Does more and better work than any other ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR POWER PLANTS ON APPLICATION . Co. º * & WILSON. M. FC .d 74 Wabash Avenue . . . . >HHCAGO, IL.L. ºn.…: got to take our chann hain't forgot yer childhood prayers, ye as well be a runnin' of 'em over, for is are begiſinin' to look mi’ty skeerſ jest I can tell ye.” ooty soon I heer'd him a mumblin' to him- nd I allers allowed he was prayin'. - e war now about steeple high, and as I qected, the wind caught us and began us around pooty loose. As we wer in’ over St. Patrick's church, Spence' struck the spire and was a spillin' of like a lobster out of a market basket. 1 over and seed he was e'enmost gone, llered, “Go for the spire, Spence, it's ly chance.’ He seemed to be of tha d, for as I spoke he was a gra *W. . . ~ . wº- The was a makin it-rººm !e a gymnast, a kickin' and a wormin" Steeple a rockin'. But he was too awful tº he eeuldn't draw himself u p sohow. P soon the tail of the fish gin out, and dow slid along the steeple like a shot coon do 'simmon tree. “Fortunately he struck the roof and C be rolled, clawin' and a scratchin' the sh he went. But it was 'all go and no - s the boy said when he was a slid: reased banister. Old Father McGill, just comin' out of the vestry door after as Spence come a scootin' over the ea down kerflumix right on top of him. see, sort of broke the fall for Spenc ... the distress. He was so he fussin' over him more than five hours, a yankin' . his neck out of his body, and pressin' his ears i into shape, and’— . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Stop now,” said the fat old chap, who was worked up to the top notch of attention, “do you mean-to-say—he lived after his neck was dislocated?”, , , º, . . . . . . . . . " ' , , “Wal, I reckon, boss,” said the narrator, as he took a fresh quid of tobacco, “I hain't made no sech unreasonable assertion. I was sayin' they hauled his neck back, and put his ears in *... . place agin (or ruther one of 'em, for the butcher's dog eat t'other one before the old sexton could git to it), so that he mout make coffin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'' “Soon as Spence went over the eave I lost Right of him, for I was drivin' pooty brisk! ºs-arch, and as I came swa b'Donnell's shad somethin' like a decent appearance in the •. - alloCn She gin a squall and cried out somethin' about pro- tection. I reckoned she was callin' on the saints, but had no time just then to listen. | Before she had gone many steps she dropped, and I allowed she had gone down in a faintin' fit. - “I was a drivin' and a driftin' over the village - tlve a thistle down, for more than two hours, land the dogs war a barkin' and the men and wimmin a hollerin' and a runnin' arter it wher- ever it drifted. The barn-yard fowls war a cacklin’ and a screamin’. Jewillikens ! didn't I make a rumption among them though! You'd think thar war forty thousand hawks and tur- key-buzzards a hoverin' over the village, by the way they scattered, aginst the winders, ahind stun walls, into the wells, under lumber piles currint bushes; such a scrougin' an in’ and scootin' I never di - small pigs out of his well next day, whar they sought refuge and war drown'd. Dad Kent gin me six traces of good seed corn next fall. He said barrin' the killin' of Priest McGillop, it was the best thing that ever happened in Tuckers- ville. He said I did more for his crop than if he had a scarecrow standin' astride every hill. * Thar wasn't a crow flew within two miles of the village for mor'n a fortnight, and by that time the corn was grown so they couldn't pull it up. “Pooty soon the balloon come down about house high and druv over toward the dee-pot. I was a hopin' she'd catch on the telegraph wire, but she skimm'd over, like a swallow over a fence, and immediately riz up tree high agin, where scrape, slap, slash, she went into an ole pine that stood out alone in the field. I was scratched pooty bad, but hung on to the limbs, and arter a while slid down the tree leavin' the .*** incin' in the tree-top. Great turnips! - Tinea fowsm-- - i - and wimmin with babies in their arms. - It was - like a dog fight, only, as the feller said when describin' the nigger by the mulatter, it was In Ore SO. “The train was delayed half an hour that mornin', cause the engineer, conductor and all hands jumped off the cars and ran down to the balloon. Peg-leg Dibbly, the Mexican war veteran, was thar, hobblin’ around among the - rest. He was in such a hurry to git down to the tree he wouldn't go around by the road, ... - but started in to take a short cut across the marsh with the crowd, And he had a sweet, sweatin' time of it too, now I can assure you. First his cane would stick, and just about the time he would git that out, down would slide his iron-shod leg fully a foot into the mud, and stake him thar like a scarecrow. Then he would look down to where the people were standin', and jerk and swear until th - 27 ThūKé him let up. He got âtter awhile though, but he had to crawl considerable before he could do it; and wº. tilaº “Go IN, cripple,” arter he got thar he was bobbin' here and bob. bin' thar, tryin' to git a better look up into the tree, until at last he stumbled and fell across one 28 of Dud Davis' young"Unsºn a compound fractur'. She set up a and he was so weak and frightened he couldn't git up agin no how, but lay thar gruntin', and A RIGHT-A.NGLED TRY-ANKLE. sprawlin', and kickin' his one leg around. The blacksmith was thar himself, and when he seed his young’un down in the mud with her leg broke, you never seed a man so mad in all JUST A MOUTHFUL. 29 your born days. He jest ran and grabbed the old pensioner by the coat collar, and slung him mor'n fifteen feet, landin’ him slidin' on his back in the mud, like a crawfish. “About the same time Tubbs, the cooper, was a lookin' up, and he seed a bough springin' up, and he allowed the balloon was comin’ down; so he started to run, and stepped on the foot of Kent's snappin' bull-dog, that was a settin' thar lookin' up the tree, thinkin' thar must be a coon up it. The cur whirled round mad, and set his teeth into the nighest thing to him, which hap- pened to be old Polly Allen's ankle. But he got more than he bargained for, though, for she was so tuff that his teeth stuck thar, and she was a screamin' and a runnin’ hum, draggin' him arter her mor'n half the way. I never did see sich an excitin' time. School was dismissed, and there wasn't a lick of work done in Tuck- ersville the hul day. The hul talk was ‘Sam Patterson's balloon, Sam Patterson's balloon.’ I didn't have to pay a picayune for anything for mor'n three weeks. Parson Jones preached a -** 3O A SERMON ON BALLOONS. tellin' sermon about the balloon, and thar wasn’t standin’ room in the church; they had to keep the windows open and let people standin’ on the outside stick their heads in and listen. He likened it first to youth, when it was a rollin' around in the back yard, whar nobody seed it, impatient and ambitious to rise. Then like unto manhood, when it was up, a bustin' and droppin’ down agin. Next he said it resembled old age, when it was in rags a floppin’ around in the tree, more for observation than use. Thar wasn't hardly a dry eye in the hul meetin' house. Hard- hearted old sinners cried like teethin' babies. “The balloon hung in the tree all summer, and every day thar'd be a crowd of people starin' at it, like cats at a bird cage. A phoo- tographer came the hul way from town, and took lots of views of the remains; and one of Frank Leslie's special artists come rattlin' down thar, and sot on a stun wall for two days drawin’ sketches of it. He said it was the most spirited subject he had sot eyes on since he sketched the hoop-skirt Jeff Davis was captured in. JIM DUDLEY'S FLIGHT. Hull. & wºmammº HAT blabbing Hoosier, Bob Browser, has found me out, and paid me a call, boring me with his confounded stories. Even as a ( , hungry parrot when crackers are in view, or as a miller's hopper when water is high and the farmer's meal bags low, he rattles right along with copious discourse. “What's that you say! Did you know Jim Dudley? What! him as the boys in Gosport used to call Carrot Top Jim P Wal, I'll be rat- tied if that ain't queer. Wasn't he the all- firedest shirk you ever did see? Perhaps you remember how sudden he left Gosport jest be- fore the war? Oh, that's so, sure enough, you went north sometime afore that, fºr * * (31) 32 JIM DUDLEY'S FLIGHT. “Wal, that chap was etarnally gettin' in some scrape or another; I do jest think I've helped wº §§ º §§ j §§ ºğss º sº BOB BROWSER. that Jim out of more close corners than there are buildin's in this yer town Yer see him and THE BUTCHER’s DAUGHTER. 33 me was great chums, and roomed at the same house on York Street. Jim was a courtin' a butcher's darter that lived out near the cem't'ry for 'bout a year afore he left, leastwise he was a totin' of her around considerable, takin' her to picnics, circuses, hoss races, and the like. I kind of had my doubts about him gettin' mar- ried, 'cause he was a pooty sot ole batch', and sometimes I’d ask him when the nuptils were a comin' off; but he'd allers shuffle out of it by sayin' when they did come I’d git an invite, and kind of larf it off jest that way. “One night pooty soon arter I had got into bed - I heered some one thumpin' at my door, and afore I had time to say anythin' Jim Dudley was plum across the room and standin' by the bedside. “‘Bob,' ses he, jest that way, “we’ve got to part agin' and I've come to gin your paw a shake afore I leave.” “‘What's up now, Jim P’ ses I, pooty sur- prised and settin' up amazin fast in bed to strike a light, 'cause I allers liked Jim. Drat my pic- tur, if I didn't. He stuck to me like a hoss- 3 **.* 34 IN HASTE TO Go. leech when I was down with the yaller fever. I was peeled down so mi’ty thin that I didn't make a shadder only arter I'd been eatin' corn dodg- ers or somethin' that wasn’t transparent. Soon as I got a light I seed his face was tombstun white exceptin’some long red scratches onto it, that made me think thar had been cats a-clawin’ of him. “‘I haint time to gin perticulars now, but water's gettin' too plaguey shaller for me in Gosport,' ses he, jest that way. “And I’m gwine —to pull out for deeper soundin's. I want to head off the night express, and as I’ve got only fifteen minutes to do it in, must be a movin’,” and givin' my hand a rattlin' shake he turned, and before I could say ‘scat,' he was goin' down the stairs like a bucket-fallin' down a well, and I thought he hadn't more than got to the middle of the flight when I heer'd the door slam behind him. - “I lay awake thar for hours thinkin' and won- derin’ what on airth could have turned up to make Jim dust out of town so all-fired sudden, * * * * * A RECONNOITRE. 35 bein’ as how he was doin' pooty well pecu- n’ar’ly—that is, for him. “I kind of mistrusted somethin’ had gone wrong with him out to old Hurley's—the butch- er's. So the next day, bein’ kind of curious, I took a stroll out that way, to look around a leetle and see what was goin' on. I seed a glaz'er a fussin’ round a winder, and old Hurley sittin' on the steps lookin' mi’ty solemn at a hat —which I knowed was Jim's—that was a-hangin' on a bush in the garden. “Some months arter this the war was a bilin' and I jined a company and went down to Cairo to go into camp. By jingo! would you believe it? almost the first man I ran ag'in' was Jim Dudley ! He'd enlisted in a hoss regiment up to St. Louis, and come down to camp a few days afore me. We were both mi’ty tickled to meet one another right thar, so we p’inted for a place where we could have a straight-out chat, and while we were sittin' thar, talkin’ about old times, ses I to him:- “‘Jim, now we're a gwine down into this 36 JIM DUDLEY’s STORY. blamed muss, and the chances are pooty good for us to git chawed up down thar, and nothin' more to be heer'd about us—now sposin' you * - } |." Eſt:HE *-ºs º à ºf 3 ~ @ '3 –- /2 &: §§ [T] - * > * as- /J º *: Žiž/ 2. * ſº 3. # # gº º º [. *Zºº e.” 2’ſ ğ º 3. §% #: #% §: º £2. al º º % º - Żºłº º § #2%3. ſº :º º: § #º %;º ######################, És ºft# ** Sºº - - §§ º 3:º Nº. #!: sº 2.<; º; £ºº ºº >= ######---, 1-> - - T -- º § s ſº ºzº” ass= º, WNº. -> § - * -SS. Tº N § * 3: > $º Ş 2. } º º§º ;G º%ºf i; *| :i ºº ſ gº g old HURLEY WELCOMES JIM. tell a feller what made you pull up stakes and dust from Gosport so amazin' fast, last Fall.' “‘Wal, Bob,' ses he, ‘seein’ we’ve met agin, I don't mind if I do 'lighten you a leetle in re- gard to my leavin' so sudden. You remember $ AN UNExPECTED MEETING. 37 I'd bin over to Franklin some time afore I left, and jest got back to Gosport that day, and in the evenin' I started out to see Mag. I was a hopin' the old man wouldn't be to hum—he gin- erally was away Saturday nights. “‘’Twas dark afore I got there, leastwise the bats were a flitterin' aroun’ the gables and apple trees, a-lookin' for thar suppers. I gin the bell-knob a jerk anyhow, and pooty soon old Hurley hisself came to the door, with a candle in his hand. He was in his shirt-sleeves, and I reckon he had jest come hum from work. He kind of gin a start, as though he was surprised to see me; and I gin a start, too, and jumped back from the door pooty quick, for I thought I heer'd him grit his teeth a leetle—somethin' like a >sheep arter she's bin eatin' beans—but I wasn't Sartain. “‘Come in, M-i-s-t-e-r Dudley,’ ses he, kind of low and coaxin' like. “I hope you've bin enjoyin' good health. I hope you've come pre- pared to stop with us awhile.’ “Thankin’ him for his kind wishes, I follered 38 - THE BUTCHER WELCOMES HIM. him along, wonderin’ what in time made him so amazin' solicitous for my health all to wunst, 'cause I knowed the old man hated me worse than a rat does pizen. “He didn't stop in the parlor, where some folks were sittin', but kept on into a small room, beck'nin' me to foller, which I did, though I was beginnin’ to feel pooty suspicious about the old feller's movements. “‘Stay here a minute, Mr. Dudley, ses he, arter I had sot down. ‘Make yourself com- fortable until I come back agin,’ he continued, jest that way, and then he stepped out. “I tell you, I begun to feel wonderful fidgity and kind of prickly down along the spine; and when I heer'd the old man comin' back, and heer'd his feet slappin’ down heavier and faster than when he went out, then I knowed thar was trouble ahead. I could feel a distressin' presentiment jest a-bubblin' through my veins”. and limberin' up all my jints. -“Pooty soon the old man came in, a-holdin' his left hand in front of him doubled up tight as THE BUTCHER MEANs BUSINESS. 39. though for boxin', and keepin’ his right hand ahind him, kind of careless like, as though 'twas there by accident. I knowed 'twas no nat'ral position, and kept peerin’ round, for I 'spected - he had a cow-hide, and was calculatin' to gin me a sound tannin'; but when he went to shet the door ahind him, I got a glimpse of the alfredest great butcher's cleaver you ever yet sot eyes on, a-shinin' jest as bright as could be. Jerusalem if that bone-splitter didn't make me begin to feel tarnation uneasy, then thar's no use sayin' it. My heart flopped up so far into my throat it actewelly seemed as though I could taste it. “‘I’ve got very pressin' business down town, and guess I’d better be a-movin', ses I, rizin' up. “‘S-i-t d-o-w-n,’ ses he, easy, that way, as though he wasn't disturbed any, though I seed he was awful pale. “Don’t be in a hurry,' he went on, keepin’ his back flat against the door the whole time. “You’ve been pokin' around here 'bout long enuff,' said he, ‘and I think it time you 'tended to bisness.’ 4O A BREAK, “‘I’ve sent for Father Quinn, he contin'ed, ‘cal’latin' to hev you jined to the family rite off, afore you leave the house,’ and he gin the cleaver a sweepin' flourish; but while he was a-doin’ it he sort of took his eyes away from me, and before he could say ‘scat,' I jest shet my eyes tight, and made one detarmined lunge for the winder, head fust, like a sheep through a clump of briars, and went a-crashin' plum out on all fours into the gardin, takin' the hul lower sash along with me. “The old man gin one rattlin' shout like a wounded gorrillar, when he seed me go. I knowed he'd be arter me mi’ty quick, so I broke through the gardin for the toll-road, the blarsted ole sash a-hangin' around my neck like a hog- yoke, catchin' on everythin' as I ran. I hadn't more'n struck the road and begun to dust along it, when I heered the old man comin,’ a-snortin' an' a spatterin,’ down the turnpike ahind me. I 'lowed he'd overhaul me if I kept right on, 'cause I hadn't got the sash off yet, and the blamed thing was jest ginnin' my neck jess; A CLOSE SHAVE. 4} so flouncin' aside pooty sudden, I flopped down ahind a sassafras bush, and I hadn't more'n got thar nuther when old IIurley went a-rackin' and a rearin’’ past, the bloodthirsty ºr º: r # º $ e. ºn tº ..º - sº sº - E. #: sº *s º: º, ºr sº 3%: º OLD HURLEY ON THE WAR PATH. great meat-ax a-gleamin' in his hand. He reckoned I was still ahead, so he went a-flukin’ down the road, clearin' the toll-bar at one bounce, without so much as dustin' it, and 42 CIRCUMVENTED. keepin’ right on for Gosport. Thunder I didn't I tear off the ruins of that winder mi’ty fast, though? Then I clim'- the fence, and took across lots through Hiram Nye's corn patch, and down by Blake's orchard, comin' into town by the lower road. I think more'n likely old Hurley kept a-goin’ it plum to Gosport before he mistrusted that I dodged him; and I do jest think if he had got hold on me—a-bilin' as he was—he wouldn't have left a piece of me together large enough to bait a mink trap. Wasn't that an all-fired close dodge, though 2 I reckon you'll not see me in Gosport agin, leastways not while old Hurley's a-livin'. I've no notion o' gettin' married in no such haste as that. Thar's the bugle callin' to muster—let's hurry up and go.” AN OLD WOMAN IN PERIL. * ESTERDAY, while in the back country, I * saw an old woman in what would have been a very laughable predicament, had it not been a very pitiable one. An unusually large vulture had for some time been soaring in the neighborhood, occa- sionally scraping acquaintance with one of the fat ewes grazing in the valley. Several of the farmers had felt the vexation of seeing him perched upon a lofty eminence and making the wool fly from some favorite Cotswold. They - were justly enraged, and resolved to put a stop to his depredations. They accordingly posted themselves nigh their flocks, and with guns heavily charged, (42) 44 PICKING UP A LIVING. awaited the advent of the rapacious bird. But he was no booby, and though his gizzard could digest a good-sized rib or hoof with all the ease of a Ballyshannon woman making away with a mealy potato, yet he hadn't the least inclination to test its grinding power upon a charge of slugs or buckshot. For several days thereafter he was known in the neighborhood as a “high flier.” With a pining maw he would sit upon some heaven- kissing crag, and with drooping head watch the fleecy flocks grazing in the green valley below. He found it difficult, however, to cloy the hungry edge of appetite by bare imagination of a feast, and, emboldened by want, began to drop to a lower level when flying across the fields. Yesterday, as mutton was out of the ques- tion, he resolved to try his beak upon some tougher viand, and while in the vicinity of the village, he swooped down upon a little old woman who was gathering chips in front of her cottage. The poor old body had not the least warning * ~~~ º § … ſº ºS. ºf Nº-º-a Tºi t §§§ {{ W º § § º -: º --alsº W º Sºğ §§§ §§§ iº º §§ º -- º º §§ º sº É i º à { º § § sº & Cº \º º 2= \º fº §º \ z'êſ) == THE old LADY's ASCENT. 46 - AN OLD LADY ELEVATED. of the vulture's approach. As she stooped in the act of picking fuel enough to cook her evening meal he dropped upon her like an 3.1"I'OW. Fastening his powerful talons in the strong material of her loose-fitting garments, he spread abroad his mighty wings and began to haul her heavenward. The astonishment, anxiety and indescribable antics of the poor old lady when she found herself slowly but surely leaving terra firma by an unknown agency were indeed terrible to witness, She knew not whether it was a gold-tinseled angel, or an iron-rusted demon, that was thus, in open day, and while she was yet in the flesh, unceremoniously translating her to some re-, mote planet; she had no means of discover- ing; she was only certain she was going— that her direction was onward and upward. Her favorite hollyhock tickled her nose as she swept over her little garden, and the clothes- line, that for a moment seemed to baffle the vulture's flight, was now stretching beneath. MYSTERIOUS FLIGHT. 47 She deployed her feet, regardless of appear- ances, first to the right, then to the left, above and below, vainly endeavoring to come in con- tact with something that would give her an ink- ling of what was responsible for this mysterious movement. There was a vague uncertainty . about the whole proceeding well calculated to alarm her. Even though she succeeded in shaking herself loose, her fall would now be fearful, and each moment was adding to the danger. What could I do? I was powerless to saye. I had no gun, and even if I had there would have been some grave doubts in my mind as to the propriety of firing, as I generally shoot low, and such an error in my aim could hardly have proved otherwise than disastrous. There was no use striving to make the bird loosen his hold by hooting. If there had been any virtue in that sort of demonstration the old woman would hardly have been raised above the eaves of her shanty, for she was screaming in a manner that would have made a Modoc blush. The only thing that suggested itself, 48 OBSTINACY OF THE VULTURE. and that rather hurriedly, was to get out my pencil and paper and take a sketch as she ap- peared passing over her cottage in the vulture's talons. The blood, which at first forsook her cheeks through fear, was almost instantly forced back into her visage again by the pendant position of her head. She beat the empty tin pan which she still retained in her hand, but the voracious and hunger-pinched vulture had no notion of relin- quishing his hold on account of noise. On the contrary, he seemed to enjoy it, and with many a sturdy twitch and flap, and many an airy wheel, he still held his way toward a rugged promontory situated at the head of the valley. Fortunately, when he was twenty feet from the ground and about eighty rods from the cottage, the calico dress and undergarments in which mainly his talons were fastened gave out, and the liberated woman dropped on hands and knees in the muddy bed of the creek, over which the bird was passing at the time. A LUCKY ACCIDENT, 49* While hovering over her, about to pounce down upon her and try the elevating business again, a sheep-herder who had seen the bird. approaching the cottage, gave him a dose of : buckshot. § IDUDLEY AND THE GREASED PIG. OIL-STRICKEN Job had his comforters, who, despite his timely injunction, “Oh, lay your hands upon your mouths, and thereby show your wisdom,” would still drum in his ear, “Hear us, for we will speak.” Poor old Falstaff had his evil genius in Bardolph, his impecunious follower with his “Lend me a shilling.” And I have my burdensome “Jim - Dudley,” with his “Let me tell you a story.” I was kept awake last night listening to his crazy yarn about the “greased pig,” as if I cared anything about his villainous adventures. ł “Oh, yes, that scrape with the greased pig P I never told you about it, eh? It's worth heerin', for that was a tearin' old race, and I came mi’ty (50) JIM GETS INTERESTED. 