Holbourne, Maj.-Gen., 35. Holbrook, Randle, 100. Holcombe, John, 118. Holcroft, John, 2241 (2). Wm., petition of, 1926. Holden, Joseph, 1029. , י …………. > ·· .... > " ...... ……………………., Rich., 3158. ****** children of, 3158. Holder, or Houlder, John, 1397. Rob., co. Lincoln, 3259. Rob., co. York, 2805. Thos., 1197, 2579. ……… ****** > • > .." ****** 3 Henry, father of, 2755. Ann, mother of, see Hungate, "J Rich., 3176. ..... ******* Holding, Rich., co. Herts, 756. Holdsworth, Jos., petition of, 3079. Dr., Norfolk, 114. Hole, John, see Fole. Wm., petition of, 2198. petitions of, 2440, 2441 (6). Holesworth, Mr., minister, Cumberland, 233. Holford, John, 121, 1689. mother of, 1689. petition of, 1029. Kath., wife of, petition of, 2579. Holhead, John, 3297. Holl, Aug., 114, 1341, 3278. Rob., 1342 (2). Mr., Suffolk, 96. ******* Holland, Earl and Countess of, see Rich. Holland, Cornelius, 1, 2, 627, 755, 1455, 1456, ******* Thos., petition of, 2006. 1882. Edw., 769. James, Heskin, co. Lancaster, 2542. ……………, petitions of, 2541 (2). ****** wife of, see Houghton, Kath. James, Preston, co. Lancaster, pe- tition of, 3194. .., John, servant of the Countess of Arundel, 2478. complaints by, 2463, 2475. Holland, John-cont. ……………………., John, co. Lincoln, 1458. •* | .. •• …………… ... **** .. petitions of, 2471, 2473-2475, 2477 (2). John, co. Leicester, 330, 538, 2727 (2), 2728. N • #1 • ... .. • · ., Ralph, 2845. “. Rich. Lathom, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 2924. , Rich., Sutton, co. Lancaster, 2842. ** ******* Rich. and Anne, children of, petition of, 2843. , ." +9 "" ·· ……………… כי *** • John, co. Worcester, 1706 (2). .. Hollenpriest, Lawrence, 107. Holles, John, 1st Earl of Clare, 63. ………………………, ………………, Anne, his wife, 1265. petition of, 1265. · • ...... Rob., co. Chester, 100. Rob., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2683. Col. Rob., 823. Thos., co. Chester, 112. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2787. Wm., son of, 2787. other children of, 2787. ***** · • Thos., jun., Salop, 205, 2045. Wm., co. Chester, 123. • 1. *> • • Wm., father of, 2843. ... *** Anne, widow of, 823. נ' 2 of Clare, 63, 91, 1268. son of, 2772. • …………$ ****** Holles, Maccabæus, see Hollis. Holliday, see Halladay. Hollier, Thos., 1672. Holliland, Col. Hercules, 1960. Lady Ellinor, daughter of, 63. children of, 63. JA 21, 63, 435, 2772. Hollingshed, Fras., 2843. Hollingworth, John, petition of, 3050. Hollinhead, James, 3186. John, his eldest son, 2nd Earl Wm., 3186. Hollinshead, Raphael, 250. .., Thos., 123. Hollinshed, Ralph, 123. Hollinworth, Oliver, 124. ……………… Hollis, Gervase, M.P., 1056. Denzil, M.P., his younger son, •• Gilbert, Lord Houghton, **………… ******* Eliz., wife of, petition of, 1057. Hum., 1649, 1650, 3074, 3284. **) or Holles, Maccabæus, 353, 367, 380, 783, 3126. Col., 1631. Lady Covert, wife of, 858. Francis, son of, 2772. Hollister, Denis, 277. Holliwell, John, Devon, 3135. John, co. Lancaster, 2821, 31 75. Eliz., wife of, 2821. 3454 GENERAL INDEX. Holliwell, John-cont. USA 1 · C Hollman, see Holman. Holloway, Charles, co. Oxon, 1585. Gamaliel, 99. Thos., 2255. or Halloway, Wm., Berks, 405, 437. Mr., Westminster, 92. Holman, John, Bucks, see Hamond, John. ... .. ...... · Hollyman, Thos., 1919, 2271, 2273-2275. petitions of, 2271 (2), 2274. wife of, see Hilton, Marg. 2 ***** Wm., 2127 (2), 2354 (5), 2355 (2), 2375 (2). ·· > ... • •2 petitions of, 2354 (2), 2355 (2). Mary, wife of, 2354 (4), 2375 (2). 2 Holme, or Holmes, Chris., Holm, co. York, and Henry, his son, 1022, Major Chris., agent for co. York, 419. deposition by, 654. • ·· • or Hollman, John, Cornwall, 646, 1642. " • •> 13 • ... • • George, 3258. Hen., Melling, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 2957 (2). L ...... ... Anne Stopford, wife of, 2957. ******* Hen., Pemberton, co. Lancaster, see Hulme, Hen. > ► ', C ***** *> Edm., 3128. children of, 2821. .. "" *** ……. ………. **** • James, 3257. John, co. Chester, 604. Dr. Nath., 2800 (3), 2801 (5). *****> Rich., 3165. Marg., widow of, see Wilkin- son, Marg. Helme, Rob., or 2389. ……… Anne, wife of, 3128. Gilbert, son of, 3128. Percival, 3199. Randall, sen., 134, 1240. .... petitions of, 2800 (4), 2801 (2). , *****♪ Rob., Westmoreland, 521. Sam., petition of, 3240. Thos., minister, petition of, 1490. Thos., Cumberland, 3199. Thos., Devon, see Adams, Thos. Thos., Surrey, petitions of, 2677, 2678. Frances, wife of, 2678. children of, 2678. Wm., Tremene, Cornwall, 2091. ** Randall, jun., his son, 1240. Co. Lancaster, grandfather of, see Rigby, Alex. Holt, Alex., 266. Alderman of Ripon, co. York, 33. Mr., Lanteglos, Cornwall, 764. brother of, 764. Alex., London, 145, 1118. Edw., petition of, 2865. Holt-cont. •• ***** • ... ……. · • U ……………… ... ... • Peter, Lancashire Commissioner, 168, 170, 392, 478, 481, 549. •9 1 Rob., co. Lancaster, 1241. Rob., jun., London, 1117 (2), 2543, 3071. •9 · • .. " 153 see Millington, John. ……………………… Rob., grandchild of, 2556, 2557. Holtby, Marmaduke, 2206. ? letter of, 435. Rich., 1417, 2225. Major, 304. Holwell, Capt. John, information by, 1360. petitions of, 965, 3263. "" ... ', • ....... Holwill, John, 152. Home, or Hume, Mary, Countess Dowager of Hume, 4, 10 (2), 25, 31, 1544, 2164. Hood, Dr. Zachary, 1632. Hooke, Edw., 2574. ... ...... ... Thos. Posthumus, 2380. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2950. ... ****** .. Sir Thos., Bart., 716, 719, 2556. Edw., son of, 2556. ……………. • ·· ……………… Rich., 804. Thos., Sussex, 1972, 2573. Anne, wife of, 2573, 2574. children of, 2573. Hooker, Edw., Hants Commissioner, 173, 844. > Fras., 92, 962, Hum., sen., Alderman of Bristol, 144, 511, 1629. " petitions of, 2543, 2549. widow of, see Greenhalgh, Alice. *** ... } · John, Hants, petition of, 2573. John, minister, Wilts, 1796 (2). petition of, 1796. · Hoole, Rob. and Ellen, petition of, 2909. Hooper, Edw., 2671. Hen., 662. Capt. James, 1495-1497. Eliz., wife of, 2556. ·· • ******* second husband of, ………… certificate by, 236. ***** Marg., petition of, 2196. Wm., London, 780. John, 1737. Thos., deposition of, 531. Wm., Cornwall, 1992. Wm., co. Hereford, petitions of, 3054 (3). ………. Wm., London, 1867. , petitions of, 1497 (2). ******* Hoord, John, 2307. Mr., Westminster, 92. petitions of, 3156 (2). family of, 2307. John, father of, 2307 (2). mother of, 2307, 2308. Hoorne, Annie, see Horne. GENERAL INDEX. 3455 Hope, George, 104, 349, 451, 632, 1241. George, jun., his grandson, ·· • .... Hopgood, Thos., 92. Hopkins, Edw., 1616. George, 1709. ... * ... 1241. petition of, 2735 ?. ………………….., John, Westminster, 92. · ·· Rob., Kent, petitions of, 1058 (2). Capt. Rob., Derbyshire Commissioner?, 746. Matthew, Glamorganshire Commis- sioner, 507. Thos., co. Leicester, 109. Thos., Somerset, 3073. Wm., 89, 1682. Hopkinson, George, co. Derby, 2776 (2). 1. petitions of, 1709 (2). Hen., Warden of the Fleet, 2373. Hen., Westminster, 92. John, 3307 (2). John, officer to the Drury House Committee, 766. > ... John, 975. ……………………… ………………? petitions of, 1091 (2) ?. Hopper, Jane, 3038. Thos., co. Durham, 3079 (2). Hopps, Edw., 1849. Hopton, Sir Ralph, or Lord Hopton, K.B., General for Charles I., 94, 102, 139, 205, 206, 208, 211, 221, 262, 302, 611, 627 (2), 699, 917, 918, 977, 995, 1046, 1060, 1199, 1231, 1279, 1755, 1757, 1815, 1968, 2042, 2301. chaplain of, 1277. forces of, 1086, 1837. …………………… ………………, persons serving under, 209, 932, 937, 1062, 1120, 1191, 1193, 1203, 1277, 1295, 1443, 1445, 2516, 2868, 2940. Provost-Marshall of, see Rose, • • • ... ****** ******* John. J Hopton, Sir Art., 114, 206, 212, 256, 307, 1149 (2), 2301 (2). ……… ******* ... • ** wife of, 3249. Sir Ingram, 1835. ……………………, ………………, John, son of, 1835. ****S .... widow of, 2301. Sir Edw., Surrey, 3249. 3 petition of, 1815. Mary, daughter of, see Staple- ton, Mary. Col. James, 150, 157, 158, 875. .. .. • wife and family of, 158. Owen, 2303. Major Rich., Herefordshire Commis- sioner, 634, 637, 644, 646. • ………………) …………… note by, 648. ******* Robert, or Sir Robert, 2303 (2). Sir Thomas, 1149 (2). Wm., 2104. Hopwood, Rich., 1320 (3). Hore, Edw., surveyor of delinquents' estates, 668. ... ... • ****** Hornabrook, Rich., 2967. ·· ·· ... Hornby, James, 3179. Horne, or Hoorne, Annie, 66, 2880. ', family of, 959. Horner, George, petition of, 1414. John, 1049. • ……….. ·· Win., father of, 1049. ……...., Rob., Lord Mayor of York, letter of, 113. • · ..., Thos., 197, 3192. Hornihold, Joha, 2640. …………. 2 ... Horniman, Rob., 107. Horseman, Major Edward, 2104. Horsey, Sir George, 3275 (2). • #i .. • petitions of, 3275 (3). *****} Horsfall, John, and Grace his wife, petition of, 1996. John, Netherbury, Dorset, 1799. John, Oth-Frances, Dorset, 1896. Rob., 3036. Roger, 2871. children of, 2640. Thos., his son, 616, 649, 2640, 3054?, 3249. Rich., 1150. Horsley, Hen., Northumberland Commis- sioner, 172, 238, 535 (4), 536, 583, 673, 678, 683 (2), 685, 688, 2595. • Cotton, 70, 2091. Fras., 1674. Nich., 92, 959. · • ……………… ני .... ·· • ………….. John, Somerset, 3090. Capt. Ralph, 3275. "> ■ 536, 540. · petition of, 572. Rob., co. York, 3140. *** • ... * 3140 (2). Sir Thos., 3162. • letters of, 220, 269, 430, 463, > ………………. ***** Wm., son of, 3140. wife of, 3140. ****** Wm., son of, petitions of, "" 3163, 3164. Horsman, Rob., Rutland Commissioner, 559, 1150. Rebecca, wife of, 3163 (3). Thos., son of, 3161-3164. petitions of, 1149, 1150. Col., 193. father of, 193. Horton, Andrew, clerk for co. Leicester, 753. John, Commissioner for co. Leicester, 172 545, 568, 673, 3214. letters of, see Leicester County Commissioners, letters of. Ralph, 112, 1183. Capt. Rob., 112, 2633. Col. Thos., 162, 1182 (3), 1736, 2304. petitions of, 3078, 3161, 3456 GENERAL INDEX. Horton, Col. Thos.-cont. Horwood, Hen., Bucks, 2268. Hoskin, John, co. Lancaster, 2803, Hoskins, Bennett, 541. *** • • Dorothy, 3073. • ...... Henry, and John, Dorset, 118, 1045. Hoslyn, Edw., 116. Hotham, Isabel, petition of, 2334. child of, 2334. • • ...y ·· B • *** Hothersall, Thos., 2962, 2962 (2), 2963. Rob., son of, 2962, 3207. Kath., wife of, 3207. John, son of, 3207. • 1 > ** • Hottost, Sam., 89. Houblon, James, petitions of, 3286 (2). Hough, George, 1751. John, co. Chester, 915 (2). John, clerk for co. Notts, 187 (2), 207, 267, 308, 378, 462, 570, 729. ... ·· 9 ** "" letter of, 107. .. *** ………………. Houghton, Gilbert, Lord, see Holles. Houghton, or Haughton, Gilbert, 2018. Hen., 2900. Hugh, 1065. • • · J ****** General Sir John, Governor of Hull, 14, 928-930, 994, 1049, 1093, 1152, 1180, 1272, 1318, 1640. ***** ... ...... 14, 930, 1918, 1920, 1921. • > · ... · , ... > Wm., 110. •" • > > "y son of, 162, 1182. ***** …………………) • ... John, co. Chester, 107. Peter, petition of, 3236. co. Lancaster, Ralph, 3124. Rich., 1883, 1973, 3289. ...) Captain, or Col. John, son of, ………. Sir Rich., Bart., 1163, 2562, 2902, 3194, 3220 ?. ..) 44 C ……………) Ivett, 3186. Jane, wife of, 2560. > ******* Eliz., daughter of, see Gir- lington, Eliz. .. • > of, 2902. > > 1157 (2), 1493, 2492, 2902. Isabel, wife of, 1065. Frances, daughter of, 1065. sons, 2724. ..... ..... ALEGE Ratcliffe, son of, 2724. Sir Rich., Bart., Houghton, co. Lan- caster, 2962, 3207. Sir Gilbert, Bart., son of, 21, 1995 (3), Roger and Wm., Garstang?, co. Lan- caster, 3212. Marg., his wife, petition Rich., and Roger, his father of, 2962. ………………, grandfather of, 2962. Roger, 785. Thos., co. Lancaster, 1993. Thos., co. Lincoln, 893. Wm., Grimsargh, co. 3101. Lancaster, Houghton-cont. .... ... ·· ... · • C * • A • ………. ··· …………… …………… ··· ·· .. 44 Wm., Parkhall, co. Lancaster, 21, 2541. Marg., widow of, 1861 (3), …………… 2542. ……… A ……… ·· • ………. .....) of, 2541. Mrs., co. Oxon, 3030. ··· .... Houlden, Thos., petition of, 2074. Houlder, Thos., see Holder. *** (2). House, John, petitions of 2926 (2). Hovell, Sir Rich., 2891. How, Capt., 260. Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk, grandfather of Thomas, 23rd Earl of Arundel, 2671. • *** ****** ... James. • • ·· .... •• • > · ...... ……………… ******* 2nd son of, 2672 (3), 2673 (2). 2672. ***** ******$ …………. 2671, 3280. *** | 2672. · [] 2672, 3281. ******* ... petition of, 2542. John, son of, 2541. RG14 ... 2672 (2). 3153. ……………… 2671 (3), 2672 (2). **** Anne, daughter of, 2542 (2). Kath., daughter of, 2541, 2542 husband of, see Holland, Marg., daughter of, 2541, 2542. petition of, 2542. ……………. …………. …….. ………….. …………. (2). Wm. Lord Howard of Naworth, " ****** ****** ……………. Mary, wife of, petition …. …………… ******* Elizabeth, wife of, 2672. Sir Charles, son of, 2038, Dorothy, wife of, petitions of, children of, 2671, ******* ……………………………., executors of, 2465. trustees of, 2467. ******* ......, Alathæa, his wife, 91, 191, 363, 408, 492, 510 (2), 620, 1706 (2), 2461, 3073. ... Thos., son of, 3153. Thomas, 23rd Earl of Arundel and Surrey, 1302, 2461. ……………… •> ***** ……………"9 ………………. Thomas, son of, 3153. William, son of, ......, petition of, ……………… bert, Earl of Shrewsbury. Charles, son of, 2234, 2499 ?. Henry Frederick, Lord Mowbray and Maltravers, 2247, 3043; 24th Earl of Arundel and Surrey, 96, 169, 1443 (2), 1444, 1570, 1669, 2234, 2461. commissioners of, 2462 (2). Marg., widow of, estates of, 115, 239, 496, 500, 513, 514, 620, 2461-2480. holograph letters of, 2461, 2462 father of, see Talbot, Gil- Howard, Henry Fred., Earl of Arundel-cont. trustees of, 2468. ** ***** ·· ma ……………………. ·· • ·· …………… .. • · ** ..... • ... ... Thomas, Lord Mowbray and Maltravers, his eldest son, 55, 802; 25th Earl of Arundel and Surrey, 1890, 2461, 2819. Henry, his 2nd son, 1705, 1706 wife of, see Somerset, .... ... (4). ...... Lady Anne. • " Charles, 2nd Earl of Nottingham, Mary, wife of, 1384. .... ****** > Charles, 3rd Earl of Nottingham, 354, 355, 357. Arabella, wife of, 354. *** " ·· Eliz., wife of, 1968. Charles, Viscount Andover, his son, 1967. James, Earl of Suffolk, 516 (2), 2928. ... Thomas, Earl of Berkshire, 91, 205, 535, 1559, 1967. petition of, 2417. Sir William, Viscount Stafford, 87, 90, 332, 408, 444, 514, 1473 (2), 2083, 2421 (2), 2468, 2479 (6). petition of, 2479. ********* A > ? ……………. Mary, wife of, 591, 1473 (2), 2421, 2463, 2479. …………… > …………… • ****} tion of, 2234. Howard, Charles, Cumberland, 232. *…………… Edward, Lord Howard of Escrigg, or Escrick, 48, 179, 185, 187, 218, 219, 237, 239, 245, 254, 256, 278, 281, 338, 465, 466, 1246, 1499 (4), 3005, 3106. GENERAL INDEX. כ' - ******* .. ** Col. Charles, Deputy-Major-General for Northumberland, 999, 2672. certificate by, 999. ** ******* Sir Charles, sen., Surrey, 2673, 3259 ?. petitions of, 1473, 2479. ..... children of, 2479 (2). · **** chaplain of, see Tindall, Mr. letter to, 1128.- petition of, 2011. Thos., son of, 2234. Sir Fras., 72, 99, 124, 232 (3), 348, 431, 585 (2), 696, 2477, 2588, 2593. Mary, wife of, 232 (3), 696, 2588 (3). • b Charles, Surrey?, petition of, 2678. Lady Eliz., his wife, peti- .. petitions of, 2588 (2). children of, 2588. Lady, mother of, 696. Hen., Viscount Newburgh's trustee, petition of, 2983. Hen., London, 879. family of, 880. ***** Mary, Lady, widow, 3178.' Howard-cont. 4. •• .. ·· ** ·· ... ·· .. Howarden, Thos., petition of, 2843. Howden, John, 3131. Howdin, Thos., see Hawdin. ** Howe, Hen., Somerset, 2557. John, 1031. 20 I · ... ...) ·· * •• Sir Rob., M.P., K.B., 92, 1292, 1541, 1572 (2). ... •• C Capt. Thos., 2673. Col. Thos., 1631. Wm., Bookham, Surrey, 2690. Wm., Cheam, Surrey, petition of, 2678. "} ... Eliz., wife of, 2678 (2). *" ...... Sir Wm., K.B., Essex, 95, 1165. Sir Wm., co. York, 2737. wife of, 2737. · **** CARA ..... 1031. 1409 ." ••* petitions of, 1031 (3). John, co. Gloucester, 755, 769 (2) 3252. ·· > Howell, Enoch, see Howett. Fras., 1825. ·· *** ***** *3 •• > • ..... Howes, Job., 15. > John, sheriff of Gloucestershire, 2362. Thos. and John, co. Leicester, 2047. petition of, 2047. Thos., co. Stafford, 89, 3186. .•** .., Lettice, 2407. Mary, 490. Walter, see John, Walter. Capt. Wm., 1605. !. petition of, 1031. Annabella [Scrope], wife of, John, petition of, 2678. CON ·· ...... Howlet, John, 87. Howse, Thos., Bucks, 68. Howett, or Howell, Enoch, 895, 1736, 3022. John, co. Notts, 769. Marg., Bucks, 2270. children of, 2270 (2). Marg., co. Leicester, 3192. Wm., 2981. Oxon officer, 1595. Howsman, Phil., 2761. Hoyle, Alderman [Thos.], 2, 946, 1815. 3457 KAU Capt., 143. Huband, alias Hibbetts, John, 2785. Hubbard, Sir Rich., 92. Hubbert, Greg., 111. Hubbock, John, 110. Mary, wife of, petition of, 143. children of, 143. Hubert, Sir Rich., 94, 1548. Hublon, Mr., 16. Huckell, Thos., 2662. 1751, 3458 GENERAL INDEX. Huddlestone, or Huddleston, Andrew, 72, 124, 384, 2226. • ·· • • ·· · · .. .. • ••• "" ******} ·· 2582. Hudson, Dan., petition of, 892. ·· · • ... J ******* Jane, 1731. …………………., Edw., her son, 1371. Wm., 3112 (2). Sir Wm., 72, 124, 348, 1699, 2582. Ferdinando, of, 1699, • ··· L: > •> > ·· " > , ... .. *** ......*J Hen., 2236. Ingleby, 72, 124, 1745, wife of, 1745. > *** .." Dorothy, wife of, 2227. children of, 2227, 2228. Joseph, father of, 2227 (3). …………. Mr., Essex, 95. ...... Hudspeth, Wm., petition of, 2590. Huffam, Edw., 458. Hugford, Thos., co. Warwick, 3204. Frances, widow of, 3204. Huggeford, Henry, 3150. Hum., 3186. > Huggessen, Wm., 459. Huggett, James, 172. Huggins, Mr., Westminster, 92. Hughes, Charles, co. 3088 ?. ***** Edw., co. Lincoln, 3277. ……………., petitions of, 3276, 3277. Hen., Kent, 102. Hen., co. Leicester, 111. Hen., London, 962. ....... John, 1951. Michael, 39. Peter, 1777. ……………. Thos., London, 962. Thos., jun., Sussex, 1984. Wm., 1463. Capt., Cumberland Commissioner ?, 762, 2930. ., Mr., 29 (2). petition of, 1773. Capt. Robert, 782, 785. petition of, 9. ****** Eliazar, brother of, 892. son 571, 676. Robert, father of, 962. Hum., 1856. John, sen., South Wales Commis- sioner, 172, 2177. letters of, 222, 391, 392, 415, ⇓⇓⇓ a • ·· ******* Ralph, 1157. Sam., 1825. Thos., 1665. Monmouth, 1356, petition of, 1157. father of, 1665. Capt. Thos., Dorset Officer, 466. petition of, 388. ..> …….., Wm., 86, 1728. Hugheson, or Hewson, Rich., 2731. Hughson, Capt. Edw., 817, 819, 821. Huish, Alex., 2018. Hulbert, Martha, petition of, 2477. Hulce, Rich., petition of, 3137. Hulkes, Thos., Kent, 2054 (2). ** 719. Hull, Edm., 119, 537, 1073. ·· …………………** .. J • • OU • " "" 2289. 2 Hulme, George, 107, 568. WA ** "> Wm., son of, petition of, 2289. Thos., Godalming, Surrey, 149, 168, 169, 389, 2018. Thos., Windsor, Surrey, 2228. Wm., servant to the serjeant-at-arms, 662, 825. Thos., co. Warwick, deposition of, > • • Rich., 2289. or Holme, Hen., and Ellen his wife, 2904. Wm., son of, petitions of, 2904 " (2). * .. ... " " Hulse, Rich., Kent, 462. Humberston, Hen., petition of, 3190. Humby, Lord, see Hepburn, Sir Adam. Hume, see Home. Humphrey, Humfrey, or Humfries. Constance, 259. ., Edw., 396. ………., John, sen., co. Cambridge, 2502. children of, 2502. • > ******* John, Cornwall, letters of, 259, 287. Step., Sussex Commissioner and steward, 172, 216, 231, 375, 673, 3170. certificate, &c., by, 375, 475. letters of and to, see Sussex, ..... County Commissioners of, letters of and to. 4 € → Rob., 2739 (3). • " …………………….) > Wm., 123, 568. **** Mr., minister, co. Chester, 716. ……………… ……………$ Humphreys, Col. John, 66, 2353, 2704, 2705. > Rich., 396. ****** Hunckes, Sir Henry, 1283. Huncks, Col. Hercules, 796, 814. wife of, 814. Hungate, Sir Henry, 2755. Margery, widow of, petition of, , .... " Toby, 2763. *** • .... 2756. * son of, 2739. **** Martha, wife of, 2755 (2). petitions of, 2755 (2). ·· ******* Wm., son of, 114, 402, 2755. Hen., younger son of, 2755. ." proposals of, 374. "" > > petitions of, 2755 (6), Eliz., daughter of, 2755. Wm., father of, 2755 (2). Ann, Lady Cæsar, mother of, > 2755 (3). Philip, or Sir Philip, 141, 500 (2), 538, 548, 2647. GENERAL INDEX. 3459 Hungate, Sir Philip-cont. ** ……….…………… …………….. ……………., Joan, widow of, see Ham- mond, Joan. Fras., son of, petitions of, .. ... *** ****** ·· ·· .. ………………………, ………………, Wm., father of, 2649. Sir Wm., 500. …………** Hungerford, Col. Ant., M.P., 867. wife and children of, 867. Sir Edw., 77. ·· ... Hunkin, Capt. Jos., Devon Commissioner, 210, 219, 251, 293, 298, 373, 1942. letters of, 198, 258, 272. • ...... Hunkyn, John, Cornwall, 2375. Hunlock, Sir Hen., Bart., 45, 46, 795, 1089, 1917. 2648 (2). …………. ………………. widow of, 1916. Hunsdon, Lord, see Carey. Hunsdon, John, 751. Hunt, Abra., 317. Ant., 56 ?, 205, 1862. Fras., and Kath. his wife, petitious of, 2824. receipt by, 500. ……………., Fras., son of, 2648. **** • · …………. ** **** ****** ·· Hen., petitions of, 1654 (2). Isaac, 328. John, co. Gloucester, 88. John, minister, Kent, 2703. ..., John, co. Lancaster, 2492. John, Haighton, co. Lancaster, 3144. John, Speke, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3241. ****** • " ...⇓ •N "2 ··· T **** • Sir George le, 1348. > ……………… ... Rob., co. Durham, 2275. petition of, 2276. Rob., Somerset, 3173. Thos., receipt by, 42. Thos., co. Bedford, 3125. ......., Thos., father of, 3125. James, brother of, 3125. petition of, 3125. > John, Rutland, 1944. John, Somerset, 2527, 3173 ?. John le, Suffolk, 845. John, co. Warwick, 2795, 3179. Randle, 100, 104. ... ………………………, Thos., Devon, 2380. Thos., co. Wilts, 755. Thos., Enford, co. Wilts., 1741. mother of, 1742 (2). Dr. Rich., Dean of Durham, 2108. Eliz., widow of, 3019. …….. > daughter of, see Tolcarne, Eliz. ..... > T > • ****** Col. Thos., M.P., Salop, 707 ?, 1861, 1862. Wm., Berks., 725. Wm., co. Leicester, 110, 3213. Wm., co. Oxon, 2100. Wm. le, Suffolk, 845. Hunt-cont. Hunter, George, 743, 3218. .. ... " ... ▼ ▼ • Huntingdon, Earl of, see Hastings. Huntley, George, 2335-2337. …………. A > > · KAAN ". petitions of, 3122, 3267. ………………2 Capt., co. Northampton, 758. Mr., Receiver of Dean and Chapter's rents, 729. " Wm., 2997. Hunton, John, 2154. *** .. · • Aung ... children of, 2154. Hurd, George, 1117, 2009, 2254, 2590 (2), 2595, 2957, 3119, 3138, 3206, 3295. Thos., sen. and jun., 1722. Hurdman, Fras., 2688. Rich. or Edw., 2688, 2689 (5). petition of, 2689. Hurlestone, or Hurlston, Hum., 1217 (2). John, 100, 103, 1174. Wm., co. Worcester, 756. ► Rich., his son, 743, 3218. Math., petition of, 2952. Capt. Thos., co. Lancaster, 3267. ·· + ... Hurman, Wm., 1223 (4), 1224 (4). petitions of, 1222, 1223. • ·· Nich., 778. Ralph, 2997. Hurst, Hen., 2287, 2288. > ...... 1 ***** 1. • ? Eliz., widow of, 2997, 2998. Kath., 1217. Thos., 328. Mr., West Kirby, co. Lancaster, 61. • ? • ** John, son of, 1174. John, barrister, 197. John, co. Lincoln, 1308. Oliver, 123, 348, 349, 1156 (3). widow of, 349. children of, 1156. Rob., petition of, 1739. Dr. Thos., 1310. > ↑ …………. Lewis. **** Hurstfield, Wm., 2871. Hurt, Wm., 92. Hurwar, Thos., certificate by, 161. letters of, 135, 174. *** > Husbands, or Husband, Edw., printer, 19, 169, 785, 789, 821. ...... Anne, wife of, 1310, 1311. children of, 1310 (2). father-in-law of, see Somersall, Edw., co. Leicester, 109. John, Cornwall, 1642. John, co. Durham, 203. certificate by, 431. Thos., co. Hereford, 647, 648, 655, 660. Thos., Surrey, 96, 389, 1543. Wm., 290, 291 (2), 474. Huson, Edw., 480, 2834. 3460 GENERAL INDEX. Hussey, Sir Charles, 1215. • 1 ▼ - ·· • ... • .. · • .... ·9 1215. · ... ... ·· ...... ·· , > > "" .. *****} • · ..... children of, 1066. Rob., co. Dorset, 2764. Thos., M.P., 473, 1023, 1535 (2), 3017 (2). *.. • •, · • Thos., Dorset, 2059. Wm., petitions of, 2056, 2078. Mr., 3264. Mr., Dorset steward, 250, 254, 269. Hutchens, Thos., Brecon Commissioner, 3301. Hutching, Lewis, 98. Hutchins, Thos., co. Chester, 123. · • .. Chris., 3227. 1023. children of, 1022. George, 108, 119, 1387. Hubert, 118, 1066. Mr., Somerset ?, 2526. > Hutchinson, Cuthbert, 3168. Edw., co. York, 2018. Col. John, M.P., 40, 543 (2), 1332, 1357, 1358, 1708, 1709, 2108, 2339 (3), letter of, 543. Sir Edw., Bart., 43, 246, 1022, 1097. Eliz., wife of, 1022, 1215. **** ... ·· • DANA •3 ………… · " " 2 ***A **** · *** .... ·· Ann and Ellen, his daughters, > Hutt, Wm., 1780. ………………, Eliz., aunt of, 1215. Wm., B.D., co. Oxon, 2945. nephew of, see Boult, Ben. "2 (4). ……………… ………………, petition of, 2338. Jos., Gurney House auditor, certifi- cate by, 2801. Michael, 1004. …………. **** Ralph, petition of, 2087. Rich., Navy Treasurer, 819 (3), 820 (3). > .... …………. children, petition of, 1780. petitions of, 3017 (4). Rhoda, wife of, petition of, Huttoffe, Mr., 1322. Hutton, Hen., 176, 521. Hum., 1700. John, 1736, 1737 (2), 2047, 2418 (3). · petition of, 1708. Sir Thos., M.P., father of, 2338. Lady Katherine, mother of, 2339 Thos., 521. ……………… Joan, his wife, 1780. John and Margery, his grand- petition of, 2418. …………….) John, co. Lincoln, 2619. John, son of, 2619. John, Somerset, 3048. Math., 1121. wife of, 1121. John, son of, 1121. Hutton, Math.-cont. · ·· • .... •• · · Huxley, Fras., petition of, 1928. Huysh, James, 1683. Hyde, Ant., 105, 2612. ••• ··· • C • J **** • ………… > • ……………." Frances. • • > • + • Sir Timothy, father of, 1121... Rich., 3256. Rich., Westmoreland ?, 2919. Capt. Rob., 815 (2). Thos., 3308. ,, Rich. • "" Sir Edw., Chancellor of the Exchequer > to Charles I,, 139, 636, 1539. ****** Mr., Cumberland treasurer, 157, 257. •" I ... ..... petition of, 2576. Marg., wife of, 1501, 2576 (2), 3121, 3197. father of, see Braybrooke, grandmother of, 1501. Edw., co. Chester, petition of, 1866. Edw., Dorset and Somerset, 2977. Fred., petition of, 2709. Hum., 1501, 1977. ... ………..… ……………… ..." • Phil., 124. Rob., under-sheriff of Cheshire, 236. letter of, 236. or Hide, Rob., Wilts, 77, 1:24?, 1562. > children of, petition of, 2612. sister-in-law of, see James, .... ... ...S Lawrence, 1183. 9 1. ... ****** Hyett, James, 1108. ******* • 4 • " children of, 2576. Thos., 1800. Idiots, see Lunatics. Idle, Thos., 2679. Iles, John, 944. ....) …………….y Iltham, Gervase, 95. Ince, Randall, 2665. Thos., 2666. ... petition of, 1800. sons of, 1800. .. John, son of, 2667. children of, 2667. Inchiquin, Earl of, see O'Brien. Indemnity Committee, 216, 392, 635, 1399, 1480, 1499, 1585 (2), 2083, 2314. 2419, 2988. petitions of, 1108, 1109. or Isles, Dr. Thos., 95, 1529, 1544. Capt., 11. Mr., Surrey, 389. I S allowances by, alluded to, 318, 1645, 2186, 2328. GENERAL INDEX. 3461 Indemnity Committee-cont. ·· • · orders to, 1189, 1597, 2939. ........., papers of, alluded to, 2939. *** • alluded to, 3127. references to, 469, 1192, 1480, 1751. Informers or discoverers of concealed estates, undervaluations, debts, or delinquency, 149, 168, 198, 282, 341, 342, 347, 349, 487, 491, 498, 512, 518, 605, 606, 725, 793, 957, 1133, 1135, 1137, 1138, 1166, 1169, 1170, 1377, 1439, 1505, 1508, 1522, 1530, 1586, 1587, 1790, 1800, 1801, 1815, 1844, 1860, 1877, 1882, 1930, 1941, 1981 (3), 2028, 2082, 2084, 2107, 2139 (2), 2208-2210, 2216 (2), 2221, 2226, 2240 (2), 2249 (2), 2318, 2321 (2), 2325, 2326, 2338, 2346, 2391, 2453, 2479, 2510, 2582, 2586, 2595, 2647, 2662, 2693, 2722, 2736, 2785, 2841, 2923, 3141, 3142. • 4 · ...y [ orders of, alluded to, 179, 822, 1148, 1405, 1800, 2145, 2419. A accusation against, 1918. .........., Act for, alluded to, 347, 349 (2), 401. • • causes before, 678, 1189 (2), 1850, 2099. Commissioners for Compounding, acting as, 600, 1476 (2). > ♥ •• •• petitions or request to, 604, 1481, 2003. • …………… • • ****** allowances to, 25, 131, 144, 156, 726, 947, 957, 958 (2), 1045, 1135 (2), 1167, 1452, 1488, 1541, 1760, 1853, 1860, 2077, 2537, 2663, 2692, 2698, 3141, 3142. allowance to of, 1716. of, 286, 289, 290, 337, 428, 437, 478, 584, 606, 1101, 1437, 1801, 1977, 2084, 2107, 2261, 2416, 2466, 2503, 2651, 2841, 3201, 3220, 3264, 3293. • ·· ·· 1 2586. ……………. • 779,783, 795-797, 808-810, 814. ……… …………… 297, 436, 469, 471, 606, 2210. ❤ • of, 269, 599, 1187, warrants for payment of, alluded to, 265, 296. } ……………… petitions, &c., of, 137, 140, 155, 157, 226, 240, 501, 565, 827, 883, 886, 996, 1014, 1056, 1101, 1135, 1168, 1187, 1218, 1415, 1436, 1437, 1490, 1491, 1529, 1530, 1555, 1587, 1640, 1711, 1801 (2), 1832 (2), 1853 (2), 1982 (3), 2084, 2117, 2146, 2189, 2290, 2466, 2565, 2641, 2646, 2651, 2662, 2692, 2693, 2841 (2), 2880, 2972, 3019, 3081 (2), 8082, 3200, 3220, 3263, 3267, 3293. MA lists by, 181 (2), 226, 502. orders concerning, 247, 286, .....} alluded to, 600, 947. ***** queries concerning, 206, 292, 409, 418, 487, 505, 583, 591, 606, 608, 1531. Inge, Wm., 110. Ingham, James, 121. John, 2075. . ... 7 ·· DON > Ingleby, Peter, 33. ………… • Ingledon, Lewis, 98. Inglefield, Hen., 417, 640. Ingoldby, Peter, 3192. Ingoldsby, Fras., 1353 (4), 1354 (5). Sir Rich., 1275. or Ingolsby, Col., 1294, 2878. > ** .. Ingram, Sir Arthur, 380. • " ……………………… · Nich., 3221. 1516. •, * .. Sir Wm., 800, 886. Wm., his son, 886. ……………*} ………………} Sir Thos., M.P., 96, 1342, 2230. Lady, 2149 (2). Inman, George, petition of, 3267. John, 2028. > ,י · **** Inquisition, the, prisoner of, 3063. Intercourse, Merchant Adventurers of the, 4, 5, 16, 44 (2), 132, 887. Ion, Lancelot, 521. Irby, Sir Ant., 1, 14, 16, 19 (3), 20, 44, 80, 129, 790-792, 879, 1029, 1051, 1143, 1561, 1607. **** •* letter of, 45. Ireland, Edw., co. Lancaster, 2493, 2503. Marg., widow of, 506, 2503 petitious of, 2503 (3), Laurence, son of, 506, 507, children of, 506, 507. Edw., co. Oxon ?, petition of, 3069. Eliz., petition of, 3141. Ellen, 3141. Sir Francis, 1958. ·· …. ……………., Lady Eliz., his widow, 1958. Wm., his son, 1958. George, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2821. Capt., or Col. Gilbert, 506, 507, 643, 665, 1369, 2503 (5), 2572, 2625. certificates by, 665, 2503. Hen., 1516, 2028. ...... (2). petition of, 2075. J James, 2366 (2). .. ·· A ...) 2503 (7). 2504 (2). •y ……………… …………. •> > …………… Ellinor, wife of, petition of, petitions of, 2366 (2). > John, 3141. Marg., co. Chester, 3141. Thos., Kent, 460. Thos. and Rob., his son, Salop, 1551. Wm., 1624. Iremonger, Hum., co. Bedford, 568, 1716. wife and children of, 1716. *****} Hum., co. Stafford, 89. 3462 GENERAL INDEX. Ireton, Col. Henry, Commissary-General, and Deputy-Lieutenant of Ireland, 394, 493, 1095, 1688, 2230, 2577. letter of, 386. SAR A ... *** · • • • .. →→ • • · • ****** · > ... pass or recommendation 1401, 1554. > 658, 2192 (2). ** ****** **** 2687. Irish, John, 13. John, Cumberland, 72, 124, 202, 1718. " · ... P "" Ald. John, London, 43, 372, 795, 3 1439 (2). 1532, 2810, 3158. information by, 1072. 2687 (5). Wm., Coole Lane, co. Chester, 112, 1835. Wm., Newhall, co. Chester, 2612. Ironmonger, Hen., 109. Irons, George, 2566. John, 1189. ·· > ……………., request by, 3151. > or Irton, Wilfrid, 72, 124, 202, 2687. Matilda, widow of, petitions of, children and grandchildren of, Irton, Wilfrid, see Ireton. Isaac, Isack, Isaack, or Issack. …………** .... alluded to, 1932. Bridget [Cromwell], wife of, .... children of, 658, 2192 (2). .. Amyas, 1242. Arthur, 97, 3001. 2766. Isham, Euseby, 88. wife of, see Moore, Mrs. ··· ******* Fras., 98. John, 98. Sam., 418, 422, 502, 1390. Sebast., 418, 422, 502, 1332. Wm., sen., 2722. Isles, Dr. Thos., see Iles. Isum, Mr., 24. Sir John, 109, 486. Justinian, 109, 1494. Thos., 2078. Ivatt, Thos., Devon, 442, 1481. Ivett, Zacheus, 460. Ivory, Abra., 1884, 1885. Capt. Wm., son of, 479, 2722, by, petition of, 1885. Fras., 253, 439. Ivy, Thos., 1558. J Jack, Thos., 487, 3000. Jackes, Rich., Salop, petition of, 3206 Jacklin, John, 1162. Jackman, David, 2736 (2). • ………. Mr., London?, 1867, 1868. Jackson, Alex., Assay Master of the Mint, 13 (2), 15, 778, 794. .., Major And., 807. **** • N .. ……………… • ·· • ....., Charles, 975. Ellen, 2768. • 1 ………… • * + · · ., .. • ·· .... > ***** • D ·· # ……. Hen., co. Durham, 2902. John, 2184. John, messenger of the Committee *** for Compounding, 780-787. 1769. "" > · > ………… " ... > son, Ellen. > ******* > **** Anthony, 935 (2). Barth, 2658. , ……………., Bryan, son of, 2658. •> ……………. > "? Fras., 1815. 2386. John, collector for co. Hunts, 22. deposition by, 893. John, co. Lancaster, 456, 2060. Rich., father of, 2060. John, minister, co. Stafford, letters of, 2118 (3). Gabriel, 2714. George, 1979. Gilbert, 92. ... Mat. and Wm., his sens, 1766, John, Treasurer of Excise, 819. John, co. Durham, 204, 2386. 947. petitions of, 2117, 2118. > John, Westminster agent, 91, 136, > 166, 626, 636 (2). • ... .. •• • Ellen, daughter of, see Parkin- certificate, &c., by, 511, 636. John, Westmoreland, 547, 3093. John, Stock, co. York, 691 ?. petition of, 2432. ......} Sir John, 946 (2), 947 (4). .... widow of, 1815. 4 ***** *** Anne, widow of, petition of, 947 (2). CAU Sir John, eldest son of, 946 (2), petition of, 947. Francis, younger son of, 946, petition of, 947. ***** ……………… Luke, 1174. Mat., 2369. Rich., co. Derby, 1733, 1737. petition of, 1733. Francis, father of, 1733 (2). ………………) Rich., co. York, 1605. Rob., 100. Sam., 111. Stephen and Jane, Berwick, 1621. Stephen, Northumberland, 1621. ………………………, ………………, Pelham, son of, petition of, 1621. Stephen, co. York, 1023, Simon, co. Cambridge, 2900. Simon, Middlesex, 2166. GENERAL INDEX. 3463 Jackson-cont. .. *** .. "+" •·· ... ... …………. 2 · • "" .. • • > ………………) " ·· • ** • Mr., chaplain to Fairfax, 1575. Jacob, John, sen., Devon, 153, 2109. • father of, 976. Wm., clerk to the London Committee, declaration of, 355. •" ... Thos., Berks, 1287. Thos., co. Cambridge, 1559. Thos., Moorewood, co. Chester, 568. Thos., Stretton, co. Chester, 2904. Thos., Cumberland ?, 2996. Thos., Northumberland, 202. Thos., Knayton, co. York, 2847. deposition by, 743. Thos., Leeds, co. York, 39 ?, 975. Deborah, wife of, 975. ... • ..... > ....... ……., John, jun., Devon, 153, 2109. John, Kent, 102, 1400. ..... Alice, widow of, 1400. ……………………, ………………, Abraham, son of, 1400, other children of, 1400 (2). Sir John, 680, 1206, 3119. Rich., 457. Jacombe, John, 110. Jago, John, Cornwall Commissioner, 171, 614 (2), 723, 1080, 2001–2004, 3298. letter of, 417. Zachary, petition of, 2170. ·· **3 *** "" letters of, 444, 445, 515. > John, son of, 2001–2006. Jakeman, George, 89. James I., estates seized by, 2291. ........, time of, alluded to, 77. ** ****** g ·· royalties purchased from, 2673. servants of, 1471, 1500. James, Prince, Duke of York, 138, 748, 1543. servants of, 1454, 1468 (2), 1544, 1587, 1589, 1594. ... 3 James, Ald. Alex., 144, 1630. Blanche, 2557. > ..3 *** …….. ·· • grants, &c., by, alluded to, 166, 284, 405, 618, 890, 1300, 1697, 2124, 2291 (2), 2559, 2761, 2775, 2945, 3196, 3202, 3283. Eliz., wife of, petition of, 2109. children of, 2110. petition of, 2109. ……………………** ... mother of, 2110. *} ****** David, 2389. petition of, 2557. ***** Frances, 2612. ***** petition of, 2389. Fras., 103. Hen., Kent, 329, 2603. • , Walter, son of, 329, 2603. children of, 2603. Sir Henry, Frances, daughter of, 3179. Hugh, 72, 124. John, see Scrope, Col. John. James-cont. ?. • ... ... • ... John, Cornwall, 387. John, Herefordshire Sheriff and com- missioner, 172, 384, 402, 1626. …………………*** 1 "} ***** 畲 ​-4 2612, 2617. 體 ​> ******* John, London, 2221. John, co. Montgomery, 583. John, Hadley, Suffolk, petition of, 3033. > John, Layham, Suffolk, 1394. John, Surrey, 1973. Col. John, Worcestershire Commis- sioner, 481, 486. * ·· letter of, 391. John, Kent, 2603 ?, 2617. Martha, Bucks, 67. Martha, co. York, see Scrope, John, mother of. ……… • 3 "" > ..> Clare, widow of, 329 ?, 2603 (2), Mary, wife of, 1188. Ann, niece of, 1187. > DATA or Jeames, Rob., petition of, 2003. father of, see Benloss, Fras. children of, 2603. ****** Rich., co. Cardigan, 614. wife of, 614. A •" Rich., Hauts, 3009. *" • " · ****** Rich., London, 1187. Walter, co. Monmouth, 1850 (3), 2909. Wm., Cumberland, 2996. Wm., son of, 2996. John, son of, 3009. Sam., 116. Thos., see Jeynes. > *****? *****} Lindsey, Julian. ... ·· · Jancey, John, 352, 405. Jane, John, 2965. Julian, widow of, see Ann, daughter of, 2996. Win., co. Monmouth, 311, 2389. Wm., Westminster, 2071. Alderman of Nottingham, 551. *** deposition by, 2977. Joseph, 117, 3062, Janes, Mary, co. Brecon, 3239. Janian, or Jenion, Ralph, 100, 1118. Janyon, George, 3187. Jaques, Sir Roger, 113, 882. Thos., 3115. Jarret, Evan, see Gerard, Evan.. Jarvis, see Jervis. Jason, Rob., 2246, 2247, 3256. Jauncey, James, 3054. Jay, Benj., 77, 1142. wife of, 1142. A George, London, 2018. George, co. Northampton, 98. or Jey, Hen., 1979, > 3464 GENERAL INDEX. Jay-cont. * · ... Jeames, Rob., see James. Jean, John, Somerset, 1004. Jefferes, Jois, 2069. Jefferson, John, Norfolk officer, 1615. Jeffery, John, Dorset, 119, 537, 1066. Ralph, 460. Jeffreys, John, co. Brecon, 1674. Jeffries, James, 629. Jeffry, Thos., 416. Jeffs, John, 2073. Jegon, Rob., 116, 3049. Jeines, George, Alderman of Carmarthen, 1826. Jellico, or Jellicoe, Mark, Cheshire officer, 248, 275, 278, 285, 292, 526. Jenion, Ralph, see Janion. ... • • • .... ·· ་ • · ·· • •** Jenken, Petherick, see Jenkins. Jenkin, Peter, 2686. Jenkins, Judge David, 138, 572, 576, 600. • • • > L .. • • • > • " • ..> 1826, 2176. John and Stephen, 2624. Thos., 1582. Wm., 79. > Mrs., co. Lincoln, 1334. •" ..." Rich., sen., 100, 1354. …………………., Reignold, 614. " "" ………. · • ..... ...... Mary, widow of, 3111. ….…………., Ann, daughter of, see Jones, Ann. "> 2980. > • ****** Edw., 1429. wife and children of, 1354. Rich., son of, 100, 1354. Godman, 1395, 1396. Henry, 3111. .. ..." Jenkinson, Ant., 1751. Cissil, wife of, 572. Llewellyn, petitions of, 3139 (2). Nich., petition of, 2653. or Jenken, petition of, 2180. ……………… John, Cambridgeshire steward and under-sheriff, 189, 233 (2), 669, 680, 681 (2), 684. Phil., 1611. 200 686. Rice, 1417. Thos., co. Hereford, 593. Toby, 113, 1343. Walter, co. Carmarthen, 513. articles, &c., by, 512, 513. Walter, Kent?, 2930. Wm., signature of, 623. Wm., co. York, 2079. Capt., Somerset, 391. Capt., Westminster, 92. Major, co. York, 607 (2), 851, 3261. Petherick, 117, 669, Sir Rob., 980, 3152. daughter of, 3152. Rob., J.P., co. Oxford, his son, Jenkinson, Sir Rob.-cont. • ... " ... ·· · .... Wm., co. Lancaster, 1951. Jenner, Rob., M.P., 19 (3), 23, 24, 27, 30, 36, 38, 55, 56, 81, 488, 792 (2), 797, 902, 908, 1013. ·· U ..... . 3 · (2). Jennett, Walter, 1501. Jennings, Col. Ambrose, 1282. Ant., 3153. Edm., 3331. Edw., Berks Commissioner, 172, 351, 409, 682, 705. • ... ·· > "" Da A ... > ******* Sir Thos., 1883. **** …………… ..) .... • Rob., his sou, petitions of, 3152 daughter of, 3152. ……………. Rich., Kent, 460. Thos., co. Monmouth ?, petition of, 2389. Thos., Salop, 2231. Wm., 804. ....., Mrs., 581. Jennison, Wm., 3084. George, Devon, 2966. Jonathan, 1159. Jos., 2268 (2). Peter, 1023. Phil., 1722. Rich., M.P., co. Herts, 523, 581, 3051. Sarah, widow of, 1883. ... ..? Jenny, Sir Arthur, 23, 844. …………., Helena, wife of, 845. petitions of, 844, 845. Jephson, Col. Wm., 38, 40, 41. • ………. 9 ****** 5 ***N request by, 1482. Jepson, Thos., 349. letter to, 951. orders to, 837, 874, 1790. reference to, 914. """ ***** petition of, 2268. petitions of, 3051 (3). Thos., co. Lancaster, 3177. Eliz., wife of, 3177. former husbands of, see Richardson, Thos., and Keighley, Hugh. •" .... " 1869. children of, 3085 (2). ****** sons of, see Richardson, Wm., and Keighley, Nath. Jermin, see Jermyn. ******* Jermy, Offley, petition of, 1791. ***** Capt. Rob., Norfolk Commissioner, 172, 622. > AUTONO certificate by, 244. Wm., see Jermyn. Jermyn, Henry, 1st Lord Jermyn, 139, 1869, 1870 (3). Thos., M.P., his brother, 96, Rebecca, wife of, 1869 petition of, 1869. (3), 1870. .... > ……………… GENERAL INDEX. 3465 Jermyn, or Jermin, John, Devon, 97, 1309. wife and children of, 1309. • • O • " • C ****4 • "" 14 ... ....., Justice Phil., 1015, 1016. ... "" • > .... Edw. ******* John, London, 861. Mich., D.D., 1016, 1958 (2). petition of, 1957. Frances, wife of, 1957. …………… .. .... ·· Jernegan, Mary, 3186. Jerningham, Sir Henry, 861. " " ………………) Jervis, or Jarvis, Thos., officer Thos., Norfolk, petitions of, 2623 (2). Sir Thos., 38. Thos., son of, 38. or Jermy, Wm., 1012 (2). petitions of, 1012 (2). Mr., Lord Cleveland's under-bailiff, 2156. .... *****> ... John, 2480. Thos., 402. of the Committee for Advance of Money, 661. Thos., Somerset, 1074. petition of, 1957. son of, see Armstrong, ………… > Wm., 2377. ……………… Jervise, Rich., 2767. Jervois, John, co. Stafford, 2329. Wm. and Eliz., co. Lancaster, 1300. , or Garvois, Wm., Somerset, 1017. Capt. Wm., 260, 410, 472 ?,1573. John, brother of, 260, 410, Jervoise, Sir Thos., 200, 271, 314, 439, 472, 550,2372 (4), 2533, 2631 (2), 2847 (2). Capt. Hen., son of, 200, 2847. Jessat, Wm., 1131. Thomas, his brother, 1131. Jesse, John, 755. Jesson, John, 460. Jessop, Wm., letter to, 1648. Capt., 788. 1573. Mr., co. Leicester, 110. ………. .. family of, 1074. ********** Jesuits, 178, 655, 2720. Jett, Alex., 1333. Jetter, Christ., 3190. " • ………………3 Marg., Mary, and Eliz., daugh- ters of, 3190. petition of, #30 k 2665. Rob., 2665. Jey, Hen., see Jay. Jeyne, Thos., 85. Jeynes, or James, Thos., sen., 1949. **** ******* ……………. .. 2 Margery, widow of, 1949. petition of, 1949. Thos., son of, 1949. ****** Hester, daughter of, 1949 (2). Jirman, John, 33. Joanes, Edm., petition of, 1620. 70358. Jobson, Mary, 3126. Mat., 2062. ........., Sam., 1351. Jodrell, Edm., 2610. John, 897 (3). ****** petition of, 896. Joel, or Jole, Chris., 699. 4 .... ……………… petition of, 2303. John, alias Howell, Walter, 3115. Johnes, Capt., co. Chester, 112. Johns, John, 813, 814. Nich., co. Monmouth, 1711, 2109. Col., North Wales, 571. Johnsey, John, petition of, 3027. Johnson, Anne, co. Derby, 3193. Anne, co. Durham, 745. Edw., 124. ***A 4. C • *****………… .. >> -...) or Harris, Eliz., Devon, 2893. Eliz., co. York, 3133 (3). James, Lancashire Commissioner, 745. John, servant to Sir Hen. Mildmay, list by, 15. John, co. Durham, letter of, 615. ……. •> 6.13 ..... ... "" ... John, cos. Notts and Lincoln, 1371. John, Moseley, co. Stafford, 89. John, Wednesbury, 3230. ……………………… ******* ......, Jos., co. Leicester, 2615. Lawrence, 3174. Michael, 745. Nicholas, 78, 3052. Peter, 2100. > *...) Piscarius, 3147. Ralph, 2153. Rich., 2309. Rob., Westminster, 92. Rob., co. York ?, 1169. Thos., and Alice, his wife, 2645. Thos., Berks, 2703. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2792. Thos., minister, co. Lancaster, 2955, 2956. > > ** *****J John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2573. John, co. Lincoln, 1524. > Capt. Johu, 2295. Capt. John, co. Stafford ?, 2367. petition of, 2367. Thos., alderman of Norwich, Nor- folk, petition of, 3227. "> co. Stafford, letter of, 2263. Thos., Yarmouth, Norfolk, 1896. Walter, 793, 1625 ?. Wm., London, 3121. Wm., mayor of Newcastle, 694. Capt., 794. Capt., Salop, 1816. Mr., 14. Mr., solicitor ?, 2380. Mr., co. Lancaster, 3121. T 3466 GENERAL INDEX. Johnson-cont. .., Mrs., 164. ………………., Serjeant, 1806. Johnston, Sir Arch., letter of, 22. …………………} ... ………………… ………………, petitions of, 3038 (2). Jole, Chris., see Joel. • John, merchant of London, and agent to the Scottish Commissioners, 6, 10 (2), 16, 38, 779 (3), 781, 784- 786, 3039 (2). Jolley, Jos., and Wm., his son, Cornwall, 2325. ·· Jolly, Hen., London, petition of, 2592. • ******* د. Lieut., Capt., or Major James, co. Lancaster, 441, 506, 752. .. > •• " Thos., petition of, 2573. Wm., 3138. Wm., co. Lancaster, 1275. Jones, Arthur, Viscount Ranelagh, 1659, 2708. ... *** • • Jones, Adam, 3139. ****** John, 2144. .., Alice, and Rich., her son, petition of, 3165. husband of, 164. "S ■ Nicholas, 398, 487, 2052, 3150. wife and children of, 2052. Charles, 86. Chris., 2552. David, Salop, 1484. Edm., M.P., co. Monmouth, 1524. Edw., Ludlow, Salop, 1484. Edw., minister, Preston Gubbals, Salop, petition of, 1007. ……………………., Edw., St. Martin's, Salop, 1724. Edw., Shrewsbury, Salop, 990. Fras., co. Carmarthen, 1825. Fras., Cornwall, 117, 336, 1935. children of, 1935. Gerard, mayor of Chester, 752. Gilbert, co. Gloucester, 260, 2087. ………………………, Henry, Bishop of Clogher, 816. Howell, South Wales Officer, 494, 3301. Hugh, Glamorgan Commissioner, 507. Hugh, Somerset, 2712. > •• • .... **S petitions of, 2023 (3). > >> Anthony, 1825. Ant., Alderman of Carnarvon, 1826. Cadwallader, 1818. ***** Katherine, wife of, 1659. children of, 1659. ..... ******* ………………………、 ……………., Wm., brother of, 2712. Hum., co. Carnarvon, 3055. Hum., London, 475 ?, 1308, 2325. wife of, 2325. ****** Hum., co. Merioneth?, 2694, 2695 (5). Hum., recorder, co. Montgomery, 240. Inigo, 92, 1124. ... Eliz., wife of, petition of, 2712. father of, 2712. Maou Jones-cont. .... N • .. * • James, Caerleon, co. Monmouth, petition of, 3238. ........., James, Llanternam, co. Monmouth, 2045. …………………… ………………… " John, co. Chester, 349, 2015. ……………………., John, sen., co. Flint, 1723. John, Hants, 105. • *** *** > CANECANT "" **** Isaac, Norfolk ?, 1298 (4). Eliz., widow of, 1298. John, vicar of Eccles, co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2126 (2). Alex., son of, 2126. " ………. " John, Diugestow, co. Monmouth, 311, 2442. Col. Sam., son of, 1298 (5). Isaac, Sussex, 598, 600, 624, 625. James, Kent, 461. > ………… ………… John and Thos., his sons, and their sisters, 2442. ……………… ******* petition of, 2442. John, Hardwick, co. Monmouth, 3193. Edm., son of, 3193. John, Llangattock, co. Monmouth, 3193. *** ………………………, John, North Wales, 148. …….. ... ·· …….. ****** Col. John, 169, 183, 187, 353, 695, 817, 1070. "" Lieut.-Col. John, co. Cardigan, 494, 614 ?, 1568, 1752. wife of, 1568. *** , ·· > ...... **** family of, 1569. Mary, co. Denbigh, 1160. Col. Mich., Governor of Dublin, 70, 132, 139-141, 796, 809, 1176 ?. John, Salop, 2345 (5), 2346. petitions of, 2345 (2). د. ... > "" …………… **** ני Morgan, 86. Morris, 3055. Nath., 310, 2582. ******* Col. Phil., M.P., 135, 512, 513, 517, 667, 919, 1337, 1339, 1706, 1770 (2), 1776, 1801, 2142, 2177 (2), 2178, 2180, 3208, 3209, 3211. report by, 1776. 2 ... ……………… ………………, petition of, 2583. Hugh, brother of, 2582. E ………. ******* Anne, wife of, 2582, 2583. Sir Phil., 1514. ******* Rees, 56. Rich., co. Bedford, 3259. Rich., co. Merioneth, 3247. …….., Rich., co. Monmouth, 2406. petition of, 2909. Wm., son of, 1514. Rich., co. Radnor, 1693. Rich., Somerset Commissioner, 173, 221, 226, 264, 613. Rob., 1463. Rob., co. Anglesea, 3089. GENERAL INDEX. 3467 Jones-cont. CA · ………. ..... ·· · • > Rob., Monmouth Commissioner, 172. letter of, 256. …………… "" Rob., minister, co. Oxon, 2877. Roger, London, 906. Marg., sister of, petitions of, 906 (2). other sisters of, 906. Roger, co. Merioneth, 3247. Roger, co. Monmouth, 2981. ....... wife and children of, 2981. Sam., clerk for co. Monmouth, 560, 2310, 2311. ....) " ❤ د. .... Thos., London, 2935. Thos., Monmouth Commissioner, 172, 755, 2850 ?. Thos., Llantrissent, co. Monmouth, 725?, 730, 3088. letter of, 627. ……………….., Wm., co. Brecon, minister, 1710. Wm., Boddington, co. Gloucester, 85, 508, 2649. ....S ……………… ..... • ………… > **** *) Thos., co. Montgomery, 3235. Thos., clerk, co. Northampton, 88, 1277. > • *** Thos., Salop, 1484, 1544. Major Thos., co. Carmarthen, 1826. Walter, petitions of, 2069 (2). Wm., Brecon Commissioner, 494, 517, 634. ..... ·E Wm., Nasse, co. Gloucester, 86, 1023. petition of, 2362. Wm., co. Hereford, 2708. Wm., London, petition of, 2118. Wm., Hardwick, co. Monmouth, 364 (2), 2406. wife of, 2406 (2). John, father of, 2406. ……….., Anne, Cecil, and Marg., sisters of, petition of, 2406. ·· ****} • Wm., Llanvair Kilgidin, co. Mon- mouth, petition of, 3111. Jopling, John, Durham Commissioner, 756, 758, 824. Ann, wife of, 3111. Mr., Somerset, 594 (2). Jordan, Capt. Elias, 1979. Johu, London, petition of, 2977. ........., Mr., Surrey Commissioner, 252. Jorden, John, Rutland, 2185. father of, 2185. ܝ܂ *** Joscelyne, Giles, 2751. Josse, alias Hayes, James, 861. Jowles, Hen., 2679. Joyce, George, solicitor to the Committee for Compounding, 770. Lieut.-Col. George, 1583, 1625, 1626. Thos., co. Bedford, 1582. or Juice, Thos., Kent, 456. petitions of, 2676, 2677 (2). ……………. > Joyes, Mr., co. Gloucester, 764. Joyliffe, Rich., 2091. Judd, Nich., 2773, Judge Advocates, 1561, 1687, 1807, 1911. Judges and Justices of Assize, 1168, 1734; see also Common Pleas and Upper Bench, Judges of, and Exchequer, Barons of. ………… Judson, Ralph, Cheshire Officer, 234, 1479. Juice, Rich., co. Worcester, 2867. Thos., see Joyce. Julian, Wm., petition of, 3036. Jump, Wm., 3097. > John, father of, 3097. Jumper, Christine and Mat., 3274 (2). petitions of, 3273, 3274. Mat., (late), 3273. ****** Wm., (late), 3273, 3274. • ...... ………….. Justice, John, 2843. Justice, Courts of, 1531. ... • *** > " orders in, 1426, 1427. Justices, Lord Chief, report of, alluded to, 1453. Juxon, George, 2428, U *** 2750. *** Kaines, Alex., 118. Katherines, Wm., 92. Kaye, John, Anne, widow of, 843. …………… · • High Court of, Act of, 445. *** Keate, Gilbert, 3118. Wm., 1501. • ·· ... Dr. Wm., Bishop of London and Lord Treasurer to the King, 902, 1531, 2369 (2), 2699. petition of, 2576. Keeble, or Keble, Rich., Commissioner of the Great Seal, letter of, 1599. John, son of, 2188, 3071, 3109. petitions of, 2134, 2154, • • *****) 3071, 3109 (2). Keeling, Edw., 1106. Keene, Fras., 1417. • persons tried by, 489, 1427, Major, 1087. minister, Devon, 503. ……………. Kegwin, Wm., 2866. Keighley, Hugh, 3177 (3). K > Eliz., wife of, see Jepson, Eliz. Nath., son of, petition of, 3177. Kekwich, or Kekewich, Capt. Sam., Corn- wall Commissioner, 171, 444, 661, 1504, 1505, 2003 (2). Wm., co. Leicester, 2615. Wm., Salop, 205. .... * **** petitions of 1505, 1507. T ? 3468 GENERAL INDEX. Kell, Thos., 2590. Kelland, Walter, 2955. Kellett, Rich., 2917. --- ** ... *** Mary. Kellond, John, 1878, 2809–2811. petitions of, 2809, 2810. Kelloway, Mr., Master in Chancery, 2161. Kelis, Robert, Viscount Kells, 43, 107. Kelsall, Hum., 1116, 2446. John, Mickle Trafford, co. Chester. 100, 1271. Wm., 113. Mr., vicar of Audley, co. Chester, 113. O ………. U ..3 .. .... ………………………. ……………., John, son of, 113. Kelsey, Hen., 105. .... • Kelshall, John, 61. • Col., Major-General for Surrey, 1011 (3). Kelson, Wm., petition of, 2376. Kemble, Charles, petitions of, 2432, 3144. George, 2824. "> > ... Kemeys, Wm., 3192. Kemp, or Kempe, Edw., 114. ………… ……………., report by, 1011. ·· •• Mary, daughter of, see Knight, ****** John, 102, 253, 472, 631, 1831 (2), 1832. > Kemphorne, Al., 117. ** • > Sir Garrett, 1242, 1960, 2735. Thos., son of, 1242. children of, 1961. Kempson, Mary, co. Warwick, 3198. *** Anne, wife of, 2824. Rich., son of, 2824. Phil., 3167. Rob., 2203 (4), 2605. petition of, 2303. > Sir Rob., 96, 114, 115. Rich., co. Warwick, petitions of, 3205, 3206. ………………….., Wm., 3229. Thos., co. Stafford, petitions of, 2082 (2). …………… 3229. Thos., co. Warwick, 2218. petition of, 2218. · Kempster, John, petition of, 2988. Kempthorne, Hen., see Leigh, Hen. Kemys, Nich., co. Monmouth, 2351. ... Eliz., daughter of, petition of, Sir Nich., co. Glamorgan, 1276. Sir Charles, Bart., his son, 128, (2), 808-810, 1173, 1276, 1858. signature of, 623. ... Kendall, Fras., 3192. George, 1242. John, Essex, 2282. Walter, 2240. Wm., 212. Kendrick, Edm., Salop agent, 268 (2), 280, 319 (2), 325 (2), 331, 332, 363, 365. letters or papers by, 267, 268, ……………………… 363. …………………*** John, Lord Mayor of London, 1623. Kennard, or Kenward, Fras., 3276. petition of, 1058. **** Rob., 457. Kennell, see Keynell. Kennet, John, Kent, 459. Kennett, John, co. Durham, 2044. Wm., petition of, 2970. Kennington, Thos., 931. petition of, 931. Kenrick, And., petition of, 2627. Matt., 1625. …………………** .... "" petition of, 2627. ****** Sam., petition of, 911. Capt., Kent, 2602. .. ……………… • *** Kent, Earl and Countess of, see Grey. Kent, Ant., 1092. • James, 458. ……………………., John, co. York, 3152. .... ..... Kenward, see Kennard. Kenyon, Rich., 2124. Wm., Wilts, 3169. Kercher, Thos., 106, 1119. ………… Kerisforth, Rob., coroner of London, sum- mons by, 3118. or Kerisford, Thos., 1023, 1750 (2). Kerr, see Carr. Kerry, Lord, see Fitzmorris, Patrick. Kerry, Dan., petition of, 2360. Kertum, Mr., the Queen's cook, 2537. Kessel, John, Cornwall, 3204. ****** .... Kestle, Edw. and John, 117. Kete, Edw., 2728. petition of, 2728. Kettle, John and Ralph, 101. Key, Sir John, 113, 879. Mary, 3099. Wm., petition of, 3068. or Powell, Thos., see Powell. Wm., 77, 995. .. • • > Keymer, Harrison, 1993. Keymes, Edw., co. Monmouth, 1959. Keynell, or Kennell, Edmond, 163, 181, 209, 228. Harvy, petition of, 2972. Keyues, Edw., Somerset, 1654. ... ? Alex., his son, 1654. ·· .... > Sara, widow of, 630, 1655, 1656 (3). LEA 1656 (2). ... " …….. > ....., petitions of, 1655 (2). ***** Sara, daughter of, 1655. other children of, 1655. Keyt, John, 2821. petition of, 2219. GENERAL INDEX. 3469 Kibe, Rich., 887. ****** wife and children of, 887. Kidd, Chris., 3130. John, 554. Kidney, John and Wm., petition of, 2795. Kidson, Hen., petition of, 2281. Kiffen, Watkin, Denbighshire receiver, 717. Kilby, Rich., 86. Kildare, Earl and Countess of, see Fitzgerald. Killigrew, Hen., merchant, petitions of, 3291 (3). Sir Hen., 117, 246, 1181, 1984, 3290, ... ………. J ·· U * *** > 督 ​******* Sir Wm., 92, 1557. Killingbeck, Isabel, co. York, 3130. ** Lady Jane, 1809. Sir Peter, 799,3290. ****** Sir Robert, 1301. Killinghall, John, 1374. · …… *> ……….. 2253. ******* petition of, 3290. Thos., 2119. Killingworth, John, 95. Luke, 815. ****** Kilmorey, Viscount, see Needham. Kilsby, Rob., 1650. Kilshall, Hugh, petition of, 2838. *****g widow of, 1301. Kilultagh, Viscount, see Conway. Kilvert, Rich., 2116. Rob., 2111. Wm., 1907. Edw., father of, 2119. "> ……………., Anne, daughter of, see Brooke, Anne. Marg., widow of, petition of, Kinaston, see Kynaston. Kindar, Hen., petition of, 2820. Kinde, Wm., petition of, 2580. Kinderton, Baron of, see Venables, Peter. King, the, or the late, see Charles I. King, And., 66, 93, 1686, 3285. **** Charles, Hants, petition of, 3031. Edw., co. Hereford, 2902. Col. Edw., Parliamentary Governor of Boston, 58, 2308. Hen., co. Bedford, 588, 1304. petition of, 1305. Thos., brother of, widow and *** children of, 1304. > Hen., Norfolk Commissioner, 172, 229, 622, 2323. Hen., Somerset, 2938. Dr. Hen., Bishop of Chichester, 452, , 2800. Hen., second son of, 2800 (2). petition of, 2800. John, co. Chester, 103, 1562. KANNA ……………………, John, Essex, 640. John, Hertfordshire Commissioner, 171. King-cont. .. N ***** • 4114 ** *** ·· John, Kent, 166. Philip, D.D., 1799. Rich., 3134. Rich., executor of Lady Seymour, 2147. Rich., Lancashire auditor, 361, 395, 448, 549, 1105. 10. → · PANDAA 5 **** ********* • > petition of, 1642. ****** Thos., Tim., and Alice, co. Durham, 2998. Kingland, Alex., 41. Kings-at-arms, Clarencieux, see Neve, Sir Wm. le. Garter, 1999. Kingsland, Major, Somerset, 663. Kingsley, George, 48, 102. …… ………………, Anne, widow of, 240. Wm., D.D., 934, 1453. Thomasine, 1632. husband and children of, 1632. Wm., Salop Commissioner, 256, 416, 584, 596 (2), 597, 617 (2), 630, 677, 683, 2472, 2639, 3059. letters of, 416, 447, 596, 2644. petition of, 577. •" ……………… Wm., Wiltshire Commissioner, 760. Mr., 3249. ... 3 .. Rich., co. Lancaster, 3240. Rich., Preston, co. Lancaster, 3258. petition of, 3218 ?. ****** Rich., co. Notts ?, 1348. Sir Rob., 362, 3083. petition of, 2711. ***** Sam., petition of, 3095. Thos., 1359. ·· ** > Kingsmeale, George, 95. Kingsmill, Lady Bridget, 93, 718. petition of, 1189. ·· ******3 Sir Rich., 882. mother of, 882. Sir Wm., 882, 2923. Kingston, Earl of, see Pierrepoint. Kingston, Charles, 1632. 1453. **** wife of, 1632. ******* ........., John, M.D., 1791. Damaris, his widow, 1452. George, his son, 1452. Wm., his younger son, 461, *** ……………………, petition of, 1790. Kingswell, Rich., sen., 1973 ?, 2574. } Rich., jun., 2574. ………………………♥ Kinman, John, 1709. Kinnaird, Wm., petitions of, 3044, 8045 (3). Kinnersley, Thos., 2010. Wm., 416, 2466. Kinsey, John, co. Chester, 121, 1163. children of, 1163. ……………. John, co. Hertford, 751. 3470 GENERAL INDEX. Kinsman, Rich., see Kynnesman. Kint, Cornelius, 3082. Kipling, Rob., petition of, 2671. Kirby, see Kirkby. Kirk, or Kirke, Chris., Kilsden, co. York, ………………* 2724. Chris, Rivaulx, co. York, petition of, 3178. ... • Eliz., 2069. George, 93, 119, 1469, 3291. Hugh, and John, his brother, Surrey, petitions of, 2255 (2). John, merchant, London, 1470. Lewis, or Sir Lewis, 1596, 1641, 1816. Nich., and John, his son, 1467. Rich., 86. Rob., Blaisdon, co. Gloucester, 2685. Rob. Taynton, co. Gloucester, 86, 2495 ?. • Kirkbeck, Mary, 547. Kirkbride, Bernard, 202. } Kirkby, or Kirby, Ann, 3138 (2). ……………………, Ant., 361, 370. · Rich., 124, 267, 268 (2), 333, 370, 1700. > ? > Step., 743, 2606, 2607, 2762, 3218 (3). Tim., petition of, 3046. Mr., Westminster, 93. ***** John, sen., 1574, 2075. 1704. Rich., 21, 1448, …………….. brothers and sisters of, 1448. ……………………., Rob., Notts Commissioner, 746. .. ****** 2155. " Thos., 3138, 3243. Walter, 2350. Kirkham, Eliz., 353, 3186. Rob., 88, 795, 1088. • ** Susannah, petition of, 2155. ... petitions of, 1698, 1704, 2074. Roger, his great-grandfather, ... ******* Anne. Capt. Gibbon, late husband of, wife and children of, 1088. Walter, son of, 1088. ******* Thos., Devon, 152, 498, 512, 1396. Anne, daughter of, see Saunders, petitions of, 2987, 2988 (2). ****** Wm., alias Porter, Isleworth, Middle- sex, 337, 349, 2411. ****3 children of, 337, 349. Wm., Westminster, 2667. Sir Wm., 2384. ****** Marg., sister of, 498. Wm., Devon, 152, 1469. Rich., son of, 2384. .. ……………………… ………………. ……………., Mary, daughter of, 2384. husband of, see ****** ******* Blount, George. ****** Kirkham, Sir Wm.-cont. Mr., co. Northampton, 795. Kirsell, Hen. and Rich., 2012. Kirton, Ant., 3179. Edw., 1286. ... Rich. wife of, 1286. ******* ……………………., James, Somerset, 3122. Joan, wife of, petition of, 3122. ………………………, John, 2147, 2152. ***** John, D.D., 102 ?, 3192. ………………………. ……………., Cath., his wife, 3192. Susan, Essex, 2963. John, son of, 2963. "" *** • " Kisby, Rob. or Roger, 1484 (2). Kitson, Cornet George, 388. ……………..) • · • 388. " ... ... ... ……………………… ………………, sister of, 561. Kittermaster, Thos., 111, 540, 2029. Knaggs, James, petition of, 2403. Knapp, Hen., 114. John, petition of, 1251. Thos., Salop agent, 319, 390. Knapton, Rob., 1755. ." Knaresborough, John, 2959, 3127. Wm., petitions of, 2197, 2198. ***** ' Knatchbull, Thos., 461. Kneebone, Edw., 117, 1981. Grace, daughter of, 2384. husband of, see Eastcourt, Knight, Edw., 791. ... .. *** , ****** ... Jane, widow of, petition of, **** John, 1482. Rich., 3257. Thos., 21, 176, 561, 2045, 3292. Lucy, wife of, 2045, 3292. ** children of, 388. ………………………, ………………, Eliz., wife of, 3292. John, Kent, 461. ****** (2). Isaac, B.D., 243. John, Bucks, 67, 3197. John, co. Cambridge, 3063. John, Dorset, petition of, 3292. • Mary, widow, petitions of, 2917 (2). Rich., 3213. Rich., co. Cambridge, 2900. brother of, 2900. > Rich., London, 2599. Thos., son of, petitions of, 2599 Rob., 1388. Roger, 119, 1424. Stephen, 114, 348. Thos., Treasurer for cos. Oxon, Berks, and Bucks, 12, 13, 782. Thos., co. Chester, 2831. ·· ******) widow of, petition of, 2831. Walter, Berks steward, 308, 480 (2), > 481, 593 (2), 601. GENERAL INDEX. 3471 Knight, Walter-cont. petition of, 591. **** Wm., co. Cambridge, 491, 539. Wm., co. Chester, 2144. Wm., Kent, 461. Wm., co. Lancaster, 1541. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1097. Mr., chaplain to Fairfax, 255. Knightbridge, Ant., petitions of, 3206, 3228. Knightes, Wm., Hunts, 539. Knightley, Andrew, 3192. ·· • *** **** *, ***** • Rob., Essex, 2862. Rob., co. Warwick, 3147. …………………… ………………, Eleanor, widow of, 3147. Thos., receipt by, 710. Knight-Marshall, office of, 289, 1257. Knighton, Thos., 1807. ………… Rich., M.P., 38, 47, 125, 1444, 1901, 2082 (2). "> ……………………19 ******* 2927. > . Knipe, Andrew, 976 (3). Ant., 203, 386, 521. …………………., John, co. Lancaster, 3198. " ……………………., Wm., Wilts, 3186. ……………………., Mr., Dorset, 118. Knivett, or Knyvett, Ant., Westminster, 3005. Thos., executor of, petition of, · " ……… 3005. Thos., grandson of, 116. petition of, 2962. Knollys, Elizabeth, Countess of Banbury, see Vaux, Eliz. • petitions of, 1806-1808, 2926, •*, Sir Philip, Bart., 421. Philip, son of, 2773. ******* Thos., Herts, petition of, 851. Sir Thos., 2962. ... Knollys, or Knowles, Edm., 3190. Edw., Hants, 106. , ……………… *** "} Nicholas, (titular) Earl of Ban- bury, her son, 3258. Sir Francis, 805. Sir Henry, Bart., 93, 799, 806, 6501. Thomas, his brother, 1065. ****** John, Kent, 1422. Kath., Lady, 106, 530-532, 2875. deposition of, 531. ... Tobias, 2690. Wm., co. Lancaster, petition of, 1281. ****** Ellen, wife of, petition of, 1281. Wm., co. Oxon, 996. Mr., Westminster, 93. "" Knot, or Knott, John, 2513, 2611, 2967. Thos., 536, 1359. Knottesford, Sir John, 1409. Knowler, John, 459. Stephen, 458. Knowles, see Knollys. Knoyle, Thos., 2764. Knyveton, Sir Andrew, 1578, 2283. Knyvett, see Knivett. Kyme, Nightingale, 93, 1371. Kynaston, or Kinaston, Anne, 1500, 3283. Charles, sen., 2184. Edw., 800, 1024. • •• …… C ·· ... 1 • > ...S 4 ECA > Fras., 761. George, 2814, Col. John, Governor of Dublin for Parliament, 2905. > • petitions of, 1862, 2469. wife of, 1500. Kynnesman, or Kinsman, Rich., 88, 1897. Kyrle, Wm., 87. • .. ** .. Laa, Wm., see Lee, Wm. Laberdash, Mr., Westminster, 93. Lacon, James, 1040. John, 2953. Rich., 1928. Rob., 2057. > Ralph, 764. Roger, 1024. Sam., petition of, 2529. Thos., 1034, 3246. > •, ***** ** N * >> ..... .... > ****** Lacy, or Lacey, George, 114. Thos., 2534. wife and children of, 1024. > • Eliz., widow of, 2905. children of, 2905. " Lad, Wm., co. York, 1905. Ladkin, Esau, 95. Lafield, Wm., 1953. Laibon, Wm., 124. Laighborne, Rob., 3256. Lake, Sir Arthur, 2369. Rowland, 1718. L ****** mother-in-law of, 1718. ……………. Wm., 105. Lady Anne, widow of, 270, 320, 321, 2369. ……………… sister of, see Smith, Dorothy. Edw., D.C.L., 111. Lancelot, 1357, 1358 (3), 2260–2262, 2873. petitions of, 1358, 2268, 2874. Rich., jun., Devon, 2968. Rich., Kent, 461. Thos., Essex, 966. Laken, Ralph, 2252. 3472 GENERAL INDEX. Lakin, John, 2008. Lamb, or Lambe, George, 1809. Sir John, 88, 108, 1514. Susan, niece niece of, ……………………., Rob., Essex, 2454. ·· ………. Susan. ………………….., Wm., Middlesex ?, 2160. Lamball, or Lamboll, George, Berks Commis- sioner, 517. letter of, 618. ………………… Lambarde, Thos., 461. Lambert, Charles, Lord Lambert, Baron of Cavan, 1789. Lambert, Major-Gen. John, 380, 496, 548, 775, 796, 812, 1012, 1762, 2036, 2771, 2852, 2853, 3117; see also cos. York and Durham, Major-General of. ...* as Lord Lambert, 773, 775. …., ………….., letters, &c., of, 746, 1732, 2577, 2896. .... soldiers of, 488, 490, 497, 508, 548, 2896. Rob., petitions of, 2902 (2). Sam., 1094. Lambin, Joshua, 2175. ·· ·· Thos., co. Durham, 2902, 2903. Wm., Cumberland, 2138. ******* Peter, 2175. Lamboll, see Lamball. Lambton, or Lampton, Hen., 28, 986, 1922, 2600. .... petitions of, 2037, 2592. Lady Kath., petition of, 1733. ………………………, Marg. and Eleanor, petition of, 2626. ……………………., Ralph, 1918-1922. ***** Rich., brother of, 1094. Capt. Wm., 67. " "" ...... ... see Hill, certificate by, 1917. petition of, 1922. children of, 1922. Wm., 2251, 2253. Wm., son of, 2626. ***** Laming, Thos., co. Lincoln, 1327. Lamont, Allan, 1978. Lampford, Tavernor, 117. Lamplough, or Lamplugh, John, 72, 124, 157, 202, 968, 2436 (2). 2253. Sir Wm., Bart., 304, 1917, 1918, 1922, 2393. ******* Anne and Marg., daughters of, *** endorsement by, 72. mother of, 968. > ……………. "" Thos., Cumberland Treasurer, 257, 811-814, 821. Sir Thos., 1557. Agnes, widow of, 72, 124, 3186. ………………………. ……………., Dorothy, daughter of, 1557. Lamport, George, Berks Commissioner ?, 533. Lampton, see Lambton. Lan, Thos., 106. Lancaster, Chris., 2725. ********* Lance, Abr., 2967. father of, 2967. Susan, mother of, 2967. Landahola, Ignatius, see Delandola. Landen, Wm., 2789, 2889. .. ... ……. Landon, John, 78. **** .. Lane, alias Walshe, Anne, 2326. Barth., 3275 (2). Charles, 2600. •• · U • ……………, Frances, daughter of, see Low- ther Frances. .. · J ··· .... د. ……………………., Montague, 1806-1808. …………. ... ……………… Marg., widow of, late Marg. Abbott, petition of, 2789. Edw., nephew of, 2789. ... John, 2527. Lancelot, 2725. Thos., 1782. > 2 + .... > .... 1808. > Edw., 1808. Hen., Bucks, petitions of, 2174 (2). Hen., co. Stafford, petition of, 3238. John, Hants, 106. John, co. Stafford, 89, 112. …………. ... >> > ……………. **** Agnes, wife of, 1807. mother of, 1807. ***** Rich., Devon, 153, 342, 432, 2060. ****** " ****** .." …… ………………, Dudley, widow of, petition of, · 2421. 2060. Rich., co. Northampton, 98, 2104. wife of, 2104. petitions of, 1807, 1808. Rob., father of, 1807. John, grandfather of, 1807, …………… 2925. 04 ……………. ****** Sir Rich., co. Northampton, 269. Sir Rob., 2421. Thos., 1768. ……………y wife of, see Stewart, Agnes. Thos., Somerset, 3197. Thos., co. Stafford, 89, 1424. Wm., clerk, Devon, 2924. ……………. John, Wm., Hen., Eliz., and Ellen, children of, 2925 (2). petitions of, 2924 (2), Mary, wife of, 2060. Amb. and Wm., brothers of, ****** ……………s " uncle of, see Upton, Mark. John, brother of, 2924. Rich., father of, 2924. ... > Wm., London, Oxfordshire steward, 437. Col., 2784. Lady, 479. Laneeve, Dr., Westminster, 93. Laney, Benj., D.D., 3115. ***3 GENERAL INDEX. 3473 Lang, Thos., Devon, 3175. Wm., 97. Langbane, Wm., 203. Langburne, Dr., 1529. Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, General for the King, 138, 243, 521, 587, 808, 985, 986, 1136, 1272, 2852. ……. .. • Wm., jun., son of, 1923, ……………, ………………, Jos., Rich., Marg., Mary, and Dorothy, younger children of, petition of, 1924. forces of, or persons serving under, 521 (2), 1123, 1256, 1867, 2524. Phil., Lenox, Mary and Anne, children of, petitions of, 2852 (2). Phil., 1923. A .... • > …………… ………………………, ………………, Wm., father of, 1923. …………… A ………… 1923. Langdon, Walter, 51, 117, 2244, 3298. wife and children of, 2244. Fras., brother of, 2244, 3298, 3299. • ·· " ני Langfield, Arthur, 3217. Langford, Charles, Salop Commissioner, 173, 180, 365, 527, 686, 735. • " .., Moses, 153. "" ****** ****** letter of, 191. Hen., Devon, 2851. Taverner, 2980. **** Langham, John, Alderman of London, 1592, 1593, 2839. "" Nich., petition of, 2043. Sam., 763, 764. 1 Marmaduke, uncle of, …………..> Rich., 98, 2970. John and Thos., sons of, petitions of, 2970 (2). Dr., 110. Langhorne, Rich., petition of, 2748. .... • petition of, 3272. > or Laugharne, Maj.-Gen. Rowland, 443, 1084, 1175, 1240, 1370, 1537, 1627, 2106, wife of, 1036. children of, 2106. Thos., Cumberland Commissioner, 285, 297, 304 (2), 382, 383, 821 (2), 3117. …………. > letters of, 267, 287. Thos., London, petitions of, 2855 (2). Langkake, Thos., 201. Langland, Rowland, 68. Langley, John, Salop, 1453. Jonathan, petition of, 2086. Mary, 3192. Mat., J.P., co. Oxford, 686. ………., Peter, 86, 2086. ………………….., Rich., co. Huntingdon, 90, 928. Rich., co. York, 3097. Thos., Hants, 1388. Langley-cont. •••• ………., Mr., minister, co. Chester, 1229. ...., Mr., co. York, 968. Langmire, Miles, 521. Langshaw, Rob., petitions of, 2666 (2). Langson, Rich., Cornwall Agent?, 433. Langston, Ant., co. Oxon, 2245. Ant., co. Worcester, 1613, - ··· ………., Peter, 1565. Wm., 1993. .... ***** Langton, Abra., 3151. ··· 3 3 ., George, 2600. " ………………. Rich., Lord. .. ... ·· • **** Sir Wm., Bart, 198, 1919, 1945. son of, 1945 (3). brother-in-law of, see Lumley, ……………… 1003 ……. Dr. Wm., President of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford, 889. Langtree, Thos., 2659. John, co. Lincoln, 1979. Wm., uncle of, 1979. John, London, 428, 2415. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2963. Wm., Berks, 1575. Wm., Salop, 1484 (2). Wm., Wilts, petition of, 2754. Ann, wife of, 2754. child of, 2754. *** **** ... .... ****** children of, 2659. petition of, 2659. Langworth, John, petition of, 2408. Ralph, 1117, 3105, 3134. Lanier, Nich., 2468. Lanning, Thos., 118, 271, 3089. Rich., son of, 3089. Mr., 271. Lany, John, 96. Lanyon, Phil., 2443, Lapp, Thos., Kent, 728. Larden, John, 103, 1200. Larder, Wm., 119, 1313. Lardner, Rich., 2500 (2). petition of, 2500. Laremouth, Mr., 108. Larke, Capt. Jos., Clerk to the Committee for Public Debts, 670. Larrance, John, see Lawrence. **** ***** Lascelles, Capt. Thos., 2872 (2). petitions of, 2872 (4). Lashbrook, Lewis, 1330. Lassells, Hen., 2038. Lastles, John, petition of, 3307. Latch, John, 1148. ... Thos., Gervase, and Dorothy, ………… …………… petition of, 1147. ***** Sam., 2264 (2), 2265 (4). petitions of, 2264, 2265. •• ******* Thos., Somerset Commissioner, 194, 309, 318, 353. 3474 GENERAL INDEX. Latham, Edw., co. Chester, 121. ………………….., Edw., and Wm., co. Lancaster, 3119. Edw., co. Stafford, 1836. • • 1..9 (2). " ******* ... .. ***** ****** , > ● > •> 2994. John, co. Chester, 121. John, Worcestershire Commissioner, 172, 348, 486, 586. > Rich., 778. Rich., Aintree, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3000. Rich., Parbold, co. Lancaster, 21, 3119, 3219. Thos., Essex ?, 2139. Thos., co. Lancaster, 3219. Wm., London, petitions of, 3262 (3). Mr., co. Lancaster, 2812. Mrs., 647 (2). **** *** د. Hen., 2994. .. ……………… Eliz., wife of, petitions of, 1837 Wm., son of, 2994. Lathom, John, co. Lancaster, 2861. Rob., 112. ***** Lathropp, Rob., 173, 180, 243. Lathwell, Thos., 1307. Latimer, Thos., 2679. ...) ****** Maj., 2581. Latin language, the, document in, 304. verses in, 2237. Latus, Ant., 2686. " Frances, daughter of, Rich., 1116. Wm., Cumberland, 72, 124. Wm., co. Lancaster, and Dorothy his wife, petition of, 3128. Laud, Dr. Wm., Archbishop of Canterbury, 67, 91, 1918, 1990, 2380, 2627. Lauderdale, Earl of, see Maitland. Laugharne, Maj.-Gen., see Langhorne. Laughton, Wm., petition of, 2199. Launce, auditor of the Exchequer, letter to, 507. Laundry, Roger, 2866. Laurence, see Lawrence. Lavers, John, 502, 1391. Lavington, Mr., 995. Lavor, Wm., Somerset agent, 3009. Law, Civil, Advocates, or Counsellors of, 977, 989, 1260, 1837, 1887, 3075. Bachelors of, 1567. Doctors of, 89, 95, 111, 1050, 1371, 1381, 1464, 1545, 1566, 1567, 1594, 1615, 2081, 2129, 3260, 3263. Proctors of, 1349. Professor of, 1513. , Serjeants at, 1120, 1510, 1546, 1562, 2139, 2514, 2524, 2954, 3071, 3208, 3213; see also Eltonhead, John, Wilde, John, and Rolle, Hen. Lawe, Abr., 2225. John, 583, 586. ………………….., Tobias, 1542, Lawes, Edw., 3257. • ·· Lawley, Eleanor, 1836. Lawmonth, Allan, 1085. ………………………, ………………, And., D.D., father of, 1085. Lawrence, or Laurence, Anne, petition of, 2734. · [7 *……………. D , ..." .... ……………. .., Hen., 197. Col. Hen., President of the Council of State, 715. letter of, 1725. ……………… "" James, 1993. ……………………, John, co. Monmouth, 3020. > ........., or Larrance, John, Middlesex, 539, 2660. .. Thos., Devon, 153. Thos., Wilts, 3047. Wm., co. Durham, 3182. 1692. Giles, 2612. > 5 ******* ………………………, Reuben, 98. Rich., 2533. Edw., Salop, 717. Sir Edw., 118, 1692. wife of, 1692. Rob., son of, 118, 240, 537, > "" • " Rob., 119, 1607. Thos., London, 197, 1625, 1626, 1714 (2). 2 " husband of, 2734. Moses, 3195. …………………ung Lawrey, Thos., minister, 445, 1432, 2048 (3). ………………………, ………………, petition of, 1432. ****** Lawson, And., petition of, 2508. Bridget, 547. ..) Northumberland, ………………………, George, co. Notts, 590 (2). Hen., 2636, 2747 ?. ………………………… ………………, Kath., widow of, 3192. > George, 1736 (?). > Thos., Somerset officer, 2137. Thos., co. York ?, 2012. Wm., 1430. ……………. petition of, 2636. ……………………… ………………, son of, 2636. mother of, see Morgan, Eleanor. Walter, son of, 3195. Col., Dorset, 144, 1658. Dr., 79, 3256, Mr., Wilts, 3154. 2636. ... • •> ………………………、 ………………, grandfather of, 2636. James, 3084. ………………………, ………………, daughter of, 3084. John, brother of, 745?, Kath., wife of, 2636. petition of, 2636. ... daughter of, 2636. 202, ******* grandson of, see Jennison, Wm. Jane, 3192. John, 1714. Rich., 106. GENERAL INDEX. 3475 Lawson-cont. .. .... ……………………., Wm., 2422. "S of, 3108. LA • Lawterhouse, Rich., 111. Lawton, Hen., co. Lancaster, 1912 (2), 2063 (4). · • > •• > John, Snape, co. Chester, 121, 996. ……………………… ………………, family of, 996. ·· +9 John, and Eliz., his wife, co. Lancas- ter, 2062, 2737, 3292. Roger, 3108. John, co. Stafford, 89. John, Westminster, 93. Thos., petition of, 1006. Wm., petition of, 3240. father of, 3240. Lawyers, or Attorneys, compositions of, 1197, 1211, 1259. Lax, John, 2947. גי ****** ', ******* ... Sir Wilfrid, 1670, 2687. Layburne, see Leyburne. Layton, Fras., 1005. ……………………… ………………, Hen., son of, 1005 (2). Wm., 2089, 3105, 3306. Wm., Cumberland, 1296. Wm., co. York, 2207. Mr., Westminster, 93. Lazenby, Wm., co, York, petition of, 3215. Lea, Lee, or Ley. Wm., Cumberland ?, 2687. Capt., 5. • Isabella, grandchild of, petition *** 3. petition of, 2062. John, Lawton, co. Chester, 112, 121, 1024. • Lady Dorothy, 3258. Edw., Treasurer to the Committee for Propagating the Gospel, co. Durham, 649. Ann, co. Chester, 1480. "} ***** petition of, 634. Edw., co. Durham, 2394. Edw., co. Lancaster ?, 1117. Fras., 3186. George, co. Chester, 715. George, Kent ?, 945. Gervase, 108, 1319. children of, 1319. ******* Hen., London, petition of, 2405. Hen., Northampton ?, 1415. Sir Henry, petition of, 1251. Sir Henry, Bart., 2235. *** Lady. James, 503. …………………., John, 3131 (2), 3213. John, co. Chester, 121. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2916. ………., Thos., father of, 2916. John, London, 996. 9 … ………………, petition of, 996. mother of, see Wilmot, Anne, Lea, &c.-cont. · ·· ** *** • …………………*** · petitions of, 2174 (2). **** .., John, Salop, petitions of, 2423 (2). Capt. John, Staffordshire agent and Commissioner, 249, 303, 316, 376, 389, 538, 672, 1430 (2), 1715, 2533. letters of, 316, 478, 483, 643, 728. Ca " .., Marg., co. Chester, 1480. Oliver, 89. Rich., Cornwall, 117, 336, 517, 2326. > ·· *** John, Rutland, 2174. ... " petition of, 1958. ·· …………….. Thos., co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2777, 2778 (3). Thos., London, 2090. Thos., co. York?, 946, 947. or Laa, Wm., Cornwall, 2895. > mother of, 2895. ***) Wm., Devon, see Leigh. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2520. ... ****** Luke, 996. * J……………) petitions of, 2418, 2419. Sir Rich., Bart., 417, 1005, 2113. Rich., son of, 1006-1008. children of, 1006 (3), 1007. ****13 Rob., co. Montgomery, 2117. Rob., co. Warwick, 3214 (2). petition of, 3214. return from, 740. د. ****** Thos., son of, 336, 517, 2326. Capt. Rich., jun., Kent, 460, 1686. Rich., co. Leicester, 2418 (2), 2420. ****** ***** Thos., 240. Leach, see Leech. Leadbeater, Rob., 108. Sam., 52. Leafe, George, 2254. Leafield, Major, 559. Leake, or Leke, Fras., co. Notts, 2586. wife of, 2586. father of, 2586 (2). **** Lady, 2359 (2). Mr., 120. Mr., London ?, 192. Mr., co. Montgomery, 296. **** **** petitions of, 1722, 2520 (3). father-in-law of, 2586. ******* ........., Thos., London, 389, 1215. Thos., Gray's Inn, London, 1357, 1358 (2). ..... Wm., Essex, 95. Wm., co. Leicester, 110. Baron [of the Exchequer], 96. Mr., co. Stafford, 89. Lean, Capt. Peter de, 1974. Lease, see Lees. petition of, 1358. Mr., minister, 937. Leatham, Thos., 3223. Leaver, Wm., 2787. 3476 GENERAL INDEX. ! Leche, Fras., 3256. Lechmere, Nich., M.P., 149, 873, 1255, 2299, 2867, 2870, 3056. ………………………、 ………………, request of, 486. Leckett, Fras., 121. Leckford, Sir Rich., 3179. Leckonby, Rich., 1654. Leech, or Leach, Dan., 784. Sir Edw., 2465 (2). • .. "" "" ***** ………………… John, petition of, 2125. John, officer to the Committee for Compounding, 56 (2), 81, 166, 174, 175, 178 (2), 200, 308, 311, 321, 340, 376, 382, 389, 399, 400, 501, 541, 630, 641, 678, 684, 691, 949, 1192, 1214, 1232, 1515, 1561, 2186, 2236, 2578 (2), 2669, 2670. certificates of, 664, 949, 1831, forged, 884. letters of, 39, 216, 568, 597, 753, 755, 771. ……………. .... ******, 2978. …………….5 · complaint of, 2465. Fras., 60, 507. George, 1384. …………… ... · letters to, 75, 98, 99, 104, 108, 119, 145, 154, 157, 158, 161, 164, 188, 205, 220, 233 (2), 251, 492, 576, 590, 592, 621, 632, 1231, 1668, 1911, 2134. made treasurer of the Commit- tee for Compounding, 640. ******* notes by, 159, 592, 1159, 1453. orders to, 76, 79, 159, 162, 166, • .... > 169, 186, 190, 199, 367, 379, 483, 639, 770, 1052, 1135, 1276, 1393, 1426, 1439, 1574, 1637, 1739, 1849, 1860, 2447, 3092. .. .... ……………… ." · +9 …….., payments to, 144, 668, 792, 807, 810, 813, 819-823, 826. petition of, 3217. references to, 1173, 1286, 1332. .... ***** ·· ……… ………………, report by, 199. *** ......, requests to, 1083, 1399, 1552, 1631. • salary of, 311, 363, 439, 564, 639, 640, 770. ***** John, clerk for Sussex, 2657 (2). widow of, 2657. ******* Rich., 98. Thos., Essex Commissioner, 673. Mr., Westminster, 93. ***** Ledgard, Rob., 2921. ·· Thos., Alderman of Newcastle, 429, 986, 1425, 1907, 2016. warrants to, 810, 824. Lee, see Lea. Leechford, Rich., 93. Leeds, Rob., 1540. Leek, see Leake. Leeming, Rich., 1720. Leerewell, Nich., 98. Lees, or Lease, George, 1117. John, 1560. ………………………, ……………., Thos., 1559. Leet, or Leete, John, Hunts treasurer, 346. petitions of, 473, 1080. father of, 1080, 1081 (3). Anne, mother of, 1080, 1081 • • • · • … ·· ·T · •• .. *** ·· ·· • " • 09 ** KEN [ Leftwich, Wm., 685, 687, 691. Legard, Chris., 380. Capt. Rich., 954. Legate, Thos. Posthumus, 96. Wm., 2800 (2), 2801 (7). petition of, 2802. Legatt, Susan, 2052, 2053. Legay, merchant, 735. Legg, or Legge, John, Bucks, 2541 (2). petitions of, 2540, 2541. ……………y (3). > "" ******* • ……………. • د. .....2 ... John, co. Lincoln, 1081. • •*, Legh, Rich., 217. Legon, Col. Wm., 796. Legray, Sir Rob., 96. Legrosse, Sir Charles, 1341 (2), 2325. Thos., son of, petitions of, 2322 (5), 2323. John, Wilts, 79. Wm., Kent?, petition of, 1680. Major or Col. Wm., Master of the Armoury, 1299, 1563. Capt., Westminster, 93. *****9 Lehunt, John, 1809. Wm., 1714, 2400, 2407, 2443. petition of, 1148. ..... Leicester, Earl of, see Sydney and Dudley. Leicester, Anne, 1006 (2). ...... S Peter, jun., 106, 121, 122, 1286. son of, 1287. Philip, Thos., and Adam, sons of, petition of, 1287. Leigh, Fras. [Earl of Chichester and], Lord Dunsmore, 48, 90, 96, 1498. ******* Eliz., daughter of, see Wriothes- ley, Eliz., Countess of Southampton. Sir Thos., Bart., alias Lord Leigh, 67, 96, 144, 1134. Sir Thos., jun., his son, 1134. grandmother of, 1080. ****** *9 ·S Ralph, 107. Rob., Oxon agent, 172, 194, 206, 242, 445, 570, 574, 578, 579, 588, 696. • Leigh, Bridget, 1090. "" Edw., 106, 1090. Lady Eliz., 3258. Sir Ferdinando, 1689. Sir Fras., 96, 728, 837, 2884. " Woolley, son of, 2884. Ea ..... (3). 2885. " > ****** ******* Eliz., widow of, 2884 (2). petitions of, 2884 Thos., son of, 2884 (2), ………………. ! GENERAL INDEX. 3477 Leigh-cont. • ... ** 1. ……… George, co. Gloucester, 86, 1431. George, co. Lancaster, 2898. Hen., Adlington, co. Chester, 1159. Hen., High Leigh, co. Chester, 100, 103, 106, 122, 349, 1175. *3 ***** ··· ... ** ··· • ......, Lady Mary, 803. • ..... • alias Kempthorne, Hen., Cornwall, 3042. .... * • .. 1 Mary, see Every, Sir Simon, Mary, daughter of. " > …….. ... > ……………………*) John, wife of. Peter, Alderman of Chester, 634, 638. letter of, 638. Capt. Hugh, 929. Hum., 1632. **** James, 395, 2504, 2564. …~ ………, Alex., son of, 2565. John, London, 2458, 2459. petitions of, 2459 (7). Sir John, M.P., 929. ..... ..... Nich., co. Chester, 123. Nich., co. Lancaster, 2625. ……………… .. 1692. Capt. Rich., M.P., 2053. Thos., 1117. ****** Sir Peter, 3004. 1067. > Phil., 2966. Ralph, 61. Rich., 1692. ………. Thos., sen., Adlington, co. Chester, > 122, 992, 1032, 1074. ……………… 1394. > ..... , .. *** 893. •• 893. "> ..... ... Alice, wife of, 2625. Ellen, daughter of, see West, Leigh-cont. ****** C ****** .. ****** Anne, widow of, petition of, Anne, or Anna, widow of, 1032, Capt. Charles, son of, 122, 123, Hen., son of, 122, 123. Peter, son of, 122, 123, 893. Thos., son of, 122, 123, 893. Mary, wife of, petition of, Mary, sister of, 894. grandfather of, 894. Thos., Derbyshire Commissioner, 647. Thos., Kent., 461. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2860. petition of, 2860. ****** Thos., co. Stafford ?, 1207. petition of, 1207. family of, 894. Urian, nephew of, 123, 124, ……………. ****** Sir Thos., co. Stafford, 89. signature of, 623 ?. Wm., co. Gloucester, 1982. Wm., Addlestrop, co. Gloucester, 2307. • *** ... …………. Leighton, Eliz., petition of, 2679. Harcourt, petition of, 2953. Leinster, Earl of, see Cholmondeley. ………… .. .. Leke, Francis, 1st Baron Deincourt, 59, 92, 107, 159, 503, 1356. Wm., cos. Northampton, Devon, and Somerset, 97, 498, 1417, 3087. د. • .. ******* 1357. ··· ……… ………………, younger son of, 1356. Kath., daughter of, see Morley, ………… 9 Nich., 2nd Baron Deincourt, 1356. Leman, Sir John, Alderman of London, 1312. …………… Kath. ... ma petition of, 3087. ..... "" Wm., Surrey?, petition of, 2884. Col., Adlington, co. Chester, 3253. Philip, 1531. Thos., sen., 114, 954. Thos., jun., 114, 1811. Wm., M.P., member of the Committee for Compounding, and Treasurer-at- War, 135, 560, 618, 620, 638, 823, 1312. letter of, 637. petition of, 1312. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1531. petition of, 1530. Leming, Hen., 909. ...... Wm., 2138. Mr., London, 465, 468, 488. Lemittier, James, 2030. Lempriere, Dr. Nich., 926 ?, 2330. Lennard, Rich., 12th Baron Dacre, Dorothy, wife of, petitions of, 2394 (3). ……………} ** 2 · > *****) Francis, 13th Baron Dacre, 1, 1533 (2), 1534, 1669. כי ……………AY petition of, 1530. …………… ... …………. ……………} Lenox, Duke of, see Stuart, James. Lenthall, Edm., petitions of, 2239, 3206. 1 A · wife and daughters of, 1356, } …………… Lady Eliz., 705, 3206. Fras., petition of, 1001. John, London, 2192. Sir John, keeper of the Upper Bench Prison, 923, 1020 (2), 1021, 1131, 1897, 2152. MANGAKARS **** 2034. petitions of, 1530, 1670. Eliz., his wife, 1670. petition of, 962. ……………… Sir Wm., Speaker of the House of Commons, and Master of the Rolls, 6, 9, 12, 26, 34, 39, 64, 223, 254, 255, 472 (2), 608, 829, 879, 966, 1083, 1123, 1147, 1278, 1564, 1757, 1782, 1969, 1970 (4), 2299, 2577, 2681. certificates by, 64, 1188, 1243, 1400, 1867, 2336. **** letters of, 200, 426, 1252, 1970, alluded to, 81, 82 (2). ………. > letters to, 302, 395, 660, 1052, 1082,1164, 1190,1258, 1311, 2286,2482. …………. 3478 GENERAL INDEX. Lenthall, Sir Wm.-cont. …………………., ……………., letters to, alluded to, 1394, 1518, 1587, 1609. notes by, 973, 1761. ………………………. ………………, orders of, alluded to, 417, 984. ……………………., ………………, orders, &c., to, 1296, 1707, 1843, 2133. ... ………… ……………… ** د. ………………………. ………………, reports, &c., by, 854, 884, 966, 2299. .. ********** **** "" warrants of, 914, 926. Lenthorp, Edw., 1431. Lentie, And., petition of, 2573. Leonard, Rob., 60, 100, 1143. Sir Steph., 3258. > Thos., 102, 1959. ......, papers sent, or to be sent to, 1917, 2133. Leppington, Hen., receipt by, 490. Lerkworthy, Ant., 98. ......, passes, or licences to travel given by, 879 (2), 885, 898, 1086, 1564. ......, persons reporting themselves to, 942, 944, 945, 1047, 1084, 1099, 1094, 1263, 1398. Lesing, Thos., 2765. Leslie, Alex., Earl of Leven, Lord-General for Parliament of the Scottish Army, 16 (2), 22, 1209. *** ………………………. ………….., army under, 18 (3), 19, 30, 32 (2), 304, 785, 892; see also Scots army in England. *** .... ** ****** > • **** • .. ··* ******* L'Estrange, Sir Hamond, 497, 701, 2690. •• ... ***** Hamond, son of, 708, 2690. children of, 2690, 2691. Letchworth, Hen., Cambridgeshire Commis- sioner, 606, 724, 3098. ... ******* letter of, 593. Letherbarrow, Wm., 2978. Lettin, Wm., certificate by, 150. Leughlin, Ireland, Baron of, see Brereton, ... **** · …………. Lord. Levans, John, 3130. Levellers, the, 196, 655. Leven, Earl of, see Leslie, Alex. Leventhorpe, Ralph, 1155. ., certificates of alluded to, 2581. intelligencer to, 1180. jewel sent to, 63. signature of, 1411. surrender to, 1085. Eliz., widow of, petitions of, 1152 (2). father of, see Palmer, Peter. Sir Thos., 3248. ******* ******* Lever, Mr., 1918. Levermar, John, 1632. Leversage, Rob., 1278. Wm., sen., 112, 121, 932. eldest son of, 932. ………………………. ………………. ………….., Dorothy, wife of, 932. **** Leversage, Wm.-cont. ………. ... ... .... .... • + ******* Leveson, Lady Anne, 89. ·· • ני • ... • ..... ** …………… Dorothy, daughter-in-law of Frances, daughter of, 932 (2). petition of, 932. ... ... > …………… ………… .. } " .. (2). .. .. Sir Rich., K.B., 89, 121, 990, 1027, 1453, 3246, 3264. Col. Thos., Governor of Dudley Castle, 89, 430, 483, 511, 515, 538, 1868, 2483. Frances, wife of, 511, 2483 (4), 2484. ***** Frances, daughter of, 2484. petitions of, 2484 (2). Levett, Eliz., petition of, 2527. Thos., Sussex, 1994. Wm., 982. father of, 982. (4). ""> **** ……………… ... …………… Leving, Capt. Tim., 2637. petition of, 2636. Levingston, or Levingstone, James, co. Cam- bridge, 3243. James, Somerset, 3243. Sir John, 2983, 3283. ………… ***** • ***** • ... Levitt, Arthur, petitions of, 868 (2). John, D.C.L., 2127, 2129. petition of, 2129. ******* ***** Wm., second son of, 932. nephew of, 933. > ***** Col. Wm., 3048. Lewen, Edw., 797, 1089. petitions of, 2483, 2484 children of, 2483 (2). Rob., son of, petitions of, 2484 ..... wife of, see Gorges, Lady Jane. Sir James, Bart., Visct. New- burgh, his son, 1530, 2983 (4), 3283. wife and daughter of, 2983. Thos., see Livingstone. " Lewes, see Lewis. Lewin, John, 2834, 2835 (3). **** Rob., Dorset, see Lewin. Lewins, Lewis, 1040. Lucien, 1143. .. Lewis, or Lewes, David Thos., 3073. Rob., Bucks, petition of, 1274. or Lewen, Rob., Dorset, 2200, 2338. petition of, 2338. Dr. Wm., 1615, 1630. Lieut. Evan, 302, 1714. petition of, 2303. ……………** Gilbert and Rich., co. Leicester, peti- tion of, 3155. Hen., 2350. ………………………. ……………., Joan, or Johan, his widow, 311, 2350. Thos., his grandson, 311, 2351, ... (3). …………………. ………………. ……...., petitions of, 2350, 3351 (2). Hugh, 772, GENERAL INDEX. 3479 Lewis, &c.-cont. ……………………., Hum., 250, 2082, 3293. petition of, 3293. John, co. Carmarthen, 1824. John Griffith, co. Carmarthen, 1825. John, Devon, 3073. John, Churston, Devon, 153, 2119. John, Hants, 385. ***** > brothers and sisters of, 385. John, London, petition of, 1395. John, co. Merioneth, 3247. John, co. Monmouth, 3186. ........., John, co. Radnor, 772. Capt. John, co. Lincoln, 3007. Sir John, 1395. Lodowick, 1826. 404 ***** • 4 ……………. ………… Rich, London, 1586. ....., Rich., co. Oxon, 3259. ………………….., Rob., co. Carmarthen, 1826. Thos., South Wales, 491. Thos., South Wales Commissioner, 578. 44444 • **** James, Essex, 306. James, co. Northampton, petition of, 3305. ', • > ވ. Marg., 1826. Nich., 392, 596, 639, 663, 714, 3160. > ... " Walter, South Wales agent?, 404, 427. Wm., 3041. petition of, 3041. wife of, 3041. ****** Dr. Wm., 282, 447, 531 (2), 533, 2693. Lewknor, Ant., 3256. ........., Chris., or Sir Chris., 216, 2573. ****** …………..,,John, son of, 531. ………….. " …., John, 1215. ******* Mary, mother of, 1215. Thos., 2044. Ley, James, 1st Earl of Marlborough, 1282. Jane, widow of [wife of Wm. Ashburnham], 77, 1282, 2732. deposition by, 866. children of, 402, 403, 531. ****** Eliz. and Frances, daughters of, petitions of, 2573 (2). Edm., 3197. Edw., 475, 476, 2369. …………… ... Mary, Countess of Marl- borough, his mother, petition of, 1783. Lady Eliz., his sister, 1783. Leyborne, Leyburne, or Layburne, John, co. Lancaster, 3179 ? petition of, 2570. ** ……………** *** James, grandson of, Lord Ley of Teffont, 77; 3rd Earl of Marl- borough, 153, 1783. ..... ..... ***** John, Westmoreland, 176, 585, 588, 3175. ……………………… ………………, Wm., son of, 3292. Leyborne, &c, John-cont. ………………………. ……………., Nicholas, Roger, and Charles, sons of, 3210, 3292. ………………………. ………………, sons of, John, their guardian, petition of, 3292. Thos., Westmoreland, 176, 2639. ………………………, ………………, Mary, wife of, petition of, 2639. Wm., co. Lancaster, 3210. Leyland, George, 1952. · ****** Leyning, Hen., 95, Libb, Ant., 3259. ·· …………. ***** ... ***S ► Licett, Wm., 633. Lichfield and Coventry, bishop of, see Frewen, Accepted. Earl of, see Stuart, Charles. ** John, petition of, 2598. Rich., 3088. Lichfield, Hen., Salop Commissioner, 751. ……………., Leonard, 3257. Lidcott, Col. Leonard, 797. Liddell, Sir Fras., 203, 3123. , ****** ... …………. Rich., 2655, 2656 (3). ·· ... > Jane, wife of, 3088. Ellis, eldest son of, 3088. Wm., second son of, 3088. petition of, 3088. Hen., co. Durham, 2904. *** · לי ..... Sir Thos., his son, 36, 803, 892, 1917–1919. Liggen, Col., Wm., 1317. Light, Stephen, 179. Lightfoot, Ant., 110. John, 1791. Ligne, Sir Dan. de, 1143. > 3175. petitions of, 2655 (3), 2656 (4). Hen., son of, 2905. ****** . Hen., or Lyddall, Northumberland, 892. wife and children of, 1143. ……………… Ligon, or Lygon, Hen., co. Gloucester, 87, ** Likey, John, 1728. Lilburne, George, late Durham Commissioner, 198, 998 (2), 1917, 2128 (4), 2129 (3), 2397. Eliz., widow of, 2905, 3175. Thos., son of, 2904. ***** Rich., 1536. *** ******* missioner, 1919 (2). wife of, 1917-1920. children of, 1917, 1920, 1921. Rich., brother of, Durham Com- statement by, 2127. Lieut.-Col. John, 808, 813, 1982?, 2239. family of, 811. Rich., father of, 811, 813. ******* ****** ******* Col. Rob., 197, 437, 590, 682, 761, 763, 774, 2337 ?, 2898. letter to, 775. ****** Capt., 540. Lillie, Thos., 2182. ܐ 3480 GENERAL INDEX. Lillingston, Hen., 1750. Lillington, George, petition of, 1633. Lilly, Godfrey, 769. John, 769. Limbery, Eliz., Chideock, Dorset, 3193. John, Middlesex, petition of, 1799. Limbury, or Limbry, Grissell and Mary, ………………y Chideock, 3193. ***** Limrick, Lancett, 87. Lin, Mr., co. Leicester, 109. Linaker, Hen., co. Lancaster, labourer, 2737. Hen., Cliff House, co. Lancaster, 3238. ·· Linch, or Lynch, Her., London Commissioner, 340, 400, 2800 (2), 2801, 2912. affidavit by, 352. > .. • John, sen., Chideock, 118, 3193. John, jun., Chideock, 118. Mrs., Stalbridge, Dorset, 118. ... ……………** ......, report of, 2800. Lincoln, Bishop of, see Williams, Dr. John. Earl and Countess of, see Clinton. …………. ... Lincoln, Wm., 1586. .. , • ... wife and children of, 1586. Lindley, or Linley, Thos., Notts Commis- sioner and J.P., 267, 557 (3), 633. certificate by, 450. …………… • ... letter of, 564. **** Lindsay, Earl of, see Bertie. Lindsey, Ludovic, Earl of Crawford, 91. Lindsey, James, 822. Rich., 1406. Thos., Scotland, 2996. Julian, widow of, petitions of, 2996 (2). …………"} ******* letters of, 383, 485, 527. ... Wm. co., Chester, 2546. Wm., London, 2554. Col., 2577, 2578. ……………, ………………, Eliz., wife of, 2577, 2578 (2). ………………, petition of, 2578. Ling, Nich., 537. ******* Wm., 539, 2960. ******* Lingam, Roger, 85. Lingard, Thos., 2749. Lingen, Eliz., 3054. daughter of, see James, Ann. **** or Lingham, Henry, or Sir Hen., Go- vernor of Goodrich for the King, 64, 140, 266, 356, 435, 771, 1525. Ralph, co. Radnor, 3054. Thos., son of, 3054. ****** Roger, 1886. Thos., 3065. widow of, see Morgan, Blanche. Lingwood, Wm., petition of, 3016. Linkhorn, James, 106, 3233. Linley, Thos., see Lindley. Linsey, Rich., minister, co. Leicester, 172, 177. Lippingcott, Fras., 1429. Lisle, Viscount, see Sydney. Lisle, Sir George, 1654. ………………………, Hen., petition of, 2254. ………. • ..... Lister, James, 2030. John, 1718. Martin, 2188-2191, 2254. letter of, 2190. John, Commissioner of the Great Seal, 20, 403, 435, 652, 695, 2306. letter of, 1599. ******* Wm., 464, 467. "> *** · ……. "" ... ***** Capt., 33, 3100. Listney, Jasper, 3251. wife of, 3251. Litchfield, Ant., 577. Litherland, Thos., 2726. • ·· .. ……………., petitions of, 2063, 3203 (2). Litler, Rich., 100, 348, 1136. Wm., 101. ·· · ****** • Rich., 761. Thos., co. York, 1068. father of, 1068. ......} Major, or Col. Thos., M.P., 156, 178, 181, 483, 501, 511, 544, 1004, 1503 (2), 1504, 2028, 2483 (7), 2646 (2), 3141, 3142. Little, John, petitions of, 3126 (2). Rob., 1494. …………………… > Wm., London, petition of, 970. Capt., 2969. ·· ******* Sir Mat., 211. Wm., 2646. Sir Wm., 28, 29, 38, 799, 2432, 2771. Col. Wm., son of, 38. wife and children of, 799. .. ******* …………. ******* Littleboys, John and George, 2088. Littlejohn, John, 153, 432, 3136. Littlemore, Thos., 101. ******* petition of, 2121. ****** .. …………, ………………, Dorothy, wife of, 2121. ... Littleton, Adam, petition of, 1622. **** DA father of, 1494. Thos., petition of, 2316. Mr., Westminster, 93. Sir Adam Poyntz, 944. Sir Edw., Bart., Lord Keeper of the Great Seal to the King, 89, 93, 249 (2), 690, 1550, 2080, 2484, 2485, 3293. Fisher, 2082 (2), 3293 (2). petition of, 2081. ****** Sir Hen., 750, 2898, 3252. ……………… Constantine, Charles, and Wm., brothers of, 750, 2899 (5). Jane, see Coke, Jane. Thos., 2030. Sir Thos., 61, 67, 75, 89, 280, 863, 1841. ……………………., Walter, D.C.L., 89, 1464. petition of, 2081. ·· > ******* Littman, Thos., 1286. GENERAL INDEX. 3481 Litton, Sir Wm., 2772. Livesey, George, 2726. ………………………. …….………., Lawrence, son of, 2727 (2).. petition of, 2726. "" > ...... Laurence, and Eliz., grandfather .. *** .... Ralph, petition of, 3199. Rich., 1994. Livingstone, James, 1st Earl of Calendar, 9, 4 ·· • Livingstone, Alex., 93. ..... ." Martha, 93. .. or Levingstone, Thos., 997, 3259. petition of, 997. Llandaff, Bishop of, see Owen, Morgan; Mur- ray, Wm. .. and grandmother of, 2727. Sir Mich., Bart., member of the Com- inittee for Compounding, 161, 1624 (2), 2482. .. Llewellyn, David, petition of, 2924. ……………………… CON ……………………., Rob., 721. .... 18, 19. George, Lord Livingstone, 924. ? Lloyd, Col. And., 1541. ... ·· · ………. .., Thos., 2178, 2179. • .. John, Salop Commissioner, 281, 751, 2071. John, brother of, 2197. ·· ………………♪ Charles, South Wales Commissioner, 747, 765. ... ·· Ann, daughter of, 2726. ... Charles, co. Montgomery, 2197 (2), 2199. Rich., 2204. Daniel, North Wales Commissioner, 173, 686, 687, 691, 692, 710 (2), 723, 726, 727. J } > ……………, account by, 692. petition of, 704. .... Thos., son of, 1718. Edw., co. Lancaster, Anne, widow of, 2522. Dr. David, co. Anglesey, 3132. Edw., co. Carmarthen, 1859. John, son of, 1859. ******* Edw., co. Fliut, 1718. .. , י Edw., co. Montgomery, 1293. Edw., Salop, 1401. or Floyd, Sir Edw., 803, 1724. "" Eliz., 2869. Evan, 1628. Sir Evan, Bart., 399, 1272. .., Fras., or Sir Fras., co. Cardigan, 3018. · wife of, 3019. Sir Fras., M.P., co. Carmarthen, 139, 140 (2), 392, 572, 622, 1084. wife of, 1084. George, 2750. ., George, co. Flint, petition of, 1719. George, co. Lincoln, 2351. ........, George, London, 2767. Hen. ?, 2352. 70358. Lloyd, Hen.-cont. " ···· ... · A ·· · ... **** • ******* Hen., 2352. ·· " . ·· ... ……………… ·· …………, ………………, Ann, wife of, 2178. Isaac, 326. or Flood, Isabel, 2836. ... ·· .... > ****** ·· Dr. Hugh, co. Glamorgan, 3211. · > wife of, 3211. Hum., co. Denbigh, 1759. Hum., co Glamorgan, 2178. *** ******** • .. James, 1009. John, co. Cardigan, 572, 1835, 3018. • ***** Hen., father of, 2352. ……………** Hen., co. Carmarthen, 1825. Hen., South Wales, 443. Hen., Surrey, see Flood, Hen. Howell, 944. **** John, M.P., co. Carmarthen, 1827. John, Frood, or Llangendeirne, co. Carmarthen, 415, 443, 1827. *** wife and children of, 944. ******* Hugh, co. Carmarthen, 714, 3113. Hugh, co. Radnor, 970. John, co. Radnor, deposition of, 556. John, drover, South Wales, 611. Kyffin, petition of, 2198. Lewis, 443. Luke, North Wales Commissioner, 173. (2). Hen., son of, alias Lumley, *** Phil., 1825. Rees, co. Brecon, information by, 3301. Marmaduke, co. Brecon, 443 ?, 3002 petitions of, 3001 (2). Sir Marmaduke, 139, 1174. …………… Rees, co. Montgomery, 227, 1905. Rice, 2144. ******* Rich., Suffolk, 2228. Rich., D.D., Jane, widow of, 2030. Col. Rich., Salop, 1500, 2030. Lettis, wife of, 2030. ………………………, Rob., M.D., 2165, 2316. petition of, 2316. Eliz., wife of, 2316. Walter, son of, 2144. ****** Sir Rich., 2030. Rob., 3186. Rob., co. Chester, 2546 (2). Rob., co. Montgomery, 2198 (2). ر. } ………. ******* Thos., Salop, 2030. Tristram, co. Flint, 1719, 2845. Rob., brother of, 2846. ………………………. ………………. ………….., Marg., wife of, 2846. ... ...... ་.. petition of, 2316. Walter, or Sir Walter, M.P., co. Car- digan, 392, 443, 572, 600, 1569, 1751, 3286. Bridget, wife of, 3286 (2). children of, 1752. U 3482 GENERAL INDEX. Lloyd, Walter-cont. • 40 C D 4. • • • ... .. .. ……………………… ……………., Rees, father of, 2176-2178. Wm., brother of, 2177. " "S ………………………, ………………, grandfather of, 2177. Capt. Walter, 2177, 2178, 3286 (2). Walter, co. Carmarthen, 2176, 2178. petitions of, 2176 (3). ......., Marg., widow of, 512, 2177- 2180. petitions of, 2177-2180. ..... ……………… •? ******* Mary and Kath., daughters of, 512, 2177 (2). • • ...., Wm., High Sheriff of Carnarvonshire, 146, 1842. •, ……………. 1842. ***** or Floyd, Wm., co. Brecon, 563, 571, 614, 634, 2732. Edw., son of, 3059 (2). petition of, 3060. *** Wm., Surrey, see Flood, Wm. ****** Mr., London or Bedford, 454. ………………, Mr., Suffolk, 96. > 1 > ... " .. …….. Wm., Salop, 3059. Loane, Lone, or Lowe, George, 103, 728, 1683, 3217. • · • Alice, daughter of, petitions of, .. Lobb, Rich., co. Cornwall, 3258. ..., Rob., 459, ... · Lock, John, 457. Thos., 1622. Lockard, Wm., 1243. Lockett, Giles, 119, 1361. ****** …………. father and sister of, 1361. Lockier, Wm., 1085. Lockington, Thos., 3243. Lockton, John, 1333. ........., Wm., 1351. Lockwood, Rich., 3229. ***** ******* ג' Trevor, his brother, petition of, *** " children of, 1683. Sam., father of, 3217. • Lockyer, John, 3042. Loders, Gilbert, 118. Lodge, Rich., 1024. Dorothy, wife of, 3230. Fras., son of, petition of, 3229. Math., son of, 3230. ……………. Lodington, Sam., petition of, 1890. Loesby, Thos., petitions of, 3021, 3022. ****** Loftus, Edw., 2nd Viscount Loftus, 2107. Jane, wife of, 2107. Loftus, Sir Adam, Treasurer at War for Ireland, 52, 128, 138, 185, 554, 782, 798, 814 ?, 2106, ...... letter to, 188. ........., Col., or Sir Arthur, 814, 1418, 2106. Jane, his wife, 2106. children of, 2106, 2107. petitions of, 2254,3230 (2). Loftus-cont. • • • .. Loggins, Thomasine, 3192. Lomax, Ann, 2057, 3006. 44 • ·· . .. London, Bishop of, see Juxon, Dr. Wm. London, Rob., sen., 113, 2780. ·· ·· ... ·· *** Londonderry, Earl of, see Ridgway, Weston. Lone, George, see Loane. ·· .. ·· 4 4 Long, George, Hants, 344, 1429. petition of, 344. George, co. Lincoln, 2649. Hen., Surrey, 1791 (2). Ann, wife of, 1792, • * .... • • • • .. • **** Nicholas, Deputy Vice-Treasurer for Ireland, 47, 53, 798. receipt by, 47. M • ・・ ****** ? { ·· •• Rob., jun., his son, 2780. "" ***** Thos., petitions of, 3198, 3199. Wm., Devon, 502. Wm., Norfolk, 3009. > ***** > O > ...) **** " 1 • ... כיי ******* · Lawrence, petition of, 3211. Oliver, petition of, 1789. Rich., petition of, 1923. "> "> ·· Rich., petitions of, 3100 (3). ور ………. • ***** ...... …………. " Rich., M.P., Somerset, 222, 226, 358, 936 ?. ... ******* Hen., Wilts, 3259. Capt. James, Somerset, 1496 (7). John, Dorset, petition of, 1633. John, Wilts, 502, 2696. Lisle, Master of Requests, 2490. letter of, 719. note by, 3303. Lislebone, 464. 1457. ………… Ralph, 1565. Rich., co. Gloucester, 49, 260, 1556. widow of, 260. U children of, 1792. Rob., 3257. Rob., Bedfordshire receiver, 227. Rob., Somerset, 83. Rob., co. York, 2105, 3293. Thos. and Rob., Wilts, 2696 (2). Sir Walter, sen., 1457. …………. petitions of, 1791 (2). **** ." Jane, his daughter, petition of, Rob., his son, 950, 1457. Sir Walter, jun., his son, 1457. James, son of, 1457. signature of, 623. Dorothy wife of, 1457. ... **3 • " Longland, Ald., sen., 104. Longley, Thos., 3136. Longton, Wm., 95. ·· • ……………… Mr., Westminster, 93. Longvile, Edw., 110, 3060. Longville, Hen., 3150. .... ง Loome, John, 457. Thos., or Sir Thomas, 67, 1293. wife of, 1294 (3). GENERAL INDEX. 3483 Loope, George, co. Hereford, 3192. John, see Loup. Thos., 118, 3143. Lord Chancellor to Queen Elizabeth, see Hatton, Sir Chris. Lord Deputy, the, 197. Lord General for Scotland, see Leslie, Earl of Leveu. Lord Generals, the three, 1003, 1089, 1411, 2229; see also Essex, Earl of; Fairfax, Ferdinando, Lord, and Thos. Lord; Cromwell, Oliver; Montague, Earl of Manchester. Lord President of Council, see Bradshaw, John; Laurence, Henry. PO of the North, 249. ……………… > Lord Treasurer for the King, Bishop Juxon, 1532. Lords, or Peers, creation of, 431. • • • ……………… ... …………… ……… ………………. . A ·· …………60 House of, 855, 1058, 1157, 1730. assent or concurrence of, 65, 900, 1495. " ******* ………………) requested by the Com- mons, 29, 39, 40, 125, 132. …….……….., assistants to, 1562. *****5 **** ***** 14. …………… L .. **** …………… cases depending before, 855, 867, 959, 1530, 2464. ………….., cases referred to, 877, 1838. ******* Committee of, see Sequestra- tions, Committee of. ...S **** ……………… > ·· deserters from, 950. dissolution of, 980. ******} gentlemen usher of, committals to, 846, 950. • ………. ……… judgments or injunctions of, alluded to, 1730, 1832. ****** members of, 317, 980, 1043, 1053, 1526, 1970, 2425. • > • לי **** ... > army, 80. complaints to, 1499. declaration of, 55. .. KATANY ……………. ******* ***** ****** > ***} 1506. ......, messages of, to the Commons, alluded to, 16, 872. ******* orders of, 846, 914, 950, 1074, 1247, 1344, 1465; see also Parliament, orders of. alluded to, 30, 1730. Commissioners with Scots' alluded to, 44, 132, 237, 724, 792, 980, 1499, 1511, 1730. ******5 ****** forbidden to sit, 1208. privileges of, abolished, Ordinances of, alluded to 42, 57, 143, 867, 905, 1030, 1139. ****** ………, papers hung up in, 1832. …, ……………., rooms of, allotted to the Com- mittee for Compounding, 161 (2), 162, 164. permissions given by, 831, 839, 1043, 1504, 1543, 1553. ………………… ………………, persons summoned before, 830, 831. petitions to, 832, 839, 1253. Lords, petitions to—cont. alluded to, 831, 966, 967, 1247, 1465, 1730. ………………………, ………………, prosecutions in, alluded to, 1506. references or recommendations ……………43 by, 839, 1252, 1499, 1539. "" Speaker of, see Devereux, Earl of Essex; and Montague, Earl of Man- chester. **** …………… ·· " Loreyne, Ambrose, 2416. .. .... ****** 2416. Anthony, 982. ... ***** Lort, Sampson, Sheriff of Pembrokeshire, letter of, 229. Lottisham, Oliver, 240?, 2527. ……………….5 ……………… mother of, 2527. Loudoun, Earl of, see Campbell. Loughborough, Lord, see Hastings, Henry. Lound, Wm., co. Lincoln, 1332 (2). Loup, Capt. George, co. York, 1674. or Loope, John, 119, 1439. ', Love, Andrew, 54. ***** ………… • ... ***** Edw., Stafford Commissioner, 564, 565. .... James, 460. Nich., M.P., member of the Com- mittee for Compounding, 135, 550, 1625, 2143, 2463 (3), 2479. Ralph, 68. Dr. Rich., see Lowe, Dr. Rich. > Capt. Thos, Deputy Governor of Holy Island, 903. KARA Jane, widow of, petition of, petition of, 2928. Loveden, Sebastian, 1788. Loveing, John, 2118. Lovelace, John, Lord Lovelace, 802, 804, 1188, 2167 (2). Sir Rich., his father, 1188. Margaret, his mother, 1188, 1189 (2). ***** .... ., ... 2008. Lovelace, Fras., 458, 2391. Lovell, Thos., co. York, 3259. Lovett, Mrs. Chester, co. Chester, 2182 (2). Loving, Wm., 93, 1813. ******* wife and children of, 1813. Low, see Lowe. Lowd, James, 2634. ... ** ****** petitions of, 2634 (2). Lowden, Charles, officer of Parliament, 662, 825. Lowe, or Low, Edw., 2008. John and Arthur, sons of, George, M.P., Wilts, 959. George, Kent, see Loane. John, Congleton ?, co. Chester, 3066. John, Rushton, co. Chester, 101 John, Denby, co. Derby, petition of, 2034. Ų 2 3484 GENERAL INDEX. Lowe, &c., John-cont. ………. wife of, 2034. ******* John, Hasland, co. Derby, 960. wife and children of, 960. ........, Fras., son of, 960. John, co. Lancaster, 2331. ………….., Cuthbert, son of, 3231. John, Wilts, 78. Lawrence, 2099. **** ... + • "" • " ג' •4 • ** , > 4* 2725. .. Peter, 3169. Rich, 1973. Lowell, Mr., 87. Lowens, Hen., 1304. or Love, Dr. Rich., 1246. ******* petition of, 1246. Roger, 420, 425, 2725. ****** ****** Lower, Alex., 109. ·· ***** ******* Thos., 2138. Wm., 123. Lowhart, Sam., 781. Lowman, Thos., petition of, 2162. 4. ...... ******* wife of, 2162. Lownes, Dr., 1597. Lowrie, see Lowry. Lowris, Marg., 3098. Lowry, or Lowrie, John, co. Cambridge, 233 (2). , Major George, 1053. Hum., Cornwall Commissioner, 171, 387, 466, 473. ***** Thos., minister, 216. Thos., Cumberland, 233. ******* Lowther, Sir Chris., 1st Bart, 2725. ……………………… ……………., Frances, his wife, 2725. > ***** ………. ******* Thos., 57, 117, 1082. Frances, widow of, petition of, 1138. "> " cousin of 425, 2725. 1138. his son, 99, 521 (2), 1024, 1137, 1687, 2725, 3265. • 氟 ​1137. petitions of, 1304, 1305. ********** **** ……………… letter of, 189. son-in-law of, 233. " 758, 762, 1024, 1137 (2), 3265. Sir John, or Col. John, 2nd Bart., SOUT ,י a Lady mother of, 1695, 2725. • • **** wife and children of, 1025. John, his eldest son, ******* ***** *** ******* 14 ***** Gerard, 1551. ** petitions of, 1137, Eliz., wife of, 1137, petition of, Elinor, grand- ......, Rich., his father, 1551, 1552 (4), 1835 ?. • ****** Rob., his brother, 783, 1852, 2624, 2725 ?. petition of, 1552. petition of, 2725. Lowther-cont. **** ………………… *** Lowthian, Adj.-Gen., 796. ** Lucar, And., 2872. Lucas, Sir John, K.B., alias Lord Lucas, 95, 96, 270, 315, 321, 799, 1439, 1822, 3280. 14. • *** **** • ** ... CA > ., Rob., co. York, 2244. ***** Wm., co. York, 1040, 2432 ?. ** ... Lucas, Dan, Essex agent, 270. Edw., 78, 3192. Eliz., 95. …………………., Hen., 2078, 3044. ... +1 petitions of, 1822 (2). mother of, 270, 1439. ……………… Ann, Lady Lucas, his wife, 2880, 2881. petitions of, 2880, 2881, ... 3025, 3126. Sir Charles, his nephew, 95, 96, 1821, 2671. ****5 **** • ↓ Sir Gerard, 362, 817, 818. Lancelot, Westmoreland, 521. Lancelot, co. York?, 3135. Rich., co. York, 3135. petition of, 1926 ?. *** ·· ******* Abraham, father of, 1110. Sir Thos., 95, 1675, 2338. ... ………………………, ………………, Anne, widow of, 2339 (5). petition of, 2338. *** • Timothy, 1330. Wm., co. Chester, 123. Wm., Sussex, 3197. Luckins, Rich., petition of, 2172. Lucy, or Lucie, Lucas, 523, 2938. deposition of, 523. Sir Rich., Bart., 2497. *** ****** Anne. ****** *****> **** ******* petition of, 3044. John, Devon, 1382. John, co. Lancaster, 2364. mother of, see ***** **** Rich., 935. Thos., 1110. **** ………………} • *** ***** petitions of, 2496 (2). Lady Constance, his mother, daughter of, see Whitney, "3 or Lucey, Wm., D.D., brother of, 320 (2), 485, 2496, 2497, 2766. 2 Rob., co. Warwick, petitions of, 2817, 2818 (2). ****** 2496. Spencer, 43, 1243. Sir Spencer, 105. Luddington, Stephen, 3037. **** …………………………., Anne. Dickenson, Walter, 3186. Ludkin, Thos., 2352. ………….., Joan, widow of, 2352. Ludlow, Col., or Lieut.-Gen. Edm., M.P., 169, 255, 261, 353, 941, 1073, 1539, 1644, 2172. GENERAL INDEX. 3485 Ludlow, Col. Edm.-cont. letter of, 372. petition of, 1644. Major Wm., Wilts Commissioner, " 172, 372, 755, 760, 762. ... letter of, 654. ***** Lufton, Charles, 2752. Lugger, Nath., 3025. Luke, Sir Sam., 51, 53, 800. Lukeupp, Bryan, 1272. Lumley, Rich., 1st Viscount Lumley, 29, 105, 915 (4), 916, 920, 1945 (2), 3170, 3263. ... ………. > ... **** ..... ..... Lumley, Hen., see Lloyd, Hen. John, petition of, 2501. Sir Martin, 1666. .... ·· ***** "" ... > ... Lunatics, or Idiots, 1843, 2068, 2136, 2312, 2371, 2542, 2714, 2849, 2923, 2939. Lund, Ellen, 1952. **3 ··· Lunsford, Sir Thos., 1243. Luntley, John, 1217, 2761. children of, 1217. petitions of, 1181 (2). Frances, his wife, 921. John, his son and heir, 920. wife of, 921. ***** Lupton, Stephen, 756. Lieut. Thos., petitions of, 1267 (2). Luscombe, Hen., Devon, 2968. Lusher, Hen., 2546 (2), 2547, 3176. Lushington, Rob., 459. Luston, Dr., 110. ………………. Fras., 2686. Thos., 2993. Lutley, Adam, 398, 417, 743, 2471, 2931, 3179. Lutton, Wm., 2117. Luttrell, George, J.P., 83. warrants by, 83 (2). Lyddall, Sir Fras., see Liddell. Lye, John, 310. wife of, 310. Lygon, see Ligon. Lyming, Rich., co. Lincoln, 3257. Lynch, see Linch. Lyne, Hum., 3173. Lynes, John, 115. Lynn, George, Herefordshire steward, 555, 650, 651, 653. husband of, 1952. ..... ****** ………………3 John, petition of, 1639. John, Essex, 592, 728, 1937, 2772. John, co. Northampton, 42, 88, 1352. Wm., 2001. letter by, 651. note or deposition by, 647, 649. * Lynnaker, John, 3182. Lynsy, John, co. Cambridge, 2350. Lyon, Gabriel, 1316. *****………. " Mabbott, Gilbert, 810, 1117, 3106. petitions of, 2715 (2). Mr., clerk of the House of Commons, 784. …………. " ... 带着 ​Macclesfield, Peter, 90, 3135. ………………, Michael, brother of, 3135 (2). Macdonnell, Randall, Earl of Antrim, 67, 79, 88, 91 (2), 109, 208, 255, 495, 511, 2182-2184, 2188, 2266, 3261. wife of, see Villiers, Kath. Machell, Lancelot, 203. Wm., 1575. brother of, 1575. ……………… ... •• " ***** Machen, Rich., 2528. …………………y ..... John, son of, 2528. Machyn, Rich., 3259. Macie, David, 1813. "" Maximilian, 1813. wife of, 1813. Mackworth, Sir Fras., 88, 3154. Gustavus, 3254 (2). "> Thos., petition of, 2063. **** "y ……… > 706. > ………………. Dorothy. Col. Hum., Governor of Shrewsbury and Commissioner for Salop, 256, 463, 713, 2949. M "} ر. .. *** widow of, see see Grey, Lady Rob., 2304. .., Thos., 1625. Thos., London, petition of, 2949. Thos., Salop, 3298. Col. Thos., 831, 1706, 1776. ……………………, ………………, reports by, 1776, 3211. Sir Thos., Bart., 88, 801, 1605. Maddick, Hen., 153, 2236. Maddison, Ant., 2276. Hum., jun., M.P., letter of, 706. Neale, 89, 1757. Peregrine, 88, 3154. certificates by, 447, 630. letters of, 157, 173, 180, 223, ……………… Maddock, Rich. and Frances, 104. Maddocks, Hester, petitions of, 2339 (2). Hum., 981, 982. petition, &c., of, 981 (2), 982. Sir Ralph, petition of, 227. John, 1220. Rob., 2663. 3486 GENERAL INDEX. 2 Maderne, or Mather, John, 2796 (2), 2797 (3). ... petition of, 2797. Madock, Jo., Mayor of Gloucester, letter of, 85. ·· ****** Madox, John, 1737. Madrin, Thos., North Wales Commissioner, 173, 183, 770, 1599, 1602 (3). ·· ... Magent, Thos., 1410. Maghull, Ellen, 3000. Maidstone, or Maidston, Capt. John, Essex Commissioner, 171, 514, 565, 636, 728. letters of, 204, 396, 504, 519. ... > ·· petition of, 703. signature of, 565. ..... ...**** Maidwell, or Maydwell, Godfrey, 2908. > Lawrence, Receiver to Lord Fairfax, 302, 318, 722, 2395-2397, 3243. ……………………………., petitions of, 2396 (2), 2397 (2). .. ·· ………………………. ……………., statements by, 2395-2397. Tobias, 1565. ... > Mainwaring, Manwaring, or Mannering. Elisha, 100, 1354, •" ……………………., Hen., 2094. " ? ..... "" ******* **** • ****** **S ……………………, ………………, request by, 22. .... signature of, 76. .... > letter of, 644. summons by, 1600. Thos., co. Carmarthen, 1824. ........, Thos., Bostock, co. Chester, 121, 349, 1179. Thos., Wiche Malbanke, co. Chester, 2548. " ... John, Randall, George, Maria, and Sarah, children of, 3118. Col. Rob., 2689. ... ………………, petitions of, 2093 (5). Sir Hen., 2894. John, 2567. Marg., 2825. Martha, 2989. petitions of, 2989 (3). Peter, jun., 121, 348, 1943. Col. Randall, 22, 776, 876, 3118. ……………………, ………………, son of, 1286 .... Lady, 761. ……… ………………, petition of, 2547. Thos., London, 3281, 3282 (3). petition of, 3281. Sir Thos., Berks, 1179. Wm., 1722, 2825. Sir Wm., 1287. Dr., 109, 1286. son of, 761. Maisterson, Thos., 100, 103, 1272. • *5 Mary, wife of, petitions of, 1272 (2). ...... ****** children of, 1272. Maitland, John, Lord Maitland, 31; 2nd Earl of Lauderdale, 31 (3), 2978, J Major, Hen., Somerset, 659. ▸ Major-Generals, the, 919; see also Fleetwood, Sir Charles; Whalley, Edw.; Bark- stead, Col. John; Butler, ; Goffe, Col. Wm.; Worseley, Col. Charles ; Berry, Col. Jas.; Desborough, John ; Kelsey, Col.; Skippon, Phil.; Dawkins, Rowland; Lambert, John. letter to, 873. Malanus, John, 2775. Malbon, Thos., certificate by, 161. letters of, 135, 174. Malborne, Prudence, 2304. Malcot, David, 2762. Malet, Mary, see Mallett. .... • ………… · Maleverer, or Mauleverer, Col. James, 2241. petition of, 2241. • … ·· • ………… • ..... "" ******* Col. Thos., 813, 818. ***** Malham, Col. or Sir Fras., 1748, 1788. Malin, Mr., 2004. "" ·· Malkyn, John, 112. Mallett, or Mallet, James, 3114. or Malet, Mary, 118, 1018. Mich., 1512. Sir Thos., 1511. ………………………. ………………, John, son of, 1511. ... > Mallock, or Mallack, Art., 1714, 2570 (3). petition of, 2570. *** John, 1573, 1574 (6). .." *** • ******* Rob., 118. Roger, 1371. Mallory, or Mallorie, John, 33, 3145. כי ·· · • 2 John, petition of, 3208. Rich., 2517. > "" ... ." "" • ……………. …………. " Col. John, 211, 380. Sir Rich., 2030. • " …………… •U •, ******* ******* Sir John, 113, 1008, 2040, 2207. Wm., father of, 1008. Rich., 107, 348, 1994. Thos., Dean of Chester, 121. wife of, 121. Rich., son of, 121. Thos., co. Chester, 107. Thos., Northenden, co. Chester, 123. Wm., 1958, 1986, 2243. .... Sir Thos., father of, 2030 (2). Wm., uncle of, 2030. Madaga ........., Col., Malson, Edw., 2304. Maltby, Wm., 2705. Man, see Mann. Manaton, or Mannaton, Amb., M.P., 117, 1082. petitions of, 1574 (4). borough, Alice. wife of, 1084. ****** ……………………., Pearce, 117, 522, 2936. Col., 1119. 2936. Alice, daughter of, see Al- • Rich., brother of, petition of, Sampson, father of, 2936. GENERAL INDEX. 3487 Manby, George, 2610. Wm., 2769. *** Manchester, Earl of, see Montague, Edw. Mancknowles, Hen., 2729. .. Isabel. Manditt, Rich., 778. Manger, John, 344. Mauley, Fras., 1675. .. .. …………▼ ·· **** ··· # "2 ... .. "" 11 Capt. John, farmer of the Letter Office, 826. John, co. Bedford, 2082, 2083, 2571. petitions of, 2082 (2). father of, 2082. > .. > ...... ******* Willoughby, 89, 996. Mann, or Man, John, Essex Commissioner, 171, 201, 270, 321, 435, 561, 673, 728, 2643. • letters of, 492, 740. petition of, 703. *** ……………………., John, co. Gloucester, 87. • ... ******* ** ****** ……………………., Thos., petitions of, 1907, 2735. Tim., signature of, 623. Wm., Barmborough, co. York, 3099. Wm., Bramley, co. York, 1576. son of, 1576. ******* John, London, 571, 1118, 1625. Marg., 93. Ralph, 101. Thos., Surrey, 780. Thos., Westminster, 1582. Eliz., daughter of, 1582. *** *** "> Mannaton, see Manaton. Mannay le Covering, Fras., 2260, 2264-2266, 2370. .. petitions of, 2265 (2), 2266. wife of, 2264, 2370. Fras., son of, 2260, 2264, 2265. ..... Mannering, see Mainwaring. Manners, Francis, 6th Earl of Rutland, 1081. > children of, 2729. Isabel, sister of, see Whittacre, Sir Wm., 459. Capt., 811. Mr., co. Leicester, 673. ……………………… ******* 19 ·· ….. ………….., Cecily, Dowager Countess of Rutland, widow of, 109, 191, 362, 1616, 2189, 2192, 2734. 1 daughter of, see Villiers Kath., Duchess of Buckingham. George, 7th Earl of Rutland, 1957. Frances, widow of, petition of, 2735. ******* · letter of, 218. ………………………, ………………, receipt by, 83. John, 8th Earl of Rutland, 26, 63, 80, 219, 229, 239, 245, 254, 256, 278, 281, 714, 756, 757, 2063, 2183, 2321. ** **2 John, Lord Roos, his son, 1516. Lady Grace, 270, 325, 1515, 2257. ********** Manners, Roger, co. Leicester, 2044. ..., Roger, co. York, 2682. Manney, Sir John, 102. Manning, Edw., 2631. Hen., 2649. Ranulph, 3258. ******** Rich. and Anne, 2631. Wm., Berks, 2835. Mannock, Sir Fras., Bart, 90, 277, 379, 402, 410, 539, 702, 2230, 3306. → 1 +++ """ .." "" ··· or Saunders, Anne, 3306. Mansell, or Maunsell, Sir Ant., 861. Bussy, letter of, 747. Capt. Edw., 1825. Eliz., petition of, 2674. Hen., 1770. .. ***** .... ** ·· > +3 ..... ……………… · > ? ****** ··· • John, Essex, 3153. Wm., Norfolk, 2845. Rob., son of, 155. Capt.-Lieut. John, 155, 386 (2), 394, 412 (2), 818. ** > Sir Walter, Bart., 861. Mansfield, Viscount, see Cavendish. Mansfield, Sir Edw., 66, 560, 697, 700. 1842, .. 2979. Eliz., 102, 2122. Hen., 3217. Nich., petition of, 2479. Mansuer, Rich., 1492 (3), 1967. ………………………, ………………, petition of, 1492. Sybilla, petition of, 1492. former husband of, 1492. children of, 1492. Manwaring, see Mainwaring. Manwick, John, 1850. Manwood, Jerome, 2770. Maplesden, or Maplisden, John, 459, 2309. Maplisden, Edw., 459. > J., Exchequer Commissioner, 744. John, co. Gloucester, 514. John, co. Northampton, 155. ……………… " Rich., co. Gloucester, 87. signature of, 623 ?. Rich., co. Oxon, 2352. Step., 1015. Marbury, Thos., J.P., 377, 629, 685, 775. certificate by, 629. ***** *> **** Marcer, Eliz., 3013. …………… John, brother of, Suffolk, 2845. AROUN 3013. ………………> ? Aa [1 ******} son of, 3013. sister of, 3013. · ******** Thos., petition of, 2573. March, see Marsh. Marchinfield, Wm., 33. Marden, Gab., 1625 (2), 1745. Mardin, Fras., see Morden. Maret, Charles, Jersey Receiver, 2330 (2). petitious of, 2331, 2332. Margetts, Lewis, 93. Alice, wife of, 3013. ******* Wm., grandson of, petition of, ***** 3488 Margison, Rich., 1143. Marham, Thos., petition of, 1530. Marindall, Peter, 3306. Mark, George, 2533. James, 117. .. "" Markendale, John, jun., 2680. * > ...... Markes, Rob., 1994. Markets or Fairs, tolls of, 995, 1108, 1982- 1984. Markett, John, 1378, 2415. Markindale, John, 615. Markinfield, Capt. Thos., 33. Markham, George, 532. Thos., son of, 532. other children of, 532. ……………………., Gervase, 1569, 1855 (2). *** ******** ... ...s 1855. Jane, widow of, 1569. ... John, Notts and Westminster, son of, 108, 1569. John, Hen., and Fras., sons of, Rob., son of, 108, 1569. John, co. Durham, 256. ? ***** wife and children of, 256. Sir Rob., co. Lincoln, 1044. Thos. 2107, 2108 (2), 1890. Ursula, widow of, 1890. Markland, Capt. Gerard, petition of, 173. .... ……………… Marks, John, 105. Marlborough, Earl and Countess of, see Ley. Marler, John, Essex, 3221. Marley, Hen., 552. Marlow, Sir John, 3005. ……………… · Marque or Reprizal, letters of, 3082 (2). Marriott, Simon, 2583. • •* Mr., 2468. Marrow, Col., 2914. Jane, widow of, 61, 100, 103. petition of, 2914. Marsden, Rich., co. Lancaster, 2778. petition of, 2597. Marsh, or March, Eliz., 2159, 2162. Fras., Middlesex, 2159, 2160. Fras., Somerset, 2633. Fras., Sussex, 3197. ….. "" ******* • ·· • petitions of, 2680 (3). wife of, see Eure, Mary. .. GENERAL INDEX. **** ." .. …………… .., John, Kent, 2853. George, 2894. John, Commissioner for Scilly Ar- ticles, 2930. John, London, 2159, 2160. John, Yorkshire officer ?, 1003, John, Barnsley, co. York, 2577, 2578 petition of, 2577. **** Lieut. John, Westminster, 573. ……….. 3213 (2). A petitions of, 1281, 3010, wife of, 573. Philip, 2617. Marsh, &c.-cont. Rich., Clerk of the Merchant Tailors' Company, petition of, 2191. ........., Rich., Middlesex ?, 684, 2019, 2160, 2161, 2162. • ****** Rich., D.D., 3293. wife of, 2019. ……………NUA ... "" ........., Stephen, Herefordshire agent? 64, 637. Stephen, Isle of Wight, 2617. 44 ***** • 11 A ..... …………… ………………, receipt by, 637. * .... " ·· KANADY ... •• Thos., Kent, 460. Wm., Earl of Arundel's steward, 2464, 2466-2468, 2479 (2). petitions of, 2466 (2). ·· ******* Wm., co. Lancaster, 2825.. ... ……… ………………, Kath., mother of, 2825. ……………………., ……………., John, brother of, 2825. Wm., London, 1609. Dr., Wilts, 79. " ... • Thos., cashier to the Treasurers-at- war, 637, 638. ·· ... ... Marshall, George, Northumberland, petition of, · > (4). ....…… 3 ... , .... ., 1102. George, Wilts, 3052. Hamlet, D.D., 96, 2008. > Thos., Devon, 152, 367, 2948. > , .. 2858. petitions of, 2159, 2160. "" > " Hen., co. Durham, petition of, 999. Hen., co. York, 2857. •> James, 54, 788 ?. John, Solicitor for the State, 2604. John, Devon Commissioner, 198, 210, 219, 258. John, co. York, 2061. Rich., London, 3079 (2). John, son of, petitions of, 2948 **** ******* ..... ..., Stephen, minister, Essex, 790, 1075. Wm., and Ann, his widow, Dorset, 119, 1424. ***** wife of, 2948. Wm., co. York, 1125. Marsham, Ferdinando, 1582. John, Kent, 102, 1439. John, London, 1361–1363. A Anne, widow of, 2857, 2858. petition of, 2857. Sam., brother of, petition of, petition of, 2807. f *** Rich., co. Notts, 108, 1343, Rob., 1193. A ******* petitions of, 1362, 1363 (3). Thos., 2 (2), 117, 612, 778 (2), 779 > (2), 1361, 2063 ?. son of, 612. Marston, Fras., 2763. ******* petition of, 2399. ……………….., John, 3083. *** " petition of, 3083. Matt., 3182. Wm., petitions of, 2174 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 3489 Marthus, Simon, 1645 (2). Martial Law, see Courts Martial. Martin, Marten, or Martyn. Ant., 2966. Benj., 2225 (4). .. • • ·· • > ****) "" ..... • Chris., Devon, 152. Chris., co. Lancaster, and Marg., his wife, petition of, 3236. Sir Chris., 384, 2226 (2). ***** ... ور , י ... U 9 ..... Dr. Edw., Master of Queen's College, Cambridge, 95. .... , ..) ****** " ,,, ••• • *** *** > , *** ... **** **** • د. ... …………. > ……………… petitions of, 2226 (2). wife of, 2226. ..... > Edm., Westminster, petition of, 2477. Edw., 75, 197, 1102, 2005, 2112. ****** petitions of, 2223, 2224 (2). Eliz., petition of, 1465. George, 1372. Hen., M.P., letter of, 524. Hen., co. Lincoln, 1384. Col. Hen., 2577, 2578. ·· · .. ******* Isaac, 205, 2793. alias Ainscoe, John, see Ainscoe. John, Plymouth, Devon, 1385. John, Yarcomb, Devon, 502, 1399. John, co. Notts, 1743. Jos., 1387. Matt., co. Lancaster, 3167. Matt., Oxon Commissioner, 757. Nicholas, Bucks Steward, 208. Sir Nicholas, M.P., 1878. Phil., 2955. Rich., co. Lancaster, 2821. Rich., Somerset, 1632. Rob., co. Notts, 1417. Rob., South Wales, 443. Capt. Roger, petitions of, 3304 (2). Sir Roger, 2794, 3181. statements by, 2245, 2578 (2). clerk, 184, 191, 315, 325. Thos., London, 1572 (2). ………….. ……………… Rich., son of, 3180. ……………… Thos., Dorset, 118, 3065. Thos., Leicestershire steward and petitions of, 1572 (2). Thos., Somerset, 188, 260 (2), 3182. Wm., Middlesex, 2015. children of, 3180, 3181. Judith, wife of, 2015. Wm., co. Notts, 1418. Wm., co. York?, 1291. Wm., York, co. York, 2565. Col., 880, 1101, 1188, 1559. Mr., clerk to the London Commis- sioners, 376. ****** Martindale, Peter, 1953. Phil., 2860. Mr., Westminster, 2183 (3). Mrs., co. Chester, 61. Martinscroft, Rich., 2742. Marwell, Rich., 2978. Marwood, Heu., co. Durham, petitions of, 2375 (2), 2376. wife of, see Rokesby, Dorothy. Hen., co. Gloucester?, 2085. …….., petitions of, 2085 (5). Wm., 975. .. ***) ****** Mascall, Theo., 3192. Masham, Wm., or Sir Wm., 12, 125, 126, 174, 201, 226. letter of, 592. Mashiter, Dorothy, 3179. Maskeline, Neville, petition of, 3236. Maskew, Rob., 2109. Mason, Alice, 2832. Anne, 1632. Capt. Ben., Somerset Commissioner, 173, 194, 212, 216, 221 (2), 226, 243, 244, 252, 256, 261, 264 (2), 265, 273 (3), 281 (4), 282, 286-288, 290, 291, 294, 297, 300 (2), 302, 305-309, 311, 323, 345, 353, 354, 365, 393, 410, 827, 1296, 1573, 2202, 2203, 2439 (2), 2440 (3), 2606. ********** ********) ……… ……………… .... 10003 ... .... as Herefordshire Commissioner, 515, 605, 621, 643-646, 648, 649 (2), 651 (2), 653 (2), 655-662, 679, 710, 718, 719, 1714, 2069, 3195. ·· ... ******} complaints against, 135, 209 (3), 244, 260, 231 (2), 298, 301, 303, 637, 641, 646, 649, 651, 706, 1714, 2202. * ...** ****** ……. } 604 (2), 613, 640, 641, 649, 694. ... 9 > 4. 649, 651, 673, 678, 692, 697. complaint by, 976. Deborah, wife of, 975, 976 (2). ……………… 719. R ****** ? > statements, &c., by, 83, 212, 266 (3), 297, 298, 381, 631, 648 (2), 654, 719, 1296. ………. ******* wife of, 212, 695. George, brother of, 2202 (2), 2203 (3). •• .... …………….y *****} letters of, 221, 351, 358, 534, ……………… letters to, 259, 355 (2), 646, orders by, 410. requests or petitions by, 310, …………..> ****** petition of, 2203. brothers of, 259. Charles, 3247. Edw., 1857. father-in-law of, 212, 358. petition of, 1857. George, co. Herts, 756. Hen., 2666. Isabel, 90, 739, 740, 742, 743. John, Kent, deposition by, 622. John, co. Northampton, 2088, John, Sequestration Notts, 107, 150. letter of, 150. Capt. John, 2637. Solicitor, co. petitions of, 2636 (2). Z X. 3490 Mason-cont. ... ... ***** .. ་.. ... .... ……………. ··· ·· • *** .. " of London, 1044. ** •*" ****** " > > …………. Rob., co. Hereford, 2763. > ני. petitions of, 2925, 2926 (3). Thos., North Wales Commissioner, 173. Capt. Thos., 2938. Col. Thos., 146, 817, 1601, 3261. Wm., or Sir Wm., 116, 1837. Mr., co. Gloucester, 88. Mass, persons attending, 1007, 2023, 2463. , …………. > .. Nicholas, 1994. Rich., 1629. Rob., Berks, 1044. ……………………… .... Massey, Massie, or Massy. David, 591. > "> ... "" ******* Simon, D.D., 1454 (2). *** Rob., father of, Recorder ****** Sir Edw., 107. Heulett, 3186. ……………………, ……………., Dorothy, widow of, 3186. James, 106, 122, 1095. • " mother-in-law of, 1044. ***** Thos., London, 1586. Col. Edw., delinquent, 180, 748, 749 (2), 756, 758, 2142, 2892, 3247 (2) 3248. • …… "" ………….., John, 1079. Colonel, Lieut.-General, or Major- General Edw., 56, 802, 805, 865, 909, 959, 1030, 1071, 1210, 1639, 1675, 1778, 3159. regiment of, 26, 56, 130, 310, 788, 802. signature of, 1196. petitions of, 2399, 2762, 2763. father of, 2762. GENERAL INDEX. Frances, wife of, 1454. children of, 1454. Ralph, 101, 3198. Rich., 2625. Alice, wife of, petitions of, 2625 (2). Rob., Lancashire Commissioner, 404, 435, 448 (2), 450, 463, 464, 468, 478, 491 (2), 499, 500, 507, 515, 579, 583, 588, 592 (2), 603, 621, 629, 633, 663, 672, 673, 688, 714, 1101 (4), 1104- 1106. letters, &c., of, 435, 506 (2), note by, 3199. …………. "" **** .., ......, petitions of, 492, 499, 1101, 1104, 2074. ..... 1100. ****** heir of, 1095. John and Peter, co. York, 1676. wife and family of, 499, 506. Rob., Northamptonshire Commis- sioner, 753. letter of, 751. ******* Rob., farmer of Excise, co. Northamp- ton, 3147. Massey, &c.-cont. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2519. Col. Wm., Governor of Chester, 1211. Sir Wm., 60, 121, 122, 1565. Massingbeard, John, 2092. Massingberd, Hen., 3300. **** ******* Massinger, or Messenger, John, 2999. …………………… ... ..... (4). ………………………. Capt., co. York, 33. Masters, or Master, Edw., co. Gloucester, 87. Edw., Kent, 368, 458, 2378, 2642, 2660. • ·· ………. ·· ** > *.*………… **** • > · John, Sussex ?, 2657, 3213. Rich., 457. ...., Rob., Ampney, co. Gloucester, 2307. Rob., Cirencester, co. Gloucester, 87. Rob., co. Hereford ?, 3045. Wm., 2964. • A ... • > > " .... ·· Eliz., wife of, petitions of, 2660 (2), 2661. children of, 1144. Masterson, Thos., co. Chester, 112, 3221. Mr., minister of St.Clement's, London, 523, 581, 608. Masy, John, 79. ·· Mather, Emme, 3081. > **5 **?) Mathews, Mathewes, or Matthews. > · , > John, co. Monmouth, see Maderne, John. ,, 1 > petitions of, 3300 (3). wife of, 3300. ***** Mary, widow of, 87, 736, 2999 George, 87. , Hen., 368, 373. Hum., 459. •" children of, 2660. Sir Wm., 85, 1143. John co. Warwick, 109, 1549. Nich., petition of, 3088. ******* Chris., 1866. Fras., 2977. Col. Hum., 810, 1855. ..... Joachim, 2140. John, of the Excise, 3166. John, co. Gloucester, petition of, 911. John, Kent, 2566. John, Surrey, 405. Marg., co. Lancaster, 1192. Mark Ant., 93. Mary, Sussex, 3170. ……………… Rob. and Anne, see Proctor, Rob. and Anne 1607. **** children of, 3170. Rich., alias Glover, 3154. petition of, 3154. •• ་་ father and sisters of, 1856. Rob., co. Lancaster, 2394. Rob., Salop, 449, 2528. Ursula, widow of, 2528. ****** petitions of, 2528 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 3491 Mathews, &c., Rob.-cont. [ .. ……… 13. ·· ... ... · Rob., co. York, 2692. ……………….., Roger, M.P., 537, 1131. Joan, widow of, petitions of, 1132 (2). ………………………, ………………, Rob, son of, 1132. ', Wilmot, widow of, peti- ...g ·· C ** ……………… ... ·· "" ... ... • .... ……………., Rob., son of, petitions of, 2528 (2). • " Thos., London, 531, 532. Thos., co. Stafford, petition of, 2998. Thos., co. Worcester, 1709. petition of, 1709. ******* ......., Tobias, Archbishop of York, 2184, 2185. • ·· ...... tion of, 1132. > ., .... > 1132. > ******** " ·· ………………………y .. *** Matravers, John, 3245. Maud, or Maude, Dan., 1122. • ******* **3 , 365. ↓ **** Edm., 1835. > Hen., Somersetshire steward, 257, 259, 381, 395. • other children of, 2528. Morrice, brother of, 2529 (4). petitions of, 2529 (3). Wm., co. Bedford ?, 2167. Wm., Hants, 106. Wm., co. Hereford, 2145. Wm., Westminster, 93, 1457. Capt., Devon, 2766 (2). Col., J.P. of Essex, 633. Mr., Berks officer ?, 565. Mr., Northamptonshire Treasurer, 14. Mr., Somerset, 1818. ** other sons of, 1132 (2). Joan, daughter of, petition of, Maudesley, or Mawdesley, Rich., petition of, ***** Rob., 1374. 3096. Rob., late, Bickerstaffe, co. Lancaster, 3096. .... letters or papers by, 261 (2), petition of, 419. Rob., Mawdsley, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 2563 (3), 2564 (2), 2598, 2667. , .. Roger, 2979. Thos., son of, 2979. ……………., Mary, widow of, 2979. Hector, son of, petitions of, 2979 (2). Maudit, Isaac, sen. and jun., 2966. Mauleverer, see Maleverer. Maund, Wm., 3215 (2). petition of, 2457. .... ******* Maunton, Mr., 109. Maurice, Prince Palatine of the Rhine, General in the King's army, 866, 1038, 1067. ……………………… ………………, money for, 1294. order signed by, 1373. Maurice, Prince-cont. ... Ins *...** " ……………., quarters of, 1143. ………………………. ……………., secretary of, 2618. servant of, 1724. surrender to, 1200. Maurice, Theodore, 1633. Mawdesley, see Maudesley. Mawditt, Art., 3046. petitions of, 3046 (2). Rich., petition of, 961. .... ………………… ·· + ** Mawson, George, 203. DI 4. 2585. *** · Mawtus, Rich., Alderman of Ripon, co. York, 1119. persons with, or serving under, 1213, 1334, 2585. places taken by, 1389. Maxton, Alex., deputy-solicitor to the Seques- tration Committee, London, letter of, 153. [] ******? > widow of, 2902. ***** ………………, ………………, daughters of, 170, 528. Maxwell, James, Earl of Dirleton, 2427 (2), 2784. • …………. ·· .... Thos., 108. Wm., Cumberland, petitions of, 3024, 3025. ·· 3 persons corresponding with, ··· ******* Diana, Lady Cranborne. Elizabeth, ** Ant., prebendary of Durham, 170, 528, 552, 2902. ………………………3 ………………} daughter of, Hamilton, Elizabeth, duchess of. Maxwell, Alex., 781. .. ……………………., James, Scotland, 56. James, Ireland, 783. > May, Adrian, 262, 1243, 1351, 2302 (2). Andrew, petition of, 2135. Ann, 2488. ......, John, husband of, 2488. Capt. Barth., 764. د. Elizabeth, wife of, 2427. petition of, 2427. ******* Diana, daughter of, see Cecil, …….., Hum., 3256. Charles, 1587. George, 460. Hugh, 2188-2190. James, 42, 1372, John, 3257. Nich., 2996. Ralph, 1505. Rob., 458. .., Thos., Cornwall?, petitions of, 2302 (2). Thos., Sussex, 476, 834, 2370. Mr., Hants, 104, Mr., Westminster, 94. *** Mayerne, Sir Theodore, 179, 926. Mayers, John, 1540. Mayfield, John, 2566. petition of, 2565. see 3492 GENERAL INDEX. Mayle, Edm., 277. Maynard, Wm., Lord Maynard, petition of, 3291. .." ***> ter, Sir Robert. Maynard, Banaster, 3240. ·· ..) ', **rg ...*) 2.4.5 ·· > 2988 (2). .. Mr., Devon, 180. Mayne, John, Hatherleigh, Devon, 97, 3033, Jasper, father of, 3033. ***** KOO ** ·· Mary, wife of, petition of, 1831. …………………, Jos., 2835. Edw., son of, 2835 (2). ***** > Rob., petitions of, 901 (2). Wm., petition of, 3113. Lieut.-Col., Deputy-Governor of Berwick, 903. Mr., 556. ****** Maynell, see Meynell. Mayo, Clement, 2434. James, 1847. John, 537, 2975 (2). **** ***** Charles, petition of, 2971. Chris., 2930. John, Inwardleigh, Devon, 1757. or Mayney, Sir John, Bart., 368, 1831. **** U ·· Edw., 863. Eliz., 2244. John, petition of, 3212. Wm., 1062. ……………… ……….. ***** Mayor, Mr., J.P. Hants, 2693. Mayott, Frances, 3156. " …………………., Lieut. John, 815. Mary, 2746. Mayre, John, 3178. Thos., 2951. ... Banaster, son of, 2751. grandfather of, see Banas- ***** petitions of, 2975 (3), 2976. Thos., 771, 2228, 3179. petition of, 2069. signature of, 623. Kath., mother of, 2228. ** .....* •> ****** petitions of, 2929 (2), 2987 (3), Maysmore, John, 3247. Mazières, Col., 806, 815. Mazine, John, 952. · Rob., father of, 2951, 2952. And., brother of, petitions of, 2951, 2952. Meaborne, Ant., sen., 3023. father and brother of, 1062. ... Kath., widow of, 3023. John, son of, 3023. Anne, widow of, see Harrison, Anne. Ant., son of, 3023 (2). petitions of, 3023 **** • ... ... ވ. … • 1 (5), 3062. Meade, or Mead, John, petition of, 2615. Thos., 396, 2488, Meaken, John, 2093. Meaker, John, 3008. Meakins, Rob., 93. Thos., 333, 2185. Meare, John, 1755. Meath, Earl of, see Brabazon. Medcalfe, see Metcalfe. Medford, Oswald, 2736. Medicine, Doctors of, or Physicians, 113, 1399, 1487, 1572, 1576, 1579, 1790, 2048, 2164, 2230, 2290, 2316, 2383, 2408, 2472, 2490, 2536, 2545, 2665, 2699, 2727, 2733, 2780, 2785, 2798, 2819, 3098, 3216, 3225 (2), 3283, 3291, 3316. Meek, John, 121. Meere, Alex., 783. Megson, Wm., 3230. Meire, Wm., 107. Melbourne, Thos., 576. Meldrum, Sir John, 928, 929, 1087. Melhuish, Capt. Thos., 98. Mell, Rob., 95. Melledge, Johnson, 1953. Mellicheap, Thos., 87. Melling, James, 3193. Jeffry, 490. ** ., Margery, 3186. .. • Mellish, Rob., 66, 108, 1349. ** ……………. Wm., Chorley, co. Lancaster, 2785. Wm., Skelmersdale, co. Lancaster, 1114, 1115. •, .." ** Mellon, Wm., Devon, 502. Mellor, Fras., 123. י wife of, see Errington, Mabel. daughter of, 2737. ." ··· ……………… Rich., 1735. ., Rob., Derbyshire Commissioner, 171, ** 228, 326. ***** ......, children of, 1349. • Anne, wife of, 1349, 1350 (2). Sir John, 74. • •? ****** Sam., 1995 (2). Melton, Wm., 498. Mempris, Thos., 2167. Menall, Walter, London, petition of, 2115. Mennes, Sir John, 42, 1805. · ་ ་ ་ ་ ད 1806. letter of, 228. wife of, see Partington, Anne. .. · ....93 Mercer, Hen., 2966. Jane Anderson, wife of, 1805, petition of, 1805. …………. …………….. Sir Matt., 1431. James, petition of, 3031. John, 3186. Rich., 3034. Rob., petitions of, 2527 (4). Thos., petition of, 1187. ********** ……………., ancestors of, 1187. Major, 2453. GENERAL INDEX. 3493 Merchant Adventurers, see Intercourse, Mer- chants of the. Meredith, Hugh, and Mary, his wife, 3176. Nicholas, 556 (3), 574. Sir Rob., 362, 800, 819, 1714. Merford, Wm., 1735. Merrall, Walter, 240. Merrick, or Meyrick, Benj., M.P., 1541. .5 Edm. and Peter, North Wales, 3250. ,, John, attorney of Common Pleas, 704 (2). Merrifield, or Merefield, John, 1243. Rob., 1928. 2 Merriwether, Wm., 460. John, Salop, 687. Sir John, 798. Merry, Hen., 46, 109, 1380. ……………………., John, 2352, 2908. · • Thos., 205. Walter, Herefordshire Commissioner, 172, 378, 391, 555 (2), 616 (2), 623. Walter, co. Oxon, 1571. children of, 2353. Merrydale, Rich., 2112. Merryweather, Chris., 755. Merton, Nich., 1953. Mervin, Matt., 3052. Nich., 168. D Messenger, see Massinger. Messervy, Capt., 1911, 2245. ******? Anne, wife of, petitions of, 2353, 2908 (3). **** ****** Metcalf, or Medcalfe, Adrian, 1577. Alex., 1504, 2805 ?. Ant., Westminster, 93. Ant., Aldborough, co. York, 3064. .. ……….. .9 · .. '' ■ Ant., son of, 3064, 3186. ... ……………………………., Isabel, Frances, and Mary, daughters of, petition of, 3064. Eliz., daughter of, see …………… ………………. Tysack, Eliz. > > **** informations by, 617, 2330. remonstrance by, 2330. Bryan, sen., 3190. Bryan, jun., 3190. Chris., Leeds ?, co. York, 72. Chris., Little Otterington, co. York, 2683. Eleanor, widow of, 3064. George, son of, 3064. ………… George, Firby, co. York, 3217. George, Rumanby, co. York, petition of, 2518. ****** John, co. York, 2739. ****** mother of, see Frank, Anne. Michael, 3024. wife and children of, 2739. Thos., son of, 3024. Metcalf, &c., Michael-cont. **S ……………… Thos., son of, Marg. Robinson, wife of, 3024 (3). petition of, 3024. 2 • ·· . ... · ** ·· ·· RO • " ******* Metham, Thos., 3307. J Rebecca, 2129. Rich., Aldborough, co. York, 3064. Rich., Rackwood, co. York, 3231. Barbara, widow of, 3231. Thos., co. Lancaster, 456. Thos., Bellarby, co. York, 1144. Fras., brother of, 1144. ***** ....... Thos., Leeds, co. York, 1129. Toby, petition of, 2927. Wm., 1742. Mr., 632. Mr., co. York, 3202. ………….. Eleanor, daughter of, see Ellerker, Eleanor. •• 2039. *** · *** Sir Thos., 1883, 1924, 2039. Sir Jordan, his brother, 1883. George, son of, 587, 1883, Katherine, wife of, > ****** .... ... .... petition of, 2040. Wm., petitions of, 1883, 2990 (2). Metyard, Rob., 163. Meux, Sir John, Bart., 1243. ******} children of, 1244. ******* uncle of, see Gerard, Sir Gilbert. ..., Wm., 1624. Mew, or Mewe, James, 163. ..., Wm., 2303. petition of, 2303. .. *** "> Mexham, Rob. sen. and jun., 2968. Meynell, or Maynell, Charles, 2529. Fras., petition of, 2405. *** " • *** petition of, 2254. …………… • .... • ROTOR George, co. Durham, 2797, 2798 (4). Rich., 2680 (5). Thos., co. York, 2298, 2651. ., Aut., son of, 2298. dren of, 2299. • A. > · > • • ... *** ……………… see Saltmarsh, Gerard. ·· children and grandchil- Thos., son of, 2298. ...., Roger, father of, 2651. , Gerard, widow of, petition of, 3231. Wm. and Magdalene, 2832. George, brother of, 336, 2651. Meyrick, see Merrick. Michael, Thos., North Wales Commissioner, 173, 665, 686, 689 (2), 691, 770, 1601, 1602, 3217. Micheley, Rich., 744. Michell, or Mitchell, Bernard, 2559. Edw., 1408. John, 1352. Judith, petition of, 2183. Lawrence, 2819. : 3494 GENERAL INDEX. Michell, &c.-cont. ·· ** ……………. • 105 3. Thos., Hants, 253. Thos., co. Lincoln, &c., 108, 110, 1330. DS ·· Thos., jun., son of, 1330. ... Aun and Eliz., daughters of, petition of, 1330. " • .....? Michelmore, John, petitions of, 2928, 2929. Michelson, John, D.D., 94. Mickle, Wm., 3256. Micklethwaite, Joseph, 380. Mickleton, Chris., 228, 552, 2696. Frances, 3259. *** .... Middlemore, Edw., and Mary, his wife, 2031. George, 1421. Henrietta Maria, 3035. .... ... "" Tristram, 2955. Wm., Westmoreland, 520. Col. Wm., 1849. Rich., son of, 2923. ……, ………………, younger children of, 2923. ...... > Mary, daughter of, 3035. .....9 Rob., Edgbaston, co. Warwick, 2923. C •* " ***** 2923. Rob., jun., co. Worcester and co. Warwick, 220, 221, 1144, 2367 (3). *** ... , ***3 Middlesex, Earl of, see Cranfield, Lionel. Middleton, or Midleton, Alex., 1554. Anne, 759. Edw., 2690. Fras., Northumberland ?, petitions of, 2181 (2). Fras., co. Stafford, 3186. George, 2131, 3119. " *** grandfather of, 1330. • >> ·· > ******* Thos., 2278, 2279. **** " *** Rob., sen., uncle of, petition of, ******* Hen., co. Carmarthen, 392, 415, 443, 1827. Rich., son of, 2368. L ******* ******* Sir George, Bart., 21, 99, 176, 1783. sisters of, 1783. .... petition of, 2132. Thos., father of, 2131. Hen., Westminster, 2648. Hen., co. York, 3256. Sir Hugh, 769. wife of, 769. James, 102, 2031. John, clerk for co. Durham, 228, 3084. certificate by, 431. ****** ****** John, Sussex, 3258. John, co. York, petition of, 1834. Sir John, 3100. Sir Peter, 1834 (5), 1835, 2151. ...... Wm., eldest son of, 176, 1834. petitions of, 2432 (2). ……………………… ………….., Mat., Thos., and Chris., sons of, petition of, 1834. Middleton, &c., Sir Peter-cont. *** · **3 ……… 2151. ... • "" ****** • • ·· ·· Anne. Rich., jun., 3256. Rob., co. Lancaster, 3080. children of, 3080. ****** ·· ……………. Simon, 521. Thos., M.P., Sussex, 339, 406, 2232, 2371. 3 > ·· .... John, son of, 2232. *** ......, Anne, daughter of, see Crowne, Anne. John, Sussex, brother of, 2233. ***** …………. Sir or the Hon. Thos., 57, 146, 745 (2), 773, 776 (2), 803, 879, 1293, 1633, 1679, 1826, 1905, 3246. ******* Rob., Westmoreland, 561, 575. wife of, 561. 9 **** ………..3 O ******5 Anne and Mary, daughters of, Wm., brother of, 1834. 2 ****** ………. Midelke, Benj., 96. Midford, Thos., petitions of, 1753, 1754. Midgehall, Alice, 3201. Edw., 3201. …………… ……………., Marg., mother of, 3201 (2). Midhope, Col. James, 54. Stephen, statement by, 1678. ... "} Lieut.-General, 2653. Major-General, Salop, 2793. * wife of, see Osborne, Lady Mieres, Dr. Rob., 108. Milbank, Ralph, 3138. Milbery, Wm., 2219. Milborne, or Milburne, Christian, 3192. ... John, petition of, 3126. Rich., London, 2374. *** ****** Eliz., wife of, petition of, 2374. Thos., Northumberland Commissioner, 238. Mr., Chirton, Northumberland, 2637. letter of, 1679. Thos., son of, 3246. • Mildmay, Ant., 1520. Fras., 526, 1883. Sir Hen., M.P., 7, 11, 12, 15, 125, 201, 332, 408, 2084 (2). petition of, 2084. ……………… ……………… .. Sir Hum., 94, 137, 140, 794, 1144. children of, 1144. Capt., 2306. Mileham, Edw., 1341 (2), 2322, 2323, 2325. petitions of, 2322 (5), 2323 (2). …………… > > Miles, or Myles, John, co. Derby, 2087. John, Somerset, 1008. Wm., 2134. family of, 2135. • ', Milicent, John, 1598. Thos. [John ?], 1661. Militia Act alluded to, 218, 280, 318, 389, 423, 745, 2245. Committee, 48, 168, 1457. Accounts audited by, 58, GENERAL INDEX. 3495 Militia Committee-cont. …………… .. .... orders to, 57, 125. ……………………… ………….., payments to, 48, 798. ……………………… ……………., request to, 70. · declaration of Parliament for pay- ment of, 1070 (2). of London, see London. reduced officers of, abuses by, 217. Mill, see Mills. ... .. T forces raised by, 249. for the counties, see under the several counties. Miller, Hugh, 2172. ·· *** .. ***** ***** "" ***5 · ··· ………………… • John, Hants, 105, 1068. wife of, 1068. ******* John, alias Atkinson, co. Lancaster, 3178. > *****) ... • …………. Sir John, Dorset, 93, 118, 795, 933, 2112 (2). ... ? • *** ** .. ******? Thos., jun., co. Lancaster, 3238. Millington, Gilbert, M.P., clerk of the Committee for Plundered Ministers, 193 205, 1735. *** · > "" · ******* ***** TAUTA ·· John, London, 861, 1620. • > Kath., wife of, 2172. Edw., son of, 2172. children of, 2172. petitions of, 1619, 1620 (2). Thos., Devon agent ?, 283. Thos., co. Gloucester, 933. 2625. .. +9 ****** ……….., Rob., 107, 121. Thos., 107. Wm., London, 2334. Wm., co. Worcester, petition of, 2289. Mr., 979. Eliz. Rob., his son, 499, 2112. children of, 933. wife and children of, 933. ***** John, 2556. Millot, or Mylote, Jane and Marg., 3183. or Mylott, Ralph, 2625. letters of, 27, 543. petition of, 1350. ………………. Mary, petition of, 2480. Peter, 1464. wife of, see Holt., Eliz. ******* petition of, 1465. ... +3 Mills, or Mill, And., 3228 (2). *****) petition of, 3228. George, Kent, 2769. George, London, 2566. .. Dorothy, wife of, petition of, Rob., father of, 2625. Eliz., sister of, see Hodshon, Mary, sister of, 2626. petitions of, 2566 (2). KAKAN Sir George, 368. Heu., clerk for Devon, 446, 479, 480. Hen., Somerset, 179. Mills, &c., Hen.-cont. …………… ·· • *** 2 ………… ..." •• • petition of, 2145. , ******* John, Devon, 2967. John, secretary for Devon, 211. John, Westmoreland, 3116,3117 (3). petition of, 3116. Sir John, sen., Bart., 102, 105, 140, > 193, 1831. "" ·· > ·· > .. •> ... 1834. *** > "" .... father, 1833. • ? ... ... ... 485, 1831. 1833. • · > 1832. ****** " ******) ******* .... ……………… Wm., son of, 1071. ... ******* ……………………. ………………, younger children of, 1071. Wm., father of, 1071. Wm., informer, 2. Wm., Somerset, 1210. Mr., judge-advocate, 1687. Millward, John, see Milward. Milner, Marmaduke, 1025. mother of, 1025. Capt., 1748. ******* Milton, Chris., 1448. Sir John, jun., his son, 1831. Ann, first wife of, 1833, Thos., Kent, her Philadelphia, widow of, …………. .... …………. ………………} .... Marg., 2886. ****** ………. • 3 Thos., his son, 105, 106, 1831- ... Rich., petition of, 2282. Roger, London, 3258. Thos., Hants, 105, 253 ?. Thos., Sussex, 1071. " ... Isabel. John, 1440-1442. petitions of, 1832, 1833. Kath., wife of, petition of, children of, 1832. ... petitions of, 2885, 2886 (2). ******* .., Wm., 97, 1391. > و ...... و Milward, Lieut. Clem., 3014 (2), 3015 (10). petitions of, 3015 (3). Mr., counsel, 2003. ******* John, co. Chester ?, 1230. John, co. Derby, 1025, 2750. petition of, 1847. "" 3 or Millward, John, co. Lincoln, 1646. John, co. Stafford, petitions of, 2289 (2). note by, 1440. petition of, 1440. Mary [Powell], wife of, 1441. Rich., Salop, 2771. .., Rich., sou of, 2771. Isabel, daughter of, see Hanmer, Rob., 1817. petitions of, 1817 (2). Thos., 2557, 3028. Thos., Salop, 205. Sir Thos., 90, 1464. 3496 GENERAL INDEX. 4 Milward-cont. ………… .. Milwood, John, petition of, 2915. Minifie, John, Devon, 3160. Ministers, clergy, &c., casual notices, passim. appointment of, abuses in, 513. ………………………? ……A Wm., co. Derby, 1605. Wm., co. Stafford, 3130. cases of, 977, 1029, 1120, 1121,1139, 1230, 1274, 1277, 1299, 1308-1311, 1320, 1322, 1332, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1354, 1366, 1385-1387, 1410, 1463, 1481, 1500, 1501, 1514, 1521, 1542, 1544 (2), 1549, 1552, 1565-1568, 1570, 1578, 1582, 1586 (2), 1588, 1593 (3), 1594, 1658, 1661, 1686, 1716, 1742, 1798, 1799, 1888, 1906, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1985, 1990, 2008, 2015 (2), 2018, 2030, 2035, 2036 (2), 2056, 2096, 2132, 2181, 2315, 2371, 2420, 2434, 2498 (2), 2502, 2552, 2582, 2605, 2645, 2650, 2661, 2682, 2693, 2717, 2726, 2732, 2766, 2790, 2793, 2798, 2802, 2845, 2851, 2860, 2862, 2863, 2877, 2879, 2883, 2902, 2945, 2955, 2960, 2969, 2970, 2973, 2974, 2978, 2988, 2989, 3008, 3019, 3043, 3056, 3114, 3115 (2), 3130, 3132 (2), 3136, 3192, 3203, 3208, 3211, 3213, 3214, 3217, 3218, 3224, 3227, 3229-3231, 3235, 3239, 3243, 3252, 3253, 3259, 3260, 3282, 3293. Committee for Approval of (i.e. “the Tryers "), 701 (2), 718, 1320, 1710, 3231. ****** certificates of, alluded to, 1266 (2), 2373, 3278. ****** orders or appointments of, alluded to, 697, 701, 705, 3214 (2), 3132, 3235. …………………、、、 ……………., request to, 2068. ...., ejected, 1661. > ……………… lists of, 79, 103, 107-111, 190, 2498. maintenance of, Act for, alluded to, 204, 269, 280, 285, 290 (2), 359, 404, 414, 453. ……………………., money or augmentations for, 27, 90, 125, 140, 162, 213, 232, 233, 280, 291, 295, 318, 319, 325, 334, 372, 436, 487, 496, 578, 586, 602, 603, 628, 657, 674, 688, 690, 697, 699, 701, 702, 705, 707, 710, 719, 724, 729, 901, 911, 934, 958, 1022, 1032 (2), 1036, 1112, 1125, 1130, 1132 (2), 1133, 1152, 1197, 1211, 1215-1217, 1219, 1225, 1226, 1229 (4), 1235-1237, 1243, 1244, 1246, 1320, 1338, 1352, 1365, 1479, 1480, 1489, 1495, 1497, 1498, 1524, 1526, 1527 (5), 1548, 1553, 1554 (3), 1640, 1657 (3), 1661, 1675, 1676, 1684, 1687, 1693, 1708-1710, 1719, 1761, 1770, 1779, 1783, 1793 (2), 1796 (4), 1797, 1847, 1860, 1863–1865, 1871 (2), 1935, 1956 (2), 2039, 2105, 2116 (2), 2117, 2143, 2206, 2402, 2568, 2872, 2969, 3216, 3261, 3263, 3266, 3278; see also Delinquents, settlement of rectories by. Ministers, money, &c., for-cont. counsel for, 487, 604. orders concerning, 22, 28, 68, 75, 133, 142, 229, 269, 285, 414 (2), 498 (2), 551, 576, 582, 621, 681, 687, 692, 710, 718, 1479 (2). 4. ...... • ·· ***** ………… ·· au queries concerning, 191, 201, 206, 214, 216, 221, 241, 254, 277, 290, 315, 350, 369, 404, 409, 422, 625. ***** ………., suspension of, 692. ......, trustees, or committee for, 639, 696, 703, 708, 718, 722, 729, 1581, 1848, 1904, 2142, 2281 (4), 2640, 3101, 3221 (3). • .... ...... letter of, 1615. Receiver for, Cary, John, Receiver-General for, see Solicitor for, Farrington, ……….. a 9 George, 714. petitions of, see under their several names. "... ******* pensions for, 2077. Plundered, Committee for, see Plun- dered Ministers, Committee for. subscribing the engagement, 195, 551. not subscribing, 195, 436. Minors, Rob., 2495. petition of, 2495. Minot, Laurence 2749. Minshall, or Minshull, Edw., 761. • *** ..... 690, 1615. **** • Farmer, Wm. ……………… ·· .. John, co. Chester, 51, 112, 121, 1244. "" •T Jane, wife of, 2094. ........, Capt. Thos., his son, 104, 112, 121, 326, 438, 2092. …………. • …….. ...... • *** ……………… family of, 1244. …………….. John, Sussex, petition of, 2294. Peter, 2092. • Mint, the, 15. Randall, 112. Sir Rich., 67, 95, 1490, 3282. Minson, John, 118, 1897. ...... Ralph, 103, 1723. Master of, see Harley, Sir Rob. at Oxford, see Oxford. ., moneyers of, see London, Tower of, mint in. Minterne, Henry, 221, 1496 (5), 1497. petitions of, 1497 (2). Minton, Fras., 771. Mitchell, see Michell. Mitford, Hen., 3222. ****** daughters of, 2092-2094. Eliz., widow of, 3222. ·· …………….. Rob., Essex?, petition of, 1792. Rob., Northumberland, 3281. widow of, Grey, Mary, 3281 (4). Thos., Durham Commissioner, 1919 (2). Mitforth, Col., 1218. GENERAL INDEX. 3497 Mitton, or Mytton, Col., or Major-General Thos., M.P., 136 (2), 801, 879, 1040, 1185, 1186, 1341, 1446, 1599, 1702, 1759, 1905, 2793, 2857, 3089, 3246 ?. letter of, 706. ·· ·· • *** · at **** Modiford, or Molyford, Mary, petitions of, 2214 (2), 2215. Thos., 1278. ... Mogg, Rich., 1244. 40 Mohun, Sir Reginald, 1506. .... .. .... ... • statement by, 604. ………….., Rich., his son, 761, 764. ……………… ·· * ******* John, 1st Lord Mohun, eldest son of, 1506. ... Warwick, 3rd Lord Mohun, his second son, 54, 116, 119, 276, 290, 336, 382, 1504, 1815, 2077, 2296. Reginald, son of, by second wife, 1506. Cy Dorothy, Bridget, and Marg., daughters of, by second wife, 1506 (3). Mohun, Max., sen., 1633. Thos., 1857. ... .. **> • "} ………. ►► · ·· • ... ► Molanus, Serj.-Major John, petition of, 2055. …………………, ………………, Anne, wife of, 2055. Molineux, or Molyneux, Sir Rich., Bart., 3096. • Fras. and Rob., sons of, 1633. Max., juu., son of, 1633. wife and other children of, 1633. Rob., 118, 1684. • ……………… *** > AGAN. his son, 1346 (2), 3096. , > ……………… y ... **) ... Rich., 2nd Viscount Molineux, eldest son of, 21, 46, 85, 121, 149, 739, 1140, 1343, 1675, 1721, 2281 (2), 2492, 2580, 3000, 3165 ?, 3171, 3172, 3278. • **** Molineux, 3278. Rich., 1st Viscount Molineux, ·· ·· • ……………… Charlotte, daughter of, 1345, 1346, 3278. > ****** Mary, daughter of, 1345, 1346 (2), 3278. grandmother of, ……………. ..... > see Carill, Lady Marg. Molineux, the Lords, 3161. Mary, wife of, 1346. 70358. ******g Carill, 3rd Viscount second son of, 1343, Molineux, Anne, co. Lancaster, 3128. Anne, Surrey, 3192. Barnaby, Aighton, co. Lancaster, 2745. .. ......, John, 3171. TARAN Thos., son of, petition of, 2745. Edw., 2861. Eliz., 3204. James, petition of, 2565. **** Marg., widow of, 3172. petition of, 3171. Molineux, John-cont. .... ·· ... • C ... 13 .... * • · .. ******? • • Rich., father of, 3171. ………………………… ………………, Eliz., mother of, 3171, 3172. brothers and sisters of, 3172. ...... Marg., the Grange, co. Lancaster, 2861. " **** a • ·· and Kath., daughters of, 3172. L • • ……………. ...S **** " ·· د. Marg., Ince, co. Lancaster, 3174. …………… Rob., Garston, co., Lancaster, 3224. Edw., Cuth., Alice, Marg., and Wm., children of, petition of, 3224. Rob., sen., the Woods, co. Lancaster, 829. ***** .3 ANAS .. ****3 " > .. , •• .....g **** > …… > Edw., son of, 3172. Rich., son of, 3172. Thos., Speke, co. Lancaster, 3228. Thos., Middlesex, 1810. wife of, 1810. Molins, or Molyns, And., petition of, 3205. Edw., 2554. Joan, see Speare, Joan. Wm., of the Committee for Com- pounding, 194, 311, 411, 681, 745. signature of, 428. ·· Col. Roger, 108, 1335. Rutland, 2886. Thos., Garston, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3229. • petition of, 3171. Jane, Mary, Margery, Marg., • 3062. • Molle, John, tutor to Lord Roos, 3062, 3063. Eliz., widow of, petition of, Rob., son of, 830 (4). .. > …………… *A ..... 762. } •9 Susannah, daughter of, see Stanhope, Susannah. Molyneux, see Molineux. Molyns, see Molins. Wm., co. Oxon, 3152. Wm., co. Worcester, petition of, 3272. Rob., his son, 830. Mompesson, Sir Giles, 77, 1738. Thos., 747, 753. Monckton, see Monkton. ****** > Monger, John, 427, 2363, 2510. petitions of, 2363, 3144. Monings, Capt. Thos., Kent Commissioner, 347, 456, 673, 2603. Monington, or Monnington, Eliz., 615, 631, 649, 653, 655, 1387, 3194. Anne, daughter of, 649, 1387. letter to, 649. Monins, Thos., petition of, 2256. Mouk, or Monck, Col. or Lieut.-Gen. George, or Sir George, Admiral of the Fleet, 762, 816, 1366, 1442, 3248, 3291. ………………, ………………, army of, 783, 3248. petitions of, 830 (4). • " other children of, 830. *** ******* declaration of, alluded to, X 3498 GENERAL INDEX. Monck, Sir George-cont. ... • ………. O 100 ... Walter, 1117. Monkton, or Monckton, Edm., co. York, 2236. John, co. York, 1684. Marmaduke, 2216. Sir Phil., 1026, 2143. …………♥ ... · > Sir Fras., his son, 1026. Sir Phil., his grandson, 1026. Monmouth, Earl of, see Carey, Hen. Monnington, see Monington. > 1367 (3). Nich., petitions of, 1071 (2). or Muncks, Rich., 1609. "" Monox, Hum., 2869. Monson, see Mounson. Montague, Hen., 1st Earl of Manchester, 1870. Edw., 2nd Earl of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Lords, General for Parliament, 5, 6. 8, 11, 14, 18, 80, 81, 783, 840, 954, 994, 1245, 1653 (2), 1869 (2), 1870 (2), 1901 (2), 2425. agent of, Nich. West, 5. • D ……………………y · ■• ... .. 139 ……………… • ·· 1546. ·· .... ****** ... 14 Thos., his brother, 498, 1366. widow and children of, • > ……………… passes, or protectious alluded to, 1213, 1349, 1676. places taken by, 1000, 1092, 1418, 1646, 2350, 2891. ***** signature of, 84, 1411. ****** surrenders to, 1029, 1056, 1085, 1236, 1586, 1691 (3). Edw., 2nd Lord Montague of Bough- ton, 80. Montague, Viscount, see Brown. Montague, Sir Edw., (temp. Eliz.), 1807. Agnes, sister of, 1807. ...... George and Sidney, petition of, 2381. Wm., co. Gloucester, deposition of, 758. ……………… Articles of war made by, 497. association of, 857. certificates of, alluded to, 2581. forces of, losses from, 883, 2283. notes by, 1282, 1315, 1507, ... Wm., co. Northampton, 1581. petition of, 1581. Col., 720, 1070. Montaigne, Isaac, 1044. …………………… ………………, George, son of, 1044. wife of, 1044 (2). …….. ******} Isabel, daughter of, 1044. Montayne, Walter, 93. Monteagle, Lord, see Parker. Montgomery, Earl of, see Herbert, Philip. Montgomery, Agnes, see Stewart, Agnes. Lewis, 2303. Maj.-Gen. Rob., 556. from, .... Monyns, Sir Edw., Bart., 888 (2). note by, 888. petition of, 898. *** .... Moody, Sir Hen., Bart, 1577. U • Moore, Charles, 2nd Viscount Moore of Drogheda, 126, 814. ………… .... .... 104 …….. *** ... • 200 ► ... ·· .... ... .. Moore, Alex., Cornwall, 2944. Alex., co. Lincoln, 1660. Ant., petition of, 3088. Chris. Cressacre, or Chresacre, 211, 2443, 2721. •• **** • > .... Alice, widow of, 52, 55, 70, 73, .... > 119, 126, 127, 129, 130, 181, 197, 814, 1133, 1242, 1371, 1384, 1751, 1815 (2), 2208, 2216 (2), 2217, 2221, 2226, 2240 (2), 2249 (2), 2318, 2321 (2), 2325, 2326, 2338, 2346, 2391, 2453, 2510, 2538, 2785. ... • ... > • ……………… ** ***** *** t John, co. Cambridge, 754, 756. John, co. Lancaster, 392. Thos., son of, 211, 2443. Sir Edw., Hants, 2546 ?, 2947. Adrian, eldest son of, 2947. Anne, widow of, Smith, Anne, Lady, 2947. ...... ...... John, son of, 2947. Wm., son of, 2947. 2 • ·· "" د. > ……………… …………. 2947. Eliz., petitions of, 1203, 1822 ?. Fras., Somerset, petition of, 2239. Eliz., wife of, see Worth, Eliz. Fras., co. Worcester, 2698. ? ...... Sir Fras., Anne, widow of, 2984. Sir Hen., Bart., son of, 2984. Sir Hen., jun., Bart., his son, 570, 723, 2984. > ……………… •• ... ………. (2). .... • •• • ► ·· ………….. > Giles, 437, 639, 1125. ………………….., Hen., Somerset, 2104. James, Somerset, 2858. ………….1 > ******* …………….♥ ****** Dr. Gabriel, 1853. George, 152, 114ī, 2031. petition of, 1141. information by, 1844. petitions of, 126, 130. ... wife and children of, 2031. Johu, father of, 2031. ………………, Mary, mother of, 2032. *** Edw., his son, petition of, petition of, 2250. James, Westmoreland, 203. James, Clerk of the Peace, co. York, 1089. petitions of, 2031, 2032 John, co. Chester, 2546, 2918?. petitions of, 2546 (4), 2547. John, co. Gloucester, 933. John, Kent, Mary, widow of, 1278. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2597. John, co. Leicester, petition of, 2290. John, co. Oxon, 2833. GENERAL INDEX. 3499 Moore, John-cont. •• .. ··· • ………… .. ...... • .... .... [ " …………….) ... ··· "" • **** Mary, widow of, petitions of, 2833 (2). > > ... Ann, daughter of, 2833. Col. John, M.P., 125, 147, 1345, 1866, 2802. } ..... "" George, brother of, 2546. ......, Alice, sister of, see Vawdry, Alice. J petition of, 1344. Dr. John, co. Notts, 108, 307, 532, 2545. Marg., Surrey, &c., 271, 2020 (2). petition of, 2020. *****} Mary, co. Warwick, 640. Mich., 770. Phil., 2310. Rich., of the Committee for Com- pounding, 54?, 194, 311, 668, 745, 3270. **** } > letters to, 344, 687. Rich., co. Worcester, 3249. > Rich., clerk for co. Worcester, 701, 703. > J > J ...... .. Kath., 1663. Marg., co. Lancaster, 2861. > Rob., Kent, 2837. Rob., London, 2221. signature of, 623 ?. Rob., Wilts?, 3112 (2). Rob., co. Worcester, petition of, 2762. Rob., co. York, 3187. petition of, 3187. Alice, wife of, 3187. Col. Sam., 1026. Wm., co. Hereford, 534, 578, 579, 655, 2985, 3141, 3142. ? Susan, petition of, 2152. Thos., co. Lancaster, 3175. Thos., co. Leicester, 111. Thos., Salop, 1963. family of, 1963. ... > Timothy, 783. …….. ****** 2985. Wm., co. Lancaster?, petition of, 3172. Wm., London, 3298. wife and children of, 2985. Anne, mother of, 534, 647, petitions of, 2225, 3297. ……………… Wm., Somerset, 1412. Wm., Wilts, 738. widow of, 738. • > Wm., co. York, 529. Mr., London?, 829. Mr., Wilts, 504. Mr., minister, co. Worcester, 3015. Mrs., Devon, 1242. Mrs., co. Notts, 108. Moorecroft, George, co. Oxon, 2209. John, 2147, 2148. petition of, 2148. ........., John, co. Warwick, petition of, 1203. Moorehead, Wm., 896. • Moores, John, 100. Moorewood, Col., 1124. Moorhouse, John, 2478. 1 • Step., 3046. ………………, petition of, 3046. Mordaunt, Hen., late Lord Mordaunt, Eliz., Marg., and Aune, daughters of, 2082. John, 1st Earl of Peterborough, his son, 1207, 2232. 零售 ​.. .. .. ·· .. petition of, 1797. ***...9 **** Hen., 2nd Earl of Peter- borough, son of, 88, 1207. [Penelope], his wife, father of, see ... ………………y O'Brien, Earl of Thomond. John, his second son, 769, 770, 3252, 3255. Mordaunt, Anne, 1620. .., Charles, 2405. Lewis, 67, 2868. Lady, 93. Morden, or Mardin, Fras., petitions of, 1703, 1704 (2). Alice, his wife, petition of, 1708. Mordington, Lord, see Douglas. More, Fras., 1732. ……… .. • K • ... ... *** ··· "} ………… • 。 > ... 2478. · • • • · ……. ·· ·· ……………. Eliz., Countess Dowager of Peterborough, widow of, 769, 1208, 1798. **** • ·· 1208. " · > .. • Moreau, Paul, 3259. Dinah, widow of, petition of, ****** # Morehall, Ralph, 1286. Moreland, Capt. Chris., 876. ·· mother of, 876. ***** Moreton, or Morton, Edw., co. Chester, 123, 1129. ...... ……………. ******* John, 1086. ****** petitions of, 1732 (2). daughter of, 1086. petition of, 1116. wife and children of, 1129. ****** Eliz., 1876. Sir George, Bart., 118, 3272. John, son of, 3272. ******* James, 3231. Math., certificate by, 376. Rob., 1499 (2). petition of, 1499. ****** Sam., 461. Dr. Thos., Bishop of Durham, 521, 1880, 1930, 2997. Wm., co. Chester, 121, 1026, …………., Edw., D.D., son of, 121, 1026. X 2 3500 GENERAL INDEX. Moreton, &c.-cont. • ··· ...... Morewood, Rowland, 45, 47. Morgan, Alex., petitions of, 2968 (2). Ant., co Monmouth, 2807. petition of, 2123. ... · ·· .. ... ** .. A ·· .." Mary, his widow, 2310. ……………………, ……………., Edw., his son, 2310. ... " children of, 2311. •5 ... Sir Edw., Pencoyd, co. Monmouth, 227,1665. …………………….. .. *** • .. "5 .... ... ……………… Thos. I •• .... Thos., half brother of, 1898. David, Brecon Officer, 494. Edw., co. Chester, 61. Sir Edw., Bart., Llanternam, co. Mon- mouth, 132, 467, 511, 2310. ... "" · 5 ... Wm., co. Worcester, 3231. Sir Wm., 87, 1887. Dr., co. Chester, 103. > Sir Ant.. 1898. .... > Chris, his brother, 1665. George, Killough, co. Monmouth, 3193. George, Wilcrick, co. Monmouth, 3195. Moses. . **** ·· *** ? (2). W • ...? > • ……………… " *•* .. ………., John, father of, see Morgan, Col. ... Hector, 3221 (3). ……………… Mary, widow of, 1665. Hen., 3065. children of, 3065. Isaac, London, 1626 (3), 2711, 3175, 3286. Isaac, Salop, 1026, 2491. James, 2496. ******* 2326. …………… petitions of, 1665 (2). Eleanor, wife of, 3195. petition of, 3221. John, co. Brecon, agent, 492, 494. John, Trawsfynydd, co. Merioneth, 2935. John, Trewswenham, co. Merioneth, 2833. Jane, widow of, petition of, son of, see Lawrence, ……………… Blanche, or Mary, wife of, 3065 0.5 ...... 2833. John, co. Monmouth, 2975. co. John, Llanarth, 3088. Monmouth, John, Pencreek, co. Monmouth, 2326. Frances Waller, widow of, 311, petitions of, 3065 (2). Jane, co. Flint, 1610, 2703. Joan, 798. children of, 2326. John, Pentrebach, co. Monmouth, 586, 3003. John, Somerset, 1244. Capt. John, co. Monmouth, 505. Capt. John, South Wales Commis- sioner, 747. Morgan-cont. ·· ... 4 ·· ·· ... ܕ. • " ▼ ·· • • ………………… * .. • • 1 Anthony, his son, 1825. .....3 Thos., co. Glamorgan ?, 2177-2179. daughter of, 2178 ……………… Thos., co. Gloucester, 86, 1026. petition of, 2143. **** Thos., co. Lincoln, 1388. Thos., Llansoare, co. Monmouth, Governor of Chepstow for the King, 1710, 1882. ,, petitions of, 2816 (4). Marg., sister of, 730, 2816. Col. Thos., Governor of Gloucester, 55, 214, 790, 1036, 1128, 1296, 1297, 1571, 1594. 5 *** ………………………” Col. Thos., co. Northampton, &c., 98, 220, 315, 1898. .. .." *………………y * Lewis, 738, 2045. Mary, co. Monmouth, 3304. husband of, 3304. CADEN Jaz Peter, 3186. Rich., 2343. Rob., London, 2487. Rowland, 1825. ……………**** Eliz. ………………) …………… 2 "" • "> · Wm., London, 1856. Wm., Keven y lech, co. Monmouth, 725. Wm., M.P., co. Brecon, 1634. Wm., co. Gloucester, 87. petition of, 2143 ?. E " Wm., Llanternam, co. Monmouth, 2312. Wm., Hants, 3193. ... ... petition of, 2312. Wm, Llanthewy Vach, co. Mon- mouth, 3194, 3238. Wm., son of, 3238. Jane, wife of, 1898. son of, see Morgan, Sir Ant. ...... ****** Wm., Llanvaier, co. Monmouth, peti- tion of, 2775. Wm., Pencreek, co. Monmouth, 311, 533, 2326, 2947. Wm., Wrengochin, co. Monmouth, 3091. Wm., Somerset, 1380. Wm., jun., Somerset, 2216. Wm., South Wales Commissioner, 172, 512. Col., Norfolk ?, 1171. .., Dr., co. Northampton, 98. Mrs., co. Warwick, 3216. Morgell, or Morgill, Edw., 103, 1159. Eliz., widow of, see Cotton, ..... ." Ralph, 61, 104, 512, Morice, see Morris. Morish, John, 153. Morlet, Wm. 2921. Morley, Lord, see Parker. GENERAL INDEX. 3501 Morley, Cuthbert, 2394. ... 1 ** A • ·· **** ·· ·2 (2). ………... James, father of, 2129, 2395, 2396 (2). Edw., challenge sent by, 196. Sir Edw., 107. .. > .......... ... letter of, 489. …………….) James, clerk of the Committee for Compounding, 811 (2), 812. James, co. York, 2529. John, juu., Somerset, 2429. children of, 2427. ...) ·· Dr. George, 1529 (2). Col. Herbert, M.P., 839 ?, 1254, 1347 (2), 1843, 2233. John, clerk, Somerset, 1311. John, co. York, 2395-2397. Sir John, Governor of Newcastle for the King, 72, 139, 1178, 2964. Sir John, Sussex, 837. family of, 838. .. > ...5 ………………**g ... L " 2653. • ****** 1753. Thos., co. Lancaster, 290, 291, 337, 2637. Thos., his grandson, 2637, wife and children of, , …… 2653. •" …………… גי Fras., 1728. George, 3257. ****** • Katherine, wife of, 2394, petitions of, 2397, 2398 ***** Morpeth, Chris., petition of, 2604. Rich., 1136. Morrant, Reb., London, petition of, 2087. Morrell, Rich., London, 2699. Morris, Morice, or Morrice. ***** …………. • ***** Nich., 3126. Rob., 113, 1753. ***? + 173. Edw., 205, 1494. George, 108. Hugh, Kinnerley, Salop, 1244. Hugh, Weston, Salop, 1720. John, co. Notts, 3257. " James, his son, of Ireland, Col. John, Governor of Pontefract for the King, 616, 2409, 2577, 2578. Margery, widow of, petitions of, 2409 (3). *** > children of, 2409 (2). Dr. John, 1529, 1552. Maudlin, 1116. Thos., co. Lincoln, 3040. Wm., 1754. petition of, 1753. David, North Wales Commissioner, .... *** >> Wm., James, Edw., Charlotte, and Mary, children of, 1116. Nich., 2045. Rich., 205. ………………….., Rowland, 1816. ……………………… ……………., Sylvanus, son of 1816. Morris, &c., Rowland-cont. nephew of, 1816. ·· ……♥ ·· .." ...$ • • ..... .. ..... > • 915. } , Morrison, Sir Charles, Bart., 1932. .... • Lady. Mors, John, 458. Morse, Nich., 2362. • ……………………. ******* Wm., co. Flint, 2455. Wm., Somerset agent?, 238, 261, 266, 2439. Wm., Bruton, Somerset, 2550. > .... ..... Thos., Excise officer, 3245. Thos., co. Chester, 100, 134. Thos, Essex, 915. .. ...* ..... · Morte, or Mort, George, 1550. Thos., co. Montgomery, 3257. Thos., Salop, 2936. father of, 2936. ****** ..y Walter, 3114. Wm., Devon, 221, 2215. petitions of, 2214 (2). · > Anne, widow of, petition of, 2815. ***3 petitions of, 2362 (3). ………….? Rob., petitions of, 2468 (4). Thos., 2494 (2), 2495. ……… 2815. ......, ancestors of, 2815. Mortgages and Extents, Act for, alluded to, 366-368, 1616, 1839, 2084, 2110, 2255, 2425, 2803, 3272, 3293. Mortlock, Capt. Rich., 1735 (2). Morton, see Moreton. Morwood, Andrew, 1736. Mosdon, John, petition of, 3120. Mosely Moseley, or Mosley. daughter of, see Capel, Eliz., Seth, 2815. ***3 petitions of, 2495 (2). Ant., 2173. Aubrey, petition of, 2745. Charles, petition of, 2023. Edw., Lancashire steward, 229, 307, 397, 423, 502, 503, 506. Sir Edw., Bart., 43, 74, 90, 109, 1060, 2515, 2665. Adam and Eliz., parents of, Jennett, sister of, petition of, petition of, 2515. ******* Fras., Collyhurst, co. Lancaster, 1390. Nich., son of, 1390. ****** 1390. James, 1737 (2). wife and father-in-law of, petition of, 2471. **** 1 Nich., Ancoats, co. Lancaster, 1086. Mr., Town Clerk of Shrewsbury, Salop, 463, 584. Mosman, John, 2183. petition of, 2183. ………… " Moss, Edw., 3176, Silvester, petitions of, 2390 (2). 3502 GENERAL INDEX. Mosse, Wm., 2871. Mossock, Hen., 2729. children of, 2729. Moston, Ambrose, minister, 1726. petition of, 1725. · ***** Col., 60. Mostyn, Edw., 3183. John, 1200. Col. Roger, 47, 58, 800, 1666, 1686. ... · Thos., 3194. Wm., 103, 1634. Mottett, Egidio, steward to the Spanish Am- bassador, 265. Mould, John, 1830. Moulson, Lady Anne, 780. Moulton, Edw., 3259. John, 1308. Rob., co. Stafford, 2117. Mounsell, Capt. Peter, 808, 1452, 2135. • .... • ...... ……………………, ………………, Mary, sister of, 808, 1452. Mounsey, Ant., 3005. ……………………… ………………, Tudor, son of, 3005. Cuthbert, 3186. ... • "9 …………….. of, 808, 1452 (2), 2135. , " ., George, 3186. * ... John, 203. Thos., 3186. Wm., 72, 124. Mounson, Wm., Lord Mounson, 137, 2132, 2249, 2426. **** • , .. • petition of, 2512. ………….. Mounson, or Monson, Ant., co. Lincoln, 2407. · ..." ... O .... "" .... ******y • ··· ..... Marg., sister and administratrix 2409 (2). .... ……………… Fras., son of, 2408 (3). …………………, ………………, Ant., grandfather of, 2407 (3). Sir John, Bart., K.C.B., 43, 796, 1110, 1431. · Joan, widow of, 547, 3186. ……………… wife of, 1431 (2), 1432. son of, 1432. > Thos., petition of, 2048. Sir Wm., 2511. daughter of, see Saville, Anne. Mountaine, John, 2737. ... Thos. and Eliz., 2153. › ………………, daughters of, 2153 (4). Mountford, John, 709. Mountfort, Edm., see Mundiford, Edm. Sir Edw., 2745 (2). ………………………, ………………, } petition of, 2793. John, son of, 2222, 2224, 2407. petitions of, 2222 (3). Frances, widow of, 1213, • G "" petitions of, 2047, 2048. signature of, 623 ?. 9.40 Simon, his son, 2745. ……………, Edw., kinsman of, 2745. ...petitions of, 2745 (2). Mountfort, Sir Edw., &c.-cont. Simon, his son, John, kinsman petitions of, 2745 Simon of Bescote, kins- Ca ·· .. • of, 2745. .... ....... of, 2745 (2). Mountgarret, Viscount, see Butler, Richard. Mountney, Ursula, petition of, 2595. Mouse, Joan, 2256. Mowbray and Maltravers, Lord, see Howard. Mowbray, Wm., petition of, 3062. *** (2). Mowday, Wm., 105. Mowson, George, 188. Nich., 176, 821, 822. Moyer, Sam., member of the Committee for Compounding, 8, 14, 30, 136, 162, 194, 226, 311, 353, 452, 637, 745, 2050, 2552. ……………… …………….. man of?, 90, 2745. • ·· • as chairman of the Committee > for Compounding, 378, 1396, 1656. letters to, 212, 213, 222, 249, 449, 515, 535, 615, 640, 681, 747, 750, 2835. ..... > > > ... …….. > .... ………………………. ……………., reports of, 175, 1730. ………………………. ………….., request to, 2689. Wm., 2195, 2662 (2). ……….., note for, 350. ………… "" ……………) appointed auditor to the Com- mittee for Compounding, 644. ………. ………• 1829. Marg., relative of, petitions " ………………) **** ………… .. ..... orders to, 140, 345, 1044. petition of, 2063. references to, 173, 2092. Moyle, John, M.P., 2809. John, Kent, 2529. Peter, 166. certificates by, 656, 660. orders to, 644, 645, 658, 1768, Rich., 2814. Moyse, Hen., petition of, 2871. Mozein, John, 108. Mucklow, Thos., 1368. reference to, 2195. resignation of, 666. salary of, 824, 825. signature of, 645. Wm., 1027. Mudd, Hen., petition of, 2993. Muddle, Thos., 76. Wm., 1810. Mudford, Rob., 2919. …………… "> ******* Mudge, Thos., petition of, 2054. Mugford, Capt. Edw., 573, 588. petition, &c., of, 3263, 3264. Mulgrave, Earl of, see Sheffield, Edmund. Mullens, Charles, 2567. Mrs., 118. Mullenux, Jonathan, 779. Mullett, Mrs., 93. ***** GENERAL INDEX. 3503 Mullins, Wm., London Commissioner, 172, Musgrave-cont. 183. Mulshoe, Wm. and Alice, 3170. • } …………… 3170. Mulsoe, Rob., 88, 1538. Munch, Rich., 1780. …………… " ****** Munck, or Muncke, John, 271, 282. Thos., 97. Wm., 271, 282. ,, Munckhouse, John, 202. Muncks, Rich., see Monk. Munday, Fras., 45, 47. ………… • John, Cornwall, 116, 2980. Thos., petition of, 2277. Mundiford, or Mountford, Edm., 114, 3106. daughter of, 2956. Mundy, Bernard, petition of, 3268. John, High Sheriff of co. Derby, 3249. "" • • 5 Murcott Job, 3208. *** د. Murfie, Lawrence, 2727. Murgatroyd, Hen., co. Lancaster, 194. James, 330, 361. Mr., 474. 3 > · Murhall, Rich., co. Stafford, 633. Murray, John, 1st Earl of Annandale, 2783. James, 2nd Earl of Annandale, his son, 574, 2783. ... Murray, David, petitions of, 2830 (2). Temperance, wife of, 2830. children of, 2830. "" 2554. daughter of, Lady Mary Digby, ****** ...... George, daughter of, Jeynes, Margery, 1949. Wm., Bishop of Llandaff, 1711. Wm., Surrey, 2553. sister of, Joan Hutt, 1780. *****J **** …………au ******? Eliz., eldest daughter of, see Tollemache, Eliz. • letter of, 112. ..... Kath., Anne, and Marg., daughters of, 2553. " , petition of, 2553. ........, Wm., Westminster, 93. ..... Muschamp, Lieut.-Col., Agmondisham, 793. Sir George, and Gilbert, his widow, 884. John, 1963. Muscott, Wm., petition of, 1740. Musgrave, Chris., 2087. Eliz. A *3 ******* Katherine, wife of, 2553 (3), ...... Sir Edw., 72, 124, 157, 202, 968. Eliz., Cumberland, petition of, 2932. Kath., sister of, 2932. grandmother of, see Sherborne, ****** Eliz., Somerset, 3115 (2). Rob., son of, 3115, 3203, • ·· • ·· **OPY 2 • ► John, Cumberland Commissioner, 231 (2), 257, 267, 285, 287, 304, 312, 377, 390, 400, 827, 1137?, 1138?, 2437 ?. papers by, 827 (2). Sir Philip, Bart., commander for the King, 62 (2), 72, 99, 124, 138, 196, 235, 554, 585 (2), 588, 1670, 2308, 2582, 3300. ... ………. " • ■• ……………., persons serving under, 521 (2), 1123. wife of, petition of, alluded to, 2308. > "" Sir Thos., 72. Wm., Clea. Cumberland, 72?, 124, 202. ………. Rich., 72, 124, 202, 1670, 2308. Simon, 72, 124, 2686. Wm., Edenhall, Cumberland, petition of, 3300. Wm., Penrith, Cumberland, 72 ?, 202, 337, 1744. Sir Wm., 72, 124, 202, 405, 1556. children of, 1557. Wm., grandson of, petition of, ? ** 1557. Mr., Hants, 106. Muspratt, Thos., Hants Commissioner, 105, 173, 236, 239, 344, 673. • **** • " *** ' .. ..... Commissioners of, letters of. list by, 730. receipt by, 541. 1 • • " *****5 Mussenden, Fras., 172. Musson, Hugh, 2032. Mustard, Johu, 262. Musters, John, petition of, 2753. Muston, Albinus, petition of, 3089. > *****} **** John, 240, 2612. Jos., petition of, 1217. Myers, John and Marg., his wife, petition of, 1996. …………….., Wm., 1657. Myerscough, Thos. and Mary, 3242. Myles, see Miles. Mylote, Jane and Marg., see Millott. Mynn, Ann, 970. · , ...... ..) ****** letters of, see Hants, County ……………… Mr., 1288. Mytton, see Mitton. George, 800. petition of, 3264. Wm., co. Bucks, 3041 (4). Wm., co. Oxon, 1223, 3186. Nabb, Abra., 2848. · ** ………… N Oliver, son of, 1118, 2848. other children of, 2848. 3504 GENERAL INDEX. ** Nagle, Nich., 3082 (2). .. ………… Nandyke, George, 2414. .... ... > Nanfan, Bridges, 2785. ··· John, petitions of, 2388 (2), 2389. Napier, see Napper. Napleton, John, 461. Thos., 459. Napper, or Napier, Edm., 3057. ... ·· A O Sir Gerald, Bart., 1061. James, 3082. Rob., 118, 1372. Thos., 1719. Naseborow, Mr., co. Chester, 3223. ... * ·· ... • > Nash, Philip, 2107. **** • ……………… ... ··· "" Navy, the, creditors of, 284. ** ……………, money for, 129 (2), 131, 132, 137 (3), 141, 159, 166, 252, 284, 397, 473, 475, 597, 602 (2), 721, 814, 819, 1646, 1828, 2395, 2396; see also Ships. timber for, 524, 631, 839; see also Ships. Thos., Oxon, petition of, 1811. Thos., co. Worcester, 2146. .., Wm., Sussex, 2960. Wm., co. Worcester ?, 2960. ………….. Navy Committee, 129 (2), 659, 696. letter to, 475. members of, 129. orders by, 5, 2395, 3081. ·· ·· """ Treasurer for, see Vane, Sir Henry, jun., and Hutchinson, Richard. Victualler for, Sir Sampson Darell, 2260, 2263. ****** • ..... · ... ·· • petitions of, 3081 (2). wife of, 3082. " ****** Thos., father of, 2414. " 820 (3), 1828. ...⇓ ... ……………… (2). George, son of, 407, 705, 3057. wife of, 3057. ...... > ……….., report of, alluded to, 2395. ……………., report to, alluded to, 3081. warrant of, 797. **** > alluded to, 473. Navy and Customs, Committee for, 49. Naylor, John, 1118. > .... alluded to, 129, 819 (3), ... Joseph, 2032. orders to, 131, 132, 137, 1828. payments by, 181, 812. payments to, 181. petition on behalf of, 2397. alluded to, 2397. petitions to, 5, 3081. reference by, 3081. reference to, 1979. Quarter-master Mat., 343, 419. petitions of, 343, 408. "" Thos., 1459. Wm., 2777. Edw., son of, petitions of, 2778 Neale, Edm., or Edw., 88, 1064. ………….., family of, 1064. John, Essex, 1048. .... ………………, John, co. Notts, 108. " Nealson, Rob., co. Lancaster, 1950. Needham, Rob., 3rd Viscount Kilmorey, 100, 103, 106, 112, 121, 174, 633, 761, 801, 804, 1283, 3110. ·· • ·· ……………. .. • · Needham, Fras., 109. ... ·· ··· ·· *** · ... ..." ****** ……………….... · • Negative Oath, see Abjuration, Oath of. Neile, Sir Paul, 1559. ………. ... · ******* Nelson, Hen., 3105. • • ……. •S 2.5 • " .... • .... " ... brother, 761. .. > George, co. Worcester, 3016. Col. John, Parliamentary Governor of Leicester, 111, 189, 491, 1169, 1290, 1335, 1746, 2298, 2679. letter to, 82. widow of, 159, 808. estates of, 61, 424, 487. Ellinor, wife of, 3110. petition of, 3242. daughter of, Lady Byron, 633. Charles, 4th Viscount, his *****S Sir Rob., 3259. Michael, 3174. Rich., jun., Croston, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2687. Rich., Lathom, co. Lancaster, 2974. > Rich., Mawdsley, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 2561 (2). father of, 1560. Dorothy, mother of, 1560 (2). ****** Serjeant, 421. Nelthorp, Edw., sen. and jun., 2356. James, 462, 2356, 3066. Capt. John, 989, 2356. petition of, 2356. Rob., 899. Thos., Lathom, co. Lancaster, 3007. Thos., Parbold, co. Lancaster, 3007. Thos., co. York, 2455. Wm., co. Lancaster, petition of, 1111. Thos., brother of, 1111. Wm., agent for co. Lincoln, 1872. Wm., co. York ?, petition of, 1605. Mr., 240. SKÚR e …………………… Nepeu, Peter, 458. Nesbit, James, 25. Ness, Thos., 2150. Nesse, Rich., 205. Rob., 2216. ………… **** Nethaway, or Netherway, Rich., 30, 794. wife of, 1518. Nethercott, John, 2733 (2). Nethersole, John, 3076. Sir Fras., son of, 3076. ******* ……………… ……………., Fras., nephew of, 102, 3076 (2). 5 Netherway, see Nethaway. GENERAL INDEX. 3505 Netherwood, Chris., 3192. Nettleton, Thos., petition of, 1657. Neve, Sir Wm. le, Clarencieux King at arms, 113, 1999. Nevett, Rowland, petition of, 2529. Thos., London, 895. Thos., co. Stafford, petition of, 2024. Neville, Edw., 6th Lord Abergavenny, 872, 2299. ……… .. .. **** •* ·· " ·· • • **** > *! •• *** 2299. *****) ·· ..) ****** 869. …………… • ***** ... > > ****** ... band of, see Steward, Walter. ·· "> George, son of, (afterwards 10th Lord Abergavenny), *****} …………… 869. 2299. Henry, 7th Lord Abergavenny, 872. > John, 8th Lord Abergavenny, 101, 115, 593, 869. wife of, 871. Lady Catherine, his mother, ……………. "" .... George, his brother, (after- wards 9th Lord Abergavenny), 869. Katherine, Frances, and Eliz., his sisters, 869. "" Mary and Eliz., his half-sisters, Neville, or Nevile, Ant., 2154. ******* "> ****** *** Sir Christopher, his son, 2299. Rich., son of, 2299. ****** > ...... Edm., 2701 (3). Eliz., 108. Fras., John Poulton's trustee, 3046 (2). Fras., Northumberland, petition of, 3154. A ..... **** …………… Sophia, wife of, second hus- ··· Fras., co. York, 55, 61, 793, 801, 842, 1292 (2). ... ……………. wife and children of, 1751. Hen., M.P., member of the Committee for Compounding, 161, 463, 1739. Thos., his uncle, petition of, 872. petitions of, 1818, 2081. family of, 842. George, co. Lincoln, 1323. ******* Sir Gervase, his son, 1323. Gervase, co. York, 1750. petition of, 1931. ****** alias Smith, Hen., Cressing Temple, Essex, 35?, 95, 295, 863, 1916, 1936 (4), 3262. petitions of, 1916 (5), 1936. Wm., his son, 863. alias Smith, Hen., co. Leicester, 111, 2408, 2412 (3). ... -·*} petitions of, 2154, 2212, 2408 (3), 2409, 2411, 2412 (2). ………., Rich., 1433. ******) Colonel and Lieut.-Col. Nevill, his sons, 111. Henry, London, 1117. ………………, petition of, 1873. Thos., London, 1571. Neville-cont. **9 ." Win., Cressing Temple, 2751. Nevison, Edw., and Susan his wife, petition of, 3006. Newark, Lord, see Pierrepoint. Newberry, Capt., 36. Newbold, Wm., 1735. .. Newborough, Roger, see Newbury. Newburgh, Viscount, see Levingstone, Sir 2 James. Newbury, or Newborough, Roger, 240, 1536. Zachary, 3172, 3210. Eliz., wife of, 3210. children of, 3210. ... > Frances, alias Brooke, widow of, 103, 368, 510, 2048, 2789. Wm., trustee for Thos. Gage, petition of, 2212. > ……………… Newby, Wm., 176. Saa Thos., co. York, 1738, Sir Thos., 2048. ... Newcastle, Earl of, see Cavendish. Newcombe, Nich., 98, 3225. Rich., petition of, 3280. .... Newcourt, John, 3280. ·· …………. ... ******* Roger, 1424, 3280. ………………………., Rich., brother of, 1964, 3280. petitions of, 3280 (2). Mary, wife of, 1964. · ……………, ………………, petition of, 1964. children of, 1964. Newdigate, Rich., co. Lancaster ?, petition of, ……………… > ** ·· • · • .... C • • T Toby, son and heir of, 3280. petition of, 3280. • 2788. Rich., London, 1166. Newham, Mr., 79. Newhouse, Hugh, 244. ****) I > ******* Rich., 2443. ……………., Ann, wife of, petitions of, 2444 (2). " of, 2443, 2444. children of, 2444 (2). Wm., M.A., brother of, petitions Newington, Rich., 66, 3192. Newinson, Edw., 203. Newland, Thos., 78. father of, 2443 (2). Dr., 79. Mr., 79. Newman, Edmund, 78. George, Kent, 460. George, London, 1175. Gerard, petitions of, 2593 (2). Hen., Rutland, 1472 (2). Hen., Westminster, letter of, 599. petition of, 2367. ******* James, 460. Rich., Dorset, 119, 1088. Rich., Hunts, 90, 1974. Rich., London, petitions of, 2783 (2). 3506 Newman-cont. Wm., petition of, 2263. Newmarch, Rob., petition of, 2894. Newnham, John, 3259. Newport, Earl of, see Blount. .... ·· LI Sir Rich., or Lord Newport, 924, 1040, 3261. **** ****** 3261. · Newport, Florence, petition of, 1573. ·· *** ·· John, co. Hertford, 2460, 2615, 3206. > ******* ...., John, son of, 2615, Edw. and Wm., children of, 2616 (2). Rob. and Frances, children of, ***** 2616. ay ... **** Thos. and Bridget, children of, 2615 (2), 2616 (2). > Anne, daughter of, 2615; and see Allanson, Anne. *** > ... Mary, daughter of, 2615; and see Peacock, Mary. > John, Middlesex, 3008. John, co. Notts, 2032. Martha, petition of, 2616. Walter, 2217. Newsham, John, 2219. ***** "} * ...) ****** Nich., 2717. Newson, Sam., 96, 116, 909. brothers and sisters of, 909. Newstead, Chris., petition of, 1465. Rob., 1464. children of, 1465. .... > Herbert, father of, 1465 (6), Newte, Hen., 2802. Rich., 628. .... "" ** "> Newton, Charles, 1737. ., • • Lady Rachel, wife of, 924. Francis, son of, 31, 42, 924, .... "" ***S Mary, wife of, 2615, 2663. **** GENERAL INDEX. ****** Frances, 1307. ****** petition of, 2964. • petition of, 1307. husband of, 1307. George, 678. Sir Hen., see Pickering. James, 2061. John, sen., Devon, 1905, 2811. John, son of, 2811. John, co. Lincoln, 796, 1388. mother of, 1388. • ******* John, Northumberland, petitions of, 2849 (2). John, Salop, 1045. John, co. Somerset, 1994. John, Westminster, 93. John, co. York, 2744. Mat., 572, 1734, 1737, 3040. ......, Miles, 2410. *** Dorothy, wife of, 2410. Newton, Miles-cont. ... ·· .. ..... • Miles, Hen., Wm., and Dorothy, children of, petition of, 2410. Nich., 462, 469. Rich., 123. " 盡情 ​Thos., Derbyshire Commissioner, 673, 692, 1849, 2721 ?. ****** "" ……. > Thos., co. Notts, 1788. ** ***** Amy. **** Wm., 1735. Wm., Congleton, co. Chester, 3058. Wm., Prestbury, co. Chester, 123, 1092. ...y Wm., mayor of Chesterfield, co. Derby, 746. .." **** ***** ****** Mr., co. York, 33. Neyle, Rich., formerly Bishop of Durham, grants or leases by, alluded to, 2626, 3061. • Nicholas, Edw., or Sir Edw., Secretary of State to Charles I., 77, 93, 105, 462, 2589, 2895, 3160. **** petition of, 1358. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1956. petitions of, 1956 (3). ******* Mr., minister, co. Chester, 112. Mr., Westminster, 93. endorsement by, 731. Jane, wife of, petition of, 2589. children of, 2589. ** · ******* Capt. John, governor of Chepstow, co. Monmouth, 739. petition of, 2311. ******* Col. John, Receiver-General for co. Worcester, 3249 (2). Matt., D.D., 79, 106, 1974. Phil., Monmouth Commissioner, 753, 755. ***** *** letters of, 704, 729, 736. ***** 24* **** ...3 **** Amy, widow of, see Childers, letter of, 755. ******* [Robert ?], M.P., 991. Nicholle, John, Jersey, petition of, 2330. Nichols, Nicholls, or Nicolls. • **** " Ant., M.P., 92, 523, 581, 608, 646, 1898 (2). Sir Edw., Bart., 1054, 1088. petition of, 2923. ...... John, petition of, 3043, ******) · *** …………. • " Wm., grandfather of, 3043. Rich., Drayton, co. Stafford, 1895, 1896. John, father of, 3043. petition of, 1895. ****** Rich., Fenton, co. Stafford, 90, 1027. Thos., Salop, 3283 (2). Thos., Salop Commissioner, certificate by, 447. ...... letters of, 157, 223. Wm., D.D., 123, 1686. ………………………, Mr., of the Committee of Accounts, 42. Nicholson, Bridget, 547. ……………………., Edm., 1855. Edw., 2083. 4. .. · ·· ... .. ·· .... ·· ... .. .... • ·· • Nicklis, John, 567. Nickson, Anne, 101. Wm., 3240. *** ... > > ****** > > …………………… > Nicoll, Pat., 2. Nighgall, Miles, 2086. Nightingale, Thos., 539, 593, 2613. ****** Nix, Wm., Mayor of Nottingham, 207. certificate by, 207. Nixon, Fras., Herts Commissioner, 247, 355. Rob., 1278. " O Alderman and J.P. of Oxford, 686 (2). Noble, Quartermaster Edm., deposition of, 827. • Rowland, wife of, 176. Thos., Cornwall, 2398. Thos., Salop Commissioner, letter of, 173. Wm., 1826. Capt., 3308. Mr., London, 2930. • " • כי Fras., sen., 1951. Fras., jun., 1909. Gabriel, petition of, 2006. George, co. Lincoln, 1530. petitions of, 1530 (2). > ****** John, 2983. John, farmer of Excise, 3147. Dr. John, 396. Jos., 268. Noel, Eliz., Viscountess Dowager Campden, widow of Baptist, 1st Viscount, 1351. > ****** ……………………、、 ……………., servants of, 940. Noel, or Noell, Edw., 3172. Hen., 1063. ...> George, 110. James, 128, 810 (2). John, clerk, 2552. Rob., 2357 (2). Baptist, 3rd Viscount Campden, 26, 63, 88, 773, 939, 2309. GENERAL INDEX. daughter of, see Roper, Anne. Mr., co. Leicester, 109. widow of, 1063. John, petition of, 1783. Martin, 1715, 2426. ………… Hester, wife of, 2309. Thos., goldsmith of London, 13, 15. Walter, 90, 1495. Alderman of London, requests by, 3005 (2). Mr., registrar of the Obstruction Committee, 615, 722. Nokes, Thos., 2322. Norborne, Walter, 2079. Norbury, John, petition of, 2268. Norcliffe, Benj., petition of, 1318. • Sir Thos., father of, 1318. brothers and sisters of, 1318. Marmaduke, petition of, 2041. Norfolk, Duke of, see Howard. Norfolk, James, 2266, 2267. petition of, 2266. Norgate, Edw., 3258. ………… **** ****** Mr., Devon, 2822. ****** Normansell, Rich., 123. • Norris, Alex., 809, 1181, 1838. Andrew, 2813, 2863. • D ... ..... A ……… ·· • 7 • **** ... Thos., and Anne, his wife, 2828, 3258. • • ... N .... • .... } sons of, petition of, 2863. Anue, daughter of, see Worth- ington, Anne. Jane and Mary, daughters of, 2813 (2). ... ****** ** > ., Ant., jun., 3191. Edw., Cumberland, 1697. Edw., co. Lancaster, 2821. 2821. • ., Ant., sen., 3191. ··· .... ... *** …………. Hen., son of, 2813, 2863. John, Wm., and Allen, younger …………. · .... Eliz., petition of, 2813. George, 1953. John, co. Lancaster, 1181. John, Milverton, Somerset, 2839. Fras., Ant., John, Giles, Gabriel, and Mary, children of, petition of, 2839. petition of, 2813. Marg., wife of, 3191. daughters of, 3191. John, Minehead, Somerset, 1592. John, St. Decuman's, Somerset, 1666. Rich., 2580 (2). Rich., Bucks, 1460. Rich., co. Lancaster, 2863. Frances, widow of, petition of, children of, 2821 (2). ……………… 3507 petition of, 2863. Rob., co. Lancaster, 2826. Rob., Westminster, 93. Silvester, 442, 1403, 3178, 3280. Tobias, 31, 790, 793. Wm., Blackrod, co. Lancaster, 3134. Wm., Speke, co. Lancaster, 395, 1911, 2514, 2895, 3224. Edw., Johu, and And., his sons, …………… ………………, Thos., son of, 1911. ..... ? North, Charles, 2008. • grandfather of, 1912 (2). ……….*** wife and family of, 2008. Sir Dudley, K.B., 2398. petitions of, 2394 (2). Gilbert, Westminster, 93, 1577. Capt. Gilbert, co. Herts, 660 (2), 684, 856 (4). petitions of, 855 (3). Capt. Johu?, 854. Mich., Devon, 2968. Rich., 3105. 3508 GENERAL INDEX. North-cont. ..... Roger, petitions of, 2394 (3). Capt. Roger, 855 (4), 856. petitions of, 854 (2), 855. .., Wm., co. Huntingdon, 740. Wm., co, York, petition of, 1925. Mr., Notts Commissioner?, 1717. Northall, Hum., 2478. Northampton, Earl and Countess of, see Compton. Northcott, or Northcote, Sir John, M.P., certificate of, 1535. ', Northfolk, James, petitions of, 2122, 2123. uncle of, see Thatcher, John. Northleigh, John, 73. ......., Rich., 73, 74. Northover, John, 1176. Northumberland, Earl of, see Percy. Northwoods, Wm., 205. · ·· > .. • ... • Northy, Thos., 1149, 3258. Wm., 2156, 2166 (2). petition of, 2166. •, ****** Norton, Benj., Rutland Commissioner, 559. ******* letters of, 193, 559. Edw., 42, 105. George, 2389. Gregory, information by, 1760. ·· • • " Sir Gregory, Bart., 25, 135, 322, 1715, 1716, 1796, 1797, 2363 (3), 3302. • Martha, widow of, 1797 (4). petition of, 1797. John, D.C.L., 95, 204, 1545. John, father of, 1545. ……………., Dorothy, mother of, 1545.. John, sen., J.P., co. Northampton, 1088 ?. ………… > ..... **** ... > • …………. ………… .... ·· .... …………… ... .. > .. ·· Major, 878, 1122. Peter, 1700. Ralph, 944. Col. Rich., M.P., 42, 799, 801, 806, 1218, 2531, 2537. Sir Rich., Bart., sen., Hants, 848. .... ... • .... " certificate by, 632. wife of, 848. Sir Rich., Bart., jun., his son, 105, 848. ..... John, his younger son, 848. Simon, 2683. ****** wife and children of, 2684. ……………., Step., 2469. petition of, 1122. wife and children of, 878. Edmund, son of, 878. 1237. petitions of, 2469 (3). ... ... Thos., co. York, 33. Sir Walter, Suffolk, 3103. ******* widow of, 3103-3105. Wm., Kent, 461. Lady Mary, alias Clifford, Norton-cont. Lady, co. Chester, 905. Lieut., co. York, 33. Lieut.-Col., delinquent, 33. Norwich, Bishop of, see Hall, Jos. Earl of, see Goring. ………………. Norwich, Sir John, Bart., 1435 (2). letter of, 81. ... "" Wm., 2143. Norwood, Alex, co. Gloucester, petitious of, 3004 (2). Alex., Kent, 462. Eliz., 87. Hen., 2075. John, 3235. Rich., 755. Nosse, Wm., 1313. Nossiter, alias Pearse, Wm., 2766. Nosworthy, John, petition of, 2110. Nott, Anne, petition of, 2939. Edw., 1512. ** ******* ...... 1 .. ******* ** .... Major, 1631. Mr., Essex, 95. ..... Nottell, Wm., 152, 180. Nottingham, Earl of, see Howard, Char.es. Nottingham, Nath., 1634. ► ……………… , …………… ', Nowell, Ann, petition of, 3158. ..... Roger, 1251. >> Noy, or Noye, Edw., 1217. • John and Eliz., petitions of, 2621, 2622. Noyse, Rich., 105. Nudrich, Mr., Surrey agent, 286. Nurse, Edw., 2869. • wife and children of, 2869. Giles, 87. Nurton, Gilbert, 2956. Nuthall, see Nuttall. Nutier, John, 106. Nutley, George, 1634. James, 2225. • …………. Sir Thos., 93, 96, 280, 1544. .. wife and children of, 1512. "" petition of, 2294. Nuttall, or Nuthall, Hen., 2504. ……………………, daughter of, 2504. John, Essex, 3146. petition of, 2357. ..