ROBERTSONS GUIDDE CAL ROCHDALE DA 690 R55 R6 1876 DA 690 655 RG الاماه THOS. WHIPP & SON, 45, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, Manufacturers of High-class Keyless GOLD WATCHES JEWELLED THROUGHOUT, Compensated, Adjusted, and Timed to a few Seconds per Month; Price, 60 GUINEAS. :0: An Excellent GOLD KEYLESS WATCH, Compensated for Changes of Temperature, on which thorough reliance may be placed, for £30. :0:- The Keyless Work may be depended upon as being first- class, great care being taken in its construction. For further particulars apply to THOMAS WHIPP & SON, 45, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. ESTABLISHED 1846. A. H. Price &C. P. Price GENERAL DRAPERS, HOSIERS, & SILK MERCERS FUNERAL FURNISHING & FAMILY MOURNING, MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING, BABY LINEN, AND LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, DRESSES, SKIRTS, &c. Ladies' and Gent's Gloves, Ties, and General Outfittings. CARPETS, BEDDING, LINENS, &c. No. 16, YORKSHIRE STREET, AND THE WALK, ROCHDALE. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON ROCHDALE PAST AND PRESENT. FROM THE ROCHDALE OBSERVER," FEBRUARY 20TH, 1875. "Almost every notable event, and certainly every useful and established institution in the town and neighbourhood are minutely and laboriously described, and we are all admiration at the industry which has got together so large a mass of local contemporary history. It would be impossible in our space to give a satisfactory des- cription of this very useful work; the simple table of contents itself occupies nearly four pages, and is merely a bald title of each article, the article itself being often several pages in length. It is sufficient to say that anyone desiring an exhaustive sketch of what Rochdale has done during the century, and is doing now, will find it set forth in this handsome volume in a satisfactory and readable manner. In a work so full of dates, names, and facts, it would be impossible to avoid errors, and these of course can be attended to in a future edition. Upon the whole we have been exceedingly pleased with this first attempt to give a modern history of Rochdale, and we feel sure that the public will, by a large demand for it, reward the industrious author for the immense amount of time and labour which he must have spent in its production." FROM THE ROCHDALE OBSERVER'S" CORRESPONDENT IN AMERICA, MAY STH, 1875. "That the Rochdalians in St. Louis hail this work as a 'missive of love,' I need hardly say; that we all endorse Mr. Robertson's book as a fitting souvenir, may, perhaps, occasion no surprise. It is pronounced by all who have seen it in St. Louis to be a very good and fair description of the town, and a valuable accessory to the guide book in visiting it." 66 FROM THE ROCHDALE TIMES," FEB. 20TH, 1875. "It is a matter of wonder that a town like Rochdale, in the history of which there is such a wealth of romantic story and curious 2 antiquarian lore, should possess practically no chronicle of its past glories, or of its present prosperity. This incongruity appears to have struck Mr. Robertson very forcibly; and the result is that he has brought before the Rochdale public an historic guide-book, every line of which bears witness to the painstaking research which is the leading characteristic of the whole volume. Judged purely from a literary point of view, the publication is highly creditable; and beyond this the author has collected a mass of facts, ancient and modern, which to the ordinary reader would be of interest, but to those who take pleasure in recalling the many curious traditions and legends of our town, would prove a fascinating study. The volume is enriched by beautifully executed illustrations. Taking the work as a whole, we cannot too highly compliment Mr. Robertson on his production, and we may add that Messrs. Schofield & Hoblyn, the printers and publishers, have executed their part of the work most admirably. FROM THE MANCHESTER EXAMINER AND TIMES," MAY 18TH, 1875. "If in every town of Lancashire some such patient and industrious compiler as Mr. Robertson would do for his native place what Mr. Robertson has done for Rochdale, he would deserve the gratitude of his townsmen. It is sometimes supposed that nearly all our manu- facturing towns are mushroom growths of yesterday; but Rochdale is not the only place in the county which can boast of its antiquities. Of these Mr. Robertson has something to say, but much more about the causes and consequences of modern prosperity of the border town. Rochdale itself, its principal buildings, and the chief at- tractions of the neighbourhood are described in detail, and not the least interesting chapter in the book is devoted to the Right Honourable John Bright, an engraving of whose house is one of its numerous illustrations." FROM THE RELIQUARY ARCHEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY JOURNAL AND REVIEW," EDITED BY LLEWELLYAN JOWETT, F.S.A., JULY, 1875. "Stepping out of the usual groove of guide books, Mr. Robertson in his 'Rochdale Past and Present,' takes a new stand and devotes no small space in his pages to anecdotal and chatty matter, which has the effect of making his volume one of the pleasantest and most readable of its class. In his book, now before us, its author gives all kind of useful technical information, but in doing so makes it subservient to that of a more general character, with which every page abounds; and in addition to this, there are special chapters on ancient families and distinguished men of the place; and the old volunteers and their modern successors in arms; on the eccentric 3 characters who have at one time or other enlivened the town by their droll ways and 'cramp' sayings; on the old customs of Rush- bearing; on remarkable crimes committed in the locality; on the manufactures of the district-from cotton and carpet to steam engines, and from iron foundries, to silk and hats; of the literature of the place,-its writers, its publications, and its newspapers and It periodicals; and many more chapters of at least equal interest. will thus be seen that 'Rochdale Past and Present,' is a volume of more than ordinary merit, and one that may be bought not as a 'Guide' alone, but as a book to be read and to be enjoyed." 66 FROM THE MANCHESTER COURIER, MARCH 1ST, 1875. Though an ancient town, dating from Saxon times, it is only within the present century that Rochdale has risen into importance and taken high rank among English Boroughs. It was first made a parliamentary borough in 1832, when the population was 19,041, which at the last census had increased to 63,473, showing a remark- able growth in the course of forty years. Mr. Robertson sketches the rise and progress of the flannel, cotton, and other trades carried on in the borough, and gives some amusing sketches of various eccentric characters who have made themselves famous in the dis- trict. Rochdale has the credit of originating the co-operative movement—at least so far as its equitable features are concerned, which has now extended to most of our large towns. It was in 1844, when twenty eight members, each depositing a pound apiece, commenced the Equitable Pioneer's Society. The history of this remarkable association is briefly given, and in the work will be found detailed accounts of all the public buildings, which ornament the town, and the public improvements which have been made in it during recent years, especially since its incorporation in 1856." FROM THE LATE EDITOR OF THE ROCHDALE PILOT," AND NOW THE OHIEF OF THE REPORTING STAFF OF THE GLASGOW EVENING STAR.' "I never saw an edition which was better fitted to lie on a library table, or find a temporary home in the rug of a railway traveller. You have the proud satisfaction of knowing that you have produced the most readable, and at the same time the soundest work on local institutions which has been brought out in the north of England, and one which could have been equalled only in a university city.' FROM THE BACUP TIMES," APRIL 17TH, 1875. "So far as we know the date when the last attempt was made to write anything that purported to be a history of Rochdale, is so 1 remote from our own time that it is almost lost in antiquity. And then in population, in manufacturing industry, in institutions, having for their object the social, educational, religious, and even political improvement of the people, the progress of the town has been remarkably rapid, so that it was high time for another historian to arise who had seen something of its growth, and who would be able, with a fair measure of justice and impartiality, to place it on permanent record. Mr. Robertson fully meets this requirement. During his many years' residence in Rochdale, he has mixed up more or less with its various public movements, and has not failed, when anything of more than ordinary interest has transpired, to act promptly on Captain Cuttle's sage advice 'when found make a note of.' He also availed himself of all other peculiar sources of knowledge; he has not only pored over dusty documents, but he has prevailed upon all the older inhabitants to whom he could gain access, to minister to his thirst for information, and the result is that we have a book which, though by no means bulky, does very great credit to its author as a compiler of local history. It is the fruit of great in- dustry, patient research, admirable tact, and careful judgment. The style in which the book is written is very easy and clear; and when the author has occasion to enter into what would otherwise be 'dry details,' which necessarily happens sometimes, the attention is very much relieved by the introduction of apt poetical quotations, which the author has been at the pains to collect from various sources, and which he knows so well how to manage. He also tells some very characteristic and humourous anecdotes. We have said that the author is impartial, and certainly from a perusal of his book it would be difficult to learn what are his own views on questions political, religious, and ecclesiastical, so fair and even complimentary is he to all men, of all creeds and of all parties. The reader will look through the book in vain for an ill-considered, harsh, or bitter word.' (( FROM THE BURY TIMES, APRIL 17TH, 1875. The author has made no effort at fine writing, but has gathered together a mass of information on the different topics of which he treats, which must be of great interest to those interested in the town. The arrangement of the work necessarily makes some of the sections read somewhat unconnectedly, nevertheless it is a work of considerable value, and will aid in rescuing from oblivion many incidents which are fast becoming lost in obscurity unless preserved in some such book as the one before us. It is astonishing what may be done by an earnest searcher after facts in respect to our Lan- cashire towns, and we could wish that some one would perform a similar duty for our own." OP 7 GA THE TOWN HALL, ROCHDALE ROCHDALE PAST AND PRESENT A HISTORY AND GUIDE WILLIAM BY ROBERTSON, REPORTER. WITH TWENTY ILLUSTRATIONS. SECOND EDITION. "Go, little book, from this my solitude! I cast thee on the waters-go thy ways! And if, as I believe, thy vein be good, The world will find thee after many days." ROCHDALE: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY SCHOFIELD AND HOBLYN. [All rights of reproduction are reserved.] 1876. .. ? Siber 6-11-457 52728 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. HE First Edition of this Work was exhausted earlier than expected; and in collecting infor- mation for a second and enlarged edition, new matter of an interesting character was found so plentiful that a second volume has become indispensable. The present edition is merely a re-print with corrections, and fourteen additional illustrations. These, it is hoped, will considerably enhance the beauty and value of the work, and render it still more worthy of being placed on the drawing- room table, and in the library. The Second Volume above referred to, will appear as soon as possible. It will be quite as large, if not larger, than the first, and will contain instructive, interesting, and amusing information never before presented to the public, and which it is considered will not be unworthy of being placed on permanent record in its pages. We are informed that our little book has been sent in large numbers to various parts of the globe, and we are inclined to be jocular, and compliment ourselves in the hacknied phrase of newspaper correspondent writers, that it must indeed have had a very wide circulation. This information sets our mind upon the wing, and we fancy that we see Rochdalians reading it in "fair and sunny France"; in romantic Switzerland; in the realm of Holland; across the broad Atlantic, where brother Jonathan reigns supreme; on "India's coral strand " "; in Australia, so thickly inhabited by our own race; and iv. PREFACE. if it has imparted "good news from home" to former dwellers in Rochdale, and if in fancy the Town Hall chimes have touched a tender cord when playing "Sweet Home," and "Should auld acquaintance be forgot," and reminded them of the good old folks at home, we are pleased in being the instrument that has awakened such fond recollections. It may be interesting to the reader to learn that "Rochdale Past and Present," has not had much rest on the shelves of the Public Libraries, and has been well-thumbed and "dog-eared." The cloth on the cover, which was a bright crimson, has been toned down to a dark mahogany colour, and the golden view of the Town Hall has almost disappeared, leading one to suppose that the book had been smoothed in the pocket-pored over at the hearth-pondered over in the open air, and that its readers with its aid have “Lived in long-past years." In the Public Library in the Town Hall, the two books in the reference department have been taken out 200 times from March, 1875, to February 29th, 1876. In the lending department, two copies have been out 90 times, which is treble that of any other work. At the Store Library, in Toad Lane, two copies have been out thirty-eight times, and it must be remembered that at each of the branch libraries of the Store, there are copies, which have been thoroughly overhauled, yet the sale exceeded the most sanguine expectations. These facts are some slight recompense to the com- piler, and show that his labours have not been in vain. ROCHDALE, APRIL, 1876. ! PREFACE. a HIS work has been written for the purpose of supplying a want which has been long felt, and contains a variety of information which has never before appeared in print. It would have been easy, with the materials at hand, to have largely extended the work, and the task of condensing the matter at disposal has not been un- attended with difficulty. Our information has been derived from sources which we believe to be trustworthy, and we have endeavoured to be correct in our statements of fact. Probably, how- ever, some inaccuracies may be discovered, and this is perhaps inseparable from a work of the kind. Any errors or omissions that may be pointed out will be carefully noted, and corrected or supplied in a future edition, should such be necessary. If in any instance our remarks tend to give pain to individuals we can safely aver that we have not "set. down aught in malice," and have simply endeavoured to be just. Our lighter sallies we hope may create some amusement, and may possibly relieve the work from any tediousness of detail that may be apparent. iv PREFACE. That the book will be found useful we have little doubt, and if the public should honour it with their approval, we shall be most happy to publish a new and greatly enlarged edition. Any information that may be supplied for future use we shall be glad to receive, and we trust our readers will kindly bear this in mind. We cannot conclude without sincerely thanking our friends and coadjutors for the assistance they have rendered to us in the compilation of the work, and we gratefully acknowledge the obligations under which they have thus placed us. Information has been most readily supplied in every instance, and it is pleasant to recall to mind and record here the favour which has been shown to us by many influential persons in the town. But for their aid we should have been compara- tively helpless, and if the work possesses any merit, it is mainly owing to the kind offices of many valued friends and fellow-workers. ROCHDALE, February, 1875. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction 1 Government of the Town.. Mayors 9 18 • Corporation Arms .. Members of Parliament Description of the Town Hall Bells and Chimes Pleasure Grounds Public Baths Gas Works Water Works Manure Works Fire Brigade District Coronership Interesting Records County Court Police Force Police Courts Borough and County Magistrates Post Office Free Public Library Cemetery RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS:— Introductory St. Chad's Church (Tim Bobbin's grave) St. Mary's Church (The Baum Rabbit Ghost) 19 19 21 • • 38 40 48 50 53 56 59 62 64 68 71 74 75 90 288 78 85 96 97 105 St. Clement's Church St. Alban's Church 113 114 St. Edmund's Church St. Peter's Church 116 • 119 • vi CONTENTS. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS-Continued. St. Mary's Church, Balderstone .. All Saints' Church St. John's Church, Smallbridge Christ Church, Healey St. Stephen's Church St. John's Catholic Church, Ann-street PAGE. 121 123 126 128 129 130 St. Patrick's Catholic Church 132 .. • Baptist Chapel, West-street 133 Particular Baptists, Hope-street.. 136 Baptist Chapel, Drake-street.. 137 Ebenezer Baptist Chapel, Water-street.. 139 Providence Chapel 140 Milton Congregation Church 144 Methodist New Connexion 146 Primitive Methodists, Smith-street 147 Society of Friends 150 Wesleyan Methodists, Union-street 151 United Methodist Free Church 157 United Presbyterian Church 159 Unitarian Chapel, Blackwater-street Unitarian Chapel, Clover-street .. Holland-street Church Chapel for the Destitute Sunday Schools EDUCATION: Introductory School Board • 160 161 • 166 . 167 175 178 181 Grammar School 184 Moss School 189 Science and Art Classes 191 Public Elementary Schools 193 The Right Hon. John Bright, M.P. 194 ANCIENT FAMILIES: Byron Family 201 Entwisle Family 205 • Royds Family 208 Milne Family 212 CONTENTS. vii DISTINGUISHED MILITARY MEN:- Lieut. Hopwood Cornet Grindrod Lieut. Butterworth The Old Volunteers The 24th Lancashire Rifle Volunteers The Yeomanry Cavalry ECCENTRIC CHARACTERS : Doncaster Races and "Bull Hole" Novel Mode of Borrowing Money Jone o' Bradshaw .. Johnny Baa-Lamb and St. Crispin Old Doctor The Republican Tinker Bull Robin Old Barnish Crazy Michael George o' Pinders PAGE. 213 214 215 217 219 222 225 • 227 228 229 232 232 233 234 236 237 Crazy David 238 Barefoot Sam 238 Paul Pry 240 Jane Clough, of Bagslate 241. Maltoot and his epitaph 242 Rush-bearing 245 Old Market or Town Cross 247 Rochdale Market 249 Infirmary The Pack Horse The Waggon The Stage Coach The Railway The Canal The River and its Tributaries Rainfall.. 251 254 256 256 257 260 263 266 Health of the Town 267 Equitable Pioneers' Society Theatres 268 274 St. Alban's Nursing Institution and Boys' School 282 viii CONTENTS. PAGE. Geology and Mineralogy 285 Rochdale Union 288 Remarkable Crimes 291 Merchants' and Tradesmen's Association .. 296 Chamber of Commerce 298 Important Trades of the Town 302 Hand-loom Weaving 303 Shuttle Gathering and the Destruction of the New Bailey 304 Disputes and Strikes 306 Another Riot: Two Persons Killed 307 Parochial Constables 308 Plug Drawing and the Charter 309 The Cotton Trade D • 1 311 312 The Carpet Trade Silk and Hat Manufacture Foundries and Machine Works Literature, Publications, and Periodicals A Ramble Through the Principal Streets Hollingworth Lake and Blackstone Edge ILLUSTRATIONS: Town Hall . 313 314 315 322 .. 342 The Park, Grammar, and Sparrow Hill Schools The Cemetery • 40 90 The Residence of the Right Hon. John Bright, M.P. 194 Hollingworth Lake Hollingworth Lake by Moonlight ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS: The Post Office St. Chad's Church St. Alban's Church • St. Edmund's Church St. Mary's Church, Balderstone All Saints' Church, Hamer St. Stephen's Church Baptist Chapel, West Street .. • • · • Milton Church, Smith Street Primitive Methodist Chapel, Smith Street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Union Street United Methodist Free Church, Baillie Street Unitarian Chapel, Blackwater Street Rochdale Union Workhouse, Dearnley . • 342 347 78 .97 114 • • 116 121 123 129 • 133 + 144 • • • 147 151 • • • 157 • • • 160 . 288 INTRODUCTORY. R "The Norman shall tread on the Saxon's heel, And the stranger shall rule o'er England's weal; Through castle or hall, by night or by day, The stranger shall thrive for ever and aye; But in Rached, above the rest, The stranger shall thrive best." OCHDALE is of great antiquity, and is, no doubt, of Saxon origin. The name, "Roch- dale," has been the subject of some little controversy, and various derivations have been suggested as being alone correct. In the Norman survey the name is spelt "Recedham ;" and "Gamel," a Saxon thane, appears at that time to have been lord of the place. At or soon after the Norman Conquest the river was named the "Rach,” whence we have “Rached," and "Recedham," the latter signifying the habitation on the "Rached." Then we have, sub- sequently, "Racheham," "Ratchdale," "Rotchdale," and, finally, as at the present day, "Rochdale." Clearly, the river flowing through the town gives the name to the town itself; and, so, we have "Roch" from the river, and "dale" from the valley or low-lying land through which the river flows. That a castle existed in Rochdale, prior to the Conquest, seems to be established if tradition may be relied on; nevertheless, there is no mention of such an erection in the survey we have 0 2 INTRODUCTORY. referred to. In our day the site of this castle is pointed out with some degree of assurance; but we think this must be regarded as simply conjectural. "Castleton," one of the townships within the municipal borough, is said to derive its name from the fact that in this division was situated the castle of Gamel, the thane or lord, and this locality is supposed to have formed the town of ancient times which has, in the course of many gene- rations, spread itself and become the important and wealthy town of Rochdale in which we have the happi- ness to live at the present day. "Castlehill," the late residence of Mr. Samuel Lomax, deceased, is pointed out as the site of the ancient castle of Gamel, and in the valley immediately below a spot is known as 'Killdanes," in memory, as tradition asserts, of warlike encounters between the Saxons and Danes, in which, by all accounts, the Danes suffered immense slaughter. It is an undoubted fact that the Church of St. Chad's was in existence previously to 1193, as an ancient record proves this to have been the case, Geoffry, Dean of Whalley, being in possession of the Church prior to that period, as rector. Indeed, the year 1180 has been assigned as the time when the Church was erected. The glebe lands of St. Chad's are of consider- able value, and are now vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, under an Act of Parliament passed in 1866. In that year it was stated that the value of the living was £5,000 per annum. The parish is of very great extent, and is situated in the Hundred of Salford. It is one of the largest parishes in the kingdom; but it is of the town that we have more particularly to speak. The municipal divisions of the INTRODUCTORY. 3 borough, which are the same as the Parliamentary, are the following:-Castleton Ward, North; Castleton Ward, East; Castleton Ward, West; Castleton Ward, South; Spotland Ward, East; Spotland Ward, West; Wardleworth Ward, East; Wardleworth Ward, West; Wardleworth Ward, South; and Wuerdle Ward. According to the census of 1871 the population of the respective townships forming the parish was as follows: Blatchinworth and Calderbrook, 6,691; Butterworth, 7,923; Castleton, 31,331; Spotland, 35,596; Wardle- worth, 19,300; and Wuerdle and Wardle, 8,988; and the total population of the parish (including Todmorden and Walsden, 9,332), according to the same census, was 119,161. The population of the municipal borough is estimated 65,458, and the number of voters is 12,891. A comparison of these figures with those of the immediately preceding census shows an immense and rapid increase in the numbers which the town and parish now contain; and reference to other statistical returns proves that the wealth of Rochdale has kept pace with the increasing population. A single glance around us will give indubitable evidence of the im- mense wealth of which Rochdale is the centre; its warehouses, mills, foundries, and manufactories of various kinds meeting the eye in almost every direction. The Rochdale of the present day can bear but little resemblance to the Rochdale of only fifty years ago; and as our increase in wealth and population is so immense and rapid, the Rochdale of our time will, in like manner, bear but little resemblance to the Rochdale which will show itself to the gaze of our posterity fifty years hence, when we who are now so proud of our 4 INTRODUCTORY. " good old town are slumbering beneath the clods of the valley. It may be, and it is no poetic dream to imagine so, that the Roach will in that day have become a clear and unpolluted stream in which the trout and other delicate denizens of fresh water streams will disport themselves; and when the angler, standing on its tree-embowered banks, may find excellent sport to repay him for his patient labours, or it may be that "The river then shall boast its pigmy boat, Urged on by pains, half-grounded, half afloat, While at her stern an angler takes his stand, And marks the fish he purposes to land; From that clear space, where in the cheerful ray Of the warm sun the scaly people play." Rochdale was enfranchised under the Reform Act of 1832, and returns one member to the Imperial Parliament, the present member, Mr. Thomas Bayley Potter, son of the late Sir John Potter, having held the seat since the year 1865. He succeeded the late Mr. Richard Cobden, on the lamented death of that honourable gentleman. The number of electors on the Parliamentary list is 10,566; and there are 10 polling places provided for voters. The principal manufactures of the town and neighbourhood consist of cotton and woollen fabrics, and cotton spinning, and Rochdale may be considered as the seat of the woollen manufacture for the kingdom. A considerable trade is carried on in these branches of industry, giving employment to vast numbers of men, women, and children. Carpets are also manufactured, and there are dyeing, bleaching, and silk spinning works. Rochdale is famed for its machinery, and there are several large establishments devoted to this important manufacture INTRODUCTORY. 5 as well as large iron and other foundries, and steam engine and boiler making works. In the neighbourhood of Rochdale there is a large number of valuable coal mines, affording an abundant supply of that important product. The stone quarries of the locality are also numerous, and the supply of stone is abundant, and the quality good. The public improvements which have been made in the town in the course of the last forty or fifty years have been numerous and advantageous to the inhabi- tants. Our streets present a marked improvement in every respect, and the general appearance of the town is far more pleasing than it used to be in years gone by. These changes have been effected by the local authori- ties under powers conferred on them by Parliament; and although the expenditure upon these objects has been necessarily heavy, few persons can complain that the outlay has not been judicious, and, for the most part, absolutely necessary in the general interests of the people. The opening up of new and important thoroughfares in several parts of the borough has conduced to the public welfare; and perhaps no im- provements of late years are more to be commended than the new and handsome thoroughfare from the Manchester-road along the street past the Town Hall, and the wonderful change which has been effected by the formation of the Bury New Road. These are only samples of the good work which has been accomplished by the Corporation, and for which we are of opinion the burgesses ought to be grateful. The sanitary condition of the town has been materially benefited by the changes which have been effected; and in the course of 6 INTRODUCTORY. a few years more we hope that still further alterations in the same direction may be carried out. Of late years the sewering of the town has received special attention, and it need scarcely be added that this particular subject is well worthy the closest consideration and care on the part of those who have the health of the inhabitants at heart. It must be obvious that whatever tends to improve the health of a town is in strict keeping with the spirit of the times, and nothing reflects greater credit upon the governing powers of a great centre of commercial industry such as ours, than clean, spacious, and well-lighted streets, and a complete and efficient system of drains and sewers. In sanitary matters, at any rate, we are clearly in advance of our forefathers, for their notions on such subjects were of the narrowest and most unpractical kind; but then we live in more enlightened days, and it would be sad indeed if the lessons which time and experience have taught us did not result in material and satisfactory progress in the path of improvement. The churches and chapels in Rochdale are numerous, and many of the former are of great beauty. In the succeeding pages, the various places of worship are noticed, and detailed particulars given respecting many of them, which may be interesting and useful. We have quoted at the head of these observations a few lines which allude to the proverb "that the stranger shall thrive best in Rached," but we have done so only for the purpose of remarking that we distinctly object to any such ridiculous notion being entitled to the slightest consideration or belief. Such a statement is no more true of Rochdale than of any other town in the INTRODUCTORY. 7 kingdom. Here, as elsewhere, industry and integrity win the day; and if the proverb, or whatever it may be called, were in any sense peculiar to Rochdale, we should be in a sorry plight at the present day; and we should not be able to point to our modern magnates who are native here and to the manner born," who flourish among us so honourably, and who are so deservedly respected and esteemed. So Despite the old proverb which folks oft rehearse, And which some one has turned into excellent verse, The natives take issue on subject so grim, And regard the assertion as moonshine or whim. For the truth is that here, as in places elsewhere, The man must succeed who does things "on the square;' And nor native nor stranger can hope to win fame, If patient endeavour surround not his name. Heaven's blessing on good, honest work must prevail, Whilst inaction and fraud must as certainly fail; And if natives and strangers together unite, The name of old Rached will grow still in might. Of the families of the worthy men we have been alluding to, it was our intention to have spoken at length in a later part of the present little work, if our space had permitted; and we could then have shown how, from small means, aided by untiring effort and honourable conduct, the heads of many of these families built up patiently, and little by little, the substantial structure of wealth and consequence which their de- scendants possess at the present time. We have no doubt that sufficient materials for such a purpose would have been readily supplied to us; for what can be more creditable to any man than that he should have made his way in the world by his own exertions, and left behind him a good name and honestly-acquired wealth 8 INTRODUCTORY. "" for those who succeeded him? We feel that none of these families can look back at their, in some cases, humble origin, without feelings of a pride which does them honour; and the wealth which has been acquired for them, and which they have been able to increase by "following the same rule and minding the same things, enables them to find employment and the means of livelihood for thousands upon thousands of their fellow men who throng their busy mills and manufactories, and who thus help to develop the wealth and commerce of their native land. With reference to the public improvements of recent years, we may mention the magnificent Town Hall of which Rochdale can boast. Externally the building attracts attention from its great beauty, and, internally, its completeness and exquisite adornments must be closely inspected in order to be appreciated. Within it is a perfect study, and in all respects it is a building which has not many equals. Local critics, now and then, find fault and complain of the needless expendi- ture which has been incurred in what is sometimes termed a merely ornamental edifice; but remarks of this kind are not now very frequent, and there seems to be a sort of quiet pride that we have in Rochdale a hall for the conduct of the public business of the town which is worthy of the attention alike of the connoisseur and of the man of practical ideas. A full description of this building will be found in the ensuing pages. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. HE town of Rochdale had not a defined boundary until the year 1825, when an Act was obtained by which it was enacted that a circle with a radius of three-fourths of a mile, measured from the Old Market Place, should constitute the town of Rochdale; and all those householders, owners or occupiers of any messuage of the value of £35 per annum, except licensed victuallers, were appointed and declared to be Commissioners for the purpose of lighting, cleansing, watching, and regulating the town, and to make certain improvements. The authorities, previous to this date, were the County Magistrates, who held Petit Sessions to dispose of civil and criminal cases, and, with the Overseers and Churchwardens, carried out the Poor Laws, and appointed the Parish Constables; the Lord of the Manor, who held a Court Leet, and regulated market tolls, &c., and the Highway Surveyors, who managed the streets. In each of the townships of Castleton, Spotland, and Wardleworth, there was, also, a select vestry, which joined in the management of Parish affairs. From 1825 to 1844, the Commissioners of Police managed the town's affairs with considerable credit. For some years they held their meetings at the Welling- 2 10 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. ton Hotel, but in 1839 they erected the Commissioners' Rooms, in Smith Street, and from that period until the erection of the Town Hall, of which more anon, these Rooms were the seat of government. Amongst the leading Commissioners at this period were Messrs. Samuel Taylor, Jacob Bright, James Butterworth, Abraham Brierley, Thomas Chadwick, Benjamin Heape, Robert Leach, Joseph Butterworth, Lawrence Hardman, William Whittle Barton, George Ashworth, John Howard, Joseph Wood, James Gibson, Thomas Booth, Charles Butterworth, Wm. Chadwick, John Chadwick, Samuel Lomax, John Roby, Matthew Greenlees, Thos. Robinson, Joseph Sellers, John Petrie, Wm. Littlewood, John Whitaker, and James Leach. The first elected Commissioners who made the declaration under the Act of 1844, were Messrs. James Leach, Thomas Booth, Richard Ashworth, Joseph Bottomley, Edward Taylor, James Erving, John Hoyle, Thomas Livsey, John Mason, John Petrie, Wm. Brown, James Grinyer, William Pilling, Richard Simpson, William Warburton Whitley, Wm. Bartlemore, Thomas Fisher, Robert Heap, Jesse Hall, Robert Pagan, John Dania, Benjamin Greenhalgh, John Turner Littlewood, Thomas Leach, Joshua Radcliffe, Edmund Barrow, Wm. Crawshaw, Wm. Holt (Mardyke), Wm. Standring, James Thompson, George Adamson, William Whittle Barton, William Holt (Roche House), Thomas Howarth, Robert Kelsall, John Milnes, William Petrie, George Proctor, Joseph Sugden, John Tempest, Charles Walker, John Whitaker, Thomas Robinson, Samuel Holland, James Gibson, Thomas Shaw, Thomas Turner, Richard Whitworth, THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. 11 W. M. Dunhill, T. Ashworth, G. Mansell, J. Howard, Robert Taylor Heape, Benjamin Bright, and Jas Booth. The chairman of the commissioners was styled, for convenience or courtesy, the chief-constable. There was also a treasurer and a law clerk, the latter only receiving a salary of twelve guineas per annum for his attendance at the monthly meetings. The constabulary of the town consisted of a head-constable and two assistants, and some half-dozen night watchmen. The scavenging of the town was done by contract for some time, but it was soon found needful to alter this method and employ a scavenging staff. The commissioners contracted for the lighting of the town with the gas company, which had been formed in 1823. The charge for each public lamp was a constant source of dispute betwixt the gas company and the commissioners. The lowest price was 42s. per lamp to burn 1,500 hours. The defects of the Act, and the absence of power to manufacture gas, wherewith to light the town, led the commissioners and the ratepayers to apply for another Act, which was obtained in 1844. By this Act, the £35 qualification was continued, and the commissioners were elected by the £10 householders who were on the Par- liamentary Register, and were limited in number to 60; Wardleworth electing 27, Castleton 21, and Spotland 12. The authority of the commissioners was considerably extended; the power to pave and sewer being granted. An effort to procure power to form baths and recreation grounds was defeated by the strenuous opposition of several wealthy ratepayers. The power to make and sell gas was, however, conferred, and this may be said to have been an 12 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. important turning point in the history of the town. dispute of some three years' continuance, between the commissioners and the gas company, culminated in the decision by the commissioners not to light the public lamps for one season, and for the next year to light them with oil instead of gas. Connected with this dispute, the gas company professed inability to supply certain ratepayers with gas, and also some public lamps, and applied to Parliament for increased powers. Thus, the gas company and the commissioners were seeking the same power. At the suggestion of the Committee of the House of Commons, an offer to sell the gas works to the commissioners was made. The price asked was £24,000, this being double the subscribed capital. At a commissioners' meeting, it was moved by Mr. W. W. Barton, and seconded by Mr. T. Livsey, "That the gas works be not purchased, and that new works be erected." An amendment was moved by Mr. Edward Taylor, and seconded by Mr. Robert Kelsall, "That the gas works be purchased for £21,000," which amendment, after an exciting discussion, was carried by a majority of three, and the works were accordingly bought by the Town; the purchase being completed in November, 1844, by the ceremony of delivering a sod and the key, which was done by Mr. Samuel Lomax, of Townhead, manufacturer, the chairman of the company, and Mr. J. S. Lancashire, manager to Mr. W. W. Barton, who had been appointed to take possession on behalf of the commissioners. The progress of the gas works since that day will be learnt elsewhere, but it may be proper here to state THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. 13 that at a very large public meeting of the ratepayers, held in 1843, before application was made to Parlia- ment that it was resolved that all the profits derived from the manufacture of gas should be appropriated to the improvement of the town; such as widening streets, the erection of bridges, building a town hall, &c. Several important improvements, namely, the widening of Toad Lane, Blackwater Street, and the Old Market Place were named in the Act. The improvement of Toad Lane was not carried out, but the others were accomplished within five years, the time allowed by the Act, and have been paid for entirely by the profits of gas. These widenings of the streets of Blackwater, part of which is now called Lord Street, and the Old Market Place, now a continuance of Yorkshire Street, completely altered the characteristic of the centre of the town. Scarcely had the projected improvements been com- pleted, and the attention of the commissioners given to the requirements of a rapidly increasing population, when it was found that the Act was defective in giving the required powers to a body disposed to secure the health and comfort of the inhabitants it governed. In the year 1848, Parliament passed the 'Public Health Act,' and the discussions and enlightenment consequent on the passing of this measure, gave the commissioners to see the defects of the Act of 1844-and accordingly in 1850, it was resolved to apply for increased powers to pave, sewer, and cleanse the town, to regulate the buildings and remove nuisances. This effort was subse quently opposed by a majority of the commissioners, and the application was deferred till 1853, when an Act was 14 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. procured with larger scope, including the erection of baths, the formation of recreation grounds, and the con- construction of a cemetery; and it also conferred on every householder the right to vote in the election of com- missioners. The Rate Book was the Register of Voters, and the inhabitants of houses of less than £10 yearly value had the power to pay the rates and deduct the amount from the rent, if the owner did not pay the rate, so as to secure their votes. There was not known in England so complete an enfranchisement as in this Act. But there was also a power for owners to vote under what is known as Sturges Bourne's Act. The number of commissioners was reduced to 42, of which Wardleworth returned 18 commissioners, Castle- ton 15, and Spotland 9. The borrowing powers were limited by the Act of 1825, to £2,000; by that of 1844, to £48,500; and by the 1853 Act, to £80,000. Though it will be seen that the improvement com- missioners had practically all the means required for well regulating the town's affairs, so far as related to the health, comfort, and convenience of the inhabitants; yet it was agreed that there was a deficient power, namely:—that the commissioners did not, as a corpora- tion, possess political power, nor govern the town completely, as a corporation created by Royal Charter. Thus the constabulary was directed and controlled by the county magistracy. The chairman of the commis- sioners had not the same prestige or political influence ´possessed by a mayor in the eye or ear of Parliament, a mayor being at once recognised whilst a chairman That the returning officer for borough was not. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. 15 elections would be the mayor. That a mayor could at any time call a public meeting of the inhabitants. That the power to vote under Sturges Bourne's Act was not as equitable a mode as that of the Municipal Corporations Act. These reasons were doubtless influential in inducing the inhabitant householders to petition Her Majesty for a charter of incorporation. There were, however, other causes at work which assisted in bringing about the conclusion to petition. Thus, in carrying out the Act of 1853, the necessary cost incurred began to cause complaints against the commissioners, and against, more especially, the surveyor, Mr. W. W. Barton, and there was some floating notion that a change of government might be advantageous. This idea was carefully fanned by those who had failed in causing the surveyor to swerve from what he believed to be right to the public. The agitation for a charter of incorporation was carried on with vigour, and the town became divided into two parties; one party strongly advocated that the borough should consist of eight wards, and the other that it should have only three wards as under the commissioners. The latter party was successful, and accordingly Castleton, Spotland, and Wardleworth were declared to be the wards. The charter of incorporation was granted by Her Majesty on the 9th of September, 1856, and it directed that her trusty and well-beloved subject, Zachary Mellor, and failing him, her equally trusty and well-beloved William Whittle Barton, should prepare the first register of voters. The first council met on December 19th, 1856, in the Commissioners Rooms, Smith-street, by permis- sion of the commissioners and elected the mayor and aldermen and town clerk. 16 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. The first council consisted of Mr. Jacob Bright, mayor; Aldermen John Tatham, Thos. Livsey, G. L. Ashworth, Joseph Brierley, R. T. Heape, John Schofield, A. H. Royds, Jas. Pilling, jun., A. Stewart, George Healey. Councillors John Whitaker, Joseph Wood, Thos. Robinson, George Mansell, Edward Taylor, John Thomas Pagan, Edmund Ashworth, John Chadwick, Thos. Ladyman, Robert Jewison, Jonathan Nield, Wm. Todd, Wm. Simpson, John Holland Butterworth, Henry Whitehead, Robert Taylor, Peter Johnson, John Nuttall, Jesse Barrow, James Holt, James Edsforth, James Atkinson, Charles Milne, Samuel Taylor, jun., Edmund Lupton, John Cropper Brierley, Samuel Stott, William Boothman, Edward Clegg. Mr. Zachary Mellor, was appointed town clerk. The council appointed a Watch Committee, and decided to have the control of the constabulary, and therefore the county constabulary were withdrawn from the borough. The inconvenience attending the existence of two corporate bodies in the same borough was soon felt, as fully one-half the members of the council were also commissioners, and it was decided to apply to Parliament for power to transfer the government of the commissioners to the corporation, and an Act, 20 and 21 Victoria, cap. 50, was passed, to which the Royal assent was given on August 17th, 1857, and the transfer to the corporation of the powers of the com- missioners and the authority to put in force the Act of 1853, took place on the 13th of January, 1858, in the Commissioners' Rooms in the presence of both bodies. The Town Council met in the Commissioners' Rooms until 1871, when the Council met for the first time in the THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. 17 Town Hall, the mayor, G. L. Ashworth, Esq., presiding. The municipal boundary and the parliamentary boundary⚫ of the borough were the same until 1868, when the parliamentary was extended. It soon became apparent how desirable it was that the municipal boundary should be coterminous with the parliamentary; and it was so, too, because of the large population adjoin- ing and bordering on the borough boundary, whose dwellings and surroundings were not in a condition of sufficient healthiness-and there was no power existing to improve them. These populations were also supplied with gas and water by the corporation, and there was no good reason why the two populations should not in all things be one community. It was decided in 1871, to apply to Parliament for an Act to extend the borough, and also to amend the Act of 1853. There was also a petition to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, to appoint a borough bench, which was granted on 20th September, 1872. "The Rochdale Improvement Act" became law on July 25th, 1872, and amongst other matters, enacted that the municipal borough should be coterminous with the parliamentary borough, and should consist of ten wards, and that the council should be dissolved on the 1st of November next ensuing, and that at the first election each ward should send three councillors, out of whom ten aldermen were to be chosen. It is perhaps without precedent that an entire council should have been obliged to be re-elected. The contest which arose was fought chiefly on political grounds; the chief cry. however, being the cost and alleged extravagance in the expenditure on the town hall-the fight was a fierce 18 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN. one. The burgesses returned 35 Liberal councillors, who had been charged with extravagance, and 5 Conservative councillors who were supposed to be economical. As it may show the severity of the contest it will be interesting to state the numbers who voted for the elected coun- cillors as well as the names :-William Tuer Shawcross, mayor, 479; Alderman George Leach Ashworth, 589; Edward Taylor, 599; James Booth, 595: George Man- sell, 568; Robert Taylor Heape, G09; John Tatham; Charles Whitaker, 468; T. B. Willans, 432; William Simpson. Councillors Samuel Tweedale, 585; Thomas Schofield, 439; Robert Adamson, 558; Thomas Reid, 467; John Dearden, 363; James Webster, 477; John Hoyle, Wardleworth, 468; Joshua Lord, 414; Joshua Stott, 421; F. T. Phillippi, 428; William Baron, 473; Robert Brierley, 421; Henry Fishwick, 415; Wm. Lord, 551; John Tweedale, 582; Thomas Watson, 540; W. J. Petrie, 562; J. S. Hudson, 563; James Tweedale, 539; J. S. Littlewood, 595; Charles Preston, 574; Joshua Heap, 911; Joseph Handley, 490; J. T. Booth, 505; Benjamin Butterworth, 501; Peter Johnson, 559; James Sharrocks, 596; John Leach, 594; John Robin- son, 498; and Robert Leach, 529. THE MAYORS. The following have filled the office of mayor since the incorporation of the borough:- Jacob Bright.. 1856-7 Robert Taylor Heape 1857-8 Andrew Stewart Thomas Ashworth 1858-9 1859-60 · • Joseph Hamilton Moore 1860-1 John Thompson Pagan 1861-2 Geo. Leach Ashworth 1862-3 Samuel Stott John Tatham. Samuel Stott * • • • • • • John Robinson Charles Whitaker George Mansell 1866-7 1867-8 • • 1868-9 1869-70 • • • • T. B. Willans G. L. Ashworth W. T. Shawcross W. T. Shawcross Charles Whitaker. 1863-4 1861-5 S. Tweedale 1865-6 J. S. Littlewood 4 ... 1870-1 • 1871-2 • 1872-3 • • • 1873-4 1874-5 • • 1875-6 THE BOROUGII ARMS. 19 The corporation had Arms granted by the Herald's College in 1857—of which we here give an imprint : The heraldic description is "Argent, woolpack, encircled by two branches of the cotton tree flowered and conjoint proper: a bordure sable charged with 8 martlets of the field, and for the Crest Or, a wreath of the colours a millrind sable, and above, a Fleece Argent banded Or." THE MEMBERS FOR ROCHDALE. Rochdale was enfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832, and privileged to send one member, the number of the inhabitants then being 19,041. The right to vote was limited by that Act to householders who occupied dwellings of not less than £10 yearly value. The number of voters was 687, the extent of the borough being a radius of three-fourths of a mile from the old market place. In 1868 the borough was enlarged and the number of voters was 9,280, the right to vote having been extended to all inhabitant householders. In 1871 the Ballot Act was passed. The number of votes on the Register for 1875, is 10,560. 20 THE MEMBERS FOR ROCHDALE. The following are the elections since the Reform Act of 1832:- 1832 Dec. John Fenton (L).. 277 John Entwisle (C) 246 James Taylor (L) 109 1835 June John Entwisle (C).... 369 John Fenton (L)…………. "" 1837 April John Fenton (L) 326 383 "" Clement Royds (C) . 339 James Fenton (C) 1837 July John Fenton (L)... . . Capt. Alex. Ramsay (C) 1841 July W. S. Crawford (L).... ") 1847 June W. S. Crawford (L). . No contest 1852 July Edward Miall (L) 374 349 399 338 529 >> Capt. A. Ramsay (C).. 375 1857 Mar. Sir A. Ramsay (C) 534 486 Edward Miall (L) 1859 April Richard Cobden (L) No contest 1865 April T. B. Potter (L) "" W. B. Brett (C) 646 496 1865 July Thos. B. Potter (L). . No contest 1868 Nov. T. B. Potter (L) "" 4455 W. W. Schofield (C) .. 3270 4498 R. W. Gamble (C) .... 3998 1874 Feb. T. B. Potter (L) "" THE TOWN HALL. OCHDALE has few buildings with any preten- sions to architectural beauty, and it is therefore no difficult task for the stranger to find his way to the Town Hall. It is a handsome Gothic edifice, so richly ornamented as not inappropriately to have been compared to a cathedral. It stands upon a site round which, as years roll on, it is more than probable a large number of banking houses and government and commercial offices will group themselves; and, erected as it is upon a portion of ground which has been newly laid out for building purposes, and which is so rapidly improving that it promises to become the modern division of the town, it may be considered as already occupying a central position. Not only is this the case as to its situation-it also represents the concentrated business of the town; and besides its Council and other Chambers and its Hall of Justice, it can boast of a Free Public Library, which offers to the inhabitants every facility for the study of literature. And it is a palace of art, as a visit will unmistakably show. Admirably adapted for municipal buildings, a Gothic style has enabled the architect to display a beauty and harmony of detail most pleasing to the aesthetic taste. Full advan- tage has been taken of the ample scope it invariably 22 THE TOWN HALL. affords for outside decorations; while the interior has been fitted up so magnificently in every respect that there are few municipal structures in the country to be compared with it. It was opened by the mayor, George Leach Ashworth, Esq., with great pomp, amid general rejoicings, on September 27th, 1871. The building is 88 yards in length, its extreme width being 41 yards. One of its most remarkable features is its imposing tower, which stands 134 feet high at the north-east corner, and is surmounted by a beautiful spire, 106 feet in height, making altogether 240 feet. The spire, which is crocketted and panelled, and richly gilded, is finished with a figure of St. George and the Dragon. The tower rises in five stages, in the upper- most of which is the clock, enclosed in a square gilt cast-iron frame work, the bells being in the lower stages of the octagonal spire. These bells chime the hours and quarters as at Westminster, and there is a carillon apparatus which plays fourteen tunes on twelve bells—the public having each day the benefit of a new tune, which is repeated three times every three hours, though of course the programme is exhausted once a fortnight and has to be revived. This the apparatus itself effects, the tunes being successively taken up at midnight. It has been suggested that 14 more tunes might be provided at a cost of only £50, and by these means, as the music would recur only once a month, sameness would be avoided, and the conse- quent satiety. We place the suggestion at the disposal of some musical member of the corporation, trusting that under his ægis it will be carried out long before a second edition of the present guide is called for. THE TOWN HALL. 23 Standing in front of the Hall we cannot help noticing over the entrance tower thirteen niches, which in course of time will be adorned with the sculptured figures of eminent statesmen and men of science. Just above these niches the canopies are brought into prominent notice by a series of beautifully carved animals in miniature, and in the position of gargoyles, a shield being placed under each niche. Between these we see a row of angels holding a continuous riband, and, suspended from a smaller foliated string course, a little below the other, are two large shields, on which are very skilfully wrought the arms of the county and borough. A graceful running foliage pattern between the columns embellishes the doorway, the caps being carved into oak and maple leaves, while heads of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and the late Prince Consort form the terminations to the labels. The main portico, with its handsome buttresses and parapet, is in the centre of the front, the principal carving about it being the crockets, gargoyles, and finials. The intersections of the buttresses, with a string course under the parapet, are filled in each case by two fierce looking animals, while on the top of the parapet, above each of the four buttresses, is a large gilded stone lion, the two outside lions holding a shield with the borough arms carved out upon it, while the two middle shields display the arms of the county and the Salford Hundred. The roof of the great hall above, the magnificent interior of which we shall describe as we proceed, is said to be only excelled, so far as regards its span, by the roof of Westminster Hall itself. It is executed in deal and is of excellent workmanship and 24 THE TOWN HALL. durability. Conspicuous in its centre is a ventilating spire, reflecting as it were the light of the large one; and it is capped by a nice vane. Between the two entrances we have mentioned is an arcade spanned by two arches, the centre pier of which has a splendid groined and carved canopy. This arcade is in front of the mayor's rooms, on the ground floor. Above it is a passage leading from the tower staircase to another which gives access to all the roofs; and this staircase is surmounted by a beautifully carved spire. Outside the Free Public Library, and over the Refreshment Rooms, which are situated above the mayor's rooms, is an elegantly traced and carved balcony, supported on moulded stone corbels. On the other side of the main portico is the magistrates' private staircase, entered from the corridor in front of the public parade room, and giving access to the grand hall, the borough court, and the magistrates' retiring room at the west end, there being a handsome balcony over the police parade room, similar to that over the mayor's rooms. A stone battlement, a pointed roof, and gilded vane, surmount the magistrates' staircase. The chief constable's house stands at the south-west corner, and is a handsome dwelling, five storeys high. Its main staircase is of octagon plan, and is surmounted by a pointed roof and gilded vane. At the west end of the Town Hall is also an octagon staircase precisely similar to that at the east end. At the back of the Hall appears in bold relief the grand staircase, with its magnificent stained glass, while next to it are the entrances to the large vaults stretching under the entire building. The fire engine station is on the ground floor, a little further to the south-west. THE TOWN HALL. 25 Altogether, the stone work of the Town Hall appears to advantage under the Gothic style, which has been faithfully adhered to throughout, and its otherwise cold. grey aspect has been not a little relieved by the charm- ing effect of the gilded spires. A general coup d'oeil of what we venture to call "this unique specimen of municipal architecture" may be obtained from the engraving which forms a frontispiece to this guide; and if our readers in glancing at its proportions, thus reduced to a focus, are prepossessed with its external beauties, we feel convinced their surprise and delight would be heightened could we present to their vision an equally faithful portrait of the interior. The eye becomes not only dazzled with its gorgeous appearance, but charmed as it peers by day into the life-like pictures in its coloured windows and it has been said again and again. that by gas light the great hall assumes the aspect of some magnificent oriental temple. From an inspection of the exterior we go back to the base of the tower, and enter through the porch into the vestibule, which may be regarded as an epitome in itself of the style of the whole building. The labels of the inner porch, for instance, are remarkable for two heads, one representing a young swell, and the other a "girl of the period," and this idea is enlarged upon in other portions of the hall, where at almost every step we meet with different illustrations of the style of head dress of various periods, whether monarchical, knightly, ecclesiastical, or civil. Then, again, on entering this porch we are reminded by a broad frieze of the clothing in vogue before the invention of spinning and weaving; for we see figures of the bear, the beaver, the lion, 3 26 THE TOWN HALL. the tiger, the panther, the goat, the fox, the stag, and the tailor bird. The panels in the ceiling illustrate the handicraft trades, beginning with the baker and butcher, and successively enumerating twenty-seven, such as the tailor, carpenter, mason, candle maker, collier, &c., &c. The windows are filled with the shields of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales; and in the tracery appear the crosses of St. George, St. Patrick, St Andrew, and the badge of Wales. The windows of the staircase adjoining the porch are filled with stained glass, of square quarry pattern, arranged in horizontal lines, with quarries of golden fleece, and others of the shuttle. The crest of the borough is a fleece argent, and is frequently emblazoned throughout the hall. The three large tracery pieces in the staircase windows just mentioned are set off with the plough, the sower, and the fleece, all relating to the woollen manufacture of the town. There are similar windows at the other end of the building, having reference to cotton spinning; the quarries are adorned with cotton pods and leaves, while the tracery shows the cotton plant, and the machinery used in the manufacture. We must not, however, "anticipate," for we are still in the vestibule at the north-east end of the building. The carving in the vestibule is very elegant, and we notice two miniature lions holding up the shield of Rochdale. All these things give us, as we have said before, a general though faint idea of what is to be seen in the main portion of the interior. We enter the mayor's reception room, the ceiling of which has a light turquoise blue ground, ornamented with clusters of gilt stars, and gold swallows and THE TOWN HALL. 27 butterflies. The sides of the beams, which are beautifully painted, have splendid illustrations, on gold ground, of seven well-known fables of sop. The frieze is filled with branches of English forest trees, and amongst some very effective designs, which give employment to both the eye and the mind, is a representation of Day, by an owl worried by small birds, and of Night, by small birds getting punished in return. The walls are diapered with a handsome pine pattern, in sage green and gold toned down. Some very light stained glass is seen along the top of the windows, English fruits being introduced into the lights, while the tracery portrays morning, noon, even- ing, and night. The story of Jack and the Bean-stalk adorns the quoins of the windows; and, in fact, in this apartment, as in all others, every bit of space has been more or less beautified by the decorator's art. Support- ing, as it were, the beams where they join the walls, are four sculptured figures, which were intended for grotesque likenesses of the then mayor (Alderman Geo. L. Ashworth), with the Town Hall in his hand; Mr. W. H. Crossland, the architect; an Alderman in his gown (Mr. E. Taylor); and a Councillor (Mr. W. A. Scott). Amongst the portraits suspended in this room, we may mention a capital likeness of Bright and Cobden, by Fagnani: the former is reading a pamphlet, and his friend appears to be listening attentively. There is also a life-size portrait of Alderman T. Livsey. It was presented with an address to Mrs. Livsey by the Alderman's friends "as a testimony of their esteem for his public services, 1852," and was presented to the corporation in 1874, by his daughter, Mary Livsey. 28 THE TOWN HALL. In the mayor's parlour, which we enter from the apartment just described, we see running along the ceiling a tree of the fabled orchard of the Hesperides, producing golden fruit, guarded by dragons. The peacock, the bird of paradise, the humming bird, and other beautiful birds are perched in its branches, which spread all over the ceiling. In medallions on a frieze of magnolias are several English songsters, and some others on the walls are conventionally treated. Some vine branches grace the beams; with storks in various attitudes. The windows have some exceedingly good imagery of the months of the year, and the four seasons. The sculpture represents the praise of wine. The furniture in the mayor's rooms is of Dantzic oak elaborately carved, the chairs being covered with blue morocco, with the borough arms embossed in gold on the back. The window curtains are made of French tournay. The carpets, which are of a chaste design, are the best Turkey. The portraits here exhibited are those of Jacob Bright, the first mayor of the town, painted by W. Percy, and presented by the members of the Council in 1856; and of Alderman Geo. Leach Ashworth, chairman of the Town Hall Building Com- mittee, painted by Ph. Westcott, and presented to the corporation by public subscription. It The council chamber adjoins the mayor's rooms. occupies the whole width of the building from front to back, and measures 60 feet in length, by 24 in width. It has four handsome arches in Bath stone, the mould- ings of which are adorned with carved pateras, the spandrels being worked into a beautiful foliage. The illustrated subjects which run round the walls near THE TOWN HALL. 29 the ceiling represent the great inventions which have given an impetus to the manufacture of woollen, silk, and cotton fabrics, the great staple trades of the town. They are quite a study in themselves, illustrating the progress made from the simplest handwork to the almost perfect machinery of the present day. The names of the inventors and their likenesses, when these could be procured, are given. A rich frieze, with a wreath of cotton foliage, and beautiful designs of the plough, the shuttle, and the spindle, grace the ceiling. The diaper of the wall is suggested by the cotton plant and teazle. The stained glass in the windows is very light, and the subjects introduced are the arms of the Duke of Bridgewater, Sir Richard Arkwright, Sir Robert Peel, and Sir Titus Salt, as men who, though not inventors, have materially assisted-by their intelligence and active influence-the progress made in the textile manufactures. The furniture is very sumptuous, and upholstered in crimson morocco. Stepping out of the council chamber we reach the exchange, which is just within the grand central entrance. It is 72 feet in length by 39 in width. It is remarkable for its beautifully groined roof, supported by pillars of Aberdeen, Peterhead, and other granites; its richly carved Bath stone caps and bosses; its tiled floor, and its stained-glass windows. The carving is especially effective, both as regards design and execu- tion, the foliage of the Bath stone caps being as perfect an imitation of oak, ivy, and maple as it is possible to conceive, intermingled with the leaves being some native. animals and birds, such as the squirrel, owl, hawk, &c. The label mouldings over the doorways leading to the ? 30 THE TOWN HALL. council chamber on the left, and the ladies' cloak room and the lecturer's retiring room on the right, are terminated in easily recognised heads of celebrated men and women. Alternating each other over the tiled floor are the arms of the Duchy of Lancaster and the arms of the borough (surrounded by cotton plant foliage), and the arms of England. In the stained windows, looking upon the main road, are the arms of the conti- nental nations who are regarded as the best customers of the manufacturers of Rochdale, viz.: Sweden and Norway, Prussia, France, Switzerland, Spain, Denmark, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Belgium, Russia, and Portugal. Above these are the principal plants used in commerce: wheat, tobacco, tea, coffee, pimento, indiarubber, indigo, orange, hop, flax, hemp, jute, &c. The windows at the further end are filled with square quarries, stained in various devices. The grand staircase leading from the exchange to the great hall has a very noble appearance; indeed, it has been stated on good authority that there is no other in England which can be considered its equal. There is an artistic effect about its lofty groined ceiling, its marble hand-rail, and shafts, and its traceried Bath stone balustrading which can only be realised by personal inspection; and, as we ascend, the eye is dazzled with the resplendent rays streaming in through the large stained window before us, its nine lights being entirely filled with the full blazon of the royal arms of England, and, as we look, they seem to rest upon red and white roses entwined with the arms, supporters, crests, and well-known badges of Great Britain. This is brought out into stronger relief by the windows on THE TOWN HALL. 31 either side being merely filled in some centre openings, the one displaying the blazon of the county arms, and the other the arms and the crest of the corporation. In some of the lights above and below, and in the other windows of the staircase, are the arms of the corporate towns in the Duchy of Lancaster, the principal manu- facturing towns of Yorkshire, the ports from whence our manufactures are shipped to other ports, the countries that supply us with materials for textile fabrics, and finally, those of the Levant Merchants, the West India Merchants, and the East India Company. All these arms are beautifully coloured, and in every respect will bear minute inspection. A tribute is also paid, in the tracery of the side windows, to the great services rendered to modern progress by the ship, the steamer, the railway, and the telegraph. And the sculptor, to crown the beauty of the more solid portions of the stone-work on which the eye finally rests, has chiselled out, with cunning art, some running foliage upon the sprandrel heads to the traceried balustrading, and the carving here and in connection with the bosses is somewhat akin to that in the exchange. The four seasons of life are beautifully symbolised at each side of the two doors leading from the staircase into the great hall. The busts of John Fenton (the first M.P. for Rochdale) and Cobden stand on the first landing; and they are life-like portraits. The great hall is one of the handsomest rooms in England. Its extreme length, exclusive of the orches- tra, is 30 yards; its breadth 20 yards; and its height, from floor to apex, 68 feet. It will seat twelve hundred persons; and though generally used for public meetings, 32 THE TOWN HALL. concerts, and banquets, it has been found extremely well adapted for bazaars and balls. The principal feature of the hall is the series of stained windows filled with the kings and queens of England, including Oliver Cromwell. Such sumptuous decoration has only been attempted in one previous instance that of the House of Lords. The figures are under canopies, on quarry grounds, the quarries being painted with the initials and badges of the sovereigns. The first king is William the Conqueror, the series ending with William IV. Cromwell appears in subdued colours, between Charles I. and Charles II. The figures of Henry VIII. and Queen Elizabeth have been pronounced as excep- tionally fine, and the difficult treatment of the four Georges has been thoroughly well surmounted. The armorial bearings of the sovereigns fill the lights above the figures, the first being the generally received two- lion shield of William I., the next one calling for notice being that of Henry II., who has the three lions; and this has been the shield of England up to the present time. Those who are familiar with the subject will remember that upon his marriage with Eleanor of Aquitaine, who wore but one lion on her shield, Henry II. added it to the two lions he had previously borne, and thus the two shields merged into one of three lions. The badges of the royal houses are shown in the tracery of the windows. First in order come the carbuncle and broom plant of the Plantagenets; then the red rose, antelope, and chained swan of Lancaster; next the white rose, falcon, and fetterlock of York; and the badge of red and white rose and portcullis of the Tudors, which follows, is succeeded by the red and white rose, THE TOWN HALL. 33 shamrock, and thistle of the present day. The figure of our gracious sovereign, Queen Victoria, has been reserved for the centre of the circular window over the organ chamber. She is faithfully represented; and, as the fountain of honour, is surrounded by the collars and badges of the orders of knighthood. Opposite, is a similar window, with the portrait of Prince Albert. Surrounding the prince, in the quailefoils, are emblems. of painting, sculpture, science, architecture, commerce, manufacture, and agriculture. Underneath this window is the large subject of Magna Charta, by Mr. Holiday, of London. It is quite a study in itself. The attitude of the insurgent barons appears to be that of a dignified firmness, without violence, while the king, who is com- pelled to sign everything, yields the various points with an appearance of good grace, though secretly determined to recall those privileges on the first opportunity. Still he must not be supposed to display too amiable an acquiescence, as this might have revealed his real feelings; he is, therefore, granting them their rights sullenly, his manner betraying an effort to brave out the situation as best he can. The most noteworthy feature about the carving in the great hall is that of sixteen large size angels, magnificently executed, holding gas pendants. Animals appear in the corbels and the base, and the labels round the hall are terminated in heads of prominent male and female celebrities of the fourteenth century. The roof timbers and panels are elaborately adorned in gold, and the colouring is exceedingly rich, the several arms, badges, and legends of Great Britain being painted in black, red, and white in the panels, while the red rose 34 THE TOWN HALL. tree of the House of Lancaster sets off the seven principals. The gold soffits of the latter are especially noteworthy for the brilliance and lightness they impart to the roof. Most successful has been the treatment of the splendid diaper covering of the walls and the rich mouldings and jambs of the windows in a sort of pine pattern, the colours being black and Indian red. The arcade at the west end of the hall is enriched by some delicate running foliage, consisting of vine, thorn, and oak leaves. The gas fittings are most elaborate, the grand room being lighted with sixteen chandeliers, each composed of two tiers with a large number of burners, the effect being very brilliant at night, when the most salient features of the hall are brought out very prominently. The refreshment room adjoining the east end of the great hall is large and commodious, being 40 feet by 20 feet; the six corbels in this apartment are appropriately carved into designs of game, wild ducks, pheasants, &c. The sun, moon, stars, and the signs of the zodiac form the ground work for the decoration of the ceiling, and the adornment throughout is as effective as elsewhere. There is a hoist, which is used for bringing things up from the kitchen below, which, by the way, is fitted up with every apparatus required in the culinary art. Next to the refreshment room is another apartment of the same size, devoted to the meetings of the various committees. Its corbels represent the various passions. of human nature; three of the carved illustrations appearing on the one side and three on the other. Pain, for instance, is depicted as a victim to the pangs THE TOWN HALL. 35 and horrors of the toothache, while Pleasure is the same individual enjoying his porridge after the cursed mas- ticator has been extracted, which has been effected by a Tim Bobbin doctor, with pincers; the fun being evident. Greed is illustrated by a miser and his money- bags; Avarice by the man who would like to get them, and is determined to carry out his object by deception or murder. Law is seen as a watchman of the olden time, keeping his eye upon the intending robber. designs are captivating from their very grotesqueness. The town clerk's, the borough treasurer's, and other public offices, are in this part of the building, and the public enter by the door at the extreme east end. There are mezzanine rooms provided, on the ground floor, for the use of the hall-keeper. The JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. This department is entered at the west end of the town hall. The public offices, and the chief-constable's, and watch committee's rooms, are on the ground floor, and from the passage leading thereto we enter a large room, where the police may parade in wet weather. Ranged along two sides of this room are eight cells and one bath-room for the prisoners. Ascending by the staircase, above the west end porch, we reach the borough court, which adjoins the great hall, and is immediately over the parade room, from which the prisoners are brought into the dock by a circular iron staircase, so that they do not come in contact with the public. The court is 51 feet in length and 34 feet wide, There are seats on each side of the dock from the 36 THE TOWN HALL. passage into the gallery above. The walls of the court are of a greenish grey colour, with a broad frieze in devices of the Duchy of Lancaster, the ceiling being enriched with the shields of the county and borough, and the rose-en-soleil of England. Over the oak dado are figures of greyhounds (which support the arms of the chancellor of the Duchy) and crowned Lancaster roses. The three three-light windows in front are filled with figures of eminent men. The three central ones are Somers, Mansfield, and Ellenborough, three of our ablest administrators of law in the three great courts. On the dexter side are the three great jurists, Jeremy Bentham, Lord Bacon, and Sir Edward Coke; while on the sinister side are the three great defenders of our rights, King Alfred, Pym (who has given us the best definition of law), and Hampden. The windows at the back of the gallery, opposite, are filled with grisaille glass, rose pattern, with the borough arms in the centre in cotton foliage. Leading out of the court is the magistrates' room, which is one of the most pleasant apartments in the hall. It overlooks the pleasure grounds. The panels of the ceiling are partially filled with the armorial bearings of former mayors, the first being the arms of Mr. Jacob Bright; and as there are more panels than there have been mayors, they display, for the time being, the arms of the borough and duchy. The walls, as far as the dado, are hung with embossed leather, with a beautiful pattern of the pomegranate. The furniture here, as elsewhere, is made of the best Dantzic oak; and the utmost care has been taken in the adaptation of the woodwork to the rich decorations, the carving being THE TOWN HALL. 37 splendidly executed. The magistrates have a private staircase, which takes them right up to court, or they may enter their room by a gallery before going into court. Next to the magistrates' room is an office for the magistrates' clerk. THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. This library, which was opened on September 18th, 1872, is on the second floor, and is approached by the staircase at the east end of the town hall. It occupies a room 52 feet by 40 feet. The two windows display figures of Guttenberg, the inventor of printing, and Cadmus, of writing. The papyrus plant is appro- priately taken for the subject of the grisaille work in one of the lights below, and geometrical and ornamental lines in the other. Here are three niches with elabor- ately carved bosses, crockets, and pendants in Bath stone, and some elegant spandrels. In the library there are 16,669 volumes. The total cost of the Town Hall is estimated at £155,000. The principal work in the erection of the building was carried out under the superintendence of the architect, Mr. W. H. Crossland, of Leeds, by the following principal contractors :-Messrs. Warburton Bros., of Harpurhey, the shell and foundation of the building; Messrs. Heaton, Butler, & Bayne, of Garrick- street, London, the decoration of the large hall, borough court, magistrates' room, mayor's parlour and reception room, council chamber and vestibule, and also the whole of the stained glass; Mr. W. H. Best, of Rochdale, the 38 THE BELLS AND CHIMES. decoration of all the other rooms; Mr. Thos. Earp, of London, the whole of the carving; Messrs. Wirth, Bros., of Regent-street, London, the joinery; Mr. W. Snowdon, of Rochdale, the furniture; Messrs. Smith & Sons, of Birmingham, the locks; Mr. H. J. King, of Rochdale, the ironmongery; Messrs. Gillett & Bland, of Croydon, the clock and chimes; Mr. Taylor, of Lough- borough, the bells; Mr. W. Lott, of London, the gilding of the exterior; and Messrs. Hodkinson, Leicester, & Poynton, of Coventry, the gas fittings. THE BELLS AND CHIMES. There are thirteen bells in the tower, of which the largest, the tenor, weighs two and a half tons. The chimes are struck on the first, second, third, and sixth bells, and the hour on the tenor bell. The tunes, which number fourteen, require the whole of the bells. Indeed, one or two more would add much to the beauty of the melodies; notwithstanding, the tunes are played most effectively, and their names show that they are representative. The order in which they are played is- "The Easter Hymn,' "Rule Britannia," "St. Patrick's Day," "Auld Lang Syne," "Partant Pour la Syrié," "Yankee Doodle," "The German Watchman's Song," 104th Psalm," "God Bless the Prince of Wales, "Caller Herring," "God save the Emperor, ""Russian National Hymn," "Swiss Boy," and "Home, Sweet Home." "" It will be seen that not only our own national tunes are given, but those of the chief nations of Europe, our colonies ("Home, Sweet Home"), and the United THE BELLS AND CHIMES. 