3 GENERAL LIBRARY OF | University of Michigan I Presented by 1 QvJS^J^ 7 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON OF MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, AND HIS DESCENDANTS. By William Eleazar Barton, D. D. PRESENTED BY THE AUTHOR. PRIVATELY PRINTED. The Vailc Tress. Oak Park, III. IQOO. AUTHORS FOREWORD. I have gathered this material for my own family record, collecting what I deemed of probable interest to my immediate relatives and of future value to my children. Meager as it is, it has not been ob- tained without much effort, and I print it to secure at once its preser- vation and its enlargement. In presenting copies to a limited number of correspondents and more distant relatives, I offer no apology for its lack either of completeness or proportion. Such as I have I give, hoping that it may be of service to some outside the circle of those for whom it is primarily intended. The record is much more full in the family of Eleazar than in that of the other sons of William Barton, and I am able to present an excellent portrait of him by my friend Mr. A. M. Willard, as well as a portrait of each of his children who married. I have included such portraits as I could obtain of other descendents, together with brief biographical notes of collateral lines. I shall be glad if those receiving this book will send me further information on any subjects relating to the Barton or allied families. WILLIAM ELEAZAR BARTON. The Study First Congregational Church Oak Park, Illinois, September 1, 1900. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. The Name and Family of Barton II. Lieutenant William Barton III. Ensign Eleanor Barton IV. Dr. Jacob Barton V. The Family of Jacob B. Barton LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. William Barton's Fight for Freedom From painting by A. M. Willard Frontispiece The Barton Arms ..... 11 The Barton Crest . . . . . .13 General Willian Barton .... 19 Bible and Table of Lieut. William Barton . . 23 Site of Lieutenant William Barton's Home . . 24 Site of Old Hibernia Furnace . . . .27 Book Plate With William Barton's Sword and Eleazar Barton's Bible . .... 34 Kettle, Tongs, and other relics of Lieut. W7illiam Barton 35 Margaret Henderson Barton's Spinning Wheel . 36 Graves of Lieutenant William Barton and Wife . 38 Congregational Church, Sublette, Illinois . . 42 The Sublette Public School .... 42 The Zeek Cemetery, Marcella, N. J. 45 Portrait of Eleazar Barton .... 48 The Old Swimming Hole, Bureau Creek . . 49 Site of Eleazar Barton's New Jersey Home . . 51 Portrait of Lewis Read Barton . . . .54 Portrait of Eleazar and Flannah L. Barton . . 55 Portrait of James and Susan Barton . . .58 Portrait of Stephen Barton . 59 Portrait of Daniel Barton . . . . .61 Portrait of Dr. Jacob B. Barton in 1887 . . 62 Portrait of Rachel Barton Pratt . . . .65 Portrait of William Newton Barfon ... 66 Portrait of Maria Hastings Barton . . .67 Portrait of Nellie Barton Bastian ... 68 Portrait of Fred K. Bastian . . . .70 Esther T. Barton in the W'oods at Foxboro . . 77 Portrait of Dr. Jacob B. Barton in 1900 . . .78 Portrait of Helen Methven Barton ... 81 The Sublette Drug Store . . . . .83 Portrait of Rev. William Methven ... 86 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Mary Sim Methven . . . .8? Portrait of Dr. Jacob B. Barton 1888 . Dr. Jacob B. Barton Among his Grandchildren . . 90 The Children ot Jacob B. and Helen M. Barton . 91 Birthplace of Bruce F. Barton . . . .96 Birthplace of Charles W. and Helen E. Barton . 97 Portrait of Rev. William E. Barton D.D. . . 98 Portrait of Esther T. Barton .... 99 Esther T. Barton and Her Children . . .101 Portrait of Lewis Bushnell .... 102 Portrait of Elizabeth A. Treat Bushnell . . .103 Esther T. Barton and her Great-Grandfathers Clock 104 Birthplace of Esther T. Barton .... 105 Congregational Church, Robbins, Tenn. . . 106 Congregational Church, Litchheld, Ohio . . 106 First Congregational Church, Wellington, Ohio , 107 Shawmut Congregational Church, Boston . . 108 First Congregational Church, Oak Park . . 109 The Children of Rev. William E. and Esther T. Barton 111 Corner of Study, Jamaica Plain, Boston . . 115 The Parsonage, Oak Park, 111. . . . .116 The Wigwam, Foxboro, Mass. . . . 118 Inside the Wigwam . . . . .119 William E. and Esther T. Barton, Silhouette . 122 Portrait of John and Marietta Treat . . . 125 Portrait of George M. Patterson . . . 134 Portrrit of Mary Barton Patterson . . . 135 Mary Barton Patterson and Daughter Grace . 136 Portrait of John Jacob Barton .... 137 Portrait of Grace Barton McLaren . . . 138 Portrait of Ira Loren McLaren .... 139 s LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON OF MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, AND HIS DESCENDANTS. CHAPTER I. THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BARTON. ARTON was a familiar family name in most, if nut all, the American colonies, and the immigrants who bore the name had come from various parts of Great Britain. The name moved West with the tide of im- migration, and has been brought over by many more recent immigrants, so that it is now found in probably every State of the Union. To prepare a complete genealogy of this widely scattered family would be a task quite beyond the leisure of a busy pastor. I have undertaken, however, a brief and all too fragmentary account of the de- dants of my ow n immigrant ancestor, Lieutenant William Harton of Morris County. New Jersey adding some information which has come to me concerning other branches of the family, and of families which have intermarried with our own. seeno THE NAME OF BARTON i) The name of Barton is believed to have been derived from bar, a barrier or defense, and town, and to mean "defender of the tow n." Some authorities derive it from the Anglo-Sa\< >n here,bar- ley, and tun, a plot of ground enclosed by a hedge; hence, in old English usage, the demesne inclosures attacked to a manor. The ill These prefatory panes have been submitted to Mr. Ednunul Mills Barton, l ibrarian of the American Antiquarian Society.Worcester. Mass., to whom 1 am in- debted for suggestions and corrections. 1«> *CS-(ii 'df{ ^JiqsBOUTjq jo uorj'BjisTA aip aaft (t) uannbui uBOLieiuy 9q^ qt\\v.a (jnoypjcT. jo Suncoil A\oqs aaaqj sj9^st.o9J qsixed aqj pim'uo^iv.Q wo.ij pai'Badd'BSTp 901US £uo\ qav.i\ snojxpg; aqx 'saraeu X9qjo pauinssra ss9{jqnop 'nojittg; 9p ji9qp£) jo s-ju'epnaosap 'ara-eu aq!}. jo a~ttuibj J9qji39 9qx -HOiJug jo a^uubj aqj jo lapimoj lmijjOjy[ 9p qiaqp-t) pammu 9qg Hio^g; jo ^pv.^ amnoaq pui3 'joiretu p?aj£ 9qj qjiAv p9A\opri9 sba\ raqqipg ja'jqJovmp asoq.AV 'aypaJ-O JO 9[{9.i£) jo 9snoq [Biuoxeq aqj oj passed 9jej&,9 9q:}i9jsni3X} siq^ A 9[T9J£) jjaqoy; oj siaAiioa asaq} jo anQ j pmupg; jo a.oiaj aqj ni 'p^oijiux W s\i9jJi?qo oavj hi paumi 9jb qaiqA\ jo \\v. 'no;dtnojQ pay k95[0iAvs9p[aiii£) knojui[dtuo(j '9iaqnjj js.mqnuoig; 'iirtfqTiAUj 'tinjAva^ 'noj^inqji^ 'apoAv^sa^ 'qap -9>{J0Z\\ kaojniAUBj\[ 'sgpog; '9pu9qjiosj 'pooAMLii^ 'aiaurjqSTig; k[|9A\ip^jj 'tro^npj 'nojqotqug Mosurug qndsy 'saannaj ajetupjo -qus Aju9a\j uv,i\\ ss9j; on pyq nojxug; jo jouetu 9qx '9paj£) jo £\i -uiv.j aqj ojin 9.oMumu qSnoaqj uojJBg; jo aji^jsa aqj q^iAV paimb -,w. sv.w atumi ^U9S9Jd 9qj put? 'mvjjox\; sbav Ipmyj jn9sa.id aq'j jo a m ini pniLouo 9qx •aiiqsuoui^ in jotnuu \v.diS v. uiojj araBii sjt s9^[Hj pne kAjnju99 qj^[ aqj uiojj S9jBp ipuiEj uojiyg; 9qjQ •puiqSug; uiojj .C[[btuSlio siuud X[qeqojd pm? tsjm?js9j0Jc[ 9iv, saoj.x^g; qsuj 9qj jo jsoj\[ -pniqjoog pnB puiq9jj[ qjoq ojui £v.as. .n9qj pay oj sjtuuSuua joj £sv.9 ji Stri^'Bra M9pjoq qsijjoog 9qj iv.su 8ui£\ putJ 4H9S qsuj 9qj Iq JS9M 9q^ no papunoq 4pniq.§ug[ jo qjio^r 9qj m 9JTqsi>oui?q; jo Ajnnoa q%iv.[ 9i[j ui si?av A^uuuj no^iBg aqj jo 9iuoq 9qx 'pnBp.ii ptu> ptiBjjoog q)tnq.8ug[ ni pnnoj 9.11? uojivig jo 9ttuni 9qj jo S9qutiBj p[Q tuo.Tj p9Aii9p 9JB qoujA\ jo jsotu 'uoj. in £mpii9 S9ttiBa qsq -.8ug[ p[0 .i9qjo jo A\§0[hup, 9qj joabj sji ui s^q iiorjBA]J9p i9iuioj 01 THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BARTON. 1 t THE BARTON ARMS. The use of heraldic devices dates from the rise of closed armor. The Anglo-Saxon poet, Wace, mentions devices worn by Normans in the latter part of the 12th century,"that, no Norman might perish by the hand of another." Used at first only as badges by all the members of an army or detachment, they soon developed differentiation, as clans and then families adopted symbols which were displayed on the outside of a coat of mail or on ^ tlie helmet. By the 13th century ^^Ms^ the transmission of arms from arms of barton of barton. father to sou was a recognized cus- the family bearings were emblasoned upon the hauberk, or coat of mail, and later the helmet crest was added. These devices, evoked at first from the exigencies of the battle field and for simple recognition, came in time to be matter of family pride; and the coat and helmet, hung in the baronial hall, adorned with recognized and hereditary marks of sendee on the battle field, attained a derived significance as the family badge. From this it was easy to proceed to the use of the same device upon the family plate, and carriage, and to use the crest on the family seal, which often was a substitute for, and still .accompan- ies, the official autograph, as seen in the legal phrase, "hand and seal." By the time the science of Heraldry was developed, many fami- lies were using coats of arms who had no hereditary right to them, and there were few records. In 1528 began the series of periodical "visitations" by the king's heralds, to record the arms 12 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON of the gentry. This series of visitations continued till 1(386, and under it some pedigrees were recorded as late as 1704. The Barton arms are very ancient. From the time that Gilbert de Nottun, who had formerly sealed with a shield of three pales, married Editha, Lady of Barton, the family took armorial bear- ings from the estate. Whether the earlier Barton family had used them or not does not appear, but the arms of the Nottun family were discarded, and instead the coat employed was of three boars' heads erected and erased. Almost all the earlier coats of arms were "canting"; that is, they were based upon seme play upon the family name. Often the pun was veiy far fetched. (1, The use of the boar's head seems to have been suggested by the name Barton, quasi Boar- ton. The boar's head is one of the principals of heraldry, and was assumed by warriors and huntsmen. No chase was more excit- ing than that of the wild bear; no feast was more merry than that of the Yule-tide when the boar's head graced the table. The boar's head ciest was a favorite with our Teutonic ancestors, both Scandinavian and German, and it is prominent in literature from the time of Beowulf, in which we read, "When we in battle our mail-hoods defended, When troops rushed together, and boars'-heads clasheel." The Bartons of Barton used their arms for two and a half cen- turies before the college of arms was established. By the time of the visitations they had become slightly modified. A boar's head crest was added, anel the motto, "Fide et fortitudine,"— "With faith and courage," was added, and the boars' heads no longer stood erect. In the Lancashire Visitation in 1567 by William Flower, King's Herald, the arms shown were, "Argent, 3 boars' heads couped, sable (gules), armed or, (argent j. Crest, a boar's head, couped, gules, armed argent." This, with the motto "Fide et Fortitudine," stands as the his- toric Barton coat of arms. l.l) See the article on Heraldry in the Encyclopedia Britannica. THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BARTON. 13 BARTON CRESTS. The earliest coats of arms had no crests, but crests were in common use when the visitations began. Differ- ent Barton families employed different seals with crests in part as follows, as shown in the "Book of Family Crests." Lancaster: A boar's head, couped, gules' Motto, "Fide et Fortitudine." Lancaster: An acorn or, leaved proper. Lancaster: An oak branch, vertical, acorned or. Norfolk: A griffin's head erased ppr. Motto, "Fortis et Veritas.' Kent: An owl, proper. Norfolk: A dragon's head couped. Kent: An owl argent ducally gorged or and another purpure. Kent: A wolf's head erased ermine, and another erased or. Kent: A dragon's head couped or, crowned of the same. Besides these and others, there was a Scotch family named Bartan or Bartane whose crest was a tent, azure, flag gules. The arms of the Burtons were, I suppose, originally those of some families of Barton. <*• OTHER ANCIENT BARTON FAMILIES. At least twenty-eight families of the name of Barton have registered coats of arms. To give them all would far transcend the purpose of this pamphlet, and I have no records which con- nect our family with any of them. I mention three of these families, however, because their arms, while doubtless later, are very early, and two of them were recognized earlier even than those of the Bartons of Barton. Barton of Whenby, Yorkshire, (also spelled Borton). The Visi- tation of Northern Counties by Thomas Tongue, 1530, shows the following arms: "Quarterly, I, IV, Argent, on a fess gules three aunulets of the first, the center one enclosing a crescent; II, III, Gules, three lions rampant in bend argent between two cotises of the second and azure. 14 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON Barton of Smithells, Lancashire. The Visitation of 1533 shows the arms from which are derived those of the Bartons of Stapleton, as contained in Burke's Commoners, iv, 405. "On a fesse between three bucks' heads or, a martlet gules, between two acorns leaved ppr. Crest, An acorn or, leaved vertical. Motto, '1 Crescitur c ult u.'J This family lived in Notinghamshire. Their ancestor had been a merchant and dealt in >heep. He built ua fair stone house'1 at Holme near Newark, and ua fair chapel/' In the window of his house was the motto, UI thank God and ever shall, It is the sheepe hath paid for all." No Bartons now live at Smithells. The family ceased there in 1689, and the parish register begins in 1801. Barton of Cawton, a branch of the Bartons of Whenby, Visi- tation by William Dugdale, 1665. Arms of the Bartons of Whenby, with "crest of a wolf's head argent, a crescent gules for difference." BIBLIOGRAPHY. The following references to printed pedigrees in Great Britain are from The Genealogist's Guide, London 1879, p. 31. Barton Surtees Society xxxvi, 124. Burke's Commoners (of Stapleton Park) IV 405, Landed Gentry, 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Threxton House) Landed Gentry, 2snpp. 3, 4, 5;(of Grove 2, 3, 4, 5; (of Clonelly > 2, 3, 4, 5; (of the Waterfoot; 2, 3, 4, 5; (of St raff an) 2, 3, 4, 5; i of Glendalongh i 2, 3, 4, 5; i of Greenfort) 4, supp. 5; (of Eochestown) 2, 3, 4. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, new series, i, 174. Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire 5,133,182. Chetham Society, lxxxi, 21, 5?; xcv, 87. Foster's Lancashire Pedigrees, Dickinson's History of Southwell, 2d Ed. 170. Hamshire Visitations, printed by Sir T. Phillipps, 3; Whitakers History of Whalley, ii, 319. Abram's History of Blackburn, 252, 502. Omerod's Cheshire, ii. 749. To the foregoing 1 add, Visitation of Leicester, 1619, pp. 83, 165, 206. Visitation of Notinghamshire, 1559-1614, 110 1( 8, 296-7. Lancashire Visitation, 1567 28, 64. Lanca- shire 1533, 79, SO. In foregoing see also Booth, Rat cliff e and Ashton. Also Dugdale's Visitation of 1665, and Visitations of Notinghamshire and Yorkshire. Also uBn rials in Westminster Abb^y,"1 for Samuel Barton, D. D. d. 1715, and others. THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BARTON. 15 BARTONS IN AMERICA. My knowledge does not enable me to connect our family, or any of the American Bartons, with any of the earlier Bartons of Great Britain. So old a family could but be widely scattered, and the American Bartons are descended from many original an- cestors. A sketch of Clara Barton, written by her grand niece, Myrtis Will- mot Barton, begins in this interesting way: "The story goes that toward the end of the sixteenth century there lived in Lancashire five brothers, who decided that not only was Lancashire too small,, but England not quite large enough, to hold them all; so one went to Ireland, and from him come the Bartons of Grove; an- other wended his way to the land of the canny Scots, where in time the name became changed to Partan; a third crossed over to France, where his descendants bear the name of Bartin; a fourth settled in southern England, under the name of Burton; and, after fifty years, the younger son of that Barton who remained in the old home, one Marmaduke by name, was seized with the wandering spirit of his race, and, coming to America within a dozen years after the landing at Plymouth, founded the family of which Clara Barton is the brightest light. Thus she comes from a race of sturdy pioneers and volunteer soldiers; the ver}r name Earton in the Anglo-Saxon means'defender of the town.7" —The Outlook, Jan. 25, 1S06. Whether this is historical or matter of tradition, it is certain that Bartons with strong family resemblance have come to Amer- ica from England, Scotland and Protestant Ireland. It is quite impossible to trace them to a single line of descent. Indeed, it is evident that before this migration referred to, the Bartons had been pushing out from Lancashire for three hundred years. Lieut. Bernard Barton Yassall, of Worcester, Mass., who had collected much material for a Barton genealogy, and whose la- mented death cut short his plan, wrote: "As early as 1650 there were at least four separate heads of families located in America. Christopher Barton had come to the West Tndes and settled in Virginia; Roger Barton had purchased 91 XOIXYZI JVYIlllAi 1XY.M3XI1317 •o-ja ^uorpeuuoo jo sicqqqes usqmij •4A 'uoqj'Rg; jo A\ioqsi[I ^as' 'snoauvjj MoiraaA •ct6o -cTd 1,h vqiodAw\; jo qsin '2r8i " \\'t;auov~ 'qsin 9WV.i\dv.^[ ./.iwa.i^sQO pjnjxQ,, paqsnqud 'yssi ai 'akavjox. 04 r>uiBO uoqiRg ^sy s-xoxsivg axivjt ■■jrijij§jBi\[ 'uuy 'in-'q^^na 'sauiTf pi-q ^qj, 'uo^eg tj.nu(A\ e.iioqattg no csiioijcMVav u uiriqq r'ArS sqiirUi.'d J^n -sstrj^ 'UAVoqa^q-RAY JO UOMT-rj £T«uiWj' JO J^qtfurp '•Jt'jr^.lPjV: Y(i(U wf-£ -V^ 'III 'S^U} qjBaOlpqiAV r)t]4 lil J''i; J'K un])(i,» jo quciuoddo ->qq *t? snoun?j 'q.Mqoj-i; jo uos "uojsog jo ji^O ]JlM\0}i [ill kun?ii^'uiuiR.\j '4*ni s.Aaa^g osp? -»fS 'iiKi *«I 'uc4,ns jo -qsin s.;.i]prii, g -no^iis jo sa^qq^s iBinrqao aqq jo auo "Jhiuu-hs •Urif.Is'-qsni s.J-mIiuq :cjftf: Moqs.ioiai jo A'aoq^ni *?.u.mqqs¥A\ "Z^ll jajeeouvi 'p 4si*A\. il.iiu\i^i put? uiupuj in Jriipios *< sin cuojoq tfouemy 04 4s:riOTOri 04 p.iojxo mojj qqoq 'qop?0 's^nnqd 'I' ll Jrioiir:(I< 04 p^acui: cz il wp.ioj.\( > iuojj iri;s^awri 04 owrd uoqatig; irnqsof >si?]\- "paojxo Jo puuu:$ uio.ij pfv.M bitoTjuA ^e-BiprJtloiOA'ouy ui uo4.ivn «oipin.uin i^u-Huy -itaxx <-UO;3 -qsni x^^af 'c-fr:"l Of "AI I^ujuof 0Lipp?j^n oas 'Zl(M lpuK[5uji .ua\; cj otui?.-) oija\ kuo4JBf[ uqo^ 'Jq; uio.ij p.purOsir'psuoqaBfi uirqi?s' r»q,L'IZZ *s -s.t,h{40 |uih '1 S!IT Hiqo^ >^i.u?^i«]^ n*?q riq lq,»ji?^jBiv: '-^JI U -^1 P''Sl- (x-il 'P ^q^q^^ pooil v Mrt^uui odea h sk.w 'uoq.\\c»\x jo ^SiH 'uoq.veg s^ui-Bf "SKoiuvg sxxasnH.vvssvK •iC[iiuvjj: ao^ivjg jo saqoinuq .wi\}0 jo s^Api^iws r>.idai 04; ^ota.tos jo ac[ Aiuii sejon A.n^iwm.oiuj .oUia\o[[oj ^qj^ • SKLOXHva Mvomawv mo ssxom u-sJO']s9onii Luiya.ouuun Aj;u9av; uiaq; aiora uioa; ] c)piw.)s -op A[quqoid 9xv. A^po| aj^iuoo siq^ in stto^jwg. '0911 4U0Cli:! 'imrvLvjlsimoj Ma)si?oap.rj in sviav xio^xyg; semoqx ^991 ni kuo]A^sj tu yiu^ uo^ivjjj s^iuup -0111 in k,ssp.j\T kiuo[Pg in sua\ uO'].n?g; smuoqj^ qoQ -ff§i m 'anqsdau^jj avo^ '.wj^xg; ui spav 4(85[np^tuii?j\[ jo uos ue^q 9APq Aiuu oqA\) 'p.nuvpg; -soq -uupj 9'^pjpday 9.19av 9J9q| 49S9q^ o^ uor^ippp. xq -s^9Si\qvn?ss-B];\[ lA')iinoQ X9ssgr in ')ii9uirao.id 9iuoo9([ ppq uo^xpg; 9^|iipiuiLiP]\y pap .'p9pu99sap 9JP. suo]jRg; piuqsj 9poq\j 9q^ jo luptu morpii (iio.ij kpmqsx 9P0TIH ^l°lAVJl-AV W V^{\\^ \ym\ uo^iuq snjnxj - \uoi} -09UUOQ piTP 5[JOa\ A\9\t III APpO'^ ]H1U0J 9JP snippti90S9p siq ptrp '5l'l0A A^N '^H p^4i-0O{ pup 5l.iox\ a^v- in qonqQ ^q; jo puiq THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BARTON 17 Rhode Isl\ni> Bartons. Ruins Barton of Providence lied from N. Y., and the persecution of the Dutch and settled, I OK), at Portsmouth, R. I. Me had Elizabeth, Benjamin, Margiret and others. See Austin's R. I. Gen. Die. 230. Austin's Ancestries If. See also special articles on Gen. William Barton. New York Bartons. Roger Barton was a considerable landed proprietor under the Dutch in New Netherland as early as I i!2. Mis son was an early settler of Rye. Bairds Mist, of Rye, 390. Mi. C A. Rnndall of Brewster, N. Y.,ha- compiled from public records the follow- ing data concerning the family of Roger Barton. Iiil2. Aug. 13. Lease, R.-v. Everardns Bogardus to Roger Barton. 1004. June K). Recorder of Brookhaven, L. I. 1005, Mar. 1. Deputy at General Assembly from Brookhaven. 1000. May 21. At Brookhaven ordered summoned by Gov. Xicolls. 10(57. Witness to a deed at Rye. r:88. ".Sr.,"' aged CO, deposed as to a riot, town of Westchester. 1701. Mentioned as former owner of tract of land at Rye, 1702-0. Sheriff, Westchester County. 17.)!). Captain of company of men from Westchester of which Noah Barton was 1st Lieut. 170!). Sep1. 22. Patentee, with Col. Peartree.e/1 al, at East Chester. 1710. In list of inhabitants given as aged 44. id. -Mr.," aged 17. 1734. Mar. IS. Magistrate of Westchester. 'Thomas 'Barton of Rye. in his will dated Sept. 1713, mentions his brothers William and Joseph, his sister Rachel and his father Joseph. Joseph 'Barton, in his will dated 1702, he then of Dutches-: Co., New York, (whither by the way many of the families of Rye, Westchester. Greenwich, etc., went at c. about that time1, mentions sons Benjamin, Eligey, William, Joseph. Lewis, Caleb, Roger, and daughters M illicent,Sarah. Rachel.and grandson Joseph,son of Benjamin. See also Bolton's Westchester Co. II 350: N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Reg. Ill 30. Barton, Caleb, of Stanfordville, b. 1750 d. 1827. married Damans Hull). American Ancestry. II p. 7. See N. Y. Gen. Biog. Rec. III. 30: Y. 117. Bolton's Westchester Co. II 3"0. Pennsylvania Batjtons. See Pa. Mag. XIY. 214, also biographies of Dr Benj. Smith Barton, Rev. Thos. Barton and others. New Jersey Bartons. County histories and Force's "American Archives" show- Bartons previous to or during the Revolution, in Monmouth, Sussex and Hunterdon Counties, X. J . Yiroinia Bartons descended from Rev. Thomas Barton of Lancaster, Pa., b. in Monaghan. Ireland, 1730, d. in New York, May 25, 1780. (See American Ancestry Yol. P.p. 129, also Appletoifs Ency. of American Biography.) David Walker, grandson of Rev. Thomas—the Marshall family p. 250. Illinois Bartons. Rev. Titus T. Barton, b. Granby, Mass., Feb. 17,1700, a soldier m the Revolution, grad. Dartmouth. 1790, m. Mrs. Ruth II. Wood, dan. of Stephen Muse of Methu m. Ma-s.. moved to Tennessee in 1817, and in IS27 to Illinois. A brief account of the family has been printed by Rev. Charles B. Barton of Jacksonville,the oldest living graduate of Illinois college. This family is distinct, from the Illinois Bartons descended from Eleazar, son of Lieut. William Barton. Miscellaneous. See Savages' Gen . Diet, for the families of Benjamin of Warwick, R. I., d. 1071; Edward of Pemiquid 1074; James of Newton; Marmaduke of Mass; IS LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. Matthew of Salem: Stephen of Bristol; Thomas of Mass.:John of Salem,and Rufus of Providence. See also Whitman Gen. 153, Amer. Ancestry, TI, 7, IX, i29. PaxtorCs Marshall, Gen 256.35 3. N, Eng. Hist, and Gen Rec. Ill 243,147. Balaced on record my supposed descent from this one With great labor I have endeavored to untangle my own ancestor, and with only partial success As present interest in genealogy in America centers about the Revolution, I give the re- sult of my investigation. In some eases where considerable ex- pense attended the investigation I have gone only far enough to THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BARTON 19 be sure that the man named was distinct from the rest: but in all cases which seemed to bear on my own inquiry I have made the fullest possible investigation 1. General William Barton of Rhode Island. B. Warren, R. I., May 26, 1748; d. Providence, Oct 22, 1831. He m. Apr. 26, 1771, Rhoda Carver, (b. 1749, d. Dec. 15, 1841) dau. of Joseph Carver of Bridgevvater, Mass. He captured Gen. Prescott, July 10, 1777, for which he received a swoid and the thanks of Congress. Sketches of his life are to he found in the encyclopedias.and in a quaint little biography by Mrs. Catherine R. Wil- liams, Providence, 1839. The Overton House where he made his famous capture still stands near Newport, R. J. He performed this feat by taking picked men in whale boats across the bay, and seizing the general in his bed, the door of his room being broken in by the head of Col. Barton's negro servant. His descent from Rufus Bar- ton of X. Y. is contained in Austin's "Ancestrv of Thirty-three Rhode Is- landers, lbS9." His wife, Rhoda Carver, was descended from John Alden of the Mayflower. He purchased a town- ship in Vermont, where a town is named for him, but a suit concerning the title to a part of it resulted in a judgment against him for costs, and he was detained for 14 years, nominally a prisoner for debt, till 1824, when Lafayette visiting America and learning ot it, paid the judgment without his knowledge und set him free. Whittier's indignant poem, "The Prisoner for Debt," is said to have been suggested by his experi- ence. His rank was Colonel of Continental troops, and Brig. General of Rhode Island militia. 