51 nigh gettin' shoved out of the village on ac- count of it, too, now, I can tell ye. Down on me? Wal, I reckon you'd think so if you heered the hollerin’ that was gwine on for awhile arter that race, some cryin' one thin' and some another. ‘Tar and feather the cheat,' one would holler. “‘Lynch the blamed humbug' another would shout. --- *~. “‘Put him in a sack and h’ist him over the bridgeſ' would come from another quar- ter. As - “A doctor was never so down on a patent medicine as they were on me arter that race, especially Parson Coolridge, who was one of the principal sufferers, yer see. “It was May Day amongst 'em, and the hull village seemed to be out thar enjoyin' 'emselves. They had sack races and wheelbarrow races. That was the day blindfold Tom Moody ran the wheelbarrow through the grocer's window, and Old Shulkin knocked him down with a ham, and a dog ran away with it. He charged Tom. 52 A GREASED POLE AND A GREASED PIG. with the ham in the bill, along with the brokers winder. - “They had a greased pole standin' thar with a ten-dollar greenback tacked on top of it, but no person could get within ten feet of the bill. The hungry crowds were standin’ around all day gazin' longin'ly up at the flutterin' green- back, like dogs at a coon in a tree top. “I didn't try the pole, but when they brought out the greased pig–a great, slab-sided critter, jest in good condition for racin',--I got sort o' interested in the performance. His tail was more'n a foot long, and it was greased until it would slip through a fellow's fingers like a newly daught eel. º “Several of the boys started arter him, but they'd jest make one catch, and before they were certain whether they had hold of it, they would go one way and the hog would go an- other. And then the crowd would holler. “I was standin’ thar a leanin' over the fence watchin' of 'em for some time, and I see the pig was in the habit of formin' a sort of ring ^ | THINKS HE'LL TRY A. CATCH. 53. with his tail; leastwise he'd lap it over so that it e'enmost formed a knot—all it lacked was the end wanted drawin' through. I cal’lated that a feller with pooty nimble fingers could make a tie by jest slippin' his fingers through the ring and haulin' the end of the tail through. That would make a plaguey good knot, and prevent his hand from slippin' off. Arter thinkin' over it for some time, I concluded if I could git up a bet that would pay for the hardships that a feller would be likely to experience, I would try a catch anyhow. “So I ses to Jake Swasey, who stood along- side of me, “Jake, I believe that I can hold that pig until he gins out.' “‘Hold?” he says, surprised like and raisin” his eyebrows just that way; ‘what's the matter of ye? hain't ye slept well ? Ye mout as well try to hold old Nick by the tail as that big. slab-sided critter.’ “‘Wal, now, jest wait a bit,” ses I; so I went on and told him what I callated to do, and arter he looked awhile, he ses, ‘Wal, go ahead, Jim, 54 THE MONEY GOING UP. I'll back ye. I reckon we can git any amount of odds so long as we keep the knot bus'ness to ourselves.” “So pullin' off my coat I gin it to Jake to hold, and jumpin' on the fence, I hollered, ‘I’ll bet ten to twenty that I kin freeze to the pig's tail till he gins out !” “Great fish-hooks! you ought to have seen 'em a-rustlin' towards me. I couldn't see any- thin' but hands for five minutes, as they were holdin' of 'em up, and signalin', an’ a-hollerin', “I’ll take that bet, Dudley, I'll take that bet!’ I got rid of what money I had about me pooty soon, and Jake Swasey was jest a-spreadin’ out his greenbacks like a paymaster, and arter he - exhausted his treasury he started arter his sister to git what money she had. I hollered to him to come back—I was fearin he'd tell her about the knot bus'ness; but he wasn't no fool, and knowed too well what gals are to trust her with any payin' secret. . “Old Judge Perkins was thar, jolly as a boy ºn the last day of school. Wal, he was holdin' SHLIPPERY FOUNDATIONS. 55: *ms. of the stakes, and his pockets were crammed chockfull of greenbacks. He was a pooty good friend of mine, and couldn't conceive R §º º \ §§ U \ º §N §§ º º º º § º } º go DGE PERKINS. how in thunder I was a-gwine to get my money pack. “Beckonin' of me one side—‘Dudley,’ ses he, kind of low that way, and confidentially like, 56 THE MYSTIC TIE. *I know you're as hard to catch as an old trout with three broken hooks in its gill ; but I can’t help thinkin' a greased pig's-tail is a mi’ty slip- pery foundation to build hopes on.’ “‘Never mind, Judge,’ ses I, winkin', ‘I can see my way through.” 'º' “‘Yes, Dudley,’ he ses, a-shakin' of his head dubious like, ‘that's what the fly ses when he's a-buttin' his head against the winder.’ “‘Wal,’ ses I, ‘without the tail pulls out, I cal’late to travel mi’ty close in the wake of that swine for the next half-hour;' and with that I moved off to where the pig was standin’ and Tistenin’ to all that was gwine on. “I fooled round him a little until I got be- twixt him and the crowd, and when he flopped his tail over as I was tellin' ye, I made one desperate lunge, and made a go of it the ſust time. I jest hauled the end through while he was turnin’ round, and grabbin’ hold above my hand, rolled it down into the tightest knot you ever sot eyes on. It was about two inches from the end of the tail, and he scolloped THE HOG'S STRATAGEM. 57 around so amazin' lively nobody could see it. The crowd allowed I was hangin' on the straight tail, and they didn't know what to make of the performance anyhow. “Go it, piggy,' I ses to myself, just that way, ‘I guess it's only a question of endurance now, as the gal said when she had the flea under the hot flatiron.’ “The gate was open, and arter a few circles around the lot, the hog p'inted for it, and away he went, pig fust and I arter. He ran helter- skelter under old Mother Sheehan, the fruit woman, jest as she was comin' through the gateway with a big basket of apples on each arm. I did hate like snakes to hoist the old lady, bounce me if I didn't! I would ruther have run around a mountain than do it, 'cause you see she had jest been gittin' off a bed of sickness that came nigh shroudin' her, and she wasn't prepared for a panic, by any means. I did my best to swing the critter around and git him off the notion of goin’ through, but his mind was made up. Thar was plenty of room N 58 THE OLD WOMAN PANIC-STRICKEN. outside for him to pass along without disturbin' º gº - º #% º ##: 2-2: | # Z2 %a ׺ º ºzº º ſ º 23% === BAD FOR THE FRUIT BUSINESS, ~, the old lady, but a hog is a hog, you know— contrary the world over. Besides, he allowed THE SUDDEN CATASTROPHE. 59 he could brush me off by the operation, but I wasn't so easily got rid of. The money was up, you see, and I had no choice but to follow where he led and stick to the rooter till he gin out. “Where thou goest, I will go,' I ses to myself, rememberin' the passage in the Scrip- tures, and duckin' my head to follow him. I scrouched down as low as I could and keep on my feet; for I cal’lated, do my best, the old woman would git elevated pooty lively. “She hollered as though a whole menagerie —elephants, kangaroos, snakes and all—had broke loose. Her sight wasn't any too clear, and the whole proceedin's had come upon her so sudden that she didn't exactly know what sort of an animal was thar. She would have been satisfied it was a hog if it hadn't taken so long to git through. I followed so close to his 'hams that she reckoned we both made one animal. The hog gin a snort when he started in to run the blockade, and she ses to herself, “Thar goes a big hog,' but about the time she reckoned he had got out on the other side, I --> 6O PROSPECTS GOOD. come a humpin' and a boomin' along in my shirt sleeves, and gin her a second boost, throwin' the old woman completely off her pins and out of her calculations at once. “She did holler good, thar's no mistake about that. “The crowd hoorayed and applauded, "he older ones of course sympathized with the poor old woman; but they could do nothin' more, 'cause the whole catastrophe come as sudden as an earthquake and nobody seemed to be to blame. I wasn't, and they all could see that plain enough. The young uns went for the scattered apples, but the pig and I kept right on attendin' to business. Now and agin he'd double back towards the crowd, and they'd commence scatterin' every which way, trampin' on each other's feet. Si Grope, the cashiered man-of-wars-man, stepped on Pat Cronin's bunion, and he responded by fetchin' the old salt a welt in the burr of the ear, and at it they went, tooth and nail, right thar. A few stopped to see fair play, but the heft of the BITING THE DIRT. 61 crowd, about three hundred, kept right on arter me and the hog. “Jake Swasey managed to git up pooty nigh to us once and hollered, “How are you makin' it, Jim P’ “‘Fustrate,' I answered; “I cal’late to stick to this swine through bush and bramble till I tire him out.' * “‘That's the feelin’,” he shouted, and with that we left him behind. The old judge was a puffin' and a blowin', strivin' his best to keep up, and for some time he actewally led the crowd, but he didn't hold out very long, but gradewelly sank to the rear. “Rod Munnion, the tanner, stumbled and fell while crossin' the street. His false teeth dropped out into the dirt, and while he was scramblin' on all fours to git 'em ag’in, a feller named Welsh, who was clatterin' past, slapped his foot down and bent the plate out of all shape. Munnion snatched 'em up ag’in as quick as the foot riz, and wipin' 'em on his overalls as he ran, chucked 'em back into his 62. THE TAILOR “WETs.” A NEw suit. mouth agin, all twisted as they were. They did look awful though, stickin' straight out from his mouth, and pressin' his lip chock up ag'inst his nose. You couldn't understand YºCW-LEGGED SPINNY. what he was sayin' any more than if he was Chinnook. “Bow-legged Spinny, the cabbagin' tailor, was thar. He met the crowd while carryin' SPINNY GOES TO GRASS. 63 home Squire Lockwood's new suit, and catchin' the excitement of the moment, tossed the package into Slawson's yard, and it bounded into the well quicker than ‘scat.' He didn't know it though, but hollered to the old woman, as he ran past the window, to look arter the package until he got back. Not seein’ any package, she allowed he was crazy as a cow with her head stuck in a barrel, and flew to boltin' of her doors pooty lively. He had been . once to the Lunatic Asylum, you see, and they were still suspicious of him. “The crowd thought to head us off by takin' down a narrow lane, and it was while they were in that that they began to surge ahead of Judge Perkins. He was awful quick-tem- pered, and pooty conceited, and when bow. legged Spinny was elbowin' past him he got mad. Catching the poor stitcher by the coat tail, he hollered : ‘What a miserable thread- needle machine claimin’ precedence 2' and with that he slung him more'n ten feet, landin' him on his back in a nook of the fence. 64 . A CASE OF MALPRACTICE. “That was the day they buried old Mrs. Redpath, that the doctors disagreed over. Dr. Looty had been doctorin' her for some time for bone disease. He said her backbone war decayin'. He didn't make much out of it though, and they got another doctor. The new feller said he understood the case thor- oughly; he ridiculed the idea of bone disease, and went to work doctorin’ for the liver com- plaint. He said it had stopped workin' and he was agwine to git it started ag’in. I reckon he'd have accomplished somethin' if she had lived long enough, but she died in the meantime. When they held a post-mortem, they found out the old woman, some time in her life, had swallered a fish-bone which never passed her stomach, and eventually it killed her. “‘Thar,’ ses Dr. Looty, ‘what did I tell ye? You'll admit, I reckon, my diagnosis of the disease was right arter all, only I made a slight error in locatin' the bone !’ “Bone be splintered l’ ses the other feller, “hain't I bin workin’ nigher the ailin' part than THE PARSON BECOMES INTERESTED. 65 you?” So they went on quackin' thar and dis- agreein’ over her, until old Redpath got mad and hollered, ‘You old melonheads, isn't it enough that I'm a widderer by your fumblin' malpractice, without havin' ye wranglin' over the old woman l’ So he put 'em both out, and chucked their knives and saws arter 'em. *** “But as I was sayin' that was the day of the funeral, and while it was proceedin' from the church to the buryin' ground with Parson Cool- ridge at the head, with his long white gown on. we hove in sight comin' tearin’ down to'ards the parsonage. The minister was a feller that actewelly doted on flowers. When he wasn't copyin' his sermons, he was fussin' around among the posies. He had his gardin chock full of all kinds of plants and shrubs. Thar you could see the snapdragon from Ireland, the fu-chu from China, the snow-ball from Canada. the bachelor's button from Californy, and ever w kind you could mention. “He had noticed the garden gate was open when the funeral passed, and it worried him 5 \ 66 COOLRIDGE VOWS VENGEANCE. considerable. So when he heered the hootiºn' and hollerin', and got sight of the crowd surgin' down the street, and see the pig and I pointin' in the direction of the house, he couldn't go ahead nohow. “Turnin’ around to the pall-bearers, who were puffing along behind him, he ses, ‘Ease your hands a minit, boys, and let the old woman rest 'till I run back and see if that Dudley is agwine to drive that hog into my gardin. Confound him ' ' he contin'ed, “he's wuss to have around the neighborhood than the measles. With that he started back on the run, his long white gown a-flyin' away out behind, the most comical lookin' thing you ever see. And he could run, that Parson Coolridge, in a way that was astonishin'. I reckon he hadn't stirred out of a walk before for thirty years, and yit he streaked it over the groundas thou gh it was an every-day occurrence. “His j'ints cracked and snapped with the unusual motion, like an old stairs in frosty weather, but he didn't mind that so long as he could git over the ground. He was thinkin' of - • *-* - *-* - THE INFURIATED PARSON. 67 his favorite plants and the prospect of their git- tin' stirred up and transplanted in a manner he * G §§ §§ § i C º #º:- º º §§ §§ b i : NRP AND TUCR. wasn't prepared to approve. He did jerk back his elbows pooty spiteful, now I can tell you. #53 | THE DEAD ABANDONED. He tried to make the gate-way fust, and put in his best strides. But when he saw he couldn't, .* he hollered, “Keep that hog out of my gardin, Dudley, or I'll take the law of ye.” j “‘Don’t git wrathy, Parson Coolridge,' I shouted. ‘I can't prevent the pig from gwine in. I have hold of the rudder, but I’ll be boosted if I can steer the ship. With that, through the openin' we went, pig fust and me arter, and the hul crowd a clatterin' behind us. The judge was amongst 'em, but got left in the hind end of it, where the women were a-trottin'. The Parson’s flowers went down with broken necks quicker than lightnin'. It wasn't more'n ten seconds until they were six inches under ground, for the hog kept a circlin' around and the hoorayin' crowd follerin' arter, payin' no more attention to the Parson than if he had been a young 'un a-runnin' around. When they saw the crowd, the pall-bearers and most of the people who were jest follerin' the remains through sympathy, turned back on the run and left the mourners standin' thar by the coffin. THE PIG's TAIL AS EVIDENCE. 69 "Oh! it was the most excitin' time the village ever seed. The ground was too soft in the gardin for the pig to git around well, and pooty soon he gin out. I was awful tired, too, and was hangin' a dead weight on him for the last ten minutes. - “When the boys see the knot on the tail you ought to hear 'em a-hollerin’, ‘Bets off! bets off!' They were set on claimin' a foul, and surrounded the old judge, demandin’ thar money. “But, as the crowd was increasin’ and the Parson was elenmost crazy, the judge told 'em to come with him to the Court-house—he wouldn't decide nothin' in the gardin. As the hog couldn't walk, the judge took his tobacco knife and cut the tail off and took it along with him to introduce as proof. He decided in my favor. He said that I had held on to the tail and touched nothin’ else, and if I managed to tie a knot while runnin' I had performed a feat never before heard of in the country, so he paid over the money. 7e PICTURING THE PARSON. “But Parson Coolridge was the most worked up of any of 'em. He had legal advice on the matter, but the lawyer told him to gin it up, for the judge was on my side. Besides, he shouldn't have left the gate open, if he didn't want the pig to go in thar. Arter a while he gin up the notion of suin’ me, but while he stopped in the village he never got over it. “The boys had pictures chalked up on the fences and shop doors, so that wherever you'd look you'd see sketches of the Parson runnin'. pack from the funeral, and me a holdin' on to the pig's tail. He paid out more'n ten dollars in small sums to one boy, hirin' him to go round and rub out the pictures wherever he'd happen to see 'em. But every time the Parson would start out through the village, thar on some fence or door, or side of a buildin', would be ſm. same strikin' picture of him, a streakin' it to head off the hog, so he would start the i rubbin'-out boy arter that one. º “One evenin' he happened to ketch that self. same little rascal hard at work chalkin’ out the • JUVENILE DEPRAVITY. 71 identical sketch on the cooper's shop door, and the Parson was so bilin’ mad he chased him aſ MORE LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT. over the village. The young speculator had bin carryin' on a lively business, but arter that discovery thar was a sudden fallin' away in his 72 SAVED BY JUDGE PERKINS, income. I tell ye it made a plag'y stir thar for a while, and I reckon if Judge Perkins hadn't been on my side I'd have been obliged to git out of the place.” --> MY DRIVE TO THE CLIFF, AM wofully out of humor, and what is worse, out of pocket, and have just been settling a bill for repairs to a buggy which was knocked out of kilter on the Cliff House road the other day. At the present writing I feel that it will be some time before I take the chances of injuring another. The moon may fill her horn and wane again, the seals howl, and the ocean roar, but I will hardly indulge in the luxury of a drive to the beach for many a day to come. I had a couple of ladies with me. Splendid company ladies are —so long as they have unlimited confidence in your skill as a driver. But they try one's patience after they lose faith, and want to get (73) 74 HIGH-STRUNG TROTTERS. the lines in their own hands every time you chance to run a wheel into the ditch, or acci- dentally climb over a pig or calf. Those who were with me on that occasion are not particu- larly loud in their praise of my driving. The fact is, I didn't acquit myself in a manner calcu- lated to draw down encomiums in showers upon my head. I drove a span that day. They were called high-strung animals. But I don't like high-strung horses any more. If they would only run along the track like a locomotive, I could hold the ribbons as gracefully as any- body; but I am very much opposed to all of their little by-plays. This getting scared at a floating thistle-down, or grasshopper swinging on a straw, is something I don't approve of in a horse. There is no reason in it; no profit accrues from it. But my trotters were frightened at different objects at the same moment—one at a snail peacefully pursuing his way across the road, and the other at a butterfly winging his wab- bling flight along the ditch. At once they be- SUNDRY COLLISIONS. 75 came unmanageable, and vied with each other in extravagant antics. From the first the ladies had no very exalted opinion of my manner of handling the lines. Even before we were well under way I had the misfortune to run down a calf. Then a Newfoundland dog thought to stop the buggy by taking hold of one of the hubs, but he made a mis-dive, and shoving his head between the spokes, kept us company for twenty rods without any effort on his part what- ever. I also ran over a wheelbarrow loaded with bricks (the Irishman escaped with a crushed hat), and overthrew an apple woman's stand while turning a corner. I can yet hear ringing in my ear the shouts and execrations of the old vendor, when she saw the wheels mounting her baskets and squeezing the cider out of her choicest bellflowers. Until I passed the next street I could look back and see the old lady in her embarrassing situation. There she sat, caught under the broken table, and kicking about wildly, in frantic efforts to free herself, while her bonnet was knocked askew by the 76 A BROKEN MERCHANT. fall ani stuck on one side of her head in the most jaunty position imaginable. || At this point the horses became more fright- $ * *- - r -- ----º- *-** - t § ~ t : * º --- º::::: º Hºſºftit.º#:㺠º: º ºzº ######tºº ſº *{{#tº§ ######ºff. ſº - * t º º ### # - ſº ſº * $. - - w 3 - º ğ º • ſº % º - §§ * * % # Sº - § º ſº ſº///#! f/ - f º 7/# sº %; & % tº gº §§ tº º º º à. º 82 3% / % -&- - sºvº **** % §§§ 3. º ~ º: º § º Sº ; ºn tº fº. Q & 2 º º ſº º º, rº º 3:22: %2% %22 G ; } | by º§ Fº : *% ** SLIGHTLY EM BARRASSING, ened, and commenced cutting up strange didos. Things were getting badly mixed, so much so that one horse turned his head to the dasher. 77 1tuation, and voting me an incompetent driver, began to STRANGE ANTICS. The ladies took a hurried view of the s ... • @₪ ź%Źź%%。%ğ№šŠ ſaeae º •¡ ¿){}º º. ſae §§ Źź % Ž) § %% S § Ķ? Ēģnſ →¿? - w * ºx * -- º : - . t * 2:3.: # - §4% # .. º, Z . ,,.:.,,,,,%,, ºg aeŹź%% %% · ·.、。 ſae ¿ºğ �¿?ſae%5%| §§2/224%• ¿æ BADLY MIXED. desert me by back-action movements over the rear end of the buggy. 78 DRIVING NOT MY FORTE. I shall always think that I could have man- aged the animals without any difficulty if they had not both been frightened at the same time. But with one bucking like a Mexican plug, evidently bent on crawling under the buggy, and the other seemingly striving to reach the stars by an invisible ladder, they were indeed difficult to control. * A My companions concluded they had sufficient buggy riding for one day, and took the cars into town, while I patched up the harness as best I could, and returned to the livery stable, fully concurring with the women folks that as a driver I was not a success, and that hereafter promenades would suit me better. -* DUDLEY'S FIGHT WITH THE TEXAN. HE poor cur, kicked and scalded during the day, at night can lie and lick his sores in peace. The scudding hare that can hold out ahead of the baying beagles, until black Hecate waves her wand between the hunters and the hunted, may hope to shake them off. The aeronaut, tiring of the clamor here below, can rise above the busy haunts of men and hold sweet communion with the gods in quiet. But I, alas, find no escape from the inex- orable plague, “Jim Dudley.” He comes upon me like a thief in the night and mars my rest. Within the holy sanctuary, even, he whispers in mine ear. Through the busy marts and thoroughfares he haunts me (7 oy 80 JIM ON THE BORDER. still ; and tells of fights and hair-breadth es: capes, with all the glibness of an old battle- scarred veteran who has primed his firelock in three campaigns. He talks of drawing deadly weapons as a dentist would of drawing teeth. In all likelihood the fellow never drew a weapon in his life, except, perhaps, at a raffle. I had long noticed a scar on “Jim's" forehead, but never ventured to ask him how he got it, fearing a story would follow. Last night he detected me looking inquiringly, and without any query on my part the following infliction fell upon II] e :- “You see that scar that looks somethin' like a wrinkle, over my left eyebrow, don't ye? Wal, you can't guess how I come by that. Cow kicked me? No, not by a long chalk, nor a hoss nuther. I got that scar the summer I was gwine through Texas. I'll not forget how I got it, nuther, in a hurry, for I never did have sech a narrow dodge since the night dad's old house burned down and I got out through the cellar drain. * A RUNAWAY EYES, 81 - - --~~ “I was travelin' towards the border of Texas, gwine away back of Waco, and arter. I got as far as cars would take me I set out on hossback. One evenin', jest as I was gettin' into a small village, my hoss got one of his legs into a hole in the road, and fallin' over, broke it snap off below the knee. I felt mi’ty bad over it, because I didn't have any too much money about me; but I had to leave him thar and go into the village on foot, carryin' the saddle along, for I cal’lated to git another animal the next day and continue my journey. I put up for the night at a small hotel, and thar was quite a number of fellers a settin' around the bar-room talkin'; but amongst 'em was one big, ugly- looking villain, with a glass eye that was con- tinewally droppin' out and rollin' across the floor like a marble. Pupil up and pupil down, it would move along under chairs and tables, the most comical lookin' thing you ever sot eyes on. He would walk after the truant, glarin' around with the other eye as though watchin' to see if anybody was laughin' at him. Then 6 « <--- * 82 WATCHING THE BULLY. he would pick it up and chuck it back into his head ag’in, as if it was a pipe that had dropped out of his mouth. BILL AFTER HIS GLASS RYE, ł “He seemed to be a bully amongst 'em, for when any of the other fellows went to pass they circled around him, somethin' like a woman around a hoss standin' on the sidewalk. I A COOL PROCEEDING, 83 judged by that they were skeered of him, and didn't want to git anywhere near his corns lest they might accidentally touch 'em. “I sat thar watchin' of him for some time, and at last, while he was leanin' on the counter beatin' time with his fingers on top of it, a feller come in and called for somethin' to drink. “The bar-tender gin him the bottle and he poured out a drink and left the glass settin' on the counter, while he turned around to drop his quid of terbacker. As he was doin' it the big, bully-lookin' customer h’isted the glass, drained it right thar, and smacked and licked his lips arter it as though wishin' thar was more of it, somethin' like a young widder arter ye give her a kiss. & Y “The feller that ordered the drink turned back, wipin' his mouth, gettin' ready to swaller. When he see the empty glass he riz up sort of indignantly, and was agwine to say or do some- thin', but when he see who it was, he changed his mind pooty sudden, and settlin' down about six inches, turned around and jest slid away 84 FRIENDLY ADVICE. easy Eke out of the room. As he was gwine out I :ould see his ears looked as though they welf: feezin', for they were gettin' whiter and Sº <-4---- sºs ZºSs s THE MINISTERIAL-LOOKING MAN. *. whiter as he moved along down the steps. As I was thinkin’ about it, a ministerial-lºokin' man come edgin' up to me and ses:— “‘You’re a stranger in this quarter, I believe, NOT A DESIRABLE JOB -85 and ſet me gin you a little advice; it may prove valuable to ye before you git away from yer.’ “‘Why, what's the matter?' I asked, won- derin’ what he was comin' at, “have you got the smallpox in the house?' I contin'ed. “‘Smallpox l’ he answered. ‘Wuss nor that, stranger; for the love of peace,”he con- tin'ed, ‘keep clear of that feller at the counter. Let him hev his way. You mout as well under- take to cross a crater as him in any of his bul- lyin' tantrums. Now mind I'm tellin' ye. If his eye falls out, don't laugh at it, don't betray yer emotions. “‘If he steps on yer corns, take it as if old Jupiter hisself had reached down his foot and trod on ye, and you'll come out of it better than if you did object, a mi’ty sight.' - “‘Who is he 7' I inquired. “‘Why, that's Bill Cranebow, Glass-eyed Bill, they call him. He's had more fights over that glass eye of his'n than ever a dog had over a sheep's shank. “Everybody's afeared of him. They hate 86 BILL KNOWS HOW TO CARVE. him wuss than a lawyer does a peacemaker. No one who knows him wants to undertake the job of gettin' away with him; they'd ruther let it out to strangers. Oh! he's lightnin' at a fight, for all he looks so clumsy. What the butcher is with the cleaver, that Glass-eyed Bill is with the bowie-knife. He knows jest where to strike to open a jint or git betwixt two ribs. You'd think to see him at it, he had practiced for twenty years with some old doctor, by the way he can disarrange the “house we live in,” as the poet ses.’ * _* “‘Wal, that's sort of curious,' I ses; ‘ain’t thar no person around this section that has had any experience at the cuttin' business 2 He's only human, I reckon. If he gits a poke be- tween wind and water he's as likely to wilt as anybody else, isn't he P’ I ses, jokin'ly, jest that way. “‘Thunder and mud l' exclaimed the minis- terial-lookin' man.’ ‘You’ve bin used to fightin' with women, I reckon. Lose his strength 2 You mout as well try to kill the strength of a BILL's DARK ROOM. 87 red pepper cuttin' it up, as that feller. Why, I've seen that Glass-eyed Bill in some of his fights yer, when he was so cut and slashed apart that you could see his in'ards workin' like a watch. And I'll be called a down-east noodle, if he didn't stand up to his work like a barber until he got through with his man. He likes to fight in a dark room best though, 'cause thar's no chance of gittin' on the blind side of him thar ; and the landlord not long ago fixed up one on purpose to accommodate him, he had so much fightin' to do. He'll work a quarrel out of the least thing. Laughin' at his eye rollin' off is as certain a way of gettin' into trouble as runnin’ ag'inst a wasp's nest. “‘Though he smokes like a coalpit himself, I knowed him to pick a quarrel with a young Georgian and kill him, because he happened to send a whiff of smoke in the direction whar he was settin'. Ever since that, whenever he comes into the room, you'll see the fellers a-pluckin' and a-snappin' thar pipes out of thar mouths and crammin' 'em into thar pockets or ~ 88 BILL CARVES A TUSCALOOSAN. under thar coat-tails—anywhere to git 'em out of sight, like hoys who are just learnin' the habit when they sight thar dad a-comin' along. “‘Take my advice and keep away from him, for he's dead certain to pick a muss with strangers, as they ginnerally resent his insults. Plague on him l’ he contin'ed, ‘I wish he'd go away from the door, I want to git out; but it's not good policy to go a-scrougin' past him while he's lookin' so alfired glum.' With that the old man went quietly over to a cheer in the corner and sat down—somethin' the same as a monkey does when a larger one is dropped into the cage. ~ * “I went to bed pooty early that night, as I was plaguey tired. In the mornin' I learned thar had been a fight in the dark room betwixt Glass-eyed Bill and a Tuscaloosan. Bill, as usual, had killed his man. I began to wonder whether I'd git into some scrape or another before I’d leave, and as there was to be an auction sale of horses and mules that mornin' A MULE BREEDS TROUBLE. 89 right thar at the hotel, I concluded to make a purchase and git away as soon as possible. “I bid two or three times on horses, but they run 'em up too high. At last they fetched out a big mule, and thinkin' that would be jest the thing, I went for him pooty strong, and suc- ceeded in gettin' him. Glass-eyed Bill had bin settin' on the door step thar, and didn't seem to be takin' any part in the biddin'; but when I went to lead the mule off, he hollered:— “‘Whar are ye a-gwine with that critter? Leave him standin' thar, please; I kin attend to him myself, I reckon.’ “‘Wal,' ses I, jest slow and easy, that way, for I wanted to keep down my rizin' temper, knowin' what I was when I got mad, “if I'm any judge of auctioneerin', the mule is mine, and I cal’late to lead him away when and whar I please.’ “Just then the same old ministerial-lookin' man come chuckin' and pullin' at my coat, and ses he, ‘I’m takin' ruinous risks in speakin' to ye now,' he ses; ‘but I tell ye again, don't cross him ; let him have the mule, or you'll 90 BY-STANDERS SMELL DANGER. expire quicker than a spark when it drops into a b'ilin' pot. He doesn't want the mule no more than a husband wants two mothers-in-law; but he's jest pinin’ to git ye into a muss, and he doesn't see any way of doin' it without he dis- putes the mule with ye. Let him have it, or it'll be wuss for ye; now mind what I'm tellin' ye.' . “‘No, I'll be shot if I will !” I answered. “He ain't a-gwine to wipe his hoofs on me until —arter I'm dead, anyhow.' And with that I began to move away with the critter, when Glass-eyed Bill jumped up from whar he was settin' and shouted pooty snappishly like, ‘Hold on thar! drop that rope, unless you want to collapse so quick that one-half of ye will be in etarnity before the other half knows thar's any- thin’ amiss.” “‘On what groun's do ye claim the critter!’ I asked, jest a-b'ilin’ inside, but keepin' sort of cool outwardly. * “‘Words doesn't amount to a woman's sneeze in settlin' a matter of this kind,' an- swered old Glass-eye. BILL's BIG BOWIE-KNIFE. 9I “‘What does, then P' I inquired, quite inno- cent like, as though I didn't know what he meant; though I did know sure enuff what he was drivin' at. “‘This does l’ he answered, rizin' up and puttin' his hand behind him, as I do now, and jerkin' out a rippin' great knife about as big as the colter of a plow. “That's the sort of a thing to settle disputes with. No gentlemen will argue a case while he's got an arbiter like that to leave it to,” he contin'ed, a-slappin' it down flatways into the palm of his left hand as he spoke, and bringin' an echo from an old - barn that stood near. *} “I see the bystanders began to turn pale as whitewashed chimneys, and commenced lookin' at the ground as though huntin' for straws or splinters to pick thar teeth with, but they only wanted some excuse to git away. “‘Supposin' I should pull out a knife about seventeen inches and a half long,' I ses, jest that way, ‘what then 2' “‘It’s jest exactly the thing I want to see,' he * 92 THE DARK ROOM. ENGAGEp answered quickly. “A young mother was never - . more tickled when she discovered the ſust tooth a-peepin’ out of her young un’s gums, than I am when I see a knife comin' out ºf its sheath in a feller's hand.’ “‘Wal, I reckon you must have been brought up in a fightin' settlement,' I ses, jest like that, for I couldn't hardly keep from jokin', he seemed so amazin' eager. ~. - “‘Come, which’ll ye do? gin up the mule or fight? You've got to do one or t'other,’ he ses, impatiently, as he stooped to pick up his glass eye, which jest then drooped out and was a-rollin' under the hoss trough. **Wal,' I ses, ‘I ain't perticularly stuck arter fightin', but it's bad enough for a feller to squirt his terbacker juice onto you, without wantin' to rub it in ; and if it'll be any accommodation to ye, I'll fight fust and then take the mule arter- wards.’ & “‘Enough sed,” he answered, just short that way; and then turnin' to the landlord who was SHARPENING THE TOOLS. 95 standin' in the door, he asked, ‘Is the dark room ready for use 2' gº ºf & *- tºŽSºlº:§ iº -.; -.:: -}-! -2;*:º-:\ #-$ººº º}. * §8 . .|º~ ºyº º- :s:**|ffº-- T. N.§ L–º|à:º-| ººsºº# ºi |ºg§ºf. wº3.&:;:h:& ;ºº&g--> -§ =a 3ºs -52 >%-º:- c--ºv |º ºº # º | - º º º | | § STARTLING DISCLOSURES. “‘No, not quite,’ he answered; “thar's some pieces of that long Tuscaloosan lyin' around in *. Aº’ 94 A MANY-RIBBED TUSCALOOSAN. thar yet, I believe, but I'll attend to removin' them right away,’ and he started off with a bucket and dust-pan. 4. • --T “So we all went into the bar-room, and staid round thar waitin' until the place would be prepared. While we were thar, Glass-eyed Bill pulled out his knife, and commenced to draw it backwards and forwards over his boot- leg, as though to git a fine edge on it. “‘Wall, you can whet your great scythe blade,’ I ses to myself, kind of low that way, for I allowed he was doing it to skeer me. “It ain't allers the longest-horned cow that does the most hookin'. Prehaps my old terbacker shaver has got p’int enough on it to inaugurate a new passage to the interior if it won't cut a har.’ “Arter a while he leaned over to a feller that sat by the table, and while runnin' his thumb sort of feelin'ly along the edge of the knife, he ses: ‘The man I bought this from in Galveston assured me it was the best of steel; but he lied, I reckon, for I turned the edge of it last night on that long Tuscaloosan's ribs. Yet JIM GETS FIDGETY. 95 that's not to be much wondered at, arter all, for I do believe he had as many ribs as a snake. I thought I never would succeed in gettin' the blade betwixt em. Arter I got him down in the corner and his knife away from him, I com- menced jabbin' at his armpit, and I prospected the hull away down to his kidney, before I could git in far enough to let his dinner loose.” } “Gewillikins ! when I heered him talkin' like that, didn't I begin to squirm aud fidget around on my cheer! I wished then I had never seen the place, more especially the long-eared mule. But I see I was in for it, as the boy said when he got his head stuck in the cream jar. Thar was no way of gittin' out without comin’ right down to beggin' off, and I was too consumin' proud to do that, you know, if I was sartain of bein’ cut up into as many pieces as a boardin'- house pie. “Jest then the landlord came back and sed the room was ready, but remarked that it was a leetle slippery yet. He sed, for a lean man he never did see a feller that had so much blood 96 IN THE DARK ROOM. —into him as that Tuscaloosan had. Beckonin' me to the counter he ses:— “‘You mout as well settle your bill now before you go in thar; it may be more satis- factory to you to have the settlin' of your own - affairs, and it’ll save me the trouble of huntin' over your effects arter you're dead.' “All right,' I ses, ‘now, if you say so; but it's ginnerally admitted that sure things some- times git mi’ty slippery all to wunst, and per- haps somebody's goggles may prove blue in the mornin' that were bought for green uns at night.” “I didn't want to let any of 'em think I was skeered, though, by jingo! I felt sartin of bein’ minced up, and the cold chills were just streakin' all over me. --- “So we started for the room, which was about twelve feet square and dark as pitch. “The landlord held the door open until we were in opposite corners with our knives out, Then he shut and locked it and left us to work out our own salvation, as the missionary did the BILL DIES HARD. g? & South Sea Islanders when he overheerd 'em talkin' about the best way of cookin' him the next mornin’. “Wasn't it dark in thar though? and still? you could have heered a lizard a-breathin' in thar, it was so quiet. “I allowed Glass-eyed Bill was expectin' that I would go a-shufflin' and a-huntin' around for him, but I had no sich foolish notion. I cal'lated if thar was any findin’ to be done he'd have to do it, for I was detarmined to stand right thar till I'd drop in my tracks before I'd go a-s’archin' around for him. “I commenced breathin’ about twice a min, ute, and not makin' any more noise at it than a wall-bug, nuther. But for all that I heered him a-movin' over towards me. I'll allers think that Cranebow had a nose onto him like a setter dog, for he somehow or another got right over thar whar I was standin’. Pooty soon I felt somethin’ a-stingin' along my forehead thar, and I suspected at once that it was the knife that was feelin' around for me; so I reckoned 7 98 THE LANDLORD DISAPPOINTED. it wouldn't be long until he was a-proddin' of it somewhere else, and like the boy with the candy bag, I cal’lated the fust poke was every- thin'; so I made one sudden and detarmined plunge and a sort of upward rip, at the same time, cal’latin' to do all the damage I could right at once while I was about it. “He heered me start, and thought to squat down before I got the knife into him I reckon. Though his intentions were good he only spread the disaster, like the gal who tried to put the fire out ºth the corn broom, for as he was gwine d. a the knife was rizin', and the result was trul, astonishin'. I'll be smashed if he didn't fly open from eend to eend like a ripe •, pea pod. It was done so alfired quick too, '' that he didn't realize how bad he was hurt I think. Ses he, 'We'll try that over agin, stranger.” As he spoke, he started to git up, but fell away seemin'!y in two different direc- tions. “Not on this side, we won't,' I ses, as I went huntin' around for the door. SCATTERED HOPES. 99 “I was surprised as much as him at the way things had turned out, for when I stepped into that room I looked on it as steppin' into another world. When the door was found I commenced knockin', and pooty soon the landlord came and opened it. He couldn't see me at fust, but allowed it was the bully that was thar, of course, and ses he – *. “‘You made pooty quick work of it this time; that feller won't want to buy any more mules arter this, I take it.’ “‘No,' ses I, steppin' out, ‘nor claim a critter that doesn't belong to him nuther.’ “‘What!' he cried, jumpin' back with a look upon his face that told me at once he was mi’ty displeased at the way things war developin', ‘is it you? whar's Glass-eyed Bill?” he contin'ed, shadin’ his eyes with his hand and peerin' into the darkness. * “‘He's lyin' around in thar somewhar,' I an- swered careless like, jest that way. The head- half of him is nigh the door here, paralyzed, I reckon, but the leg part is somewhere over in * wº t º ** } • * * Sº e * • * IOO J.M RIDES OFF TRIUMPHANTLY. the corner thar whar ye hear the kickin'; you mout as well be gettin' yer bucket 2 and dust-pan ready, for you'll have quite a job gettin' all the pieces together ag’in, I'm thinkin’,” I contin'ed, just that indifferent way, and walkin' out towards the bar-room as I spoke. “You never did see a feller so set back in your life. He looked at me as though I had as many heads onto me as the beast we read about in the Scripters. I’ll allers believe that he was in cahoot with old Glass-eye, and jist kept him thar to pick quarrels with strangers so they could have the pickin' over of thar effects. “Arter washin' my hands and plasterin' up the cut on my forehead a little, I went out and sad- dled the mule, and the crowd all came out to see me gwine off. I reckon if I had stopped in the village I could have had things about my own way for some time. Before I rode off I turned round to 'em and ses:— “When you git so frightened of a bully *. * * sº * * aſº ! . 4, º dº & * +, wº **. * * JIM GIVES ADVICE. IOI ag’in that you daren't sneeze within forty feet of him, jest send for me, and I’ll open him up ready for saltin' while you'd be wipin' your mouth.’ A TERRIBLE NOSE. WAS to-day brought in contact with an old gentleman named Bickerstaff, who keeps a crockery store in the village where I am visiting. . This Bickerstaff is the unfortunate possessor of the queerest-looking nose I have yet encountered. It was not the original intention of Provi- dence that he should follow such a proboscis through life, for there was a time when he, like other men, had a forerunner ornamental as well as useful. But through an accident, the nose he now bears in all its deformity was shoved upon him. **. **. It seems one day, while furiously pursuing a . little urchin who had mischievously put a stone (Io2) AN UNFORTUNATE STRIKE. IO3 through a glassjar by the door, he ran his face against the end of a scantling a boy was carry- ing past on his shoulder, and set his nose well up on his forehead in a triangular lump. Strange to say, no inducements that the sur- geon could hold out served to coax it back to - BUSTING THIS BUGLE. its former position. His wife, who was young, and rather prepossessing in appearance, worried terribly about it. She finally left him, and went to live with her mother, and immediately set about obtaining a divorce from him. IO4 wiFE SUES FOR A DIVORCE. She would, in all probability, have obtained it if she had not died before the case was prop- erly laid before the commissioners; because she was capable of doing, better, and when you come to see the nose with which she wished to sever her connections, you could hardly blame her. Old Bickerstaff, to tell the honest truth, did look like the very old Nick in masquerade COS turne. - His nose, as it reposed between his eye- brows, displayed an enormous pair of nostrils large as front-door keyholes. At a short dis- tance a person would think he had four eyes in his head. He was the living terror of the school children who daily passed his place of business. They either scurried past on the run, or with their hands over their eyes. & Even among creeping infants—who had often shrunk back from the threshold as old Bickerstaff passed the door—he was known as the Boo; and there was no danger of them crawling into the street while he remained in the vicinity. TOO MUCH FOR THE DOGS. IOS Nervously-inclined women also avoided him. They would cut across the road when they saw him coming toward them, or turn back, feeling their pockets as though they had forgotten something, and hurry back to go round some other way. Dogs never barked at him. If they happened to be engaged in that pastime when he hove in sight, they would slope off the demonstration into a yelp. And as if they had suddenly recol- lected that they were wanted at home about that time, they tucked their tails between their legs and dusted away at a lively rate. Hitched horses even snorted lustily and pulled hard upon their halters when old Bickerstaff shuffled by. The old gentleman had a pew in the church directly in front of the pulpit, and the first time he attended divine worship after his nose had been set up, he threw the minister out of his discourse altogether. He couldn't keep run of what he wanted to say, no way he could fix it. ** IO6 DEMORALIZES THE MINISTER. . He had Jonah swallowing the whale, instead of the whale doing the job for Jonah. No matter how much he endeavored to keep his eyes in some other direction, they would invariably wander back to rest upon that ter- rible sight, and then he would be off the track again in a twinkling. The next day the trustees of the church waited on Bickerstaff, and in the most polite manner possible requested him to exchange his pew for one farther removed from the pulpit. g The old fellow—who, by the way, had consid- erable temper—flew off the handle at once, and in the most unchristian-like language denounced the church and the doctrine that would draw the line of demarkation between fair faces and plain. He informed the trustees if the parson didn't like the looks of his congregation, he could turn his pulpit around facing the other way. Yet, though he was rough in his speech, and given to storming considerably when his pride was touched, he was not altogether lacking in A COMPROMISE. Io'7 those qualities which go far to make up your real man; and when the trustees offered to give him the side pew rent free, his voice at once grew low, and in a becoming manner he accepted the situation. After that things were not quite as bad. The minister occasionally got a quartering view of him, but the odd-look- ing disfigurement didn't strike him with full force. Still, I was informed, the Reverend gentleman's discourse was principally ad- dressed to the hearers on the other side of the church thereafter. But—to his credit be it mentioned—he always turned in the direction of old Bicker- staff when he closed his eyes in prayer. DUDLEY'S FIGHT WITH DR TWEEZER. IM DUDLEY called again last night, and, J as usual, bored me with one of his yarns. I overshot myself by mentioning to him how low he stood in the estimation of Doctor Tweezer, for that brought down the following upon my head:— “Dr. Tweezer didn't speak very highly of . me, eh Wal, 'tain't to be wondered at when you know how I wrought upon his feelin's once. When a feller has to go around among his patients for more'n two weeks with a beefsteak the size of a hearth-rug tied to his face, as he did, he ain't agwine to hurt himself eulogizin' the person who set him off—not much “Ever fight? wal, I reckon you'd think so if (108) WIDOW GEZOT AND HER HENS. IO9 you had seen the Doctor's yard arter we got through turnin' the chips over thar. He can fight, and squirm like a cat with her tail .. 3 tongs, that Dr. Tweezer can. *. “You see, the Doctor's place was alongside the widder Gezot's, and she had a numerous assortment of hens, specimens from cold coun- tries, with feathers clear down to thar toe nails; and others from bilin’ hot districts, with no feathers at all onto 'em, 'ceptin' a few downy substitutes frillin’ around the neck. They wrre continually a-gettin' into his garden and a sprawlin’ round in the soft beds thar. “He was pooty mad over it too, for he prided himself on razin’ early vegetables, and two or three times he cautioned her to look arter her p'ultry, or he'd gin 'em a dose that would warm thar little gizzards for 'em, if he was any judge of drugs. “The widder Gezot was a plaguey stirrin' little woman, one that was allers willin' to flounder ahead the best way she could. Being myself sormewhat interested in the lady, I used --~ * 1 to TWEEZER DOCTORS THE HENS. to ginerally chime in when she got into any difficulty. “She soon told me what Dr. Tweezer said about the hens; so we set in, and poked 'em, and stuck feathers through their bills, and did all we could, except wringing their necks, to keep ’em out of his garden. “But hens are hens, you know, and the warm sand makes 'em feel mi’ty nice, I reckon. They still managed to git through the fence, or over it, and hold caucuses in the Doctor's onion beds. One day, arter I had bin down town talkin' politics with the boys thar, I was settin' on the widder's door-step smokin' and musin' like, when I see her hens come a-rustlin’ hum as though forty hawks were a-stirrin' 'em up. They p'inted straight for the water trough, and after takin' about two dips into it, commenced the wildest gymnastic feats you ever see, flip- flopin’ around, stannin' on thar heads, and then on thar tails. Finally they quieted down, and turnin’ feet up, lay thar dead as the chips around 'em. ONWARD TO THE FRAY. II I “I more than suspected Dr. Tweezer had gin 'em a dose of arsenic or some other miſty §º tºº/, &ſº º, v -- D * * : "...:” --~. *. * - ºrº. -º-º: --- 4…É 22 pº- *==º:£º;Z/ - - - 2-ºº-ºº: -º-º: zº:-: E222* fº-sº 3: * * V º • - 4- ~23:F -*- Sºzº.” *-- s * * Pºd GOING FOR THE DOCTOR. tellin' drug. So I jest riz up quietly and took a look over into his yard, and sure enough thar YOU CAN than: * - , * a jº's “{* tri " . . . . . . ... tay inci's *** *... ... à. ***s, HI 2 DUDLEY ATTEMPTS TO PAY HIM. he was, a-staggerin' and squirmin’ around, a-holdin' of his sides, and e'enmost a-bustin’ with in'ard laughter. Now this sort of Upsot me. Not that I cared so much about the widder's chickens, but I didn't like to see a feller so mi’ty tickled over a mean trick. So I went prancin' around to the Doctor's yard pooty durned lively, a-pullin' off my coat as I ran. I cal’lated I couldn't devote much tire to strippin’ arter I got in thar. “His back was towards me, and he tºever suspicioned I was comin', but stooped over, warpin’ around and sort of unwittin'ly invitin' a kick. “‘It’s mi’ty funny business, a pizenin’ chick- ens, isn't it?' I ses, jest that way, and at the same time I gin him such a hoist that I sent him playin' leap-frog mor'n fifteen feet, and for a few moments I reckon he thought he had backed up ag’inst a batterin’ ram. “He was mi’ty cranky though, and turned round quicker than a dog when his tail is trodon. “Dudley, he hollered, “you meddlin' ruffian, QUITE A LIVELY TIME. II 3. you've invoked the pest, so now look out for scabs,’ and with that he came at me like a cluckin' hen at a strange dog. I see I was in for a lively time, as the boy said when he upset the bee hive. At it we went, ring and twist, duck and dodge, hop and catch it, round and round the yard like fightin' turkeys. I could - play around him at boxin' like a cooper round a barrel, but he was grizzly on a hug, and could. kick and gouge like a Mississippian. “He went for my right eye like an Irishman for a ballot box. I'll be blowed if I didn't think . I'd have to go one eye on it ever arterwards. Several times he had it stickin’ out like a door knob. Finally, while, he was a-fumblin' round, he accident’ly slipped his finger into my mouth, and I shut down on it mi’ty fast now I can tell you. g- “‘Fair play ! fair play!' he hollered, “no. bitin’.” “‘Rats l’ ses I, jest that way, 'twixt my teeth, “all's grist that comes to my mill, I reckon, and with that I snapped it off at the second jint like 8 *. II 4 SCALDING THE WRONG PTG. a radish. Jest then his wife, hearin’ an unusuah rustlin' and scrapin’ around the yard, come a-runnin' to the door to see what was up. Woman like, without inquirin' into the particu- lars, she took sides to wunst, and started with a dish of hot water cal’latin' to gin me an al-fired scaldin'. Luckily she stumbled over the dog that was a-skelpin' into the house to git out of harm's way, and her own young un that was crawlin’ around the floor munchin' dirt got the hottest bath it ever experienced. That gave her somethin’ else to look arter, so that the Doctor and I had it out alone. “Arter we had bin at it about fifteen minutes we held a sort of informal truce, just arter a simultaneous exchange of compliments, which left the Doctor layin' across the grindstone and- me astride the pump. It was the first chance I had of gittin' a fair look at him since we started in. I see he was punished mi’ty bad. One eye was retirin' from active service pooty fast, while his face ginnerally looked as if he had bin bobbin' for pennies in a dish of tomato ADMIRING EACH OTHER. II 5. sauce. H reckon he wasn't aware he presented such an appearance, for ses he:— ““You’re lookin' mi’ty bad, Dudley, and you mout as well gin up now as any time, for you'lf eventually have to holler.’ “If I looked one-half as bad as you do, Doc- tor, I would holler,' I answered. “I ginnerally have to look about this bad before my blood gits up to a fightin' heat,” he ses, detarminedly. “‘Wal, ses i, ‘I’ve fit at every election for the last five years, and last Fourth put the bully mate of Terre Haute into a coal bunker, blind as a bat, and I cal’late no derned pill- mixer is agwine to git away with me very bad.” “You’ll have to be born agin before you can whale me, Dudley,’ he shouted, ‘for I'll fight while there's enough blood left in me to lunch a stall-fed muskeeter.’ * “We both suck through the same straw then, Doctor’ses I, “for I cal’late to stick to you like a poor man's plaster to a beggar's ribs, or I'll have the worth of the widder's chickens out on 116 TOUCHED WITH THE SPUR. ye,’ and with that I spit out his finger that I had forgot all about, and the hul time had bin thawin’ like a piece of flag-root, I was so burnin' mad. I allers will think he would have gin up E- º Ş º º |%. sº | |||}^4 |##!!...?" li: § | #9. Fº N - # ºf º; º?% # li §§ §§§ {|| º # § is NSE: SČ §SºğSS §§§ * - Wººl #. 11th |||||||||||| tºº III]t #!!! |||}{|| - - | S N § § § § ºs ; ºº s :\\ HANDS UP AND HEADS DOWN. the fight then, if he hadn't seen me spit out the finger. He looked down at his maimed hand and then at me, and the awful sight seemed to spur him on ag’in. LIBERAL BLOOD-LETTING. 117 “‘You cannibal varmint l’ he hollered, as he edged up to me. “I’ll make head-cheese of yeſ" - and with that he made a pass at me; so at it we went ag’in, hotter than ever, hands up and heads down like fightin' wasps, round and about, over the goose-house and wheelbarrow spat-a-te- kick, roll-et-e-roll, and the hair was a flyin' and the teeth war a spinnin'. I got in a left-handed wipe on his chin while his mouth was open, swarin', and I made his jaws snap like a wolf trap, and sent one of his molars a buzzin’ through the kitchen winder like a bullet from a Springfield muskit. “I never knowed a man could lose so much blood and stand up arter it, until I had that fight with Dr. Tweezer. The blood was a-flyin' from him every which way, like the water from a sprinklin' cart, and yet he wouldn't holler. “Arter a while he clinched and throwed me, but I managed to turn him, and commenced to shut off his supply of wind by twistin' his neck- tie ; but jest as his tongue began to crop out promisin'ly, a couple of fellers drivin' by in a 1 I 8 TAKEN FOR A LUNAT1c. wagon seen us, and they allowed that I was Qne of the Doctor's crazy patients that had got the better of him; so they come runnin' in with a long rope, and set in to tie me up right thar. “The plaguey Doctor turned in to help 'em do it, too. I cussed, and hollered, and kicked Toff both boots, and broke two of my teeth a-grittin' of 'em, I was so consumin’ mad. But it was no go; I was a-playin' a lone hand, with both bowers and the ace ag'inst me. “The fust thing I knew they had me tied hand and foot, and histed into thar greasy old meat wagon with some dead hogs. “‘To the lock-up with him,' shouted the Doctor, jest bilin’ with rage; “he’s crazy as a cow with her horns knocked off.” They took me thar sure enough, and I staid thar till mid- night before the mistake was known. I was pooty well scratched up, but that Dr. Tweezer was the most horrid sight you ever did see. , “Arter that fight he looked as though he had been the subject in a dissectin’ room, with at AFTER THE FIGHT. I Ig Beast a dozen medical students peelin' and § § ºº §º : ſº Fº § l s § º § ſº § § \ \ § & §§§ºW § § NNN - §Rº: §§ NNN §§ §§ NS §§ § . §§ § [. º º * º 3% ºf Z º ºº::sº $32,32.2% ** * * º: **ºtº GALAS Poor pocºroR. hackin' of him in the interests of science. The T 2C EATING UNDER DIFFICULTIES. T}octor allowed that the erysipelas would set in, seein’ thar were so many small veins busted . in his face, so he painted it all over with scarlet iodine as a precautionary measure. “He did look like the very old Nick, and no mistake. His face was fearfully puffed up, you see, and his nose was knocked clear away round to one side. His mouth in Jarticular WalS 2#. study that a feller couldn't git familiar with. It *WºlS 31 problem that the more you looked into the more your ideas got confused. It was swelled and twisted and run around, out of all shape and proportion. “He had the terriblest time you ever heard of gittin' his victuals/into it and fairly started down his throat. Thar he would sit at the table, explorin’ about for fully five minutes -strivin' to make the harbor, and when he couldn't fetch it, he would draw the spoon back and look at it a while, plannin' another expedi- tion. He knew where his mouth ought to be, you see, and where it had been a few hours before, and to be obliged to canvass the whole AN UNCERTAIN MOUTH. I 2 # of his head to find it was somethin’ he wasn't accustomed to. “It seemed as if he never would git through jabbin' the spoon about his face, and when he would finally strike the openin', it would be away round on one side of his head, so much so, in fact, that a person would think he was pourin' the soup into his ear. He would be all hunkadory then durin' the remainder of that meal, but the next time he would come to the table, the same performance would have to be gone through with. “He couldn't keep run of the thing, nohow. ſt was here to-day and somewhere else to-mor- row, like a wrinkle in a shirt. “The swellin' kept shiftin' and undulatin’ about continually, down in one place and up in another, all within an hour, and that would shove the mouth away down along the neck somewhere, or clear across to the other side of the head, perhaps. “The family would be sittin' thar eatin' no more than he was, they would be so busily I 22 AGGRAVATING QUESTIONS. engaged watchin' his singular manoeuverin', and it would make him so roarin mad that he would send 'em all away from the table. “He tried to eat by the aid of a small lookin’ glass, but that didn't work any better than goin' it blind. When he saw how disfigured every feature was, his appetite would begin to git away from him pooty lively, and he would sling the glass into the corner, and fall to denouncin' me like a crazy bush-whacker. - “The yard, too, was a sight; everythin' in it was painted and scratched and painted ag’in. “Old Mrs. Sharron—who was allers a- smellin’ around about butcherin’ time, on the lookout for a fresh morsel—was gwine by the Doctor's the next mornin', and she noticed the blood and ha'r a-stickin' to the chips and pump handle, and she allowed he had killed his spring pig, so she dropped in to ask him for the ears and a piece of the liver. “The Doctor thought she was runnin' him on his late skirmish, and you never see a man fly into such a passion in all your born days. -> A HASTY RETREAT. I 23 “He jumped up and pulled his pizen pump out of a drawer, and ses he: ‘You old faded remnant! you scollop! you creasy old cinder of an incendi'ry fire l’ he contin'ed, jest that way, “I’ll gin ye jest seven seconds to git out of my house in, or I'll hoist the gizzard out of ye mi’ty quickl’ “Jehominyl wasn't she skeered, though 2 You never see a cat git from under a stove quicker when a pot biles over, than she got out of that house. “So Dr. Tweezer didn't speak very highly of me, eh? Wal, now you kind o' know the reason, don't ye * * GOING UP THE SPOUT. ATS and mice, like ourselves, often labor at a great disadvantage while endeavor- ing to make a livelihood. They often make a miss of it altogether by not knowing the proper time to set out upon an expedition. Their life is a perpetual skirmish. They have to take chances and be upon their guard con- tinually. Their mortal enemy and dread, the cat, may be asleep in the fourth story, and the poor mouse knows not of it as he looks wist- fully across the intervening space between the ash barrel and the basement stairs; but after weighing the chances of escape or capture, he scurries across the opening with as much haste (124) TRIALS OF A MOUSE'S LIFE. I 25 as though the sharp claws of pussy were raking the stunted fur from his wiry tail. The sun may pour down its genial rays and the planks which his way lies over be warm and inviting, but he cannot loiter to enjoy its warmth or survey the beauties of nature. Oh who would be a mouse ! sigh I, as I sit and ponder over his life of inherent fear and uncertainty. He seems to have no confidence in himself. His actions are like those of an inferior checker player. Shove about as he may, the chances are he will soon regret the manoeuvre, and wish himself safely back again at the starting point. Everything about the premises seems to be after him. He regards the old blacking-brush that lies under the bench with looks of suspicion, for hours together, and dare not risk a scamper past. He takes it for a horrid cat, quietly and patiently biding her time. He retires into his hole and waits fully an hour before peeping out again; but there it sits, to blast his sight and I 26 LIVING IN TERROR. *ause a cold thrill to run along his little spine. The fact that it does not change its position does not in the least weaken his mistrust; on the contrary, it rather strengthens it. “It is so cat-like,” he says to himself, “for it to be sitting there motionless.” In the handle pro- jecting from one end he very naturally thinks he recognizes the tail, and at this new discovery he backs into his hole again in great trepidation. He feels certain now that he was right in his suspicions. Another wait follows. On again emerging, there it lies as before; and if that mouse was profane, and had a soul to hazard, it would undoubtedly hazard it, and roundly berate that brush through compressed teeth It takes but little to set a poor mouse into a perfect fluster. Down rolls a stick of wood from the pile, and Mr. Mouse, nibbling at the other corner of the shed, jumps at least eight feet in the direction of his hole. The wind blows down the clothes-line stick, and simulta- neous with its fall upon the planks the heart, liver and lights of the poor mouse seem to be A CAT's LIFE RATHER FASCINATING. 127 running a steeple-chase to see which can jump from his mouth first. Away he scurries across the yard, so fast, that though your eyes were endeavoring to keep up with him all the way, you merely know something has been moving, but can only surmise what. ** We think sometimes the trials and disap- pointments of humanity are great, but dear me ! what are they compared to the miseries of these poor creatures. From their hardships deliver me! For all their care and caution, they do so often miscalculate. . This is evidenced by the number of times our old cat enters the house with her mouth full, and her eyes sparkling with pride. There is nothing so very degrading or humil- iating in a cat's life, and the thought of becom- ing a cat does not make one shudder as does the thought of becoming a mouse. A good household cat does not occupy such a very bad position in life after all; by good I mean an excellent mouser, one never guilty of letting a mouse escape after having the second wipe at * 28 A CAT's LIFE NOT DESIRABLE. him; no scraggy creature, with stove-sing"? back and scalloped ears, but a well-behaved, home-loving animal. The lot of such a crea- ture is preferable to that of some men whom I have met in life, that is, if there were no rude children in the house. There is always some drawback; a cat is peculiarly blessed that lives in a house where there are no children; it seems to be counted as one of the family almost, and its life, though short, is certainly a happy one. But ah! these reckless children, that snatch up Tommy by the tail as they would a sauce-pan, and as though the tail was actually intended for a handle. On second thought, the life of a cat is not so very pleasant after all. For the last half hour I have been deeply interested in the manoeuvres of a large rat in the yard of an adjacent house. He has made three unsuccessful attempts to go up the sink- spout. Thrice has he glided up the slippery incline until the tip of his long tail disappeared from view, but as often has he beat a hasty A PERSEVERING , RAT. 129 retreat, assisted on his downward way by a rushing torrent of hot dish-water. He is a determined fellow, however, and ON A RAID. sticks to an enterprise with the spirit and per- tinacity of a world-seeking Columbus, or a prison-breaking Monte Cristo. No doubt the hungry edge of appetite is whetted by the 9 § 3O DREAMS AND REALITIES. strong effluvium arising from Limburger cheese (the people are Germans), that fills the whole . atmosphere with an odor truly agreeable to the rodent nose, every time the pantry door is opened. The cheese has been lately stirred up, I presume, by the trenchant knife of pater- familias, and consequently the poor hunger- pinched rat is allured up the spout at this inop- portune hour, while the servant girl is washing the dishes. # Every living creature has its weakness. The horse whinnies when the oats draw nigh, and forgets the galling collar. Sheep, that at other times will not come within gunshot, grow tame and unsuspicious when the salt is shaken in the pan. The hog has a penchant for clover-roots, or wherefore does the rusted wire ring ornament his nose 2 Is it there because it is the fashion ? Ask the farmer. And undoubtedly cheese is the weakness of the rat family. It is their aim, and often their end, too. It is the shrine to bow down before A SAD AWAKENING, I 31 which the rat will jeopardize his life every hour of the twenty-four. --- He dreams of it. In his fitful slumbers he beholds it ranged around him tier on, tier, as in a great store room, and not a cat within forty leagues. He is in the rat's Paradise, and happy. No deceptive poisons that consume the stomach, no insidious, subtle traps, yawning ready to clutch the unsuspecting victim, sur-. round him. He is safe and at peace, and would dwell there forever and forever in one unbroken endless night. But the heavy rum- bling of a dray startles him, for all sweet dreams have their wakings; alas ! that it is sol He wakes, and where is he 2 Under the wet sidewalk, drenched and tousled with the drip- pings of the day's rain, with nothing for break- fast but a dry onion peel, the prog of the previous night, which nothing but a forty-eight hours' fast could induce him to seize. Ah, me! what chances the fellow has to take in Örder to secure sufficient sustenance to keep life and body together. # 32 VICTORY OR DEATH ! “Honor pricks me on,” soliloquized old Sir John, on the field of Shrewsbury, when he withdrew from the general clash and rendering up of souls, to breathe a spell, and moralize upon the insignificance of Fame, or Honor, as against the value of life. But nothing pricks on the poor rat but his craving little digestive organs. The mill is crying out for grists, the hopper is empty, the stone still turning, and something must be done, and that quickly. No honor is attached to the expedition, and even though he should succeed in making the “inning,” which is doubtful, all that can be said is, that he has “gone up the spout,” and in the common acceptation of the saying, inat is certainly nothing to be very highly elated OVer. / I actually feel ashamed when I think of the many projects I have abandoned through life, because I met with slight reverses. Here be- fore me is this poor water-soaked rat, his hair still smoking from his recent scald, emerging once more from behind the wood box, deter- “UP THE SPOUT.” I 33 mined to solve the problem of the sink-spout or perish in the attempt. A grim smile of resolution seems to part his pointed features, as he moves quietly up to the dripping conduit from which he lately scampered with steaming ribs. ? They may talk of deeds of noble daring, of vaulting the breach, or traversing the wilds; but for sterling courage, for indomitable persever- ance and pluck, commend me to this little adventurer in my neighbor's yard. In the face of three scalding inundations, he ventures again upon the expedition, unshaken, unsubdued, unterrified. He takes more chances and sub- jects himself to more risks in ascending that spout than old Samuel de Champlain in explor- ing up the St. Lawrence among the Iroquois. What if the large flea-pasturing dog lying , indolently in the yard would rouse from the lethargic sleep that holds him, and for once make himself useful by thrusting his bristling muzzle up the orifice after the little explorer, thereby cutting off retreat in the event of “DOWN THE SPOUT | * I 34. The terrible result of such an action on the part of the dog is too painful and improbable to contemplate. ~4- another disastrous deluge? JIM DUDLEY'S SERMON. EREAFTER I shall have no faith in reports. Last week I heard that Jim Dudley had left the city, and was con- gratulating myself on at last escaping him. But my congratulations were premature. Last night he called upon me, and kept me in tor- ture for fully two hours; at a time, too, when I should have been asleep. But what cared he for that? The scoundrell there was no shaking him off. He sticks to a person like mortar to a brick. I had to sit and listen, though I do honestly believe every word the fellow uttered was an unqualified lie; but he swears to its truth, and how can I prove it otherwise. It is better to take it as it comes, and ask no ques- tions for conscience' sake. (135} 3.36 AN UNPROFITABLE GENIUS, “I never told you about the sermon I preached over in Misertown one Sunday. I had a time of it thar and no mistake. Hold on a minute and I'll tell you how it was. SOMETHING NEW. “You see, Gil Bizby—that plaguey shirk, I never mention his name but what I feel like trouncin' of him—but he was a genius though and no foolin’ about it, a natural born inventor, chock full of notions as a toy shop. THE CHICKEN PLUCKER. I 37 “But somehow or another he never could bring anythin' to a payin' focus. Allers whit- tlin' and borin' and plannin’ around though. Wherever you'd meet him he'd be haulin' out of his pocket some old drawin', with more wheels and contrivances pictured out on it than you could think of in a twelve hours' dream. He never could git the cap-sheaf onto his endeavor though. Allers somethin' amiss; a wheel too many, or another one wantin', or too. many cogs to have the thing work just right, “He invented a contrivance for pluckin' chickens. “That was a rustler. He shoved the fowls through a machine somethin' like a corn sheller, an gin 'em an electric shock while passin' along, and shot 'em Out of a spout at t’other end of the machine as bare as weavers' shuttles. He didn't make anythin' out of it though. He had to chuck 'em through while alive, you see, and that clashed with the law. When he took the machine down to the city to introduce it to the pultry dealers, the society I38 A TRAGEDY. fellers who look out for the interests of dumb critters got arter him and sewed him up. They put a reef in his jib pooty quick now, I tell you. “They were passin' along through the mar- ket one day, and they saw Gil just a humpin' himself showin' off the apparatus to the market men. He was crankin' and pumpin' away, like a sailor when there's fifteen feet of water in the hold and still rizin', and the chickens were a screamin' and a scootin' through the contriv. ance, close as if they were run on a string - head ag'inst tail, and just a cloud of feathers hoverin' around over it. Didn't they fasten on to that Gil Bizby though 2 They snatched him up quicker than if he had been hoss-stealin', and confiscated his plucker, and tucked an alfired heavy fine onto him besides. “Meetin' with such poor encouragement in that direction he went back to Sculleyville, and set out to invent a thunderin' great machine for layin' cobble-stones. That was just him all over; allers startin' in to git up some outlandish lookin' thing. This machine was a crusher and GIL BIZBY KNOCKED SENSELESS, I 39 no gettin' 'round it. It was fearful enough to make a cow slip her cud, I'll be shot if it wasn't. It looked somethin' like Noah's ark set on wheels and filled with all kinds of machinery. “He started in to experiment one moonlight night in front of the court house, but got the main belt crossed or somethin', I disremember just what, and Jerusalem in less than ten minutes he ran the whole population out to the foothills in thar night-clothes. There wasn't no stoppin' the consarned thing. Poor Gil was knocked senseless at the first revolution, and nobody else knowed how to control it. It rolled the whole length of the square, tearin' up the stones it had pounded down the day before and sendin' of 'em buzzin' over the village in all directions. “No home was sacred, and no head was safe, as the poet has it. Poor old Mrs. Scooley lived just long enough to learn this, and no longer. She was goin' once too often to git her pitcher filled at the corner grocery that night, and a stone took her in the small of the back as she I4O MRS. SCOOLEY FOLLOWS. was enterin' the door, and it h’isted her clear over the counter on top of a barrel; it's true .Fº §ºº§3 i §E.º NS: - : THE DocToR's scourge. as I'm tellin' it to you. Poor old body; she was the pioneer female of the village too. The first woman to wash a shirt in Sculleyville. j SOMETHING NEW. I41 But arter all, the town wasn't much loser by her passin' away. “She was a sort of panicky old critter any- how, always scary about catchin' the smallpox or any other prevailin' disease that come around. The old village physician said he would ruther see the very old scratch makin' toward him on the street than old Mrs. Scooley. “Comin' from church or market, as the case might be, she would fasten onto him like a wood-tick to a leaf, and he couldn't git rid of her nohow. She would have him time her pulse right thar on the sidewalk; and be a shovin' of her tongue out for his inspection. And she did have such an unlimited, wallopin' great tongue too; it seemed when she was shovin' of it out as though she was actewelly disgorgin' her liver. It's so, by Jingo! People would be a stoppin' and standin' thar, wonderin' what was the matter with the old gal—that is, people that didn't know her peculiarities; though most everybody in the village had seen her standin' in that position so often, that they I42 A SURPRISE. would be more surprised to see her with her tongue in her mouth than projectin’ out in the rain. “The old Doctor used to be terribly an- noyed. He would say, kind of hurriedly like, because he would be itchin' to git away from her: “‘Oh! you're all right I reckon, Mrs. Scooley; but you had better be a gittin' along home, and not stand too long in the cold air, with so much of your vital organs exposed to the weather; the result may be fearful if not fatal l’ “That would ginnerally start her off pooty lively towards her shanty. They say the first time the Doctor saw her tongue he was sur- prised so much that he looked actewelly skeered. Ses he: ‘I’ve been nigh unto eight and thirty years a practicin' physician, and until this moment I flattered myself that I was familiar with all the ins and outs of the pro- fession. But I begin to think I gin over the dissectin' knife too soon, for here's somethin' that I was not prepared for." *. GATHERING FOR SERVICE. I43 “But that's not tellin' you about the sermon, is it? but when I mentioned that Gil Bizby, I sort of wandered off arter him and his con- trivances. Wal, as I was about to tell you, Gil and I were saunterin’ around Misertown one Sunday, and we saw any number of gals goin' into the school-house where the preachin' was carried on. So we concluded to step in and git a better look at some of 'em. I didn't know many of the people round thar, but from what I heard I judged they were the meanest, close-fistedest set of sinners that ever had the gospel dispensed with amongst 'em. “I understood they had treated their minister plaguey mean when he fust come thar to look arter them. Thar was no regular place for him to stop, you see, and they agreed amongst themselves to take turns a keepin’ him until they could get a house up for him. He was one of those young, easy, green kind of fellers that had seemin'ly never been so far away from home before but what he could see the smoke of his father's chimney, or smell his mother's I 44. THE NEW MINISTER. corn-dodgers burnin'. And they soon took advantage of it, and sort of played button with him, shovin' him around from one to another as though he was too hot to hold. “He fust went to a feller by the name of -- ſwigglewort. Ses Wig, “I’m really very sorry, Mr. Sermonslice, but we unfortunately have no accommodations for you at present. We have no placé for you to sleep 'thout we put you in the barn, and the nights are ruther cold for that, besides the rats might annoy you. Sorry you happened to come just at this time, of all others the most embarrassin.' It's not but what I would like to have you stop with us; I would, indeed, Mr. Sermonslice, consider it an honor to have you.’ “The minister, takin' his books under his arm, started out into the night as though his life depended upon the most prompt kind of action. He wasn't within hailin' inside of two minutes. He went over and succeeded in gettin' lodgin's with a feller named Joe Grims- by, who lived over by Frog Marsh. TOO LAZY TO PRAY. I 45 “Joe was too derned lazy to do his own prayin', and while the parson stopped with him he got rid of it. They do say he was the lazi- yest old curmudgeon that ever turned up his † *S *- § S Joe GRIMSBY. eyes. He used to say a praar at the beginnin' of the month, and on the followin’ nights he would always allude to it in a sort of matter-of- fact way. “You know my feelin's towards ye. IO I46 IMPROVING THE TIME. Nothin' hid from ye I reckon. I haven’t changed my sentiments yet. If I do I’ll let ye know of it. I’ll keep nothin' back from you, though it should take the har off.' He would go on in that business-like way, and the hul time be a crawlin' into bed. “Wal, as I was goin' to tell you, Gil and I poked into the buildin', and sat down thar amongst the congregation. - “The minister hadn't come yet, and pooty soon an old feller got up, and ses he, “It may be the minister has had a late breakfast and will not git here for some time yet. In the meantime, as it's a dry season and our crops need a shower of rain, we mout as well have a little prayin' goin' on. We can't do much harm anyhow, and we may be the means of bringin' down a good smart shower that will be money in our pockets in the long run.’ “He asked several to take hold and do somethin' in that way, but one had a cold, and another one was just gettin' over the mumps. And so on they went makin' excuses. Finally A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE MINISTER, I47 the old feller turned to me, and ses he ‘Per- haps you would lead us, you look like one who has had some experience that way.' “I thanked him for the compliment, but told him I was somethin' like the officers in the army—I would ruther foller than lead. But he stuck to me like a Jew to a customer. Arter a while I consented, and jest as I was about startin' in, a feller come in and said the minister had got a terrible ticklin' in his throat caused by partly swallowin' a har in the butter over to old Joe Grimsby's, and couldn't attend to his duties that day. So the old chap got up ag’in, and ses:— • “‘We won't have any preachin' then, without some person present will volunteer to act in our pastor's place this mornin'.' But no one spoke up. ‘Perhaps,’ he ses, turnin' to me, “you would favor us by conductin’ the service, young man. You doubtless are competent to perform that duty.’ “This sort of got me. Then the thought struck me perhaps I'd make somethin' out of I48 LONG OR SHORT METER, 'em by it. Besides I didn't want to plead ig. norance right thar amongst 'em, so gettin' up, I ses: ‘This is somewhat unexpected. Honors foller one another pooty fast.” With that I got into the pulpit and began to look down at 'em pooty seriously. Thar was no Bible on the desk, so I asked if thar was any person that would loan me one for the occasion. - “Some of 'em spoke up and said they had books, but were in the habit of keepin' 'em to foller along arter the minister, and correct him when he made a mistake. Besides they liked to see how he worked out the text. I looked at 'em some time pooty hard. I thought they beat anythin' I had come across for some time, and I had a good mind to git down ag’in, only I allowed they'd laugh at me. So I ses, “All right. You can keep your books. I reckon I know enough by heart to git along with.' I then gin out somethin' for them to sing. “‘Short or long meter P’ inquired the leader of the singers, who were settin' over in the corner. I didn't exactly understand him. As PUBLIC REBUKES. I49 I knowed he was in the habit of meetin' Sal Clippercut over to Mrs. Curry's every Sunday afternoon, I allowed he was longin' to meet her. I spoke up pooty sharp, and ses, “You will please sing what I gin you to sing. I reckon you aren't longin', to meet her so bad but what you can wait until arter the service is over. She'll keep that long, I reckon, without spilin'. I know her. She isn't none of your Spring chickens nuther,' I contin'ed, just like that, and you ought to have seen the way he looked; and the gals commenced to snicker and crowd their handkerchiefs into thar mouths. “One little red-faced critter that sat alongside of him tittered right out. Her mother, who was sittin' near by, jumped up and ses: ‘Becky Jane, you go right strait hum this minute, and go to peelin' the 'taters for dinner.' But a feller who looked as though his mother had been a mullator, or even somethin' of a darker shade, got up and ses: “The gal isn't to blame in the least. It's 150 AN OLD SISTER MAKES A SPEECH. that feller in the pulpit thar. . I for one don't want to hear any more of his lingo.’ “‘Wal, then, you can stuff wool in your ears,' I ses, ‘and you won't have far to go to git it nuther,' I contin'ed, just that way, alludin’ to his own har, which seemed pooty woolly. “You ought to see how they looked, fust at him, then at me. He colored up, I reckon, but he was too black to show it. I heard him grit his teeth from whar I was standin’. He didn't say any more, but an old woman who was settin' near jumped up, and ses she “The meetin'-house is turned into a thaye- ter! When a muntybank gets into the pulpit it is high time for respectable people to be movin'. I'll leave!' she exclaimed, pullin' her shawl around her shoulders and beginnin’ to bustle out of her seat. r’ “‘Wal, ye kin go l’ I hollered, jest that way, for I was beginnin' to git sort of riled at the way things war a goin’. When I'm talkin' politics or arguin' over the merits of whisky, I can bear crossin' and any amount of contra- THE OLD LADY WELL STIRRED UP. I51 diction. But right thar, where a feller had to be choice of his language, it was different busi- ness. “Ye kin go,' I ses. ‘We kin git along without you, I reckon. We're willin' to chance M | - -ms- aer:::::::: tºº º º º &º gºº Pººr º sº & ſº-ºº º-, * &: . . ; º º. ; : Sº ºğ sº. ººººººººººººººººººººººº. º ºś TRUTH IS POWERFUL, it, anyhow. Take your knittin' along; don't leave that behind,' I contin'ed, pointin' to the seat as though I saw it lyin' thar. I didn't though, but I wanted to give her a mi’ty hard I52 SHE RETIRES IN DISORDER. rub, for I suspected her piety was put on, and that she was displeased because nobody was noticin’ her new bonnet. “The hull congregation took it for granted that the knittin' was thar, and you ought to have seen 'em stretchin' and cranin' out thar necks as far as they could to get a look into the pew. * “One old feller that was settin' back pooty far, craned out kind of quarterin' ruther sud- denly and his neck gin a crack like a bon bon. He commenced oh! ohin' and tryin' to git it back to its old position agin', but he couldn't make any headway until his wife went to rubbin' and chafin' of it, right thar. “But that old woman, whew She was as mad as a wet hen. She couldn't hardly find the door, she was so mixed up. When she finally got thar she turned round and straight. enin' of herself up she ses, ‘Young man l’— Before she got any further I broke in on her, for I judged she had a tongue that was hung in the middle. So I ses, ‘That'll do, that'll do, Clii, BIZBY GIVES ADVICE ON PREACHING. I 53 Mrs. You kin move along. You're disturbin' the peace of the congregation, and besides all that you're showin' your false teeth mi’ty bad in the bargain.' * “She got out arter that pooty lively, now I can tell you. I could see her as she went up the road towards her home, and two or three times she stopped and turnin’ around acted as though she had half a mind to come back and try the hul thing over ag’in. But arter standin' thar a while thinkin' like a pig when it's listenin' to the grass takin' root, she would shake her head and move along up the turnpike as though she concluded she had enough of that kind of pie. “This piece of performance sort of throwed me off the track. While I was standin' thar thinkin' where to start in with the discourse, Gil Bizby come a crawfishin' up the steps to one side of me and whisperin' ses, ‘I say, Jim, you haven't got to chock blocks already, have ye?’ “‘No,' I answered, ‘I ain't got to chock blocks, but I've got the ropes twisted around I54. A SOUND BIBLE SCHOLAR, and things look ginnerally mixed jist now, I can tell ye.” --- “‘Wall, start in on the sermon at once then,” he urged, “for they are gettin' mi’ty impatient now I can tell you. You've got to be doin' somethin' pooty quick. But whatever you do," MR. SPUDD, he contin'ed, “don’t git up very high without havin’some idea how you are goin' to git down ag’in. Keep steerin’ around waters that you've piloted over before. Remember a blind mouse shouldn't venture very far from its hole, espe- cially if thar's a whole generation of cats watchin' of it.’ A TEXT HARD TO FIND. I 55 “With that he backed down to his seat ag’in, and took out his pencil and began to design a machine for pickin' the bones out of fish, on the fly-leaf of a book that was lyin'...thar. So I started in on the sermon. It wasn't much of a sermon, to be sure. It was more like a lectur’. I couldn't think of any passages of scriptur' just then, so I gin 'em the line from the philosopher, “Why does the frightened dog depress his tail when he runneth P’ “You ought to have seen 'em rustlin' and turnin' the leaves, huntin' to find the passage. One old feller by the name of Spudd com- menced to paw over the pages, and his wife ses, ‘Don’t go that way; turn back to the Book of Job.” He looked round at her with his under lip stickin' out jest that way, arter wettin' of his thumb to start turnin' over ag’in, and ses, ‘Job be biled and buttered I kin pick old Solomon from amongst a thousand of 'em. He was sound on the goose, he was." “Two or three of 'em started in to ask me where the text was located, but I kept on talkin' THE OLD INTERROGATORs (156) NO MORE INTERRUPTIONS. I 57 right straight along, lookin' around to all of 'em at once and no one in particular. I didn't gin 'em a chance to stop me ag’in, or git a word in edgeways. One singular-lookin' old coon with a weed on his hat got up and stood signalin' of me, and waitin' and watchin' for a chance to ask me somethin.' But I never let on to see him. I reckon he stood thar five minutes with his finger up pointin' to attract my attention, and his mouth open so wide, that from my elevated position I could tell what he had swallowed for breakfast. “I gin 'em a sort of ramblin' discourse, alludin' to the prevailin’ passions, and errors of the age. Amongst other things I touched on jealousy a little-I wanted to stir 'em up a trifle on that subject, because there was a great deal of jealousy in that neighborhood. The green-eyed monster was a-rantin' and a-ravin' round in a good many households, and as it ginnerally turns out, there was least cause for it where it was most prevailin'. One old feller was moved by the first remark. When I said I58 THE MEETING OUT. —quotin' from the poet—‘Jealousy in the wife is wuss than trichina in the pork,’ he leaned over to the man settin' in the next pew and ses, ‘I can't tell you for the life of me whar he gits the passage, but it's the solid truth, anyhow.’ “So I went on and finished the sermon, or lectur' ruther, and then I ses, ‘The choir will please sing the hymn beginnin’ “Give, give, give to the needy,” arter which I will pass around amongst the congregation and take up a collection for the benefit of the heathen in furrin parts.' “Je-whitteker | You ought to have seen 'em turn around and look at each other when I said that. I can't describe it to you. I can't do the scene justiss. If I had told 'em I was goin’ to stay with them through the season, I could hardly have started ‘em to thinkin’ any more than I did by tellin' 'em about that collection for the heathen in furrin parts. * “Arter two or three attempts the singin' began. I closed my eyes, and leanin' back in my chair minister-like, commenced to estimate A MEAN MAN. I59 the probable yield of each pew. While I was thinkin' thar, and cal’latin’ how much I would make by the preachin' business, I noticed the singin' dyin' out, and a dyin' out slowly like, as the prisoner said his hopes were when the sheriff was a-fumblin' around his neck adjustin' the rope. So I opened my eyes easy like, as though comin' back to earthly scenes reluc- tantly, and you can water my whiskey if I wasn't just in time to see ole Ned Scullet's coat-tails whiskin' around the door jamb, the hindmost rag of the congregation. Women and children and all were gone sure enough. On lookin’ out of the winder I see 'em a scatterin’ and a-hustlin' and elbowin' themselves ahead of each other along the turnpike, as though thar was great danger in bein’ left be- hind. “Would you believe it, thar was that plaguey shirk Gil Bizby a-cranin' up the hill a-leadin' the crowd. I sat thar a while lookin' after 'em and then, comin' down, I began to look around a little, and pooty soon I noticed that several *=== I6O HOW THE MINISTER GOT HIS PAY. of 'em left thar hats, they were in such a hurry to git out. So I selected a good one, only ’twas a little out of fashion, and puttin' it on I ses to myself, “If you think I'm interested enough in your welfare here or hereafter to preach to you for nothin', you're mistaken, I reckon.” With that I walked out, but not until I had kicked the remainin’ hats around the room pooty lively. “The next day I noticed an old feller with a dilapidated beaver on, that looked as if it had done duty on a scarecrow for several seasons, sidlin' up to me, and circlin' around two or three times lookin' mi’ty close at my tile. I'll allers think it was his stove-pipe, but he was too much ashamed to come right out and lay claim to it.” MY NEIGHBOR WORSTED. ºmmammºmº S I look from my window I am surprised at the change the last half hour has wrought upon my neighbor and his immediate surroundings. At that time he emerged from the shed in which he keeps his extra household furniture, with a length of stove-pipe, and an elbow under his arms. They were apparently just the things he needed to tone down the draught of his new stove, and shoot the sparks clear of the banker's eaves. I think I never saw him look better-natured than at that moment. His face was clear and unruffled as a woodland pool. His children played around him with unsuspecting minds II - * : 61) I 62 TERRIBLE TRANSFORMATION. and unlimited speech. The household cat, with all confidence in his noble nature, famil- iarly rubbed her ribs against his leg, as he for a moment stood deciding which end of the length to introduce to the elbow. Even the old hen roosting on the inclosure seemed to settle her head into her body with more than ordinary satisfaction as she regarded the com- placent scene beneath her. -- But half an hour ago all was peace, confi- dence and love, and now what a change is here ! I hear the children, but see them not. Their plaintive wail reminds me how often laughter is the harbinger of tears. The hen, with ruffled feathers and outstretched neck, stands aloof upon the ridge of a distant dwell- ing. The household cat that had grown old in the family, and had good reason to believe her- self privileged, purrs no more. She has pain- ful reasons to think otherwise now, as she crouches in the most retired corner of the premises, assiduously applying whatever balm her tongue affords to injured parts. She .* THE OBSTINATE STOVE-PIPE. I 63 doubtless muses how heavier than an infant's spoon it is to feel an adult's boot. Yet my neighbor was neither rash nor hasty. He seemed the embodiment of perseverance, as he repeatedly offered that length of stove- pipe—an elbow, which it, like a prudish maiden, provokingly refused. Soon the drops of per- spiration began to stand upon his face and neck in large globes, and I knew that patience was oozing from every pore. I knew by the scattering children, the cackling hen, and the flying household cat, that the “rose-lipped cher- ubim,” of which the poet sings, were abiding with him no longer. Presently his wife came to his assistance with a case-knife, and for a time it seemed as though victory would crown their united efforts. Re- inforcements turned the tide at Waterloo, and laid proud France at the mercy of Europe, and how often the assistance from the mind or arm of a noble wife rolls back the enemy from the door. But reinforcements could not mend the 164 SOMETHING JOB NEVER HAD. matter here. The poor woman soon retired from the scene with wounded fingers and damaged pride. My neighbor himself has ceased to strive. Flattened, kicked, and abandoned, the pipes lie masters of the situation. Ah! I am fully persuaded that neither depth of affliction, nor height of impudence, nor length of trial, nor breadth of argument, nor extrava- gance, nor parsimony, nor things in particular, nor things in general, can begin to compare, as triers of patience, with a couple of old frill- edged stove-pipes, that emphatically set their edge against a union. A VISIT TO BENICIA. Toº I had occasion to visit Benicia. The place is situated on the Straits of Carquinez. Not far from the town the Government Arsenal and Barracks are situated. And as a striking proof of the loyal and law- abiding spirit of the citizens, I may mention the fact, that all the Government property above alluded to is defended by two soldiers, a cor- poral—who, by the way, has a wooden leg— and a high private. While stopping there, I noticed they were engaged in the pleasurable task of firing a salute of twenty-one guns, in commemoration of Bunker Hill. They were having a busy time of it, for while the wooden-legged corporal (165) - 166 THE HERO's FIRST EXPLOITS. W2LS loading and discharging the cannon, the private was forwarding the ammunition from the magazine—about a quarter of a mile distant —in a wheelbarrow. “If soldiers will do this in time of peace,” I said to myself, “what would they not accomplish in time of war?” and I walked away from the spot, congratulating my- self for having invested in Government bonds. The town, in all likelihood, would never have been heard of outside of the State of California, had it not been for the brave “Be- nicia Boy.” Here it was that he swung the blacksmith's heavy sledge, and practiced the first rudiments of the pugilistic profession, which subsequently gained him his world-wide notoriety. Many of the citizens are yet pointed out to the visitor as parties who at some period of their life served as a sand bag on which the muscular “Boy’ hardened his knuckles. As I gazed upon the scattered village, for it is no more, I mused, how a man should come forth from such a paltry place to “awe" the THE TOWN PUMP. 167 world. For as Goliath challenged the hosts of Israel, so came the brave “Benicia Boy” and dared creation's millions, And as the youthful shepherd, afterwards i- t: º St. & R t H Af # ºº 2. º § ! S : S f i § ; El | i § T ; { º -*. * . º | t# ă one of HEENAN's MEMENToes. king, rose up and smote the overweening giant with a stone, till his brain oozed forth, so from Albion's Isle a youthful “King” smote the Western champion in the midriff with his maw- ley, and all his wind gushed out! I68 FELLING A MULE. After searching some time to discover the blacksmith shop where the pugilist used to work, I learned that it was long since torn down, and a church now occupied the site. But an old gentleman, who kept a small boarding- house, conducted me to an ancient pump, at which he said the “Boy” on several occasions bathed his nose after having a bout with some person who didn't let him have things all his own way, and there I wept my tears of tribute. A large iron-bound boot-jack, set in a glass case, was shown to me by a saloon-keeper. He assured me, with this weapon the “Boy” had killed several cats belonging to the neighbors, which had disturbed his slumbers. This boot. jack had also caused the death of a mule, for on one occasion the pugilist hurled it with such violence at a cat that was scampering across the roof of a shed that the heavy missile went through the boards. A farmer's mule that was standing inside received the weapon behind the ear, and immediately went to gravel as though he had been felled with a sledge-hammer. The A TERRIBLE BLOW. I69 farmer instituted a suit against the “Boy” to recover damages, but the friends of the pugilist made up a purse to satisfy the demand of the farmer, and the matter was hushed. I was also shown a jagged hole in a high board fence, which, it is said, the “Boy” made one night while going home from a neighboring saloon. It seems he had some trouble with a com- panion before leaving the saloon, and seeing his shadow dogging his steps, mistook it for the substance of his late antagonist; very naturally presuming that his intentions were anything but friendly, he turned hastily around and dissipated the obnoxious shadow by knocking it about fif- teen feet into the garden. The fence rattled and shook around the whole lot under the terrible blow. He made a hole in the boards through which a large goat could readily jump without sacrificing any of its hair by the performance, and permanently injured a good-sized pear tree that stood inside the inclosure, about three feet distant. The concus- 2 º' * ∞ ȘÄYYYY ŅŅŇ]; }} () §§§§§ĶXVÆ√¶√∞ $$$$$$$$ №ĒŅĶ)§ÈN =! *S* =: ()}()}}©¿QR\\№ Ñ,\}\\}\\&&&# wº §§ ſ.Ģ% §§§ $$$$ §§§§§§ Ķģ \}\}\, ŅŅI %), º.¿Yų {}§y:ſaeſ? ſèſſſſſſſſſſſŘ® №ĖÄ& *(§§§§§©® §§§§§ №ſ:| № §§ğģ§§ ¿&§\\ÈN§§ &&&\\Y\\§\\§§§ WºW\}\\\\\\\}\})$\^\``&Șae W**\\}}:$№§§§§§§ ¿№š§§§ §§§<!? A SCIENTIFIC OPENING. (170) HIGH PHOPES. 171 sion was terrible. A couple of turkeys that happened to be roosting in the tree at the time dropped from their limb as though shot through the head with a needle-gun. Never afterwards could they be induced to roost upon anything further from the ground than the cross-bar of a saw-horse or the handles of a wheel- barrow. No doubt the town at one time had great expectations, as it formerly was the capital of the State. It is now a capital joke to see a person undertaking to walk through the town in the winter season, without faith strong enough or feet broad enough to support him upon the surface of the oceans of mud he will find himself gazing wistfully across. ! On my way down a man was pointed out to me on the boat who is said to be the meanest man in his county. My informant assured me that when the mean individual's wife died last year, he borrowed a pair of forceps from the dentist at Benicia, and extracted all her gold- filled teeth. And on the morning prior to 172 . A MEAN MAN. her funeral he sat upon the door-step, hammer in hand, with a flat-iron upon his knees, crack- ing the teeth like English walnuts, and with a sewing awl extracting the filling from the cavities. - THE COUNTRYMAN’S TOOTH. AST evening, while sitting in a physician's office, I was amused by a countryman who entered the office to have a tooth extracted. The doctor took one of the old- fashioned “cant hooks" and went for the molar, but whether it was owing to lack of skill or the patient's ducking while the instru- ment was being adjusted, it became fixed directly between two teeth, and after a painful struggle, out they both were drawn. The operator saw he had taken out two masticators instead of one, and before the patient noticed the fact one was chucked under some papers lying upon the table by his side. “Jerusalem I.’” cried the countryman, as soon (173) I 74 THERE IS THE TORMENTOR! as he could speak. “I thought by the yankin’ and the torturin’ pain you had hitched the blamed thingamagig onto my backbone and was a snakin' it out. Why, bless my soul!” he continued, as he ran his tongue into the awful chasm. “Hain't you made a mistake, doctor, and pulled out the jaw instead of the tooth 2 Thar appears to be a ginneral cavin' in all around thar.” f “Oh, no,” said the doctor; “there is the tormentor, sir,” and he held up the one tooth before the contorted face of the victim in tri- umph. “Your teeth pull out easy, sir, for their size,” he continued, as he wiped his instruments and put them away. “They do, eh?” he exclaimed. “Wal, dear help them that have teeth that come out hard. "Taint all in the pullin', nuther, but the incredu- lous hole they leave ahind 'em when they do come. Why, my teeth seem as far apart as two Sundays to a laborin' man.” “The other teeth will crowd over after a while,” said the doctor, encouragingly. HOPES HE'LL GET USED To It. I 75 “It may be I'll git sort of used to it after a while,” he replied, “but I'll be blowed to the moon, if it doesn't feel as though my tongue was wabblin’ around in some other person's 2 mouth about this time; ” and he arose from the inquisitorial chair, paid the danpages, and left the office. A ROLLING STONE. THIS afternoon, while climbing a steep hill that overlooks the bay, in company with -- a gentleman named Stone, I saw an illustration of the old maxim, º A rolling stone gathers no moss.” We had almost completed the ascent, when Stone's feet slipped from menced a rapid descent. -- • , About four hundred feet of steep grade - stretched before him without let or hindrance. saw at a glance he was bound to pass over . ey ºch of the space before he stopped. On ise went, gathering speed as he pro- - cee, and catching wildly around him at every evolution; but, as there was nothing * . . . . . 176) . . . . . . . . . . . . . A CLOSE RACE. I?? growing upon the barren slope but stuntest * * & \ D t sº §º Fº ---, She £ºs º *:::::: ºS Gº 2: .. := (A * * - º ſº º £(//º %/6% % Zºº ſf/ %/º A. A THROUGH PASSENGER, grass or brittle moss, his efforts to “slow speed” were in vain. After he had made H2 - gº 178 THE HAT DISTANCED, about ten revolutions his hat came off, and for a short time the race between him and his tile was truly interesting. It would have been an even bet which would first reach the fence at the bottom of the hill. After making about half the distance, however, the hat swung in ahead of him. Whether it was the wind acted upon it I couldn't tell, but Stone overhauled it and, pass- ing over it, materially injured its form as a roller, by giving it an oblong shape, and soon left the crushed hat wabbling far behind. He turned neither to the right nor to the left, but rolled as straight down the hill as a saw-log down the bank of a river into a mill-pond. Goats nibbling in the vicinity paused in their repast and looked pitifully at the gentleman as he went tumbling by them, and evidently con- gratulated themselves on being goats, that feel at home on the steepest hillside that nature can present to their hoofs. When, in his mad career, my friend Stone would reach some intercepting shelf, he would bounce about three £HEAP TRAVEL. I79; feet into the air, and continue down the incline with increased velocity. Nor did he stop his brilliant course until he brought up whack against the fence. Fortunately he was unhurt, but was so dizzy that everything was turning around him for an hour afterwards. He declares that though he should live until he becomes so old as to forget the way to his mouth, he has taken his last Hook at the city and the surrounding bay from . the summit of that hill. And when we think of his last descent from that high altitude, we can hardly wonder at the declaration. MISTAKEN IDENTITY. Namusing scene occu rred this afternoon as I was coming up from the post-office. It was a case of mistaken identity. It seems a somewhat dissipated old Irish woman was deserted some weeks ago by her husband. Through her domestic troubles and excessive drinking she at times becomes quite crazy, so much so that her friends have to keep a con- stant watch over her to prevent her from doing mischief. She is very large and powerful, and when in one of her tantrums is no easy person to manage. It appears that when she has one of these crazy spells, she imagines she recog- nizes her husband's Milesian features in almost every face she looks upon. (18o) SPOILING FOR A FIGHT. 18r This afternoon, while the crazy fit was upon her, she escaped from her keepers, and rushed into the street with dilated eyes and dishevelled hair. With sleeves rolled above the elbows and clenched hands, she charged up the street, looking right and left for some person on whom to fasten. She was indeed ripe for an encounter, and nearly the first person she met was a promi- ment clergyman returning to his residence from the Mercantile Library, with his newly selected book under his arm. She stood for a moment directly in front of the minister, and riveted her red optics upon his face in an inquiring stare, which soon kindled into one of recog- nition. Anticipating trouble, he attempted to pass around her and proceed quietly on his way. But she was too quick for him. Reaching out her long bare arm, she brought it around like the boom of a sloop, and with one wide sweep knocked his hat spinning to the sidewalk at her feet. 182 |NOT EASILY DECEIVED, He stooped to pick it up again, and while bent in the act, she seized him by the hair with Both hands, and giving a guttural laugh, not un- tº: a tºº E85 Nº. THE CLERGYMAN IN LIMBO. like the self-satisfied croak of a down East bull- frog, exclaimed: “Ah !. Barney, ye galavantin' spalpeen l ye can’t desave me wid yer stove-pipe | So ye’d * THE MINISTER SQUEALS. 183 dezart the wife o' yer boosome, would ye 2 ah, ha! come home wid me now, or I'll be afther takin' your durty ould scalp along wid me!” A soft rabbit under the wide paw of a Cali- fornia lion, or a sparrow in the talons of a hawk, is not more utterly helpless than was the poor dominie in her terrible clutch. His position was anything but an enviable one. It actually seemed as if every hair upon his head was gathered and drawn into one mass, over which her muscular fingers held complete control. He dropped his book and shouted loudly, partly through pain, and partly anger at seeing the fate of his fashionable hat, now lying under her great broad foot, flat as a German pan- cake. His cries of fear only made the crazy woman more confident of her abilities. She commenced backing along the street, in the direction of home, and at every step, with an irresistible yank, she dragged the expostulating minister along with her over the uneven sidewalk. She had snaked him along fully two rods in 184 “MARMION TO THE RESCUE.” this manner, and was making, to use a nautical phrase, such good stern-way that she was on the point of breaking into a trot, when her heel ` scaught on the edge of a plank. The result was terrible in the extreme. She fell backwards, pulling the unfortunate captive to the sidewalk after her, where they gyrated in the most ludicrous positions imagin- able. - A couple of gentlemen, emerging from a -store at that instant, looked on the pair in blank astonishment for a moment. Recog- nizing their own gifted pastor, they ran to his assistance, and lost no time in raising him to his feet, and turning over the old crazy woman to an officer who happened at that moment tº step out of a saloon. JIM DUDLEY'S RACE. **-- OW that I am rid of my wild-cat mining stock, my aching teeth and inverted toe- nails, “Jim Dudley’ turns up again with his stories and slang. Last night he told about the fast team he once sported in Indiana, and I wager consider- able that he never drove a horse in his life, ex- cept it was to the pound, that he might get half the fine. But this is the way he spun his yarn — “Did the boys tell you about the span I used - to drive down at Grab Corners? No? wal, that’s queer. I owned a mi’ty fast pair while I was stoppin' thar. * “You see, I fust had a four-year old hoss, and (185) 186 TIM DUDLEY's RAT-TAIL MARE. used to go buzziń' through the village like a streak o' lightnin'; and when I had jest enough whiskey aboard to make me feel a leetle reck- less, I used to turn the corners on the two inner wheels and never make a miss of it. “My ambition was to own a span, though. Arter a while I bought a young mare from Deacon Shovelridge. She was the homeliest lookin' critter, though, you ever sot eyes on. Her tail was as hairless as a garter snake. She was a basin-raised colt, and one mornin’ she was standin’ round whar the boys were makin’ soap, and while backin' up to the blaze to git warm, her tail caught fire, and every spear of hair was burned off. It never came out agin, nuther. * “It made her look pooty bad, but I see the go was in her, and that was what I was arter. Durin’ fly time I used to help her out of her troubles a leetle by fastenin' a heavy tassel to the end of her tail, and arter some practice she could fetch a fly off her ribs or fore shoulder e'enmost every pop. THE PAIR. 187 “I got her pooty reasonable. The Deacon said he was actewally ashamed to go out with her, for the boys were allers a-hootin' arter him. Besides, the old codger seemed to have a likin' for me, and allers took my part when others were runnin' me down. The mare matched the young hoss fust rate. Both had hides like rhi- noceroses, which sweat could never get through. They might be bilin’ hot inside, but they never showed any signs of it outwardly. “Arter a little trainin’ they pulled together, and spatted it out as even as the wheels of a ferry boat. I used to make a commotion among the villagers when I turned out, for I could pass everythin' around the Corners; and you ought to have seen the fellers a-runnin' out to hold their hosses by the head when they see me comin', and the winnmin a-hollerin’ and tuckin' up their skirts, and scuddin' arter their young uns as though a drove of Mexican cattle were a-comin’ across the bridge. “One day an old sport named Abe Drake, a sort of spreein’ old bachelor, come over thar 188 ABE DRAKE's TEAM OUT. from Illinois. He afterwards married a broken- winded old concert singer that used to be S 5 º Ef § º : º sº § º º ABE DRAKE. squeakin' around there, and went to live in Huſltown. Wal, as I was sayin', he come over there and brought a spankin' fine team along. ~ THE BELLE OF THE WILLIAGE. 189 They were amazin’ nice-lookin' critters now, I can tell you ; skins smooth and shiny as seals, and tails on 'em that actewally trailed in the dust behind. He allers had plenty of RATE RY KERT, money, and was continewally takin' the gals around to one place or another. He was ginerally considered the biggest cat on the wood-pile. We never came in contact when I90 ty P IN THE FINE ARTS, we had our teams out till one day at a picnic in Gawley's Wood. “That straw-headed Kate Rykert was thar. She was the rollickin', don't-care gal of the vil- lage, one of these tree-climbin', astride-ridin' critters, but a mi’ty good gal for all that, and handsome as a new fiddle. She was well up in | the fine arts, but she could realize more genu- ine enjoyment chargin' through the pastur' astride the old mooly cow than she could by strummin' a pianer. * “Wal, there wasn't hardly a gal in the vil- lage that Abe Drake hadn't been a-spurrin' round, and he had sort O’ commenced a- trampin' on his wing like around Kate Rykert about this time. “It happened I had a sort of weakness that way myself, and I didn't like his maneuverin' any too well now, I kin assure you. He couldn't make much out of Kate, though. She liked fast horses and a splurge, but she wasn't one of those gals that would marry an KATE RYKERT'S DECISION. I 91 old pair of breeches jest because there was greenbacks in the pockets. “But as I was remarkin', that day while the picnic was breakin' up, we all got talkin' about a ball that was comin' off the followin’ week down at Crow Bend. Abe wanted Kate to go down thar with him, but she had partly agreed afore that to go long er me; so to git herself out of it and me in, she said she would go with the one who could take her the fastest. “That's me,’ said Abe, straightenin' up kind of proudly, and givin' his pantaloons a hitch up at the waistband. ‘I can let you count the panels along the turnpike a leetle the quickest of any person around these quarters,' and he looked sidewise at me to see how I took the assertion. “‘It’s not allers the hen that does the most extensive advertizin' that makes the largest deposits,’ said Tom Ruggles, laughin', as he sat thar packin' away his dishes. ~~~~ “‘No, Tom,' said Gus Parks, the millinery man, who didn't like Abe any too well, because I 92 ABE CRITICISES DUDLEY's TEAM. he sort o' smashed an engagement between him and the schoolmarm; “and it's not allers your longest-tailed quadrupeds that git over the ground the fastest, nuther.’ “‘Wal, never mind, boys,’ ses I, jest easy, that way, ‘the proof of the whiskey is in the headache arterwards. I reckon I kin kill as many grasshoppers between here and Grab Corners as any person that cracks a whip.’ “‘What with them thick-skinned critters of yourn ?’ said Abe, p’intin' his fingers at my hosses, and laughin' as though it was mi’ty funny. It made me feel pooty riley, but I kept my temper. * ~. “‘Supposin' they hev thick skins,' I ses, “they're somethin' like the cheese that goggle- eyed Peter bought from the peddler, their pe. culiarity doesn't lie in the thickness of their hide so much as in the mysterious way they have of movin' themselves around.’ “‘S'pose you try a race back to the Corner, then,' ses one of the boys. } “‘Yes,’ ses Kate Rykert, clappin' her hands A RACE ARRANGED. - I 93 and jumpin' up. “I’ll ride back to the Corner with one of you, and let Tilley Evans go with the other, and I'll go to the ball with the one who gets to the village first.’ “‘Agreed, ses. Abe, ‘and you'll ride back with me P’ “‘No, I’m heavier than Tilley, ses Kate; “let everythin' be even ; toss up for partners back to the Corner.’ ~- “This seemed fair, so we flipped, and I won Kate. She weighed ten pounds more than Tilley, but I didn't care for that, for I knowed if the worst come to the worst, she was none of your jumpin' out kind; she would stick to the buggy while there was one wheel and the seat left, and that's the sort of a gal to have along with a feller when he's tryin' hoss flesh. “The whole picnic gathered around us when we were gettin' our teams ready and, war speculatin' on the result. Money was gwine up on all sides. Parson Briarly had no change about him, but he bet his gold-bowed spectacles [3 I94 HEAVY STAKES FOR KATE. against old Silverthorn's meerschaum pipe that I would git to the Corner fust. “‘Beat him, Jim,' ses Gus Parks, ‘and I’ll give Kate the best bonnet in the store.’ “And I’ll give her the highest-heeled pair of boots that I've got in my shop,' said Tom Ruggles, the boot and shoe dealer. “‘Then Kate is a bonnet and a pair of boots ahead, for sartain,’ ses I, jumpin' into the buggy and squarin' round my horses for the road; and with that we started, lick-a-te-split ! down the turnpike, Abe a leetle ahead, but not enough to make much difference with five miles of good turnpike ahead of us, without let or hindrance. “Pooty soon Kate leaned over to me, and ses she, ‘You must beat him, Jim, for between you and me, I would rather go to the ball with you than with Abe.’ “This made me feel mi’ty good, and ses I, ‘You musn't get skeered then, for I reckon we’ll hev to take some desperate chances to ‘git thar fust.’ KATE’s LOST BONNET. I95 “‘Let me alone for that,’ ses she ; ‘when I can't ride as fast as a hoss can run, then I'll stay to hum, and let dad tote me around in the wheelbarrow.’ “Just then we came up with him. He tried to shake us off, and would spurt ahead, but I’d crawl up on him agin, and stick thar, lappin' him and goin' with him stretch for stretch, like a dog when he's a-freezin' to a pig's ear. Away went Kate's hat a-flutterin' over butter-cup Swale, like a Bird of Paradise over the gardin' of Eden. -) “‘That's mi’ty bad, Kate,’ ses I, lookin' over my shoulder at it sailin' off. “‘Let it go hatchin', ses Kate, laughin’. ‘It’s only gettin' Out of the way of the new bon- net.’ “I thought 'twas a good omen myself, but didn't say anythin', for jist then Abeeshot a leetle ahead, and as he was gwine off, he hol- lered, ‘You can't do it, Jim.’ “‘I kin,' ses I, determinedly. “‘Your hosses are ginnin' out; they hain't 196 “SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS.” got the bottom into 'em, he shouted, jest that way. (XS Sº lºw 3& º Sºº º sº :Nº. & ºn Kºšº . . .º. ººl ... $º §C. : # : i # ſ º a s * * º SS: SSS t ºs rººs arº º sº E SRs - 3 P. ºº Sºº's 5 Nº º-º-º: a g --" - D i . 2-ºxºº. ºzºº É22: ZZºº: -2 %: ºº:: sº Fºlº. - És:sº 3. - 22:52 º - MRS. O'LAUGHLAN. “‘It must hev dropped out last night, then, ses I, and with that I overhauled him agin. Past Brian O'Laughlan's door-yard we went I97 NECK. NECK TO like a whirlwind through a flour mill, over a hen and three suckin' The old woman pigs. was standin' thar in the yard with her apron |- % | § S$ # /////º ſººſ/22%% *}}ſae№,ſº Š |- ſ. ( ) . |( =s=s Ess > º-º-º: º: º $º-> º-sº- ###$ sºs $$. º: #:=:: g-3 ſae§¿º ∞ √° ſ√≠√∞ſ ſ ·aeſ/2%ae??º:aº ſº 溧ſae§ 8 #ſºſy &\, , ºff/'\ážă%。 、、、”\!\ØZ V,t| aº(ae.2%%%%%;"|||}}\\}\\{\\{:2ī);//////¿?ºffſ º º*№, ºſº ſºgae،wae!!! !!? !! :º) , *s*~ ',Ëſaeº.| ș,3ſº Í "… ! 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JUST AS IT WAS. her fist at "us and 3. shakin like a drunken y ickens full of ch Her long " 5 SW e2.111] * gypsy. tongue was a slushin' and dashin' against her one front tooth like a mop ag'inst a table leg. 198 GETTING INTERESTING. “I could have laughed myself to tears, only - I had to keep my eyes clear, for the road was so narrow in some places that when we were abreast there wasn't any ground to spare. “We were now passin' the half-way spring, and the race was fully as undecided as when we broke away from the hootin' crowd on the picnic grounds. “Down past old Deacon Shovelridge's ten- acre hop yard we went, rack-a-te-bang! hub end against hub end, and the outer wheels a-spokin' it within six inches of a four-foot ditch. “The ride to the Corners began to look like the ride to etarnity, and Tilley was as pale as a gray nun's ghost, and continewally making narvous reaches for the lines. “But Kate was equal to the surroundin's. Thar she sot, with one arm around me and 'tother graspin' the seat rail and above the clatter of hoofs and steel axles, I could hear her repeatin':- • “‘Stick to him, Jim, and start my stitches, if he doesn't git his crop full of dust yet!’ 2 ENCOURAGEMENT BY THE WAY. I99 “Old Shovelridge was in the field on a load of hay as we were passin'. He was inclined to piety, and if the world had no hosses in it, I reckon he'd have been as pious as a church Organ. “And when he saw us a-raspin' down the turnpike as though we were ridin' in a four- hoss chariot, and saw Kate Rykert's great swad of blonde har a-streamin' out behind, like the tail of a comet, he couldn't contain his feelin's nohow. “He gin a rousin' whoop like a Chilchat Indian when he sights a fur hunter. Throwin' away the pitchfork—which accidently har- pooned the old lady in the back, who was rakin' behind—and jumpin' from the load, he took across the field to'ards the turnpike, swingin' his old straw hat and hollerin':- “Go it, Dudley; go it! keep the hoss up with the rat-tail mare, and I'll bet my farm you'll make Grab Corners fust l’ “This made me feel pooty good, for the mare was the one I had some fears about. 2OO CHILDREN OF NO ACCOUNT. “But you ought to see how it affected Abe; he commenced to slash his hosses and swar like an ox teamster when his cart is stuck hub deep in the mud. _-----sº * “Finally the off-horse broke, and there was a sort of irregular upheaval among 'em for a while, as though they were steppin' on broken cakes of ice; one would be gwine down while 'tother was a-comin' up. “Abe tried to bring 'em down to their work agin, and in the meantime I kind of cork- screwed ahead and swung into the centre of the road in advance of him. Then I began to feel somethin’ like a feller what holds the win- nin' cards, and sees the other chaps a-pilin' up the coin on their inferior pasteboards. But I see some young half-breeds a-squattin' around on the road about a quarter of a mile ahead, and knowed at the rate we war travellin' we'd be on top of 'em before they'd see us if I didn't haul up. * - “So I ses to Kate, “See them plag'y brats ahead of us thar! what hed we better do aboutit?’ THE WHOLE VILLAGE TURN OUT. 2O I “‘Run over the centipedes,’ ses she. ‘Abe ain't a gwine to slack up for 'em,' and she cuddled closer to me, so the jolt would’nt hist her out. “I shouted two or three times, but they were too busy with their mud pies, I reckon, to take any notice, and Abe was makin' no signs of haulin' up. I did my best to sheer round 'em, and kept right on for the Corners. “I heered 'em scream as we went a-whirlin’ on, but reckon it was more through fright than injury. - “Abe had lost his grippin's. He couldn't overhaul me ag’in, nohow, and I gradually crawled away from him, if he did his pootiest. “The whole village seemed to be out to the bridge to see what was comin.’ “They see the dust risin' when we were more'n a mile away, and they allowed the greatest run-away was a-comin' down the turn- pike that had happened since Bull Run, and were out thar speculatin' as to whose family was in danger. 2O2 A BLESSED RELIEF. “But when they see it was a race, and recognized me, you ought to see the scatterin' amongst 'em. You'd think a hull menagery had broken loose and was comin' for 'em. “Ole Pelvy, the shoemaker, was a-settin' on the railin' of the bridge; but jest as I crossed it, the crowd hoorayed, and jostled him off. He hung over the railin' by one leg, with his body swayin' below, and him a-hollerin' like a good feller, and signalin' for help, but the crowd were so taken up with the race, and were cheerin’ and swingin' of their hats con- tinewally, that they never knowed anythin'. about his position. s “Pooty soon his leg slipped over, and then- he went, end over end, more'n twenty-five feet, into the river, and was carried over the falls before anybody missed him. Arter that people weren't troubled so much with corns around Grab Corners, for though he's dead now, I'll say it of him, he was the wust shoemaker that ever shoved an awl into a hide. § “I druv up to the hotel, and had jest got CURING PEOPLE'S CORNS. 2O4. FIRST IN. Tº through helpin' Kate out, when up come Abe, with his hosses hobblin’ as if they had picked 11p a twenty-penny nail in every hoof “They looked somewhat as if they had bin swimmin' in a soap vat. “Abe was very much of a man, though, arter all. His hosses, I reckon, had never bin passed before, but he didn't bluster nor git mad about it, neither, though it must have been pooty tryin' to him. “‘By the Witch of Endor's long eye-tooth,” he cried, as he jumped from the buggy, ‘you did it Jim ; and you did it fair. Only I kinder think you swung in ahead of me a leetle too quick back thar where that crazy old whipper- in hollered so.’ “‘No, Abe, ses I, ‘I didn't take an inch o' turnpike till I was entitled to it.’ “‘Wal, ses he, as he came round to look at my animals, that were standin' thar seemingly as cool as a brace of toads in a celler, “I’ll be shot if them hosses of yourn ain't somethin' like the widder Tappan's boarders. The speed RATE GETS HER BONNET. 205 they show in gettin' away with anythin' was most surprisin'.' --- “So Kate Rykert got the bonnet and boots, and I gin her a new dress to go with them, and if we didn't shine out some the next week down to Crow Bend, then thar ain't no use talkin' about it that's all.” A TRIP ACROSS THE BAY. TOOK a trip across the water this after- noon. The bay was so rough the ferry- boat could scarcely make her trips. The passengers were nearly all sea-sick, and, elbow to elbow, leaned over the side of the vessel. One gentleman, while gazing into the sea, lost his hat overboard, but he was so taken up with internal affairs that he cared little for outward appearances, as one could readily observe. I reached my destination, and was convinced that all the sorrows are not on the sea. I saw a poor old woman thrown into terrible disorder by a kick from the cow she was milking in her own yard. Judging by the quantity of milk lying around loose, she must have been nearly (206) f THE SEA-SICK MAN. 2O7 through her task, and was probably in the very 2-cº *g- 3% ~~~~ ~ = sº i PEERING INTO THE DEPTHS, act of complimenting the cow for her generosity, when the spiteful animal gave the pail a hoist 2O8 - A DISCOMFITED MILK-MAID. completely over the woman's head, like a huge helmet, while the lacteal fluid ran down her sº * - º -- 22:32 º º:3 º º *º- sº-º-º: ** A kº. A §§ºssº Sºğ *:ES 4%z 2:º º : £32 wº- ɺ SEFº º *\\ - º:3:š=3 Rºssºs ze=- º º 27/2 2-, zºº ** --~~~~ : ------ tºº." S A-22' 32.2% GOOD-BYEe body. The pail seemed to stick, despite her efforts to remove it. As I looked back, I could see her groping STRUGGLING GENIUS, 2O9 toward the house, her visage still concealed in the blue bucket. She did look odd enough, as she felt her way up the steps, decorated with that novel head-dress. There is a youth in this suburban town who SKETCHING FROM NATURE, bids fair to be a second Landseer. As I passed his father's residence, I saw the young aspirant at work sketching from nature. He had the foot of a little cur fast in the jaws of a steel-trap staked in the orchard. The artist sat at a short distance sketching the I4. 2 IO A ROUGHER TIME. poor beast, as it stood on three legs gazing at the heavens and crying piteously. He was eagerly striving to get the expression of pain upon the dog's face, and by the grin upon his own countenance I judged he was succeed- ing. There was something in the pair that re- minded me of Parrhasius and the Captive; and being in somewhat of a sketching mood myself at the time, I produced my book and pencil, and leaning over the fence, sketched the painter and his howling model. On my way back to the city the bay seemed even rougher than in the morning. There was hardly a passenger on board the ferry-boat but showed symptoms of trouble. Although most of them would have been excellent subjects for the artist of a comic pictorial, my attention was specially directed towards an elderly lady, who sat with folded arms, the elbows resting upon her knees, and a most woe-begone expression upon her wrinkled visage. Some passengers who were sick were able partly to conceal their AN OBJECT OF PITY. 2 II emotions; she was not; every muscle of her face betrayed her. She was sick and couldn't help but show it. so SICK I If any individual amongst that crowd of dis- quieted passengers knocked louder at the door 2I 2 A LOUDER CALL FOR SYMPATHY. of human sympathy than did the old lady re- ferred to, it was unmistakably that woman who was sick and had to show it at the vessel's rail. *mºms Tºtº-- *-i-T Tſäß wº - º, . . . -º-º- * IEEI * gººº-º-º-º-º-º-Eº w Sºº-ºº-- - - - - - - - - wº tº: §:-- § AT THE RAIL, THE POISONED PET. T was my good fortune the other day to attend a picnic in the country. A lady friend insisted on tacking her pet boy to me on that occasion. As she couldn't go her- self, she wanted me to have an eye to “son- ney,” and see that he didn't come in contact with poison-oak. She assured me he was a good boy and would mind me as if I was his father | I didn't pine for the pet's company, but could not very well refuse her request. So he went with me. I very soon found out he was one of those smart children who, by a strange freak of nature, are placed in possession of an impu- dence that prompts them to believe they know - (213) 2I4 HAVING CHARGE OF A GOOD BOY, more at the age of eight than your average adult. My will and his wishes soon clashed. Then the thought entered my head that his mother misrepresented “sonney's" obedient nature. “If this is the obedience that an off. spring manifests to a father,” I mentally mur- mured, “it were better to be destitute of the offspring.” The boy sauced me. He even went so far as to call me names anything but flattering, while I was sitting in the presence of a young lady I most ardently adored. “Go on, sonney!” I said to myself savagely, “go on, precocious youth, there are no raging bears in this suburban park to tear the flesh from the bones of mouthy children who ‘sauce' their betters, as did the animals in the days of prophets; but nature in other ways has made provision for such as you, and has sprinkled a few shrubs around here that can pile the flesh onto a person's bones to an alarming degree, if they get a fair chance.” After that I paid no attention to him. He AN EXPRESSIVE FACE. 2I 6. * "r ran at will, browsed through the vines like a hungry deer, and burrowed into the very heart ; ;§ : ;| :ºsº : A t ºği wºrkº kłº §: N #. §§ º º' SQ *... . • * * § º t-* i -;º: º § #Sº Y sº tºº * º Nº ºn. Sºº º Sº HAVING A QUIET TIME. of the poison-oak and ivy, with as little fear as a quail retiring to roost. He enjoyed himself immensely; so he informed me in the evening. 2I 6 DEAF AND BLIND. I am glad he did, for he is having a quiet time of it now. I saw him this morning, and his face was as full of expression as a Christmas pudding new rolled from the cloth. I think my lady friend will not be over-anxious to appoint me guardian over her dutiful son at another picnic. In the interests of art I have made a sketch of “sonney” as he appeared this morn- ing, striving to recognize me by my voice, which he failed to do, however, being deaf as he was blind. --- SEEKING FOR A WIFE, ND it came to pass about the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy- three, being in the autumn, when the new wine was oozing from the press, and the corn was hardening in the crib, a bachelor, a farmer of great possessions, dwelling in the valley of Berryessa, bent above his resting plow, and thus communed with himself:- “My stacks are builded, my wine is dripping from the press, the ripe ears are garnered in my cribs, my flocks and herds feed fat upon the hills; and yet, because of my loneliness, am I unhappy. “I will arise at eve and repair to my neigh- bor's cottage. Peradventure the aged widow of the murdered gypsy can counsel me.” (217) 2 I 8 SEEKING ADVICE. So when the evening hour was come, the § * * *e, j \ HS |} # If Hilf- #H #: H5 tº ### * - Yºº Lºgºſ # HääHF: #### # Cº. iii. It [Tººrººl" ######### ######if Tºº Hi; | || ºº:: º & © %§§§ Rºº. §§ §§ 3%& § §: º §§§g§ º & º × gº #: § § º º: º ###. §§§t r º ºś%; A º §§§§ § º :# 'N § § sº §§ º º § Rºº. º tº wº º ſ º º ſº º §§ $ # }}} #S § #ºj º § ſº º: §§§) ºlºis §§§ #### §§ 3. §§§º % º º §§§ [… ºš §§§AS ºłº, º g §§§ § ºº:: § §§§ º 3 ſº fº § º§ º - º § - º ſº. sº sº º º Mºſkº intº * {3} E. º Ö º º º # Sºſſ º: #### Tºrs - Jº # #º: º § #########| |ft |É # USE # lº; º: º } - º º THE CRONE. farmer arose and sought the aged widow's abode. CONFIDENTIAL CONVERSE. 219 And as he drew nigh to the cottage, he lifted up his eyes and, behold ! the crone sat upon her doorstep. And when the dame looked upon the farmer she knew his heart was troubled; but she knew not the cause. So, lifting up her voice, she cried, inquiringly: “What aileth my neighbor P Has ought befel thy goods? Has bruin descended from the mountains to worry thy flocks 2 Or, are thy stacks consumed 2 that thus you droop your eyelids to the path, and move as by a hearse.” And the farmer, drawing nigh, replied: “My flocks unharmed graze sleek upon the hills; my stacks stand unconsumed; yet is my spirit heavy, because my walks are lonely and my heart is sad, and I come as one seeking coun. sel.” Then answered the dame reprovingly: “Out upon thee, for a fusty, dreamy bachelor Go take to thyself a wife; then will thy walks be no more lonely, neither will thy heart be sad.” But he, answering her sorrowfully, said: 22O_- MONEY MAKES THE MARE GO. “Mock me not, good madam, but look with. pitying eyes upon me, and hearken to my voice. “Behold, I am now well stricken in years, my body is stooping to the grave, my manners, like my hands, are rough ; my blood, like my hair, is thin; and my teeth but shine in memo- ries of the past. “How, then, can I win maidens' hearts 2 Alas! on the contrary, they would giggling flee from before me; no hope for me remains; if I would wed, I needs must wed a squaw ” And his countenance fell. Then was the crone exceedingly displeased, because he said, “I needs must wed a squaw,” and she answered him derisively, saying:— “Go to Ye speak as with the beak of a parrot, and with the understanding of a babel Are ye studied in books and know not the proverb, ‘A golden snare will catch the wildest hare P’ “Do not your stacks dot the vale below Siks an Egyptian camp 2 Are not your tanks brim- THE CRONE'S ADVICE. 22 I ming with wine and your cribs grinning with corn ? - “Do not your cattle graze upon an hundred hills 2 and your industrious laborers follow in the furrow? And are ye still afeared? Oh ye of doubting mind “Go, get thee to thy chest and take to thy- self suitable coin, and hasten to that great city by the sea—whose churches point to heaven, but whose people bow to gold. ... “There sojourn for a season, and make no delay in adorning thyself with precious stones. “Put diamonds upon thy bosom and rings upon thy fingers, and be zealous to stand in the hall-ways and in the market-places, and in the houses of exchange. “Seek to be observed of the people, and take heed that ye look upon all men as being thy servants. “And let thy wealth be noised abroad. “Then shall rise up in the house of mourning the widow of a month, and dry her weeping eyes. 222 HE TAKES AN EARLY START. “Then shall the maid of many summers lay aside her pets, to readjust her charms, and dis- inter her smiles. “Then shall the doting damsel, when her parent maketh fast the door, creep out some other way. “And they all shall come, trooping as with the voice of birds to court thy smiles and thy manners, and thy years shall be as the silk of the spider in thy way.” * Then was he exceedingly glad because of the crone's advice, and he went away to his own home rejoicing. And on the morrow he arose before it was yet day, and saddled his mule, and journeyed to the great city by the sea, and lodged at the house of a friend. * And he made haste to purchase diamonds, and rubies, and emeralds, and onyx-stones, and Sapphires, and put massive rings upon his fingers, and seals upon his chain. And even as the crone had directed, he scrupled not to stand in the hall-ways, and in &\TTENDING TO BUSINESS, - (223) 224 A NIBBLE AT THE BAIT. the market-places, and in the houses of ex- change, and sought to be observed of the º º * y ſ'ſ | t | # ºs Zº | Sº Ž, Z \{N zº We ſº S-22 t - # --> #ozºrºaz-S-T *} * = •==" Jº Hää - *#ze?---- s:=== === Z } > , ~ z-z - ... ºf -*—3-#5 == y ~ *r- PARTNER want ED. people, and lived as a man having great pos- * sessions. AN ENTICING TALE. 225 And not many days after, a fair lady of that place, looking from her window, saw that the stranger shone like the mid-day sun, even so much that her heart was warmed. So she called the keeper of the house aside, and questioned him concerning the stranger, saying:— “Who is this stranger that lodgeth in thy house, who beameth with jewels like the noon- day Sun ? Make him known to me, for he is a choice and goodly man, and my heart warmeth for the stranger.” Then answered the good man of the house, “He is a sojourner from the valley of Berry- essa, and lo! he is a man of great possessions; and, moreover, take heed if he cometh in your way, that ye smile graciously upon him, for be it known unto you he is a bachelor, who cometh amongst us seeking a wife.” Then was the damsel exceedingly moved. And when it came to pass that the stranger was introduced to her, she smiled graciously upon him, and she opened her mouth and i5 & 226 HAPPILY WEDDED. spake knowingly of barley, and of rye, and of corn in the ear, and of tares. And she also spake of four-footed beasts, of calves, of pigs, and of goats, and cattle after their kind; and of fowls; of doves, and of ducks, and of geese, and poultry after their kind. And lo! the farmer's heart was touched, for she was comely to look upon, and wise withal. And he communed within himself, saying: “Surely this maid would indeed be a great catch, she would make her husband's home cheerful, and in divers ways pluck from the palm of life the festering thorns. Beshrew me, but I will lay strong siege to the damsel's heart.” So he made haste to pull wide open the mouth of his purse and loaded her with presents, for the damsel had found favor in his eyes, and he sought to win her. And not many days after he espoused the maiden, and there was great feasting and WEDDED BLISS. 227 merry-making at that house, and the same was" heard of the neighbors. And on the following day the farmer took her to his own home, in the valley of Berry. essa, and they lived happily together for the space of many years. THE ART GALLERY. EARING that a large collection of paint- ings were on exhibition at the Art Gal- lery, I visited the rooms this afternoon, and was agreeably surprised to discover that quite a number were by eminent artists. It is pleasant to gaze upon an old picture that has come down through the dust of ages, so I made it a point to employ the hour-at my disposal in sketching several subjects most admired by the visitors. I did not learn the author of the large picture from which the first of my sketches was taken, but was assured that it came from the hand of an old master. I would have thought it a representation of * Cleopatra before Caesar,” if the female had (228) THE OLD MASTERS. 229 been running toward the man instead of away from him. A gentleman present, who examined the painting closely, gave it as his opinion that the couple represented “Tarquin and Lucrece.” FROM A PAINTING BY AN OLD MASTERs He informed me he had visited many art galleries of the Old World, and found several paintings which had been copied from this masterpiece by artists, who paid homage to suc'. creative genius. As he claimed to be something of a connois- 23O ADMIRING A GEM. seur, his supposition was probably a correct one, though he was not able to thoroughly account for the singular-looking bonnet that shadowed the head of the prancing “Lucrece.” It is certainly anything but a Roman head- dress, and why it should be dangling from her royal top is something for critics to comment on and antiquarians to inquire into. Another little sketch attracted great atten- tion, especially from the ladies, whose love for the beautiful is only excelled by their love for the good. It was entitled “Love's Young Dream.” I regret I am not able to give the artist's name. I could not get near enough to decipher the signature, owing to the crowd of ladies admiring the beautiful gem. The members of the Graphic Club were sketching. Accepting an invitation from one, I stepped into their room to see them draw. Quite a number of artists were present. The famous marine painter was there, who loves to paint the vessel going before the wind, when in its might it takes “the ruffian billows by the THE GRAPHIC CLUB. 231 top.” It was pleasant to watch his pencil pile up the “yeasty waves” at will. It was also interesting to lean over the land- * Love’s YOUNG DREAM.” scape painter's shoulder and see the branches sprout from his grand old oaks, against whose trunks it would seem the storms of centuries had spent their force. 3.32 DEVELOPING ANIMALS. It was no less pleasant or interesting to per- ceive the horns shoot from the animal painter's cows. As the creature grows under his active pencil, we may be inclined to think she will be of the Mooley species, and never shake a gory horn above a prostrate victim ; but alas! a few hasty but well-directed strokes, and she stands forth more formidable than the armed rhi- noceros or rampant unicorn. Then we hold our breath, as we see the pencil slide away to some other locality before a tail is attached to the body, and inwardly wonder whether the artist has forgotten to bestow upon her that graceful adjunct, or is intentionally giving us a new species of cattle. We heave a sigh of relief when the pencil returns, after a brief skirmish along the ribs, to bestow upon the cow that terminal appendage, at once a scourge for milk-maids and a swing for dogs. RIDING IN THE STREET CARS, A chiel's amang ye takin’ notes, And faith he’ll prent it. —A£47%.S. HE greater portion of this day I have spent riding in the street cars. I find it is quite a pleasant way of passing a few leisure hours. Neither is it an extravagant way of entertaining one's self. On figuring up, I find, by choosing the longest routes, it cost just seven and one- quarter cents per hour. This is certainly reasonable. i There is always something amusing to look at as you pass along. There stands the ner- vous old lady upon the street corner. She wishes to ride, and endeavors to signal the (233) 234. HAILING THE CAR. driver and prepare for embarking at one and the same time. She proves the truth of the : §º º 2. 3. i. # ; ſºº % º Aº - º tº º ºx º *.. P. #E4 ſº - º 35sºil 㺠º % º3. º %2 £ : º º sº | # º & g § i § º- º Eº sº-| >.ſº THE SIGNAL STATION. old saying that a person may get too many irons in the fire. In her eagerness to attract the attention of the driver or conductor, she is STUDYING THE FASHIONS. 235 not aware that in lifting her skirts she has ele- vated one or two thicknesses more than she intended, or than is at all necessary. Poor old lady l She does, indeed, present a picture that might well attract the artistic eye. We in more becoming order turn our eyes from the singular spectacle and study the advertisements ranged around for our special benefit. She emits a short, quick cry, half whoop and half squeal, and signals repeatedly, to do which the inevitable umbrella is brought into requisition, and flourished around her head as though she was warding off a detachment of aggressive wasps. She gives the conductor a look of surprise, if not anger, because he completes the curve before stopping to take her up. The old lady means business, and has never got it through her head that conductors have rights which she is bound to respect. She no doubt believes that on all occasions and at all times he ought to seize the strap and stop the car as suddenly as he would a clock by grasping the pendulum. 236 QUITE OBLIVIOUS. . Then there are the fashions, which we car. study without having to pay exorbitant prices for seats in the theatres. It is even better than to go to a fashionable church. A, Besides the advantages which a ride in the street cars offers us in the way of studying the fashions, we often see strange sights, well calculated to awaken humor. There, for in- stance, we encounter the sleepy passenger, who, in charity let us hope, is drowsy through loss of rest, rather than loss of reason | Let us hope he is some physician who has been attending to his patients; or a minister of the gospel who has spent the night by the bedside of some sinking penitent; or a super- visor, who—while his constituents have been snugly dreaming away their troubles—has been legislating, and growing hoarse declaim- ing for the public good. Doctor or supervisor, - as the case may be, it is evident he is sleepy, and cares not who knows it. Otherwise, he would pick up his hat, which has fallen off, before it has 237 it is in motion. TOO NEIGHBORLY. been stepped on by passengers stagger- hrough the car while e &ty1CC ing t ¿ZZZZ 。 ź № №ž Sº S$ º §§ º Sº º §§ º ޺ Sº §§ Ş §§ sº- *º-º-º-º-º: º , *№ſº ∞ ſº?ae№g№№, ſaes § §§№:ſaeae。×2×3ºº:: aeſſſſſ!!!&&\ſ)(№ſſae; §§§§ §§§§§§§§ģ;&ýÄÄVÄÄ; ģţ$$$ ºº::Ēģ§§§(XY)% #№ģ№ģ§§§§ģţ}}}}} -¿№، ، ، ،tºĒģROEğģ#ffffff$ſ; §2º(ae., ,ģğ% æ:EÆ,}}›‹(•¿?.ſº%%;#ffff;ſ. §§§$%.)·*:ſaeŹſÉſ;WZZ §§§;&%-ൟ%%%%%«№ saeº.ſae,¿ $¢ £ €ſae ,ºº:::-:**** {{}}:$);ģºººººº !Ø%#№žģĞğ ≡8%); №: №ſiſae&,&&{} ¿ ſae32±%C&3 §$% ſº: #Sº § º º: ſae ∞ºgſa:&}ſ º ¡№∞∞ſae;', 4###0ſaeſºſ-№ſſºſ,#žģ§§ SEĻE###############%$§!!! WS1- ing he tips in 11] ** ** SLOROPPY. RATHER h a persistency truly amus Wit the direction of some old lady, who apparently hates men, especially when excessive dro 238 | THE BOLD OFFICER. ness makes them familiar. He, however, is oblivious of her likes or dislikes, even of her presence, it would seem. He bobs towards her until his dishevelled fore-lock actually tickles her under the ear, which sensation causes her to start suddenly, and look around so quickly, that a person must think the movement gave her a crick in the neck, and her subsequent rubbing of the cords below the ear would seem to bear out the supposition as correct. Then, as we ride along, we can see the bold policeman standing by the corner of a build- ing. He is earnestly looking down a narrow lane, taking notes perhaps; but more likely watching the progress of a fight, and wisely waiting until all the pistols are discharged before venturing to arrest any of the belligerent parties. He looks as though it would not take much longer reflection or many more shots to make him forego that duty in toto, and turn around to arrest the poor Chinese vegetable peddler, who, with his basket pole upon his KNOWS A GAME WORTH TWO OF IT. 239 shoulder, is trotting along upon the sidewalk, …sº º * (Zºº º g l r - <=== :- Aj ;II YFTT |, |illſ; f *= %| (d º *º. | E- s. "nº-es: C- * Qve l ºfski tº <- J & ! ſ #9. &I | |ſ|| * &=ºf 3. |T|PH == ©. it-ſ-Fºr 3||, || Suſ & * .* * ſ + ‘s Hill'ſ * , | 33% SNIFFING THE BATTLE FROM AFAR. and thereby violating one of the city ordinances. While hustling the prisoner to the station 24O TASTES DIFFER. house he would escape performing more t , , pleasant and risky business. t He is in the right of it, too, when a person comes right down to reason the case. The policeman may have a family depending on him for support. Or it may be upon the very stroke of the hour when his duty for the day will cease, and he can saunter to his home, leaving his successor to rush in and stay the slaughter. It may be argued that the policeman is paid to take prisoners, and consequently to take chances. This is true, but he is not paid to commit suicide. For a broad man like him to move down a narrow lane, up which the bullets are whistling, can hardly be considered any- thing short of it. : Oh! he is a cunning fellow I tell you, and revolves the matter carefully in his mind before taking action. -- He has been too long a resident of the city, and too long a member of the “star brigade,” not to know that the city can better afford to lose two or three indifferent citizens than it can one able and efficient policeman. SITS DOWN TO THINK IT OVER. 24E. We turn from the policeman to contemplate: the blooming blonde, who comes bouncing in with her poodle dog in her arms. After she is seated she amuses some of the passengers and displeases more, by the affec- tionate names she lavishes upon the little watery-eyed pet in her lap. Some of the pas- sengers would doubtless like to be the dog, and others would like to be a distemper that they might legally kill the cur. She temporarily ends her caresses by repeatedly kissing its cold peaked nose, to the infinite disgust of the ma- jority of the passengers, who, rather than witness a repetition of the silly act, look out of the windows and become suddenly interested in the construction of the buildings or fences along the route. And then there is the impatient passenger, who is either limited in time or sense, probably in both. He foolishly attempts to leave the car while it is in motion, in order to save a few moments. Immediately afterwards he wishes I6 242 A ROUGH SEAT. he hadn't, and sits down with considerable feeling to think over his rashness. There was a time, no doubt, when he could jump on and ALIGHTING GRACEFULLY. off a car like a newsboy; but that time has evi- dently gone by. 4- When we consider the roughness of his seat and the unexpected manner in which he setted on it, we have to acknowledge that he sits wºh BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME. 243 considerable grace. However, as he has lost time instead of gaining it, by the action, he will perhaps try to catch a better hold of the old rascal's forelock the next time he is running past hirò. THE VALUE OF A COLLAR. EAR me ! what a terrible dodging life the poor city cur leads, to be sure, whose owner does not consider him of suffi- cient importance to warrant taking out a license. His excursions must necessarily be limited. He never dares to bark in the daytime, and now I think of it, that may account for his howling all night. To bark between the hours of seven in the morning and six in the evening would be equivalent to running his head into the pound-keeper's lariat. He knows it, too, the rascal, and hardly indulges in a yelp, even if his tail is trod upon. I have always noticed that the eyes of the cur that wears no collar— (244) z'HE PROTRUSION ACCOUNTED FOR. 245. (which would entitle him to the freedom of the city)—protrude from the sockets much farther than the optics in the head of the licensed animal. I have noticed this fact and pondered over it, striving not a little to arrive at some satisfactory conclusion in regard to the matter. It may be that this strange protrusion is brought about by the continual strain while on the lookout for the pound-keeper or his sneak- ing aids. Another peculiarity about the unlicensed cur, —his eyes are invariably the color of tobaccor juice. “Why are they so?” you probably in- quire. Be patient, and I will tell you. It is the result of the burning envy continually agi- tating his breast and adding a bloodier lustre to his orbs. * How must envy consume his very vitals when he beholds his younger brother, perhaps, trotting forth into the street, his neck encircled with the leather zone that insures him respect and immunity from assault; while he must cower behind the ash barrel, and wait for night *~. 246 UNJUST DISCRIMINATION. to temporarily shield him from insult and injury. • ? The old adage is hardly applicable to his case. He has no day, but he has his night, No COLLAR, NO CRUMBS. ł however, and he would be a fool not to make l the most of it. How trifling a thing will draw the line be- , tween him and his licensed brother. One 3A & EXA.KTNESS #'GR HUMAN FLESH. 247 white foot, perhaps, a spot too many on the head, or want of one above the tail, may have cursed him through the length and breadth of his existence. If he lives, it must be by his wits. Every man's hand or boot seems to be against him. The licensed dog can stretch Bazily upon the sidewalk and oblige the pedes- trians to go around him rather than take the £hances of stepping over, or stirring him up with a kick. * It is dangerous business, this waking up a dog with your boot. You may take him in a time when not in the mood for permitting such familiar demonstrations. . Perhaps he may be hungry, and, since the dogs devoured poor painted Jezebel, their weakness for human flesh will occasionally make itself manifest. I, who have been thrice vaccinated by a canine tooth (and it took each time, too), speak knowingly on this subject. Now, as I gaze out upon the street, I mark the slow approach of the pound-keeper's dingy cart. Ever and anon it comes to a sudden halt, 248 AN EXALTED POSITION. and skirmishers are deployed on each side to search the alley-ways and lanes along the route. Hark! what cry is this that comes 4uavering forth from that shaky prison 2 A bark 2 No, never a bark, but a quavering bleat from the pale lips of a poor old goat. Alas ! poor goat. It, too, was evidently straying about unlaw- fully, in some one's garden, perhaps, or strip- ping the posters off the fence before the paste was dry, or the bill-sticker a block away, and in consequence he is now occupying a position that, however exalted it may be in one sense, makes him feel very ill at ease all the same. His fellow-prisoners are dogs of every breed under the sun. - There is no discrimination in that moving prison, no separate cells. The full blood setter . pup fares no better than the worthless poodle that couldn't smell a quail a yard distant unless it was roasting. The big, sour, surly mastiff, with bloodshot eyes and pendent jowl, who long has been the acknowledged champion of a block, ALL FARE ALIKE. 249 and in his day lacerated many a paw, hasn't even a growl to offer, but crouches side by side with the poor maimed and mongrel cur that for years has been racking through life on three legs. - Still the dismal-looking cart jolts along, attracting the attention of the passing crowds. Still the villanous-looking aids, who flank the vehicle, trail their ready lariats, and dart ex- ploring glances into every nook and corner. And, as I gaze, I marvel to see how quickly the outlaws get a knowledge of its approach, and stand not upon the order of their going, but precipitately leave for back yards and kitchens. QUAINT EPITAPHS. * HILE strolling through an old cemetery this afternoon I was surprised at the number of quaint epitaphs there to be found. For a while I almost imagined myself rum- maging among the old time-worn tombstones in some English or Welsh burying-ground. Many are written in verse, especially on the stones erected during a certain period, extending over about ten years, which proves that during these years the city had a tombstone poet among her citizens. - ** He was an odd genius, whoever he was, this graveyard rhymer. One peculiarity seems to have been his coup- (250) - HOW SMITH COOKED HIS GOOSE. 25 I ling with the epitaph a brief account of the manner in which the deceased party was taken off. The first inscription which attracted my notice as odd was chiseled upon a large marble slab which leaned over the spot where a party who had borne the ancient and honorable name of “Smith ” rested from his labors. The obit. uary ran thus:— “Smith ran to catch his fatted hog, And carried the knife around ; He slipped and fell; The hog is well, But Smith is under ground.” This stanza should be introduced into public schools, and adopted as a morning chant, to impress upon the mind of the pupils the im- portance of a person's having his wits about him. Death brought about by such gross care- lessness as Smith showed is—to say the least —first cousin to suicide, and doubtless there will come a time when Smith's case will be inquired into. Under a large oak tree on the south side I 252 SHE HAD TO BE LED. came upon a tombstone which bore no date, but had evidently been erected many years. The fence which once enclosed the grave had nearly disappeared, nothing remaining except a . few rotten stakes protruding through the grass. What once had been a mound was now a hol- low, which told the mute gazer decay had done its worst. Through a rank growth of weeds and briers a few pale neglected flowers raised their deli- cate faces, like virtue struggling heavenward through the retarding throng inhabiting this naughty world. ** * The headstone was evidently erected before the poet's day, and he who erected it had com- posed the epitaph. It is more than likely he chiseled it also, as the letters were ill-shaped and irregular, and looked as though carved out with a pick. Here is a ſac-simile of the inscription:— “Cynthy Ann is berried here. Be easy with her, Lord, THE SLEEPING TAILOR. 253 And, you won’t lose nothin', She was a plaguey good wife to me But * -She wouldn’t be druv.” That “Cynthia Ann" had faults is evident from the tone. But I thought, as I turned from the spot, if her greatest fault lay in not allow- ing herself to be “druv,” her prospects were better than the average. What a contrast was the line inscribed upon a tombstone directly opposite:– “He sleeps in Heaven.” Mere speculation only, and wild at that. The extravagant notion that a person sleeps in Paradise must have emanated from the brain of some sluggard, who thought that heaven without sleep would be a wearisome place. The “sleeper's" name was Gregg, and from a representation of a pair of scissors cut upon the slab I presumed he was a tailor. On making inquiry of the sexton, busily engaged closing a grave at the time, I found my supposition was right, Gregg was a tailor, but met death as 254 THE SEXTON SPEAKS A PIECE. the heels of a horse. To use the sexton's own words, which were spoken in pure Greek— ; º º * º r:}\ ſº º jº º ę & ſº º §. %2%a. *=- t{ § § º 3. à * . fº º ‘THE SEXTON. “Begorra he was a tailor, and it was meself { ** A TROUBLED WOMAN. 255 that planted him there. He was killed in the barn beyant, while sthrivin' to pull the makins' of a fish-line out of the tail of owld Gleason's stallion.” When a person learns what his occupation had been, and how he died, the assertion that he had gone to heaven strikes one as too ridic- ulous for anything. Not less amusing or quaint was the verse in- scribed upon the plain marble slab which marked the resting-place of Mr. and Mrs. Bar- radier. The stone was probably put up by some acquaintance of the deceased couple who knew that their marriage had been anything but a happy one ; the verse upon it also informs the passer-by that they left no descendants to perform that pious duty. It said— “Released from worldly care and strife, Here side and side lie man and wife; And with the couple buried here Expired the name of Barradier.” THE CHAMPION MEAN MAN & *mº-simmº, WESTERDAY I came across a singular. looking individual dressed in a greasy, dingy suit. He was sitting on a log before his door engaged in repairing a shovel-handle. “Say, stranger." I said, addressing him, “can you inform me where Deacon Shellbark lives?” The farmer looked up, pushed his slouched hat back on his head, and, after surveying me some time in silence, drawled out:- “Be you any relation of his'n P” “No,” I replied, a little surprised at his man- ner of answering; “I haven't a relative in the State.” “By thunder | I congratulate you upon your good fortune,” he ejaculated, “particularly be- (256) HE IS OPPOSED To SCANDAL. 257 cause there's no tie of consan guinity existin' atwixt you and old Deacon Shellbark. He's expectin' a son home, and I thought you mout be him. “wal,” he continued, pointing with a huge jack-knife that he held in his hand, “you see that house to the left of them scrub oaks, don’t - you? that ar buildin' with the leetle coopalow on't? Wal, thar's whar old Deacon Shelbark lives; the meanest man in this yer county, and that's sayin' considerable, too ! cause we've got some vicey-fisted customers round these yer parts, men who scrape the puddin' pot mighty clean before the dog gits a chance to canvass it, now I can tell ye. But I feel safe in stickin' in old Shellbark at the head, and I ain't agwine to haul him down nuther. I don't be- lieve in talkin' much about one's neighbors, but Iginnerally tell strangers what sort of a man he is, cause if they go to tradin' with him and aren't on thar guard, he'll skin 'em quick-r than a whirlpool sucks in a dead fish.” . You know the deacon, then " I remarked, 258 A MEAN STEAL. while the hope I had entertained of getting his name on my subscription list began to take to itself wings. “Yes, I reckon I do know him,” he replied, “pooty well, too; a great sight better than is profitable to him, and he knows it. Oh, you bet he knows it, and hates me as he does the dry murrain that gin the crows fifteen of his best cows last summer. I knowed him back in Scrabble Town. -a