39 States. The words to most of the tunes are known; there may, perhaps, be one exception in the German Watchman's Song, which might be confounded with the War Song, but it is the song commencing: "Hark! ye neighbours and hear me tell, Ten now strikes on the belfry bell, Ten are the Holy Commandments given To man on earth, by God in heaven." &c. THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. "Here the fine setting of well-shaded trees, The walks there mounting up by small degrees, The gravel and the green so equal lie, It, with the rest, draws on your ling'ring eye. Here the sweet smells that do perfume the air, So please the smelling sense, that you are fain Where last you walk'd, to turn and walk again." PUBLIC park in the midst of a manufacturing town, such as Rochdale, is a privilege of the highest value, for here not only the children of the rich may pass joyful hours of recreation, but those of the poor may here, for a time, forget the miseries and privations of their crowded and ill-ventilated cottages, and without feeling themselves. trespassing, gambol and frolic, or sit at their leisure, enjoying the open air of heaven. Here the convalescent may stroll about, or may rest on the seats so numerously and thoughtfully provided; and while that sweet scene around cheers his reviving spirits, may, in a grateful mood, thank the Creator who has raised him up from his bed of sickness to feel once more the exhilarating breeze play on his pale and sunken cheek. Here we also see "The hawthorn bush with seats beneath the shade," which do not require a great stretch of the imagination to suppose are "For talking age and whispering lovers made." い ​THE PARK GRAMMAR & SPARROW HILL SCHOOLS. THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. 41 Here the aged may repair and while away their time; and, perchance, the frolics of the children call to mind the delightful rambles which their native fields and meadows afforded to their earlier years, review their past lives with complacency and an approving conscience, and reflect on their "eternal home.” Here the un- fortunate artizan, wandering from town to town in search of employment, may find a short respite for his aching brain and limbs ere he "plods his weary way" to another town; and here the spendthrift and drunkard may, in seclusion, brood over their self-inflicted troubles, and resolve on a more creditable course of life for the future. With these reflections, which seem to rise naturally from a contemplation of the beautiful scene which is here spread out before us, we will proceed to give such a description of the park and pleasure. grounds as we hope will prove interesting to our readers. And we think it must be evident that few of the recent improvements made by the corporation. of Rochdale reflect more credit on that body than the change which has been effected in the Sparrow Hill and Broadfield. The corporation wisely determined to secure this property, and employed competent persons to prepare designs as to the laying out and arrangement of the ground. The designs sent in by Messrs. A. Stansfield and Son, of Todmorden, were adopted, and the result is now as presented to the eye of the visitor. The con- clusion to which the corporation came was, at the time, somewhat severely criticised, and not without some show of reason. It was stated, over and over again, that vegetation of any kind could, under no circumstances, 4 42 THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. be expected to flourish or even survive in the middle of the town; and that such an outlay as the completion of the scheme would require would be nothing less than a sheer waste of public money. The result, however, has proved unmistakeably the propriety of the course adopted by the corporation, and, we think, it may be said that the town of Rochdale is in possession of a privilege which it is in no way dis- posed to underrate. On leaving the Town Hall a spacious boulevard of some 900 feet length opens out to Manchester-road, and is now the most deservedly popular and beautiful approach to the town. A row of elm trees is planted on each side the boulevard, and so placed on the outer side of the footpath as eventually to give grateful shelter to foot passengers in hot sunny weather. Each side is bounded by slopes planted with evergreens and other shrubs and trees. By a broad flight of steps and somewhat steep winding walks, in the first Sparrow Hill, the visitor may reach some points of vantage for distant views well worth the trouble it may involve. The same remark applies to the second Sparrow Hill, with this exception that the gradients of the roads are much more easy, and are accessible from two points- one from the thoroughfare up the Sparrow Hill, and the other from the westerly end of the boulevard. The Park, commonly known as "Broadfield," is an irregular plot of ground some sixteen acres in extent. By a considerable and judicious outlay it has been enclosed with substantial boundary walls, surmounted with handsome palisading. The laying out of the park may be said to embrace two distinct styles of gardening THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. 43 -the natural and the artificial. The lower and more irregularly formed portion being better adapted for the former, and the flat or table land for the latter. This course has been adopted mainly in deference to the wishes of the General Purposes Committee, in order to produce a greater amount of variety in the limited space at disposal, and so please the various tastes of the burgesses. Entering the park from the westerly side of the boulevard, in front of the handsome Presbyterian Church, the first object which meets the eye is the small sheet of water, supplied partly by the drainage of the ground above, and partly from a source previously existing. The supply of water is abundant and good, as the health of the various waterfowl with which the lake is stocked testifies. A small island of rhododen- drons in the centre is introduced, so as to break the line of sight and increase the apparent extent of the water. Passing up to the higher ground, between luxuriant banks of evergreens, interspersed only by bright glades of verdant lawn, the visitor leaves on the right the boys' play-ground, more than half an acre in extent. In the extreme west corner is the portion set apart for the gymnasium. Both this and the play-ground are so screened by dense shrubberies and raised mounds as to shut them out from the sight of the visitor who comes with quieter views of enjoyment. The new schools near to the west entrance are objects of interest in this particular portion of the park, and seem to form most fitting and appropriate surroundings. A principal road leads from this point along the south-westerly margin, the terrace of houses being well screened by a wide border of shrubs and trees. 44 THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. Passing from this point in the direction of Sparrow Hill Schools, the visitor reaches "Flagstaff Hill," the highest portion of the park. From this eminence a fine view of the surrounding country can be obtained. The spires and towers of no less than nine churches and chapels are visible from one point, and, as objects of interest in the immediate neighbourhood, St. Alban's and Castle Hill are prominent. In the distance is also seen the thriving town of Heywood, and the horizontal outline on the north-westerly side is bounded by Rooley Moor, with its silvery line of sinuous road leading to the ancient Forest of Rossendale. A little to the west of Rooley Moor is plainly visible a cottage which is said to be exactly four miles from Rochdale. On the same side but more to the north are Rushy Hill, Brown Wardle Hill, and Middle Hill, and still more con- spicuous, the well-known and picturesque "white house" on Blackstone Edge. While in the lower part of the park the visitor must not omit to notice "Cant Hill' well, where there is an almost unvarying and abundant supply of pure spring water. The well is approached from the thoroughfare in front of Sparrow Hill Schools. Cant Hill has often given rise to little disputation as to its etymology. Some contend that it is owing to the well being a gossiping or tattling place; some that the water of the well had some famous curative powers for those who came regularly to drink its waters; whilst others, and with certainly more show of reason on their side, say that Cant Hill is the "recovery" or strengthen- ing hill, as it was and we hope will continue to be the custom for convalescents to take a walk to the top of the hill for the sake of the refreshing and invigorating THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. 45 breeze. In the year 1845, the Rev. Dr. Molesworth erected the present stonework over the well, and dedicated it "for the use of the poor," and warns the mischievous "for their sake do no damage." Over it he inscribed a scriptural passage: Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." Formerly Cant Hill water had a great reputation as making better tea than that from any other source, and even now, it is not uncommon to see the people fetch it for this purpose, from even the most remote parts of the town. Passing towards the more formal part of the park, we have on the right the girls' play-ground, a large and almost circular plot, snugly enclosed with high mounds, grassy banks, and dense shrubberies, and though within but a few yards of the main thoroughfare through the park, it will eventually have the appearance of as much privacy as the croquet lawn of a private family. We now come to the more level or geometrical portion of the park, which is approached by two entrances, both opening out of the Broadfield walk. One of the main features in this portion is the sunk panel on the north-westerly side which is intended to serve as a bowling green, &c. It is entered on the north and south sides by two flights of steps. A broad grass terrace margins the panel, with scroll-work and small circular and other beds for spring bulbs and summer bedding plants. Each side of the terrace is bounded by broad walks in lines parallel, and these 46 THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. again are flanked by broad bands of shrubberies on their outer margin. There are two other entrances besides those previously named: the principal one opposite the vicarage gates, and the other from Park- street, off Drake-street. To For the mind of the botanist, the gardener, and the educated public, there is another form of interest attaching to the pleasure grounds, and that is the native habitat of the plants. Our world-wide commerce, and the enterprise of our countrymen, have been the means of bringing to this land almost everything that is beautiful and interesting in the vegetable kingdom; and, owing to the moderation of our climate, we can place side by side in our gardens and pleasure grounds choice specimens from various latitudes. take a few instances only, we have the curious monkey puzzle or Araucaria imbricata, with its rope- like prickly branches, from the Chilian Andes mountains in South America, where it bears an edible cone the size of a child's head; there is the Pinus Austriaca, the thick and sombre branches of which wave on the slopes of the Tyrol; we have also the Rhodo- dendron, of the Swiss Alps, the Rhododendron ponticum and Azalea, from the Caucasus; the Privet and the Aucuba, with its yellow-spotted leaves, from Japan; the Berberis Darwinii, from South America (named after the great biologist), struggles for an existence in our smoky atmosphere; the hardy little Pernettia comes from the wilds of Terra del Fuego; the Ledum, with its small leathery leaves, which have been used as tea, flourishes in the swamps of Canada; the Liriodendron or Tulip tree also comes to us from North America, THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. 47 and, finally, there is a young specimen of the big Pine trees of California, the Wellingtonia Gigantea, which attains in its native land a height of over three hundred feet. “Flowers are scattered with a generous profusion in every part of the habitable world; in the snowy arctic regions, and in the sunny lands of the south; on the hoary Nile, and in the sparkling rivulets of our own loved land; on the sandy plains of Africa, and in our quiet fields and woods; in the lonely isles of ocean, and on the shattered ruins of our halls and towers, nay, on the very walls and roofs of our cottage dwellings; beneath the foot of the laughing child, and round the grave of the grey-haired man. "In all places, then, and in all seasons, Flowers expand their light and soul-like wings, Teaching us, by the most persuasive reasons How akin they are to human things. And with child-like, credulous affection, We behold their tender buds expand; Emblems of our own great resurrection, Ebmlems of the bright and better land." THE PUBLIC BATHS. R OCHDALE is not celebrated as a place of resort for valetudinarians seeking bathing facilities; and, indeed, since the fouling of the rivers Roach and Spodden, and the increase of popula- tion on the banks of the canal, the natural bathing places have been destroyed, but through the exertions of the late Mr. Alderman Moore, and Mr. Alderman Taylor, and other gentlemen, public baths were erected in Smith Street, in the year 1868, in which the inhabitants may now have the full advantage resulting from bathing. The practice of bathing undoubtedly reaches back to the earliest times, and the most ancient historical accounts, as well as the popular myths, make mention of it, but there is no trace in Rochdale of ancient baths. Bathing is a very important agent in the preservation and restoration of health. Besides promoting cleanliness, the refreshing and invigorating effects of cold bathing, in its various forms, have always been acknowledged, as have, also, the soothing effects of the warm bath, but the virtues of water, as a curative agent, have been more fully developed in modern times. The baths were designed by Mr. E. N. Macdougall, the contractors being Messrs. J. Parker and Son, and have cost £9,500. They are built, in the Italian style of architecture, of brick, and stone dressings, having a façade of 113 feet long, of THE PUBLIC BATHS. 49 two storeys, the principal entrance being of stone, with plain moulded heads. The baths appropriated to the ladies are on the left, and those to the gentlemen on the right of the entrance. There are two large swimming baths, 65 feet 6 inches by 39 feet, and 38 feet high. The water is kept tepid by means of steam. In the galleries surrounding the swimming baths there are slipper baths. In addition to the above, there are excellent and peculiar Turkish baths, which were made after a plan arranged by Mr. Milligan, the manager of the baths. The peculiarity of these baths is that the bather can breathe a cool atmosphere whilst the body is enclosed in hot-air, so that the most susceptible may take the baths without danger. In the year 1868, the total number of bathers visiting the Rochdale Baths amounted to 33,849; in 1869, the number increased to 35,266; in 1870, the number decreased to 31,832; in 1871, to 31,435; but increased, in 1872, to 34,114; in 1873, decreased to 33,016, but at the end of September, 1874, being six months from April 1st, they numbered. 32,437. THE GAS WORKS. SHE works are situate at the foot of Castle Hill, on a part of a space known as Kill Danes, and were erected in the year 1824, by John Malam, gas engineer. The directors were John Roby (chairman), Thomas Booth, Samuel Lomax (Townhead), Joseph Wood (Bank), John Eccroyd (nail maker), Abraham Brierley, and John Chadwick. J. S. Lancashire, was appointed manager. The works were constructed for the manufacture of gas and coke, the coke ovens being similar to those in use at coal pits. The separate manufacture of coke was soon discontinued. At first the works were equal to a make of about 20,000 cubic feet per day. At that time there was no such thing as a station meter, and there are no reliable figures, but it is supposed that not more than 15,000 cubic feet of gas were consumed per twenty-four hours in the depth of winter, whilst about this quantity is now turned out in five minutes. The works cost about £11,000. The opening was celebrated by a grand balloon ascent by Mr. Sadler, who was accompanied by Mr. Roby; and the day was made a general holiday in the town. The balloon descended near Bacup. From the year 1823 to 1844, the works continued in the hands of the gas company; and, in the latter year, they were purchased by the corporation for the sum of £27,700. THE GAS WORKS. 51 The following statement shows a marvellous increase in the consumption of gas:- In the year ending March The money amount of gas sold to private consumers ... The No. of feet of gas made The No. of Consumers ... The No. of street Lamps The length of main pipes laid in Miles The Mortgage Debt 27,919,000. 52,286,000 94,343,000 223,086,000 1844 1854 1864 1874 5,683 8,014 14,159 34,495 904 2,650 10.756, 16,959 263 501 677 1,420 10 24 43 65 27,700 31,450 53,349 132,115 12,995 21,297 44,482 cannel... 5s. 2 d. 9s. 41a. 17s. Od. 3s. 10d. 3s. 102d. 38. 93d. Ss. 9d. 6s. 10d. 17s. 73d. ¡12s. 8d. 17s. 4d. 258. 4d. The profits paid towards the Town Improvements have been £78,774, being in each of the ten years... The average selling price of gas in the years ending....... The average cost per ton for coal.. "" These figures naturally lead the mind to investigate the extent of the works at their commencement and at the present period. In 1824, there were eighteen retorts and two gas holders, with a capacity or storage room for 36,000 cubic feet. In 1844, the retorts num- bered fifty-seven, and there was a storage room for 118,000 feet. At the present date, there is a retort house 100 yards long by 45 yards broad, containing 341 retorts; on each side of the beds of retorts is a coal store, where 6,000 tons of material may be stacked ready for a winter's consumption. A purifying house. 35 by 21 yards, a fine massive stone building of two storeys, containing six purifiers, each 24 feet square by 4 feet deep. The ground floor being used as a revivi- fying floor. There is also another purifying house, oxide shed, two large gas holders, tar and ammoniacal liquor tanks, station meters, condensors, &c. A splendid stack of buildings used for engines, exhausters, boilers, workshops for blacksmiths, fitters, 52 THE GAS WORKS. joiners, meter makers, stores for meters, pipes, and all other materials. In other buildings are similar appliances required in the manufacture of gas, all being of the most approved construction. Conspicuous amongst the erections are the scrubbers, like two massive towers, with houses on top of each, standing 50 feet high, 12 feet diameter, used for the purpose of cleansing the gas from ammonia and other impurities. The room for storage consists of three holders, the largest of which was completed last year, and is a telescopic gasholder 126 feet diameter and 52 feet high, the tank being 26 feet 6 inches deep. The holder has a capacity of 632,000 cubic feet. The total storage room is 1,150,000 cubic feet. The whole works now cover nearly seven acres, and have been not only extended but remodelled, chiefly since the year 1871, and they are allowed by eminent gas engineers to be equal if not superior to any of a similar size in the United Kingdom. The alterations, extensions, and improvements have been designed by the present manager, Mr. Samuel Hunter, C.E. 3 The works are now equal to a supply of 12 millions cubic feet each twenty-four hours, and the increase in the consumption of gas being so rapid it is expected that further extension will be required within a very short time. THE WATER WORKS. B EFORE the year 1760, the inhabitants of Rochdale had to rely on pumps and wells for the supply of water. The chief of these were situated at Leyland's Brow, better known as "Packer Spout;" at the "Wet Rake," near the junction of Oldham and Milnrow Roads; the pump in the Lowergates, opposite to the Amen Corner; the pump at the Bishop, near Temple-street; the well or spout supplied by a stream on the east of Blackwater, near Barrack Yard; Kitchen pump, at the end of Bury Road; the spout at Coldwall Brow; Wardleworth Wells; and Cant Hill Well, but nearly all are now gone; the sewerage of the town, and the increase of buildings having destroyed them. The first reservoir was constructed about the year 1760, by Messrs. Ralph and Samuel Taylor, and John Clegg. It is situated in Leyland's Brow, near the church steps, 25 feet above the centre of the town. Its low level confined the supply only to the inhabitants who resided in the lower parts of the town. However, its value in giving a supply of water inside the house led to the formation of a Water Works Company, who purchased it for an annuity of £80 per annum; and, in the year 1809, an application was made to Parliament and power obtained to use the Noon Sun Spring on Cronkeyshaw, and to make large reservoirs to supply 54 THE WATER WORKS. the town. The Acts of 1816, 1839, and 1847, gave power to enlarge and form Jepheys, Buckley Wood, Hamer Pasture, and Brown House Wham reservoirs; and mains were extended in all directions. In 1866, the Town Council purchased the Water Works, giving the shareholders an annuity of £5 12s. on £56 paid stock, there being in all 1,332 shares, and Parliament authorised the Corporation to borrow £200,000, and to purchase land for the making of new reservoirs, one at Spring Mill, another at Cowm, and small service reservoirs at Knot Hill, Shawforth, and at Buersil Head. The construction of Cowm reservoir was commenced in the year 1867, and is very near completion at a cost of £189,567. The Spring Mill reservoir is in course of construction, and the cost up to the present time amounts to £24,162. The gathering ground of the Water Works Company was 700 acres, and the capacity of the reservoirs 147 millions of gallons. The Cowm reservoir will have a gathering ground of 955 acres, and a capacity of 228 millions of gallons. The gather- ing ground of Spring Mill reservoir will be 558 acres, and its capacity 133 millions of gallons. The whole works are estimated to give a supply of 20 gallons per head to 104,500 of a population; Cowm being able to supply 42,500; Spring Mill 24,500; and the old works 37,500. The whole reservoirs will hold 250 days' supply at the rate of 20 gallons per head per day, but in practice, this supply will be diminished by the compensation, and cannot be reckoned at more than 160 days available supply. These conclusions are arrived at by the calcu- lations that one acre will supply forty-four persons, the rainfall being estimated at 42 inches, the compen- THE WATER WORKS. 55 sation to the owners on the stream at 10 inches, and the evaporation and loss by flood at 24 inches. The construction of Cowm reservoir was a most expensive affair, caused by unexpected difficulties. Treacherous ground was found in sinking the trench on the westerly side, and the work had to be carried on by night as well as by day for several months. However, at last, the difficulty was surmounted, but then a second presented itself in the shape of a fissured rock in the bed of the reservoir, and under the embankment. A large portion of the rock had to be removed and replaced with concrete. This caused another delay and increased expenditure, but at last it has been made a very fine reservoir, and the four filtering ponds have been con- structed on the improved system of fine sand and gravel, resting on layers of boulders, the whole being 3 feet 6 inches thick. Pretty cascades will be formed by the water as it leaves the reservoirs, and can be seen to advantage from the three stone bridges which span the bye-wash and compensation channel. These works have been designed by Messrs. T. & C. Hawksley, consulting engineers, and carried out by Mr. H. Rofe, the resident engineer and manager of the works. T THE MANURE WORKS. IKE other towns in Lancashire and Yorkshire, Rochdale has undergone great changes, and has experienced great difficulties in being relieved from its sewerage and refuse matter. Some fifty years ago, it was a source of profit to property owners, as it was common with the neighbouring farmers to give a liberal sum per annum for the privi- lege of removing the midden-steads. Soon after the passing of the police Act of 1825, the rapidly extending population made the ownership of the midden-stead less profitable, and the town had to undertake the duty of removal, which was done by contract. The con- tractors found no doubt, for some years, it was profitable to sell the manure. The last contract by the town was for £1,300 a year. The neglected and ill-conditioned state of the midden-steads was such that it led to a low state of habit, and was a lively cause of the spread of disease through the town. In 1864, Mr Alderman Taylor (chemist), wrote at the request of Mr. Alderman Mansell, who had the management of this department, to the Scavenging Committee, detailing a method by which, in his view, that which was a nuisance, and expensive, might be turned into a profit, and so arranged as not to be a cause of the spread of disease. This proposition was not at once received; indeed not until J THE MANURE WORKS. 57 The three years after was it seriously entertained. growing difficulties were such, that the committee resolved that a trial should be made of the scheme proposed, and also of any other plan that might be suggested. A twelve month's trial was then made, and the scheme which is now in general use was adopted. This plan, which has received the name of "the Rochdale system," we shall now briefly describe. Its first principle is, that all excreta and refuse of the house shall be removed at least weekly; that the refuse be separated into its constituents of ash, cinders, vegetable matter, iron, glass, pots, &c. The ash and excreta are then manufactured into manure by a special method devised by Mr. Alderman Taylor, and the other refuse used or sold; so that the great nuisance of modern towns called the "tip," is not required, and that which has been hitherto a great cost to towns, will become a source of profit. Repulsive as it might seem, yet, it is nevertheless a most interesting sight, especially to farmers, and all persons interested in the sanitary questions of the day, to see the method of dealing with this refuse of towns. The works are situated at the junction of Entwisle-street and Smith-street, and are well worthy of inspection. From every part of England eminent visitors have expressed their surprise and appreciation at the effectiveness and completeness of the scheme; and, amongst official visitors, the special Inspector of the Local Government Board of England, and the special Inspector of the American Government have declared it to be the best in England or America. This manure, which was at first used with some doubt and fear by the farmers, is now bought in large quan- 5 58 THE MANURE WORKS. tities, and there are most abundant testimonials of its great value. On the date we write, October 28th, 1874-in the week previous there were removed 84 tons of excreta and 143 tons of refuse, from 4,434 closets and ash- places. The quantity of manure made was 74 tons. The number of houses thus relieved from the refuse was 7,995, and 116 mills. The work is accomplished by twelve horses and twenty-four men; twelve horses and eight carts in collecting, and sixteen men in the manufacture. Dr THE FIRE BRIGADE. Valour and strength are the Fireman's need, And to carry his life in his hand; In the hour of peril to toil or bleed In the midst of a noble band. To gaze on the flames with undazzled eye, As the eagle glares on the sun; To spare no pains, and to heave no sigh, 'Till he knows that his work is done. Where shall we find him? Oh, such men, I ween, Are found in the ranks of our valiant Sixteen. Then honour the Fire Brigade, May Heav'n all their efforts aid, Bold and undaunted and gallant Sixteen ! UR good old jog-trot ancestors were not, we should imagine, much troubled with great destruction of property by fire in their quiet days, and it is well they were not. We have no desire to throw cold water on our forefathers, but, in truth, their apparatus for extinguishing fires was of a touchingly simple and primitive kind. And this is how they acted :—When a fire was discovered the watch- man (usually a slow-going and asthmatic ancient), gave the alarm with his rattle, with all the intensity which his feeble strength allowed, and the captain of the watch, heading his troop, which he picked up here and there. as quickly as possible (which was not very quickly), waddled to the scene of the conflagration, armed with buckets, which, by the way, were not always water-tight. There were no mains in those days, but pumps, some- 60 THE FIRE BRIGADE. times containing water, were scattered all over the town, and their rusty and ungreased handle joints kept up a chorus of the most creaky and unmelodious music. As the march of improvement continued its course, a couple of miniature fire engines, known as box-engines, were provided by the authorities, but they barely met the requirements of even those days, on account of their positive feebleness. Over fifty years ago, the Commis- sioners of that time, formed a fire brigade, and Mr. Frank Wynn was appointed the captain. Mr. Samuel Taylor followed, and about thirty-seven years ago Mr. John Eccles was placed at the head of that department as engineer. Two large fire engines were purchased from Messrs. Walker & Co., of Bury, but they were re-sold, as they were found to be too heavy to be satisfactorily worked. Thirty-six years ago, Mr. Eccles made two new engines, "Niagara," and "Extinguisher,' and twenty years after, he made a more powerful engine, "Thetis ;" and in the same year, a fire escape was purchased from Messrs. Joy & Dearden, of Man- chester. In 1874, a steam fire engine, made by Messrs. Merryweather & Son, of London, was bought for the sum of £750, and this engine is capable of throwing water 220 feet high with four three-quarter jets. The corporation has now at its command "Niagara,' "Extinguisher," "Thetis," and the steam fire engine mentioned. Possessing, therefore, a fall so powerful (as the Niagara," the presence of a sea deity Thetis," and an engine of the greatest motive power— steam-available, surely Mr. Eccles and his able asso- ciates could put an "extinguisher" on Mount Etna if it should be considered desirable to try the experiment. THE FIRE BRIGADE 61 Like Mahomet and his mountain, if Etna will not come to Rochdale to have a "damper" put on, then, in the case supposed, the fire brigade will have to pay a visit to Etna. Returning to patent facts, however, we must state that the pressure of water in the mains is not equal to that in surrounding towns, as in some it can be thrown 200 feet high, whereas in Rochdale, in the highest part of the town, it can be thrown but 30 feet high, and in the lowest, only 100 feet. The present brigade numbers sixteen. Mr. John Eccles is the head engineer, and Mr. Alfred Eccles assistant engineer. In the Town Hall tower there is a self-acting fire alarm bell, erected by Mr. Henry Butterworth, of Lord- street, which can be heard a distance of four miles, the alarm apparatus being worked by a lever fixed in the police office. The maintenance of a well-trained and efficient fire brigade, with engines and other apparatus of the most recent and approved kinds, cannot be over estimated in the midst of a wealthy community like Rochdale, and we are glad to observe that the Council has made such provision (water excepted) as should, we think, be sufficient to cope with any emergency that may arise. The requisite pressure from the mains is certainly a matter that calls for prompt attention; for, without a powerful and plentiful supply of water, the utmost exertions of the brigade, energetic as they are at all times, and the most scientifically constructed engines, will avail but little. Verbum sap. THE DISTRICT CORONERSHIP. க SHE Rochdale Coroner's District formerly com- prised an area of 114,564 statute acres, and at the census in 1861 contained a population of 295,736 persons; but in 1870, when a revision of the districts took place, it was considerably reduced, and it would be a work of great difficulty to approximate its present extent in acres. and number of inhabitants. It may be briefly stated that the towns of Rochdale, Oldham, Middleton, Hey- wood, and the adjacent villages, and also the towns of Bacup, Todmorden, and the intermediate places from Rochdale are comprised in the "Rochdale District." The honourable office of coroner is one of the most ancient of our institutions, dating even from time immemorial. Coroners were known in the reign of King Alfred, and were officers of high dignity, of which they were, however, considerably shorn by the provisions of Magna Charta and subsequent legislation. Still, at the present time, in addition to their judicial functions, coroners have ministerial authority analogous to that of the high sheriff of the county, in whose stead they can execute processes if required. Formerly, coroners were paid by fees and mileage, and were often censured for holding inquests un- necessarily to increase the emoluments of the office; THE DISTRICT CORONERSHIP. 63 and by 23 and 24 Vict., c. 116, it is provided that they should be paid by salaries in lieu of fees; the salaries being subject to quinquennial revision. This provision would appear to have failed in its purpose of settling the causes of former differences between the county justices and the coroners, inasmuch as for many years past strong efforts have been made by the former to get the office abolished, and the latter have been somewhat harassed by persistent enquiries into cases of inquests. alleged to have been unnecessarily held. There can be no doubt that the existence of coroners' enquiries acts as a safeguard of our personal safety, and to a great extent as a powerful deterrent to crime. So it must have been regarded by a select Committee of the House of Commons, as, when considering a Bill for the abolition of coroners' enquiries, they asserted that it was not advisable to interfere with the discretion which had been vested in coroners' from time immemorial. The appointment of county coroners is by an election at which freeholders of the county alone can vote. The present coroner, John Molesworth, Esq., was appointed on January 26th, 1870, at the Lyceum, Baillie Street, and there being no other candidate, the nomination and election occupied but a few minutes. This was not, however, the case with his predecessor, Thos. fferrand Dearden, Esq., as he had to contest the election, and at tremendous expense, if the statement be correct that the cost of the election amounted to a sum equal to Mr. Dearden's income from the office during the first 15 years! The office had been held by members of his family for upwards of a century at Mr. Dearden's death, which occurred on Jan. 2, 1870, his uncle, Thomas 64 THE DISTRICT CORONERSHIP. Ferrand, having been appointed in 1795, and his (Mr. Dearden's) great-uncle in, or about, 1767. There is no record at hand to show who were the preceding coroners of the district. INTERESTING RECORDS. Upwards of thirty years ago, there were, in proportion to the inhabitants fully as many cases of murder, suicide, and infanticide as there are in the present day. The latter crime seems to have been then of more frequent occurrence than latterly; certainly, a greater proportion of such cases were detected at that period than is now the case. A few remarks, based on extracts from the Coroners' Court Roll, may not be unacceptable at this point. In former times, the nomenclature of persons was, as may be supposed, considerably varied, and Christian (?) names now seldom heard of were formerly to be met with, as for instance, Gamaliel, Hippolite, Avarinah, Jebazy, Isaacan, Issachar, Halcamus, Lancelot, Dianus, Sylva, Enniel, Lois, Maroner, to say nothing of the whole run of scriptural appelations. In 1782, a boy of twelve years, named Sir Andrew Chadwick Taylor, met with his death accidentally; as, likewise, in 1800, did. Duke Haigh, aged six years. The name of "Captain is often given to a child never designed for either army or navy, and that of "Doctor" to others, in no view of their becoming learned in the clerical, legal, or medical professions. "" The variety in verdicts affords some little matter for remark. 'Died by the Visitation of God." Were INTERESTING RECORDS. 65 "twelve good and lawful men" of this Borough to meet by the coroner's summons to enquire into the cause of a sudden death, and the above verdict were to be returned, the outside public would hold it to be inconclusive of the cause of the death, even if not broaching on irreverence. Still, in cases of sudden death, the cause being perfectly natural, the above verdict was almost invariably returned, and its use was not entirely discontinued till the year 1863, when the present expression, Died from natural causes, was substituted. The verdict referred to was not confined to sudden mishaps, for it was returned in the cases of death from fighting and wrestling. In cases of suicide, a verdict of felo de se was very rare indeed in past years, and is never returned in the present day, owing, no doubt, to the Christian view that no man can in his proper senses take away his own life. Still, there are a few instances where felo de se has been the finding of the jury- the dead being interred at midnight, without the Christian rites of burial, but without the former barbarity of driving a stake through the body, before its interment in four cross roads. Deaths by boiler explosions, machinery, and colliery accidents have been much less frequent of late years. than formerly, and, in respect to the latter class of accidents, this district has been amongst the most favoured, for a long period, in its immunity from such. serious losses of life as have occurred in other districts. A peculiar usage, formerly attaching to deaths by accident, is worthy of mention, viz., the levying of deodands. Formerly, every personal chattel causing the death of a person was forfeited to the king, or its 66 INTERESTING RECORDS. value assessed, and applied to pious uses and distributed in alms, but by the Statute 9 and 10 Vict., c. 62, deodands were abolished. The formation of the Man- chester and Leeds Railway (and especially the Summit. Tunnel) was very productive of fatalities to the workmen employed. From February, 1838, to September, 1840, no less than 41 fatal accidents occurred in and about the tunnel, and in ten of these cases deodands amounting altogether to £35 16s. Od. were levied. Deaths by Justifiable Homicide were, and still are, of rare occurrence. In November, 1836, a man named Thomas Dronsfield, in attempting violence upon one Thomas Bottomley, was killed by the latter, and his act was considered a case of justifiable homicide. An earlier instance occurs where two of the Scotch rebels, on entering this neighbourhood, made a demand upon a farmer, who threatened to shoot them if they did not leave his premises, and on their refusing he carried out his threat to the fullest extent. Other cases (though very few) are on record, of deaths caused by persons in self-defence. In 1795 (August 4), two men were shot at Rochdale whilst rioting, and a verdict was returned that they were "killed of necessity, and in defence of His Majesty's subjects." It has been said that Fate bears some mysterious connection with figures, and that a fatality attaches itself especially to the number three. Whether this statement be true or not we are unprepared to say; but, in tracing events coming within the coroner's jurisdiction for upwards of a century, we find many strange occurrences which would seem to support the theory. In some scores of instances which might readily be quoted, there have INTERESTING RECORDS. 67 been three deaths from the same or similar accidents, at the same time, or immediately succeeding; or three persons whose surnames, or Christian names, or initials were alike, follow each other on the Coroner's Rolls, although their deaths occur in different parts of the district. THE COUNTY COURT. HIS Court was established in March, 1847, under an Act passed in the previous year. Up to that time, and from 1839, there was a court for the recovery of small debts, called the "Rochdale Court of Requests." Courts, of the like kind were in existence in various towns in the kingdom; but the Act of 1846 abolished all such courts, and established one uniform mode of procedure for the recovery of small debts and demands throughout England and Wales. The first Judge of the County Court was J. S. T. Greene, Esq., who had held a similar office in the Court of Requests; the Registrar (or Clerk) was James Woods, Esq., and the High Bailiff was Mr. Henry Lord. The two latter had also held similar offices in the abolished Court of Requests. Mr. Greene continued to be Judge until 1859, when he was removed to another district, and C. Temple, Esq., Q.C., was appointed in his place. The latter, on his death, was succeeded by John Osborne, Esq., and this gentleman was followed by the present Judge, Crompton Hutton, Esq. Mr. Woods occupied the office of Registrar until 1867, when he died; and Robert Jackson, Esq., was appointed to succeed him. The High-Bailiffship was filled by Mr. Lord until his death, in September, 1873, when the offices of High-Bailiff and Registrar became united in one officer, the present Registrar, Mr. Robert Jackson. THE COUNTY COURT. 69 The original district of the Court was of considerable extent; but in 1858 an outlying part was taken away to form a portion of the Bacup County Court District, at which place no court had previously existed. At present, the district extends over the townships of Blatchinworth and Calderbrook, Butterworth, Castleton, Spotland, Wardleworth, and Wuerdle and Wardle. The number of cases annually entered in the Court has varied from upwards of 4,000 (before the District was divided) to 2,900, or thereabouts, in 1873. In former years, the Court exercised jurisdiction in Insol- vency and Bankruptcy. The latter jurisdiction was taken away under the Act of 1869, when the Oldham County Court was constituted a Bankruptcy Court for Rochdale and other places. With the exception of Bankruptcy and Admiralty, the Court has the same jurisdiction as the other County Courts, namely, Equity and Common Law. The Equity jurisdiction is restricted to matters not exceeding £500 in value, and the Common Law jurisdiction to claims for debts or damages not exceeding £50. may The mode of procedure in the County Court be briefly mentioned:-A plaint is entered, upon which a summons issues to the defendant to appear on a given day, when the cause is dealt with by the Judge or Registrar. Non-payment of an amount adjudged is followed by execution against goods, or by a judgment summons and commitment. The fees are regulated by the Lords of the Treasury, and have undergone various revisions. The present scale is as follows:-Plaint, 1s. in the pound; Hearing, 2s. in the pound; Admission, 1s. in the pound; Judgment Summons, 3d. in the 70 THE COUNTY COURT. pound (with a fee for service of 6d. or 1s.); and Execution or Commitment, 1s. 6d. in the pound. Parties may appear by attorney, and there are in the town several able advocates who practise in the Court. The sittings are held twice every calendar month at the Public Hall, Baillie Street. Subjoined is a statement of plaints entered from 1866 to 1873: — 1866, 2,942; 1867, 2,525; 1868, 2,824; 1869, 3,036; 1870, 3,217; 1871, 3,516; 1872, 3,435; 1873, 2,937. QUS THE POLICE FORCE. EW institutions have undergone more changes during the past fifty years, than the systems adopted for the prevention of crime and the detection of offenders. Up to 1823, Rochdale, as well as other places, including the great Metropolitan District and city of London, was watched by old men known by the cognomen of "Charlies." The appearance of these guardians of the night as occasionally represented in dramatic entertainments, and as described by Shakespeare, must have been extremely ludicrous. To assault " Charlie," to overthrow his "box," to take from and spring his terrible rattle, to extinguish the light in his antique lantern was considered capital fun. If assaulted, poor old Charlie was powerless to pursue. He was, as a rule, physically infirm, very often asthmatic, generally under the influence of gin or beer, always wrapped in great coats and capes. Such men did not, indeed could not pay much attention to the apprehension of offenders against the law. The only duty they discharged with any approach to efficiency was the "calls" relative to the hour of the night and the state of the weather. At times, no doubt, their articulation was very imperfect, if not altogether indistinct. 72 THE POLICE FORCE. An additional duty to which they paid particular attention was the calling up of servant girls, a duty, it is said, that “Old Charlie" seldom neglected. Many of the old residents remember several persons who held the office of watchman as far back as 1820. It is reported that one of those vigilant officials, called “Old Stock," was musically gifted, and that he accompanied the monotonous call of "Two o'clock and a stormy morning" with an enthusiastic scraping of his fiddle. This musical watchman was a great favourite with female servants, for it is asserted that he often neglected "going his rounds" to give them a little music. It seems, however, that the musical part of his duty was chiefly confined to Monday mornings as the clock struck twelve, at which time the watchman commenced to fiddle for the purpose of arousing servant girls-that being the "washing day." The servants of those days. must have commenced work at such an early hour of the morning as would seriously alarm the domestics of 1874. The last watchman employed by the inhabitants was named Lord. He had no pecuniary allowance for discharging the duties of his office. His nocturnal wanderings were confined to the centre of the town. All the compensation he received was what the in- habitants voluntarily gave him. In 1825, an application was made for, and a local Act obtained which, amongst other regulations, contained provisions for the watching of the town. Immediately the Act came into operation, the Commissioners appointed twelve watchmen and a captain of the watch who, for the first time, were paid out of the rates. No THE POLICE FORCE. 73 chief-constable was appointed until after the riots in 1829, commonly known as the "New Bailey Fight." After those disturbances the Commissioners decided to appoint a chief-constable, which appointment took place in August, 1829. Mr. Charles Johnson, of Manchester, was selected to fill that office, which he held for about seven years. He was succeeded by Mr. Samuel Mills, after whom the situation was filled by Mr. J. Butter- worth, till the formation of the county constabulary. From that date, up to its incorporation, the town was watched by county police officers. When incorporated, and the council elected, it was resolved to maintain a separate police establishment. Accordingly, a borough constabulary was formed, and Mr. Callender was the first chief-constable appointed. The borough police commenced duty on the 13th April, 1857. Since Mr. Callender's time the office has been held by Mr. Sylvester, Captain Davies, and the present chief-constable, Mr. Stevens. The force consists of chief-constable, four inspectors, seven sergeants, and fifty-one constables, total sixty- three. The force was augmented in 1872, in conse- quence of the extensions of the borough from forty-four to the number given. The constabulary of the borough, according to the report of Her Majesty's Inspector, is maintained in a state of great efficiency. 6 THE POLICE COURT. HE institution of Justices of the Peace is very ancient. Previous to 1327, there were Con- servators of the Peace in every county, chosen by freeholders out of the principal men of the county to perform similar duties; but by a statute of Edward III. a change took place in the practice, and ever since the election of justices has been taken from the people and exercised by the crown. The appointment has always stood high in popular estima- tion, and is eagerly sought after by men of station. As it is practically in the hands of the Lord Chancellor, it is a frequent charge brought by one political party against another, that the appointments are given as rewards for political services, but owing to the frequent. alteration of power among parties of late years, the undue preponderance of one set of politicians is speedily neutralised by the acts of their successors. Up to the year 1839, however, all the magistrates in Rochdale were members of the established church, when for the first time a dissenting magistrate was appointed in the person of Mr. George Ashworth. Our inquiries enable us to point out the various places in which petty sessions have been held in the town and borough for a long time past. The corner of Cheetham- street was an old place of meeting of the magistrates, in a house which stood near to the shop now occupied by Mr. Taylor, the earthenware dealer. From this THE POLICE COURT. 75 there was a migration to the Old Swan Inn, somewhere near where the White Swan now stands. When this was abandoned the next place of meeting was near the present County Police Office, in Yorkshire-street. The Wellington Hotel was next selected, and then, no doubt, for good cause, another change was made, and the petty sessions were held for a great number of years at the Flying Horse, in Packer-street. It is within the recollection of many of our readers that the next place chosen were the Council Rooms, in Smith-street, which were always found not only inconvenient in point of accommodation, but also somewhat undignified in appear- ance as a suitable place for the administration of justice. Then followed the latest change of all, namely, that to the "Palace of Justice" in our magnificent Town Hall. The sittings of both borough and county magistrates are held here, on the respective days appointed; and thus, for a time, a long time, one would suppose, Justice has found rest for the sole of her foot. A more appro- priate spot could scarcely be found, except that it is sometimes said there is rather more atmospheric air stirring thereabouts than is exactly necessary or agree- able. Mr. John Lee, one of the earliest of the clerks to the magistrates, resided on the premises now occupied by the county constabulary. Mr. Wm. Taylor was the next magistrates' clerk, and Mr. James Woods and Mr. Robert Jackson followed. About the year 1839, when Mr. George Ashworth was made a justice of the peace, a Primitive Methodist minister was given into custody by the Rev. Mr. Steele, a magistrate, and curate of Littleborough Church, for preaching in that village, but 76 THE POLICE COURT. he was released on the order of Mr. G. Ashworth, who afterwards appointed Mr. William Heaton as his clerk, and from that date the clerkship to the magistrates was divided into two departments. Prior to the incorpo- ration of the borough, in 1856, there appears to have been no specially recognised chairman of the bench, the practice being for the senior magistrate on the rota for the day to take the chair. For years the local authorities were of opinion that it was derogatory to the dignity of the Mayor of Rochdale, as chief magistrate of the borough, that he should not occupy the chair at the petty sessions, and no doubt that was one reason why steps were taken to obtain a separate commission and a borough bench, which were granted by the Lord Chancellor in October, 1872. We understand that in days long past-say forty or fifty years ago-it was the invariable practice for the magistrates of the day to give the chair to the Rev. W. R. Hay, the vicar, even although he might happen to come into court after its opening. This may be explained for the reason that the Rev. Vicar had had a legal education, and could, therefore, guide the bench to right decisions in all difficult matters on points of law. The position was not assumed as of right; but conceded from pure courtesy and respect, and for the reason before mentioned. As soon as the borough bench was established there was a change made in the mode of paying the magis- trates' clerks. Mr. Joseph Heap, who was previously joint clerk with Mr. Robert Jackson, was appointed sole clerk to the borough bench, at a salary of £500 per annum; and as the police court fees now amount THE POLICE COURT. 77 to about £900 a year, it will be seen that a considerable profit is realised by the corporation from this source. The following are the names of the magistrates: THE BOROUGH. Robert Taylor Heape, Esq., Highfield; Jonathan Nield, Esq., Dunster; James Butterworth, Esq., Rake Bank; Richard Hurst, Esq., Spring Hill; Robert Leach Twee- dale, Esq., Healey Hall; Clement M. Royds, Esq., Greenhill; James Brierley, Esq., West Hill; James Petrie Esq., South-street; Edmund Ashworth, Esq., Oakenrod; Thomas Booth, Esq., Harelands; John Leach, Esq., Moss House; Henry Fishwick, Esq., Carr Hill; John Tatham, Esq., Moss Cottage; Thomas Healey, Esq., Howarth Cross; Charles Whitaker, Esq., Rylands; William T. Shawcross, Esq., Heybrook; Robert Jewison, Esq., Yorkshire-street. THE COUNTY. Rev. F. R. Raines, Milnrow; James Maden Holt, Esq., M.P., Stubby Lee, Bacup, near Manchester; James Holt, Esq., Yorkshire-street; Geo. Tawke Kemp, Esq., Beechwood; John Aitkin, Esq., Lane End, Bacup; Charles Cheetham, Esq., Ryecroft House, near Hey- wood; Thomas Bright, Esq., Greenbank; Edward Greenwood Kay, Esq., Mill House; John Tweedale, Esq., Beightons; R. H. Hutchinson, Esq., Greenbooth ; James Griffiths Dearden, Esq., Orchard; Joseph Brierley, Esq., Lauriston House; Joshua Radcliffe, Esq., Balderstone Hall; John Robinson, Esq., Mount Falinge; Edward Hoyle, Esq., Bacup; Henry Newall, Esq., Hare Hill, Littleborough; T. B. Willans, Esq., Harefield Hall, Heywood; James Heap, Esq., Cliffe House, Milnrow; E. A. N. Royds, Esq., Brownhill. THE POST OFFICE. "Heaven first taught letters for some wretch's aid, Save banished lover, or some captive maid: They live, they speak, they breathe what love inspires, Warm from the soul, and faithful to its fires. The virgin's wish, without her fears impart, Excuse the blush, and pour out all the heart; Speed the soft intercourse from soul to soul, And waft a sigh from Indus to the pole." 1 T is unnecessary to enlarge upon the benefits of a well-organised and efficiently conducted public postal service in an country such as ours. enlightened and wealthy Without the help which the post office affords to every one in the realm, from the highest to the lowest, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to carry on the ordinary affairs of human life. We have the happiness to live in a country, and at a time, when the daily operations of the postal service are seen in their utmost efficiency; and almost every one can bear witness to the great improvements which have taken place from time to time within recent years, all tending to the convenience and advantage of the public. The rapid and regular means of postal communication which now exist, aided, of course, by the railways and ocean steamers, must strike the mind with wonder; and it is evident that such a´method of communication, by letter, with every part of the world could only be provided and carried out by the powerful JULY POST OFFICELLULE THE POST OFFICE NO WD Pan 214 THE POST OFFICE. 79 state-sustained machinery which we find in connection with our post office establishment. Not only is this secured to us, but it is supplied, also, at the smallest possible cost. A "Queen's head" carries a letter from one end of the kingdom to the other with safety and expedition, the outlay being one penny only; and even for the still smaller expenditure of a halfpenny, the "Times" newspaper, supplements and all, can be sent from Land's End to John o' Groats! With Dominie Samson, we can only exclaim, "Prodigious!" With- out the post office, commerce would dwindle and fade ; the stability of kingdoms and peoples would be jeopardised; and we can easily imagine into what desperate straits true lovers would be plunged if the postal authorities were to become bankrupt or "shut up shop." The sweet and tender nothings with which love letters are crammed would be written in vain, and the "soft intercourse" to which Pope alludes in our motto at the head of this section, would be rendered utterly impossible, and chaos would, indeed, have come again. But it is not in the transmission of letters only that the post office is found so really valuable. Its book and sample post; the post-card system; and its money order and saving bank departments, are all most important boons to the public in almost every part of the kingdom. That the post office does its work well, not only in these matters, but also in its telegraphic operations, the public are well convinced; and, although in its saving bank department, the rate of interest allowed to the depositors is small, this is more than counterbalanced by the absolute security which is obtained for the sums deposited. That a great undertaking like the post 80 THE POST OFFICE. office should be free from blame at all times is more than could be expected, but the complaints are few indeed compared with the vast and extensive duties which it performs. Perfection is not to be obtained in any human institution whatever, but it may be safely stated that the post office keeps abreast of the times, and does its utmost to perform its duty faithfully and honestly to the public at large; and there is no doubt that the strict supervision which is exercised by the various heads of departments is productive of much good. The year 1840 brought about a great alteration in the postal system of the country, owing, mainly, to the exertions of Mr. (afterwards Sir Rowland) Hill. The immediate effect of the introduction of his plans was a marvellous increase in the number of inland letters transmitted through the post; and the system of a tariff of payment by weight, regardless of distance, was a marked and salutary improvement upon the old system which existed of a varying rate, regulated by distance and weight. This, coupled with the use of postage labels for the prepayment of letters, has been the means of making the post office one of the most valuable and deservedly popular services of the country. And, with regard to postage labels, it may be observed that at the present day there is scarcely a civilised country under the sun which has not adopted, and which does not now use that method of prepaying letters carried by the general post. But to England belongs the honour of inaugurating the system; from which honour, however, the name of Sir Rowland Hill can never be disconnected. A grateful country rewarded Sir Rowland for his great services in the paths of postal reform; and we cannot THE POST OFFICE. 81 think of the post office in this country without cordially recognizing and duly appreciating the good work which he was the means of effecting. The post office in Rochdale has been as unsettled as the "Wandering Jew" ever since its introduction, and it is to be hoped that it will soon settle down in Packer- street, in the handsome residence which is now being provided, and there prosper and gather moss. The first time we met it was in the building which is at the present time occupied by Messrs. Porritt, at the corner of King-street, on the South Parade; and it has been dodging about that neighbourhood ever since. From thence it was removed to the corner of Drake- street, to the shop now rented by Miss Ashworth; next its sorrowful countenance was seen in the premises now occupied by Mr. Frankell, at the bottom of Drake- street. Then it took shelter at the bottom of the Walk, but returned to its old haunts, and nestled for a time in the building which now serves as the County Court Offices. It next put in an appearance at Messrs. Wrigleys' premises, at the bottom of Yorkshire-street, and found its way into Baillie-street, in Mr. Hurst's buildings. From these it found a temporary abode in the Town Hall Chambers, South Parade, and then it struggled into Drake-street, at the end of Nelson-street, where it is at the present time sojourning. In the year 1835 the charge for postage of a letter, from London to Rochdale, was 11d.; from Liverpool, 7d.; and Man- chester, 4d., but if it came round by Bolton, from Manchester; it was 6d. After that came the uniform charge of 4d., and gradually it lowered to the settled price of 1d. 82 THE POST OFFICE. The new post office, which is in course of erection in Packer-street, is three storeys high, 105 feet in length, and 35 feet in width, built of stone, from the Warwick quarries; and the back part of the building, in Fleece- street and King-street, is faced with Pratt's best pressed bricks. The public offices are spacious and lofty, and very suitable for the various uses for which they are erected. The sorters' room is at the rear of the building, and is 50 feet 10 inches long, and 26 feet 6 inches wide. The roof is glass, and there are windows along the side, so that there is ample light for this tedious work. The telegraph instrument room is on the second floor, and it is 96 feet long by 19 feet 5 inches wide. There are also clerks' and letter carriers' retiring rooms. The postal arrangements in Rochdale and district have been much improved of late years, and now three times a day, in the borough, the inhabitants enjoy the pleasure of hearing the "Postman's knock." About fifty years ago the post office business was carried on in an imperfect and unsatisfactory manner. The post masters in those days were not very amiable, and were "slow coaches," but their movements were only in keeping with the defects of the general system. The remote villages must have suffered great inconvenience in the days we speak of, from want of proper postal facilities; but now thirteen of the adjacent villages have branch offices, where, in addition to ordinary business, money orders are issued and paid, namely, Milnrow, Whitworth, Smithy Bridge, Smallbridge, Pinfold, Bam- ford, Blackpits, Healey, Shawforth, Wardle, Spotland- road, Townhead, and Oldham-road. The town is now THE POST OFFICE. .83 supplied with the convenience of twenty-four pillar and wall boxes, a comparatively modern improvement to which our forefathers were entire strangers. The num- ber of mail bags despatched daily from the central office amounts to forty-four, and the total number of letters, &c., delivered weekly, in Rochdale and the district, is 40,000. The officials who accomplish this work are Mr. John Downes, the post master (who was appointed to the office on the retirement of Mr. J. Matthews, who had been postmaster for many years); Mr. Stephen Platt, first clerk, three sorting clerks, two junior clerks, ten letter carriers, three double" auxiliary letter carriers, and seven rural messengers. The general despatch leaves at 8-30 in the evening, and the last despatch, for all parts, at 9-45. (6 Previously to the transfer of the telegraphs to the post office, which took place on the 5th of February, 1870, the premises for telegraphic business were in the occupation of the Electric and International Telegraph Co., and have since been retained by the Department; but as the business has, since the transfer, greatly increased, the accommodation is now very inadequate. This, however, will be remedied when the new premises to which we have referred are entered upon. As an instance of the requirements of the telegraphing public of Rochdale, the circuits, which were only three in number at the transfer, have now increased to about twenty, giving direct communication with London, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Bolton, Oldham, Bury, Todmorden, Bacup, Little- borough, Middleton, Bluepits, and other parts. The sub-offices having telegraph accommodation are Whit- 84 THE POST OFFICE. worth, Smallbridge, Milnrow, and the receiving office in Oldham Road. Mr. Gregson is the superintending clerk of the telegraph department, and has held the office for some years. The charge for sending a telegram, to any place in the United Kingdom, is 1s. for the first twenty words, and 3d. for each additional five words or part of five words. No charge is made for the address, or for delivery by foot messenger, within a mile from the terminal telegraph office, or within the limits of the town postal delivery, even when the distance exceeds one mile. American telegrams may be sent from the Rochdale office at from 3s. to 5s. 6d. per word, regulated according to the state with which the communication is made. Continental rates, for telegrams of twenty words, are as follow:-Austria, Hungary, Bavaria, Baden, and North Germany, 7s.; Belgium, 4s. 2d.; Corsica, 5s. 10d.; France and Denmark, 5s.; Greece (according to route), 14s. 4d. to 19s.; Italy and Papal States, 8s. 6d. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. a HE history of this institution in reality should. only date from the adoption of "the Public Libraries Act of 1858" by the burgesses. of Rochdale. But it must not be left unre- corded that the calling of the public meeting. for this purpose was the result of a long continued agitation in the local press, by which means the public mind was made fully conversant with the scope and meaning of the Act, and the many and great advantages which would accrue to the town by its adoption. The public meeting called by the Mayor was held in the Public Hall, on the 25th May, 1870, and it is to be regretted that conflicting interests were so strong, that it was only by a narrow majority that Rochdale was spared the everlasting disgrace of having refused to avail itself of the "Libraries Act." This, however, did not arise from a feeling that a library was not wanted—but rather that a free public library would tend to injure certain institutions that already existed. Such fears are now proved to have been groundless. At the next meeting of the Council (2nd July, 1870,) it was reported that the Act had been adopted "by a public meeting of the burgesses," and the "General Purposes Committee with power to call in the assistance of gentle- men outside the Council," was appointed a committee under the Public Libraries Act. 86 THE FREE LIBRARY. In the following November, the first library committee was formed, and consisted of the following gentlemen, viz.:-The General Purposes Committee, Mr. Councillor James Booth, Major Henry Fishwick, and Messrs. R. Jewison, William Leach, James Ogden, George Webster, and J. J. Curtis (the last six named being non-members of the Council). This committee at once commenced its duties-books were purchased and taken charge of by the various members of the committee, until a suitable place could be found for their arrangement pending the completion of the town hall. After some little time a warehouse (now pulled down) at the end of Packer-street was taken for that purpose, and here the volumes were stowed away-arranged in catalogue. From here they were removed to their present shelves in July, 1872. The public opening ceremony took place on Wednes- day, the 18th September, 1872. Previous to the public meeting on that occasion, a preliminary or semi-public assembly was held in the library itself, when short speeches were made by the Lord Bishop of Manchester, the Mayor, Councillor James Booth (the chairman of the committee from its first foundation), the Rev. W. N. Molesworth, M.A., and Edmund Ashworth, Esq., J.P. The meeting in the large hall immediately after this, was attended by upwards of 1,400 people, and was addressed by the Mayor (W. T. Shawcross, Esq.), Mr. Councillor Booth, Alderman G. L. Ashworth, J.P., W. W. Schofield, Esq., J.P., the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Manchester, Mr. J. R. Shepherd, the Rev. H. W. Parkinson, R. M. Pankhurst, Esq., LL.D., Lieutenant- THE FREE LIBRARY. 