2. Captain William Barton of the Artillery Artificers. This man might be catalogued from Massachusetts, where he lived before the War, from Pennsylvania, in whose regiment he served, GENERAL WILLIAM BARTON. 20 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON or from Connecticut, with whose troops he was enrolled. He was commissioned Capt. Lieut. Dec. 2, 1776, in Capt. Wingate New- man's Co., Col. Flowers' regt. "Artillery Artificers." He became captain of the same and served till 1782. While the Artificers were counted a Pennsylvania regt. this man and his son (No. 3) with others enlisting from Connecticut, were credited to and paid by that State. He died about 1793. See "Connecticut in the Revolution," p 2.95. 3. William Barton of the Artillery Artificers. Private and son of the above, has service recorded in same place, but with additional information on hie in the Pension office at Washington, Feb. 5, 1833, he applied for pension. Fie stated that his father had been dead "about 40 years;" that he had lived at Springfield, Mass., prior to the War, and was then living, aged 70, at Cairo, Greene Co., N. Y. His first enlistment was for two years, but he served till 1782. His wife Clarissa, m. Feb. 14, 1790) applied for pension in 1855, and received 1(50 acres of land. In her application she states that her husband died at Chatham, Conn., July 15, 1849. •4. William Barton of Falmouth, Mass. Private, Capt. Nicholas Blaisdel's Co. Col. Wigglesworth's regt., 1776. 5. William Barton of Hampshire Co., Mass. Enlisted July 1, 1778, disc. Dec. 31, 1778. Capt. Enoch Chapin's Co. Col. Jacob Gerrish's regt. 6. William Barton of Massachusetts. Private, Capt. Abraham Tyler's Co. Col Thos. Poor's regt. Enlisted Feb. 1779. Possibly identical with No. 5. 7. William Barton of Berkshire Co., Mass. Private Capt. Daniel Brown's Co. Col. Miles Powell's regt. July 23, 1779, Sept. 1, 1779. 8. William Barton of Eaymond, Mass. Enlisted at Raymond, but resided at Falmouth, and possibly iden- tical with 4. Served in several companies from Jan. ], 1777, when he enlisted for 3 years to expire Jan. 1, 1780. The Massachusetts soldiers above are recorded in "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution," pp. 742-3. This is the most complete of all State records of the kind, and the large num- ber of names which it contains makes it very probable that similar completeness in other States would show other soldiers of the name. It is possible that (5 and 7 may be identical. 9. WTlliam Barton of Georgia. From the Secretary of State of Georgia 1 learn that the records of his office show the'services of Willaby Barton, Barnett Barton and William Barton from that State. THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BARTON 21 10. Fifer William Barton of Pennsylvania. He was a member of "The Guards, kept up in the Bourough of Lancaster for preserving the peace of the Bourough, keeping the prisoners in order and protecting the magazine, etc.," and his name is borne on the records at Washington as a rifer. 11. Private William Barton of New Jersey. The New Jersey records simply show him as a member of Capt. Wm. B. Gifford's Co. 3rd N. J. regt., commanded by Col. Elias Dayton 2d. Estab. The Washington records are confused, and give two different dates for his enlistment both different still from the New Jersey date He was missing April 10, 1777, and there is no further record that enables us to identify him. 12. Capt. William Barton of the First New Jersey. The War Department at Washington has furnished me with the following concerning one, and possibly more than one, Capt. Wm. Barton of New Jersey. "It is shown by the records that one Wm. Barton served as an officer of the 4th New Jersey Regiment (2d establishment 1776-7), commanded by Colonel Ephraim Martin, Revolutionary War. His name first appears on the pay-roll for the month of April, 1777, of Captain Abraham Lyon's company, with the rank of second lieuten- ant. [The records of the adjutant general at Trenton show that he was commissioned ensign of the 4th battalion, Nov. 28th, 1776.] 'ihe muster roll for May, 1777, bears his name with the rank of ensign, commissioned" Nov. 23, 1776, with remark: 'Promoted to be "2d lieut., Feb. 18, 1777.' He is borne on subsequent rolls to Nov., 1777, as second lieutenant. He was appointed first lieutenant, Nov. 1, 1777, in Captain Holme's company, and is borne on rolls of that company (sometimes designated as Lieut. Barton's Company) to January, 1779, as first lieutenant, with remark on roll for March, 1778: 'Sick, absent;' on the roll for April, 1778, with remark, 'Sick at Valley Forge;' on roll for Sept., 1778: 'Absent on furlough;' and on rolls for Dec, 1778, and Jan., 1779, with the same remark. His name also ap- pears on the rolls of the field and staff of the regiment from August 1778, to January, 1779, with remarks on rolls for December and Jan- uary, showing him absent, sick. "li is also shown by the records that one (probably the same) Wm. Barton served as an officer of the 1st New Jersey Regiment (3d establishment 1777-83), commanded by Colonial Matthias Og- den. On the pay-roll of Captain Mead's Company of that regi- ment, for the month of February, 1779, he is borne as lieutenant,, and his name also appears on the muster roll of the field and staff of the regiment for the month of February, 1779, with the grade of lieutenant, 'commissioned Nov. 1, 1777.' His name also appears on the rolls of the company with rank as lieutenant and first lieu- tenant to July, 1780, and on subsequent rolls of the field and LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. staff of the regiment to May, 1782, as quartermaster, commis- sioned July 8, 1780; on roll for October, 1779, on furlough; on the rolls for the period from May to July, 1780, 'Sick, absent;1 and on rolls from July, 1781, to May, ,782,''On recruiting service/ His name does not appear on subsequent rolls. "A return of the officers of the 1st New Jersey Regiment, in service January 6, 1786, shows Wm. Barton, lieutenant, with remark: 'Time of service February 1, 1777,to August 1, 1780,' and William Barton, quartermaster, with remark: 'Time of service, Mch. 11, 1780, to August 1, 1780.' His name also appears with the rank of captain on the list of the officers of the New Jersey line 'as they stand commissioned this 14th of June, 1782.' "It is also shown by the records that one Wm. Barton served as a captain of the 2d New Jersey Regiment, commanded by Colonel Elias Dayton. His name appears on the roll of the 8th company, for the month of June, 1782, which reports him captain, commis- sioned December 27, 1781, absent with leave, and he is borne on subsequent rolls to February, 1783, the last roll on which his name appears. On the roll for November, 1782, he is reported absent with leave; and on roll for January, 1783, 'Furlough Jersey.'" Through the courtesy of Gen. Wm. S. Stryker, New Jersey, I am able to add the following facts. He had part in Sullivan's expe- dition against the Indians in 1779, a-nd his diary, covering May 11 to October 9 of that year is in the library of the N. J. Hist. Society of Newark. He was present at the surrender of Cornwallis. He was transferred from the 4th to the 1st in 1778 and the N. J. records seem to show that he continued with the 1st regiment till the close of the War. He was an original member of the Cin- cinnati and attended its meetings in 1785, 6, 7, 9 and 98. His eldest son, Gilbert, succeeded him in that society in 1806, and died 1812. His third son, Joseph L., succeeded him in 1812, the second son having died without admission. He has no living descendant in the Cincinnati. His fourth son was George, of whom 1 have no record, and he had a daughter Sarah. His wife Meribah and his mother Isabel survived him. His will was dated at Monmouth, 1802, in which year he died. He received a grant of land in Knox Co., Ohio. The records of this grant are in Vol. 1, p. 121 of U. S. Military patents in Ohio, Washington Land Office. 13 William Barton of the New Jersey Militia. Of him I shall have occasion to write at length, quoting in this place only the official record of the Adjutant General of New Jersey that the'William Barton here referred to, who was distinct from all the foregoing twelve, "served as a Minute Man in the Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia, during the Revolutionary War." 14 Private William Barton of New Hampshire. The records of the War Department report him as Private in Capt. Benjamin Sias' Co., Col. Gilman's regt. N. H. militia. En- listed Dec. 3, 1776. Time in service, 3 mos. 11 days. THE NAME AND FAMILY OF BARTON 23 15 Fifcr William Barton of Wilton, New Hampshire. Possibly identical with the above. Enlisted for 3 years April 8, 1777, in Capt. Isaac Frey's Co., 3rd N. H. regt., commanded by Col. Alex. Scammell; promoted Fifer July 1, 1778; died in service Aug. 1, 1778. BIBLE AND TABLE OF LIEIT. WILLIAM BARTON. It is little wonder that the foregoing men are more or less mixed, and it is not at all impossible that some one of the above includes more than one man's service, or that there are others of the name whom I have not found. SITE OF LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON'S HOME CHAPTER II. LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. Lieutenant William Barton came from England shortly he- fore the Revolutionary War, and, at its close, made his home in Pequannock township, Morris County, New Jersey, where his children were born, and where he died, December 27, 1829. Morris County was formed from a part of Hunterdon Co. in 1738-9. It was noted in early days for its iron mines, which are still in operation, and William Barton, in clearing his large farm, pro- duced charcoal, which he sold at the furnaces. As early as 1713 small furnaces were established in Morris County. These were later operated by "The London Company" and managed by John Jacob Faesch. These were the leading in- dustry prior to the Revolution, and a much needed source of supply during the War. [2*1 'NOxuva ivviiiiAi iMVMHiami 9Z ~X\A n\ paixipui aApq o; pup paiiaray o; aiuoa aAPq o; paAaqaq si .ia;sis siqx iaq;p; siq ;pq; Avamj xaqipjpupj£) •ppqpSuouoj;^ jo a{;;pq aq; jo auu; aq; ;p Mapp ipnui ia;sis p q;iA\ pupjSug; in .oui -at; spav aq saps \iaq;pjpupxc? siaqtnauiajL oijav 'sauipf iaq;ojq pup ^puppgu^j in iiioq spav iaq;pjpupi-£)„ 'sa;uAv uaqdaig a pun Aj\[ •a.iaq paip pup qouaij aq; ;suip.§p laipps p sp paiiaiuy o; auipa aq ;pq; si .§uiq; ;up;iodiui aqx 'qauaij aq; qiiAi a;;;pq .iaq;o auios hi papp; sbav aq ;pq; appssod si ;j 'J^/VV PA*Q 9lW XP p^Aox;s -ap aiaA\ Aaq^'P^ 'puouuprxj ;p Aup a.iaAV a.iaq; ji pup'Aimbui siq; jsissp ;pq; spioaaj on aAPq uo^uiqsp^ ;p saaijjo uoisuaj; pup a;p;g aqjQ '68LT ^ojaq jpav Aup jo spoj xajsnui on pnp 'jbav ;pq; xoj pioaai on spq aonjo jp^V 1IS1PJ9[ *uo;xpg[ jo ampu aq; nipiuoa ;ou saop ;j '\ qo^ PiuPApvsuuaj jo A;apog p?ouo;sijj aq; 10 siioiuaj\[ aq; ui paidoo pup 'ggfj ;sn£ny joj auizp.§pj\[ skupiua[)na£) aq; ni uaAtS si a;;;pq siq; ni papp[ nam pup sxao -ino jo ;si; a;a;diuooui uy -siqi puoAaq p;pp on aAPq j *gg/,x '6 Apip;pa;ap s.ipopppig; ni pappy pup ip^y upipnj pup qouaij aq; ui laipjos qsriug; 1? spav aq ;pq; ;iassp suoi;ippi; jno py •uoj.ipg; sauipf pampu uaaq aAPq o; paAapaq si iaq;pj s.uo;xpg; uvpipi^ •a[qP[iPAP Avon uoripiujojui ;apxa ;som aq; si q^iqAV -paAiasajd si ;pqAV aAiS j -;apj ppxa iuojj A'ppiAV saixPA'sq;!!!; [PxauaS uip;jaa o; pijq;rpj apqAi'uoi;ippj; 'A[i -uipj ;sauoq up ui uaAg[ -uopipiu; iuoji paAuap si a;;;i{ ;pq; pup 'ay;;!! AxaA avou^ j jaq;p;pupx§ ;pax§ Am jo aiq A[jpa aq; jq •puoj naai-t) ;o ja;PAv piji;npaq cjpa;o aq; pina Aasjap A\aL\r ;o s;nu;saqo aq; 10 wsioui[{j jo sauipjd aq; o; jpAOiuai xa;;p 'suipajp ;uanbaij siq p am pp; ua;jo spq ^iaq;pj Am pup '.iq^aa jo ;aaqs poa \ipap siq; ui AoC puaoj suospupjS siq pup suos siq pup aq 'ipsuiiq jautuiiAis snoiupj y • amoq siq appui uo;jpg; uipq[i^ ;i jpaupup c.ia;PAv jo Apoq anbsajn;aid p si uip;unoiu p jo ;iiuums aq; no puoj naaj-9 -ua^oaq qaniu si aopims aqx *aptAv \\ Ac{ #uo[ sapra gx 5uiac[ 'A;nnoo aq; in diqsuAvo; ;sa.§xp[ aq; si ;j -supipuj ;o aqp; ipouupnbaj aq; iuojj paurpu si diqsiiA\o; ^aouupnbaj 26 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. ginia, where she bore children and died. I have been unable as yet to trace her connection with the Clay family there. Willi am Barton was born October 21, 1751, and died Dec. 27, 1829. My uncle Stephen believes him to have been born near Whitehaven, England, but my father has a distinct impression that his family was among the Protestant refugees in Ireland and that he was born there. I find that the regiments under Brad- dock were called Irish regiments, though composed of Scots and English as well as Irish. Father says that William Barton never liked to admit his Irish birth. He was almost certainly not born at Whitehaven. The parish registers of St. Nicholas begun in 1693 and those of Holy Trinity begun in 1721 do not show the name of Barton. All our traditions agree that William Barton grew up with a love for the land in which his father was buried. When a youth of about sixteen he enlisted in the British army. As he is said to have served six years in the British army, he probably spent two years or more in service in England. That he was drafted into the service is not known, but for some reason he looked upon his enlistment as an injustice. In 1771:, probably, he left England, and arrived in Boston in June with one of the four regiments commanded by General Thomas Gage. Of his life in Boston no account is preserved except the fact that he participated, but with little heart, in the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill, and that he found himself in growing sympathy with the colonial cause. Of those anxious months when the strained relations between the colonies and the crown were bringing on the war, and thence on till he found himself doing his duty as it then seemed, though with a growing conviction that the cause was wrong, there is preserved no definite information, but his sons heard often from him and told to their sons how hateful and odious the service became to him. When Boston was evacuated, he went with the army to Hali- fax, and registered a vow that, at whatever hazard, he would fight no more against the side in which now he had come to be- lieve. On Howe's return, in July, he sought some opportunity LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. 29 to escape from the service which had grown irksome and false to him, but found no chance for several weeks. There followed that long series of disasters to the colonial arms, the battles of Long Island, Harlem Heights, White Plains, and the surrender of Forts Washington and Lee. It was the darkest hour, except Valley Forge in all the history of the Kevolution. Fort Wash- ington had fallen, and Washington was about to give up Fort Lee and begin his long retreat through the Jerseys. The Hud- son River divided the armies. Then seemed his first desperate opportunity. Taking a bucket, he made his way through the lines to the river. On the way he met a mounte i officer, who ordered him to return. Too eager now to be thwarted, he re- fused, and the omcer drew7 his sword and struck at him. He beat the horse back with his bucket, and for a time kept the officer at bay, backing meantime toward the river. At length the officer struck him across the face, leaving a deep scar for life; but he got the return blow with the bucket, and dismounted the officer, captured his sword, swam with it to the other side, wounded as he was, entered the Continental army, and served with honor to the close of the war. The sword which he wore, and which I have, is said to be the one which he captured, and bore io his teeth across the Hudson. I like to go to the Fort Lee ferry in New York and look at the broad river, and think of that brave fellow, wounded but desperately courageous, making his way across. Surely that was a bold and heroic struggle for con- science and for liberty. Mr. A. M. Willard, the noted painter of revolutionary scenes, has made this incident the subject of one of his strong paint- ings. The sturdy soldier, armed onl}T with his wooden upigginv', or bucket, stands at bay. His red coat, hastily thrown off, lies on the ground, never to be worn again, and he stands brawny and agile, striking the perilous blow that is to release him at the risk of his life—from a detested service. Behind him the river flows wide and deep, but beyond it is freedom—with priva- tion and danger. The picture is full of life and spirit. The plunging horse, and falling red-coated rider, give, with the 30 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. autumn foliage, a rich color effect. The painting is owned by the writer, and its frame is decorated with the precious sword whose capture it depicts. Arriving with his captured sword, on the west bank of the Hud- son, as our family tradition declares, William Barton surrendered himself to the colonial troops, and asked to see Washington. According to our family tradition, General Washington re- ceived him kindly, remembered his father with whom he had fought at Fort Duquesne, and gave him a pass in his own hand- writing. This pass was in possession of the family within the memory of my father's older brothers, and was given to William Barton's oldest grandson, William Holloway Barton, who lost it at school. Of the pass, my Uncle James says, "It was signed by Washing- ton, written on parchment, authorizing him to go or come at any time through the American lines. In it he was called Lieutenant William Barton. It was a special favor from Washington, and not an ordinary pass." Uncle Stephen writes "I think it was not wholly his military record which gave him favor with Washington and secured that pass. I think that to this was added Washington's acquaintance with his father. It passed him through the lines at all times." My father was too young to remember the pass, but remem- bers well a conversation in 1818 or 1850 between his own father and the boy—then grown to manhood,—who lost it, my grand- father blaming the boy's mother for letting him take it to school. His impression of the contents of the pass agrees with that of the two brothers James and Stephen. The relatives have been scattered so long from New Jersey to California, where James and Stephen live, that the tradition cannot have been greatly changed from fact. He participated at the battles of Trenton, Princeton and Mon- mouth, and spent a winter at Valley Forge and another at Morris town. Of his later experience in command of a guard at Hibernia Furnace the tradition is unanimous and consistent. These traditions, too many and too direct and too consistent to L1LUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. 31 be untrue, must stand in place of more exact knowledge; for ex- cepting his family Bible and its record, I do not know of a sin- gle scrap of documentary evidence which has come down in the family. This fact is easily accounted for. His own father died in what was to him a foreign land, while he was in the cradle. He left his home and native land while yet a lad, and entered the army before he had a local habitation or a name in America. He was as likely to enlist from one State as from another, and while all the service of which \vs have definite tradition was performed in or near New Jersey, it is by no means certain that his first en- listment was from that State. This sun y involves difficulties enough, but when to this are added a fk ; in the night, burning his son's house and all its contents; and a removal of the family to a new State, far from the older men whose knowledge and conversation would have supplied to the grandchildren the facts which they were later to recall with great difficulty, the only wonder is that anything should have survived and that traditions gathered from New Jersey to California could after so many years be pieced into a consistent narrative. For reasons which are apparent, it is extremely difficult to give the official record of my great grandfather's service. Through the kindness of General William S. Stryker, Adjutant General of New Jersey, I am able to give what was probably his initial enlistment with reasonable certainty, but I still lack the date and record of his commission. General Stryker writes me: "I am of opinion that the man you are seeking is William Barton, a Minute Man of the Monmouth County New Jersey Militia and I enclose a certificate of his service. I think you will find that William Barton left Monmouth County and moved 'to Morris County, and that is where his son, Eleazar Barton, started his military life. Monmouth County was the headquar- ters of Toryism in this State. The Minute Men had to fight What were called the "pine robbers," and frequent incursions (were made in that county from General Howe's and General Oarleton's headquarters in New York City. If William Barton did duty in protecting the furnaces of Morris County, he could readily have done so as a Minute Man of the Monmouth County oj pajuasaid }jooq bSiv.\ b sbav 'aaqjBj Am jo AaiiBjin 9qj 3m jnp poiLinq asnoq s4nojiBg; i^qjBjpuBJL§ uaqA\ aig: Aq paAoijsap ba\ qoujAV jnq '[{Oav loqiuetuai sapim Aiu qanjAv oijai y (- j9 '09 'dcI '9811-9111 OA^nooxg -p jo aouap ■uodsauoQ egg) -noi^09[[009J ski9qjompuBJL8 Aiu qjiA* AjqBijii9Ssa spjoooT? juaproiu 'iiojiBg; uu^UIM ln9n 'ILL! '81 A13I\[ iain}dBa sbav uksiaqqo£[ auij,, 9qj sb u uoinj 'saajinBinBiu Lxo^ p piiBq v. jo xapBaj aqj 'suiBijii^ sapf) 9110 PnU I ,j:9no -sud a[qBjou b jo ain^dbo aqj sba\ aoiA.ias p^pads siqj jBqj nois said mi jourjsip B pBq laqjom siq jbijj sxaqtuaraai laqj.mj ajj a*sauq p^uainjuoQ aqj .oiuqoBaj no aopuas juBjiodiui £.ida acnos pa.iapnaj laqjBjpitB.iS JBqj suiBiuai Bapi aqj jnq ipiiira <*Ciu paddqs Ajjsora aABq qotqAV sajopoaiiB AiiBiu jBaiS b pjBaq oub 'saaJoiijai AiBnoijiqoAa£[ jo siajq.oiiBp piiB snos jo uoumaj; io jios |Biiuojin iiB jb juasaid sbai j„ 1s9juav ajj -sjiojdxa siq jo jiiaiina aiaAv sajBj pooqAoq imo siq in jBqj siaquiauiai 'osqB 'naqdajg 4<-iuuy nBauaiuy aqj ui SinpnBjs siq ptiB 'iiorjiasap siq 'iiojiBg; 'jnaiH[ jo sjob piiB ajq aqj jo piBS qoiuu sba\ aiaqj uoijBsjaAuoo iiaqj ui puB noiiuas aqj in qjog; 'cioiinj -OAajj aqj jo sapiuiuoa puB spuauj pjo puB saArjByai siq jo a.§Byq -massB aSuq b sbav aiaqj jB.iaanj SkUOjiBg[ "^nai^ jy„ 'sAbs saniBp 'opuB[jQ uos siq oj pajBjaip -lajjaj b uj •noiiuas aqj paqoBa.id opajsog; qooup -Aa\j jbitj uorjoapooai iiaqj m aa.i.oB uaqdajg piiB ajj qBjaimj siq X^om^sip saaqiuamaj puB kqjBap s.jaqjBjpiiBiJo siq jo amrj aqj jb p{0 sxBail naj iiBqj aiom sba\ saiiiBf *iiaqdajg piiB 'saurBp 'siAvaq; ksuospuBx§ .oiiiAq aapjo siq jo A^jomaui aqj oj asjiiooaj aABq j piooaj siqj ^nauia[ddns qoupvv suoi^ipBJj ao^[ t/aouaxa.uip qoiim sa5}Biu ^i ^{inqj ion op j ;.iaAaA\oq sji a.nsap noA' asod.ind aq^| jo^ -ji aAOJd ^ouubo spjooa.1 mo quq 'ajqissod Lid a si •'jiiBiia^nai'^ sb uoissuamoa b paAiaa -a.x aq jBqj Abs 'jouubo j jnq 'aoiAies a^qiuouoq A.iaA b pBq— 'anq Siinuaauoa aABq aAv \\v. si siqj puB—'A'psi.tq os noA aAi.o j p.iooai asoipu ito^iBg lu^qpAV 9I1JL 'sp.iooaj aqj qjLU AnouuBq in ajinb aq oj uiaas jajjaf mo£ in a^Biu noA sjuauiajBjs aqj piiB 'aaaqj paAOiu aq jbav aqj Snunp A'jnp Siuop .xajjB jbijj Aja>p[ ajuib si JI 'A'auy {BjuauijuoQ aqj aoj |{aqs puB joqs Suppuu 'Axqcliua siq in uojuajj[ jb pa.mjdBo siiBissajj aqj jo aaqiunn a&nq b pBq ^ibo -uaiuy jolijbcI b piiB iiBiiua^) b ^qasaBj qooBf uqof ioj k«wnK ni?q; sasn aaq;o pi?q anioq aun?jd A\an s;i in pjOAvs aq; ;ug[ Ul?a qop.a raojj avoj ;sjtj aq; ;no ;na qxiOAVs aq; q;iA\ 'aq pni? *aiu aq; ;noqi? ;i?s A^aq; sp, pnpq Aq iuoo paqs s^ocl SFI PBTI I9llTl-J -pnaiS s.oinnQA9 ia;inAi nj -asn o; ;nd sp.av ;i ^pazud ipim?:] aq; apq \\ *S10ITHII °} p*TOAis siq; ;q£nojq jaq;pjpirpj£) •p9AJ9S9JCl [J9A\ si p^OA^s aq; ;nq 'pjpqqpos on si aiaq; pm? \oinssnn I[nn?;jao st J9q|B9[ aqjQ ^uaq^a; aq; no pananq pm? ajq aq; o;ni ;pq aq; ;siuq; kpyo sjpaA oav; ;noqe naqAi Maqp'.j moX ^niq; j *pjOA\s pasjmi aq; araoq ;q.onoaq pnt? s,;ajp.