> Hum., 117, 284, 1217. Wm., 2999. ' ………. John, co. York, 266, 1027. Joshua, 1309. Lieut. Rich., 434. Thos., petition of, 2294. Nycson, John, co. Lancaster, 2052. Nymlin, Rich., 823. petition of, 192. ANA · > ****** i GENERAL INDEX. 3509 O Oake, Walter, petition of, 1910. Oakely, Rich., Salop, 1119. Rich., Westminster, 93. Oakes, Urian, 284, 744 (2), 2928, 3245. Capt. Wm., 744 (2), 3245. Oakham, Baron of, see Cromwell, Lord. Oard, see Ord. Oates, Rich., 1575. "" Obert, Maurice, 93. Oblivion, Act of, see Pardon. ** "" ....... O'Brien, Brian, Earl of Thomond, 278, 1208. daughter of, see Mordaunt Penelope, Countess of Peterborough. Murrough, 5th Baron and 1st Earl of Inchiquin, 1637, 1654. Obstructions in Sale of Delinquents' Lands, Committee for Removing, 168, 464, 542, 588, 643, 650, 709, 854, 1225, 1292, 1476, 1622, 1650, 1769, 1992 (2), 2075, 2081, 2238, 2484, 2500 (2), 2672, 2829, 2949, 2976, 3138. ………………… .. ……………. ....... allowances by, alluded to, 665, 1102, 1115, 1263, 1267, 1446, 1557, 1622, 1696, 1697, 1704, 1765-1767, 1792 (2), 1992, 2074, 2075 (2), 2154, 2157, 2159, 2160 (2), 2163 (2), 2165, 2166, 2171 (2), 2224 (2), 2235, 2243, 2254, 2274, 2300, 2325, 2356, 2381, 2395, 2408, 2414, 2417, 2426, 2431, 2440, 2445, 2484, 2493, 2495, 2521 (2), 2526, 2548, 2670, 2727, 2859, 2879, 2921, 2933, 2934, 2951, 3023, 3037 (2), 3047, 3078, 3100, 3101, 3112, 3116, 3126, 3140, 3142, 3152, 3171, 3210, 3282, 3298. ..... ******* at Worcester House, 2243, 2824, 3013, 3094. ·· auditor of, see Tandy, Phil. claims made before, 1102, 1189, 2081, 2999, 3013, 3023. ******* clains disallowed by, 2206 (2), 2223, 2373, 2397, 3143. ...» .. letter of, alluded to, 743. letters to, 433, 629, 1650, 2441. alluded to, 1893 (2). members of, 591. orders of, 431, 642, 711, 766, 1655, 1767, 1847, 1896, 2131, 2139, 2164 (3), 2166, 2186, 2211, 2254, 2408, 2417, 2426, 2570, 2584, 2695, 2859, 3005, 3023, 3038, 3116, 3294. ••• .... ………. *** •> ******3 alluded to, 430, 655, 1102, 1114, 1115 (2), 1303, 1769, 2060, 2097, 2253, 2274, 2426, 2570 (2), 2623, 2631, 2632, 2669, 3024 (2), 3281. orders to, 1428, 2583, 2891. ……………………… ……………., papers sent to, 1767, 2187. RE ……. > ………………) …………… 2679. petitions or appeals to, 2195, Obstructions, Committee for-cont. …………… • ·· • ... ...... ……………., petitions to, alluded to, 1103, 1363, 2303, 2568, 2932 (2). •9 proceedings before, alluded to, 1270, 2719, 2797, 3282. ** ………… ……………., requests to, 1114, 1792. ………….., secretary of, 731. , ……. summons before, alluded to, 1114, 1649. ·· Occeott, Benj., 216. Odber, Parkinson, 1658. Oddingsells, John, 171. Odingsell, or Odingsells, Gabriel, Notts Com- missioner, 672, 707, 746, 1402, 1855, 3224. letters of, see Nottingham, County Commissioners of, letters of. Odling, Edw., M.D., petitions of, 2472 (5). Officers, wives or widows of, see Soldiers. Offley, John, 1791, 3259?. petition of, 1791. Sir John, 1791. Rob., 489, 501. Ogar, Edmund, 3257. Ogle, Cuthbert, Baron Ogle, 2022. Catherine, Lady Ogle, his wife, 1733, 2022. ………… ·· > reference by, 2631. references to, 1562, 2414, 2697. registrar of, Mr. Noel, 665, 722. ………………, report of, alluded to, 437. ... ………….., reports, &c., to, 2451, 2571. ....... *** 1 **** ..... .... Ogle, Cuthbert, 830, 1094. **" .. • daughters of, see Talbot, Lady Joan; and Cavendish, Lady Cath. Capt. or Col. Sir Wm., titular Lord Ogle, 93, 105, 799, 806, 1059 (2),1095, 1563, 2883. Hen., Northumberland Commissioner, 172, 583, 815. ..., James, 42, 127, 807, 1160. John, Northumberland Commissioner, 430, 583, 652, 675, 3048. Sir John, 2175. ** ……………… Nich., petition of, 2342. Capt. Thos., 1074, 1270. *** 1075. - ………., children of, 1075. Lancelot, father of, 1270. Capt., co. Lincoln ?, 1311. Ogilvie, Patrick, Lord Ogilvie, 93. Oglevie, Sir George, 93. Capt. Pat., 1467 (3). petition of, 1467. Susanna, wife of, petition of, ……………. ...... Okeham, Anne, 2827. .... "> Wm., son of, 2827. John, 1021. * *** Okeley, George, 1826. Okey, Col. John, 2304, 2453. Okie, Mr., Lancashire auditor, 549, 575. : 3510 GENERAL INDEX. Oldfield, John, Member of the Committee for Compounding ?, 34. ... Oldham, Edw., 124. Oldis, John, 240, 2757. G Oldisworth, Michael, M.P., 1532-1534, 1931. petitions of, 1531 (2), 1533. Oldsworth, Dr., Hunts, 90. Oley, Barnabas, 2115. ... *****} ……………. Oliver, or Olliver, Benj., Devon, 2966. John, 3247. Thos., 2455. Mrs., 1621. petition of, 1621. Olviean, Stephen, 2966. Oneby, John, 110, 3071. Only, Edw., 3305. John, co. Lincoln, 1296. Leftwich, 121, 326, 2091. • [ > Onslow, Rich. and Art., certificate of, 2673. Sir Rich., 2291, 2469 (2), 2471 (2), 2473. ******* ………….., petitions of, 2462, 2467 (4), 2472 (3), 3265. Onwins, or Onyon, John, see Unwin, John. Oppy, Thos., petition of, 2686. Orbell, Nich., 1867. ♦ Orchard, John, Dorset, 118, 3192. Ann, his widow, 118. John, co. Leicester, 2615. Thos., Devon, 1316. Thos., Dorset, 976. wife of, 976. Wm., minister, petition of, 1239. ·· O > · ***** Ord, Orde, or Oard. ... Rebecca, sister of, 2115, 2116. ·· petitions of, 2341 (3). …………………., Eleanor, his wife, 3182. > Dorothy, 2928. George, 202. John, 202. • U .... petitions of, 2341 (3). Mabel, 2588, 3263. Thos., 203. Wm., co. Durham, 2550. Clara, wife of, petition of, 2550. Ald. Wm., Berwick, 204, 811. Ordnance, Lieutenant of, see Earle, Sir Walter. *****9 officers of, payments to, 824. Organor, Wm., petition of, 3064. Orill, Hugh, 1722. Orme, Edw., 124. Hum., and Mary, his wife, petition of, 1778. Thos., 2289. Wm., 90, 1684. Ormond, Marquis, or Earl of, see Butler. Orpin, Capt. Edw., 1736. Orrell, Hugh, 3176. John, 86, 508. .. ..... Rich., 2057. Orringe, Thos., 107. Orton, John, 109. • • …., Lewis, co. Lancaster, 3022. petition of, 1280. · Orum, Rich., 721. " **** Osbaldeston, Alex., 2574, 3308. Anne, wife of, 3308. ... ******} ………………………, ………………, Edw., son of, 3308. children of, 3308. ****** Alice, see Charnley, Alice. John, co. Lancaster, 907. ·· A .. ..... · ·· ·· .. ..) **** > ... John, Osbaldeston, co. Lancaster, and Frances his wife, 3013. or Osbaston, John, Oxon, 2206. • " Osborne, Edw., 1342 (2). "" ******* · ↑ …………….9 , ? > "" Wm., petition of, 1927. petitions of, 1342 (2). " ……………** Sir Edw., Bart., 1027, 1834. (2). (3). • "" Rich., 3231. …………….2 > • " 4. > Thos., 906. Eleanor, see Bailey, Eleanor. John, Cornwall, 1200. John, Rutland Commissioner, 559, 761. > ...... .. > ……………. ………….. Marg., wife of, 3231. John, son of, petition of, 3231. …………. > Marg., 2247. A Sir Peter, 94, 579, 1974. .. Wm., son of, 906. .. > "" Anne, wife of, 1027 (2), 1028 petition of, 1974. ………… petitions of, 1027, 1834 Sir Thos., son of, 1027, 1028. ……………`) • letters of, 81, 761. Dorothy, wife of, 1974. Hen., 2nd son of, 1974. Sir John, father of, 1974. Thes. and Fras., brothers of, Phil., 2865. ………………, Eliz., widow of, petition of, 2494. ... Rich., 1946. Capt. Rich., 2892. Sam., 642, 655, 1655. other brothers of, 1974. Thos., Kent, 102, 458, 1252. Thos., Sussex, 2545. ******* Wm., 2284-2288. petitions of, 2544.. petitions of, 2284-2287. John, relative of?, 2284. .. Mr., 602. Osgood, Rich., 2694. John, son of, 2284 (3). GENERAL INDEX. 3511 Ossory, Bishop of, see Williams, Dr. Griffith. Oswald, Eliz., 2798. ………………………, Rich., 2684 (2). Oswin, Thos., 110. Otby, Tristram, 2008. Otterburne, Rob., petition of, 2190. Ottley, Sir Fras., 54, 1331, 1541, 1641, 1817. Rich., son of, 1331. father of, 1331. Oudart, Nich., 1575. Ough, Chris., 117, 2739. Ould, Hen., 2918. Outerlony, David, 93. Outlaws, 2145. Outrum, Wm., petition of, 3216. Overbury, Sir Giles, 1460. Overing, Edw., 2033 (2). Overman, Thos., 403. wife of, 403. **** > Overton, And., 119, 166, 1374. Edw., 89, 3237. Rich., 1736. Col. Rob., 380, 761, 763, 774, 775, 1726. ··· • A · Ga • 3 Anna. ……….., Wm., 166, 1659. Overy, Fras., petition of, 2051. Oviatt, John, 130. · Ovington, Ant., 2806. • ****** .... **** ** Kath. ***** Owen, or Owens, Anne, petitions of, 3286 (2). ו. ***** ... ...... ****** Sir Hugh, 2787. ………………………, John, Bishop of St. Asaph, 2529 (2). John, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 250, 2077. " letters of, 669, 2365. mother-in-law of, see Gardiner, petitions of, 2805, 2806 (6). Kath., wife of, see Conyers, Edw., 2873. Fras., 887. Hen., 3246. John, Cumberland, 1115. John, Kent, 458. John, London, 1114, 1117. petition of, 1114. ******* Sir John, 58, 131, 1754, 1842 (2) 3250. Lawrence, 1105. >> Morgan, Bishop of Llandaff, 1881, 1882 (2). ⇓⇓⇓ Rees, his brother, 1881. Morgan, son of, 1881. Morgan, ensign, 1825. Penelope, 1861. ***** petition of, 1862. ****** Philip, petitions of, 3285 (3). Pontesbury, 1418. Rich., co. Salop, 2410. Owen, Rich.-cont. ·· .. 0. · C " · ·· .." …………. ... > ■ ... "" • ***** ', Rob., co. Lancaster, 766. Capt. Rob., Montgomeryshire Com- missioner, 753, 758. Roger, 1459. Thos., 732, 1613. > • petition of, 2410. Rob., co. Gloucester, 2001. • • • ………. ***** ני " …………….) Ower, Edw., Kent, letter of, 766. Owre, Boys, 459. .... Thos., son of, 2410. Rob., 2685. Owsley, Sir Rob., 107. • Captain, London, 625. Major, Governor of Shrewsbury for the King, 2892. ··· widow of, see Davies, Mary. Roger, and Wm., his son, 2083. Oxenbridge, Clem., 1268. petition of, 2166. Sir Rob., 2173. Oxford, Bishop of, see Skinner, Dr. Rob. Earl of, see Vere, Aubrey de. Oxinden, Hen., 461. ****** Wm., Porkington, Salop, 1861. Wm., Pontesbury, Salop, 1045. Capt. Wm., 795. Sir Wm., 1500, 1815, 3282, 3283. Roger, son of, 3282, 3283. Priscilla, wife of, 1613. Edw., son of, 1613. Oyer and Terminer, Commissioners of, for the King, 759, 926, 936 (2), 989, 991, 995. Justices of, 1517. > Ozier, M., French agent, 493. ******* Pacey, John, 79. Packe, or Pack, Alderman Chris., 31, 623, 2016. petitions of, 1624, 2016. Packer, Philip, 1833 (4). petition of, 1832. ……………*3 Major Wm., Deputy Major-General for co. Oxon, 1612. Anne, widow of, 1613. " …………. ****** Packhurst, Mr., London and Devon, 498. Packingham, Rob., 2140. Packington, Sir John, Bart., 39, 68, 726 (2), 1194. P • Dorothy, wife of, 1194, 1196. children of, 1196. Elizabeth, sister of, 1194. Sir John, grandfather of, 1194. Mr., 186. Packwood, Josias, petition of, 872. Padding, Mr., Westminster, 93. Padwick, Hum., 1737. 3512 GENERAL INDEX. Page, Edm.. 72, 124. .. • ·· ………… • *..* ·· ...... •• ****** > > • " , .. • 1 ·· ·· ... Paget, Wm., 5th Lord Paget, 2939. Wm., 6th Lord Paget, his son, 90, 93, 807, 872, 1894 (2), 2939. petition of, 3172. Paget, Charles, 93, 1418, John, 555 (2). Edw., Cumberland, 574. Edw., co. Northampton, 88, 1053. "" * signature of, 623. John, co. Chester, 112. John, Sussex, 1652. Michael, 458. ..... • Hen., 2009. Paine, or Payne, John, 1429. petition of, 1429. …………..> John, Suffolk, 96, 1268. Nich., 118. Rich., 2690. Rob., 109. Thos., 398. petition of, 393. Captain, Gloucester delinquent, 749. Master in Chancery, 961. ***** **** " ..... ... father of, 1053. .. · Phineas, 809. …………….., Rich., Dorset, 118. Dr. Rob., 1529. Thos., 90, 890, Wm., 782. • ……………. Nich., 3198. Roger, 2304. Thos., Devon, 2971. Thos., Sussex, 3261. Joan, his sister, 1268. Wm., Kent, 457. Wm., Sussex, 1961. ………………, petitions of, 833, 834. Walter, Sussex, petition of, 834. Mr., co. Gloucester, 87. Pailey, Isabel, see Whittacre, Isabel. Painter, Edw., Devon, 2967. …………… ... K Hen., petition of, 1740. Hum., 1965. Wm., Cornwall, 117, 336, 1380. Wm., Dorset, 3259. Palatine of the Rhine, Prince Elector, or the Palsgrave, Charles Lewis, annuity of, 28, 138. estates of, or granted to, 160, 185, 197, 243, 245, 308, 315, 321, 339, 1908, 2515. ……………, payments to, 2124. list of, note of, 308. ******* Ordinance for, alluded to, 28, 216. revenue of, 254, 299, 311. committee for, 28, 102, 226, 245, 308, 318, 321, 323, 368, 369, 396, 887, 890, 1395, 1490, 1683, 1779 (3), 1891, 1908, 2059, 2196, 2543, 2657, 3109. Palatine, Elector, revenue of, Committee for -cont. …………………. • • .. · ***) ……….. 1251, 1779, 2058, 2543. " Paler, Edw., 3257. Palfreyman, Edw., 1327. Palgrave, Clem., 240. • 5 ****** ··· *** ? ', ... • 11 Palin, Joan, 101. John, 3198. Pallaser, Thos., 3173. Palmer, Dan, 1884. …..> treasurer for, 189, 315. Princes, see Rupert and Maurice. ……… • "" > > • " …………………*** ... ……………… -> ...... "> orders by, 1908. receivers for, 197, 318, Sir John, 1829. ****** 2. .... ... ....... Edw., co. Leicester, 110. Edw., Rutland, 89. Eliz., 3186. Geoffrey, 1433. George, 2798. Major Giles, 1853 (2). petition of, 1853. brothers of, 1853. …………. 2 petition of, 2058. ******* Sir Hen., 457 (2), 1878, Herbert, 1075. Marg., widow of, 1884. grandchildren of, 1884. Sir James, 51, 93, 1460. Vaughan, Sir Rob. John, Devon, 3259. John, co. Leicester, 109. John, Somerset, 1979. Katherine, wife of, 1628. petition of, 1627. former husband of, see Dr. John, M.P.. 150 (2), 1429, 1730. letter, &c., of, 481, 1608. Sir Roger, K.C.B., M.P., 25, 93, 96, " 102, 794, 1394, 2077 (2). ... *** Nich., 2867. Peregrine, 1976. Peter, 1155. Philip, 2782. Rich., Devon, 573. Thos., co. Stafford, petitions of, 2711, 3146. ... Thos. and Aune, Suffolk ?, petitions of, 2535 (2). Sir Thos., Bart., 461, 2869. petition of, 2869. ……………… Wm., co. Brecon, petition of, 2971. Wm., Kent Commissioner, 766. Wm., co. Leicester, petition of, 1672. Wm., Middlesex ?, 3040 (2). Sir Wm., 93, 1482. Cornet, 788. Mr., Surrey, 582. Mr., Wilts, 52. GENERAL INDEX. 3513 Palmes, Sir George, 2580. • • .. ….. ……………., John and Wm., brothers of, 2581 (5). petitions of, 2580 (2), ... .. ... • ..... .... • ******* petition of, 861. Wm., co. York, 3198. Palsgrave, the, see Palatine of the Rhine. Palyn, Rich., 90, 3195. NO ., petition of, 2745. Pandells, Hum., 3256. Panton, Edw., 1070. . ... •• 2581. .9 ... Papists, or Roman Catholics, passim. • Sir Guy, Bart., 88, 107, 1316, 1643. ………… Sir Bryan, Bart., his son, 861, 1316, 1643. ... ***** ? ***** ... John, father of, 2581. *** Thos., 2685. ****** Acts concerning, 146, 167, 178, 239, 424. alluded to, 198, 206, 249. beyond seas, 184, 206, 243, 263, 436. children of, to be brought up as Pro- testants, 440, 507. ……… danger to the State from, 22. delinquents, lists of, 33, 60, 61, 66– 68, 87-90, 99-104, 106-111, 113, 539, 547, 671. notes of, 410, 546, 562, 566, 648, 670, 674, 675, 728-730, 732 (6), 733 (3), 738-740. Judith, wife of, 1070. family of, 1070. orders concerning, 35, 178, 609. priests, 416, 426, 590, 1140, 2024. property or estates of, passim. ……… ………………, account of receipts from, 429. queries concerning, 555, 608. not allowed to compound, 1158, 1193, 1313, 1404, 1469, 1485, 1487, 1756, 2041. disabilities of, 516. Oath of Abjuration to be offered to, see Abjuration Oath. answers to, 610, 638. .... • Paradine, Capt. Rob., see Parradine. Paramore, Hen., 456. ♥♥ ... John, 461. Pardoe, Wm., Worcester agent?, paper by, J ... 237. Pardon or Oblivion, Act of, 547. allusions to, passim. discharges and petitions for discharges on, passim. "> • 70358. for Compounding, 607. *****) 572, 580, 592, 645. objections to, by the Committee orders concerning, 553, 558, penalties inflicted by, 630. Pardon, Act of-cont. • • Pargiter, Rob., 1234 (2). ****** petitions of, 1234, 1865. Parham, Lord Willoughby of, see Willoughby. Paris, or Parris, Charles, 277, 539, 702, 2403 (2), 2742, 3306. J ………………., John, Norfolk, 2915. Lieut. John, 1418. ·· .. ·· .. ………………, persons not within, or excepted from, 592, 1395, 1482, 1617, 1628, 1688, 1861, 1931, 2024, 2080, 2163, 2297, 2343, 2361, 2373, 2387, 2753, 2761, 2946, 2951, 3009, 3032, 3051. . ……………., queries concerning, 549, 555– 557, 570, 574, 580, 591, 592 (2), 625, 638, 643, 646. Parish, see Parrish. ** 851. Parke, or Park, Alex., petitions of, 2749, 2750. > • .. > family of, 1418. Jonathan, Hunts Commissioner, 673, 1. +47 ……………… Wm., co. Lancaster, 3234. .., Wm., co. York, 72. Parker, Henry, 13th Lord Morley and Mont- eagle, and Baron of Rye, 321, 486, 493, 540, 739, 1675, 2276, 2906, 3278, 3279 (4). Chris., petition of, 3263. Giles, 2996. > Mary. ...... John, 203, 547, 3000. Rich., 428 (2). Thos., 66. letter of, 674. list by, 90. …………….Ş Parker, Anne, 10, 341, 867. Edm., 1212. Eliz., 2543, 3194. George, 617. George, co. Stafford, 90, 1028. Hen., co. Lancaster, 2559. Hen., London, 1602. ******y Thomas, 14th Lord Morley, his son, 2276. Wm., his brother, 2281. Eliz., wife of, petition of, 2996. ·· John, yeoman of the guard, 164. John, Bradkirk, 2445. 2445. Philippa, his wife, 2276. • " 2445. mother of, see Carill, Lady petitions of, 2445 (6). " John, Loveley, co. Lancaster, son of, 2445. Chris., son of, 1117. ………… · "" co. Lancaster, •❞ Marg., his wife, 2445. Wm., son of, 2445. Ant., his father, Wm., his son, petition of, Y 3514 GENERAL INDEX. Parker, John, Bradkirk-cont. ▸ ·· I • ** > • 2446. ני .. ....? ****** Marg. Beesley, daughter of, petition of, 2445. • John, Myerscough, co. Lancaster, 3174. > " Mary, 787, 792, 793, 904. petition of, 18. 2572. Janet, daughter of, 1111, 2446. John Parker, husband of, ******* Mary, delinquent, 3256. Peter, 194. Rich., co. Cambridge, 3258. Rich., Loveley, co. Lancaster, 2446. Marg., widow of, 2446. John, son of, 2446. Rich., sen., co. Stafford, 2851. .. ...... Rob., co. Derby, 2775. Rob., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3200. Rob., Wilts, 79. Sir Selwin, 93. Thos., co. Chester, 2572. Cuthbert. …………** "" ·· ******* Wm., mayor of Hastings, Sussex, certificate by, 2769. Wm., Westminster, 1592. Eliz., widow of, petition of, father of, see Sharples, children of, 2572. …………. > Thos., co. Derby, petition of, 2438. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2957 (2), 3205. Dr. Wm., Commissioner of Excise, 3169. Mr., Bucks, 369. Serjeant, 1235, 1247, 1806. Parkes, or Parks,; Hum., petition of, 2071. Thos., co. York, petition of, 3233. Wm., co, Lancaster, 2300, 2782, Wm., co. Notts, petition of, 2579. wife of, 2579. ...> Parkhurst, Sir Rob., 453. Sir Wm., 102, 1542. Parkins, see Perkins. John, 3251. Mich., 110, Mr., co. Leicester, 109. , Parkinson, Cuthbert, Bulbank, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2902. Cuthbert, Tunstall, co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2960 (2). Edw., co. Lancaster, 2781 (3). …………….., Jane, wife of, 2781 (2). > Edw., Wigglesworth, co. Lancaster, 3174. James, 709. John, 1910 (2), 3175. …………………., Dorothy, wife of, 522, 2910. children of, 2910. CO. ***** Laurence, 3197. Lancaster, 1953, Parkinson-cont. Lawrence, Swineshead, co. Lancaster, 1299, 3277. Faith, widow of, petition of, .... ……………. 1301. Thos., his father, 1300 (2). Peter, and Ellen, his wife, 2768. Rich., Lancaster, co. Lancaster, 1950. Rich., Overleigh, co. Lancaster, 3175, 3216. Wm., father of, 3216. ……………… ……………., Jane, his wife, 3216. ... Rich., Sowerby, co. Lancaster, 656. Rich., Swineshead, co. Lancaster, 2099. ? > .. ... ... …………..? Ellen, mother of, 3110. ******* Rob., Overleigh, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 3216. Thos., 3146. Thos., Bleasdale, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 2799 (2). Thos., Infield, co. Lancaster, 3105. Ralph and Rich., brothers of, petition of, 3106. Wm., Cumberland, 2436. Wm., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3212. Parks, see Parkes. • .... • Parliament, or Both Houses, casual entries of. passim; see also State, the. • ·· ... Rob., co. Lancaster, 3110. abuse of, or speeches against, alluded to, 270, 288, 651, 655, 848, 892, 898, 905, 919, 1304, 1310, 1484, 1717, 2035, 2083, 2297, 2499 (2), 2582, 2708, 2716, 2725, 2971. wife and children of, 2099. ..... as rebels, rogues, or Round- heads, 1304, 1310, 1399, 1466, 1484, 1745, 1816, 1825, 1918, 2175, 2437, 2448, 2685, 2722, 2860. Acts of, 146, 178, 239, 284, 286, 424, 1104, 1427, 2124; see also Committee for Compounding; Pardon and Obli- vion; and Delinquents' lands, Sale of, Acts for. " **J .. repealed, 2083. appeals to, alluded to, 833, 2239. appointments by, 362, 877. attendance on, 1804, 2300. Bills in, 163, 353. books of, 519. breaking up of, by the army, 775 (2). cases before, or to be presented to, 286, 395 (2), 432, 497, 498, 701, 841, 1031, 1432, 1444, 1454, 1637, 1638, 1807. J > alluded to, passim. note of, 935. certificates to, 1036. clerks of, or attending, 144, 351, 519, 706; see also Scobell, Henry. 9 salaries of, 661, 662, 813, 820, 824, 825 (3). GENERAL INDEX. 3515 Parliament-cont. · commissions from, 1601. ........., committees of, 21, 29, 30, 54, 140, 151, 358, 487, 599, 654, 837, 903, 1244, 1338, 1341, 1425, 1502, 1534, 1638, 1648 (2), 1919, 1920, 1948, 2300, 2306; see also Grievances; Petitions; Public Debts; War, Articles of, &c.,&c., Committees for. · Commissioners of, 1578; see also Scottish Commissioners; and England, North of, Commissioners in. ………. orders in, 427, 432. contempt of, imprisonment for, 859. declarations of, alluded to, 962, 1011, 1030, 1034, 1042, 1050, 1070 (2), 1076. 9 dissolution of, alluded to, 928, 930, 937, 994, 1618, 1648, 1774, 2173, 2682, 2719, 2810, 3148, 3248, 3252. > designs against, 859. discharges by, 102, 115, 116. fines imposed by, passim. fines reduced or remitted by, 858, 1052, 1778. …………………… ………………, governors of, 39, 902, 1158. .... CC a free" called for, 773, 775. garrisons of, 38, 77, 292, 343, 572, 890, 910, 929 (2), 930, 942, 966, 1003, 1009, 1030, 1056, 1061, 1079, 1088, 1098, 1157, 1161, 1167 (2), 1177, 1210, 1256, 1311, 1356, 1380, 1565, 1612, 1652, 1666. held against, see Charles I., garrisons of. ... generals or commanders for, see Army, generals in. **** government of, made odious, 185. grants or allowances by, alluded to, 133, 136, 139, 148, 150, 156, 178, 215, 246, 253, 256, 263, 271, 280, 285, 287, 289, 327, 333, 366, 367, 376, 393, 426, 435, 439, 486, 487, 497, 606, 726, 811, 883, 1050, 1180, 1231, 1239, 1317, 1429, 1430 (2), 1597, 1678, 1705, 1706, 1760, 1792, 2170, 2192 (3), 2193, 2367, 2372 (2), 2691, 2878. guards for, 9, 48, 58 (2), 132, 813 (2), 864. honest party in, 773. House of, door of, orders set on, 169. ………………………, impeachment in, 858. the late, alluded to, 65, 637, 648, 735 (2), 1524, 1549, 1618, 2336, 2772. letter to, 12. lists presented to, 33, 143. manuscripts bought by, 133. members of, alluded to, 9, 21, 25, 34 (2), 58, 59, 64, 74, 130, 139, 145, 169, 221, 258, 262, 308, 414, 425, 466, 506, 552, 562, 707, 713, 863, 886, 902, 913, 917, 950, 1126, 1151, 1154, 1201, 1206, Parliament, Members of, alluded to-cont. 1208, 1282, 1283, 1343, 1399, 1441, 1499, 1573, 1643, 1730, 1773, 1856, 1872, 2023, 2077, 2188. ......, absent, Committee for, 874. absenting themselves by leave, · ..... 2 2740. cases of, 864, 867, 874, 924, 940, 942 (2), 945, 958-960, 985, 990, 991, 1009, 1014, 1032, 1035, 1051, 1056, 1061, 1072, 1082, 1084, 1125, 1131, 1136, 1181, 1183, 1190, 1208, 1227, 1239, 1252, 1259, 1286, 1292, 1318, 1326, 1327, 1336, 1338, 1342, 1369, 1381, 1382, 1394, 1474, 1476, 1483, 1498, 1510, 1512, 1524, 1541, 1563, 1565, 1599, 1626, 1649, 1661, 1682, 1751, 1844, 1863, 1869, 1874, 2062, 2064, 2124, 2210, 2232, 2740, 2772, 2809. .. ****** names of, 12, 29, 31, 42–44, *3 46, 63 (2), 72, 82, 92, 126, 166, 178-180, 193, 198, 211, 222, 224, 226, 243, 288, 302, 308, 400, 408, 437, 446, 473, 478, 481, 486, 488, 489, 504, 506, 523, 524, 542 (2), 543 (2), 560, 567, 584, 592, 595, 600, 608, 618, 646 (2), 647, 698, 706, 786, 791 (2), 792 (3), 796, 799, 802, 805, 806, 840, 858, 864, 868, 873, 919, 920, 929-931, 956, 959, 961, 966, 977, 991, 1004, 1036, 1059, 1088, 1125, 1139, 1161, 1162, 1172 1176, 1185, 1206, 1234, 1237, 1239, 1244, 1245, 1257 (2), 1264, 1303, 1306, 1312, 1315, 1316, 1329, 1344, 1394 (2), 1399, 1448, 1472, 1475, 1488, 1499, 1510, 1527, 1531, 1535, 1540, 1541, 1553, 1573, 1586, 1604, 1608, 1617, 1618, 1634, 1628, 1708, 1710, 1732, 1790 (2), 1796, 1817, 1846 (2), 1862, 2004, 2028, 2053, 2136, 2169, 2178, 2187, 2221, 2224, 2233, 2267, 2273, 2279, 2299, 2338, 2369, 2370, 2378, 2385, 2426 (2), 2463, 2483, 2531, 2539, 2544, 2582, 2714, 2867, 2870, 2890, 2894, 2939, 3017, 3056. ***** .. **** expelled or deserting, 62, 69, 70, 146, 1444, 1528, 1844, 2065, 2081, 2208. order by, 48. ****** …………………., mercy of, 879, 880, 898, 967. ', ··· .., money or goods for, passim. officers or servants of, salaries of, 439, 661, 662, 664, 825. •* "" orders in (1643), 1. > (1644), 838, 840 (2), 846, 859, 865, 867. ……………., (1645), 843, 865, 900 (2), 902, 919, 966, 991, 2332. . (1646), 834, 857, 907, 917, 929, 931,952, 1030, 1036, 1039, 1052, 1059, 1078, 1126, 1180, 1194, 1221, 1292, 1296, 1477, 1478, 1539, 1541. ……………… (1647), 58, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 75, 1206, 1486, 1518, 1539, 1597, 1610, 1646, 1659, 1732, 1771. Y 2 3516 GENERAL INDEX.. Parliament, Orders in-cont. ……… . *** …………… • (1643), 76, 79 (2), 80 (2), 127 (2), 128, 130, 132-134, 864, 900, 914, 927, 961, 1190, 1276, 1491, 1729, 1767, 1806, 1828-1831, 1837, 1842, 1898. (1649), 136, 138-144, 150-152, 157, 159-164, 849, 918, 979, 1083 (2), 1.00, 1182 (3), 1195 (2), 1264, 1402, 1403, 1455 (2), 1478, 1493, 1540, 1637, 1638, 1676, 1705, 1838, 1930, 1932, 2057, 2077 (3), 2107 (2), 2108, 2138, 2140, 2142 (3). .... **** (1650), 166 (2), 167, 170, 187, 188, 191, 196, 204, 216, 223, 226, 247, 250, 252, 277, 288 (3), 297, 314, 318, 323, 338, 358, 376, 386, 866, 1022, 1248, 1325 (3), 1477, 1525, 1599, 1643, 1650, 1830, 1853, 1869 (2), 1882, 2106, 2124, 2141, 2193, 2249 (2), 2329 (2), 2367 (2), 2383 (3), 2395, 2537, 2557, 2558. ·· (1651), 425, 434, 435, 467,' 469, 496, 847, 903, 935, 1007, 1182, 1367, 1432, 1535, 1617, 1706, 1709, 1900 (2), 1933, 2107, 2108, 2193; 2200, 2238, 2317, 2383, 2537, 2689, 2692, 2731, 2809, 2905. (1652), 529, 558, 588, 589, 595, 604, 612, 615, 616, 859, 957, 998, 1079, 1127, 1358, 1774, 1803, 1823, 1843, 1854, 1912, 2025, 2065, 2112, 2116, 2129, 2188, 2208, 2305, 2317, 2329, 2444, 2510, 2552, 2609, 2891, 2950, 2983, 2997, 3028, 3056. (1653), 643, 650, 662 (3), 664 (2), 924, 1427, 1647 (2), 1775, 2078, 2336, 2872, 3141, 3291. ………… (1654), 1580. (1655), 1648. alluded to, passim. Ordinances of, 71, 136, 665. ·· …………. alluded to, passim. pardons granted by, 837, 845, 853, 863, 864, 877, 879-881, 885, 886, 890, 891, 897, 901, 904 (2), 905, 907, 909, 916, 920, 922, 929, 951, 963, 974, 976, 978, 983, 984, 990, 1007, 1025, 1040 (2), 1069, 1090, 1097, 1098, 1139, 1141, 1219, 1254, 1447, 1450, 1464, 1474, 1512. .... passes granted by, see Lenthall, Wm., Speaker of, passes by. ., persons compelled to serve against, see Charles I., men compelled to serve. executed for service to, 51, 343, 1597, 1657. friendly, or well-affected to, 937, 978, 986, 1056, 1163 (2), 1176, 1188, 1244, 1333, 1497. .. killed in service of, 1, 26, 37, 38, 61, 79, 81, 846, 1442, 1477, 1539, 1540, 1609, 1993, 2364, 2840. on the side of, passim. opposing, passim ; .... Delinquents. • see also refusing to serve against, 927, 1092, 1917. Parliament -- cont. ·· N ·· .. .. .. ·· ·· ·· .. • •• .. · " • persons suffering for, 52, 428, 435,. 448, 487, 521, 805, 929, 1304, 1372, 1409, 1430, 1891, 2106, 2200, 2338, 2577, 2683, 2704, 3085, 3122. • 1 ... *** ► • petitions or requests to, 125, 147 (2), 157, 415, 467, 607, 630, 845, 846, 848, 857, 874, 894, 928, 936, 943, 950 (2), 990, 1078, 1083, 1182, 1207, 1243, 1245, 1252, 1264, 1276, 1302. 1362, 1383 (2), 1525, 1534, 1539, 1618, 1648 (2), 1660, 1686, 1708, 1729, 1778, 1921, 1930, 1945, 1953, 1983, 2056, 2065 (2), 2245, 2416, 2463, 2582, 2608, 2653, 2806 (2), 2951, 3092, 3122, 3264, 8285, 3291, 3296. alluded to, 147, 310, 471 (2), 857, 859, 942, 1185, 1189, 1250, 1432. .... prisoners of, 976, 991, 1046, 1096, 1609, 1700, 2499; see also Delinquents imprisoned. proclamations of, alluded to, 189. proposals or queries to, 184, 185, 569, 608. propositions of, alluded to, 896, 983, 992, 1000, 1058, 1070, 1296, 1343, 1370, 1385, 1653, 1676, 1677, 1905. ..... " 1504. ****** .... plots against, 893 (2). preaching against, 2793, 2860. ... • contributions on, 287, 858, 898, 933, 942, 943, 954, 978, 1018, 1019, 1026, 1055, 1059, 1099, 1121, 1145, 1159, 1181, 1210, 1234, 1256 (2), 1268, 1309, 1311, 1348, 1351, 1380, 1381, 1385, 1391, 1410, 1416, 1464, 1470, 1481, 1557, 1641, 1657, 1679, 1686, 1800, 1818, 1947, 2550. refusals to pay, 857 (2), 1814. > protestations against, 1403, 1485. quarters of, persons coming into or living in, passim. • ... persons leaving, 869, 906, 920. ***** reports or papers presented to, 9, 39, 956, 948, 951, 1209, 1547, 1561, 1565, 1575, 1576, 1578, 1582, 1586, 1588, 1589, 1594, 1597, 1613, 1615, 1850; 2317, 2372, 3283. benefit of. 920, 941, 1018. compositions on, 953, 977, 1009, ...." *****. …………. alluded to, passim. ships of, see Ships and Navy. sitting of, 877, 978. Speaker of, see Lenthall, Wm. taxes imposed by, 352, 444, 467, 509, 887, 889, 947, 1084, 1235, 1382. votes in, alluded to, passim. vote or declaration against [at Ox- ford], alluded to, 867, 940, 948, 980, 991, 1045, 1051, 1125, 1239, 1327, 1539. warrants by, 806-808, 816. alluded to, 907. * Aug GENERAL INDEX. 3517 Parliament-cont. ... A Parnam, Hen., 1659. "" *****a Parnell, Henry, 461. • ·· • ·· of Oxford, see Oxford, Junto, or Parliament at. of Scotland, see Scotland, Estates or Parliament of. > Parc, or Parre, Edm., 1118. Hen., 2521. ** > · ** > John, 1118. Ralph, 3094. Wm., London, 1735. Lieut. Wm., petition of, 2572. •3 Parradine, or Paradine, Capt. Rob., 627 (2), 2342. 4 ..... ., Parrain, Rob., 2327. Parris, see Paris. Parrish, or Parish, John, Devon, 1322. .. ? John, co. Chester, 3066. Mr., Chester, co. Chester, 121. wife of, 121. Parrot, Edw., 3174. Parry, Sir George, LL.D., M.P., 117, 1381, 3279. … > .9 - ** •• U children of, 1659. petitions of, 2520, 2521. "" Hugh, petitions of, 2726 (3). Alex., son of, 2726. > ... Tobias, brother of, 121. petition of, 644. John, North Wales Commissioner, 686, 659 (2), 690, 1602 (3), 3217. Rob., 1703. Parse, Edw., 253. Parsons, or Parson, Ant., petition of, 1796. John, Norfolk, 115, 2850. Wm., petition of, 2589. …………… Azarias, 2390. ., Fenton, 650, 813. George, 101, 112, 3205. Henry, Cumberland, 2436. Hugh, 1405. letter of, 627. Hen., co. Montgomery, 3231. James, 3111. ****** John, signature of, 623. John, co. Oxou, 375, 1871. John, Somerset, 1418. John, co. Warwick, 2840 (2), 2841. •U Math., 2980. Thos., Leicestershire agent, 545. Capt. Wm., 139, 605, 641 (3). Sir Wm., 146, 813. ......, family of, 813. Mr., 400. *****} Partington, Wm., 1995. *** children of, 641 (2), 644. GWANA Anne, widow of, 1995. James, son of, 1995. petition of, 1995. Partridge, Arthur, 1880. Dan., 206. **** .. [ ... Pasford, John, 1625. Paston, Edw., Norfolk, 1830. ·· * statement by, 578. Nath., minister, co. Warwick, petition of, 1778. • ·· " **** ………….. Hen., Londou, 1793. petition of, 1793. Nath., Herts agent, 262 (2). Nath., Oxon Commissioner ?, 578. • ... Oliver, jun., 2649. Sam., co. Herts, 355. ...... ... ******* ... …………? Edw., Somerset, 3157. Hen., 1690. **** ........., widow of, see Compton, Sir Hen., Mary, wife of. Wm., Norfolk, &c., 87, 736, 2817. …………………….. ……………., Agnes, widow of, 736, 740, 3175. • father of, 1690. Dorothy, mother of, 1690. Aaron, brother of, 1690. John, 113, 2100. …….……, petitions of, 2818 (5). Thos., 1603. *…………4) Marg., wife of, 1830. Wm., son of, 1830. Wm., eldest son of, 2817. Edw., 2nd son of, 2818, 2819 (2). Dorothy, Marg., Mary, and Agnes, daughters of, 2818 (2). ******* Sir Wm., Bart., 96, 115, 1829 (2), 1830. Patchcot, Wm., 153, 2871. Pate, Adam, 93. Clement, grandson of, 1828. petition of, 2819. *3 2032. Wolstan, or Wolston, 185, 2817. John, or Sir John, 110, 142, 163, 2032. Lettice, wife of, petition of Patrickson, Hen., co. Cambridge, 2877. Hen., London, 2876. ******} .... IGN son, Mary. Mary, widow of, 2877. …….. 3149. petitions of, 2876 (2). Mary, daughter of, see William- * > 202, 2930, 3155. ↑ 1 John, 202. Jos., Carsewell Howe, Cumberland, wife of, 2930. Jos., late, Weddicar, Cumberland, 2877. Rob., 3155. widow of, 2877. Wm., son of, 202, 2876, 2877, widow of, see Yates, Dorothy. ****** Thos., 72, 124, 1754. 3518 GENERAL INDEX. Patten, Fras., petition of, 970. Pattinson, John, Cumberland, 2477. Jane, wife of, 2476. petition of, 2476. Pattison, John, Westmoreland, 3117. petition of, 3117. • · • ... ·· • Mary, London, 648, 2150. ……………………., Rob., 547, 3006. Roger, petition of, 2422. ..> .... Pattrick, John, 112. Paul, George, 2419 (2). ... ·· [] · ✰✰✰. , John, co. York, 3095. Mary, 438. ... petition of, 2420. Peter, 390, 2185 (2). ****** ****** ****** Paulden, Wm., 2111. Paulet, John, 5th Marquis of Winchester, 94, 105, 106, 118, 122, 138, 174, 208, 265, 275, 287, 335, 399, 405, 453, 715 (2), 977, 2372, 2533, 2631 (3). ………….., agent of, 2631. estates or property of, 195, 242, 246, 251, 253, 271, 275, 277, 295, 301, 314, 348, 417, 438, 439, 474, 479, 504. 542, 546, 562, 583, 586, 590, 599, 683, 2277 (2). ……………………… ……………., servant of, 1094. .... petition of, 2185. Thos., Essex, petitions of, 2388 (2). wife of, 2388. ·· "" Lucy, wife of, 1094, 2374. ……………., Charles, Lord Paulet, son of, 93. ... ………. > Lord Henry, brother of, 104. Paulet, Rob. and Wm., 3081-3083. Paulett, Sir John, Essex, 95. ……………………., Wm., 976. Paulin, John, petition of, 1590. wife of, 1590. Paull, Thos., Somerset, 631, 651, 654. charge by, 629. ." ...., Dr., Suffolk, 96. Pauncefoot, Col., 804. Pawle, Dr. Wm., 1866. Pawlett, Alice, 2114. Pawley, Moses, 110. Thos., 2161. …………….. Pawly, Rob., 2866. petition of, 2161. Pawlyn, Wm., petition of, 1873. Pawson, Edw., 3256. Paybody, John, 2187 (2). .. petition of, 2187. Payler, Sir Edw., 277. Sir Watkinson, 277. ፡ Payne, see Paine. Peace, Clerks of the, 293, 1089, 1171. Peace-cont. …………… Justices of the, 134, 199, 207, 210, 211, 220, 232, 235, 237, 247, 273, 288, 291, 301, 337, 377, 410, 450, 472, 507, 577, 599, 630, 632, 633, 677, 685 (3), 686, 688, 690, 54, 855, 874, 950, 1072, 1138, 1240, 1241, 1339, 1351, 1547, 1634, 1762, 1917-1921, 1979, 2001, 2115, 2330, 2353, 2495, 2561, 2702, 3001. •? ... ་ ………. 617, 629, 632-634. 2877. ·· ··· 7 ………………, ………………, put off the bench, 1918. ………………………、 ………………, references to, 854, 901. Peacock, John, Berks, 1873. .. ……………………, ………………, Mary, mother of, 1873. .... .. *** John, and Mary, his wife, Essex ?, petition of, 2616. John, Sussex, and Hants, 3194, 3241. Rich., 1945. Rob., 3067. Scholastica, widow of, 661, children and grand-children of, "" *****9 3067. Peade, Thos., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 787. 3067, > certificates of, 450, 466, 472, Peake, Capt. Edw., 171, 347. Gregory, 944. John and Rich., petitions of, 1033 (2), Sir Rob., 1189. ……………… Thos., Kent., 457. Peaps, Sam., petitions of, 2754 (2). Pearce, Chris., 416. alluded to, 449, 457, 471, " complaint against, 855. order of, 291. order to, 1944. ••• Pearde, Charles, 152, 180. Pearse, Eliz., 2686. "" ? ***** " James, Somerset agent, 194, 369, 381, 387, 488. Major James, Devonshire Commis- sioner, 219, 251 (2), 258, 259, 272, 321, 322, 367, 373, 442, 673, 681 (2), 708, 712, 716, 723 (2), 726, 727, 992, 1363, 1942, 2005 (2), 2064, 3225. deposition of, 416. **** 283, 293, 298, 352, 733, 736. John, Cornwall, 2686 (2). or Peirce, John, Staffordshire Com- missioner, 275, 288, 376, 672. letter of, 728. "" Lieut. John, Devon, 432 (2), 2109, 2110, 2826 ?. letters of, 198, 210, 228, 258, petition of, 2109. ****** .. *paung Mary, 671, 2686. Major Rich., 152. Thos., Cornwall, 2686, Wm., Sussex, 1985. or Nossiter, Wm., 2766. GENERAL INDEX. 3519 Pearsley, Capt., 1333. Pearson, Ant., secretary to Sir Art. Heselrigg, 541, 679, 812, 815, 821. ………………………、 ………………, report by, 201. ... ·· •• …… · Edw., Cumberland agent, 233 (4), 257, 370, 382, 409. > 1 " "" Peasley, Edm., petitions of, 2163, 2164 (4). John, 1957. > ** · " ** …………… *****y Peason, John, 119. James, 232. Jane, 2690. Rich, 2127. Sam., 2897. ** ... ? > ..3 ****** • Peck, or Pecke, Hen., 1498. > ** · ..> •▸ • ******* letter of, 340. John, London, 889, 890. ***** و petition of, 2897. John, North Wales Commissioner, 173, 686, 688, 689, 693, 697, 727. petitions of, 1957, 2819. Mr., Westminster, 93. Thos., 115, 1793, 3286. signature of, 623. Peckham, Rob., 239, 488, 661, 2144. Peckitt, or Wright, Marg., 3026. Peckon, or Peckover, Mat., petition of, 1012. Peeres, John, petition of, 2625. Peever, Randle, 121. Rich., 121. letters of, see Montgomery, &c., Commissioners for, letters of. petitions of, 889, 890, 2845. Pegg, or Pegge, Edw., Derbyshire officer, 45, 47,692. Kath., 3186. Peirce, Edm., D.C.L., 1566. Edw., 755. John, Middlesex, 2685 (2). John, co. Stafford, see Pearse. Rich., 1985. Thos., Excise officer, 716, 3226. Thos., Sussex, 1063. Thos., co. Worcester, 505, 2867. Col., 1358. Peirson, Ant., 1737. wife of, 119. deposition of, 1498. Pelham, Eliz., 759. Hen., 1502, 1503, 1838 (2). Peregrine, M.P., 4, 285, 1645. Major Rob., petition of, 3020. Sir Thos., 1216. Sir Wm., 1049, 1407. ******)} Lady, 2158. •• Pell, Sir Barth., 93. John, 460. Edw., his son, 796, 1049. Pell-cont. ………………….., Rob., 460. Pelliton, George, 1397. Pelsant, Sir Eusaby, 111. Rob., 110. Pember, Fras., 2605 (2). Pemberton, Abdius, petitions of, 2542 (2). ► Pembroke and Montgomery, Earl and Coun- tess of, see Herbert. Pendarvis, Rich., 117, 336, 2009. Wm., 117, 1327. • Pendleton, Edw., sen., 3238. • .9 ••• ... .. L ... " •• • > Abraham, 110. James, co. Lancaster, 1952, 3213. Roger, 2941. petition of, 2941. ...... · • Pendock, Rich., 258. > 2739. Nich., 1319. Thos., petition of, 432. Pengelly, Mr., Devon, 573. Peniston, Mr., "President of East Indies," 2378. …………… Edw., son of, 3238. Hen., 1270. James, 2738 (2). Penkett, Thos., Bridge Trafford, co. Chester, 1634. Marg., wife of, 3238. Penkit, Rich., 101. Penn, Gabriel, 68. Hum., 1700. Wm., 2675, Capt., 15. Pennant, David, 1719. ... ****** Alice, widow of, 2738 (3), Edw., 2837, 3186. Gifford, son of, 2837. other children of, 2837 (2). Hugh, 3254. Rob., 1720. Pennell, Edw., 1926. **** or Penkit, Thos., Sutton, co. Ches- ter, 103, 1271. ··· Penning, Edw., Berks, certificate by, 591. John, 114, 845. Pennington, Sir Isaac, Alderman and Lord Mayor of London, 2, 64, 355, 805, 2050. John, 2078. ………………, petitions of, 2078 (4), ... Sir John, 64, 805, 2078. ……………… Joseph, 2767. Thos., Earl of Cleveland's bailiff, 2156. petitions of, 2156 (2). Thos., Essex, petition of, 2078. Wm., Muncaster, Cumberland, 384, 2675. 3520 GENERAL INDEX. Pennington, Wm.-cont. ……………, Isabel, daughter of, 2675. Wm., Seaton, Cumberland, 2675. Penny, or Penney, Allen, 1368. George, Dorset, 271, 388, 2782. children of, 2782. ***** Giles, 1778. . · Pennycot, Wm., 1715. Pennyman, James, sen., 934. • • • .. ·· "" .. ... ·· " # wife of, 1778. *** Thos., 104, 2019. Wm., 976, 2439. ....... • • 2530. ….. ………….., Conyers, son of, petition of, 2530. Penpound, Mr., 117. Penrice, John, petition of, 2384. Wm., 770. Penrin, Wm., 2653. Penrose, Wm., 716, 3059. Penrud dock, Antonio, Jane, widow of, 3227. George, 66, 90, 93, 1433. > ******* .... .... ......1 Wm., 2249. Sir Wm., Bart., 95, 2529. ... .. ** wife of, see Bertie, Ursula. Sir George, 77. John, Salisbury, Wilts, 3154. Sir John, Loudon, 3198. Sir John, Compton Chamberlain, Wilts, 77, 95, 453, 1054. "" •* " > Penson, Edw., 90. Pepper, Cuthbert, petitions of, 1392 (2). Thos., 876. wife and mother of, 876. Wm., 2996. petitions of, 2439, 2440. .... • Sir James, his son, 934. other sons of, 934. Fepys, Rob., co. Cambridge, 3063. Perce, Rich., 976. Percival, Sir Ant., 329, 262€. widow of, 2626. children of, 2626. Lady Anne, wife of, 2529. father and mother of, NO " Sir Rich., 318. Mr., co. Chester, 61. **** ... *** ·· • ...... ... John, son of, 77, 1054, 3266. wife and family of, 77. ... ► > John, 1708. petition of, 2627. petition of, 1708. Sir Philip, 70. Thos., 1046, 2343. James, father of, 1046. ·· ... ******* Percy, Henry, 4th Earl of Northumberland, descendants of, 3086. …………………., Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland, 3086. Percy, Henry, Earl Northumberland-cont. ………………………… ………………, daughter of, see Herbert, Elea- nor, Lady Powis. ► .. .. Percy, Allan, 3086. ……………………… ……………., Josceline, son of, 3086. .. ·· C ••• .. Eliz., widow of, 3086. …… ………………, ……………., Allan, son of, 3086. Chas., younger son of, .. ******} Algernon, 10th Earl of No th- umberland, son of, 55, 147, 782, 801, 892, 1152, 1165, 1286, 1302, 1627, 1682, 2425, 3086 (2). ► letter of, 22. petition of, 3086. signature of, 48. Henry, Lord Percy 93 (?), 1629. • ... .. Perenant, Gratian, 2485. " + 3086 (2). ……………… ………………, Ellinor, daughter of, 3086 (2). Hen., 1645. Col. Hen., 1703. John, 2763. Lucy, sister of, petitions of, 2763 (2). Lady, co. Gloucester, 87. Perkins, or Parkins, Barth., 109. .... • ……………… .. ……. , " & > ………. > George, 2887. Hester, 3192. ...., Isham, 108, 112. ... ... ……………… .... "" …………. · ****** Marg. Fras., Hants, 344. Percy of Alnwick, ………………, petition of, 2484. Perks, Edw., 87. wife of, see Leveson, Frances. Capt. Edw., 718, 2200 (2), 2201 (2): petitions of, 2200 (3), 2201 (3). **** ', Fras., Berks, 725, 2390. daughter of, see St. George, .... > , George, 2840. .., Joshua, 2840. Perkshouse, see P'ershouse. John, son of, 344. John, Berks, 3192. petition of, 2432. ***** Rich., 1615. Rob., 3234. Wm., 1418. Eliz., 2840. Perrett, Wm., petition of, 1555. Perrie, W., see Perry. Perrin, Edw., 923 (3). …., John, 243, 3106. Perrott, Abra., 2261-2264. Perry, Edw., 3275 (3). petition of, 2840. . James, 2796. Rich., Excise sequestrator, 742. or Perrie, Wm., 90, 3194. Mrs., Somerset, 1145. • GENERAL INDEX. 3521 Perryman, George, petitions of, 3298 (2). Perryn, Mr., goldsmith, 243. Pershall, Edm., 100, 1279. Sir John, Bart., sen., 90, 1207. .. Lady Anne, his widow, 90, 1207 (3), 2970. Sir John, Bart., jun., his grand- son, 100, 103, 501, 1207, 2295. children of, 1207. ………………………, Thos., 1279. .. > Sir Wm., 90, 1606, 1893. Pershouse, or P'erkshouse, Rich., 90, 1094, 1780. A children of, 1094. ………………………, ……………., John, son of, 1799. Pert, James, 93. "" C •• **** > Peryent, Mary, 3245. Pescod, Phil., 2167. Rob., 3097. Pestell, Mr., co. Leicester, 109. Pe er, John, co. Worcester, petition of, 2281. Peterborough, Bishop of, see Tovers, John. Dean of, see Cosin, Dr. John. Dean and Chapter of, 88. Earl of, see Mordaunt. "" •> • .. ………. ……. Peters, Lord, see Petre. Peters, Hugh, co. Worcester, 567, 1083, 1706 (4), 2823. 4. ………………………、 ………………, complaint by, 1679. petition of, 2448. ****** Joseph, co. Lincoln, 1533. • • Paul, 93. Wm., 3257. ………………., Hen., son of, 3257. Petit, see Pettit. Peutions, Committee of Parliament, or the Council of State on, 64, 928, 950, 20.6, 3151. • ... Thos., Cornwall, petition of, 2847. Mr., minister, Berks, 437, see Petre. ......, appeals to, alluded to, 908, 1103, 2698. attendance on, alluded to, 928, certificate to, 3092. chairman of, John Godwin, 64. discharges by, alluded to, 937, 2173. .... ***** 2583. • A ******* orders of, 1170 (2), 1618, 2065, 2332, 2465, 2733, 2940, 3158. alluded to, 295. ****** orders to, 1229 ?, 1829. •• ** ... ……………., papers sent to, alluded to, 2583, 2958, 3092. **** • petitions to, 2379. ... ******* ...... references by, 928, 936, 1154, 1182, 1228, 1660, 2056, 2065, 2464, 2597, 2806, 3092. alluded to, 3296. references to, 908, 950, 1154, 2423, 2464. alluded to, 3151. ******? ! Petitions, &c.-cont. * 1. .... ... …………………, ……………., requests by, 1182, 3151 (2). . Petley, Ralph, 460. Petoe, Devereux, 1625. .. ………… " Petre, or Peters, William, 2nd Lord Petre, 1779. • ··· 4.4. > 1775, 2168, 2188, 2448. • 1781 (4), 1782, 1830. 1782. 4 ... ., report by, 936. " a Thos., 5th son of, 90, 95, 292, 643, 1938, 2117, 2375, 2653, 3230. > ……… tition of, 1781. …….., Wm.,. Wm., 4th Lord Petre, 86, 118, 447, 498, 512, 539, 1779. S " ..... •, 286, 342, 396, 404, 418. alluded to, 1196, 1706, +4 Lady, 118, 636. Petre, Augustine, Anne, w dow of, 3026. ... John, 4th son of, 94, 539, 702, wife of, 2375. Rob., 3rd Lord Petre, 1779. ………….., Mary, his wife, 1779. children of, 1781 (5). Edw. and Thos., his sons, pe- د. .... • 1. petitions of, 1781 (3), Pettingall, Rich., 3081–3083, • George, Anne, widow of, 2455. Hen., Essex, 1873. Wm., 95, 435, 525, 544, 737, 1782, 2643. 2740. petition of, 3232. bailiff of, 404. ****** Pettit, or Petit, Hen., 461. Mary, 2740, Rich., jun., Cambridge Commissioner, 186, 687. Edw., Essex, 1778. Fras., 1667, 3284. estates of, 28, 36, 174, 277, house of, used as a prison, 848. **** Wm., 102, 2740. Pettus, Sir John, 96, 115, 802, 859-862, 1290. Anne, widow of, 3083 (3). } petitions of, 860, 862, 2246, 2472, 2942. Eliz., wife of, 859. Petty, Hen., letter of, 196. ** ↑ father of, 2740. Anne, sister of, petition of, petition of, 2472. petition of, 196. ******* John, 203. Thos., co. York, 3258. Petty Bag Office, 1502 (2). Peytoe, Capt., Joanna, widow of, 31. Peytou, Sir Edw., 1491, 2307. wife of, 1492. 3522 GENERAL INDEX. Peyton, Sir Edw.-cont. ·· ………… 1 .. •" Sir Thos., Kent, 459, 864. Phelps, John, Excise officer, 3166. Philcott, Peter, 102, 2052. ·· ……, ………………, Mary, wife of, 2052, 2053 (3). petition of, 2052, > …………. former husband of, see Godfrey, Thos. ... Phillips, Phillipps, or Phillip. Alice, Lady, 641, 644. ……………, petition of, 641. Wm., or Thos., Somersetshire agent, 238, 250, 261, 595, 596. ..... .. (3). ·· > • grandchildren of, see Parsons, Capt. Wm., children of. Ambrose, petition of, 1266. Edw., Dorset, 378, 2920. Jane, wife of, petitions of, 2920 ..... ***** John, 3256. > • ..." petitions, &c., of, 2463, 2471, 2473-2475, 2477 (2), 2753. > Thos., son of, 116, 1491. wife of, 1492. Fras., auditor of the Exchequer, cer- tificate by, 3282. letter to, 507. ... ……… ………………, petition of, 2532. " • " ****** Capt. Griffantius, 144, 177, 1525 (2). letter of, 764. ..... Hen., Bucks Commissioner, 173, 739, 766. > > " · ****** *♪ 1059. John and Thos., 1883. John, London, petition of, 2270. ……………, ………………, Mary Wilkinson, wife of, 2771. + John, clerk, co. Radnor, 2315. Lewis, Hunts steward, 410. Nath., petition of, 2194. Nich., petition of, 1759. Capt. Rich., 1484, 1816, 2089. Rob., 2559. Thos., Istrad, co. Carmarthen, 1995. Thos., jun., Llanelly, co. Carmarthen, 1825. .... .... > children of, 2920. ******* Edw., co. Flint, 1526. Edw., Hants, 2650. Edw., M.P., Somerset, 1252. Fabian, 2706 (2), 2478 (2). > letter of, 631. • ……………. Hum., 492, 2979. Isaac, 3082 (2). Col. James, 2180 ?, 3239 (2). Sir James, Bart., 105, 106, 1059. mother and father-in-law of, Thos., Dorset, 118, 1930. Thos., co. Gloucester, 227. Thos., co. Hereford, 537. Thos., co. Lincoln, 1085. Phillips-cont. ……………………., Thos., Salop, 205. ·· .. " ·· ·· Sir Thos., Bart., Grace, widow of, 965. 1 ………………., Mr., co. Chester, 568. Phillipson, Chris., 1424. ... petitions of, 2882 (2). .., John, 547, 2678. Miles, Hants, 78, 3119, Miles, Wilts, 3205. Philpott, or Philpots, Fras., 861. George, 106, 475, 2095. Hen., 105, 997, 1028. .., John, Somersetshire herald, 25. John, Kent, 2778. John, co. Warwick, 1985. Thos., 105, 1028. Villiers, 106, 996. Wm., Hants, 2923, 3136. Phipps, Rob., 1399. Physicians, see Medicine, Doctors of. Pichen, Mr., co. Stafford, petition of, 1891. Pickard, or Pykard, Adam, 2040. petitions of, 968 (2). Pickayes, Agmondisham, 2354. John, 2354, Picke, see Pike. ****** > .... Thos., London, 2772. ·· Pickering, Ant., Hants, 283. ……………., Ant., co. Lancaster, 3186. Chris., 88, 904. Sir Chris., 3053. , Wm., 2180. Wm., co. Hereford, 2033. Wm., co. Pembroke, 443, 482, 2353. John, father of, 2353. Wm., clerk for co. Radnor, 557. ., • 2 ..... · +9 ………………9 Frances. *> · , ***** James, co. Westmoreland, 176. Capt. James, 1620 (3). Jane, 1516 (2). John, 107. Launcelot, 176. Rich., 100. Rob., Sussex, 2212, 2361. petition of, 2361. ****** Capt. Wm., Cambridge Commissioner, 172, 189, 241, 606, 673, 687, 714, 724 (2), 754, 756, 2453. Sir Gilbert, Bart., 185, 187, 453, 465, 466, 511, 1054, 1070, 1088, 1580, 1714, 1860, 2183, 2983. Frances, daughter of, see Hilton, Edw., 1961. Fras., 1798. letters of, 148, 233, 356, 593; see also Cambridge, County Commis- sioner of, letters of. .... Mr., Parliamentary agent at Edin- burgh, 1918. GENERAL INDEX. 3523 Pickersgill, John, mayor of York, 1750?. petitions of, 2581 (2). signature of, 2581. Pickfatt, Hugh, petition of, 2760. Pickford, Hugh, 123. ❤ Thos., 121, 123, 1125. ·· ***" Pickin, Rob., petition of, 2616. Pickles, or Pighells, Thos., 1331. Pickover, Tim., jun., 79. Pickworth, John and Thos., 3258. Piddock, Leonard, clerk for co. Warwick, 254, 273, 472. Pierce, John, Salop, 1159. Walter, 2009. Wm., Bishop of Bath and Wells, 91. Piercehouse, John, 1098. Pierpoint, Wm., co. Chester, 121. Rich., son of, 121. Pierrepoint, Rob., 1st Earl of Kingston, 1472, 1473 (2), 2136, 2518 (2). *** · • • .. • ****** ... > .. petitions of, 1579, 2083 (2), 2157, 2462, 2467 (4), 2468 (3). ·· …… ………………, Wm., M.P., his 2nd son, 59, 80, 1262, 1473. ……………… petition of, 1473. • ………. ………………, ………………、 signature of, 48. ……………., Fras., M.P., his 3rd son, 769, 799, 1014 (2), 1015 (2), 1350, 1472, 2136, 2137 (3), 3253. ·· · 10 • " Eliz., sister of, 2136. ', ..., Hen., Viscount Newark, 2nd Earl of Kingston, 1st Marquis of Dorchester, his eldest son, General for the King, 92, 93, 107, 110, 803, 804, 1472, 1758, 1915 (2), 2083, 2084 (6), 2157, 2480, 2517, 2518. C · ••、 ………………. ………………, request by, 2517. > ·· ... > ... • •• • 3253. ******* 3253. ··· ..... Pierrepoint, Rich., co. Lancaster, 3201. ………………………, ………………., Hen., son of, 3201. Wm., petition of, 1786. Pierson, John, 101. Thos., co. Chester, 107, 2698. Pigg, Thos., 114. Capt. Thos., 928. Pighells, see Pickles. Pigott, or Piggott, Baptist, 2054. petition of, 2054. …………… .. ·· ……….. ... ... Eliz., daughter of, 3253. Frances, daughter of, 769, Rob., his 4th son, 769 (2), certificate by, 842. letter, &c., of, 543, 2137. 2 Fras., 2853. George, Lancashire Commissioner, 168, 170, 392, 579, 583, 587, 588, 592 (2), 603, 604, 613, 745, 2758. letters of, 246, 435, 589. Ger., co. Notts, letter of, 543. Hen., petitions of, 2979 (2). John, 982. Pigott, John-cont. 4. • .... ... **** ******* wife and children of, 982. Rich., co. Chester, 3167. Rich., Hunts Commissioner, petition of, 473. Thos., co. Chester, 123 (2), 1055. son of, 1055. Thos., Excise officer, co. Chester, 3167. Thos., co. Gloucester, 87. Thos., Salop, 1092. Walter, Salop, 772. Pike, Pyke, or Picke. George, 1217. ***** > aa •) .." • > 3094. "? …………… 3094. petition of, 1217. Hen., co Cambridge, 2960, Hen., Somerset, 3094. > .... ***** Thos., 2704. Wm., 3132. > Pile, Sir Fras., Bart., 1380. …………….., Capt., 1608. Pilkington, Sir Art., Bart,, 2034. …………. *** Jos., 1625, 1626. Nath., petition of, 2407. Rich., 188, 260. .... ......, Sir Lionel, Bart., son of, 2034. daughter of, 2034. Hugh, Coppull, co. Lancaster, 3137. John, Adlington, co. Lancaster, 2757. ... Eliz., widow of, petition of, daughters of, 3094. Eliz., daughter of, petition of, 41. ……………y deposition by, 281. Hugh, brother of, 2757. Rich., co. Lancaster, 2792. Rich., Hatfield, co. York, 3257. Rich., Kirkheaton, co. York, 2034. Rich., Longley, co. York, 1422. Mary, wife of, 1422. Wm., 2175. ******* children of, 2175. Pilson, James, petition of, 2294. Pimlott, Isabel, 123. ..... Pince, Benj., and Thos., his son, 1333. Pinchbeck, Mr., co. Lincoln, 1371. Pincher, or Pinchon, John, 1940, 1944. Pinckney, or Pinkney, Fras., 3178. grandson of, see Kirk, Chris. Lancelot, 2252, 3102. ……… petition of, 2251. Laurence, 2252. Leonard, 93, 1569. Margery, 2251-2253. petitions of, 2251 (2). Philip, 79. Thos., petition of, 364. Mrs., officer's widow, 798. 3524 GENERAL INDEX. * Pindar, or Pinder, Sir Paul, 336, 1001, 1206. Pine, or Pyne, Alex., letter of, 410. Art., 965. …………….. · ... ► ·· • • sister of, 965. Edw., Devon, petitions of, 3234, 3235. Edw., East Down, Devon, 97, 502, 1896. . John, M.P., Somersetshire Com- missioner, 150, 194, 209, 221, 222, 243, 250, 256, 264, 281 (2), 290, 294, 297, 303, 322, 323, 333, 354, 363, 369, 453, 6 3, 625, 630, 631, 635, 636, 650- 654, 659, 661, 663, 664, 695, 720, 1313, 2582, 2583. ......, complaints against, 226, `244, 281, 291, 305, 309, 358, 365, 391. Pinfold, Thos., 93. Pinke, Dr. Rob., Provost of New College, Oxford, 95. ......, letters of, 238, 252, 390, 410, 625, 629, 635, 642. Pinkney, see Pinckney. Pinsent, Pynson, or Pinson. John, Devon, 1410. , letters to, 209, 222, 250, 264, 354, 452, 635, 638. ... ,………….., statements, &c., by, 209, 212, 288 (2), 297, 629, 936. Capt. Rich., 146. Wm., petition of, 635. > .... > ........ ......, Joanna, wife of, petition of, 1410. .... *** Pipe, Office of the, see Exchequer. Piper, John, petition of, 3079. ***** ... Pippin, George, 2916. → ……………. children of, 1419, Jonas, 3092, 3093. ******* Eliz., wife of, 3079. Thos., 2034. Pirates, 96 (3), 2705. Piseing, Rich., 458. Pitcher, Matt., 2466. · ·· • " ……………… petition of, 2466. Pitchers, Thos., 2882. Pitchford, Wm., 212, 216. Pitfield, Charles, petitions of, 1822 (2). John, 1119. Pitman, Rich., 253, 439. Walter, 2248. Thos., 2916. Zacchæus, 1213. .. ****** Pittson, Capt. James, 128, 808. Pitt, Edw., 2536 (2), 3027. petitions of, 1214 (3). Edw., Westminster and Hants, 93, 2041 (2), 2042. …………………., George, son of, 2041, 3220. guardian of, see Hopton, petitions of, 2248 (2). Sir Ralph. Hen., petition of, 2016. James, 654, 662, 1714. Pitt, James-cont. ... ... .. ·· petition by, 1714. Rowland, 612, 1362 (2), 1363 (4). …………………., information by, 1362. ... ***** petitions of, 1362 (4), 1363 (2). Thos., 1372. Wm., petitions of, 1402, 3275 ?. Sir Wm., 2147. Edw., son of, 2147. Pittard, Chris., Devon Commissioner, 221. .... Pitts, James, co. Oxon, 1949. wife of, 1949. Scudamore, 2000. ***** > > > Pitway, Edw., 2282. Place, Mary, 1559, 1560. · ... " ……………………, Rowland, 3084. ..S …………… petitions of, 3085 (2). Plague, the places infected by, 121, 285, 287, 297, 319, 392, 415, 452, 571, 572, 600, 676, 922, 975, 1038, 1335 (2), 1336, 1371, 1404, 1417, 1419 (2), 1420, 1423, 1459, 1547, 1664. • .. ………. Planchion, Mr., 93. Plane, Fras., and Jane, his wife, petition of, 1833. Platt, Edw., 459. Mr., co. Northumberland, 2016 (2).` J ... Rob., Durham, 2874. Rob., co. York, 3192. wife of, 3192. John, 460. Oliver, Kendal, Westmoreland, 176, 3192. Platts, Rich., 104. ........., Wm., 1160. Playdwell, Rob., petition of, 2834. > ...S ……. Player, Nich., co. Gloucester, 766, 3251. Thos., Chamberlain of London, 861. Mr., co. Notts, 108. Playfoot, James, 1539 (2). Peter, son of, 176, 3192. Rowland, 3047. ****** Playford, Armiger, 116. ** James, his son, 1539. Anne, his daughter, 1539. Playters, Thos., 9, 864. Capt. Sam., 165, 805, 1802. Sir Wm., Bart., 885, 2228, 2468, 2469, 2471. petitions of, 2462, 2467-2469. U Flead, Mr., 463. Pleasaunce, Foster, petition of, 1163. Plessington, Rob., 628, 3134. Plewes, Fras., 2993. petition of, 2293. Pleydell, Wm., 2712. Pleyward, Mr., Sheriff of Chester, 751. Plombe, John and Thos., 2737, 3228. Plomer, Thos., 751. GENERAL INDEX. 3525 Plowden, Edm., 3245. .... • .. • + ..... Fras., jun., 348, 1592, Plowman, Mat., 93, 1630, 1631. ... ·· **** Plucknett, Mr., 93. Plumbton, John, co. Durham, 2814. Plumer, James, officer of the Committee for Compounding, 286. Plumleigh, or Plumley, Eliz., London, 2076. Eliz., Lady, see Gerard, Thos., wife of. John, 117, 1995. ... Sir Edmond, 253, 439, 2373 (4), 2374 (5). 2.4 > ... • ...* ……………….., Phil., Sherford, Devon, 2980. Phil, Shorner, Devon, 3289. I'lummer, John, 2523. .... ..... ...... Plumpton, Andrew, petition of, 2247. Sir Edward, 2480, 3064. ... · Ant. and Edw., sons of, petition of, 2481. John, cos. York and Lincoln, son of, 2480. Ralph, son of, 1995. Phil., Milton, Devon, 153 ?, 2885. > Thos., 114. Wm., 111. ** · 2481. • petitions of, 2372, 2373 (3). ..... Dorothy, widow of, 1630. 2481. ……………. tion of, 2481. ****** .. ... ……………… ... Rob., his son, 2480, 2481. petitions of, 2480, ... ****** Mary. Plumstead, Augustine, 172. Plumtree, Henry, 2727 (2). Huntingdon, M.D., 2727. petition of, 2727. Plundered Ministers, Committee for, 27, 104, 143, 270, 274, 290, 295, 362, 468, 590, 607, 705, 915 (2), 1245, 1490, 1527 (2), 1710, 2217, 2421, 2484, 2502, 2682, 2852, 3121. ** his daughters, 2480, 2481. petition of, 2480. Jane, his daughter, peti- ,י Kath., daughter of, petition of, Mary, daughter of, see Cotton, clerk of, see Millington, Gilbert. ………………………, ………………, complaints against, 2852. ..... ejection by, alluded to, 2790. ………………, ………………, grants or settlements by, alluded to, 28, 60, 62, 78, 141, 142 (2), 191, 217, 221, 277, 290, 316, 334, 342, 409, 487, 496, 576, 670, 724, 910, 931, 939, 988, 1014, 1025, 1064, 1152, 1175, 1197, 1215, 1250 (2), 1266, 1300, 1350, 1357, 1358, 1375, 1433, 1454, 1489 (2), 1521, 1555, 1579, 1580, 1633, 1671 (2), 1697, 1709, 1778, 1796 (3), 1864, 2117, 2152, 2196, 2248, 2478, 2485, 2539, 2568, 2588, 2628-2630, 2682, 2754, 2862, 2872, 2887, 2896 (3), 2969, 2970, 2988, 3121, 3214 (2), 3216, 3229, 3266, 3280. Plundered Ministers, Committee for-cont. letter of, dated from West- minster, 578. letter to, 1410. orders of, 1007, 1186, 1320, 1350, 1501, 2152, 2266. receivers for, 578, 639. Plunkett, or Plunkit, Lucretia, 93. .. · *** Sylvester, 2103. Mary, widow of, 90, 104, 729, 2103 (3), 2104 (2). daughter of, 90. I'lymley, Wm., 1875. .... > ... • Pochin, or Pocheyn, George, 2413. petitions of, 2151 (3). Mat., father of, 2151. ·· Pockley, John, petitions of, 2896 (3). family of, 2896. Pocklington, Wm., 108. * 20 ***} …………… alluded to, 28, 37, 74, 195, 254, 268, 296, 330, 350, 362, 487, 586, 621, 625, 681, 690, 878 (2), 901, 931, 945, 946, 974, 1003, 1010, 1055, 1064 (4), 1112 (3), 1113, 1229 (2), 1232, 1245, 1250, 1284, 1288, 1301 (2), 1319, 1343, 1365, 1432, 1435, 1478, 1499, 1554, 158u, 1598, 1604, 1605 (2), 1657, 1672, 1673, 1675, 1685, 1725, 1778, 1779, 1796 (2), 1864, 1871, 1903, 2040, 2096, 2126, 2141, 2152, 2191, 2266, 2303, 2372, 2428, 2484 (2), 2485 (2), 2512, 2529, 2539 (2), 2658, 2693, 2744, 2897, 3122 (2). orders to, 28, 50, 68, 439, 2140. petitions, &c., to, 901, 915, 1055, .... 1211. Pocock, Mr., treasurer for maimed soldiers, 97, 810, 811. Podger, John, 1747. ·· "" • **** > > ..... > Pointer, John, Devou agent, 562. Pointon, Randle, 121. Pointz, or Poyntz, Edw., Devon, 736, 2096. Giles, 663, 3010. Agnes, wife of, 3010. petition of, 3010. ****** · ** alluded to, 442, 2450. petition of, 1875. wife of, see Bavand, Jane. > .... Hen., son of, 1747. other son of, 1747. ……………. Jennet, 3003. John, 3003 (2). petitions of, 3003 (3), 3004. ****** Capt. Newdegate, or Newdigate, 88, 1252. Mary, widow of, 1252. ... } Nich., 2101, 2788. Eleanor, widow of, 2102. petitions of, 2101 (2). father of, see Davies, Rice. Sir Rob., K,B., 65, 76, 85, 102, 279, 1942, 2247. petitions of, 2782, 2850, **2 *** • 3526 Pointz, &c.-cont. · • ·· Pole, Courtney, 1391. ………. · .. ·· children of, 1314. "" Parson, co. Derby, 760, 772. Polewheele, John, see Polwhele. Poley, Edm., 96. Polkenhorne, or Polkinghorne, Hen., 1381. Roger, 117, 1381. Pollard, E., Receiver of King's rents in co. Lancaster, 530, 2910 (2). letter of, 522. Sir Hugh, Bart., 39, 1287, 2703. "" wife of, 1287. Rich., co. York, 2512. Rob., co. York, 336, 371. ·· Rowland, 2850. • .. Pollen, John, 457, 1832, 1833 (2). petition of, 1833. Pollexfen, John, 1598. Polton, Wm., 2379. Polwhele, Digory, 2239. or Polewheele, John, 336, 1252. Pomeroy, Hugh, 2980. Pomphret, or Pomfret, Ant., 96, 2708. mother of, 2708. 2850. Major, Colonel, or Gen. Sydenham, 793, 794, 960, 1042, 1060, 1068, 1225, 1252, 1342, 1494, 1657. • Sir John, Bart., 1314. Sir Wm., his son, 86, 537, 557, 573, 1314, 2307. Katherine, widow of, peti- ………… Da • tion of, 1314. **** > ... Pond, Randle, 101. • Bridget, 1st wife of, 2850 (2). Nich., son of, 2850 (4). Marg., 2nd wife of, 2850. Rowland, son of, petition of, Mr., Cornwall, 284. Mr., Cumberland, 207, 231, 233. ....... Ponsonby, Col. John, 3150. .... petitions of, 3149 (2). Pooke, Wm., 2026. Poole, Sir Henry, 87, 1050. Thos., petition of, 2382. Thos., 2101. Widow, 343. ……………… GENERAL INDEX. .." , 3265. Jarvis, 2009. John, co. Chester, 1802, 2601, 2701, 3141 ? Dorothy, his widow, 112, 423, James, his eldest son, 112, 2601. husband of, 343. ***** Anne, widow of, 1050, 2327. Wm., son of, 577, 1050, 1802, 1803 (2). ****** Thos., his 2nd son, 112 (2), 217, 349, 689, 1802. ………………、 …………….. ………….., Ellen, wife of, 1802. **** Poole, John-cont. Thos., his 2nd son, James, son of, 689, 1802. da 9 · ·· ·· •• ……….. ·· · ……., John, London, 369. • • ▼ .... " " • > > > • Pooler, John, co. Worcester, 3250. Pooley, Sir Edmund, 48, 1475. Lady Eliz., 1203. > • *** Sir Neville, 1329. Ralph, co. Chester, 2802. ., Rich., 93. ... .... ... ..... > ****** Poore, John, Hants, 757, 3188. Pope, the, Nuncio of, see Con, Signor. Pope, Thos., Earl of Down, 27, 31, 86, 92, 407 (3), 415, 934. •• Lucy, wife of, 934. > *****) Pope, John, Kent, petitions of, 2455 (2). Sir Thos., 98, 1612. J Johu, jun., co. Chester, 2855. John, co. Gloucester, 86, 87, 2429. family of, 1612. Popery, re-establishment of, 1058. Popham, Col. Alex., 40, 150 (2), 194, 209, 2544. .... .... ... כי .5 Thos., Alderman and Lord Mayor of London, 1099. Wm., co. Chester, 60. Wm., co. Derby, petition of, 1510. Poplewell, Hum., 1959. Popple, Wm., 197. Pordage, John, 461. > other children of, 1802. Nath., 3055. signature of, 623. petitions of, 2256, 2617 ?. ……………… wife of, see Fleming, Joan. Port, Mr., minister of Glenfield, co. Leicester, 3229. Porter, Edw., 1781. Susanna, her daughter, 1204. petitions of, 1203, 1204 (3). ……………… letter of, 212. ***ODY Col. Edw., 1311, 2398. • Capt. Rob., 459. Thos., sen., 103, 369, 460, 1908. Thos., jun., 1908 (2). Sir Wm., widow of, 3132. Mrs., Kent, 102. Endymion, co. Gloucester, 48, 85, 93, 139, 1499, 1804. .. petition of 1781. Olive, wife of, petition of, 1804. George, son of, petition of, 1805. George and his wife, Westminster, 93. Major or Lieut.-Gen. George, Kent, 102, 1097. Lady Diana, wife of, 1097. ******* Hen., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3098. Hen., Hornby, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2282. Hen., Treales, co. Lancaster, 1716. John, Cumberland, petition of, 3199. John, Somerset, 41. GENERAL INDEX. 3527 Porter-cont. • .... ·· .. • 4. "" ... .... • ..} > (2). > •" • Joseph, 72, 124, 2700. 2. James, grandson of, 2700 (3), 2701 (2). other grandchildren of, 2700. Lancelot, 521, 3184, • ... Portington, Hen., 1549. Michael, 2619. ..... " Ralph, petition of, 2665. Rich., 117, 1641. •• Wm., Northumberland, petition of, 3280. > Mary, wife of, petition of, 1641. Roger, 111. Thos., Suffolk, 3169. alias Kirkham, Wm., see Kirkham. Wm., Berks, 1587. Wm., Cumberland, petition of, 2638. Wm., co. Durham, 2370. , ………. Roger, 1028. Portland, Earl of, see Weston, Portlock, John, 86, 522, 2661. .... George, son of, 2700 (2), 2701. John and Joseph, sons of, 2701 ......, Anne, widow of, 2370. Wm., son of, 2370 (2). Mr., co. Chester, 121. Mr., Essex, 597. Mr., Sussex, 469. Rowland, son of, 522. ...... ......) petitions of, 2661 (3). Portman, Sir Wm., Bart., 93, 105, 150, 614, 900. *****." • ...... Kath., widow of, petitions of, 2661 (2). ……………. wife of, 2619. Hen., son of, 2619. ...... Portus, James, 2862. Post, Wm., 460. Postlethwaite, James, 456. Postmasters, 641, 2297. Posts, 272, 418. Anne, his widow, 900. Sir Wm., jun., his son and heir, 118,900. petitions of, 2619 (2). Pott, George, 2341. Controller of, or Postmaster-General, see Prideaux, Edmund. for Ireland, 387. miscarriage of, 266, 278, 289, 295, 304, 307, 360, 364, 366, 369, 549, 555, 609, 634. Office of, farmer of, 826. officers in, 614. …………… Potter, Alex., 1445. petition of, 2748. ...... Hen., co. Chester, 123. Hen. and Rob., co. York, 3152. ... 7 petitions of, 1445, 1446 (2). Potter, Alex.-cont. ………………, ………………, Susan, wife of, 1445, 1446. .., Alex, co. Lancaster, 2696. Ambrose, 1384. ·· ... • ** • ………… ✦✦ • ·· ... .. *...* ... • 3222 (2). •** .. • ** Chris., co. Durham, petitions of, 2252 (3), 2253 (2). Margery, his wife, 2253. Dr. Barnaby, Bishop of Carlisle, 3222. Eliz., widow of, petitions of, ..... > 2253 (2). Dr. Chris., Dean of Worcester, 553, 2498. . Dan., 805 (2). Eliz., Devon, 1420. .... Capt. John, 97, 147 (2). list of reduced officers of, or "Potter's List," 147 (2), 158 (2), 163, 167, 226, 814. persons in, petitions of, J ANGE ? ... alluded to, 148. ..., Rich., co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2929 (3). George, Collumpton, Devon, 3080. George, Exeter, Devon, 1384. Hannibal, 3257. Hen., London, 489. Hugh, petition of, 2545. Kath., 2897. ** **** 143, 147. petitions of, 2252 (2), ....., Wm., father of, 2897. .., Capt. Wm., 521. ......, Mr., Blackfriars, 2769. Pottington, Rob., 616, 3259. Pottle, Wm., Alderman of Hull, 3126. Potts, Sir John, Bart., 1829, 1830. Randall, 2658, 2659. petitions of, 2658, 2659. Spencer, 1592. Baldwin, husband of, 2897. Rich., co. Stafford, 90. Col. Vincent, 2353. …………, petition of, 1884. Wm., jun., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2897. (2), 2153 (2). Poule, Mr., minister, Bucks, 142. ******? ****** ******* Poulett, John, 1st Lord Poulett of Hinton St. George, 117, 797, 866 (8), 1051, 1312, 2215 (2). > 1407. estates of, 866. Eliz., wife of, 118. …………… Sir John, eldest son of, 1051, 1320, 2215. Barbara, widow of, 1593. petitions of, 1592, 1593 Francis, second son of, 1397. Ames, or Amias, 3rd son of, Marg., daughter of, see Chol- mondeley, Sir Rich., Marg., widow of. 3528 GENERAL INDEX. Poulson, Rob., 2437. Thos., 3071. **** Poulton, Edw., petition of, 2927. John, 109, 1818, 3046. Frances, widow of, 2927, 3045. George, eldest son of, 88, 2925, 3045, 3104. ... • .. **** *2 • • .. 9 ... .... • Povey, John, 2481 (2). *** · …………..> 1663, 1896, 2927, 3032. •> ... > …………….9 children of, 1663. John, his son, 2926. Ferdinand, son of, 3045, 3046. Giles, John, and Charles, sons of, 3046. six younger sons of, 1818, 1819, • 5 ****** 2481. Powell, Alice, petition of, 143. ***** 3046. T., Governor of Nottingham Castle, 1856. …………. "? ... ... > .... [ • > ...... …………. " Thos., petition of, 388. Wm., 77, 1594. Ap, Llanvrechvar, co. Monmouth, 3007 (2). > Katherine Daniel, wife of, ****** > .:..) Edw. George Ap, Llanhennock, co. Monmouth, 3007. family of, 3007. Sir Edw., Bart., 525, 1970. ****** .. > Hugh, 104. Hum., and Ann, his wife, petition of, 1187. James, agent to the Committee for Hunts, 787. James, Alderman of Gloucester, 87, 2610. James, Somerset ?, 1429 (2). Jeremiah, Somerset agent, and Salop Commissioner, 260, 651. deposition of, 281. petitions of, 2481 (2). Rich., his brother, petition of, Charles James, 2389. Edw., co. Brecon, petition of, 2924. husband and children of, 143. 4. ****** John, 3186. John, cos. Hereford and Gloucester, 86, 1407. > petition of, 1443. John, Norfolk?, 2622. 2622. John, South Wales Commissioner, 747. Mary, 93. Nath., petition of, 888. Rich., Forest Hill, co. Oxon, 1439, 2697. Penelope, widow of, petition of, Anne, wife of, 1439, 2697. Rich., son of, 1439. Capt. Wm., son of, 1442. Powell, Rich.-cont. ... • D .. ...... ··· ·· • • • ·· ··· C ܝ܂ ·· ***J .. • 9 • • .. " • " ... ... Milton, John, wife of. Rob., co. Gloucester, 2362 (3). • • ..) • • " .... > > •• •> ..." petition of, 1725. • > Walter, petitions of, 1273 (2). son of, 1273. …………. > Wm., co. Brecon ?, 162. Wm., Brecon Commissioner, 3301. Wm., co. Gloucester, 2307. Wm., alias Hinson, co. Notts, 1970, 1971. > ..) .. > • •2 · • ? > Stephen, 664. Thos., alias Kent, Berks, 1938. Thos., co. Brecon ?, 162. Thos., co. Monmouth, 2888. Sir Thos., Bart., 60, 2802. ...... John, son of, 717, 3085, 3166. · ……………y Col., [Royalist], South Wales, 443. Mr., Middlesex agent, 213. Mr., co. Monmouth, 2975. Marg., widow of, 3257. Sir Thos., son of, 3257. Valentine, 260, 1287. Vavasour, 543, 1726. ……………… • Power, Susanna, 2436 (3). ..> children of, 1441. ...) ··· .. Powing, John, 97. Powis, Lord, see Herbert. Powis, Edw., 1484. Mary, daughter of, see petitions of, 1970 (2). uncle of, see Powell, Sir Edw. Wm., Westminster, 93. Sir Wm., 90, 1985. Winifred, 717, 3085 ?, 3166. Pownall, John, co. Chester, 112. ……………………., John, Kent, 458. petitions of, 2435 (2), 2436 (3). ***** Wm. and Thos., 3097. Peter and Thos., 2644. Roger, 1484. Thos., Salop, 1484. Powtrell, Hen., 2058. Mary, 2058. Poyer, Col. John, 443, 791 (2). Poyntz, see Pointz. Poyser, Ralph, 2776 (2). Wm., 513, 2905. Prade, James, 117, 336, 1935. Prank, John, 1830. Leonard, 123. Philemon, 461. Thos., petition of, 1529. l'ratchet, Marg., petition of, 161. 40 ་ ******* Prater, Rich., 2759. …………… grand-children of, 161, ……………., George, son of, 2759. of, 2759 (3). Anne, wife of, petitions GENERAL INDEX. 3529 Prater, Rich.-cont. Pratt, Sir George, 2469. ... • Ant., his son, 2119. Rob., auditor to the Trustees for sale of Crown Lands, 743. certificate by, 715. petition of, 2744. Predy, Thos., petitions of, 2277 (2), 2278. father of, 2277. • "" ******* Preece, Howell, 3239. …….., Joan, 101. Preen, Thos., 1979. Preger, John, 3257. Preion, John, 3257. ·· ... .. .... ·· Prerogative Office or Court, 321, 706. clerk of, 1316. ………….., patent of, 1531. .... suit in, 1658. 5 wills in, or proved at, 1012, 1453, 2458, 2986. Prescott, Edw., Shevington, co. Lancaster, 3212. Rob., brother of, petition of, · Matt., 744. Millicent, 88, 90, 539, 702, 2119, 3294. ****** L 3212. Fras., 93. Rob., Standish, co. Lancaster, 2795. ……………, John, son of, petition of, 2795. Thos., co. Lancaster, 3175. Wm., co. Durham, 2684. petitions of, 2684 (2). Wm., co. Lancaster, 1492. Presse, Mathias, and Anne, his widow, 1129. • *S ·· ******* sister of, 1129. Pressick, George, complaint of, 1430. Prest, Mathias, 96. Prestley, see Priestley. Preston, Anne, 3098. ****** ♫ > ..... ……………… ...... > "" ……………. ... .... > Jane, aunt of, petition of, 2759. ·· ***? .... ………………} Henry, 2822. Wm. and Ann, father and mother of, 2822. John, Kent, 459. Ant., 386, 520. Edw., petition of, 2588. George, 1888. • daughter of, see Westby, Eliz. Sir John, Bart., sen., 176, 456, 546, > 585, 1866 (2), 1898, 2910. George, father of, 1889. ****** Sir John or John, Bart., jun., 1902- 1904. Frances, mother of, 2910. petitions of, 1901 (2), 1902. ……, ………………, younger children of, 1902 (2). grandmother of, Morgan, ………………y ..... Jane, 1902. paddin Rowland, Susan, widow of, petition of, 2710. 70358. Preston-cont. Thos., Essex, 2564. petition of, 2504. .... ***...* Thos., co. Lancaster, 1163, 3268. Thos., Westmoreland, 176. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2505, 3106. Mary, wife of, petition of, 2505. Wm., co. Northampton, 98?, 2641. Prestwich, Sir Thos., Bart., 1443, 1961. Prestwood, George, petition of, 2215. Thos., 153, 2675. #1 ………………… ... *** Pretty, Col. Hen., 3222. Col. Wm., 1693. family of, 1693. Prettyman, John, Bucks?, petitions of, 1195 (2). ,, > > Prew, Thos., Somerset agent, 188, 250, 260 (2), 261, 298. deposition by, 281. L ·· ******* Price, Bartholomew, 1717. ·· .. · .... John, cos. Gloucester and Leicester, 89, 109, 1246 (3), 2307. ... ► ****} D .. • .... *** Edw., sioner, 746. Eliz., 2176-2180. ...., Hen., M.P., 2090. · } • • ·· ******7 petitions of, 1717 (2). Cecilia, petition of, 2049. late husband of, 2049. Charles, 1715. Capt. Charles, 1387. ...... S ** · Col. Herbert, 360, 443, 1203, 1204 (3), 2042. **** Evan, petition of, 3286. George, 581. ... ·· Marg., widow of, 1387. Montgomeryshire Commis- petitions of, 2178, 2179. mother of, see, Lloyd, Ann. Col. Hugh, Governor of Redcastle, North Wales Commissioner, 173, 186, 309, 334, 431. ? ** Howell, co. Brecon, 494, 3186. ·· Goditha, wife of, 2043. complaint of, 1204. ... .... ……………… …………… " Sir James, 3286. .... Anne. John, co. Glamorgan, 2144, 2177 (2), 2178. petitions of, 1203, 1204. letter of, 218. John, co. Hereford ?, 1990. John, cos. Hereford and Brecon, 2489. daughter of, see Lloyd, Bridget. grandchildren of, 3286. **** Anne, wife of, 2490 (2), 2491. petitions of, 2489–2491. children of, 2489, 2490. Thos., father of, 2490, 2492. Anne, sister of, see Slaughter, Ꮓ 3530 GENERAL INDEX. Price-cont. • - *** Sir John, Bart., 341, 370, 2552. . ....., Lewis, North Wales Commissioner, 173, 688, 689, 691, 694, 813. · •• • ..... .. •• ·· 4. + A • • ·· • John, London Commissioner, 172, 183, 204, 207, 443. " · · " ... Lloyd, 1628. Mat., Herefordshire agent, 631, 636, 2203. Prichard, see Pritchard. " Prickett, John, 109. Rob., 2853. Capt. Rich., North Wales Commis- sioner, 173, 240, 341, 475, 726, 747, 751, 818, 1628, 3261. John, co. Montgomery, 590. John, South Wales, 443. Rob., co. Denbigh, 1890. Capt. Rob., Londen, purchase by, 2801. ..... Prideaux, Edm., Attorney-General and Post- master-General, 48, 64, 266, 272, 360, 614, 997, 1170, 1432, 1469, 1583, 1807, 2204, 2226, 2761. ***** > Roger, petition of, 1759. Thos., jun., co. Gloucester, 87. Thos., St. Devereux, co. Hereford, petitions of, 3045 (4), Thos., Westerton, co. Hereford, 360, 443, 1980. Wm., co. Hereford, 1196. Wm., co. Merioneth, petitions of, 3286 (2). > '' Mat., Salop delinquent, 205. Owen, co. Carmarthen, 1881. Philip, 2015. Rich., 1769, 2199. " Mr., London ?, 523. Mr., Somerset ?, 1145, ·" ****** letters of, 149, 218, 693, A • • • 2601. > 1432, 2204. John, Cornwall, 117, 223, 246, 250, 2601. ………………} " 2601 (5), 2602. letters of, 73, 1432 (2), 2055. alluded to, 1169. letter to, 307. orders to, 927, 1168, 1195, Honor, wife of, petitions of, > John, Bishop of Worcester, 1954, 1955 (2). Joan and Honor, daughters of, Pridy, Wm., 914. Priest, John, cos. Norfolk and Cambridge, 116, 539, 2061. Capt. John, 2765 (3). Sir Rich., 97, 116, 235, 237, 1996. wife of, 2062. Mr., Cornwall, 1080. Priestley, or Prestley, John, 1650, 3005. John, Dorset ?, 2978. Priestman, Posthumus, 1965. Priests, see Papists. Prigeon, Edw., 1634. Prigg, Edm., sen. and jun., 1252. Primate, Josiah, 2127 (2), 2128. petitions of, 2127–2129. Prince, Sir Rich., 1609. …………… ••• ....<> · • Pring, John, 2766. ·· ? · ·· ……………** Pr soe, James, 3079. • > .... *" Eliz., sister of, see Piper, Eliz. Prisoners, Committee of Council for, 51, * • ·· • ··· > 1610. ** ... 994. Prissoe, Wm., 3194. Pritchard, or Prichard, Barbara, 2809. .. acquittals or discharges by, al- luded to, 1138, 1374, 2685. .. **** .. * "" Thos., 779, 806. Mr., co. Derby, 774. •" *** ·· Susan, daughter of, petition of, reference to, 829. in the Tower, see Tower. of war, see War. Rochley, son of, 1609, 1610. petition of, 1610. Dan., 443. Evan, Glamorganshire Commissioner, 507. "y > ...... ... Hugh, Denbigh and Flint Commis- sioner, 751. 1828. Cyprian, son of, 2766. > > " orders of, alluded to, 848, 1280. order to, 1138, ... ·· • Lewis, 3111. Nath., 3077. Philip, 103, 121, 915 (3), 1123, 1529. Rice, 1825. Roger, co. Hereford, information by, 651. James, 3186. Jane, 1828. Thos., Clitha, co. Monmouth, 3194. Thos., Llanvetherine, co. Monmouth, 2975 (2). Mary, her sister, petition of, nephew of, see Stubbs, Thos. Walter, or Walton, 1537, 1568. Wm., 3186. Wm., co. Chester, petition of, 1529. Wm., co. York, 1835. Capt., 1825. wife of, 1825. …………**) Mr., minister, Wales, 101, 134. Pritchet, Sam., 1965. Prithergh, Rich., 2219. Privy Council, see Council of State; and Charles I., Privy Council of. Privy Seals, loans on, see Charles I., loans to. GENERAL INDEX. 3531 Prize Goods, Commissioners of, 541, 745. letter of, 537. .. .. · • Probert, Hen., 2034. · "" · Sir George, his son, 2034. Probin, John, co. Chester, 3223. Wm., 104. ******* Mary, daughter of, 104. Proby, Emanuel, 3285. ******* children of, 3285 (2). Hen., 2139. petition of, 2139. l'roctor, or Procter, Bryan, 1952. Giles, son of, 1952. Mary and Marg., petition of, 2506. Rich., petitions of, 1147, 1148. Rob. and Anne, alias Matthews, 1607. ·· • • ... "" " .... ... Office, London, persons in the,534, 594. letter dated from, 537. ……………… > Proger, Art., 3136. > .... ... *5 ... > ..... • Thos., 529. Mrs., Northumberland?, 1051. ·· Eliz. ..... ******* ………………………, ………………, Mary, daughter of, 3137 (6). ., petitions of, 3136, 3137. Col. Charles, 1571, 3137. ........, Rich., petitions of, 3271, 3275 (2). Protestants, casual notices of, passim. children to be brought up as, 1644, 2228, 2242, 2492, 2503, 2540, 2591, 2701 (2), 2706, 2733, 2763, 2863, 2968, 2994. ·· > children of, 1607 (2). in the Queen's household, 1593. Prother, Capt. Lewis, 1621. petition of, 1621. *** * Protherough, John, Pembrokeshire Commis- sioner?, 618. Proud, Prowd, or Prowde. Benj., 707. alias Hobart, John, Kent, 2703. Anne, wife of, 3136. sons of, 3136, 3137. Anne, daughter of, 3136, 3137. Eliz., daughter of, see Good, ***** …………….. 2703. John, Salop, 990. petitions of, 2702 (2). Jos., Salop Agent and Commissioner, 266, 268, 673, 703, 707, 718, 725 (2), 751, 753. letters of and to, see Shropshire Commissioners, letters of and to. Nath., 2891. Wm., 2703. Sarles, son of, Ann, widow of, Ann and Dorothy, daugh- ters of, 2703. Proudfoot, Mark, 93 ?, 1295. Proudlove, Hugh, 1616. Prouse, Prows, or Prowse. Hum., Devon, 502, 1252. ……………, ……………., John, son of, 1252. ... · ·· ... Provost Marshals, 2145. Prugeon, Fras., M.D., 2408. petition of, 2408. ·· ...... Prust, Hugh, 97. .... Pryme, Edw., 729. ., Wm., M.P., 1181. Pryor, George, petition of, 3022. ··· ***** father of, 3022. Public Debts, Committee of Parliament for, 1154, 1647 (2). Anny J. * ► ·· alluded to, 2636. > ……………… ? ……………., servants of, salaries of, 670. > Public Faith Bills, alluded to, 738 (2), 776, 777, 790, 797, 802, 1053, 2138, 2190, 2199. • • • J ... lenders on, 683, 908, 952, 1385 (2), 1542, 1573, 1610, 2042, 2457, 2498, 2606. registrar accountant of, 2189, 1200. Puckering, alias Newton, Sir Hen., Bart., 102, Sir Thos., Bart., his uncle, 1201 (4). · ·· 2190. John, Cornwall, 2918. Rob., 2949. Thos., 502. Wm., 2906. .... > ▲ > Jos., 3100. .... .... 1 .. Pudsey, Ambrose, 3252. Marmaduke, 2356. petition of, 2356. Michael, 3089. Peter, 1992, 2356, 3066. Ralph, 587, 2354. ** petition of, 3174. John, father of, 3174. •• **S • * • .. ………….. …………… ...) ..... order by, 1396. Ambrose, father of, 1097. ..... Captain or Col., 795, 796, 919. Mr., recusant, 3186. Mrs., 3192. Pufford, Wm., 2167, Pugh, Rich., 1881. Puleston, see Puliston. Pulford, John, agent for recusants, 166 (2), 293, 330, 2338 (2), 3074. *** ******* Jane, daughter of, 1201. Eliz., widow of, 2354. Thos., father of, 2356. Step., petition of, 1097. 3074. Thos., 1928. ... *** T'uliston, or Puleston, John, 3160. petition of, 943. wife of, 3160. children of, 943. petitions of, 166, 2327, 2328 (5), Z 2 3532 GENERAL INDEX. Pullein, Thos., 1390. Pullen, John, 3146. Rich., 87, 2654. Rob., 110. Pulley, Rich., solicitor for Essex, 314. list by, 94. wife and son of, 314. ... ·· ...2 ... .... , Pullinger, Rob., 3256. Pulsford, John, petition of, 2806. Pulteney, John, Marg., widow of, 900. Punnett, Wm., 459. Punter, Hen., 629. Purbeck, Viscount, see Villiers. Purcas, Amey, 3146. Purcell, Fras., 548, 3184. · ·· ... petition of, 1614. ******* Purdue, John, Beatrice, widow of, 1418. John, infant son of, 1418. U * ... ··} Purefoy, Gabriel, 327. > ... …………..> .. .. BLADO …………… > John, petition of, 1774. Rich., 1614. certificate, &c. by, 1553, 1821. Puritans, abuse of, 2793. Pury, Thos., sen., M.P., Alderman of London, 224, 649, 803, 1257 (2). Pusey, Tim., 67, 108, 987. Putt, Wm., 152, 3259. Pyard, Edw., 458. • George, Governor for Parliament of Compton, Berks, 1518. George, co. Leicester, petition of, 2885. Philip, 2206, 2672, 2674. Col. Wm., M.P., 51, 137, 181, 187, 327, 797, 799, 804, 1316 (3), 1456, 1617, 1643. Godfrey, 458. Pyckard, Adam, see Pickard. Pycke, Hen., 2135. Pye, Sir Edm., Bart., 55, 68, 261, 427, 1249 (2), 1443. wife and children of, 3184. • " ………….. ... " petition of, 1440. John, Northumberland agent, 546, 582, 2590, Sir Rob., 53, 55, 147, 926, 1036, 1040, 1440, 1826, 1931, 2186, 2612. certificate of, 1188. ******* Thos., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2507. Thos., co. Northumberland, 2671, 3078. ……………. Fras., 1734. John, co. Oxon?, 1441-1443. ……………… ****** John and Thos., sons of, petitions of, 2671, 3078. Sir Walter, 53, 68, 1482. petition of, 1203, John, his son, 1526. ··, > Pyke, see Pike. Pym, or Pymm, Col. Charles, M.P., 523, 581, 606, 611. ……… ... 9 • John, M.P., 1898-1902. 1902. • .... 1900-1902. Wm., informer, 1814. Pyndar, Wm., 1566. Pyne, see Pine. Pynson, see Pinsent. Pyot, Thos., 1894 (2). · •" …………… petition of, 1894. Pyper, Hugh, 2530. father of, 2530. Pysing, John, sen., Dorset, 1201. Agnes, widow of, 1201. ******* John, Sussex, 2606. ……………… • trustees of, 214, 220, 315, 1898- A ……………4) Alex,, eldest son of, 1898. children of, 1866, 1898 (2), Pyvinch, John, 2228. Q Quadring, Sir Wm., 2679. ... children of, petition of, 2679. Quash, Capt. Nath., Somerset Commissioner, 309, 345, 354, 501, 586, 651, 690, 717. letters, &c., of, 363, 501, 638, 653, 654 (2), 658. Queen, the, see Henrietta, Maria. Quelch, Wm., petition of, 1884. Queningborough, John, 1419. Question, John, 1385. Quick, Hum., 1851. Rich., 3201. **** ******* Quilter, Thos., 461. Quintin, Frances, 2078. …………, ………………, Joseph, father of, 2078. Quirke, Mr., Somerset, 1330. Quitterill, John, 328. Ꭱ R., W., request by, 147. Rabie, Rich., petition of, 2507, Radburn, or Rodburn, Art., 238, 261, 264. Mr., merchant of London ?, 779. Radcliffe, or Ratcliffe, Sir Alex., 95, 116, 321, 2617. Ant., Devon, 2955. Ant., London, 2293, 2294. Charles, London, 2294. ………………, petition of, 2293. GENERAL INDEX. 3533 Radcliffe, &c.-cont. "" · ·· · ... ..... " > · • **S **** • •••••• ••, ……………., statement by, 752. ***** petitions of, 2848 (2). Sir Edw., Bart., 72, 124, 1701, 2046, 2589. ·· Edw., co. Lancaster, 1118. ·· Henry, 2538. John, Recorder of Chester, 751, 752 (4). Clare, wife of, petition of, 2589. children of, 2589. Fras., petition of, 2748. ... ………………} George, 2512. ↑ Sir George, 93, 113, 587, 1767, 2620. Anne, wife of, petition of, 1767. Hannibal, 1397. ..... petition of, 2823. ..... Susan, wife of, petition of, 2823. John, Witton, Northumberland, 2594, 2667. Cath., wife of, 2747. petition of, 2748. John, London, 2293 (2), 2294. John, Northumberland, 2823. ****** Thos. 3309. Wm., Balderston, co. Lancaster, 2056. Wm., sen., Foxdenton, co. Lancaster, 1445. • ****** sister of, see Witham, Jane. Percival, certificate of, 2590. Roger, 1074. Saville, petition of, 1281. ………. ………………………, ……………., Rob., son of, 1445. *** ......, Alex., son of, 1445. 3280. Katherine, wife of, 1281. …………… · ·· petition of, 1446. *** nephew of, see Thornton, Hen. Dr., co. Northampton, 98. Raddock, John, 98. ..... Raddon, Edw., 3263. Mary, widow of, 1446 (3). petition of, 1445. Marg., Susan, and Mary, daughters of, 1445 (3). Wm., son of, 1445, 2591-2593, ..., John, 98. Radford, Art., 118, 1335. Radley, Sir Hen., 1325. petitions of, 2171, 3263 (2). James, 2404, 2405 (2). petition of, 2404. ****** John, Essex, 306, 315, 2515 (2). letter of, 306. ******* Wm., co. Lancaster, 2945. Wm.. co. York, 974. Mr., Hants, 362. ***> Radmore, Lieut. Rich., Mary, widow of, peti- tion of, 1283. Radney, see Rodney. Ragdale, Wm., officer of the Committee for Advance of Money, 661. Raikes, Thos., Hull Commissioner, 197, 576. Rainbow, Dr. Edw., petition of, 2983. Raine, John, 3197. Raines, Edw., Sussex steward, 489, 493. Rainger, Thos., 2567. Rainsborow, or Rainsborough, Col. Thos., 66, 806, 1205, 1430, 1882. Marg., widow of, 1118, 1430, ... .... ." ....... Rainsford, Henry, 87, 1202. father of, 1202. Mary, petition of, 3002. Rainshall, James, 106. ...... Raison, George, petition of, 3305. Raleigh, Carew, M.P., 841, 1624, 2169, 2170. petition of, 841. ... a .. • · 1882, ... Walter, 3110. Ralph, George, 2017. ...... ... Ralphson, Edm., 2627. Ramsden, Col. Sir John, 95, 1219. Ramsey, Edw., 2497. …….. .. ……….. *" ……... > ANDAN ….., John, co. Bedford, 671. Wm., son of, 1118, 1430. children of, 1882. Sir Edw., 1165. • Rance, Wm., 624. Kand, Edm., 1029. " Sam., M.D., 245, 2733. Wm., 1666. father of, 1666 (2). Randall, Ant., petition of, 1239. Wm., Berks, 3017. Randell, George, petition of, 2210. Randle, Wm., Devon, petition of, 2988. Randolph, John, 755. Thos., 2104. George, son of, 1165. John, Berwick, 202, 815 (2). Sir John, 9. Mrs., Norfolk, 220. כ' Rands, Thos., 789, 790 (3). Randson, Wm., Jane, widow of, 1374. Ranelagh, Viscount, sec Jones, Arthur. Ranger, Edw., 458. …., Fras., 78. Ranicars, John, petition of, 2519. Nich., 2519. Rascow, see Roscow. Rashleigh, or Rashley, Jonathan, M.P., 117, 153, 336, 1327. Nath., 1563. Thos., 79. Ratcliffe, see Radcliffe. Rathbone, Hugh, 121. John, 121. Rauskin, Mr., 93. Raven, John, 232. " 3534 Ravenhill, Rich., sen., 3245. Ravenscroft, James, 1234, 2382 (3). petitions of, 2381 (3). • y ****** Thos., 100, 1506. Rawden, or Royden, Sir Marmaduke, 93, 756, 2688. ****) Thos., 1298. ...... Rawdon, or Raydon, Capt., 9, 1597, 2875. Rawlins, George, 2869. · • ** , • • · ...) .... • · • • ..... ·· [ Rawlinson, Edw., 1748. .. Hen., 3144. Hugh, 1713. Thos., Herefordshire Treasurer, 273, 688. · ... ... ****** • • ·· ………………. * ... • .... ·· Rawnson, John, co. Lancaster, 2811. Raworth, see Rowarth. Rawson, John, 3256. Thos., goldsmith, London, 1292. ...... or Rewson, John, co. Notts, 1278. ……………………., Mr., co. Leicester, 109. Mr, co. York, 3073. • •, Rawsterne, Edw., 2652. .... Eliz., 1574. Capt. Leonard, 1866 (2). Anne, mother of, 2869. ……………… Rob., 1574, 1866. Wm., Sussex?, 3243. ·· Capt Wm., petition of, 1866. John, son of, 1866. …… younger children of, 2870. GENERAL INDEX. ... ………………} Rawston, Edw., 3257. Ray, Abr., see Wray. Raydon, Capt., see Rawdon. Rayman, Hen., 55. Rayment, John, Westminster, 606, 612. ... ....... articles by, 552. Raymond, Capt. George, 1585. petitions of, 1866 (3). ………….. ..... 551. Lawrence, brother of, 2652 (2). petitions of, 2652 (5). ..... Edw., father of, 2652. grandfather of, 2652. John, Bradninch, Devon, 1594. John, Withicomb, Devon, 2705. Thos., Somerset, 2545. daughter of, 2545. Thos., Wilts, 3256, Wm., Dorsetshire agent, 181, 228, 677. return by, 228. Lieut.-Col., Dorset, 498, 499, 519, Raynard, Nich., 1996. Rayne, Cuth., letter of, 758. Rob., 2038. Rayner, Ralph, 171. Raynes, Alex., 26?. Joan, 1495. Thos., 2750. Rea, Fras., co. Worcester, 774. John, 1737. John, London, 1269. wife of, 1269 (2). children of, 1269. ** •* ·· · ..... ·· ·· ·· • *** > • ………………………) Read, or Reed, Ant., clerk of the Star Cham- ber, 2204. ... • …………. > > ****** John, Suffolk, 96. Rich., petition of, 2421. Roger, 625. • Clement, Yorkshire clerk, 277. letters of, 462, 687. Fulke and Edw., petition of, 2822. George, Hants, 320 (2). Gilbert, and Eleanor, his wife, petition of, 3103. ...... bills of, 620. petition of, 620. …………….. Mr., London ?, 192. John, petition of, 3093. Lieut.-Col. John, Wiltshire Commis- sioner, 755, 760, 762, 776. letters of, 755, 759. > ****** Kath., 2822. ………………, Marg., 3081. ..... ……………** 3081. • ………… "J ...... > . · *** Ralph., sen., Northumberland, 2637. widow of, 2637, 2638. 2638. · Rich., Gubberine Hill, co. Gloucester, 2708. *** Rich., Twining, co. Gloucester, 87. Rich., co. Hereford, 86. Rich., sen., co. Worcester, 481 ?, 2822 Rich., jun., petition of, 2822. > ., Roger, 202. Thos., keeper of Finsbury Prison, 1810. • .. …………… > Thos., Devon, 2871. Thos., Seagrave, co. Leicester, 109. Wm., co. Durham, 203. Wm., Thurnby, co. Leicester, 111. Wm., co. Northumberland, 3162, 3164 (3). Thos., heir of, petition of, Reader, John, 460. Reading, Dan., 2011. children of, 2638. Ralph, son of, petition of, petition of, 3163. ...... Mr., Ratcliffe, co. Leicester, 109. · ..... John, counsel-at-law to the Com- mittee for Compounding, 178 (2), 180, 212, 317, 424, 434, 631, 639, 666, 724, 1324, 1865, 1938, 1956, 2044, 2606, 2891. ·· ****** …………….y petitions of, 2011, 2120. certificates by, 644, 703. alluded to, 1968. complaint against, 2184. death of, alluded to, 2387. **** GENERAL INDEX. 3535 Reading, John-cont. letters to, 2119, 2360. ........., notes, &c., by, 160, 170, 415, 466, 624. • · • • • …………… ·· ....... " ... alluded to, passim. ………………, ………………, salary of, 311, 363, 439, 640, .. 641, 824. > ► > ..... ..... ..... 2425, 2891. John, Essex ?, 3042. Nath., 2189 (3), 2191 (2). information by, 2191. Readshaw, John, petition of, 2814. Reason, Mr., co. Derby, 729. .... ... ·· orders to, passim. petition of, 1865. .....*? Recusants, casual notices of, passim. references to, passim. reports by, 175, 199, 1169, 1521, …………… ******} > accounts of, auditors of, see Darell, Phil., and Stanley, Hen. Act for, 657. "y ***** compositions or contracts on requested, 871, 887, 1079, 1080, 1224, 1261, 1397, 1469, 1487, 1583, 1592, 1643, 1667, 1680, 1759, 1782 (2), 1785, 1802, 1819, 1829, 1852, 1862, 1868, 1913, 1924, 1936, 2012, 2025, 2040, 2049, 2058, 2064, 2085, 2088, 2098, 2100, 2155, 2198, 2230, 2311, 2314, 2327, 2334, 2347, 2379, 2389, 2393, 2404, 2424, 2439, 2455 (2), 2460, 2464, 2486, 2505, 2552, 2559, 2561, 2563 (2), 2566, 2573, 2574, 2610, 2616, 2643, 2672, 2674, 2683, 2684, 2699, 2703, 2706, 2708, 2709, 2717, 2730, 2736, 2742, 2746, 2777, 2786, 2793, 2794, 2805, 2806, 2813, 2815-2817, 2820, 2825, 2827, 2836, 2845, 2848, 2849, 2856, 2865, 2875, 2876, 2886 (2), 2896, 2902, 2909, 2925, 2926, 2928, 2931, 2933, 2943, 2947 (2), 2952, 2953, 2957, 2964, 2969, 2970, 2981 2982 (2), 2990, 2995, 3007, 3011, 3013, 3018, 3022, 3033, 3041, 3045, 3049, 3050, 3053, 3055, 3057, 3058, 3061, 3063, 3064, 3066, 3068, 3071, 3076 (2), 3077, 3080, 3086, 3099, 3103, 3109, 3111 (2), 3113, 3122, 3125, 3129, 3133, 3139, 3147, 3153, 3156-3162, 3165-3168, 3171- 3198, 3265 (2), 3271, 3285, 3289, 3290 (2), 3293, 3296, 3300, 3302 (2), 3304. regulations for, 664, 666, 667 (2). proposed qualification of, 667. cases of, passim. ***** lists of, notes of, 599, 667, 670, 671, 728-730, 732, 733, 735, 736 (3), 741. orders concerning, 610, 693. .... petition of, joint, 666. petitions of, passim. queries concerning, 606, 608, 694. V Reddall, Thos., 153. Reddish, Wm., Wiltshire Commissioner?, 372. Reddon, Edw., 474. Rede, Dr., 79. Redenhurst, Benj., clerk for North Wales, 235. Redhead, Arthur, 1029. Hen., 1996. Redmaine, Sir John, 1552, 1764. . CRE .. .. **** …………….. .... *** " A • " O Lady Sarah, widow of, 1552, 1765, 1766 (2). petitions of, 1765 (4), ** ... O ... 1766 (3). …………..> ……………. worth, 1765. Redman, John, 164 (2), 2138. petition of, 164. * father, brothers, and sisters of, 164, 2138. *L*** Redshaw, Chris., 1119. ... ... > petitions of, 1765 (2),1766. Mary, daughter of, widow of Col. Wm. Forbes, petition of, 1764. as wife of Wm. Dods- د. *** ****** ******* * • > George, Northumberland agent, 546, 582, 668. *** •*3 ******* Reece, Wm., petition of, 2069. Reed, see Read. Reeks, Rob., 1531 (2). Rees, David, 3113. Reeve, or Reeves, Augustine, 1829. petition of, 1830. 1 > children of, 1552. eldest son of, 1764. John, son of, 1764-1766. Hen., 2216. Thos., 2207, 3135, 3145. Thos., Alderman of Ripon, co. York, 1092. George, petitions of, 3079 (2). John, London, 2152. ......, Dorothy, widow of, petition of, 2152. informations by, 179, 3297 letters of, 192, 426, 584 (2). petitions of, 582 (2). Fortune, widow of, 668. petition of, 663. John, co. Warwick, 3192. Rich., petition of, 2824. Rob., Berks, 1583. Rob., Westminster, 93. ..., Rob., Westmoreland, 2919. ......., Dorothy, widow of, petition of, 2919. Reignolds, Howard and Sam., 1484. Relffe, George, 202. 2713. ………… Thos., Norfolk, 114, 558. Thos., co. Warwick, petition of, 549. Wm., 102. Lancelot, 72, 124, 201. Remes, Capt. John, 2507. ・・ 2713. •> petitions of, 2506 (2), 2507, Dorothy, wife of, 2506. ****** ****** holes, John. petitions of, 2506, 2507, 1st husband of, see Brock- 3536 GENERAL INDEX. Remington, Eliz., 2613. Rob., 769. Thos., co. Gloucester, 2618. Sir Thos., 380, 1272, 2335, 2337 (3). petition of, 2336. ... …………, ………………, Rich., father of, 2335. ... > 3163-3165. Remnant, John, 337. Renicars, or Rennicars, Rich., 2120. petition of, 3237. ...... Reniger, Sam., 1587. Renington, Sir John, 112, 1290. Rennison, Rob., 3192. • + • 3165. " …………… Renshaw, James, Butley ?, co. Chester, 123 (2), 1055. James, Northenden, co. Chester, 123. Rob., 123, 2399. Requests, Court of, 1684. Reresby, Lady Eliz., 118, 1769. *** > • " ... .. …………. " mother of, see Wharton, Lady. Sir John, 982. Tamworth, 1844. Resbury, Mr., minister, co. Northampton, 1054. Reston, Thos., 389, 1470. Retoric, Walter, petitions of, 2383, 2384. Reveley, Bertram, 2508. Revell, Ann, 1625. ******* Rosamomd. " Thos., 630, 1656. Revenue, Committee of, 223, 336, 420, 993, 1396, 1519 (2), 1520, 1606, 2268, 2488, 2761 (2). cases before, 903. demands or claims by, 639, , .... Wm., son of, 2508. Edw., 2508 (3). petition of, 2508. .... •, , ... > 2269 (2). • • Tim., brother of, 2337 (2), petitions of, 2335 (2), 044 ………♦ ……. "" ··· ... discharges by, 1372. grants by, 170, 1581. alluded to, 2433. …………• > leases from, 1362, 1363. .., letters, or orders of, dated from .. *5 · י Westminster, 403, 623, 624. +9 .....*♪ alluded to, 420, 440, 622, 624, 1520, 1899 2944. letters or orders to, 422, 494, 507, 1519, 1520, 2761. ………………♫ officers of, 166, 342, 469, 490, 1149, 1899. ... wife of, see Widdrington, .." **3 1899. ..... orders to, 32, 73, 2142. petition of, 421. references to, 223, 903. request by, 2143. solicitor for, see Wilson, Rob. treasurer of, 1899. warrants of, alluded to, 1396, Revenue Committee in Ireland, 981. Revenue, Public, 624 (2). auditors of, 715 (2). ……………, ………………, charges on, 494. ... .... ·· • ·" ******* Rewse, or Rowse, Fras., or Sir Fras., 1482, 1898. family of, 1482. Simon, 1483, 2261-2264. petitions of, 2260, 2261. Rewson, see Rawson. Reymer, Mr., 398. Reymes, Bullen, 93, 119, 1368. Reymond, Hen., 1246. .. petition of, 1245. ...... Reynell, Edm., Dorset, particulars by, 2169. George, 1938. ......, Edm., or Edw., son of, 152, 367, 373, 504, 639, 1938. • *** • • .. ****** • • …………………., daughters of, 1938, 1940. > > • > petition of, 1148. Kath., wife of, 1146, 1147. petition of, 1148. Reynes, Rob., J.P., certificate by, 633. ...... Reynolds, Edw., Governor of Christ Church, Oxford, petition of, 1943. Eleanor, 1347. Gregory, 1818, 1819. • ... ..> *** • • receivers of, 624, 850, 1899. **** .., Isaac, 937, 1418. James, 1942. > ... ……………… 1 *.. 1942. Rich., 2534, 2681. ………… ***** petitions of, 2681 (2). Sir Thos., 866 (2), 1146–1149, 1316. לי .. ." George, younger son of, 1940. petitions of, 1939, 1940. …………. 2537. John, co. Lancaster, 1347 (3). John, Salop, 2537. Kath., widow of, petitions of, 2537 (2). ******* John Ambler, eldest son Rob., younger son of, children of, 1939 (2). of, 2537. .... .. petitions of, 1939, 1940. Obadiah, 117, 153, 2768. Rob., M.P., 1, 2. Rob., Hants?, petition of, 2723. Thos., co. York, 3140. Thos., postmaster of York, petition of, 3303. Sir Thos., 93, 389. Wm., Kent, 459. Wm., co. Oxon, 407, 705. Capt., co. Cambridge, 2453. Commissary-General, 2483. Mr., co. Lancaster, 2562. Reynoldson, Abr., 426, 437. Rob., 3229. Rhett, Wm., 961. Dorothy, wife of, petition of, ****** **** GENERAL INDEX. 3537 Rhodes, George, 3204. ………., Hen., see Roades. Col. Rich., see Rodd. Ricard, see Richaut. ……………. , Rich, Robert, Earl of Warwick, Admiral of the Fleet, 15, 18, 57, 784, 829, 1157, 1729, 1979. …………………… .. ·· - ………… · *** 902. ", ·· • • D · 9 ... Robert, Lord Rich, his son, Anne, wife of, 66, 119. Henry, Earl of Holland, 92, 93, 1191, 1208, 1301 (2), 1302, 1498, 2078, 2935. ..... 1729. ******* Rich, Charles, London, 2009. Edm., petition of, 2826. • ... ... , ………. ……………., arms, &c., sent to, 873. ......, persons with or serving uuder, 1302, 1859, 2688. rising of, 1946, 2102, 2870, 2898. > *** **** wife of, 2826. ..... Edw., counsel for the Committee for Compounding, 63, 81, 125 (2), 212, 411, 437, 445, 603, 604 657, 714, 894, 931, 959, 1036, 1054, 1061, 1120, 1165, 1216, 1337, 1345, 1405, 1503 (2), 1610, 1798, 1854, 2047, 2130, 2161, 2285, 2457, 2531, 2668. affidavit by, 487. certificates of, 49, 1379, 1553, 1657, 1827. **** **** L " letter of, 15. signatures of, 48, 1850. warrants of, alluded to, 785, ……………I ***** alluded to, 1219. ***** clerk to, Dan Slater, 817. information by, 1898. letter to, 708. orders to, 50 (2), 57, 79, 133, 498, 565, 687, 718, 983, 1028, 1061, 1064, 1195, 1350, 1432, 1455, 1509, 1527, 1685, 1860, 2047, 2461 (2). ……..♥ ………….. Isabella, widow of, 2935. ……………., report by, 1005. …………………., request by, 2327. Fras., Kent, 2737. Col. Nich., 1849, 1859 (2), 2851, 2969, 3171. references to, 46, 437, 1027, 1036, 1145, 1255, 2113. *** petition of, 2969. ***** Thos., Ermington, Devon, 153, 432, 504, 2826. Eliz., wife of, petition of, 2826. children of, 2826. ………………. Thos., Plymstock, Devon, 2812. Thos., Dorset, petitions of, 2327 (2). > Thos., Somerset, minister, petitions of, 2429 (2). Richard, Wm. Thos., 3194. Richards, And., 2107, Edw., 3174. ✔ .. ... ** "" › Y > *** ." Michael, petition of, 2232. Ralph, 298, 2516. Rich., 98. Rob., 2892, 2893. Wm., Devon and Westminster, 93, 97?, 2822. Wm., Mayor of Nottingham, letter of, 150. Capt., Devon, 442. Mr., 3044. Richardson, Eliz., Viscountess Cramond, peti- " ... ..... tion of, 1863. Thomas, Lord Richardson, Baron of Cramond, 859-862, 2472. ******* Richardson, Abel, Worcestershire Treasurer, .... *** ** .. **** Sir Edw., 105 (2). Gabriel, 328, 2613. John, 3257. Joho, alias Anhey, Cornwall, 2687. John, co. Monmouth, 2774. ... ... > Rich., son of, 3174. 172, 471, 476, 3015. Edw., petitions of, 1360 (2). George, 2034. …………….. J., Cumberland Commissioner, letter of, 1668. > ..... ***** • " …………… John, Westmoreland, 521, 547, 3125. Mark, 99, 3157. Oliver, 521. Rich., 3307. Rob., Bucks, petition of, 1785. Rob.,co. York ?. petitions of, 2744 (2). Thos., commissary and wagon-mas- ter, 24, 786 (2), 788, 789, 791, 792, 1183. Thos., co. Chester ?, letter of, 161. Thos., Catterall, co. Lancaster, 3185. Thos., Myerscough, co. Lancaster, 3177 (2). petitions of, 862, 2246, 2472. Anne, wife of, 859. petition of, 2472. •" Eliz., widow of, see Jepson, Eliz. Wm., son of, petition of, 3177. ***** Thos., Southwark, 1400 (2). Sir Thos., 116. wife of, 116. ………….. Wm., co. Durham, petition of, 2130. Wm., Essex, petition of, 2900. Wm., co. Lancaster, 3229. Wm., co. Leicester, 111. Wm., Westmoreland, 99. Wm., co. York, 1029. Capt., Northumberland, 582. Mr., Westminster, 93. Mr., co. Worcester, 426. Mr., co. York, 2693. Richaut, James, 457. Sir Peter, 102, 1252, 0538 GENERAL INDEX. Richaut, Sir Puter-cont. John, his son, 1253, 1254 (3). Peter, his son, 1252. wife of, 1254. ... > Richman, alias Webb, John, 2210. Richmond, Duke of, see Stuart, James. Richmond, Chris., 72, 124, 1675. Rickaby, Wm., co. Durham, 2252. Rickards, Phil., petition of, 2622. Riddell, Sir Peter, 3281. • **** ... .... • " ··· .... 2037. .. .. U 3282. > ………… A ******* Sir Thos., jun., 139, 1917, 1918. signature of, 1917. Riddington, Mr., co. Leicester, 108. Rideout, Walter, 308. Rider, John, Westminster, 93. John, co. York, 3130. Wm., petition of, 2063. Mr., co. Chester?, 3058. Widow, co. Stafford, 90. Ridges, Wm., 914. Ridgley, Capt. George, 1853. ………. . • "" Jane, wife of, 1853, 1854. Ridgway, Weston, Earl of Londonderry, petition of, 2060. ...... Sir Rich., his grandfather, 2060. Ridgway, John, 123. Thos., 123. Ridler, Capt. Rob., 463. Ridley, Chris., 380. •*• *...** ·· ***** •• .....3 > • .. • ..... ·· Sir Thos., sen., 1218, 1762, 2037. Barbara, his wife, petition of, Sir Wm., his son, 2037, petition of, 2673. Rob., petition of, 3231. Rigby, Alex., co. Lancaster, 2389. ………….. > > ****** John, 202. Mich., and Eliz., his wife, petition of, 2254. Fras., Wm., and Walter, petition of, 2673. > ……………… grandson of, see Holme, Rob. Alex., Burgh, co. Lancaster, 1650, 2389 ?. Jane, daughter of, petition of, ... ...... 1650. Col. or Lieut.-Col. Alex., M.P., Baron of the Exchequer, 894 (2), 1067, 1068 (3), 1192, 1399, 2364, 2380 ?, 2389 ?. letter of, 172. Musgrave, 3154. Nich., 2673. ·· > ... Anne, wife of, see Leigh, Thos., Anne, widow of. Alice and Mary, 2712. Ant., sen. and jun., 1961. 3103. Edw., co. Lancaster, petition of, 1192. Edw., London, 2389. James, Standish, co. Lancaster, Rigby, James-cont. .. A ... •• ·· • • • .. • Rigden, Partridge, 1996. • Wm., Harby, Kent, 459. Wm., Lyming, Kent, 459. Righton, John, co. Lincoln, 2782. .. children of, 3103. John, Standish, co. Lancaster, 2815. wife and children of, 2815. ……….." John, Shevington, co. Lancaster, 2757. 7 .... 3 Rigmaiden, Thos., 2850. IT. · …………… Rigsby, Wm., Devon, 2142. Riley, see Ryley. Ring, Jos., 446, 1658 ?, 1993 (5). petitions of, 1993 (2). father of, 1993. Ringrose, Fairfax, 3123. Ringstead, Fras., 1965. Rinsent, Jouas, see Pinson, Jonas. Ripley, Wm., 33, 809. Ripon, Metcalfe, 1920-1922. ... .... • *** **** "" **** Maj. Jos., 361, 367, 370, 371, 455, 456 (2), 468, 474, 506, 507, 514, 515, 630, 1065, 1654. Nich., 3099. Capt. Nich., Lancashire Commissioner, 745, 1117. ... ****** Rippon, Thos., 3037. ***♪ petitions of, 3037 (2). Risden, Mr., Papist, co. Chester, 688. Risdon, Fras., 2929, 2930. > John, co. York, 1667. ......, John, his son, 2850, 3186. …………………………….. Anne, daughter of, ser Green, Anne. petitions of, 2757 (2). Roger, brother of, 2757 (2). daughters of, 2757. • ******* *** 1920. Thos., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3101. Maj. Thos., Yorkshire Commissioner, 673, 2132. ****** 2 353, 504, 2928, 3186. .." ****** Frances, wife of, information by, …………. " Rise, Watkin, 518. Rishton, or Rushton, Edw., 2530. Eliz., wife of, 2531. ...., James, son of, 2531. Kath., mother of, 2531. Ralph, sen. and jun., 3077. Thos., 1543. ……………… petitions of, 2929 (3). *oday ………… Dorothy Blewitt, widow of, 153, ……………… Giles, son of, (by first wife), Wm, sen., co. Lancaster, 2530. ………………………, ………………, Dorothy, wife of, 2531 (2). ……………, petition of, 2531. ***** Thos., son of, 2929, 2930. petitions of, 2929, 2930. Thos., father of ?, 2929. Thos., brother of, 2929. GENERAL INDEX. 3539 Rishton-cont. …………… ... Win., Sussex, 921. ………………………, ………………, Rich., his brother, 921. Risley, Wm., 554. Riston, Thos., 96. D Ritchell, John, messenger, receipt by, 490. Rithe, George, certificate by, 2437. Rivell, John, 1534. Rivers, Earl and Countess of, see Savage. Rives, George, 1086. John, 1068. Wm., jun., co. Lancaster, 2104, 2531 (3). Rivett, Tim., 1605. a ,, ·· ·· Rivington, James, 2054. Jubn, his brother, 2054. Road, John, Herefordshire officer, 177. Roade, James, Exeter, 502. alias Bampfield, Wm., 2968. Roades, Hen., Leeds, co. York, 1125. ***** ………… Mr., Deputy Warden of the Fleet, 2259 (2). wife and children of, 1125. or Rhodes, Hen., Mirfield, co. York, 1449. ………………, John, 1996. • ******* .... Col., 211. *******} Roads, Rich., 2976. ·· Marg., Grace, and Eliz., daugh- ters of, 1996. ****** Wm., 1276. .." Roanes, John, 2906. Robartes, Rich., 1st Lord Robartes, 1772. ******* John, his son, 2nd Lord Ro- bartes. 29, 789, 1011, 1773. ·· ..> • ·· Robe, Eliz., 722. Roberts, Alex., Kent treasurer, 171, 186, 456, .... petitions of, 1604, 1605. 706, 2603, 2604. ……………… > + > Edw., London, petition of, 2740. Edw., co. Monmouth, 511, 719, 722, 1711. > .. .. Gabriel, 1685. Hugh, 1407. , John, minister, co. Chester, 295, 308, 324. ? note by, 455. ****** Edw., Kent, 458. petition of, 1712. ****** Edw., co. Notts., petition of, 2340. Eliz., petition of, 2533. children of, 2533. ***** John, Cornwall, 117. John, Somerset, 2733. (2). ......, grandfather John, 2733. Capt. John, Excise officer, 3243. Joseph, 458. John, son of, petitions of, 2733 of, Nethercott, Dr. Mich., Principal of Jesus College, Oxford, 3136. ( ! Roberts-cont. 4. .. ****** • .. ... ·· ·· · ..... 3241. · .. **** *" Nicholas, 458. Rich., petition of, 3286. Rob., co. Flint, 3241. John, son of, 3241. Thos., 1810. Thos., Essex, 396. Thos., Cheltenham, co. Gloucester, 87. ** Thos., jun., Westerleigh, co. Glouces- ter, 2650. Thos., co. Worcester ?, petition of, 2281. .. ·· ***** Wm., sen., co. Leicester, 110. Wm., jun., co. Leicester, 110, 111, 962. ... **** • • 110. Wm., co. Stafford, 1034. > Dr. Wm., Bishop of Bangor, 399?, 2045. Capt. Thos., 144, 227. Sir Walter, Bart., 328, 2602, 3268. Robertson, alias Hodgkinson, Adam, 2111. Alexander, 141. John, Cumberland Commissioner, letter of, 761. ..3 Robes, Mat., 2196. J • Dr., Bucks, 2697. Mr., co. Monmouth, 311. Mr., Westminster, 93. John, his son, petition of, **** ..> Eliz., daughter of, petitions of, 2196, 2197 (2). • "J Robins, Anne, 86, 506. James, 3259. Lynam, officer of the Committee for Advance of Money, 286. 641. Walter, son of, 328, 2602. ..> .. wife and children of, 963. Thos. and Wolstan, sons of, **3 CARAVAN Robinson, Edm., co. Lancaster, 1835. Edw., co. Lancaster?, 2579. Edw., co. Wilts, 1434 (3). Edw., co. York, 2150. John, brother of, 2197. Major Edw., Lancashire Commis- sioner, 551, 745, 2854, 3179. Simon, co. Wilts, 2581. Thos., 2685. Monmouthshire officer, petition of, ………………, petition of, 173. wife of, 2854. • ·· ***** Fras., Cornwall, 117, 487, 1587. Hen., London and Lincoln, 3195. Hen., co. Northampton, 2918. Hen., co. York, 2150. James, co. York, 3119. Johu, heir of Ar.hbishop Laud, 2380. 3540 GENERAL INDEX. Robinson-cont. ... ·· • ··· ..." ... • …… ... John, Cheshire Commissioner, 1602 (2), 3236 (2). John, Charlton, co. Chester, 324, 716. " **** • , ·· ·· John, Thornton, co. York, 113, 1906, 1907. …………………., Henry, brother of, 1906. John, Ryther, co. York ?, 1990. petition of, 2063. John, Bolton, co. York, petition of, 2652. .. > > > ……. > John, co. Lancaster, 2009. John, London, 625. ... Susan. Lieut.-Col. John, co. Denbigh, 318, 2977. ………… …………, son of, 1145. ……………, ……………., son-in-law of, see Rushworth, ..... Thos. ******* " ..... Phil, 2720. ……………………., Ralph, beadle of Goldsmiths' Hall, 781. petition of, 73. > Lionel, 1856. Luke, M.P., 380, 595, 929. letter of and to, 449. Susan, widow of, see Collins, Marg., co. Chester, 107. Marg., co., York, see Metcalf, Marg. Mary, 1145. Mat., 2131. Mat., sen., co. Northampton, 88, 1177. certificate by, 378. ........., Rob., Aldborough, co. York, 3113. petition of, 3112. ...... Rob., Kirkby Wharf, co. York, pe- titions of, 2150 (2). ***** Nich. and Piers, 2977. Mat., jun., his son, 1177. ', Rich., Westmoreland, 203. Rich., co. York, 380. Thos., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 676. Roger, farmer of Excise, 656, 3169. Thos., 1625, 1781. Thos., Cheshire Commissioner, 212, 400, 526, 629, 673, 674, 687, 720 (2), 725, 746, 3093, 3205, 3208, 3209. ……… ………………, account by, 155. letters of, 628; and see Cheshire, County Commissioners of, letters of. …… ………………, report by, 3209. …… ……………., requests by, 3150 (2). Thos., Westminster, 3303. petitions of, 3303 (2). Thos., co. York, 3165. Thos., minister, co. York, 2115 (3), 2116 (3). Lieut.-Col. Thos., 117, 487, 2854. Wastell, 1077. ……………. Wm., trustee for sale of delinquents' lands, 464, 467. Robinson-cont. • 180 ……….. M …………. * • ... • ... .. ... .. ··· ……………… **** Robotham, Rob., 1876. ■ ... ·· ? Robson, Giles, petition of, 2698. Rowland, 3103. ... ……………. ·· ·· ters of, petition of, 3038. Roby, Thos., 1848. • ... 14 Wm., co. Cardigan, 3038. Wm., and Frances, his wife, Cum- berland, 2862. Wm., co. Lancaster, 537. Wm., London, 286. Wm., co. York, petition of, 2872. Sir Wm., 113, 977. Mr., 2692. Mr., parson of Brereton, cc. Chester, 121, 605. Mr., Eastwell, co. Leicester, 110. Mr., Long Whatton, co. Leicester, 109. petitions of, 1848 (3). Rochester, Bishop of, see Warner, Dr. John. Rock, Thos., 1815. Rocke, Ambrose, 2199. Rockett, John, 2851. ……………… wife and children of, 2852. Rockingham, Lord, see Watson, Sir Lewis. Rockley, Fras., 54, 1410. petition of, 1281. ……………………, ………………, signature of, 623. ♥ **** Rob., his father, 1281, 1419, 2758 ?. Rodbeard, Thos. & Co., payment to, 781. Rodburne, see Radburn. Rodd, James, 1254. or Rhodes, Col. Rich., 897. Roddam, John, 2992. Rode, Randle, co. Chester, 121, 1029. Thos., his son, 121, 1029. another son, 121. ...... > ………………………, Thos., petition of, 1142. Mr., Westminster, 93. Eliz., Jane, and Marg., daugh- ……………., petition of, 1877. Thos., petition of, 1721. Mr., minister, Sussex, 1863. Thos., 3062. Wm., and Lucy, his wife, petition of, 3103. daughters of, viz., Isabel Green, > .. Lucy Robson, and Eleanor Reed, petition of, 3103. · ↑ Rodenhurst, Ben., clerk for North Wales, 710 (2), 723, 726, 1628. > ……………. ***** Rodes, Darcy, 2105. " or Roodes, Sir Edw., High Sheriff of co. York, 380, 500 (2), 538, 607. Fras., serjeant-at-law, 3071. Sir Fras., Bart., 2105. letter of, 562. ……………. signature of, 623. George, 3204. GENERAL INDEX. 3541 Rodes-cont. Ralph, certificate by, 438. Rodney, Sir Edw., 73, 916, 916, 1380. or Radney, George, 2113. ………… Sarah, wife of, 2114 (4). children of, 2114 (2). Rodwell, Hugh, 1304 (3), 1305 (2). petition of, 1304. ·· • > ******* wife and children of, 1304. Roe, see Rowe. Rogers, Dan., Essex agent, 243, 636. T ... *** " ... .... •. ……………*} • > ... Edw., Gloucestershire agent, 227, 234 (2), 253, 279, 290, 292, 317, 347, 393, 399, 407, 416, 426, 427 (2), 449 (2), 467 (3), 613. letter of, 1629. C • petition of, 317. wife of, 427. …………….? Eliz., 108, 1347. Fras, 1814. George, cos. Lincoln and Notts, 108, 1772. ·· .... ***** * ………………) Reignold, petitions of, 2197, 2198. ……………………., Rich., Dorset, &c., 532, 2873. George, Westmoreland, petition of, 3233. Hen., D.D., co. Hereford, 3239. Hum., 94, 1548. Isaac, 437. James, 3232. John, co. Notts, 108. > John, Somerset, 629, 651, 654, 659 (2). Sir John, 2874. **** > Marg., widow of, see Banaster, Marg., Lady. Matt., 1748. ****** • ... " Eliz. and Rogersa, daughters of, 2874. Rich., London ?, 792. Sir Rich., 2874. Ma **3 2874. Thos., co. Gloucester, 85, 1588. Thos., Gloucestershire Commissioner, 174, 383. Thos., Kent, petition of, 1683. Thos., co. Montgomery, petition of, 2197. ……………….., Thos., co. Warwick, 1891 (3), 1895, 3289. John, grandson of, petition of, petitions of, 1891-1893, 1916 (2). Major, or Col. Wroth, governor of Hereford, 140, 141, 183, 378, 644, 684. ***** letter of, 140. ****** Col., M.P., 542, 2894. wife of, 542, 2894. ………………} ……………** Mr., Blaby, co. Leicester, 108, 3239. Rogerson, Eliz., 3186. Johu, 2854. Rogerson-cont. Wm., 2789. Rokesby, Ralph, 2128-2130, 2375. Dorothy, daughter of, 2375. .... > Rolfe, Edm., 1625. ***** •• ·· Rolle, Capt. Fras., 463. • "" …….. • ………… → Rolles, Mr., co. Hereford, 1523. Rolleston, John, petition of, 2478. John, co. Leicester, 2102. Wm., 2071. Rolloch, James, 1710. > Hen., serjeant-at-law, Lord Chief Justice of the Upper Bench, 711, 838, 1076, 2137. > Major Edm., 751. John, 3268. > • • information by, 3268. Wm., 2837. ………………………* ……………… petition of, 1710. Rolls, the, Master of, see Temple, Sir John; Lenthall, Wm. Office, the, 706, 2137. Rolls, John, M P., 1315, 2691. Wm., 2416. Rolph, Oliver, 1852. Wm., 286. ..... ܝ܂ Maurice, 180. Rob., 180. Sir Sam., M.P., 1234, 1237. Rolt, Thos., 2439, 2440. Romney, John, 1823. J …, ……………., Lancelot, father of, 1823 (2), 1824. children of, 1823 (3), 1824. grandfather of, 1823 (2), 1824. uncle of, see Evett, Hen. Paul, 770. Lady Rebecca, 1985. daughter of, 1985. ****** Wm., petition of, 1823. .. .. Romsey, Mr., J.P. for co. Brecon, 1634. Roodes, Sir Edw., see Rodes. ***** Rookby, Wm., 2550. Rookes, Thos., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 25, 29, 31, 782, 783, 789, 791. ………… > Anne, widow of, 46, 49. children of, 49. Wm., 461. Rookesby, Major, 785. Rookwood, Edw., 96, 1425. Sir Rob., petition of 2900. > Roome, Ant., sen., 3100. ……………………, ………………, Ant., son of, 3100. · Rich., son of, 3101 (2). · ***** daughter of, see Evans, Dennis, ****** ..... .> Rooper, Wm., co. Gloucester, 3192. Roopes, George, 2865. Roos, Lord, see Cecil, Wm. Roote, Hen., 1358. 3542 GENERAL INDEX. Roots, James, 2122, 2123. ... •• ·· •9 .. Roper, John, 3rd Baron Teynham, 2665. Sir Chris., 4th Baron Teynham, 93, 103, 112, 887, 1755, 3262. Mary, wife of, 890. Frances, daughter of, 890 (2). uncle of, see Thorold, Sir Rob. Roper, Ant., 1287. "" · • ·· • 聃 ​………. > 2122. • W > • ****** • > ··· " ** • ... • …….. ………… " · Thos., 2122. · • 1 ··· ... ... • • > " Edm., 102, 2357, petitions of, 2123 (2). family of, 2123. James, father of, 2123. .... ·· Fras., 103. Lieut. John, petition of, 2512. Sir John, 890. Lancelot, 2514. .. ……… Phil., petition of, 2665. Col. Sam., petition of, 2340. Thos., 3097. Thos., Bucks, petition of, 2541. Thos., co. Gloucester, 87, 2361. Thos., London, 2800. Thos., Surrey ?, 1884, 2678 ?. Capt. Thos., Kent, 2358. petition of, 2358. Katherine, wife of, 2358. **•• Marg., his widow, 1287. .....? Wm., 3260. Wm., Kent, 102, 2118. Wm., co. Northampton?, 1051. Wm., co. Stafford, 90. Sir Wm., Kent, 3099. widow of, Eliz. Mansfield, > 3225. Anne, wife of, 102, 2357. daughters of, 2358 (2), .... · ... ……………… .....** Marg., his daughter, 3099, 3225 (2). Mary, his daughter, 3099. Fras. and Phil., brothers of, 3099. Col., London, 436, Mrs., Westminster, 93. > Roscarrock, Charles, 1506 (2), 1981. petitions of, 1506 (2). • …………….y ... Marg., wife of, 1506 (3). Roscoe, John, Barrow, co. Lancaster, 3204. Roscow, or Rascow, John, Aspull, co. Lan- caster, 11 51. Rose, Chris., 96, 877. Anthony, son of, 3099. Thos., son of, 102, 3099. ………… ', • ... *** .... Wm., his son, 3099, wife of, 877. Jarvase, 458. John, provost-marshal, 2145, wife and children of, 2145. Rich., M.P., 523, 581, Rose-cont. [] • • • • ... • • ………. ... .... • …… ………………, daughter of, 3292. .... > Mr., Dorset ?, 1066. ...... Rosewell, Sir Hen., 299, 829, 1177. James, 1308 (2). Peter, 1181. Thos., 1308, 1507 (2), 2534. Win., 1507. • Ross, Mr., co. York, 403. " ·· ……… Rossall, John, 3240. Rosse, Rob., 3241. Rich., co. Lancaster, 2737. Eliz., wife of, 2737 (2). children of, 2737. *** Thos., petition of, 3284. Mr., co. Leicester, 109. ***** Rossiter, Edw., London, and Mary, his wife, Thos., Devon, 2794. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2737, 3292. Marg., wife of, 3292. • • ..... ******* ...... .. Rosterne, Edw., 2848. Rotchell, Wm., 546. …………….. 1843. or Rosseter, Col. Edw., 29, 805, 878, 1136, 1703, 2782. Rotherow, Thos. Hugh, 1825. Rothwell, Thos., Glasbrook, co. Lancaster, 3176. Thos., Newton, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 2283 (3). children of, 2288. Roughly, Hen., Mary, widow of, petition of, 3238. Rich., 3238. Rought, Walter, deposition of, 531. Round, Thos., petitions of, 3205, 3206. Rous, Ant., Cornwall, 117, 1772, father of, 1772. Ant., Devon, 2929. Ann, wife of, 2929. Col. Ant., 1239 (2), 1685. or Rouse, Fras., M.P., provost of Eton, 1306. > * daughter of, 403. certificate by, 2782. John, 1819. petition of, 1306. Col. Fras., M.P., 1239 ?, 1618, 2275. Gilbert, 944. John, co. Gloucester, 2920. John, Hunts, 90, 944. Sir John, 2438. ........, Reignold, London, 2828, 3169. Reignold, Suffolk, 2828. ......, Mary, wife of, petitions of, 2828 (5), > > " ****** ...... · Rob., 117. ....., Thos., 2827. Sir Thos., Bart., 2438. Wm,, 944. GENERAL INDEX. 3543 Rous-cont. ****** Mr., 68. Rout, Rich., 3198, Routledge, Eliz., see Buckle, Eliz. .. ... > .." Thos., 72, 124. Roworth, or Raworth, Rob., petition of, 2256. Rowcliffe, Hen., 1408. Rowe, or Roe, Capt. Hen., petition of, 169. Sir Hen., 3256. John, Minver, Cornwall, 2809 (3), petitions of, 2809, 2810 (2). ******* John, Trewornam, Cornwall, 117, 336, 1404. John, Devon, 153, 2853. [ .... YA و. ., ... ………. > ******* 3186. ·· John, son of, 2853, 3186. John and Fras., London, 3244. Capt. John, co. Leicester, 111, 214, 1077, 2756. > > Lieut.-Col. Wm., 515, 516, 1371. petition of, 516. د. > 368, 422, 428, 441, 446, 478-480. letters of, 98, 152, 219. petition of, 2683. …………. "" ...... Kath., wife of, petition of, 2756. > Nich., Devonshire clerk, 322, 367, " > Owen, 3244. ► Col. Owen, 43, 395, 2170. wife of, 2170. petitions of, 2170 (2), Sam., co. Worcester, 1710. petition of, 1709. Thos., 2013, 3257, Thos., co. Lincoln, 1348. Thos., London and Jersey, 2912, Eliz., widow of, petitions of, 2912 (2). children of, 2912. Thos., and Anne, his wife, Somerset, petition of, 3191. Lady, 1653. Mr., Sunderland ?, 590. Mrs., Somerset, 604. Rowell, John, 811 (2), 812, 819. Thos., 1816. ****** Rowles, Ant., 85, 1745 (misprinted Bowles). Joan, his wife, petition of, 1745. children of, 1745. Rowlett, Isaac, 1557. Dorothy, widow of, 2853, • .. …………… *** •3 Rowley, James, 205. Parson, 112. Thos., 112. .... Theodora, Eliz., Kath., Mag- dalen, and Ann, his sisters, petition of, 1557. Rowlinson, Peter, 104. Wm., 107. Rowse, Fras., see Rewse. Rowsell, Wm., 1507. Roydon, John, 1220. Royell, Hugh, 1582, 2191. ……………, petitions of, 658, 2191. Royley, alias Fountaine, Eliz., 2505. Fras., certificate by, 167. · ••• Royston, Ralph, 2102. Budd, John, Westmoreland, 521. ▼ ……………… ... Sir Rice, Bart., 1826, 1827. Thos., co. Northampton, 88, 1534. Thos., co. York, 113. Rudder, Peter, Notts agent, 150, 258. Ruddle, Ralph, 2174. 0 ** .. • " .. *** Ruddock, Hen., 3086. • > ……………… Rudge, Art., 87. Rudgley, Wm., 1694. Rudgsley, Simon, 2016. Rudhall, Wm., 1996. " ******* kinswoman of, 1996. Rudkin, Thos., 89. Rudston, John, 832. VORA. ·· == ………… Sir Walter, Bart., 1742. ……………, ………………, Margaret, wife of, 1742. 1 ******* W ... Sir Thos., his son, petition of, grandfather of, 1742. ...... Wm., 1742. Rudyard, Sir Ben., 28, 53 (2), 454, 802, 1898, 1900 (3), 1901. notes by, 765, 768 (3). niece of, 768. 1742. ******♪ petition of, 2174. Ruell, see Rule. Ruffine, Hen., 460. Rugg, Charles, Devon, 1887. petition of, 3086. Capt., co. Durham, 903 (2). ." Role, or Ruell, Stephen, solicitor for Corn- wall, 2003, 3052. Rumball, John, 396, Rume, Rich., 3070. Rumney, John and Paul, 3250, Rumsey, Edw., co. Monmouth, 3175. John, 123. .. 9 > Edw., South Wales Commissioner, 577, 1359, 3301. ………… letter of, 1359. • ******* James, Solicitor for South Wales, 507. petition of, 162. .. .... ****** Rupert, Prince Palatine of the Rhine, General in the King's army, 139, 905, 942, 1000, 1012, 1038, 1040, 1046, 1150, 1657, 1826, 2083, 2605, 2651, 2793, 2857. • advocate general to, 1630. chaplain of, 2335, 3283. forces of, or men serving under, 1045, 1228, 1344, 1537, 1568, 2830, 2831, 2845. .... ****** in Lancashire, 1192, 1344, 1399, 1654, 2175, 2305. letter of, 1373. 3544 GENERAL INDEX. Rupert, Prince Palatine of the Rhine-cont. " ***** places besieged or taken by, 1181, 2788, 2802, 2844. prisoners taken by, 1866. quarters of, 1016, 1143. Rusden, John, Berks Commissioner, 172, 351, 409, 682, 705. Rush, Ant., petition of, 1305. • *** · D *** **** • ... • .... John, Bedfordshire agent and trea- surer, 235, 599. O ·· Rushton, see Rishton. Rushworth, Fras., ex-mayor of Northampton, deposition by, 1900. letters of, 535, 1231, 1315, 2134. ………………………, ………………, petition of, 2498. John, trustee for the Earl of Shrews- bury, 1776. " 1462. John, secretary to Sir Thos. Fairfax, 130, 135, 243, 357, 553, 1120, 1324, 1400, 1736, 1958, 2038, 2230, 2342, 2359 (2), 2394, 2418, 2498 (2), 2509 (2), 2600, 2632, 2637, 2642, 2679, 2697, 2976, 3212. > " ·· ………………) Russell, Francis, 4th Earl of Bedford, Kath., daughter of, see Greville, Kath. Wm., 5th Earl of Bedford, 74, 91, 846, 2109, 3289. ? ……………… • orders by, 599, 2967. ……………) John, Dorset messenger, 209. ... ………… .... ....... Thos., 1145. 764, 1208, ………………………, Lady Eliz., 1706, 1708 (2). > …………., request by, 1208. Russell,, Edw., co. Chester, 103, 1211. Edw., Westminster, 93. Francis, M.P., letter of, 567. Gerard, 2075. ....., James, member of the Committee for Compounding, 194, 226, 243, 311, 452, 681, 2552. ... C grandson of, see Somerset, Edw.. Earl of Worcester. petitions of, 1776 (4). , Edward, his brother, 93, 846. wife of, 846. ******* John, M.P,, his brother, 93, **** 408. Thos., co. Cambridge, 320. ***** ……… letters to,378,450, 542, 563, 577. orders to, 318, 323, 384, 404, petitions of, 60, 3063 (2). Wm., son of, 3063. ******* Thos., co. Worcester, 3197. Wm., Kent, 458. Sir Wm., Bart., 52, 425, 652, 1421, 1890, 2640 (7). Col. Wm., son of, 1747. petitions of, 2640 (2). Frances, wife of, 1890. children of, 1890. ***** Sir W m. Cooke, petition of, 1805. Rust, Rob., deposition of, 633. Ruswell, Sir Hen., 1352. Rutherford, Thos., 2604. ... • > · .... ………………………, ………………, Grace, mother of, petition of, 2604. Ruthven, Patrick, Earl of Forth, General for the King, 1668. Ruthven, Sir John, 10. Rutland, Earl and Countess of, see Manners. Rutland, Wm., 1472 (3). petitions of, 1472 (3). ...) ·· ··· Rutt, Jos., petition of, 2609. Rutter, George, 2121. ... ·· Wm., South Wales agent, 391, 415, 646, 647, 3155. ........, James, 2683. · ****** " • ... .... .....y John, Committee for Compounding officer ?, 787. John, co. Chester, 101, 1285 ?, 2120, 3295. …………… · 19 , (2). • ·· > ·· (2). ? *** petitions of, 2593, 2598. Jane, wife of, 2593, 2528, 2604. Wm., son of, 2604. children of, 2593, 2598, 2604. Gawen, father of, 2604 (2). petition of, 2604. ... ·· *** …………. , petitions of, 2121 (4). ………………9 Ellinor, Hannah, Mary, Marg., Dorothy, and Frances, sisters of, 2180, 2121 (2). Dorothy, his wife, 2121 (2). ……………… ……………… Eliz., widow of, 2121 (4). . petitions of, 2120–2122. • ***** John, son of, 2120, 2121. other children of, 2120, 2121 ·· 5 Rycroft, John, 1093, Ryder, George, 109. Rob., 2745. John, father of, 2121. Marg., mother of, 2120, 2121 ..... •• "" …………. Mich., 85, 1843. Thcs., 2687. petition of, 2745. Rydings, Walter, jun., 110. Rygate, John, 2769. children of, 2769. petition of, 2121. Eliz., widow of, 2687. children of, 2688. Ryle, Reynold, 124. Ryley, or Riley, Chris., 79. Edw., 111. James, 3129. John, 2187. Thos., 1211. Wm., Clerk of the Records in the Tower, 2912. GENERAL INDEX. 3545 "" Rymer, Matt., Yorkshire messenger, 1270. Ralph, Yorkshire Commissioner, 293, 453, 508, 673, 687, 720-725, 743, 775, 2136, 2397, 2639, 2739, 3073, 3297. letters of, 243, 371, 623, 732, 733 (2), 736, 761, 776. petition of, 2739. ... > • .... Rythe, George, petition of, 3240. ..., James, 93, 1715. .. Matt. Ryves, Dr. Brune, 108, 118, 1593. Kath., his wife, 1593. Rob., 2015. ****** ... .. .. ***** S Sabbath Day, the, preaching on, 2812. Saby, Wm., petition of, 997. Sach, John, 2476. Sacheverell, Erasmus, 1608. father of, 1608. ·· .... father of, 1715. ……………………, Art., brother of, 1715. 1 .... • **** ·· ..... > Valentine, 1040. Sackville, Edward, Earl of Dorset, 89, 92, 102, 693, 1070, 1263, 1509, 2465, 2467. ******* Thos., 1732. ... Sackville, Thos., 940. brother of, 940. Sacrament, taking of the, 1158, 1268, 1490. ****y certificates of, alluded to, 1028 (2), 1075, 1171. from a Romish priest, 2024. Sacron, Rich., 1816, Sadbury, Chris., signature of, 623. Saddington, Rob., 3208. father-in-law of, see Francis, ………. petition of, 2495. .. Richard, Lord Buckhurst, his son, 1509. > Sadler, Capt. Blunt, 727, 734, 1116. George, 78, 3052. · •, ., John, town clerk of London, letter to, 412. .... Ambrose, father of, 1732. ****3 ……… order by, 369. Rich., auditor of the public revenue, 666, 743. certificate by, 715. Sturton, 78. Thos., 77, 105, 1218. Mrs., Bristol, 2343. Safety, Committee of Lords and Commons for, 807, 1152, 1703. Sager, Thos., 2225. Sagger, Rich., 2140 (5). St. Alban's, Earl of, see Burgh. St. Albone, John, 2557. St. Asaph, Bishop of, see Owen, John. 70358. St. Barbe, Edw., 2574. petition of, 2574. ', 40 ………………………, ………………, Anne, widow of, 2574. father and brother of, see Kingswell, Rich., sen. and jun. St. David's, late Bishop of, see Field, Theoph. St. George, John, 1588, 2390. John, son of, 2391. ·· .. A Sainthill, Peter, 422, 1391. .. ** • …………………… · .. L Rob., brother of, 1391. St. John, Oliver, 1st Earl of Bolingbroke, Commissioner of the Great Seal, 47, 798 (2). ... • • > ... ? **** St. John, Sir Anthony, 914. Sir Beauchamp, 580. Col. John, 1980. ·· Thos., petition of, 2118. 2519. .... "" > •" ******* "" ***** Oliver, Lord St. John of Blets- howe, his son, daughters of, 580. .... ………… 4 St. Lawrence, Thos., 95. St. Leger, Ant, 102. > Sir Ant., 1209. Johu, 102, 728. …… ………………, mother of, 1338. St. Nicholas, Thos., 379, 380. Sir John, 77, 1203. Lady Mary, 1794. Oliver, 1438 (3). Oliver, Solicitor-General and Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 1 (2), 8, 13, 27, 47, 224, 535, 724, 1490, 1844. · ****** …………… wife and children of, 1391. Sam., son of, 518, 519, 1391. ……………… Sir Rowland, 836. widow of, see St. Paul, Eliz. petitions of, 2476 (3). Major Thos., counsel for the Com- mittee for Compounding, 180, 231, 2156. ***** St. Paul, Nicholas, Lord St. Paul, 1980. husband of, see Arundel, Wm. letters of, 535, 2783. 1980. St. Quentin, Sir Henry, Bart., 380. St. Ravey, Sir Wm., 93. * Saker, Wm., 2257. Sale, Rich., Bradford, co. Lancaster, 3176. ****** information by, 2156. references to, 193, 2092, 2244. Rich., Hopker, co. Lancaster, 2701. Wm. and Anne, father and mother of, 2701. ………. Salisbury, Bishop of, see Duppa, Brian. Earl of, see Cecil. Lady Eliz., wife of, petition of, Salisbury, or Salesbury, John, 1534. Thos., Devon, 3186. wife of, 3186. Wm., and Charles, his son, 1723. A A 3546 GENERAL INDEX, * Salkeld, or Salkeild, Hen., 547, 3126. ··· • A .... • • • DA • · •• A ... ·· " •2 • .. John, jun., Northumberland, 2638. John, Northumberland Commissioner, 172. John, Rock, Northumberland, 2749. petitions of, 2637 (5), son of, 2749. Lancelot, 72, 124, 2638. • .." " > } ·· ...) ..) **** > > …………… 19 2638 (2). ·· ..> Sallanova, Peter de, 795. 9 > Salloway, Ed., petition of, 2067. Salmon, Rob., 1374. Salston, Lady, 1534. Salter, Ant., 240, 1397. George, 1450. Nich. [or Ant.], Norfolk Commis- sioner, 643, 673, 676, 2743. ..... 1 > ..... 2918. *** Thos., Brampton, Cumberland, 72, 124, 257, 1887. Thos., Weddicar, Cumberland, 2876, 2877, 3159. Ellen, wife of, 2877, 3159. ******* Thos., co. Durham, Mary, widow of, 3192. •> ... Nich., 2918. ******* Saltmarsh, Edw., 1856. Dorothy, widow of, petitions of, Commissioners, letters of. children of, 2638, Thos., Westmoreland, 521. Major Wm., petition of, 3046. ………………y petition of, 2518. Eliz., wife of, petitions of, 2518, ......, accounts, &c., by, 726. **** petition of, 718. ****** Wm., co. Notts, 769. , ……………… letters of, see Norfolk, County petitions of, 1856 (2), Mary, wife of, 1856 (2). ………….., stepson of, see Topham, Fras. Capt. Edw., 2299. ……. ··· nell, Thos. petitions of, 1465, 2744. Salton, Lady, see Stewart, Anne. Saltonstall, James, 1460. Sir John, 94, 1595. Sir Peter, 852, 3148. Salvin, or Salvyn, Bryan, 2895, ******* petition of, 2298, Gerard, wife of, 2299 (2), .. > Philip, and his son, 2253. Wm., 1515. petition of, 2298. first husband of, see Mey- Fras., 2902, 2903. Gerald, 513. Isabel, 3178. John, 2967, 3178. children of, 2969 (3). Rebecca, 3161. 12 Salvin, &c., Rebecca-cont. children of, 3162. ......, Thos., son of, 3163. 1 .. **) • 4. • ………… • *** Salway, Arthur. minister, 23, 785. Hum,, M.P., 149, 2041. 3163. Susan Hodgson, wife of, ………………, Thos., son of, petition of, ...... Dorothy, granddaughter of, see Crouch, Dorothy. ... ****** • "" | 3163. .... • ......, Rebecca, granddaughter of, see Horsley, Rebecca. other grandchildren of, 3162, 3164. Wm., jun., co. York, 623, 626, 2181, 2403. letter of, 2783. ..." Thos., co. Worcester, 2710. petition of, 2710. ***** ****** Mr., co. Hereford, 391. Samborne, Maudley, 2009. Samford, Mr., and his wife, Essex, 525. ··· ………… Sampson, Maj. George, jun., Somerset Com- missioner, 194, 213, 216, 221, 244, 273, 288, 291, 305, 309, 355, 754, 1659. deposition of, 303. letters of, 281, 752. •• .... John, 47, 144, 188, 338, 612, 1195, 1455, 1456. · • Major Rich., M.P., 142, 353, 358, 463, 486, 506, 595, 630, 786, 817, 1247, 1255, 1830, 2047, 2050, 2082 (2), 2653. ****** Mrs., 2181. > **** Wm., father of, 2182 (2). ******* Jeffry, deposition by, 3100. Capt. Latimer, Somerset Commis- sioner, 173, 209 (2), 221 (2), 222, 238, 250, 252, 257, 273, 281, 282, 288 (2), 297, 298, 303, 305-307, 309, 323, 345, 347, 354, 355, 365, 661, 2211, 2212 (3). • 309: ……. " ... · " Thos., Dorset, 722, 2169, 2170. Mr., Norfolk, 22. Samuel, Arth., trustee for sale of delinquents' lands, 464, 467, 1619. .... Samways, or Samwayes, And., 118, 1980. ……………………., Hen., 234, 261. informations, &c., by, 298. letters of, 243, 256, 291, 304, petition or request of, 310, 354. sons of, 209. petition of, 2853. ******* Jeffry, Bere Regis, Dorset, 240, 3021, 3304. ......., John, Broadway, Dorset, 1690. Johu, Upway, Dorset, 118. Samwell, Ant., 1117, 3277. Art., petition of, 1581. Jeffry, Portsham, Dorset, 118, 1757. GENERAL INDEX. 3547 Sandall, John, petitions of, 2742, 3157. Sandeford, George, co. Notts, 2579. Martha, 2696. Sanders, see Saunders. Sanderson, see Saunderson. Sandes, Sands, or Sondes. • ·· • .... Sandford, Chris., 1814. • ... · Ca RA 44 .... ... } .. Sir. George, K.B., 119, 368, 804, 867. .. ... J • " ………. "" ... د. ****** " 4 ****** .. .. Edm., 1268. Fras., 1685. Hen., 860. Hum., 424, 636, 3229. petition of 2837. Rich., son of, petition of, 3229. children of, 636. John, see Scrope, Col. John. Lewis, 1272. Sir Rich., 510, 1461 (2), 2457. Sir Thos., Bart., his son, 99, 813, 1460, 2457 (3). ... ******3 La tou, Sir George. Wm., Devon, 2859. ma > Sandham, Wm., 885. .... Sands, or Sandys, Capt. Adam, Lancashire agent, 463, 464, 646. } ...... Sir Richard, his father, 868. Katherine, wife of, 868. ***** ……………… ………………, Bridget, wife of, 1460. father of, see Dals- Wm., Somerset, 2009. .... …………… Sir Martin, 107, 532, 1255. ……… ………………, Frances, wife of, 1255. * Edw., 1274. mother of, 1274. Sir George, see Sandes. John, 1068. Martin, 1811. ... ………… ………………, petition of, 1255. children of, 1255. Rob., Kent, 2015. Sam., Hunts, 90. Sam., co. Lancaster, 2046. Col. Sam., 55, 108, 1068, 1296, 1418, 1478. ………………………, ……………., Mary, his wife, 1296. **** Penelope, Lady Sandys, his mother, 1418. Sir Sam., 94. ...) Sandwell, Capt., 461. Sandwith, Hen., 1454. Thos., co. Gloucester, 1863. Sir Thos., 190, 192. Col. Wm., 103, 532, 1296, 1512. Lady, 1418, 1688. Mr., Ireland?, 806. ………. widow of, see Mason, Frances. Sandys, see Sands. Sanford, Thos., 203. Sanford, Thos.-cont. ******* Sanitee, Mr., 108. Sankey, Rob., co. Chester, 1186. ... ****** *** ******* petition of, 695. Sansom, John, petitions of, 2592 (2). Santhey, John, 2763. .. Saph, John, 78. Sapp, Thos., 2854. Sapwith, Cuthbert, 430, 2592. …………………… petitions of, 2592 (2). Sare, Wm., 111, 1291. ·· ………… Saringe, or Saring, John, 112, 2989. Rob., 2989 (3). Sarjeant, John, petition of, 1611. Sarvant, Wm., co. York, 3192. Saul, Charles, 176, 547, 2875. 1 Rob., Staffordshire officer, 695 (3), 702, 715. ** letter of, 89. Mary, his widow, 695 (2), 702 (2), 715 (3), 743, 744. .... *****→ .. • **** ** *** petition of, 393. Saunders, or Sanders, Ambrose, petition of, 3208. mother of, 203. • Jane, or Jennet, wife of, peti- tions of, 2875 (4). ? petitions of, 2362, 2763 (2). > ... (4). …………………*** ****** Edwin, father of, 2875. John, 176, 521, 3224. ………………, children of, 3224. Nich., 117, 1661. Oliver, 117, 1255. Rob., 2641. Wm., 304, 398. Fras., Norfolk, 3186. George, see Smith, George. Hen., Surrey agent, 237, 291, 293, 394, 400, 518, 2910. Posthumus, his brother, 1291. John, D.D., 2879. John, Kent, 461. John, co. Worcester, 2068 (3). **** Ka ***** Marg., 29, 948. Nich., 518. Rich., Devon, 97. Rich., J.P., Devon, certificate by, 617. .., Rob., Devon, 2966. Anne, wife of, petitions of, 2068 children of, 2068. father of, 2068. Thos., co. Derby, certificate by, 228. Thos., London, agent of the Com- mittee for Compounding, 40, 45 (3), 52, 56, 58. petitions of, 1930, 1931. A A 2 3548 GENERAL INDEX. Saunders-cont. .. ****** .... ·· • ·· ··· LANCE. .. ……. • [ ·· [ • 268. Mr., co. Lancaster, 506. Saunderson, Nicholas, Viscount Castleton, 2790. > " 9 Maj. Thos., revenue receiver, 487, 733. Valentine, Devon, 1396, 3306 (2). " ……………., Anne, wife of, 1396, 1397, 3306 (2). petition of, 1397. Valentine, London, 1799. Valentine, Rutland, 57, 89, 94, 1157, 2120. sister of, 1157. grandfather of, 1158. Wm., co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2281 (2). .,Wm., London, petitions of, 1791, 2257, 2533. ... ****** Thos., co. Oxon, petition of, 3152. Thos., co. Warwick, 3182. Thos., co. Worcester, petition of, 2790. Col. Thos., 275, 754, 755, 759, 766, 770, 773, 3251. Saunderson, or Sanderson, Ant., Cumber- land, 232. ... "" > ……………. ……………., Ant., Kent, 328. Cæsar, 1368. George, co. Lincoln, 1151. James, co. Lancaster, 456. John, 2590. .... .... Wm., co. Northampton, 2939. Zachary, 2967. Alderman of Exeter, 210, 219, 221, ……………… · Lady Jane, widow of, 2790. • ………………? ………………. ………….., petitions of, 2790 (2), 2791. • ·· Sir Wm., his son, 2790 (2). ……….. ·" reduced officers of, list of, 147, 163, 813, 814. ....... petitions of, 2508, 2604. Marg., 1952. husband of, 1952. …………… *****S Rob., 456. Col. Rob., 816 (2). Dr. Rob., 1529 (2). Thos., petitions of, 1805, 1806, 3153 (2). Wm., 3194. Savage, Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Rivers, 1857. John, 2nd Viscount Savage, and Earl of Rivers, 55, 61, 96, 101, 104, 107, 112, 121, 122, 174, 861, 862 (2), 914, 1269, 1354, 1509, 1949. …………….. Col. Nich., 150, 743, 947 (2). 158 (3), 815. petitions of, 147, 148. ****** regiment of, 42, 44, 46, 125, treasurer for, 814. Savage, John, 2nd Viscount Savage-cont. petition of, 861. ……………., Mary, 2nd wife of, 914. ……..…….., Thos., brother of, 101 (2), 474, 498, 914, 1949, 3263. ** ……………………… ·· · ·· . ··· • • ·· ………………… ... …………… • .. • " family of, 916. daughters of, 3264. ... Thomas, 3rd Viscount Savage, and Earl of Rivers, his son, 1031 (2). (3). Savage, Art., 3114. …………………., Edw., 85, 86, 1410. • · •• ... 3263. כי > C " • petition of, 1031. Lady Elizabeth [Scrope], 1st wife of, 1031. ..... ? ......, petitions of, 1031 Mary. **** ... ……………… Saville, Anne, 3116. . Savery, Chris., 152. Savile, Thomas, Viscount Savile, and Earl of Sussex, 94, 523, 581, 650, 676, 687, 709, 724, 725, 796, 798, 1151, 1375, 1541. ... ... **J ******* .." …….. George, petition of, 2130. Rob., co. Stafford, 2917. ... John, Medley, co. York, 380. ....., John, Slingsby, co. York, 1985. ... > • • Thos., co. Bedford, 546. Thos., Barrow, co Chester, 101. Bridget, wife of, 916, Thos., Beeston, co. Chester, 122. Thos., Dorset Commissioner ?, 584. Thos., London, discoverer, 793,795. Thos., London, scrivener, 862. Thos., co., Worcester, 86, 1030. mother of, 1030. granddaughter of, see Knight, ...... Wm., Westmoreland, 3114. .... Sir John, 11, 380, 842, 1594, 2115, 2512. Sir Fras. John, Lady Gorges' trustee, 2983. …………, petition of, 1534. · John, co. York, executors of, 1152. • ***** ****** Wm., farmer of Excise, 661, 3147. Wm,, Lord Roos' trustee, 1516, 2063. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1382. Wm., co. York, 2511. ……………………, Anne, his mother, 2511. petition of, 2897. brother-in-law of, see Armitage, Thos., 2414. ,5 .... • ………………. Sir Wm. petitions of, 2414 (6). children of, 2414 (2). father of, see Mounson, Sir Wm., 107, 113, 1232, 1350, 1384, 1985, 2474, 2511, 2917. Lady, 532. *******} Sawer, Thos., co. Hereford, 770. Sawkins, Wm., 462. GENERAL INDEX. 3549 Sawrey, John, Lancashire Commissioner, 603 (2), 629. Miles, petition of, 3134. Sawyer, Edm., Lady Herbert's trustee, peti- tion of, 2195. ... .... • • Saxby, Wm., 459. Say, Edw., 2232. " ..., Rob., petition of, 1777. Rob., Cambridge student, petition of, 1622. • ·· . ..") " ." • • Wm., Hants, 105. Wm., Suffolk ?, 3104. Wm., Wilts, 2675. Say and Seale, Viscount, see Fiennes. Sayer, Laurence, 2251, 2651, 2652, 3162– 3165, 3299, 3307. petition of, 3164. …………………, ………………, Eliz., wife of, 3299 (2). petition of, 2251. .. "5 ** ..... ………………………, ……………., John, son of, 2254. ·· Rob., co. Oxon, or Sussex, 2232– 2234. "> ·· petition of, 2332. .... ......, Wm., brother of, 2233, 2234. Rob., Sussex, 726. Wm., M.P., 169, 193, 223, 400, 612, 1031, 1257, 1357. ** > Edm., London, 405. Sir Edmund, 421, 443, 1617, 2939. Edw., 1567. " .... · Saywell, Alex., 891. Scaife, Maj. Art., 195 (2), 196 (5), 211, 811, 812 (2), 3116. • Cornet Lancelot, 195, 196 (2), 211. Scales, Fras., 227. Scamell, Thos., petition of, 1655. wife of, 1655. Scarisbrick, Edw., 141, 2492, Frances Bradshaw, wife of, 2492, 2493. ر.. > לי Step., 459, 1832. *** ......, Jane, widow of, see Plane, Jane. Rich., petition of, 2136. Ursula, 671, 716, 3059. ………………. Y 2492. …………… *). ****** uncle and grandfather of, 2253. Eliz., wife of, 2254. ………… *** .., Hen., petition of, 2446. ……………… ******5 ……………………., John, 1111. ……………………, Mary, 1111. petitions of, 2492 (2). children of, 2492 ?. James, son of, petition of, Anne, daughter of, 2492. Ferdinando, father of, 2446. Scattergood, And., petition of, 1623. Scawen, Rob., M.P., 14, 20, 42, 127, 799, 807. or Smith, 'Thos., see Smith. Lieut.-Col. Wm., 117, 1082. Schacheverell, Mr., 109. Scobell, or Scobel, Fras., 2866. 2 ·· ... …. ·· • ... 2 Scoles, Edw., 1393. …………………., Rob., 3258. Scotch Parliament, see Scotland, Parliament .. prisoners, 130, 503, 509, 564. Scots, the, see Scotland, natives of. Hen., Clerk to Parliament, and to the Council of State, 519, 552, 662, 820, 824, 825, 956, 957, 1646, 1648, 2111 (2), 2275. *.... ****** of. · ., army of, in England, or the North (in 1640), 2823. ……………., petitions of, 2110, 211I. · ... …………… ... ... (in 1643), to aid the Parlia- …………..> ment, 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 17, 19, 170, 301, 485, 651, 779, 875, 886, 931, 1048, 1075, 1228, 1485, 2425 (2), 2673. advance or coming of, 2, 19, 25, .... ammunition, clothes, stores, &c., for, passim. ...... Commissary-General, or Trea- surer for, see Hepburn, Sir Adam. deputy, see Aikman, Jo. *** • 29, 1401. > • ………….., Commissioners with, or Scottish Commissioners, 1-3, 8, 9, 17, 18, 20, 21, 30, 35, 36, 60, 72, 81, 83, 170, 485, 780, 781, 786, 791, 793, 924, 1545, 1733. agent of, 785. list of, 80. minister with, 23, 785. warrants for payments to, 785-787, 789, 790. **** ·· > .. ……. defeat of, 808. > ………………………… ………………, departure of, 129, 232. * to, 39. ..... * ... ·· ·· • certificate by, 2831. letters of, 664, 1083, 1104. letter to, 1648. ་་་་་ generals of, 2229; see also Leslie, Alex., Earl of Leven. in Cumberland, 232, 1694. in Durham, 170, 234, 781, 782. in Herefordshire, 2454. in Northumberland, 780, 784, ***** ► .. 、、、、、*) ****** 156. • .....5 790, 924. in Nottinghamshire, 543, 791; see also Newark. *** ... …… ………………, money for, passim. ***** ****** flight of the King to, alluded in Yorkshire, 790, 1031. ... receiver for, in Cambridge, 108. quartering of, 843, 908, 924, 1016, 1025, 1681, 1624, 1767, 1772. quarters of, 81, 878. treasurer of, 60, 790. officers of, 130, 336, 809, 2398. arrears of, 20 (2), 142, " 3550 GENERAL INDEX. Scots, the, army of-cont. ………………………、 ………………, waggoners for, payment of, 786. .., army of, in England, Royalist, 156, 549, 1075, 2260?, 2422, 2436, 2619, 2882. …………………♥ ………………. ... ... ***** ·· at Worcester, see Charles II., invasion of. 9 ***** ... commander of, 1866, 2436, 2619, 2620; see also Hamilton, Mar- quis, or Duke of. defeat of, in Lancashire, alarm created by, officers of, entertainment of, 521. ………………….., army of, in Ireland, in aid of Parlia- ment, 2-4, 8, 10, 12 (2), 15 (3), 17, 18, 25, 29, 160. ...... • ... 128 (2), 486. 473. ..) .. → invasion of England by, 170, 303, 473, 475, 488, 499, 506 (2), 512, 582 (2), 717, 894, 966 (3), 1763, 1865, 1907, 1919 (2), 2250, 2276, 2470, 2520, 2653, 2667. · ... > 785. " ……………. ******* ammunition, money, stores, &c., for, passim. commissaries for, 5, 79, ………………, provost marshal for, 783. Scott, Cicely, 2535. sisters of, 2535. Cuthbert, 3174. ... ……………… .... • 2. ……………# Hen., Hunts, 2906. John, London, petitions of, 3187, 3188, 3221. ** ... Leonard, jun., 113, 1046. Ralph, 3105. Rich., 1393. Rob., 1934. Thos., M.P., 27, 43, 46, 130, 135, 149, 1882. "> John, Salop, 3260. John, co. York, 337. Scotten, or Scotton, Edm., Cambridge Com- missioner, 277, 349, 366, 399 (3). ****** letter of, 399. Scottish affairs, committee for, appointment of, 1, 6, 25. clerks of, 2. …… ………………, complaint of, 82. ► > ..... …………. , Thos., co. Stafford, petition of, 1917. Thos., Sussex, 1471. ·· "" ... ... ****** - letters of, 44, 129. …, ………………, members of, 2 (3). note to, 22. orders of, 2-8, 11, 13 (2), 15, 17, 21, 23 (2), 24 (2), 27, 30, 31, 47. " ▸▸ …………….} alluded to, 162, 881. …………………, ………………, petitions to, 7, 9 (2), 10, 836. alluded to, 7, 8. ... "> ******y ****** treasurers of, Rich. Waring and Michael Herring, see Committee for Compounding, treasurers of. warrants of, 778-790. …………… Scottish Engagement, the, 156. Scotton, see Scotten. Screven, Rich., 1859. Scriven, Sir Thos., 1816. Lady, 296. .. Scroggs, Thos., petitions of, 2718 (2). Scrope, Emanuel, Earl of Sunderland, 1031. *** …………..y ……………. ... · ... Scrope, Sir Gervase, 165, 1327, 1531. Adrian, son of, 94, 1327. letter of, 163. ...... Ladies Mary, Elizabeth, and Annabella, daughters of, 1031. ...... natural son of, see Scrope, or Scroope, alias James, alias Sanford, Col. John, 108, 159, 195, 205, 207, 286, 472, 608, 966, 1030. Martha James, mother of, ·· 1030. **). ..... …………… lyng, John. Hen., 2565. Simon, 535, 2565. Scruton, Rob., co. Lancaster, 3153. • 2565. Scudamore, John, Viscount Scudamore, 53, 86, 94, 802, 1643. 104603 **** .... * Scudamore, Barnaby, or Sir Baruaby, 897, 1545, 2861. .. **** 3091. > •" **** *** ***** 3126. ', …………..? James, London, and John, his nephew, 2846. James, co. York, petition of, 2402. Rowland, 85, 2494. ..... sisters of, 1030, 1031 (4). Rowland, eldest son of, 2494. petition of, 2494. ……………. ………………. ………….., Marg., his wife, 2494. George, son of, 2495. ******* son-in-law of, see Gam- Ann, widow of, petition of, ………………y …… ……………… ………………, petition of, 2494. ........, Milborne, son of, petition of, 2494. George, father of, 2494 (2). Scupholme, Rob., 2765. Scurr, Leonard, 1090, 1091. petition of, 1091. Scutt, John, 118. Rich., petitions of, 1619 (2). Seaborne, Rich., M.P., 39, 1125. petition of, 2862. James, son of, 326, 613, 1643, .. Lucy, widow of, 2494 (2), Thos., Herefordshire Commissioner, 644, 646 (2), 1980?. Seabright, Sir Edw., Bart., 478, 483, 538, 2606. wife of, 2607 (2), son of, 2607. Wm., brother of, 2608. Sir Wm., 2374. GENERAL INDEX. 3551 Seacombe, Ralph, 829. Eliz., widow of, 829. petition of, 829. Sea Expedition, Committee of Adventurers for, 1882. Seale, John, 539, 702, 1399. Sealey, Hen., 453, 464. ⇓⇓⇓ …………. ******* petitions of, 1619 (3). Seaman, Aldred, 629, 1123. ·· ·· ** Searchfield, Rowland, or Rob., Bishop of Bristol, lease granted by, 2834 (4). Searle, or Serle, And., petition of, 2060. Chris., 1626. Chris., Southwark, 2171. "" ... • ·· Dr. Lazarus, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, petition of, 3293. Thos., 2966. , ******Z • 481. John, Devonshire Commissioner, 257, 293, 368, 401, 421, 470, 471, 590 (3), 591, 593, 605, 608, 609, 681, 707, 723, 1713. " "" ... *** Edw., petition of, 2274. George, Berks ?, 2391. George, Isle of Wight, Hants, petition of, 1065. George, M.P., Somerset, letter of, A certificate, &c., by, 502, 566. letters, &c., of, 283 (2), 284, > 310, 321, 342, 352 (2), 367, 384, 418, 428, 431, 441, 442, 445, 464, 470, 471, 476, 479, 497, 543, 612. John, Essex, 592, 728, 2124. Thos., 2664. Wm., Devon, 2766. ******* • *** Seaton, Ralph, 2035. Zach., 2034. ………………………, ………………, Marg., widow of, 2034, • ******* Rich., son of, 2034. Seavier, John, or Hen., Somerset, 2930, 3308. petitions of, 2170, 2171. Seccombe, or Sercombe, Degory, and Edw., his son, 2866. Sechell, John, 88. Sedcoale, John, 396. ***) Seddon, Johu, co. Lancaster, 44, 1092. Wm., co., Lancaster, 463, 467, 611. petition of, 2514. Sedgwick, Allen, petitions of, 2202 (2). Gab., 94, 3081. ** · wife of, see Read, Marg, ·· **2 Job, 3243. Obadiah, minister, 1075. Mr., Cambridgeshire steward, 226, 241. Sedley, Sir Isaac, 460). Sir John, 460, 606. Lady, 1972. Seed, John, petition of, 3208. ........., Thos., 3225. Seed, Thos.-cont. • · • ** , Seele, James, London, 1736. Seers, Mr., Bucks, 67. Selby, Charles and Wm., 2558. George, 3223, • C .. • ………… " ........., Wm., co. Durham, 2763. ……. > •* ... Sir George, 2763. > ***adaş Sir Wm., 2488. Lady, 986. Seldon, or Selden, John, 65, 1293, 1395, 1447. Marg., widow of, 2763. Rich., petitions of, 1395 1396 (4). *** James, nephew of, 3225. … petitions of, 2474, 2475. Sell, John, petition of, 1465. Sellar, alias Grove, Hum., 3022. Selling, Mr., clerk for co. Suffolk, 23, 31. Selth, Rob., Norfolk, petition of, 1501. Selwin, or Selwyn, Fras., petitions of, 3011 (2), 3012 (2). Sir Nich., 2099. Rich., 460. Wm., Gloucestershire Commissioner, 174. ******* 1704. *** Selwood, Sam., Excise officer, 3147. Senhouse, John, sen., 72, 124, 202, 1703. John, jun., son of, 1703, 2773. Wm., son of, 1703. ·· **** Eliz., mother of, 3225. Thos., brother of, 3225. John, executor of the Countess of Kent, 2473, 2474 (2). Eliz., widow of, 2763. George, son of, 2763 (3). ... ... Peter, 72, 202, 1703. Senior, Mr., 386. Sephton, Ralph, 2737. nephew of, 2739. Sequestration, Act or Ordinance for, alluded to, 242, 319, 837, 854, 893, 3029. Committee of Lords and Commous for, Armorers' Hall, 24, 47, 52, 74, 101 (2), 107, 188, 389, 615, 866, 891, 907, 927, 967, 1143, 1366, 1515, 1809, 1832, 1846, 1872, 1888, 1985, 2961, 2029, 2224, 2431, 3046, 3243. ...... petitions of, 1703 (3), allowances by, alluded to, 211, 253, 263, 413, 602, 854 (2), 894, 912, 949, 968, 1064, 1108, 1231, 1244, 1251, 1428, 1476, 1644, 1733, 1990, 2018, 2072, 2082, 2147, 2148, 2153, 2173, 2174, 2195, 2237, 2271, 2281, 2296, 2301, 2394, 2414, 2424, 2471 (2), 2481, 2508, 2521, 2530, 2538, 2557, 2561, 2627, 2665, 2707, 2771, 2777 (2), 2842 2854, 2863, 2977, 3017, 3038, 3051, 3274 (2), 3279, 3298. appeals to, alluded to, 66, 104 (2), 193, 468, 525, 546, 841, 853, 1038, 1056, 1059, 1074, 1084, 1089, 1096, 3552 GENERAL INDEX. Sequestration, Committee for, &c.-cont. …………… .... ... …………. ... 1123, 1129 (2), 1172, 1216, 1256, 1259, 1261, 1263, 1280, 1388 (2), 1409, 1454, 1539, 1576, 1598, 1612 (2), 1637, 1654, 1663, 1678, 1743, 1760, 1783, 1791, 1793, 1814, 1818, 1824, 1831, 1843, 1850, 1865, 1867, 1881, 1905, 1928, 1943, 1949, 1959, 1981, 1997, 2018, 2043, 2060, 2101, 2105, 2120, 2145, 2195, 2196, 2207, 2300, 2348, 2360, 2424, 2451, 2483, 2504, 2516, 2525, 2546, 2567, 2676, 2682, 2780, 2782, 2796, 2843, 2854, 2889, 2949, 2958, 2974, 2989, 3019, 3144, 3285, 3302. · ......, attendance on, alluded to, 970, 1269, 1597, 1615, 1616, 1778, 1800, 2344. .....} cases or business before, 116 (2), 118, 289, 341, 417, 896, 899, 927, 936, 979, 1204, 1521, 1552, 1744, 1758, 1815 (2), 1824, 1857, 1881, 1955, 2029, 2071, 2329, 2537. cases determined by, 257, 1671, 1690, 1742. certificates to, alluded to, 1961, 2146, 2509. discharges by, alluded to, 86, 103, 107, 110, 111, 113-116, 119 (2), 120 (2), 122, 221, 321, 402, 413, 480, 491 (2), 506, 508, 515, 518, 519, 533, 549, 551, 559, 576, 629, 734, 837, 961, 965 (2), 1011, 1027, 1047, 1086 (2), 1207, 1212, 1312, 1445 (2), 1711, 1866, 1885 (2), 1888, 1934, 1997, 2016, 2121, 2126, 2143, 2146?, 2219, 2243, 2250, 2307 (2), 2395, 2414, 2421, 2424, 2456, 2514, 2550, 2702 (2), 2708 (2), 2716, 2724, 2755, 2874, 2879, 2889 (4), 2890 (2), 2902, 2908, 2914, 2945, 2947 (2), 2956, 2959, 3027, 3143, 3243. ..... ..... estates let by, 1294, 1438. judgments of, alluded to, 1813, 1901, 2060, 2348, 2874. "" .... 519. • á • ...... ..... •• alluded to, 66, 76, 100, 9 ………… 114, 115, 192, 230, 236, 245, 320, 345, 373, 383, 515, 522, 843, 878, 898, 923, 936, 964, 1030, 1031, 1033, 1100, 1218, 1273, 1457, 1584, 1590, 1627, 1711, 1733, 1801 (3), 1802, 1818, 1843, 1876, 2033, 2066, 2092, 2093, 2176, 2256, 2269, 2276, 2277, 2302, 2308, 2352, 2370, 2395, 2421, 2430, 2435, 2436, 2443, 2459, 2463, 2480, 2491 (2), 2507, 2514, 2557, 2559, 2571, 2589, 2699, 2788, 2832, 2940, 2956, 2963, 3057, 3098, 3214 (2), 3265, 3269, 3273, 3276, 3284, 3285. …………… letters to, 42, 50. 2505. alluded to, 835. ******* officers appointed by, 193, 213, orders of, 341, 869 (2). orders to, 869. ... alluded to, 895, 1638, • " ... papers sent, or to be sent to, 257, 1999. Sequestration, Committee for, &c.-cont. ………………………, ………………, petition to, 908. • .. ………… • .. ·· .. • · .. petitions to, alluded to, 872, 902, 927, 1011, 1033, 1079, 1098, 1121, 1185, 1258, 1336, 1438 (2), 1716, 1738, 1790, 2033, 2066, 2291, 2393, 2430, 2456, 2525. proceedings in, reports of, 1956, • • ...... 2306, 2785. • 53... ……. "" *****} alluded to, 2081, 2092, 2306, 2370, 2386, 2567, 2940 (2), 2946, 3214, 3275, 3303 (2). ..... > ... 2322. ………. ·· · 936. .... .. ......, registrar, or Vaughan, Rice. …………… *** "" ………… ..... sequestrations by, passim. sitting in the Painted Chamber, Westminster, 898. ... ..... suspensions of sequestration by, 533, 540, 833. Sequestration Committee for the King, see Charles I., Commissioners of Seques- tration for. :> references by, 121, 869, 1658. alluded to, 1055, 1034, ……………. ... Sercombe, see Seccombe. Sergeant, Eliz., co. Lancaster, 2861. Major John, 633. Joseph, ex-mayor of Northampton, also Guildhall, treasurers at. 1462. Serjeants-at-arms, references to, 988. ……………… dissolution of, alluded to, 872, 1204, 1476, 1790, 2072, 2208, 2505 (2), 2525, 3302. .... • alluded to, 2679, 3076. clerk of, sce reports of, 915, 1534. .. see also Exchequer, Barons of. County Committees for, 6, 11, 13, 23, (2), 24; see also under the several counties. ... alluded to, 858, 872, 898, treasurers of, 3, 5, 10, 14; see deputies of, 23, 39, 45. *** ……, ………………, persons in custody of, 650, 877, 989, 1194, 1426, 1643. > ,, ✰ see Birkenhead, Edw. ; Sparrow, John; Dendy, Edw.; Rodes, Fras; Sparrow, John; and Charles I., servants of. the late, 1817, 2147. Committee of Appeal for, 1019; persons to be taken into cus- tody by, 45, 545, 562, 564, 580, 586, 609, 610, 657, 658, 665, 855, 864, 884, 932, 1220, 1405, 1425, 1483, 2343 (2), 2770 (2). release from, orders for, 1125, 1369, 1808. salary or fees of, 661, 662, 1484. security given to, 660. servant to, see Hull, Wm. warrants, or orders to. 45, 47, • " 647, 650, 926, 1011, 1084. GENERAL INDEX. 3553 Serjeants-at-law, see Law, serjeants at. Serle, see Searle. Sessions, Thos., 2209. Setchell, John, 1178. Sevior, John, Hants, 104, 1093. petition of, 2334. ... ? Sewall, Hen., 2965. • Rich., brother of, 2965 (2). Seward, Isaac, 86. • .. #4 Sewell, or Sewel, Peter, 961. • * Sewers, Commissioners of, 2833, 3085. Sexby, Edw., 128. ••• Seyers, John, 1145. Seyle, Hen., co. Stafford, 1034. Seymour, Wm., Marquis of Hertford, General for the King, 77, 106, 651, 916, 972, 995, 1040, 1060, 1074, 1329, 1373, 1591. • •• *** Wm., petition of, 2986. Rich., son of, petitions of, 2986 (2), 2987. · .... "> • ...... Thos., 232, 233 (3), 267, 268, 312, 717. > ******* > ****** **** 1200. y Col., Dorset, 293. " surrender of, 1200. ......, persons serving under, 1062 (2), 1289, 1417. 1521. > ***** ...... 2766. …………. • "" > forces of, 1086. 1507. Seymour, Sir Edw., Bart., 81, 153, 1126. Edw., his son, 39, 77, 1126. brother, 48, 166, 797, 798, 1507. " ... …………… • > ……………… treasurer and clerk of, petition of, 3096. [Frances, 2nd] wife of, 1329, ……………… Hen., Lord Beauchamp, his son, petition of, 1543. Fras., Lord Seymour, his ***** Hen., 1543. John, Devon, 153, 2063. John, South Wales, 621. John, Wilts, 78. Rich., 2231. Wm., 2147, 2148. petitions of, 2147, 2148. ……………………., Lady Jane, mother of, 2147. Mr., Hants, 533. Seys, Wm., 507. Charles, his son, 166, Shadford, or Shadforth, Thos., 198, 1762, 1917 (2), 1919. information by, 1917. petitions of, 1918 (2). Shafto, or Shaftoe, George, petition of, 3223. John, clerk, Northumberland, peti- tions of, 2599 (2). Marg., wife of, petition of, 2599. Capt. John, co. Durham, 902. Shafto, &c., Capt. John-cont. 1 ··· .. ....9 ····· UN ... Shakerley, Lieut.-Col. Jeffrey, 1285, 1446. Shakespeare, Marg., 942. Shakespeire, or Shaxper, Wm., Rowington, co. Warwick, 2795, 2968. certificate by, 2795. ……………) Shalcroft, Mr., minister, Rutland, 318. Shalcross, or Shalcrosse, Hum, 2046. petition of, 2046. ...... Col. John, 122, 455, 750, 759, 1031. Shallott, or Shallett, Fras., Sussex and Hants, 921, 983. .... •*. Rich., son of, 983. ………………………, Wm., brother of, 984. Rich., Berks, 3223. Shapcote, Thos., and Philip, his son, 1255. Sharpe, or Sharp, Hen., Berkshire Commis- sioner, 528, 529, 601, 619. letters of, 618, 626. James, 1832, 1833. • · .. ." ** > ***** Mark, 3259. Rob., 2584. Wm., Northumberland Commissioner, 172, 583, 730 (2). > "" > **** .." **** .3 •, 1 2727. Rob., Durham treasurer, petition of, 136. Joan, wife of, 902. ****** > ****** …………., petition of, 1833. John, Essex, 306 (2), 315. letter of, 306. petition of, 2515. ******* John, co. Lancaster, 456. John, or Thos., London, 240. petition of, 1958. ***** Capt. 812. Mr., vicar of Bowdon, co. Chester, 1728. Sharper, Rowland, 1209. Thos., 1209, ………………, ………………, Eliz., widow of, 1209. > Sharples, Cuthbert, 2572. Dr. John, 56. Nich., 2727. Rob., co. Lincoln, 1354. Rob., minister, Wilts, 699, 2303. Nich., nephew of, petition of, Wm., Kent, 294, 2798. Wm., co. Leicester, 538. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1822. father of, 1822. …………. George, petition of, 1109. wife of, 1109. Hen., co. Lancaster, 3025. James, 3134. John, Lancashire Commissioner, 745, 2937. ma petition of, 2573 ?. Randle, or Randolph, Lancashire Commissioner, 393, 395, 2074 (3). 3554 Sharples-cont. ·· ******* …………. .. ·· wife of, 3219. ***** ………………………, ………………, John, son of, petition of, 3219. Sharrock, Lawrence, 3196. ·· • …………. 2446. .. " " Sharrow, James and Thos., 1687. Sharshaw, John, 112. Shatford, Capt., 94. Shaw, George, co. Bedford, 2167. petitions of, 2163 (2). George, co. Lancaster, 2724. > ******* Parker, Rich. Rob., 3219. children of, 3196. ...... Wm., Brindle, co. Lancaster, 3196. Wm., Fulwood, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 3196 (2). Wm., Walton, co. Lancaster, 3059. ..9 "" "" ... George, co. York, petitions of, 2651 (2). Hen., co. Lancaster, 1744. Hen., co. York, 947. James, petition of, 2442. John, co. Chester, 121, 2555. John, London, 2076. Capt. John, co. Durham, 2619. Marg., 3192. Rob., 1255. *** Rich., petition of, 2446. ... ..... , ..... Shawlan, Major, 966. Shaxper, Wm., see Shakespeire. Sheafe, Edm., 461. Sheare, Hum., 1685. ,, Hum., father of, 1685. Sheares, Wm., 2585. ... Thos., co. Lancaster, 3013. Thos., minister, co. Lancaster, 456. Thos., co. Warwick, petition of, 2367. Capt. Wm., Cheshire agent, 209, 248, 249, 264, 275. Sheather, Edw., 882. Wm., 2677. ... Marg., wife of, petition of, former husband of, see ·· .... Sheffield, Edmund, 3rd Earl of Mulgrave, 1074, 1453, 1469. ………………………、 ………………, request by, 1254. Sheffield, George, 88. James, 1383. ··, note by, 249. ...... Mr., Sussex ?, 598. ……………. GENERAL INDEX. · wife of, 1383. Sampson, 464. Sheldon, Blaze, co. Warwick, 3205. Marg., mother of, 3205. or Shelden, Edw., co. Gloucester, 85, 2326, 3201, 100 > Marie, wife of, 2327. ****** petition of, 2326. Sheldon, Edw.-cont. .. ·· children of, 2326, 2327. > ………, ……………, Wm., brother of, 2326. …………….., Ralph, 407, 2717. afs 1 17 ► • •• (2). ......, Edw., father of, 2717. Gilbert, D.D., brother of, 90, 2419, 2717, ……………… Hugh, brother of, 2717. ....., Thos., co. Warwick, 3309. Walter, petition of, 1148. Wm., co. Chester, 2546 (2). ·· ..... *** CATA ………… Wm., cos. Worcester, Essex, aud Leicester, 95, 109, 195, 220, 295, 415, 502 (2), 589, 1953, 3102. ··· petitions of, 2326 (2). ****** ……………., Eliz., wife of, 1954 (2), 1955 (2). *** ………. children of, 1954 (2). ., Wm., Broadway, co. Worcester, 1965. ·· KANAN *..**) Shelley, Ant., 2729. Edw., 2233. children of, 2233. Col. Hen., 339, 2370. father of, 2370. ******* Sir John, 1st Bart., 2273 (2), 2293, 2370 (4). > ……………… sons of, petition of, 1965. " Wm., Bromsgrove, co. Worcester, 174, 2035. …………… .... children of, petitions of, 2717 ,, ******* Wm., co. York, petition of, 2314. Mr., co. Northampton, 3149. ………. " • petition of, 2273. ******* John, his 2nd son, 633, 2273. Shelton, John, 2263. Rich., 2240. Wm., eldest son of, 1965. Sherrington and Edw., younger ... 2370 (2). •*) ..... Sir Charles, son of, 2nd Bart., 339, 2273-2275, 2370. •• ...... Shepherd, Shepard, or Sheppard. Jane, his wife, 2371 (4). Sir Wm., his eldest son, 633, ……………… Edw., Suffolk, 3170. petition of, 3169. Edw., co. York, 1450. John, under-sheriff of co. Gloucester, 2618 (3). ..... · > letter of, 70. ****** John, co. Notts, 769. John, Kilton, Somerset, 83 (5), 260, 358. ..... John, sen. and jun., Weston, Somer- set, 1813. Nich., 1419. wife and children of, 1419. Rich., 1624. GENERAL INDEX. 3555 Shepherd, &c.-cont. ….., Sam., 2307. • · • • • letter of, 133. …………., Wm., co, Oxon, 1610. Mr., Wilts, 52. .. Shepherdson, Capt. Edw., 812, 815, 2128. petitions of, 2130 (4). ***** Sherard, Lady Abigail, 2033 (4). .. • , " petitions of, 2033 (3). ... …………. ****** Sherburn, or Sherborne, Anne, 1997, 3131, petition of, 2449 ?. Thos., co. Lancaster, 3134. Thos., London, 861. Wm., Devon, 2993. Wm., Gloucestershire steward, 224, 262 (2), 275, 279 (2), 516. " • 3175. Hen., 194, 361. Hugh, 100. John, Ribleton, co. Lancaster, 3233. ………., Hen., son of, 3233. John, Wolf Hall, co. Lancaster, 2300, 2782. > .. • .9 Rob., son of, 2300. ****** ……….., Rob., the late, brother of, 2782. Isabel Helm, widow of, · *** Rob., or Thos., 2864. > ··· ...... 2782. Rich., 1110, 1996, 3174, 3218. wife of, see Clarkson, Jane. ... ... N daughters of, 391. .... > Shere, John, Cornwall, 2980. ... • .. *** Capt. Walter, 97. Sherman, Edw., 123, 1129. > *** • Rich., petitions of, 2429 (2). Rob., co. Lancaster, 2514. Kath., wife of, 2515. ……………… ******* children of, 2515. Rob., Middlesex, 2685. Thos., 2514. Wm., D.D., 391, 402, 2035. (2). ******* wife and children of, 1129. John, Devon, 2966. John, Suffolk, 3169. • > petition of, 2515. letter of, 383. Wm., co. Chester, 3097. Wm., London, 885, 886. Sherrard, Phil., petition of, 2241. ……… 3169. …………………, younger sons of, 3169. Capt. Thos., London Commissioner, 204 (2), 207. > Thos., son of, 3169 (3), 3170 John, son of, petition of, **** ****** Marg., wife of, 2242. petition of, 2241. first husband of, see William, 2nd Lord Eure. **** ******y Sherrard-cont. ·· Sherraton, Wm., 3103. Sherren, John, Kent officer, 193, 1833 (2). Sherrington, Fras., 1191. wife and children of, 1191. George, 3186. Sherston, Arthur, 3302, 3303. Sherwill, John, petition of, 1851. Wm., 787. · ……………. • ·· • Sherwin, Rich., auditor to the Committee for Compounding, 233, 243, 304, 390, 394, 399, 412, 434, 445, 473, 491, 511, 523, 524, 526, 541, 552, 581, 627, 640 (2), 641, 643, 644 (2), 668, 678, 684, 691, 712, 1451, 1644, 1860, 1898, 1959, 2058, 2168, 2169, 2248, 2284, 2319, 2450 (2), 2500, 2662, 2891, 3277, 3295. ·· 14.1 A • ……… · ·· .. Lady, co. Leicester, 111. .... ** • .... > ••• assistant of, see Browne, Thos. certificates or attestations by, 371, 410, 421, 511, 564, 565, 606, 620, 624, 664, 2978, 3071. ******* ……………… 1367, 1392, 1959, 2285. ......, made treasurer of the Committee for Compounding, 640. ......, notes, &c., by, 421, 439, 4 8, 581, 587. ... • petition of, 860. **** ……………………, receipts or audits by, 559, 676. references to, 376, 399, 477, 508, orders to, 234, 297, 357, 366, 367, 371, 387, 411, 412, 417, 453, 477, 530, 571, 572, 586, 639, 665, 936, 956 (2), 1103, 1110 (2), 1251, 1384, 1436, 1437, 1503, 1526, 1529, 1540, 1574, 1600, 1753, 1763, 1883, 1899, 1900, 1943, 2097, 2098, 2101, 2108, 2129, 2168, 2186, 2220, 2253, 2261, 2278, 2285, 2287, 2305, 2322, 2436, 2482, 2546, 2669 (2), 2693, 3093 (2), 3282, 3300. alluded to, 477, 624, ******3 papers, &c., sent, or to be sent, to, 387, 408, 2220. *** 511, 624, 820-824, 1840, 1898, 1915, 2193, 2284, 2339, 2367, 2441, 2457, 2635, 2689, 2842, 3276. ......, reports, &c., of, 399, 412, 530, 627. ****** Sherwood, Philip, 1653. ·· *** alluded to, 401, 404, 508, 634, 957, 1291 (2), 1900, 2108, 2433, 2546. salary of, 363, 439, 611, 634, ...... 817-826. Wm., receipt by, 543. Wm., 2980. Dr., 1140. ******} Sheswell, Phil., 3182. Shetton, Sam., 94. Shewsmith, Rob., 1483. Shewster, Edw., Wilts, 3259. Shields, Ralph, 460. 3556 GENERAL INDEX. Shiers, George, 3016. ………………………. ………………、 (2). Shilborne, Col. Thos., petition of, 225. Shillito, Sillito, or Silitoe. George, 2430. ·· ... • Eliz. ... · Shilston, Rich., 2967. Shilton, Mary, petition of, 1702. Shingler, Rob., 107. Shingleton, John, 227. Shipman, Fras., deposition by, 531. > Randolph, or Randall, 112, 2371, 2372. > Ship money, Hampden's opposition to, alluded to, 73. Rob., 1292. Thos., 1448. refusals to pay, 1918, 1920, 1921. Ships, 2, 4, 5 (3), 9 (2), 11 (3), 15 (2), 18 (2), 19, 31, 778-784, 995, 1101, 1360 (2), 1487 (2), 1896 (2), 2045 (2), 2063, 2937, 2964, 3081, 3209; see also Navy, and Fleet. ……….., carpenter, &c., on, 1631, 3115. commanders of, 2067. …………….. letters of marque or reprizal granted to, 3081 (2). ر. ****** Rob., son of, petitions of, 3016 gunner on, 1296. •, in Parliament service, 15 (2), 18, 778- 784, 1631, 3304. ..." prizes or goods taken by, 56, 995, 3081, 3082. Eliz., wife of, see Hansby, revolted from Parliament, 457, 1631, 1979, 2045, 3009. sinking of, 892. taken as prizes, 3081, 3082, 3089. Shipton, Edw., deposition by, 2977. Hen, petition of, 3068. Sam., 123, 1742. ·· • " Shircliffe, Thos., 1336. Shirland, Art., petitions of, 2063, 2132. Shirley, Sir George, Chief Justice of the King's Court of Chief Pleas in Ireland, 80, 800. ❤ ·· .. A ·· "> children, 80. James, London, 2703. Sir Rob., Bart., 214?, 489, 501, 1373, 2295, 3300. ……………… ** Mary, widow of, 80, 806. petition of, 80. Thos., son of, and his wife and , Sir Thos., 90, 407, 2380. wife of, 2380. children of, 2380. **** and Thos., ……………… •, Anne, Frances, younger children of, 2382. ****** ………………, petitions of, 2382 (2). Shirt, Dorothy, 123, 1084. · . •., ..... Wm., 123, 124. Shirtcliffe, Wm., 1032. Shoard, Edw., 1032. Shore, George, 123. Shorrock, Agnes, 3187. Ralph, 1493. Short, Gabriel, 656. •• > • W ………… husband and children of, 1084. Edw., 123. > ………… ……………… •.** …., John, 97, 1368. *...S .. .... ******* Rich., 2357. ……………………… James, 2962, 2963. ... 2357. Shotwater, Rich., 2175. Shouke, Stephen, 306. Shoys well, Hen., petition of 1948. Shrewsbury, Earl of, see Talbot. Shrimpton, John, 2015. Thos., 2122. Shrubsole, Reginald, 457. Shuckborough, Sir Rich., 98, 1218. Shute, Chris., 3112. Rich., 1687. Rich., of the Committee for Com- pounding, 8, 10, 30. ******** .. **** ***** ... Thos., Somerset Commissioner, 173, 209 (2), 221 (2), 222, 250, 252, 273, 281, 288 (2), 297, 303, 306, 309, 323, 345, 347, 354, 355, 365. Margery, wife of, 2962. ...> information by, 298. letters of, 243, 256, 291, 304, 309, 391. petitions or requests by, 310, Amyas, his son, 1368. petition of, 1368. ****** ..... 354. Wm., 755. Shuter, Hopton, 2338, 2339 (3). John and Reginald, sons of, • • • .....} Shutte, John, sen., 99. Shuttlewood, Wm., Leicestershire Commis- sioner, 172, 568 (3). Shuttleworth, Nich., 2570 (3). ****** petitions of, 2570 (2), 2571 (3). Col. Nich., of the Lancashire Militia, 173. 2927. Rich., Gawthorpe, co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2570, 3010, 3200, 3225. Rich. ?, the late Gawthorpe, co. Lan- caster, 2927. Frances, widow of, petition of, petitions of, 2339 (3). .... Rich., son of, 2927. ****** Col. Rich., 2379. Sibthorpe, Hen., 1375. Siddon, Parson, co. Derby, 760. Sidebotham, Hen., 491, 498. Sidgreaves, John, 172. *** wife and children of, 172. GENERAL INDEX. 3557 ***** Sidley, Sir John, Bart., 329, 1926. Sir Isaac, son of, 1926. Sidney, Col., 800, 802; see also Sydney. Sidway, Thos., 112, 1122. Signe, Ralph, 988. Signet Office, clerk in the, 1514. Siller, John, 2871. Sillito, or Silitoe, Randall, see Shillito. Siliyard, Sir John, 2389. .. Silverlock, James, 211, 854, 855. Silvester, or Sylvester, Gregory, Notts Com- missioner, 551, 595, 616, 746, 747. • ↓ ... ... "} Joshua, Notts officer, letter of, 773. Simcocks, Mr., co. Chester, 2679. Simcocks, Thos., see Simcox. Simcox, John, 1928. Ellen, or Eliz., his mother, 102, • ... " Ralph, petition of, 2389; see also Sulyard. Simeon, Sir George, 3069. Simkin, Hen., petitions of, 2442 (2). James, petition of, 3019. ... • → Simmons, George, 1713. Simonds, Rich., see Symonds. Thos., 1624. Simons, Monmouthshire officer, petition of, 644. Simpkin, Edw., 2840. ****) ……………. 1928. • ****** ******* ...... *** ... Hen., 1550. John, 3187. Jos., 105. Thos., son of, 2840. ..... ..} Susan, widow of, see Taylor, Susan. Thos., infant, 2991. ……………, parents of, 2991. Simpson, or Simson, Fras., 465, 661. **** father of, 988. or Simcocks, Thos., 1282. Margery. ***** ··, > > Margery, widow of, see Geare, Hen., co. York, 336, 1291 (2), 1292. ……………., petitions of, 1291 (3). Holland, petition of, 2131. .. * John, messenger, 793. John, co. Chester, 124. John, co. Lancaster, 1281 (2). 1281. John, London, 661. Sidrach, petition of, 2139. Simon, M.A., petition of, 1924. Thos., 1218. ... daughter of, Knowles, Ellen, ****** Vincent, 2139. wife of, 1218. Wm., 1903. Dr., London, 2419. Frances and Nicholas, his chil- dren, petition of, 2419. Sinclair, James, 6th Lord Sinclair, 924. Singe, John, 1816. Rich., 1816. Singleton, Ant., co. York, 3193. Ellen, signature of, 2896. James, 2461. • · **) • ……………… ·· John, Kent, 1287. .., Mary, petition of, 2896. Nich., 3179. Ralph, 3124. " > ...... .... Rich., 2543. Thos., Aldingham, co. Lancaster, 21, 709, 3111. * …………… ·· Thos., Dalton, co. Lancaster, and Kath., his wife, petition of, 2707. **** ******* 2695. •*, 1. "} > * **** *** Mr., secretary to the East India Com- pany, 3039, 3040. Sinsley, Col., 2055. Siser, Thos., petition of, 3097. Sivedale, Wm., 85, 2016. Sivior, John, Wilts, 2358. Skannel, Simon, 784. Skeffington, Sir Johu, Bart., 90, 109, 243, 2207, 3297. Thos., Scales, co. Lancaster, 2695 (2). Mary, or Ellen, widow of, ***** Skeldon, Capt., 33. Skelhorne, John, 123. " family of, 2695. Wm., co. Lancaster, 3194, 3201. Capt., 33. Wm., son of, 2207. Sir Rich., M.P., 111, 189, 491, 1293, 1335, 1499, 2298. children of, petition of, 2461. James, son of, petition of, 2461. father of, 2461. ... Wm., 124. Skelling, or Skilling, Edw., 78, 3181. Peter, son of, petition of, 3124. ……………… Peter, 123, 318, 346, 1156 (2). remonstrance by, 1156. ****** ………………………, ………………, family of, 3181. Skelton, Clement, 2226, 2227. **** (2). John, son of, petitions of, 2226, 2227 (3). George, father of, 73, 124, 2227 Barbara, widow of, 3181 (8). Hen., nephew of, 3181. petition of, 3181. George, Cumberland, 3123. Hen., Cumberland, 72, 124. Hen., Westmoreland, 3175. • Marmaduke, petition of, 2041. wife of, 2041. Mary, 3020. Rich., Hyehouse, Cumberland, 124. Rich., Thowthwait, Cumberland, 2701. petitions of, 2700 (4). 3558 GENERAL INDEX. Skerne, Sir Edw., 3100. Rob., 3033. Skickes, Capt. John, 98. Skilling, see Skelling. Skinner, Ant., 3178. Aquila, 502. ܕ܂ > ……………………., petition of, 2768. Augustin, of the Committee for Com- pounding, 135, 2859. ***** · .., George, Bucks, petition of, 2541. George, Kent, 459. George, co. Warwick, 1788, 2795 (4). John, Devon, 3012. Dr. Rob., Bishop of Oxford, 98, 1594. .... **** Sir Thos., 698, 1962. , · Skipp, John, 2000. Thos., 1962. Skippon, Major-Gen. Philip, M.P., Field-Mar- shall of Ireland, 168, 184, 185, 245, 310, 805, 1573, 1781 (4), 2137, 2142, 2446. • ...3 Mary, widow of, 698, 1962 (2). Wm., 464, 602. Skipwith, David, 832. •*3 • *...* …………… Edm., petition of, 2623. Eliz., petition of, 2976. Sir Hen., Bart., sen. and jun., 109, 2016. .5 ... **** • Mr., Westminster, 94. ****** Skirrow, John, and Anne, his wife, petition of, 3220. Skrene, Chris., 1561. Skrimshire, Charles, 1576. John, 29, 2315. ', letters of, 178, 2137. certificate by, 1155. John, 756. Ralph, or Sir Ralph, 109, 581, 1553. Col. Wm., 1336. Willoughby, 1161. ... ******* Slade, Obadiah, 3089. Slauning, Sir Nich., M.P., 117, 432, 1349, 2210. 2210. Sam., Devon Commissioner, 258,463. د. ... John, father of, 2315. grandfather of, 2315. › ……………… Gertrude, widow of, 2210 (2). petition of, 2210. Nicholas, son of, 2210. ******* petitions of, 2210 (2). Marg. and Eliz., daughters of, petitions of, 2211 (3). Slany, Thos., 783. Slape, Rich., 261, 1746. John, his son, 1746. Slate, Rich., 1085. …………………… ………………., sons of, 1085. Slater, Ant., 1507. 41. ·· •1 ", • ** • …………………… • > ... • • •3 ... > 1880. > Simon, 1880. Thos., M.D., 3216. Wm., co. Lancaster, 3200. Rich., son of, 3200. *g Lieut.-Col., co. Chester, 107. Slatier, George and John, 1940. Slaughter, Edw., co. Gloucester, 86. Edw., co. Hereford, 2627. father of, 2628. Lieut.-Col. Hen., 1121. John, 1998. Wm., Anne, wife of, 2490. Slauter, Col. Juhn, 86. Sleaford, Wm., 1256, Sleigh, John, 3245. • " *** Dan., clerk to Edw. Rich, 817. Edmund, 1880. ………… children of, 1880. Edw., co. Gloucester, 2035. Edw., co. York, 2366. ***** Slingsby, Sir Guildford, 1800. ... ... **** ………….. "" Jane, 3257. ·· **** ....., signature of, 623. Thos., London, 3181, Thos., co. York, 94, 113, 1154. Mr., delinquent, co, York, 33. ****** Sloeman, or Sloman, John, 458, 1755, 23 58. petitions of, 2358 (3). •, 5 .., Mark, 2382. Grace, widow of, petition of, Sir Sam., 45, 47, 1061 (4), 1844. …………. widow of, see Ambrose, Annie. Lady Margaret, wife of, 1800. Rob., son of, 1889. Walter, sou of, 1800. Hen., Yorkshire Commissioner, 380. Sir Hen., Bart., 113, 1387. • ****** Slowly, John, 528, 529, 2841, …………………… ……………., Hugh, brother of, 2841. Slutter, John, petition of, 1620, Sinaleman, Thos., see Smallman, Wm., 1784. widow of, 1784. Smallbone, Dorothy, 3193. John, sen., 2633. ..., Smalley, Roger, co. Lancaster, 3199. ………………………, ………………, Rob., son of, 3199 (2). daughters of, 3199. Smallman, George, 2087. or Smaleman, Thos., 1646, Smallwood, Mat., 121. **** grandmother of, 121, ... ...... Wm., petitions of, 2368 (2), כי ***** ****** Smart, John, 875. Nich., 240, 2683. Wm., 87. .... •• Smathwaite, Sam., 2354. ***** widow of, see Hollyman, Mary. Smeaton, Rob., 3303. Smedmore, John, 343. Smelt, John, 2651. .. ... ***** ·· ..... ·· "" "J Smethwick, Thos., 121, 922. Smith, or Smyth, Abr., co, York, 3134. Adam, petition of, 1923. Alex., 99, 897. Anue, co. Leicester, 3144. Lady Anne, 109. Barth., 106, 583, 2495, 2846. ………. Wm., brother of, 583, 2496, 2497 (5). Bridget, petitions of, 2734 (2). Sir Charles, 69, 80, 109, 133, 174, 195, 292, 295, 362, 398, 440, 502 (2), 621, 1913, 2411. Marg., mother of, 2651, Thos., 2613. *** +3 · Eliz., wife of, 295, 1913. petitions of, 1914 (2). Francis, son and heir of, 109, 398, 417, 1008, 1537, 1914, 2471. petitions, &c., of, 1008, 1 " ... 1914, 2282. ..... ··· " …… ..... > *** Caryll, John, Charles, Anne, Mary, and Lucy, children of, 1913, 1914. Rich., son of, 2613. } ……….. **** younger children of, 2613, 2614. > + • …………..) Edw., London, 2684, …………… GENERAL INDEX. petitions of, 2614 (2). …………..* ……………… ****** Edm., M.D., 1399, Edw., petition of, 2922. Edw., Kent, petition of, 1663. Edw., co. Lancaster, 2827, Kath., mother of, 2684. ******* Edw., co. Northampton, 897. Edw., co. Worcester, petition of, 2067. Edw., co. York, 1755. Major Edw., 796, 2081. Eliz., 3180. Ellen, 101. Ellis, petition of, 1216. Frances, 1487. petition of, 1914. Sir Francis, father of, 1915. *** ******* husband and children of, 1487. Fras., see Smith, Sir Charles, son of. or Carrington, Fras., see Carrington. Fras., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 884, 835, 1215. petitions of, 884, 885. Fras., co. Liuacolu, 2537. Fras, Salop, 2931. Wm., son of, petition of 2827. Fras., Suffolk, 2380. Fras., attorney, co. Warwick, 315, 317. George, agent for the Irish Trustees, 133. George, co. Bedford, 875. Smith-cont. .. · · ………… • ** *** ··· • ·· ... George, co. Chester, 107, 472?, 2595. alias Saunders, George, Devon, 2966. ? George, co. Durham, 622. George, co Leicester, 2217, 2411. Edm., son of, 2217, 2411. Edw., son of, 109, 2217. •Y •• •• 2411, 2412. (3). **** • ·· .. ·· .... , • …………. **** George, son of, 2411. Rob., son of, 2217. ………………. George, co. Lincoln, 2993. George, London, 545, 2466. J George, Middlesex Commissioner, 616, 673, 680 (2). + Henry, of the Committee for Com- pounding, 135. **** …………… •• George, Wilts?, 2304. Gervase, co. York, 3215. Henry, Cambridgeshire Commis- sioner ?, 277. Henry, co. Durham, 3019. petition of, 3019. or Neville, Henry, Essex, see Neville. Henry, Hants, 531. deposition of, 531. ……… ., Henry, Oxon, 348. Henry, Suffolk, 2535. ...S 1652. Mary Dormer, his wife, .. petition of, 2411. ******* his daughters, 2411, 2412 3559 petition of, 2466. Eliz., wife of, 545. د. (3). Capt. Hen., of the Oxon troop, 152, 242, 271, 314 (2), 375, 718, 1871. James, 1736. James, Devon?, 1998. James, or Sir James, Devon and Cornwall, 36, 764, 1506 (2), 1652. petition of, 1506. Bridget, wife of, 1506 (3), 1652. father of, Sir Nicholas Smith, > petitions of, 2534, 2535 (3), Dorothy, wife of, 2535 (2). ......, petitions of 2534, 2535 James, co. Hereford, 646. depositions of, 649, 651, 653. ***** James, Lancashire agent, 456, 1117. letter of, 489. ****** James, minister, Atherton, co. Lan- caster, petition of, 2629. James, minister, Rainford, co. Lan- caster, petitions of, 3266 (3). Bridget, widow of, petition of, 3266. James, co. Leicester, 110 (2). John, Commissary of the army, 792, 1183. 3560 GENERAL INDEX. Smith-cont. ·· * د. **** • " • John, Cambridgeshire Commis- sioner?, 277. John, co. Cambridge, 1649. John, Winford, co. Cambridge, ·· ………… 2774. John, co. Devon ?, deposition of, 1998. John, Torrington, Devon, 3259, John, co. Durham, 2358 (2). **** 2358. .... .." ****** John, farmer of Excise, 656, 3169. John, Bucks, 2744. ·· • John, co. Gloucester, 86, 758, 948, 3264. ·· …………….? father of, 948. John, co. Hereford, 2202. John, 3052. Wynehall, Co. John, Chart, Kent, 2809. John, East Wickham, Kent, 461. **** John, minister, co. Lancaster, petition of, 1904. * ………………. ...) ****** *…………… • · > John, Essex, 95. > ***3 " " Marg., wife of, see Lee, Lady. John and Edw., sons of, 2358. George and Wm., late, sons of, ... George, father of, 2358, 2807. petition of, 1786. **** John, Blackthorn, co. Oxon, 1759. John, Great Mitton, co. Oxon, 2079. John, Euxton, co. Lancaster, 3105. wife of, 3105. John, M.P., Oxford, co. Oxon, 1563. John, minister, co. Stafford, petitions of, 1521, 1522 (2). John, Sussex, 452, 469, 592. John, co. Warwick, 3193. John, Westminster, 93. Hereford, John, London, 3244. John, stationer, London, 3168. John, Blackfriars, London, 1786. John, Westmoreland, 547, 3020. John, minister, Bradley, Wilts, 699. petition of, 2303. ………… John, minister, Milsome, Wilts, 79. John Stanton, co. Wilts, 78. John, Selley, co. Worcester, petition of, 1857. John, Yorkshire Commissioner, letter of, 776. John, Mollard Grange, co. York, 3134. John, Snainton, co. York, 2105. Capt. John, Bedfordshire Commis- sioner, 226, 454, 455, 554, 575, 1136, 3125 (2). ****** Capt. John, Gloucestershire agent, 362, 508, 2587 ?. petition of, 449. Smith-cont. •• •• • ………⇓ ·· ... ·· ..... Capt. John, Middlesex, 337, 349, 2411, 2537. • · **** ** ……. petition of, 2537. Sir John, Sussex and co. Warwick, 737, 2947. ** Parris, 1407. ..., Phil., messenger, 780, 794. …………. ….., Phil., certificate by, 2875. ·· ·· ·· .. .... ·· Ralph, cos. Notts and Derby, 108, 1098. Jos., petition of, 1246. Jos., clerk, co. Leicester, 109, 2096. Marg., 889. Nich., co. Lincoln, 1576. Nich., Westminster, 518. wife of, 518. ·· ... •" • Randle, 121. Rich., Devon, 97, 1998. Rich., Salop, 2876. Rich., M.P., Salop, letter of, 706. petition of, 2949. Rich., minister, co. Worcester, 1479. 1770. ... ***** > ·· ., ... ... Rob., Bucks, 1770. • Anne, wife of, 2947 (2). > ,, Rob., minister, Curry, Cornwall, peti- tion of, 1239. > **** ...) ·· > petition of, 1479. ……………., children of, 1770. Rob., co. Chester, 2175. Rob., Norfolk, 2770 (2). petition of, 2770. wife and children of, 2770. ..... Rob., minister, co. Northampton, petitions of, 2196 (2). > Martha, widow of, petition of, Wm., son of, 1770. Rob., Southill, Cornwall, 2591. Rob., Essex, petition of, 2455. Rob., Kent, 459. Rob., co. Leicester, 2411. • ***** •" Sir Roger, 1168. > Fras., grandfather of, 2411 (2). Rob., Westminster, 93. Major Rob., co. Stafford, 748. Roger, 1736. **** Sam., co. Stafford, petition of, 1034. Stephen, servant of the Earl of Ormond, 130, 1809. Roger, son of, 1168. ******* Sam., Norfolk ?, 185. petition of, 2134. 117. Thos., Sheviock, Cornwall, 2940. Thos. and Sybil, co. Durham ?, 2632. Stephen, Essex, 396. Theo., petitions of, 1908 (2). Thos., Navy Commissioner, 129. Thomas., alias Scawen, Cornwall, GENERAL INDEX. 3561 Smith, Thos. and Sybill-cont. .. Thos., Essex, 95. Thos., co. Gloucester, 86, 865. Thos., co. Hereford, 661. Thos., Kent, 459. Thos., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2288. Thos., Garendon, co. Leicester, 111. ……………………., Thos., Sproson, co. Leicester, 3169. • Wm., son of, 2632. ..... Anne, daughter of, see Har- rison, Anne. ..... 2 > · • 2 ... " .. ******* Thos., minister, Hastings, Surrey, certificate of, 2769. • "" ·· • **** ***** Rich., Mary, Bridget, and Agnes, children of, petition of, 3098. "" " Capt. Thos., London, 715, 2335-2337, 2420, 3283. Thos., Sproxton, co. Leicester, 3056. Thos., London, 3244. " Thos., Norfolk, 2770. Thos., co. Oxon, 3194. Thos., Somerset, 1397 (2). children of, 1397. ...... Thos., Suffolk, 3187. Thos., Surrey, 2910 (2), 2911 (3). petitions of, 2911 (2). • Thos., Westmoreland, note by, 1123. Thos., co. Wilts, 861. Thos., sen., co. York, 3098. Thos., jun., son of, 3098. petition of, 3098. ******* petition of, 2336. ****** Sir Thos., 61, 100, 103, 106, 110, 112, 121, 1319, 2305. •• • ...... **? Valentine, 2646 (3). Sir Walter, 96, 389, 948. Wm., co. Bedford, 579. petition of, 875. ****** Wm., Wharton, co. Chester, 2175. Wm., Withenshaw, co. Chester, 2255. Wm., co. Durham, 2507. petition of, 2508. family of, 2508. ******* Wm., co. Flint, petition of, 1116. Wm., Kent, 461, 1394. wife of, 1319. Thos., son of, 101, 1319. ………………, Julian, wife of, 2646 (2). Vincent, 502, 861, 2696. ******* Walter, Sussex, 117. Walter, Westminster, 94. …………… petitions of, 2696 (2). Wm., co. Leicester, 1595. Wm., Caistor, co. Lincoln, 3141, 3142. ***** Wm., Gateburton, co. Lincoln, 1372. Wm., London, 1634. father of, 1634. 70358. Smith-cont. ·· د. ……………) Wm., Brigmill, Northumberland, petitions of, 2507, 2508. family of, 2508. **** Wm., Hexham, Northumberland, petition of, 2842. Wm., Somerset, 1046. Wm., Suffolk, 3005. Wm., Sussex, 1554. Wm., Westmoreland, 200. Wm., co. Worcester ?, 1478. Col. Wm., Bucks, 68. Sir Wm., Bart., 1919, 1921, 2272- 2275. • Wm., Middlesex, 1214, 1735, 2164 (2), 2165, 2167, 2380 (2), 2758, 3005. petitions of, 2164, 2380 (2). " ·· ****** .., Capt., co. Lancaster ?, 2650. Capt., London, 2261. Colonel for the King, cos. Oxon and Bucks, 1035. DUR …….., petitions of, 2272–2274. wife of, see Hilton, Mary. 653. Mr., Colchester, Essex, 2402. Mr., Coston, co. Leicester, 110. Mr., Chilgrove, Sussex, 31. Mrs., co. Worcester, 1824. Smithes, Sir Art., petition of, 1842. Smithsby, Thos., Secretary to the Committee for inspecting the Treasuries, 693. Wm., 95. Smithson, George, 2918. Lady, Wooton, co. Warwick, 214. Major of Essex Train Band, 2213. Mr., under-sheriff of Bedfordshire, **** Anne. ** *** 2918. Major George, 808. Hugh, 2665, 3112 (3). petition of, 3112. …………… * father of, 2918. A > Isabel, 1734. widow of, see Walker, Dan., brother of, petition of, > Phil., 2430 (4). petitions of, 1734 (3). petition of, 2430. Rich., 3194, Wm., London, 2240. Wm., co. York, 3194. Smithurst, Lambert, 3194. Smitten, Thos., co. Lincoln, 3256, Snape, Nath., 2043. Snart, Hen., 2767, 3218, Jeannet, daughter of, see Dandy, ****** Jeannet. Snelgrave, Culpeper, 2930. Snell, Dr. George, 103 (2), 1277. Snelling, Mr., 2631. Sneyd, Col. Ralph, M.P., 90, 893, 1032, 2295. BB * 3562 GENERAL INDEX. Sneyd, Col. Ralph-cont. "" .. Snow, Gartrit, 1533. *** ……………………., John, co. Gloucester, 87. John, co. York, 1804, .. .... ... > "" ......., Bridget Craven, daughter of, 1804. Jos., 2246 (2). + > · + Snowden, George, 988. .. 19 ." Joshua, petition of, 2136. Ralph, 2699. Rob., formerly Bishop of Carlisle, 988, 989. ... …………. • Peter, 33. Rich., 67. or Snowe, Simon, certificate by, 125. Thos., petition of, 1977. Jane, wife of, 1032, 1033. Wm., his brother, 1032, .... Soames, or Soame, John, 115, 1008, .... ... petition of, 2246. ……………., Abigail, his wife, 988. Sir Thos. Step., 24, 887. ...2 Mary, wife of, 887, Thos., co. Cambridge, 2228. Thos., D.D., Middlesex, 1567. Thos., Norfolk, 595. Sir Thos., 1, 10, 829, 867 (3). Mr., Essex, 95. Sockett, Thos., 1817. Solace, And., co. Gloucester, 688. .... .... certificate by, 210. Soldiers of Parliament, casual notices of, passim; see also Army and Scots' Army. about London, 147. Rutland, his eldest son, 988, wife and children of, 988. ***** Scrope, his younger son, 988. estates disposed of by, 1827, 1828. free quarter or billeting of, 24, 82, 147, 259, 364, 853, 917, 943, 948, 1009, 1022, 1125, 1267, 1344, 1551, 1661, 1677, 1767, 1968, 2270, 2319, 2465, 2601, 2811, 3141, 3172. in Ireland, or at Dublin, see Ireland and Dublin. father-in-law of, see Glenham, · ·· in prison, 147 (2), 1069. ··· 2139. ... > Irish 57. lists of, see Potter, Sanderson, and Wilcox's lists. .... killed, 1012. maimed, or sick and wounded, 280, 1462. ....., committee for, at Ely House, pensions from, 388. in St. Bartholomew's Hospital, ****** enlargement of, 1163. in Savoy Hospital, 52. …… ………………, money for, 43, 140, 159. quartering of, 161. Soldiers of Parliament, maimed, &c.-cont. sent to London after the battle of Naseby, 51. .... .. .... ………………………, money for, passim. *** .... ***** .... .... surgeons or apothecaries for, 51, 812, 1385. ……. Soley, Thos., 2867. Solicitor-General, see St. John, Oliver; Yel- AUR • treasurers for, 43, 52, 71, 84, 97, 130, 148, 158, 798, 810-812, 814, 2383. verton, Henry. Solley, John, 461. Stephen, 457. Soloman, Mr., Westminster, 94. Solomon, John, petition of, 3047. wife of, 3047. Somaster, John, 153. Somerfield, John, 110. Somers, Nich., 1393. Thos., 1744. Some: sall, John, petition of, 1310. Lewis, 1310 (2). daughter of, 1310. "" Somerset, Sir Charles, 6th son of Edward, 9th Earl of Worcester, 2889, "" ...... ………… petitions of, 143, 147, 148, 279, 622, 2692, 2693, 2773 (2). wives and widows of, and of officers, money for, 24, 26, 27, 43, 788, 798, 1444. petitions of, 2773 (2). .. .... **** **** • > ……………. Henry, 10th Earl and 1st Marquis of Worcester, 38, 40, 392, 415, 603, 1051, 1705. .... .. **** ******* • of, 3232. .... Charles, or Sir Charles, 6th son of, 392, 603. *** ******y of, 1705. Edward, 11th Earl and 2nd Marquis of Worcester, 85, 88, 94, 105, 118, 138, 176, 224, 364, 442, 516, 603, 1491, 1705, 2754, 2807, 3221. ……………… estates of, 494, 500, 515. heirs of, 603. Sir John, 2nd son of, 603, 1711. Lord Thomas Somerset, 5th son as Lord Herbert of Ragland, 38, 40, 1051, 1491, 3003. …………… estates of, 174, 185, 205, 206, 2 211, 278, 289, 348, 350, 367, 415, 435, 439, 479, 481, 503, 516, 542, 544, 563, 583, 649, 738, 1714, 1715. *** ……………. 2 ***** Elizabeth, first wife of, 1705. father and mother of, see Dormer, Sir Wm., and Lady Alice. Margaret, 2nd wife of, petition …………….5 .. petitions of, 1705 (3), Elizabeth, wife of, petition of, 1707. ………… children of, 1707 (2). Henry, Lord Herbert, son of, 94, 435, 730, 764, 772, 1706, 1707, 1714, 2248, 3221. deposition by, 3221. ... *** ***** GENERAL INDEX. 3563 Somerset, Edward, 11th Earl of Worcester- Henry, son of, petition of, 2248. steward of, see Herbert, AAA • • • •*. .. ... ... ... • ·· ·· …………… "y …………… Lord Henry. cont. 22 ……….. John. • Lady Anne, daughter of, 205, 206, 567, 1705 (2), 1706 (4), 1708, 1709, 2461. ... ... .... **** ..... Somerset, Sir Edw., 916. 205, 206, 1705. ****** • > ……………❤ Lady. Sir Thomas, K.B., Viscount Somerset of Cashel, Ireland, 279, 2247, 2888. Elizabeth, or Lady Elizabeth, his daughter, 87, 224, 278, 279, 415, 2247, 3299. ………… • ***** (2). Thos., 1713. Somner, John, 1606. ****** ***** ……………… Lady Elizabeth, daughter of, .... petitions of, 1705 (2). husband of, see Howard, T ***** Hen., 1546. John, Somerset, 2971. Sir John, co. Gloucester, 85, 2219. Mary, his wife, 2220 (4), 3271. petitions of, 1224, 2219 petitions of, 1705 (2). grandmother of, see Russell, Sompner, John, 1739. Bridget, widow of, 916. ****** ……………… ******* Sondes, Sir George, see Sandes. Sonds, or Sondes, Dudley, 1815. signature of, 623. ****** …………… ******* Sontley, Capt. Roger, 2854. Wm., his son, 1606. daughters of, 1606. Tim. and Jane, see Sumner. Wm., and Margery, his wife, 2700. petitions of, 2700 (3). ……………. petition of, 2854. Sorocold, George, Aighton, co. Lancaster. 3088 ?. petitions of, 1721 (5), 2527 (2). George, Ashton, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 2787. John, petitions of, 2787 (4). Johu, jun., 2787. Thos., 2787. Sorrell, Thos., 3178. petitions of, 2787 (4). ****** petitions of, 3177, 3178. Sothaby, Hen., 1704. uncle of, 1704. ? ………………. or Sotherby, Rob., co. York, 113, 1924, 2054. Sotherne, Gilbert, 90. Souch, Thos., 593. Soundy, Wm., petition of, 2717. South, Ant., 3279. Charles, 949. South, Charles-cont. • ··· • • .. > ... "" 14 949. ... ..... ***** ……………… Eliz., 861. • •> Southack, Cyprian, 94. Southam, Judith, petitions of, 1786, 1787. Southampton, Earl of, see Wriothesley. Southcoat, Mr., Westminster, 92. Southcott, or Southcote, Edw., Surrey, 463, 1782, 1935. Sir Francis, 949. **** ·· 15 Hen., 759, 765. Sir John, 949. petition of, 2517. ***** George, and Thos., his son, 1361. John and Edw., co. Chester, 2546 (2), 2547. …...♥ 5 Thos., Hants, 105. · > petition of, 949. Thos., co. Lincoln, petition of, 3279. Dr., 3257. .... Mary, daughter of, 861. of, 1936. Southerne, Ann, 3241. Gilbert, 3137. John, 3137. John, or Sir John, Essex, 1935. son of, 3255. Justice John, great-grandfather Southgate, Emanuel, 2797, 2798, Southland, Thos., 461. Southwood, Alex., 1837, 3260. Southworth, John, 2621. • Eliz., daughter of, petition of, Francis, son of, 949. Mr., co. Oxon?, 2246. * **** .. 3075. petition of, 3075. daughter of, see Blacoe, Marg. Thos., 2622. Thos. and John, sons of, 2622, 3240. ……………… Eliz. Nowell and Jane Sumner, daughters of, petition of, 2621. Sowdon, John, 2955. Sowerbutts, Rob., 3240. Eliz., widow of, petition of, John, son of, petition of, 3240. Thos., sen., 3075. Thos., jun., 3075. …………… Spackman, Nich., auditor of the Exchequer, certificate by, 465. Spakeman, Rich., petition of, 2701. Spalding, John, 96. Sam., 41. Spanish Ambassador, see Cardenas, Don Alonzo. Spark, Capt., 2053. Sparke, Arch., 3214 (2). petitions of, 3214 (3). Wm., alderman of Chester, 134, 2105. BB 2 3564 GENERAL INDEX. Sparrow, Cornet James, 2338, 3059. *** Sparry, Ambrose, petition of, 2485. Spatchurst, Fras., 1098. 1098. Spavell, Wm., 108. Speake, George, 1040. John, serjeant-at-arms, petition of, 136, 670. · > Hugh, petitions of, 3120 (3). Speaker, the, see Lenthall, Wm. Speare, Thos., Dorset, 3205. wife and children of, 136. Rob., Suffolk Commissioner, 673, 683, 688, 691 (2), 692, 694, 2454. ******* Joan Molins, wife of, 3205. Speed, John, 3060. Kath., 2432. Rich., 2169 (2). Speere, Thos., Bere, Dorset, 118. ·· > ·· .. > Speight, or Spight, Wm., 2497. Spence, Edw., 1819 (2). .. …………. Spenceley, Wm., 203. Spencer, Henry, 3rd Lord Spencer and 1st Earl of Sunderland, 98. Spencer, Edm., 3057. …… ………………, Anne, widow of, 3058. 2 petition of, 3057. • > ., • , widow and child of, 1098. John, brother of, petition of, petition of, 2706 ?. family of, 1040. ני • و. **) *, Wm., Middlesex, 738 (2). **** .. Sarah, widow of, 738 (2). Spenclay, Wm., 3079. 4. Spice, Edw., 102. > ******* Edm., son of, 3058. ……………… ******* Gilb., 2991. John, Wilts, 1210. Sir John, temp. Eliz., 1251. Rich., 1622. Rich., Kent, 102, 699, 1218. Rich., co. Oxon, 1550. Rob., 554, 1642. Step., deposition by, 416. Thos., 3257. 2786. father of, see Rider, Mr. John, 102. Spicer, IIen., petition of, 2786. .... Thos., co. Warwick, 640, 2965. Gertrude, widow of, 640. Wm., son of, 2965, 2966. petition of, 3057. Hen., sen., grandfather of, John, petitions of, 3166, 3167. Nich., 283, 1381. son of, 283, 1381. ***** Wm., 399, 2010. Spight, see Speight. Spigurnell, Thos., petition of, 1555. Spiller, Sir Hen., 42, 51, 67, 86, 94, 102, 116, 224, 794, 1145. * • •" ... 1448. ……. ·· Spilman, Clement, 116, 1885. Sir John, 116, 2975. • ***** Herbert, James. Anne, widow of, and Roger, son of, petition of, 2975. Spiney, Rich. ?, Kent, 2737. Spittle, Dorothy, 1094. Spoare, Hen., 2076. Spooner, Rich., 460. Spory, Mr., Devon, 562. Spottiswood, Lady Jane, 2107. ………………………, ………………, family of, 2107. Sprague, John and Hum., informers, 2722, > Sprey, or Spray, George, 117. ………………………, Philip, 117, 336, 517. Wm., 117, 3066. • C ……. Sprigg, Mr., Middlesex, 337, 349. Mr., Salop, 1897. Spring, Edm., 2755 (2). ……………… Reynell, Sir Thos., wife of. • *** ******* petition of, 2755. …………………… ………………, Wm., father of, 2755. ** > "" Anne, his widow, 1145. Sir Robert, his son, 1146. ... ………… "> ……………. ******* ...... parents, 2755. Rob., Hants, 2612. ..... Springe, Rob., London, petition of, 2845. Sprint, John, petition of, 939. Spry, John, under-sheriff of Cornwall, 2686. Rob., sequestration solicitor, Devon, 152, 189, 219. > Jane, daughter of, 1146- .. " ……………** Spurling, Rob., 2912. ***** • ****** ..... " 1729. Katherine, his daughter, see " ·· petition of, 1146. husband of, see ****** Wm., 1148. 2912. Spurne, Rich., 783. Tobias, 783. Spurstowe, or Spurstow, George, 100, 1728. Anne, widow of, 1728 (2), Thos., grandfather of, 2755. Rob. and Anne, his letters of, 97, 180. petition of, 1148. Au Anne, widow of, petition of, George, son of, 1728. ………………………, ………………, family of, 1728. Wm., 1. petitions of, 1156, 1728. Squibb, Art., jun., member of the Committee for Compounding, 194, 221, 243, 311, 356, 421, 468, 469, 502, 525, 681, 2703, 2732. GENERAL INDEX. 3565 Squibb, Art., jun.-cont. .. ... ·· orders to, 336, 353, 404, 405, 408, 488, 530, 544, 1617. signature of, 428. Lawrence, 1558, 2449. petitions of, 2449 (2). …………, ………………, signature of, 623. wife of, see Every, Anne, Lady. Thos., 1986. petitions of, 1986 (2). Mary, wife of, 1986. .. .... ·· .... 647 (2). .. ******* Squier, Wm., Devon, 180. Squire, John, Eliz., widow of, petitions of, 2168 (2). **** …………… Scipio le, petition of, 1287. ……………………., Rob., 3128. Thos., officer of the Committee for Compounding, 26, 30, 787, 789, 791. ... ....., Wm., co. Leicester, 109, 3283. Wm., co. York, 2058. wife of, 2058. St * * W., officer in Ireland, letter of, 1911. Stable, Wm., co. York, 2108. Stafford, Viscount, see Howard. Stafford, Anne, 87. ……………………., Charles, 88. **** ... letter of, 647. letters to, 365, 444, 445, 448, Edw., 1946. Capt. Rob., 669. Thos., 67, 369, 2870. Sir Thos., 94, 95, 1301, 3278. wife of, 1301 (2), 1302. Wm., 132, 165, 168, 813 (2), 1063?, 1436, 1437, 1859. heir of, 1436. children of, 1459. ***** Staile, Walter, 654. ………… 9 petition of, 652. Stainbank, Ellen, 177. Stainer, Rob., 2243. ****** Eleanor, widow of, 2243. Staines, Dr., or Commissary-General, 306, 1167. ………………………, ………………, petition of, 1168. Stainforth, John, 2802. Stainton, Rich. and Rob., 3168. Stallard, Rich., see Stoller. Stalman, or Stallman, Capt. Hen., Sussex Commissioner, 172, 375, 475, 726, 2280 (2), 2294, 2473. certificate by, 375. letter, &c., of, 374. John, clerk for Sussex, 375 (2), 475. petitions of, 375, 482. Stamford, Earl of, see Grey, Henry. Stamford, Chris., Essex agent, 2772. Col., or Lieut.-Col. Edw., 90, 112, 491, 760, 1192. petition of, 2494. .... ***** 'Stamford-cont. Eliz., 90. Stamp, Tim., 1575. Stampe, Edw., 1034. Stamper, James, 3168. Standford, Edw., 2513. Sir Rob., 2513. · **** > Standinough, Hen., 2861. Standish, Edw., co. Lancaster, 2574. • • ………………… > (4). •, family of, 3151. Ralph, 21, 107, 506, 2812, 3145. ………………, petitions of, 2568, 3145. …… ……………., Alex., son of, 2812. Col. Rich., 392, 396, 411, 448, 463, 464, 474. ………………………, ………………, family of, 397. ·· Standon, Wm., 1579. Stane, Rich., petition of, 1782. Stanford, Ant., 90, 1916. • •• *· " ** ..... Eliz., wife of, petition of, 2574. Edw., co. Notts, 1348. George, 3151. ..... > • Thos., petition of, 2762. Mr., co. Leicester, 109. ***** Chris., 189. ·· Edw., 86. John, 797, 2991. wife of, 2991. Wm., son of, 2818, 2991. **** 2991. James, son of, petitions of, 3151 = .... Anne, wife of, 1916, 1917. Stanhope, Philip, 1st Earl of Chesterfield, 89, 107, 148, 159, 195, 262, 286, 295, 338, 437, 535, 553, 757, 759, 760, 1264, 1830 (3), 2329, 3272. ., Anne, wife of, 262, 140, 1269, 1880. Thos., 1954. Marg., widow of, petitions of, 1954 (3), 1955. ***** …………… …………… former husband of, see Ferrars, Sir Hum. .... son of, 1265, 2574. children of, 440, 1264. Henry, Lord Stanhope, eldest Katherine, his widow, 1265, 2574. …………., Alex., youngest son of, petition of, 1265. Dorothy, wife of, 2818, · > .. • Thos. Philip, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield, grandson of, 1264. Charles, Lord Stanhope of Harrington, 2983. > …………*** Dorothy, wife of, 427. petition of, 997. brother of, see Livingston, 3566 GENERAL INDEX. Stanhope, Art., petition of, 1622. • ……………………… ………………, Lettice, widow of, 3258. .... ..., Anne, daughter of, 3258. • L •• ........, John, co. York, 1034. ……………, ………………, Anne, wife of, 1034, 1035. ☛· ………………… •, ……………. "" ........, Wm., Michael, and Ann, chil- dren of, 1034, 1035. other children of, 1035. …………………♥ Sir Edw., and Edw., his son, 982. Ferdinando, 3258. > · • John, co. Derby, 553, 772, 3249. John, co. Lancaster, 1445. Wm., 108, 307. ******* Sir Wm., temp. Eliz., 1251. Stanier, Rob., Westminster, 1597. Stanlake, Rich., petition of, 3054. Stanley, William, 6th Earl of Derby, 276, 616, 635 (2), 734, 1065, 1108, 1110, 1113, 2445, 2737, 2956. · 2750. ………………………, ………………, Eliz., wife of, 1106, 1109. Sir John, 2750. • • Mary, 2303. Susannah, petition of, 3062. Sir Thos., 1265. .9 Anne, daughter of, Dowager Countess of Clare, 1265. Lady Mary, widow of, 1034, • ….. ………………. ……………., Charles, son 1110. ... 2951. ......, as Lord Strange, 1107, 1108 (2), 1111 (2). ……………………., agent of, 1100. …………………….. ……………., estates, &c., of, 60, 104, 170, 217, 236, 242, 247, 248, 253, 254, 258, 295, 301, 348, 434, 441, 448, 492, 523, 541, 551, 571, 585 (2), 587 (2), 606, 611, 620, 635, 685, 727, 734, 1344, 1903. ... .., grants or leases of, 2973, 2991 (2). ......, execution of, alluded to, 616, 1113. Sir Rob., younger son of, 1109. Eliz., widow of 1108. Charles, son of, 1108, …………….. petition of, 1110. James, son of, 1108, .... > 1110 (2). granddaughter of, see Carr, Lady Vere. James, 7th Earl of Derby, 21, 33, 92, 120, 122, 139, 158, 176, 276, 285, 300, 411, 441, 464, 489, 506, 537, 549, 581, 616, 635, 725, 993, 1100, 1178, 2175, 2493, 3096, 3266. forces of, 569, 1191, 2955. Isle of Man held by, 2950, .....** Lancashire held by, 1094, 1279, 1492, 1804. Stanley, James, 7th Earl of Derby-cont. • .. 傻 ​·· ... • ·· .. ………. Charles [or George], Lord Strange, and 8th Earl of Derby, his son, 1100, 1902, 2979. Dorothea Helena, wife of, 1101, 1103 (2). .... signature of, 623. children of, 1101. Stanley, Edw., co. Lancaster, 2446. Edw., Salop, 1691. children of, 1101-1103, 1105. ………………………, Edward, William, Henrietta Mary, Katherine, and Emily, children of, petition of, 1100. • ·" ………. ·· a • .. .. ..... ... ………………, persons engaged with or serving under, 682, 1094, 1411, 1457, 1493, 1810, 2074, 2913, 2950, 2955 (2), 2974, 3122. by compulsion, 1092 (2), 1093. ." .., servants of, 1111, 2767. ......, tenants of, 1278, 1810, 1952. petition of, 1115. Charlotte de la Tremouille, wife ••• > *** .... •*) "" **** of, 448, 571, 1100, 2659. .... James, his brother, 2981, Sir Thos., Bart., his son, 829, 2729, 2840, 2981, 2982. Mary, widow of, petition .. of, 2981. John, 72, 124, 1719. father of, 1719. ******* .., Mary, co. Chester, 104. Dr. Edw., Hants, 525, 529, 3019. Sir Edw., co. Lancaster, 2840. ... ………. ……………. Hen., late auditor of Recusants' ac- counts, 165, 166 (2). Hen., Maghull, co, Lancaster, 1483. co. Lancaster, Hen., Woodhall, 1809. · ………………………….., Peter, son of, 2981. Ferdinando, 1446. 3010, 3178. ..... Mary, co. Lancaster, 3179. Mary, Eccleston, co. Lancaster, 3278. ', Sir Thos., temp. Eliz., 2539. Wm., co. Chester, 60, 295, 440, 2359, 2846, 3278, 3279. *** ******* .... Peter, 2937. Randle, temp. Eliz., 3268. Thos., clerk, 2539. ………………, daughter of, 2539. Thos., Surrey, 460. > Thos., her son, son, 3010. petitions of, 3278 (2), 3279. wife of, Charlotte Molineux,. Wm., father of, 2359. mother of, 2359. Wm., Hants?, 2496 (2). > ……….., Wm., co. York, 33. Stannard, Mr., Suffolk, 2710. · GENERAL INDEX. 3567 Stanning, Thos., 72. Stansby, Dorothy, petition of, 1883. Rob., father of, 1883. Stansfield, John, 490. Stanwix, John, 124. Stanyan, Abra., petition of, 2378. Stapely, Ant., petition of, 2051. Staplee, Wm., petition of, 2762. wife of, 2762. . .... Staples, Alex., 139, 3052 ?. Stapleton, Bryan, 1749, 2136, 2449 (2), 3071. Rich., eldest son of, 2136, 3071. Eliz., wife of, 2136 (2), .. AN + ........ ·· > 1 • 2137, 2820, 3283. ……………** 2136, 2820. ·· .... •• ..... , 2136, 3091?, 3295. > > ... ******* ……… his younger sons, petition of, 2820. ·· tion of, 2820. " 1 ………………………、 ………………. ……………… ………………, petition of, 2136. ******* Bryaa, or Brian, M.P., 380. Gabriel, co. York, 2970. *** • ***** 2970. " > • Sir Rob., younger son of, 102, 1515, 2137, 3283. ……………. * • > *" ……………… .... Henry, 3086. .. " 1. ** Thos., 123. Stapley, Col. Ant., M.P., 181, 302, 1216. Stapt, Capt., 2362. .. 1 petition of, 3086. .. Miles, and Mary, his wife, 1835. 9 Starbuck, Wm., 1489. A petition of, 1835. Sir Philip, 28, 29, 43, 52, 788, 802. Rob., co. Chester, 123. Rob., Cotton, co. York, 1387. petitions of, 2057, 2205. Rob., Wressell, co. York, petition of, 2432. …………. Gilbert, eldest son of, Rich., his eldest son, .... 2227. ……………. Ellen, or Eleanor, widow of, 113, ****** Miles and Gregory, Star Chamber, attorneys of, 962. , 1528 (2). Rob., his uncle, peti- >> petition of, 2362. information by, 1489. petitions of, 1489, 1490. Staresmore, Wm., 108, 1166, 3305. Mary, wife of, 1167. children of, 1168, 1169. clerk of, 2204. examinations in, alluded to, fines imposed in, alluded to, Starkey, or Starkie, Edm., 2225. Eliz., 52. Hen., 101, 2035, John, co. Chester, 101. John, co. Lancaster, 194, 2379. Starkey, &c.-cont. Phil., 463, 571, 780, 1624, 1625 (2), 2199. • " ………………………, ………………, petition of, 1624. ...... Philippa, 107. O ., Thos., co. Chester, 107, 217, 236 (2), 251, 349, 472, 1966. Eliz., wife of, petition of, 1966. children of, 1966. > > > Starr, John, Somerset, 1145. Starre, Col., 1380. Startin, Tim., 633, 2010. ... State, or Commonwealth, the, or Government, the present, casual entries of, passim; see also Parliament. .. **** Thos., co. Lancaster, 3187. Mr., London, 225. Mr., Windsor Commissioner, 935 (2). counsel for, appointment of, 180, 231. orders to, 268, 340, 403. money, goods, &c., for the use of, passim. oath or engagement of fidelity to, or oath of April 5, 1643, taking of, passim. orders for taking, 943, 979, ...... 1019, 1032, 1085, 1186. ..... ... ……………… 633, 639, 908, 1019, 2418. subscribers to, list of, 623. offenders against, Commissioners for trial of, 999. secretary of (late), see Coke, Sir John. · ·· ******* ..... ***J *****) > Latin, see Weckerlyn, Rudolph. solicitors, or agents for, 178, 340, 351, 566. **> treason to, estates forfeited for, see Delinquents' Lands, sale of. · ……………………, persons condemned to death for, 489. victories of, returning of thanks for 590. refusals to take, 522, 604 (2), witnesses of, 115, 126, 649 (2), 958, 1377,2622. > Statham, John, 2010. Staunton, Thos., Suffolk, 1448. Wm., 39 ?, 108, 1382. ****** * …....., Mr., co. York ?, 39. Stavely, Art., sheriff of Leicestershire, letter of, 338. Capt. Thos., 33, 3134, Stawell, see Stowell. Staynings, Charles, J.P. for Somerset, 83. ... "} warrant by, 83. Stead, Thos., and Eliz., his wife, petition of, 1996. Walter, 1484. Stealfox, Edw., 248. Steed, George, 416. Dr. Wm., 328, 2614. Steele, George, petition of, 1115. Rob., 2374. 3568 GENERAL INDEX. Steele-cont. letter of, 1115 ?. ………………) Steeling, Mr., Westminster, 94. Steere, David, Kent agent, deposition by, 622. Steiner, Rob., co. Worcester, 237. Stelfox, Wm., information by, 1101. Stennet, Ant., 1419, Stent, see Stint. ·· Wm., recorder of London, 178, 997, 1080, 1107, 1118, 1623, 1695, 1791, 1865, 2241, 2271, 2300, 2316, 2328, 2389, 2606, 2633, 2654, 2707. " Stephens, or Stevens, Edw., 2486. Edw., Berks, 139. George, 740. Hen., Easington, co. Oxon, 1976, 2236. ** > ·· Hum., 2174. John, discoverer, 3082 (3), 3083 (2). petitions of, 3082, 3083. ******* ....., John, M.P., 27, 34, 39, 55, 64, 82, 125, 297, 446, 504, 857, 1303, 1546. endorsement by, 558. letter to, 1243. orders to, 857, 1048, 1051, 1084. John, Wilts, 2728. petition of, 2728. ******* Jonas, co. Radnor, 621. Nath., 803. Rich., clerk for Dorset, 560. Thos., 2076. Wm., Radnorshire Commissioner, 517, 534. ... ***** ་ Hen., son of, 2236. Hen., Oxford, co. Oxon, 1610. signature of, 623 ?. · · A Wm., petition of, 1148. ~*******y Stephenson, or Stevenson, Barb., 94. " " ... letters of, 617, 733. Fras., 2360. George, 2952. Hen., petition of, 2590. Ralph and Nicholas, 1256. ..... Stepkin, Charles, 3306. Dr. Thos., 202. Wm., co. York, 3135. Capt. Wm., agent for Yorkshire, 175, 348, 353, 377 (2), 388, 389, 398, 419, Capt., co. York, 33. petition of, 3306. ... **3 ****** Stepney, Sir John, Bart., 39 (2), 392 ?, 1035, 1715. Rob., 37. Sterne, Hen., 2961. *** •" ...... petitions of, 2961 (2), Sternhold, Thos., 87, 736. Sterry, Peter, 2077. Stert, Elize, or Eliseus, 1470. ***** 1470. Walter, his son, 1470, wife and children of, Stevens, see Stephens. Steventou, Thos., 782. Steward, Stewart, or Stuart. Anne, Lady Salton, 3196. ** ******* Hen., 1767 (5), 1768 (2), 2620. Major, or Col. Wm., son of, co. Durham, &c., 1767 (2), 1768 (3), 2619. Eliz., Lady Calverley, petition of, 2619. 1st husband of, see ·· ** ***** wife of, 2619. 【 ... • " Calverley, Sir John. *.3 • + *** ery, 1768 (4). • ·· **** } , ... ****** **** > • Zach., late, 626. Capt. Zach., 3078, Dr., 88. Mr., Sussex ?, 31. Stich, Thos., Essex, 2736, 3178. **** ******5 James, 25, 56, 781. Nich., 63, 979. sisters of, 980. ******* Rich., 799, 1275. children of, 1767. daughter of, Agnes Montgom- ·· *** ******* Wm., 780. Thos., London, 509, 513, 688, 2894, 2926, 3099?. Stiddolph, or Stydolfe, Mr., Westminster, 94. Stile, or Style, John, Dorset, 240, 2972. family of, 2972. petitions of, 1767, 1768. wife of, 979. **** Stileman, see Styleman. Stillington, John, 380. .... Stint, or Stent, Capt. John, 408, 650, 2304 (2), 2606-2608, 2992. ..... Simon, his father, 1275. children of, 1275. receipt by, 661. Stirling, Countess of, see Alexander. Stirling, Rob., Westmoreland, petition of, 3233. ***** Thos., co. York, 1493, Stirrop, Lawrence, Thos., son of, 696. Alice, daughter of, 696. Wm., 2802. ..." ****** *** Stisted, Lawrence, 1852 (2). petitions of, 1851 (4), 1852 (2). Stitch, Thos., 661. Stakes, Thos., 1575. Stobbert, Anne, petition of, 3280. Stockdale, Edw., certificate of, alluded to, 882. ………… James, 521. Rob., Northumberland, petitions of, 2879 (2). Margery, wife of, 2879. petitions of, 2879 (2). Rob., co. Notts ?, 1318. Thos., M.P., 380, 791, 1059 (3), 1060, 1448. GENERAL INDEX. 3569 Stockdale, Thos.-cont. ..... > Stockdell, John, 94. Stocker, Col. John, Somerset, 427, 1836, 1932. **** Mr., Dorset, 240. Stockett, Lewis, 457. ……………………., Mr., Kent, 3076. Stockley, Edw., 1111, 1117. ***** petitions of, 1111 (2), 2825. ……………………., George, co. Oxon, 1035, Stocks, Edw., 755. Stockton, John, co. Stafford, 2939. Thos., 103, 1179, 1635. father of, 1179, 1635. John, co. Chester, brother of, •• • •> 1635. Stockwood, Rich., petition of, 2098. Stoddart, Wm., co. Flint, 3241. Wm., North Wales Commissioner, 770. Stokeley, George, petition of, 2580, John, uncle of, 2580. ·· M · ++ ► a > Stoller, or Stallard, Rich., 2204. Stone, Clifton, 1894. …., John, co. Lincoln, 1453 (2). Kath., widow of, petitions of, 1453 (3). Hen., son of, 1453. ***** John, London, petitions of, 2444, 3024. Phil., 254, 259, 277, 289, 1934. Rich., 110. Sir Rich., 90, 95, 881. **** wife of, 1059. ***** ****** و ****** Stonehouse, Sir George, Bart., Berks, 1629. ..... Thos., 869. Capt., co. Stafford, 2746. Col., Governor of Stafford, 811. Mr., Dorset, 118. James, co. Warwick, 872. sister of, 872. **** Eliz., wife of?, 2580. ……………………, ………………, Ann, daughter of, see Langton, Ann. ******* Sir James, Essex, 1st Bart., 2754. Anne, wife of, 2754. Sir James, 2nd Bart., son of, 214, 418, 586, 1188, 1189, 1459, 2157, 2753, 3307. Mary, his widow, petition father of, see of, 3307. ………. ***** Blewitt, John. Stoner, Clement, 2160. *9 3069. or Stonyer, Wm., Bucks, 66, 109, 407, 2846, 3069. Francis and Thos., sons of ******* > Sir Francis, father of, 3070 (2). Wm., co. Oxon, 407. Stonestreet, George, Sussex Commissioner, 172, 375, 673. Wm., deposition by, 532. Stonyer, see Stoner. Stopford, Rob., 1110 (4). petitions of, 1109, 1110. Stopforth, Anne, see Holme, Anne. Storer, John, petition of, 2734. Storey, or Story, John, co. Notts., 746, 747. ........., John, sen. and jun., co. York, 1124. Rob., 2982, 3300. Fargus, brother of, petition of, children of, 2982. .. ****** • ... 2982. Stoughton, Sir George, temp. James, 3300. Lawrence, 3300, .. 1 > Roger, 1626, 2882, Stourton, Edward, 9th Lord Stourton, 1584 ... widow of, 3300. Rob., Cambridgeshire Commissioner, 277. ....? Thos., 1069. Wm., 669. ******* Guthery, Eliz. Stourton, Mary, petition of, 2422. ·? ... • ………… .. (2). William, 10th Lord Stourton, his eldest son, 78, 118, 466, 1294 (3), 1583. ·· 1 •> ." ****** Rob., 2019. Thos., co. Chester, 103. Thos, Dorset, 118. Thos., London and Wilts, 2058. Eliz., wife of, 2058. ****** sons of, see Cornwallis, Thos., and Watson, Wm. Sir Rich., 19. Wm., Wilts, 2056. wife of, 2056. Stow, Col., governor of Stafford, 966. Stowell, or Stawell, Sir John, K.B., 43, 118, 138, 150, 517, 657, 1176, 1282, 1361, 1425, 1630, 1964, 3280. Eliz., wife of, 1425. son of, 1583. . ******* Fras., his younger son, 1584. Eliz., widow of, see .. •• *** husband of, see Harris, Roger. *** ***** Peter, 460. Mr., 2246. ****** Stowley, Hugh, 97. John, 97. children of, 1426, 1427. mother of, see Griffin, Lady Eliz. Strachan, Major, 130, 809, 810. Stradling, Sir Edw., 2178, 2325 (2). J Sir Hen., 443, 1597. Col. John, 1597. Thos., 2193. Strafford, Earl of, see Wentworth. Strange, Charles, or George, Lord, see Stanley. Strange, John, London, petition of, 1971. …………….………., John, Wiltshire clerk and auditor, 288, 548, 588. 3570 GENERAL INDEX. Strange, John-cont. • • ……………. petition of, 287. ……………………、 ………………, family of, 288. Capt. Jos., petition of, 1620. Strangeways, George, Muston, Dorset, 1999. ........, James, 2011. Nich., 1512. .. · • · > ..., Wm., petition of, 829. ………………………、 ………………, Eliz., wife of, 829. · * Strangways, Sir John, 36, 118, 546, 588, 1303, 1305, 1308, 1828, 2325 (2), 2434, 2435. · Stratford, Ant., Farmcot, co. Gloucester, 2011. petition of, 2011. ………………………. ………….., George, father of, 2011. ... ….. …………… "" George, Abbotsbury, Dorset, his son, 1512. .... ……………………., Rob., 2495 (3). ***** Wm., 86, 1257 ?, 2071. Strayne, Eliz., 1471. Street, Anne, co. Hereford, 3193. George, 87, 736. • Ant., Temple Guyting, co. Glouces- ter, 2457. Ant., co. Worcester, 2011. ...... Thos., father of, 2011 (2). Ralph, petition of, 2011. > .. , John, 94. " S .... ……….., Giles, his son, 118, 1828. Col., 1412. Strettell, Ralph, 2485. **** petitions of, 2485 (4). Stretton, Mr., Wilts, 861. Strickland, George, 99. ', Sir Rob., 176, 520. Thos., 521. Sir Thos., 112, 138, 203, 1130, 1958, 2394. 19 …………...... Nich., 1531. Walter, or Lord Ambassador, M.P., 680, 831, 899, 934, 1070, 1337, 1339, 1801, 2373, 2533 (4), 2534, 2570, 2890 (2), 2891 (2), 3211. Rich., 280, 285, 2641. Wm., co. Chester, 752 (2). Woodhall, 3066. .... ..." ***** petition of, 1099. Mr., co. Hereford, 648. letters of, 680, 1527. Walter, delinquent, Westmoreland, 1888. Sir Wm., Bart., 7, 28, 75, 380, 929, 2002. **** letter of, 162. Stringer, Ant., 2782. ****** **** .., Fras., 2792. Hen., 460. Constance, 2009, 2698 (2). Nich., 108. Peter, petition of, 1740. Sarah, 2192. Stringer-cont. Thos., Whiston, co. York, 2698. Wm., deposition of, 749. father of, 749. Strode, or Stroud, George, Hants, 1060, letter of, 140. • • •> ** Thos., Sharleston, co. York, 1219, 1958. C > • > Joan, Somerset, 74, 119, 1495, 2585. ………………………, ………………, John, late husband of, 1495. …….., ......, George, son of, 384, 1495, 2585. • wife and children of, 1060. George, Kent?, petition of, 890. Sir George, sen., 102, 174, 501 (2), 525, 541, 542, 544, 2049. *** .... ………………*** ... ... …………… .. Sir George, jun., his son, 2050. 10 **** Hen., 153, 1959. Sir John. …………….., John, Hants, 320. Thos., 916. > children of, 1495. ………… , John, Dorset, 108, 118, 1292. .... "" Strongitharm, James, 122. Strother, John, 2638. ………. grandfather of, see Windham, ……………………., Wm., jun., 2638. Stroud, see Strode. Strowbridge, Rog., 2758. Struther, Wm., see Strother. Strutt, Benj., 2257. ......, Sir Dennor, Bart., 592, 728, 809, 1878, 2772. or Struther, Wm., 203, 815. 1 > Wm., M.P., 13, 1257 ?. Wm., Somerset, 541, 542 (2). Col., 1295. Stuart, Charles, see Charles II. George, petitions of, 2730 (2). John, 96, 1389. James, see James, Prince, Duke of York. James, Duke of Lenox and Richmond, 53, 90, 93 (2), 114, 351, 363, 680 (2), 1209, 1458, 1526, 1622, 1756, 2226, 2948, 3283. 5 " Mary, Duchess of Richmond, his wife, 680. ………………** Stuart, see Stewart. Stubbins, Wm., 111. Lord John, his brother, 93. •••• " Charles, Earl of Lichfield, 3255. Andrew, Lord Castle-Stuart, 127, 801. Wm., petition of, 3208 ?. …………..* ...... Stubbs, John, petition of, 2049. Thos., 2975. Stubington, Rich., 105. Stuckey, Chris., 2172. ........., Rich., and Thos., his brother, 97, 478, 504, 2767. Stuckley, Col., 3100. % GENERAL INDEX. 3571 Stucley, Thos., 1256. Studholme, Capt. Cuthbert, Cumberland Com- missioner and Mayor of Carlisle, 233, 312, 814, 821, 822 (2), 3025 (2). ………………………. ………………, request by, 2588. Studley, Mary, 447. …………. ·, ………………, petition of, 447. Stuffin, John, 2720. ... …………… sisters of, 2720, 2721. Stukeley, Lewis, 2141 (2). Sturgeon, John, 461. Sturley, Hen., 110. Sturmy, Steph., petition of, 1147. Sturnall, Thos., 3239. Sturt, Rich., 2711. Sturton, Eliz., 2383. John, petition of, 2255. Stuttard, Bernard, 3200. Styan, Hen., 2360. ****** children of, 2360. Styans, Hen., 110. ……………. …., Thos., 110. Stydolfe, Sir Fras., petitions of, 2472 (3). Stydolph, Wm., co. Northampton, 88, 98. Wm., Surrey, 96, 1493. …………… 9 Style, Lady Eliz,, 888 (2). ... ... .. ·· ****** ……………, John, co. Hereford, 1553. Capt. John, Somerset, 1419. Thos., Somerset, petition of, 2557. Wm., jun., Middlesex, petition of, 2869. **** .... Wm., co. Northampton, petition of, 3030. Styles, Thos., co. Northampton, 1929. Wm., 3257. Wm., co. Notts, 533. Capt., 88. Ccl., 1828. > ……………, petition of, 888. George, 119, 1597. John, Dorset, see Stile. Styleman, or Stileman, Rich., Loudon agent, 204, 208, 213, 626, 1073. .. .. list by, 239. Styth, James, petition of, 3202. John, 3202. ** "" •• Such, George, 2823. ******* petition of, 2823. Suckley, Edw., petition of, 1883. family of, 1883. Suckling, Rob., 869. Sudall, Law., 2990 (2), 3090. **** Rich., petition of, 3202. Thos., co. Lancaster, 1952. ******* family of, 3090. Roger, petitions of, 2716 (3). Grace, wife of, 2716. ••• Sudbury, Chris., 599. Sudell, John, co. Lancaster?, 3196. Suffolk, James, Earl of, see Howard. Sulyard, or Sylyard, Sir Edw. and Ralph, 1759. Summers, Thos., 460, Sumner, John, 1961. *** • Sumpter, Giles, 1429. • Sumptner, or Sumpner, John, 2527. petitions of, 3219 (2), 3238. Sunderland, Earl of, see Scrope, Emanuel, and Spenser, Hen. ... Sunderland, Langdale, 1183, 3067. petition of, 3067. • petition of, 1961. ……………) or Sompner, Tim. and Jane, petitions of, 2621, 2622. ·· ■ Sunter, Capt. Wm., 463. Supremacy, oath of, 1762. Surgeon General to Cromwell's army in Scot- land, or the Northern Brigade, see Troutbeck, Dr. John. serjeant, 1567. Surgeons, cases of, 1385, 1387, 1399, 1500, 1577, 1965, 2290, 2554, 2766, 3068. Sussex, Earl of, see Savile. Sutton, Edward, 9th Lord Dudley, 2324, 2780 (2). Marg., daughter of, see Hobart, Margaret. ..... Frances, Lady Dudley, grand- daughter and heir of, 2779. husband of, see Ward, Sir father of, see Sutton, Sir Ferdinand. Robert, Lord Lexington, 108, 1336. Anne, wife, 1336. petition of, 1336. former husband of, ·· • ………………… ******* ... · "" Wm., 369, 2575, 2576. • > Humble. S ... ******* • …………….. …………… · ******? see Browne, Sir Thos. Sutton, Col. Dud., see Dudley. • .... ****** petitions of, 2575 (3), 2576. > ******* …………. ·· *** **** Wm., 804. Wm., co. Chester, 932 (2). petition of, 932. 0. " Mr., London, 1214 (3). Swaile, John, petition of, 2643. Swaine, or Swayne, Bennett, Wilts Commis- sioner, 172, 673. ·· " •• Ellis, 1256. Sir Ferdinand, 2779. Hen., 2498. Rob., co. Gloucester, 86. Rob., co. York, petition of, 1623. Steph., 3193. Thos., 1114. letters of, 289, 654; and see Wilts, County Commissioners of, letters of. Fras., minister, 2152 (4). petitions of, 2152 (2). ******** Capt. Fras., 1002. 3572 GENERAL INDEX. Swaine Capt. Fras.-cont. ** ******** ………………………, John, 121, 2051. Rich., 118, 1857. Thos., 861. Wm., 105. ? " ··· Mr., co. York ?, 2684. Swale, Solomon, 1351, 2634, 2804. Swan, Cecilia, Lady, 728, 1013. ****** petition of, 1013. Fras., 185 (3). George, 460. Thos., 929. Mr., co. Cambridge?, 2613. Swanton, Wm., 1057. "" ****** Swayle, John, 3309. Swayne, see Swaine. Sweeper, Walter, co. Gloucester, 765. Sweeting, Chris., 52. Sweetland, Jeff., 2837. Sweit, Giles, D.C.L., 1567. Swetnam, Lawrence, 1520, 2301. ·· $ Mary, widow of, petitions of, 2301 (2). children of, 2301. Swift, Fras., petition of, 3064. Sir Francis, 2919. Roger, 1384. Thos., co. Hereford, 3260. Thos., Kent, 459. ……………………., Wm., 774. .... ... ? Swinburne, or Swinborne, John, Northum- berland, and Ellen, his widow, 3211. • petition of, 2356. " ... Katherine, wife of, 1057. · ……………., John, son of, 3211. Thos., co. Durham, 1049. Thos., Northumberland, 3172. Sir Thos., 179, 584 (2). Tobias, 113, 977. Wm., 2583. Wm, jun., his son, 2583. petition of, 1731. Wm., Thos., Matt., and Allen, sons of, 2584. ., ***** Swindell, Rich., 104. Swinehoe, see Swinhoe. Swinfield, John, 963. •, Swingfield, Thos., 155–157, 1534. Swinglehurst, Ann, 3258. .. Rob., 2427, 2428. ....... ……………………. ………………. ………….., daughter of, 2427, 2428. Thos., brother of, 2427. " .. Rich., cousin of, 2427. daughter of, 2427. ••• ………… •, ? Swinhoe, or Swinehoe, Dorothy, petitions of, 2341 (3). Gilbert, 42, 127, 807, 3256. ..... James, 2016. Swinnerton, Thos., 1300. petition of, 1300. Swinoke, George, petitions of, 2538, 2539. Swinton, Mr., information by, 1032. Swyer, Sam., 1769. Swynburne, Wm., 3178. Swynfen, J., Staffordshire Commissioner, letter of, 26. Sydenham, Lady Anne, 1256. husband of, 1257. ******* Sir John Posthumus, Bart., her son, 1256. Sir Edw., 94-96, 169, 1257. Hen., Doniet, Somerset, 1294. Hum. and Phil., his sons, **** ………♥ … O ... .... } ..... .... "> • * .. 1294. Hen., Dulverton, Somerset, 1610. Sir John, 1256, 1257 (2). > ton, Sir Fras., wife of. > information by, 1135. petition of, 1168. signature of, 783. • ******* Sydney, Philip, Viscount Lisle, 792, 814. Sydney, Capt., 55. Sydwell, James, South Wales Commissioner, Sir Ralph, 97, 1257, 1535, 2304. wife of, 1535. ... ……………., son of, 1535. Col. or Maj.-Gen. Wm., 144, 720, 976, 1135 (3), 1166 (2), 1167, 1512, 1963, 2142. , *** ..... 507. Syers, John, 88. Sykes, John, 1953. Rich., 977. * …….) Thos., 109. Wm., 805. Sylvester, see Silvester. Sylyard, Sir Edw, see Sulyard. Rich., petition of, 3078. Sym, George, 1337. > • • ... ... } 2 ....... John, Dorset, 118. John, Somerset, 73, 119, 1257, 1646. ……, ……………., Thos., son of, petition of, 1646., wife of, 1646. ง Alice, widow of, see Dodding- ..... > Symes, or Syms, Walter, 1093. Symonds, or Symons, George, 1941. " +2 " children of, 977. Hugh, Devon, 1483. John, Devon, 1685. ·· ****** Phil., 1896. petition of, 1941. *****9. John, Berks, petition of, 3018. John, Kent, 461. Sir John, 107, 1851. Lancelot, 1375, 2802. ***** : wife and children of, 1375. or Simonds, Rich., Essex, 95, 1610. Rich., Salop, 1816. Sarah, petition of, 2263. Wm., 416, 417. GENERAL INDEX. 3573 Symont, Wm., co. Cambridge, 2360. Sympcock, Mr., co. Chester, 2546. Syms, see Symes. Tabor, John, 1782. "" Wm., 1317. Tailor, Taylor, Tailer, or Taileur. Ann, co. Lancaster, 709. Dan., Commissioner of Customs, letter of, 523. ... ***** Edw., 3257. Eliz., 3193. George, co. Durham, petition of, 364. George, co. Hertford, 756. George, Westmoreland, 386. Gilbert, petitions of, 2840 (2). ………………………, ……………., Susan, wife of, 2840. ...., Hen., co. Lancaster, 2073. د. petition of, 682. > ****** ., Hen., co. Nottingham, 513. Hen., co. Stafford ?, petition of, 990. Hum., 3166. • > James, 457, 2614. John, Cambridgeshire Commissioner, 265, 277. John, Brimstage, co. Chester, 1453. John, Cooe Lane, co. Chester, 2499. ……………………., John, Wilkesley, co. Chester, 2499. John, co. Hereford, 636. > و .... ....., John, Broughton, co. Lancaster, 3207. Chris., son of, 3207. ... .. T " wife and children of, 1512. John, minister, co. Worcester, petition of, 2323. > .... ******* John, Oldham, co. Lancaster, 2043. John, Molescroft, co. York., 1219. family of, 1219, John, Sandal, co. York, 1552. " John, Tadcaster, co. York, and Lon- don, 1927. } .. > ·· .. *** John, Sussex, 1258. John, co. Worcester, 1512. • …………… ………………, petition of, 3227 ? Matt., 2545. Eliz., widow of, 2043. children of, 2043. ……………………… ………………, petition of, 2460. Ralph, petition of, 2952. Randal, 3256. ., Rich., co. Beds, 1275. ·· John, York, co. York, 2760. Eliz., mother of, 1275. ... ……… ………………, younger children of 1275 (2). Rich., London, petition of, 1509. Rich., Sussex, 1258. Rich., co. York, 1754. Tailor-cont. ** • .... • • ··· *** ·· 1 .... .. .5 **) ** Rob., co. Durham, 203. Rob., co. Gloucester, petitions of, 2803 (2). D Rob., minister, co. Northampton, petition of, 1088. Capt. Silas, Herefordshire Commis- sioner, 541, 640, 641, 643-649, 651 (2), 653 (2), 655-662, 673, 678 (2), 682, 684, 688, 695, 697, 720, 1712, 2068 (3), 2069, 2490 (3), 2495, 2825, 3028 (4), 3195 (3), 3211. > • letters of, 563, 593, 604 (2), 605, 620, 637, 641, 644, 646, 648; see also Herefordshire County Commis- sioner, letters of. > • Roger, 1816. Sam., 2579 (2). Silas, 510. Zachary, 2845. Col., 302, 307. Dr., 113. …….., Mr., co. Chester, 632. Thos., messenger, 811. Thos., co. Hereford, 2011. Thos., Ashford, Kent, 457, 2054 ? Thos., Patricksbourne, Kent, 460. Wm., M.P., 1088. Wm., co. Bedford, 555, 1120. Rich., father of, 1120. *** …………….. Wm., M.P., Berks, 1369. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1311. deposition of, 428. Wm., London, 1888, 1927. petition of, 1927. Wm., Norfolk, 3193. Wm., co. Radnor, 556, 574. Wm., Alderman of York, petition of, 2858. ... Tainturier, see Tanturier. Talboise, Mr., co. York, 1890, Talbot, Gilbert, 10th Earl of Shrewsbury, 2465, 2478. • • + other sons of, 1120. Mr., Scotch merchant, 2937. Edward, 11th Earl, 2474. ........., Lady Joan, widow of, 1733. George, 12th Earl, 3221. ... daughters of, see Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke; Grey, Eliz., Countess of Kent; and Howard, Ala- thæa, Countess of Arundel. John, 13th Earl, 101, 112, 174, 345, 389, 498, 548, 738, 1773, 2474, 3292. estates of, 61, 237, 345, 474, ...y 481, 487, 615, 732. Mary, 1st wife of, 732. Frances, 2nd wife of, 3271. ****** …… ………………. ………………, Thomas, son of, 3271. Mary, his sister, 1776. ………… • George, Lord Talbot, his eldest son, 1774 (2), 1775. 3574 GENERAL INDEX. Talbot, John, 13th Earl-cont. daughters of, 1773. ........., Francis, 14th Earl, 738, 1773. ……………., petitions of, 3221, 3222. John, Lord Talbot, son of, 616, ..... George, son of, Lady Mary, widow of, 345, 1773. **** 3259. Talbot, George, co. Lancaster, 3129. ........., George, Salop, petition of, 2113. ** John, guardian of Thos. Arundel, 3232. John, Cornwall, 764. John, co. York, 1122. Sir John, co. Lancaster, 1449. John, his son, 1449, 3281. Dorothy, wife of, petition daughter of, see Osbaldeston, ... of, 3281. Anne. Rich., 1834. petition of, 1834. Roger, 2413. Sherrington, 1035. -> ... Thos., 1816. Tampion, Thos., and Mary, his wife, petition of, 1514. Tandy, Phil., auditor to the Obstruction Com- mittee, 665, 2164, 2186, 3038. Tanfield, Sir Laurence, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 1983. ... Tankard, Thos., Brampton, co. York, 534, 587, 1119, 3267. ****** Tankersley, Rob., 1691. Tankred, Charles, 1090. Sir Rich., 1035. **** •, …………….9 Sir Wm. Tannatt, Edw., 103. Rees, 1861. Tanner, And., 3233. " ... Ben., petition of, 3157. Mr., minister, Wilts, 79. Tanturier, or Tainturier, Florentine, 94. petition of, 1902. Taplin, John, 2209. Tapp, Thos., 2585. Tapper, John, 1959. Tarleton, Edw., sen., 3203. · • · Thos., Buttersett, co. York, 1120. ***** • Dorothy, wife of, 3203. Edw., son of, 3203 (2). Rich., son of, 3203. · ……………………, ………………, younger children of, 3203. Tarlton, John, 1385. Tarran, John, petition of, 2683. Tasburgh, Cressy, 965, 2235. •> brother-in-law of, see Allanson, .. ******} petitions of, 965 (4), 3190. Grace, Lady Phillips, his wife, 965, 2235 (2). petitions of, 965 (2). ******> John and Thos., petition of, 3190. *** Tasburgh-cont. ·· ** " …………………………………, Charles, son of, 2708. children of, 2709. ·· 3046. ·· …. Tatam, Wm., 1976. Tate, Zouch, 51. Tatham, Edm., 3123. …., John, 1704. mother of, 1704. Rich., petition of, 1904. ***9 Tattersall, or Tattershall, George, Berks, 3153. Mary, wife of, 3153. George, Somerset, 3191. petitions of, 3191 (2). ……………, ………………, Marg., wife of, 3191. petition of, 3191. ****** George, jun., Wilts, 78, 700, 1542. Tatton, Rob., 122, 1369. ……………………., ……………., Anne, his wife, 1369. ………………………. ……………., Wm., his father, 1369. Taverner, John, Devon, 2804. Anne, wife of, petition of, 2804. John, son of, 2804 (2). Tavernor, John, Cornwall, 117. Tay, see Tey. Taylor, see Tailer. Teasdale, Ant., 2864. Teate, Rich., 2063. Eliz., wife of, 2063. > ••• Sir John, 3046. • Telford, Wm., 2963. Tempest, Hen., 3006. ג, ... • ." .. · .. .. …………. John, 204. Milner, 1015. Nich., co. Durham, 203. Sir Nich., Northumberland, 1743, 2668, 2670. J " ……………. · ·, ·· •, .... petition of, 2670. ***** Rich., jun., Bowling, co. York, 2035. Rich., sen., Bracewell, co. York, 1202. ******* .... Lettice, widow of, 2709, 2710, ****** > Sir Rich., 2697, 3006. ****** · Thos. and Rich., sons of, 2697. petition of, 2697. ****** J Rob., information by, 2175. Stephen, 2429, petition of, 2604. > **** **** Frances, wife of, 2430. ****** petitions of, 2430 (2). Stephen, eldest son of, 2429. Thos., 2nd son of, 532, 2429. Eliz., daughter of, 2432. Mary, daughter of, 2432. Thos., 203. Sir Thos., Bart., 1999, 2393. Troath, wife of, 2393, 2394. ******* ******* petitions of, 2393 (3), 2394. Wm., co. Durham, 2952. GENERAL INDEX. 3575 Tempest, Wm.-cont. ****** Mary, widow of, 2952. ........., Wm., co. Lancaster, 2011. Temple, Capt., or Col. Edm., 132, 802, 804, 1188, 1478, 2258 ?. ... ·· ***** ..... Col. James, 1245 (2), 2370, 2371, 2862 (2). *** .... Sir John, Master of the Rolls, 32, 47, 790 (2), 1511. ·· Jos., Nottinghamshire Commissioner, 510. ****** Templer, Thos., clerk, co. Northampton, Tems, Nath., 1714. Tenant, Rich., 2056. Tent, Henry, 537. Terrell, Claudius, and Jane, his wife, petition of, 2676. Terrett, Rich., 1792. ******* John, 111. 1320. Mr., Westminster, 94. ... ………………. •• Peter, M.P., 144 (2), 166. Sir Peter, 2878 (2). Col. Purbeck, 37, 804. • Thos., 3256. Lady, 1007. Terrick, Sam, M.P., 792. Terry, Augustine, 2737. ****** petitions of, 2370, 2371. Tey, or Tay, John, Herts Commissioner, 657, 684, 855 (3), 856 (10). • petitions of, 650, 660. Teynham, Lord, see Roper, Chris. Thanet, Earl of, see Tufton, John. *** *** Thatch, Mr., minister, Stonehouse, co. Glou- cester, 748. • Thatcher, or Thetcher, Edw., 2961. John, 1625. John, Berks?, petition of, 2521. John, clerk for Kent, 190. *** Hen., officer to Parliament, 662. Nich., children of, 2655. Wm., 1786. ****** 1 petition of, 1792. wife and children of, 1792. …………… ****** Thayne, Mr., 344. notes by, 457 (3). John, Sussex, 2123 (2), 2721. Kath., 3194. Theakstone, Sir Rich., 2136, 3295. Thos., petition of, 2778. Sir Wm., his son, 2137, 3071, 3295 (3). ****** . *** 3295. • ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ . **** ………………. Theed, Col. Thos., 2541. Wm., 856 (2). ... petition of, 856. Thelcross, Serj.-Major, Essex, 94. Rich., son of, 3071. ......, petitions of, 2137, Thelwall, Dan., 95, 1258. · • *** ·· Theobald, Fras., petition of, 1821. Therlwall, George, 3208. Thetcher, see Thatcher. Thetford, Thos., 2322. Thewe, George, 2754. Theyer, John, 85, 2802. • *** 蟹 ​·· children of, 2802. Thickeridge, Thos., petition of, 2024. Thimbleby, Charles, co. York, 3091. George, sen., 661, 2551. family of, 2551. .. *** John, 3045 (2), 3257. *** ** ………. Sir John, 1955. ………, ………………, Eliz., wife of, 1957. 2802. .. ... " ***** John, 166, 1719. Mr., minister, co. York, 1537. • * ******* children of, 1957. ****** **** brother-in-law of, 1258. **** **** Edw., Hen., and Rich., brothers of, 1957 (2). *** ... ******* ******* petition of, 1957. George and Thos., uncles of, 1957, 1958. .. ***} Thistleton, And., 3145. Rob., 3217. Thos., 458. "" Thomas, Ambrose, 1359. ... Susan, wife of, petition of, · .. > petition of, 1957. ****** John, Rob., Eliz., and Henrietta, *5 Edm., petition of, 1683. Sir Edw., Bart., 42, 802, 1355. Gilbert, 2040. Griffith, 2179, 2180 (2). Griffith ap. 2529. Hum., 94. Jenkin, 3175, 3239. John, Devon, 2804. John, co. Glamorgan, 1966. John, co. Monmouth, Excise officer, 753, 755. petition of, 1957. * Lewis, co. Glamorgan, 2176. Lewis, co. Monmouth, 1980. Morris, South Wales Commissioner, 647. letters or requests by, 387, 557, ****** 611 (2), 639, 646, 660, 663, 691, 714. Oliver, 3247. Phil., solicitor, 2272. petitions of, 2272, 2273 (2). ****** Phil., Westminster, 1811. Rich., 2167. Rich., co. Carnarvon, 2820. Rob., Essex, 95. Rob., co. Glamorgan, 2216. Rob., Glamorganshire Commissioner, 522, 747. 3576 1 GENERAL INDEX. Thomas-cont. ... ! ......., Thos., Westminster, 94. Walter, 1177. · petition of, 2720. ***** ** .., Roger, co. Brecon, 494. Rowland, 2177. Thos., co. Gloucester, 1652. ·· • •• ……….. *** · • • " ….. ……….., Mr., 159. ... • 2741. Mr., Windsor, 438. Thomason, George, London, 133, 807, 809, •" ***** Thomlinson, see Tomlinson. Thomond, Earl of, see O'Brien. Thompson, Thomson, Tomson, or Tompson. Ant., 459. ****3 Roger, 2360. ? 1856. George, London, delinquent, 2769. Hen., see Edwardson, Hen. Rich., 3176. ........, Dorothy, Northumberland, 3227. Wm., son of, 3227. Wm., Brecon Commissioner, 506. letter of, 492. **** Wm., co. Glamorgan, 1175. Wm., co. Oxon, 3055. Wm., co. Monmouth, 3193. Wm., Westminster, 94, 2690 ?. Wm., or Sir Wm., M.P., 2740. children of, 2741. **** .... > "S •> • • Sir Wm., father of, 2740. Dorothy and Kath., sisters of, Chris., 984. Cuth., 2670, 2671 (2). Fras., Scarborough, co. York, 929. Stephen, son of, 929. wife and children of, 930. George, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2038. Col. George, member of the Com- mittee for Compounding, 137, 801. ****** Edm., Kent, 461. Edw., co. Lincoln, 2091. Fras., co. York, 3110. .. Heb., 1750, 2581. Hen., Kent, 458. ***** Hen., co. York, 1042, 2019. James, purveyor for the army, 60. James, Kent, 102 ?, 2391. James, Westmoreland, 196. letter of, 196. petition of, 196. John, son of, 196 (2). ******* ****** ………. ………………, ………………, challenge sent to, 196. letter of, 196. petition of, 196. ***** 懔 ​.. ****** John, 240, 1736. Thompson-cont. **** ………………….., John, co. Leicester, 109. ........, John, London, petition of, 2124. John, co. York, 2647. ..., Jos., co. Notts, 2905. Laurence, 62. · ? * • John, co. Lancaster, certificate of, 3084. • …… ………….. > " ." ******} petition of, 2676. Rich., co. York, 977. Rob., Kent, 460. Rob., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2634. Rob., London, 3037. Rob., Northumberland, 3227. Capt. Rob., co. Lincoln, 998. Lieut.-Col. Rob., co. York, petition of, 2019. Roger, petitions of, 3150 (2). Capt. Sam., 803. Steph., 59. Thos., clerk of the Earl of Newcastle's Committee, 449. may children of, 3276. ………………….., Thos., co. York, 2877. Wm., 3123, 3130. Wm., agent of Sir Adam Hepburn, .12. *****y Thos., and Eliz., his widow, London, 3276. . Nich., petition of, 3308. Rich., informer, 383, 505, 2867. Wm., member of the Committee for Compounding, 2, 8, 30, 64. Wm., co. Durham, 3107. Wm., Brotherton, co. York, 1966. Wm., Hemingburgh, co. York, 1464. Thorley, George, Staffordshire solicitor, 249, 262, 376, 1895. Wm., co. Leicester, petition of, 2048. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1348. Wm., Lincolnshire Commissioner, 172, 666, 667, 676 (2). ……………. letter of, 89. ****** Thos., Essex, petition of, 3188. Thorlough, George, 2591. ******* Wm., John, and Mary, his children, 2591. Thorn, George, London, petition of, 2735. Thornborough, or Thornburgh, Helen, Lady, •" • 1610. John and Fras., 3198. Rowland, 3198. ; *** Thos., co. Lancaster, 3198. Thos., Westmoreland, 547. Wm., vicar of Quinton, co. Gloucester, 1410 (2). Wm., Methap, Westmoreland, 3198. Wm., Sellside, Westmoreland, 176. GENERAL INDEX. 3577 Thorne, Edw., petition of, 3002. ***** letter of, 156. Thornehurst, Thos., co. Worcester, 3259. Thornes, Fras., 1258. Thornhaugh, Col. Fras., 544, 1347, 1569, 2107. ...} Thornhill, Jeremy, 108. Sir Tim., 2255. •• .... · George, Sequestration solicitor, co. Hereford, 45, 52, 177. *** ………… ... children of, 2255 (2). Thornicroft, John, petition of, 1115. Thornley, Edw., 2413. ·· ******* > ...... 2257. .... Jane, widow of, 2413. > ……………., ……………., Thos., son of, 2413. Thornton, Hen., Northumberland, petition of, 2592. > ……………… ***** uncle of, see Radcliffe, Wm. Capt. Hen., information by, 1377. Capt. James, 1758. John, Bucks, 191. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2132. ……………………., Leonard, 2593. Rich., son of, 102, 329, 368, 369, 2255, 2853. ... > ... 2592. Eliz., widow of, 148, 2107. 3003. Ursula. ……………………, ………………, children of, 2591 (2). .. …………. "" Nich., 2591, 3048, 3211. Anne, wife of, 2591. ******* …………… ……………. Jane, widow of, petition of, ……………. Rob., son of, 2413. ……….. ......, Jane, widow of, see Witham, Jane. · "" ………. ****** Rich., co. Lancaster, 2667. Rich., co. Notts, certificate by, 1335. Rob., 2592. Sam., 1515. ……….., Steph., 2151. , ****** petitions of, 2591 (3), sister of, see Widdrington, Sir Nich., son of, 2591-2593, John, son of, 2591. . Thos., Essex, petition of, 2908. Joice Warner, wife of, 2908. ***** Thos., co. York, 2152. petitions of, 2151, 2152. *****) Mary, wife of, 2151, 2152 (2). Wm., co. Durham ?, petitions of, 2253, 2254. petition of, 2591. Henry, father of, 2592. Wm., co. Lincoln, 880, 2224. petitions of, 2224 (2). wife and children of, 880. Wm., Ellenthorpe, co. York, 2086. Wm., Oldstead, co. York, 1675. Major Wm., Warwickshire Commis- sioner, 172, 472, 744. 70358. Thornton-cont. ... Capt., Devon, 476, 479. Col., co. York, 1598. Thorogood, see Thorowgood. Thorold, Sir Ant., 2416. ... .... ... •• ..... • ... ., ... …………………*** petition of, 3018. Wm., Coxwold, co. Lincoln, 1089. Sir Wm., 799, 1331, 1388, 1613. Mr., co. Lincoln, 2545. Thorowgood, or Thorogood, Sir John, 2166, ... "> P ·· ****** Mary, Lady. Chris., petition of, 2993. Edm., 1819, 2433 (2). Wm., his son, 1819. Eubulus, petition of, 3287. George and Joseph, 1311. John, 2221. ·9 > ***** ****** signature of, 623. Sir Rob., 889, 1050, 1458 (2), 1956, 1957, 2146, 2147, 2156. petitions of, 888 (2), 889 (5), > ****** wife and children of, 2424. Thorpe, Francis, Baron of the Exchequer, 53, 227, 380, 615, 929, 1005, 2653. > .... 1465. Thos., sen. and jun., 2432. Wm., Berks ?, 1937. 3135. ני ****** Eliz., wife of, 1005. son-in-law of, Wm. Wise, 615. Gabriel, Lincolnshire agent, 324. George, 1328, Hen., 1584. ..., John, petition of, 2143. Launcelot, 1976. ... *** Wm. ?, 1489. wife of, petition of, 1976. Capt. Phil., Lincolnshire agent, 189, 324. 666, 667, 675, 676 (2), 690, 691, 1530. depositions, &c., by, 667, 669, petitions of, 666, 669, 708. ****** Col. Rob., 1524, 1625 (2), 1714, 1715, 1735, 1737, 2230, 2422, 2584, 2623, 2658. 692. daughter of, see Widdrington, ……………… *** ****** Roger, 78. Thory, Thos., 1853. .. > ……………. Jane. petition of, 2424. complaint of, 1524. petitions of, 1584 (2). Threele, Thos., 3175. Threlfall, Cuthbert, 3094. ****** Jane, widow of, see Ridgley, Bridget, daughter of, 1853. father of, 3094. Julian, mother of, 3094 (3). Marg., 3202. Thos., Clifton, co. Lancaster, 3202. C C 3578 GENERAL INDEX. Threlfall, Thos.-cont. .. ·· ... .. **** Wm., 2152. Throckmorton, Sir Baynham, Bart., 86, · Marg., wife of, 3202. Thos., son of, 3202. *** Thos., Whittingham, co. Lancaster, 3182. } > > 1149. Clem., 240, 2057, 3120 (2). Sir Nich., 1149, 1150. 9 • • • ******* Thropp, John, 100. ****** ………………*) Thurland, Edw., Surrey, 252, 2171. Raphael, 3257. Rob., 3258. Sir Rob., 68, 420, 2710. Francis, son of, 2710. ·· ... ,, Thurle, Mr., Sussex, 181. Eliz., wife of, 3182. Thurloe, John, secretary to Cromwell and the Council of State, 465, 603 (2), 658,734 (2), 735, 1168, 1549. Thos., Alderman of Chester, 1410. **** letter of, 734. letter to, 1659. petition of, 393. Thurman, Hen., petition of, 1622. ... …………. Wm., sen. and jun., 1298. • •, petitions of, 1149 (2). Thursby, Chris., 2118. • Thurscross, Toby, 1122, 2036. ·· ...... "" ……………… petition of, 2544. ..... Thurston, Alex., 399. petition of, 2422. ……………….., Edw., 3259. Thwaites, John, J.P., Westmoreland, certifi- cate by, 247. ……………. John, co. York, 113, 2994. Thos., 547, 2995. Wm., petition of, 2995. Thweng, George, and Ann, his wife, 1094. Thynne, Hen., Wilts, 1560, 3284. father of, 3284. ..... Toby, jun., his son, 2036. Tim., jun., 1907. .. ....... John, M.P., 1790, 2884, 2885. petition of, 2885. *** ***** Sir Thos., 912. Katherine, wife of, 912-914. Sir Hen. Fred., Bart., his son, 85, 86, 227, 415, 522, 556, 585, 591, 910, 3263. Lady Mary, wife of, peti- " Sir James, his younger son, 48, 86, 94, 797, 910-914. .. ... tion of, 910. > ******* ******* sisters of, 913. Tibalds, John, 3040 (2). Tibbs, Wm., letter of, 738. Tice, John, 460. Ticehurst, John, 2088, Tichbourne, or Titchbourne, Sir Ben., 105, 2295 ?, 2296, 2709, 2943 (2). Fras., 2531. ... · "S John, officer of the Committee for Advance of Money, 371. John, Hants, 3198. John, Surrey, 1497. Kath., 485, 493. Michael, 2496. •> ……………… > .. wife of, 2496. Sir Rich., Bart., 105 (3), 2531. Susan, wife of, 2531. ******* Sir Hen., Bart., his son, 818, 2295 ?, 2531. Sir Walter, his brother, 2531. Col. Rob., M.P., Alderman of London, 2007(2), 2147(2), 2148(2), 2162,3155. letter of, 2783. ****** Tickell, Rich., 202. Tickner, Thos., Excise officer, 660. Tidcomb, Mich., 989. "" wife and children of, 989. Tidmarsh, John, 2118. Tilden, John, 2054. *** ... ……. Tildsley, Tildesley, or Tyldesley. Sir Charles, 1943. > ·· Janet, widow of, petitions of, 2054 (3). "S ་ Cuth., 3205. petition of, 2147. petitions of, 2957 (2). ......, Marg., wife of, petitions of, 2957 (2). **** John, petition of, 2126. Sir Thos., 21, 521, 2568, 3243. ... …………… Eliz. Tilecote, Jonathan, 368. Tilliers, Coi., Suffolk, 2862. Tilly, or Tilley, Eliz., 1934. Rob., 271, 282, 1934. wife of, 2568. Edw., son of, 2568. Rob., jun., 1934. Tilman, Whetenhall, or Sam., petitions of, 872 (2). ..> ………………. petition of, 3243, other son of, 2568. Edw., father of, 2568. Eliz., wife of, see Westby, Tilson, Rob., 108, 535, 596, 3025. Marg., wife of, 2634. **3. Tilt, John, petition of, 2146. Timperley, Nich., 116, 2885. ........., Thos., Colkirk, Norfolk, 2134, 3169. Sir Thos., Suffolk, 395, 2133. Michael, his son, 2133. Joan, widow of, petition of, 2134. ………………………. ……………… ……………., Thos., son of, 2133, 2134. Nich., his brother, 2134 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 3579 Timperley, Sir Thos.-cont. 2133. Tindall, or Tyndall, Deane, 2532. ……………….., Fras., co. York, 1508. "} .. Wm., 2036. Mr., chaplain to Lord Howard, 1246. Tipper, Rob., 86, 87. > Tipping, Jane, 3182. .... Thos., petition of, 1663. ………… > Tipton, Thos., under-clerk to the Committee for Compounding, 545. …………▼ Tirrell, see Tyrrell. Tirwhit, or Tirwhitt, Sir Edw., 861. Sir Phil., Bart., 796, 954. ……………… " > ·· **** · *** Nich., his brother, petition of, ******* Thos., Salop, 2754. • Hen., his son, 1508 (2). Rob., co. Lincoln, 1348. Rob., London, 1577. Wm., co. Notts, 535, 1569 (2), 1854, 3287. > Eliz., widow of, 545, ****** ………………, ………………, Rob., son of, 1855 (2). Tisford, Mr., co. Cambridge, 754, 756. Tison, Col. Edw., Bristol Commissioner?, 524. Titchborne, see Tichborne. Titus, Capt. Silas, 455. , Tobacco, farmers of Excise of, 656, 660. Tocketts, Wm., 3075. ... ****** ******* Kath., widow of, 1854 (2). Fras., son of, 1854, 1855. Todd, John, 336, 371. …………………… ……………., son of, 336. Nich., 1763. Tokeley, Rous, 1793. Tokin, Thos., 1840 (3). , ………… >> Toking, Edw., 989. ***** signature of, 623. ***** Roger, son of, 3215. petitions of, 1854 (2). ……………) ………………. Toldervey, Mr., 604 (2), 607. Tolhurst, Major Jeremiah, Governor of Car- lisle, 492, 724, 1170 (2). ………………………. ………………, deposition of, 1806. ** petitions of, 1169, 1170, 1805. Tolkarne, Tolkins, or Tollakerne. John, 95, 1348. Eliz., widow of, 1348. Toll, Hen., 2980. petitions of, 75, 1839. Thos., Cumberland, 988, 989. petitions of, 988 (4). petitions of, 3075 (2). wife of, 3075. Thos., M.P., 14, 1475 (2), 1476 (3). ***** J ...... ……………… ……, ……………., Thos., son of, 1476. Tollemache, Sir Lionel, Bart., 2553, 2554 (2). petition of, 2553. ***** ..., ………………………, ………………、 Eliz., wife of, 2553, 2554 (2). petition of, 2553. Tolnson, George, and Lettice, his wife, 3129. petitions of, 3129 (3). Tomkins, or Tompkins, Edw., 68. Jer., 172. • ………….., Peregrine, 1378. wife of, 1378. *****} Thos., King's chaplain, co. Worcester, 2132. · ………… "} "" ··· • …………………, ………………, signature of, 623 ?. Mr., plot of, 893 (2), 1687. Tomlins, Baron, Middlesex steward, 234, 580 (2). Col., M.P., 930. Tomlinson, or Thomlinson, Dorothy, 2788. Henry, co. Lancaster, 1389. John, co. Chester, 122. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3158. Rich., Dalton, co. Lancaster, petitions of, 1903, 1904. Rich., Thornley, co. Lancaster, 2428. petition of, 2428. ... > Thos., 1419. Capt. Wm., Derbyshire Commissioner, 746, 764, 774. j **** ... "" → Nə *** Tomlyn, George and Stephen, 459. Tomson, or Tompson, see Thompson. Toney, Thos., 87. Tonge, Tong, or Toung. Edw., 424. ·J > **** .... ** George, letter of, 942. George, co. Durham, 998, 3161–3164. George, John, and Eliz., chil- ****** dren of, petition of, 998. ... ... • 40 ... > Sir Thos., M.P., 39 (2), 94, 1035. Nath., his son, 237, 2132. j signature of, 623. Col., 1623. letter of, 757. ... ... petitions of, 998 (4). George, co. Leicester, 111, 2939. wife and children of, 2939. …………….) James, sen. and jun., 458. John, 2038. Sir George, father of, 998 (6). Eliz., mother of, 998. ******* ..... petition of, 2205. Rob., 108. Thos., 458. Wm., co. Lincoln, 1087. Wm., sen. and jun., co. Notts, 108. Tonks, see Tunks. Tonstall, or Tunstall, John, 108. Marmaduke, 1700. > .... Wm., his son, 1701. Rob., 108. Wu., Hutton, co. York, 3194. Tooke, Edw., 1625, 1626, 1737, 1817 (2), 2642, 3146. petition of, 1626. CC 2 3580 GENERAL INDEX. : Tooker, Hen., 623, 2221. ………………………, Stephen, see Tucker, Stephen. Wm., Wilts, 3052. ***** Tookey, Clement, 110. د. father of, 877. , Tooley, Magdalen, see Magdalen, Hastings, Tooly, John, 1882. Toomes, Wm., 2530. 2349. Mary, see Bowen, Charles, Mary, widow of. ***** " ******* Toone, Wm., 723. Job, 877, 878 (2). > …………….9 ******* Toope, Fras., 77, 3111. Rich., 1666. Tootell, John, 3085. …………………… ………………, Clares, wife of, 3085. 9 • .. *..... ', ………. children of, petition of, 3085. Tootle, Hugh, 3103. Toottill, Jennet, 3187. Topham, Fras., 197, 1856 (2). information by, 2530. petition of, 2465. .. .... petition of, 2958. .... Topp, Edw., 977. ·· .... Toppin, Matt., 1049. Topping, Mary, 3034. Wm., 3175, Torcoott, Grace, 3261. Torksey, Rob., 2566. Tory, Capt. Steph., 1437. *** Wm., Edw., Bridget, and Eliz., ……………*) Matt., 1037. Simon, 3202. ………………. petitions of, 940, 1436, 1437 (2). Tostock, Hen., 1288 (2). petition of, 1288. Mary, wife of, petition of, 1288. Tothill, John, 1886. Col., 186, 814 (2). Touchet, James, 3rd Earl of Castlehaven, 102, 139, 2859. ... Mary, widow of, 1856 (2). Edw., son of, 113, 1856. > John, brother of, 977. Elizabeth, his wife, 2859. ****** Anne, Countess Dowager of Castle- haven [widow of Grey Bruges, Lord Bruges], 846. Touchett, Mervin, 1976. Toulnson, George, petition of, 1903. Toulson, Jeffry, 3257. Toung, see Tong. Tounson, John, B.D., 1588. Tourneur, Tim., see Turner. Tourney, or Turney, Edw., 1320. Hen., co. Bedford, 1136 (2). Capt. Hum., 891. John, Kent, 460. John, London, petition of, 3087. Tourney-cont. Wm., 14. petition of, 1366. ***** Tovey, Nath., co. Leicester, 108, 2036. ** …………. • Towers, James, Broughton, co. Lancaster, 2506. James, Burnemoore, co. Lancaster, 3258, .. •• "" ·· Nath., co. Warwick ?, petition of, 1204. + "" Townley, Ambrose, 3220. .. Dr. Thos., or John, Bishop of Peter- borough, 88, 3243. ... · Jephson, petition of, 2069. John, 100. Nich., 3119. Thos., 101. • Anne. Charles, co. Lancaster, 2222, 3220, 3297. ? .... ? ? ·· ** Chris., brother of, 2222. …… ………………, ……………., Alice, wife of, petition of, 2224. > *** ** *.**.* Chris., 3256. Chris., co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2480, 2481. > • "} > ***** Townsend, or Townshend, George, 2458. Giles, 2457. ………………………, ………………, Anne, widow of, 2458. Eliz., widow of, 3220. Anne, daughter of, see Skirrow, ****** • .. .. Mary, wife of, 2223 (2), 3298. petition of, 2224. > Rich., son of, 2222, 3297. children of, 2224. John, 2075. Lawrence, 1411. Nicholas, certificate by, 490. Rich., co. Lancaster, 3174. Rich., brother of, 2222, 2224. ·· ………………. Dorothy. petition of, 2074. Henry, 94, 1450. Rob., see Agberowe, Rob. Roger, 2162. Thos., 2886, 3157. ....5 ****** petitions of, 2457, 2458. daughter of, see Bedingfield, 3157, 3158. Warren, 3237. nephew of, see Cressett, Rich. Townson, Rob., Cansfield, co. Lancaster, Thos., sen., father of, 3158. Roger, brother of, petitions of, 2112. Rob., Cockerham, co. Lancaster, 2099. Towse, Tristram, 1087. wife and children of, 1087. ******* Towvey, Rob., 2099. Tracy, Sir Hum., Bart., 28, 29, 38, 86, 132, 952, 1050, 2884, 2885. GENERAL INDEX. 3581 Tracy, Sir Hum.-cont. *** .... ... · 0 ·· Trafford, Sir Edm., 2865. ·· " ****** 1675. Sir John, 65, 803, 1675, 1676, 2339, 2340. Trappes, Sir Fras., 2976. ง • * A " *** "" ·· *** "" ... Sir Cecil, his son, 122, 2865. Capt. Thos., 100, 492, 507, 2914. Mary, wife of, 100, 507. ………………. petitions of, 2914 (3). sisters of, 100. "" petition of, 2976. *** ………………y ******3 Clare, Lucy, Ursula, and Marg., daughters of, petition of, 2976. •, Eliz., daughter of, see Skip- with, Eliz. Joyce, daughter of, see Gardi- ner, Joyce. John, petition of, 2976. Tratman, Nich., see Trotman. petitions of, 2884, 2885. wife of, 953 (2). Sir Rich., father of, 1050. mother of, 953. brother of, 952. Travers, John, petition of, 3236. ******} petition of, 2340. Sir Rob., his son, 65, 85, 803, ******J ……………………, ………………, Dorothy, wife of, 1109 (2). ……………………………………., Peter, son of, 1109 (2). petition of, 1109. *****) other son of, 1109 (2). Peter, Windle, co. Lancaster, 3236. Jane, wife of, 3236. James and John, sons of, 3236. Rob., son and heir of, 2976. Fras., son of, 2976. Peter, sen., Skelmersdale, co. Lan- caster, 1109. ……………… Rich., petition of, 3127. ……………… Traves, Rich., London, 1179, 3268, wife of, 3268. Traylman, John, petition of, 2187. Treason against the King, see Charles I., trea- Grace, wife of, 3127. son against. against Parliament, see Delinquents. > lands forfeit for, see Delinquents, lands of, sale of. misprision of, 2750. ..., persons executed for, 2409. Trustees, see Delinquents, sale of lands of, Trustees for. Treasurers, or Treasuries, see Goldsmiths' Hall, Guildhall, Haberdashers' Hall, and War, Treasurers at; also Com- mittee for Advance of Money, and Committee for Compounding, Trea- surers of. Treasuries, Committee for Inspecting and regulating officers of, and their salaries, 628, 647, 662, 711, 724, 727, 741, 743, 824, 3149. ……………. *** ……………. ………… ♦ « .... ·· .. certificate by, 662. letters of, 663, 730. letters to, 627, 637. orders of, 439, 627, 656, 660, 662, 668, 693, 714, 731, 733, 776, 777, 3147 (2), 3169. ****** ………………. alluded to, 641, 647 (2), 648, 661, 662, 714, 716, 725, 731-735, 737, 740, 742, 824. .... the late, alluded to, 666. Treasury Chamber, the, see Westminster. ***** 689. • ***** 776, 777. **** petitions to, 2040, 3085. alluded to, 2266, 2518. references to, 1170 (2), 1823, 1824, 2094, 2199, 2663, 3136, 3184, 3232 (2), ………………………. ………………, reports of, 2357, 3184. alluded to, 1170, 1198, 1225, 1549, 2199, 2663. …………….9 ......, reports to, alluded to, 1560, 3232. Commissioners, 947, 1031, 1106, 1153 (2), 1272, 2194, 2397, 2467, 2806 (2). orders by, 1428, 1645, 2066, 2449, 2518, 2995, 3166-3168, 3232. *** order to, 662. secretary of, Thos. Smithsby, treasurer of, Sir John Dethick, ……………… orders to, 1170, 1648, 1801, 2266, 2449, 2466, 2693. .... ***** ******* ***** ………………} requests by, 1806. ........., money sent or to be sent to, 1153, 1242. …………, report on, 159. Trebarfoot, Nich., 2903. Tredinham, John, petition of, 1381. Tredway, John, 2820. Sir Rob., 1355, ......, Ant., his son, 1355, .... payments from, passim. Trefry, John, 117, 3051. Trefusis, John, 964. RA Treglone, Rich., sen. and jun., 2866. Tregonell, or Tregonwell, John, sen., Dorset, 50, 118, 1063, 2717, 2718. wife of, 2717, 2718. John, jun., his son, 2717. Thos., 993. te ***** Trelawney, Edw., 117, 398, 2036. Jonathan, his son, 2036. Fras., 2986. Sir John, Bart., 117, 336, 1508. petition of, 3156. ***** .... ……………., Douglas, his wife, petition of, 3156. 3582 GENERAL INDEX. Trelawney, Sir John-cont. ·· ***** "" Tremaine, or Tremayne, Capt. Degory, 117, 1757. ………………………. ………………, family of, 336, 1757. Edm., 152, 367, 1907. . Roger, 2722. ..... Trembell, Barn., London, 1737. Trenchard, John, M.P., 1, 16, 19, 28, 158, 159, 163 (2), 165, 175, 1253 (2), 1254, 1314, 1456, 1586 (3), 1646, 2183 (2), 2304. letter of, 1586. Sir Thomas, his brother, 1314 ******* . .. ..... (3). • Trenhale, George, jun., 2866. Trenicke, John, 153. .... Lady Penelope, see Harvey, Lady Penelope. *** 3037. +9 ... Rich., sen., 3036. ****** Jonathan, son of, 117 ?, 1508. wife of, 1509. ****** Eliz., his sister, 1508 (2). ***** Trentham, Sir Chris., 1817. Winifred, widow of, 1817 (2). …………, petition of, 1817. ……………………… ……………., Mary and Winifred, daughters of, 1817. > ……………………** …………………) Tresaker, John, 2977. Trescott, Zachary, 1715, 3291 (2). Tresham, Sir Thos., 1288. Grace, see Astley, Grace. Mrs., 2887. Sir Wm., Bart., 88, 2624 (2). Lady Frances, his widow, 88, 584, 613, 2624 (2), 3049. second husband of, see ……………… Gage, George. Tresilian, or Tresillian, James, 2433. Nich. and Pascoe, 398, 2577. Thos., 2866. Rich., son of, petitions of, 3036, wife of, 3036. ...... ……………, sons of, 2866. Tresse, or Tress, Thos., 535, 547, 1419. ………………………, ……………., Hugh, his son, 1419. Tretheway, John, London, 2304, 2305 (3), 2698, 3062, 3066. **** Trethewy, Ant., 2662. John, Cornwall, 117, 2712. Trethway, Mr., Westminster, 94. Tretwell, Devon, 401. Trevanion, or Trevanyon, Anne, petition of, 2239. ………... 2239. Charles, Devon, 504. Sir Charles, 117, 153, 1258, 3272. John, Cornwall, 2239. *** Charles, son of, petition of, John, son of, 2239. Trevellyan, or Trevillian, Arthur, 152, 1333. Col, George, Nettlecombe, Somerset, 83, 117, 1077, 1778, 2104. …………………… ………………, Margaret, wife of, 1077. children of, 1077. ****** ………………….., John, Cornwall, 117, 671, 716, 3059. ……………………., John, Kingsbury, Somerset, 1588. ……………………., Johu, Knowle, Somerset, 3193. ……………………., Peter, 117. Rob., Somerset, 1589. Thos., 95. .. Trevethen, Nich., 2552. Trevillian, see Trevellyan. Trevis, John, 107. Trevisa, Wm., 117, 1661. Trevor, Art., 1589. > .... ..... Sir John, 164, 248, 925, 943, 1116, 1843, 2233, 2260-2262. Trew, Thos., 3245. Trice, Rich., daughter of, Marg., Bellamy, 2900. ... · .... Trickett, Anne, 90, 2815. Trim, or Trym, Allen, 118. Valentine, 3305. " ****** Walter, Hants, petitions of, 2697 (4), 2698. Rebecca Webb, wife of, 986, ... > ………………………. ………………. ……………., petitions of, 2697, 2698. Trimlett, Edw., 1065, ..... Walter, Dorset, petitions of, 2733 (2). ·· • 2697. Trimmell, Wm., 111. Trinder, Charles, 2589. Tripp, or Tripe, John, 1320. "" DIOR letters of, 592, 632. petition of, 2268. Nich., Devonshire Commissioner, 442, 464, 476, 522, 536, 543, 590, 591, 593, 606, 608-610, 612 (2), 723. letters, &c., of, 609, 2767. ……………., ……………………… ………………, petition of, 605. .... Thos, 1739. Tritton, Rob., petition of, 2391. Trobridge, John, Somerset, 1328. ………………, Mr., Devon, 518. Trollop, or Trollope, John, co. Durham, 617, 2710. . • ***} Sir Thos., Bart., petition of, 940. Trosse, Nich., 2968. Trotman, or Tratman, Nich., Surrey agent, 174, 293. Sam., 2843. ..... ..." ………………, petitions of, 2842, 2843. Trott, John, Hants, 3219. ………………………, John, jun., London, 1087. ………………, petitions of, 1086 (2). father of, petitions of, 1086, ... *** 1087. Trotter, George, 2651. ……………………… ………………, Mary, widow of, petition of, 2651. GENERAL INDEX. 3583 Trotter-cont. …………………., Wm., Dover, 5 (2). petition of, 5. ***** Trottle, John., 163. Troughton, James, 2586. Miles, 520. Trout, Arthur, 2413. ... Thos., his brother, 1691 ?, 2413. ****** Troutbeck, Dr. John, surgeon-general, 2242. petitions of, 2229 (2), 2230, 2242 (4), 2243 (2). Troute, John, 3037. Trovell, Peter, 94. Trowe, Thos., 1691, 2413?. Trowte, John, 1422. .. ******* ……………., Marg., wife of, 254, 1422. children of, 1422. Trubshaw, Ralph, petition of, 3195. Trueman, John, 3272. Eliz., wife of, petition of, 3272. Capt. Wm., 3043. Trym, see Trim. Tuck, justice, co. Herts, 855. Tucker, Capt. And., 764. John, 102, 1497. Rob., 105, 1095. + · ………………., Wm., Kent, 459. ………. Rich., petitions of, 2299, 3008. Thos., Dover, 49. ·· # * .... > Tudman, Capt. Hum., 2367 (2), 2368. petitions of, 2368 (3). vicar of Sandbach, co. Chester, 122. Tudor, Thos., 2225. •, children of, 1095. ………………. or Tooker, Steph., 2506. ·· …………. •) signature of, 623. Tufton, John, 2nd Earl of Thanet, 9, 12, 13 (2), 127, 457, 839, 2459 (2), 3278, 3279. Wm., Somerset, 2577. Dr., 95. petition of, 1473. Tufton, Sir Hum., 2766. petition of, 2282. ..... Sir Wm., Bart., petition of, 2282. Tulidah, Major Alex., 1795 (2). petitions of, 1794, 1795. Tunks, or Tonks, Marg., 1895 (2). petitions of, 1895 (2). husband of, 1895. > ………. • ******* ·· ****** Tunstall, see Tonstall. Tunstead, Rich., 109. Turberville, Ant., 2674, 3239. petition of, 2312. Chris., father of, 2674. Rich., 1892-1896. ****** ******* **** petitions of, 1892–1894. Jane, Cath., and Marg., sisters of, petitions of, 2674 (2). ……………………., Daubney, 2524. Turberville-cont. Thos., 3194, 3239. Mr., Westminster, 94. Turbutt, Rich., petition of, 2902. Turgis, Thos., sen., 2383. petition of, 2383. Turner, And., 1642. Ant., 604. Edm., 2089. Edw., London, 1838. ........., Edw., Westmoreland, 510, 521. Fras., 3225. D • John, Bucks, 68, 1584. John, Devon, 97, 1399? (2). ........., John, Dorset, 118, 3213. John, co. Lancaster, 3141. …………. **" .. .., George, 1912 (2). U ** • ...) >> Nich., co. Lancaster, 2074 (2). ……………………… ………………, petitions of, 2074 (3). (2). Percival, 457. Phil., 1540. Rich., 799, 807. Rich., Cornwall, 3259. Rich., Dorset, 1999. Rich., Sussex, 922. ** ... John, London, petitions of, 3045 (2). John and Thos., Surrey, 592, 699, 2870. ·· family of, 2870. ******* Dr. John, prebend of St. Paul's, 2863. "} .... A ... , *** Thos., D.D., Bucks, 2877. ........., Thos., Kent, 3036, 3286. Rob., Bucks?, 191. Rob., co. Cambridge, 2372. Rob., Devon, 1312. Rob., Kent, 458. Rob., co. Lancaster, 1952. Rob., Norfolk, 2702. Dr. Sam., 1572. Thos., M.D., physician to the Spanish Ambassador, 2383. "> > ... daughter of, see Wigmore, Frances Benedicta. A > ………………………, ………………, petition of, 1006. son of, 1461. Rich., his son, petitions of, 2074 3286. Thos., co. Monmouth, 1850, 3139, 3140 (2). ... petitions of, 2270, 3139. Thos., co. York, petition of, 2207. or Tourneur, Tim., 54, 801, 1461. > ……….. ·· ******* Alice, widow of, 1783, 3036, Wm., 2534. Wm., Essex, 2360. Mr., Hertfordshire treasurer, 262. ......, Mrs., Essex, 640. Turney, see Tourney. 3584 GENERAL INDEX. Turpin, Hen., Devon, 1260 (2). Rich., 111, 1515. Capt. Rob., 25, 51. ... Turr, Gregory, 1691. Turrett, Rob., 110. · ……………*} Thomasine, Tabitha, and Han- nah, daughters of, 25, 51. Turton, Col. Rich., 663, 666. Turvile, George, Aston Flamville, co. Lei- cester, 110, 2433. Wm., Middlesex Commissioner, 171, 637, 673, 680, 693. Hen., son of, 110, 2756. ****** Hen., Norborough, co. Leicester, 110. Wm., 2756. ******* Turvill, Poole, 3151. Tusker, Rob., 797. Tustian, Martin, sen., 3030. Tutchin, Ant., 738 (2). ****** Marg., widow of, 738 (2). Sarah, daughter of, 738. Tuthill, Fras., Somersetshire auditor, 289, 298 (2), 322, 363, 614. Tutt, Rob., 79. Thos., 78. Tweedy, Roger, Navy Commissioner, 129. Twiford, or Twyford, Edw., 407 (3). Rich., 122, 1747. ……………………., Rob., 1950. Twigg, Rich., 2939. " ·· ………………. petition of, 2939. Twing, George, co. York, 2843. Twisden, Sir Roger, Bart., 102, 864, 2062. wife of, 865. Twisleton, George, 1628. Twiss, or Twisse, Rich., petitions of, 2598 (2). ** ... » Kath., wife of, petition of, 2598. Dr., 883. **** children of, petition of, 883. .... ……….. Twistleton, Col. or Lieut.-Col. George, Gov- ernor of Denbigh, North Wales Com- missioner, 131, 173, 696, 697, 704, 717, 1116, 1601, 1628 (3). accounts of, 704. letter of, 686. petition of, 703. ……….... Col. Phil., 1807 (2). ..... " Twitty, Thos., 2621. Twyford, see Twiford. Twyning, John, 2789. wife of, 2790. Tyack, Thos., Cornwall, 433, 669 (2), 2036. Tyas, Dan., 1497. Tyldesley, see Tildesley. Tyle, Rich., 2842. Tyler, Rich., petitions of, 1884, 1885. Tyley, John, 1617. ..... ******* petition of, 1619. Tyllesley, Thos., 2662. Tyndall, see Tindall. Tynte, Hen., 1654. ****** ………………………. ………………, family of, 1654. ……………………., Hugh, 953. ,, John, 1037. .... .. 1037. Tyrer, John, 649, 1258. Tyringham, Sir John, 68, 935 (2), 1009. ………………………, ………………, Wm., his brother, 935. Tyrling, John, 152. Tyrrell, Sir John, 94, 844, 885. Sir Tim., 67, 1563. • father of, 1563. Charles, brother of, 67, 1563. Henry, brother of, 1563. ..... Tysack, Tim., and Eliz., his wife, petition of, 3064. Tyte, Walter, 1800. ... Sir Rob., 1037 (2). **** Ullock, George, 111. Umfreville, John, and Magdalene, his wife, petition of, 3173. Umpton, or Upton, Charles, 2762, 2794. wife of, 2794. brother of, see Celbeck, **ADOS *** Paul. Underhill, And., 3029. *** ..... • , children and grandchildren of, Thos., sen., 2982. Thʊs., jun., his son, 90, 2982. Frances, wife of, 2982. Underwood, James, Derbyshire Commissioner, letter of, 764. Wm., London, 3209. Universities, Committee or trustees for regu- " "> .... ... Sir Hercules, 716, 2844. ......, Wm., his nephew, 2844. Simon, 2844. U • lating, 1055, 1650, 1848. ………………………, persons at, 2924; see also Oxford and Cambridge. Unsworth, Edw., 3127. James, 3237. Unwin, Onwin, or Onyon, John, 105, 530, 532, 2728. Upper Bench, Lord Chief Justices of, see Heath, Sir Rob.; Rolle, Hen. …….. Upsall, Leonard, 3287. Upton, Abraham, 456. ... Arthur, Devonshire Commissioner, 219, 1685, 1686, 1878. Arthur, Somerset, 3226. Charles, see Umpton, Charles. John, member of the Committee for Compounding, 668. order to, 669. John, Devon, 1685. GENERAL INDEX. 3585 Upton-cont. ·· Urania, Silversmith, 2468. Uring, Rich., petitions of, 3297 (3). Urmston, Gilbert, petitions of, 2629 (2). ………………………, Rich., jun., 2628, ... Mary, daughter of, petitions of, 2628,2630. other daughters of 2629 (4). petitions of, 2628 (4), John, brother of, 2629, 2630, petitions of, 2629 (2). Peter, son of, 3185. John, Kent, 459, 2577. Mark, and Dorothy, his widow, 2925. Roger, 78. ****** 2629. > .. ………. 3185. ……………………1) ... """ …………………. · .... Urrey, Major Alex., petition of, 2620. Uryell, Rich., petition of, 3184. Usher, Dr. James, archbishop of Armagh, 75, 91. Utberd, Rich., 1415. Uthwat, Rob., 2690. Uvedale, Edm., 1134. *** " Uvett, Phil., 2790. Rich., 2036. Edw., 1592. Rich., 1134. ***** Sir Wm., 1134 (2). Vacy, John, 117, 1966. Vadcoe, Mary, 113. Vade, John, 86. Valentine, Ben., M.P., 805. Hen., 96. John, 2725. Valiant, Jos., 2210. Vallance, Rob., Norfolk, 115. Vallence, Mr., Suffolk, 96. Vane, Charles, 2952. Valley, Rob., 458. Valois, Charles, 2188-2191. Vance, Ralph, 3187. Vandeput, Giles, petition of, 1830. ..... 4 ***** V letter of, 2952. petition of, 2952. Sir Hen., sen., 452, 464, 465 (2), 476, (2), 513, 615, 803, 892?, 1443, 2524, 2525. ******* " ****** letters of, 28, 279. letter to, 465. • > ****** Sir Hen., jun., Navy treasurer, 1, 2, 4, 49, 129 (3), 181, 535, 750, 755, 760, 778, 780, 781, 797, 1124, 1503 (2), 1504 (2). letter of, 464. letters to, 5, 690, 1432. Vane, Sir Hen., jun.-cont. *..... signature of, 48, 181. Van Haesdonck, John, 3036. Vanlas, Mr., 7. Vanley, And., petition of, 1203. ........., Valentine, 1936. Van Lore, Kath., petition of, 1645. Vanner, Mr., Kent, 2703. Vanpaine, Paul, 3258. Varney, Madam, 94. ***** Mr., prisoner in the Gatehouse, 362. Vaudrey, see Vawdrey. Vaughan, Rich., Earl of Carberry, 861, 1825 (2), 1826. ... > Vaughan, Baynham, 443, 556, 2360, 3239. ………………………, ………………, Eliz., wife of, 653, 655, 2360. John, son of, 2360, 2536. Joan, mother of, 2361. Eliz., sister of, 2361 (2). ** ·· • د. •.*** ****** Charles, royalist, 1816. Charles, Devonshire treasurer, 219, 397. **) URUR.. •► letter of, 220. Charles, London, petitions of, 2880 (2). David, 1825, 1825. Edw., M.P., co. Montgomery, 328, 341, 1626, 1861. > ·· +3 Edw., North Wales Commissioner, 218, 290, 562, 707, 747, 751. Sir Edw., 1824. …………… ****** 3167. ****** George, 2540, 3167. Sir George, 47, 77, 118, 571, 796, 799, 995, 2036, 2135. ... ****** 1825. **** ******) George, co. Monmouth, 2778. George, London, 166. ******* Hen., Salop, 205. Sir Hen., co. Carmarthen, 861, 1825 (3), 2662. , ..... ... Hen., or Roger, co. Hereford, 2024. Frances, widow of, 2024. Sir Henry, co. York, 2638. Herbert, co. Montgomery, North Wales, 328, 341, 1626. Sir Rob., father of, 1627. ****** Anne, wife of, 2540, 3155, Palmer, Kath. M.P. ·· •• Hen., his son, co. Carmarthen, Herbert, Salop ?, 1024. Capt. Herbert, 1589. Howell, 1628. Hugh, 99. James, co. Monmouth, petitions of, 2778,2779. John, Llanelly, co. Carmarthen, 415, 443, 1827. Kath., widow of, see uncle of, see Vaughan, Edw., * 3556 GENERAL INDEX. Vaughan-cont. ***** • *44 .) ……. .... John, co. Denbigh, 1550, 2046. *** John, cos. Gloucester and Hereford, 87, 2536, 3182, 3239. Roger and Thos., brothers of ?, ·· • · John, Place Gwyn, co. Carmarthen, 1824. ... 87. John, Kent, 861. > " ? Lewis, 1628. .., Magdalen and Kath., 1073. F'hilip, 1825. Rice, or Rees, registrar to the Seques- tration Commissioners and Barons of Exchequer, 257, 519, 525, 527, 530, 602, 854, 1627 (2), 1628 (2), 1861, 2177 (2), 2179, 2306, 2353, 2369, 2413, 2821, 2908, 3209, 3303. "" **** daughter of, 861. John, co. Montgomery, petition of, 2423. " letter of, 1628. letter to, 417. ****** orders to, 605, 854, 905, 1870, 2029, 2178, 2322, 2376, 2429, 2444, 2570, 2633, 2657, 2946, 3214, 3269. Rich., late bishop of Chester, 2427. Rich., Middlesex, petition of, 2197. Rich., co. Monmouth, 3187. Rob., 3058. **** > 4.9 .... ........., Thos., Flint, 1635. Anne, wife of, 2645. • ↑ .. Rob., North Wales, 1628. Roger, 1224. Anne, wife of, 1224. Sage, petition of, 2443. ***** Thos., Wilts ?, 1457. Wm., co. Northampton, petition of, 1849. Sir Wm., 2880, ******* Mr., clerk, co. Northampton, 98. Vautlett, Madam, 94. Vaux, Edw., Lord Vaux of Harrowden, 88, 554, 566, 570, 586, 698, 2011. ·· John, father of, 1635. • 4 ... Eliz., Countess of Banbury, his wife, 518, 566, 2011. petition of, 2012. Vaux, Charles, Suffolk, 3211. George, 1624, 1626, 2192. George, Bucks, 66, 2880, Hen., 3194. Ralph, 1735. Mrs., 2398. ******* Vavasour, Sir Charles, 1242, 1879. George, 3012. Rob., Peter, Ann, Marg., and Kath., children of, 3012. ******g John, 2898. ……………………., Thos., Cornwall, 1929. Wm., brother of, 3012. Vavasour-cont. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2012. Sir Walter, Bart., 2228. Lady, mother of, 2230. ******* John and Peter, brothers of, 2229 (3), 2230 (2). Wm., brother of, 2230 (2). Fras., uncle of, 2229. ...... ………………, ……………., Hen., uncle of, 2229. [.. • • • • .... • 3 4 ... Vawdry, Rich., 107, 2548. ·· ... Eleanor, wife of, 2549. …………… …….………., Henry, brother of, petitions of, 2548 (4), 2549. ... petitions of, 2547 (2). ... ………………………, ………………, Alice, wife of, 2546, 2547 (2). son of, 2547. ..) ··· J ......, Thos., son of, 1037, 3200, 3201 (2). ***** Wm., 2898 (2). Wm., Weston, co. York, 1037. *** Vawle, Hum., petition of, 2085. Vaws, Mr., Westminster, 94. Veale, Edw.. co. Lancaster, 1109. daughter of, 1009. ........., Mary, 3248. ****** ……….. • ……………., Wm., son of, 1037. Sir Wm., 944. " ..... ****** ……………………… or Veal, Col. Thomas, co. Gloucester, 85, 865, 909, 2079, 3248. ******* 3248. Wm., 2546, 2547. Susan, wife of, 2229. 3248. ……………………… Veasie, Mr., co. Durham, 615. Velley, John, 97. Venables, George, and Margaret, his wife, petition of, 2895. *****• 2895. " " ... ……………… petitions of, 2093 (2). •• > ………………………. ………………, Frances, wife of, 1183, 1480. Peter, Baron of Kinderton, co. Chester, 90, 101, 104, 107, 122; 796, 1183, 1480, 2092 (2), 2094. wife of, 3248. Nicholas, son of, 748, 766, Thos., son of, 748, 764-766, Thos., his son, 3248 (2). ****** Wm., son of, petition of, 2080. Marg. and Mary, daughters of, ……………., Thos., son of, 122, 1183. Col., Governor of Liverpool, 775, 1100. children of, 775. > ******* Mr., co. Derby, 766. Venn, Col. or Major John, 37, 204 (2), 823, 1050. Thos., Somersetshire Commissioner, 321. Venner, Wm., 180. Capt., 140. GENERAL INDEX. 3587 Ventrice, Frances, 2385 (3). ……………., petitions of, 2385, 2386 (2). Ventris, Charles, 554, 2977. Vere, Aubrey de, Earl of Oxford, 2753. ………………………, ………………, Anne, wife of, 2753 (3). Vere, Sidney, 1931. Lady, 805. .... "? Vermuyden, Sir Corn., 1534, 2775 (2), 2776 (2), 3160, 3283. …………………….. ……………., Corn., son of, 2775-2777. petitions of, 2775, 2777. Verney, Sir Ralph, 68, 3243. Thos., 2426. ****** deposition by, 2425. Vernon, Edw., 1373. **** Veynall, Thos.. 1821. Vicaris, John, co. Worcester, deposition by, 652. Vicars, Rob., co. Warwick, 2700. *** • ... ******* • ..... or Bickers, Rob., co. York, 2699. Viccaridge, John, 87. Viccary, John, Somerset, 1828. Vickeris, Capt. Rob., Bristol Commissioner, .. 1037. Sir Edw., George, petitions of, 1875 (2). Hen., co. Chester, 29, 112, 122, 922. wife of, 922 (2). 524. Victor, Rich., 671, 716, 3059. Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham, 511, 2182, 2612. physician to, see Moore, Dr. •• Margery. ... John. *** steward of, 302. Katherine, widow of, Countess of Antrim, 52, 67, 79, 88, 91, 109, 208, 219, 254, 255 (4), 302, 495, 511, 523, 1478, 2182, 2266, 3261. ***) ……….. ... Margery, wife of, see Goodman, > second husband of, see Macdonnell, Randall, Earl of Antrim. ………. George, 2nd Duke of Bucking- ham, his eldest son, 88, 91, 94, 132, 179, 208, 225, 254, 255 (2), 281, 302, 535, 556, 581, 1643, 2182, 2898. …………… ......, estates, &c., of, 132, 191, 208, 302, 333, 366, 411, 428, 430, 453, 465 (2), 493, 495, 496, 523, 608, 705, 766, 2182-2192. • **** woods belonging to, 178, 191, 212, 225, 958, 273, 361, 362, 366, 376, 544 (2), 559, 622. ***** Lord Francis, his second son, 1914 (2), 2182. ......, Mary, Countess of Buckingham, his mother, 1914, 1915. Charles, Earl of Anglesea, 1914 (3). petitions of, 1914 (2). > •> John, 3rd Viscount Grandison, 1609, 1657 ?. ·· Villiers, John, 3rd Viscount Grandison-cont. George, 4th Viscount Grandison, his brother, 92 ?, 617, 1657 ?. …………………., John, Viscount Purbeck, 1076, 1580. Frances, wife of, 857, 1075. Rob., son of, 1075. ·· ***** *** * .. .. ·· ·· #a ་ ……………… ******* Villiers, Edw., petitions of, 2010 (2). Edw., Westminster, 1608. George, 1606. • Sir George, Bart., 111. Thos., 1611. Viucent, Fras., 458. .. **** *** • ...) • ... ... , , ▼ ***** • ****3 Hen., 336, 1926. John, co. Leicester, 111. John, London ?, 163. John, co. Stafford ? petition of, 1606. Rich., 268, 336, 1291. ……………., Margaret, his mother, 1291 (3), 1292. ... ...... > • * Spencer, petition of, 2735. Thos., usher of the Committee for Compounding, 625, 673, 908 (2), 1562. orders to, 22, 26, 33, 40, 42, 243, 302, 631. payment by, 22. > ………………………, payments to, 644, 785, 786. salary of, 170, 311, 363, 439, 644, 770. Thos., Essex?, petition of, 1349. Thos., co. York, 2700. Wm., petition of, 2537. Vine, Chris., usher of the Exchequer, 2448. widow and children of, 2448 (2), 2449 (3). Rich., agent for, petitions of, 2448, 2449 (2). *.* ... ****** ***** petition of, 1639. Eliz., wife of, 1639. ******* ... ... George, petition of, 2449. Vint, Capt. John, 1099, 1100 (2). Vivers, Rob., 3030. Vivian, Hannibal, letter of, 1190. Isaac, signature of, 623. Sir Rich., Bart., 117, 336, 1190. wife of, 1190. sisters of, 1190. Vize, or Vyse, Hum., 90, 633, 1610. Vodka, Alexius, M.D., sen., 3225. Ellen, wife of, 3226 (2). • 3 *** of, 3225. Voice, or Voyce, Luke, Cambridgeshire Com- missioner, 277, 345, 349, 357, 371, 399 (2). petitions of, 366, 399. ……………………., statement by, 399. Vos, Fras., 2937. Alexius, M.D., son of, petition Vosper, John, 2732. Vosse, David, 1711. Wm., clerk for co. Carmarthen, 714. 3588 GENERAL INDEX. Voyce, see Voice. Vyner, Thos., Alderman of London, 1780. Wm., 78. Vynes, Mr., member of the Assembly of Di- vines, 92. Vyse, Hum., see Vize. • > Waddington, John, petitions of, 2563, 2564. Wade, or Waid, Cuthbert, 1666. ****** ... > " > > ****** Wadham, George, 2903. Wadland, Thos., 2418 (2). ***** ·· .. wife of, 2418, 2419. Wadman, George, 1512. Wadsworth, Nich., 2438. ..... Rob., jun., petition of, 3094. Sam., 1848. Savill, 743. Thos., 2727. Wm., 818. Major, 2289. Edw., co. Leicester, 108, 551. Edw., Sussex, 475, 2370. Nich., 459. 2438. , ******* **ng W .... Wadworth, Rich., 3133. Wagge, Jane, 112. Wagonmaster-general, see Richardson, Thos. Wagstaffe, Edw., 2816. ******* ···· Waid, see Wade. Waight, Silvester, 3245. Waighte, Lieut. John, receipt by, 22. Wainwright, Fras., jun., and Robert, co. * U " June, widow of, 2438. Hugh, son of, 2438. Rob., brother of, petition of, Worcester, 2105. James, officer of the Committee for Compounding, 130, 149, 778, 779. ****** petitions of, 2816 (2), 2965 (2). Rich., petition of, 3182. ………………, daughter of, 2738. Thos., co. Chester, 100. Thos., Lathom, co. Lancaster, 2639. Thos., Ormskirk, co. Lancaster, 1107, 2991, 3267. .. ******* James, co. Lancaster, 1117, 2074 (3). ……………., petitions of 1105, 2074. Rob.. co. Lancaster, 2738. ……………, petition of, 1107. Thos., co. York, 1966. Waite, or Wayte, Ambrose, 105. John, Hants, 289. Thos., co. Lancaster?, 2843 (2). Thos. jun., co. York, 2309. children of, 2991, 3267. Waite-cont. • #1 Wake, Lady Eliz., 2170. *** ·· Col. Thos., M.P., 57, 163, 178, 193 (2), 387, 398, 412, 496, 559, 801, 1643, 2033 (6), 2047 (2), 2187(2). Widow, 254. " ……………… Wakefield, John, 1897. • "" Wakelate, Wm., 1786 (2). ..... petitions of, 1786 (4), 1787. Wakely, John, 118. Mrs., 118. "" ANISA . Wakeman, Edw., co. Gloucester, 88, 224, 739, George, 99, 1461. " Sir John, Bart., 98, 539, 1589. wife of, 539, 1590. 2982, 3016 ?. Dua ... "" Wm., 1461. Wm., London, petition of, 3272. Marg., petition of, 2832. husband of, 2832. ·· ·· petition of, 1929. Rob., Devon, 153, 3034. ........, Rob., co. Hereford, 55?, 654, 662, 1714, 2607 (3), 2608 (2). "" Nich., petition of, 2281. Wakering, Dionysius, 2939 (2). Walbief, Charles, South Wales Commissioner, ·· Walborne, John, Berks, 354. Walcot, Edw., petition of, 3013. Hum., 1060. John, 3013. " ******* Rich., London, 2746. ... 578. · 2 petitions of, 1714 (2). Thomasine, 153, 3212. Mr., Suffolk, 96. .. ****) John, father of, 3016 ?. ………………, petition of, 2362. ******* Waldegrave, Sir Edw., 95, 114, 1858. (2). Dr. John, prebendary of Lincoln, 3208. ……………… ******* ******* ******* Nich., 3033, 3187. Walden, Lionel, jun., 2714. Waldron, or Walrond, Edw., 3160. petition of, 3160. Eliz., widow of, 3014. **) George, Devon, 153, 2913. Hum., Devon, 152, 418, 422, 590, 624, 1387, 1643. petition of, 1643. ***** Hum., Somerset, 937. ………………………. ……………., Grace, wife of, 937. children of, 937. ***** George, son of, 937. children of, 937. petitions of, 3013, 3014 ... Sir Hen., Bart., his son, 1858. ****** ****** John, Berks, 1214, 1617. petitions of, 1214 (3), 1620. Waldron-cont. John, Surrey, 405. ………………….., Thos., M.D., 2489 (7), 2490 (4). petitions of, 2490 (2). 440 > Wale, Phil., 111. Walford, Edw., messenger, 39, 199, 797, 816. Walgrave, Charles, 3187. • " ·· .3 Wm., 963. ………………………, ………………, Phil., son of, petition of, 3042. Walker, Anne, 2918 (2). ……………………., Ant., petition of, 985. .. Blanche, 633. Edw., Somerset, 633. Edw., Westmoreland, 521. ……………………., Ellen, petitions of, 3060 (2). ', Gabriel, 2956. "" ………………………、 ……………., Marg., wife of, 2956. **** • " • …………………….. ……………., Hen., son of, petition of, 2956. ……………., Wm., son of, 2956. , ***** John, 3042. *** family of, 963. George, son of, 963. petitions of, 2479 (4). ******* Hen., 2912. ,John, Bedfordshire Commissioner, 755. Jobn, co. Chester, 3222. John, Alderman of Congleton, co. Chester, 122, 1041. GENERAL INDEX. *** George, co. Lincoln, 1349, George, co. Stafford, 90, 1720. petitions of, 1894 (2). John, Kent, 460. John, Somerset, 3091. ………………………, ………………, Blanche, wife of, 3091. John, Westminster, 2479. ........., Lancelot, 124, 259, 2996. Jane, wife of, 2997. Rich., Hants, 1059. ……………….., Rob., M.P., 116, 1259. Rob., Devon, 3280. ……………………., Roger, 872. } wife and children of, 1041. Stewart, 1809, ……………………., Thos., co. Cambridge, 277. Thos., Devon, 537, 3279. ***** ******* 3279. …………………….. ……………., John, son of, 3279. James, son of, 1381, 3279. Thos., son of, petition of, Thos., London, 624. petition of, 2761. ***** Thos., Northumberland, 36. Thos., Surrey, 1217 (2), 3258. Walter, D.C.L., 1050. .... petitions of, 1050 (2). Wm., co. Chester, 123, 124. Wm., Ashton, co. Lancaster, 1883. Wm., Kirkham, co. Lancaster, 1398. Wm., Wharley ?, co. Laucaster, peti- tion of, 3202. Walker-cont. Mr., Wilts, 79, Wall, Evan, Lancashire clerk and Commis- sioner, 468, 478, 499, 575, 1284. petitions of, 1116, 3085. ****** *** James, petition of, 3220. ...* ..., John, London, petition of, 2875. John, co. Worcester, 1709 (2), 1710. petition of, 1709. • ** *** *** ***** Wallace, Mr., 8. Wallas, James, Northumberland, 3027 (2). Parnal, widow of, 3027. ……………………. ……………., James, son of, 2027. } ” ་་ Eleanor, widow of, 3027. Waller, Edmund, plot of, 393 (2), 1687. Edm., co. Lancaster, petition of, 3220. ……………………., Edw., co. York, 1272. Frances, see Morgan, Frances. Sir Hardress, 800. "> *** · • ***** Hum., 700. • Dr. John, 1529. Thos. and Marg., 1886. Wm., petition of, 3215. Mr., co. Gloucester, 87. *** **** certificates by, 917, 918. ................, compositions with or fines paid to, 917 (3), 918 (2), 1032. " *** petition of, 2511. ***} Capt. Wm., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2559. ., Sir Wm., M.P., Parliamentary general, 75, 130, 794, 834, 837, 838 (3), 945, 1126, 1643. forces cf, 827, 883. ………….., money for, 1, 16, 42, 130, 803 ………………………. ………………, persons serving against, 301. ……, ………………, persons serving under, 35, 808, 2704. } Joan, 2145. Thos., co. Lancaster, 1493. Thos., Westmoreland, 547, 3121. letter of, 196. Thos., co. York, 1411. Wm., 8. Wm., co. York, 2512 (2). > ***** petitions of, 3027 (3). Wm., brother of, 3027. .... ***** 1994. 3589 • 1044, 1070, 1089. ****) Wallet, James, Rutland, 612, Wallett, Thos., 2308. Walley, see Whalley. Wallis, Edw., 3305. Ezek., 49, 1557. John, 2577. places taken by, 952. prisoners taken by, 909, 994, surrendering to, 1059, **** signature of, 1196. Thos., co. Chester, 112. Thos., Surrey, petition of, 2171. 3590 GENERAL INDEX. Wallis-cont. ****** Wallop, Rich., 2426. Wally, Thos., 60. Walmsley, Charles, 3256, " • ………………………… ………………, family of, 2896. Edw., 2037. • • " .. .... Rob., M.P., 18, 246, 348, 439, 472, 474, 479, 542, 550, 2112, 2372 (3), 2533. > **** ………… ………………, Eliz., wife of, 3126. .... Mat., and Eliz., his wife, petitions of, 2847 (2). Wm., Joan, wife of, 8096. ... 1613 ******* ……………… Charles, co. York, 2896. Rich., co. Lancaster, 1910 (2), 2445, 2881. Julian, Lady Walmsley, his mother, 113, 2881. petitions of, 2881 (4). .. ……………… Thos., late Justice of Common Pleas, 3126. ………………………, ………………, Nich., brother of, 3126. > •" Hen., 656. Leonard, co. Lancaster, 3126. ...... • ... .... > ………………, ……………., Thos., son of, petition of, Thos., D.D., 2362. Thos., Claughton, co. Lancaster, 3178. · Thos., brother of, 2037. Frances, wife of, 2037. 19 Thos., Dunkenhalgh, co. Lancaster, 468, 2555, 2724, 2847, 2896, 3025. Sir Thos., his son, 2724. grandchildren of, 468. .. 5 Walpole, Sir John, 1379. Rob., 428 (2). **** Thos., father of, 428. Walrond, see Waldron. Walsall, Barnabas, 460. Dr. Fras., 568, 2420. .." ……………♪ Thos., Wilts, petition of, 2734. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2492. Walsh, or Walshe, Anne, alias Lane, Anne, 2326. …………….) George, 2226. ……………………… ………………, signature of, 623. Wm., 1516 (5). Grace. Eliz., wife of, 1517. ....... ………………………, ………………, Jos., eldest son of, 1516. wife and children of, 2420. ... **** Candida, Charles, Ben., and other younger children of, 1516 (4), 1517. Grace, daughter of, see Clerk, ****** Joyce, relative of?, 1517. Walsham, John, 534. > certificate by, 534. Walsingham, Sir Thos., 511, 1443. Walstead, Fras., 544. Walsted, John, 3197. **** ...... petition of, 2069 ?. Mr., Westminster, 94. Walter, or Walters, David, 1446. John, Essex, 1353 (2). John, jun., London, 2664. Major Rob., 2922. ·· ... ·· ... ……… ... • ..... ··· Walthall, Alex., co. Chester, 106, 1315. Alex., sen., co. Chester, 112. Capt. Rich., 112. Walthew, Rob., 2333. Walthey, Hen, 94. Walton, Bryan, D.D., 1544, 3039, 3040. > · ', Thos., co. Lincoln, 3072. Wm., co. Monmouth, 256. Wm., co. Worcester, petition of, 3092. Sir Wm., Bart., co. Oxon, 1009, 1446. ... .... • ·· …………………, ………………, petition of, 2014. John, 1977. Rich., Hoole, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2778. • • כי. ……………., children of, 1009. Capt., 1218. Mr., 959, 960. Mr., co. Leicester, 109. > Eliz., see Gerard, Eliz. Isaac, 1758. Rich., Preston, co. Lancaster, 2909. James, son of, 2909. ··****? ......, Anne, daughter of, see French, Anne. Thos., Essex, 1864, 1865 (2), 3288, petition of, 1865. …………….. Thos., Hoole, co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2778 (2). John, brother of, 2922. Thos., co. Leicester, 111. Col. Valentine, M.P., Norfolk Com- missioner, 497, 904, 1250, 2350, 2766, 2891. requests of, 1527 (2). ...... Wm., Walton, co. Lancaster, 3131. Thos., son of, 3131. Chris. and Dorothy, children of, ****** 3131. > Walwyn, Thos., 1999. Walyn, Mr., co. Gloucester, 758. Wancklyn, Hen., 1635. Wandell, Thos., 472. petition of, 2554. Wandesford, Chris., 1260. Sir George, 2667. ………………………… ………………, Mary, widow of, 2667. Chris., son of, 2667. Mr., London, bookseller?, 2800 (4), 2801. ***** ... *** * …………… George, son of, 2667. Wm., son of, 2667. ., Marg., widow of, 2667. Sir Rowland, 800, 1651. Wm., London, 1260. Wane, John, 2515. GENERAL INDEX. 3591 Wanet, Mr., 400. Wanklin, Thos., 2732. Wauley, And., 278, 1711. ··· ******* petition of, 1711. Wansey, Maj. Hen., 1353 (2), 1354 (5). ………………, petitions of, 1353 (3). War, or Wars, the, or the late, casual notices of, passim. ... …………. ……………………. **** 4.4 Articles of, see Oxford, Exeter, Truro, Lynn, Newark, Anglesea, and Jersey, Articles of. ****** Act for confirmation of, alluded to, 1988. Book of, 76. breaches of, 143, 1589. ******* Committee of Parliament for relief on breach of, 46, 144, 241, 242, 621, 1168, 1200, 1225, 1485, 1546, 1564, 1583, 1601, 1841, 1964, 1988, 2001, 2382. ** ****** 1756, 1859. allowances by, alluded to, ****** appeals or petitions to, 871, 980, 1043, 1047, 1152, 1200, 1225, 1262, 1286, 1313, 1333, 1340, 1346, 1373, 1392 (2), 1397, 1398, 1403, 1404, 1426, 1427, 1439, 1441, 1442, 1444 (2), 1445, 1474, 1485, 1487, 1502, 1520, 1542, 1545 (2), 1561 (2), 1563, 1587 (2), 1589, 1600, 1630, 1641, 1644, 1690, 1756, 1757 (2), 1819, 1820, 1841, 1964, 1988, 1998, 2031, 2053, 2095, 2100, 2211, 2229, 2238, 2244, 2447, 2554, 2581, 2694, 2791, 2998, 3062, 3066, 3078, 3089, 3273, 3291. ……………… › ……………… ****** ▼ O alluded to, 1169, 1328, 1583, 1589, 1908, 1964, 2331. cases before, 1153, 1169, 1170, 1347, 1440, 1444, 2004. cases excepted from, certificates to, alluded to, 1071, 1286, 1445. .. complaints to, 1227. judgments or opinions of, alluded to, 1462, 1578, 1642, 1756, 1820, 2004, 2005, 2995. letter of, 2331. letter to, 165. officers of, 1200, 1227. *** ……… •> 2211. D · • . .... ***** > • **** ……………… ..... .. ……………… orders of, 871 (2), 1153, 1168, 1193, 1227, 1262, 1333, 1340, 1392 (3), 1393 (2), 1404, 1422, 1432 (2), 1440, 1442 (3), 1469, 1485, 1487, 1502, 1542 (2), 1544, 1545 (4), 1546, 1561 (3), 1562, 1564, 1583 (2), 1587, 1590 (2), 1600 (2), 1630, 1642, 1644, 1645, 1690, 1691, 1756 (2), 1757 (3), 1820 (4), 1911, 1964 (3), 1988 (2), 2002-2004, 2031, 2095 (2), 2100 (2), 2211 (2), 2238 (2), 2244, 2330, 2331, 2447 (2), 2791, 2998, 3066, 3078, 3089, 3273 (2), 3291. ? " ………….. ***** orders of, alluded to, 298, 1297, 1373, 1427 (2), 1428, 1488, 1558, War, Articles of Committee on-cont. ·· …………. *****} *** *** order to, 1169. references by, 1169, 1170, * ... 1445, 1474, 1521, 1964, 2694, 3062. reference to, 1126. ****** …… ……………… ………………, registrar of, 1442, 1561, 1587, 2031, 2033. • י • ****** ******、 ……………., report to, 1784. ******* ...., reports, or returns to, alluded to, 1126, 1373, 1546, 1583, 2006, 2100. .. • 1589, 1601, 1757, 1820, 1841, 1842 (2), 2002, 2003, 2005, 2212 (2), 2554 (2), 2740. ·· KONTA • .. *** > , ***** ………………. ………….., summons before, 1286, 1442, 1444. dissolution or expiration > .. ·· > ** 1428, 1583, 2003. ……………., ………………, report by, 981. •9 ………………. ……………., requests by 1126, 1340. .... • 1563. **** ******> of, 1440, 1964. *** 1428. Council of, for the King, 1218. ……………… 595. …………. > prisoners of, 483, 748, 750, 756, 757, 769, 832, 851. not allowed to compound, 146, 832, 2024. ...y .... " · "" ***** ... Treasurers at, 37, 141, 251, 252, 303, > 307 (2), 329, 406, 425, 436, 477, 497, 514, 535, 536 (2), 545, 558, 589, 607, 675 (2), 697; see also Allan, Fras.; Andrewes, Thos.; Blackwell, Capt. John; Deane, Rich.; Dethick, John; Gerard, Sir Gilbert; Leman, Wm.; and Wollaston, Sir John. ***** appointments or assignments by, alluded to, 248, 265, 307. bills of exchange from, 272, ******* cashier to, Thos. Marsh, 621, 637, 638. letters of, 621, 637. letters to, 239, 394, 618, 637. notes of, 240, 292. ***** alluded to, 1126, .. the late, 1441, 1444, 1545, Court of, 620, 621, 640, 1043, 375. **J for Parliament, 222, 1157, 2002. Adam. • ..... ......, payments to, 14, 16, 19, 146, 252, 263, 814, 818, 819, 823, 824. alluded to, 360, 362, 363, 392, 398, 420, 513, 552, 560, 585, 614, 638, 656, 670, 674, 683, 1367, 2332. warrants of, alluded to, 340, order by, 148. order to, 360. payments by, 56, 548, 1367. ………. for Ireland, see Loftus, Sir deputy, see Loftus, Nich. 3592 GENERAL INDEX. Warburton, John, petition of, 2094. Peter, co. Chester, 107?, 633. wife of, see Byron, Lady. George, brother of, 633, 3254. Peter, uncle of, 633. ... .. ·· Warcop, or Warcup, Giles, 717. John, 2131. Rob., Oxon Commissioner, 172, 570, 578, 602, 757. ******* Rich., 107. > .., Rob., 766. ......, Thos., Bucklow hundred, co. Chester, account by, 155. Thos., Nantwich hundred, co. Chester, 112. ???* ... ·· Mr., counsel to the Committee for Sequestrations, 519. Ward, Sir Humble, or Lord Ward, 90, 516, 2779. ... Frances, wife of, see Dudley, Frances, Lady. children of, 2779. Edw., son of, 2779. Frances, wife of, 2779. Ward, Abraham, petitions of, 1812 (2). Alex., 2749. …………….., Ant., 1635. Art., 205. ·" George, London, 2487. ………………………, George, co. York, 2952 (2). petition of, 2952. Rich., son of, 2952. •• • " ... Widow, Hoogreene, co. Chester, 688, 692. .. Hen., 176, 1754. John, co. Chester, 2499. John, co. Lancaster, 2991. ………………….., John, Monmouth Commissioner, 709, 2888, 3140, Rodolph, 375, 1251. Sam., bailiff of Southwark, 39, 809, 1276. .." ........., John, co. Northampton, petition of, 2927. " …. …....., John, co. Notts, certificate by, 1277. ………………………, Jonathan, 124. Jos., 123, 124, 2838. > letters of, see Monmouth, County Commissioners of, letters of. *** 2839. .. ******* Capt. George, co. Northampton, 3256. **** ****** children of, 2839. Lucas, petition of, 2419. ......, Jane, wife of, see Clarke, Jane. Marg., co. Lancaster, petition of, 1065. ……………… ……………………., Marg., co. Lincoln, petition of, 989. Rich., London, 1564, 2505 ?. Rob., 2709. Thos., Cornwall, 764. Isabel, wife of, petition of, Ward-cont. •• Wardall, Mr., 25. Wardell, Rob., Westmoreland agent, 195 (2), 196 (3), 211. Warden, Edw., 3134. Wardlaw, Col. James, Governor of Plymouth, 803. Wardle, Wm., co. Lincoln, petition of, 1956. Wards and Liveries, Court of, Westminster, 1502, 1662, 1748, 2503 (2), 2622, 3010. ………………………、 ………………, attorney of, 2029. clerks of, 465, 3118. **** ·· • ." Thos., co. Lancaster, Rich., son of, 3220. **** > Wm., agent to Lord Fairfax, 400, 2186 (5), 2187 (2). > " . **** . Wm., co. Chester, 2094, 2095. Wm., co. Durham, 2798. Wm., co. Leicester, 110. Wm., Rutland, 357. ……………………… ………………, keeper of the records of, 3173. …………… ……………., master of, Lord Say and Sele, ·· 1662. גי .. 2329. …………. officers of, 830. ………………………. ………………, payments from, 53, 1502. ., ……………………… ………….., payments to, 931. suppression or dissolution of, 1302, 1502. Wards, names of, 48, 1488, 1499, 1641, 1662, 1748, 1856, 1961. Ware, John, 2558. ******* Inner Court of, Excise Com- mittee sitting in, 3147. • .... "" ****** master and counsel of, Ward- ships granted by, 48, 1488, 1662, 2503 (2). Capt. John, Kent, 461. Zachary, 461. Wareham, Thos., Salop Commissioner, 173, 180. Wm., Dorset, 118. …….., Mrs., 118. Warford, Roger, 1429. Warham, Wm., Kent, 461. Waring, Major Edm., Governor of Shrews- bury, 750. decrees of, alluded to, 1958, ....., money or rents due to, 315, 1040, 3118. .. James, 1953. Jervis, 110. John, co. Lancaster, 1952. John, Salop, 879. John, son of, 879. "" ******* Rich., co. Lancaster, 1999. Rich., Alderman of London, 386, 463, " 641, 678, 776, 1157; and see Committee for Compounding, treasurers of. •• certificate by, 885. orders to, 866, 885, 2431, 2497. GENERAL INDEX. 3193 Waring, Ald. Rich.-cont. receipt by, 467. ... ·· > Thos., co. Lancaster, 2014. Thos., co. Warwick, 3187. ..., Walter, 1184. Warkman, Thos., 227. Warmistree, Thos., D.D., 2661. Warner, Armiger, informer, 185, 642, 2923. ......, Edw., Suffolk, 891. Eliz., 903. .. ·· ... ........., George, 37, 88, 1454. .. ·· 高​值 ​……….. "" John, blacksmith, 783. John, minister, letter of, 1659. John, Alderman of London, receipt by, 37. John, co. Warwick, 47. Dr. John, Bishop of Rochester, 93, 799. Joice, 2908. Thos., 748. ......., Wm., 748. Warre, Edw., 1355. • ***S .. ... .... ... .. ·· ·· • ... · ... ܝ. wife of, 926. Warren, Arthur, 108, 937. ', .. ****** mother of, 938. ........, Edw., 122, 123, 1038, ? George, nephew of, 37. ......, Major Wm., nephew of, 37, 1454, 1455 (2). > > *** .... " ……………. > Hen., 96, 885. Hum. and Edm., his uncles, 122, 123, 1038 (2). George, South Wales Commissioner, 747. Major Hen., 2087. John, co. Gloucester, petition of, 2249. Harman, signature of, 623. Hen., 1890. John, 1430, 1624, 1884, 2304 (2). Thos., 926. ... ……………. petition of, 1456. • .., Lady, 2546. Warriner. John, 1309. John, London, 1860, 2795. petition of, 1861. ****** ... Hen., father of, 885. Wm., 79. Warton, see Wharton. Warwick, Earl of, see Rich, Rob. Warwick, John, 33. Lawrence, 123. Rich., London, 2160-2162. bond of, 684. petitions of, 2159-2161. wife of, see Marsh, Eliz. .. *** or Warring, Rob., sen. and jun., 1423. *.*** .. 70358. Phil., 94, 1447, 2533. petition of, 1463. wife of, see Butler, Lady Joan. Warwick-cont. · • .3 Wase, Chris., 2015. Judith, widow of, 2015. Washburne, John, 1930, 1981. Washer, Mary, 964. Washington, Anne, 547. ………….. ******* · • · ... ↑ ………………… · • ** • .." "> mother of, 2980. ****** Rob., 3072 (3), 3073. petition of, 3072. Mr., Westminster, 94. Wasse, or Wass, Chris., 543, 541, 820. complaint by, 566. depositions by, 510 (2). petition of, 560. Thos., Cumberland, 72, 124, 196 ?, 1671. " > .... Thos., Essex, 3285. Mr., Westmoreland, 196. " Wast, Judith, 66. Wastell, John, M.P., 977. Darcy, 3072. Hen., 1999. Sir John, 1219. Randall, 2980. Wastfield, Wm., 3050. Waterhouse, Jasper, 2061. Mat., 1420. ……………… ****** Waters, Elinor, 730. · · ………. Luke, petition of, 3095. Sam., petition of, 2833. Col., 197. family of, 1420. ..... > Nath., 393, 603, 658. Waterton, John, 2166. Thos., 3131. Mrs., 3100. James, 3198. Rich., 2363. fhos., 1487. · ...y Waterworth, Hugh, 1953, 3132. Rich., his son, 1953. wife and children of, 1953. Wathen, Thos., 79. Watkins, Bennett, 70. Sir David, counsellor, 8, 16 (2). 34, 64, 152, 162, 173, 1289, 1308, 1707, 1845, 2250, 2623. statement or report by, 23, ... brother of, 1487. > Wm., treasurer for Northamptonshire, 14 (2). .... ****** 1730. ... Fras., 2079. Hugh, 621 (2). James, Brecon Commissioner, 517, 634, 1004. Jennet, and George, her son, 3194. Sam., deposition of, 746. Thos., J.P., co. Brecon, letter of, 634. Wm., Kent?, 2533, DD 3594 GENERAL INDEX. Watkins-cont. ▸ Wm., St. Monghans, co. Monmouth, 2796. > ...... Watkinses, the, 749. ·· Watkinson, James, co. Lancaster, 2493 (3). petition of, 2493. ******* James, co. York, 930. John, Westminster, 94. John, co. York, 3193. ... petitions of, 2406, 3140. "" Anne, wife of, petition of, 2406. Wm., South Wales Commissioner, 172, 323, 492-495, 512 (2), 617, 3301 (2). " " ………….., Rob., 3193. ******* Rob., Westmoreland, 547. Watmore, Thos., 3044. Watmough, Fras., 3173. Lawrence, petition of, 2573. Rich., 3173. petition of, 2573. Watson, Sir Lewis, Bart., Lord Rockingham, 21, 88, 90, 109, 325, 799, 1320, 1435, 1503 (2), 1581. כי Watson, Abraham, 110. ………………………, Ann, co. Bedford, 2057. ………………………, Ann, co. Lancaster, 3218. ……….. " Capt. Dan., Staffordshire Commis- sioner, 748. Mr., Somerset ?, 1644. > > ." .. .... ... ·· ****g **** …………. Edm., 2578. ... • ****** petitions of, 2577, 2578. Alice, wife of, 2577, 2578. Sir Edw., 21, 88, 109, 1320, 1595. ...... letter of, 746. Fras., London and Salop, 90, 1772. Fras., Wilts, 1433, 1434 (2). John, co. Chester, petition of, 1115. John, London, petition of, 1740. John, Oxon steward, 206, 935 (2). petition of, 1640 ?. ... **** Rich., co. Bedford, 3117. Rich., co. Leicester, petition of, 1915. Rich., London, 1577. Sam., minister, 1796. **** Sarah, 3140. Simon, 539. Smith, 2956. Thos., Yorkshire officer ?, 2997. Wm., Kent, 103?, 2846. > petitions of, 1797 (2). Wm., co. Notts, 1744. Wm., Westminster, 94. Wm., Wilts, 2057, 2059 (2). petitions of, 2059 (3). mother of, see Stourton, Eliz. Mr., London, 1772. Watts, Edm., Kent, 457. Edw., servant to Fairfax, 809. Eliza, petition of, 856. Watts-cont. **2 ·· Sir John, sen. and jun., 1865. Thos., prebendary of St. Paul's, 164. Wm., 94. Dr., 114. Mr., co. Hereford, 655. ·· ... Wauton, Col., request by, 2317. Wawne, Wm., 2041. ·· .... Way, Mr., 1383. Waylett, Agricola, 552 (2), 558, 606, 609, • • " petitions of, 612, 721. Wayne, Capt. Gabriel, Derbyshire Comiris- sioner, 746, 1736. ► Wayte, see Waite. Weare, Chris., Dorsetshire Commissioner, 163, 218, 584, 641, 645, 677, 714. Marg., widow of, 641, 677, 708, ·· •• * 721. · *** 712, 714. Weaver, Arthur, 1038. Hatton, 112. ………………………, John, M.P., 961 (2), 3080 (2). letters of, 308U (2). ……………*2 John, Irish Commissioner, 343, 817. 1 " .. ** " ··· …………. Fras., 2012. George, 123, 1074. Hugh, 2411. Hum., 759, 3250. John, 79. " "" John, co. Chester, 100. John, co. Notts, 513, 543, 544, 566, > 2586 (2). > ………♦ " ••• ******* > Webb, or Webbe, Abr., 395 (3), 2504, 2564 (3), 2565. > > ………………, petition of, 711. children of, 641. Hum., Somerset, 3115, 3203. wife of, 3115 (2). Mr., delinquent, Dorset, 402. ****** ………… ..... Philip, 1627. Rich., 68. Rob., 112, 122. Sam., 1484. Thos., 112. ****** Ant., London, 3127. Chris., 96. Edw., 2166 (2). Fras., London, 29, 47, 793. John, co. Leicester, 3167. John, London, 661, 2333, 3302. Eliz., wife of, 2333, 3302. children of, 2333. Mary, daughter of, 3302 (2). John, father of, 3302. …………… .. ** petition of, 2565. 1 Wm., grandfather of, 2334. John, Wilts, see Richman. Capt. John, Wilts, 139. Sir John, 78, 86, 118, 265, 485, 493, 1038, 3265. GENERAL INDEX. 3595 Webb-cont. .." Mat,, 87. Rebecca, see Trim, Rebecca. Rich., Berks, petition of, 3087. Capt. Rich., Governor of Hartlepool, 815. > " ... ** .. **" Col. Wm., surveyor-general, 164, 2138. Mr., Salop ?, 363. …………13 Webber, Abr., 502, 1127. Weborne, Mr., 106. Roger, 2961, Webster, Hugh, 104. James, 1735. James, Westmoreland, 211. Rob., 100, 1509. Tim., 1349. * ……………** ******* Thos., co. Gloucester, 748. Thos., Westminster, 94, 1572. Thos., Wilts, 462, 1235. Weckerlyn, Ralph, or Rodolph, Latin secre- tary, 32, 791, 792. Weddall, Wm., co. York, 2089. Weddell, Edw., 1184. Wedderborne, John, M.D., 2230. Weech, Rich., Somerset, 3110. Weeche, Rich., see Wyche. Weedon, Dan., 2267. George, Berks, 3236. George, son of, petition of, 3236. George, Bucks, 68. Ignatius, 90, 2943, 3193. John and Bernard, 2943. Mary, 3197. Thos., Herts, petition of, 2267. Thos., Oxon, 2943. Thos., Salop, 3215. ***** > *** ▼ Weeks, or Wykes, Edw., 2541. widow of, 2961. Thos., son of, Suffolk, 2961. .... ……………… "> +3 ******* John, Dorset, 3198. John, Hants, 2847. John, Wilts, 3269, 3270. Luke, 3269–3271. ... petitions of, 3270, 3271 (2). ……………. Thos., messenger, &c., of the Com- mittee for Compounding, 23, 178, 188, 683, 691-694, 697, 698, 787, 789, 808. letter of, 696. petition of, 1365 ?. petitions of, 2541 (2). **** .9 ****** Mr., 446. Weemes, Rob., co. Durham, 3107. Weems, Patrick, 1864. Welbore, John, 41. Welborne, Mr., minister, Sussex, 1863. Welby, Phil., 1897. Wm., co. Lincoln, 2432, 2433. Mr., Lincolnshire Commissioner, 1530 (3). Welch, see Welsh. Welchman, Hugh, 2043. Weld, Lady Frances, 2156-2160. • · Weldon, Col. Ant., 130, 2182 ?. ………. ****** petitions of, 2157 (2), 2158 (3), Hum., 94, 119, 799, 1223 (3), 1224, 1447, 2166, 2531, 3271. petitions of, 1223, 3232, 3271. Clare, wife of, 3271. " · ... Hen. and his wife, 1016. Col. Ralph, Governor of Plymouth, 808, 1082, 1360. Sir John, sen., 978. Sir John, jun., 1202. Thos., see Wells. Mr., minister, co. Leicester, 216. .... ******* ·· **** Weldrish, Edw., petition of, 1235. Wellings, Wm., 459. Wellman, Wm., 659, 1554. petition of, 1554. Wells, Archdeacon of, see Wood, Dr. Gerard. Wells, Edm., Wilts, 372, 3206. > .. > ··· ******* Mary. Rob., 110. ****** • George, 1420. Gilbert, 1842. 3287. • · 3287. ני certificate by, 35. ****** Eliz., Constance, and Winifred, daughters of, petition of, 1842 (2). Isabel, mother of, 106, 118, ……………… *** Henry and Alder, 1929 (2). sisters of, 1929 (2), . ******* John, minister, co. Hunts, petition of, 1527. widow of, see Courteney, Lady ***** ... Charles, son of, 3287. John, co. Stafford, 90. Capt. John, 144. Marg., 3240. petitions of, 1842 (4), 3240. Rich., Bucks, 1274. Rich., Kent, 461. Swithin, 106, 3138, 3193. petition of, 3287. or Weld, Thos., minister, co. Leices- ter, 1671-1673. ..... • petitions of, 1672 (2). or Wills, Thos., co. Northampton, 1650. Thos., Dorset, grandson of, petition of, 3284. or Wellys, Thos., co. Stafford, 1866, 3068. } Thos., Surrey, 1631. Mr., discoverer, 810. Mrs., Hants, 106. …………………) Wellys, Thos., see Wells. Welsh, or Welch, Peter, messenger of the Committee for Compounding, 76, 644. DD 2 3596 GENERAL INDEX. Welsh, Peter-cont. ID .. ……………………. Welstead, Roh., 87. Weltden, Hen., 1807. ... • ** ... A 4. ... ... Welton, Col. [Col. Ant. Weldon ?], 2182. Wemys, Col. James, 2908. *...*5 ******) wife of, 2908. Wenham, Marg., 3258. Wenlock, John, 3075. .... ………………y wife and children of, 3075. Wenman, Thomas, 2nd Viscount Wenman, 91, 523, 581, 608, 632 (3), 636 (2), 650, 2878. **** > wife of, 3038. Wenman, Phillip, 2788. •" 1 .. of, 3134. Lady. Rich., deposition of, 672. letter of, 672. Rob., deposition of, 672. Wentworth, Thomas, Earl of Cleveland, 91, 95, 452, 610, 629, 1189 (2), 2156, 3044 (2). ·· ·· .... + > Rob., 3134. ***** > .. • .. T ……………… " Wentworth, Darcy, 380. - • ………………. petition of, 126. "" ..... petition of, 2165. ……… " …… ……………., Thomas, Baron Wentworth, his son, 2156, 2508. > .... ... Aune, his wife, 2157. Lucy, his last wife, Katherine, daughter of, 2165. > 10.9 Thos., his son, 3134. ****** Thomas, 1st Viscount Wentworth and Earl of Strafford, 330, 1027, 1767, 2393. sentence on, alluded to, 600. Wm., 2nd Viscount Wentworth and Earl of Strafford, 1463. Frances, wife of, petition son of, 3134. petitions of, 1806–1808. Sir George, 796, 798, 1326, 2508, 2932, 3100. Eliz., wife of, see Gerard, Eliz., petition of, 1137. Agnes, wife of, 1137. petition of, 1137. Thos., co. York, petition of, 2619. Thos., Bretton, co. York, 1550. Wenyeve, Edw., petitions of, 858, 2133 (2). Werden, Edm., petitions of, 2052, 2568. *** .... • Thos., 2763. Thos., Westmoreland?, 1137 (2), 1138 (2). John, Essex ?, 902. John, co. York, 1550. Sir Peter, 47, 140, 1173, 1454–1456. petitions of, 2824, 2932. •• Edw., 1155. Eliz., widow of, see Leven- thorpe, Ralph, widow of. Werden-cont. …………….., John, 100, 103, 106, 122, 1154, 3268. • ……………………… ... ·· 1155 (2). Marg., 3169. Rich., 1155. Were, John, petition of, 1226. ****** John, sen. and jun., Devon, 1260. Wesby, Mr., minister, Sussex, 1863. Wescomb, Hen., 1947. ... U ·· Wesham, Leonard, petitions of, 2781 (3). Weslyd, or Westly, Phil., 1085. wife and children of, 1085. ... …………………… ***** Wm., 1513. West, Thomas, 3rd Lord Delawarr, 2895. Grisley, widow of, petition of, • 2895. West, Fras., servant of the Committee for Compounding, 35, 784. Col. Fras., Lieutenant of the Tower, 571, 2704. George, 458. John and Ellen, his wife, petition of, 2625. ****** • .. •" Col. Rob., his son, 100, 103, 122, 269 (2), 451, 745 (2), 773, 776, 1154, 3268. Margaret, wife of, 346, •• ..." ·· .. > Ludowick, 3132. Nicholas, agent to the Earl of Man- chester, 5. ..., Rich., petition of, 2021. Rob., 1558. Sam., 1590. Thos., or Sir Thos., 1038, 1245. . • · *****} · ****** **3 ...y ………………♥ Wm., 3047. Wm., co. Lancaster, deposition by, 3179. > ..." J Col. Wm., Lancashire Commissioner, 745. Westbrook, John, 3258. Westby, Fras., 3124. George, 3138. John, 21, 2634. ………………… ………………, Dorothy, wife of, 2634. Rob., 3193. Joan, his widow, 1038, 1245. petitions of, 1997, 1998. Wm., London, petition of, 1938. Wm., Somerset, 1191. Wm., Westmoreland, 2283. Capt., 863. Mr., Hants, 104. Mr., Westminster, 94. …………… "" ***** Lucy, wife of, 2015, 3193, 3292. Thos., 2644. Eliz., widow of, 2569 (3), 2644, 3098. Westcomb, John, 470, 476, 479, 965 (2). Westcombe, George, 153, 1946. GENERAL INDEX. 3597 Westcott, Lieut. John, 36. Phil., 1321. Westerman, Nich., 1554. Westfield, Rich., 1966. Westhead, Rich., Alice widow of, 3095. ………….., Thos., brother of, 3096. ++ ·· • ·· Westlake, Bernard, 2940. Westly, Phil., see Weslyd. Westlyd, Thos., 1356. ·· [ Westminster, Dean and Chapter of, 102. Westmoreland, Earl of, see Fane. Weston, Jerome, Earl of Portland, 93, 598, 1539. Weston, Ben., M.P., 261, 1710 (2), 1711, 2171 (2), 2370, 2371 (3), 2544 (2), 3232 ?. • **** > ... ... [ ... ... 3 > **** • •, petitions of, 1644, 1710 (3), 1711, 1877, 2171, 2532, 2545. ***** (2). Herbert, 2999. Simon, 2538. > petition of, 2538. Sir Rich., 90, 339, 406, 555, 2291, 3300. ****** James, his son, 3096. • Grace, wife of, 2291 (4), 2292 children of, 2291 (3), 2292. George, his son, 252, 2170. wife of, 252. John, his son, 252, 2170. ……………… ………………, Mary, wife of, 252, 2172. children of, 2171 (3). Thos., 36, 1160. Wm., Berks, 2215. Wm., Surrey?, 2427 (2). petitions of, 2427, 2611. .., Capt., Somerset ?, 226. Mr., co. Monmouth, 311. Lady, 2939. …………. .... ****** Westrow, Capt. Thos., M.P., 1450?, 2661. Westwood, John, sen., 2413. Julius, 1959. petitions of, 1958, 1959. Wetherald, Thos., Northumberland, 816. Wetherall, Rich., 1292. Wetherby, Peter, co. Lancaster, 2803. Peter, Whiston, co. Lancaster, 3142. George, son of, 2861, 3142. ……………………………., Thos., his son, petitions of, 3142 (2). Wettenhall, Cuthbert, 1392 (2), 1393 (3). Wetton, Lieut.-Col. Wm., 816. Wetwang, Fras., 811, 812, 818, 819, 822. Wm., 820. Weybred, John, lil. Weycoe, Ellis, 1816. Weymond, Elias, 2002, 2003. or Weyman, Paul, 102, 2109. Weymouth, Tim., petition of, 3166. Whaddock, Martin, 872. Whaddon, John, petition of, 2215. Whale, Augustine, 3187. Whalehead, John, petition of, 1267. Whalley, or Walley, Ann, 3197. .. • I ... ………………, ………………, signature of, 1211. A ………… .. ** · ·· ··· ·· ► • • .....} Col. or Commissary-General Edward, "J 306, 333, 610, 734, 1612, 1735, 1736 (3); see also Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Warwick, and Worcester, Major-General for. " " > Charles, mayor of Chester, 100, 103, 113, 1176. Judge Advocate Henry, 1561, 1807. *•, ., Hen., co. Chester, 101. Jeffry, 107, 3236. > Charles, receiver for South Wales, 640. Alice, mother of, 3236. O ******* John, jun., co. Northampton, peti- tions of, 2869 (2). Peniston, 1943. Wharles, Eliz., 3187. ………………, persons serving under, 1905. regiment of, 508, 1476 (2). Wharton, Philip, Lord Wharton, 781, 2513 (4). Wharton, or Warton, Abr., 521. Ant., sen., 2513. ………………………, Ant., jun., 2513. > Peter, Northamptonshire Commis- sioner, 174, 317, 632, 673, 712, 733, 851, 2196, 2926, 3282 (2). letters of, 88, 686, 690, 698 (2), 728, 736. Susannah, 3144. Thos., 100, 515. Mr., co. Montgomery, 703. N[r., co. York, 851. > * -- …………..? letters, &c., by, 640 (2). receipt by, 597. Ant., co. York?, 2919, 3070. Thos., son of, 2919, 3070. .... "" N > 3070. 955. ..., Eliz., 99. John, co. Chester, petitions of, 1875 (2). ** ***** > John, Westmoreland, 99, 521. Sir Mich., 42, 46, 400, 404, 796, 800, 955. Hum., his son, petition of, Ant., trustee of, 2919. wife and children of, 955. Mich., his grandson, 48, 607, father of, 955 (3). mother of, 955. …………….♥ Rob., Oxon, 1999. wife of, 1999. Thos., 1116, 1701, 1727, 1766, 2073, 2308 (2), 2321, 2531, 2634, 2916, 3010, 3032, 3077, 3138, 3206, 3224. ******* ., petitions of, 2076, 2634 (2), 2905 (2), 3053, 3138, 3288, 3289 (2). 3598 GENERAL INDEX. Wharton-cont. •4 Thos., Cumberland, 1698. ………… ………………, deposition by, 2687. Thos., co. York, petition of, 957. ……… ………………, signature of, 623. > Thorney, 3160. A Cet ·· ...... > ·· > …………… Eliz. Whatton, John, petitions of, 2756 (2). Wheare, John, 117. John, son of, 117. Wheate, Sam., 253, 439. Wm., 513, 2978. • 3161. Wheatley, Edw., 2112. ·· ..... .... " **** Lady, 1769. • ..... "> Wheeler, Charles, 1960. ·· .9 ……………… children of, 2012. • ******* Thos., White Cross, co. York, 1594, John, 2834. Thos., Wheatley, co. York, 2012. And., son of, petitions of, 3160, > daughter of, see Reresby, Lady Cicely. Chris., 2762. …………… ……………., Mary, widow of, 2762. · ► ..... Thos., son of, 2762. .., Isabel, 688. .." .. .... wife and children of, 1594. ... Mary, 1986. Wm., M.P., 55, 71, 802 (2), 806 (2), 1510. Dorothy, his wife, 1960. ر **** Wheeley, Sam., 1977. ... ****** petition of, 565. Wheelwright, Fras., 2815. Wheildon, Wm., Staffordshire officer, 2974. Whelpdale, John and Wm., 202. Whetcombe, Peter, 525, 1779 (2), 2643 (2). petition of, 1779. ******** or Whetcomb, Sam., Somersetshire Commissioner, 309, 345, 354, 381, 453, 534, 540, 586, 594, 650, 651. "" mother of, see Byron, Wm., Wilts, 78. Mr. and Mrs., co. Notts ?, 2338. Mrs., 1024. letters, &c., of, 363, 501, 614, 653, 654 (2), 658. Whetter, John, 2915. Whichcott, Dr. Ben., provost of King's Col- lege, Cambridge, petitions of, 1108 (2), 1915. Col. Chris., Governor of Windsor Castle, 225, 258, 273, 311, 366, 484, 681, 806. deposition of, 544. letter of, 361. petition of, 225. *...** Sir Hamond, 1039 (2). Edw., son of, 1039. ******* Jeremy, petitions of, 1269 (2). Whichcott-cont. Ann, his widow, 1821. Mr., receiver of the Prince Elector's revenues, 2543. Wm., 1821. Whicker, John, petition of, 3057. Whinell, James, 399. Whirley, Edw., 107. Whistler, John, M.P., 945. brother of, 945. Ralph, 320. ... …………….) .." ………… Whitacre, Whittaere, or Whittacres. Henry, petition of, 1107. Miles, 2729. ………………………, ………………, petitions of, 2729 (3). Isabel, wife of, 2729 (2). " ………………………. ……………… ……………., petitions of, 2729 (3). Thos., 1109. **** •• 9 Whitaker, Charles, 1577. Whitbread, Thos., petition of, 1778. Wm., Bedfordshire Commissioner, 755. Wm., Essex, 3182. "} Wm., 2486. ****** Whitby, Wm., 1771. wife of, 1771. Whitehcott, Edward, or Wm., co. Lincoln, > ... 2301. ** ... " Whitchurch, Wm., co. Somerset, 3260. Whitcomb, Sam., see Whetcomb. Thos., 2640, 2641. White, Anne, Kent, 1680. Ayliffe, 2452 (2). "> (2). *** petitions of, 1109 (2). …………… ***** > ** ******* > ****** ... Hanford, Fras. Col. Charles, 747, 756, 757, 760, 769. rebellion of, 773, 774. …………. ******* Edw., Devon, 3309. Edw., Essex, 1781 (2), 3182. ……………, petition of, 1781. Fras., late Bishop of Carlisle, 1846, 1848. petitions of, 2451, 2452 (6). Eliz., his wife, 2452 (3). "" petitions of, 2451, 2452 former husband of, see Fras., co. Worcester, 2789. Jerome, 1592. John, Berks, petition of, 478. John, Barking, Essex, 2705. Eliz., wife of, 2705. ******* John, Mountnessing, Essex, 3178. John, Kent, 728. John, minister, co. Lincoln, 1502. John, London, 861. Col. John, Hertfordshire Commis- sioner, 746, 751. Kath., 2209. Mat., 796. Rich., co. Carmarthen ?, 611, 1644. White, Rich.-cont. Aa ... •• • J "S …………….. ... *** ·· " ... " • •> Roger, Pembroke Commissioner, 517. Thos., Berks, 1070. > ……, ………………, Judith, widow of, 1070. ........, Thos., co. Worcester, 2789. Major Thos., 118, 2446. family of, 2447. • Rich., Essex, 3177. Rob., co. Lancaster, 21, 2506. …………., Henry, son of, 2507 (2). **** • ·· •3 · ****** Colonel for Parliament, 150. Whitebread, Hen., co. Bedford, 2505. Hen., Essex, petition of, 3229. John, 3228. ****** ******* Remes, Dorothy. Rob., Surrey, 3242 (3). petition of, 3242. ****** ****** ... ******* 3050. petition of, 1645. daughters of, 3228, 3229. Whiteford, Mr., co. Northampton, 99. Whitehall, Rowland, 3050. ……………, ………………, Mary, widow of, 3050. > Walter, mayor of Exeter, letter of, 70. Wm., M.P., agent to Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax, 10, 11, 15, 24, 35, 380, 779, 782-785, 796, 1817. Capt. Wm., Devon, 441, 2141 (2), 2142 (2). ******* ******* James, son of, 2507. John, son of, 2507 (3). petition of, 2506. **** Whitehead, Edm., 2043. petitions of, 2506, 2507. Dorothy, daughter of, see GENERAL INDEX ... , (2), 3051. George, 202. James, co. Notts, petitions of, 1401, 2963. Rich., 2517. Rich., Lancashire agent, 463, 464, 468, 1117. ... **y ****** John, father of, 3050 (2). Wm., 1030. Rich., Leyland, co. Lancaster, peti- tion of, 3167. Capt. Rich., 2658. Eliz. and Anne, daughters of, petitions of, 3050 ………. petitions of, 2659 (2). ****** Thos., c. J. Lancaster, 1172 (3). Thos., Winmarleigh, co. Lancaster, petition of, 2659. Lieut., 573. Whitelocke, Bulstrode, Commissioner of the Great Seal, 51, 570, 824, 1036, 1251, 1838, 1839 (3), 3270. letters of, 577, 1599. letter to, 394. signature of, 735. John, 122. Whitelocke, John-cont. wife of, 122. ..... ******* Rob., 1792 (2). -> ******* petitions of, 1791, 1792 (4). Whitemarsh, Hen., 78. Whiteside, John, letter of, 537. Whitewick, see Wightwick. Whitfield, Fras., 457. Nich., 202. Ralph, 2678. · ... ***) wife of, 3292. Whitgrave, or Whitgreave, Alice, 90, 3194. Thos., 2745. petition of, 2745. Whitgrean, Thos., Staffordshire Commissioner, 281. Whitgreave, Alice, see Whitgrave. Whitherne, see Whitterne. •" .. ·· a ·· Whiting, John, minister, co. Derby, 1510. John, Norfolk, 3126, Rich., 96, 1816. Rob., Dorset?, 2112. Rob., Kent, petitions of, 1683, 3216. Mrs., Westminster, 94. • .. •** ****A Wm., jun., Devon, petition of, 3127. Wm., Essex, petition of, 2516. Wm., Roby, co. Lancaster, 2521 (2), 2758. Whitley, John, 2209. Joshua, 2868. Matt., 2860. Nathan, 2987. Thos., 1723. Mr., Berks, 3223. ... ··· > 2715?, 2758 (3), 2825. Wm., Widnes, co. Lancaster, 3292. petition of, 3292. *** **** ****** ... ... Whitmore, Sir George, 491, 539, 1616 (2) 2195, 2197, 2199 (3), 2274 (2), 2890. ......, petitions of, 1619 (2), 2195 (3). Charles, son of, 2199 (3). petitions of, 2195 (2). George, son of, 2199 (2). petitions of, 2195 (2). Valentine, 60, 1161. **** Wm. and Thos., Lady Herbert's trus- tees, petition of, 2195. Wm., co. Chester, 60, 915. גי ...... : •• "Y ...., Wm., London, 1619. petitions of, 1721 (5), 2714, ……. • 3599 Sir Wm., 76, 85, 90, 893, 1483, 2196 (2), 2890. .. **** Whitney, James, 79. …………** Sir Thos., Bart., M.P., his eldest son, 1142 (2), 1483, 1529. Rich., his second son, 2890. Lady, 2397. ..... ………. John, 295, 323, 2434. Sir Rob., 583, 631, 2496 (4), 2497. petitions of, 2497 (3). Anne, wife of, 2496. 3600 GENERAL INDEX. Whitskill, Ralph, 3165. · ·· D ** Whittacres, see Whitacre. Whittaker, John, co. Lancaster, 2555. Whittell, John, Militia Commissioner, co. Chester, note by, 452. .., Wm., 107. ·· ·· ... Whitter, John, 752 (4). Whitterne, or Whitherne, Conway, 86, 508, 2908. Rich., 87. Whittingham, Charles, 101. Hum., 308, 2499. Rich., co. Chester, 100. Rich., co. Lancaster, 2055. ••• ·· ... • • • ... • Ralph, his son, 3165. wife of, 3165. ·· ... • ……………… ……………., John, son of, 3165. .. - .. •> ...**) • .... ... Anne. Whittington, Ant., 3194. ... ·· • • ……. …………., or Withington, Ralph, 2873. Whittle, John, sen., 3095. · • .. .... •·· Thos., co. Lancaster, petitions of, 2768 (2). ·· ****** Whitton, Edw., 460. Whitty, Capt. Peter, 15. Rich., 1383. ·" …………………… ………………, John, son of, petition of, 3095. Mary, 68. Whitway, Thos., 804. Whitwell, Steph., 3140 (2), wife of, 3140. Capt. Thos., his son, 2055. Thos., co. Chester, 101. Whitwick, Thos., 1269. widow of, see Molanus, children of, 2055. mother of, 1269. Whitworth, Sir George, petitions of, 3198 (2). Capt. John, 775. John, Somerset, 2012. John, Sussex, 3194. " Whorwood, Brome, 90, 966 ?, 1813. Mr., Westminster, 94. D • .... Whynniats, Thos., 111. Wiborne, Ben., Kent, 997 (2), 1810. Wicherley, or Witcherley, Dan., agent of the Marquis of Winchester, 2373 (4), 2533, 2631. > ……….. > petition of, 2888. Wickfield, Wm., see Wigfall, Wm. Wickliffe, John, 1107. > …………… ..." Wickstead, Charles, 112. Rich., jun., 112. Thos., 112, 2012. MAN.. ..... Widdens, Rich., 324, 424, 2499. Wm., 100, 1369. Widdow: s, John, 2076. petitions of, 1107, 1108. wife and children of, 2013. Widdrington, or Witherington, Ann, West Harle, Northumberland, 3103. ... ……… .... ……………… ... ·· ... 04. ... ..... ·· *** ………………… •• Sir Edw., Bart., 843 (2), 1218, 1616, 2507, 3284. Christine, wife of, petition of, > **** 2508 (2). *** .. petition of, 2508. ………………) ... Roger or George, father of, 843 (2), 1616. Rosamond, his wife, 2508 Hen., Blackheddon, Northumberland, 999. > ... (3). • , ……… ………………, Isabel, wife of, 2598. petition of, 2593, children of, 2593, 2598. Kath., daughter of, petition of, • petitions of, 1584 (2), 2594. wife and children of, 999. Hen., Butteland, Northumberland, 2508?, 2593, 3048 ?. Mary and Dorothy, daughters of, petitions of, 2594 (2). ………………………, ……………., Ben., father of, 2594. Cath., mother of, petition of, Ephraim, brother of, petition of, .. .... > ………. ... 2594. .... > " 2594. •, ****** 2594. ………….. Roger, son of, 2508. .... • 2593-2595. 2594. John, Durham, 695, 2355, 2983. widow of, see Eden, Isabel. …………….. John, Northumberland, 2953, 3197, Ralph, 2418 (2). Rob., Northumberland, 1401, 2355 (2). petitions of, 2598, 2604, 3074 ?. ....... ………. ****** ..... Anne, and Hollyman, Mary. ... John, brother of, 2595. Sir Ephraim, grandfather of, Wm., his son, petition of, Sir Thos., Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal, 7, 42, 127, 162, 380, 807, 910, 999, 2046 (2), 2667, 2672. כי widow of, see Pudsey, Eliz. daughters of, see Brandling, letter of, 428. note or report by, 1076, 1315. signatures of, 733, 735. Sir Wm., Bart., 138, 270, 875, 1332 (2), 1732, 2124, 2416, 2591 (2), 2671, 3048, 3089. Mary, wife of, 1732, 2417. petitions of, 2416 (2), ***** > 3223 (2). …. ……………., Wm., son of, 2117 (3). petition of, 2417. ... Hen., Edw., Ephraim, Ralph, Ant., and Roger, younger children of, 2417. • GENERAL INDEX. 3601 Widdrington, Sir Wm.—cont. ·· Anne, daughter of, see Thorn- ton, Anne, Lady. …………….., Ursula, daughter of, 2591. Sir Henry, father of, 2416, 3074 (2). ·· , ……………. Dorothy, his daughter, see Howard, Dorothy. or Mountney, Ursula, petition of, 2595. Widmorepole, Alice, 109. Wiffin, Edw., 983. · ... signature of, 623. ***** Wigan, Major John, co. Lancaster, 645, 658, 664. petition of, 1114. .... Major Jos., Lancashire Commissioner, 745. Wigfall, Wm., Derby Commissioner, letter of, 45. ........., or Wickfield, Wm., co. Worcester, 2942 (5). Wightman, Wm., J.P., 699, 707. ………………………. ……………., certificate by, 633. ..... .. ****** .. Wightwick, or Whitewick, Fras., receiver- general for Kent, &c., 767. Serj. John, 1219, 2948. .... ↑ James, son of, 1219. Sam., 601 (2), 927, 1626. Wiglesworth, Hen., 1551. Wigley, John, letter of, 45. Wigmore, Amy, 1713. "" • ..... ..... …………… .... *** CA 每​看 ​.... " •5 ……………) Clare, 2827. Dan., Archdeacon of Ely, 18, 787, 793, 904. 2383. .. .... John, 3187. John, Llangarren, co. Hereford, 897 (2), 898 (3)?, 2383. John, Luckton, co. Hereford, 583, 2383, Rob., son of, 7, 583, 771, Wignall, John, 2953. Kath., 3220. •" ………… Frances Benedicta, his wife, 583, 2383, 2384 (2). children of, 2384. Warncomb, 771. Thos., her son, 1713, 1714. Wikes, John, 117. Wilbraham, Hugh, 74, 100, 106, 112, 122, nephew of, 904. .... • 1535. Peter, co. Chester, 3253. Roger, petitions of, 2547, 2548 (2). Sir Thos., Bart., 61, 98, 100, 103, 112, 122, 978, 2828. > petition of, 2829. Eliz., wife of, 978. Wm., co. Chester, 2447. Win., Woodhay, co. Chester, 101. Wilcock, Edw., 2888. Wm., 61. Wilcox, James, 1058. ... 1.3 .... *** ·· Mr., Surrey collector, 357. Wilcoxon, Rich., petition of, 1906. Wilde, or Wylde, Dudley, 458. .. • ··· John, petition of, 2276. Rich., master of Ilford Hospital, 1865 (2). petitions of, 1864 (2). Capt. Rich., auditor of the Committee for Advance of Money, 97, 143. " ··· ... petition of, 467. reduced officers of, list of, 147, 150, 163, 811. > ***** ...*** " ..., John, Somerset, 1430. Sir John, 1641, 1985. Mr., Commissioner for Middlesex, 5. James, 5. Jane, 3178. Rich., 1014. Rob., Durham, 552. ......., Rob., co. Worcester, 1450. > John, M.P., Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Commissioner of the Great Seal, 48, 149, 169, 180, 221, 1254, 1353, 1610, 2047, 2096, 2328, 2385, 2480, 2722, 2867, 3270. .., Rowland, 87. ......, letters, &c., of, 180, 519, 2328, 2856. John, serjeant-at-law, 2644. 6 ……………., Mr., co. Leicester, 109. Wildebore, Augustine, D.D., 1966. ……………… ………………, daughter of, see Barker, Eliz. Wildman, Major John, 1118 (2), 1214, 1430, 1449, 1602, 1625, 1715, 1722, 1769, 1835, 1876, 1896, 1955, 2140, 2194, 2195, 2201, 2203 (5), 2247, 2282, 2293, 2303 (2), 2321 (4), 2558, 2573, 2590 (4), 2637, 2661, 2728, 2859, 3028, 3032, 3100, 3127 (2), 3130, 3141, 3151, 3298 (4). petitions of, 1722, 2201, 2405, 2807. Wildren, Mr., minister, co. Lincoln, 3121, 3122 (2). Wilford, Charles, 2824. petition of, 1985. Eliz., wife of, petition of, 1385. Thos., co. Gloucester, 87. Thos., Somerset, 3302. DAG Hen., petitions of, 2479 (4). James, petition of 3302. Roger, Westminster clerk, 491, 551, 2041. ... ., ……………………… ………………, papers by, 255, 446. petition of, 169. Wilkes, or Wilks, John, 2923 (2). Rich., jun., co. Chester, 112. Rich., Salop, 1484. Thos., 1843. Thos., informer, 2867. Wm., 2297 (2), 2298 (2). 3602 GENERAL INDEX. Wilkins, Tim., 2781, Wilkinson, Ant., 3256. ........., George, Cumberland, 202. .. ··· • • "" .." د. ♪ **** ... ·· John, son of, 3200. • " ……………… John, Westmoreland, 521. Bardsey, John, 3206. Westmoreland, ..., John, Bradleyfield, Westmoreland, 176. .... , > " •" "" *** ..... Thos., Tarnacre, co. Lancaster, 3178. Thos., and Wm., his son, co. York, 2376. " George, co. Lancaster, 3179. George, Westmoreland, 1904. Grace, 3220. Dr. Henry, 1117. James, co. Lancaster, 2916. James, Rutland, petition of, 3262. James, Westmoreland, 521. Jennett, 3193. or Carr, Lady Vere, 1101. petition of, 3142. Wm., co. Leicester, 111. Wm., minister, co. Northampton, peti- tion of, 1088. > John, 3127. John, Stainton, co. Lancaster, 3121. John, Thornley, co. Lancaster, 3200. Ellen, widow of, 3200. "" ., Willaston, Wm., 1620. Willet, Jacob, petition of, 2436. Willets, Jacob., 1613. Willett, Dr. And., 1365. ... ………………………, ………………, Paul, son of, petitions of, 1365 (3). Williams, Abr., 1257. John, Gill, Westmoreland, 547. John, and Rich., co. York, 2020. Mary, see Phillips, Mary. Thos., Maghull, co. Lancaster, 3165. Marg., wife of, 3165. > ………….. ***** …………………, ………………、 petition of, 3113. David, North Wales, 582. ………………………g Sir David, Justice of Common Pleas, 2835. Sir Abr., 793. Aurelius, 3187. Capt. Cary, 1475. David, co. Carmarthen, 714 ?. ........., Dawbeny, solicitor to the Committee for Compounding (1654), 711, 722 (2), 1337, 1623, 2169, 2942, 3122. • *** ... certificate by, 3221. information by, 2234. order to, 3050. ******* Edw., Sequestration solicitor, co. Brecon, letter of, 161. Edw., co. Lincoln, 1089. Eliz., 100. Williams-cont. ……….. ... .. letter of, 665. Dr. Griffith, Bishop of Ossory, 98. > ..., Henry, 448, 473. ··· ." ……………………… ………………, petition of, 1725. ·· ***** Wm., son of, petition of, 1726. James, 732. "" ..., Jenkin, Glamorganshire Commis- sioner, 522. John, 3217. John, co. Brecon, 2037. John, Bucks, 2183. •, …………. George, Cornwall Commissioner, 649, > 661. " ..... ... daughter of, 1692. .... John, Sherborne, Dorset, 240, 2803. John, co. Flint, 3214. .., John, Hunts, petition of, 2985. John, Kent, 2945. John, Radnorshire Commissioner, 3301. John, Salop, 205, 1484 ?. John, co. Warwick, petition of, 1914. ******* > .... .. , letter of, 450. .. ....... Dr. John, Archbishop of York, 33, 90, 94, 931 (2), 1120. as late Bishop of Lincoln, 877, *** Henry, co. Radnor, 636, 2497. Capt. John, Herefordshire agent, 216, 378, 568, 644. .... • "" Dr. Hugh, 1725 (2), 1726 (3). 7 ******* petition of, 2183. John, co. Denbigh, 1723. John, Dorset, 1692. 3089. Sir John, Bart., petitions of, 1928 (4), 2945. Maurice, 1326. Rice, of the Committee for Com- pounding, 246, 668. "" ... recommendation by, 727. • 5 *****) Rice, minister, co. Denbigh, petition of, 3132. > Rich., Salop, 2345 (2). Rich., Sussex, 8, 475, 476, 838, 2370. Sir Maurice, 1512. Sir Oliver, see Cromwell, Sir Oliver. R., Somerset, 260 ?, 633. ……… ..... Rich., Westminster, 94. Roger, Kinhiley, co. Monmouth, 1967. wife of, 1967. Roger, Newport, co. Monmouth, peti- tion of, 1714. Thos., Governor of the Middle Temple, 3167. petition of, 3167. wife of, 476, 838. children of, 838. ……………1) 14**ing GENERAL INDEX. 3603 Williams-cont. Thos., J.P. co. Brecon, 3001 (2). Thos., Bucks, 67. Thos., co. Carmarthen, 1825. Thos., co. Glamorgan, 663. Thos., co. Hereford, 3187. ……………., Thos., co. Montgomery, petition of, 707. wife and children of, 707. ………. • .. ******* Thos., Oxon?, 2833. ..., Thos., Radnorshire Commissioner, 747. Sir Trevor, Bart., 533, 2304, 2947. Wm., 2131. ** • ……………. ……….. · • ........, Mr., Devon officer, 590, 605. Mr., clerk, co. Northampton, 98. Williamson, Ant., 1476 (2). ******> note by, 1475. Dove, 1332. Edw., 1049. > ··· petition of, 1483. Wm., Probus, Cornwall, 117 ?, 1260. Wm., St. Ervan, Cornwall, petition of, 2686. **** •• " ., Eleanor, 3196. > ...y "" > ...... Wm., Mothvey, South Wales, 223. Lady, 94. "" ……………… Fras., 1266, 1268. ...... petitions of, 1265, 3283. …………….) Sir Fras., 19, 96, 389, 865, 2338. petitions of, 2339 (2). Grissell, 1057. John, nephew of, 3196. ... Hen., 1476. Jane, 101. John, co. Chester, petition of, 895. Alice, wife of, petition of, 895. John, co. Warwick, 3235. John, co. Worcester, 649. Rich., 286. Rob., Cumberland, 2876. Rob., co. Notts, 535, 2550. PAKI Eliz. and Mildred, daughters of, petitions of, 2550. father of, 2550. Fras., brother of, petition of, .... ... 2550. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2895. Sir Thos., Bart., 107, 1039, 2550. Wm., Cumberland, 2876, 2930. petition of, 2876. …………, ………………, Mary, wife of, petition of, 2876. ......., Wm., London Commissioner, 212. Willingham, George, 212. Willis, Edw., London, 3256. Edw., Wilts, 78. John, minister, Essex, 1779. Thos., co. Gloucester, 87. Thos., Hants, 105, 830. …………………, ………………, Thos., son of, 830. …………….9 ………………、 ………….., Kath., his widow, 830. Valentine, son of, 830. Willis, Thos., &c.-cont. ……………………., Wm., 2654. .... "" Col. Wm., 1564. ••• Willoughby, Francis, 5th Lord Willoughby of Parham, 18, 62, 75, 80, 149, 180, 809, 981, 1320, 1838, ……………………, ……………., Eliz., wife of, 181, 1838-1840. petitions of, 1839, 1840. children of, 181, 1838, 1839. William, 3rd Lord Willoughby, ………………… ………………, Wm., brother of, 1838-1840. petitions of, 1838-1840. wife and children of ·· .. O Willoughby, Chris., 405. Eliz., 2383. Sir Fras., 83, 806. ·· *** 01 ". · · father of, 1839. •1 ..... 1839. "> " .. ****** ... ..3 * mont. Philip, 1246. Rob., 98, 233, 1999. Thos., 1247 (3), 1248 (5), 2096. ………………………. ………………, John, father of, 1248, 2097. Col. Thos., Parliamentary governor of Coventry, 2537. > ****** Mary, petitions of, 1847 (4). John, Devon, 502, 1072. John, Wilts, 1235. *3 ………………… ………………, informations by, 2841 (2). petitions of, 2841 (3). Sir Thos., Bart, 1235. ...... wife and children of, 806. ر. petition, &c., of, 1235 (2). husband of, see Dixie, Beau- Wills, John, 1308. petitions of, 1234 (2). ... "> Wm., 2167 (2). ………………, petition of, 2167. John, Chinnock, Somerset, 1746. children of, 1746. ***** John, Chiselborough, Somerset, 1809. Rob., 2013. Thos., Cornwall, 2741, Thos., co. Northampton, see Wells, Thos. Willy, Mary, co. York, 3215. Ralph, 2722. Willyman, Rich., 3257. ... Wilmer, John, petition of, 2255. Eliz., wife of, 2255. Thos., 239, 2535. ****** …………………、 ………………, mother and children of, 2535. Sir Wm., 1462. ……………………、 ………………, Wm., grandson of, 1462. Wilmore, Thos., 396. Sir Wm., 88. Wilmot, Charles, 1st Viscount Wilmot, Ire- land, 2236. Henry, 2nd Viscount and 1st Baron. Wilmot, England, 94, 480, 938, 2235. 3604 GENERAL INDEX. Wilmot, Henry, 2nd Viscount, &c.-cont. ………………………, ………………, Anne, wife of, 2235. .., 44 ………… Bart. • Wilmot, Thos., 1621. Wilsby, Lincolnshire steward, 229. Wilse, Hen., 2790. John, 3258. ..... Wilsford, Edw., 166, 1567. Wilshire, Rich., signature of, 623. Wilson, Alex., 514, 2473 (2). letter of, 496. , .... "S ……………………., Allan, 3158. Amy, 104. **** …………….., Anne, 2283. ·· > > , ***> wife of, see Ant, Mary. ****** Edw., late Westmoreland Commis- sioner, 416, 2910 ?. ** > Hen., clerk, co. Lincoln, 1542. Hen., Surrey, 693. …………………., Hen., Grasmere, Westmoreland, 176. Hen., Underley, Westmoreland, 176, 1221. .., John, Chester, co. Chester, 1196. John, Nantwich hundred, co. Chester, 112. •*, ***** ... John, sen. and jun., Northwich hun- dred, co. Chester, 122. ******* , former husband of, 2235 (2). son of, see Lee, Sir Hen., .. ****** Chris., 521. Edw., co. Stafford, 1758. Nathan, co. Lancaster, 1104, 1106. Rich., 112, 2122. Rob., solicitor for the Revenue Com- mittee, 287, 288, 624. "> *** Charles, husband of, 2283. John, son of, 2283. petition of, 421. Rob., Norfolk ?, 1926. Rob., Surrey, petition of, 1582. Thos., Cheshire collector, 174. Thos., Wardle, co. Chester, 101, 104, 3193. ***** George, Knutsford, co. Chester, 217. George, London, 1458. John, Cumberland, 961. John, co. Lancaster, petition of, 1698. Marmaduke, 1219. Marthama, 759. ***** ………………………, Thos., co. Lincoln, 1676. Thos., 1123. Dr. Thos., co. Cambridge, 320, 345, 1570. Thes. and Rob., co. Durham, 2254. ******* Eliz. Anne, wife of, 345, 1570. ******* Wm., Cumberland, 72, 124, 202, 233. Wm., co. Derby [or Denbigh], 3246. Wm., co. Durham, 2254. Eliz., daughter of, see Ridley, Westmoreland, 176, 521, Wilson-cont. ****** ……………… *** Wilton, Rob., 95. Dr., 95. • Dr., Essex, 321, 3043. Dr., co. Lincoln, 307. Mr., examiner to the Committee for Compounding, 770. **** Wiltshire, Rich., Westminster, 2210. Wimberley, Bevill, 1530. # • ** Mr., Berks, 1214. Mr., co. Leicester, 108. Wimble, John, 458. Wimbledon, Viscount, see Cecil, Edw. Winch, Pat., 95, 1295. Winchcombe, John, 725, 2363, 3302. Wm., 1667. Gilbert, D.D., 94. ? Winchelsea, Earl of, see Finch. Winchester, Bishop of, see Curle, Walter. Marquis of, see Paulet. …………… > Winchester, Daniel, 3302. Winchurch, Wm., 3246. Winckfield, Henry, 96. Winckley, John, and Thos., his son, 2555. Wm., Billington, co. Lancaster, 2722. Thos., brother of, 2723. ………….., Wm., his son, petition of, 1530. " Wincombe, Rich., Devon, deposition of, 617. Winde, James, Buckinghamshire clerk, letter of, 735. or Wynde, Sir Rob., 1475, 1626. Lieut.-Col. Hen., his son, 1475. Windebank, John, 2119. *) ****** Sir Thos., 51, 1265. Wm., Winckley, co. Lancaster, peti- tions of, 2960 (2). **** father of, 1466. , Windham, or Wyndham, Edm., 342, 353, 442, 470, 479, 964. Christabella, wife of, 964, > **> 2615. petition of, 1530. *** children of, 2615. .., Hugh, or Sir Hugh, son of, 518, 519, 964, 2537 (2), 2811. …………… **** Col. Fras., Kensford, Somerset, Gover- nor of Bridgwater, &c., for the King, 119, 1372, 1417. Eliz., Lady, 1676. Fras., Sandall, Somerset, 1887. Hum., 1226. John, 2302. .... • Kath., widow of, 2302. petition of, 2302. Sir John, 1292, 2302. Thos., Norfolk, 2850. ******* ****** Fras., son of, petition of, 2850. Wadham, 638, 3108. petition of, 2501. GENERAL INDEX. 3605 * Windover, John, 77, 1120. Window, Wm., co. Gloucester, delinquent, 748, 749, 3247 (2). .... .... Windress, Wm., 2899. Windsor, Thos., 6th Lord Windsor, 426 (3), ………. ... *** "> + Windsor, Ant., 90, 2855. deposition of, 749. Mary, wife of, depositions of, 749, 3247. Wm., Gloucestershire steward, 406, 416. • Wm., co. York, 3100. Wine Licences, 1519 (4), 1520 (3). .... 1260. ………….., page of, Wm. Bennett, 426. signature of, 1. Kath., wife of, 509 (2), 1260, Winford, Sir John, 1917. Thos., 111, 1760. .. 3272. כי Wing, Rob., 1661. Wingate, Edw., 380. • > ·· ******* ******* Thomas Hickman, 7th Lord Windsor, his nephew, 1260. ……….., signature of, 623. John, 2158, 2163. ******* Eliz., widow of, 865. ………………………, ………………, Fras., son of, 863. petition of, 2163. > …………… "" Wingfield, Abel, 2520. ► .... ......, agents or Commissioners for, 1519, 1520. > ... O ..., Edw., 94 ?, 1210. wife of, 1210. Hen., co. Cambridge, 919. Hen., Suffolk, 3243. John, 646, 650, 651 (2). Sir Rich., 88, 98, 369, 790, 1055. Thos., co. Montgomery, 1861, 1862 (2). ……………. *** Winkle, Thos., 3078. Sir Ant., Bart., 2317, 2532 (2). " *..... children of, 3078. mother of, 3078 (2). *** ******* Winnington, John, co. Chester, 491, 2499, Ellen, widow of, petitions of, 3078 (2). 2949. Lawrence, 122, 1261. Winslow, Edw., member of the Committee for Compounding, 194, 311, 446, 668, 702, 722, 724. ... letters to, 318, 327, 387, 536, 620, 625, 629, 637 ?, 675, 684, 2851, 2852, 3080. ******* note by, 350. orders to, 318, 323, 336, 345, 384, 405, 408, 490, 669, 715, 1617. ***………} …………… …………………. ……………., requests to, 1073, 2912. ... Winstanley, James, co. Lancaster, 2973. Francis, eldest son of, 2973. Winstanley, James-cont. ··· ··· .. James, London 308, 347, 396, 405, 537, 1556, 2379, 2380, 2424 (2), 2723. petitions of, 1556, 1557 (2). Edm., his brother, 1557. …………….. ………………. ………….., Dorothy, wife of, 1557. ... Winston, Thos., Devon, 2820. ▼ • Thos., M.D., London, 2536. . Winter, or Wintour, Edw., 493, 494, 544, 3139, 3239. .. Peter and John, younger sons of, petitions of, 2973, 2974. Anne and Alice, daughters of, " .." ………………… .. > Đ 2973. • .... " ... ………………., Mrs., Exeter, 251. Winthrop, Major, 631, 636, 637. Wintour, see Winter. Winwood, Rich., 804. Lady, 1357. Wirley, John, 1462. Sir John, see Worley. Wirrall, Ralph, 2738. Wisdom, Thos., jun., 1570. Wise, Fras., 3303. John, 33. .... ……… Wm., 1046. , ………………………., Henry and Grace, children of, 1047. > ……………… Jane, wife of, 3139 (2). petition of, 3139. …………….y ……………… Sir George, Bart., 280, 2124. Hen., 2764. John, co. Brecon, 2924, 3139 ?, 3239. John, Cumberland, 1698. petition of, 1698. Sir John, 86, 94, 138, 139, 1023, 1026, 2143. *5 ******* > > "" •, 1639. Wm., recorder of Beverley, co. York, 227, 615, 616. Capt., 33. Wiseman, John, 94. Rob., 1288. Thos., remembrancer of London, 1349. Sir Wm., 95, 2097, 2098, 3216. John, his son, 2097. Wisham, George, co. Hereford, 2762. Wm., father of, 2762 (2). Witcherley, see Wicherley. Witham, or Wytham, Anne, 2205 (2), 3162. ***** .... • } Sampson, 2068 (2). Sampson, Devon, 2090. Thos., sen. and jun., 2894. Wm., co. Oxon, 1639 (2). petition of, 1639. Etheldred, wife of, petition of, ***** Və > ……………… petition of, 2206. Ant., co. Durham, 465, 622, 3069. Isabel, widow of, 3069, 3178. 3606 GENERAL INDEX. Witham, Ant.-cont. • ·· • ***** ་ .... לי 2594. .... ……………… Ant., co. York, 3008. ·· ………………y ***** *** ****** see Thornton, Nich. לי 3008. ……………… Radcliffe, John. children and grandchil- Wm., co. York, son of, **** ******* 3008. ………………………. ………………. ……………… ………………, Anne, widow of, .. > 3008. ... John, son of, 3069. ***** ………………ɔ ******* dren of, 2684. **** John, son of, 2684, 3008. petitions of, 2592, 2594. •> .., Jane, wife of, 2592. ...., petitions of, 2592, her first husband, her brother, see C ………………. ………………. ……………., Mary and Dorothy, daughters of, petition of, 3008. other children of, ." Wm., younger son of, petition of, 3008. Edw., 3195. George, Alderman of London, receipt by, 37. ***** .. .. Rich., Sarah, and Kemborough, peti- tion of, 1780. children of, 2610. ....... Wither, or Withers, Ant., 94, 2208, 2544. deposition of, 656. Edw., certificate of, 1226. ……………. Wm., co. Durham, 2610. ……. Anne, widow of, petitions of, 2610 (2). > ... …………….) ·· petition of, 1226. ****** Major George, 973 (2), 1792. petitions, &c., of, 973 (3). ***** John, 1733 (2). ******* Nath., 2880. ……………., Hester, wife of, 2880. Nich., 2895, 3147. Withering, Thos., 1257, 2297. Witherington, see Widdrington. Withers, see Wither. Withes, Fras., 2876. John, 1124. Withie, John, sen., 1635. Withington, Ralph, see Whittington, Ralph. Withins, Fras., 3274. petitions of, 1733 (3). Anne, widow of, 3274 (4), 3275. petitions of, 3274 (3). Thos., 2471 (2), 2472. ………………, Anne, widow of, 2471. , Withypool, Hen., 1621. (2). Witter, George, 101. Randoll, petition of, 1885. Wittic, Phil., 1129. Wivell, see Wyvell. Mary, wife of, petitions of, 1621 Woddin, John, 509 (2), Wodenoth, see Woodnoth. Wogan, Abr., high-sheriff of Pembrokeshire, 482. ... Wolfall, Marg., petition of, 2063. family of, 2063. Thos., 442, 1940, 2861 ?. Rowland, Pembrokeshire Commis- sioner, 517. ***** ... •, Mary, granddaughter of, 442. Wolfe, or Woolf, Edw., messenger, 810. ……., Fras., sen., 2232, 2978. Fras., jun., 2978. ·· *** ……., John, 2221, 3119. Thos., son of, 1667. ... Wm., 2721, 2882. Wolfryes, Hen., 118. Wolgar, Wm., 3194. Wollacomb, John, petition of, 2707. Wollascot, Wm., 1837. .., John, London, petition of, 1509. ……., Nich., 1667. ……….., Anne, widow of, petition of, 1667. ……………, ………………, Kath., widow of, 1837. Wollascott, Thos., Berks, 3031. Eliz., widow of, 3031. petition of, 3031. children of, 3031. ... Frances and Mary, sisters of, .... .. • ... …………. 3031. Wollaston, or Woollaston, Ald. Sir John, Treasurer-at-war, 463, 477, 492, 536, 546, 548, 560, 585, 697, 1056. certificates, &c., by, 37, 207, Wolley, John, 109, 1596. 213, 539. Major Rich., 1849 (6). Wm., 111. Mr., Westminster, 94. ... ***** Wolryche, Wolriche, or Woolrich, Sir Thos., Bart., 200, 1261. "" petition of, 1007. ……………. .. , Wolseley, Sir Rob., 90, 1771. Lieut.-Col. Sir Charles, his son, 667, 1771, 2307, 3208, 3209. Wolstenholme, Sir John, 96, 98, 803, 1206, 1805, 2691. Wolverston, Michael, 2811. Wolverstone, Mr., 96. Wood, Barbara, 2208. Basil, 1980. Bevis, petitions of, 2826 (3). Chris., Devon, 180, 2142. "> .. ** " ..., Chris., Kent, 461. Edw., Culmstock, Devon, 3259. Edw., Exeter, Devon, 2859. Fras., 2037. "> ******* George, sen., Kent, 460. George, Hatfield, co. York, 2188. petition of, 2191. ***** GENERAL INDEX. 3607 Wood-cont. • • ..... .... 14 • ··· ……………. G ** > ………………………. ……………., Gerard, son of, 2434. petitions of, 2435 (3). ………………………. ……………., James, son of, 2434. ………………………. ……………., Roger, son of, 2434. ………………………. …………….. ......, Grace, wife of, 2435 (2). petitions of, 2434, • • .... .." · •*• · > • · petition of, 3222. Dr. Gerard, Archdeacon of Wells, 2434. > • …………………… .. ... 2435. • > *** • 140 , > • ? George, Kirby Mallard, co. York, 33. Capt. George, 3223. ……………………, Roger, 3150. "" •2 mother of, 1986. ..... John, co. Warwick, 1116, 3147. John, alias Cratchroid, John, co. York, 1091. .... > ………………………. ………………, family of, 336. ………….) ******} ……………** Hen., co. Chester, 123. Hen., co. Lancaster, 3110. Marg., wife of, 3110. ******* Hen., Sussex, 1986. Sir Hen., 493, 2072. Mary, wife of, 2434, 2435. Hum., 348, 349, 1156. family of, 1156. John, co. Anglesea, petition of, 2510. John, Essex, petition of, 1947. John, co. Lancaster, 2110, 2865. John, Sussex, 1986. Jos., 3193. Marg., 107. Owen, 3130. Ralph, 2771. Rich., Devon, 152. ... ... Rich., co. Lancaster, petition of, 2843. Rob., Somerset, 1873. ·λ *** 1263. children of, 2435. Thos., Devon, 153, 471, 504, 1262, 2791. ** …………… Thos., Cornwall, 117. Blanche, wife of, 1262. John, father of, 1262. mother of, 1262. ………. Honor, Sybil, and Barnaby, sisters and brother of, 1263. ………………, petitions of, 1262 (2), ****** *** 1090. Marg., wife of, 3150. John, son of, 326, 3150 (4). Dorothy, daughter of, 3150. Thos., co. Nottingham, 769. Thos., Staffordshire officer, 2974. petition of, 2974. …………. ., Thos., co. York, 1014, 1090. Jane, widow of, 1090. ***** petitions of, 1090, 1091. Eliz., daughter of, petition of, Wood, Thos.-cont. ... to ... ………………… • • ** .. ·· ་་ • • " **** • ………… (2). Woodcock, Edw., co. Leicester, 109. Edw., Sussex, 2458. petition of, 2458. grandfather of, see Bellingham, *** ………..> ******* ...... Isabel, daughter of, petitions of, 1090, 1091. other children of, 1090. Sir John, father of, 1090. John, brother of, 1090 (2), 1091. Edw., cousin of, 1091 (6). petition of, 1090. .9 *** …………………., John, 3175. • د. • .... · • ... ******* Wm., 2682. ...*** Sir Edw. ··3 "" Thos., Sussex, 2458. ******* petitions of, 2458 (3). Wooden, John, co. Bedford, 546. Woodeson, Ann, Dibden, Hants, 3198. Woodfield, Wm., petition of 2263. Woodford, Thos., 1826. • • +9 wife and children of, 2682 (2). brothers and sisters of, 2682 Wm., 78. > Woodgreen, John, 461. Woodhead, Edw. and Mich., 2683. Woodhouse, John, 2950. **** Rich., 907. Thos., Col. Standish's man, 392. petition of, 907. Woodison, Ann, 3197. Woodman, Ant., Northumberland officer, 663, 668. Thos., co. Lancaster, 2909 ?, 3095. Thos., London, 1777. petition of, 1773. Nich., 204. Rich., 1085. Woodnoth, Woodnott, or Wodenoth. Jonathan, 112, 217, 349, 1185. Mary, his widow, 1185. Mrs., London, 1621 (2). ..... Charles, 1543. Edw., Hants officer, 1479. John, Hants Commissioner, 105, 282, > 283, 383, 385, 386 (2), 405, 106, 424, 447, 148, 453 (2), 493, 506, 523, 524, 530-533, 541, 542, 576, 700, 2693, 2694, 2698, 2986 (3), 2987 (2), .., letters, &c. of, 104, 386, 530, 531. Mr., Receiver-General for the Trus- tees of Dean and Chapter lands, 452, 592, 834. Woodroffe, George, 1369. T ..... ******* Woods, Emblin, 3220. · Robert, his son, 1369. children of, 3220. George, 2712, 2713. Cicely, widow of, 2712. 3608 GENERAL INDEX. Woods, George-cont. .. ... ·· • John, Cumberland, 820. John, London, petition of, 1852. ………………….., Rich., Eccleston, co. Lancaster, 456. ……………………, ………………, deposition of, 456. Woodson, Anne, Dorset, petition of, 1755. nephew of, see Chamberlain, ……………., Rich., West Derby, co. Lancas- ter, nephew of, 2712. • .. • Mary, 1755. Wm., Hants, 3234. Wm., Wilts, petitions of, 1755, 1756. Woodward, Alex., 1211. petition of, 3145. children of, 1211. …………….. Hugh, petition of, 3017. · ·· •·.· ·· ., .... **** Wm. • " *** Tristram, petition of, 2158. family of, 2158. ******* Wm., co. Lancaster, 2197 ?. petition of, 3145. · .... Wm., Surrey, 96, 389, 919. Mr., co. Lancaster, 522, 2560. Wooley, Randal, 101, 3198. Woolf, see Wolfe. Woolfall, Mary, petition of, 2580. > ... .. ... ……………. ... 1 (3). ******* ... 2580. ****** Eleanor, wife of, 2712. Woollaston, see Wollaston. Woolley, Fras., London, 234. Woolmer, Thos., 743, 3193. Woolrich, Carew, 2961. John, co. Gloucester, 87. John, Suffolk, 2073. Peter, 3145. Rich., 2321. Rich., co. Lancaster, 3145. Ellen, wife of, 3145. .... > Thos., 3293. ……………… Matthew, father of, 3017. George, uncle of, 3017 (2). Thos., co. Lancaster, 2579, 2994. son and grandson of, 2579. Wm., great grandson of, 2580 petitions of, 2579 (2), ...., or Worlich, Charles, 2962. Sir Thos., see Wolriche. Wm., 2665. Woorall, Hum., 1613. Wooton, John, 2816. Wootton, Lady Marg., see Wotton. Worcester, Bishop of, see Prideaux, John. Dean of, see Potter, Dr. Chris. Earl and Countess of, see Somerset. Worley, Edw., discoverer, Church Brampton, co. Northampton, petitions of, 2635, 2641. Edw., Dadford, co. Northampton, 2684. Worley-cont. Wormingtou, Thos., 2185 (2). ·· or Wirley, Sir John, and Mary, his wife, petition cf, 2294. Wormley, Hen., 2048. Wm., 99, 203. ………………… Worrall, Rob., London, 1585. .. " ***** Worseley, Col. or Lieut.-Col. Charles, 1115, 1117. .. petitions of, 2184, 2185 (2). Wm., 2185. ... ………………> ·· • ………………y Worsley, Edw., 2691. Thos., 2079. .... Cos. ******* as Major-General for Chester, Stafford, and Lancaster, 933, 939, 1038, 1069, 1090, 1207, 1555. .. ****** Worsop, Thos., 2072. Wortes, Rich., petition of, 1604. Rob., co. York, petition of, 192. Wm., co. Lancaster, 2737. wife of, 2738. Worth, John, Devon, 98. "> > Mr., co. Hereford ?, 1850. John, Somerset, petitions of, 2238, 2239. **** petitions of, 2238, 2239. Mr., Westminster, 94. Wortham, John, 2097 (6), 3259. **S Sussex, son of, 2097 (4). petitions of, 2097 (2). "" .. •" ters of, 2239. ****** Thos., 3076. ****3 Worthen, John, 1484. Peter, 122, 3138. Rich., Somerset, 2239. .. ·· Robert, his son, 1484 (2). Worthington, Lawrence, petition of, 3202. Rich., petitions of, 2813 (2). Anne, wife of, 2813. …...♥ ………. petitions of, 2813 (2). ........., Rob., Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, 2966. Rob., Worthington, co. Lancaster, petition of, 3085. Wm., and Thos., his son, 2363. Capt.-Lieut., 808. petition of, 2865. …………….) Wortley, Sir Edw., 1167 (2). .. Mary, Eliz., and Cecil, daugh- • second wife of, 1376. ...*.** Sarah, daughter of, see Bret- teridge, Sarah. Sir Fras., 1st Bart., 1003, 1023, 1024, 1168, 1375. • ……… ………..* Col. or Sir Francis, 2nd Bart., his son, 327, 1003, 1023, 1024, 1166. ... • .... C ·· ... 1166-1170, | > deposition by, 2425. signature of, 623. Frances, wife of, 327, GENERAL INDEX. 3609 Wortley, Sir Fras., 1st Bart., &c.—cont. · ... .. .. Wosper, Rich., 2866. Wotton, or Wootton, Ant., 523. ·· ·· ·· · *** N Wragg, Chris., 904. · Frances, daughter-in-law of, petitions of, 1167 (3), 1170. sister of, see Faunt, > ………………………………., Stephen, father of, 881. Wrathley, Hen., 240. Wray, or Ray, Abr., 49. make Bridget. Thos., London, petition of, 2749. ·· Eliz., 736. George, London ?, 3179. George, Northumberland, 2667. Eliz., wife of, 2670, 2671. petition of, 2670. ..... ……………. George and Chris., co. York ?, 2356. ………………………, John, 1962. Marg., Lady, 102, 713, 727, 732, 2309. ... sister of, see Noel, Hester, Lady Campden. Capt. Rich., petition of, 934. Wm., John, and Rich., 579, 2069. ·· • .. + *** .. ► Sir Chichester, Bart., 117, 336, 1928. ******* Capt., Devon, 228, 258, 321, 322, 367. (2). ***** Thos., 19, 881. ……………… ………………. Lady, 153. • .... Wrayford, Silvanus, 1977. …………. ... Wren, Charles, 3079. ***** **** "" > > 923. · Col. Fras., Durham Commissioner, 234, 314, 673, 819, 821, 923, 1048, 1218. Thos., 1992, 2127. wife of, 2129. Colonel, father of, 1928. petition of, 1962. Eliz., wife of, petitions of, 1962, ... Wrench, Edw., 1269. Wrenham, Fras., 1530, 1531. …………… Lindley, 923. Lindley, son of, 923. Dr. Matthew, Bishop of Ely, 113, 138. Colonel, of the Committee for Com- pounding, 161. Dr., Wilts, 79. letter of, 472. Wrenshaw, Rob, 124. Wrentmore, John, 1047. Wright, Abr., 110, 1651. Barbara, wife of, petition of, Mary, widow of, 1531. John, petition of, 1531. Chris., complaint of, 1246. Sir Edm., alderman of London, 2689. Edw., co. Leicester, 111. Edw., co. Lincoln, 1150. 70358. Wright-cont. 4 ·· •. ·· · …………… ..... > ·· · > 2151. 2151. · د. *** ****** ·· ', • Edw., Rutland, 89. Edw., Westmoreland, 521. Ellis, 2778. Mary. daughter of, 2778. Fras., Plewland, co. York, 2151. , ley, Eliz. > • > . + ……….., petitions of, 2150 (2), 2206 (3). Wm., sen., father of, 2150, Wm., jun., brother of, 2150, ******* **** father of, 1317. Capt. James, Derbyshire Commis. sioner ?, 746. John, 1736. John, printer?, 822. John, Cambridgeshire Commissioner, 265, 277, 2453. John, Essex, 306 (2), 315, 2515. John, son of, 2515. .... > +49 Fras., Whitwell, co. York, 2639. George, 3301. ****** > Giles, 87. Hen., 2847. ……………** children of, 2516. > *****]} John, co. Gloucester, information by, 2821. 4 Hustwait, 1317. .. ..... .., Peter, 3108, ………………………) ........., Rich., co. Denbigh, 1410. Rich., Essex, 3182. Rich., co. Lancaster, 2570. Rich, co. York ?, 3230. Rob., co. Chester, 123. Rob., and Eliz., his wife, Essex, 2098. ***** John, son of, petition of, 3301. Eliz., daughter of, see Walms- Mary, daughter of, see Birley, John, London, petition of, 1684. John, co. Northampton, 2927. John, co. Notts, 769. John, co. Stafford, petition of, 1033, John, co. York, petition of, 2150. Nathan, 797, 1780, 1782, 1830. petitions of, 1667, 1782. ****** Rob., co. Lancaster, 2778. Rob., co. York, petition of, 3026. Marg., wife of, 3026. Thos., co. Chester, 123. Thos., co. Durham, petition of, 2275. Thos., Essex, 3212. Major Thos., Derbyshire Commis- sioner?, 746. NA ……………………., Tim., 94, 95. …………… Valentine, 2664. petition of, 2664. Wm., Alderman of Chester, 752 (3). Wm., Essex agent, 2772. wife and children of, 2773. EE 3610 GENERAL INDEX. Wright-cont. Wm., co. Lancaster, 3193. Wm., co. Notts, 108. Wm., Westmoreland, 203. Dr., London, 417. Dr., Salop, 363. Mr., informer, 1505. Mr., co. Chester, 2887. Mr., co. Worcester, 2899 (2). Mr., co. York ?, 488. Wrightington, Sir Edw., 506. Wrightson, Amb., 816. • · • • ·· > .. of, 628. Wrigley, Edw., 111. > > Wriothesley, Thos., Earl of Southampton, 50, 54, 105, 106, 1507. petition of, 1499. Eliz., wife of, petition of, 1499. Wriothesley, Hen., Kent, 460, 2555. Writer, Clement, 566. Thos., jun., 566, 2892. Mr., 566. .. A …….. ……………. > Wroth, Sir Hen., 1567. Henry, high-sheriff of co. Lancaster, 506, 507. .... Sir Thos, of the Committee for Com- pounding, 161, 1730. Col., 1210. ... Wrottesley, Walter, petition of, 2081. Sir Walter, 29, 1056. Wroughton, Hen., 1606. Wyan, Rich., sen., 1611. ………… ******* ………………………. ………………, James, son of, 1611 (2). ………………………、 ………………, Rich., son of, 1611. Thos., son of, 1611 (3). " .... 1612. other children of, 1611. Wyard, Capt. Rob., 778, 785. Wyat, or Wyatt, Sir Dudley, 1812. John, Yorkshire officer, petition ... *" *** 3127. or Wyot, John, Devon, 97, 3127. Mary, wife of, 3127. Eliz., daughter of, petition of, John, solicitor for co. Northampton, 98, 686. ........, John, Somersetshire agent, 369, 387, 481, 488. Rich., 392, 442 ?. Thos., 106, 442 ?. petitions of, 1611 (2), ... •> Wybergh, Thos., sen., 202, 203, 2435. …………… Thos., eldest son of, 2435. Chris., son of, petitions of, 2436 (4), 2437. ***** 2 ………………………. ……………., younger children of, 2436. petitions of, 2436 (4), 2437. Wyborne, or Wyburne, Ben., Hants, 344, 529, 3144. daughters of, 3144. N Wybourne, Hen., 103. John, 457. Wybunbury, Frances, 3254. John, son of, 3254. Wyburne, see Wyborne. Wyche, James, 2937 (2), 2938 (2). petition of, 2937. Sir Peter, 94. ………………….., or Weeche, Rich., co. Lincoln, 1047. Wye, Edm., 22, 893. ... Wykes, see Weeks. Wylde, see Wilde. ... Wymond, Elias, Cornwall agent, 285, 290, 335, 473, 1078. Paul, 724. Peter, 669. Wynard, Thos., 3208. Wyncopp, Dr., 523, 581. Wynde, see Winde. Wyndham, see Windham. Wynn, or Wynne, Charles, petition of, 2485. **** ... Henry, 1666. ………………………, Hugh, 1967. John, 1460. · *" …………………… ………………, Gabriel, his son, 1460 (4). petitions of, 1460 (2). * * *** " > Fras., 88, 3154. ****** ****** "" Thos., co. Brecon, petition of, 3002. Thos., Sequestration solicitor, co. Carnarvon, letter of, 151. Thos., Surrey, 3246. Wm. Parry, 3232. Wyot, George, 97. Hugh, 98. John, see Wyatt. .... • *** ***** Peter, 1109. Rice, co. Montgomery, 3235. Rich., London, petitions of, 1451 (2). Rich., Salop, petition of, 2089. Rich., Westminster, 94. Sir Rob., 114. > Wytham, see Witham. Wyvell, or Wivell, Sir Marmaduke, Bart., 1009. Roger, Osgoodby, co. York, 983. Wm., son of, 983. *** Solomon, co. York, 2912. Thomasine, 2136. Wm., Cumberland, 124, 233, 3187. Wm., co. York, 2437. Y Yalden, Wm., Somerset ?, petitions of, 2633 (3). Wm., Sussex, 823, 2544. ……………., petitions of, 2543 (4), 2544. GENERAL INDEX. 3611 Yalhampton, Mary, see Galhampton. Yallop, Rob., sen., petition of, 2730. Yarborough, Sir Nich., 1326. Yarburgh, Thos., 982. Yarde, or Yard, Edw., 1420. Gilbert, 1338. James, 2111. •1 Yardley, or Yarley, Chris., 90. Eliz., 3176. ..... ... Fras., 3048. John, Radnorshire Commissioner, 517, 534, 577. " .. *** tenants of, 739 (2). ... ***** Yarner, Col. Abr., M.D., 3291. petition of, 3291. **** ………………………, ………………, Kath., wife of, petition of, 3291. Yarranton, Capt. And., Worcestershire Com- missioner, 481, 579, 582, 596, 633, 652, 3015 (2). complaint by, 3015. Yarway, Wm., 2509. children of, 2509. Yateman, James, 3197. Yates, or Yate, Dan., 122. Edw., 2834 (2). Sir Edw., Bart., 94, 1896, 2833, 2835. Sir John, Bart., his son, 292, 608, 705, 1705, 2833. • 14 > .... ..... Ralph, petition of, 3048. Rob., 566, 567. Mrs., Wales, 104. *** ***** ……………. } John, clerk, 1625 (2). John, Bucks, 67, 3140. ………. John, Cumberland, and Dorothy, his wife, petition of, 3155. John, co. Lancaster, 2991, 3176. Rich., 3176. Thos., 3083. Thos., Berks, 2327, 2658. letters of, 587, 617, 733. Yaxley, Edw., 3193. ………………………, Fras., Mellis, Suffolk, 3193. Hen., Norfolk, 3221. Wm., father of, 3221. Hen., Norfolk and Suffolk, 2729. Frances, widow of, 2729. Charles, son of, 2729. ………………………、 …………、、、 ……………., Eliz., wife of, 2730. Fras., son of, 2730. Hen., son of, petitions of, 2730 ... John, son of, 2328 (2). Thos., Bucks, 658 (2). Walter, list by, 1824. Wm., 122, 999, 1000. …………… **** (3). Eliz., widow of, 3140. John, son of, 3141. リ ​** John, 3214. petitions of, 3213, 3214. ... > Rich., 3193. Yeardsley, Mary, see Meredith, Mary. Yeldon, Thos., 2135. Yelverton, Edw., M.D., 2819. ****) .. A • Yeo, George, 98, 1401. James, 2968. Capt. John, 310. Rich., 1408. Rob., 1315. Wm., petition of, 2988. Yeoman, Edw., petition of, 2927. John, 2642. ****** **** 2819. 2 ******* Yerbury, Edw., 978. John, 2650. ·· • .. Edw., Hen., and Mary, chil- dren of, petition of, 2819. Hen., late Solicitor-General, 1846. Sir Wm., sen., Bart., 1492. • 9. Yngs, Phil., petition of, 3226. Yonge, P., M.P. for co. Salop, letter of, 706. York, Archbishop of, see Williams, Dr. John; Matthew, Tobias. ……♥ 1492 (2), 1967. York, James, petition of, 2482. Sarah, petition of, 2030. Thos., co. Worcester ?, 2610. letter to, 2587. .. · petition of, 2642. Margery, widow of, petitions of, 2642 (2). •, Nich., son of, 2642. ** → Eliz., wife of, 1638. Young, And., Northumberland, petitions of, 2747, 3189. ., Anne, widow of, petition of, Duke of, see James, Prince. …………… Sir Wm., jun., Bart., his son, Wm., petition of, 1638. ……………… " ……………… 1.1 (2). petitions of, 2747, 2748. • .... > Andrew, or Sir Andrew, co. York, 611, 2764. Mary, wife of, petitions of, 2764 Mary, wife of, 2748. ... children of, 2764. ******* Edw., 459. Gabriel, 2090. Hen., 101, 2875. mother of, 101. ****** James, co. Monmouth, 3004. Jane, 3175. John, co. Durham, 642, 655, 3037. John, sen. and jun., Salop, 1185, John, Sussex, 2279, 2280 (3). petitions of, 2279, 2280. John, Wilts, 1039. John, co. York, petition of, 2136. Sir John, M.P., 2, 1878. Patrick, 76, 126. EE 2 3612 GENERAL INDEX. Young-cont. Lieut. Rich., 306. deposition of, 303. Sir Rich., 96, 1099, 1572. ………………………. ………………, daughter of, 1099. ·· ** ... > > , ..... • Thos., Excise officer, 3242. Thos., officer to Parliament, 662 (2). Thos., London, 239. Thos., co. Monmouth, 3004. Wm., Berks, petitions of, 2521, 252 (3), 3018. Wm., co. York, 3193. Capt. Wm., information by, 1377. Lady, petition of, 211. Mr., Westminster, 94. Younger, Eleanor, 2585. George, petition of, 1269. ******* Yoward, Mr., Cambridgeshire solicitor, 244 (2), 265. Ꮓ Zachary, Capt. Rob., 18, 19, 785. Zanchy, Rich., 1625. Zouch, Sir Allan, 116, 2702. ……………………… ………………, Kath., wife of, 116, 2702. James, 3083. Dr. Rich., co. Oxon, 520, 1513. "" ( 3613 ) ܀ ܚ. …………. כי · . ·· ****** ... ******* Abberley, co. Worcester, lodge and park of, 1517. " A ... INDEX OF PLACES. manor of, 1516 (2). residents at, 1516 (2). ****** Abberston, Hants, manor of, 2533. Abbey, the, Salop, resident at, 2086. Abbey Foryate, Salop, church and parish of, 1613, 1614. lands in, 1614. minister of, 1614 (2). tithes of, 1613, 1614. co. Farm, Hants, 995, 2698. Abbotsbury, Dorset, house in, 1201. > Part I. contains Pp. Part II. Part III. Part IV. Part V. *** For streets, buildings, &c., in London, Southwark, and Westminster, see London, Southwark, and Westminster, streets, &c., in. ……………… Abbington-juxta-Shingay, Cambridge, resident at, 982. Abbotfield, co. Lincoln, estate of, 1310. Abbot's Ann, Hants, residents at, 105, 700, 995. 52 "> >> 19 King's garrison at, 2683. residents at, 118, 1512, 2011.. ……….y Abbotsham, Devon, resident at, 97. Dorset ?, resideut at, 118. Abbots Isle, see Northall. Abbotstock, Dorset, resident at, 118. Abdick and Bulstone, Somerset, constable of, 907. Aberconnock, or Boconock, Cornwall, resident at, 2321. Abercundrick, co. Brecon, resident at, 1674. Aberforth, co. York, estates at, 2313. Abergavenny, estates in, 2407, 3233. garrison of, 1185. hundred of, 644. lordship or manor of, 510, 544, 568, 570, 2048, 2049 (2). residents at, 507, 722, 1711, 2048, 3077, 3233. ........., travellers to or from, 1131, 1- 828. pp. 829-1636. pp. 1637-2392. pp. 2393—3176. pp. 3177-3312. Aberglasney, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1826. Aberlee, Salop, resident at, 617. Abershall, co. Gloucester, lands in, 2361. Abertannot, Salop, manor of, 1861, 1862. Aberustick, co. Cardigan, tithes of, 1395, Aberystwith, co. Cardigan, King's governor of, 1568. Abingdon, or Abington, Berks, 1070. ... ………… .. .... • Parliament garrison at, governor of, 127, 807. ......, money for, 12, 13, 27 (5), 31, 32 (2), 791, 797, 2170. treasurer for, see Billingsley, •*•••• > Ablington, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2806. Abney Grange, co. Derby, 2321. Aborne, Sussex, estate in, 1366. Abram, co. Lancaster, estates in, 2522, 3088 (2). ... ··· .. Mr. residents at, 2967, 3088 (2). Aby, co. Lincoln, tithes of, 1501. Acaster, co. York, resident at, 1215. Accle, Norfolk, marshes in, 2819. Ackeronbank, Westmoreland, residents at, 99, 1416. ****** ****** Ackhurst Hall, co. Lancaster, 2861. resident at, 2861. Acklam, co. York, 587, 1324. Ackton, co. York, lands in, 3067. manor of, 3086. resident in, 3067 (2). Ackworth, co. York, lands in, 3098. resident at, 212. Acomb Melland, Northumberland mill at, residents at, 1501, 1788, 2209, 2576. traveller to, 1271. • •> 2600. Acton, co. Chester, 3295. *** ** " minister of, 487, 488, 603, 625, 704, 1285. resident at, 1157. Iron, co. Gloucester, 1406. resident at, 1942. ……………. 3614 INDEX OF PLACES. Acton-cont. ……… ... ·· • • ……………………** ... ...... Adbaston, co. Stafford, resident at, 89. Adderbury, co. Oxon, manor of, 938 (2), 2235. residents at, 172, 445, 574, 579, 2235. Adderley, Salop, resident at, 3254. Addingham, co. York, resident at, 1635. Long, co. York, estates in, 2230. Addington, co. Northampton, resident at, 88, Turville, co. Gloucester, estates at, 85. Burnell, Salop, manor in, 1008. co. Stafford, 3000. resident at, 90. Trussell, co. Stafford, lands, &c.,in,3137. co. Suffolk, residents at, 2887, 3033, 3103, 3191. tithes of, 2887. ** Addiscombe, Devon, resident at, 2766. Addiston's Close, Northumberland, 1737. Addlestrop, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2306. Addlethorpe, co. Lincoln, estate in, 1734. Adeford, Kent, resident at, 3259. Aden Castle, Northumberland, resident at, 2599. Adgarley, co. Lancaster, mines in, 3269. Adlington, co. Chester, residents at, 122, 123, 893, 992, 1067, 1074, 1084, 1159, 1394, 8253. 1740. lands, &c., in, 1740. Surrey, manor of, 2884 (2), 2885 (2). ·· ** Hall, or House, co. Chester, King's garrison at, 1055, 1074, 1084, 1092, 1125, 1156, 2610. residents at, 2757 (2), 2799. Admaston, Salop, resident at, 2941. co. Stafford, lands in, 1896. Admington, co. Gloucester, manor of, 2919 (2). Wood, co. Chester, resident at, 1125. co. Lancaster, houses in, 2521, 2757 (2). ……………, resident at, 2920. Advent, Cornwall, resident at, 3298. Adwalton, co. York, battle of, 945. Affpuddle, Dorset, minister of, 1692. Afton, Devon, resident at, 1256. Agbrigg, co. York, sequestrators of, 1750, 1751. Agden, co. Chester, residents at, 104 (2). Agglethorpe, co. York, estate at, 197. resident at, 1856. Aigburgh, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3203. resident at, 3203. Aighton, co. Lancaster, house in, 2745. residents at, 2527, 2745. Ainder-by-Steeple, co. York, resident at, 2864. Aintree, co. Lancaster, residents at, 3000 (2). Aire, the, co. York, lands on, 2040. .... …………. .、** Aislaby, co. Durham, lands in, 2251, 2252, 2254, 2651. Holmes, co. Durham, estate called, 3299 (2). co. York, estates in, 2402, 2403. *" resident at, 2403. Wood, co. York, 3209. Akeham Grange, co. York, 3097. Akeley, Bucks, 68, 1770 (2). residents at, 1770, 2712, 2744. Akenham, Suffolk, resident at, 1309. Alberston, Cornwall, estate ín, 3234. Alborough Hall, co. York, 1987. Albrightley, Salop, resident at, 2988. Albrighton, Salop, resident at, 1551. Alburgh, Norfolk, resident at, 558. Albury, Surrey, manor and mansion of, 2466, 2472. Alcar, co. Lancaster, rectory of, 1345. Alcester, co. Warwick, school of, 2217. residents at, 2219, 3205. ... ... **** .... ***** Alchey, co. Flint, resident at, 1113. Alciston, Sussex, farm at, 3012. د. Alcot Yeeld, co. Worcester, resident at, 2587. Aldborough, or Audburgh, co. York, estates in, 2918, 3064, 3100, 3112. • manor of, 3070. parish of, 1120. residents at, 2957, 3064, 3070, 3112, 3186, 3193. **** Aldby, Norfolk, resident at, 2780. Aldcliffe, co. Lancaster, hall at, 2559. lands in, 2559. .. •*** Aldenham, Salop, resident at, 1541. Alderley, co. Chester, residents at, 123, 1742. Aldermarston, Berks, resident at, 880. Alderney, Island of, protection of, 48. Alderwasley, co. York, resident at, 2008. Aldford, co. Chester, 326. residents at, 103, 295, 308. > Aldingham, co. Lancaster, minister of, 456. resident at, 3111. Aldingworth, co. Northampton, resident at, 2635. • ………… .. Aldon, Lower, Salop, resident at, 1987. Aldwark, co. York, manor of, 3072. ……………., resident at, 1694. Aldwick, Somerset, manor of, 496, 1933 (2). Sussex, hundred of, 1619. manor of, 493. Aldwinkle, co. Northampton, lands in, 2624. Alesby-cum-Rigsby, co. Lincoln, parishioners of, 1164. Alexanderston, co. Brecon, estate in, 494, 495. residents at, 563, 2968. ***** Alexton, co. Leicester, manor of, 1245, 1246. resident at, 109. Alfarthing, Surrey, manor of, 1805 (2). Alford, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1164 (2). ***** Alfreton, co. Derby, minister of, 1357. proclamation at, 70. Algarth, co. York, see Aysgarth. Algiers, redemption of captives from, 1622 (2). Alhampton, Somerset, manor of, 2303-2305. resident at, 2618. .. Alisbeere, Devon, parish of, 2967. Alker, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3145. Alkmonton, co. Derby, residents at, 1423 (2). Allanton, Northumberland, 3208. All Cannings, Wilts, farm at, 994. resident at, 1977. ****** Allchurch, co. Worcester, estate in, 1261. parish of, 2587. Allen, Somerset, manor of, 3090. Aller, Somerset, resident at, 1176. Allerston, co. York, manor of, 1075 (2), 1076 ………. (2). Allerton, co. Lancaster, 3119. .. ... " *** · manor of, 3119, 3219, 3238. residents at, 2521, 3238. Black, Northumberland, 2417. Chapel, co. York, resident at, 2119. Maleverer, co. York, resident at, 2030. Allertonshire, co. York, place in, 3102. Alleston Court, co. Gloucester, 2024. Allington, co. Denbigh, tenement in, 1160. resident at, 1948. " ** > …………. INDEX OF PLACES. East, Devon, resident at, 1424. ……………………., Kent, castle of, 2309 (2), 2310. estate at, 1303. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1309. Allithwaite, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2569. Almondbury, co. York, resident at, 1674. Almondsbury, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 1013. Devon, estate in, 3166. resident at, 97. *** Almsford, Somerset, resident at, 3122. Alnebrough Hall, or Netherhall, Cumberland, residents at, 1703, 2773. Alnwick, Northumberland, estates near, 2748. letter dated from, 198. residents at, 172, 1375, 2952. Abbey, Northumberland, residents at, 202, 815, 1075, 1270, 1401, 2046. Alphington, Devon, resident at, 1886. Alresford, Hants, house in, 2725. Alsager, co. Chester, resident at, 1122. Alston, co. Lancaster, 1109, 1117, 2716, 3095. residents at, 2716, 3095, 3194. Moor, Cumberland, lead mines in, 2589. * * * * * * } manor of, 2590. resident at, 202. ******* Alte Grange, co. Lancaster, 3171 (2). Altham, co. Lancaster, 2650. ……………………., pastor of, 2573, rectory of, 2573. Altham-cont. residents at, 2563, 2650, 3090. Althorne Barnes, Essex, farm of, 2125. Altofts, co. York, resident at, 3192. Alton, Hants, division of, 730. Salop, 3215. • co. Stafford, 2474. manor of, 2467. co. Worcester, resident at, 3156. Alvanley, co. Chester, chapelry of, 915. residents at, 100, 101. Alvechurch, co. Worcester, estate at, 1259. Alvecote, co. Warwick, resident at, 2923. Alverton, Somerset, residents at, 1536, 1686. Alvescot, co. Oxon, resident at, 1263. Alvesdiston, Wilts, rectory of, 77. Alveston, co. Gloucester, 85, 2079. residents at, 2079, 2080. ... ... 41 , Alveton, co. Stafford, corn mills in, 3135 (2). manor of, 1774. Alvington, Cornwall, manor of, 617. .. Devon, residents at, 2064 (2), 2635. East, Devon, houses in, 3186. resident at, 3186. ****** West, Devon, parish of, 2533. resident at, 1171. Alwarby, Cumberland, resident at, 1668. Alwenton, Northumberland, parish and rec- tory of, 2508, 2509. Amallmaines, Kent, manor of, 2118. Amberlee, co. Monmouth, lands in, 3140. mansion-house of, 3140. ·· *** > . 3615 …………. **** resident at, 3139. ***** Amberley, co. Hereford, minister of, 604. Sussex, resident at, 2044. Amble, Northumberland, hall or manor-house of, 2747, 2748. Ambleside, Westmoreland, resident at, 1138. Amerden Hall, Essex, resident at, 2753. America, person in, 1255.. Amersden, co. Oxon, manor of, 1883, 1884. residents at, 1833 (2): "" Amersham, Bucks, estates at, 66. resident at, 755. …………………*** Amington, co. Warwick, manor and rectory of, 1290. residents at, 112, 1990. ***** Amotherby, co. York, resident at, 3123. Amounderness, co. Lancaster, hundred of, 456, 1285. د. places in, 3185-3187. Ampney, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2306. St. Mary, co. Gloucester, 86. **** St. Peter, co. Gloucester, 85, 1205. resident at, 87. Amport, Hants, resident at, 1922. Ampthill, co. Bedford, lands at, 2057. letters dated from, 388, 599. *** 3016 INDEX OF PLACES. Ampthill-cont. ... Amsterdam, 63, 2464. Amwell Magna, co. Herts, resident at, 1129. Ancaster, co. Lincoln, lands at, 1436. Ancoats, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1086. Anderson, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1063. Anderton, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2575. Andleby Manor, co. Lincoln 898. Andover, Hants, division of, 105, 730. parish of, 2612. ………… "" · rent-charge from, 2533. ***9 residents at, 105, 2612, 3240. Andrew's, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 3211. Andrew's House, co. Durham, resident at, 2370. Angerton Milne, co. Northumberland, resident - at, 3235. Anglesey, Isle of, 592. residents at, 579, 2057, 2716. Grange, co. Bedford, resident at, 3117. Act of Composition for, 146. ………………… ………………, persons excepted from, 146. County Commissioners for, 592, 1599– 1601. returns from, wanted, 421, 449, County Commissioners for, with Car- narvon and Merioneth, see Carnarvon. insurrection in, 132, 146, 3130. .... ·· **** ·· ·· 691. ……………… ……………………、 ………………, cases of, 1200, 1599, 1929, 3089, 3130, 3132, 3217. sheriff of, 3130. surrender of, 624. and Beaumaris, Articles of surrender of, 103, 624, 1200, (3), 1599, 1600, 1702, 1929, 2740, 3089 (2). Angmering, Sussex, resident at, 475. Angram, co. York, resident at, 1089. Ansley Woodhouse, co. Notts, 193, 1735. resident at, 769. , י ………. lands or estates in, 1599, 1600, 1602, 1726, 2740, 2977, 3136, 3217. money from, 1599 (2). residents in, 644, 1599, 1725, 2510. Anstey or Ansty, Wilts, manor of, 1224. resident at, 1755. Antingham, Norfolk, 115. Antwerp, letter dated from, 599. Anwick, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1348. Apley, co. Lincoln, woods in, 2187, 2192. ****** Salop, residents at, 750, 761, 877, 1483, 2196. House, Salop, residents at, 877. Appleby, Westmoreland, castle of, 631. King's party at, 521 (2), 631. surrender of, 1867. Appledore, Kent, 457. Appledram, Sussex, minister of, 1863. Appleton, Norfolk, residents at, 736, 740, 2817 (2), 2818, 3175. co. York, estate in, 3123. Appleton-cont. .. 4. resident at, 1127. Appletree, co. Derby, hundred of, 328. Arborfield, Berks, resident at, 3054. Arden, co. Warwick, places in, 1915. co. York, resident at, 1090. → , Ardens Grafton, co. Warwick, lands in, 3229. Ardington, co. York, resident at, 1119. Ardley, Oxon, 407. Ardsley East, co. York, resident at, 1255. West, see Woodchurch. Areley, co. Worcester, residents at, 1027, 1368. Arkengarth Dale, Westmoreland, rectory of, 1025. Wood, co. York, inhabitants of, peti- tion of, 1127. Arkindale, co. York, minister of, 1387. Arksey, co. York, rectory of, 945, 946 (2), 1014. resident at, 1534. Arlecdon, Cumberland, tithes of, 2876, 2877. Arley, co. Chester, resident at, 633. Arlington, co. Devon, manor of, 497. lands in, 2706. • > residents at, 97, 442, 736, 2706, 2707. Armanthwaite, Cumberland, residents at, 202, 1240. Armin, co. York, resident at, 1143. Armitage, the, co. Chester, resident at, 1261. Armley Hall, co. York, residents at, 1815, 1835. Arneforth, co. York, lands in, 1097 (2). Arneshead Tower, Westmoreland, 1117. resident at, 2639. Arnold, co. Notts, minister and rectory of, 1266. co. York, inhabitants of, petition of, 1925. Arnold's Hill, co. Pembroke, resident at, 1882. Arnstead, Westmoreland, resident at, 176. Arquilens, Germany, death at, 1656. Arras Farm, co. York, 1324. Arrathorne, co. York, parishioners of, petition of, 1002. Arum, co. Lancaster, resident at, 50. Arundel Castle, Sussex, 2462, 2463. Committee for, 12. letter of, 12. ...... King's garrison at, 917 (3), 1242, 1652, 2044. letters dated from, 469, 475 (2), 496, 626. ... ****** ………… • **** • ·· , > ... > > minister of, 2461 (2). park of, 2462. Parliamentary garrison at, 12. prisoners taken at, 849, 918, 1070. …………, rape of, estates in, 338. rectory of, 2461 (5). Ascot, Oxon, 520, 1621, 3218. residents at, 52(', 664, 709, 3218. Ascot Dowley, Oxon, manor of, 1626. Asfordby, co Leicester, resident at, 111. Ash, Devon, house at, 866. Ashain Wood, Dorset?, 1321. Asuborne, or Ashbourne, co. Derby, Grammar School of, governors of, petition of, 2478. ………… ***** ... ***** …………. ·· · proclamation at, 70. residents at 1677, 1847, 1945. co. Stafford, King's party at, 2283. Ashburne, Berks, manor of, 1625. Ashburnham, Sussex, manor of, 1863. parsonage of, 2088. residents at, 1390, 1863. ... **** .... Ashby-de-la-Zouch, co. Leicester, 82, 279, 809, 1879, 2258, 2615. **** ……… D ..... resident at, 865. Hants, resident at, 830. Kent, rectory of, 1431. residents at, 457, 3258. Somerset, estate in, 1755. lands in, 3050. manor of, 1849. …………….) castle or house at, King's garrison at, 189, 984, 1043, 1077, 1133, 1167, 1290, 1746, 1762, 2290, 3229. officers of, note of a list • ………… governor of, Isham Perkins, 112, 1192. minister of, 270, 274, 291. orders published at, 655. prisoners at, or sent to, 1435, .. of, 1290. • .. .... …………. -9 ……….. 2134. > > residents at, 109, 110 (3), 111 (7), 1043, 2615, 2706. surrender of, 111, 112, 1192, ·· > 1538, 1988. Articles of, 198. ………….., persons compound- ing, or wishing to compound on, 1043, 1168–1170, 1192 (2), 1335, 1413, 1610, 1677, 1746, 1987, 1988 (3), 2679, 3029. travellers to or from, 941, 962 (2), 1157, 1651, 1988. Folville, co. Leicester, estates at, 1916 (3). INDEX OF PLACES. ……………. ***** ...... • • in, 1916. Maison-de-Dieu, or almshouse .... ***** …………………, ………………, poor of, petitions of, 1915 (2). residents at, 109, 1913, 3056. Little or Parva, co. Leicester, minis- ter at, 2754. ……………. ……………. resident at, 111. ******* co. Lincoln, parsonage of, 1915. residents at, 1000, 1418. -cum-Fenby, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2993. Canons, co. Northampton, residents at, 1054, 1088. Castle, co. Northampton, see Castle Ashby. Ashchurch, co. Gloucester, estates at, 87. Ashcombe, Devon, estate in, 2384. manor of, 2385. resident at, 153. Ashendon, or Ashington, Bucks, estates at, 67. residents at 2575, 2877. Ashenhurst, co. Stafford, resident at, 173. Ashes, the, co. Lancaster, estate called, 3094 (2). •• Ashfield, Suffolk, lands in, 2059. ·· parishioners of, 1237. Ashford, Devon, resident at, 1226. Kent, 2786. .. ...-cum-Thorpe, Sussex, minister of, 1237. .... ·· Ashill, Norfolk, manor of, 2622. Ashington, Bucks, see Ashendon. Sussex, lands in, 2282. > Ashley, co. Chester, residents at, 120, 1057. * or Asley, co. Lancaster, house, &c., in, 2768. Wilts, residents at, 1045, 3259. Ashlington, Wilts, resident at, 950. Ash Marsh, Kent, land in, 3076. Ashpole, Suffolk, 842. Ashridge, Bucks, 67. Ashton, co. Chester, croft of, 1885. co. Derby, houses in, 2321. ………………………, Devon, residents at, 1879, 2256. •• > residents at, 328, 457, 2054, 2175, 2786 (2). Carbonell, Salop, resident at, 1700. > co. Lancaster, manor of, 1722 (3). residents at, 2596, 2598 (2), 2788, 3176, 3186. Hall, co. Lancaster, 2788. .-in-Amounderness, co. Lancaster, resi- dents at, 3185-3187. -in-Makerfield, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2787. ..-under-Lyne, co. Lancaster, lands in 1883. resident at, 1883. Wardle parish, co. Lancaster, house in, 3127. • 3617 co. Northampton, lands in, 1415. resident at 1415. ..-in-the-Wall, co. Northampton, resident at, 1592. *** ·· > Long, Somerset, lands in, 2342. 2940. Keynes, Wilts, resident at, 2675. co. York, resident at, 1003. residents at, 1397, 1689, 2342, Ashurst, Sussex, resident at, 1069. Ashwater, Devon, rectory of, 503, 512. residents at 97 (2), 1368, 1992. Ashwell, Rutland, manor of, 1316. residents at, 88, 861, 1316. 2 Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk, residents at, 116, 2962. Ashwood, co. Stafford, Chace of, 2324. 3618 INDEX OF PLACES. Ashworth, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1417, 2124. Askham, co. Notts, rectory of, 1350 (2). resident at, 2970. •*** Westmoreland, resident at, 203. co. York, lands in, 2820. Bryan, co. York, lands in, 2970. resident at, 2970. ....... Askrigg, co. York, orders posted at, 654. Aslacton, Norfolk, residents at 113, 1999. Asley, co. Lancaster, see Ashley. Aspull, co. Lancaster, delph or mine at, 1280, 1281. • ………………. manor of, 1280. residents at, 1150, 1151, 2771, 3022, 3192. ***** Asserton, Wilts, farm of, 1879 (2). Associated Counties, Parliamentary Com- mittee for, 6, 11. Association, Northern, see Northern Associ- ation. Astbury, co. Chester, letter dated from, 159. resident at, 120. ***** Astley, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1723. residents at, 1415, 2568, 3176. " ……………………., Salop, lands in, 1484. resident at, 1701. co. Warwick, church and minister of, 1173 (2). > petition of, 1173. •ɔ ………………. co. Worcester, resident at, 1917. Aston Tirrold, Berks, residents at, 1593, 1850. .• ... > **** כי residents at, 1172. co. Flint, residents in, 1723, 3183. .. .....-under-Edge, co. Gloucester, estates at, 85. ··· ··· Bucks, manor of, 2290. Abbotts, Bucks, resident at, 67. •> resident at, 1804. Ingham, co. Hereford, resident at, 2362. ****** ... Flamville, co. Leicester, farm at, 2756. residents at, 110, 2433, 2756 (2). co. Montgomery, lands in, 583. North, co. Oxon, farm in, 1489. manor of, 2048, 2049, 3298. Rutland, residents at, 642, 3146. Salop, residents at, 2931, 3060. Botterell, Salop, manor of, 1006. resident at, 417. Church, Salop, resident at, 1772. 310 co. Chester, resident at, 1885. Devon, resident at, 2691. 2 ***** co. Stafford, manor of, 1865, 3290. Little, co. Stafford, residents at, 1891 (2). Co. ………………………, rectory of, 2556. resident at, 2556. Warwick, lands in, 1788. parish of, 1788. Astoncliffe, co. Stafford, resident at, 90, Aswardby, co. Lincolu, lands in, 2118. Aswell, Rutland, see Ashwell. Atcham, Salop, 319, 2213. letter dated from, 319. manor and grange of, 2213. Atclay, co. York, estate at, 1391. Atherton, co. Lancaster, minister of, 2629. Athlone, Ireland, resident at, 2235. Athorne Barnes, Essex, estate of, 315. Attercliffe, co. York, forge at, 1570. Atwick, co. York, houses in, 3187. residents at, 3187 (2). Aubury Farm, Wilts, 1429. Auckland, co. Durham, lands in, 2589. ... ****** ""' *** Bishop's, co. Durham, letter dated' from, 28. Market, co. Durham, church of, 1880. St. Andrew, co. Durham, parishioners of, petition of, 1880. "" ……………….. ………….., rectory of, 876 (2), 980, 1880. (2). St. Helen, co. Durham, rectory of, 876, 1180 (2). residents at, 1179. y …….., petition of, 1180. West, co. Durham, lands in, 2359. Audburgh, co. York, see Aldborough. Audeley, co. Chester [Audlem ?], 2371. Auden, Surrey, resident at, 2399. Audlem, co. Chester, King's party at, 2371 ?.. ………., parish of, money from, 2305 (3). residents in, 2305, 2499. ………………, petition of, 2305. school at, 2305. Audlethorpe, co. York, Earl of Leven at, 1085. Audley, co. Stafford, minister of, 1521, 1522. ………………………, rectory, or tithes of, 1521 (2), 1522. residents at, 113, 2024, 2851. Aughton, co. Lancaster, 2937, 2981, 3055, 3096 (2), 3134. ..... · ****** ****** residents at, 1297 (2), 2745?, 2937, 2978, 2981, 3010, 3055, 3134. ******* House, co. Lancaster, 3134. co. York, estate in, 1750. Auler, Somerset, manor of, 657, 1430. ………., resident at, 250. • .... Aust, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1933, 1934.. Austen, co. Notts, lands in, 2744. Austin, South, co. York, resident at, 1467. Austley, Wilts, manor of, 1224. Austwick, co. York, chapel at, 437. Aveley, Salop, parish of, 3043. ***** Avening, co. Gloucester, lands in, 155. resident at, 88. Averham, co. Notts, lands in, 1970. residents at, 1336, 1337. ********** INDEX OF PLACES. 3619 } Avington, Berks, resident at, 1013. Hants, parish of, 2728. rector of, 105. ·· resident at, 105. .... "" Avon, Hants, manor of, 2531 (2). tithes of, 1289. Awber, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1323. Awcliff, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3113. Awdfield, co. York, resident at, 3134. Awlescomb, Devon, resident at, 1385. Awre, co. Gloucester, lands in, 3239. residents at, 736, 3239. **** ..... • Awton Gifford, Devon, lands in, 2924, 2925, residents at, 2924, 2925. …………… • *******) Axbridge, Somerset, County Commissioners at, 971, 1017. Axholme, Isle of, co. Lincoln, 2482, 3021. residents in, 1087, 1691 (2), 1959. Axminster, Devon, King's garrison at, 1312. …………………… …………** governor of, 1681. houses in, 1382. .... " residents at, 1312, 1382. Axwell houses, co. Durham, resident at, 203. Aydon Shields, Northumberland, manor of, 2590. Ayford, co. Gloucester, see Eyford. Aylburton Manor, co. Gloucester, 717. Aylesbury, Bucks, County Committee at, 208, 325, 673, 736, 1293 (2). house in 2868. letters dated from, 66, 80, 213, 222, 325, 520, 737. alluded to, 3243. ***) ……………… • ? Parliament forces or garrison at, 1195, 1293. ..> ****** parish of, 1195. د. .... prisoners at 1288. residents at, 68, 191,755, 1194, 1195 (3), 2268, 2868. Aylesford, Kent, paper dated from, 25. residents at, 457, 1252. .... Aylsham, Norfolk, residents at, 114, 115, 595, 954, 993 (2)), 1271. train band at, 993. Aymestrey, co. Hereford, lands in, 3044. resident at, 3044. Aynesford, Kent, residents at, 457, 2328, 3302. Aysgarth, or Algarth, co. York, rectory of, 607 (2), 851, 852, 3261. Ayswater, Devon, manor of, 2987. Azetley, co. York, lands in, 1016. resident at, 1016. furniture for, 948. **** B Babcary, Somerset, manor of, 1430. residents at, 119, 1374. Babergh, Norfolk, resident at, 3221. Baberstoke, Wilts, manor of, 2439. Babingley, Norfolk, lands in, 2316. resident at, 1956. Babraham, co. Cambridge, residents at, 2688, 2751, 2752. ... Babthorpe, co. York, resident at, 1414. Bachaker, co. Stafford, resident at, 1881. Bachinbidd, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1723. Backford, co. Chester, 61 (2). parish of, 1568. ... ****** Backwell, Somerset, residents at, 310, 2386. Park, Somerset, 2101.. Bacons, Essex, resident at, 3178. Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, resident at, 114. Baddingham, Suffolk, resident at, 3169. Hall, Suffolk, manor of, 2828. Baddow, Much, Essex, residents at, 1947, 2722. ... ... Badgenden, co. Gloucester, manor of, 913. Badger, co. Chester, resident at, 1092. Badgeworth, co. Gloucester, residents at, 174, 383. Badlesmere, Kent, manor of, 868. Badley, Suffolk, resident at, 1475. Badminton, co. Gloucester, 279, 2249. manor of, 2247. residents at, 87, 2247, 3299. Great, co. Gloucester, minister of, 2248. > ***** resident at, 3136. Great and Little, rectories of, 2248. Badsbury, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2569. Badsey, co. Worcester, tithes of, 1708. Badsworth, co. York, manor of, 2642. residents at, 2024, 2642. ***** Bagbere, Dorset, manor of, 2717. Bagborough, Somerset, residents at, 119, 1424, 1452, 2239, 3280. West, Somerset, manor of, 1429. resident at, 1607. …………… > ****** Bagby, co. York, lands in, 3292. Baggington, see Baginton. Baggis, Scotland, resident at, 781. Baggrave, co. Leicester, manor of, 1845, 1849. Bagillt, co. Flint, lands in, 2837. residents at, 2837, 3186. **** Baginton, or Baggington, eo. Warwick, resi- dents at, 52, 70, 73, 113, 1139. Bagpath, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Baguley, co. Chester, residents at, 1098, 2548. Bagworth, co. Leicester, copyhold rents in, 1672, 1673. Baidge, the, co. Radnor, lands called, 1991. Baildon, co. York, resident at, 1748. Bailey, co. Lancaster, house, &c., 2014. residents at, 2014 (2), 3026. ***) Bainbridge, co. York, house in, 3202. Baire, co. Lancaster, house, &c., in, 3210. Baker's Farm, Kent, 2140. " 3620 INDEX OF PLACES. Bakewell, co. Derby, County Commissioners at, 756. lands in, 1849. letter dated from, 45. proclamation at, 70. "" Bala, co. Merioneth, school at, 3214. Baldersby, co. York, rectory of, 977. Balderston, co. Lancaster, 907, 3199, 3219, 3231. resident at, 2056. Baldwin Flat, co. Durham, 2038. Balking, Berks, houses in, 1625. Ballingborough, Northumberland, parish of, 3189. Balls, Herts, 1523. Balne, co. York, resident at, 1326. Balsall, or Barkswell, co. Warwick, manor of, 1586. ·· ** > residents at, 2991, 3186 (2). Balston, Devon, resident at, 98. Baltonsborough, or Balsborough, Somerset, residents at, 188, 260 (3), 1984, 2930, 3182. ... > Bamborough, Northumberland, rents of, 3123. residents at, 203, 3123. Bambridge, Hants, see Branbridge. Bampton, Devon, parish of, 2768. .. ******* ***** ." residents at, 502, 1412, 1886, 2767. co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. co. Oxon, parish of, 2833. resident at, 2833. .. Banbury, co. Oxon, 934, 3030. King's garrison or forces at, 1129, 1234, 1538, 1612. ………………………. ……………., governor of, 1234, 1246. Parliament garrison or forces at, 1009, 1478. siege of, 1612. ………………….., surrender of, Articles of, compounders on, 1942. .. ... ..... ... ·· co. York, estates in, 2474. Castle of Bangor, co. Carnarvon, bishopric of, advow- son belonging to, 1725. residents at, 399, 1058. traveller to, 1398. town and church of, payments to, 1440, 1441. ………., co. Flint, church of, 1102. co. Denbigh, residents at, 1236. , Banham, Norfolk, 116, 2702. Bank, co. York, 3102. Bank Hall, co. Lancaster, 2909. Bannistre Hall, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2037. Banson, Essex, lands in, 3153. Banwell, Somerset, resident at, 3260. Bapchild, Kent, parish of, 2658. Barbadoes, travellers to, 937, 1468 (2), 2370, 2510. ………………………, surrender of, 1312. Barbadoes, surrender of-cont. · (2). Barcadon, Rutland, residents at, 88 (2), 89. Barcelona, Spain, letters dated from, 598 (2). siege of, 598. Barchurch, Essex, resident at, 901. Barcombe, Sussex, resident at, 493. Barden Dykes, co. York, hamlet of, 2131. Bardney, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1839. Bardsey, Westmoreland, resident at, 3206. Bare, co. Stafford ?, resident at, 1917. Barfield, co. York, estates in, 947. Barfold Hall, Essex, 1790. Barford, co. Oxon, resident at, 1610. ..., Wilts, ministers of, 79. Barfould, Suffolk, resident at, 172. Barham, Kent, resident at, 457. Barholt, Essex, manor of, 1791. Barkby, co. Leicester, residents at, 110, 111, 2151. ·· Barker House, co. York, 2444. Barking, Essex, lands in, 1353, 2504. · • ………………….., parish of, 724, 2736, 3178. parish church of, 1864. residents at, 966, 2221, 2705 (2), 2785, 3136. " "" ……………… Articles of, 1312, 1840, 1841 Barkley, Somerset, resident at, 1536. Barkstone-Ash, co. York, sequestrators at, 974. Barkswell, co. Warwick, see Balsall. Barkway, co. Herts, parish of, 1890. ………………………, parsonage of, 3148 (3). residents at, 1460, 3147, 3148 (2). Barlaston, co. Stafford, manor of, 2022. …, rectory of, 990. tenants of, 3293. ***** Barlborough, co. Derby, resident at, 2105. Barlestone, co. Leicester, residents at, 110, ⇓⇓ . 1651. Barley, co. Derby, manor of, 2321 (3). ……………….., co. Herts, resident at, 970. Barlow, co. Derby, manor of, 1736. resident at, 2831. manor of, 2564. minister of, 2785. ·· Lees, co. Derby, resident at, 2319. Barmborough, co. York, resident at, 3099 (2). Barmby, co. York, minister of, 2039. ** Barmebow, or Barnbow, co. York, estates at, 2313 (2), residents at, 534, 2313, 2432, 2542, 3198. ر. Barming, West, Kent, rectory of, 1463. Barmoor, Northumberland, resident at, 884. Barmpton, co. Durham, lands at, 622. ………………….., resident at 364. Barmston, co. Durham, lordship of, 2274. Barnacle, co. Warwick, resident at, 1129~ INDEX OF PLACES. 3621 Barnacre, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1212, 1692, 1951, 2659, 2951, 3186. Barnard Castle, co. Durham, County Commis- sioners at, 766. *****3 King's party at, 1049. Barnards, Somerset, resident at, 937. Barnbow, see Barmebow. Barnby, co. York, resident at, 1158. Barne Marsh, Essex, 1451. Barnes, co. Durham, estate in, 2385. .-upon-Don, co. York, resident at, 1028. **** • · Barnet, co. Herts, minister and churchwardens of, 3. .་ ***** ** resident at, 3. Barney, Norfolk, estates at, 115. ........., rectory of, 1603, 1604. resident at, 2380. Barningham, Norfolk, resident at, 113. Town, resident at, 2100. Barnshurst, co. Stafford, residents at, 89, *** *** Middlesex, residents at, 1619, 2890. Surrey, resident at, 1888. Close, co. Worcester, estate called, 2913. 1906. Barnsley Hall, co. Worcester, 2913. co. York, mills at, 1003, 1377. orders posted at, 654. ………………………, rectory and minister of, 1014 (3). residents at, 843, 2577. petition of, 1014. Barnstaple, Devon, houses in, 2935. ..> ****3 manor or lordship of, 412, 2385 (2). resident at, 2385. residents at, 97, 152, 180, 1215, 2096, 2935 (2). surrender of, 1412, 1886. .... > Articles of, compounders on, 1215 (2), 1295, 1299, 1300, 1385, 1412 (2), 1661, 1864, 1886. Barnston-in-Wirrall, co. Chester, estates at, 60. " ·· ..... .. …………… ***** residents at, 349, 1413. Barnton, co. Chester, resident at, 1529. Barnwell, co. Northampton, resident at, 317. Barony Manor, Northumberland, 2590. Barr Meade, the, Bucks, 3171. Barrington, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1272. Somerset, residents at, 541, 542. Great, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2087. Barrow, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 101, 1509, 1949. co. Derby, vicar of, 1022. .......... co. Lancaster, resident at, 3204. ………………….., co. Lincoln, rectory of, 3038. residents at, 1855, 3039. Somerset, King's garrison at, 1272. resident at, 2557. Barrow-cont. Wiscote in, see Wiscote. ……………***** Barrowby, co. Lincoln, estate at, 1310. residents at, 1308, 1310. Barrowden, Rutland, resident at, 1944. Barstable, Essex, hundred of, 95. Barsted, Kent, see Bersted. North, Sussex, manor of, 1619. Barston, co. Warwick, farm at, 1954, 1955. resident at, 3187. ******* Bartell, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1814. Bartestree, co. Hereford, tithes of, 1980. Bartherton, co. Chester, resident at, 1809. Barthomley, co. Chester, parson of, 922. Barton, co. Bedford, resident at, 1853. co. Chester, castle of, 2911. resident at, 1758. ………………………* **** ... …………… Minchin, Somerset, manor of, 2557 (2). South, Somerset, residents at, petition of, 1632. ... ... …………. ... Peverill, Hants, manor of, 997 (2). co. Hereford, resident at, 2204. co. Lancaster, residents at, 1111, 1692, 2442, 2659, 2917. .-in-Downholland, co. Lancaster, houses in, 1692. ...-upon-Irwell, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2787 (2), 2898. -on-Humber, co. Lincoln, residents at 988, 1364, 1374, 1540, 2135. co. Notts, resident at, 510. ........., co. Oxon, residents at, 664, 2717. Steeple, co. Oxon, residents at, 1421, 1639. } ******* .. A ** ……………………., Somerset, residents at, 1382, 2023. St. David, Somerset, manor of, 3048. resident at, 141. -in-the-Bottom, Westmoreland, resident at, 203. Barwick Hall, co. Lincoln, estate at, 2679 (2), co. York, parish of, 3198. -in-Elmet, co. York, estates at, 587, 2313, 2804, 2805, 3127. Park, co. Derby, resident at, 1380. Devon, manor of, 2706. House, Devon, 2519. Hants, farm at, 3264 (2). Hide, Hants, resident at, 970. *** ****** •> *** resident at, 1768. Basbies Farm, Wilts, estate called, 2734. Baschurch, Salop, minister of, 717. Prescot in, see Prescot. Basing, Hants, estates at, 2277. farm of, 2533. manor of, 253, 348, 2533. resident at, 3031. House, Hants, 348. ........., King's party or garrison at, 1094, 1793. relief of, 553. 3622 INDEX OF PLACES. Basing House-cont. siege of, 550, 552, 553. taking of, 344. Basingstoke, Hants, division of, 344, 730. parish of, 2533. **** Basingthorpe, or Bassingthorpe, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1613. persons summoned to, 253. residents at, 104, 253, 439, 1487. ***** minister of, 1331, 1612. Baslow, co. Derby, minister of, 2320. Bassalegg Manor, co. Monmouth, 504, 1711. Bassasberry Manor, Bucks, 1434. Bassenthwaite, or Bassingthwaite, Cumber- land, manor of, 616, 635, 1113. Bassingbourne, co. Cambridge, farm in, 970. resident at, 970. .... Bassingthorpe, see Basingthorpe. Bassingthwaite, see Bassenthwaite. Bassobel, co. Stafford, see Boscobel. Batcombe, Dorset, manor of, 2534. Somerset, residents at, 179, 303. Bath and Wells, Bishop of, see Pierce, Wm. Bath, or the Bath, Somerset, goods at, 627. letters dated from, 301, 627. alluded to, 304. ***** ………………………, mayor of, 261, 264. · ………… places near, 1360, 3302. prisoners at, or taken to, 261, 264, 1181. residents at, 256, 258, 1198, 1360, 1370, 1653, 1703, 1812, 1815. travellers to, or from, 844, 979, 1276, 1509. ·· ******* Easton, Somerset, resident at, 1498. Forum, Somerset, hundred of, 3302. Bathwick, Somerset, resident at, 872. Batley, co. York, residents at, 1001, 1641. petitions of, 1001, 1375. vicarage of, 1001, 1002. Battingborne, Isle of Wight, manor of, 1065 (2). Battington, Little, Wilts, farm at, 747, 753. letter dated from, 747. Batts Farm, Surrey, 1498 (2). Bauk, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3097. Bauton, Devon, prisoner at, 1279. Bayford, Herts, resident at, 1370. Somerset, resident at, 1865. Baynham-in-Ewhurst, Surrey, resident at, 861. Baystone, Salop, estate in, 3229. Beach, co. Stafford, resident at, 1489. Beaconsfield, Bucks, estate at, 66. Beaford, Devon, residents at, 97, 2968. Beaksbourne, Kent, resident at 457. Beaminster, Dorset, destruction of, 2783. estate assigned to, 271. estate at, 274. Ordinance for alluded to, 271. ** ... Beaminster-cont. ***** Beamish, co. Durham, lands in, 2130. manor of, 2131. residents at, 2127 (2). ... Beancliff, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2725. Beare Regis, Dorset, see Bere Regis. Bearle, Northumberland, manor of, 1735, residents at, 118, 1045, 1684, 2783. petition of, 2783. > 1737. Bear Park, co. Durham, keepership of, 170. Beauchamp House and estate, Essex, 2139, ……………… Beaufront, Byfront, or Beefront, Northum- berland, estate in, 2599. mansion house of, 2600. 2140. residents at, 2598, 2599. Beaumaris Castle, surrender of, 3089. Articles of, see Anglesea. ·· • • ·· ******* Beaupree, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 1130. Beawlie, Westmoreland, castle and manor of, *** 2308. Beawly Manor, Somerset, 1430. Bebington, co. Chester, parson of, 2802. Over, co. Chester, estates at, 61. Beck, Cumberland, resident at, 2686. Beckenham, Kent, lands in, 2123. manor of, 2122. resident at, 2930. ………. Beckermet, Cumberland, manor of, 1695, 1696 (2). Beckford, co. Gloucester, residents at, 88, 2362. East, co, Gloucester, resident at, 2982. ? .. •9 ****** Beck Hall, Norfolk, resident at, 3157. Beckingham, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2175 ?. co. Notts, prebend of, 1350. ••• resident at, 2038. Beckley, cos. Oxon and Bucks, 2877. Beckwith, co. York, estate in, 3152. Becontree, Essex, hundred of, 95. Bedale, co. York, estates in, 2136, 2137 (2), 2820, 3295. ***** manor of, 2136 (2), 3071 (2). orders posted at, 654. resident at, 197. .. "} Bedburn, co. Durham, resident at, 552. South, co. Durham, estate in, 3215. Beddingflatt, co. Durham, 2998. Beddington, Surrey, residents at, 841, 3253. Bedford, gaol of, prisoners in, 1990. letters dated from, 81, 235, 546, 554 (2), 555, 567, 568, 671. major and minor, prebend of, 3123. …., mayor of, 3123. residents at, 554, 895, 1304, 2869. ..., St. Paul's parish in, 2422. travellers to or from, 1304 (2). co. Lancaster, estate in, 3185. ….., impropriation of, 3266. INDEX OF PLACES. 3623 Bedford, co. Lancaster-cont. residents at, 2701, 3176, 3185, 3194. Bedfordbury, Norfolk, lands in, 1508. Bedfordshire, 723, 1120, 2869. County Commissioners of, 81, 235, 454, 739, 875, 895 (2), 1249, 1251, 1304-1307, 1681 (3), 2157, 2163 (2), 2164, 2168, 2269, 2420, 2421 (4), 2505, 2509 (2), 2510 (2), 2641, 2716, 2762, 2967, 2977, 2979, 3125 (4). ……………………… ………………, appointment or approval of, 171, 755. * ** ... ... .. certificates of, 452, 1304, 1305, 1307, 2505, 3117. alluded to, 1275, 1305 (2), alluded to, 454. ******* > ****** letters to, 313 (2), 374, 417, 575, 593, 686, 753, 755, 1120, 1303, 1304, 1307, 2156, 2158, 2163, 2510. ………………. ……………. alluded to, 535, 948, 1526. …., ………….., officers of, 227, 235, 243, 599, 671, 1303, 2967. 1. 2158, 3125. · ……………13 ……………… 1303, 2716, 2720, 2794. ………………, papers sent by, 2509, 2716. references to, 931, 1307, 2163, 2571, 3125. …………………….., reports of, 865, 1304, 1307, 2794. ****** ……………. • ………………. letters of, 235, 388, 454, 546, 554 (2), 555, 567, 568, 579, 629, 639, 653, 671, 1120, 1303 (3), 2156. orders of, 599, 1303, 2421. alluded to, 599, 2720. ** ******* orders to, 19, 1304-1307, 1681 (2), 1821, 1932, 2011, 2085, 2158 (3), 2163 (4), 2164, 2167, 2420, 2421 (2), 2505, 2641, 2716, 2720, 2762 (2), 2794, 2967, 2979, 3125 (2). alluded to, or requested, ……… • ·· chairman of, 554. letters to, 700, 707. ........., high constables in, 2510, 2511. ……………. ******* the late, 388, 454, 554 (2), 579, 709 (2), 1305-1307, 2509 (2). ****** "" >> ………….. .. …………… lands or estates in, 226, 554, 957, 1063, 1071, 1120, 1135, 1136, 1247, 1263, 1304-1308, 1499, 1558, 1681, 1770, 2011, 2085 (3), 2156-2158, 2162, 2165-2168, 2269, 2290, 2421, 2422, 2474, 2641, 2762 (2), 2979, 3044, 3252. market towns of, 639. ........., messenger, agent, or collector, sent to, 785, 786 (2), 788, 793, 794. ………………) receipts from, 429. Major General for [Major Butler], 846. militia of, Commissioners for, 417. receiver-general for, 767. residents in, 24, 199, 452, 555, 588, 743, 875, 979, 1251, 1263, 1304, 1853, 2043, 2163 (2), 2164, 2419, 2533, 2641, 2869 (2), 2979. Bedfordshire, residents in-cont. ……………………13 ·· • ** cases of, 846, 865, 895, 906, 931, 1018, 1120, 1263, 1275, 1303, 1482, 1558, 1562, 1582, 1592, 1642, 1652, 1680, 1804, 1821, 1945, 1974, 2013, 2057, 2088, 2420, 2438, 2509, 2571, 2716, 2720, 2762, 2792, 2794, 2967, 2977, 2979, 3117 (2), 3125, 3257, 3259. lists of, notes of, 554 (2), 567, 732, 739, 741. sequestered revenues in, 619. ****** under sheriff, of, 452, 639, 653 (2). Bedford and Bucks, County Commissioner for, (1654), 2575. ………………………, ………………, appointment of, 673. letters of, 732, 739. letters to, 723, 3252. officers of, 732. orders to, 2576, 3141. petition of, 726. Bedgbury, Kent, residents at, 728, 1947, 1948. Bedhampton, Hants, lands in, 2088 (2). residents at, 463, 2088. Bedingfield, Suffolk, manor of, 2624. resident at, 3186. ... **** …… *** ****** ******* ****** Bedlington, co. Durham, manor of, 2983. mills at, 695, 2954, 2983. tenants at, 2954. Northumberland, residents at, 202, 3197. Bednall, co. Stafford, lands, &c., in, 3137. Bedoms Flat, co. Durham, 2626. Bedorgue, Cornwall, manor of, 2239. Bedston, Salop, resident at, 651. Bedwardine, co. Worcester, resident at, 1255. Bedwelty, co. Monmouth, parish of, 2816 (2). Bedwin, Great, Wilts, resident at, 948. Beeby, co. Leicester, resident at, 174. Beechamwell, Norfolk, residents at, 115, 991, 1333. Beeding, Sussex, lands in, 2233. Beeford, co. York, estate in, 3187. .-in-Holderness, co. York, residents at, 3174 (2.) Beefront, Northumberland, see Beaufront. Beeley, co. Derby, resident at, 1133. Beely, co. Worcester, manor of, 1953. resident at, 1953. Beelsby, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1957 (2), 1958. Beenfield, Berks, resident at, 3087. Beenham, Berks, residents at, 2432, 3087, 3192. Beere, Devon, resident at, 2968. Ferris, Devon, manor of, 3212. ………………………, rectory of, 1246 (2). .... ** residents at, 153 (2), 2993, 3034. Beesby, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1821, 2782. 3624 INDEX OF PLACES. 9 Beeston, co. Chester, castle of, King's garri- son at, 1157, 1885. · • .. > ... estate in, 3205. *) ... ... ·· • residents at, 975, 1077, 1090, 1091. Belbroughton, co Worcester, parish of, 2675. Belfield, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2644. Belgars, Suffolk, 3104. Belgrave, co. Leicester, residents at, 109 (3), 110, 1170, 1171 (2), 2885. Bellasyse, co. Durham, lands in, 2041. ……………. siege of, 1689. Bellerby, co. York, residents at, 337, 1144. Bellew, co. Lincoln, abbey of, 1503 (2). Bellhouse Grange, co. Notts, 1736. Bellingham, co. Durham, rectory of, 3079. Belserdine, Salop, residents at, 484, 2090, 2953. Beltoft, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1959. Belton, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. ……………………, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1872. . Rutland, lands in, 2633. residents at, 88, 266. 0 Bentley-cont. • residents at, 101 (2), 122, 914, 3205. Hunts, estate in, 2381. co. York, church of, 1376 (2). lands in, or manor of, 1014, 1090, 1091 (2). Belvoir Castle, co. Lincoln, King's garrison or party at, 880, 881, 1016, 1044, 1050, 1121, 1388, 1497, 1597, 1727, 1828, 2586. Norfolk, estates in, 942, 2324 (2). residents at, 115, 942. ……………*, ………………, governor of, 940. ………….., gun sent to, 790 (2). ......, Parliamentary governor of, 1256. prisoners at, 789, 791, 940. ………………, taking of, 790. Benallock, Cornwall, resident at, 2767. Benefield, co. Northampton, laund of, 1581 (2). כי resident at, 88. Benfleet, Essex, manor of, 3146. .... South, Essex, manor of, 642. resident at, 1537. Bengworth, co. Worcester, resident at, 2612. Benham, Berks, resident at, 2631. Bennell, Northumberland, parish of, 2715. Benningholme Grange, co. York, 3110. resident at, 3109. Bensington, co. Oxon, land in, 1968. Benson, co. Oxon, Red Lion at, 2922. resident at, 2528. Bentbank, Westmoreland, resident at, 203. Benthall, Salop, residents at, 1040, 1868. Bentham, co. Lancaster, resident at, 290. Bentley, co. Derby, lands in, 1737. co. Lancaster, resident at, 1457. co. Stafford, residents at, 112, 1424. ******} .. ***** Benton, Little, Northumberland, 3281. ........, Long, Northumberland, lands in, 3281. Benwell, Northumberland, colliery of, 2584 (2). Bere, Dorset, resident at, 118. ………….1 residents at, 2615, 2972, 3021. Berkeley, co. Gloucester, Castle of, King's party at, 865. ... ***** .... • ... ……………………… Sussex, lands in, 2211. manor of, 2211. resident at, 2211. co. York, resident at, 2990. Pauncefoot, co. Worcester, resident at, 2714. ****** ., proclamation at, 70. Berkhamstead, co. Herts, County Commis- sioners sitting at, 354. letters dated from, 262, 355, 404, 556, 657. or Beare Regis, Dorset, parish of, 1999, 3143. residents at, 247, 855, 856 (2). Berkisland, co. York, estate in, 2099. Berkshire, 412, 2800. ………… A. > *** estates at, 85. County Commissioners of, 369, 373, 405, 410, 412, 426, 436, 477, 482, 503, 508, 517, 529, 582, 586, 591, 597, 629, 664, 674 (2), 679, 699, 704, 715, 880, 1019, 1020 (3), 1199, 1213, 1214 (3), 1501, 1555, 1620 (3), 1793, 2328 (2), 2390 (2), 2391, 2538, 2631 (4), 2633, 2657, 2825, 2833, 2834 (7), 2868, 2870, 2940 (2), 2979, 2984 (3), 2985 (2), 3017 (4), 3031 (2), 3087, 3121, 3184 (2), 3224 (2). " appointment or approval of, 172, 517, 524, 528, 673. • .... 2984. ·· charges against, 351 (2), 409. letters of, 238, 344, 443, 480, 481, 483, 533, 543, 548, 560, 566, 580, 586, 593, 615, 618, 632, 729, 1214, 3031. ****** alluded to, 477, 1937. .', ·· ··· •" letters to, 174, 258, 264, 308, 313 (2), 351, 364, 374, 395, 438, 469, 480, 517, 544, 570, 608, 620, 627, 658, 697, 722 (2), 725, 881, 1021, 1448, 1617 (3), 3031. alluded to, 470, 518, 524, 535, 601, 1021, 1527. a ✔ articles by, 390. business of, 506. certificates of, alluded to, 2390, .....y • officers of, 177, 308, 344, 390, 417, 426, 432, 436, 437, 480-482, 487, 518, 533, 619, 681, 684, 1617. **** ……………… petitions of, 437, 591. ******* orders of, 1886 (2). INDEX OF PLACES. 3625 Berkshire, County Commissioners of-cont. orders to, 376, 402, 417, 432, 437, 447, 478, 522, 533, 582, 591, 593, 655, 1020, 1188 (2), 1199, 1214, 1620 (2), 1621, 1938 (2), 2012 (2), 2328 (2), 2390 (2), 2522, 2631- 2633, 2657, 2658, 2800, 2828, 2834 (5), 2835, 2922, 2939, 2985, 3017 (7), 3018 (3), 3031, 3087, 3184, 3303 (3). ***** ……………… .. ……………………… ……………., reports of, 1189, 1774, 2703, 2860, 2984. .... alluded to, 1465, 2522, 2658, 2825, 2940, 3017. references to, 2390, 2522, 2539, 2658, 2828, 2834, 2979, 2984, 2985, 3017, 3018, 3121, 3153 (2), 3224. I ……………. ………….., returns, &c., from, 150, 421, 1618. .. ..... .... ****** > ......, warrant for payment to, 797. the late, 174, 308, 344, 351, 483, 517, 524, 533, 566 (2), 582, 632, 682, 705, 715, 735, 1620, 1938, 2012, 2825, 2979, 3031. ***** treasurers of, 344, 473, 517, 533, 632. letters to, 682, 699. .. ******* Commissioners for securing the peace of, 2981. Courts kept in, 391 (2), 1618. lands, estates, &c., in, 146, 308, 469, 478, 480 (2), 481, 487, 193, 508, 511 (2), 560, 565, 593, 597 (2), 603, 615, 626, 642, 655, 668, 686, 690, 1021, 1135, 1188, 1214, 1448, 1588, 1617-1622, 1625 (7), 1626 (3), 1705, 1714, 1774, 1793, 1884, 1936, 2012 (2), 2158, 2328, 2390, 2521, 2533, 2539, 2576, 2633 (12), 2658, 2828, 2834, 2985, 3017, 3018, 3031, 3070, 3121, 3140, 3141, 3153, 3184, 3223. ………………………. ………………, underlet, Commissioners for surveying, 668. **** ***** ... receipts from, 429. Major-General for [Col. Goffe], letter to, 2042. M.Ps. for, 524. ………………………, money for, 782 (2). ........., money from, or revenues in, 27, 225, 344, 619. > places in, 421, 473, 1394 (2), 1518. receiver-general for, 767. residents in, 139, 253, 352, 354, 376, 478, 480, 481, 582, 681, 1021, 1070, 1287, 1465, 1620, 1708, 1777, 1788, 2247, 2250, 2328, 2390 (2), 2432, 2522, 2538, 2541, 2576 (2), 2631, 2658, 2833-2835, 3017, 3018 (2), 3031, 3070, 3087, 3243. cases of, 866, 880, 1013, 1019, 1044, 1062, 1098, 1179, 1188, 1198, 1213, 1274, 1369, 1433, 1448, 1471, 1494, 1501, 1544, 1555, 1565, 1567, 1575, 1583, 1587, 1593 (2), 1616, 1629, 1667, 1677, 1850, 1873, 1938, 1946, 1977, 1978, 2072, 2087, 2098, 2209, 2216, 2327, 2363, 2390, 2521, 70358, ر.. Berkshire, residents in-cont. L ******* 742. travellers to or from, 700, 819, 844. under sheriff of, 1021. …………….. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon, joint Committee for (sitting at Westminster), 27, 41, 46, 866, 919, 1293. • " *** ·· ****** debt of, 793. ……………….., money to be paid to, 11, 13 (2), 15. 2538, 2567, 2575, 2600, 2617, 2633, 2655, 2658, 2665, 2688, 2774, 2825, 2827, 2833, 2842, 2860, 2939, 2979, 2981, 2984 (2), 3017, 3031, 3054, 3087, 3121, 3153, 3191-3193, 3197, 3236, 3244, 3256, 3259, 3302. lists of, notes of, 199, 729, 741, orders to, 11, 43, 126, 920. treasurer of, 13. ………………… ******* Berkswick, co. Stafford, estate in, 1895. minister of, 1894. ……………………., resident at, 1895. Bernard's Comb, or New Park, Somerset, ... 1339. Berrington, co. Hereford, resident at, 2024. Somerset, house in, 2583. • ………………} .. > Berrow, the, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. Somerset, rectory of, 2434. Berry, Narbor, Devon, estate in, 3166. manor of, 3234. resident at, 2635. Pomeroy, Devon, residents at, 1126, 2988. 4 tenement in, 1132. Hills, Northumberland, estate of, 2965. Mead, Wilts, 2304. Bersham, co. Denbigh, residents at, 1220, ..> ……. **** • 1759. Bersted, or Barsted, Kent, residents at, 457, 1632. ** ***** Berthloyd, co. Montgomery, resident at, 1724. Berwick, Norfolk, vicarage of, 114. **** Berwick-on-Tweed, 134, 1520, 2124, 2125 (2). burgesses of, 42, 127. church for, 811. estates in, or near, 1048, 2125. lordship of, 3049. •, ****** " • ……………… …………………., mayor of, 811. ......., mayor and aldermen of, petition of, 2124. ***** .. Hill Farm, Northumberland, 1731. Salop, tithes of, 2771. Wilts, parish of, 504. Parliamentary garrison at, 780, 2124, 2746, 2747. .... ………………. ………………, governor of, 1662. ……………….., deputy-governor of, 903. ………………, postmaster of, 1409. ......, money or stores for, 9, 778, 779 (2), 814. repairs of, 42, 147, 807. residents at, 203, 204, 815, 1621. taking of, 170. FF 3626 INDEX OF PLACES. Bescote, co. Stafford, lands in, 2745 (2). ………………, residents at, 90, 2745 (2). Beseley, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2249. Besford, co. Worcester, resident at, 2606. Beswick, co. York, manor of, 1763, 1764 (2). resident at, 1763. Betchson [Betchton ?], co. Chester, resident at, 2555. Betchworth, Surrey, resident at, 1543. Castle, Surrey, resident at, 1837. East, Surrey, resident at, 1522. ·· ..... Betham, Westmoreland, hall at, 1116. A Bethersden, Kent, residents at, 328, 457, 2642. Bethone [Betham ?], Westmoreland, resident at, 177. • Betley, co. Stafford, minister of, 1522, 3283. rectory or tithes of, 1521, 3283. residents at, 89, 113, 1521. petition of, 3283. ……………. "" Bettisfield, co. Flint, estates in, 1610, 1891. residents at, 2703. .. · manor of, 348, 585, 727, 734, 1116, 1117. **** Bettus, co. Montgomery, resident at, 1038. Bettws, or Pethouse, co. Glamorgan, parish of, 2180. residents at, 1355, 3175. .. > **** Beverley, Kent, farm at, 1287. .. • ........., co. York, Earl of Newcastle's army at, 929. estates in, 2653, 3086. orders posted at, 655. recorder of, 227, 615. **** …….., co. Monmouth, tithes of, 1713. • *** roads at, repair of, 2653. traveller to and from, 929. Park, co. York, manor of, 956. ....., residents at, 955 (2), 3014, 3015. Bewdley, co. Worcester, lands at, 1072. ·· residents at, 389, 929, 958, 1411, 1905, 2151, 2154, 2335, 2652, 3086 (2). > residents at, 652 (2), 3014, 3015. Park, co. Worcester, keepership of, 1459. *** Bewholme, co. York, resident at, 3111. Bewly House, co. Carmarthen, 1715 (2). Bexley, Kent, resident at, 457. Bibsworth, co. Herts, manor of, 2235. Biccambridge, Devon, 3127. Bicester, co. Oxon, lands in 2245, 2246 (2), 3239. resident at, 1536. vicar of, 698, 2246 (2). Bickenhill, co. Warwick, tithes of, 1548, לי 1793. Bickerstaffe, co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2446, 2729, 2840, 2937, 3096, 3102, 3216. residents at, 1717, 2729 (3), 2840, 2981, 3096. tithes of, 1102. ... *** Bickerton, co. Chester, estates in, 3176 (2). co. York, estates in, 2729, 2730. manor of, 2730 (2), 2731. ………………….., rectory of, 2730. residents at, petition of, 2731. Bickford, co. Stafford, houses at, 1214. Bickington, Devon, resident at, 2837. Bickleigh, Devon, residents at, 502, 1506, •50 ………… 1517. Bickles, Devon, estate at, 153. Bickley, co. Chester, residents at, 103, 104, 1185, 2045, 2414. Bickmarsh, co. Warwick, residents at, 3076, 3192. Bicknoller, co. Somerset, chapel of, 1259. Bicton, Salop, resident at, 1026. Biddenham, co. Bedford, lands in, 1307. Biddeston, Wilts, manor of, 1561, 1562. resident at, 1560. Biddick, Durham, lordship of, 2274. Biddidon [Bittedon ?], Devon, resident at, **** …… Biddlesdon Manor, Bucks, 67, 658, 2192. resident at, 658. vicar of, 191. 2057. **** Biddulph, co. Chester, King's garrison at, 2555 (2). ." co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 120, 1817. Bideford, Devon, borough of, 2215. ………………………, King's governor of, 2014. manor of, 2215. • Bidesden, Wilts, lands in, 78. Bidfield Farm, co. Gloucester, 749. Bidford, co. Warwick, parish of, 1134. Bidlake, Devon, barton of, 2791. Bidleston, co. Hereford, resident at, 3091. Bidston, co. Chester, estates at, 60. manor of, 236 (2), 1113, 1115, 1118. resident at, 2572. .. ***3 ..-cum-Ford, co. Chester, estate at, 60. Bidwell, Devon, resident at, 1396. Bierton, Bucks, estate at, 68. "" Bigbury, Devon, manor of, 2534. manor house of, 2533. Biggenhouse Farm, co. York, 2813. Biggin, co. York, resident at, 3131. Biggins, co. Northampton, manor of, 1491 (2). Bighton, co. Flint, resident at, 1719. Bigsweare, see Bixwere. Biker, Northumberland, 2636 (2), 2637, 2879. lordship of, 2879. residents at, 2636, 2879. **** Bilbrooke, co. Rutland, resident at, 1197. Billesby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 981. Billing, co. Lancaster, delph or slate mine in, 2904 (2). INDEX OF PLACES. 3627 Billing-cont. estate in, 3102. resident at, 3102. Billingbare, Berks, resident at, 1433. Billingham, co. Durham, resident at, 204. co. Lincoln, church of, 1379. **** Billingley, co. York, Hall at, 947. manor of, 946 (2), 947 (3). Billington, co. Lancaster, messuage in, 3025. residents at, 2555, 2722, 3025 (2), 3121. Billowes Plain, co. York, estate of, 2477. Bilsdale, co. York, minister of, 2735. Bilston, co. Leicester, residents at, 111, 1133. ……………………., co. Stafford, residents at, 90, 3194. Bilton, co. York, residents at, 2152, 2442. ..... ....... •• "" ... lordship of, 2976. Bimerton, Wilts, minister of, 79. Binchester, co. Durham, resident at, 923. Binderton, Sussex, resident at, petition of, > 1216. Bindon, co Dorset, monastery of, 1633. Bingfield, Northumberland, lands in, 2418. resident at, 3038. …………… .5 Bingham, co. Notts, manor of, 2574. ……………., township of, 1735. Bingley, co. York, lands in, 2366. Binham, Norfolk, estate at, 115. minister of, 1604. -cum-Harrogate, co. York, lands in, 2976 (2). ………………………, rectory of, 1603-1605. Binkhouse, co. York, resident at, 3095. Binley, co. Warwick, manor of, 1623 (2), 1625. ....... Birchill, co. Derby, lands in, 1737. Birchington, Kent, residents at 457, 1908, 2701. *** Birchley, co. Lancaster, Hall at, 2073. resident at, 2072. *** Birdham, Sussex, resident at, 922. Birkby, co. Durham, lands in, 3209. Birkett Ferry, co. Chester [Birkenhead ?], 60. Birkhead, Northumberland, estate in, 2595. High, Northumberland, lands in, 2594. resident at, 2594. Birkin, co. York, parish of, 2764. Birley, co. Gloucester, lands in, 86. Birling, Kent, manors in, 101, 870, 872. Birlingham, co. Worcester, rectory and parish of, 1890. ...... Birmingham, co. Warwick, houses, &c., at, 2556. Birstall, co. York, parish of, 946 (2), 3108. residents at, 972. petition of, 945. Bisbrooke, Rutland, resident at, 88, 1197. Bisham, Berks, vicar of, 1708. Bishampton, co. Worcester, rectory of, 1954, 1955. .... Bishampton-cont. ……….., resident at, 2075. Bishopdale, co. York, estate in, 2444. Bishop Norton, co. Lincoln, see Norton, Bishop. Bishop's Auckland, co. Durham, see Auckland, Bishop's. Burton, co. York, see Burton, Bishop's. Canning, Wilts, see Canning, Bishop's. ..... .. 1. • ……………. ……… ... .. Bishops' lands, or rents, 114, 115, 204, 297, 504, 539, 551, 555, 624, 711, 1985, 2042, 3209. • …………. officers of, 1931, 2834. Bishopstoke, Hants, lands in, 997. tything of, 105. Bishopstone, co. Hereford, resident at, 2000. Hall, Middlesex, 2166. Holt, co. Worcester, 2587. Hook, Essex, 2125. Lydierd, or Lydeard, Wilts, manor, &c., of, 1429 (2). parish and minister of, 1412. residents at, 1412, 3280. Offlow, see Offlow, Bishop's. ………… .. • ****** treasurer for, 821. trustees for, at Gurney House, 1859, 1930, 2834 (2), 2983, 2998, 3032, 3074, 3089, 3209 (4). Wilts, living of, 79. "" Bishopstrow, Wilts, living of, 79. Bishopton, co. York, houses, &c., in, 3134, 3145. Bishop Wearmouth, co. Durham, estate in, 2205. Wilton, see Wilton, Bishop. Bishton, Salop, residents at, 424, 636, 3192. Bisley, co. Gloucester, minister of, 749. • ******* · 9. Bispham, co. Lancaster, houses in, 1117 (2). manor of, 1106, 1117. resident at, 1111. tithes of, 1108. Bisset-le-Rose, Suffolk, manor of, 2304. Bissitt Farm, co. York, 2907. Bistern, Hants, manor of, 1603. Biteswell, co. Leicester, vicar of, 3046. Bitterley, Salop, rectory of, 873, 874 (2), Bitterne, Hants, resident at, 2694. Bitton, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1931. Bixwere, or Bigsweare, co. Gloucester, resi- dents at, 86, 1678. I ***** …………….. # " Blaby, co. Leicester, residents at, 108, 2727, 3239. Blackbourton, co. Oxon, resident at, 867. Blackbrooke, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2775. Blackburn, co. Lancaster, copyholders of, 423. houses in or near, 1889, 1449. hundred of, 194, 489 (2). King's forces going against, 1493. letter dated from, 280. parish of, 2446, 2530, 2531 (2). FF 2 ܂ 3628 Blackburn-cont. **** travellers to or from, 490. ... " Blackburne, co. Durham, colliery at, 3005. Blackburnshire, stewardship of, 1346. Black Copse, co. Stafford, 2322. Blackdon, Devon, see Blagdon. Blackdown, Sussex, resident at, 2543. Blackenham, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Blackford, Somerset, manor of, 1429 (3). resident at, 1210. Blackheath, Kent, 2602. resident at, 457. Blackheddon, Northumberland, residents at, 999, 1690, 2584, 2594. Black Ladies' Monastery, co. Stafford, 2711. Blackmore, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2560, 2563. Black Moss, co. Lancaster, 1110. Park, co. Worcester, 2642, 3249. Blackrode, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3071. manor in, 3187. ……………… .. ………… ……… • " ...... residents at, 1228, 1550, 3134, 3187. Blackston, co. Durham, resident at, 986. Blackwall, Middlesex, resident at, 881. Blackwell Hall, Cumberland, resident at, 333. co. Derby, estates at, 328 (2), 477. · manor of, 1737. co. Durham, lands in, 2524. Blagdon, or Blackdon, Devon, manor of, 2384. .. residents at, 1038 (2), 1883, 2724, 3289. " A • **" residents at, 2384, 3179. Northumberland, estate in, 2487. residents at, 2487 (2), 2488, 3107. Blaickhall, co. Stafford, resident at, 2954. Blaisdon, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 2685. Blakehaugh Close, co. Stafford, 3195. Blakemore, Somerset, 2525. Blampsters, Essex, 3181. Blandford, Dorset, County Commissioners at, 673, 1658. ♦ 2 · INDEX OF PLACES. ***** King's party or garrison at, 308, 2847, letters dated from, 502, 560, 641, 650, 702, 722, 732. residents at, 118, 259, 360, 502, 2026, 2873. ………….. St. Mary, Dorset, resident at, 2059. Blankney, co. Lincoln, manor of, 2416. residents at, 2416, 2619, 3223. Blansco, co. Lancaster, Hall at, 2365. residents at, 2363, 2364. ………………………♥ A ..... Blatherwick, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 168, 813, 1859. Blathfordby, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Bleasdale, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2799, 3155. "2 ………………….., vaccary in, 1301. Brooks in, resident at, 3225. Bledington, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2249. Bledlow, Bucks, estate at, 68. minister of, 1489. Bledlow-cont. • …………… , rectory of, 68, 1489 (2). resident at, 1489. Ridge, Bucks, resident at, 575. Bletchingley, Surrey, estate of, 769. resident at, 2870. ··· ……………… **** ". # • Bletchington, co. Oxon, resident at, 2232. Bletchley, Bucks, manor of, 390. Blimhill, co. Stafford, estate in, 1929. Blisland, Cornwall, residents at, 2768, 3066. Blithfield, co. Stafford, see Field. Blockley, co. Worcester, parish of, 1955, 2662. vicar of, 2498. Blodwall, or Blodwall Vechan, Salop, lands in, 2528. …………………. ………………) .. · ... residents at, 449, 2528 (2). tithes of, 2529 (6). Blofield, Norfolk, resident at, 2831. Blofleming, Cornwall, resident at, 3259. Blore, co. Stafford, manor of, 1735. Blumsdon, Wilts, resideut at, 2834. Blunsdon Andrew, Wilts, manor of, 1189. Elmers, Wilts, manor of, 1189. Bluntisham, Hunts, manor of, 2387. Blurton, co. Stafford, residents at, petition of, 3264. Blyburgh-cum-Walberswick, see Walberswick. Blyton, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2019. Bobbing Court, Kent, resident at, 2282. Bobbington, co. Stafford, resident at, 90. Bochyn, Cornwall, resident at, 2664. Bockhampton, Berks, resident at, 2633. East, Berks, resident at, 3193. Bockhill, co. York, manor of, 3204. Bockmore, Bucks, resident at, 919. Boconock, Cornwall, see Aberconnock. Bodargey Farm, Cornwall, 1146. *****} Boddington, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1619, 1621, 1624, .. manor house of, 1624. residents at, 2649 (2). Bodenham, co. Hereford, lands in, 2070. residents at, 2204, 2228, 3179. Bodinells, Cornwall, manor of, 1642. Bodmin, Cornwall, Commissioners sitting at, 335, 767, 1080. ****** " …………… parishioners of, 1489. petitions of, 1489 (2). ... ·· • prisoners at, 1641. residents at, 635, 2980, 3025, 3298. traveller to, 2704. Bodney, Norfolk, estate in, 3241. manor of, 1852, 2770. residents at, 1852, 3241, 2770 (2). Bodregan, Cornwall, resident at, 1082. Bodville, co. Carnarvon, resident at, 1599. House, co. Carnarvon, 1602. ……… *** , estates let at, 3298. > letters dated from, 116, 183, 198, 637, 646, 749, 763. INDEX OF PLACES. 3629 Bodwannock, Cornwall, manor of, 2938. Bohemiah Forest, co. York, 2230. Boigis, Scotland, residents at, 25, 56. Bolam, Northumberland, lands in, 2488, 3238. parish of, 3211. Bolas, Great, Salop, rector of, 2793. Bold, co. Lancaster, estate in, 2825. residents at, 2825 (2). Bolde, Cumberland, resident at, 2918. Boldon, East, co. Durham, lands in, 2632. Bole, co. Notts, resident at, 1788. Bolehall, co. Warwick, rectory of, 1290. Bolingbroke Castle, co. Lincoln, prisoners at, 901, 1411. ………………… ... ··· Bolland, co. York, farms in, 1744. Bollersham Farm, Cumberland, 2932. Bolney, co. Oxon, resident at, 1510. Bolnhurst, co. Bedford, lands in, 875. Bolsover, co. Derby, Earl of Newcastle at, 2649. ** ... ..., manor of, 1735 (2). minister of, 1357. • " • ·· ·· • parish of, 1735. resident at, 3026. Bolsterston, co. York, estate of, 2474. Bolton, Cumberland, residents at, 202, 1670. co. Lancaster, estates in, 2126, 2815. manor of, 1117. ……………… D **** · > 1 ……………… King's garrison at, 1098. Parliament men killed at, 1284. rectory of, 1602, 1603. residents at, 309, 1181 (2), 1838. taking of, 1181. Heads, co. Lancaster, 3267 (2). Little, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2860, 2865. > Northumberland, messuages in, 2670. Southwood, Northumberland, estate of, 2670. co. York, manor, &c., of, 2642, 3217. parish of, 1387, 1769. residents at, 472, 2802. woods at, 207. Castle, co. York, King's party at, 842. residents at, 1030, 1077. -by-Bowland, co. York, estate 2356. ****** > Bolts Farm, co. Chester, 932. at, resident at, 3252. ******* -on-Swale, co. York, church of, 1002. Westmoreland, resident at, 203. Bomison, co. Hereford, resident at, 52. Bondgate, co. York, estate at, 2410. Bonham, Somerset, manor of, 2058. resident at, 2058. Boningale, Salop, manor and park of, 2921 (2), 2922. resident at, 424. Bonvilston, co. Glamorgan, houses in, 2180. Bookham, Surrey, resident at, 2690. Boothby, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1323, 2091. Booths, the, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1191. Boraston, Salop, resident at, 2027. Borden, Kent, lands in, 2740. resident at, 457. Bordsley Lodge Farm, co. Worcester, 3272. Boreham, Essex, resident at, 2187. *. Borestall, Bucks, see Bostall. Borley, Essex, lands in, 3042. resident at, 3042. Bornhill, Anglesey, resident at, 1929. Boroughbridge, co. York, farm iu, 1120. ……., poor of, 1623. • • •• residents at, 1623, 1674, 2918. petition of, 1623. Boroughclere, Hants, resident at, 320. Borrowby, co. York, estates at, 587, 3133. resident at, 3093. ******* Borstall House, Bucks, see Bostall. .. ... • ... > " Borwick, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1960. Bosbury, co. Hereford, estates in, 2000, 3250. resident at, 2954. Boscobel, or Bassobel, Salop, residents at, 1771, 3180. House, Salop, surrender of, 1511. Boscombe, Wilts, residents at, 77, 995. Bosham, Sussex, residents at, 1063, 1065. Bosley, co. Chester, resident at, 2843. tithes of, 894 (5). Boson, Devon, estate at, 152. Bossall, co. York, rectory of, 2048. resident at, 2048. Bostall, Borestall, or Borstall, Bucks, estate at, 67, 3243. House, King's governor of, 1450. On ******* .. .. 11 4 ." Wilts, resident at, 3307. ..... .... כ' ****** · 1452. ***** A Bostock, co. Chester, residents at, 103, 1123, 1179, 1269, 1529, 1751. Boston, co. Lincoln, estate at, 1311. .. 1422 (2), 1450-1452. surrender of, Articles of, 1450, compounders on, ... governor of, for Parliament, 2308. ., mayor of, 2993. .. prisoners at, 1411, 1449. residents at, 942, 1098, 1311, 1371 (2), 2089, 2993, 3239 ?. traveller to, 1098. Bosworth, co. Leicester, resident at, 1847. Husbands, co. Leicester, manor of, 3167 (2). Bothal, Northumberland, barony of, 1736 (2), 1737 (2). manor of, 1733 (2). residents at, 1733 (2). Bothamsall, co. Notts, lands in, 2550. Bothel, Cumberland, lands in, 2996. Bothersden, Kent, lands in, 2612. Botley, Hants, tithing of, 106. 3630 Botolph Bridge, Hunts, lands in, 2381 (2), 2382. ... manor of, 2381 (2), 2382. ……………, manor house of, 2381 (4). resident at, 2380. .... Botrithan, co. Flint, resident at, 1632. Bottesford, co. Leicester, parish of, 3060. parsonage of, 2970. residents at, 110 (4). ... } co. Lincoln, manor of, 1750. Bottingham Farm, Essex, 2401. Boughrood, co. Radnor, vicar of, 2315 (2). Boughton, co. Chester, resident at, 100. tithes of, 1211. Kent, lands in, 2740. residents at, 457, 1908, 2740, 2882. ....-under-Blean, Kent, residents at, 2740, • ***** ... .. 3290. co. Radnor, resident at, 3301. Bould, or Bowles, Salop, residents at, 1006, 1461. Boulden, co. Durham, fight at, 2964. ·· INDEX OF PLACES. Bouldron, co. Lancaster, parish of, 1910. Bouley, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2646. Boulton, co. Worcester, resident at, 1809. -cum-Adgarley, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1118. Hills, co. Durham, Scottish army at, 2964. Bourdeaux, France, resident in, 2483. St. Purgett's church in, 2483. Bourne, or Bourn, Kent, resident at, 458. .. ... co. Lincoln, lands in, 3064. manor of, 3064. residents at, 3064 (2), 3161. Sussex, resident at, 2981. co. York, manor of, 2764 (2). residents at, 611, 2764, 3189. Bourton, Bucks, manor of, 67, 1491. resident at, 1490. on the Hill, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1800. ** · Boveat, Hants, resident at, 3190. Bovey, North, Devon, estates in, 3092, 3093. manor of, 2534. residents at, 353, 1959. Tracey, Devon, estate at, 152. residents at, 284, 952. Bow, Middlesex, resident at, 7179. Bowden, or Bowdon, co. Chester, estate at, 2595. ***** ****** ****** place near, 686. vicar of, 1728. ... 9 co. Derby, resident at, 3001. Bowel's Manor, Bucks, 2290. Bower House, co. Lancaster, 2570. L ******* resident at, 2569. Bowerton, co. Warwick, lord of the manor of, 3190. Bowland, co. Lancaster, lands in. 2428 (2). resident at, 2427. Bowles, Salop, see Bould. ………………………♥ Bowlesbarow Farm, Wilts, 2772. Bowling, co. York, resident at, 2035. Bowlthorpe, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1524. Bowscoate, co. Lancaster, see Roscoate. Bowstead, Cumberland, tenement in, 2476. Bowthorpe, Norfolk, residents at, 2729, 2730. Bowyet, Hants, resident at, 3233. Box, Wilts, parish of, 3259. resident at, 3169. Boxgrove, Sussex, resident at, 1094. Boxwell, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2336. Boxworth, co. Cambridge, lands in, 2347. Boyet, Hants, manor of, 3287. tithing of, 106. Boynton, co. York, letter dated from, 162. Hall, Suffolk, manor of, 2133. Boy's Hall, Suffolk, 2708. Braborn, Kent, resident at, 458. Bracewell, co. York, resident at, 1202. Brackenborough, co. Lincoln, lands in, 3087. resident at, 2946. .. ... .. " Brackenfield, co. Derby, manor of, 2478. Brackenthwaite, co. Cumberland, resident at, 1881. Brackley, co. Northampton, order published at, 653. resident at, 2087. • **** Bradburn, Kent, lands in, 2595, 2596. ■ > D ******* Bradbury, Durham, resident at, 2902. Braddock, see Broadoaks. Bradenham, Norfolk, resident at, 2755. East, Norfolk, lands in, 2755. **** ? Bradfield, Berks, residents at, 1179, 1946. Suffolk, resident at, 1513. ***** Bradford, co. Chester ?, resident at, 120. Devon, manor of, 2987. ........., co. Dorset, resident at, 1666. co. Lancaster, resident at, 3176. Somerset, resident at, 914. • ..., Wilts, letter dated from, 145. manor of, 2533. resident at, 1668. .... mansion in, 2595. mill in, 2596. ........., co. Worcester, resident at, 2675. co. York, parish of, 2744, 3217. places near, 945. residents at, 1068, 1283, 1871, 2427. soldiers of, 127, 2692, 2693. taking of, 945, 1575. ........., West, co. York, estate in, 2127. Bradforth, co. York, houses in, 1910. Bradkirk, co. Lancaster, mansion house of, 1117. > **** ... messuage of, 2445. residents at, 2445 (4). ******* Bradley, Berks, resident at, 3192. ........., co. Chester, lands, &c., in, 1156. resident at, 104. ........., co. Derby, resident at, 1578. INDEX OF PLACES. 3631 Bradley-cont. ***** …………. ... **** co. Durham, manor of, 2400. residents at, 2043, 2400, 2680. House, co. Lancaster, 3234. Park, co. Lancaster, 1191. co. Stafford, lands in, 2081. resident at, 281. Little, Suffolk, residents at, 845 (2). or Bradline, Wilts, minister of, 699, 1055, 2303. "" * 6003 ****** " Bradleyfield, Westmoreland, residents at, 176, 521. ·· ... Bradline, Wilts, see Bradley. Bradninch, Devon, lands at, 1391. ………, rectory of, 1391. ***** residents at, 1391, 1594, 2966. Bradnop, co. Stafford, resident at, 1230. Bradpole, Dorset, lands in, 2377. Bradstone, Devon, residents at, 2742, 2804. Bradwall, co. Chester, resident at, 2871. Bradway, co. Derby, resident at, 2090. Bradwell, Bucks, estate at, 67. resident at, 1293. ........., co. Gloucester, resident at, 1565. Brafferton, co. Durham, parish of, 745. resident at, 2714. ………………….., co. York, resident at, 3178. Braggars, co. Lancaster, 2917. Brainscold Farm, co. Lancaster, 2018. Braithwaite, Great, Cumberland, resident at, 201. Brakes, the, Norfolk, vicarage in, 114. Bramarth, co. Montgomery, resident at, 1861. Bramber, Sussex, borough of, lands in, 2473. Rape, Sussex, Committee of, 47. estates in, 338, 365. Brambletye, Sussex, residents at, 1602 (2). Bramdean, Hants, resident at, 3193. Bramford Speke, Devon, 3309. Bramham, co. York, manor of, 2314. North, Wilts, tenements in, 1457 (2). co. Worcester, lands in, 1086. mills at, 2313, 2314. residents at, 2314, 3060. ******* Bramley, co. York, resident at, 1576. > Brampton, Cumberland, estate in, 257. co. Derby, houses in, 2321. .. »> Norfolk, resident at, 3186. 2 ...., co. Northampton, letter dated from, 81. Church, co. Northampton, residents at, 2625, 2641. Westmoreland, resident at, 3025. parish of, 1736. Devon, 97, 98 (2). Hunts, prebend of, rents from, 90. resident at, 410. or Branton, co. York, estates in, 587, 1119. Hall at, 1120. **** residents at, 1119 (2), 1120, 3267. Bushell, co. York, houses in, 2017. Bram with, co. York, estate at, 2700. Branbridge, or Bambridge, Hants, estate in, • ... Brancepeth, co. Durham, parish of, 2584. Brandlesome, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2951. resident at, 2950. Brandon, co. Durham, resident at, 364. co. Warwick, rectory of, 1455 (3). Brandsby, co. York, estate in, 3133. resident at, 3133. .......-cum-Stearsby, manor of, 3133. Brannel, Cornwall, estate in, 2662. Bransby, co. Lincoln, 1022. …………. • .. 1841. resident at, 1841. House, Hants, 3287. Branscombe, Devon, residents at, 1352, 2968. Branston, co. Leicester, see Braunston. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1145. Rutland, resident at, 266. • Branthwaite, Cumberland, resident at, 3175. Brantingham, co. York, resident at, 1351. Branton, Northumberland, resident at, 2749. co. York, see Brampton. Brassington, co. Derby, lands in, 2470. Brasted, or Braystead, Kent, lands in, 9. resident at, 1471 (2). ******** Brathwaite, or Braithwaite, co. York, estate at, 197. " resident at, 3192. Bratton, Devon, estates at, 153. parish of, 3280. Clovelly, Devon, estates at, 153 (2), 1404. • " **** " residents at, 293, 2119, 2851, Seymour, Somerset, lands in, 2706. Braunston, or Branston, co. Leicester, estates in, 1760 (2). ……………………… …………..} 3178. A manor of, 1760, 1761. minister and tithes of, 1761 (2). residents at, 110, 1760, 1761 (2). Braunton, Devon, residents at, 98, 3127. Brawith, co. York, mansion house at, 3133. parish of, 3133. **** Brawnes, co. Gloucester, 3143. .. *" …...…… "" ******* ... Braxted, Essex, resident at, 848. Bray, Berks, parish of, 1793. resident at, 2860. Braydon Forest, Wilts, resident at, 1631. Brayles, co. Warwick, manor of, 1955. Braystead, Kent, see Brasted. Braythy Kymer Farm, co. Glamorgan, 2180. Brayton, Cumberland, resident at, 1887. co. York, parish of, 2764 (2). rectory of, 2896. tithes of, 2764. Breage, Cornwall, inhabitants of, petition of, 1239. minister and vicarage of, 1239 (3). 3632 Breaks, the, Westmoreland, see Breekes. Bream, Devon, resident at, 1481. ………………………, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2142. Breame, co. York, lands in, 2480. Brearidge, Northumberland, tithes of, 3074. Brecknock, or Brecon, town of, King's garri- son at, 1026. ... Brecknockshire, County Commissioners of, 634, 1003, 1004 (6), 1705, 1710, 1712 (3), 2360, 2924, 2968, 2971, 3002 (2), 3279. ·· ……………… …….. ▼ • } letters dated from, 161, 492, 494, 506, 519, 530, 562, 563, 577, 578, 614, 627, 634 (2), 728, 738, 764. " ·· • ..... ·· + J ·· • ·· prebend of, 2315. residents at, 1026, 2489-2491. lease by, 1712. ******* letters of, 492, 494, 519, 530, 562, 563, 577, 578, 614, 627, 634, 728, 738. • *** • alluded to, 3001. • ..... letters to, 544, 571, 574, 594, 607, 2732, 3002. ... INDEX OF PLACES. > • orders to, 1359, 1713, 1882, 2360, 2968 (2), 3002 (2), 3139 (2), 3279, 3301 (2). …., ………….., request by, 2732. returns from, wanted, 421, 449. the late, 360, 492, 493, 530, 562, 563, 577, 2924, 3001, 3301. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1524. ... ·· ·· ***** • ***** appointment of, 492, 506, 517. certificates of, alluded to, 3002. information against, 3301. " ……………… alluded to, 367, 470. ****** officers of, 161, 492, 493. lands, estates, &c., in, 323, 360 492, 494, 563, 614, 1033, 1407, 1710 (2), 1712-1715, 2043, 2924, 2971, 3002 (2), 3139 (2), 3186, 3301. queries of, 494. references to, 2971, 3002. M.Ps for, 1524, 1634. ministers of, ousting of, 493, 495. money from, or revenues in, 495, 620. parishes of, 513. Parliamentary governor of, 1359. residents in, 627, 747 (3), 765, 1712, ', 1882, 2497, 3001, 3301. cases of, 1003, 1358, 1674, ·· > 2037, 2045, 2489, 2732, 2924, 2968, 2971, 3001, 3139, 3239 (4). ****** lists of, notes of, 728, 741, 742. sessions in, 1359, 3001. sheriff of, 1359, 1634, 3001, 3139 (2). ... .... Breda, Holland, Charles II. at, 2022. Bredgar, Kent, resident at, 458. Bredgate, Kent, resident at, 458. Bredon, co. Worcester, estate in, 2102. poor of, 2822. Bredon, poor of-cont. 4. resident at, 2102. Bredy, or Briddy, Dorset, residents at, 118, 2376 (2). ……………. • ·· ………………) Little, Dorset, resident at, 933. Breekes, or Breaks, the, Westmoreland, man- sion house at, 2983. 1 residents at, 203, 2983. **** Bremhill, Wilts, resident at, 1588. Brenckbourne, Northumberland, resident at, 3209. - Brenscliffe, co. Lancaster, estate in, 2225. Brensett, Kent, resident at, 458. · Brent, South, Devon, residents at, 153, 2236, 2971. Somerset, hundred of, 2435. East, Somerset, houses in, 2583. ****** Brentford, Middlesex, estates, &c., at, 1217 (2), 1463. minister of, 1301. resident at, 2219. Old, Middlesex, house in, 3098. Brentwood, Essex, chapel of, 411, 912. farm in, 306, 2515. Free School at, 1300 (2). lettters dated from, 306, 308. • ... • • ***** ……………… .... ….., money for, 596. residents at, 2297, 2404, 2515. Weale, Essex, resident at, 3182. co. Stafford, estate in, 3230. Brerebutts, co. Lancaster, close called, 2559. Brerehurst, co. Stafford, estate in, 3240. Brereton, co. Chester, King's garrison at, 121, 2555. petition of, 2822. rector of, 2498. و ****** ……………… ... manor of, 1230, 3254. parish church of, 604. ……………., parsonage or tithes of, 121, 604, 1229. residents at, 120 (3), 121 (6), 451, 454, 491, 568, 604, 1836, 2015, 2051, 2555. • ··· Bressingcoate, co. Derby, see Brisincote. Bretby, co. Derby, manor of, 1265, 1268. park of, 757. ******* Bretford, co. Warwick, rectory of, 1455 (3). Bretherdale, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Bretherton, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 2778, 3218. manor of, 1117 (2), 3099. ****** residents at, 2767, 3185, 3218. Brettenham, Suffolk, resident at, 2133. Bretton, co. York, residents at, 1150, 1550, 2035. Bretts, Suffolk, 1269. Brewer's Farm, Kent, 1683. Brewham, Somerset, forest of, 1339. parish of, 2020. ……………………., rectory of, 1339. residents at, 1677, 2020, 2577. tenement in, 3182. South, Somerset, resident at, 3182. INDEX OF PLACES. 3633 Brewood, co. Stafford, 1214, 2711 (3), 2999, 3146, 3180. manor of, 2711. residents at, 89, 2998. Brickhill, Great, Bucks, residents at, 1071, 1. 1521. Little, Bucks, parsonage of, 67. Briddy, Dorset, see Bredy. Bridestow, Devon, lands in, 2791. ... resident at, 2791. ... "" Bridge, Kent, resident at, 458, 2406. Bridges, Suffolk, 2817. Bridge Trafford, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 101, 895. Bridgewater, or Bridgwater, Somerset, castle of, 262. chantry lands in, 2312. committee sitting at, 155, 244, 907, 1800. death at, 1058. estates in, 1430, 2583, 2712, 2733 (2). J.Ps at, 273. ***** +4 ... **3 ……………., ………………, governor of, 119, 1528. letters dated from, 444, 613. ………… a ………… " ……. **** • · King's garrison or party at, 914, 1197, 1385, 1495. ******* Parliamentary garrison at, 937. prisoners at or sent to, 926, 937. 1141, 1279, 1374, 1664, 1684. recorder of, 266, 273. residents at, 179, 216, 221, 226, 244, 262, 310, 416, 417, 2145 (2), 2312, 2526, 2582 (2), 2712, 2733. siege of, 1372. surrender or reduction of, 914, 937, 1124, 1294, 1684. D > ..... • town clerk of, 2938. *** travellers to or from, 1123, 1141. Bridgford, East, co. Notts, residents at, 535, 2565, 2566. ******* *.. CO. Stafford, residents at, 1817, 1822. > Articles of, 1541 (2). Bridgholme Green, co. York, estates in, 3098 (2). Bridgnorth, Salop, 1816. castle of, King's garrison at, 1816 (4). ………………, governor of, 1292, 1596, 1816. prisoners in, 1641. ****** houses or lands in, 1038, 1484. residents at, 1596, 1641, 1816 (3), 2045, 2876. surrender of, 1292. ******* Articles of, 1292, 1331, 1370. Bridgrevel, Devon, resident at, 97. Bridlington, co. York, minister of, 162. ……….., money for, 162. Bridport, Dorset, residents at, 118, 119, 1424, 2026. Bridsoe Manor, Wilts, 1222, 1223. Brierton, co. Durham, lands in, 2589. rectory and tithes of, 2588. Brigg, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1348. Brigham, Cumberland, rectory of, 1662. Brightley, Devon, residents at, 97, 502, 1237 (2). Brighton, co. York, rectory of, 2018. ....., resident at, 3215. Brigmill, Northumberland, resident at, 2507. Brigsley, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1487, 2363 (2). Brill, Bucks, lands, &c., in, 67, 1611, 3041 (2). residents at, 1611, 3041. Brimpton, Somerset, resident at, 1256. Brimstage, co. Chester, estates at, 61. resident at, 1453. ……………………… ******** Brindle, co. Lancaster, estates in, 2039, 2525, 2831, 2885. residents at, 1282, 2799, 2811, 2885 (2), 3095, 3169, 3174, 3186, 3196, 3213. Brindley, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 1222, 1228. Bringhurst, co. Leicester, lands in, 1436 (2), 1437. resident at, 108. …………………*** Bringwin, co. Hereford, resident at, 3185. Bringwood Chase, co. Hereford, lands in, 1626 (2). Forge, Salop, 1484. Brinkley, co. Cambridge, residents at, 2502, 2749. Brinsley, co. Notts, residents at, 769, 2017. Brinsop, co. Hereford, resident at, 1991. Brinton, Hunts, resident at, 539. Brisincote, or Bressingcoate, co. Derby, 2353, 2908. residents at, 2352, 2908. Bristol, cos. Gloucester and Somerset, 365, 406, 427, 515, 627, 1630. ***** ..... • ……….. " • • I betrayal of, 1013. Bishop of, late, see Searchfield, Row- land. agent for Ireland in, 450. aldermen of, 144, 511, 515. ..., letter to, 545. ******* .. > business of, 400, 545. Castle, Parliamentary garrison at, 288, 305 (2). ………………, ………………, governor of, 209, 303. …………, ………………, money for, 1555. cathedral or church of, lands held from, 1302. chancellor of, 260. late, or ex-, 2087. ***** citizens or freemen of, 144, 524, 1652. clerk of the peace for, 395. Commissioners for, 49, 173, 208, 238, 321, 345, 421, 524, 545, 920, 1555. business of, 381. officers of, 144, 298, 381, 387, ***** 295. 3634 INDEX OF PLACES. • Bristol, Commissioners for-cont. orders by, 49. orders or letters to, 30, 73, 144, • ** ir • ·· ... ………………” ..... • "" 222. > ******** ***** ******* ***** merchants of, 1884, 1972, 2101. ******} ........., money paid, or to be paid at, 240, 394, 475, 481. *** Dean and Chapter of, lands held from, 2194. fort of, 305 (2). High Street in, 277. King's Council of War at, clerk of, 1287. ." ****** records of, 631. ***** County Commissioners sitting at, 427. Customs' officer at, 933. **** King's garrison or party at, 52, 948, 1191, 1555, 1556, 1629, 1715, 1826, 1932, 1942, 2585, 2605, 2772, 2843. " alluded to, 1358. letters dated from, 243, 395, 427, 450 (2), 515, 524. ………………, governors of, 1629. ………………………, persons in, 285, 920, 1275, 1400, 1518. places in or near, 844, 1046, 2558. residents at, 971, 1653. ******* plate sent to, 2585. prisoners at, 1358, 1369. residents in, 30, 49, 73, 85, 144, 227, 260 (2), 265, 321, 351 (2), 355, 381, 419, 444, 453, 794, 942, 1191, 1312, 1555-1557, 1585, 1652, 1850, 2080, 2343, 3258. sent to, 501. mayor of, 73, 511, 515, 2080. letter to, 545. • sent to, 415. Parliamentary commander at, 222. ... 2765. ………………….., steward of courts in, 437. cases of, 1629, 1630. ……………… , St. George's parish in, 2957. > sheriffs at, 415. ships of, 1400. siege of, 971, 1068, 1517, 2964. garrison or party at, 942, 1629, taking of by, or surrender to Parlia- ment, 30, 288, 794, 909, 916, 942, 979, 1017, 1181, 1290, 1383, 1555, 1556, 1629, 1715, 1826. Articles of, 144, 916, 1630. ......, persons within or com- pounding on, 65, 914, 920, 933, 962, 1290, 1394, 1556, 1557, 1629, 1630, 1942. taking of, by the King, 926, 942, 1629, 1652 (2). …………., Temple Street in, 257. train bands of, 1191, 1555. travellers to and from, 906, 979, 1058, 1652. Bristol-cont. Stewart, co. Gloucester ?, resident at, 1585. Britford, Wilts, rectory and minister of, 1055 (2). resident at 3049. Briton Ferry, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 861. Brittany, places in, 125. Brixham, Devon, manor in, 1396, 3087. residents at, 2028, 2119, 2988, 3073. Brixton, Devon, residents at, 1470, 2758, 2820. **** Brixworth, co. Northampton, parishioners of, petition of, 2821. ··· ………………….., rectory of, 2821. Broad, co. Worcester, farm of, 3016. Broadcarr, co. York, resident at, 843. Broad Chalk Wilts, rectory of, 77. resident at, 1433. "S Broadclist, Devon, estates at, or manor of, 152, 1224. .. Broadhalgh, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1994. Broad Hearth, Somerset, lands at, 266, 394. Broadhempston, Devon, estate in, 2853. ……………., resident at, 2968. Broadhurst House, co. Lancaster, 2787. Broadoaks, or Braddock, Essex, manor, &c., of, 2097 (2). ... minister of, 1939. * ………., rectory of, 1938, 1939 (2). Broadway, Dorset, residents at, 1690, 1980. co. Worcester, lands in, 1955. } minister of, 1710. places in, 1965 (2). resident at, 1965. Broadwell, co. Gloucester, parish of, 1714. resident at, 2118. ... ****** Broadwinsor, Dorset, residents at, 119, 1408. Broadwood, Devon, estate at, 153. **** Kelly, Devon, resident at, 98. Widger, Devon, estate at, 153. parish of, 2871. Brockelsby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1049. Brockenborow, Wilts, lands in, 1969. Brockenhurst, Hants, parish of, 2350. Brockhall, co. Lancaster, estate in, 3199. resident at, 3199. ... Brockhampton, Brookhampton, or Brokeham, co. Hereford, lands in, 2213. residents at, 2255, 2366. ... ··9 residents at, 1125, 2853, 2955 (2). petition of, 1939. ..... sheaf of, 251, 373, 385, 491, 639, 1939. .> ... *** *** Brockholes, Essex, lands in, 2097. co. Lancaster, residents at, 1814, 3207. ... Brockley, Somerset, residents at, 260, 1238. Brockworth, co. Gloucester, estates at, 85. resident at, 2802. ر... INDEX OF PLACES. 3635 Brokeham, co. Hereford, see Brockhampton. Bromborough, or Brunbrow, co. estates at, 61 (2). ………………………, rectory, &c., of, 1433, 1434. residents at, 440. ***** Da ... > ………………) petition of, 1433. Court, co. Chester, estate at, 61. Hall, co. Chester, 1430. ………………… .9 Bromcraft, Salop, estate at, 2931. residents at, 417, 743, 2931. Brome Hall, co. Durham, resident at, 3107. co. Warwick, resident at, 1134. Bromehill, Sussex, parish of, 3277. Bromfield, co. Hereford, manor of, 1973 (2). Bromhall, Suffolk, resident at, 1389. Bromham, co. Bedford, bridge of, 1304. manor of, or lands in, 1304-1306, 1308. ……………*) •A *** ......, parsonage or minister of, 1303 (2), 1306. residents at, 1303-1305. Bromley, co. Chester, resident at, 112. Kent, residents at, 458, 766. Northumberland, 3191. Salop, resident at, 2423. ………., co. Stafford, parish of, 2321. ………….., King's, co. Stafford, parish of, 2321. Brompton Castle, Salop [co. Hereford ?], King's party at, 1484. Regis, Somerset, resident at, 1326. ………………………, co. York, parish of, 953. ……………………., rectory of, 1002. Patrick, co. York, parish of, 1002. residents at, petition of, 1002. Bromsgrove, co. Worcester, estates &c., in, 2035, 2913. *** ***** > Chester, C King's party at, 2725. residents at 425, 2035, 2413, 2725, 3160. Bromshields, co. Durham, resident at, 364. Bromyard, co. Hereford, rents in, 2366. parish of, 2454. **** proclamation of Charles II. at, 563,604. residents at, 216, 604. Brook, the, co. Derby, resident at, 3259. ..., Kent, resident at, 458. Farm, Kent, 1453. Salop, 3215.: *****) Brooke, Norfolk, resident at, 581. .. > Rowden's, Essex, see Rowden. Brookhampton, co. Hereford, see Brockhamp- ton. Brookhouse, Kent ?, artillery at, 805. Brookland, Kent, resident at, 458. Brookley, Hants, mansion and farm of, 2350. Brooks-in-Bleasdale, co. Lancaster, see Bleas- dale. Brook Walden, Essex, see Walden. Broomawham, co. Derby, resident at, 3193. Broome, Norfolk, resident at, 1877. Broomfield, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2020. Broomhall, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 122, 123, 1660. Broseley, Salop, residents at, 1453, 1928. Brotherton, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1951, 1953 (2), 2052. co. York, residents at, 1453, 1966. ·· Brough, Cumberland, barony of, 620. rents of, 2469. C •" co. Derby, estate in, 2321. Westmoreland, 196, 585. vicar of, 99. co. York, manor of, 2637. ……………………., rectory and tithes of, 2636. residents at, 2636 (2), 3192. Brough in Marsh, see Burgh in Marsh. Brougham, Westmoreland, residents at, 203, 3114. ****** " .... ………………… د. Broughton, Cumberland, coal mines at, 1669. ………………………, manor of, 635. co. Flint, resident at, 1241. ......., co. Lancaster, 2199, 3182, 3194, 3201, 3207, 3208. "" in Amounderness, co. Lancaster, resi- dents at, 3208 (2). co. Leicester, resident at, 108. ****** .., Nether, co. Leicester, residents at, 172, 177. Northampton, residents at, 88, Co. 1897. ……………….. manor of, 1114, 1117. residents at, 1446, 2352, 2502, 2506, 2785, 2786, 2909, 2910, 3173, 3179, 3186, 3207.* " .. …………. .... …. Brown Candover, see Candover, Brown. Brownside, co. Derby, 2831. Browsholme, co. York, resident at, 3233. Broxbourne, co. Herts, resident at, 2395. Broxhall, Rutland, manor of, 1158. Broxton, co. Chester, estate in, 326. High Constable of, 1818. ***** co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 951. co. York, manor or lordship of, 2429, 2432. *** • knights and gentlemen of, petition on behalf of, 1480. *** ·· Commissioners for, 68. letter of, 103. officers of, 234. residents in, lists of, 103, 104, 107. note of, 155. Bruges, Flanders, Burgomaster, Sheriff and Council of, certificate of, alluded to, 3044. residents at, 103, 2547. Hundred, co. Chester, 175. .. ... *** *** ***** ****** ..... seal of, 3044. Brumford, Great, Essex, manor of, 2117. Brumpton, co. York, resident at, 3259. * Some of these entries probably refer to Broughton-in-Amounderness. 3636 INDEX OF PLACES. Brumshott, Hants, resident at, 2573. Brumup, Northumberland, lands in, 2594. Brunbrow, co. Chester, see Bromborough. Brundish, Suffolk, lands at, 1877, 2817-2819. resident at, 1877. Brunthorp, co. Lincoln, lands in, 3230. Brunton, co. York, estates at, 587. Brunt's Court, Berks and Oxon, 3031. Bruntwood, co. Stafford, lands in, 2944. Bruton, Somerset, hospital at, 260. manor of, 1339, 3226. ……………………., rectory of, 1339. ..... residents at, 141, 1074, 1339, 1984, 2020, 2550. Bryanstone, co. Dorset, resident at, 2873. Bryants, alias Whites, Suffolk, 3104 (2). Bryn, co. Lancaster, manor or estate of, 1556, 1721. 4. residents at, 141, 617, 1556, 1720. Bryning-in-Kirkham, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3010. ******* …………………… ... resident in, 3010. **** Brynygho, co. Carnarvon, resident at, 151. Bryn y Voile, co. Merioneth, estate in, 2694. Buckby, Long, co. Northampton, rectory of, 1649 (4), 1650 (2), 3074, 3284. rents of, 690, 1581. 4. " 1. ………………………. • …………… ·· ******* Buckenham, Norfolk, residents at, 114, 2773. Old, Norfolk, resident at, 845. ..." Buckerell, Devon, letter dated from, 310. minister at, 342, 442. residents at, 283, 442. Buckfastleigh, Devon, minister of, 1352. …………………..) residents at, 502, 1352, 2906, 2968. Buckham, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1684. Buckingham, co. Bucks, estates in, 67 (3), 68. resident at, 1584. Buckinghamshire, 2249, 2869. • • • PRODU .... residents at, 1650. collector or messenger sent to, 787. County Commissioners of, 142, 225, 273, 361, 369, 404, 622, 631, 873, 1249, 1274 (2), 1489, 1611 (2), 1612, 1687, 1785, 2044, 2250, 2259, 2260, 2265- 2269, 2291, 2370, 2438, 2523, 2540, 2541, 2549, 2575 (2), 2816, 2868- 2870, 2877-2880, 3069, 3113, 3172. ……………., accounts of, 387. appointment or approval of, ……………. ……… ………… petition of, 1649. 173, 736, 755. certificates of, 1739, 1784, 2268, 2270, 2438, 3041. ****** alluded to, 2194. "> debt of, 793. discharge by, 2235. informations by, 1771, 2258. G " letters, &c., of, 66, 80, 191, 208, 213, 222, 325, 336, 369, 376 (2), 520, 631, 1250, 2268-2270. alluded to, 3243. Buckinghamshire, County Commissioners of -cont. • .... • I 14 ……………………… ... 604 ... ... • ... ·· ·· letters to, 312, 313, 334, 339, 366, 374, 390, 480, 485, 609, 757, 1146, 2235, 2259, 2268, 2290. alluded to, 518, 535, 867, 935, 948. ......, money to be paid to, 1785. officers of, 208, 312, 313, 736, 737, 1274, 2260. .... instructions to, 191, 208. .. > orders to, 273, 324, 376, 428, 430, 559, 873, 935, 1148, 1274 (2), 1434, 1444, 1460, 1489 (2), 1490 (2), 1611, 1740, 1785, 2044, 2183, 2192, 2194, 2249, 2250 (2), 2258-2260, 2262, 2265 (2), 2267 (2), 2270, 2290, 2291, 2438, 2540 (2), 2541 (3), 2549, 2575 (4), 2710, 2869 (3), 2878 (2), 2880, 3041, 3069, 3113, 3171. alluded to, 1293, 2258, ... 313, 559. ……………………… …………………....., accounts from, 559. references to, 1611 (2), 2259, 2267, 2846, 2868-2870, 3041, 3172. ………………, report of, alluded to, 2540. … ……………., returns from, 273. treasurer or receiver for, 312, **** 2575 (2). place of meeting of, 208. records of, alluded to, 2576. ***** 3. *" …………… …………… ***** > ***** Ch the late, 312, 313, 325, 334, 336, 369, 631, 664, 723, 735, 766, 1784, 2194, 2250, 2258, 2267, 2269, 2540, 2576 (2), 2880. letter to, 723. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 735, 1076 (2), 2236 (2). …………… lands or estates in, 334, 361, 404, 495, 544, 556, 622, 658, 1076, 1146, 1195, 1196, 1247, 1249, 1274, 1307, 1370, 1434, 1436 (2), 1491, 1687, 1770, 1785, 1790, 1793, 1884, 2043, 2091, 2192 (2), 2194, 2235, 2236, 2250 (2), 2259 (3), 2260 (2), 2261 (2), 2268, 2269, 2290, 2311, 2438, 2523, 2540, 2541 (4), 2549, 2575, 2710, 2868-2870, 2877, 3041 (3), 3140, 3141 (2), 3171, ¡3252, 3261. .. """ ………. **** **** Major-General of [Sir Charles Fleet- wood], 1076 (2), 2236 (2). M.P. for, 46. lists of, 66-68. receipts from, 429. militia, or county forces of, 213, 222, 225, 273, 336, 366, 484, 520. petition from, 622. ., money for, 782 (2). .., money paid in, or returns or revenue from, 27, 225, 312, 334, 691. places in, 908, 1035, 1288, 1422. Receiver-General for, 767. INDEX OF PLACES. 3637 Buckinghamshire-cont. ******* ... residents in, 142, 575, 609, 736, 1188, 1274 (2), 1456, 1482, 1489, 1687, 1739, 2174, 2183, 2191, 2266, 2267, 2290, 2324, 2363, 2370, 2484, 2540, 2575 (2), 2835, 2846, 3069, 3171, 3217. • ******* cases of, 908, 919, 935, 937, 947, 1071, 1194, 1212, 1288, 1293, 1443, 1454, 1460, 1482, 1490, 1519, 1521, 1534, 1548, 1563, 1570, 1584, 1608, 1611, 1770, 1784, 1977, 1978, 2091, 2096, 2172, 2249, 2258, 2268-2270, 2382, 2539, 2575, 2600, 2697, 2712, 2744, 2782, 2816, 2846, 2868-2870, 2877-2880, 3041, 3113, 3140, 3157, 3172, 3191, 3192, 3197. lists of, notes of, 199, 611, 732, 739, 741, 742, 3243. sheriff of, orders to, 324. and Bedfordshire, County Commis- sioners for, see Beds. Buckland, Berks, rectory of, 2834 (3). Berks and Oxon, County Commis- sioners for, see Berks. ***** · CON ·· resident at, 2833. Devon, resident at, 97. Baron, Devon, resident at, 1416. Brewer, Devon, residents at, 97 (2), 98. ..... ... Monachorum, Devon, residents at, 537, 964, 1798. manor of, 911, 913. ........., rectory of, 910-912. resident at, 910. D Sororum, Devon, resident at, 1523. Ripers, Dorset, residents at, 118, 993. co. Gloucester, estates at, 85, 227, 912. …………………… " Hants, residents at, 1755, 2114. St. Mary, Somerset, parish of, 3166. residents at, 1993, 2083. West, Somerset, estate in, 2633. Bucklow, co. Chester, hundred of, 175. > 106. .. .... ** ……………** • * 2. ………..2 *** lists of, 106, 107. note of, 155. Buckman Vall, Norfolk, resident at, 2114. Buckminster, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Bucknell, Devon, resident at, 257. Dorset, 3143. • Committee for, letters of, 74, estate in, 326. residents in, 122, 123. ****** *** Buckstead, Sussex, residents at, 1406, 1654. Buckton, co. Durham, 2558 (3). ! …………………, manor of, 634, 903. resident at, 2558. ***** Buckworth, Hunts, church of, 1527. Budleigh, East, Devon, resident at, 1821. West, Devon, 1504. Somerset, manor of, 3048. Budock, Cornwall, resident at, 1808. Budworth, or Great Budworth, co. Chester, lands, &c., at, 2679, 3221, 3222. ******* ...... ... rectory of, 295, 301, 327, 363, 451, 1528 (5), 1529 (4), 2948. resident at, 3108. *5 Little, co. Chester, residents at, 100 (3), 101 (5), 1606. Buerton, co. Chester, 440, 1802, 2359. Buglawton, co. Chester, resident at, 121. Bugsley, co. Lincoln, resident at, 3072. Bulbank, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2902. Bulby, co. Lincoln, manor or estate of, 1957, 1958. Bulcote, co. Notts, see Burton-cum-Bulcote. Bulford, Wilts, resident in, 78. Bulke, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2559. Bulley, co. Gloucester, 85, 2494. Bullock Smithy, co. Chester, letter dated from, 122. Bull Orchard, the, Herts, 3148. Bulmer, co. Durham, resident at, 2625. ·· • ………. .. ******* Bulmer's Farm, co. York, 3166. > Bulstone, Somerset, see Abdick. Bulwell Park, co. Nottingham, manor, &c., of, 2340. resident at, 2338. Bumpstead, Essex, resident at, 1348. Helion, Essex, resident at, 1942. **** Bunbury, co. Chester, parish of, 2911, 3205. residents at, 101 (2), 3125, 3198. Bunfurlong, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2522. Bunnington, Kent, resident at, 1859. Burbage, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Burchalk, Wilts, estate at, 77. Burchopp, lordship of, co. Radnor, 2211. Burcombe, Wilts, residents at, 78, 3052. Burdforth, co. York, resident at, 1419. Burdhey, Northumberland, lands in, 2508. Burdhope, Northumberland, lands in, 2509. Burfam, Surrey, lands in, 2294. Burfield Court, or Farm, Berks, 582 (2). Burford, Oxon, resident at, 1564. Burgate, Over, Hants, resident at, 2794. Burgh, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1650. or Brough in the Marsh, co. Lincoln, lands in, 1056. .. ***** …………… …………… Essex, parish of, 2927. residents at, 1663, 3032, 3103. Northumberland, resident at, 202. • 9 ****** parish of, 2679. resident at, 1056. Norfolk, estate at, 115. ………. ג' Westmoreland, parish of, 3157. Wallis, co. York, manor of, 2933 (4). resident at, 2932. Burgham, Sussex, resident at, 2307. Burghclere, Hants, residents at 1553, 2087. ****** 3638 INDEX OF PLACES. Burghope, co. Hereford, residents at, 534 (2), 578, 647, 770, 2985, 3141. Wood, co. Hereford, 771. ..... ** Burholme, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3236. Burien, Cornwall, see St. Buryan. Burley Heys, co. Chester, resident at, 1315. Hants, manor, &c., of, 3144. House, co. Lincoln (sic), prisoners taken at, 1897. or Burleigh House, Rutland, burning of, 193, 559. ****** • ... ... +9 King's party at, 928. Parliament garrison at, 193,559. prisoners taken at, 850, 851. stables of, Committee sitting at, 193, 559. Manor, Rutland, 318, 333, 357, 372 (3), 400, 2186-2188, 2192. co. York, residents at, 1037, 1835, 2028. Burleydam, co. Chester, chapel at, 487, 1284 (2). Burlington, co. York, Queen's landing at, 1180. " Burmarsh, Kent, resident at, 458. Burnaston, co. Derby, rectory of, 1061 (2). Burne, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2634. ** ****** resident at, 2644. Burnemoore, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3358. Burneshead, or Burnstead, Westmoreland, es- tate at, 386. residents at, 176, 1888. Burnham, Bucks, estate at, 66. *** .. ... .... *** ******* * ****** resident at, 1008. ... • Ulpe, Norfolk, resident at, 3126. Burnley, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 489, 2225, 2379. , parish of, 489, 2224. residents at, certificate from, 490. Burnsall, co. York, manor or lordship of, 2429, 2432. , resident at, 1460. East, Bucks, lands in, 2869. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1691. Norfolk, estate in, 115. Burnstead, see Burneshead. Burrant, Hants, resident at, 3198. ......, West, Iants, residents at, 3193, 3198. > residents at, 985, 2056. Burrington, Devon, minister of, 1382. residents at, 1382 (2). co. Hereford, resident at, 1544. Burrough Green, co. Cambridge, estate at, 702. residents at, 539, 593, 2453. woods at, 241, 379. ****** co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 110. > **** Burrow, Somerset, fort of, 1008. King's governor of, 1008. resident at, 1008. Burrows, co. Derby, resident at, 1142. Nether, co. Derby, farm of, 2831. Burscough in Ormskirk, co. Lancaster, 1117, 1118, 2758, 2924, 2956, 3973, 2979, 3220. Higgins' Lane in, 1111. manor of, 1108, 1110, 1117. residents in, 1111, 1114, 2873, 2956, 2973, 2979, 3220. Burslip, co. Chester, resident at, 2911. Burstall, co. Leicester, residents at, 111, 2679. Burstead, Essex, resident at, 2387. Burstock, Dorset, residents at, 119, 1424. Burstow, Surrey, lands, &c., in, 2678. lodge of, 2678. resident at, 2458. • Holme, Surrey, lands in, 2678. Burstwick, co. York, lands in, 3109. …………….., rectory of, 2152 (2). Garth, co. York, resident at, 3053. Burton, Bucks, resident at, 2270. .. .. ... • .... .. ..... ………………….., rectory of, 61, 1320. residents at, 104. • " ... ……… …………. ... ·· ……………… co. Leicester, township of, 3263. .......-on-Wolds, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. · · .. ****** petition of, 1320. Hall, co. Chester, 1156. co. Denbigh, residents at, 1410, 2019. Dorset, resident at, 118. Magna, Hunts, prebend of, rents from, 90. co. Chester, lands in, 1876. minister of, 61, 1320 (2). .-by-Lincoln, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1029. •• tithes of, 3272. Salop, resident at, 1537. ........., Somerset, Close of, 2304. ·· Head, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2726. Wood, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2792. resident at, 2825. cum-Bulcote, co. Notts, residents at, petitions of, 1267 (3). tithes of, 1267 (3). Joyce, co Notts, manor of, 1267, 1268. ………..5 " Flex, Somerset, lands in, 2342. -on-Trent, co. Stafford, Parliament party at, 2134. prisoners at, 1016. resident at, 281. taking of, 1016. Sussex, resident at, 2051. Dassett, co. Warwick, lands in, 2643. minister and rectory of, 1778. Westmoreland, estate, &c., in, 3053, ..) .. 3206. rectory, or tithes of, 1903, 1904 (3). residents at, 99, 547. Hill, Wilts, estate in, 1813. ........., co. Worcester, resident at, 2399, co. York, lands in, 2422. ……………. INDEX OF PLACES. 3639 Burton, co. York-cont. ………………………, manor of, 3267. ... manor of, 1377. ……………………., rectory of, 162, 1375, 1376 (6). resident at, 1375 (2). ………………………♪ .. " .., Bishop's, co. York, resident at, 1256. Constable, co. York, manor of, or lands in, 1765, 1766, 2150, 2154. residents at, 1009, 2149, 2150, • 2356. Burwardsley, co. Chester, house in, 2911. residents at, 104, 2911. Burwestcott, Berks, resident at, 2390. Bury, Hants, see Newton Berry. Hunts, minister of, 979. ………………….., co. Lancaster, lands in, 2848. • "" .. .. # Agnes, co. York, churchwardens of, 1375, 1376. …………, manor or lordship of, 1115, 1118. parish of, 1457. €8 · ..... …. ******* • ***** 3108. Great, co. York, resident at, 2912. in Lonsdale, co. York, estate in, 2637. lord of the manor of, 3123. residents at, 2653, 3123. ******* Leonard, co. York, resident at, 3192. Richmondshire, co. York, lands at, residents at, 2073, 2365. ******* stewardship of, 516 (2). Busby, Great, co. York, resident at, 2079. Buscot, Berks, house in, 2834. resident at, 2834. Bushbury, co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 90. Bushby, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Bushley, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 87, 1017. " *** residents at, 1109, 2811, 2848 (2). St. Edmunds, or Edmondsbury, Suf- folk, County Commissioners at, see Suffolk, County Commissioners of. co. Worcester, courts at, 2011. estate in, 2011 (2). resident at, 2011. *" Bushmead, co. Bedford, manor of, 1681. residents at, 1558, 1680. Busyard, Suffolk, residents at, 2885 (2). Butcombe Farm, Somerset, 2941. Butleigh, Somerset, resident at, 1282. Butley, co. Chester, resident at, 1055. Butsbury, Essex, lands in, 1780. minister of, 1779. resident at, 1780. **** ………………, prisons at, 897. ****** Butteland, Northumberland, lands in, 2594. residents at, 2593, 2594 (2). North and South, lands in, 2595. Butterby, co. Durham, resident at, 1049. Butter Crambe, co. York, church of, 1044. mansion house of, 3215. resident at, 3215. Buttersett, co. York, resident at, 1120. Buttington, co. Montgomery, resident at, 1905. Buxton, co. Derby, messuages in, 1736. Norfolk, resident at, 3049. Byeash, Somerset, 3226. Byford, co. Hereford, residents at, 886 (2). Byfront, see Beaufront. Byram, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2836. Byrom, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3081. Bytham Castle, co. Lincoln, manor of, 3232. Little, co. Lincoln, manor of, 3232. Bywell, Northumberland, 2487, 2488 (2), …………………… .. ·· Cabalra, co. Radnor, residents at, 636, 2497. Cabus, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3128. Cadbandown, Devon, estate in, 3166. Cadbury, Somerset, resident at, 1905. North, Somerset, residents at, 1203, 1277 (2), 1689. Cadley, Devon, resident at, 2516. Cadney, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2646. …………………, parish of, 2646. Caereinion, co. Montgomery, manor of, 2199. Caerleon, co. Monmouth, residents at, 730, 3238. ·· • 3107. Peters, Northumberland, rectory of, 3019 (2). Caerwys, co. Flint, resident at, 1722. Caistor, co. Lincoln, residents at, 3141, 3245. Calais, passage to, 1081. traveller to, 1472. Caldbeck, Cumberland, letter dated from, с 235. Mà mills at, 1669. resident at, 202. Caldecott, co. Chester, resident at, 103. Norfolk, manor of, 2624. Caldecotts, East, Northumberland, 2595. West, Northumberland, 2594, 2595. Calder Abbey, Cumberland, resident at, 202. the, co. Lancaster, 1301. Caldew Bridge, Cumberland, 812, 816. Caldicot, co. Moninouth, mansion house at, 1715. > Caldmore, co. Stafford, resident at, 89. Caldow, co. Stafford, manor of, 1736. Caldwick, Caldwich, or Calwich, co. Stafford, lands in, 2288, 2289. manor of, 938 (2), 2286. residents at, 89, 2283, 2289, 2301, 2665. 3640 INDEX OF PLACES. Calehill, Kent, resident at, 458. Calfield House, co. York, 2028. Calgarth, Westmoreland, residents at, 1424, 2678, 2882. Calke, co. Derby, resident at, 2007. Callaly, Northumberland, farm at, 2342. manor of, 2341. ……………….... residents at, 2340, 2341. Callowhill, co. Stafford, resident at, 1016. Calne, Wilts, prebend and parsonage of, 960. resident at, 959. ... Calstock, Cornwall, residents at, 1945, 2405. Calveley, co. Chester, residents at, 101, 2886. Calver, co. Derby, 2320, 2321. manor of, 2320, 2321. • .... ………………………, poor of, money for, 2320. tithes of, 729. Calverley, co York, lands in, 1872. residents at, 1871, 3200. ***... Calverton, Bucks, estate at, 67. Cam, co. Gloucester, resident at, 3248. Camberwell, Surrey, residents at, 835, 3258. Camborne, Cornwall, residents at, 2000, 2009. Cambridge, Alderman of, 756. • ·· ...... ………………………, mayor of, 704. …., money paid at, 2752. Castle, prisoners in, 2061. Commissioners for Association at, ****** 1268. letters dated from, 148, 189, 233, 244, 248, 277, 282, 320, 345, 356, 378, 538, 558, 565, 585, 593, 621, 622, 680, 681, 684, 686, 729, 737, 740, 743, 762. ..... ... ***** …………., public Library of, books for, 133. residents in, 108, 189, 241, 687, 754, 1162, 1317, 1399, 1573, 1629, 2350, 3063, 3258. Kuun Peas Market Hill, at, 345. students at, 164, 1622, 2138. Cambridge University, Colleges of, 968; also Christ's College, rents of, 1042 University, plate of (sent to the King), 881, 895, 928. .... """ (2). ………. *** Corpus Christi ?, 105. • King's College, provost of, see Collins, Dr. Sam. * .... .... • .....15 …………… ……. provost and scholars of, petitions of, 1108 (2), 1915. rents of, or leases from, …………. 2120. 77, 1867, 1915 (2). ………... Pembroke Hall, leases held from, 2139. master of, see Simpson, Sidrach. (2). ******* masters and fellows of, Peterhouse, masters of, 3293 members of, orders to, ****** ... 3294 (2). Cambridge University, Colleges of-cont. Peterhouse, late, &c., belonging to, 3293, 3294. ……………… ………… DA …………… ||| J …………. • 95. ... (2). …………… ……………………y ………………. of, 3261, 3276, 3277. " · .... • .... C 3261, 3276, 3277. ……………" ……………. **** *…………… by, 62, 3261, 3262, 3276. ·· * .. • • 756, 759, 762. 754, 852, 3279. Cambridgeshire, 244, 1011. 11.3 …………. ■ …………………… .... ………………….., agent-general in, 2889. …………… *** Queen's College, master of, 95. St. John's College, master of, Trinity College, debts of, 2013 agent or collector sent to, 780, 808. condition of, 356. County Commissioners of, 41, 226, 233, 240, 248, 366, 399 (2), 552, 567, 606, 612, 613, 680, 681, 721, 724, 853, 904, 970, 1249, 1629, 1649, 1779, 2061, 2119 (2), 2453, 2454 (2), 2502, 2699 (2), 2744, 2751 (2), 2752 (2), 3098. ………, ………………, accounts of, 714. ……………., appointment or approval of, 172, 761. .. ******* • master and fellows, &c., petitions of, 2737, rents of, or leases granted alluded to, 2889. ****** letters of, 233, 240, 244, 277, "" 282, 329, 345, 356, 378, 443, 538, 558, 565, 585 (2), 593, 609, 621, 622, 2289, 3109. Trinity Hall, letters dated from, ...... 1526. ****** 1 alluded to, 190, 250, 356. letters to, 265, 284, 313 (2), 349, 374, 482, 491, 575, 588, 600 (2), 625, 761, 970, 1780, 2119, 2454, 2688, 2691, 2752, 2900. alluded to, 470, 518, 761, 2350. members or fellows of, ....... ****** *** officers of, 14, 60, 108, 148, 190, 226 (2), 233, 241, 244, 277, 320, 345, 349, 356, 552, 567, 575 (2), 579, 585, 606, 612, 613, 669, 680, 681, 2744. orders of, alluded to, 1942, .... · ****** certificate of, 2900. ……. orders to, 19, 304, 307, 552, 600, 904, 1209, 1471, 1491, 1780 (2), 1782, 2119, 2289 (2), 2347 (2), 2453 (3), 2454, 2613, 2688, 2690, 2699 (2), 2751 (2), 2752, 2837, 3294, 3306. asked for or alluded to, 80, 2119, 2289, 2325, 3063, 3294. references to, 3063, 3098 (2). ......, reports of, 2453, 2900 (2), 3146. ………………………. ……………., treasurers to, 14, 241, 320, 345, 356, 552, 585. INDEX OF PLACES. 3641 Cambridgeshire, County Commissioners of— cont. ... · ***** ·· the late, 240, 244, 265, 277, 284, 320, 345, 356, 366, 379, 443, 538, 565, 566, 593, 2752, 3063. ** ******* letters of or to, 226, 248. courts in, 241. hundreds of, 248, 265, 277. .... **** ..... *A ... .... lands, estates, &c., in, 240, 241,396,600, 681, 854, 1246, 1491 (2), 1590, 1649 (2), 1650 (2), 1780-1782, 1942, 2230, 2347, 2377 (4), 2453, 2454, 2613, 2688, 2744, 3063, 3109 (2), 3146, 3294, 3306. 2 ..... ... ., messenger or agent sent to, 794. ………………………, money from, 600, 619, 721, 2107 (2). ... places in, 2502, 2750. *****> ·· • .. **** …………. ·· ………………. residents in, 244, 539 (3), 568, 593, 1342, 1650, 2324, 2390, 2613, 2837, 2933, 2961. " ·S cases of, 877, 881, 891, 901, 904, 919, 970, 982, 1069, 1162, 1208, 1317, 1333, 1399, 1406, 1414, 1437, 1491, 1515, 1524, 1559, 1563, 1564, 1567, 1570, 1573, 1588, 1598, 1629, 1649, 1688, 1747, 1990, 2061, 2075, 2210, 2228, 2236, 2347 (2), 2360, 2372, 2378, 2453, 2502, 2613, 2680, 2688, 2690, 2698, 2749-2751, 2774, 2889, 2900 (2), 2956, 2960, 3063, 3098, 3146,3198, 3243, 3258. • lieutenant of, 2453. list of, 702. receipts from, 429. ...... ***3 729, 741, 742. returns from, 151. sheriff, high, of, 877, 895. … ………………, under, of, 189. ......" train band in, 895. traveller to, 852. ………………y lists of, 539. and Huntingdonshire, County Com- missioners for [1654], 681, 711, appointment of, 673, 781, 687. letters of, 674, 680, 681, 684, 686, 721, 729, 737, 740, 743. notes of, 199, 566 (2), ****** Camden, co. Gloucester, proclamation at, 70. Camelforth, co. York, lands in, 2648. Cameringham, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2828. Camerton, Cumberland, residents at, 3001, letters to, 704, 739, 742. order to, 851, 3186. Campden, co. Gloucester, resident at, 939. Campsall, co. York, estate in, 2763. Campton, co. Bedford, estate at, 554. resident at, 2977. Cams, Hants, resident at, 1386. Candlewick Court Farm, Dorset, 2168. Candover, Brown, Hants, manor in, 2533. tithing of, 106. 70358, Canesby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1320. Canewdon, Essex, marshes in, 1450, 1451. Canfield, Much, Essex, resident at, 2742. Canford, Dorset, manor of, 1038. residents at, 118, 1038. Cannele, Dorset, resident at, 118. Canning, Wilts, estate in, 2728. Bishop's, Wilts, resident at, 2728. Cannock, co. Stafford, 1214 (2), 2711, 2999. manor of, 2998. residents at, 89, 695, 893, 1892, 2088, 2939. Wilts, resident at, 2728. Cannon Leigh, Devon, residents at, 502, 1161. Pyon, co. Hereford, resident at, 1243. ....3 · ***> *** .. > Cannons, Middlesex, resident at, 1357. Canonbury, Middlesex, manor of, 1248, 1251. Cansfield, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2112. Cansway, Dorset, estate in, 3198. Canterbury, Kent, 2600. ·· • A "" Archbishop of, see Laud, Dr. William. Dean and Chapter of, estates of, 116, 2969. library of, 429, 434. ·J ……………… letters dated from, 764, 766. mansion house in, 2309. "> ………………….., mayor of, 2309. ··· ··· > > residents at, 328 (2), 458, 934, 944, 1452, 1755, 1832, 1908, 2309, 2391, 2428, 2769, 2937. ***3 places near, 328, 456. surrender of, 2428. Cantou, co. Cambridge, estate in, 2454. co. Lancaster, resident at, 3217. Canwell, co. Stafford, resident at, 1606. Canwick, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1352, 2517. Capenhurst, co. Chester, estate at, 60. parsonage of, 1568. …………… ****** Capesthorne, co. Chester, residents at, 2499 (2). tithes of, 2499 (2). Capheaton, Northumberland, residents at, 1731, 2583, 2584, 3211. Capin-in-Wray, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3191. ****y Capleside, Westmoreland, resident at, 1867. Capon Hall, co. York, 2251. Carbridge, co. Oxon, resident at, 2100. Carbrooke, Norfolk, estate at, 114. Carburton, co. Notts, resident at, 952. Carcolston, co. Notts, lands in, 1733 (2). manor of, 1736. minister of, 683. Carden, co. Chester, resident at, 104. Cardew [Carden ?], Cumberland, residents at, 202, 1694. tithes of, 202. Cardiff, co. Glamorgan, castle of, surrender of, 1130. G G 3642 Cardiff-cont. .. ... …. ***** ·· · • •" Cardigan, borough of, 2180. County Commissioners at, 352, 360, 574. estate in, 2304. King at, 1130. King's Governor of, 1130. letter dated from, 569. .. letters dated from, 572, 576, 600, 614. …………………., mayor of, 576. Cardiganshire, County Commissioners of, 222, 1282, 1395, 1568, 1752 (2), 3038. certificates or reports of, 3019 > "" .... • (2). Parliament garrison at, 1226. prisoners at, 512. resident at, 2808. taking or surrender of, 1130, 1226. traveller to, 1359. > **** .. *** •• 3038. Cardington, co. Bedford, resident at, 3257. Cardinham, Cornwall, estate at, 2338. resident at, 671. **** Careswall, co. Stafford, rectory of, 1895. Carey Heyes, Cornwall, see St. Michael Carhayes. INDEX OF PLACES. Cargole, or Cargoll, Cornwall, manor of, 224, 290, 2001-2004. Carhampton, Somerset, lands in, 3010. alluded to, 609. ******* officers of, 162, 614. orders to, 1752, 3038. alluded to, 2180. lands, estates, &c., in, 392, 2183. residents in, 140, 572, 600, 1752, 1824. cases of, 1568, 1751, 1835, 3018, .... manor of, 1656. Carhill, co. York, estate in, 3225. **** letters of, 572, 576, 600, 614. letters to, 589, 3018. ... ****** Caribee Islands, 2060. Carleton, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2909, 3115. Carlisle, alderman of, 812. resident at, 2813. Bishops of, see White, Fras.; Potter, Dr. Barnaby; and Snowden, Rob. lease from, 3121. ****** bridges near, 812, 816. castle of, 1169. Cathedral, repairs of, 821. Commissioners sitting at, 333. Dean and Chapter of, lands held , from, 1670, 1846, 3222. estates near, 233. house in, 2996. King's garrison or party at, 203, 232, 521 (4). letters or papers dated from, 233, 257, 267, 279, 285, 297, 304 (2), 340, 384, 394, 424, 561, 620, 635 (2), 675. Carlisle-cont. ........., mayor of, 285, 287, 297, 304 (2), 816, 817, 821. ………………….., money at, 609. ... ………………… ………………, governor of, 156, 232, 267,304, 327, 340, 510 (2), 810, 1025, 1169, 1170, 1668, 1671, 2636; see also Fitch, Col. Thos. ………………………, ………………, money for, 257, 259, 327, 811, 812, 1170 (2), 2876. ·· • ...... .. ... ………………… .. ** Parliament garrison in, 156, 267, 268, 510, 1169 (2), 2636. commissary of, 267, 268. Carlton, Cumberland, rents at, 257. "? •• plague at, 287, 297. postmaster at, 366. public meeting place at, 822. repair of fortifications at, 810. residents at, 202 (3), 233, 822 (2), 1668, 2476. Scots' army or garrison at, 232, 986, 1296. ……………@ .... siege of, 232, 1296. taking or surrender of, 170, 340, 810 (2). ..... Hall, Cumberland, residents at, 202, 2982. co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Curlew, co. Leicester, resident at, 2298. > Great, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2363. North, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1335, 1354. *****) Scroop, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1419. South, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1431, 1432. resident at, 1431. co. Northampton, resident at, 1433. Little, Northumberland, estate in, 1731. " Colville, Suffolk, residents at, 2665, 3190. Hall, Suffolk, resident at, 2284. co. York, 2136, 2648, 2649, 2820, 3112. *** **** (2), 2820, 3112. manor of, 1376, 3112. residents at, 975, 1375, 2136 tithes of, 3091. ****** ...... Carmarthen, aldermen of, 1826 (3). burgesses for, 1827. Castle, Parliamentary governor of, 415, 576, 2179, 2180. " houses in, 1715. King's forces at, 1826. letters dated from, 61, 222, 391, 392, 415, 557, 571, 596, 611, 639, 646, 660, 663, 676, 691, 714, 2180. letters to be left at, 387, ……………………., mayor of, 1826. plague at, 571, 676. INDEX OF PLACES. 3643 Carmarthen-cont. ·· *** …….. .. Carmarthenshire, County Committee of, 222, 557, 676, 899, 1282, 1645 (2), 1826, 1827, 1881 (2), 1882, 2037, 3113, 3155. • •*. . .... ………………… *** ** .. .... ……….. residents at, 392, 571, 1084, 1824- 1826. > ·· ………… • • * 3113. ………………………, ………………, reports of, 3113 (2). ***………………. ………………, request by, 387. ………………………. ………….., surveyor for, 1705. the late, 1645. · 2 ·· ******* ·· [ petition of, 1826. ******* St. Peter's rectory in, 1826, 1827. taking of, 1826. travellers to, 2180. 2 ·· *** 4 691, 714. .. • ·· *) •*•· **** ****** ** Commissioners for securing the peace of, 2042. high constable for, 1825. King's party in, 1824-1827. lands, estates, &c., in, 611, 1644, 1645 (3), 1715 (2), 1790. sheriff of, 1882. under, 1827. *****} ******* Carminow, Cornwall, resident at, 2552. Carnarvon Castle, deputy constable of, 1600. County Commissioners at, 770. King's party at, 1446. Major-General for [General Dawkins], letters to, 2042 (3). residents in, 443, 512, 861, 1825, 1826, 1881 (2), 2176. appointment of, 557. certificate of, 1827. ***** cases of, 1084, 1824-1827, 1859, 1881 (2), 1995, 2036, 3113 (2), 3155. ..... *** ……………, governor of, 3089. letter dated from, 151. alluded to, 1882. ****** lease by, 647. letters of, 596, 646, 660, 663, letters to, 610, 1511, 2037. alluded to, 647. ****** officers of, 162, 691, 714. orders to, 1645 (3), 1790, 1882, **** traveller to, 1602. Carnarvonshire, Act of Composition for, 146. ……………., persons excepted from, 146. County Commissioners of, 1599, 1601 (3). ******* ****** ****** residents at, 60, 2010, 2740, 2820. surrender of, 1446. Town Hall of, 151. lists of, notes of, 741, 742. certificates of, alluded to, 1599. letters to, 1511 (3). officer of, letter of, 151. orders to, 1599-1601, 2741. returns from, wanted, 421, 449. Carnarvonshire-cont. ****** • 7 Anglesey and Merioneth, County Commissioners for, appointment of, 686, 689 (2). ………… ..... .." .... • orders to, 3217. *……..> lands, estates, &c., in, 1599, 1600, 1602, 2740. > **** payments in, 1599. residents in, 151, 399, 1599, 1602. cases of, 980, 2010, 2030, 2045, 2055, 2740, 2820, 3055. ** > Carnedon, Cornwall, resident at, 2731. Carnonton, Cornwall, resident at, 1217. Carperby, co. York, resident at, 3117. Carr, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2480, 3129. Carradon, co. Leicester, lordship of, 411. Carram, Northumberland, resident at, 3131. Carrhouse Lane, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2542. Carrickfergus, money shipped to, 3–5, 15 (2) 784, 785. Carringham, see Curringham. Carron House, Northumberland, 3131. Carshalton, Surrey, lands at, 582,583. residents at, 1884, 2677. ****** Carswell Howe, Cumberland, residents at, 202, 3155. 1.ANCAS Cartington, Northumberland, castle of, 2509. residents at, 843, 2507. Cartmel, co. Lancaster, parish or rectory of, 1164. parishioners of, petitions of, 1163, place in, 2569. ……………………., poor of, 3098. sheriff, high, of, 146, 1599, 1842, 3089. .... 3098. residents at, 2850, 3198. Fell, co. Lancaster, chapel of, 1164. Cartofts-in-Kedholme, co. York, 1907. Casebuchan, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2807. Cashel, Ireland, resident at, 2247. Cashio, co. Herts, hundred of, 32, 211. Cassacowen House, Cornwall, 3066. Cassington, co. Oxon, resident at, 1187. tithes of, 718. Castell, co. Lancaster, estate in, 3205. Castle Cosham, co. 1645. Sowerby, Cumberland, church of, 899 (2). residents at, 202 (2). Gresley, co. Derby, estate of, 3151. Holme, co. Durham, estate of, 2253. Marsh, Essex, 1450. Menech, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 1855. ** Carmarthen, mill at, Howell, Ireland, resident at, 2826. Donington, co. Leicester, lands in, 1848. manor of, 1849. ****** GG ? 3644 Castle-cont. "" $ ………………………、 ………………, manor, &c., of, 2473. > .." .. Bytham, co. Lincoln, lands in, 1330. Montgomery, parish of, 1460. Ashby, co. Northampton, lands in, 2097. Rising, Norfolk, estates at, 114, 115. resident at, 1247. ******* Garth, Northumberland, constable of, 816. לי .. INDEX OF PLACES. (2). Carey, Somerset, lands in, 1591. residents at, 3182 (2). Castleacre, Norfolk, lands at, 842. residents at, 114, 841. Castlemoch, co. Montgomery, resident at, 2198. ……………… ....... residents at, 1286, 1858, 2145. Morton, co. Worcester, parish of, 2221. Castlerigg, Cumberland, manor of, 2590. Castlesteed, Cumberland, resident at, 1727. Castleton, co. Derby, houses in, 2321. ........., co. Dorset, manor of, 2170. in Sherborne, co. Dorset, resident at, 3013. co. Lancaster, resident at, 1241. Castor, co. Northampton, resident at, 2118. Castridge, Hants, resident at, 2723. Castroff, Bucks, estate or manor of, 2290, 2291. Catbury Wood, co. Bedford, 1681. Cathanger, Somerset, mansion house of, 965 (2). Catherington, Hants, resident at, 1793. Catherston, co. Dorset, resident at, 119. Cathorp, co. York, resident at, 3106. Catley, co. Hereford, manor of, 2000, 2001. Caton, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1758, 3153. *** minister and rectory of, 1286 Catpoole, co. Devon, residents at, 537, 3279. Catsash, Somerset, hundred of, 137. Cattenhall, co. Chester, 242, 326, 455, 571, 2450 (2), 2451. residents at, 455, 2450. Catterall, co. Lancaster, estates in, 2506, "" > 2507 (4), 2515 (3). residents at, 2916, 3128, 3185-3187. co. York, rectory and tithes of, 2636. > Catterick, co. York, lands in, 2254. residents at, 1888, 2062. ******* Catton, Northumberland, resident at, 2016. co. York, church of, 1603. Catthooles, Northumberland, 2508. Catwick, co. York, parish of, 1979. Caughley, Salop, resident at, 2059. Cauldon Grange co. Stafford, estate of, 2717. Caules Croft, Cumberland, 3294. Caundle, co. Dorset, residents at, 118, 942. Caunton, co. Notts, resident at, 513. Caurse Castle, Salop, lands at, 912. resident at, 910. Causerne, Sussex, manor of, 1622. Cave, South, co. York, lands at, 1015. resident at, 1235. …… •• Cavenham, Norfolk, manor of, 2623. Suffolk, tenants of, 694, 698. ******** Caversham, co. Oxon, lands in, 2717. manor of, 1624. ………………………, ………………, manor house, &c., of, 1618 (2). park of, 465, 502, 524, 1618 (2). chief ranger of, 463 (2). residents at, 1198, 2717, 3145. • Cavil, co. York, resident at, 1026. Cawdwell, co. Worcester, resident at, 1459. Cawerly, co. Lancaster [Calverley ?], parish of, 3217. .. Cawood, co. York, Parliament garrison at, 974. prebend of, 611. rectory of, 1753. residents at, 1487, 2020. ***** Cawthorne, co. York, church of, 1376 (2). * ·· > • ·· …………. .... • parish of, 1376. residents at, 1158. Cawthorpe, co. Lincoln, residents at, 2363 (2). Cawton, co. York, residents at, 2356, 3178. Cerney, South, co. Gloucester, lands in, 3154. ………………………. ………………, poor of, 3154. residents at, 88, 2618. Certuder, Cornwall, 3150. Chaddesley Corbett, co. Worcester, lands in, 2762. ***** ……………. > petition of, 1027. residents at, 756, 2762. …………………♥ *****} Chadgley, co. Lancaster, residents at, 3158 (2). Chadlington, co. Oxon, church of, 2206. • resident at, 2206. .. ... Chadwell, Essex, resident at, 2078. Chadwick, co. Worcester, resident at, 2413. Chafford, Essex, hundred of, 95. Chagford, Devon, residents at, 502, 1252, 2135, 3174. Chaigley, co. Lancaster, tenement, &c., in, 3218. Chaldon Herring, Dorset, manor of, 1633. minister of, 1715. …………. > West, Dorset, tithes of, 1633. *****> Chalfield, West, Wilts, resident at, 1541. Chalgrave, co. Bedford, lands in, 2269. resident at, 1592. Chalk, Wilts, resident at, 77. Challock, Kent, resident at, 458. Challoner's Farm, Essex, 3032. Chalow, East, Berks, estate in, 2984. Chalston, or Chawson, co. Bedford, resident at, 3125. Chamberlane, Suffolk, manor of, 2624. 17 INDEX OF PLACES. 3645 Chambery Hall, Norfolk, 185 (2). Chamock, Somerset, resident at, 3257. Chan, Cornwall, tenement called, 2004. Chantry, co. Worcester, farm house at, 1955. Chapel-le-Frith, co. Derby, Chapel mills at, 1232. Hainault, Essex, see Hainault. Hill, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1713. Garth, the, co. York, 3119. Chard, Somerset, Commissioners at, 305,315. ., King's forces at, 995. ……………………., paper dated from, 303. ... ……………………., parsonage of, 1407. .... ... ... O Chardstock, Dorset, resident at, 1418. Somerset, resident at, 2018. ******* Charing, Kent, residents at, 458, 2721, 2882 (2). Charlbury, co. Oxon, resident at, 2352. Charlcot, or Charlecote, co. Warwick, resi- dents at, 1243, 2817. Charlecombe, Somerset, manor of, 3157 (2). resident at, 3157. .....} Charlecote, see Charlcot. Charley, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Charlton, Devon, resident at, 2767. ………………………, co. Gloucester, minister of, 1010 (2). ., rectory of, 1009. ...., Kent, residents at, 461, 1200. Northumberland, resident at, 2671. North, Northumberland, cottages in, 2674. • ... • "" **** .. TA "S ... ……………………… residents at, 829, 995, 1333, 1356 (2), 1771, 2100. Charmouth, Dorset, messuage in, 3213. Charnock, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2541. tenement in, 1344. Heath, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2086 (3). Richard, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1723, 2543, 2579, 3304. .. lands in, 2671. ****** Adam, Somerset, resident at, 3048. Mackrell, Somerset, manor of, 1667. residents at, 119, 1361. Sussex, lands in, 920. minister of, 1215. residents in, petition of, 1216. Wilts, manor of, 1968, 1969. resident at, 2210. residents at, 3175, 3186, 3194. Charnwood Forest, co. Leicester, 2192. Charringworth, co. Gloucester, estate in, 1853. ……... residents at, 87, 3049. Chart, Kent, residents at, 458, 2798, 2809. Great, Kent, resident at, 1926. Charterhouse Fenton, Somerset, manor of, *9 1624. Chartham, Kent, lands in, 2391. residents at, 458, 2391. Chase, co. Lancaster, houses in, 2009. Chaspell, co. Stafford, lands in, 2611. Chatham, Kent, docks at, Parliament garri- son at, 49. estates at, 1296, 1928. residents at, 458, 1278 ?, 1296, 2369. Chatt, Kent [Chatham ?], resident at, 1278. Chatterton, co. Lancaster, residents at, 122, ...3 Chatton, Northumberland, resident at, 2341. Chaulden, co. York, minister of, 2860. Chawson, see Chalston. Chawton, Sussex, lands in, 3012. Chayleigh, Sussex, resident at, 1568. Cheadle, co. Chester, house in, 2533. manor of, 194, 242, 2374, 2533. minister of, 3253. residents at, 123, 1686. ******* Cheam, Surrey, lands in, 2678. 1. > residents at, 1680, 2437, 2677, 2836 (2). East, estates in, 2678. resident at, 2678. ... > …………….., West, lands in, 2678. Cheavely, co. Chester, manor of, 2576. Cheddar, Somerset, constable of, 613, 629. manor of, 913 (2). residents at, 629 (2), 651, 653. Cheddington, Dorset, estate at, 271. Cheesman's Meadow, &c., Devon, 2239. Cheetham, co. Lancaster, hamlet of, 1114. manor of, 1114. .... ·· Chellaston, co. Derby, resident at, 1848. " AAAAA tithes of, 1848. Chelmarsh, Salop, lands in, 1202. Chelmerton, co. Derby, lands in, 1847. Chelmsford, Essex, County Commissioners sitting at, 347. hundred of, 94. ... ****** 1466. .... ** > **** lands in, 2117. letters, &c., dated from, 25, 141, 144, 200, 201 (2), 204, 229, 270, 314, 320, 396 (2), 481, 514, 519, 524, 540, 548, 561, 633, 656. letter sent to, 844. residents at, 270, 565, 642, 844, 1554 1977, 2772, 3146. travellers to or from, 740, 2213, 2297 •> Chelsea, Middlesex, Duke of Buckingham's house at, 453. "3 estate at, 961 (2). manor house, &c., of, 2424-2426. residents at, 961 (2), 962, 2099, 3256. Little, Middlesex, resident in, 961. West, Middlesex, lands in, 961. •> Chelsfield, Kent, 1218. Chelsham, Surrey, goods at, 3251. resident at, 3251. •> Cheltenham, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. minister of, 1010 (5). …., proclamation at, 70, 143. 3646 INDEX OF PLACES. Cheltenham-cont. ……….., rectory of, 1009 (2), 1010 (2). residents at, 87 (2). ... ·· .... ... petitions of, 1010 (2). Chelvey, Somerset, residents at, 953, 1037. Chenish Moor, co. Worcester, rents of, 2069. Chenston, co. Hereford, resident at, 2605. Chepstow, co. Monmouth, castle of, fortifying or repairing of, 205, 2311. * 40. · a tithes of, 3136, 3137. Cheriton, Hants, fight at, 54. Kent, resident at, 458. د. .. ***** King's governor of, Thos. Mor- gan, 1882. County Commissioners at, 1693. > letters dated from, 205, 227, 246, 249, 256, 272, 277, 352, 364, 450, 476, 481, 504, 533. Cherry Orton, Hunts, residents at, 539, 3294. Burton, co. York, 1324. Chertsey, Surrey, lands in, 1439. .. • ··· .. …………. 739, 2311. rectory of, 3054 (2). resident at, 3054. **** Cheselburgh, Somerset, resident at, 1496. •" " ****** Cheselbury, Wilts, residents at, 77 ?, 1013. Chesham, Bucks, estates at, 66-68. lands in, 2264. ………, manor of, 2268. > Parliament garrison at; 256. ..., governor of, John Nicholas, parish church of, 2258. ………………………, parsonage of, 2268 (2). ........., rectory or tithes of, 2266-2268. residents at, 2258, 2267, 2268 (2). ...** ******* manor or lordship of, 603. mills near, 2248. resident at, 2797. Cheshire, County Palatine of, 217, 758, 1030. clerk of Assize in, 377. constables in, 1947. County Commissioners of, 140, 195, 212, 400, 492, 526, 541, 628, 629, 677, 725, 898 (2), 922, 923, 1058, 1118, 1124, 1129, 1139, 1140, 1155 (2), 1156, 1175, 1184-1187, 1261, 1277, 1284- 1286, 1334, 1369, 1413 (3), 1446, 1480, 1528 (3), 154.6, 1547 (2), 1566, 1582, 1601, 1602 (2), 1742, 1802, 1803 (3), 1874-1876, 1885, 1905, 1947, 2015, 2019, 2093 (4), 2116, 2121, 2270, 2359, 2450 (3), 2451 (3), 2499, 2546- 2549, 2555, 2595, 2601 (2), 2612, 2838, 2839, 2845, 2914 (3), 2945, 2948, 2949, 2954, 2989, 2994, 3032, 3058 (2), 3065, 3066, 3093, 3141, 3205 (2), 3209, 3222, 3223, 3268. .. ··· * 3160. accounts of, 679. ......, appointment or approval of, 174, 212, 673, 687, 746, 747, 755. certificates of, 1000, 1179, 1240, - Cheshire, County Commissioners of, &c.- cont. • …………… • ► ……… ………………, complaint against, 2829. ... T certificates of, alluded to, 894, 1038, 1069, 1092, 1228, 1364, 1568, 1634, 1875, 2979 (2), 2994. charge before, 751. • …………… • ··· > **** ………………9 2851, 2886. imprisonment by, 1196. informations by, 2499, 2871. letters of, 154, 175, 209, 217, 236, 242, 248, 256, 269, 276 (2), 278, 300, 301, 308, 317 (2), 319, 324, 326, 330 (2), 345, 346, 348, 362, 364, 377, 400, 406, 423, 431, 436, 440, 451 (2), 454, 455, 487, 491 (2), 507, 526 (2), 568, 571, 576, 591, 599, 602, 604, 625, 628, 632, 633, 638, 674, 677, 679, 683, 685 (2), 688, 689, 691, 692, 697, 704, 720, 729, 775, 996, 1000, 1156, 1230, 1285, 1803, 1874, 3150 (2). alluded to, 278, 491, …………. ……………… *** 498. E · composition with, 1660. depositions sent up by, 2802, letters to, 128, 143, 236, 251, 264, 275, 285, 295 (2), 312, 313, 334, 339, 359, 370, 374, 492, 498, 513, 574, 575 (2), 601, 634, 638, 667, 701, 705, 716, 717, 719, 725, 746-748, 751, 755, 763, 765, 767, 769, 770, 772, 773, 775, 776, 894, 1074, 1097, 1140, 1155, 1230 (2), 1240, 1286 (3), 1334, 1479, 1480 (4), 1484, 1522, 1550, 1776, 2270 (2), 2359, 2547 (2), 5556, 2601 (2), 2703, 2830, 2845, 2851, 3246, 3247, 3253 (2), 3254. .... alluded to, 40, 317, 451, "" ……………… 470, 518, 634 (3), 745, 1060, 1123, 1139, 1185, 1283, 1320, 1409, 1479, 1536, 1802. ……………. money for, or payments to, 46, 1122, 1241, 1660. , # ******* warrant for, 796. officers of, 112, 119, 122, 154, > ...... 194, 248 (2), 249, 256, 264, 269, 275, 278, 292, 295, 326, 327, 331, 346, 677, 746 (2), 770, 1284, 2829 (2), 3208. orders of, alluded to, 1139. ******* orders to, 151, 905, 922 (2), 932, 1026, 1058, 1090, 1101 (3), 1115, 1123, 1138, 1157, 1184 (2), 1185, 1187 (4), 1211, 1229, 1232, 1233 (2), 1241, 1242, 1271, 1277, 1283-1286, 1320, 1354, 1364 (2), 1411, 1413, 1431, 1434, 1479 (2), 1528 (2), 1529, 1546, 1566 (2), 1661, 1723, 1729 (2), 1773- 1776, 1803 (5), 1809, 1874-76, 1885, 2013, 2092-2095, 2104, 2121, 2126, 2305, 2339 (4), 2374, 2447, 2450 (4), 2451 (2), 2499, 2546,-2549, 2556 (2), 2576, 2704, (3), 2829-2831, 2839 (3), 2904, 2948, 2954, 2989, 2994, 3032, 3058, 3093 (2), 3205 (2), 3208, 3236, 3268. .... INDEX OF PLACES. 3647 Cheshire, County Commissioners of, &c.- cont. ... .... **** ………………… ………………, papers sent up by, 1101, 2270. places of meeting of, 317, 318. queries by, 677, 689, 739, 1776. queries to, 932, 933. recommendation by, 1874. ... orders to, asked for, or alluded to, 1156 (2), 1186, 1187, 1196, 1242, 1283 (2), 1369, 1411, (2), 1660, 2175, 2399, 2447, 2601, 2831, 2839, 2865, 2948, 2949, 2993, 3058. ·· ·· 40 " ****** references to, 36, 1123, 1155, 1159, 1285, 1413, 1480, 1528, 1777, 1875, 2093, 2547, 2555, 2838, 2876, 2914 (2), 2989, 3058 (2), 3060, 3065, 3067,3222 (2), 3223. ** ..... • ……………………… ……………… requests by, 1140, 1875. " ……………, reports by 898, 1154, 1284, 1320, 1773, 1774, 2499, 2547, 2555, 2595, 2845, 2887. *** *** > ·· ………………. ... **) 526, 717. " the late, 209, 217, 324, 326, 330 (2), 377, 568, 575, 576, 683, 686, 689, 697, 716, 717, 729, 1242, 1582, 1773, 1875, 1885, 2175, 2499, 2601, 2698, 2704, 2829, 2838, 2914, 3058. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 933, 1038, 1069, 1090, 1175, 1555. declaration, 773. > deputy-lieutenants of, 103, 151, 154 (2), 161, 269, 1139, 1874. Excise officers in, 3167. fugitives to, 946. gaol of, see Chester Castle. grand jury of, 1850. hundreds of, 60, 61, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 112, 113, 120-124, 155, 174, 175, 234, 242, 326, 697, 729, 1055, 1113, 1283, 1284 (2), 1480, 1818. ......, County Commissioners for, 68, 161, 330, 1233, 1430. treasurer for, 326, 327, 331, ……… "" letters of, 60, 74, 100, 103, 106, 112, 119, 122, 127, 134, 135, 159, 174. • ****** insurrection in, 766, 767. J.Ps in, 377, 1547. King's party in, 932, 933, 993. Commissioners of Array for, in, 1283, 1286. lands, estates, &c., in, 100, 101, 103, 104, 217, 242, 286, 346, 400, 423, 634, 688, 746, 796, 915, 1007, 1032, 1102, 1104, 1108, 1113, 1115, 1116 (3), 1118 (3), 1139, 1228, 1230, 1233, 1241, 1277, 1285 (2), 1286, 1348, 1364, 1369, 1522, 1528, 1529, 1550 (2), 1582, 1773, 1774 (3), 1777, 1802, 1803, 1875 (3) 1876, 1885 (2), 1891, 1906, 2013, 2092, 2093, 2103, 2121, 2270 (2), 2271, 2451 (2), 2533 (2), 2546, 2548 (2), 2569, 2576, 2595, 2679, 2829, 2851, 2865 (3), 2911, 2914, 2945, 2949, 3032, 3057, 3138, 3150, 3176 (2), 3212, 3221, 3222, 3236, 3254, 3295. Cheshire-cont. *** .. ******* ……………………… ... receipts from, 429, 2305. Major-Gen. for (Col. Charles Worse- ley), 933, 1038, 1069, 1090, 1555. militia or county forces of, 46, 55, 57, 151, 154, 319, 331, 796, 898, 933, 1480. .." Commissioners for, 451. note by, 432, ****** Papists in, lists of, 101, 104, 113. places in, 68, 74, 100, 101, 103, 104, 112, 120-124, 914, 1121, 1211, 1434, 3268. "" ** ******* •, ... • "> prisoners in, 2019, 3293. races in, 1480. *** residents in, 33, 46, 55, 57, 89 (3), 90, 154, 161, 212, 217, 236, 295, 424, 440, 488, 491, 512, 515, 633 (2), 701, 715, 739, 766, 772, 861 (2), 895 (2), 915 (2), 992, 1069, 1101, 1115, 1139, 1156, (3), 1186, 1187, 1229, 1234, 1241, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1433, 1529 (2), 1776, 1817, 1866, 1885, 2013, 2092- 2094, 2121, 2283, 2305, 2374, 2447, 2546, 2547 (2), 2572, 2701, 2703, 2831, 2843, 2855, 2989, 3050, 3060, 3066, 3125, 3141, 3278. ……………… www.y cases of, 893, 898, 905, 914, 922 (2), 932, 978, 992, 996, 999, 1024, 1026, 1029, 1038, 1041, 1055, 1057, 1067, 1069, 1074, 1084, 1090, 1092, 1095, 1118, 1122-1125, 1129, 1130, 1136, 1139 (3), 1143, 1154-1157, 1159-1161, 1163, 1174-1176, 1179 (2), 1183, (3), 1185 (3), 1192, 1196, 1199, 1200, 1211, 1222, 1228 (2), 1229, 1230, 1232, 1233, 1240, 1241, 1244, 1261, 1269, 1271 (2), 1272, 1277, 1279, 1283, 1286, 1309, 1315, 1319, 1334, 1354, 1364 (3), 1365, 1369 (2), 1386, 1394, 1409, 1413, 1430, 1438, 1446, 1453, 1479, 1484, 1509, 1518, 1535, 1546, 1550, 1555, 1562, 1565, 1568, 1582, 1606, 1631, 1634, 1635, 1660, 1665, 1686, 1689, 1723, 1728, 1742, 1747. 1748, 1751, 1758, 1798, 1801, 1802, 1809, 1818, 1835, 1836, 1850, 1874, 1885, 1905, 1888, 1943, 1947, 1949, 1966, 1994, 1995, 2012, 2015 (2), 2019, 2035, 2045, 2051, 2088, 2091, 2092, 2105, 2107, 2116, 2120, 2122, 2132, 2144, 2175, 2207, 2209, 2255, 2270, 2305, 2359, 2371, 2399, 2414, 2447, 2450, 2499, 2547, 2548, 2555, 2595, 2601, 2610, 2612, 2633, 2698, 2703, 2802, 2828, 2838, 2843, 2845, 2846, 2871, 2875, 2886, 2887, 2904, 2911, 2914 (2), 2949, 2954, 2979, 2989, 2993, 3032, 3060, 3065, 3066, 3093, 3097, 3108, 3138, 3141, 3175, 3193 (3), 3198 (5), 3205 (2), 3208, 3212, 3221– 3223, 3236, 3252-3254, 3257 (2), 3260. lists of, 60, 61, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 112, 113, 120-124. notes of, 155 (2), 174, 199, 568, 632, 729, 741, 742. > ****** ****** Pl revenues of, or money paid from, 326, 327, 330, 619, 674. 3648 INDEX OF PLACES. Cheshire-cont. • .....) train bands of, 1742. "wich houses in," 1283. Cheshunt, co. Herts, estate at, 404. manor of, 618. ……………………, ………………, keepership of, 823. ... Vine Inn at, 404. D • ...> · ·· · • ……….. Cheslyn Hay, co. Stafford, coal and iron mines in, 1868. ………………, ………………, manor, &c., of, 2485. Chester, or West Chester, 217, 218, 330, 545 (2), 697, 746, 752. ……. ***** ·· • • • • .. · ... sheriffs, high, of, 33, 217, 236, 251, 1185. ·· ... ... *** ·· • .9 Bishops of, see Bridgman, Dr. John, and Vaughan, Dr. Rich. "" Aldermen of, 134, 752 (3), 1240, 1364, 1365, 1410, 1874, 2094, 2105. assessments, monthly, in, 748, 751, 752. assizes of, 993, 1229. battle of, 1662. > • 2 ▲ ***** 1197. • 3 bonfires in, 748. castle of, constable of, 100, 104, 522. prisoners in, 1069. ...... .." ·· Cathedral of, 1211. Close of, 748. Consistory Court of, proctor in, ...> 2182. .... *** letter of, 134. officers of, 112, 248. > 9 County Commissioners at, 317, 318, 327, 673. ..... under, of, 217, 236, 922. ... • ******* * ? •> organist of, salary of, 276, 1101. Commissioners for, 276, 746. 1211, County Court of, steward of, 522. courts of law in, 895. Dean of, Thos. Mallory, 121, 1566. Dean and Chapter of, lands or rents > of, 120, 330, 455, 1211. ………….. estates, &c., in or near, 36, 60 (2), 61 (2), 217, 330, 345, 349, 400, 451, 455, 677, 1155, 1348, 1411, 1547, 1874 (2), 3268. …………. receipts from, 429. Exchequer Court of, 276, 1411, 2093, 2828. attorney of, 522. Excise officer in, 638. Herald, 1573. King at, 1606. ………… .... forces of, at, 1185, 1200, 1410. garrison of, at, 60, 135, 633, 978, 1060, 1139, 1176, 1183, 1211, 1228, 1261, 1271, 1298, 1309, 1319, 1334, 1364 (2), 1438, 1453, 1535, 1582, 1747, 1901, 1802, 1835, 2105, 2120, 2122, 2270, 2710 (2), 2904. ·· *** Chester, King at-cont. ... • ... .. .. ... • • ……. · ....., mayor of, 330, 748, 752 (2), 1176, 2182 (2). ► . • · • …., papers posted in, 377. • 2182. ... . party of, at, 522, 747, 748, 751, 759, 772, 898, 1057, 1124, 1161, 1163, 1199, 1230, 1214. • M.P. for, 1874. ministers in, 2132. > ., money at or sent to, 309, 430, 530, 541. justices of peace, in, 752, 1240. letters dated from, 33, 134, 154, 269 (2), 278, 301, 317, 319, 330 (2), 364, 406, 423, 431, 436, 487, 507, 576, 604, 638, 746. ***** • • ... • . > Parliamentary garrison at, 441, 1631. ………………, ………………, governor of, 146, 319, · 1139, 1176, 1211. persons put to death, or slain at, 1669, 2799. > places near, 1139, 1728. plague at, 330, 452, 1284, 1547. prisoners at, 999, 1107, 1120, 1211, 1365. recorder of, 751, 752 (2). residents in, 100 (7), 103 (2), 104 (2), 120-122, 217, 276 (2), 300, 522, 568, 898, 1069, 1111, 1154 (2), 1155, 1159, 1160, 1175, 1183, 1185, 1192, 1196, 1211 (3), 1222, 1228, 1240, 1261, 1271, 1272 (2), 1277, 1319 (2), 1354, 1364 (2), 1365, 1430, 1438, 1484, 1518 1546 (2), 1747, 1875, 2122, 2182, 2704. > A .." • ··3 garrison of, governor of, 1176, · siege of, 1069, 1143, 1157, 1159, 1160,1175 (2), 1176 (2), 1179, 1196, 1199, 1200, 1221, 1232, 1240 (2), 1271, 1309, 1319, 1364 (2), 1369, 1410, 1413, 2182, 2183. ...> Common Hall, 2183. Dee Mills, 330, 345, 1874 (2), 1875 (3), 2270. Eastgate, 1582. Pentico Chamber, Inner, 748, .... ..." revenue of, 327, 330. sheriffs of, 751, 752 (3), 1160. streets, &c., in—viz. ..... list of, note of, 729. " .... ... a "" 751, 752 (4). • clerk of, 522. Roodeye, Mills on, 330. · , ……………., Watergate-street, 725. suburbs of, 1874. • "" surrender or reducing of, 33, 330, 634, 638, 1069, 1154, 1156, 1161, 1176, 1185, 1222, 1228, 1230, 1283, 1364 (2), 1582, 1660, 2182, 2914. surrender of, to the King, 1874. * Chester-cont. **** ………………………y Chester, or Chester-le-Street, co. Durham, corn-mill and bakehouse in, 2998 (2), 3183. · · .. travellers to or from, 506, 922, 1058, 1143, 1163, 1233, 1438, 1565. waterworks of, 1364. ward of, 136, 304. Suffolk, see Cheston. Chesterby, co. York, residents at, 3006 (2). Chesterfield, co. Derby, estates in, 1734, 1736 (2), 2744. > ... ... ………………………, mayor of, 746, 1358. parish of, 1737. ·· ·· *****• } " ***** ………………, proclamation at, 70. > deanery of, 3183. manor of, 2626, 2998, 3183 (2), 3184. parish of, 745. manor of, 1732, 1733, 1735, 1736. vicar of, 1358. Chesterton, co. Cambridge, inhabitants of, certificate by, 3098. resident at, 1069. INDEX OF PLACES. ... • residents at, 729, 1734, 3259. petition of, 1358. • vicar and vicarage of, 3098. Great, co. Oxon, resident at, 2457. Cheston, Suffolk, resident at, 2942. ... or Chester Hall, Suffolk, 859, 1290. Cheswardine, Salop, manor of, 1006. minister and tithes of, 2113 (2). Cheswick, co. Durham, tithes, &c., of, 634, 2558. resident at, 2507. Chete, co. York, see Chevet. Chetnol, Dorset, resident at, 2757. Chettle, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1012. Chetwood, Bucks, mills at, 2438 (2). Chetwynd, Salop, resident at, 1092. Chevening, Kent, residents at, 1683, 1959. Chevet, or Chete, co. York, residents at, 801, 842, 2115. Chew, Somerset, resident at, 262. Chewton, South, Somerset, lands in, 1755. Chibburn, Northumberland, mansion house of, 2417. Chichester, Sussex, 834. *****} Bishop of, see King, Henry. property of, 452, 476. Cathedral of, library of, 476. Commissioners of Array at, 838. Committee of Accounts at, letters to, 44, 46. ……………. corporation of, 216. County Commissioners at, 216, 838, 917, 918, 921, 1084, 1215, 1687, 1863, 1961. Dean and Chapter of, 476, 592, 834, 1216 (2). estates held from, 2307. ... ******9 ………………….., Deanery of, 330, 476. Chichester-cont. .. • U · • *** A ………….., mayor of, 55. * • ··· prisoner at, 838. ., rape of, 338, 962. ·· · King's party or garrison at, 834, 837, 838 (2), 904, 921, 932, 962, 1063, 1065, 1093, 1961. .. letters dated from, 31, 55, 216 (2), 338, 475, 476, 486, 625, 683, 738. Chickerell, West, Dorset, manor of, 2534. Chicksands, co. Bedford, resident at, 1974. Chideock, or Chidiock, Dorset, lands at, 2020. manor of, 666. K houses, &c., in, 216, 1962. insurrection in, 885. > residents at, 118 (8), 3175 (2), 3191 -3193. Chidwell, co. Lancaster, rectory of, 578. Chigwell, Essex, resident at, 2535. Chilclough, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2048. Chilcompton, Somerset, resident at, 1836. Chilcote, co. Derby, resident at, 1605. Childhay, Dorset, resident at, 118. Child Okeford, Dorset, farm in, 1932, 1934 (2). ……………….., manor of, 259, 271, 282. > Childroncroft, co. Stafford, lands called, 3135. Childwall, co. Lancaster, 1117. lands in, 2073. manor of, 1108, 1110, 1117 (2). parish of, 1117, 2073, 3201, 3229. tithes of, 2072, 2073. House, co. Lancaster, 1065. ." Committee for, 1637. ', residents in, 216, 475, 834, 837, 885, 887, 921, 952, 962, 976, 1084, 1131, 1210, 1216, 1299, 1493, 1961, 1972, 1976, 2095, 2293, 2370, 2573 (2), 2657, 3241. ,י Parliamentary garrison at, 55. > ... sheriff of, 833, 885. taking or surrender of, 838, 904, 921, 962. . Chilfrome Manor, Dorset, 1430. Chilgrove, Sussex, minister of, 1215. residents at, 31. A town clerk of, 838. trained bands of, 55. **** Chilham, Kent, residents at, 458, 1252. Chillington, co. Stafford, lands in, 3146. **** 3649 petition of, 1216. Chilmark, Wilts, ministers of, 79. resident at, 755. Chilton, Bucks, estate at, 68. parsonage of, 1288. resident at, 1288. residents at, 89 (2), 90, 574, 2711 (3), 3150 (2). Great, co. Durham, resident at, 1238. Somerset, resident at, 2938. Chiltron, Somerset, tenement, &c., in, 3131. Dummer, Somerset, lands in, 3073. 3650 INDEX OF PLACES. Chilwell, co. Notts, residents at, 2058, 3152. Chingford, Essex, lands in, 2827. resident at, 1139. Chingham's Farm, Kent, 2140. Chingley, Kent, manor of, 2681 (3). Chinnock, West, Somerset, resident at, 1746. Chinting Farm, Sussex, 1794. Chipchase, Northumberland, residents at, 2488, ... ………… 3162. Chipney, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1544. Chippenham ?, Bucks, lands in, 2869. ……………, manor of, 1076 (2). ••• Wilts, resident at, 1972. ******* Chipping Lambourn, Berks, resident at, 354. co. Lancaster, estates in, 2960, 3106 (2). ... ...? co. Cambridge, residents at, 1747, 2075. .. places in, 2782. ………………………, rectory, &c., of, 578, 2427, 2428 (2). residents at, 2782, 3106, 3207, 3210. Norton, co. Oxon, lands in, 2006. residents at, 195, 570, 1999, 2006, 3055. town clerk of, 3055. Chirbury, Salop, parish of, lands in, 1626. Chirk, co. Denbigh, castle of, King's party at, 759. *** ***** Ama resident at, 1720. Chirton, Northumberland, estate in, 2€37. residents at, 2637, 2638. East, Northumberland, resident at, 2637. .... .." ****) • manor of, 1102, 2300 (2). mill at, 1110. Chiselborough, Somerset, resident at, 1809. Chisenhall, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1861. resident at, 1860. Chisfield, co. Herts, resident at, 3225. Chislett, Kent, resident at, 458. Chissenbury [Cheselbury ?], Wilts, estate at, 77. "" Chiswick, Middlesex, residents at, 1469, 2660. Chittlehampton, Devon, residents at, petition of, 1237. Chobham, Surrey, residents at, 2090 (2). Chollerton, Northumberland, parish of, 2418 (2). Cholmondeley, or Cholmley, co. Chester, King's garrison at, 1835. residents at, 103 (3), 1200, 1479, 1562. Cholsey, Berks, farm of, 174, 2012. manor of, 2012 (2). resident at, 1471. Chopwell Manor, &c., co. Durham, 2952 (2). Chorley, co. Lancaster, Hall at, 3071. houses and lands in, 1299, 1723, 2579 (2), 3071. residents at, 141, 392, 393, 1739, 2014, 2086, 2578, 2621, 2785, 3071, 3201. ........., co. Stafford, lands in, 2456. Chorley, co. Stafford-cont. resident at, 2944. ****** Chorlton, co. Chester, estates at, 61 (2). resident at, 324. titbes of, 2865. Christchurch, Hants, church of, 1289 (2). ........., estates in, 2350, 3119, 3271. manor of, 1224, 3271. minister of, 1659. parish of, 3119. prisoner taken at, 994. residents at, 797, 1085, 1089, 3119. treasurers at, see Maimed Soldiers. …………….., co. Monmouth, parish of, 3003. Christhead, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1213, 1569. ... ………. .... > Christioneth, co. Denbigh, resident at, 3138. Christleton, co. Chester, lands in, 1159. rector of, 103. ………………………, tenement in, 1364. Chudleigh, Devon, estate at, 153. Chulmleigh, Devon, 432, 1711, 1713. borough of, 1715. manor of, 1713, 1714. resident at, 1713. · *** Church, co. Derby, 3068. יייי .... **** Church's tenement, Suffolk, 3005. Churchdown, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1981 (2), 1982. House, Devon, 2533. co. Lancaster, lands in, 2531. parish of, 2572, 2749. resident at, 1309. **** Parliamentary garrison at, 3159. Churchfield Close, Essex, 2422. Churchill, co. Oxon, residents at, 2209 (4). Churchlands Manor, Devon, 3284. Churchstoke, Salop and Montgomery, tithes of, 1610. Churchulme, co. Chester, church of, 1186, 1229. parishioners of, petitions of, 1186, 1229 (2). ***** Churston, Devon, estates in, 153, 3087. residents at, 1420, 1685. Churton, co. Chester, estate at, 326. residents at, 103, 1555, 2088. **** Heath, or Church-on-the-Heath, co. Chester, 1211. inhabitants of, petition of, 1211. …………….. Chute, Wilts, estate at, 77. **** resident at, 1162. Cippenham [Chippenham ?], Bucks, lands in, 2869. Cirencester, or Ciciter, co. Gloucester, church and minister of, 910 (2), 912. > County Commissioners at, 673. houses in, 2661. letters dated from, 278, 383, 393, 415, 416, 649, 729, 736. proclamations at, 70, 143. INDEX OF PLACES. 3651 5. Cirencester-cont. ...... **** ·· ·· .. Claines, co. Worcester, estate in, 3165. residents at, 2621, 2956, 3165. Clandon, West, Surrey, resident at, 3265. Clanford, co. Stafford, lands, &c., in, 3137. Clapham, co. Bedford, lands in, 2641. residents at, 555, 1120, 1275, 2533. Sussex, minister of, 2279. parish of, 2272 (2). ..... *** •• " ... *** .. residents at, 86 (2), 87 (5), 210, 225, 522, 1143, 2654 (2), 2661. "" resident at, 2273. ……., co. York, minister of, 2478. parish or rectory of, 437, 1602, 1603, 1605. 3 ... Clapton, Somerset, residents at, 1046, 1408. Clarkton, co. Lancaster, tenement in, 2086. resident at, 2086. ******* Clasthorpe, co. Northampton, manor of, 1898. Clatford, Upper, Hants, see Upclatford. Clattercote, co. Oxon, priory of, 1099. resident at, 1099 (2). Clatworthy, Somerset, resident at, 2916. Claughton-cum-Grange, co. Chester, estates at, 60. U .... petition of, 910. …………… taking of, 1143, 2306, 2307. woods near, 3265. manor of, 1910 (2). parish of, 3105. residents at, 1951, 2055, 2281, 2957, 3041, 3175, 3178, 3183, 3193. Claverdon, co. Warwick, resident at, 1748. Clavering, Essex, manor, &c., of, 2900 (2). Claverley, Salop, inhabitants of, petition of, Clayton-cont. > residents at, 1098. > ****** petition of, 437. co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2515 (2), 2713, 3041, 3183. 1006. minister of, 1006, 2113. parish of, 2113. Claverton, co. Chester, lordship of, 1284. Salop, resident at, 1181. **** Claworth, co. Notts, resident at, 2102. Clawson, Long, co. Leicester, resident at, 110, Clawton, Devon, manor of, 498, 512, 1367 (3). Claxby, or Clixby, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2793. manor of, 1890. ..> residents at, 2407, 2408, 2793, 3259. Claybrooke, co. Leicester, resident at, 108. Claybury, Essex, farm of, 3287, 3288. resident at, 3287. Claydon, Middle, Bucks, estate at, 68. …………………, manor of, 3243. Claydons, Essex, 2357. Clayton, co. Lancaster, collieries in, 2379. hall and manor of, 2571. ·· • .....-in-le-Dale, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3174. ..-in-the-Moors, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3096. co. York, estates in, 2099, 3026. residents in, 2932, 3197. Clea, Cumberland, residents at, 124, 202. Cleatham, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 1116. Cleatlam, co. Durham, estate in, 2219 (2). hall at, 2221. ... residents at, 21, 490, 2379, 2559, 2571, 2713, 3145, 3167, 3174, 3185, 3186. lands in, 2589. manor of, 2219. Cleckheaton, co. York, chapelry of, inhabi- tants of, petition of, 946. • Cleeve, co. Gloucester, resident at, 86. Cleghure, co. Cambridge, resident at, 539. Clehonger, co. Hereford, King's garrison at, 1701. resident at, 1701. ……………..) Clement, Cornwall, see St. Clement. Clenston Manor, Dorset, 3273. Clent Church, co. Stafford, tithes of, 2714. Cleobury Mortimer, Salop, farm in, 2644. Clerkenwell, Middlesex, resident at, 1248. St. James' parish in, 1249. Cletham, co. Lincoln, resident at, 953. Clevedon, Somerset, manor of, 594, 604, 2170 ***** · Old, Somerset, lands in, 1256, 3010. residents at, 1457, 1689, 1819. Prior, co. Worcester, residents at, 237, 2006. (2). rents of, 2168. tenements in, 395, 2170, 2684. Cleveland, co. York, places in, 2618, 2395, 3299. Cleveley, co. Lancaster, residents at, 3186, 3193. Cleviger, co. Lancaster, coal mines in, 2224, 2225. .. manor of, 2222, 2224, 2225 (4). Cliff, co. Northampton, resident at, 2088. ***** > Park, co. Northampton resident at, 2864. *** co. York, lands in, 3008. residents at, 1279, 1537, 2592, 2594, 2684, 3008 (3), 3190. Cliffe, Kent, lands, &c., in, 887, 888. West, Kent, resident at, 461. House, co. Lancaster, 3238. Clifford, co. Gloucester, minister of, 1410. residents at, 87, 1202. co. Hereford, farm at, 2496. co. York, mills at, 2313. Clifton, co. Lancaster, estates, &c., in, 2787, 3202. residents at, 2787 (2), 3202. ***) " 3652 INDEX OF PLACES. Clifton-cont. .-cum-Salwick, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2573. co. Notts, resident at, 1318. Somerset, waters at, 844. ..-upon-Teme, co. Worcester, resident in, 2641. Clint, co. York, residents at, 2642, 3097, 3102, Clippesley, Norfolk, estate at, 115. Clipston, co. Notts, manor of, 1735, 1736. park and woods, 1736, 1737. Cliston, Devon, manor in, 3087. Clitheroe, co. Lancaster, castle of, King's garrison at, 1835. estate in, 2561. honor of, 2225 (2). manor of, 307, 2928. place in, 3205. resident at, 1211. .. • .... • ... > ... > co. Radnor, 2361. Farm, co. York, 2639. Clixby, co. Lincoln, see Claxby. Cloford, Somerset, resident at, 1811. Clopton, co. Warwick, resident at, 315. Clovelly, Devon, resident at, 2014. Clowcroft, co. Durham, manor of, 2385. Cludshall, co. Worcester, lands in, 2219. Clun, Salop, parish of, 1060. resident ut, 1292. Clurewall, co. Gloucester, courthouse of, 1150. lands in, 1149. ****** Clutton, co. Chester, residents at, 104, 1723. ……………………., poor men of, 1723. Clyro, co. Radnor, estates at, 2360, 2361 (3), 2720. stewardship of, 1346. tenants of, 284, 2928 (2). **** resident at, 2720. Clytha, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1715. ...... resident at, 3194. Coalaston, co. Derby, lands in, 1736. Coastly, Northumberland, manor of, 2590 (2). Coates, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1879. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1096. Little, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 3276, 3277. 1.. Cobball, co. Hereford, resident at, 1772. Cobden, Sussex, resident at, 1070. Cobham, Kent, residents at, 458, 2226. Surrey, residents at, 3181 (2). Cocken, co. Durham, residents at, 2553 (2), 2848. Cockeram, or Cockerham, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 3216. manor of, 2131, 2132 (3), 2136. residents at, 1950 (2), 1952, 1978, 2099, 2181 (2), 2851. tithes of, 719, 2742. Cockerigg, Westmoreland, resident at, 176. Cockerington, co. Lincoln, lands in, 1328. minister of, 1327. resident at, 1327. > Cockermouth Castle, Cumberland, Commis- sioners meeting at, 333. letter dated from, 405. alluded to, 384. …………. ·· ****** siege of, 820, 2582. Cockfield, Suffolk, resident at, 3103. Cockington, Devon, chapel of, 1141. residents at, 119, 1140, 1349. *** Cockley Cley, Norfolk, East Hall and West Hall in, 2623. Northumberland, mansion house of, ...... 2842. Park Tower, Northumberland, 1736. Cocknidge-in-Trentham, co. Stafford, residents at, petition of, 3264. A .. Cockside House, co. Durham, 2359. Coddington, co. Chester, church of, 1186. Codham, Suffolk, residents at, 743 (2). Cogan Heming, co. Monmouth, manor of, 2302. Coker, East, Somerset, estates in, 2064 (2), 2635. residents at, 1665, 1758. .., North, Somerset, estate in, 2064 (2), Colan, Cornwall, inhabitants of, 1935. • • sheaf and vicarage of, 1935. ..) Colborne, co. York, farm, &c., at, 2254 (2). manor of, 2253. Colbury Manor house, Hants, 485. "> Colchester, Essex, Botolph's parish in, resi- dents in, petition of, 2402. • ·· .. minister of, 1662. د. Parliamentary garrison at, 817, 821. residents at, 202, 817, 1160. petition of, 1662. ………..? County Commissioners at, 1545. estates in, 1439, 2402 (2), 2405. Gaol, person in, 926. insurrection at, 1831, 2213, 2269, 2387, 2489. > .., message carried from, 809. mill near, 418, 2403 (4), 2404. • King's party or garrison at, 1880, 1947, 1977, 2454, 2671, 2922. letters dated from, 347, 418, 640. • " ... • ., Parliamentary party in, 141, 179, 201, 472. J > prisoners taken at, 810, 2170. residents in, 134, 909, 1439, 1545. petition of, 2454. au " siege of, 2402. Sir Thos. Fairfax at, 1083, 1878. surrender of, 134, 809, 810, 1822. travellers to, 2213. Cold Ingleby, co. York, estate at, 587. • · > lands in, or lordship of, 2652, 2653. Coldrey, Hants, resident at, 1372. Colebrook, Middlesex, farm at, 1402. ... • "" co. Monmouth, resident at, 1715. Colebury, Hants, manor of, 1832. INDEX OF PLACES. 3653 Coleby, co. Lincoln, minister or parish of, 1503, 1504. residents at, 1029, 3141. Cole Drinnick, Cornwall, resident at, 2036. Colehanger, Cornwall, manor of, 2036. Coleharbour-in-Midley, Kent, farm in, 2654 (2). Coleman's Moore, Berks, resident at, 3018. Cole Orton, or Overton, co. Leicester, estates at, 1953, 3102. *** lands and park in, 2047, 2048. Coleshill, co. Warwick, estate in, 2029. parish of, 2711. ** residents at, 111, 1468, 2015, 2029. Coleskin Park, co. York, 3155. Coley, co. York, minister of, 2478. residents at, 2478. .... *** Colingbourne, co. Wilts, resident at, 78. Lower, co. Wilts, estate at, 77. Colkirk, Norfolk, manor of, 2885 (2). residents at, 2134, 2885, 3169. Collards, Essex, mansion house of, 3136. Collaton, co. Devon, hundred of, 1678. manor of, 2385. ·· • TAK • ·· residents at, 502, 1678. Colleges, leases of, 1770 (2); and see also Oxford and Cambridge, colleges of. Collenna, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 507. Colley, Surrey, manor of, 252, 2171 (3), 2172, 2517. Collier Row, Essex, residents at, petition of, 1302. > ... ...) Collumpton, Devon, estates at, 152, 2031. residents at, 463, 2031, 3080. Collyhurst, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1390. Collyweston, Northampton, resident at, 88. Colmer's Farm, co. Worcester, resident at, 1857. Colmers, co. Worcester, resident at, 1809. Colmore, co. Stafford, resident at, 1177. Colne, Isle of Ely, residents at, 740 (2). co. Lancaster, manor of, 2271. parish of, 2729. ...... ………… resident at, 2480. ****** Colney, Norfolk, lands in, 2730. ******** residents at, petition of, 2730. Colon, co. Stafford, resident at, 3026. Colrick, Norfolk, lands in, 3158. Colston Bassett, co. Notts, manor of, 2388, 2389. residents at, 1785, 2388, 3224. Colthorne, Devon, estate of, 1942. Colton, Norfolk, lands in, 3286. ........., co. Stafford, manor of, 1736, 1877. **** ·· resident at, 1956. or Cowton, co. York, estate at, 587. manor of, 1767-1769, 2620. Columb House, Cornwall, King's garrison at, 2722. Major, Cornwall, County Commis- sioners at, 515. ………. ... …….. …………. residents at, 671, 3056. ………… ***** Minor, Cornwall, resident at, 2980. John, Devon, residents at, 97, 1221. Colway's Farm, co. Wilts, 3293. Colwell, Northumberland, lands in, 2418. ………………………, manor of, 2418 (2). Colwick, Upper and Nether, co. Notts, manor of, 2753. Combaskerville, co. Gloucester, see Westcote. Combe, or Comb, Devon, resident at, 1332. ·· ** **** ..... • > ·· Martin, Devon, residents at, 1408, 1481. Pine, Devon, resident at, 1702. Rawleigh, Devon, estate at, 2239. St. Nicholas, Devon, parsonage of, 1798. Hants, residents at, 320, 945, 1388. co. Hereford, resident at, 3140. Upper and Lower, co. Hereford, man- sions of, 1714. ….……….., residents at, 1617, 1621. Bassett, Wilts, ministers at, 79. ****** Comberall, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2014 Somerset, resident at, 1407. Barn, co. Somerset, 1407. Sydenham, co. Somerset, estate of, 1256, 1257. mansion house of, 2558. Abbey, co. Wilts, manor, &c., of, 1617, 1619-1624. (2). Combermere, co. Chester, residents at, 772, 898. .... Comberton, co. Worcester, lands in, 2452. Comberworth, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1524. Combhay, co. Somerset, lands in, 2325. manor of, 1308, 2325. parish of, 1308. Combwell, Kent, resident at, 1450. Compton, co. Bedford, resident at, 2419. House, Berks, Parliamentary gar- rison at, 1394, 1518, 1612. Nether, co. Dorset, resident at, 2327. Abdale, co. Gloucester, minister of, 1503. residents at, petition of, 1357. Hants, manor of, 2095. ..3 ……..., residents at, 2095, 3136. tithing of, 106. Tichborne, Hants, see Tichborne. Dundo, Somerset, residents at, 1272, 3090. •> Pauncefoot, Somerset, lands in, 1654. residents in, 1654, 1655. ******♪ co. Warwick, estate at, 1853. King's garrison at, 1811. resident at, 1853. Bassett, co. Wilts, manor of, 2859 (2). Chamberlain, co. Wilts, rectory of, 1055 (2). residents at, 77 (2), 78, 1054. *****} Condover, Salop, residents at, 1815, 2873, 3282. Conge, co. Northampton, mansion house of, 1235. Congerston, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. ፣ 3654 Congleton, co. Chester, house in, 3066. lands in, 3057. ………………………, manor of, 3205. ………………………, mayor of, 2094, 3058. residents at, 120-122, 1041, 2094, 2144, 2207, 2555, 3066, 3175. Conigre Farm, co. Gloucester, 2079. Coningsby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 981. Coningsby's Hospital, co. Hereford, 586, 660. Coniscliffe, co. Durham, manor of, 2589. ., rectory and tithes of, 2588, 2589. rents of, 634. residents at, 2518 (2), 3192. ….. · · **** " Over, co. Durham, residents at, peti- tion of, 364. Under, co. Durham, residents at, peti- tion of, 364. Coniston, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1695, 1696 (2). * resident at, 1697. Conistone, co. York, manor of, 1788. Connaught, Lord President of [Sir Charles Coote], 2783. Consley, co. Durham, resident at, 2684. Conway, co. Carnarvon, castle of, Articles of surrender of, 1674. letter written at, 131. resident at 980. .... ..... .. Cooe Lane, co. Chester, resident at, 2499. Cookham, Berks, manor of, 681. parish of, 3192. INDEX OF PLACES. ... • residents at, 2825, 2979, 3197, 3236. Cookhill, co. Worcester, lands in, 2219. residents at, 2217 (2), 2218. Cookley, Suffolk, tithes of, 3211. Cool, co. Chester, residents at, 1183, 2633. Coole Lane, CO. Chester, resident 1835. Coolidge, Suffolk, see Cowling. Cooling, Kent, residents at, 1, 1230, 1231. Castle, Kent, soldiers at, 1231. Cooperheyes, co. Lancaster, pasture in, 3103. Cooper's Hall, Essex, estate at, 1062. Copdock, Suffolk, manor of, 1867. Coppenhall, co. Chester, resident at, 112. Copperwith, Scotland, letter dated from, 1432. Coppice, West, Salop, residents at, 1040, 2953. Coppicehouse Mansion, co. Derby, 1735. Coppull, co. Lancaster, house and lands in, 2363, 2365, 3304. *** at, manor of, 2660. residents at, 2363, 2789, 2792 (2), 3137. Corbridge, Northumberland, lands in, 2590. Corby, Cumberland, castle of, 2589. demesne or manor of, 232, 2589. resident at, 2588. .... ... > co. Lincoln, manor of, 1957 (2), 1958. resident at, 1096. Corby-cont. vicar of, 1956 (2). Corfe, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1658, 2338. Castle, Dorset, King's garrison at, 899, 1315, 1658. .... ... • ·· Corington, Essex, manor of, 874. Corley, co. Warwick, estate in, 2965. resident at, 2965. Cornard, Suffolk, tenement in, 3103. Cornbury Park, co. Oxon, resident at, 1637. Cornforth, co. Durham, lands in, 2902. resident at, 204. Cornhill, co. Durham, resident at, 204. Cornoe, co. Lancaster, house in, 2973. resident at, 2973. 1. "" Cornwall, 382, 523, 1149, 1520, 2705. U reduction of, 899, 1658. .. ****** Mullen, Dorset, tenements in, 2338 (2). ..... •" **** ..... ……… ........., assessments in, Commissioners for, 335, 433. ·· residents at, 118 (2), 1930, 2200, 2920, 2996. · •, church business in, Commissioners for, 335. County Commissioners of, 119, 445, 516, 611, 661, 665, 992 (5), 1077, 1080 (2), 1190, 1212, 1239, 1404, 1505, 1508, 1587, 1641, 1642 (2), 1880, 1907, 1935, 1981, 2001-2004, 2010, 2026, 2210, 2211, 2214, 2237-2239, 2296, 2326, 2398, 2405, 2506, 2530, 2591, 2611, 2686, 2705, 2712, 2722, 2736, 2739, 2809-2811, 2903, 2914, 2919, 3000, 3051, 3156 (2), 3204, 3298 (2). " appointment or approval of, 171, 614 (2), 649. ·9 ****** ... 2687, 2768, 2866, 2903. ***** ……………** alluded to, 1363, 1506, 1642 (2), 2005, 2296, 2506, 2602, 2809, 2810, 3056. ·· • ……………… certificates by, 991, 2210, 2244, ... (2), 2915. letters of, 116, 198, 223, 235, 237, 241, 246, 276, 290, 303, 335 (2), 350, 381, 382 (2), 387 (2), 398 (2), 409, 433, 478, 517, 520, 585, 595, 615, 618, 625, 637, 646, 665, 669, 671, 763, 991, 1362, 2002. chairman of, 2810. committals by, 1641. compositions with, 1992, 2903 .... alluded to, 1505. • > ****** letters to, 46, 250, 264, 284, 295, 312, 313, 372, 374, 420, 466, 529, 599, 610, 634, 658, 659, 661, 680, 767, 771, 773, 1362, 1505, 2210, 2211, 2296, 2326, 2415, 2768, 2809, 2866, 2893, 3042 (2), 3056. D ******* references to, 1078, 1190, 1985, 1995, 2239 (2), 2686 (2), 2866, 3156, 3182. ……………. alluded to, 518, 585, 601, 609, 634, 657, 665, 2296. INDEX OF PLACES. 3655 Cornwall, County Commissioners of-cont. notes by, 335. officers of, 116, 177, 183, 198, 223, 276, 290, 335 (2), 387, 433, 437, 444, 466, 473 (2), 487, 585, 712, 716, 2003 (2), 2611. petition of, 539. ………………………, ………………, orders to, 348, 383, 658, 991, 992 (2), 1080, 1078, 1148, 1182 (2), 1212, 1239 (4), 1263, 1381, 1504, 1505, 1507, 1559, 1641, 1642, 1679, 1757, 1996, 2004 (2), 2010, 2214, 2215, 2237-2239, 2244, 2296 (4), 2297, 2322, 2415 (3), 2506, 2601 (2), 2602 (2), 2687, 2705, 2768, 2808-2811, 2866 (2), 2867, 2903, 2918, 2919, 2938, 2980 (2), 3000, 3037, 3051 (2), 3066, 3150, 3290, 3291, 3298, 3299 (2). ... ·· *** *** alluded to, 1946, 2601 (2), 2741, 2809, 2918 (2), 2938, 2940. ……………………`, ………………, reports by, 2001, 2295, 3059. returns sent up by, 276. aliuded to, 285. .. ***** 44 · ... • 4.1 > treasurer of, 637, 2809, 2810 (2). the late, 198, 223, 235, 251, 276 (2), 284, 335, 444, 520, 635, 637, 671, 716, 723 (2), 736, 746, 991, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2214, 2216, 2415, 2506, 2641, 2687, 2712, 2732, 2768, 3000. **** 3052. ******) *** ... " ………………………, deputy-lieutenant of, 1318. ****** ·· Duchy of, attorney-general for, see Hall, Barth. Engagement, the, Commissioners for, in, 335. letter of, 183. letters to, 708, 712, 723, Excise officers in, 3246. harvest in, 290. hundreds or divisions of, 290, 618. insurrection in, 2866. J.Ps in, 224, 335. King's forces in, disbanding of, 1275, 1559. ........., surgeon to, 1312. King's party in, 335, 409, 1508, 1996, 2705. …………. lands, estates, &c., in, 335, 429, 520, 539, 610, 612, 617, 634, 991, 992 (2), 1080, 1084, 1140, 1146, 1148, 1212, 1262, 1263 (3), 1362 (3), 1381, 1504– 1506, 1642, 1935, 2210, 2211, 2214 (2), 2215, 2239 (2), 2295, 2296, 2338, 2662, 2938, 3059, 3062, 3066, 3150, 3156, 3234, 3290, 3291 (2). letters dated from, 145, 398. market towns in, 145. M.Ps for, 35. militia or county forces of, 223. Commissioners for, 335, 350, 433, 763, 764. ………………………. ………………, money for, 1190. Parliamentary service in, 2244. Cornwall-cont. · **3 plague in, 145. reduction of, 1077, 1678, 2641, 2732, 2866. residents in, 98, 119, 183, 241, 473 (2), 516, 522 (2), 539, 595, 611, 615, 618, 659, 733, 802, 964, 1239 (2), 1504, 1506, 1995, 2001, 2239 (2), 2664, 2686, 2706, 2809 (3), 2847, 2854, 2888, 2977, 3087, 3290, 3291, 3298. **** ·· places in, 57, 445, 746, 775, 1011, 1239, 2722. cases of, 1082 (5), 1097, 1190, 1200, 1217, 1225, 1234, 1252, 1255, 1258, 1260, 1278, 1290, 1327 (2), 1328, 1334, 1361, 1380, 1381, 1404, 1508, 1559, 1587, 1641, 1661 (2), 1678, 1757, 1772, 1808, 1858, 1880, 1907, 1926, 1928, 1931, 1935 (3), 1937, 1945 (2), 1966, 1981 (2), 1984, 1992, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2026, 2034, 2036, 2052, 2076, 2090, 2091, 2209, 2210 (2), 2214, 2237, 2240, 2244, 2295, 2301, 2318, 2321 (2), 2322, 2325, 2326, 2338, 2375, 2398, 2405, 2415, 2423, 2433, 2443, 2455, 2506, 2525, 2549, 2552, 2577, 2591, 2601, 2611, 2624, 2641, 2647, 2658, 2664, 2686, 2687, 2704, 2712 (2), 2722, 2731 (2), 2732, 2736, 2739, 2741, 2767, 2768, 2770, 2804, 2808, 2853, 2866, 2888, 2893, 2895, 2903 (4), 2914, 2916, 2918 (3), 2936, 2938, 2940 (2), 2944, 2965, 2977, 2980 (2), 2996, 2999, 3000, 3025, 3037, 3042 (2), 3051, 3056, 3059, 3062, 3066, 3146, 3150, 3156, 3159, 3182, 3204, 3246, 3258, 3259 (4). ***** *** **** *** **** .. lists of, 116, 117, 336, 671. ....) notes of, 335, 478, 671, 736, 741, 742. returns, money, or revenues from, 151, 619. ****) ……………… ****** sheaves in, 290, 295. sheriff of, 2296, 2866. letter of, 145. under, 2686. .... receiver for, Thos. Saunders, 733. 2 Sir Thos. Fairfax in, 1504. train band of, 1318, 1935. travellers to or from, 199, 1190, 1508, 1652, 3298. treaty in [Articles of Truro], 1199. wine licences in, 1317. Cornwall and Devon, County Commissioners of, see Devonshire. Cornworthy, Devon, residents at, 537, 1654. ..., East, Devon, estate in, 2384. Corpusty, Norfolk, parish of, 2501. ........., rectory of, 2501. residents at, 595, 2501. Corscombe, Dorset, resident at, 118. Cosby, co. Leicester, minister of, 2754. Cosgrove, co. Northampton, resident at, 2869. Coson, co. Leicester, see Coston. 1 3656 INDEX OF PLACES. Cosowarth, Cornwall, resident at, 1935. Cosse, co. Derby, manor of, 1735. Cosserie, Norfolk, lands in, 1342. Cossesly, co. Lincoln, manor of, 2480. Costessey, Costey, or Cossey, Norfolk, lands at, 1342, 1884. residents at, 861, 1884, 3186. Coston, or Coson, co. Leicester, residents at, 110 (3), 1121. Cotes, co. Leicester, manor of, 2016. ..3 residents at, 109, 2016. township of, 3263. *** Cothelstone, Somerset, manor of, 1426 (2), 1429. mansion house of, 1426 (2). resident at, 1425. ****** .. Cotheridge, co. Worcester, resident at, 1449. Cotleigh, Devon, resident at, 3036. Coton, co. Derby, tithes of, 1509. Cotskew, co. York, resident at, 2017. Cottam, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3186. co. Notts, manor of, 1735, 1736. minister of, 683. ...... Cottenham, co. Cambridge, resident at, 1559. Cottenthopp, Northumberland, estate of, 2509. , co. Stafford, lands, &c., in, 3137. co. Warwick, resident at, 2618. Cotterstock, co. Northampton, rectory of, 1088 (2). residents at, 1088. petition of, 1088. Cottesbrook, co. Northampton, resident at, 2839. *** ..... Cottesmore, Rutland, residents at, 88, 1471. Cottingham, co. Northampton, resident at, 2645. woods of, 1581. co. York, houses in, 3086. rectory of, 955. resident at, 2356. ***** ... ……………… ... Cottness Prebend, co. York, 2039. Cotton, co. Chester, resident at, 770. tenement in, 1364. Suffolk, lands in, 3005 (2). residents at, 3005 (2). و. Cotton's land, co. Carmarthen, 1790. Coughton, co. Warwick, estate in, 3197. ...... residents at, 2710, 3197, 3198. Coulston Bassett, co. Notts, resident at, 535. Cound Farm, Salop, 3237 (2). Coupland, Northumberland, resident at, 203. tithes of, 815. Courtaweek, Somerset, resident at, 1051. Court Downe, Devon, estate of, 2533. Court Farm, Devon, 2518. Courtfield, co. Monmouth, resident at, 3187. Court Rydhire Farm, co. Glamorgan, 2180. Coven, co. Stafford, lands in, 2711. resident at, 2784. • .." Coventry, co. Warwick, Alderman of, 881. and Lichfield, Bishop of, see Frewen, Accepted. • • ... .. • .. •• .. .. ……………… ··· .. * ……………… , County Commissioners at, 172, 472, 673, 714, 715, 716, 744, 1139, 1162 (2), 1455, 1499, 1811. " ... officers of, 472. estates in, receipts from, 429. houses at, 1269. J.Ps for, 472, 630. letters dated from, 195, 315, 317, 429, 436, 468, 486 (2), 540, 552, 630, 640, 654, 659, 674, 677, 730, 737. order published at, 654. Parliamentary governor of, 1162 (2), ... ...... Coverham, co. York, parishioners of, petition of, 1681. bishopric of, see Lichfield. buildings in, 716. ………………….., rectory of, 1681. resident at, 2017. UA , Cowarne, co. Hereford, estate at, 3027 (2). resident at, 3027. Much, co. Hereford, resident at, 2061. ………………… 2537. prisoners in, 894, 1259. residents at, 730, 1116, 1219 (2), 1594, 2438, 2947. ... Cowbridge, co. Glamorgan, letter dated from, 427. residents at, 2216, 2674. Cow Close, co. Durham, 2131. Cowcroft, Bucks, lands in, 2259, 2260, 2264- ..... 2266. Cowley, Bucks, manor of, 2878. Church, co. Oxon, manor of, 3057. Cowling, or Coolidge, Suffolk, lands in, 2962. minister of, 2962. parsonage or rectory of, 2961, 2962 (3). residents at, 96, 2961 (3), 2962. tithes of, 2961. co. York, resident at, 1023. Cowper's Hill, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2802. ****** ……………… Cowpighill, co. Durham, lands in, 3107. Cowpon, Northumberland, residents at, 1409 (3). Cowton, co. York, see Colton. Long, or East, co. York, manor of, 2334-2337, 3165. ………………………. ………………, rectory of, 2336, 2337. resident at, 2334. > > · ** South, co. York, lands in, 1392. Coxhoe, co. Durham, residents at, 2044, 2902. Coxlodge, Northumberland, resident at, 3192. INDEX OF PLACES. 3657 Coxwell, Berks, church of, minister of, 2658. Coxwold, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1089. co. York, estate at, 587, 968 (2). …………., manor of, 968. Crabbaton, Devon, residents at, 1905, 2811. Crabbet, Sussex, farm at, 2947. resident at, 737. Crab Hall, co. Chester, 61, Crackenthorpe, Westmoreland, resident at, 203. Cradley, co. Hereford, manor of, 1809. Craford, Dorset, land in, 3190. Cramborn, Hants?, minister of, 421. Cramlington, Northumberland, estate in, 2636, 2637. resident at, 1726. .. 1 > .... > 2637. Cranbrook, Kent, farm in, 1948. King's Head Inn at, 2602. residents at, 328, 2602. Cranfield, co. Bedford, residents at, 555, 2792. Cranham, Essex, manor of, 1667. East, Northumberland, resident at, 3284. .. > Cranley, Suffolk, tithes of, 3211. Crannow, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Cransley, co. Northampton, resident at, 88. Crantock, Cornwall, resident at, 2611. Cranwell, Bucks, estate at, 67. Cranworth, Norfolk, lands in, 2707. ...y .. resident at, 428. ..... Crathorne, co. York, lands in, 3063. ******? resident at, 3063. Craven, co. York, resident in, 1664. Thornton in, see Thornton. ..... Crawley, Hants, resident at, 1095. tithing of, 106. Sussex, lands in, 2233. manor of, Crayford, Kent, resident at, 3258. Crayhall, Northumberland, resident at, 202. Credenhill, co. Hereford, resident at, 2721. Creech, Somerset, resident at, 1372. ........ or Creeck Grange, Dorset, residents at, 118, 537, 1692. Creet, or Greet, Salop, resident at, 1456. Crendon, Long, Bucks, estate at, 67, 2575 (2). resident at, 2575. Creslow, Bucks, resident at, 2835. Cressing Temple, Essex, residents at, 863, 1916, 1936, 2751. > **** Cresswell, co. Pembroke, resident at, 530. } co. Stafford, manor of, 2103 (2). Cressy Hall, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1972. residents at, 863, 1972. Creswell, Northumberland, lands in, 2748. Crewe, co. Chester, resident at, 2107. Crewkerne, Somerset, lands in, 1047, 2526. residents at, 1017, 1243, 2525, 2943. Crich, co. Derby, lands in, 2470, 2471. manor of, 2478. 70358. Crick, co. Northampton, rectory of, 2236. Crickadarn, co. Brecon, resident at, 3001. Cricketh, Salop, resident at, 1808. Crickhowell, co. Brecon, estates in, 1714. manor or lordship of, 323, 1710, 1715 (2). .. "" ………… ... Cricklade, Wilts, estate in, 2306. ……. Criggion, co. Montgomery, residents at, 1815, 2117. • Crimaryn, co. Cardigan, residents at, 572, 1835. •" Crockleford, Essex, mill at, 2403. Croft, co. Hereford, castle of, resident at, 1438. ……………………., co. Lancaster, resident at, 3185. co. Lincoln, resident at, 2511. 2 co. York, lands in, 2356. ...... • residents at, 1962, 3006. .... Bridge, co. York, resident at, 2722. Crofton, co. York, manor of, 1958. • • rectory and tithes of, 1712 (4). residents at, 1358, 2497. Croglin, or Crogling, Cumberland, manor of, 2038. resident at, 2671. Crokedale, or Crookdale, Cumberland, resi- dents at, 202, 405, 1556, 2996. ...... } Crook, co. Durham, coal mine in, 3023, 3024. the, co. Durham, resident at, 2043. Crookdale, Cumberland, see Crokedale. Crooke, the, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1281. Crookham, Berks, manor of, 1714. Cropredy, co. Oxon, tithes of, 1099 (3), 1100 (2). Cropton, co. York, estate in, 3140. Crosby, co. Lancaster, houses in, 5047, 3124. • place near, 1235. resident at, 1234. .... ·· • ·· > • ... residents at, 521, 3125. Croscombe, Somerset, resident at, 972. Cross, Somerset, manor of, 2794. Croston, or Croxton, co. Lancaster, Hall and demesne of, 2597. lands in, 2777, 2778, 3180. minister of, 1108. parish of, 1116, 1117, 1843. residents at, 626, 1951, 2038, 2596- 2598, 2622 (2), 2687, 2777 (2), 3175 (2), 3180 (2). lordship of, 3124. residents at, 21, 141, 1952. Little, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3171. manor of, 2692. residents at, 2692, 3174. Westmoreland, manor of, 2308. residents at, 521, 547. Garrett, Westmoreland, courts held at, 585. Ravensworth, Westmoreland, estate in, 3125. ***** H H 3 3658 INDEX OF PLACES. 1 Crouchland, Dorset, lands in, 1066 (2). Croughton, co. Chester, estate at, 61. Crowes Hall, Suffolk, resident at, 1236. Crowland, or Croyland, co. Lincoln, King's party in, 1047, 1330. residents in, 1047. ………… Crowle, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. co. Worcester, resident at, 3186. Crowndell, Devon, barton of, 2109, 2110. Crowton, co. Chester, manor of, 1230. resident at, 1364. Croxall, co. Stafford, manor or lands in, 3099 (2). parish of, 3225. ****** Croxdale, co. Durham, resident at, 2895. Croxton, co. Lancaster, sec Croston. Abbey, co. Stafford, resident at, 173. Croydon, Surrey, residents at, 286, 2255, 2910, 3246. • Crumhall, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 909. Crundal, Hants, resident at, 2930. Crych, co. Derby, minister of, 988. Crym, co. Monmouth, estate of Lord-Gen. Cromwell at, 393, 481. ***** Cubley, co. Derby, manor of, 1265, 1268. Cublington, co. Bucks, estate at, 67. Cuddesdon, co. Oxon, resident at, 1559. Cuddington, co. Bucks, estate at, 68. Cuerdale, co. Lancaster, 3199. ……………………., messuage in, 2413. resident in, 2413. ……….. > Cuerden, co. Lancaster, estate in, 3131. manor of, 2286, 2288. • ·· · poor of, 907. ....., tithes of, 906, 907 (2). Cufand, Hants, manor of, 1487. ****** resident at, 1487. Culcheth, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1275, 3176 (2). tithes or impropriations of, 3142, 3266. Culeare, Dorset, 3143. Culford, Suffolk, residents at, 984, 1390. Cullacomb, Devon, resident at, 1907. Culliton, Devon, residents at, 537, 1161, 1314, 1391. 4 Culmstock, Devon, resident at, 3259. Cumberland, 157, 259, 699, 762, 1240, 2784 (3). ... business or service of, 821. compositions in, with the Northern Commissioners, 201, 202, 452. condition of, 285 (2), 1881. County Commissioners of, 134, 156, 157, 202, 267, 285, 297, 301, 327, 340, 390, 682, 758, 766, 814, 823, 827, 968, 969 (2), 986, 1662, 1668-1671, 1697, 1698, 1703, 1727 (4), 2227, 2436 (3), 2465 (3), 2588, 2642 (2), 2675, 2686, 2700, 2783, 2876, 2877 (2), 2996, 2997, 3001, 3025, 3117, 3149, 3155, 3161, 3184. ****** Cumberland, County Commissioners of-cont. ……………………… ……………, accounts sent up by, 268. ……………., appointment of, 312. books of, 259. certificates by, 1668, 1744, • • • .. ……………… G 4. ** · . ·· • ·· *** ****S > > , ** ******} 2982. ... ****** • "" alluded to, 79, 361, 1700. ******* letters to, 71, 246, 264, 275, > .. 313 (2), 339, 360, 370, 374, 387, 398, 409, 449, 470, 609, 616, 634, 755, 759, 764, 770, 771, 773, 1557, 1699 (2), 2226, 2400, 2466, 2701, 2783, 3001. *** …………. · depositions sent up by, 2688. imprisonment of, 133. information by, 2675. letters of, 207, 232, 235, 257, 259, 267, 285, 287, 297, 304, 333, 366, 382, 384, 394, 405, 424, 561, 566, 574, 620, 635 (2), 675, 772, 1668, 2675, 2686, 2783. • 157. 1727, 2227, 2436. ………… notes by, 2316, 2687. officers of, 133, 157, 207, 257, 340, 360, 366, 370, 382, 387, 635 (2), 2470, 2876, 2930. letters of, 124, 133, 156, • • .... ... ………. "" 1 " orders of, alluded to, 340. orders to, 424,827, 961 (2), 986 (2), 1101 (3), 1113, 1556, 1668, 1671, 1703,1726,1727, 2273, 2436,2437,2462, (3), 2469 (2), 2470 (2), 2588 (2), 2589, 2642, 2679, 2686, 2700, 2783, 2784, 2862, 2877, 2931, 2996, 2997 (3), 3001, 3025, 3116, 3150, 3155, 3160, 3184. ……………… ……………… asked for or alluded to, 1557, 1704, 2227, 2464, 2589, 2642, 2686, 2700, 2784, 2876, 2996, 2997, 3025, 3149, 3300. petitions of, 377, 390. petitions to, 2316, 2469, 2590, 2687, 3199. queries by, 231, 235, 275, 2784. references by, 2470, 2590, 3199. references to, 1695, 1703, 1704, ****) 2226-2228, 2466, 2470, 2476, 2477, 2589, 3160, 3300. 675. • > ……… …………… ***** •• alluded to, 1668, 1704, ***** > ******* > alluded to, 361, 536, 539. ……....., reports of, 2227, 2701, 2930. returns from, 421 (2), 2589. submissions to, 1668 (2), 1670. treasurer of, 257, 259, 285,510, the late, 207, 231, 235, 246, 257, 267, 285, 340, 361, 370, 382, 383, 449, 470, 696, 708, 1670 (2), 3199. fugitives from, 473. grand jury of, 134. King's party in, 133, 521, 968, 2524. lands, estates, &c., in, 201, 202, 424, 2 616, 696, 899, 1113, 1114, 1557, 1560, INDEX OF PLACES. 3659 Cumberland-cont. · • 20 ... ROA W manufactures in, 822. militia of, Commissioners for, 304. ....., money or revenues in, 4, 279, 536, 558, 618-621, 812. ******* 1. · 1669, 1670 (2), 1695 (2), 1696, 1703 (2), 1704, 1727, 1903, 2038, 2226- 2228, 2308, 2465, 2468, 2469 (2), 2476, 2589 (3), 2590, 2643, 2672, 2784 (2), 2877, 2931, 2996, 3159, 3192. lists of, notes of, 232, 233. > A ** , RO • monthy assessments in, Commissioners for, 304. Parliamentary forces in, money for, 41, 156. · ... ... ܝ. ******* •" places in, 201, 202, 761, 821. plague in, 285, 287, 297. Propagation of the Gospel in, Com- missioners for, 304. …………… Curry-cont. residents in, 43, 133, 134, 188, 337, 405, 772, 827, 985, 1049, 1662, 1670, 1696, 1698, 1704, 1719, 1727, 2138, 2209, 2226, 2400, 2465, 2469, 2589, 2590, 2700, 2931, 2932, 2982, 2996, 2997, 3024, 3265, 3300. > *** ………………, ………………, cases of, 960, 968, 985, 1142, 1160, 1240, 1296, 1556, 1662, 1668-1671,1675,1694-1700, 1703,1718, 1719, 1726, 1744, 1745, 1754, 1881, 1887, 1907, 2087, 2138, 2226, 2308, 2316, 2400, 2435, 2582, 2588, 2675, 2679, 2686 (2), 2687, 2700, 2767, 2773, 2862, 2918, 2930, 2931, 2982 (2), 2996, 3001, 3090, 3123, 3132, 3149, 3155, 3159, 3160, 3175, 3182, 3184, 3186 (5), 3187, 3199. quartering of, 259. raising of, 259. 402. > lists of, 72, 124, 201, 202. •> notes of, 199, 566, 675, 729, 741, 742. reduction of, 985, 1671, 1675. rising in, 1169. Scots' army in, 1726. sheriffs of, 207, 257, 2862, 2877, 2930. ……………… .... > bailiff of, 268. soldiers in, 232. traveller to. 1136. wards in, 232, 449. and Westmoreland, Commissioners for, see Westmoreland. Cumberworth, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2646, 3230. Cumnor, Berks, resident at, 1873. Cunswick, Westmoreland, resident at, 520. Curringham, or Carringham, Essex, residents at, 1953, 3102. Curry, Cornwall, minister of, 1239. ***** Marsh, Essex, estate of, 1954, 1955, 2405. Mallett, Somerset, letters dated from, 238, 252, 390, 635. residents at, 214, 250, 630. North, Somerset, cottage at, 964. resident at, 1507. ..." ****** Rivell, Somerset, resident at, 1747. Cushnish, Somerset, manor of, 1429. Custom House, see London. Cutcombe, Somerset, parsonage of, 966. resident at, 1379. Cuxham, co. Oxon, resident at, 3070. Cuxton, Kent, resident at, 1439. co. Notts, resident at, 1851. 1+ ... GA Dacre, Cumberland, rectory of, 1296. Dacrebeck, Cumberland, lands near, 1669. Dacorum, Herts, hundred of, 32, 211. Dagenham, Essex, lands in, 1353, 1977. rectory of, 1300 (4), residents at, 1353 (2). Dalby, co. Leicester, court kept at, 191. "" ·· • ** …………… . . . .... > ......, rectory and church of, 576. resident at, 2187. .-super-Wolds, co. Leicester, resident at, ·· ****** manor house of, 2789. residents at, 1579, 2789, 2889. co. York, parish of, 2590, 2720. Dalden, or Dalton, co. Durham, hermitage of, 2206. • *** 109. co. Lincoln, mauor of, 2789 (3), 2889 (2). they D 13.3 estate at, 191. House and park of, 2187 (2). lordship of, 411. manor of, 2205, 2610, parish of, 405, 1180. residents at, 2204, 3162. Dalebanks, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Dalegarth, Cumberland, resident at, 1719. Dale Main, Cumberland, residents at, 1296, 3199. > Dalkeith, Scotland, letter dated from, 535. Dalling, Wood, Norfolk, estate of, 115. Dallingdon, Essex, farm houses at, 1663. Dalston, Cumberland, resident at, 960. Dalton, co. Durham, see Dalden. co. Lancaster, resident at, 3235. manor of, 1108-1110. …………………vij minister at, 456, 1903, 1904. rectory or tithes of, 1107, 1903, 1904, 3266. residents at, 456, 474, 1904, 2707, 3079, 3176, 3194, 3257. tenement in, 3235. HH 2 3660 INDEX OF PLACES. لام Dalton-cont. ..-in-Furness, co. Lancaster, lands iu, 2707, 3079. co. York, residents at, 336, 1673, 2651, 3231. .. ……………. Damerham, Wilts, farm at, 2772. Damhouse, co. Lancaster, estate of, 2861. resident at, 2861. ******* Danbury, Essex, resident at, 1144. Danby, co. York, lands in, 1828. residents at, 2565, 2566. Danny, Sussex, manor of, 598. Danstock, Devon, resident at, 98. Dantzic, burgomaster of, 523. ... .... > merchants of, case of, 2937. ………………………, papers sent from, alluded to, 2938. - residents at, 523, 581, 2937. Daresbury, co. Chester, parish of, 1582. Darfield, co. York, resident at, 1966. Darking, Surrey, see Dorking. ***** Darlaston, or Dorleston, co. Stafford, manor of, 3283. Darley, co. Chester, residents at, 101 (2), 2035. co. Derby, resident at, 1132. Darlington, co. Durham, Bondgate in, 2684. ministers of, 701, 2589. rents in, 3209. residents at, 203, 228, 1467, 2684 (2). ward of, 1917. *****> Bridge, co. Stafford, King's party at, 2295. ******* " .... ………… Darras Hall, Northumberland, 1074, 1075, 1270. Darsingham, Norfolk, lands in, 2318. manor in, 3301. ... ·· North, co. York, estate at, 587. ………………, manor of, 2853. Dartford, Kent, bailiff of, 373. resident at, 458. > Dartmouth, Devon, 1019, 3082. …………… > > ....> ... **** 1818, 1999. Parliamentary garrison at, 2765. places near, 1140, 1685. Prince Charles at, 1244. residents at, 228, 322, 537, 1131, 1631, 2865. taking of, 1126, 1374, 1631. traveller to, 995. Excise officers at, 933, 1631. houses, &c, in, 1132, 3087. King's party or garrison at, 1631, Darton, co York, manor of, 1326. Datchet, Bucks, estate at, 66. resident at, 2880. " Datchworth, alias Thatchworth, co. Herts, church of, 1932. Davenham, co. Chester, residents at, 121, 1689 (2), 2871. Daventry, co. Northampton, minister of, 1671. order published at, 653. • · ...) Davingham, Kent, resident at, 458. Davington, Kent, manor of, 1832-1834. resident at, 1832, 1833. ………………) Dawbeny, Hants, resident at, 1183. Dawley, Salop, castle of, resident at, 3043. ... 1. • Little, Salop, manor of, 1626. Dawlish, Devon, resident at, 1228. Dayrie House, co. Stafford, 1817. Deal, Kent, resident at, 1456. Dean, Cumberland, resident at, 3184. • > 2 ***S D rectory of, 1772. Great, Salop, castle and lordship of, 3043 (2). ... LAU > Forest of, co. Gloucester, ironworks, &c., in, 2142, 2143 (4). .. ** ***** places in, 944, 1023, 1026, 2362. prisoner taken in, 1071. > Little, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. > **** .... .... West, Sussex, residents at, 1215, 1216. Wilts, ministers at, 79. Deane, North, Kent, lands in, 1908. " • ·· 1217. .... .. ... parishioners of, petitions of, 1671 (2). resident at, 686. .... parsonage of, 2970. residents at, 88, 1080, 2641. travellers from, 1078. Deanfield, co. Chester, resident at, 2547. Deanham, Northumberland, resident at, 2968. New, Northumberland, lands in, 2969. " . ... co. Lancaster, rectory and vicar of, 2126. > Hants, resident at, 1751. East, Sussex, minister of, 1215. *** or Deene, co. Northampton, ministers of, 2970 (2). Dearnsdale, see Derndale. Deaver, Norfolk, resident at, 2501. Debden, Essex, parish of, 2613. residents at, petitions of, 1216, *** **** Debenham, Suffolk, lands in, 2460, 3026. inhabitants of, petition of, 1237. resident at, 1236. Deddington, co. Oxon, County Commis- sioners sitting at, 347. ***** lands in, 1592 (2), 3197. letters dated from, 242, 314, 393, 407, 520, 570, 616. residents at, 172, 194, 602, 686, 2090, 3197. Dedham, Essex, resident at, 1691. Dedington, Hunts, resident at, 2641. Dee Mills, the, see Chester. Deepholme, co. Monmouth, lands called, 1850. Hall, Essex, resident at, 185. INDEX OF PLACES. 3661 Deepholme-cont. resident at, 2270. Deeping James, co. Lincoln, resident at, 667. West, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1063. Deepleheath, co. Stafford, houses in, 1896. Deerhurst, co. Gloucester, estate at, 87. resident at, 87. ..... ……………… Degimbris, Cornwall, manor of, 2239. Deighton, North, co. York, 886. Delcarthyn, co. Montgomery, resident at, 1460. Denbigh Castle, King's garrison at, 1723. ……………., governor of, 47. ……………… ... ... ………… ·· ....... *** A • ·· letter or paper dated from, 166, 258. ...... Denbighshire, Act of Composition for, 146. ………………………, ………………, persons excepted from, 146. ………………….., army assessments in, 697. ...... ** ·· . Parliamentary garrison at, 704.' , governor of, 697, 703, 1686. ………………, persons in, 47, 1675. .. 1723. *** ·· WARA Ə Articles of, 1236, 1550, 1675, 1685, 1686, 1703, 1717-1720, 1722 (2), 1723 (3). • ·· > · receiver of, 717. County Commissioners for, 671, 2854, 3132. DU · ... .. ……………………… ……………., report of, 1948. ………………………. ………………, returns or money from, 541. asked for, 421, 449. ..., accounts of, alluded to, 399. letters to, 400, 751, 762, 3246. surprising of, 131. surrender of, 47, 1686, 1718, ……………… 1 > Ca > alluded to, 1479. ******* officers of, 235, 400. order of, 166. orders to, 2310, 3132. ... > treasurer of, 400. petition of, 704. ******* the late, 713, 737. .., King's party in, 1272. lands, estates, &c., in, 348, 692, 727, > 764 (2), 1160, 1257, 2016, 2310, 2854, 2977, 3160. money from, or revenues of, 620, 692. places in, 1804. residents in, 318, 1179, 2529, 3132, 3246 ?. cases of, 1220 (3), 1236, 1256, 1272, 1407, 1410, 1437, 1494, 1499, 1550, 1675, 1679, 1685, 1702, 1703, 1718-1720, 1723 (2), 1759, 1798, 1890, 1928, 1946, 1948, 1967, 2019, 2453, 2549, 2977, 3138, 3253, 3260. ………. > lists of, notes of, 732, 737, 741. sheriff, high, of, 1272. soldiers sent to the King from, 943. and cos. Montgomery and Flint, County Commissioners for, see Mont- gomeryshire. ………… Denbury, Devon, manor of, 1715. Denby, co. Derby, resident at, 2034. Dengie, Essex, hundred of, 94. Denham, Bucks, estate at, 66. Suffolk, manor of, 2624. · > Dennicston (Dennington ?), Suffolk, lands in, 2819. Dennington, or Denington, Berks, Castle of, King's party at, 553. ••* • ****3 Denton, co. Durham, estate in, 998 (3), 999. residents at, 998, 999, 3162. Kent, resident at, 2626. co. Lancaster, resident at, 2063. > *** ·· ... …………. . …….. ***** Suffolk, lands in, 1877, 2817, 2818, 2819 ?. "" 5 CO. Northampton, residents at, 1739 (2), 1740. **** • Sussex, manor of, 2277. Dentshole, Northumberland, farms in, 2636. Depeham, Norfolk, rectory of, 116. Deptford, Kent, house in, 2145. resident at, 2145. • Northumberland, lordship of, 2715. resident at, 2715. East, Northumberland, colliery at, 2715 (2). Derby, Alderman of, 746. manor of, 2715 (2). resident at, 2715. West, Northumberland, resident at, 202. ... ……………………… ………………………. ... ... .., King's party at, 747. letters dated from, 57, 62, 148, 293, 294, 325, 328, 338, 346, 376, 389, 408, 436, 438, 477, 553, 746, 747, 750, 754, 755 (2), 757, 759 (2), 760, 764, 769– 772. … *** ******* ******* County Commissioners at, 673, 756. corporation of, 22. > insurrection at, 748, 752, 755, 756, 773, 1265. ***** > Parliamentary garrison at, 1494. governor of, 1063, 1232. prisoners in or taken to, 2676, 2720. proclamation at, 70. residents in, 22, 326, 491, 774, 2301, 3045, 3051. ****** Derby House, co. Chester, 61. soldiers at, 774. steward of, 774. vicar of, or ministers in, 22, 1132. West, co. Lancaster, hundred of, 463, 468, 589, 829, 2442. manor of, 388, 441, 1118, 2712. park and forest of, master for- ester of, 1346. ……………… • residents in, 1940 (2), 2712, 2813, 2861, 2863, 3151, 3204. ………………………, ………………, stewardship of, 1346. Derby House Committee, see General Index. 3662 INDEX OF PLACES. * Derbyshire, 62, 758, 759. .. ……………… ...... .. .. 4 • 7 .. ... • ………………………, ………………, depositions sent by, 2586, 2720. letters of, 45, 57, 62, 148, 293, 294, 325, 328, 338, 346, 376, 389, 408, 436, 438, 477, 562, 704, 729, 736, 747, 754-757, 759 (2), 760, 764, 770-774, 984, 1265, 2465. ·· · • •• • ·· coal delph in, 756, 757. condition of, 746, 773. County Commissioners of, 45, 126, 147, 164, 228, 425, 450 (2), 457, 162, 621, 750, 769, 988, 1037, 1099, 1265, 1266, 1358, 1380, 1423 (2), 1488, 1489 (2), 1578, 1732, 1733 (2), 1737, 1773-1775, 1777, 1845, 1818, 1917, 2007, 2108, 2319-2321, 2448 (3), 2449, 2476, 2649, 2713 (2), 2721 (2), 2776 (4), 2831, 2908 (2), 2939, 3050, 3051, 3068. · •" ……………………… "" ". .... > ……………… appointment or approval of, 171, 647, 673, 692, 746. certificates of, 2750, 2828. > ** • • 1578. ·· ...... > ………… alluded to, 60, 1133. ***** letters to, 47, 80, 295, 296, 313 (2), 324, 334, 339, 359, 374, 434, 462, 469, 597, 638, 749, 754, 757, 760, 769, 769, 773, 775, 1032, 1061 (2), 1133 (4), 1265 (2), 2450, 2465, 2720, 2828, 2830, 3246, 3249 (2), 3251 (2), 3253. ..... " ... ** An • " 470, 518, 766, 1060, 1494. officers of, 126, 148, 294, 296, 746, 757, 773. ..... ……………… ..... orders to, 45, 491, 513, 984, 1061, 1101 (3), 1113, 1264 (2), 1266 (2), 1357, 1423, 1424, 1464, 1488, 1489 (2), 1494, 1509, 1578, 1737, 1773, 1844-1849, 2108 (2), 2295, 2319-2321, 2352, 2448, 2462, 2471 (2), 2586, 2713, 2720, 2750,2775-2777, 2831, 2908 (2), 2954, 3050, 3305, ... asked for or alluded to, 80, 1464, 1845-1847, 1849, 2295, 2464, 2750, 3001, 3045. .." ..." ..... • > recommendation by, 1025. ******* references to, 2353, 2448, 2476, 2478, 2830 (2), 2831, 3050 (2), 3051, 3068. 1232. " *** alluded to, 45, 46, 1472, ……………… C ****** ………….., reports, &c., of, 1265, 1316, 1489, 2450, 2649, 2831, 2954, 3249 (5), 3252. alluded to. 158, 450, 469, • payment to, warrant for, 795. petitions of, alluded to, 44, 46. petition to, 2775. · the late, 293, 294, 296, 389, 704, 719, 2319, 2720, 3050. letter to, 707. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1048, 1578. *** returns from, alluded to, 263. submission to, 1694. treasurers of, 294 (2), 296, Derbyshire-cont. ... ... ·· ..... ……………. *** .. hundreds of, 294, 328. insurrection in, under Sir George Booth, 2449, 3249 (2). J.Ps in, 773. King's party in, 2448. ·" .., lands, estates, &c., in, 146, 294 (2), 295, 338, 434, 438, 449, 457, 462, 477, 704, 1032, 1048, 1099 (3), 1232, 1265 (2), 1266 (2), 1268 (2), 1316 (2), 1357, 1423, 1489, 1509, 1715, 1732-1737, 1774 (2), 1777 (2), 1844-1849, 1891, 1916, 1917, 1927, 1940, 2024, 2058, 2258 '(2), 2320 (3), 2321 (9), 2353, 2448, 2450, 2465, 2470 (2), 2471 (3), 2476, 2649, 2744, 2750, 2828, 2830- 2832, 3056, 3152. ... ... .... > .. Major-General for [Col. Whalley], 1048, 1578. market towns in, proclamation in, ……… ………………, money for, 45. .., money from, or revenues of, 151, 619. Parliamentary forces in, 44, 46, 47, 1124, 2448. 70. militia, or county forces of, 346. Commissioners for, 747, 749, 773. ………………………) " *.3 • ... ******* governor of, 1605. places in, 126, 988, 1061. receiver of impropriations in, 1848. residents in, 45 (2), 46, 89 (4), 90, 122, 596, 734 (3), 749, 1061, 1266, 1357, 1358, 1423, 1734, 1844, 1845, 1847-1849, 2034, 2286, 2319-2321, 2353, 2438, 2450, 2476, 2478 (3), 2750, 2775, 2777, 2831, 2989, 3026, 3051, 3068, 3246. .........., cases of, 960, 984, 987, 988, 1021, 1025, 1031, 1037, 1048, 1089, 1098, 1132, 1133, 1142, 1232, 1264, 1378, 1380, 1423, 1464, 1488, 1494, 1578, 1605, 1667, 1677, 1694, 1844, 1927, 1940, 1945, 1991, 2007-2010, 2058, 2087, 2090, 2105, 2109, 2134, 2319, 2352, 2360, 2448, 2488, 2586, 2676, 2711, 2720, 2908, 2954, 2982, 3001, 3050, 3057, 3068, 3151, 3186, 3193, 3249 (2), 3251, 3252, 3259. lists of, notes of, 199, 562, 729, 736, 741, 742. ……………… ****** letter of, 70. …………….., surveyors for, letter of, 553. travellers to, 447, 1845, ***** Dereham, East, Norfolk, estates at 114 (2), 1012. …………………, poor of, 1012. Grange, Norfolk, resident at, 2891. Derndale, or Dearnsdale, co. Stafford, resi- dents at, 90, 2745, 3195. Derwentwater, Cumberland, manor of, 2590. Derwith, co. Carmarthen, 861, 1825. sheriff of, 435, 774, 2319, 2750 (2), 3249. ..... INDEX OF PLACES. 3663 Desborough, co. Northampton, estates in, 2926 (2), 2927, 3045. manor of, 2927. mansion house of, 2926 (2). residents at, 88, 2925, 2927, 3033, 3045. Desford, co. Leicester, residents at, 111, 1760. Dettford, Wilts, estate at, 77. Develish, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1335. Devizes, Wilts, estates at, 755. • 1 • ..) ***** …………… • ·· •" …….. ... "" **** .. ••• Devonshire, 310, 322, 352, 471, 746, 1149, 1520, 1966, 2811, 2893. ****** prisoners taken at, 1044. residents at, 755, 989, 1298, 1985, 3258. " •.3 ·· King's party at, 950, 1299. order published at, 653. Parliamentary party at, 1299. plate for, 1298. business of, 212, 298, 300, 368. clerk of the peace for, 1255. Committee of Accounts in, 476, 479. condition of, 199, 218, 283, 293, 764. County Commissioners of, 97, 152 (2), 180 (2), 218-220, 258, 272, 293, 321, 322, 373, 421, 422, 432, 471, 487, 529, 536, 544, 566, 590 (2), 593, 605, 606, 608-610, 1127, 1132, 1140, 1161 (2), 1191, 1221, 1224, 1227 (4), 1260, 1262 (2), 1302, 1363 (3), 1385, 1391, 1397, 1404 (2), 1469, 1470 (2), 1598, 1646, 1685, 1713, 1878, 1879, 1886, 1905, 1941 (3), 1942, 1998, 2031, 2060 (2), 2064, 2110, 2135, 2141, 2211, 2214, 2237, 2390 (2), 2516, 2519 (3), 2658, 2675, 2707, 2758 (2), 2768, 2791, 2794, 2826 (2), 2841 (3), 2842 (2), 2851, 2853, 2859 (2), 2865, 2867 (2), 2871 (2), 2875, 2885, 2893, 2894 (2), 2906, 2914, 2922, 2924 (2), 2925, 2930, 2935, 2936, 2946, 2948, 2966, 2967, 2980, 2986 (2), 2988 (2), 3033, 3034, 3036, 3037, 3092, 3127, 3135, 3166, 3170, 3210, 3222. appointment of, 257, 283 (2), 310, 463. ..... certificates by, 502, 2014. ******♪ alluded to. 1127, 1385, 1940, 2893, 2894, 2986, 3036. depositions sent up by, 2722, ...... • 9 * IVANA …………… 2811. ·· ......, discharge by, 1359, letters of, 56, 210, 258, 321, 342, 352, 367, 384, 397, 407, 418, 441, 445, 446, 456, 464, 476, 478, 479, 497, 503, 518, 527, 533, 542 (2), 513, 549, 561, 562, 573, 583, 606, 612 (2), 628, 637, 639, 749, 1222, 1279, 1309, 1780, 1941 (2), 2119, 2141 (2), 2853. 1 alluded to, 1941, 2142. ,'letters to, 218, 300, 313 (2), 339, 359, 374, 381, 401, 422, 449, 466, 480, 512, 529, 586, 588, 590, 593, 606, 681, 707, 757, 758, 773, 915, 964 (2), 1222, 1260, 1309 (2), 1362. 1598, ………………♥ ………… Devonshire, County Commissioners of, letters to-cont. **** " ……………… ………………… .... ** ·· .. 1780, 1798, 1886, 2031, 2691, 2809, 2931, 3035, 3036, 3080 (2). · ·· J 518, 551, 657, 1416, 1424. lists by, 401, 534. ......, money received by, 522, 549, 1681. - +1 .... note by, 2767. officers of, 97, 152, 180, 210, " 218, 220, 283, 284 (2), 293, 321, 322, 342, 352, 359, 367, 368, 373, 381, 385, 397, 401, 407, 422 (2), 441, 442, 470, 474 (2), 478, 480, 497, 503, 512, 543, 549, 551, 562, 583, 590 (2), 606, 628, 1398, 1482, 1483, 1879, 2935, 2955 (2), 2987. petitions of, 514, 590, **** 605. ***** 4. alluded to 2955. • 2 > ………….., orders to, 348, 471, 590, 609, 897, 916, 1126, 1127, 1132, 1132, 1141, 1221 (3), 1224 (2), 1227 (3), 1262, 1263, 1302, 1316, 1356 (2), 1360, 1362 (2), 1363 (2), 1367, 1381, 1391, 1397– 1399, 1404, 1405, 1470. 1482 (2), 1483, 1486 (2), 1504 (2), 1598, 1646, 1686, 1780, 1859, 1939 (2), 1941, 1942 (2), 1998 (2), 2014 (2). 2032, 2060 (3), 2061, 2109, 2110, 2135, 2141 (2), 2142, 2215, 2237-2239, 2384, 2385, 2519 (2), 2658. 2675, 2706, 2768, 2772, 2791, 2809. 2811, 2822, 2826 (4), 2841, 2859, 2893 (2), 2894, 2924, 2929 (5), 2936, 2946, 2948 (2), 2955 (2), 2959 (2), 2966-2968, 2973, 2980, 2986-2988, 2993, 3034-3037, 3087, 3092, 3127, 3135 (2), 3166, 3170, 3203, 3222, 3235 (2), 3263 (2), 3280, 3284. ……. alluded to, 237, 470 (2), > ******* 9 ****** alluded to, 1381. 1469, 1598, 1940, 1941, 1998, 2032, 2060, 2110 (2), 2791, 2809 (2), 2841, 2853 (3), 2859, 2871, 2893, 2931, 2935 (2), 2966 (2), 2968, 2971, 2973, 2986-2988, 3035, 3080. orders of, 36, 174. **** proceedings of, 283. queries by, 624, 1818. references to, 1262, 1486, 1998, ******* 2061, 2064, 2110, 2707, 2791, 2826 (2), 2871, 2971, 2987. 3033, 3087. 3088, 3160, 3175, 3272, 3280. ………….., reports, &c., by, 1227, 1311, 1780, 2031, 2439, 2691 (3), 2966-2968, 2971. submission to, 1121. ** *** …… ………………, returns or accounts from, 421, 574. treasurer of, 152, 210, 219, 259, 464, 176, 536, 609, 1685. the late, 210, 219, 258, 293, 300, 322, 342, 359, 367, 368, 385, 397, 401, 407, 419, 422 (2), 441, 446, 449, 470, 474, 478, 479, 529, 536, 542, 590, 681, 708, 736, 1127 (2), 1398, 1469, 1646, 1713. 1939, 1940-1942, 2031, 2142 (2) 2802, 2859, 2925, 2931 (2), บ + INDEX OF PLACES. 3664 Devonshire, County Commissioners of, the late-cont. ……….. ... ... .... ·· ·· .. • ………………… .. ·· +3 "" ·· ... 2936, 2946, 2955 (2), 2959, 2966-2968, 2986 (3), 3035, 3036, 3088, 3135. books of, alluded to, 2966, clerk of, 2871, 2966-2968, ******9 *** 2980. •• • 2968, 3033. Earl of Essex in, 1232. grand jury for, 1517. hundreds in, 298, 1678. ……., ………….., constables of, 2516. > ****** letters to, 681, 723. list of, 210. order to, 681. deputy lieutenants of, 152. divisions of, 97, 152, 153 (2), 180 (3), 219, 283, 418. ***** • ..... ******* .." > *****) …………… A ... King's forces or party in, 51, 385, 518, 1232, 1242, 1387, 1457, 1517, 1652, 2804. 1 collector for, in, 1279. ******* militia for, in, 1226, 1361, 1381. lands, estates, &c., in, 235, 313,342,373, 397, 422, 479, 498, 503, 537, 542, 734, 915 (2), 964 (2), 991, 992, 1141, 1223, 1224, 1246, 1258, 1262, 1263, 1301, 1302, 1362 (6), 1363, 1391, 1396, 1420, 1535, 1632, 1711, 1713-1715, 1781, 1818, 1878, 1938, 1940, 1998, 2031, 2060, 2064, 2170, 2210, 2211, 2214 (2), 2215, 2230, 2251, 2385, 2533 (4), 253+ (2), 2545, 2658, 2791 (2), 2822, 2826, 2841, 2871, 2893 (2), 2894, 2929 (2), 2936 (2), 2946, 2967, 2987, 3033, 30S7 (2), 3089, 3136, 3166, 3203, 3212, 3234, 3263 (2), 3264, 3272, 3280 (2), 3284. ..... Excise officers in, 3235, 3246. ··· ** 1228. M.Ps for, 35, 1237. militia or county forces of, 152, 293, 479. ……………… lists of, notes of, 474, 583, 612. Major-General for, [Col. Desborough], S Papists in, list of, 97, 98 places in, 57, 749, 1212, 1239, 1279, 1504. > Prince Charles in, 1238. reduction of, 97, 2946. residents in, 41, 73, 77, 117 (6), 119, 183, 501, 518, 522, 527, 573, 757, 802, 1096, 1237, 1313, 1349, 1363, 1391, 1397, 1506, 1645, 1711, 1713, 1941, 2064, 2109, 2110, 2239, 2256, 2384, 2595, 2635 (2), 2707, 2766, 2809, 2822, 2823, 2866, 2928, 2946, 2968, 2987, 2988, 3087, 3166, 3279, 3280. Commissioners of, 476. lists of, 97, 98, 152, 153. cases of, 865, 952, 1072, 1125- 1127, 1131, 1140, 1161, 1171, 1221, 1226, 1228, 1232, 1234, 1237, 1239, 1242 (2), 1252, 1251–1256, 1259, 1260, 1262, 1278, 1283, 1287, 1309, 1311, M Devonshire-cont. • * ... · ... …… C ……………………., returns from, 151. revenue of, 152, 619. .. > 1312, 1314-1316, 1318, 1321, 1322, 1327, 1332, 1333, 1338 (2), 1352 (2), 1356, 1359 (2), 1361 (2), 1366, 1368 (2), 1371, 1372, 1381-1385, 1387- 1394, 1396, 1397, 1399-1403, 1408 (4), 1410 (2), 1412, 1416 (2), 1419, 1420, 1423 (2), 1424, 1468-1470, 1481, 1483, 1485, 1504, 1511, 1517, 1535, 1594, 1598, 1605, 1631, 1642, 1652, 1654 (2), 1678, 1681, 1683, 1685, 1689, 1702 (2), 1757, 1771, 1798, 1818, 1835, 1878 (2), 1879, 1886-1888, 1896, 1905, 1907, 1911, 1927, 1938, 1940, 1944, 1946, 1959 (2), 1977, 1991, 1992, 1998, 2014, 2028 (2), 2031, 2057, 2060, 2063 (2), 2064, 2076, 2090, 2096, 2109, 2119 (2), 2135, 2141, 2172, 2214, 2236, 2374, 2380, 2390, 2439, 2516, 2518, 2530, 2595, 2635, 2638, 2675, 2683, 2691, 2705, 2706, 2721, 2722, 2742, 2756, 2758, 2765, 2767 (2), 2791, 2794, 2802, 2804 (2), 2811, 2812, 2820, 2822, 2826, 2837, 2841, 2851, 2853 (3), 2859, 2865, 2867, 2868, 2871 (2), 2875, 2885, 2892-2894, 2906, 2913, 2922, 2924, 2931, 2935, 2946, 2948 (2), 2955, 2959, 2966-2968, 2971, 2972, 2980, 2986– 2988, 2993, 3001, 3012, 3033-3036, 3073, 3080, 3087, 3092, 3100, 3127, 3135, 3136, 3150, 3157, 3160, 3166 (2), 3170, 3174, 3175, 3178, 3179 (2), 3185, 3186 (5), 3203, 3210, 3212, 3225, 3234 (2), 3259 (11), 3289. lists of, 97, 98, 152, 153, 502. alluded to, 3244. ……………. ·· ... ***** 566, 733, 736, 741, 742. *" > > ***** .. .. • • "" • > • •, ………………, accounts of, 697. .... > under, 73. sheriffs' ward in, prisoner in, 1939. train bands in, 1896, 1938. travellers to or from, 775, 1126, 1242, 2178. wine licences in, 1317. and Cornwall, County Committee for (March 1654), 727, 2005 (2), 3093, 3223 (2), 3234. receiver of, 733. sheafs in, 258, 283, 293, 1939, 2683. sheriffs, high, of, 1072, 1125, 1140, 1221, 2768. ...... *** .. ***** ·· ... •S alluded to, 712. ******* letters to, 697, 708, 716, 726, 1679, 2980. • ..... …………… .... ... 3212. .. • notes of, 199, 419, 522, …………. "" 3235. appointment of, 673. certificate of, alluded to, 3225. letters of, 733, 736. …………… G officers of, 727. orders to, 3088, 3093, 3210, asked for, 3225. references to, 2811, 3225, 3234, .... INDEX OF PLACES. 3665 Dewhurst, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1089. Dewsall, co. Hereford, resident at, 1407. Dewsbury, co. York, parish of, 2897. rector of, 2897. .., rectory of, 81, 958. • residents at, 1500, 1996. "" Dewthorpe, co. Lincoln, manor of, 2789 (2). Dibden, Hants, manor of, 3234. resident at, 3198. #1 Dichford Friery, co. Worcester, lands in, 1955. Middle and Upper, hamlets of, 1955. Dichley, or Ditchley, co. Oxon, estate in, 407. letters dated from, 674, 684, 686, 690, 694, 696 (2), 705, 728. residents at, 570, 574, 578, 588, 602. Dickengam, [Ditchingham ?], Norfolk, resi- dent at, 2709. Dickleborough, Norfolk, estate in, 2831. residents at, 114, 1339, 2061. .. • " ... ******* ……………………** ...S Didcot, Berks, manor of, 3070. residents at, 1567, 3070. S ****** ...... Diddleston, Salop, chapel of, 1024. lands in, 2089. *** • resident at, 2089. > Didlesbury, Salop, residents at, 1011, 2086, 2931 (2). Didling, Sussex, residents at, petition of, 1216. Didsbury, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1747, 1950. Dighton, co. York, resident at, 1219. Dilhorne, co. Stafford, manor of, 1801. Dillington, Somerset, resident at, 1355. Dilston, Northumberland, manor of, 2590. resident at, 2589. Dimcocks, co. Oxon, manor of, 1639. Dimplehill Close, co. Derby, 3068. Dimples, co. Lancaster, estate at, 628. farm of, 3134. Dinckley, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1449, 3131, 3281. Green, co. Lancaster, 3236. Hall, co. Lancaster, 1419. Dingistow, co. Monmouth, mansion of, 2443. residents at, 311, 2442, 2443. 41 46 .... • ·· Dingley, co. Northampton, place near, 81. residents at, 88, 1206. Dinnington, Somerset, resident at, 1128. Dinsdale, co. Durham, resident at, 2874. co. York, estates in, 2719. manor of, 2718. resident at, 2718. > ***3 ******♪ Over, co. York, estate in, 2718. Dinthill, Salop, farm in, 1614 (3). Dinton, Bucks, see Donnington. Wilts, residents at, 78, 3191. Diptford, Devon, resident at, 2811. Dirham, co. Gloucester, resident at, 933. Disford, [Ditchford ?], co. Worcester, lands in, 2784. Disforth, co. York, resident at, 1700. Diss, Norfolk, resident at, 2382. Ditchburne, West, Northumberland, residents at, 202, 1715. Ditcheat, Somerset, houses, &c., in, 2304 (3), 2305 (2). manor of, 2304 (4), 2305. mansion house of, 2303. Sutton in, see Sutton. "> Ditchingham ?, Norfolk, resident at, 2709. Ditchley, co. Oxon, see Dichley. Dittisham, Devon, residents at, 153, 1959, 2060. Ditton Fen, co. Cambridge, resident at, 1564. Wood, co. Cambridge, manor of, 85± (3). ** • ·· • KUA ·· .. .. • .. ** ** ... • • ......, Long, Surrey, residents at, 2256, 2785. Divenington, co. Lincoln, lands, &c., in, 2517. resident at, 2517. Dixon [Dixton ?], co. Monmouth, parish of, 1714. Green, co. Lancaster, estate near, 3133. A timber at, 241. Kent, resident at, 458. co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2692 (3). residents at, 3122, 3133. Prescot, co. Lancaster, parish of, 3124. > Dixton in Ragland, co. Monmouth, resident at, 3260. Salop, manor of, 2631. residents at, 2630, 3191. Earls, alias Hints, Salop, manor of, 1625. Dixwell, co. Beds, manor of, 2168. Dobshole, co. York, resident at, 3095. Docker, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3105. Docking, Norfolk, resident at, 3259. Docklow, co. Hereford, resident at, 2752. Dockray Hall, Westmoreland, 386. Docksey, co. Stafford, resident at, 2653. Dodderhill, co. Worcester, estate in, 2133. Doddington, co. Chester, resident at, 1334. taking of, 2871. Kent, resident at, 2769. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1081. co. Northampton, resident at, 1884. Salop, manor of, 1625. Somerset, manor of, 2557. Doddiscombs Leigh, Devon, house and lands in, 3170. resident at, 3170. ·· Doddlestone, co. Chester, residents at, 103, 104 (2), 1241. *****) Dodford, co. Northampton, resident at, 2684. Dodington, Somerset, resident at, £36. Dodworth, co. York, lands in, 1701. residents at, 1023, 1160. tithes of, 1014. 3666 INDEX OF PLACES. Dogsthorpe, or Dosthrup, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1252. Dolebank, co. York, resldent at, 2827. Doley House, co. Radnor, 1714. Dolgelly, co. Merioneth, resident at, 758. Dolgiog, co. Montgomery, resident at, 1240. Dollmeads, Somerset, estate of, 1360. Doncaster, co. York, Alderman of, 945. King's party at, 1523. order published at, 654. residents at, 945, 1450, 1523, 1577, 3133. .... 44 Dondego beyond seas, resident at, 523. Donesmore, Devon, land in, 1260. Donhead, Wilts, ministers at, 79. Donnington, or Dinton, Bucks, residents at, 369, 2575. ...., co. Gloucester, estate in, 1259. or Donington Castle or Park, co. Leicester, residents at, 861, 1043, 3029. Sussex, resident at, 1238. Donyatt, Somerset, farm or lands at, 1321, 1322 (2), ………………. •" minister of, 937. residents at, 1294, 1321. Doorhead, Wilts, estate at, 1223. Dorchester, Dorset, assizes at, 1480. ... ***** .....> •• **** person at, 649. residents at, 142, 560. sheriff of, Sir Ant. Ashley Cooper, 839. taking of, by the King, 2585 > Dore, co. Hereford, parish of, 2975. Dorking, or Darking, Surrey, residents at, 1960, 2371, 3179. 185. house in, 2055. letters dated from, 74, 99, 108, 181, 185, 227, 259, 270, 271, 282, 293, 314, 331, 341, 343, 360, 378, 402, 447, 498, 567, 583, 645, 649, 666, 759, 764. ……………. …………………*** ·· • Dorlaston, see Darlaston. Dormington, co. Hereford, tithes of, 1980. Dorney, Bucks, residents at, 1460, 2782. Dorsetshire, 712, 1013, 2026. Commissioners of Array in, 1563. County Commissioners of, 74, 119, 163, 165. 218, 336, 340, 409, 566, 584, 586, 587, 641, 677, 711,714 (2), 839, 858, 943, 1018, 1134, 1224, 1231, 1313, 1315, 1447, 1480, 1583, 1584, (3), 1633, 1655 (4), 1657, 1658, 1692 (2), 1760, 1980, 2055, 2168 (4), 2169, 2200, 2338, 2348, 2376, 2413, 2612, 2683, 2757, 2782 (2), 2783, 2920 (2), 2972, 3205, 3274 (2), 3275. accounts of, 711. appointment or approval of, County Commissioners sitting at, *…………… 171, 673. m • *** books of, 163. Dorsetshire, County Commissioners of-cont. > ……….., certificates of, alluded to, 77, 118. 941, 1061, 1313, 1480, 1741, 1897. ... • • ... **** .. …… .... ……… A *** ……………………… A DO ** ·· ……………………… • O · · " ……….. > 152. · > examiners of, appointed, 163. lease granted by, 1934. letters of, 74, 108, 181, 185, ... 218, 227, 259, 262, 270, 271, 282, 293, 314, 331, 341, 343, 360, 378, 402, 447, 498, 502, 519, 537, 560, 567, 583, 641, 645, 666, 677, 702, 722, 732, 759, 764, 1447, 2169. .... ****** • alluded to, 165, 2042. • ...... letters to, 66, 132, 165, 248, 259, 264, 265, 274, 300, 308, 309, 312, 313, 339, 369, 374, 509, 551, 593, 708, 767, 1447, 1656, 1780, 1795, 2111, 2376, 2685, 3273. ………. ……………A ... "" alluded to, 132, 144, 165, 470, 518, 560, 601, 1481. officers of, 99, 181, 209, 250, 254, 269, 274, 331, 466, 519, 537, 560, 567, 594, 677, 764, 767, 2169. > • 4 * > orders to, 348, 933, 940, 943, 1018 (2), 1038, 1053, 1222 (2), 1224 (3), 1312 (2), 1368, 1470, 1480, 1481 (2), 1504, 1584, 1634, 1655, (3), 1658 (3), 1691, 1692, 1757, 1759, 1760, 1780, 1795, 1857, 2020, 2055, 2064, 2169 (3), 2170, 2338, 2349, 2413 (2), 2446, 2447, 2462 (2), 2501, 2618, 2683, 2772, 2783 (2), 2874, 2920, 2977, 2978, 3132, 3273-3275, 3287. asked for or alluded to, 1193, 1268, 1321, 1481, 1583, 3020. ·· ... ......, payments to, 1177, 2041. queries or proposals by, 209, 409, 583, 2685, 3272. * covenant taken before, 907. deposition from, alluded to, FOLL references to, 1934, 2111, 2446, 2501, 2635, 2718, 2874, 3065, 3089, 3190, 3205, 3240, 3292, 3304. ***** ****** statements or reports of, 1045, 1201, 1656, 2020, 2111, 2200, 2348, 3065, 3143. A "S ...... ......, surrenders to, 1073, 1315. treasurer of, 270. treasury of, 499. CO***3 ****** the late, 293, 300, 378, 402, 498, 537, 560, 567, 594, 711, 712, 732, 1201, 1633, 2020, 2169, 3273. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 940, 1062, 1073, 1224, 1292, 1306, 1315 (2), 2042 (2), 2056, 2168. courts in, 209. Earl of Essex in, 1980. ………, great men of, 165. King's party in, 976, 1063, 1313. ………………………. ……………., money levied for, 977, 1088, 1311. INDEX OF PLACES. 3667 Dorsetshire-cont. ... ****** W ***, .... ****** ……… letters to, 2042 (3). market towns of, proclamation in, ... or notice posted at, 70, 314. .... ......, money from or revenues of, 32, 341, 369, 378, 619, 1073. Parliament service in, 2200. ... lands, estates, &c., in, 248, 259, 309, 537, 858,899, 964, 980, 1038 (2), 1074, 1146, 1222 (2), 1223 (4), 1305, 1312, 1321, 1398, 1427, 1430 (2), 1469, 1584, 1593, 1715 (2), 1769, 1794, 1796, 1933, 1934, 1998, 1999, 2026, 2058, 2064 (2), 2168-2170, 2338 (2), 2348, 2377, 2446, 2501, 2533 (3), 2534 (3), 2555, 2615, 2618, 2635, 2873, 2874 (7), 2977, 3032, 3131, 3143, 3190, 3198, 3205, 3213, 3232, 3210, 3273 (2), 3274, 3287, 3292. receipts from, 429. Major-General for, (Col. John Des- borow), 940, 1062, 1073, 1224, 1292, 1306, 2056, 2168. a. , ... 1 • ………………) *** ……………………… ……………… residents in, 32, 77, 119, 142, 320, 472, 523, 790, 795, 1046, 1066, 1198, 1480, 1633, 1655, 1755, 1769, 1796, 1836, 2056, 2166, 2327, 2348, 2446, 2501 (2), 2618, 2733, 2764, 2783, 2996, 3089, 3195, 3232, 3271, 3304. .........., cases of, 839, 895, 933, 940, 942, 959, 976, 993 (2), 1012, 1018. 1038, 1045, 1051, 1061, 1063, 1066 (2), 1068, 1072, 1073, 1086, 1088, 1096, 1134, 1176, 1193, 1199-1201, 1231, 1236, 1288, 1292, 1313, 1315 (2), 1322, 1335, 1368, 1372, 1387, 1408, 1418, 1424 (2), 1447, 1480, 1512, 1538, 1563, 1597, 1633, 1654, 1658, 1664, 1666, 1684, 1689, 1690, 1692, 1741, 1757, 1798, 1799, 1828, 1857, 1896 (2), 1897, 1930, 1960, 1963, 1980, 1984, 1999 (2), 2011, 2015, 2017, 2020, 2026 (2), 2055, 2059, 2077, 2091, 2110, 2112, 2209, 2231, 2338, 2348, 2376, 2413, 2446, 2559, 2585, 2605, 2612, 2615, 2618, 2683, 2685, 2717, 2757, 2782, 2803, 2847, 2867, 2873, 2920, 2945, 2948, 2972, 2977, 2978, 2995, 3013, 3020, 3021, 3065, 3089, 3132, 3143, 3172, 3175 (2), 3195, 3191-3193, 3198, 3205, 3213, 3220, 3232, 3240, 3259 (2), 3260, 3265, 3272. lists of, 118, 119, 240, officers in, case of, 3220. ......, reduced, 142 (2), 152, 163 (2), 325, 340. …………4 places in, 1147, 2348. lists of, 118, 119. C .... ****** …….. ******* · 741, 742. returns from, 151. sheriffs of, 1066, 1086, 1311, 1633 (2). ……………. notes of, 240, 566, 732, letter of, 70. order to, 324. traveller to, 1828. Dorslow, co. Stafford, lands in, 1207 (2). Dosthrup, see Dogsthorpe, Dove Court, Rutland, resident at, 1497. Dovegang Mine, co. Derby, 1847–1849, 2775– 2777. Dovenby, Cumberland, resident at, 3186. Dover, Archcliff Fort at, 49 (2). Castle, letter dated from, 49. C .... …………… .. ******) lieutenants of, see Boys, Sir Edw., and John. Parliamentary garrison at, 49 embarkation or passage from, 1081, 2694. harbour and pier, repair of, 19, 181, 797, 812, 821. minister of, 5. Moat's bulwark at, 49 (2). ..., port of, Commissioners for, 181, 812, 821. a ... • [ .. residents at, 5, 49, 457, 458, 1400. ships of or from, 5 (2), 3082. Doverdale, co. Worcester, resident at, 1414. Doveridge, co. Derby, parish of, 2438. resident at, 984. Dowdeswell, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1664. Downe Cary, Devon, manor of, 2534. Downham, Essex, manor of, 3109 (2), 3221. residents at, 539, 2160, 3076, 3108, 3221. ........., co. Lancaster, resident at, 3308. Downholland, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2410, 2142 (2). (3). > **** Barton in, see Barton. AN ... Downing, co. Flint, resident at, 1720. Downs, the, ship bound for, 15. Downton, Wilts, parish of, 78, 1739. residents at, 755, 1739. > ..... .." Downtonhold, co. Radnor, lordship of, 2211. Dowsby, co. Lincoln, free school at, 1334. manor of, 1000. resident at, 1334. 4. *** Dowthorpe, co. York, resident at, 1926. Drakelow, co. Chester, lordship of, 2949. • ******* residents at, 74, 150, 1535. Drarabiett, co. Flint, resident at, 3179. ***** Drawedykes, co. Cambridge, residents at, 157, 201, 2400. Drax Abbey, co. York, manor of, 1324. Draycot, Wilts, farm at, 78, 3181. residents at, 1457, 3181. Đ 督 ​Draycott, co. Stafford, resident at, 89. Drayton, Berks, rectory of, 1937. Bucks, manor of, 2546. Parslow, Bucks, estates at, 67 (2). resident at, 191. ****** co. Leicester, lands at, 1436 (2), 1437. resident at, 1171. .., Norfolk, resident at, 1171. Somerset, minister of, 659, 1554. 3668 INDEX OF PLACES. Drayton-cont. ………………………, rectory of, 1555. ... D ***** 03 · ', *** Driffield, co. Gloucester, house in, 3182. residents at, 86, 2307. co. York, lauds at, 1015. · East, co. Notts, rectory of, 1350 (2). Little, Salop, resident at, 751. co. Stafford, lands in, 1895. ." manor of, 1895 (3), 1896. BONAP .. ... .3 .... Dringhoe, co. York, resident at, 3026. Drivers, Suffolk, house and farm of, 1851 (2), 1852 (2). Drogheda, Ireland, resident at, 2208. Droitwich, co. Worcester, parish of, 1644. residents at, 743, 1416, 2068, 3193, 3242. St. Augustine's Church in, 2047. salt vats, or bulliaries in, 2068, 3102, 3242. ***** ܕ܂ Dromonby Grange, co. York, 2680 (2), 3153. Dronfield, co. Derby, parish of, 1736 (2), 2321. ……………., resident at, 1378. Dublin, Commissioners of Parliament at, residents at, 1554, 1589. +1 *** > D resident at, 1002. Great, co. York, corn-mill in, 3222. resident at, 3222. 3291. governor of, 139, 809. Parliament soldiers at or sent to, 31, 59, 793. residents at, 1789, 3291. ***** ………., safety or relief of, 59, 798. **** ………………… * • travellers to or from, 1390, 3291. Duckheyes House, Devon, 2967. Duckington, co. Chester, resident at, 104. Duckmanton, co. Derby, minister of, 1357. Duddington, co. Northampton, see Duston. Duddo, co. Durham, residents at, 2341, 2927. Duddon, co. Chester, resident at, 101. Dudgrove Farm, co. Gloucester, 913. Dudley Castle, co. Stafford, governor of, 89. King's party or garrison at, 26, 2368, 2780, 2998. surrender of, by the Marquis of Or- mond, 59 (2), 1783, 1789 (2), 1790. Articles of, 980, 981, 1043, 1474, 1783, 1789 (2), 1886 (2), 2073. *** ..." ·· ……. …………☛ ... •• • …………. 2998. " > 2 2 plate carried to, 1069. residents in, 2779, 2780. surrender of, 2779 (2), 2780. Articles of, 2998. …….., compounders resident at, 2998. > .., co. Worcester, minister of, 2323. on, rectory or tithes of, 2322 (2), ..... …………. 2323. Dudmaston, Salop, resident at, 1261. Duffield, co. Derby, letters dated from, 704, 729. • ………… Dufton, Westmoreland, 2478. resident at, 2688. Dulcot, Somerset, lands and mills in, 2832. manor of, 642. resident at, 2832. ·· .... .... Dullingham, co. Cambridge, residents at, 2680, 2750. Dulverton, or Durston, Somerset, manor of, 1429. • • .. 4 parish of, 1735 (2). resident at, 323. North, co. York, estate in, 1835. manor of, 1835. 2917. vicarage of, 1524, 2916, 2917. Dulwich, Surrey, resident at, 1824. Dumbleton, co. Gloucester, residents at, 87 (2), 2913. ·· Dunbar, Scotland, battle of, 2620. Duncastle, Berks, estate of, 3087. Duncoats, co. York, estate at, 1749 (2). residents at, 1749, 2423. • •" Dundalk, Ireland, resident at, 3244. ………. • …………… Dunderdale-in-Furness, co. Lancaster, resi- dents in, 2560, 2561. Dunham Massey, co. Chester, resident at, ? 1550. > co. Notts, estate in, 1473. ferry at, 207. manor and soke of, 1735. " manor ………………………, parsonage of, 1472. residents at, 1569, 1855. Dunhead, Wilts, parish of, 2272. J ..... residents in, 2916, 2917, 2980. St. Mary's, Wilts, resident at, 3269. Dunkenhalgh, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2880. residents at, 468, 2555, 2847, 2880, 2896, 3025, 3126. ***** of, 2463, Dunkirk, man-of-war from, 1081. ****** …………. petitions of, 1524, 1610, 2916, prisoners in, 1640. Dunklin, co. Worcester, manor and park of, 3016 (2). **** ? residents at, 280, 3014. Dunmow, Essex, hundred of, 95, 321. mansion house at, 320. resident at, 321. vicar or tithes of, 320, 1243 (2). Little, Essex, resident at, 1243. Much or Great, Essex, lands in, 3153. **** .., manor of, 2369 (2). ……………………., rectory of, 2369 (3). residents at, 2369, 2455. Dunnington, co. York, residents at, 3026, 3178, 3188. Dunshay, Dorset, resident at, 1315. Dunsland, Devon, resident at, 98. Dunsmore, co. Warwick, resident at, 1498. INDEX OF PLACES. 3669 Dunstable, co. Bedford, resident at, 1018. Dunster Castle, Somerset, 358, 391. King's garrison at, 1676, 1728. ………………, ………………, governor of, 1417, 1666. provisions for, 1666. siege of, 1210, 1385. surrender of, 1458, 1629. ... .... ………………………, paper dated from, 83. .... .... …………… ... resident at, 1385. Dunston, co. Derby, lands in, 1736. • 4. …………♥ ..... ***>> .. *** ****** Duntish Court, Dorset, farm of, 1053. residents at, 118, 1960. Dunton, co. Warwick, resident at, 1694, Dunwell, West, Devon, farm of, 3036. resident at, 3036. Dunwood, co. Stafford, estates in, 1519, 2321, 3283. ……………… ******* lands in, 3010. " .... Durance, Middlesex, resident at, 1567. Durborow, Somerset, manor of, 2557 (2). Durdham Down, Somerset, Prince Rupert at, 1046. Durham City, 758, 3023, 3061. aldermen of, 508, 2354. • .... .... •" • resident at, 2109. co. Lincoln, lands in, 3297. resident at, 2301. Norton-cum-, co. Lincoln, see Norton. Westmoreland, resident at, 2308. …………… ………………, places in, 2115. ………………………. ……………., revenue of, 204, 144. Bishop of, see Moreton, Dr. Thomas; Neyle, Rich. . ** > Cathedral, 508. bishopric of, 1049, 1662. estates of, 3209. estates lying in, 473, 2522. ·· *** ………….., copes, &c., belonging to, 170, 504, 508, 516, 520, 528. > * > • ***** A 520, 528. 509. > .... library of, 170, 508. plate belonging to, 170, 504, County Commissioners at. 329, 673, 903. ….., prebends of, 528. ..., treasury of, papers, &c., in, Dean of, see Balcanqual, Dr. Walter. steward of, 528. ... > Dean and Chapter of, lands of, or leases from, 99, 170, 444, 508, 509, 2108, 3019, 3078. gaol, prisoners in, 1762, 1920. houses in, 3097. King's party at, 521. letters dated from, 65, 70, 99, 170, 198, 228, 234, 271, 296, 303 (2), 313, 324, 329, 351, 355, 360, 363, 375, 404, 412, 440, 444, 453, 465, 472, 476 (2), 477, 492, 497, 498, 504, 508, 526, 528, Durham, letters dated from-cont. …………………, mayor of, 813. ·· .. .. .. • ..." *** ****** 537, 552 (2), 564 (2), 621, 622, 648, 649, 674, 695, 730, 736, 756, 762. * ……………… ………. ** ………… >> • ****** Durham County, 65, 986, 2620. prisoners at, 1468, 1917, 1918, 1921. residents at, 203, 204, 228, 304, 552, 1552, 1558, 2006, 2375, 2621, 2696, 2969, 3019, 3038, 3069, 3079 (2), 3258. " ******* ministers in, 701. Oswald in Elvet in, minister of, 3079. ******* place near, 2632. petition of, 2272. St. Margaret's parish in, 2632 (2). Scots' army at, 170. Scots prisoners at, 509. Sessions House in, 1921. travellers to, 903, 1918. Old, residents at, 204, 980. Commissioners for Sewers in, 622. order of, 622. condition of, 99, 198, 228, 271, 296, 388. County Commissioners of, 134, 136, 170, 296, 314, 431, 487, 541, 555, 615, 637, 758, 875, 876, 903 (2), 908, 923 (3), 924, 967, 998, 1049, 1122, 1180, 1181, 1468, 1662 (3), 1742, 1763, 1805, 1806 (2), 1917-1921, 1931, 1945 (2), 2037 (2), 2127-2130, 2181 (2), 2205, 2219, 2220, 2252-2254, 2271, 2274 (2), 2354, 2355 (2), 2357, 2370, 2375, 2385, 2386, 2457, 2522 (2), 2524 (2), 2553, 2558 (2), 2584, 2599, 2614, 2619 (2), 2626, 2632 (2). 2638, 2651, 2669, 2696, 2710, 2714, 2763, 2773 (2), 2797, 2805, 2806, 2814 (3). 2848, 2861 (2), 2897, 2903, 2904, 2928, 2952 (3), 2983, 2997 (2), 3038, 3061, 3079, 3084, 3124, 3297. • rectory of, 3079. *** *** 2553, 2613, 2988. 2620. ·· alluded to, 408, 669, 876 ..... (2), 987, 1180, 1763, 2457, 2525, 2553, 2620 (2), 2733, 2746, 2747, 2763, 2896, 3084, 3299. appointment of, 673. certificates of, 431, 2205, 2357, information, &c., before, 1919, ..... letters of, 65, 99, 198, 234, 271, 303 (2), 324, 329, 351, 355, 360, 363, 375, 388, 104, 406, 412, 440, 444, 453, 465, 476 (2), 177, 492, 497, 198, 508, 526, 537,552 (2), 564 (2), 621, 622, 648, 649, 674, 695, 730, 756, 762, 1180, 1922, 2127, 2130, 2272, 2523, 2773, 2954. alluded to, 70. ... letters to, 264, 300, 307, 313 (2), 334, 339, 359 (2), 369, 374, 394, 408, 419, 516, 547, 558, 560, 607, 634, 638, 679, 701, 708, 2037, 2128, 2251, 3670 INDEX OF PLACES. Durham, County Commissioners of, letters to -cont. • .... **** • ·· +4 **** …………… ***** • ……………., ………………. ……………., petitions of, 304, 669. order of, 1918. · • 2386, 2523, 2599, 2613, 2619, 2620, 3084, 3265, 3296. 77.39 ****** 634, 697, 920, 1231, 2525, 2952. list by, 487. officers of, 228, 296, 303, 314, 324, 420, 440, 453, 476, 516, 564, 669, 736. · • ..... ……… 2732. …………. .... " orders to, 198, 465, 513, 555, 655, 923 (2), 998 (2), 1122 (2), 1180 (4), 1181, 1467, 1468, 1805 (3), 1919 (3), 1921 (3), 1922, 1930, 1931, 1945 (2), 2038, 2108, 2115, 2127-2130, 2181 (2), 2205, 2219, 2220 (3), 2252-2254, 2272, 2273, 2293, 2341, 2354 (3), 2355 (3), 2357, 2375 (5), 2376, 2385 (3), 2400 (2), 2457, 2553, 2558 (2), 2584, 2614 (2), 2620 (2), 2626, 2669, 2684 (2), 2746 (2), 2747 (2), 2797, 2798 (2), 2805-2807, 2814, 2861 (2), 2904, 2905, 2928 (2), 2998 (3), 3023 (3), 3061 (2), 3062 (3), 3108, 3124, 3137, 3153, 3163, 3184, 3209, 3231, 3299, 3300. ……………… .. " asked for or alluded to, 2181 (2), 2205, 2251, 2293, 2341, 2385 (2), 2386, 2522, 2524, 2584, 2632, 2668, 2684, 2697, 2732, 2746 (2), 2797, 2806, 2849 (2), 2952, 3023, 3084, 3162, 3210, 3231, 3299. 3263. petitions or requests to, 364 (3), 508, 622, 924, 1805, 2276, 2746, 2773, 2785, 2902, 2954, 3263. references by, 1805, 2746, 2903, > ....? references to, 903, 1806, 2037, 2130, 2253, 2341, 2375, 2386, 2525, 2599, 2614, 2632, 2684, 2797, 2798, 2807, 2814 (2), 2904, 2905, 2952 (2), 3038, 3079, 3084 (2), 3085 (2), 3089, 3153 (2), 3209, 3210, 3215, 3222, 3223, 3299. ****> • …………… ......, reports or statements by, 175, 798, 1921, 2127, 2128 (2), 2271, 2613, 2619 (2), 2632, 2903, 2969 (2), 3296 (2). alluded to, 2038, 2522, treasurers of, 136, 296, 329, 355, 2813. " 476, 923. ...... ……………… ……………………. ……………., treasury of, 473. ► ……………. alluded to, 477, 518, 607, the late, 234, 271, 300, 303, 314, 329, 330, 334, 476 (2), 504, 509, 516, 528, 552, 564, 1921, 2130, 2253, 2626, 2798, 2805, 2861. • Ay alluded to, 822, 2599, .... -1922. letters of, 228, 296, 313. proceedings against, 1917 Commissioners of Array in, 1918, constables of, 1919. S L 1919. S ******* Durham-cont. 4 *** 3. ... "" …………… " horses sent from, 1918. lands, estates, &c., in, 404, 405, 440, 498, 555, 634, 642, 892, 903, 921, 999, 1048, 1122 (2), 1181, 1339, 1467, 1697, 1737, 1805 (2), 1978 (2), 2038 (3), 2041, 2108, 2130, 2131 (2), 2144, 2205 (2), 2206 (2), 2219, 2221, 2240, 2251-2254, 2272 (2), 2274–2276, 2341 (2), 2355 (2), 2358, 2401, 2524, 2558, 2584, 2588, 2589, 2599, 2626, 2632 (3), 2638, 2651, 2697, 2720, 2747, 2748, 2763, 2765, 2772, 2797, 2798, 2807, 2814 (2), 2848, 2904, 2951, 2952 (2), 2983, 2997, 3006 (3), 3037 (2), 3038, 3062, 3084 (2), 3097, 3107, 3153, 3183, 3189, 3209, 3215 (2), 3222, 3223, 3265, 3299 (2). lists of, note of, 674. receipts from, 429. Major-General for [Col. Lambert], **** ··· · ******* " …………………… •• debased or clipt money in, 355. grand jury of, 134. J.Ps of, 1917. King's party in, 234. • 1659. market towns in, proclamation in, 70. Militia, or county forces of, Commis- sioners for, 352, 359, 388, 477, 1763, 1921. ., money from, or revenues in, 4, 603, 619, 637, 819. Northern Commissioners in, 508, ****** *** 509. .... deputy-lieutenant for, 1918. ****** 203, 204, 452, 476, 487, 513, 615. Parliament forces in, 272, 296. …………………, disbanding of, 329. ………….., money for, 41, 314. ……, ………………, ………………, raising of, 314. ... AU places in, 203, 204, 245, 256, 745, 2732. , …., poor of, 2272, 2273 (2). Propagation of the Gospel in, Com- mittee for, 649, 701. > ……………………… ……………… ………………, treasurer for, 634. public debts of, 821, 824. * compositions with, 201, כי ***** residents in, 134, 364, 405, 513, 537, 607, 615, 617, 642, 875, 999, 1180, 1662, 1731, 1753, 1806, 1880, 1922, 1931, 2205, 2251-2253, 2272, 2341 (2), 2354, 2370, 2393, 2394, 2488, 2507, 2518, 2525, 2553, 2558, 2589, 2592, 2598, 2604, 2625, 2626 (2), 2672, 2680 (2), 2681, 2710?, 2718, 2746, 2805, 2807, 2814, 2848, 2902, 2928, 2969, 2970, 3019, 3037, 3062, 3084, 3107 (2), 3162 (4), 3183, 3215, 3238, 3297 (2), 3299. cases of, 875, 892, 902 (2), 908, 923, 980, 986, 998, 1019, 1136, 1159, 1164, 1179, 1180, 1218, 1238, 1374, 1400, 1467, 1523, 1541, 1558, 1739, 1762, 1873, 1880, 1917, 1945, 1999, 2037, 2043, 2044, 2057, 2077, 2115, INDEX OF PLACES. 3671 Durham, residents in, cases of—cont. A ** ... " ·· 2127, 2204, 2239, 2245, 2251, 2271, 2354, 2358, 2375, 2385, 2393, 2400, 2443, 2518, 2522, 2524, 2550, 2553, 2558, 2610 (2), 2613, 2619 (2), 2625, 2632 (2), 2638, 2679, 2696, 2697, 2710, 2714, 2718, 2763, 2773, 2785, 2797, 2798, 2805, 2807, 2848, 2861, 2874, 2895, 2896, 2902, 2904, 2927, 2951, 2952, 2969, 2988, 3005, 3006, 3023, 3038 (2), 3061, 3069, 3081, 3089, 3097, 3103, 3107 (2), 3124, 3137, 3153, 3175, 3178 (3), 3182, 3183, 3186, 3191, 3192, 3210, 3222, 3223, 3231, 3257, 3258, 3260. A lists of, 203, 204. ? notes of, 199, 564, 648, 674, 730, 736, 741, 742. ... ... ... roads in, 363, 364. Scots' army in, 923. sheriffs of, 1049, 2130, 2245, 2386, 3061, 3124. לי wards in, 136, 304, 1917. ........., Somerset, parish of, 2558. Durnford, Wilts, resident at, 1039. Dursley, co. Gloucester, proclamation at, 70, 143. > ******* …………. > *** Durston, Somerset, see Dulverton. Durton, co. Lancaster, see Urton. ......, Wilts, resident at, 1562. Durweston, Dorset, resident at, 2559. Dusthill, the, Middlesex, 2159 (2). Duston, or Duddington, co. Northampton, manor of, 1847 (2), 1849. lord of, 587. > ******* meadows in, 1849. minister of, 3305. ? …., rectory of, 1580, 1581. residents at, 1580. letter of, 70. orders to, 324, 2903. sheriff, under, of, 2696. train bands of, 1918. travellers to or from, 892, 1763. ******* town mill of, 587. …………… Dutton, co. Chester, house in, 3060. residents at, 633, 3060. petitions of, 587, 1579, 1580. Park, co. Chester, tenants of, 1285. …………………….., co. Lancaster, resident at, 1449. Duvall, Devon, barton of, 2768 (3). Duxbury, co. Lancaster, resident at, 392. Duxford, co. Cambridge, estate at, 702. Dyffrinclwyd, co. Denbigh, see Ruthin. Dymock, co. Gloucester, manor of, 2143. · Eagburgh, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2821. Eakring, co. Nottingham, inhabitants of, 590. information by, 590. **** Ealing, Middlesex, houses, &c., in, 3098, 3154, 3266. manor of, lord of, 3266. ..... Eardisley, co. Hereford, resident at, 2070. Eardswick, co. Chester, see Yardswick, Earley, Berks, resident at, 3017. Earlham, Norfolk, lands in, 1342. resident at, 2730. ****13) ◄ Earl's Court, Middlesex, manor of, 2936. Earl Shilton, co. Leicester, residents at, 111 (2). Earnham, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1394. Earnley, Sussex, residents at, 921, 1258. Earswell, Suffolk, manor of, 2624. Earswick, co. York, resident at, 2089. Earth, Cornwall, resident at, 117. Easington, Durham, farm at, 2998. manor of, 2997, 2998. resident at, 405. > ... > 4 • • E *** > town of, 931. vicar and parsonage of, 931. Easingwold, co. York, estate in, 587. · ……….. 2 ... ******* Eastbourne, Sussex, residents at, 2369, 3197 (3). Eastbury, or Isbury, Berks, estate in, 1214 (2). ward of, 136, 3209. co. York, parishioners of, petition of, 931. resident at, 1213. East Church, Kent, resident at, 2482. East Down, Devon, residents at, 97, 98, 502, 1896. order posted at, 654. resident at, 2215. East End, Somerset, lands called, 3048. Easter, High, Essex, lands in, 3153. Eastern Languages, books in the, 807. Eastgate-in-Weardale, co. Durham, resident in, 3061. Easthall, Kent, estate in, 887. Farm, Somerset, 1429. Eastham, co. Chester, estate at, 61. minister of, 1434. resident at, 440. ***** Easthorpe, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Eastlech, co. Gloucester, lands of, 87. Eastleigh, Hants, farms in, 1842, 3287. resident at, 3138. …………….., tithing of, 106. Eastling, Kent, resident at, 2140. East Marsh, Norfolk, 2819. Eastney Farm, Hants, 2088. * 3672 Easton, co. Leicester, lands in, 1436 (2), 1437. resident at, 109. ........., Norfolk, resident at, 3191. • • * residents at, 1063, 1935. Bassett, Wilts, manor of, 2272-2276. ....., resident at, 2271. Eastover, Somerset, house, &c., in, 2733. Eastrington, co. York, rectory of, 955, 956. Eastry, Kent, minister of, 2969. residents at, 459, 2109. Court Lodge, Kent, 2969. Eastwell, co. Leicester, estate in, 2321. resident at, 110 (2). .....} Eastwick, Salop, resident at, 2814. Eastwood, co. Durham, close of, 2952. ………………….., Essex, rectory of, 1249. > Eaton, co. Bedford, tenements at, 1681. ..... • ? *.* UN ·· co. Derby, manor of, 2449. residents at, 1464, 2438. Long, co. Derby, resident at, 3057. co. Hereford, resident at, 1478. tithes of, 1478. Mascott, Salop, residents at, 1418, 1817. Ebony, Kent, resident at, 2109. Ebrew Farm, Middlesex, 1340, 1592. Ebrington, co. Gloucester, residents at, 2219, .... ... ... ***** • INDEX OF PLACES. co. Northampton, rectory of, 1435, 1436. 2821. Ebry Farm, Middlesex, 1521. Eccles, co. Lancaster, parish of, 1896, 2725. rectory of, 2126 (3). residents at, 1923, 2494, 2723. • , ……………. co. Chester, residents at, 101, 1185, 1817. vicar of, 2126. …………….. Ecclesfield, co. York, manor, &c., of, 2470 (2), 2478. Socon, co. Bedford, resident at, 1642. Bucks, see Eton. residents at, 1018, 1032, 1963. ****** Eccleshall, alias Johnson, co. Stafford, parish of, 2815. …………… ………………, prebend of, 1207 (2), 2970. .... "" ****** residents at, 1207, 3182 (2). Eccleshill, co. Lancaster, collieries in, 2379 (2), 3217. co. York, lands in, 1872. Eccleston, co. Chester, resident at, 103. • 2 > or Egleston, co. Lancaster, estates in, 2713, 3207, 3306. parish of, 3119. residents at, 361, 456 (2), 1236, 1922, 1951, 1953, 2039, 2597, 2821, 2845, 2955, 3010, 3175, 3179. Much, or Great, co. Lancaster, resi- dents at, 3161, 3178. *****) tenement in, 3161. Eckington, co. Worcester, lands in, 2452. tithes of, 2452. Eckles, co. York, 1770. Ecton, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1277. Eden Bridge, Cumberland, 821. .. ***** Edenhall, Cumberland, manor or lordship of, 2308, 3300. residents at, 1670, 2308, 2982, 3300. Edenham, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1503. minister of, 1503. rectory of, 1501-1504. Edgbaston, co. Warwick, King's garrison at, .. 2368. ........., manor of, 2367 (2), 2368, 2923. manor house of, 2368. Parliament garrison at, 2367 (2), .. • .. C 2368. prisoners at, 1259. residents at, 2923, 3035. Edge, co. Chester, residents at, 103 (3), 905. the, co. Lancaster, 3060. "" Edgebalton, Salop, resident at, 1817. ... .... • Edgehill, or Keinton, battle of, 827, 874, 945, 1070?, 1817, 2545, 2610. *** ·· ammunition for, 1918. …………….., Parliament party at, 945, 1491. Edgmond, Salop, resident at, 1576. Edgstone, Salop, estate in, 3229. Edgware, or Edgwin, Middlesex, minister of, 1301. Edial, co. Stafford, resident at, 3230. Edinburgh, bailiff of, 56. documents dated from, 10, 134, 783. ., governor of, Col. Fenwick, 535. letter from, 2564. letter sent to, 779. lord mayor of, 1648. merchants of, 2, 25. ………………………, money paid at, 11, 784. Parliament agent at, 1918. ...* "" ·· ……. King's party at, 835, 898, 1018, 1194 (2), 1414, 1824, 1952, 2585. ... ***** (4). .., person at, 378. resident in, 781. suit in, 2426. traveller to, 1918. , ……………………… ,, ... •••• Edingley, co. Notts, minister of, 1350. Edlington, Wilts, manor of, 2534, 3287. Edisbury hundred, co. Chester, 134, 175. committee for, 1233. letter of, 100. residents in, list of, 100, 101. note of, 155. Edlaston, co. Derby, manor of, 2321. residents at, 2087, 2134. ·· Commissioners at, 778 (2), 779 • INDEX OF PLACES. 3673 Edlesborough, Bucks, lands, &c., in, 1307, 2269, 2290. residents at, 2266, 2290. Edlingham, Northumberland, manor, &c., of, 2584. Edlogan Manor, co. Monmouth, 2312. Edmondsbury, see Bury St. Edmonds. Ednaston [Edlaston ?], co. Derby, residents at, 2087, 2134. Edwinstow, co. Notts, manor of, 1736. • rectory of, 696. Efford, Cornwall, house and mills at, 2239. Devon, resident at, 2966. Egbuckland, Devon, parish of, 1605. - > Egerton, co. Chester, residents at, 104, 1818. Kent, residents at, 459, 1235, 2054. Egginton, co. Derby, lordship or manor of, 2448, 2449. ****** • .... resident at, 2448. Egglescliffe, co. Durham, lands, &c., in, 2251, 2252, 2254, 2772. resident at, 1164. Egglestone, co. Durham, manor of, 2524. resident at, 2524. Egham, Surrey, lands in, 1790. residents at, 1790, 2860. ... Egleston, co. Lancaster, see Eccleston. Eglingham, Northumberland, resident at, 815. Egloshale, Cornwall, resident at, 3204. Eglwysegle, co. Denbigh, resident at, 713. Eglwys Extan, South Wales, resident at, 172. Egremond, co. Pembroke, inhabitants of, peti- tion of, 1036. Egremont, Cumberland, resident at, 1704. Egton, co. York, residents at, 3098 (2), 3218. Eithrop, Bucks, manor of, 2250. resident at, 2249. ………… ...... Eldersfield, co. Worcester, manor of, 1148. resident at, 1148. Eldroth, co. York, chapel at, 137. Elham, Kent, resident at, 459. Elhill, co. Lancaster, see Ellel. Eling, Hants, letter dated from, 140. residents at, 1060, 1688. Elkstone, co. Stafford, lands in, 1736. ·· ." Ellastone, co. Stafford, lands in, 2132, 2301, 2665. ... resident at, 2132. Ellel, or Elhill, co. Lancaster, grange of, resi- dent at, 3106. ** **** > ……………… tithes of, 2726. Ellenthorpe, co. York, resident at, 2086. Hall, co. York, 1986. lands in, 2726. residents at, 2505, 3185. Ellerbeck, co. York, manor of, 2395. Ellerton, Cumberland, residents at, 202, 267, • 1700. co. York, residents at, 1400, 2026. Abbey, co. York, manor of, 3262. 70358. Ellesborough, Bucks, estates at, 67, 68 (2). Ellesmere, Salop, estate in, 2815. residents at, 1963, 2815. Ellestree, co. Herts, resident at, 851. Ellingbrook Hall, Cumberland, residents at, 202, 1703. Ellingham, Hants, church of, 1289 (2). Norfolk, estates at, 113, 116. manor of, 1967. resident at, 1393. ..... Ellington, Northumberland, manor of, 2418. Elluggan, co. Carnarvon, resident at, 2732. Elmbridge, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1624. Elmden, co. Durham, lands in, 2358. Elmedon, High, co. Durham, mansion house of, 3006. ··· 20 ... ... Elmet, co. York, Barwick in, see Barwick. Elmham, or Elmetham, Suffolk, Hall or manor house of, 2708. South, Suffolk, manor of, 2710. resident at, 3046. ******* Elmley, co, Worcester, rectory of, 1030. .. I .. .. N "" • ·· *** ** C Elmore, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 87. Elmridge, co. Worcester, resident at, 2132. Elmstead, Kent, resident at, 459. Elmsthorpe, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Elmton, co. Derby, minister of, 2105. Elsborough, Bucks, resident at, 1977. Elsenham, Essex, resident at, 2235 (2). Hall, Essex, 2235 (2). Elsich, Salop, resident at, 1227. Elslack, co. York, resident at, 1788. Elstead, Surrey, estate in, 1001. Elston, co. Bedford, resident at, 1304. ........, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1624. co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 2962, 3010, 3207 (2). manor of, 2798. resident at, 656. • ... *** Castle, co. Worcester, residents at, 86, 1030. co. Leicester, lands in, 1761 (2). resident at, 110. co. Notts, residents at, 510, 557. Elstonwick, co. York, resident at, 3193. Elstow, see Elvestow. Elswick, co. Lancaster, house, &c., in, 2634 (2). minister of, 1112. residents at, 1654, 2964. Northumberland, farm in, 2715, 2849, ... … Lovett, co. Worcester, resident at, 1450. 3040. resident at, 3040. Elsworth, co. Cambridge, resident at, 2933. Eltham, Kent, manor of, 1509, 1510. ………………………, manor house of, 1070. park of, 1510 (3). residents at, 728, 1287, 1512, 2854, 3099. ………… I I 3674 INDEX OF PLACES. L Eltisley, co. Cambridge, manor of, 241, 379, 702, 2230, 3306. Elton, Berks, farm at, 2981. ' *** co. Durhamı, estate in, 2772 (2). Hunts, manor and town of, 2864. Eltonhead Hall, co. Lancaster, 2089. Elvaston, co. Derby, farms, &c., in, 553. Elvestow, or Elstow, co. Bedford, residents at, 554 (2), 579, 639, 2438. Elvet, co. Durham, manor of, 3079. Oswald in, see Durham City. • *"*" Elwick, co. Durham, resident at, 3103. Elworthy, Somerset, residents at, 3175, 3192. Willett, Somerset, resident at, 3192. Ely, co. Cambridge, Archdeacon of, see Wig- more, Dan. ·· • [ A ... • • C · · ·· .. • • • • • "" • .... • • · 2 ·· · > · 399. > .... archdeaconry and prebend of, 904. Bishop of, see Wren, Dr. Mat. bishopric of, rents from, 90. County Commissioners for, 41. letter to, alluded to, 30. ..... letter of, 248. Dean and Chapter of, lands of, rents from, 90. ... ******* > 3 ••••* • • • .... • 4 2 Embercombe, Somerset, resident at, 2239. Emley, co. York, parish of, 1594. Empingham, Rutland, resident at, 88. Empsall, co. York, residents at, 1766, 2015. Empston [Hempston?] Vacy, Devon, manor of, 1396. residents in, 366, 740, 742, 2324. ....., cases of, 928, 1406, 2119, 2690, House, see London, streets, buildings, &c., in. Enborne, or Euborne, Berks, copy-holders of, 619. • • courts held at, 601. East and West, lands or houses at, 627, 1622, 1625. manor of, 1620, 1626. End-cum Gawcott, Bucks, prebend of, 2878. Enderby, co. Leicester, residents at, 110 (2), 111, 941. > Enfield, Middlesex, mauor of, 618. keepership of, 823. ,, ******* Enford, Wilts, manor of, 1577. minister of, 1948. residents at, 1577, 1741. meeting of, 366. officers of, 14, 669. order to, 80. treasurers of, 14. the late, 277, 345, 349, 366, estates in, 2837. Island of, 761. England, or the Kingdom, casual notices, passim. Act ordering the Scots to leave, alluded to, 453. army or forces in, passim. England-cont. AAA 14 ………… .. E "2 ·· • ·· .... ... at war with Spain, 1081. bishoprics in, see the several sees. Church of, conformity to, 1158, 1268, 1490, 1740, 1866, 2039, 2059, 2311, 2656, 2813, 2814, 2850, 2927. • • ·· to, 2464. "" service to, 883. coals shipped to, 2262. common law of, 759. estates in, passim. liberties of, keepers of, see Great Seal, Commissioners of. ་ ་, .... ……………. lodgers in, 1569. market towns of, papers to be posted in, 301, 650. merchants of, 582. Parliament of, see Parliament. persons absent, or having been absent from, abroad, or beyond seas, 164, 263, 436, 416, 523, 598, 839, 840, 1075, 1080, 1207, 1216, 1220, 1252, 1276, 1341, 1390, 1400, 1408, 1414, 1422, 1508, 1518, 1524, 1618, 1643, 1749, 1772, 1777, 1783, 1799, 1800, 1804, 1809, 1813, 1814, 1831, 1857, 1869, 1873, 1897, 1936, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1974, 1987, 2000, 2007, 2014, 2016, 2022 (3), 2040, 2049, 2063, 2067, 2138, 2139 (2), 2182, 2229, 2378, 2381, 2422, 2462 (2), 2464 (2), 2503, 2598, 2667, 2694, 2783, 2880, 2881, 2924, 2935 (2), 3035, 3044, 3222, 3226, 3230; and see also Delinquents. 2858. • > non-attendance at, 2464. persons absent from, without licence, Parliamentary order for, alluded to, > .. 2 1524, 2881. Act concerning, alluded having licence to return to, 1686, 1804, 2173. **** .... 1878, 2173. ***** banished from, 138, 139, 2103. having licence to leave, 1472, preservation of Ireland to, 59. residents in, passim. securing the peace of, Cromwell's orders for, 731. ordered to return to, 3014. wishing to return to, 1472, 1686, " ****** the several counties. Commissioners for, 731; and see Scots' army, or Northern army in, see Scots' army. travellers to or from, 598, 1253, 1649, 1657, 1777, 1879, 1898, 2063, 2242, 2332, 2125, 2463 (2), 2842, 2950, 2996, 3239. wine licences in, 1519. England, counties of, 29, 55, 71, 75, 83, 139, 157 (2), 171, 199, 292, 297, 316, 366, 423, 430, 503, 526, 637, 658, 677, 704, 734, 764, 773, 2464; and see the several counties. England, counties of-cont. · **** • a la s **• ADOR · .... JAN A •, ......, agents sent to, 80. 9 ....... associated, 840, 1011; see also England, West of. · ………………2 Commissioners for, 29, 43, 56, 57, 71, 76, 79, 82, 130, 135, 139, 145, 157, 160, 162, 169, 174, 178, 186, 257, 264, 278, 288, 297, 307, 312, 379, 394, 417 (2), 418, 422, 435, 442, 471-473, 484, 511, 525, 530, 541, 572, 584, 608, 609, 610, 618, 623, 631, 637 (2), 658, 670 (2), 688, 691, 734 (2), 776, 1781, 2464; sce also the several counties. > 411 .. accounts of, alluded to, 639, 723, 726, 735. " ****** appointment or approval of, 168-174, 669, 672, 673, 1100. certificates of, alluded to, 572. ... ..... 2964. 2514. · 567. > A ... ANTARAN form for leases by, 451. instructions to, for treat- ……………. ment of delinquents, &c., 170, 178, 190, 200, 229, 263, 301, 374, 388, 412-415, 745, 768. letters of, alluded to, 434, **** • "} ANTA *** 376, 569. ·· 2 …….. *2 .... 1 + letters or orders to, 31, 42, 44, 51, 52, 55, 62, 63, 65, 70, 71, 73-75, 83, 84 (2), 125, 128, 137, 143, 144, 160, 167, 168, 171, 178, 190, 199, 229. 239, 278, 293, 302, 311, 324, 334, 366, 373, 374, 390, 406, 412, 450, 466, 498, 517, 518, 526, 533, 559, 569. 572, 581, 593, 600, 601, 603 (2), 605, 608, 615, 626, 631, 637, 642, 650, 659, 661, 666, 668, 669, 671, 672, 678, 682, 685, 688, 692, 697, 706, 721, 724, 727, 731, 735, 758, 871, 1079. 4 ***** ……. > > ******> alluded to, 535, 558, 608, 639, 634, 650, 657, 661, 665, 669, 679, 714 (2), 731, 1101, 1799. notes of, 356, 365, ... ****** • **> ******* ……………♥ ……………… *****} *****} (2), 772 (2). *****} **** ……………"> • .. .. ·· • " ******* estates, 2155. .... > notes relating to, 772. officers of, 169, 171, 178, " 200, 230, 300, 403, 413, 422, 451, 507, 567, 600, 603 (2), 615, 637, 672, 740 (2), 776, 871. INDEX OF PLACES. chairmen of, 169. complaints from, 75. discharges by, alluded to, dissolution of, alluded to, .... • > to, 160, 167. ******* lists of, 672, 673. ******* notes of, 785, 740 not allowed to farm .... > letter to, 146. Parliamentary orders returns from, lists of, notes of, 387, 731, 741, 712. England, counties of, Commissioners for- cont. ... [ ... ·· **** • ... •• ……………… • 2.9 · • 1 ******} • • ► ··· **** 636, 637, 672. > 739. …………………… ·· ………….3 ... ………………………. ………………. ………….., appointment of, 731. estates in, passim. • ... ……………AG ******* Commissioners for securing the peace of, 731, 735 (2), 739; and see the several counties. ……………19 knights and burgesses of, orders to, 20, 34, 168. …, ………………, money from, 360, 2107. to, 169. *** + ……… returns from, or revenues of, lists of, 312, 313, 619, 670. • 324, 374, 403, 415, 623. ***** ……………. D ……… *****} …………… } 2. ..... ... in, 2944. letter to, 672. Commissioners for tenths in, Association for, or Northern Association, 59. East of, 764. North of, 968, 2125. - ... Commissioners of, 127, ****** ... ·· 394, 808, 1130, 1921, 2245, 2692. bills of exchange from, 11. Commissioners [for Recusants] .. 4 2 alluded to, 670. sheriffs of, 55, 70, 166, 237, 323, ... four counties of, 201, 228, 329, 337. 366, 367, 390, 452, 472, 558, 674, 734, 1425, 1918, 1921. *** treasurers of, 178, 413. orders to, 676. the late, 535, 559, 581, ****** Commissioners for, 28, 29, 198, 201, 228, 287, 394. 452, 185, 508, 875, 1788, 2016, 2181, 2673 (2), 2964 (2), 3296 (2). ……………… ……………… ………….., agents to, list of, alluded **** of, 28, 1025. ******* ** ** compounders with, 201-204, 452, 476, 487, 513, 615, 780, 969, 2524, 2525, 2876, 3040, 3114, 3296 (2), 3297 (2). 810-824. ENG *** *****J ………. 3675 letters to, 216, 324. under, 335. …………… .. **** Propagation of the Gospel in, Act for, alluded to, 1903, 1904. Committee for, 2588, ………… > .... …………. " ******♪ 2589, 3079, 3117. Earl of Newcastle in, 1256, 1272, 1918. ***** letters or reports officers of, 452, 815. petition to, 1918. warrants of, 781, estates in, passim. King in, 1389. King's party in, 1130, 2007. II 2 3676 INDEX OF PLACES. England, North of-cont. ..... · I …………… ... · • ****** ando, Lord Fairfax. **** • · •" ***** court of, 974. .... > M.Ps for, 1920. ... 2 ......, money for relief of, 797, 1461, 1907. ·" Parliamentary Commissioners in, 366; see also Scots' Army, Com- missioners with. petition in behalf of, 62. ………………………, ………………, ports in, 2262. Scots' army in, see Scots' Army. traveller to, 1468. troubles in, 1048. "" forces or army in, 150, 279, 292, 303, 397, 452, 796, 2229. > ******* > > Articles with, 1048. garrisons in, 343. ., ……………., persons living in, 1, 384, 775, 794, 1763, 1918, 2293. " J …………….. "" 508. و .... …………… *** …………………… West of, 128, 883. ………………………, ………………, army for relief of, 471. > ...... ……………………… • .. ………. ………… "" Northern Circuit of, judges of, 1168. South of, 1284, 2860. ...., agent in, 166. associated counties of, for the King, 1399, 1403. Committee (for Parliament) in, 15, 56, 867, 933, 1046, 1161, 1210, 1452, 1539, 2172 (2), 2783. orders of, 50, 56. orders to, 900, 1539. treasurer for, 310. • " • ** Lambert's expedition to, 775. Lord-General of, see Ferdin- · • ..... Lord-President of, 2918. Lord President and Council in, "" "" 1390. party or forces in, 1040, .... "" ……… 1164, 1171, 1213, 1294, 1368, 1523, 1992. .. 1387. ..... > ****** .. د. ...... 1328, 1384. Parliamentary forces sent to, persons in, 38, 2812. Prince Maurice in, 2585. 9 .... rebellion or plot in, 747, 753, 2014, 2330. reduction, or settlement of, 650, *** 919, 1052. ****** …………… "" counties in, 119. customs of, 1005. Earl of Essex in, 2028. J.Ps for, 410. King's general in, 1062. quarters in, 891, 1686. Parliamentary party in, 1294, ……………. residents in, 17, 35, 3244. Sir Thos. Fairfax in, 1380. travellers to or from, 1068, 1216, Vice-Admiralty in, judge of, England, West of-cont. • ……………… ....... Englefield, Berks, estate in, 2631. manor of, 2533. resident at, 1677. CAUS ... English market, the, 1805. Ennington, Hants, resident at, 2728. Ensham, co. Oxon, resident at, 2868. Entwistle, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2568. Enville, co. Stafford, residents at, 2974, 2978. Epping, Essex, residents at, 592, 891, 2124. Eppleton, co. Durham, resident at, 1762. Epworth, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1087, 3021. Erbistock, co. Denbigh, minister of, 2529. resident at, 1675. ……………………. .. Ercall, High, Salop, rectory of, 925. resident at, 924. ***** Erdington, co. Warwick, resident at, 2013. Erdreniogg, Anglesey, resident at, 3089. Eridge, Sussex, estate in, 2048. resident at, 2789. • ... 1 Eriholm, co. York, resident at, 1386. Erith, Kent, manor of, 1831. • 1 residents at, 459, 1831. ……………………… Erme, Cornwall, letters dated from, 444, 445. residents at, 171, 2001, 2731. *9 Ermington, Devon, lands in, 2826. residents at, 153, 432, 2109, 2826. Errington, East, Northumberland, township of, 2600. G .. * ** …) manor house of, 2842. Esbricke, co. Lancaster, house, &c., in, 3219. resident at, 3219. Esclusham, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1407. Escrick, co. York, Baron of, see Howard, Lord Edw. ………. ………… lands in, 1467, 3005. manor of, 2234. resident at, 1466. Esh, co. Durham, residents at, 2358, 2807. Esington, co. Oxon, residents at, 1979, 2236, 3259. Eslington, Northumberland, lands in, 2204, **** ...... .... West, Northumberland, manor of, 2599 (2). Western circuit of, 2501. .. 2205. resident at, 2342. Espley, co. Notts, farm at, 3060. •• resident at, 535. Esplye House, Northumberland, 2748. Essendon, Herts, resident at, 354. Essex, 155, 173, 472, 847, 3075. • A } > 1300. agent or messenger sent to, 782, 783 (2), 787. Commissioners for charitable uses in, securing the peace of, 1729 (2). INDEX OF PLACES. 3677 Essex-cont. ..... N …………. …………. …………… County Commissioners of, 12, 134, 141 (2), 173, 179, 201, 257, 286, 306, 396, 400, 472 (2), 864, 902, 1258, 1297, 1349, 1353 (3), 1451, 1490, 1502, 1779, 1780, 1782, 1791, 1822, 1858, 1864 (2), 1878, 1936 (2), 1937, 1947 (2), 2081, 2097, 2098, 2134 (2), 2186, 2297, 2358, 2369 (2), 2377 (2); 2378, 2388 (2), 2401 (2), 2402, 2404 (2), 2405 (2), 2424 (2), 2455, 2456, 2488, 2515 (2), 2516, 2536, 2565, 2613, 2617, 2643, 2785, 2862, 2900, 2901, 3032, 3075, 3136, 3153, 3156 (2),3177, 3288. .., appointment or approval of, 171, 673. **** ... * > •• .... certificates of, 173, 565, 1781, 2125, 2139, 3043. alluded to, 909, 2615, 2617, 2862. • ··· **** compositions with, see Essex Insurrection, Compounders on. imprisonment of, 125, 126. letters of, 25, 141, 200, 204, 229, 270, 306, 308, 314, 320, 347, 404, 418, 481, 504, 514, 519, 524, 540, 542, 548, 561, 565, 633, 640, 656. 737, 1439, 1545, 1781 (2), 1782, 2401. …………… .....} alluded to, 126. 2187. ………………) letters to, 243, 313 (2), 318, 335, 349, 374, 400, 435, 514, 516, 525, 530, 514, 551 (2), 636, 708, 926, 1439, 1780, 1783, 1790, 1822, 2139, 2186, 2298, 2643, 3288. alluded to, 172, 470, 657, ... ……………… ……………… • • 1490, 1526. ………… officers of, 94, 201, 233, 243, 270, 314, 315, 349, 396. 404, 418, 192, 514, 565, 656, 728, 1791, 1908, 3287, 3288 (3). * case of, 2772. orders of, 927, 2097, 2402. alluded to, 1375, 1912. orders to, 408, 452, 849, 873, 926, 927, 1205, 1349, 1354 (3), 1439, 1450 (2), 1451, 1523, 1545, 1617, 1663 (4), 1667, 1778-1780, 1782 (3), 1790, 1791, 1822, 1858, 18u4 (2), 1865, 1873, 1933 (2), 1936, 1937 (2), 1954, 1974, 2098 (4), 2133 (2), 2134, 2138-2140, 2187, 2235, 2279 (2), 2297, 2357, 2369 5), 2388 (2), 2401-2404, 2422, 2424 (2), 2453, 2454-2456, 2462, 2504, 2515, 2516, 2536, 2613, 2615-2617, 2643, 2705, 2742, 2753, 2773, 2785, 2845, 2862 (2), 2873, 2900, 2901, 2963, 3032 (3), 3033, 3067, 3075, 3146, 3156 (2), 3178 (2), 3181 (3), 3188, 3212, 3217, 3228, 3287, 3288 (2). → **3 "" ..... Ta *** ** D ***** ……………… alluded to, 1249, 1353, 1954, 2098, 2504, 2785, 2900 (2), 8075, 3188. ****** *****} payments to, 25, 2377. petitions of, 703, 2643. Essex, County Commissioners of-cont. queries, or requests of, 418, CO • **** • • ··· ………………….., reports of, 1257, 1932, 2401, 2402, 2617, 2643, 2705, 2746, 3042. sittings of, 347. treasurer of, 396, 481, 561. ▼ A 1780. references to, 1249 (2), 1781, 1791, 1858, 2358, 2402, 2405 (2), 2488, 2516, 2615, 2616, 2643, 2746, 2901, 3042, 3153, 3181, 3188 (2), 3221, 3229, 3278 (2). *****♪ 2 " the late. 173, 186, 243, 257, 314, 315, 320, 390, 514; 548, 633, 728, 1353, 1937, 2377 (2), 2454, 3177. **** ***** …….. ... · •• **** ………… ...., compounders on, with the Essex Committee, 310, 318, 335, 472, 514, 524, 565, 734, 909, 1937, 1942, 1947, 2387, 2489, 2535, 2613, 2862. list of, note of, 525. ......., persons engaged in, 126, 128, 141 (2), 179, 201 (2), 321, 349, 396, 408, 592 (2), 728, 1140, 1878, 1882, 1937, 1947, 2456, 2613. J.Ps of, 306. lands, estates, &c., in, 9, 286, 318, 320, 321, 396, 404, 495, 611, 642, 874. 887, 902, 926, 1054, 1062, 1075, 1129, 1249, 1295, 1353, 1439, 1450 (3), 1451 (3), 1498, 1502, 1663, 1667, 1727, 1778- 1783, 1790-1792, 1822 (2), 1830, 1864, 1873, 1882, 1932, 1933. 1936 (2), 1937, 1942, 1947 (2), 1954, 1955, 1974, 2076, 2077, 2097, 2098, 2117, 2125 (2), 2133, 2134 (4), 2139, 2140 (2), 2144, 2158, 2165, 2186, 2192, 2235 (2), 2276, 22oz (2), 2334, 2357, 2358 (3), 2369, 2377 (3), 2401 (2), 2403, 2405 (2), 2422 (2), 2504, 2535, 2564, 2613 (4), 2615-2617, 2643, 2742, 2746, 2827, 2845. 2873 (3), 2901, 2908, 2927, 2963. 3032, 3023, 3109, 3156, 3181, 3188, 3193, 3212, 3217, 3221, 3228, 3262, 3278 (2), 3284, 3286, 3302. deputy-lieutenants of, 848. divisions of, 314, 514. farmers of Excise in, 3148, 3242. hundreds in, 32, 94, 95. insurrection in, 306, 2613, 2772. A *****) ... 3 ·· lists of, note of, 565. receipts from, 429. Major-General of [Col. Haymes, deputy for Col. Lambert], 1729 (2). market towns of, 656. militia or county forces of, 141, 179, 201, 472. Commissioners of, 308, 504, 514 (2), 516, 519, 330, 540, 551. money from, or revenues of, 25, 197, 201. places in, 172, 596, 911, 912. receiver for the Prince l'alatine in, 1779. 3678 INDEX OF PLACES. Essex-cont. A ·· ………….. ………………………………., cases of, 833, 844, 847, 848, ? 863, 879, 885, 891, 901, 909, 926, 1048, 1062, 1127, 1139, 1144, 1165, 1212, 1243, 1257, 1258, 1295, 1299, 1348, 1353, 1374, 1431, 139, 1453, 1463, 1537, 1544, 1545, 1554, 1566, 1567, 1573, 1587, 1610, 1661, 1667, 1675, 1691, 1729, 1778, 1779, 1783, 1790, 1821, 1858, 1864, 1873, 1878, 1882, 1886, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1953, 1977, 2097, 2118, 2124, 2125, 2213, 2216, 2235, 2297, 2360, 2377, 2387, 2401, 2424, 2456, 2488, 2504, 2515 (2), 2535, 2617 (2), 2643, 2705, 2716, 2722, 2742, 2746, 2751, 2753, 2785, 2792, 2862 (2), 2873, 2908, 2963, 3032, 3042, 3043, 3067, 3075, 3076, 3102, 3103, 3108, 3136, 3146, 3153, 3156, 3177, 3178 (2), 3182 (4), 3187, 3192, 3193, 3212, 3216, 3217, 3221, 3228, 3242, 3258-3260, 3284. • • • .... ··· ·· lists of, 94, 95, 396. ***** notes of, 197, 199, 388, 396 (2), 565 (2), 740–742. sessions in, 901, 902. sheriffs, high, of, 321, 848, 849, 3288 (3). ……….., uuder, 306. Sir Ralph Hopton in, 932. train band of, 2213. residents in, 126, 134, 140, 144, 185 (2), 306, 347, 539, 540, 565 (2), 612, 724, 737, 790, 827, 915, 966, 1050, 1274, 1300, 1302, 1491, 1649, 1661, 1663, 1779, 1780, 1782 (3), 1788, 1864, 1908, 1916, 1936 (2), 1947, 1954, 2078, 2081, 2118, 2134, 2140, 2186, 2187, 2235 (2), 2297, 2315, 2388, 2395, 2402, 2415, 2454, 2460, 2515 (2), 2532, 2615 (2), 2736, 2862, 2881, 2900, 3018, 3025, 3188, 3229, 3244, 3278, 3287 (2). 23 ... ...... Essington, co. York, lands in, 1445. Estfield, co. York, resident at, 1466. Esthwaite, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2046. Westmoreland, lauds at, 585. Eston, co. York, manor of, 2529. Etall, Northumberland, resident at, 2964. tithes of, 2823, 2964. New, Northumberland, 2964, 2965. Old, Northumberland, 2964. Etchingham, Sussex, resident at, 1948. ***** Etherley, co. Durham, estate in, 2614. resident at, 2613. ...... Etherington, Devon, resident at, 3001. Etherston, Northumberland, estates in, 202 (3). Eton, or Eaton, Bucks, college of, estate be- longing to, 1306. ……………… provost of, 1306. ………………., manor of, 324, 376. Etton, co. York, estate in, 1925. Etwall. co. Derby, rectory of, 1061 (7). ........., vicar of, 1061. Euborne, see Enborne. Euston, Hants, tithing of, 105. co. Oxon, lands, &c., in, 407. resident at, 2380. Suffolk, resident at, 1425. Euxton, co. Lancaster, 1344, 2075, 3105. U residents at, 21, 626, 2024, 2054, 2073-2075, 3105, 3175 (2), 3186 (2), 3193, 3304. tithes of, 2571 (3). Hall, co. Lancaster, 2074 (2). Evason Manor, co. Monmouth, 1850. Evedon, co. Lincoln, resident at, 908. Evell [Yeovil ?], Somerset, resident at, 250. Evenwood, co. Durham, lands at, 555. resident at, 1873. 4 n lao đao g ·· ***** Evercreech, Somerset, house and park of, 2305. manor of, 1429. parish of, 1429, 1430. residents at, 1452 (2), 1521, 2588. •, Everingham, co. York, manor of, 1323 (2) 1324. K 10 • .... • *** resident at, 1323. ... ****** Eversholt, co. Beds, resident at, 2720. Evershot, Dorset, powder mill at, 2585. residents at, 1741, 1798. Everton, co. Notts, residents at, 1347, 2632. Evesham, co Worcester, churches in, 1709. (2). *** ·· · **** ,, *……………………. ……………., governor of, 1194. residents at, 567, 2789, 2817. Evington, co Leicester, residents at, 109, 1522. ... 3 Ewbank, Westmoreland, resident at, 547. High, Westmoreland, resident at, 3121. ...... Committee at, 1144. King's forces or garrison at, 2716, 2789. " Eweclose, co. Durham, 2638. Ewell, Surrey, lands, &c., in, 2678 (2). Ewelme, or Newelme, Oxon, manor, &c., of, 1968 (3), 1971. · residents at, 2246, 3070. ... •" ..... Ewenny, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 1369. Ewhurst, IIauts, resident at, 3197. Sussex, resident at, 1471. …………… - "" • ministers in, 1709 (2). Parliamentary garrison at, 1030. Ewstwick, Cumberland, lands in, 3184. Ewyas-Harold, co. Hereford, parish of, 1977. -Lacy, co. Hereford, manor of, 2303, 2304. Exbourne, co. Devon, resident at, 98. Exeter, co. Devon, 220, 284, 322, 400, 511, 545 (2), 1019, 1149, 1520. "" > almshouse in, 1312. assize week at, 470, 479. carrier, 2026. castle of, governor of, 342, 2931. • INDEX OF PLACES. 3679 Exeter, castle of -cont. • • · ***** .. ... ···· .. - "" .. …… ……………., returns from, 367, 534. treasurer of, 210, 219. ... > Dean and Chapter of, lands held from, 1302. **** > .... > 1408, 2765, 2955, 2966. Chamber of, 1408. County Commissioners at, 293, 321, 418, 431, 456, 503, 673, 1416. > *** •** " ·· *** ** County Cominissioners for, 210, 219, 258, 293, 342, 422, 441, 1190 (2), 1191, 1221 (2), 2966, 2972, 2987. officers of, 367, 368, 122, 2972. ... King's garrison or party at, 1127, 1161, 1190, 1243, 1260, 1289, 1301, 1322, 1366, 1368, 1372, 1393, 1398, 1408 (3), 1410, 1418, 1420, 1535, 1607, 1652, 1678, 1815, 2765, 3100. 1389. ...., mayor of, 70, 617, 1389. Princess Henrietta Anne at, attend- ants on, 1607. Excise in, money from, 1607. officers of, 1564. …………….S gaol, prisoners in, 2675. goods in or sent to, 1191, 2987. houses near, burning of, 2931. King at, 1380. ... ·· Parliamentary garrison at, 487, 7 letters dated from, 56, 70, 98, 210, 251 (2), 258, 272, 293, 298, 342, 352, 367, 373 (2), 384, 397, 407, 418, 428, 431, 441, 445, 464, 470, 474, 476, 178, 479, 487, 527, 536, 537, 542 (2), 543, 549, 561, 573, 583, 606, 612 (2), 628, 637, 639, 733, 736. > …………….., streets, &c., in- prisoners at, 1190 (2), 1942, 2936. residents in, 116, 118, 119, 125, 152, 210, 259, 283, 446, 463 (3), 502 (2), 617, 635, 1242, 1252, 1255 (2), 1259, 1278, 1338, 1356, 1359, 1368, 1371, 1372 (2), 1381, 1353, 1384, 1387, 1389-1391, 1393, 1394, 1397, 1399, 1400, 1402, 1408 (3), 1+10, 1416, 1468, 1486, 1511, 1559, 1652, 1771, 1818, 2214, 2530, 2859, 2955, 2959 (2), 2966-2068, 2972, 3259, 3280. 2 near, 1381, 1886. siege of, 1260, 1289, 1309, 1311, 1338, 1361, 1384, 1389, 1408-1410. ****** ·· forces going against, 1361. governor of, 1161, 1190, 1232, …….. · > > surrender or reduction of, 38, 926, 1126, 1140, 1190, 1191, 1226, 1242, 1268, 1279, 1301, 1308, 1322, 1351, 1352, 1381, 1384, 1389, 1390, 1397 (2), 1405, 1409, 1416, 1426, 1448, 1469, Bishop's Palace, 1859. North Gate, 1419. Southgate, 211. Stephen's Row, 251. Wynard's Almshouses, 1040. Exeter, surrender, &c., of-cont. • 404 …………… .. ·· 1536, 1610, 1652 (2), 1687, 1702, 1815, 1886, 2705, 2959, 3100, 3272, 3273. ... Articles of, 38. 913, 1121, 1126 (4), 1190 (3), 1201, 1215, 1221, 1309, 1313 (3), 1322, 1333, 1392 (3), 1397, 1404, 1405, 1408, 1416, 1425 1427, 1458, 1641, 1652, 1315, 1964, 2554 (2), 2802. 1. · ... .. persons compounding on, 83, 487, 897, 913, 926, 1010 (4), 1047 (2), 1053, 1126, 1128 (2), 1140, 1201, 1206, 1221 (3), 1226, 1228 (2), 1242 (2), 1243, 1252 (2), 1254-1256, 1259, 1277, 1278, 1283, 1301, 1314-1316, 1321, 1327, 1332, 1333 (2), 1338 (2), 1339, 1352. 1355, 1356 (2), 1359 (2), 1361 (3), 1366 (2), 1368 (2), 1370– 1372, 1381-1384, 1387, 1388, 1390- 1394, 1398-1400, 1402, 1403, 1407, 1408 (4), 1418–1420, 1423, 1424 (2), 1426, 1427, 1508, 1651 (2). 1665, 1687, 1688, 1878, 1879, 1908 (2), 1941, 1964, 1971, 2615. > ****** ... persons wishing to com- pound on, 829, 1052 (2), 1124, 1126, 1190, 1239, 1255, 1260, 1268, 1277, 1286, 1288, 1289, 1292, 1299 (2), 1300, 1308, 1309, 1313, 1325, 1333-1335, 1339, 1351, 1355, 1368 (2), 1372 (2), 1381 (2), 1385, 1389 (2), 1391 (2), 1392, 1396–1398, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1407 (2), 1408 (2), 1410, 1416 (2), 1427, 1428, 1448, 1458, 1469, 1536, 1607, 1610, 1644, 1651, 1652 (2). 1665, 1687, 1702, 1771 (2), 1790, 1873, 1878, 1897, 1907, 1927, 1941, 1964, 1971, 2297, 2530, 2554 (2), 2705, 2802, 2851, 3272, 3273 (2). .... •* 1053, 1126. O ... •• .. *** , of, 1427, 1607. -> ·· ****** *** 1286 (2) **** ** AAAAAKĄ ... persons excepted from, forfeiting the benefit not comprised in, • • S town clerk of, 1390. train band in, 1389, 1394. ……………… travellers to or from. 897, 913, 995. 1125, 1234 (2), 1301, 1315, 1351, 1356, 1372, 1382 (2), 1385, 1651. Exminster, co. Devon, burgesses of, 866. Exmouth, co. Devon, manor of, 2545. Exton, Hants, tithing of, 106. Eyam, co. Derby, lands in, 2470, 2471. manor of, 2478. treaty for, 1053. ***** Eye, co. Hereford, resident at, 3211. tenement in, 3211. Suffolk, lands in, 3211. residents at, 1415, 2057, 2388, 3006, 3194. Eyford, or Ay ford, co. Gloucester, lands in, 278, 1711, 1714. Eynsham, co. Oxon, manor and rectory of, 1102. Eyton, Salop, residents at, 924, 1674. & 3680 INDEX OF PLACES. Faccombe, Hants, residents at, 320 (2). Faddiley, co. Chester, resident at, 3198. Fairbank, Westmoreland, residents at, 203, 386. Fairburn, co., York, 587, 1767-1769, 2620. Fairford, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1676. Fairleigh, Sussex, lands in, 2123. residents at, 2122, 2123. ...... Fairmore Field, Cornwall, 516. .. Falcott, co. Northampton, resident at, 2382. Faldingworth, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1542. Falfield, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Falkborn, co. Essex, resident at, 3229. Falkingham, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1213. Fallersdon, Wilts, manor of, 77. Parliamentary Commissioners at, 941. garrison at, 77. Fallowfield, Northumberland, manor of, 2599, 2600. Fallowpit, co. Devon, residents at, 117, 153, 502, 1424. Falmer, Sussex, manor of, 1626 (2). Falston, Wilts, manor of, 2036. Fambridge, North, Essex, manor of, 1974 (2). Fardock Holme, or Farrock House, co. Lan- caster, 2428 (2). resident at, 2427. Fareham, Hants, resident at, 1386. Farenbridge, Cornwall, resident at, 117. Faringdon and Farington, see Farringdon. Farleigh Wallop, Hants, resident at, 2824. Farleton, or Pharleton, co. Lancaster, resi- dent at, 1951. 會 ​Westmoreland, tithes of, 1221. Farley, East and West, Kent, lands, &c., in, 888. > F .. ………… "" ...> West, ministers of, 1463. Somerset, castle of, King's garrison at, 3305. Farlingham, co. York, resident at, 2761. Farmanby, co. York, manor of, 3126. Farmcot, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 2011 (2), 2071. Farmington, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1591. Farnacres, co. Durham, 892, 2904. Farnborough, Kent, resident at, 459. co. Warwick, resident at, 1165. ...... Farndon, co. Chester, church of, 1186 (3). lands in, 1876. " minister of, 1186. **** petition of, 1186. ………………………, parish of, 1186. Farndon-cont. ….., races at, 1480. ……………………., rectory of, 1186 (2), 1187. Farnham Royal, Bucks, estates at, 66 (2). Dorset, manor of, 2534. resident at, 1292. Essex, resident at, 2488. St. Martin, Suffolk, resident at, 2900. Surrey, resident at, 1497. co. York, estate in, 3146. .... • > • …………… .. Farnhill, co. York, lands at, 985. Farnley, co. York, manor of, 1015. residents at, 1014, 1042. Farringdon, Faringdon, or Farrington, Berks. church of, minister of, 2658. King's party or garrison at, 78, 553, 996, 1940. ... ... i ... ***** ……. 11 לי resident at, 2057. Farrington, Somerset, lands in, 3307. Farrock, co. Lancaster, see Fardock Holme. Farrockline House, co. Lancaster, 2428. Farthinglowe, Kent, manor of, 2627. Farway, co. Devon, residents at, 2765 (4), 2804. > Faversham, Kent, lands in, 1833, 1928 (2). letter dated from, 467. .. "" ., mayor and corporation of, letter to, 254. •• parishioners of, petition of, 1186. …………………… ……………., petition of, 2257. . residents at, 193, 459, 1422 (2), 2685. Fawdon Edge, see Shotton Edge. Fawler, co. Oxon, resident at, 3197. .. men imprisoned by, 1497. surrender of, 1394, 1560, 1867 (2). Articles of, compounders on, 1448, 1560, 1867. or Farington, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2787 (2). ., mayor and justices of, certificate of, 2257. ...... ... ** > .. ...S Fawley, Berks, resident at, 2984. ****** North and South, Berks, 2984, 2985. Bucks, estate at, 66. resident at, 2250. Hants, division of, 105, 106, 385, 386, 576, 730. Fawns Farm, Northumberland, 2584. Fawshaw Manor, co. Warwick, 3277. Fawton, Cornwall, manor of, 1505 (2). Faxton, co. Northampton, residents at, 1054, 1088, 2923. Fazakerley, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2861 (2). Great and Little, Berks, manors of, 2984. " Fearnlees, co. Chester, farm of, 101. Featherstone, co. York, lands in, 3067, 3098. manor of, 3086. Feckenham Forest, co. Worcester, place in, 1086. { 11 INDEX OF PLACES. 3681 Felix Hall, Essex, resident at, 3260. Felixkirk, co. York, resident at, 2410. Felley, co. Nottingham, resident at, 193. Felpham, Sussex, lands in, 1493. Felton, Northumberland, resident at, 3145. Feltwell Manor, Norfolk, 899 (2). Fence, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2667. Fenham, Northumberland, lordship of, 2038. Fenn's Hall, co. Flint, resident at, 1040. Fen-Stanton-cum-Hilton, Hunts, rectory of, 1250 (2). residents at, petition of, 1250. Fenton, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1330. Culvert, co. Stafford, residents at, 90, 1027. .... Fenwick, co. Durham, 634, 903, 2558 (2). .-in-Islandshire, co. Durham, resident at, 2341. Closes Northumberland, 2748. Feock, Cornwall, resident at, 2980. Fernhill, Salop, resident at, 1862. Fernylees, co. Chester, messuage in, 1885. Ferrensby, co. York, estates in, 3127. residents at, 2959 (2). ******* Ferriby, co. York, resident at, 2057. Ferry Hill, co. Durham, residents at, 1731, 2619. co. Notts, farm of, 1854. Fetherston, co. Stafford, hamlet of, 2484. Fewcott, Oxon, lands, &c., in, 407. Field, or Blithfield, co. Stafford, resident at 1476. Fieldhouses, co. Durham, 3222. Fifehead, or Five Foot Magdalen, Dorset, tenements in, 2618. residents at, 119, 1088. Neville, Dorset, resident at, 2015. Fifield, Berks, resident at, 1070. Filby Manor, Norfolk, 2915. Filgrave, Bucks, estate at, 68. Fillingley Park, co. Warwick, 872. Finch House, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2861 (2). Finchett, see Finshcad Abbey, co. Northamp- ton. ....... ... Finchingfield, Essex, lands in, 2615 (2), 2616. residents at, 321, 2615. ………………3 Finchley, Middlesex, residents at, 848, 2617. Fineywood, co. Chester, resident at, 100. Finmere, co. Oxon, resident at, 2576. Finningley, co. York, resident at, 336. Finsford, Kent, parish of, 368, 373. Finshead, co. Northampton, resident at, 88. or Finchett Abbey, residents at, 795, 1088. ****** Firby, co. York, resident at, 3217. Firle, Sussex, resident at, 3011. Fishbourne, Sussex, resident at, 3213. Fisherton, Wilts, manor of, 2533. Anger, Wilts, lands at, 77. manor of, 1973 (2). Fisherwick, co. Stafford, park of, 2207. resident at, 2207. …………………*** Fishlake, co. York, minister of, 1570. resident at, 1549. Fishley, Norfolk, estates at, 115. Fishwick, co. Lancaster, hall at, 3096. lands in, 2917. • residents at, 3096 (2), 3161, 3193. Fittleford, Dorset, residents at, 118, 2446. Fittleton, Wilts, minister of, 79. Fitzhead, Somerset, residents at, 1370, 1937. Fixby, co. York, resident at, 1183. Fladbury, co. Worcester, resident at, 2789. Flamborough, co. York, estate in, 1567. manor of, 1377, 2890. ........., rectory or incumbent of, 166, 1567. Flanchford, Surrey, resident at, 1498. Flanders, persons staying in, 2291, 3044. co. Warwick, manor of, 1269. Flanshaw, co. York, resident at, 2032. Flatworth, Northumberland, residents at, 1743, • ... CON •.5 2670. Flawborough, co. Nottingham, manor of, 333, 1736 (2). Flaxwell, co. Lincoln, high constable of, 1348. Fleckney, co. Leicester, resident at, 108. Fleet Marston, Bucks, estate at, 68. Damerell, Devon, resident at, 1239. Dorset, resident at, 1633. ". A ** **** • ··· • Fletchamstead, Nether, co. Warwick, 2947. Fletcher's Farm, co. Stafford, 2711, 2998. Flexlands, Hants, manor of, 2884. Flimworth, Suffolk, manor of, 2624. Flint Castle, King's governor of, 47, 1666. King's party at, 1635. surrender of, 1635. Articles of, 1666. > ** > ****** Flintshire, Act of Composition for, 146. > • •*. ... ', • .. · ……………………, ………………, accounts of, alluded to, 399. depositions sent up by, 2837. ………….. co. Lincoln, lands in, 2120. resident at, 428 (2). ** ***** .. ………………, persons excepted from, 146. County Commissioners for, 671, 1479, 1632, 1634, 1719, 2132, 2846. ………. letter of, 601. letters to, 751, 762. ………….., money sent by, 541. officers of, 235. *** ……….. orders to, 1101 (3), 1113, 1241, 1605, 1666, 2846. ……………… ..... ******* · references to, 1116, 2837. returns from, wanted, 421, 449. the late, 703, 737. estates, lands, &c., in, 242, 247, 248, 348, 383, 692, 1101, 1102, 1113 (2), 1116 (3), 1241, 1610, 1891 (3), 2837, 3160, 3183, 3214, 3232, 3241. 3682 INDEX OF PLACES. Flintshire-cont. **** Ca ... L """ ..... King's quarters in, 1258. > ., money from, or revenues of, 601, 620, 692, 703, 710. Parliamentary quarters in, 1185. residents in, 248, 1113, 1116, 1719, 2455, 2845, 3183. ', Denbigh, and Montgomery, County Commissioners for, see Montgomery. Flitton Harold, co. Beds, lands in, 2474. Flixton, Suffolk, house, &c., in, 2710, 3046. resident at, 3016. cases of, 943, 1040, 1200, 1241, 1526, 1632, 1634, 1666, 1717-1720, 1722, 1723 (2), 2455, 2703, 2837, 2845, 3179, 3183, 3186, 3194, 3214, 3232, 3241, 3254. lists of, notes of, 732, 737, 741, ***** > Hall or manor house of, 2708. resident at, 2708. Flookburgh, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2569. Fobbing, Essex, lands in, 2963. Fockerby, co. York, estate in, 3033. manor of, 3100. • 742. sheriff, high, of, 1241. soldiers sent to the King from, 943. • " ... ……………… ·· 7 ... و • residents at, 3033, 3100. ..... Follonsby, co. Durham, lands in, 2276. Folly's Hall, Essex, resident at, 1782. Fongmoore Meadow, co. Lancaster, 2287. Fontmel Manor, Dorset, 1222, 1223. Footed Garth, co. York, estate at, 3126. Forcett, co. York, resident at, 2571. • •*5 Ford, co. Durham, manor, barony, or lordship of, 1919-1922, 2274–2276. resident at, 2964. Kent, resident at, 1013. Old, Middlesex, lands in, 2166. ., Salop, rectory of, 2537. residents at, 879, 2537 (2). ****** Fordham, co. Cambridge, resident at, 539. Suffolk, resident at, 2623. Fordingbridge, Hauts, farm in, 2794. Fordington, Dorset, estate at, 1593. resident at, 2685. Fordwich, Kent, residents at, 328, 459, 2061. Forebridge Manor, co. Stafford, 2083. Forest, the, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Forest Hill, co. Oxon, manor of, 1440. residents at, 1439, 1440, 1443, 2697. Foret Falkland, Ireland, garrison of, 127. Forker, Great and Little, co. York, 3108. Formby, co. Lancaster, windmill, &c., in, 3047. Forners, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3198. Forshaw Manor, co. Warwick, 1289. Forshill, Dorset, estate in, 1633. resident at, 1633. Fort Charles, Devon, King's garrison at, 1485. Fosbury, Wilts, farm at, 78. Foston, co. Derby, resident at, 2982. ………………….., co. Leicester, residents at, 108, 111. Fotheringay, co. Northampton, rectory of, 1245. Fouldrey Road [Foulney, co. Lancaster ?], ships lying in, 3308. Fovant, Wilts, house at, 78. resident at, 3192. Fowbridge Hall, co. York, resident at, 2057. Fowey, Cornwall, place near, 764. Fowlerize, co. York, hamlet of, 3133. Fowlers, Bucks, manor of, 3141. Foxdenton, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1445. Foxton, or Foxon, co. Cambridge, manor of, 1509. SHA .. • co. Durham, houses in, 3097. > co. Leicester, resident at, 3007. vicar of, 3046. co. York, resident at, 2550. Foy, Cornwall, resident at, 3051. ........, co. Hereford, parish of, 2584, 2585. Framfield, Sussex, resident at, 2211. Framingham-Pigot, Norfolk, lands in, 3199. Framland, co. Leicester, hundred of, residents in, 110. Frampton, co. Dorset, resident at, 1984. Cotterell, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2416. │ · ·· Framuton [Frampton ?], co. Gloucester, es- tate at, 85. • • 3 France, goods from, 782. ... . ? > **** > 9 rectory of, 304, 307, 345, 349. residents at, 1524, 2210. "" Parliamentary agent in, 1580. persons gone to, or absent in, 633, 743, 925, 966, 1001, 1046, 1523, 1580, 1629, 1686, 1854, 2245, 2462, 2537, 2694, 2846, 3000, 3215. Queen in, 1593, 1687, 2769. ship lost in going to, 1705. travellers to or from, 907, 940, 943, York, 1384, 1389, 1471, 1535, 1559, 1564, 1649, 1651, 1687, 2042, 2331, 2332, 2769, 2836. Frandugham [Frodingham ?], summons posted at, 655. Frankley Park, co. Worcester, 2899. Fransham, Norfolk, estate at, 116. Frant Farm, Kent, 2140. Freckleton, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1109. tithes of, 1943. } King's party in, 493. …………… against, 3082. 2 merchants of, 2370. natives of, or Frenchmen, 948. letters of marque or reprizal co. INDEX OF PLACES. 3683 Frecknam, co. Cambridge, resident at, 2228. Freemantle, Hants, 1568. Park, Hants, 439, 486, 487, 489, 493, 497. Fremington, Devon, lands, &c., in, 2841. manor of, 2841. residents at, 97 (2), 528, 2841. " Frendsbury, Kent, lands at, 887. Freshford, Somerset, letter dated from, 226. parish of, 900. ... ... Freshribb Wood, co. Lincoln, 2192. Freshwell, Essex, hundred of, 95. Fressingfield, Suffolk, lands in, 2818. Frettenham, Norfolk, resident at, 428. Frickley, co. York, 2932. resident at, 2932. Frieston, co. Lincoln, manor of, 3033. Frimsforth, co. York, 1770. Frinsted, Kent, lands in, 2778. resident at, 2778. ·· * T Frisby, co. Leicester, manor of, 2727. resident at, 109. vicar of, 2727 (2), 2728. vicarage or rectory of, 330, 538, 2727 (2), 2728. • > • .. *** > ..-super-Reake, co. Leicester, resident at, 2727. Friskney, co. Lincoln, resident at, 3049. Frissington, Cumberland, resident at, 2877. Friston, Sussex, resident at, 3011. Monk, co. York, minister of, 1219. resident at, 1219. Frithlodge, or Frithbridge, co. Leicester, resi- dent at, 2360. ► • Frocester, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. resident at, 1017. * Frodesley, Salop, resident at, 1859. Frodingham, co. Lincoln, vicar of, 1039 (2). ….. ……….., co, York, estate in, 3218. resident at, 3218. *****} Frodsham, co. Chester, castle of, resident at, 861. estates in, 2450, 2451, 3223, 3295. ., lordship of, resident in, 101. ...y residents at, 100, 101, 3223 (3). petition of, 915. ******* •• …. tithes of, 915. ... > Frognall, Kent, lands in, 2657. manor of, 2826. mansion house of, 2658. resident at, 2657. ****** Frogpool, Kent, manor of, 2533. Frolsworth, co. Leicester, mansion of, 1168. residents at, 108, 1166. Frome St. Quinton, Dorset, resident at, 118. Vauchurch, Dorset, manor of, 2534. co. Hereford, Parliamentary garrison at, 1553. Bishop's, co. Hereford, resident at, 2627. ****** > ***** * * Frome -cont. ******* **** .. ·· Selwood, Somerset, resident at, 1278. Frood, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1827. Froxfield, Hants, resident at, 2986. Froylsbury, Hants, manor of, 2533. Fryan (Fryerning ?), Essex, estates at, 636, 1782. Fryer Fields, co, Lancaster, 2838. Fryerside, Over, co. Durham, messuage, &c., in, 2632. ... "" resident at, 2632. Fryery House, co. Durham, 2254. Fulbeck, co, Lincoln, residents at, 1000, 1332, 1453. Hmond's, co. Hereford, manor of, 2628. Somerset, minister of, 913. residents at, 260, 1286, 1287. ** Fulbourn, co. Cambridge, residents at, 895, 1570. Fulford, Devon, resident at, 1311. *** •* • Fulham, Middlesex, resident at, 3309. Fullerton, Hants, farm at, 253, 1832. Fullescott, Berks, manor of, 2576, 3121. Fulmer's Land, co. Stafford, 2745. Fulwell, co. Durham, parish of, 2272. resident at, 3037. Fulwood Fields, co. Derby, 425, 438, 449, 450, 457, 462 (2), 469 (2), 1737. co. Lancaster, house in, 3196. residents at, 2749 (2), 3090, 3196 (2). co. York, resident at, 1124. Fulworth, co. Bedford, lands in, 1308. Funtington, Sussex, minister of, 1863. Furness, co. Lancaster, estates in, 2560. places in, 1698, 1904, 2560, 3079. residents in, 1696, 1898, 1903. Furneux-Pelham, co. Herts, residents at, 2460, 2615, 2664, 3206. ****** • > ··· co. York, residents at, 1753, 2857. Gate, co. York, manor of, 2857. Furnshaulgh, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3194. Fyfield, Wilts, resident at, 2135. G Gaddesby, co. Leicester, rectory and tithes of, 2217, 2411 (2), 2412 (3). …………………} residents at, 109, 2217, 3056, 3283. Gaderton, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1445. Gaine's Park, Essex, resident at, 1886. Gainford, co. Durham, parish of, 2221. 3684 INDEX OF PLACES. 1 Gainsborough, co. Lincoln, King's garrison at, 1758. prisoner taken at, 1320. residents at, 987, 1340, 1368, 2083, 3256. siege of, 1252. taking of, 953. } Gale, the, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1950. Galland Bank, co. Lancaster, 3095, 3096. Galloway, Scotland, residents in, 2619, 2620. Gallow Hill, Northumberland, lands in, 2592, 2593. · ..... ·· ... • manor, &c., of, 3211. resident at, 2591. Galtres Forest, co. York, 227, 950, 2105, 3293. .... .. RES Galway, Ireland, estate in, 1652. Galwhey [Galphay ?], co. York, resident at, 2914. Gamblethwaite, see Gunthwaite. Games, Norfolk ?, manor of, 2624. Gamlingay, co. Cambridge, resident at, 568. Ganstead, co. York, estate in, 3304. resident at, 3304. -in-Holderness, co. York, resident at, ...... 1025. Ganton, co. York, resident at, 954. ..-in-the-Wolds, co. York, 2017. Gardens, Essex, resident at, 1788. Gardham House, co. York, 1324. Gardvagny, co. Radnor, resident at, 970. Garendon, or Garowden, co. Leicester, 191, 2611, 2734. manor of 2192, 2734. residents at, 109 (4), 111. Garford, Berks, manor of, 1625. Garforth, co. York, estates in, 2313. Gargrave, co. York, lands in, 985. Garhons, co. Hereford, resident at, 2001. Garnston, co. Hereford, resident at, 3193. Garracroft, Cornwall, estate in, 3234. Garriston, co. York, houses in, 3218. resident at, 2958. .... ·· " Garrs, the, co. York, 2513. Garsdale, co. York, minister of, 1605 (2). Garsdon, Wilts, resident at, 1577. N ... Garstang, co. Lancaster, 1903, 1912 (4), 2507, 2570 (3), 3134, 3212. mills at, 1284. parish of, 1118, 1910, 2515, 3134, 3202. .... ', ·· ……. LU place near, 3203. residents at, 246, 1411, 2506 (2), 2569, 2570, 2713, 3192, 3212. > , Garston, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 2895, 3224. mauor of, 2514. residents at, 2055, 2737, 3141, 3224, 3228, 3229. taking of, 2849. Garthorpe, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 111. Garton, co. York, estate in, 3111. Gartree, co. Leicester, hundred of, 108. Garway, co. Hereford, resident at, 3192. Gatcomb, Somerset, manor of, 2342. Gateburton, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1372. Gately, Norfolk, manor of 2885 (2). Gatenby, co. York, estate at, 2852. Gatertopp, co. Hereford, resident at, 3193. Gateshead, co. Durham, messuage, &c., in, 3222. residents at, 203, 2037, 2057, 2610. Gathorne, Westmoreland, King's party at, residents at, 203, 1137, 3053. Gatley, co. Hereford, resident at, 1510. Gatton, Surrey, manor of, 252, 2171 (2), 2172. …………. • resident at, 2517. Gauldby, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Gawcott, co. Bucks, estate at, 67. Gawsworth, co. Chester, house in, 1129 (2). residents at, 123, 1129, 2283, 2843. 1 > 521. Gawthorpe, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2927, 3010, 3200, 3225. • • "> Gayles, co. York, estates at, 587. Gayton, Norfolk, resident at, 2317. co. Stafford, lands in, 1895 (3). Gaywood, Norfolk, lauds in, 1626. Geddington, co. Northampton, resident at, AAAA • 1288. Gedling, co. Notts, parish of, 1268. rectory, &c., of, 1267 (2). resident at, 1267. ***** Gedlington House, Dorset, 3240. Gedney, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1327. . residents at, 1530, 1897, 1996. Marsh, co. Lincoln, lands in, 3196. Gelden, co. Chester, estate at, 1277. Germausweek, Devon, estates at, 153 (2). Germany, place in, 1656. ***** service in the wars in, 1620. Gerrans, Cornwall, resident at, 2918. Gersby, co. Lincoln, see Gresby. Gervis House, co. Lancaster, 2507. Ghest, co. Carnarvon, estate in, 1511. Gibside, co. Durham, or Northumberland, re- sidents at, 2181, 2785, 3191, 3297. Gidding, Hunts, estate in, 1435, 1436. Giddy Hall, Essex, 3302. resident at, 1257. ******** Gidley, Devon, resident at, 1702. Gifford's Hall, Suffolk, residents at, 539, 2230. Giggleswick, co. York, resident at, 2244. Gilcrux, Cumberland, resident at, 2931. Giles, Middlesex, minister of, 1357. Gilesfield, co. Montgomery, parish of, 2424. Gill, Westmoreland, resident at, 547. Gill Edge, co. York, house in, 3202. INDEX OF PLACES. 3685 Gilling, co. York, resident at, 2154. Gillingham, Dorset, forest of, 1469, 1470. lands in, 1321 (2), 1470. residents at, 77, 1236, 3185, 3259. …………….., Kent, residents at, 728, 1325, 2837. Gillingwood, co. York, residents at, 2919, 3070. A ... " Gilmorton, co. Leicester, resident at, 108. Gilse, Westmoreland, resident at 521. Ginslew, co. York, lands in, 1997. Girlington, co. York, resident at, 3055. Girsby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 3141. co. York, manor of, 2676. resident at, 2676. .... Gisborne, co. York, lands in, 1445. resident at, 1609. Gisborough, co. York, resident at, 2254. Gislingham, Suffolk, manor of, 1852. ………… residents at, 1851 (2). Gissing, Norfolk, estates, &c., in, 114, 115, · ? 3204. resident at, 114. Gittisham, Devon, residents at, 2722, 2966, • 3259. Givendale, or Gwendale, co. York, estates, &c., in, 587, 1120. Glamorganshire, 507. ני ****** Y .. [] ……………………… ··· • 2 ..... ** • DA ** …………. Commissioners of Array for, 1130. County Commissioners of, 507, 1178, 1226 (2), 1355, 1770, 2176–2180, 2674. appointment of, 522. certificate of, 2180. 2 ■** resident at, 1119. > .... • > *** 1355. AD • > ****** ••> J.Ps in, 2176. …………., King's party in, 2144. - **** orders to, 1355, 1369, 1370, 1770, 2176-2180, 2674. reference to, 2674. returns from, wanted, 421, 449. the late, 569, 574, 2178 (3). ... ***** *** ·· alluded to, 1370. letter of, 569. letters to, 574, 1770, 3211. lands, estates, &c., in, 743, 1226, 1705, 2176-2180, 2304, 2311, 2312, 2674 (3), 3211. places in, 1175, 1226. reduction of, 1355. residents in, 747, 861 (3), 1130, 2674 (3). ……………… alluded to, 367, 470, 609, cases of, 1130, 1175, 1177, 1226, 1276, 1355, 1369, 1754, 1770, 1855, 1866, 1966, 2144, 2176, 2193, 2216, 2587, 2674, 3175, 3194, 3211, 3239 (3). …………., traveller to, 1977. witnesses in, 2178. > ******♪ lists of, notes of, 569, 741. sheriff, high, of, 1130, 1175. Glanford Brigg, co. Lincoln, Parliamentary forces at, 2782. Glankynleth, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1494. Glapthorn, co. Northampton, 410, 1088. inhabitants of, petition of, 1088. ……………….., rectory of, 1088 (2). Glapwell, co. Derby, minister of, 1357. Glasbrook, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3176. Glascomb, co. Radnor, resident at 2434. Glassenbury, Kent, residents at, 2602, 3268. Glastonbury, Somerset, lands in, 1430. residents at, 250, 1047, 1279, 1295, 1635. Glatton, co. Huntingdon, resident at, 2382. Gleadthorpe, see Gleythorpe. Glemham Hall, Suffolk, resident at, 1579. Glendale, Northumberland, lands in, 3027. Glenfield, co. Leicester, residents at, 109-111, 1291, 3229. Glenn, Great, co. Leicester, residents at, 108, 110. ... Glentworth, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1962. Gleston, co. Lancaster, manor of, 3005. Gleythorpe, or Gleadthorpe Grange, co. Notts, 577, 1735. A Glivian Richard, Cornwall, resident at, 2338. Glossop, co. Derby, 2470, 2476, 2478, 2831. ………………………, manor of, 2471, 2478 (2). minister of, 2476. • Sad **** · > ** · ... O ………………………, rectory of, 2471. Gloucester, 758. • ... · • S rectory of, 1358, 2471. residents in, 2478. } ******* church, receiver of revenues of, 2352. citizens of, 803. County Commissioners at or for, 225, 716, 746, 1175, 1308. **** petition of, 2476. Dale, co. Derby, manor of, 2471, 2478. Dean and Chapter of, 1226, 2585. King's almsmen at, 2352. lands or estate in, 85 (2). lands given to, 1050. letters dated from, 64, 76, 85, 133, 155, 224, 262, 383, 545, 557, 573, 649, 651, 657, 746 (2), 748, 755, 761, 764– 766, 769. ***3 castle, keeper of for the King, 748. prisoners in, 1588. .., mayor of, 64, 76, 81, 85, 133, 206. Parliamentary party at, 1149. garrison at, 76, 1843, 3159. ……, ………………, money for, 224, 2686. ....., governor of, 55, 790, 909 (2), 1571, 1863. ……….. places near, 3159 (2). prisoners in or sent to. 909, 1071, 1128, 1146, 1470, 1639, 2000. 3686 INDEX OF PLACES. Gloucester-cont. .....9 • .. ****** ... residents at, 86 (3), 87 (8), 227 (2), 245, 262, 275, 279, 1407, 1569, 1594, 2610. **** Gloucestershire, 1954, 1983, 2307. PALACE •9 ... > Ayu. " County Commissioners of, 48, 64, 119, 126, 133, 134, 155, 225 (2), 317, 383, 465, 506, 619, 688, 764, 783, 909 (2), 910 (2), 913 (2), 983, 1013, 1017, 1023, 1249, 1273, 1314, 1431, 1473, 1588, 1629, 1653, 1711, 1745, 1791, 1792 (3), 1800 (2), 1843, 1844, 1933, 1934 (2), 1983, 2080, 2143, 2200, 2201, 2247 (2), 2281 (2), 2282, 2226 (2), 2457, 2649, 2661, 2685, 2802, 2803, 2818, 2838, 2890, 2908, 2920, 2970, 2999, 3008, 3159, 3182, 3264, 3301. absent from, 649. St. Mary-le-Crypt church in, 911. siege of, 1706, 1971, 2307 (2), 3003. travellers to, 649. …………… • 174, 404, 673. ………………… assessment for the King in, 1131. condition of, 81. > → .... > ** alluded to, 653, 1086, .... "" 1149, 2327 (2), 2458, 2686, 2818, 2920. depositions taken before or sent *.***> up by, 649, 658, 748, 2838, 3248 (2). discharge by, 491. ****** • "" ……… letters of, 64, 76, 81, 85, 179, 224, 278, 383, 393, 398, 415, 416, 545, 557, 573, 649, 729, 736, 746 (2), 748, 755, 761, 764-766, 769, 775, 865, 1792, 3248. appointment or approval of, certificates of, 2618, 3049. A alluded to, 59. ·· .. "" letters to, 206, 234, 250, 253, 312, 313, 339, 249, 372, 374, 407, 443, 491, 514, 516, 547, 577, 580, 610, 656, 684, 708, 716, 746, 763 (2), 765-767, 771 (2), 773, 774, 912, 1146, 1780, 2248, 3211, 3248 (2), 3251 (2), 3252, 3299. Ny …………….y .. alluded to, 144, 292, 470, 518, 697, 746, 867, 939, 1447, 1526, 2307. ..... · officers of, 225, 227, 234, 245, 253, 279, 290, 347, 362, 393, 398, 406, 407, 415, 416, 443, 508, 748, 764, 767, 2919. petitions of, 317, 449, …………………, ………………, orders of, 155, 897. ******** ******* ………………) 1629. ……………. alluded to, 2080, 2247, .. …………. > 2326, 2327. orders to, 3, 465, 645, 648, 873, 910-913, 1009, 1017, 1050 (3), 1131, 1148, 1150, 1182 (2), 1308, 1314, 1406, 1410, 1474, 1544 (2), 1617, 1653, 1676, 1678, 1780, 1792, 1798, 1800, 1801, 1823, 1933 (2), 1949, 1982, 2080, 2085, 2143, 2200, 2247-2249, 2306 (2), 2307, 2326 (3), 2327 (2), 2352, 2361 (2), 2362 (3), 2457, 2528, 2661, 2686, Gloucestershire, County Commissioners of, orders to-cont. • · • ……………………、、 ………………、 papers sent up by, 3154. ………………, ………………, payments to, 1144, 1676, 1933. proposals or queries of, 224, · 7 " 2803, 2817 (2), 2818 (2), 2838 (2), 2913, 2919, 2920 (2), 2982, 2999, 3008, 3182, 3239, 3292, 3299 (2), 3301. asked for or alluded to, 1144, 1273, 1797, 1954, 2248 (2), 2249, 2327, 2661, 283, 2818, 2999, 3299. .. 577. references to, 2143 (2), 2248, 2280, 2282, 2327 (2), 2361, 2494, 2919, 3004 (2), 3154. VA ', CAN ·· ......, reports by, 2610, 2803, 3248 (3), 3251. sitting at Westminster, 1174, 1175. submission to, 2016. the late, 179, 224, 278, 279, 383, • > …………… 516, 577, 729, 736, 2263, 2306, 2610, 2838, 2889 (2), 2913, 2920, 2999. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 2071, 2087. J.P's for, 210. juries in, 1983. lands, estates, &c., in, 48, 224, 262, 278,717,767,847, 910-913, 1009, 1149 (2), 1150 (2), 1205, 1259, 1273, 1406, 1410, 1473 (2), 1544, 1585, 1602, 1617-1619, 1621, 1624 (5), 1625 (5), 1630, 1673, 1676, 1705, 1711, 1714, 1736 (2), 1745, 1790, 1792, 1793, 1853, 1933, 1934, 1955, 2024, 2085 (2), 2143, 2144, 2248, 2281, 2282, 2326, 2327, 2360-2362, 2448, 2457, 2494, 2528, 2817, 2818, 2890, 2919, 2920, 3004, 3143, 3182, 3265, 3298, 3301. granted to Cromwell, 1705. 2 > • > ? • ·· > .... > lists of, 85-88. receipts from, 429. Major-General for, 2071. 5 ………….¶ ………………………, money from, 619. places in, 227, 846, 910, 911, 933, 1410, 1503, 1701. residents in, 38, 48, 82, 119, 224, 372, 506, 508 (3), 512, 519, 604, 736, 748, 755, 758, 933, 1273, 1357, 1675, 1797 (2), 1801, 1863, 1901, 1931, 2011, 2080, 2142, 2203, 2219, 2249 (2), 2231, 2336, 2362 (3), 2803, 2817, 2913, 2975, 3004, 3159, 3182, 3239, 3299, 3301. ..., ......, cases of, 816, 865, 909, 933, 939, 948, 952, 1013, 1017, 1023, 1026, 1050, 1086, 1131, 1143, 1149, 1174, 1191, 1202, 1273, 1407, 1431, 1447, 1544, 1555-1557, 1565, 1585, 1588, 1591, 1594, 1629, 1652, 1653, 1664, 1675, 1678, 1728, 1745, 1800, 1804, 1822, 1843, 1884, 1886, 1887, 1942, 1949, 1972, 1981, 1998, 2007, 2016, 2025, 2026 (2), 2035, 2071, 2077, 2079, 2087 (2), 2091, 2118, 2200, 2219, 2221, 3687 Gloucestershire, residents in, cases of-cont. 2247, 2306, 2307, 2326, 2350, 2360, 2429, 2457, 2528, 2536, 2552, 2610, 2618, 2644 (2), 2649 (2), 2650, 2654 (2), 2661, 2685 (3), 2708, 2782, 2802, 2821, 2838, 2889 (2), 2890, 2908, 2919, 2957, 2982, 2999, 3004, 3049, 3136, 3143, 3154, 3157, 3158, 3168, 3175, 3191, 3192, (2), 3197, 3239, 3247, 3248, 3251, 3252, 3258-3262, 3301. lists of, 85-88. · • • · • • ·· • .... C } → • …….. } ·· · . • order to, 324. > ..... > ………………………, surveyors of, messenger to, 169. Glowston, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Goathill Farm, Somerset, 2170. Goborough, Cumberland, resident at, 202. Godalming, Surrey, residents at, 149, 168, 169, 344, 814, 2018, 2363, 2511, 3258. Goddard's Farm, Berks, 582. Goddington Manor, co. Oxon, 1223 (2). Goddrington, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1625. Godley, co. York, resident at, 1746. Godlingstone, Dorset, resident at, 3193. Godmanchester, Hunts, church of, 1527. minister of, 1527. Godmanston, Somerset, farm of, 234. resident at, 2853. N rising in, 748, 749. sheriffs of, 143, 225, 2362. under, 2362, 2618. letter of, 70. Godolphin, Cornwall, resident at, 117. Godstone, Surrey, residents at, 1468, 1619. Godstow, co. Oxon, resident at, 1446. Golborne, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3201. Goldeliff, co. Monmouth, manor of, 2850, 3065. Goldington, co. Beds, minister of, 1251. .. rectory of, 1247. ..y Goldworthy, Devon, resident at, 3166. Gomeldon, Wilts, resident at, 78 (2). Goodnestone, Kent, rectory of, 2702, 2703 (3). residents at, 328, 459. petition of, 2703. Goodrich, co. Hereford, resident at, 3260. .. t .. D *** • ■ → ***** > ………… Goodwin's Mead, Somerset, 2583. Goole, co. York, residents at, 1017, 1738. Goone Warren, Cornwall, 2004. Goosnargh, co. Lancaster, 1814, 2399, 2937, 2960, 3031 (2), 3120, 3134, 3177, 3201, 3225 (2). > *** +4 INDEX OF PLACES. notes of, 199, 729, 741,742. Castle, co. Hereford, governor of, 266. prisoner taken at, 1525. reduction of, 38, 2000. • ***** manor of, 1102. minister of, 2568. parish of, 1301, 3216. tithes of, 2568 (2). residents at, 2389, 2782, 2960, 3031, 3065, 8091, 3120, 3124, 3175, 3183, 3201 3216, 3225 (3). Goosnargh, residents at-cont. petition of, 2568. Goostrey, co. Chester, chapel of, 1186. church of, 1186. .... minister of, 1186. > Gore, the Old, co. Lancaster, 3172. Goring, co. Oxon, resident at, 3259. Gorscott, co. Stafford, lands in, 2456. residents at, 89, 2080 (2). Gorsuch, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2758, 2803. Hall, co. Lancaster, 2758. Goscote, East and West, co. Leicester, hun- dreds of, 109 (2). .. Gosforth, Cumberland, parish of, 1703. Goshall Manor, Kent, 888. Goston, co. Glamorgan, lands in, 2670. Goswick, Northumberland, resident at, 1047. Gotehurst, Bucks, estates, &c., at, 67, 2013, ..... 3171. residents at, 3170, 3171. > Gothelney, Somerset, resident at, 1210. .. **** Goudhurst, Kent, lands in, 1948 (2). residents at, 1683, 2681. Goulding's Land, co. Chester, 3223. Gowbrey, Cumberland, sheep, &c., at, 2465, 2466, 2470. Goxhill, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1674. Grace Dieu, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 1987. Grafton, Hants, farm at, 1478, 1479. • ·· • **** W House, co. Northampton, prisoners taken at, 1293, 1588. co. Warwick, lands in, 3205. Grain, Isle of, Kent, resident at, 2052. Graiston Flat Close, Westmoreland, 196. Gramskey, Westmoreland, 196. Grandborough, Bucks, estate at, 67. Granden Hall, Essex, 2927. Grange, the, Berks, resident at, 3031. Dorset, see Creeck Grange. co. Lancaster, chapel in, 62. resident at, 2861. the, co. Monmouth, estate at, 2975. resident at, 2248. .. A · resident at, 3309. Ardens, eo. Warwick, lands in, 3229. Temple, co. Warwick, lands in, 3229. resident in, 3205. • .. > Gransden Magna, or Great Gransden, Hunts, manor of, 1410, 2230. resident at, 1133. Grantham, or Granton, co. Lincoln, aldermen and burgesses of, petition of, 1310. estate in, 2352. > **** .... AN King's forces at, 1748. paper dated from, 83. residents at, 816, 880 (2), 1310, 1660, 1663, 1720, 1748 (2), 2224, 2351, 2766, 3154, 3209, 3257, 3287. traveller to, 1143. South, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1586. 3688 INDEX OF PLACES. Granthorpe, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1151. Granton, see Grantham. Grasmere, Westmoreland, house at, 3286. resident at, 176. Grassendale, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3228. Gravelling, Sussex, resident at, 1667. Graveney, Kent, lands in, 2740. resident at, 3132. Gravenhurst, co. Bedford, resident at, 2979. Gravesend, Kent, resident at, 1497. Grayling, Westmoreland, resident at, 2980. Grayrigg, Westmoreland, residents at, 547, ..... 1907. Graystonleigh, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2957, 3205. Greasby, co. Chester, estate at, 60. Greasley, co. Derby, resident at, 3151. co. Notts, lands in, 1735. Great Broskill Close, co. Derby, 1734. Greatford, co. Lincoln, resideut at, 1136. Greatham, co. Durham, hospital of, 2733 (2). master of, 245, 2732, 2733. ·· ******* Sussex, residents at, 1071, 2282. Greatworth, co. Northampton, residents at, 1234, 1865. • *** Greenarbor, Devon, resident at, 3185. Greencroft, co. Durham, desmesues of, 2896. lands in, 3038. mansion house of, 3137. residents at, 2896, 3038, 3107, 3137. Greeneham, manor of, Rutland, 612. Greenfield, co. Flint, resident at, 2455. Greenhalgh, or Greenalgh, co. Lancaster, cottage in, 2549. · …….. .. …….. Castle, King's garrison at, 1212. Parliamentary forces before, · 1654. Greenhall Manor, Norfolk, 1492. Greenham, Somerset, manor of, 3307. resident at, 1818. > Greenhead, co. York, resident at, 2647. Greenhills, co. Chester, residents at, 1192, 1631. Greenhouse, the, co. Hereford, 2585. Greenlow, co. Derby, lands in, 328 (2), 477. Green's Manor, Surrey, 2762 (2). Green's tenement, co. Lancaster, 2570. Greenwich, Kent, 861, 2378 (2), 2379, 3295. residents at, 166, 459, 728, 861, 1607, 1986, 2378, 2645, 2906. East, Kent, houses, &c., in, 361, 2378, 2379. KARANY manor of, 146. ****** resident in, 861. Greet, Salop, see Creet. Greetham, Rutland, lands at, 496. minister of, 496. Greetwell, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1340, 1979. Grelick, Somerset, resident at, 1004. Grendon, Bucks, estate at, 1611. • .. Gresby, or Gersby, co. Lincoln, mansion house in, 1872. resident at, 1872. Gresford, co. Denbigh, parish of, 2977. Gresley, co. Derby, closes in, 3068. Gressingham, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2569. residents at, 2037, 2281. Gretton, co. Northampton, prebend of, 1581. ... ··· ... *** Greys, co. Oxon, minister of, 2877. Greysfields, Suffolk, 3104. Greysley, co. Notts, 1932. Greystock, Cumberland, 2469 (2), 2470, 3160. ….., barony of, 620. co. Hereford, resident at, 3016. co. Northampton, residents at, 233, 1879, 2326. residents at, 2469, 3160, 3186 (2). Grimley, co. Worcester, bailiwick of, 1452. resident at, 1452. Grimlington, co. York, houses in, 1910. resident at, 3131. Grimoldby, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1327. resident at, 1897. *** *** Grimsargh, co. Lancaster, 2962 (2), 3194, 3207 (2). • .... ***** Grimsby, co. Lincoln, lands in, 3276. residents at, 1056, 1356. 1 > residents at, 1085 (2), 1449. ..., tithes of, 1365. Grimstead, Wilts, estate at, 78. ministers of, 79. Grimsthorp, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1389. Grimston, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. co. York, residents at, 982, 1343. Grindon, co, Durham, farm and mansion house of, 2205, 2206. rectory of, 1580, 1581, 3305. Wood Walks, 1581. lands in, 1978. co. Stafford, manor of, 1736, 1737. Gringley, co. Notts, inhabitants of, petition of, 2190. "" *** ** Great, co. Lincoln, rector or vicar of, 1365 (2). •> hall at, 2543. residents at, 656, 3101, 3194, 3207. Grinsbill, Salop, church and minister of, 2113. residents in, 2113. petition of, 2113. .. tithes of, 2113. Grinstead, East, Sussex, church or minister of, 1216 (2), 1603. ... ••• ··· > resident at, 2361. "" ****** West, Sussex, houses, &c., in, 2279, 2282 (2). residents at, 2278, 2279. …………. y Grinton, co. York, rectory of, 1856 (2). Grisdale, co. York, minister of, 1605. INDEX OF PLACES. 3689 Grisdall, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3110. Grismond, co. Monmouth, see Grosmont. Groatlington, North umberland, estate .... 2599. Groby, co. Leicester, resident at, 1830. Gropenhall, co. Chester, resident at, 2845. Grosaney, co. Flint, residents at, 1717, 1718. Grosmont, or Grismond, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1712. minister of, 3137. resident at, 2442. tithes of, 3136, 3137 (3). Grove Court, co. Gloucester, 3175. ***** ·· Grovehurst, Kent, manor of, 2677. Farm, Hants, 2574. Place, Hants, residents at, 1065, 2875. Kent, manor of, 2357. Park, co. Warwick, residents at, 1784, 1785, 3120. residents at, 2676, 2677, 2845, 2971. ………… ? Grundall, Essex, manor of, 3032. Grunsbury [Grundisburg ?], Suffolk, lands in, 1851. Gubberinehill, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2708. Gubbins, co. Ilerts, resident at, 2443. Guernsey, Isle of, men seat to protect, 48. trained band in, Captain of, *****} at, 3108. Guestwick, Norfolk, minister of, 1604 (2). Guildford, Surrey, watercourse at, 2294 (2). Priory, house and park in, 434, 2427. residents at, 1409, 2020. **** ****** Guildhall, see London, streets, buildings, &c., in. Guilsfield, co. Montgomery, vicar of, 3056. Guinea, estate in, 1651. trade with, 1651. ****** Guisbrough, co. York, minister of, 934. Gulvall, Cornwall, resident at, 1880. Gumby, co. York, manor of, 2642. Gumley, co. Leicester, resident at, 172. Gunfield, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1857. Gunstead, co. York, resident at, 1029. Gunston, co. Stafford, resident at, 2772. Gunthorpe, co. Notts, messuage in, 1735. Gunthwaite, or Gamblethwaite, co. York, chapel and minister of, 1027 (2). inhabitants of, petition of, 1027. Gunvate, Wilts, resident at, 1739. Gunwallow, Cornwall, resident at, 2687. Gunwarby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2917. Gunworth Park, Sussex, 514. Gupshill, co. Gloucester, farm at, 1792. manor of, 1793. Gurland, Cornwall, barton of, 2601. resident at, 2601. Gurney House, see London, streets, buildings, &c., in. Gurton, co. Lancaster, sec Urton. 70358. Gussage St. Andrew, Dorset, resident at, 118. St. Michael, Dorset, resident at, 118. Guthlaxton, co. Leicester, hundred of, 108. Gwendale, see Givendale. Gwendor, co. Brecon, lands in, 3001. rectory of, 3002. resident at, 3001. *** Gwerckles, co Merioneth, see Querkles. Gwern-y-Cleppe, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1693. Gwersyllt, co. Denbigh, hall at, 2977. ..., lands in, 2854. residents at, 1256, 2977. Gwinear, Cornwall, resident at, 2866. Habergham, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2075. Hablesthorpe, co. Notts, lands in, 1851. · 1 resident at, 2879. 11 " Haccombe Barton, Devon, manor of, 1362. Ilackbourne, Berks, manor of, 1625. Hackeridge, Dorset, lands in, 2020. Hackford Hundred, Essex, 95. Hackington, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1, 1230. Hackinsall, co. Lancaster, tithes of, 2950. Hackleston, or Hackston, Wilts, estate at, 77. resident at, 1142. • ... Hackleton, co. Northampton, farm at, 1590. resident at, 1999. Hackney, Middlesex, manor of, 610, 2156 (2), 2157 (3), 2164, 2166, 2167. residents at, 493, 1470, 2072, 2166, 3243, 3256. Hackthorp, Westmoreland, resident at, 1137. Haddenham, Bucks, estate at, 67. Haddlesey, West, co. York, meadows in, 2764 (2). Haddock Stones Grange, co. York, 3096. Haddon, Over, co. Derby, lands in, 1847. H " 1 tithes at, 1452. co. Oxon, lands in, 2833 (2). Hadham, Herts, resident at, 1931. " · Little, co. Herts, lands in, 1952. manor of, 1932, 1933. Hadleigh, Suffolk, lands in, 2133, 2134. East, co. Northampton, manor of, 1303, 1308. **** West, co. Northampton, resident at, 1451. " ***** resident at, 3033. Hadley, Berks, estate at, 1214. Middlesex, minister of, 1301. resident at, 1018. Hadlow, Kent, lands in, 1680 (2). Hadnock, co. Monmouth, demesnes of, 1850. Hadspen, Somerset, rectory of, 1339. Hadstone, Northumberland, lands of, 2046. KK 3690 INDEX OF PLACES. Haggerston, co. Durham, manor of, 903. mansion house of, 2558. residents at, 902, 2558. Haginton, Devon, estate of, 2064. Hagley, co. Worcester, resident at, 863. Hague, the, King of Scots at, 1377. East, co. York, estate of, 2577. House, co. York, 2409, 2577. Hagworthingham, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2118. Haigh, the, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1995. residents at, 1093, 1722, 1995, 2072, 2074 (2), 2126, 2493, 2568 (2), 2701, 2855, 2971, 2994. Haighton, co. Lancaster, estates in, 2989, 2990. residents at, 2989 (2), 3144, 3193, 3194. Hainault, Chapel, Essex, lodge of, 1353. resident at, 1353. timber at, 1353, 1354. Walk in, 1353, 1354. Hainton, co. Lincolu, manor of, 1365, 1366. .. ... ... ****** • @ *** ••• ... resident at, 1365. **") Halberton, Devon, estate at, 1301. residents at, 2868, 3259. sheaf or rectory of, 518. Halcitor, co. Montgomery, manor of, 2199. Haldenby, co, York, resident at, 1551. Hale, co. Chester, Rungey in, resident at, 686. ·· …………… Cumberland, rectory of, 1703. resident at, 3149. co. Lancaster, lands in, 2821. residents at, 2738, 2821. tenement in, 2738 (4) Bank, co Lancaster, lands in, 2821. East and West, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1724. Great, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1547. Halesbury, Devon, resident at, 2946. Hales Owen, co. Worcester, resident at, 2899, Halewood, co. Lancaster, estate in, 2574. houses or lands in, 1117, 1348. Halford, co. Warwick, resident at, 1811. Halghton, or Halton, co. Flint, residents at, 248, 1718. Halifax, co. York, free school at, 1572. lands in, 2366. parish of, 2478. residents at, 1183, 2160, 2367, 3067, 3193. 444 "" .... ***** •" • ... ***** .. …………… A > .... travellers to or from, 490. Halkin, co. Flint, resident at, 1723. Hallington, Northumberland, manor, mills, &c., of, 2748 (2). • Halliock, Over and Nether, co. Leicester, lands in, 3171. Halliotts, the, Rutland, 2044. Hallistones, Northumberland, 2508. parish of, 2509. Halliwell, Devon, estates at, 153. Halliwell-cont. co. Durham, mansion house of, 2584 (3). co. Lancaster, lands in, 2815. manor of, 1117. resident at, 3178. Northumberland, resident at, 1078. Hall-on-the-Hill, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2945. Hallow, co. Worcester, bailiwick of, 1452. Hallowes, co. Derby, estate in, 2321. Hall's Court, co. Worcester, manor of, 2102. Halsall Hall, co. Lancaster, 2440. .... manor of, or estates in, 2440,2442 (2), minister of, 2955. residents at, 2440, 2442 (2), 2953, 2955. Halse, Somerset, rectory and minister of, 3286. A .... residents at, 1994, 2009. Halsenade, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3142. Halsham, East and West, co. York, manors of, 2155. Halstead, South, Essex, manor, &c., in, 2900 (2). resident at, 2900. ……….., co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Halston, Devon, estate at, 153. Haltabila Farm, co. Monmouth, 1714. Halton, Bucks, estate at, 68. ··· ..... ** .. ... 3 * .. ? **** co. Chester, resident at, 1947. Castle, co. Chester, 914, 1121, 1269, 1509. ... co. Flint, see Halghton. > Hall, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1172 (2). Holgate, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1215. Haltwhistle, Northumberland, manor of, 2673 (2), 2674. resident at, 2673. Halvergate, Norfolk, resident at, 115. Ham, Dorset, resident at, 118. Northumberland, resident at, 1012. Salop, resident at, 3260. Price, co. York, dissolved priory of, 2990. '' Cornwall, manor, &c., of, 1772. resident at, 1772. ,,, West, Essex, church and minister of, 1661 (2), 2378. **** • "" manor, &c., of, 2422 (2). residents at, 1431, 1661. …………, petition of, 3278. tithes, &c., of, 1302, 3278. Kent, farm at, 1755. House, Surrey, 2553, 2554 (2). manor of, 2553. Wilts, living of, 79. ****** Hambleden, or Hambledon, Bucks, estate at, 66. resident at, 2697. " Hamblethorpe, co. York, resident at, 2076. C INDEX OF PLACES. 3691 Hambleton, co. Rutland, manor of, 387, 398, 2187 (2). residents at, 372 (2). Hambridge, Somerset, resident at, 1747. Hamer, co. Hereford, resident at, 983. Hames, co. Warwick, resident at, 1745. Hamilton, co. Durham, manor of, 2385. Hamlyngs, Sussex, 1347 (3). Hammersmith, Middlesex, residents at, 2239, 3054. ..... Hamon Head, co. York, resident at, 1098. Hampall, co. York, manor of, 3072 (2). resident at, 3072. Hampden, Bucks, resident at, 2363. ... ..., Little, Bucks, estate at, 67. Hampreston, or Hampressam, Dorset and Hants, residents at, 118, 259, 2733, 3197. …………. Hampshire, or Southampton County, 374, 715, 883, 1589, 2694. clubmen in, 983. condition of, 553. ……………. ………… · ·· > Commissioners for securing the peace of, 883, 1243, 1244. ·· ………………… County Commissioners of, 54, 104, 236, 344, 383, 386, 424, 453, 506, 530, 532, 542, 730, 801, 848, 883, 995, 996, 1059, 1086, 1087, 1487, 1527, 1553, 1756, 1790, 1831, 1841 (2), 1842 (2), 1944, 2042, 2095 (2), 2114, 2334, 2348, 2373, 2391, 2495, 2517, 2531, 2532 (2), 2573 (2), 2693-2695, 2697. 2807, 2832, 2874, 2883 (2), 2884, 2895, 3009, 3036, 3236. •> appointment or approval of, 168, 173, 673, 751. ..., certificates by, 236, 576, 2986. alluded to, 1841, 2496, 2694, 2874, 2986. • ****** } ………………………) "> ******* letters of, 155, 193, 236, 253, 277, 282, 320, 339, 350, 380, 383, 385, 438, 447, 453, 462, 163, 475, 477, 485, 493, 524, 550, 657, 665, 688, 700, 706, 737, 752, 756, 759, 765, 1777, 3019. alluded to, 347, 403, 405, C 424. ********** ******* letters to, 254, 259, 275, 313 (2), 347, 350, 406, 462, 467, 476, 486, 497, 525, 529, 570, 652, 688, 713, 749, 751, 754, 757, 760, 765, 771, 1777, 2350, 2567. 3019. alluded to, 470, 657, 1526, ....... officers of, 104, 157, 283, 339, 340, 347, 350, 383, 386, 530, 541, 550, 553, 576, 638, 662, 665, 756, 757, 1479. ****9 …. depositions before, 1940, 2567. discharge by, 1243. · ... …………. orders of, 385, 530, 531 (2). alluded to, 1589. orders to, 283, 348, 448, 523, 533, 961, 997 (2), 1086, 1508, 1589, 1603, 1755, 1756, 1769, 1777, 1788, ……………♥ ... Hampshire, County Commissioners of, orders to-cont. ·· • · ... • • ·· ..... A # .. • ·· 1790, 1831, 1841, 1842, 1944 (2), 2088 (2), 2113, 2114 (2), 2372, 2373 (2), 2374 (2), 2462, 2496, 2500 (2), 2517, 2531 (2), 2532, 2574 (2), 2694, 2695 (2), 2725, 2807, 2833, 2847, 2874, 2883 (3), 2881, 2895, 2986, 3009, 3036, 3146, 3241, 3287 asked for, or alluded to, ****** 63, 489, 1028, 1193, 1218, 1268, 1842, 1973 (2), 2516, 2694, 2697, 2847, 3009, 3190, 3241. •• • > by, 439, 447. • *** MAO *** • ... • ……………… ******* reference by, 970. references to, 2095, 2334, 2517, ***** 2693, 2875, 3188, 3190, 3231, 3264, 3271 (2). ……………., request by, 533. ……………………, ………………, statement by, 2986. submission to, 1658. ·· **** reports by, 1086, 1922, 2113, 2883, 3264. 4.DT " > ... ...> particulars or accounts sent u .. petitions to, 970, 1028, 1065. receipt by, 541. the late, 193, 282, 339, 344, 347, 380, 385, 550, 700 (2), 713, 1756, 1842, 2334, 2373, 2883 (2), 3236. ……………. • ………………♥ summons by, 1994. treasurer of, 236. divisions in, 105, 106, 340, 344, 385, 576, 1479. ……………… ..... lands, estates, &c., in, 146, 253, 402, 485, 487, 642, 882, 883, 961, 980, 997 (2), 1038 (2), 1059, 1086, 1224, 1288 (2), 1316, 1429, 1478, 1479, 1488, 1510, 1527, 1568, 1571, 1603, 1606, 1755, 1769 (2), 1788, 1832 (3), 1842, 1933 (2), 1972, 1973, 2088 (2), 2095, 2114, 2277, 2334 (2), 2349, 2350 (2), 2372, 2496, 2532-2534, 2554, 2573 (2), 2574, 2589 (3), 2612, 2693, 2698, 2725, 2728, 2766, 2874 (3), 2883 (2), 2884, 2895, 3070, 3146 (2), 3181, 3234, 3236, 3287. letter of, 552. letter to, 713. justices of peace for, 2693. King's party in, 552, 1095, 2723. Major-General for (Col. Goffe), 1243, 1244, 1659, 2012. reference to, 1282. .., money from, or revenues of, 619, 799. → letters to, 2042 (3). M.P's for, 552. Parliament forces in, 155, 1589. quarters of, 1260. raising of, 54, 157. places in, 839, 945, 1503. reduction or submission of, 157, 1068. KK 2 3692 INDEX OF PLACES. Hampshire-cont. S residents in, 54, 77, 118, 200, 253, 289, 320, 344, 525, 583, 600, 801, 882, 995, 997, 1095, 1402, 1504, 1638, 1697, 1755, 1832, 1842 (2), 1961, 1973, 2088, 2095, 2113, 2319, 2334, 2363, 2369, 2373, 2573, 2574, 2693, 2694, 2824, 2847, 2895, 2947, 2986, 3009, 3017, 3031, 3190 (2), 3219, 3240. cases of, 830, 848, 882, 970, 976, 979, 996, 1028, 1059 (2), 1060, 1065, 1068, 1085, 1089, 1093, 1095 (2), 1119, 1177, 1183, 1275, 1358, 1372, 1386, 1388, 1487, 1517, 1523, 1539, 1553, 1563, 1658, 1688, 1751, 1755, 1788, 1793, 1812, 1831, 1841, 1873, 1922, 1940, 1944, 1965, 1973, 1976, 1994, 2041, 2079, 2087, 2088, 2095, 2113, 2221, 2437, 2495, 2500, 2516, 2531, 2567, 2589, 2612, 2650, 2697, 2723, 2725, 2728, 2781, 2794, 2807, 2832, 2846, 2847, 2875, 2895, 2930, 2986, 3009, 3019, 3036, 3114, 3115, 3119, 3136, 3138, 3144, 3146, 3147, 3188, 3190, 3193 (4), 3194 (2), 3197 (3), 3198 (4), 3234, 3244, 3258 (2), 3259. 1 lists of, 104-106. …………、、 ………………. ………….., notes of, 199, 383, 730, 741, 742. ... sheriffs of, 882, 2113, 3271. under, 362, 2113. travellers to or from, 199, 921. tithings in, 105, 106. Hampstead Marshall, Berks, courts held at, ………. • .... ... .. SOLAR. 1618. Park or manor, Berks, 473, 601, 618, 1617 (2), 1620, 1625. resident at, 1616. ………………2 **** Hampster Arundel, Devon, messuage in, 2534. Hampsthwaite, co. York, resident at, 3192. Hamptou, co. Chester, residents at, 103, 1139, 2012. Post, co. Chester, resident nt, 112. ………………….., co. Gloucester, resident at, 2685. Middlesex, lands at, 939 (3). pastor and church of, 939. resident at, 2076. Road, co. Gloucester, traveller to, 749. co. Hereford, house at, 2067. Bishop, co Hereford, messuage in, 3028. Charles, co. Hereford, rents in, 2366. Court, co. Hereford, estate of, 604, 607, 616. residents at, 2064, 2066-2068, 2070. Court, Middlesex, letter from, alluded to, 2425. "" Poyle, co. Oxon, residents at, 1471, 2419. .. resident at, 1458. Curlew, alias Hampton-on-the-Hill, co. Warwick, estates in, 1785, 3120. Hampton-cont. ***** LA .. Hamptworth, Wilts, lands in, 78. residents at, 78 (2). Hamstall Ridware, co. Stafford, resident at, • 3068. Hamsterley, co. Durham, chapel of, 1880. parish of, 2038, 3215. Hamworthy, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1193. Hanbury, co. Worcester, estate in, 2960, 2961. residents at, 1373, 1464, 2079. Hanby Grange, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2209. Handsworth, co. Stafford, manor of, 2513. residents at, 1916, 2745. ******* Hanford, Dorset, residents at, 1068, 2231. Hangleton, Sussex, resident at, 3258. Hankerton, Wilts, resident at, 2754. Hanley, Dorset, resident at, 1231. ... ………….. ** ..... ··· in Arden, co. Warwick, resident at, 3192. ·· Hanlith, co. York, resident at, 1748. Hanmer, co. Flint, cure of, 943. Maylor in, farm in, 1719. residents at, 943, 1719, 2845. , co. Worcester, teuements in, 3092. residents at, 172, 3092. Castle, co. Worcester, estate of, 2640. residents at, 616, 3050, 3196. co. Worcester, tithes of, 1707-1709. > Hanney, Berks, lands in, 2328. ……………………., rectory of, 2658, 2834. ', …………………..3 • ...... .. > Hanningfield, Essex, lands in, 1781. East, Essex, manor of, 1782. Hanniwell, Essex, resident at, 539. Hanslope, Bucks, estates at, 67 (4), 68. Willington in, resident in, 1719. East, Berks, estate of, 2539. West, Berks, estate of, 2539. , ………………, parsonage of, 2984 (2). ..... Park, Bucks, 2172, 3171. Hanson Grange, co. Derby, rents of, 1099. Hansworth, co. York, 2474. …… •> manor of, 2478. Hanthwait, co. York, resident at, 1448. Hapcot Farm, Somerset, 3143. Hapsford, co. Chester, resident at, 101. Hapton, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2224 (4), 3298.. residents at, 2174, 2484, 2600. park of, 2223. Harberton, Devon, lands in, 2929. parish of, 2928, 2929. residents at, 153, 2090, 3160. petition of, 2928. …………*** vicar and churchwardens of, 2929. ***** Harborne, co. Stafford, house, &c., in, 2080. ………………………♪ residents at, 89, 2080. Harbottle, Northumberland, manor, &c., of, 2417, 2507, 2509. INDEX OF PLACES. 3693 Harbour House, co. Durham, 2632. resident at, 2632. Harbourne's House, co. Lancaster, 3116. Harbridge, Hants, residents at, 1973, 2847. Harby Brow, Cumberland, estate at, 257. Kent, resident at, 459. Hardaton, co. Durham, resident at, 2400. Hardcott, Wilts, manor of, 1440. Harden Grange, co. York, resident at, 985. Hardingdale, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Hardingham, Norfolk, resident at, 2709. Hard Mash Common, Suffolk, 3129. Hardress, Kent, resident at, 459. Hardrett's Hospital, Berks, 1214. Hardriding, Northumberland, resident at, 202. Hardwick, co. Durham, residents at, 2951 (2), 3178. co. Gloucester, manor of, 1625. ........., co. Leicester, estate of, 1914. co. Monmouth, lands at, 364. residents at, 364, 2406, 3193. tithes of, 3136. ………………….., co. Nottingham, grange at, 1735. lands at, 650. ……………………… ••••• .. 40 • • * ·· .... • a .., co. Warwick, lands in, 2643. ....., West, co. York, lands in, 1958. Hare Park, co. Cambridge, 2453. Haremare [Harmer?], Sussex, resident at, • Haresfield, co. Gloucester, church of, 847. minister of, 846. resident at, 2685. **** Hareswell, co. York, 886, 1387. Hargreave, co. Chester, estates in, 61, 1277. Harlaxton, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1143, 2009, 2974. ***** Harle, Little, Northumberland, estate at, 1485. 1981. ·· " ·· co. Oxon, resident at, 2655. Salop, lands in, 2089. ... Harlech, co. Merioneth, Articles of, 1724. Harleford, Bucks, resident at, 2324. Harleston, co. Northampton, manor of, 1308. Harley, Salop, resident at, 1024. Castle, King's party at, 1070. Harlington, co. Bedford, closes, &c., in, 2163, resident at, 3282. West, Northumberland, resident at, 3103. > ... • 2166. manor of, 2158, 2166. ..., rectory or personage of, 2162. residents at, 629, 2163. Middlesex, resident at, 3259. Harlsey, East, co. York, minister of, 2872 (2). residents at, 2299, 2872. Harlston, co. Cambridge, manor of, 2698, 2699. residents at, 2698 (2). ****** Harlton, co. Cambridge, estate at, 702. | Harmer, Sussex, see Haremare. Harmston, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2432. Harnbridge, Somerset, resident at, 3257. Harnham, Northumberland, lands in, 3078. manor of, 3078. resident at, 3078. .... ··· • • • Harold's Wood, Essex, inhabitants of, petition of, 1302. Harpford, Devon, resident at, 2966. Harpley, or Harporley, co. Durham, residents at, 170, 528. ... .. Harpswell, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1039. Harptree, East, Somerset, resident at, 1994. Harraton, co. Durham, colliery of, 1922, 2127- 2131, 2398. claimants on, 1922, 2127– + .. • ... a 2. ··· " or East Harnham, Wilts, residents at, 78, 3052. • Harrietsham, Kent, residents at, 459, 2614, 2859. Harrogate Hall, co. York, 2976. lands in, 2976. 2131. lands in, 1922, 2375. manor of, 2375. residents at, 204, 2354, 2375 (2). 2859 ?. Harrington, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2118. Harrisom [Harrietsham?], Kent, estate in, ……………… · ... ………………. • Harrold, co. Bedford, lands in, 906. resident at, 906. Harrop, co. Chester, houses, &c., in, 3032. resident at, 3032. Harrow, Middlesex, resident at, 1482. ****** ***** ·· > 3226. Harrowby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1050. Harrowden, co. Northampton, residents at, 88 (2), 2011. ** Harswell, co. York, manor of, 1387. Hartburn, Hartborne, or Hartsborne, co. Dur- ham, residents at, 2251, 2797. West, co. Durham, residents at, 2251, 3299. • • • • • • • 2968. Hartford, co. Chester, resident at, 101. Hunts, minister of, 1250, 1251. Harthill, co. Chester, minister of, 1186. co. York, manor of, 1351. resident at, 3090. Bilton-cum-, see Bilton. • ………………………, manor of, 918 (2). …., park of, 932. > K -on-the-Hill, Middlesex, resident at, Harting, Sussex, cure or parsonage of, 443, 484, 918. ***) Northumberland, parish of, 2595, residents at, 27, 345, 788, 916, 932, 1914 (2), 1915, 2171. traveller to, 932. West, Sussex, manor of, 983, 984. minister of, 918. resident at, 983. 3694 INDEX OF PLACES. Hartland, Devon, rectory of, claimants on, Hassop, co. Derby, manor of, 2320, 2321. 2140-2142. mines in, 2321. ., poor of, money for, 2320. residents at, 62, 2286, 2319. tithes of, 2321. Hastings, Sussex, mayor of, 2769. ……………………, residents at, 97, 98. •1 ** Hartlebury, co. Worcester, castle of, governor of, 1512. **** *** ·· 1. D ·· $ sheaf of, 432, 441, 528, 2141 (2), 2142. ** resident at, 3250. > Hartlepool, co. Durham, Parliamentary garri- son of, 815, 822. governor of, 815. rectory of, 921. resident at, 822. Hartley, Hants, resident at, 1275. ** · (2), 1873. •" ...... *ON …………. Hartlip, Kent, resident at, 2357. Harton, co. York, resident at, 1742. Hartsford, co. Hereford, resident at, 2036. Hartshead, co. York, tithes of, 2897 (2). Hartshill, co. Warwick, resident at, 1762. Hartside, co. Durham, village of, 2206. Hartsop, Westmoreland, nianor of, 2725. Hartwell, co. Northampton, manor of, 1590. Harty, Isle of, Kent, lands in, 2257 (2). parishes in, 247. Harum, co. York, residents at, 1695, 2735. Harwood, co. Hereford, resident at, 1850. KA ……. Mauditt, Hants, resident at, 979. Waspill, Hants, resident at, 1402. Court, Surrey?, 582. Westmoreland, resident at, 99. manor and manor house of, 196 (3), 585, 2308. …………. .. • · ··· > ****** King's garrison at, 1297, 2605. surrender of, 1297. Articles of, 1260, 1336 co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2562, 2563, 2815. residents at, 3128 (2), tenement in, 3128. • ………. ·" Dale, co. York, resident at, 2422. Haselbury Plucknett, Somerset, resident at, ...... " Much, or Great, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2563. 1745. Haselden Manor, Wilts, 1222. · **** ****** [Heslington ?], co. York, 3094. Haseley, Little, co. Oxon, lands in, 1700. ****** co. Warwick, resident at, 2057. Haskin Moor, Somerset ?, lands at, 1507. Hasland, co. Derby, resident at, 960. Haslehurst, co. Chester, resident at, 686. Haslewood, Suffolk, parish of, 3005. Haslington, co. Chester, manor of, 922. minister at, 923. resident at, 922. USEEL……. > Hassall, Little, co. Chester, resident at, 715. Hasselcombe, Devon, estates in, 2064 (2), 2635. • ·· · ..3 ... U · ... ., rape of, 76. > Hasworth, Devon, manor of, 2929. Hatch Beauchamp, Somerset, resident at, 1418. Hatcley Castle, co. Worcester, resident at, 2289. Hatfield, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. Herts, residents at, 2366, 2722. .... stores or money convoyed to, 22 (2), 786. co. York, King's party at, 1029. lands in, 1855. residents at, 616, 3257, 3259. Chase, co. York, 2188-2190. Hather, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1388. Hatherleigh, Devon, residents at, 97, 98 (2), 3033. ****** ·· ♪ ****** residents at, 2769 (2). > Hatherley, Dorset, lands or farm at, 1321 (2). co. Gloucester, houses in, 1745. > resident at, 1447. .. ... Hatherop, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87 (3). Hathersage, co. Derby, resident at, 1694. Hatherton, co. Stafford, manor, &c., of, 2485, 3238. Hatley St. George, co. Cambridge, residents at, 1588, 2390. Committee for, 1863. Hatton, West, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1586. Hauch Hall, co. Stafford, residents at, 90, 1684. NO Haughley, Suffolk, manor of, 1759. ..) Haughton, co. Chester, residents at, 101 (2). co. Lancaster, lands in, 2438. co. Notts, resident at, 2586 (2). co. Stafford, resident at, 3195. ་, Park, Suffolk, resident at, 1759. Haukewell, or Hawkswell, Kent, residents at, 997, 1810. Havant, Hants, resident at, 1965. Haverfordwest, co. Pembroke, letter dated from, 229. ****** ………….., papers at, 572. ***g ... …………………… Havering Park, Essex, 1502 (2), 1503. Haverley, Bucks, estate of, 1611. Havers, co. York, fee farm rents in, 3134. Haversham, Westmoreland, minister of, 1903. Hawarden, co. Flint, castle of, King's garrison at, 2886. plague at, 572, 600. resident at, 747. lands in, 1113. manor of, 248, 1113, 1116. INDEX OF PLACES. 3695 Hawe, Wilts, resident at, 2696. Hawick, Northumberland, resident at, 2969. Hawkesdale, Cumberland, resident at, 1907. Hawkley, Hants, estate in, 1972, 1973 (2). resident at, 1973. ………………………) Hawkswell, Kent, see Haukewell. ……………. .. co. Warwick, resident at, 1468. co. York, parish of, 2131. ..... > Hawksworth, co. Notts, manor of, 1734, 1735. Hawley, Hants, resident at, 2437. Hawnby, co. York, manor of, 2395. Hawnes, co. Bedford, resident at, 1582. Haworth, co. York, minister of, 2714. Haxby, co. York, resident at, 3215. Hay or the Hay, co. Brecon, residents at, 517, 1882. Park, co. York, resident at, 1754. Haybridge, or Hayridge, Devon, hundred of, 2516. …………… ………… Court of, 1504. ******* Haydock, co. Lancaster, tenement in, 3004. Haydon, Northumberland, mill and ferry at, 2590 (2). ·· .....-on-the-Wall, Northumberland, estate in, 2604. Wilts, resident at, 3193. ******* Hayling, Isle of, Hants, residents in, 1517 (2). Haynes Hill, Wilts, resident in, 1465. Haynford, Norfolk, estate at, 115. Hayridge, Devon, see Haybridge. Hayson, Northumberland, resident at, 430. Haystrop, co. York, manor of, 1377. Hayton, Cumberland, residents at, 157, 202, 968, 2932. co. Notts, residents at, 1323, 1717. ......, co. York, resident at, 1517. Hazlewood, co. York, estate in, 2229 (2). manor of, 2230. resident at, 2228. Headingley, co. York, resident at, 1418. Headington, co. Oxon, resident at, 1034. Headlam, co. Durham, residents at, 552, 615. Headley, Surrey, resident at, 1493. Headly, co. Worcester, estate in, 2043. Healey, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2579, 3085. resident at, 3085. Northumberland, resident at, 202. Nether, Northumberland, resident at, 3103. D Heanton Punchardon, Devon, resident at, 3087. Ileapey, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2117. Heath, co. Derby, resident at, 1098. • · • House, Hants, 3194. the, co. Radnor, resident at, 3054. ........., co. Stafford, manor of, 2484. Heathcombe Manor, Somerset, 1429. Heather, co. Leicester, lands in, 1746. resident at, 110. Heathfield, Sussex, house at, 839. Heathy, co. Worcester, manor of, 3016 (2). Heatley, co. Chester, resident at, 101. Heaton, or Treaton, co. Lancaster, lands and mansion of, 1909 (2). manor of, 1910 (2), 2021. residents at, 523, 1909, 2634. Northumberland, manor of, 3281. resident at, 3108. ... Heavitree, Devon, resident at, 2971. Hebborn, co. Durham, residents at, 2848 (2). North, co. Durham, estate in, 2848. • · Hebburn, Northumberland, farm in, 1734. resident at, 1734. Heckfield, Hants, minister of, 1503, 1504. Heckington, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1354. Heddington, co. Oxon, resident at, 1615. Hedgecourt, Sussex, manor of, 3011. Hedgford, co. Stafford, messuage in, 3180. Hedgstone, Middlesex, farm at, 1483. manor, residents at, 1482. Iledingham, Essex, resident at, 3258. …….. · " ·· +4 ► ... Hedley Hope, co. Durham, residents at, 1806, 3153. Hedon in Holderness, co. York, lands in, 2155. ………………………, money for, 162. > ► residents at, 928, 930, 1629. summons posted at, 655. ****** Heerscot, co. Warwick, resident at, 3257. Heigham, Norfolk, estate at, 114. Heighton, co. Lancaster, parish of, 2861. St. Clare, Sussex, manor of, 3011. Helay, co. York, minister of, 1504. Helbeck, Westmoreland, domain or manor of, 196 (2), 3025. lands in, 3025. residents at, 99 (2), 547, 3024, 3192. Heleyfield, co. Durham, 2814. Helland, Cornwall, resident at, 2506. Hellens, co. Hereford, resident at, 1999. Hellesdon, Norfolk, lands in, 3286. ... .... ·· .. ******* } Helme, the, co. Hereford, resident at, 1977. South, co. York, estate in, 2409. resident at, 2409. ..... Helmshaugh, Northumberland, manor and ………. ·· mill of, 2418. Helmsley, co. York, castle of, siege of, 1123. taking of, 1218. ... > inhabitants of, certificate by, 1123. minister of, 1907, 2735. .... ********y rectory of, 2735 (2). residents at, 1123, 1695 (2), 2406. Helpstone, co. Northampton, rectory of, 1042 (2). • residents at, 88, 1042. Helsington, Westmoreland, resident at, 1136. Helston, Cornwall, letter dated from, 276. residents at, 736, 1587, 2854. Helton, Dorset, residents at, 118, 993. Hembrough, co. York, estate in, 3165. 3696 INDEX OF PLACES. Hemingford Abbots, Hunts, resident at, 1974. Grey, Hunts, resident at, 928. Hemington, co. Leicester, minister of, 1671. residents at, 109, 111. • petitions of, 1671 (2). Hemlington, Norfolk, estate in, 2324. *** ... co. York, resident at, 1889. > Hemmingburgh, or Hemmingborough, co. York, residents at, 1464, 1537. • · Hemp, co. Notts, resident at, 769. Hempstead, Kent, residents at, 1663, 3032. Hempston, Devon, manor of, 2534. Little, Devon, resident at, 1315. or Empston Vacy, Devon, manor of, 1396. Hempsworth, Hants, lands in, 2088. Hempton, Norfolk, manor of, 2886. Ilemsby, Norfolk, manor of, 1829 (2), 2819. Hemswell, co. Lincoln, resident at, 835. Hemsworth, Dorset, residents at, 119, 1387. co. York, hospital of, lands belonging to, 2907. lands in, 1701. residents at, 2907. Henbury Farm, Dorset, 3143. Hencot, Salop, tithes of, 1461. Hendale Hall, see Hendon. Henderskelf, co. York, resident at, 1987. Castle, co. York, resident at, 3189. Hendley, co. Worcester, resident at, 2194. Hendon, Middlesex, Court Baron at, 1628. or Hendale Hall, 2199. lands in, 2194, 2197. ... · • " ··· ► ... .... • ·· *** ·· • ., manor, or lordship of, 580 (2), 2195– 2197, 2199 (2). parish of, 2199. .. ……… petition of, 2197. Heneglwys, Anglesea, resident at, 3217. Henfield, Sussex, residents at, 1518, 2294. Hengrave, Suffolk, residents at, 1342, 2381, 2624, 3231. Henham, Essex, manor and rectory of, 2617. Suffolk, resident at, 3169. > Heningham, Essex, County Commissioners sitting at, 347. estate in, 2424. Norfolk, resident at, 859. .... CANA ... master of, 2907. persons in, petition of, 2907. Henlade, Somerset, resident al, 1607. Henley, co. Chester, rectory of, 104. ...... freeholders and copyholders of, ..-on-Thames, co. Oxon, manor of, 375, 1249. ** ·· ………………、 ………………, money for, 37. " Parliamentary garrison at, 996. prisoners taken at, 1631, 2922. residents at, 29, 948, 1251. 2. ... -in Arden, co. Warwick, poor of, peti- tion of, 1915. Henlip, co. Worcester, manor of, 2912, 2943. manor house of, 2942 (5), 2943. resident at, 2941. Henllan, co. Denbigh, parish of, 1702. residents at, 1550, 1946. Henlow, co. Bedford, letter dated from, 732, 739. ••• • Henny Parva, Essex, estate in, 3032. resident at, 3032. • Hensby, Devon, 3280. Hensingham, Cumberland, letter dated from, 761. Hensol, co. Glamorgan, lands in, 2176. Henton, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2713. Henwick, Berks, residents at, 1938, 2363, • ... > 3302. Heptonstall, co. York, resident at, 2224. Hepwell [Hepple ?], Northumberland, barony of, 1737. **** Herdowne, Devon, lands in, 2533. Hereford, assizes at, 2315. • ... ··· • • ……… • .. · • .. > ..... ·· ..... Bishop of, see Coke, George. Castle, betrayal of, to the King, 2024. Parliamentary garrison at, 140, ………… > ……………., governor of, Col. John Birch, 265, 1525 ?, 1701. chaplain of, 2068 (3). ………, ………………, governor of, 2068 (3). servitors of, 2067. ..... · .. Major Wroth Rogers, 140, 183, 343 (2), 366, 378. Commissioners at, 391, 673. Common Council of, 1643. Coningsby's Hospital in, 2066, 2067 (2), 2069. 141, 265. …………♥ > ...... > 2068. > " • ·· .... • constable of, 1525 (2). defence of, 301, 1196. house, &c., in, 655, 3028. King's party or garrison at, 334, 555, 944, 1078, 1196, 1738, 2292, 2676, 2796. .... ………… • King's governor of, 1545. letters dated from, 140, 177, 183, 236, 326, 343, 353, 356 (2), 371, 375, 378, 391, 448, 450, 534, 537, 548, 555, 563 (2), 578, 579, 583, 586, 593, 604 (2), 605, 613, 615, 620, 625, 628, 637, 640, 641 (2), 644, 651, 706, 728, 739, 770, 773. …………………, mayor of, 548, 1036, 1196. place near, 586. prisoners at, 1094, 1125, 1131, 1145, 2292. petitions of, 2067 (2), residents at, 360, 366, 1196, 1487 (2), 1548, 1821, 1993, 2021, 2454 (3), 2490, 2536, 2902. Scots' army at, 24, 2454. siege or taking of, 64, 1036 (2), 1125, 1131, 1145, 1487, 1525, 1553, 1738, 1990, 2292, 2455. INDEX OF PLACES. 3697 Hereford-cont. > Herefordshire, 578, 1545. ... ... ► ... County Commissioners of, 62, 132, 140, 183, 303, 343, 378, 391, 402, 542, 579 (2), 593, 636, 613-647, 650, 655, 660, 661, 682, 684, 688, 697,720, 1257, 1487, 1713, 1714, 1772, 1973, 2001, 2024, 2066-2071, 2145, 2179 (2), 2180, 2200-2204, 2211, 2213, 2303, 2362, 2366, 2384, 2399, 2490-2492, 2495 (2), 2497, 2585, 2605, 2628, 2752, 2763, 2825, 2846, 2878, 2879 (2), 2902, 2942, 2975 (3), 2985 (4), 3013, 3027 (2), 3028, 3045 (3), 3065 (2), 3195, 3245, 3264. steward of, 1643. traveller to, 1131. Little, resident at, 52. · ………………… " …………. "" 2708. accounts of, 678, 692, 694, 695. appointment or approval of, 172, 366, 515, 541, 634, 645, 659, 661, 673. *** 1 · ·· · …………. > ……………… alluded to, 250, 343, 473. Any ******* • ... letters to, 52, 141, 251, 264, 275, 302, 313, 334, 339, 351, 374, 384, 513, 515, 516, 579, 582, 590, 607, 613, 616, 618, 710, 719, 754, 758, 763 (2), 771-776, 1487 (2), 2024, 2066, 2201, 2203, 2211, 2399, 2496, 2584, 2975, 3211, 3249 (3). alluded to, 218, 470, 609, letters of, 177, 183, 236, 247, 262, 273, 301, 326, 343, 353, 356, 371, 375, 378, 448, 534 (2), 537, 548, 555 (2), 563, 578. 579, 583, 586, 588, 615, 625, 628, 728, 739, 770, 773, 2066, 2455, 2491, 2494. .... > · 1525. ........., officers of, 45, 140, 177, 216, 273, 356, 378, 450, 454, 568, 618, 620, 621, 631, 636, 637, 641, 653, 655, 770, 2203. …………** ** …………..> letter of, 156. letter to, 650. ', orders of, 140, 604, 897. alluded to, 140, 898. ·· ******* orders to, 568, 660, 898 (2), 1078, 1220, 1525, 1617, 1712-1714, 1980, 1990, 2001, 2065-2067, 2069- 2071, 2180, 2200-2203, 2212, 2213, 2303 (2), 2362, 2384 (4), 2399, 2489- 2492, 2494 (3), 2605, 2708, 2846, 2878, 2879 (2), 2975 (2), 2985, 3013, 3027 (3), 3028 (3), 3065, 3195. CAAAA**S certificate by, 1784. ... ·· 盆 ​………….. > ****** ****** ? ·· .. alluded to, 2497 (2), L asked for, or alluded to, 2069, 2070 (3), 2202, 2204, 2303, 3013, 3045, 3054. ? ..... prisoner of, 1478. queries by, 2536 (2). ……………… references to, 2065, 2068-2070, 2492, 2494 (2), 2585, 2628, 2763, 2824 (2), 2902, 3045 (2), 3052, 3054, 3165, 3187. Herefordshire, County Commissioners of— cont. ... ·· ......, reports, &c., by, 771, 1078, 2202, 2211, 2454, 2455, 2496, 3250. ***, ……………., request to, 1487. .... .. " 273, 356, 378, 391, 660, 1714. treasury of, 356. · ANA ***** • · X .. • ……………. } .5 the late, 236, 247, 356, 378, 450, 555 (2), 563. 579, 582, 583, 651, 660, 678, 679, 697, 706, 1784, 2070, 2384, 2889, 2985 (2), 3013. J.P. in, 378. ... lands, estates, &c., in, 28, 29, 38, 265, 351, 548, 555, 593, 623, 718, 788, 795, 869, 870, 1407, 1571, 1617, 1625, 1626 (3), 1705, 1713, 1714 (3), 1809, 1973 (2), 1980, 1990, 2001, 2064-2071, 2146, 2202, 2211 (2), 2303, 2304, 2362, 2366, 2383, 2399, 2400, 2443, 2474, 2491, 2492, 2494 (2), 2495, 2584, 2585, 2628, 2708, 2736, 2754, 2824, 2825, 2842, 2975, 3002 (2), 3027 (2), 3028, 3066, 3091, 3165, 3186, 3187 (2), 3211 (2), 3249. > treasurers of, 141, 156, 247, 265, *****) ………… ………., ….…………., Commissioners for, 343, 513. ., money, returns, or revenues from, 616, 618, 619, 621, 649. receipts from, 429, 604. market towns of, 534. M.P. for, 1036. militia or county forces of, 247, 262, 264, 343. ***** place in, 1525. receiver of Crown revenues in, 2107. residents in, 45, 64, 86 (2), 156, 216, 356, 604, 636, 719, 1036, 1203, 1387, 1784, 2001, 2024, 2067, 2069, 2070 (2), 2202 (2), 2207, 2360, 2362, 2384, 2399, 2489, 2496, 2536, 2585 (2), 2721, 2774, 2889, 3002, 3016, 3027, 3045, 3054, 3091, 3140, 3187. ******* cases of, 886, 897, 983, 1035, 1125, 1196, 1243. 1407, 1415, 1438, 1478, 1482, 1487 (2), 1510, 1525, 1526, 1544, 1553, 1701, 1772, 1821, 1850, 1977, 1980, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2000 (2), 2011, 2015, 2021, 2024, 2033, 2035, 2036, 2061, 2064, 2145, 2204 (3), 2207, 2228 (2), 2255, 2366, 2383, 2454, 2489, 2494, 2536, 2584, 2605, 2627, 2732, 2754, 2762, 2824, 2878, 2902, 2954, 2985, 3013, 3027, 3028, 3044, 3052, 3065, 3126, 3179, 3183, 3185, 3187, 3192-3194, 3211, 3239, 3245, 3260 (2). ...... list of, 770. ………………? ******* 741, 742. notes of, 728, 730 (2), Scots' army at, 24. sheriff, high, of, 384, 402, 897, 1545, 2366. orders to, 45, 324. 3698 INDEX OF PLACES. Herefordshire-cont. ..., surveyors of, messenger to, 169. travellers to or from, 534, 5 12, 574. witnesses in, 648, 2069. "> Herme, Cornwall, minister of, 1239. Hermitage, Dorset, residents at, 118, 895. Northumberland, resident at, 2953. > Herne, co. Bedford, Griffin Inn, in, 2167. lands in, 2163, 2164, 2167. Kent, parish of, 2510. resident at, 1422. .. ****** Hernhill, or Herne Hill, Kent, lands, &c., in, 2740, 2930, 2933. ... ****** ****** resident at, 2930. Heron's Close, Northumberland, 2748. Herriard, Hauts, Grange of, 2372-2374, 2533. minister of, 2372-2374. rectory of, 2372-2374. Herringfleet, Suffolk, resident at, 1991. Herringston, Dorset, resident at, 2112. co. Durham, resident at, 3019. Herseth, co. Flint, resident at, 1718. Hertford, letters dated from, 80, 751, 756, 758. Hertfordshire, 158, 1011. 1 County Commissioners of, 354, 404, 847, 853, 854-856, 970, 1934, 2280 (2), 2443 (2), 2460, 2488, 2664, 3206. appointment or approval of, 171, 247, 746, 751. certificates by, 847, 3248. …… ………………, instructions to, 204. ******* ******* ·· ··· .. .. • letters of, 80, 211, 262, 355, 404, 556, 650, 751, 756, 758. alluded to, 60. • " ******* letters to, 204, 264, 313 (2), > 339, 374, 482, 575, 767, 854, 2236, 3248. .." .... ****** ***** .. .. CAROL 575, 758. ..... ………………… orders of, alluded to, 2460. orders to, 19, 226, 856, 873, 956 (2), 1338, 1370, 1523, 1933 (2), 2280, 2461, 2664, 3051. ... לי ..... **** "" ". alluded to, 657. officers of, 158, 262, 355, 556, ***** R 3248 (3). resignation of, 222. treasurer of, 262. ...*. • > London and Middlesex, County Com- mittee for, see London, Middlesex, and Herts, County Committee for. orders to, alluded to, 2489. petition of, 660. reports by, 900, 2236, 2722, the late, 204, 211, 354, 556, 575, 856, 970, 2722. hundreds in, 32, 80, 211. lands, estates, &c., in, 147, 854, 957, 1431, 1523, 1805, 1864, 1890, 1932- 1934, 2235 (2), 2282, 2456, 2488, 2616, 3206. Hertfordshire-cont. 4 market towns in, proclamation in, 69. ….., messenger, agent, or collector sent to, 786, 791, 795, 798. militia or county forces of, 852, 955. …….., money from or revenues of, 32, 619. pardon from the King for, alluded to, 853. .. ... ... · • sessions in, 852. sheriff of, 853 (2). letter to, 69. Heselridge, Northumberland, manor of, 1621. · .*.g • receiver general for, 767. residents in, 3, 199, 354, 523, 539, 593, 624, 851, 970, 1097, 1129, 1838, 1867, 2235, 2267, 2366, 2395, 2664, 3051, 3225. cases of, 847, 852, 853, 873, 900, 1370, 1460, 1570, 1864, 1865, 1931, 1960, 2089, 2249, 2290, 2443, 2460, 2615, 2663, 2722, 3147, 3248. list of, note of, 741. • ***** resident at, 1621. • ******* Hesketh Bank, co. Lancaster, house, &c., in, 3097. NAPA) C ******} resident at, 3097. Heskin, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1951, 2541, 2543, 3175 (2). *** Heslehead, Northumberland, tithes of, 3074. Hesley, co. York, park of, 2478. Hesleyside, or Hesleside, Northumberland, lands in, 3074. residents at, 2587, 3074 (2), 3212. Heslington, co. York, residents at, 1040, 1110, 3094 ?. *** ***** Hessay Moor, co, York, rendezvous on, 761. Hest Bank, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1950. Heston, Middlesex, minister of, 1301 (2). rectory of, 1301 (2), 1302. IIethersett, Norfolk, resident at, 115. Heveningham, Suffolk, resident at, 1517. Heversham Hall, Westmoreland, residents at, 176 (2), 1123. Hewett Fields, co. Worcester, inhabitants of, certificate by, 71. .. Hewitts, the, Suffolk, estate of, 1852. Heworth, co. Durham, messuage, &c., in, 2969. residents at, 2969, 3178. ****3 ……………, co. York, resident at, 1827. Moor, co. York, 955. Hexham, Northumberland, lands, &c., in, 1787 (2), 2590 (3). ... manor of, 2488, 2599, 2600. Tailor's Close in, 3227. ...s ******* residents at, 202 (2), 2401, 2558, 2842 (2), 3012, 3227, 3263. Northumberland, place in, Hexhamshire, 2599. Heydon Hill, Bucks, estate of, 1195 (2). co. Gloucester, manor of, 1625. Norfolk, resident at, 2975. 1 INDEX OF PLACES. 3699 Heyford, co. Northampton, manor of, 1898. residents at, 1898 (2). Heyhouses, co. Lancaster, residents at, 538, 1756. Heysham, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1997. residents at, 1952, 1997, 3191 (2). Heyshott, Sussex, resident at, 1514. Heytebury, Wilts, resident at, 2135. Heythack, Pembroke, resident at, 2353. Heywood, Berks, resident at, 1777. ·· .. ……… .. ..., Hibbithop, Somerset, parish of, 2859. Hickes Hall, Middlesex, County Commis- sioners at, 846. Hickford Bridge, Essex, estate at, 2401. Hickling, co. Notts, residents at, 2851, 2852. Hickston, co. York, resident at, 947. Hidcote, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2221. Hidden, Berks, resident at, 1044. Hide, West, co. Hereford, resident at, 3054. co. Stafford, resident at, 89. Higdden, Sussex, resident at, 2051. Higham Gobion, co. Bedford, resident at, 1945. Mead Close, Bucks, 2267 (2), 2268. ……………………., co. Leicester, resident at, 110. A .. • co. Lancaster, residents at, 1789, 2209. Wilts, lands in, 1783. resident at, 2732. ..... Ferrers, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1534. > Park, co. Northampton ?, 758. Dykes, Northumberland, lands, &c., in, 1409 (2), 3281. Somerset, residents at, 118, 1977. Highbury, Middlesex, manor of, 1248. High Crosses, co. Warwick, estate called, 2795. Wilts, park and lodge of, 1969. Moor, battle of, 3308. .... Highgate, Middlesex, poor of, 2192. resident at, 2130. High Hall Woods, Essex, 2076. Highhampton, Devon, resident at, 97. Highhead, Cumberland, resident at, 1675. Highley, Salop, resident at, 1045. Highlins Park, co. Lancaster, 1536. Highmeadow, co. Gloucester, residents at, 87, 739, 2200, 2203. Highweek, Devon, resident at, 3259. Higney, co. Hunts, resident at, 1457. Hilcot, co. Stafford, residents at, 90, 1495. Hildersham, co. Cambridge, estate at, 702. Hildersley, co. Derby, resident at, 3186. Hilderthorpe, co. York, resident at, 1816. Hill, co. Beds, resident at, 1482. Hants, estate in, 2554. tithing of, 106. Hillary, Cornwall, see St. Hillary. Hillesden, Bucks, estate at, 67. House, prisoners taken at, 1035. Hillesden--cont. · ………. Hillfarrance, Somerset, resident at, 1947. Hillhouse, Cumberland, resident at, 72. Ilillingdon, Middlesex, residents at, 1965, 2864. Hillington, Norfolk, resident at, 2891. Hillom Mills, co. York, 2314 (2). Hilton, co. Durham, barony or manor of, 2275, 2276. ·· *****} J ……………………., rectory and minister of, 1250 (3). ...., co. Stafford, hamlet of, 2484. .... residents at, 89, 1038. Westmoreland, resident at, 521. co. York, manor of, 2394. Hinam, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1901. Hincaster, Westmoreland, lands in, 2875. Hinchwick, co. Gloucester, lands at, 1273. Hinckford, Essex, hundred of, 95. Hinckley, co. Leicester, minister of, 2726. residents at, 110 (3), 2615. Hincknoll, Dorset, resident at, 1201. tenement in, 1201. Hindall, co. Durham, lands in, 3085. Hindley, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2519. manor of, 3151 (2). ……………… residents at, 204, 552, 2273, 2400. Hunts, inhabitants of, petition of, 1250. • manor of, 2878. resident at, 2878. > ***** ', ***** Hingar, Cornwall, resident at, 1937. Hingershelf, co. York, resident at, 171. Hinksell, Kent, resident at, 159. Hinley's, Salop, tenement called, 3215. Hinstock, Salop, manor of, 2467. Hinstridge, Somerset, tenement in, 3119. Hintlesham, Suffolk, residents at, 395, 2133. Hinton, Hants, resident at, 406. Ampner, Hants, resident at, 2986. North, Hants, resident at, 3258. co. Hereford, resident at, 770. Grange, Somerset, 1616, 1619. St. George, Somerset, mansion house of, 1053. •• residents at, 1092, 2111, 2519, 2955, 3151. • Hints, Salop, see Ditton, Earls. *** residents at, 1051, 1397, 1407. Pipard, Wilts, resident at, 1575. co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 1927. tithes of, 2028. Hipperholme, co. York, free school at, 1572. resident at, 2868. Hitcham Hall, co. Herts, 2664. manor of, 2616. Suffolk, residents at, 1413, 2958. Hobbies, Norfolk, resident at, 2344. Hoby, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. ******* 3700 INDEX OF PLACES. Hockering, Norfolk, resident at, 2882. Hockwold, Norfolk, estates at, 114. resident at, 1517. Hocomb, Bucks, estate at, 67. Hodreyde, co. York, resident at, 2216. Hogchester, Dorset, lands in, 1066 (2). Hoggington, co. Cambridge, residents at, 1649, 2347. Hoghton, co. Chester, see Hooton. Hogsdon, Middlesex, lands in, 9. Holbeach, co. Lincoln, lands in, 1177. minister of, 1327. resident at, 998. Holbeton, Devon, resident at, 2028. Holbrookes, Little, Kent, estate called, 2677. Holcar House [IIolker ?], co. Lancaster, 1111 (2). *** ** Holcomb Rogus, Devon, lands in, 3307. resident at, 1689. Dorset, resident at, 118 (3). Holcombe, Devon, manor, &c., of, 3203. Holcroft, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2440. Holden, co. York, parish of, 1255. *." ◊.. residents at, 1996. ', ...... petition of, 125.5. Holderness, co. York, lands in, 2151. • ** • Holemires, co. Durham, lands in, 3124. Holford, Somerset, manor of, 2874. Holker, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1163, 1164, 1889. • > • "> resident at, 2996. Holkham, Norfolk, resident at, 858. Hollam, co. York, parish of, 2514. Holland, the Low Countries, or the United Provinces, 2373. Charles II. in, 2295. *** places in, 227, 891, 1022, 1025, 1180, 1666, 1925 (2), 2152, 2153, 3026, 3076, 3111, 3126, 3130, 3174. stewardship of, 615, 616. House?, 1111 (2). ..-in-Cartmel, co. Lancaster, messuage in, 2996. **** Hall, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1163 (2). persons with, 1600. natives of, or the Dutch, frigate sent against, 2849. ……………… > ..... letters of marque or reprizal against, alluded to, 3082 (2). sale of coal to, 1805. …………… • ships captured from, 3082 (2). officers from, see Dutch Officers. .. serving in, 1302. .... ., persons in service of, 1620, 1948, 2378. provisions bought in, 141. Queen in, 1703, 2072. residents in, 1040, 1048, 2462. revolted ships going to, 457. Holland-cont. ……….... war with, 1805 (2). Holland, co. Lancaster, minister of, 3266, parish church and tithes of, 3266. resident at, 2955. 14 *** • ***** · KČN **** **** *** ·· **** • ... ……………………… **** co. Lincoln, drainage of, 1532. lands in, 893, 1458. place in, 1631. resident in, 82. ****** Hollinbirch Close, co. Stafford, 3195. Hollingbourne, Kent, residents at, 459, 1058, 1235, 1289. Hollingbury, Essex, manor of, 2282. Hollinghall, or Hollinghow, Westmoreland, lands in, 2678 (2). residents at, 547, 2678. Hollinghill, co. York, estate in, 3287. residents at, 197. 1801. Hollingworth, co. Chester, resident at, 3050. Holliocks, co. Leicester, residents at, 109 (2). Holloford, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1301. Holloughton, co. Warwick, resident at, 2063 (2). travellers to or from, 907, 928, 1580, 1593, 1601, 1605, 1612, 1806, 1859, 2229, 2245 2295, 2836, 2894. NE ... A Holloway, Middlesex. resident at, 2015. Hollowhead, co. Lancaster, estate of, 2446. Hollyfair, co. Lancaster, ferry at, 370, 2625. Holly Farm, co. Chester, 1228. Holm-in-Holderness, place in, 1022. Holme, Cumberland, resident at, 233. Cultram, Cumberland, Abbey Mills at, 405 (2). NA tithes of, 1103, 1107. Upper, or Upholland, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1108. resident at, 1492. O .... C > • > 2 Monastery, site of, 1557. resident at, 405. ******* Hunts, ministry of, 1436. co. Lancaster, resident at, 2849. co. Lincoln, resident at, 3040. Hale, Norfolk, estate in, 2916. resident at, 2916, 3158. Meadows, co. Notts, 1735. South, co. Notts, manor, &c., of, 1736 Westmoreland, resident at, 520. North, co. York, resident at, 3307. Holmby, co. Northampton, removal of the King from, alluded to, 238. Holmer, co. Hereford, messuage in, 3028. letter dated from, 378. courts held at, 585. Park, Westmoreland, 510, 546, 1904. Castle, co. Worcester, resident at, 2067. resident at, 366. Green, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2844. INDEX OF PLACES. 3701 Holmesfield, co. Derby, chapelry of, 1048. •• > letter dated from, 70. Holmfields, Hants, 2095. Holne, Devon, rectory of, 503. Holnest, Dorset, resident at, 118. Wood, Hants, 2349, 2350. Holstock Fields, Suffolk, 3104. Holt, co. Denbigh, castle of, King's garrison or party at, 1160, 1179, 1798. ... .. .... ……………. .. ... 4 .... ** ... .... resident at, 1220. Holthouse, co. Stafford, resident at, 996. Holton, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1407. ……….., Norfolk, manor of, 2622. > Holwell, Somerset, manor of, 2500. resident at, 2500. 1804, 1928 Parliamentary forces at, 905. *****3 Holwood, Cornwall, resident at, 117, 1945. Holy Island, co. Durham, captain of, 903. coru tithes in, 2558. **** ... Governor of, 902, 903. Deputy, 903, 2928. ……………………., money for, 794, 814, 1145. Parliamentary garrison ·· co. Leicester, residents at, 1916, 2154, 2212, 2408, 2411. ·· residents at, 120, 1798. North, Dorset, resident at, 118. surrender of, 1928. Market, Norfolk, resident at, 2906. Wood, Surrey, King's party at, 3251. co. Worcester, resident at, 2105. Castle, co. Worcester, 1666. ****** > petitions of, 2773 (2). royalties in, 1231. surrender of, 903 (3). traveller to, 9. **** Holywell, co. Flint, lands in, 2837. resident at, 2837. 2773. ... Articles of, 1759, 1798, ...• ***** .. ……………………., co. Oxon, chapel of, 3057. lands and mill in, 3057. manor of, 3057. residents at, 3057 (2). ****** Homber, co. Lincoln, rents at, 1433. Homersfield, Suffolk, bridge at, 2708, 2709 (3). ……………. …., court held at, 2710. lands in, 2710. resident at, 2710. ……………. .. at, ***** Homerwich, co. Stafford, resident at, 1836. tithes of, 1836. Honeybourne, or Honiborn, co. Gloucester, 1675. 902, minister of, 85, 2281 (3). tithes of, 85. Church and Chapel, cos. Worcester and Gloucester, estate, &c., at, 739, 2697. money for, 1345. Honeybourne Church, &c.-cont. residents at, 227, 2697. petition of, 2281. • tithes of, 2282. 5 Honhalls, co. Hereford, resident at, 636. Honibeer Listock, Somerset, manor of, 2557. Honiborn, Church, co. Worcester, see Honey- bourne. • ... N Honington. co. Lincoln, residents at, 1022 (2), 1097, 1215. co. Warwick, resident at, 2073. Honiton, Devon, resident at, 2239. Hoogreenc, co. Chester, demesne of, 688. resident at, 688. Hook, Dorset, manor of, 2533. .... • Hookswood, Dorset, manor of, 2534. Hoole, co. Chester, resident at, 104. > co. Lancaster, house, &c., in, 2778. residents at, 2778 (2). Much, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1953. Hooton, or Hoghton, co. Chester, King's garrison at, 60. residents at, 60 (2), 449, 2359, 2846, 3278. ·· ·· ··· ·· Hope, co. Derby, houses in, 2321. parish of, 1737. co. Flint, manor of, 248, 1113, 1116. ..-under-Dinmore, co. Hereford, resident at, 3193. "> **** > ·· } ་ "" House, co. Lancaster, 3295. ..., co. Worcester, resident at, 2641. Hopker, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2701. Hopton, co. Derby, resident at, 2321. Northumberland, resident at, 202. Horbury, co. York, chapel of, minister of, 2512. • Farm, Wilts, 78, 1222, 3269 (4), 3270 (2). · • • Hordespark, Salop, 1484. Horecross, co. Stafford, manor of, 1866. resident at, 3068. Horksley, Essex, residents at, 592, 1937, 2772. Little, Essex, manor of, 172. Horkstow, co. Lincoln. resident at, 1236. Horley, Oxon, resident at, 1595. residents at, 982, 1641. petition of, 2512. ...... Hornby, co. Lancaster, land in, 2991. > , manor and castle of, 2276, 2277, 2281, 2282 (2). Horncastle, co. Lincoln, estate at, 3116. manor of, 988, 989 (2). place near, 3121. residents at, 988, 3022. 3185. co. York, castle of, 1002. .-in-Cleveland, co. York, residents at, 2618, 2772, 3299. residents at, 1698, 2281, 2906, 2991. Westmoreland, residents at, 547 (2), 3702 INDEX OF PLACES. Hornchurch, Essex, estate in, 849 (2). residents at, 2297, 2404. Horndon, East, Essex, resident at, 3188. West, Essex, residents at, 3187, 3188. Horne, Surrey, residents at, 1973, 2762. Horneblotton, Somerset, resident at, 2018. Horninghold, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Horningsham, Wilts, castle of, 1794. estate of, 1794. 4 ****** manor of, 1797 (2), 1798. Hornington, co. York, grange of, 1856. Hornmead, co. Hertford, manor of, 2616. • Little, co. Hertford, manor of, 2460, 3206. resident at, 2664. Hornmeadbury Hall, Little, co. Herts, 2664. Hornsea, co. York, houses in, 3187. Burton, co. York, estate at, 3144. resident at, 3144. Hornsey, Middlesex, surveyors of high roads in, 233. Horringer, Suffolk, resident at, 1448. Horringham, co. Nottingham, resident at, 2477. Horrockford, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3175. Horsall, co. Chester, residents at, 112 (2), 2993. Horsenden, Bucks, manor of, 68, 1793. Horsepool, Somerset, tenant of, 1645. Horsewood, co. Lancaster, estate in, 2225. Horsey, Essex, lands in, 1822. manor of, 1822. …………… .... resident at, 1821. Norfolk, manor of, 1342 (2). Somerset, manor of, 3275 (2). Horsham, Sussex, county commissioners at, ****** · ... ** insurrection at, 2233. lands in, 2282. residents at, 1986, 2172, 2232, 2960. Horsheath, co. Cambridge, resident at, 2749. Horsington, Somerset, farm at, 266 (2), 394, > 1242. • .. ? 719. manor of, 2440 (3). resident at, 2439. Horsley Pasture, co. Bedford, 2167. co. Derby, manor of, 1265, 1268. ……………, park of, 759. " ..... > ………………., rectory and minister of, 1266 (2). Parva, Essex, manor of, 1790, 1792. residents at, 1790, 2216. Northumberland, resident at, 3164. co. Stafford, resident at, 1207. "" "" Horton, Dorset, parish register of, 2348. resident at, 1134. ****** co. Gloucester, manor, &c., of, 2817, 2818. • residents at, 2817, 3157, 3258. Hants, tithing of, 106. Hay, Salop, estates in, 1817 (2). Somerset, residents at, 281, 1888, 1890. **** Horton-cont. ***AAA*** ... ... co. York, farm and houses in, 985, 3218. Horwich, co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2126, 2860. residents at, 2860, 3131. Horwood, Devon, lands, &c., in, 2841. Hose, co. Leicester, estate at, 2321. Hoton, co. Leicester, township of, 3263. Hough, co. Chester, residents at, 123, 124. End, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1060, 2515. co. Lincoln, lordship of, 1819. residents at, 1355, 1819. ..-on-the-Hill, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1327. …… ·· .. .. ·· ·· Hougham, Kent, rectory of, 2627. A ·· # --3 co. Lincoln, Parliamentary garrison at, 1079. Houghton, co. Bedford, manor of, 1303, 1307. Conquest, co. Bedford, estate in, 554. minister of, 1821. 0 > · ****3 *** *** · *** ·· • co. Stafford, parish of, 1817 (2). Wilts, estate in, 2728 (2). residents at, 2728. .. resident at, 1821. Regis, co. Bedford, lands in, 1308. Dorset, manor of, 2717. resident, at, 118. ..., co. Durham, rents of, 465 (2), 3038. minister of, 1763. resident at, 2988. ·· • > .... • • ... **** > tithes of, 2108. Field, co. Durham, resident at, 2253. .-le-Spring, co. Durham, manor of, 3209. Hants, tithing of, 106. > ..3 co. Lancaster, manor of, 2799. residents at, 1993, 2798, 2962, 3055. West, co. Lancaster, Common at, Earl of Derby's rendezvous on, 1093. manor of, 1286. ******* co. Lincoln, lands in, 642, 3146. Great, co. Northampton, lands in, 897. resident at, 897. Little, Northumberland, resident at, 2992. Long, Northumberland, tithes of, 815. Lound, or Sundall, co. Notts, re- sident at, 535, 2550. ………………………, co. York, lands in, 1828. Houlton, East, co. Lincoln, resident at, 3053. Hound, Hants, tithing of, 106. Houndbeare, Devon, 2967. Houndhill, co. York, resident at, 987. Hounslow, Middlesex, resident at, 2537. > * Heath, Middlesex, messuage, &c., near, 2537. ***** Hovingham, co. York, parish of, 1387. resident at, 3020. How, the, Cumberland, resident at, 2930. Kent, resident at, 2750. ··· ******* Howden, co. York, minister of, 2039. INDEX OF PLACES. 3703 I Howden-cont. • · ·· ...... Howder, co. Durham ?, manor of, 3209. Howell, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1348. Howend, Cumberland, residents at, 72, 124. Howgate, co. Leicester, resident at, 2313. Howgill, Westmoreland, residents at, 99, 1460, 2457. • • Howlet's Farm, Kent, 1928. Howley, co. York, resident at, 1151. taking of, 945, 1151 (2). Howsham, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2646. ******* Howsill, Upper, co. Worcester, messuage, &c., in, 3231. ... Howthorp, co. Lincoln, manor in, 1957, 1958. Howthorpe Farm, co. York, 1387. Hucking, Kent, church of, 1235. inhabitants of, petition of, 1235. Hucklow, Great, co. Derby, lands in, 328 (2), 477, 1737. ...., Little, co. Derby, lands in, 1737. Hucknall, co. Derby, rectory or minister of, 1357 (2). Huddersfield, co. York, parish of, 2647. • resident at, 1996. ****) Huddington, co. Worcester, resident at, 2124. Hudsfield, co. Chester, manor of, 1116. Hudswell, co. York, resident at, 2667. Hugleford, Norfolk, manor ef, 2624. Hugton, co. Lancaster, messuage in, 3203. Huish, Devon, residents at, 98, 1401. Hull, Kingston-on-, alderman of, 3126. .... .... ... ………………………. ………………, agent of, 1548. > order posted at, 655. parish of, 1750. · residents at, 1026 (2), 2236. petition of, 2039. •> + ... ·· Commissioners for, 168, 171, 197, 206, 367, 379, 419, 844, 1219, 1548 (5), 2136, 2336. > > letters of, 197, 285, 353, 380. petition to, 211. the late, 630. …………… > Corporation of, cottages belonging to, 1548. defence of, 807. dissolved priory in, 2990. governors of, for Parliament, 1270, 1666. **** • Lord Fairfax, 43, 832, 928, 1945. Sir John Hotham, 928. Col. Rob. Overton, 380. Sir Wm. Constable, Bart., 843. houses, &c., in, 84, 353, 1923. given to, 1093. *** ... NA King's party expelled from, 928. letters dated from, 197, 353, 380. mayor of, 367, 928. deputy, 197. ……………. M.P. for, 285. ..., money or stores for, 4, 9, 10, 929. offices in, 930. 1 Hull-cont. .. .. · ... • .... …., person slain at, 2155. place near, 2153. · …… travellers to or from, 576, 780, 1037. Hulme, co. Chester, resident at, 1446. co. Lancaster, resident at, 1443. Hulmestreet, co. Chester, resident at, 100. J Humber, the, banks of, repairs of, 1164, 3064. lands on, 1025, 2040. ·· ""> Humberstone, co. Leicester, lands at, 1378, 1406. ..... ., ... residents at, 109 (2), 1406, 2027 (2). Humberton, co. York, manor of, 1986, 1987(3). Humbleton, co. York, residents at, 929, 1374. Humby, laird of, see Hepburn, Sir Adam. Huncont, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2571. Hund How, Westmoreland, resident at, 3158. Hundleby, co. Lincoln, parish of, 1503. rectory or tithes of, 1501, 1504. Hundred Acres, Sussex, estate of, 469, 833. Hungerford, co. Berks, prisoner taken to, 945. 1 order posted at, 655. Perforce prison in, 843, 928. residents in, 367, 576 (2), 733, 783, 928-930, 1037, 1046, 1049 (2), 1093, 1615, 1640, 1742, 1923, 1925. resident at, 3191. Hungerhill, co. Durham, farmhouse at, 3084. Hungerton, co. Leicester, parishioners of, pe tition of, 1672. .. Scots' army at, 790. sheriff of, 655, 1548. siege of, 783, 1025. stores or ammunition sent from, 779, 930. · rectory of, 1671-1673. Hungry Bentley, co. Derby, manor in, 1423. Hunshelf, co. York, resident at, 2034. Hunsingore, co. York, curate of, 1059. resident at, 1059. Hunstanton, Norfolk, resident at, 2690. Hunston, Sussex, manor of, 850. resident at, 1071. Huntingdon, County Commissioners at, 346, A 673. Earl of Manchester at, 1586. ………、 letters dated from, 83, 346, 410, 674, 761. minister of, 1250. prisoner in, 3294. resident at, 2714. traveller to, 761. Huntingdonshire, 244, 881, 928. ..., business of, 761. County Commissioners of, 609, 612, 852, 919, 1011, 1080, 1205, 1249, 1250, 1527, 1901, 2119, 2120 (2), 2380-2382, 3294. letters of, 83, 346, 410, 761. alluded to, 56, 1490. **** 3704 INDEX OF PLACES. Huntingdonshire, County Commissioners of- cont. ⇓ *** • .. **** • ... ·· • **D letters to, 312, 313, 339, 374, 402, 482, 681, 761, 2119, 2230. alluded to, 1490, 1526. officers of, 90, 346, 473, 669, · > 680. > ... orders to, 19, 851, 979, 1081, 1527, 2120, 2382, 3306. asked for, 3294. ……………. • *** • ……………………、 ………………, report of, 2714. · **** ... *** * ·· •3 ****** …………… *** **** *** 4 1 ... *** ....... letter dated from, 12. Major-General for (Col. Butler), 919, 1069, 1070. M.P. for, 1527. •> ***** ., messengers, &c., sent to, 785-787, 789. lands, estates, &c., in, 402,851,852 (2), 1205 (2), 1250 (2), 1435, 1436, 1870, 2120, 2230, 2381 (3), 2382 (2), 2387, 2864 (2), 3306. papers sent by, 12. petition of, 473. reference to, 919. hundreds in, 90. ., money from, or revenues of, 68, 619. ........., places in, 90, 1357, 1358. treasurers of, 346. the late, letter to, 712. residents in, 539 (3), 739, 877, 1133, 1250, 1527, 2382, 2985, 3106, 3294 (2). ་ ་. A receipts from, 429. cases of, 874, 877, 881, 893, 907, 918, 928, 944, 978, 1011, 1457, 1538, 1778, 1974, 2380, 2641, 2714, 2837, 2906, 3179. list of, 90. ****** ** > sheriff of, 852 (2), 881, 1011, 2380. and Cambridgeshire, County Com- missioners for, see Cambridgeshire. Huntingfield, Suffolk, resident at, 3169. Huntingtou, co. Chester, lands in, 2270 (2). manor of, 2576. note of, 741. lord of, 104. co. Hereford, resident at, 593. *** " Hunton, co. York, resident at, 3178. Huntsham, Somerset, 2429. Huntspill, co. Somerset, lands, &c., in, 410, 3073, 3132. manor of, 3022. parish of, 394. **** residents at, 260, 281, 2949. Huntworth, Somerset, lands at, 900. Hunwick, co. Durham, resident at, 2970. Hurley, Berks, church of, 1188. resident at, 1188. tithes or rectory of, 238, 1188 (2). Hurne Court, Hants, resident at, 1658. Hursley, Hants, parish of, 3190. Hursley-cont. residents at, 105, 600, 642, 1119, 3146. tithing of, 106. Hurst, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 1026. ... .. prisoner at, 3248. *****4 co. Lancaster, resident at, 3235. Grange, co. Notts, 650, 1735. Nortnumberland, lands in, 2417. the, Salop, residents at, 408, 636. Sussex, manor of, 598. Pierpoint, Sussex, resident at, 2051. Hurstingston Hundred, Hunts, 90. Hurstmonceaux, Sussex, resident at, 1. Hurstwood, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2074. Hurworth, co. Durham, lands in, 3085. • ** ·· • • • A *****> 1 • · • ·· resident at, 2522. ****** Husband's Bosworth, co. Leicester, estate of, * > •, • …………. • > residents at, 109, 3155. Husley, Somerset, resident at, 3197. Hutt, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2503. Hutton Henry, co. Durham, lands in, 2951. Somerset, resident at, 1017. Westmoreland, residents at, 117, Castle, Ilants, Parliamentary party at, 808, 839. ,, .... 1 14 3155. ****Y* > 1662. John, Westmoreland, demesne lands of, 384. ....3 > " manor of, 3084. minister of, 2969 (2), • New, Westmoreland, estate at, 386. Old, Westmoreland, resident at, 2018. co. York, residents at, 1778, 2026 (2), 3194. ་ * ... > • > ► manor of, 2226-2228. residents at, 384, 2226. residents at, 1992, 2018. Sheriff, co. York, lordship or manor of, 1470, 3291. residents at, 1342, 3066. Huxham, Devon, resident at, 1338. Huxley, co. Lincoln, resident at 3021. Huyton, co. Lancaster, house in, 3128. ……….., rectory of, 1345 (2), 2580. residents at, 2579, 3128. petition of, 1345. Bonville, co. York, resident at, 1559. Bushell, co. York, resident at 2722. Sand, co. York, estates at, 587, 1992. manor of, 1992, 2356, 3066. ****** Hyde, Dorset, resident at, 118. Kent, sale of wood to, 1253. Arundel, co. Hereford, estate of, 3165. Hyehouse, Cumberland, resident at, 124. Hynley, co. Lancaster, houses in, 3124. Hyon, co. Stafford, resideut at, 3150. INDEX OF PLACES. 3705 Ibstock, co. Leicester, lands at, 168, 1860 (2). • manor of, 1860. residents at, 110, 111. Ickham, Kent, resident at, 2357. Ickleton, co. Cambridge, resident at, 2360. Ickworth, Suffolk, resident at, 1292. Iddesleigh, Devon, resident at, 97. Iden, Sussex, lands in, 1471. Idlicote, co Warwick, resident at, 2844. Idmiston, Wilts, rectory of, 76, 3052. resident at, 78. Idstone, Berks, farm in, 2633. Ifield, Sussex, lands in, 2233, 2282. ., rectory of, 1498 (3). resident at, 2973. .... 4.05 J " ··· > Igborough, Norfolk, manor of, 2624. Ightenhill, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., iu, 2225 (2), 3220. manor of, 2074, 2075. Ilchester, or Ivelchester, Somerset, County Commissioners at, 963. goal at, keeper of, 83 (2). ·· ******* prisoners in, 83, 1322, 1356. King's garrison at, 1495, 1616. resident at, 3042. · .... Ile, the, Salop, see Rossall, Isle of. · I ******** ******* residents at, 907, 2585. Ilemore, Somerset, fight at, 293. Ilford, Great, Essex, hospital at, 724, 1865, 3287, 3288 (2). > > ..... Brewers, Somerset, parsonage of, 1579. "" *.***♪ master of, 1864 (3), 1865 (3). lecturer of, 1865. ……….., rectory of, 3287. resident at, 3067. tithes of, 1864 (2), 1865, 3288 (2). ward of, inhabitants of, petition of, 724. Ilfracombe, Devon, houses in, 3127. residents at, 97 (2), 3127. · **** Ilkley, co. York, lands in, 1835. manor of, 1835. Illsfield, Hants, resident at, 2363. Ilmington, co. Warwick, estates in, 1758. resident at, 1758. marsh at, 1830. minister of, 1864, 1865, 3288. Ilminster, Dorset, letter dated from, 74. Somerset, residents at, 926, 1289, 1385. Ilsham, Devon, barton and quarries of, 2060. ………., messuage and farm in, 2060 (2). Ilsington, Devon, resident at, 463. 70358, Ilsley, Berks, farm in, 2521. resident at, 2521. Ilston, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 2290. Ilton, Somerset, parish of, 3115. residents at, 281, 3108. Ince, or Ints, Cornwall, mansion house of, 3291. ... " A U .... ... *** 4...3 * • A *** ** 3174. Infield, co. Lancaster, house in, 3105. resident at, 3105. resident at, 3290. co. Lancaster, lands in, 1281 (2), 2666. **" *• * • • ** Ingall, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3186. Ingarsby, co. Leicester, lands in, 1672, 1673. manor of, 1673. ………*** Ingatestone, Essex, estates at, 636, 1779, 1782 (2). ·· manor of, 1280. residents at, 141, 441, 1279-1282, 2424, 2666, 2667, 2861, 2956. Blundell, co. Lancaster, estates in, 3047, 3171. manor of, 3047. residents at, 2627, 2635, 3047, minister of, 1779. park, 1779. residents at, 514, 3793. Ingerley, Devon, parish of, 3280. residents at, 1403, 3280. ** > Ingerthorpe, co. York, lands in, 2461 (2). Markington-cum-, see Markington. Ingleby, co. York, resident at, 2621. Inglefield, Hants, manor of, 2884. Ingleton, co. York, manor of, 1552, 3135. .., manor house of, 1552. parish of, 3218. ***** ORANG • ******* residents at, 1551, 3135. ... Ingoldmells, co. Lincoln, meadows in, 1734. *****y resident at, 1049. Ingram, co. Durham, parish of, 2206. Ingrave Hall, Essex, lands at, 1781. Ings, North, co. Notts, meadow called, 1735. Innerwick, Scotland, resident at, 56. Inns of Court, see London, streets, &c., of. Inskip, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1115, 2786. ·· Instow, Devon, lands, &c., in, 2841. Intake, New, co. York, lauds called, 2514. Inwardleigh, Devon, residents at, 73, 98, 1757, 3225. Ipplepen, Devon, estate in, 2853. manor of, 474, 915, 916, 3263 (3), 3364 (2). Ipsden, co. Oxon, lands, &c., in, 3070. Ipsley, East, co. Warwick, resident at, 2785. Ipston, Bucks, residents at, 2575, 3070. Ipstones, co. Stafford, manor, &c., of, 2103 (3). residents at, 90, 2102. L L 3706 INDEX OF PLACES. Ipswich, Suffolk, County Commissioners at, 341, 673, 693. ...... ***** .... Irby, co. Chester, estate at, 60. Ireland, 69, 3081. adventurers for, 47. treasurers of, 64. ·· ·· ·· ... …………………….. ……………., treasury of, 64. ………………….., agents for, or in, 450, 553. coast of, 1296, 2725. • • ·· ·· ** …………………… .. • gaol, prisoner in, 2505. letters dated from, 188, 211, 316, 341, 391, 417, 484, 538, 546, 578, 696. ·· residents at, 683, 1128, 1851, 2460 (2), 3169. > 2 Commissioners sent to, 278, 353 (2), 817, 1753, 1783. Committee for, or Irish and Scotch Committee at Derby House, 52, 59, 62, 64, 130, 807, 981, 1043, 1474, 1490, 1491 (2). ... .... ………. 436. > ……………… .... sitting at the Star Chamber, 59 (2), 806. Committee or Trustees for affairs or relief of, 133, 164, 184, 185, 187 (2), 195, 208, 220, 225, 265, 271, 277, 287, 479, 505, 544, 715, 817, 2050 (2), 2372. Act concerning, alluded to, allowance by, 1707. books of, 399, 408, 417. "" .... • 294. • ... ··· · estates or money settled on, or let by, 146, 147, 164, 174, 185, 187, 195, 205, 208, 212, 214, 226, 230, 250, 251, 256, 259, 263 (2), 289, 291, 292 (2), 294, 295 (2), 297, 300, 303, 307, 311?, 323, 325, 328, 334, 437, 439, 468, 469, 477, 481 (2), 484 (2), 493, 502, 512, 542, 593 (2), 599, 601, 813, 814 (4), 816 (2), 818, 1047, 1660, 1710- 1712, 1714, 1915 (2), 1932, 1934, 1953, 1954, 2050, 2623, 2635. ··· ***** ... …………… ·· *** order in, 2331. order to, 40. reports of, alluded to, 138, **** letters to, 186, 525, 2050. names of, 146, 362. order of, 1932. …………… ......, registrar or agent of, 220, 248, 259, 271, 722, 1933. alluded to, 1933, 1934. order to, 2050. payments to, 362, 371, 1913. reference to, alluded to, 1934. returns by, alluded to, 1954. salaries ol, 362. ..... Council in, 436. Court of Common Pleas, in, Chief Justice of, see Shirley, Sir George. Court of King's Bench in, Justice of, 1155, Ireland-cont. ………… ·· ... .. ·· ...... ·· • .. ... …………. 4 …………. •• English army, forces, regiments, &c., in or sent to, 81, 132, 225, 248, 261, 317, 792, 1802, 19! 1, 2725. Bibles for, 819. contributions, stores, or money for, 4 (2), 13, 16, 19, 34, 36 (2), 38, 40, 47 (2), 50, 52-54, 59 (3), 62, 68, 69, 102, 134, 138, 141 (2), 164, 184, 186 (2), 188, 252 (2), 288, 358, 362, 392, 402, 430, 432, 548, 572, 589, 640, 738, 793 (2), 798, 800, 816, 818 (3), 877, 886, 917, 918, 1651, 1659, 1802, 1882, 2106, 2107 (3), 2109, 2170. • • 9 "" …….. estates, lands, &c., in, 981, 1043 (4), 1365, 1474, 1477, 1593, 1652, 1790, 1886, 2532, 2783. Field-Marshal of, 805. forces from, coming to England, 993, 1587. ……………… ***** kingdom of, preservation of, to Eng- land, 59. ..... King's party in, men in arms, or in rebellion against Parliament in, 146, 861, 950, 1109, 1155, 1208, 1242, 1474, 1593, 1652, 1654, 1675, 1676, 1767, 1879, 2023, 2849. lands of, 278. Lord Deputy, or Deputy-General of, see Ireton, Henry; Fleetwood, Charles. Lord-Governor, or Lord-Lieutenant of, see Cromwell, Oliver. Lords Justices in, 436. > "" goods sent from, 2182, 2711. Judge Advocate in, 1911. .., peer of, 63. •} garrisons of, 2777. physic for, 2565. raising of, 226, 1802, 2654. ……………… 2826, 3244. news from, 177. natives of, or Irish, 1344, 2450, 2777, cases of, 2383, 2708, 2760, ... > ·· persons in, 633, 932. ** going to, or on service in, 158, 362, 372, 440, 570, 641, 940, 1109, 1242, 1367, 1418, 1448, 1654, 1657, 1790 (2), 1853, 2023, 2207, 2230, 2408, 2736, 2773, 2842, 2896, 3111, 3149, 3291. …………… driven from, 963, 1413. dying in, 1771, 2102, 3081. places in, 4, 127, 2357. Popish priest in, 2024. post for, 387. rebellion in, 69, 80, 139, 146, 917, 981, 1043 (2), 1359, 1474, 1886, 2107. prisoner in, 1511. propositions of, loan on, 1481. Protestants of, 981, 1043, 1474. residents in, 554, 783, 1478, 1753 (2), 2047, 2208, 2235, 2247. INDEX OF PLACES. 3707 Ireland-cont. ** …………. • > """ *** ..... .. ...., Treasurers-at-War for, 66, 432; see also Loftus, Sir Adam. deputy, see Loftus, Nicholas. Irish affairs, Committee for, see Ireland, Com- mittce or Trustees for. ... · ·· .. rebels, see Ireland, King's party in. Irnham, co. Lincoln, estate and manor of, 1956 -1958. Revenue Commissioners for, or in, 981, 2982. Scots' army in, see Scots' Army. ships on coast of, Parliamentary com- mander of, 2067. ... ……………, parson of, 1956 (2). resident at, 1955. Irthington, Cumberland, tithes of, 1727. soldiers of, 57. travellers to or from, 54, 629, 813, 816, 818, 1073, 1477, 1478, 1853, 1879, 1902, 2107, 2249 (2), 2383, 2814, 2842. Irton, Cumberland, residents at, 202, 1718. Isbury, Berks, see Eastbury. Isell, Cumberland, rectory of, 2687. Isfield, Sussex, resident at, 1450. Isham, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 174. • Isle, the, Cumberland, Parliamentary garrison at, 821. ... A 2 .....} • Isleham, co. Cambridge, lands in, 1491. resident at, 1491. · Isleworth, Middlesex, house and lands in, park of, 1544. ***. residents at, 337 (2), 2411 (2). Islington, Middlesex, rectory of, 949 (2), the, co. Durham, resident at, 1999. or Ile, the, Salop, see Rossall, Isle of. Abbots, Somerset, parish of, 3115. resident at, 3114. • 2537. 1251. resident at, 2700. Islip, co. Oxon, resident at, 1309. Ismang wine, co. Merioneth, resident at, 3286. Istrad-Fyne, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1995. Italy, death in, 1392. ..... traveller to, 3062. Itchelhampton, Wilts, resident at, 950. Itchenor, Sussex, resident at, 1258. Itchin Abbas, Hants, tithing of, 106. Stoke, Hants, manor of, 2533. tithing of, 106. Itchington, Long, co. Warwick, manor or lands in, 1586, 1740 (2). Ivegill, Cumberland, tithes of, 1669. Ivelchester, see Ilchester. Iver, Bucks, lands in, 2091. Ivinghoe, Bucks, parish of, 404, 2290. Ivithorn, Somerset, resident at, 2012. Iwerne Minster, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1051. Iwood Farm, Surrey, 1498 (2). Iyght Field, co. Chester, lands called, 2548. • Jarrow, co. Durham, resident at, 2239. Jenkins, co. Bedford, lands called, 2794 (2). resident at, 2794. Essex, resident at, 1661. Jersey, island of, 1911, 2331, 2332. ··· 14 ...3 *******} ... •• > Commissioners for, 617, 2329–2332. instructions to, 2330. customs of, 2331. Elizabeth Castle in, surrender of, Articles of, persons included in or com- pounding on, 611, 2329-2332, 2965 (2), 2974, 2977, 2995, 2996, 2999, 3012, 3025, 3035 (2)-3037, 3042 (2). King's Lieut.-Governor of, 2330, 2332. • ..> • } • ? •* ..... , ****• J King's party in, 1911 (2). lands, estates, &c., in, 2329–2332. Parliamentary forces in, 2330. commander of, 2329-2332. cases of, 1910, 2329–2332, 2912. exiled from, 2329. petitions of, 2332 (2). Jesmond, Northumberland, coal pit near, 1726. Jewes, Somerset, resident at, 1858. Johnby, Cumberland, residents at, 124, 3187. Johnson, co. Stafford, prebend of, see Eccles- hall, prebend of. » > rebellion in, 2330. reduction of, 2329, 2331. residents in, 617, 1911, 2329-2332. *** D > Κ Kansam, Dorset, resident at, 2017. Karelew, Cornwall, see Kerley. Kaxby, co. York, resident at, 1142. Kedwen, or Kedwin, co. Montgomery, manor of, 2196, 2199. ***... Keele, or Wolstanton, co. Stafford, rectory and chapel of, 1032, 1033 (2). residents at, 90, 113, 1032, 2855 (2). Keepick, Northumberland, estate in, 2600. Kegworth, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Keiber, or Keyber, Westmoreland, residents at, 521, 547. LL 2 3708 INDEX OF PLACES. Keighley, co. York, resident at, 1121. Keinton, see Keynton. Keisby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1336. Kellamergh, co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 3010, 3013. resident at, 3013. Kellet, Over, co. York, church of, 1603. ·· "" resident at, 3111. Kellington, co. York, residents at, 1493, 2017. Kelloe, co. Durham, cottages in, 2632. **** resident at, 203. Kelpin, co. York, estate in, 1750. Kelsey, North, co. Lincoln, estate in, 1915 (2), 1916. ……………… + ·· resident at, 1379. ..... Kelstern, co. Lincoln, resident at, 949. Kelvedon, or Kelvedon Hall, Essex, resident at, 2515 (2). Kelways, Wilts, estate at, 502, 2696. ………………………, manor of, 2696. Kemes, co. Montgomery, resident at, 3231. Kemeys, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1959. co Pembroke, Newcastle in, see New- castle-in-Kemys. Kempley, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 87. Kempsford, co. Bedford, see Tempsford. ......, co. Gloucester, lands, &c., in, 85, 912. manor of, 227, 911, 913. ………………….., rectory of, 910 (3), 912 (2). resident at, 911. .... . 1 ... 缚 ​.... Kempston, co. Bedford, Parliamentary officers at, 2509. ·· O residents at, 2088, 2509. Norfolk, lands in, 3158. Kendal, Westmoreland, barony of, 99, 176, 177, 195, 510, 631. King's Commissioners for, 520, ,, ……………………. ·· ... 521. ………. "" .. 14 • ... ··· .... carriers of, 425, 631. County Cominissioners at, 332, 673, 1025. King's party at, 520 (2). letter addressed to, 723. letters dated from, 137, 176, 187, 188, 195, 211, 234, 247 (2), 257, 272, 332, 343, 348, 286, 389, 397, 416, 425, 435, 467, 496, 510 (2), 534, 541, 546, 553, 572, 585, 617, 631, 653, 667, 675, 682, 696, 699, 708, 711, 729. manor of, 1714. market in, 176. orders published at, 653. parish of, 3286. Grange Chapel in, 62. ... ·" park at, 348, 435. place near, 520. residents at, 176 (2), 203 (4), 257, > 272, 386, 520, 521 (3), 547 (2), 563, 3000, 3090, 3192 (2), 3224. Scots' approach to, 473. Kenegy, Cornwall, farm called, 1810. Kenhiley, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1967. ... ****** Kennet, co. Cambridge, farm in, 27. East, Wilts, minister of, 1553. Kennington, Kent, resident at, 328. Kensford, see Kentisford. Kensham Mills, Devon, 1391. Kensington, Middlesex, estate in, 939. letter dated from, 305. manor of, 2936. resident at, 1312. ………………….. Kenswick, co. Worcester, resident at, 3159. Kent, 34, 155, 472, 829, 1462, 1927, 1983. agent or collector sent to, 780-785, 787, 795, 796, 805. • 4 .. ………. ·· KAAN ..... .... ... • • ..... ……………… ·· 1289. letter to, 83. Committee for Assessments in, letter to, 354. #41 .. Commissioners for securing the Peace of, 2600, 2655. County Commissioners of, 34, 186, 239, 245, 286, 294, 328, 448 (2), 728, 840, 865, 888-890, 1058, 1209, 1235, 1253, 1254, 1287, 1289, 1303, 1394, 1402, 1403, 1422, 1472 (2), 1683 (2), 1684, 1926, 1942, 1948 (2), 1959, 2053, 2054 (3), 2059, 2123 (2), 2175, 2255, 2257 (3), 2309, 2391 (2), 2482, 2486, 2502 (2). 2511, 2543 (2), 2544, 2595, 2596 (3), 2600, 2602-2605, 2614 (2), 2626, 2627, (2), 2655 (2), 2656 (4), 2661, 2676, 2677, 2681 (2), 2702, 2703, 2778, 2798, 2845, 2846, 2882, 2969, 3076, 3265, 3295. > appointment or approval of, 168, 673, 766. certificates from, 25, 1926, 2702. alluded to, 193, 1755, ܕ܂ assizes of, 1231 (2), 1832. castles of, 2269. Commissioners for Sewers in, 889 (2), > 1926, 1928, 2123, 2309, 2346, 3705. > > ·· > …….. • 1 ·· letters of, 186, 245, 294, 299, 323, 328, 416, 467, 609, 622, 699, 728, 733, 738, 764, 1058, 2053, 2140, 2482, 2502. ……………… • ·· alluded to, 626. ...... letters to, 34, 51, 75 ?, 82, 119, > 127, 190, 296, 313, 374, 417, 434, 492, 606, 610, 680, 681, 1303, 2053, 2290, ·· · ·· Va •" depositions before, 456. *** sent up by, 2751, 2769. discharges by, list of, 457. ⇓⇓ 2 2544, 2603, 2654, 2769, 3044. alluded to, 144, 172, 606, 609, 657, 683, 939, 1058, 1289 (2), 1296, 1526, 2378. ……………………., ……………., officers of, 101, 190, 193, 239, ..... 300, 328, 368, 448, 609, 1833. ¿ letters of, 448, 457, 622. ****** orders of, 127, 887. alluded to, 2655. orders to, 19, 150, 626, 679, 706, 872, 888-890, 945, 1058 (3), 1209, 1218 (2), 1230, 1235, 1254 (2), 1289, 1422, 1423, 1450, 1453, 1463, 1529, 1663, 1683 (2), 1684, 1755, 1833, ……………. INDEX OF PLACES. 3709 + * ... Kent, County Commissioners of, orders to- cont. .. orders to, asked for, or alluded to, 1423, 1472 (2), 2122, 2614, 2626, 2627, 2660, 2789, 2882 (2), 2937, 3268. 1908 (2), 1926, 1928, 1942, 1948 (2), 2053 (2), 2054 (3), 2122, 2123, 2138 (2), 2140 (2), 2256, 2257, 2259, 2309 (3), 2310, 2346 (3), 2347, 2358, 2378, 2383, 2391, 2462, 2486, 2543, 2544, 2602-2605, 2626 (2), 2627 (2), 2656, 2657 (3), 2660, 2661 (2), 2676, 2677 (2), 2681 (3), 2740, 2778, 2786 (2), 2789, 9845, 2858 (2), 2869, 2882, 2930 (2), 2933, 2937, 2943, 2972, 3036, 3044, 3132, 3265 (2). queries, or proposals by, 368 references to, 887, 888. 1289, 1908, 2052, 2259, 2346, 2347, 2358, 2391, 2502, 2617, 2677 (2), 2681, 2702, 2703, 2826, 2933 (2). > ****** (2). """ ……………… …………..} reports, &c., from, 562, 2544, 2612, 2655, 2685, 2930, 3044. ***? + …….T ...y •• the late, 186, 193, 226, 296, 328, 369, 374, 417, 448, 457, 865, 1235, 1254 (2), 1908, 1926, 2600 (2), 2605, 2613, 2626, 2654, 2681, 2702, 2930. "" ...... alluded to, 263. request by, 299. request to, 1683. treasurers of, 144, 186, 706. .. "" delinquents in, list of, 457-562. deputy-lieutenants of, 179. Excise officers in, 3242, 3245. hop grounds in, 1235. lands, estates, &c., in, 9 (2), 146, 324, 329, 455, 837, 868, 870, 872, 887 (+), 888 (2), 890, 1097, 1098, 1230, 1287, 1289, 1296, 1303 (2), 1431, 1453, 1463 (2,) 1663,1680 (2), 1683 (2), 1755, 1810, 1831-1833, 1908 (2), 1926 (2),1928, 1948, 204, 2054 (2), 2058 (2), 2059, 2061, 2122 (2), 2123, 2140 (7), 2211- 2213, 2255–2257, 2260, 2261, 2358 (3), 2379, 2383, 2391 (2), 2486 (2), 2501, 2510, 2533, 2543 (2), 2595, 2596 (2), 2602 (2), 2627, 2655, 2656, 2658, 2661, 2677, 2681 (2), 2702, 2740 (2), 2789, 2826, 2859 (3), 2873, 2933 (2), 2971, 3076. 448. ****** receipts from, 429. Major-General for [Col. Kelsey], 2600, 2655. …………. - M.Ps for, 1394. militia or trained bands of, 299, 2482. Commissioners for, letter to, ……., money for, 127. …………….., money from, or revenues of, 71, 127, 151, 181, 193, 197, 619, 812. places in, 254, 328, 1253, 2330 (2). · Kent-cont. ****** ………………… ... + .. 14 .... • 3 receiver-general for, 767. residents in, 1, 51, 53, 119, 140, 166, 247, 294, 379, 380, 456, 648, 869, 872, 888, 997, 1096, 1218, 1231, 1235 (2), 1422, 1471, 1663, 1683 (3), 1810, 1818, 1832, 1873 (2), 1948, 1986, 2054 (3), 2140, 2175, 2255, 2257 (2), 2282, 2357, 2369, 2391 (2), 2455, 2486, 2642, 2676, 2677, 2681, 2778, 2826, 2869, 2933, 2971, 3032, 3268, 3302. ......, cases of, 858, 864 (2), 867, 887 (2), 944, 945, 1013, 1058, 1200, 1209, 1218, 1235, 1252, 1278, 1287, 1289, 1296, 1302, 1325, 1394, 1400, 1422, 1439, 1450, 1452, 1456, 1462, 1471, 1497, 1512, 1598, 1607, 1632, 1663, 1683, 1686, 1702. 1755, 1806, 1831 (2), 1854, 1859, 1908, 1926, 1928, 1942, 1947, 1959, 2015, 2031, 2049, 2052, 2061, 2109 (2), 2118, 2122, 2175, 2226, 2255 (2), 2309, 2328, 2346, 2357, 2378, 2383, 2391, 2406, 2428, 2455, 2482, 2486, 2502, 2529, 2554, 2555, 2566, 2577, 2595, 2600, 2602, 2605, 2613, 2614, 2617, 2626, 2642, 2645, 2654, 2657, 2660, 2676, 2681, 2685, 2701, 2721, 2737, 2740, 2750, 2751, 2766, 2769, 2770, 2778, 2786, 2798, 2809, 2837, 2845, 2846, 2853, 2854 (2), 2858, 2882, 2893, 2906, 2930 (3), 2933, 2937, 2943, 2945, 2969, 3036, 3044, 3076, 3099, 3132, 3179, 3192, 3242, 3245, 3258 (5), 3259 (2), 3290. lists of, 101-103, 328, 329. notes of, 197, 199, 733, 738, 741, 742. .....♪ petitions of, alluded to, 864 (2), 2602, 2605. rising or rebellion in (1643), 54. rising, or insurrection in (1648), 128, > 179, 532, 840, 1878, 2269, 2482, 2602, 2603 (2), 2702, 2751, 2837, 2869. ... abstract of the charges of, 2482. , .., persons joining or engaged in, ... > 416, 417, 2378, 2428, 2600, 2613, 2614, 2654, 2701, 2737, 2769, 2786, 2809, 2847. .3 ****** list of, 328. 3 persons compounding, or com- prised in the Act of Indemnity for, 734, 864, 2406, 2555, 2602, 2603, 2605, 2702. ** …………… > Kentisbeare, Devon, resident at, 98. Kentisbury, Devon, resident at, 2822. Kentisford, or Kensford, Somerset, lands in, 964. sheriffs of, 328, 2256. order to, 324. residents at, 964, 1372, 1676. Kentish Town, Middlesex, land in, 1480. Kentmere, Westmoreland, estate in, 332. * ......, residents at, 176, 203, 521, 547, 2882, 3296. Hall, Westmoreland, 2882. resident at, 2881. 3710 INDEX OF PLACES. Kenton House, Norfolk, 2882. .. Kenwick, Salop, resident at, 2560. Keuwyn, Cornwall, resident at, 2318. Kenyon, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2288, 3176. Kerley, or Karelew, Cornwall, resident at, 1334. Kerry, co. Montgomery, manor of, 2196, 2198, 2199. rectory of, 1072. Kersal, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2787. Kersey Priory, Suffolk, manor of, 1867. resident at, 1867. Kerswall, resident at, 779. Kesteven, co. Lincoln, assessment for, 82. estate in, 1957. .... ……………. Northumberland, residents at, 2736, 2747, 2748, 3189. ·· .. inhabitants of, 3141. Keswick, Cumberland, plague at, 2590. resident at, 2590. Kettelby, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Yards, Suffolk, lands called, 2059. Kettering, co. Northampton, Commissioners of Array at, 1016. · • ***** Came , > petition of, 1435. Kettleby, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1569, 1854. Kettleburgh, Suffolk, resident at, 2071. Ketton, co. Durham, lordship of, 300. Rutland, lands in, 2421. minister of, 1498. residents at, 89 (2), 1497. > ', Suffolk, parishioners of, petition of, 1237. > "> .. ••• stone quarries at, 479. ." Keven-y-Werne, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1679. .... > ....5 ..-Mable, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 1276. -y-Lech, co. Monmouth, resident at, 725. -y-Maes, Salop, tenants of, 2529. Keverell, Cornwall, barton of, 3298. resident at, 2244. ....g Keverstone, co. Durham, resident at, 552. Kevil, Wilts, resident at, 52. Kew, Berks, letter dated from, 700. Cornwall, see St. Kew. orders published at, 653. parson of, 1435 (4). rectory of, 1435 (6), 1436. residents at, 686. "" Surrey, resident at, 1011. Kexby, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1838. Keyber, Westmoreland, see Keiber. Keyer, co. Worcester, resident at, 3027. Keyingham, co. York, resident at, 1164. Keynsham, Somerset, Lodge Park in, 1735, 1737. rectory of, 969 (2). residents at, 969, 1734 (2). 1 Keynson, Dorset, residents at, 388, 1794. Keynton [Kington?], co. Hereford, parish of, Somerset, resident at, 1569. 2204. Kineton, or Keinton, battle of, see Edgehill. Keyston, Hunts, manor of, 851, 852. Kibworth, co. Leicester, ministers of, 3213 (2). ….., rectory of, 3214. resident at, 110. Kiddal, co. York, resident at, 2805. Kiddenton, co. Oxon, see Kiddington. Kidderminster, co. Worcester, mills, messu- ages, &c., in, 2736, 3016, 3211. residents at, 2605, 2160, 3211. Kiddington, co. Chester, estate at, 1179. residents at, 103, 1179, 1835. ·· .. .. ... ... > ..... Kidland, Northumberland, manor of, 2427 (2). Kidlington, co. Oxon, residents at, 1949, 3066. Kidwelly, co. Carmarthen, houses in, 1715. Kilby, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Kildall, Westmoreland, parish of, 3193. Kilfigin, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2123. Kilham, co. York, money for, 162. summons posted at, 655. resident at, 977. .. • or Kiddenton, co. Oxon, residents at, 664, 3260. ") Kilkhampton, Cornwall, manor of, 2215. residents at, 2722, 2940. ••• • > Killerby, Low, or Lower, co. York, estates at, • 2398. rents or lordship of, 268, 336. resident at, 2398. ... ...***) Killeshall, Salop, resident at, 1989. Killgettly, Pembroke, resident at, 2153. Killhewry, Salop, resident at, 205. Killigarth, Cornwall, manor of, 1362, 1363 (2). "> resident at, 1361. ·· 1 Killigorne, co. Glamorgan, minister of, 1226. Killinghall, co. York, lands in, 3152. resident at, 3130. …….. •) Killingholme, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1332. Killingrave, see King's Walgrave. Killington, Westmoreland, farm in, 3292. Killingwood, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3193. Killingworth, Northumberland, resident at, 815. Killough, co. Monmouth, resident at, 3193. Kilmington, Devon, residents at, 1861, 2871. Kilne, co. Northampton ?, demesne of, 1672. Kilnerbridge, Devon, manor of, 2534. Kilnsey, co. York, resident at, 1666. Kilnwick, co. York, resident at, 1130. Kilpeck, co. Hereford, residents at, 651, 3052. Kilsden, co. York, resident at, 2724. Kilton, Somerset, residents at, 83 (2), 260, 3022. ., co. York, resident at, 1094. Lodge, co. York, resident at 2254. Kilve, Somerset, estate in, 2874. INDEX OF PLACES. 3711 Kilve-cont. manor of, 2874. ..... Kilvington, co. York, lands in, 2298. • ·· Kilworth, North, co. Leicester, residents at, 108 (2). Kimberworth, co. York, park of, 2478. Kimpton, Ilants, tithing of, 105. A Herts, manor in, 2235. resident at, 2235. ..... Kinaston, co. Hereford, chapel of, 2001. Kinbon's Waste, co. Derby, lands called, 3045. Kincott, co. Leicester, residents at, 111, 2939. Kinderton, co. Chester, resident at, 2871. House, co. Chester, King's party at, 932. .. ·· ..> ... siege of, 933. ..... Kineton, battle of, 1194; see also Keynton, Kingcombe, Nether, Dorset, manor of, 2534. Kingham, co. Oxon, residents at, 2209 (2). Kingsbridge, Devon, residents at, 1483, 2380. Kingsbury, Somerset, manor of, 1968. . North, co. York, manor and lordship of, 2299, 2651. resident at, 2298. South, co. York, lands in, or lordship of, 2513, 2514. residents at, 213, 216, 1252, 1588. co. Warwick, lands, &c., in, 2063. ……………, rectory of, 952. residents at, 2032, 2063. ...** "" Kingsclere, Hants, division of, 105, 730. manor or rents in, 439, 2533. Kingsdon, Somerset, estate of, 1223. .... resident at, 1722. Kingsdown, Kent, resident at, 2677. Kingsey, Bucks, estate or manor of, 67, ••• 3 1146. Kingsfield, co. Derby, barmastership of, 2321. Kingsland, co. Hereford, resident at, 2145. Middlesex, lands at, 1099 (2). Kingslands, Essex, estate of, 2643. ... Kingsley, co. Chester, lands, houses, &c., in, 2121, 3295. residents at, 101, 2120. ....., co. Stafford, manor of, 1736. King's Lynn, see Lynn Regis. Kingsmill, Kent, manor of, 1928. resident at, 1928. Kingsnorth, Kent, resident at, 459. Kingstanley, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. •* residents at, 748, 1588. > Kingsteignton, Devon, rents or manors in, • 1598, 3284. Kingsthorpe, co. Northampton, parish of, 2104. . residents at, 1740, 2104. co. Notts, resident at, 2586. Kingston, Berks, business of, 2935. resident at, 2541. Lisle, Berks, resident at, 1977. ↑ į Kingston-cont. ... ·· • OU ·· • • .. .. *** ... ·· • ... · ..3 • • > ... .. 2867. · co. York, resident at, 1567. ··· > Kingstone, Kent, resident at, 459. Kingswear Fort, Devon, 1685. co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 275, 288. Canbury, Surrey, lands in, or manor of, 2553 (2). ·· rectory of, 2553 (2). -on-Thames, Surrey, County Commis- sioners at, 389, 401, 673, 972, 2911. letters dated from, 237 (3), 252, 272, 289, 291 (2), 480, 548, 566, 592, 645, 754, 756, 762, 769, 770, 775. 3 commander of, 1140. Kingsworthy, Hants, estate or manor of, 254, 259, 277. • resident at, 289. Kington, co. Hereford, parish of, 2204 ?. A → ………… Devon, barton of, 2853. Marwood, Dorset, parsonage of, 933. residents at, 118 (2), 1563, נ' Isle of Wight, Hants, resident at, 1243. Somerset, house in, 3203. residents at, 2949, 3115, 3203, 3258. > ..... *****3 ...... King's Weston, Somerset, see Weston, King's. Kinlet, Salop, resident at, 1718. Kinnerley, Salop, manor of, 1620, 1626. resident at, 1244. Kinnersley, co. Hereford, manor of, 1714. Kinnerton, co. Radnor, letters dated from, 577, 579, 621. · Sussex, manor of, 850. Deverill, Wilts, ministers of, 79. • ...3 Kinsham, co. Worcester, lands in, 2122. resident at, 2122. residents at, 770, 3260. Somerset, resident in, 1360. co. Worcester, resident at, 3193. > • • Kiopey, co. Durham, resident at, 3182. Kiplingcote, co. York, estate near, 2729. Kippax Park, co. York, resident at, 1011. Kirby, West, co. Chester, estate at, 61. co. Lancaster, see Kirkby. co. Leicester, lands in, 1760. Bellars, co. I eicester, residents at, 110, 1581. Norfolk, resident at, 113. Bedon, Norfolk, lands in, 3199. Cane, Norfolk, resident at, 942. co. Northampton, see Kirkby. Woodhouse, co. Notts, see Kirkby. Monks, co. Warwick, estate of, 1914. co. York, rectory of, 1986. Knowle, co. York, estate in, 2824 (2). manor of, 2824. residents at, 2823 (2). Malzeard, co. York, see Kirkby. or Kirkby, South, co. York, house in, 2409, 2577. K 3712 Kirby, or Kirkby, South-cont. parish of, 2577. resident in, 2578. ... ·· .... Kirkby, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1448, 1574, 1704, 2074, 2808, 2826, 3241. tenement in, 2808. .-in-Furness, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1698. co. Lincoln, inhabitants of, petition of, 1432. minister of, 1432. East co. Lincoln, resident at, 2649. Green, co. Lincoln, estate or manor at, 3089, 3161. · ► • • ·· W + ..... · ..) • • 3 .. · • " A ……. → } O + . 1979. > or Kirby, co. Northampton, rectory of, 1581. residents at, 88, 1579. co. Nottingham, farm in, 1734. resident at, 1734. in Ashfield, co. Nottingham, farm at, 496. • lordship or manor of, 308, 1737. or Kirby Woodhouse, co. Nottingham, estates at, 193, 1735. Kendal, Westmoreland, houses, &c., in, 3206. • ·· ... parish of, 2418 (2). > Underwood, co. Lincoln, resident at, * parish of, 2678. resident at, 203. Lonsdale, Westmoreland, parish or tithes of, 62. residents at, 176, 1123, 1221, •• 4. • ……………. • ·· 1 I ? ……………… 1903. Moor, Westmoreland, rendezvous at, 521. Stephen, Westmoreland, courts held at, 585. · A > • ••••• • parish of, 2308. residents at, 203 (2). > Thure, Westmoreland, parishioners of, case of, 3116. · INDEX OF PLACES. } **** ··· residents at, 99, 203, 521. tithes of, 3116 (2), 3117. Hall, co. York, resident at, 171. Maledale, co. York, resident at, 1749. • ... "" or Kirby Mallard, or Malzeard, co. York, estates in, 587, 1100. disputes at, 196. Mollerstang chapel in, 62. fort of, 1576. ……………., King's forces at, 2028. ………………, manor of, 3267. ..... parish of, 1100. residents at, 1718, 3192. list of, 33. Moorside, co. York, estate in, 3131. manor of, 2189. residents at, 1122, 2036, 2190. > Overblow, co. York, estate in, 2230. parish of, 1835. ***** ……………** ****** Kirkby-cont. South, co. York, see Kirby. Wharf, co. York, resident at, 2150. Kirkdale, co. York, inhabitants of, petition of, 1906. Kirkdeighton, co. York, estate or manor of, 2191 (2). parish of, 1835. Kirk Ella, co. York, lands and tithes in, 2135, 2990. Kirkham, co. Lancaster, estates in, 721, 2573 (2). ………… ■ • A · ... Ravensworth, co. York, St. John's Hospital at, wardens, &c., of, petitions of, 2337 (2). co. York, estate in, 3173. Kirkheaton, co. York, residents at, 977, 1331, 2034 (2). Kirkland, co. Lancaster, burgages, &c., in, 2506. .... rectory of, 1943 (2), 2572. residents at, 537, 1398, 2573. .,Bryning-in-, co. Lancaster, see Bryning. -in-Field, co. Lancaster, estates in, 2573. ·· parish of, 1117, 1118, 2543, 2634, 2855, 3010. Kirkleatham, co. York, resident at, 1423. Kirklees, co. York, resident at, 2897. Kirkles, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1995, 3124. .. Kirkley, Northumberland, lands in, 2593 (2). Kirklington, co. Nottingham, residents at, 2545, 2918. co. York, parish of, 2518. Kirkoswald, Cumberland, college, manor, &c., of, 1669 (2). residents at, 157, 202, 1142, 1669, 2087. Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland, farm in, 2584 (2). residents at, 21, 2506 (2), 2507 (2). in Garstang, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3134. > .. parish of, 2584. Kirton, co. Lincoln, lease in, 1368. Kiveton, co. York, resident at, 1027. Knaith, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1839. mansion and park of, 1840. Knaptoft, or Knoptoft, co. Leicester, residents at, 111, 1515. • ... ··· Knapton, co. York, resident at, 2117. Knaresborough, co. York, King's garrison at, 1309. · ··· .. ... ……………ETU "" ........, rectory of, 1887. manor of, 2976. orders posted at, 654. • residents at, 1309, 1448. St. Robert's Priory at, 1387. taking of, 1218 ?. Forest, closes in, 3130, INDEX OF PLACES. 3713 Knaresdale, Northumberland, estates in, 2674, 3027. resident in, 3027. Knayton, co. York, residents at, 743, 2847, 3095. Kneeton, co. Nottingham, manor of, 570, 590, 2250 (2). resident at, 535. co. York, manor of, 2083, 2518. resident at, 2517. Knelston, co. Glamorgan, tithes of, 1770. Knep, Sussex, manor of, 2282. mill at, 486. ……. ... ·· Knightcote, co. Warwick, lands in, 2643. Knightley, co. Stafford, estate in, 2855. Knighton, co. Leicester, minister of, 576. residents at, 108, 111, 172, 1236. Chapel, co. Leicester, rectory, &c., of, 3208. .9 co. Radnor, resident at, 1991. Knight's Grange, co. Chester, resident at, 104. Green, co. Worcester, resident at, 2714. Knightwick, co. Worcester, residents at, 1823, 3250. Kniveton, co. Derby, lands, &c., in, 2353, 2908. Knockin, Salop, lands in, 1620. ··· **) resident at, 1691. Knock Torum, co. Chester, estate in, 60. Knoptoft, see Knaptoft. Knotts, the, co. Lancaster, estate of, 2300. Knowle, co. Dorset, tenement at, 2555. ****** … Somerset, resident at, 3193. ………. > co. Warwick, residents at, 3182, 3186. Knowl Hill, Berks, rectory of, 1188. Knowlton, Dorset, manor of, 1769 (2). Kent, residents at, 459, 864. Knowsley, co. Lancaster, Holcar House at, *****> see Holcar House. house or tenement in, 1116, 3127, 3128. ·· • כי ... Knoyle, Wilts, farm at, 1395 (4), 2077. living of, 79. residents at, 77, 78, 3111. East, Wilts, farm at, 3112. > …………… residents at, 3052 (2). Knutsford, co. Chester, County Commis- sioners at, 318, 327, mansion, park, and manor of, 1102 (3). residents at, 1952, 2726, 2787, 2945, 2991, 3127, 3128, 3259. Close, co. Lancaster, 2917. ... > ******) letters dated from, 74, 217, 236, 248, 324, 327, 348, 454, 526, 568, 591, 599, 602, 625, 632, 633, 674. resident at. 217. Kuniston, Dorset, resident at, 118. Kylcoyagan, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1714. Kyme, co. Lincoln, church of, 1379. residents at, 1379 (3), 1676. Kymesbury, co, Gloucester, resident at, 3192. ………… Lackington, White, Somerset, resident at, 1040. Ladock, Cornwall, lands or tenements in, 515, 516. resident at, 516. Lagrum, co. Lancaster, estate at, 1997. Lake, Wilts, resident at, 3047. Lalant, Cornwall, resident at, 2866. Laleham, Middlesex, resident at, 1145. Lambeth, Surrey, hop gardens in, 2477. houses in, 1136 (2). ………… **** .. ·· residents at, 919, 1631, 3242. Lamborne, Berks, manor of, 1624. ·· D ………. • residents at, 1617, 1620, 2984. Hall, Essex, manor of, 1450, 1451. Lambrook, Somerset, farm at, 1313. resident at, 1313. East, Somerset, resident at, 1252. Middle, Somerset, letter dated from, 752. **} •• • . Lamerton, Devon, estates at, 153, 3136. residents at, 2683, 2721. sheaf and tithes of, 2683. Lamplugh, Cumberland, residents at, 157, 202, 968. • > Lamport. co. Northampton. fight at, 1203, 1517. resident at, 2045. Lampton, or Lambton, co. Durham, colliery at, 1920-1922, 2129. L .... House, prison at, 7. ……………es prisoners at, 864, 1038. Marsh, 919. residents at, 986, 2077, 2592. Lamyat. or Lamyatt, Somerset, lands in, 1591. farm of, 1322. residents at, 1322, 1591, 1859. Lancashire, 138, 194, 330, 374, 423, 489, 611, 723, 1093, 2659, 3096. ***** ·· + › admiralship of, 1346. butlership of, 1346. coal mines in, 505. Commissioners of Array in, 2446. Commissioners of Sewers in, 361. Committee of Accounts in, 133, 151. condition of, 177, 213. County Commissioners of, 151, 170, 173, 174, 423, 435, 448, 478, 186, 490, 491, 499, 500, 506 (2), 507 (2), 514, 515, 578, 580, 583, 587, 592, 604, 613, 621, 624, 626, 643, 648, 649, 668, 672, 688, 721, 829, 830, 1089, 1103, 1104, 1106-1112, 1114 (2), 1115, 1163, 1178, 1192, 1211, 1212, 1273, 1279-1281, 1284, 1300, 1301, 1345- 3714 INDEX OF PLACES. Lancashire, County Commissioners of-cont. 1347, 1398, 1417, 1445, 1446 (2), 1449 (2), 1556, 1650 (2), 1696, 1697, 1699, 1702, 1704, 1717, 1721 (5), 1722 (3), 1766, 1787, 1789, 1889 (3), 1900–1903, 1910, 1923, 1943 (2), 1953, 1996-1998, 2021, 2023 (2), 2051, 2052, 2063 (2), 2072-2075, 2126 (2), 2131 (3), 2132, 2175, 2223, 2225 (2), 2271 (2), 2278, 2281-2283, 2286, 2288, 2300 (2), 2333, 2364 (3), 2365 (2), 2379, 2389, 2407, 2427, 2428, 2441, 2502- 2507, 2514 (2), 2520 (2), 2521, 2527 (2), 2530, 2539-2542, 2559-2565, 2568-2574, 2578-2580, 2598 (2), 2621 (3), 2622 (3), 2625 (2), 2627-2629, 2634 (2), 2644, 2650, 2666 (3), 2667, 2686, 2688, 2692, 2695, 2701, 2715, 2716, 2723 (2), 2724, 2726 (3), 2727 (3), 2729, 2737-2740, 2742 (3), 2749, 2751, 2757, 2758 (3), 2767 (2), 2771, 2778, 2781, 2782, 2787- 2789, 2798, 2799 (3), 2808, 2812, 2813 (2), 2815, 2821-2823, 2830, 2832, 2836 (2), 2840 (2), 2842, 2844, 2845, 2848 (3), 2854, 2855, 2860 (2), 2865, 2871 (2), 2873, 2880, 2881 (2), 2898 (2), 2300, 2902 (2), 2904, 2906, 2909 (2), 2910, 2913 (2), 2917, 2928 (2), 2934, 2945, 2946, 2950 (2), 2951 (3); 2953, 2957 (2), 2963 (2), 2966, 2967 (2), 2974, 2975, 2978, 2982, 2991, 3007 (2), 3025, 3034, 3059, 3079, 3080, 3083, 3088, 3090, 3094, 3096, 3100, 3113, 3115, 3122, 3124, 3128 (2), 3131, 3142, 3145, 3151 (2), 3161, 3171, 3175, 3180, 3183, 3185 (2), 3200 (3), 3202 (2), 3207 (2), 3219 (3), 3225, 3228, 3232, 3237, 3240 (3), 3241, 3266 (2), 3267, 3279, 3290, 3295, 3304, 3308. to > appointment or approval of, 168, 177, 450, 481, 499, 588, 592 (2), 603 (2), 629, 633, 673, 745. ., certificates of, 1704, 2506, 2687, 2745, 2960, 2966. ... alluded to, 1163, 1192 (2), 1346, 1889, 1912, 2132, 2364, 2541, 2597, 2723, 2737, 2786, 2788, 2793, 2813, 3022, 3077, 3083, 3084, 3124. ..... **** charges against, 2829. …………… depositions or information from, 2854, 3295. letters of, 174, 194 (2), 213 (2), 215, 246, 266, 280 (2), 290, 315, 330, 357, 361 (2), 395-397, 411, 441, 442, 455, 456, 463, 473, 486, 489, 490, 499, 502, 526, 539, 541, 549, 561, 562, 568, 573, 589, 606, 625, 626, 628, 656, 664, 703, 707, 1889, 1952, 2024, 2597, 2782, 2847, 2873, 2956, 2991. ... **S > alluded to, 589, 596. ******* ..." > letters to, 44, 50 ?, 254, 264, 274 (2), 313, 339, 370, 422, 448 (2), 455, 468, 481, 491, 506, 530, 538, 541, 551 (2), 570, 575, 580, 602, 610, 709, 714, 719, 726, 747, 753, 757, 758, 760 (2), 763, 765, 769-771, 773, 774, 776 (2), 830, 1097, 1107, 1172, 1192, 1541, Lancashire, County Commissioners of, letters to-cont. 1550, 1943, 1997 (2), 2379 (3), 2428, 2503, 2514, 2563, 2570, 2621, 2627, 2650 (2), 2652 (2), 2658, 2729, 2751, 2774, 2785-2787, 2832, 2844. 2855, 2873, 2886, 2945, 2956, 2963, 2975. letters to, alluded to, 213, 477, 518, 537, 591, 697, 1060, 1163, 1172, 1283, 2287. *** ……………… ... ..9 officers of, 172, 178 (2), 194, 215, 229, 246, 266, 274, 357, 361, 367, 370, 395-397, 404, 436, 448, 456, 463, 464, 468, 478, 489 (2), 507, 514, 522, 540,549, 568-570,575, 580 (2), 583, 589, 643, 645, 646, 656, 664 (2), 668, 689, 707, 710, 747, 753, 770, 776, 1105, 1172, 1280, 1284, 1943, 2072, 2493, 2507, 2514, 2564, 2597, 2792, 2951, 2955. letters of, 149, 151, 435, 489. > *.***> …………. > ……………… •, ..... ****** 1923, 1950, 2786, 3220. list of, 266, 361. …………….. orders of, 194, 291, 489 (2), 1784 (2). ****** .9 alluded to, 1065, 1280, orders to, 151, 291, 540, 589, 645, 646 (2), 663, 689, 714, 829, 907, 1101-1104, 1106-1112, 1114, 1115, 1163 (2). 1178, 1191 (2), 1280 (3), 1281 (3), 1285, 1301, 1343, 1345- 1347, 1399, 1443, 1445, 1446, 1449, 1523, 1650, 1651, 1696, 1703, 1717, 1721 (2), 1724, 1751, 1766 (2), 1783, 1889, 1901-1903, 1909 (3), 1910 (2), 1912 (2), 1923, 1967, 1995, 1997, 2014, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023-2025, 2039, 2051, 2052, 2072-2075, 2125-2127, 2131 (4), 2132 (2), 2222–2225, 2271, 2276 (2), 2278, 2284 (3), 2286 (2), 2287, 2300, 2301 (2), 2333 (3), 2339 (3), 2364 (5), 2365 (2), 2379, 2427, 2438, 2440-2142, 2445 (2), 2446, 2492, 2493 (3), 2503 (4), 2504, 2506 (3), 2507 (3), 2514, 2515 (2), 2520 (3), 2521, 2527 (4), 2530, 2539 (3), 2540, 2542 (3), 2560-2565,2568-2573, 2578– 25×0, 2596-2598, 2625, 2627-2630, 2634, 2635, 2652, 2658-2660, 2666 (2), 2676, 2692 (3), 2695 (2), 2713-2717, 2723-2727, 2729, 2737-2742, 2749, 2751, 2757 (3), 2758 (2), 2778 (3), 2781 (3), 2782, 2785-2788, 2793, 2799 (3), 2803, 2812 (2), 2813 (2), 2815 (2), 2822, 2823, 2825 (2), 2827, 2836, 2840, 2842-2845, 2848 (3), 2849, 2851, 2855, 2860, 2863 (2), 2865 (2), 2871 (2), 2873 (2), 2880, 2885, 2895 (2), 2898 (2), 2902, 2904, 2909, 2923, 2927, 2928, 2934 (2), 2937, 2950 (2), 2951 (2), 2955-2958, 2962 (5), 2963 (3), 2967, 2973, 2978, 2979 (2), 2994 (2), 3000, 3007, 3010, 3013 (2), 3022, 3025, 3026, 3031 (2), 3032, 3034 (2), 3047, 3055, 3059 (3), 3060, 3077, 3079, 3083, 3088, 3090, 3102, 3111, 3113, 3116, 3124 (2), 3128 (3), 3129 (3), 3138, 3142, 3155, 3161, 3167, 3172, 3174, 3185, 3199– 3203, 3205, 3207, 3208, 3210, 3213, INDEX OF PLACES. 3715 Lancashire, County Commissioners of, orders to-cont. ... …………. ****** …………….. .. 3218-3220, 3225, 3231, 3232, 3234, 3237, 3238, 3240, 3241, 3253, 3266 (3), 3267 (2), 3292, 3295, 3304 (2), 3308. orders to, asked for, or alluded to, 638, 1110, 1116, 1172, 1280 (2), 1281, 1703, 1766, 1910, 1912, 1995 (2), 1997, 2074 (2), 2075, 2126, 2131, | 2132, 2223 (2), 2224, 2285, 2364, 2413, 2428, 2440, 2441 (2), 2145, 2446, 2492, 2493, 2503, 2504, 2506, 2520 (2), 2527, 2561, 2562 (2), 2572 (2), 2574, 2628, 2659, 2666, 2695, 2713 (2), 2714, 2716, 2717, 2724, 2778, 2787, 2811, 2812 (2), 2822, 2848, 2865, 2873, 2881, 2895, 2897, 2898 (2), 2910, 2955, 2957 (3), 2962 (3), 2981, 3000, 3059, 3090, 3110, 3120, 3138, 3151, 3202-3204, 3207, 3210, 3234, 3266, 3267, 3304. ... …………, papers sent up by, 1751, 2333 (2), 2622, 2785, 2787, 2913, 2955 (2). petitions to, 436, 906, 1192, 1698, 2278, 2564, 2792, 2847, 2910 (2). ··· ……………… queries or requests by, 361, 395, 468, 474, 505, 580, 1101, 1287, 1814, 2793. recommendation by, 436. reference by, 2413. references to, 1097, 1111, 1116 (2), 1192, 1281, 1282, 1285 (2), 1300, 1346, 1347 (2), 1692, 1699, 1703, 1722, 1879, 1903 (2), 1913, 1922, 2025, 2037, 2039 (2), 2051, 2074, 2125, 2280, 2286, 2288 (2), 2365, 2379, 2445, 2492, 2505, 2506, 2515, 2527, 2541– 2543, 2549, 2559, 2560, 2562, 2563, 2568 (2), 2569 (2), 2598 (2), 2622, 2650, 2665, 2666, 2676, 2692, 2729 (2), 2751, 2768, 2778 (2), 2786, 2788, 2798, 2799, 2808. 2812, 2813, 2815, 2822, 2823, 2863, 2865 (2), 2902 (2), 2904, 2909, 2916, 2917, 2928, 2934, 2955, 2960 (4), 2963, 2972, 2973, 2982, 2990, 2991, 3004, 3010 (2), 3041, 3065, 3080, 3081, 3085, 3088, 3094-3096, 3110, 3120 (2), 3122 (2), 3126-3129, 3134, 3145, 3151, 3158, 3171, 3173, 3175, 3177, 3180, 3194 (2), 3196, 3200-3203, 3207 (2), 3210, 3212 (2), 3213, 3216, 3217, 3219 (2), 3220 (3), 3224, 3225, 3228, 3229, 3233, 3235-3238, 3242, 3267. **** ... > ****** …………… …………… > ......, reports by, 1556, 2074, 2075, 2305, 2570, 2645, 2658, 2686, 2729, 2880, 2886, 2945. *** 747, 757. returns fro.n, 273. treasurer of, 361,370, 393, 395, treasury of, 280. the late, 213, 215, 274, 315, 456, 549, 551, 568, 575, 583, 1107 (2), 1923, 1953 (2), 2125, 2131 (2), 2224, 2502, 2503, 2506, 2500, 2568, 2397, 2644, 2658, 2666 (2), 2695, 2713, | Lancashire, County Commissioners of, the late-cont. ... ... *** •y **** ·· • • …………⇓ 4 · 2808, 2812, 2845, 2860, 2373, 2885, 2934, 2667, 3111. • PAN letter of, 2829. ... •*, deputy-lieutenants of, 151, 1179. petition to, 906. C 48 3196. Duchy of, auditor for, 1300 (2). *****. ..) 2224. > ...... Chancery Court of, 1532 (2), 2448, 2539. lands of, 1531, 1532, 1850, ... "" " ******♪ Simon, and Curzon, Sir John. seal of, 2775. writs from, 3196. ... > Earl of Derby in, see Stanley, James, Earl of Derby, Lancashire held by. ..... > ******* chancellor and council of, 1534, office for, 1346. receivers for, see Every, Sir hundreds in, 194 (2), 215, 266, 361, 397, 441, 456, 463 (2), 489 (2), 707, 710, 829, 1285. J.Ps of, 290, 291. King of Scots in, 499. 506. King's party in, 489, 1093, 1094, 1344 (2), 2278. • .., lands, estates, &c., in, 75, 286, 307, 539, 561, 578, 606, 785, 830, 1097, 1101- 1104, 1106-1111, 1114-1118, 1139, 1163, 1281, 1285 (2), 1286, 1300, 1301, 1346 (2), 1348, 1389, 1449, 1536, 1550, 1556, 1602, 1603, 1695-1698, 1722, 1764, 1765, 1783, 1789, 1843, 1861, 1879, 1888, 1891, 1896, 1898-1903, 1910, 1912, 1943, 1967, 1995, 1997, 2025, 2052, 2062, 2073, 2089, 2125 (2), 2131, 2132 (2), 2136, 2199, 2222– 2225, 2276, 2277, 2281, 2282, 2284- 2286 (2), 2288 (2), 2300 (2), 2339, 2365, 2379, 2389, 2427, 2428, 2438, 2441, 2442, 2455, 2446 (2), 2492, 2514 (2), 2515 (3), 2519, 2520, 2522, 2527, 2539, 2541, 2543 (2), 2549, 2559 (2), 2561, 2563 (2), 2564, 2568– 2574, 2579, 2580, 2622, 2625, 2628, 2634 (2), 2637, 2652, 2660, 2665-2667, 2686, 2692, 2695, 2707, 2713, 2726, 2727, 2729, 2741, 2758, 2767, 2788, 2798, 2821, 2823, 2825, 2831, 2849 (2), 2855, 2865 (5), 2895, 2904, 2916, 2917, 2934, 2937 (2), 2945, 2950, 2951, 2957, 2958, 2996, 3005, 3010 (2), 3025, 3047, 3071, 3077, 3090, 3094 (2), 3096 (2), 3098, 3102, 3103, 3105, 3110, 3119 (3), 3121, 3124 (2), 3126 (2), 3133, 3134 (2), 3138, 3141, 3142, 3145, 3151, 3158, 3168, 3172, 3174, 3177, 3200, 3201, 3205, 3207, 3210, 3212, 3216 (2), 3218, 3220, 3224, 3231, 3233, 3238 (2), 3277, 3295, 3308. > militia or county forces of, 423, 829, 1175, 1904. Ma ***** Commissioners for, 168, 455, 499. letter of, 423. 3716 INDEX OF PLACES. Lancashire-cont. .. ... .... …………………. C • , Parliamentary forces or soldiers in, 33, 129, 133, 134, 138, 149, 151 (2), 166, 173, 174, 178, 215, 280 (2), 291, 332,809, 815, 1646, 1838. places in, 122, 141, 1108, 1113, 1603, 3306. Prince Rupert in, 1399, 165k, 2305. prisoner in, 1191. Prize Commissioners in, deputy of, 537. > " residents in, 21, 44, 101, 122, 129, 284, 371. 436, 456 (2), 522, 617, 646, 682, 766, 907, 1065, 1100, 1107-1109, 1111-1116, 1123, 1163, 1191, 1192, 1281 (4), 1300, 1301, 1343–1315, 1650, 1692, 1696-1698, 1704, 1722, 1723, 1814, 1903, 1912, 1960, 1995 (2), 1997 (2), 2014, 2021, 2038, 2039 (2), 2055, 2062, 2063 (2), 2072, 2074 (3), 2126 (3), 2131, 2199, 2276. 2281, 2288, 2363, 2413, 2424, 2440, 2442 (2), 2446, 2480 (2), 2492–2494, 2506, 2515, 2520, 2530, 2541, 2542 (3), 2555, 2559, 2560, 2563 (4), 2565, 2568–2573, 2597, 2598 (4), 2621, 2629, 2644, 2659, 2676 (2), 2683, 2687, 2701 (2), 2713, 2716, 2723, 2724 (2), 2726, 2738, 2739, 2751, 2757, 2758, 2767, 2768, 2778, 2782 (3), 2787, 2792, 2793, 2821, 2825 (2), 2836, 2840, 2848 (2), 2851, 2860, 2865, 2881, 2885, 2896, 2902, 2904, 2916, 2917, 2924, 2934, 2945, 2956, 2957 (2). 2960, 2963, 2971- 2973, 2981, 2994, 3010 (3), 3025, 3037, 3058, 3065, 3085, 3090, 3094, 3096, 3098, 3119, 3121, 3127, 3129, 3142, 3145 (2), 3179, 3185 (2), 3187, 3196, 3200, 3203, 3205, 3210, 3213 (2), 3225, 3228, 3231, 3236-3238, 3241, 3266 (2), 3267 (2), 3281, 3292, 3304. cases of. 829, 906, 1038, 1060, 1086, 1089, 1092-1094, 1096, 1150, 1151, 1163, 1172, 1178, 1179, 1181 (2), 1191, 1211 (2), 1212, 1228, 1236, 1241, 1251, 1270, 1272, 1275, 1278, 1279, 1298, 1299 (2), 1309, 1343, 1390, 1398, 1411, 1415, 1417, 1443, 1445, 1446 (2), 1448, 1449, 1457, 1466, 1483, 1492, 1493 (2), 1541, 1542, 1550, 1556, 1574, 1606, 1612, 1640, 1650, 1654, 1692, 1701, 1716, 1717, 1720, 1723, 1728, 1739, 1744, 1747, 1751, 1758, 1764, 1772, 1783, 1787, 1789, 1804, 1809, 1810, 1814, 1835, 1836, 1860, 1866, 1879, 1883, 1888, 1897, 1898, 1909 (2), 1911, 1922 (2), 1923, 1940, 1962, 1963, 1966 (2), 1978, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014 (5), 2016, 2018, 2021, 2023-2025, 2037-2039, 2043 (2), 2045, 2046, 2051 (3), 2052, 2054-2057, 2060, 2062, 2072, 2073, 2075, 2079, 2086 (5), 2089, 2098 (2), 2099 (2), 2110- 2112, 2117, 2120, 2124, 2125, 2131, 2175, 2199, 2209, 2222, 2271, 2283, 2300 (2), 2305, 2333 (2), 2363, > ... · Lancashire, residents in-cont. …………. ... * ·· * ... • د. ..") > 2379, 2389, 2394, 2413, 2427, 2438, 2440, 2445, 2446, 2492, 2502, 2503, 2505, 2506 (2), 2514 (2), 2519 (2), 2520, 2522, 2527, 2530, 2541, 2549, 2555, 2559 (2), 2560, 2564, 2568- 2575, 2578 (2), 2579, 2596, 2621, 2622, 2625 (2), 2627, 2628, 2634, 2635, 2637, 2639, 2644 (3), 2650 (2), 2652, 2658, 2666, 2667, 2683, 2687, 2692, 2695, 2696, 2701, 2707, 2712-2714, 2716, 2717, 2722-2726, 2729 (2), 2737, 2739, 2741, 2742, 2745, 2749, 2751, 2757, 2758, 2767, 2771, 2774, 2777, 2778, 2781, 2782, 2785-2789, 2792 (3), 2795, 2798, 2799, 2803, 2808, 2811-2813, 2815 (2), 2821-2823, 2825-2827, 2836 (3), 2840, 2842, 2844, 2847, 2848, 2850, 2854 (2), 2860, 2861, 2863 (2), 2865, 2871, 2873, 2880, 2885, 2886, 2895, 2897-2900, 2902, 2904, 2906, 2909 (3), 2910 (3), 2913, 2916, 2917, 2922, 2924, 2927, 2928 (2), 2934, 2937, 2945, 2950, 2953, 2955-2958, 2960 (2), 2962, 2966, 2967, 2972-2974, 2978, 2979, 2981, 2989, 2991, 2994, 2996, 3000, 3004, 3007, 3010, 3013 (2), 3022, 3025, 3026, 3031, 3032, 3034 (2), 3041 (2), 3047, 3055, 3058-3060, 3065 3071, 3075, 3077, 3079-3081, 3083, 3085, 3088, 3090, 3094-3106, 3110 (2), 3111 (2), 3113, 3115, 3119- 3122, 3124 (4), 3126-3129, 3131- 3134, 3137, 3138, 3141, 3142 (2), 3144, 3145 (4), 3147, 3151 (2), 3153, 3155, 3158 (2), 3160, 3161 (2), 3165, 3167-3169, 3171, 3173- 3180, 3182 (2), 3183, 3185-3187, 3191-3194, 3196, 3198-3205, 3207, 3208, 3212, 3213 (3), 3216-3220, 3224 (2), 3225 (2), 3228, 3229 (2), 3231 (2), 3233-3238, 3240-3243, 3253, 3257-3260, 3289, 3306. lists of, notes of, 741, 742. ……………., poor, cases of, 1949-1953. returns from, or money or revenues in, 151, 448, 619, 645, 665. Scots' army in, defeat of, 128. sheriffs of, 315, 367, 442, 507, 1114, 2285, 2286 (2). > ………………………. , ******* .. order to, 324. travellers to or from, 450, 515, 1390. 2278. ……….. Lancaster, assizes at, 2288, 2365, 2621, 3122, 3129. " under, 1650. officers of, 315. burning of, 21, 75. Court of Common Pleas at, 2520. …………… - gaol at, 682 prisoner in, 3174. houses or lands in, 1967, 2136, 2428, 3216. letters dated from, 149, 522, 541. mayor of, 456. INDEX OF PLACES. 3717 Lancaster-cont. ·· .. *****3 *** ·· warrant for payment to, 785. Lancaut, co. Gloucester, resident at, 86. Lanchester, co. Durham, parish of, 2814, 3137. …………………., rectory of, 2813. rents from, 634, 2998. residents at, 203, 364. ... " • " 14. parish of, 3032. Parliamentary garrison at, Governor of, 1158. residents at, 21, 707, 1389, 1903, 1950 (2), 2021, 2111, 2506, 2519, 2559, 3098, 3101. ... 4 > ,, · .... tithes of, 2814 (3). Lancras, Devon, farm lands in, 3087, 3088. manor of, 3087. residents at, 97, 3087, 3088. ……………. Landford, Wilts, lands at, 77. Landlip, Cornwall, resident at, 2944. Landreth, Cornwall, see Lanreth. Laneham, co, Notts, estate in, 1854. houses in, 3287. • rectory of, 699, 1854, 1855 (2). residents at, 535, 1854 (2), 3287. ...) Lanercost, Cumberland, manor of, 1727. resident at, 1726. tithes of, 1727. Lanesborough, co. York, resident at, 1474. Lanevett, see Lanivett. Langanby, Cumberland, church and tithes of, 232, 1670. Langar, co. Notts, resident at, 2912. Langdon, or Langton, Dorset, manor, &c., of, 1045 (2). > ... ***} resident near, 1909. taking of (by Parliament), 2849. vicar of, 1966. ...y ... ... .... petition of, 2314 (2). mauor of, 2257. Fast, Kent, residents at, 457, 2854. Laugfield, co. York, manor of, 950. Langford, co. Beds, resident at, 2043. .., Devon, lands in, 2928. > residents at, 1045, 2873. Kent, Abbey of, resident at, 2257. farm at, 2930. co. Notts, parish of, 2547. Somerset, manor of, 515. Wilts, Commissioners at, 1142. King's garrison at, 1134. Parliamentary garrison at, 77. residents at, 78, 3187. Steeple, Wilts, poor of, petition of, 2390. Langham, Essex, resident at, 3075. ****** co. Notts, resident at, 1068. Rutland, minister of, 939. Suffolk, tenement in, 1508. Langhope, Northumberland, manor of, 2590. Langhurst Wood, Sussex, 2234. Langinwell, co. Monmouth, lands in, 1714. Langley, Bucks, estate at, 66. resident at, 1548. ..... Tə ***** .. ..... ·· · • " ... 3 ………….. ....., rectory of, 1005. ..... · . .. > residents at, 1005, 2113. Fitzwise, Wilts, manor of, 2304 (2). Langleys, co. Chester, estate of, 1369. Langrood, Anglesey, resident at, 1599. Park, mansion, &c., of, 1602. Langroyd, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1744. Langthorpe, co. York, estate in, 1924. resident at, 1923. Langtoft, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1150, 2308. Laugton, co. Leicester, lands at, 1436 (2). ……………………., Church, co. Leicester, resident at, 108. co. Durham, resident at, 2714. Dale, co. Durham, residents at, 203, 3257. > ··· Marsh, Bucks, estate at, 66. Kirk, co. Derby, lands in, 2830, 2831. manor of, 1735. Devon, lands in, 2930. …………… Little, co. York, estate at, 2759. resident at, 2759. > ... ... Langtree, Devon, residents at, 97, 3166. ••• co. Notts, lands in, 2744. > ..., co. York, resident at, 1319. Hants, manor of, 1832. Northumberland, lands in. 2594. manor of, 2590. Salop, manor of, 1008. . co. Lincoln, residents at, 1352, 1465, 1958. > residents at, 2659, 2660. Langwith, co. Derby, resident at, 2586. Lanhennett, Cornwall, resident at, 3042. Lanherne, Cornwall, estate at, 487. residents at, 539, 2295. Lanivett, or Lanevett, Cornwall, residents at, 473 (2), 669, 1278, 2052, 2989, 3146. Lanmouth, co. York, Hall at, 3102. resident at, 3102. J co. Lancaster, lands in, 2660. manor of, 2660. Lannay, co. Cardigan, residents at, 600, 1751 (2), 1752 (3). Lanrack, Cornwall, mauor of, 3291. residents at, 3291 (2). St. Stephen, Cornwall, lands in, 3156. Lanreth, or Landreth, Cornwall, residents at, 153, 2647. Lansalles, Cornwall, resident at, 1641. Lansdowne, Somerset, manor of, 3302, 3303. Lanteglos by Camelford, Cornwall, resident at, 2866. ...-juxta-Foy, Cornwall, residents at, 764, 1504. sheaf or tithes of, 276, 1504, 1505 (2). Lantwye, Cornwall, resident at, 1182. 3718 INDEX OF PLACES. Lapley, co. Stafford, garrison at, 292. manor of, 3290. residents at, 90, 292, 1938, 2117 (3), 2374, 2375, 3290. ... vicarage of, 2118. Lapworth, co. Warwick, lands, &c., in, 2556, 2557, 3235. Lark Stoke, co. Gloucester, see Stoke, Lark. Larkton, co. Chester, King's forces at, 1748. residents at, 103, 1748. Lartington, co. York, residents at, 1681, 1871, 3197. …………… ****** · • Lasewick, Cornwall, resident at, 2210. Lasincroft, co. York, estate at, 2313. Lastock, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2125. Latage, the, Northumberland, lands called, 2670. Latham, co. York, lands in, 1749, 1750 (2). resident at, 1749. · ... " Lathom, co. Lancaster, almshouse or hospi- tal at, 1107, 1108 (2). ·· ... ·· ...* D .. > > • ... ·" lands in, 2854. manor of, 1108, 1110 (2), 1117 (3), 1118. ..... ... •9 residents at, 2051, 2492, 2639, 2786, 2854, 2924, 2974, 3007, 3085. House, Earl of Derby at, 2974. King's garrison at, 1192, 1492, 1606, 1772, 2785, 2787. ·· **** ... A Latimers, Bucks, estate at, 66. minister of, 2267. Latlose, Cumberland, tithes of, 1669, Laughlin, Baron of, see Brereton, Lord. Laughton, co. Leicester, residents at, 108, 110. co. Lincoln, resident at, 975. Salop, resident at, 3179. ….……….., Governor of, 2652. siege and surrender of, 1364, 1369, 1492, 1723, 2364, 2645. · …………… -in-Morthen, co. York, rectory of, 2744. Laughtunny, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1825. Laund, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3175. Launde Abbey, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 2521. Lavant, East, Sussex, manor of, 1962. resident at, 1366. " almsmen of, 1107, 1108 (2). petition of, 1107. ... · .... ... ***** Lavenham, Suffolk, messuage, &c., in, 1962. residents at, 1347, 1962, 2257. Laverstoke, Hants, residents at, 3017, 3219. Laverton, co. Gloucester, estate of, 85. manor of, 227, 911, 913. rectory of, 910~912. residents at, 227. petition of, 910. ..... , Lawarnick, or Lawrick, Cornwall, manor of, 1182. ... resident at, 1984. Lawford, co, Warwick, residents at, 1203, 1204. Lawford-cont. **** Church, co. Warwick, house in, 1499. Lawkland, co. York, resident at, 2310. Lawn Close, co. Bedford, 2167. Lawnsdown, Somerset, manor of, 2363. Lawrence Farm, Kent, 1683. Lawrick, see Lawarnick. Lawton, co. Chester, residents at, 112, 1024. Church, co. Chester, resident at, 2371. Laxfield, Suffolk, lands in, 1877, 2817 (2), 2818. resident at, 1877. Laxton, co. Northampton, minister of, 1860. Layer-de-la-lay, Essex, resident at, 2792. Layham, Suffolk, resident at, 1394. Laystoff, Suffolk, see Lowestoft. Layton, co. Durham, manor of, 2805 (2). resident at, 2805. *** • • ……………………., Low, Essex, church of, 3278. co. Lancaster, demesne of, 1650. residents at, 1783, 2131, 3119. Lazouby, Cumberland, tithes of, 1727. Lea, co. Chester, see Leigh, ·· • ·· ·· *** •" } ... Leacroft Farm, co. Stafford, 2998, 3228. Lead, co. York, estate at, 2229. manor of, 2230. Leadenham, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1691. Leagrim, see Legrim. Leak House, Somerset, 2583. Leake, co. York, parish of, 3102, 3133. Hall, co. York, 3133. Leam, Northumberland, lands at, 3074. Learchild, Northumberland, residents at, 202, 2 3114. Leasowes, the New, co. Stafford, lands called, 3135. > Leath, Cumberland, ward of, 449. Leatherhead, Surrey, resident at, 1585. Lebberston, co. York, resident at, 3110. Lechlade, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 3267. ** co. Hereford, resident at, 3187. co. Lancaster, lands in, 2962. residents at, 656, 2962, 3186. Salop, resident at, 3229. co. Stafford, see Leigh. Leckford Abbot, Hants, 1059. Abbess, Hants, 1059. Leckhampstead, Bucks, estate at, 68. ... resident at, 1443. * > Leckingham, co. Gloucester, house in, 2650. Leconfield, co. York, lands in, 3086. New Park at, 3086. Ledbury, co. Hereford, resident at, 2000. tenement in, 2842. Ledsham, co. Chester, estates at, CO (2). parsonage of, 1568. Ledwell, co. Oxon, resident at, 3197. INDEX OF PLACES. 3719 Lee, Sussex, farm of, 2370, 2371 (3). Leeds, Kent, castle of, governor of, 2330 (2). co. York, 1125. ·· .. · ·· ... .... ·· ·· A · • • • ... ... "" ... , …………. > traveller to, 1219. • " Leek, co. Stafford, residents at, 173, 1230. Leek-Wootton, co. Warwick, rectory of, 1134. Leeswood, co. Flint, resident at, 1720. Leftwich, co. Chester, resident at, 2091. Leghorn, Italy, travellers to, 1080, 1391. Legrim, or Leagrim, co. Lancaster, residents at, 3174, 3210. Legstock, Suffolk, see Lowestoft. Le Hague, Jersey, resident at, 1910. Leicester, assizes of, 1171. ..., money for, 162. ...... orders posted at, 654. residents at, 72, 192, 207, 665, 843, 949, 1004, 1024, 1040, 1125 (2), 1390, 1412, 1415, 1463, 1477, 1594, 1676, 1815, 1992, 1996, 2216, 2855, 2901. soldiers of, 127. case of, 2692, 2693. ... > ***** Castle, prisoners at, 1422. church of, 1376 (2). letters dated from, 108, 133, 142, 189, 191, 192, 212, 213, 216, 270, 291, 295, 315, 325, 338 (2), 502, 586, 655, 658, 728, 733, 750, 753. feoffees for, 162. houses, mills, &c., in, 192, 1750, 3192. King's garrison at, 1005, 1871. merchants of, 11, 975 (2), 1129. ministers in, 142. parishes in- All Hallow's, 22. St. Alkmund's, 22. St. Mary's, 1760, 2418, 2419. Parliament garrison at, 962, 1631, 2536. governor for, Col. John Need- **** ***** ………….. ham, 111, 189, 2298. County Commissioners at, 190, 673. Dean and Chapter of, lands of, 22. King's party or garrison at, 270, 1760. lands near, 1406. • place near, 2756. prisoners at, 941, 2290. proclamations at, 338, 655. residents at, 110 (3), 111 (3), 184, 270, 1056, 1672, 2290, 2420. taking of, by the King, 37, 168, 189, 2448. k ……………… by Parliament, 189. Wigston's Hospital in, 2418. ****) ******* chaplain and poor of, 2418. masters of, 2418. Leicestershire, 2029, 2249, 2307 (2). Commission of Array in, 836. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 2307. Leicestershire-cont. ... ... ..... ·· ·· .. ·· 1 ... ..... ……………………** ………………. County Commissioners of, 166, 177, 192, 229, 234, 284, 386, 568, 837, 941, 942, 962, 1043, 1077, 1166, 1169, 1171, 1245 (3), 1380, 1437, 1494, 1672, 1746, 1760, 1761, 1818, 1819 (2), 1845 (2), 1847, 1848, 1879, 1914 (2), 1916, 1988, 1989, 2028, 2033, 2047 (2), 2096 (4), 2151, 2174, 2187, 2289, 2.98 (2), 2307, 2411 (2), 2412 (2), 2419 (3), 2420, 2433 (2), 2434, 2726, 2727, 2734 (2), 2756, 2921, 3029 (2), 3030 (2), 3046, 3056, 3071, 3138, 3155, 3229, 3244, 3263. appointment or approval of, 172, 545, 569 (2), 673. • 1 2734. ..... ***y 1848, 1915. ... ·· charge made by, 21. ......, depositions sent up by, 2615 (2), 2726. ** " letters of, 133, 142, 184, 189, 191, 213, 216, 270, 291, 295, 315, 325, 338, 362, 502, 538, 586, 655, 658, 728, 733, 739, 750, 753, 1435, 2257, 2418. letters to, 21, 69, 80, 133, 166, 190, 274, 296, 312, 313, 339, 374, 568, 583, 753, 754, 1672. 1988, 2125. alluded to. 40, 470, 518, • ****** • > .*** ··· • O 1. > 706, 1060, 1133, 2726. officers of, 189-191, 212, 214, 243, 315, 325, 545 (2), 753, 754, 2029, 3022, 3071. certificates of, 1168, 2027, 2411, alluded to, 962, 1378 (2), .. ... orders to, 330, 576, 836 (2), 941, 961, 1057, 1079, 1166, 1167, 1169, 1171 (2), 1244, 1245, 1246, 1264, 1435, 1437 (2), 1582, 1671-1673, 1708, 1761 (2), 1819 (2), 1844, 1845 (2), 1848, 1860, 1989. 2033 (2), 2047, 2096 (3), 2151, 2187 (2), 2217 (2), 2298 (2), 2307, 2352, 2412 (2), 2419 (4), 2420, 2433 (2), 2434 (2), 2726, 2727, 2734 (4), 2754, 2756, 2769, 2852, 2921, 3017, 3022 (2), 3029 (2), 3030, 3046 (3), 3061, 3138, 3144, 3167, 3171, 3214 (2), 3229, 3305. alluded to, 80, 941, 942, 1916, 1954, 1989, 2728 (3), 2754, 2756 (2). • ………….., payment by, 1860. ......., payment to, 1170. …… ………………, references to, 963, 1171, 1914, ... 2187, 2411, 3045, 3046. ……………., reports of, 1079, 1709. ......., returns from, alluded to, 263, 495, 3239. .. • ..... the late, 184, 189, 214, 270, 274, 284, 1819, 2029, 2298, 2411, 2615, 2756, 3022, 3208, 3213, 3229. letters of, 192, 212. letter to, 274. ………………………, hundreds in, 108-110, 1651. • **** ………………, warrant to, 163. treasurer to, 189, 191, 212. ***** 3720 INDEX OF PLACES. Leicestershire-cont. ... ·· ·· •• · •• …………………*** • 40 King's party in, 2726, 3071. lands, &c., estates in, 28, 29, 69, 168, 291, 325, 330, 411, 493, 788, 1043, 1168 (2), 1244, 1245, 1265, 1378, 1436 (2), 1437, 1451 (2), 1549, 1581, 1582, 1673, 1708, 1746, 1761 (3), 1818, 1845 (2), 1848, 1849, 1860, 1914 (4), 1916, 1953, 1989, 2029, 2044, 2047, 2048, 2065, 2125, 2173, 2174, 2187, 2192 (2), 2321, 2351, 2352, 2413, 2419 (2), 2421) (2), 2474, 2611, 2706, 2727, 2734, 2754, 2852, 2921, 2970, 3007, 3018, 3046, 3102, 3158, 3167, 3171, 3208, 3261, 3262. 3305. • Militia or County forces of, Commis- sioners for, 338, 658. .., money from, or revenues of, 166, 394, 412, 619. > 963. market towns of, proclamation in, 69, 338. > **** .... ....." ... • receipts from, 429. Major-General of [Col. Whalley], ..... "" residents in, 6, 163, 168 (2), 172, 177, 551, 576, 734 (3), 861, 1079, 1169, 1170, 1246, 1581, 1671, 1847, 1915, 1916, 2048, 2151, 2154, 2187 (2), 2212, 2290, 2298, 2313, 2352, 2408, 2411 (3), 2615, 2754, 2885, 3021, 3046, 3071, 3144, 3239, 3263. ... ****** cases of, 835, 941 (2), 962, 1043, 1077, 1078, 1133, 1166, 1211, 1236, 1291, 1351, 1378, 1406, 1451, 1494, 1515, 1522, 1553, 1595, 1596, 1651, 1760, 1818, 1830, 1879, 1913, 1987, 2016, 2027, 2032, 2036, 2096, 2102, 2143, 2172, 2217, 2257, 2289, 2240, 2295, 2298, 2346, 2360, 2411, 2418, 2433, 2521, 2536, 2615, 2679, 2706, 2726, 2727, 2756, 2802, 2939, 3021, 3029, 3056, 3060, 3071, 3086, 3138, 3155, 3158, 3169, 3170, 3213, 3229, 3283. *** lists of, 108, 109. notes of, 190 (4), 192, 193 (2), 728, 739, 741, 742. sheriffs of, 1170. letter of, 338. letter or order to, 69. travellers to or from, 447, 836, 1845. Leigh, or Lea, co. Chester, estates at, 60, 61. residents at, 217, 861, 1156, 1568. tenement in, 1568. High, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 103, 122, 1175. Essex, residents at, 1374, 1375. Kent, resident at, 459. Dolphin, co. Lancaster, estate of, 29.9. ..... places in, 911, 912 (2), 1762. lists of, 108, 111. *****3 prisoners taken in, 863. receiver-general for, 767. rents in, receiver of, 733. • • ***** ... ******* ………. Leigh Dolphin-cont. 50 ... · .... • • · • ·· resident at, 2909. Over, co. Lancaster, residents at, 3175, 3216. • A. ל . ..... • " **** 3237. 19. petition of, 2629. -within-Newton, co. Lancaster, lands called, 2813 (2). resident at, 1178. ., Somerset, resident at, 1495. Farm Mansion, Somerset, 3010. or Lea, co. Stafford, residents at, 89 (2), 1758, 3186 (2). Surrey, parish of, 1498, 2735. ', co. Worcester, parish of, 3231. resident at, 3231. Leigham Bosam Manor, Devon, 612, 1362. Lime, Devon, resident at, 1605. Leighfield, Rutland, 496, 1643. forest of, 2185. Leighland, Somerset, resident at, 3010. Leighthorne, Sussex, farm of, 834. resident at, 833. Leighton, co. Bedford, estate in, 1136. resident at, 743. ...*) West, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3237. manor of, 2630. parish of, 2630. "> * • •• ....3 • ***** ……………., rectory of, 2628 (2), 2629 (2). residents in, 2628, 2630, 3185, ... • ...3 Beaudesert, [or Buzzard], co. Bedford, lands in, 2290. A rectory of, 1134. co. Chester, estate at, 60. Low, Essex, church of, 1661. Bromswold, Hunts, church and pre- bend of, 1527. …………..> ……………. Leightonstone Hundred, Hunts, 90. Leinster, arms delivered in, 3. Leintall Starkes, co. Hereford, lands in, 3179. resident at, 3179. Leint wardine Manor, co. Hereford, 1625. Leith, Hants, closes called, 3236. co. York, parish of, 2813. Leith, Scotland, letter dated from, 536. ……………………., money to be paid at, 2125. stores sent to, 779. 3 Lela Hall, co. York, estate of, 3098. Lemailing, Northumberland, estate in, 3074. Lemdal, co. Stafford, manor of, 2082. Lemington, co. Gloucester, rectory of, 1602. residents at, 86 (4). ****** Lemmendon, Northumberland, manor and township of, 2667–2671. residents at, 2667 (2). tenants of, petition of, 2671. Lenham, Kent, manor of, 2543 (2). residents at, 728, 1338. **CA .... East, Kent, resident at, 459. Lentworth, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1300. INDEX OF PLACES. 3721 Leominster, co. Hereford, carrier of, 534. house in, 2383. lands in, 2070. parish of, 1478. residents at, 86, 391. ………..5 Lesbury, Northumberland, residents at, 1715, 2417. Letchlade, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1131. Letcombe, Berks, estate in, 2984. ...... resident at, 2833. Regis, Berks, manor of, 642, 655. Letheringsett, Norfolk, resident in, 3192. Letton, co. Hereford, manor of, 1714. Levan, Cornwall, residents at, 2433, 2577. Leven, co. York, parish of, 1979. Levenden, co. Northampton, see Lyfden. Levenny, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 1754. Levens, Westmoreland, resident at, 1136. Leventhorp, co. York, resident at, 1542. Levett's Manor, Hunts, 2382. Lewes, Sussex, County Commissioners at, 68, 562, 673, 907. letters dated from, 181, 338, 562, 675, 756. . .. ******* ►U .. ………………………, rape of, 600. .. } resident at, 181. Leweston, Dorset, resident at, 32. Lewisham, Sussex, resident at, 3175. Lewke, Dorset, manor of, 2717. Lexden, Essex, hundred of, 32, 95. residents at, 1675, 2881, 3025. Leyburn, co. York, resident at, 3259. Leyland, co. Lancaster, estates in, 2025 (2), 2039, 2276, 2787 (2). 4 > • ... place near, 1343. ……. Leyton, Low, Essex, minister of, 1947. resident at, 1062. Lichfield Forest, Rutland, tenants of, 266. ... ******* co. Stafford, Angel mansion house in, 1837. **** residents at, 1606, 2023, 2024, 2037, 2039, 2075, 3167, 3169, 3175, 3187, 3191. hundred of, 361, 392. parish of, 3103. Cathedral, Freeford prebend in, 1836. Close, 1471, 1664, 2749, 2790, 2848. plate carried to, 1069. residents in, 795, 1464, 2559. Commissioners before, 1387. Dean of, see Hicks, Dr. Griffith. Dean and Chapter of, 237, 690. goods in, 1501. house or lands in, 2028, 2944. ***** KORINTY King's party or garrison at, 26, 984, 1028, 1454, 1455, 1475, 1486, 1664, 1684, 1748, 1892, 1906, 1978, 2028, 2448, 2749, 2790, 2848. parish of, 1866. Parliament forces at, 47, 796, 1501. 70358. Lichfield-cont. 1. "", .. Cu .. · ** bishopric of, lands of, 3074. Lidcott, Bucks, grounds in, 3113. Liddell, co. York, resident at, 336. Liddington, Rutland, resident at, 88. Lifton, Devon, resident at, 2374. Lighthorne, co. Warwick, resident at, 1985. Lightworkhouse, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2786 (2). Ligturst, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3071. Lillingstone, Bucks, resident at, 1534. Dayrell, Bucks, estates at, 67 (2). resident at, 1519. .... Lillington, Dorset, resident at, 1201. 诲 ​*** residents at, 89 (2), 501, 1162, 1464, 1475, 1536, 1664, 1836, 2028, 2456, 2788, 2790, 2848. Lillishall, Salop, manor of, 990. Limehouse, Middlesex, 2160–2162, 3073. .. ..> …………………… • siege of, 1016, 1513, 2283, 2788, 2844. " *** surrender of, 1471, 1476, 1488, 1519, 1536, 1793, 2974. ··· ··· > 1454, 1475, 1486, 1519, 1536. and Coventry, Bishop of, see General Index, Frewen, Accepted. •* "> Linacre, co. Derby, manor of, 1735. ………………….., co. Lancaster, resident at, 3168. Linchlade, or Linslade, Bucks, estate at, 67. …………………., rectory of, 1370. Lincoln, Bailey, Bail, or Bayle, at, residents in, 1326, 1328, 1524, 2821. Bishop of, Williams, John. bishopric of, lands of, 3089. see General Index, Close, houses in, 1560. letter dated from, 253. resident in, 2911. Commissioners at, 672, 1419, 1533. meeting of, 324. ******* Dean and Chapter of, 696, 3123. diocese of, chancellor of, 1371. ………………………. Over, Dorset, manor and farm of, 2110, 2111. ··· .. Articles of, compounders on, residents at, 1799, 2159, 2894, 3073. ... 1646. houses at, 793. King's garrison or party at, 880, 994, 1178, 1330, 1418, 1634, 1646. Earl of Newcastle at, 1292, 1389. Ecclesiastical Court of, registrar of, letters, &c., dated from 82, 158, 182, 324, 520, 730. .., money at, 154. Parliamentary garrison at, 18. governor of, 1213, 1646. MM …… 3722 INDEX OF PLACES. Lincoln-cont. ་་ ****** …………… ... **** …………… ***** surrender or taking of, 994, 1000, 1092, 1326, 1328, 1449, 1539, 1646. travellers to or from, 669, 1044, 1646. ........., troops near, 3248. Lincolnshire, 408, 3039, 3040. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1044, 1339 (2), 1433, 1820, 1972. Commissioners for Sewers in, 1532 (2), 1533. 5. ... **** ****** ………… Prebendary of, 3208. prisoners at, or taken at, 949, 954, 1044. residents at, 324, 675, 905, 1092, 1178, 1292, 1339, 1349, 1371, 1382, 1389, 1453, 1703, 2008, 2552, 3171. St. Peter-of-the-Gowts parish in, 1268. ... County Commissioners of, 59, 154, 158, 666 (2), 667, 669, 676, 690, 835, 954 (2), 955, 976, 981 (2), 994, 1034, 1049 (2), 1051, 1056 (3), 1078, 1081, 1143, 1145, 1164, 1177, 1295, 1318, 1324 (4), 1326, 1333, 1335 (2), 1340, 1348, 1355 (2), 1871, 1453 (2), 1494, 1502, 1524, 1529-1534, 1547, 1560, 1616, 1819, 1820, 1840 (2), 1914, 1929, 1956 (3), 1957 (2), 2222, 2407 (2,) 2408 (3), 2413, 2433, 2480 (4), 2482, 2515, 2545, 2552, 2566, 2567 (4), 2646 (5), 2691, 2735, 2790 (2), 2793, 2889 (2), 2908, 2917, 2946 (2), 2993, 3007, 3022, 3038, 3049, 3064, 3072, 3087, 3121, 3122, 3196, 3223, 3230, 3276 (3) 3277. appointment or approval of, 172, 672, 676. certificates of, 1143, 1349, 2022, ...... ……. 2804. alluded to, 905, 988 (2), 1292, 1310, 1341, 1356, 1368, 1371, 1472, 1913, 2223, 2363, 2804, 2908, 2945. ………. depositions sent up by, 2782. ………………………………., letters of, 82, 182, 225, 253, 324, 740, 2409, 2416. > ******> compositions with or submissions to, 1096, 1213, 1661, 1758, 1957. .. alluded to, 24, 59, 1348. • > letters to, 178, 184, 204, 212, 246, 312, 313, 339, 374, 408, 758, 2946, 3248, 3253. ****** ··· 708. 1 • ***g alluded to 470 (2), 518, 657, 697, 939, 1029, 1060, 1325, 1328, 1339, 1341, 1349, 1352, 1355, 1384, 1526, 1801, 2108, 2946. *** ... .." officers of, 14, 56, 182, 184, 189, 229, 324, 666, 667, 669, 670, 675, 690, 691, 1872, 1913, 2192. > ..... ." .9 letters of, 151, 158. petitions of, 666, 669, orders to, 307, 544, 851, 875, 908, 954 (3), 956 (2), 995, 1035, 1049, 1057 (4), 1078, 1080 (2), 1089, 1136, Lincolnshire, County Commissioners of, orders to, &c.-cont. 1145, 1177, 1264, 1311 (2), 1326 (2), 1328 (2), 1332, 1338, 1355, 1377, 1378, 1453, 1465, 1502, 1523, 1530- 1533, 1613, 1724, 1819, 1820, 1839 (2), 1840 (2), 1870, 1872 (2), 1873, 1929, 1955, 1956 (2), 1958, 2009, 2021 (2), 2187, 2192, 2222, 2223, 2308, 2407-2409, 2416 (2), 2433, 2480- 2482, 2567, 2646 (3), 2735, 2777, 2790, 2791 (2), 2793, 2804, 2908 (2), 2921, 2946, 3039, 3049, 3054, 3065, 3072, 3146, 3196, 3223, 3276 (4), 3283, 3298 (2). ... ……………………… ……………., payments to, 1087, 1870. references to, 949, 1079, 1226, 1368, 1453, 1531, 1532, 1534, 1915, 1956, 1957 (2), 2480, 2647, 2789, 2790, 2889 (2), 2993, 3033, 3064, 3223, 3230, 3232. ******* A #1 ... …………. " ****** orders to, asked for or alluded to, 80, 954, 1078, 1081, 1296, 1323, 1331, 1336, 1349, 1431, 1504, 1820, 1913, 2009, 2107, 2192, 2352, 2481, 2566, 2791, 3038, 3277, 3290. ……………. ... .. · report of, 2187. returns from, 421. treasurers to, 14, 520, 667, 708, 790, 1720. the late, 225, 246, 324, 851, 2407, 2408, 2433. Á .... , י ... , ………….." ...... fens of, land in, 937, 1536, 1558. garrison of, 18. hundreds in, 2735. lands, estates, &c., in, 642, 851(2), 852, 893, 898, 931, 956, 957 (2), 981, 1056, 1093, 1177, 1213, 1226, 1268, 1289, 1295, 1310, 1323, 1324 (2), 1330, 1365, 1366 (2), 1368, 1376, 1432, 1433, 1436 (2), 1453 (2), 1458, 1473, 1501-1504, 1524, 1529-1531, 1534, 1586, 1613, 1615, 1734, 1750, 1838- 1841, 1870, 1890, 1914-1916, 1929, 1956-1958, 2022 (2), 2023, 2118, 2120, 2188 (3), 2192 (4), 2222, 2225, 2363, 2407 (2), 2408 (2), 2413, 2416 (2), 2418, 2474, 2480-2482, 2646 (3), 2679, 2734, 2735 (2), 2777, 2789, 2889, 2908, 2921, 2993, 3021 3022, 3033, 3054, 3089, 3116, 3121, 3146, 3196, 3230, 3232, 3276 (2), 3277 (3), 3297. receipts from, 429. ...... Major-General of [Col. Whalley], 1044, 1069, 1070, 1339 (2), 1433, 1820, 1972. market towns in, proclamation in, 69. M.Ps of, alluded to, 863, 2188. militia or county forces of, 796. ....., money from, or revenues of, 156, 536, 558, 619, 816. places in, 354, 1039, 1079, 1407, 1897. residents in, 1, 174, 428 (2), 734 (3), 740, 792, 799, 816, 981, 989, 994, 1022, 1164, 1215, 1310, 1365, 1464 (3), INDEX OF PLACES. 3723 Lincolnshire, residents in-cont. ………… 1501, 1502, 1504, 1530, 1569, 1579, 1612, 1777, 1828, 1855, 1872, 1956, 1958, 1962, 1979, 2089, 2192, 2222, 2224, 2351, 2363, 2407, 2416, 2432, 2511 (2), 2646, 2665, 2735 (2), 2744, 2790, 2793, 3021, 3141 (2), 3209, 3223, 3230, 3239 ?, 3276, 3287. cases of, 832, 835, 863, 880, 905, 908, 942, 949, 953, 954, 972, 975, 981, 987, 988 (2), 994, 998, 1000 (2), 1022, 1029 (2), 1034, 1039, 1044, 1047, 1049 (2), 1050, 1056, 1063, 1069, 1085, 1087-1089, 1092, 1096-1098, 1136, 1143, 1145, 1150, 1151 (2), 1164, 1176, 1178, 1213, 1215, 1233, 1236, 1256, 1230, 1263, 1276, 1278, 1288, 1292 (2), 1296, 1308-1311, 1317, 1320, 1323 (3), 1325-1328, 1330-1336, 1338- 1341, 1348 (3), 1349 (2), 1351, 1352 (3), 1354-1356, 1364, 1365, 1368, 1371 (3), 1372, 1379 (2), 1382, 1384, 1388 (3), 1389 (2), 1394, 1407, 1411, 1412, 1418, 1419, 1431, 1449, 1453, 1458, 1459, 1464, 1487, 1494, 1501, 1511, 1513, 1515, 1524, 1540, 1547, 1569, 1576, 1586. 1593, 1597, 1612, 1615, 1631, 1634 (2), 1646, 1659, 1660, 1663, 1674, 1676, 1691 (4), 1720. 1724, 1727, 1748 (2), 1758, 1772, 1777, 1801, 1819, 1821. 1822, 1854 (2), 1872, 1890, 1897 (2), 1955, 1959, 1965, 1972, 1979 (2), 1989, 1996, 2008, 2009, 2019, 2021, 2026, 2031, 2083, 2091, 2135, 2143, 2175, 2181, 2209, 2222, 2283, 2301, 2308, 2351, 2363, 2407 (2), 2413, 2416, 2432, 2480, 2517, 2537, 2545, 2552, 2566, 2612, 2619, 2646, 2649, 2679. 2722, 2754, 2765 (2), 2766, 2777, 2782, 2789, 2790, 2793, 2804, 2821, 2828, 2889, 2911, 2917, 2946, 2974, 2993, 3007, 3021, 3022, 3038, 3040, 3049, 3053, 3064, 3072, 3087, 3154, 3161, 3171, 3179, 3222, 3223, 3245, 3253, 3256, 3257-3259, 3279. ***** .... > lists of, notes of, 199, 730, 741, 742. sen walls in, 1532 (3), 1533 (4). sheriff of, 1465. letter to, 69. witnesses in, 956, 2223. J Lindell, co. Lancaster, resident at, 456. Linden, Rutland, residents at, 89, 1157. Lindeth, co. Lancaster, resident at, 8147. Lindley Niddersdale, or Lindley-in-Netherdale, co. York, residents at, 2020, 2458. Lindrick, co. York, estate called, 3134. Lindridge, co. Worcester, resident at, 1926. Lindsay, co. Lincoln, assessment for, 82. Lindsell, Salop, King's garrison at, 1453, 1702. Lineham, Wilts, resident at, 1631. Ling, Somerset, resident at, 1649. Lingarth, co. Lancaster, estate of, 1903. Lingford, Somerset, place near, 1085. Linkinhorne, Cornwall, residents at, 1981, 1992. Linley, Salop, resident at, 1928. Linnshields, Northumberland, 2509. Linridge, Devon, estate at, 153. resident at, 1946. Linslade, Bucks, see Linchlade. Linstead, Suffolk, resident at, 3186. Great, Suffolk, lands in, 1877. resident at, 1877 (2). Linsted, Kent, minister of, 887. resident at, 459. Linton, co. Cambridge, commotion or surrection at, 2502. 2750, 2900. estate or lands at, 702, 2744. residents at, 1567, 1598. co. Derby, resident at, 3068. Kent, residents at, 368, 1831. ** • ... ……………… ·· ... ……………… • • ... > ..-in-the-Street, Kent, 2737. co. York, tithes of, 453. ..-on-Ouse, co. York, lands in, 3063. manor of, 3063. ... ... residents at, 3062, 3063. Lints, co. Durham, residents at, 2488, 2626. Upper, co. Durham, manor of, 2115. Lintshall, co. Durham, manor of, 2115. residents at, 2115, 3186. …………. 9, ** Liskeard, Cornwall, estates, &c., in, 2739, 2893, 3062. letters dated from, 235, 433, 775. rectory of, 1140, 1141. residents at, 763, 2034, 2375, 2415, 2893, 2903, 2980, 2996, 3062. Liss, Hants, 2573, 2574 (2). Lisset-in-Holderness, co. York, estate in, 891. …………. ****** in- ***** resident in, 891. Litchborough, co. Northampton, residents at, 766, 3252. Litchurch, co. Derby, lordship of, 294, 295, 328 (2), 437, 477. ………………………, property in, 1734, 1735 (2). + resident at, 2676. Litcott Bertram, co. Gloucester, lands in, 2920. • Litherland, Up, co. Lancaster, resident at, •*) 2745. Litlington, co. Bedford, resident at, 3259. co. Cambridge, farm at, 970. Littlebeck, co. York, estate at, 587. Littleborn, Kent, resident at, 2391. Littleborough, co. Notts, farm in, 2579. Ferry, resident at, 2579. Littleburn, co. Durham, mansion house of, 2619. resident at, 2619 (2). Littlebury, Essex, lands in, 1783. parsonage of, 2456. resident at, 2456. MM 2 they are 3724 Littlehall, co. Lancaster, estate of, 2981. Littleham, Devon, estate at, 152. resident at, 1333. , Littlehome, co. Lancaster, see Lytham. Littlemore, co. Oxon, resident at, 3125. Littlethorp, co. Leicester, minister of, 2754. Littleton, co. Chester, resident at, 103. co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. ........., Somerset, farm at, 1429. ** Drew, Wilts, parish of, 3206. residents at, 372, 3206. ........, co. Worcester, tithes at, 1707, 1708. Liveden, co. Northampton, resident at, 3049. Livermere, Suffolk, residents at, 96, 2978. Liverpool, co. Lancaster, 1101, 1346, 1657. castle of, constable of, 1346. ferry over the Mersey at, 60, 1346. houses, lands, &c., in, 1118 (2), 2729, 3124. ... ... ……………………… .. ……. ·· ***** ....., money for, 141. **** •• ·· " ... ... ·· ………………… King's party in, 1094, 2175. letter dated from, 177. petitions of, 1344 (2). Ca , ships at, or of, 1100, 1101. siege of, 1344. taking of, 141, 1344, 2802. traveller to, 2725. .... Liversedge, co. York, resident at, 843. Livesey, co. Lancaster, place in, 1994. resident at, 3199. Llamorda, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 3113. Llanarth, co. Monmouth, rectory of, 1710. residents at. 2827, 2850, 3088, 3194. tithes of, 1710, 1713. > Llanarthney, co. Carmarthen, residents at, 443, 1827. Llanasa, co. Flint, parish of, 3183. Llanbadarn Vawr, co. Cardigan, resident at, 1568. INDEX OF PLACES. order for, 162. Parliamentary forces at, 1866, 2802. garrison in, 170, 540. governors of, 540, 1100. places near, 2520, 2579. plague at, 540. …………… ……………. residents in, 162, 829. " tithes of, 1395. Llanbedr, co. Radnor, tithes of, 2315. Llanboydy, co. Carmarthen, lands at, 647, 1645. Llanbrayn, co. Carmarthen, resident at, houses in, Llancarvan, co. Glamorgan, 2180. 1881. Llandaff, bishops of, see General Index, Owen, Morgan; Murray, Wm. Consistory Court of, 3003. Į Llandaff-cont. Dean and Chapter of, 1711, 3221. Llanddywe, co. Merioneth, houses in, 2695. resident at, 2693. Llandefailog, co. Brecon, residents at, 747, 2732. ANGE .. ********** Llaudenny, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1711. resident at, 1711. ***** Llanderville Grauge, co. Monmouth, 2312. Llandewy, co. Glamorgan, castle of, 1770. resident at, 1770. …………………….. Llandilo, co. Carmarthen, rectory of, 1085. Vawr, co. Carmarthen, houses, &c., in, 1715. co. Glamorgan, rectory of, 1175. Tal-y-bont, co. Glamorgan, lands in, 2176. Grosseny, co. Monmouth, see Llan- tilio. Llandinam, co. Montgomery, tithes of, 1725 (3). Llandingat, co. Carmarthen, rectory of, 1881. Llandney, co. Merioneth, houses, &c., in, 2935. Llandow, co. Brecon, resident at, 506. Llandrindodd, co. Radnor, farm and rectory of, 1773. .. • ... ... Llandrinio, co. Montgomery, residents at, 2653, 2654. Llanelly, co. Carmarthen, residents at, 443. 1825 (2), 1827. Llanenddwyn, co. Merioneth, houses in, 2695. Llanerchedell, co. Montgomery, manor of, 2195, 2198, 2199. Llanfecring, co. Monmouth, resident at, 730. Llanfihangel, co. Cardigan, tithes of, 1395. Llanfoist, co. Monmouth, lauds in, 2049. Llangadoch, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 647. Llangain, co. Carmarthen, lands at, 647, 1645. Llangan, co. Glamorgan, lands in, 2674. Llanganhaval, co. Denbigh, minister of, 3132. rectory of, 3132 (2). Llangarr, co. Stafford, estate called, 3230. Llangarren, co. Hereford, lands, houses, &c., in, 2494 (2), 2495, 3091 (2). parish of, 326. ……………………… ………… residents at, 2383, 2384, 3192. Llangathen, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1826. Llangattock, co. Brecon, tithes and rectory of, 1712 (4), 1713. ………………….., co. Monmouth, resident at, 3193. Llangatury, co. Monmouth, messuages, &c., in, 2407. *** Llangendeirne, co. Carmarthen, residents at, 443, 1825 (2), 1859. Llangeney, co. Brecon, resident at, 2045. Llangerick, co. Montgomery, resident in, 1905. Llangoedmore, co. Cardigan, lands in, 2180. Llangorse, co. Brecon, resident at, 578. Llangower, co. Carmarthen, farms in, 1715. INDEX OF PLACES. 3725 Llangum, or Llangwm, co. Moumouth, parish of, 1714. resident at, 755. .... Llangunider, co. Monmouth, parish of, 1714. Llanhennock, co. Monmouth, resident at, 3007. Llanigou, co. Brecon, letter dated from, 772. residents at, 404, 747, 765. Llanihangel Hullagen, co. Radnor, houses in, 1625. Kevenlice, co. Radnor, houses in, 1625. Llanlawrence, co Monmouth, manor of, 2443. Llanllwchaiarn, co. Montgomery, resident at, 707. Llanner Thudule, co. Montgomery, manor of, 2199. Llannon, co. Carmarthen, houses, &c., in, 1715. resident at, 1825. ……………** Llanor, co. Carmarthen, parish of, 1602. Llanrothall, co. Hereford, parish of, 1714. Llanrwst, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1967. Llanryddlad, co. Anglesey, minister and rec- tory of, 1725, 1726. Llansoare, co. Monmouth, residents at, 1710, 1882, 2816. Llansoy, co. Monmouth, letter dated from, 755. • residents at, 755, 1524. ****** Llanstephen, co. Carmarthen, tithes of, 720. rectory of, 1645. ***.** Llanternam, co. Monmouth, estates at, 2310. ……………………., monastery of, 2816. residents at, 2310, 2312 (2). Llantharog, co. Carmarthen, houses, &c., in, 1715. • Llanthetty, co. Brecon, resident at, 747. Llanthewy, co. Monmouth, resident at, 3192. Llanthewyvach, co. Monmouth, estate in, 3238. residents at, 311, 3194. Llanthomas, co. Monmouth, parish of, 2443. Llanthony, co. Monmouth, manor of, 2303. resident at, 2303. ****** Llantidnam, Salop, lands in, 2528. *** •• .. Llantilio, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1712. tithes of, 1713, 3221. or Llandilo Grosseney or Crosseny, co. Monmouth, estates in, 1705, 2389. residents at, 311, 1705, 2389, *** …………. 3114. Park, co. Monmouth, 1713. Pertholey, co. Monmouth, houses and lands in, 2406, 2407, 2796. ... ****** residents at, 2796, 2827, 3195. Llantrisaint, co. Anglesey, rectory and minister of, 1725, 1726 (2). Llantrissent, co. Glamorgan, houses in, 2180 (2). co. Monmouth, residents at, 730, 3088. Llantrithed, co. Glamorgan, residents at, 861, 1226. ****** Llanvaier, co. Anglesey, parish of, 2977. or Llanvaire, co. Cardigan, residents at, 572, 600, 1569, 1751-1753. co. Monmouth, resident at, 2775. Llanvaire Arbryn, co. Carmarthen, rectory of, …………………….. • .. Llanvapley, co. Monmouth, estate in, 1713. Llanvetherine, co. Monmouth, lands in, 2049. residents at, 1665, 2975 (2). ••• "" .... "" Llanvihangel, or St. Michael Cumduy, co. Brecon, lands in, 2043. …………….., rectory of, 1710, 1712. co. Monmouth, resident at, 3003. .. ****** 1881. Kilgidin, co. Monmouth, estate in, 3111. Llanternam, co. Monmouth, residents at, 2045, 2981, 3193 (2). Llanvilling, co. Montgomery, letter dated from, 431. orders proclaimed at, 69. resident at, 590. tolls of, 2198. Llanvillo, co. Brecon, lands in, 2971. Llanvorda, Salop, resident at, 1401. Llanvrechva, co. Monmouth, estate in, 3238. residents at, 3007, 3020, 3194. Llanvyrnach, co. Brecon, resident at, 517. Llanwenog, co. Montgomery, letter dated from, 149. ... ……………… > ………………………) Llanwern, co. Monmouth, lands in, 1850. Llanycefen, co. Pembroke, inhabitants of, petition of, 1036. Llanygon, co. Brecon, tenement in, 1407. Llanymdovery, co. Carmarthen, residents at, 1824, 1825. Llanywith, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1723. Llewenny, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1703 Henllan parish, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1702. Llisnewith, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1824. Lloran, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1220. Llowes, co. Radnor, resident at, 747. Lloydiarth, co. Montgomery, estate of, 1628. residents at, 1626, 1627. Lloyn, Salop, resident at, 1897. Lloyn-y-Main, Salop, residents at, 1500, 2030. Llwyn-y-Maudy, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 647. ****** Llysdylas, Anglesey, resident at, 3132. Loadge, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1550. Locke, co. Derby, resident at, 1494. Lockeridge, Wilts, resident at, 2386. Lodbury, Northumberland, resident at, 2591. Loddington, co. Leicester, manor and rectory of, 1244–1246. residents at, 109, 1246. woods at, 1245. 0 E co. Northampton, residents at, 88 (2), "> 1145. Loddon, Norfolk, resident at, 3190. J 3726 INDEX OF PLACES. x Loders, Dorset, residents at, 119, 1313. Lodge, Dorset, estate in, 2635. Lofthouse, co. York, residents at, 975, 1554. Hill, co. York, resident at, 3097. Loft Marrish, co. York, resident at, 2008. Lolbrook's Farm, Berks, 1793 (2). Londesborough, co. York, residents at, 2024. London, the City, or the Town, casual notices of, passim. aldermen of, 2139, 2272, 2274, 2275; see also- ... • ..... .... …………. ·· .... ******* case of, 891. ………………….., army coming to, 147. " "" ·· .. * > the, Somerset, 2101. Park, Somerset, 1735, 1737. Park, co. Warwick, 1788. 9 Andrews, Thos. Atkins, Sir Thos. Bond, Wm. Bunce, Jas. Dethick, John. Heylin, Rowland. Leman, Sir John. Pennington, Isaac. •" Poole, Thos. Tichborne, Rob. Vyner, Thos. Warner, John. Witham, George. Wollaston, Sir John. Wright, Sir Edmund. Court of, see Lord Mayor, &c., Court of. ammunition sent to or from, 788, 930. apprentices of, 1879, 1980, 2784. assessors or collectors in, 3, 26, 35, 82. Bishop of, see Juxon, Dr. Wm. books or papers sent to, 429, 531, 554, 556. citizens of, 71, 133, 156, 255 (2), 416, 424, 620, 772, 881, 1033, 1178, 1608, 1711, 1729, 1730, 1759, 1862, -1929, 1938, 2087, 2139, 2277, 2351, 2505, 2524, 2592, 2639, 2710, 2845, 3019, 3048, 3067, 3285. City of, 465, 805, 2444. be paid into, 402, 1191. .. ..> Chamberlain of, 131, 135, 159, 861, 2139 (2). > Chamber of, money paid, or to ……………. contract " with, 3005. receipt by, 402. charters of, 3118. corporation of, 3005. "Committee for the Royal ... .... " *** 3005 (2). ………………, money borrowed from, 130, 135. …. ………….., money due from, or charged on, 34, 35, 39. ***** estates belonging to, 2444, , ………………, money granted to, 165. trustees for, 3202. ...... ******* cloth trade of, 1019. London-cont. .... A ** Commissaries of Parliament of Scot- land in, see Scotland. Commissioners of Array, for, 1686. Committee for Scottish Affairs in, see General Index, Scottish Affairs, Com- mittee for. **** Committee of Sequestrations in, see London, County Commissioners of. Common Council of, 1 (3), 859. letter to, 82. Companies of, money lent by, 4; also— Armourers', petition of, 2689. Hall, 2376, 2689. *****" • · "" ……………. Committees at, see General Index, Sequestration Com- mittee, and Loudon, County Com- mittee of, sub-committee of. letters dated from, 399,416, 421, 431, 446, 465, 472, 483, 500, 509. Goldsmiths, 688. .. O .. · .... master ...., assay Jackson, 13. to, Alex. clerk to, Mr. Haselfort, 61. Hall, see General Index, Committee for Compounding, place of meeting of. .. .. ·· ... ARTI▼ .... ******* wardens of, petition of, 2699. ...... Haberdashers, master and wardens of, 675. Hall, see General Index, Com- mittee for Advance of Money, place of meeting of. Mercers, 1624 (2). Merchant tailors, member of, 1908. petition of, 2191. Painter Stainers' Hall, 376. Turners, master and wardens of, 1620. Vintners, 1520. 1802. leases from, 3106. members of, 2699. petitions of, 1519, 1520 (2). Weavers' Hall, Committee for Arrears at, discharges by, alluded to, 26. order on, asked for, ***** ****** ... treasurers of, 69. charges on, 159. payments, or orders for payment by, 68, 69, 138, 158 (2), 163. ………….. ……… >> payments to, 68, ·· • C Agg ******* ...... ...... 167, 173, 175, 683. coroner of, 3118. ... ...., county of, 1011. County Commissioners of, Committee for Sequestrations in, or Camden House Committee, 183, 200, 204 (2), 208, 254, 340, 417, 443 (2), 488, 498, 501, 505, 563, 858-860, 906, 944, 948, 957, 1070 (2), 1565, 1622, 1687, 1779, 1785- INDEX OF PLACES. 3727 London, County Commissioners of, &c.-cont. 1787, 1795, 2029, 2059, 2144, 2334 (2), 2524, 2535, 2551 (3), 2554 (2), 2586, 2699, 2735, 2753, 2800, 2824, 2863, 2880, 2894, 2912 (2), 2964, 3019, 3020, 3067, 3068 (3), 3071 (2), 3109, 3285, 3289. " …………………… ………………, agent to, 368; see also Style- man, Rich. ………………………. ………………, appearance before, ordered, 21. .... certificates of, 2873, 2867, ·· ··· ··· ………… ……………… …………… ·· ·· ………….. ·· • .. · ·· .. * •• 3068. …………………., duplicates from, 431. information by, 2305. letters of, 209, 239, 249, 257, 265, 287, 341, 383. 399, 416, 421, 431, 465, 472, 483, 485, 488, 489, 509, 527, 573, 656, 661. ** ……………. . ……………. ****** > *****g ... D alluded to, 3246. ." letters to, 209, 275, 313 (2), 335, 374, 376, 403, 424, 437, 450, 468, 513, 524, 526, 532, 601, 602, 608, 1780, 1785, 1786, 2523, 2753, 2800 (2), 2877, 2937. alluded to, 601, 976, 1515, officers of, 45, 153, 183, 189, 204, 208, 209, 239, 341, 376, 608, 626, 957, 1073, 1785, 2586, 2800. letter of, 417. list of, note of, 735. ******* ……………. orders of, alluded to, 881, 1688, 1837, 2875. 1687. ……………. .....} ***** • ... …………… .... clerk to, 218. depositions sent by, 2710. orders to, 189, 216, 225, 333, 383, 483, 539, 683, 859, $60 (2), 873, 881, 915, 927, 957 (2), 980, 1019, 1077, 1179 (2), 1214 (3), 1254 (2), 1513, 1516, 1602, 1617 (2), 1624, 1687, 1780 (2), 1785-1787, 1861, 2138, 2139, 2333 (2), 2334, 2378 (2), 2415, 2456, 2462, 2551 (4), 2552, 2567, 2676, 2684, 2689, 2753, 2769 (3), 2800 (3), 2801 (2), 2863 (2), 2872, 2867, 2872, 2874, 2912, 2937, 2938, 2949, 3019, 3067, 3068 (2), 3106 (2), 3150, 3152, 3169, 3262 (2), 3268, 3269, 3285, 3289, 3308. …… ………………, papers seized by, 1999. > • ..... asked for, or alluded to, 978, 1559, 2800, 3152 (2), 3296. ** •S **** > ……………… payments to, 488, 514, 1253. petition to, 1786. queries of, 350. records, books, &c., of, 376. references to, 1073, 1787, 1896, 2140, 3109, 3152, 3285. ………………………、 ………………, reports of, 2523, 2800, 2867. ……………………… ……………., returns, &c., from, alluded to, 297, 1795, 244–3246. 1 London, County Commissioners of-cont. sitting at Armourers' Hall, 376, 2422, 2456 (2), 2676, 3262. *, ……. *** ******* …………………… · ………….. ………………….. ... ………….. ………………***) ……… ... ·· · ………………… ……………………… ****** sitting at the Wardrobe, 881, 1687, 2753, 3048. …………………… ■ the late, 209, 212 216, 218, 257 (2), 309, 333, 341, 383, 399, 403, 416, 421, 539, 573, 602 (2), 712, 1785, 2374, 2554, 2585, 2800, 3019, 3048, 3071, 3106, 3152. books of, 3048. letters of, 209, 220. delinquents fearing to come to, 993. forbidden to come to or remain in, 136, 1375. ..... • ……………… delinquents in, allowed to leave, 1051, 1419, 1420. delinquents in or near, banishment of, Act for, 125, 136, 178. ..... " 1810, 1844, 1944, 3154. .... orders to, 29, 278, 323, 333, 558, 650, 838, 857, 1444. ……………… delinquents requesting licences to come to, 963, 969, 971, 986, 1125, 1158, 1179, 1181, 1183, 1192, 1211, 1219, 1241, 1275, 1325, 1343, 1478, 1482, 1513, 1526, 1604, 1615, 1626, 1629, 1642, 1651, 1653, 1799, 1811, 1812, 1844, 1899, 1944, 1994, 2302. *** ****** licences given to, 835, 898, 905 (2), 919, 925, 932, 969, 977, 995, 1015, 1184, 1243, 1271, 1288, 1296, 1365, 1366, 1518, 1578, 1654, 1739, 1793, 1804, 1944, 1960. delinquents requesting licences to re- main in, 935, 967, 994, 1057, 1173, 1185, 1208, 1212, 1286, 1375, 1578, 1596, 1606, 1773, 1799, 1804, 1815. licences given to, 51, 1063, 1098, 1276, 1477, 1513. 1639, 1800, 1805, 1869-1812, 1814, 1853, 2114, 2217. ******} Ordinance for, alluded to, form of, 137. delinquents sent up to, 847, 994, 1046, 1133, 1398. **3 ****** summoned to, 959, 1020, 1030, 1045, 1099, 1747. ……………. 1. goods concealed in, 3. goods sent from, 9. ., goods seut, or to be sent to, 432, 477, 501. CAO 416. guards of, 48, 57, 58 (2), 88, 798. lodgers in, 1569. Ay Lord Mayors of (1641-2), Sir Rich. Gurney, Bart., 858. 35, 40. (1642-3), Sir Isaac Pennington, (1644-5), Sir Thos. Atkins, (1645-6), Sir Thos. Adams, 34, ہو 3728- INDEX OF PLACES. 2 London, Lord Mayors of, Sir Thos. Adams— cont. UR .... · • …. • • · .. ***** .... **** · 2401. 1623. 3118. • (2) ***** 2139. …………. > .... .. 3024. **9 • ... ..... estates or property in, passim. receipts from, 429. ……………… letters dated from, 154, 283, 485, 508, 2 588, 656, 677, 679. .9 …………. …………. • letter sent from, 779. liberties of, 500. Members of Parliament for, 6, 34. M.Ps in, or within 10 miles of, 69. merchants of, 29, 38, 65, 286,779 (2), 793, 797, 896, 1019, 1099, 1149, 1171, 1252, 1298, 1470, 1500, 1552, 1647, 1667, 1737, 1780, 1782, 1822, 1830, 1852, 1854, 1895, 1910, 2007, 2008, 2033, 2063 (2), 2076, 2109, 2111, 2115, 2124, 2147, 2223, 2231, 2247, 2389, 2415, 2424, 2518, 2522, 2549, 2576, 2627, 2635, 2688, 2709, 2833, 2937, 3038, 3057, 3081, 3084, 3121, 3143, 3179, 3244, 3258, 3276, 3297. letters to, 35, 39. (1649-50), Thos. Foot, 2217. (1650-1), Thos. Andrews, 2126, (1651-2), John Kendrick, 1622, (1652-3), Thos. Poole, 1099, and aldermen of, Court of, 861 order of, alluded to, and citizens of, petition of, 2139. petition of trustees for, ******* money sent, or to be sent up to, 327, 332, 340, 358, 374, 449, 463, 473, 488, 530, 535, 589, 628, 637, 969, 1179, 1537, 2237, 2792. ..... militia of, Committee for, letter to, 22. ………………. ………………, request to, 70. ******* ....., wages of, 22. » papers sent up to, 2508, 2786. parishes, churches, &c., in— ***** All Hallows, 1744. All Hallows, Barking, 2689, 2690. jury at, 3118. All Hallows-in-the-Wall, 2533. All Hallows, Lombard Street, minister and churchwardens of, petition of, 2958. L ··· Creechurch, see St. Katherine Cree. Christchurch, 97, 130, 143. churchwardens of, 2173. ……………. • St. Alban's, 2912. St. Andrew's, Holhorn, 999, 1141, 1250, 1399, 1740, 2061, 2089, 2123, 2150, 2383, 2486, 2501, 2592, 3141, 3240, 3226. Undershaft, poor of, 2192. St. Antholin's, 16, 744, 1622, 1624. ………………………, poor of, 2192. London, parishes, churches, &c., in-cont. St. Augustine's-by-Paul's, or St. Austin's, parish of, 1214, 3268. St. Bartholomew's, Exchange, 3227. St. Bennet Shereog, 2824. St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, 2383, 3226. St. Botolph's, Aldgate, 882. St. Bride's, 2703. St. Clement's, 318, 456, 523. St. Clement Danes, 229, 590, 591, 889, 1843, 2099, 2221, 2272, 2452, 2479 (3), 2589, 2645, 2766, 2819, 3100, 3131. St. Dunstan's-in-the-East, 778, 1509, 3127. St. Dunstan's - in the - West, 2101, 2106, 2599, 2685, 3046. St. Giles', Cripplegate Without, 529, 1573, 2363 (2), 3169. St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, 437, 861, 1575, 1867, 2076, 2240, 2479, 2690 (4), 3033, 3110, 3156, 3198. St. Gregory Paul, parish of, 14. St. Helen's-the-Less, Bishopsgate, parishioners of, petition of, 1251. St. James', Clerkenwell, 3109. St. James', Westminster, 591, 879, 1459, 2221. St. John Zachary, minister of, 49, 1684, 1817, 1824. St. Katherine's, Tower, 642. St. Katherine Cree, 2378. St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, 1310. St. Magdalen, 428. St. Martin's, Ludgate, 1520), 2535. St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 426, 770, 1038, 1076 (2), 1131, 1267, 1295, 1376, 1378, 1469, 1490, 1621, 1626 (3), 1632, 1715, 1815, 1875, 1968, 1972, 2073, 2213, 2225, 2248, 2293, 2405, 2415, 2455, 2520, 2524, 2685, 2686, 2880, 2977, 3244, 3288, 3306. ………………, ………………, places in, 1521, 1624 (2), 1626 (2), 3081 (2). St. Mary Axe, 2007. St. Marylebone, 1716. St. Michael's, Cornhill, 3268. St. Michael's-le-Querne, 2422. St. Nicholas Olave's, Bread Street, 3061. St. Olave's, Hart Street, 2753. almsmen, alms women, and churchwardens of, petition of, ****** 2753. St. Paul's, Dean of [temp. Hen. III.], 1251. churchyard of, 1308, 2102, 2769, 2863. Dean and Chapter of, 1129, •* · 2801. estates, &c., of, 2059, > ………. 2402, 2404, 2864. INDEX OF PLACES. 3729 London, parishes, churches, &c., in, St. Paul's London, residents in, cases of-cont. -cont. ·· *** .. Parliamentary army in, 1968. ., persons in, or staying in, 12, 173, 177 (2), 223, 225, 244, 245, 249, 253, 267, 268, 291, 298, 301, 316, 344, 358 (2), 360, 367, 373, 385, 391 (2), 405, 406, 436, 462, 466, 471, 474, 476, 479, 487, 518, 519, 526-529, 533, 535, 536, 548, 559, 562, 578 (2), 594, 596, 615, 665, 684, 704, 737, 746, 750 (2), 755 (2), 760, 769, 965, 1036, 1049, 1169, 1194, 1291, 1963, 1971, 2179 (2), 2180, 2182, 2299, 2307, 2326, 2386, 2418, 2420, 2422, 2703, 3019, 3117. without licence, 524. ......, prevented from coming up to. 1038, 1057, 1131, 1142, 1144, 1154, 1172, 1186, 1197, 1202, 1217, 1283, 1293, 1417, 1477, 1535, 1536, 1551, 1632, 1690, 1701, 1702, 1704, 1726, 1755, 1849, 2054, 2441, 2462, 2468, 2556, 2777, 2869, 2975, 2991, 3044, 3111. ** ........, poor of, corporation for, 816, 2471. petitions of, 2471, 2472. solicitor for, 2472. ****** house near, 2800. prebends of, 164, 2802, 2863. scaffolding outside, 38, 40. vicars choral of, estates of, 2801 (3). St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 1619, 2218. governor and minister .... •, ****** of, 1631. places or persons distant from, 564, 572, 2530, 2627, 3157, 3286. ., plate sent to, 1069. plot for giving up of, to the King, 893, 1687; see also Waller, Edm., plot of. St. Sepulchre's, 1189, 1586, 2925, 2926, 3109. ………………………. ………………、 money for, 426. ..... , ****** HIST • ... •, …………………*** .. powder mills near, 293. prisons in, 8, 20; see also London, streets, buildings, &c., of. ………………………, ………………, by the King's party, 1918. ., *5 prisoners in or sent to, 755, 850, 877, 914, 1045, 1121, 1203, 1452, 1751, 1920, 2019, 2193, 2804, 2899, 3293. recorders of, 1622; see also General Index, Glynn, Serjeant John; Steele, Wm.; Mason, Robt. recusants in, lists of, alluded to, 599, 608. remembrancer of, Thos. Wiseman, 1349. residents in, passim. + .... assessment of, 1. ………………………. ………………, cases of, 830, 866, 879, 891, 916, 927, 937, 940, 962, 983, 991, 994, 1001, 1019, 1038, 1053, 1070 (2), 1075, 1076, 1099, 124, 1131, 1175, • ...* .. 1179, 1187, 1189, 1191, 1200, 1205, 1208, 1215, 1240, 1252, 1258, 1260, 1269, 1274, 1292, 1295, 1298, 1359, 1378, 1399, 1437, 1474, 1475, 1481, 1500 (2), 1507, 1509, 1512–1514, 1519, 1523, 1536, 1538, 1542, 1543 (2), 1557, 1558 (2), 1563-1567, 1571- 1573, 1575, 1577 (2), 1585, 1586 (2), 1590, 1591 (2), 1593, 1594, 1596, 1606, 1608, 1609, 1615, 1634, 1651, 1686, 1738, 1744, 1772, 1804, 1812, 1813, 1888, 1896, 1910, 1927, 1960 (2), 1965, 1979 (2), 1980, 2007, 2009, 2013, 2018, 2029, 2045, 2048, 2058, 2061, 2063, 2076, 2088, 2090, 2099 (2), 2101, 2102, 2111, 2112, 2118, 2144, 2213, 2216, 2221 (3), 2305, 2325, 2333, 2344-2347, 2354 (2), 2365, 2366, 2406, 2421, 2452, 2456, 2523, 2536, 2549, 2551 (2), 2552, 2554, 2567, 2577, 2585, 2635, 2639, 2645, 2662 (2), 2664 (2), 2671 (2), 2684, 2685, 2688 (3), 2691, 2698, 2703, 2705, 2710, 2727, 2746, 2767, 2769 (2), 2775, 2780, 2795, 2817, 2820, 2824, 2828, 2836, 2846, 2863, 2875, 2876, 2894, 2898, 2912, 2949, 3019, 3032, 3036, 3054, 3067, 3068 (2), 3071, 3081 (2), 3106, 3116, 3117, 3121, 3150, 3154-3156, 3191, 3196, 3211, 3223, 3227, 3243, 3245 (2), 3246, 3250, 3256 (3), 3258-3260; see also Middlesex, cases in. residents in, lists of, 239. alluded to, see London County Commissioners, returns from. notes of, 741, 742. **" ." 51. ****** rioters in, 859. road to, stoppage of, 1129. sheriffs of, 1157, 1251, 1590. 2147, 3118 (3). ships of, 9 (2), 11, 19, 523, 778-782, 2937. soldiers, sick and wounded, sent to, *****y AUJAU quartered in, 134. ., streets, places, buildings, &c., in- Aldermanbury, 1572. Ave Maria Lane, 2801. Barge Yard, 265. Barking, 2689, 2690. Barnard's Inn, 3016. Basinghall Street, 1070, 2639. Beech Lane, 1565. Bell Alley, 3244. Yard, 239. Birching Lane, 780, 2085. Bishopsgate, 1562. Ma Aldersgate Street, 16, 108, 447, 488, 2134, 2270, 2699, 2976. Aldgate, 882, 1609. Austin, or Augustine Friars, 2374, 32-19. .. 3730 INDEX OF PLACES. London, streets, &c., in, Bishopsgate-cont. | Crosby House in, 1249, 3272. St. Helen's-the-Less in, see London, Parishes in. " Street, 997, 1099, 3272. Blackamore Alley, 3289. Botolph Lane, 2872. Bread Street, 625, 942, 3061. Brewer's Yard, St. Martin's-in-the- Fields, 1624. Bride Lane, 52. Bridewell, 744. Hospital, president and gover- nors of, 1624. • prison, 1035. Broad Street, 3067. Buckingham House, see Strand. Bucklersbury, 2, 265. CANAD Camden House, Committee for Se- at, see London, questrations County Committee of. Canning (Cannon) Street, 951, 962. Castle Yard, 566. ... Cateaton Street, 465, 2456 (2). Chancery Lane, 29, 720, 3259. Charing Cross, 25, 621, 701, 1799 (2). mews near, 1257. ***** > Charter House, 745, 2735, 3089. minister of, 434. Yard, 2112, 2189. Cheapside, 383, 399, 403, 656, 860, 2016, 2422, 2767, 3106, 3244. Church Lane, St. Martin's-in-the- Fields, 3081 (2). .... 3279. • . ་.. (3). ***** ……………… Clement's Inn, 1214, 1258, 1733, 1854, 2080, 2556, 2999, 3226. Clerkenwell, 616, 1585, 1735, 2078 (2), 2112, 2404, 2422, 3109. Clare Street, Covent Garden, •> new prison at, 7. ****** prisoners in, 914, 1993. Clifford's Inn, 2799, 3087. Clink Prison, 7. Coleman Street, 376, 483. Cornhill, 1179, 1433, 3268. ..... Committee of Accounts, sitting at, 65. ... keeper of, 408, 2606 Covent Garden, 656, 687, 1011, 1208, 1231, 1450, 1469, 1586, 1631 (2), 1739, 1867 (2), 2058, 2198, 2208, 2416, 2477, 2566, 2690, 2971, 3288. parishes of. churchyard in, 2208 (3). Half Moon tavern in, 344. St. Paul's in, see London, streets in, 1867, 3279, 3289, 3305. Cow Lane, 1557. London, streets, &c., in—cont. Cripplegate Without, St. Giles' parish in, see London, parishes of. White Horse in, 425. Crosby House, see Bishopsgate Street. Crutched Friars, 915. Custom House, 9, 2875. ...... G officers of, 611, 3082. order to, 3082. Distaff Lane, 1214 (2), 3268. Dorset House, 1509. Drury House, Committee at, see General Index, Delinquents' Lands, sale of, Commissioners or Trustees for. ……………… .. > ... > 725, 727, 743. • ……………………… 558. letter dated from, 523. .... 1619 (2). ... ………. ... Durham House, 1930 (2), 1931. East India House, 500, 527, 1625 (2). ………………, governors of, 514; see also General Index, East India Company. ***** ... Ebry Farm, St. Martin's-in-the- Fields, 1521. Elm Court, Middle Temple, AAAAA Elm Street, Covent Garden, 1867, 3289. "" Ely House, 388. letters dated from, 721, Lane, 879, 1626, 3284. keeper of, 1141. prisoners at, 874, 959, 1141, ………… 1240, 1359, 1369 (2), 1426, 1517, 1565, 1634. ………..) Exchange, the, Royal, 656, 933, 1433. the, New (Strand), 598, 1930. Excise Office, letter dated from, 740. Falcon Court, 1868. Fenchurch Street, letters dated from, 515, 573. Court, houses in, 467, • Ú prison at, 7, 838. Fetter Lane, 340, 400, 509, 688, 2347, 2894 (2), 3176. Fine Office, letter dated from, 576. Finsbury Prison, 7. keeper of, 1810. prisoners in, 1810. ****** …….. Fish Street Hill, 239. Fleet Prison, 7. ****** prisoners in, 1099 (2), 1730, 2185, 2258, 1186, 1560, 2267, 2334, 2385, 2496, 2686, 3258, 3297, 3298. An • ……………. (2). ………… warden of, 2258, 2259, 2335 (2), 2337 (2), 2373 (2), 2374 (2), 2385, 2496. deputy of, 2259 .... Street, 472, 656, 1053, 1868, 2150, 2207, 2333, 2554, 2664,8152. INDEX OF PLACES. 3731 London, streets, &c., in, Fleet Street-cont. *******9 Mitre Tavern in, 424, 2333, 2334 (3). Friday Street, 197, 376, 383, 499. Fuller's Rents, 1147, 1149. Glass House, 453. Golden Lane, 539, 1565, 2660. Goldsmiths' Alley, 465. Goldsmiths' Hall, see London, Com- panies of. Gracechurch, or Gracious Street, 239, 257, 418, 656, 2138, 2140. Saracen's Head Inn, in, 2523. Gray's Inn, 126, 212, 417, 437, 147, 454, 463, 586, 879, 899, 937 (2), 945, 989, 991, 1108, 1147, 1149, 1166, 1357, 1379, 1415, 1418, 1437, 1556, 1564, 1707, 1821, 1844-1846, 1856, 1860 (2), 1867, 1958, 2043, 2076, 2154, 2167, 2202, 2249, 2261, 2337, 2356, 2389, 2407, 2424, 3433, 2481, 2523, 2740, 2763, 2775 (2), 2807, 2882, 2905, 2916, 2949, 3010, 3053, 3071, 3117, 3138, 3166, 3180, 3206, 3288, 3309. . .. 590, 827. ·· …………. • * . ... • of, 1846. ·· ………… .... ... ………….. ... •3 caster Office in, 1346. Greyhound Tavern, St. Martin's-in- the-Fields, 1626 (2). • ****** A Grove House, 957. chapel of, 986. letters dated from, Guildhall, attorney at, 3244. member of, 986. Old Gate of, 1846. treasurer of the Society Lane, 2592. trations at, 148, 163. Duchy of Lan- to, 605. Commissioners for Seques- enlistment at, 940. letter dated from, 637. ., money charged on, 147. ., papers carried to, 1053. ... **** wię .... sub-committee of Gold- smiths' Hall at, see General Index, 1st Committee for Compounding, sub-committee of. Treasurers for Sequestrations .. at (Thos. Barnardistone and Rich. Hill), 18, 148, 150, 151, 357, 507, 603. certificate of, alluded complaint of, 17. treasury at, for the Commit- .. • tee for Compounding, payments to or from, passim. 1 ļ London, streets, &c., in-cont. Gurney House, Committee at, see General Index, Dean and Chapter lands, Trustees for sale of. letter dated from, 429. seized by Parliament, 859. see London, ·· ·· 4 Haberdashers' Hall, Companies of. Hart Street, 185. Heralds' College, 1999. Holborn, 519, 1108, 1251, 1632, 2088, 2089, 2132, 2836, 3046. · Bridge, King's Arms in, re- sident at, 455, 673. Hatton House in, 1580. letters dated from, 15, 591. St. Andrew's in, see London, parishes of. ... # High, 2063, 2681, 3226. ... ...... > " Honey Lane, 1744. Hyde Park, 655. Inns of Court, 2503. officers of, 1846. Ironmonger Lane, 2665. John Street, 2925. ******** King Street, Covent Garden, 3305. letters dated from, 625, .... 629, 642. 悔 ​Knightrider Street, 2664. Lawrence Lane, 860. Leadenhall Street, 9, 465, 656, 1620, 1625 (2). Lime Street, 9, 212, 222, 1625. Limehouse, 738, 2019. Lincoln's Inn, 81, 208, 226, 286, 369, 436, 437, 514, 535, 604, 964, 1012, 1034, 1120 (3), 1205, 1451 (2), 1569, 1590, 1680, 1846, 1867, 1931, 2140, 2197, 2221, 2359, 2384, 2403, 2926, 3140, 3175, 3258, 3261, 3266. Grange, resident in, 318. Little Britain, 2048. Little Distaff Lane, 566. Little Trinity Lane, 376. Lombard Street, 9, 664, 2709. London House Prison, 7. • ……………** > > 932. Long Acre, 185, 1781, 2567, 3289. Long Lane, 488, 914, 2144. King's Arms in, 545. Lothbury, 500, 1552. Ludgate, 3246. ., prisoners in, 892 (2), Prison, 7. …………… prisoners in, 2277. Hill, 1187. ****S St. Martin's Church in, see London, parishes in. Maiden Lane Prison, 7. Maidenhead Street, 1214. Mark Lane, 2753. 3732 INDEX OF PLACES. London, streets, &c., in-cont. Marshalsea Prison, clerk of, 2654. prisoners in, 1909, ………… ·· 3089. Milford Lane, 1843. Military Garden, Committee for, 97. Milk Street, 625. St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, 2690. Mincing Lare, 2551 (2). Minories, the, 467. Mulberry House, 551 (2). New Fish Street, 2139. Newgate Market, 656, 3302. Prison, 7. prisoners in, 1426 (2), ... ► ... ··· 1730. Street, 9. New Inn, 1554, 3099. Old Bailey, 1094. Old Change, 1214 (3). Old Jewry, 860. Old Street, 539. ... .. **) Paddington, 1438 (2). Paternoster Row, 475, 2058, 2059, 2325. Peter House Prison, 7. 24 ? keeper of, warrants to, 16, 20, 36, 41, 46, 863, 927. prisoners in, 897, 908, 927, 936 (2). Pigott's Fields, 3244. Poultry, the, 249. Counter, 7, 885. ... ...... *****3 …………… Prerogative Court; see Index, Prerogative Court. Prize Office, letter dated from, 537. Queen Street, 3033. Ram Alley, 2207. Rolls, the, 200, 426. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1624, 2139. **** keeper of, 886. prisouers in, 983. General ***...* Governor of, 2150. St. Clement's Lane, 978. St. Martin's Lane, 621, 1813, 1886. King's Arms in, 190. ****** St. Mary Hill, 2456. St. Nicholas' Shambles, 3239. St. Thomas's Hospital, 744, 1624. Seething Lane, 3057. Sheare Lane, 3244. Shoe Lane, 688, 1399. Shoreditch, 3020, 3226. St. Leonard's; see London, Parishes in. Silver Street, 2876, 2877. Smithfield, East, 1796. Sweden Court in, 1797. Loudon, streets, &c., in-cont. Snow Hill, Talbot Inn in, 673. Soaper Lane, 3244. Spitalfields, 2165. Spur Alley, Strand, 1622, 1624, 1626. Staples Inn, 934, 2118, 2730, 2969. Strand, the, 119, 225, 254, 255, 360, 390, 406, 598, 638, 656, 866, 889, 890, 921, 1317, 1458, 1587, 1621, 1625 (2), 1626 (2), 1714, 1844, 1873, 1884, 2183-2185, 2192 (6), 2193, 3244. ...... • · U ·D • 2466 (2), 2468. 588. .... **** London, Parishes of. • ..... 1626. ****** Arundel Gate in, 590. Arundel House in, 2465, Charing Cross Tavern in, ·· Clement Danes in, see New Exchange in, 578. Salisbury House in, 119. Salutation Tavern in, 1621, Savoy Hospital in, 52. 2570 (2). ·· " ………. master and chaplains of, petition of, 2125. ………….. 1308, 2209. ……………… •> 1362, 2463. estates belonging to, Somerset House in, 489, • 1 ………………. Committee of Trus- tees at, see General Index, Charles I., rents and revenues of, Committee for. place near, 360. residents in, 1301 (2), Wallingford House in, 179, • ■ 2 185, 187 (2), 218, 219, 229, 237, 239, 245, 254-256, 278, 281, 465, 511, 714, 2183, 3106. Walsingham House in, 453, ...... 465, 511 (6). White Tavern in, 2478. York House (alias Bucking- ……………. ham House) in, 197, 215, 225, 255 (2), 310, 338, 390, 466, 523, 2183, 2184. FATURA rents of, 2183-2185. Sutton's Hospital, master of, 1622, 1623. Symond's Inn, 2795. Temple, the, 1219, 2411, 2828 (2), 2842, 3256. Bar, 1217, 1554. Inner, 57, 72, 369, 601, 603, 890, 935, 945 (2), 982, 994, 1200 (3), 1234, 1265, 1269, 1511, 1543, 1589, 1606, 2029, 2058, 2167, 2217, 2302, 2357, 2365, 2381, 2404, 2451, 2544, 2549, 2748, 3016, 3050, 3099, 3191, 3276. ... Middle, 215, 558, 715, 940, 943, 970, 991 (2), 1509, 1634, 1680, 1772, 1832, 1838, 1935, 2040, 2049, INDEX OF PLACES. 3733 London, streets, &c., in, Temple, Middle -cont. 2056, 2078 (2), 2156, 2166, 2221, | 2256, 2336, 2452, 2473, 2481, 2709, 2727,2783, 2802, 2846, 3054, 3245, 3276, 3283. Temple, Middle, governor of [Thos. Williams], 3167. Thames Street, 286, 983, 996, 3244. Tower, see Tower. ·· .... **** Hamlets, 426. .. Committee for, 1810. · ******* trained bands of, 48. Hill, 1795, 2753. ......, Navy Office on, 544. Hill, East, 1797. .. Walbrook, 532, 2874. Wapping, 780, 1810, 2165. Wardrobe, the, Committee at, see London, County Committee for, sitting at. ...., letters dated from, 573, 661. Street, 976, 2552, 2753. Wharf, 2045. Warwick Lane, 2058, 2059. ****** Warwick Court in, 755. Water Lane, 3118. Watling Street, 52, 1624 (2). Wentworth Street, 2165. Whitefriars, 3068. White Lion Prison, 7. Whittington College, 906. Winchester House, prison at, 7. 1189, 1558. Wood Street, 2912 (2). · ……………… Counter, 7, 421, 1900. ………….., keeper of, 421, 2354. Worcester House, 119, 511, 1476, 3148. prisoners in, Committee for Accounts at, see General Index, Accounts, Committee of. Committee for Removing Obstructions at, see General Index, Obstructions, Committee for re- moving. ***** **** letters dated from, 420, 426, 523, 581, 636, 743 (2). suits in, 615. suburbs of, 3. ., town clerk of, 293, 408. letter to, 415. travellers to or from, 81, 99, 108, 145, 184, 192, 200, 220, 228, 236, 259, 272, 273, 285, 286, 289, 293, 304 (2), 319, 357, 384, 391 (2), 415, 435, 468, 475, 482, 439, 490, 492, 499, 501, 536, 547, 560, 561, 562, 589, 594, 596, 598, 604, 609, 624, 648, 651, 655, 669, 674, 676, 677, 683, 694, 696, 705 (2), 706, 708, 709, 719, 727, 736, 829, 857, 936, 942, 945, 948, 979, 989, 1009, 1078, 1120, 1126, 1153, 1178, 1193, 1198, ! London, travellers to or from-cont. • • ** London, Middlesex, and Herts, County Com- mittee for (March 1654), sitting at Worcester House, 856 (2), 1619, 1787 (2), 3239. · .. …a 1211, 1228, 1237, 1266, 1269, 1288, 1292, 1313, 1349, 1390, 1426, 1526, 1553, 1589, 1608, 1627, 1672, 1750, 1761, 1799, 1935, 1977, 2175, 2179, 2297, 2435, 2490, 2602, 2656, 2666, 2899, 2991, 3118, 3210, 3224, 3285, 3305. > ·· …………… • treasure found in, 3118. wards in, 82. collectors for, 35. • (2). ... witnesses in or sent to, 956, 1918, 2701. alluded to, 909, 3266. ***** "" references to, 856, 3081. return by, note of, 732. summons by, 2240. Londonderry, Ireland, Parliamentary governor of, 1676. stores sent to, 5, 780. Longashton, Somerset, residents at, 261, 281, 310, 527. 4. **> *** alluded to, 3149. orders of, alluded to, 3148 (2). orders to, 716, 721, 723, 856, • (...) 1619, 1787 (4), 2189, 3148 (3), 3149, 3156, 3206, 3226 (2), 3266 (3). " ...... A ..... ***** ... appointment of, 673, 680. certificates of, alluded to, 715 letter of, 688. letters to, 705, 712, 3040. Longbank, Northumberland, 2604. Longbenton, Northumberland, resident at, 2181. Longborough, co. Gloucester, residents at, 87, 3258. Longdon, Salop, resident at, 1818. .., co. Stafford, estate at, 2943. resident at, 1684. ……………… • " ………. Longfield, Kent, resident at, 2031. Longham, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1689, Hall, co. Stafford, residents at, 90, 3193. 1755. Longhope, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Longland, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3202. Longleat, Wilts, resident at, 910. Longley, co. York, resident at, 1422. traveller to, 1422. Longnor, Salop, resident at, 2456. Long Parish, Hants, farm in, 462 (2), 2589 (2), 2895. resident at, 3147. Longridge, or Longriding, co. Durham, resi- dents at, 203, 1739. Longsbrough, Dorset, hundred of, 3143. ** 3734 INDEX OF PLACES. Longsdon, co. Stafford, houses, &c, in, 2321, 3283. Longseryer, Hants, manor of, 2884. Longstone, or Longston, co. Derby, minister of, 2320. • .., poor of, money for, 2320. Great, lands, &c., in, 477, 1736, 2320. ..... minister of, 2320. • ****** Little, lands in, 328 (2). tithes of, 2321. • • Longthorpe, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1177, 2918. Longton, co Lancaster, estate in, 2023. Longwood, Hants, residents at, 2693, 3193. Lonsdale, co. Lancaster, hundred of, 463, 468, 707, 710. co. York, places in, 1766, 2637, 2653. Loppington, Salop, manor of, 2467. Loseby, co. Leicester, manor of, 1708. residents at, 109 (2). Lostock, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3295. Lot and Cope lead mines, co. Derby, 2320, 2321. ****** Loughborough, co. Leicester, order published at, 655. residents at, 109, 110, 168, 184, 2802. Loughton, Bucks, lands at, 1571. resident at, 1570. Hall, Essex, letter dated from, 611. Lounds Woods, co. Notts, 1297. Loungesknowe, Northumberland, 2508. Louth, co. Lincoln, King's party at, 1576. lands in, 2363 (2). parish of, 3072. parsonage of, 307. residents at, 1164, 1332 (2), 1333, 1412, 1464. · • .... **** ...9 } ... Loveley, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2446. ...... residents at, 2445, 2446 (2). Lovenden, Bucks, manor of, 2575 (2). Lovesgrove, co. York, resident at, 3256. Low, Cornwall, resident at, 3037. Low Countries, see Holland. Lowe, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3151. ..... or the Lowe, Salop, residents at, 1741, 1814. Lower Moor, the, co. Lancaster, 3116. resident at, 3115. "" Lowestoft, Laystoff, or Legstock, Suffolk, 34. **** insurrection at, 116 (2). prisoner at, 1290. residents at, 5, 7, 3129. Lowfield, co. Notts, lands in, 2547. Low Holme, Cumberland, resident at, 2638. Lowick, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1701. Lowick-cont. ***** Northumberland, parish of, 2584. Lowston, co. Warwick, lands in, 2795. Lowther, Westmoreland, residents at, 99, 1024. Lowton, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2076, 3176. Loxley, co. Stafford, resident at, 633. Loxton, Somerset, manor of, 2557. Lubenham, co. Leicester, rectory or tithes of, 1818 (2), 1819 (2), 3046 (2). resident at, 109. Thorpe, see Thorpe Lubenham. Lucas tenement, co. Lancaster, 2364. Luccomb, Somerset, resident at, 2974. • East, Somerset, resident at, 2238 (2). Lucton, or Luckton, co. Hereford, estate of, 604, 607. mansion house of, 2383. resident at, 583. Luddenham, Kent, manor, &c., of, 2486 (2). parish of, 1755. Luddington, co. Chester, resident at, 101. Wilts, resident at, 1652. J Ludgershall, Bucks, estates at, 66, 68. parishioners of, petition of, 1456. tithes of, 1456. Wilts, lands in, 78. living of, 79. residents at, 484, 504, 2655, 2656. Ludham, Norfolk, manor of, 1615 (2). ………………………, rectory of, 1615 (2). resident at, 1615. ·· " …………… ·· ……… ... ... **** ·· ... ***" Ludlow, Salop, 750. ... • ·· •, ………… · ... ………. Castle, King's garrison at, 1185, 1474, 1484 (2), 1485, 1963, 2788. • ** ... ……………… 1521. .... Articles of, 1227 (2), 1228, 1340, 1343 (2), 1346, 1460, 1464, 1521, 1836, 2072. , ...... ..... ……………, governor of, 1485. 1026. • ……………… surrender of, 1840, 1464, Ca …………… Parliamentary garrison of, 1007. governor of, 750, 1007, Commissioners at, 2037. delinquents, case of, 1484. minister of, 1006, 1007 (3). papers at, 2037. prisoners at, 1060, 1373. residents at, 751, 1474, 1485, 1544, 2788, 2864. Ludwell, co. Durham, estate in, 3062. residents at, 3061, 3062. Luffenham, Rutland, lands in, 3079. North, Rutland, closes in, 3080 (2). letter dated from, 193, residents at, 88, 3079. INDEX OF PLACES. 3735 Luffenham-cont. South, Rutland, cottages in, 2726. resident at, 2726. Lullingstone, Kent, resident at, 1663. Lullington, co. Derby, rectory or tithes of, 1509 (2), 1510 (2). …………… ··· · Somerset, rectory of, 913. ...) Lulworth Castle, Dorset, residents at, 1223, 1447, 2166. ****** ... > East, residents at, 3232, 3271. Lumpton Hill Farm, co. Durham, 2038. Lund, co. York, estate at, 587. resident at, 2335. Lundhall, co. Notts, resident at, 2550. Lunsford, Sussex, 1243. …… Lupsett, co. York, resideut at, 2897. Lupton, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Lusby, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1327, 2031. Luston, co. Hereford, estate in, 2754. Lutley, co. Worcester, resident at, 1258. Luton, co. Beds, residents at, 1562 (2), 2013. ........., co. Lancaster, resident at, 1650. Lutterworth, co. Leicester, residents at, 108 (2), 2036. Lutton, Hunts, estate in, 1435, 1436. Luxborough, Somerset, parsonage of, 966. Luxulian, Cornwall, residents at, 2915, 3159. Lydd, Kent, resident at, 328. Lydford, West, Somerset, manor of, 2527. resident at, 1405. ……………. Lydiate, co. Lancaster, house, &c., in, 3145. resident at, 2503. ………… .... • ……… > Lydierd, or Lydeard, Bishop's, see Bishop's Lydierd. Lydney, co. Gloucester, estate in, 85, 2024. residents at, 86 (2), 87 (4), 736, 3197. Lye, Berks, farm of, 2984. • Wilts, farm of, 3112. tenements in, 1235. ..*.*** Lyfden, or Levenden, co. Northampton, resi- dents at, 88, 2624. Lyford, Berks, resident at, 2327. Chapel, Berks, minister of, 2538. Lyme Regis, Dorset, burgesses of, 866. *** .... corporation of, payments to, 1052, 1053 (2). • " •> lands near, 899 (2). Parliamentary garrison at, 1322, 1356, 1383, 2765. ง ......, governor of, 37, 1052, 1322, 1383, 1418. .... places near, 1678, 1702. Prince Maurice at, 2585. prisoners at, 1322, 1383. residents at, 1053 (2), 1315, 1963, 2077. ships going to, 15. siege or reducing of, 1067, 1424, 1517, 1678. Lyming, Kent, resident at 459. Lymington, Hants, inhabitants of, petition of, 1386. rectory of, 1386 (4). Lymm, co. Chester, parish of, 1348. Lyncombe Farm, Somerset, 1361. Lyndel, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3198. Lyndhurst, Hants, residents at, 1755, 2113, ·· ... 3197. Lyun Regis, or King's Lynn, Norfolk, aldermen of, 14. .. • LO • · ••• D • > + • ..... • •3 ··· G ·· ... " .. ... > (2), 2691 (2), 2891 (4). traveller to, 2891. South, Norfolk, lands in, 2817. resident at, 114. ****** Lyppiat, co. Gloucester, residents at, 3247, 3251. Nether, residents at, 748 (2), 749 (2), 755. Over, resident at, 82. Lyth, Westmoreland, estate at, 386. resident at, 203. Lytham, or Littlehome, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2572. residents at, 2572, 2714, 3174. • " ………. • ·· ** Mablethorpe, or Maplethorpe, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1772. fine imposed on, 2350. house in, 114. 829 (2). prisoner at, 878. rebellion at, 116 (2). residents in, 18, 1475, 2350. surrender or taking of, 18, 2350, 2690 (2). ……… Mabyn, co. Cornwall, see St. Mabyn. Macclesfield, co. Chester, Free School of, 3268. governors of, petitions of, 3268 King's party at, 841, 2350. Parliamentary garrison at, money for, ..... .... Hall, co. Lincoln, King's garrison at, 981, 1049, 1576. ..... (2). lands, &c., in, 1115 (2). manor of, 993, 1114-1116. • Articles of, 116, 495, 497, 2690 M residents at, 992, 3257. Forest, lauds or houses in, 1113, 1116, 3032. Hundred, 175. ... **** · .. …………4 residents in, list of, 122-124. Machevellin, co. Cardigan, residents at, 140, 572. County Commissioners for, 122. high constable for, 1055. place in, 2374. 3736 INDEX OF PLACES. Machynlleth, co. Montgomery, order pub. Malpas, co. Chester, demesne of, 2103. lished at, 69. prisoners taken in, 918. rector and rectory of, 103 (2), 1230, 1798. Macknad Farm, Kent, 467. Mackworth Park, co. Derby, 1735. Madam's Court, see Morant Court. Madehurst, Sussex, resident at, 1652. Madekin, or Makin Orchard, Somerset, 2583 (2). Madeley, Salop, manor or lordship of, 2232 (2), 3298. minister of, 2232. parishioners of, petition of, 2231, park and estate of, 2231 (2), 2232. ........., rectory of, 2232. residents at, 585, 2231, 2977, 2978. co. Stafford, manor of, 3259. Holm, co. Stafford, 1423. Maders, Cornwall, lands in, 3150. Madley, co. Hereford, resident at, 2033. Madrid, Spain, letter from, alluded to, 2881. traveller to, 598. ··· • ... 1 …………. Magdalen Laver, Essex, resident at, 1127. Maghall, or Maghull, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 2808, 3165. residents at, 1483, 3034, 3165. Magor, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1701. Maiden Bradley, Wilts, residents at, 77, 372. Maidenhead, Berks, residents at, 1465, 3256. Maidstone, Kent, County Commissioners at, .....? *** ·· ·· ... • 673. fight at, 2737. King's party at, 2614. lands, &c., in, 82, 1303, 2140. place near, 2309. prisoner at, 2660. residents at, 131, 186, 448, 459, 622, 2766, 2826, 3036. Maidwell, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1862. Mains, co. Lancaster, residents at, 21, 2934. Maker, Devon, resident at, 2076. Makerfield, co. Lancaster, Ashton in, see Ashton-in-Makerfield. Makin Orchard, see Madekin. Malborough, Devon, residents at, 537, 1485, 1486, 2959 (2). 1 letters dated from, 101, 186, 245, 294, 299, 323, 328, 457, 609, 622. · Malden, Surrey, estate in, 1946. resident at, 1946. …………………y Maldon, Essex, estate at, 2404 (2), 2405 (2). Male, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1344. Malling, East, Kent, residents at, 458, 459, 2809, 3259. Malmesbury, Wilts, County Commissioners at, 1668, 1738. ? ........., resident at, 1969. traveller to, 844. ******* estate near, 2661. King's garrison at, 1298. Parliamentary garrison at, 1210, 1652. • residents as, 3193, 3259. SA ." Malston, Devon, estate at, 152. manor of, 1939. residents at, 373, 1938. Maltby-in-the-Marsh, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1384. Malter House, Devon, 2533. Malton, co. York, resident at, 2422. New, co. York, 2896. · **** ... residents at, 989, 2621. Malvern, Little, co. Worcester, resident at, 3197. Mamble, co. Worcester, manor of, 2644 (2). resident at, 3216. ·· • .9 Man, Isle of, death in, 1627. .. ... ……………………… ... .. • L > governor of [John Greenhalgh], 2950. reduction of, 1104. resident in, 1810. safety of, 1100. traveller to, 2725. Manachdy Grange, Anglesey, 2977. Manby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1069. Mancetter, co. Warwick, residents at, 1549, 1761. Manchester, co. Lancaster, College at, 254, 1114. County Commissioners at, 490, 2808. Earl of Derby going against, 1457. lands near, 1390. manor or estate of, 2241-2243. residents at, 874, 1579. St. Michael's in, minister of, 2896 (2). Old, co. York, manor or estate of, 2241, 2242. ·· ***** Earl of Derby in, 1100. ………….., persons with, 464 (2), 1101, 2950, 2951. > .... و. ... " > letter or paper dated from, 194, 489. mill near, 541. Millgate Street in, farm-house in, 1117. Parliamentary garrison at, 22. prisoners at or sent to, 1060, 1264. residents at, 254, 1271, 2696, 2742, 2836, 2854, 2965, 3306. siege of, 1211. ...) כי .... ……………………** estate in, 1101. goods sent to, 1101. wares, sale of, 1351. Mandist, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1714. Manfield, co. York, lands in, 3008. resident at, 3008. Mangerton Farms, Dorset, 1715, 2533. Mangwell, co. Oxon, manor of, 3152. resident at, 3152 (2). ………………………. Manithy Sleyne, co. Monmouth, parish of, 2816. ……………… > INDEX OF PLACES. 3737 Manley, co. Chester, lands in, 1354. residents at, 100, 1118. Manningford, Wilts, lands at, 1406. Mannor House, co. Durham, estate in, 2814. resident at, 2814. ..... Mansell, co. Hereford, resident at, 1553. Mansergh, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Mansfield Park, co. Derby, 1735. co. Notts, letters dated from, 564, 569, 570, 590. .... J ་ E ...J ………………" .." *** •• manor of, 595 (2), 597, 613, 616, 1737. Manthorpe, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1748. Maperton, co. Somerset, lands in, 2440. Maple Durham, co. Oxon, residents at, 2245, 2246. • · Maplestead, Essex, resident at, 2532. Maplethorpe, co. Lincoln, see Mablethorpe. Mapleton, co. Derby, lands in, 1737. Mapperton, co. Dorset, lands in, 1321. Marbury, co. Chester, estate in, 2013 (2). residents at, 629, 2013. market place at, 2477. proclamation at, 338. ... residents at, 267, 462, 513, 551, 557, > 560, 769 (5), 2905, 2978, 3224. March, co. Cambridge, 702, 2837. …………..) Marcle, Little, co. Hereford, manor of, 3028. Much, tithes of, 2001. Marden, co. Hereford, lands in, 2069, 2970, 2492. Woodhouse, co. Notts, rectory of, 1976 (2). residents at, 510, 1277, 1421, A ………………. 1975. tithes, &c., of, 579, 2069. Kent, estate in, 887, 888. resident at, 459. ****** Rutland, resident at, 3262. Mardens, North, Essex, lands in, 1955. Marderby, co. York, resident at, 3043. Maresin Ridware, co. Stafford, lands in, 2321 (2). Marfield, Berks, resident at, 2842. South, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 1553. Margam, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 2674. Marham Church, co. Cornwall, rector of, > minister of, 604. resident at, 2069. 3259. Maring-on-the-hill, co. Lincoln, chapel or rectory of, 3121, 3122. Marington, Salop, houses, &c., in, 1626. Mark, Somerset, parish of, 2583. Market Jew, Cornwall, resident at, 1290. Bosworth, co. Leicester, rectory of, 2852. resident at, 110. Harborough, co. Leicester, church and minister of, 445, 911, 912, 1010, 1432 (2), 2048, 2556. 70358. ... ****** Market Harborough-cont. ………… • Markham, East, co. Notts, resident at, 1039. Markington, co. York, house and lands in, 2461 (2). resident at, 2461. ..-cum-Ingerthorpe, co. York, resident at, 3192. Marks Tey House, Essex, 2845. Marlborough, Wilts, estate near, 77. King's party at, 1738. letters dated from, 406, 755. • · ………… ……. …………. .. (2). Deeping, co. Lincoln, resident at, 324. Rasen, co. Lincoln, King's garrison at, 1634. > "> "> , taking of, 52, 1539. town clerk for, 52. Marldon, Devon, lands in, 2987. Marleston, Berks, resident at, 2575. Marlow, Great, Bucks, estates at, 66 (3). farm at, 2194 (2). letter dated from, 736. manor of, 3172. resident at, 3172. ******* Little, estates at, 66, 68. > .. " inhabitants of, petitions of, 2048 orders published at, 653. Parliamentary forces at, 1329, 1539. residents at, 52, 1539. ..... residents at, 1454, 2266. Marnbull, Dorset, residents at, 118, 2847. Marrick, co. York, manor of, 2393, 2394. resident at, 2394. • • ..... ……… Park, co. York, resident at, 3095. Marrowes Court, Kent, manor of, 2383. Marrowlee, Northumberland, manor of, 1737. Marscough, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1952. Marsden, co. Lancaster, lands or house in, 2729, 3234. Marsett, co. York, lands in, 3024. Marsh, Dorset, resident at, 118. .... ... ..., the, co. Hereford, estate called, 326. Marshfield, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2807. Marsh Grange, co. Lancaster, estate of, 1866. residents at, 1574, 1866. Marshland, Norfolk, estates in, 114 (3). Marske, South, Wilts, resident at, 1673. ……., co. York, manor of, 1121, 1122. residents at, 1121, 2529. vicar of, 934. Marston-cum-Wincham, co. Chester, tithes of, 2948. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1331. Bigott, Somerset, house, &c., in, 2304. Broad, Somerset, estate in, 3178. Little, Somerset, manor of, 1294 (2), 1584. Magna, Somerset, resident at, 1199. co. Stafford, lands, &c., in, 1214, 2999. > ………………………, manor of, 3146. NN 3738 INDEX OF PLACES. Marston-cont. ·· ·· • ... Martholme, co. Lancaster, Hall at, 2562. lands in, 2563. …………. > Martin in Meneage, Cornwall, resident in, 2423. ... residents at, 633, 2711, 2815, 3146 (2). co. York, lands in, 2994, 2995. Long, co. York, resident at, 2994. Moor, co. York, battle of, 960 ?, 1690, 1918, 2009. Kent, resident at, 2853. Norfolk, resident at 1334. co. Notts, resident at, 2155. co. Warwick, tithes of, 1548. Martinsthorp Manor, Rutland, 497. Martin's Town, Dorset, farm in, 3292. Martock, Somerset, manor of, 541, 542. …………….y • resident at, 3008. Marton, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 101, 1354. co. Lancaster, lands in, 2758. > residents at, 456, 1772, 2572. Parva, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2573. co. York, lands in, 2805. residents at, 989, 2154, 2718, 3187. in Holderness, co. York, resident at, 1925. • ... ****** .... manor of, 2562. resident at, 3096. ***** Marwell, New, Hants, resident at, 105. Marwood, Kent, lands in, 1683. Marychurch, Devon, estates, &c., in, 153 (2), 2060 (2). ……………………., rectory of, 373, 2988. residents at, 432, 2060. Marygreen Common, co. York, 3144. Marylebone, Middlesex, park of, 1402, 1403. Masefield, Sussex, resident at, 982. Mashamshire, co. York, manor of, lease of, 1015, 1473. Mashead Hundred, co. Bedford, bailiwick of, "> 452. Mask, co. York, resident at, 1337. Matchfield, co. Worcester, resident at, 1317. Matfen, Northumberland, manor of, 3020. East, estate at, 1731. West, lands or estate at, 999, 1731, 3020. , resident at, 3020. •*, Matherne, co. Monmouth, residents at, 1356, 1711. Matson, co. Gloucester, resident at, 174. Mattinghoe, Devon, manor of, 3234. Mattingley, Hants, resident at, 2567. Mattock's Tree, Somerset, King's party at 260. Maugan, Cornwall, resident at, 1200. .........-in-Fider, Cornwall, parish of, 2338. Maugersbury, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. residents at, 86, 1981, 2552. Maulden, co. Beds, resident at, 2967. Maunby, co. York, manor of, 1834 (2). Mavill, Sussex, see Mayfield. Mawdesley, co. Lancaster, lands, tenements, &c., in, 2039 (2), 2560, 2562, 3105. tithes of, 1109. Mawsick, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. Maxfield, co. Chester, resident at, 2838. Sussex, reduction of, 38. Maxon, Salop, resident at, 1702. Mayes Waynes, co. Flint, estate called, 2845. Mayfield, co. Stafford, lands in, 1684. ………………………, vicarage of, 1684. ………………….., or Mavill, Sussex, parsonage of, 1058. resident at, 368. ***** Mayland, co. Durham, manor of, 2625. resident at, 2625. Essex, resident at, 2134. Maylor, co. Flint, manor of, 248. ...... .. ... • . , Maypowder, Dorset, residents at, 119 (3), 537, 1066, 1072, 1096, 1368, 1597, 3195. residents at, 1952, 1953, 2039, 2276, 2560, 2561, 2563, 2598, 2683, 2687, 3105, 3132, 3174, 3175, 3185, 3192. Maywheele, co. Denbigh, resident at, 2453. Maze Manor, co. Durham, 272. Mealby, co. York, estate at, 587. Meales, North, co. Lancaster, see Meols, North. Meal Garner, the, Cumberland, 267, 268. Meanes, the, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2596, 2598. Mear, co. Stafford, lands in, 3135. parish of, 89. residents at, 89, 90, 1891, 2616, 3135. Meare, Somerset, farm at, 993. resident at, 993. Mearley, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2621. Meborn, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Medborne, co. Leicester, resident at, 108. Meddyfinch, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 2176. Medlar-cum-Wesham, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1117. …………… ........ resident at, 3179. ****** Medley, co. York, resident at, 380. Medmenham, Bucks, estate at, 66. • in Hanmer, co. Flint, see Hanmer. ... • minister of, 142. resident at, 919. Meering, co. Nottingham, lordship of, 1735. ......, meadows in, 1735 (2). Melbourne, co. Derby, lands, houses, &c., in, 1845, 1849 (2). manor of, 1848. .." " ..., rectory of, 1846 (2). residents at, 987, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1849. ...) ***** Melbury Abbas, Dorset, estate of, 1223. Melcomb, Dorset, resident at, 1538. Regis, Dorset, see Weymouth, INDEX OF PLACES. 3739 Meldon, Northumberland, mansion and lands in, 2748. residents at, 2593, 2746. Meldrith, co. Cambridge, estate at, 702. parish of, 1782. Melford, Suffolk, land and tenement in, 3173. resident at, 3173. Long, Suffolk, messuage and park in, 1857. ……………. Nə .. ་ ·· ... residents at, 861, 2794, 3180. Melkinthorpe, Westmoreland, resident at, 203. Meller Brigg House, Westmoreland, 3286. Melling, co. Lancaster, houses in, 2667. • ………………….., rectory of, 2281. resident at, 2957. ··· .... ... AAAAAA > Mellis, Suffolk, resident at, 3193. Mellor, co. Lancaster, estate in, 3041. manor of, 2622. resident at, 3041. ***** Melsonby, co. York, residents at, 1424, 3192. Melton, co. Leicester, manor of, 2735. * " Mowbray, co. Leicester, proclamation at, 338, 655. residents at, 110 (2), 111. Norfolk, resident at, 1412. Constable, Norfolk, residents at, 82, 1302. Little, Norfolk, resident at, 3191. .... Melverley, Salop, manor of, 1620, 1626. .. ******) resident at, 3059. Melwood Park, co. Lincoln, lands in, 1034. resident at, 1034. manor of, 829, 830. parish of, 291, 2020, 2637. · Menabilly, Cornwall, resident at, 1327. Mencroft, co. York, houses in, 3086. Mendip Hills, co. Somerset, Parliament army on, 310. ……………… Menhenniot, Cornwall, resident at, 2965. Menthorpe, co. York, resident at, 3193. Menwith, co. York, manor of, 3267. Meols, or Meales, North, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2052, 2758, 2934. .. manor of, 2051, 2934 (2). ....., residents at, 2051, 2492, 2934 (2), 2991. Meolse, Great, co. Chester, estate at, 60. Meon, East, Hants, estates at, 344, 1606. Mere, Wilts, Park of, 1223. resident at, 2516. Merestwood, Surrey, manor of, 2784. Meriden, co. Warwick, manor of, 1116. Merionethshire, North Wales, Act of com- position for, 146. County Commissioners of, 671; see also North Wales. letters to, 753, 758, 762. order to, 1753. ****** lands, estates, &c., in, 348, 764, 1599, 1752, 1753, 2694, 2695, 2935, 3280, > Merionethshire-cont. ……………………., money from, 541. place in, 3214. 09 ... • returns from, wanted, 421, 449. sequestration solicitor for, 235. …….., sheriff of, 3055. Merionethshire, Carnarvonshire, and Angle- sey, Commissioners for, appointment of, 686, 689 (2). Merridge Manor, Somerset, 1430. Merrill Grange, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Merrington Church, co. Durham, manor of, 3078. • * • • *g Merriott, Somerset, manor of, 965. residents at, 1096, 1928. Merrow, Surrey, resident at, 2673. Merryn, Cornwall, resident at, 2706. Mersey, the, passage over, 1346. Mersham, Kent, resident at, 459. ... Foder, Sussex, manor of, 2123. **** Merston, North, Bucks, resident at, 2879. Sussex, minister of, 1863. residents in, 3055, 3286. ...... cases of, 1856, 2090, 2693, 2833, 2935, 3247. Mertholey, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2351. Merthyr Kennog, co. Brecon, rectory of, 1003, 1004. Cornwall, resident at, 2326. co. Glamorgan, resident at, 1966. Merton, Surrey, resident at, 1582. Messina, Sicily, traveller to, 1080. Metham, Surrey, resident at, 1935. .. ·· co. York, estates at, 587, 2039, 2040. residents at, 2039, 2041, 2990. Methap, Westmoreland, residents at, 547, · 3198. Methley, co. York, lands in, 2366. resident at, 1087. Methop, co. Lancaster, see Mithopp. Methwold, or Mewall, Norfolk, estate at, 116, 2702. Mevagissey, Cornwall, resident at, 2455. Mewall, Norfolk, see Methwold. Mewith, co. York, parish of, 3101. Mexborough, co. York, resident at, 2091. Michael Penkeville, Cornwall, estates at, 3059. Church, co. Hereford, resident at, 2202. *** or Michell Church, Somerset, manor of, 1429. ……………… resident at, 281. ………………. ******* Michel Dean, or Mitchel Dean, co. Gloucester, lands or estate at, 2361, 2970. proclamation at, 70. resident at, 2362. • ****** Michelgrove, Sussex, mansion house of, furni- ture of, 2371 (3). residents at, 2273, 2293, 2370. Michelbayes, co. Lancaster, house and land in, 2531. NN 2 3740 INDEX OF PLACES. Michelhayes-cont. resident at, 2530 (2). Mickfield, Suffolk, resident at, 2947. Micklehead House, co. Lancaster, 3133. Mickleton, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. rectory of, 3292. residents at, 87, 2026, 2221, 2782. Midcalfe, co. Derby, lands in, 1737. Middle, co. Gloucester, parish of, 3298. Middleburg, money paid at, 265. Middlecome, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 861. Middleham, co. York, castle of, Parliamentary governor of, 1701. fee-farm rents in, 3155. ***** .... …. .... …………. > Middlehope, Salop, resident at, 1916. Middlemore, Somerset, lands in, 3090. Middlesex, 129, 1011, 1776, 2249. manor of, 2444, 3005 (2), 3024, 3202. orders posted at, 654. • agent or collector for, 76, 786, 794, 795, 798. clerk of assize or of the Peace for, 408, 1490. Committee for securing the peace in, 718. ...., County Commissioners of, 5, 239, 245, 611, 633, 639, 647, 714, 846, 848, 944, 958, 961, 1249, 1301 (2), 1302, 1317 (2), 1438, 1565, 1621, 1688, 1707 (2), 1716 (2), 1845, 1885, 2160-2162, 2164-2166, 2183-2185, 2196, 2197, 2424, 2465, 2478, 2479, 2552, 2822, 2833, 3039 (3), 3051, 3073, 3136. appointment or approval of, 168, 171, 616. certificate by, 3117. contract with, 1217. ………. • • .... ... " depositions sent up by, 3279. letters of, 82, 187, 229, 254, 255, 337, 420, 428, 446 (2), 500, 511, 523, 581, 636, 2183, 2479. .... > letters to, 129, 133, 218, 313 (2), 349, 374, 422, 434, 447, 524, 558, 567, 599, 600, 606, 608, 610, 626, 637, 658, 889, 1000, 1482, 1780, 1799, 2050, 2051, 2290, 2660, 2696. alluded to, 518, 609, 939, .. 1479, 1527. .. A " ... ... officers of, 169, 213, 234, 434, 523, 580, 608, 3039. • .. ………… orders of, 219, 2162, 2426. orders to, 226, 237, 310, 445 (2), 467 (2), 591, 622, 632 (2), 663, 944 (2), 956, 957, 1000, 1099, 1101 (3), 1148 (2), 1251, 1302, 1377, 1438, 1458, 1469, 1483, 1617 (2), 1619, 1707 (2), 1716, 1780, 1845, 1885, 1930, 2078, 2156, 2159 (3), 2160, 2163, 2165 (2), 2166 (2), 2183-2185, 2195, 2197 (2), 2381, 2411, 2415, 2426 (3), 2462 (2), 2465, 2468, 2479, 2537, 2557, 2660, 2766, 2833, 2869, note by, 446. petition of, 213. Middlesex, County Commissioners of, orders to-cont. • .. .. > ·· ……………… ·· 2926, 3008 (2), 3039, 3040 (2), 3051, 3073 (2), 3298. ·· orders to, asked for or alluded to, 1148, 2159, 2160, 2164 (2), 2479, 3278, 3296. **) > petition to, 2455. queries or requests by, 255, 465, 580. > • ………………9 ………………, report by, 1457. returns from, alluded to, 179, 185, 187, 608. ****** > .. ****** *7 639, 2183, 2194, 3039. the late, 213, 218, 254, 523, 600, 715, 889. ***** 961. …………… •4 , .. references to, 2479, 3108, 3136. treasurer or receiver of, 622, ***** …………. H ··· J.Ps for, 293. lands, estates, &c., in, 146, 226, 453, 614, 732, 847,956, 957 (2), 1301, 1357, ****** certificates by, 213, 889. alluded to, 890, 1402, 1463, 1482, 1544, 1592, 1624- 1626, 1714, 1735, 1843, 1930, 2061, 2156-2159, 2164 (2), 2166 (3), 2192, 2194 (2), 2197, 2199 (3), 2258, 2365, 2463, 2465, 2479, 2615, 2690 (2), 2822, 2936 (2), 2957, 3098, 3136, 3154,3166, 3174, 3266. .... …………… letter to, 712. receipts from, 429. Major-General for [Col. Barkstead], 846, 943. , money raised in, or revenues of, 5, 619, 680. places in, 934, 1217, 1249. poor of, 2273. residents in, 599, 608, 656, 734, 1167, 1251, 1267, 1269, 1357, 1463, 1619, 1799, 2130, 2197, 2198, 2219, 2356, 2523, 2537, 2592, 2700, 2740, 2819, 2864, 2869, 2977, 3033, 3035, 3039, 3054, 3089, 3100, 3180, 3226, 3240, 3245, 3261, 3288. ………….., cases of, 846, 848, 882, 944, 959, 961, 991, 1018, 1074, 1145, 1269, 1312, 1399, 1402, 1418, 1458, 1469, 1470, 1482, 1567 (2), 1575, 1587, 1632, 1716, 1810, 1843, 1844, 1965, 2015, 2019, 2072, 2076, 2099, 2209, 2239, 2411, 2520, 2645, 2660, 2685 (2), 2686, 2690, 2766, 2798, 2890, 2894, 2997, 3073, 3098, 3110, 3176, 3198, 3227, 3243, 3244, 3256, 3258, 3259 (2), 3306, 3308, 3309; see also London and West- minster, cases in. lists of, notes of, 614, 741, 742. sheriffs of, order to, 324. ………………, surveyors of, 164. ..... witnesses in, 956. ********** Middlesex, London and Herts, County Com- mittee for (1654), see London, Mid- dlesex, and Herts, County Commis- sioners of, INDEX OF PLACES. 3741 Middlesmoor, co. York, resident at, 1049. Middleton George, co. Durham, residents at, 1374, 3089. 1 • ...-on-Row, co. Durham, manor of, 2720. residents at, 2718 (2). .. Hants, farm at, 2589. manor of, 2895. ... ****** ·· co. Lancaster, residents at, 1997, 3179, 3253. .... La Norfolk, residents at, 1886, 3187. Hall, Northumberland, 2748 (2), 3172. North, Northumberland, lands in, 1737. co. Warwick, resident at, 1809. Westmoreland, resident at, 176. co. York, manor of, 1835. residents at, 1095, 1129, 1272, 1689, 1835. Tyas, co. York, lordship of, 2518. Middlewich, co. Chester, battle of, 2499. church or minister of, 1229 (3). .. > ******* ·· ·· lands in, 1876. residents at, 120 (2), 121, 999, 1124, 2092. traveller to, 922. ..... Midgeball, co. Lancaster, estate in, 2569. Midhurst, Sussex, minister of, 1863. ……………. ...... salt bullary in, 1007. ******> residents at, 1456, 1961, 2733. Midridge Grange, co. Durham, residents at, 875, 3084. Milbank, co. Chester, train band of, 1835. Milborn, Northumberland, estate in, 2592, 2593 (2). Milborne, Dorset, farm of, 3274. petitions of, 1229 (2). ... Park, Somerset, resident at, 1094. Port, Somerset, estate in, 3014. Milbrook, Cornwall, resident at, 2888. St. Andrew's, Dorset, resident at, 3272. ………………. surrender of, 57, 2888. Articles of, 2888. Milburne Grange, Northumberland, resident at, 238. Mildenhall, Suffolk, residents at, 885, 891, 903. Mile End, Middlesex, lands in, 2167. Mileham, Norfolk, estate at, 115. residents at, 2105, 3175. Milfield, Northumberland, tithes of, 203, 815. Milford, Wilts, resident at, 3052. ****** ……………., co. York, tithes at, 1152. Mill Green, Essex, mansion house at, 636, 1782 (2). Millington, co. York, resident at, 3097. Millmeece, co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 3182 (2). Milloin Castle, Cumberland, resident at, 2582. Millrigg, Cumberland, resident at, 202. Millsome [Milston ?], Wilts, living of, 79. : Miln Close, co. Durham, 2638. Milson, Salop, resident at, 1613. Milston, Wilts, see Millsome. Milton, Bucks, manor of, 1436 (2), 1437. co. Cambridge, estates at, 702 (2). residents at, 539, 2889, 3198. co. Chester, resident at, 100. Devon, residents at, 2885, 3234. South, Devon, manor of, 1362 (2), 1363 (4). .. • ..... " **** ·· • C Kent, fields in, 2971. parish of, 2676, 2677. residents at, 459, 2737. *** .., co. Oxon, resident at, 1035. Great, co. Oxon, resident at, 2079. Somerset, resident at, 1133. Milverton, Somerset, houses or lands in, 2376, 2839, 3191, 3307. A ... .... ., rectory of, 2350. ………………………, manor of, 1818. mills at, 2377. Dorset, resident at, 118. Abbas, Dorset, manor of, 2717. *****) ………. .... ………………….., rectory of, 1818 (2). * resident at, 2717. Hants, parish of, 1755. ……………… Mimms, North, co. Herts, Common at, 660. ………………………. ………………, manor of, 854, 855. > ………………, manor house of, 854. ** ………… woods belonging to, 684, residents at, 211, 539, 593, 853, 854. Minchinhampton, co. Gloucester, proclamation at, 70, 143. ... ……………… residents at, 1370, 2376, 2839, 3191. ……………ay …………… Minehead, Somerset, residents at, 1330, 1417, 1592, 2009, 3143. ships of, 3081. Minshull, co. Chester, minister of, 1244. resident at, 121. Church, co. Chester, lands in, 2093, 2094. 854-856. *****} resident at, 2094. ****** Vernon, co. Chester, lands in, 2093. resident at, 121. Minster, Cornwall, resident at, 2919. …………., Kent, manor of, 2945. residents at, 459, 1928. Minsterly, Salop, lands in, 912. Mint, the, see Tower, Mint in. Minting, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2407 (2), 2408 (3). residents at, 1213, 2407, 2408, 3223. Mintown, the, Salop, resident at, 2925. Mintridge, co. Hereford, residents at, 1415, 2774. ……… ****2 Minver, Cornwall, resident at, 2809. Mirfield, co. York, residents at, 1449, 2144. Miserden, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1863. Missendon, Great, Bucks, estates at, 68 (3). 3742 INDEX OF PLACES. Misson, co. Notts, lands in, 3160. Misterton, co. Leicester, resident at, 108. co. Notts, resident at, 2190. *** Mitcham, Surrey, parish of, 3244. resident at, 1713. Mitchel Dean, co. Gloucester, see Michel Dean. Mitcheldever, Hants, resident at, 3259. Mithehook Manor, co. Gloucester, 1625. Mithopp, or Methop, co. Lancaster, 1109, 1117. House, co. Lancaster, 1117. Mitton, Little, co. Lancaster, Hall at, 2515. ………………, manor of, 2514. resident at, 2514. "" .... co. York, parish of, 1910. resident at, 2127. Moate Hall, Salop, estate of, 2538. resident at, 2538. ..." ... ... Mobberley, co. Chester, residents at, 491, ****** 1994. Moccas, co. Hereford, resident at, 2024. Mochnant, co. Montgomery, manor of, 2199. Modbury, Devon, residents at, 1423, 1887. Mold, co. Flint, King's party at, 1258. manor of, 248, 1113, 1116. *** ***** residents at, 1605, 1717, 1718 (2). Molescroft, co. York, residents at, 1219, 1540. Molland, Devon, residents at, 97, 1234. Mollard Grange, co. York, 3134. Mollerstang, Westmoreland, chapel at, 62. Mollinck, Cornwall, resident at, 1082. Mollington, co. Chester, estates at, 60, 61 (4). co. Warwick, resident at, 3030. • > .., cos. Warwick and Oxon, inhabitants of, letter of, 1165. ……………, ……………., ministry at, 1165. Molton, Little, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3160. ………… Monaghan, Ireland, residents at, 1477, 1478. Monckton, Bishops, co. York, houses, &c., in, 3146. *** Monkbury Court, co. Hereford, residents at, 2584, 2585. Moukhide, co. Hereford, manor, &c., of, 2585 (2). Monkleigh, Devon, houses and lands in, 3166. Mill, Devon, resident at, 97. Monksilver, Somerset, lands in, 1256. Monkton, Kent, resident at, 459. East, Somerset, lands at, 1313. West, residents at, 1313, 1851. Farleigh, Wilts, manor of, 2056. residents at, 2057, 2059. Monmouth, estate or lands in, 2909, 3139. Parliamentary governor of, 1407. ………………………, rectory of, 2888. *** taking of, by the King, 1850. Monmouthshire, 2797. …………. > Monmouthshire-cont. …………… ... ……………. ... ... …………… כי. •• *** Act of Pardon for, alluded to, 448, 2109. · Commissioners of Array in, 1514. County Commissioners of, 311, 352, 364, 393 (2), 394, 475, 644, 827, 1276, 1537, 1589, 1705, 1710 (2), 1711 (5), 1713 (2), 1714 (2), 1728, 2049 (3), 2109, 2248, 2310-2312, 2350, 2407 (2), 2442, 2443, 2774, 2775, 2779 (2), 2796 (4), 2807 (3), 2808, 2816, 2850 (2), 2887, 2947, 2981, 3003, 3007 (2), 3066, 3088, 3114 (2), 3137, 3139 (3), 3140, 3195, 3233, 3264. ……………………… appointment or approval of, 172, 272, 507, 673, 709, 755. certificate of, alluded to, 3077. letters of, 205, 227, 246, 249, 256, 272, 277, 311 (2), 352, 364, 450, 476, 481, 500, 504, 505, 533, 560, 568, 705, 722, 730, 2310, 3003. alluded to, 250. ******* letters to, 211, 264, 265, 313, 350, 375, 467, 481, 511, 513, 544, 546, 560, 570, 586, 683, 719, 724, 753, 763, 1682, 1711, 1712, 2310, 2311, 2827, 2887, 2888 (2), 3003. " …………………*** ..... ...... .... ...... alluded to, 367, 470 (2), 477, 518, 609, 621. • ·· ·· ***** ………… alluded to, 2406. ………………………、 ………………, reports by, 2248, 3007, 3233. returns from, 421, 541, 656, > ******* 375, 560, 644, 727 (2), 2310. U ******* orders to, 132, 603, 1514, 1710 (2), 1713 (2), 1714 (2), 1728, 1882, 2049, 2311, 2326, 2351 (3), 2389, 2406, 2407, 2442, 2774, 2775, 2779, 2796 (2), 2797, 2807 (2), 2808, 2816 (2), 2850 (2), 2887 (2), 2888, 3003 (2), 3007, 3065, 3077, 3115 (2), 3137, 3140, 3221 (2), 3238. ..... · ………………. asked for, or' alluded to, 2049, 2807 (2), 3003, 3004. references to, 1537, 1711, 1712, 2049, 2248, 2303, 2442 (2), 2443 (2), 2774, 2775, 2816, 2909, 3111, 3195 (2). 1713. ………. officers of, 246, 265, 277, 352, • כי ………………} ..... ... treasurer of, 710. the late, 205, 206, 212, 227, 560 (2), 644, 709, 827, 1705, 1714, 2311, 2312, 2774. > ..... letter to, 712. lands, estates, &c., in, 212, 249, 256, 375, 510, 603, 725, 869, 1571, 1682, 1705 (2), 1710-1715, 1850 (2), 2048, 2049 (2), 2248 (2), 2302-2304, 2310- 2312, 2389, 2407 (2), 2443 (2), 2566, 2570, 2774, 2775, 2887, 2888 (2), 3065, 3066, 3091, 3111, 3115, 3136, 3139, 3193, 3195 (2), 3221, 3238. ………………., receipts from, 429, 619. market towns of, notices posted in 450, 476, 2796. M.P. for, 560. ... INDEX OF PLACES. .3743 Monmouthshire-cont. ***** militia of, Commissioners for, 249. ...., money or revenues in, or returns from, 616, 618-621. .. ***** …………….. ... .." …..……… ..... sheriffs of, 45, 1665, 2351, 3004. Monnington, co. Hereford, iands in, 1036. • residents at, 593, 1035. Montague, or Mountague, Mills, co. Mon- mouth, 2248. .... ... ........ places in, 755, 2311. residents in, 45, 132, 311, 709, 1705, 1711 (2), 1713, 1714, 1882, 2048, 2088, 2123, 2200, 2207, 2270 (2), 2303, 2351, 2442, 2774, 2775, 2816, 2975 (2), 3003, 3137, 3140 (2), 3195, 3238. Montford, Salop, resident at, 1816. Montgomery, battle of, 2904. castle of, 1026, 1682 (2). *** ر.. cases of, 1356, 1514, 1524, 1537, 1546, 1571, 1589, 1665 (2), 1682, 1693, 1701, 1728, 1959, 1967, 1980, 2034, 2045, 2048, 2109, 2310, 2326, 2350, 2389, 2406, 2442, 2774, 2778, 2787, 2796, 2807, 2816, 2827, 2850, 2887, 2909, 2947, 2975, 2981, 3003, 3007, 3020, 3065, 3077, 3088 (2), 3091 (2), 3111 (2), 3114, 3115, 3139, 3175, 3186, 3187, 3192-3195, 3233, 3238, 3259 ?, 3260. .. • resident at, 2876. > Montgomeryshire, Act of Composition for, 146. · Somerset [Montacute?], residents at, 1252, 3085. ·· … … … … … … lists of, notes of, 730, 739, 741. .... orders to, 1460 (2), 1627, 1726 (4), 1905, 2193, 2197-2199, 2423 (2), 2654 (2), 3056, 3235. references to, 2423 (2). ……………………… ………………, reports of, 2117, 2552. County Commissioners of, 186, 240, 590, 703, 1682, 1725 (2), 2196, 2197, 2423 (2), 2552, 2653, 3235. certificates of, 1627 (2), 1905. letters of, 597, 2423. · ………….. letters to, 296, 312, 313, 370, 562, 571, 602, 688, 747, 751, 753, 762, 1627, 1782, 3249. ***... officers of, 240, 290, 296, 571, 597, 703, 707, 710, 813. ****3 Parliamentary garrison of, 2552. ·· .... the late, 186, 710, 722, 723, 737, 1460. .., lands, estates, &c., in, 431, 475, 582, 764, 1072, 1460, 1610, 1725, 1862, 2114, 2193 (2), 2195–2199, 2423, 2424, 3249. receipts from, 429. ……………… Militia Commissioners for, 1627. places in, 149, 218, 290, 309, 341. residents in, 590, 703, 707, 773, 1460, 1627, 2198, 2423, 3255. ………………………. ………………, cases of, 1038, 1240, 1293, 1626, 1724 (2), 1815, 1861, 1905 (2), 2117, Montgomeryshire, residents in, cases of-cont. 2193, 2423, 2552, 2653, 2876, 3056, 3231, 3235, 3247, 3257, 3259 ?. ...y …… ****** lists of, notes of, 732, 737, 741. returns from, or revenue of, 151, 328, 597 (2). sheriff of, 370. travellers to, 703. Montgomeryshire, Denbighshire, and Flint- shire, County Commissioners for, 727, 1628, 3214 (2). 1 ***** appointment of (June 1654), 686, 688, 689, 691, 693. letters of, 689 (2), 691, 692, 697, 703, 732. • .... letters to, 685, 689, 694, 710 (2), 723, 726, 3246. officers of, 703, 727. ***3 ..... "" orders to, 1628 (3), 3214, 3232, 3241, 3254. ****** ****** reference to, 3214. ******? Monyash, co. Derby, lands in, 1847, 1849. Moor, the, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2644. Moorclose Dean, co. Durham, close of, 2952. Moore Critchell, Dorset, resident at, 1061. King's, Somerset, royalties of, 1430. co. Worcester, resident at, 2790. Moorehays, Devon, barton of, 2081. resident at, 2031. ……………………… ……………… Moorhall House, co. Lancaster, 2937. Moors, the, co. Stafford, lands called, 3135. Moor Town, co. York, lands and tithes in, 2990. manor of, 2990. ………………………. Mopheyes Closes, co. Chester, 2374. Moraleeze, co. Durham, resident at, 3124. Morant [or Madam's] Court, Kent, manor of, 2058 (2). resident at, 2846. Morcott, Rutland, residents at, 88, 89, 1178, ……………***) 3237. Morden, co. Cambridge, resident at, 982. Surrey, resident at, 3244. Mordington, Scotland, resident at, 2124. Morebarn, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Morecroft, co. York, manor of, 243. More Green, Salop, tenemeut called, 3215. More Hall, co. Warwick, resident at, 2786. Morehills, the, co. Lancaster, 2224. More Monkton, co. York, manor of, 1387. Moresteed, Hants, tithing of, 105. Moreton, co. Chester, residents at, 121, 1026, 1130. -in-Wirral, co. Chester, tenements in, 1364. Hampstead, Devon, resident at, 2172. Corbett, Salop, castle of, King's garri- son at, 1817. resident at, 1370. Westmoreland, resident at, 203. 3744 INDEX OF PLACES. Morewinstow, Cornwall, mills iu, 2214. resident at, 2090. ****** Morewood, co. Chester, resident at, 568. Morgue, Kent, manor of, 1289 (2). Morker, co. York, resident at, 1097. Morleston, co. Derby, hundred of, 328. Morley, co. Chester, 1199, 2013. residents at, 100 (2), 120, 1199. co. Lancaster, lands in, 1111. manor of, 2568. resident at, 2568 (2). Green, Middlesex, persons at, 1057. co. York, chapelry of, 1375, 1376 (3). parish of, 1376. ........., rectory of, 1375. ........., sequestrators of, 1750, 1751. Morpeth, Northumberland, County Commis- sioners at, 1400. ... ... "" • ·· ***** .... ·· ** "? ***** Morthoe, Devon, parish of, 3174?. residents at, 97, 3157. > .." Mortimer, Berks, manor of, 2533. Mortlake, Surrey, resident at, 2111. Morton, or Murton, co. Durham, farm at, 405, 1180. ...) •• .. …………. ... ... Baggott, co. Warwick, resident at, 2007. co. York, resident at, 3179. Mosbarrow, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2994. Moscroft, co. York, roads at, repair of, 2653. Moseley, co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 90, 3194. •• grange in, 3282. letter dated from, 238. place near, 2748. co. Worcester, resident at, 1144. Moston, co. Chester, resident at, 104. co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 3124. ........., residents at, 1836, 3124. Mostyn, co. Flint, resident at, 1666. Motcombe, Dorset, residents at, 118, 119, 1288, 1598, 3265. residents at, 1375, 1485, 1734, 3189. Mothvey, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1881. Mottisfont, Hants, residents at, 525, 3019. Mouldsworth, co. Chester, residents at, 100 (2), 1136. co. Lincoln, minister of, 1501, 1502. residents at, petition of, 1502. Pinkney, co. Northampton, resident at, 2108. Moulsoe, Bucks, estates at, 67 (2). Moulton, co. Northampton, church or rectory of, 1808, 1862 (3). minister of, 1862. park of, 1580, 1581 (2). resident at, 2683. co. York, houses and lands in, 2879, 3063. ., fee-farm rents of, 1181 (2). residents at, 1180 (2), 3178. >> ***y Mount, co. Cardigan, lands in, 2180. Mount-cont. ……... Mountague, Somerset, see Montague. Mountnessing, Essex, resident at, 3178. Mousehole, Cornwall, resident at, 2866. Mowbrick, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2634. mansion house of, 2634. resident at, 2634. "y Mowhouse, co. Chester, estate of, 2092. Mucclestone, co. Stafford, property in, 1876. Muchland Manor, co. Lancaster, 1903. Mucking, Essex, Hall at, 2401, 2402, 2404. resident at, 2401. .. A Mudford, Somerset, residents at, 952, 1197, 1198, 2989. Mugginton, co. Derby, parish of, 1735 (2). Muggleswick, co. Durham, manor of, 2814. Mulgrave Castle, co. York, Articles of sur- render of, 3078 (2). King's governor of, 3078. prisoner in, 1012. Muncaster, Cumberland, residents at, 384, 2675 (2), 2767. Mundham, or Muntham, Sussex, farm at, ……………………… ………. Edgcombe, Devon, resident at, 1082. surrender of, 57, 1082. Sorrel, co Leicester, resident at, 111 (2). LO • • • ******* lands in, 1129, 1727. manor of, 2401 (2), 2404. tenants of, 2402. Mundon, Essex, farm at, 3156. resident at, 2746. Munster, mutiny in, 1037. Muntham, see Mundham. Murrwayes End, co. Worcester, estate in, 2960. Mursley, Bucks, estate at, 67. resident at, 191. Murton, co. Durham, see Morton. Muscoates, co. York, house and land in, ………………) " 2041. resident at, 2041. Musgrave, Westmoreland, manor of, 2308. Great and Little, courts at, 585. 2371. North, 833, 834 (2), 3261. j4, 100………… *****} } Muston, Dorset, resident at, 1999. .... co. Leicester, estate in, 2352. Muswell Hill, Middlesex, estate in, 2422. Myerscough, co. Lancaster, estates in or near, 2569, 2781 (2), 3177. mansion house of, 3145. .... C park of, 2568. residents at, 2658, 2659, 2781, 2958, 3124, 3145, 3174, 3177, 3243. Myerside, co. York, resident at, 2902. Mylor, Cornwall, residents at, 1858, 2847, 3258. sheaf of, 2847. Mynde, co. Hereford, residents at, 1203, 1482. INDEX OF PLACES. 3745 Mynheniett, Cornwall, resident at, 2036. Mynver, Cornwall, parish of, 991. resident at, 2525. Myre Lake, Salop, resident at, 1702. Mythe, the, co. Leicester, residents at, 110, 1378. Myton, co. York, resident at, 3n86. .... ·· *** • Naborn, co. York, estate at, 2580. ……………….., lordship or manor of, 2581 (2). residents at, 1454, 2580, 3198, 3307. Nackington, Kent, resident at, 2600. Nafferton, Northumberland, manor of, 2584. residents at, 2583, 2584. Nagdane, Kent, lands in, 2740. Nanteos, co. Cardigan, demesne of, 1569. resident at, 1568. ****** Nantes, Brittany, traveller from, 125. Nantglyn, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1718. Nanthullen, co. Monmouth, house called, 2778. Nantmel, co. Radnor, parish of, 1714. resident at, 944. Nantwich, co. Chester, church or minister of, 140, 1186 (2), 1320 (2), 1334, 1431. County Committee at, 979, 1005. estates at, 905, 1885. ... ·· > ... governor of, 1005, 1139, 1179. hundred of, committee for, 161, 174, 175, 1320. *** · • 174. > N **** ****** train band of, 1606. ******) letters dated from, 112, 119, 135, 174, 775. letters of, 112, 127, 135, 174. officers of, 234, 1284 (2). residents in, lists of, 112, 113, Parliamentary garrison at, 161, 910, 1030, 1157. …………….., persons at, 905, 918, 1835. ………………………, place near, 1157. prisoners at, 990, 1005, 1024, 1120, 1157, 1264, 1613, 2182 (2). residents at, 1283, 1386, 1537, 2015, 2703, 2989, 3065. salt works in or near, 1284, 2704 (3). siege of, 2371. Nasborough [Knaresborough, co. York ?], taking of, 1218. Naseby, co. Northampton, battle of, 57, 905, 1058, 1075, 1535, 2006. King's party at, 2228. Parliamentary party at, 1491. prisoners taken at, 894, 1121, 1240, 1280, 1558, 1630. Nash, Dorset, resident at, 2948. Hants, resident at, 1755. Kent, resident at, 2933. Nast, or Nasse, co. Gloucester, farm at, 2362. ... ****S ….. , residents at, 86, 1023, 2362. Nateby, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1888, 1889, 3178. Little, resident at, 2570. Natland, Westmoreland, resident at, 203. Natton [Naunton ?], co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Naunton-Beauchamp, co. Worcester, manor of, 1954, 1955, 3102. Navestock, Essex, parish and vicarage of, 2862. resident at, petition of, 2862. Naworth, Cumberland, resident at, 3308. Castle, Cumberland, residents at, 2671, 2672, 3280. Nayland, Suffolk, resident at, 3306. Naylor's Farm, St. Decuman's, Somerset, 3132. Neasham, co. Durham, horse-boat at, 431. lands in, 2589, 3084. 1. ………… **** Neath, co. Glamorgan, residents at, 172, 2178. rectory and tithes of, 2588. residents at, 2522, 3084, 3192. Necton, Norfolk, manor of, 2623, 2624. Needwood Forest, co. Lancaster, 1536. Neen Sollars, Salop, farm in, 2644. Nelson's Longshaw, co. Lancaster, 2564. Nelston, co. Leicester, court kept at, 191. residents at, 110 (3), 111, 2289. Nerquis, co. Flint, estate in, 3241. Nesbet, co. Durham, resident at, 203. Ness, co. York, residents at, 3063, 3064. Neston, Great, co. Chester, estate at, 60. Netham, Hants, manor of, 3146. Netherborough, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1950. **** Netherbury, Dorset, farms or house at, 2533, 3205. residents at, 74, 118 (2), 1799, 1896. Netherdale, co. York, places in, 2458, 3105. Netherhall, Cumberland, see Alneborough Hall. Netherham, Somerset, farm and mills of, 517, 1429. ………………………, manor of, 1429. resident at, 1429. Netherhouses, Northumberland, 2509. Nethersole, Kent, resident at, 3076. Netherswell, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1308. resident at, 1308. ·· *** **** Netherthorpe, co. York, resident at, 1569. Netherton, co. York, resident at, 1420. Netherwallop, Hants, manor of, 2533. 3746 INDEX OF PLACES. Netley, Hants, farm at, 1910. Salop, resident at, 2089. Nettlebed, co. Oxon, parish of, Bull Inn in, 3070. Nettlecombe, Somerset, paper dated from, 83. residents at, 117, 1077, 1755, 2104. Nettleden, Bucks, estate at, 67. Nettlesworth, co. Durham, resident at, 908. Nevendon, Essex, lands in, 2117. Newark-on-Trent, co. Notts, 205, 1616. aldermen of, 1371 (2). Castle, 1968, 1969. • *** ..... church register of, 1980. ………………….., governor of, 1150, 1338. ..... • ... ·· ... …………………… • resident at, 535. > King's garrison at, 40, 793, 967, 987, 991, 995, 1044, 1050, 1069, 1088, 1177, 1310, 1311 (2), 1318, 1327, 1332 (3), 1336, 1338-1340, 1343, 1348 (2), 1349, 1351 (2), 1352 (2), 1354, 1356, 1365, 1379, 1394, 1401, 1412, 1414 1418- 1420, 1453, 1494 1524, 1536, 1538, 1542, 1547, 1597, 1646, 1663, 1700, 1720, 1724, 1743, 1821, 1822, 1828, 2804. letters dated from, 294, 676, 738. ·· .., mayor of, 1371. mayor and aldermen of, certificate of, 1414. mills at, 205, 1970. > Parliamentary forces or garrison at, 880, 1218, 1252. King's party at, 960, 1039, 1042, 1097, 1128, 1225, 1252, 1324, 1399, 1404, 1494. > lands or estates in or near, 926, 1085, 1970, 2586. ... places near, 747, 1098, ......, money, &c., for, 30 (2). plague at, 1335, 1336, 1371, 1404, 1414, 1419 (2), 1420, 1459, 1741, 1743. ... proclamation at, 338. prisoners at or sent to, 1143, 1151, 1152, 1278, 1349, 1411. residents at, 62, 535, 1022, 1049, 1056, 1215, 1225, 1319, 1323, 1338, 1343, 1348, 1371, 1387, 1404, 1414, 1417-1421, 1536, 1703, 1741 (2), 1743 (2), 1744 (2), 2411, 2586, 2756, 2905, 3257. composition of, 1335. ******* Scottish army (Parliamentary) before, 30 (3), 31, 34-37, 60, 789-792, 799, 807, 809, 1297, 1349. Commissioners with, 30, 35, 36 (2), 60, 83. siege of, 1333, 1674. "" surrender or reduction of, 343, 931, 967, 1039, 1256, 1296, 1318, 1323, 1324, 1326, 1327, 1330-1332, 1340 (2), 1348-1350, 1352, 1354, 1365, 1368, 1874, 1382 (2), 2387, 1389, Newark-on-Trent, surrender, &c., of-cont. 1399, 1552, 1667, 1676, 1684, 1801, 2497, 3279. ...... •• ·· ………………………* Newarke, co. Leicester, resident at, 2756. Newarks, Essex, lands in, 926. Newbald, co. York, resident at, 1270. Newberry, or Newbury, Essex, residents at, 2736, 3178. Newbiggin, Westmoreland, residents at, 99, ****** • Newbold Astbury, co. Chester, residents at, 120, 2838 (2). co. Derby, Hall at, 1732 (2). lands in, 2744. * · ***** .... Articles or treaty of, 40, 165, ... > 1308, 1328, 1340 (2), 1348, 1350, 1414, 1419-1421. 1 compositions or surrenders .. .... on, 1044, 1045, 1311, 1316, 1319, 1323, 1326-1328, 1333, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1353, 1355, 1356, 1368, 1371, 1374 (2), 1379, 1382 (2), 1417, 1778. residents at, 110, 3086. co. Worcester, chapel of, 1955. Newbottle, co. Northampton, lands in, 1234. Newbridge-in-Netherdale, co. York, resident in, 3105. ·· …………. • **** petitions for, 833, 967, 1310, 1311 (2), 1316, 1318, 1323 (3), 1324, 1325-1327, 1330-1332, 1334 -1336, 1338-1340, 1342, 1343 (2), 1348-1352, 1354, 1355, 1364, 1368, 1370-1372, 1375, 1386, 1387, 1389, 1401, 1404, 1409, 1412, 1418, 1421, 1459, 1464, 1536, 1741 (2), 1743 (2), 1744 (2), 1801, 1929, 2088, 2497, 3279. .. travellers to or from, 543, 789, 905, 1018, 1142, 1225, 1233, 1326 (2), 1328, 1334, 1347, 1349, 1388, 1552, 1724. > Newburgh, co. Lancaster, tithes of, 1102. Northumberland, parish of, 2600. co. York, resident at, 966. ………………….) cum-Brenck, co. York, manor of, 967. Newburn, Northumberland, parish of, 1731 (2). • 5 203. co. York, residents at, 623, 626, 2181, 2182, 2403. Newburne, Cumberland, rectory of, 202. Newbury, Berks, first battle of, 1199, 1491. ……………………… ………………, men killed at, 908, 2055, 2781, ..... 2961. manor of, 1735. or Newbolds, co. Leicester, estate of, 1916. prisoner taken at, 921. Parliamentary forces at, 883. ******* resident at, 320. timber sent to, 601, 618. traveller from, 3302. Newby, Essex, see Newberry. Stanes, Westmoreland, resident at, 203, 3006. INDEX OF PLACES. 3747 Newby-cont. · 7 · ""> ………….., resident at, 977. Newcastle-on-Tyne, co. Northumberland, 267, 364, 426, 430, 473, 511, 545, 794, 1296. • ·· ... • ****** • aldermen of, 813, 892, 986. ', All Hallows parish in, 3281, 3282. butlerage of, 923. coal at, 892 (2), 2260-2263. ……………………… • ·· ........, Commissioners at, 366, 394, 469, 546, 784, 924, 1719, 1727, 1744, 2124 (2), 2992, 3297; see also England, North of, Commissioners for. coal-farms at, 1498, 2260-2264. Commissioner for, 694. Commissioners going to receive the King at, 53. **** persons compounding with. or discharged by, 394, 573, 1557, 1704, 2437, 3123, 3149, 3155. treasurer of, see Legard, Alder- Committee of Parliament for reducing, ………………………, ………………, money in hands of, 618. estates in or near, 2964, 3417. man. *** ..... co. York, manor of, 2192. …………y 903. County Commissioners at, 250, 493, 536, 673, 827, 1792, 2982; see also Northumberland, County Commis- sioners of. " ……………… ****** **** from, 1917, 1919. King's party at, 1179. *** 1921. **** fortifications at, 821. High Castle in, 815. houses or lands in, 179, 815, 2341. keys of, 892. King's garrison at, 971, 1730, 1921. ammunition conveyed ………… ******* *** letters dated from, 192, 220, 269, 355, 378, 410, 426, 463, 485, 536, 540, 555, 584, 652, 758, 766. magazine of arms at, 892. mayor of, 892, 1178 (2), 2263, 3163. ., money sent to, or to be paid at, 303, 375, 378, 453, 536, 1025, 1700, 1907. ……………. ..... ………. ****** ……………. Parliamentary Commissioners at, 20. garrison at, 105. governor of, 892, 1743. guards of, 816. party at, 20 (2), 39. horses, &c., for, 1917, prisoners at, 999, 1918. . ........., propositions sent to, 81, 1340. ………………………, rectory of, 3222 (2). postmaster of, 3107. reducing, surrender, or taking of, 16, 21, 63, 142, 892 (2), 980, 1078, 1160, 1179, 1194, 1270, 1978, 2170, 2964. residents at, 16, 202, 238 (2), 256, 429, 572, 694, 822, 1011, 1075, 1178, Newcastle, residents at-cont. .....5 -in-Kemeys, co. Pembroke, inhabitants of, petition of, 1036. co. Stafford, resident at, 89. New Chapel, co. Stafford, 1032. Newchurch, Isle of Wight, rectory of, 1082. Newdigate, Surrey, parish of, 2762 (2). New Eagle, co. Lincoln, manor, &c., of, 2735. Newelme, co. Oxon, see Ewelme. New England, resideat in, 2060. travellers to, 358, 589, ..... Newenham, or Newnham, Kent, lands in, 2054 (2). Newent, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. King's party at, 944, 1706. residents at, 86, 3299, 3301. .. *** * 1194, 1209, 1270, 1375, 1552, 1765, 1792, 1920, 1921, 1978, 2812, 2849, 2952, 2958, 2964, 3040, 3062, 3064, 3162. St. John's parish in, 2715. Sandgate in, 1921. Scots' army at, 780, 784, 790. sheriff of, 971. siege of, 1051, 2276. stores, &c., sent to, 10, 32, 785. travellers to or from, 36, 430, 784, 1485, 2876, 2964. *****} Newfield, co. Durham, lands in, 2632. New Forest, Hants, Commissioners in, 320. division of, 730. Newhall, co. Chester, residents at, 2612, 2652. tithes of, 1283. Essex, manor of, 357, 452, 2186 (4), 2188, 2192. ··· •1 > .. > > " 牆 ​• > co. York, residents at, 1376, 2019. Newham, West, Northumberland, farm of, 2748. Newington Butts, Surrey, resident at, 2349. Newland, co. Gloucester, lands in, 1149. co. Lancaster, resident at, 1835. Close, co. Lancaster, 3231. co. York, houses in, 3086. residents at, 1160, 3086. ** " resident at, 2186. co. Lancaster, lands in, 2660. residents at, 2652, 3204. Farm, Northumberland, 1737. co. Warwick, resident at, 1040. Westmoreland, estate at, 386. Newlath, co. York, resident at, 931. New Leason, co. Stafford, see Willimore. Newlodge House, co. York, 3293. Newlyn, Cornwall, parish of, 2239 (2). residents at, 2001, 2808. ****** Newmarket, co. Cambridge, park in, 2453. resident at, 2961. New Marsh, Norfolk, 1475, 1476 (3). Newmony, Kent, 2140. 3748 INDEX OF PLACES. Newnham, co. Gloucester, County Commis- sioners at, 716. Kent, see Newenham. • 4 300 ****** Newnton, Wilts, resident at, 2415. New Park, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Somerset, see Bernard's Combe. co. York, estate of, 1152. .....? Newport, Bucks, Parliamentary forces at, fur- niture for, 948. resident near, 1293. Pagnell, Bucks, estate at, 67. residents at, 2382, 3197. Essex?, prisoners at, 897. ·· • ..... …………… ·· .... • • Murren, co. Oxon, manor of, 3070. Padox, co. Warwick, letter dated from, 436. resident in, 1714. ******* Newsham, co. Durham, resident at, 1523. Northumberland, Hall at, 3138. resident at, 3138. • ·· ... .... • " co. York, estate at, 587. residents at, 3194 (2). Newstead, co. Notts, priory and manor of, 2340. co. Monmouth, letters dated from, 722, 730, 739. .... …………. Isle of Wight, Hants, residents at, 891, 2617 (2). Newthorpe, co. York, manor of, 2647. New Timber, Sussex, estate at, 339. manor of, 2458 (3), 2459. residents at, 2458 (3), 3118. ****** Newton Blossomville, Bucks, manor of, 2869. ……. **** ► L. Regis, co. Warwick, manor of, 1499. resident at, 3214. " resident at, 2816. Longville, Bucks, rector of, 1274. co. Cambridge, manor of, 304, 307, 345, 349. resident at, 1524. co. Chester, residents at, 100, 1354. Cornwall, residents at, 398, 763, 1678. Cumberland, tithes at, 202, 232. co. Derby, parish of, houses in, 1849 (2). residents at, 1518, 2338, 2711. co. Stafford, inhabitants of, petition of, 3264. > *** ………….., rectory of, 1846. .... Solney, co. Derby, manor of, 2448, 2449. ...... tithes of, 2450. Abbott, Devon, resident at, 3259. Bushell, Devon, resident at, 3259. Cyres, or St. Cyres, Devon, estate at, 152. resident at, 1397. ·· ……………)} Ferrers, or Ferris, Devon, 153, 2519 (2), 2826. resident at, 2518. ………..1 > Petrock, Devon, resident at, 97. Newton-cont. 46. • · • • * …………… ·· • • • • ·· • "" residents at, 2861 (2), 3297. Cap, co. Durham, resident at, 1218. Long, co. Durham, lands in, 1978. .., co. Glamorgan, lands in, 2674. .... Berry, Hants, residents at, 105, 1831. ... co. Hereford, resident at, 3187. •> Welsh, co. Hereford, messuages, &c., in, 2494, 2495. ……….. manor of, 2132, 2288 (2). residents at, 1278, 2098, 2283, 2288, 2723, 3178. ………………………. ... • ** > …………………. ··· *. Popleford, Devon, constable of, 1887. resident at, 1887. Tracey, Devon, lands, &c., in, 2841. Archdeacon, Durham, farm in, 2861. manor of, 3037. .. .-cum-Scales, co. Lancaster, tithes of, 2572 (2). .-in-Makerfield, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2559, 3094. St. Faith's, Norfolk, lands in, 1794. resident at, 3191. ………………y' Unthank, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Northumberland, grange and farm of, 2748. ..-by-the-sea, Northumberland, resident at, 202. …….. ··· ………. resident at, 2824. > ………… co. Lancaster, barony of, 2286. lands in, 2288. • Harcourt, co. Leicester, resident at, 109 (2). ......., South, co. Oxon, manor of, 2380- 2382. Hall, Northumberland, 1734, 1737. Kirk, Northumberland, residents at, 203, 815. Underwood, Northumberland, lands in, 2508. co. Notts, manor, &c., of, 1265, 1267, 2622. tenants of, 1267. Flintham, co. Notts, messuages, &c., at, 1735. Somerset, resident at, 952. Park, Somerset, 238, 261, 264. St. Loe, Somerset, manor of, 2299. resident at, 2299. Toney, Wilts, living of, 79. co. York, lands in, 2110. } resident at, 2021. "y North Riding, parishioners of, peti- tion of, 1002. .....-on-Ouse, co. York, manor of, 1754. resident at, 1753. ***** West Riding?, preacher at, 453. Wold, co. York, rectory of, 2018. Newtown, co. Montgomery, Free School at, master of, 703, 707. INDEX OF PLACES. 3749 Newtown-cont. residents at, 703, 2552. Nibley, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 759, 865. **** ........., North, co. Gloucester, resident at, 948. Nidd, co. York, lands, &c., in, 2976 (3). mansion house of, 2976. resident at, 2976 (2). …………………., township of, 2976. Nidderdale, co. York, resident in, 2028. Noake, co. Hereford, resident at, 770. co. Oxon, resident at, 696. Nobery, co. Worcester, residents at, 86, 1410. Noblefields, co. Lancaster, lands called, 2506. Nocton, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2665. Noman's Moor, co. York, rendezvous at, 761. Norborn, Kent, resident at, 2015. Norborough, co. Leicester, resident at, 110 (2). • ... Wood, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Norbury, co. Chester, resident at, 1866. Salop, estate at, 2953. resident at, 737. ***** > .. …………te ………….. Norfolk, 1011, 1403. ….., agent for, 808. > Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1194, 1517. Committee of Accounts for, 185. County Commissioners of, 113, 115, 212, 229, 244, 299, 351, 388, 581, 645, 710, 870, 942, 1012, 1193, 1291, 1298, 1341, 1342, 1604, 1605, 1615 (2), 1829 (2), 1837, 1870, 1884, 1933, 1967, 2100, 2101, 2315-2318, 2322, 2473, 2489, 2623 (4), 2690, 2691, 2702 (3), 2707, 2730, 2743 (3), 2755, 2756, 2770, 2780, 2831, 2886, 2891, 2975, 3009, 3049, 3127, 3158, 3189, 3233, 3241, 3301. .., accounts of, 644, 709, 710, 726 appointment or approval of, 172, 622, 643, 673, 676. books of, 113. ..,co. Stafford, residents at, 29, 1576. 2315. ****** ………., ….…………., certificates from, 244, 1829, 1870, 2702, 2882. alluded to, 1475, 2317 (3), 2623, 2743, 2819. ………………………… ………………, imprisonment by, 909. ..., letters of, 181, 213, 299, 350, 595, 601, 645 (2), 660, 665, 729, 736, 1553. ****** in ..... …………………y ..... و ...... alluded to, 354, 2891. letters to, 274, 313, 339, 359, 374, 402, 467, 638 (2), 685, 701, 712, 740, 1303, 1341, 1527, 1554, 1870, 2317, 2324, 2702 (2), 2731. alluded to, 22, 470, 518, **** ***** ... 696, 1526. Norfolk, County Commissioners of-cont. officers of, 14, 113, 182, 212, 229, 334, 350, 351, 354, 388, 581, 644, 645, 685, 718, 870, 1341, 3189. petition of, 388. ……………… · ... د. "" ………… ……………………… • > …………….3 • · ..... …………… alluded to, 2315. ....... orders to, 19, 841, 842 (2), > 860, 871, 899, 909, 942, 1012, 1298, 1312, 1342, 1450, 1475, 1476, 1492, 1523, 1604, 1615, 1794 (5), 1829 (3), 1830 (2), 1870 (2), 1932, (2), 1934 (2), 2101, 2105, 2133, 2301, 2315-2318, 2322-2325, 2462, 2489 (2), 2623, 2690, 2691, 2702, 2730, 2743 (5), 2744, 2755, 2766, 2770, 2818-2820, 2831, 2886 (3), 2915 (2), 2956, 3190, 3199, 3233, 3241 (2). alluded to, 1476, 1830 (2), 2318, 2324, 2479, 2532, 2817, 2818, 2885, 2886, 3158. ··· • 581. . > ► ... "" ·· > references to, 869, 928, 991, 1852, 2100, 2317 (2), 2622, 2730, 2770, 2818, 2819 (2). 2850, 2885, 2886, 3158 (2), 3189, 3198, 3204, 3233, 3301. ·· 1829. A …….., reports of, 1837, 1838, 2489, 2729. > ..... ." order of, 1341. .... · ***** ……………… petitions of, 708, 718. queries on behalf of, 214, 350, 729, 1794 (3), 3301. insurrection in, 581, 595, 2882, 2906. …………… > lands, estates, &c., in, 185, 329, 660, 869, 870 (3), 899, 1012, 1303 (2), 1322, 1342, 1475, 1476, 1492 (2), 1508, 1527 (2), 1603, 1604, 1759, 1838 (2), 1852, 1870 (2), 1926, 1927, 1932, 2089, 2315-2318, 2324, 2467, 2471, 2472 (2), 2473, 2476, 2501, 2622-2624, 2702, 2730 (2), 2817 (2), 2819 (3), 2850, 2882, 2885, 2886, 2916 (2), 2956, 3106, 3158 (2), 3190 (2), 3199, 3204, 3241 (2), 3301. …………….., money or revenue from, 619. .., places in, 497, 1012, 1604. lists of, 113-116. return from, alluded to, 263. treasurers of, 14, 244, 644, 685, receipts from, 429. Major-General of [Lieut.-General Fleetwood, with Col. Haynes as Deputy], 1194, 1517. the late, 182, 350, 707, 710, residents in, 82, 418, 428, 558, 660, 740, 858, 859, 861, 1475, 1604 (2), 1740, 1853, 1877, 1886, 1956, 2114, 2316-2318, 2382, 2501, 2702, 2707, 2709 (2), 2730 (3), 2770, 2850, 2886, 2915, 2962, 3157, 3190. cases of, 841, 845, 874, 909, 928, 942 (2), 954, 991, 993 (2), 1008, 1012, 1171, 1193, 1271, 1288 (2), 1297, 1302, 1312, 1322, 1333, 1334, 1339, 1341, 1393; 1412, 1475, 1517, 1615, 3750 INDEX OF PLACES. Norfolk, residents in, cases of-cont. · • D • .... • ·· ……… sheriffs, high, of, 1492. travellers to or from, 909, 2991. Norham, co. Durham, resident at, 2341. Norley, co. Chester, houses, &c., in, 3295. residents at, 100, 1369. Normanby, co. Lincoln, 1022. ·· • • * manor of, 1890. residents at, 2407, 3259. ... .•*) Normancross Hundred, co. Hunts, 90. Normanton, co. Derby, resident at, 1991. taxes paid at, 457. South, co. Derby, parish of, 438 (2). Turville, co. Leicester, residents at, 111, 1077, 2756. co. Notts, grange of, 1735. resident at, 1693. Temple, co, Notts, manor of, 1735. Rutland, residents at, 88, 1605, 1757. co. York, resident at, 3115. .. ****** .. · 1793, 1811, 1812, 1837, 1858, 1884, 1896, 1958, 1967, 1999, 2024, 2061, 2089, 2105, 2118, 2175, 2315, 2316, 2322, 2344, 2350, 2380, 2501, 2622, 2690, 2702 (2), 2707, 2729, 2742, 2755, 2766, 2770, 2773 (2), 2780, 2817, 2831, 2837, 2845, 2850, 2882, 2885, 2891, 2906, 2915, 2916, 2975, 3009, 3049, 3106, 3126, 3157, 3159, 3169, 3175 (2), 3186 (2), 3187 (2), 3189, 3191- 3193, 3198, 3221, 3233, 3241 (2), 3259. > .... גי ·· 742. > • "> ..) .... Norrington, Wilts, farm at, 78. manor of, 2439, 2440. " ··· · residents at, 262, 2439, 2440. Northall, Middlesex, resident at, 2798. •* .. • ......> • ……………… .... lists of, 113–116. Northallerton, co. York, manor of, 3209. orders posted at, 654. parish of, 2254. Northam, co. Devon, residents at, 97 (3), 498, 3087 (2). *** notes of, 729 (2), 741, Northampton, ammunition seut to, 788. Commissioners at, 317, 673. or Abbot's Isle, Somerset, manor of, 965. ………………….., mayor of, 1462. > A letters or papers dated from, 22, 44, 98, 233, 317, 410, 686, 690, 698 (2), 728, 736, 751. > mayor, bailiffs, and burgesses of, peti- tion of, 1462. M.Ps for, petition to, 1461. orders published at, 653. Parliamentary party, garrison or soldiers at, 559, 1418, 1425. ………………………, ………………, money, &c., for, 21, 22 (2). places near, 758, 1849. residents at, 174, 432, 733, 1128, 1740, 1849, 3256. Northampton-cont. • and you .... *** ... • ·· traveller to, 22. Northamptonshire, 44, 761, 1862. · • ...... ……………………… ·· ** • ··· ··· ·· • • > • • > Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1207. Committee for Accounts in, 37, 632. County Commissioners of, 37, 50, 432, 467, 587, 613, 632, 736, 751, 1054 (3), 1064 (2), 1080, 1081 (2), 1234, 1235 (2), 1245, 1247, 1249, 1374, 1451, 1490, 1491, 1538, 1671, 1673, 1845, 1847, 1929, 2196, 2908, 2926, 2927 (2), 2970, 3074, 3284. …….., appointment or approval of, 174. > **** " • > St. John's Hospital, at, 1461, 1462 (4). master of, 1461, 1462. ……………., poor of, petition of, 1461. Sepulchre's parish in, 1580. shoemakers of, 1806. ..... > > **** ··· 632, 653, 1250 (2), 1303. > .... · • • .. > letters to, 14, 269, 312, 313, 334, 339, 374, 584, 753, 756, 760, 763, 1807, 2970. O .. • • ……………., ………. • ▼ 1042, 1245, 1352, 1490, 1526. ……….. .... officers of, 88, 467, 3282. orders of, alluded to, 1901. orders to, 19, 29, 289, 433, 467, 1063, 1064 (3), 1078, 1081, 1145, 1206 (2), 1234, 1247 (2), 1248 (3), 1250, 1436, 1471, 1581, 1637, 1638, 1649, 1650 (2), 1672, 1740, 1806 (3), 1807 (4), 1844, 1845, 1849, 1862, 1901, 1929, 2195 (2), 2196 (2), 2635, 2641, 2821, 2899, 2908, 2925, 2926, 2927 (4), 2970, 3045. > ... …………. } …………. " asked for or alluded to, 80, 1078, 1081, 1581, 1590, 1623, 2925. payments to, 1249, 1862. warrants for, 789, 792. references to, 1415, 1581 (2), 1590, 2624, 2684, 2821, 2839, 2926 (2), 2927, 3045, 3049. ……………. certificates of, 1649, 2104. alluded to, 1248. depositions sent up by, 2586. alluded to, 2586. ...... letters of, 44, 233, 317, 410, ,י D CAN > ……………… ………………, report of, 1491. .... 4 .....5 alluded to, 1650. alluded to, 470, 518, 609, ……………. 690, 698, 712, 716, 1849, 2196. letter to, 712. treasurers to, 14 (2), 632. the late, 233, 317, 632, 686, ………. ******* divisions of, 88, 98. farmers of Excise in, 3147. King's party in, 2335. lands, estates, &c., in, 31, 88, 132, 744, 788, 980, 1051, 1064, 1078, 1234, 1245-1250, 1308 (2), 1436, 1451 (2), 1452, 1455, 1462, 1580 (2), 1581 (2), 1590 (2), 1637, 1649 (2), 1650, 1707, * 3751 INDEX OF PLACES. Northamptonshire, lands, &c., in-cont. .... ... receipts from, 429. …….., Major-General for [Major Butler], .. 1207. M.Ps for, petition to, 1461. ... ...., messenger or agent sent to, 780, 785, 786, 788, 793, 794. militia or county forces of, 317. Commissioners for, 317, 1250. ........., money from, or revenues of, 28, 619. places in, 88, 744, 850, 1078, 1580. receiver-general for, 767. ... 1714, 1740 (2), 1808 (2), 1845, 1847, 1849, 1862, 1884, 1898, 1901, 2097, 2104, 2195, 2198, 2236, 2624, 2821, 2926 (2), 2927, (3), 3074, 3149, 3252 (2). *** " ****** •• *** •• ****** residents in, 155, 168, 289, 127, 432, 587, 698, 766, 795, 713 (2), 852, 1064, 1078, 1088, 1234, 1245, 1247, 1452, 1514, 1579, 1580, 1581, 1623, 1649, 1671, 1739, 1740 (2), 1860, 1865, 1884, 1898, 2196, 2382, 2119, 2624, 2635, 2641, 2683, 2684, 2869, 2923, 3030, 3033, 3049, 3294, 3305. cases of, 897, 904, 1016, 1019, 1042, 1053, 1063, 1064, 1088, 1128, 1145, 1177, 1206, 1207, 1234, 1252, 1277, 1288, 1320, 1352, 1374, 1383, 1403, 1415, 1435, 1451, 1462, 1514, 1534, 1538, 1579, 1589, 1592, 1595, 1671, 1739, 1806, 1859, 1862, 1879, 1884, 1897, 1898, 1929, 1935, 1949, 1999, 2011, 2087, 2088, 2091, 2096, 2104, 2106, 2108, 2118, 2326, 2586, 2635, 2641, 2645, 2683, 2804, 2839, 2864, 2908, 2918, 2925, 2939, 2970, 3045, 3049, 3149, 3252, 3256. "" • Dy ………….. ***** • > .... 736. ...*** notes of, 199, 410, 728, 736, 741, 742, 744. travellers to or from, 447, 1845. Northamptonshire and Rutlandshire, County Committee for (March 1654), 712. ………….., appointment of, 673, 3080. **** lists of, 88, 98, 99. ******* ……….. alluded to, 3243. letters to, 712, 3252 (6). orders to, 2939, 3080. Northbourne, Kent, resident at, 460. "" …………… Northbury, co Chester, resident at, 1156. North Cave, or Cause, co. York, minister of, 2040. ………………) letters of, 690, 698 (2), 728, ……………… ******* Northcliff, co. York, estate in, 1925. resident at, 1684. rectory of, 2040 (2). residents at, 1883, 2150. North Coat Bercary, co. York, 2154. North Coate, co. York, lands in, 2957. Northcourt, Berks, residents at, 1587, 1677. North Court, Kent, manor of, 2118. resident at, 2118. Northenden, or Northen, co. Chester, parish of, places in, 686. resident at, 123 (2). Northey, Sussex, manor of, 2460 (3). resident at, 2460. .. • ......} Northfield, co. Worcester, tenements or lands in, 1857, 2367. ... · North Grove, Somerset, manor of, 2583. Northicoate, co. Stafford, resident at, 2982. Northill, co. Bedford, resident at, 931. Cornwall, resident at, 2076. Northington, Hants, resident at, 1359. Northleach, co. Gloucester, proclamation at, 143. ... Northleigh, Devon, barton of, 2214. resident at, 98. Northmoor, co. Oxon, resident at, 407. Northop, co. Flint, ministers of, 3214 (2). ……………., rectory of, 3214 (2). Northorne, Devon, messuages in, 2871. Northorpe, co. Lincoln, residents at, 2222, 2407, 2646, 2793. .... ... ་, • Northover, Somerset, residents at, 2545, 2647. Northumberland, 815 (2), 822, 884, 903. ……………………., charges on, 818. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 999. compositions in, with the Northern Commissioners, 202, 203, 452. · .. ………………… ·· > condition of, 238, 388, 486, 582. County Commissioners of, 134, 269, 426, 430, 463, 536, 543, 571, 572, 583, 667, 688, 843, 884 (3), 967, 1048, 1075, 1270 (3), 1401, 1485, 1621, 1690 (2), 1731-1733, 2016, 2022, 2340- 2342, 2417, 2487 (2), 2488 (5), 2507, 2584, 2589, 2595, 2599, 2636-2638, 2668-2671, 2673, 2715 (2), 2747-2749, 2764, 2849, 2907 (2), 2953 (2), 2964, 3027, 3048, 3107, 3114, 3123, 3162- 3164, 3172, 3189, 3222, 3223, 3230 (2), 3280, 3282. > appointment or approval of, 172, 673, 678, 683, 730. certificates by, 2124, 2636, alluded to, 2604, 2636, ……………. 2964. ……………… 2668, 2879. *** · ****3 **** information by, 2812. instructions to, 755. K leases by, 2715. letters of, 198, 220, 238, 269, " 329, 355, 378, 388, 410, 430, 485, 555, 582, 652, 758, 766, 772. …………. - ... •1 letters to, 251, 264, 313, 339, 374, 388, 410, 430, 493, 571, 583, 656, 685 (2), 701, 759, 764, 770, 771, 773, 2749. ******) alluded to, 250, 470, 518, 536, 539, 761, 1047. officers of, 179, 192, 238, 251, 546, 582 (2), 583, 663, 734, 2590, 3752 INDEX OF PLACES. Northumberland, County Commissioners of— cont. officers of, letter or petition of, 426, 582. orders to, 582, 843, 884, 903, 999, 1075, 1401, 1409, 1485, 1690 (3), 1731 (2), 1734, 1765, 2046, 2260, 2262, 2340-2342, 2416 (2), 2417 (4), 2487 (3), 2488 (2), 2507, 2508, 2590- 2595, 2599 (4), 2600, 2604, 2636– 2638, 2668-2674, 2736, 2747-2749, 2764, 2823, 2842, 2849, 2907, 2953, 2964 (2), 3012, 3019 (2), 3027, 3048 (2), 3074 (3), 3078, 3103, 3107, 3114, 3123, 3162-3164, 3211, 3238, 3280- 3282, 3296. ··· J ·· *** ………………… .. asked for or alluded to, 1690, 1765, 2205, 2341, 2594 (3), 2599 (2), 2604, 2637 (2), 2668 (3), 2736, 2823, 3019, 3238. petitions or requests of, 572, " 2508. ..... ...... " · petition to, 2671. ·· ...* references to, 1621, 1715, 2416, 2417, 2488, 2592-2594, 2637, 2638, 2668 (2), 2670, 2715, 2748, 2879, 2969, 3020, 3164, 3172, 3189 (3), 3227 (2), 3235 (2). …… ………………, report of, 2340. *} ... ...) " J > treasurer of, 251, 269, 463, 535, 572, 652, 3048. ..... · · KULA ... ·· .9 the late, 238, 329, 485, 486, 493, 555, 571, 583, 683 (2), 2340, 2593, 2907, 3223. • ***) > • returns from, 421, 2749. lands, estates, &c., in, 473, 815, 903, 999 (2), 1270, 1401, 1402, 1409, 1485, 1731 (2), 1733-1737, 1769, 2022 (2), 2038, 2046, 2047, 2124, 2204-2206, 2341, 2417 (3), 2418 (2), 2427 (2), 2487, 2508 (2), 2509 (5), 2584, 2589 -2595, 2599 (4), 2600 (2), 2604 (5), 2636 (2), 2637 (3), 2670-2674, 2747, 2748 (5), 2879, 3003, 3019, 3020, 3040 (2), 3048, 3074 (2), 3078 (3), 3131, 3154, 3189 (2), 3208, 3212, 3227, 3281 (2), 3282. - ...... Major General of, deputy, Col. Charles Howard, 999 (2). market towns of, proclamation in, 69. militia, or county forces of, Commis- sioners for, 388. letters to, 675, 713. grand jury of, 134. King's party in, 238, 486, 842. money or revenues in, or returns from, 4, 269, 436, 536, 558, 582 (2), 583, 619-621. 2182. ………………………. ………………, money for, 41. papers concerning, 72. Parliamentary forces in, 269, 540, places in, 202, 203, 816. Northumberland-cont. ·· ·· • ………. …. residents in, 134, 843, 1049, 1401, 1552, 1621, 1731, 1734, 1765, 1963, 2046, 2181, 2341 (2), 2342, 2401, 2416, 2417, 2487, 2488 (2), 2508, 2558, 2584, 2591-2595, 2599 (2), 2637, 2638, 2670, 2715, 2736, 2747, 2748, 2953, 2964, 2969, 3027, 3038, 3062, 3064, 3074, 3103, 3108, 3161, 3162 (3), 3164, 3209, 3280, 3282. traveller to, 1375. Northwash, co. Durham, cottages in, 2632. Northwich, co. Chester, County Commis- sioners at, 318, 327. ......, cases of, 884, 892, 971, 999, 1011, 1012, 1047, 1051, 1075, 1078, 1160, 1178, 1194, 1209, 1270, 1375, 1401, 1409, 1433, 1485, 1690, 1715, 1726, 1730, 1743, 2016, 2046, 2124, 2181, 2340, 2416, 2487, 2507, 2583, 2587, 2589, 2591 (2), 2593, 2598, 2604, 2636, 2637, 2667, 2671, 2715, 2736, 2746, 2749, 2812, 2823, 2842, 2879, 2907, 2953, 2958, 2964, 2968, 2992, 3012, 3020, 3040, 3074, 3078, 3103, 3107, 3114, 3123, 3131, 3138, 3145, 3154, 3172, 3182, 3188 3191– 3193, 3197, 3208, 3211, 3212 (2), 3222, 3227 (2), 3235, 3238, 3263. lists of, 202, 203. • " lists of, notes of, 199, 729, 736, 741, 742. Scots' army in, 485. sheriff of, 69, 683. train bands of, 999, 1178. • ·· • • • .. > manor of 1118. market place of, 1116. "salt waleinge" in, 571. Northwick, co. Worcester, residents at, 3041, • ... ...) Committee for, 119, 159. residents in, 212, 685, 2831. lists of, 120-122. ………..) letters dated from, 175, 209, 256, 276 (2), 292, 300, 308, 317, 326, 345, 346, 362, 377, 400, 440, 451 (2), 455, 491 (2), 526, 571, 628, 638, 683, 685 (2), 688, 691, 692, 697, 704, 729, 739. 3259. Norton, co. Derby, resident at, 1132. vicar, or living of, 1132, 1133. Andall, co. Durham, parish of, 2254. co, Hereford, farm of, 2400. Bishops, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1030, 1352. .. ……………………*) estates in, 120, 326, 685, 1283. high stewards of, 685. hundred of, 175. ………………* > Disney, co. Lincoln, church of, 2143. resident at, 2143. ......-cum-Dunston, co. Lincoln, manor of, 2222, 2225. Pudding, Norfolk, residents at, 2742, 2915. co. Notts, manor of, 650. ..... INDEX OF PLACES. 3753 Norton-cont. ...... • ……………… ... "" ... ... residents at, 1421, 1857, 2784. **** Conyers, co. York, resident at, 1018. Norwell, co. Notts, residents at, 462, 1319. Norwich, 1012, 1247 (2), 1351. alderman of, 3227. ***** ··· Bryers, co. Oxon, residents at, 2104, 3179. Hook, co. Oxon, church or minister of, 1639, 1640. Philip, Somerset, manor of, 1624. Curlew, co. Warwick, lands in, 1785. Ferris, Wilts, resident at, 1796. co. Worcester, resident at, 2015. King's, co. Worcester, lands in, 2146, 2367, 3160. resident at, 1639. ******* Salop, property in, 1875. resident at, 1875. > Bishop of, see General Index, Hall, Joseph. " ******* ..... .... officers of, 172, 229. Consistory of, registrar of, Step. Knight, 114. County Commissioners at, 672, 1297 (2), 2061, 2062, 2743. estates, &c., in or near, 1830, 2324, 3286. > Cathedral Close of, 115. citizens of, petition of, 1012. Commissioners for, 710. receipts from, 429. hospitals in, 1012 (3). treasurer of, 1012. ………. …………….. houses in, 114, 1838. insurrection in, 2804. .., mayor of, 1012. residents in, 229, 244 (2), 581, 672, 874, 909, 1012, 1171, 1288, 1342, 1858, 1958, 2324, 2845, 3159, 3193 (3). lists of, 113-116. sequestration solicitor for, 113. Norwood Park, co. Notts, resident at, 747. Nostall, co. York, resident at, 1997. Nosterfield, co. York, messuage and lands in, 3262. Notley, Black, Essex, resident at, 1610. or White Notley, Essex, residents at, 2515, 2516, 3182. Nottingham, carrier of, 36. letters, &c., dated from, 212, 213, 220, 249, 256, 299, 307, 342, 350, 593, 601, 645 (2), 660, 665, 672 (2), 729, 736, 771. ****** Castle, resident at, 535. Commissioners for, 746. County Commissioners at, 343, 672, 771, 773. King at, or going to, 930, 1153. attendants on, 1383. •• ******* King's party at, 1181. 70358. Nottingham-cont. …………………., mayor of, 207. ………………………, money sent to, 36, 37, 81. ……………………… G • ... King's standard at, setting up of, alluded to, 372. letters dated from, 150 (2), 187, 195, 205, 207, 267, 297, 307, 378, 425, 449, 462, 486, 505, 532, 535, 543, 558, 653, 696, 699, 729, 754, 769. Parliamentary garrison at, 150 (2). governor of, 1856, 1861. 2 ………J places in or near, 672, 729, 1897. prisoners at, or sent to, 1225, 1861, 2008. residents at, 150, 508, 535, 551, 729, 1174, 1420, 1733, 2102, 2107, 2639 (2), 2640, 2727. Nottinghamshire, condition of, 342, 771. Scots' army at, 543, 791 (2). ...... · ..... Commissioners with, 36, 81. town clerk of, 1278 (2). travellers to or from, 438, 771, 773, 792. ……………… County Commissioners of, 150 (2), 193, 207, 425, 434, 438, 450, 469, 510, 513, 514, 542 (2), 543, 547 (2), 551, 557 (2), 560, 568, 577, 633, 938, 988, 1039, 1197, 1266 (2), 1267 (2), 1297 (2), 1325, 1348, 1351, 1402, 1414, 1420 (2), 1664, 1732 (2), 1733 (2), 1734, 1855, 1932, 1970, 2108, 2250 (2), 2388, 2389, 2477, 2497, 2552, 2565, 2586, 2639, 2645, 2744, 2754, 2851, 2852 (2), 2886, 2905, 2906, 2938, 3060, 3252, 3272, 3287. appointment or approval of, 171, 557, 672, 699, 707, 746, 747. certificates of, 2586, 2750, 2851, 2918, 2931. > ……………… ……………=> alluded to, 1335, 1472, 1734, 2388, 2550 (2), 2640, 2945, 3016. depositions sent up by, 2586, ……………… 26.49. letters of, 187, 195, 205, 207, 267, 294, 297, 307, 342, 378, 425 (3), 449, 462, 486, 496, 505, 532, 535, 558, 564, 569, 570, 590, 595–597, 599, 612, 616, 644, 653, 676, 696, 699, 729, 738, 754, 569, 1267. ... alluded to, 434. ****** letters to, 231, 234, 265, 269, 295, 312, 313, 339, 349, 374, 457, 467, 469, 532, 547, 558, 571, 595, 613, 713, 760, 765, 769, 771, 773, 774, 1337, 1351, 1963, 1970, 1971, 2886, 2918, 3026, 3252, 3253, 3287. • …………♥ alluded to, 62, 462, 518, ··· ***3 560, 609, 657, 697, 1336, 1526, 3287. •••• • note by, 123. officers of, 107, 150, 258, 267, 308, 342, 349, 378, 558 (2), 612, 676, 769, 773. .. **** order of, 696. ****** alluded to, 43. 00 3754 INDEX OF PLACES. Nottinghamshire, County Commissioners of— cont. "" ****** orders to, 258, 425, 938 (2), 961, 1039, 1197, 1264-1267, 1278, 1335-1338, 1348, 1402, 1404, 1569, 1664, 1734 (2), 1735, 1769, 1854, 1855, 1932, 1970 (2), 2108 (2), 2191, 2338, 2339 (3), 2388 (2), 2389, 2461, 2462 (2), 2477, 2497, 2547, 2550, 2579 (2), 2640, 2744, 2750, 2754, 2851, 2852 (2), 2906, 2932, 2938 (2), 3224, 3272. ·· > ……………* asked for, or alluded to, 80, 584, 612, 650 (2), 1265, 1266, 2464, 2550, 3224. ……………………c、 ……………., payments to, 1225, 1855. warrant for, 795. petitions of, 542, 682. alluded to, 543 (2). petitions to, 1323, 1717. prosecution of, 820 ***** references to, 1401, 1854, 2550, 2574, 3160. ........, reports by, 1854, 2545, 2905, 2912, 3025. > ..... •• ·· ... ... ...... ... ………………. ...y the late, 207, 231, 267,342,343, • > …………. > 349, 557 (2), 558, 564, 566, 569, 571, 676, 696, 1267 (2), 1733, 1855, 1970, 1971, 2250 (3), 3272. ………… ? ..... J.Ps in, 449, 570. .., lands, estates, &c., in, 333, 425, 450, 462,533, 650, 676, 938, 961, 1226, 1266- 1268, 1316, 1350, 1351, 1357, 1421, 1473 (2), 1732-1737, 1769, 1851, 1854 (2), 1855, 1932, 1968-1970, 2058, 2144, 2188, 2250 (2), 2258, 2339 (2), 2340, 2389, 2467, 2473-2475, 2547, 2550, 2574, 2579 (2), 2744, 2753, 3152, 3160, 3272. Major-General of (Gen. Whalley), ...... • queries by, 231, 267, 557. summons by, 1693. treasurer of, 557, 612. 939. market towns of, 653. ..., mayor of, 150. militia or county forces of, 294, 296, 571. letter to, 713. ministers in, money for, 1197. money or revenues in, or returns from, 4, 151, 532, 536, 558, 619. Parliamentary forces in, 43, 771. places in, 450, 1980. residents in, 43, 59, 89, 150, 193, 449, 547, 560, 733 (3), 738, 1266-1268, 1350, 1401, 1560, 1732 (2), 1734, 1785, 1839, 1851, 1854, 1855, 1975, 2155, 2190, 2411, 2477, 2579 (2), 2586, 2744, 2968, 2995, 3287. ...... cases of, 952, 987, 1039, 1068, 1174, 1197, 1225, 1277, 1278 (2), 1308, 1318, 1319, 1323, 1324, 1335, 1336, 1338, 1343, 1347-1350, 1371, 1382, 1389, 1404, 1414, 1415, 1417-1421, Nottinghamshire, residents in, cases of-cont. 1518, 1536, 1553, 1569, 1575, 1693, 1717, 1741 (2), 1743 (2), 1744 (2), 1788, 1854, 1963, 2008, 2017, 2032, 2038, 2058, 2102 (2), 2107, 2113, 2244, 2338, 2388, 2497, 2545, 2550, 2552, 2565, 2579, 2586 (2), 2632, 2634, 2639, 2645, 2649, 2711, 2851, 2886, 2901, 2905 (2), 2912, 2918, 2931, 2938, 2978, 3016, 3025, 3060, 3152, 3224, 3257, 3259. lists of, 107, 108, 533, 769. notes of, 199, 729, 741, ... ..... • • ...) • • 742. ****** traveller to, 954. ...... Nudenham, Salop, resident at, 2226. Nuneaton, co. Warwick, Free School of, 1169. Nunington, Kent, resident at, 460. Nun-Monkton, co. York, resident at, 1992. Nunnery, the, Cumberland, resident at, 202. Nunney, Somerset, castle of, King's garrison at, 2760. •*3 .... ... .... sub-committee of accounts for, 612. sheriff of, 207, 590, 1319. deputy, 570, 590. officers of, 571. manor of, 2759. parish of, 2303. resident at, 2760. Glaston, Somerset, manor of, 2759. Nunnykirk, Northumberland, house called, 3282. Nuns, the, Northumberland, lands called, 2341 (2). ... ** ****** *** Nunthorpe, co. York, estate at, 403. Nursling, Hants, resident at, 105. tithing of, 106. Nurtherne, co. Warwick, lands in, 2643. Nutfield, Surrey, resident at, 2870. Nutford, Dorset, farm at, 2874. resident at, 2605. ******* lands in, 2759. *****) Nuthurst, Sussex, lands in, 1986. residents at, 1985, 1986. Nutshall, Hants, resident at, 531. Nyllh, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 1866. Nymet, Broad, Devon, resident at, 1468. Nympton, King's, Devon, resident at, 1287. ..... resident at, 2759. "" Oadeby, co. Leicester, resident at, 108. Oade's house and lands, Suffolk, 3005. Oaken, co. Stafford, manor of, or lands in, 3099 (2), 3225. Oakham, Rutland, estate at, 496, 2185, 2188. letters dated from, 188, 318, 357, 496. O powder magazine at, 940. residents at, 302, 940, 950. INDEX OF PLACES. 3755 Cakington, or Hoggington, co. Cambridge, parish of, 1650. residents at, 1649, 2347. woods at, 379. Oakley, co. Bedford, estate in, 2641. ', or Oakleigh Woods, co. Gloucester, 1050, 3265. " Little, co. Northampton, resident at, 1581. Oatwood Coppice, co. Bedford, 2167. Obden, co. Worcester, resident at, 1544. Obthorp, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1256. Ockham, Surrey, residents at, 1643, 2102. Ocle Pitchard, co. Hereford, resident at, 2011. · inhabitants of, petition of, 2641. Bucks, estates or lands in, 67 (3), 3041. resident at, 1563. Oddingley, co. Worcester, resident at, 3193. Oddington, co. Gloucester, resident at, 86. Odell, co. Bedford, resident at, 1263. Odiham, Hants, residents at, 283,2113,2947 (2). Odstock, Wilts, manor of, 78. residents at, 78, 1631. ..... Odstone, Berks, granges and farm of, 1619. Offchurch, co. Warwick, estate in, 3147 (2). resident at, 3147. Offham, Kent, resident at, 1942. Offington, Sussex, resident at, 1009. Offley, or Offlow, Bishops, co. Stafford, lands in, 2329. residents at, 89, 2007. High, co. Stafford, estate in, 2855. Mills, co. Stafford, 1207. Offord, Hunts, resident at, 2985. Offton, Suffolk, resident at, 1514. Ogle, Northumberland, lordship and castle of, ***. 1737. Oglett-in-Speake, co. Lancaster, see Speke. Ogwell, Devon, traveller to, 1212. Okehampton, Baron of, see Mohun, Lord. Okeley, Hants, resident at, 3188. Okeswell, co. Stafford, resident at, 89. Okewell, co. York, resident at, 972. Oldbury, co. Gloucester, lands in, 1474. resident at, 87. Ad Salop, resident at, 1184. Oldcastle, co. Chester, resident at, 3097. ........., co. Monmouth, resident at, 1589. Oldendale, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Oldfield, co. Chester, estate at, 60. Oldham, co. Lancaster, chapelry or rectory of, 1466 (3). ……………… parish, inhabitants of, petition of, 1466. residents at, 2043. Oldhurst, Hunts, manor of, 1205 (2). Oldlaund, co. Lancaster, houses in, 2009. resident at, 2009. ………. > Old Lodge and Park, co. Bedford, 2167. Old Park, co. Durham, resident at, 2680. Oldrings House, Suffolk, 3129. Oldstead, co. York, residents at, 1675, 2151. Oldwincle, co. Northampton, lands in, 3049. resident at, 1403. Ollantigh, Kent, residents at, 2255, 2853. Olliver's, Sussex, resident at, 3170. Olney, Bucks, resident at, 1739. Park, Bucks, resident at, 2096. Olton, Norfolk, resident at, 1312. Ombersley, co. Worcester, residents at, 1296, 1811. Ongar, Essex, hundred of, 95. High, Essex, resident at, 3193. Orby, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1376. Orchard, Devon, lands in, 1262, 2791. resident at, 1262. ***** A ·· ... .. .. Ore, Sussex, manor of, 1929. residents at, 1929, 2510, 2511. Orford, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1612. Suffolk, minister of, 2862. Orkneys, the, traveller to, 1647. Orleton, co. Hereford, resident at, 3013. Orlton, Salop, resident at, 2231. ..., co. Notts, resident at, 2032. Somerset, resident at, 900. · • > ...... Dorset, resident at, 118, 3089. East, Dorset, house, &c., in, 3089. > ... ** ... co. Worcester, manor of, 426, 430 (2). Ormesby, co. York, residents at, 934, 2529. Ormside, Westmoreland, manor of, 3053. residents at, 99, 3053. ... Ormskirk, co. Lancaster, bailiwick of, 1116. fair at, 2991, 3267. houses or lands in, 1117, 2937, 3047, 3220. ·· • > ··· .... A • letters or papers dated from, 291,626, 656. > ** ***** • manor of, 1117. minister of, 1105, 1112. parish of, 441, 589, 1105. UN > place in, 2758. prisoner taken at, 2364. rectory of, 1102, 1105 (2), 1112 (7), 1113. claimants on, 1112. .." residents at, 1107, 1191, 1952, 2051, 2625, 2991, 3065, 3220, 3267. Orpington, Kent, lands in, 1218. ……………………., rectory of, 1218 (3). residents at, 171, 1218. Orrell, co. Lancaster, Hall at, 1192. lands in, 2564. residents at, 395, 1192, 2564. Orton, Long, Hunts, lands in, 2382. ........., co. Lancaster, church of, 1603. inhabitants of, petition of, 1105. 111. -on-the-Hill, co. Leicester, resident at, Westmoreland, resident at, 521 (2). Orwell, co. Cambridge, resident at, 970. 002 3756 INDEX OF PLACES. Osbaldiston, co. Lancaster, house or lands in, 3013, 3231. ……………………, manor of, 3308. ***** residents at, 2574, 3013. Osbaston, Salop, resident at, 3059. Osendike, co. York, lands in, 1990. Osgathorpe, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Osgold Cross, co. York, wapentake of, 1493. Osgoodby, co. York, resident at, 983. Osmunderley, Cumberlaud, manor of, 1704. Ospringe, Kent, lands in, 1928. residents at, 460, 738. Ossington, co. Notts, residents at, 535, 1415. …………… tithes of, 3224. ... ? Oswaldtwisle, co. Lancaster, lordship of, 3077 (2). • resident at, 2333. …………………….. Oswell Beck, co. Notts, soke and ferry of, 2579. Oswestry, Salop, King's party at, 2857. manor of, 1625. ministers of, 2529. Ay ……… • ·· ***** ………………………, vicarage of, 2529. ***** Otford, Kent, rectory of, 1472. Otham, Kent, residents at, 1598, 1702. Othery, Somerset, plague at, 1664. resident at, 1664. ... Oth Frances, Dorset, resident at, 1896. Otley, Salop, resident at, 1024. ... • .. Suffolk, resident at, 1467. Otterbourne, co. York, parish of, 3233. resident at, 1749. ... • Otterden, Kent, land or house in, 2054 (2), 2140. Otterham, Cornwall, resident at, 2026. Otterington, co. York, resident at, 3024. Little, co. York, house, &c., in, 3024. resident at, 2683. ……………. " Otterton, Devon, King's garrison at, 2765. Ottery St. Mary, Devon, estates at, 401, 3203. King's party or garrison at, 1072,2765. letters dated from, 220, 446. .. • • " parish of, 2529. Parliamentary Governor of, 2857. prisoner at, 2193. residents at, 2345, 2857. .. mills at, 1941, 1942. residents at, 219, 251, 293, 1359, 1387, 1642, 1643, 1940, 1941 (2), 1944, 2966. Ottringham, co. York, residents at, 1551, 3080, 3126. Ougham, or Ulgam Grange, Northumberland, 3282. Ne Oulston, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2566. Oulton, co, Chester, resident at, 3252. ………………………, co. York, resident at, 1231. Oundle, co. Northampton, manor of, 456, 467, 1051, 1491 (3), 1707, 1710, 1714, 3282. order published at, 653. ……………………., rectory and minister of, 1054 (6). residents at, 88 (2), 289, 1053. petition of, 1054. *******) • Oure, Kent, residents at, 416, 460. Ouse, the, co. York, bridge over, 473. Ouseburn, Little, co. York, resident at, 2922. Ousefleet, co. York, lands in, 2008. Ouselbury, Hauts, see Owslebury. Ouston, co. Chester, residents at, 101 (2), 2121. Outwell, co. Cambridge, resident at, 2324. Over, co. Cambridge, estate, &c., at, 539, 2960. residents at, 743, 2960. •, co. Chester, rectory or minister of, 1232. residents at, 100 (4), 101 (5), 120, 604, 625, 1233, 1279. co. Gloucester, resident at, 759. Overcourt, co. Oxon, lands in, 2206. Overleasowe, co. Gloucester, lands called, 2919. .. *** ..... .. Overnawden, Devon, parish of, 3280. Overpen, co. Stafford, minister of, 2485. rectory of, 2484. ******* Oversley, co. Warwick, resident at, 3198. Lodge, co. Warwick, residents at, 2218 (2), 3205. Overton Waterfield, co. Huntingdon, manor of, 2120. > co. Leicester, estate or manor of, 1860 (2). Sawsy, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Oving, Sussex, parsonage, farm, and tithes of, 1863. Ovingham, Northumberland, lands in, 2590 (2). Ovington, Northumberland, manor, &c., of, · co. Lancaster, residents at, 1963, 1966, 2060. Ovyberry Manor, Salop, 1625. Ower-Martyn, co. Chester, tenement in, 1233. Owersby, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1432 (6). Owne, the, Devon, fishing in, 2533. Owre Moigne, Dorset, manor of, 1584 (2). Owslebury, Ouselbury, or Owselbury, Hants, rectory of, 282, 380, 385, 386, 447, 530- 533, 2693 (2). 2509. tenants of, 402. tithing of, 105. Owston, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1691, 2413. Oxborough, Norfolk, manor of, 2624. resident at, 2622. Oxford, Bishop of, see General Index, Skin- ner, Dr. Robert. Charles I. at, 465, 1152, 1278, 1471, 2499. .. appointments by, 1072. attendants on, 865 (2), 960. 1165, 1206, 1212, 1240, 1378, 1399. 1402, 1403, 1469, 1490, 1497, 1500, 1511, 1522, 1530, 1538, 1542, 1543, 1553 (2), 1567, 1570, 1576, 1582, 1583, 1585, 1595, 1596, 1615, 1653, 1804, 1808, 1967, 1979, 2000, 3306. > ………………………, ………………, commissions by, 851, 1601. council of, at, 899, 1019, 2425. .... "> , INDEX OF PLACES. 3757 Oxford, Charles I. at-cont. ĐỘ • .. > *** forces of, 1019, 1825. garrison of, 52, 1250, 1260, 1304, 1435, 1447, 1454 (2), 1457, 1460, 1468, 1490 (2), 1500 (2), 1519, 1521, 1529 (2), 1535, 1553, 1555, 1565 (3), 1568 (2), 1573, 1587, 1592, 1593, 1595, 1608, 1615, 1706, 1716, 1795, 1932, 1967, 1972, 1976, 1979, 2013, 2087, 2109, 2226, 2328, 2448, 2554, 2686, 2708, 2860, 2862, 2911. € ……………… 2 867. ... ……………………. • *** Great Seal of, 831. Junto, Assembly, or Parliament .... > of, 62, 69, 831, 945, 959 (2), 960, 980, 985, 990, 1009, 1032, 1051, 1072, 1132, 1136, 1184, 1239, 1244, 1273, 1318, 1430, 1435, 1437, 1447 (2), 1461, 1471, 1472, 1476, 1498, 1510, 1512, 1539, 1541, 1542, 1562, 1563, 1579, 1586, 1661, 1863, 1874, 2065. ****** 1880. vote against Parliament passed by, see General Index, Parlia- ment, vote against. .. • > • > a *****} •• **** officers of, 2585 (2). 9 ******* ......, party of, 84, 553, 831, 833, 837, 845 (3), 846, 853, 867, 869, 885, 896, 899, 904, 919, 926, 940 (2), 942, 944, 991, 1019, 1054, 1062, 1071, 1088, 1128, 1269, 1273, 1327, 1414, 1448, 1474, 1481, 1494, 1515, 1543, 1664, 1844, 1885, 2065, 2081, 2208, 2226, 2306, 2425 (4), 2577, 2588, 2935; see also Garrison of. Privy Seals of, issued from, ……………. '' > ...., proclamation of, alluded to, 874. D …………, ………………, quarters of, 1462, 1539, 2528. County Committee at, 347. order to, 1528. ... ………..> Duke of York at, attendants on, 1454, 1468, 1544. deserters from, 1209. estates under power of, estates, &c., in or near, 437, 934, 1394, 1447, 1595, 3057 (2), 3068. gaol of, prisoner in, 2006. goods brought to, 197. Governor of, for the King, 1299. for Parliament, 1021. ...... knighthood conferred by, 1824. mint of, 363. guard for, 314. letters dated from, 194, 271, 375, 445, 526, 664, 671. market price of grain in, 1945. ***** ***** persons at, 136, 43, 840, 865 (2), 944, 948, 970, 1501, 1521, 1564, 1579, 1608; see also Charles I. at, party of. death of, 1127, 1129, 1141, 1379, 1462, 1540, 1833, 2329, 2761. put to death, 1597. Oxford, persons at-cont. .... .. • 7 • 1994 places near, 837, 1034, 1188, 1273. Prince Charles at, 896. attendants on, 982, 1813. …………….. prisoners at, or taken to, 880, 945, 1019, 1151–1153, 1202, 1329, 1435, 1539, 1540, 1565, 1612 (2), 2425 (2). escaping from, 1271. persons who deny having been at, 835, 919, 1043, 1320. ………………….., Queen at, 1593. …………………… · .... residents at, 686, 845, 983, 984, 1443, 1447, 1521, 1549, 1550, 1552, 1562, 1563, 1564-1569, 1584-1586, 1592, 1595 (3), 1610, 1621, 1703, 1770, 2119, 2566, 2781, 2855, 2945, 3068. near, 2087. siege and surrender of, 84, 871, 934, 1209 (2), 1232, 1247, 1283, 1304, 1447, 1454 (2), 1459, 1465, 1466, 1479, 1482 (2), 1500, 1502, 1511, 1513, 1519, 1521, 1543, 1544, 1546, 1566, 1567, 1569, 1570, 1572, 1573 (2), 1578, 1585, 1588, 1592-1596, 1608 (2), 1609, 1632 (2), 1653, 1688, 1809, 1836, 1853, 1960, 2095, 2170, 2328, 2429, 2536, 2588, 2694, 2712, 3283. **** Articles of, 66, 304, 870 (3), 871, 1209, 1231, 1373, 1402, 1403, 1435, 1441, 1442, 1479, 1500, 1513, 1519, 1528 (3), 1542, 1544, 1546, 1547, 1558-1561, 1561 (2), 1570, 1586, 1593, 1596 (3), 1820 (3), 1841 (2), 2095 (2), 2447. …………..} compositions on, 57, 77, 79, 102 (2), 869 (2), 871, 1166, 1205, 1209 (3), 1230, 1231, 1243, 1257, 1283, 1321, 1379, 1387, 1394, 1399, 1402, 1403 (2), 1432, 1440, 1444, 1446, 1457 (3), 1461, 1465–1468, 1471, 1487, 1490, 1493, 1498-1500, 1509, 1512, 1519, 1520, 1561, 1567, 1579 (2) 1582, 1583, 1585, 1592, 1593 (2), 1615, 1649, 1661, 1702, 1810, 1819 (3), 1820 (3), 1841 (3), 1871, 1975, 2095 (2), 2100 (2), 2838, 3257, 3283. Parliamentary orders concerning, 48, 84 (2), 927. …………… ·· ..... ... ·· ... petitions for, 871, 960, 1043, 1055, 1173, 1205, 1206, 1215, 1217, 1218, 1230, 1232, 1236, 1243, 1250, 1273, 1303, 1329, 1369, 1372, 1373, 1379 (2), 1388, 1394, 1399, 1403, 1414, 1418, 1421, 1430-1433, 1435-1439, 1443, 1447 (3), 1454 (3), 1458 (2), 1460, 1461, 1463, 1465, 1466 (2), 1468, 1469, 1471–1475, 1479, 1481 (3), 1482 (4), 1487 (4), 1490 (2), 1491, 1493, 1494, 1498-1501, 1507 (2), 1509-1515, 1519 (2), 1521-1523, 1534, 1535, 1538 (2), 1541-1553, 1855- 1573, 1575–1579, 1582-1598, 1606 (2), 1608 (3), 1613, 1615 (2), 1616, 1629, 1632 (2), 1674, 1688, 1798 (2), 1811, 1818, 1819, 1836, 1853, 1858, 1888, 1974, 1979, 2087, 2095, 2100, 2429, 2694 (2), 3283, 3305. ་ • > V 3758 INDEX OF PLACES. Oxford, siege and surrender of, Articles of— cont. } ••• .... > ……………… ………………, persons not allowed, or forfeiting the benefit of, 54, 1173 (2), 1501, 1509, 1597, 1598, 1606 (2), 1608-1610, 1613, 1615, 1674, 1811, 3284, 3305. ..... y .... •, ******* surrenders on, 1493, 1502, 1514, 1523, 1526, 1545, 1563. travellers to or from, 34, 578, 724, 833, 844, 846, 913, 919, 932, 945, 947, 961, 980, 1008, 1018, 1045, 1048, 1058, 1084, 1099, 1127, 1179, 1205, 1207, 1230, 1238, 1239, 1244, 1263, 1269, 1295, 1304 (2), 1319, 1379 (2), 1386, 1394, 1460, 1418, 1421, 1447, 1458, 1462, 1463, 1469, 1471 (3), 1475, 1481, 1500, 1501, 1512, 1514 (2), 1515, 1520, 1521, 1523, 1526, 1541, 1543, 1545, 1546, 1554, 1558, 1562- 1564, 1567 (3), 1569-1573, 1575, 1578, 1582, 1583, 1586, 1591 (2), 1594, 1597, 1598, 1607, 1609, 1616, 1631, 1649, 1651 (2), 1676, 1679, 1691, 1795 (2), 1862, 1863, 1974, 2087, 2499, 2553, 2661, 2769. (University), beadle of, 67. .4 "" 706. 04 N 2945. ...... 1513. …………… ··· > ... ***> 1387. •" 2503. • cg ** .. graduate of, 2068. masters and wardens of, members of, 1567, 1579, professor of Civil Law at, professor of Hebrew at, 1552. rents of, 705, 706, 1550. scholars at, 1142, 1361, students at, 1622, 2236, case of, 2236. endowments for, 1622. , registrar to, 2443. Colleges of:- All Souls, lands or leases of, 1443, 2419, 2420. *** .... members of, 1639. warden of, see Sheldon, Dr. Gilbert. * ...... visitors for reformation of, Christchurch, Dean of, see General Index, Owen, John. ... ******* Dean and Chapter or Pre- bendaries of, 1528 (6), 1529 (2), 1552, 1943. petitions or requests of, 1707, 1708, 1943 (3), 1998 (2). ... alluded to, 765. ...., governor and students of, case of, 1943. governors of, petitions of, 1528 (2). • ****** …………… Oxford, Colleges, Christchurch-cont. lands or rents of, 107, 718, 765, 915, 1528 (4), 1529 (2), 1707, 1708, 1943, 1998, 3057 (2). Corpus Christi, lands of, 105?, 2458. • ***, 4. ……………… • .. ·· Jesus, principal of, Dr. Michael Roberts, 3136. Lincoln rector of, Dr. Zachary Hood, 1632. Magdalen, fellow of, 1461. > .. ton, 889. Merton, estates belonging to, 2797, 2798 (2). *** ·· > Dr. Jon. Goddard, 2797, 2798. warden and fellows or • ... scholars of, leases from, and rents due to, 3057 (2). petitions of, 2797 (2), 2798. " ****** 2429. Oxfordshire, 152, 694. leases from, 1034, 3223. president of, Dr. Wm. Lang- 2797. New, fellow of, 1387. *** ****** members of, 1744. wardens of, Nath. Brent and ... ·· ..... .. business of, 674. clerk of assize for, sec White, Col. Wm., M.P. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1009, 1612. County Commissioners of, 152, 206, 347, 369, 407, 570, 573, 576-579, 871, 872, 996, 1009, 1020, 1165, 1421 (2), 1441, 1442, 1550, 1717 (2), 1877, 1883, 1884, 1914, 2006, 2049, 2200, 2201, 2246 (2), 2380, 2382 (2), 2523 (2), 2717, 2833, 2835, 2868, 2870, 2878, 2943, 2944, 3057, 3068, 3069, 3070 (2), 3145, 3206, 3239. accounts of, 709, 718 (2). appointment or approval of, 95. University, lease from, 1595. …………… sub-warden of, Alex. Fisher, > 168, 172, 588, 601, 602, 673. ***** .... certificates of, 1421, 1640, 3152. alluded to, 375. ………………… ………………, contract with, alluded to, 2944. letters of, 194, 207, 242, 271, 292, 314, 347, 375, 393, 407, 445, 520, 526, 527, 570, 578, 616, 664 (2), 671, 674, 684, 686, 690, 694, 696 (2), 705, 728, 1871, 2246, 3174. King's magazine at, clerk of, leases held from, 1634. .., provost of, Dr. Rob. Pinke, alluded to, 189, 330. letters to, 168, 251, 264, 276, 300, 313 (2), 374, 524, 576, 594, 633, 641, 667, 698, 706, 717, 757, 871, 1021, ……… , INDEX OF PLACES. 3759 Oxfordshire, County Commissioners of, letters to-cont. …… ..... • ..... .. .. ♥… CURAN✰* 1618, 1969 (2), 2201, 2245, 2246, 2943, 2944, 3167, 3174. • letters to, alluded to, 470, 577, 697, 713, 867, 1021. ...... officers of, 194, 206, 242, 300, 375, 445, 570, 579, 660, 664, 674, 934, 1440, 1595. orders of, 1717. …………… orders to, 314, 375, 465, 502, 635, 935, 938, 1020, 1099–1101, 1165 (2), 1188, 1440 (2) 1442, 1550, 1552, 1595, 1617 (2), 1618, 1637-1640, 1717, 1871, 1883, 1884 (2), 1969, 1971, 2006, 2200, 2246, 2381, 2382, 2523, 2534, 2575, 2717, 2833 (3), 2835, 2878 (2), 3030, 3057 (4), 3068, 3069 (2), 3070 (3), 3145, 3166 (2), 3167, 3174, 3197. …………… …………… ………….. alluded to, 1223, 1249, 1552, 1871, 1877, 2457, 2855, 3030, 3152 (2). 2246. " …………… ………………↑ alluded to, 1883. ....3 ..... references to, 1249, 1640, 1913, 2235, 2246, 2944, 3030, 3057 (2), 3197 (2). reports of, 2943, 3055. treasurer of, 242. > ****** the late, 207, 242, 271, 664, 696, 713, 718 (2), 728, 1440-1442, 3174, 3197. lands, estates, &c., in, 206, 407, 437, 718, 934, 938, 1021, 1099 (2), 1102, 1188, 1223 (3), 1249, 1251, 1440 (2), 1443, 1489, 1563, 1592, 1617, 1618 (2), 1621, 1624, 1626, 1700, 1831, 1884, 1913, 1914 (2), 1968 (2), 1971, 2048, 2158, 2201, 2206, 2247 (2), 2380-2382, 2523, 2528, 2833, 2835, 2877, 3030 (2), 3031, 3057 (2), 3069, 3070 (3), 3239, 3298. …… ……………., receipts from, 429. Major-General for[Col.Charles Fleet- wood], 1009, 1612 (2). ....., Deputy [Major Wm. Packer], 1612. ……………………, money for, 782 (2). ........., money from or revenues in, 27, 619. places in, 463 (2), 728. receiver-general for, 767. petition to, 1421. queries or requests by, 660, ** County troop of, 164-166, 168, 189, 242, 243, 251, 271, 292, 300, 314 (3), 330, 347, 375. *** residents in, 195, 523, 574, 1099, 1099, 1100, 1187, 1309, 1421, 1501, 1637, 1717, 1785, 1811, 1851, 2090, 2232, 2246 (2), 2313, 2419, 2457, 2528, 2575, 2576, 2655, 2697, 2717, 2833 (2), 2877, 2944, 3041, 3066, 3070 (2), 3085, 3121, 5125, 3152. certificate by, 1188. Oxfordshire, residents in-cont. ·· cases of, 867, 869, 934, 948, 996, 1009, 1034, 1035, 1099, 1198, 1263, 1421, 1439, 1446, 1471, 1478, 1501, 1510, 1513, 1518, 1536, 1542, 1549, 1550 (2), 1559, 1563-1565, 1568, 1570, 1571, 1584, 1585, 1595 (3), 1608, 1610 (2), 1612, 1615, 1632, 1639, 1716, 1732, 1759, 1811, 1851, 1871, 1877, 1883, 1943, 1949, 1976, 1977, 1999, 2006, 2078, 2079, 2100, 2104, 2119, 2138, 2206, 2209 (7), 2235, 2236, 2245, 2352, 2523, 2534, 2566, 2585, 2717, 2781, 2837, 2868, 2877, 2943, 2945, 3030, 3055, 3057, 3068, 3069, 3145, 3152 (2), 3166, 3174, 3179, 3186 (2), 3194, 3197 (3), 3206, 3218, 3239, 3245, 3259 (3), 3260. .....} lists of, notes of, 728, 740-742. sheriffs, high, of, 616, 1969, 3152. surveyors of, messenger of, 169. traveller to, 1035. ..... Oxfordshire, Berks and Bucks, joint Com- mittee for, see Berks. Oxhill, co. Warwick, resident at, 2524. Oxton, co. Chester, estate at, 61. .. ••• **** resident at, 1197. Suffolk, resident at, 897. Oyleys, Salop, tenement called, 3215. ..} ******* co. Notts, prebend of, 1197 (2), 1351. .. Packford, co. Worcester, lands in, 2362. Packington, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. co. Warwick, estate in, 1468. residents at, 1784, 1793. . P Paddington, Middlesex, resident at, 466. Padstow, Cornwall, letter dated from, 665. resident at, 3150. ………. tithes of, 1793. Little, co. Warwick, resident at, 1548. tithes of, 1548. Padworth, Berks, poor of, petition of, 2390. Paglesham, Essex, lands in, 2334. Paiguton, Devon, lands in, 2987. ........, rectory of, 373, 2988. Paines Castle, co. Radnor, 2315. Painsford, Devon, barton of, 1878. resident at, 1878. Painsley, co. Stafford, manor of, 2024. residents at, 2024, 3258. Painswick, co. Gloucester, residents at, $6 (2), 87 (2). Pakcnell, co. Gloucester, resident at, 748. Palgrave, Suffolk, residents at, 1297, 1409, 2665, 3169. 7. 3760 Panckridge, Salop, fair at, 750. Pancrasweek, Devon, parish and rectory of, 1239 (2). Pangbourn, Berks, residents at, 1062 (2). Panington, or Pannington, co. Gloucester, estate or houses at, 85, 1745. manor of, 1625. resident at, 1745. ****3 Panteage, co. Monmouth, estate in, 3238. Pantglase, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2034. Pantley, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2975. Panton, co. Lincoln, minister of, 174, 2181. Parbeston, co. Pembroke, inhabitants of, peti- tion of, 1036. Parbold, co. Lancaster, manor of, 3119 (2). residents at, 21, 3007. Parcassick, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1710. Parham, Sussex, manor of, 850. residents at, 472, 849, 1838. • La ...) Paris, death at, 2358. * .. · ↓ INDEX OF PLACES. 9 Park, the, co. Brecon, resident at, 2037. 2049. House, Somerset, 1734. Meade, Somerset, estate of, 2101. Parke, co. Merioneth, resident at, 3055. Parker, co. Stafford, resident at, 617. Parkhall, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2543, 3187. ··· English Court at, 1580. Englishmen in, 3282. Fauxbourgs of, resident in, 1580. Pale, Dorset, residents at, 118, 3065. Coning, co. Monmouth, estate of, residents at, 21, 2541. ........., co. Warwick, manor of, 1204. residents at, 1203, 1814. Parkham, Devon, residents at, 97, 2064, 2635. Parkhouse, co. Chester, resident at, 1092. " Park's Farm, Dorset, 3292. Parkwell Coppice, co. Notts, 1268. Parlington, co. York, manor of, 2313. Parnham, Dorset, resident at, 118. Parr, co. Lancaster, croft or house in, 2836, 3081. residents at, 3081, 3169. Parrett's, Salop, tenement called, 3215. Parslow, Essex, resident at, 1299. Parwich, co. Derby, resident at, 1667. Passenham, co. Northampton, resident at, ***** 1671. Paston, co. Northampton, resident at, 1929. Patengen, co. Stafford, manor of, 2057. resident at, 2059. Patney, Wilts, living of, 79. Patrick, Hants, farm, &c., of, 2533. Patrington, co. York, resident at, 1547. Patrixbourne, Kent, resident at, 460. Patshall, or Patshull, co. Stafford, lands in, 2921. Patshall, or Patshull-cont. residents at, 89, 2921. Patswick, Essex, minister of, 1864. Pattenham manor, co. Bedford, 2011. Patterdale, Westmoreland, residents at, 203, 547. Pattingden farm, Kent, 1948. Pattingham, co. Stafford, rectory of, 3180. Patton, Westmoreland, residents at, 547, …………. 3233. Paul, Cornwall, resident at, 2866. co. York, minister of, 2152. .. ………………} Pauntley, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. resident at, 2219. .. ……………., rectory of, 2152 (2). resident at, 1022. ... Pavenham, co. Bedford, estate at, 554. Pawlett, Somerset, lands in, 1199, 2376. manor of, 2557. residents at, 1810, 2376. Paxford, co. Worcester, lands in, 2662. Paxton, Hunts, minister of, 1250. • Payhembury, or l'ehembury, Devon, money from, 342. residents at, 502, 1072, 2853. sheaf or rectory of, 442, 965. Peak, the High, co. Derby, hundred of, 328. lead mines in, 2320. 1 ****** ****** traveller to, 757. Forest, co. Derby, cottages, &c., in, 1736. Peasemore, Berks, estate in, 3140. Peasenhall, Suffolk, estate in, 2827. 1 resident at, 2828. Peasmarsh, Sussex, lands in, 1471. Peatling, Great, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. ........, Little, residents at, 110 (2). Peckenham, North, Norfolk, estate in, 2916. Peckforton, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 101 (2). Peckham, Kent, lands in, 1683. East, lands in, 1680. residents at, 460, 864. West, resident at, 460. Surrey, residents at, 1534, 2077. Pedder's Wink, Norfolk, resident at, 114. > , Pedmore, co. Worcester, lordship or manor of, 1204 (4), 1205 (2), 2042. Peel, co. Chester, lands in, 1369. Peglinch, Somerset, resident at, 1271. Pegnes, Somerset, manor of, 3275 (2). Pegsworth, Northumberland, lands in, 1736 (2), 1737. Pehembury, Devon, see Payhembury. Pelham, Herts, estates at, 2456, 2663. resident at, 2663. ……......, Furneux, see Furneaux-Pelham. Peliamounter, Cornwall, lands called, 2239. .., INDEX OF PLACES. 3761 Pellenny, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1712, 1714. tithes of, 1713. •* Pelton, co. Durham, estate or lands at, 2625, 2626 (2). resident at, 2626. .., co. Warwick, resident at, 1857. ... · Pemberton, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1722, 2014, 2333, 2394, 2520, 2904, 3105, 3174. Pembrey, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 2036. Pembridge, co. Hereford, castle and lands of, ******* Pembroke Castle, King's party at, 1276. ****** ………… ·· 2824. manor of, 2068 (2). resident at, 2035. • • 1857. …………………., mayor of, 791. resident in, 747. Pembrokeshire, 1826. ...., County Commissioners of, 222, 1282, 2353 (3), 2438. appointment of, 517. letter of, 618. letter to, 169. 2 ·· ………. 1857. letter dated from, 758. ... ……… " " ***3 ... " ** ... • •> the late, 2353. King's forces or party in, or rebels of, 1825 (2), 1826 (3). lands, estates, &c., in, 392, 1282 (2), 1644, 1645. 1441 surrender of, 239. plague in, 392, 415. residents in, 530, 1036 (3), 1824, 2153, 2353, 2438. ........., cases of, 1035, 1857, 1882, 2042, 2106, 2353, 2438, 2611, 3160. sheriff of, 229, 482, 2353. Penckridge College, co. Stafford, 2082. Pencombe, co. Hereford, manor of, 2070. resident at, 2070. P'encoyd, co. Monmouth, residents at, 227, 1665. Pencreek, co. Monmouth, residents at, 311 (2), 533, 2326, 2947. Pendennis Castle, Cornwall, 799, 1278, 1809. King's garrison or party at, 381, 382, 425 (2), 444, 1327, 2238, 2296, 2731, 2866, 3291. Articles of, 239, 1276, prisoners taken at, 1855, ་་ , market towns of, 229. M.Ps of, reference to, 1282. Parliament forces in, 1825. > alluded to, 609. officers of, 162, 169, 618. orders to, 1882, 2353, 2438. alluded to, 2180. King's governor of, 2237. prisoners at, 2425 (3). resident at, 2210. Pendennis Castle-cont. • **** A Articles of, Compounders on, 381, 425, 1468, 1800, 1935, 2238 (3), 2244, 2647, 2664, 2791 (2), 2804, 3062 (2), 3066 (2), 3159. Pendenvow, Cornwall, resident at, 117. Pendle, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2073, 2075, 3231. ...• Forest, co. Lancaster, houses and lands in, 2009, 2074, 2075. resident at, 3220. Hall, co. Lancaster, 2075. Pendleton, co. Lancaster, resident in, 3160. Pole, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1896. ... 2866. **** > · "" , *** Pendley, co. Herts, resident at, 873. Pendoylon, co. Glamorgan, lands in, 2180. Pendryn Manor, Cornwall, 246. Pengavenny, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1714. Penistone, co. York, minister of, 931. parishioners of, petition of, 931. Penley, Wilts, rents at, 78. ……………… Penlline, co. Glamorgan, castle of, 2674. lands in, 2674. .....y siege of, 223. surrender of, 1468, 2647, 2731, ********** **** resident at, 2674. Pennard, Somerset, parish of, 2305. Pennington, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2079, 2120, 2813. Pennycomequick, Cornwall, resident at, 3042. Penrice, Cornwall, resident at, 1255. co. Glamorgan, manor of, 2312. Penrith, Cumberland, Commissioners meeting at, 333. letters dated from, 156, 157, 207, 287, 333, 366, 382, 566, 574. residents at, 202 (3), 285, 337, 574, 821, 1698, 1744, 3024, 3199. tithes of, 232. ****** Penros, Cornwall, resident at, 1935. Penrose, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1715. residents at, 2088, 2270, 3003, 3091. Penryn, co. Carnarvon, resident at, 3055. Cornwall, residents at, 2977, 3259. traveller to, 1011. Pensam, Cornwall, resident at, 2770. Pensby, co. Chester, estate at, 60. Pensnett, co. Stafford, chase of, 2324. Pensthorpe, Norfolk, manor of, 1759. Pentleech, co. Carnarvon, resident at, 2055. Pentlow, Essex, farm-houses at, 1663. Pentney, Norfolk, resident at, 2850. Penton Mewsey, Hants, estate of, 3070. Pentrebach, co. Monmouth, residents at, 3003, 3065. Pentreh Claud, co. Denbigh, resident at, 2549. Pentre Madock, Salop, resident at, 1599. Fentridge, co. Derby, inhabitants of, petition of, 1357. Penwith Manor, Cornwall, 290, 539. 3762 INDEX OF PLACES. Penwortham, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2025. resident at, 1787. Penzance, Cornwall, letters dated from, 259, 287. *** rebellion at, 2704, 2866. residents at, 1381, 2443, 2704. Peover, co. Chester, resident at, 121. Pepley, co. Northampton, manor of, 2198. Perching, Sussex, manor of, 2544, 2545. Perrott, North, Somerset, resident at, 1880. Perryhall, or Pershall, co. Stafford, residents at, 90 (2), 112, 1192, 2494, 2815. tenement in, 2815. " Perry's Close, co. Bedford, 2167. Pershall, co. Stafford, see Perry hall. Pershore, co. Worcester, resident at, 3256. Perth, Scotland, King of Scots' party at, 1647. Perton, co. Stafford, manor of, 990. resident at, 2240. Peryton, Somerset, manor of, 2527. Peterborough, co. Northampton, Bishop of, see General Index, Towers, Dr. Thos. or John. Dean of, see General Index, Cosin, Dr. John. …………« د. Peterley, Bucks, estate at, 68, 1785. resident at, 3192. ... Petersfield, Hants, resident at, 3115. Petersham, Surrey, lands in, 2553 (2). manor of, 2553. ... "" Peterstone, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1980. Petham Court, Kent, 368, 373. Petherick, Little, Cornwall, estates in, 3059 (2). ** resident at, 671. ********* Petherton, North, Somerset, parsonage of, 896, 897. Dean and Chapter of, 88. ·· **** rents or lands of, 90, 1436. residents at, 88 (2), 174, 1019, 1352. ……………., residents at, 1778, 2429. South, estate at, 1223. N • " residents at, 1361, 1381. Petherwin, North, Devon, resident at, 1318. Pethouse, co. Glamorgan, see Bettws. Pett, Sussex, manor of, 2123. > resident at, 2606. ****** Pettyeshold, co. Monmouth, lands in, 1850. Petworth, Sussex, Parliament party at, 54. residents at, 834, 868, 1071, 1299, 1994, 2090, 2545, 3261. **** .... Pevensey, Sussex, rape of, 600. Pewsey, Wilts, residents at, 2135, 2645. Fharleton, co. Lancaster, see Farleton. Pickenham [? Beckingham], co. Lincoln, resident at, 2175. Norfolk, manor in, 2624. resident at, 2702. North, Norfolk, lands in, 2315. ...... Pickering, co. York, lands in, 1161, 1387. Pickering-cont. lithe of, places in, 1906, 2008. orders posted at, 654. rectory of, 1974, 1976. claimants on, 1277. ******* Pickhall, co. York, manor of, 2299. resident at, 2036. Pickhill, co. York, resident at, 3168. Pickton, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 103, 1174. .... Pickwell, Devon, resident at, 3280. co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 111. Pickworth, co. Lincoln, lands in, 1615. Piddington, co. Northampton, farms, &c., in, 1590 (2). Pierce Bridge, co. Durham, farms, &c., in, 465 (2). inhabitants of, petition of, 364. Pigdon, Northumberland, resident at, 3161. Pigehell, co. York, manor of, 243. Pilkington, co. Lancaster, lands at, 492. ··· **** manor of, 1114-1117. resident at, 1810. Travis Mill at, 1114. ..... > Pill, or Pull, Somerset, residents at, 119, 1321. Pillaton, or Pillington Hall, co. Stafford, resi- dents at, 2080, 2081. ..... .. • As Pilleth, co. Radnor, resident at, 1387. Pilling, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2052. manor of, 2051, 2934 (2). Moss, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3212. Pillington, see Pillaton. .. ** · ·· ·· Pilson, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2200. Pilton, co. Northampton, lands in, 3049. • •, resident at, 2726. Somerset, minister of, 916. resident at, 916. Pimbley, Salop, residents at, 1185, 1386. Pimventon Farm, Dorset, 1146. Pinchbeck, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1822. Pinckott, co. Gloucester, house and lands at, 2803. ... > ... , • ... Pinhoe, Devon, estates at, 152, 153. residents at, 353, 522, 1469, 2931, 3186. Pinner, Middlesex, lands in, 1483. Pipe, co. Stafford, manor of, 1865. resident at, 1804. · ***) ******} Pipewell, co. Northampton, abbey of, 2195. manor of, 2195 (3), 2196. woods of, 1581. Pipwell, Wilbarston-cum-, minister of, 2196. • Rutland, lands in, 3079. minister of, 496. > > tithes of, 2196 (2). Pirehill Hundred, co. Stafford, wasting of, by the King, 26. " Pirgo, Essex, resident at, 1782. Pirton, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1624. co. Herts, resident at, 1960. INDEX OF PLACES. 3763 Pitchcroft Meadow, co. Worcester, rendezvous for Charles II. at, 1195, 1824. Pitchford, Salop, resident at, 1331. Pitfield, Kent, lands of, 1431. Pithouse, Wilts, residents at, 941, 1412, 3052. Pitminster, Somerset, residents at, 1417, 1811. Pitney, Somerset, manor of, 1249. Pitsey, Essex, manor of, 1075. Pitt, Hants, resident at, 3190. Pittington, co. Durham, lands, &c., at, 642, 655. ., rectory of, 3079. residents at, 642, 655. • ··· "" ...., North, co. Durham, farm, &c., in, 3037. Pixley Court, co. Hereford, 548. Placecough, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1719. Place Gwyn, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1824. NASA. Plague, the, persons infected with, 975. Plaitford, Wilts, estate in, 78. Plemstall, co. Chester, rectory of, 103, 104, 143, 1430, 1431. I'lenmellar, Northumberland, manor of, 2672- 2674. Pleshey, Essex, residents at, 926, 1212. Plessy, Northumberland, residents at, 1401, 2355. Piewland, co. York, residents at, 2150, 2206. Pluckley, Kent, lands in, 2612. residents at, 460, 2175. • • places suffering from, 121, 145, 285, 287, 297, 319, 392, 415, 452, 571, 572, 600, 676, 922, 1038, 1335 (2), 1336, 1371, 1404, 1417, 1419 (2), 1420, 1423, 1459, 1547, 1664, 1678, 1684, 1701, 1702, 1704, 1741, 1743, 1746, 2590, 2704. Plumpton, Cumberland, manor of, 2469, 2784. resident at, 2686. ......., co. Lancaster, manor of, 1117. resident at, 3155. Little, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2717. Wood, co. Lancaster, house, &c., in, 3155. *** ... Yollin, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1890. Yolly, Salop, resident at, 2030. Lands, Sussex, 2279. …………… ***** *****♪ > manor of, 2751 (2). residents at, 1814, 1922, 2751 (2), 2886, 2991, 3174. co. York, lands in, 2480. manor of, 2481 (3), 2482. resident at, 2480. Plumstead, Kent, lands in, 2122 (2), 2123. Norfolk, estate or manor of, 2324 (2). resident at, 2322. ~* Plymouth, Devon, 1852,1517. "7 **** collector of tonnage and poundage in, 1362. Committee for, 867, 3035. estates, &c., in, 1363, 2894, 3035. forts and island of, 808, 1361. Plymouth-cont. • ... ** ... ** .. D ******* • • ··· ………………………, mayor of, 3035. ***. • • • →→ •• > Foxhole street in, 3035. Governor of, 1302, 3035. Guildhall in, 180. Kenterbury street in, 180. King's party or garrison at, 1631, 1896. · , letters, &c., dated from, 35 (2), 97, 180, 198. • ; 867. Plymstock, Devon, lands in, 2595. Parliament garrison at, money for, 15, officers at, 157, 197, 471. party at, 1470. residents at, 152, 153, 1359, 1363, 1385, 2986, 3035 (2). ships at, papers relating to, alluded to, 3082. residents at, 2595, 2812, 2893 (2). …………… ……………… Plymton, or Plympton, Devon, estates at, 153 (2). …….. manor of, 2658. parish of, 3175. residents at, 736, 2756, 2794, 3259. Earl's, Devon, resident at, 3259. Mary, Devon, estates at, 153. resident at, 573. • " ****** Morris, Devon, minister of, 1598. Plymtree, Devon, collector for the King at, ships sent to, 15. siege of, 2811. Sir Thos. Fairfax at, 1678. taking of (by the King), 1631. 1127. residents at, 502, 1127. Pockerley, co. Durham, manor of, 2181. Pocklington, co. York, manor of, 2642. orders posted at, 655. residents at, 1907, 2054. Poden ground or pastures, co. Worcester, 566, 1705, 1706. Poghill, Cornwall, see Poughill. Pointon, co. Chester, residents at, 122, 123, 1157. " Polstead, Suffolk, lands in, 1268, 1269 (2). Polwhele, Cornwall, resident at, 2239. Pontagh, co. Lancaster, see Poultalgh. Pontefract, or Pomfret, co. York, aldermen of, 1575, 1704. Castle, messenger sent to, 1029. prisoners at, 1641, 1726. ……………., siege of, 211, 2048. *** ... --> surrender of, to Parliament, 1218, 1422, 1463, 1704. Articles of, compounder **** on, 1421. ** King's garrison or party at, 842, 894, 975, 1001, 1v11, 1018, 1155, 1160 (2), 1219, 1232, 1575, 1641, 1701, 1704, 1746. 3764 INDEX OF PLACES. Pontefract-cont. .... ... ... · • .... .. ... plague at, 1701, 1704. residents at, 1701, 1976, 2108, 2376, 2632. traveller to, 1575. Ponteland, Northumberland, lands or estates in, 1731 (4), 2595, 3212. Hall at, 1731 (2). residents at, 1051, 1730, 2594, 2907, 3212. .. **** ·· .. > Pontesbury, Salop, resident at, 1045. Ponton, Little, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1819. Pontop, co. Durham, manor of, 3023 (3). residents at, 3023 (2, 3062. Pooden, co. Gloucester, tenant of, 227. Pool, co. Montgomery, houses and lands in, meat market in, 1701. orders posted at, 654. Parliamentary garrison or party at, 150, 974. Poole, co. Chester, demesne of, or estates at, 60, 423, 1802, 2601. mansion house of, 2601 (4). residents at, 217, 423, 1802, 2601, 2701, 2855. co. Dorset, 839. •* "> .. •* .... garrison for Parliament at, 343, 1666. ………………….., governor of, 959, 1u12. residents at, 360, 3304. ships at, papers relating to, alluded to, 3082. .... King's governor of, 616, 1551, 2577. lands in, 3098. 2197-2199. letter dated from, 452. resident at, 2198. "" governor of, 616, 2409 (2). · A Poolefoot, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2909. Poolhays, co. Stafford, farm, &c., of, 2486. Poorstock, Dorset, manor of, 2534. Poplar, Middlesex, lands in, 2159. Marsh, lands in, 2159 (2), 2161. Popplewell, co. York, lands in, 2701. Porchester, Hants, resident at, 3198. Porkington, Salop, land in, 2345. resident at, 1070. co. Lancaster, resident at, 1953. Court, co. Worcester, resident at, 2306. ... Portbury, Somerset, residents at, 1417, 2940. Prior, Somerset, manor of, 2170. Porter's Hall, Essex, manor of, 1932. tenement, Northfield, co. Worcester, 1857. ... Portington, co. York, resident at, 2619. Portland, Dorset, King's governor of, 2930. lieutenant to, 3308. A ***** · " surrender of, 2930, 3308. Articles of, compounders on, 1690, 1691, 1741, 2030, 3308. Portlinch, Devon, resident at, 1283. Portsdown, Hants, division of, 730. Portsea, Hants, resident at, 1539. Portsham, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1692, 1757. Portlemouth, East, Devon, manor of, or estate in, 2533, 2534. Porton, Wilts, letter dated from, 759. resident at, 462. **** " Portsmouth, Hants, Customs' officers at, 3082. • *** ……………….., mayor of, 3009. ma "" ... > Poslingford, Suffolk, resident at, 1389. Postling, Kent, resident at, 460. Poston, co. Hereford, manor of, 1714. Potheridge, or Pudderidge, Devon, residents at, 97, 498, 1366. Potteril's Farm, co. Herts ?, 854. Potter's Lodge, co. Lincoln, 3064. Poubrey, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1825. Poughill, Poghill, or Pughill, Cornwall, manor of, 1080. · ……………. Parliamentary garrison at, money for, 41, 42, 799, 801. • ***** Poulshot, Wilts, resident at, 950. Poultalgh, or Pontagh, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2530. *** .. Excise office in, 3082. houses in, 2500 (2), 3009. King's garrison at, 904. Poulton, co. Chester, estate at, 60. prisoner at, 1322. residents at, 2088, 2500, 3009, 3114. ships at, 15, 3082. ……………………… parish of, 517. resident at, 2712. Lancelot, co. Chester, resident at, 3141. co. Lancaster, estate in, 2934. letter dated from, 538. parish of, 3116. > residents at, 1909, 1951, 3202. ..-in-the-field, co. Lancaster, estate in, 2849. co. Leicester, resident at, 108. Poultons, Hants, resident at, 976. Poundisford, Somerset, see Pownsford. Poundstock, Cornwall, resident at, 1757, 2903. Pounton's Manor, Suffolk, 2818. Powderham, Devon, resident at, 1927. Powick, co. Worcester, resident at, 3249. Powis, co. Montgomery, barony or lordship of, " 2197-2199. lands in, 2195. .... castle of, residents at, 2193, 2197. Powle Hearnes, Essex, estate at, 306. Powusford, or Poundisford, Somerset, resi- dents at, 119, 1257, 1646. Powse's Farm, Kent, 888. Pexwell, Dorset, residents at, 118, 2055. Poynings, Sussex, manor of, 2544, 2545. Poynton, co. Chester, resident at, 1038. INDEX OF PLACES. 3765 Prendergast, co. Pembroke, resident at, 1035. Prescot, co. Lancaster, houses or lands in, 1108, 1118, 2073. 4 manor church of, 1108. parish of, 1108, 1113, 2527, 2897, 3127, 3133, 3202. ******* …………………*** rectory of, 3266. residents at, 1111, 1493, 2825, 3203. Sutton-in-, co. Lancaster, see Sutton. ..-in-Baschurch, Salop, house, &c., in, ... 1625. Presly, Somerset, resident at, 1046. Preso, co. Lancaster, tithes of, 2950. Prestbury, co. Chester, residents at, 123, 1092, 1156. petition of, 894. ******♪ Park, co. Gloucester, 1624. Presteign, Radnor, Cross of, estates posted at, 4. CAMS ****** 555. letters, &c., dated from, 534 (2), 543, 549. ...... .... 7 • Prestlees, Northumberland, estate of, 2509. Preston, Bucks, estate at, 67. .-in-Wirrall, co. Chester, resident at, 2887. Devon, manor of, 3284. co. Durham, manor of, 2254. residents at, 552, 2252, 3178. ..-le-Skerne, co. Durham, residents at, 1731, 3069. •* parish of, 3054. resident at, 556. travellers from, 556. ..-on-Tees, co. Durham, lands in, 2254, 3299, 3307. *••• ****** lordship of, 2254. co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. residents at, 86, 2007. Candover, Hants, residents at, 344, 1429, 1523, 2391. Kent, estate in, 2603. parish of, 1755. residents at, 460, 2346, 2486, 3192. ... "" …………… ..... or Preston in Amounderness, co. Lancaster, alderman of, 2568. …………. aldermen and Common Council of, deposition by, 682. ·· ..... battle of (1648), 1763. > Commissioners meeting at, 486, 568, 624, 1284. constables of, 760?. houses and lands in, 573, 2815, 2917, 3134, 3213, 3220. King's army or party at, 1094. retreat from, 486. • **** letters or papers dated from, 194 (2), 213 (2), 215, 246, 266, 291, 315, 357, 361 (2), 392, 395-397, 411, 435, 441, 442, 455, 456 (3), 463, 473, 489, 490, 499, 526, 539, 549, 561, 562, 568, 589, 606, 625, 628, 664, 703. mayor of, 130, 682. Preston-cont. ·· minister of, 436. parish of, 2543. postmaster of, 272. residents at, 129, 246, 682, 1116, 1723, 2008, 2012, 2052,2073, 2199, 2562, 2598, 2659, 2716, 2717, 2723, 2815, 2822 (2), 2909 (2), 3010, 3047, 3085, 3102, 3134, 3145, 3193, 3194, 3200, 3213 (2), 3218, 3220 (2), 3234, 3458. **** ... , • .. taking of, 2849. travellers to or from, 291, 490. Welshman's house in, 573, 3213. Gubbals, Salop, manor of, 1006. house in, 2113. parish and tithes of, 1007. residents in, 1007. petition of, 1007. "> ... ***S Monford, Salop, lands in, 1614 (2). co. Somerset, residents at, 1277, 2964. Sussex, resident at, 2099. co. Warwick, resident at, 2218. Patrick, Westmoreland, courts 585. manor of, 2919. .-in-Holderness, co. York, residents at, 227, 1666. *** ………………. ... ** ……………. Long, co. York, resident at, 1551. Prestwich, co. Lancaster, minister of, 2650. ……………………., rectory of, 468. resident at, 2110. .... ******♪ .... Prestwick, Northumberland, estate in, 3212. Prestwold, co. Leicester, church of, 912. manor of, 2016. ………………………, rectory, &c., of, 3263. residents at, 111, 3263. township of, 3263. **3 .. Prestwood, co. Stafford, farm, &c., of, 2486. Sussex, manor of, 2234. resident at, 2233. at, Priestbeck Bridge, Cumberland, 812. Priesthawes, Sussex, residents at, 2721, 3194. Priestly, Somerset, manor of, 1429. parish of, 1430. Prince's Risborough, Bucks, lands in, 1785. Princethorpe, co. Warwick, rectory of, 1603. resident at, 715. Prior's Woods, co. Lancaster, estate of, 1109, 1110 (3). Priors Lee, Salop, resident at, 2469. Priory, the, co. Hereford, resident at, 2489. Prisall, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2641. Prittlewell, Essex, residents at, 1573, 1587. Probus, Cornwall, resident at, 1260. Puckington, Somerset, manor of, 2858. minister of, 900. rectory of, 900. resident at, 2858. ****** Pucklechurch, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. Pudderidge, see Potheridge. 3766 Puddington, co. Chester, residents at, 60 (2), 1565. co. Northampton, parish of, 2104. Puddletown, Dorset, manor of, 2348. residents at, 2209, 2972. Pudsey, co. York, lands in, 1872. Pughill, Cornwall, see Poughill. Pulborough, Sussex, park of, 868, 869. residents at, 616, 868, 1414, 2371. tenement in, 1071. ………… " .. Pulehill, co. York, resident at, 1158. Pulford Manor, co. Durham, 3215. Pulham, Norfolk, manor of, 114, 1527. Pull, Somerset, see Pill. Pulley, Salop, tithes of, 2410. Punchknowle, or Funcknoll, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1372. Purbeck, Isle of, Dorset, places in, 1315, 1692, 3143, 3193, 3240. Purbright, Surrey, estate in, 973. resident at, 972. Purcombe Farm, Dorset, 498. Purney Close, co. Bedford, estate of, 2167. Purston, co. Northampton, residents at, 1234, 2804. Purton, Wilts, lands in, 2676. INDEX OF PLACES. co. York, lands in, 3098. "" resident at, 3236. Pury Manor, Somerset, 1430. Putham, Hants, manor of, 2533. Putton-in-Checkerall, Dorset, manor of, 2501, Puttum [Putton, co. Dorset ?], taking of, 41. Pyling, Cornwall, resident at, 2240. Pytchley, co. Northampton, resident at, 88. Q Quantox-head, East, Somerset, residents at, 1778, 3108, 3182. West, manor of, 1512. Quarhill, Somerset, close in, 2304. farm, 2304, 2305. Quarleston, Dorset, resident at, 2764. Quarndon, co. Leicester, residents at, 111, ****** 941. Quarrendon, Bucks, lands in, 2235. Queen Camel, Somerset, estate in, 1145. residents at, 1144, 1145. Queeniborough, co. Leicester, manor of, 2411- 2413. residents at, 109 (3), 2217, 2411, 2412. Queenshill, co. Worcester, lands in, 1857. Quenby, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Quendon, Essex, resident at; 1882. Querkles, or Gwerckles, co. Merioneth, resi- dent at, 1856. Questiburches, co. Chester, resident at, 1582. Quick, Cornwall, resident at, 2209. Quickfield Close, co. Lancaster, house in, 2825. Quidhampton, Wilts, resident at, 1210. Quinton, co. Gloucester, estates at, 85 (2), 1853. .. • ... "" vicar of, 1410. Quorndon, co. Leicester, resident at, 184. " .... Raby Cotes, Cumberland, resident at, 202. Castle, co. Durham, resident at, 465. taking of 99, 1218. Rackwood Hill, co. Durham, lands at, 3231. resident at, 3231. Racton, Sussex, resident at, 1237. Radbrooke [Radburgh ?], co. Gloucester, es- tate at, 85. resident at, 1886. Radcliffe, Notts, see Ratcliffe. Raddon, East, Somerset, manor of, 2170. Radford, Devon, residents at, 2893 (2), 3150. co. Warwick, residents at, 2173, 3147. Radholme Laund, co. York, estate in, 2445. resident at, 2445 (2). ****** Radipole, Dorset, farm at, 262, 263, 1655-1657. Manor, 2501. residents at, 118 (2), 1654, 2978. Radley, Berks, resident at, 1629. Radnage, Bucks, estate or lands at, 67, 3140. Radnor, or New Radnor, corporation of, 578, 600. ……………… ► • ** · J preacher at, 1410. rectory of, 1410 (2). resident at, 1843. ', 617, 733. residents in, 709, 747, 771. Old, resident at, 621. Radnorshire, County Commissioners of, 534, 557, 709, 758, 2315. · •, ·· > ……………. Free School in, 709. lands in, 621. lands posted in, 555. letters dated from, 555, 578, 587, 589, …………., appointment of, 517. certificate of, 1991. information against, 3301. letters of, 534, 543, 549, 555, ...... 577-579, 587, 589, 617, 2360, 2361. alluded to, 549. letters to, 559, 574, 600, 636, R > > ........ 1991. ***** , officers of, 557. ****** orders to, 971, 1387, 2212, 2315, 2360, 2361 (4), 2434 (2), 3301 (2). INDEX OF PLACES. 3767 Radnorshire, County Commissioners of, &c. -cont. ……………. " …………………、 ………………, reports of, 2720, 3054. ·· ........., county troop for the King in, 944. lands, estates, &c., in, 556, 733, 1625, 1714, 1773, 1777, 2211, 2315, 2360, 2361 (3), 2708. place in, 621. residents in, 239, 636, 772, 994, 2497, 2536, 3301. cases of, 970, 1387, 1693, 1991, 2315, 2434, 2720, 2999, 3054, 3239 (4). lists of, notes of, 733, 741. revenue from, 620. ·· ,, • *** returns from wanted, 421, 449. treasurer of, 577. ... the late, 420, 543, 549, 556, 559, 577, 2999, 3301. "" > Kadwinter, Essex, parish of, 2097. Ragland, or Raglan, co. Monmouth, castle of, 38, 1706, 2442. ER > …………… King at, 897. .... ..... • King's party at, 311, 1546, 1589, 1665, 1693, 3003. lands in or near, 505, 2443. manor of, 350, 505, 1710, 1715. resident at, 1705. siege of, 311, 1728. Dixton-in-, see Dixton. Ragley, co. Warwick, resident at, 980. Ragnall, co. Notts, church of, 1350. .... ****** J ……………. > order to, alluded to, 3054. reference to, 2361. ..> resident at, 1349. Rainford, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1118 (5). minister of, 3266. residents at, 1118, 2098. tithes of, 1108. Rainham, Essex, 1617. ." Norfolk, resident at, 1740. Rainhill, co. Bedford, houses, &c., in, 2167. co. Lancaster, Hall at, 2527. lands, &c., in, 2527 (2), 2897. residents at, 1912, 2062, 2063, 2527 (2), 2897 (2). Rainsborough, co. Lincoln, King's garrison at, 1759. Rainscombe, Dorset, manor of, 3287. Wilts, resident at, 2135. Rainton, co. Durham, resident at, 203. Rakelet, Devon, estate at, 152. Rame, Cornwall, resident at, 1945. Rampisham, Dorset, parish of, 1430 (2). Rampton, co. Notts, residents at, 769, 2744. Ramsare Manor, co. Stafford, 938 (2). Ramsbury, Wilts, resident at, 1539. Ramsey, Hunts, minister of, 979, 1357, 1358. Parliamentary forces at, 979. residents at, 978 (2). Ramshope, thumberland, lands in, 2417. Randall, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 3276, 3277. ........., East, co. Lincoln, parish of, 3277. Randle's Manor, co. Derby, 1423. Rankcliffe (Rawcliffe ?), co. Lancaster, Hall at, 2676. .. Rannaker's Farm, co. Lancaster, 3047. Ranston, Dorset, resident at, 1086. Ranton, co. Stafford, lands, &c., in, 2014. residents at, 89, 2014. ………. .." Rasen, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2432. …………… **** …………. · 44 Raskill, co. York, rectory of, 882 (2). Ratby, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Ratcliffe, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2848. Hall, co. Lancaster, estate at, 3138. -on-Wreak, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. lands in, 2676. residents at, 2676 (2). Middle, manor and manor house of, 2676. ... Middle, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1324. residents at, 1323, 1324. ****** .., West, manor of, 1323, 1324 (3). resident at, 1323. co. Oxon, manor of, 2247. Raumer, Sussex, resident at, 838. Raunds, co. Northampton, resident at, 1949. ……………… ... Ravenstone, or Raunston, cos. Derby and Lei- cester, King's quarters at, 1236. residents at, 109, 1596. Middlesex, resident at, 1810. or Radcliffe-super Trent, co. Notts, lands in, 1267. minister and rectory of, 1266 (3). S ** Ravenstonedale, Westmoreland, rectory or tithes of, 2513, 2919. residents at, 203, 521 (2). Ravensworth Castle, co. Durham, 892. Raventofts, co. York, resident at, 3192. Ravenwick, Cumberland, mills at, 1669. Ravingham, Norfolk, resident at, 1322. Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 2506, 2676 ?, 2966, 3185. residents at, 2676 ?, 2966 (2), 3185. ·· } ? Upper, co. Lancaster, houses and lands in, 1967, 3138, 3213. residents at, 3138, 3213, 3243. Rawden, co. York, resident at, 1005. Rayleigh, Essex, resident at, 3156. Raynell, co. Notts, estate at, 1473. Razan, co. Lancaster, see Rearan. Read, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1251. Reading, Berks, 790 (2), 1019, 1443. clothiers of, 1019. .., County Commissioners at, 344, 673, 1098, 1588, 2825. defence of, 880. J.Ps for, 632. 3768 INDEX OF PLACES. F Reading-cont. …… …………. ·· letters dated from, 305 (2), 344, 443, 477, 481, 533, 543, 548, 560, 566 (2), 580, 586, 615, 618, 626, 632, 674, 686, 690. Parliamentary governor of, 906 (2). place near, 945. residents at, 172, 351, 376, 473, 478, 480, 481, 517, 524, 528, 529, 582, 591, 715, 866, 1448, 1555, 1565, 1583, 1593, 2617, 2665 (2), 2835. St. Lawrence parish, King's Mead in, 1625. taking of, 1179. traveller to, 882. ****** Readman tenement, Westmoreland, 386. Rea Hall, co. Stafford, resident at, 2745. Rearan, or Razan, co. Lancaster, resident at, 291. .... Rearsby, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 110. Reculver, Kent, parish of, 2510. resident at, 1422. Redbridge, Hants, estate near, 485. Redcastle, co. Montgomery, castle of, 431, 444, 2193, 2198. Parliamentary governor for, 309, ..... 431, 1633. prisoner in, 3255. taking of, 431. County Commissioners at, 562. demesne or manor of, 431, 2198. ·· ... ... letters dated from, 186, 218, 290, 309, 328, 341, 475, 597. , Red Deer Park, Somerset, 611. Reddered, Kent, resident at, 460. Redesdale, Northumberland, lands in, 3212. ......) manor of, 2417. Redinoche Velin, co. Carnarvon, estate in, 1511. Redisnap, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3240. Redlinch, Somerset, manor of, 1406 (4). Redlingfield, Suffolk, resident at, 3187. Redruth, Cornwall, manor of, 1381. residents at, 2321, 2804, 2866, Reedings, Essex, manor of, 2098. Reedswood, Northumberland, lands at, 3074. Reepham, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1494. Reigate, Surrey, estate at, 769. residents at, 1191, 1463, 2922, 3251 (2). Reighley, Kent, lands in, 2358. Relstock, Devon, rents in, 1598. Rempstone, co. Notts, resident at, 2244. Rendcomb, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 1653. Repton, co. Derby, church of, 1022. resident at, 2450. ***** Resberry, Bucks, see Wyrardisbury. Resgill, Westmoreland, see Rosegill. Ressinglis, Suffolk, resident at, 2505. Reteskin, co. Montgomery, lands and houses in, 2423 (2), 2424. resident at, 2423. Retford, co. Notts, residents at, 1560, 1575. East, proclamation at, 338. resident at, 2552. Rewe, Devon, estate at, 152. Reynold's Hall, co. Stafford, residents at, 1094, 1799. ·· .. ……… Rhosmore, co. Anglesey, resident at, 3130. Rhuddlan Castle, co. Flint, 1518?. Rhulas, co. Merioneth, resident at, 2090. Rhyd, co. Flint, resident at, 1634. Rial, co. York, farm in, 2153. residents at, 2153. ………….. ... > Ribbesford, co. Worcester, lands in, 1072. residents at, 1072, 2399. ……………..... Ribbleton, co. Lancaster, houses and lands in, 2917 (2), 3233. resident at, 3233. Ribby, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2445. Ribchester, co. Lancaster, parish of, 1117. tenement in, 3126. Richmond, Surrey, residents at, 1548, 2105, .... • · ... • 3232. co. York, castle yard of, 1527 (2). estate or lands in, 2518, 3095. manor or lordship of, 2151?, 2720, 3005 (2). orders posted at, 654. place near, 878. .... residents at, 878, 1122, 2651. solicitor for sequestrations at, 84. Richmondshire, co. York, places in, 1386, 2356. •• .... Rickmansworth, Herts, residents at, 404, 2290 (2). Riddialls, co. Worcester, 1776. Riddlesworth, Norfolk, residents at, 114, 1297. Ridge, Salop, resident at, 2113. Ridgley, co. Stafford, see Rugeley. Riding, Northumberland, lands in, 3074. Ridley, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 101, 103, 1801, 2447, 3289. Ridware, Hamstall, co. Stafford, residents at, 1134 (2). Rigartsfield, Cumberland, manor of, 1669. Rigemond [Richmond ?], co. York, manor of, 2151. Rigmadon, or Riggmayne, Westmoreland, residents at, 176, 1754. Rillington, Westmoreland, resident at, 176. Rinborough, co. York, demesne of, 3297. Ringash, Devon, rectory of, 503. Ringmore, Devon, estate at, 152. Ringstead, Norfolk, resident at, 2690. co. Northampton, inhabitants of, petition of, 1245. minister of, 1245 (3), 1246. Ringwood, Hants, resident at, 3036. Ripe, Sussex, parish of, 3012. INDEX OF PLACES. 3769 Ripley, Hants, church or tithes of, 1288, 1289 (2). ......, Surrey, manor of, 2544. co. York, residents at, 836, 3173. Riplington, Hants, lands in, 1788. • ■ ……….. ·· • resident at, 2591. co. York, lands and tithes in, 2990. Ripon, Alderman of, 1092. gaoler of, 3033. houses and lands in, 1804, 2410, 3134. · • "" …………., King's party at, 1119. .. liberties of, 33, 1008, 1023, 1119, 1120, 1159. orders posted at, 654. parish of, 1120, 2827, 3134. places near, 2254, 2410. **** list of, 33. traveller to, 1125. Rippingale, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1311. Ripple, Kent, resident at, 460. co. Worcester, resident at, 2731. Risborow, or Risborough, Monks, Bucks, es- tates at, 60, 3069. …………… · Northumberland, lands in, 430, 2592 (2), 3003. .. .. ·· minister of, 2846. resident at, 2846. Risby, co. York, manor of, 2990. resident at, 2990. Risegate, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1972. Rishton, co. Lancaster, township of, 2531. Rising, Norfolk, see Castle Rising and Wood Rising. ... •• residents in, 1023, 1092, 1119 (2), 1159, 1225, 1291, 1374, 1804, 2731, 3258. Rissbridge Farm, Essex, 2334. Riston, Salop, parish of, 1626. resident at, 1607. Somerset, tenement in, 1608. Ritton, Northumberland, resident at, 2594. Colt Park, Northumberland, 2595. Rivaulx, co. York, resident at, 3178. River, Kent, resident at, 1833. ……………. **** Sussex, manor of, 1961, 1962. Rixton, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2625. resident at, 2625, 3186. ......-cum-Glazebrook, co. Lancaster, resi- dent at, 370. Roach, co. York, resident at, 3095. Roadhuish, Somerset, resident at, 1419. Roake, Hants, manor and lands of, 2334 (2). Robarnes, Surrey, resident at, 1963. Rober [Roborough ?], Devon, resident at, 2707. Robertsbridge, Sussex, Committee at, 2769. Robert's Hall, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3101. Robesby (Rokeby ?), co. York, resident at, 3084. Roborough, Devon, see Rober. 70358. Roby, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2521, 2758, 2825. Rocester, co. Stafford, residents at, 1817, 2289. Rochdale, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1640. Rochelle, France, English pastor at, 2706. Rocher, co. Lancaster, estate of, 3237. resident at, 3237 (3). ... Rochester, Kent, bishop of, see General Index, Warner, Dr. John. County Committee at, 2602. Dean and Chapter of, lands held from, 2054. • • .... ** • .. .... " prisoner at, 2602. residents at, 460, 648, 869, 1686, 2554, 2555, 2930. St. Margaret's, in, 1686. כי Rochford, Essex, hundred of, 94, 2334. Rock, Northumberland, residents at, 2637, .. letter dated from, 127. M.P. for, 2058. 2749. co. Worcester, parish of, 2069. the, co. Worcester, resident at, 2069. Rockbeare, Devon, rectory of, 1392. residents at, 1121, 1423. Rockfield, co. Monmouth, estates in, 2909, 3139. resident at, 3139. Rockingham,, co. Northampton, castle of, at, 193, 559. Parliamentary governor of, .. ……… *** Bayton, co. Worcester, lands in, 2644. 1435. forest of, 1581. "S ******} 1581. ., ………………………, rectory of, 1435. lieutenant and keeper of, 81, residents at, 88, 1435. *** Rockland Tofts, Norfolk, estate at, 116. Sussex, manor of, 1624. Rockley, co. York, resident at, 1410. Rock Savage, co. Chester, resident at, 914. Rocliff, co. York, manor of, 1120. Rodd, co. Hereford, resident at, 897. Rode, co. Chester, residents at, 121, 122, 1029. Rodell, co. Derby, lands in, 1737. Roden, Salop, parish or township of, 1006 (2). Rodes, co. York, resident at, 1351. Rodmersham, Kent, farm, &c., in, 2501, 2502. Roecliffe, co. York, manor of, 1027. resident at, 1027. ******** Rokeby, co. York, residents at, 2863, 3084 ?. Rokesby-cum-Ness, co. York, manor of, 2299. Rolston, co. Stafford, resident at, 1060. Rome, Inquisition at, seizures by, 3063. Romford, Essex, County Commissioners at, 347. inhabitants of, petition of, 1302. minister of, 1302. resident at, 3287. PP 3770 INDEX OF PLACES. Romsey, Wilts, manor of, 2534. Romsgreave, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2848. Roos, co. Lincoln, manor of, 2735. Rooscoet, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2014. Ropers, in Scole, Norfolk, house called, 3241. Rorington, Salop, resident at, 2114. Roscoate, or Bowscoate Farm, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3122, 3267 (2). Roscowe, Cornwall, resident at, 1327. Rose Castle, Cumberland, Parliamentary garri- son at, 821. Rosegill, or Resgill, Westmoreland, residents at, 99, 203. Rosemore, co. Anglesey, resident at, 2510. Rosethwaite, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3258. Ross, co. Hereford, rectory of, 2846. residents at, 2015, 2204, 2360, 2584 (2). Rossall, Uprossal, or Isle of Rossal, Salop, residents at, 424, 636, 750, 3229. Rosse Park, co. York, resident at, 171. Rossett, co. York, estate in, 3152. Rosurry, Cornwall, resident at, 2866. Rothbury, Northumberland, houses, &c., in, 2341. resident at, 3208. **** Rotherby, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Rothered, Kent, resident at, 460. Rotherfield, Hants, resident at, 848. Grays, co. Oxon, resident at, 996. Sussex, manor of, 872. . Rotherham, co. York, orders posted at, 654. prisoner taken at, 1336. "" Upper, co. Hereford, resident at, 3182. " ..., rectory of, 2478. residents at, 843, 1769 (2), 2455, 2474. Rotherhithe [Surrey], resident at, 13. Rothersthorpe, co. Northampton, church of, 1580. manor and lands of, 1740, 1884. Rothley, co. Leicester, rectory of, 2411. resident at, 2411. Rothwell, co. Northampton, minister or par- sonage of, 1862 (2). ….., money for, 1649. *** residents at, 88, 1514 (2). ****** petition of, 1862. co. York, houses and lands in, 3192. parish of, 1231, 1351. residents at, 1350, 1384, 1393. Rotterdam, Holland, man-of-war of, 3081. ………………….., money sent to, 5. ........., persons at, 1037, 2109, 2111. resident at, 3082. 4. " Rottington, Cumberland, resident at, 3182. Rouen, France, resident at, 940. > **** Rougham, Norfolk, manor of, 1492 (5). residents at, 1967, 2837. Roughey, Sussex, manor of, 2171, 2172. resident at, 2172. Rough Farlington, lordship, &c., of, 2481 (2), 2482. Roulston, co. Notts, resident at, 2497. Roundhay, co. York, manor, &c., of, 2429- 2432. residents at, 532, 2429-2431. Rouse Lench, co. Worcester, resident at, 2438. Rowden, or Brooke Rowden's Farm, Essex, 2077, 2140. • Rowington, co. Warwick, cottage and lands in, 2795 (2). ... ..... ... ... 01 Rowland, co. Derby, lead mines in, 2321. ……………….., manor of, 2321. ........., poor of, money for, 2320. tithes of, 2321. Rowlehall Street, co. Warwick, resident at, .... ....g 1927. Rowley Gillett, co. Durham, lands called, 2807 (2). ♣ ........., co. Stafford, rectory of, 2322. U " manor of, lady of, 2795. tenants of, certificate by, 2795. ******* residents at, 549, 2795 (2), 3179 (2), 3185, 3191-3193. Rowney, co. Bedford, resident at, 1804. Rowsham, Bucks, resident at, 908. Rowston, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1276. Rowth, co. York, resident at, 1283. Rowton Heath, co. Chester, battle of, prisoner taken at, 1728. co. York, inhabitants of, petition of, 1925. """ resident at, 89. Reyhall, co. Stafford, manor of, 2513. Yeate, co. Stafford, houses, &c., in, 2321, 3283. Roxby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 972. …………....., co. York, place near, 3168. Roxton, see Wroxton. Roxwell, Essex, 3278. Royde, Wilts, farm in, 2766. Ruabon, co. Denbigh, resident at, 1499. Ruardean, co. Gloucester, manor of, 2362. residents at, 87 (3), 2360, 2361, 2536, 3182, 3192. Ruckhills, Surrey, lands in, 2293. Ruckholes, Essex, resident at, 2081. Rucking, Kent, houses, &c., in, 2660, 2661. Ruckley, Salop, manor of, 1008. tithes of, 2113. "" Rudby, co. York, resident at, 2771. Ruddins, the, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Ruddtherth Park, co. Cardigan, estate of, 3038. Rudhall, co. Hereford, residents at, 1996, 2536 (3). Rudheath, co. Chester, lordship of, 491, 2949. residents at, 491, 2499. INDEX OF PLACES. 3771 Rudston, co. York, residènt at, 1978. Rufford, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1950, 2560-2562, 2564. Rufforth, co. York, estate in, 3097. manor of, 3071. Rugeley, co. Stafford, manor of, 2998. ... • residents at, 89, 873, 1513, 1664. Rumanby, co. York, resident at, 2518. Rumbald Kirk, co. York, resident at, 1731. Rumbolds Wyke, Sussex, minister of, 1863. Rumney, co. Monmouth, house in, 2304. Rumsey, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3176. Rumworth, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2126. manor of, 2125. .. > Runcorn, co. Chester, estates in, 1911, 2954. residents at, 1747, 2954. ……………** Runcton, Suffolk, manor of, 2819. Sussex, farm of, 834. manor of, 833. 4 Rungey-in-Hale, co. Chester, resident at, 686. Runham, Norfolk, manor of, 2915 (2), 2916. Cleare, Norfolk, manor of, 2850. Runwell, Essex, estate in, 3177, residents at, 3177 (2). Ruscombe, Berks, resident at, 2835. Rusford Farm, co. Derby, 1735. Rushbrooke, Suffolk, resident at, 1869. Rushbury, Salop, resident at, 1816. Rushock, co. Gloucester, residents at, 2025, 2026. Rushton, co. Chester, lands in, 2447, 2875. residents at, 100 (2), 101 (2), 2447, 2875. co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1383. ..... ******* ... ... ··· Ruskinton, co. Lincoln, cottages in, 1724. resident at, 1724 (2). Russ, or Russam, co. York, resident at, 1143. Ruston, co. York, resident at, 2422. Rutchester, Northumberland, estate or lands in, 2604 (4). ……………, manor of, 2604. resident at, 2604. Tower, 2604. a ... .... Ruthin, alias Dyffrinclwyd, co. Denbigh, letter dated from, 235. lordship of, 166. resident at, 166. Ruthland, castle of [Rhuddlan ?], King's governor of, 1518. .. ******} surrender of, Articles of, 1518. Rutlandshire, 81, 193, 374, 761, 851. County Commissioners of, 243, 266, 372, 559, 560, 851, 861, 1158, 1498, 2174, 2185, 2422, 2726, 2798, 3080. .... ****** appointment or approval of, 171. certificates of, 2187, 3080. lease by, 2185. "} letters of, 188, 193, 301, 310, 318, 357, 496, 1063, 2173. alluded to, 398. …………. ………. ***** ***** ** · Rutlandshire, County Commissioners of- cont. ****** .... letters to, 264, 313 (2), 333, 372 (2), 387, 613, 939, 1497. officers of, 188, 190, 302, 318, 333, 559, 560. > orders to, 1063 (2), 1471, 1498, 1762 (2), 2174, 2186 (2), 2187, 2421, 2422, 2798, 3079. **** ... 3237. ******} ………… ****** …………. reports of, 2185, 2421. queries of, 479, 951. sub-committee of, for accounts, treasurer of, 371, 400, 411, 559, the late, 193, 198, 302, 333, 372, 560, 698 (2), 728, 736, 1064, 2174. "" ·· ** ****** 2186. •• ……………. 193, 302. ……………** • …………. ………………………y ****** letter of, 559. letter to, 713. .... > estates, lands, &c., in, 52, 493,497,612, 698, 852, 939, 1063, 1158, 1478, 1581, 1643, 1762 (2), 2044, 2172 (2), 2173, 2185-2188, 2192, 2258 (2), 2421, 2422, 2633, 2798, 3080, 3261. farmers of Excise in, 3147. ………… alluded to, 80, 2174, 3056. references to, 2174, 2726, 3056, ………….., • ., messenger or collector sent to, 761, 785, 789. Major-General of (Col. Butler), 939. M.Ps for, 188. Militia of, Commissioners for, 302. ……………, money raised in, 81. places in, 88, 89, 496, 940. receiver-general for, 767. residents in, 163, 266, 642, 801, 861 (2), 1149, 1643, 2174, 2185, 2633, 2726, 3262. .... ......, cases of, 850, 950, 1055, 1157, 1178, 1197, 1316, 1386, 1471, 1497, 1605, 1757, 1762, 1944, 2172, 2633, 2726, 3056, 3079, 3146, 3237. .... 741. lists of, 88, 89. ******y notes of, 728, 730, 736, Scots' army in, 81. sheriff, high, of, 850. ... Rutlandshire and Northamptonshire, Com- mittee for, see Northamptonshire. Rutley, Bucks, estate at, 67. Ruxford, Devon, resident at, 1388. Ryarsh, Kent, manor of, 870. Ryburgh, Norfolk, estate at, 115. rectory of, 1604. Rydal, Westmoreland, manor of, 188, 332, 416, 1695-1698, 3286. residents at, 177, 547, 1703, 1888. Rye, Sussex, embarkation from, 2694. Rye Close, the, co. York, 2062, 2993. Ryhall, Rutland, residents at, 88, 850, 861. Ryhope, co. Durham, estate in, 2385. PP 2 3772 INDEX OF PLACES. Ryle, Dorset, resident at, 118. Ryther, co. York, parish of, 1990 (2). Ryton, co. Durham, houses and lands in, 2952. .. •• ·U ... .... .. "" Sadbury, Devon, resident at, 1835. co. Pembroke, resident at, 1857. ………….., co. York, resident at, 2437. Saddington, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 111, 2298. ………… *** Saddlebow, Norfolk, lands in, 2817. Sadler Close, co. Durham, lands called, 2807. Saffarnacles, Wilts, resident at, 3052. Saint Alban's, Herts, Commissioners at, 80, 2083. letter dated from, 211. residents at, 523, 624, 1570, 2249, 3051. ……… → • U .... ·· …………. ... .... ... .... ........ ... • town of, 1620. -on-Dunsmore, co. Warwick, prebend of, 737. co. York, prebend of, 2953. S ……………… manor of, 2998. Risfield, co. Durham, colliery in, 3005. Salop, manor of, 1620, 1625 (2). resident at, 1621. …….. Alkmond, Salop, vicar of, 1461. Andrew, co. Glamorgan, parish of, 2180. Ann's, Sussex, church of, 1343. Anthony's, Northumberland, estate of, 2636. Asaph, co. Flint, Bishop of, see General Index, Owen, John. Austell, Cornwall, rectory or tithes of, 1504, 1505 (2). residents at, 2641, 2866, 2895. Bartholomew, Sussex, sub-deanery of, COUN• · 1216. Bees, Cumberland, lands in, 2435. ………….., manor and rectory of, 2436. residents at, 202, 2435, 2437. Briavels, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. ...... Bride's, Cumberland?, resident at, 1898. Bride's, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 2193. Bride's, co. Pembroke, resident at, 2106. Buryan, or Burien, Cornwall, resi- dents at, 2866, 2980, 2999. Chad's, Salop, church or minister of, 2113 (2). Clare, Essex, manor of, 3018. resident at, 3018. .... Cleer, Cornwall, resident at, 2980. Clements, Cornwall, resident at, 1926. sheaves or rectory of, 517, 1212. Clere, Kent, manor of, 1926. .... Saint Clere-cont. • …………. ... • • ... ··· 4. A .. ..... ... ·· ……. NA 4. A .. • .. ·· · ******* 3132. • D residents at, 329, 460. ………………} Clether, Cornwall, estate at, 3059. resident at, 671. Columb, Higher, Cornwall, resident at, 2686. D ……………… Cross, Hants, hospital of, 402, 403, 531, 533. master of, 282, 531, 2693, rents or estates belonging to, 282, 385, 402, 447, 532, 533, 2693, 2694. .. .. 2694 (2). (2). Cyres, Devon, see Newton. Daye, Cornwall, manor of, 1506. Decuman's, Somerset, farm in, 3132. residents at, 1666, 1728, 3094, ******* Devereux, co. Hereford, resident at, 3045. " ******* ……………. Dominick, Cornwall, parish of, 2944. resident at, 2903. ..... Dunstan's, Kent, resident at, 456. Enoder, Cornwall, residents at, 2325, 2903. Erth, Cornwall, parish of, 2601. resident at, 2918. ******* Ervan, Cornwall, lands in, 2686. residents at, 671, 2686. ... …………. "" Germans, Cornwall, residents at, 171, 1504, 2036, 2741. 2888. ر.... Giles, co. Cambridge, resident at, 2690. Giles, Devon, lands in, 3166. Giles-on-heath, Devon, resident at, 98. Hillary, Cornwall, sheaves or rectory of, 517, 1212. scholar of, 282. steward of, 282, 385, 2694 Ishmael's, co. Carmarthen, parishion- ers of, petition of, 1881. Issell's, co. Pembroke, resident at, 3160. Ives, Cornwall, letter dated from, 746. residents at, 736, 1928, 2739, **** .... .. • ****** Ives, Hunts, 877. , traveller to, 2704. petitions of, 877, 878 (2). vicarage and tithes of, 878 (2). James' parish, Somerset, resident in, 1085. minister of, 877, 878, 1527 (2). residents at, 877, 3106. • John's, co. Bedford, hospital of, 2166. John's, co. Durham, chantry of, 2904. John's, Thanet, Kent, parish of, 1338. John Leyes, Northumberland, parish of, 2418. John's, co. Worcester, residents at, 2000, 2028. INDEX OF PLACES. 3773 Saint-cont. .... ..... ... - 4. ... ******* • Lư ..... . ... .. · ... ·· Julian's, Shrewsbury, Salop, 2410. Just, Cornwall, advowson of, 1381. residents at, 2398, 2866, 3000. Keverne, Cornwall, rectory of, 1239 (2). • • Julian's, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1682. sheaf or rectory of, 517, 2010. Leonards, Upper, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2999. Sussex, forest of, 339, 2293 (2). manor of, 2294. A residents at, 669, 2866, 2980. Kew, Cornwall, resident at, 2010. ... Levan, Cornwall, resident at, 2866. Mabyn, Cornwall, residents at, 1995, 2980. 3. ………. .. •• Margaret's, co. Leicester, church of, 3208. Martin's, Cornwall, parish of, 3062. Salop, resident at, 1724. ......y Mary Ottery, Devon, see Ottery St. Mary. ... Mary's, Scilly Islands, King's garrison at, 1587. ·· Maughans, see St. Monghans. Mellions, Cornwall, resident at, 1661. Mellons, co. Monmouth, estate in, 2801 (2). Mewan, Cornwall, resident at, 2980. Michael Cumduy, co. Brecon, see Llan- vihangel Cumduy. Michael Carhayes, or Carey Heyes, Cornwall, residents at, 671, 1258, 2239 (2). Michael's Mount, Cornwall, place near, 2918. Michael Borough's Island, Devon, 2533. Michael's-upon-Wyre, co. Lancaster, parish of, 1117, 1118. Michael, co. Monmouth, estate in, 3238. ……………… Monghans, or St. Maughans, co. Mon- mouth, lands in, 2909. residents at, 2406, 3140. A Neots, Cornwall, residents at, 1182, 1981, 2866. petition of, 2664. vicarage, &c., of, 2647, 2664. Neots, Hunts, residents at, 893 (2). Nicholas, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 2587. ** ……………… ****** Nicholas, Suffolk, resident at, 2710. Nicholas, co. York, estate in, 878. Oswald in Elvet, co. Durham, minister of, 3079. rectory of, 3079. Peter's, co. Derby, parish of, 1734, 1735 (2). Pierre, co. Monmouth, residents at, 311, 2350 (2). Saint-cont. AUDIO ·· JU • 7 resident at, 247. ******} Thomas, co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 514, 1891, 1893, 1895. Tudy, Cornwall, parish of, 1937. Veepe, Cornwall, tithes of, 1929. Waynard's, co. Hereford, houses and lands in, 2494 (2), 2495. Winnow, Cornwall, property in, 2739. residents at, 1082, 1505. Salcombe, Devon, Fort Charles near, 1485. manor of, 1301, 1302. Sale, co. Chester, residents at, 122, 1095. Salesbury, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1449. Salford, co. Lancaster, house in, 1117. hundred of, agent for, 2951. residents at, 2774, 2836 (2). …….., stewardship of, 1346. …………………., co. Warwick, resident at 2991. ... Salisbury, Sarum, or New Sarum, Wilts, 759. ·· 3. G • .. G .. Pinnock, Cornwall, resident at, 2624. Stephen's, Cornwall, parish of, 2662. the Old House in, 3291. resident at, 2741. Stephen's-in-Brannel, Cornwall, resi- dent in, 2712. Stephen's, Kent, residents at, 461, 2770. Teath, Cornwall, resident at, 2980. Thomas, Cornwall, parish of, 2731. Thomas, Devon, parish of, 463. Thomas, Kent, parsonage house of, 2255. ……………………*3 .. **** ……………… • *** ·· ……………. · assizes of, 1299. Bishop of, see Duppa, Brian. bishopric of, manors belonging to, 3032. Cathedral of, 652. , **** > .... 9 ……. *** ..3 ..... grand jury at, 1032, 1142. houses in, 642, 2794, 2923, 3154, 3227. letters dated from, 76, 217, 254, 326, 377, 484, 502, 504, 548, 588, 658, 661, 695, 699, 738, 762, 766. Commissioners for, 326. ... close of, 994, 3050. library of, books in, 656, 658. plate, &c., belonging to, 658. orders published in, 653. prebendary of, 3284. rebellion at, 1922. residents in, 77, 78 (14), 105, 119, 994, 1120, 1218, 1322, 1543, 1586, 1738, 1739, 1974, 2358, 2559, 2649, 3047 (2), 3050, 3052 (2), 3154, 3256. train bands of, 1120. County Committee at, 288, 326, 673. Dean and Chapter of, 1055. lease held from, 1974. travellers to, 165. vicar of, lease from, alluded to, 2984. 3774 INDEX OF PLACES. Salkeld, Cumberland, bridge at, repair of, 821 (2). > ........., Great, resident at, 201. Little, resident at, 3132. Salmestone, Thanet, parsonage of, 1338. Salop, see Shropshire. Salt, co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 1720, 2989. Saltash, Cornwall, houses in, 3291. places near, 3156, 3259. Saltaugh Grange, co. York, resident at, 1164. Saltern, Devon, see Saltram. Salterswall, co. Chester, resident at, 101. Salterton, Wilts, resident at, 3047. Saltfleetby, co Lincoln, resident at, 1328. Saltharth, co. Chester, demesne of, 423. Saltmarsh, co. York, augmentation from, 2039. resident at, 1856. Saltmire, or Saltmarsh House, Somerset, 3143 (3). ... "" Saltram [? Saltern], Devon, residents at, 153, 1361. Salwarp, co. Worcester, resident at, 1035. Samborne, Little, Hants, farm of, 1842. Sambourn, co. Warwick, resident at, 3186. Sameshouse, Northumberland, resident at, 202. Samlesbury, or Samesbury, co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2365, 2622, 2847, 2950, 3071, 3075. residents at, 1541, 2043, 2621, 2847, 2917, 3025, 3075 (2), 3237. Sampford, Devon, resident at, 98. Peverell, Devon, residents 152, 628, 3135. ·· .... ……………… Spinney, Devon, residents at, 153, 2988. Little, Essex, estate in, 2424. residents at, 2424, 2615, 2616. Somerset, residents at, 2764, 2858. Brett, Somerset, parish of, 2859. Sancton, co. York, resident at, 1924. Sand, Devon, resident at, 1683. Sandal, co. York, castle of, King's garrison at, 842, 1160 (2). residents at, 1551, 1552, 1747. Sandall, Somerset, resident at, 1887. co. Stafford, see Sandwall. > .. ·· ... ………… **** ………. Sandbach, co. Chester, rectory or parish of, 1229 (2). residents at, 115. *** ... ****** vicar of, 121. Sandfoot-i'-th'-Moor, Westmoreland, rendez- vous at, 521. Sandford, Devon, resident at, 1388. ……………………., co. Oxon, estate at, 3085. manor house of, 3166. ' ', • petition of, 1186. residents at, 3166, 3197. Salop, resident at, 1685. Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Sandhill, Somerset, manor of, 2794 (2). Sandhurst, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. parish of, 3143. resident at, 3143. Sandon, Essex, residents at, 1212, 1544. co. Stafford, rectory of, 2043. ....., residents at, 89, 2043. Sandringham, Norfolk, lands in, 2318 (2). • *** ……. B. ………………………, manor of, 2317. .. residents at, 114, 2315-2318. Sandwall, or Sandall, co. Stafford, residents at, 90, 1813. ………… Sandwell, Devon, resident at, 3186. Sandwich, Devon, house called, 3092. Kent, place in, 2502. residents at, 171, 460. **** St. Clement's in, rector of, 2502. Sandwin, co. Stafford, resident at, 3170. Sandy, co. Bedford, minister of, 2420. Sandy Haven, co. Pembroke, estate of, 1282. Sandysick, co. York, resident at, 3157. Sanghton-de-Hill, co. Chester, letter dated from, 103. Sankey, co, Lancaster, chapelry of, 1113. Bridges, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2725. • > .." Sapperton, co. Gloucester, lands in, 1050. residents at, 1050, 2838. Sardon, co. Stafford, lands in, 2082. ........., Great, messuage in, 2711. residents at, 2082, 3130. tithes of, 2082. Sark, island of, 2329 (2), 2331. men sent to protect, 48. Sarnesfield, or Sarnsfield, co. Hereford, resi- dents at, 615, 1387, 3194. letter dated from, 649. Sarr, Kent, resident at, 460. ********** Sarsden, co. Oxon, resident at, 1009 (2). Sarum, or New Sarum, see Salisbury. Saughall, co. Chester, estate at, 61. …………………, parsonage of, 1568 ? Saulcey Forest, co. Northampton, resident at, 1589. Saulden, Bucks, manor, &c., of, 2540 (2), 2541. residents at, 2539, 2540. Saul Oldton, Norfolk, resident at, 114. Saulwood, Westmoreland, residents at, 547, ** ………….. ** ל, 2875. Saumur, France, resident at, 2245. Sawhall [Saughall, ?], co. Chester, parsonage of, 1568. Sawley, co. Derby, manor of, 1255, 1266 (2). co. York, resident at, 2207. Sawston, co. Cambridge, residents at, 1688, 2236. Saxelby, co. Leicester, resident at, 109 (2). Saxmundham, Suffolk, residents at, 691, 693, 1851. Saxondale, co. Notts, lands in, 1267. tenants of, 1268. ……………… INDEX OF PLACES. 3775 Saxton, co. York, lands in, 2647, 2649. manor and rectory of, 2648. minister of, 2039. Saywell, co. Bedford, lands at, or manor of, 1303, 1307 (2), 1308. Scackleton, co. York, lordship of, 2206. resident at, 2206. : Scale, or Scales, co. Lancaster, Hall or man- sion house of, 2695, 3216. . • ► "" residents at, 2695, 2741 (3), 3216. Scamblesby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1176. Scampton, co, Lincoln, residents at, 905, 1088. Scarborough, castle of, King's garrison or party at, 929, 983, 989, 1164, 1816, 1978, 2008. ..... *** 1. " • 1 ·· ****** 930. •> ... **3 "" ****** • rents of, 930 (2). surrrender or sale of to Parlia- ment, 59, 929 (3), 930, 1164. house in, 3109. Scarcliff, co. Derby, minister of, 1357. Scarcroft, co. York, lands in, 3130. residents at, 3130. ***** Scardingwell, co. York, resident at, 2647. Scarisbrick, co. Lancaster, Hall in, 2758. manor of, 2492. residents at, 141, 395, 2442, 2492- 2499, 2758. tithes of, 1102. Scarle, North, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1233. Scarning, Norfolk, rectory of, 595. resident at, 114. Scarsdale, co. Derby, hundred of, 294, 323, 328, 2321. .... } .... King's governor of, 2890. Parliamentary garrison at, 929, ******* Scaupwick, co. Lincoln, see Scopwick. Scilly Islands, Commissioners for, 2930. King's party in, 409. orders posted at, 654. Parliamentary governors of, 380, 929. prisoner taken near, 5. residents at, 929 (2), 977, 984, 3109. traveller to, 1978. surrender of, 1559, 1587 (2). Articles of, 1543, 1559, 1587 (2), 2215. .... compounders on, 2853, 2854, 2930, 2973, 2980. Scole, Norfolk, house in, 3241. Scoles, co. York, estate in, 2313. > · Scopwick, or Scaupwick, co. Lincoln, estates in, 3161, 3223. manor of, 3089. parish of, 2418 (2). rectory of, 1832. resident at, 3161. ... Scotland, 4, 455, 607, 1101, 1648, 1649, 2426, 2465. Act of Pardon for, alluded to, 1648, 2964, 3230. Scotland-cont. ... ·· ………… • ( …………… •" affairs of, Parliamentary Commis- sioners for managing, 1647 (2), 2784. letter of, 2783. .. 3 .., army of, see General Index, Scots, Army of. .." charges on, 159. commerce with, 524. Commissioners of Estates of, see Parliament of. Commissioners of the English Parlia- ment in, 535 (2), 536, 778-780, 783, 1647 (2), 2784. "" , " ·· .." > 1. " ……………… 1101. ··9 •• *** • Council of, 1648. Lord General Cromwell in, 1432, 2564. Customs or Excise of, 1648. …….., money for, passim. natives of, Scots, or Scotchmen, 336, 453, 523, 574, 682, 2124, 2619, 2620, 2803, 2937, 2964, 2983, 2996. estate in, 1647. General Monk in, 762, 1367, 3248. King of, or King of Scots, see Charles II. persons with (in Scotland), 455, cases of, 2124, 2619, 2783, 2996, 3230. in England, without licence, letter carried to, 778. letter from alluded to, 536. ****** 524. ****** ***** letters of, 535, 2783. petition to, 2783. Act ordering their departure alluded to, 453, 524. Order of Parliament con- cerning, alluded to, 2783. pardon offered to, 1611, taking of Berwick by, 2124. propositions of, sent to the ·· ***) ...*** King (in 1643) alluded to, 2425. ......, payments for, 56, 82, 83, 1646, 1698. or the North, Parliamentary army in or going into, 269, 272, 316, 317, 343, 362, 363, 389, 408, 508, 816, 1476, 2635, 2969. ·· …………… ......, adjutant-general of, Sir John Hewitt, 440. ****** 2783. .. ......, persons with, 316, 380, 430, 473, 510, 2504, 2564, 2565 ?. surgeon-general with, see Gene- ral Index, Troutbeck, Dr. John. Parliament or Estates of, 1647, ****** acquittance by, alluded to, 8. Commissaries of, in London, 4, .... > 10, 17, 18 (2), 20 (2), 25, 26, 38, 39, 55, 69,790, 806; see also General Index, Barclay, Robert, and Campbell, John. Commissioners of, in Edin- …………… burgh, 134. ………………………, ………………, declaration by, 10. • ………) orders of, alluded to, 781 (2). 3776 INDEX OF PLACES. Scotland-cont. ………………………, peer of, 2983. ****** ··· · .., persons in or on service in, 336, 572, 573, 584, 1442, 1621, 1624, 2229, 2356, 2398, 2506, 2507, 2692, 2693, 2882, 2896, 2958, 2983, 3128. ... ▸▸ Scotney, Kent, manor of, 2681 (3). residents at, 368, 2681. > Scot's Hall, Kent, resident at, 2175. Scotton, co. York, impropriation of, 1002, 1693. .. travellers to or from, 304, 340, 397, 521, 724, 778, 780, 985, 1101, 1545, 1668, 2040, 2356, 2425, 2619, 2784, 2823. residents at, 1693. petition of, 1002. Scoulton, Norfolk, estate at, 115. Scraptoft, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Scremerston, co. Durham, colliery of, 2746 (4), 2747 (3). ·· ·· place in, 38. ships on the coast of, 20. union of, with England, alluded to, 2124, 2783. *****) • town of, 2746. ****** Scrivelsby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1388. ... Scriven Hall and Park, co. York, 1387 (2). Sea, Somerset, resident at, 937. Seacroft, co. York, lordship of, 3217. resident at, 3217. ·· "> Seagrave, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Seagroit, co. Denbigh, residents at, 1685, 1718. Seaham, co Durham, lands in, 2205. manor of, 2206. resident at, 2205. lordship or manor of, 2747, 2748. residents at, 3238 (2). ... > Seal, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 1549. Sussex, lands in, 2233. Seamors, Bucks, house and farm at, 2194 (3), ****** 2195. co. Lincoln, farm at, 2418. Seascale, Cumberland, residents at, 72, 202, 1703 (2), 1704. Seaton, Cumberland, resident at, 2675 (3). Carew, co. Durham, manor of, 2797. Northumberland, resident at, 1552. North, Northumberland, estate in, 2715 (2). ***9 ... ..... ..... …. mansion house of, 2595. Rutland, lands in, 1762. residents at, 88, 1762 (2). "> Ross, co. York, church or rectory of, 1027 (4). "5 Sedbergh, co. York, lands in, 2251. ……………………., rectory of, 2737 (2). .... resident at, 1540. *19 Seddington, co. Worcester, manor of, 2247. Sedgbarrow, co. Worcester, resident at, 1613. Sedgebrook, co. Lincoln, lands in, 1464. resident at, 1044. *****} Sedgefield, co. Durham, parish of, 3097. Sedghill, Wilts, residents at, 78, 1013. Sedgley, co. Stafford, estate in, 3000. residents at, 89, 3000. Sedlescomb, Sussex, resident at, 940. Seech Manor, Norfolk, 2623. Sefton, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1346. …………………) …………. .... ... 9 ………………. tenement in, 3060. Seighford, co. Stafford, lands and tenements in, 1991. ··· O Selattin, Salop, parish of, 3302. Selby, co. York, battle of, 1658, 1718. ·· ··· minister and churchwardens of, cer- tificate of, 3084. parish of, 2871, 3171. residents at, 1343, 2865, 3060 (2), 3083. ...3 • Selhurst, Sussex, park at, 514, 2462, 2469. Sellaby, co. Durham, lordship of, 1662. residents at, 615, 1662. Selleth, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1123. Selley, co. Worcester, resident at, 1857. Selling, Kent, rectory of, 868. residents at, 460, 2933. Sellside, Westmoreland, see Selside. Sellybridge Marsh, co. York, 1161. Selside, or Sellside, Westmoreland, lands in, 2995. ..... …………………… orders posted at, 654. prisoner taken at, 1446. residents at, 611, 1193, 1657, 2007, 2154, 2896. resident at, 176. Selston, co. Notts, resident at, 987. Selwich Lees, Kent, resident at, 2577. Semington, co. Wilts, resident at, 1482. Semley, Wilts, farm at, 3270 (2). ·· ... • certificate of, 2627. manor of, 78, 1222, 1223, 3269 (5), 3270. • "> Send, Surrey, lands in, 2293. manor of, 2544. parish of, 2292. manor house of, 3270. residents at, 78, 3186, 3269. ……………… Sennen, or Zenen, Cornwall, parish of, 1935. Settrington, co. York, residents at, 1763, 3013. Sevenoaks, Kent, lands, &c., at or near, 9, 1683, 2595, 2596. • mansion house at, 1683. residents at, 460, 1683 (2). Severn Stoke, co. Worcester, resident at, ****** 2698. Seville, Spain, Englishman in, 3285. Sevington, Kent, estate in, 2660, 2661. Sewell, co. Worcester, resident at, 1261. Shackerstone, co. Leicester, resident at, 110 (2). INDEX OF PLACES. 3777 Shacklewell, Middlesex, resident at, 3256. Shadforth, co. Durham, farm in, 2997. resident at, 364. ****** Shafford, Kent, manor of, 1287. Shaftesbury, Shaston, or Shafton, Dorset, almshouse at, 1147 (2). clubmen at, 941, 1074, 1183, 1452. letters dated from, 519, 537. …………………, mayor and burgesses of, petition of, 1147. t …………. : Shafton, Dorset, see Shaftesbury. ...... co. York, resident at, 1751. Shakerley, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1446. Shaklethorpe, co. York, manor of, 1387. Shalbourn Eastcourt, co. Berks, resident at, PUTA prisoner at, 1536. residents at, 959, 1664, 1796, 1832, 2056, 3089 ?. > 2098. Shalcross, co. Derby, residents at, 122, 1031. Shalden, Hants, manor, &c., of, 1944 (2). residents at, 1940, 1944 (2). ...... > Shangton, co. Leicester, manor of, 1494. residents at, 109, 1494. Shap, Westmoreland, County Commissioners at, 196. ***** residents at, 547, 3093. Shapwick, Somerset, rectory of, 974. residents at, 281, 974, 2137. Shardington, co. Gloucester, resident at, 3259. Shareshill, co. Stafford, church of, 2485. minister of, 2484, 2485 (2). ** ***** parish of, lands in, 2711 (2). •• • Sharleston, co. York, resident at, 1219. Sharnford, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Sharpham Park, Somerset, 1141. 1. Sharples House, co. Lancaster, 2013. Shasebury [Shaftesbury ?], resident at, 3089. Shaeton, Dorset, see Shaftesbury. Shaugh, or Shaw, Devon, estate at, 153. residents at, 573, 2867. ****** Shavington, co. Chester, resident at, 1185. Shaw, Berks, parish of, 3031. Devon, see Shaugh. co. Lancaster, chapel of, 1466 (2). Hall, co. Lancaster, estate of, 2025. Wilts, resident at, 1559. · -> Shawes, Essex, estate at, 2402, 2403. **** farm of, 2403, 2404. Shebbear, Devon, parish and rectory of, 1239 (2). resident at, 1315. Sheelefields, Northumberland, lands in, 2637. Sheepbanks Farm, Northumberland, 1737. Sheepshed, co. Leicester, court kept at, 191. manor of, 2192. > residents at, 109 (2), 111, 1211. ****** Sheepwash, Devon, manor of, 498. residents at, 97, 1391. ...3 ………………, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2283. Sheepy, Great, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Sheffield, co. York, 433. Castle, Parliamentary garrison at, 1003. ... estates in, 2474, 2475, 2683. forges at, 1570. iron works at, 2463, 2474. ., manor, &c., of, 2473, 2477. mansion house of, 2474. minister of, 433. ·· *****} ·· park of, 2478. residents at, 1124 (2), 2038, 2683. petition of, 433. Sheffnal, co. Salop, manor and park of, 408, 2479 (2). ... ... a ……….. , t manor house of, 2463. residents at, 1816, 2470. Shefford, Great, Berks, residents at, 2655, ** } ***** ... 2657. co. Oxon, manor of. 2835. Sheldon, co. Warwick, resident at, 3006. Shelfield, co. Warwick, park and mansion house of, 1788. "> residents at, 1788, 2795. Shelford, co. Cambridge, resident at, 1563. co. Notts, mauor, &c., of, 535, 1265– 1268. ** *** tenants of, 1268. Shellock, Salop, resident at, 1258. Shelsley, or Shelsey, co. Worcester, estate in, 3216. · …………… **> ....3 Shelve Manor, Salop, 1526. Shelwood, Surrey, manor of, 2735. resident at, 3179. Shene, West, Surrey, monastery of, 1526. Shenfield, Berks, residents at, 2688, 3259. Essex, estate in, 1439. ………………5 ……….. ... ….. ••• lordship of, 2082. Little, co. Worcester, estate of, 2081. Shenley, co. Bucks, estate at, 67. manor of, 2541. **** Hall at, 306. letter dated from, 306 residents in, 1439, 2515, 3192. co. Herts, resident at, 2089. } Shenleybury, co. Herts, estate in, 900 (2). resident at, 900. Shenstone, co. Stafford, resident at, 2749 (2). Shenton, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Shepherd's House, co. Lancaster, 2745. Shepherds would, Kent, resident at, 460. Sheppey Isle, Kent, resident in, 460. Shepreth, co. Cambridge, estate at, 702, 1782. Shepton Mallet, Somerset, residents at, 1538, 1591. Mill, Somerset, 1755. Sherborn, Hants, resident at, 1084. "> co. Oxon, castle of, resident at, 869. estate in, 871. resident at, 1811. 3778 INDEX OF PLACES. Sherborne, or Sherburn, Dorset, castle of, King's garrison or party at, 1086, 1201, 2107, 2847. +U .. • · .. …… ………………, governor of, 2585. estate at, 2169. .... **** …………... · • ·· .... •• • .... ., prisoners at or taken at, 1016, 1304. rectory of, 722, 2169 (2). residents at, 118 (2), 119 (2), 140, 1198-1200, 1480, 1759, 1836, 2169 (2), 2501, 2803. 1999, siege of, 1315. Castleton-in-, 3013. Sherbroke, co. Derby, resident at, 2720. Sherburn, co. Dorset, see Sherborne. hundred of, 2170. Lodge, 2169. manor of, 2170, 3032. place near, 1176. co. Durham, hospital at, mastership of, 256 (2). co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 1273 (2), 1797 (2). houses at, 2017. ..., manor of, 2017, 2648, 3291. minister of, 141. **** ... ..., rectory or tithes of, 1697 (2), 2648 (2). residents at, 2017, 3259. ..-in-the-Wolds, co. York, houses, &c., in, 2017. ……………. co. York, battle of, prisoners taken at, 1011, 1726. Sherfield, Hants, farm in, 1510. manor of, 1769 (2). English, Hants, farm of, 2496. Sherford, Devon, lands, &c., in, 153, 1940. residents at, 2767, 2980. ***** • •·. ***19 Sheriff Hales, cos. Salop and Stafford, manor of, 990. Hutton, co. York, see Hutton, Sheriff. Shermanbury, Sussex, resident at, 858. Shernock, co. Worcester, residents at, 2194, 2942. Sherston, Wilts, manor of, 1329. resident at, 1329. Sherwill, Devon, resident at, 97. Sherwood Forest, co. Notts, place in, 450. verderers of, 449. wood from, 205, 510. ..... .... Shevington, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1861, 2562, 3212. ****** residents at, 1211, 1281, 2542, 2757, 3145, 3212. Sheviock, Cornwall, resident at, 2940. Shewley, co. Lancaster, see Sholley. Shewston, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Shields, North, Northumberland, resident at, 202: Raw, Durham, lands called, 2370. South, Durham, letter dated from, 772. Shiffnall Park, Salop, see Sheffnall. Shillesfen, Ilfracombe, Devon, 3127. Shillingthorpe, co. Lincoln, manor of, 851 (2), 853. Shimpling, Norfolk, esta te at, 113. Shincliffe, co. Durham, farm, &c., of, 3079. tithes of, 3079. ***** Shingay, co. Cambridge, resident at, 1208. Shingham, Norfolk, manor of, 2623, 2624. Shipham, Somerset, residents at, 1320, 1417. Shiplake, co. Oxon, residents at, 1501, 3245. Shipley, co. Durham, letter dated from, 758. West, co. Durham, lands in, 3215. £ ·· co. York, lands in, 2366. Shippon, Berks, resident at, 2216. Shipton, Bucks, estate at, 67. > ... Sussex, church, rectory, or tithes of, 1343-1345, 3278. estate in, 2277, 2282 (2). minister of, 3278. ..-subter-Whichwood, co. Oxon, resident at, 1570. Shipyard, alias Hope, the, Middlesex, estate called, 2159-2161. > "" ** Shirland, co. Derby, manor and park of, 2478. Shitlington, Nether, co. York, resident at, 958. Shitwood, Bucks, resident at, 3157. Shobdon, co Hereford, manor of, 1713, 1714. Shobrooke, Devon, residents at, 1403, 2968. Shoby, co. Leicester, lands in, 3018. Sholley, or Shewley, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3231. > Sholstrode, Sussex, manor of, 3011. Shoreham, New, Sussex, church of, 1343. Shorner, Devon, resident at, 3289. Shortflatt, Northumberland, residents at, 2487, 2488, 3107. Shorthampton, co. Oxon, resident at, 2209. Shotover, co. Oxon, forest of, 1563, 1564 (2). mansion house of, 1564. Shottery, co. Warwick, manor of, 1914. Shotton Edge, or Fawdon Edge Farm, Nor- thumberland, 1401. ………. ……………… Morehouse, Northumberland, 1401. Shotwick, co. Chester, church of, 1568 (2). Showley, co. Lancaster, estate in, 3041. Shoyswell, Sussex, resident at, 1948. Shrawardine, or Shrawden Castle, Salop, King's garrison at, 879, 1816. Shrawley, co. Worcester, resident at, 2146. Shrewsbury, Salop, 191, 266, 556, 879, 994, 1158, 1817, 3007. ………………………) alderman of, 994. Castle, 750. Commissioners of Array at, 1609. Commissioners of, 1456. Committee of accounts sitting at, 331. County Committee at, see Shropshire, County Commissioners of. Julian's parishioners of, petition of, 2410. minister of, 2410. ******* INDEX OF PLACES. 3779 Shrewsbury-cont. ... • · ..., King at, 943, 1816. King's party, garrison, or forces at, 1000, 1026, 1091, 1158, 1268, 1386, 1393, 1418, 1494, 1551, 1609, 1816, 1817, 1989, 1991, 2892. land or houses in, 636, 2024, 2030. letters dated from, 157, 173, 280. …….., mayor of, 1000. mint at, 898. Parliamentary governor of, 157, 463, 527, 630, 750, 753, 2949. ****) C ... ·· ..... ... ......, prisoners at, or taken at, 893, 994, 1040, 1483, 1494, 3026, 325ū. D ** ·· ...... town clerk of, 463. travellers to, 1230, 1826. Shrewton, Wilts, living of, 79. Shropshire or Salop, 331, 680, 705, 706, 759, 2114, 3044. .... ………………… .. residents at, 250, 268, 416, 447, 577, 596, 687, 703, 706, 707, 751,990, 1000, 1091, 1158, 1268, 1393, 1459, 1461, 1537, 1551, 1609, 1613, 1614, 2030, 2410, 2423, 2537, 2538, 2754, 2949, 3260. places near, 1614, 2086, 2113. plague at, 319, 331. taking, reducing, or surrender of, 585, 910, 1000, 1005, 1202, 1230, 1268, 1453, 1537, 1815, 3006. , > business of, 703. clerk of the peace of, 2538. Commissioners of Array for, 893. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1184. } i .. ……… ………………, appointment or approval of, 173, 180, 243, 651, 673, 703, 751, 753. …… ………….., certificates by, 577, 1092, 1599, 2027, 2410, 3298. letter to, 735. > Committee for Safety in, 713. County Commissioners of, 157, 173, 191, 267, 272, 280, 325, 331, 332, 363 (2), 365 (2), 463, 483, 527, 577 (2), 584, 617, 630, 690, 706, 725, 735, 910, 924 (2), 925, 1007 (2), 1008, 1041 (3), 1202, 1207, 1227, 1262, 1284, 1331, 1434 (2), 1475, 1483, 1485, 1576, 1614, 1622, 1773, 1775, 1862, 1897, 1916, 2027, 2066 (2), 2071, 2084 (3), 2086, 2231, 2232, 2345, 2467, 2471, 2472 (2), 2528 (2), 2523, 2537 (2), 2538, 2630 (3), 2631 (2), 2639, 2663, 2754, 2771, 2789, 2793, 2838, 2857 (2), 2891, 2953, 2988, 3043, 3059, 3060, 3215, 3237, 3254. ., alluded to, 924, 1040, 2231, 2472 (2), 2538. charge by, 325. ......, depositions before, or sent up by, 879, 1070, 1484, 1816, 2793. • ➜ ******* ..... instructions by, 331. lease by, 1916. **" Shropshire, County Commissioners of-cont. letters of, 172, 173, 198, 200, 204, 223, 238, 255, 266, 280, 287, 319, 331, 332, 340, 396, 408, 411, 417, 424, 482, 492, 509, 527 (2), 556, 563, 574, 584, 585, 631, 636, 640, 677, 680, 703, 706, 716, 717, 719, 732, 737, 750, 759, 761, 764, 767, 771, 772, 774, 775, 1285, 2027 (2), 2084, 2644, 2925, 2988 (2), 3006, 3254, 3247 (3), 3282. ·· ·· ………………… • • • • " + list of, 266, 267. ………………….. ………………. ……………., petition of, 725. orders of, 319. AAAA alluded to, 56, 268. .... "" letters to, 184, 303, 313 (2), 374, 398, 435, 449, 509, 599, 687, 702, 705, 710, 749, 750, 753 (2), 754, 757, 759, 760, 763, 767, 773, 774 (2), 776, 912, 1006, 1007, 1550, 1614, 1682 (2), 1862, 2027 (3), 2030, 2085, 2086, 2113, 2470, 2471, 2528, 2538 (2), 2644, 2793 (2), 2857, 2892, 2931, 2953, 3007, 3246, 3247, 3250 (6), 3255. > ·· ·· " alluded to, 470, 477, 518, 591,657, 1045, 1283, 1331, 1479, 2245, 2644. officers of, 223, 255, 266, 268, "" 280, 281, 303, 319 (2), 325, 331 (2), 332, 363, 365, 390, 396, 563, 631, 677, 703, 706, 1292, 2086, 3006. letter or information by, .. ► 268, 416. " .. • ……. payment to, 1946. prisoner of, 1005. queries by, 509. references to, 1007, 1614, 1635, ... .. ·· 2086, 2232, 2345, 2469, 2528, 2953, 3060, 3215, 3229. • ……… > orders to, 287, 584, 585, 617, 640, 686, 877, 910 (2), 911, 924, 944, 978, 994, 1005-1008, 1041 (2), 1202, 1203, 1262 (2), 1331, 1371, 1434, 1456, 1483, 1614, 1617 (2), 1620 (2), 1718, 1773-1775, 1814, 1862, 1928, 2065, 2066 (2), 2071, 2089, 2213, 2231 (3), 2345, 2457, 2461, 2462 (2), 2465, 2467, 2469, 2472, 2479, 2537 (2), 2630-2632, 2663, 2771, 2788, 2857, 2876, 2921, 2922, 2936, 3007, 3039, 3043 (2), 3056, 3060 (2), 3180, 3215, 3237, 3254. alluded to, 1456, 2345, 2457, 2464, 2472, 2479, 2788, 2876 (2), 3044, 3056. *** ... > ........., reports, &c., of, 1007, 1041, 2027 (2), 2030, 2231, 2528, 2529, 2537, 2754, 2814, 2857, 2891, 2931 (2), 3143, 3246 (3), 3255. ... ……………. ……………………… ………………, request to, 1682. " ………… alluded to, 1682, 3247. Sub-committee of Accounts for, 255, 266, 331. treasurer of, 331 (2), 3206. ……………., warrant to, 31. the late, 198, 200, 205, 255, ******* 266, 319, 331, 363, 396, 447, 509, 527, 563, 631, 683, 703 (2), 706 (2), 710, 3780 INDEX OF PLACES. Shropshire, County Commissioners of, the late-cont. ·· ... King's party in, 1119, 1537, 3283. ………………, ………………, quarters of, 1024, 1038. N .. > or Salop, letters dated from, 172, 180, 191, 198, 200, 223, 238, 255, 287, 332, 340, 396, 408, 411, 417, 424, 447, 482, 492, 509, 527 (2), 556, 563, 584, 585, 615, 631, 636, 677, 703, 706 (2), 713, 717, 719, 732, 737, 759, 761, 764, 767, 771, 772, 774,775, 1774 (2), 1776, 1777. ………………………, Major-General of [Col. Berry], 1184. market towns of, 408, 411, 417. marshal for, 363. ·· ... ·· .. ·· > 716, 719, 725, 1485, 2528 (2), 2537, 2788, 2793, 3043. letters to, 713, 718. ******* ****** estates or lands in, 574, 636, 735, 873, 910-913, 990, 1007 (2), 1008, 1060, 1401, 1526, 1550, 1610, 1614, 1618, 1620 (2), 1622, 1624-1626, 1635, 1777, 1861, 1862 (2), 1875, 1876, 1914-1916, 1990, 2024, 2027, 2064-2067, 2071, 2084 (2), 2086, 2089, 2090, 2211, 2213 (2), 2231, 2345, 2463, 2465, 2467, 2470 (2), 2471 (4), 2479 (3), 2529 (2), 2631, 2644 (2), 2771, 2815, 2922, 2928, 3043, 3180, 3229, 3237, 3246, 3298, 3302. > 483. ***** ………………….., money or revenues in, 619, 707. Parliamentary party in, 1609. places in or near, 1007, 1386, 1702, 2368. M.Ps for, 706. Militia or county forces of, 1691. Commissioners for, 319, 482, ..... ..... 2 ......, money for, 173, 527, 829 (2), 924 (3), 2183, 3261. treasurer for, 690. receiver of Crown revenues in, 2106. reduction of, 1513. residents in, 89 (2), 90 (3), 120, 198, 200, 287, 707, 735, 737, 743, 771, 813, 951, 1006, 1007, 1401, 1541, 1702, 1868, 1875, 1916, 1928, 1985, 2010, 2011, 2066, 2086, 2089, 2113 (2), 2117, 2196, 2231 (2), 2345, 2423 (2), 2456, 2469, 2470, 2528 (3), 2529, 2560, 2562, 2931, 2949, 2953, 3215, 3229, 3283. cases of, 877, 879, 910, 924, 944, 978, 994, 1000, 1005, 1011, 1024 (2), 1026, 1040, 1045 (2), 1060, 1070, 1091, 1092, 1119, 1158, 1159, 1184, 1185, 1202, 1227, 1244, 1258, 1261, 1268, 1292, 1299, 1331, 1370, 1393, 1418, 1453, 1456, 1459, 1461, 1474, 1483, 1485, 1500, 1537, 1544, 1551, 1576, 1599, 1609, 1613 (2), 1622, 1629, 1641, 1646, 1674, 1685, 1691, 1700- 1702, 1718, 1720, 1722, 1724, 1741, 1772, 1808, 1814-1818, 1837, 1859, 1861, 1862, 1897, 1928, 1946, 1963, 1987, 1989, 1991, 2017, 2027, 2030 (4), 2045, 2059, 2089 (2), 2090, 2113, 2114, 2226, 2231, 2410, 2456, 2528, 2537, 2538, 2680, 2663, 2754, 2771, 2788, • Shropshire, residents in, cases of-cont. .. ** ..... ………………… ". ****** ... sheriff, high, of, 1817, 2528. train bands in, 1261, 1609, 1741, 1816. travellers to or from, 876, 919, 1513. Shuckborough, co. Warwick, resident at, 1218. Shudy Camps, co. Cambridge, resident at, 3146. *** 2793, 2814, 2838, 2857, 2864, 2873, 2876, 2891, 2925, 2928, 2931 (2), 2936, 2941, 2953, 2977, 2978, 2988, 3039, 3043, 3056, 3059, 3060, 3143, 3179, 3180, 3192 (2), 3206, 3215, 3229, 3237, 3250, 3254, 3255, 3260 (2). lists of, 205. Shurdington, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2307. Shustoke, co. Warwick, resident at, 1573. Shuttlewood Common, co. Derby, 1735. Coppice, 1735 (2). Sibbertoft, co. Northampton, resident at, 88. Sibthorpe, co. Notts, manor of, 938, 1735. Sicklinghall, co. York, estate of, 2230. Sidbury, Devon, letter dated from, 590. residents at, 257, 283, 1313, 2766. *** Siddington, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. Nether and Over, co. Gloucester, manors of, 2327. Sidford, Hants, estate in, 2554. Sidlesham, Sussex, estate at, 1366. resident at, 887. ..... · .... • " 741, 742. Sidlin, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1066. Sidmonton, Hants, resident at, 882. Sidmouth, Devon, residents at, 1681, 1888. Sigglethorne, co. York, resident at, 2099. Sigston, co. York, manor of, 587, 968. Sikehouse, co. York, resident at, 1272. Sileby, co. Leicester, minister of, 2096. ..., parsonage and tithes of, 2096. residents at, 109, 2096. Silksworth, co. Durham, residents at, 2393, ... . > > 2394. Sillington, co. Worcester, resident at, 701. Silsden, co. York, resident at, 1023. Silton, or Silvington, Salop, residents at, 2456, 3215. notes of, 199, 732, 737, co. York, resident at, 3178. Silverton, Devon, estate at, 152. residents at, 637, 1260, 1384, 1977, 2875, 2966, 3092. Silvington, Salop, see Silton. Simonsburn, Northumberland, parish of, 2418. Simonshall, co. Gloucester, estate of, 748, 764, 765, 767. farm of, 3248. King's party at, 749. residents at, 766, 3248. Singleton, co. Lancaster, chapel, &c., in, 2549. lands in, 2950. ………… Much, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1453. tithes of, 2855. INDEX OF PLACES. 3781 Singleton-cont. Sussex, residents at, 2469, 2624. petition of, 1216. Sisergh, Westmoreland, residents at, 176, 203. Sissinghurst, Kent, residents at, 840, 1096. Sithney, Cornwall, residents at, 117, 487, 522, 1225, 1380, 2415. ... ……………** Sittingbourne, Kent, residents at, 416, 460, 2893. Skayles, Cumberland, estate called, 2642. Skeeby, co. York, resident at, 2993. Skeffington, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Skegby, co. Notts, resident at, 557. Skellingthorpe, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1453. Skelmersdale, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1109. manor of, 1114 (2). residents at, 1109, 3303. "" -Skelsmergh, Westmoreland, lands at, 585. residents at, 176 (4), 547. Skelton, Cumberland, parish of, 3192. ………………….., rents at, 257. ........., co. York, alum mines at, 2529. castle of, 2651. manor of, 2529. ... ** ... ** • * residents at, 2254, 3191. Skenfrith, co. Monmouth, estate, &c., of, 2774, 2775, 2779. 1 Hundred of, 644. residents at, 1728, 2778 (2). Skerr, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 3194. Skerry Grange, co. York, 2230. Skewsby, co. York, estate, &c., in, 2590, 2719. manor of, 2720. residents at, 2700, 2718, 2876. Skidbrook, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2777. Skidby, co. York, rectory of, 955. Skillington, so. Lincoln, residents at, 1411, 1727. ·· ... ** Skinning Grove, co. York, resident at, 2034. Skipsea, co. York, lands in, 3026. Skipton-in-Craven, co. York, castle of, King's garrison or party at, 1008, 1157, 1390, 1477, 1598, 1664, 1681, 1748, 1766, 2207. **** …… …….………., governor of, 1598, 1681, 2207. taking or surrender of, 985, 1598, 1681 (2), 1689. lands in, 985. orders posted at, 652. .. . ... > ………………, poor of, 1623. > petitions of, 1623 (2). traveller from, 985. vicar and churchwardens of, 1623. Skipwith, co. York, resident at, 1161. Skircoat, co. York, resident at, 3095. Skirlaugh, co. York, estate in, 1924. ........., North, co. York, chapel of, 1926. inhabitants of, petition of, 1925. .. residents at, 985 (2), 1598, 1629, 1681, 1769. **** *** Skirlaugh-cont. ...., South, co. York, estate in, 1924. inhabitants of, petition of, 1925. Skirmingham, co. Durham, mill at, 2638. resident at, 2638. **** ··· ******* Skirne river, co. Durham, cleansing of, 622. Skirwith, Cumberland, residents at, 188, 1695, 1696. Skulmore, Northumberland, lands in, 2508. Skynner Weeke, Essex, lands called, 926. Skyrack, co. York, sequestrator of, 1751. Slapton, Devon, manor of, 474 (2). Slaideburn, co. York, parish of, 2110. resident at, 2110. …………………*** Slatgold, co. Durham, mansion house of, 2763. Slaughter, co. Gloucester, parish of, 1714. residents at, 227, 1998. 10 • " ... Slayte Mills, co. York, 2314. Nether, resident at, 2890. Sleabridge, co. Pembroke, resident at, 2611. Sleaford, co. Lincoln, residents at, 994, 1278, 2511. tolls of, 994, 995. ****** New, co. Lincoln, resident at, 994. Slebish, co. Durham, resident at, 3162. Sledwich, co. Durham, resident at, 2610. Sleswick, co. Notts, close in, 1736. Slindon, co. Stafford, manor of, 1736. Sussex, residents at, 1242, 1960, 3194 (2). Slingsby, co. York, resident at, 1985. Slipton, co. Northampton, resident at, 2641. Sloley, Norfolk, estates, &c., at, 116, 1838. resident at, 1837. .. ." Smallcombes Court, co. Gloucester, 948. Smallwood, co, Chester, residents at, 120 (2), 121, 1943. ………. Smardale, Westmoreland, residents at, 99 (2). Smarden, Kent, residents at, 460, 2617, 3179. Smeaton, Cornwall, house in, 2944. Hall, Essex, 3181. · co. York, resident at, 268. Great, estate of, 1291. residents at, 1077, 1291. ****** Parva, or Little, houses, &c., in, 2763, 3209. Smethcott, Salop, lands in, 2027. Smethwick, co. Chester, residents at, 120, 922. Smithcott, co. Gloucester, estate of, 3298. Smyle, co. Warwick, manor of, 1623 (2). Snainton, co. York, rectory of, 953. residents at, 953, 2105. Snaith, co. York, orders posted at, 654. Snape, co. Chester, residents at, 120, 996. co. Lancaster, resident at, 2827. Snapethorpe, co. York, lands in, 2034. Snave, Kent, residents at, 460, 2654. ***** 3782 INDEX OF PLACES. Snenton, co. Notts, resident at, 2995. Snidale, or Snydale, co. York, manor of, 3091. residents at, 3045, 3091, 3257. Snitter, Northumberland, lands in, 2508. Snitterton, co. Derby, residents at, 1025, 2750. Snoad Woods, Kent, 2140. *** Snodland, Kent, residents at, 872, 2751. Snowshill, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Snowswick, Berks, lands in, 2390, House, Berks, 2834. Snydale, co. York, see Snidale. Sock, Old, Somerset, residents at, 1197, 1198. Sockbridge Tirrel, Westmoreland, manor of, 2725. Sockburn, co. York, resident at, 3155. Sodbury, co. Gloucester, proclamation at, resident at, 766. …………. Sodington, co. Worcester, manor in, 2644. resident at, 2644. .... Softley, co. Durham, house at, 2401. lordship or manor of, 2038. Farm, Northumberland, 2674. Soham, co. Cambridge, resident at, 1515. Soke, Hants, liberty of, 106. .. ...... ……………… residents at, 2495, 3194. · *** Solestreet, Kent, resident at, 2943. Solihull, co. Warwick, estates at, 1289, 3160, 3204. .. · "" lands in, 3150. residents at, 1177, 3187, 3197, 3204. *……. , Sollershope, co. Hereford, cottages at, 1407. Somerby, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1659. Somercotes, co. Lincoln, residents at, 2754, ...J ·· *****3 1 2777. North, lands in, 1464, 2777. 2765: South, lands in, 1465. residents at, 2363, 2765. Somerford Ashbury, co. Chester, farm at, .... ... ………………. , ...... residents at, 1464, 1465, 1634, Somerhill, Kent, 146. 1228. Hants, fee-farm rent from, 1527. Somerset, manor of, 1755, 1756. Little, Wilts, parson of, 52. Somerleyton, Suffolk, 34. Somersall, co. Derby, resident at, 1927. ..-Herbert, co. Derby, lands in, 1927. Somerset herald, John Philpott, 25. Somersetshire, 148, 294, 301, 305, 319, 400. assizes of, 659. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 2501. County Commissioners of, 119, 135, 188, 194, 209, 212, 221, 222, 224, 226, 238, 243, 244, 250, 252, 256, 261, 264 (2), 273, 281, 286, 289–291, 297, 298 Somersetshire, County Commissioners of- cont. • …………. ………. ... (3), 300, 303 (4), 305-307, 309–311, 315, 323, 332, 345, 351, 353-355, 358, 377, 381 (2), 419, 446, 453 (2), 481, 534, 540, 545, 594, 614, 627, 631, 635 (2), 636, 638, 642, 651, 652, 663, 664, 678, 711, 720, 872, 901, 936 (2), 937 (2), 952, 963 (2), 965 (3), 966, 972, 993, 1008, 1017, 1046, 1128, 1145, 1181, 1182 (2), 1197, 1198 (3), 1221, 1244 (2), 1249, 1257, 1290, 1313, 1328, 1329, 1356, 1360 (3), 1361, 1397, 1405 (2), 1406, 1419, 1427- 1429, 1495-1497, 1536, 1555, 1574 (2), 1608, 1616, 1632, 1644, 1646, 1677, 1719, 1745, 1747 (2), 1800, 1810-1812, 1818, 1874, 1928, 1934, 1946, 1964 (2), 2013, 2023, 2064, 2080, 2137, 2138, 2145 (2), 2237, 2302, 2312, 2325, 2342-2344, 2363, 2386 (3), 2387 (4), 2403, 2415, 2429 (3), 2439, 2440 (2), 2526, 2633 (3), 2706, 2733, 2759 (3), 2760, 2839, 2858, 2916, 2917, 2938, 2971, 2977 (2), 2989, 3009 (2), 3010 (2), 3042, 3073, 3085, 3094 (2), 3108, 3119, 3129, 3143 (3), 3144, 3147, 3226, 3302, 3303, 3308. • accounts of, 678, 692, 694, 719. appointment or approval of, 173, 216, 309, 321, 345, 545, 586, 673, 717. certificates of, 907, 1745, 1964, alluded to, 1085, 1645, 1746, 2429, 2525, 2938, 3042. depositions before, 653, 2943, ……………… .... • ... 2938. ..... 2964. > …………… ………………, discharges by, 629, 1360, 1588. imprisonment by, 1046, 1554, ****** … 1588, 1589. > ****** ……………… letters of, 73-75, 208, 260 (2), 281, 301, 309, 363, 369, 375, 393, 405, 410, 444, 450 (2), 474, 482, 490, 496, 501, 511, 527, 540, 541, 561, 618, 627 (3), 630, 752, 965, 2938. alluded to, 250, 1574. ……………… G *** ******* letters to, 131 (2), 222, 259, 264, 285, 289, 303, 309, 312, 313, 339, 354, 372, 374, 381, 410, 453, 479, 517, 518, 542, 545, 571, 580, 588, 594, 596, 604, 611, 625, 652, 663, 678, 725, 754 (2), 762, 1360, 1385, 1496, 1555, 1653, 1780, 2168, 2873, 2938, 2940, 2971. alluded to, 250, 257, 470 (2), 534, 914, 937, 1144, 1191, 1294, ..... 1479, 1495, 1512, 3305. ROG. 525. officers of, 137, 148, 151, 177, 208, 226, 244, 256, 257, 261, 273, 289, 291, 297, 298 (2), 310, 322, 333, 345, 351, 363, 365, 369, 375, 381 (3), 387, 390, 393, 395, 410 (2), 419, 421, 427 (2), 454, 466, 481, 488, 625, 635 (2), 636, 638, 642, 650, 1295 (2), 2500. petitions of, 298 (2), 419, **** orders of, 561, 653 (2), 936, 1607, 2435, 2949. INDEX OF PLACES. 3783 Somersetshire, County Commissioners of- cont. …………. ... ·· ……………. …………… orders to, 234, 273, 348, 394, 419, 631, 635, 639, 901 (2), 913, 936 (2), 952, 974, 1004, 1047, 1052 (2), 1077, 1124, 1128 (2), 1145 (2), 1181, 1182 (3), 1198, 1210, 1222, 1224 (2), 1257 (2), 1290, 1294, 1313 (2), 1314, 1322, 1356, 1368, 1382, 1397, 1405 (3), 1426 (3), 1429, 1495, 1496, 1504, 1573 (4), 1574 (2), 1591, 1608, 1630, 1644- 1646, 1654, 1686, 1719, 1746, 1780, 1818 (2), 1857, 1874 (2), 1928, 1933 (5), 1934, 1967, 2058 (2), 2102, 2145, 2170, 2237, 2299, 2301 (2), 2312, 2313, 2342-2344, 2363, 2386 (2), 2387 (2), 2415, 2429, 2435 (3), 2439 (3), 2340, 2500, 2501, 2550, 2557, 2582, 2583, 2706 (2), 2733, 2759 (2), 2772, 2832, 2839, 2930, 2938, 2941 (3), 2950 (2), 2971, 2977, 2989, 3009, 3013, 3014, 3042, 3048 (2), 3073, 3119, 3129, 3143, 3144, 3273, 3275 (6), 3280, 3303 (2). ***** petition of, 645. ………………………, ………………, petition to, 971. .. records of, 381. O orders of, alluded to, 594, 936, 1296, 1322, 1591, 2917. • 3 …………… ……………… asked for, or alluded to, 966, 128, 1205, 1224, 1294, 1314, 1321, 1330, 1360, 1372, 1561, 1583, 1645, 2344, 2582, 2583, 2941, 2977, 3008, 3014 (2), 3042, 3048, 3115, 3143, 3144, 3157 (2),3275, 3280. ……………… ……………………… ………………、, request by, 1814. .. ******* references to, 1496, 1607, 1645, 2343, 2435, 2525, 2557, 2633, 2635, 2759, 2832, 2858, 2874, 2943, 3010, 3022, 3091, 3122, 3144 (2), 3147, 3226, 3303, 3307 (2). ***g ......, reports, &c., of, 937, 1222, 1554, 1979, 2312, 2949, 2971, 2989, 3114. ………… 1795. 638. ..... *** …………♥ ***** ·· *) ……………. returns from, wanted, 421, 452,. queries, &c., from, 562, 594, statements by, 261 (3). alluded to, 264. surrender to, 1380, 1979. ……………… treasurer of, 222, 225, 231, 257, 386, 390, 614, 630, 673, 720, 1296. warrant of, alluded to, 2500. > the late, 208, 221, 222, 224, 238 (2), 243, 244, 250, 256, 258, 260 (2), 261, 264, 289, 291, 309, 310, 318, 319, 322, 345, 351, 354 (2), 355, 358, 363, 365 (3), 369, 381, 390, 391, 393, 395, 419, 427, 450, 511, 518, 541, 545 (2), 594, 611, 630, 631, 635 (3), 636, 638 (2), 678, 690, 1314, 1428, 1496, 2312, 2342, 2344, 2386, 2759, 2839, 2938, 2989, 3010, 3108, 3123, 3129, 8273, 8275. Somersetshire-cont. • • …………. …………. "" . **** .., estates, lands &c., in, 137, 146, 208, 256, 261 (2), 309, 333, 369, 410, 437, 482, 518, 642, 657, 711, 913, 914, 964 (3), 965, 995, 1047, 1074, 1198, 1223 (3), 1224, 1249, 1256, 1294 (2), 1308 (2), 1313, 1322, 1361, 1385, 1397, 1406 (2), 1426-1430, 1584 (3), 1591 1616, 1619, 1624, 1630, 1656, 1667, 1735-1737, 1796, 1818, 1932, 1933 (2), 1935, 1967, 1968, 1998, 2058 (2), 2064, 2101, 2170 (4), 2299, 2301- 2304, 2325, 2342, 2363 (2), 2376, 2377, 2387, 2434, 2439, 2440 (2), 2525, 2526, 2557 (2), 2583 (4), 2635, 2684, 2706, 2712, 2733, 2734, 2759, 2760, 2794, 2858, 2859, 2873, 2874 (3), 2943, 2977, 3010, 3014, 3022, 3032, 3048, 3073, 3090, 3115, 3123, 3131, 3132, 3143 (2), 3157, 3166, 3173, 3203, 3232, 3284 (2) 3302, 3303, 3307. • clubmen in, 1133. divisions or hundreds of, 137, 148, 260, 303, 381, 419, 561, 3302. > …………, ……………., sequestrators for, 534. feodary of, 926. .. ******} > lists of, notes of, 527, 561. ******* Excise in, farmers of, 613. King's party in, 260, 926, 1047, 1210, 1271, 1278, 1333, 1339, 1813. gaol for, keeper of, 629. justices of the peace for, 83, 645. Major-General for [Col. Desborow], 1659, 2501. ………… * *} 381, 391, 410. **** militia or county forces of, 453, 1574. Commissioners of, 305, 306, depositions taken before, 303 (3). **** ***** officers in, 321. ……………. > ..., money or revenues in, or returns from, 32, 151, 365, 619. Parliamentary general in, 1144. places in, 83, 293, 752, 936, 1356, 2172. plague in, 1038. residents in, 41, 50, 83, 117-119, 166, 238, 260, 453, 599, 629, 633, 677, 790, 872, 901, 965, 1038, 1046, 1145, 1198, 1294, 1295, 1397, 1405, 1429, 1452, 1495, 1496, 1555, 1573, 1579, 1591, 1632, 1645, 1646, 1687, 1734, 1984, 2058, 2101, 2239, 2376, 2429, 2585, 2853, 2916, 2943, 2949, 3022, 3048, 3280 (3). > cases of, 829, 900, 907, 914, 916 (2), 926, 936, 937 (2), 952, 953, 963, 964, 969, 971, 972, 974 (2), 993, 995, 1004, 1008, 1017, 1037, 1040, 1046 (3), 1047 (2), 1051, 1057, 1074, 1077, 1085, 1087, 1094, 1123, 1128, 1133, 1141, 1144, 1176, 1181, 1191, 1197-1199, 1203, 1205, 1210 (2), 3784 INDEX OF PLACES. Somersetshire, residents in, cases of-cont. 1234, 1238, 1243, 1244 (2), 1252 (2), 1256, 1257, 1271, 1272, 1277-1279, 1282, 1286, 1287, 1289, 1294, 1295, 1311, 1313, 1320, 1321, 1326, 1328- 1330, 1333 (2), 1339, 1355, 1356 (2), 1360 (2), 1361 (2), 1366, 1370 (2), 1372 (2), 1374, 1379-1382, 1385 (2), 1397, 1405, 1407 (2), 1408, 1412, 1417-1419, 1424, 1425, 1430, 1452, 1457, 1458, 1495 (2), 1498, 1507, 1521, 1523, 1536 (2), 1538, 1554, 1558, 1569, 1573, 1588, 1589, 1591, 1592, 1594, 1607 (2), 1610, 1616, 1632 (2), 1635, 1644, 1649, 1653, 1654, 1664-1666, 1670, 1676-1678, 1686, 1688, 1689 (3), 1719, 1722, 1728, 1745-1747, 1755, 1758, 1771, 1778 (2), 1800, 1809-1815, 1818, 1819, 1828, 1836, 1851, 1857-1859, 1865, 1867, 1873, 1880, 1887, 1888, 1890, 1905, 1928, 1937, 1946, 1947, 1962, 1964, 1977, 1979 (2), 1984 (2), 1993, 1994 (2), 2009 (3), 2012, 2013, 2018 (2), 2020, 2023, 2083, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2104, 2107, 2137, 2145 (2), 2216, 2299, 2312, 2342, 2376, 2386, 2415, 2429, 2434, 2439, 2500, 2525, 2527, 2545, 2550, 2557, 2577, 2582, 2588, 2618, 2633, 2647, 2706, 2712, 2733, 2759, 2764, 2832, 2839, 2854, 2858 (2), 2916, 2930, 2938, 2940, 2943, 2949 (2), 2964, 2971, 2974, 2980, 2989, 3008, 3010, 3013, 3029, 3042, 3048, 3073, 3085, 3090, 3091, 3094, 3108 (2), 3110, 3114, 3115, 3119, 3122, 3129, 3131, 3132, 3143 (2), 3147, 3157, 3173, 3182 (3), 3191-3193, 3197, 3203, 3226, 3243, 3257-3260, 3305. lists of, notes of, 199, 226, 741, · ******* ·· 742. sheriff of, 1238, 1426. under, 1426 (3). train bands of, 1141, 1234. travellers to or from, 355, 621, 829, 1144, 1536, 1836. Somersham, Hunts, fen lands at, 761, 1870 (2). ...... Somerton, co. Oxon, manor of, 1223. residents at, 3041, 3186, 3194. Somerset, lands in, 1429. .... **3 letter dated from, 410. manor of, 1430. **** residents at, 1964, 1979, 3280. Sonning, Berks, see Sunning. Soolton [Soughton ?], Salop, resident at, 761. Sopley, Hants, rectory and tithes of, 1288, 1289 (3). Sotterley, Suffolk, residents at, 2228, 2462. Soughton, Salop, see Soolton. Soulby, Westmoreland, manor of, 2308 (2). tenants of, petition of, 2465. ....... ... residents at, 203, 521. ... > Souldern, co. Oxon, resident at, 2943, Soulthorp Closes, Rutland, 3080. Sound, co. Chester, Hill House in, 3065, 3212. Sourton, Devon, resident at, 153. Southam, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2889 (2). ......., co. Warwick, manor of, 1624. Southampton, Hants, 193. Commissioners for, 193. Committee of Accounts at, 553, 662. Customs' officers at, 3082. houses in, 1812, 3154. letter dated from, 236. ., …………., mayor and commonalty of, 1812. ministers of, 1790. ·· · ... ... ***** 10 ………………….. 1059. places near, 140, 1910. residents at, 531 (2), 1059, 1638, 1873, 2832, 2923. ► St. Mary's Chantry near, 530-532, 1789. ·· > South Cave, co. York, manor of, 1926. residents at, 1097, 2061. Southcliff, co. York, estate in, 1925. Southfield, co. Leicester, tithes of, 2418-2420. Southill, Cornwall, resident at, 2591. South-hoo, Hunts, resident at, 346. South House, Essex, 2235. Southleigh, co. Oxon, resident at, 3121. Southover, Sussex, church of, 1343, 1345, 3278. …….. Southstoke, co. Oxon, resident at, 1501. Southwark, borough of, bailiff of, 39. collector for, 357. Parliament garrison at, governor of, > > · Commissioners for, 438, 2170. books of, 645. letter dated from, 403. Militia of, Committee of, certificate of, 1183. ……………. lands in, 1257. *" .. > …, poor of, 426. reference to, 1183. residents in, 245, 304, 398, 403, 404, 1217, 1400, 1596, 2761, 3067, 3192. C .., streets, buildings, &c., in- Bailiff's court, 394. Bankside, 2761. Bermondsey, 1396. Blackfriars, 249, 472, 1715, 1785 (2), 1786 (3), 2137, 2769. St. Anne's parish in, 1902. stone gallery in, 1785-1787. Counter Prison, 7. prisoners in, 971, 994, 1036, ****** 1194. Gleane Alley, 2202 (2). Hospital, 401. Marshal's Court, 400. INDEX OF PLACES. 3785 Southwark, streets, places, &c., in-cont. Marshalsea Prison, 7. ... • · ·· • • .... ▸ Southwate, Cumberland, tenement in, 1669. South Weald, Essex, resident at, 2118. Southwell, Notts, collegiate church of, 1197. chapter of, 1350. proclamation at, 338. residents at, 535 (2), 1389, 1732, 2113, 2586, 2938. Southwick, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1352. .... La > ·· ******g Southwold, Suffolk, resident at, 1816. Sowerby, co. Lancaster, houses and lands in, 1115-1118, 2659 (2). .... , 1257. Maze Court, 2171. ·· keeper or knight marshal of, > ******* St. Olave's, churchwardens of, petition of, 3211. 49 Manor, 252, 2170-2172. Pond, 2923. minister of, 1357, 1358. residents at, 2254, 3229. Sowterfield, Cumberland, resident at, 202. Spain, court of, 598. parish of, 400, 1375, 2203, 2705. poor of, 3211. ****** St. Saviour's parish, 1217, 2203. palace garden in, 2477. Tooley's Olave [? Tooley Street, St. Olave's], 2172. Upper, or King's Bench, Court of, see Upper Bench, Court of. ******* King's return from [when Prince of Wales], alluded to, 1400. ministers of, 598. persons in, 515, 598, 743. war with, alluded to, 1081, 3285. Spalding, co. Lincoln, County Committee at, 1929. residents at, 656, 2658, 2659. Great, houses in, 1117. Little, houses in, 1117. Westmoreland, resident at, 547. co. York, lands in, 2718. manor of, 2299. English Ambassador in, 3285. General in, 598. lands in, 931, 1929. manor of, 354. residents at, 1296, 1330, 1379, 1511, 1615. Sparford, co. Northampton?, demesne of, 1672. Spargor, Cornwall, resident at, 1559. Sparkenhoe, co. Leicester, hundred of, high constable of, 1651. resident in, 110. ***** Sparkford, Somerset, estate in, 2874. Sparks, Kent, messuage of, 1683. 70358. Sparrowgreaves, co. Stafford, lands called, 1684. Sparsholt, Hants, resident at, 105. Spartaley-in-Weardale, co. Durham, 3061, 3062. Sparth, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2563. Speke, or Speake, co. Chester, resident at, 101. *****y *** * co. Lancaster, houses and lands in, 1912 (2), 1913, 3241. manor of, 2514. residents at, 395, 1911, 2514 (2), 2737, 2863, 2895, 3228, 3238, 3241. Oglett-in-, co. Lancaster, house in, 2739. resident at, 2738. Spellowe House, co. Lancaster, 2520. resident at, 2520. Spenn, co. York, resident at, 1374. Spennithorne, co. York, minister of, 1658. Spergrove, Somerset, resident at, 1688. Spernall, co. Warwick, resident at, 2840. Spilsby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2537. Spindleston, Northumberland, estate in, 3189. resident at, 3188. ***** Spinkehall, co. York, house and lands in, 2487. Spittal Farm, co. Derby, 1737. Spixworth, Norfolk, estate at, 115. residents at, 1793, 2118. *** Spofforth, co. York, lands in, 1835, 2480. parish of, 2482. Spout, the, co. Lancaster, tenement called 2075. CA 0 "" ****** ** Sprawston, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Spridleston, Devon, resident at, 1911. Springfield, Essex, resident at, 885. Sproson, co. Leicester, resident at, 3169. Sprotborough, co. York, resident at, 1233. Sprowston, Norfolk, estate at, 942. resident at, 1193. Sproxton, co. Leicester, estate at, 3056. resident at, 3056. ... ****** Spuriers, co. Gloucester, house called, 3143. Spurstow, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 101, 1156, 1728, 3198 (2). Squerries, Kent, resident at, 2049. Stackhall, co. Lancaster, estate called, 2885. Staddon, Devon, resident at, 153. •• Field, Devon, estate called, 2595. Stadham, co. Bedford, resident at, 979. Staffield, Cumberland, manor of, 1669. Stafford, Commissioners at, 249, 672, 1610. Corporation seal of, 1843. estate posted at, 2082. houses and lands in, 1891, 1896, 1991. King near, 26. ........., King's garrison at, 1424.. 1 J Q Q 3786 INDEX OF PLACES. Stafford-cont. • ………………………, mayor and burgesses of, 1843. Parliamentary garrison of, 1185. ... ... ·· **J **** letters, &c., dated from, 26, 146, 249, 291, 292, 316, 366, 376, 389, 401, 430, 437, 501, 514, 530, 564, 565, 629, 633, 695, 697, 728, 746, 748, 760, 774. ... ………………… .... 966. ****** suburbs of, 894. taking of, 1016. travellers to, 951, 1016. Stafford's Fold, Bucks, lands in, 2541. Staffordshire, 146, 249, 715, 759, 774, 1286, "" …………… party in, 951. prisoners at, 926, 1185, 2193. residents at or near, 89, 317, 1843, 1991 (2). • .... ****3 1477. clerk of assize for, see White, Col. Wm., M.P. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1207, 2288, 2780, 2922. governors of, 292, 376, 811, County Commissioners of, 26, 29, 164, 292, 316, 376, 565, 574, 643, 720, 746, 748, 873, 938, 939, 1016, 1024, 1033, 1056,1185, 1284, 1611, 1682, 1685, 1771 (2), 1799, 1817, 1836, 1843, 1868 (2), 1876, 1891-1894, 2010, 2081-2085, 2103 (3), 2108, 2117 (2), 2294 ?, 2301, 2324, 2374, 2467, 2483-2485, 2534, 2611, 2617, 2653, 2665, 2711, 2714, 2717, 2745, 2780, 2790, 2856 (3), 2915, 2921, 2922 (2), 2939, 2944, 2974, 3039, 3068, 3146, 3228, 3240, 3241, 3289 (2), 3290 (3), 3293. "" appointment or approval of, 173, 564, 672, 753, 754. certificates by, 695, 1513, 2082, 2295, 2779, 2915. ... petition of, 1891. ... ... alluded to, 695, 938, 1032, 2080, 2083, 2855, 2856, 2998. depositions sent up by, 2844. letters of, 26, 146, 249, 262, 291, 292, 366, 389, 401, 430, 437, 438, 501, 514, 516, 530, 565, 629, 633, 697, 700, 728, 760, 1892 (2), 1893, 2022. letters to, 80, 253, 269, 281, 296, 303, 212, 313, 339, 372, 374, 420, 444, 480, 484, 489, 515, 538, 545, 701, 713, 749, 753, 771, 773, 774, 776, 1207, 1550, 1777, 1817, 1836, 1892 (5), 2653, 2844, 2851, 3247. ***** ******? alluded to, 317, 470, 697, 1060, 1283, 2978. ******* officers of, 194, 249, 262, 303, 366, 376, 389, 538, 629, 695, 702, 715, 1895, 2974. 2939. "J ***** ·· " 643, 774. orders of, 1162. accounts of, 743, 744. letters of, 89, 316, 483, alluded to, 1522, 2653, …………** Staffordshire, County Commissioners of—cont. orders to, 938 (3), 991, 1033, 1034, 1056, 1162 (3), 1259, 1264, 1377, 1378, 1458, 1519, 1685, 1800, 1843, 1866, 1868 (4), 1869, 1876 (2), 1891-1894, 2080-2082, 2084, 2108 (2), 2117 (2), 2118, 2132, 2283-2286, 2288, 2289, 2295 (2), 2301, 2324 (2), 2329, 2456, 2483-2485, 2611, 2617, 2714, 2717, 2779, 2780, 2815, 2855, 2856 (4), 2915 (2), 2921 (2), 2939 (2), 2944 (2), 2989, 2999, 3000 (3), 3026, 3039, 3130, 3135, 3180 (2), 3225, 3228, (2), 3289. ……………. · ……………… ……………………. alluded to, 951 (2), 1033, 1519, 1868, 1876, 2085, 2285 (2), 2289, 2324, 2714, 2939 (2). references to, 893, 1837, 1868, ****** 1895, 2023, 2286, 2289, 2484, 2665, 2711, 2745, 2921, 2922, 2982, 2998, 2999, 3099 (3), 3135, 3137, 3180, 3195, 3230, 3238, 3290. ....., returns or reports from, 273, 421, 740, 1135, 1891, 1894, 2007, 2295, 2746, 3135 (2). alluded to, 2283 (2), 2295, ………… ………….., payment to, warrant for, 789. queries from, 478, 511. 2779. statements or papers sent by, 717, 1094, 1777 (2). .... ……………… ****** • …………………….. ……………., treasury of, 511. • ****** ………………* the late, 249, 366, 501, 629, 697, 702, 717, 1876, 1971, 2103 (2), 2779, 2915 (2). ***** ··· treasurer of, 316, 366, 564, 629. letter to, 713. ******* estates, lands,&c.,in, 281, 575, 697, 764, 890, 938, 1032, 1099, 1207 (2), 1214 (3), 1264, 1285, 1421, 1423, 1489, 1519, 1521, 1550, 1611, 1684, 1735- 1737, 1774, 1801, 1817, 1865, 1866, 1868 (2), 1869 (2), 1875-1877, 1891 (4), 1894-1896, 1929, 1991, 2010 (2), 2014, 2022-2024, 2057, 2080-2084, 2103 (3), 2117, 2284-2289, 2301, 2321 (3), 2322, 2324, 2329, 2456 (2), 2467, 2474, 2485 (2), 2486 (2), 2513, 2610, 2611 (2), 2653, 2665, 2711 (5), 2714, 2717, 2745, 2746, 2780, 2815, 2921, 2943, 2944, 2970, 2998 (2), 2999, 3039, 3099, 3135, 3137, 3150, 3180 (2), 3225, 3230, 3240, 3283, 3290. Excise in, collectors of, 2367. J.Ps of, 317. King's party in, 26, 292, 2295. Major-Gen. of (Col. Charles Worse- ley), 939, 1207, 2780, 2922. market towns in, 389, 401. Mass in, attendance at, 1007. militia, or county forces of, 281, 366, 695, 720, 1016. ..... Commissioners for, 291, 717. letter to, 717. ****** J INDEX OF PLACES. 3787 Staffordshire-cont. ………………….., money from, or revenues of, 411, 619, 702, 715. …………. ... ·· ... 19 *** ·· ... …………… places in or near, 89, 90, 1134, 2368, 3000. …………. .... ……………… receiver or auditor in, 695, 743, 2106. residents in, 29, 104, 112 (2), 249, 275, 281, 288, 292, 514, 539, 544, 574, 617, 873, 1033 (2), 1038, 1060, 1207, 1489, 1664, 1771, 1817 (2), 1836, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1917, 1928, 1956, 2024, 2059, 2081, 2082, 2085, 2088 (2), 2117 (2), 2131, 2289, 2456, 2484 (2), 2494, 2711, 2745 (2), 2749, 2782, 2815, 2855, 2856, 2917, 2939, 2944, 2954, 2991, 2998, 3000, 3068, 3130, 3137, 3150, 3170, 3195, 3238, 3244, 3264, 3283, 3293. > ... cases of, 890, 893, 950, 951, 990, 996, 1016, 1027, 1028, 1032, 1C56, 1094, 1098, 1134, 1162, 1177, 1192, 1207, 1230, 1424, 1464, 1471, 1475, 1476, 1495, 1513, 1519, 1521, 1536, 1571, 1576, 1606, 1610, 1664, 1682, 1684, 1720, 1758, 1771, 1799, 1804, 1813, 1817, 1822, 1836, 1843, 1865- 1867, 1876, 1881, 1891 (2), 1906, 1916, 1927, 1929, 1938, 1971, 1985, 1991, 2007, 2010, 2014, 2024, 2028, 2043, 2080 (2), 2102, 2117, 2132, 2207, 2240, 2283, 2315, 2374, 2483, 2513, 2534, 2559, 2611, 2653, 2665, 2711, 2745, 2749, 2772, 2784, 2788, 2790, 2815, 2844, 2848, 2851, 2855, 2915, 2921, 2939, 2970, 2974, 2978, 2982, 2989, 2998, 3000, 3026, 3068, 3130, 3135, 3137, 3146, 3150, 3179, 3182 (2), 3184, 3186 (3), 3193-3195, 3225, 3228, 3230, 3238, 3240, 3241, 3244, 3258, 3259. ** } ……………. traveller to, 3290. Stagsden, co. Bedford, resident at, 1304. Staidfield, Kent, resident at, 416. Stainall, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3077. Stainbank Green, Westmoreland, resident at, lists of, 89, 90. notes of, 199, 728, 741, **** 742. sheriff of, 324, 1016, 1034, 1521, 2285 (3), 2286, 2607, 2608, 2665. County Court of, 3290. 1865. Staindrop, co. Durham, parish of, 2221. resident at, 2525. Staines, Middlesex, place near, 1057. resident at, 1567. ..... Stainfield, co. Lincoln, parish of, 178. Stainforth, co. York, houses, &c., in, 1855. resident at, 1762. Underburgh, co. York, resident at, 1762. Stainmore, Westmoreland, resident at, 99. Stainton, Cumberland, resident at, 3186. Great, co. Durham, houses, &c., in, 2254 (2). Stainton, Great-cont. .. • ... ... parish church of, 2805. residents at, 2252, 2805. ******* .-le-Street, co. Durham, lands in, 2252. Nun, co. Durham, lands at, 622. .-in-Furness, co. Lancaster, resident at, 312i. ****** tenement in, 3224. …………………….., co. York, estate in, 3178. resident at, 1119. ****** Stalbridge, Dorset, residents at, 118, 2618 (2). tenements in, 2618. Stallingborough, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1317. ……………… > Stalmine, co. Lancaster, house in, 3032. tithes of, 2950. Stamford, Essex, farm at, 306. ... ... Rivers, Essex, see Stanford Rivers. co. Lincoln, residents at, 1989, 2804. co. York, resident at, 3192. Stamfordham, Northumberland, tithes of, 999. Standish, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1273. residents at, 1273, 2429. co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2073, 3145 (2). …………… (2). ** > r Norfolk, manor of, 2501. Westmoreland, residents at, 176,2875 manor of, 2660. ………, parish of, 3137. .., rectory of, 2812. residents at, 21, 506, 1897, 2574, 2795, 2812, 3103. Wood, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2815. . Standlinch, or Stanlidge, Wilts, farm, &c., in, 78. residents at, 78, 1739 (2). Stanfield, co. Lincoln, resident at, 954. woods in, 2188. Stanford-le-Hope, Essex, marsh in, 2405. resident at, 1954. ****** **) ……………… Rivers, Essex, estates at, 525, 2643. manor of, 2643. parish of, 2643. residents at, 1048, 1051, 1908, ....) ** 2643. Kent, residents at, 461, 1394, 2175. Stanhope-in-Weardale, co. Durham, parish of, 3062. park of, 3061. Stanley, co. Derby, grange of, 2058. ……………………., messuage, &c., in, 1735. co. Durham, resident at, 203. co. York, lands in, 2034. resident at, 2034. ***** Stanlidge, see Standlinch. Stanlow, co. Chester, house, &c., in, 1803. resident at, 1802. *** Stannerton, Northumberland, lands in, 3020. Q 9 9 3788 INDEX OF PLACES. Stanney, co. Chester, estate at, 61. residents at, 100, 103, 1139. Stanningfield, Suffclk, lands in, 1514. Stanninghall, Norfolk, resident at, 3187. Stanstead Abbots, Herts, resident at, 1838. Sussex, 920. resident at, 920. Stanswick, Berks, residents at, 1575, 2600. Stanthorne, co. Chester, Mowhouse in, 2092. Stanton, Long, co. Cambridge, houses at, 1650. residents at, 1342, 1650. ... כי ... ... co. Derby, manor of, 2353. co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. .., Fen, Hunts, see Fen-Stanton. co. Leicester, resident at, 109. > ·· .. • ****** Stoney, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Wivell, co. Leicester, manor of, 1079. residents at, 109, 1078, 1079. Northumberland, resident at, 2593. Harcourt, co. Oxon, residents at, 172, 602, 2138. .... ..... ******* Wilts, resident at, 78 (2). ... •• > Stantor, Devon, mansion house of, 2987. resident at, 2987. Lacy, Salop, manor of, 1625 (2). residents at, 1484, 2838. Stanway, Essex, resident at, 2845. ........., co. Gloucester, residents at, 38, 952. Stanwell, Middlesex, hundred of, collector for, 944. ……………………., rectory of, 1402. resident at, 944. *** Stanwick, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 2106. co. York, manor of, 3112. Stanworth, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2902. manor of, 2902. ………………………, manor house of, 2724. residents at, 441, 2902. ***** Stanzaker, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2957. Stapeley, co. Chester, estate, &c., at, 326, 2569, 2989. .... Stapewath, co. York, alum works at, 336. Stapleford, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. ... Wilts, estate at, 78. > ..., rectory of, 78, 700. residents at, 78 (2), 1542. Staplegrove, Somerset, minister of, 1360. Stapleton, Dorset, resident at, 3260. ........., co. Hereford resident at, 2708. • ** co. York, estates at, 587, 2356 (5). Stapleton's Manor, co. York, 2136. Star Chamber, Westminster, 59 (2), 623, 714, 806. trustees in, 2050. Statfold, co. Beds, residents at, 555, 895, 1652. Stathern, co. Leicester, resident at, 2143. Statter's Farm, co. Lincoln, 3064. Staughton Parva, co. Beds, manor of, 1558. Magna, Hunts, resident at, 918. Staundon, co. Stafford, lordship of, 1611 (2). residents at, 90, 633, 1610. Staunton, Devon, estate at, 153. resident at, 2987. ........., co. Leicester, residents at, 2102, 2411. Harold, co. Leicester, resident at, 2295. co. Notts, resident at, 1382. Suffolk, resident at, 1448. Staurdale, Somerset, resident at, 3173. Staveley, co. Derby, rectory of, 1048. resident at, 1048. .. ... …………. .. co. York, lands in, 3168. *** Staverton, Devon, estates in, 153, 2853. residents at, 3186 (2). Stawell Manor, Somerset, 1429. Staxby, co. York, estate at, 587. residents at,. 1801, 3287. .... Staynor, co. York, resident at, 2896. Staythorpe, Notts, resident at, 2586. Stearsby, co. York, houses, lands, &c., in, 3133. resident at, 3133. .. • • 2 ...., Brandsby-cum-, co. York, see Brandsby. Stebbing, Essex, manor of, 1932. Stedham, Sussex, resident at, 1637. Steedhill, Kent, resident at, 328. Steeple Claydon, Bucks, estate at, 67. resident at, 1608. Bampstead, Essex, resident at, 847. Gidding, Hunts, resident at, 3179. Langford, Wilts, living of, 75. farm at, 753. Steepleton, Dorset, manor of, 2534. manor house of, 2533. Stella, co. Durham, manor of, 3006. residents at, 2393, 2697, 3006. Stenmarth, Kent, parish of, 2118. Stepney, Middlesex, houses and lands in, 2159-2161, 2164 (2), 2165, 2167 (2). …………….., manor of, 537, 2156, 2157 (2), 2159 (2), 2165-2167, 2381. ., parish of, 684, 2166. rectory or parsonage of, 2156, 2163, 2164, 2166. ………………… ...... .... 4 **** ……………… ........., Wentworth Street in, 2165, 2166. Marsh, Middlesex, lands in, 2164, 2833. Stetley, Notts, manor of, 2467. Steventon, có. Beds, grounds and houses in, 1306. residents in, 738, 1575. Rose Lane in, 2165. د. …………….., rectory of, 1305. Stewkley, Bucks, estates or lands at, 67 (3), 3140. manor of, 3141. parish of, 3113. co. Durham, resident at, 203. Steyning, Sussex, letters dated from, 179, 381. residents at, 1554, 2473. INDEX OF PLACES. 9789 Stibbington, Hunts, houses in, 2864. Stickford, co. Lincoln, resident at, 835. Stickland, Dorset, mauor of, 2717. Stildon, co. Worcester, resident at, 1220. Stillingfleet, co. York, minister of, 2040. •• resident at, 2990. ... > Stillington, co. Durham, manor of, 2797 (2). residents at, 1136, 2797. ··· .. CON ·· co. Northampton [Hunts ?], resident in, 3294. Stilton, Hunts, resident at, 2906. Stippon, co. York, estate at, 2313. Stirt, Wilts, estate of, 911. Stittenham, co. York, residents at, 1042, 1576, 1778. Stoake, co. Beds, manor of, 2421. Stock, Essex, rector of, 1566. resident at, 3182. (Stoke ?), co. Oxon, resident at, 1785. co. York, resident at, 2432. Stockam, Cumberland, resident at, 1754. Stockbury, Kent, resident at, 461. Stockeld, co. York, residents at, 1834 (3), 2432. Stockenham, Devon, resident at, 2063. Stockerston, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Stockin, co. Flint, resident at, 3194. Stockland, Dorset, lands in, 3172. resident at, 3172. > E ... **** *** Lovell, Somerset, resident at, 3091. Stockport, co. Chester, resident at, 2374. Stockton, co. Durham, ward of, 1917 (2). co. Stafford, resident at, 2939. Wilts, resident at, 977. ... co. York, resident at, 2309. co. York, resident at, 3259. .... Stockwell, Surrey, resident at, 3244. Stockwith, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2646. > • "" Stockwood, Dorset, resident at, 2585. Stodmarsh, Kent, messuage in, 2391. Stogumber, Somerset, lands in, 1256, 2558. rectory of, 1257 (2). resident at, 1594. Stogursey, Somerset, manor of, 2557. East, co. Lincoln, lands in, 2646. Notts, lands in, 2550. resident at, 1458. ...... .... Stoke Goldington, Bucks, estate or lands at, 67, 2043. manor of, 3171. resident at, 2174. Hammond, Bucks, estate, &c., at, 67, ……………** 948. resident at, 947. ........., co. Chester, estate at, 61. ……………………., rectory of, 1139. ·· ……………. residents at, 324, 424, 2499. Clevesland, Cornwall, resident at, 522. Stoke-cont. ……… …………. ·· ·· · manor of, 323, 328 (2), 477. Devon, estate in, 2853. Canon, Devon, resident at, 1254.. Damerel, Devon, lands, &c., in, 2894. Abbott, Dorset, resident at, 118. Gifford, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1653. U ... ……………. .... Lark, or Larkstoke, co. Gloucester, lands in, 2919, 2920. Climsland, Cornwall, residents at, 2736, 2936 (2). co. Derby, lands in, 1737. > ·· ……. residents at, 87, 2919, 2920. North, Hants, resident at, 1517. Edith, co. Hereford, manor of, 3065. ..... residents at, 3065, 3239. Court, co. Hereford, 3066. Lacy, co. Hereford, resident at, 1415. Kent, farm of, 2054. parish of, 2118. Golding, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. North, co. Lincoln, residents at, 178, 1612. " Norfolk, estate at, 114. Park, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1595. " Notts, lands in, 1970. tithes of, 1267. co. Oxon, resident at, 1785 (?). Mules, co. Oxon, lands, &c., in, 3070. ………………, manor of, 3070. North, co. Oxon, lands, &c., in, 3070. Talmage, co. Oxon, resident at, 1716. Dry, cos. Rutland and Leicester, es- tates in, 2044, 2174, 3171. ••• ……………., parsons of, 2174 (2). resident at, 2172. manor of, 2173 (2), 2174. ****** Castle, Salop, King's party or garrison at, 1484, 1545 ?. Church, Salop, parish of, lands in, *******♪ petition of, 1495. Suffolk, resident at, 3173. ........-by-Nayland, Suffolk, estate or lands in, 1268, 1269 (2). 1626. St. Milborough, or Millburgh, Salop. residents at, 944, 2030. Abbey and Stoke Militis, Somerset, manor of, 1736. Gregory, Somerset, resident at, 3143. Hambden or Stoke-under-Hamden, Somerset, residents at, 119, 310, 1495, 2415, 3085. ***) 2845. *** rectory and vicar of, 8306. residents at, 1260, 1268, 2230, Surrey, lands in, 2294. North, Sussex, resident at, 1984. ........., co. Warwick, rectory of, 1993. House, co. Worcester, 1478. 3790 INDEX OF PLACES. Stoke-cont. minister of, 1479 (4). ……………., rectory of, 1478, 1479. resident at, 2071. ... Stokenham, Devon, estate at, 153. Stokesay, Salop, manor of, 1622, 1625. Stoke's Bay, ships at, 15. Stokesby, Norfolk, estate at, 115. resident at, 2915. Stokesley, co. York, parish of, 2739. Stoketrister, Somerset, parish of, 1865. Stonderber House, co. York, 3126. Stondon Farm, Essex, 3284. ·· ...... Place, Essex, 3217. Stone, Bucks, estate at, 67. ... · .. Prior, co. Worcester, house and lands in, 2913. • …………. Kent, resident at, 461. Berkely, Norfolk, resident at, 2770. Croft, Northumberland, estate of, 2953. Ferry, co. York, lands in, 3109. Stoneham, North, Hants, resident at, 996. South, Hants, house, &c., in, 3138. residents at, 531. ****** petition of, 2095. Stoneholm, Cumberland, land in, 2996. Stonehouse, co. Gloucester, resident at, 748 resident at, 2595, 2953. co. Stafford, Gen. Middleton taken at, 2653. ..... לי .. ...... residents at, 89, 633, 1519. 2 co. Worcester, residents at, 2043, 2437. (2). Salop, lands in, 3043. Stoneleigh, or Stoneley, co. Warwick, manor of, 1135. ………………………, rectory of, 1134. residents at, 144, 1134 (2). House, the King at, 1134. Stonelowe, co. Stafford, resident at, 1033. Stoneton, Salop, resident at, 1946. Stoney Middleton, co. Derby, manor of, 2478. Stonor, co. Oxon, manor of, 3069. > residents at, 3069, 3070 (2). .. **5 Stony Stratford, co. Bucks, estate at, 68. house in, 2869. ', ………….., Mary Magdalen chapel at, 1251. minister of, 2266. ……………., rectory of, 1247. residents at, 2266. ………… • ******* Cragg, Cumberland. 1704. Stonyhurst, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1996, 3174, 3218. Stonythorpe, co. Warwick, maner of, 1740 (3). petition of, 1251. resident at, 1740 (2). Stopeley, co. York, orders posted at, 654. Stopford, co. Chester, resident at, 2399. Stopton Manor, Devon, 498. Storeton, co. Chester, estate at, 60. Storthe [Storith's ?] Hall, co. York, 1150. Stottesden Manor, Salop, tenants of, petition of, 2066. Stoughton, Hunts, resident at, 907. Surrey, resident at, 3300 (2). Stourbridge, co. Worcester, resident at, 3028. Stourton Castle, Wilts, siege of, 1258. *****} manor of, 78, 1294 (2). residents at, 1583, 2058. Stousley, co. York, resident at, 3193. Stow, co. Cambridge, estate at, 2454. Cornwall, barton of, 2215. residents at, 2214, 2853. .. ………… ... *** .. **** ******* ·· •• …………………, proclamation at, 70. resident at, 87. ***** co. Gloucester, bailiffs, burgesses, and > inhabitants of, petition of, 1983. • > Stowe, co. Lincoln, 1022. "" inhabitants of, petition of, 1022. Park, co. Lincoln, 1022. > co. Stafford, rectory of, 1894. resident at, 1894. Stower, East, Dorset, resident at, 2091. Stowey, Somerset, letter dated from, 534. Nether, letter dated from, 351. residents at, 212, 633, 1430, 3091 (2). > ... ... ··· **** "" Stowmarket, Suffolk, manor of, 1759. Stowood, co. Oxon, forest of, 1563, 1564 (2). Strahan, Ireland, resident at, 783. Stradbrooke, Suffolk, messuage in, 2057. Strafforth, co. York, fields in, 3008. Stratfieldsaye, Hants, resident at, 2041. Stratford Waters, Bucks, resident at, 1978. Langton, Essex, resident at, 2587. Longthorn, Essex, resident at, 1567. East, co. Notts, resident at, 2552. Suffolk, manor of, 1759. resident at, 2318. ...-upon-Avon, co. Warwick, manor of, 1914. ... fairs and tolls of, 1982-1984. manor of, 1982, 1984. prisoner taken at, 1701. ·· ... Hunts, resident at, 944. Hall, Suffolk, 1962. place near, 315. residents at, 1521, 2816. Wilts, residents at, 77, 1594. ..-under-Castle, Wilts, residents at, 77, 1578. **** .. Stratton, Cornwall, parish of, 517, 2239. resident at, 2301. Dorset, residents at, 1222, 1223. > co. Gloucester, estate, &c., at, 85, 3301. .. > residents at, 2326, 2327, 8301. ****** ..., Hants, resident at, 2319. INDEX OF PLACES. $791 Stratton-cont. …………. • resident at, 2523. Somerset, manor of, 1429. ....3 Margaret, Wilts, minister of, 2303. co. York, resident at, 3259. Strawton, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1597. Streatham, Surrey, letter dated from, 699. ………. ……………… residents at, 1543, 3118. Sussex, manor of, 2458. Streatlam, co. Durham, lordship of, 1122 (3). resident at, 203?. ……….. Streatley, co. Bedford, manor of, 1499 (4). ........., Berks, farms and mills in, 2984, 3153. resident at, 2984. Streellam [Streatlam ?], co. Durham, resident at, 203. **** Street, Somerset, letter dated from, 333. resident at, 3110. Strelley, co. Notts, resident at, 1308. Strensham, co. Worcester, residents at, 1890, ... ... Audley, co. Oxon, farm and parsonage of, 2523. 2640. Stretford, co. Lancaster, resident at, 766. tithes of, 2865. Strettmarcell, co. Montgomery, manor of, ****** 2199. Stretton, co. Chester, residents at, 217, 236 (2), 1966, 2904. ........., co. Gloucester, manor of, 225. Rutland, resident at, 1149. co. Warwick, lands in, 1391. minister of, 1603. ……………………, rectory of, 1455 (2), 1456. Strickland, Westmoreland, manor of, 1784 **** (3). Little, letter dated from, 195. resident at, 815. ****** Roger, Westmoreland, residents at, 176, 1658, 3158. Stroud, or Strood, co. Gloucester, church at, 748. .... .... Studley-cont. > Strubby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1515. Stubb Close, co. Northampton, 410. .. " Stubbin, co. Lancaster, tenement called, 2916. Stubhall, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2902 (3). Stublach, co. Chester, township of, 1229. Stubs Walding, co. York, manor, &c., of, 2763. ...... residents at, 2763 (2). Studham, co. Bedford, resident at, 579. Studley, Bucks, estate at, 67. proclamation at, 70. residents at, 748, 749 (2). Kent, houses in, 2054. residents at, 461, 2054, 2809. ……………, manor of, 2877. • ... Devon, residents at, 98, 502, 1232. co. Warwick, minister of, 1409. resident at, 1409. Wilts, resident at, 2079. co. York, resident at, 1008. ...S Stukeley Magna, Hunts, resident at, 881, 1538. Sturminster, Dorset, resident at, 3132. Marshall, Dorset, resident at, 118. Newton, Dorset, rents in, 240. resident at, 2413. ****** Sturton, co. Lincoln, 1022., ………… ... • •19 3182. co. Notts, lands in, 2579 (2). Stuston, Suffolk, resident at, 2468. Subberton, Hants, manor of, 2883 (3), 2884. Subbedge Farm, co. Hereford, 2400. Suckley, co. Worcester, resident at, 3250. Sudbrooke, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1459. Sudeley Castle, co. Gloucester, 847. resident at, 846. ** ·· ****** Suffolk, 230, 715, 1011, 3049, 3204. ........., agent or messenger sent to, 787, 789, 808. …………. RE Grange, Northumberland, resident at, **** assessments of, 693. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1291, 2042. Committee of Accounts, for, 185. County Commissioners of, 23, 34, 229, 249, 691, 693, 696, 697, 869, 870, 942, 985, 1128, 1222, 1269 (2), 1291, 1297, 1409, 1425, 1573, 1759, 1816, 1962, 2257, 2460, 2468, 2504, 2535 (2), 2665, 2709, 2818, 2827 (2), 2828, 2961, 2978, 3026, 3104. ......, appointment or approval of, 172, 673, 683, 691. certificate of, 2958. .... ****** ****** 2958, 2979, 3005. letters of, 188, 211, 215, 230, ... 316, 341, 391, 417, 462, 484, 538, 546, 578, 692, 694, 698, 732, 870, 2535. alluded to, 31. ·· 657. letters to, 313 (2), 349, 374, 467, 482, 547, 693, 694, 698, 710, 713, 740, 1222, 1297, 1448 (2), 1780, 2777, 2862. alluded to, 302, 470, 518, •) officers of, 188, 229, 230, 546, 694, 2710, 2891. orders of, 1425, 2947. ***** orders to, 19, 688, 845, 862, 869 (2), 942, 1128, 1268, 1269, 1291, 1394, 1450, 1579, 1759 (2), 1780, 1839, 1851, 1852 (2), 1857, 1877 (3), 1932, 1933 (2), 1962, 2059, 2133 (4), 2228, 2257, 2301, 2453, 2460, 2469, 2504 (3), 2505 (4), 2535, 2665, 2709 (3), 2710, 2817– 2819, 2947, 2958, 2961 (2), 2962 (4), 2979, 3005, 3009, 3046, 3104 (5), 3105 (2). alluded to, 2709 (3), 2818, *** alluded to, 1309, 1851, 1852 (2), 2059, 2504 (2), 2709, 2828, 2961, 3104 (8), 3105. ... 3792 INDEX OF PLACES. Suffolk, County Commissioners of-cont. ………………, payment to, 23. • • ·· ·· references to, 869, 1514, 2817 (2), 2828, 2961, 3006, 3026, 3103, 3104, 3169, 3173, 3188, 3211. .. .. ……………19 ………, ………………, request by, 1260. ……………………… ……………., summons by, 885. treasurer to, 23. ………… > the late, 230, 341, 391, 418, 691, 693, 694, 2961, 2962, 3104. • * 7 ……………… ......, reports by, 1390, 1513, 2301, 2820, 2862. letter to, 713. ……………. ....... estates, lands, &c., in, 695, 698, 842, 1269 (3), 1390, 1448 (2), 1508, 1759, 1790, 1792, 1852 (2), 1857, 1867 (2), 1870, 1933, 1962, 2059 (2), 2134, 2301-2304, 2460, 2472 (2), 2624, 2665, 2709, 2817-2819, 2827, 2828, 2961, 3009, 3026, 3103, 3104, 3129, 3169, 3188 (3), 3190, 3211, 3212 (2). Major-General for [Col. Haynes], *, • 1291. letters to, 2042 (2). ., money from, or revenues of, 23, 31, 151, 619, 869, 870 (3). • places in, 34, 892, 1290. residents in, 23, 199, 395, 539, 694, 740, 743, 859, 861, 1237, 1390, 1514, 1851, 1852, 1877, 2133, 2257, 2284, 2318, 2365, 2381, 2462, 2468, 2505, 2534, 2623, 2665, 2710, 2730 (2), 2828, 2885, 2942, 2962, 3006, 3033 (2), 3046, 3079, 3103, 3221, 3231, 3243, 3306. cases of, 845 (2), 885, 891, 897 (2), 903, 984, 1128, 1236, 1260, 1268, 1290, 1292, 1297, 1309, 1389 (2), 1394, 1409, 1413, 1415, 1425, 1448, 1467, 1513, 1517, 1579, 1691, 1759, 1810, 1816, 1838, 1851, 1867 (2), 1869, 1877 (2), 1962, 1991, 2057, 2071, 2073, 2133, 2228, 2230, 2257, 2388, 2460, 2504, 2534, 2624, 2665, 2708, 2729, 2777, 2794, 2811, 2820, 2845, 2862, 2885, 2887, 2900, 2947, 2958, 2961, 2978, 3005, 3026, 3027, 3046, 3103, 3129, 3169 (3), 3173, 3178, 3180, 3186-3188, 3190, 3191, 3193, 3194, 3204, 3211, 3243. ...... ... *** ..... list of, 96. 742 (2). sheriffs of, 316, 341, 349, 1342. traveller from, 859. ... > Sugnall, co. Stafford, resident at, 1207. ..... Great and Little, lands in, 1207 (2). Sullington, Sussex, parish of, 1070. Sunbury, Middlesex, minister of, 1301. notes of, 215, 732, 741, resident at, 2869. ******* Sunderland, co. Chester, resident at, 2595. co. Durham, 5. coals at, 2260. Sunderland —cont. • ·· *** · .... ·· ……….y 1477. place near, 360. prisoner taken to, 5. resident at, 203. .... salt pans at, 2610. Scots' army at, 781. ..., stores, &c., sent to, 5 (2), 7, 9-11, 590, 781, 782 (+). travellers to, 8, 781, 2964. Sundley Raynes, co. York, resident at, 2216. Sunning, or Sonning, Berks, estate or lands at, 361, 1020. lands in, 2385. letter dated from, 5. alluded to, 8. Parliamentary Commissioners at, 780, ……………………, manor of, 3017. manor house of, 1020, 1021. residents at, 1019, 3017. Sunninghill, Berks, resident at, 1494. Surfleet, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1972. resident at, 1631. .. …………… > Surrey, 715. ........., agent, collector, or messenger sent to, 780, 781, 795 (2), 796, 805. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1011 (2). '' County Commissioners of, 132, 158, 237, 286, 293, 298, 304, 357, 394, 398, 436, 634, 664, 835, 944, 972, 1217, 1239, 1498, 1535, 1585, 1596, 1824, 1936, 2171, 2291 (3), 2292, 2371, 2427, 2466, 2553 (2), 2678, 2761, 2922, 2923, 3181. …………… ... 245, 398, 404, 438, 673, 693. ...... ****** .. 2870. ....... ………… 2291, 2292, 2884. ··· ....., compositions with, see Insurrec- tion in, compounders on. lease by, 2171. "} ... appointment or approval of, 174, letters of, 237 (3), 252, 272, 291 (2), 298, 389 (2), 480, 548, 566, 592, 645, 699, 733, 754, 756, 762, 769, 770, 775, 3251, 3253, 3255. · certificates of, 355, 403, 1936, alluded to, 548. letters to, 127, 251, 264, 313 (2), 374, 434, 463, 713, 763, 771, 774, 1239, 1936, 2171, 2291, 2292, 2399, 2868, 2870 (3), 3249 (4), 3251-3253. [ ******* .. alluded to, 149, 1384, ... alluded to, 172, 518, 609, 1479, 1526. officers of, 237, 245, 252, 272, 286, 291 (2), 293, 298, 357, 394, 400, 518, 566, 592, 837, 2910. ….……….., orders to, 289 (2), 302 (2), 841, 956, 972, 973, 1146, 1217, 1384, 1400, 1680, 1946, 2171 (5), 2202 (2), 2204 (2), 2292 (3), 2456, 2462 (2), 2544, 2678 (2), 2708, 2761 (2), 2772, 2783, 2784 (2), 2836, 2870, 2884, 2885, 3012, 8181, 3246, 3251, 3253, 3300. V14 INDEX OF PLACES. 3793 Surrey, County Commissioners of-cont. .. ... ... * .... **** **• ...S …………… ****** orders to, asked for or alluded to, 2172, 2783, 2784. ******* references to, 2171, 2294 (2), 2472, 2736, 2754, 2884, 3054, 3300. reports, &c., of, 837, 1217, 1222, 1400, 1463, 1585, 2708, 2868, 2870, 3249, 3251 (4), 3255, 3280. treasurer of, 237, 272, 401, - 2678. • « the late, 252, 257, 272, 291, 389, 566, 583, 634, 645, 664, 699, 713, 2708, 2870. ... > .... ..... > ..... · divisions of, 253, 357. estates, lands, &c., in, 132, 252, 291, 582, 603, 837, 869, 886, 1001, 1093, 1222, 1400, 1463, 1498 (2), 1805 (2), 1936 (2), 1946, 2171 (3), 2172, 2291, 2292 (2), 2294 (2), 2427 (3), 2466, 2472, 2477, 2517, 2544, 2553, 2678 (2), 2708, 2735, 2754, 2762 (2), 2783 (2), 2784, 2884 (2), 3011 (2), 3249, 3252. .. .... insurrection in, 128, 532, 1191, 1837, 1946, 1973, 2102, 2762, 2898. ..... ..... compounders on, with the Surrey Committee, 734, 1498, 1946 (2). King's party in, 770. Major-General for [Col. Kelsey], 1011 (3). letter of, 357. letter to, 713. ………………., money for, 127, 357. ………………….., money from, or revenues in, 71, 127, 355, 619. ………………, pour of, 2272, 2273. militia of, Commissioners for, 1936. Parliamentary forces in, 132. places in, 2272, 3273. receiver-general for, 767. residents in, 104, 155, 157, 168, 291, 344, 489, 814, 861, 1146, 1582, 1619, 1713, 1884, 1936, 1985, 2020, 2105, 2170, 2172, 2202, 2255, 2256, 2293, 2349, 2363, 2371, 2458, 2498, 2673, 2678, 2860, 3054, 3265, 3300. **** **** ·· ……………… cases of, 835, 837, 841, 919, 972, 1011, 1191, 1217, 1236, 1238, 1316, 1375, 1400, 1409, 1463, 1468, 1475, 1493, 1497, 1498, 1522, 1534, 1543 (2), 1548, 1585, 1631, 1643, 1680, 1790, 1824, 1837, 1889, 1935, 1946, 1963, 1973, 2077, 2090 (3), 2092, 2102, 2111, 2170, 2228, 2291, 2399, 2510, 2517, 2553, 2677, 2690, 2708, 2761, 2762, 2785, 2836, 2868, 2870, 2884, 2910, 2292, 3179 (2), 3181, 3192, 3232, 3244 (2), 3246, 3249, 3251 (2), 3253, 3255, 3258 (2), 3259. lists of, 96, 169, 389. ? 741, 742. notes of, 199, 733, 738, sheriff of, order to, 324. travellers from, 3255. Sussex, 12, 55, 216, 375, 472, 715, 2292: Sussex-cont. • • Commissioners for securing the peace of, 885. Commissioners of Sewers in, 469, 596. County Commissioners of, 44, 136, 181, 338, 365, 374, 375, 475 (2), 515, 581, 684, 726,756, 850 (2), 868, 918, 920-922, 930, 1071, 1098, 1216 (2),1343, 1345 (2), 1347, 1604, 1619, 1626, 1795, 1961, 1972, 1986, 2123, 2213, 2232-2234, 2277-2280, 2282 (2), 2369-2571, 2459 (2), 2469, 2473 (3), 2543, 2624, 2657, 2677, 2681, 2721, 2861, 2981, 3011, 3170. "" ... • 264, 275, 673. 1739, 2282, 2371, 3118. " · ..... .... · alluded to, 302, 849, 1622, 2234, 2282, 2371, 2473. composition with, 734, 1210. depositions sent up by, 2860. **** ………. ………………………, ………………, information by, 2233. ……………… ·· ……………… letters of, 55, 179, 181, 216 (2), 338, 381, 406 469 (2), 475 (2), 476, 484, 486, 562, 625, 626, 675, 683, 738, 756, 833, 840, 921, 1604, 3011 (2). ********** .... alluded to, 42. ..... • " letters to, 55, 126, 313 (2), 374, 390, 493, 496, 514, 596, 600, 624, 726, 833, 1344, 1795 (2), 2050, 2051, 2462, 2473, 3252. alluded to, 144, 172, 375, ... appointment or approval of, 172, ... > 518, 920. 727. ****** certificates of, 375, 907, 984, .... • officers of, 179, 181, 197, 198, 231, 338, 365, 381, 475, 515, 562, 683, 684, 726, 2657. …………. ……………. ****** } …………. • .... • alluded to, 443, 1347. orders to, 19, 38, 150, 197, 375, 726, 727, 833 (2), 834, 918 (2), 920 (2), 922, 1217, 1343, 1345 (2), 1347 (2), 1884, 1602-1604, 1617, 1619, 1623 (3), 1637, 1687, 1739, 1962, 2123 (2), 2171, 2211, 2212 (3), 2232-2234, 2277– 2280, 2282, 2293 (2), 2371 (5), 2437 (2), 2459 (2), 2460 (4), 2462, 2544 (2), 2545 (2), 2677, 2681 (3), 2721, 2733, 2769 (2), 2861, 2981 (2), 3011, 3012, 3047, 3213, 3241, 3254, 3278. ..... .... orders of, 918, 2213. ……….. asked for, or alluded to, 918, 2233, 2234, 2681, 2721, 2733, 3241. payment to, 33. petitions of, 375, 482, • petition to, 838. **** ......, queries or proposals by, 216, 374, 2280. references to, 834, 872, 2171, 2294, 2370, 2458, 2469 (2), 2947, 3011, 3012 (2), 3213, 3239. ………………………. ………………, reports of, 838, 983, 1216, 1863, 2213. 3 3794 INDEX OF PLACES. ** Sussex, County Commissioners of-cont. • •• > > **** the late, 216 (2), 339, 365, 562, 581, 625, 626, 984, 2277, 2545, 2681 (2). •" · letter of, 338. letter to, 713. divisions, hundreds, or rapes of, 179, 181, 199, 216, 231, 338, 365, 1619, 1863. statements by, 475, 1863, 2657. treasurers of, 144, 365, 381. > .... ****** **** Committees for, 338, 374, 562. estates, lands, &c., in, 38, 197, 329, 339, 486, 489, 496, 597, 598, 603, 624, 833, 834 (2), 850, 860 (2), 870, 872, 920, 1058, 1097, 1347 (2), 1356, 1471, 1498 (3), 1619, 1622, 1624 (2), 1626, 1794, 1796, 1863, 1961 (2), 1962, 1986, 2018, 2123, 2171 (2), 2172, 2211-2213, 2233, 2277 (2), 2280, 2282 (2), 2293 (2), 2294, 2369, 2371, 2458, 2460,2462 (2), 2469 (2), 2473, 2544 (3), 2545, 2681 (2), 2807, 2808, 2947, 3011 (3), 3012, 3252, 3277. Excise officers in, 3168, 3243. insurrection in, 128, 532, 1985, 1986 (3), 2677. M.Ps for, 917. messenger, agent, or collector sent to, 136, 780-782, 784 (2), 794, 798, 804. , money for, 38. ......, money from, or revenues in, 374, 375, 429, 619. .... places in, 47, 68, 76, 737, 907, 1215, 1216, 1343 (2), 2272 (2), 2769. ., poor of, 2272, 2273 (2). ..., receiver general for, 767. *** residents in, 1, 27,55, 117, 126, 345,368, 472, 493, 597, 616, 834 (2), 836, 868, 1071 (2), 1216, 1217, 1237, 1238, 1450, 1471, 1914 (2), 1975, 1948 (2), 1961, 2088, 2122, 2123, 2172 (2), 2233, 2273, 2278, 2279 (2), 2282, 2293, 2294, 2361, 2370, 2371, 2458, 2460, 2469, 2473, 2511. 2543 (2), 2545, 3011, 3261, 3278. ·· **** cases of, 833, 834, 837-839, 849, 858, 868, 869, 884, 887, 904, 907, 916, 920-922, 932, 940, 952, 962, 976, 982, 983, 1009, 1063, 1065, 1069-1071, 1084, 1093, 1094, 1131, 1210, 1215, 1237, 1242, 1243, 1258 (2), 1299, 1366, 1390, 1406, 1414, 1456, 1471, 1493, 1514, 1518, 1554, 1568, 1602, 1637, 2652, 1654, 1667, 1739, 1810, 1863, 1929, 1960, 1961 (2), 1972, 1976, 1981, 1984-1986, 1994, 2018, 2044, 2051, 2088, 2090, 2099, 2170, 2171, 2211, 2232, 2307, 2369, 2370, 2437, 2458, 2460, 2573, 2606, 2624 (2), 2721, 2733, 2769, 2789, 2860, 2947, 2960, 2973, 2981, 3011, 3047, 3049, 3118, 3170, 3175, 3194 (2), 3197 (3), 3213, 3239, 3241, 8258. Sussex, residents in-cont. · officers of, 484. .. ******* " ………………………、 ……………., under, 918. Sutcot, Cornwall, tenement called, 1084. Sutlepen's Fields, Middlesex, 2167. Suttenham, co. York. resident at, 616. Sutton Courtney, Berks, estate in, 3031. manor of, 1620, 1626. co. Chester, estate in, 1277. residents at, 103, 1092, 1271. Little, co. Chester, estates at, 60 (2). co. Derby, minister of, 1357. .-in-Ashfield, co. Derby, parish of, 450. -on-the-Hill, co. Derby, manor of, 1380. Park, co. Derby, resident at, 1356. St. Michael, co. Hereford, manor of, 64 ... lists of, notes of, 199, 738, 741. ..., sheriff, high of, 484, 838, 839, 932, 1093, 1451. ·· ……. …………. ** ··· • .. • **** Kent, messuage in, 1683. ...-at-Hone, Kent, resident at, 3258. • • } ………………………♥ ·· …………… > ...... *****S co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2726 (2), 2843, 3219, 3238. minister of, 604. resident at, 1525. residents at, 2089, 2726, 2842, 2843 (2), 3133, 3219 (2), 3238. -in-Prescot, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3133. " co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Cheney, co. Leicester, residents at, 110 (3), 962. co. Lincoln, common of, 1532. estate in, 1530. Long, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1530. Marsh, co. Lincoln, lands or estate in, 1529-1534, 3196, 3283. Norfolk, estate at, 115, 1838. co. Notts, parish of, 1737. Bonnington, co. Notts, resident at, 2645. ...-on-Trent, co. Notts, parish of, 1735. Maddock, Salop, resident at, petition of, 3039. Wood, Salop, comnion of, 3039. ....-in-Ditcheat, Somerset, residents at, 141, 1857. ………………….., Long, Somerset, manor of, 1249. Mallett, Somerset, resident at, 1946. co. Stafford, chapelry of, 2117. Surrey, lands in, 2294, 3300. manor of, 2294. residents at, 2172, 2291, 2293, 3300. Sussex, resident at, 2624. Coldfield, co. Warwick, residents at, 1486, 1538. Mandeville, Wilts, estates at, 78, 1223 (2). ........., co. York, lands in, 3109, 3110. INDEX OF PLACES. 3795 Sutton-cont. manor of, 2414. parish of, 2230. residents at, 1025, 2414. Mills, co. York, estate at, 2229. ........-on-Forest, co. York, resident at, 974. .-on-Limsdall, co. York, house at, 3293. ..-under-Whitstone, co. York, resident at, ……………… ·· .... ... ..) .. Sutton's Hospital, master of, 2141. ... • " tithes due to, 2141 (3), 2142 (4). Swackcliffe, Kent, parish of, 2510. Swaffham, Norfolk, resident at, 2818. Swaithwick, co. Derby, lands in, 1917. Swaledale, co. York, tithes of, 1856. Swanland, co. York, lands in, 2135. residents at, 1742. ***** Swansea, co. Glamorgan, King's governor of, 1177. · Swanton-Morley, Norfolk, estate, &c., at, 115, 2624 (2). , manor of, 402, 2623, 2624. residents at, 2702. Swarbreck, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2660. ... G 3190. *** House, co. Lancaster, 1117. Swarby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1326. Swarkeston, co. Derby, resident at, 1021. Swatshull, Suffolk, manor of, 1852. Sweden, ambassador of Charles II. to, 1580. embassy to, from Parliament, 824. Sweethedge, co. Leicester, 3007. Swell, Somerset, minister of, 1555. Swepstone, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 110 (2), 1879. ... Swettenham, co. Chester, resident at, 120. Swilland, Suffolk, houses farms, &c., in, 1851 (2), 1852. residents at, 2504, 2505. Swinborn, Northumberland, house called, letter dated from, 522. residents at 663, 1175, 1177. • 2418. Swinbrook, co. Oxon, resident at, 1542. Swincomb, co. Oxon, resident at, 2313. Swindon, Wilts, resident at, 1738. Swine, co. York, lands in, 3109. parish of, 1925, 3110. ** .-in-Holderness, co. York, residents in, 1180, 2990, 3076. Swineshead, co. Lancaster, vaccary at, 1300 (2), 1301. residents at, 1299, 2099. Hall, co. Lancaster, 3277. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1801. Swiney, Salop, residents at, 2528 (2). Swinford, co. Leicester, resident at, 108. ******* ...-Leaze, co. Oxon ?, lands called, 2158. Regis, co. Stafford, manor of, 2324, 2780 (2). co. Worcester, resident at, 1512. Swingfield, Kent, resident at, 461. Swinland, Somerset, meadows called, 1429. Swinnerton, co. Stafford, manor of, 1489. residents at, 89 (2). Swinscoe, co. Stafford, lands in, 1736. Swinstead, co. Lincoln, parish of, 1503. rectory of, 1501. resident at, 1351. .... · •> Swithland, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Swords, Ireland, resident at, 2047. Swyre, Dorset, lands in, 2377. Sydenham, South, Devon, lands in, 152. Sydenham's Furlong, Somerset, 1360. Symondley, co. Derby, resident at, 2478. Symondsbury, Dorset, residents at, 118, 1897. Sysonby, co. Leicester, rectory of, 142. residents at, 110, 2032. Syston, co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1331. Sywell, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1462. · • Tabley, Nether, co. Chester, residents at, 122, 1286. .. ." Over, residents at, 2116, 2698. Tadcaster, co. York, estate in, 1927. · .... 1152. resident at, 1927. ***** Taddington, co. Derby, lands in, 2320. Tadlow, co. Cambridge, estates at, 702, 3109. "" ... .... · A "" • • T Tadmarton, co. Oxon, resident at, 1732. Talackrey, Flint, residents at, 2455, 3183. Talgarth, co. Brecon, lands in, 3301. Taliares, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1824. Talke, co. Stafford, estate in, 3240. minister of, 1522. .. Tallaton, Devon, rector of, 1410. Tallington, co. Lincoln, manor of, 2192. minister of, 2735. Parliamentary party driven from, manor of, 3109 (2). resident at 240. › poor of, 2735. Talton, co. Worcester, residents at, 2151, 2795. Tal-y-garn, co. Glamorgan, manor of, 2180. Tal-y-lin, co. Brecon, lands at, 3139. resident at, 3139. Tamerton, North, Cornwall, sheaf of, 617. resident at, 1966. or Tamerton Foliott, Devon, lands and bouse in, 2936 (2). residents at, 153, 373, 2439. Tamworth, co. Warwick, castle of, 1264 (2), 1880, 2830. King's garrison at, 1549. ………… 3796 INDEX OF PLACES. Tamworth, castle of-cont. prisoners at, 1259, 1549. demesne of, 1264. lands, &c., in, 1955, 2762. minister of, 1290. cos. Warwick and Stafford, residents at, 89, 1891, 1916, 1960, 2816, 3179. Tandridge, Surrey, resident at, 1238. Tanfield, co. Durham, messuage, &c., in, 2632. parish of, 2131. .... Tanningham, Suffolk, lands in, 2818. Tanshelf, co. York, tithes of, 3091. Tansley, co. Derby, resident at, 2010. Tansor, co. Northampton, resident at, 88. Tanwell, co. Northampton, resident at, 88. Taplow, Bucks, estate at, 66. resident at, 3217. Tardebigg, co. Worcester, lands in, 71, 1261 (2). ....., resident at, 3192. Tardleigh, co. Worcester, resident at, 3178. Tarnacre, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 709, **** 1967, 2506, 2507 (2). parish of, 2506. *** > residents at, 2507, 3178 (3), 3185. Tarneybank, Westmoreland, rendezvous for the King at, 520 (2), 1130, 1138, 1425, 1865. Tarporley, co. Chester, house in, 3093. residents at, 100, 101, 3093 (2). Tarrant Hinton, Dorset, resident at, 3193. Launston, Dorset, resident at, 2612. Tarrington [Torrington ?], Devon, resident at, 2141. Tarthall House, Middlesex, 591, 2463, 2465, 2479 (3). Tarvin, co. Chester, King's garrison at, 1143. rectory of, 1484. residents at, 101, 1069, 1143. Tatham, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2282 (2). resident at, 2281. Mill, co. Lancaster, 2906. Tattenhall, co. Chester, residents at, 103, 104 (3), 308, 324, 2019 ?. Tattershall Castle, co. Lincoln, prisoner at, 1674. Tatton, co. Chester, lands in, 3236. manor of, 3236. Taunton, Church, Devon, estate at, 152. South, Devon, residents at, 1654. Somerset, 260, 406, 1176, 1313. assizes of, 1812. ..... ·· ****> (**) *** bridewell of, 1812. keeper of, 1812. ****** Castle, King's governor of, 1361, 1964. ** County Commissioners at, 282, 381, 393, 540, 614, 673. houses in, 1124 (2), 1210, 1371. King's party or garrison at, 1282, 1356, 2585. ***. → Taunton-cont. • .. ……… • ………………….., money for relief of, 35 (2), 150, 471, 900, 1429. .. letters, &c., dated from, 73, 135, 148, 151, 155, 194, 281, 298, 315, 369, 375, 386, 405, 474, 481, 482, 501, 511, 540, 541, 561, 614, 618, 627 (2), 653, 654 (2), 658, 678. .., mayor and burgesses of, 900 (2), 1366. Parliamentary party or garrison at, 260, 1161, 1210. ……………, parsonage of, 1366 (2). ... ., person at, 221. 1311. ………… • ***** places near, 1085, 1313 (2). residents at, 216, 221, 244, 289, 300, 678, 717, 1123 (2), 1210, 1366, 1555, 1573 (2), 1574, 3090. petition of, 1366. St. Mary Magdalene in, vicar of, 1366 (2). **** .. ……………. **S Orchard House in, 1607. Parliamentary governor of, 1210, ··· > siege and surrender of, 614, 1004. Deane, Somerset, lands in, 1430. manor of, 41, 140, 3115. resident at, 1962, St. James, Somerset, residents at, 35, 50, 261, 481, 488, 1746. ******* ***** co. York, messuages, &c., in, 2739. resident at, 2739. ……………………** Tavistock, Devon, estates, messuages, &c., in, 153 (3), 2109, 2110, 3136. .... ... (*****) minister of, 2683. residents at, 562, 2109, 2110, 3136, 3166. Tavy, Mary, Devon, resident at, 2892. Peter, Devon, residents at, 2390, 2892. Tawton, North, Devon, residents at, 98, 2826. South, resident at, 1816. ... .. Taynton, co. Gloucester, estates at, 85 (2). residents at, 86, 2016. ** Tealby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1593. Tearnside, Westmoreland, resident at, 2953. Tedgley Lodge, co. Stafford, resident at, 2081. Tednambury, co. Herts, manor of, 2282. Tedstone Delamere, co. Hereford, manor of, 2400, 2762. residents at, 2399, 2762 (2), ……………. 2763. Wafer, co. Hereford, resident at, 2069. Tees, the, boat on, 431. fishing in, 2254, 3049. Teesdale, Durham, resident in, 298. Teffont, Wilts, residents at, 77, 78. Evias, estate in, 1783. ……………, manor of, 77. Tehiddy, Cornwall, Parliamentary garrison at, 1030. ……………...., residents at, 1981, 3087. 14 INDEX OF PLACES. 3797 Temple Guiting, co. Gloucester, estate or lands at, 85, 2457, 2458. .. residents at, 521, 3006. Tempsford, or Kempsford, co. Bedford, lands, &c., in, 2762, 2794 (2). Tenby, South Wales, letter dated from, 618. Parliamentary governor of, 2179. plague at, 392. resident at, 392. Tendring, Essex, hundred of, 32, 95. ………………………, manor, &c., of, 2613. Tenedale, co. York, estate in, 1119. Teneriffe, island of, persons in, 2420. Tenterden, Kent, lauds in, 1663. Terrington, Norfolk, marsh in, 1475, 1476. ……………………, rectory of, 114. resident at, 1475. .. •• NO ****** ***** residents at, 1172, 1173. Sowerby, Westmoreland, parishioners of, case of, 3116. ……………….., co. York, lands in, 2394. Testerton, Norfolk, lands in, 3158. manor of, 3158. residents at, 2886, 3157. Teston, Kent, mansion house of, 1463. residents at, 1462, 2566. • • ... ." Testwood, Hants, resident at, 105. Tetbury, co. Gloucester, letter dated from, 70. proclamation at, 143. Tettenhall, co. Stafford, minister of, 1906. .... . resident at, 2457. ……………. * Grafton, co. Warwick, lands in, 3229. House, co. Warwick, 1173. parish of, 2240. ……………………, rectory of, 1056 (3). resident at, 1571. ….. -**** Teversall, co. Notts, resident at, 1335. Tewksbury, co. Gloucester, Commissioners · . at, 648. estates at, 85 (3). parish of, 1793. Teynham, Kent, lands in, 1908. manor of, 890. parish of, 2658. residents at, 461, 887. Thakeham, Sussex, lands, &c., in, 2282. Thames, the, garden adjoining, 119. repair of breaches in, 3085. vessels in, 2, 4, 5. Thanet, Isle of, Kent, farm in, 888. manor in, 2945. ………………………, parsonage in, 1338. ***** residents in, 328, 461, 1908, 1928. Tharfield, co. Herts, resident at, 1867. Thatcher, or Thatcham, Berks, parish of, 1884, 1938, 2363. ……………… proclamation at, 70, 143. residents at, 86 (2), 87 (3), 1822, 1949. " **** Thatchworth, co. Herts, see Datchworth. Theakestone's Manor, co. York, 2136. Theddingworth, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 3046. Theddlethorpe, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1576. co. York, resident at, 2116. Thelwall, co. Chester, manor of, 2546 (2). resident at, 2546. Theobalds, co. Herts, keepership of, 823. manor of, 618, 1018. Therverton, or Thorverton, Devon, estate at, 152. • …………. ••• ********** 41 residents at, 298, 1260, 2516, 2966. Thetford, Norfolk, mayor of, 909, 1288. Theydon, or Thoydon Bois, Essex, resident at, 2140. Garnon, Essex, estate at, 492, 2077, 2140 (2). و. ………… ... · a Thickley, co. Durham, lands in, 998. Thimbleby, co. York, manor of, 2667. Thingdon, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1538. Thingill. Little, co. Hereford, resident at, 1990. Thingwall, co. Lancaster, houses in, 2729. Thirnby, Westmoreland, resident at, 211. Thirsk, co. York, estate at, 587. lands, &c., in, 2299, 3067, 3292. manor of, 3267. minister of, 882. ... • ******* residents at, 2139, 2140. Mount, Essex, farm and lands at, 2077. . parish of, 2718. places near, 2299. residents at, 2710 (?), 3267. Thisselrigge, Durham, resident at, 2550. Thistlewhaite House, Cumberland, 2468. Thistleworth, Middlesex, minister of, 3227. resident at, 3256. ..... Thockrington, Northumberland, parish of, 3103. Thoralby, co. York, resident at, 1704. township of, lands in, 2444. Thoresway, co. Lincoln, manor of, 3276 (2), 3277 (2). minister of, 3277. resident at, 3276. Thorganby, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1758. Thornbrough, Northumberland, manor of, 2590 (2). Thornbury, co. Gloucester, lands in, 87, 1474. Thorncliffe, co. Chester, residents at, 491, 2828. Thorncomb, Devon, resident at, 1382, 1383. Thorncross, co. York, resident at, 3067. Thorndon Hall, Essex, resident at, 539. West, Essex, resident at, 1778. Suffolk, resident at, 3204. Thorne, Devon, barton called, 1942. Somerset, estate in, 259. resident at, 3131. co. York, estate or houses in, 1854, 1855. 14 3798 INDEX OF PLACES. Thorner, co. York, parish of, 2431, 3130. Thornes, co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 1471. Thorney Lands, co. Stafford, resident in, 996. Thornfalcon, Somerset, estate of, 711. Thornford, Dorset, rector of, 1480. tithes of, 1480. Thornham, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2559 (2). ·· · Northumberland, resident at, 2046. Little, Suffolk, resident at, 2730. Thornhill, Bucks, estate of, 1611. co. Derby, manor of, 2321. co. York, resident at, 1449. Thornley, co. Durham, bouses and lands in, 2952. ****** ... *.. manor of, 2271. residents at, 300, 2271, 2428, 2957, 3193, 3200. .....-cum-Wheatley, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1997, 2716. Thornthwaite, Cumberland, manor of, 2590. Westmoreland, courts held at, 585. manor of, 2589. park of, 348. residents at, 99, 585. Thorntoft, co. York, estate at, 3100. ·· ..... Thornton, co. Chester, parson of, 1139, 1140. Hough, co. Chester, estate at, 60. -in-Wirrall, co. Chester, resident at, 915. co. Durham, resident at, 1159. co. Lancaster, lands in, 2909. ……………, places in, 2909. ... ***** .. residents at, 2710, 2952. co. Lancaster, estates, &c., at, 194, 2957 (2), 3200. Hall at, 2271. ·· • ', lordship and manor of, 1834, 3100. residents at, 1834 (3). Northumberland, demesnes of, 2748. Temple, Northumberland, estate of, 2748. West, Northumberland, lands in, 2592. 2593. co. York, lands in, 1765 (3). …, parsonage of, 3037. resident at, 3107. • …………….. co. Leicester, residents at, 110 (2), 168, 2290, 2536. ... Bishop, co. York, houses, &c., in, 3135. residents at, 1765, 3193. Bridge, co. York, resident at, 1130. .....-in-Craven, co. York, mansion house at, 38. residents in, 2844, 2871. .... ****** resident at, 38. ....-in-Lonsdale, co. York, rectory of, 3101. ... Thornton Hall at, 1765, 1766. -in-Pickering, co. York, lands in, 1161. ………………, parson of, 1907. E resident at, 1907. Thornton-cont. ........-le-Street, co. York, manor of, 2299. residents at, 1122, 2398, 2412. -on-the-Hill, co. York, estate at, 587. Watlass, co. York, resident at, 3202. Wibsey, co. York, minister of, 2744. Thorny Croft, co. York, travellers from, 490, Thorpe Bulmer, co. Durham, resident at, 2672, East, co. Leicester, Hall at, 3060. resident at, 2060. Knight, co. Leicester, manor of, 1582. …………… …… ……. ... .... > Norfolk, manor of, 1829 (3), 1830. residents at, 1828, 3193 (2). co. Northampton, see Rothersthorpe. Lubenham, co. Northampton, estate at, 37. Malsor, co. Northampton, resident at, 155. > Underwood, co. Northampton, resi- dent at, 1884. " > ……………♥ ... ……………… Rutland, letter dated from, 81. Surrey, resident at, 2884. Stony, co. Warwick, see Stonythorpe. Westmoreland, manor of, 2725. co. Worcester, resident at, 2067 (2). co. York, lands in, 1324, 2410. manor or lordship of, 2429, 2432. resident at, 33. Arch, co. York, tithes of, 2512 (2). Hall, co. York, resident at, 1164. -on-the-Hill, co. York, resident at, 1551. Little, co. York, estate in, 2410 (2). manor of, 2719. Underwoods, co. York, resident at, .... ……………… 2021. Thorverton, Devon, see Therverton. Thowthwait, Cumberland, resident at, 2700. Thoydon, Essex, see Theydon. Thrapston, co Northampton, orders published at, 653. Thraves, co. York, fee-farm tents in, 3134, Threlkeld, Cumberland, messuage in, 2687. resident at, 202, 2687. ..... Thringstone, co. Leicester, resident at, 1351. Throckley, Northumberland, manor of, 2590. Throckmorton, co. Worcester, resident at, 2710. Throphill, Northumberland, resident at, 2508. Throston, co. Durham, farm at, 2038. Throwley, Kent, rectory of, 868. residents at, 867, 945. co. Stafford, resident at, 950. Thrumpton, co. Notts, letter dated from, 543. Thrup, co. Oxon, resident at, 1977. Thrussington, co. Leicester, resident at, 111 (2). Thruxton, Hants, residents at, 997, 1028. Thryberg, co. York, resident at, 982. Thundersley, Essex, lands in, 2357, 2358. INDEX OF PLACES. 3799 Thurgarton, co. Notts, resident at, 1324. Thurland, co. Lancaster, castle of, held for the King, 1096. residents at, 1096, 2960. lands in, 2960. Thurlby, co. Lincoln, lands in, 3064. Thurley, co. Beds, lands in, 875. Thurloxton, Somerset, resident at, 3129. Thurlston, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. …………., co, Warwick, rectory of, 1499. Thurmaston, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Thurmond, Hants, farm at, 3146. Manor Farm, Hants, 642. Thurnby, co. Leicester, resident at, 111. Thurnham, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3080. Thurrock, West, Essex, vicar of, 1300 (2). vicarage of, 1300. Thurstable, Essex, hundred of, 95. Thurstanton, co. Chester, estate at, 60. resident at, 1161. Thwaite, Suffolk, resident at, 3079. Thwate, co. York, resident at, 1731. Thwing, co. York, resident at, 1085. Tibberton, co. Hereford, resident at, 2889. Tibenham, Norfolk, estate or lands in, 116, 1288. resident at, 1288. *****} Tibshelf, co. Derby, rectory or minister of, 1357 (2). resident at, 2711. Tichborne, Hants, lands in, 2532. .. ... • •* residents at, 105, 2531. tithing of, 105. Compton, Hants, resident at, 2532. Tichmarsh, co. Northampton, resident at, 904. Tickencote, Rutland, residents at, 88 (2), 1055. Tickenham, Somerset, estate or lands at, 427, 2101. manor of, 1967. residents at, 427, 2101 (2). Tickhill, co. York, castle of, 1691. minister of, 2376. resident at, 843. ******* Ticknall, co. Derby, church of, minister of, 1022 (3). Tidenham, co. Gloucester, manor of, 224, 250. minister of, 1544. ***} Tideswell, co. Derby, lands, &c., in, 1715, 2321. minister and tithes of, 1032. proclamation at, 70. O •. "S Tidworth, Wilts, manor of, 1044. • ... • North, estate at, 77. Tilbury, Essex, block house at, governor of, 2862. ******** East, Essex, residents at, 2862, 3018. Tilehurst, Berks, residents at, 1677, 2827. Tillingham, Essex, resident at, 1977. Tillington, Sussex, lands, &c., iu, 1961, 2369. parish of, 1962. resident at, 1961. Tilshead, Wilts, minister of, 699, 2303. rectory of, 699, 2303. .. Tilston, co. Chester, residents at, 101, 3198. Tilsworth, co. Bedford, land at, 1303. Tilton, co. Leicester, lands in, 2420. manor of, 2173, 2174. resident at, 109 (3). • **** ******** Hasted, co. Leicester, lands in, 2420. Timberlake, co. Worcester, manor of, 2644. Timsbury, Somerset, resident at, 2009. Tincleton, Dorset, resident at, 118. Tintagel, Cornwall, houses, &c., in, 1263 (2). Tintern, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1713. Tintinhull, Somerset, estate, &c., in, 1430, 3073. hundred of, 310. · • *...* ·· petition of, 1719. Tintwistle, co. Chester, lands in, 2829. Tipton, co. Stafford, houses in, 2611. resident at, 2611. *****) Tiryminitch, co. Montgomery, lands in, 2423. Tisbury, Wilts, estates at, 78 (2), 3269 (2). manor of, 3205. minister of, 1796 (3). > ........., rectory of, 289, 1796 (7), 1797. resident at, 3205. Tissington, co. Derby, lands in, 1737. resident at, 1488. ………… > .. manor of, 1667, 3284. parish and vicarage of, 1719. residents at, 310, 1616, 1719, 2415, 3073. tithes of, 1488. Titchfield, Hants, farm at, 1479. Titchmarsh, co. Northamptor, residents at, 88, 1054, 1088. Titherton (Tytherington .), Wilts, farm in, 4 .. .... ****** Lucas, Wilts, lauds in, 860 (2). Titlington, Northumberland, resident at, 3162. Titton, co. Lincoln, manor of, 3033. Tiverton, co. Chester, residents at, 101 (2), 1885. 400 3293. manor of, 2696. resident at, 861 (2). Devon, estates in, 1424, 1964, 3089, 3280. free school at, 3089. King's party at, 1161. minister of, 628. residents at, 152, 153, 501, 502, 1991, 2802, 2913, 2922. Sir Thomas Fairfax at, 1385. Tixall, co. Stafford, resident at, 1876. Tocketts, co. York, resident at, 3075. Todburn, Northumberland, lands in, 2593. resident at, 2593. Toddington, co. Bedford, alms women of, peti- tion ot, 2164. lands, houses, &c., in, 2157 (2), 2165, 2164, 2166, 8167 (3). 3800 INDEX OF PLACES. Toddington-cont. ………bu .... · co. Gloucester, resident at, 1675. Todgmore, co. Gloucester, resident at, 748. Todmorden, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1281. Toft, co. Durham, resident at, 204. Monks, Norfolk, estate at, 115. Togstone, co. Northumberland, lands in, 2046 (2), 2047, 2636. • • …………… ………… resident at, 3192. .. ……………… Tointon, Over, co. Lincoln, chapel of, 3222. Tolland, Cornwall, rectory of, 1140, 1141. Toller, or Tollard, Dorset, residents at, 118, 388, 2782. .. resident at, 3047. ****** Tollerton, co. York, resident at, 1772. Tollesbury, Essex, resident at, 1165. Tolpuddle, Dorset, residents at, 119, 537, 1073, * 2945. Touge, Kent, parish of, 2658. resident at, 461. co. Lancaster, messuages, &c., in, 2815. ****** manor of, 2157, 2158, 2163, 2165, 2167. parish of, 2163, 2164, 2167. rectory, &c., of, 3044. resident in, 2163. …….. Wilts, resident at, 78. Royal, Wilts, manor of, 1222 (2), 1223. residents at, 424, 2117. ... Tongiford, Devon, lands in, 2533. Tooting Beake, Surrey, resident at, 2092. Topcliffe, co. York, parish of, 977. residents at, 984, 2692. ***** Topsham, Devon, residents at, 3012, 3244. Torbrian, Devon, manor of, 474, 498, 916, 3263, 3264 (2). Tormarton, co. Gloucester, estates at, 85, 278, 279, 610. Salop, castle of, Parliamentary garri- son at, 1816. > manor of, 224, 1736 (2). residents at, 87, 516. …………….. Tormoham, Devon, rectory of, 1141. Torner, co. Lancaster, rents in, 1097. Torpenhow, Cumberland, lands in, 2996. resident at, 2996. ..... "" Torrett, co. Chester, estates at, 61 (2). Torrington, Devon, residents at, 537, 1998, 2141 ?. Great, Devon, rectory of, 1998 (2). residents at, 97, 1388, 3259. Little, residents at, 97, 1481. ..... Torrisholme, or Torrison, co. Lancaster lands in, 2695. residents at, 1950, 1952. Tortworth, co. Gloucester, resident at, 1149. Toseland Hundred, Hunts, 90. Tosford, co. Chester, resident at, 3193. Totenhall, Middlesex, see Tottenham. Totnall [Tottenhall ? ], co. Chester, resident at, 2019. Totnes, Devon, residents at, 152, 153, 1878, 2675, 2809, 2966, 2987, 3210. Toton, co. Nottingham, estate in, 2750. manor of, 2750. Tottenhall, co. Chester, see Totnall. Tottenham, Middlesex, resident at, 2997. Court, Middlesex, manor of, 164 (2), 2138. or Totenhall, prebend of, 164. Tottenhill, King's, co. Worcester, lands in, a Tottenhoo, Bucks, estate at, 67. resident at, 2870. .. " Tottington, co. Lancaster, stewardship of, 1346. Sussex, manor of, 1242. Tottlerigg, Cumberland, tenements in, 1703, 1704. ** Tottleworth, co. Lancaster, houses in, 2563. Towcester, co. Northampton, inhabitants of, petitions of, 1671 (3). King's garrison at, 1671. minister of, 1671. orders published at, 653. .. •• - .. .... • Tower, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1365. Tower, the, London, Clerk of the Records in, 2912. 9 • ... DA • .. ... .. 2 2035. } , person at, 1304. rectory of, 1671 (2). > *** .. ... creditors of, 284. gunpowder at, 783. Hamlets, Hill, Street, and Wharf, see London, streets, &c., of. King's plate at, 11, 13 (3), 15. Lieutenant of, 1338. > "" • ******* certificate sent to, 853. ... letter to, 571. orders or warrants to, 24, 25, 849, 863, 1132, 2858. Mint in, 15. ***** moneyers of, 863. silver sent to, 431. prison at, 7. prisoners in, 284, 312, 337, 376, 764, 848-851, 853, 255, 857, 859, 863 (2), 867, 868, 1059, 1078, 1131, 1151, 1207, 1250, 1265, 1338, 1369, 1376, 1425- 1427, 1553, 1707, 1845 (2), 1848, 1881, 2027 (2), 2295 (2), 2335, 3300. dying in, 859, 1080, 1168. resident at, 1712. Master of, 431. St. Katherine's in, 642. Towersey, Bucks, estate at, 68. Town, the, see London, Townley, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2222, 2223, 2225. Townstall, Devon, resident at, 153. INDEX OF PLACES. 3801 Towthorpe, co. York, lands in, 960, 2805. residents at, 1978, 2804. Toxteth Park, co. Lancaster, 2695. resident at, 1065. Tradath, Ireland, storming of, 2357. Trafford, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2865. Bridge, co. Chester, residents at, 1634, 2914. .. ... ..... Tranmere, co. Chester, estates at, 60, 61. Trapham. Kent, resident at, 461. Trawsfynydd, co. Merioneth, houses, &c., in, 2935. resident at, 2935. Treales, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1118 (2). mills, &c., at, 2634 (2). resident at, 1716. Treaton, co. Lancaster, see Heaton. Trebigh House, Cornwall, resident at, 1928. Trecarrell, Cornwall, resident at, 1082. Tredington, co. Worcester, parish of, 1956. Tredomen, co. Brecon, resident at, 2971. Tredustan, co. Brecon, lands in, 3139. Tregarden, Cornwall, resident at, 1996. Tregarneth, Anglesey, resident at, 1200. Tregibbee, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1825. Treglaston, Cornwall, manor of, 1080. Tregony, Cornwall, residents at, 2914, 2918, "> " .. ****** Mickle, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 1271. · 2980. Tregros, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 747. Tregynon, co. Montgomery, resident at, 590. Treladro, Cornwall, barton of, 2004. Trelask, Cornwall, resident at, 1239. Trelawney, Cornwall, resident at, 1508. Treleague, Cornwall, resident at, 2549. Trelleck, co. Monmouth, County Commis- sioners at, 673. …………………… grange at, 1546. resident at, 739. Trelloyne, co. Pembroke, resident at, 2438. Trelowren, Cornwall, resident at, 1190. Tremeere [Tremene ?], Cornwall, resident at, 2091. Trench Farm, Salop, 332, 408, 2084 (3). Treneag, Cornwall, lands called, 2662. Treneglos, Cornwall, resident at, 2980. Trenowth, Cornwall, resident at, 2686. Trent, the, persons living beyoud, 330,384,1326. right of fishing in, 2449. .... Trentham, co. Stafford, manor of, 990. ……………….., rectory of, 3265. residents at, 990, 3264. Trenthan, Cornwall, estate of, 2004. Treowen, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1514. Trepen Kennet, co. Hereford, houses in, 2202. resident at, 2202. Trerew House, Cornwall, 2611. Trerise, Cornwall, residents at, 117, 223, 335, 342, 382, 387, 432, 442, 487, 763, 2237, 2239 (3). 70858. …………… Tresilian, Cornwall, manor of, 2239. Tretherwen, co. Montgomery, resident at, 2423. Trethurfe, Cornwall, residents at 1234, 2658. Trethurrias, Cornwall, resident at, 2980. Tretire, co. Hereford, houses, &c., in, 2495. Tretower, co. Brecon, manor of, 1710, 1714, 1715. Trevant, co. Montgomery, resident at, 1293. Trevarthan, Cornwall, resident at, 1808. Trevegan, co. Monmouth, see Trevethin. Trevena, Cornwall, demesnes of, 1506 (2). residents at, 1506, 1981. ………………} Treverid, co. Montgomery, resident at, 3257. Trevethawe [Trevethoc ?], Cornwall, resident at, 1935. Trevethin, or Trevegan, co. Monmouth, resi- dents at, 755, 1537, 1568. Trevethoc, Cornwall, residents at, 1935 ?, 2965, 2977. Trevithe, co. Brecon, lands in, 2971. Trewalchmay, co. Anglesey, chapel of, 3217. Trewaylan, co. Hereford, manor of, 2304. Trewen, Cornwall, resident at, 1506. Trewern, co. Radnor, resident at. 1693. Trewerveneth, Cornwall, resident at, 1907. Trewhet, Upper, Northumberland, houses, &c., in, 2341. Trewnard, Cornwall, manor of, 1595, 1506. Treworgan, Cornwall, estate at 3126. residents at, 1252, 3126. *...* ****} co. Hereford, resident at, 2494. Treworlis, Cornwall, manor of, 2036. Trewornam, Cornwall, resident at, 1404. Trewswenham, co. Merioneth, resident at, 2833. Tre-y-vor, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2909. Triddy Borough, co. Montgomery, resident at, 1724. Trimdon, co. Durham, manor of, 3107. Trinity Close, Wilts, estate of, 911. Triplow, co. Cambridge, resident at, 1414. Troslie, co. Brecon, lands in, 2971. Trostrey, co. Monmouth, resident at, 3088. Trotton, Sussex, resident at, 1739. Troutbeck, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Trow, Wilts, manor of, 1440. Trowbridge, Wilts, residents at, 978, 1507, 2650, 3305. Trowleigh, Kent, resident at, 461. Troy, co. Monmouth, resident at, 2887. Trueham, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1956. Trull, Somerset, residents at, 1873, 1979, 1984. An ……………** Trumble Hill, co. Durham, lauds in, 3210. resident at, 3210. Trumpington, co. Cambridge, resident at, 919. Truro, Cornwall, County Commissioners at, 615, 618. King's party or forces at, 1243, 1348, 1758, 1837, 1968. •J Ꭱ Ꭱ 3802 INDEX OF PLACES. Truro-cont. ... ..... ... ··· •• ………. …………. 10 ... travellers from, 1243, 1589. Trusley, co. Derby, residents at, 1844, 2954. Trybley, co. Durham, resident at, 1922. Trynsaren, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1825. Tubney, Berks, house in, 3223. Tucker's House, Wilts, 3112. Tuddenham, Suffolk, resident at, 2811. Tuffley, or Tufley, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 1086. "" ... ⇓ " Tufton, co. Chester, resident at, 128. Sussex, resident at, 839. Tugby, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Tugford, Salop, manor of, 1624. Tullies Coat, co. York, resident at, 1077. Tunbridge, Kent, park of, 146. • surrender of, 1191, 1212, 1394. Articles or treaty of, 73, 241, 1185, 1193 (2), 1195, 1199, 1212, 1238, 1389, 1423, 1504, 1508, 1641, 1642, 1659. .. ………………. compounders on, 46, 64, 1083. 1131, 1164, 1193, 1198, 1199, 1217, 1225 (2), 1237, 1252, 1255, 1258 (4), 1260 (2), 1262 (2), 1275 (2), 1282, 1290, 1295, 1297, 1311 (2), 1318, 1322, 1327, 1338, 1378 (2), 1381, 1389, 1394, 1401 (5), 1404, 1406, 1414, 1423, 1430, 1445, 1456, 1497, 1504, 1508, 1524, 1538, 1554, 1589, 1590 (2), 1598, 1641, 1642, 1652 (2), 1658, 1659, 1690, 1755-1758, 1811, 1815, 1836, 1837, 1853, 1858, 1873 (2), 1878, 1880, 1887 (3), 1905, 1907, 1911, 1926, 1929, 1931, 1935 (3), 1937, 1945, 1967, 1968, 1981, 1996 (2), 2000-2003, 2007 (2), 2009, 2031, 2052, 2053 (2), 2119, 2145, 2211 (4), 2212 (3), 2297 (3), 2433, 2446, 2447 (3), 2600, 2811, 2936, 2965. ... > residents at, 728, 1806. Wells, Kent, 1507. Tunstall Mills, co. Derby, 1232. letter dated from, 223. place near, 444. Prince Charles at, 1329. prisoners taken at, 2058. residents at, 539, 1329. > ……………… > ………….. ... ..... Parliamentary party at, 2751. rents in, 2603. Kent, residents at, 458, 461, 2858. co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 2960, 3141. co. Durham, farm at, 2038. resident at, 2960. ..." co. York, estate in, 2062, 2993 (4). residents at, 2992, 2993, 3182. Tunstead, Norfolk, houses, &c., in, 1838. Tura Coyd, co. Carmarthen, resident at, 1824. Turkdean, co. Gloucester, residents at, 86, 1308. Turner's Croft, co. Lancaster, lands called, 1836. Turnham Green, Middlesex, resident at, 1167. Tursdale, co. Durham, manor of, 3153 (2). resident at, 3153. Turweston, Bucks, resident at, 658. Turyminchin, co. Montgomery, houses in, 2424. Tutbury, co. Stafford, castle of, plague in, 922, 1423. ... …………… …………… ... • ·· ·· ..." Tuttington, Norfolk, resident at, 993. Twemlow, co. Chester, residents at, 120 (2), 1228. ...... Twickenham, Middlesex, parish church of, 1824. ••• ****** 1315, 1423. resident at, 3035. Twining, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Twistleton, co. York, lands, &c., in, 3119, 3218. Articles of, 1578 (2). > ***** King's party or garrison at, 26, 984, 1028, 1060, 1380, 2448. resident at, 1985. N , residents at, 3119, 3218. Twizel, Northumberland, resident at, 2592. Twyers, co. York, resident at, 2155. Twyford, Hants, parish of, 1841, 2387. tithing of, 105. **** ·· surrender or taking of, 922, • ........., co. Leicester, resident at, 3021. Tybott's Waste, co. Leicester, 2174. Tybroughton, co. Flint, estate in, 2846. Tydd St. Mary, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1288. Tydenham, co. Gloucester, manor of, 465. Tydy Mill, co. Brecon, 3301. Tyne, the, coals shipped from, 2262. fishing in, 2509. ·· Tynedale, Northumberland, lands in, 3212. Tynemouth, Northumberland, castle of, King's garrison at, 1209. Hall at, 3138. Parliamentary garrison at, 812. ·· > ……………… governor of, 1762. resident at, 2416. surrender of, 1209. Haven, ships in, 2964. Tyngrith, co. Bedford, manor of, 2158. Tyn-y-Llaneillen, co. Brecon, estate of, 3301. Tyringham, Bucks, estate at, 68. resident at, 935. ****** Tyrone, Ireland, estate in, 1676. Tyr-y-Wlade House, co. Brecon, 1715. Tysoe, co. Warwick, house, &c., in, 2663. residents at, 2226, 2524, 2663. Tytherington, co. Chester, manor of, 3138. residents at, 122, 3138. Wilts, see Titherton. INDEX OF PLACES. 3803. Ufenham, co. Worcester, resident at, 2716. Uffculme, Devon, rectory of, 1227 (5). Ufferton, co. Durham, lands in, 2885. Uffington, Berks, manor of, 1626. parish of, 1625. Kent, resident at, 461. co. Lincoln, manor of, 2192, 3734. residents at, 1263, 1828, 2192, 2735. · ... .. ...... ………………………, wood in, 2192. ... Ufford, co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1374. Ufton, Berks, poor of, petition of, 2390. resident at, 2390. • ... U co. Warwick, residents at, 640, 2965. Ugborough, Devon, residents at, 153, 3036. Ugthorpe, co. York, farm in, 3166, 3215. resident at, 3218. **** Ulchester, Northumberland, lands in, 3189. manor of, 3189 (2). Ulcombe, Kent, residents at, 416, 1209, 2737 (2). Ulgam Grange, Northumberland, see Ougham Grange. Ullenhall, co. Warwick, house, &c., in, 1955. resident at, 1804. • Uley, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. Ulnaby, co. Durham, resident at, 3215. Ulnes-Walton, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2683, 3207. ·· Ulster, Ireland, Committee of Revenue in, 981. Parliamentary victory in, 817. ... • service in, 816. ****** Ulverstone, co. Lancaster, lands in, 1698. ........., rectory of, 1697, 1698. residents at, petition of, 1697. Umberleigh, Devon, residents at, 97, 1878. Underbarrow, Westmoreland, residents at, 203, 521. Underley, Westmoreland, residents at, 176, 1123, 1221. United Provinces, see Holland. Unstone, co. Derby, resident at, 2360. Upclatford (Upper Clatford ?), Hants, manor of, 1086. Upcott, Devon, resident at, 1242. Uphall Collards (Norfolk ?), manor of, 2624. Uphatherley, co. Gloucester, lands in, 3004. residents at, 87, 3004. Upholland, co. Lancaster, see Holland, Upper. Upleadon, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Upper, or King's Bench, Southwark, 927, 1426, 1734, 2100, 2876. ………………………, attorneys of, 1199. », Upper, or King's Bench-cont. clerk of, 1255. ·· .." • · .... ·· ··· …………………… גי .. ... judgments in, alluded to, 855, 999, 1717, 1754, 1832, 1839, 2010, 2086, 2219, 2233, 2256, 2380, 2412, 2633, 2818, 3155, 3269. Lord Chief Justices of, see Heath, Sir Rob., and Rolle, Hen. BAN .... ... judges of, 1511, 1546 (2), 2877. ………….., request to, 1076. ******* request to, 1076. officers of, 830. 927 (2), 1821. prison of, 7, 401. keeper of, Sir John Lenthall, 923, 1897, 2223. Upper Clatford, Hants, see Upclatford. Uppingham, Rutland, residents at, 89, 1386. Uppington, Salop, rectory of, 925. Uprossall, Salop, see Rossall. Upsall, co. York, manor of, 1453, 2149, 2150, 2154 (2). resident at, 2710. Upton, Berks, resident at, 2328. Bucks, estate at, 66. resident at, 3192. prisoners in, 884, 923, 1020, 1046, 1048, 1074, 1192, 1199 (2), 1217, 1271, 1337, 1357, 1360, 1588-1590, 1642, 1648, 1890, 1897, 2070, 2217, 2258, 2261, 2278, 2287, 2297, 2303, 2504, 3263. ………. "rewles" of, 896. suits or actions in, alluded to, 1148, 1663, 2069, 2226, 2874, 3199. > ***** ****** manor of, 1113, 1118. residents at, 103, 1309. Devon, manor of, 498, 512, 3087, 3088. Pyne, Devon, resident at, 2948. co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. St. Leonard, co. Gloucester, residents at, 87, 736, 2803, 3192. co. Chester, estate in, 60. Hall at, 1108. co. Lancaster, resident at, 3142. co. Lincoln, rectory of, 1838. Norfolk, estate at, 115. co. Northampton, residents at, 88, 1016. .......-under-Hammond, Salop, resident at, 1817. Lovell, Wilts, living of, 79. ........., co. Worcester, estate in, 1776, 2644. manor of, 3242. co. York, 2952. ** resident at, 2952 (2). *****) Upway, Dorset, resident at, 118. Upwell, co. Cambridge, estate in, 2690. resident at, 2690. *** Upwood, Hunts, resident at, 978. RR 2 3804 INDEX OF PLACES. Urmston, co. Lancaster, estate of, 2126. resident at, 2305. Urswick, co. Lancaster, estate, &c., at, 1696 (3), 1698. resident at, 3267. Great, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2634. Urton, Durton, or Gurton, co. Lancaster, house or lauds in, 3194, 3200. residents at, 3175 (2), 3200. Usk, co. Monmouth, lands in, 3115. • Uskell, co. York, lands in, 974. Uslett, co. York, manor of, 2482. D ..... "" -cum-Wolfe, co. York, cottages in, 2482. Usworth, Great, co. Durham, manors in, 2276. Utterby, co. Lincoln, residents at, 832, 1151. Uttlesford, Essex, hundred of, 95. Uttoxeter, co. Stafford, Duke of Hamilton taken prisoner at, 2653. estate in or manor of, 2010 (2). parish of, 2321. residents at, 633, 1891, 1928, 2010. ... > residents at or near, 3175, 3193. ***** Uxbridge, Middlesex, resident at, 846, ………………….., treaty or propositions of, alluded to, 879, 940, 1019, 1093, 1221, 1493, 1542, 1588. .. Vacy, Cornwall, resident at, 1966. Vala Crucis, co. Denbigh, dissolved monastery of, 2310. .. V ………………………, manor of, 713, 727. steward of, 2310. Valdee [Vauby ?], co. Lincoln, monastery of, 1503. Vale Royal, co. Chester, manor of, 1233. residents at, 100 (2), 103, 1232, 1244. Vauby, co., Lincoln, monastery of, 1503 ?. Vaux, Bucks, manor of, 3141. Venice, ambassador of, 1192, 1604. Venn, Devon, mansion house of, 2986. resident at, 2986. *****S Verwick, co. Cardigan, lands in, 2180. Villers, Long, co. York, resident at, 3194. Vintners, Kent, resident at, 2282. .... Virginia, colony of, Grand Assembly or Coun- cil of, 1518 (2). plantations in, 1518. resident in, 3048. travellers to and from, 1518, 8239. Wacton, Norfolk, parishioners of, case of, 1635. Wadsey, co. York, forge at, 1570. Wakebridge, co. Derby, resident at, 2009. Wakefield Lodge, co. Northampton, resident at, 3256. • • ·· sessions at, 2116. Wakering, Little, Essex, lands in, 2334. Walberswick, Suffolk, resident at, 2820 (2). Blyburgh-cum-, manor of, 2820. Walburn, co. York, lands in, 2957. "I ... …………. • Walcot, or Walcott, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1411. co Oxon, residents at, 686, 3152. Salop, residents at, 1060. Walden, Essex, County Commissioners at, co. York, estates, lands, &c., in, 2034, 2511, 2538, 2642, 3246. a .... .... residents at, 1087, 1122, 1124, 1174, 1389, 1543, 1667, 1718, 1738, 1750, 1755, 1996, 2030, 2111, 2338, 2511 (3), 2512, 2538. King's garrison at, 2860. orders posted at, 654 (2). ****** • 347. residents at, 185, 2357, 3244. Brook, Essex, lands in, 1783. ...... ..., Saffron, Essex, lands, &c., in, 1783, 3286. …………………… • 3 resident at, 2360. Waldershare, Kent, resident at, 888. Waldershelfe, co. York, parish of, 2487. Walditch, Dorset, rectory of, 1313 (4). Wales, 1461, 1607. Act for Propagating the Gospel in, alluded to, 689, 710, 723, 1710, 1712, (2), 1713, 1725. Commissioners for, 323, 493, 495, 688, 707, 709, 1725, 3137, 3214 (2). letters or orders to, 637, *****> ..... 3214. ... ** Act of Composition for, 223. ……………., alluded to, 3055. counties of, 430, 620, 2107. Committees in or for, 29, 139, 143-145, 558, 569, 1724, 1835, 1856, 1948; see also under the several counties. **** GOOD………S W • Away …………… · to, 300. 742. …………. .... · ****** letter to, 721. notes of, 608, 714, 758. officers of, 169. petition of, alluded returns from, noted, 741, INDEX OF PLACES. 3805 Wales, counties of-cont. ***** • ·· ****** ***** • …….., lands, estates, &c., in, 1220 (2), 1721, 1773, 1967. · .... .. .... .. .. noted, 169. ... King's party or forces in, 1178, 1375, 1492, 1835, 2178. ... Marches of, 1461. ......, Council for, steward of the household of, 1185. ., money for relief of, 2170. natives of, or Welshmen, 1344. •, " J.P. in, 1241. •> residents in, 101, 104 (2), 140, 739, 1599, 1720, 1724, 1725, 3022. ...... Wales, North, 759. risings or insurrections in, 1836, 1866, 2106. ……………. sheriffs of, agents to, list of, ******* place in, 764. rebels in, 943. sheriff in, 1241. travellers to or from, 943, 978, 1051, 1095, 1129, 1172, 1183, 1214, 1390, 1836, 2176, 2736, 2740 (2), 3302. wine licenses in, 1519. Act of Composition or Ordinance for, 146. alluded to, 160, 246, 443, 589, 595, 597, 695, 818, 1600, 1601, 1628, 1679 (2), 1720, 1723, 1843, 2010, 2019, 2132 (2), 2846, 3132, 3136. Commissioners for, 642, 1187, ******) 1241. examined in English, 2177. • ***** 443. ……………. letter to, 595. ......, compounders on, 431, 642, 1187, 1241 (3), 1411, 1724 (2), 1948, 3138. ......, money received or due from, 595, 613, 640 (3), 817, 818, 1272, 1842, 2010. ………… > delinquents excepted from, 146, castles surrendering in, 1759. church livings in, 688. Commissioners for for securing the peace of, 1675. counties of, 146, 348, 592, 595, 602, 640, 689 (2), 690, 727. *** **** ***** 173, 595. .." County Commissioners of, 248, 258, 348, 422, 562, 571, 597, 602, 665, 689, (2), 1600, 1601, 1610, 1725, 1842, 2455, 2741 (3), 3055, 3286 (2). appointment or approval of certificate of, 2197. alluded to, 1753. complaint against, 183. ******* ......, letters of, 58, 218, 235, 242, 247, 258, 290, 309, 328, 341, 348, 397, 399, 431, 452, 475, 484, 560, 562, 644, 671, 689, 691, 693, 703. Wales, County Commissioners of-cont. letters to, 246, 248, 264, 313 (2), 324, 334, 374, 443 (2), 449, 541, 571, 603, 613, 640, 642, 685, 690, 691, 694, 695, 706, 769, 770, 773 (2), 774, 776, 1550, 2837, 3246, 3247 (3), 3250 (3), 3253, 3255. letters to, alluded to, 470, 518, ... ***** …………… 201 ... .. •• • • ..... ... ... 537. lists of, 591, 686. officers of, 218, 235, 290, 422, 1628, 1679. " ………. ·· ……………… • 4. orders to, 643, 688, 1600-1602, 1628, 2010, 2198 (2), 2854, 3055, 3131, 3136. ***** ****** **** 3138. ……………… •• ..) ******* ... …………. 691,692. 1628. ...... ., reports by, 2703, 2837, 3287. treasurer of, 475, 643, 671, 687, the late, 341, 484, 687, 689-691, Excise of, 744. 1675. alluded to, 2199. references to, 1461, 2019, 2694, …………… 1 insurrection in, 131, 132, 2846. King's Commander-in-Chief in, 3089. lands, estates, &c., in, 1242, 1550, 3246. Parliamentary general for, 1293. place in, 1398. Prize Commissioners' officer in, 537. reducing of, by Parliament, 57, 738, 803. ** , residents in, 58, 63, 132, 148, 801, 803; see also under the several counties. Wales, South, 387, 715, 747. officers in, 3245. fines imposed on, 147, 1601, 2694. letter dated from, 242. Major-General of [Col. Berry], 943, …………. cases of, 1599, 3247, 3250; see also under the several counties. sheriffs of, letter of, 560. Act of Grace or composition for, al- luded to, 162, 163, 223, 239, 246, 295, 352, 634, 1537, 1568, 1569, 1693 (2), 1728 (3), 1827 (2). 2109, 2434 (3), 2808, 2947, 2999, 3004, 3301. ..., Attorney-General for, 507, 827, 1524. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1524. ..... ......, persons excepted from, 2787, 2940. letter of, 1524. compositions in, evaded, 162, 163. counties of, 360, 392, 494, 507, 518. County Commissioners of, 162, 323, 360, 420, 491, 507, 513, 827, 1004, 2176, 2999. ......, appointment or approval of, 172, 517, 747. 3806 INDEX OF PLACES. ་ Wales, South, County Commissioners of--cont. articles against, 512. JD .. ** • .. • .... letters of, 61, 222, 238, 323, > 352, 360, 391, 392, 404, 415, 427, 611, 621, 764, 772, 776, 1827, 2362, 2434 (2). alluded to, 295, 360, 3239. ……………. letters to, 69, 163, 246, 264, 295, 313 (2), 374, 420, 444, 449, 482, 706, 724, 763, 765, 771, 773, 774, 1682, 1693, 2361. order of, 1827. orders to, 2176, 2353, 2674. ………………………、 ………………、 reports of, 1777, 2211, 3139. " .9 .. ** • ……. memorandum by, 507. officers of, 239, 323, 352, 391, 392, 404, 415, 427, 494, 495, 512, 513, ……………… ... ...** the late, 222, 238, 239, 352, 360, 392, 405, 420, 494 (2), 495, 513, 517, 572, 627, 827. > > ****** ****** ·· • fines paid in, 1827. J.P. for, 507. ., lands, estates, &c., in, 162, 512, 1682. Major-General for [Col. Rowland Dawkins], 1524. ministers in, ousting of, 495. parishes of, 776. plague in, 404, Propagation of the Gospel in, Com- missioners for, 392, 495, 512, 513. residents in, 239, 1568 (2), 1569, 2808. alluded to, 295, 470. sheriffs of, 69, 464, 465. order to, 324. Walgrave, co. Northampton, estate at, 317. manor of, 1806-1808. …………………….., residents at, 88, 432, 1806. ..... …………… 2 case of, 3239; see also under the several counties. revolt or insurrection in, 614, 1827, 1836. King's, or Killingrave, co. York, resident at, 1680. " A……… Walkeringham, co. Notts, resident at, 2008. Walkern, Herts, manor of, 1932, 1934. Walkhampton, Devon, estate of, 153. Walkington, co. York, resident at, 171. Walkmills, co. Worcester, estate called, 3016. Walland Marsh, Kent, 889. Wallasey, co. Chester, minister of, 1566. Wallingford Castle or House, Berks, King's garrison at, 903, 996, 1062 (2), 1544, 1573, 1717, 1940, 2528, 2567, 2922. King's governor of, Col. Blague, 903, 2922. *** prisoners at, 1181, 2567. surrender of, 1597, 2922. ………………9 on, Articles of, 1523, 2922. ......, compounders 1513, 1523, 1539, 1573. County Commissioners at, 344. Wallingford-cont. ... > ......, person at, 438. ……………………… ...) Wallington, Northumberland, residents at, 2487, 2591, 3074. Wallop, Hants, residents at, 77, 105, 1068, 1177. Walmer, Kent, rectory of, 1431. Walmersley, co. Lancaster, house in, 2848. resident at, 2848. Walpole, Norfolk, lands in, 2089. resident at, 2089. -in-Marshland, Norfolk, resident at, , 114. Walsall, co. Stafford, residents at, 90, 1098, 1799, 2745. ... Walsham, South, Norfolk, Hall at, 185. Suffolk, resident at, 2534. ·· *** ..) Walsingham, Norfolk, resident at, 2024. Walsoken, Norfolk, resident at, 928. Walterstone, co. Glamorgan, resident at, 507. Waltham, White, Berks, Heywood House at, letters dated from, 480, 483. Parliamentary governor of, 1020 (2). guard for, 314. > ... › …………. • residents at, 172, 948, 1544. 421. Abbey, Essex, resident at, 833. Forest, Essex, 1353. ………….., keepership of, 1353 (2), 1354. Holy Cross, Essex, resident at, 1295. Much or Great, Essex, house in, 2235. resident at, 2315. ...... Bishop's, Hants, resident at, 2369. House, Hants, King's garrison at, 2723. co. Lincoln, resident at, 1777 (2). Walthamstowe, Essex, lands in, 2827, 2908. • ………………….., rectory of, 1947, 2862. resident at, 2862. > , vicar of, 1947. Walton, Cumberland, manor of, 1727. • resident at, 1978. ……………. Essex, hundred of, 95. co. Lancaster, houses and lands in, 2037, 2579 (2), 2963 (2), 3199, 3200. Lodge at, 2543. parish of, 2861, 3034, 3168. residents at, 141, 1493, 2757, 2900, 3131. -in-le-Dale, co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 907, 2579, 2823, 3131, 3234, 3237. , poor of, petitions of and for, 906, 907. .... .. > residents at, 906, 3058, 3059 (2), 3158, 3175, 3234, 3237. tithes of, 906. ………………) ..-juxta-Liverpool, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2521. resident at, 2520 (3). North, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3207. ..... INDEX OF PLACES. 3807 Walton-cont. • ·· ? ………………….., co. Leicester, resident at, 111. co. Northampton, resident at, 88. Salop, resident at, 2017. Grange, Salop, 3043. Somerset, parish of, 3284. ..., co. Stafford, resident at, 89. Grange, co. Stafford, mansion and estate of, 1868 (3). resident at, 89. ..-super-Montem, Surrey, resident at, Ulnes, co.Lancaster, see Ulnes-Walton. ... 1985. ..-cum-Britton, co. York, estate of, 3100. manor of, 3100. · ...... Hall, co. York, resident at, 2683. Walworth, co. Durham, resident at, 364. Wambrook, Dorset, parish of, 2635. rents of, 2064. ****** resident at, 1322. Wanborough, Surrey, manor of, 434, 2427. Wandsworth, Surrey, land, &c., in, 2754. Wanlas Park, co. York, 3155. Wanlip, co. Leicester, vicar of, 1671 (2), 1672 (3). **** Wansley, co. Notts, resident at, 2649. Wanstrow, Somerset, resident at, 1632. Wanthouse, Essex, estate of, 2140. Wapham, Norfolk, estate at, 114. Wapley, co. Gloucester, resident at, 86. Waplington, co. York, manor of, 2642. Warblington, Hants, lands in, 2088 (2). resident at, 3193. • " Warborough, co. Oxon, meadows in, 1968. Warburg, co. Chester, chapelry of, 1211. co. Derby, minister of, 1061. Wardal, Cumberland, manor of, 2931. resident at, 202. Wardale, Northumberland, resident at, 2599. Wardall, co. Durham, resident in, 615. Warden, Old, co. Bedford, estate at, 599. Wardington, co. Oxon, resident at, 2837. Wardle, co. Chester, residents at, 101, 104, 3193. ****** ***. Wardlow, co. Derby, tithes of, 2321. Wardour, Wilts, Lord Arundel of, see General Index, Arundel, Lord. Castle and parks of, 78, 1223 (2). Parliamentary garrison at, 941. resident at, 1222. Ware, co. Herts, 2639. resident at, 1865. Park, resident at, 1864. co. Lancaster, house in, 3127 (2). parish of, 3127. ****3 Wareham, Dorset, King's garrison at, 1315. minister of, money for, 1692. Parliamentary governor of, 1536. protection of, 839. taking of, 732. 44 Wareham-cont. Farm, &c., Salop, 3298. Waresley, co. Huntingdon, resident at, 874. Wargrave, Berks, residents at, 1021, 2774. Wark, Northumberland, Lord Grey of, see General Index, Grey, William, Lord. Warkleigh, Devon, residents at, 97, 1309. Warkworth, co. Northampton, resident at, 3030. Northumberland, houses, &c., in, 2047. parish of, 2748. Warley, Little, Essex, residents at, 1878, 2772. • *** Warmfield, co. York, minister of, 2116. tithes of, 2115. vicar of, 2115. ... ..... Warmingham, co. Chester, minister of, 605. Warrington, Devon, resident at, 98. co. Lancaster, bridge of, 506, 2998. County Commissioners at, 673, 1298. Earl of Derby at, 2955. King's party at, 1094, 1493. King of Scots at, army of, 499, 506. letters dated from, 435, 478, 486, 707. parish of, 1348. prisoners taken at, 128, 2955. residents at, 478, 492, 499, 506, 515, 688, 1093, 1100, 1298. ·· • .... Warsop, co. Notts, messuages in, 1736. residents at, 1839, 2901. DAUG > Wartling, or Watling, Sussex, manor of, 1624. ·· 2 resident at, 2088. Wartnaby, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Warton, co. Hereford, rents in, 2366. co. Lancaster, lands in, 3217. > parish of, 3168, 3224. residents at, 561, 575, 2045, 3168. tithes of, 1783 (2). .. *** ..... Nether, co. Oxon, resident at, 172. A **** Warwick, Cumberland, minister of, 232. resident at, 1672. co. Warwick, assizes at, 2840. Castle, governor of, 2073. .... • ·· " .. 1009. ··· .... prisoners at, 858, 1035. deed left at, 2965. orders published at, 654. prisoners at, 1259, 1609. Warwickshire, 71, 133, 149, 715, 1904. " Parliamentary garrison at, Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1793. letter to, 1793. > County Commissioners of, 69, 133, 214, 472, 674, 715, 716, 1204 (2), 1247, 1249, 1264, 1549, 1623 (2), 1740, 1741 (2), 1813 (2), 1915, 2217- 2219, 2367, 2616, 2700, 2795, 2840, 3808 INDEX OF PLACES. Warwickshire, County Commissioners of cont. ……………………… ... ………… ... • .. DIU .. ..... · · 2841, 2844, 2965 (3), 2968, 3035, 3076, 3120 (3), 3204, 3216. appointment or approval of, 172, 673, 744. certificates of, 1902, 2556, 2840, • • • 2991. .. ... ****** discharge by, 1243. letters of, 195, 214 (2), 315, 317, 429, 436, 468, 486 (2), 540, 552, 630, 640, 654, 659, 674, 730, 737, 2991. alluded to, 2893. • • ··· > letters to, 69, 80, 254, 313, 374, 436, 466, 509, 574, 589, 621, 658, 714, 2367. alluded to, 470, 509, 518, officers of, 149, 254, 273, 436, 472, 674, 715, 2029. ..... ...... ……………. 697, 1139. …………… ....... …………. ... alluded to, 1173, 1778, 2556, 2818, 3052. ……., ………….., queries on behalf of, 214 (2), 220. **** order of, alluded to, 2923. *** ··· 2 orders to, 1101 (3), 1134, 1135, 1139, 1165, 1174, 1204 (2), 1246, 1264, 1499 (2), 1617, 1622-1625, 1741, 1758, 1788, 1901, 1915 (2), 1916, 1993, 2029, 2217-2219, 2295, 2367 (2), 2368, 2616, 2700, 2710, 2762, 2769, 2923, 2947, 2965, 2966, 2991 (2), 3120 (2), 3147, 3150, 3204 (3), 3206 (3), 3229. …………. > ... 715. references to, 1205, 1261, 1902, 1915, 2795 (4), 2816, 2840 (2), 2923, 2965, 2968, 3035, 3076, 3120, 3150, 3235. ... * …………… .. …………… > ………. ·· ., • the late, 214, 486, 540, 552, 630, 679, 715 (2), 719, 2029, 3120. letter of, 677. remonstrance by, 2795. reports of, 2295, 2991. returns from, alluded to, 2029. treasurer to, 149, 540, 714, ', estates, lands, &c., in, 509, 589, 744, 869, 870, 872, 1116, 1134, 1135 (4), 1203 (2), 1204, 1246-1248, 1261, 1264, 1289 (2), 1391, 1499 (4), 1586, 1603, 1617 (3), 1619-1625, 1740 (2), 1785, 1853, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1913-1915, 1954 (2), 1955 (3), 2029 (2), 2063, 2217-2219, 2367 (2), 2474, 2643, 2710, 2711, 2762, 2947, 3013, 3150, 3160, 3204, 3229, 3235, 3277. receipts from, 429. 1. , King in, 1134. King's party in, 1129, 1134. Major-General for [Col. Whalley], 1793, 2893. ……………., letter to, 1793. Warwickshire-cont. ..... ·· …………… .... ·· ……. .. ... ·· ·· …………… > revenues in, 619. sheriffs of, 2219 (3), 2367, 3052. under, 214. witnesses in, 2029. Washbourne, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1625. ... market towns of, 654. militia or county forces of, 149. Commissioners of, 429, 430. places in, 737, 952, 1169, 1617. receiver-general for, 767. .. • ……………… residents in, 47, 52, 71, 73, 89, 111, 112, 144, 549, 585, 715, 797, 1204, 1621, 1778, 1784, 1853, 1857, 1880, 1891, 1915, 1916, 1927, 1954, 2057, 2218, 2411, 2795, 2816-2818, 2830, 2840 (2), 3030, 3120, 3147, 3205, 3214, 3216. ......, cases of, 881, 980, 1040, 1129, 1134 (2), 1139, 1165, 1172 (2), 1177, 1203 (2), 1218, 1219, 1243, 1269, 1290, 1409, 1454, 1468, 1486, 1498, 1521, 1538, 1548, 1549, 1573, 1594, 1694, 1745, 1748, 1758, 1761, 1762, 1788, 1793, 1804, 1809, 1811, 1814, 1913, 1953, 1960, 1985, 1993, 2007, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2029, 2032, 2063, 2073, 2173, 2226, 2438, 2524, 2537, 2556, 2616, 2618, 2663, 2699, 2710, 2785, 2786, 2795, 2816, 2840, 2844, 2912, 2923 (2), 2947, 2965 (2), 2968, 2991 (2), 3006, 3035, 3076, 3120, 3147, 3178, 3179 (3), 3182, 3185-3187, 3191-3193, 3197 (3), 3198 (2), 3204, 3205, 3216, 3235, 3257, 3307. Washingborough, co. Lincoln, resident at, 1341. Washingley, Hunts, resident at, 1778. Washington, co. Derby, lands in, 2471. manor of, 2178. co. Durham, parish of, 2276. Sussex, lands in, 2277. lists of, notes of, 552, 730, 741. • ***** ……………………., manor of, 2282. Wastalhead, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Watchfield, Westmoreland, resident at, 176. Waterbeach, co. Cambridge, land, &c., in, 3063. resident at, 539. Watercrooke, Westmoreland, estate at, 386. Waterfall Manor, co. Stafford, 1736. Waterford Hall, co. Herts, resident at, 847. ………………….., Ireland, death of the Duchess of Buckingham at, 2191. letters dated from, 386, 402. Water Frystone, co. York, manor of, 2230. Waterham Farm, Kent, 2933. Waterhead, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3192. Waterston, co. Hereford, manor of, 2304. Waterton, co. Lincoln, lands at, 2481. ........., lordship of, 2482. INDEX OF PLACES. 3809 Watertree, co. Lancaster, houses in, 2729. Watford, co. Northampton, resident at, 1452. Wath, co. York, rectory of, 931. Watling, Sussex, see Wartling. Watlington, or Wattleton, co. Oxon, park of, 3070. ………………………, rectory of, 1851. residents at, 1811, 1851. Watnall, co. Notts, resident at, 769. Watuatstone, co. Herts, resident at, 853. Watringbury, Kent, resident at, 3258. Watson, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Wattleton, co. Oxon, see Watlington. Wavendon, Bucks, estate, &c., at, 68, 1770 (2). .. " > Waverfield, co. York, pasture called, 3102. Waverton, co, Chester, residents at, 103, 104 (2), 1277. Wavertree, co. Lancaster, residents at, 3034, 3292. Wawenswoton, co. Warwick, see Wootton- Wawen. Waxham, Norfolk, estate or manor of, 1341 (4), 1342 (2). N Way bridge, or Weybridge, Surrey, papers taken at, 1146. .... residents at, 1146, 1316, 2868. Weardale, co. Durham, places in, 3061 (2), 3062. Weare, Somerset, resident at, 1087. Wearmouth, Bishop, co. Durham, see Bishop Wearmouth. Monks, co. Durham, lands or estate at, 204, 2130, 2354-2357. manor of, 2354 (2). ** · ………………………, poor of, 2272. ........., quay at, 360, 2354-2357. .... residents at, 2127, 2354 (2), 2375, 2385. vicar of, petition of, 2272. Wearndee, co. Monmouth, resident at, 1571. Weary Hall, Cumberland, resident at, 2700. Webbington, co. Chester, resident at, 2270. Webton, co. Hereford, lands in, 2071. Weddiker, or Weddicar, Cumberland, residents at, 202, 2876, 3149, 3159. ·· ...** Weddop, Cumberland, resident at, 2590. Wednesbury, co. Stafford, minister of, 2485. residents at, 1682, 3230. Wednesfield, co. Stafford, manor in, 2484. Weedlie, co. York, manor of, 2642. Weedon, co. Northampton, lands in, 1740. Week Regis, Dorset, resident at, 2683. Somerset, resident at, 2949. .... Weethley, co. Warwick, lands in, 2218 (2). manor of, 486, 2217-2219. ****** Weeton, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1117 (5). residents at, 3198. ………………………, co. York, orders posted at, 655. Weetslade, North, Northumberland, resident at, 2736. V Weighton, co. York, 3130, 3134. parish of, 1324. Welbeck, co. Notts, Earl of Newcastle at, 2649. ·· ** .... • • Y prebend of, parsonage belonging to, 3037. " surrender at, 1142. ·· ......3 Welborn, co. York, residents in, 1906, 2412. tithes of, 1906. ***** Welbourn, co. Lincoln, lands at, 931, 1349. Welcomes, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1890. Weldon, or Weldon Magna, co. Northampton, inquisition held at, 744. manor in, 1080, 1581. ………………** Welford, Berks, resident at, 2981. co. Northampton, resident at, 2939. Welham, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Bridge, co. York, houses in, 1750. Wellam, co. York, manor of, 2414. Wellingborough, co. Northampton, insur- rection at, 1064. ... ·· grange, &c., in, 1736. manor and park of, 1736. residents at, 535, 938, 1401, 2968. order published at, 653. Wellingore, co. Lincoln, minister or rectory of, 1225, 1226 (2). residents at, 1388, 2021. Wellington, co. Hereford, lands in, 3187. Salop, lands in, 3043. letter dated from, 266. Somerset, resident at, 1670. Wellow, Somerset, lands in, 2325. …., rectory of, 900 (2). Wells, co. Hereford, resident at, 2454. Norfolk, estates at, 1303. Somerset, Archdeacon of, see Wood, Dr. Gerard. .... *** .... **** **** ***) ·· "? ... 646. Dean and Chapter of, 1257, 1632. lease by, 2916. defence of, 1191. King's party at, 916. letters, &c., dated from, 208, 256, 260 (2), 291, 304, 309, 358, 363, 365, 391, 393, 410, 490, 496, 527, 654 (2). } ·· .... *** ***) Se manor of, 642. parish of, 3029. Parliamentary forces at, 358, 1329. plague at, 1038. prisoner taken to, 358. proctor at, 260. residents at, 963, 974, 1011, 1191, 1234, 1244, 1333, 1380, 1579, 2099, 2216, 2832, 3305. , archdeaconry of, 2434. assizes at, 1360, 1980. Commissioners at, 244, 281, 363, ……………… tenements in, 972. Forum, Somerset, sequestrators of, 2435. 3810 INDEX OF PLACES. Welton, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1459, 1979, 3230. ******* Somerset, resident at, 1244. Welwick, co. York, resident at, 3178. Wem, Salop, books at, 631. farm near, 332, 2084. King's party at, 1816. manor of, 2465, 2467. ·· * ... • ..... ·· ·· ·· .... Wembdon, Somerset, resident at, 2733. Wembury, Devon, resident at, 2063. Wenbury, co. Chester, lands in, 2548. Wendon Lofts, Essex, resident at, 2488. Wendover, Bucks, estates at, 67, 68 (2). Wenlock, Salop, houses, &c., in, 2090, 2953. parish of, residents in, 2090. Great, Wilts, rectory of, 1433 (2). Wennington, co. Lancaster, residents at, 1728, 2637. ...> Wentworth, co. Cambridge, parsonage of, 904. Weobley, co. Hereford, lands in, 3187. resident at, 3002. ...... Werden, co. Lancaster, residents at, 2024, 2025, 2822. Wereham, Norfolk, estate, &c., at, 114, 3106. resident at, 3106. Row Farm, Norfolk, 2956. Wernegenny, co. Hereford, lands in, 3052. Wesham, co. Lancaster, houses in, 1118. Westbere, Kent, resident at, 461. Westborough, co. Lincoln, resident at, 3179. West Bromwich, co. Stafford, residents at, 90, 2745. *** ... Westbury, Bucks, estate at, 67. prisoners at, 877, 2193. resident at, 1299. .... co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. residents at, 87, 2077, 2644. or Westby, Salop, parish of, 408. residents at, 1159, 3206. Somerset, rectory of, 916 (2). Wilts, residents at, 1635, 2732. Westby, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2573. > ..." ………………. mansion house, &c., of, 2854. residents at, 2854, 2855, 3032. .-cum-Plumpton, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2573 (5), 3308. co. Lincoln, manor of, 1613. **** .... ……………………., Salop, see Westbury. co. York, manor of, 2634 (2). Westcote, or Combaskerville, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. manor of, 2326 (2), 2327. West Ella, co. York, lands in, 2135. resident at, 2153. Westenhanger, Kent, resident at, 461. Westerfield, Suffolk, tenements, &c., in, 3169 (2). ....... Westerham, Kent, resident at, 461. Westerleigh, co. Gloucester, residents at, 87, 2350, 2650. Western plantations, the, 847. Westfield, Kent, estate of, 2140. Westhall, Norfolk, manor of, 3301. Somerset, farm of, 1429. Westham, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2634. Sussex ?, lands in, 2721. …………… Westhead, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2991. Westholme, co. Durham, resident at, 3298. Westhorsely, Surrey, manor of, 2544. West Indies, fleet of, admiral of, 1312. Westisted, Hants, manor of, 2532 (2). Westlecott, Wilts, resident at, 2728. Westley, co. Cambridge, resident at, 2372. Westminster, 553, 1513. Committee for Compounding at, 166, 205, 300; see also General Index, Compounding, Committee for. Committee for securing the peace in, ……………………… ……………… ..... ·· ………………….. • ... * • ··· · …………… C 718. County Committee for, 179, 185, 187, 239, 255, 583, 632, 724, 1059, 1127, 1131, 1153, 1317, 1582, 1715, 1716 (2), 2184, 2208. ……….. • 3117. • > ... letters of, 187, 229, 255, 337, 436, 511, 523, 581, 636, 1716, 2183. letter to, 677. ..... ··· ………. ·· ·· ……. ·· ……………. """ 551, 2041. · orders of, 255, 511 (4), 866, 2208, 2426. ****** orders to, 25, 237, 632, 1357, 1458, 1716, 1867, 2183, 2184, 2426 (3), 2477. …………… ………………………、 ………………, reports by, 1457, 1616, 1867. treasurer to, 91, 166, 626, 636, ... …………… ……………. 2183. ....... House, Channel Row, 1131, 1175. queries of, 465. reference to, 2437. certificate by, 511. the late, 491, 511, 581, 650 (2), 663, 676, 1716, 2041, 3051. ......., County Committees sitting at, 126, 2870. appointment of, 171. certificates of, 1630, 2208, ******* alluded to, 1317, 1447. officers of, 169, 255, 491, 523, > ****** 424. • • > ....., courts of law in, 1359, 2277, 2755. Dean and Chapter of, property of, 2405, 2640. death in, 1648. delinquents in, Act for removal of, ……………… asked for, 3295. petitions to, 2289, 2455. place of meeting of, Dorset ………. • ... allowed to remain in, 51, 1477. allowed to leave, 178. orders to, 29. ……………… houses in, 1088, 1867, 3040. INDEX OF PLACES. 3811 Westminster-cont. *** militia Committee of, 1301. papers or letters dated from, 28, 166, 169, 179, 199, 200, 247, 249, 255, 262, 301, 324, 365, 372, 403, 436, 443, 511 (4), 524, 578, 592, 623, 624, 706, 730, 737, 747. Parliament at, alluded to, 831, 877. ………………………, poor of, 426. residents in, 13, 119 (2), 362, 552, 632, 657, 1102, 1211, 1281, 1395, 1457, 1590, 1708, 1763, 2131, 2183, 2185, 2558, 2648, 2660, 2715, 2859, 2952, 3005, 3130, 3303. ******* ………. ... lands, estates, &c., in, 91-94, 218, 255, 2258, 2566 (2), 2822, 3246. receipts from, 429. ... ... cases of, 959, 1088, 1094, 1127, 1205, 1418, 1439, 1447, 1454, 1457, 1459, 1468, 1471, 1481, 1515, 1536, 1543 (2), 1558, 1569, 1572 (2), 1576– 1578, 1582, 1585, 1592, 1597, 1606, 1608, 1616, 1811, 1961, 2071, 2080, 2208, 2210, 2226 (2), 2510, 2667, 2760, 3051. ……………) lists of, 91-94, 581. ……………………… ………………, ......, note of, 741. revenues in, 619. " ., streets, buildings, &c., in- Channel or Cannon Row, 445, 446. Derby House in, 255 (2), 445 (2), 446. 22. ………. Committees at, see General Index, Derby House, Committee for, and Ireland, Com- mittee for. letter dated from, Dorset House in, Com- missioners sitting at, 1131, 1175. Cockpit, letter dated from, 2325. College, Henry VII.'s Chapel in, 802. .... .... 471. ******* Jerusalem Chamber in, 802. schools, and almshouses of, rents for, 3008. Court of Common Bench or Com. mon Pleas in, see General Index, Common Pleas, Court of. Dean's Yard, 1357. Dog Tavern, 409. Duchy House, Committee of Ac- counts at, 471. papers dated from, 470, 2566. **** Exchequer, 207, 776; see also Gene- ral Index, Exchequer, Court of. Gatehouse Prison, 7. keeper of, 362, 1205, *** prisoners at, 769, 926, 937, 973, 1040, 1205, 1648 (2), 1942, 2566. Westminster, streets, buildings, &c., in-cont. House of Lords, 1970. ... …………. ·· 1 ·· Inner Court of Wards at, see General Index, Wards and Liveries, Court of. ******* letters dated from, 660, 662, 663, 666. Old Palace, 268, 2041. Old Palace Yard, 2041. Queen's Court, 2300. St. James' Park, 219. St. Margaret's, churchwardens of, petitions of, 2477 (2). minister of, 1824. officers of, 802, 806. parish of, 426. repair of, 806 (2). Star Chamber in, see Star Chamber. Whitehall, 465, 511. council of war at, 2002. court martial at, 306. letters dated from, 164, 258, 281, 306, 319, 353, 362, 438, 463, 597, 599, 637, 680, 687, 693, 734. Long stone gallery in, 543. prisoners conveyed from, **** Westmoreland, 138, 176, 195, 247, 332, 699, 715, 821, 1461. assizes for, 2457. compositions with the Northern Com- missioners in, 203, 452. .. 1304 (2). ... .... ………………, LAUNA A trained bands of, 48. travellers to, 356, 1264. Treasury Chamber at, 714. •R• County Commissioners of, 134, 188, 195, 196, 211, 247, 332, 534, 682, 734, 758, 761, 762, 766, 827, 1136- 1138, 1221, 1416, 1662, 1687, 1698 (3), 1899, 1987, 2126, 2283 (2), 2459 (2), 2513, 2678 (2), 2875 (2), 2910 (2), 2995, 3006 (2), 3020, 3024, 3025, 3080, 3093, 3114, 3116, 3121, 3224. (2), 3021. resident in, 755. sermon at, 543. .. 2984, 3053. letter dated from, 740. certificate to, 196. …………………., deposition before, 520. certificates or reports by, 1137 alluded to, 1695, 1903, » instructions to, 755. letters of, 137, 176, 187, 188, 195 (2), 234, 247 (2), 257, 272, 332, 343, 348, 386, 389, 397, 416, 425, 435, 466, 496, 510 (2), 534, 541, 546, 553, 563, 572, 585, 617, 631, 653, 667, 772, 2045, 2308, 2910. alluded to, 226. …… ******** ****** 3812 INDEX OF PLACES. Westmoreland, County Commissioners of— cont. ·· ... • • • .. ………………………. ……………… • ··· * • ·· •• ***** letters to, 196, 250, 264, 300, 313 (2), 340, 374, 421, 469, 513, 588, 600, 759, 764, 770, 771, 773, 1138, 1698, 2910. alluded to, 470. officers of, 99, 176, 187, 195, 247 (2), 340, 348, 389, 466, 817. .... orders to, 961, 1101 (3), 1695, 1698, 1783, 1784, 1900, 1902-1904, 2308, 2459, 2462 (2), 2463, 2513, 2875 (2), 2882, 2984, 3020, 3021, 3025, 3053 (2), 3116, 3233. **** …………. .. ……………… alluded to, 1784 (2), 2881 (2), 2983, 2984 (3), 3006, 3053. petitions to, 196 (2), 1137. references to, 1695, 1697, 1901, 2882, 2919, 3025, 3053, 3292. ·· …………………., treasury of, 510. ..." books of, 3114. ****** courts held in, accounts of, 585. debts of, 815. divisions of, 187, 195, 631. ..." …….., estates, lands, &c., in, 196, 234, 416, 510, 561, 696, 708, 727, 734, 762, 1116 (3), 1117, 1163, 1695 (3), 1696, 1698, 1714, 1784, 1899, 1901, 1902 (2), 1904, 2308 (3), 2462, 2463, 2478, 2513, 2589, 2678, 2725, 2910, 2919, 2995, 3121, 3206, 3233, 3265, 3286. lists of, 386. ………… ... …………. .." ****** ..) the late, 187, 196, 211, 332, 389, 416, 510 (2), 546, 553, 696, 1698, 2953, 3265. ……………… ••• ..... …………. treasurer of, 416, 510, 2308. grand jury of, 134. King's party in, 520–522, 1123, 1136, 2524. ..... ……………… 3 rendezvous for, see Tarney- bank, rendezvous at. market towns of, proclamation in, 69. militia, or county forces in, money for, 41, 138, 332, 811, 816. note of, 201. receipts from, 429. ………… fugitives from, 473. ***** Parliamentary forces in, 1666. places in, 62, 195, 653. lists of, 203. ………………. residents in, 1, 23, 43, 134, 138, 510, 518, 554, 772, 813, 815, 1049, 1137, 1703, 1901, 1903, 2308, 2606, 2639, 2875, 2983, 3006, 3025, 3053 (2), 3210, 3292. cases of, 1136, 1138, 1221, 1416 > > (2), 1424, 1460, 1658, 1754, 1865, 1867, 1888 (2), 1907, 2018, 2245, 2457, 2678, 2688, 2875, 2881, 2010, 2953, 2980, 2983, 3000, 3006, 3020, 3024, 3053, 3093, 3114, 3116, 3121, 3125, 3126, 3157, 3158, 3175, 3185, 3192 (3), 3193, 3198, 3206, 3224, 3233, 3296. lists of, 99, 203, 520–522, 547. Westmoreland, residents in-cont. notes of, 546, 729, 741, ·· ……… • *** ... *** .... ... ...... Westmoreland and Cumberland, Commis- sioners for (March 1654), 688, 711, 1123, 3117. ………………………, ………………, appointment of, 673, 717, 724. letters of, 675, 682, 696, 699, 708, 711. ..> O " ··· 742. ·· ... > ... ………………………、 ………………, reference to, 1123. …………………, ………………, report by, 3296. Westney, co. Beds, manor of, 2163. • ****** *** Weston Turville, Bucks, estate or lands in, 68, 2269. ... > ...g …………. ……………AN .... letters to, 679, 702, 723, 1699, 3265 (3), 3296. resident at, 2268. Underwood, Bucks, estate or lands at, 67, 68 (2), 1739, 1740. resident at, 1739. ., co. Chester, residents at, 100, 1665, 2378. ·· revenues in, 4, 619. rising in, 1169. sheriff, high, of, 69. ……….., under, 69. train bands in, 1123. traveller to, 767. witnesses in, 1987. resident at, 356. Beggard, co. Hereford, manor of, 3028. co. Lancaster, manor of, 1117. co. Lincoln, lands in, 2308. resident at, 2308. co. Northampton, lands in, 1740. resident at, 2091. ..-cum-Sutton, co. Northampton, resident at, 1320. " ...... …………… > ……………) ….. > ……………… alluded to, 697. officers of, 676, 682, 711. orders to, 2995, 3296. • ……………… manor of, 2363, 3302. resident at, 1813 (4). Bamfylde, Somerset, resident at, 1867. .-in-Gordano, Somerset, resident at, 1046. Favell, co. Northampton, residents at, 1581, 2419. co. Oxon, resident at, 2575. Salop, resident at, 1721. Somerset, farm of, 2363. Hants, farm in, 2533. co. Hereford, estate in, 3027. King's, Somerset, manor of, 1397. resident at, 3048. North, Somerset, residents at, 1046 (2). -super-Mare, Somerset, resident at, 599. Zoyland, Somerset, resident at, 1814 (2). ***** INDEX OF PLACES. 3813 Weston-cont. •" co. Stafford, rectory of, 1720. resident at, 90. Coyney, co. Stafford, residents at, 89, 90, 1028, 3240. ........., co. Warwick, manor of, 1901, 1902. residents at, 1901, 1953, 3216. House, co. Warwick, 1955. co. York, manor of, 1037. residents at, 1037, 3200. tithes of, 1037. **** Westover, Hants, manor of, 1224. Westow, co York, church of, 1044. resident at, 1044. U ..... .. .... Westport, Wilts, lands, &c., in, 1969. West Thurrock, Essex, lands in, 1873. Westwell, Kent, resident at, 1832. Westwick, Norfolk, houses, &c., in, 1838. West Wood, Northumberland, lands in, 2670. resident at, 202. ·· ... · ........., co. Worcester, resident at, 1194. Wetheral, Cumberland, minister of, 232. Abbey, Cumberland, resident at, 3123. Wetherby, co. York, orders posted at, 654. Wetherden, Suffolk, lands in, 2665. Wettenhall, co. Chester, minister of, 1232. resident at, 100 (3), 101. ·· Weverham, co. Chester, letter dated from, 100, 134. Weybridge, Surrey, see Waybridge. Weyhill, Hants, resident at, 105. . Weymouth and Melcomb Regis, Dorset, Com- mon at, 262, 263, 1655 (2). letter dated from, 70. > ., mayor, aldermen, &c., of, 1655. minister of, 2978. **** …… ……………., money for, 1692. · · • ... ***** AAAAAA *……… . surgeon for, 795. governor of, 263, 839, 1062, 1512, 1963. prisoners at, 1633. residents at, 118, 262, 263, 1218, 1655 (2), 1999, 2995, 2996, 3082. • Parliamentary garrison at, money for, 1066, 1177. ships going to, 15. South grounds near, 1657. surrender of, 1654. town chest of, 262. Whadborough, co. borough. .. Whaddon, Bucks, chase of, 376, 484, 520, 556. manor of, 67, 324, 376, 390. resident at, 2183. > ** Leicester, see What- vicar of, 191. ……………………., co. Gloucester, resident at, 86. Whalley, co. Lancaster, houses in, 2667, 3216. parish of, 2224, 2515, 2531, 3077. residents at, 3174, 3231. Whalsey, co. York, lands in, 1324. Whalton, Northumberland, lands in, 2592. parish of, 3003. Whaplode, co. Lincoln, lands in, 1177, 2120. manor of, 2120. ..... Wharley, co. Lancaster, messuages, &c., in, 3202. .. Wharnley, Northumberland, manor of, or lands in, 2599 (2). Wharram Percy, co. Durhamn, manor of, 1122. Wharton, co. Chester, estate at, 120. resident at, 2175. ... Westmoreland, resident at, 99. Whatborough, or Whadborough, co. Leices- ter, estate or lands in, 2419, 2420. ·· ..... •• ••• Whatcomb, Berks, residents at, 2522, 3018. Whateley, or Wheatley, co. Oxon, lauds, &c., in, 1440 (2), 1443 (2), 1717. Whatley, co. Warwick, resident at, 1978. Whatton, Devon, resident at, 1419. Long, co. Leicester, resident at, 109. Wheatfield, co. Oxon, resident at, 2078. Wheatley Hill, co. Durham, lands in, 3153. House, co. Lancaster, 1389. Lawfield, Northumberland, manor of, 2670. co. Notts, resident at, 1553. South, co. Nutts, lands in, 2579 (2). ........., rectory of, 596, 3025, 3026. residents at, 535, 2634. .. • · Lodge at, 2420. residents at, 1451, 2418. co. Oxon, see Whateley. co. York, resident at, 2012. ... ******* Wheaton Aston, co. Stafford, resident at, 2982. ……………………… ...... Wheelock, co. Chester, resident at, 932. Wheelton, co. Lancaster, parish of, 2018. resident at, 3095. Wherwell, Hants, residents at, 1697, 2895. Whetacre, Norfolk, residents at, 113, 3009. Whettall, Salop, resident at, 2562. Whichaugh, co. Chester, resident at, 104. Whichbury, Wilts, estate at, 76. Whichford, co. Warwick, manor of, 1954, 1955. …………..) residents at, 1993, 2017. Whichwood Forest, co. Oxon, 506, 1617, 1618 (2). Whickham, co. Durham, close in, 3223. parish of, 2038, 2904. ***** ………………♣ Whimple, Devon, resident at, 2966. Whimpston, Devon, see Winston. Whinborough, Norfolk, estate, &c., in, 115, 2707. Whinfell, Westmoreland, lands in, 3233. residents at, 176 (5), 177. Whippingham, Isle of Wight, resident at, 2079. Whissonset, Norfolk, resident at, 1853. 3814 INDEX OF PLACES. Whiston, co. Lancaster, houses, &c., in, 3213. residents at, 1094, 1952, 2861, 3142, 3199 (2), 3213. ……………………., co. York, residents at, 2698, 2792. Whitbeck, Cumberland, resident at, 1745. Whitbourne, co. Hereford, resident at, 2878. Whitby, co. Chester, resident at, 61, 1850. co. York, bailiff of, 654. estates in, 1802, 3225, 3287. orders posted at, 654. residents at, 1336, 1801, 2062, 2404, 2813, 3176. Whitcham, Cumberland, manor of, 616, 620. Whitchurch, co. Chester, resident at, 112. Devon, tenement in, 2948. Dorset, lands, &c., in, 3131, 3213. resident at, 118. • *** ..... • ... ***** ..... co. Durham, resident at, 2902. ……………………., Hants, parsonage of, 282, 380, 383. residents at, 402, 2516. .. *** co. Oxon, traveller to, 945. > Salop, defence of, 1817. King's party at, 1816, 1817. residents at, 1991, 2011, 3229. co. York, parish of, 2431, 3217. > Whitcomb, Somerset, parish of, 1361. resident at, 1360. White-Ash-in-Oswaldtwisle, co. Lancaster, mansion house of, 3077. resident at, 3077. White Castle, co. Monmouth, manor of, 1712. Whitechapel, Middlesex, resident at, 2163. White Cross, co. York, resident at, 1594. Whitegate, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 101. tenement in, 1233. .... **** ……………. Whitehall, co. Durham, lands called, 2814. resident at, 2625 (2). co. Lincoln, lands at, 1213. resident at, 1213. Westminster, see Westminster. Whitehaven, Cumberland, place near, 761. resident at, 2725. ****** Whitehouse, co. Durham, mansion house of, 2763. resident at, 2763. ...... Northumberland, lands in, 3103. Whiteknights, Berks, manor of, 3017, 3018 (2). resident at, 3017. White Ladies, Salop, lands in, 3180. resident at, 424. Whiteparish, Wilts, residents at, 78, 2574, 3181. Whites, Suffolk, see Bryants. Whitewall, Westmoreland, see Whitwell. Whitewalls-in-Blisland, Cornwall, 3066. Whitfield Moors, co. Derby, 2478. ……………………., Dorset, farm of, 2169. ……….. .. > co. Gloucester, residents at, 87, 3168, 3191. Whitford, co. Flint, parish of, 1719, 1720. resident at, 3254. ... Farm, co. Worcester, 3196. Whitgift, co. York, lands in, 2008, 2482. resident at, 2008. ...S Whitland, or Whiteland, co. Carmarthen, abbey of, 611, 647. lands in, 646, 1645, 3155. letter dated from, 611. ....... Whitley, co. Chester, resident at, 2209. …………………** co. York, resident at, 950. Whitmills, Dorset, resident at, 2764. Whitmore, Salop, houses in, 1876. Whitney, co. Hereford, farm at, 2496. resident at, 2496. Whitsbury, Wilts, manor of, 1010. Whitstable, Kent, lands in, 1908. residents at, 456, 2676. ***** Whitstanton, Somerset, manor, &c., of, 1644, 2943 (2). resident at, 1644. Whitstone, Cornwall, resident at, 3259. .... ... ... ………………………. ... ………………… Whittingham, co. Lancaster, estate, &c., in, 2438, 2768, 2989, 2990, 3194. residents at, 1999, 2768, 3182, 3200, 3207. tithes of, 2568. Northumberland, lands in, 2205. rectory of, 2205, 2341. Whittingstall, Northumberland, manor of, 2590. *……………. "" Whittington, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1790- 1792. co. Lancaster, parish of, 3105. resident at, 2016. Northumberland, estate of, 2953. Salop, resident at, 2936. co. Stafford, resident at, 2131. Whittle, co. Lancaster, poor of, 907. ... ... residents at, 1299, 2037. tenements in, 1299, 3199. tithes of, 906, 907 (2). .-in-le-Woods, co. Lancaster, 3103. Welsh, co. Lancaster, house in, 2803. residents at, 2803, 3304. ... Sutton-under-, co. York, see Sutton. Whittlehull, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3103. Whittlesey, Isle of Ely, co. Cambridge, estate or lands in, 702, 3294. residents at, 2119, 2837. Whittlesford, co. Cambridge, residents at, 539, 593, 2613. Whittoll [Whitwell ?], co. Durham, resident at, 3183. ·· Whitwell, Rutland, manor of, 612, 2422. ..... or Whitewall, Westmoreland, lands in, 2995. residents at, 203, 547 (2), 3018. co. York, farm in, 2639. **** ر. INDEX OF PLACES. 3815 Whitwell-cont. resident at, 2638. tithes and minister of, 2079. Whitwick, co. Leicester, lands in, 2174. minister of, 2047. **** ***** .... · parish of, 3045. rectory or tithes of, 216, 1432, 2047 (2), 2048. residents at, 109, 11, 2172. runway Whitworth, co. Durham, resident at, 2714. Whixley, co. York, residents at, 1035, 1226. vicar of, 1035. ...... Whorcross, co. Stafford, resident at, 90. Whorlton-in-Cleveland, co. York, parsonage of, 2396, 2397. A tithes of, 2395. ………….13 Whotton, co. Notts, manor of, 2574. Wichampton, or Wickampton, Dorset, resi- dents at, 118, 2110. Wiche Malbanke, or Wichmalbank, co. Ches- ter, residents at, 161, 2547. Wichenford, co. Worcester, residents at, 172, 1930, 1981. Wick, Berks, resident at, 2576. Wicken, co. Cambridge, manor of, 1491. resident at, 1491. Wigan-cont. Wickford, Essex, estate at, 565. parish of, 2140. Wickham, Cumberland, mill at, 1114. + Kent, resident at, 3258. Brux or Broux, Kent, estate or manor of, 368, 2391, 2656. > resident at, 2391. East, Kent, resident at, 461. ........., co. Oxon, place near, 1518. residents at, 1518, 1877 (2), 2534. Ford, co. Worcester, minister of, 1710. > ……………………, co. York, see Wykeham. Wickwar, co. Gloucester, proclamation at, 70. Wicliff, co. York, see Wycliffe. Widdrington, Northumberland, 2417. > residents at, 2416, 2591, 3074. Widford, co. Chester, residents at, 122, 1409. Widnes, co. Lancaster, estates, &c., in, 2062, 2737, 3110, 3169, 3182, 3202, 3292. manor of, *** lord of the manor of, 3110. residents at, 3110 (2), 3169, 3182, 3186, 3202, 3292. Wigan, co. Lancaster, Grammar School of, masters of, 2565. King's party or garrison at, 682, 1093, 1094, 2175, 2364. letter dated from, 502. mansion house at, 2812 (2). ………………………, mayor of, 371, 1281. parish of, 441, 589, 1151, 3124, 3266. ………………………, parson of, 1281. ·· .. Scots at, 2913. Wiggenhall, Norfolk, lands, &c., in, 2817. Wigginton, co. Herts, resident at, 2267. Wigglesworth, co. Lancaster, resident at, residents at, 1092, 1804, 2011, 2175, 2522, 2913. A ………………………. Wight, Isle of, 194, 887. 3174. co. York, lands in, 1997. County Commissioners in, 1065. Customs' officers in, 3082. fortifying of, 159. governor of, see Hammond, Col. manor or estate in, 1065 (2), residents in, 1065, 1658. cases of, 891, 1065, 1243, 1244, 1282, 2079, 2617 (2), 2691, 2977. treaty at, with the King, 223, ... summons to, 1092. ………… Robert. 1082. • " ******* 402. ..... Wighton, Norfolk, resident at, 1811. Wigmore, co. Hereford, lands in, 3044. Wigston, Great Wigston, or Wigston Magna, co. Leicester, estate in, 2754. minister of, 586. rectory of, 2754. resident at, 108. ******* tithes and glebe of, 583, 586. Wikeham, co. York, see Wykeham. Wilbarston-cum-Pipwell, co. Northampton, see Pipwell. ******* Wilberfoss, co. York, resident at, 974. Wilberton, co. Cambridge, resident at, 1333. Wilcot, co. Oxon, resident at, 934. Wilcrick, co. Monmouth, lands in, 3195. resident at, 3195. Wildertop, Salop, resident at, 1646. Wilkesley, co. Chester, resident at, 2499. Willaston, co. Chester, estates at, 61 (2). Willesborough, Kent, see Wilsborough. Willett Elworthy, Somerset, see Elworthy. Willey, Salop, residents at, 978, 1202, 1985. Williamstripp, co. Gloucester, resident at, 2306. Willicott, co. Gloucester, resident at, 87. Willimore, or New Leason, co. Stafford, estate of, 1894. Willingdale, Essex, resident at, 2742. Willingham, North, co. Lincoln, 1473 (2). Willington-in-Hanmer, co. Flint, see Hanmer. Willitoft, co. York, residents at, 2898, 3012. Williton, Somerset, hundred of, 83. resident at, 3094. Willmanswick, Northumberland, manor of, 3154. ...... Willoughby, co. Lincoln, farm at, 2433. co. Notts, King's party at, 1897. 3816 INDEX OF PLACES. Willoughton, co. Lincoln, 2790 (2). Willows, the, Suffolk, resident at, 2534. Wilmarslee, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1952. Wilmslow, co. Chester, resident at, 123. Wilnecote, co. Warwick, resident at, 2840. Wilpshire, co. Lancaster, barn and land in, 2446. resident at, 2446. ******* Wilsborough, or Willesborough, Kent, estate in, 2660, 2661. residents at, 368, 461, 2660. Wilsford, co. Lincoln, lands at, 1436. Wilshamstead, co. Bedford, lordship of, 2082 (2), 2083. • residents at, 2082, 2571. Wilton, Norfolk, estate at, 114. ………….. ……….. Wiltshire, 715. .. .. ……………. Bishop, on the Wolds, co. York, estate in, 3144. resident at, 2154. . ... Wilts, mansion house at, 2036. residents at, 76, 78, 993, 3052. co. York, resident at, 3130. ………………… ……………. assizes in, 1813. club men in, 941 (2). Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1261, 1507. County Commissioners of, 225, 289, 372 (2), 406, 582, 642, 646, 747, 755, 762, 910, 914, 941, 950, 1014, 1032, 1055, 1120, 1224, 1235 (3), 1294, 1299 (3), 1395 (3), 1457, 1465, 1559, 1562, 1579, 1583, 1588, 1652, 1738, 1774- 1796, 1800, 1879, 1969 (2), 2059, 2135, 2439 (3), 2696, 2728 (3), 2734, 3047 3050 (2), 3227, 3269 (3), 3270, 3307. ... .. appointment or approval of, 168, 172, 673. certificates of, 1879, 1976, 3049, 3050. .. > alluded to, 941, 1189, 1795, 1969, 2656, 3270. ... " lease granted by, 911. letters of, 76, 217, 254, 289, ? 326, 377, 484, 502, 504, 548, 588, 653, 654, 658, 661, 695, 699, 732, 738, 755, 762, 766, 1969. ... **** ... alluded to, 372, 759, 763. letters to, 41, 178, 269, 312, 313, 374, 502, 546, 575, 579, 613, 656, 658, 753, 757, 760, 763, 766, 771, 773, 776, 911, 912, 950, 1189, 1299, 1795 (3), 1839, 2696, 2728, 2830. …………… complaints against, 145. compositions with, 1652. fine levied by, 1668. information to, 941. ..... alluded to, 226, 470, 652, 697, 759, 867 (2), 1526. officers of, 52, 145, 165, 217, 254, 269, 288, 289, 326, 406, 504, 548, 575, 579, 588, 1971. ………………………) ……………….………….., petitions of, 287, 388. ……………… " Wiltshire, County Commissioners of, &c.- orders of, 288 (2). cont. orders to, 348, 642, 910-912, 1188, 1222, 1224 (3), 1235, 1294, 1299, 1395, 1406, 1465, 1539, 1562, 1583, 1739, 1775, 1795 (3), 1796 (4), lx39, 1969 (2), 1971, 2273 (2), 2387, 2439, 2440 (2), 2656, 2657 (2), 2661, 2676, 2696, 2728, 2734, 2766, 2772, 2859, 2923, 3047, 3270 (2). U • • ·· ··· ·· ..... > asked for or alluded to, 152, 959, 1218, 1268, 1294, 1433, 1539, 1561, 1583, 2272. 3181, 3227, 3236. …… ……………., report of, 950. …………**♪ returns from, alluded to, 1795, 3052 (3). /0 • ** .. • ………, ………………, summons by, 1299. " ……..♥ .." "" - ***** ... letter of, 406. *****) ., deputy-lieutenant of, 1329. divisions of, 548, 588, 1738. ...., estates, lands, &c., in, 146, 548, 642, 700, 747, 792, 847, 860, 869, 910 (2), 912,914, 959, 995, 1010, 1013, 1038 (2), 1044, 1054, 1055, 1188, 1222 (5), 1223 (10), 1235, 1294 (2), 1329, 1395, 1406, 1427, 1429, 1457 (2), 1584, 1774 (2), 1777 (2), 1783, 1794–1797, 1813, 1879, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1973 (2), 2056, 2059, 2077, 2211, 2213, 2272-2276, 2306, 2387, 2439, 2440 (2), 2533, 2534, 2589, 2661, 2676, 2696 (2), 2728, 2734 (2), 2766, 2772, 2859 (3), 3112, 3181, 3232, 3269 (2), 3287, 3293. queries of, 254, 290. references to, 948, 2273, 2728, ... ...) 695, 2923, 3047, 3052 (3). submission to, 1062, 1673, 2766. ****** hundreds of, 288. King's party in, 792, 978, 1045, 1668. ………, ………………, money levied for, 977, 1541. > livings in, sequestered, list of, 79. treasurer to, 254, 582. the late, 326, 548, 588, 613, Major-General for [Col. Desborow], 1261, 1507, 1659. A lists of, 77, 78. market towns of, 653. M.Ps for, 48. reference to, 1282. militia or county forces of, 797. Commissioners for, 759. ...... ministers in, lists of, 79. ..., money or revenues in, or returns from, 151, 619, 2107. Parliament forces in, 48, 859. places in, 145, 759, 844, 1553, 2272 (2), 2303. receiver general for, 766. residents in, 139, 166, 462, 861, 950, 1046, 1055, 1329, 1631, 1739, 1755, 1796 (2), 1948, 2050, 2059, 2135, 2303, INDEX OF PLACES. 3817 Wiltshire, residents in-cont. .... ** 2390, 2440, 2574, 2656, 2728 (2), 2754, 2834, 3181, 3187, 3236, 3269. ...... cases of, 910, 941, 948, 950, 959, 977, 978, 989, 993-995, 1013 (3), 1032, 1039, 1045, 1054, 1062, 1120, 1142, 1162, 1210, 1218, 1222, 1234, 1298, 1412, 1433, 1457, 1465, 1482, 1507, 1512, 1539, 1541, 1542, 1559, 1560, 1562, 1575, 1577 (2), 1578, 1583, 158, 1588, 1594, 1631 (2), 1635, 1652, 1668, 1673, 1738 (2), 1739, 1741, 1794, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1985, 2036, 2056-2058, 2079, 2135 (2), 2210, 2271, 2358, 2386, 2415, 2439, 2516, 2559, 2581, 2645, 2649, 2650, 2655, 2675, 2696, 2728, 2732, 3017, 3047, 3049, 3050, 3052, 3111, 3154, 3169, 3179, 3181, 3186, 3191-3293, 3205, 3206, 3227, 3236, 3256, 3258, 3259 (2), 3269, 3305, 3307. lists of, 76-78. …………. ......} sheriff of, 766 (2), 1969, 2135. travellers to, 1126, 1653. Wily, or Wylye, Wilts, estate at, 77. ›, poor of, petition of, 2390. " ·· ... ... ......y Bourne, Wilts, farm at, 753. parish of, 747. ·· ******* Wimbish, Essex, parish of, 2097, 2098. .. ... *" residents at, 321, 2097, 3043, 3216, 3259. Wimboldsley, co. Chester, lands in, 2093. residents at, 121, 1163. Wimbolds Trafford, co. Chester, resident at, 101. Wimborne, Dorset, residents at, 118, 2338. Minster, Dorset, residents at, 2348, 2446, 2501. St. Giles, Dorset, resident at, 839. Wimeswould, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, 172. notes of, 732,738,741, 742. Wimmington, co. Bedford, resident at, 1263. Wimpole, co. Cambridge, resident at, 1437. Wincanton, Somerset, lands in, 2706. **** residents at, 1057, 1558, 1800, 2107. Winceby, co. Lincoln, battle of, 1407, 1487, 1513. Winch, East, Norfolk, lands in, 1012. Wincham, co. Chester, estate, &c., in, 326, 3150. Winchcomb, co. Gloucester, minister of, 85, 2281 (3). proclamation at, 70. residents at, 87, 1887, 2035, 2091, 2281. petition of, 1675. tithes of, 86, 1676. ……………… ***) Winchendon, Nether, Bucks, estate at, 67. Winchester, or Winton, Hants, 916. alderman of, 797. bishop of, see General Index, Curle, Dr. Walter. bishopric of, 700. Castle, King's party or garrison at, 1093, 1095, 2883. 70358. Winchester Castle-cont. · ………………….. *A J • ·· • …………. *** 920. A. • .. ... T .. • ... T 1 U King's party in, 848, 932. letters dated from, 104, 155, 193, 253, 277, 282, 320, 339, 344, 350, 380, 383, 385, 386 (2), 447, 453, 462, 463, 475, 477, 485, 493, 524, 550, 552, 657, 665, 688, 700, 706, 737, 752, 756, 759, 765. manor, &c., in, 3144. ..., Mayor of, 1944. ..... ·· Cathedral close of, 282, 385, 386, 530, 531, 2698. collectors in, 386. college, warden of, Dr. John Harris, 531. County Commissioners at, 1589. Dean and Chapter of, estates of, 282, 283, 576. > registry of, 531. residents in, 104 (7), 105, 1059, 1093, 1095, 1563, 1659. 1976, 2114, 2221, 2334, 2650, 2697 (2), 2846. taking of, 932. traveller to, 1095. Winckley, Devon, resident at, 98 (2). co. Lancaster, resident at, 2960. **** Winckton, Hants, residents at, 797. Winder-in-Cartmel, co. Lancaster, mansion- house of, 2569. > ... "" • …………………… taking or surrender of, 344, 848, houses in, 344, 2697 (2). J.Ps of, 688. Mayor, bailiffs, and society of, petition of, 1961. ? …………….. ....,library of, 530-532,542, 581. places near, 421, 2495, 2693. prisoner at, 945. ***** Windermere, Westmoreland, resident at, 521. Lake, island on, 521. Winderton, co. Warwick, resident at, 2699. Windgates, Northumberland, manor of, 2591. Windhill, co. York, resident at, 1507. Windle, co. Lancaster, messuage in, 3236. resident at, 3236. tithes of, 1108. Windleshaw, co. Lancaster, manor, &c., of, 1722, 2825. Windlestone, co. Durham, resident at, 615. Windley, co. Derby, hall or manor of, 323, 328 (2), 437, 477. .., messuage in, 1733. residents in, 2569, 2644. ANGKA Wind Mill Stubb, Northumberland, estate called, 3012. Windsor, cos. Berks and Surrey, castle of, letter dated from, 361. ......, money or wood for repairs of, 258, 273, 544, 622. Parliament garrison at, 484, ******* 556, 806. governor of, 225, 258, 366, …………… 484, 520, 544, 681, 1020 (2), 1021 (2). prisoner at, 864. ………… SS 3818 INDEX OF PLACES. Windsor-cont. .. ** Dean and Chapter of, lands or leases of, 2500 (2), 3126. Earl of Essex at, 877. ..... ****** ***** guard for, 314. house at, 839. residents at, 935, 1098, 1274, 2228, 2247. New, co. Berks, residents at, 1287, 1369, 2072, 2703. .... .. ... Old, co. Berks, resident at, 3244. Winestead, co. York, resident at, 891. Winestow, co. Monmouth, resident at, 3192. Winford, co. Cambridge, resident at, 2774. Winfoxton, co. Hereford, manor of, 1626. Winfrith, Dorset, resident at, 3259. tithes of, 144. Wing, Bucks, estates at, 67 (3). resident at, 908. Wingate, co. Durham, resident at, 1400. Wingerworth, co. Derby, lands in, 1916. resident at, 1089. "" Wingfield, co. Derby, manor of, 1296, 3056. lands in, 2470. ………….., treaty at, 1213. South, co. Derby, lands in, 2471. …………, park of, 2478. • Wingham, Kent, residents at, 461, 2869. Winington, co. Lancaster, tithes of, 2630. Winlaton, co. Durham, colliery in, 1805, 1806. manor of, 2848. …………. •, Winmarleigh, co. Lancaster, lands in, 3128. residents at, 2659, 3128 (2). Winnall, co. Hereford, resident at, 3052. Winnard, co. Hereford, parish of, 2202. Winnington, co. Stafford, resident at, 2917. Winsford, Somerset, resident at, 1328. ..... Rodney, Somerset, manor of, 262. Winslade farm, Devon, 2946. Winsley, co. York, resident at, 3191. Winslow, Bucks, manor of, 67 (3), 324, 376, 390. minister of, 2191. ………....., rectory of, 2191, 2192, 2266. ………….., co. Hereford, resident at, 3183. Winstanton, Salop, farms in, 1625. resident at, 771. Winster, co. Derby, manor of, 2832. Winston, or Whimpston, Devon, resident at, 1887. Winstree hundred, Essex, 32, 95. Winterbourne White Church, Dorset, manor of, 1312. co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. resident at, 2644. Earls, Wilts, estates at, 77, 78. living of, 79. ·· **** Wintersett, co. York, manor of, 1958, 1959. Winterslow, East, Wilts, residents at, 41, 1062. Winton, Hants, see Winchester. ... Winton-cont. ..... 3126. Winwick, co. Hunts, ministry of, 1436. ………………….., co. Lancaster, lands in, 2665. manor of, 2539. parish of, 2288. O ****** •• . ...... chapels in, 2539 (2). ……………2 .., rectory and tithes of, 2539 (2). resident at, 3160. "" Winyard, co. Durham, resident at, 986. Wirksworth, Derby, Barmaster's or Barmote court at, 1848, 1849, 2776 (2). Barmaster's place at, 2775 (3), 2776 • .. Westmoreland, residents at, 99, 547, co. Northampton, inhabitants of, peti- tions of, 1623 (3). Wirrall, co. Chester, hundred of, 175. (2). lead mines at, 1844, 1847-1849, 2775- 2777. > ·· …. ·· • • ... lot and cope of, 2775-2777. miners of, petition of, 2775. proclamation at, 70. residents at, 1232, 2775. soke and wapentake of, 126, 2775. ………. estates in, 571, 2359. places in, 236, 423, 1364, 1413. resident in, 1995. sequestrators of, 1430. Hants, tithing of, 105. .. > Wisbeach, co. Cambridge, castle of, constable of, 1128. residents at, 881, 901, 1406. ... Commissioners for, letter of, 60. estates, &c., in, 1113. .., tenements in, 881. Wiscote-in-Barrow, co. Lincoln, manor of, 3038. , ... > Wishford, Wilts, living of, 79. Wislason, co. Chester, resident at, 308. Wislow, co. York, prebend of, 611. Wissenden, Rutland, resident at, 89. Wissingset, Norfolk, parish of, 2882. resident at, 2318. Wissington Mills, Suffolk, 1792. Wistaston, co. Chester, resident at, 2499. Wisterton, co. Hereford, residents at, 1980, 2228, 2489. Wiston, co, Stafford, houses at, 1214. Suffolk, parish of, 1792. Wistow, co. Leicester, residents at, 109, ...... lists of, 60, 61. 835. co. York, minister of, 1657. residents at, 1463, 1657 (2), 1996. ******* Wiswall, co. Lancaster, residents at, 3174, 3231. Eyves, co. Lancaster, house in, 3174. Witchling, Kent, parish of, 2140 (2). Witham, Essex, manor of, 1936. resident at, 1936. ***** INDEX OF PLACES. 3819 Witham-cont. ………. **** ………………….., Somerset, estate at, 208. *** Friary, Somerset, estates, lands, &c., at, 611, 2301, 2303-2305. manor of, 2304 (2). park of, 611, 627, 2304. resident at, 1295. •> Withcock, co. Leicester, resident at, 1595. Withenshaw, co. Chester, residents at, 122, 1369, 2255. .... 14 …………. taking of, 2255. Witheridge, Devon, resident at, 98. Withernwick, co. York, estate in, 1924. Witherslack, Westmoreland, manor of, 1116. residents at, 176, 3175, 3210, 3292. Withgill, co. York, manor of, 2568, 2569. Withibridge, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1623. resident at, 2649. .. > co. Lincoln, residents at, 1965, 2026, 2722. ... Withicomb Raleigh, Devon, resident at, 2705. Withycombe, Somerset, manor of, 1935. Witnesham, Suffolk, lands, &c., in, 3169 (2). Witney, co. Oxon, residents at, 2100, 2585, 2833. Wittenham, Long, Berks, resident at, 172. Wittering, co. Northampton, resident at, 88. West, Sussex, resident at, 1093. Wittersham, Kent, resident at, 461. Witton, co. Chester, resident at, 1905. co. Durham, castle of, resident at, 1880. ………. South, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1292, 1330. .. ………… .. · ** ... residents at, 2591, 2592, 2594, 3280. co. Warwick, resident at, 2912. West, co. York, resident at, 3130. Wiveliscombe, Somerset, lands in, 2376. chapel of, 1880. .-le-Wear, co. Durham, resident at, 1541. co. Lancaster, resident at, 3129. Norfolk, resident at, 2175. Nether, Northumberland, manor of, 2591. rectory of, 1427-1429. **** residents at, 1429, 1678. Woburn, co. Bedford, resident at, 846. Woking, Surrey, lands in, 3300. parish of, 2292. Wolborough, Devon, resident at, 2988. Wolcomb, Dorset, resident at, 2585. Wold, the, co. Warwick, 3120 (2). Wolfe Park, co. York, 2481, 2482. Wolf Hall, co. Lancaster, estate of, 2300 (2). residents at, 2300, 2782 (3). Wollacombe Crays House, Devon, 3174. Wollascot, Salop, resident at, 1837. Wollaston, co. Gloucester, see Woollaston. ........., co. Northampton, church or minister of, 1064, 1862 (2). ******* Wollaston-cont. ……………………., rectory of, 1064 (2). residents at, 88, 1064. Wollershill, co. Worcester, residents at, 2451, 2452. Wolley co. York, see Woolley. Wolly, co. Durham, resident at, 203. Wolseley, co. Stafford, resident at, 1771. Wolsingham, co. Durham, residents at, 555, 2902. ·· Wolstanton, co. Stafford, resident at, 89; see also Keele. Wolston, co. Warwick, manor, &c., of, 1455. residents at, 47, 1454. Wolverhampton, co. Stafford, called "Little Rome," 2485. ·· · · ..... 3. • ·· ·· ** • ... ……………… parishioners of, petition of, 1064. Collegiate Church or Cathedral of, 2484, 2485. , > "} *** person at, 652. residents at, 89, 539, 1867, 1971, 2483, 2494, 2745, 2844 (2), 2915, 2998, 3130, 3193, 3228. tithes of, 2484. Wolverley, co. Worcester, poor of, petition of, 2374. Wolverton, Bucks, rectory of, 67 (2), 1247, 1249, 1251, 2266. Norfolk, lands in, 2316. resident at, 2316. ·· .... Womersley, co. York, lands in, 2763. Hall and park at, 2486. houses near, 2485. John's Lane in, 3238. King's party at, 2844. manor and prebend of, 2485. resident at, 1034. ...... Wonford, Devon, hundred court of, 1504. Woodall, co. York, manor of, 1351. Woodbury, Devon, residents at, 152, 2967, 3259. Woodchester, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. resident at, 87. .." Woodchurch, co. York, alias East and West Ardsley, inhabitants of, petition of, 1152. •, tithes of, 1152. Woodcote, co. Worcester, resident at, 1737. Woodend, Westmoreland, see Woodside. Woodends, Cumberland, 2642 (2). Woodford, co. Chester, residents at, 100, 103, " 1272. East, Dorset, resident at, 2977. Essex, house and land at, 1295. residents at, 916, 1258, 2118, 2125, 2395. co. Northampton, resident at, 852. Wilts, living of, 79. Woodhall, Essex, manor of, 1791. ***** Herts, residents at, 1097, 1805. ………………………, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1809. " 3820 INDEX OF PLACES. Woodhall-cont. co. Worcester, resident at, 1420. …………….., co. York, manor of, 2229. park of, 2230. ·· • .. ***** residents at, 2653, 3107, 3234. Woodham, co. Durham, resident at, 364. Essex, Hall at, 2377. Ferris, Essex, resident at, 2377. Woodhay, East, Berks, resident at, 1617. West, resident at, 1198. co. Chester, residents at, 101, 978, 1234. .." ... ..... Hants, resident at, 2781. Woodhorn, Northumberland, parish of, 1736. Woodhouse, Hants, farm at, 2612. resident at, 105. "" co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Northumberland, parish of, 1736, ... .. ……….. > · • 2595. Salop, resident at, 3215. Somerset, taking of, 260, 2172. .., Wilts, King's garrison at, 1795 (2). resident at, 1794. .... co. York, resident at, 1477. Woodhurst, Hunts, resident at, 1011. Woodlaiths, co. York, resident at, 1661. Woodlands, Dorset, manor of, 1769, 2348, .. " ·· ► Woodlow, Northumberland, lands in, 2508. Woodmansterne, Surrey, resident at, 2677. Woodpark, Somerset, estate of, 2102. Wood Rising, Norfolk, lands in, 2707. resident at, 2707 (2). Woods, the, co. Lancaster, resident at, 829. Woodside, or Woodend, Westmoreland, resi- dents at, 99, 3157. Woodsom, co. York, resident at, 879. Woodson, co. Worcester, resident at, 2104. Woodstock, co. Oxon, County Commissioners at, 1441. .. 2349 (3). residents at, 118, 320, 472, 537, 1769, 2348, 2349. > King's party at, 2577. prisoner taken at, 1425. resident at, 1571. traveller to, 1421. Woodthorpe Hall, co. Derby, 1735. Woolaston, or Wollaston, co. Gloucester, manor of, 224, 250, 465. residents at, 86, 1728. ..... Woolborough, co. Warwick, house in, 1955. Woolfall, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2579. Woolley, or Wolley, co. York, residents at, 1326, 1550, 2112, 2824, 3198. Woollowes House, co. York, 1387. Woolsdale, co. Pembroke, resident at, 2353. Woolshed, co. Oxon, estate called, 2944. Woolsington Grange, or House, Northumber- land, 1731 (2). West Close, Northumberland, 1731. Woolstan Wood, co. Chester, 1885. "" Woolsthorpe, co. Lincoln, resident at, 2351. Woolston, co. Lancaster, manor of, 1348. resident at, 3169. .... ...> Woolton, co. Chester, manor of, 1117. .... • …………… • • •• • N ... ... ·· · D • ****** ·· • ………… ... co. Warwick, parish of, 1955. Woolvercot, co. Oxon, chapel of, 3057. Upper, lands, &c., in, 3057. • ******* Woolwich, Kent, residents at, 461, 2255 (2). tenements in, 2255. Wooperton, Northumberland, township of, 815. Wooson, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2574. Wootton, Leek, co. Warwick, rectory of, 1134. ………., Bucks, tithes at, 67. Cornwall, resident at, 1239. Fitzpaine, Dorset, messuages in, 3213. resident at, 3213. Glanville, Dorset, lands at, 1177. residents at, 119, 1176. ******* co. Lincoln, manor of, 2735. ↑ • D .." .. Much, or Magna, co. Lancaster, estates, &c., in, 1117, 2738, 2739, 3201. .. .. Little, co. Lancaster, houses in, 1117 (4). ... • .... ▸ …………., manor of, 1117. resident at, 2739. ******* North, Norfolk, lands in, 1626, 2473. South, lands in, 1626. Courtney, Somerset, parsonage and minister of, 2429. residents at, 1311, 1828. tenement in, 2429. co Stafford, lands in, 2288, 2665. manor of, 938 (2). resident at, 2283. Lodge, co. Stafford, King's garrison at, 2283. ...-under-Weavers, co. Stafford, lands in, ****** ……………………… ·· …. manor of, 1174. residents at, 2737, 3201, 3238. ******* " 2289. co. Warwick, residents at, 214, 1804, 1913. Wawen, or Wawens Woton, co. War- wick, manor of or estate at, 1915 (2). resident at, 2411. …………**) Basset, Wilts, manor of, 3236. residents at, 2581, 3017. • Worcester, battle of, 501, 506, 556, 563, 590, 643, 1025, 1647, 2069, 2876, 3159, 3296. Bishop of, see General Index, Pri- deaux, John. Castle, prisoner at, 1823. Charles II., as King of Scots at, busi- ness of, see General Index, Charles II., invasion of. clothiers of, 500. cloths, 500, 2867. County Commissioners at, 673, 1030, 1329, 1373, 1414. Lord-Gen. Cromwell at, 556. INDEX OF PLACES. 3821 Worcester-cont. • ****** ... ...... · Dean of, see General Index, Potter, Dr. Chris. Dean and Chapter of, estates of, 3101 (2). "" defence of, 2867. King's garrison or party at, 1258, 1329, 1449, 1450, 1459, 1464, 1478, 1564, 1804, 1926, 2028, 2146, 2716, 2774, 2859. **** ……… .... lands near, 2498. letters or papers dated from, 74, 149, 236, 237, 280, 348, 425, 430, 476, 701. march to, 660. , ……………………, mayors of, 1329, 1497, 3141. "" ... > ****** · …………… ., person near, 1917. place near, 1449. prisoners at, or taken to, 1373, 2969. residents in, 85, 86, 172, 425, 426, 483 (2), 485, 489, 501, 505, 566, 663, 703, 774, 820, 1329, 1450, 1497, 1824, 1989, 1999, 2071, 2146 (2), 2243, 2587, 2622, 2657, 2867, 2892, 3197. > Kumaye) • D Parliamentary army before, 1916. garrison at, 1420. governor of, 1297, 1329. …………… ... ………….. lists of, notes of, 488, 489, 491. siege of, 1258, 1261. taking or surrender of, 38, 1450, 1456, 1516, 1534, 2146, 2941, 2964. governor of, 1297, 1478. Articles of, 2064. ………….., compounders on, 1255, 1409, 1410, 1421. ……………… > ****** Scots at, see General Index, Charles II., invasion of. ****** ………… St. Andrew's parish, in, 2867. streets of, quarrel in, 652. travellers to or from, 556, 572, 1017, 1194, 1219, 1464, 1534, 1564, 2716. Worcestershire, 715, 2785, 2941. Charles II., party of in, 484, 500, 512. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 2780, 3267. Committee of Accounts for, letters of, 23, 74. **9 streets, buildings, &c., in or near- College of, letters dated from, 553, 566, 730, 739, 743, 750, 756, 759, 766, 771, 774. Gaol at, 71. Pitchcroft Meadow, see Pitchcroft Meadow. County Commissioners of, 237, 442, 509, 586, 596, 633, 652, 666, 679, 726, 1030, 1146, 1148, 1195, 1196 (2), 1220 (2), 1249, 1261, 1452, 1459, 1478, 1516 (2), 1517, 1544, 1708 (2), 1709 (2) 1773, 1777, 1823, 1824, 1954, 1965 (2), 2011, 2035, 2066, 2068 (2), 2146 (2), 2244, 2282, 2324, 2399 (2), 2413, 2452 (3), 2490, 2498 (3), 2587, 2608-2610, 2640 (3), 2641, 2662, 2697, 2790, 2822, Worcestershire, County Commissioners of- cont. .. ... LO *** …………… 2867, 2878, 2879 (2), 2892 (2), 2898, 2899, 2913 (4), 2941, 2942 (4), 2973, 3014-2016, 3028 (2), 3029, 3165, 3196, 3216, 3231, 3247. …… ………………, appointment or approval of, 168, 172, 481, 486 (2), 663, 673, 698, 701. • …… **** ..... 1965, 2069. ·· complaint against, 23. compositions with, 1373, 2941. depositions sent up by, 2725. letters of, 149, 236, 280, 348, 425, 430, 471, 476, 553, 566, 730, 739, 743, 750, 756, 759, 766, 771, 773, 774, 1478, 2899, 3092, 3219. ..... **** ……………y ……………… ... alluded to, 481. letters to, 285, 312, 313, 370, > …………. 374, 420, 483, 487, 505, 509, 582, 602, 633, 649, 751, 763, 774, 1146, 1452, 1738, 2124, 2306, 2399 (2), 2498, 2606, 2640, 2657, 2973, 3015, 3246, 3247, 3249 (2), 3250 (3). ……………. alluded to, 470, 518, 1526, 1737, 2245, 2644. officers of, 149, 236, 237, 270, 426, 454, 602, 701, 751, 756, 766, 1955, 2942 (2), 3054. orders of, 555, 2899. alluded to, 1773. orders to, 1072 (2), 1073 (2), 1086, 1144 (2), 1148 (2), 1220 (2), 1261, 1345, 1452, 1459, 1479, 1516, (4), 1630, 1706-1710, 1773-1775, 1823, 1824, 1857, 1868, 1869, 1954 (3), 1955, 1965, 2011, 2035, 2066, 2069, 2133 (3), 2146 (2), 2212, 2219, 2243 (2), 2244, 2306 (2), 2367, 2451, 2452 (2), 2498 (7), 2499, 2605,2608, 2609, 2640 (3), 2641, 2689, 2710, 2736, 2822, 2859 (2), 2862, 2878 (2), 2879 (2), 2892, 2899, 2913, 2921 (3), 2942 (4), 2943, 2960, 2961, 3014-3016, 3027- 3029 (3), 3054, 3196, 3216, 3231. ... ·· } • certificates by, 2146. alluded to, 1148, 1516, 1954 (2), 2035 (3), 2146, 2243, 2306, 2452 (2), 2498, 2499 (2). ……………………… ………………、 papers sent by, 488, 490. ………………., payments to, 425, 1464, 1823. queries of, 750. replied to, 602. ……………… ...... 2892. ...*> ……………… ***** alluded to, 501, 1708, references to, 1220, 1261, 1517, 1737, 1776, 1777, 2011, 2065, 2068, 2280, 2399, 2452, 2498, 2762, 2784, 2790, 2913, 3016, 3160, 3165, 3216. • ......, reports or statements by, 1857 (2), 2498, 2716, 2899, 2973, 3092, 3247, 3249 (2), 3250 (4). alluded to, 263, 498, request by, 2867. summons by, 1777. ………………………. ………………, treasurer of, 476, 1146. ******} 3822 INDEX OF PLACES. Worcestershire, County Commissioners of- cont. • the late, 237, 280, 420, 726, 1954, 1955, 2306, 2498, 2609, 3014. insurrection in, see General Index, Charles II, invasion by. J.P. for, 237. King's quarters in, 1826. ***** ……………., lands, estates, &c., in, 23, 509, 589, 750, 869, 870, 1036, 1072, 1148, 1195, 1204 (3), 1220, 1259, 1261 (2), 1478, 1516, 1630, 1675, 1705-1709, 1774 (2), 1776, 1777 (2), 1857 (2), 1869, 1954, 1955 (5), 2042, 2065-2067, 2081 (3), 2082, 2102, 2124, 2146, 2219, 2221, 2247 (2), 2281, 2322, 2324 (2), 2362, 2367 (2), 2399, 2448, 2587, 2610, 2611, 2640, 2644 (2), 2662, 2710, 2736, 2784, 2862, 2913 (2), 2960, 2961, 3016, 3054, 3102, 3156, 3160, 3196, 3216, 3242, 3247, 3249, 3250 (2), 3254, 3272. list of, note of, 280. receipts from, 429. Major-General for, 2780, 3267. M.Ps for, 149. …………. .... …………… • .. ··· • ·· ...... .. ……………… • > " Commissioners for, 348, 2714. money paid in, or revenues of, 619, 1196. places in, 71, 1512, 1890, 2047, 2282. ………………….., place on the borders of, 2368. receiver of Crown revenues in, 2106. receiver-general for, 3249. > .. …………… ... militia or county forces of, 149. …………… reduction of, Commissioners for, 2714. residents in, 45, 89 (2), 174, 485, 555, 616, 652, 726, 750, 1148, 1261, 1317, 1329, 1479, 1516, 1709, 1710, 1809, 1857, 2067 (2), 2068, 2069, 2071, 2194 (2), 2218, 2281, 2289, 2323, 2374, 2399, 2438, 2498 (2), 2640, 2641, 2710, 2714, 2762 (2), 2790, 2822, 2862, 2899, 2942, 3014, 3041, 3165, 3231, 3246. cases of, 863, 1017, 1027, 1030, 1035, 1072, 1144, 1196, 1220 (2), 1255, 1258, 1296, 1373, 1410, 1414, 1416, 1420, 1421, 1449, 1450, 1452, 1459, 1464, 1497, 1512, 1516, 1544, 1613, 1737, 1809, 1811, 1823, 1857, 1890, 1917, 1926, 1930, 1953, 1965, 1981, 1989, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2011, 2015, 2028, 2035, 2043, 2071, 2075, 2079, 2102, 2104, 2105, 2122, 2124, 2132, 2146, 2151, 2217, 2243, 2306, 2384, 2399, 2413, 2437, 2451, 2498, 2587 (2), 2605, 2606, 2612, 2621, 2622, 2640, 2641, 2644, 2657, 2661, 2675, 2697, 2698, 2714, 2716, 2725, 2731, 2784, 2785, 2789, 2822, 2847, 2867, 2898, 2913, 2941, 2956, 2973, 3014, 3027, 3028, 3092, 3159, 3160, 3165, 3178, 3182, 3186, 3193 (3), 3196 (2), 3197 (2), 3211, 3216, 3231, 3242, 3246, 3249, 3250 (2), 3256, 3259. lists of, notes of, 730, 741, 742. …………… " Scots in, see General Index, Charles II., invasion of. ·· "" Worcestershire-cont. sheriff of, 553, 1220, 2714. orders to, 45. Workington, Cumberland, lands, &c., in, 1902 · (2). resident at, 985. Worksop, co. Notts, manor, &c., of, 2473- 2475, 2477, 2478. proclamation at, 338. residents at, 510, 513, 1732, 1963, 3016. ………………… • ... Worlaby, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1938. minister of, 1338. ……………...., residents at, 1338, 2612. Worldham, East, Hants, resident at, 1994. Worley, Little, Essex, resident at, 592. Wormbridge, co. Hereford, resident at, 3027. Wormhill, co. Derby, parish of, 2321. Wormingford, Essex, manor of, 1790. Wormington, co. Gloucester, manor of, 1822. resident at, 1822. .. • Wormley Manor, co. Herts, 1431 (2). Worplesdon, Surrey, lands in, 2294. manor of, 2783, 2784. .. • ·· Worsall, co. York, house, &c., in, 2518, 3136. manor of, 2254 (2), 3136. ..) ·· " Worsborough, co. York, resident at, 1003. Worsley, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2792. Worstead, Norfolk, resident at, 1838. Worston, co. Lancaster, closes in, 3158. Worth, co. Chester, resident at, 122. Matravers, Dorset, resident at, 1315. Sussex, manor of, 2947. parish of, 737. Worthenbury, co. Flint, resident at, 1526. Worthing, Norfolk, manor of, 2623, 2624. Worthington, co. Lancaster, manor of, 2660. Wortley, co. York, King's garrison at, 1158 (2), 1160, 1170. lands in, 1835. manor of, 1167. residents at, 1166, 2425. Worton House, co. Lincoln, surrender of, 1051. co. Oxon, tithes of, 718. .., Nether, co. Oxon, parsonage and minister of, 1871 (3). > residents at, 2251, 2254 (3), 3136. .., Low, co. York, messuages, &c., in, 2319. ******* .... ... ... ··· ·· ** ****** residents at, 1871. …………… > ……………… petitions of, 1871 (2). Worvill, Salop, resident at, 3143. Wotton-under-Edge, co. Gloucester, estate at, 85. > ER ****** proclamations at, 70, 143. residents at, 86, 1431. South, Norfolk, lands in, 1475 (2), 1476. resident at, 1475. co. Stafford, resident at, 89. Surrey, parish of, 2272. **** INDEX OF PLACES. 3823 Woughton, Bucks, estates at, 67, 68. Wragby, co. Lincoln, manor of, 2192. woods in, 2187, 2192. Wrampole, co. Lancaster, resident at, 2741 (2). Wraxall, Somerset, manor of, 1430. resident at, 971. ·· • Wray, co. Lancaster, place in, 3191. Wraysbury, Bucks, see Wyrardisbury. Wraysholm, co. Lancaster, resident at, 1962. Wrayton, co. Lancaster, estate at, 1764, 1765. resident at, 1952. ……………… Wreay Hall, Cumberland, resident at, 2226. Wreghill, Northumberland, house in, 3208. Wrelton, co. York, resident at, 3140. Wrenbury, co. Chester, minister of, 487, 488, 602, 625. parish of, 487, 602, 3212 (2). ………………….., rectory or tithes of, 706, 1283-1285. residents at, or parishioners of, 488, 1284 (2). · "S petition of, 1284. Frith, co. Chester, resident at, 112. Wrengochin, co. Monmouth, resident at, 3091. Wrentham, Suffolk, letter dated from, 693. Wressell, co. York, castle of, 1446. Parliamentary governor of, ... .. ·· 1143. resident at, 2432. ******* Wretham, Norfolk, manor of, 1870 (4). East, Norfolk, resident at, 3190. Wretton, Norfolk, houses, &c., in, 3106. Wrexham,co. Denbigh, County Commissioners for North Wales at, 348, 562, 571. ……………… ***** .. residents at, 704, 1179, 1220, 1437, 1928, 3253. Wrightington, co. Lancaster, lands in, 2039, 2561, 2562, 2564, 2821. letters dated from, 58, 247, 248, 397, 399, 484, 560, 562, 671, 692, 693, 737, 762. residents at, 2038, 2039, 2542, 2821, 3007, 3102, 3175. Wrington, or Wrinton, Somerset, church of, 1932. manor of, 1932, 2583. Writtle, Essex, residents at, 592, 728, 1779, 1781, 1782, 2213, 2772, 3182, 3228. tenements in, 3228. Wrotham, Kent, parish of, 1013. Wrottesley, co. Stafford, resident at, 1056. Wroxeter, Salop, rectory of, 925. Wroxhill, Berks, estate in, 1770. Wroxton, or Roxton, co. Bedford, resident at, 3125. **** ·· • tenements in, 1681, 3125. co. Oxon, resident at, 1612. Wyberton, co. Lincoln, resident at, 3279. Wyboston, co. Bedford, manor of, 2421. Wybunbury, co. Chester, rectory and minister of, 1320, 1334 (2). resident at, 1283. ***** Wycliffe, or Wicliff, co. York, house and land in, 3055. resident at, 1700. Wycombe, Great, Bucks, estates at, 66 (2). West, estate at, 66. ....., parsonage and minister of, 142, 1785. Wycroft, Devon, resident at, 1096. Wye, Kent, resident at, 461. Wyersdale, co. Lancaster, chapel of, 1603. estate in, 628. • "" • , ·· • residents in, 1300, 3185, 3186. vaccary in, 1300, 1301. Nether, or Lower, co. Lancaster, lands, &c., in, 1285, 2851, 3242. 3110. ………………………, Upper, Hall, &c., at, 3277. " Wyham, co. Lincoln, residents at, 880 (2). Wyke, co. Worcester, manor of, 1220. Wykeham, Wikeham, or Wickham, co. York, estates at, 587, 2017. resident at, 2018. ... · Wyker, co. Leicester, resident at, 110. Wylye, Wilts, see Wily. Wymondham, Norfolk, estate in, 114. Wynford Eagle, Dorset, resident at, 976. Wyrardisbury, Wraysbury, or Resberry, Bucks, estates at, 66 (2), 1274. minister of, 1697 (2). residents at, 1274, 2091. Wythercomb, Devon, estate in, 2853. ...... Y Yabington, Hants, estate at, 530. .... House, 2728. Yafforth, co. York, lands in, 1828. Yalding, Kent, estate in, 2789. resident at, 2048. residents in, 1951, 2851, 2899, ……………………… Yale, co. Denbigh, residents at, 1272. Yanwath, Westmoreland, residents at, 99, 1416. Yarborough, co. Lincoln, residents at, 1325. Yarcombe, Devon, rectory of, 1616. residents at, 502, 1322, 1327, 1899, 1645. Yard, Devon, resident at, 1485. Yardley, co. Worcester, lands in, 2367. Yardswick, or Eardswick, co. Chester, lands in, 121, 2092, 2094. residents at, 2092, 2093. Yarkhill, co. Hereford, parish of, 2585. residents at, 2584, 2585. ··· Yarlett, co. Stafford, resident at, 90. Yarlington, co. Somerset, resident at, 1405. Yarm, co. York, orders posted at, 654. parish of, 2254. residents at, 1742, 2251 (2), 3162. tithes of, 2251. ·· 3824 INDEX OF PLACES. Yarmouth, Great, co. Norfolk, 5. bailiff of, 7. ****** ******* ………………………、 ………………, paper dated from, 130. residents at, 1896, 2766 (2). Yarnton, co. Oxon, resident at, 1550. Yarpole, co. Hereford, resident at, 2207. Yatcomb, Isle of Wight, resident at, 2691. Yateley, Hants, parish of, 2437. Yaxley, Hunts, ministers of, 1250, 1436. residents at, 539, 2837. co Suffolk, Hall at, 2731. lands, &c., in, 3211, 3221. ………. .. ·· ··· 1 ... ......... Yealand, co. Lancaster, resident at, 3224. Conyers, co. Lancaster, house in, 3224. Yealfields, co. Stafford, resident at, 3184. Yealmpton, Devon, rents in, 1598. ·· > .., rectory of, 3005. ··· residents at, 1691, 2729, 2730 (2), 3221. · resident at, 573. Yeardley Hall, Essex, manor of, 2098. Yeardsley, co. Chester, resident at, 2610. Yeasthorp, co York, park of, 2243. Yeavering, Northumberland, resident at, 203. Yeddingham, co. York, resident at, 2008. Yeldersley, co. Derby, lands in, 3051. mansion house of, 3050. resident at, 3050. Yenford, co. Somerset, manor of, 1249. Yeovil, or Evell, co. Somerset, manor of, 1249. · • residents at, 250, 2949, 2989. Yerlington, co. Somerset, residents at, 2854. Yokefleet, co. York, residents at, 1549. *** • York, 131, 511, 545 (2), 628, 776, 1191, 1270, 1504, 2115, 2542, 2816, 3023. aldermen of, 520, 722, 724, 882, 1815, 2858, 2925. Archbishops of, see General Index, Williams, Dr. John, and Matthew, Tobias. • ? · .. **** .. .... lands held from, 2410, 3191. ****** assizes at, 277, 1121, 1168, 1552, 2253, 2409. battle of, 2305. battle near, 960. bridge of, prison on, 928, 960. castle of, 1609. gaol in, 1919, 1921. prisoners in, 2511, 2993. Cathedral church of, estate held from, 1297. " ***** receiver for, 683. Charles I. at, 1042, 1095, 1143, 1219. attendants on, at, 1409, 1542, ..... 1559. ****** .. "" Commissioners for, 2425. garrison or party of, 842, 843, 930, 953, 968, 974, 975, 977, 987, 1003, 1022, 1037, 1049, 1070, 1154, 1193, 1202, 1238, 1273, 1350, 1464, 1587, 1827, 1831, 1986, 1999, 2008, 2054, 2175, 2505, 2565, 2917. York, Charles I. at—cont. ………………………. ……… ……, servants of, 1153. ... **** · ·· ... ……….. ... ▸ ...) .. 3 ·· ... > •" .. ·· Committee for, 113, 206, 419, 882, 934, 1150. > ………………………y > 168, 171, 722. ... .... " the late, 630. Committee of War at, 960. compositions with the Lord President at, 249, 269. County Commissioners at, 673, 749, 774, 851, 949, 1150, 1202, 1270, 1336, 1414 (2), 1420, 1767, 1925, 2356. ………………} County Court at, 2048. Dean and Chapter of, lands belong- ing to, 3204. design for surprising, 761. governor for the King, 2917. ** • **" ****j ***** .... grand jury of, 1095. houses, &c., in, 1324, 1414, 1454, 1856 (2), 3119, 3225. letters dated from, 113, 142, 175, 180, 197, 206, 227, 243, 293, 296, 301, 312, 319, 327, 336, 353, 371, 379, 403, 419, 428, 435, 449, 454, 462, 488, 490, 500, 520, 528, 538 (2), 550, 628, 630, 639, 667, 670, 675, 691, 699, 720 (2), 723, 724, 732, 733 (2), 736, 743, 749, 758, 761, 774, 776. ****** .... Lord Mayor of, 113, 798, 3073 (2). Lord Mayor, &c., of, petitions of, 2581 (2). appointment or approval of, 1272. garrison at, 974. …………. ...., places near, 227, 1029, 1085, 1152. list of, 380. officers of, 428. petition to, 211. merchants of, 548, 2760 (2). militia raised in, 131. parish of, 1750. Parliamentary commanders at, 1047, postmaster of, 3303. prisoners at or sent to, 304, 928, 1011, 1121, 1122, 1219, 1609, 1918-1921. repairs of walls, gates, and bridges at, 798. residents at, 171, 343, 408, 473, 782, 798, 974, 1075, 1184, 1414, 1464, 1595, 1609, 1784, 1831, 1971, 1979, 2041, 2155, 2215, 2356, 2565, 2676, 2688, 2713, 2760 (2), 2806, 2815, 2824, 2877, 2996, 3063, 3119, 3140, 3154, 3192, 3209, 3225, 3227, 3258. list of, note of, 733. ……………., siege of, 473, 975, 1003, 1018, 1032, 1180, 1835. @ ******* surrender or reduction of, 891, 930 S (2), 974, 977, 1018, 1032, 1049, 1089, 1090, 1122, 1124, 1142, 1159, 1219, 1235, 1414, 1448, 1542, 1715, 1747, 2229. Articles of, 1485, 2581 (2). INDEX OF PLACES. 3825 York, surrender of, Articles of-cont. > ………………………. ………………. ……………., compositions on, or benefit of, 1026, 1040, 1283, 1400, 1485 (4), 1576, 1675, 1963, 2024, 2229. ·· St. Thomas' Hospital in, 2581. travellers to or from, 277, 380, 928, 940, 949, 1032, 1053, 1124, 1231, 1414, 1542, 1632, 1640, 2505, 3073. Yorkhill, co. Hereford, estate in, 3027. Yorkshire, 8, 206, 403, 715, 776, 1029, 1168, 1169, 2620, 2662. •• ··, ……………… ………………, delinquents excepted from, " 1485. ****** ... battle in, 1726. chief or high constables in, 1420, 1423, 1493. Commissioners in [for recusants, 1635], ***** 2997. Commissioners for securing the peace of, 1005, 1474 (2), 2089. County Commissioners of, 132, 162, 180, 206, 212, 248, 268, 367, 376, 408, 462, 490, 508, 607, 611 (2), 615, 665, 669, 673, 679, 709, 842, 875, 886, 929, 931, 934, 947, 956-958 (3), 967 (3). 968, 984, 985, 989, 1002, 1014, 1015 (3), 1023, 1025, 1029, 1032, 1042 (2), 1087, 1090-1092, 1107, 1119-1121, 1124, 1150, 1152, 1219, 1270, 1281, 1291, 1324, 1337, 1376, 1392, 1393 (2), 1467, 1473, 1540 (2), 1543, 1552 (4), 1553, 1605, 1623, 1635, 1657, 1662, 1666, 1697, 1700, 1742, 1744, 1747 (2), 1749, 1751, 1762, 1764 (2), 1765, 1768 (2), 1769 (2), 1802 (2), 1834, 1899, 1901, 1924, 1925 (2), 1958, 1959, 1975 (3), 1990 (2), 1997 (2), 2022 (3), 2039– 2041 (2), 2083, 2115, 2126, 2136 (2), 2137, 2144, 2149-2156, 2182, 2190, 2191, 2206, 2229, 2242, 2243 (2), 2252– 2254, 2299 (2), 2313 (3), 2314, 2334- 2337, 2355, 2356 (4), 2366, 2376, 2386, 2393 (2), 2394 (2), 2397 (2), 2398, 2404 (2), 2409, 2410, 2422, 2429- 2432, 2443-2445, 2458, 2470, 2474 (3), 2475, 2478, 2480, 2481, 2511-2514, 2569, 2571 (2), 2577 (2), 2578, 2580 (2), 2581, 2620, 2621, 2637, 2648, 2651– 2653, 2663, 2667, 2680 (4), 2682 (3), 2700, 2701 (3), 2710, 2718 (3), 2719 (3), 2735, 2737, 2744, 2759, 2772, 2805 (2), 2815, 2823, 2827, 2843, 2847, 2860, 2877, 2890, 2896 (2), 2898, 2907, 2918, 2921, 2933, 2970, 2990, 2993, 2995, 3008, 3022, 3024 (2), 3033, 3037, 3053, 3064, 3072, 3075, 3089, 3093, 3095 (2), 3097, 3099-3101, 3105, 3112 (2), 3131, 3133, 3155, 3177, 3202, 3209, 3210, 8230 (2), 3292, 3295, 3297 (2), 3303; see also York, County Commissioners at. **** …………… 673, 722. ****** > J accounts sent up by, 488, 587. appointment or approval of, 212, certificates of, 142, 2254, 2398, 2642, 2648, 2976. 70358. ·· ******* Yorkshire, County Commissioners of-cont. certificates of, alluded to, 648, 722, 905, 968, 977, 1005, 1088, 1231, 1386, 1466, 1472, 1749, 1751, 1924 (2), 1975, 2335, 2430, 2581, 2618, 2634, 2648 (2), 2759, 2819, 2932, 3071, 3267, 3297. ·· · • .... ... letters of, 113, 175, 180, 183, 197, 206, 217, 227, 243, 275, 277 (2), 292, 293, 296, 301, 312, 319, 327, 336, 353 (2), 365, 371, 377, 379, 403 (2), 419, 435, 454, 488, 500, 507, 520, 524 (2), 528, 534, 538 (2), 550, 628, 630, 639, 654, 667, 670, 675, 691, 699, 723, 732, 733, 736, 749, 758, 761, 774, 1777, 2039, 2395, 2398, 2429, 2463, 2512, 2587, 2925. alluded to, 56, 59, 198, letters to, 243 (2), 265 (2), 268, 275, 296, 313, 353, 370, 374, 380, 394, 398, 420, 477, 497, 514, 529, 532, 536, 548, 576, 585, 607, 620, 672, 699, 721, 725, 751, 763, 771, 773, 775, 776, 968, 1119, 1121, 1291, 1448, 1701, 1906, 2039, 2010, 2136, 2148, 2152, 2463 (3), 2473, 2551, 2578, 2587, 2648, 2651 (4), 2730, 2731, 2922, 2925, 2952, 3246 (2), 3265, 3296 (2). ****** ……………… 514, 548, 3112. ...... , ……………** ……………… alluded to, 296, 307, 365, 507, 518, 539, 560, 609, 920, 974, 975 (3), 977, 982, 1029, 1068, 1092, 1226, 1380, 1387, 1526, 1801, 1883, 1925, 2144, 2718. list of, 380. ****** complaint by, 2181. composition with, 1279. information by, 2922. alluded to, 2251. ·" ·· notes by, 211, 891, 2191. officers of, 175, 206, 243, 275, 277, 301, 337, 343, 353, 377, 388, 389, 408, 419, 428, 550, 654, 663, 699, 732, 750, 751, 1270, 1834, 2639, 2662, 2663, 3297. 638. ……………a petitions of, 348, 377, 408, orders of, 500, 1834, 2146, 2518. alluded to, 1892, 1765, 1767, 2147, 2229, 2394, 2679, 2976. ..... ……………. orders to, 192, 376, 878, 882, 886 (2), 928, 934, 956, 958, 961, 968, 1015 (5), 1018, 1029 (3), 1031, 1042, 1076, 1087, 1090, 1091 (3), 1095, 1101 (3), 1119 (2), 1122, 1130, 1161, 1219, 1281, 1323 (2), 1338 (2), 1377 (2), .1392, 1474, 1508, 1637, 1638, 1693, 1697 (2), 1749, 1754, 1755, 1762, 1765, 1767-1769, 1834 (3), 1888, 1902, 1923 (2), 1924, 1925, 1930, 1958 (2), 1959 (2), 1975 (2), 1986, 1987, 1990 (2), 1997, 2017, 2019, 2041 (2), 2048, 2062 (3), 2115 (2), 2127, 2137 (2), 2147-2156, 2182 (2), 2188 (2), 2190 (4), 2191, 2207, 2229 (2), 2230, 2234, 2241–2243, 2251, 2299 (2), 2310, 2313 TT 1 3826 Yorkshire, County Commissioners of, orders to-cont. ………. .. T · C. ♥ Q ·· · O (4), 2314, 2319, 2336, 2337, 2355, 2356 (2), 2366, 2376, 2394, 2396-2398, 2402-2404, 2409 (2), 2410 (3), 2423, 2430-2432, 2443-2445, 2461-2464, 2470 (3), 2473-2477, 2480-2482, 2511- 2513, 2518 (3), 2565, 2578 (2), 2580, 2581 (2), 2587, 2620, 2634 (3), 2637, 2639 (2), 2642, 2648, 2652, 2662, 2680 (3) 2682 (2), 2684, 2719 (3), 2731 (2), 2735, 2737, 2759 (3), 2763, 2764, 2771 (3), 2798, 2805 (2), 2813, 2820, 2824, 2827, 2857, 2861, 2872, 2876, 2879, 2896-2898, 2901 (2), 2907, 2918, 2932 (2), 2933 (3), 2958, 2959, 2976, 2990, 2993, 2995 (2), 3005, 3006, 3024 (4), 3033, 3037, 3045, 3063 (3), 3064, 3067 (2), 3072 (5), 3073, 3086, 3090, 3091 (2), 3095, 3097, 3099, 3101 (3), 3107, 3108, 3110, 3112, 3123, 3126, 3131, 3140 (2), 3152, 3155, 3165, 3168, 3173, 3178, 3201, 3202, 3210, 3222, 3226, 3234, 3262, 3267 (2), 3287, 3292, 3295-3297 (2), 3304, 3307. .. "" orders to, asked for, or alluded to, 80, 648, 947, 977, 1121, 1219, 1422, 1467, 1742, 1766, 1924, 1925, 1975 (3), 1978, 1997, 2062, 2148-2151, 2188, 2241, 2242, 2251, 2335, 2396, 2398, 2414 (2), 2429-2432, 2461, 2464, 2511, 2542, 2639, 2642, 2680 (2), 2718 (2), 2719, 2731, 2761, 2763, 2805, 2872, 2877, 2879, 2881, 2896, 2932, 2970, 2976, 2995, 3006, 3055, 3091, 3100, 3110, 3123, 3154, 3168, 3219, 3226, 3234, 3304. ......, petitions to, 211, 377, 878, 886, 891, 1091, 1094, 1768, 1834, 2150, 2191, 2431, 2512, 2580, 2619, 2648, 2852, 2993. queries by, 336, 588, 687. replies to, 337, 607, 699. references by, 1091, 2852. ******* references to, 958, 1002, 1076, 1091, 1097, 1291, 1324, 1697, 1754, 1764, 1767, 1802, 1828, 1834, 1854, 1855, 1925, 1978, 1987, 1997, 2040, 2062, 2136, 2154, 2229, 2254, 2313, 2314 (3), 2356, 2432, 2481, 2487, 2518, 2542, 2587, 2618, 2620, 2684, 2700, 2718(2), 2719, 2730, 2731, 2737, 2761, 2804, 2805, 2819, 2824, 2847, 2897, 2932, 2933, 2976 (3), 2990 (2), 2992, 2993 (3), 3005, 3008 (2), 3012, 3026, 3043, 3053, 3055, 3063, 3064, 3071, 3075, 3086 (2), 3099, 3112, 3133, 3145, 3154, 3166, 3168, 3215, 3219, 3226, 3230 (3), 3247, 3261, 3262. INDEX OF PLACES. ****** " .... ****** ......, reports or returns of, 1030, 1121, 1987, 2154, 2414, 2550, 2647, (2), 2759, 3113, 3252 (2). alluded to, 2039, 2137, ****** 2581, 3261. ………………、, ……………., requests by, 389, 2229. ………………………. ………………, request to, 1159. Yorkshire, County Commissioners of, &c.- cont. ………………………. ……………., treasury of, 488. ... ... .... ****** treasurers to, 462, 2242, 2444, 2639, 2648, 2692. ... the late, 206, 217, 327, 353, 379, 435, 550, 576, 630, 679, 736, 931, 1755 (2), 1762, 1763, 1924, 2062, 2150, 2242, 2337, 2355, 2680, 3166. *****y letter of, 743. > Earl of Newcastle in, 842, 931, 1046. Committee for, in, 449, 842. Engagement, or Magna Charta for loans to the King, alluded to, 670, 842. " …………. fairs in, goods sold at, 314. J.Ps of, 301. King in, 1093. King's party or garrisons of, 490, 1100, 1121, 1158-1160. ·· > .. ...... assessments for, 1089. lands or estates in, 28, 29, 131, 132, 243, 312, 599, 607, 616, 788, 851, 852 (2), 920, 946, 947 (2), 955, 956-958, 960, 968 (2), 974, 1014, 1015, 1027 (2), 1029, 1075, 1093 (2), 1097 (2), 1102, 1104, 1106, 1120, 1121, 1139, 1151, 1152, 1167, 1316, 1323 (2), 1324 (3), 1339, 1350, 1351, 1357, 1386, 1387, 1391–1393, 1421, 1453, 1470, 1473 (2), 1552, 1567, 1602, 1603, 1637, 1695- 1697, 1699, 1701, 1742, 1744, 1749 (3), 1765-1770, 1788, 1828, 1834, 1835 (2), 1854-1856, 1899, 1901, 1902 (3), 1910, 1924-1927, 1930, 1958 (2), 1974 (2), 1975, 1979, 1986 (2), 1987, 1990, 1997, 2008 (2), 2017, 2018, 2022 (3), 2023, 2034, 2040, 2062 (2), 2099, 2125, 2127, 2131, 2136 (2), 2137, 2144, 2146, 2147 (2), 2150, 2154 (2), 2155 (2), 2188, 2189, 2191, 2192, 2207, 2229 (2), 2230, 2234, 2241-2243, 2251-2254, 2299, 2313 (2), 2314 (4), 2319, 2356 (5), 2366, 2393-2398, 2402-2404, 2409, 2410, 2414, 2429, 2431, 2432 (2), 2443- 2445, 2461, 2463, 2470 (2), 2473-2478, 2480-2482, 2487, 2511-2514, 2518 (4), 2568, 2577, 2580, 2589, 2590, 2620, 2634 (3), 2637 (2), 2639, 2642 (2), 2647, 2649, 2651-2653, 2667, 2676, 2680 (2), 2699, 2701, 2718-2720, 2729, 2730 (3), 2735, 2737, 2739, 2744, 2763– 2765, 2805, 2813, 2853, 2879, 2970, 2976, 3005, 3024, 3037 (2), 3063 (2), 3066, 3067, 3071 (2), 3072 (2), 3086, 3091 (2), 3095 (2), 3096, 3098 (2), 3100-3102, 3108-3110, 3112, 3119, 3123, 3126 (2), 3127 (2), 3130 (3), 3131, 3133-3136, 3144, 3145, 3152, 3153, 3155, 3165 (2), 3166, 3168, 3173, 3186, 3204, 3209 (2), 3215, 3217, 3218, 3261, 3262, 3265, 3267, 3287, 3291-3293, 3295, 3297. ……………… " F Ma lists of, 587. >> lands in, given to Lord Fairfax, 1 318. INDEX OF PLACES. 3827 Yorkshire-cont. Lord Generals [the three in], viz. (Lord Fairfax, Earl of Leven, and Earl of Manchester), 1003, 1018, 1032, 1089, 1411. "> ... ………………………, Major-General for [Col. Lambert], 1005, 1474, 2089. M.Ps for, 550, 874, 886, 2188. militia, or county forces of, 131, 217, 301 (2), 419, 490, 508, 548, 607, 955, 2336. Commissioners for, 319, 353, ·· .... 371. money or revenues in, or sent up from, 4, 207, 239, 248, 275, 307, 497, 558, 618-621, 1991. ***J Parliament forces in, 343, 785. ., ………….., money for, 41, 131, 132. places in, 84, 127, 453, 654, 655, 945, 955, 1003, 1100, 1218, 1357, 1575, 2105. residents in, 28, 38, 72, 89. 131, 141, 166, 192, 207, 212, 285, 330, 361, 433, 437, 472, 505, 507, 611, 616, 617, 623, 626, 648, 743, 764, 798, 801, 879, 886, 931 (2), 947, 985 (2), 1027, 1037, 1049, 1087, 1091, 1097 (2), 1110, 1119 (3), 1120, 1122, 1152 (2), 1183, 1255, 1291, 1324, 1358, 1374, 1376 (2), 1570, 1605, 1623 (2), 1695, 1749, 1750, 1753, 1764, 1765, 1768, 1769, 1815, 1834 (2), 1856, 1883, 1924-1926, 1931, 1996, 1997, 2041 (3), 2057, 2062, 2127,2129, 2136, 2150-2155, 2160, 2206 (2), 2224, 2251, 2254 (5), 2299, 2314, 2337, 2356 (2), 2395, 2398, 2403, 2404, 2410, 2414, 2422, 2425, 2427, 2432 (4), 2445, 2474, 2511, 2518 (2), 2529, 2542, 2566, 2571, 2577, 2592, 2594, 2636, 2642, 2647, 2648, 2651-2653, 2692, 2700, 2710, 2713, 2718, 2735, 2744, 2772, 2805, 2819, 2824, 2862, 2896 (2), 2897, 2902, 2918. 2919, 2933, 2952 (2), 2990 (3), 2993 (2), 3006, 3008 (2), 3013, 3020, 3026, 3045, 3060, 3063, 3070, 3080, 3084, 3086 (2), 3089, 3094, 3095, 3097, 3112, 3133 (2), 3162 (2), 3178, 3186, 3189, 3198, 3200, 3202, 3215 (2), 3222, 3231, 3233, 3267 (2), 3293, 3307. cases of, 842, 843, 874, 878,879, 882, 886, 891, 928-931, 934, 945, 949, 950, 953-955, 958, 966, 972- 975, 977 (4), 982-985, 987, 989 (2), 1001-1005, 1008, 1009, 1011, 1014 (2), 1016-1018, 1022-1030, 1032, 1034, 1035, 1037 (2), 1040 (2), 1042 (2), 1044, 1046, 1049, 1059, 1068, 1075, 1077 (3), 1085, 1087, 1089-1095, 1098, 1119- 1125, 1127, 1129 (2), 1130, 1142– 1144, 1150 (2), 1151, 1154, 1158–1161, 1164, 1166, 1180, 1183, 1184, 1202, 1215, 1219 (3), 1225, 1226, 1231, 1233, 1235, 1255, 1256, 1270, 1272 (2), 1279, 1283 (2), 1291, 1309, 1319, 1326 (2), 1331, 1336, 1337, 1342, 1343, 1350, 1351 (2), 1374 (3), 1375, 1380, 1384, 1386, 1387, 1389, 1390, 1393, 1400, 1410-1412, 1414, 1415, 1418-1420, ·· **** Yorkshire residents in, cases of.―cont. * 1422-1424, 1448-1450, 1454, 1463 (2), 1464, 1466 (2), 1467, 1474, 1477 (2), 1487, 1493, 1500, 1504, 1507, 1508, 1517, 1523, 1534, 1537, 1540 (2), 1542, 1543, 1547, 1549-1552, 1554, 1559, 1567, 1569, 1575-1577, 1579, 1594, 1595, 1598, 1609 (2), 1615, 1629, 1635, 1641, 1657 (2), 1658, 1661, 1664, 1666 (2), 1667, 1673-1676, 1680, 1681 (2), 1684, 1689, 1693–1695, 1700 (2),1701, 1704 (2), 1718, 1731, 1738 (2), 1742 (2), 1746-1751, 1753-1755, 1762, 1763 (3), 1764, 1766-1769, 1772, 1778, 1784, 1788, 1801, 1804, 1805 (2), 1815, 1816, 1827, 1831, 1834 (2), 1835, 1843, 1856, 1871 (2), 1883, 1888, 1889, 1905- 1907, 1923, 1927, 1958, 1962, 1963, 1966 (2), 1971, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1985-1987, 1992 (2), 1996 (3), 2007, 2008 (3), 2012 (2), 2017-2021, 2034 (2), 2026 (3), 2028 (2), 2030 (2), 2032, 2034-2036, 2038, 2039, 2015, 2048, 2054, 2056-2058, 2061, 2062, 2076, 2079, 2086, 2089, 2091, 2099, 2105 (2), 2108, 2110-2112, 2115-2117, 2119, 2136, 2144, 2181, 2206, 2207, 2215 (2), 2216 (3), 2228, 2236, 2244, 2251, 2298, 2309, 2310, 2313, 2319, 2334, 2338, 2354, 2376 (2), 2394, 2398, 2406, 2409, 2410, 2413, 2414, 2422, 2423, 2429, 2437, 2442, 2455, 2458, 2461, 2480, 2487. 2511, 2513, 2517, 2529 (2), 2538, 2550, 2565 (2), 2577, 2580, 2587, 2618, 2619, 2621, 2632, 2634, 2636, 2638, 2642, 2647 (2), 2651-2653, 2667, 2676, 2682-2684, 2688, 2692, 2698, 2718 (2), 2722 (2), 2724, 2731, 2737, 2739, 2744, 2759, 2760 (2), 2761, 2763, 2764, 2771, 2792, 2802, 2804, 2813, 2815, 2820, 2823, 2827, 2843, 2847, 2852, 2835, 2857, 2860, 2864, 2868, 2872, 2876, 2877, 2890, 2896-2898, 2901, 2907, 2912, 2914, 2917, 2918, 2921, 2922, 2925, 2932, 2957-2059, 2970, 2976, 2987, 2990, 2992, 2994, 3005, 3006, 3008, 3012, 3024, 3026, 3033 (2), 3043, 3053, 3055, 3062-3064, 3066, 3067, 3070-3072, 3075, 3076, 3078, 3086, 3090, 3092, 3093, 3095-3100,3102 (2), 3105-3112, 3115, 3117, 3119 (2), 3123 (2), 3126 (2), 3127 (2), 3130 (4), 3131 (2), 3133-3136, 3140, 3144, 3146, 3152, 3154, 3155, 3157, 3165, 3166, 3168 (2), 3173, 3174, 3176, 3178 (4), 3179, 3182, 3186-3188, 3190-3194, 3197 (2), 3198 (2), 3202, 3209, 3215, 3217 (2), 3218 (3), 3222, 3225, 3229, 3234, 3252, 3256-3259, 3303, 3304. lists of, 113, 587. ·· *** …………… ·· # ………♥ notes of, 199, 733, 736, 741,742. Scots' army in, 1031. sheriffs of, 337, 380, 500 (2), 538, 518, 607 (2), 974, 1770 (2). ………………………. ………………, under, 538, 548. train bands of, 1093, 1144, 1232, 1384, 1802. 3828 INDEX OF PLACES. Yorkshire-cont. • ……. ... ………………………, wapentakes in, 1493. travellers to or from, 211, 304, 852, 954, 1009, 2040, 2336. ………… assessment collectors in, 1279. Col.-General of, Sir Wm. Con- stable, Bart., petition of, 843. Commissioners for, 379, 630, > witnesses in, 1987, 1992, 2353. East Riding of, 227. ... *g 1375. *♪ •M officers of, 377, 389. estates in, list of, 587. …………, places in, 655. returns from, 421. North Riding of, 183, 623, ******* Commissioners for, 379, 630, 1043, 1121 (2), 1127, 1449, 2136, 2182, 2243, 2393, 2652, 2653, 2679, 2700, 2718. letter to, 2039. officers of, 419. place in, 1091. ...... Yorkshire, North Riding of-cont. • residents in, 1906, 1907, 2057. returns from, 421. .... West Riding of, 2310, 2653, 2860. clerk of the peace for, 1089. Commissioners for, 379, 630, > 972, 1059 (2), 1751, 1835, 2804, 2918. officers of, 419, 630. • **** • ..... …………………….y *** -> …………… ***** constables of, 1160. estates in, lists of, 587 (2). Youlgrave, co. Derby, residents at, 1423, 2908. Youlston, Devon, resident at, 1535. Younkcombe House, Devon, 2533. Yoxall, co. Stafford, manor of, 2103. parish of, 1866. treasurer to, 380. Ꮓ Zenen, Cornwall, see Sennen. Zouch Lyn, Norfolk, manor in, 2623. LONDON: Printed by EYRE & SPOTTIS WOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [21703.-400.-10/92.] CATALOGUE (Revised to 30th November 1892) OF ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS, REPORTS OF THE HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION, AND ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPERS OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS, ENGLAND AND IRELAND, Printed for HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, And to be purchased, Either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C.; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, HANOVER STREET, EdinburgII, and 90, WEST NILE STREET, Glasgow; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., LIMITED, 104, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. CONTENTS. CALENDARS OF STATE PAPERS, &c. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, LISTS AND INDEXES CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES PUBLICATIONS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, &c. WORKS PUBLISHED IN PHOTOZINCOGRAPHY HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS Page 3 8 SCOTCH RECORD PUBLICATIONS IRISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS, IRELAND " 9 20 22 24* - 29 · 33 34 85 ENGLAND. CALENDARS OF STATE PAPERS, &c. "C [IMPERIAL 8vo., cloth. Price 15s. each Volume or Part.] As far back as the year 1800, a Committee of the House of Commons recommended that Indexes and Calendars should be made to the Public Records, and thirty-six years afterwards another Committee of the House of Commons reiterated that recommendation in more forcible words; but it was not until the incorporation of the State' Paper Office with the Public Record Office that the Master of the Rolls found himself in a position to take the necessary steps for carrying out the wishes of the House of Commons. On 7 December 1855, he stated to the Lords of the Treasury that although "the Records, State Papers, and Documents in his charge con- "stitute the most complete and perfect series of their kind in the civilized world," and although they are of the greatest value in a historical "and constitutional point of view, yet they are comparatively useless to "the public, from the want of proper Calendars and Indexes. C 23 Their Lordships assented to the necessity of having Calendars prepared and printed, and empowered the Master of the Rolls to take such steps as might be necessary for this purpose. The following Works have been already published in this Series :- CALENDARIUM GENEALOGICUM; for the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward I. Edited by CHARLES ROBERTS, Secretary of the Public Record Office. 2 Vols. 1865. This is a work of great value for elucidating the early history of our nobility and landed gentry, SYLLABUS, IN ENGLISH, OF RYMER'S FŒDERA. By Sir THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records. Vol. I.-1066-1377. (Out of print.) Vol. II.-1377-1654. Vol. III., Appendix and Index. 1869- 1885. Several editions of the Fadera have been published, and the present Syllabus was undertaken to make the contents of them more generally known. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ANCIENT DEEDS, preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. I. 1890. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD III., preserved in the Public Record Office, prepared under the superintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Records. Vol. I.-1327–1330. 1891. CALENDAR OF THE CLOSE ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD II. Vol. I. 1309- 1313. C 71708. Wt. 1995. a 2 1 4 CALENDAR OF LETTERS AND PAPERS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII., preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, the British Museum, and elsewhere in England. Edited by J. S. BREWER, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London (Vols. I.-IV.); and by JAMES GAIRDNER, an Assistant Record Keeper (Vols. V.-XII.). 1862-1892. (Out of Vol. I.-1509-1514. print.) Vol. II. (in two Parts)-1515- 1518. (Part I. out of print.) Vol. III. (in two Parts)-1519- 1523. Vol. IV.-Introduction. Vol. IV., Part 1.-1524-1526. Vol. IV., Part 2.-1526-1528. Vol. IV., Part 3.-1529-1530. Vol. V.-1531-1532. Vol. VI.-1533. Vol. I.— 1547-1580. Vol. II.- 1581-1590. Vol. III.-1591-1594. Vol. IV.-1595-1597, Vol. V. 1598-1601. Vol. VI. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC SERIES, OF THE REIGNS OF EDWARD VI., MARY, ELIZABETH, and JAMES I., preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by ROBERT LEMON, F.S.A. (Vols. I. and II.), and by MARY ANNE EVERETT GREEN (Vols. III.-XII.). 1856–1872. 1601-1633, with Addenda, 1547-1565. K Vol. I. Vol. II. Vol. III.- Vol. IV.- Vol. V.- Vol. VI.- Vol. VII. Vol. VIII.—1635. Vol. IX.- Vol. X.- Vol. XI. 1625-1626. 1627-1628. 1628-1629. 1629-1631. 1631-1633. 1633-1634. 1634-1635. 1635-1636. 1636-1637. 1637. Ag Vol. XII. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES I, preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by JOHN BRUCE, F.S.A. (Vols. I.-XII.); by JOHN BRUCE, F.S.A., and WILLIAM DOUGLAS HAMILTON, F.S.A. (Vol. XIII.); and by WILLIAM DOUGLAS HAMILTON, F.S.A. (Vols. XIV.-XXI.). 1858-1891. Vol. I.- Vol. II. Vol. III.- 1651. Vol. IV. Vol. V.- 1651-1652. 1652-1653. 1653-1654. Vol. VII.— 1534. Vol. VIII.—1535, to July. Vol. IX.- 1535, Aug. to Dec. 1536, Jan. to June. Vol. X.- Vol. XI.-1536, July to Dec. Vol. XII., Part 1.-1537, Jan. to May. Vol. XII., Part 2.-1537, June to Dec. Vol. XIII., Part 1.-1538, Jan. to July. Vol. VI.- Vol. VII.-1654. Vol. VII.- Addenda, 1566–1579. Vol. VIII.-1603-1610. Vol. IX.- Vol. X. Vol. XI. Vol. XII. Vol. XIII.- Vol. XIV. - Vol. XV. Vol. XVI.. Vol. XVII. K S Vol. X.- Vol. XI. P M Vol. XVIII,—1641–1643. Vol. XIX.- 1644. Vol. XX.- Vol. XXI.- CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC SERIES, DURING THE COMMONWEALTH preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by MARY ANNE EVERETT GREEN. 1875-1885. 1649-1650. 1650. 1611-1618. 1619-1623. 1623-1625, with Addenda, 1603-1625. Addenda, 1580–1620. D 1637-1638. 1638-1639. 1639. 1639-1640. 1640. 1640-1641. Vol. VIII.-1655. Vol. IX.- 1655-1656. 1656-1657. 1657-1658. 1644-1645. 1645-1647. Vol. XII.- 1658-1659. Vol. XIII.-1659-1660. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS:-COMMITTEE FOR THE ADVANCE OF MONEY, 1642-1656. Edited by MARY ANNE EVERETT GREEN. Parts I.-III., 1888. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS:-COMMITTEE FOR COMPOUNDING, &c., 1643- 1660. Edited by MARY ANNE EVERETT GREEN. Parts I.-V., 1889- 1892. 5 حمد Vol. I. 1660-1661. Vol. II. 1661-1662. Vol. III.-1663-1664. Vol. IV.-1664-1665. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES II., preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by MARY ANNE EVERETT GREEN. 1860-1866. Min Vol. I.-1760 (25 Oct.)-1765. 1765. Vol. II.-1766-1769. Vol. I. 1557-1696. Vol. II. 1697-1702. Vol. III.-1702-1707. CALENDAR OF HOME OFFICE PAPERS OF THE REIGN OF GEORGE III., preserved in the Public Record Office. Vols. I. and II. Edited by JOSEPH REDINGTON, an Assistant Record Keeper, 1878-1879. Vol. III. Edited by RICHARD ARTHUR ROBERTS, Barrister-at-Law. 1881. Vol. III.-1770-1772. ܫ CALENDAR OF TREASURY PAPERS, preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by JOSEPH REDINGTON, an Assistant Record Keeper. 1868- 1889. p Vol. I. 1509-1573. Vol. II.- 1574-1585. Vol. III.-1586-1588. Vol. V. 1665-1666. Vol. VI. 1666–1667. Vol. VII.-1667. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS relating to SCOTLAND, preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by MARKHAM JOHN THORPE. 1858. K Vol. I., the Scottish Series, 1509-1589. Vol. II.. the Scottish Series, 1589-1603; an Appendix to the Scottish Series, 1543-1592; and the State Papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS relating to IRELAND, in the Public Record Office, London. Edited by HENRY SAVAGE SWEETMAN, B.A,, Barrister-at- Law (Ireland); continued by GUSTAVUS FREDERICK HANDCOCK. 1875- 1886. Vol. I. Vol. II.- Vol. III.-1608-1610. 1171-1251. Vol. I. Vol. II. 1252-1284. Vol. III.-1285-1292. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS relating to IRELAND, OF THE REIGNS OF HENRY VIII, EDWARD VI., MARY, and ELIZABETH, preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by HANS CLAUDE HAMILTON, F.S.A. 1860-1890. 1603-1606. 1606–1608. Vol. IV.-1708-1714. Vol. V. 1714-1719.. Vol. VI.-1720-1728. Vol. I. 1515-1574. (Out M of print.) Vol. II.- 1575-1588. Vol. III.-1589-1600. Calendar of STATE PAPERS relating to IRELAND, OF THE REIGN OF JAMES I., preserved in the Public Record Office, and elsewhere. Edited by the Rev. C. W. RUSSELL, D.D., and JOHN P. PRENDERGAST, Barrister-at- Law. 1872-1880. Vol. IV.-1293-1301. Vol. V. 1302–1307. Vol. IV.-1588-1592. Vol. V. 1592–1596. Vol. IV.-1611-1614. Vol. V. 1615-1625. This series is in continuation of the Irish State Papers commencing with the reign of Henry VIII.; but for the reign of James I., the papers are not confined to those in the Public Record Office, London. CALENDAR OF THE CAREW PAPERS, preserved in the Lambeth Library. Edited by J. S. BREWER, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London; and WILLIAM BULLEN. 1867-1873. Vol. IV.-1601-1603. Vol. V.- Book of Howth; Miscellaneous. Vol. VI.-1603–1624. The Carew Papers are of great importance to all students of Irish history. 6 CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, COLONIAL SERIES. Edited by W. NOEL SAINSBURY, an Assistant Record Keeper. 1860-1892. Vol. I.-America and West Indies, 1574-1660. Vol. II.—East Indies, China, and Japan, 1513–1616. (Out of print.) Vol. III. .. 1617-1621. 1622-1624. "} Vol. IV.— 3) Vol V.-America and West Indies, 1661-1668. Vol. VI.-East Indies, 1625–1629. Vol. VII.-America and West Indies, 1669-1674. Vol. VIII.-East Indies and Persia, 1630-1634. These volumes deal with Colonial Papers in the Public Record Office, the India Office, and the British Museum. 3) CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, FOREIGN SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD VI., preserved in the Public Record Office. 1547-1553. Edited by W. B. TURNBULL, Barrister-at-Law, &c. 1861. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, FOREIGN SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF MARY, pre- served in the Public Record Office. 1553-1558. • Edited by W. B TURNBULL, Barrister-at-Law, &c. 1861. ― CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, FOREIGN SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF ELIZABETH, preserved in the Public Record Office, &c. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A. (Vols. I.-VII.), and ALLAN JAMES CROSBY, M.A., Barrister-at-Law (Vols. VIII.-XI.). 1863-1880. Vol. I. 1558-1559. Vol. II.- 1559-1560. Vol. III.-1560-1561. Vol. IV. 1561–1562. Vol. V. 1562. Vol. VI.- 1563. Vol. I. 1485-1509. Vol. II.-1509-1525. Supplement to Vol. I. and Vol. II. Vol. III., Part 1.-1525-1526. Vol. III., Part 2.-1527-1529. Vol. IV., Part 1.-1529-1530. Vol. VII.— 1564–1565. Vol. VIII.-1566-1568. Vol. IX. 1569-1571. 1572-1574. 1575-1577. Vol. X. Vol. XI.- CALENDAR OF LETTERS, DESPATCHES, AND STATE PAPERS, relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives at Simancas, and elsewhere. Edited by G. A. BERGENROTH, (Vols. I. and II.) 1862-1868, and DoN PASCUAL DE GAYANGOS (Vols. III. to VI.) 1873-1890. .. Vol. IV., Part 2.-1531-1533. Vol. IV., Part 2.-1531-1533. continued. M Vol. V., Part 1.- 1534-1535. Vol. V., Part 2.- 1536-1538. Vol. VI., Part 1.-1538-1542. CALENDAR OF LETTERS AND STATE PAPERS, relating to ENGLISH AFFAIRS, preserved principally in the Archives of Simancas. Edited by MARTIN A. S. HUME, F.R.Hist. S. Vol. I. 1558-1567. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS, relating to ENGLISH AFFAIRS, preserved in the Archives of Venice, &c. Edited by RAWDON BROWN. 1864–1884, and by RAWDON BROWN and the Right Hon. G. CAVENDISH BENTINCK, M.P., 1890. Vol. I. 1202-1509. 1509–1519. Vol. III.-1520–1526. Vol. II. Vol. IV.-1527-1533. Vol. V. 1534-1554. C Vol. VI., Part I.- 1555-1556. Vol. VI., Part II.— 1556–1557. Vol. VI., Part III.-1557-1558. Vol. VII.- 1558-1580. C REPORT OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE RECORDS AND THE REV. J. S. BREWER upon the Carte and Carew Papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth Libraries. 1864. Price 2s. 6d. REPORT OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE RECORDS upon the Documents in the Archives and Public Libraries of Venice. 1866. Price 2s. 6d. 7 GUIDE TO THE PRINCIPAL CLASSES OF DOCUMENTS IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. By S. R. SCARGILL BIRD, F.S.A. 1891. Price 7s. ACTS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF ENGLAND, New Series. Edited by JOHN ROCHE DASENT, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1890-92. Price 10s. each. Vol. I. 1542–1547. Vol. II. -1547-1550. Vol. III.-1550-1552. Vol. IV.-1552–1554. Vol. V. -1554-1556. In the Press. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ANCIENT DEEDS, preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. II. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD I. Vol. I. 1281- 1292. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD II. Vol. I. 1307-1313. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD III. Vol. II. 1330-1334. CALENDAR OF THE CLOSE ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD II. Vol. II. 1313, &c. CALENDAR OF LETTERS AND PAPERS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII., preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, &c. Edited by JAMES GAIRDNER, an Assistant Record Keeper. Vol. XIII. Part 2. Calendar of STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES I., preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by WILLIAM DOUGLAS HAMILTON, F.S.A. Vol. XXII. 1648-1649. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS relating to IRELAND, OF THE REIGN OF ELIZABETH, preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. VI. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, COLONIAL SERIES, preserved in the Public Record Office, and elsewhere. Edited by W. NOEL SAINSBURY, late an Assistant Record Keeper. Vol. IX. Calendar of Letters, DespatCHES, AND STATE PAPERS, relating to the nego- tiations between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives at Simancas, and elsewhere. Edited by DON PASCUAL DE GAYANGOS. Vol. VI., Part 2. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, relating to ENGLISH AFFAIRS, preserved in the Archives of Venice, &c. Edited by HORATIO F. BROWN. Vol. VIII. CALENDAR of entries in the PAPAL REGISTERS, illustrating the history of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I. 1198–1304. ACTS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF ENGLAND, New Series, Vol. VI. Edited by JOHN ROCHE DASENT, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. In Progress. CALENDAR OF ANCIENT CORRESPONDENCE, Diplomatic Documents, and the like, preserved in the Public Record Office. Calendar of INQUISITIONES POST MORTEM, Henry VII. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. J 1 8 со PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. LISTS AND INDEXES. The object of these publications is to make the contents of the Public Record Office more easily available. In conjunction with the Calendars, they will, in course of time, form a catalogue of the National Archives, as explained in the Fifty-first Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Records (page 10). No. I. Index of ANCIENT PETITIONS of the Chancery and the Exchequer. 9s. 6d. In the Press. List of Declared Accounts of the Pipe Office and the Audit Office. List of volumes of STATE PAPERS (Great Britain and Ireland), A.D. 1547-1760. List and Index of MINISTERS' ACCOUNTS. Part I. List and Index of COURT ROLLS. Index of CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS, Series II., A.D. 1558–1579. List of PLEA ROLLS. In Progress. Index of EARLY CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. THE CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. On 25 July 1822, the House of Commons presented an address to the Crown, stating that the editions of the works of our ancient historians were inconvenient and defective; that many of their writings still remained in manuscript, and, in some cases, in a single copy only. They added, “that an uniform and convenient edition of the whole, published under His Majesty's royal sanction, would be an undertaking honour- "able to His Majesty's reign, and conducive to the advancement of "historical and constitutional knowledge; that the House therefore humbly besought His Majesty, that He would be graciously pleased to give such directions as His Majesty, in His wisdom, might think fit, for the publication of a complete edition of the ancient historians (C of this realm.' (C (6 ، ، [ROYAL 8vo. Price 10s. each Volume or Part. CC The Master of the Rolls, being very desirous that effect should be given to the resolution of the House of Commons, submitted to Her Majesty's Treasury in 1857 a plan for the publication of the ancient chronicles and memorials of the United Kingdom, and it was adopted accordingly. Of the Chronicles and Memorials, the following volumes have been published. They embrace the period from the earliest time of British history down to the end of the reign of Henry VII. Edited by the Rev. Capgrave's Chronicle extends from the creation of the world to the year 1417. As a record of the language spoken in Norfolk (being written in English), it is of considerable value. 1. THE CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND, by JOHN CAPGRAVE. F. C. HINGESTON, M.A. 1858. 2. CHRONICON MONASTERII DE ABINGDON. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A., Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 1858. This Chronicle traces the history of the monastery from its foundation by King Ina of Wessex, to the reign of Richard I. The author had access to the title deeds of the house, and incorporates into his history various charters of the Saxon kings, of great im- portance as illustrating not only the history of the locality but that of the kingdom. 3. LIVES OF EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. I.-La Estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei. II.-Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. III.-Vita Eduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, probably written in 1265. The second is an anonymous poem, written between 1440 and 1450, which is mainly valuable as a specimen of the Latin poetry of the time. The third, also by an anonymous author, was apparently written between 1066 and 1074. 4. MONUMENTA FRANCISCANA. Vol. I.-Thomas de Eccleston de Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. Adæ de Marisco Epistolæ. Regis- trum Fratrum Minorum Londoniæ. Edited by J. S. BREWER, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. Vol. II.- De Adventu Minorum; re-edited, with additions. Chronicle of the Grey Friars. The ancient English version of the Rule of St. Francis. Abbreviatio Statutorum, 1451, &c. Edited by RICHARD HOWLETT, Barrister-at-Law. 1858, 1882. The first volume contains original materials for the history of the settlement of the order of St. Francis in England, the letters of Adam de Marisco, and other papers. The second volume contains materials found since the first volume was published. 10 5. FASCICULI ZIZANIORUM MAGISTRI JOHANNIS WYCLIF CUM TRITICO. Ascribed to THOMAS NETTER, of WALDEN, Provincial of the Carmelite Order in England, and Confessor to King Henry the Fifth. Edited by the Rev. W. W. SHIRLEY, M.A., Tutor and late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. 1858. This work gives the only contemporaneous account of the rise of the Lollards. 6. THE BUIK OF THE CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND; or, A Metrical Version of the History of Hector Boece; by WILLIAM STEWART. Vols. I., II., and III. Edited by W. B. TURNBULL, Barrister-at-Law. 1858. This is a metrical translation of a Latin Prose Chronicle, written in the first half of the 16th century. The narrative begins with the earliest legends and ends with the death of James I. of Scotland, and the "evil ending of the traitors that slew him." The peculiarities of the Scottish dialect are well illustrated in this version. Edited by the 7. JOHANNIS CAPGRAVE LIBER DE ILLUSTRIBUS HENRICIS. Rev. F. C. HINGESTON, M.A. 1858. The first part relates 'only to the history of the Empire from the election of Henry I. the Fowler, to the end of the reign of the Emperor Henry VI. The second part is devoted to English history, from the accession of Henry I. in 1100, to 1446, which was the twenty- fourth year of the reign of Henry VI. The third part contains the lives of illustrious men who have borne the name of Henry in various parts of the world. 8. HISTORIA MONASTERII S. AUGUSTINI CANTUARIENSIS, by THOMAS OF ELMHAM, formerly Monk and Treasurer of that Foundation. Edited by CHARLES HARDWICK, M.A., Fellow of St. Catharine's Hall, and Christian Advocate in the University of Cambridge. 1858. This history extends from the arrival of St. Augustine in Kent until 1191. 9. EULOGIUM (HISTORIARUM SIVE TEMPORIS): Chronicon ab Orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini 1366; a monacho quodam Malmesbiriensi exaratum. Vols. I., II., and III. Edited by F. S. HAYdon, B.A. 1858-1863. This is a Latin Chronicle extending from the Creation to the latter part of the reign of Edward III., and written by a monk of Malmesbury, about the year 1367. A continuation carries the history of England down to the year 1413. 10. MEMORIALS OF HENRY THE SEVENTH: Bernardi Andreæ Tholosatis Vita Regis Henrici Septimi; necnon alia quædam ad eundem Regem spectantia. Edited by JAMES GAIRDNER. 1858. The contents of this volume are-(1) a life of Henry VII., by his poet Laureate and historiographer, Bernard André, of Toulouse, with some compositions in verse, of which he is supposed to have been the author; (2) the journals of Roger Machado during certain embassies to Spain and Brittany, the first of which had reference to the marriage of the King's son, Arthur, with Catharine of Arragon; (3) two curious reports by envoys sent to Spain in 1505 touching the succession to the Crown of Castile, and a project of marriago between Henry VII. and the Queen of Naples; and (4) an account of Philip of Castile's reception in England in 1506. Other documents of interest are given in an appendix. 11. MEMORIALS OF HENRY THE FIFTH. I.-Vita Henrici Quinti, Roberto Redmanno auctore. II.-Versus Rhythmici in laudem Regis Henrici Quinti. III.-Elmhami Liber Metricus de Henrico V. Edited by CHARLES A. COLE. 1858. Vol. I., 12. MUNIMENTA GILDHALLÆ LONDONIENSIS; Liber Albus, Liber Custu- marum, et Liber Horn, in archivis Gildhalle asservati. Liber Albus. Vol. II. (in Two Parts), Liber Custumarum. Vol. III., Translation of the Anglo-Norman Passages in Liber Albus, Glos- saries, Appendices, and Index. Edited by HENRY THOMAS RILEY, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1859-1862. The Liber Albus, compiled by John Carpenter, Common Clerk of the City of London in the year 1419, gives an account of the laws, regulations, and institutions of that City in the 12th, 18th, 14th, and early part of the 15th centuries. The Liber Custumarum was com- piled in the early part of the 14th century during the reign of Edward II. It also gives an account of the laws, regulations, and institutions of the City of London in the 12th, 18th, and early part of the 14th centuries. 13. CHRONICA JOHANNIS DE OXENEDES. Edited by Sir HENRY ELLIS, K.H. 1859. Although this Chronicle tells of the arrival of Hengist and Horsa, it substantially begins with the reign of King Alfred, and comes down to 1292. It is particularly valuable for notices of events n the eastern portions of the Kingdom. 11 14. A COLLECTION OF POLITICAL POEMS AND SONGS RELATING TO ENGLISH HISTORY, FROM THE ACCESSION OF EDWARD III. TO THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII. Vols. I. and II. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A. 1859- 1861. K 15. The "OPUS TERTIUM," "OPUS MINUS," &c. of ROGER BACON. Edited by J. S. BREWER, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. 1859. 16. BARTHOLOMEI DE COTTON, MONACHI NORWICENSIS, HISTORIA ANGLICANA; 449-1298; necnon ejusdem Liber de Achiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliæ. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1859. 17. BRUT Y TYWYSOGION; or, The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. Edited by the Rev. JOHN WILLIAMS AB ITHEL, M.A. 1860. This work, written in the ancient Welsh language, begins with the abdication and death of Caedwala at Rome, in the year 681, and continues the history down to the subjugation of Wales by Edward I., about the year 1282. 18. A COLLECTION OF ROYAL AND HISTORICAL LETTERS DURING THE REIGN OF HENRY IV. 1399-1404. 1399-1404. Edited by the Rev. F. C. HINGESTON, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 1860. 19. THE REPRESSOR OF OVER MUCH BLAMING OF THE CLERGY. BY REGINALD PECOCK, Sometime Bishop of Chichester. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. CHURCHILL BABINGTON, B.D., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 1860. The "Repressor" may be considered the earliest piece of good theological disquisition of which our English prose literature can boast. The author was born about the end of the fourteenth century, consecrated Bishop of St. Asaph in the year 1444, and translated to the see of Chichester in 1450. His work is interesting chiefly because it gives a full account of the views of the Lollards, and it has great value for the philologist. 20. ANNALES CAMBRIA. Edited by the Rev. JOHN WILLIAMS AB ITHEL, M.A. 1860. These annals, which are in Latin, commenced in 447, and come down to 1288. The earlier portion appears to be taken from an Irish Chronicle used by Tigernach, and by the compiler of the Annals of Ulster. 21. THE WORKS OF GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS. Vols. I.-IV. Edited by the Rev. J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature. King's College, London. Vols. V.-VII. Edited by the Rev. JAMES F. DIMOCK, M.A., Rector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. Vol. VIII. Edited by GEORGE F. WARNER, M.A., of the Department of MSS., British Museum. 1861-1891. These volumes contain the historical works of Gerald du Barry, who lived in the reigns of Henry II., Richard I., and John. His works are of a very miscellaneous nature, both in prose and verse, and are remarkable for the anecdotes which they contain. The Topographia Hibernica (in Vol. V.) is the result of Giraldus' two visits to Ireland, the first in 1183, the second in 1185-6, when he accompanied Prince John into that country. The Expugnatio Hibernica was written about 1188, and may be regarded rather as a great epic than a sober relation of acts occurring in his own days. Vol. VI. contains the Ïtine- rarium Kambriæ et Descriptio Kambria; and Vol. VII, the lives of S. Remigius and S. Hugh. Vol. VIII. contains the Treatise De Principum Instructione, and an Index to Vols. 1.-IV. and VIII. 22. LETTERS AND PAPERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE WARS OF THE ENGLISH IN FRANCE DURING THE REIGN OF HENRY THE SIXTH, KING OF ENGLAND. Vol. I., and Vol. II. (in Two Parts). Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A., Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 1861-1864. 23. THE ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE, ACCORDING TO THE SEVERAL ORIGINAL AUTHORITIES. Vol. I., Original Texts. Vol. II., Translation. Edited and translated by BENJAMIN THORPE, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Munich, and of the Society of Netherlandish Literature at Leyden. 1861. There are at present six independent manuscripts of the Saxon Chronicle, ending in different years, and written in different parts of the country. In this edition, the text of each manuscript is printed in columns on the same page, so that the student may see at a glance the various changes which occur in orthography. 12 24. LETTERS AND PAPERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE REIGNS OF RICHARD III. AND HENRY VII. Vols. I. and II. Edited by JAMES GAIRDNER. 1861- 1863. My The principal contents of the volumes are some diplomatic Papers of Richard III.; correspondence between Henry VII. and Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain; documents relating to Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk; and a portion of the correspondence of James IV. of Scotland. 25. LETTERS OF BISHOP GROSSETESTE. Edited by the Rev. HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. 1861. The letters of Robert Grosseteste range in date from about 1210 to 1253, and relate to various matters connected not only with the political history of England during the reign of Henry III., but with its ecclesiastical condition. They refer especially to the diocese of Lincoln, of which Grosseteste was bishop. 26. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Vol. I. (in Two Parts); Anterior to the Normau Invasion. Vol. II.; 1066-1200. Vol. III.; 1200-1327. By Sir THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records. Duffus 1862-1871. The object of this work is to publish notices of all known sources of British history, both printed and unprinted, in one continued sequence. The materials, when historical (as distinguished from biographical), are arranged under the year in which the latest event is recorded in the chronicle or history, and not under the period in which its author, real or supposed, flourished. Biographies are enumerated under the year in which the person commemorated died, and not under the year in which the life was written. A brief analysis of each work has been added when deserving it, in which original portions are distinguished from mere compilations. A biographical sketch of the author of each piece has been added, and a brief notice of such British authors as have written on historical subjects. 27. ROYAL AND OTHER HISTORICAL LETTERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE REIGN OF HENRY III. Vol. I., 1216-1235. Vol. II., 1236-1272. Selected and edited by the Rev. W. W. SHIRLEY, D.D., Regius Professor of Ecclesi- astical History, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. 1862-1866. 28. CHRONICA MONASTERII S. ALBANI.-1. THOME WALSINGHAM HISTORIA ANGLICANA; Vol. I., 1272-1381: Vol. II., 1381-1422. 2. WILLELMI RISHANGER CHRONICA ET ANNALES, 1259-1307. 3. JOHANNIS DE TROKELOWE ET HENRICI DE BLANEFORDE CHRONICA ET ANNALES, 1259–1296; 1307-1324; 1392-1406. 4. GESTA ABBATUM MONASTERII S. ALBANI, A THOMA WALSINGHAM, REGNANTE RICARDO SECUNDO, EJUSDEM ECCLESIÆ PRÆCENTORE, COMPILATA; Vol. I., 793-1290: Vol. II., 1290-1349 : Vol. III., 1349-1411. 5. JOHANNIS AMUNDESHAM, MONACHI MONASTERII S. ALBANI, UT VIDETUR, ANNALES; Vols. I. and II. 6. REGISTRA QUORUNDAM ABBATUM MONASTERII S. ALBANI, QUI SECULO XV FLORUERE; Vol. I., REGISTRUM ABBATIA JOHANNIS WHETHAMSTEDE, ABBATIS MONAS- TERII SANCTI ALBANI, ITERUM SUSCEPTÆ; ROBERTO BLAKENEY, Capellano, QUONDAM ADSCRIPTUM: Vol. II., REGISTRA JOHANNIS WHETHAMSTEDE, WILLELMI ALBON, ET WILLELMI WALINGFORDE, ABBATUM MONASTERII SANCTI ALBANI, CUM APPENDICE, CONTINENTE QUASDAM EPISTOLAS, A JOHANNE WHETHAMSTEDE CONSCRIPTAS. 7. YPODIGMA NEUSTRIÆ THOMA WALSINGHIAM, QUONDAM MONACHO MONASTERII S. ALBANI, CONSCRIPTUM. Edited by HENRY THOMAS RILEY, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1863-1876. A In the first two volumes is a History of England, from the death of Henry III. to the death of Henry V., by Thomas Walsingham, Precentor of St. Albans. In the 3rd volume is a Chronicle of English History, attributed to William Rishanger, who lived in the reign of Edward I.: an account of transactions attending the award of the kingdom of Scotland to John Balliol, 1291-1292, also attributed to William Rishanger, but on no sufficient ground: a short Chronicle of English History, 1292 to 1300, by an unknown hand: a short Chronicle Willelmi Rishanger Gesta Edwardi Primi, Regis Anglia, with Annales Regum Anglia, probably by the same hand: and fragments of three Chronicles of English History, 1285 to 1307. In the 4th volume is a Chronicle of English History, 1259 to 1296: Annals of Edward II., 1307 to 1323, by John de Trokelowe, a monk of St. Albans, and a continuation of Troke- lowe's Annals, 1323, 1324, by Henry de Blaneforde: a full Chronicle of English History, 1392 to 1406; and an account of the Benefactors of St. Albans, written in the early part of the 15th century. The 5th, 6th, and 7th volumes contain a history of the Abbots of St. Albans, 793 to 1411, mainly compiled by Thomas Walsingham: with a Continuation. The 8th and 9th volumes, in continuation of the Annals, contain a Chronicle, probably by John Amundesham, a monk of St. Albans, The 10th and 11th volumes relate especially to the acts and proceedings of Abbots Whethamstede, Albon, and Wallingford. The 12th volume contains a compendious History of England to the reign of Henry V., and of Normandy in early times, also by Thomas Walsingham, and dedicated to Henry V. 13 29. CHRONICON ABBATLE EVESHAMENSIS, AUCTORIBUS DOMINICO PRIORE EVESHAMIÆ ET THOMA DE MARLEBERGE ABBATE, A FUNDATIONE AD ANNUM. 1213, UNA CUM CONTINUATIONE AD ANNUM 1418. Edited by the Rev. W. D. MACRAY, Bodleian Library, Oxford. 1863. The Chronicle of Evesham illustrates the history of that important monastery from about 690 to 1418. Its chief feature is an autobiography, which makes us acquainted with the inner daily life of a great abbey. Interspersed are many notices of general, personal, and local history. 30. RICARDI DE CIRENCESTRIA SPECULUM HISTORIALE DE GESTIS REGUM ANGLIÆ. Vol. I., 447-871. Vol. II., 872-1066. Edited by JOHN E. B. MAYOR, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 1863-1869. Richard of Cirencester's history, in four books, extends from 447 to 1066. It gives many charters in favour of Westminster Abbey, and a very full account of the lives and miracles of the saints, especially of Edward the Confessor, whose reign occupies the fourth book. A treatise on the Coronation, by William of Sudbury, a monk of Westminster, fills book ii. c. 3. 31. YEAR BOOKS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD THE FIRST. Years 20-21, 21–22, 30-31, 32-33, and 33-35 Edw. I; and 11-12 Edw. III. Edited and translated by ALFRED JOHN HORWOOD, Barrister-at-Law. Years 12-13, 13-14, 14, 14–15, and 15, Edward III. Edited and translated by LUKE OWEN PIKE, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1863–1891. 46 The Year Books are the earliest of our Law Reports. They contain matter not only of practical utility to lawyers in the present day, but also illustrative of almost every branch of history, while for certain philological purposes they hold a position absolutely unique. 33 32. NARRATIVES OF THE EXPULSION OF THE ENGLISH FROM NORMANDY, 1449– 1450.-Robertus Blondelli de Reductione Normanniæ: Le Recouvre- ment de Normendie, par Berry, Hérault du Roy: Conferences between the Ambassadors of France and England. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A. 1863. F 33. HISTORIA ET CARTULARIUM MONASTERII S. PETRI GLOUCESTRIÆ. Vols. I., II., and III. Edited by W. H. HART, F.S.A., Membre correspondant de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie. 1863-1867. 34. ALEXANDRI NECKAM DE NATURIS RERUM LIBRI DUO; with NECKAM'S POEM, DE LAUDIBUS DIVINE SAPIENTIÆ. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A. 1863. In the De Naturis Rerum are to be found what may be called the rudiments of many sciences mixed up with much error and ignorance. Neckam had his own views in morals, and in giving us a glimpse of them, as well as of his other opinions, he throws much light upon the manners, customs, and general tone of thought prevalent in the twelfth century. 35. LEECHDOMS, WORTCUNNING, AND STARCRAFT OF EARLY ENGLAND; being a Collection of Documents illustrating the History of Science in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vols. 1., II., and III. Col- lected and edited by the Rev. T. OSWALD COCKAYNE, M.A. 1864-1866. 36. ANNALES MONASTICI. Vol. I.-Annales de Margan, 1066-1232; Annales de Theokesberia, 1066-1263; Annales de Burton, 1004-1263. Vol. II.:-Annales Monasterii de Wintonia, 519-1277; Annales Monasterii de Waverleia, 1-1291. Vol. III. :-Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia, 1-1297. Annales Monasterii de Bermundeseia, 1042- 1432. Vol.IV.:-Annales Monasterii de Oseneia, 1016-1347; Chronicon vulgo dictum Chronicon Thoma Wykes, 1066-1289; Annales Prioratus de Wigornia, 1-1377. Vol. V. :-Index and Glossary. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. 1864-1869. The present collection embraces chronicles compiled in religious houses in England during the thirteenth century. These distinct works are ten in number. The extreme period which they embraco ranges from the year 1 to 1432. 14 37. MAGNA VITA S. HUGONIS EPISCOPI LINCOLNIENSIS. Edited by the Rev. JAMES F. DIMOCK, M.A., Rector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. 1864. This work is valuable, not only as a biography of a celebrated ecclesiastic but as the work of a man, who, from personal knowledge, gives notices of passing events, as well as of individuals who were then taking active part in public affairs. : 38. CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF THE REIGN OF RICHARD THE FIRST. Vol. I. -ITINERARIUM PEREGRINORUM ET GESTA REGIS RICARDI. Vol. II. :-EPISTOLE CANTUARIENSES; the Letters of the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury; 1187 to 1199. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Vicar of Navestock, Essex, and Lambeth Librarian. 1864-1865. The authorship of the Chronicle in Vol. I.. hitherto ascribed to Geoffrey Vinesauf, is now more correctly ascribed to Richard, Canon of the Holy Trinity of London. In letters in Vol. II., written between 1187 and 1199, had their origin in a dispute which arose from the attempts of Baldwin and Hubert, archbishops of Canterbury, to found a college of secular canons, a project which gave great umbrage to the monks of Canterbury. 39. RECUEIL DES CRONIQUES ET ANCHIENNES ISTORIES DE LA GRANT Bretaigne A PRESENT NOMME ENGLETERRE, par Jehan de WAURIN. Vol. I. Albina to 688. Vol. II., 1399–1422. Vol. III., 1422-1431. Edited by WILLIAM HARDY, F.S.A. 1864-1879. Vol. IV., 1431-1447. Vol. V., 1447-1471. Edited by Sir WILLIAM HARDY, F.S.A., and EDWARD L. C. P. HARDY, F.S.A. 1884-1891. 40. A COLLECTION OF THE CHRONICLES AND ANCIENT HISTORIES OF Great BRITAIN, NOW CALLED ENGLAND, by JOHN DE WAURIN. Vol. I., Albina to 668. Vol. II., 1399–1422. Vol. III., 1422-1431. (Translations of the preceding Vols. I., II., and III.) Edited and translated by Sir WILLIAM HARDY, F.S.A., and EDWARD L. C. P. HARDY, F.S.A. 1864- 1891. C Conta 41. POLYCHRONICON RANULPHI HIGDEN, with Trevisa's Translation. Vols. I. and II. Edited by CHURCHILL BABINGTON, B.D., Senior Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Vols. III.-IX. Edited by the Rev. Joseph RAWSON LUMBY, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity, Vicar of St. Edward's, Fellow of St. Catharine's College, and late Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. 1865-1886. This chronicle begins with the creation, and is brought down to the reign of Edward III. It enables us to form a very fair estimate of the knowledge of history and geography which well-informed readers of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries possessed, for it was then the standard work on general history. The two English translations, which are printed with the original Latin, afford in- teresting illustrations of the gradual change of our language, for one was made in the fourteenth century, the other in the fifteenth. 42. LE LIVERE DE REIS DE BRITTANIE E LE LIVERE DE REIS DE ENGLETERE. Edited by the Rev. JOHN GLOVER, M.A., Vicar of Brading, Isle of Wight, formerly Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1865. These two treaties are valuable as careful abstracts of previous historians. Some various readings are given which are interesting to the philologist as instances of semi- Saxonised French. 43. CHRONICA MONASTERII DE MELSA AB ANNO 1150 USQUE AD ANNum 1406. Vols. I., II., and III. Edited by EDWARD AUGUSTUS BOND, Assistant Keeper of Manuscripts, and Egerton Librarian, British Museum. 1866-1868. The Abbey of Meaux was a Cistercian house, and the work of its abbot is a faithful and often minute record of the establishment of a religious community, of its progress in form- ing an ample revenue, of its struggles to maintain its acquisitions, and of its relations to the governing institutions of the country. 44. MATTHE PARISIENSIS HISTORIA ANGLORUM, SIVE, UT VULGO DICITUR, HIS- TORIA MINOR. Vols. I., II, and III. 1067-1253. Edited by Sir FREDERICK MADDEN, K.H., Keeper of the Manuscript Department of British Museum. 1866–1869. 45. LIBER MONASTERII DE HYDA: A CHRONICLE AND CHARTULARY OF HYDE ABBEY, WINCHESTER, 455-1023. Edited by EDWARD EDWARDS. 1866. The "Book of Hyde" is a compilation from much earlier sources which are usually indicated with considerable care and precision. In many cases, however, the Hyde 15 Chronicler appears to correct, to qualify, or to amplify the statements, which, in substance, he adopts. There is to be found, in the "Book of Hyde," inuch information relating to the reign of King Alfred which is not known to exist elsewhere. The volume contains some curious specimens of Anglo-Saxon and mediæval English. 46. CHRONICON SCOTORUM: A CHRONICLE OF IRISH AFFAIRS, from the earliest times to 1135; and SUPPLEMENT, containing the Events from 1141 to 1150. Edited, with Translation, by WILLIAM MAUNSELL HENNESSY, M.R.I.A. 1866. 47. THE CHRONICLE OF PIERRE DE LANGTOFT, IN FRENCH VERSE, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE DEATH OF EDWARD I. Vols. I. and II. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A. 1866-1868. It is probable that Pierre de Langtoft was a canon of Bridlington, in Yorkshire, and This lived in the reign of Edward I., and during a portion of the reign of Edward II. chronicle is divided into three parts; in the first, is an abridgment of Geoffrey of Mon- mouth's "Historia Britonum; in the second, a history of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings, to the death of Henry III.; in the third, a history of the reign of Edward I. The language is a curious specimen of the French of Yorkshire. 27 48. THE WAR OF THE GAEDHIL WITH THE GAILL, or THE INVASIONS OF IRELAND BY THE DANES AND OTHER NORSEMEN. Edited, with a Trans- lation, by the Rev. JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D.D., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Dublin. 1867. The work in its present form, in the editor's opinion, is a comparatively modern version of an ancient original. The story is told after the manner of the Scandinavian Sagas. 49. GESTA REGIS HENRICI SECUNDI BENEDICTI ABBATIS. CHRONICLE OF THE REIGNS OF HENRY II. AND RICHARD I., 1169-1192, known under the name of BENEDICT OF PETERBOROUGH. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the REV. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, Oxford, and Lambeth Librarian. 1867. 50. MUNIMENTA ACADEMICA, OR, DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF ACADEMICAL LIFE AND STUDIES AT OXFORD (in Two Parts). Edited by the Rev. HENRY ANSTEY, M.A., Vicar of St. Wendron, Cornwall, and lately Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. 1868. 51. CHRONICA MAGISTRI ROGERI DE HOUEDENE. Vols. I., II., III., and IV.. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford.~ 1868-1871. The earlier portion, extending from 732 to 1148, appears to be a copy of a compilation made in Northumbria about 1161, to which Hoveden added little. From 1148 to 1169—a very valuable portion of this work-the matter is derived from another source, to which Hoveden appears to have supplied little. From 1170 to 1192 is the portion which corre- sponds to some extent with the Chronicle known under the name of Benedict of Peter- borough (see No. 49). From 1192 to 1201 may be said to be wholly Hoveden's work. 52. WILLELMI MALMESBIRIENSIS MONACHI DE GESTIS PONTIFICUM ANGLORUM LIBRI QUINQUE. Edited by N. E. S. A. HAMILTON, of the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. 1870. 53. HISTORIC AND MUNICIPAL DOCUMENTS OF IRELAND, FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN, &c. 1172-1320. Edited by JOHN T. GILBERT, F.S.A., Secretary of the Public Record Office of Ireland. 1870. 54. THE ANNALS OF LOCH CÉ. A CHRONICLE OF IRISH AFFAIRS, FROM 1041 to 1590. Vols. I. and II. Edited, with a Translation, by WILLIAM MAUNSELL HENNESSY, M.R.I.A. 1871. 55. MONUMENTA JURIDICA. THE BLACK BOOK OF THE ADMIRALTY, WITH APPENDICES, Vols. I.-IV. Edited by SIR TRAVERS TWISS, Q.C., D.C.L. 1871-1876. This book contains the ancient ordinances and laws relating to the navy. OF 56. MEMORIALS OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VI. :-OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE of THOMAS BEKYNTON, SECRETARY TO HENRY VI., AND BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS. Edited by the Rev. GEORGE WILLIAMS, B.D., Vicar of Ring- wood, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Vols. I. and I. 1872. 16 57, MATTHÆI PARISIENSIS, MONACHI SANCTI ALBANI, CHRONICA MAJORA. Vol. I. The Creation to A.D. 1066. Vol. II. A.D. 1067 to A.D. 1216. Vol. III. A.D. 1216 to A.D. 1239. Vol. IV. A.D. 1240 to A.D. 1247. Vol. V. A.D. 1248 to A.D. 1259. Vol. VI. Additamenta. Vol. VII. Index. Edited by the Rev. HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Registrary of the University, and Vicar of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge. 1872-1884. 58. MEMORIALE FRATRIS WALTERI DE COVENTRIA.-THE HISTORICAL COLLEC- TIONS OF WALTER OF COVENTRY. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1872-1873. The part relating to the first quarter of the thirteenth century is the most valuable. N 59. THE ANGLO-LATIN SATIRICAL POETS AND EPIGRAMMATISTS OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY. Vols. I. and II. Collected and edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., Corresponding Member of the National Institute of France (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). 1872, 60. MATERIALS FOR A HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VII., FROM ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS PRESERVED IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, M.A., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. 1873-1877. 61. HISTORICAL PAPERS AND LETTERS FROM THE NORTHERN REGISTERS. Edited by the Rev. JAMES RAINE, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society, 1873. 62. REGISTRUM PALATINUM DUNELMENSE. THE REGISTER OF RICHARD DE KELLAWE, LORD PALATINE AND BISHOP OF DURHAM; 1311-1316. Vols. I.-IV. Edited by Sir THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records. 1873-1878. 63. MEMORIALS OF SAINT DUNSTAN, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1874. 64. CHRONICON ANGLIÆ, AB ANNO DOMINI 1328 USQUE AD ANNUM 1388, AUCTORE MONACHO QUODAM SANCTI ALBANI. Edited by EDWARD MAUNDE THOMPSON, Barrister-at-Law, Assistant Keeper of the Manuscripts in the British Museum. 1874. 65. THOMAS Saga ErkibyskUPS. A LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP THOMAS BEcket, IN ICELANDIC. Vols. I. and II. Edited, with English Translation, Notes, and Glossary by M. EIRÍKR MAGNÚSSON, M.A., Sub-Librarian of the University Library, Cambridge. 1875-1884. 66. RADULPHI DE COGGESHALL CHRONICON ANGLICANUM. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A. 1875. 67. MATERIALS FOR THE HISTORY OF THOMAS BECKET, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTER- BURY. Vols. I.-VI. Edited by the Rev. JAMES CRAIGIE ROBERTSON, M.A., Canon of Canterbury. 1875-1883. Vol. VII. Edited by JOSEPH BRIGSTOCKE SHEPPARD, LL.D. 1885. The first volume contains the life of that celebrated man, and the miracles after his death, by William, a monk of Canterbury. The second, the life by Benedict of Peter- borough; John of Salisbury; Alan of Tewkesbury; and Edward Grim. The third, the life by William Fitzstephen; and Herbert of Bosham. The fourth, anonymous lives, Quadri- logus, &c. The fifth, sixth, and seventh, the Epistles, and known letters. 68. RADULFI DE DICETO DECANI LUNDONIENSIS OPERA HISTORICA. THE HISTORICAL WORKS OF MASTER RALPH DE DICETO, DEAN OF LONDON. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1876. The abbreviationes Chronicorum extend to 1147 and the Ymagines Historiarum to 1201. · 17 69. ROLL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE KING'S COUNCIL IN IRELAND, for a PORTION OF THE 16TH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF RICHARD II. 1392-93. Edited by the Rev. JAMES GRAVES, A.B. 1877. 70. HENRICI DE BRACTON DE LEGIBUS ET CONSUETUDINIBUS ANGLIE LIBRI QUINQUE IN VARIOS TRACTATUS DISTINCTI. Vols. I.-VI. Edited by SIR TRAVERS TWISS, Q.C., D.C.L. 1878-1883. 71. THE HISTORIANS OF THE CHURCH OF YORK, AND ITS ARCHBISHOPS. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. JAMES RAINE, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. 1879-1886. 72. REGISTRUM MALMESBURIENSE. THE REGISTER OF MALMESBURY ABBEY; PRESERVED IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. Vols. 1. and II. Edited by the Rev. J. S. BREWER, M.A., Preacher at the Rolls, and Rector of Toppesfield; and CHARLES TRICE MARTIN, B.A. 1879-1880. 73. HISTORICAL WORKS OF GERVASE OF CANTERBURY. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D.; Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, London; Regius Professor of Modern History and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford; &c. 1879, 1880. 74. HENRICI ARCHIDIACONI HUNTENDUNENSIS HISTORIA ANGLORum. THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH, BY HENRY, ARCHDEACON OF HUNTINGDON, from A.D. 55 to A.D. 1154, in Eight Books. Edited by THOMAS ARNOLD, M.A. 1879. 75. THE HISTORICAL WORKS OF SYMEON OF DUrham. Edited by THOMAS ARNOLD, M.A. 1882-1885. Vols. I. and II. II. 76. CHRONICLE OF THE REIGNS OF EDWARD I. AND EDWARD II. Vols. I. and Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, London; Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, &c. 1882, 1883. The first volume of these Chronicles contains the Annales Londonienses and the Annales Paulini: the second I.-Commendatio Lamentabilis in Transitu magni Regis Edwardi. II.-Gestu Edwardi de Carnarvan Auctore Canonico Bridlingtoniensi. III.—Monachi cujusdam Malmesberiensis Tita Edwardi II. IV.-Fita et Mors Edwardi II., cunscripta a Thoma de la Moore. 77. REGISTRUM EPISTOLARUM FRATRIS JOHANNIS PECKHAM, ARCHIEPISCOPI CANTUARIENSIS. Vols. I.-III. Edited by CHARLES TRICE MARTIN, B.A., F.S.A., 1882-1886. 78. REGISTER OF S. OSMUND. Edited by the Rev. W. H. RICH JONES, M.A., F.S.A., Canon of Salisbury, Vicar of Bradford-on-Avon. Vols. I. and II. 1883, 1884. This Register derives its name from containing the statutes, rules, and orders made or compiled by S. Osmund, to be observed in the Cathedral and diocese of Salisbury. 79. CHARTULARY OF THE ABBEY OF RAMSEY. Vols. I. and II. Edited by WILLIAM HENRY HART, F.S.A., and the Rev. PONSONBY ANNESLEY LYONS. 1884, 1886. 80. CHARTULARIES OF ST. MARY'S ABBEY, DUBLIN, WITH THE REGISTER OF ITS HOUSE AT DUNBRODY, COUNTY OF WEXFORD, AND ANNALS OF IRELAND, 1162-1370. Edited by JouN THOMAS GILBERT, F.S.A., M.R.I.A. Vols. I. and II. 1884, 1885. 81. EADMERI HISTORIA NOVORUM IN ANGLIA, Et opuscula duo DE VITA SANCTI ANSELMI ET QUIBUSDAM MIRACULIS EJUS. Edited by the Rev. MARTIN RULE, M.A. 1884. 82. CHRONICLES OF THE REIGNS OF STEPHEN, HENRY II., AND RICHARD I. Vols. I.-IV. Edited by RICHARD HOWLETT, Barrister-at-Law. 1884- 1890. Vol. I. contains Books I.-IV. of the Historia Rerum Anglicarum of William of New- burgh. Vol. II. contains Book V. of that work, the continuation of the same to A.D. 1298 and the Draco Normannicus of Etienne de Rouen. U 71708. b 18 Vol. III. contains the Gesto Stephani Regis, the Chronicle of Richard of Hexham, the Relatio de Standardo of St. Aelred of Rievaulx, the poem of Jordan Faniosine, and the Chronicle of Richard of Devizes. Vol. IV. contains the Chronicle of Robert of Torigni. 83. CHRONICLE OF THE ABBEY OF RAMSEY. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM DUNN MACRAY, M.A., F.S.A., Rector of Ducklington, Oxon. 1886. 84. CHRONICA ROGERI DE WENDOVER, SIVE FLORES HISTORIARUM. Vols. I.- III. Edited by HENRY GAY HEWLETT, Keeper of the Records of the Land Revenue. 1886-1889. This edition gives that portion only of Roger of Wendover's Chronicle which can be accounted an original authority. 85. THE LETTER BOOKS OF THE MONASTERY OF CHRIST CHURCH, Canterbury, Edited by JOSEPII BRIGSTOCKE SHEPPARD, LL.D. Vols. I.-III., 1887– 1889. The Letters printed in these volumes were chiefly written between the years 1296 and 1333. 86. THE METRICAL CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. Edited by WILLIAM ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Parts I. and II., 1887. The date of the composition of this Chronicle is placed about the year 1300. The writer appears to have been an eye witness of many events which he describes. The language in which it is written was the dialect of Gloucestershire at that time. 87. CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF BRunne. Edited by FREDERICK JAMES FURNIVALL, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Parts I. and II. 1887. Robert of Brunne, or Bourne, co. Lincoln, was a member of the Gilbertine Order established at Sempringham. His Chronicle is described by its editor as a work of fiction, a contribution not to English history, but to the history of English. S8. ICELANDIC SAGAS AND OTHER HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS relating to the Settlements and Descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. Vol. I. Orkneyinga Saga, and Magnus Saga. Vol. II. Hakonar Saga, and Magnus Saga. Edited by GUDBRAND VIGFUSSON, M.A. 1887. SJ. THE TRIPARTITE LIFE OF ST. PATRICK, with other documents relating to that Saint. Edited by WHITLEY STOKES, LL.D., D.C.L., Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford; and Corresponding Member of the Institute of France. Parts I. and II. 1887. 20. WILLELMI MONACHI MALMESBIRIENSIS DE REGUM GESTIS ANGLORUM LIBRI V.; ET HISTORIE NOVELLE, LIBRI III. Edited by WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., Bishop of Oxford. Vols. I. and II. 1887–1889. 91. LESTORIE DES ENGLES SOLUM GEFFREI GAIMAR. Edited by the late Sir THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records; continued and translated by CHARLES TRICE MARTIN, B.A., F.S.A. Vols. I. and II. 1888-1889.. 92. CHRONICLE OF HENRY KNIGHTON, Canon of Leicester. Edited by tho Rev. JOSEPHI RAWSON LUMBY, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity. Vol. I. 1889. 93. CHRONICLE OF ADAM MURIMUTH, with the CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF AVESBURY. Edited by EDWARD MAUNDE THOMPSON, LL.D., F.S.A. Principal Librarian and Secretary of the British Museum. 1889. 34. CHARTULARY OF THE ABBEY OF ST. THOMAS THE MARTYR, DUBLIN. Edited by Jonn THOMAS GILBERT, F.S.A., M.I.R.A. 1889. 9. FLORES HISTORIARUM. Edited by the Rev. H. R. LUARD, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. Vol. I. The creation to A.D. 1066. Vol. II. A.D. 1067-1264. Vol. III. A.D. 1265-1326. 1890. 19 96. MEMORIALS OF ST. EDMUND'S ABBEY. Edited by THOMAS ARNOLD, M.A., Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland. Vols. I. and II. 1890.- 1892. Pe 97. CHARTERS AND DOCUMENTS, ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF THE CATHEDRAL AND CITY OF SARUM, 1100-1300; forming an Appendix to the Register of S. Osmund. Selected by the late Rev. W. H. RICH JONES, M.A,, F.S.A., and edited by the Rev. W. D. MACRAY, M.A., F.S.A., Rector of Ducklington. 1891. In the Press. ICELANDIC SAGAS, and other HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS relating to the Settle- ments and Descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. Vols. III.-IV. Translated by Sir GEORGE WEBBE DASENT, D.C.L. CHARTULARY OF THE ABBEY OF RAMSEY. Vol. III. RANULF DE GLANVILL; TRACTATUS DE LEGIBUS ET CONSUETUDINIBUS ANGLIE, &c. Edited and translated by Sir TRAVERS TWISS, Q.C., D˚C.L. YEAR BOOKS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD III. Edited and translated by LUKE OWEN PIKE, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. CHRONICLE OF HENRY KNIGHTON, Canon of Leicester, to the death of RICHARD II. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH RAWSON LUMBY, D.D. Vol. II. THE RED BOOK OF THE EXCHEQUER. Edited by HUBERT HALL, F.S.A., of the Public Record Office. Parts I., II., and III. THE HISTORIANS OF THE CHURCH OF YORK, AND ITS ARCHBISHOPS. Vol III. Edited by the Rev. JAMES RAINE, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. PARLIAMENTARY PETITIONS, &c., of the reign of Edward I. Edited by F. W. MAITLAND, M.A. In Progress. MEMORIALS OF ST. EDMUND'S ABBEY. Edited by THOMAS ARNOLD, M.A. Vol. III. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Vol. IV.; 1327, &c. Edited by the late Sir THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records, and C. TRICE MARTIN, B.A., F.S.A. ¿? 20 " PUBLICATIONS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, &c. [In boards or cloth. Volumes not mentioned in this list are out of print.] ROTULORUM ORIGINALIUM IN CURIA SCACCARII ABBREVIATIO. Hen. III.- Edw. III. Edited by HENRY PLAYFORD. 2 Vols. folio (1805-1810). 12s. 6d. each. LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM BIBLIOTHECA HARLEIANE CATALOGUS. Vol. 4. Edited by the Rev.. T. HARTWELL HORNE. Folio (1812), 18s. ABBREVIATIO PLACITORUM. Richard I.-Edward II. Edited by the Right Hon. GEORGE ROSE and W. ILLINGWORTH. 1 Vol. folio (1811), 18s. LIBRI CENSUALIS Vocati DOMESDAY-BOOK, INDICES. Edited by Sir HENRY ELLIS. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Vol. 3). 21s. LIBRI CENSUALIS Vocati DOMESDAY-BOOK, ADDITAMENTA EX CODIC. ANTIQUISS. Edited by Sir HENRY ELLIS. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Vol. 4). 21s. STATUTES OF THE REALM. Edited by Sir T. E. TOMLINS, JOHN RAITHBY, JOHN CALEY and WM. ELLIOTT. Vols. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, folio (1819-1828). 31s. 6d. each; Indices, 30s. each. VALOR ECCLESIASTICUS, temp. Hen. VIII., Auctoritate Regia institutus. Edited by JOHN CALEY, Esq., and the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. Vols. 5 to 6, folio (1825- 1834). 25s. each. The Introduction, separately, 8vo. 2s. 6d. ROTULI SCOTIE IN TURRI LONDINENSI ET IN DOMO CAPITULARI WESTMONASTERIENS ASSERVATI. 19 Edw. I.-Hen. VIII. Edited by D. MACPHERSON, J. CALEY, W. ILLINGWORTH, and Rev. T. H. HORNE. Vol. 2, folio (1818). 21s. FŒDERA, CONVENTIONES, LITTERÆ, &c.; or, RYMER'S FODERA, New Edition, folio. Edited by JOHN CALEY and FRED. HOLBROOKE. Vol. 4, 1377-1383 (1869). 6s. DUCATUS LANCASTRIE CALENDARIUM INQUISITIONUM POST MORTEM, &c. Part 3. Calendar to Pleadings, &c., Hen. VII.-13 Eliz. Part 4, Calendar to Pleadings, to end of Eliz. (1827-1834.) Edited by R. J. HARPER, JOHN CALEY, and WM. MINCHIN. Folio. Part 4 (or Vol. 3), 21s. CALENDARS OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN CHANCERY, ELIZ.; with Examples of Pro- ceedings from Ric. II. Edited by JOHN BAYLEY. Vol. 3 (1832), folio, 21s. ROTULI LITTERARUM CLAUSARUM IN TURRI LONDINENSI ASSERVATI. 2 Vols. folio (1833, 1844). Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, Esq. Vol. 2, 1224-1227. 18s. PROCEEDINGS AND ORDINANCES OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF ENGLAND. 10 Ric. II.- 33 Hen. VIII. Edited by Sir NICHOLAS HARRIS NICOLAS. 7 Vols. royal 8vo. (1834-1837). 14s. each. Sele ROTULI LITTERARUM PATENTIUM IN TURRI LOND. ASSERVATI. by T. DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. folio (1835), 31s. 6d. separately, 8vo. 9s. ROTULI CURIE REGIS. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the King's Justiciars or Justices. 6 Richard I.-1 John. Edited by Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE. Vol. 2 royal 8vo. (1835). 14s. 1201-1216. Edited The Introduction, ROTULI NORMANNIE IN TURRI LOND. ASSERVATI. 1200-1205; 1417-1418. Edited by THOMAS Duffus Hardy. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 12s. 6d. ROTULI DE OBLATIS ET FINIBUS IN TURRI LOND. ASSERVATI, temp. Regis Johannis. Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 18s. EXCERPTA E ROTULIS FINIUM IN TURRI LONDINENSI ASSERVATIS. Henry III., 1216-1272. Edited by CHARLES ROBERTS. 2 Vols. royal 8vo. (1835, 1836); Vol. 1, 14s. Vol. 2, 18s. FINES, SIVE PEDES FINIUM; SIVE FINALES CONCORDIA IN CURIA DOMINI REGIS. 7 Richard I.-16 John, 1195–1214. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. In Counties. 2 Vols. royal 8vo. (1835-1844); Vol. 1, 8s. 6d. ; Vol. 2, 2s. 6d. ANCIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES OF THE TREASURY OF HIS MAJESTY'S EXCHEQUER; with Documents illustrating its History. Edited by Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE. 3 Vols. royal 8vo. (1836). 42s. DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS illustrating the History of Scotland, and Transactions between Scotland and England; preserved in the Treasury of Her Majesty's Exchequer. Edited by Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1837). 18s. 21 Edited by ROTULI CHARTARUM IN TURRI LONDINENSI ASSERVATI. THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. folio (1837). 30s. REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, 1831-1837. 1 Vol. 8s. fol. (1837). REGISTRUM vulgariter nuncupatum "The Record of Caernarvon," e codice MS. Harleiano, 696, descriptum. Edited by Sir HENRY ELLIS. 1 Vol. folio (1838). 31s. 6d. 1190-1216. ANCIENT LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF ENGLAND; comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, with Translation of the Saxon; the Laws called Edward Confessor's; the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry I.; Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from 7th to 10th century; and Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. Edited by BENJAMIN THORPE. 2 Vols. royal 8vo., 30s. ANCIENT LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF WALES; comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good, modified by Regulations prior to the Conquest by Edward I.; and anomalous Laws, principally of Institutions which continued in force. With translation. Also, Latin Transcripts, containing Digests of Laws, 1 Vol. folio principally of the Dimetian Code. Edited by ANEURIN OWEN. (1841), 44s. 2 Vols. royal 8vo., 368. ROTULI DE LIBERATE AC DE MISIS ET PRÆSTITIS, Regnante Johanne. Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 6s. THE GREAT ROLLS OF THE PIPE, 2, 3, 4 HEN. II., 1155-1158. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 4s. 6d. THE GREAT ROLL OF THE PIPE, 1 RIC. I., 1189-1190. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 6s. DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF ENGLISH HISTORY in the 13th and 14th centuries, from the Records of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Edited by HENRY COLE. 1 Vol. fep. folio (1844). 45s. 6d. MODUS TENENDI PARLIAMENTUM. An Ancient Treatise on the Mode of holding the Parliament in England. Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. 8vo. (1846). 2s. 6d. Vol. 1. REGISTRUM MAGNI SIGILLI REG. Scor. in Archivis Publicis asservatum. 1306-1424. (For continuation see p. 33.) Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. Folio (1814). 10s. 6d. ACTS OF THE PARLIAMENTS OF SCOTLAND. Folio (1814-1875). Edited by THOMAS THOMSON and COSMO INNES. Vol. 1, 42s. Vols. 5 and 6 (in three Parts), 21s. each Part; Vols. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 10s. 6d. each; Vol. 12 (Index), 63s. Or, 12 Volumes in 13, 127. 12s. ACTS OF THE LORDS AUDITORS OF CAUSES AND COMPLAINTS (ACTA DOMINORUM AUDITORUM). 1466-1494. Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. Fol. (1839). 10s. 6d. ACTS OF THE LORDS OF COUNCIL IN CIVIL CAUSES (ACTA DOMINORUM CONCILII), 1478-1495. Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. Folio (1839). 10s. 6d. ISSUE ROLL OF THOMAS DE BRANTINGHAM, Bishop of Exeter, Lord High Treasurer, containing Payments out of the Revenue, 44 Edw. III., 1370. Edited by FREDERICK DEVON. 1 Vol. royal 8vo., 25s. Edited by ISSUES OF THE EXCHEQUER, James I.; from the Pell Records. FREDERICK DEVON, Esq. 1 Vol. 4to. (1836), 30s. Or, royal 8vo., 21s. ISSUES OF THE EXCHEQUER, Henry III.-Henry VI.; from the Pell Records. Edited by FREDERICK DEVON. 1 Vol. royal 8vo., 30s. HANDBOOK TO THE PUBLIC RECORDS. By F. S. THOMAS, Secretary of the Public Record Office. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1853). 12s. HISTORICAL NOTES RELATIVE TO THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Henry VIII.-Anne (1509-1714). A Book of Reference for ascertaining the Dates of Events. By F. S. THOMAS. 3 Vols. 8vo. (1856). 40s. STATE PAPERS, DURING THE REIGN OF HENRY THE EIGHTH with Indices of Persons : and Places. 11 Vols. 4to. (1830-1852), 10s. 6d. each. Vol. I.-Domestic Correspondence. Vols. II. & III.-Correspondence relating to Ireland. Vols. IV. & V.-Correspondence relating to Scotland. Vols. VI. to XI.-Correspondence between England and Foreign Courts, • 22 WORKS PUBLISHED IN PHOTOZINCOGRAPHY. DOMESDAY BOOK, or the GREAT SURVEY OF ENGLAND OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, 1086; fac-simile of the Part relating to each county, separately (with a few exceptions of double counties). Photozincographed at the Ordinance Survey Office, Southampton, by Colonel Sir HENRY JAMES, R.E., F.R.S., &c., DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, under the Superintendence of W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. 35 Parts, imperial quarto and demy quarto (1861-1863), boards. M Domesday Survey is in two parts or volumes. The first in folio, con- tains the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, and Lancaster, Cornwall, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Gloucester, Hants, Hereford, Herts, Huntingdon, Kent, Leicester and Rutland, Lincoln, Middlesex, Northampton, Nottingham, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Wilts, Worcester, and York. The second volume, in quarto, contains the counties of Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. Domesday Book was printed verbatim et literatim during the last century, in consequence of an address of the House of Lords to King George III. in 1767. It was not, however, commenced until 1773, and was completed early in 1783. In 1860, Her Majesty's Government with the concurrence of the Master of the Rolls, determined to apply the art of photozincography to the production of a fac-simile of Domesday Book. Title. In Great Domesday Book. Bedfordshire Berkshire Buckingham Cambridge Cheshire and Lancashire Cornwall Derbyshire Devonshire Dorsetshire Gloucestershire Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Huntingdonshire Kent Lancashire (see Cheshire and Lancashire) Leicestershire and Rut- landshire Lincolnshire Carried forward Price. C OO 0 0 s. d. 00 00 00 8 8 8 ( 0 0 10 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 0 10 ( 8 0 8 0 0 10 0 08 0 0 10 0 8 0 8 0 08 0 1 1 0 7 17 ( Title. Brought forward Middlesex Nottinghamshire - Northamptonshire Oxfordshire Rutlandshire (bound with Leicestershire) Shropshire Somersetshire. Staffordshire Surrey Sussex Warwickshire Wiltshire Worcestershire Yorkshire 1 In Little Domesday Book. Norfolk Suffolk Essex Total Price. d. L s. 7 17 0 0 8 0 0.10 0 0 8 0 08 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 ( 8 0 0 10 0 0.8 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 1 2 0 16 • CO 0 £17 3 3 0 FAC-SIMILES OF NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS, from WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR to QUEEN ANNE, selected under the direction of the Master of the Rolls and Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, by Colonel Sir HENRY JAMES, R.E., F.R.S., DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, and edited by W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. Price, each Part, with translations and notes, double foolscap folio, 168. Part I. (William the Conqueror to Henry VII.). 1865. (Out of print.) Part II. (Henry VII. and Edward VI.). 1866. Part III. (Mary and Elizabeth). 1867. Part IV. (James I. to Anne). 1868. 23 The first Part extends from William the Conqueror to Henry VII., and contains autographs of the kings of England, as well as of many other illustrious personages famous in history, and some interesting charters, letters patent, and state papers. The second Part for the reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI., consists principally of holograph letters, and autographs of kings, princes, statesmen, and other persons of great historical interest, who lived during those reigns. The third Part contains similar documents for the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth, including a signed bill of Lady Jane Grey. The fourth Part concludes the series, and comprises a number of documents taken from the originals belonging to the Constable of the Tower of London; also several records illustrative of the Gunpowder Plot, and a woodcut containing portraits of Mary Queen of Scots and James VI., circulated by their adherents in England, 1580–3. FAC-SIMILES OF ANGLO-SAXON MANUSCRIPTS. Photozincographed, by Com- mand of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Rolls, by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, Lieut-General J. CAMERON, R.E., C.B., F.R.S., and edited by W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. Part I. Price 21. 10s. The Anglo-Saxon MSS. represented in this volume from the earlier por- tions of the collection of archives belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and consist of a series of 25 charters, deeds, and wills, com- mencing with a record of proceedings at the first Synodal Council of Clovestho in 742, and terminating with the first part of a tripartite chirograph of the sixth year of the reign of Edward the Confessor. FAC-SIMILES OF ANGLO-SAXON MANUSCRIPTS. Photozincographed, by Com- mand of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Rolls, by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, Major-General A. COOKE, R.E., C.B., and collected aud edited by W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. Part II. Price 31. 10s. (Also, separately. Edward the Confessor's Charter. Price 2s.) The originals of the Fac-similes contained in this volume belong to the Deans and Chapters of Westminster, Exeter, Wells, Winchester, and Worcester; the Marquis of Bath, the Earl of Ilchester, Winchester College, Her Majesty's Public Record Office, Bodleian Library, Somerset- shire Archæological and National History Society's Museum in Taunton Castle, and William Salt Library at Stafford. They consist of charters and other documents granted by, or during the reigns of, Baldred, Æthelred, Offa, and Burgred, Kings of Mercia; Uhtred of the Huiccas, Ceadwalla and Ini of Wessex; Ethelwulf, Eadward the Elder, Æthelstan, Eadmund the First, Eadred, Eadwig, Eadgar, Eadward the Second, Ethelred the Second, Cnut, Eadward the Confessor, and William the Conqueror, embracing altogether a period of nearly four hundred years. FAC-SIMILES OF ANGLO-SAXON MANUSCRIPTS. Photozincograpned, by Com- mand of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Rolls, by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, Colonel R. H. STOTHERD, R.E., C.B., and collected and edited by W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Records. Part III. Price 61. 68. This volume contains fac-similes of the Ashburnham collection of Anglo-Saxon Charters, &c., including King Alfred's Will. The MSS. represented in it, range from A.D. 697 to A.D. 1161, being charters, wills, deeds, and reports of Synodal transactions during the reigns of Kings Wihtred of Kent, Offa, Eardwulf, Coenwulf, Cutbred, Beornwulf, Ethelwulf, Alfred, Eadward the Elder, Eadmund, Eadred, Queen Eadgifu, and Kings Eadgar, Ethelred the Second, Cnut, Henry the First, and Henry the Second. In addition to these are two belonging to the Marquis of Anglesey, one of them being the Foundation Charter of Burton Abbey by Ethelred the Second with the testamen of its great bene- factor Wulfric. Public Record Office. October 3892. 24 HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. REPORTS OF THE ROYAL COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO INQUIRE WHAT PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS BELONGING TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND INSTITUTIONS ARE EXTANT WHICH WOULD BE OF UTILITY IN THE ILLUSTRATION OF HISTORY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, SCIENCE AND GENERAL LITERATURE. Date. 1870 (Re- printed 1874.) 1871 1872 1873 FIRST REPORT, WITH APPENDIX Contents:- ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cambridge Colleges; Abingdou and other Cor- porations, &c. SCOTLAND. Advocates' Library, Glas- gow Corporation, &c. IRELAND. Dublin, Cork, and other Cor- porations, &c. SECOND REPORT, WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX TO THE FIRST AND SECOND RE- PORTS Contents:- ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cam- bridge Colleges; Oxford Colleges; Monastery of Dominican Friars at Woodchester, Duke of Bedford, Earl Spencer, &c. SCOTLAND. Aberdeen and St. An- drew's Universities, &c. IRELAND. Marquis of of Ormonde; Dr. Lyons, &c. REPORT, WITH APPENDIX AND THIRD INDEX Contents:- ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cam- bridge Colleges; Stonyhurst Col- lege; Bridgewater and other Cor- porations; Duke of Northumber- land, Marquis of Lansdowne, Mar- quis of Bath, &c. SCOTLAND. University of Glasgow; Duke of Montrose, &c. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde; Black Book of Limerick, &c. FOURTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. Contents: ENGLAND. House of Lords; West- minster Abbey; Cambridge and Oxford Colleges; Cinque Ports, Hythe, and other Corporations, Marquis of Bath, Earl of Denbigh, &C, Size. f'cap "" "" "} Sessional Paper. [C. 55] [C. 441] Price. [C. 857] s. d. 1 6 3 10 [C. 673] [Out of print.] 6 8 I 25 Date. 1873 1876 "" 1877 1879 1881 FOURTH REPORT, &C.-cont. SCOTLAND. Duke of Argyll, &c. IRELAND. Trinity College, Dublin; Marquis of Ormonde. DITTO. PART II. INDEX FIFTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. - Contents: ENGLAND. House of Lords; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges; Dean and Chapter of Canterbury; Rye, Lydd, and other Corporations, Duke of Sutherland, Marquis of Lansdowne, Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq., &c. SCOTLAND. Earl of Aberdeen, &c. DITTO. PART II. INDEX DITTO. PART II. INDEX - SIXTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. - Contents :- - ENGLAND. House of Lords; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges; Lambeth Palace; Black Book of the Arch- deacon of Canterbury; Bridport, Wallingford, and other Corporations; Lord Leconfield, Sir Reginald Graham, Sir Henry Ingilby, &c. SCOTLAND. Duke of Argyll, Earl of Moray, &c. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde. q SEVENTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. Contents:- House of Lords; County of Somerset ; Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick Graham, Sir Harry Verney, &e. DITTO. PART II. APPENDIX AND INDEX Contents:- Duke of Athole, Marquis of Ormonde, S. F. Livingstone, Esq., &c. Duke of Manchester, EIGHTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX. PART I. - Contents:- List of collections examined,1869-1880. ENGLAND. House of Lords; Duke of Marlborough; Magdalen College, Oxford; Royal College of Physicians ; Queen Anne's Bounty Office; Corporations of Chester, Leicester, &c. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde, Lord Emly, The O'Conor Don, Trinity College, Dublin, &c. 1881 DITTO. PART II. APPENDIX AND INDEX Contents:- Size. >> >> f'cap [C.8571.] 2 6 [C.1432] 7 0 "" >> "" در >> A Sessional Paper. "3 Price. s. d. [C. 1432 i.] [C.1745] 8 6 3 6 [C.2102] [Out of print.] [C.2340] [Out of print.] [C. 2340 [Out of i.] print.] [C.3040] 8 6 [C. 3040 1 9 i.] 26 Date. 1881 1883 1884 1884 1883 1888 1889 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 EIGHTH REPORT. PART III. APPENDIX AND INDEX Contents:- Earl of Ashburnham. NINTH REPort, WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX. PART I. Contents:- St. Paul's and Canterbury Cathedrals; Eton College; Carlisle, Yarmouth, Canterbury, and Barnstaple Corpora- tions, &c. DITTO. PART II. APPENDIX AND INDEX Contents:- ENGLAND. House of Lords, Earl of Leicester; C. Pole Gell, Alfred Mor- rison, Esqs., &c. SCOTLAND. Lord Elphinstone, H. C. Maxwell Stuart, Esq., &c. IRELAND. Duke of Leinster, Marquis of Drogheda, &c. PART III. APPENDIX AND DITTO. INDEX ܝ Contents: Mrs. Stopford Sackville. CALENDAR OF THE MANUSCRIPTS OF THE Marquis of SALISBURY, K.G. (or CECIL MSS.). PART I. DITTO. PART II. DITTO. PART III. DITTO. PART IV. TENTH REPORT This is introductory to the following:- (1.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - Earl of Eglinton, Sir J. S. Max- well, Bart., and C. S. H. D. Moray, C. F. Weston Underwood, G. W. Digby, Esqs. (2.) APPENDIX AND INDEX The Family of Gawdy. (3.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - Wells Cathedral. (4.) APPENDIX AND INDEX Earl of Westmorland; Capt. Stewart; Lord Stafford; Sir N. W. Throck- morton; Stonyhurst College; Sir P. T. Mainwaring, Misses Boycott, Lord Muncaster, M.P., Capt. J. F. Bagot, Earl of Kilmorey, Earl of Powis, Revs. T. S. Hill, C. R. Man- ning, and others, the Corporations Size. "> s. d. f'cap [C.3040 1 4 ii.] 313 8vo. >> >> "" در Sessional Paper. "" 99 [C.3773] [Out of print.] [C. 3773 i.] In the Press. [C. 3773 ii.] Price. [C. 5889 v.] [C.3777] [Out of print.] [C.5463] 3 5 6 3 1 7 [C. 4576 iii.] 2 1 [C.4548] 0 3 [C.4575] [Out of print.] 1 4 [C. 4576 ii.] [C.4576] 3 6 2 0 27 Date. 1885 1887 1887 1887 1887 1987 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1889 (4.) APPENDIX AND INDEX-cont. 1891 of Kendal, Wenlock, Bridgnorth, Eye, Plymouth, and the County of Essex. (5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX 1889 (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX· The Marquis of Ormonde, Earl of Fingall, Corporations of Galway, Waterford, the Sees of Dublin and Ossory, the Jesuits in Ireland. Marquis of Abergavenny, Lord Braye, G. F. Luttrell, P. P. Bouverie, W. B. Devonport, R. T. Balfour, Esquires. (2.) APPENDIX AND INDEX House of Lords. ELEVENTH REPORT This is introductory to the following:- (1.) APPENDIX AND INDEX H. D. Skrine, Esq., Salvetti Corre- spondence. (3.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - 1890 TWELFTH REPORT (5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX Earl of Dartmouth. Corporations of Southampton and Lynn. (4.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - Marquess Townshend. (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX Duke of Hamilton. - 1888 (2.) APPENDIX 1678-1688. (7.) APPENDIX AND INDEX · Th - S Duke of Leeds, Marchioness of Waterford, Lord Hothfield, &c.; Bridgwater Trust Office, Reading Corporation, Inner Temple Library. 1888 (4.) APPENDIX Ditto. Vol. II. This is introductory to, the following:- (1.) APPENDIX (3.) APPENDIX AND INDEX Ditto. Vol. III. - Earl Cowper, K.G. (Coke MSS., at Melbourne Hall, Derby). Vol. I. (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - The Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. I. (5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - Ditto. Vol. II. Co House of Lords, 1689–1690. Size. 8vo. >> "} 35 "" >> در >> "} >> در در 2 >> >> * 33 در Sessional Paper. [4576 i.] [Out of print.] [C.5242] 1 7 [C. 5060 i.] [C. 5060 ii.] [C. 5060 vi.] [C.5060] 1 1 [C. 5060 iii.] Price. [C. 5060 iv.] s. d. 0 3 [C. 5889 ii.] [C. 5889 iii.] 2 0 1 8 2 6 [C. 5060 v.] [C.5612] 2 0 28 [C.5889] 0 3 [C.5472] 2 7 1 6 [C.5613] 2 5 [C. 5889 i.] [C.5614] 3 1 4 GI Q 2 0 2 1 1 28 Date. 1890 (7.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 S. H. le Fleming, Esq., of Rydal. : (8.) APPENDIX AND INDEX The Duke of Athole, K.T., and the Earl of Home. (9.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - The Duke of Beaufort, K.G., the Earl of Donoughmore, J. H. Gurney, W. W. B. Hulton, R. W. Ketton, G. A. Aitken, P. V. Smith, Esqs.; Bishop of Ely; Cathedrals of Ely, Glouces- ter, Lincoln, and Peterborough ; Corporations of Gloucester, Higham, Ferrers, and Newark; Southwell Minster; Lincoln District Registry. (10.) APPENDIX The First Earl of Claremont. 1745- 1783. Vol. I. THIRTEENTH Report. This is introductory to the following:- (1.) APPENDIX The Duke of Portland. Vol. I. (2.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. Ditto. Vol. II. (3.) APPENDIX. J. B. Fortescue, Esq. Vol. I. (4.) APPENDIX AND INDEX Corporations of Rye, Hastings, and Hereford. Capt. Loder Symonds, E. R. Wodehouse, Esq., and others. (5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. House of Lords, 1691 Stationery Office, November 1892. Size. 8vo. 35 "" "> 33 Svo. Sessional Paper. "" [C. 6338 i.] [C. 5889 iv.] [C.6338] 1 0 [C. 6338 ·ii.] In the Press. Price. s. d. 1 11 In the Press. 2 6 [C.6474] 3 0 1 11 [C.6660] 2 7 [C.6810] 2 4 29 → 4 ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. Date. REPORTS Nos. 1-22, IN FOLIO, PUBLISHED BETWEEN 1840 AND 1861, ARE NO LONGER ON SALE. SUBSEQUENT REPORTS ARE IN OCTAVO. 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 Number of Report. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 * 30 Chief Contents. Proceedings Proceedings Calendar of Crown Leases, 33-38 Hen. VIII.-Calendar of Bills and Answers, &c., Hen. VIII.-Ph. & Mary, for Cheshire and Flintshire.-List of Lords High Treasurers and Chief Commissioners of the Treasury, from Hen. VII. List of Plans annexed to Inclosure Awards, 31 Geo. II.-7 Will. IV.-Calendar of Privy Seals, &c., for Cheshire and Flintshire, Hen. VI.-Eliz.-Calendar of Writs of General Livery, &c., for Cheshire, Eliz.-Charles I. - Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Hen. III. and Edw. I. List of Awards of Inclosure Commis- sioners.-References to Charters in the Cartæ Antiquæ and the Confirmation Rolls of Chancery, Ethelbert of Kent- James I.-Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. II. Calendar of Fines, Cheshire and Flint- shire, Edw. I.-Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. III. Table of Law Terms, from the Nor- man Conquest to 1 Will IV. d Calendar of Royal Charters.-Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls Richard II.-Henry VII.-Durham Records, Letter and Report. Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory. -Durham Records, Inventory.-Calen- dar of Deeds, &c. on the Chester Plea Rolls, Hen. VIII.-Calendar of Decrees of Court of General Surveyors, 34-38 Hen. VIII.-Calendar of Royal Charters. -State Paper Office, Calendar of Docu- ments relating to the History of, to 1800.-Tower of London. Index to Documents in custody of the Constable of.-Calendar of Dockets, &c., for Privy Seals, 1634-1711.-Report of the Commissioners on Carte Papers.— Venetian Ciphers. Sessional No. C. 2970 C. 3142 C. 3318 C. 3492 C. 3717 C. 3839 C. 4012 C. 4165 Price. s. d. 0 4 0 721/2 08 0 7 1 6 0 10/10 0 9 3 0 30 Date. 1870 1871 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 Number of Report. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chief Contents. | Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of [C. 187] Royal Charters.-Durham Records, Calendar of Chancery Enrolments; Cursitors' Records.-List of Officers of Palatinate of Chester, in Cheshire and Flintshire, and North Wales.--List of Sheriffs of England, 31 Hen. I. to 4 Edw. III. Part I.-Report of the Commissioners on Carte Papers.-Calendarium Genea- logicum, 1 & 2 Edw. II.- Durham Records, Calendar of Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrolments.-Duchy of Lan- caster Records, Calendar of Rolls of the Chancery of the County Palatine. Part II.-Charities; Calendar of Trust Deeds enrolled on the Close Rolls of Chancery, subsequent to 9 Geo. II. Sessional No. [C. 374] [C. 374 1.] Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of | [C. 620] Rolls of the Chancery of the County Palatine.-Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrolments.-Report on the Shaftes- bury Papers.-Venetian Transcripts.- Greek copies of the Athanasian Creed. Durham Records, Calendar of the [C. 728] Cursitors' Records, Chancery Enrol- ments. Supplementary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers. mag Price. s. d. [Out of print.] 2 2 5 6 1 10 1 9 Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of [C. 1043] 1 6 Ancient Charters or Grants.-Palatinate of Lancaster; Inventory and Lists of Documents transferred to the Public Record Office. Durham Records, Calendar of Cursitors' Records, Chan- cery Enrolments.-Second Supplemen- tary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers. Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursi- [C. 1301] 44 tor's Records, Chancery Enrolments.- Duchy of Lancaster Records; Calendar of Ancient Charters or Grants.--Report upon Documents in French Archives relating to British History.-Calendar of Recognizance Rolls of the Palatinate of Chester, to end of reign of Hen. IV. Part I.--Durham Records, Calendar of [C. 1544] 1 2 the Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrol- ments.-Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Ancient Rolls of the Chan- cery of the County Palatine.-List of French Ambassadors, &c., in England, 1509-1714. 31 Date. 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 Number of * Report. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Chief Contents. Part II.--Calendar of Recognizance Rolls [C. 1544 of the Palatinate of Chester; Hen. V.- Hen. VII. - 1.] Sessional No. - Exchequer Records, Catalogue of Special [C. 1747] 4 4 3 Commissions, 1 Eliz. to 10 Vict., Calen- dar of Depositions taken by Commission, 1 Eliz. to end of James I.-List of Rep- resentative Peers for Scotland and Ireland. M Price. print.] Calendar of Recognizance Rolls of the [C. 2123] [Out of Palatinate of Chester, 1 Hen. VIII.- 11 Geo. IV. Exchequer Records, Calendar of Depositions taken by Com- mission, Charles I.-Duchy of Lancaster Records; Calendar of Lancashire Inqui- sitions post Mortem, &c.-Third Supple- mentary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers.--List of Despatches of French Ambassadors to England, 1509-1714. s. d. 4 4 4 Calendar of Depositions taken by Com- [C. 2377] 3 0 mission, Commonwealth-James II.- Miscellaneous Records of Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer.— Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrol- ments.-Calendar of Duchy of Lancas- ter Patent Rolls, 5 Ric. II.-21 Hen. VII. Calendar of Privy Seals, &c., 1-7 Charles I. [C. 3425] -Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inven- tory of Court Rolls, Hen. III.-Geo. IV., Calendar of Privy Seals, Ric. II.- Calendar of Patent Rolls, 2 Edw. I. Fourth Supplementary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers.-Transcripts from Paris. Report on Libraries in Sweden. -Report on Papers relating to English History in the State Archives, Stock- holm.-Report on Canadian Archives. Calendar of Depositions taken by Com- [C. 2658] 4 8 mission, William and Mary to George I. --Calendar of Norman Rolls, Hen. V., Part I.-List of Calendars, Indexes, &c. in the Public Record Office on 31st December 1879. p Calendar of Depositions taken by Com- [C. 2972] 4 0 mission, George II.-Calendar of Nor- man Rolls, Hen. V., Part II. and Glos- sary. Calendar of Patent Rolls,1Edw.I. Transcripts from Paris. 3 10 Calendar of Patent Rolls, 3 Edw. I.- [C. 3771] 3 6 Durbam Records, Cursitors' Records, Inquisitions post Mortem, &c.-Calen- dar of French Rolls, 1-10 Hen. V. -Report from Venice.-Transcripts from Paris.-Report from Rome. 32 Date. 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Number of Report. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Chief Contents. Duchy of Lancaster. Records, Inventory of [C. 4425] Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts,. Edw. I.-Geo. III.-Durham Records, Cursitors' Records, Inquisitions post Mortem, &c.-Calendar of Diplomatic Documents.--Transcripts from Paris.- Reports from Rome and Stockholm.- Report on Archives of Denmark, &c.— Transcripts from Venice.-Calendar of Patent Rolls, 4 Edw. I. >> M Presentations to Offices on the Patent [C. 4746] 2 10 Rolls, Charles II.-Transcripts from Paris. Reports from Rome.-Second Report on Archives of Denmark, &c.- Calendar of Patent Rolls, 5 Edw. I.- Catalogue of Venetian Manuscripts bequeathed by Mr. Rawdon Brown to the Public Record Office. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 8 Edw. I. Index to Leases and Pensions (Aug- mentation Office).-Calendar of Star Chamber Proceedings. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 9 Edw. I. Proceedings Proceedings Proceedings Indexes to Printed Reports, viz.: Reports 1-22 (1840-1861) 23-39 (1862-1878) Public Record Office, October 1892. Transcripts from Paris.-Third Report [C. 4888] 2 2 on Archives of Denmark, &c.- List of Creations of Peers and Baronets, 1483-1646.-Calendar of Patent Rolls, 6 Edw. I. Sessional No. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 7 Edw. I.- [C. 5234] 3 0 Calendar of French Rolls, Henry VI. -Calendar of Privy Seals, &c., 8-11 Charles I. Calendar of Diplomatic Documents. Schedules of Valueless Documents. I Price. t s. d. 4 3 [C. 5596] 3 3 [C. 5596] 1 1 [C. 5847] 1 2 [C. 6108] 0 2 [C. 6528] 0 12 [C. 6804] 0 21 4 0 2 0 } } 33 CATALOGUE OF SCOTTISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE LORD CLERK REGISTER OF SCOTLAND. SCOTLAND. [OTHER WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND WILL BE FOUND AMONG THE PUBLI- CATIONS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, see pp. 21-22.] 1. CHRONICLES OF THE PICTS AND SCOTS, AND OTHER EARLY MEMORIALS OF SCOTTISH HISTORY. Royal 8vo., half bound (1867). Edited by WILLIAM F. SKENE, LL.D. (Out of print.) 2. LEDGER OF ANDREW HALYBURTON, CONSERVATOR OF THE PRIVILEGES OF THE SCOTCH NATION IN THE NETHERLANDS (1492–1503); TOGETHER WITH THE BOOKS OF CUSTOMS AND VALUATION OF MERCHANDISES IN SCOTLAND. Edited by CosиO INNES. Royal 8vo., half bound (1867). Price 10s. 3. DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY OF SCOTLAND FROM THE DEATH OF KING ALEXANDER THE THIRD TO THE ACCESSION OF ROBERT BRUCE, from original and authentic copies in London, Paris, Brussels, Lille, and Ghent. In 2 Vols. royal 8vo., half bound (1870). Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON. (Out of print.) 4. ACCOUNTS OF THE LORD HIGH TREASURER OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I., A.D. 1473-1498. Edited by THOMAS DICKSON. 1877. Price 10s. 5. REGISTER OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND. Edited and arranged by J. H. BURTON, LL.D. Vol. I., 1545-1569. Vol. II., 1569-1578. Vol. III., A.D. 1578-1585. Vol. IV., A.D. 1585-1592. Vol. V., 1592- 1599. Vol. VI., 1599–1604. Vol. VII., 1604-1607. Vol. VIII., 1607– 1610. Vol. IX., 1610–1613, Vol. X., 1613-1616. Vol. XI. (In the press.) Edited by DAVID MASSON, LL.D., 1877-1887. Price 15s. each. 6. ROTULI SCACCARII REGUM SCOTORUM. THE EXCHEQUER ROLLS OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I., A.D. 1264-1359. Vol. II., A.D. 1359–1379. Edited by JOHN STUART, LL.D., and GEORGE BURNETT, Lyon King of Arms. 1878-1880. Vol. III., A.D. 1379-1406. Vol. IV., A.D. 1406– 1436. Vol. V., A.D. 1437-1454. Vol. VI., 1455-1460. Vol. VII., 1460-1469. Vol. VIII., A.D. 1470-1479. Vol. IX., 1480-1487, Addenda, 1437-1487. Vol. X., 1488-1496. Vol. XI., 1497-1591. Vol. XII., 1502-1507. Vol. XIII., 1508-1513. Edited by GEORGE BURNETT, 1878-1891. Price 10s. each. Vol. XIV. (in progress). 7. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO SCOTLAND, preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by JOSEPH BAIN. Vol. I. (1881). Vol. II., 1272–1307 (1884). Vol. III., 1307–1357 (1887). Vol. IV., 1357-1509 (1888). Price 15s. each. 8. REGISTER OF THE GREAT SEAL OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I., A.D., 1306–1424 (see p. 21). Vol. II., A.D. 1424-1513. Vol. III., A.D. 1513–1546. Vol. IV, A.D. 1546-1580. Vol. V., A.D. 1580-1593. Vol. VI., A.D. 1593– 1609. Vol. VII., A.D. 1609–1620. Vol. VIII. by JAMES BALFOUR PAUL and J. M. THOMSON, each. Stationery Office, U 7470S. 9. THE HAMILTON PAPERS. Vol. 1. Vol. 1. Letters and Papers illustrating the Political Relations of England and Scotland in the XVIth century. Formerly in the possession of the Duke of Hamilton, now in the British Museum. Edited by JOSEPH BAIN, F.S.A. Scot. Vol. 1, A.D. 1532-1543 (1890). Vol. 2, A.D. 1543-1590. Price 15s. each. FAC-SIMILES OF THE NATIONAL MSS. OF SCOTLAND. Parts I., II., and III. (Out of print.) November 1892. (In the press.) Edited 1882-1890. Price 15s. 34 CATALOGUE OF IRISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS. 1. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT AND CLOSE ROLLS OF CHANCERY IN IRELAND. HENRY VIII., EDWARD VI., MARY, AND ELIZABETH, AND FOR THE 1ST TO THE 7TH YEAR OF CHARLES I. Edited by JAMES MORRIN. Royal 8vo. (1861-3). Vols. I., II., and III. Price 11s. each. IRELAND. 2. ANCIENT LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF IRELAND. Senchus Mor. (1865-1880.) Vols. I., II., III., and IV. Price 108. each. Vol. V. in progress. 4. Abstracts of the Irish Patent Rolls of James I. Unbound. Price 25s. With Supplement. دو "" Half morocco. Price 35s. 5. ANNALS OF ULSTER. Otherwise Annals of Senat; a Chronicle of Irish Affairs from A.D. 431 to A.D. 1540. With a translation and Notes. Vol. 1, A.D. 431-1056. 600 pp. Half morocco. Price 10s. 6. CHARTE, PRIVILEGIA ET IMMUNITATES, being transcripts of Charters and Privileges to Cities Towns Abbeys and other Bodies Corporate. 18 Henry II. to 18 Richard II. (1171 to 1395). Printed by the Irish Record Commission, 1829-1830. Folio, 92 pp. Boards (1889). Price 58. FAC-SIMILES OF NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS OF IRELAND, FROM THE EARLIEST EXTANT SPECIMENS TO A.D. 1719. Edited by JOHN T. GILBERT, F.S.A., M.R.I.A. Part I. is out of print. Parts II. and III. Price 428. each. Part IV. 1. Price 51. 5s. Part IV. 2. Price 4l. 10s. "" This work forms a comprehensive Palæographic Series for Ireland. It furnishes characteristic specimens of the documents which have come down from each of the classes which, in past ages, formed principal elements in the population of Ireland, or exercised an influence in her affairs. With these reproductions are combined fac-similes of writings connected with eminent personages or transactions of importance in the annals of the country to the early part of the eighteenth century. The specimens have been reproduced as nearly as possible in accord- ance with the originals, in dimensions, colouring, and general appearance. Characteristic examples of styles of writing and caligraphic ornamenta- tion are, so far as practicable, associated with subjects of historic and linguistic interest. Descriptions of the various manuscripts are given by the Editor in the Introduction. The contents of the specimens are fully elucidated and printed in the original languages, opposite to the Fac-similes-line for line-without contractions-thus facilitating reference and aiding effectively those interested in palæographic studies. In the work are also printed in full, for the first time, many original and important historical documents. Part I. commences with the earliest Irish MSS. extant. Part II. From the Twelfth Century to A.D. 1299. Part III.: From A.D. 1300 to end of reign of Henry VIII. Part IV. 1. From reign of Edward VI. to that of James I. : In Part IV. 2.—the work is carried down to the early part of the eighteenth century, with Index to the entire publication. Price 2s. 6d. Part II. Price 2s. Part IV. 2. Stationery Office, ACCOUNT OF FAC-SIMILES OF NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS OF IRELAND. In one Volume; 870., with Index. Price 10s. Parts I. and II. together. Price 1s. 6d. Part III. Price 1s. Part IV. 1. Price 2s. 6d. November 1892. · 35 ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. IRELAND. Date. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 Number of Report. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ 8 9 10 11 12 13 Chief Contents of Appendices. Contents of the principal Record Repositories [C. 4157] of Ireland in 1864.-Notices of Records transferred from Chancery Offices.-Irish State Papers presented by Philadelphia Library Company. Sessional No. C Notices of Records transferred from Queen's [C. 329] Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer Offices. Report on J. F. Furguson's MSS. -Exchequer Indices, &c. Records of Probate Registries [C. 515] Notices of Records from Queen's Bench | [C. 760] Calendar of Fines and Recoveries of the Palatinate of Tipperary, 1664-1715.-Index to Reports to date. Notices of Records transferred from Chancery, [C. 137] 1 0 Queen's Bench, and Exchequer Offices.- Index to Original Deeds received from Master Litton's Office. Notices of Records transferred from Chancery, [C. 963] Queen's Bench, and Common Pleas Offices. -Report respecting "Facsimiles of National MSS. of Ireland."-List Chancery Pleadings (1662-1690) and Calendar to Chancery Rolls (1662-1713) of Palatinate of Tipperary. of Price. Index to Deputy Keeper's 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, |[C. 2034] and 10th Reports. 8. d. 3 Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth: (1558-1570) |[C. 2311] Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued [C. 2583] (1570-1576). CV Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued [C. 2929] (1576-1583). 2 0 Notices of Records from Exchequer and [C. 1175] 0 7 Admiralty Offices.-Calendar and Index to Fiants of Henry VIII. 0 21/ 0 8 Calendar and Index to Fiants of Edward VI. |[C. 1469] 1 3 Index to the Liber Munerum Publicorum |[C. 1702]|[Out of Hiberniæ.- Calendar and Index to Fiants prini.] of Philip and Mary. 0 7 0 31 1 4 1 3 1 5 36 Date. 1882 883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Number of Report. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Chief Contents of Appendices. Report of Keeper of State Papers containing [C. 3215] Catalogue of Commonwealth Books trans- ferred from Bermingham Tower. Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued [C. 3676] (1583-1586).—Index to Deputy Keeper's 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th Reports. Sessional No. Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued [C. 4062] 1 6 (1586-1595). Price. Report on Iron Chest of attainders following [C. 4487] 1 6 after 1641 and 1688.-Queen's Bench Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued (1596–1601). Calendar to Christ Church Deeds in Novum [C. 5535] Registrum, 1174-1684. Index to Deputy Keeper's 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th Reports. s. `d. 6 Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued [C. 4755] 1 1 (1601-1603).-Memorandum on State- ments (1702) and Declarations (1713-14) of Huguenot Pensioners. Catalogue of Proclamations, 1618–1660 Index to Fiants of Elizabeth. D-Z. 1 0 Notice of Records of Incumbered and Landed [C. 5185] 0 6 Estates Courts.-Report of Keeper of State Papers, containing Table of Abstracts of Decrees of Innocence (1663), with Index. Catalogue of Proclamations, 1661-1767. Calendar to Christ Church Deeds, 1177- 1462. Schedule of Places of Custody of Parish Registers. Public Record Office of Ireland, November 1892. Index to Calendars of Fiants of the reign of [C. 5835] 1 0 Queen Elizabeth. Letters A-C. 0 8 [C. 6180] [C. 6180 i.] [C. 6504] 1 1 0 2 2 0 Catalogue of Proclamations, 1767-1875. Con- [C. 6765] 0 9/1/20 tents of the Red Book of the Exchequer. Calendar to Christ Church Deeds, 1462- 1602. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06133 6072 stahka 46 1984 285 DHE TË PA vật | 16, VILNE 166 9%, M40 10 16 42 - DANGA SA Ama Ne tus pági VENTEEN SVENSKAN ura 4 ông nhân vệ 2 gia bao ***** FOR A+ =***?*]}; # · JAA Ja And MODE MARKE SECRET •ZUN 210 ♥ THA-32 265 *** Lan Vi đi cho 6. 24h vapaahto, Hồ 20, 20 ***** ở thành nhi đã có vị nước Ý đặt tại đất n Sinh nhật