87 ན། Colonel Fishwick, F.S.A., Mr. Robert Jewison, and Alderman Willans, J.P. From the third report of the library committee, dated 31st March, 1874, we learn that the number of borrowers' cards issued up to that date was 2,998, the issue of books from the lending department amounted to 60,760, being a daily average of 204 volumes. The reference department had issued 24,604 volumes, being an average of 91 daily. The total number of volumes then in the library was 15,707, the total cost of which was £2,515, or an average of 3s. 23d. per volume. Full and accurate catalogues of both departments have been prepared by Mr. Hanson, the librarian, and pub- lished. Of the lending library it will be sufficient to state that it contains all the current literature of the day, and, considering the short time since its opening, it is as complete as it possibly could be with the funds at the committee's disposal. Of the reference department we could say much more did our space permit, for (although yet in its infancy) it contains very many works which might with advantage be particularly mentioned; books which it is a great boon for the inhabitants of Rochdale to claim as their own; books which are not to be found in many public or even private libraries in England, and which, in a few years hence, will scarcely be obtainable at any price. We will also draw attention to the collection of specimens of early printing, which consists of about forty volumes, printed between 1472 and 1575. The earliest printed volume in the library is a Latin book in oak binding, entitled "Turrecremata (Cardinalis J. de) Explanatio 88 THE FREE LIBRARY. in Psalterium," which was printed by the celebrated J. Schuszler. The Latin bible (oak bound) printed at Cologne, by Peter Quentel, in 1527, is also noteworthy. The woodcuts in it are by Anthony Von Worms, a Ger- man engraver, who flourished about 1530, and have the two qualities (dear to the collector) of scarcity and merit. The works of Josephus (in German) from the Strasburg press, 1575, is splendidly illustrated by Tobias and J. C. Stimner, and C. Von Sichem. Of the modern works, we may add that no less than fifteen pages of the catalogue are included under the general head of Rochdale. The fifty-three volumes of Public Records, (including the "Ducatus Lancashire," "Valor Ecclesiasticus," &c.) presented to the library by the committee of the Rochdale Circulating Library, (this library, long known as Hartley's Library, because the entrance to it was for many years through the shop of Hartley and Howarth's, now Mr. Henry Howarth, is a private subscription library, and was established 1772,) are a great acquisition Upwards of 100 versions of the bible (or a part of it) in various languages and dialects, including the raised letters for the blind, are here collected; many of these were presented to the committee. To illustrate how far every branch of literature is here represented, we note amongst the Friends' or Quakers' books, the large folio edition (1753) of Besse's collection of "Sufferings of Quakers," Smith's "Catalogue of Friends' Books," and by the same Author, “Anti- Quakeriana." It may be useful to state, with reference to the lending department, that persons desirous of becoming THE FREE LIBRARY. 89 borrowers of books, may do so in three days after´ the presentation of a voucher, signed by a burgess promising to make good any loss or damage which may arise from injury or detention of a book. Small fines are inflicted for keeping books beyond the time allowed for reading. If a book be not returned at the end of the fourth week, proceedings may be taken to recover the value, in case of refusal to return the same. The loan of a book may be renewed, if not finished with by the borrower, upon application at the library, when the renewal will be entered on the borrower's ticket. And the renewal may be repeated again and again unless the book should be wanted by some other person, in which case, it can be renewed only once afterwards. All books must be returned to the library on or before the last Saturday in July in each year. Tickets are not trans- ferable; and no books are issued without production of the ticket. Nor are books exchanged on the day of issue. The library is open daily, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., except on the special days mentioned in the rules; and catalogues and all other information can be obtained on application at the library. But we must pass on to other topics, yet we will com- plete this short sketch of the Rochdale Library by saying that it is by far the pleasantest retreat in the town, for, as Chaucer has it: (C him was lever han at his beddes hed A twenty bokes clothed in black or red Than robes riche or fidel or saulrie." 7 -J THE CEMETERY. "The sculptured urn, the mimic bust, The grave in pomp array'd; Serve but to teach us man is dust! His life a fleeting shade. Stop, stranger, whosoe'er thou art, And to thyself be just: These mouldering tombs address thine heart: Catch wisdom from the dust," T must be obvious to the reflecting mind that a Cemetery is an undoubted improvement over crowded burial places in towns, which from their situation echo the constant din of traffic, and the war of ribaldry and dissipation. The practice of sheltering graves in cemeteries with trees, and adorning them with flowers is attended by valuable sanitary results by absorbing what is deleterious, and such as are wholly unattainable when burials are made amidst streets and houses, while the sight of luxuriant ever- green shrubs, and of fresh and beautiful flowers in their season, soothes and consoles the mind, by virtue of their sadly pleasing associations and emblematic teach- ing, and, at the same time, the atmosphere is improved and renovated. It ought also to be remembered that the place of interment of departed relatives and friends is the Mecca to which our memory ever turns, be our pilgrimage in life where it may. Slightly altered how pleasing and appropriate are Goldsmith's lines:- Where'er we roam, whatever realms we view, Our hearts, untravelled, fondly turn to you; Still to our loved ones turn with restless pain, And drag at each remove a lengthening chain.” toneman & Co 345 PLINA THE CEMETERY. W Dickes fe THE CEMETERY. 91 The peaceful associations of the grave are beautifully described by Washington Irving, in the following words:"It buries every error-covers every defect- extinguishes every resentment. From its peaceful bosom spring none but fond regrets and tender recollec- tions. Who can look down upon the grave of an enemy, and not feel a compunctious throb that he should have warred with the poor handful of dust that lies mouldering before him?" "There" saith Job, "the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor. The small and the great are there; and the servant is free from his master." There can be nothing more touching to a contemplative mind than to "pace with measured steps. and slow," the paths around which lie interred the mouldering remains of those who once lived and moved in our midst. Here lie in peace the loving father, the kind and affectionate mother, the staunch and ever faithful brother, the bright-eyed and beautiful sister, and the firm and never failing friend. How still, how calm, how silent! No tumult now; no angry passions; no resentments; no envy. Proud man! gaze on these mounds which cover the relics of poor mortality, and lay to heart the lesson which they teach. Beautiful maiden! with blooming cheek, fresh with health and vigour, see, within these graves, are those who were once as beautiful and gay as you. Their race is run; their career is over! Pride, be humble; beauty be modest. And to this complexion must we all come at last! And yet we shrink from such contemplations. What these dead are "why fear we to become?" 92 THE CEMETERY. Surely this pleasant resting place should make us all in love with "easeful death," and induce us to address that pale phantom by the most endearing names! Oh! when to us the end shall come, as come it must, may it be said of each one, in the words of the greatest master of our language : 'Nothing in his life Became him like the leaving of it; he died As one who had been studied in his death To throw away the dearest thing he owed As 'twere a careless trifle." But let us change the theme, and proceed to a description of the Rochdale Cemetery, which contains so many mournful and abiding objects of interest, and which attracts so many visitors for the purpose either of viewing its beauties, or of paying a tribute of affection to the memory of departed friends. This beautiful resting place for the dead lies about a mile and a-half west of the town on the Bury road. The ground stands at an elevation of 500 feet above the level of the sea, and commands an extensive view of Blackstone Edge and the adjacent hills. In passing under the Gothic archway, the carriago road divides, that leading to the right conducts to the portion set apart for the Church of England; that to the left leads to the ground appropriated to the different non-con- formist bodies. The Catholic portion of the cemetery lies to the north. The aspect of the cemetery is varied by rising and sloping ground, and is made picturesque and beautiful by curved walks and beds planted with. trees, evergreens, and flowers. The division between the consecrated and unconsecrated ground is marked by THE CEMETERY. 93 geological specimens placed at the edge of the carriage walk, so that no very obtrusive barrier appears to divide different sections of the Christian Church after death. The Chapel on the consecrated part of the cemetery is in the Norman style of architecture, the design of which was selected by the late Bishop of the diocese, and although not very elegant in the exterior, is very light and commodious within. The services are performed by the Vicar of Spotland and his curate. The building on the nonconformist portion of the ground is designed to represent an Ionic Temple, and is very classic and elegant. The services are conducted by the Registrar, but ministers of all denominations attend to conduct the funeral service when required by their friends. The Catholic chapel is a neat Gothic building, but not frequently used, as in a majority of cases the service is performed before leaving the residence. The attention of the visitor is generally arrested by the number and variety of costly and beautiful monu- ments erected to perpetuate the memory of departed friends in walking through the grounds he is struck with the names of some who have occupied honourable, influential, and useful positions in the town of Rochdale. Magistrates, mayors, ministers of religion, and members of Christian churches, are called to mind. The first monument visible on entering is that of Alderman Livsey, whose political principles some years ago so largely influenced the working-men of Rochdale. The granite pillar near to this perpetuates the memory of his friend, John Mason, the founder of the Globe Works, 94 THE CEMETERY. Nearer the nonconformist chapel, we are reminded by a white marble monument of Alderman Thomas Ashworth, J.P., who was for many years an influential and valued member of the town council; near to him lies Mr. Alderman Moore, a warm and generous friend of all good men and good objects. Not very far from him is seen the name of one, precious to many who were influenced through life by his instruction and discipline, William Littlewood. Approaching a more secluded and beautiful part of the cemetery is seen a tall obelisk in memory of George Ashworth, and his most worthy and excellent son, George Leach Ashworth, whose beneficial influence over the town will be felt for many years to come. Near to this spot is the monu- ment of Robert Kelsall, J. P., and also the resting place. of Samuel Bright, who died in Geneva, and was buried here. Close by, lies the body of the Reverend H. W. Parkinson, widely known as a worthy and able advo- cate of civil and religious freedom, and the founder and for more than twenty years pastor of Milton Church, Rochdale. Monuments will be seen of other ministers who had long laboured in the town, and whose memory is still precious to survivors. The Rev. John Kershaw, Rev. James Molineux, and Rev. John Peters; and on the consecrated ground, the Rev. W. J. ffarrington, of St. James's, Rev. J. W. Parker, vicar of St. Alban's, and many others, who were excellent and influential members of society, will be found resting in this quiet and beautiful place. The cemetery at present contains 13 acres, but an addition of about 12 acres will shortly be enclosed, which is greatly needed, as about 20,000 bodies have been interred here within the last twenty years. : THE CEMETERY. 95 The grounds are very tastefully arranged and well kept; and the credit is chiefly due to the Rev. Robert Jones, the respected Registrar, who is a very skilful amateur florist, and who exercises a kind and watchful care over the lovely and sanctified domain of “God's Acre." "God's Acre! Yes, that blessed name imparts Comfort to those who in the grave have sown The seed that they had garnered in their hearts, Their bread of life, alas! no more their own. "Into its furrows shall we all be cast, In the sure faith that we shall rise again At the great harvest, when the arch-angel's blast Shall winnow, like a fan, the chaff and grain." RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. ரு HE town of Rochdale and district will compare favourably with any other town of the same size and importance with regard to the num- ber of its religious institutions, although it has not much to boast of on the question of architecture; but there are to be found in our midst several worthy and beautiful specimens of the builders' art. Sabbath morn is ushered in by a total change on the Town Hall chimes from secular to sacred pieces, the first of which is played at midnight, such as the Easter Hymn and the 104th Psalm on alternate Sundays. "How still the morning of the hallow'd day! Mute is the voice of busy labour. * With dove-like wings, Peace o'er the borough broods: The massive mill wheel rests; the anvil's din Hath ceased; and all around is quietness and peace. * The pale mechanic now has leave to breathe The morning air pure from the stenching smoke, While wandering slowly up the Roach's side, He meditates on Him whose power he marks In each green tree that proudly spreads the bough, As in the tiny dew-bent flowers that bloom Around the roots; and while he thus surveys With elevated joy each pleasing charm, He hopes (yet fears presumptuous is the hope) To reach those realms where Sabbath never ends." Dick Iwon OF 4 Terry Stonemank! ST CHAD'S CHURCH. ROCHDALE IC RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 97 A stranger passing through Rochdale on that day would see the streets thronged with respectably-attired and well-behaved people, and might infer that the respective places of worship were well filled, but this is not exactly so, as there is ample room for more worshippers in many of them. In very many of our churches and chapels the empty benches and pews give abundant evidence of the indifference so often felt by the general public to matters of such vital impor- tance to their personal well-being. Not that Rochdale can be said to be peculiar in this respect; the attending places of worship being to many thousands a "custom more honoured in the breach than the observance," and can be witnessed in every town in the kingdom, as well as in our own populous valley of the Roach. ST. CHAD'S. The mother church of the parish is of great antiquity, and stands on a commanding eminence, the ascent to which is by a flight of 124 steps. The church was erected in the 12th century, and has undergone various changes, alterations, and renovations. The local legend. is, that the site of the church was, in point of fact, the place chosen by spirits and fairies for the purpose. On several occasions, as the story relates, the materials. brought together for the erection of the church, on an entirely different site, were removed from the place originally selected to the hill or eminence on which St. Chad's stands. That this removal was the work of superhuman agency, was the firm belief of our forefathers in those far-distant days; and we should be 98 ST. CHAD'S. sorry to do or say anything which could in the remotest manner interfere with this time-hallowed belief, which has been handed down to us, and which, with vast numbers among us, is received with the greatest defer- ence and respect. The site ultimately adopted, under such supernatural pressure, led, of course, to the formation of the celebrated church steps; to ascend which is always considered a necessary piece of work to be performed by all visitors to our good old town. To come to Roch- dale and not mount the steps is considered a breach of good manners, as well as a serious deprivation of a very agreeable exercise. The steps, in fact, are among our most cherished possessions; and they form a most important thoroughfare, with which it would be very unwise to intermeddle to the great prejudice of the inhabitants. It is to be very much lamented that the graveyard of St. Chad's should have been suffered to fall into the sad state in which it is to be found at the present day. Many years ago, part of the yard was enclosed so as to preserve it to some little extent; but this has been of comparatively little use as to the preservation of the tombs and gravestones. Meditation among the tombs in St. Chad's yard is, consequently, not the easiest possible thing in the world; the deciphering of the inscriptions, with the lessons which they should convey to the contemplative mind, being now attended with many difficulties. Here and there is to be found a racy inscription or epitaph; but, generally speaking, not much is to be gained, from our tombstone literature by the most ardent searcher after that kind of knowledge. ST. CHAD'S. 99 The churchyard has been the scene of strange occurrences, even in the days of the present generation. Often and often the most turbulent, and, sometimes, disgraceful sights have been witnessed here, when the question of church-rates has been agitated and discussed from time to time. Here has been heard oratory of a very emphatic character indeed, mixed, very frequently, with every element which was calculated to arouse the passions of the populace. It is an undoubted fact that, in the early part of his public career, the present Right Hon. John Bright has more than once made his voice heard in the midst of thousands of his fellow- townsmen in St Chad's Churchyard. The deep interest which he took in the once all-absorbing question of church-rates, no doubt, impelled him, as a Dissenter, to take a very prominent part whenever that subject was to be considered by the parishioners at their annual public meetings. Other men of local renown, many of whom have gone to their rest, were also very prominent at these parish meetings, and there are others who are now among us. Happily, these disorders have all passed away; for, with the abolition of church-rates, the annual exhibition, in public meeting, of strong party feeling on the subject does not occur. We live in less troublous times; but the victory was won by men who are, no doubt, entitled to be held in grateful remembrance by those on whose behalf the great battle was so successfully fought. The church has lost the day; but we firmly believe that that loss has been to her a positive gain. Her own people now give her the help, voluntarily, which used to be exacted alike from friend and foe. 100 ST. CHAD'S. We have mentioned that here and there in the church-yard are to be found some quaint or racy epitaphs. We subjoin a few :- "Here lies ye bodi of John Whipp, with 10th of his children, who had eighteen children by one woman; he departed this life," &c. This person's chief merit seems to have been that he was the means of adding very materially to the population of his native parish. Such a person would have received small favour indeed at the hands of Malthus. The epitaph most in esteem is that of the celebrated humourist, John Collier, alias "Tim Bobbin." It is supposed to have been written by himself, a short time. before his death, and is as follows: "Here lies John, and with him Mary; Cheek by jowl, they never vary; No wonder they so well agree, John wants no punch, and Moll no tea." Another epitaph, said to have been also written by "Tim Bobbin," on a deceased sexton of the church, runs thus:— "Here lies Jo. Green, Who arch has been, And drove a gainful trade With pow'rful death, Till out of breath He threw away his spade. When death beheld his comrade yield, He, like a cunning knave, Came, soft as wind, poor Jo. behind, And pushed him int' his grave. Reader, one tear, if thou hast one in store, Since Jo. Green's tongue and chin can wag no more." ST. CHAD'S. 101 The remaining inscription we shall give is on "Samuel Kershaw," a blacksmith, a blacksmith, who died in 1810. 'My anvil and my hammer lie declined; My bellows, too, have lost their wind; My fire's extinct, and forge decay'd, And in the dust my vice is laid; My coal is spent, my iron is gone; My last nail driven, my work is done." The last three are by no means bad specimens of gravestone inscriptions, and will bear favourable com- parison with such kind of work in other parts of the country. We may as well in this place lay before our readers some verses on "Tim's" Grave, published upwards of forty years ago, by Samuel Bamford, the well-known Lancashire author and poet. The verses have provoked many a hearty laugh, and they deserve to be kept in remembrance by the lovers of rare "Tim," of whom we are all so proud. TIM BOBBIN'S GRAVE. "I stoode beside Tim Bobbin's grave, 'At looks o'er Ratchda' teawn, An' th' owd lad 'woke within his yerth, An' sed, "Wheer arto' beawn? Om gooin' into th' Packer Street, As far as th' Gowden Bell, To taste o' Daniel Kesmus ale. TIM. "I cud like a saup mysel." An' by this hont o' my reet arm, If fro' that hole theaw'll reawk, Theaw'st have a saup o' th' best breawn ale 'At ever lips did seawk. The greawnd it sturr'd beneath my feet, An' then I yerd a groan, He shook the dust fro' off his skull, An' rowlt away the stone. I brought him op a deep breawn jug 'At a gallon did contain, An' he took it at one blessed draught, An' laid him deawn again." 102 MONUMENTS IN ST. CHAD'S. Within the church are to be found monuments of the most interesting kind. We deem it unnecessary to copy out the various inscriptions which appear on the tablets, because the church is always open to the inspection of visitors. Access for the purpose of in- spection can be had on application to the parish clerk, and ample time will be afforded to the curious inquirer to make his notes either concise or full, or as inclination may dictate. There are to be found here records so valuable, that we hope "the world will not willingly let them die." It is to be wished that proper provision should be made under all circumstances, and in all time to come, for the due preservation of these interesting memorials of past ages. We consider it superfluous to give a list of all the Rectors and Vicars of St. Chad's from the earliest times. We may, however, call attention to the most note- worthy :- John Hampson, whose name is found to occur in the old records in 1558, was ejected in 1561. Joseph Midgley, M.A., collated 1595, was deprived of his benefice in 1606. Henry Tilson, D.D., collated between the years 1615 and 1635, afterwards became the Bishop of Elphin. Robert Bath, A.M., collated in 1635, was deprived in 1662. The more recent Vicars are the following: Thomas Wray, D.D., collated 1762, died 1778; Richard Hind, D.D., collated 1778, died 1790; Thomas Drake, D.D., collated 1790, died 1819; William Robert Hay, M.A., collated 1819, died 1839; John Edward Nassau Molesworth, D.D., collated 1839. The curious inquirer need only refer either to Dr. Whitaker's History of Whalley, or to Baines's History VICARS OF ST. CHAD'S. 103 of Lancashire, for a full catalogue of the reverend men who have held the benefice of St. Chad's at various times. The chief incident in the history of the Rev. Dr. Wray, was the obtaining by him of an Act of Parlia- ment by which he and his successors in office were enabled to grant leases for building purposes of the glebe lands of St. Chad's, whereby the revenues of the benefice were greatly increased and the lands them- selves rendered of important value to those who thought fit to become lessees. The facilities for building thus afforded, tended to increase the importance of the town itself; and we have daily before our eyes the immense advantages which have arisen to us, as a community, in consequence of the Act to which we refer. Had no such enabling powers been obtained, the glebe lands might have been comparatively valueless at the present day, whereas, as matters now stand, the benefice of St. Chad's may be looked upon as one of the richest in England, as in fact it is. This is entirely owing to the far-seeing sagacity of Dr. Wray; and in this regard, therefore, if he were not otherwise entitled to grateful remembrance, his memory should be held in esteem alike by the clergy and the laity of Rochdale. The Rev. Dr. Drake held the benefice of St. Chad's for a period of nearly thirty years. He was much beloved by his fellow-townsmen and parishioners, and his death occasioned the greatest regret to all. Moved by a loving regard for his memory, his bereaved parishioners erected for him a tomb in the New Burial Ground, with a suitable inscription thereon. There are some people among us in Rochdale even now who must 104 VICARS OF ST. CHAD'S. have known the Rev. Doctor as he went about in his parish receiving, on every hand, the kind salutes of old and young, gentle and simple. Alas! that time, in its steady progress, should have so greatly thinned the ranks of the old veterans who were the contemporaries of the worthy Doctor, but so it is. "Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day." Passing over the Rev. W. R. Hay, we come now to his successor, the Rev. Dr. Molesworth, the present vicar, who has held the benefice of St. Chad's since the year 1839. It is worthy of remark that the Rev. Dr. has still further developed the resources and wealth of the glebe lands; and to his honour it must be related that within the last seven or eight years he has volun- tarily relinquished a considerable part of the income of his benefice, in order that the stipends of the other clergymen of the parish should be increased. This he worthily accomplished by an arrangement with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England. His present income, under the arrangement alluded to, is no doubt. very large, but it must be remembered that if he had so chosen he might, at the present moment, have been in receipt of every penny of income which the revenues of St. Chad's yielded, without the least shadow of injustice to the other clergy in Rochdale, who are now reaping the benefit of his generosity. His conduct in this and instances of respect cannot be too highly eulogised, such abnegation are extremely rare. The clergy, no VICARS OF ST. CHAD'S. 105 doubt, duly appreciate his kindness; and among the laity, by whom the matter is understood, there can be but one opinion on the subject, and that is the venerable Doctor's favour. In the early part of his career the Doctor had much to contend with. Conscious, however, of the rectitude. of his conduct he bore up nobly against all assaults, and, at the present day, at an advanced age, he has the con- solation of knowing that he has lived down the dislike of which he was at one time the object, and the name of the Rev. Doctor is now honoured, as it ought to be, in every part of the parish of which he has so long been the head. Looking back on the past period to which we have alluded, and contrasting it with the peace which now prevails in the parish, and beholding the venerable vicar as the central object in the picture, one cannot help recalling to memory, as singularly appropriate to the occasion, the beautiful lines of Goldsmith- "As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm, Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head." Dr. Molesworth was always an able writer and con- troversialist, and now, in the evening of his life, we may add that Age cannot wither him, nor custom stale His infinite variety." ST. MARY'S CHURCH. This place of worship is situated in Cheetham Street, and was best known in bygone years as "Baum Chapel." 8 106 ST. MARY's. It is not now often so called; its more modern name was St. Mary, the Virgin," but, no doubt, for some good reason the second part of the title has been dropped, and it is at present called "St. Mary's." It was erected about 1744, and the outward appearance of the building, which is of brick, is not handsome. It has recently undergone considerable improvement and decoration internally, and the wonder really is that so much could be done with such unpromising materials as presented. themselves. Great credit is due to those by whom the alterations and beautifying have been carried out. The mode of conducting divine service at St. Mary's is decidedly high; and the present Vicar's Ritualism is well known. How far High Church practices conduce to godliness admits of considerable doubt. The Legislature has expressed its mind on the subject by passing the Public Worship Act of 1874; and, probably, when that statute comes into operation people will see less of the "mass in masquerade," and its accompanying clerical millinery, than previously. "" While speaking of this church, we must not forget to mention the "Baum Rabbit." Whether any of the present generation have seen that ghostly rodent, we will not undertake to say. In former days, or rather nights, it used to "revisit the glimpses of the moon in the chapel yard. It was a rabbit of robust and lively habits; and was plump and well nourished, as if the churchyard herbage agreed with it. It was always beautifully clean, and was even said to be "whiter than snow." It used to be seen in various attitudes; some- times standing on its hind-quarters, after the manner of the rabbit kind, and demurely brushing its whiskers. ST. MARY'S. 107 Its aspect was usually somewhat serious, although, at times it had a comical twist of countenance. It has, also, been observed delving into the churchyard mould with great determination, as if in search of hidden treasure. But no one, that we have heard, ever came to close quarters with it. The slightest attempt to hold a parley with the mysterious quadruped was utterly useless; for, being exquisitely sensitive to the slightest sound, it invariably disappeared into thin air when intruded upon, and thus eluded the investigations of the earnest enquirer after truth. Strange to say, it was, apparently, much pleased with the love (but not lovely) music of the feline tribe, to which it listened with mute attention. Clearly, the rabbit was invulnerable to the nocturnal sportsman's small shot, and even air-guns, it is alleged, had no effect on it. After a discharge from any deadly weapon, it used to reappear with the greatest equanimity, and frisk about as if to encourage its assailants to further effort in the same direction. Some people said the smell of the gunpowder was as delicious. to it as a pinch of snuff is to an old woman. It was generally admitted" that it was a rabbit of a ghostly or supernatural character. The story runs that hundreds of years before the erection of "Baum Chapel," a "deed of horror" was committed within the precincts haunted by this extraordinary rabbit; but, unfortunately, authentic particulars of that dark transaction have never been obtained, and we are, therefore, unable to gratify the reasonable curiosity of the reader on the subject. It is agreed on all hands that, as a rabbit, it was remarkably well-behaved, and never, so far as could be ascertained, committed any serious wrong. Its chief 108 ST. MARY'S. object seemed to be to "scare folks a bit," and it gave no token of being influenced by any diabolical agency. "Doomed to walk," or, rather, haunt the churchyard for a certain term, it would seem, from recent experience, that it has performed its allotted task, for very little is heard in our day of the surprising "Baum Rabbit" which used to perplex the natives, and fright them from their propriety. It is with reference to this curious animal that an ancient local poet, in an angry mood, wrote the verses which we subjoin. He had to pass through the churchyard every night on his way home, and was, to say the least, of a very nervous temperament. "Confound that rabbit! I wish some chap would grab it, And stop its nightly habit; Confound that rabbit! Confound its head and eyes! Confound its legs and thighs! Confound it otherwise! Confound that rabbit! Dogs, rush out and squeeze him! Worry, toss, and teaze him! That is, if you can seize him; Confound that rabbit!" As to its disappearance, we confess ourselves unable to solve the query which has been submitted to us, whether the rabbit can have been caught by some wight more expert than his fellows, and converted into rabbit pie. It may be right to add that if our legend of the 'Baum Rabbit" is new to our readers, it is only a proof that people may live and learn. As we have. said, it is difficult at this great distance of time to obtain authentic particulars; but we will venture to back our ST. MARY'S. 109 story against any other that can be produced, and, what is more, we are quite certain that ours is entitled to be regarded as being equally truthful. Reverting to the church itself, it would appear that one of the later incumbents was the Rev. J. W. Inchbald, who was held in the greatest esteem as a clergyman and gentleman. In his days, this church was the most popular in the entire parish, and crowded congregations gave evidence of the respect in which he was held. The service was conducted with a fervour which touched every heart; and the eloquent pulpit discourses of Mr. Inchbald must be remembered by many even at the present day. To see his church crowded, in every part, on Sunday evenings, was indeed delightful. But those days are gone. Another later clergyman at this church was the Rev. Henry Clere. He afterwards became the In- cumbent of Walsden. Mr. Clere was a plain, kind, and unassuming gentleman, and was, generally, well liked by the people. Following Mr Clere, came the Rev. Mr. Morton, who was in turn succeeded by the present Vicar, the Rev. Robert Napier Sharpe, M.A., of whom it is enough to say that he is an exceedingly earnest and able clergyman, with, perhaps, a little too much of the priestly autocrat in his manner. High" in his views, the laity do not usually count for much with him, unless, indeed, they see things as he does, which is not always an easy matter to accomplish. The interior of the church, since the alterations and ornamentation which we have mentioned, is well worth inspection, and must excite the greatest admiration on the part of those who can appreciate "beautiful things in beautiful order." 110 ST. JAMES'S CHURCH. This church is situated in Yorkshire-street, the prin- cipal thoroughfare in the town. Built in 1820, it was consecrated in 1821. It is a handsome Gothic building of stone, with a square tower of the same material, in which are placed four dials, illuminated with gas, supplied gratuitously by the Town Council. The clock is of great public utility, and it is for this reason that the illuminating is at the cost of the town. The church is surrounded by iron palisading, within which there is a burial ground, which is not now used. The church contains about 1,000 sittings, of which one-half are free. The living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Vicar of Rochdale, and is nominally worth about £300 a year. St. James's is one of the favoured churches in the parish of Rochdale, which may, after the death of the present Vicar of St. Chad's, be selected for additional en- dowment, when the funds arising out of the glebe lands, on their becoming vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, will allow of an increased stipend to the holder of the benefice. The present vicar is the Rev. R. S. Rowan, M.A., who, on the death of the Rev. William James ffarington, in 1863, was promoted, by Dr. Molesworth, from a curacy at the Parish Church, where he had been for some years. There is not much to relate about St. James's. The late incumbent, Mr. ffarington-who was not, however, vicar, as the constitution of the parish as a vicarage took place after his death-had held the living for upwards of forty years. He was a man deservedly respected by "all sorts and conditions of men ;" and his death was ST. JAMES'S. 111 very generally deplored. His manners were gentle and affable, and he was an honour to the church and the town. He kept his congregation well together, and was regarded as an earnest and eloquent preacher. To an educated person, it was perfectly charming to hear him read the lessons of the day; and his method of con- ducting divine service in his church tended to place, in a still more admirable light, the very beautiful and inimitable service of the Church of England. On the appointment of Mr. Rowan to the incumbency, he con- sidered it proper, in the undoubted exercise of his discretion, to make, what he conceived to be, necessary changes in the mode of conducting the service; and this circumstance, to say the least, occasioned disappointment and regret to many members of the congregation. In some instances, it is to be feared, that the feeling which the change brought about occasioned something more than mere diappointment. At any rate, it is a fact, that there was a visible thinning of the ordinary con- gregation. Some of the old pew holders were offended that there should have been any departure from the practices which prevailed in the time of Mr. Rowan's predecessor, who had, for so long a period, maintained the most kindly relations between himself and his people. It is, no doubt, to be deplored that any dissatis- faction should have arisen; but, at the same time, we are perfectly willing to admit that Mr. Rowan did not act from mere caprice, but from entirely conscientious. motives. Mr. ffarington was of the school termed "low," and Mr. Rowan, on the other hand, is undoubtedly "high." Between these two schools of thought there are, it is well known, the most important 112 ST. JAMES'S. and distinctly marked lines of divergence, but it is quite evident that the congregation preferred the old to the new practices. We are not aware that this had any weight with the Rev. Vicar; at all events, he pursued his own course, and the result is that St. James's Church is not as popular as it used to be among the generality of churchgoers, or even among the major part of the con- gregation. Of Mr. Rowan personally, as a clergyman and gentlemen, we can speak in the highest terms; but we do very sincerely regret that things are not now as they used to be. The harmony which existed has been disturbed, though there has not been any open rupture of which the public has had any cognizance. In the interests of the church, the latter circumstance is matter for sincere congratulation. As a noteworthy event, we should mention that, Mr. Rowan is one, among many other clergymen in the kingdom, who signed the memorial for the introduction, into the Church of England, of the practice of auricular confession. This denotes an extremely advanced view of the power and authority of the clerical character, and has led to a considerable amount of public comment. The movement in favour of the confessional has been generally condemned; and, for our own part, we sincerely hope that the day may never dawn which shall witness any such outrageous practice, as in operation in our midst, in the Church of England. Mr. Rowan, we believe, has given some explanation of his conduct in connection with the question, to the effect that he did not desire confession to exist in the church, so as to be compulsory on its members, but simply for the benefit of those persons who voluntarily presented themselves for that ST. CLEMENT'S. 113 purpose, before those who were properly ordained and set apart for the work. The Rev. gentleman is entitled to the benefit of his explanation, but the broad fact remains that, at any rate, he is inclined, to a limited extent, to view with favour a practice which ought to be regarded with the utmost disfavour by every sincere lover of the freedom of English churchmen. ST. CLEMENT'S CHURCH. This church was built in the year 1835, out of a fund provided by parliament for the erection of churches in the manufacturing districts, which was commonly known, on account of its amount, as the million grant. The site was given by James Royds, Esq., of Mount Falinge, who also afterwards gave ground for a school and a parsonage house. There was a party among the pro- moters of the building who wished that it should be erected at Brotherod, and the matter was referred to the Bishop of the Diocese, who gave his decision in favour of the present site. The incumbent was, at first, dependent on pew rents for his support, but a few years after the consecration of the buiding Mr. Fildes left, by will, the sum of £2,000 as an endowment of the church. This was further augmented by the Ecclesiastical Com- missioners in such a manner as to raise the annual income of the incumbent of the church to £300. Under the Rochdale Vicarage Act the endowment was raised SO as to yield an annual income of £500, and the chaplaincy of the cemetery was also annexed to the incumbency by that Act, which made it a vicarage. Subsequently the great tithes of a large portion of the 114 ST. ALBAN'S township of Spotland were purchased out of the Fildes' endowment, and the benefice then became a rectory. In the year 1870 a new National School was erected in connection with the church, and the old building was converted into an Infant School. The first incumbent of this church was the Rev. G. H. Cotton, M.A., brother of the Provost of Worcester College, Oxford. He was succeeded, in 1844, by the present rector, the Rev. W. Nassau Molesworth, M.A. ST. ALBAN'S CHURCH. This sacred edifice, unquestionably one of the most beautiful churches in the provinces, was erected about twenty years ago. It stands on an eminence (like a city set on a hill) which commands a fine view of the surrounding country. The site of the church was the gift of the late Abraham Brierley, Esq., J.P., of West Hill, Rochdale, and the church itself was built by public subscription. The parsonage adjoining is a handsome and substantial building. The first incumbent was the late Rev. J. W. Parker, M.A., who, in 1866, became the Vicar. Mr. Parker held the living until his very sudden and lamented death, in August, 1874. His successor is the Rev. Walter Cooper, B.A., the late Curate. The internal decorations and fittings of the church are of a most costly and elaborate character, and, in point of beauty and correctness of taste, cannot be surpassed. The munificent gifts and lavish expenditure of our esteemed townsman, Jonathan Nield, Esq., J.P., have made the church a model of artistic beauty of the ST ALBAN'S CHURCH, ROCHDALE WDicoadm Z OF MIC ST. ALBAN'S. 115 ་ highest order. The chancel is superb in its ornamenta- tion and adornments, and must be seen to be appreciated. The font and pulpit are exquisite works of art and correct taste; and, with other parts of the church, excite the greatest admiration. The font was the gift of Arthur Brierley, Esq., and the pulpit that of Mr. Nield. The tower contains a fine peal of bells, the gift, also, of the last named gentleman. To admirers of church ornamentation and refined taste, an examination of the interior of the church will afford the greatest satisfaction. St. Alban's is a standing evidence of what can be done when money and gifts are bestowed with ungrudging hand. It would be well if wealthy Churchmen, in other parts, were to emulate the spirit of munificence and piety of which so many examples are to be found in this church. The poet Keats has said that "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever," and we have here a striking proof of the truth of this axiom. A tribute of regard to the late vicar, the Rev. J. W. Parker, may not inaptly conclude our brief notice of St. Alban's. A perfect gentleman in every respect, he was, at the same time, of a remarkably quiet and unobtrusive disposition. 'He wore his wisdom," as Tennyson says, "lightly, like a flower," and he went down to a comparatively early grave amid the unfeigned sorrow of the whole parish of St. Alban's, where he had gone in and out among the people for a period of nearly twenty years. Anyone who had the pleasure of his acquaintance knew how highly he was to be esteemed; and his public ministrations in the beautiful church, where his manly presence was so frequently and regularly seen, must have been a source of consolation 116 ST. EDMUND'S. on many and many an occasion to his attentive auditors. He was a truly good man; and the respect which was paid to his memory, on the occasion of his funeral, will not soon be forgotten. The suddenness of his death was like the shock of a thunderbolt to his parishioners, and gave one more proof of the uncertainty of human life. To use the words of our national poet, "He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one." Adorning the Gospel of God, his Saviour, in all things, he has now passed to that bright world of love and joy, "where God unfolds his presence, and where shines eternal day." ST. EDMUND'S CHURCH, FALINGE-ROAD. This handsome church is seen on the right as we pass up Spotland-road. It is cruciform in shape, and in the decorated Gothic style of architecture, the stone mainly used being Pierrepoint. On entering the church one is struck with the light, artistic effect, and correct pro- portions of the sacred edifice. The square tower which rises from the transept is supported by four beautiful columns in Aberdeen granite, above the capitals being elegant designs in stone, representing the fruit and foliage of the four seasons. The reredos is elaborately carved in Hollington stone, with emblems of the Lord's Supper, entwined round the words, "I am the vine," a magnificent design by the Rev. E. W. Gilbert, M.A., who was the much esteemed vicar in 1873, in which year the church was opened. The five-light window over the communion table, is like all the others in the church, beautifully stained, setting forth Bible history in glowing figures, a prominent feature being, scenes Lory Duneman & Co ST EDMUND'S CHURCH. NA OP ST. EDMUND'S. 117 from the Life of Christ, and it also depicts the career of St. Edmund. The window at the south end of the church has for its subject the Te Deum, and is con- sidered to be a marvel of artistic execution. It was on view at the Vienna Exhibition. The window at the north end represents the Stem of Jesse. The light in the west façade has an emblem of the Trinity, adoring angels, and prophets. There is a beautiful window to the left of the west entrance, illustrating God's hand in the Creation, and further on we gaze at the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the Fall and its consequence, Cain and Abel at work; while, on the other hand of the same transept, are designs of Noah building the Ark, the Tower of Babel, and the blessing of the sons of Judah. In the north and south transepts are four kinds of sacrifices; Melchisedek, the high priest; and the Last Supper of the Lord. There is in the chancel a magnificent raised dais or sanctuary, on the floor of which is an oaken parquetry of a rich pattern. The roof is panelled in white deal and oak, the timber ends being carved and supported on corbels of white Holling- ton stone. Near the chancel is a memorial plate, in brass, with the following inscription, ornamented with the founder's insignia and emblems of office in the various degrees he had attained in Freemasonry, and surmounted with his family crest and motto, "Semper Paratus":"This church is erected for the worship of God, for the good of his fellow-man, and in memory of his father and mother, by Albert Hudson Royds, of Falinge, 1873; Clement Royds, died 6th September, 1854; Jane Royds, died 16th February, 1853. • The memory of the just is blessed.'—Prov. x. c., 7 v." The Um ...... 118 ST. EDMUND's. founder's private chapel is separated from the south side of the chancel by four beautiful columns in Chapfell granite, and arches cased with Hollington and red Duncan stone. The window, when viewed from the inside, conveys an excellent idea of the founder's wisdom in doing good to his fellow-man in the erection of a house of God, for no more appropriate scene than that of Solomon building the temple could have been chosen as a subject for the stained glass, the details of which are, so to speak, the pink of perfection. The bowl of the font at the west entrance is in white statuary marble, and is at once massive and elegant. It is supported by marble shafts of various colours, and is relieved with figures of four angels. This font is the gift of Mr. Edmund Royds, a son of the founder, an inscription to that effect running round it. The orna- mental work throughout the building is executed without plaster or paint, the wood used being simply varnished. The sculpture has a very pleasing effect. Immediately over the west entrance, on the outside, is a tablet commemorating the death of St. Edmund, who appears bound to a tree, while his persecutors are shooting arrows into his side. It may be well to recall the legend. St. Edmund, king and martyr, was born in 841, and at the age of fourteen ascended the throne of East Anglia. He was a great friend to the poor, restored the churches and monasteries, but was compelled, when he had reigned fourteen years, to withdraw, with some followers, on an invasion of the Danes, to a church at Heglesduna, Hoxne, on the Wavenley. Here he threw aside his temporal arms and put on heavenly, humbly imploring or ST. EDMUND's. 119 God to grant him constancy in his passion." The Danes surrounded the church, dragged him forth, bound him to a tree, and pierced him with darts and arrows because he refused to abjure his faith. As a token of the honour in which the saint was held, particularly in East Anglia, at least fifty-five churches were dedicated to his name, fifteen being in Norfolk and seven in Suffolk. This church, which was erected at a cost of £20,000, was opened on May 7th, 1873, with masonic ceremonies, about 500 brethren walking in procession to the church, which was formally opened by Mr. A. H. Royds, Past Deputy Grand Master of the East Lancashire Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and Grand Master of Worcestershire; the Bishop of Manchester, Dr. Fraser, afterwards going through the usual consecration service. The church contains 474 sittings, one-half of which are free and unappropriated, while twenty sittings in the private chapel are retained for the use of the founder and his successors. The service is low church. ST. PETER'S CHURCH, NEWBOLD. St. Peter's Church, Newbold, situated in a thinly populated but growing district, off Milnrow-road, was consecrated for divine worship in May, 1871. The style of the architecture is pointed Gothic, of a bold and vigorous type, treated to suit the rubble stone and red brick of which the edifice is mainly built; stock brick being introduced in the coigns, bands, strings, buttresses, and arches, in the ornamental panels, mouldings, and cornices, and in other places where dressed stone is more usually employed. The ground plan of the church 120 ST. PETER'S. • consists of nave, north aisle ending towards the east in minister's and choristers' vestries, south aisle ending in the organ chamber, and a chancel and semi-hexagonal apse. The chancel arch is broad, and is supported on carved corbelled shafts. The six nave columns are of red and white stone, arranged in bands. The two eastern capitals, and the eastern responds, or half-pillars, are carved. In the triangular spandrels, above these columns, are carved medallions, containing busts of the writers of the Acts and Epistles, bearing rolls-eastern books to represent respectively the number of their writings, and a few words selected from, and epito- mising the characteristic spirit of each. This part of the church is effectively lighted by the sixteen vesica-shaped stone cusped windows of the clere-story, and by the west windows, which are placed high up above the narthex. Below the west window are two carved stone medallions with subjects from the life of St. Peter-his walking on the sea, and his standing with Paul at the beautiful Gate of the Temple. The cost of the sacred edifice, which has seats for 670 adults, was about £4,000. The vicar, the Rev. James Richards, M.A., is much esteemed by all classes of the community. Indeed, as a result of his indefatigable efforts in a church district that was brought into existence as such by the passing of the Rochdale Vicarage Act, and containing a popula- tion of about 6,000, almost entirely consisting of factory operatives, he has been able to gather together a numerous congregation, who meet for worship in an elegant building, and whose children may receive a good education in some really excellent schools, which are spacious, lofty, and well ventilated. They stand at the back of the church. Wick Tandon OF ST MARY'S CHURCH, BALDERSTONE IC 121 ST. MARY'S CHURCH, BALDERSTONE. This beautiful church is situated in Lowerplace, Oldham-road, a thriving village, which has been lately brought within the Borough of Rochdale, and was, in addition to the fine spacious schools and vicarage, built by the liberality of Messrs. Radcliffe. The site is triangular in shape, and at the extreme north-west corner stands the steeple, with a tower and spire rising to a height of nearly 150 feet. The principal entrance is by the tower porch, the next important entrance being through a gabled porch. The church, which is built in the Gothic style, cost £8,000, and it is seated to accommodate 600 persons. The eye is struck by the beauty of the interior, the general effect being enhanced by the shining marbles, granite, and alabaster; the coloured mural decoration; the brilliant, glowing colours of the stained glass. The font is a circular bowl of pure white statuary marble, enriched with carved lilies, on each of the eight stems of which one sees a bud, a half-opened flower, and a full blown lily. Around the rim of the bowl are symbolical devices, by Salviati. The floors of the porches and passages generally are laid with red tiles, the borders being of black and coloured encaustic tiles. The steps of the chancel, and its floors and sanctuary, are of marble, in various patterns and colours. Going back to the west end, and looking towards the east, we observe that there are eight stone arches on either side, dividing the nave from the aisles and transepts. They rest on granite shafts of two colours, alternately, the capitals being 9 122 ST. MARY'S, BALDERSTONE. carved with foliage, &c. In the spandrels of the nave arches there are six medallions, three on each side, con- taining the following subjects:-The Annunciation; The Birth of Christ; St. Mary finding Christ in the Temple; The Marriage in Cana; Christ commending His Mother to the care of St. John; and the Deposition from the Cross. At the west end are two similar medallions, containing two subjects symbolical of baptism, viz. :-The Passage of the Red Sea, and The Ark. The pulpit, which stands at the north-east corner of the nave, is of polished Mansfield stone, supported on five shining red granite shafts. The upper part is divided by slender shafts of coloured marble and mouldings into ten panels, containing a medallion of alabaster, carved with sacred monograms and floral ornaments. A carved legend from the prophet Jeremiah runs round the base-" He that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully." The reredos of this church is most beautiful in design, the workmanship and material being of a rich and costly description. There is a gable, with a moulded and cusped arch, and a carved, traceried open cornice, surmounted by the Agnus Dei. In the centre of the recessed place below is a vesica of white alabaster, containing a red marble cross, and marble inlay around it. Below, and in the lower division, on each of the side compartments, which are marked off from the centre by slender clustered marble shafts, supporting figures of kneeling angels, are subjects carved in lily-white marble or alabaster in relief, the central one being The Last Supper; that on the right, The Crucifixion; and on the left, The Agony in the Garden. The spaces on each side of the com- OF ALL SAINTS CHURCH. HAMER W. Dick Londo FICH ALL SAINTS'. 123 munion table are filled up with a diaper on carved stone, an alabaster and marble inlay, while the diapering of the chancel itself is of fleur de lis pattern. This symbol is frequently introduced elsewhere in the church with reference to its dedication. The woodwork throughout the church is worthy of minute inspection, as are also the stained windows. The great west window, a memorial one, is filled with subjects relating to the Resurrection. The building was consecrated by the Bishop of Manchester, Dr. Fraser, on July 1, 1872. The present vicar is the Rev. J. R. Parr, M.A. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, HAMER. The This handsome church was erected in the year 1866, at a cost of £3,800, upon a picturesque plot of high land given by the late J. S. Entwisle, Esq., on the Foxholes estate, a few hundred yards off the main road leading to Littleborough, at Hamer Bottoms. foundation stone was laid by the donor of the site, on the 29th April, 1865, and the church was consecrated by the Bishop of Manchester, on the 22nd of November, 1866. The style of the edifice is early English. The plan consists of a nave and north aisle of six bays each, and a south aisle of five bays, the two most eastern being so widened to the south into a sort of double transept, as to give picturesqueness to the interior. At the west end of the south aisle is the steeple, the lowest stage of which serves as a porch, and is the main entrance. The spire is octagonal, and has four very simple square pinnacles at its springing. There is a north porch and a smaller entrance in the western side i : 124 ALL SAINTS'. of the south transept. The east window is of five lights, and the head is fitted with tracery of a very complete design. The "Crucifixion" takes the prominent place, and nearly fills the three lights; under it is the “Last Supper." The other lights contain smaller groups, representing incidents in the life of our Lord. Alto- gether it is a very impressive window. The western window is of four lights, and contains some beautiful stained glass in figure subjects. This window was erected by the late Mr. W. W. Schofield, to the memory of his mother and father. There is a very pretty little single-light window, intended as a memorial to the late curate, the Rev. T. C. Kidd. The subject is, "Sick, and ye visited me." The churchyard is not a general. burial ground, but there are two vaults for the largest benefactors of the Church, namely, the late Mr. J. S. Entwisle, who, besides presenting the land, gave £1,000 towards the cost of the structure; and the late Mr. W. W. Schofield, of Buckley Hall, who subscribed £1,000. The extent of the ground consecrated is about three- quarters of an acre. There are sittings in the church for 651 persons, of which 354 are free. There is a remarkable historical coincidence in connection with the erection of this place of worship on this site. Richard Entwisle, the first of that family possessing the estate of Foxholes, at the time of the Reformation, took a great interest in that movement in the parish of Roch- dale; and in his will, made during the early part of Elizabeth's reign, he directed that when there should be no sermon or service in the parish church of "Rachdale," his friend and neighbour, Ellis Hamer, of Hamer, should call the poor parishioners together, and ALL SAINTS'. 125 read out to them, from "my little Geneva Bible," on the Lord's-day, in order that God's name may be known, and his perfections glorified in the town of "Rachdale." The coincidence is, that the new church stands in the centre of the two estates of Foxholes and Hamer, and that the two properties have become united and now belong to the Entwisle family. The Rev. J. A. Lobley was the first incumbent, and was highly respected, and his departure to America was much regretted. The Rev. Mr. Fox is the present incumbent. Mr. John Smith Entwisle, whose name is so closely connected with this church, lived only two years after it was com- pleted, dying on the 20th of June, 1868, and was interred in the family vault, in the adjacent churchyard, on the 26th of the same month. Mr. William Whit- worth Schofield, of Buckley Hall, who was also a prominent benefactor, expired on the 7th of December, 1873, and was buried in the family vault, which is within a few yards of his staunch friend's grave. Mr. Entwisle, by his sterling uprightness, kind familiarity, and thoroughly English character, gained for himself the respect of all classes; and Mr. Schofield, by his urbanity, amiability, and generosity, endeared himself to his fellow-townsmen, among whom he was a general favourite. Their now vacant seats in the church often recall to the minds of the worshippers the gap which death has made in their midst, but the two friends repose in peace within a few yards of the sanctuary in which, in their lifetime, they took so deep an interest. Such graves as theirs are pilgrim shrines, The Delphian vales, the Palestines, The Mecca of the mind." 126 ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, SMALLBRIDGE. The church of St. John the Baptist, Smallbridge, was erected by the late Church Building Commissioners out of a fund called the Million Grant. From the con- secration deed it is called the Government Chapel of Smallbridge. The site was presented by the late John Entwisle, Esq., M.P., of Foxholes, the cost of the building was £3,071. 10s. 7d. The Rev. Mr. Hay, vicar of Rochdale, had represented to the Church Building Commissioners that Smallbridge was two miles from the Parish Church of Rochdale, and had a population of above 5,000. The church of St. John was erected simply as a chapel of ease to Rochdale, but a district chapelry was assigned to it in 1844. From the consecration in A.D. 1834 to 1842, the value of the benefice was about £65 per annum, arising chiefly from pew rents and fees. In 1842 a legacy of £2,000 was left to the church by the late Mr. Jonathan Fildes, the interest of which, in the funds, at 3 per cent, raised the amount to £125. In 1849 the Ecclesiastical Com- missioners made a grant of £20 per annum, in augmentation of the living; and in 1859 they granted a further sum of £3 per annum. In 1866 the Rochdale Vicarage Bill was passed, under which an additional endowment of £215 was obtained. By the same act the incumbency was constituted a vicarage. The present vicar is the Rev. R. K. Cook, M.A., Honorary Canon of Manchester. His predecessors were the Rev. Nathaniel Milne, M.A.; the Rev. W. L. Barnes, M.A.; and the Rev. W. T. Hobson, M.A. ST. JOHN'S, SMALLBRIDGE. 127 Mr. Cook's exertions as a parish clergyman have been characterised by zeal, ability, and perseverance. Smallbridge, at one time a rather benighted place, has become, through his painstaking and indefatigable exertions, an intelligent and thriving village, and may be pointed to as an illustration of what can be accom- plished when the work of reformation is undertaken in a right spirit and with one simple object-the good of the people. Ever active in his Master's service, Mr. Cook has been the means of building the church and school of St. James's, Wardle, and to him must also be attributed the honour of the erection of the church and school of All Saints, Hamer. At Dearnley a school has been built, and is used for divine service, and it may be said that this, again, has been done through Mr. Cook's efforts. All these are monuments of his industry and fidelity to duty, and it is no small praise that he has laboured with such complete success, amid difficulties which might have appalled less energetic and deter- mined workers. Of the personal character of Mr. Cook, we may add that he is held in the highest estimation thoroughout his own and the adjoining parishes; and we know of no one who is more entitled to the respect of the community among whom he has so long lived and worked. His friends, and the people of his parish, have laboured with him and heartily seconded his untiring efforts. His great popularity has been a "tower of strength " to him, while his amiabilty and personal worth have surrounded him with "troops of friends," who have, on many occasions, proved themselves "friends indeed." Long, very long, may he be spared to continue his labours of love in the 128 CHRIST CHURCH. parish which he has for so many years blessed with his ministry; unless, indeed, the time should come when promotion to some wider sphere of usefulness may present itself. But of him it may be said— “Unskilful he to fawn, or seek for power, By doctrines fashioned to the varying hour: Far other aims his heart has learned to prize, More bent to raise the wretched than to rise." CHRIST CHURCH, HEALEY. The tower and spire of Christ Church, Healey, are visible for miles round, as the church stands on a slight elevation, and is a prominent feature in the landscape. Previously to the building of this church, in the year 1850, the Rev. Mr. Stanier conducted worship in a warehouse at Broadley, and by his labours brought together a good congregation. Unfortunately he did not live to enjoy the fruit of his labours, and his death was regretted not only by his parishioners, but by mem- bers of other denominations, who were witnesses of the good which he accomplished throughout the district. He was buried on the north side of the church. edifice was built in the year 1850; it is of stone, in the Gothic style, and is a fine commodious building, with 1,250 sittings or thereabouts, of which 500 are free. The living is a vicarage, of the annual value, nominally, of £300, and is in the gift of the Crown and Bishop alternately. The Rev. R. Minnitt is vicar, and has held the appointment since the consecration in 1850. Inter- ments are still allowed to take place in the graveyard. There is, connected with this church, a national school. This W. Dicker London 00000 90 ST STEPHENS CHURCH, ROCHDALE 129 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH. This church, in the connexion of the late Countess of Huntingdon, was erected in 1811. Externally of sub- stantial though unattractive appearance, it is, never- theless, a very commodious place of worship, and is calculated to seat a thousand persons. Previously to the opening of this church, services had been held in the old Theatre, conducted by the Rev. J. Nelson, who died in Rochdale before the building was completed. The Rev. J. K. Foster was the first minister, and continued so for several years, when he became President of Lady Huntingdon's College, at Cheshunt. After his removal the congregation rapidly declined. He was followed by the Rev. S. T. Gibbs, who laboured here about three years. The Rev. E. C. Lewis became the minister in 1839, and has continued to the present time. Under his ministry the attendance gradually increased, and has maintained its efficiency for many years. 1865 Mr. Lewis was unanimously elected the President of the Conference of the Countess's Connexion, and at the close of its sittings received high commendation for the ability displayed in conducting its business. In The prayers of the Church of England are required to be read, according to the discretion of the minister, as is the case in all the late Countess's chapels, necessity, not choice, having compelled her Ladyship to secede from the Establishment, while she continued attached to its services, its articles of faith, and its evangelical ministrations. 130 ST. JOHN'S, ANN STREET. The organ of St. Stephen's is one of the finest in the town, and was erected upwards of twenty years ago, at a cost of about £500. Mr. Lewis, now that the Rev. John Kershaw, late of Hope-street Chapel is dead, is the oldest Dissenting minister in the town. In disposition he is kind, affable, and genial, and has friends amongst every religious denomination in the parish. As a preacher he is extremely popular, and his sermons, which are preached extempore, are models of excellence, and are clear, forcible, and convincing. He illustrates his texts in the most vivid manner, and his style is capti- vating and impressive. The entire service at St. Stephen's is beautifully rendered; and the congrega- tions are frequently full and sometimes overflowing. On special occasions numbers of persons from other places come to hear Mr. Lewis preach. The ordinary congre- gation is highly respectable and intelligent. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, ANN-STREET. This is the first Roman Catholic place of worship erected in this town. It is not very ornate in its external appearance, having in front a building used as an institute and school, and at the back the priest's residence. Still, when we enter, we find its interior bears an artistic resemblance to churches of greater pretensions, and the decorations of the altars are very effective. The church is 100 feet in length, from the main entrance to the high altar, and affords comfortable sitting-room for 500 persons. It was built by sub- ST. JOHN'S, ANN STREET. 131 scription, in 1829, by the late Dr. Turner, Bishop of Salford, who was then a humble but very zealous and devoted priest, and had charge of a little flock who had previously met for worship in a room behind Alderman Willans's woollen warehouse, in Clegg-street, behind John-street. Father Turner had to contend with many difficulties, especially pecuniary ones, in carrying out his object. Subscriptions came in from Bury, Hasling- den, and other places in the neighbourhood of Rochdale, but these funds were soon exhausted in building opera- tions, almost as soon as they came in from time to time, and it is related that the hard-working Father, one Saturday, sold his own watch to make up the deficiency in the men's wages. The church, however, was opened with great rejoicings in 1829. Father Dowling, who was much esteemed by all classes for his warm-hearted charity, and who was regarded as the very model of a faithful and loving pastor, took charge of the congrega- tion in 1835, and remained at St. John's till his death, which occurred in 1871. Father E. O'Neill, who is also very much respected, succeeded him, and in 1873 opened the front entrance, under the school, already mentioned. The education, conducted under the superintendence of the Franciscan Order of Nuns, is excellent. They have a convent close by, which was purchased by Father O'Neill, who has also recently established a girls' school, and another for infants. Attached to the convent is a handsome plot of land, known as Bellegreen, and measuring two acres in extent. The boys' school is in a very efficient condition, and the young men's associa- tion, in connection with the newsroom adjoining the church, is also in a flourishing state. 132 ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL. In the year 1861 the Rev. M. Moriarty commenced a mission in Rochdale, in an Assembly-room, in York- shire-street, opposite St. James's Church, and gradually he increased his congregation. The same year, the room not being sufficiently large for the congregation, a building was erected in Watts-street, which was made to answer the purpose of a chapel as well as schools. In 1867 a chapel was erected in close proximity to the schools, and the internal dimensions are:-Length, 95 feet by 40 feet; the height, to ridges, 50 feet. There is a gallery extending the full width of the building, about 30 feet from the entrance or front wall, which will seat about 200 persons. The body of the chapel will accommodate about 500, the floor of which is on an incline from the entrance to within six feet of the chancel, so that those seated at the back can comfortably see the minister at the altar. The edifice is not built in any special style, but is an attempt at Gothic. It is composed of brick obtained in the neigh- bourhood, and blue Staffordshire bricks are introduced round the windows and doors. The whole is surmounted with a stone belfry and an ornamental stone cross. Between the chapel and the schools a comfortable looking parsonage has been erected. On the 6th of October, 1867, the chapel was consecrated by Dr. Turner, the late Bishop of Salford. The Rev. M. Moriarty still presides over the flock that he has gathered together by his own exertions, but their ranks are continually thinned by emigration. W. Dickes London. Op Tory Stoneman & 0 323 BAPTIST CHAPEL & SCHOOL, WEST ST. ROCHDALE 133 BAPTIST CHAPEL, WEST-STREET. It is now upwards of a hundred years since the Baptist Church originated in Rochdale. Prior to the year 1773 there were a few godly folk, members of the Baptist churches at Bacup and Wainsgate, who resided in Rochdale, and who, Sunday after Sunday, used to cross the hills, to their own place of worship, to attend the ministry of Mr. Hirst or Dr. Fawcett; after a while, however, they succeeded in obtaining the services of these and other ministers in their own houses, and as the result of their preaching, nine persons were baptized, in the river Roach, on the 12th October, 1773, in the presence of a great crowd of people: this baptism took place nearly opposite where the New Town Hall stands. The first meeting house that the Baptists occupied, was a room attached to the Bull Inn, then situate nearly at the bottom of Yorkshire-street, almost opposite the present Market Place, and was known as the "Bull Chamber." In this room they continued to meet till the year 1775, when, encouraged by the ministers who visited them, they procured a plot of ground in Town Meadows, and began the erection of a place of worship 14 yards by 12 outside. The whole expense exceeded £400, a sum far beyond their ability to furnish, but a great part of which, through the exertions of the ministers who visited them, and the kindness of neighbouring churches, they were soon enabled to raise. For many years after the erection of this building it remained without pews, but after Mr. Littlewood's settlement as pastor of the church, which was in 1786 134 WEST STREET CHAPEL. (he being the third pastor), they were enabled to fill the bottom with proper seats, and as the congregation gradually improved, it was thought advisable, in the year 1798, to erect a gallery. This was done at a cost of £300, which was principally raised among the members themselves. The chapel in Town Meadows was occupied till the year 1833, when the present building in West- street was opened, the total cost of the chapel and lands being £3,332. 15s. Towards this amount the late Rev. W. Stephens, who was then pastor, voluntarily resigned an endowment of nearly £70 per annum, left by Miss Betty Stott, of Smallbridge, for the benefit of the minister; the estate being sold for upwards of £1,400, which was devoted to the building fund for the new chapel. West-street chapel was described by Mr. Stephens, at the time of opening, "as a plain, but elegant and commodious building, and in a very good situation." "The school-room," he said, "though beneath the chapel, is both lofty and spacious, and is provided with every convenience." Some who are now living, and who recollect the transit from Town Meadows to West- street, will endorse the description given by Mr. Stephens. The school-room, however, under the present chapel has been superseded by a new and elegant school, erected behind the chapel, and fronting Buckley- street, the memorial stone of which was laid on the 12th June, 1873, by Mrs. Kelsall, and has been erected at a cost of nearly £3,000, including land and fencing, together with a neat lecture room at the front of the building. The church, since its formation, has been favoured with a settled ministry for about ninety-two years and WEST STREET CHAPEL. 135 nine months, leaving rather more than seven years for vacancies, and of the nine pastors who have been the choice of the people, three have laboured for seventy- two years, leaving the remaining twenty years for six pastors. The three who so honourably and so long sustained the office of minister, were the Rev. Thomas Littlewood, the Rev. William Stephens, and the Rev. W. F Burchell, the last of whom still survives, and is residing at Lee, in Kent. The following is a list of the ministers who have served the church from its commencement down to the present time, viz. :-Rev. A. Greenwood, 1775 to 1781; Rev. John Dracup, 1781 to 1785; Rev. Thomas Little- wood, 1786 to 1817; Rev. William Stephens, 1818 to 1837; Rev. Benaiah Hoe, 1837 to 1838; Rev. W. F. Burchell, 1839 to 1860; Rev. E. C. Pike, B.A., 1861 to 1866; Rev. Samuel Chapman, 1867 to 1870; Rev. T. Harwood Pattison, 1871, present pastor, who has, how- ever, accepted the pastoral invitation of the first Baptist Church, Newhaven, Connecticut. Mr. Pattison's departure will be much regretted by his own church and his friends generally. A marble tablet, provided by the pupils of the late Rev. T. Littlewood, who, in addition to his pastoral work, had a seminary at Townhead, was erected to his memory behind the pulpit, in the chapel, at Town Meadows, and is now fixed under the front gallery in West-street chapel. There is a fine Oil Painting of the late Rev. William Stephens, the work of his own hands, kept in the vestry, behind the chapel, in West-street. } 136 PARTICULAR BAPTISTS, HOPE CHAPEL, HOPE STREET. This cause was commenced by a few persons who left Town Meadows Chapel, of which place Mr. Thomas Littlewood was the settled minister, about 1807. At first they met in Greenwood's School-room, Drake- street, and invited Mr. John Warburton to become their minister. Their numbers increasing, they commenced building a chapel in 1810, and called it "Hope Chapel." At the time it was built it was surrounded by fields and gardens, but after some time houses were built and a street laid out which took its name from the chapel. After a few years Mr. Warburton left Rochdale and went to Trowbridge, in Wilts, and Mr. John Kershaw, who had been raised up amongst them, was invited to take the charge of them as the settled minister, which, after due consideration, he accepted in March, 1817, and continued with them until the time of his death, which took place January 11th, 1870, in the 78th year of his age, and the 53rd of his pastorate over the church. In 1848 the chapel was enlarged at a cost of £900, and in 1855 a large school-room was built which cost upwards of £800. In the year 1867 the Minister's Jubilee was celebrated, and Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw were each presented with a gold watch, and Mr. Kershaw with a purse of gold containing £250. The church has recently elected Mr. Richard Lovesey, of Cheltenham, as resident minister. Mr. John Kershaw was a kind, loving, and faithful pastor; and his long connection with this church had BAPTIST CHAPEL, DRAKE-STREET. 137 endeared him to friends and members. Among his dissenting brethren in the town and neighbourhood he was regarded with the kindliest feelings; and his presence at public religious meetings, when other ministers were present, always gave pleasure, while his sound and practical utterances carried conviction to every hearer. At the time of his death he might be looked upon as being the father of the Dissenting ministry in Rochdale. He was an especial favourite with young people and children, for "His ready smile a parent's warmth expressed; Their welfare pleased him, and their cares distressed; To them his heart, his love, his griefs were given, But all his serious thoughts had rest in heaven.” BAPTIST CHAPEL, DRAKE STREET. This chapel was opened in January, 1854, having been built by subscription, towards which the late Henry Kelsall, Esq., of the Butts, was the largest con- tributor, to accommodate a small congregation which had been gathered by the labours of Mr. Todd, who came from Bacup, in March, 1847, at the invitation of H. Kelsall, Esq., and from that time till the opening of the chapel worked zealously, gathering children for Sunday School instruction, and their parents for public worship and preaching, in a Mission Room, first in School Lane and afterwards in Church Stile. After the opening of the chapel he continued to minister to the people until November, 1862, when he removed to Lancaster. Mr. Alexr. Pitt, of Burton-upon-Trent, was selected to succeed Mr. Todd, and took the pastorate of the people in September, 1863; until this the Drake- 10 138 BAPTIST CHAPEL, DRAKE-STREET. street cause held the position of a branch of the older church at West-street, but now became a separate church by the dismissal of a number of members from that church and the union with them of a number of newly baptized converts. Under the energetic ministry of Mr. Pitt the church and congregation rapidly increased, and the chapel was improved and enlarged by being fitted up with pews, of which, till now, it had been nearly destitute, and the addition of a good capacious gallery. The teaching of the Sunday School and the holding of public worship in the same building were now found very inconvenient, and H. Kelsall, Esq., the original promoter of the cause, now built, at a cost of £1,200, the excellent school buildings and chapel- keeper's house in the rear of the chapel, and presented the same to the church and people at Drake-street, one large room in the building being appropriated to the use of a Ragged School, which is still carried on therein and is supported by his daughter, Mrs. Kemp. The new schools were opened in January, 1865, and the opening celebrated by the holding of a very full and joyous tea meeting. Some time after this the chapel was still further improved by the putting in of skylights, it having been previously rather dark, and the painting thereof throughout, and also the planting of the ground surrounding the chapel and the asphalting of the paths and the yard between chapel and school. All these improvements, the pews, galleries, painting, &c., were paid for by subscription, within a short time of their completion, without the aid of that now popular institution, the Bazaar. In September, 1871, Mr. Pitt resigned his pastorate and EBENEZER CHAPEL. 139 removed to Liverpool to take charge of the South Bethel Mission there, and since that time the church has been without a settled pastor, but nevertheless it is prosperous and increasing, and the school also is in a flourishing condition. It possesses a small library, and there is held within it a Young Men's Mutual Improve- ment Class, a Sick and Burial Society, and a Band of Hope. The land on which the premises stand is a rectangular plot extending from Drake-street in front to Henry-street at back, into which latter street the school opens, but is connected in its upper room with the chapel by a bridge over which the children pass from the school to their seats in the chapel. The whole is freehold and free from chief rent, is held in trust for the use of the Particular Baptists; its estimated value is about £5,000, and it is free from debt. It contains sittings for 412 persons, beside school and choir. EBENEZER BAPTIST CHAPEL, WATER STREET. This church was formed of members formerly in con- nection with the West-street Church, and met at first for divine worship in Baillie-street, on the 8th of January, 1867; it continued there up to the time of its removal to the chapel in Water-street. The last mentioned place was built in 1834, by the New Connexion Methodists, and was purchased from them by the Baptists, and re-opened for divine service on the 1st of May, 1870. The alterations and improvements made in the chapel at that time, were still further supplemented by the erection of an organ, opened in October, 1873. The Rev. Alfred Pickles, 140 PROVIDENCE CHAPEL. who was settled as the first pastor of this church, on the 17th of August, 1869, still continues his labours. In addition to the Sunday-school, there are Tract and Sick and Burial Societies in connection with this chapel. PROVIDENCE CHAPEL, HIGH STREET. This building was erected in 1806, for the ministry of the Rev. Joseph Cooke, who had been expelled from the Methodist connection on doctrinal grounds. After his death it was offered for sale, and purchased by a mere handful of people for the, at that time, large sum of £1,600-an act of courage for which lovers of Christian liberty ought to be ever grateful. Vested in trust, it still remains one among a number of congrega- tional chapels, a testimony to the growth of principles which, in those days, had few adherents in Rochdale. These few were probably influenced by the advice of ministers in the neighbouring towns, who had given themselves in part to evangelistic labours in Rochdale and its neighbourhood. The most distinguished of these labourers was the Rev. William Roby, who, in addition to his pastoral and itinerant duties, added that of instructing young men intended for the ministry, who also shared in the labours of their tutor, wherever an opportunity presented. Thus Rochdale and the adjacent villages of Wardle and Ridings were favoured with religious teaching at intervals of more or less regularity. The first congregational minister who made Rochdale his home, was the Rev. John Ely. He commenced his labours in Providence Chapel a few months after its PROVIDENCE CHAPEL. 141 purchase in 1814. The debt on the chapel was a source of constant anxiety, during the first half-dozen years of his ministry; but, during that time, the young minister had so won the esteem of the church and congregation that, rather than lose him, they were willing to make an effort to accomplish what had previously been deemed an impossibility, and they removed their debt. After this, prosperity was uninterrupted, until the removal of the pastor to Leeds. Amongst the external evidences of this prosperity may be mentioned the several circum- stances of the establishment of branches at Smallbridge and Calderbrook, 1824, and the erection of an organ in the chapel, 1822. The late distinguished John Roby, Esq., banker, and subsequently the accomplished author of "Traditions of Lancashire," was the first organist. The termination of the ministry of the Rev. John Ely, in Rochdale (1834), was accompanied by the profoundest and most wide-spread regret, not only amongst the congregation, but in the town generally. We are told that during the latter part of his ministry, "the congregations became overflowing on the Sabbath, and at the week evening services few seats were un- occupied." During Mr. Ely's ministry other work was done, viz.: The establishment of Sunday Schools, at first without any separate building for the purpose, but afterwards a school was erected in High-street, which ultimately became over-crowded, and is now let as a warehouse. After this another school was erected, as a local branch, at Moore-street. The Rev. T. C. Carlisle, became the successor of the Rev. John Ely, at Midsummer, 1835. During his ministry, a large secession of the members of the church 142 PROVIDENCE CHAPEL. took place, which, together with other circumstances, led to his resignation in September, 1837, a little more than two years after he had become the minister. After this those who had seceded were restored to church fellowship. It may naturally be supposed that a church and congregation that had known separation. and re-union so recently, would require a pastor of no common order to heal wounds in which the process of healing had only just commenced. In the Rev. David Hewitt was found a man who possessed energy, ability, and discretion, which, with his geniality of disposition, were sufficient for the occasion. Having spent twelve years in successful labours, he re- signed his charge in July, 1850. During his ministry, in the year 1847, the present Sunday and Infant Schools were erected at a cost of £1,300. In the interval (two years) of the vacant pastorate two important events took place-one, the removal of debt (£1,857) from the school and chapel; the other, the separation of a large part of the congregation, who afterwards erected Milton Congregational Church. The Rev. William Spencer was the next minister, and commenced his labours in August, 1852. His ministry began auspiciously; a variety of circum- stances arose, however, which taken singly were trifling, but in combination, led an amiable man to re- linquish a charge, in which he was universally esteemed. The Rev. G. Snashall commenced his labours in July, 1859. His ministry seemed to be successful until shortly before his resignation, when, unhappily, a dispute arose which ended by the termination of his PROVIDENCE CHAPEL. 143 ministry, and the secession of a number of the congregation, who afterwards became the United Presbyterians. The Rev. J. C. Mc.Cappin entered upon his labours in April, 1867, and relinquished the pastorate in March, 1871. Nothing remarkable occurred during his ministry, beyond the death of Mrs. Mc.Cappin, which cast a gloom over the remainder of his ministry, and finally led to his resignation. The Rev. R. G. Williams, who is the present pastor, possesses the esteem and affection of the entire church and congregation. His preaching is considerably above the average as regards ability, and is thoroughly evangelical in tone. Since 1814 various alterations have been made in the building. One of the earliest of these was the addition of an ornamental portico, which added considerably to its exterior effect, and a little to its interior accommoda- tion. The last of these alterations was made in 1864— the jubilee of Independency in Rochdale. Then the whole of the bottom was renewed, a new rostrum erected, and considerable alterations were made in the orchestra; besides which a tablet was erected in memory of the Rev. John Ely, and another in memory of the late John Roby, Esq., at the expense of his widow. In 1853, the organ, which had done duty for thirty-one years, was removed, and the present one, which is said to have no superior in Rochdale, took its place. The chapel will seat 750, is well lighted and com- fortable. The interior decorations have been very tastefully done. 144 MILTON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, SMITH STREET. This church owes its origin to a secession from Providence Chapel, High-street, in March, 1852, the cause of which was a difference of opinion upon the choice of a minister. Among the numerous seceders may be named Messrs. R. Pagan, J. T. Pagan, A. Stewart, R. Kelsall, J. J. Curtis, T. Fisher, R. Clegg, Challinor, Tinsdale, and J. Ashworth. Their first place of meeting was in the Public Hall; the upper room being used for service, and the lower one as a Sunday School, the first officers of which were Messrs. J. T. Pagan and J. J. Curtis, superintendents, and Robt. Craig, secretary. The week-night services were held in the Commissioners' Room, Smith-street. It was at once decided to form a church upon Congregational principles, and the Rev. Robert Vaughan, D.D., of Manchester Independent College, was requested to officiate at the formation of the church, and to administer the ordinance of the Lord's Supper for the first time. The first deacons of the church were Messrs. South- worth, Dawson, Hoyle, and I. Grindrod. The next step was the choice of a pastor, which fell upon the Rev H. W. Parkinson, who had formerly been a student at Coward College. After the settlement of a pastor, the next question was the building of a place for worship, and on Good Friday, held in the Commissioners' Room, after which the question of ways and means was discussed, and a magnificent sum was raised. Among donations were 1853, a tea meeting was MIT 01 WICH MILTON CHURCH. 145 the following:-Messrs. A. Stewart, £500; R. Pagan, £500; R. Kelsall, £500; T. Southworth, £500; and smaller sums raising it to nearly £3,000. It was then decided to build a handsome stone church on land occupied as a garden by H. Kelsall, Esq., J.P., which was planted with fruit trees. The first estimate was £3,500, but the ultimate cost was above £5,000. In the early part of next year the corner stone of the building was laid by Andrew Stewart, Esq., and the building was completed and opened, without any accident, in 1855, on which occasion the Rev. R. Raffles, D.D., of Liverpool, preached in the morning, and Rev. T. Binney, of London, in the evening; from which source the handsome sum of £1,700 was realised; which, with previous subscriptions, removed the entire debt and left a balance which was spent in painting and renovating the church and schoolroom. Of the late minister, the Rev. H. W. Parkinson, who died suddenly in August, 1874, we may be permitted to remark that in point of ability he was undoubtedly above the average, and held a high position in the esteem and affection of his congregation and friends. He was also much respected by the general public, and was a writer of no mean eminence. He was kind- hearted and amiable, and his death was a very great blow to his church and friends. His funeral, which was public, was attended by a great number of the influential and wealthy inhabitants of the town, and gave ample proof of the high esteem in which his memory was held, and of the "golden opinions" which he had won and worn in their fullest gloss. We are pleased to add that since his death a very large sum of 146 METHODIST NEW CONNEXION. money has been raised on behalf of his widow and children, the principal contributors being gentlemen occupying high social position in the town and else- where. The amount raised exceeds £3,500. METHODIST NEW CONNEXION. In the year 1814 Mr. William Whittle Barton, a native of Liverpool, settled down in Rochdale, and finding no church of the Methodist New Connexion in this town, he commenced a class in his own house, in the year 1815, and preached in cottages in various parts of the town. In 1820, a garret was rented in St. Mary's Gate, and here for a time, the Rev. W. Driver, and other early ministers of the connexion preached. The cause flourished, and the room being found too small to accommodate the increasing numbers, it was deter- mined to build a chapel, and accordingly a chapel was erected in Zachary, and opened for public worship on the 2nd June, 1822, by the Revs. A. Jackson, S. Wood- house, and T. Allin. This chapel seated about 270 persons, and cost £400. The place afterwards proving inadequate to meet the growing demands of both church and school, it became necessary to obtain further accommodation. A garret was therefore rented in In Holland-street, and devoted to school purposes. process of time, the Zachary Chapel gave place to a much larger one, which was built in Water-street, at a cost of £1,000, and was provided with a commodious school on the basement story. On the 3rd of October, 1868, a still larger chapel was commenced in Moles- worth-street, the late G. L. Ashworth, Esq., J.P., laying WickeaLondon OF 28 111 Terry Stoneman PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL, SMITH ST ICH PRIMITIVE METHODISTS. 147 the foundation stone in the midst of a large assembly. The Rev. Thomas Masterman, the pastor, was the prime mover in this undertaking which he thought was necessary to meet the requirements of the age. The chapel cost over £3,000, and is built in the Italian style; it is well proportioned and convenient. The lower storey comprises the school-room, 57 feet by 42 feet; it is lofty and well lighted. The chapel is 63 feet by 42 feet inside, with galleries, orchestra, ministers' vestry, large band-room for general purposes, and a small vestry for the use of the choir. On the 10th of October, 1869, it was opened by the Revs. S. Hulme, and C. Donald, and its compactness and completeness gave much satisfaction. The Rev. Wm. Woodward is the present pastor. Mr. Barton, to whom the connexion is indebted for its position in the town, was a prominent public character for a great number of years. He is mentioned in a previous part of this work; and was Town Surveyor from 1818 to 1858. He was a vigorous opponent of church rates and of public abuses; and was held in much and deserved esteem by his party. On his death, in 1859, he was honoured with a public funeral, in recognition of the services which he had rendered to the town and people. PRIMITIVE METHODISTS, SMITH-STREET. It has been the pride of the Primitive Methodists to carry out the words of the parable, "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the 148 PRIMITIVE METHODISTS. blind;" and to their praise it must be stated that no place can be too humble, nor back slums or alleys too wretched wherein to proclaim the grand truths of the gospel. About fifty years ago missionaries from Man- chester visited Rochdale and preached in the open air, and services were also carried on in a cellar in Cheetham- street, near where the "Three Crowns" public-house now stands. An amusing incident occurred at one of their open air services. The Rev. John Verity while "holding forth" in Cheetham-street, perched on a chair, received from an officer the dictatorial command to "move on." Verity politely said to the constable, "I hope you will permit me to dismiss the people first?" The officer consented, and then Verity went into a lengthy expla- nation as to what he had intended to have stated if he had not been interrupted by the official; that it had been his "intention to have told them that Christ had died for sinners, and that they might be saved;" and in this strain, for half an hour, he informed the people of his intentions if he had been allowed to have done so, during which time the “ 'guardian of the law” was on the tiptoe of expectation at the conclusion of every sentence to hear the "dismissal" given to the flock, but finding that the explanation had not a full stop and continued to roll on, he retired from the scene in hope- less disgust. The Primitives next rented a large room in Packer Meadow, at the top of King-street, where they sojourned for seven or eight years. The congre- gation increasing, it was decided to build a chapel, one storey high, in Drake-street, opposite Water-street, which cost about £400. In the course of time this place was not large enough for the ever-increasing PRIMITIVE METHODISTS. 149 worshippers, and the old chapel was pulled down and a larger one built upon the site, the cost being about £1,200. In 1863 it was determined to have a still larger chapel, more convenient and better lighted, and one was built in Smith-street, at a cost of £2,500. The stone was laid by the late Mr. G. L. Ashworth on the 1st of August, 1863. The front of the chapel is faced with Yorkshire pierpoints. There is a pilaster at each corner, having mounted bases and caps, with Yorkshire stone dressings. The front is a gable one, surmounted with a bold block cornice. The entrance doorway con- sists of moulded pilasters, together with moulded caps and bases, and finished on the top with a moulded circular block cornice, with a keystone in the centre. There is a double flight of steps to the front door. The size of the building is 58 feet by 45, and 30 feet from the floor to the ceiling. The schoolroom beneath the chapel is 12 feet high, and well lighted on all sides, and but 4 feet below the level of the main street. It seems necessary to explain that the late chapel in Drake-street was sold by the trustees for a Burgess Hall, under the idea that it would be only so used, but this purpose has been departed from, and the building is now used as a Music Hall, much to the disappointment and regret of those by whom it had been used as a place of worship, and who have had no hand in such obvious desecration to such apparently "base uses." No doubt the change of intention arose from the fact that as a Burgess Hall the building would not pay, and the proprietors were therefore obliged to dispose of it in the manner which would prove most beneficial to those who were pecuniarily interested in the transaction. 150 SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. {{ The Society of Friends, commonly called "Quakers," have a Meeting House in George-street, Rochdale, which was erected in the year 1808. It is an extremely plain, unpretentious structure, which only reminds us "that man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh upon the heart;" the heart;" and no one would expect to find in such a place of worship, either gaudy decorations, surpliced choirs, wafted incense, or gorgeous priest in pomp arrayed." Neither does the peal of an organ resound through the building, but the plain unaffected voice is heard in supplication, and in directing the way to salvation, when the Holy Spirit prompts to those sacred acts. "Their prayers and praises are, for the most part, silent and inward. They prefer to make melody in their hearts unto God, con- sidering such to be more spiritual than the outward services of the voice." Previously to the year 1808 the members of this society, from Oldham and Rochdale, were in the habit of assembling at Turf Lane End Meeting House, which is four miles from Rochdale and two from Oldham, but they ultimately erected a place of worship in each town, the one in Rochdale being situated in George-street, as before mentioned. It contains seats for 300 persons, but the congregation numbers at present about 80. It is here the Right Hon. John Bright regularly attends for worship when at home; but we believe he does not ever address his fellow-worshippers on such occasions. He takes part in the affairs of the society at their business meetings, which are held from time to time, 3 WIndica London OF mank" WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPEL AND SCHOOL, UNION ST FICH WESLEYAN METHODISTS. 151 and evinces a great interest in the welfare of the society. Of course, as might be expected, the Friends are really proud of their distinguished brother, who is, not- withstanding his great eminence, as quiet and unobtrusive as the humblest among them. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPEL, UNION-STREET. The history of Methodism, in Rochdale, dates from the middle of the last century. The first mention made of Rochdale in Mr. Wesley's Journal, is under date 18th October, 1749. Mr. Wesley was on his way from Leeds, and says:-"I rode, at the desire of J. Bennet, to Rochdale, in Lancashire, as soon as ever we entered the town we found the streets lined, on both sides, with multitudes of people, shouting, cursing, blaspheming, and gnashing upon us with their teeth. Perceiving it. would not be practicable to preach abroad, I went into a large room open to the street, and called aloud, 'Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts." The word of God prevailed over the fierceness of man, none opposed or interrupted, and there was a very remarkable change in the behaviour of the people as we afterwards went through the town. We came to Bolton in the evening. We had no sooner entered the main street than we perceived the lions of Rochdale were lambs in comparison of those at Bolton. Such rage and bitterness I scarcely ever saw before in any creatures that have the form of men," &c., &c. Mr. Wesley does not mention any more visits to Roch- dale for a long period. But we find him paying a visit to Bankhouse, near Rochdale, on the 3rd April, 1752; 152 WESLEYAN METHODISTS. and these visits were often repeated long before any society was formed in Rochdale. The society at Bankhouse, near Bagslate, was visited by the preachers from Bury, though Bagslate is only two miles from Rochdale. And about this period too, Smallbridge. was regularly visited by preachers from Colne, thus shewing that Methodism was not established in Roch- dale as early as other neighbouring towns. About 1760 a society was formed, and a preaching room was secured at Waterside, near the river, on a part of the site now occupied by the Town Hall and its approaches. The room would be about the centre of the eastern esplanade. The Methodists afterwards occupied a building in Temple Court, Blackwater- street, now Temple-street, and subsequently removed to a new chapel in Toad Lane, about the year 1770. In that year Mr. Wesley writes in his Journal, 29th April, 1770, "I preached in the new preaching house at Rochdale." His visits to Rochdale appear to have become more frequent, as we find him preaching here on the 16th April, 1774; 17th April, 1776; 24th August, 1778; 12th April, 1779; and 6th April, 1780. This new preaching house must have been the one in Toad Lane. The lease for the land is dated 18th May, 1778, and is from James Taylor to Messrs. Cockroft and Clegg, for 669 yards, at a rent of £5; and as the plan shews the form of the chapel, with its entrances, &c., the deed must have been completed after the erection of the chapel. John Valton and George Snowden were stationed at Manchester in 1781. Their ministry was emi- nently owned of God; there was a general revival WESLEYAN METHODISTS. 153 of religion throughout the circuit, and a great ingather- ing of souls was the happy result. The chapel at Stockport was enlarged, and a new one erected at Ashton. But the assistant preacher declared that "this work would have been more extensive had it not been for two or three of the leading members of the Rochdale society, who demanded an unjust share of our labours. Their opposition was so strong that it quite broke my spirit and cramped my future usefulness. It obstructed all my intended visits to the populous villages. Alas! how often have godly ministers had to make the same complaint." Of his visit to Rochdale, on 26th and 27th August, 1787, Wesley says:-"The house at Rochdale was well filled at five a.m. I have not seen so large a morning congregation, in proportion to the town, since I returned to England. I was invited to breakfast at Bury, by Mr. Peel, a calico printer, who, a few years ago, began with £500, and is now supposed to have gained £50,000. Oh, what a miracle, if he lose not his soul! " "23rd April, 1788. In the evening I preached to a lively congregation at Rochdale. Formerly we had much trouble here, but it is past, and they now hold the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace." In 1790, Wesley went from Bolton into Yorkshire. The manuscript of his journal is lost from April 10th to May 24th. He must, however, have passed through Rochdale, for it was within remembrance of old people, and amongst them Miss Stott, who said, "that she saw Mr. Wesley walk up Packer-street and up the Church Steps, which he counted as he went up." 11 154 WESLEYAN METHODISTS. The chapel in Toad Lane appears to have been occupied by the Methodists more than twenty years. The society established by the late Countess of Hunting- don afterwards occupied the building. Subsequently it was used as a theatre and assembly room; and there is now erected on the site the central store of the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society. The Methodist chapel was built in Union-street, and opened on Sunday, the 22nd May, 1793, by the Rev. Joseph Benson, M.A., and the Revs. J. Roberts and Thomas Hanby. In this chapel, on the 25th November, 1821, the Rev. Adam Clarke preached a sermon in behalf of funds of the Sunday School (xvii. c. John, 3 v.). A very large con- gregation was assembled, and while they listened with rapt attention, suddenly a cry was raised that the gallery of the chapel was falling. A scene of intense. consternation and confusion ensued. From the pressure many persons found themselves in very different parts of the chapel to those they had first occupied, and knew not how they had got there. One person who sat in the front of the gallery managed to jump into the pulpit as a place of safety, though what course she took in her fright could not be recalled by her. One well-known individual would not allow any person to leave the pew in which he sat, comforting them by saying, "Sit still, friend, we are going gradually," evidently thinking little respecting those underneath. Another, the late John Howard, declared that he saw the ceiling open. The rush of those who fled from the chapel was so terrific that it forced the large doors outwards. Some few were hurt, but no life was lost. The alarm was caused by the breaking of a slender form on which some WESLEYAN METHODISTS. 155 ; persons stood to see the preacher more easily. Dr. Clarke exhorted the alarmed congregation to be quiet, but Mr. Robert Heape, senior, of the Hartley, by gesture and voice, urged the leader of the choir (Robert Nuttall) to sing, and he struck up "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," to the tune of the old hun- dredth psalm. In a moment the instruments took up the solemn sound, quiet was immediately restored, and, with a sense of relief, safety, and gratitude, the whole congregation joined heartily in the song of praise. Dr. Clarke finished his sermon. The collection in no wise suffered, the amount being about £80. This chapel was used for worship exactly thirty-two years; the last services being held on Sunday, 22nd May, 1825. From a record of that period we learn that "by some defect in the original construction of the roof, the whole edifice had become unsafe." Competent judges declared that- the large congregations which on particular occasions. attended were in imminent danger of being suddenly buried beneath its ruins. The present chapel was erected in the year 1825-6, and was opened Thursday, March 16th, 1826, when sermons were preached by the Revs. Robert Newton, David Stoner, and Theophilus Lessey. On Sunday, the 19th March, Mr. Wm. Dawson preached; and in the afternoon and evening, the Revs. Philip Garrett and Jabez Bunting, M.A. Although Rochdale was then suffering much distress from the effects of the American tariff, which practically excluded the exportation of the flannel manufacture of this neighbourhood to the American states, and through- out the empire there was much commercial depression, which was severely felt in Rochdale, the collections 156 WESLEYAN METHODISTS. amounted to £302. 7s. 7d., in addition to the sum of £1,840 previously subscribed. This commodious chapel, which, at the time of its erection was one of the largest in the connexion, is 87 feet long and 69 feet in width (outside), and is capable of seating 1,650 persons. The cost of erection. of the chapel and alteration of the ministers' houses, was about £5,000. The Sunday Schools, which were erected in 1819, were found unsuitable in their arrange- ments for the educational requirements of the time, and were taken down in the year 1858. A more convenient and excellent building, well adapted for all educational purposes, was erected on a larger scale, at a cost of £1,600. It is only just to record the praiseworthy labours of the Rev. Charles Garrett, to whose deep movement the success of the scheme is The chapel contains a very excellent organ, built by the late Mr. Richard Nicholson, about the year 1840, at a cost of 400 guineas. In the In the year 1835-6 a large secession from this congregation and society took place, and eventually formed the con- gregation now assembling in the Methodist Free Church, Baillie-street. interest in this to be ascribed. In reviewing this brief sketch of the past history of Methodism connected with Union-street Chapel, it is pleasing to recall the particulars of its present out- growth, and, as far as we have the information, we have here endeavoured to enumerate the particulars. Up to the year 1795, Rochdale was supplied by the Methodist preachers of Manchester, as it was then included in the circuit under their pastorate. In the year 1795 Roch- dale became the head of a circuit. Bacup, Newchurch, Dicken London. OF Terry Stotraman & C UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCH. BAILLIE STREET. IC UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCH. 157 and Heywood were then included within its limits. Bacup and Newchurch were constituted a circuit in 1811, and Heywood in 1853. The Rochdale circuit, for greater convenience of managing its pastorate, was divided, in 1868, into the Union-street and Wesley circuits. Wesley chapel was built 1867, in Castlemere- street. The Union-street circuit contains seven Chapels, nine Sunday Schools, three Day and Infant Schools. The Wesley circuit contains seven Chapels, eight Sunday Schools, four Day and Infant Schools, and the two circuits contain 1,850 members. After this recapitulation we may be permitted to look back to the period when, 125 years ago, the Rev. John Wesley entered Rochdale, and recall his testimony as to the manners and habits of the people in 1749; and then remembering the opposi- tion which he met with during the mission he pursued for forty years after. We notice with pleasure such untiring energy-an attentive congregation waiting to hear him at five o'clock in the morning, hanging on his lips and treasuring his words. Mr. Wesley died 2nd March, 1791. And now the work which he begun has, by the blessing of God, extended to thousands in this town and neighbourhood, and every Christian church has benefited, and the general population raised to a higher standard. UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCH, BAILLIE-STREET. Baillie-street Chapel, belonging to the United Metho- dist Free Churches, was opened for Divine worship on January the 8th, 1837. The original cost was about 158 UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCHT. £4,000. In 1840 it was enlarged by the addition of a spacious gallery at an expenditure of upwards of £1,763; and, in 1856-7, nearly £1,000 was expended on new vestries, &c. In 1867 other important alterations and improvements were made, involving an outlay of some £1,400. The total cost, therefore, has been upwards of £8,000. It is the largest place of religious worship in the town, having accommodation for 1,800 hearers. In the basement story is a school-room, library, ministers' vestry, class-rooms, and every convenience for tea meetings, &c. The chapel is light, well venti- lated, and warmed, and all can see and hear the preacher. The lower part of the chapel being arranged on the amphitheatre plan, the acoustic properties of the building are all that could be desired. There is a splendid organ which was erected in 1845, and which has since then been enlarged and improved. The societies in the circuit of which Baillie-street is the head have a membership of 2,031. The Sabbath- day scholars number 6,386, taught by 929 teachers. There are four itinerant ministers, forty-five local in the preachers, and ninety-four class leaders in circuit, with nineteen other chapels within a radius of three miles from Baillie-street. Liberal Methodism is thus well sustained in Rochdale and the neigh- bourhood. In the year 1864 Mr. Oliver Ormerod laid the founda- tion stone of Castlemere Chapel, a fine spacious edifice, off Drake-street, which has 1,250 sittings, and it cost about £8,500. It was opened for Divine worship on September 6th, 1865. 159 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. This handsome church is situated in Manchester- road, opposite the pleasure grounds, and was built in the year 1868, at a cost of about £6,000. In the base- ment storey there are class rooms and a vestry room. The building will accommodate about 800 persons; 660 on the ground floor, and 140 in the gallery. The total length inside is 85 feet 6 inches, and the width 43 feet, with transepts 24 feet by 14 feet. There are three entrances one in the centre of the front elevation, one through the tower, which is at the north-east corner, and one on the south side near the front of the building. There are two entrances to the schools. The church is neatly pewed with pitch-pine, and the wainscoting and doors. are made of the same wood. The pulpit is very hand- some. In shape it is octagonal, and made of stone, with black marble columns, having moulded bases and carved capitals. The principal walls are composed wholly of stone, the outside being faced with Yorkshire pierpoints. The style of the edifice is Gothic, of a period known as the early decorated. At the north- east corner there is a tower, and it is intended to surmount it with a spire, 130 feet high from the ground, as soon as the funds will permit this extra outlay. In 1866 this religious body was formed by gentlemen who had left Providence Chapel and other denominations, and for two years their services and Sunday School were held in the British School, Baillie-street, where the congregation increased rapidly. The Rev. A. H. Drysdale, the present pastor, was inducted in August, 1867, and he is very much respected. 160 UNITARIANS, BLACKWATER-STREET. His abilities are of a high order, and his pulpit discourses are the subject of much eulogium; and, apart from his ministerial office, we believe that his literary tastes are of the most elevated kind. Mr. Drysdale has made a great number of friends in Rochdale outside his own congregation; and the kindly feeling which exists. between himself and the other ministers of religion in the town proves the amiability of his disposition, and his desire to sink minor differences on theological - questions on which all men do not think alike. UNITARIAN CHAPEL, BLACKWATER-STREET. This is not only the oldest dissenting chapel in Rochdale, but the oldest place of worship of any kind, except St. Chad's Parish Church. During the Com- monwealth the Revs. Robert Bath and Zachariah Taylor were vicar and curate, respectively, of the Parish Church; but in the year 1688, in King Charles the Second's reign, the Act of Uniformity was passed, and the above-mentioned clergymen were required to sub- scribe to the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, or else be evicted from their livings. They both preferred liberty of conscience and freedom, to holding their livings on such terms, and were accord- ingly evicted. But the Rev. Robert Bath, being a popular preacher, continued to gather large numbers of his parishioners around him, thus forming the first dis- senting congregation in Rochdale. But it was not till the year 1689, when William the Third passed the "Tolera- tion Act," that the Rochdale Presbyterian dissenters dared to meet together in a meeting-house of their own, i Terry Summank UNITARIAN CHAPEL. BLACK WATER ST W.Dick London. MAL OP WICH UNITARIANS, CLOVER-STREET. 161 without fear of molestation from the authorities. The first meeting-house or chapel seems to have been in existence from the year 1690 till 1716, when a new one was erected and duly licensed as "a meeting-house of dissenting Protestants," at the Quarter Sessions, held at Manchester, October 17th, 1717. This chapel, like many others erected by the Presbyterian Nonconformists. of those days, was dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, with an open trust deed. The Puritan Presby- terians had suffered so much persecution upon matters of creeds and doctrines, that they refused to specify in the trust deeds of their own chapels, the particular doctrines to be taught therein; and, as a consequence, very many of them, Blackwater-street Chapel being one, gradually drifted away, upon the current of free inquiry from the old orthodox dogmas and creeds held by their founders, to the full realization of individual freedom and right of free enquiry, held by modern Unitarians. The old chapel existed from 1717 till 1856, when it was pulled down, and the present neat, though rather small chapel was erected. It is built in the Gothic style, with a central nave and south aisle. It is 66 feet in length and 34 feet in width, and will seat about 200 persons. There is a small endowment attached to the chapel. The Rev. Thomas Carter is the present minister, being the twenty- second in order of succession from its foundation. UNITARIAN CHAPEL, CLOVER-STREET. This chapel was built in the year 1818, but has since been considerably altered and improved. In 1868 new Day and Sunday Schools were erected immediately 162 UNITARIANS, CLOVER-STREET. behind and adjoining the chapel, which have added very materially to the convenience and usefulness of the institution, as previously to the erection of the new schools the teaching was done in the bottom part of the chapel. The chapel and congregation had their origin as follows:-In the year 1803 a Mr. Joseph Cooke was appointed as one of the itinerant ministers at the Wes- leyan Methodist Chapel, Union-street, Rochdale. His abilities as a preacher were not of the common kind, and he soon became very popular. In the course of his experience amongst the Methodists he had often noticed persons of that persuasion who talked as though they thought religion consisted principally in raptures and impressions, and who made their own imaginations and feelings, rather than scripture, the criteria of religious truth. This he considered a serious error, and he was desirous of putting a stop to it. He therefore preached two sermons-one on "Justification by Faith," and the other on "The witness of the Spirit." In these sermons the doctrine expounded was considered by the Methodist Conference which met at Leeds in August, 1806, to be contrary to the teachings of Wesley. Mr. Cooke was, therefore, called before a committee of the Conference and given an opportunity of retracting. But as he could not do so, and considered himself that the sermons were quite in accordance with Wesley's own teachings, he was forthwith expelled from the Methodist body. But a considerable number of the Methodists in Rochdale having embraced Mr. Cooke's views, they invited him to settle amongst them and become their minister. He accepted the invitation, left Leeds, and UNITARIANS, CLOVER-STREet. 163 was received by these friends with great cordiality. They accordingly then left the Methodist Connexion, commenced a subscription, and a large and commodious. chapel was built in High-street, Rochdale, to which the name of "Providence" was given. While this was doing Mr. Cooke had the pleasure of addressing large and crowded congregations. Hundreds flocked to see and hear the man of whom report said that he preached such strange things that the Methodists would have him no longer, and since they had turned him out he had laid aside the Bible and put common sense in its place. The new chapel was opened in 1807, and Mr. Cooke continued to preach there till his death, which took place, after a severe and protracted illness, on March 13th, 1811. He was interred inside the chapel, in the aisle just in front of the pulpit. During Mr. Cooke's life the congregation at Provi- dence Chapel consisted of from five to seven hundred people. After his death they were for a time indebted to three young men, whose names were John Ashworth, James Wilkinson, and James Taylor, for the principal supply of the pulpit; but, very shortly, additional assistance was invited from the Independent Calvinists. This, however, by a large majority of the congregation, was deemed a very inconsistent step, as Mr. Cooke was a most decided Anti-Calvinist, and by far the greater number of the congregation could not bear to hear Calvinism. Some, therefore, when these men came, stayed away from the chapel; others said nothing for some time, preserving silence for the sake of peace, and being wishful that the congregation should remain as 164 UNITARIANS, CLOVER-STREET. Mr. Cooke left it. Measures were afterwards taken for securing the services of a regular minister, and ultimately a Mr. Bowman, of Ipswich, who had been a local preacher amongst the Methodists, was appointed. For a short time he gave satisfaction, but ere long the strain of his preaching began to alter, and some parts. of his discourses were not only opposed to Mr. Cooke's later sentiments, but to the very doctrines for which he was expelled from the Methodists. The great majority of the congregation were astonished that the man should act so directly contrary to his previous professions, whilst the rest approved of his conduct. This, and other differences that arose at the time, which was about nineteen months after Mr. Cooke's death, caused about three-fourths of the congregation to leave the chapel, some going to one place and some to another; but the greatest part resolved neither to be separated from one another, nor join any sect or party. They therefore requested the three young men to continue their labours amongst them, and they consented. But having no place in which to assemble for public worship a large room was sought for, and till this was found they were kindly accommodated at Blackwater-street Chapel. Very soon, however, a pretty commodious room was found in Drake-street, Rochdale, then known as Greenwood's School, and this room continued to be occupied by them as a preaching room and school until the completion of the chapel in Clover-street, in the year 1818. For some time after Mr. Cooke's death the congrega- tion were known as Cookites," and their views on religious doctrine were but little removed from the UNITARIANS, CLOVER-STREET. 165 doctrines generally entertained by the Methodist body. But, being anxious enquirers after truth, they began to examine and judge of the Scriptures for themselves, and gradually became what are generally known as Unitarians, or believers in the simple unity or oneness of God, though at the time they embraced this doctrine and rejected the doctrines of orthodoxy, they thought themselves the only people in the world who believed as they did, but they were happy to find afterwards that in this notion they were greatly mistaken. For about twenty years after the opening of Clover- street Chapel the services were conducted gratuitously, or nearly so, by the three ministers above-mentioned. For a few years more, by Messrs. Taylor and Wilkinson alone, and then solely by Mr. Wilkinson till his death in May, 1858. Then, for a period of about four years, the pulpit was supplied from the Manchester Home Missionary Board and other sources. In February, 1862, the first settled minister was appointed in the person of the Rev. James Briggs, previously student of the Home Missionary Board, Manchester, who resigned from failing health in 1864; and, in 1865, the Rev. Joseph Freeston, of Manchester, succeeded him, and remained till July, 1869, when he resigned; and was followed in February, 1871, by the Rev. J. C. Hirst, who had also been a student of the Home Missionary Board. He continued as minister till June, 1874, when he left Rochdale for Scarborough. The pulpit is now (December, 1874) vacant. 166 HOLLAND STREET CHURCH AND SCHOOL. This school and place of worship are not connected with any of the general denominations, and have no special name. The origin was the secession of twenty-seven teachers, in 1851, from the Wesleyan Methodist Association Sunday School, Baillie-street, which occasioned a considerable number of scholars to leave also, who naturally urged the teachers to com- mence a school, to which the teachers yielded, and they first met in Sunny Bank House. There was imme- diately a large accession of scholars, who were instructed by twenty teachers. Every room in the house was soon filled, and the late George Ashworth, Esq., of Roche House and Sunny Bank Mills, allowed them the use of a room in his warehouse adjoining, where a congrega- tion, in addition to the scholars, assembled, and a regular service and preaching were commenced. After eighteen months' trial, and finding that the work and effort were likely to be permanent, Mr. Ashworth, seeing and sympathising with the good work that was evidently going on, erected a fine brick building for the congre- gation and scholars. The main building is 72 feet in length and 36 feet in breadth, and there is a wing attached of 30 feet by 16 feet. The ground floor is occupied by ten separate class-rooms, an infant class- room, and a library. The upper room is used for religious service, and there are also three separate class-rooms, a vestry, a band-room, and a night school At the present time the teachers number 44, and the scholars 462. The services are conducted by room. CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. 167 preachers from every denomination, who have willingly and effectively supplied them. On week evenings the Sabbath school class-rooms are used for the Methodist class and prayer meetings. The night school is taught on four nights of the week. The sittings in the preaching room are all free, and there is no collection ever made from the congregation, the necessary expenses being raised by weekly voluntary contributions. The cost of the night school is, however, entirely defrayed by the firm of Messrs. G. Ashworth & Sons, as it has been for some thirty-five years, and is under the able supervision of Mr. J. J. Curtis, who was engaged at its commencement as the teacher. CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. "The poor ye have always with you." "It was On the 4th of October, 1858, Mr. John Ashworth, who at that time was a master painter in Rochdale, opened this chapel in the Lyceum, and it has been the means of doing great good amongst the poor and itinerant class of the population. The origin of this place of worship will be best explained by the following quotation from Mr. Ashworth's first report: during a visit to London, in 1851, that the thought was suggested. I had seen its palaces of glass, brick, and stone, visited its museums, galleries, and other splendid places of attraction; also, its prisons, penitentiaries, hospitals, houses of refuge, &c.; but the House for the Destitute interested me more than all besides. What I saw and felt on visiting this place produced a degree of anguish from which I have never wholly recovered. Hardened villany, misery, wretchedness, and hopeless 168 CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. K despair were evident on every side; all the woes of the Apocalypse seemed to have overtaken the miserable inmates. I felt they were all my brothers and sisters, and I felt that sin had done it all; and I also felt a degree of veneration for the men whose Christian philanthropy had reared this shelter for the lonely destitute. Infidelity, I knew, had not done it; for infidelity never did much to mitigate human sorrow, or lessen human woe, in any age or in any part of the world. That the Gospel of Christ, applied by the Spirit, could reclaim these miserable beings, I had not the slightest doubt; that in all towns hundreds of such are to be found that never attend any place of worship- the outcast and feared of society. And yet, is it not the duty of the man whose heart God has touched to do all he can for the redemption of such? and if they will not come to our chapels and churches, go in amongst them, meet them on their own terms, and provide them places of worship adapted to their own condition. Thence arose the determination that, on my return to Rochdale, such a place should be commenced. But I am ashamed to say that in consulting cautious friends. and human probabilities everything seemed unfavour- able to the undertaking, and in spite of all my reasoning against the work, I was for several years reproaching myself for neglecting to perform the vow I had made in London. During an affliction laid upon me in 1858, I pleaded for deliverance, re-resolved, and prayed that the Lord would help me to endure labour, misrepre- sentation, ridicule, or imposition. With these feelings I determined not to consult any human being, but to go at once to work, dependent upon God's help and CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. 169 * * * blessing. I took a small room, got 2,000 small bills printed, worded:-Ye houseless, homeless, friendless, pennyless outcasts, come! In rags and tatters, come! Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind, come! Of whatever colour or nation, creed or no creed, come! All we seek is your welfare, both body and soul.' These I distributed in lodging- houses, and in various places throughout the town, likely and unlikely, for several days, and with painful nervousness opened the room for the first service on the 4th of October, 1858, with twenty-seven persons present. During the year the congregation steadily increased; now (at the end of the first year) there is an average attendance of 100, and all of these persons who, I believe, never thought of going to any place of worship, and many of them really destitute. I am very glad to be able to testify that there is much improvement in their outward appearance, and their conduct has been respectful and orderly." Mr. Ashworth, in his fifteenth report, states:— "The low lodging- houses are terrible schools for juveniles; but what are known in tramp language as Fencing-Cribs, or lodging houses where thieves are harboured and trained, are still worse, and of the many thousands of mendicants that swarm in our cities, towns, streets, and lanes, and well-known by the police, and in our unions and prisons, a very large percentage would be found to sojourn in these bad, polluting houses. They have a vocabulary generally understood amongst themselves, by which they distinguish the true genuine tramp. Red-Cove is one who acts the blind old soldier. Shallow-Cove, a dry land sailor. High flyer, a begging letter writer. Moon- ป 12 170 CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. face, a professor of religion, and sells tracts. Lurker, many trades, and always the one that is slack. Cads, settled beggars. Serieving-Cads, writers on smooth stones or footpaths. Fly-Cads, occasional beggars, and pedlars. Shallow Motts, destitute females. Star the Glaze, housebreakers. Blinker, sore eyes. Peter Pindars, sellers of spectacles, pins, laces, &c. Calico Face, pretender to consumption. Weezer, the asthmat- ical. Flops, those that pretend to fits, or taken suddenly ill. Joints, afflicted with rheumatism. Doctor, the union. Limbo, Trap, or Jug, prison. These are only a small part of their mystic terms, and others are being daily coined. They have also signs and signals in the lodging houses, chalk marks for the highways, are all constantly pursuing their peculiar craft, and preying upon the generous, and industrious part of mankind. The greater the cheat the more plausible his tale. Few that are willing to work are ever found amongst them. George Brine, one of the oldest mendi- cants, and one that has cost the country much expense declares that nine out of ten beggars and tramps make it a profession: few individuals escape being fleeced by one or other of this fraternity, and on some of us they have imposed a considerable tax. "The visitors of one of our Rochdale benevolent societies had great anxiety and trouble with one of the Flops who had become suddenly and painfully afflicted in a low lodging house. He was daily attended, and provided with his expenses, a doctor, wine, and many comforts. The doctor could not define his malady, or give him any relief; week after week still found him in great pain. A wag, who understood a little of the CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. 171 mendicant's profession, hearing of the case, undertook to cure him for nothing, and went with two of the visitors in the capacity of a medical man; he felt his pulse, examined his tongue, shook his head very solemnly, declared it a bad and dangerous case, but thought he could give him relief; addressing the sufferer he said, 'Well, my poor man, you seem to be in great pain, but I think we can soon make you better. You must have your head shaved, covered with a large mustard plaister, and ten leeches on your temple; also mustard plaisters must be laid on your back, chest, and bottom of your feet; and we will have all ready for you about ten in the morning. Good bye, for the present.' The only answer from the sick man was a pitiable groan; but he disappeared that evening, and has not been seen in Rochdale since." Mr. Ashworth, in a pamphlet entitled "My New Friends," gives a very interesting picture of the inhabitants of low lodging houses, and the following amusing extract is worthy of notice :-"Wishing to get some one to volunteer, I laid my hand on the shoulder of the thin man, who was trying to divide his hair, and requested him to give a challenge to the whole house. There was a general shout from all, that if I got him I should have the worst in the lot; they should like to see Bill Guest in a chapel. 'Yes,' said the wooden-leg man, if Bill goes, I go.' 'And me,' said the flat-nosed man; And me,' said the red-slop; And me,' said Jenny Lind; And me,' said the old man with the large spectacles. Bill very coolly observed that they had better mind what they were doing, or he would surprise some of them. But the 172 CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. whole fifteen declared they would go if he went. 'Then I go,' said Guest; and now let me see which of you dare show the white feather.' We bargained that I was to call for them at six o'clock, to show them the way. Exactly at six, I called on my sixteen friends at the lodging-house. My entrance was the signal for a general move. Bill Guest had finished dividing his hair, and had done his best to look smart. Boz, or Boswell, had fitted on his leg, and all were instantly ready. Not one had shown the white feather.' They laughed at each other, and were all greatly excited. 'Who will lead up?' was bawled out by the red-slop man, and it was agreed we should go two abreast, I and Boz (the wooden-legged man) being the first. In this order we marched down King-street, over the iron bridge, through the Butts, to the preaching-room. All the way we attracted much attention, some remarking that we were the awkward squad, others that we were going to the rag-shop, whilst others exclaimed, 'That bangs all!' But what was to them а cause of merriment was to me a source of great anxiety. "I had provided the Religious Tract Society's penny hymn-book, and handed one to each; then, taking my place behind a table, I gave out the page. Few could find the hymn, but all pretended to do so; and when I set out the tune, the Old Hundred, I found that not one of the men, and only one of the women, could join in singing, and that one was the so-called Jenny Lind. I could have well dispensed with her help, for she began singing before she knew what the tune was, and she had a screeching voice, the effect of which on my nerves was something like that produced by the sharpening of CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. 173 a saw with a file; this caused a general titter through the congregation. I had intended to sing five verses, but was glad to give up with three. What Jenny's success was in singing in the streets and public-houses I know not, but I know I was afraid to join her a second time, though my friends gave me credit for being a tolerable good singer. So ludicrous had been the whole performance, that many of the congregation were almost convulsed with suppressed laughter, and I did not think it prudent to engage in prayer until they were in a more serious state of mind, so I requested them to sit down. I then began to tell them all about my reasons for beginning a place of worship for the destitute. I have spoken to many congregations, but to none more attentive than these twenty-seven. O, how my soul did yearn in love to those miserable beings! I then proposed prayer, and told them that they might stand, sit, or kneel, just as they liked; but they all knelt down, and ere we rose the Spirit of God worked with power. Lis Dick, and the old man with the large spectacles, remained on their knees after the others had risen; they both afterwards confessed that they had not prayed for years before." Mr. Calman now carries on the good work, and the agencies at the present time employed consist of one bible woman, who visits the sick and the poor, and a blind female who teaches the blind to read embossed type. The Sunday services are usually attended by about 200 persons, and the week nights' by about 60. There cannot be any question that the work in which Mr. Ashworth was so earnestly engaged for sixteen. years, has been of the most praiseworthy character; 174 CHAPEL FOR THE DESTITUTE. and that the class of persons for whose especial benefit his chapel has been instituted were, indeed, "like sheep going astray," having no one, apparently, to give them either help or sympathy. Mr. Ashworth not only provided spiritual instruction for these persons, but their bodily wants were also cared for. His great experience made him acquainted with strange persons and strange circumstances; and he has, on many occasions, made the public conversant with some of these by means of the stories which are appended to his annual reports. The work in which Mr. Ashworth was so zealous and unwearied has received important and ready help from the philanthropic and charitable in various parts of the country; and, perhaps, there is hardly a town in the kingdom in which himself and his work were not well known and appreciated. In May, 1874, Mr. Ashworth began to be ill, and a few months after he suffered intensely, his once robust frame being reduced by sheer starvation, from his inability to pass food of any kind, "Till pitying nature signed the last release, And bade afflicted worth retire to peace." He died on the 26th of January, 1875, and was followed to his burial place, in the Rochdale Cemetery, by hundreds of his sympathising friends belonging to Rochdale, and from neighbouring towns. The good which John Ashworth has done will continue to benefit not only the present but many generations, and of him may be said- it "The actions of the just Smell sweet and blossom in the dust." £ SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Oh, day most calm, most bright! The world were dark but for thy light: Thy torch doth show the way." N the year 1781 Robert Raikes, a printer in Gloucester, founded Sunday Schools. Inclina- tion leading him into a part of his native town inhabited by the lowest class of the people, he was struck with concern at seeing a group of children, miserably ragged, at play, cursing and swear- ing. To check this deplorable profanation of the Sabbath, he engaged four women, who kept dame schools, to instruct as many children as he should send them on the Sunday. In a short time a visible improve- ment was effected, both in the manners and morals of the children, who came in considerable numbers. "'Tis education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined." As to who first introduced the Sunday school system into Rochdale, is a disputed point. It is stated that Colonel Townley, a churchman, of Belfield, in the year 1782, employed a teacher to instruct children on the Sunday in Moss School, Milnrow-road, and that he had consulted Raikes as to the plan that was adopted in Gloucester. However, it is admitted that this attempt resulted in failure. 176 SUNDAY SCHOOLS. In the year 1782 Mr. James Hamilton, a Dissenter, a tin-plate worker, who had his workshop at the corner of Newgate, Rochdale, was impressed with the utility of Sunday schools, and he wrote to Mr. Robert Raikes, asking for information as to how he should proceed in establishing a Sunday school in Rochdale. Mr. Raikes courteously gave the information, and Mr. Hamilton opened a school over his works in White Beaver Yard. The first Sunday about twenty children attended, and he was assisted by a young man named John Croft, a butcher, who resided in Blackwater-street, with whom John Wesley used to lodge when he visited Rochdale. The number of scholars rapidly increased, and a few Sundays after the establishment, Mr. Hamilton enquired from Mr. Raikes as to what place of worship the children were to be taken to. Mr. Raikes replied, "by all means, to the Parish Church." Mr. Hamilton escorted his little flock into the Parish Church yard, and enquired from the churchwardens where they were to be placed. The Rev. Dr. Wray, the vicar, directed them to be put in an obscure corner of the church, and told Mr. Hamilton that he was not to bring the " dirty ragamuffins" there again. Notwithstanding this clerical injunction, he re-appeared with his ragged flock on the following Sunday, and the churchwardens and a parish constable threatened to handcuff the worthy pedagogue. Hamilton showed a bold front, and succeeded in taking the children again into the church. He was once more warned not to bring them there again. Mr. Hamilton's workshop was found to be inconvenient for the increasing number of scholars, and he took a large room in Temple- court, Blackwater-street, and then the youngsters were SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 177 called " Templars." A short time after a number of Wesleyans assisted in the work, and the school was removed to the Wesleyan Schools in Union- street. There was an organised canvass throughout the town for pupils, and the result was that Union-street Schools were crowded, and other Dissenting denominations took up the scheme, and the church authorities were stimu- lated to join in the work. The children of the poor in those days were miserably clad, which led to the establishment of a "Dorcas" society, and through the exertions of the members of this society, and the Sunday school teachers, the naked were clothed, their minds and morals improved, and the elements of a religious education imparted to them, and Hamilton's "grain of mustard seed" has now grown into a very large tree. It is delightful in our day to witness the annual Whit- Friday procession of Sunday school children, and to see thousands upon thousands of them walking together on that always welcome anniversary, to the strains of lively music, all comfortably and neatly attired, and with joyful faces, and it must be very gratifying to all who labour in the cause, as well as to those who sympathise therein, and aid, in other ways, the great work which Sunday schools are employed in doing. The labour of the teachers is indeed a labour of love, and it is hardly possible to over estimate the large amount of good which these valuable institutions are the means of accomplishing. About the year 1834 the Rochdale "Sunday School Union" was formed by Mr. James Littlewood, the Rev. John Ely, Mr. Joseph Heap, Mr. Benjamin Hamilton, and Mr. Henry Staley. The work went on slowly at first, but the Union has now become most powerful, 178 SUNDAY SCHOOLS. the schools of the Dissenting denominations connected with it numbering fifty-four. Mr. John Pollitt has been the secretary for nearly a quarter of a century, and Mr. I. E. Gibbs is the president. During its career it has been instrumental in bringing about several changes in the bye-laws of the town and in local customs of disreputable tendency. The discontinuance of the Bagslate races is one of its laurels, and the bye- law against "pitch and toss" was adopted under its influence, as well as other improvements in the right direction, all which greatly redound to the credit of this praiseworthy association. O EDUCATION. "None now, a However destitute, are left to droop, By timely culture unsustained; or run Into a wild disorder; or forced To drudge through a weary life without the help Of intellectual implements and tools: A savage horde among the civilized, A servile band among the lordly free." HE present system of Public Elementary Educa- tion in England has been gradually developed within the last half-century. Although it is often urged that it is not worthy the name of a national system at all, yet it must be allowed by persons conversant with the subject that the plans now in operation have done, and are still doing, a vast amount of good to the rising generation; and if every child in the kingdom cannot secure a sufficiently good education the cause lies less with defects of the law than with the parsimony and indifference of individuals or communities, mixed in some cases, it may be, with a trifle of the odium theologicum, for the Act of 1870 places it within the power of any constituted district to have a School Board elected, one of the powers of which is to enforce the regular attendance of every child at school for a number of years, and thus do away with the greatest existing hindrance to educational progress. It may be useful to give here a short sketch of the Governmental Educational Agencies now at work, the 180 EDUCATION, whole action of which is based on the principle of aiding local efforts. The Education Department rules over the Public Elementary Schools of the country, and besides. bearing the cost of inspection and examinations, dis- tributes from the Parliamentary Grant of about a million annually, grants towards the support of Training Colleges for Teachers, and the maintenance of Day and Evening Schools. This money is paid on fulfilment of certain conditions specified in the Education Code. The Department of Science and Art encourages the teaching of drawing in day schools, and also science and art in special schools, or classes formed for the purpose by the award of payments and prizes to schools, teachers, and pupils. For incorrigible and criminal children there is provided the stern and whole- some discipline of the Industrial or Reformatory School, and by magistrates' order children may be committed to those semi-prisons for a number of years, where they are trained to industry and supported at the expense of the Government, of the subscribers to the school, of the ratepayers, and to some extent of the parent. If the ladder from the gutter to the university is not yet as complete as could be desired, yet there exist, in the present system, means by which a child of ordinary capacity may acquire a reasonably good education at a very small cost. It is not generally known that the Education Code provides for the teaching of one or more of the following subjects (beyond the three R's and music and drawing, which are specially cared for), viz.:-Geography, history, grammar, algebra, geometry, natural philosophy, physical geography, natural sciences, and the Latin, French, and German languages. SCHOOL BOARD. 181 The Department of Science and Art gives scholarships of £5, £10, or £25 per annum towards the support of poor scholars, on the fulfilment of certain conditions by the scholars and contributions by the locality. Then there are Royal Exhibitions of £50 per annum, and Whitworth Scholarships of £100, quite within the reach of students of the industrial classes, and other rewards and aids well known to every teacher of an inspected school. With reference to the operation of the Education Act in this district, we may observe that previously to its introduction children, who are now compelled to attend school, were in the habit of running wild in the public streets (which, in fact, they made into play grounds), in course of training for vagrancy and crime. The absence of these "street Arabs" from public view is very apparent; and it is satisfactory to know that they are now properly cared for and are receiving the elements, at least, of an education which will fit them to become useful members of society, and not a terror to all who came into contact with them. SCHOOL BOARD. ESTABLISHMENT OF BOARD. One of the main purposes of the Elementary Education Act of 1870 was to secure a sufficient amount of school accommodation, and in cases where the local authority fails, after due notice given, to supply any ascertained deficiency, the Education Department is empowered to cause a School Board to be formed for the district. In 182 SCHOOL BOARD. the case of Rochdale, however, application was made by the Town Council, September 1st, 1870, to the Education Department, under the 12th section, and the Department, in due course, issued an order for the election of a Board of eleven members, which took place on November 15th, 1870, when the following were elected :—Edmund Ashworth, Esq., J.P., Oakenrod ; Joseph Brierley, Esq., J.P., Castleton; Henry Fishwick, Esq., Carr Hill; Abraham Greenwood, Esq., Regent- street; Rev. M. Moriarty, Watts-street; Jonathan Nield, Esq., J.P., Dunster House; John Petrie, junior, Esq., Broomfield; Joseph Rushworth, Esq., Sheriff- street; William Whitworth Schofield, Esq., J.P., Buckley Hall; William Tuer Shawcross, Esq., Hey- brook; Thomas Watson, Esq., Horse Carrs. Mr. Edmund Ashworth was appointed first Chairman, and Mr. John Petrie, junior, Vice-chairman of the Board. SUPPLY OF SCHOOLS. The Board having framed bye-laws to secure com- pulsory attendance, under the power given in section 74 of the Education Act, they directed an enquiry into the school accommodation of the district which, taking into account buildings and enlargements then in progress, was found to be amply sufficient. On the extension of the Borough another enquiry was necessary, which resulted in showing that there were, in suitable and efficient schools (existing or in course of being supplied), places for 10,955 scholars, allowing not less than 8 square feet of area, and 80 cubic feet of space for each child. The Education Department accepted this as sufficient accommodation for the district, which was SCHOOL BOARD. 183 estimated to contain about 10,000 children, from three to thirteen, for whom elementary school provision was required. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. The bye-laws framed by the Board, and sanctioned by Her Majesty in Council, enact that every child in the Borough from six to thirteen shall attend school unless there be a reasonable excuse for non-attendance, such as is defined in the bye-laws. The Board's officers are authorised to visit parents and guardians, and to serve notices upon them requiring the attendance of their children at school. Provision is made for paying the school fees of children when the income of the parent falls below a certain scale, and also for remitting the same under like conditions in the Board Schools. ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL. According to the last published report there were 11,223 scholars on the books of the various Elementary Schools, viz. :-under six years of age, 2,621; between six and thirteen, 5,602; and of these 10,087 were actually in attendance during the week when the returns were supplied by the schools. SCHOOL BOARD. The following is a list of the members of the Board elected November 15th, 1873 :-Alderman W. T. Shaw- cross, J.P., Heybrook, Chairman; John Petrie, junior, Esq., Broomfield, Vice-chairman; Joseph Brierley, Esq., J.P., Castleton, Chairman of General Purposes and School Management Committee; Jonathan Nield, Esq., J.P., Dunster House, Chairman of School 184 GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Attendance Committee; John Albert Bright, Esq., One Ash; Lieut.-Col. Fishwick, J.P., Carr Hill; Rev. Edward O'Neill, S. John's; Rev. H. W. Parkinson, Drake-street (since deceased); Mr. Councillor Joseph Rushworth, Sheriff-street; Robert Schofield, Esq., Summerlease; Thomas Watson, Esq., Horse Carrs. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. Mr. G. H. Wheeler, Clerk and Correspondent for the Board Schools; Mr. Joseph Heap, Legal Adviser; Mr. R. H. Brown, Treasurer; Mr. H. Goodhead, Mr. J. Reeve, Mr. M. L. Gallagher, Mr. T. Percival, Attendance Officers; and Mr. R. H. Huddlestone, Clerk's Assistant. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS OF EDUCATION. Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools for the Rochdale district is A. M. Watson, Esq., M.A., Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, and his Assistant, Mr. Sharpe, both residing at Bury. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. (FOUNDED 1565.) This handsome brick building was erected in 1847. It is pleasantly situated on Sparrow Hill, in the midst of the "verdant lawns and flowery slopes" of the Public Park, which it also serves to ornament; and it is, in fact, a "cynosure of neighbouring eyes." A more agreeable and pleasant site for a school could not well be found; as the public recreation grounds close to its doors, afford a delightful means of healthful relaxation to the pupils during the intervals of study. Any one GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 185 who remembers the former school building, near the Old Church, cannot fail to be struck with the advantageous change which has been made, alike in point of situation, architectural beauty, and necessary accommodation. The present master of the school is Mr. R. R. Grey, whose professional training, coupled with the experience which he has had in this and other schools, should give assurance that the boys placed under his charge ought to make satisfactory progress. Prior to his appoint- ment it was customary to select a clergyman as head master, but we think it may be safely stated that the departure from the old practice, in the appointment of a layman, has not been prejudicial to the interests of the school as a public institution. The correct desig- nation of the school is " Archbishop Parker's Grammar School." It was founded by that most reverend prelate under indenture dated January 1st, in the seventh year of our "bright occidental star," Queen Elizabeth (1565), "out of the love and good will which he, the said Archbishop, bears towards all the inhabitants of the parish of Rochdale, and that their youth may be instructed in the learning of true piety and the knowledge of the Latin tongue." These subjects are taught free of charge; but as at the school the ordinary branches of learning are also taught, the pupils, except a few foundationers, are required to pay fees such as are usually charged in other middle-class schools. The course of study, therefore, embraces instruction in the Holy Scriptures, Greek, Latin, French, and other languages; Mathematics, and other subjects which go to form a sound and practical education. We believe the school is at present in a satisfactory condition; 13 186 GRAMMAR SCHOOL, and the gradual increase of pupils which has taken place is an indication that the inhabitants of Rochdale do not fail to appreciate the educational advantages which the school affords. As to the history of this institution, it may be stated that the original school-house was built by the parish- ioners on a site near to the Old Church, which was given for the purpose by the Rev. Richard Midgley, the then Vicar of Rochdale, whence originated the name "School Lane;" and from this circumstance that locality may be regarded as classic ground. Judging from present ap- pearances, however, we should be inclined to say that the place has sadly degenerated, and does not now give any indication of the savour of learning which must have pervaded it in the olden time. Three hundred years ago and more our ancestors probably chose the spot on account of its fine, open, and healthy situation, and they must have been gratified that a public semi- nary was placed in such close proximity to their ancient and venerated Parish Church. The beauty of the situation is now a thing of the past, and, "like an in- substantial pageant faded," has "left not a rack behind;" and it would be difficult to find on the spot where the building used to stand a breath of the pure air which gladdened the lungs of the "young idea" of ancient days. On consulting "Baines's History of Lancashire " (1868), we find the following historical details, which may prove interesting to the reader. In a foot note referring to the school, it is stated that the "origin of this foundation is curious and little known; the rectories of Blacborne, Rachedale, and Whalley,' formerly appropriated to the Abbey of Whalley, to- GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 187 gether with the chapels (sacellis) annexed to them, having devolved upon Matthew (Parker), Archbishop of Canterbury, by exchange with Henry VIII. and his son Edward VI., on the dissolution of the monasteries, the rectorial tithes were leased to Sir John Byron who, amongst other conditions, engaged to pay the old annual stipend charged on the rectory by the Abbey of Whalley, to each of the ministers performing Divine service in each of the chapels attached to the churches. of Blackburn, Whalley, and Rochdale. Being a zealous Roman Catholic, and having failed to fulfil this part of the agreement, and thereby reduced the ministers to great distress, the archbishop brought "the farmer," Sir John Byron, into court in 1561, who, after a pro- tracted and costly litigation, under the fear of losing the tithes, cast himself upon the clemency of the arch- bishop, who adjudged that he should, over and above the rent agreed for in the lease, and in addition to the stipends to be paid to the ministers, pay £17 a-year for the maintenance of schoolmasters of a free grammar school to be founded in Rochdale in the archbishop's name. These conditions Sir John accepted with avidity, and hence the origin of the Rochdale Grammar School, which was rendered permanent by the sum of £17 per annum being charged upon the tithes of the parish in perpetuity." The "avidity" referred to in the foregoing extract seems to be somewhat doubtful, as Canon Raines states that "Sir John " immediately consented, though with an ill grace," to comply with the primate's requirements. We are further informed by the Rev. Canon, in his admirable Memorials of the Rochdale Grammar School," published in 1845, that the "indenture of 188 GRAMMAR SCHOOL. endowment was enrolled in chancery anno 13 Elizabeth, and there is a memorandum added, stating that the second counterpart of it, with the seal of the Archbishop annexed thereto, and confirmed by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, remained with the masters and fellows of Corpus Christi College, and that the said grant being decayed by water, was renewed under the seal of the Archbishop, and further stating that there remained in the same custody the original Grant of Richard Midgley, of the plot of ground, parcel of the Vicarage of Rochdale, for the building of the school house, with the confirmations already named." The motto of Archbishop Parker, "Mundus transit, and his armorial bearings have been adopted as the motto and arms of the school, and are engraved on a stone above the porch. Of the learned and pious founder it may be useful to add, that Queen Anne Boleyn, the second consort of Henry VIII., is said to have entertained for him a great and sincere regard. He was her chaplain, and shortly before her cruel execution, at the hands of her detestable and capricious husband, she commended her daughter Elizabeth to the pious care and instruction of her beloved spiritual adviser. He was afterwards chaplain to Henry VIII. and to his son Edward VI. On the accession of Queen Mary, of unblessed memory, he was deprived of his preferments, and had even to conceal himself. In "all the clouds that lowered upon his house" he preserved a calm and undisturbed mind, and could say with Milton— "I argue not Against heaven's hand or will, nor bate a jot Of heart or hope; but still bear up and steer Right onward." MOSS SCHOOL. 189 He knew no "winter of discontent," for he trusted not in an arm of flesh; and when the "Maiden Queen "the fair vestal throned by the west"-succeeded to the Crown, the sun of prosperity shone upon him in its fullest splendour, making "glorious summer," and he was installed in the Archbishopric of Canterbury in 1559, being consecrated in Lambeth Cathedral on the 17th December in that year. He filled the see of Canterbury for more than fifteen years, and died on the 17th May, 1575, in the seventy-first year of his age. The tercentenary of the foundation of the school was celebrated in February, 1865, by a very pleasing dra- matic and musical entertainment, the school on the occasion being filled with the principal gentry and other patrons of the institution, including many of the old scholars, some of whom took a prominent part in the commemoratory proceedings. We hope that the public spirit of the town will take care that an institution so truly valuable, and possessing such interesting associations, does not fall into decay, but be always sustained and fostered as it undoubtedly. deserves to be. MOSS SCHOOL. The Rochdale Free English Endowed School-com- monly called the "Moss School" on account of its being built on a part of the parish formerly noted for its mossy and swampy fields-is, so far as the number of scholars to whom a free education is given is concerned, the most important of the few educational charities existing in Rochdale. It was founded in the year 1769 by the late Mrs. Jane Hardman, whose 190 MOSS SCHOOL. husband, Mr. John Hardman, had for a long time. previously, been known as one of the leading manu- facturers of the staple woollen trade of the town, when the trade was carried on all by hand in the homes of the journeyman weavers and spinners. At his death, his business was carried on for a few years by his son, who often expressed a desire to see some provision made for the education of the children of his workpeople and the poorer classes generally, better than the dame schools in cottage houses, which were, at that time, the only ones accessible to the poor of Rochdale. But he did not live to carry out this wish, for while away in London on business, he was taken ill and died there. Mrs. Hardman, now childless and a widow, derived some consolation in carrying out her son's wishes, and buying the land from the Vicar of the Parish, she built the school and endowed it with certain lands and tenements situated at Wardle, in all about sixty acres of land, from which an annual income of about £120 is now derived. Mrs. Hardman, who was herself a Dissenter from the Established Church, desired to secure the administration of the school on purely unsectarian principles; and to secure this end she appointed a board of fifteen trustees, eight of whom were dissenters, and the remaining seven were members of the Established Church, and this arrangement still exists. There are forty boys and twenty girls receiving a free education in the school, in addition to whom a limited number of private pupils are received by the master. Free scholars are admitted by personal application to the Trustees at their annual meeting in June in each year. The charity is free and open to all comers, but the SCIENCE AND ART. 191 preference is usually given to orphans or the children The course of of poor parents with large families. instruction given in the school embraces Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Grammar, Book-keeping, and Drawing, together with sewing for the girls. SCIENCE AND ART CLASSES. These Classes were originally established at the Lyceum, in October, 1867, but subsequently removed to the Board Schools, Baillie-street, where they are at present located. The object for which the classes were instituted was to afford the industrial and artisan classes in the town the means of obtaining instruction in the various branches of science and art at a nomi- nally low fee, by means of grants from the Science and Art Department at South Kensington. Amongst those. who took an active part in the inauguration of the classes and composed the first committee were Right Hon. John Bright, John Robinson (then mayor), John Tatham, Edward Taylor, James Brierley, Jonathan Nield, G. L. Ashworth, W. A. Scott, and W. Shaw, Esqrs., and the Rev. W. N. Molesworth. The following are the sciences in which instruction is given :-Practical, plane, and solid geometry, machine and building construction, theoretical and applied mechanics, steam, acoustics, light and heat, magnetism, chemistry, animal physiology, mathematics, and physical geography. In the art class students are taught freehand and model drawing, geo- metry, and perspective, the object being to educate persons in the art of inventing and executing patterns and designs, and designing for the various branches of orna- 192 SCIENCE AND ART. mental manufacture. The whole of the subjects are of real practical value to every working man, and are aided. by Government solely for the purpose of increasing the skill of the artisan. The teachers are all competent, and are paid by Government on the results of the teaching, as tested by the examination in May. Those pupils who succeed in passing the examination are entitled to receive Queen's prizes, consisting of gold, silver, and bronze medals, books, &c., and certificates of merit. Through the liberality of several of the local gentlemen, the committee have been able to offer money prizes for competition. The prizes are distributed to the students at the annual meeting in the Town Hall, in September, the Mayor, for the time being, presiding. In 1873 the prizes were distributed by the Bishop of Manchester, and in 1874 by Jacob Bright, Esq. The success that has attended the instruction given at these classes may be gathered from the fact that many who entered as students in 1867 have obtained their advanced certificates, and are now engaged in teaching other classes that have been formed in the town and neigh- bourhood. The Rochdale Equitable Pioneers, in their educational department, are also turning their attention to the subject of the introduction of science classes into their scheme of instruction. + 193 THE PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. The following is a list of the schools, the names of the teachers, the average attendance attendance of scholars, and the amount of Government Grants paid to each school. It is an extract from the last published report of the Education Department:- Name of School. Teachers' Names. Av. Gov. Grant, Atdc. (1873-4.) £ s. d Parish Church Mr. R. Stott, Miss E. Shepherd, and Miss R. Higgins ... 695 373 6 6 St. Alban's Miss E. Alleson... 275 150 17 2 St. Edmund's St. Clement's Oakenrod St. Mary's National Mr J, Oldham, Miss E. Hodgkinson 297 215 5 0 Mr. G. Bountiff ... 116 126 3 1 Mr. S. Clegg 270 210 1 6 Mr. C. A. Pitts, Mrs. C. Ford... 249 154 5 5 ... St. James's St. Peter's ... Mr. S. Green, Miss J. Wolfenden Mr. S. Morrill, Miss S. Booth, and 337 193 10 7 Miss C. Booth 353 180 0 0 ... St. Mary's, Buersil... Mr. T. Oldham, Miss B. Holland, and Miss M. A. Kenworthy 421 265 18 9 ... Healey Mr. T. Wolstenholme ... 229 164 18 0 All Saints' Mr. J. Jackson, Miss A. Wharf, and Mrs. A. Armstrong... 336 216 5 0 ... Belfield Mr. D Leach 92 81 0 0 ... British, Clover-st. Brimrod Wesleyan, Union-st. Wesleyan, L. Place... ... Mr. Whiteley and Miss S. Wharton... 256 Mr. J. Bloor and Miss S. Pilling Mr. R. Greenwood & Miss A. Nuttall Mr. A. E. Drury and Miss H. Hegin- bottom 181 10 0 196 130 10 0 ... 372 259 8 0 260 176 9 0 St. Patrick's, R. C.... Miss M. J. Broughall and Miss Black- burne 326 201 0 0 St. John's, R. C. Sister Euphrosine and Miss M. Mc. Carron • 234 111 12 0 ... Nuttall-street Miss E. Owen ... ... 103 58 12 5 Congregational, Smallbridge B. S. Mr. W. Holt ... 154 117 9 7 Baillie-st B. S. Mr. W. R. Shearer and Miss M. J. Rees 342 217 10 0 ... Milkstone B. S. Miss M. E. Graham 163 ... 37 19 0 Lowerplace B. S. Mr. D. Rostron and Miss E, Leach... 113 59 12 10 £3,883 3 10 THE RIGHT HON. JOHN BRIGHT, M.P. A ། HE name of John Bright is of world-wide reputation, and Rochdale is honoured in being the birthplace of this distinguished statesman. "How he lived, and toiled, and suffered, That he might advance the people,” are matters of history, and need not be fully entered into in this brief notice. The son of Mr. Jacob Bright, he was born at Greenbank, on the 16th November, 1811, and is consequently in his sixty-fourth year. Mr. Bright was one of the founders of the (long since defunct) Literary and Philosophical Society" in this town, and frequently gave lectures in connection with that society. His energetic efforts in the crusade against church rates in this parish are well known; and, although at this early period in his public life, he was subjected to considerable obloquy, he never shrunk from the work with which he identified himself, but laboured on amid good report and evil report until success crowned the efforts of himself and his earnest coadjutors. His more public life began in 1839, when he became a member of the Anti-Corn Law League ; and he was, with Mr. Cobden, one of the most brilliant and important supporters of that great movement. He gave himself to the work most completely, and ceased Stoneman & C THE RESIDENCE OF THE RT HON. JOHN BRIGHT, W. Dickes fc. 40 JOHN BRIGHT. 195 not until the death-knell of the Corn Laws resounded throughout the land, and the "cornfields rustled with delight." In July, 1843, Mr. Bright was elected M.P. for Durham, an earlier attempt made by him in the spring of the same year having been unsuccessful. He was subsequently, at the general election in 1847, elected one of the members for Manchester, and con- tinued so until the next general election, in 1852, when he was again elected. He was a vigorous opponent of the Russian war, and was one of the meeting of the Society of Friends when a deputation from that body was sent to St. Petersburg, to the Emperor of Russia, to implore him to preserve the peace. Mr. Bright's denunciations of that war were powerfully energetic and uncompromising; and the course which he pursued on this question was exceed- ingly unpopular, and led to his being unseated for Manchester. It is to be recorded, to the lasting disgrace of that city, that at the time of his rejection he was ill on the Continent, and consequently unable to defend his seat. Mr. Bright, however, did not long remain out of Parliament, being elected, in 1857, for the important constituency of Birmingham, of which borough he is still the representative. Tenacity of purpose, and firm, unyielding adherence to principle, are prominent traits in Mr. Bright's character; and he expounds and enforces his opinions in language at once clear, forcible, and appropriate. His copiousness and brilliancy of speech are almost without parallel; and his acquaintance with English literature is of the most intimate and extensive kind. He is a born orator, and can sway an 196 JOHN BRIGHT. audience as with the spell of an enchanter's wand. But his chief merit is his thorough patriotism, and it is essentially true of him, that "He never sold the truth to serve the hour, Nor paltered with Eternal God for power." In the path of reform Mr. Bright has always been in the front rank, and has there borne the burden and heat of the day with hardihood and cool and patient magnanimity. He was one of those who sowed the seed whence has sprung the rich and luxuriant harvest of freedom which the people now enjoy. His con- fidence in the people has been unbounded, and he never had any misgiving that entrusting them with political. power would result in the frightful disasters which the timid imaginations of the opponents of reform used to picture so vividly. He has worked heartily in helping to break down the barriers of exclusiveness which so long upreared themselves, and the people owe to their undaunted, and eloquent, and mighty tribune, a debt of gratitude and esteem which they cań never repay. The Right Hon. gentleman's efforts in the cause of Free Trade met with a hearty recognition from an extensive body of admirers throughout the kingdom. A public subscription was set on foot for the purpose of presenting him with a suitable testimonial, and a sum of £5,048. 8s. 1d. was raised on the occasion. On consultation with Mr. Bright, it was found that a library would be a form of testimonial agreeable to him, and, accordingly, £1,500 was expended upon more than 1,200 books, which were selected by himself. These volumes were placed in an appropriate oak case, costing JOHN BRIGIIT. 197 £400, specially designed for them, and it was at once an elegant and substantial piece of furniture, adorned with representations, in carved work, of the leading features of agriculture and commerce. The inscription, on a silver plate affixed, set forth that the gift was an acknowledgment of his great services in the cause of free trade, in connection with the National Anti- Corn Law League." This magnificent testimonial was presented to Mr. Bright in due course, in 1853, and the balance of the subscriptions, less expenses, was paid over to him. It may be interesting to add that the number of subscribers was 3,647, and the towns and villages which responded to the call of the committee amounted to 172. Mr. Bright's intimate acquaintance with Indian affairs would have sufficed to obtain for him the high office of Secretary of State, if he had not preferred and accepted the less responsible post of President of the Board of Trade, on the return of the liberal party to power, after the passing of Mr. Disraeli's Reform Bill. The late severe and protracted but now happily ended illness of Mr. Bright, necessarily occasioned his absence for a lengthened period from his place in Parliament; but Birmingham behaved nobly to their prostrate representative, not only deeply sympathising with him in his illness, but generously refusing to accept Mr. Bright's offer of retirement, in order that they might choose his successor. The kind consideration thus shown to him by his constituents has endeared Bir- mingham to him more closely than ever, and there can be little doubt that death only will sever the connection which exists between the great statesman and the noble 198 JOHN BRIGHT. and influential town which he has so long represented in Parliament. Mr. Bright's re-appearance in the House, and his appointment as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, failed to keep the Liberals in office, as was hoped, and he consequently, after the recent general election, which culminated in the return of Mr. Disraeli to power, resigned the seals as a cabinet minister. The friendship which subsisted between Mr. Bright and Mr. Cobden was of the very closest and most affectionate character; and the death of the Apostle of Free Trade was a terrible blow for the former, from which, judging from his public utterances, we fear he will never recover. The love of David and Jonathan affords a parallel to the friendship which filled the hearts of Bright and Cobden; and the pathetic language of David can alone convey anything like the anguish which must have torn Mr. Bright's inmost being, when his dear companion and friend was taken from him for ever. "I am distressed for thee, my brother; very pleasant hast thou been unto me; thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women. How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!" Rochdale also sustained a great loss when Mr. Cobden died; and this is a reason why we can more appro- priately enter into the deep grief that fell upon our illustrious townsman. Mr. Bright's career has been most brilliant and eventful, and he can look back on a long life spent in good and honest work; no mean or self- seeking motives can be attributed to him; but thorough patriotism and love of his fellow-men have swayed all the public acts of his life. The path of duty lay clearly JOHN BRIGHT. 199 defined before him, and he has trod it with firm and unfaltering foot. He that walks that path, "Only thirsting For the right, and learns to deaden Love of self, before his journey closes, He shall find the stubborn thistle bursting Into glossy purples, which out-redden All voluptuous garden roses.' Our picture illustration of "One Ash," the residence of Mr. Bright, is copied from a photograph taken by Mr. Jackson, The Walk. "One Ash" is about half a mile distant from the centre of the town, and not far from the mills of the Messrs. Bright, at Cronkeyshaw. The right hon. gentleman, though residing so close to Rochdale, does not take any part in the town affairs, and lives in comparative privacy. At election times, when at home, he votes with his party; but, beyond. this, he does not identify himself with local politics. (( We have, in the preceding remarks, referred to the part which Mr. Bright took in the struggle for the repeal of the Corn Laws. With regard to this subject, and to Mr. Bright's subsequent success, and his illness, we may be permitted to call the attention of our readers to the following verses, which, amongst others, are supposed to have been written by a German who had learned (he said) the English language." They are quoted from "The Fijiad," Beeton's Christmas Annual, 1874. The entire poem is excellent, and full of humour, and manifests great power on the part of the writer; and on the whole, it is highly complimentary to the right hon. gentleman :— "For once on a dime it happent Dat Justice hid her face, And dere were some would have starrf'd de poor In dere greed and dere prite of place; 200 JOHN BRIGHT. F Den mit his frent, good Cobden, John Brightmann he gained renown, And he helped to raise fair Justice op, And to pull de corn laws down. "But oh! dere was Hande-ringen And shaking of many a head Among de dukes and de nobel lorts At de tings John Brightmann said; Dey turned op dere eyes in horror When of landlords' greed he'd speak, And dey said, but in politer words, 'It was like John Brightmann's cheek.' "And den de jolly farmers All in dere might arose, And said John Brightmann would ruin dem Mit new-fangled ways like tose. But John Brightmann laughed and told dem Dat he never could make out Dey should want prodection, dose jolly men Who looked so dhick and stout. "Bot right and justice triomphed For justice and right are strong, And de poor man's bread no longer Was leavened by sense of wrong. And de constitution lif'd still, And de dukes yet walked Pall Mall, And de farmers John Brightmann ruined so Looked rich, and jolly, and well. "John Brightmann rose to honour, As was bot right and fair, And came to court, though great folk laughed To see dat Quaker dere. Bot honour is a burden, Has made many backs to pow, And fortune's wheel has turnt and turnt From ancient days till now. "And so it came John Brightmann Was smit by sickness sore, And de voice so brafe in council Was heard, for a time, no more; But all were glat when news came Dat John in de North was out, Fishing for Lachs and Forellen Which, in English, is zalmon and drout." ANCIENT FAMILIES. ITH only a few exceptions, there are not any local ancient families of eminence now resi- dent in the parish of Rochdale. Ancient mansions are to be found in which, in re- mote times, lived families of importance, but no descendants from these families now "live and move and have their being" amongst us; or, if any such exist, they have lost their distinguishable features, and can no longer be pointed out as possessing any peculiar marks of antiquity. We find, common enough, ancient names such as Buckley, Butterworth, Chadwick, Hamer, Healey, Holt, Howard, and so forth; but it would be an impossible task to trace up these names to the ancestors of past ages by whom, in some way or other, the names were rendered famous. We find Buckley Hall, Butterworth Hall, Hamer Hall, all of which have a specific history in relation to the olden time; but they have all passed into the hands of various owners who no longer represent the old families with whom the mansions originated. THE BYRON FAMILY. "CREDE BYRON.” The close connection in which the Byron family formerly stood to our ancient town, leads us, in the first instance, to make a few remarks on that noble House. 14 202 THE BYRON FAMILY. Its ancestry can be traced back to a period earlier than the Conquest; and, in the twelfth century, we are informed, the Byrons became connected with the County of Lancaster; but it is more to our present purpose to observe that it was not until 1643 that the family became closely allied to Rochdale, when, on the 24th October, in that year, Sir John Byron was created a peer of the realm by the style and title of Baron Byron, of Rochdale, in the County of Lancaster. This noble- man greatly distinguished himself by his steady zeal and devotedness to the cause of the unhappy King Charles I., and was engaged on the royal side in the memorable battle of Preston in 1649. His lordship failed, however, to witness the restoration of the Stuarts, and died in 1652. He was succeeded in the title by his brother Richard, who thus became the second baron. Passing over the latter's successor, we come next to William, the fourth baron, to whom, in 1710, the Archbishop of Canterbury granted a lease of his rectory of Rochdale for twenty-one years, for an annual payment, in addition to a sum of £15 to the schoolmaster, and £2 to the usher of the Grammar School in Rochdale. His lordship was also under obli- gation to pay certain sums to the rector of Rochdale and the curates of Saddleworth and Butterworth, and to uphold the chancel of the Parish Church and the chapels of ease of the other places above-mentioned. The fifth baron is chiefly to be noticed on account of the sad misfortune which befell him in causing the death of William Chaworth, Esq., in a duel, in January, 1765, and which led to his being tried before the House of Lords on the capital charge of murder. Acquitted of THE BYRON FAMILY. 203 this crime, he was found guilty of manslaughter, but availing himself of the statute of Edward VI., he was set at liberty, and so escaped the consequences of his offence. His lordship survived the trial for a period of thirty-three years, and died in May, 1798, without issue. There is almost an air of romance about the history of his lordship's brother, who, in early life, sailed with Commodore Anson, the celebrated circumnavigator, and was cast away on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean, where he had to undergo privations and misery of the most painful kind. Relieved from his dreadful situation he returned to England, and subsequently became a vice-admiral. He died in 1786, leaving two sons, of whom John was married to Catharine Gordon, who was descended in a direct line from the Earl of Huntley and the Princess Jane Stuart. From this union proceeded the sixth baron, George Gordon Lord Byron, the illustrious poet, whose name will live as long as the history of English literature endures. His great efforts and the sacrifices which he made in the Greek war of independence, can never be forgotten, and in connection with his brilliant poetical powers throw a halo of splendour round his name which arrests the attention of all lovers of that land of ancient glory. Lord Byron died on the 19th April, 1824, at Missolonghi, in Greece, to the inexpressible grief of the entire Greek nation, in whose cause he suffered, and to whom he had devoted the best energies of his nature. Their cause was his his noble mind was filled with indignation at the wrongs inflicted on the Greeks, and he gave his mighty genius, his wealth, and his life in the cause of the nation which he loved so much. Lord Byron's 204 THE BYRON FAMILY. marriage with Miss Anne Isabella Milbanke was a most unfortunate one, and embittered the whole of his future life. He contracted a great and invincible repugnance to England; and the busy scenes which the war in Greece daily presented afforded the liveliest occupation. to a mind which hated wrong and oppression, and which delighted in aiding the weak against the strong. As a poet, Lord Byron stands out prominently in the first rank, and nearly all that came from his pen bears marks of the transcendent power of a highly-gifted and wonderful genius. Much that he wrote is no doubt open to condemnation, and in some circles his works are placed in the Index Expurgatorius; but the litera- ture of this country would be deprived of a most splendid name, and of much brilliant writings, if this narrow-minded exclusiveness were to be generally adopted. But happily this can never be. It is an imperishable honour that Rochdale can claim Lord Byron as its own; in this respect it stands out among the famed towns of the kingdom. True it is that in 1823 the close connection which existed between the illustrious family of the Byrons. and our ancient town was severed, when the noble poet parted with his vast manor to the late James Dearden, Esq. Nevertheless, the memory of the connection will ever remain, for time can neither dim its splendour nor deprive us of the rich possession. The Byron family had no residence in Rochdale; their seat was Newstead Abbey, founded as a priory in the twelfth century, and situated in the fertile district once known as Sherwood Forest. The abbey has, however, passed into the hands of new owners; but the associations connected with its THE ENTWISLE FAMILY. 205 history are of an enduring character, and will always create a lively interest in the public mind. It is much resorted to by tourists from all parts, chiefly on account of its having been the dwelling-place of the great poet, whose genius has thrown a spell round the abbey and the pleasant neighbourhood of the once famous "merry green wood," wherein Robin Hood and his faithful bowmen performed so many note-worthy exploits in the days of yore. THE ENTWISLE FAMILY, OF FOXHOLES. The Entwisles, of Foxholes, appear to have been orignally seated at Entwisle Hall, in the parish of Bolton. They are, undoubtedly, a very ancient and honourable family; and they have always been held in the highest esteem, both in the parish of Rochdale and in other parts of Lancashire. In the Parish Church of St. Chad's we find, in the chancel, a marble monument, erected in 1807, by John Entwisle, Esq., inscribed as follows:- "To perpetuate a memorial erected in the church of St. Peter, at St. Albans (perished by time) this marble is here placed to the memory of a gallant and loyal man, Sir Bertine Entwisle, Knight, Viscount and Baron of Brybeke, in Normandy, and sometime Bailiffe of Con- stantine, in which office he succeeded his father-in-law, Sir John Ashton, whose daughter first married Sir Richard le Byron, an ancestor of the Lord Byrons, Barons of Rochdale; and, secondly, Sir Bertine Entwisle, who, after repeated acts of valour in the service of his sovereigns, Henry the 5th and 6th, more particularly at Agincourt, was killed in the first battle at St. Albans, and on his tombstone was recorded, in 206 THE ENTWISLE FAMILY. brass, the following inscription:-'Here lyeth Sir Bertin Entwisel, knight, who was born in Lancastershyre, and was Viscount and Baron of Brybeke, in Normandy, and Bailiffe of Constantine, who died fighting on King Henry the Sixth party, the 27th May, 1455. On whose sowl Jesus have mercy.'' Of the above-named Sir Bertine Entwisle, we find in Roby's "Traditions of Lancashire," a ballad relating to him, wherein he is described as having gone forth to "fight for England's weal," and mentions "his might at Agincourt." He may not disregard the summons of his king, who is in jeopardy, although his lady and his daughter, in tears, endeavour to dissuade him from going to the battle-field. Evil omens are observed after the departure of Sir Bertine, which seem to show that some calamity has happened to the right, trusty, and valorous knight; when at length "An armed footstep on the stair Clanked heavily and slow." The "evil messenger" enters, and is told to show his biddings to the dame and her daughter; but the "aged " vouchsafed neither look nor word. He is asked by the lady and charged "by the rood" to say what he brings, when man "He drew a signet from his hand, 'Twas speckled o'er with blood; Thy husband's grave is deep and wide: In St. Alban's priory his body lies; But on his soul Christ Jesu have mercy." The ancient mansion of the Entwisles, at Foxholes, has been held by the family for several centuries past; THE ENTWISLE FAMILY. 207 and the present proprietor of the estates is the youthful son of the late owner, John Smith Entwisle, Esq., who died, after a short illness, a few years ago. The property of the Entwisles is situate in the township of Hundersfield, in this parish, and is very extensive and valuable. The late owner was a gentleman of a kind and genial disposition, fond of field sports, and was active and lively in his habits. He was, like many of his predecessors, a staunch and consistent Conservative. In late years he took an active part in politics; and at the time of his death he was the head of the Tory party in the borough. His father, the late John Entwisle, was member for the borough from 1835 to 1837; and his brother-in-law, Sir Alexander Ramsay, Baronet, has also represented the borough in Parliament; but Mr. John Smith Entwisle never sought to win the good graces of the electors on his own behalf. His father was High-Sheriff of Lancashire in 1824, and his de- parture to meet the judges at Lancaster, in discharge of his duties, was the occasion of a very imposing and effective public display. The death of the late Mr. Entwisle was quite unexpected at the time of its occur- rence, and occasioned very great regret on the part of both Conservatives and Liberals. As the representative of an ancient family he was generally much respected, and his death rudely tore asunder the kindly relations which always existed between himself and the inhabitants of Rochdale. His name stands in honourable connection with the New Church at Hamer for which he generously gave the site, as well as con- tributing largely to the building fund. Mr. John Entwisle, the father of the latter-named 208 THE ROYDS FAMILY. gentleman, contested the Borough of Rochdale on the passing of the Reform Act in 1832. He was opposed on that occasion by Mr. John Fenton and by Mr. James Taylor, the election resulting in the return of Mr. Fenton. The numbers were:-Fenton, 277; Entwisle, 246; Taylor, 109. Nothing daunted by his defeat, Mr. Entwisle was again in the field as a can- didate for Parliamentary honours, and on the 6th June, 1835, he was returned by a majority of 43 votes over his previously successful opponent, the numbers being :- Entwisle, 369, and Fenton, 326. Mr. Entwisle occu- pied his high position as member for Rochdale until his death, in April, 1837, when Mr. John Fenton was again elected, Mr. Clement Royds being the unsuccess- ful candidate. The Entwisle family has had the honour of filling the great office of High Sheriff of the County of Lancaster on three separate occasions, namely, in 1798 (John Entwisle, Esq.); 1824, as before-mentioned; and, lastly, in 1849, when Mr. John Smith Entwisle was chosen by the Crown to discharge the functions of that much coveted and honourable post. THE ROYDS FAMILY. 66 SEMPER PARATUS.” Brown Hill, an ancient pile of buildings, is situate in the hamlet of Falinge, in Spotland, and was formerly the residence of Albert Hudson Royds, Esq., J.P., D.L. ; afterwards, of H. H. Fishwick, Esq.; and it is now occupied by Edmund Albert Nuttall Royds, Esq., the second son of Albert Hudson Royds, Esq. Brown Hill is pleasantly situated, and commands a fine view of some parts of the adjoining country. It lies rather low THE ROYDS FAMILY. 209 down, and thus does not appear so much to advantage as does the not-distant mansion of Mount Falinge. The latter place was built by the late James Royds, Esq., D.L., and is now occupied by John Robinson, Esq., J.P.; it has been the residence, successively, of James Royds, Esq.; Clement Royds, Esq., J.P., D.L.; and Albert Hudson Royds, Esq. The mansion of Falinge is very pleasantly situated on high, cultivated land, surrounded by stately trees, and has a handsome appearance. Green Hill is nearly opposite to Mount Falinge, and is of more ancient date than Brown Hill. It was formerly the residence of Clement Royds, Esq., subse- quently of his third son, William Edward Royds, Esq.; and now of Clement M. Royds, Esq. (the eldest son of the latter), who is a banker, and a county and borough magistrate. Green Hill is a fine brick edifice, and is agreeably situated on flat meadow land. It is on a field in front of the hall, by the kind permission of Mr. C. M. Royds, that the Rochdale Agricultural Society holds its annual exhibition, and the readiness. with which this gentleman thus places his grounds at the disposal of the committee for this purpose is a sufficient proof of the great interest which he takes in this important yearly show, and of his desire that the public should be well accommodated. It appears that the family of the Royds' originally came from Yorkshire, and settled at Marled Earth, near Wardlefold, in the year 1600. In the will of John Royds, of Marled Earth (born 1678), he is described as a cloth maker. From that time to the year 1827 the family appears to have been intimately connected with the woollen. trade, and carried on an extensive business. In 210 THE ROYDS FAMILY. the year 1827 Clement Royds, Esq., bought the present banking business of "Clement Royds and Company" from Messrs. Rawson, who had previously carried on business in Rochdale. For generations many members of the family have been magistrates, and several of them deputy-lieutenants. A district and a village in Yorkshire are named after the Royds'. The present head of the family is Mr. A. H. Royds, formerly of Mount Falinge. He is a J.P. and Deputy- Lieutenant for Worcestershire, and has filled the digni- fied office of High Sheriff of that County. Mr. Clement Royds, the father of the last-named gentleman, was the son of James Royds, Esq., and from the year 1830 up to the time of his death, in 1854, he was an active, able, and energetic county magistrate. He was most regular and attentive to his magisterial duties, and his presence on the bench was always looked upon with satisfaction, as his great experience enabled him to discharge his official duties with efficiency and complete impartiality. He was a strong ally of the Conservative cause in the borough, and even presented himself as a candidate for the representation, but was unsuccessful. In 1850 he was appointed High Sheriff of Lancashire; and the 21st of March, in that year, was an eventful day in Rochdale, on the occasion of the High Sheriff's departure to meet the judges at Lancaster. A very imposing and attractive procession was formed, consisting of the public authorities, and of many friendly and other societies, together with a large number of the gentry and inhabitants of the town. There was a grand display of fireworks on the New Wall and in the Butts in the evening, a balloon was THE ROYDS FAMILY. 211 sent up, and the day was set apart as a general holiday, SO as to afford all classes an opportunity of doing honour to the occasion, and as a mark of respect to the worthy High Sheriff. An ox was roasted whole and distributed, and unrestrained rejoicing was the order of the day. "Sheriff-street," in Spotland-road, takes its name from the fact that in the year mentioned, Mr. Clement Royds was Sheriff of the County. Mr. Clement Molyneux Royds was appointed a County Magistrate in September, 1866; and he was placed on the Borough List of Magistrates immediately on the Borough Bench being formed. The family of the Royds' are much and deservedly respected; and the munificence and liberality of Mr. A. H. Royds have been recently conspicuously displayed in the erection, at his own cost, of the Church of St. Edmund's, in Spotland-road, which is particularly noticed in the preceding pages. Oakenrod Hall is an ancient edifice, and was formerly the residence of the Gartsides, of Gartside. More recently it was the abode of two maiden ladies of the ancient family of the Butterworths, of Butterworth. In 1828 it had passed into the hands of the late James Royds, Esq. The ancient grandeur of the place has departed; and, like many other old mansions in various parts of the parish, it is, at present, occupied as cottage dwellings. The hall, farm, and other contiguous property, and much of the land in the immediate neighbourhood, form part of the possessions of Mr. A. H. Royds, the son and heir of Mr. Clement Royds, by whom they were inherited from his father, James Royds, Esq. 212 THE MILNE FAMILY. It will be seen on reference to our notice of St. Clement's Church, Spotland, that the land for that sacred edifice was the gift of Mr. Clement Royds; another proof, if such were wanting, of the spirit of liberality which characterises the family. 1 It is a singular circumstance, and worthy of record here, that for two successive years, viz., 1849 and 1850, the High Sheriff of Lancashire should have been chosen from the town of Rochdale; the late Mr. John Smith Entwisle, of Foxholes, in 1849; and Mr. Clement Royds, of Mount Falinge, in 1850. THE MILNES, OF BURNEDGE. The Milnes, of Burnedge, are an ancient family having a residence at that place; and it is stated with, we believe, perfect truth, that they and their ancestors have been in possession of the estate for upwards of five centuries. We regret that we are not in possession of sufficient information with regard to this family to give particulars of their history, which, we have no doubt, would prove very interesting. We must, there- fore, content ourselves with saying that the Milnes are held in great respect not only in this but also in adjoin- ing parishes, where they are owners of extensive landed estates. In a part of their property at Burnedge, there is, we are told, a stone erected to denote that there the various parishes of Rochdale, Middleton, and Oldham converge. We believe that the present representative of the family is Mr. Joseph Milne, of Deane House, Buersil Head. DISTINGUISHED MILITARY MEN. H LIEUTENANT HOPWOOD. OHN HOPWOOD was the son of James Hop- wood, the worthy Host of the "King's Head," which used to be much frequented by the merchants of Rochdale. Our hero grew up into a smart and high-spirited young man, and was a clerk with the late John Elliott, Esq., but his military ideas becoming strong, great watchfulness was required to prevent him from enlisting as a soldier. Eventually his friends thought it best to humour the bent of his inclination, and a commission was obtained for him in one of the Lancashire Militia Regiments. The Government of the day being very much in want of men, in consequence of the requirements of the Penin- sular War, offered a commission in the army to any militia officer who would raise a company of fifty men for foreign service. Young Hopwood was one of those who accepted the offer, and he sent round the town crier, with a promise of a liberal bounty. In two days, more than the number required was obtained, and it is stated that a finer body of recruits never left the country. Our young hero and his ardent followers were attached to the 95th or Rifle Regiment, and history informs us how this corps distinguished itself at the battles of Busaco, Salamanca, and Vittoria, and at the sieges of Cuidad Rodrigo and Badajos, in all of 214 CORNET AND ADJUTANT GRINDROD. which young Hopwood and his company were engaged. He was wounded at Badajos, but recovering was present at the battle of Arcangues, before Bayonne, on the 10th of December, 1813, which was one of the last battles fought prior to the abdication of Napoleon, and at which young Hopwood was killed, while gallantly leading on his devoted band. His fellow-townsmen showed their esteem for his daring courage by erecting a monument, in St. Chad's Church, to perpetuate his memory. CORNET AND ADJUTANT GRINDROD. Other Rochdale heroes took part in the hard-fought battles of the Peninsula, and some of them rose from the ranks by means of indomitable perseverance and personal bravery. One of these was Timothy Grindrod, whose father resided at Pinfold, and was an operative stone mason. Young Grindrod enlisted in the 11th Light Dragoons, and being a smart and active fellow, he was noticed by his superiors, and soon became a non- commissioned officer. His bold and dashing exploits in several battles in the Peninsula, were rewarded with a cornetcy in his chosen regiment. In consequence of his rapid promotion, a young relative of his, named Dawson, became soldier-proud, and determined to enlist in the same regiment. He did so, and in a short time embarked, with others, for the army in Spain. The day after his arrival at head-quarters he was attached to his cousin's troop, and a speedy engagement was expected. This took place, and in the early part of the contest a bullet from the enemy lodged itself in the ear of the horse on which the raw soldier was mounted. LIEUTENANT BUTTERWORTH. 215 The animal, being in great pain, shook its head, and threw some of its blood on the rider, which alarmed Dawson, and caused him to rein back his horse; this being perceived by his relative, he immediately called out-" Dawson, to the front; if you flinch I will shoot you dead." He obeyed, and during the day proved himself like other Rochdale lads to be not wanting in valour. On seeing his cousin after the battle, he asked, "At what time do we start on 'em in the morning?” The reply was, "We don't work by Pilling's factory bell here." Adjutant Grindrod returned to Rochdale after the Battle of Waterloo. His constitution was entirely shattered by hard service, and he died in Whitehall-street, June 9th, 1820, aged forty-one. His remains were interred according to his request, near to the vault of the Rev. Dr. Drake, in the New Burial Ground. Military honours were paid to his memory, and the clergy, gentry, and merchants attended his funeral. LIEUTENANT (or CAPTAIN) BUTTERWORTH. Henry Butterworth was a younger son of Mr. Edmd. Butterworth, of Green, near Rochdale, yeoman, one of whose ancestors distinguished himself in Flanders, under the command of the Duke of Cumberland. Henry was born on the 18th March, 1783, and at an early age was sent to one of the West India Islands, as assistant superintendant of a sugar plantation there. Finding this occupation to be uncongenial, and having an ardent desire for a military life, he implored his elder brother, Edmund, who was an officer in the 3rd Lancashire Militia, to use his influence and procure 216 LIEUTENANT BUTTERWORTH. At him a commission. This was done, and young Butter- worth was appointed ensign in the 1st Lancashire Militia, which were then embodied for permanent duty. His martial spirit being still unsatisfied, he, like young Hopwood, volunteered for foreign service, and fifty ardent Lancashire lads joined him, to take part in the glories of the battle-field. The young ensign was appointed to the 32nd Foot, and his fellow-townsmen are well acquainted with his thorough devotedness to his country. He took part in most of the battles during the sanguinary war in Spain, as his Peninsular medal of eight bars testified, viz. :-Rolera, Vimiera, Salamanca, Talavera, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes. Salamanca he was seriously wounded, and one of the devoted men of his regiment, named Ashworth, from Smallbridge, carried the wounded hero on his back three miles, to the rear of the army; on recovering he again engaged in active service, and was present at the Battle of Waterloo, receiving a medal for that glorious. victory. After the peace, in 1815, he retired from the army and returned to Rochdale, and ere long was honoured by being appointed a county magistrate and a deputy-lieutenant. He enjoyed tolerable health until the early part of 1860, when he sickened and died, on June 8th, in that year, aged seventy-seven. He was carried to his last resting place at St. John's Church, Smallbridge, by eight Waterloo veterans, whom he had named previously to his death, and to whom he had proved a generous friend. THE OLD VOLUNTEERS. BOUT one hundred years ago a military spirit pervaded the minds of a number of the in- habitants of Rochdale, but there was a great reluctance to leave their cosy hearth-stones. A volunteer corps, of a fine body of men, was then in existence, and they had a band of wind instru- ments. There were also clubs for paying bounty to a substitute for any member who might have been balloted into the militia, and these clubs were held at the King's Head," Lord-street, "Blue Ball," York- shire-street, "Roebuck," and other public-houses, and the subscription was 10s. a-year. A well-remembered incident occurred on the occasion of finding a substitute for one of those whom the destinies were anxious to drag to the battle-field. It was made known that a proxy was required, whereupon a stalwart Bagsladian put in an appearance, and upon being questioned as to the bounty he would require to fill the place of the recreant native, and defend his beloved land in his stead, replied "That he was sixty-three inches high, and his price was a guinea an inch." As he was the only substitute who was forthcoming, sixty-three guineas were willingly given to save his principal from the horror of meeting the foe in the' deadly strife of war. The class of men of whom the Bagslate substitute was a type, were not, as a rule, actuated by patriotic feelings, 'filthy lucre" being the attraction; and, in times of 15 218 THE OLD VOLUNTEERS. need, they were not always at hand, and even when so, were but poor and indifferent soldiers. Thus "Raw in fields the rude militia swarms; Mouths without hands; maintained at vast expense, In peace a charge, in war, a weak defence; Stout once a month, they march, a blustering band, but in times of need, at hand." And ever, On the 3rd of August, 1795, there was a disturbance in Rochdale respecting the high price of flour and potatoes, an old woman named Fenton, alias " Sparey Springer's wife," being the ringleader. The Volunteers were called out by the authorities, and, unfortunately, they misunderstood the command of the Rev. Dr. Drake "to shoot o'er 'em," and two old men named Robert Crompton and James Fletcher, who were standing in the Old Market Place, were killed. An inquest was held upon them the following day, and the jury returned the verdict that "they were killed of necessity in defence of his majesty's subjects." When the Rev. Dr. gave the command, it is said, a Mr. Oram, a manufacturer from Bury, came up on horseback, and fancying that the orders were to "shoot Oram," he rapidly turned his horse round and beat a precipitate retreat. The death of the two old men brought the corps into great odium, and a few years after they were disbanded. After the battle of Waterloo the invasion fever-"Suspicion all stuck full of eyes "-subsided, and the clubs at the public-houses fell into a moribund condition through the "sinews of war being dried up, and in the course of a short time they gave up the ghost; and from that time to the present the clubs have been conspicuous by their absence-a "consummation devoutly to be wished" by really patriotic persons who had the welfare of the country at heart, for no doubt such clubs tended very much to create a craven and contemptible spirit. "" 24TH LANCASHIRE RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. a 'DEFENCE, NOT DEFIANCE. HIS corps was formed in 1859. The volunteer forces were organised in consequence of a rumour that England was about to be invaded by the French. The rumour was unfounded; but there was a general feeling that the island was not secure from invasion; and the ex- istence of volunteer regiments in other countries was held by many to warrant the propriety of forming in England a force which, whilst hoping for the best, might be prepared for the worst. The loyalty of the people was readily displayed by numerous organisations in the leading towns of the kingdom; and Rochdale people took a lively view of the "situation," and became infected with what was derisively termed the "volunteer epidemic." A large meeting was held in the Public Hall, November 29th, 1859, Henry Fishwick, Esq., occupying the chair. He stated that there were fifty names of intended volunteers, and that the promoters were ready to enrol others and elect officers. The "roll was called, and forty men were sworn in by Mr. Nield, J.P., who was present at the meeting. "; At the adjourned meeting on 2nd December, twenty more men were sworn in, and Mr. Joseph Fenton was appointed captain; Mr. Fishwick, lieutenant; and Mr. T. B. Philippi, ensign. A vote of thanks was given by the meeting to Lieut. Tweedale (of the militia) for his assistance in forming the corps. The Mayor, upon a requisition, convened a town's meeting in the Public 220 24TH LANCASHIRE RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. Hall, on December 7th, "to consider the propriety of establishing a publicly recognised rifle corps," and there was a numerous attendance. Dr. Molesworth moved "That this meeting cordially approves of the establishment of volunteer rifle corps ;" and a letter was read from Mr. Joseph Fenton in favour of the establishment of a corps in Rochdale. A lively dis- cussion followed, and Messrs. John Ashworth, Edward Taylor, Edmund Ashworth, and others, offered a deter- mined opposition. An amendment was carried that the formation of the corps should be deferred; but the corps had been already formed, and Captain Fenton met the volunteers for the first time at a meeting held in the Public Hall, December 20th, 1859. It was then an- nounced that the public subscriptions in aid of the corps amounted to £240; and up to January 14th, 1860, almost £350 had been raised. In February, 1860, the Lord Lieutenant notified that "Her Majesty had been graciously pleased to accept their services ;" and the corps was numbered the 24th Lancashire. The corps was gazetted, 6th March, 1860, and on the following day Captain Fenton, Lieutenant Fishwick, and Ensign Philippi, attended the levee specially given to volunteer officers, and were presented to Her Majesty. The non- commissioned officers were appointed on the 10th March, and drilling was vigorously taken up. The corps ap- peared on parade, for the first time, on 17th April, and presented a very creditable appearance. There was a church parade on the following Sunday, and the volun- teers attended Divine Service at St. Clement's, Spotland. The following are the names of the several command- ing officers, and dates of enrolment :-Joseph Fenton, 24TH LANCASHIRE RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. 221 Esq., who had the first command of the corps (then consisting of one company), with rank of captain; enrolled in December, 1859, and resigned the following year. Henry Fishwick, Esq. (the first volunteer en- rolled), subsequently took the command, and on the formation of additional companies he received a com- mission as major. In 1868 it was decided to increase the strength of the corps to six companies so that the commanding officer would have the rank of lieut.-col., and on the requisite increased strength being obtained, Jonathan Nield, Esq., in 1869, took command as lieut.- col. Major Fishwick resigned in October, 1869, and the following month Captain Philippi was gazetted to the vacancy. On the resignation of Lieut.-Col. Nield, in December, 1870, Captain James Fenton became com- manding officer; which rank he still holds, with great credit to himself and to the corps. Mr. Nield was, in September, 1871, enrolled as honorary colonel, the other members of the honorary staff being Quarter- Master (and previously Captain) James Schofield (who has since resigned), Assistant Quarter-Master (pre- viously Ensign) E. A. Clegg, and the honorary chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Molesworth. The following are the names and ranks of the present officers (in addition to the honorary staff):-James Fenton, lieut.-col.; T. B. Philippi, major; W. E. Richardson, surgeon; T. S. Russell, adjutant; Captains Healey, Schwabe, Colley, Brooks, Beverley, and Howard Healey; Lieutenants Molesworth and Pooley; and Sub-Lieutenant Back- house. The corps has recently lost two of its officers, Lieutenants Mattley and Williams, their deaths occur- ring in July and October, respectively, in 1874. THE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. HE Rochdale troop of Yeomanry Cavalry was embodied in the year 1844, chiefly through the instrumentality of Albert Hudson Royds, Esq., who was appointed captain of the troop. Thomas A. Crook, Esq., was made lieutenant, and W. E. Royds, Esq., cornet. About seven years after Mr. A. H. Royds resigned, and the captaincy was then conferred on Mr. Crook; Mr. W. E. Royds being promoted to be lientenant. After the death of There are fifty men in the Mr. Crook, Mr. W. E. Royds was elevated to the vacant office of captain, and C. Patrick, Esq., was appointed lieutenant. A few years after, owing to the resignation, on account of failing health, of Mr. W. E. Royds, the command devolved on Mr. Patrick, and he was ap- pointed captain, which post he still occupies. C. M. Royds, Esq., is now the lieutenant, and Ernest E. M. Royds, Esq., the cornet. troop, all of whom are very soldier-like in their bearing. As usual they provide their own horses and uniform, in consideration of which they receive annually a clothing and contingent allowance of £2 a man; are exempt from the tax in respect of the horses employed on duty, and draw, during the annual training, two shillings for forage, besides a subsistence allowance of seven shillings a day. The yeomanry are available in 223 THE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. We aid of the civil powers; and in time of invasion, or apprehended invasion, the Sovereign may embody them for service in any part of Great Britain, under the provisions of the Mutiny Act. Once a year they are summoned to Lancaster for ten days, to go through a course of training. They travel the distance on horse- back in two days; the first day's march is to Preston, and on the second day they arrive in Lancaster. believe it is a fact that the troop have not been called upon to perform active duty on any occasion, but we feel certain that if the emergency should arise the men would be found thoroughly efficient, and fully competent to deal with any foe with whom they might come in contact. To have the resource of such aid, in case of need, is no doubt of much value to the public authorities. ECCENTRIC CHARACTERS. E Strange are the tricks of human kind; Some queer examples here you'll find; Laugh at their follies as you will, The whole would quite a volume fill." CCENTRICITY is a phase of character to be heard of and seen in other towns besides Roch- dale, but the few examples that have existed here are worthy of notice for their jocularity, native wit, and amusing personal oddities. Many years ago it was the custom amongst the labouring classes to designate each other with curious, and in some instances, characteristic appellations, such as "Abey o' Pinders," "Adam o' Rappers," "George o' Jammys," "Joan o' Bucklers," "Jem o' Bradleys," "Thrump o' Dollys," "Cheetham o' Castleton," and the like. As local ideas expanded under the progressive spirit of manufacturing industry, the habit gradually sank into disuse, yet it lingers in some of the lower parts of the town, and especially in the surrounding villages, and there are many poor families whose real name is totally eclipsed by the fictitious appellation. Apropos of this we may mention an anecdote which we have lately met with. A stranger, in a village not far from Rochdale, was one day enquiring from "a native" for a person of whom he was in search, but whose local cognomen he did not know. He enquired for the DONCASTER RACES AND 225 BULL HOLE." object of his quest by the name bestowed on him in. the polite world, but no such person was known to the acute (?) native. The stranger was about to give up his search in despair, when there came up another "native" who was asked if he knew the person wanted. He at once set his wits to work and speedily settled the difficulty by informing the stranger and native No. 1, that he, the latter, was the identical individual that was being so diligently "sperred for." “Then, ( whoy th' dickens," said he, "doesn't he ax for me by my gradely name, and not by that as noather mysel nor nobody else knaws me by. If he'd nobbut axed me for Jack o' Bills o' Ned o' Tummas's' I should ha' knawn in a crack as it wur me as he wanted. He mun ca' folk by their reet names, else he'll ne'er get on i' this world." DONCASTER RACES AND "BULL HOLE.” Mr. William Holland, a very respectable malt and hop merchant of this town, although a shrewd trades- man, fell once a victim to the designs of an oily-tongued vendor of property. Mr. Holland was induced to inspect an old woollen mill, in Birtle, which had been offered for sale, and found the reservoir full of water, the machinery in perfect action, and the workpeople in great activity as if a splendid trade was being carried on. The vendor described all in glowing terms, putting in the shade even the descriptive language of the noted London auctioneer, Robins, and when the cunning maltster was inclined to examine the boggy land, the vendor immediately lifted his eyes heavenward and dilated on the weather and the probability of rain, but 226 (( DONCASTER RACES AND BULL HOLE.' ") as soon as they got over a fence and into better pasture he was again wonderfully eloquent on the excellent quality of the soil, and poor Holland was induced to part with three thousand guineas for the purchase of the old mill and the land. However, when Mr. Holland became the owner, and acquainted himself with the nature of the property, he found that the water in the reservoir had vanished, the trade was insignificant, the workpeople few, and the land marshy and unproductive; in fact, to use a homely expression, he was "regularly sold." This valuable property was appropriately named "Bull Hole." The unfortunate transaction so preyed upon the purchaser, that he, to some extent, became demented, and was often heard anathematising "Bull Hole." Eventually he staked "Bull Hole" against three thousand guineas upon a race at Don- caster, and when the contest was coming off, Mr. Holland stood on a prominent position, ejaculating at the top of his voice "Bull Hole or no Bull Hole," to the great amusement of the crowd whose attention was diverted from the race to his strange antics and mysterious ejaculations, knowing that no horse running bore such an undignified name. At last, as the race was terminating, his feelings seemed to be wound up to the highest pitch, and as his favourite horse reached the winning post, he changed his expression, with great animation, to "Bull Hole, by Jove," and won his three thousand guineas, and thus the forebodings of the unprofitableness of the "Bull Hole" transaction were, fortunately, not verified, although the water supply, the trade, and the boggy earth were com- paratively worthless. 227 A NOVEL MODE OF BORROWING MONEY IN THE OLDEN TIMES. The following amusing story is another evidence, among many others that might be cited, that modern money lenders are not as roughly handled as some of their more ancient brethren used to be. John Stott, who was better known by the name of "Tappet," was the maker of a wheel which bore that name, and which is used by fulling millers. Having commenced the building of some houses in Yorkshire-street, he found to his great annoyance and dismay that he was short of £200 to complete them. He was greatly perplexed and almost in despair as to where he could borrow the money, and at last he sought inspiration in St. Chad's Churchyard. Having ascended with much deliberation the famous steps, he beheld, with rapture, the goodly prospect which presented itself, like a vast panorama spread before him, and pondered as to the likeliest resident in all the scene on which he gazed who would favour him with the sum of which he stood in so much need. With the eye of a hawk he scanned the various dwellings, and at length fixed his gaze keenly on the residence of Mr. Simeon Dearden, in the Orchard, and mentally fluttering over his intended. victim for a time, at last determined to pounce on the golden treasure which he believed to be carefully kept in the dwelling so closely nestled by the banks of the Roach. Inspired with new-born courage, he descended from his eyrie, and proceeded to the scene of action. Knocking at the door of the manor house, Mr. Dearden opened it and exclaimed:-"Ah! is that thee, 228 JONE O' BRADSHAW. (6 "" " Tappet?" Stott replied "aye, and I want to borrow No sooner had the word "borrow" escaped "Tappet's" lips, than the doubting money lender seized hold of him, and attempted to bundle him out of doors, declining to listen to any explanation. "Tappet struggled in resistance, for his case was desperate, and in a determined voice declared that the lawyer should hear his tale. Both came to the floor in the struggle, Tappet" being uppermost, exclaiming that he would not strike, but he insisted on finishing his tale. The man of parchments finding himself helpless in such a grip, consented to listen, and was then allowed to rise. He listened attentively to the pathetic tale of "Tappet," and then exclaimed:-"Tappet, if thou art as determined to pay it back as thou art to borrow it, thou shalt have it." A gleam of intense and lively satisfaction spread itself over Tappet's countenance, and the promise was given, the money exchanged hands, was duly repaid. with all costs and charges thereon, and in the course of time Tappet died a rich man. "JONE O' BRADSHAW.” "Revenge is sweet," saith the proverb, and so it would appear to be judging from an incident that took place between a lawyer and his client. Many years ago a Rochdalian, known to fame as “ Jone o' Bradshaw,” felt much aggrieved at the way his lawyer, Mr. Simeon Dearden, had treated him, and he was determined to "feed fat the grudge" he bore the man of law. He sent the bellman round the town to announce that his health was much impaired by recent persecutions, and that he had determined to sail down the Roach JOHNNY BAA-LAMB AND ST. CRISPIN. 229 from Rochdale to Liverpool for the benefit of his health. On the day appointed thousands of persons flocked into Rochdale to witness the departure of the intrepid sailor. It was hay time, and the lawyer was the owner of some fine meadows of grass which were ready for the scythe, and which lay along the banks of the Roach. Jone appeared at the time appointed, and embarked in a large tub, armed with a pole to use as an oar, and down the river he floated with "streamers floating in the wind," to the great delight and amusement of a vast concourse of persons who rushed through the lawyer's meadows, treading down and spoiling the grass, and along the river banks to witness the strange spectacle and the progress of the journey. When Jone got as far as Town Mill, he was satisfied with the injury he had caused to be inflicted upon the lawyer's grass, which became unfit for the scythe of the mower in consequence of the incursions of the populace on the occasion. disembarked, and chuckled at the sweetness of the revenge he had tasted; but the history fails to record whether the lawyer submitted peaceably to the wrong done to him, as a Christian man should, or whether he took proceedings against the arch delinquent, according to the statute in that case made and provided. Jone "JOHNNY BAA-LAMB AND ST. CRISPIN." John Lord, better known as "Johnny Baa-Lamb," was not favoured by nature with straight legs, and he was always thirsty. In fact, he never objected to consume a pint of ale while standing on his head out of his clog if it was given free, and such were the conditions. He would repeat the saying with a sigh and a relish about 230 JOHNNY BAA-LAMB AND ST. CRISPIN. And speaking of a Christmas, that "New yer's days keep'n comin reawn, like old Ratcher's cream-jug, 'ut never stopt till some- b'dy wur laid under th' table." deceased "pal" he would say, and geirs in lang sin." 66 'He's ta'en his reed Crispin, had also a John Mills, a follower of St. dry throat, and his eyes used to glisten over a pot of beer. Likenesses of these two strange mortals were once exhibited in the window of Mr. Holden, stationer, whose shop used to stand at the top of The Walk, but the artist had sketched Lord holding a pint of ale in his hand, whilst Mills was made to assume a neutral posture. Mills was so much annoyed that he smashed the stationer's window. Mr. Holden asked for an explanation, when Mills called his attention to the fact that Lord had been represented with a pint of ale in his hand, while he, who could drink a good saup," was not so favoured, and he would break the windows again if the insult was to be continued. The artist introduced the desired pint pot in the sketch to the great satisfaction of Mills, who felt himself highly honoured. One could easily fancy these followers of Bacchus conversing in this style when carousing over some fine nut brown ale :-"Noan o' yor brew'd besoms this, bo' gradely stingo. A quart o' this o' th' top ov a beefstake 'ud mak' a chap's ribs feel do'some, would nor it? Well, here's luck! That's what aw co' milk o' paradise, or natyer's pap. Yo' may seawk at it till yo're blynt, an' ne'er be satisfied." At the burial of Dolly, Mills's wife, her sister, it was noticed, was very much affected, and stood on one side of the grave, when the newly-made widower, who stood on the other JOHNNY BAA-LAMB AND ST. CRISPIN. 231 side, enquired, "What's to do with thee, lass ?" She replied, "There's nought but trouble on this side of the grave." The widower cheerfully remarked, "Come to this side, then?" Soliloquising on Dolly, he said, "Owd woman, yo desarv'n a comfitable sattlement i' th' top shop." Mills was always backward in paying his rent, and his landlord being determined to get quit of him, gave him notice to leave. Mills, with an air of astonishment, asked his landlord for an explana- tion. The latter replied that he never could get any rent from him, and that was the reason. Mills per- suasively remarked, 'Of course I do not pay you rent, but I owe it you." "Johnny Baa-Lamb," who was ever on the look out for "summat to sup," entering the "White Lion Inn," York- shire-street, one day, was pleased to find that some acquaintance had just ordered a quart of ale, and having only a penny in his possession, and anxious to quench his thirst by a "gradely" good swig, he said to his friends, "I'll bet you a penny that I can drink one gill out of that quart of ale, and neither less nor more." The friends wishing to witness such a marvellous feat, and to test his ability as to such exact measurement, readily consented. "Johnny" swigged off the entire quart of ale with intense gusto and without winking, and then coolly remarked, "Chaps, I've lost;" thus securing a "stunning" draught for a penny, to the great amusement of the company, and the disgust of the "verdant" owners of the ale, who declared that Johnny was a 'false owd boggart" who'd live to be hanged some day, if he didn't get drowned first. 232 OLD "DOCTOR.” "" An eccentric character named Taylor, but who was better known as "Old Doctor,' used to gain a liveli- hood by the occupation of a porter, with donkeys. He used to reside in a cellar under the shop which is now kept by Mr. Standring, boot and shoe dealer, in York- shire-street, and the donkeys shared his dwelling with him, and were able to ascend and descend the cellar steps with alacrity. Doctor" prided himself on his pugilistic skill and strength, and his fellow-lodgers seemed to have imbued him with their spirit. His nasal organ was highly coloured with a bluish tint, as if the temperature of it was at a freezing point, and his countenance seemed to say to a beholder, "It's some o' a cowd neet. Meh nose fair sweats again." On the 5th day of May, in 1829, "Doctor" came to a tragical end. He led up a mob to attempt to rescue some rioters who were being taken to the New Bailey, calling out " come on lads, never mind, it's only blank shot." He had in his hands stones at the time. The military fired, and he was shot dead. "THE REPUBLICAN TINKER." Briggs, a tinner, in Lowergates, was supposed to be a Jacobin," but was really a republican. He used to display in his shop window verses of his own composi- tion which were regarded as treasonable, but he was not prosecuted as he was considered to be a lunatic. "For forms of government let fools contest; Whate'er is best administered is best." At times he would go through the streets with tin ware on his back, with a large white hat, bordered with > BULL ROBIN. 233 green, on his head, proclaiming republican principles. On one of these occasions he met the Rev. Dr. Drake, the vicar of the parish, on the Bridge, and seizing him by the collar and his nether garment, he attempted to throw the worthy Doctor into the river, remarking, "Ducks swim and so should Drakes." Some time after, Briggs emigrated to South America. Mr. Morton, a confectioner, who used to keep a shop on South Parade, went to South America twenty-five years after, and while residing in the backwoods, information was received one evening that a man was dying from exhaustion, and he was found to be Briggs of Rochdale. BULL ROBIN." "Bull Robin," whose proper name was John Cropper, although of a simple nature had the courage to enlist, and during the American War of Independence he "smelt powder" on a battle-field for the first time. As soon as the engagement began, he instinctively illustrated the first law of nature-self-preservation- very forcibly, by hurriedly taking shelter behind a tree, and calling out to his comrades, "Now, chaps, get behind the trees or somebody will be kil't or lam't." Having served the allotted period, he returned home unharmed to his native town, and enjoyed a pension. When "Robin" used to go to the " Eagle and Child ” on pension days, the landlady, Mally Lee, was assiduous in her attention to his comfort, always pressing him to partake of a pint of warm ale, but when Robin's "brass" had disappeared his presence was no longer welcome, and she used to say, with indignation, "get out of the gate, Robin; thou art always in the way." 16 234 OLD BARNISH, When "Robin" got into the " sear leaf," he was once heard to deplore his waning vitality by repeating a familiar Lancashire simile :-" Aw're u'st that I could ha' swallut it iv it had bin as cowd as snowbos; bo' mi clock-wark's gettin' like owd Gimp's cart shaft-rayther temporary." "OLD BARNISH." Old Barnish, a clock maker, who made St. Chad's clock, was a jocular character, and went through innu- merable scrapes. "He'd sit a fire eawt ony time, tellin' his bits o' tales." Wishing to do a good turn for a friend, who, through imprudence during his court- ship, had good reason to hasten the marriage ceremony, he called at the house of Mr. Bellis, the curate of St. Chad's Church, about four o'clock one fine, bright morning, and pressed him to perform the service. Mr. Bellis declined to do so until the clock struck eight. A short time after Barnish ascended the tower of the church, and made the clock strike eight. The curate hearing the bell, and being unaware of the deception, proceeded to the vestry and went through the service, and within a short time the reasons for the bridegroom's haste were apparent by the merging of a husband's into a father's cares. Barnish recommended the bridegroom to be "as patient as Willy Wood's horse, ut died one day in a fit of patience, waitin' for fodder.” “Old Barnish,” much against his will, having been once taken into custody by a portly parochial constable of the olden type, for a trivial offence, he point blank refused to walk to the Manchester prison unless the corpulent officer of justice allowed him to share in the allowance OLD BARNISH. 235 usually paid for the journey. This the officer sternly refused, and insisted on Barnish starting; but the tempter, in the shape of a hedge in the neighbourhood of Slattocks, incited Barnish to make an effort for free- dom, and over the hedge he jumped with the vigour of a hunter. Alarmed at the escape of his prisoner, "Dogberry" gathered up his corpulency, after the manner of Sir John Falstaff, and followed the fugitive with all the agility he could muster; but the fates were against him, and he sank on the other side up to the hips in a treacherous bog, greatly to the amusement of Barnish, who immediately made his way with all speed to Bolton, and spent several days there in following his own trade. The term of imprisonment which he was adjudged to undergo, and from which he had escaped having expired, Barnish presented himself at the prison. gates in Manchester, and insisted on being locked up, saying that he came from "Rachda." The governor declining to believe the statement that he was the man who had escaped, refused to admit him within the charmed domain over which he ruled supreme; whereon Barnish, much elated at his successful escapade and inwardly chuckling thereat, returned tɔ his native domi- cile, boasting of the way he had served "Dogberry, and interviewed" the governor. If the eccentric clock maker had lived in these " degenerate" days of ours, the probability is he would not have escaped the punishment awarded as easily as the story shows, for immediately on his re-appearance, he would have been pounced upon and carried off to "durance vile," with small chance of repeating his "little game," so vigilant are our police officials at the present day. 236 "CRAZY MICHAEL.” Michael Butterworth, who was distinguished by the appellation of "Crazy Michael," used to reside in his "baronial mansion," in Cheetham-street, in a cellar, and had often aimed at Parliamentary honours. During Parliamentary elections it was his practice to offer himself as a candidate, and his address bore the aristocratic signature of "Michael Adolphus Butterworth, of Cheetham-street Hall," but senatorial fortune never smiled upon him. As there was no chance of a seat in St. Stephen's, Michael next aimed at military honours. When a company of yeomanry was being formed in Rochdale, he feeling chagrined at the command not being offered to him, inaugurated a troop of doffers, whom he mounted on highly trained and carefully selected Jerusalem ponies, and he rejoiced in the title of the "Commander of the Donkey Troop." When the yeomanry went through their drill, in the Butts, Michael, with his grotesque supernumeraries, went through their burlesque military performances in front. of the "Wellington," he mounted upon an ass, with his legs trailing on the ground, in the presence of a large concourse of persons. Michael was a fine, stout fellow, but he was troubled with an appetite he could never satisfy. On one occasion a gentleman, by way of a joke, sent him, as his representative, to a tenant's dinner, at Manchester. He demolished no less than a dozen plates of meat, and the waiter at last, losing all hope of being able to saisfy his cravings, called his employer, and informed him of the hopelessness of the undertaking, " and as "he was a man of an unbounded stomach; five shillings were readily given to Michael to adjourn GEORGE O'PINDERS. 237 elsewhere for the remainder of his dinner. In point of appetite it may, therefore, be concluded, that the Dragon of Wantley was a fool to Michael:— "He'd eat more meat than three score men; He'd eat a cow; he'd eat a calf; He'd eat a bullock and a half." But this, we fear, is mere romance, but peace to his memory; like good, old Polonius, whom Hamlet slew, "He is now at supper, not where he eats, but where he is eaten; a certain convocation of politic worms are e'en at him." Alas, poor Michael! "GEORGE O'PINDERS." "" George Taylor, who was styled by his "pals George O'Pinders," was concerned in the riot at the New Bailey, on the 5th of May, 1829, and was taken into custody, and committed to the Lancaster Assizes to undergo his trial. For the defence, evidence was brought forward in order to prove that he was not of sound mind. The judge wished to know what symptoms of insanity the prisoner had ever exhibited. A witness informed his lordship that "Pinder" had once carried a donkey from Heywood to Manchester for a wager of a gallon of ale, and he thought that was a very strong proof of insanity. "Pinders" kept up a perpetual grin during the trial, and the jury thinking that "Eternal smiles his emptiness betray As shallow streams run dimpling all the way," and coupling the fact with the evidence about the donkey came to the conclusion that he was non compos mentis, and he was acquitted. 238 "CRAZY DAVID." A lazy fellow, known only by the name of "Crazy David," was not so crazy as he professed to be. He was of a corpulent figure, and often darkened the door- ways of shopkeepers, to whom he was a complete nuisance. He was, moreover, remarkable for his im- pudent solicitations for alms-an occupation which he found to be much more agreeable than working. On one occasion being advised to go to work and earn an honest livelihood, he replied, Well, it is summat if the town cannot keep one gentleman." 'David," on another occasion, when going his begging rounds, called at a gentleman's residence, whose back-door step he often visited, and the servants, anxious to discourage his visits, warmed up some old stew which had not improved with the keeping. few mouthfuls exclaimed, "David," after taking a Every man to his likin', but no moor o' yon stew for me, as Cakey Joe said when he found th' ratton bwones in his stew." He added, "Aw'st keep comin' ogeean, yo' may depend, like Clegg Ho' boggart." When living, his relations gave him the cold shoulder, but when dead their affection for him was galvanised into sudden warmth, and they surrounded him like locusts for a share of the money he had hoarded in the course of a not unsuccessful career as an unabashed and indolent mendicant. "BAREFOOT SA M." It was the custom in days of yore for the faithful who had fallen from duty to walk to the shrine of saints barefooted, by way of penance; the character, however, BAREFOOT SAM. 239 we are going to pourtray did not fall within the de- scription given, and did not go about barefooted on that account, but more as a matter of necessity than choice, and thus the name of "Barefoot Sam" stuck to him through life as the limpet sticks to the rock. The leather covering for his pedal extremities being absent, as a matter of course, there was no necessity for stock- ings, so here was a three-fold saving-buying, washing, and darning—and by adopting the costume of knee- breeches, Sam curtailed expenditure in fustian as well. The feet and legs being thus kept cool, it was thought unwise to heat the other extremity of the body with a covering, therefore, the cost of a cap was saved, and his expenditure in clothing reduced to a minimum. Although exposed to wind and rain, Sam could boast of a fine figure, and of legs that even footmen envied. Sam's chief occupation was to dodge carts about the streets, and weak-kneed carters used to reward him with coppers for giving them a lift. His strength was proverbial- equal almost to Samson's-and his drinking propensi- ties great. For a pint of ale he would lift a sack of flour off the ground with his teeth. The jaw-bone of a long-eared quadruped in the hands of the hero who spoiled the Philistines worked wonders; but this feat of Sam's, which ought to have been a jaw-breaker, surely entitled him to share the laurels. He must, indeed, have been a strong man, and might have com- peted in feats of strength with the "very strong man," Kwasind, the friend of "Hiawatha," whose praises are duly recorded by the poet Longfellow in imperishable verse, but we can't for the life of us be flowery about Sam. 240 "PAUL PRY." “Octavius Augustus Lee,”. "Phoebus, what a name, To fill the sounding trump of fame!". was a “leetle” fat tomb-stone engraver of "infinite jest," and he bore his "sponsorial and patronymic appella- tions," as Ingoldsby says, with the greatest pride and complacency. "Octavius Augustus" was not a Roman emperor, and although following a decidedly “grave occupation, he was of a thoroughly jovial and eccentric temperament. Besides recording the names, ages, virtues, and achievement of the "dear departed," he provided entertainment for his droughty fellow- countrymen who had not yet "shuffled off this mortal coil" at a celebrated hostelry in the classical regions. of School-lane, and known by the name or sign of · Paul Pry." On his sign board he gave an invitation to all passers by in the following doggerel verse:-- 66 "Just pop in, you won't intrude, The beer is good, so don't be rude; Friends to meet, he is glad to sce, Your humble servant, O. A. Lec. If the beer which "Octavius Augustus" brewed was not a good deal better than his rhymes, we are inclined to compassionate the lieges who swallowed it, and if he did not prosper in life, it might be owing to his having combined too many occupations-stone engraver, pub- lican, and poet! "A Jack of all trades," the adage says, "is master of none." But let us not be hard on poor "Octavius Augustus;" he has gone where neither beer, poetry, nor grave stones are required. Alas! that the paths of glory which "Octavius Augustus " trod should lead but to the grave. 241 "JANE CLOUGH," OF BAGSLATE. Jane Clough, a coarse, masculine-looking woman, whose voice did not remind one of the music of the spheres, and who used to reside at Bagslate, gave up part of her time to the study of botany, and the culti- vation of "monster gooseberries" and carnations. Jane was not by any means a counterpart of the "Jane" so highly eulogised in the delightful song so charmingly sung by Sims Reeves as "pretty pretty" and " shy," and there was no prim gallant in those days who had the courage to invite her to meet him in the evening "when the bloom was on the rye." Nor was there any young Lochinvar in these parts sufficiently daring in love to whisk off our heroine on a milk-white charger, and bear her away to his home. Jane was in her element if only permitted to join a group of the wisemen who upheld the state at a street corner, and take part with them in discussing politics, cock-fights, and a "gradely" dog fight. As to politics, it would appear as if she had been a fore-runner of the strong-minded women of the present generation, as she took the liveliest interest in that absorbing science. She preferred the society of the masculine sex, and, as a rule, shunned that of woman kind in general. Jane was a staunch Conservative, and would always insist on heading that party's processions on great and stirring occasions, but we have not been able to find that the friends of the cause to which she allied herself ever went to the expense of dressing her on such eventful occasions in the "blue" colours which usually distinguish the Conservatives. 242 "MALTOO T.” Another strange character, who died early in 1873, named Shaw, alias "Maltoot," is worthy of notice. Shaw was a noted wrestler. He started business with a donkey and cart, as a carter, and he used to ornament his person with military attire on some days, and on others was to be seen with an old college student's cap, and garments of many colours, but his wooden leg gave a flat contradiction to his military assumption, and his red proboscis to his collegiate pretentions. Although some thought him to be weak-minded, he possessed. native wit of no ordinary character. Passing the resi- dence of a limb of the law" one day, he was asked if he could " sup" a pint of ale. Shaw replied that he could if he had the chance. He was invited within doors, and a pint of nut-brown ale gave au impetus to his loquacity. The lawyer, proud of his possessions, showed Shaw into his library, and, amongst other pictures, drew his attention to a portrait of himself, and invited comment. Shaw, after surveying it with as much attention as a connoisseur, remarked that the attitude was not correct. The lawyer assured him that all his friends had pronounced it a remarkably good likeness, and wished to know what was the fault he had noticed. Shaw gravely remarked that the portrait represented his host with his hands in his pockets, whereas he was in the habit of having them in other people's. On one occasion, when a company of soldiers arrived in town on their way to Manchester, Maltoot dressed himself up in all the military attire he could find in his wardrobe, and strutted through the streets with the air of a commander-in-chief, with his head erect, as if he MALTOOT. 243 had a stiff-neck. Some privates, who were strolling up Drake-street, and must have been raw recruits, saluted him with the profoundest respect, evidently thinking, from by his gay attire and peacock appearance, that he must be a field marshal or general who had unfortu- nately lost his leg in some disastrous engagement in defence of the liberties of his beloved country. The "general" condescended to recognise, in the usual manner of warlike chiefs, the military honour paid to him, and, in addition, graciously smiled upon his sub- ordinates. Appearances are apt to mislead, and our great dramatist has informed us that "the world is still deceived with ornament," and so it was here, for if these warriors had been better acquainted with Roch- dale, and its celebrities, they would not have mistaken "Maltoot" for a general or field marshal, but would have known that he was simply a driver of asses. Shaw had some little experience of prison life, and on one occasion, being questioned on the internal arrange- ments, remarked that they were excellent, and that he held the strong opinion that every Englishman ought to be confined once so that he might thoroughly appre- ciate the admirable arrangements which were made for the good of those who sometimes did ill. Although this man had a rough exterior, and played the fool, he was not destitute of better sentiments in his latter days. "Maltoot" was loyal to the back-bone, for he was once heard to repeat, "Don yo' knaw what we ha' opo' th' throne 'Englan' just meet neaw? A mother an' her childer, mon! And a gradely dacent little woman, too, as ever bote off th' edge o' a moufin." When the new Town Hall was opened he joined the procession in 244 MALTOOT. his donkey-cart; and it is stated that in the evening he sought admission to the banquet given on the occasion, having his wood leg highly ornamented in blue and gold, and tied round with the gayest of blue ribbon; for he was a "true blue," and had a great contempt for Radical opinions and doings. It is right to say that the "Blues" were not, however, very proud of their odd acquisition. By the favour of a literary friend we are enabled to place before our readers Maltoot's Epitaph: "Here lies' Maltoot,' Who in pursuit Of business lost his leg: He then became An imp of fame,' And onward used to 'peg.' He carted coal, stone, cinders, dust; He liked cash down and not much trust. His leg of flesh and leg of wood Were active and much toil withstood, And now he rests where all men must, With earth heaped on him for a crust. Noisy in life, he lies quite still, And can no longer shout, or swill; For pity's sake, let's drop a tear, And say 'Poor Mal. is buried here.' GIO DIÙ PO aa do do dO DO CO RUSH-BEARING. & SHE annual ceremony of rush - bearing, in Rochdale, which commences on the third Sun- day in August, is of great antiquity, probably as remote as the age of Pope Gregory IV. (A.D. 827). About sixty years ago its cele- bration was performed with much pomp and circumstance. The rush-carts were skilfully built in a conical shape, rising to a sharp ridge at the top, and on the summit was a bower in the form of a crown, made of holly, laurel, and other evergreens, round which were twined garlands of the gayest flowers. About thirty young men with white smocks, profusely adorned with gaudy ribbons, and with floral wreaths on their heads, were yoked in couples before the rush-cart. Each couple held a stave fastened to the ropes attached to the cart shafts, and at intervals the young men engaged in a sort of "morrice dance." A strong horse drew the cart, and the merry strains of music served to increase the hilarity of the occasion, whilst crowds of people collected and followed the procession as it went through the streets. The rush-carts generally came from the neighbouring villages, and fights of a desperate character used often to take place between the owners of rival rush-carts. Of late years rush-carts have not often made their appearance in Rochdale, and it would seem that the custom is dying out. In ancient times the 246 RUSH-BEARING. ceremony used to terminate at the Parish Church, and the rushes were spread on the clay floor under the benches, to serve as a comfortable winter carpet, and there they remained until the arrival of warmer weather; but within the last forty years the "church is frequently the last place thought of in this festival, which has degenerated into a mere rustic saturnalia.” The money collected as the carts made their progress through the streets was generally spent in mere drunkenness and folly. The rush-cart banner, or flag, was always a most con- spicuous object in the public procession of the carts. Great taste and large expense were usually bestowed on this gorgeous and indispensable adjunct, which was raised on stout poles, and carried by two or more men in front of the cart. It was a point of pride with the builders of every rush-cart to strive to outvie all com- petitors in this particular respect; and it was generally considered that the "Marland lads" were mostly successful in providing and displaying the banner par excellence and so frequently was this the case, that it has become almost a proverb, when speaking highly of anything, to say, "It's as bonny as Marland banner." When the banners were not in active use, they often found a resting place at the pawnbrokers, where they remained until the rush-bearing of the following year, when, of necessity, funds were scraped together by great effort, and the banners left my "uncle's" custody. No doubt the current coin of the realm was more acceptable to that worthy individual than the grandest banner that ever flaunted in the breeze. THE OLD MARKET OR TOWN CROSS. R OCHDALE, like most ancient towns, was once ornamented with a "Market or Town Cross." Crosses of this description were usually erected in some conspicuous place, either to mark boundaries, or to keep in mind certain important local occurrences, which it was considered desirable to commemorate, and the idea of the cross itself was doubtless that in the busy transactions of life it should be remembered that the Christian religion, of which the cross was the sacred symbol, was that which the people professed to love and follow. The Rochdale Cross stood on a plot of ground in front of where the exten- sive premises of Mr. J. H. King, ironmonger, Yorkshire-street, now stand. About one hundred years ago, Mr. Edmund Lord (grandfather of the late high bailiff of the County Court) and a number of frolicksome comrades of his, one night pulled the cross down in a joke, and the authorities of the day, who might have no love for such an ornament in that parti- cular place, or from a notion that such memorials tended to superstition rather than usefulness, did not consider it necessary to take means for its re-erection, or to punish the persons who had meddled with it so uncere- moniously. For years it disappeared from the public gaze, and slept in mother earth. When the new road was being made to Manchester, it was found embedded 248 THE OLD MARKET OR TOWN CROSS. underneath a foot-path near Goose Lane, and the late Mr. Lancashire, who would no doubt regard it as a most interesting relic of ancient day's, considerately gave it a standing place in his garden at Willow Bank. When Mr. Lancashire left Willow Bank, he gave it into the care of the late Mr. Samuel Lomax, of Castle Hill, and this memorial of antiquity is still kept in private in Castle Hill garden, although solicitations have been made to restore it to its natural guardians, who wished to give it a resting place in the Public Park. In olden times, no doubt, this cross was looked upon with considerable respect and veneration; and it may have been the rendezvous of lovers who have long passed from earthly scenes, and are mouldering now in the dust. Many tales of romantic interest are asso- ciated with these primitive crosses in various parts of the country; and the Rochdale Cross, we have every reason to believe, had its legend also. "Meet me at the Cross" was no uncommon phrase in the days of our forefathers, and to make vows at such spots was not unusual, and gave additional solemnity and binding obligation to the vows themselves. To injure or deface the crosses in any way was regarded as a serious offence, which carried with it a considerable amount of odium and disgrace, and the depredators above referred to would have been dealt with very severely if their offence had been committed in earlier times. GO GO GIO O O GIO OƒÐ 612 1. THE ROCHDALE MARKET. "The place where people most do congregate To buy their butchers' meat, their fish, and game; Where eager dealers for their patrons wait, To fill their coffers being all their aim.” BOUT sixty years ago, the market was held at the bottom of Yorkshire-street, in that part of the town which is still denominated the "Old Market Place." The vendors had to stand in the open air, exposed to all kinds of weather; and were seen muffled to the ears in winter, and scorched by the "sun's meridian ray" in summer. The presence of so large a number of hucksters, dealers, and chapmen in such an important thoroughfare, caused a most in- convenient interruption, not only to pedestrians, but also to the passage of horses, carts, and carriages, as the street at that time was, at this point, only 15 feet wide. In consequence of the royal mail-coach being interrupted on one occasion in its passage through the town, the Government made a complaint to the local authorities, who gave orders that the market business was to be removed to Cheetham-street, but it was only partially successful. This brought about the formation of a Market Company, who applied to Parliament for an Act to establish a Market Hall, on the site of the present building. The property owners on the Castleton side of the river, opposed the application, as they were in favour of the Market Hall being erected in the neigh- bourhood of Packer-street. Lord Stanley (the lato Earl Derby) was the chairman of the committee on the passage of the Bill through Parliament, and he stated 17 250 THE ROCHDALE MARKET. that he had once passed through Rochdale, and had been detained a considerable time in consequence of Yorkshire-street being blocked up by the market stalls and carts; he strongly advocated a plan for widening the street, which he considered to be absolutely necessary, in order that the ordinary traffic along the street might not be impeded. The company agreed to widen the street, as required, on receiving the promise of £500 from the inhabitants of Wardleworth, and the Act was passed in 1823. The land, 7,000 yards, and buildings thereon, cost about £23,000, and the erection of the hall and shops about £30,000. The hall was opened fifty years ago. The original shares were £50 each, but they For twelve or were necessarily increased to £90. fourteen years no profit was realised, but at the present time (1874) the annual dividends are about £8 a share. The shares number 360. Before the Market Act was obtained, the then lord of the manor, Lord Byron, the poet, received the market tolls through his agent, Mr. Kershaw, solicitor, and the Market Company had to purchase these manorial rights. Joseph Brierley, Esq., J.P., is the present chairman of the Company, and Mr. Charles Collier is the superin- tendent. The Corporation has obtained Parliamentary powers to purchase the Market Hall, and the property connected with it; but it does not at present appear how soon the contemplated purchase can be carried into effect. No doubt it is important that the Corporation should acquire the Market property in the same manner that it has possessed itself of the Water Works and the Gas Works, which were formerly in the hands of private shareholders. THE INFIRMARY. "'Tis not enough that we with sorrow sigh, That we the wants of pleading man supply; That we in sympathy with sufferers feel, Nor hear a grief without a wish to heal: Not these suffice-to sickness, pain, and woe, The Christian spirit loves with aid to go, Will not be sought, waits not for man to plead, But seeks the duty-nay, prevents the need; Her utmost aid to every ill applies, And plans relief for coming miseries. Here all have kindness, most relief, for some Is cure complete-it is the sufferer's home; Fevers and chronic ills, corroding pains, Each accidental mischief man sustains, Have here attention-here the sufferers lie, (Where love and science every aid apply), And healed, with rapture live; or, soothed by comfort, die." a HIS benevolent institution claims, and is entitled to, the warmest sympathy and support alike of the opulent and the working classes in our midst, its aim being to help and succour the afflicted poor in the time of their greatest need. Its primary or more important object is to mitigate bodily suffering, arising either from disease or accidental causes, in which respect it is indispensable to all who are not able to pay for private medical or surgical aid, or as a necessary means of assistance in cases of emergency. For such purposes the institution absolutely essential to the well-being of the dense com- munity which exists in Rochdale. By its prompt and humane action it interposes to stem diseases which, if unchecked in their outbreak, would spare neither rich is 252 THE INFIRMARY. nor poor, for disease, like death, is most indiscriminate in its operations, and is no respecter of persons. In October, 1831, the late Clement Royds, Esq., and other worthy gentlemen, amongst whom were Messrs. John Entwisle, John Howard, junior, J. Roby, William Littlewood, O. H. Redfern, Thomas Booth, James Midgley, and the Revs. W. R. Hay, W. H. Twemlow, W. J. ffarington, J. Ely, and F. Haworth, founded this system of charitable treatment, at a meeting held at the Wellington Hotel; and the "Dispensary" was situate in South Parade, in the premises now occupied by Mr. Jackson, solicitor. The building subsequently proving to be inconvenient, more suitable accommodation was provided near the end of Lord-street, facing Manchester- road, and there, from 1831-2 to 1871, the work of the charity was carried on. Up to this time a medical officer resided on the premises, and it was his duty to visit poor patients, who were recommended by the sub- scribers, at their homes, and supply them with medicines free of cost, but there was no provision made for indoor patients. In 1871 the committee found that it was absolutely necessary to remove into larger premises, and make provision for indoor patients, and the present building in Yorkshire-street, corner of Elliott-street, was rented, and received the name of "The Infirmary." There are two wards in it, one for the females, and the other for the males. There are four beds in each ward, and on some occasions patients have had to wait for an empty bed, the number of applicants being so nu- merous. The committee now complain of the unsuitable- ness of the building, owing to its limited size, deficient drainage, and its close proximity to the street, and THE INFIRMARY. 253 propose to erect a new and more commodious Infirmary, to be devoted entirely to surgical purposes. The cost is estimated at £10,000, which it is intended to raise by canvassing the inhabitants, and opening subscription lists at the various banks, to be supplemented by a bazaar, intended to be held in 1875, and for which much preparation is being made at the time we write. After the death of the Rev. W. R. Hay, the Rev. Dr. Molesworth was appointed president, and he has held the office ever since with credit. The late George Howorth, of the Savings' Bank, was the first secretary; Joseph Wood, Esq., banker, next occupied this post; and Mr. Peter Lee, grocer, Yorkshire-street, filled the office of hon. secretary from 1866 to 1872, at which date he was succeeded by Mr. Councillor Ernest E. M. Royds, who, like his predecessor in office, is most zealous in the noble cause of providing for the sick and needy. The other officers who are carrying on this good work at present are, G. T. Kemp, Esq., J.P., vice-president; Albert Hudson Royds, Esq., J.P., treasurer. Com- mittee:— Messrs. John Ashworth, C. M. Royds, Wm. Shaw, Colonel Fishwick, George Mansell, Ralph Rob- inson, Thomas Schofield, Peter Lee, W. Woolley, R. S. Rowan, E. A. N. Royds, Joseph Handley. Medical Officers-Dr. March, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Bland, Mr. Charles Ogden. Resident Medical Officer :—Mr. Wm. M. Turner. We sincerely hope that the response of the public to the urgent appeal of the committee for funds, for the new erection, will be of the most liberal character; and that we shall soon have the happiness. of seeing such a building provided as will meet the necessities of this great parish of Rochdale. PACK-HORSES, THE WAGGON, STAGE COACH, AND RAILWAY. - lane sides. HE Rochdalians, in primitive days, laboured under many disadvantages in their rather uncouth system of travelling, as well as in the conveyance of goods. If an inhabitant had to travel a considerable distance, and was not the owner of a horse, he had either to resort to "shank's-pony," or mount one of a string of "gals," which were often in a poor and half-starved condition. They were generally led by one or two old stage horses accustomed to the road, and seldom attended by more than one driver. They travelled at the slow pace and of about two miles an hour in a long, straggling, broken string, and browsed on the fells, moorlands, and The leading horse carried a bell or pair of bells suspended to his head gear, and the tinkling of these bells guided the "gals" in the dark, or in the turnings of narrow lanes, and warned passengers of their approach. They were occasionally seen quenching their thirst in the midst of a mountain stream in the heat of a sultry noon, and taking a temporary under the branches of wide-spreading trees; and in winter facing the driving rain and wind, the biting frosts, and the puzzling mists, over hills and mountains. On these long journeys they were seldom met by any pedestrians except rustics, who resided in the immediate neighbourhood, such as a shepherd farmer, a rude quarryman, or collier, cattle jobber, or the vagabond on tramp with his starving wife and children, eagerly shelter PACK-HORSES. 255 devouring crusts of bread which charity had afforded them. The transit of goods and the conveyance of passengers by pack-horses, are remembered by some of the oldest inhabitants of Rochdale; and it is well known that hand-loom weavers were often under the necesssity of carrying their pieces to Manchester on their backs, and amongst the number, the late Mr. Holt, of Chamber House, who, when a young man, experienced such days of real hard labour, but by his industry he amassed a large fortune, and, in advanced life, was often seen riding through the town with the air of a fine old English gentleman. It was a custom in the surrounding country, especially in the neighbourhood of Saddleworth, for those on matrimonial pleasures bent to be married at the Rochdale Parish Church. As many as twenty or thirty couples, on horseback, used to accompany the bridegroom. The "happy pair" headed the procession, the lady sitting on a cushion behind her lover on the best horse that could be obtained for the occasion. These "wedding marches" always created a large amount of interest, and met with pleasant recognition and hearty congratulation as they passed along the road to the church where the twain were to be made one flesh. From the fact of these swains seeking matrimony, it would appear they must have discovered that it was "not good for man to be alone." Solitude is all very well in its way, but some of these dwellers in remote regions would appear to have shared the opinion of the poet who expressed his experience of a solitary life after this fashion: "How sweet, how passing sweet, is solitude! But grant me still a friend in my retreat, Whom I may whisper solitude is sweet." 256 THE WAGGONS. With the improvements of the roads, waggons made. their appearance about the year 1775, and were used as public conveyances between distant places, but they travelled at a miserably slow pace, and their passengers, in addition to being thus carried, received a good shaking free of any extra charge. A few post-chaises were provided for the use of the upper class. Some of the wholesale houses in Rochdale employed farmers' carts to carry goods from the Calder over Blackstone Edge that came from London via Hull. Travelling by the old lumbering waggons was by no means pleasant, as they were not provided with springs, and "Jolt, jolt, all the way, served to make more sad the day." 66 THE STAGE COACH. Long time elapsed or e'er our rugged sires Complained, though incommodiously pent in, And ill at ease behind. Ingenious fancy, never better pleased Than when employed to accommodate the fair," devised the stage-coach, about ninety years ago, which superseded the jolting waggon, and it was certainly a great improvement upon the pre- vious modes of travelling. The coaches used to start from the Butts to Manchester twice a-week, and at first the mail-coach was the only one that travelled into Yorkshire. It was named the "High Flyer," driven by Robin Grey in 1790, but very soon private enterprise also entered upon that route, and two coaches ran from Rochdale to Leeds over Blackstone Edge. It may appear somewhat THE RAILWAY. 257 marvellous, in the eyes of this generation, that the meagre communication between the West Riding and Lancashire should have given rise at times to a fierce competition. The most famous of the opposition coaches was the "Duke of Leeds," which was brought out against the “Defiance.” For the first weeks of its running it exhibited a brush to signify that it would sweep the "Defiance" off the road. The route of the day mail was over Blackstone Edge, and the night mail Rochdale became the through the vale of Todmorden. dividing station to Yorkshire, and the coaches increased to six, and four local coaches to Manchester. The fare to Manchester was 1s. 6d. outside and 2s. 6d. in; but the charge of the mail-coach was 4s. inside and 2s. out. Next a coach named the "Neptune" travelled from Rochdale to Liverpool, through Bolton and Wigan, and before the railway was established it was found neces- sary to add another. It was customary for intending travellers to book a week before the appointed day, if they wished to secure seats to Yorkshire, and two days before their journey to Manchester. THE RAILWAY. The giant power of steam being at length discovered, it was soon employed to "drive the rapid car." In 1837 a company was formed to make a railway between Leeds and Manchester, which is now known as the "Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway." At that period railways were regarded as a nuisance if the lines ran through towns, and this feeling was so strong that not only public authorities but private individuals opposed the making of railways in close proximity to 258 THE RAILWAY. towns. At one time a line was surveyed, and it was intended that it should run on the south side of Roch- dale and go through Lowerplace, that being the nearest point to the town, but the owners of property in that neighbourhood sternly opposed the scheme. A little light kept gleaming into the minds of the pro- jectors and the public, and at last it was thought desirable that the railway should run as close to the town as possible, and the present line was made. The building off Milnrow-road which has a horse-shoe shaped yard before it, and close under part of the present station, on the left hand side, was the first railway station erected in Rochdale. Additions were made to it piece-meal until it has assumed a fair length, but it is by no means a convenient or handsome structure. The line was opened in 1838 as far as Littleborough, and the carriages consisted of first, second, and third classes, but the latter were not provided with seats, and were called "stand-ups" on account of the occupants being compelled to stand. The fares were fixed after the standard of the Yorkshire coaches, namely, 4s. first class to Manchester, 2s. 6d. second class, and 1s. 6d. third class. The public resisted these charges, as some other coaches which travelled between Rochdale and Manchester ran at lower rates, and for some time the local coaches ran in opposition to the railway. All classes opposed the high rates and determined to travel only by the "stand-ups," and to the honour of the rich they and the poor flocked together in these trucks only suitable for cattle, for the sole purpose of lowering the fares. At last Parliament interfered with all the rail- ways, and compelled the companies to provide covered 259 THE RAILWAY. carriages with seats, and the third class at a fixed rate. It may be interesting to state that the number of passengers in the month of May, 1840, was 12,063, the total receipts amounting to £554 11s. For parcels, &c., The the amount paid did not exceed £41 19s. 7d. passengers in the month of May, 1874, numbered 92,390, and the receipts were £4,377 12s. 1d. Now no less than 186 trains pass through the Rochdale station in a day. A new line has been opened to Oldham, and is a a great convenience to the inhabitants of Milnrow, Newhey, and Shaw. In 1867 a single line was opened to Facit, and not before it was much needed. At the present time there are great complaints that this line does not extend to Bacup and Burnley, and there is an agitation for a new line from Colne, through Burnley, Bacup, and Rochdale, to Manchester. Mr. Cross is the station master at Rochdale, Mr. C. Marsh and Mr. John Wrigley, inspectors; Mr. David Buff, main line in- spector; Mr. Busby, goods agent, and Mr. Joseph Wild, goods inspector. THE CANAL. CENTURY and a half ago merchandise had to be conveyed over Blackstone Edge and other approaches to the town by gangs of pack- horses, and at that time it was difficult for carriages to travel by the road over the hill into Yorkshire. In 1765 a worthy magistrate, of Belfield, Mr. Richard Townley, was impressed with the great disadvantages which the merchants and manu- facturers of Rochdale laboured under, through being compelled to use land-carriage, and he employed an engineer of fame, Mr. Brindley, who was in the service of the Duke of Bridgewater, together with his steward, Mr. Whitaker, to survey and make a plan of the best line of canal to Rochdale. After many years of agita- tion, an Act of Parliament was passed on the 4th of April, 1794, empowering the making of a canal, and on the 21st of December, 1804, it was opened with a pleasing ceremony. Two elegant yachts, containing the committee of the Canal Company, and other pro- prietors, proceeded by ice boats from Rochdale to Manchester, a distance of upwards of twelve miles. At Failsworth, about four miles from Manchester, a band of music belonging to the first battalion of the Manchester and Salford Independent Volunteers, en- tered the leading yacht, and played popular airs. On approaching Manchester the banks of the canal were THE CANAL. 261 lined on both sides with many thousand people, and the roofs of factories, houses, balconies, and all the elevated situations were crowded, and the church bells rang out merry peals, and the multitude welcomed the approach with reiterated cheers. This canal commences in the Calder Navigation at Sowerby Bridge Wharf, and runs westward up the vale of Calder, close to that river and turnpike road, passing in its course Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, and Todmorden; and bending south- wards, it proceeds past Gauxholme to the Summit, the ascent having been from the feeders of the Humber, and the descent is now to the Mersey level, passing Littleborough, to what is locally known as "Lock Bridge," whence a branch to the Central Basin, Vicar's Moss, Rochdale, between Oldham-road and Drake-street. Here the extensive warehousing and. canal yard of the company are situate. The main line still pursuing a southerly direction, passes Bluepits, a short distance from which place there is a branch to Heywood, the canal continuing its course to Failsworth, whence it bends a little westward of south, passing Newton, Ancoats, to the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal, into which it locks at Castlefield, Manchester. Ashton- under-Lyne, and Oldham Canal, can be joined at the Piccadilly Wharf. According to the levels taken by Mr. Rennie, the engineer of this work, the rise from Sowerby to where he proposed the Summit level to commence, near Travis Mill, is 275 feet in a distance of about eleven miles and a quarter, and the fall from the Summit to the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal is 438 feet. The level of the Rochdale Canal Basin is 400 feet. This canal is one of the main links in the chain of inland (16 262 THE CANAL. navigation between the east and west seas, being made for vessels of such a size as enables them to navigate in the tideway, and to pass between Liverpool and Hull without the expense of re-shipping their cargoes, thus affording great advantages to the populous towns of Manchester, Rochdale, Halifax, Wakefield, and others, on the banks of the intermediate rivers. The canal cost about £471,950. W. Fenton, Esq., J.P., of Beau- monds, was the chairman for a great number of years, and C. M. Royds, Esq., is the present chairman; and we find the names of J. Butterworth, Esq., J.P.; James Brierley, Esq., J.P.; J. Nield, Esq., J.P.; Henry Newall, Esq., J.P.; E. A. N. Royds, Esq., J.P.; William Fenton, jun., Esq.; Joseph Fenton, Esq., J.P.; and other Rochdale gentlemen on the board of directors. THE RIVER ROACH AND ITS TRIBUTARIES. M ANY of the present inhabitants of Rochdale remember that this now polluted river, not thirty years ago, flowed through the town in a state of comparative purity, and "above the golden gravel" they have seen— "Here and there a lusty trout, And here and there a grayling." The minnow, the loach, and the eel were caught as late as the year 1835, and, no doubt, the eel much later; but the nauseous matter now poured into the river from manufactories and sewers has made it a nuisance. It is true that in the year 1869 the Royal Commissioners enquired into the cause of the pollution of rivers, and held a solemn investigation as to the state of the Roach, and hopes were entertained of a speedy remedy; and if their report had been adopted, and the means recom- mended carried out, carried out, the nuisance would have been abated, but it still exists. The Roach rises on the north-westerly side of Blackstone Edge in 50 degrees, 40 minutes, 25 seconds north lati- tude, and 2 degrees, 3 minutes, 7 seconds west longitude; and as it proceeds receives the Castle Clough Brook, the Town House Brook, near Town House; the Featherstall Brook, near Stubley Hall; the Ash Brook, near to Holme Mill; the river Beal, at Belfield; and at a 264 THE RIVER ROACH. 1 place familiarly known as the "Meetings," the Hey- brook; thence it flows in a serpentine manner through the centre of Rochdale. At the Holme, near to Mitchell Hey Mills, the Spodden enters the Roach. This tribu- tary rises near High House, in the township of Spotland, and passes through Shawforth, Tongend, Hall Fold, and Healey, dividing the hamlets of Catley Lane and Falinge. The valley of the Spodden has been, and at some points still is, most picturesque; and near to Healey Hall, the residence of Robert Tweedale, Esq., the scenery is very beautiful. The Thrutch," a narrow gorge, is an interesting feature, and was still more so before the great flood of July 4th, 1838, which destroyed what was known as the "Fairy Chapel," a cavern in the rock, which had a pulpit, reading desk, and seats, formed out of the rock by the action of the water. This flood rose to the height of 15 feet at Spot- land Bridge, which it washed away, as well as other bridges. The fall of rain and ice was chiefly on Rooley Moor, where, on the following day, pieces were found weighing as much as twelve ounces. The storm was one of the most violent ever known in this neighbour- hood, and its ravages were excessive in the Spodden valley, the works at Broadley, Healey Hall, Foot Mill, and Mr. John Whitaker's dye works, at Spotland Bridge, being almost demolished. The hail storm passed over the southerly side of Rochdale, breaking all the skylights of the houses, and windows in its course, and also some weaving sheds, and particularly at Mr. King's factory, at Moss Mill, where it was popularly said to have broken 1,000 panes. At Gibson Row the cradles containing the children were swimming about in THE RIVER ROACH. 265 the houses. At the top of Toad Lane, at Water House, the residence of a Mr. Henry, the flood was so sudden that the clothes which were drying before the fire were washed out of the house. In the Old Market Place the water was one yard deep in five minutes, but the Roach was scarcely affected by the rainfall. Referring to the Spodden, Drayton writes:- "First Roach, a dainty rill, from Rochdale, her dear dame, Who, honoured with the half of her stern mother's name, Grew proud, yet glad herself into my banks to get, Which Spodden from her springs, a pretty rivulet, As her attendant brings." The Red Brook, which flows through Coptrod Estate, the residence of Mr. Mellor, is the next tributary on the north, and on the south the Sudden Brook is the last tributary of the Roach, within the boundary of the borough. About a mile and three-quarters further down, at Hooley Clough, the Naden water enters the Roach whence it flows along to Bury, and dis- charges itself into the Irwell, at Radcliffe, having had a flow in a direct line of thirteen miles, and in its meandering a flow of eighteen miles. The Roach is characteristically little more than a mountain stream, and were it not for the reservoirs at its sources would be frequently nearly dry; but Parliament has granted powers to the Rochdale Canal Company, the Rochdale Water Works Company, and the Oldham Corporation to impound its waters. Parliament has required that a given quantity of water be sent down the stream in the twelve working hours. The river is subject to sudden floods; the highest in the Roach being in 1798, and known as the "Rushbearing Flood," when it rose to the 18 266 THE RAINFALL. height of 10 feet 8 inches above its usual level; another great flood was that known as the Holmfirth Flood; and another, in 1866, when the height was 7 feet 2 inches. The river now receives some attention from the Health Committee of the Corporation, and we may hope that in another edition of this work we may have to record that it has ceased to be a sewage and has become a trout stream. THE RAINFALL. The proximity of the town to the range of hills known as the Back-bone of England, which divides Lancashire from Yorkshire, and to the hills bordering on the Forest of Rossendale, makes the drainage to be rapid, and this is compensated by a very large rainfall. Unfortu- nately there is not an official observatory, and we are, therefore, not able to give a statement on official authority; but, it so happens, there have been private observers, and from this source we learn that for the last eleven years the rainfall has averaged 38 inches, which has fallen in 191 days. For nine years of this period the statement is as follows:- Year. Rain in inches. Wet Days. 1866 47.2 190 1867 41.0 222 1868 33.6 198 1869 44.0 206 1870 35.3 165 1871 30.0 197 1872 45.1 254 1873 32.4 215 1874 38.4 206 HEALTH OF THE TOWN. 267 These figures are reduced from the publication of Mr. T. H. Hayle's observations in the Rochdale Observer. Notes of the weather had been taken some thirty years ago by Mr. John Ecroyd, and from a lecture, published in 1848, on the sanitary condition of Rochdale, by Mr. Edward Taylor, we learn that the rainfall in 1847 was 44 inches, the wet days 136; and, in 1848, 58 inches, the wet days 159. In the two years the highest state of the thermometer was 82, and the lowest 12 in 1846-7; and the highest 81 and lowest 12 in 1847-8, the average highest being 62, and lowest 27 in 1846-7; and in 1847-8, 65 and 30, so that the mean difference was 35 for both years, which showed favourably for the climate of Rochdale, for in a comparison with London and Durham the mean difference is 1 degrees in favour of Rochdale. The rainfall on the surrounding hills is said to average 42 inches. HEALTH OF THE TOWN. We are aware how fallacious a statement may be as to the salubrity or healthiness of a locality, and how inclined all natives are to exalt their own neighbour- hood. To prevent such a fallacy and leaning, we give the Registrar General's returns for the last year ending September 30th, 1874:-Rochdale, 23 7; Stockport, 30.9; Wigan, 35.8; Bolton, 26.5; Bury, 22-6; Ashton, 30:6; Blackburn, 31.6; Preston, 38.4; Oldham, 27.6; Sal- ford, 28.5; and we also give the death rate of Rochdale for the last ten years, which will be found to compare well with other towns:-1865, 24.93; 1866, 3004; 1867, 22.96; 1868, 24.59; 1869, 29.48; 1870, 26-49; 1871, 23-76; 1872, 24-87; 1873, 21-11; 1874, 20-83. EQUITABLE PIONEERS' SOCIETY, LIMITED. "For we doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widen'd with the process of the suns." HIS HIS society was established in 1844 by a few The immediate cause of poor working men. its formation was the unsatisfactory result of a strike of the woollen weavers, in consequence of some dispute between them and their employers. A more remote cause was that some of the men, who were leaders, had imbibed certain notions respecting co-operative effort which led them to hope for happier days for themselves and families if these notions could assume practical shape. Efforts of co- operative trading had been attempted years before, but the idea of equality had been too prominent. Every member had equal shares and equal profit, and no premium of any kind was offered to members for bringing in business or capital. The result was that the shares were in most cases purchased by enterprising members, and the business continued for their individual benefit. These early pioneers considered that by carry- ing out a principle of equity, as opposed to equality, success would be more likely to be attained; and they THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. 269 agreed that the net profits, after paying expenses, and interest on capital, at £5 per cent. per annum, should be divided amongst the members in proportion to the purchases each had made during the period in which the profit arose. They also carried out another idea which has materially helped to secure success. Knowing that the bulk of the labouring population were weighed down by debt in consequence of the great facility offered by the credit system, it was resolved that all business should be transacted for ready money only. Their plans being matured, the promoters took the shop in Toad Lane, which is now occupied by the tailoring department, and let off a portion. Having secured twenty-eight members, who had managed to- subscribe amongst them as many pounds, they com- menced business in the grocery and provision line, on December 21st, 1844, the shop, at first, being open in the evening only. The members were their own shop- men, each assisting as he could until constant hands were rendered necessary, and the shop kept open daily. In this manner was planted the little seed of co-opera- tion which has become such a mighty tree. The members and business of the society increased, more premises were required, and butchering, drapery, and tailoring were added, until, in 1856, it was found necessary to open a branch in Oldham-road. A second was provided by purchasing the business of another society in School-lane. Whitworth-road and Pinfold branches rapidly followed, and, at intervals, others have been added in and near the town, till the number now amounts to fifteen. The best idea of the society's pro- gress can be obtained by a perusal of the table published 270 THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. $ in the society's almanack for each year. The last table we re-print :- Year. Members. Funds. Business. Profits. £ £ £ 1844 28 28 1845 74 181 710 22 1846 80 252 1146 80 1847 110 286 1924 72 1848 149 397 2276 117 1849 390 1193 6611 561 1850 600 2289 13179 880 1851 630 2785 17633 990 1852 680 3471 16352 1206 1853 720 5848 22700 1674 1854 900 7172 33364 1763 1855 1400 11032 44902 3109 1856 1600 12920 63197 3921 1857 1850 15142 76789 5470 1858 1950 18160 74680 6284 1859 2703 27060 104012 10739 1860 3450 37710 152063 15906 1861 3900 42925 176206 18020 1862 3501 38465 141074 17564 1863 4013 49361 158632 19671 1864 4747 62105 174937 22717 1865 5326 78778 196234 25156 1866 6246 99989 249122 31931 1867 6823 128435 284910 41619 1868 6731 123233 290900 37459 1869 5809 93423 236438 28542 1870 5560 80291 223021 25209 1871 6021 107500 246522 29026 1872 6444 132912 267577 33640 1873 7021 160886 287212 38749 1874 7639 192814 298888 40679 1875 8415 225682 305657 48212 Our notice would be incomplete if the great and successful educational efforts of the society were not mentioned. Very early in its history a fortieth part of the profits was applied in providing a news-room and library for members and their families. The fund is THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. 271 managed by a separate committee. Notwithstanding that for many years the educational department was really illegal, it was continued until sanctioned by law, and it has now assumed somewhat colossal dimensions. The money spent on news-rooms (of which there are thirteen branches), libraries, lectures, classes, and other educational agencies, has, for many years past, amounted to upwards of £1,000 per annum. The society has seldom placed itself in antagonism to other tradesmen. It has won its way slowly but surely until it has become of world-wide celebrity, and it cannot be doubted but that its success has inaugurated a new era for the labouring classes of this and other countries. The anticipations of its founders are not all realised, but the hitherto attained success has no parallel in the history of industrial effort. Its capital is now nearly £200,000. It is dividing interest and profit at the rate of £40,000 per annum, and gives encouragement and assistance to the social, economical, and educational improvement of its members, and affords a model for hundreds of similar societies throughout the civilized world. The educational department has 10,504 volumes in the circulating and reference libraries; 9,807 are in the lending library, and have an annual circulation of 30,000. There is, in connection with the library, an excepted class which contains local newspapers and literature, and rare and valuable works, such as "Simpson's War in the East," "Hogarth's Works," "Whitaker's History of Whalley," "The Herbarium" of the late James Molineux, of Rochdale; a complete copy of the Rochdale Recorder, 272 THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. 1827-8; Rochdale Standard, complete, 1856-7; Rochdale Observer, complete, except four numbers; Rochdale Times, complete, etc. These works are not allowed to circulate, but can be consulted at the library. The central premises, in Toad-lane, at the corner of St. Mary's. Gate, are imposing and handsome in appearance, and substantial in structure. They can be prominently seen from most parts of the town, and consist of three shops upon the ground floor, with store rooms beneath. The second storey is fitted up as a show room for drapery, a store room for grocery, and with commodious offices. The third storey contains the library, which has an area of 150 square yards; a well- lighted news room (area 150 square yards); and two committee rooms. The fourth storey is used for meet- ings and lectures, and is capable of seating 1,500 persons. Mr. Councillor James Cheetham was the architect of this fine edifice, which reflects credit upon him, and it is a very important addition to the useful and ornamental buildings of the town, and one of which the inhabitants may well feel proud. See what results from smallest actions flow; See how united efforts daily grow; See how the seed has multiplied and spread Unnumbered blessings on the poor man's head. Union is strength, and they who once were small Have grown like giants and are stout and tall! Then honour those by whom these things were planned, Whose genius spread itself from land to land. They saw with eye, keen as the eagle's glance, How constant effort would man's good enhance; Nor gave up hope though things were sometimes dark, And though the fire gave sometimes but a spark. Hope on! their motto was; the day must dawn, THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. 273 They knew, when man to man would close be drawn. Each hour beheld the prospect grow more bright, And hearts once sad were filled with new delight; For, from on high, a blessing seemed to fall On those held long by care and want in thrall. How kind, beneficent, and wise has been The work thus done, and how sublime the scene Which now appears before the astonished eye, Proof of how much results from industry! Material blessings crowd on every hand, And inward blessings which all understand. Still may the work go on till o'er the world Co-operation's banner stands unfurled ; And till mankind may everywhere behold A sight more grand than vast upheaped gold. The work must spread-time can but help it on, But let us not forget the friends who're gone; Theirs was the scheme-the vast design was theirs ; They knew the toil, and they long felt its cares; They saw the triumph, and they sank to rest Well pleased, and why? they knew that men were blest! THE THEATRES. "The players they are the abstract and brief chronicle of the time: after your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while you live.” SHE inhabitants of Rochdale were accustomed to be entertained with theatrical performances as early as the year 1766, and they seem to have thoroughly appreciated them. No doubt these performances had an educating and beneficial effect upon the people, as well as being a means of recreation and amusement. "The drama," Bacon de- clares, "is as history brought before the eyes. It presents the images of things as if they were present, while history treats of them as things past." At the same time, theatrical performances may have a perni- cious effect by a misapplication of the moral. As history brings before our mind's eye characters of various kinds, so, also, does the drama; and if individuals among the audiences at theatres prefer to imitate the vices rather than the virtues of the dramatis persona, the actor is no more to be blamed than is the graphic historian or the brilliant novelist; and to be consistent in the indiscriminate condemnation of theatrical per- formances, it becomes almost necessary that the reading of history, and of the works of Shakespeare, Dickens, Thackeray, and other writers of the same class should THE THEATRES. 275 also be condemned and forbidden; for in the works of these eminent authors, we find not only examples of virtue and goodness, but also of vice and moral de- formity in their most hateful form. Misery and vice abound in the world, and the works of the dramatist and the novelist do but put these things before the spectator and the reader in a vivid shape, not from any wrong or improper motive, but to illustrate human life and conduct, as well as to "point a moral and adorn a tale." But while we make these remarks on theatrical representations in general, it is to be understood that we rigidly condemn and view with the utmost abhor- rence everything of a lewd, indecent, or improper character, for we consider that the true end of the drama is "to hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure.' Any gross pandering to the evil passions of the people cannot be too strongly deprecated, and he is an enemy to his species who seeks by the aid of the theatre to disseminate and portray sentiments and characters which tend to vitiate, or warp the moral sense of the people. It is then that the theatre becomes a plague- spot, and a hideous pest-house. After the Wesleyans gave up the warehouse at Waterside, near the river, on which site a part of the Town Hall now stands, which was used as a preaching room in 1760, it was leased as a theatre. This place would accommodate about 600 people. A Mr. Howard was the lessee for a number of years, and the perfor- mances were largely attended, not only by the inhabi- tants, but also by persons residing in the country for 276 THE THEATRES. Most miles round. After the Wesleyan body had left their chapel in Toad Lane, which stood on the present site of the central stores, the society established by the late Countess of Huntington occupied it about the year 1790, for a short time, and then it became a theatre. The first lessee was Mr. Howard, next Mr Corbett Cook, then Mr. Edmund Falconer, and Mr. James Rodgers, the present owner and manager of the Prince of Wales at Birmingham, was the lessee for five seasons. of the "star" actors of those days played at these two theatres, and amongst them the Kembles, Young, Liston, Miss Foote, Miss Farren (who afterwards became the Countess of Derby, and whose husband was great- grandfather of the present Earl), Grimaldi, Mrs. Jordan, G. V. Brooke, Barry Sullivan, Vandenhoff, and his daughter and son Henry, W. Ellerton Rickards, John Sloane, Mrs. Weston, and George Preston. As many as twenty carriages have been seen in Toad Lane waiting to convey the gentry home from the theatre after the performances. Those were the palmy days of the drama in Rochdale, and old play goers used to refer with great pride to those times and to the fact that the above- named celebrities had "fretted" their hour on the stage in Rochdale. George Vandenhoff, in his "Dramatic Reminiscences," relates an amusing practical joke which was once played upon a tragedian by a comedian in the Rochdale theatre in Toad Lane. Dick Hoskins, was the low comedian referred to and "when he came in contact with a tragedian for whose talents he entertained a contempt, or whose person or manners displeased him, woe to the unhappy subject of his fun! All his tragedy was turned into farce, when Dick was in the THE THEATRES. 277 humorous vein. Thus, he played the Grave-digger, one night at the Rochdale Theatre, to the Hamlet of a Mr. a most solemn and mysterious tragedian of the cloak-and-dagger school. This gentleman's tragedy was in Dick's eyes much more intensely comic than his own broadest strokes of farce; accordingly, Dick held no terms with it, and showed the unfortunate object of his merriment no quarter on the stage. When, there- fore, Hamlet approached the grave to hold his dialogue with Dick in it, the latter began his antics, and extem- porised all sorts of absurd interpolations in the text- which he spoke in his own broad Lancashire dialect. There was not a great house, and Dick allowed himself full license. Mr. C scowled fearfully; but Dick was unabashed. At length he put a climax on his audacity, that 'topp'd the infinite of insult.' "The theatre was built on the site of an old dissenting chapel, which had formerly stood there, in which a preacher named Banks had held forth, and in the small graveyard attached to which the Doctor-for he was popularly dubbed Doctor Banks-had been buried some twenty years ago; and his name was familiar yet. So, after answering Hamlet's question- "How long will a man lie in the earth ere he rot?' "Dick proceeded in due course to illustrate his answer by Yorick's skull; and taking it up, he said, in the words of the text- "Now here's a skull that hath lain you in the earth three-and-twenty years. Whose do you think it was ?' "Nay, I know not,' replied Hamlet, in his sepul- chral, tragedy-tone. 278 THE THEATRES. "This skull, sir,' said Dick, pursuing the text thus far, and then making a sudden and most unlooked for alteration- "This was Doctor Banks's skull!" "And the word skull he pronounced like bull. "Of course the house was in an uproar of laughter and confusion. The victimised tragedian stamped and fumed about the stage, as well he might, exclaiming, Yorick's, sir, Yorick's!" 'No,' said Dick, coolly, when the tumult had subsided, taking up another skull, and resuming the text- “‹ This is Yorick's skull, the king's jester; but (going off again) t'other's Doctor Banks's, as I told you.' This was too much; this was the last straw on the tragedian's back! He jumped into the grave, seized the (very) low-comedian by the throat, and a most fearful contest, never before-or since, I hope-intro- duced into the play, ensued, in which Dick held his own bravely, and succeeded at length in overpowering, in a double sense, the worsted tragedian, whom he held down in the grave with one hand, while he flourished 'Doctor Banks's skull' in triumph above his head! "The curtain was dropped, amidst roars and shrieks of laughter, in which king, queen, monk, and courtiers, who, in the vain hope of arresting the row, had been sent on with Ophelia's empty coffin, were compelled to join, forming a tableau, which finished the play for that night." In 1865 the "Theatre Royal" in Toad Lane was pulled down, and the present central co-operative stores were built on part of the site. Mr. Pickles, an itinerant theatrical manager, erected a commodious wooden THE THEATRES. 279 building in Newgate, and here, for several years, the public were nightly entertained with dramatic per- formances. A limited liability company was next formed to build a theatre off Manchester-road, near Holland-street, in £1 shares, and 6,000 shares were taken up. In Novem- ber, 1867, the building was completed at a cost of £9,000, and was named "The Prince of Wales Theatre.' It is built of brick, and its outside appearance is heavy and inelegant; but the internal arrangements are excellent and comfortable, and the coup d'œil is certainly extremely pretty. The model is very much like the “Prince's Theatre," Manchester, but this may be ac- counted for by the fact that Mr. Edward Salomons was the architect for both theatres. Ascending the principal stair-case we pass through folding doors into the fozer, behind the dress circle, a roomy lounge, with an open fire-place, and with ladies' retiring room, and all neces- sary conveniences. There are no boxes provided on the dress circle tier, so that the whole space commands an uninterrupted view of the stage. The only boxes erected are on the pit level. The gallery is very spacious, and the front of it recedes a little behind that of the dress circle, so as to reduce the shadows which generally fall so strongly under the ceilings. The lighting is effected by means of a powerful sun-burner in the centre of the ceiling, above which is a ventilating shaft carried high above the roof. In the ceiling of the pit and dress circle extracting flues are provided communicating by means of trunks with the main shaft, where, of course, there is an immense accelerating power provided drawing off the vitiated air. The box 280 THE THEATRES. fronts and proscenium are decorated in carton-piene enrichment, well moulded, and with a very effective composition of resaissance forms in relief, harmoniously arranged. There is a general inclination of the level of the dress circle down towards the proscenium, which prevents those in the back seats from being incommoded by those sitting in the front. The opening of the pro- scenium is 25 feet. The stage measures in width 55 feet 6 inches, and in length from the curtain line to the back wall 47 feet, the stage having a projection into the auditorium of 6 feet. The front of the dress circle is about 35 feet from the curtain line, and the height from the ceiling to the pit floor is 36 feet. The pit will ac- commodate 700 persons; dress circle and boxes, 230; gallery, 670; total 1,600. Owing to the building costing £9,000 the original shareholders had to borrow £4,000 from a club in the town to discharge the liabilities in the construction and fitting up of the theatre, and the result was that ulti- mately through the theatre not being the profitable speculation which many of the promoters and supporters of the undertaking fondly imagined it would be, pro- ceedings in chancery were taken for winding up the company, so that the club took possession, and the shareholders lost all the money they had invested, and the creditors of the company sustained considerable loss. This misfortune brought sorrow into many a family which had scraped money together in the hope of realising a good dividend by investing in the company's shares. "As ships that sailed for sunny isles, But never came to shore," so, unfortunately, it has been with the shareholders THE THEATRES. 281 and the money which they in a foolish hour risked in a speculation which at one time promised to be highly advantageous. Loud and bitter were the lamentations and denunciations when the crash came, and angry complaints of recklessness and mismanagement were hurled at the devoted heads of the directors, and it will be long, indeed, before the unhappy and disastrous business will be buried in oblivion. The practice of "hat-dropping" at the theatre, from the gallery into the pit, which one so frequently witnesses, recalls to mind the following lines from the "Rejected Addresses." "Pat Jennings in the upper gallery sat; But, leaning forward, Jennings lost his hat;: Down from the gallery the beaver flew, And spurned the one, to settle in the two. How shall he act? Pay at the gallery door Two shillings for what cost when new but four ? Or till half-price, to save his shilling, wait, And gain his hat again at half-past eight? Now, while his fears anticipate a thief, John Mullins whispers, take my handkerchief. Thank you, cries Pat, but one won't make a line; Take mine, cried Wilson; and, cried Stokes, take mine. A motley cable soon Pat Jennings tied, Where Spitalfields with real India vies. Like Iris' bow, down darts the painted hue, Starred, striped, and spotted, yellow, red, and blue,, Old calico, torn silk, and muslin new. George Green below, with palpitating hand, Loops the last 'kerchief to the beaver's band ; Upsoars the prize; the youth, with joy unfeigned,, Regained the felt, and felt what he regained, While to the applauding galleries grateful Pat Made a low bow, and touched the ransomed hat." 1 19 1 ST. ALBAN'S NURSING INSTITUTION AND BOYS' SCHOOL. "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing; there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches." a HIS extensive, beautiful, and attractive pile of buildings has been erected principally for the use of the parish of St. Alban's, and at the sole expense of Mr. Jonathan Nield, of Dunster. It stands on a plot of land between Drake-street and the Public Park, and the school is completed and open. In the year 1858, a commodious girls' school and school-house were erected on the opposite side of Latin-street, in connection with St. Alban's Church, and the nursing institution and the boys' school, which we are about to describe, complete a range of handsome and useful buildings, of which the parish of St. Alban's, and the town of Rochdale, may well be proud. The building covers an area of 14,014 feet, and is built of Summit stone, in pure Gothic style. The ornamental tile-ridges, and fancy gutter and down pipes, enhance its appearance. The Drake- street frontage is 84 feet long, and the building runs back 182 feet. Entering the main porch from Drake- street brings the visitor into the hall. On the right hand side there is a well-lighted and ventilated room 283 ST. ALBAN'S NURSING INSTITUTION, ETC. 22 feet by 16 feet in size, which is intended for a library. It has a fine bay window, with panelled. ceiling, and the main front of the building is supported by a splendid granite column, with a carved cap. On the left of the hall is a lavatory, which is nicely fitted up. Beyond this he enters the lecture hall, intended for parochial meetings or lectures, and its area is 40 feet by 27 feet. It has a fine bay window 11 feet by 6 feet, and the dressings are in Bath stone. The most attractive piece of workmanship in this hall is the massive stone chimney-piece, on which are sculptured wool sacks to represent the staple trade of the town. The next attractive feature is the arcade and gallery over the lavatory and entrance hall. The pillars are in terra-cotta, and the caps are in Bath stone. The gallery will be used as an orchestra. The lecture hall is wains- coted with pitch pine, and the roof is also of pitch pine, in the Gothic style. The whole building is heated with hot water on Bacon and Company's improved principle. Behind the lecture hall there is a coffee bar, 11 feet by 10 feet in size, for the supply of refresh- ments; and at the back of the library stands a kitchen, 14 feet square, over which is a sitting-room and bed-room for the use of the attendants of the establishment, with scullery and outbuildings. The space between this building and St. Alban's girls' school and school-house, is now named Latin-street, and leads from Drake-street into the Park. By the Latin-street door the visitor enters the boys' school-room, which is 64 feet long by 30 feet. It is lofty and well-lighted, having, besides six mullion windows on each side, two dormer windows above made to open for ventilation, as well as the “hit ? It is 284 ST. ALBAN'S NURSING INSTITUTION, ETC. and miss" gratings between each window. warmed by hot water, and has also open firegrates at each end. The walls are plastered in stucco, and are finished round to the height of five feet with Keen's cement, "Dado," which has a very hard surface and is as fine as marble. The roof is of pitch pine and sur- mounted by a small bell-turret. At one end of the school-room there is a class-room, 23 feet 6 inches by 17 feet. The desks, which have been made by Messrs. Sidebottom and Co., of Manchester, answer the three- fold purpose of desks, seats, and tables. The entrance to the nursing institution leads out of St. Alban's-street, and in the lobby there are two beautiful screens, in pitch pine, with ornamental glazing, by Pepper, of London. On the right is a room 14 feet by 10 feet, ornamented by two painted windows, by Bell, of London. There is a beautiful room 15 feet long and 11 feet wide, but its use has not yet been decided upon. The arched doorway is in Bath stone, beautifully carved. Adjoining this is a sitting-room. On the left of the entrance there is a small room, with painted glass windows, which will be used for a writing-room; and leading from that is the dining-room, 21 feet 6 inches by 14 feet wide. There are kitchen, scullery, laundry, and two bath-rooms, fitted up with the latest improve- ments. On the first floor there are six rooms for sitting-rooms and bed-rooms for the nurses, and four rooms set apart for reception of males and females who have met with accidents. The architect who designed this extensive building is Mr. Joseph Clarke, F.S.A., of Stratford Place, London; and Messrs. Neill and Sons, of Manchester, were the builders. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. LTHOUGH "the heavens above," which we have so few opportunities of seeing unobscured, are hardly so precisely mapped out as to give us a local astronomy, yet we must not omit a few words on “the earth beneath" in a district which, perhaps, owes its material progress to its mineral riches. Rochdale is almost embosomed in an amphitheatre of hills, connected with the Pennine chain which runs from the moorlands of Derbyshire and Staffordshire to the borders of Scotland, and, possibly, we owe some share of the undoubted healthiness of the town to the protection afforded by the elevations north and east of us, and the pure air which is wafted thence to us. The Lancashire and Cheshire coal field, which extends under the town, underlies the bulk of that portion of the county lying south and east of a line drawn from Colne to Liverpool, constituting an area of about 250 square miles, with a total average thickness of over 100 feet of coal beds. The series of strata being usually considered as divided into upper, middle, and lower, the latter or gannister beds only are worked in this neighbourhood. The production is not com- parable in quantity to the middle series of beds which prevail towards Wigan and other places, but that known as the Mountain Mine, the lowest except the Rock Mine, is of the very best quality. According to the geological 286 GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. - survey, a small out-lying portion of the middle strata containing the Arley Mine seam lies near to the south- eastern portion of the borough, and a small patch at Belfield. Again, our lower coal strata bring up the valuable beds of flagstone worked at Whitworth, Facit, etc., and which are distributed far and wide. The fine clay seams wrought near Littleborough and Dearnley are also associated with the same strata and give em- ployment in the manufacture of pipes, fire bricks, gas retorts, etc. Iron stone has also been found in small quantities; at Tunshill, Iron Works were formed some sixty years ago, but the iron had much sulphur combined with it, and at that time its separation was not so well understood. Common clay and sand are abundant, and the finer sand stone, suitable for building and paving, is quarried on the north-eastern side of the borough. It is a curious fact that the millstone grit crowning the heights of Blackstone Edge, “Robin Hood's Bed," as it is fancifully termed, is invariably found to underlie the coal beds. How then has it got to its present elevation in the world? Probably by the operation of two agencies upheaval from below, of which there are abundant evidences in the numerous faults in the carboniferous strata hereabouts, and denudation or wearing off afterwards by the long-continued action of frost, rain, etc. There is evidence that the coal fields of Lancashire and Yorkshire were at one time connected and continuous, and probably also the Welsh coal field, so that we may fairly assume the neighbouring hills to have been covered with hundreds of feet of coal bearing beds, and, if so, where are they now? Partly in the sand and gravel deposits which the retreating sea beach GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 287 "" has left behind, and partly buried beneath the waters of the Irish Sea and German Ocean. The same causes have operated to scoop out, as it were, the cloughs and ravines which bring their tribute of waters to the Roach, and are undoubtedly still doing the same work silently and slowly, but surely. At the foot of Sparrow Hill, within the Park railings, lies a huge boulder stone, which deserves a word here, and which, if there were "sermons in stones could, no doubt, tell a wonderful tale. A fragment burst by the frost from a glacier valley in the hills, it was probably carried away, em- bedded in an iceberg which wore and scarred its sides in an erratic voyage, and finally melted and deposited its burden in the depths of the ancient sea which then rolled its waves above our country. The character of the stone is of the same kind as now found on the Norwegian Coast, but boulders of all sizes and sorts are found over the whole district, brought as well from the Cumberland or Welsh range as from Norway. Within the bowels of the earth there lie Abundant treasures fit for man's supply; By patient labour they are brought to light, And torn from beds where long they'd slept in night. They yield us comfort, and without their aid Small were the progress which mankind had made. Coal, stone, and slate, clay, sand, and shale Assist us in our passage through this vale; And if deprived of these essential things, Where were the bliss of which the poet sings? Doomed to a state of hardship and despair, Man would be wretched-life too sad to bear. ROCHDALE UNION. P REVIOUSLY to 1837 paupers were relieved by the overseers. In January, of that year, an order of the Poor Law Commissioners, acting under the Poor Law Amendment Act, was issued, forming the Rochdale Union, comprising Blatchinworth and Calderbrook, Butterworth, Castleton, Spotland, Wardleworth, and Wuerdle and Wardle, and the following persons were elected guardians: Blatchinworth and Calderbrook: Hugh Race, James Hudson. Butterworth: William Meadowcroft, Alex- ander Richardson. Castleton: James Hoyle, Benjamin Heape, John Samuel Wood, John Howard. Spotland: Robert Kelsall, John Whitworth, John Holt, James Dearden, James Lord. Wardleworth: James Little- wood, John Petrie, Thomas Shaw. Wuerdle and Wardle: John Lord, William Barlow. The Ex-officio Guardians were :-The Rev. Robert William Hay, John Entwisle, Esq., M.P.; Clement Royds, Esq.; John Holland, Esq.; William Chadwick, Esq. The first meeting of the guardians was held on 15th February, 1837; and in July, 1845, the laws relating to the relief of the poor, under the Commissioners, were put in force, and the Rochdale Union was then divided into three districts for the purpose of relief, viz.: Spotland, consisting of the Township of Spotland; Wardleworth, consisting of Wardleworth, Wuerdle ROCHDALE UNION WORKHOUSE, DEARNLEY. N OP M • ROCHDALE UNION. 289 : and Wardle, and Blatchinworth and Calderbrook; Castleton, consisting of the Townships of Castleton and Butterworth. There were six medical officers' districts, viz. -Castleton, Butterworth, Spotland, Whitworth and Brandwood, Wardleworth, and Wuerdle and Blatchinworth. The workhouses were capable of accommodating the following inmates, viz. :-Holling- worth, 58; Calf Hey, 30; Marland, 50; Spotland, 100; and Wardleworth, 24. In 1865, Calf Hey and the old Marland workhouses were closed. The guardians, in the same year, erected a new workhouse, at Marland, capable of accommodating about 260 inmates (including sick cases), and about 40 children. In 1868 the subject of workhouse accommodation underwent full inquiry, and the guardians decided to erect one workhouse for the whole union, as it was considered that the classifica- tion requisite for the comfort of the inmates would be better secured, the whole official management con- centrated, and a great saving of cost effected. A site at Dearnley, containing twenty-four acres, was purchased for the sum of £2,500; and another adjacent plot, of about seven acres, was afterwards purchased. The Union Workhouse is now being erected from the design, and under the superintendence, of Mr. George Wood- house, of Bolton. The new buildings will afford accommodation as follows- First Erection. Inmates. When Extended. Inmates. Main Building 408 504 Imbecile Wards 128 152 Infirmary 62 80 Fever, &c., Hospital 34 46 632 782 290 ROCHDALE UNION. The contract for the erection of the first buildings is £41,312 2s. 9d.; the contractor is Mr. Bickerstaff, of Preston. It is expected that in the course of another year the buildings will be ready for use, and Rochdale will then possess a workhouse which will bear favourable comparison with any in the kingdom. When the union was formed, in 1837, the rateable value was £134,440; in 1874, it was £409,398. Mr. William Roberts, solicitor, was the first clerk; but on his receiving the appointment of Poor Law Auditor, in 1858, his partner, Mr. Holgate, became, and has since continued, clerk. Elected guardians for the year ending April, 1875. Chairman, Fletcher Bolton; Vice-Chairmen, James. Whitworth, Abraham Hill. Blatchinworth and Cal- derbrook: John Tetlow, Charles Rigg. Butterworth : William Clegg, James Whitworth, Edmund Milne. Castleton Fletcher Bolton, James Sharrocks, Samuel Lord, John Parker, Thomas Holt. Spotland: William Barrowclough, Jas. Grandidge, John Scowcroft, James H. Scholfield, James Lord, John Butterworth, Abraham Hill. Wardleworth: Thomas Schofield, William Brocklehurst, James Maden, George Handley. Wuerdle and Wardle: John Heap, Edmund Leach, senior. # REMARKABLE CRIMES. "Foul deeds will rise Though all the earth o'erwhelms them to men's eyes; For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak With most miraculous organ." R OCHDALE, fortunately, has not been the scene of much bloodshed, but some few atrocities of this nature which have occurred possess re- markable features, and strengthen the impres- sion that the crimes that have been committed do not hide themselves, and that neither "cell, nor chain, nor dungeon, speaks to the murderer like the voice of solitude." An outline of the most startling of these deplorable occurrences we subjoin. THE HALF-MOON INN MURDER Heads the list of notorious crimes in this locality within the past twenty years. The details of this tragedy may be briefly narrated. On Saturday evening, 21st July, 1855, a man took lodgings for the night at the above- named public-house. He had with him a woman, whom he represented to be his wife, but they were both unknown to the innkeeper. The man was Jonathan Heywood, a foundry labourer, and the woman was Margaret Jones, a widow, with whom Heywood had been cohabiting. The two retired to a bedroom pro- vided for them, and no disturbance was heard by the 292 REMARKABLE CRIMES. inmates in the course of the night. As the man and woman did not come down stairs the following morning, the bedroom was entered, and a horrible sight presented itself. The woman had been brutally murdered, and the man had escaped, probably at daybreak. A reward was offered for the apprehension of the murderer, and a man was apprehended as having been last seen in the deceased's company, and strong evidence was given against him It, however, proved to be a case of mistaken identity, and the man was released after being in custody about a fortnight. It appears that soon after the murder, Heywood went to his sister's house and asked her to wash his clothes which were besmeared with blood, and on her refusal he attempted to remove the stains himself. He then obtained work at Bamford as a farm labourer, and it was there that a clue was obtained to the real criminal. Whilst his fellow-work- men were discussing the all-absorbing topic, he seemed much disturbed, and the fact of his being conversant with the whole of the details aroused suspicion, and he was brought before the magistrates and committed for trial. He was executed at Kirkdale shortly afterwards. THE HOLLINGWORTH MURDER Occurred on the lith June, 1865. The murderer was James Kelly, a musician, who lived at Three Lane Ends, in a house now occupied as part of the Royal Oak Inn, in the lane leading from Smithy Bridge to Hollingworth Lake. He was of very intemperate habits, and occa- sionally conducted himself strangely, but was reputed to be generally sane, and he lived upon excellent terms with his wife. On the day named he suddenly attacked REMARKABLE CRIMES. 293 his wife whilst alone in the house with her, and cut her throat, the head being almost severed from the body. He was observed by a neighbour to wash his hands at a well across the road, and on the house being entered the woman was found dead in a large pool of blood. Kelly was apprehended, and it being proved on his trial that he was of unsound mind, he was ordered to be confined during her Majesty's pleasure. THE SLATTOCKS MURDER (21st August, 1866) was one of the most cold-blooded and horrible occurrences in the annals of crime. An Irish labourer, named John Brennan, a peaceable, well- disposed person, was employed by an innkeeper and farmer named Burrows, whose son, James, having demanded money from Brennan, was refused, where- the miscreant struck deceased a fatal blow on the head with a crowbar. Burrows was apprehended, and the crowbar was found secreted in the wall of one of the farm buildings. He was executed at the New Bailey, Salford. upon THE MURDER OF THE REV. A. J. PLOW AND JANE SMITH. On the 2nd March, 1868, there occurred, at Tod- morden, a most atrocious crime, viz.:-A young man, named Miles Weatherhill, had become acquainted with a servant girl, about sixteen years of age, at the Todmorden Vicarage. The Rev. A. J. Plow, the vicar (formerly eurate at St. James's, Rochdale), objected to the atten- tions of Weatherhill towards the girl, on account of her youth, and forbade his visiting her at the house. 294 REMARKABLE CRIMES. Having ascertained from another servant named Smith that Weatherhill had visited the girl whilst the vicar was at church, Mr. Plow sent her home to her parents. In consequence of this procedure, Weatherhill conceived and deliberately carried out a terrible revenge upon the vicar and other inmates of the vicarage. Arming him- self with pistols and a hatchet, he proceeded to the vicarage and there inflicted dreadful injuries upon Mr. Plow, and shot the servant Smith dead. The murderer then deliberately re-loaded his pistol, and pro- ceeding upstairs to Mrs. Plow's bedroom, he fired at her as she lay in bed. He had also taken upstairs the kitchen poker, and as the shot did not take effect, he struck Mrs. Plow upon the head and face with the poker, fracturing her nose and inflicting other severe injuries. Her death occurred in about twelve months after, and no doubt resulted from the violence and its attendant circumstances. Mr. Plow survived his in- juries only a few days, and died on the 12th March, 1868. Weatherhill was tried at the Manchester Assizes, and, being found guilty of both murders, was executed a few weeks later in front of the Salford New Bailey. THE BURNEDGE TRAGEDY. Ezra Whiteoak, an industrious, sober, and quiet man, who originally came from Craven, in Yorkshire, married a respectable young woman from Buersil Head, and in August, 1868, they kept a small farm at Calf Hole, a place about three-quarters of a mile from Buersil Head, and he worked as an out-door labourer. They had two children, the elder, James, aged eight years, and the younger, Sarah Ann, aged three. They all lived quite REMARKABLE CRIMES. 295 happily together, but brooding over his wife's illness, and fearing pecuniary embarrassment, he was induced, in a fit of temporary derangement, to murder his two children, and from the wounds he inflicted upon his own throat with the razor, he died in a week after. MURDER AT PINFOLD. In December, 1870, the death of Mr. Reuben Bottomley occurred from violence by Samuel Smith. Bottomley was near to the Castle Inn, Pinfold, on the night of the 20th November, 1870, when he was attacked by Smith, and received several violent kicks which resulted in death six days later. Smith was convicted at the assizes, and sentenced to twenty years' penal servitude. LOBDEN COINERS AND THEIR TRAGICAL END. About sixty years ago a gang of men set to work in a lonely miner's hovel, on Lobden, near Whitworth, to forge £1 notes and make base coin. For a time they were successful and evaded the vigilance of the officers of the law. Mr. James Whitehead, who was better known by the bye-name of "Jem o' Peters," and who at that time was the landlord of the "Flying Horse," Rochdale, betrayed them, and three out of the six were executed at Lancaster. One was buried by his relatives in Hallfold Chapel yard, and the corpse of a second. named Cudworth, of Dearden Yard, Rochdale, was restored to his relatives for burial. MERCHANTS' AND TRADESMEN'S ASSOCIATION. N the 5th of May, 1863, this association was established in Rochdale. Its objects are "to promote measures calculated to benefit and protect the mercantile and trading interests of its members, and of the town and neighbour- hood of Rochdale generally; to represent and express their sentiments on commercial affairs; to undertake the settlement of questions and disputes arising out of trade by arbitration, or otherwise, when submitted to it for decision; and generally the attainment of such commercial advantages as the exertions of individuals may be less adequate to accomplish." This association has conferred many benefits upon the town, such as reducing the railway fares between Rochdale and Manchester, procuring fortnightly instead of monthly County Courts, more rapid delivery of letters, removed the liability of landlords to pay the gas rates of default- ing tenants, assisted in obtaining the new Post Office, and other minor local improvements, and also took part in the prevention of fancied improvements in commercial law. Every July an opportunity is afforded to the inhabitants of visiting, by a cheap trip, some place of interest. The first excursion was to the famed English Lake district, Windermere, in 1866; the second to Ripon and Fountains Abbey; "The Queen of English THE MERCHANTS' AND TRADESMEN'S ASSOCIATION. 297 Watering Places," Scarborough, was visited in 1868; the princely residence of the Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth, and the venerable pile of Haddon Hall were seen in 1869; Alton Towers, the residence of the Earl of Shrewsbury, was visited in 1870; and the grounds which had been cultivated out of barren soil and a clough, were most picturesque, and fully warranted the encomium bestowed on the late Earl, that "he made the desert smile;" the ancient seat of the Wynns, Wynnstay Hall, and Chirk Castle, the noble residence of Col. Myddleton Biddulph, and the sweet vale of Llangollen were inspected in 1871; the romantic Castle of Kenilworth; the birth-place of the prince of poets, Stratford-upon-Avon; Warwick Castle, and the aristocratic town of Leamington were seen in 1872; Belvoir Castle, the seat of the Duke of Rutland, with its rare objects of grandeur, was inspected in 1873; and last year Ludlow Castle, of historical renown, which is surrounded by exquisite scenery, was visited. Mr. George Miller, merchant, late of Rochdale, but now of Manchester, was the president of this asso- ciation for ten years, and Mr. Councillor Benjamin Butterworth, for many years, served as vice-president. Mr. Councillor James Tomlinson was elected president for the year 1874, and Mr. William Brocklehurst, of Yorkshire-street, vice-president. Mr. Fletcher, accountant, was the first secretary, and Mr. J. A. Wood next filled the post for several years, and Mr. William Robertson, accountant, &c., 98, Yorkshire-street, has discharged the duties of secretary for the last six years. 20 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. "It is delightful to see a body of men thriving in their own fortunes, and, at the same time, promoting the public stock." a HE Rochdale Chamber of Commerce was formed in February, 1866, and owes its origin chiefly to the exertions of T. B. Willans, Esq., J.P. In that month a meeting was held at the Wellington Hotel, at which James Heap, Esq., of Milnrow, presided. It was convened for the purpose of affording the manufacturers of Milnrow reliable information in reference to the scale of charges paid in Rochdale and neighbourhood for certain classes. of work, in the process of manufacture, so as to enable these manufacturers to adjust their wages accordingly. Mr. Willans was present at the meeting, and suggested the desirability of forming a Chamber of Commerce in Rochdale, and expressed his belief that such an asso- ciation would prove of great value to the commercial interests of the town and neighbourhood, and he con- sidered it rather a reflection that Rochdale had been so long apathetic in the matter, while other towns of less importance possessed Chambers of Commerce, which watched measures affecting the trading interests of the country, and he concluded by moving the establishment of a Chamber of Commerce for Rochdale. The motion CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 299 } met with the unanimous approbation and support of the numerous influential manufacturers present at the meeting, and the Chamber was accordingly formed. The Chamber is composed of merchants, manufactu- rers, bankers, and tradesmen. It has always taken a lively interest in commercial treaties with a view to the removal of restrictions on the import of English goods into foreign countries. Wm. Fenton, Esq., banker, was elected first president, in 1866, and retained office until 1869, when the Chamber found a most energetic suc- cessor in Mr. T. B. Willans, woollen manufacturer. Mr. Willans devoted great attention to the intricacies of the French commercial treaty, and in 1870 he was placed on the Foreign Tariff's Committee of the Associated Chambers of Commerce. The treaties with Austria, the Zolverein, and Spain and Portugal were carefully considered, and the abolition of duties on cotton goods to India, and the development of the agricultural resources of British India were advocated by the Chamber. In 1872, John Tweedale, Esq., of Healey Hall, succeeded Mr. Willans, and during his term of office the Chamber advocated many subjects of local and general interest, and made considerable advance as a useful public institution. Mr. Tweedale was a strong advocate of compulsory registration of trade marks, and gave valuable evidence before a select committee of the House of Commons. In 1869, Mr. Edmund Ashworth, who has for many years occupied a prominent position in local matters, was elected, and still continues to be president. The present vice-presidents are Messrs. R. Schofield, woollen manufacturer, and E. E. M. Royds, banker. Mr. C. J. Roberts, solicitor, was secretary for 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. the first three years; Mr. William Hoyle occupied the post for the next two years; and Mr. J. M. L. Chadwick has been the secretary ever since. When commercial matters were withdrawn from the cognizance of the Board of Trade, the Chamber of Commerce, with the other associated chambers, warmly advocated the estab- lishment of a department for commercial affairs in the foreign office to be presided over by a cabinet minister. On the formation of the Chamber the question of direct railway communication with London was taken up; and, as a consequence, through carriages have for some time been run from Rochdale via Oldham and Guide Bridge to London. The Chamber induced the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company to improve the means of ingress and egress for passengers at the Rochdale Station, the collection of tickets for express trains at Manchester, and the running of the 5.50 train in the morning to Man- chester to catch the early London train at London Road Station. Special service and extra trains are to a great extent owing to the efforts of the Council, and, in 1869, we find them pressing upon the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co. to adopt the principle between Rochdale and Manchester, so successfully inaugurated by the Midland, of attaching third class carriages to every train. The persistent efforts of the Chamber from 1869, in conjunc- tion with other public bodies in the town, to obtain postal and telegraphic accommodation in accordance with the wants of the town, received partial recognition, and many important improvements were conceded in the shape of accelerated deliveries, additional officers, and other matters. When, in 1867, the insurance offices raised the tariff on woollen mills nearly fifty per CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 301 cent., the Chamber promptly joined issue with the offices, and collected statistics showing that the losses to the offices were not incurred in this district; but, on the contrary, that only one-third of the premiums paid had been claimed by the millowners for losses by fire. Although the offices seemed determined to adhere to their increase, the Chamber persisted in their efforts until July, 1873, when the rate was reduced from 21s. to 16s. per cent. The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company enjoys a very unfortunate monopoly of traffic accommodation, highly prejudicial to the commercial interests of the town. From the opening of the Chamber to the present time every effort has been strained to obtain an independent line or improved accommodation, but as yet without success. THE IMPORTANT TRADES OF THE TOWN. For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be; Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails, Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales." HAND-LOOM WEAVING. S early as the year 1558 flannel was the staple trade of Rochdale, and these goods were renowned for their durability and excellence. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Her Majesty's alnager had a deputy here for the stamping of woollen cloths, under the authority of the Act passed in the eighth year of her reign. At the beginning of the present century, great improvements were made in looms and jennies, and the greater part of the popula- tion were employed in spinning and hand-loom weaving, but the remuneration was poor, their labour hard, and their hours long, for they worked fourteen hours a-day. These hard-working people, consequently, did not suffer from being "Stretched on the rack of a too easy chair, Where everlasting yawns confess The pains and penalties of idleness." The weavers used to earn on an average 9s. or 10s. a-week, and the spinners about 6s. or 7s. a-week. The rents of their cottages, which usually contained only two rooms, were £4 or £5 a-year; these rooms had HAND-LOOM WEAVING. 303 one pair of looms, and one jenny in them, and the practice was to place the beds underneath the ma- chinery, and here repose was found for weary limbs in "Tired Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep." Many possessed that useful article of furniture—- "The chest contrived a double debt to pay, A bed by night, a chest of drawers by day." The men wore corduroy, and the women bed-gowns. If a woman possessed a gown, it was considered a novelty, and special care was taken of it. The bonnets had a coal-scuttle appearance. Fortunately food was cheap, and thus small earnings "went a long way." The children also worked during these fourteen hours at winding bobbins, and their remune- ration was small indeed. They were poorly clad, and their education entirely neglected. There were "drones" then as there are now, but they were more numerous, and their habits are described in an old hand-loom weaver's song of that period, which used to be sung in beer-houses :— "To work on Monday I think it is not right, That day should be spent in some other delight, Either pitching, or tossing, or some other sport, And at night to the ale-house we all do resort." The song goes on to relate that the carousing continued on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and "On Friday morning I'll whistle and sing, And go to my looms as content as a king; And out of the house you'll scarce see my face, For all the night o'er I must stare through the blaze. On Saturday noon when my work it is done, Then I am the lad that must carry it home; Then over my left shoulder my piece I'll fling, And at night o'er a jug of strong beer I'll sing." • 304 SHUTTLE GATHERING, ETC. About eighty years ago the principal employers of hand-loom weavers were Mr. William Midgley, of Buersil; Mr. James Royds, of Falinge Fold; Mr. Jas. Midgley, top of Wardleworth Brow; Messrs. Leach and Tweedale, of Shawclough; Mr. Clement Royds; Mr. Robert Holt, of Well-o'-th' Lane; Mr. Gould, of Wardleworth; and Mr. James Fenton, of Bamford. Spinning at one time was done on one spindle, and then increased to sixty spindles, next to seventy, eighty, ninety, and, ultimately, up to one hundred and twenty; but as soon as the spindles got over one hundred they were found difficult to turn by hand labour. Forty or fifty years ago steam power was introduced instead of hand- loom spinning and weaving, and competition began between hand labour and steam, and gradually the latter made headway, but was viewed with jealousy by the work people. The first carding mills that can be remembered were "Jone o' Dan's," at Caldershaw, in Spotland, and Mr. Whitehead's factory, which stood on the plot of ground near to the present residence of Thomas Bright, Esq. There was also a stone factory on the present site of Messrs. Petrie's foundry in Whitehall-street, and in these old mills the work carried on consisted of carding and slubbing, which were pre- viously done by hand up to about ninety years ago. SHUTTLE GATHERING AND THE DESTRUC- TION OF THE NEW BAILEY. In May, 1808, there was a dispute between the hand- loom weavers and their employers about wages, and shuttles were gathered in order to stop the weaving of goods, and a serious riot ensued. Prior to this the SHUTTLE GATHERING, ETC. 305 employers had agreed to a standard list, and the dispute occurred through some of the masters departing from the list. Two or three cart loads of shuttles were put into a house at the top of Blackwater-street, but the authorities had them removed to the New Bailey, in Rope-street. The mob was so exasperated that they attempted to take possession of the town and break open the prison, and failing, they burnt down the latter. The Rochdale Volunteers being at that time disbanded, and the "6 regulars" engaged in the Peninsular War, the Halifax Volunteers, numbering 1,100, were ordered to Rochdale, and came in the dead of night. A large number were billeted in St. Mary's Church, others in the Cloth Hall, and the remainder in the various public-houses. The mob broke nearly every window in Yorkshire-street, except Mr. Ralph Taylor's, which were spared in consequence of one of the crowd shouting out, "He was always a good felley to the poor." The rioters attacked and ill-treated the late Mr. Clement Royds, J.P., at the top of Toad-lane, on his way home. The operatives did not succeed in getting their demand settled, and resumed work, but some time after their employers agreed to another scale of prices. For a time these prices were adhered to, but in consequence of several manufacturers doing work in their own houses, and underselling others in the trade, some of the employers again deviated from the list of prices. At that time Mr. Turner, of Haslingden, and Mr. Rostron, of Edenfield, visited Rochdale, and adopted the practice of putting their work out here as they could get it done one-third cheaper and did not pay the standard price. In 1824 another list of prices was agreed. 306 DISPUTES AND STRIKES. to between the manufacturers and their work people. The work was to be done in certain reeds, and Messrs. Turner and Rostron were not to be allowed to give out work in Rochdale. This agreement was adhered to up to 1827, but at times previously to this there was great dissatisfaction respecting a species of "truck system." DISPUTES AND STRIKES. In 1827 a dispute took place between the late Mr. H. Kelsall and his weavers because he made grey goods and did not pay according to the standard list. A strike ensued which lasted a month, when Mr. Kelsall agreed to adhere to the list in future, and to repay £367 which the Hand-loom Weavers' Union had expended in maintaining the men; but it is alleged that some time after he induced his work people to refund the £367. The Union, for some years, had in vogue a "ratting" system, which was called "Old Betty," or "window smashing." If a person refused to join and contribute to the Union, his windows were smashed. In 1827 Mr. Tweedale, of Healey Hall, began to introduce machinery into his works, and there was a strike about this, which lasted nearly three months, but it was settled by a compromise that certain specified prices should be paid for work done on machinery. THE POWER-LOOMS. Shortly afterwards the late G. Ashworth, Esq., J.P., of Sunny Bank, commenced establishing the power- loom, which, being successfully started, resulted in his erecting the first woollen power-loom shed about 1831. Notwithstanding the large number of hand- ANOTHER RIOT: TWO PERSONS KILLED. 307 loom weavers, and their strenuous opposition to the introduction of machinery, such has been the rapid strides of the latter as almost to exterminate the race of hand-loom weaving itself. The rate of remuneration to those employed upon power-looms is considerably higher than the earnings under the old hand-loom system, and the character of the manufacture is not only unimpaired but absolutely improved; and the cheapness of production, has in face of the enhanced cost of the raw material, not interfered either with the production or diminished the demand. ANOTHER RIOT: TWO PERSONS KILLED. In 1829 there was a severe struggle about wages, and it appeared to be general, and shuttles were gathered. Mr. Chadwick's factory, in Water-street, was broken into by the rioters, and the shuttles removed. Mr. Pilling's factory, at the top of Drake-street, was also entered and Mr. Robinson's, at the top of Drake-street, and the shuttles were carried away. In the evening horse and foot soldiers arrived, and when a large number of workpeople heard of the fact at a public meeting on Cronkeyshaw, they squandered in all directions. About twenty of the principal rioters were captured. The Hand-loom Weavers' cash box, con- taining £137, was seized at the "Coach and Horses," Lord-street, and deposited in the New Bailey. The rioters were committed for trial, and were taken from the Police Court to the New Bailey, tied to a rope, an infuriated mob following. A guard was left in charge of the prison, and as soon as the main body of the military had left, the rioters began to attack the building, 308 PAROCHIAL CONSTABLES. headed by a man who went by the name of "Old Doctor." The soldiers then began to fire, when "Doctor" exclaimed "Come on lads, never mind, it's only blank shot," and while in the act of throwing a stone he was shot dead, several other persons being killed and wounded. A youth, brother to Mr. Alderman Stott, late of Rochdale, was in a window in a corn mill on Corn Mill Brow, and was killed by a stray bullet. A person named Thomas Kershaw was one of the ring- leaders. He was apprehended at Liverpool, having paid his passage to America, and committed to the Assizes, and transported for life; the rest of the prisoners were incarcerated-some for four months, others for twelve months, and some were discharged. PAROCHIAL CONSTABLES REWARDING THEM- SELVES FROM THE UNION CASH BOX. A few days after the trial above-named, three con- stables named Benjamin Taylor, James Taylor, and Stott, broke open the hand-loom weavers' cash box, con- taining £137, which was deposited in the New Bailey, and repaired to the White Lion Inn, Yorkshire-street, "To swallow gudgeons ere they're catched, And count their chickens ere they're hatched," and here they were pounced upon while dividing the spoil, and were sent to prison. It was Mrs. Pilling, the turnkey's wife, who, by peeping through the key- hole of the prison, observed the constables committing the felony, and it was her information which led to the conviction of these dishonest representatives of the law. In 1830 Mr. James Schofield, manufacturer, of Hey- brook, who had previously agreed to pay his work PLUG DRAWING AND THE CHARTER. 309 people at the rate of 16s. in the pound, reduced the sum to 12s. in the pound, and the result was a turn out of all the weavers, and most of the other manufacturers followed the example of Mr. Schofield, and the strikes lasted thirteen weeks. THIRTY WEAVERS SENT TO PRISON. The weavers of Messrs. Barnes (Milnrow) refused to take their work in, and thirty of the offenders were sent to prison, but after they had been in a few days, they gladly promised to finish their work, and pay all the expenses. PLUG DRAWING AND THE CHARTER. In 1842 another disturbance took place, and plug drawing became general for the purpose of stopping all trades. It was a political movement, connected with Fergus O'Connor's Chartist Scheme, and the idea enter- tained was to cause all work to cease until the charter became the law of the land. The disturbance lasted only a few days in Rochdale, owing to the judicious conduct of the then acting magistrate, who, as the rioters entered the town, prevented the shedding of blood and injury to property, and secured the speedy restoration of order. The course adopted in suppressing this riot caused angry discontent amongst some partisans, and, ultimately, occasioned a strict investigation and lengthy correspondence with the Government authori- ties. Eventually the conduct impugned was justified, and, after the strictest enquiry, it was gratifying to receive the highest commendation for the policy pursued in the critical circumstances. 310 PLUG DRAWING AND THE CHARTER. The access to statistical information is so meagre and unreliable, that we are prevented making faithful com- parisons of the immense progress which has been made in the flannel manufacture from the period at which we commence our observations down to the present, but it must be patent to common observers, from the almost countless numbers now employed in the numerous extensive manufactures within the borough, that the strides have been not less great than gratifying to con- template, and, doubtless, there is a no less magnificent future for those engaged in this branch of industry. "Human experience, like the stern-lights of a ship at sea, illumines only the path which we have passed over;" and so it has been in the struggle between em- ployers and employed in Rochdale, and riots are now things of the past. In contrasting the condition of the working classes eighty years ago with their position at the present time, it is indisputable that they have advanced socially, morally, and educationally. Instead of working fourteen hours a-day, they are now employed ten hours. Instead of their homes being blocked up with machinery, they are, in many cases, provided with pianos or harmoniums, and peaceful evening is welcomed in by cessation from labour, and rest of mind and body. "Blest be those feasts with simple plenty crowned, Where all the merry family around Laugh at the jests or pranks that never fail, Or sigh with pity at some mournful tale; Or press the bashful stranger to his food, And learn the luxury of doing good." 311 THE COTTON TRADE. The manufacture of cotton was introduced into Roch- dale about eighty-five years ago, and the first manu- facturer was Mr. J. Pilling, the grandfather of Messrs. Joseph Brierley, J.P., and James Brierley, J.P. He commenced business in premises in Holland-street, where not only carding and spinning but hand-loom weaving were done. The machinery was turned by a gin, with horse-power. About ten years after an exten- sive mill was erected in College-street, and here the first power-loom in this neighbourhood made its appearance in the year 1820. About eighty years ago a Mr. Lodge built a factory at Oakenrod, and the machinery was worked by water-power. Carding was done on the pre- mises, and the work people did the spinning and weaving at their own homes by hand. Town Mill, at the top of Holland-street, was erected soon after the opening of Mr. Pilling's mill in Holland-street, and Mr. White- head, the occupier, carded for other manufacturers. This mill was also worked by water-power. Hanging Road Manufactory is also of ancient date, and the founders of two or three of the most celebrated firms in this town were originally employés at one time in this mill. The steam engine was the product of the famed engine factory of Messrs. Bolton and Watt. The commencement of cotton weaving was of much more recent date than the flannel trade, and has made very rapid progress for the short period it has existed, and has become a formidable competitor with sur- rounding towns. It would too much increase the dimensions of this work to enumerate the various im- portant and extensive establishments which now adorn the town, and contribute so largely to its wealth. 312 THE CARPET TRADE. In 1861, when the news reached this country of the civil war in America, great distress arose amongst the operatives through the cotton famine and the cessation of work in the mills, and these events will ever be remembered as among the most memorable occurrences in the history of this borough. The opportune and indefatigable services rendered by the late G. L. Ashworth, Esq., J.P., in his charitable efforts to melio- rate the distress of the cotton operatives, and preserve them from pauperism, as well as for the future continu- ance of the industry, will not soon be forgotten. We are now happily enjoying the beneficial effects of this timely intervention, after the reorganisation of labour in the American States; and the order which has been re-established has produced a condition of things which cannot fail to contribute to a prosperity never surpassed. THE CARPET TRADE. The only carpet manufactory in Rochdale is that of Messrs. Bright & Co., on Cronkeyshaw. In 1849 this now extensive manufactory was commenced with sixteen looms to weave tapestry, and gradually the premises had to be extended to make room for the increasing machinery, in order to keep up with the demand for carpets manufactured by this firm. In 1861 an action was brought by Messrs. Crossley, of Halifax, against Messrs. Bright, for an alleged infringement of a patent. The dispute was decided in favour of Messrs. Bright, and Messrs. Crossley had to pay the expenses which amounted to about £90,000. Messrs. Bright now employ in the carpet department about 400 work people, and, from 108 looms, 26,000 yards of carpet. are turned out weekly. 313 SILK MANUFACTURE. into The manufacture of silk was introduced Rochdale about 35 years ago, by Mr. Edward Briggs, from Kent. The manufactory was at Sudden, in the building which was lately occupied by Mr. Tucker, deceased. Mr. Briggs commenced with manufacturing felts, next silk hatting, then raised silk for hats, and ultimately silk velvets, silk dresses, and handkerchiefs. Mr. Joseph Porter shortly after commenced weaving silk with hand-looms in a building in Rope-street, which is now occupied by Mr. Jewison, chandler. Messrs. James Taylor, George Healey, and Thomas Watson next opened a small hat manufactory in St. James's Place, Whitworth Road, and in 1851, they got up a woven fabric with a cotton ground, and spun silk weft, and exhibited a specimen at the exhibition of 1851, along with coloured yarns, &c. They were awarded a medal, and this was the starting point of this firm's successful career. HAT MANUFACTURE. Hat manufacture up to sixty years ago was one of the most important trades of Rochdale, and was then in its prime. The principal manufacturers were Messrs. John Taylor and Robert Taylor, John Kenyon, Thomas Kenion, J. & J. Fildes, and Abraham Barlow. The hats that were made consisted of felt, fur, beaver, and silk. Strikes and disputes were so frequent between the workmen and their employers that this special trade was driven out of the town to Oldham, Denton, and Stockport. The last felt hat manufacturer was Mr. Edward Briggs, of Sudden, and the last silk hat makers. Messrs. George Healey and James Taylor. 21 314 FOUNDRIES AND MACHINE WORKS. The first iron foundry in Rochdale was that of Mr. Jeremiah Meanley, which stood on the ground between Packer-street and the site of the Town Hall Tower. Mr. Charles Meredith took the business in 1815, and carried on the manufacture of ovens and cottage boilers for many years. Mr. John Petrie started a foundry next in High-street, and first made engine sides which pre- viously were composed of wood, and he did other hand work. Messrs. David Howorth, Skinner, and Halstead next opened a foundry on Foundry Brow, off Drake- street, and made all kinds of machinery. Mr. John Ashworth some time after commenced a foundry in Oldham-road, on the premises in which Mr. Councillor Tomlinson carries on the business of a machinist at the present time. One of the earliest machinists was Mr. John Ogden, whose works were at the top of College- street, and he was the first to make carding engines and teasing machinery for wool. Mr. John Clegg, whose premises were situated in Union-street, was the first jenny maker, and Mr. Edmund Leach, of Summer Castle, was noted for his power-looms. Mr. John Mason, in his foundry off Drake-street, made "mules," "throstles," and "billeys." Messrs. John Ackroyd and Wilkinson were the first who made nails by machi- nery, and their works were at the Bottom-o'-th'-Lane. Before this period there was not a single foundry or machine shop in the town, and all the work had to be done in Bury; but at last when this particular branch of industry was introduced into Rochdale, it made rapid progress, and now nearly all the machinery for fabrics is manufactured here. LITERATURE, PUBLICATIONS, AND PERIODICALS. Books to amuse us, books to make us wise, Books to kill time as time on slow wing flies; Books on polemics, and small books of song, Books which to science's fair realm belong; Books full of satire, and books dull as lead, Books of all kinds before the eye are spread. And our short list attempts to keep in view The names of books which Rochdale knows or knew. For fame the authors sought but most I ween, Have but a glimpse of her fair features seen; Some stand out brightly-Roby, Collier, Waugh- On these Oblivion ne'er her veil shall draw. Others have dropped quite "dead-born from the press," And whelmed their authors in dire wretchedness; Some few we turn to with intense delight, And some 'tis wished had never seen the light. Of making books there surely is no end, For all men think that they can all men mend; And thus it is that scribbling still prevails, Who wins is happy, he who loses, rails. EAVING to antiquarian research the precise dates and circumstances of the rise of literature in Rochdale, it may be stated that prior to the last century there was no local literature. John Collier ("Tim Bobbin "), in 1745, pub- lished the Blackbird, a short satirical poem on a local justice; and, in 1750, "A View of the Lancashire. Dialect by way of dialogue between Tummus and Meary," etc., which, with his other works are, though coarse, a capital satirical and humourous comment manners, customs, and politics of the day. on the In 1810 an introduction to an intended history of Rochdale was published by W. Nuttall, who was a 316 LITERATURE, PUBLICATIONS, ETC. schoolmaster, and lived opposite to St. James's Church, Whitworth Road. He came to an untimely end. Mr. Aston, in 1827, commenced the first periodical— a newspaper—the Rochdale Recorder. In politics, it was, according to the phrase of the day, a "Church and King paper." The price was 7d., there being a stamp duty of 4d. on each paper. The era of the Reform Bill agitation, and the elections which followed in 1832 and 1836, were prolific in the production of squibs, songs, etc., and good specimens were reprinted in book form by W. Butterworth. Mr. Roby's "Traditions of Lancashire" appeared in 1829, in two vols., beautifully illustrated. It was printed by Spottiswoode & Co. Mr. Roby, in after years, wrote several other works, and amongst them a "Tour in Switzerland and the Rhine." Critics have spoken in the very highest terms of Roby's "Traditions." Certain it is, that for brilliancy of writing, and the expert manner in which tradition is woven into the very texture of the story, Mr. Roby had not many equals ; and almost all his stories bear undoubted marks of the power and genius of the writer, and all are perfect. specimens of the romancist's art. They at once arrest and chain the attention; and the reader feels that he is under the spell of a potent and friendly enchanter. The Rev. Canon Raines, of Milnrow, has been, and is, a contributor of eminence to the Chetham Society's publications. As an antiquarian his reputation stands deservedly high; and we know few who are more entitled to the respect which his name commands as an able writer in the particular department over which this admirable society keeps "watch and ward." The LITERA TURE, PUBLICATIONS, ETC. 317 untiring industry of the worthy Canon is well known and appreciated by his professional brethren. In 1842 Common Sense; or, Everybody's Magazine, edited by Dr. Molesworth and the Rev. William N. Molesworth, was issued. This periodical was in favour of the continuance of Church Rates, and antagonistic to Dissent. It was quickly followed by The Vicar's Lantern, edited and supported, according to rumour, by Messrs, John Bright, Thomas Booth, John Coates, Oliver Ormerod, and Alderman Edward Taylor. These gentle- men strenuously and ably advocated the separation of Church and State, and voluntaryism in religion. The printers, respectively, were Samuel Ashworth and Jesse Hall. The Spectator, a monthly periodical, which contained the well-known "Yeomanry Papers," by Mr. Oliver Ormerod, appeared in 1844. The Pilot, also a monthly periodical, appeared in 1844, amongst the reputed conductors being Mr. John Petrie, Mr. Thomas Schofield, and Mr. Edward Taylor. The Beacon, another monthly periodical, reputed to be edited by Dr. J. Elliott Wood and Mr. J. Nield, was printed by J. & J. Mills. The Looking Glass, said to be conducted by Mr. Edward Taylor, had an existence of twelve months. Ikey, said to be edited by Mr. William Todd, and printed by W. Prince, came out for three or four months The price of all the above periodicals was one penny. Mr. Edwin Waugh's writings may be said to have become generally famous. His Lancashire songs and tales stand at the head of the literature of this class and his works abound in pathos and humour, 318 LITERATURE, PUBLICATIONS, ETC. F Mr. John Ashworth published "Wesley's Ghost," and a few years afterwards his " Strange Tales" and "Walks in Canaan" appeared. Mr. Ashworth has been eminently successful as a writer of short stories, illustrative of incidents in the lives of the poor and destitute; and it is commonly reported that "Strange Tales," in their collected form, have had an immense circulation. In 1851, the second weekly newspaper, the Rochdale Sentinel, was commenced by Mr. Edward Taylor and Mr. John Phillips. The price was 4d., the stamp duty having been reduced to 1d. It was eight pages. Like all newspapers at that time, it had but a limited circulation as compared to the untaxed papers of our day, the circulation being about 800. "A Rachde Felley's Visit too the Greyt Eggishibi- shun," by Mr. Oliver Ormerod, was published in 1851. It contains: “O Ful, Tru, un Pertikler Okeawnt o bwoth wat aw seed un wat aw yerd, we gooin too the Greyt Eggishibishun, e Lundun, Un o greyt deyle o Hinfur- mashun besoide, wele Kalkilated fur to giv thoose foke o gradely hinseet into things, us hassant ad nothur toime nur brass for to goo un see fur thersels; kontain- ing loikewise O Dikshunary manefakturt fare o purpus for thoose us ur noan fur larn't. Be O Felley fro Rachde. O Fur Sixpunze. Furst Edishun. 61 pages. Rachde: Printud un Sowd be H. M. Crosskill; un o Booksellers." In 1856, a third weekly newspaper, the Rochdale Observer, was published by Messrs. Robert and Joseph Lawton. LITERATURE, PUBLICATIONS, ETC. 319 A fourth newspaper, the Standard, came out in 1857, published by Messrs. Robert and Joseph Lawton, but some time after the Observer and Standard were amalga- mated, and in the course of years the name Standard was discontinued, and that of Observer retained. Mr. W. A. Scott is now the proprietor of the journal thus united. In 1859 "Owd Neddy Fitton's Visit to th' Earl o' Derby," by Miss M. R. Lahee, was published by Mr. J. Heap, of Bury, and in December, 1865, by the same authoress, "Life and Times of the late Alderman T. Livsey." At least a dozen works have been written by Miss Lahee, and many of them have gone through several editions. She is a very pleasing and able writer. Mr. John Bright published, in 1840, an address on the late Church Rate Contests. Several years ago he wrote an introduction to the "Prize Essay on the Game Laws." CC The Rev. W. N. Molesworth wrote the "Prize Essay on the English and French Alliance" in 1860; the History of the Reform Bill" in 1865; and the History of England" from the years 1830 to 1871-73. The last-named history has been favourably received by the public, and in our opinion it is a highly meritorious publication. The work has been recently re-issued in a cheaper form. In 1869 a book of poems by Mr. James Holden, entitled “Poetic Zephyrs," was published by Mr. John Heap, of Bury. In 1870, "A Wicked Woman," a novel, by Gertrude Fenton, was published, 320 LITERATURE, PUBLICATIONS, ETC. In 1871 "The History of the Chapelry of Goosnargh," by Lieut.-Col. Fishwick, of Carr Hill, was published; and, in 1873, the "History of Kirkham; and, in 1875, The Lancashire Library," were also published by this gentleman. The gallant colonel is most indefatigable in his antiquarian researches; and the books which he has issued are of the greatest value to those who are interested in such subjects. In 1872 "The D'Eyncourts of Fairlegh," by Mr. T. Rowland Skemp, in three vols., was issued. "The Water Way to London" was published by Messrs. Schofield and Grindrod. A sixth newspaper, the Spectator, was published by Mr. W. Clegg, in 1859. The Pilot, a newspaper, was published by Mr. White, in 1858, and discontinued in 1871, after 671 numbers. had been issued. Its tone was Conservative. A newspaper, the Rochdale Times, was brought out by a limited company in 1871, and is still in existence. In January, 1874, there appeared the first number of a fortnightly satirical and humourous journal, entitled the Rochdale Chimes, projected and edited by Mr. W. Swift. The journal changed hands after the eighth number, and was discontinued with the twelfth. The history of the above papers, the causes of the discontinuance of some, their politics and peculiarities, it is not our province to dilate upon. It may be sufficient to say that local rivalries, party politics, and personal interest, had all their special influence, and we may express the hope that the Rochdale Observer, now published by Mr. W. A. Scott, which represents Liberal measures and progress, and the LITERATURE, PUBLICATIONS, ETC. 321 } Rochdale Times, which devotes itself to the Conservative interest, may long continue and thrive. The two papers are published weekly, When men rush out to buy these penny sheets, And con the news while passing through the streets; Then some atrocity or dreadful fire Arrests attention or awakes their ire; Or some event which keeps the world in awe, So stills the heart that breath they scarcely draw. It must be understood that this section is not by any means of an exhaustive character. We have in the briefest terms indicated the works which have occurred to our memory; and to have entered into full details of the various works, which we should have been glad to do, would have occupied more of our space than could be spared for the purpose. Perhaps, also, strict chronological order may not have been observed, but this, however, is not of much consequence in brief notices which only attempt to preserve the names of some of the works which have appeared from time to time in our local history. A RAMBLE THROUGH THE PRINCIPAL a STREETS. "Oft have I smiled the happy pride to see Of modern tradesmen in their evening glee, When of some pleasing, fancied good possessed, Each grew alert, was busy, and was blest.” HE ancient shop-keepers of Rochdale, in character and physique, were of the true John Bull type, and their very appearance seemed to embody the favourite expression of the Miller of the Dee-"I care for nobody, no, not I, and nobody cares for me." When not engaged in serving customers, or in other employment connected with business, they were to be seen leaning over their (half) shop doors in a dreamy mood, with a long clay pipe in their mouth, and now and then complacently nodding and smiling at the passers by, or engaged in a chat, for in the days we refer to the shop-keeper knew nearly the whole of the population; but if an unfortu nate stranger turned-up, all eyes were upon him, and whence he came, and for what purpose, were made the subject of conversation for some time. Most of the old streets were narrow and tortuous, and consisted either of quaint stone houses with mullioned windows, Gothic doors, and peaked gables, or of the white and black timber houses projecting over, first, a low-browed shop, then with an overhanging storey, containing often a wooden oriel, and higher a gabled storey whose bolder A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 323 The projection invaded the upper area of the street. shops had a bay-window on each side of the doorway, and the merchandise mostly displayed was of varied character. For instance, a customer could buy at the same shop a yard of calico or a box of pills, a quartern of tea or a bunch of carrots, a red herring or a mince pie, a pair of boots or a pound of sausages. In the course of time shops of a better description were erected and the business was confined within the limits proper to that of a draper, a grocer, a chemist, or a green- grocer; and the shop-keepers became more cultivated in their tastes, better educated, and keen competition would not permit them to lounge and indulge in a smoke at their shop doors, for as the prices of goods were lowered, a larger quantity had to be sold in order to afford a fair profit on the capital invested. As soon as the railway was opened to Manchester, some of the inhabitants were pleased to entertain the idea that they could purchase goods cheaper and better in Manchester, and this fallacious impression lingers yet in the minds. of some. Perhaps they are not aware, or do not re- member, that the tradesmen of Rochdale buy their merchandise from exactly the same wholesale dealers as do the tradesmen of Manchester; that the latter have to pay higher rents, heavier rates, and larger salaries, and is it not more likely that inferior goods might be palmed off upon an entire stranger, as it might be thought there were ten chances to one whether he would visit them again? whereas, a Rochdale tradesman is intimately acquainted with his customers, and considers it highly discreditable and injurious to sell articles which may appropriately be termed "cheap and nasty," 324 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. knowing that if he does so, it must, on the principle of once bitten, twice shy," lead to the ultimate de- struction of his business. A mental stroll with an imaginary companion through the principal streets of Rochdale, and a description of the changes that have taken place, and a narration of interesting events may be acceptable to many of our readers. "This is the place, here let us stand While we review the scene, And summon from the shadowy past The things that once have been. The past and present here unite Beneath life's flowing tide, Like footprints on the sands of time Which serve us as a guide.” We will begin our brief description as the visitor emerges from the principal railway station into Oldham- road, and inform him that this road was constructed about 1823, and as he will, of course, infer it leads to the neighbouring town of Oldham. Speaking first of the top of Oldham-road, it may be stated that the canal crosses the road near to the shop of Mr. Wm. Kershaw, tailor and draper, Lockbridge, and that Crawford-street runs in an easterly direction. There are several mills in this street, and the tannery of Mr. Loversidge. Directing our footsteps towards the heart of the town along Oldham-road, it will be noticed that on the other side of the canal, and directly opposite to the shop of Mr. John Varty, pork butcher, stands the ruin of a once extensive flannel mill, formerly occupied by Mr. Morgan Brierley and Mr. L. Stott, which was burnt down about twelve months ago. Lower down the road, A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 325 in a southerly direction, opposite to the shop of Mr. Harrison, saddler, runs Elbow-lane. As we proceed, we reach Milnrow-road, which leads to the thriving village of Milnrow. Molesworth-street, so named after Dr. Molesworth, the present vicar, branches out of Milnrow-road, and at the corner stands conspicuously the marble works of Mr. W. Holdsworth. Retracing our steps to Oldham-road, brings us to Livsey-street, which takes its name from the family of the late Alderman Livsey having some property in this street. Baron- street, in which are situated Mr. Charles O'Doherty's engine packing works, was named after the well-known drawing master, Jeffery Baron, who built houses in this street. In a short street named Wet Rake, at the top of Drake-street, is the site of a once famous well, which contributed to a rivulet which ran down Drake-street. Wet Rake and its continuation, School-lane, sixty years ago was a country lane, and all that thickly populated locality was then the suburban part of the town. School-lane was so named from the old Grammar School which used to be situated in this street. The triangular plot of land in front of the store between Oldham-road, Milnrow-road, and Drake-street, which is now filled up by a foundry, was once suggested as a suitable site for the Town Hall, and it is to be regretted that it was not left an open space. Drake-street was named after the Rev. Dr. Drake, who formed that street about the year 1810, and it opened out the vicarage land for building purposes. As we proceed, a fine, lofty, and capacious building attracts our notice, which was erected a few years ago by Mr. W. A. Scott, the spirited proprietor of the Rochdale Observer, a most ably- 326 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. conducted Liberal paper, which has been established nineteen years, and which has a very extensive circulation. Before Drake-street, which is a main artery to the town, was opened, the locality where at present stand the premises of Mr. Charles Whitworth, decorative painter and paper hanger, Mr. Wm. Highley, family dispensing chemist, and Mr. John Jackson, grocer, and general carrier, was a deep valley, and the site upon which Mr. Davenport's foundry is built was a knoll higher than St. Chad's Churchyard, and was called "The Heart Ache," on account of the difficulty of forming it into building land. A street on the right, named Water-street, is so named from the fact that it runs down to the river bank. In 1829, Messrs. Thomas and William Chadwick owned the mill in Water-street, which is now the property of Mr. Edmund Ashworth, flannel manufacturer, and in a riot that occurred in that year respecting wages, shuttles were gathered and an attack was made on this manufactory. The Messrs. Chadwick nobly defended their premises, and when the riotors had nearly forced their way in, either Mr. Thomas or Mr. William Chadwick threw an ax, which terrified the ringleaders, and a hasty retreat was beaten ; but the rioters were so exasperated, that for years after, at public meetings, if the Messrs. Chadwick were present, the question was asked "Who threw the ax? ax ?" The street leading off to the left, at one corner of which stands the offices of Messrs. William Ashworth and Co., stock and share brokers, and at the other corner the draper's shop of Mr. James Iveson, was named Nelson-street, in commemoration of Nelson's victories. Further down Drake-street, A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 327 on the right, at the corner of which stands the stationer's shop of Messrs. Schofield and Hoblyn, runs River-street. Near the druggest's shop lately occupied by the late Mr. Hamilton Rothwell, and now by Mr. John Jones, stood a famous fish pond, where some of the present inhabitants may remember having caught "jack sharps" and "gold fish," and the small rivulet from Wet Rake flowed into it. The street turning off to the left is Church Lane, which is the oldest part of the town, and for the last 80 years it has been the haunt of thieves and nymphs of the pave. In 1872 the local authorities very judiciously got inserted a clause in their local Act, by which the magistrates obtained the power of dealing with occu- piers of houses of ill-fame, and in a very short time these wretched nuisances were suppressed, and now it is a quiet street, whereas previously it was the scene of tumult and disorder. This satisfactory state of things is, perhaps however, mostly due to Mr. Stevens, the Chief Constable, whose efforts in this direction have been unceasing. The buildings are a disgrace to the owners, and it is quite time that they should be pulled down. On Sunday morning, 22nd of June, 1863, Matthew Fulton, aged 50, a cabinet maker, resident of Shaw- clough, was found dead in Forge Bank, back of Church-lane, and it was strongly suspected that he had been murdered. The unfortunate man visited Church- lane late on Saturday night, and fell in with some very bad companions, male and female, and remained. drinking with these persons until three o'clock on Sunday morning, and then went into the street, where he met some drunken men, one of whom struck him 328 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. and immediately ran away, closely pursued by Fulton, who, it was asserted, fell on his head when attempting to get over a flag wall at the back of the "Cloggers' Arms," and died immediately. The old road to Manchester was through this street, along Church stile, through Milkstone road, and on the west side of the new Board School, and came out at Castleton Moor. The old road to Oldham turned off at the east side of the Board School, and through Lower- place. One of the principal coal depôts in the town is situated on Milkstone-road, near to Messrs. Ingham and Co.'s livery stables, and Mr. Brearley, coal merchant, does an extensive buisness here. The name of Milk- stone originated from a large stone being placed in this road near Mere Lane, for the convenience of farmers in olden times to place their milk cans upon, which were conveyed to the spot on horses and mules. Cattle fairs have been held in Church Stile and School-lane from time immemorial, and they have increased from three fairs in the year to monthly and fortnightly fairs. The Corporation has bought the manorial rights from the Lord of the Manor, and the holding of the fairs in School-lane being found to be inconvenient, it is ex- pected that they will be held elsewhere. Mr. Cheetham, the assistant overseer of Castleton, has kindly given us access to books containing the particulars of the rateable. value of property in the township of Castleton as far back as could be got, and we find that in 1760 the poor rate for six months of that year was twelve pence in the pound, which produced a total of £106 19s. 11d. The rateable value of the property was £2,140. In the year 1860 the rateable value had increased to £67,317 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 329 and in 1874 to £121,944 10s. Od. In 1820 the Rev. W. R. Hey paid a poor rate of 4s. 6d. in the pound, for a half-year, upon the vicarage land and buildings, which amounted to £5 8s. Od. That year the poor rate whereas at the present increased to 9s. in the pound, time it is only 1s. 6d. in the pound, and the rate now paid on the vicarage land and buildings for the whole year amounts to £7 10s. In 1820 there were 1,040 assessments, but in 1874 they numbered 8,827. Up to the year 1819 there was an annual sport on the 7th of November of bull-baiting in the bed of the river, in South Parade, on the southerly side of the bridge, and it was witnessed by thousands of spectators who used to lean over the river wall. That year the sport was principally got up by William Lee and Samuel Stott, weavers, the former rode on the bull's back to the stake to which it was tied, the dogs then made the attack and tried to pin the bull by the nose, and one succeeded, and kept its hold while it was being thrown up in the air. At this juncture the river wall fell in, and with it a large number of spctators, and Robert Holt, card maker, Benjamin Stott, a mechanic, a shoemaker, who went by the bye-name of "Nat," and four other persons, were killed, and a number of others were injured, and this lamentable occurence ended the sport of bull-baiting in Rochdale. King-street branches off South Parade on the left, near the jeweller's shop of Mr. John Brearley, and was formerly called Packer Meadow. Packer-street runs parallel, its etymology being apparent, as it was associated with the packing of the old pack-horses. This street was once the locality of the most respectable shops, and two of the leading hotels were situated here, namely, 22 330 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. • the "Golden Ball," which was kept by Mr. Daniel Nield, the parish clerk, and the "Flying Horse," the landlord of the latter for many years being Mr. James Whitehead, who was celebrated in an election song as "James o' Peters." For a considerable time the magis- trates sat in Petty Sessions at this house. Packer-street was the main thoroughfare for the whole of Castleton, the road up the Church Steps being direct, and that up Sparrow Hill being long and circuitous. After the opening of Manchester-road and Drake-street the traffic was almost entirely withdrawn from Packer-street, and the property there was thus depreciated quite two-thirds in value. The Iron Bridge leading to The Walk was erected by Messrs. Vavasour, about the year 1825, to improve their property in The Walk, which was built upon part of the site of the Eagle Inn yard, which reached nearly from Yorkshire-street as far back as Mr. J. Jackson's photographic studio. At the bottom of Packer-street there is a fine stone building, a branch bank of the Manchester and Liverpool Banking Co. The extensive cabinet and upholstery work rooms of Mr. Snowdon are on the southern side of the Town Hall. The fine, broad street in front of the Town Hall received the name of “Esplanade" from Mr. Alderman Taylor, on account of its width and inclining to the river side. The "Old Bridge" has been widened six times, and many years ago, on the north-east side, there was a direct road to the river side. Passing over the bridge, and turning to the left, leads to The Orchard, which was formerley called The Walk, as a footpath ran along the river side, which was a favourite resort for lovers. Many of the present inhabitants remember A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 331 this "path by the river" as one of their favourite walks in the days of their courtship, and, looking back upon their love episodes, they cannot but agree with the asser- tion that "All that has been written in song, or told in story, of love and its effects, falls far short of its reality. Its evils and its blessings, its impotence and its power, its sin and its holiness, its weakness and its strength, will continue the theme of nature and of art, until the great pulse of the universe is still." Turning to the right of the bridge, we are led to The Butts, an open space, and the origin of its name was from the fact that archery was formerly practised here, and many merry and delightful scenes, no doubt, have been witnessed on this plot of ground. "May day games of archerie, Pageants, wyth thyr gallant showe, Towrnaments, wyth knyghtes a rowe." Mr. W. Snowdon has a splendid shop in The Butts, in which he displays his furniture. Messrs. Clement Royds and Co's bank, which was established in 1819, is situated here. Smith-street is a continuation of the Butts, and in January, 1854, a serious fire occurred at Messrs. R. & J. Kelsall's mill, which stands at the corner of Duncan-street and Smith-street, on which occasion two women jumped out from an upper storey and were killed. The fire commenced in the third storey, near the staircase, which prevented the opera- tives making their escape by the stairs. Some men slid down by the teagle rope, and Abraham Taylor lowered a number of men and young women by the means of flannel pieces. Henry Ratcliffe, of Smith- street, saved the lives of fourteen persons by a rope, 332 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. which he fastened in the roof of the building, and after they had slid down it he escaped by the same means. A public subscription was made, and £200 presented to Mr. Ratcliffe, and £100 to Mr. Taylor, for their presence of mind and courage. Some of the oldest inhabitants remember green fields where now stand the extensive mills of Messrs. Kelsall and Kemp and Messrs. Littlewood and Heape, and a fine bowling green on the site of Messrs. Hurst's cotton mill, which is now called "Bowling Green Mill." The green belonged to Mr. John Shepherd, the landlord of the Horse Mill Inn, which was pulled down to make room for the Market Hall. Commencing at the bridge again, it will be noticed that Messrs. J. and J. Fenton and Sons' Bank stands on the left. Up an entry at the back, is a fine old- fashioned building, which at one time was a public- house, and went by the name of "The Amen Corner," from the fact that a Parish Clerk resided there. Some antiquarians fancy that originally it was the old Manor House, but ancient records in existence do not support this theory. About two centuries ago it was described as the "Great House," and tradition alleges that at an early period it was used as a retreat for nuns, and that it was surrounded by a garden, which ran down to the river side, across into Yorkshire-street, and up to Lord-street. An examination of the exterior and interior impresses a visitor of its former greatness. It is now used as a lodging house. Many years ago a saddler named Lucas, used to keep a shop nearly opposite Messrs. Price's general drapery establishment, The Walk, and he was a very jocular A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 333 character. On one occasion a customer insisted on a bill of particulars for a sum amounting to 6d., so Lucas gave particulars in this fashion, Ripping, stitching, and contriving, Nailing fourpence, twopence driving." The buildings below Mr. King's ironmonger's shop were built on the site of the Old Roebuck Hotel, a famous coaching house. It was here an admiring crowd used to assemble to watch the prancing horses and the coaches, under the command of individuals buried in a multiplicity of coats, broad brimmed hats, and huge rolls of coloured handkerchiefs about their necks. These consequential personages had commonly full faces, which had swelled into jolly dimensions by frequent potations of malt liquor. "It's a good sign to see the colour of health in a man's face; it's a bad sign to see it all concentrated in his nose.' Mr. King's ironmonger's shop was formerly called "Union Build- ings," and was a noted Hotel, and afterwards a gentle- man's residence. "" In the Stuart rebellion of 1745, a party of the rebels visited Rochdale, on the the 30th of November, and demanded the "Militia Arms, Land Tax," etc., and they made the Union Hotel and the Vicarage their head quarters. The authorites at first determined to repel the invaders, but when they had actually arrived they found it no easy matter, and allowed them to be quartered in various parts of the town. One of the kilted highlanders went into the kitchen of the Union Hotel, and asked the cook permission to dip his bread into the dripping pan. The cook refused, but he threw in a lump of black bannock, which she threw out with 334 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. the dripping spoon into the ashes. Upon this, "Sandy" drew his sword, but the Lancashire lass laid hold of her spoon and splashed his face and knees with hot dripping, causing him to scream. At the same moment the scullery maid let loose the dog, which chased him out of the house, and tore a large piece out of the back part of his kilt. The scalds proved serious, and he was placed under the skill of Dr. Mott. Betty, the cook, relented, and nursed him with great attention, their hostile feelings changed to affection, and it ended in a matrimonial union. He settled in the town, became a successful tradesman, and his descendents are at the present day respectable and prosperous. The cook worked her purpose by means of her grease, And the feud which existed was turned into peace; For the scalds she inflicted by means of hot dripping Set herself and the Scotchman a-kissing and clipping; The "Union" she left for a union more pleasing, And they loved with a love which was sweet and unceasing. The inhabitants of Rochdale on the occasion remained loyal, only one joining the rebel army. His name was Valantine Holt, of Yorkshire-street, a noted poacher and marksman. He was captured, and found guilty of high treason, and executed at Penrith, on the 28th of October, 1746. The shop opposite Lord-street, Mr. Henry Howorth's, is the oldest printing office in the town, himself and his family having been in this special trade for the last hundred years. Part of the building occupied by Mr. Henry Butterworth, jeweller and watch and clock maker, which is called Town Hall Buildings, was built on the site of a large news-room belonging to the Market A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 335 Company. During the stormy times of the Reform Bill, when Rochdale was made a borough, party feeling ran very high in the town. Some difference arose be- As tween the political parties visiting this news-room. the preponderance of the shareholders were members of the Tory party, the Whigs, who were in the minority, resolved to have another news-room, which was held in premises now occupied by Mr. Alderman Taylor. It was called the "Red News-room," and was the birth- place of many of the improvements which have been made in Rochdale. The Market Company continued their news-room, a better variety of newspapers were taken in, the hostility died away, and the "Red News- room" ceased to exist. Lord-street runs out of Yorkshire-street on the left, and was formerly called Blackwater-street, but the Commissioners decided that streets of one continuous line should only bear one name. In this street, in front of Mr. Sutcliffe's sewing machine depôt, the Flannel Market is held every Monday, and it is still called the "Blackwater Market." At the junction of Blackwater-street with Lord-street, before the year 1825, stood a house in Lord street, at the right angle with the King's Head, four yards. The opposite house which is now occupied by Mr. Owen March, solicitor, and that of Mr. Lawton's, the maltster, used to be one tenement, and bore the name of "the Manor House." It is a very ancient building, and it is supposed to have been once the property of the Byron family. The late Alderman Livsey was born on the 17th of June, 1815, at the Duke of Wellington Hotel, bottom of Blackwater- street, and he was the son of Robert Livsey, the 336 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. landlord. The career of honest Tom Livsey is inti- mately connected with the history of progress in Roch- dale, and the innumerable advantages conferred upon the working class- "A King can make a belted knight, A marquis, duke and a' that; But an honest man's aboon his might, Guid faith, he manna fa' that." Baillie-street, which opens to the right of Yorkshire- street, took its name from Colonel Baillie, who was the owner of land in this street. The Joint Stock Bank, a handsome structure, situate in this street, was registered under the Companies' Act in March, 1872. On the night of the 19th of April, 1856, a coach trimmer, named Samuel Bell, a native of Gateshead, was murderously attacked and robbed in Baillie-street, and he died in a few weeks after. Bell lodged at the Brunswick Hotel, and returning home late on the 19th of April, a man, who wore cloggs, kicked him near the Messrs. Kelsalls' mill, and then on the head whilst he lay on the ground. When he attempted to defend himself, he was cut on the hands with a knife. There were five large wounds on his head, and his left thumb was nearly cut off. The murderer was never detected. The Public Hall is situated in this street, and has been the scene of many interesting and important meetings. On the 5th of March, 1868, a serious riot occurred here on account of the Public Hall Company refusing to let Messrs. Houston and Mackey, followers of Murphy, the anti-Popery advocate, have the use of the hall. Mackey shot at police officer David Halstead, but, fortunately, the bullet struck the officer's belt, A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 337 and thus he escaped injury. Mackey was imprisoned for sixteen months for the offence, and his partisans afterwards built a "Protestant Hall" in Milkstone-road, in which to hold meetings and services. The first Board School was in Baillie-street, which was previously a British School. Returning to Yorkshire-street, so named, as it is the principal road to Yorkshire, has been very much improved and widened within the last fifty years. Mr. Holt's warehouse is perhaps one of the oldest buildings in Rochdale. Mr. Wm. Swift's boot shop is an ancient building, and has been modernised. The old road to Yorkshire was down Church-lane, right across a ford into the Butts, up "Bull Brow," by the large and extensive building which is now occupied as the offices of the Rochdale Times, the newspaper which so ably advocates the Conservative cause in Rochdale, and into Yorkshire-street. The extensive respective premises occupied by Messrs. Thomas Whipp and Son, watch manufacturers, jewellers, and silver smiths; Mr. J. Petrie, mill furnisher and general ironmonger; Mr. William Wallace, boot and shoe manufacturer; and Mr. Robinson, chemist, are all comparatively modern structures, but have been very much improved of late years. Nearly opposite, The Baum turns off to the left, and in this narrow street or passage on the 15th of October, 1862, a shocking accident occurred in an old building. While a sale was proceeding in the top room of the building, part of the flooring gave way, and the whole contents of the room, audience, and auctioneer, fell through the lower storeys to the bottom, creating the greatest havoc and consternation. Mr. John Matley, machine broker; Mr. 338 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. John Turner, cotton spinner; and Mr. Abraham Knight, furniture broker, were killed on the spot, and a number of other persons were very seriously injured. Many persons providentially escaped unhurt, and the auctioneer declared "that though he had felt himself to be going he was extremely glad to find he was not gone." The shop of Mr. David Oldfield, tailor and outfitter, and that of Mr. James Hamilton, ironmonger, etc., were formerly the front rooms of the Reed Hotel. Some of the oldest inhabitants remember the erection of the office in Tower place, now occupied by Mr. Wm. Shepherd, auctioneer, and the shops now occupied by Mr. J. K. Spencer, wholesale and retail draper; Mr. Thos. Brandon, grocer, and Mr. Robert Adamson, tea and coffee merchant; Mr. Davis, boot and shoe manufacturer; Mr. A. Wheeler, tailor, &c., and that formerly they were private dwellings. Acker-street, in which Mr. J. H. Baskeyfield has his shop and cooperage, leads to the Public Hall, to which we have previously referred. Cheetham-street turns off on the left of Yorkshire-street, and it derives its name from Cheetham College, Manchester, as some of the land here belongs to that college, but in old deeds the street is named Northgate. The whole aspect of this now im- portant thoroughfare has been completely changed by the elevation of the level. From the Spread Eeagle Inn there was formerly a decline to a rivulet named the Lord-burn, which flowed across the road down Cable- square, and into the Roach at the Orchard. A few doors beyond the shop of Mr. James Hadfield, druggist, some of the buildings are two storeys below the present surface of the street. The street turning off nearly opposite the shop of Mr. Lynch, chemist, is Mill-street. A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 339 On the right runs Redcross-street. In 1868, Murphy, the anti-Popery lecturer, lodged in a building in Cheetham-street, which has since been converted by Mr. John Greyson, house painter, &c., into a shop for his particular line of business, and on the evening of the 26th of March, in that year, an angry mob followed Murphy, and a young woman named Ann Swift assualted him. For this offence she was imprisoned for fourteen days. Murphy, during his stay in Rochdale, was the cause of riotous proceedings in various parts of the town, and instigated religious strife, which culminated in an attack upon St. John's Catholic Chapel, where the rioters smashed the windows, and committed damage to the amount of several hundred pounds. He visited other towns, carrying on his crusade against the Catholics, and a few years later he received blows which ultimately resulted in his death. Toad-lane crosses the end of Cheetham-street, at right angles, and its name is supposed to have originated from the word "Tod," namely 14 lbs. weight of wool, as here, in remote times, wool was largely dealt in, and where the shop of Mr. Drury, tailor and woollen draper, now stands, was the site of the ancient wool warehouses. At the top of Toad-lane, Falinge-road branches off on the left; and on Greenhill Estate, in this road, as mentioned in a pre- ceding page, the annual Rochdale Agricultural Show is held. This show was formerly called the Whitworth and Rochdale Agricultural Show. It originated at Whitworth in 1854, and its early success was partly attributable to the exertions of the late Mr. Robert Tweedale, of Healey. Heights-lane branches off Toad- lane to the right, and this was originally the old road to Bacup, passing through Shawclough and into the 340 A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. Whitworth-road at Ending. Continuing our course we are brought to the end of Blackwater-street, at the corner of which may be noticed a lofty building, which site was at first intended for a Temperance Hall. Spotland-road is a continuation of St. Mary's Gate, and the houses in this locality cannot boast of much antiquity. Bury-road leads off to the left, and the manufactory at Coptrod, of general mill furniture, belongs to Mr. Albert R. Worth. About two years ago a new road was opened out of Spotland-road into Toad- lane, which has been of the greatest advantage in relieving some of the narrow and busy streets here- abouts. Sheriff-street turns off a little higher up, near to the draper's shop of Mr. James Clegg, into Heights- lane, and is a comparatively new street. Returning to Yorkshire-street, it may not be uninteresting to state that from Cheetham-street, to where now stands Mr. G. H. Robinson's grocer's shop, ninety years ago, was an extensive nursery on both sides of the then lane, and the only house then standing was the old police office, at the corner of Union-street. Mount Pleasant, which, at the present time, by no means deserves the name, leads off to the left from Yorkshire-street, and was once really such a spot as the name describes, and the pleasantest and most commanding position in the town, from which good views of the Roach valley could be obtained. Many of the streets in this neighbourhood have been the Irish quarters ever since about the year 1824, and as the first comers were a class of agricultural and common labourers, and found wages so much higher than in Ireland, they naturally sent for their friends and relatives, until it became quite an Irish A RAMBLE THROUGH THE STREETS. 341 colony for many years. Now, however, they are begin- ning to scatter all over the town. In the earlier period of their migration, the Irish labourer was rather a favourite with the English than otherwise, as his natural humour and good qualities were fully appreciated. John-street turns off to the right near to St. James's Church, and leads to the railway station. The fine warehouse near to the shop of Mr. William Adams, tailor, John-street, belongs to Messrs. Willans & Co., flannel manufacturers. Whitworth-road is a continuation of John-street, and some of the oldest in- habitants can remember that this locality from Yorkshire- street up to Healey, was laid out in corn and potato fields. John-street took its name from Mr. John Clegg, a blacksmith, who built the first house in this street. George-street runs down out of Yorkshire street, parallel with John-street, and the large timber yard there situated, belongs to Mr. W. A. Peters, builder and timber merchant, and these premises stand on the site of the residence, school-house, and play ground of the late Mr. Wm. Littlewood. It was a famous school, and here many of our leading townsmen were educated. The Infirmary is situated in Yorkshire- street, near Messrs. Smiths' boot and shoe shop, and Mr. Whitham's photographic studio. Heybrook, in which Mr. Tomlinson's corn warehouse is situated, is a continuation of Yorkshire-street, and this turnpike- road leads through Littleborough, and into Yorkshire. Having now completed a rapid, and, we hope, a pleasant perambulation through the principal streets of the town, it may perhaps be agreeable to the reader to have his attention turned to the chief attraction of our neighbourhood-Hollingworth Lake. HOLLINGWORTH LAKE AND BLACKSTONE EDGE. ROMINENT amid the scenery of the district of which Rochdale is the centre, are the alternations of meadow, moorland, and hill, stretching between its confines and the boundaries of the West Riding. Less enchanting, perhaps, than the rocks and dells which dot the course of the Roach and its smaller confluents, and possessing few of the leaf-clad cloughs to be met with at almost every winding of the brawling little streamlets running through Spotland, Healey, and Whitworth, but with a marked distinctiveness and an artistic beauty all its own. This was the route followed by the legions of Rome in the construction of that Way which the effacing imprints of fifteen centuries have yet been compelled to spare, and which still crops out in sturdy squares of stone pavement as the foot passenger makes his journey into Yorkshire by way of Blackstone Edge. Those old Romans, utilitarian as they were in their policy, their life, and their conquests, had a fine eye for the picturesque, look you. With them, the straight road was always the best road, but they have managed to include in this magnificent highway over the ridge which divides the two counties, not only strategical positions, but also the chief points from which the country might be viewed. And the old Roman road which eschews the pass over Blackstone Edge, prefer- Op N HOLLINGWORTH LAKE x HOLLINGWORTH LAKE. 343 ring to take the shorter cut to Ripponden, over the moors, still remains, the characteristic of a people who warred, as Oliver Wendel Holmes, says, "not with fifteen foot lances, but with swords as short as the grace, and as pointed as the laws they gave to all the world." Starting from Rochdale, north eastwards, the Roman road, when three miles out, skirts what is now the western side of Hollingworth Lake, and as we now light on a work of modern engineering, we may leave the more ancient construction to the researches of antiquarians, and give landmarks more in accordance with the requirements of the ordinary railway passenger and tourist. HOLLINGWORTH LAKE Is a sheet of water covering 90 acres, originally con- structed by the Rochdale and Manchester Canal Co. as a feeder to that channel of communication. Later works, however, have rendered its existence no longer necessary for that purpose, and within recent years it has fallen into the hands of a company by whom it has been transformed into a resort of pleasure. Lying about three miles from Rochdale, its shores may be gained either by highways from Smithy Bridge and Littleborough Stations, or by following the windings of two pleasant footpaths running from the town. passes out of the top of Yorkshire-street, by way of Hamer Mill, and leads through the Hamlet of Clegg; the other, by Milnrow road and over Uncouth Bridge. (C One The Lake cannot be called either grand" or "lovely." Its surroundings neither awe by their 344 HOLLINGWORTH LAKE. frowning majesty, nor captivate by their fairy witcheries. Here are no rugged mountains, snow-topped and grim; no far stretching forests of beech, and oak, and pine; the nightingale makes not her home upon its shores in leafy bowers perfumed with odours of richest blossom, nor does the sighing wind breathe sweetest music through the groves. In short, it is neither Loch Lomond nor Lago Maggiore. But one is not obliged to be always viewing the bluest of blue skies of Italy, or watching the descent of Highland squalls, with their wonderful changes of light and shade, and Holling- worth has merits of its own. We do not expect to be at Venice when we go to Greenwich, nor at Naples when we voyage to Blackpool. And so, though Hollingworth is neither a Derwentwater nor a Killar- ney, it may, and does possess attractions of a special nature worth viewing. It is homely; it is pleasant; and it is the Lake of south Lancashire and the Riding; the charming spot where on gala days gather thousands of workers in this teeming district. Leeds send excur- sions; Manchester makes holiday here; contingents flock from Bradford, Bury, and Oldham, and not a district among the moors but is proud if its amateur instrumentalists can score well at a Hollingworth brass band contest. On a summer afternoon, there is won- derful natural variety at Hollingworth. Its elevated position unfolds a wide panorama. Over the sombre hued Blackstone Edge and russet tinged moorlands of Wardle, light and shade play strange antics. The heather on Whittaker Moor is bathed in colours an artist would give his eyes to catch, while to the south- west over the murky atmospheric tinge which tells. HOLLINGWORTH LAKE. 345 where Rochdale is, the champaign country rolls towards Manchester in undulating waves of meadowland, absorbing the brilliant sunshine and throwing back hues attuned in harmony with the amphitheatre of surround- ing hills. Upon the Lake itself, float or dart craft of every description-the racing skiff, the pleasure boat, the fishing punt, and the snorting ferry steamer-glide in every direction, leaving in their wakes long lines of glittering sheen, while on the western bank linger crowds for whose patronage numerous caterers of sweets, and toys, and tea, clamour in no uncertain voice. For those of more robust appetite, the many hotels which fringe the lake offer every accommodation. The lovers of aquatic sports have formed a rowing club in connection with this lake, and the members number about 50. Henry Newall, Esq., J.P., is the president, and Mr. Wm. Lord, the secretary. They have a boat-house on the north side of the lake neatly fitted up. They possess eight and four-oared gigs; four and pair-oared racing cutters, and skiffs, and canoes. The Beach Hotel is a commodious inn, built of brick, and occupying a commanding site. Here are large refreshment rooms, and overhanging the water, a spacious dancing stage, capable of accommodating some two thousand persons. This is brilliantly lighted with gas, and at night presents a most lively and animating appearance. Round the hotel are grounds fitted up for al fresco sports. Crossing the lake from one landing stage to another by means of a paddle steamer, we reach the Lake Hotel and pleasure grounds. The hotel is a picturesque 23 346 HOLLINGWORTH LAKE. building, constructed somewhat after the fashion of a Swiss chalet. The neatness and excellence of its accommodation have given it a name far beyond that of mere local celebrity. The Lake Hotel stands within large and tastefully laid out pleasure grounds. Drives, lined with shrubbery will be found along the shores of the lake, while at the back of the hotel is a well-kept bowling green, and, beyond that again, flowery arcades and summer houses, where one may ruralize at leisure. Standing at the edge of the lake is a very handsome building, the lower floor of which is used as a refresh- ment room, the upper floor forming a fine billiard room, with commodious balcony, from which the sports on the lake can be conveniently witnessed. In front of the veranda of the hotel is a dancing stage, a scene of gaiety on summer evenings when the lake is aglow with the setting sun, and joyous sounds of laughter come rippling over the water. There have been temporary reverses to the picture, for the lake has been the scene of several catastrophes. About twenty-six years ago there was an accident on the ice, and several persons were drowned. On the 6th of April, 1861, a melancholy boat accident occurred. It seems that on this occasion a great number of people had come over from various parts of the country to spend the day at Hollingworth. There were about forty small boats besides two steamers on the lake, all of which were floating about in different directions, when suddenly about four o'clock, two of the small boats came into collision with each other near the centre of the lake. The collision was so violent as to capsize both boats; some thirteen persons being pre- OP WAY OFF ONLY. HOLLINGWORTH LAKE, BY MOONLIGHT 347 HOLLINGWORTH LAKE. cipitated into the lake, which at this place is sixteen or seventeen yards deep. Before assistance arrived, five of the party were drowned, namely, Ben. Taylor, John Tatham, Sydney Smith, Richmond Richardson, of Higher Crompton, and Henry Crossley, of Shaw. It may be mentioned in connection with Hollingworth Lake, that its shores are in winter time not an infrequent resort of wild fowl, and that fair sport has been afforded in this direction. HOLLINGWORTH LAKE BY MOONLIGHT. The moon sheds down her mellow silver light Upon the placid waters, sweet and clear, While all arouud, the stillness of the night, Gives grateful solace to the listening ear. Mirror of beauty! with what splendour gleams The sheen which falls from yon resplendent orb Upon thy waters, that one almost dreams Of magic powers which all her beams absorb ! On such a night as this we feel in love With all that nature's holy touch hath warmed; And while our thoughts upsoar to One above We mourn that aught on earth should seem deformed, Oh, that this peacefulness might long endure, This lovely scene continue, free from mist! Who would not seek for what is true and pure? Who would in aught unbeautiful persist? None but the gross and foul who make the earth A scene of terror, havoc, and distress. O give us, gracious God, a second birth, And stem the tide of human wretchedness. Give us to love thy works, so bright and fair; Give us to know where truest goodness lies; Give, from on high, a living, freshening air, Before whose current all pollution flies. ; 348 CLEGG HALL. A Lying half or three-quarters of a mile to the south west of the lake, and between it and Rochdale, is the hamlet of Clegg. The principal object of interest here is the fine old mansion of Clegg Hall, a superb specimen of architecture of the days of James I. Although it has fallen sadly from its high estate, the excellent condition of preservation in which its external decoration has been maintained serves to afford a capital notion of the homes of our forefathers. massive stone porch with steps, gives character to the building, throwing out in fine proportion the heavy carvings above the eight mullioned windows, each with their ten lights; and the sculptured monsters with which the front is further adorned, show the elaborate nature of the architecture. Many a time must the large and lofty rooms have resounded with the glee of deep potations; and, in looking at the wide open mantelpieces with their handsome carvings, one can picture up a scene in the olden time, when the walls were still relieved with dark wainscoting, and the ruddy blaze of the logs on the hearth-stone threw fanciful shadows over the floor and ceiling. The history of this mansion, which once did duty as a roadside public-house, and received its license in the name of "The Black Sloven," is carried back by tradition to the early part of the twelfth century, when it was in the hands of a family who drew their name from the estate. Down to the time of Henry VI., the Cleggs (veritable children of the soil since the meaning of the word in Saxon is "clay,") were possessors of Clegg Hall. It then passed into the hands of the CLEGG HALL. 349 Ashtons, and from that family, in the reign of the first Charles, to the keeping of the Howarths. It requires no antiquary to test the tenure on which possession in these times was gained. The Wars of the Roses, and the Parliamentary struggle, being at their fiercest when these transitions occurred, are a sufficient reason for the change of proprietors. Since the Civil War, the hall was bandied about from owner to owner until it now rests in the possession of Mr. James Fenton, and recently formed the roof-tree of a tavern, with spare accommodation for separate dwellings behind. It would not be fair to pass from a notice of this place without an allusion to the "boggart" which "Clegg Ho'" possessed in its palmy days in common with every other well regulated and antiquated country house. The legend is worth a short relation, and as told in Roby's "Traditions of Lancashire," is to the following effect:-About the middle of the 17th century, the ghost being about that time so particularly troublesome as to frighten all comers from approaching the haunted chamber, Alice Howarth, sister to the then head of the family, received a mystic summons to repair to the ghost's apartment at the dead hour of night under dread penalties to the house in case of refusal. She goes; the door is bolted behind her and she is conveyed by one whom she has before met and shuddered at as a beggar-man, through vaults and passages to the very foundations of the house. Here she is met by a stranger who demands her hand in marriage, and threatens to keep her imprisoned until she is wearied into consenting. Meanwhile, Alice is missed from her home, and strict search made. The 350 BLACKSTONE EDGE. beggar-man is arrested on suspicion of complicity with the crime. In reply, he declares himself one of the Cleggs, the original owners of the estate, and the right- ful heir. While undergoing further examination the house is shaken by an explosion, and the beggar makes his escape in the confusion. Afterwards, he emerges from the ghost's apartment bearing the body of Alice, who had fainted, and again leaves the hall, this time, to return no more. It is subsequently found that he was the chief of a gang of coiners, who had used the ancient portion of the hall for their nefarious practices (which explained the mysterious sounds), and that as a means of bringing back the possession of the hall to the Clegg family, he had abducted Alice in order to force her into marriage with his son. Needless to add that henceforward the "boggart" existed but in old wives' tales, and the vivid imaginations of children. BLACKSTONE EDGE. The highroad from Rochdale into Yorkshire passes. over a ridge of hills which form a line of uplands extending from the Cheviots to the Derbyshire Peak. To prevent the otherwise unavoidable steep ascent, the road, after leaving Littleborough runs in zig-zag lines. through a rugged country, where broom, and moss, and dark ravines alternate with waste moors. This was the road the mails travelled before the age of railways, when the coaches were liable to be stopped by highwaymen, and the young bloods of Littleborough and the district formed outriding guards to convey the vehicle to the White House; and doubtless recompensed their labours when this renowned hostelry was reached BLACKSTONE EDGE. 351 The with vigorous application to strong liquors. White House on Blackstone Edge is the most prominent mark in the whole district. From any point from which a glimpse of the hills may be obtained the inn at the summit of the road is readily seen, its colour being in strong contrast with the rocks adjacent. This much said, the view obtainable from the hotel itself may be imagined. Standing at the doorway, or, better, on one of the projecting points of Blackstone, all the valley of the Roach is within sight, and the truth of the state- ment that Rochdale is cradled in hills is fully borne out. The view is charming. Hamlets and mills dot the valley, in the centre of which the winding course of the river which gives its name to the principal town is clearly discernible. In the distance to the south and west, are the chimneys and spires of Manchester, Bury, Oldham, Heywood, and busy centres of industry more far away still, while the knolls and hills stand out with pleasing distinctness. The moors adjacent are well stocked with game, strictly preserved. A little to the east of the White House is "Robin Hood's Bed," a knot of time-worn and weather-riven rocks, bearing no resemblance whatever to a resting place either for an outlaw or honest man. Still tradition has been good enough to couple them with the name of Sherwood's bold forester, and to associate with his wanderings this bleakest of the many bleak spots upon the Lancashire moors. There is here very little indeed of that placid scenery characterising the lower parts of the valley, and yet the wild waste is in admirable keeping with the diversified prospect. Altogether the country side of which Hollingworth and the moors running thence to 352 BLACKSTONE EDGE. stone Edge form a part is not the least beautiful, nor is it in any whit less interesting than the other spots to which the attention of the visitor is directed in 'other portions of this volume. Both to the antiquary and the artist, this district presents attractions which have only to be made known to be taken advantage of in their fullest extent. Our views of Hollingworth Lake are from photo- graphs taken by Mr. A. Whitham, and the remainder of the illustrations are from photographs executed by Mr. J. Jackson. L'ENVOI. And now we pause, our task at length is done, The goal is reached, and breathing space is won; None know but they who've trod the rugged way, How bright the scene is when the heavens display Their radiant beauties to the grateful eye Of travellers who have reached the summit high Of some vast mountain from the plain below, Where nature's charms in all their splendour glow. Thus we have upward toiled, and back we cast Our eyes in retrospect on what we've passed; Labour is sweet if only friends approve, And sure 'tis pleasant to dispense one's love. One only purpose has sustained us still, The purpose to do good and nothing ill; It seemed to us that it were well to aim To keep on record somewhat of the fame Of our good town of Rochdale, proud and old, Whereof so much has been and can be told. Aided by friends whom we full well esteem, We place before our readers what we deem An offering not unworthy their regard, Unseeking thence mere personal reward; Honest in aim, we make our final bow, Our book shows ROCHDALE PAST and ROCHDALE NOW. THE END. WEDDING PRESENTS. HENRY HOWORTH, Bookseller & Stationer, 20, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. REWARD AND GIFT BOOKS, DRESSING CASES, DRESSING BAGS, WRITING CASES, HAND BAGS, AND COURIER BAGS, Desks, Workboxes, Stationery Cabinets, Inkstands, Bookslides, Tea Caddies, Bread Platters, Egg Stands, Butter Dishes, Jewel Cases, Card Cases, GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, Workbaskets, Ladies' Companions, Purses, Pocket Books, Card Trays, and Toilet Sets, China; Music Rolls, Portfolios, Cigar Cases, Fusee Cases, &c. SMELLING BOTTLES, FAMS, OPERA GLASSES, Pen and Pencil Cases, Iu-door Games, Chessmen, Draughts, Playing Cards, Bezique, Card Boxes, Portrait Aloums, Scrap Books, Stamp Albums. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, AND HYMN BOOKS, HENRY HOWORTH, PRINTER & BOOKBINDER, 20, YORKSHIRE STREET. ·:-0-:· GIFTS. BIRTHDAY W. A. PETERS, Builder and Timber Merchant, Has for Sale a Large Stock of Seasoned Mahogany, Baywood, Oak, Birch, & Pine Boards, SPRUCE, RED DEAL, AND PINE PLANKS. Also every description of Mouldings, Architraves, Skirtings, Match Boards, Floor Boards, Doors, Windows, Troughs, Slaters' and Plasterers' Laths, in Stock or made to order. SAWING & PLANING DONE FOR THE TRADE. ·0-0- Townhead Saw Mills, George Street. THOMAS TOMLINSON, (LATE CHARLES HOLT,) CORN DEALER, HEYBROOK, ROCHDALE, Dealer in Oats, Beans, Barley, Peas, Meal, Seeds, Malt, Combs, Flour, Bran, Sharps, Oil Cake, and all kinds of Provender. -0-0- AGENT FOR THORLEY'S CATTLE SPICE. -0-0- Farmers and large Consumers of Corn, &c., may depend on being supplied with Genuine Articles at Wholesale Prices. ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. GEORGE H. ROBINSON, FAMILY GROCER, TEA DEALER, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, Opposite St. James's Church, 154, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. NEW SEASON'S BLACK TEA, at 2s. 6d., EXCELLENT & ECONOMICAL. NEW SEASON'S BLACK TEA, at 3s.. RICH IN FLAVOUR AND OF GREAT STRENGTH. Finest New Fruits for Desserts, viz., New Town Pippins, Muscatels, Grapes, Figs, French Plums, Crystallized Fruits, &c., &c. Latest Improvements in Photography. :-0-: J. JACKSON, THE WALK, Sole Licensee for Rochdale and District of the Lambertype and Chromotype patent Photographic Processes. Photographs printed on the above neinciple, Guaranteed Not to Fade. INGHAM & CO.. COACH & CAB PROPRIETORS, Tweedale Street Livery Stables, (Opposite Ann Street Infant School,) ROCHDALE. I. & Co., in thanking the Public for past favours, beg to announce that they have just added to their Stock a NEW HEARSE (a miniature representation of which appears above), SHILABEER, and MOURNING COACHES, and hope by continued attention to merit a share of public patronage. -0-0- Coffins, Shrouds, Cloaks, Hat Bands, &c. ·0-0- Funeral Arrangements Punctually and Economically carried out. WEDDINGS, PLEASURE PARTIES, &C., SUPPLIED WITH Waggonettes, Coaches, Cabs, Hansoms, Broughams, Drags, &c., On the Shortest Notice. TWEEDALE STREET LIVERY STABLES, ROCHDALE, DRIVING DEPARTMENT. INGHAM & & CO., CAB PROPRIETORS, Supply Four-in-hand & Tandem Turn-outs, Coaches, Waggonettes, &c., for Pic-nic or Wedding Parties. ON THE APPROACH OF THE HAPPIEST DAY IN YOUR LIVES, DO NOT FORGET INGHAM & CO.'S WEDDING EQUIPAGES. Charges Reasonable. Attendance at the Stables Daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Other hours by arrangement. First Class Boot & Shoe Establishment, (Opposite West-street,) TOP OF YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. J. & H. SMITH Fashionable Boot & Shoe Mahers, Beg to return thanks for jast favours, and respectfully to inform the Public of Rochdale and the surrounding Neighbourhood that they have replenished their Extensive Stock of BOOTS & SHOES, For the coming Season, which are of the Newest Style and Fashion, including a large variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies', & Children's Boots Which they trust will give general satisfaction to all their Customers. J. & H. SMITH would respectfully solicit an inspection of their Stock, which for Cheapness, Durability, and Fashion cannot be surpassed. Repairs of every description neatly executed on the Shortest Notice. NOTE THE ADDRESS: 163, OPPOSITE WEST STREET, TOP OF YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. WATCH AND CLOCK MANUFACTORY, TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, ROCHDALE; WORKSHOPS:-Behind Residence, 30, Baillie Street. ESTABLISHED 1854. HENRY BUTTERWORTH, Watch Manufacturer, Holdsmith, Silversmith AND JEWELLER, Respectfully invites the attention of the public to his Magnificent Stock of High-class GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of every description. GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY. of every description. Silber & Electro-plate, English, French, & other Foreign Clocks. JET GOODS OF THE FINEST QUALITIES. SPECIALITIES IN GEM BETROTHAL RINGS, &c. STANDARD GOLD WEDDING BINGS, To purchasers of which a Special Present is given. Special attention is invited to his Now Standard British Workman's SILVER LEVER WATCH Hundreds of which have been sold in Rochdale and Neighbourhood, and are confidently recommended as the best, cheapest, and most intrinsically valuable Watch ever offered to the Public at the Price, £5 5s. Specimens and Specifications can be seen constantly in the Shop Window, and SENT to any part of the kingdom on receipt of Post Order for the amount.— Postage and Registration Fee. Every Watch manufactured on the Premises under personal superintendence by an efficient staff of workmen. Repairs of every description incident to the Trade promptly attended to. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ENGRAVING ON STONE & METAL. Estimates and Specifications given for every description of Church, Turret, Steam, Watchman's House, and Office Clocks. By Her Majesty's Attends Manchester Royal Letters Patent. Exchange Near S. Pillar. ALBERT B. WORTH R. (Late THOMAS WORTII,) THE SOLE INVENTOR AND PATENTEE OF Cotton Washer Cloths & Round Cork Washers for the Better Drag of Bobbins, Throstles, Doublers, &c. MANUFACTURER OF Cotton Washer Cloths, Spindle Tapes, Tubular Spindle Banding, Lamp Wicks, Candle Wicks, Woollen Washers. ROLLER AND CLEARER CLOTHS, GUIDE WIRES, HEALD HOOKS, SPRING, AND GENERAL MILL FURNISHER. COPTROD MILL, ROCHDALE. ΤΙ THOMAS BRANDON'S UNRIVALLED 3/- BLACK TEA For Family Use & Large Consumers IT CANNOT BE TOO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. 80, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! J. BREARLEY RAILWAY , SIDING MILKSTONE ROAD, Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Rochdale and Vicinity, that he has constantly on hand supplies of the best Wigan, Silkstone, and Mountain Mine House, Fire, Steam, and Gas COAL AND CANNEL. Orders left at the Office, Milkstone, will have Prompt Attention. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. WILLIAM HIGHLEY ཟ Family and Dispensing Chemist, Has a Large and Well-selected Stock of PATENT DRUGS. ALL PATENT MEDICINES IN ORDINARY REPUTE. FINE HEALTHY LEECHES. -0-0- THE FINEST AMERICAN ROCK OIL, And every requisite usually kept on a First- class Drug Establishment. 54, DRAKE STREET, ROCHDALE. TO BOOT, SHOE, CLOG, AND HARNESS MAKERS. 0-0- GEORGE L. LOVERSIDGE, TANNER AND CURRIER Crawford Street Tannery, Rochdale, Begs to intimate to the above that he has, for the convenience. of his Friends, OPENED A RETAIL WAREHOUSE. At the above address, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their favours. -0-0- Manufacturer of Mill Strapping, Strap Butts, Hydraulic and Pump Leathers, Shoe and Sole Butts, Clog Butts, Harness Backs, Calf Skins, &c., &c. WM. WALLACE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSES, 47, YORKSHIRE STREET, AND 78, EXCHANGE STREET, ROCHDALE. ·:-0-:· Every description of Boots and Shoes ready made or to order. WILLIAM SHEPHERD, Auctioneer and Valuer, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, TOWER CHAMBERS, ROCHDALE. RESIDENCE: CLOVER BANK, BURY ROAD. ON SALE PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS, New and Second Hand, on the most reasonable terms for Cash. OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Pianofortes and Harmoniums Tuned by the year or otherwise. Tuning guaranteed to good Instruments. Good TEACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, AND ORGAN. CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. S. WARBURTON J GALE ROAD, LITTLEBOROUGH; Also, 12, BRADSHAW STREET, Near Wardleworth Station, ROCHDALE. WESLEYAN DAY SCHOOLS, UNION STREET, ROCHDALE. Junior Department. Head Master…….. Mr. R. GREENWOOD (Certificated Government Teacher, also Certificated Teacher of Science and Art), with qualified Assistants. Sewing Mistress.. • 4 1 Miss LORD SUBJECTS OF INSTRUCTION :- Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Composition, Geography, History, Book-keeping, Drawing and Music; also French, Latin, Algebra, and Mensuration, if desired. Select Class TERMS OF TRAINING:- 9d. per week, or 9s. per quarter. 6s. & 4s. Other Classes 6d. & 4d. - Infant Department. Head Mistress • Miss NUTTALL (Certificated Teacher), with Four Pupil Teachers. SUBJECTS TAUGHT:- Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, together with Simple Lessons on Natural History and common objects; and Singing. Sewing and Knitting are taught to Girls above Five Years of Age. Select Class FEES:- 4d. per week, or 4s. per quarter. Other Classes 3d. Hours of Instruction: From Nine to Twelve Morning; and from Half-past One to Four Afternoon, NEW SCHOLARS Admitted ON MONDAY MORNINGS. The Schools are thoroughly well ventilated, and the teaching apparatus is most complete. ISAAC BUTTERWORTH, Sec. for the Managers. JOSEPH LAW, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF ENGINE WASTE FOR CLEANING MACHINERY FOR HOME AND EXPORT, ASHWORTH STREET, ROCHDALE. JOHN PETRIE, 53 & 55, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, Mill Furnisher & General Fronmonger, WHITESMITH, BELLHANGER, AND AUTHORISED GAS FITTER. -0-0- GAS & STEAM TUBES & FITTINGS. Cast Gas and Water Pipes, Drop Pipe, Eave Spouting, &c. Boilers for Hot-water Heating Apparatus, and Fittings. BAR, ROD, SHEET, & HOOP IRON. Cast, Shear, Spring, and Spring, and Blister Steel. ESTABLISHED 1834. R.ADAMSON WHOLESALE GROCER ހ ROBERT ADAMSON, TEA & COFFEE MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCER, &c., No. 82, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. ·0-0· IMPORTER OF IRISH AND PURE MILD DUTCH BUTTER. -0-0 Agent for Rochdale and District for DR. LOVELACE'S SCENTED SUPERIOR FAMILY SOAP. Agent to the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institutions for Life Assurance, and the Royal Insurance Company-Firé Branch. Black and Green Teas; Coffees, Cocoas, Chicory; Nutmegs, Ginger, Mustard; Seeds, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff; Starch, Powder Blue, Spices, Papers, Fruits; Preserved Meats, Rice, Confections; Biscuits, Preserves, Marmalade; Beverages, Baking Powders: Sugars, Butter, Cheese: Bacon, Hams, Lard; Syrup, Treacle, &c.; Vinegar, Pickles; Candles, Soap, Soda, Soda Ash; Soap Powders. ESTABLISHED 1836. CHARLES WHITWORTH, Decorative Painter, PAPER HANGER, DEALER IN English and French Paper Hangings. Gold Moulds, &c. ARTISTS' COLOURS AND MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c. -0-0· Picture Frame Maker, Carver and Gilder, &c. M. DRURY Tailor & Woollen Draper, 21 & 23, TOAD LANE. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT: No. 3, BRICKCROFT, ROCHDALE. LAKE HOTEL, HOLLINGWORTH LAKE. NEAR THE PLEASURE GROUNDS. WILLIAM WORTH Begs to make known to his Friends and the Public that he has succeeded Mr. YARWOOD at the above Hotel, and will use every endeavour to ensure the comfort and requirements of his Customers. Dinners, Teas, and other Refreshments. Choice Wines and Spirits, Mild and Bitter Ales, Cigars, &c. -0-0- WEDDING BREAKFASTS PROVIDED, AND PIC-NIC PARTIES LIBERALLY TREATED WITH. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR HORSES, &c. ·0-0· Billiard Boom, Bowling Green, and Quoiting Ground. A SKATING RINK HAS RECENTLY BEEN ADDED, With Plumpton's Patent Roller Skates, which surpasses any other Skate yet brought before the public. ADMISSION 6d. EACH. HIRE OF SKATES, 6d. "Observer" Buildings. DRAKE STREET , ROCHDALE. The PROPRIETOR of the Rochdale Observer begs respectfully to intimate that he has commenced the GENERAL PRINTING BUSINESS. Commodious Premises have been erected solely for this purpose, and a large selection of Type and Machinery, perfectly new and of the most modern construction, has been made; Steam Power is attached to the machinery, so that Customers may rely upon their Orders being executed with the strictest economy, in the best style of workmanship, and with the greatest promptitude. Attention is therefore called to the facilities offered for the execution of every description of LETTERPRESS PRINTING, INCLUDING: INVOICES. MEMORANDUMS, CIRCULARS, TRADE LISTS & PRICES CURRENT, BANKRUPTCY AND OTHER LAW FORMS, CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES' RULES AND REPORTS, PROGRAMMES AND BOOKS OF WORDS FOR CONCERTS, PLACARDS AND HANDBILLS, Hymns & Placards for School & Chapel Anniversaries. ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. JAMES TATTERSALL, TAILOR & OUTFITTER, 91, YORKSHIRE STREET (OPPOSITE THE WHITE LION), ROCHDALE. J. H. KING, FURNISHING IRONMONGER, WHITESMITH, Locksmith. Bellhanger GAS AND HOT WATER ENGINEER, LORD-ST. & YORKSHIRE-ST. ROCHDALE. FURNISHING LIST ON APPLICATION. CHARLES O'DOHERTY Engine Packing Works, BARON STREET, ROCHDALE, Sole Manufacturer of the Self-Lubricating ELASTIC ENGINE PACKING, Square, Round, or Flat, for Stuffing Boxes, Valve Spindles, Pumps, Steam Hammers, D. Valves, and where Hemp or other Packing is required. THE CELEBRATED RED LEAD ROPE PACKING. For Man-Holes, Cylinder Covers, Steam Pipes, Cold Water Joints, &c. The experience of the last nine years has gained for the Red Lead Rope Packing the entire confidence of Consumers. The Joints made of it can be repeatedly broken and the same rings used again. -0-0 IMPROVED PACKING RINGS FOR PISTON RODS, With or without Wire Gauze. CANVAS ROPE PACKING, Round or Square, for Glands, Stuffing Boxes, &c. NOTE THE ADDRESS :- CHARLES ENGINE O'DOHERTY, PACKING WORKS, BARON STREET, ROCHDALE. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1867. J. HAMILTON, Mill Furnisher, Fronmonger BRASS FOUNDER, Tin-plate Worker, Brazier, Gas Fitter, WHITESMITH, & BELLHANGER; Dealer in Cutlery, Edge Tools, Locks, Bolts, Hinges, Copper and Japanned Goods, Britannia Metal and British Plate Goods, Fenders, Fire Irons, Scales, Weights, Spades, Shovels, &c., WROUGHT IRON GAS TUBES AND FITTINGS, INDIA RUBBER GOODS AND PATENT STRAPPING. IRONMONGERY ESTABLISMENT, 67, YORKSHIRE STREET ; IRON & TINPLATE WORKS & WAREHOUSE, No. 1 COURT, HUNTER'S LANE, ROCHDALE. ROCHDALE MARBLE WORKS. CREDE OPPOSITE THE RAILWAY STATION. W. HOLDSWORTH, Milnrow Road, Corner of Molesworth-street, Having erected entirely new and extensive Works and Show-rooms, respectfully solicits your attention to his Stock of CHIMNEY PIECES of New & Approved Designs, executed in the first style of the art, in Marble, Stone, Enamelled Slate, and Iron; also a choice collection of New and Highly-finished Register GRATES, with Ashes Pans and Fenders to match; all from the best Houses in the Trade. A visit from you will be much esteemed, and should you kindly entrust him with an Order, it will be executed with despatch, and Skilled Workmen sent to erect the Work, which is a most important feature, as many can testify from the annoyance they have suffered by Incompetent Persons undertaking work that they are ignorant of. Old Chimney Pieces Repaired and Cleaned. Also Marble Slabs Cleaned or Repolished, and all kinds of Tiling executed promptly by W. H., who will be glad to furnish Designs and Estimates for all branches of Marble, Stone, or Tiling Work. Monuments, Tombs, Tablets, and Headstones, in Marble, Granite, or Slate. WM. BROCKLEHURST, TAILOR AND WOOLLEN DRAPER, 49, YORKSHIRE STREET. BOROUGH STEAM CABINET WORKS, WHITWORTH ROAD, SHOW ROOMS, 110 & 112, YORKSHIRE-ST. ROCHDALE. HENRY SHAW, FURNISHING UPHOLSTEREF Bedstead and Bedding Manufacturer. Sole Agent for the Patent Sanitary Spring Mattress. VENETIAN BLINDS, Carpets, Floorcloths, Cocoa Mats & Matting, Damasks, Plain & Fancy Reps, Valence Fringes, Upholstery Trimmings, dc. REMOVALS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Old Carpets & Drapery Re-made or Altered. Ladies' Needlework of every description Mounted In the Newest Style, at Moderate prices. DESIGNS SUBMITTED AND ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL KINDS OF HOUSE & OFFICE FURNITURE. FUNERALS! FUNERALS!! BENJAMIN HEYWOOD, 44, St. Mary's Gate, & Sheriff Street, Rochdale. Begs to thank his numerous friends for the very liberal support with which he has hitherto been favoured, and to inform them that he has recently made several additions to his establishment, and is now prepared to furnish Morn- ing Funerals with handsome Hearses and Mourning Coaches. Distance no object. Funeral Arrangements undertaken and carried out Punctually and with a due regard to Economy. All kinds of Coffins, Shrouds, Hearses, Mourning Coaches, Mourning 'Buses, &c., to suit large or small parties. Cloaks, Hat Bands, &c. Works:-COLLEGE STREET, ROCHDALE. ESTABLISHED 1856. WILLIAM ADAMS, Tailor and Woollen Draper, 7, John Street, Rochdale. REED HILL LIVERY STABLES. Hunter's Lane, & Junction Inn Yard, Drake-street, (RESIDENCE :-94, DRAKE STREET, ROCHDALE.) JOSEPH M. HEPWORTH, LICENSED TO LET OUT Horses, Wedding Carriages, Broughams, Hansoms, Waggonettes, Open and Closed Carriages, Cabs, Drags, &c., on the Shortest Notice. TERMS:-MONTHLY. THE MANCHESTER NEW TEA MART, 76, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE, AND 10, MARKET ST., WHITWORTH. THE FINEST FOREIGN AND IRISH BUTTERS Selected with great care from the best Dairies. CHEAP TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, FRUITS, &c. The above are very carefully selected from the best parcels that arrive in England, and special attention is paid to have the whole of this Stock placed at the Lowest possible Market price. To SHOPKEEPERS, HOTEL-KEEPERS, and Buyers of Large Parcels, we give every advantage, placing every article at the LOWEST POSSIBLE WHOLESALE PRICE. N.B.-AGENT FOR W. & A. GILBEY'S WINES AND SPIRITS. SINGLE BOTTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Lists and Catalogues (free) on application. PROPRIETOR: J. CLEMINSON, ROCHDALE AND WHITWORTH. MR. JOHN HIGGIN, RED LION, LORD STREET, ROCHDALE, Provides an Ordinary Daily, and Refreshments any hour of the Day. Wines, Spirits, Cigars, &c., of First-class quality. GOOD STABLING, GENUINE WHITE & c. LEAD, Oils, Paints, Colours, Varnishes, Whiting, Plaster Paris, Paris White, PAINTERS & PLASTERERS' BRUSHES, &c., Of the best quality. Retail at Wholesale Prices. J. HADFIELD'S, 20, CHEETHAM STREET, ROCHDALE. WHITHA M PHOTOGRAPHER, 192, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. Cartes-de-visite, Cabinets, Carbon Enlargements to Life Size, and finished in Oil by one of the most eminent Artists of the Day. Parties having small Photographs of Deceased Relatives can have them enlarged up to Life Size, and finished in Oil or Water Colours. Likeness guaranteed in all cases. ROBERT HOLT, Wholesale & Retail Tobacconist, 14, DRAKE STREET, ROCHDALE, FOREIGN & BRITISH CIGARS, &C. Wills', Lea's, Boardman Lea's, Cope's & Hignett's Mixtures. Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, and other Fancy Goods. PUBLICANS AND SHOPKEEPERS SUPPLIED. EDWARD HOYLE, ACCOUNTANT, Town Hall Chambers. South Parade, Rochdale. RESIDENCE:-24, MERE STREET, CASTLEMERE. Agent to the Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Company. PERSONS WISHING TO BUY OR SELL Cottage & other Property, OR JOINT STOCK SHARES, Are requested to send full particulars of the same to WM. ASHWORTH & CO., SHARE BROKERS, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENTS, & VALUERS, 2, River Street, Rochdale. N.B.-To save time and trouble, the highest price they will give, or the lowest price they will take, should always be given. GEO. H. ROBINSON, Family Grocer and Tea Healer, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, OPPOSITE ST. JAMES'S CHURCH, 154, Yorkshire-st., Rochdale. NEW SEASON'S BLACK TEA. at 2/6. EXCELLENT & ECONOMICAL NEW SEASON'S BLACK TEA, at 3/- RICH IN FLAVOUR AND OF GREAT STRENGTH. Finest New Fruits for Desserts, viz., New Town Pippins, Muscatels, Grapes, Figs, French Plums, Crystallized Fruits, &c., &c. ESTABLISHED 1834. 11 R.ADAMSON WHOLESALE GROCER س گرام ROBERT ADAMSON, TEA & COFFEE MERCHANT, WHOLESALE GROCER, &c., No. 82, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. IMPORTER OF IRISH AND PURE MILD DUTCH BUTTER. Agent for Rochdale and District for DR. LOVELACE'S SCENTED SUPERIOR FAMILY SOAP. Agent to the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution for Life Assurance, and the Royal Insurance Company-Fire Branch. Black and Green Teas; Coffees, Cocoas, Chicory; Nutmegs, Ginger, Mustard; Seeds, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff; Starch, Powder Blue; Spices, Papers, Fruits; Preserved Meats, Rice, Confections: Biscuits, Preserves, Marmalade; Beverages, Baking Powders; Sugars, Butter, Cheese; Bacon, Hams, Lard; Syrup, Treacle, &c.; Vinegar, Pickles, Candles; Soap, Soda, Soda Ash; Soap Powders. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. Sales for 1873, 232,444. Exceeding all other Makers by 113,254, OR NEARLY DOUBLE THE SALE OF ANY OTHER MAKER. SOLE AGENT: SIMEON TAYLOR, 92, CHEETHAM STREET, ROCHDALE. ESTABLISHED FOUR YEARS. ARTHUR SKELTON, (FROM LONDON) bolesale & Retail Tobacconist, 11, Cheetham-street, Rochdale. Foreign and British Cigars of the Best Brands. Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar Holders; Briar-roots, in and out of Case; and everything required by Smokers. FANCY TOBACCOS. Hignett's, Leas, Leas Boardman's, Cope's, and Will's Cigarettes in great variety. Meerschaums and Briars Repaired, and Ambers Fitted on the Premises. WILLIAM FROST, DEALER IN PERAMBULATORS Ladies & Gentlemen's Satchels, Travelling Bags and Boxes, Toys, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Brushes, Combs, Concertinas, and a variety of other useful Articles. Also Waterproof Coats and Leggings. 7, CHEETHAM PUBLIC STREET. NOTICE! GEORGE JACKSON & SONS, BILL POSTERS, In returning thanks for past favours, beg to inform the Printers, Solicitors, Auctioneers, and the General Public, that they have removed from No. 7, Dawson's Square to more central Premises, No. 4, The Bank, off Yorkshire-st. & Baillie-st., ROCHDALE. G. J. & S. further beg to inform the General Public and Publishers that they have the sole use and access of from 200 to 300 Posting Stations in Rochdale and surrounding villages, in addition to 60 of the largest and best Stations in the main thoroughfares of Rochdale, all rented by them. The Public may rest assured that all orders will receive the best attention for quickness and despatch. Circulars and Handbills delivered on the shortest notice. All orders by post or rail promptly attended to. Members of the U. K. Billposters' Association. SAMUEL BRIERLEY, Rochdale Agent to the SUN FIRE AND LIFE OFFICES (ESTABLISHED 1710.) REMOVED from York Place, Yorkshire Street, to THE ORCHARD, NEAR OLD BRIDGE. Insurances effected on the shortest notice on Mills, Machinery, Household Goods, Stock-in-Trade, Agricultural Stock and Produce. Life Policies granted which especially offer Low Rates of Premium for Young Lives, with a Bonus of Eighty per cent. of the profits every five years. S. MEREDITH, 16, THE WALK, Bookseller, Stationer, & Newsagent. New Books, Magazines, & Monthly Periodicals promptly supplied. A Choice Selection of Children's Books, Birthday Cards, Scent Satchets, and Reward Tickets, always in stock. H. GRAUL, COACH BUILDER, Elliott-street, off Yorkshire-st., Rochdale. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGES BUILT TO ORDER. Repairs Neatly Executed. Good Workmanship Guaranteed. Second Hand Carriages Bought and Sold. ASHWORTH'S American, Australian, and New Zealand General Shipping and Emigration Agency, NO. 2, RIVER STREET, ROCHDALE, ESTABLISHED 1854.) PASSENGERS AND PARCELS forwarded daily viâ London and Liverpool to all parts of America, Canada, Australia, & New Zealand. PASSENGERS' LIVES AND BAGGAGE INSURED. WM. ASHWORTH, Agent to Her Majesty's Emigration Commissioners, and to the Australian and New Zealand Government for the selection of Emigrants, and for TORRENCE'S LIFE SAVING OUTFIT J. MUIR, CLOTHIER, 14 & 15, MARKET PLACE, ROCHDALE. THAT OLD ESTABLISHED SHOP FOR THIS LAST TWENTY YEARS. ALWAYS A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM. ALSO, MOURNING SUITS TO HAND, AND MADE TO ORDER AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. THE UNIQUE TURKISH BATH & LARGE HOT ROOM. ROCHDALE CORPORATION BATHS. Enlarged accommodation for LADIES & GENTLEMEN, Any Week Day, From 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Summer, And from 7 a.m. to 7-30 p.m. in Winter. W. MILLIGAN, SUPERINTENDENT. J. E. TAYLOR, FANCY & GENERAL DRAPER, Opposite St. James's Church. Milliners and Dressmakers supplied at Trade Prices. PETER LEE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL EGG & PROVISION DEALER, 15, YORKSHIRE STREET, AND 4, NEW MARKET PLACE, ROCHDALE. WILLIAM G. LAND, CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, WAREROOMS: South Parade and Fleece Street; Cabinet & Upholstery Works: FORGE BANK. CABINET STOCK, Drawing Rooms in Walnut, upholstered in Damask, Silk, &c. Dining Rooms: Oak and Mahogany, in Morocco and Hair Cloth. Library: Oak and Mahogany, in Morocco and Hair Cloth. Bedrooms: All the Fashionable Woods, with Hangings, from Chintz to the Finest Silk. Eider Down Quilts, &c. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Silks, Damasks, Reps, Carpets, French and other Chintzes, Dimities, Linings, Creton and Tournay Laces, Fringes, Gimps, Tassels, Cords, Venitian and Holland Blinds, &c. FLOOR CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Patent Linoleum and Kamptulican Oilcloths, in Body and Stair; Table Baizes in Marble and Imitation Woods; Skin, Fibre and other Mats; and agent for Pavy's Patent Felted Fabric Curtains. ESTABLISHED 1847. DENTISTRY IN ROCHDALE AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. MR. CLEGG, DENTIST, Begs to inform the readers of this Guide, that he has removed from 125, Yorkshire Street, to 41, CHEETHAM STREET, (Toad Lane End.) Greatly owing to his largely increased practice as a Dentist, he is enabled to supply Artificial Teeth at all prices, from half-a-crown to one guinea a tooth, and to guarantee that every set of teeth made by him shall be a perfect fit, be natural in appearance, and useful for all the purposes for which nature intended human teeth to be put. Mr. Clegg guarantees that not a tooth put in by him shall change its colour, but that the colour of every tooth shall be as good after ten or fifteen years' wear as it was when first put in the mouth. Attention is requested to the fact that he will be glad to undertake bad fitting cases made by other dentists, and re-model or renew such cases at a reasonable charge. He invites criticism and comparison of his teeth with those made by any other dentist at similar prices, and would request people who have need of a dentist to enquire of such of their friends as lave artificial teeth, who made them, and how they like them, and whether they would go again to the same dentist under similar need. Mr. Clegg will be glad to consult with any one concerning their dental requirements, free of charge. Teeth scaled, cleaned, filled, and extracted. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered, and teeth extracted while under its influence, without pain. CLEGG, Dentist, 41, Cheetham Street, Rochdale. To renew the charge, book must be brought to the desk. TWO WEEK BOOK DO NOT RETURN BOOKS ON SUNDAY DATE DUE NEDWICK'S BOOK STORE 171 NO. MICHIGAN AVE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 05978 8920