§Ji?j\[ ;nn\r o; ;naAV iaq;pj 'paiunq asnoq mo ^}JY 'piP.qqpos aq; avps J9A9ii j„ :sa;iJA\ naqda;g apxifi "t^P-ap Skiaq;pj .iaq aiojaq ii9ALo naaq pi?q ;i itioqAi o; ^aip-xLtpj^ ia;sis ;saSnnoI siq inoii piOAvs aq; patiip.;qo pni? 9snoq Aian i? ;pnq J9i{pupniu£) *A;nnpi aq; jo qoniuq mo nt no;xpg; tn^qpAV ^naiq; jo soqai pi? 5'niAo:i;sap 'paninq asnoq skJaq;pj siq ';np;ni uv. si?a\ (f ggj x™q) Jaq;pj Ain naq ,\\_ •opa;sog[ jaq;PTpnpx§-;i?aJLo-;p.aiS Aq paqopaad si?a\ nouuas aq; s^niq; pnp 'pjann; aq; jo ami; aq; ;p, pyo sji?aA na; spa^ saraBf apn^ -suapp Am nioij A\io;s aq; paaaq;p£ j si? nois -sa.idnn pooqloq ita\o atu q4]A\ saajJoP. siq; pin? ';i xi?aq o; ;q.oii ai§ panipa xa;p; puts 'Aran? qsi;ug aq; uicuj raiq q;iA\ pjoA\s siq; ;q.onojq aq ;viq; ;napqnoo si knaq; p;o; sv. adtjosa aq; jo A\io;s aq; pne qRiann; siq saa({mainaj oqAV 'sarai^' 9PUQ qwoAvs siq si no;jBg; nimpj^w •;nairj jo jinaAiios paqsuaqa ;som aqj^ ..•axaq; pj^nS aq; papinuninoa jaq;HjpnmS pin? laai?iunj ;si?;q luniaqijj aq; ;o jatiA\o s\?a\ ^nqii;g V^C)rJ /cio;j[T!g[ nn^ •piai^ o; £>in|ii;o; pjo^ ac[ papiasajj, 'siq; a>p; Sniq;atnos p?a{^u aq; no pnq ^ooc[ aq; sa'bs saniBp -p[o suea.C ;q°ia jo aaAas sv.\\ j naqAi asnoq .mo ni paiunq s-ra\ ;j 'a>p?sdaa>f v. si? paAiasaad aq o; }[Ooq aSjiri; v? nnq q;]A\ >jai?q ;q.o!iioJC{ pin? 'anioq p;o aq; o; ;uaAv .iaq;i?j \iaqp?;pni?j^ jo qp?ap aq; ia;;y?, :sa;iJAV uaqda;g apii^j •;nd;no s;i Snipaan sapisac( ';i jo aainuo ;n?d .§nia(| SCjpunoj aq; in ;saia;ni p^iaads i? pt?r{ (japTiBxayy uniqfiA^ 'liar)) .ofnqjr;^ pjo^j *s[[BC[ nonin?a joj papnadap £uuv pqaopo aq; qaiqAi no S>IJ0A\ U0JI BIu'l9ClIH }° 9SlI9PP 10J ^lIIF!^S1 Paor[ aV{ nnq 34 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. these akin to the plowshare. It participated in certain modest prairie parades and celebrations, and the story of its various adventures was recounted. It was used as a decorative symbol at 4th of July celebrations, and as badge of rank in wolf hunts. My father remembers one of these latter in which Shabboua, the Pottawattamie chief, partici- pated. The Knox Grove Cap- tain, Dr. Heath, rode up to the door of John Clink, whose fife was one of the most stirring memories of my boyhood, and called to him to come and join in the hunt. "This sword," said he, "helped drive the British from America, and to- day it's going to help drive the wolves to Halifax!" The sword and Shabbona seem to have divided the honors of the day. Grandfather gave the sword to my Uncle Daniel, who loaned it to the Sublette Ma sonic Lodge, where it wa; used for a time by the tyler. He then brought it to his home in Knox Grove and used it in the barn in its former service of corn shelling. When Uncle Daniel moved to Iowa he lost and left th sword behind. My Uncle Eleazar undertook to find it, and after a long search discovered it thrust into an old strawstack behinc grandfather's barn. He took it to his home and kept it for year^ Having no son of his own, he promised it, in 1883, to William Eleazar Barton, eldest son of his next younger brother. In 189£ he loaned him the sword, and in December 1898 presented it tc him. It is the desire of the present owuer that this sword together with the Bible of Eleazar Barton shall descend togethej along the line of the eldest surviving son, and that they shal BOOK PLATE WITH WILLIAM BARTON'S SWORD AM) ELEAZAR BARTON'S BIBLE LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. 35 I ever remain in the Barton family. A picture of these two, with 'the motto of the ancient family of Barton, forms the bookplate of the present owner. The motto is strikingly in accord with the two emblems. Besides these relics, the following, among others, are still in existence: The "large kettle11 mentioned in the inventory of his estate: the table, a very neat n\ :i 1 [int table with drop leaves; a pancake griddle, made by a blacksmith to hang from a crane over an open fire: and several minor relics are owned by William B. Henderson. His daughter stood out beside the old kettle, with her great txrand- BOt lier's tongs in hand and the griddle suspended from a tree above, w hile I photo- I jraphed her beside the extemporized fireplace. I pre ent the picture herewith. The I _'i-iddle is a very interesting piece of kitchen ware. William 14. Henderson told me \ that great-grandmother was famous for the short cakes she made on that griddle The edge of the griddle shows in the picture. On the rock is half a cannon ball I mold from Ilibersia furnace. Mariraret Henderson Barton's spinning wheel is owned by Mary Ann Winters at iHibernia. William Barton's razor, his ax, the crane from his fireplace, the ilatiron and ongs shown in the picture,and cannon ball from Hibernia ^irnace, are owned by the V -iter. \\ illiam Barton's fam- ily Bible, containing the ?ford of birth of him- lf and his children ap- parently in his own handwriting, is still in p esession of William B i rton Henderson. The fallowing record is mlade in another hand, probably that of his son. J< ihn Barton: "William Barton was be >rn October 24, 1754. anjd died December the 27th. 1829. Aged 75 years, 2 months an\d 3 days." ■Martha Barton departed this life the 2nd day of Novem- 1" i 1829, aged 35 years and 20 days." After the death of William Barton, the Bible was taken by THE KETTLE, T< »NGS, GRIDDLE, AND OTHER RELICS. 36 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. J ohm Barton. A later record, made by his son David L. is, "Eleanor Cobb, wife of John Barton, born Dec, 8, 1793, and died August 6th, 1844. David L. Barton's book." The book passed, however, from David to his Aunt Margaret, and so to her son, William Barton Henderson, who still has it, and has promised it, on his decease, to Kev. William E. Barton. The book is a small 8vo. and on its title page reads, uThis Bible was published in the year 1815. Second New York Edition. Published by E. Duyckinck, Collins & Co., T. & J., Swords., Peter A. Mesier, Samuel A. Burtus, T. A. Keynolds, and C. & K. Waite. G Long, Print. 1815." On the reverse of the fly-leaf is written: "Drink, child, of the water contained in this river, "For the sake of the author, and not of the giver. Sam'I Young;. "P. S. Not the giver; June 24, 1843," Kev. Samuel Young was a Congregational minister, remem-| bered by my father, and often at his father's home about 1840- 1843." '\ K ver'y-ps^ity and romantic story remains to be told of William) c Ba^ton^a'ourtship and marriage. I have this story from Of} lando D. Barton, who says, ''/f have heard my father [James/J, motherland Uncle Stephen ail rehearse this story, and I knoVy that it is true." Toward the close of the Kevci>- lution, there was a guard ait Hibernia, commanded b y , a lieutenant with a deep scar c)n his face. He was tall and gaunt and awkward and sen- sitive about the scar. Not till later were such things counted a source of honest pride. There was a merry- making at Hibernia, and t pe MARGARET HENDERSON BARTON'S SPINNING WHEEL. LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON 37 /belle of the evening was one Margaret Henderson, a plump, j vivacious little woman, and just a bit coquettish. She was / descended from the Scotch-Irish immigrants to that region in i the days shortly before the Bevolution. The apples had been I peeled and put on to cook, and the apple butter was stirring,and j the room was cleared for a game. It was "Drop the handker- \ chief," an ancient and innocent game that has had no small | share in settling the social destiny of a considerable part of the j people of the reiDublie. As they were beginning to play, the I lieutenant came in and took a seat on a bench near the door. (They pressed him to join the game, but he refused. He was lover twenty-five, and was considered a hopeless bachelor. He Ipyed Margaret Henderson a little^gout there were a half dozen Roving fellows there, some of them his own soldiers, who were^ fjully intending to see her home that night. He drew his long* legs under the bench to keep them out of the way, and watched tl[ie game. \The handkerchief was dropped behind Margaret. She took it. a id walked slowly around the ring, debating in her coquettish little head behind which of the }Toung men she should drop it. SVie walked entirely around the ring, and still could not make up he\r mind. She started a second time, and got half way round. her heart,—she did not know how much was hanging on her decision! But she decided, and, turning on her heel, she flu/ng the handkerchief full in the face of the lieuteuant, and rax . The lieutenant was a brave man. He was taken by surprise; bmf he rallied his forces, got his feet out from under the bench in an astonishingly short time, caught her half way round the ring, saw her home that night, proposed to her next day, and ma *ried her two weeks afterward. Y.t was a shocking thing for Margaret to do no doubt, and I hoije that her mother scolded her properly for it. But I am gla fi that she did it. L\ieut. William Barton and Margaret Henderson were married probably in 1780. The next year they ma le their home a half \ I \ I 38 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. \ THE GRAVES OF LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON AND WIFE. dozen miles from Hibernia. The Marcella postoffiee is now\on land owned by him and afterward by his son Eleazar. He \^as a fanner, and burned charcoal as he cleared his land, selling jihe charcoal to the furnace at Hibernia. He died in his own house, a large, double log cabin, Dec. 27, 1829. His wife survived jhim only a few weeks. She had grown stout in her later years, and her death resulted from a fall on thedoorstone which is still' iu place. They are buried in the Zeek cemetery, near Marcella, Nf. J. In 1896 my father visited Marcella and identified the graces. The following summer I visited the place, and with the aid of William Barton Henderson and Ira Zeek marked the graves with unhewn granite stones, cut • W. B." and "M. H. B." Before his grave is a marker of the Sons of the American .Revolution bearing a bronze tablet marked, ''William Barton' 1754-1829 A Soldier from New Jersey in the Revolutionary War." LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. 39 The graves are near the corner of the cemetery toward Mr. Zeek's house and away from the road. Furthest up the hill is great-grandmother's grave, then William Barton's, then their son James, who died in 1823. Still toward the road and down the slope, are the graves of the two infant daughters of grand- father, who died 1843, 1848. Lieut. William Barton was about 5 feet and 10 inches high, bony, erect and muscular. He weighed 160 to 170 pounds He was a famous swimmer, an athlete, and could carry a bucket of water on his head and one in each hand. He was clean shaven and had blue eyes and reddish brown hair. He had a quick temper and a strong will, and wras capable of stubborn- toess; but was warm hearted, generous and sympathetic. He .was fond of humor, and a singer of snatches of humorous $ongs. Most of his descendants have been lovers of music. In time when drinking was almost universal, he was never known to be the worse for liquor. Uncle Stephen says: "He carried to his grave a terrible scar. Jiames remembers the deep scar from the cheek bone diagonally across the bridge of the nose to the forehead." This comprises practically all that I know of his personal ap- pearance and life. THE CHILDREN OF LIEUT. WILLIAM BARTON AND MARGARET HENDERSON WERE: J^mes Barton, born March 17, 17S2, d. July 22, 1823. VI. Jan. 27, 1803, Elizabeth Van Houghton, by whom he had one son, \Villiam Holloway (who lost the pass) m. Hannah Shanger (dau. of Rev. Abraham Shanger, a local Methodist preacher) by whom she had a son James and one daughter. Jlames Barton sr. had also two or three daughters, who went to Pennsylvania after their father's death. He is buried with his parents in the Zeek cemetery. Elizabeth Barton, born Oct. 7, 1783. She m. 1st Jeremiah B. Finch, who entered the army in 1812 and never returned; m. 2d Cummins Oliver; m. 3d James Scott, an Irish Presbyterian, by whom she had William, who m. Delia, dau. of Richard R. Smith. 40 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. Eosannah Barton*, born Dec. 20, 1786. M. William Bowen of Mornstown by whom she had at least 3 sons, Mahalla, Arthur (m. Jane Hopkins), Barton; and a daughter who m.—Skillhorn, by whom she had one son, Stephen Barton Skillhorn. Jobn Barton, born March 15, 1789. M. Eleanor or Nellie Cobb (b. Dec. 8, 1793, d. Aug. 6, 1844) by whom he had 5 children, William Jesse (d. ab. 1895) Eliza Eiea- nor,m. — Mosher. David L. (d. I847j, Ebenezer (d. 1897), Albert Horace. Eleazar Barton, born Jan. 12, 1791, d. Nov. 30, 1865. More extended mention will be made of him and his descendants. Ann Barton, born Aug. 5, 1794, d. May 18, 1796. Richard Barton, born Jan. 20, 1793, d. March 19, 1795. Martha Barton, born Oct. 18, 1796, d. Nov. 2, 1829. M. Aug..17, 1817, Daniel Leary. Leary did not own a home and his father-in-law provided one for him. Their one child \v?\s burned to death. Mary Barton, born Oct. 27, 1789, d. Aug. 4. 1826. Margaret Barton, born Nov. 7, 1800, d. March 9, 1801. Rachel Barton, born Jan. 2, 1803. M. John Smith, by whom she had Phoebe (m. William Gustin), Alfred, Mary Ann, William, Lizzie, Margaret. John Smith bad other children by a second marriage. William Barton newer liked his son-in-law Smith, who "killed his geese" and otherwise misbehaved. Margaret Barton, born Oct. 16, 1804. M. 1st, James Stephens, by whom she had one daughter Mary Ann b. Aug. 31, 1826, m. Abraham Winters, and died leaving two daughters, one of whom, Mary Ann Winters, has Marga/ret Henderson Barton's spinning-wheel. They live at the foot] of Green Pond Mountain on land that grandfather Eleazar sold to David Barton. M. 2d, David Henderson, (son of her mother's youngest brothet j! by whom she had Eleazar, John (drowned in infancy' and WilUam Barton Henderson, who still lives on the old William Barton homestead. M. 3d, David Smith, by whom she had,inter alia, a daughter, "^is." LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON 41 WILLIAM EARTON'S WILL. Following is the will of William Barton as recorded on page 2 of Liber D. Morris Count}' Wills. This will, executed just be- fore his death, is signed with a cross, evidently because of his sickness. On March 13, 1812, he signed his name to a deed. The Last Will and Testament of William Barton of Pe- quannack township, morris county and state of New J erse\. ;I, William Barton, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, a»Y:d being of sound mind and memory blessed be Almighty God lor the same , do make and publish this my last will and testament in form following, < that is to say. I will that all my just debts as shall by n\j be oweing at my death together with my funeral expenses and all charges touching the proving of or otherwise concerning this my last v^\\\ and testament, shall first be fully paid and satisfied out of the iv;ols of the eleven acre lot adjoining the property of my son Eleazer Barton which I direct to be sold for this purpose, and all the over- pi .s, if there should be after paying all my just debts, to be put to in- terest and appropriated as afterwards herein named. \11 my remaining property whether personal or real estate I direct be given into the hands of my beloved wife, Margaret Barton, suould she survive me, to be hers during her life time and after her de ith to be disposed of in the following manner, namely: First I give and bequeath unto mv daughter Margaret Stevens all the homestead lot on which I now dwell containing twenty-two acres together with a lot adjoining on the west side containing seven acres mere or less. Uer* — I give and bequeath unto my son, John Barton, the one half of the thirty-four acre lot more or less which lies adjoining the home- stead together with a lot called the bog meadow. Item — I give and bequeath unto my son, Eleazar Barton, the re- m.lining half of the above lot of thirty-four acres more or less. Item—I give and bequeath unto my grandson, William Barton, the s->.iof my son James Barton, dec. thirteen acres of the lot called the Lai ey lot. Item —I give and bequeath unto the children of my daughter,Patty Liifrey, dec, the remaining fifteen acres of the lot called the Larey lor., more or less. item —I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Elizabeth Scott, fif- teen dollars. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Rachel Smith,fifteen dol lars. 42 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. Item—1 give and bequeath unto my daughter, RosannaBovven, fifV teen dollars. i I give and bequeath unto the children of my daughter, Mary Os- borne, dec, fifteen dollars. Item—I give and bequeath unto my daughter.Susanna, thirteen dol- lars.' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, SUBLETTE, ILLINOIS. LIEUTENANT WILLI\M BARTON. 4-3 THE SUBLETTE PUBLIC SCHOOL. And I hereby direct that these several legacies to my several daugh- ters above mentioned shall be paid first from the overplus of the I v.iils of the eleven acre lot after paying my debts if there should be anv, next from the avails of my personal estate after the death of my v ife and lastly if that should not be sufficient to pay these several legacies the balance wanting to be paid by Margaret Stevens, John Barton and Eleazar Barton above named, each an equal share of whatsoever may be wanting to be paid within one year after the dVath of my wife. And I hereby direct that if there should be any <>\ erplos after these several divisions and legacies have been set off and appropriated, whether of my personal or real estate, such over- plus shall be equally divided between Margaret Stevens, John Bar- ton and Eleazar Barton, my children above named, share and share m ke. 44- LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. And lastly I hereby appoint my two trusty sons, John Barton and Eleazar Barton, to be executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-fourth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine. WILLIAM xbBARTON [seal] mark. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Wil- liam Barton to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at his request and in his presence, have subscribed our names in witness thereunto. Gabriel Green, Gideon V. Bostedo, John Grimes. Morris County, ss. Gabriel Green, one of the witnesses to the foregoing will,being duly sworn did depose and say that he saw William Barton the testator therein named sign and seal the same and heard him publish and declare it to be his last will and testament and at the doing there/of the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory jas his deponent verily believes, and that Gideon V. Bostedo and John Grimes the other subscribing evidences were present at the sanjie time and signed their names as witnesses to said will together with this deponent in the presence of the testator. Sworn before me January 9th, 1830. Gabriel Green; Jacob Wilson, Surrogate. Morris County, ss. John Barton and Eleazar Barton the executors named in the forego- ing will did depose and say that the within writing contains the tru* last will and testament of William Barton, the testator therein named, as they verily believe, and that they will well and truly perform th|e same by paying first debts of the said deceased and then the le pi- ties in said testament specified so far as the goods, chattels and credit can thereunto extend. That they will make and render into the surrogate office of the County of Morris, a true and perfect inven- tory of all and singular the goods, chattels, rights and credits of saJd deceased that have or shall come to their knowledge or possessior or LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTOh 4-5 1 jto the possession of any other person or persons for their use and ren- ider a just and true statement and render a just and true account 'thereunto when lawfully required. ] Sworn hefore me January 9, 1830, John Barton, Jacob Wilson, Surrogate. Eleazar Barton. I, Jacob Wilson, Surrogate of the County of Morris. I Surrogate's do certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the last SEAL will and testament of William Barton, late of the County of Morris, deceased, and that John Barton and (Eleazer Barton the executors therein named proved the same before .'me and are duly authorized to take upon themselves the Administra- tion of the estate of the Testator agreeably to said will. I Witness my hand and seal of office the ninth day of January in this year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty. ) Jacob Wilson. S I THE ZEEK CEMETERY, MARCELLA, N. J. 1 Note. The two stones on the right are those of Rev. Jacob "Bostedo and wife. i'he grave of Lieut. William Barton is indicated by the flag. 46 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON From Liber 9 p. 17(5. Inventories. Morris County, N. J. William Barton. Inventory of goods and chattels belonging to William Barton dec. appraised by Gideon V. Bostedo, Ezra Bastider, Gabriel Green oi/i the 1st day of January, 1830. S -w n n n 1 yoke of oxen 1 brinclle, white faced cow 1 brinclle, white backed cow 1 black heifer 1 3 year old heifer 1 2" do do do Black horse f Bay mare o Mow of hay i Mow of oats Eye straw Cutting box Pitch fork rakes and flails 1 stack of hay 1 do in the bog meadow 1 coal body 2 shovels, Heating hoe, digging hoe and fork Plough, crow bar and axe Grindstone Sled Waggon whilletre and tongue chain ": 3 little wheels Cradle Grass scythe 4 barrels', rye bran and flax in the chamber Sundry in boxes,bran, half bush- el, beans and buckwheat 1 pair of sled runners in the cham- ber Hog skin 2 sides of leather Boards in the chamber Bin of buckwheat and peck measure Lot of corn Lot of old iron and sundry arti- cles Lot of tools 3 bells Musket Cupboard 3 barrels pork at b Table Dreasers Basket of dried apples ; 00 , 00 00 50 ! 00 '00 ; oo 5 50 . 50 50 : 00 i 00 50 2 GX> 1 <7»0 1 ;<5 3 v>0 1 U\> 9i Jugs, stone pots, bottles etc. Earthen ware on the dressers 5 pans, coffee pot and platter Hoi; Dog Sled runners out of doors Iron pot, kettle, tea kettle and griddle Wheelbarrow 3 pails and churn Seive Loom, 19 spools, warping bars, swift's 2 pair of gears and 2 reels Large kettle Barrel and soap and wash tub Large wheel 2 barrels bran Cider barrel Frying pan Box of dirty buckwheat Bedstead, straw bed and bed- ding Harness and saddle Stretcher, whifhetree and chain Trammel and hooks Lantern Shovel and tongs Pattent head Chest Slate and powder horn 3 chairs Small looking glass and boxes Bed and bedding ■ $357.00, Plow and harrow Cash Razor and hone Ox yoke and chain steel trap ,">0 Potatoes 5!_)0 Turnips 2 j->0 Quantity of rails and rail cuts Brush scythe Wearing apparel Andirons and smoothing irons 3o ,00 3 1 .40 .40 (i ro 1 o0 o 50 {50 25 50 5 < >° 9 .'JO Gabriel Green, Gideon V. Bastider, his Ezra x Bostedo. mark ( The foregoing inventory was proved before me January 9, 1880 by oaths of Gabriel Green and Gideon Bastider, the appraisers and Job'n Barton and Eleazar Barton the executors. Jacob Wilson, Surrogate. THE OLD SWIMMING HOLE, BUREAU CREEK. CHAPTER III. ENSIGN ELEAZAR BARTON Eleazai- Barton, third son and fifth child of Lieut. William and Margaret i Henderson) Barton, was born in Morris County, N. Jan 12, 1 791. He enlisted in the arury in the second war with England M substitute for his brother James. He entered May 1, 1812, f< »r six months, and was enrolled in Oapt. John Hench- man'i coi/npany. Col. Joseph Jackson's regiment, Sept. 17, 1812, and was mouorably discharged Dec. 17, 1812. He was stationed with his /regiment at Bergen, X. J. His discharge was by order of Gc John Armstrong. He served also as Ensign in the First Battalion. 3d Regiment, Morris County. Xew Jersey Militia, commi J sioned May 5, 1S15, serving till the close of the war. The bearer fol the Hag was formerly a commissioned officer. 50 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. On April 8, 1851 he applied for bounty land and received 40 acres, Patent No. 48.696 N. E. Qr. S. E. Qr. Sec. 31 Tp. 90 N. Range 26 W. in Iowa. The warrant was issued June 17. 1854, and patent March 1,1855. A further grant of 120 acres No. 24.233 was issued. This he transferred to James Barton May 5, 1856,.who located it Oct. 24, 1868, N. J of S. W. Qr. and S. E. Qr. of S. W. Qr: Sec. 4 Tp. 17 S. of Range 26 E. Visalia Dist. California. He married, Nov. 8, 1816, Rachel Bostedo Read, and made his home near that of his father. There his children were born. In 1846 he moved with his family to Illinois, making his home at Knox Grove, near Bureau Creek, in Sublette township, where he died of apoplexy No^. 30, 1865. ) HIS SON'S REMINISCENCES. \ I have received from my father from time to time letters con- taining reminiscences of his father, from which I quote at length: Your Grandfather Barton was about my height (about 5 feet JO1^), but of heavier build, and a little corpulent. He had light com ion, light colored hair, and blue eyes. The sanguine temperament pre- dominated. He was inclined to be cheerful, sociable and somevj.'hat mirthful, without any inclination to frivolity or obscenity We: was diffident. We had many "stone frolics" in New Jersey. \ Probably no one owning land near us, had not, more than once, invijted neigh- bors to come with oxen and sleds during an afternoon** and haul stones oft" their land, and build stone fences. All hands turmed out on such occasions. They drank "apple jack" during the attefrnoon and had a veal supper in the evening, a few ot the neighbor women giv- ing the wife needed assistance in feeding the crowd. Father and "the boys" usually attended these frolics. He ate supper with Ithe crowd. He seldom ate away from home on any other occasions. Tfo digress, there was plenty of liquor, apple jack and rum. I do notl recollect hearing the word whiskey used. Nearly everybody—or qulite—kept liquor in their houses. Those who used liquor moderately Vat home, seldom drank "too much" on these occasions. Others who were fre- quently "the worse for liquor" at home, and who got still wora;e when they went to town, were liable to get drunk at the frolic. Thiere was sometimes fighting at such places, though I do not recollect tlriat any fights occurred near us. I never knew of father, or any of our Jfamily, being in a condition approaching intoxication. i ENSIGN ELEAZAR BARTON. 53 I spoke of father being diffident. I doubt if he ever ate a meal at the table of any of his children without some embarrassment. I inherited some of his diffidence, but have overcome it. Father was fond of company. He was far above the average in generosity at his own table. It was very common for some of our neighbors to come in on stormy days, visit and eat dinner with us. Father was often busy, meanwhile, tapping shoes, etc. Young men, with no settled home, would often make prolonged stays while they were looking for employment. Father had no craving for office. He was school director and over- seer of the road constantly. And I recollect that the other-directors usually left him to do about as he pleased. He was elected Justice of the Peace against his will and held that office at the time we left New Jersey., I well remember hearing some of the neighbors urging him to accept the office, and he pleading his lack of education. I do not recollect his ever trying a law suit alone. He nearly always got the parties to settle. When he failed in this, he usually got Stephen Meeker, a younger man but an older justice, to sit with him. I never knew father to have but one law suit: The matter was settled by ar- bitration, and I am free to say that father was wronged by the deci- sion. But he acquiesced. He never had serious trouble with any otherj neighbor. He lived in peace and made peace between other neighbors, when he well could. I have just recollected that he once sent .a man by the name of Shanger to the penitentiary for stealing hogs.1, Shanger swore vengeance. Soon after Shanger got out of prison, our family awoke one stormy winter night with our house in flamesj. A thousand dollars worth of property, hard earned, was turned into ashes in about one hour. I, one year old, was carried out in a be>d. Father's principal work in New Jersey was making char- coal. |n winter he hired help, and made timber into cord wood. His own large timber was exhausted, but he bought timber elsewhere. Our lasjt winter there, he cleared off a piece of ground near the old,— burned) down—schoolhouse. In summer the wood was brought to- gether With oxen and home-made sleds. It was stood on end, leav- ing a smajll space in the center for the fire. The pit was made two tiers or /eight feet high and rounded on the top. The small, or "lap-v ood", was used on the outside to give a smooth surface. A man, wi* t a floating hoe, would prepare sods. The top of the pit was made re mding to shed rain. The wood was covered with sods and then fine/r earth. Air holes were made at the bottom. Fire would be 5-t LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. put in at the top, the coa'.s falling to the ground. When the fire was well started, the mouth of the pit was closed, the smoke escaping through the covering of earth. When the coal pit was sufficiently burned, father would "keel it off" with an iron rake. The larger pieces of sod would be raked out, and the entire pit covered with fine earth which smothered the fire,—ordi- narily. Next came the "drawing" of the coal, and hauling it to the forge. I think each pit held about one thousand bushels of charcoal. Father would ordinarily be at the coal pit, as soon as he could see to work. With his iron rake, he would "draw" a load of coal. The ox be. I told where to rind him. The oxen would be yoked, hitched to the wagon, the coal loaded, and back to the house by the time breakfast was ready. 1 think that father, at one time, belonged to the M. K. church, at least, he affiliated with i t. There was some trouble in the society. I do not recollect who was in- volved. But the preacher used arbitrary power, which father called 'popery," and he ever afterwards rather disli ked that denomination. It wass before my recollection, but 'I think that there was a society o f Protestant Methodists formed at that time. I am not sure if father united with them; mother did. I think there was no churcfn organiza- tion in our neighborhood after my recollection, but the Wotestant Methodist element predominated. Abram Shanger, a Protectant, and William Shanger his cousin, an Episcopal Methodist, preac 'ed to us somewhat irregularly. An elderly man,named MaiCDoodlei who had preached there before, preached regularly about a year. Kiev. Sam- LEWIS READ BARTON. 1897. ENSIGN EL E. \ Z \ A' LA R T< >.X. ELEAZAR AND HANNAH L.BARTON. 1837 uel Yoking, the preacher who wrote a rhyme in grandfather's Bible, preached there two or more years. He was Congregational. Our hiome in New Jersey was headquarters for most of the preachers. I do not think that any other three families fed and sheltered more preache rs than we did. There were but few who were in active sym- pathy w ith them that had better accommodations, and,I am sure, none who m.yide them more welcome than father and mother did. Mr. Young'is family lived some distance, ten miles, perhaps. I presume he was! at our house fully six months in all. I spikke of father going to bed early. There would be weeks in 56 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. summer time that there would not be a candle lighted in our house. Mr. Young was not used to that. He inclined to sit up late and sleep in the morning. Father could not sleep if there was any noise. After he had become well acquainted, father made a proposition,— the preacher must goto bed when father did and get up earlier. If he did not get sleep enough, he could get a noonday nap. The preacher took it as a joke, but father called him next morning. Father left New, Jersey without an enemy so far as I recollect, ex- cepting incendiary Shanger, whom I never saw, only on the day of our auction. Some of the parting scenes are still vivid in my memory. I intended to say more of father's relations to church affairs. In New Jersey he nearly always attended meetings, unless it was necesr sary for some one to stay at home. Fie made no public profession of Christianity, during the years of my recollection, yet his outward lif? was quite as consistent with Christian character, as was the life of the good church members. He had a musical voice. Your mother said he had the best voice she had ever heard for a man of his age. He could sing very high; learned tunes readily, and usually sang in riieet- ings, though he could not have been induced to make himself (Con- spicuous in doing so. Father had very little schooling. He was however, a fair reader and speller, and had a remarkable faculty of solving mathematical problems mentally. Eleazar is the only one of the family that' ap- proximated him in arithmetic, and I do not think he was father's equal. After we came to Illinois father took less interest in public aff airs. He made a number of ineffectual attempts before they got the log school house. His home was not as comfortable as the New ^Jersey home had been, still the preachers came quite often and thej school teachers were often with us and were welcome. THE MtGRATION FROM NEW JERSEY. As the family grew up, the rocky farm in New Jersey iproved too small for the boys, the older ones of whom were nparried. Eleazar Barton set out in 18i6 to the West. His son S tephen preceded him, expecting to locate in Ohio. Disappointed, in his effort to secure land believed to have been due the family for military services, and finding the country well settled, |ie ex- plored further west and thither the family followed. On IV^ay 20, ENSIGN ELEAZAR BARTON. 57 1896, my father, who was a lad at the time of the journey, wrote us follows: Fifty years ago today, we were on Lake Michigan, on the steamer Niagara. She called at Milwaukee at night and landed us in Chica- go early next morning. She was then the largest steamer on the lakes, and was burned several years afterwards on Lake Michigan. She had made a trial trip from Buffalo to Detroit, I think. There was a heavy bet when we came, we learned, that she could not cross the Saint Clair flats. They were dredged out a few years later. Passengers and most ot the freight were put aboard another, smaller steamer, lashed to her side. Then the little steamer went ahead, and got almost, or quite out of sight. Passengers crowded to the side of the boat to watch for the Niagara. The boat would tip, then they would change their location, and tip the boat to the other side. At length the large steamer began to gain upon us, and soon passed us with her band in full blast. We felt safer when we got back upon the large boat. Memory has recently gone over many of the scenes of that trip. We left home early Monday morning, May 4, 1846. Two or three teams brought us with James and family, two children, to New York City, fcjprty miles, that night. The teams crossed from Jersey City on the fdrry boat, the first steamer I ever saw. Next forenoon the steamer lainded us in Albany. That afternoon we started westward, on the "iT. Jacobs" canal boat. 1 think it took us eight days to go from Albany to Buffalo. In Chicago they found teams that were coming westward. We left the little city after dinner, and stayed over night at Brush Hill,sixteen miles distant. Next day the teams forded Fox River at Aurora, and the family crossed on a footbridge. There were few, if any, bridges or culverts on the way. We stayed the second night at Little Rock, and (the third night, May 22, met Stephen, who had preceded us, at Knok Grove. ! * \ THE NEW HOME ON THE PRAIRIES. Cojiicerning the journey and the experiences of the family in the ihew home my father has written me at length. I quote his rjeminiscences with little abbreviation, because they record evenjts common to the life of all immigrants to the prairies in that^ day. \ \ I 60 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. baker's pan; buckwheat cakes, mush, rice pudding, etc., but. felt awk- ward in her new surroundings. Mrs. Maxwell took in the situation. Mrs. Erskine furnished milk. Mrs. Maxwell made biscuit, baked them in Erskine's stove, and we ate our first meal of "prairie" cooking. There was no day school at Knox Grove until next winter. Then they mudd ed up the cracks in the log house that Mr.Knox had vacated, when he built the more pretentious home, that, in turn, he had sold to the Porter family, in the fall of 1845. The Porter sons were school teachers, but the people most interested asked Stephen to teach and he did so. Here I attended my first spelling school. They chos^ sides and spelled around. At length they "spelled down." The i\vo scholars at the foot of the class stood up first; that was the way to do it, we were told. When one went down, the next scholar on that side came to the gap. Eleazar, for some unexplainable reason, misled nearly his first word. He was a good scholar in every branch he had studied. I spelled down seven scholars on the other side, Henry Por- ter among them. Jane Williams, sister of, and two years older than, Daniel's Ann, faced me. We stood a long while, I am not sure which went down first. But I recollect that as I correctly spelled one word that Stephen had evidently thought nmre difficult than the average, jl saw a pleased expression on his face, involuntary, probably, whiqh I thought meant that he was pleased to see his slender brother niac- in such a record, in his first spelling school. I think it was two years later that the log schoolhouse was built on the meridian line, half on Mr. Porter's and half on father's land. .Pos- sibly it was one year sooner. The next school, after Stephen's "quarter," was in Daniel Pratt's back room. They had a log house with some loft room, and a le n-to on the west side, about ten feet wide by perhaps sixteen feet lpng. Hannah Camp, Louis Winter's mother, was the teacher that quarter school- in the lean-to. In this room was held the first Sunday school (1847). Pratt had ten in their family. I Levi Camp's house was often used for meetings and Sunday school. When the Knox iog house was used for school, the meet- ings were held in that. A Methodist preacher came once in two weeks, ordinarily, preached, and had class meeting. The first Sun- day school was in the Pratt schoolhouse in the summer of 1847. , The next summer it was in Mr. Camp's house. v Soon after our arrival Eleazar and I went to meeting in the school- house on the south side of Perkins Grove. A Methodist prea/cher \ ENSIGN ELEAZAR BARTON. 61 preached there once a fortnight. A Baptist had the alternate Sun- day. There, I first heard the hymn, "The Star of Bethlehem," sung to the tune of "Bonnie Doon." Or rather, I heard the last verse of it. It was then customary, as soon as there were a few people in the meeting house, for some one to start a hymn, and quite likely to sing one hymn after another until the preacher was ready. The next time I heard that hymn and tune I appropriated them, and now often sing the entire hymn on a lonely ride ,home after dark. I Wish that the old custom of singi'ng before meeting, singing the vvhole of a hymn, instead of cutting out verses, and singing "\ < r the grave of a dead Christ- ian would become customary ag'iin. In the early days nearly all) sung "the air." I like the har- mony of four parts. But there wals a power in the old way of siipging, that I'think does not exjist in the music of the pres- ent day. Vou are waiting, impatiently, pejrhaps, to hear of the house bu ilding, while memory has led me over a long route that I would like to commemorate in story if I had the imagination necessary to supply the con- necting links. I would rather heai stories of these olden times, on our old settler days, than listen to fine oratory. Stephen bargained for the "Rose and Mitchell" land in Knox Grove, for $750. Father paid the purchase money in a few days after our arrival. It was the timber land, that made it valuable. Only four acres of prairie sod were broken. Stephen planted corn on that May 1. Pine board fence was not dreamed of. The man who could not buy a small piece of tim- ber, to supply him with rails and fuel, could not settle. From Ward's DANIEL BARTON. 62 LIEUTENANT W ILLIAM BARTON Corners to Paw Paw, along the Chicago and Princeton road, we went nearly twelve miles without a house, shrub, fence, or mark of a plow. On the Peru and Grand De Tour road, we went some seven or eight miles south and as far north over virgin prairie. Mr. Erskine re- marked, when we lived in the same house, that the time would never come when these prairies would be settled so but that the inhabitants. Could not ies from New Jersey. They were too thin to stand Illino;soak, a|id soon gave place to western axes. Trees were soon cut down, a/id saw logs hauled to Inlet, where there was a saw mill at each eind of the dam. I think the one, at the north end went into distise after Miller Dewey, spoken of in "The Banditti of the Prai ries," went to the penitentiary Corydon Dewey sawed our1 logs. My first trip was with Daniel, just after the fourth of July. The two roads, (from Porter's and Ward's,) came together some- where about where O. E. Clark afterwards lived. Thence to Sand Grove, and connected with the Chicago and Galena road (which ran through Melugin's and Paw Paw, and met the Princeton branch) a little distance south-east of Tripp's log tavern. We had a yoke of oxen and one saw log. I recollect I was very thirsty, yet I thought the prairies beautiful, there were so many wild flowers and the prairie grass was waving in the wind. .DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 1887. ENSIGN ELEAZAR BARTON. 63 The sills and floor beams of our house were hewn. James, a car- penter, had a broad axe. A common axe "scored" the log and the carpenter smoothed it with his broad axe. I rather think that the studs and braces were also hewn. They all were morticed into the sills and plates. A wooden pin through each end of the brace. No large nails. . The shingles were oak, made by hand from trees cut for the purpose. I think the window-casing was made from oak boards, but .am not sure if the window sash were home made The glass were 8 x 10, the 7x9 glass being somewhat out of style. Both sizes were in o'ommon use for years. Probably five years later Mr. Camp got 9 x 12 jglass. '(The house was sixteen feet wide, twenty feet long and perhaps twelve feet high; was 1*4 feet clear, between the beams of the two floors, set on blocks sawed from trees. There was no brick nearer thjan Princeton. The stone quarries at Lee Center had not been de- veloped. 1 I am not sure whether the joists for the upper floor were hewed or sjawed. I rather think they were hewn. The floor boards were rough oak, laid down without matching. We did not have enough to cover U'P stairs. One night I dreamed of hearing the buzz of a rattlesnake. I\ sat up in my bed spread on the floor, and when partly awake recol- lected that the snake was not the only danger; I might fall to the Ujnver floor if I moved far. We moved into this house with a quilt for ai door. The few cows on that side of the grove inclined to flock to- gether. Mr. Porter had a Durham bull which they brought from Michi- gan. He was old enough to be insolent. He did not like the looks of our door and we sometimes felt apprehensive lest he walk through it in the night. Inl autumn, father bought a number eight, wood cook stove. Western coa-l had not been discovered. The winter was quite severe. We had only green wood to burn. A'ccustomed to a warmer home in New Jersey, with a fire place in eac?h of the large rooms below, and a fire place up stairs in the room where we boys slept, we felt the cold, but probably no worse than our neighbors, who felt less able to use wood freely. •In those days people did not dress as they do now. Very few women had rubber shoes—probably not one pair in that neighbor- hood. Men had no overshoes whatever; though later, the wealthier men got overshoes made of leather soles and buffalo skin uppers. A 64 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON man with woolen pantaloons, lined with cotton sheeting, was fairly dressed. Those with "canton flannel" drawers were rather extra dressed. Very few had overcoats. Sheep were scarce and woolen goods quite expensive. Eight yards of calico made a dress for a com- mon woman. I have known a man to carry the calico home at night; the next night, the wife, caring for a number of children, would havsvp XI y / 4" •uajBrj oj\[ naio^ bjj '0061 'ft 9nnf *m ;FL8I kg^««f 'q'nojiB | H8T9JJ 9dbx£) -q '8181 'LI 'n«r 'P.'6981 ki 'l^S *ct ^oxjBg ^W9H ^i09£) -f '9981 'OS lcl9S" -q ^oiiBg qooBf nqop -g •uosxaj'jBj 9^109-9 'f88I 'OS 'cn 'S98I 4S '^ny *q ^noixBg pqoB^; axbj\[ -g qpnqsng qx "III 'eaxbjiq IB 9AT[ A^qjQ M91XBQ r£ Bzqg; piiB k,Q snisnp jo -nBp '9oqy '888T (SZ tpiBjVI 'm 'S98I '08'^p *q 'noiiBg xB£pg[ sbtt§ inexpytqo p9idopB oavi 9ABq A^aqx 'III ktnop99J^[ ii? 9Ai[ Aiou A9qj, qooqos ABpnng pnB qomqo jo 3{J0Ai 9qi Hi 9AI10B sbai pnB 'seoTijo oqqncl J9qao pjaq puB '90B9J 9TT1 JO 99TJSnf SBAi 9JJ 'SUOSVW JO 9JlT10BjniTBtU 9qi Ul p9.§Bxhl9 9T{ 9X9 qA\ ln9pTX9J\[ IB p9JB0O[ b'BAi 9q SXB9i ATTBTXI XOJ \T9TTXT1X '3 qBTIUBfJ piTB IIBqiB^ JO '™3p ''1 -tibh 'f98I '18 qo.iBj\[ -ra vigRi 'n 9imp -q :xoxayg HYzvaagf ha '9881 'SI lcIaS *q 'uoixBg bsstj9j\t axbjvt 'L ■Q18I f0T ^lnr *q 'nojxBgnosBf £oq q>j -9 'I68T 'T Anr 'siAvaq; 9HBf Bpj -in 'SI '^°0 Tl ^oiJBg £11 jq jJ9qjy -q :pBq X9qx 'L68I 40T (9L8I 'S *q9^[ 'q) notutug uba 9oqy X9qjsg[ -tu ;0L8I '91 'ao^-q'uojJBg; ozuojy uojJ9j\r f :pBq X"9qjL "0681 '8 njdY (L98I '8 "q^J •q) 'nosnqop *A ©TPPV'm '8981 4T 8imf *q ^o^iBg p9J^ -g :9X9av U9xp|Tqo Jiaqx 'i.981 'l 'PO *ul 'Sf8I 'OS ^Inr Tl 4nosuiqo-jj BpniJBj\[ 4p^ '*m lNOxavg aaixYQ '8981 'T q°Jt-I\[ 'q 'nojJBg stAva^; BSBiay 76 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. X. Rachel Amanda Barton, b. Oct. 12, 1838„m. April 29, 1856 Rev. Edward Crandall Pratt, b. March 4,1833, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Skinner) Pratt. He entered the Methodist ministry in 1876, and has served many of the churches of the Des Moines Conference and now lives at Sharpsburg, Iowa. Their children born at Knox Grove, 111., are: 1. Izetta, b. April 25, 1857, d. Taylor Co., Iowa, May 7,1875, 2. Arthur Laverne, b. Nov. 2, 1858, m. March 27,1884, Nancy, dau. of Thomas Compton. Their children are: 1. Ernest Earl, b. Feb. 6, 1885. 2. Edward Thomas, b. June 2, 1886. 3. Tessie, b. Ian. 16, 1889. 4. Arthur, h. Au£>\ 28, 1890, d. Aug. 31, 1891. 5. Eunice Golda; b. Feb. 20, 1896. 6. Helen, b. April 18, 1898. 3. Rachel Jane, b. Aug. 13, 1861, d. Feb. 28, 1863. 4. Addie J., b. March 26, 1866. 5. Frank Pratt, b. June 28,1870, m. Feb. 17,1892,Mrs. Nancy A. (Bycroft) Conkler. They have one child, Bertha Elizabeth, b. Jan. 28, 1893. XI. William Newton Barton, b. Sept. 11, 1841, m. Maria L. Hastings, (d. Oct. 1899) enlisted as a private in Co. i . 7th Illinois Cavalry and died at Eastport, Tenn., May 4, 1865. Maria Louise Hastings was born in M or eh eld, Ohio, in 1837, and came to Mendota with her parents in 1854. Her parents were John and Jeannie (Knox) Hastings of Scotch and Irish descent. Prior to her marriage she had been a teacher, and when left a widow she again took up that work and contin- ued it for twelve years. In 1891 she was stricken with par alysis. The last three years of her life she spent with her daughter in Fulton, where she died October 20, 1899. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Mendota and up to the time, of her last great affliction, was a woman of superior attainments, genial manners and kindly disposi- tion. The children of William Newton and Maria L. Barton are: Samuel Newton, b. 1863. Nellie Jeanette, b. Feb. 16, 1865. m., Aug. 21 1884 Fred K. Bastian Editor of the Fulton Journal. They live at Ful- ton, 111. Fred Knox Bastian was born in Rochester, N. Y., in 1856,and is the son of Van S. and Ann (Knox) Bastian. He came to Illinois with his parents in 1861 and was ENSIGN ELEAZAR BARTON 77 brought up on a farm in Bureau County. His education was procured through his own efforts and he successful 1}' en- gaged in teaching school for three years. In 1879 he ac- cepted a position as reporter on the Sterling Gazette and was connected with that paper until 1KN| when he pur- chased the Fulton Journal, the oldest paper in Whiteside County. For seventeen years he was editor of this paper. In 1898 he sold the Jour mi I and is now employed iu the Fulton bank. Mr. Bastian is well known in politics and is an active worker for his party interests in Whiteside County. In 1895 he received the Democratic nomination for congressman from the tenth congressional district,and in 1898 his name was again placed on the party ticket for representative to the State Legislature from the thirty-first senatorial district, and received the full vote of his party which is in the minority in Whiteside County. In 1896 he was appointed postmaster of Fulton by President Cleve- land. ESTHER T. BARTON IN THE: WOODS AT FoXBOKO. I CHAPTER IV. DR. JACOB B. BARTON Jacob Bostedo Barton, eighth son of Eleazar and Rachel B. Barton, was born in Morris Count}7-, New Jersey, Jan. 5, 1884, and was named by his great grandmother, who was with his mother at the time, in honor of her own deceased husband, the Rev. Jacob Bostedo. Later she presented him with a little red dress with yellow spots, the glory of which he still remembers. In 1816 he removed with his parents to Illinois. Attending local schools and improving his meager home advantages, he fitted himself to teach school. He studied medicine with Dr. Heath of Paw Paw. His active practice as a physician w7as limited, as he soon established himself in a drug store in Sub- lette, though the more stringent la ws of later years caused him to register as a legal physician. He built the drug store and house which he occupied on Richmond Street, near Main, in Sublette, and here his children were born. The hewn walnut beams of this house were wrought by a neighbor, Mr. Camp, in payment of his family doctor bill. His activities in the little village were many. He established and operated a small printing office. He was postmaster for many years, and also Notary Public and Village Clerk. Finan- cial reverses and failing health drove him from his store and home, and he established a new home in another part of the vil- lage on vacant lots owned by him. Several years of gardening and outdoor life largely restored his health, and he has occupied his recent years in manufacturing and selling remedies com- pounded and used by him in previous years. Of his own 3Touth and the means by which he fitted himself for his life work he writes: I was a weakly boy, physically. Mother carried me into a chilly room when I was about six weeks old. A bad cold and pneumonia 80 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. resulted. I was active. They called me "the weazel," but I was never strong as most boys of my age. I think it was in the year of 1850, or possibly 1851, we had a heavy snow on the fifth day of April. Next day the north west wind blew, and it was a terrible day. Father had started to go to New Jersey the first day of April. The cars came as far west as Aurora. Eleazar carried him and Esquire Meeker there with horses and wagon We feared that they would be on the lakes in that storm. I was out during much of that storm caring for young lambs. I took a bad cold, and from that time on was an invalid. I coughed badly, spat some blood, and was debilitated. Settled weather came, but I did not improve. Dr. Heath, of Paw Paw, came to see me a few times, and I experienced a temporary improvement. I read small medical books, whatever I could get. I gathered roots and herbs, not merely for myself, but that I might benefit the neighbors in minor ailments. In 1852 I originated a formula of Diarrhea Drops which I have used ever since, and as its success was marked, I made other compounds. The neighbors came to me for simple remedies and sometimes wished me to go to their houses. In the meantime, I had obtained larger and reliable works on the practice of medicine. The Jones brothers and Dr. Avery of La Moille were the recog- nized physicians at the time, but my practice grew, until I was doing a large share of the doctoring in that neighborhood. I had never settled in my mind whether I ought to be a doctor or a preacher. My weak lungs, my diffidence, and poor education, caused me to choose medicine. I was carrying too much responsibility in some critical cases. I felt that I must get out of that, or qualify myself better. I went to Paw Paw, where I studied in the office of Dr. Heath. I had little thought of ever entering a medical col- lege. Many of our old, and some of our most successful physicians, had no diplomas. Dr. Heath, who had almost phenomenal success, probably never saw the inside of a medical college. The confinement in the drug store and the study wore on me. I saw that a doctor's life meant travel in the worst of storms, long nights without sleep, and no rest by day. I never would be able to endure the hardships and exposures of such a life. Besides, I had grown weak and thin, and my able-bodied stomach hardly relished the good food that Mother Dettamore, (a woman that 1 revere,) set before her boarders. DR. JACOB B BARTON. 81 As I gave up the hope of being a doctor, the impression that I ought to be a Gospel minister, grew stronger. I reasoned that if I had a drug store ot my own, I could take more liberties. My health demanded that I leave Paw Paw. The same amount of study that I had given to medicine in Paw Paw, would give me some knowledge of grammar. If 1 could correct my grammatical errors, I could hope to attain something in other studies. Soon after coming home my health recu- perated. I spoke to father about the drug store p r o ject. He promised to aid me. I located in Sublette; soon found the cares of business too exact- ing to permit much studying, and here I am. Your Father, Jacob B. Barton. Helen Methv>'n Barton. Dr. Jacob Bostedo Barton, m. June 8, 1860, Helen, daugh- ter of Rev. William Methven and Mary Sim, his wife. She was born iu Dundee Scotland, Oct. 19' 1827, came to America with her mother in 1844, her father having preceded them to this country six years before. Her married life was spent in Sublette, where she died April 18, 1893. HELEN METHVEN BARTON. 82 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. She was a woman of sweet spirit, who lived a modest, sim- ple, sincere Christian life. In youth she was a pretty little girl with rosy cheeks. Her uncle, Kev. Theophilus Methven, called her the "flower of the flock." Aunt Jane wrote of her youth, "Almost everyone liked her. She was good at school, and learned well, but father's leaving put an end to her school- ing. It was all we could do to live.'1 She was still a child when with her mother and the other children she came to America. The conditions of frontier life are hard, even for strong men. They are harder for delicate women. Helen Methven was a sensitive soul, with a strain of poetry in her nature. She had a good mind and was well read in the best literature. She was gentle and retiring, inheriting her mother's sweet temper, and her father's love of books. In her last years she suffered from partial deafness, which shut her in from the world, and she was known to only a limited circle of friends. But her children rise up and call her blessed. REV. WILLIAM METHVEN. Rev. William Methven, father of Helen Methven Barton, was born in Scotland, Oct, 19, 1791:, came to America 1838, and died in Sublette, 111., Sept. 30, 1874. He was the son of David and Mary (Adamson) Methven. I remember Grandfather Methven well. He was a man of strong character and of indomitable will, and a constant student of the Bible, of poetry, philosophy and theology. He had a rich Scotch brogue, was fond of controversy, and always ready for theological debate. He was a Congregationalist and protested strong^ against the extreme Calvinism of the Scotch kirk. With others he withdrew and founded an independent church, where he preached, and for which body he wrote some theolog- ical pamphlets. He had an alert and logical mind with a strong legal bent. At one time he became involved in a lawsuit in America, and quite enjoyed the experience, refusing to employ counsel, and pleading his own case. He greatly delighted in DR. JACOB B. BARTON. S3 the tilts with the lawyers, and won his case, much to his own satisfaction. William Methven had meager educational advantages, yet was taught to read widely aud think well. He spent his youth in gardening. About 1818 he mar ried Mary Sim, daughter of Sergeant John bim, then sup- erintendent of a bleachery at Claver- house, and, securing employment as a bleacher, rose in his work, till on the re- tirement of his fa- ther-in-law he suc- ceeded him as super- intendent, and held the position for 17 years. Shortly before the panic of 1837 he ha«l begun manufact- uring on his own ac- count, but the panic ruined him, and he came to America, where for six yeai-s he worked trying, to make a home for his wife and children. These were hard years for the family. Mother and her younger sister Anne had to leave school, and the burden was heavy upon their mother and brother John, who then a lad, as ever, proved his fidelity, and was the main stay of the family. THE SUBLETTE DRUG STORE. 84 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. My mother and her sisters, together with all who knew him, honored my Uncle John. William Methven was a man of unusual ability. Thoroughly conscientious, and zealous for Scriptural and political truth, he was sometimes instant out of season in pressing his views upon others. His education was not proportionate to his abilities and he was the victim of unfortunate circumstances which hampered his life and irritated his energetic, impetuous nature. Properly trained he would have been a man of mark. His sermons were strong and able. His lectures on the Bible were instructive and commanded attention of the thoughtful. His constant reading in a measure made up for his lack of early advantages, and his logical mind, ready speech and mental acuteness sharpened by constant discussion made him a strong as he was ever a fear- less disputant. An intense Abolitionist, he carried the discus- sion of the question of slavery into unwelcome quarters, and at least once was egged for his zeal an experience that in no wise diminished his ardor. His views on the Apocatypse made his friends anxious for a brief commentary from him, and he attempted to dictate it to his son John; but he could not go slowly enough for his son's writing. His active mind was too eager for the speed of the pen. and the task was postponed and at length abandoned. Grandfather was a great reader. While much given to Bible study, he sought a variety of reading, and disliked it that his father-in-law cared only for one book. He preached and lectured, not only on religious, but on scientific subjects, delivering a lecture at Mt. Morris Seminary on Optics. In Scotland he had been the friend and neighbor of Thomas Dick, and had himself made a telescope of considerable power. The making of another and a larger telescope was one of the unfulfilled hopes of his later years. He had imported'the lenses some time before his death. I regret to say that they were not preserved; and almost the only article of his which I possess is his pocket compass, brought to America in 1838. He published one or more theological pamphlets, of which I DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 85 have been unable to secure a copy, and the only specimen of his literary work which I have is the following poem preserved in a clipping' from a religious paper: FATHER. Vl ilt thou not from this time cry unto me, my father thou art the guide of my youth. Jeremiah 3:4. What kind inviting voice is this, Which bids me all my fears dismiss, The mighty God who reigns on high, Looks with a sympathetic eye, And bids me, to him, Father, cry. But will he love, or can he bear A sinful child's imperfect prayer'? lie pleads with me to seek his face, That he may fill my soul with bliss. And set me in the children's place. And is it to Jehovah known The countless evils 1 have done Yes, all my sins before him lie, Yet he my vileness passes by, And bids me, to him, Father, cry. Why such solicitude, say why That I should to him, Father, cry. It is that. I may turn again, Nor see the abyss, nor feel the pain. Where sin and woe malignant reign. And oh, what more my heart to move, What proofs of ardent, active love: For me he gave his Son to die, That from his throne in yonder sky, He might say, "Abba Father, cry.'1 Shall not. my heart with love expand, To such a Father, such a Friend, And humbly tell the debt I owe. That, all may hear, that all may know, That gratitude and praise may flow. W. M. Great-grandfather David Methven was a shoemaker in Dairsie, Fifeshire, Scotland. Of him and his wife Mary Adamson their daughter Helen (for whom my mother was named) said, "They walked in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless." "He was particularly nice in his shoemaking," 86 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON wrote Aunt Jaue, '"There was no bad leather or poor work. His daughter Helen and May bound the shoes, and nothing could exceed their neatness and exactness." He had a very severe temper, but a staunch character, and was an active member of the Presbyterian church. He was a tall spare man. Be died of apoplexy, being over sev- enty years of age. Of his parents I know nothing. Mary Adamson, wife of David Methven died at B r o u g h t y Ferry about 1832. Of her ancestry, I only know that through her we are related to if not descended from the Sel- kirks. In my boyhood my only pride of ancestry was in what Grandfather told me of a relationship which he was able to trace with Alexander Selkirk, Robinson Crusoe. Mary Adamson was a very plain, sallow looking woman, bad- ly marked with small pox, but with a manner so pleas- rev. william methven. ant and a voice so remark- ably sweet that she seemed beautiful to her friends. She was noted for her cleanliness, her quickness at work, and her great kindness to neighbors in dis- tress. Aunt Jane wrote, 'T never saw Grandmother but onee, and that was after she and Aunt Helen and Mary moved to the Ferry, where the daughters supported themselves by dressmak ing. She was then very feeble, sitting in an easy chair. They led her out to sit in the garden. It was not long before her death, about 1832, at the age of 84." DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 87 Mary Sim, wife of Rev. William Methven, was the daughter of John Sim and Christina Stewart. John Sim was a bleacher, the only son of a widow, and a tall, fair, handsome man. A story is told of a fortune teller who insisted on telling his fortune, but he refused and turned away. "I will tell you one thing,-' said the old woman. "You will be a soldier.' There was no one thing he abhorred more: but he laughed and said, "If I must be a soldier, 1 do not want to be a private." "No," said she, "You will have a small command." Some years afterward when his e}'es were suffering from constant examination of white cloth, he met a re- cruiting officer, and entered the army as sergeant. This was some time before the Revolution, but the Revo- lution came, and with it he came to America. My Aunt Jane told me as a boy that he told her mother that he had little love of fighting, and at the expiration of his service was strongl}' tempted to remain in America. He had found acquaintances here, and a number of young men offered to help him clear laud and make a home. But he returned to Scotland. He was a very religious man, a Congregationalist, and though calm in his disposition, was fervent in prayer. A volume of his manuscript prayers exists and is now in my possession. The writing is clear and distinct, and the phraseology is strongly MAKY SIM METHVEN. 88 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. Biblical. He was a friend of struggling young men, and taught many to read and write. He loaned money without interest, and was never defrauded. Of Christina Stewart we know only that she was a remarkably pretty girl, ''the bonny lass of Banchill." She died at the age of 84. She kept the small library at Cla- verhouse. She lacked the religious fervor of her husband, but possessed a reverent and inquiring mind, and was f o n d of poetry, quoting often from Young's Night Thoughts, and Mil- ton's Paradise Lost. My mother remem- bered her, and her interesting instruc- tive Bible stones. She was a small wo- man, and even in old age retained some- thing of the beauty of her early years. John Sim a n d Christina Stewart were the parents of five children. Their jvcob b. barton. 188S. two sons died in i n f a n c y; their daughters lived and married. The eldest, Jane, married a man named Sher- wood, for whom Aunt Jane, was named. A tall brass caudle- stick which she gave to her neice Jane Sherwood Methven now belongs to Grace Barton McLaren. She was left a widow with DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 89 three sons and three daughters, she proved a capable energetic woman and brought up her children well. Anne, the second daughter, married Thos. Patterson and had one daughter Mar}^, The third daughter was Mary, wife of Rev. William Methven. I remember my grandmother distinctly. She was a plain, quiet, deeply religious woman. She inherited her father's tem- perament. She carried a reticule containing red apples for her grandchildren. I recall her funeral. She died Aug. 2, 1865, and is buried with her husband at Sublette, 111. William Methven's children were: 1. John Sim Methven b. Aug. 14, 1819, came to America, 1844, d. Oct. 16, 1888. Married, 1856, Sarah Pratt, who died Jan. 1 857, leaving one daughter Sarah, b. Jan. 21. 1857, d. Feb. 21, 1863. M. Cornelia S. Hunting (b. Dec. 16, 1839). Their children are: 1. Mary Augusta b. Sublette, III. Jan. 20, 1862. M. John Kirkpatrick June 18, 1882. Their children are: Charles Bruce, b. Nashville, Term., May 2, 1.S3. Alan Methven b. Sept. 9, 1835. Edith May, b. March 3, 1SSS. Helen Hunting, b Jan. 3, 1890. John, b. 1897. 2. James Kirkpatrick b. March 13, 1865, d. Sept. 13, 1865. 3. Charles Sumer b. May 19, 1866, m. 1900, Alice Crosby. 2. Jan<£ Sherwood Methven b. Dec. 182-1, d. unmarried. Sub- lette, 111. Jan. 9, 189E. 3. Mary Methven b. 1826, d. June 23,1888, m. James Kirk- patrick, d. April 19,' 1862. Their children are: 1. William b. Dec. 23, 1848, m. Eliza Fer- guson, and afterward Charlotte Banks. 2. John b. Aug. 12, 1851, m. Mary Augusta Methven. 3. James b. Aug. 31, 1861. 4. Thomas died in infancy. 5. Mary Jane. 6. Helen m. Thos. Hill Methven deceased. 7. Annie. 8. Agnes. 9. Euphemia m. Aug. 14, 1890 Char- les Whyte. 10. Alice. 4. Helen Methven born Oct. 19, 1827, m. Dr. Jacob B. Tar- ton, died April 18, 1893. Their children are mentioned elsewhere. v 5. Anne Methven b. 1833, m. Robert Dickason, and died about L885. Their home at first was at Peru, 111., after- LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON wards at East Grove and finally at Perryville, Ind. Their children were: Frank, 1). July 1856, John, 1). 1857, Mary, b. 1858, Helen, b. 1890, m. James M. Hain, and lives at Terre Haute, Ind., Edward, b. 1862, Alice, b. 1864. m. John Bolla, and lives at Perryville, Ind. DR. JACOB B. BAKTON AMONG HIS GRANDCHILDREN. 1896. THE CHILDREN OF JACOB B. AND HELEN M. BARTON. 1897. CHAPTER V. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. Jacob B. and Helen M. Barton became the parents of five children, William Eleazar, born June 28. 1861; Mary Rachel, born Aug. 3, 1862; John Jacob, born Sept. 20, 1865; George Herbert, born Sept, 7, 1869, d. Jan. 17, 1873; and Grace Helen, born JtmT^iS,' 1874. All these were born in the house built by their father as a drug store and residence on Richmond Street, near Main. Almost directly across the street stood that center of village life, the town pump. 92 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON SUBLETTE. The name Sublette is said to have been suggested by the fre- quency with which the contract for building the portion of the Illinois Central Railroad which passes through it was sublet by successive contractors. Possibly some such incident may have influenced the choice, but the original spelling within my mem- ory, Soublette, shows that it was named for the Venezuelan sol- dier, Carlos Soublette, b. 1790, d. 1870. Sublette was in the region first brought to the knowledge of the world by the Black Hawk war. General Scott's army then marched through it. The "army trail" through Knox and Pal- estine Groves was easily followed in my boyhood, and I doubt not is still visible in places. One incident, the hasty retreat of General Atkinson before a body of supposed Indians who turned out to be a company of militia occurred where the village now stands. The village numbers some three hundred souls, of whom a very greatly increased proportion are now Germans. It is in Lee County, on the watershed between the Illinois and Rock Rivers, not quite a hundred miles west and a little south from Chicago. It is not a picturesque village, and to many outsiders life in it might appear monotonous enough, but in my own youth we had no oppressing sense of social or intellectual isola- tion. The public schools were fairly good. The churches were social centers of some power; and there were literary societies and singing schools quite as stimulating and useful as many larger communities afford. My teacher, Mr. C. L. Nettleton, organized a debating society when I was about twelve years old, and I was a charter member. A year or two after this, the Red Ribbon movement resulted in a strong temperance society with a marked literary impulse. The Amboy Journal and the Dixon Telegraph, still flourishing and well-edited county papers, offered aspiring boys and girls a chance to see their work in print, and not a few of us availed ourselves of the privilege. There was always a burning topic in Sublette. Political meetings were large and enthusiastic. The Fourth of July never lacked a celebration of some sort. John Clink's band of THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON 93 fifes and drums never failed to bring us out in procession, and later there was a more or less illustrious brass band in which T played a bass horn at first, and later tried other instruments, till my college days, when I attained the dignity of leader of the band. I do not think of our life as one of intellectual dearth. The preaching we heard did not seem to us poor; and while in my boyhood, daily Chicago papers were not so common as now, we had them when there was news of importance, and we were industrious readers of the weeklies, thus we learned some- what promptly of movements in the outer world. My own earliest recollections are of the Rebellion. Popular interest registered itself at the postoffice, and it did not fail to impress me. I remember distinctly the departure of my uncle William Newion; I remember his funeral; I remember the as- sassination of Lincoln and the return of the troops. After the war there were stirring meetings. As a lad I ac- companied a great procession to Amboy to hear John A. Logan, and we brought back a flag awarded to the town with the larg- est delegation. The boys were ready to hang it out on slight provocation, and there was powder to burn whenever any great event occurred. On March 5th, 1877, when Hayes was inaugur- ated after weeks of imcertaintT, Sublette shared in the celebra- tion. We had no cannon, but two anvils answered the purpose. We hied a gun for each electoral vote, and I poured in the powder from a gallon bottle. To the fact that the premature ex- plosion which occurred after the sixteenth gun did not ignite the whole bottle I owe my own life; and to the fact that I winked,— whether by coincidence or instinct, I know not,—I owe my eye- sight; for I was on my knees over the anvil and received the explosion in the face at close range. Suffering the most intense pain in the hours that followed, I heard the remaining guns with somewhat diminished interest. On the whole it seems to me to have been worth while to be born in a time of great his- toric interest and to have spent my early years in a community whose little pulse thrilled with the heart beat of great national movements. It was not and is not a great town, and even its 94 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. inhabitants have a habit of speaking deprecatingly of it, but I am not sure that it was not a good place to be born in. CHURCH LIFE. So far as I am able to assign my memories a definite chrono- logical arrangement, I place first an experience at family wor- ship wherein I refused to be quiet until bribed by bread and butter and brown sugar. Preferring the sugar to what wTas underneath, I attracted the constant attention of the maid who had spread the slice for me, and who, during the prayer, charged me in a whisper to "Bite through." I remember the mental process by which at length I interpreted the words which at first I did not quite understand. Soon my sister Mary and I were in Sunday school in the town hall. It was a Methodist Sunday school. My father was superintendent, and led the singing in church services; my mother taught the infant class of which Mary and I were mem- bers. I remember an early ''concert ' in which we both participated. I recited a poem of Dr. Watts insisting that the word "chas- tised" should be pronounced "check-chased" which to my mind represented the repression and pursuit of evil. Mar}7, in the same entertainment "spoke a piece1 , and was held up on the pulpit that she might be seen while speaking. After a time a Congregational church was formed, and my parents, together with Uncle John Methven's famil}7, withdrew to it, and in that church we all had our training. The church originally had a graceful spire, which it lost in the tornado of 1890. A picture of it as it now appears is shown on page 42. The church was never large; four churches in a town of 300 cannot be large, and so responsibility came early upon us. Mary was organist while still a child, and I was janitor at fifteen. We united with the church, she at twelve and I at fourteen, both under the pastoral care of Rev. Bruce S. Hunt- ing, and were baptized by an old friend of our parents, Rev. James Brewer, of Lee Center. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 95 BEREA COLLEGE. We all had our training in the public schools of Sublette. The brick building is still in use, and both my sisters have since taught there. Mr. Gardner has kindly made a photograph from which the picture on p. 43 is made. At the age of sixteen I set out to make my fortune, and spent nearly three years at Stillman Valley, where I had additional preparation for a col- lege course. In 1880 Mary and I set out for Berea College, Kentucky, and pursued our studies together. Both the younger children have since attended the same college. Winning our own way, as was necessary, we rejoiced in a school whose mod- erate expense and facilities for self support made it possible for boys and girls of small means to secure an education. A brief account ma}7 be given of each of the children, with notes on the ancestry of the families into which three of them have married. I. REV. WM. E. BARTON, D. D. William Eleazar Barton was born in Sublette, 111., June 28, 1861. He attended the public school of his native place and afterward that of Stillman Valley. With his sister Mary he entered Berea College in 1881, and was graduated June 21, 1885. In the same year, June 6th, he was ordained at Berea, Ky., and entered upon the work of the ministry. On July 23, 1885, he married Esther Treat Bushnell, at Johnsonville, Trum- bull County, Ohio. From there they went together to their first home and pastorate at Bobbins, Tenn., where pleasant studies already pursued in the history of the people of the Cumberland mountains were continued. In 1887 he entered Oberlin Theological Seminary, and was graduated in 1890 with the degree of B. D. During his theological course he served as pastor of the First Congregational Church in Litchfield, Ohio, and on his graduation became pastor of the First Congrega- tional Church in Wellington, Ohio, where he spent three years, and resigned to accept a call from the Shawmut Congregational Church in Boston. 96 LIEUTEXAXT WILLIAM BARTON. BIRTHPLACE OF BRUCE F. BARTON, ROBBIN8, TENN. During his six years iu Boston, in addition to his pastoral labors he pursued his historical investigations. He had already published two volumes of fiction: "The Wind-Up of the Big Meetin' on No Business," 1887, and "Life in the Hills of Ken- tucky," 1889, and afterward "The Ecclesiastical History of the Western Reserve,' and "The History of the First Congrega- tional Church of Wellington," both being papers prepared for the Ohio Church History Society. In Boston he published sev- eral stories: "A Hero in Homespun; a Tale of the Loyal South;" Sim Galloway's Daughter-iu-Law;" "The Truth About the Trouble at Roundstone," When Beston Braved the King;" a child's book "The Story of a Pumpkin Pie," illustrated by his friend A. M. Willard, "Old Plantation Hymns," and "The Psalms and Their Story" in two volumes. He has since pub- lished "Pine Knot," a story of the Civil War; "The Prairie Schooner," a story of the Black Hawk War, and the "Improve- THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 97 ment of Perfection." He served for six years on the board of directors of the Massachusetts Home Missionary Society, and for eight years has been a director of the Congregational Edu- cational Society. His alma mater conferred upon him the degree of D. D. in 1885. He is one of the editors of the Bibli- othrcn Sacra, and vice president of the Congregational S. S. and Publishing Society and of the American Peace Society. He is a director of Chicago Theological Seminary, of the Illinois Home Missionary Society, and of the Congregational Education Society. His summers are spent at Foxboro, Mass., with his family. In "the wigwam," a quiet study in the woods, he has done some of his literary work; and the children find enjoyment in the woods and water close at hand. Pictures of the woods and the wigwam are shown herein. The children of William Eleazar, and Esther Treat (Bushnell) Barton are: Bruce Fairchild Barton born at Robbins, Tenn., Aug. 5th, 1886. The little white house on the hilltop was built by his parents, and formed their first home. A picture of it is shown in this volume. BIRTHPLACE OF CHARLES W. AND HELEN E. BARTON, 80 SPRING ST.. OBERLIN, O. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 99 Charles William Barton born at 20 Spring Street, Oberlin, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1887. For the little cottage 20 Spring Street, the house in Robbius was exchanged "sight unseen," and proved a pleasant home during the three years of theological study. A picture of it is shown in this volume. Helen Elizabeth Barton, born 20 Spring Street, Oberlin, Ohio, Jftn/ 23, 1889. Frederick Bushnell Barton, born in the Congregational Par- sonage Wellington, Ohio, April 30, 1891. Robert Shawrnut Barton, born 28 Cumberland Street, Boston, Aug. 4, 1894. ESTHER TREAT (BUSHNELL) BARTON. Esther Treat Bushnell was born ia Johnsonville, Trumbull County, Ohio, the daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth Ann (Treat) Bushnell. She attended successively the Hartford (Ohio) Academy, the Or- well Normal Institute, and Allegheny College at Meadville, Pa. She taught in the district schools near her home, and then for two years each in Orwell Nor- mal Institute, and in the preparatory department of Berea College. She mar- ried Rev. William Eleazar Barton July 23, 1885. Her grandparents were Lewis Bushnell, b. April 12, 17S7, d. June 29. ISIS: m. Dec. 27, 1808, Sallie Webb, b. Sept. 26, 1790, d. Feb. 8, 1878; and Deacon John Treat, b. Orange, Conn., Feb. 15, 1795, d. June ESTHER T. BARTON. 1809. 100 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. 13, 1887, m. May 10, 1820, Marietta Humason, b. Hartford, Conn. May 20, 1804, d. June 30, 1885. As each of these lines runs back into early Connecticut history, and the fami- lies with which these intermarried are many, her lineage will be recorded under the names of her several ancestors, whose names in the successive generations will be printed in small capitals. BUSHNELL. From Mrs. Wm. H. Maher, of Toledo, I have the following inter- esting account of the Bushnell family: About the 25th day of May in the year 1639, a small ship sailed down the Thames, and took her course towards America. The name of the ship is unfortunately lost, but we know it was very small, 350 tons, and yet almost twice as large as the Mayflower. The company which she carried was gathered from the southern part of England, chiefly from the counties of Kent, Suffolk, Surrey and Sussex. We do not know their numbers, but later on we find a record of "25 heads of families." So wTe may safely infer that the number could not be less than one hundred. The little ship must have bjen crowded to its utmost capacity, and those two months on the ocean were not without their discomforts. After they had been about ten days on their voyage, they drew up a covenant, agreeing to "sit down and join ourselves together in one entire plantation and be helpful to each other in any common work." The twenty-five heads of fami- lies signed this. The third name on the list of signers was Francis Bushnell. He came from Horsted, Suffolk County, England, and with him came his daughters, Sarah and Rebecca. His wife's name was also Rebecca, but we are not told whether she came with her family to America or had died in England before the emigration. On the voyage an attachment was formed between Sarah and Mr. John Hoadley, which is pleasantly told by a writer in the New Eng- land Magazine: "The voyagers landed at Quinnipiac (New Haven) and faced the unknown wilderness. To their enquiring hosts they reported a little sea-sickness among their number, during the passage, and a little love-making between John Hoadley, student of divinity, and Sarah Bushnell; which report shows that ocean voyages in the seventeenth century might closely resemble those of the nineteenth THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 101 3 % in all but duration. This flirtation, however, was, as Puritan flirtation should be, a more serious matter, and ended in a marriage, duly sol- emnized and recorded at Guilford in July, 1642." John Hoadley and his wile returned to England in 1653, where he became chaplain in Cromwell's army. About the first of July the colony at New Haven began to look anxiously for the ship to come in. Mr. Davenport was especially in- terested in its welfare, for among its passen- gers was his little son, who had been left in England in the care of relatives. Sir George Fenwick, with his bride, Lady Alice Boteler, who was afterwards so dearly loved by the Saybrook colony, were also on this ship. When the New Haven people began to look for the ship that was bringing their friends, they set apart a day for public humiliation by fasting and prayer, and "sent a pinnis to pilot them to the har- bor," because that was the first ship that had ever cast anchor in those waters. But the pilot, after watching for them a fortnight, grew weary and re- turned home. "And that very night after," writes Mr. Davenport, "the ship came in, guided by God's own hand to our town." ESTHER T. BARTON AND HER CHILDRI \. IS. 7. Our company of emigrants at once proceeded to look for an abid- ing place. They bought the land where Guilford now stands of the sachem-squaw who owned it, her name was Shaumpishah, and set to work with a will to build their homes. Before winter they had begun their rude log huts, though probably many of them lived tem- porarily in the huts the Indians had vacated, and the foundations of 102 LIEUTENAXT WILLIAM BARTOW the new colony were laid. This is the story of the way our ancestor, Francis Bushnell the elder, came to America. He did not live many years to help build up the new colony in which he had cast his lot, but he was one of its strong pillars until his death in 1646. Francis Bushnell, "ye elder," had six sons who also came to America Mr. Ira Bushnell, a des- cendant of Dea. Francis (Francis jr.) has left a "mem- orandum," from which I quote below. The original document is carefully pre- served in one of the Bush- nell families of Saybrook. Ira Bushnell was born in 1727, so that he must have known his Uncle Francis (b. 1697, d. 1791), and prob- ably his grandfather John, b. 1666, so that we can easily imagine that Dea. Francis, who died in 1681, handed these facts down to his grandson John, b. 1666, and therefore fifteen years old when his grandfather died. This John probably handed them down to his grandson Ira, b. 1727. Here is the memorandum, or as much of it as is of interest to us: "This was rit by Ira Bushnell, in the year 1791, in the 64th year of his age. Let the same be continued for a memorandum to my chil- dren and children's children. Note that. About the year 1662 old Deacon Francis Bushnell builded the mill that I now own. It hath been in the possession of several of his posterity ever since. . . . As for the name of the Bushnells, it might probably arise from LEWIS BUSHNELL, 1898. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 103 some occupation or office; some learned men think the word Bush- nell from a man that preserved or pruned the young wood in copies or forists, for the change of an R for an L was common in the old English words. The old English language is now much altered from what it was 300 years ago. "There came from England six brothers of the family of Bush- nells. After they had made some stay at the Mass. Bay, where they first landed, four of them came that remained. They first stopped at Long Island but not liking Long Island for a settlement, they came over to Guilford about the year 1048. M r. Robert Chapman prevailed with three of them to remove to Saybrook, viz: Francis and William and Richard.There was an Isaac, he was un- fortunate, as it was said, in getting a bad wife. He left her and returned home to England with his effects, he being a merchant and owned a considerable estate. My great grandfather's father Francis lived in Say- brook about 33 years, and was deacon of the church in Saybrook. He married a sister of Robert Chapman. Deacon Francis Bushnell died Dec. 4, 1681, about 82 years of age." In some points Ira's "mem- orandum" is not correct. There was certainly a Francis jr. in Guilford in 1B39, for a home lot was given him at the first assignment of lots. It is possible that there were two Francis Bushnells and that the one who came to ELIZABETH A. TREAT BUSHNELL. 104- LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. Guilford with His brothers was the cousin oi Francis jr. of Guilford. But after carefully comparing authorities I am convinced that they were the same man, especially as Francis jr. disappears from Guil- ford records about the same time that he happens in Saybrook. Ira is also mistaken about the sister of Robert Chapman. She was the wife of William, instead of Francis. Putting together the accounts of Dr. Steiner and Ira Rushnell, and piecing them out with the one given in the anniversary book of the First Congregational church of Saybrook, and also adding John to the brothers, on the authority of Savage, we evolve this sketch: Francis sr. came to Guilford in 1639. He had six sons, Francis,William, Richard, John, Isaac, and one other. These came to America, some earlier than their father, perhaps some later. Francis came to Salem in the "Planter" in i635. John came the same year in the "Hopewell." Francis, William and Richard went down to L I. and crossed over to G u i I ford, about 1639. They were carpenters by trade, and as there was great need of men of that craft in Saybrook, Mr. Robert Chapman urged them to come there. Will- iam and Richard seem to have responded at once, but Francis remained some time longer in ( mil- ford, wheie he received a home lot. HER ( LOCK. David VV REAT-GRAND- bb ESTHER T. BARTON AND FATHER S C Note This clock belonged to David Webb and Sarah Davenport. The quilt beside it was spun by Eliza- beth Treat Bushnell and woven by her mother ls;^. The teapot in lower cut was part of Elizabeth Treat Bushnell's wedding service, and the spoon was presented by Honorllub- bard Hnmason to her daughter Marietta at her marriage to John Treat. The table cloth was spun by Honor Hubbard. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB. B. BARTON. 105 In NAL CHURCH. LITCHFIELD , OHIO, 1887-189J. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 107 L Joshua, b. May 6, 1644, d. March 1710. II. Samuel, b. middle of Sept. 1645, d. 172-. III. Rebecca, b. Oct. 5, 1646, m. John Hand. IV. William, b. Feb. 51, 1648-9, d. Dec 9, 1711. V. Francis, b. Jan. 6, 1649-50, d. young. VI. Stephen, b. Jan. 4, 1653-4, d. Aug. 1727. VII. Thomas, b. Jan. 4. 1653-4. VIII. J udith, b. beginningof Jan. 1655-6, d. Nov. 17,1740. M. Dr. Joseph Seward, of Guilford and Durham, on Feb. 5, 1681-2. He d. Feb. 14, 1732, aged 77. IX. Abigail, b. middle of February 1659-60, m. Captain John Seward. X. Lydia, b. 1661. d. Aug. 24. 1753. m. Caleb Seward. He died Aug. 2. 1728. XI. Daniel, b. 1683. d. Feb. 1727-8. William Busbnell. of Saybrook, b. Feb. 15, 1648-9. d. Dec. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, WELLINGTON, OHIO, 1890-98. 108 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. 9, 1711, m. Oct. 7, 1675, Rebecca, who d. May 14, 1703; m. 2d June 9, 1705, widow Sarah Buel by whom he had seven children. The children of William Jr. and Re- becca Bl'SHXELL were: Vary, b. Aug. 8, 1696.' Daniel, b. Nov. N, 1699. Martha, b. May 16, 1701 d. young. Ephraim, b. Sept. 27, 1702. Sarah, b. April 21, 1701 d. young. Jedidiah, b. May 5, 1706, d. young. By his second wife he had seven chil- dren: Sarah, Jedidiah, J a m e s, M a r t h a, Anne, Thomas, Re- becca Ephraim Bushnell, b. Feb. 14, 1675-6, of Saybrook, m. 1st, Nov. 9, 1697, Mary Lay. M. 2d, Oct, 16, 1712, Sarah Hill, by his first wife his children were: I. Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1698. II. Daniel, b. Nov. H, 1699. III. Martha, b. May 16, 1701, d. young. IV. Ephraim, b. Sept. 27, 1702. V. Sarah, b. April 21, 170-4, d. young. VI. Jedidiah, b. May 5, 1706, d. young. By his second wife his children were: VII. Sarah, b. July 26. 1713. Sn.VWMUT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. BOSTON, 1898-1899. 110 LIEUTENANT. WILLIAM BARTON VIII. Jedidiab, b. May 23, 1714. IX. James, b. March 12, 1716. X. Martha, b. Aug. 12, 1718. XI. Anne, b. Oct. 21, 1720, m. Moses Dudley, Dec. 22, 1743. XII. Thomas, b. Aug. 21, 1722. XIII. Rebecca, b. June 22, ] 728. Ensign Alexander Bushnell, son of Ephraim Bushnell jr, was born July 2,1739 in Connecticut, m. Feb. 12, 1761, Chloe Wait of Lyme, Conn., removed to the Western Reserve in 1801, and died at Hartford. Ohio, March 18, 1818. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. His first service was as sergeant in Captain Thomas Hutchins' Co., 18th Regt. Conn. Militia, Aug. 18, Sep. 25, 1776. He served later as Ensign in Captain Benja- min Mills'Co., Col. Bezaleel Beebe's Regt. and was commonly called Captain Bushnell. (See Conneticut in the Revolution pp. 172, 616.) The inevitable tendency to magnify military rank finds its illustration in the fact that the Hart Genealogy speaks of him as "General Bushnell" The children of Alexander Bushnell and Chloe Wait, were Thomas, Daniel, William, Chloe, Alexander jr., Sterling, Mar}7, Hannah, Lucy, Phoebe. Daniel Bushnell, son of Alexander Bushnell, was born in Connecticut Dec. 18, 1753 and died at Hartford, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1812. He m. 1786 Rebecca Banning by whom he had ten chil- dren. She died July 9,1809. He m. 2d, 1810, Eun.ce Brock- way, by whom he had seven children. She died about 1860. The eldest son of Daniel Bc shnell, and Rebecca Banning, was Lewis sr., b. April 12, 1787 and died June 29, 1818. The children of Lewis Bushnell and Sallie Webb, were, Linus, b. Aug. 29, 1809, d. Sept. 29, 1828; Deborah b. April 59, 1811, d. Oct. 3, 1812, Lorenzo, b. Jan. 29, 1813, m. Malinda B. Robbins, Sept. 6, 1836; Lewis Jr. b. March 23, 1818, m. Elizabeth Ann Treat, Dec, 30, 1811. The children of Lewis Bushnell and Elizabeth Ann Treat were: THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON 113 Hubert Treat Bushnell, b. Sept. 26, 1843, m, Jennie Hobart Hollett Dec. 3, 1868. Mary E„ b. Oct. 27, 1845, m. June 15, 1876, Frank Clark Hinman. Martha Ann, b. Jan. 4, 1848, m. Sullivan Hutchins May 10, 1876. Howard Lewis, b. Jan: 18, 1850, m. Kittie Clark Sept. 18, 1876. Linus Sydney, b. Jan. 1, 1853, m. Emma A. Taylor Jan. 1, 1876. Esther Treat, b. Jan. 30, 1855, m. Rev. Wm. E. Barton July 23, 1885. Sarah Elizabeth,"b. June 15, 1857, m. William W. Clapp July 23,1885. George Albert, b. April 20, 1861, m. Gertrude Keturah Woodruff, May 5, 1886. John William, b. Dec. 2, 1863, d. Jan. 5, 1864. j* LAY. Mary Lay, wife of Ephraim Bushnell, may have been Marah, b. March 21,1678, daughter of John Lay of Lyme, a soldier in King Philip's War, who was badly wounded in the Great Swamp Fight Dec. 19, 1675. He died Nov. 13, 1696 aged 63. His widow Sarah d. June 12, 1702. He was the son of John Lay, Saybrook, 1648, d. aged, Jan. 18, 1675, had wife Abigail, d. 1686. See Savage III 65. BELL. Lt. Francis Bell, Stamford, 1642, was one of the early settlers and an important man in the colony, a firm Puritan in forms and principles. Some of his descendants have a Bible brought to N. E. in Mayflower, in which is a record of his son Jonathan b. in Sept. 1641, the first white male child born in Stamford. Favorable mention is made of Francis Bell by Cotton Mather. He was one of the signers of the deed for a second purchase of the town of Stamford, Jan. 7, 1667, of Taphause & Powahav and other Indians. Was appointed to go (with Geo. Slauson) to Boston in search of Rev. John Bishop to preach at Stamford, as successor to Rev. Mr. Denton. The journey was made on foot though Indian dangers were great. On their return the minister accompanied them with the Bible under his arm. Lt. Francis Bell was one of the committee to form a union of the two colonies in 1664. Left children at Stamford. First Puritan settlers of Connecticut, pp. 186. (1641 Savage. Savage says he h^d been early at Wethersfield, and prior to his set- tlement at Stamford, then called Rippowans. His wife Rebecca d. 1684. He died Jan. 8, 1690. From his will, May 24, 1689, we learn of his family, one son jona- 114 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON than, his daughter Mary, m. to Joshua Hoyt, and four sons3 of daughter Rebecca, who d. May 2, 1676, wife of Jonathan Little. HOYT. Simon Hoyt, landed in Salem in 1628 or 1629 probably in the Abi- gail or the George, and in the same year settled in Charlestown where his name stands fifth on the list of settlers as given in the Charlestown records. He was made freeman of Mass. 1631 and set- tled in Dorchester 1663. Scituate April 1635. Settled in Windsor, Conn. 1639. Removed to Stamford between 1649-1657, d. Stamford 1657. Mary Hoyt was the daughter of Joshua Hoyt, b. 1641, d. 1690 at Stamford, Conn., m. Mary Bell, dau. of Francis and Eebecca Bell of Stamford. (See Hoyt Family, p. 302, History of Stamford, p. 28) Joshua Hoyt was the son of Simon Hoyt, b. 1595-1600. WEBB-DAVENPORT. Sallie Webb, b. Sept. 26, 1790 m. Lewis Bushnell sr. Dec. 17, 1808, d. Feb. 8, 1878, at Johnsonville, Ohio, was daughter of David Webb, b. March 19, 1758 and Sarah Davenport b. Feb. 13, 1760, d. Sept. 1852. The Webb family begins with Richard Webb, d. in Conn., March 15, 1676. His wife's name was Elizabeth, d. 1680. He was a soldier in King Philip's War. Their son Joseph Webb sr. m. Hannah Schofield, June 8, 1752. He d. 1685. Their son Joseph Webb, b. Jan. 3, 1674, d. Nov. 15, 1743, m. Feb. 23,1698, Mary HoyT, b. 1672, d. Feb. 24, 1749. Among the children of Joseph Webb and Mary Hoyt was Sergeant Epenetus Webb, d. 1759, m. Deborah Ferris Dunning, who died 1805. David Webb, son of Epenetus and Deborah Webb, was b. Conn., March 19, 1758, m. Sarah Davenport, b. Feb. 13, 1760, d. Sept. 1852. They are buried at Johnsonville, Ohio. > They owned, and probably brought with them from Connecticut, the clock now owned by their great-grand-daughter, Esther T. Barton. Their daughter, Sallie Webb, wife of Lewis BushnellJsr., was born Sept. 26, 1790, d. Feb. 8, 1878. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 115 DAVENPORT. The Davenport family has been faithfully written up by Amzi Benedict Davenport in a history published in 1851, and republished with corrections and enlargements in 1876. In giving numbers here I refer to his work. The Davenport family springs from Orme de Davenport born in the 20th year of William the Conqueror, 1086. The father of the family in America was John Davenport D. D. (64) of the 17th generation. He was the founder of New Haven, Conn., and his name is one of the most highly honored of American found- ere He was the fifth son of Henry Davenport, Mayor of Cov- entry in England. His grandfather, Edward, also had been mayor. His mother's name was Winifred Barnabit, and he was born in 1597 and baptized April 9. He m. Elizabeth Woolley, d. Boston, March 15,1670. He came to Boston 1637, founded New Haven, 1638, secreted the regicides Goff and Whal- ley in his own house. Came to Boston as pastor of the First Church 1668. He d. March 15, 1670 and is buried with his friend. Rev. Dr. John Cotton, in King's Chapel Burying Ground, Boston. His only child was John Davenport, (65) merchant and judge, b. England 1635, d. Boston March 21. 1677. He corner of study, Jamaica plain. , . . Tf.orw BOSTON. came to America 1639, m Abigail Pierson, sister of Rev. Abraham Pierson, first president of Yale, and daughter of Rev. Abraham Pierson sr., who was born Yorkshire, Eng. 1608, d. Newark. N. J. Aug.9, 1698. Came to America 1839, and is noted as the author of an "Indian Catechism," -The Gospel in New England." etc. They were the parents of Rev. John Davenport, (68) b. Bos- 116 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. ton Feb. 22. 1668, grad. Harvard. 1687,m. April 18, 1695, Martha (Gould widow of John Selleck, d. 1731. GOULD. The founder of the Gould family in America was Major Nathan Gold, of Fairfield, Conn. He came from St. Edmondsbury, or "Bury St. Edmonds," about 25 mi'es E. of Cambridge, England, and was landholder in Miltord, Conn. 1647 and in Fairfield 1649. Called "Captain" in 1670, .md afterwards Major. Died 1693-94, March 4. In 1657 he m. 2 Martha, widow of Edmund Harvey, id. 1648); she died before him. Nathan-, b. 1663, Dec. 8, m. 1 (Hannah Talcott; (2) Sarah ;d. 1723. Sarah2, b. ab. 1660; m. 1684 April 25, John Thompson of Fairfield, d. 1747 June 4. Deborah -, m. George Clark of Milford THE PARSONAGE. OAK PARK, ILL. Abigail2, m. 1685, Jan. 5, Jonathan Selleck, jun. of Stamford, b. 1664 Inly 11. Martha*, m. DJohn Selleck, d. bef. 1694, Harvard Coll. i690t, brother of Jonathan; 2i 1695, April 16, Rev. John Daven- port of Stamford; d. 1712, Dec. 1. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B BARTON 117 In 1673 the court appointed Nathan Gold major over the militia of Fairfield county. He had previously been captain of militia. See "The Gould Family" by Benj. Apthorp Gould, p. 329. Their son was Eev. John Davenport (73) b. Stamford Conn. Jan. 21, 1698, m. Sept. 6, 1722, Sarah Bishop, supposed to have been a daughter of his predecessor, Rev. John Bishop and d. Nov. 17, 1742. Their son was Deodate Davenport (93) b. Stamford, Conn. Jan. 5, 1730, m. June 16, 1757, Ltdia Woodward, and died March 10, 1808. He was the brother of Hon. Abraham Daven- port, the hero of Whittier's poem of "The Dark Day,' May 18, 1780. The darkness that came over the State sending the low- ing cattle home and the fowls to roost, struck terror to men's hearts with a general expectation of the day of judgment. The State Senate then in session entertained a motion to adjourn. "It is the Lord's great day," said the mover. Abraham Davenport rose and said, "That day is either at hand or it is not: if it is^there is no cause for adjournment; if it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish therefore that candles may be brought." The lights were brought, and Abraham Davenport spoke on a fisheries bill. l' His awe-struck colleagues listening all the while Between the pauses of his argument. To hear the thunder of the wrath of God, Break from the hollow trumpet of the cloud. And there he stands in memory to this day. Erect, self-poised, a rugged face, half seen, Against the background of unnatural dark, AVitness to the ages as they pass. That, simple duty hath no place for fear. Deodate Davenport and Ltdia Woodward were the parents of Sarah Davenport, b. Feb. 13, 1760, wife of David Webb, and great-grandmother of Esther T. Barton. WOODWARD. Hon. Peter Woodward, of Dedham, freeman May 18, 1642, had Peter, William, Rebecca, m. 1666 Thos. Fisher, and Ann d. 1666. Was representative in General Court of Mass. 1665, 9,70 and strangely miscalled Woodwine. He d. May 9, 1685. His eldest son Peter, a soldier in King Philip's War, d. Feb. 15, 1721, had by wife Mehit- able: William, b. Jan. 1,1669, Ann, Feb. 2, 1d70, John, Sept. 10, 1671, grad. Harvard 1693; Ebenezer, Sept. 15, 1675; Mehitable, Nov. 17, 1 IS LIEUTENAXT WILLIAM BARTON. 1677; Peter. Dec. 29, 1679; Judith, March 1683, Samuel, Dec. 26, 1685. Rev. John Woodward was graduated at Cambridge College, 1693; was ordained pastor of the church at Norwich, Dec. 6, 1699; acted as secretary of the council that compiled Saybrook Platform 1708; was dismissed from his pastoral charge, Sept. 13, 1716, and . was admitted an inhabitant of New Haven, Dec. 24, of the same year. He married Sarah Rosewell. They had LYDLA 1706, who m. Deodate Davenport, 1730; Rosewell, 1708; Elizabeth, 17b); John, 1712; Sarah, 1714, who m. Samuel Miles; Richard, 1716; Will- iam, Oct. 18, 1718; Mary. 1720, who m. Joseph Trowbridge. 2d wife, Mary Gaskill, May 5, 1731; hadGaskill. See Savage, "East Haven Register," by S. Dodd, p. 159. "* BISHOP. Rev. John Bishop, 1664, believed to have been grandfather of the wife of the third John Davenport, was chosen minister at Stam- ford whither he went on foot from Boston, had wife, Rebecca, and THE WIGWAM, FOXBORO, MASS. THE FAMIL \' OF DR. J A COB B. BARTON. 119 children Stephen, Joseph, Ebenezer, Benjamin,besides one, perhaps, named Whiting, that d. early; all mentioned in his will. For second wife he had Joanna, dau. of Capt. Thos Willet, widow of Rev. Peter Prudden of Milford. His will made 16, Nov. 1694 pro. 12 March following, instructs us as to these wives and his children which were all by the first. As early as 1640 he had been to Taunton. He preached near 50 years, wrote a Latin epitaph on Richard Mather (whence a pre- sumption arises that he was from Dorchester), which may be read in the Magnalia of the gr. S. Cap. 20 of III, or p. 131. . TREAT. Esther Treat Barton is a lin- eal descendant, by a double line, from Governor Robert Treat, Governor of Connec- ticut before and after the ad- ministration of Andros, the leader of the colonists in the Charter Oak episode, and commander of the Connecti- cut forces in King Philip's War. The family is faithfully re- corded in John Harvey Treat's Genealogy of the Treat family. The numbers, as here given refer to that volume.' Richard Treat was born in Pilmister, England, bap. Aug. 28, L584, d. 1670 in Wethersfield, Conn. M. April 27. 1615, Alice Gaylard, dau. of Hugh Gaylard who was buried in Pilmister, Oct.21,1614. She survived her husband. Richard Treat was free- man in Wethersfield 1659. He was a magistrate, a member of Gov. Winthrop's Council, and held various offices of honor in New England. For his ancestry and much of interest concern- ing him and his descendants. I refer to the Treat Genealogy. His son, Governor Robert Treat, baptized Feb. 25. 1624-5. d. Milford, Conn.. July 12. 1710. m. Jane Tapp. He held offices of honor from his early youth, was Commander-in-Chief of Conner INSIDE THE WIGWAM. OoX 'N0IXV8 JVYIllIAi INYNH1113I7 '9881 '08 8nuf •p 'fORX loz tpj«j\[ '-111103 'pjoj^iBjj -q 'xosyhqjj yxx3Ihyj\t 'QZSl 'OX 'm 9H '8T8T lT1t ''O '^unai^ ni paj^as ajj 'S9[ira a^xis paqp3A\ sararpraos du; qsB]; aq; no pnv? A^p e sajuu gatj-A^joj .oiii -Sv.iz\v. 'oiqo °J ^noipaimoQ iuojj paqp3Ai aq sating aajqx '988X ni .3inppaA\ mo 'aouo qnq unq avbs I -qoinqo aq; ui xaoqjo ue siyal £ trail joj puB 'lapBiviqo Joiiqjaijs 10 ueui 12 seav ajj ^181 jo x^YY 8lH nV^^UTVT jnoipauuoo 'q3a£ s.paojuBg 3; qoQ *-oq skiaj}ng; nqop -ijcIbqui a}UAud paAias 9jj 'L88T '8X 81111 f *P '8611 '91 'tRi '"nuoQ '9.§uhjo *q 'xvseh xnof NODYaa '8X8X •ja;qSnT3p qsaSimoA pue suos juoj jaq p9xi>9i axaq'} pin? 'f££X in 'iraoQ iuojj ;,q 'aJopBiiqjej, 0} paAOiu aqg '9f8T '08 q<^j\I "O ^nn9iA p ptre QLLX '8? 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'^a 'PI0JIUvT 'P '99LI 'LI 'AON 'cl '^^X ^HOf *£L9 'imy '[iqAg 4A\a.ipuy 'p.rapiy; 'xHOf "qvut:g 'uaiprup xis pt?q ajj -citLCig Ujtqj) qB.xvsg pnt) 'p-raprjj jo aos 4mC iraCig prapi£ t-lZLl '9T H^«H 'tu 'SfLl 6l 'A0X *P '6691 '9 aimp lpJOj{ij\[ *q 'xvaajL Hvnvg sbav xaq^oiu asoqA\ fcy()£X '86 aimp -p 'X-08LT '61 ,cl°J 'q(8Xe:) ^viag Yxxy pauium 9H T6LX '6X 'PO 'PJ0JUH *P '9 "^a 'd^\ Pnl> I8LX *q ^vaax xHOf -991 '1811 '*H°r J08LX 'iT^qY -86LX '9 '*ony 'pniuvjg -08LX 'XX 'U13f 'c^cl '^^1" 9J9M ii9jppqo sih *X81X 'Zl '09a *P '60LX '^I-^IO 'H '89LX 'SZ ''ldY 'P 'L69X 'SZ 'A0K kP^UI\L 'd^q ^va»X ^aitvg -gg qi^Siqy puv) ui3q;\2tiop 'aanitYg k^i9qo|j atOA\ ii9.ip[iqo siq '9iia\ pnoo9s siq '89LX kL ^I^'^l^«> kf89X '8 'PO lIi;!Ul -99Jj "^fLX'Oe:'^fV *P kL99X k8S 'q'jrcvQ womy ^^91 ^iioqu lp^ -ra ^9iiBf piiy qj9quzqg[ saa;qSni?p oa\\ pnq aq tuoqAV iq1 qpq^na:'8L9X 4n°qy k^x 'ra -o?lx '06 *^x\i 'p-iojuh 'P 'X99I '?X '^UY 4'"^oq *pJOipjv[ -q 'xyshj^ xaaaojj xiYxaYQ -9 sba\ q^moj aq} uioqAV 10 'uajp^qo ^q.§ia puq ajj •sjBal iC^JOj Sinaq .ioiuaAO£) i^nda(q pn« .ioiuaAO-9 sb aoiAaas aar;ua siq cpjBA\jaifiB sx^al naa}iiq) ioj JOiLiaAor) pni? ^aappui qeQ aa^ xyqQ aq; put? uoi^dinsn so.ipuy aq; jo auu; aq; ^ ^noi^oauuoQ jo JoniaAO-t) ^iiyua^naiq; sba\ Mi^vV stc^nLIc[ ^n!X nT saoxoj ^noi^ THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB. B BARTON. 121 They had five children; the eldest, 2415, Elizabeth Ann Tbeat, b. July 4, 1821, d. Feb. 22,1894, m. Lewis Bushnell, became the mother inter alia, of Esther Treat Bushnell, 3531, who rn. July 23, 1885, Rev. William E. Barton. camp. Nicholas Camp, Mil ford, 1639, m. July 14, 1652, as his second wife, Catherine widow of Anthony Thompson, had Joseph b. Aug. 11, 1653, at New Haven, who d. young; and at Milford, Samuel, Sept. 15, 1655; Joseph, 1658, grad. Harvard College 1677; Mary 1660; John and Sarah 1661; and Abigail, b. March 28, 1667, d. March 20, 1742, m. Capt. Robert Treat. (Savage's Diet., Vol. I, p. 331.) TAPP. Edmund Tapp, Milford, 1639, was one of "the seven pillars of the church in New Haven" He died 1653. He had three daughters, one of whom Jane m. Gov. Robert Treat. BRYAN. The Bryan family in America was founded by Alexander Bryan, b. Arinaugh in Ireland, came to America with his son before 1639. He, and his son after him, was the richest man in Milford, Conn., where they made their home. He was a man of influence in the colony of New Haven, and after its union with Connecticut was in official po- sitions from 1668-73. His wife Ann d. 20 Feb. 1661, and he m. widow of Sam'l Fitch, the schoolmaster of Hartford. He d. 1679 at a great age at Milford. Richard Bryan, b. Armaugh, Ireland, 1651, m. Mary Pantry. Their children were Mary and Hannah, 1654, Samuel, 1659, John, 1662, d. young. Abigail, 1(554, d. unmarried 1698, Richard, 1666 Francis, 1(568, m. Joseph Treat, Sarah, 1670. Richard Bryan jr. b. Oct. 1666, d. Jan. 1734-5, m. Sarah Pratt. Their son Richard Bryan, m. March 15, 1721, Sarah Treat, b. Milford, June 6, 1699, d. Nov. 12, 1748. Sarah, b. June 6, 1669, d. Nov 12, 1748, was the daughter of Capt. Joseph Treat (9) b. Sept. 17, 1662, d. Aug. 9, 1721, another son ot Governor Robert Treat, a man of bravery and a good soldier in the Indian troubles. Capt in Joseph Treat, m. Frances Bryan, b. Feb. 13, 1668, d. Sept. 21, 1703, daughter of Richard and Mary (Pantry) Bryan. Anna Bryan, therefore, as well as her husband, John Treat 166), was descended from Governor Robert Treat. 122 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. PRATT. Lieut. William Pratt, an original proprietor of Hartford, m. Elizabeth, dan. of John Clark, of Milford, by whom he had Eliza- beth, b. Feb. 1, 1642, John, Feb. 20, 1(545, Joseph, Ano-. 1, 1648, Sarah, April 1, 1651, William, May 5, 1653, Samuel, Oct. 6, 1655, Lydia, Jan. 1, 1660, and Nathaniel. He was Lieutenant in 1661, representative 1666, and 11 years after. Joseph Pratt, of Saybrook, freeman 1673, had by first wife, Joseph, William, Sarah, b. Oct. 1, 1666, Experience, and Margaret. In 1686 he took second wife Sarah, dau. of Robert Chapman by whom lie had other children. His daughter Sarah, became wife of Richard B RYAN. CLARK ANCESTRY OF ESTHER CLARK TREAT. Connecticut Clarks were numerous even in the 17th century, and it is very difficult to untangle the names, which are often re- p e a t e d in parallel families through several generations. Fro m several families o f Clarks Esther T. Barton is descended, the longest line, that which culminated in her great grandmother, Esther Clark, wife of John Treat, being most difficult of all to separate. The father o f Esther Clark was John of Milford, who died in 1816, aged 83. The John Clarks of Milford were not few. Four separate families appear to have had Johns, and two of these perpetuated the name for four generations each. With as near an approach to certainty as I have been able to make, the line is as follows: Deacon George Clark, a carpenter of Milford, m., May 20, 1663, Hannah, daughter of William Gilbert, who died Nov. 4, THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 123 1703, and had, Samuel, d. May 29, 1725, in 59th year; Thomas, d. Feb. 12, 1727-8, in his 60th year; Nathan, d. Sept. 3, 1729; George who d. 1734. Deacon Thomas Clarke:, d. Feb. 12, 1727-8 in f>0th year, m. Susannah, dau. of John and Mary (Piatt) Woodruff, who was born May 1707, and died Dec. 11, 1742. Their children were: Sarah, Samuel, Thomas, bap. Oct. 9 1670; John, bap. Jan. 7, 1672, and d. April 10 1704. Samuel Clarke sr., had children Mary, bap. July 8, 1668; John, bap. Sept. 15, 1695, and perhaps others. John, bap. Sept. 15, 1695, m. Billing, dau. of Timothy Bald- win. He was admitted to Milford church April 4, 1725, she Sept. 14, 1728. Their children were Billings, bap. July 10, 1726; John, bap. Oct. 1, 1732, Mary, bap. Nov. 7, 1736. This we have from the Milford church records. John married Esther Rogers, who survived him and died at the age of 94. These were the parents of Esther Clark, b. Milford, Conn., Aug. 23,1770, m., May ], 1794, John Treat, who died Dec. 23, 1807. She moved to Ohio in 1824 with her four sons, the eldest of whom, John Treat, 1). Feb. 15, 1795, d. June 13, 1887, was maternal grandfather of Esther Treat Barton. ANCESTRY OF ANNA CLARK TREAT. Samuel Clark, sr., b. 1619 in Devonshire, Eug., came to Weathersfield, Conn., 1636, and was one of the company who for- sook the colony and founded Stamford, 1640. Bis wife was Hannah, dau. of Rev. Robert Fordham. Samuel sr. died in the house of his son, Samuel Clark, New Haven, 1690, His son, Samuel Clark, d. Feb. 22,1729, m. Nov. 7, 1672, Han- nah Tuttle, b. Nov. 2, 1655, d. Dec. 21, 1708, dau. of John Tut- tle and Caroline Lane. Their children were Samuel, Danie], John, Joseph. Stephen, Nathan, Hannah, Plimeas, Abigail, Hes- ter, Timothy, Mehitable. These were b. in New Haven. The third Samuel Clark was the father of Anna, b. 1709, d. Dec. 2, 1731, m. Samuel Treat. 124 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON ANCESTRY OF ELIZABETH CLARK PRATT. John Clark, of Milford, may have been previously at Wethers- field, was at Saybrook 1610, named in royal charter of Milford 1662, was representative several years, d. 1674. He had sons John, Joseph, and daughters of whom were Rebecca, and Eliza- beth wife of Lieut. William Pratt. ANCESTRY OF HANNAH CLARK PLATT. Deacon George Clark, Milford, 1639, d. Aug. 1690, was a hus- bandman. He had one son, George, and six daughters, of whom Sarah m. first Richard Marvin, and afterward the famous Capt. Joshua Sill; and Hannah, who m. June 6, 1660, John Platt. BALDWIN. Timothy Baldwin, Milford, 1639, was the eldest son of Richard Baldwin ol Cholesbury, England. He had right to lot of land in New Haven, 1610 By first wife Mary, d. July 21, 1647, he had Mary, 1613; Hannah, 1611; Sarah, 1645. He m. 2nd, in 1649, Mary, widow of John Mepham of Guilford, by whom he had Abigail, b. 1650, d. at 10 years; Ann, 1655, d. young; Timothy, 1658. The elder Timothy died 1665. He had joined the church in 1643. Sgt. Timothy Baldwin of Milford b. June 12, 1658, d. Dec. 8, 1703. By wife Mary he had Mary, bap. Nov. 2o, 1694; Billing, bap. May 16, 1697; Tinuthy, bap. Jan. 21, 1699-1700, and d. in February follow- ing. See The Baldwin Family. Billing m. John Clark of Milford. FORDHAM. Rev. Robert Fordham came to Southampton, L. I., 1640 or earlier. Was first at Cambridge, and died at Hampstead, Sept. 1674. His wife was Elizabeth, and he had four sons, and daughter Hannah, who m. Samuel Clark. > LANE. Daniel L ne, New London 1652, m. Catharine, widow ol Thos. Doxy. He removed 1661 to Long Island, and was at Brookhaven 1668. He is the father (almost certainly) of Catharine, w. of the 2d Samuel Clark. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 127 TUTTLE. William Tuttle of Boston came in The Planter, 1(335, with wife Elizabeth, and children, all under 4 years, John, Ann, and Thomas. He removed to New Haven where he became a man of consequence, and had other children. His eldest son John, b. about 1631, d. Nov. 1683, m. Nov. 8, 1653, Caroline Lane, by whom he had Hannah, m. Samuel Clark. See Savage; also, Hotten's Emigrants, p. 49. A> PLATT. Richard Platt, son of Joseph Platt, is supposed to have been the Richard who was baptized at Bovingdon, a village near Hertford, Eng., Sept. 28,1603. (See "The Platt Lineage" by G. Lewis Platt, S.T. D. pp. 13, seq.) He came to New Haven 1638, and had 84 acres in and about New Plaven. He was enrolled among the first settlers of Mil- ford, Nov. 20, 1639, and was representative for 11 years from 1666. His children Mary, John, Isaac and Sarah were born in England; at Milford were baptized Epenetus July 12, 1640; Hannah, Oct. 1, 1643, and Joseph, 1649. His eldest son John m. June 6, 1660, Hannah Clark, the cere- mony performed by the Magistrate, (afterward Governor) Robert Treat. He settled in Norwalk soon after 1660. His children were John, b. June 1664; Josiah, b. Dec. 28, 1667; Samuel, b. Jan. 26, 1670; Joseph, b. Feb. 17, 1672; Hannah, b. Dec. 15, 1674, and Sarah, b. May 20, 1678, m. Richard Bryan. HUMASON. This family, whose name is variously spelled, is descended from Henry Hummerston of New Haven, who m. Aug. 28, 1651, Joan Walker, by whom he had Samuel, b. Aug. 7, 1653; Nathaniel, Jan. 13, 1654; Thomas, Oct. 19, 1656; Abigail, May 17, 1661. Tbomas Humerson, b. Oct. 19, 1656, m. May 31, 1694, Eliza- beth Samford of Wallingford. Their children were Ebenezer, b. Mar. 14, 1695-6; Thomas, b. May 3, 1699; Joseph, Nov. 14, 1705. Ebenezer Humerson, b. Mar. 14,1695, m. Oct. 12, 1718, Grace Blakesley. Their children were Lydia, b. Aug. 1, 1720; Ebene- zer, Nov. I, 1722; Daniel, b. June 29, 1727; Nathaniel, b. May 9, 1730; Desire, Oct. 13, 1733. New Haven Town Records. 128 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. Daniel Humebston, m. March 14, 1752, Desire Dorman, as shown by New Haven First Church records. Their children baptized Dec. 4, 1768, were Abel, Patience, Jacob, b. Oct. 17, 1764, and Phoebe. Daniel and Desire Humasou, as the name is then and afterwards spelled, were granted letters to Bethany church about 1772. Jacob Humason was b. New Haven, Oct. 17, 1764, d. Brook- field, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1819, m. Sept. 1,1791 Honor Hdbbard, who was b. Glastonbury, Conn., Dec. 26,1770, d. Brookfield, O., Aug. 3, 1843. They removed to Ohio in June, 1805. Their daughter born the year previous they had named Marietta, from the New England colon}7 on the Ohio river toward which their thoughts were turning, but they made their home in the Western Keserve. Marietta m. May 10, 1820, Deacon John Treat (1318) and became grandmother of Esther T Barton. At BLAKESLEY. Samuel Blakesley, of New Haven, m. Hannah Potter, Dec. 3, 1650, as shown by the town records. Their children were Hannah, b. 1657; Mary, 1659; Samuel, 1662; Ebenezer, July 17, 1664; Hannah, 1666; Jonathan,1669. Ebenezer Blakesley had children Ebenezer, b. Feb. 4, 1689; Hannah and Susannah, May 21, 1691; Grace, Jan. 1, 1693-4 who m. Oct. 12, 1718 Ebeneza'rHumerson; Abraham, Dec. 15, 1695; Isaac, July 21, 1703. DORMAN. Desire Dorman was doubtless a descendant of Edmund Dor- man, New Haven, 1657, m. Hannah, dau. of Richard Hull. Had Samuel, b. 1666, d. soon; John, 1667; Joseph, 1669; Benjamin, 1673; Hannah, 1677; Mary, 1680; was a proprietor 1685. He d. 1711. See Savage. HUBBARD. George Hubbard of Guilford, Conn., was born in England probably in the S. E. section, though the exact locality is not known. Tradition says he came to Watertown, Mass., about 1633. His wife was Annie Bishop, who died in Guilford, Conn., Sept. 14, 1675. Georgf Hubbard moved with his father-in-law THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 129 and several other families from Watertown to what afterwards became Wethersfield, Oct. 15, 1635. He represented Wethers- field at the first colonial General Court under the constitution of 1639. He lived three years in Wethersfield, and then moved to Milford, Conn., being assigned Milford Id., as his grant which before 1650 he sold to Richard Bryan, and moved to Guilford, Conn. For a number of years he was a Deputy Magistrate, In 1666-7 he was a member of the Assembly at the union of the Hartford and New Haven colonies. In May 1670 the Court in- vested him with authority to ujoyne persons in marriage." "He was a man of high standing and prominent in the politics of his times," and died in Guilford in January, 16S3. His children were Mary, John, Sarah, Hannal, Elizabeth, Abi- gail, William and Daniel. John Hubbard was probably born in England about 1630 and came an infant with his parents to America. He m. Mary Merriam formerly of Concord, Mass. His first four children Mary, John, Hannah and Jonathan were born in Wethersfield. These daugh- ters died young. He then moved to Hadley, where Daniel, Mercy, Isaac, Mary and Sarah were born. In 1672 he went to Hatfield and died there at the home of his son Isaac in 1702. He served in King Philip's War under Capt. Daniel Henchman. From Hubbard Genealogy, p. 199. His eldest son, John Hubbard, was born at Wethersfield April ]2, 1655. He m. about 1676 Mary Wright, dau. of Thomas Wright. His children were John, David, Ephraim, Isaac and Sarah. His second son David Hubbard was born at Glastonbury 1685, d. there Oct. 13, 1760 and married Prtdence Goodrich, b. at Weathersfield June IS, 1701, d. Nov. 29, 1783. Their son was Captain Elizer Hcbbard, b. 1736, d. Sept. 14, 1818. He had part in the "Lexington Alarm" and served as captain in the 6th Connecticut Militia in the Revolutionary War. He m. Lois Wright, b. 1745, d. Sept. 15, 1798. They were the parents of Honor Hubbard, b. Glastonbury, Dec. 1770, wife of Jacob Humason, grandmother of Esther T. Barton. 130 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. BISHOP. John Bishop, d. Guilford 1661, came there from Wethersfield 1639, and was one of the seven pillars or proprietors of the town. His daughter was Annie, m. the elder George Hubbard. it? MERRIAM. It is difficult to identify the parents of M ry Meriam, wife ot John Hubbard, unless he married the sister of Robert Merriam, the universal belief. According to English parish records, however, Robert had no sister "Mary." William and Sara Merriam of Had- lowe,Kent, Eng., had children Joseph, George and Robert who came to Concord, Mass.) Susan, Margaret, Joan and Sara. They may have had a daughter Mary whose record of birth has evaded investiga- tors. See One Thousand Years of Hubbard Family, compi ed by Edward Warren Day. Page 213. GOODRICH. Ensign William Goodrich ( 2) was b. Bury St. Edmunds, Eng- land, and came to America with his brother John, 1613. He m. Oct. 4, 1618, Sarah Marvin, b. 1702, dan. of Matthew and Eliza- beth Marvin. He was the son of William Goodrich, interred at Hegeset, England, the home of the Goodrich family. William Goodrich served as ensign in King Philip's War. (Bodge, -168.) Their son was Col. David 6 Goodrich, 17 b. Weathersfield, May 4, 1666, d. June 23, 1755. M. Dec. 1, 1698, Prudence Churchill. Col. David and Prudence Goodrich, had 12 children,of whom the first 2 were: Hezekiah. b. Jan. 28, 1700. Prudence,1 b- -June 18, 1701, m. David Hubbard. He m. 2d, 1674, May, dau. of Nathaniel Foote and widow of John Stoddard, who d. 1664. Their children were: Elizabeth, b. Nov. 2, 1645, m. 1664, Daniel Rose. ^ John, b. Sept. 8, 1647. May, b. Dec, 3 5, 1650, m. 1677, Thos. Read jr., of Sudbury. Joseph, b. Jan. 16, 1653, d. Oct. 11, 1688. Jonathan, b. Oct. 23, 1657, m. Abigail Crafts. Hannah, b. Feb. 3, 1659, m. 1st Zachariah Maynard of Sud- bury: 2d, Isaac Heath. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 131 MARVIN. Matthew Marvin, Hartford 1638, an original proprietor, came 1635 in the Increase from London, aged 35, a husbandman, with wife Elizabeth 31, and children Elizabeth, 11; Matthew, 8; Mary, 6; Sarah, 3; and Hannah, 6 mos. He settled in NTorwalk as an original grantor, 1653, and was a representative there. His younger children were Abigail, Samuel and Rachel. His daughter Sarah, b. about 1632, m. Oct. 4, 1648, Ensign William Goodrich, of Wethersfield. John Goodrich (1) the brother of William, b. Bury St. Edmunds, came to Connecticut with his brother William, (2) before 1643, and held lands in Wethersfield 1644, m 1645, Elizabeth, dau. or sister of Thomas Edwards, who died July 5, 1760. Their dau. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 2, 1645, m. Daniel Rose. WRIGHT. Thomas Wright, of Glastonbury, came 1639, d. April 1670. He was much engaged in the controversies about Rev. John Russell. His children were: Samuel, in. Sept. 29, 1650, Mary, dau. Richard Butler, d. Feb. 13, 1690. Joseph, m. (1), 1663, Mary ;(2), 1685, Mercy ;d. Dec. 17, 1714. Thomas, m. June 16, 1657, Elizabeth Chittenden, d. Aug. 22, 1683. James, m. Dorcas Weed. Lydia, m. Joseph Smith. Mary, m the younger John Hubbard. The children of James and Dorcas Wright were: James, b. 1661, m. July 17,1690, Mary, dau. of David Rose, d. Dec. 24,1748. Jonas, m. Olive , d. May 10, 1709. Thomas, m. Elizabeth , d. 1749. Daniel, b. 1674, m. Eleanor Benton, d. June 8, 1674. Lydia, m. Crane. Hannah, m. John Coleman. James Wright, b. 1661, d. Dec. 24, 179^, m. Mary Rose. 132 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON The children of James and Mart Wright were: Mary, b. Nov. 14. 1691, d. Sept, 1703. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 1, 1693. James, b. March 21, 1695, m. Lois Loomis of Bolton. iUso younger children Daniel, Jacob, Hannah, Hezekiah, Abi- gail, Rachel, Mary, Jeremiah and Sarah. James Wright, b. March 21, 1695, m. Lois Loomis of Bolton, b. Oct. 26, 1715. She was daughter of James Loomis of Windsor. M. June 28, 1759, his second wife,Mary Chauncey. They had: James, m. 1753, Lucy Hale, and d. Feb. 1794. Joseph, Mary. Lois Wright, 1). 1745. d. Sept. 15,1798, m. Captain Elizer Hub- bard, and had Leonard, David, Joseph and Flavel. See Chapin's History of Glastonbury, p. 180. WEED. James Wright married his second wife Dorcas Weed, 1660. She was a daughter of Jonas Weed, dismissed from the church at Watertown to that of Wethersfield, 29th May, 1635. Savage says "of course he came in the fleet of 1630, and by Bond's reason- able conjecture, in the ship with Sir Richard Saltonstall." He was at Stamford 1642, and died 1676, leaving four sons, John, Daniel, Jonas and Samuel; and four daughters, Mary, wife of George Abbott; Dorcas, wife of James Wright; Hannah, w. of Benjamin Hoyt, and Sarah. His widow, Mary, d. 1690. ROSE. Robert Rose, Wethersfield, 1639, probably from Watertown, came in the Francis from Ipswich, county Suffolk, 1634, aged 40* with wife Margery, 40, and children John, 15; Robert, 15; Elizabeth, 13; Mary, 11; Samuel, 9; Sarah, 7; Daniel, 3; Dorcas, 2. Was constable^ 1640, representative 1641-3, and [moved be- fore'1 1648 to Stratford, Long Island, where he died leaving a good estate, at Branford, 1664-5. His son Daniel, b. 1630, freeman Wethersfield 1665, m. 1664 Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the first John Goodrich and had THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 133 Elizabeth, b. 15th April, 1665; Daniel 20th Aug. 1667; Mary, 11th Feb., 1669; Hannah, 12th Aug , 1673; Jonathan, 1679; Sarah, 1681; Abigail, 1683; Dorothy, J 687 and Lydia, 1689. 4 LOOMIS. James Loomis, of Windsor, father of Lois,wife of James Wright, was son of Joseph Loomis and Mary Chauncy. Joseph Loomis, b. England, 17th Sept., 1646, served in King Philip's War, Windsor troopers, (Bodge 468). He was the son Joseph, sailed in the Susan and Ellen, arrived Boston July 17, 1638 Windsor, Conn., 2d Feb. 1610, had land granted, probably came with Rev. Ephiram Huet, 1639. His wife d. Aug. 23, 1652. He d. Nov. 25, 1658. His eldest son Joseph, (1) b. England about 1616, m. 1st, Sarah Hill, Sept. 17, ]646, d. Aug. 23, 1653. M. 2nd, Mary Chacncey, June 28, 1659. Freeman 1654, d. June 26, 1687. His tenth child James, (18) b. Oct. 31, 1669,m. Mindwell . 1696, who d. March 1, 1736, aged 65. He removed to east Wind- sor 1700 and d. in Bolton Dec. 29, 1750. Numbers are from Loomis Genealogy by Prof. Elias Loomis of Yale. ROSEWELL. William Rosewell of Branford, a merchaut, removed to Charles- ton 1658. M. Nov. 29. 1654 ( ?) Catharine, dau. of Hon. Wm. Russell of Guilford. Rosewell was a prominent man in the colony in the Andros usurpation. He d. July 19, 1H94, aged 64. His children were: Richard. Maud, William and Elizabeth. Richard Rosewell, m. 22d Dec, 1681, Lydia, dau. of Thomas Trowbridge. She was then less than 16 years of age. RUSSELL. William Russell of Charleston, b. Hereford. England, 1666, son of Paul Russell, came with his bride Maud, joined the church in Charleston, May 22,1641, and was made freeman June 2, 1641 His children were: James 1641. Daniel, graduated Harvard, 1669. Catharine (m. William Bosewell). Elizabeth b. 1644. 134 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. FOOTE. Nathanie Foots, Watertown. Freeman Sept.3, L634brought from England, wife Elizabeth Deming, and children Nathaniel, Elizabeth, May b. 1623, Robert, Frances and Sarah. He removed to Wethersfield 1636 and was rep- resentative from 1(541 till his death in 1(544. where he died leaving a good estate. His widow tn. Gov. Thomas Welles, and d. July 28, Kis.i. Elizabeth m. 1638 Josiah Chur- ch i ll and Mary m. 1642 John Stod- dard, who d. 1664, and in 1674 she m. .John Goodrich who d. March 1680. CHURCHILL Jusiah Churchill, of Wethers- iield, d. 1 an., 1686 m. 1638. GEORUE M. PATTERSON. ELIZABETH, (hill. of NaTHANIEL Foote, had, Mary, b. 24th March. 1639. Elizabeth, May 15, 1(542. Hannah, 1st Nov., 1644. Ann, 1647. Joseph, 2d Dec, 1649. Benjamin, 16th May, 1652. Sarah, 14th Nov., 1657. His widow d. 8th Sept,, 1700, aged 84. Benjamin Churchill, son of Josiah and Mary, m. 1677 , d. 20th Oct. 1712, a^ed 59, had besides 2 unknown children, one daughter Prudence, b. 2d July, 167S, m. Col. David Goodrich, and d. May 9, 1752. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B BARTON 135 II. MARY BARTON PATTERSON. Mary Rachel Barton was born at Sublette, HI. She studied in the public schools of Sublette and taught both in the public .schools ami as a private teacher of music. She was organist in the Congregat ional church in Sublette, with which she united at the age of 12. She attend- ed Berea College, teaching in vacation in the public- schools of Berea and in the graded school at Pine Grove, in each of which she u as principal. She m> May 20, 18815, George M. Patterson of Lancaster. Ky.,where they now reside. She is district Secretary of the W. C. T. U., ami is active in church and tem- perance work in that por- tion of Kentucky. The children of George M. and Mary Barton Pat- terson were: 1. Eva May, b. Feb. IS, 1887. d. Boyd. Ky.. July 11, 1887. 2. Grace Helen, b. Jan. 18, 1894. PATTERSON. George Mason Patterson M A KY BAKToN Patterson. was born Patterson, Mad- ison County, Ky., July 10. L858. He moved from Madison to Garrard County with his parents at the age of four years. He entered Berea College at the age of seventeen and remained there as a student for five years. He taught school iu Garrard County two years during summer vacations and left school in 1883 at the solicita- 136 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM IiARTON. tion of the Republican county committee to run for the office of county clerk in Garrard Couuty. On account of peculiar issues which arose, the entire ticket was defeated by a small majority. Be entered the service of L. & N. R. R. in 1885as agent, ami has served in that capacity ever since, one and one-half years at V\ ildie, three and one-half years at Boyd, three and one- half years at Berea, the re- mainder of the time, seven years, at Lancaster. Be was married May 20,1885, to Mary Rachel Barton. The earliest known ancestor of George M. Patterson was Patrick Patterson, a Scotch- man who removed to Ireland. He was a naval officer and was killed in battle off the Strait of Gibralter. His son John Patterson came to America and lived successive- ly in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Kentucky. His son j ohn Patterson was born in North Carolina and migrated with his family to Kentucky. He tn. Rhoda Blackburn, daughter of James Blackburn of an old Virginia family, by whom he had eight daughters and four sons all of whom lived to adult years. His fifth child, Allen Patterson, was b. Garrard Co., Ky., 1817, d. 1881, m. 1851 Miriam Fitzpatrick. Their five children were: Mary Francis, b. 1856; George Mason, 1858; Samuel, 1859; John Allen, 1865; Elizabeth, 1861, d young. Miriam Fitzpatrick, daughter of William Fitzpatrick and Fannie Sumner, was born in • 826. Her people were from Vir- ginia. She died in Madison Co., Ky., 1885. M \RY BARTON PATTERSON AND DAUGHTER GRACE. 1899. THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 137 111. JOHN JACOB BARTON. John Jacob Barton, b. Sublette, 111., Sept, 20, 1865. He at- tended the public school in Sublette, and later entered Berea Col- lege. He taught school in Jackson Co., Ky., and spent a summer in religious work in the Kentucky mountains. He entered business life,and is now a merchant in Lan- caster, Ky. He is unmarried. * IV. GEORGE HERBERT BARTON. George Herbert Barton was b. in Sublette, 111., Sept. 7,1869, and d. Jan. 17,1873. I remember the death of my little brother George as the great sorrow of my childhood. He was a bright, fair child, and his very sudden death from congestion of the brain was a great blow to all our household. I still have a little slip print- ed by my father four days after the death of the little boy, containing a brief obitu- JOUX JA^'OB barton ary notice and the following lines, written by himself: Quickly passed our little darling, From this world of pain and sin To his heavenly Father s mansion Where the angels bore him in. Bleeding hearts he left behind him; We he loved in life so well. Mourn our loss, yet in our sorrow. Know that he with God doth dwell. He is gone; Oh, how we miss him! Yet we ne'er shall see him more Till we follow through Death's valley And behold him on Life's shore. Silken cord let down from heaven May our little Geomie be Leading us from eartli and sorrow- To a blessed eternity. 138 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON. V. GRACE BARTON MCLAREN. GraceHelen Barton was b. Feb. 10,1874 She attended the public school in Sublette, studied at Berea College, and taught school in her native village. She was active in church work, and was organist in the Congrega- tional church. She was married June 14, 1900, to Ira Loren McLaren at the parsonage at Oak Park, her brother William officiating. She and her husband now live in Chicago. Ira Loren McLaren was born at Astoria, Illinois, Sept. 17, 1872. He entered Berea College 1893 and remained for 5 years, and in 1898-9 completed a course in stenography at Madison, Wisconsin. He entered business at Madison, and in 1900 removed to Chicago. He married, June 14, 1900, Grace Helen Barton. * mclaren. Robert (1) and Mary (Gorry) McLaren were natives of grace barton McLaren. Perthshire, Scotland, emi- grating with their family to America in 1323. They settled in Gibson county, Indiana, where Robert died the following year. In 1827 the mother and sons removed to Fulton county, Illinois, settling near Astoria. Mary McLaren died Dec. 28, 1854, at the age of 76, being buried in the Astoria cemetery. Their third son John (2) was born Nov. 20, 1818, in Methven THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B BARTON 1 parish, Perthshire, Scotland. He married Jan. 26, 1843 Nancy, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Gilleuwater) Klepper. His home is in Plymouth. His wife died May 29, 1900. William (') Bluudle McLaren, oldest son of John(2) was born July 18, 1848. Like his fa- ther, he is a farmer. He mar- ried, Oct. 20, 1870, Elizabeth (*i daughter of Stephen (7) and Elizabeth Merrill. A pleasant little incident is related of the childhood of William McLaren and Elizabeth Merrill. When tbej were babes, Mrs. McLaren was over- taken by a severe storm and, as she was near the Merrill home, stopped there for shelter. The two babies were almost the same age and slept peacefully in the same cradle during the storm, they nor their mothers lit- tle dreaming of the intimacy which wou!d spring up between them later in life. Their children are, Ira Loren,born Sept. 17, 1872. Benjamin Franklin, born April 15, 1877. Currie Stephen, born Dec. 18, 1879. KLEPPER. Henry (') Klepper was born Oct. 10, 1796. His family lived in Tennesee, having come there from Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Gillen- water, who was born May 10, 1798. At an early date they moved to Indiana, but were driven out of there by a peculiar disease known as "milk-sickness." They then went to Illinois, locating in Schuyler county, a few miles south of Astoria. Later in life they re- moved to McDonough county, near Plymouth, where the remainder of their life was spent. Henry Klepper died March 5, 1885, and his wife April 24, 1881, both being buried in the cemetery at Plymouth. Their daughter Nancy was born Jan. 6, 1826, and married John f*) McLaren Jan. 26, 1843. She died May 29,1900. IRA LOREN MrLAREN. 140 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON MERRILL. Nathaniel 1 Merrill, with his brother John, 1 came to America from Salisbury, England, in 1633, landing at Ipswich, Mass., where they located. In 1635, they removed to Newbury, Mass., being among the original settlers and proprietors, and remained there until death. He was admitted freeman at Newbury in 1640. John died July 14, 1682, leaving one daughter, Hannah, who married Stephen Sweet. Therefore all of the Merrill family of New England, and it is said nearly all in the U. S., are de- scended from Nathaniel Merrill, emigrant. The name has been spelled Merrill, Merrell, Merrills, and is thought to have been originally Merle, and the family of French origin. Nathaniel l married Susanna Jordan He died Mar. 16, 1665. Daniel, 2 the fifth child of Nathaniel \ was born in Newbury Aug. 20, 1642, married May 14, 1667 to Sarah, daughter of John and Jane Clough, of Watertown, Mass. He resided at Newbury the greater part of his life, but spent the last of his days with his son John 3 in Salisbury and Haverhill Mass. John, 3 the second child of Daniel 2, was born in Newbury, Oct. 7, 1674, married Mary Allen, and settled in Salisbury. Abel, 4 eldest child of John,3 was born in Salisbury Jan. 4, 1703. He and his brother John were among the early settlers of York county, Maine, going first to Wells about 1725, locating permanently soon afterwards in Arundel, at Kennebunk Port. Abel married Mary, daughter of Stephen and Abagail (Little- field) Harding 6. He was elected one of the proprietors of the town in 1738.f He died young, being killed by black fish while out in a small boat. Gideon, 5 the only child of Abel 4,married Dorothy Wildes (also given as Wilde and Wilder). He was elected proprietor in 1763-f Abel,4 the eldest son of Gideon,5 was born Oct. 1, 1755, mar- ried Mehitable, daughter of Benjamin and Jane (Sewall) Bur* bank. Abel u Merrill was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, the record of his service being given by Bradbury as follows THE FAMILY OF DR. JACOB B. BARTON. 141 (page 296): "Abel Merrill was in Capt. Jesse Dorman's Com- pany in Col. Scamman's Regiment, at Cambridge in 1775. In 1776, under the command of Capt. Eliphalet Daniels, at Ports- mouth, N. H. Iu 1777 in Col. Storer's Regiment at Stillwater and Saratoga." He died Apr. 16,1837, and his wife Mehitable, Dec. 20, 1867. I$r)7. Stephen Sewall (7) Merrill, son of Abel (6), was born June 24, 1798. At the age of eighteen, he wTent on the sea, in the mer- chant service, rising to the position of first mate, which position he held for some years. After fifteen years service, he was ap- pointed captain, but resigned (1833) the position before his ves- sel sailed. He then went west, going first to Rushville, 111., and a year later to Woodland township, Fulton county, 111., near Astoria, where he bought a quarter section of government land. This he cleared and resided there continuously until his death,. May 8,1890. He married Nov. 11, 1835, Elizabeth, daughter of William and Margaret Lacockl Marshall. Elizabeth Ann, (8) daughter of Stephen, 7 was born June 13r 1848, at the Merrill homestead, Astoria, 111., and m. Oct 20,1870,. William Blundle McLaren. HARDING. Stephen Harding, probably son of Israel and Lydia (Gooch) Hard- ing (m. 1672), m. Abagail Littlefield about 1702, and settled near the mouth of the Kennebunk river, on the western side. He died Dec. 5,. 1747, and his wife Oct. 1, 1747. Their daughter Mary married Abel Merrill.(4) WILDES. Jacob (3) Wildes (spelled also Wilde and Wilder) was born at Tops- field. His father's christian name is not known, but it is thought that it was Ephraim.(-) He was probably the son of a William Wildes, who lived at Rowley in 1643, removing later to Ipswich, where he died in 1656. Jacob, (J)and his brothers Ephraim, Samuel, and Jonathan were in the expedition against Norridgenock in 1724. At this time, they t Bradbury; Hist, of Kennebunk Port, p. 123. +Do. 2.12 tDo. 249. tDo. 128. The above record of Abel Merrill's service is also on record in the Pension Office, Wash- ington. 142 LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BARTON visited their sister Mary, who lived in Arundel, and they all moved there soon afterward. Jacob married Ruth Foster. Their daughter Dorothy (4) married Gideon (5) Merrill. BURBANK. John (1) Burbank, a millman, came from Bradford with the first settlers of Arundel. He was a Lieutenant in the army which captured Louisburg in 1745. He married Priscilla Major, who died Nov. 2, 1730. Their oldest son Benjamin ( 2) married Jane Sewall Nov. 6, 1750, and settled at Brownfield. His daughter Mehitable (3) married Abel(6) Merrill. MARSHALL. Willi&m (») Marshall was a native of Scotland. His parents came to America when he was two years old and settled in Cumberland county, Penn. He removed, early in life, to Jefferson county, Ohio, where he took up government land and cleared his farm where he continued to reside till death at the age of 65. He married Margaret Lacock, who was also of Scotch birth. Their daughter Elizabeth, (2) was born Dec. 16, 1807. She went to Fulton county, Illinois, in the spring of 1835 with her brother, and married, Nov. 11, 1835, Stephen (7) Merrill. She d. Dec. 20, 1893, at Astoria, 111. INDEX. Allen, 73 Arms, Coats of, 11; of Barton family, 11-14 Ancient Barton families, 13 seq. Baldwin, 124 Banks, 89 Barton, Meaning of the name, 9; Barton of Barton, 10; Arms, 11; Crest, 13; of Whenby, 13; of Smithells, 14; of Cawton, 14; Various American families, 16; the family of William, Chapter III., seq. Barton, Adelaide (Butts), 73 Barton, Albert Guy, 75 Barton, Alice A. (Burgh), 74 Barton, Amasa L., 75 Barton, Ann, 40 Barton, Blanche, 73 Barton, Benjamin, 73 Barton, Bruce F., 96-7 Barton, Caroline (Crawford), 72 Barton, Charles W., 99 Barton, Clara, 15 Barton, Clara Mabel, 72 Barton, Clarence E., 73 Barton, Clarence Noble, 72 Barton, Cecelia de, 10 Barton, Christopher, 15 Barton, Cornelius Easter, 73 Barton, Daniel, 74; portrait, 61 Barton, Ensign Eleazar, 40-41; portrait, 48; birth, 49; mili- tary record, 49; marriage, 50; site of home, 50; remin- iscences, 52, seq.; emigra- tion to Illinois, 56-67; votes for Lincoln, 68; character- istics, 67-8; death, 69. Chap- ter III. Barton, Eleazar, Jr., and Han- nah, 75; portrait, 55 Barton, Elizabeth (Finch-Oli- ver-Scotn, 39, 41 Barton, Emeline (Minkler), 72 Barton, Enos D., 73 Barton, Esther Treat Bushnell; portrait, 99; family, 95, seq. 77 Barton, Editha de, 10, 12 Barton, Edmund Mills, 9 Barton, Florence (Byrd , 73 Barton, Franklin F., 73 Barton, Fred, 75 Barton, Frederick B., 99 Barton, George Albert us, 73 Barton, George Herbert, 137 Barton, Gilbert de, 10, 12 Barton, Grace Helen (McLa- ren), 138 Barton, Helen E., 99 Barton, Helen Melhven, 81-2; portrait, 81 Barton, Hudson D., 73 146 INDEX. Barton, Hugh, 73 Barton, Dr. Jacob B., 75; memo- ries of "his father, 50; por- traits, 1887, 62; 1888, 88; 1900, 78; with his grand- children, 90; his family, 91 seq. Chapter IV. Earton, James D., 73 Barton, James, father of Lieut. William, 25 Barton, James, son of Lieut. William, 39, 41 Barton, James and Susan, 72; portrait, 58 Barton, James Scott, 73 Barton, Jane (Weathers), 73 Barton, Jason, 74 Barton, Jason, 75 Barton, Jennie (Collins), 75 Barton, John, 40, 41 Barton, John, 74 Barton, John de, 10 Barton, John Jacob, 137 Barton, LeRoy J., 75 Barton, Lewis Read, 72; por- trait, 54 Barton, Maggie (Allen), 73 Barton, Malissa (Hardin), 73 Barton, Mannon, 74 Barton, Margaret, 40 Barton, Margaret (Stephens- Henderson-Smith), 40, 41 Barton, Maria Hastings, 67 Barton, Marmaduke. 16 Barton, Martha (Leary), 40; called Patty, 41 Barton, Mary M., 75 Barton, Mary (Osborne), 40, 42 Barton, Mary R. (Patterson), 135-6 Barton, Maud, 73 Barton, Merton A., 75 Barton, Milton M., 74 Barton, Myitis W., 15 Barton, Nancy A. (Williams), 75 Barton, Nellie, 74 Barton, Nellie J. (Bastian), 76 Portrait, 68. Barton, Norman, 73 Barton, Orlando D., 73 Barton, Orleany, 73 x Barton, Phoebe, 73 Barton, Rachel A. (Pratt), 65 Barton, Rachel (Smith), 40 Barton, Rachel Bostedo (Read), 69. See also Eleazar Bar- ton, Chapter III. Barton, Rachel Jane, 72 Barton, Ralph, 74 Barton, Richard, 40 Barton, Robert Shawmut, 99 Barton, Roger, 15 Barton, Rosanna (Bowen),40,42 Barton, Roy, 73 Barton, Rufus, 16 Barton, Samuel N., 76 Barton, Sarah (Harmon), 73 Barton, Silas E., 75 Barton, Stephen, 74, with por- trait Barton, Sylvester, 72 Barton, Col. Thomas, 16 Barton, Rev. Thomas, 16 Barton, William, Fifteen Revo- lutionary soldiers, 18-23 Barton, Lieut. William, 9-22, 24-33; birth, 24; parentage, 25; military experience, 26 seq.; sword, 30, 34; relics, 35; Bible, 35; marriage, 36-7; children, 39; pictures of graves, 38, 45; will, 41; in- ventory, 46. Chapter II. Barton, Rev. Wm. E., 95; por- trait, 98 Barton, William Newton, 76; portrait, 66 Barton,WilliamHolloway30, 39 Bastian, 68, 70, 76 Beebe, 100 Bell, 113 Bishop, 118, 130 Blackburn, 136 Blakesley, 128 Bolla, 90 Bostedo, Rev. Jacob and wife, 71-2 Bryan, 122 Buell, 108 Bureau Creek, 49, 50 INDEX. 147 Burbank, 142 Burgh, 74 Bushnell, 100-113; Lewis, por- trait, 102; Elizabeth Ann, 103; Esther Treat, 104-5,110 Butts, 73 Bycroft, 76 Byrd, 73 Camp, 121 Chapman, 104-5-0 Churchill, 134 Clark, 122-4 Cobb, 40 Conkler, 76 Compton. 76 Crawford, 72 Davenport, 72, 115 Demaster, 74 Dickason, 89-90 Donnan, 128 Dugdale, William, Garter King of Arms, 14 Ellsworth, Angelina E. (Bar- ton), 75 Ferguson, 89 Finch, 39 Fitzpatrick, 136 Foote, 134 Fordham, 124 Fulton Journal, 76-7 Goodrich, 130 Gould, 116 Greile or Gredle, family of, 10 Griffis, 74 Hain, 90 Hardin, 73 Harding, 141 Harmon, 74 Hastings, 76 Henderson, Margaret, wife of William Barton. Chapter III. Story of courtship, 36 Henderson, William B., 35 Heraldry, 11 Hibernia Iron Works, 33 Hill, 108 Hoadley, 100, 106 Hoyt, 114 Hubbard, 128-9 Humason or Hummerston,127-8 Hunting, 89 Kirkpatrick, 89 Klepper, 139 Knox, 76 Knox Grove, III., 49 seq. Ceme- tery, 69 Lane, 124 Lay, 108, 113 Loom is, 133 McLaren, 138-142 Marcella, N. J., 38 Marshal, 142 Marvin, 131 Merriam, 130 Merrill, 140-142 Metcalf, 74 Methven, 89-90; Rev. Wm., 82-91; portrait, 86; Mary Sim; portrait, 87; Helen, 81 Minkler, 72 Moor, 73 Nottun family of, 10 Oliver, 39 Patterson, Geo. M. and family, 135-6; Thomas, 89 Pequannock, 2b-b seq. Piatt, 124, 127 Potter, 74 Pratt, 124; Rachel Barton, 65, 76; Rev. Edwin Crandall, 76; Sarah, 89 Read, Lewis and Rachel, 50, 71; Rachel Bostedo, 50, 69, 72 Robinson, 75 Rose, 132 Rose we 11, 133 Russell, 133 St. Clair, 73 Sawyer, 72 Scott, 39 14S INDEX. Shanger, 39 Sublette (Illinois)Public School, 42; church, 43 Tapp, 121 Tongue, Thomas, Garter King of Arms, 3 Treat, 119-20, 122-4; Elizabeth Ann, 100, 119-20 Turner, 75 Tuttle, 127 Vassall, Lieut. B. B., 15 Visalia (Cal.) Delta, 74 Wace, Anglo-Saxon poet, 10 Wait, 110 Weathers, 73 W7ebb, 114 Weed, 632 Wells, Gov. Thomas, 134 Wildes or Wilder, 141 Willard, A. M., Illustration; 29; Frontispiece, Portrait of Eleazar Barton, 48 Williams, 74 Woodward. 117 Wraight, 73 Wright, 131-2 Zeek Cemetery, 38, 45 Zeek, Ira, 38 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 05940 6606 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD