Day 560 061 A 514539 DUPL FOR A Sum ARTES LIBRARY #SALANTERI Li 1877 VERITAS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN inndan TUEBOR SI· QUÆRIS PENINSULAM·AMⱭNAM CIRCUMSPICE UMAIN JAVA. SCIENTIA OF THE PASTRY LAATIKOTLA VERDEL રે MHWE THE GIFT OF Mrs. John P. Faucher Dublin. Chhibetion gost and out industry. 7 THIRD OFFICIAL BY AUTHORITY OF THE COMMITTEE. Vai 1 + 1 - HANION. I OF THE $ -2 1853 7 " 1 +1%%% $1 Great Industrial Exhibition, Din (IN CONNECTION WITH THE ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY,) * * EDITION, CATALOGUE "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”—Rev. iv. 11. 767 ? 1 DUBLIN: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE COMMITTEE, BY JOHN FALCONER, 53, UPPER SACKVILLE-STREET, AND SOLD IN THE BUILDING PRICE ONE SHILLING. : [ "Again-the band of commerce was design'd T'associate all the branches of mankind; And if a boundless plenty be the robe, Trade is the golden girdle of the globe. Wise to promote whatever end He ineans, God opens fruitful nature's various scenes. Each climate needs what other climes produce, And offers something to the gen'ral use; No land but listens to the common call, And in return receives supply from all. This genial intercourse, and mutual aid, Cheers what were else a universal shade, Calls nature from her ivy-mantled den, And softens human rock-work into men. Ingenious Art, with her expressive face, Steps forth to fashion and refine the race; Not only fills necessity's demand, But overcharges her capacious hand: Capricious taste itself can crave no more, Than she supplies from her abounding store: She strikes out all that luxury can ask, And gains new vigour at her endless task. Hers is the spacious arch, the shapely spire, The painter's pencil, and the poet's lyre; From her the canvass borrows light and shade, And verse, more lasting, hues that never fade. She guides the finger o'er the dancing keys, Gives difficulty all the grace of ease, And pours a torrent of sweet notes around, Fast as the thirsting ear can drink the sound. "These are the gifts of Art, and Art thrives most Where Commerce has enrich'd the busy coast; He catches all improvements in his flight, Spreads foreign wonders in his country's sight, Imports what others have invented well, And stirs, his own to match them or excel. 'Tis thus reciprocating, each with each, Alternately the nations learn and teach; While Providence enjoins to ev'ry soul A union with the vast terraqueous whole." COWPER. Pamphlets, Jap e exhibit, World's fair **** St A { ..Japan.BU.of com.and industry. Details of industrial specimens... Į i 1 X Chicago, 189 CONTENTS "BU.of agriculture. A brief description of the taxidermio specimens of ohiki, shamo and chabo... A brief description of the figures of the Japanese horses and cattle... #1 #1 11 #t # I 11 A bried description of bees, honey, bees- wax and bee appliances... " A brief description of the pictures of Japanese hunting... #1 A descriptive catalogue of Japanese forage plants.. "Bu.of com.and industry. Details of the weight: and measures... Central meteorological observatory.Explana- tory notes... Stag Bu.of agriculture. A descriptive catalogue.. With compliments کره Imperial Japanese Commissioner for the World's Columbian Exposition, Wooded Island, Jackson Park, Chicago Imrs8-15-47 P. Faucher 1. Jahn Jahon © 7-18-44, RJ, ! 鲁 ​. The Right Hon. the LORD MAYOR. The Lord TALBOT DE MALAHIDE. The Hon. JOHN P. VEREker. The Hon. GEORGE HANDcock. Sir JOHN KINGSTON JAMES, BART. Sir EDWARD M'DONNEL. Sir ROBERT Kane. THOMAS BALL, ESQ. Professor WILLIAM BARKER, M.D. JOHN BARLOW, Esq. JOHN BARTON, ESQ. WILLIAM DARGAN, ESQ. GEORGE ROE, Esq., Chairman. MAJOR FAIRFIELD, Deputy Chairman. LUNDY E. FOOT, ESQ. ! Sir EDWARD M'DONNEL. George Roe, Esq. MAJOR FAIRFIELD. C. P. RONEY, Esq., A.B., Secretary. COMMITTEE. W. D. LA TOUCHE, ESQ. Sir R. KANE. WILLIAM DARGAN, ESQ. The following arrangement of Sub-Committees was adopted for different departments of the undertaking :- ROBERT HARRISON, ESQ., M.D. NATHANIEL HONE, ESQ. JOHN D'ARCY, ESQ. WILLIAM DICGES LA TOUCHE, ESQ. JOHN LENTAIGNE, ESQ., M.B. J. W. MURLAND, Esq. JOHN PENNEFATHER, ESQ. WM. HENRY PORTER, ESQ, JAMES STIRLING, Esq. WALTER SWEETMAN, ESQ. 1 ROBERT HERON, ESQ., Secretary to the Committee. JOHN C. DEANE, Esq., Assistant Secretary. FINANCE COMMITTEE. HON. GEORGE HANDCOCK, Chairman. L. E. FOOT, Esq. WALTER SWEETMAN, ESQ. Sir JOHN KINGSTON JAMES, Bart. ROBERT HARRISON, Esq., M.D. BUILDING COMMITTEE. SIR EDWARD M'DONNEL, Chairman. J. W. MURLAND, Esq. JAMES STIRLING, ESQ. WILLIAM BARKER, ESQ., M.D. # FINE ARTS COMMITTEE. LORD TALBOT De Malahide, Chairman. E JOHN LENTAIGNE, Esq. JOHN BARTON, ESQ. : A D. JAMES STIRLING, ESQ. L. E. FOOT, Esq. MANUFACTURES, COMMITTEE OF, WALTER SWEETMAN, ESQ., Chairman. Lord TALBOT DE MALAHIDE. JOHN BARLOW, Esq. JOHN D'ARCY, Esq. COMMITTEE, Hon. J. P. VEREKER. W. H. PORTER, Esq. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTÉE. THOMAS BALL, ESQ. NATHANIEL HONE, ESQ. General Superintendent, R. A. THOMPSON, Esq. Superintendents of Districts. District 1. Mr. C. C. ADLEY. C.E. District 2. Mr. W. CARR. District 3. Mr. C. H. BINGHAM. District 4. Mr. CORRIGAN. BRITISH DEPARTMENT. Assistant General Superintendents, { Mr. C. C. ADLEY. C.E. Mr. J. O'HAGAN. Deputies. Mr. J. KENNEDY. Mr. J. P. BYRNE. Mr. W. H. PHIBBS. Mr. S. J. POMMORET. Assistant to General Superintendent, Mr. FREDERICK G. HEATLY. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. Foreign Correspondent and Superintendent of the Foreign Department, Mr. F. M. HARMAN; Deputy-Superintendent, Mr. A. A. JACOB. In the Fine Arts Department, the arrangement of the Sculpture was entrusted to JOHN E. JONES, ESQ. The hanging of the Pictures to JOHN GERNON, Esq. In the Finance Department-Inspector of Accounts, Mr. HENRY Brown. Chief Financial Officer, Mr. T. D. JONES. Superintendent of the Catalogue Department, Mr. WILLIAM M'DERMOtt. OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Sale of Season Tickets, Mr. NICKSON. Correspondence, Mr. KILLINGLEY—Mr. CURRY. Registry of Letters, &c., Mr. A. FERGUSON A. FERGUSON, jun. Charge of Postage and Delivery of Letters, Mr. BYRNE and Mr. Rea. House Steward, Mr. BRESLIN. Custom House Agents, W. B. & C. Palgrave & Co. wi : 7 MARTA. 1 S A LIST OF ARMORIAL BEARINGS. 1. Ireland. 3. Wales. 5. Isle of Man. 7. Prince Albert. 9. Lord Eglinton. 11. Province of Leinster. 13. Province of Connaught. 15. Archbishopric of Armagh. 17. Lord Mayor of Dublin. 19. City of Dublin. 21. Archbishopric of Tuam. 23. University of Dublin. 25. Royal Hospital, Kilmainham. 27. City of Cork. 29. Guild of Merchants. 31. Guild of Barbers, Surgeons. 33. Guild of Carpenters, Millers, Masons, &c. 35. Guild of Cooks. 37. Guild of Tailors. 39. Guild of Bakers. 41. Guild of Shoemakers. 43. Guild of Tanners. 45. Guild of Smiths. 47. Guild of Butchers. 49. Guild of Saddlers, Upholsterers, &c. 51. Guild of Tallow Chandlers. CENTRE HALL. 53. Royal Dublin Society. 55. *Earl of Harrington. 57. *Charles Cobbe, Archbishop of Dublin. 59. *Earl of Grandison. 2. England. 4. Scotland. 6. Berwick-upon-Tweed. 8. Lord St. Germans. 10. William Dargan. 12. Sir John Benson. 14. Province of Munster. 16. Archbishopric of Dublin. 18. Late Lord Mayor of Dublin. 20. City of Galway. 22. Archbishopric of Cashel. 24. Queen's University. 26. Royal Hibernian Military School. 28. City of Belfast. 30. Guild of Glovers and Skinners. 32. Guild of Weavers. 34. Guild of Dyers. 36. Guild of Goldsmiths. 38. Guild of Coopers. 40. Guild of Feltmakers and Hatters.. NORTHERN HALL. 42. Guild of Cutlers, Painters, Paperstainers. 44. Guild of Bricklayers and Plasterers. ** 46. Guild of Hosiers. 48. Guild of Curriers. 50. Guild of Brewers and Maltsters. 52. Guild of Joiners. 54. Royal Irish Academy. 56. *George Stone, Archbishop of Armagh, 58. *Earl of Kildare. 60. *Viscount Lanesborough. 61. *Sir Arthur Gore, Bart. 62. *Sir Thomas Taylor, Bart. 63. *Robert Downes. 64. *Rev. John Wynne, D.Ó. 65. *William Maple. 66. Lord Clarendon. 68. Province of Ulster. 70. Town of Enniskillen. 67. *Thomas Prior. 69. Town of Drogheda. 71. City of Waterford. 73. Bishopric of Waterford. 75. City of Limerick. 72. City of Kilkenny. 74. Bishopric of Ossory. 76. City of Londonderry. 78. Bishopric of Killala. 80. College of Surgeons. 82. Bishopric of Dromore. 77. Bishopric of Limerick. 79. College of Physicians. 81. Bishopric of Derry. * Founders of the Royal Dublin Society to whom the Charter was addressed, A.D. 1731. ... f • i I 1 لا } ARMORIAL BEARINGS. MASTAA AAA 83. University of Oxford. 85. Bishopric of Cloyne. 87. University of St. Andrews. 89. Bishopric of Clogher, 91. City of London. 93. Bishopric of Down. 95. City of Manchester. 97. Bishopric of Kildare. 99. City of Worcester. 101. Bishopric of Leighlin. 103. Town of Liverpool. 105. Bishopric of Meath. 107. Ballast Office. 109. East India Company. 111. *Turkey. 113. Persia. 115. Marhattas. 117. Siam.. 119. China, 121. Egypt. 123. **Grand Turk. 125. Mogul. 127. Malta. 129. Heligoland. 131. Brabant. 133. *Belgium (Tricolor). 135. Ionian Islands. 137. *Austria (Merchant). 139. *Greece. 141. *Portugal. 143. *France (Eagle). 145. *France (Tricolor). 147. *Norway (Lion). 149. *Norway (Merchant). 151. *Mecklenburgh Schwerein. 153. *Denmark. 155. *Bremen. 157. *Hanover. 159. *Russia. 161. *America. 163. *Prussia. NORTHERN HALL-continued. 84. University of Cambridge. 86. Bishopric of Cork. 88. College of St. Nicholas, Galway. 90. Bishopric of Clonfert. 92. City of Edinburgh. 94. Bishopric of Elphin. 96. City of Birmingham. 98. Bishopric of Killalla. 100. City of Leeds. 102. Bishopric of Kilmore. 104. City of Glasgow. 106. Bishopric of Raphoe. 108. Ordnance. 1 SOUTHERN HALL. 110. Japan. 112. China. 114. Batavia. 116. Java. 118. Tripoli. 120. Sandwich Islands. 122. *Brazil. 124. Buenos Ayres. 126. Hayti. 128. Duchy of Oldenburgh. 130. *Netherlands. 132. Belgium (Tricolor). 134. Belgium (Lion). 136. Duchy of Hesse. 138. Switzerland. 140. *Sardinia. 142. *Spain. 144. *France (Tricolor). 146. *France (Eagle). 148. *Sweden (Merchant). 150. *Sweden. 152. Brunswick. 154. Grand Duchy of Baden. 156. *Lubeck. 158. Hamburgh. 160. Saxony. 162. Bavaria. 164. *Austria. * Nations who have Consuls in Dublin, . • Lig 4 B PREFACE. • ^^^ THE history of the present Exhibition will be probably best detailed by the subjoined correspondence between W. Dargan, Esq. and the Royal Dublin Society, merely premising that, for the last 25 years, the Royal Dublin Society has held Triennial Exhibitions of Manufactures, and that the last Exhibition was held in 1850. At a meeting of the Royal Dublin Society held on Thursday, June 24, 1852, the following letter from W. Dargan, Esq. was read:-- I 'DUBLIN, 24th June, 1852. “Mr. Dargan understanding that the year 1853 will be the year for holding the Triennial Exhibition of Manufactures of the Royal Dublin Society, and being desirous of giving such Exhibition a character of more than usual prominence, and to render it available for the Manufactures of the three Kingdoms, proposes to place the sum of twenty thousand pounds in the hands of a Special Executive Committee, on the following conditions:- "1st. That a suitable building shall be erected on the lawn of the Royal Dublin Society. “2nd. That the opening of the Exhibition shall not be later than June, 1853. "3rd. That a Special Executive Committee shall be nominated by three gentlemen on the part of Mr. Dargan, to be named by him, and by three gentlemen to be selected by the Council of the Royal Dublin Society from that body. “4th. That Mr. Dargan shall have the nomination of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and of the Secretary of the Special Executive Committee. << 5th. That at the termination of the Exhibition, the building shall be taken by Mr. Dargan, and shall· become his property at a valuation by competent persons. “6th. That if, after payment of all expenses, the proceeds of the Exhibition do not amount to £20,000, with interest thereon at 5 per cent., Mr. Dargan shall receive the proceeds, less all expenses incurred. "If the proceeds, after payment of all expenses, amount to £20,000, with interest thereon at 5 per cent., Mr. Dargan is to receive £20,000, and interest at 5 per cent. If the proceeds, after payment of all expenses, exceed the sum of £20,000, with interest thereon at 5 per cent., the Executive Committee is to have the disposal of the surplus. "The amount of the valuation of the building is to be considered as cash paid to Mr. Dargan. (Approved.) "WM. DARGAN." t £ · 8 PREFACE. I $ 4. 4 Upon receipt of this letter a resolution was passed by the Royal Dublin Society, cordially binding the Society to co-operate with Mr. Dargan by adopting his proposal, and referring to the Council to take steps in conjunction with Mr. Dargan or his appointees to carry out fully the views contained in his letter. In accordance with this recommendation, at a subsequent meeting of the Council, the following members were appointed as the representatives of the Royal Dublin Society on the Executive Committee:-L. E. Foot, C. J. Fairfield, and W. Sweetman; and on the part of Mr. Dargan, G. Roe, Sir E. M'Donnel, Hon. George Handcock-G. Roe, Esq. and C. J. Fairfield, be respectively nominated Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and C. P. Roney, Esq. Secretary. By subsequent elections the General Executive Committee was constituted as follows, and the paid officers elected :- COMMITTEE.-George Roe, Esq. Chairman. Major Fairfield, Deputy Chairman. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, The Lord Talbot de Malahide. The Hon. J. P. Vereker. The Hon. George Handcock. Sir John Kingston James, Bart. Sir Edward M'Donnel. Sir Robert Kane. Thomas Ball, Esq. Professor William Barker, M.D. John Barlow, Esq. John Barton, Esq. William Dargan, Esq. Lundy E. Foot, Esq. Robert Harrison, Esq. M.D. Nathaniel Hone, Esq. John D'Arcy, Esq. William Digges La Touche, Esq. John Lentaigne, Esq. M.B. J. W. Murland, Esq. John Pennefather, Esq. William Henry Porter, Esq. James. Stirling, Esq. Walter Sweetman, Esq. C. P. Roney, Esq. A.B. Secretary. ས * + John C. Deane, Esq. Assistant Secretary. Robert Heron, Esq. Secretary to the Committee. The following arrangement of Sub-Committees was adopted for different departments of the under- taking:- FINANCE COMMITTEE.-Hon. George Handcock, Chairman. Sir Edward M'Donnel. George Roc, Esq. Major Fairfield. L. E. Foot, Esq. Walter Sweetman, Esq. William Barker, Esq. M.D. Sir John Kingston James, Bart. Robert BUILDING COMMITTEE.-Sir Edward M'Donnel, Chairman. W. D. La Touche, Esq. Sir R. Kane. William Dargan, Esq. J. W. Murland, Esq. James Stirling, Esq. FINE ARTS COMMITTEE.-Lord Talbot de Malahide, Chairman. Harrison, Esq. M.D. John Lentaigne, Esq. John Barton, Esq. MANUFACTURE COMMITTEE.-Walter Sweetman, Esq. Chairman. James Stirling, Esq. L. E. Foot, Esq. Hon. J. P. Vereker. W. H. Porter, Esq. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE.-Lord Talbot de Malahide. John Barlow, Esq. John D'Arcy, Esq. Thomas Ball, Esq. Nathaniel Hone, Esq. General Superintendent, R. A Thompson, Esq. BRITISH DEPARTMENT.—Assistant General Superintendents, Mr. C. C. Adley, C.E. Mr. J. O'Hagan.' Superintendent of Districts. District 1. Mr. C. C. Adley, C.E. District 2. Mr. W. Carr. District 3. Mr. C. H. Bingham. District 4. Mr. Corrigan. Assistant to General Superintendent, Mr. Frederick G. Heatly. Foreign Correspondent, and Superintendent of the Foreign Department, Mr. F. M. Harman; Deputy Superintendent, Mr. A. A. Jacob. In the Fine Arts Department, the hanging of the Pictures was entrusted to John Gernon, Esq. Deputies. Mr. J. Kennedy. Mr. J. P. Byrne. Mr. W. H. Phibbs. Mr. S. J. Pommoret. * * PREFACE. 9 } το The disposition of the Sculpture through the Building to John E. Jones, Esq. In the Finance Department-Inspector of Accounts, Mr. Brown. Chief Financial Officer, Mr. T. D. Jones. Superintendent of the Catalogue Department, Mr. William M'Dermott. OFFICE DEPARTMENT.-Sale of Season Tickets, Mr. Nickson. Correspondence, Mr. Killingly—Mr. Curry. Registry of Letters, &c. Mr. A. Ferguson-A. Ferguson, Jun. Charge of Postage of Letters, Mr. Byrne and Mr. Rea. House Steward, Mr. Breslin. : • } The Executive Committee, immediately on its appointment, advertised for plans for a suitable building to be erected on the lawn of the Royal Dublin Society, and having requested the assistance of Messrs. G. Miller, G. W. Hemans, and Lanyon, in selecting that most suitable for the purpose, resolved to adopt that submitted by J. Benson, Esq. architect, who also superintended the works. The plan as originally adopted was subsequently modified by the addition of the northern and southern halls. In September, Mr. Dargan finding that the accom- modation provided by the original plans would not be sufficient for the anticipated wants of the Exhibition, proposed to the Royal Dublin Society to advance a still further sum of £6,000, to be applied on the same conditions as the first £20,000, and in February of this year he proposed to enlarge the Exhibition Building by the addition of buildings around the front court and the agricultural exhibition yard, for which purpose he agreed with the Royal Dublin Society to place in the hands of the Executive Committee a still further sum of £14,000, making the whole sum advanced by him £40,000. It is needless to say that the total expenditure has far exceeded this sum * --39 or ph C moitvij AO.. *** 22 * a A caVI edi o - rofes te NOT 10672 A Barlow I Bohussainekuga E 3 ई i 14 The Queen's Contributions Objects Exhibited in the Central Hall Mining and Mineral Products Animal Substances Manufactures from Mineral Substances Manufactures from Flax and Hemp Woollen, Worsted, Silk, and Mixed Fabrics Cotton Machines for Direct Use Carriages Furs, Leather, Saddlery, and Harness Printing, Bookbinding, Paper, and Stationery Printed and Dyed Fabrics Iron and General Hardware S Cutlery and Edged Tools Glass China, Porcelain, Earthenware, &c. Manufacturing Machines and Tools Civil Engineering and Architectural Designs Naval Apparatus, Models, &c., Ordnance and Armour Philosophical, Musical, Horological, and Surgical Instruments Lace and Embroidery, including Carpets and Floor Cloths Articles for immediate Personal or Domestic Use Mediæval Court Poor Law Unions Gaols - Fisheries Foreign States East Indies Miscellaneous. Jewellery, &c. Furniture, Upholstery, Papier Machié, &c. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes generally Substances used as Food - CONTENTS. • Chinese Collection Relics of Ancient Art Royal Irish Academy Fine Arts Vernon Gallery Sculpture L C Agricultural and Horticultural Machines Wax Models, Carving in Wood, Ivory, &c. Fancy Work, Stained Glass, &c. 1 I I # · . t 1 . I 1 M PAGE 11 17 • 25 . 28 • - 100 - -.51 52 55 - 57 59 65 71 75 76 77 82 - - 28. 30 33 36 37. 39 42 42 48 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE CATALOGUE. Des. Designer; Eng. Engraver; Imp. Importer; Inv. Inventor; Manu. Manufacturer; Mod. Modeller; Pat. Patentee; Prod. Producer; Prop. Proprietor; Sculp. Sculptor or Carver. 87 91 - 96 - 98 - 100 - 104 - 106 - 106 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 119 - 119 - 128 - 128 - 145 - 187 - 191 - T = 1 GRACIONA OFFICIAL No. A S LIST OF ARTICLES SENT FROM WINDSOR CASTLE, BY COMMAND OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, AND H. R. H. THE PRINCE ALBERT, TO THE DUBLIN INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION OF 1853. Name and Description HANLUN * SET OF ARMS, No. 1. 1 Perjama or Trowsers.--Green velvet outside, and silk East India Co. inside, with chain mail lined in between them. Crimson silk waistband and sash, with two silver and gold cord-worked ends. Crimson and gold edging at bottom of the legs. 2 Kortee or Coat.-Plain steel chain mail, collar, each side of breast, back, and wrists worked in gold spangles and cord, forming stems, leaves, and flowers. In- side of collar and breast lined with crimson velvet, and fastened by 11 silver hooks and eyes. 3 4 Body Plates, consisting of breast, back, and two side pieces; brown steel and raised gold ornaments in scrolls; outer border of flowers and leaves, with an inner one lined with crimson velvet gold lace border; steel and gilt buckles; crimson velvet straps. 4 A pair of Armlets in brown steel; raised gold ornaments, nearly similar to Body Plates, excepting outer scroll instead of flower border; gold hinges; 2 lozen-shaped pieces of gold at wrists of each; steel and brass chain hand covers attached to wrists, lined throughout with crimson velvet quilted, edged with gold lace; 2 buckles to each. 5 Toopee or Helmet, steel stained brown, with gold raised ornaments in scrolls of same character as Body Plates; rim of gold in sunk panels; chain necking of steel and brass, forming diamond pattern; Nasal CATALOGUE. By whom Presented to Her Majesty do. do. .* -do. do. Remarks This Set of Arms, Nos. 1 to 13, was selected for pre- sentation from the late Lahore Dur- bar Foshakhana. f PRETTY SURENTS525 243109 ESTÄNGAVEZETETT PARTOUMENN f T + r 12 ARTICLES sent by HER MAJESTY and H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. No. 10 11 23320 ..13 ་ ** ł zaļ SET OF ARMS, No. 1-continued. Guard, spike at top, and 2 keelgees holders, steel, inlaid with gold in zigzags; ends of Nasal Guard in scrolls; crimson velvet lining. 6 Keelgees.-2 large Keelgees of heron feathers; gold and East India Co. 2 japanned silver wire worked stems for helmet. boxes. 7 Shield.-Brown steel and gold raised ornaments, similar in general design to Body Plates; centre formed by double border, encircling 4 panels with Asiatic characters between 4 bosses in gold open-work ornaments, the centres of the latter being each studded with 6 small Rubies and 1 Emerald; outer rim of shield, formed of narrow leaf pattern border; lined inside with green velvet, gold lace edging; crimson and gold brocade knuckle part; hand straps attached by 4 gold rings. 8 Bow, brown japanned in flowers, divided into spaces by white grass twisted round; one end broken; partly coloured string, cat-gut ends. 9 Quiver, covered in green velvet, with ends and centre- band of gold, in flowers and open-work at edges; green velvet strap, and 4 silk cords; 2 crimson ends. Name and Description Arrows, 21, ornamented in Japan work; 7 inches down at feather ends and small bands; iron spear heads. Powder Horn, covered in green velvet; top and end of Horn finished with solid gold ornaments, in open- work; the top jewelled with 70 Rnbies (1 missing) and 19 Emeralds, and the end with 21 Rubies and 18 Emeralds; stopper attached by gold chain, and jewelled with six Rubies. A steel, partly gilt, affixed with white and crimson silk cord. 12 Shoulder Belt and 3 small Bullet Boxes, attached by sliders on belt, the whole covered in green velvet, edged with gold work; strap, tipped in gold, jewel- led with 11 Rubies and 7 Emeralds, and the buckle at reverse end with 14 Rubies; solid gold orna- mented fastenings to Boxes, jewelled with 14 Rubies and 8 Emeralls to each fastening; 47 lead bullets of two sizes, and fuzee, in gilt holder, in the Boxes. Drum.-Small gold Kettle Drum, ornamented in ribs for saddle bow, with gold fringe at top; green velvet stick holder on one side, and pad, with strap and buckle, on other; wadded green silk top cover, and swivel-ring at bottom, with long tan leather strap. 1 stick broken. By whom Presented to Her Mje-ty do. do. do. do. do. do. do. $ Remarks This Set of Arms, Nos. 1 to 13, was selected for pre- sentation from the late Lahore Dur- bar Foshakhana. ན་ I 1 } fs ARTICLES sent by HER MAJESTY and H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. 1 DESEMPRE COUNTERPANIONS AND No. 15 Name and Description SET OF ARMS, No. 2. 14 Perjama or Trowsers, crimson and gold brocade, lined East India Co. with crimson silk; green waist-band; crimson silk sash; 2 end ornaments in gold and silver wire- work, six pendants to each; steel and brass chain leggings, the brass forming solid diamond-shaped ornaments. 20 Kortee or Coat.-Steel and brass chain mail, zigzag pattern, with 2 small copper bands at bottom of coat and arms. Collar and breast facings of crimson and gold brocade to match trowsers. 16 Toopee or Helmet.-Steel and gold ornaments, inlaid with gold borders in flowers and scrolls; nasal guard; top and side Keelgee holders, also inlaid with gold. Steel and brass chain mail necking, the brass forming open diamond pattern. 17 Keelgees.-3 Keelgees, gold wire stems and heron fea- thers, the top one having 71 pearls round it, in three rows. 3 japanned Keelgee boxes. 18 Shield.-Black japanned leather, ornamented outside with 4 gold bosses and a crescent inlaid with diamonds, each boss being set with 50, and the crescent with 47, making in the whole 247. 3 enamelled studs, and puce velvet hand holds and knuckle pad at- tached by 4 gold rings on inside. 19 Matchlock Rifle-black steel barrel, marked by sunk wavey lines throughout ridge at top, inlaid at breech with gold in flower, and 2 panels containing eastern characters; gold muzzle formed into crocodile head, with two rubies set for eyes; gilt fore and hind sight; brown wood stock, with gold scolloped edges alongside of barrel, and plates in open-work, form- ing flowers on each side at breech. Engraved and open work gold butt; gilt iron trigger, pan, and cover, picker, and holder--the picker attached by 2 small gold chains; 4 gold open-work bands round barrel and stock. 2 gold sling rings, with red and white silk sling, and gold buckles; slow match twisted round small of butt; iron ramrod, gilt top. GOLD ORNAMENTS. Gold Hookah-in 3 parts, the lid to top held by 2 small gold chains; stopper also fastened to end of pipe by 2 similar chains; and part of neck of bowl also attached by two other gold chains. By whom Presented to Her Majesty do. do. do. do. do. Một làn da nh «Va ******* do. Remarks ! This second Set of Arms, Nos. 14 to 19, was likewise selected for pre- sentation from the late Durbar Fosh- akhana. This and following articles, excepting Nos. 61, 62, and 63, were in the London Exhibi- tion of 1851. 14 ARTICLES sent by HER MAJESTY and H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. เ 2- : No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 co co ro 35 36 37 38 39 40 By whom Presented to Her Majesty Name and Description SILVER AND OTHER ORNAMENTS. Silver Ornaments.-2 silver gilt vases in open-work in flowers; leaf-edge round top 5 inches high. Black stands and glass covers made in London. Silver Ornaments in raised work, forming flowers and scrolls, on green coloured ground, consisting of 8 pieces, viz. :- An ewer and cover, hinged, the spout and handle terminating with reptile heads-16 inches high. A basin, with open-work cover attached by 2 plain silver chains, and cup inside, 13 inches in diameter. A bottle, with top held by 2 small silver chains, 12 inches high. A vase and cover, 7 inches high. A tea-pot and cover, the latter hinged, and also attached by 4 small chains-8 inches high. A. plate and cover, 8 inches diameter. Bronze.--A camel on square stand, 5 inches high. A Brahmin bull, 4 inches high. Inlaid Metallic Ware:- A black vase, inlaid with silver, forming trees, flowers, and other devices, 23 inches high. A basin and centre cover, inlaid in silver flowers, 12 inches in diameter. A cup, stand, and cover; cup inlaid in silver, with landscape and figures, and sportsmen shooting birds. Stand, on three feet, inlaid with flowers; and lid with houses, trees, and figures in com- partments-12 inches high. Ivory Ornaments:- Horn:- wk Set of chessmen, highly carved. Elephant's head, carved, and supported on teak- wood frame. Small elephant's head, carved, on stand 5 in high. A miniature carved back-scratcher, with cow and milk-maid at top, 24 inches long, in small deal box. A whole horn, polished, for a drinking horn, en- graved at rim and end, the latter carved as an elephant, with ivory tusks. A circular upright box, engraved, 5 inches high. A flat horn box. 2 black tigers, on stands, supporting a light-co- loured, shallow, circular dish, engraved. 41 Porcupine Quill.-Basket and cover made of same. Murhut Partramgeer of Mirzapore. Maha Rajah Gholab Sing, of Cash- mere. Baboo East India Co. do. do. do. do. do. शुभ Remarks $ ARTICLES sent by HER MAJESTY and H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. 15 ! : No. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 By whom Presented to Her Majesty ALABASTER AND OTHER ORNAMENTS. Alabaster Ornaments :- Name and Description A pair of white grotesque fish. A pair of white swans. A pair of white jars and covers, 6 inches high. One white bottle and lid, 10 inches high. Agate Ornaments :— Moss agate vase, with scolloped top edges and foot, 8 inches high. Two dozen agate green, square, and flat round knife handles. A white agate cup and saucer. Model of a cannon and gun carriage, with two wheels, all white, attached to green bloodstone; ammunition carriage, supported on two wheels, with two boxes, pole, and cross-bar. The whole fitted with gold mountings complete. Green bloodstone inkstand and penholder. Pottery :- A bottle, brown, ornamented with silver or white lines, forming trellis work, with sprigs in centre, and leaf borders, glazed, 12 inches high. A bottle, red, with black and yellow heart-shaped pattern round neck; red trellis and yellow ground, with trees in centre of each, between two borders, round body of bottle; highly glazed, 94 inches. A bottle, black, plain glazed, 9 inches high. A bottle, stone colour, with five raised leaves round body, each shaped at top into five parts, 10 inches high. A cup with side handles and cover, richly orna- mented in raised figures, black painted and glazed to imitate polished iron, 12 inches high. A bottle, body fluted, and stand perforated in holes, black painted, in imitation of flowers, and slightly glazed. Woods :- A sandal-wood box and lid highly carved in figures of flowers, 18 inches by 12. A polished sandal-wood box, inlaid with ivory and metals, ivory feet. Model of a Hindoo temple in pith. Four baskets made of Khuskhus, three with and one without lid. East India Co. do. do. do. do. 7 Baboo Ram Pershan Sing of Benares 1 Remarks A ޕ 16 ARTICLES sent by HER MAJESTY and H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. d No. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 8888 68 69 70 71 PA By whom Presented to Her Majesty Name and Description VELVET AND SILK ORNAMENTS. Velvets, Silks: Cloth of gold chabraque, raised pattern formed into irregular squares, flowers in the centre wholly in gold thread, crimson and gold cord round, and gold and silver open scolloped border on two sides and shaped end; lined with pale blue silk. Cloth of gold chabraque, small portion of purple silk and gold thread worked into raised flowers, crimson and gold cord round edge, gold and silver open scolloped border on two sides and the shaped end; lined with pale blue silk. A buff silk and gold brocade chabraque, pattern formed in red silk, and velvet work encircling silver thread flowers and stars alternately; gold and puce colour square cord all round, and gold and silver fringes on two sides and ends; lined with crimson silk. A rose color gauze and silver worked Hookah cover. A purple velvet Hookah carpet, embroidered with silver and gold spangles as flowers, gold and silver tinsel fringe. A hand punker, silver and gilt handle, two flappers, worked in flowers with seed pearls, emeralds, and rubies, all perfect except the centre flower, on one side 46 pearls and 9 emeralds of which only now remain. Black velvet chair cover, worked in silk and gold thread, 19 inches square. Nine pieces of shawl wool cloth, each 12 yds. long. Five pieces of Purreepuz (a new fabric) each 10 feet long. Nine specimens of cashmere silk thread. Twenty-three specimens of cashmere paper. Baboo Ram Pershan Sing of Benares do. do. East India Co. do. do. do. Maha Rajah Gholab Sing of Cashmere. do. do. Remarks SASA YANAN BAR { W. GRADA, k MACHINERY.* ↓ THIS department is the most important in the entire Exhibition, for the class of objects which it contains have ever been the most potent instruments of man's dominion and progress. Without the lever, the wheel, the cord, and the inclined plane in its various forms, he could neither have tilled the ground nor subdued the wild beast in the infancy of our race; in its maturity, the printing press, the steam engine, and the electric telegraph are the earthly ministers of his destiny. Machinery, as the great origin of its name implies, is the triumph of intellectual power over mere force, which it disposes and transforms at pleasure though it cannot create it. Even the more obvious and palpable energies which surround us, animal strength, the fall of water, the wind, will scarcely serve us without its aid; and the mightier but invisible agencies of heat, affinity, electricity, magnetism, and light, will not obey us. Yet it controls even these to work our will, and to realize for us in each passing hour prosperity beyond the dreams of fable-marvels surpassing the wonder of enchantment. Machines may be considered, with respect to the three points indicated, first as collectors of power; secondly, as modifying its distribution; thirdly, as guiding its application; and all are well illustrated here. A few references may not be useless. For the first- 1. Water-power, so abundant in this country, is utilized by wheels, turbines, &c. 2. Heat is represented by the steam engines. In connexion with these, the Indicator should be studied, which traces a record of the action at every other point of the stroke. Fire arms belong to the same class. 3. Electric apparatus: voltaic batteries of various forms, in which chemical action evolves electricity; magneto-electric-in which magnetism, combined with mechanical power, produce it; and induction coils— which, by the intermittance of a feeble current of electricity, produce one of considerable intensity. 4. Electro-magnetic apparatus: it evolves magnetism by the transfer of electricity; electro-magnets, more powerful than any other machine in which the action is a motive force; electric clocks, and various kinds of electric telegraphs. 5. Electro-metallurgic apparatus; applying electricity to subvert chemical affinity, and deposit metals in given forms, performing the work of the engraver and goldsmith. 6. Photographic apparatus, where light forms pictures by evolving chemical forces. Secondly-Machinery fulfils still more important purposes, by concentrating either of the two elements of power, force and space. One can be increased by lessening the other. If a great resistance is to be overcome by a small force, this must be accumulated in the working point during a proportional time or space, and then made to act. Examples are the steam hammer, printing machinery, and all kinds of presses. Less obvious illustrations are the Dieptric Lighthouse apparatus and the telescope, the former condensing into a horizontal sheet the light which its lamp would scatter unprofitably in every direction ; the other condensing into a point the rays which fall on its object-glass or mirror, and thus giving them intensity enough to affect the eye. Grubb's object-glasses, the largest ever made in Ireland, have been polished by machinery. On the other hand, it is often necessary to obtain a speed far surpassing that of the moving force, or to * This preface to the Section "Machines for direct use," was accidentally omitted from its proper situation in the Catalogue. It should stand in page 48. INTRODUCTION TO MACHINERY. 1 extend the time of its operation; this mode of action is shown in the balances of Oertling, when a minute difference of weight produces a considerable motion of the index; in clocks, when a weight raised a few feet in a few seconds, maintains the motion of its pendulum for days and weeks; in circular saws, and in the machines for drying cloth or purifying sugars by centrifugal force; in many of the instruments of measurement. And last, and most important, machinery guides the application of power with precision according to any given law. Eye and hand of even the best workmen may err, but the machine never fails; and nothing gives a higher idea of the endowment which man has received from his Creator, than to see these inaminate combinations doing in perfection, tasks which seem to belong only to living and thinking agents. This principle pervades every machine in the Exhibition, but some deserve special reference. 1. THE MACHINE FOR WEIGHING GOLD.-The bank clerks did this slowly and imperfectly; in fact (and this applies to all processes which do not exert the intellect) such work injures the mind. This works twenty times as fast, separates the correct and light, and makes no mistake. ་ 2. LATHES, AND THE ANALAGOUS MACHINES FOR PLANING AND BORING.In these the points of the material to be fashioned, or the tool, are guided to move in circles, right lines, elipses, or the complicated curves of epicycloids and rose-work. With this, high speed is often combined; and the result is truth of workmanship, which the hand alone could not reach, and rapidity of production: which two combined, are the essential causes of the perfection to which machinery has attained. 3. LOOMS FOR FIGURED TEXTURES.-In forming these, 'the warp and weft must intersect variously according to the proposed pattern. In the east this variation is still made directly by hand; and ´though the more effective means afforded by the tapestry loom have long been known in Europe, yet they bear no comparison with the invention of Jacquard. In it the changes are made by perforated plates (themselves furnished by a machine whose action is mechanical. And it has produced a complete revolution in every branch of this manufacture. The old stocking loom, and the machine for sewing and knitting, are still more curious examples of rivalry with human fingers. 5. Grubb's GREAT EQUATORIAL.-When a star is observed with high powers it will leave the field of the telescope in a few seconds. The instrument, must, therefore, be made to follow in its track, and with its speed. Extreme accuracy in both is necessary, as the mass to be governed is very great, and any error is greatly magnified. The clock which moves it deserves special notice. 6. This principle even applies to operations which at first seem purely intellectual; and calculating machines are the result. + The simplest mathematical process is addition; it is shown by the counters of metres, the machinery for numbering railway tickets, and in 'Grubb's machine for numbering bank notes. But nearly all mathe- matical relations can be developed by addition; and thus, Mr. Babbage was enabled to execute, by mechanism, the computations of mathematical tables, and even to solve questions which are above any known rescources of the geometer. These examples have been indicated with a view to show in what spirit this part of the collection should be examined by those who wish to view it with something better than ignorant wonder. To Ireland the instruction which it offers is peculiarly important, for her industrial resources are, to a great extent, paralysed by the want of machinery; and whatever diffuses a knowledge of its powers will develope them. ī + 18 CENTRAL HALL. bronzed; hot air stoves; flower pot stands; cooking- glass and frame, in iron, gilt; an economical cooking range, complete; two flower vases in bronze, electro gilt; a variety of ornamental castings of figures, &c. electro-bronzed. Samples of pig-iron, bar iron, and plates, as follows:-grey pig iron for light and heavy castings; strong grey forge pig iron; mottled iron; white iron; samples of forge and of finished bars; chequered plates for flooring. 503 PIM, BROTHERS, and Co. Dublin, Manu. Loom for the manufacture of velvets; jacquard loom with brocading machine at work upon a pattern de- signed in the Dublin School of Design. 196 ATKINSON, R. & Co. Dublin, Manu. and Des. Rich gold tissued and brocaded Irish poplins, (designed by pupils of the Dublin School of Design); Irish poplins, plain, figured, double, plaided, shot, and in various other styles; gold tissued and figured poplin waistcoatings; specimen of tapestry woven in Dublin in 1738, being a portrait of George II. in a frame. 196 A PIM, BROTHERS, & Co. Des. and Manu.- Specimens of plain watered tartan; fancy rich figured and rich brocaded tissue poplin; poplin robes; Glacé silks, rich velvets, vestings, &c. ; specimens of Limerick lace, manufactured by David M'Clure of Limerick. 504 ATKINSON, R. and Co. Dublin, Prop.--Ma- hogany and brass mounted Irish poplin loom, with jacquard machine, and new brocading apparatus, at work. 1 C 500 TODD, BURNS, & Co. 47 Mary St. Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-Jacquard machine at work manu- facturing an original design in Irish poplins, brocaded in three colours; jacquard machine turned by steam power, and at work, manufacturing original patterns in silk figured ribbons, in ten different pieces of various colors. (Made by Sharp, Odell, and Jury, Coventry). Specimens of Irish fronting linens, bleached by a new process, occupying only 10 days; Irish cambric handkerchiefs; muslin lace curtains; Limerick lace; Coventry ribbons; Irish needlework and crochet lace; upholstery ornaments, with chair in Irish needlework; foreign and British printed mus- lins, silks and shawls; historical piece in Irish needle- work, in gilt frame; drawing and dining-room cur- tains in French brocatelle with gold cornices; library curtains of crimson damask, of Irish manufacture, with gold cornices; bed-room curtain, in French printed Tournay, with patent noiseless pole and rings; rich brass and iron tube bedsteads, with specimens of damasks; patent Axminster carpets. 501 KEELY & LEECH, 108 Grafton Street, Dublin. Prop. A jacquard loom for weaving poplin. pada w 154 KEELY & LEECH, 108 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. and Des.-A rich tobined poplin, the flowers shaded in various colours, the ground composed of antique scroll work, veined with gold tissue brocade. Plain, figured, watered, double and demy cords; Bayadere poplins; plain and fancy waistcoating. 993 CHANCE, BROTHERS & CO. Birmingham, Manu. -First order fixed dioptric lighthouse apparatus, with catadioptric zones, constructed according to the sys- tem of Augustin Fresnel: the lamp in the centre of - the apparatus on the moderator principle, consisting of burner with four concentric wicks, is of immense power, the light in clear weather being visible 50 miles distant. Concentric polyzonal lens, eight of which, arranged octagonally, constitute the revolving portion of a first order dioptric revolving light. Fourth order dioptric lighthouse apparatus, similar to the first order light, but on a reduced scale, suitable for lighting the entrance to harbours, rivers, &c. visible at a distance of 15 miles. Glass shades, round, oval, and square. 140 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE GROWTH OF FLAX IN IRELAND, Belfast.-Series of specimens illustrating the prepa- ration of the flax plant for manufacturing purposes, and the different processes employed in the course of manufacture in Ireland :- 1. Flax-straw, dried with the seed on. 2. Flax-straw after steeping. ,, Samples of seed; samples of seed capsules. 29 Dito CENTRAL HALL. 17 : Central Hall. EQUESTRIAN STATUE OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, by the Baron Marochetti. This work is exhibited by the kind permission of the "Committee of the Queen's Statue," at Glasgow, where it is about to be erected in bronze. 1139 HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT.- Her Majesty's Grand Centre Piece-was executed under the instructions of H. R. H. Prince Albert ; it represents a group of horses round a Temple or Kiosk, with their attendants, the figures and horses with Persian greyhound, were grouped, designed, and modelled by Mr. Cotterill; the Kiosk was modelled by Mr. E. Percy, formerly of Dublin; and the base by Mr. William Spencer. The whole executed in silver, by the Messrs. Garrard, Haymarket. 1152 THE EARL OF EGLINTON AND WINTON.-The "Emperor's Vase," won at Ascot, by the Earl of Eglinton's "The Flying Dutchman," by Bay Middle- ton, out of Barbelle, in June, 1850; ridden by Marlow. -Subject: Fighth Labour of Hercules. Hercules having heard of the atrocius cruelties practised by Diomedes, Tyrant of Thrace, he being in the habit of causing his captives to be torn in pieces by his ferocious horses, he slew him and the animals, and let the captives free. This vase and group were designed and modelled by Cotterill, of London, and executed in silver by the Messrs. Garrard, Haymarket. 1152A The Goodwood Cup, won by the Earl of Eglinton's " "Van Tromp," by Lanercost, out of Barbelle, in July, 1848; ridden by Marlow.-Subject: "The Battle of the Standard." 1138 COLONEL THE EARL OF CARDIGAN AND THE OFFICERS OF THE 11TH HUSSARS.-Silver equestrian statue by Cotterell, presented to the officers of the 11th Hussars by their late Colonel, his Royal Highness Prince Albert, February, 1844. 1140 COLONEL & OFFICERS OF THE 7TH HUSSARS. -Silver equestrian statue of the Marquis of Anglesey, by Cotterell, presented to the officers of the 7th Hus- sars, by the Marquis of Anglesey. M. ANDRE, Paris.-A fountain in cast iron, designed by Lienard. 88 LONDON & PENZANCE SERPENTINE Co. Mr. John Organ, Manager, Penzance, Cornwall, Prod.-Ladies' inlaid work tables; octagon vases; Albert vase; pedes- tal and vase; chimney piece; pair of Luxor obelisks; scrap inlaid zodiac vase; pair of Hebe ewers; pair of King's needles; large ink-stands; pair of Hebe jugs and centre piece; pair large of bell vases; large tazza; Wellington tablets; pair of fluted vases; miniature table; crosses; polished slab. 321 COALBROOKDALE COMPANY, Coalbrookdale, near Wellington, Shropshire, Des. Inv. and Prop.-An ornamental tent, with pilasters, &c. of iron; an ornamental iron fountain; "The Combat," bronzed; register stoves and fenders, of new and unique design; hat, coat, and umbrella stands, of unique design, bronzed; garden and hall chairs, and tables; orna- mental vases in cast iron; brackets for gas, &c. electro- B - 1 ! KERETÉ A AGRICULTURAL " K Walter Se, 20 Suffolk St. Dublin, I I DEPARTMENT FURNITURE HALL İSUPERINTENDANTS OFFICE POLICE D === GENTLEMEN ARTS FINE ט O F FFT FICES PAPETER A ANTIQUITIES LIX 3 1251118187 OMOTIVE S JUNA HARD MALILEE J R ជ ☐ "We are et de p 0 325-40 0 ם MEDIÆVAL HALL FINE ARTS HALL C REFRESHMENTS D E ☐ - AND ! } ↓ I 1 I # 1 I -ó INDIAN COLLECTION · S E M T SOCIETY REFRESHMENTS M BELGIUM HALL O mangat sukan, kannata ka p SOUTH FRANCE PRUSSIA ZOLLVEREIN 1 ENTRANCE_O ¿ 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 d. 1 1 } I 1 M R j. 1 X 3 C. E D ERR 8 ↑ O 4255 I 1 S t S Oo O O A E L 80 Cuntoul Ι C 0 a ” 3 Ball 0 TAIN ם C 口 ​S V. : S E 0 10 20 E D ច f ט 1+ ច A 1 C R R 1 A с GREAT ORGANİ 5 EQUEST STATUE DITY H [FOUNTAIN T T ט ✩ Q OF G FOUNTAIN MER N TRANCE O 100 425 + MAJESTY. ם SCALE OF FEET. 30 40. Во 60 LCHEMICALS S 70 Sn A R RETIR C D O O C I t ! 1 1 1 1 EXHIBITOR'S ¿DINING ROOM + 霄 ​1 1 1 .1 I I I { B · TCHOOL OF I R 0 0 NAVAL AND RAILWAY MACHINERY 100 ០ ㅁㅁㅁㅁ ​O REFRESHMENTS FROM HARDWARE • HALL NORTH 340 + 50 G ☐ ם ם ם ס AND GENERA 1 ㅣ​ㅁ ​FỒN TRANCE Q V A R [ 1 1 1 1 # I + MANUFACTUR 1 + 1 I I 1 # ↓ 1 SILK AND WOOL 1 1 FAC 1 1 MANUFACTURES FROM MINERAL SUBSTANCES 1 } * V } 1 E 1 1 D 口 ​TT 1 L} FOS L. TO TI · D • O · |= N O O M NI Y . E N I CH A M 425+ 40 # AAAAAAA ENTLEMEN C ប 口​・ ㅁ ​ם D → John Benson Arch= 1 ! 1 1 CENTRAL HALL. 19 # 3. Flax-straw, steeped and rolled for scutching. ,, Sample of scutching-tow. 4. Scutched flax fibre of various qualities. 5. Hackled flax fibre of various qualities. 6. Hackle-tow of various qualities. 7. Line and tow sliver. "" 8. Line rovings for 130 lea, and 260 lea yarns. Line and tow yarns from 6 lea to 280 lea. 9. Specimens of unbleached and bleached fabrics, including heavy and light linens, drills, diapers, damasks, lawns, cambrics, musquito- netting, &c. &c. 10. Specimens of fancy, dyed, and printed fabrics, including drills, bed-ticks, floor-cloths, lawns, cambrics, linens, &c. &c. Series of samples of foreign flax, used in the Irish linen manufacture, and of Irish and English flax, treated by peculiar processes, viz. :-Samples of Rus- sian, Dutch, Belgian (Courtrai and Flemish), and Egyptian flax, in the scutched and hackled state; samples of English and Irish flax, prepared by the patent processes of Schenck (hot water), and of Watt (steaming), and of Irish flax, dried and steeped on the "Courtrai" system. Case of specimens of linen yarns, &c. the manufacture of Messrs. Gradwell, Chadwick & Co. Drogheda. Case of specimens of linen fabrics, &c. the manufacture of Messrs. John Hind & Sons, Belfast. 1149 CLASSON, J. Northumberland Buildings, Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-Carvings in bog oak of several of the antiquities of Ireland, comprising the rock of Cashel, Clonmacnoise, Monasterboice, Glenda- lough, &c. contained in a glazed frame, the front of which, carved by the celebrated Grinling Gibbons, represents as emblems of war, the weapons used at the battle of the Boyne; brooches, bracelets, and other ladies' ornaments in bog oak. 1401 WILLIAMS, H.-Model turned in ivory from Sir John Benson's original design for the principal front of the Exhibition Building. Specimen of amateur eccentric turning in concentric chucks. 1402 SHAW, C.-Specimens in ivory of mechanical sculpture, produced in a turning lathe by machinery invented by exhibitor. 1125 PRICE'S PATENT CANDLE COMPANY, Belmont, Vauxhall, Surrey, Inv. and Manu.-Specimens illus- trating the Company's patent processes for making palm oil and other fatty substances into pure white candles by distillation, &c.; specimens of the palm oil fruit, and of vegetable tallows, butters and waxes; specimens illustrating the manufacture of night lights; candles, night lights, and oils of various descriptions. 213 MARSLAND, SON & Co. Manchester, Des. and Manu.-Cotton, in skeins and on reels, for sewing, crochet, guipure, knitting and embroidery purposes; samples of horse hair, scarlet, white and black; brooches, bracelets, wreaths, head-dresses, fancy buttons and other ornaments made of horse hair. Gold and silver thread; dress ornaments of gold and silver, mixed with horse hair. 1 684 GRUBB, THOMAS, 15 Leinster Sq. Rathmines, Dublin, Inv. and Manu.-Large equatorial instru- ment, with improved clock-work, and system of coun- terpoise, carrying achromatic telescope of 12 inches clear aperture, and 20 feet focus; model equatorial, the form being specially adapted for carrying large New- tonian reflectors (to 6 feet diameter), the present model carrying one of 15 inches; small equatorial, adapted to refracting telescopes, of from 3 to 5 inches aper- ture; case of achromatic object glasses for telescopes, and photographic purposes; improved oxyhydrogen microscope, polariscope, and economic double lantern (requiring only one-half the usual quantity of the mixed gases for dissolving views). 699 KIRKMAN, J. & SON, London, Inv. and Manu. -Pianofortes of various styles and descriptions. 712 MOSES, MARCUS, 4 & 5 Westmoreland St. Dublin, Imp.-Specimens of pianofortes and harps, of different classes, and in various woods, manufactured to order, expressly for this Exhibition, by Messrs. Broadwood and Sons, Messrs. Collard and Collard, and Messrs. S. and P. Erard. J 弊 ​· + B 2 20 CENTRAL HALL. * 1126 RATHBORNE, J. J. Essex St. Dublin.—A block of refined spermaceti, illustrative of its crystali- zation. 185 HOULDSWORTH, J. & Co. Portland St. Mills, Manchester, Manu. and Des.-A collection of fabrics for furniture and ecclesiastical decorations, manufac- tured in Manchester by the exhibitors. Central Compartment. Embroideries by patent machinery on cloth, satins, &c. This kind of em- broidery is peculiar, and has advantages, inasmuch as the needlework is equally complete on both sides of the material on which it is wrought. An application of embroidery to panelling is illustrated. The design in the central panel embodies a complimentary national allusion, and is suggestive of the introduction of heraldic insignia, cyphers, monograms, and special symbols, in similar positions. A variety of embroidered valances is exhibited along the top of the case. Gue Compartment on the left hand.-Specimens of figured satins, damasks, brocatelles, guipurettes, &c. The guipurette is an entirely new fabric of a very effective character; it is equally rich and perfect on both sides of the fabric, and therefore no lining is necessary. W Compartment on the right hand.-Bordered satins, and bordered Terrys. Several medallions and smaller borders are exhibited in harmony with the various styles, valances, coverings of chairs, sofas, &c. Bor- dered cloths and Reps curtains, eligible for dining room, libraries and morning room. 110 M'BIRNEY, COLLIS, & Co. Aston's Qy. Dublin, Prop.-Damask table cloths; "The Hunt" table cloth (improved); napkins; fine hand-spun linen; strong linen made from Irish flax; Irish cambrics; cambric handkerchiefs; silk stockings, plain and embroidered; Balbriggan stockings; gloves; embroidered shawls, mantles and bonnets ; dresses; ribbons; artificial flowers; counterpanes; Limerick lace and Irish em- broideries. bua ulerme ees bu 1153 ELKINGTON, MASON, & Co.-A selection of etaines dægter art manufactures in electro gold and silver plate; **** ; spalvųo oftpants dessert service, with subjects taken from Shakspeare, designed and modelled by Charles Grant; a general assortment of electro-plated wares. 1174 PHILLIPS, R. 31 Cockspur St. London, Prod. and Prop.-Signet rings in 22 carat gold; pins, with sporting and other designs; a series of works in oxidised silver, enamel, niello, and coral; statuettes of a British Life Guard and colour-sergeant of the Scot's Fusilier Guards, modelled from life, in oxidised silver and gold, the accoutrements detach at pleasure; the same in bronze and electro silver; miniature models of same, mounted and dismounted, in oxidised silver and gold on malachite pedestals; statuette, in oxidised silver and gold, of Lablache as Caliban, taken from life at Her Majesty's theatre; statuettes of the Emperor Charles V. and Marguerite of Parma, in silver, gold, and precious stones, enamel, &c. from the celebrated models of Messrs. Weiskampt of Hanau; miniature statuette of Guttenberg in oxidised silver; desk seals in gold, lapis lazuli, and oxidised silver; oriental agate cup, in oxidised silver and gold; gold cup in the Byzantine style; tazza in crystal; small dagger with silver gilt handle, enriched with pearls and emeralds; silver vase of antique form, engraved with subjects from the Pompeian frescoes. 1181 WATERHOUSE & Co. 25 Dame St. Dublin, Exhibitor.-A silver centre piece, presented to Joseph Green, Esq. Kilkenny; a silver electrotype shield, ("Acis and Galatea"), presented to the Count Strelitzke, by the Poor Law Unions of Ireland; a service of plate, presented to Michael Hyland, Esq. ex-mayor of Kilkenny; a centre piece (stags), presented to the Rev. Joseph Gabbett, of Kilmallock, co. Limerick ; the "Farmer's Gazette" challenge cup, won by Char- les Towneley, Esq. M.P.; a service of plate, presented to A. G. Judge, Esq. of Athy; 2 large salvers and the Boyne obelisk, in silver, presented to J. B. Kennedy, Esq. Dame St.; large cup, presented to the 1st Dragoon Guards; large silver snuff box, presented to the 62nd Regiment ; a silver trowel, presented to the Right Hon the Lord Bishop of Tuam; service of plate, presented to Doctor Gray, by the co. Monaghan ; : 7 CENTRAL HALL. 21 large silver tray, presented by his tenantry to C. P. Leslie, Esq. M.P.; large silver tea urn, presented to Henry Mitchel, Esq. of Glaslough; Loughree regatta prize, won by Major Goode, 62nd Regt. ; the original royal Tara brooch, found in Meath in 1850; several copies of antique Irish brooches, and ancient jewellery of Ireland; and 12 coffee and tea services, presented to clergymen, doctors, &c. &c. 1164 HIGGINS, FRANCIS, 40 Kirby St. Hatton Gar- den, London.-Silver knives, forks, spoons, and various small articles, mugs, plates, &c. 1142 ACHESON, W. 109 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. and Imp. Bog oak casket, set with Irish gems in silver gilt; bog oak brooches, bracelets, &c.; elastic band bracelets, with fibula and bog oak mountings; antique brooches, set with malachite, pearl, &c.; electro plated moderator lamps; specimens of electro plating; gold jewellery, set with precious stones; antique tea and coffee services; plated flower stand; fish carvers. 1147 BENNETT, T. 73 Grafton St. Dublin.— 1. Specimens of Irish wrought silver plate, consisting of salvers, tea and coffee services, kettles and stands, claret jugs, children's cans, &c. &c. 2. Specimens of electro-plate in salvers, kettles, and stands, tea and coffee sets, claret jugs, &c. &c. 3. Specimens in working of gold, precious stones and gems, bog oak work, &c. &c. 4. Newly designed centre candelabra for flowers. 5. Silver presentation centre piece. 1170 NORTH, T. 49 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.- Two part skeleton clock, with lever escapement, strikes the hours on a large gong, and the half hours on a bell; electro magnetic clock, on an improved principle; ladies' and gentlemen's gold watches; candelabra of new design in brass, and electro-plated; electro-plated goods, in variety; specimens of electro-plating on brass, copper, German silver, glass, china, and delph; electrotypes, &c. 1156 GARDNER & Co. 111 Grafton St. Dublin.- 1st Case:-A silver fountain, intended to form a centre for the dinner or supper table, which will emit for six hours continuously, upon one application of the winding key, a spray of rose water, to a height variable at pleasure, and through a variety of fancy jets, which can be severally attached to it. 2nd Case :-A variety of specimens of massive gold and silver plate; Jewellery after the antique and mo- dern designs; Marine chronometer and Gardner's patent astronomical and nautical timekeeper; Curiosities, &c. &c. &c. 17 3rd Case :-The celebrated humming bird clock. 4th Case :-Silver horsemen and figures. Candelabra, &c. 177 LOCKE, J. 119 and 127 Regent St. London, Manu.-Scotch woollens; mauds; ladies' shawls; Cheviot Tweeds; milled angolas; milled clan tartans, as worn by the Highland regiments; the shepherd's check. 173 CLABBURN, SONS & CRISP, Norwich, Manu.- Brocaded, check, tartan, corded, watered, and plain poplins; brocaded and fancy dresses, in organzine, tram, spun, hard single silks, yarns, and cottons; Paramattas for mourning; gentlemen's scarfs and hunting wrappers. 1025 FERGUSON, MILLAR & Co. Heathfield Works, Glasgow. A fountain in terra cotta. 320 ROBERTSON, CARR, & STEEL, Chantrey Works, Sheffield, Manu.-Hall stoves; dining and drawing- room grates; fenders, fire-irons, &c. 316 BENHAM & SONS, 19 Wigmore St. London, Manu.-Cooking apparatus and kitchen ranges in various designs; improved smoke jacks; broiling stove and hot plate, with pastry oven; steam hot closet; Flavel's patent kitchener; dinner lifting machine; copper steam kettles; Bainmarie pan; model of com- plete kitchen apparatus; emigrants' or cottagers' stoves; emigrants' portable kitchen; perforated pedes- tals for hot water pipes; stair bannisters and newels in various style of ornament; warm air stove; bright register stoves, with burnished steel, ormolu, and natural bronze mouldings; Noirsain's patent register stove; turf grates; dog stove with encaustic covings; CENTRAL HALL. 11 • 17 **** fenders and fire irons in polished steel, ormolu, and bronze; ornamental fire dogs; Telekouphonon or improved speaking pipe. 1146 AUSTIN, G. 6 and 7 St. Andrew St. Dublin, Manu. Silver mounted and plated dressing cases, writing desks, work boxes, bagatelle tables, teapoys, and Davenports; papier maché tables, ink stands, tea trays, and writing desks; clothes, hair, and tooth brushes; despatch boxes; tourists' cases; French and German fancy goods, &c. 795 FORREST, J. & SONS, Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.-Irish guipure, point, and appliquè lace; Limerick tamboured and shaded lace. Irish blonde dresses. Rich guipure flouncings, scarf, &c. Lime- rick lace bridal dress and veil, ball and court dresses, &c. Guipure berthes, handkerchiefs, collars, mantles, &c. Irish embroidery. A 1280 MOBERLY, W. Landsend, nr. Whitby, Manu.- V Half cask of alum; sample ofrefined Epsom salts (patent). 387 MOONEY, W.9 Lr. Ormond Qy. Dublin, Manu. -Ormolu chandeliers and candelabra, in various styles. 1145 ASKEN, J. 19 Upper Sackville St. Dublin.- A suit of diamonds and turquois of great valne, pre- sented by Napoleon I., on the day of his coronation to Madame Sa Mêre. 2 1091 GONNE, Mrs. ANNE W. 26 Clare St. Dublin.— Specimens of rare flowers modelled in wax from nature. Water lilies modelled in wax from nature. Victoria Regis modelled in wax from nature. Spring flowers modelled in wax from nature. 39 GRIFFITH, R. LL.D. Chairman of the Board of Public Works, Ireland. Geological map of Ireland. Reduction of same. Four views of the basaltic range of the Giant's Causeway, north coast of Antrim. Section of the Ballycastle coal field, Antrim. Section from Fair Head, Antrim, to Moira, co. ܸܐܹܼܝ Down, showing coal beds on mica slate, &c. Mi 2 busi .1 Section of the beds of rock salt at the Hill of *SALE Duncrue, co. Antrim. oste gali :: ~.. Section from Cultra shore, to the limestone of Castle Espie, co. Down. Section from the granite near Pomeroy, Tyrone, to the shore of the co. Down, showing the Irish sedi- mentary series. Section from Slievgallion to the mica slate of Fallagloon, Londonderry. View of contact of Syenite with Chalk Taur, co. Antrim. View of contact of Trap and Chalk, Murlough Bay, Antrim. Section from Grouse Hall, Donegal, to Scott's House, co. Monaghan, showing Devonian, Silurian, and Carboniferous rocks. Section from Benbulben, co. Sligo, to Butler's Bridge, co. Cavan, showing succession of carboniferous strata. Section of granite veins in greenstone-porphyry, Carlingford. Vertical section of the basaltic formation. Section of the Ballaghaderreen Silurian district, co. Mayo. Section of the lower Carboniferous strata of the north coast of Mayo. Section of the Silurian and Crystalline district, north and south of Killery harbour, Galway and Mayo. Section of the chair of Kildare silurian district. Section of the Silurian Rocks of Portrane, co. Dublin. Section at Hook Head, Wexford, showing junction of Devonian, Silurian, and Carboniferous rocks. Section of the silurian and Cambrian rocks of the co. Wexford, from Ballyleigh to Carnṣore Point. Sectional view of Macgillicuddy's Reeks, from Mangerton, co. Kerry. Section from Cahirconree Mountain to the coal country beyond Castleisland, co. Kerry, 0 *1 Section from the Valley of Kenmare to the Gap of Dunloe, co. Kerry, showing the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous Rocks, Pa mga cả QLD .' } ** 1 STATE # ₤ { 4 CENTRAL HALL. 23 2 Section showing the Silurians, &c., near Killar- ney, co. Kerry. Section of the Silurian district of Dingle. Section showing the Coal Country from Tippo Mountain to Ballyfomoyle. Section of a bed of Recent or Pleistocene Shells, Termon Hill, Mayo. View of contact of Mica-Slate and Granite, Termon Hill, Mayo. Sectional view of the Fault, on the west side of the Gap of Dunloe, co. Kerry. Section of the millstone-grit, and coal districts of the counties of Cork and Limerick. Section of the Traphill and adjacent Rocks, Knockferina, Limerick. Section of Carboniferous and other Strata, near Dungarvan, Waterford. 40 Cabinet of the carboniferous fossils of Ire- land, collected by Mr. Griffith, and systematically arranged in 80 drawers, according to the subdivisions on his Geological Map of Ireland. 41 Cabinet of the silurian fossils of Ireland, col- lected by Mr. Griffith, and systematically arranged in 16 drawers, as specified on his Geological Map of Ireland. 846 MILLAR & BEATTY, 16 Dame St. Dublin, Imp. -Velvet, tapestry, Brussels and Kidderminster car- pets; stair carpeting; oil cloths; velvet and Irish worsted hearth-rugs; cocoa mats. 812 HENDERSON & WIDNELL, Lasswade, near Edinburgh, Manu.-Patent velvet; British tapestry, and fine velvet, for curtains, portiéres, &c.; velvet rugs. 385 HODGES, T. 99 Middle Abbey St. Dublin, Manu. Large church bell, cast a perfect note, B. 6, attached to M'Master & Sons' turret clock; church bells of assorted sizes; farm bells, with emblematical devices, assorted sizes on stand; handsome bell, mounted for yacht; highly finished gongs, on ebony stands; coil composition gas pipe on roller, containing 2,400 feet in one length, weight 8 cwts.; coil inch lead pipe on roller, containing 1,100 feet in one length, weight, 20 cwts.-made from Irish lead; brass 1 ful wat lifting and force pumps on mahogany planks, with air vessels; cast iron pumps on oak planks; glass USMOVĚ case, containing specimens of sundry brass work. 200 388 MURPHY, J. 15 Thomas St. Dublin, Manu.-- A peal of eight joy bells in the key of D; a large bell weighing about 40 cwts.; a gong or altar bell; farm yard bells. 1 554 THE CORPORATION OF DUBLIN, per Parke Neville, C.E.-Ordnance map of the City of Dublin, on the scale of 88 feet to one inch, with the lines of the sewerage laid down thereon; also showing the plan proposed by Mr. Neville, the borough engineer, for extending and improving the sewerage. 3 721 MAXWELL, M'MASTER, & SON, Grafton St. A turret clock. 1165 HUNT & ROSKELL, late STORR & MORTIMER, 156 New Bond St. London, Manu.-A candelabrum in silver—a testimonial presented to the Most Noble the Marquis of Tweeddale. 27 .. The group represents an incident recorded in Buchanan's History of Scotland, said to have occurred in the reign of Kenneth III. A. D. 980, and to which tradition ascribes the origin of the noble house of Hay. "The Danes having invaded Scotland, were unsuc- cessfully opposed by the Scots who fled. A country- man named Hay, was, with his two sons, ploughing in a neighbouring field, by the pass of Luncarty; when Hay seized the yoke from his oxen, and his sons, AI ¿ whatever instruments came readiest, and took their stations in the narrow pass, through which the fugitive Scots must proceed, and forced their country men back upon the Danes; and, joining in the conflict, successfully routed the latter. After this gallant exploit, Hay entered the city of Perth in triumph, carrying his yoke, and accompanied by his sons and a numerous retinue." “At a consultation of the nobles, held a few days after at Scone, nobility was conferred upon Hay and I his sons; and the king gave them as much land as the falcon would fly over. The falcon flew over six miles RO of country, afterwards called Errol. The king also *.. F 20 24 1 CENTRAL HALL. assigned them three shields, or escutcheons, to intimate that the father and two sons had proved the three shields of Scotland." These two latter scenes are displayed in basso relievo on the base, which is also embellished with figures of the wolf, boar, and dogs, illustrative of the sports of the period. The flowing branches of the candelabrum are enriched with vine. A silver group-"Mazeppa." A group in silver "St. Michael and Satan," after Flaxman, executed for the Earl of Chesterfield. Four equestrian statuettes, in silver :— Joan of Arc. A Cavalier. An Arab. A-Hussar. (Executed for the Earl de Grey). J01 The Doncaster Cup of 1850. Subjects:-Victory crowning the Horse; alti relievo representing Chariot Racing; Racing with the Torch; Italian and the Modern Race; Groups of wild and domestic horses. The property of the Earl of Zetland. The first prize given by the Emperor of Russia to the Ascot Races. On the summit is a copy of the famous statue of Peter the Great, in the Place Isaac, St. Petersburg. The equestrian statuettes represent a Cossack, a Circassian, and an Imperial Guard. The basso relievo represent Minim and Pajorsky; St. George of Russia, and views of the Kremlin at Moscow; the winter palace of St. Petersburg, and Windsor Castle. 630 TELFORD & TELFORD, Stephen's Gr. Dub- lin.-Organ, built for the College of St. Peter, Radley, Oxford, in solid oak Gothic cases; the choir organ placed in front, the front pipes of pure tin, polished 10 and burnished; three complete manuals from CC to G in alt; the pedal organ from CCC to C, two and a-half octaves, six composition pedals, five copulæ, fifty stops; the great organ, containing 1,146 pipes; the swell organ, 1,000; the choir organ, 356; and the pedal organ, 414; total, 2,921 pipes. (At the west end of the central hall). 658 BEVINGTON, & SONS, 48 Greek St. Soho Sq. London, Manu.-Church organ, in carved Gothic case, with gilt speaking-pipes in front; boudoir organ, in carved cabinet rosewood case. 1871 FINE ARTS COMMITTEE OF THE GREAT IN- DUSTRIAL EXHIBITION OF 1853.-Stone cross from the Market-place of Tuam, co. Galway, erected by Turlogh O'Conor, King of Ireland, and Edan O'Hoi- sin, Comharba of St. Jarlath, in the beginning of the twelfth century. There are four inscriptions on this cross, two on the base, and two on the shaft, which ask for prayers for the founders, and the artist, Gillu Christ. 1872 Stone cross of SS. Patrick and Columba, from the churchyard of Kells, co. Meath, lent for exhibition by the Very Rev. T. A. Stopford, D.D., Archdeacon of Meath, and Rector of Kells. This cross is of very great antiquity, and mentioned in early records. 1873 Cast of St. Boyne's stone cross at Monaster- boice, co. Louth. 1874 Cast of the great stone cross at Monasterboice. 1875 Cast of the stone cross at Kilcrispeen, co. Tipperary. 1876 Cast of the stone cross at Kilkeiran, county Kilkenny. These crosses wherever found are all of siliceous sandstone. 1 *** 1 MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 25 MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 1 ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY, Prop.-A collection of the marbles of Ireland; door-case; bust pedes- tals; granite columns. See also amongst Philosophical Instruments. Samples of steel made from bar-iron, by a new and rapid process, in the Society's laboratory. → A collection of 245 specimens, representing the natural rocks, minerals, soils, &c. &c. of the county Dublin, and illustrating the progress of the disintegra- tion of rocks, and the formation of soils; presented to the society by Henry O'Hara, Esq. C.E. A complete collection of Irish clays, suitable for manufacturing purposes, with specimens of articles made therefrom. 2 KENNY, COURTNEY, of Ballinrobe, co. Mayo.— Black and white Irish marble tables; pyramids in marble; specimens of double refracting spar, from the co. Mayo, the property of Mrs. Clark, of Willfield. Specimen of amethyst, from Achill. 2A Specimen of rock crystal, from a cave in Blasket Island, co. of Kerry. 3 HOBAN, MICHAEL, 12 Beresford Pl. Manu.—— Tables of Irish marbles and petrifactions. J 4 HOEY, R. 11 City Quay, Dublin, Prod.-Geo- logical model of a colliery, Wigan, Lancashire, (in cen- tral hall,) (Earl of Crawford and Balcarras, Prop.) Coal therefrom. Cannel and Anthracite from South Wales. 4A RUSSELL, Mrs. Dunfanaghy.-Specimens of Dunlewey marbles, West Donegal, the source of employment in Mrs. Russell's Missionary Industrial Schools. 5 DUNN, M. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Inv. and Prop.- Anemometer to shew the velocity of air currents in mines. Steel mill used for giving light in mines before invention of the safety lamp in 1815. Section of Jarrow colliery. Seven safety lamps by different makers. Specimens of coal and iron-stone. 5A OLIVER, Northumberland, Prop.-Two draw- ings of Walbottle colliery. 6 MOORE, J. M.D. Saville Row, London.-Spe- cimens of iron ore, raw and roasted; iron, bar, flat, plate, and round; case-hardened iron; steel; fire-brick clay; brick and tile clay; moulding sand; coals, from Arigna collieries ; coke made therefrom; peat charcoal; maps of the Arigna mines, and fine art castings in Arigna iron, English iron, and Berlin iron, to illus- trate the value by comparison. 7 BYERS, J. Stockton-on-Tees, Prod. and Manu. -Specimen of lead ore from Willy Hole mine, Teesdale; specimen of silver and litharge from lead; one pig each of refined, common, and slag lead, mark, J. BYERS, STOCKTON; sheet and pipe lead. 8 PENNY, J.51 Stephen's Green, Dublin, Prop.- Specimens of Irish marbles. 9 LOCAL COMMITTEE FOR COUNTY OF KERRY.- Specimens of lead and copper ores from the Kenmare mines at Clontoo and Shanagarry. 10 LORD TALBOT DE MALAHIDE.-Minerals Green porphyry, from Lambay; red conglomerate, from same place; lias limestone, from Marston, Somerset- shire. 11 BLOOD, W. Wicklow, Prop.-Specimens of Wicklow pebbles, with cabinet. 12 MORGAN, R. W. 14 Lr. Gloucester St. Dublin, Imp.-Green oil stone hones from Snowdon, North Wales. 13 KYLE,S. M. Archdeacon of Cork, Dyke House, Cork.-Specimens of amethyst from co. Cork. 14 MONKLAND IRON AND STEEL Co. W. MURRAY 33 West George St. Glasgow, Prod.-Specimens of coal, ironstone, limestone, fire clay, freestone, &c. from co. of Lanark; iron in various stages of manufacture; section of the carboniferous strata of Lanarkshire. 15 JAMES, C. H. 9 Cavendish Row, Dublin.-Pig iron; clay band ironstone, raw and calcined; black band ironstone, raw and calcined, from Eglinton Iron Company, Ayrshire. 16 GENERAL MINING CO. FOR IRELAND, 2 Burgh Quay, Dublin.-Specimens of silver lead ores, argenti- ferous copper ores, iron pyrites, from Gurtnadyne and Shallee, near Silvermines, co. Tipperary. 17 WICKLOW COPPER MINE Co. E. BARNES, Resi- dent Director, Prod.-Specimens of ores, &c. from Ballymurtagh Mine, co. Wicklow. 18 J. SHIELD, SON, & Co. Ringsend Dock, Dublin, and Ballymacarrett, Belfast, Manu.-Railway and foundry coke made from Marley Hill coal. Coal from Marley Hill Colliery, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 19 O'FFLAHERTIE, G. F. Lemonfield, Oughterard, Prop.-Galena, barytes, fluor spar, carbonate of lime, sulphuret of zinc, iron pyrites, from co. Galway. 20 HUTCHINS, S. Fortlands, Charleville, Cork from Berehaven Mine, co. Prop.-Copper ore Cork. 267 MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 21 ARMSTRONG, W. New Hall, Ennis, Prop.-Sil- ver, lead, and antimony ores, from Kilbreckan Mines. Sand stone flags from the Kildeema Quarry. Slate flags, from the Kilkee Quarry, co. Clare. 22 SADLIER, T. Tullamore, Manu. and Inv.- Uncharred peat; peat charcoal, in sods, and granu- lated; apparatus for household use of peat charcoal. 23 BERNAL, J. Limerick, Prop.-Marble in blocks and slabs; chess table inlaid with marble. 24 BUTLER, J. Laurence, Liverpool, Prop.-King and Pemberton Coal, Cannel Coal, and Coke, from the mines of the Moss Hall Company, Ince, near Wigan. 25 ROAKE, J. W. Newbury, Berkshire.- Peat from Newbury, Berkshire. 26 WandesforDE, C. Castlecomer, Prop.-An- thracite, ironstone, fire clay, slate clay for red pottery and aluminous slate. 27 Morgan & SONS, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, Prod.-Anthracite, or stone coal, for drying malt hops, and corn; fuel for steam boilers; for Arnott's stoves and cooking purposes. 28 FAWCETT, J. Douglas, Isle of Man, Prop.- Coal and gypsum, from Leitrim. 29 MOORE, Rev. OGLE, Blessington, co. Wicklow. -Black oxide of manganese. 30 MARQUIS OF DOWNSHIRE, Prop.-Rock salt (from beds 860 feet down), containing 94 per cent. of pure chloride of sodium, of which 50 per cent. is of soda, from co. Antrim. China manufactured at the Potteries, from clay found in co. Down. Steel wire, copper sulphur, hematite and kidney iron, manganese, fuller's earth, emery stone, and lead, from county Down. Granite and "Irish freestone," from county Wicklow. Edenderry Lead, from the Blundell mines.- Flag, containing the impression of a fern, found at Foynes, co. Limerick; Flag, containing specular iron, found at Ballybunnion, co. Kerry. 31 SKELLERN, R. H. 11 Great Castle St. Regent St. London.-Coloured sands from Alum Bay, Isle of Wight. 31A JACOB, Dr. 23 Ély Place.-Drawing of a horse and cart, made from the colored sands of the İsle of Wight. 32 HILL, J. 58 Gt. Brunswick St.-Samples of salt, manufactured from the rock-salt found at the new mines Duncrue, Carrickfergus. 33 LYNAM, JAMES, Raheen Lodge, Ballinasloe, HILL, JOHN, Ennis.-Agricultural soils from counties of Clare, Galway, Limerick, Meath, &c. 34 MARSHALL, S. Letterkenny, Prop. and Prod.— Pearls found in a species of muscle in the river Lanan. Flax. Potter's clay, peat, lead ore, and other minerals from county Donegal. 35 DEERING, J. & Co. Cork.-Samples of silex and clay, and ware manufactured therefrom. 36 MINING COMPANY OF IRELAND, R. P. Allen, Sec. Lower Ormond Qy. Dublin, Prod. and Manu.- Specimens of copper ore, native copper, and silver lead ore, from Knockmahon mines, Waterford; lead ores from Luganure mines, Wicklow; silver lead ore and native silver, from Ballycorus mine, Dublin; coal from Slievardagh collieries, Tipperary, and Lisnacon colliery, Cork; manufactured lead, litharge, and cake of silver from Ballycorus works, Dublin. 37 THOMAS, W. Prod.-Silver lead ore, contain- ing 41 oz. of silver to the ton, from Killinogue Mines, Bantry, co. Cork. 38 LIMERICK LOCAL COMMITTEE, D. W. Raimback and W. Fitzgerald, Secs.-Marbles from Limerick ; Iron, lead, sulphur, galena, copper, and other ores from Galway, Kerry, Tipperary, Clare, and Limerick. Peat or "turf." Culm. Carrigeen moss, used in pulmonary complaints, also food for cattle. Building stone, Limerick. Fire clays; pottery clay, Ballysimon. Silicious sand, Ballysimon. Flax from same county, dressed and raw. Fossil remains, &c. 39 GRIFFITH, R. LL.D. Chairman of the Board of Public Works, Ireland. Geological Map of Ireland. Reduction of same. Four Views of the Basaltic range of the Giant's Causeway, north coast of Antrim. Section of the Ballycastle Coal field, Antrim. Section from Fair Head, Antrim to Moira, Co. Down, showing Coal beds on mica slate, &c. Section of the beds of Rock-salt at the Hill of Duncrue, Co. Antrim. Section from Cultra Shore to the limestone of Castle Espie, Co. Down. Section from the granite near Pomeroy, Tyrone, to the shore of the Co. Down, showing the Irish sedi- шentary series. Section from Slievgallion to the mica slate of Fallagloon, Londonderry. View of contact of Syenite with Chalk Taur, Co. Antrim. !!! View of contact of Trap and Chalk, Murlough Bay, Antrim. Section from Grouse Hall, Donegal, to Scott's ་་ i MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 27.**** House, Co. Monaghan, showing Devonian, Silurian, and Carboniferous rocks. Section from Benbulben, Co. Sligo, to Butler's Bridge, Co. Cavan, showing succession of Carboni- ferous strata. Section of granite veins in greenstone-por- phyry, Carlingford. Vertical section of the basaltic formation. Section of the Ballaghaderreen Silurian district co. Mayo. Section of the lower Carboniferous strata of the north coast of Mayo. Section of the Silurian and Crystalline district, north and south of Killery harbour, Galway and Mayo. Section of the chair of Kildare Silurian district. Section of the Silurian Rocks of Portrane, Co. Dublin. Section at Hook Head, Wexford, showing junc- tion of Devonian, Silurian, and Carboniferous rocks. Section of the Silurian and Cambrian rocks of the Co. Wexford, from Ballyleigh to Carnsore Point. Sectional view of Macgillicuddy's Reeks, from Mangerton, Co. Kerry. Section from Cahirconree Mountain to the Coal country beyond Castleisland, Co. Kerry. Section from the Valley of Kenmare to the Gap of Dunloe, Co. Kerry, showing the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous Rocks. Section showing the Silurians, &c., near Killar- ney, Co. Kerry. Section of the Silurian district of Dingle. Section showing the Coal Country from Tippo Mountain to Ballyfomoyle. Section of a bed of Recent or Pleistocene Shells, Termon Hill, Mayo. View of contact of Mica-Slate and Granite, Termon Hill, Mayo. Sectional view of the Fault, on the west side of the Gap of Dunloe, Co. Kerry. Section of the Millstone-grit, and Coal districts of the Counties of Cork and Limerick. • Section of the Trapbill and adjacent Rocks, Knockferina, Limerick. Section of Carboniferous and other Strata, near Dungarvan, Waterford. 40 Cabinet of the Carboniferous fossils of Ireland, collected by Mr. Griffith, and systematically arranged in 80 drawers, according to the subdivisions on his Geological Map of Ireland. (In Cental Hall.) 41 Cabinet of the Silurian fossils of Ireland, col- ected by Mr. Griffith, and systematically arranged in 16 drawers, as specified on his Geological Map of Ire- land. (In Central Hall.) 42 FIELD, H. C. M.D. Blackrock, Dublin.-Crys- tal of quartz, weight 87 lbs. found on the property of Exhibitor in the co. Londonderry. 43 ANSTED, D. T. 17 Manchester St. London, Prop.-Specimens of native gold, and ingot of gold, from Virginia and North Carolina; garnet rock, asso- ciated with the auriferous rock in Virginia; auriferous quartz and crystalline native gold from California. 44 LEE, J. Dale End, Birmingham, Inv.-"Com- bination" gold-digging tool, available for use as a shovel, scrape, pick-axe, granite breaker, and crow-bar. A patent oval tubular crow-bar. 45 WILLANS, OBADIAH, Island Bridge, Dublin, Prod.-Ores of iron, lead, manganese; decomposed granite, yellow ochre, sulphate of barytes, and rotten, stone, from counties of Donegal and Leitrim. 46 ROYAL HIBERNIAN MINING COMPANY, 17 Grace- church St. London.-Specimens of silver lead ore from Clogher and Castlemaine Mines, in the co, of Kerry. 47 WARREN, LATHAM C. Esq. 38 Fitzwilliam Pl. -Three frames of arranged specimens of ferns. 48 ELY, MARQIS OF, Ely Lodge, Enniskillen.-A pedestal of polished freestone; a block of rough freestone.. 49 BARKER, W. M.D.-Specimens of Porcelain. clays from different localities in Ireland. 50 CASH, J. Dhurode Mine Company's Office, 26 Throgmorton St. London-Copper ores from the Dhurode mine, in West Carbery, co. of Cork, on the estate of Lionel J. Fleming, Esq. 51 Godfrey, Sir W. D. Bart. Kilcoleman Abbey, co. Kerry-Lead ore containing 82 per cent. of lead, and 40 oz. 16 dwts. of fine silver per ton, as per assay, raised at the east Annagh mines on the Godfrey estate, Castle- maine, in the county of Kerry. 52 GRAVES, REV. JAMES, A.B.; LALOR, JOSEPH, Esq., M.D.; CARTER, SAMPSON, ESQ., JUN., C.E., M.R.I.A., on the part of the Literary and Scientific Institution. — Geological model map of the co. of Kilkenny, showing specimens of the rocks and clays in their relative positions; a collection of minerals and fossils from same locality. 53 D'ALTON, J. 48 Summer-hill, Dublin.-Bog- iron-ore; containing 69.2 per cent. of oxide of iron, equivalent to about 48:3 per cent. of pure iron, from Mr. Philips's estate of Clonmore, co. Mayo. A spe- cimen of coal from same locality. i..! #2 / 28 ANIMAL SUBSTANCES.-MANUFACTURES FROM MINERAL SUBSTANCES. 54 STEPHENS, -, Esq. Melbourne, Australia.— The "Prince Albert" nugget of gold, weighing nearly six pounds. 55 FLAVELLE, J. 5 D'Olier St. Dublin, Imp. and Prop.-Specimens of gold as found in the matrix and washed gold from the districts of " Ophir," the "Turon River," "Braidwood," the "Hanging Rock," or Peel River diggings, Port Philip, &c. &c. 56 BROWNE, MARKHAM, Connoree Mine, Rath- drum, Prop.-Specimens of ore from the above mine. 57 NICHOLL, W. & P. Dalkey.-Obelisk of Dalkey granite; model of a monument. • ´63 · WHELAN & O'BRIEN.-Samples of Irish grown Hogget fleece wool, Wedder fleece wool, Wicklow mountain's wool; Australian grown fleece wool; alpaca wools, white and brown. 58 DOVE, D. Glasgow, Prod.-Grindstones from quarries near Glasgow; stones from Burnfield quarry. 59 Woodward BROTHERS, Rhosy Madre Quar- ries, near Ruabon, Denbighshire, Manu.-Welsh grindstones. 59A GREENE, J. B. 108 Lr. Baggot St. Dublin.- Specimens of purple sulphuret of copper, from Horse Island, co. Cork. SUBSTANCES. 63a Nowlan, J. 21 D'Olier St. Dublin.-Speci- mens of wool. MANUFACTURES FROM 66 BERESFORD & KELLY, Florence Court, Manu Earthenware, crucibles, bricks, tiles, &c. manufactured at the Florence Court Tile Works, the property of the Earl of Enniskillen. 66A JOHNSTON, WM. Kinlough House, co. Leitrim. -Tiles for draining purposes. 67 RITCHIE, F. & SONS, Belfast.-Asphalte flag- ging. 68 MINTON, HOLLINS, & Co. Stoke-upon-Trent. Encaustic, Venetian, and Mosaic pavements. ' 69 WARNER, P. Ardeer, by Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Prop.-Smoke nuisance and wind guard chimney cans; fire and common bricks. 60 HEADECH, W. Killaloe, Manu.-Roofing slates; slate flags; lead ore from the slate rock. ANIMAL 60B DARGAN, WILLIAM, Mount Anville, co. Dublin, Ex.-Three fleeces of wool of this year's clip, from sheep bred by Exhibitor. 61 MILLNER, R. Dublin, Prop.-Long wool (Irish) for combing purposes; short wool (Irish) for clothing purposes. 2 62 Davis, W. H. Newbury, Berkshire. Speci- Bishopsgate St. London.-Colonial wools. mens of Southdown wool. 70 ROBINSON, J. Belfast, Des. and Manu.-Stone flower vase; Sienna marble chimney piece. 71 DAVIS, S. Dublin, Manu.-Roman cement and plaster of Paris; Roman cement stone; Portland cement. 72 WRIGHT, H. Belview Steam Mills, Dublin, 60A EVANS, S. Newtownards Mining Co.- Specimens of lead ore from the Newtownards Mines. 64 KYLE, WILLIAM COTTER, M. R. D. S. 8 Clare Street, Dublin, Proprietor.-Horns, skulls, & c. of wild animals from Cape of Good Hope, Southern Africa. 65 MARSH & EDENBOROUGH, Salvador House, 65 A MAHONY, M. & BROTHERS, Camden Pl. Cork, Manu.-Knitting worsteds and yarns; Irish wool in the fleece and sorted; wool in the several stages of the worsted-spinning process, and of the yarn-spinning process. MINERAL SUBSTANCES. Manu.-Buttons of bone and wood; bone dust manure; Indian meal; cow-hair (washed); potato farina. 73 FAHIE, J. K. Tipperary, Manu. and Prod. Filter, vases, &c. of stoneware; drainage pipes; fire bricks; hollow bricks; tesselated tiles; white black, and red clays; delft (made in Staffordshire) of Irish clay; iron, copper, and lead ores, from county Tip- perary. 74 PADGETT, Wм. & Co. Tipperary.-Fire-bricks. 75 QUILLIAM & CREER, Castletown, Isle of Man, Manu.-Cruciform monument in Manx marble.´ 76 LAWRIE, W. Downham Market, Des. and Prod. -Alms box and pedestal for a church, in Caen stone, carved (style early English). 77 DENNY, Sir E. & W. T. CROSBIE, Esq. Prop. -Pipe drain tiles, manufactured at Currone Tilery, near Tralee. 77A DAVIDSON & ARMSTRONG, 18 & 20 Piccadilly, Manchester.-A roll of laminated lead, manufactured : MANUFACTURES FROM MINERAL SUBSTANCES. for the Chinese market, and used by them for lining tea chests, also by our merchants, for packing snuff for export, &c. &c.; roll of pure lead, plated with block tin on both sides, and polished, used for making cis- terns for containing water for drinking and culinary purposes; roll of quarter-patent gas pipe, plated with pure tin-the plating preserves the lead, stiffens the pipe, and renders it suitable for ornamental glass, chandeliers, &c.; length of 5-inch lead pipe, plated inside and outside with block tin. 78 BROWN, R. Surbiton Hill, Surrey, Inv. and Manu.-Improved Italian tiles; grooved ridge tiles; ornamental plain tiles, and valley tiles; plain Gothic ridge tiles. 79 LIMERICK LOCAL COMMITTEE, per D. W. Raim- back and W. Fitzgerald, Secretaries.-A tomb, from the design of Mr. John Duggan, architect, Limerick, exhibited also as a specimen of the building stone of Rossbrien Quarry, near the city of Limerick. 80 MEINIG, C. Leadenhall St. London.-Hones, oilstones, and grindstones. 81 BLASHFIELD, J. M. Mill Wall, Poplar, London, Manu.-Group in terra cotta of virgin and child, from model by W. Innes. Terra cotta copy of antique bnst of Ariadne. Terra cotta pedestals (various patterns.) Terra cotta vases after the antique. 81A MILLAR, JOHN, Edinburgh.-Statue of her Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness Prince Albert, in hard fire clay, capable of resisting the weather. Eagle vase and pedestal, richly carved stone, from Malta. Wine cooler and cover from Stafford- shire. Dresden china time piece, antique. Black marble time piece with rubies, from Paris. China vase lamps, new moderator principle. Silver, glass, and ormolu lamps, new moderator principle. China figure, Burns' Highland Mary, Staffordshire. Specimens of breakfast and tea china, Scotch heath, and thistle. 82 FLOOD, HENRY, Viewmount, Whitehall, Kil- kenny, Prop.-Flags suited for street flagging and flooring generally; a chimney piece, made from flags, suited for cottages or second class bed-room. J 83 DEANE, A. York Terrace, Cork.-Chimney piece and table tops manufactured from marble raised on the estate of exhibitor in the co. of Cork. 84 BROWN, R. Ferguslie Fire Clay Works, Paisley, Manu.---Vases, chimney tops, glazed pipes with socket joints, cattle trough, all made of fire clay. 85 KENNETH, A. & Co. Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Manu.-Fountain, sun dial pillar, chimney cans, and glazed pipes made of fire clay. DOLA 86 GARNKIRK COAL Co. Garnkirk. Vases, flower- pots, chimney-pots, manufactured from fire-clay. 87 HENDERSON, J. 149 and 150 Townsend St. Dublin, Imp.—Bridgewater, Welsh, and Irish bricks Welsh slates; chimney tops; wind guards (registered); vases and pedestals; Grecian chimney piece; pipes, &c., made of fire clay. 87 A FERGUSON, MILLER, & Co. Heathfield, Glas- gow, Manu.-Fire bricks, ornamental terra cotta, glazed sewerage pipes, &c. Set of three Gothic chimney tops, do. Ornamental wind-guard, do., do. do. Copy of the "Warwick vase, Nuptial vase. Garden vase. "" Specimen of vent lining. Specimen of glazed sewerage pipes. 88 LONDON & Penzance SERPENTINE CO. Mr.John Organ, Manager, Penzance, Cornwall, England, Prod. Ladies' inlaid work tables; Octagon vases; Albert vase; pedestal and vase; chimney piece; pair Luxor obelisks; scrap inlaid zodiac vase; pair Hebe ewers; pair King's needles; large ink-stands; pair Hebe jugs and centre piece; pair large bell vases; large tazza; Wellington tablets; pair fluted vases; miniature table; crosses; polished slab. 89 ABBOTT, H. Mullingar, Prop.-Block of Gal- way Marble. L M 90 CASSIDY, ROBERT, Esq. Monasterevan.-Two pillars of siliceous sandstone, beautifully worked, from the quarry of Rosenalis, Queen's co.-This is the quarry from which the ancient crosses and stone monu- ments of Ireland appear to have been taken. 91 BALLANTINE, ALEXANDER, 126 Up. Dorset St. Dublin, Manu.-Gothic chimney piece of Galway black marble. (In Dublin Society's collection.) Baptismal font in the Norman style of Caen stone. Bust pedestal of marble, from Skerries, co. Dublin. 92 M'CULLOUGH, D. Armagh, Manu.-Chimney piece of Armagh marble. (In Dublin Society collection.) 93 Synge, F. Glanmore, Ashford, co. Wicklow, Prod. Specimens of slate flags manufactured from the Glanmore slate and flag quarry. 94 WILLIAMS, D. Bangor, N. Wales, Manufacturer. -Billiard tables, baths, cisterns, grave stones, and other articles made of slate. 95 Battam, THOS. & SON, Gough Sq. Fleet St. London.-Decorated terra cotta vases, tazzas, &c.; fac-similes of those known as Etruscan and Greek, which for elegance of form and exquisite painting are 30 MANUFACTURES FROM FLAX AND HEMP. esteemed among the choicest works of antiquity. This collection includes many interesting copies of vases in the British Museum and other galleries, and illustrates the progress of reproductive art in that class of art manufacture. 96 FARNLEY IRON COMPANY, Wortley, near Leeds, Manu. Vases and pedestals, baptismal fonts, urns, flower boxes, balusters, chimney tops, and shafts; ornamental trusses, architectural mouldings, &c., all in terra cotta, and in various styles. 97 LOCAL COMMITTEE OF THE COUNTY KERRY, Prop.-Chimney piece of Kerry marble; marble slab ; bust pillar marble; draining tiles, and pottery made in co. Kerry. 98 JAMES, J. Courtown Harbour, co. Wexford, Manu.-Draining pipes, tiles, bricks, and pots. 99 MOLLOY, J. Tullamore, Ireland, Manu.- A marble table, marble dish, and marble fish-carved from marble, the produce of Ballyduff quarries, near Tullamore. 100 MORGAN & REES, Jewin Cres. London, Imp. and Prop.—Plumbago melting pots for refiners, one of which has been used 60 times at Brown & Wingrove's, London. German and English black lead melting pots; Hessian crucibles for goldsmiths and assayers; 104 GEOGHEGAN, J. and R. 20 Up. Sackville St. Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-Irish linens, sheetings, table linen, shirts, collars, worked cambric handker- chiefs. 105 LEADBETTER, J. & Co. Belfast, Ireland, Manu. -Specimens illustrative of Watt's process for the preparation of flax :- a Flax straw as from the field. b Flax straw with seed and capsules taken off and made ready for steam chambers. c Flax seed. Cornish and London crucibles for chemists; creôsots, employed by French refiners; skittlepots used by silversmiths, &c. d Flax seed, capsules, or husks. e Flax straw, steamed in chambers. fFlax liquor from chambers, containing important feeding properties. g Flax straw with epidermis or outer bark removed by wet rolling, and made ready for drying and scutching. J h Flax fibre after undergoing the process. of scutching. MANUFACTURES FROM FLAX AND HEMP. 3 101 BARNES, W. H. Tamworth.-Original designs, suitable for borders, &c.; circular or centre designs in labyrinthan style; designs for brooches, shawl fasteners, chains, paper hangings; embossed ornaments for book cases; original designs for pipe bowls, modelled in fire clay from Glascote clay works, near Tamworth; modelled designs in clay for glasses for ink-stands and various other purposes; set of draughtsmen in the same material; design for a tazza top in a new style of ornamentation. 102 M'ANASPIES, Messrs. Great Brunswick St. Dublin.-Portland and granite stone cements, castings, &c.; Scagliola and Oriental marbles. 103 BLACKBURN, B. Valentia, co. Kerry, Prod.- Articles in slate from the quarries in the Island of Valentia, co. Kerry, viz. :-Round tables for the REFRESHMENT ROOM; flooring slabs, roofing slates, cisterns to contain 1,200 and 500 gallons, billiard table slabs, garden seat, orange tree box, table of slate polished. 103 A POWER, JAMES, Esq., 20 Harcourt St.-A marble vase. i Flax fibre heckled. j Yarn spun at Mile Water Spinning Mill, Belfast. Yarn bleached. 7 Cloth as from loom. m Cloth bleached at Messrs. Richardson and Co's, Lisburn. 106 CLIBBORN, HILL, & Co. Linen Merchants, Bleachers, Banbridge, Manu.-Bird eye diapers,manu- factured from prime linen yarn. 107 LINDSAY, D. Ashfield, co. Down, Manu.-Table cloths, and napkins, of single and double damask; strong, light, and fancy drills; musquito netting; linen muslin; shirt fronts, plaited in the loom, without using a needle, all unbleached. Shirt fronts, bleached. 108 OLDHAM S. & SON, 12 Westmoreland St. Dublin, Prop.-Irish linens, sheetings, diapers, lawns, damask cloths, cambric handkerchiefs, specimens of Irish embroidery, quilts, toilet covers, doyleys. 109 COULSON, JAMES & Co. Lisburn, co. Antrim →→ Specimens of superfine damask table cloths, napkins, : { I &c. similar to those in preparation for Her Majesty and Prince Albert, and their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of St. Germains. MANUFACTURES FROM FLAX AND HEMP. 110 MC BIRNEY, COLLIS, & Co. Aston's Qy. Dublin, Prop.-Damask table cloths; "The Hunt" table cloth (improved); napkins; fine hand-spun linen; strong linen made from Irish flax; Irish cambrics; cambric handkerchiefs; silk stockings, plain and em- broidered; Balbriggan stockings; gloves; embroidered shawls, mantles and bonnets; dresses; ribbons; arti- ficial flowers; counterpanes: Limerick lace and Irish embroideries. 111 ROWLAND, J. Drogheda, Manu.-Damask and diaper sheeting of all breadths, huckaback, Drogheda linens, dowlas, tickens, hoopings, glass cloths, stair covering, rollering, drills in various colours. 112 KIRK, W. & SON, Annvale, Keady, co. Armagh Manu.-Rough brown linens; linen Hollands; bleached linen diapers; lining, family and fronting linens; unions. 113 CRADWELL, CHADWICK, & Co. Drogheda.—- Yarns in hanks, manufactured from Irish flax. 114 FENTON, SON & Co. Linen Hall, Belfast.- Case of linen fabrics. 115 MAIR, J. SON, & Co. London and Glasgow.- Embroidered muslin and merino robes; window muslins and lenos; printed Bandannas; Challis checks. 116 McCAY, T. Dromore, co. Down, Manu.-Fine linens. .. 117 BELL, T. & Co. Bellview, Lurgan, Manu.-- Cambric handkerchiefs, bordered, printed, hem-stitched, tucked, and embroidered (in the loom), printed dresses also embroidered (in the loom). 118 ANDREWS, M. Royal Manufactory of Linen and Damask, Ardoyne, Belfast, Des. Manu. and Prop. No. 1. One super-extra double damask table cloth, new pattern, "the Clarendon pattern;" the border is composed of a rich selection of flowers drawn from nature; the centre, a group of flowers, also from nature, which springs from a scroll resting on a shell, and sup- ported by bullrushes, &c. &c. ; the filling consists of a large piece of shamrock and flax, with detached amaryllis and convolvulus surrounding the centre, the whole in- terspersed with small sprigs of flax and shamrock com- bined. Two table napkins to match, one with, and one without sprigs, this pattern was designed specially for the table linen presented by the Royal Society for the Cultivation of Flax in Ireland, to the Earl of Clarendon when Lord Lieutenant, with his lordship's 膳 ​arms emblazoned in the centre, surrounded by various heraldic embellishments. No 2. One super-extra double damask table cloth, new pattern, "the Ardoyne Exhibition Pattern;" the border is composed of a rich scroll, each compartment terminating with a distinct flower; the corners represent rhododendron in flower, while groups of hyacinth, crown imperial, hollyhock, foxglove, stocks, lilac, &c. compose the end and side centres of the border, and the margin represents heart's-ease leaves, with the flowers laid thereon; the centre of the cloth consists of a basket of rich flowers placed on a rustic stump, which rests on a group of flowers at the base, and is supported by an arum on the one side and strelitzia on the other, the whole being surrounded by a light wreath of flowers chiefly climbers, with a run- ning ground harmonizing in the same style-the flowers all from nature. Two table napkins to match. No. 3. One extra double damask table cloth, new pattern, "the Fern Rustic Pattern"; border composed of branches of trees interlaced with flowers and various climbers, and shamrock margin; the centre is a varied collection of ferns, supported by pieces of trumpet flowers and leopard's bane, with festoons of running flowers between, and a filling of a variety of fern sprigs, all drawn from nature. No. 4. One table napkin with coat of arms, and one with emblems of Ireland. יין - 119 THE LOCAL COMMITTEE OF THE Co. KERRY, Tralee, Prop.-Hand loom diaper table cloths, from Listowel. 120 MURLAND, H. Castlewellan, Bleacher and Prod.-Irish linen for the United States Market. 121 FERGUSON, Frederick C. Fair St. Drogheda and Linen Hall, Dublin, Manu.-Imperial and fancy linen drills; linens, lawns, and platillas. 122 HARRISON BROTHERS, Dromore, co. Down, Manu.-Linen shirt frontings, in various patterns, all woven in the loom; frontings, embroidered, veined, printed, &c. (Exhibited by M'Birney, Collis, & Co.) 123 SPEEDIE, R. & SONS, Kirkcaldy, Manu.- Bleached linen sheetings; bed ticks; window blinds, contills huckabacks, diapers, towels, &c. 124 RODDY, R. Belfast, Prop.-Double damask table cloths, napkins, linens, lawns, diapers, and other linen fabrics; mill and hand-spun yarns; bleached drills. 125 CARSON, R. Randalstown, co. Antrim, Manu. -Bleached linens. 126 KNOX, A. Linen Hall, Dublin, Manu. Irish Sheetings, diapers, and towellings. Sinus 32 MANUFACTURES FROM FLAX AND HEMP. • 127 LOCKHART, N. & Sons, Kirkcaldy, Manu.— Linen bed ticks, rough and calendered, all woven by hand; grain sacks, hand-wove; diaper and Portobello Bath towels, all linen; water twist; gingham checks. 128 BREMNER, JOHN, Kirkcaldy.-Bleached Can- vass, tow, twine and yarns; the yarn spun by Messrs. R. & I. Aytoun, of Kirkcaldy. 129 NELSON, J. & Co. Selby, Yorkshire.-Flax prepared on a new process, and dressed by improved machinery. 130 RAINEY, KNOX, and Co. Glasgow.-Canvass, Sheetings, &c, robes made from cotton, silk and wool in a Jacquard loom, for dressing gowns. 131 WILSON, R. Dublin, Manu.-Hawsers; stand- ing rigging wormed; lanyard rope; bolt rope; flat rope for mining. 132 WATSON, J. 76 Jamaica St. Glasgow, Manu.— Fishing lines and twines. 133. PRESTON, J. & Co. Belfast.-Samples of Flax in the undressed state, grown in the counties of Down, Antrim, Monaghan, and Armagh. 134 FINLAYSON, BOUSFIELD, & Co. Johnstone, near Glasgow, Manu.-Specimens of tailor's thread, in various colours and Nos. made up in rolls and skeins; patent satin finish thread; shoe thread; hemp thread and closing thread; fine white gimp thread for lace ; fine black silk thread. 135 RATTRAY, J. Broadlie Mills, Neilston, Manu. -Machine made nets, as used in Scottish herring fisheries; herring-net twines of hemp and flax; shoe threads; Scottish flax, used in the shoe thread manu- facture. 136 ELLIOTT, J. 94 Thomas St. Dublin, Manu.— Ropes and twines, from Irish hemp and flax. 137 AITKEN, A. & M. I. Pinchbeck, near Spalding, Lincolnshire.-Flax, dressed and in the raw state. 138 Grant, G. & Co. Armagh, Prop.-Sail can- vas; canvas yarn in the green state; canvas yarn in the boiled state, all made from hand-scutched Irish flax. 139 SOPER, R. S. London, Manu.-Patent saslı lines; thread and worsted blind lines. 140 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE GROWTH OF FLAX IN IRELAND, Belfast.-Series of specimens illustrating the prepa- ration of the flax plant for manufacturing purposes, and the different processes employed in the course of manufacture in Ireland :— 1. Flax-straw, dried with the seed on. 2. Flax-straw, after steeping. "" Samples of seed; sample of seed capsules. 3. Flax-straw, steeped and rolled for scutching. ,, Sample of scutching-tow. 4. Scutched flax fibre of various qualities. 5. Hackled flax fibre of various qualities. 5. Hackle-tow of various qualities. 7. Line and tow sliver. 8. Line rovings for 130 lea, and 260 lea yarns. "" Line and tow yarns from 6 lea to 280 lea. 9. Specimens of unbleached and bleached fabrics, including heavy and light linens, drills, diapers, damasks, lawns, cambrics, musquitto-netting, &c. &c. 10. Specimens of fancy, dyed, or printed fabrics, including drills, bed-ticks, floor cloths, lawns, camhries, linens, &c. &c. Series of samples of foreign flax, used in the Irish linen manufacture, and of Irish and English flax, treated by peculiar processes, viz. :-Samples of Rus- sian, Dutch, Belgian (Courtrai and Flemish), and Egyptian flax, in the scutched and hackled state; samples of English and Irish flax, prepared by the patent processes of Schenck (hot water), and of Watt (steaming), and of Irish flax, dried and steeped on the "Courtrai” system. Case of specimens of linen yarns, &c. the manufacture of Messrs. Gradwell, Chadwick & Co. Drogheda. Case of specimens of linen fabrics, &c. the manufacture of Messrs. John Hind & Sons, Belfast. 140A Specimens sent in 1774 to the Society of Arts by Lady Moira of Montalto, Ballinahin. 1. Cotton made of heckled fllax. 2. Ditto not boiled so long. 3. Coarse wrappering for linens for furniture from the backings of tow. 4. Coarse dimity for upper petticoats. 5. A piece of Lady Moira's own gown. 141 HUGHES, THOMAS & JAMES, Clonmel.-Sam- ples of prepared flax. 142 Fitzgibbon, J. Glin, co. Limerick, Prod.— Grey and white linen duck. 143 FLETCHER, A. & Co. St. Rollox Flax Mills, Glasgow.-Linen Threads. 143A VANDELEUR, Colonel, co. Clare.-Coil of rope manufactured from bogwood, from the west of the co. of Clare. 143B DAVY, EDWARD, Crediton, Devon, Flax Spinner and Manu.-Specimens of flax and tow yarns, prepared under a patent recently granted to exhibitor. + + WOOLLEN, WORSTED, SILK, AND MIXED FABRICS. 33 144 M'DONALD, H. Leinster Row, Kevin St. Dublin.-Patent sash line, manufactured from Irish and foreign hemps, window blinds, cords and fancy twines, a six strand machine line, the first made in Dublin. 144A MCNEALE, A. Exhibitor.-Dressed flax. 145 CRAVEN and HARROP, Bradford, Yorkshire, Spinners and Manu.-Registered damasks, all wool, cotton and wool, silk and wool; registered damask table covers, all wool, cotton and wool, silk and wool; Or- leans, Coburgs, double twills, merinos, moreens, Cir- cassians, alpacas, alpaca-lustre, alpaca serge, alpaca mottled crapes, chambord cloths, &c. 146 ALLEN, R. 28 Lr. Sackville St. Dublin, Prop.- Fine and superfine waterproofed Eblana friezes; heavy Irish wool friezes; superfine heavy friezes; tweeds and doeskins; embroidered vests, worked in Ireland; superfine wool-dyed Irish black cloth; treble-milled Irish black, blue, and drab box cloths; English and foreign cloths, &c. &c. 1 WOOLLEN, WORSTED, SILK, AND MIXED FABRICS. 147 NEILL, C. & Sons, 11 Usher's Qy. Dublin, Manu.-Brown, grey, and Oxford friezes; a blanket. 148 PORTER, J. G. V. Belleisle, Lisbellaw, near Enniskillen, Manu. Tweeds, friezes, and blankets. 149 READ, J. 13 Usher's Qy. Dublin, Manu.— Treble-milled drab, blue, and black cloths; friezes; lama cloths; elastic tweeds. 150 EDMONDS & Co. Bradford, Wilts, Manu.—Black cloth, wool-dyed and manufactured on a new principle; blue and colored cloths. 151 WILLANS, BROTHERS, & Co., Island Bridge, Dublin, Manu.-Extra superfine black cloths, kersey- meres, and doeskins; superfine Eblana friezes, shep- herds' plaids, and fancy tweeds; regulation tartan for officers, sergeants, and privates; fine shawl woollen yarns; hosiery and knitting yarns. 152 COMYNS, BIRCH, & Co. 10 College Gn. Dublin, Prop. and Des.-Melton cloths, Eblana friezes, shep- herds' plaid, angolas, fancy trowserings, and tweeds -Irish, English, and Scotch specimens of each; Irish embroidered kerseymere vests; black doeskins of west of England, Yorkshire, Irish, Prussian, and German wool; extra superfine black Saxony cloth; a variety 144B TOUGH, ALEX. & SON, Greenock, Manu.- Coils of rope, each 6 and 9 inches, formed upon the highest angle with the greatest tension on the lesson, and maintained during the subsequent operations. By this plan a great amount of strength and durability is insured. of fine six-quarter tartans; a general assortment of liveries. 153 WRIGHT, E. 17, 18 and 19 Corn Market, Dub- lin, Prop.-Superfine blue cloth, black doeskins, and kerseymeres; invisible green cloths; black elastic, colored, and fancy tweeds; mixture heather, for sum- mer coats and vests-all of Irish manufacture; Wick- low friezes, single milled, grey, brown, and drab; Irish and French embroidered vests; single milled doeskins; Zurich velvets and silks. 154 KEELY & LEECH, 108 Grafton St. Manu. and Des.-A rich tobined poplin, the flowers shaded in various colours, the ground composed of antique scroll- work, veined with gold tissue brocade; plain, figured, watered, double, and demy cords; Bayadere poplins; plain and fancy waistcoating. 155 WRIGLEY, J. & T. C. & Co. Dungeon Mills, near Huddersfield, Manu.-Fancy and reversible coat- ings; partridge and heather mixtures for shooting coats; fancy trowserings, &c. 156 LOGAN, J. 17 & 18 New Row South, Dublin, Manu.-Irish manufactured fine black cloth, napped; fine beavered brown frieze; woollen mops; all made of Irish wool. 157 LUPTON, W. & Co. Leeds, Manu.-Superfine cloths, doeskins, pilots, Meltons, and black Vene- tians. 158 IRWIN, E. 24 Albion St. Leeds, Drab, Blue, wool dyed and other cloths; doeskins, pilots and kerseymeres. 159 MECREDY, J. Spiddall, co. Galway, Prop.— Tweeds manufactured at the Spiddall Industrial School, West Galway. 160 WALKER, BROTHERS, Greek St. Leeds, Manu. -Cloths, royal cashmeres, and Gention plaids, for ladies' cloaks. 161 DAY & Fox, Low Mills, Mirfield, Yorkshire, с $4 ↓ WOOLLEN, WORSTED, SILK, AND MIXED FABRICS. Manu.-Crown and grey friezes; piece and wool-dyed pilot cloth. 162 DILLON, L. 7 Parliament St. Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-Irish friezes and other woollens; Irish embroidered vests; Irish made coats, vests, and trowsers, and ladies' riding habits. 163 HASTINGS, BROTHERS, Huddersfield, Manu.- Woollen cloths of various colours and qualities. 164 SWITZER, BEATTY, & Co. Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.-Dress and frock coats, paletots, wrappers, surtouts, shooting suits, dressing gowns; lady's habit ; trousers in various styles and materials; silk, wedding and embroidered vests, and other articles of clothing. 165 Bidgood, RESIDE, & Co. 21 College Green, Dublin, and 6 Vigo St. London, Des. and Imp.— Superfine West of England cloths; scarlet hunter, and mixed army cloths; Jacquard and fancy trowser- ings ; hunting cords; Irish friezes, lamas and tweeds; Scotch mauds; embroidered kerseymere shapes and brocaded silks. 160 BULL & WILSON, 52 St. Martin's Lane, London, Des. and Prop.-West of England superfine broad cloths, livery cloths, Devons, &c., kerseymeres and doeskins, dress and fur beavers, Melton cloths, summer cloths, hunting cords; prize black cloth and doeskin, fancy trousersings, &c. 167 DICKSONS & LAINGS, Hawick and Glasgow, Manu. and Merchants.-Cheviot and Saxoný lambs' wool and Saxony wool hosiery, and under-clothing; tweeds; travelling plaids and ladies' wool shawls and plaids. 168 NICOLLS, A. 29 Brown St. Cork, Manu- facturer. Blankets, swanskins, flannels, tweeds, friezes, &c. 169 HALPIN, J. & J. Blanchardstown Mills, near Dublin, Manu.-Fringe worsteds, in oil and stoved; laced worsteds, in oil and stoved; knitting worsteds, in various colours. 170 PAWSON, SON, & MARTIN, South Parade, Park Row, Leeds.-Superfine woollen cloths. 171 GRUNDY, J. & E. 26 High St. Manchester, Manu. Lancashire, Saxony, silk warp, Galway, and other flannels; dyed flannels; swanskins; kerseys ; plaidings, serģes, baizes, blankets, printed druggets, crumb clòths, and table covers; travelling rugs, &c. Q 172 WALMSLEY, H. Failsworth, near Manchester, Manu. Silk and cotton fabrics, viz.:-Poplin and baregé bayadere robes; Jacquard figured robes; poplins, plain, striped, and chene; antique poplin and figured věštings; cotton damask's. 173 CLABBURN, SONS & CRISP, Norwich, Manu. -Brocaded, check, tartan, corded, watered, and plain poplins; brocaded and fancy dresses, in organ- zine, tram, spun, hard single silks, yarns, and cottons; Paramattas for mourning; Gentlemen's scarfs, and Hunting wrappers. 174 KELSALL, R. & J. Rochdale, Manu.-Saxony flannels, white, pink, blue, and scarlet; medium and swanskin. 175 SANDERSON R. & A. & Co. Galashiels, Manu. -Gentlemen's travelling plaids of fine Saxony wool. 175A ROBERTS, W. & Co. Galashiels.-Scotch (all wool) Shawls. 176 WALKER, JAMES, & Co. Leeds, Manu. Shawls and cloths in various colours; manufactured from the down of the Jemlah goat, a native of the Himalayan mountains. 177 LOCKE, J. 119 and 127 Regent Street, Lon- don, Manu.-Scotch woollens; mauds; ladies' shawis ; Cheviot tweeds; milled angolas; milled clan tartans, as worn by the Highland regiments; the shepherd's check. 178 KEELY, B. 81 Meath St. Dublin, Prop.- A glass case containing between two and three hun- dred various shades of fancy skein dyed silks.` 179 ANKETELL, MATHEW, Esq. Eymvale, co. Mona- han.-Ginghams and other fabrics woven on the Anketell grove estate. 180 SCHOFIELD, A. Oldham Rd. Newton Heath, Manchester, Manu.-Patterns of goods made betwixt the years 1780 and 1820; patterns of woollen cloths and cashmeres; woollen shawls. 181 MURRAY, W. 17 Chamber St. Dublin, Manu. -Irish friezes and fine tweeds, &c. 182 PERFECT, H. G. & Co. Halifax, Yorkshire, Manu.-Damask of wool, cotton and worsted, and silk and worsted, table covers of silk and worsted, and cotton and worsted, and all wool; covers of wool, cotton and worsted, and silk and worsted. Sp 183 M'CREA, H. C. &Co. Lumbrook Mills, Halifax, Manu. and Des.-Damasks, all worsted, worsted and cotton, (piece-dyed and yarn-dyed), silk and worsted; velvet, Italian, Geneva, and Balmoral damasks. 184 HOULDSWORTH, J. & Co. Halifax and Brad- ford, Manu.-Union and worsted damask in registered designs; Yarn dyed damasks; silk and wool damasks; Victoria and merino covers, &c. Printed satinetts for summer curtains). Table covers, silk and worsted, all worsted, and worsted and cotton. Ponchos, plain and brocade, (worn by the South Americans). WOOLLEN, WORSTED, SILK, AND MIXED FABRICS. 185 HOULDSWORTH, J. & Co. Portland St. Mills, Manchester, Manu. and Des.-A collection of fabrics for furniture and ecclesiastical decorations, manufac- tured in Manchester by the exhibitors. Central Compartment. Embroideries by patent machinery on cloth, satins, &c. This kind of em- broidery is peculiar, and has advantages, inasmuch as the needle work is equally complete on both sides of the material on which it is wrought. An application of embroidery to panelling is illustrated. The design in the central panel embodies a complimentary national allusion, and is suggestive of the introduction of heraldic insignia, cyphers, monograms, and special symbols, in similar positions. A variety of embroidered valances is exhibited along the top of the case. J Compartment on the left hand.-Specimens of figured satins, damasks, brocatelles, guipurettes, &c. The guipurette is an entirely new fabric of a very effective character; it is equally rich and perfect on both sides of the fabric, and therefore no lining is necessary. Compartment on the right hand.-Bordered satins, and bordered Terrys. Several medallions and smaller borders are exhibited in harmony with the various styles, valances, coverings of chairs, sofas, &c. Bordered cloths and Reps curtains, eligible for dining room, libraries, and morning room. (Centre Hall.) 186 LEES, R. & G. Galashiels, Manu.-Plaids, shawls, tartans, and dresses of Saxony lambs' wool. 187 CORDNER, R. D. & Co. 34 Dame St. Dublin, Manu.-Rich silk curtain, in amber tabaret, with silk fringe; carriage laces; silk tabarets for curtains; velvet plush and London cords for carriage lining; vallance fringes and borderings for window curtains; Brussels carpet for coachmakers' use. 188 BRAY, C. & Co. Coventry.-Fringes, dress trimmings, and plain and fancy ribbons. 189 BROWETT, W. & H. Coventry, Silk Dyers, and Manu.--Ladies' dress trimmings; fringes, in various styles and materials; fancy braid gimps; ladies' and coat bindings; frilled ribbons. 190 SHARP, ODELL, & JURY, Coventry, Manu.- Samples of ribbons of medium quality. 191 CORNELL, LYELL, & WEBSTER, 15 St. Paul's Church Yard, London, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, and Battersea, Surrey, Manu.-Ribbons. 192 MORAN, E. 8 & 9 Mark's Alley, Dublin, Manu. Velvets, Irish poplin, plain, figured, brocaded and watered vestings, &c. 192A BURGESS, ALFRED, & Co. Leicester. Foreign wools; knitting yarns; hosiery yarns; embroidery and fancy hosiery yarns. 193 JONES, E. St. Andrew St.-Plain and figured poplins and velvets. 194 FRY, W. & Co. 31 Westmorland St. Dublin, Manu. Des. and Imp.-Loom at work, making broea- telle; silk winding engine; plain, corded, and watered tartan; figured and brocaded Irish poplins, &e. Bayadere poplins; gold and silvér tissues and vest- ings; striped tabarets and damask furniture poplins ; Irish brocatelles; British printed chintzes and velvets ; foreign chintzes and challis; velvet-pile and Brussels carpeting; carriage silks, laces, and trimmings; rose- wood ottoman, sofa, and chairs, upholstered in ambér damask poplin; richly carved and gilt chimney glass. 195 DUNNE, W. 7 Mark's Alley, Dublin, Manu.- Double watered, figured, faney, and plain popliùs ; silk velvets. • 196 ATKINSON, R. & Co. Dublin, Manu. and Des. Rich gold tissued and brocaded Irish poplins, (designed by pupils of the Dublin School of Design); Irish poplins, plain, figured, double, plaided, shot, and-in various other styles; gold tissued and figured poplin waistcoatings; specimen of tapestry woven in Dublin in 1738, being a portrait of George II. in `a frame. 196A PIм, BROTHERS, & Co. Des. and Manu- Specimens of plain watered tartan; fancy rich figured and rich brocaded tissue poplin; poplin robes; Glačé silks, rich velvets, vestings, &c.; specimens of Limerick lace, manufactured by David M'Clure of Limerick. " : มิ c 2 36 COTTON. [ F. ** 197 CLARKE, J. P. King Street Cotton Mills, Leicester, Manu.-Specimens showing the various winding of sewing and crochet threads, and the manufacture of embossed wood, and other plain and fancy reels. for 198 MELLODEWS, EMMOTT, & Co. Albion Mill, Oldham, Lancashire, Manu.-Self Nankeens for card making, tent cloth, tailors' trimmings, or stays; stiffening Nankeen for boot linings, tailors' trimmings, cork making, or book-binding; superfine twills for petticoats; heavy Croydon cloth, in imitation of linen. 199 GLENNY, C. Balbriggan House, 33 Lombard St. London, Manu. and Prop.-Balbriggan hosiery; ladies' stockings of various degrees of fineness; ladies' fine lace stockings; gentlemen's fine half hose (all manu- factured at Balbriggan, Ireland). 2 200 BROOK, JONAS & BROTHERS, Meltham Mills, . Huddersfield, Manufacturers and Winders.-Raw cotton, cotton in process of manufacture; sewing cotton in hanks, bleached and unbleached, and on spools; crochet and knitting cords in hanks, bleached ' and unbleached, and on spools; Valenciennes thread on spools. 201 MARTIN, W.-& SON, Bolton and Manchester, Manú. Hair cord dimity; furniture dimity; dice, and "damask dimities'; satin damask. 敷 ​COTTON. *. 202 CLUGSTON, J. & Co. Power Loom Cloth Manufacturers and Bleachers, Glasgow, Manu. J. Forbes, 5 Eden Quay, Dublin, Agent.-Scotch Hol- ·lands of all qualities; twilled Cotton Sheetings; buff and white window Hollands; Derries furniture, and jane stripes, &c., / 203 MCBRIDE & Co. Glasgow, Inv. and Manu.-- Cotton diaper; cotton damask and table cloths; cotton bird-eye diaper; cotton huckaback towelling; furniture, regatta, and coach stripes; ginghams, apron checks, and cross-over stripes-all woven in power looms, invented, and first applied by Mr. J. McBride.—(See next number). • A 204 MCBRIDE, J. Glasgow, Inv. and Patentee.-- Power loom for working ginghams, &c., with patent shifting shuttle box apparatus to work two to five : ** { shuttles; also, patent combination of loose reed, with shifting shuttle boxes. 205 JOHNSON, J. 44 Spring Gardens, Manchester, Manu.-White and colored toilette quilts and covers; fancy wove quiltings and shapes for vests; quilting skirts. 206 GILL, F. J. & R. Manchester, Manu.-Cotton and silk stitched double nankeens and contils, consist- ing of two cloths woven and stitched in the loom, for corsets. 207-WILSON & ARMSTRONG, 12 Nassau St. Dublin, Manu.-Ladies' fine, superfine, and lace Balbriggan stockings; gentlemen's Balbriggan socks, vests and drawers; stocking frame at work. 208 Moss, SIGISMUND S. Kilternan Cotton Mill, Golden Ball, co. Dublin, and 37 High St. Dublin, Manu.-Cotton in various stages of preparation, ma- nufactured from the raw material to the cleaned state, carded in the sliver, from drawing frames; on bobbins frame preparatory to spinning; spun cotton in the cop, and in the skein, unbleached and bleached; cotton candlewick unbleached and bleached; mould and dip candlewick in balls for cutting by machine and by hand, unbleached and bleached; fine bleached cotton in the skein for spermaceti candles; plaited wicks prepared for spermaceti and composite candles, cut to the required lengths; and looped cheques woven by power; cheques and ginghams. 209 BARLOW, GOODDY, & JONES, Albert Mill, Bolton, and 81 Fountain St. Manchester, Manu.- White and coloured toilet bed covers; patent counter- pane, worked by machine; coloured toilet bed cover (exhibited for its cheapness ;) welted and printed bed covers; damask, heavy marseilles, and alham- bra quilts; coloured counterpanes; cotton blankets; toilet covers; quiltings for vests; white and coloured damasks. 210 MAGBANE, C. Balbriggan, Manu.-Cotton checker. 211 MAIR, J. 95 Hutcheson St. Glasgow, Prop.— Friends' book muslin and tarlatan; handkerchiefs of same. FURS, LEATHER, SADDLERY, AND HARNESS So 212 SYMINGTON, R. B. & Co. Glasgow, Manu.- Figured harness muslin window curtains, in leno and book muslin grounds, (made by the jacquard loom); Figured harness muslin short blinds. 213 MARSLAND, SON, & Co. Manchester, Des. and Manu.-Cotton, in skeins and on reels, for sewing, crochet, guipure, knitting and embroidery purposes; crochet, guipure, and embroidery worked therewith ; samples of horse hair, scarlet, white aud black; brooches, bracelets, wreaths, head-dresses, fancy buttons and other ornaments made of horse hair. Gold and silver thread; dress ornaments of gold and silver, mixed with horse hair. ▼ 215 CLARKE, C. & J. Street, near Glastonbury, Somersetshire, Inv. and Manu.-Angora rug, dyed in one piece to a many-coloured pattern; hearth rug, the centre of white English lamb-skin, with flowers-each colour being a separate piece sewn in, with border of crimson Angora goat skin; sheep skin, lamb skin, and Angora carriage, door, and window rugs; Angora and sheep-skin boas; caps of slink lamb-skin; harvest and house-maids' gloves, &c. ; boots and shoes (registered); patent elongating gutta percha galoshes; men's heavy, and ladies' and chil- dren's boots and slippers, &c. 216 HEACOCK, J. 31, Dame St. Dublin, Manu.- Ermine; chinchilla grebe; monkey sable and sable tail; muffs, boas, and cuffs; fur coats and aprons; and a variety of foreign skins. 217 CORCORAN, J. & Co. 28 Westmoreland St. Dublin, Manu. & Prop.-Foreign skins and manu- factured furs. FURS, LEATHER, SADDLERY AND HARNESS. * 214 MORLEY, J. & R. London and Nottingham, Manu.-Ladies' stockings of cotton, white Lisle thread, Balbriggan, silk, silk with cotton tops, silk and Balbriggan with lace open-work; children's stockings and socks; children's spun silk Braganza gloves, fleeced; ladies' and children's coloured silk gloves; gentlemen's half hose of merino, Balbriggan, Derby ribbed, cotton, with spun silk double feet, &c.; gentlemen's silk shirts, &c. 214A M'BIRNEY, COLLES, & Co. Dublin, Exhi- bitors; R. & J. Workman, Belfast, Manu.-Jaconet muslin; Mull muslin; Bishop's lawn; India Book; Tamboured Book and Jaconets; Swiss mull. • · 218 HUDSON, S. 65 Dawson St. Dublin, Manu- Chariot and phaeton harness; jaunting car and cab harness; improved side saddles; gentlemen's saddles ; suits of horse clothing. + black hames for Scotch cart, van, and stage; polished Scotch cart rigwoodie, with shaft rings; draught chains, &c. 221 JONES, WILLIAM D. 5 High St. Shrewsbury.- A light saddle of full length for racing, 26 oz. weight. embellished in relief by HAND-LABOUR ONLY-design, roses, thistles, and shamrocks, interspersed with oak foliage and acorns. 223 MCMULLEN, B. 54 Dawson St. Dublin, Inv. and Manu. Saddles; child's chair saddle; bridles; chariot harness, car or gig harness, on a new construc- tion, whereby the horse can be disengaged in a moment in case of accident; military appointments; horse clothing, &c. 219 BARNARDO, JOHN M. 4 Dame St. Dublin, Manu.-Muffs, boas, and cuffs of Russian sable, royal ermine, chinchilla and greebe; ermine cardinals, muffs and cuffs; South Sea seal-skin coats; and fur wrappers in various foreign skins. 224 PENNY, J. 37 Union St. Middlesex Hospital, London, Heraldic Chaser, Manu.-Model state bridle for the Prince of Wales; the Victoria Elizabethan bridle; the designs by Mr. W. Harry Rogers. 225 MOLLOY, B. 22 Kildare St. Dublin, Manu.— Harness with newly invented hames, trace fasteners 220 MCNAUGHT, G. 53 Maxwell St. Glasgow. and driving bits; gutta percha shoes, suitable for Manu.—Saddle trees, several varieties; polished and | labourers, &c. 222 LYNCH, G. 43 Lr. Sackville St. Dublin, Manu. -Portable travelling cabinet, containing couch, six chairs, bedstead, and round table; portable secretary chest of drawers, the cases forming a sideboard and two tables; portable mahogany wash-stand with tub, the top forming a table; portmanteaus; square hat case, containing dressing case; enamel waterproof bags, &c. K 38 FURS, LEATHER, SADDLERY, AND HARNESS. -226 HOLMES, Cork-Silver plated mounted harness; saddles; Victoria side saddle with leaping head. 227 BLACKWELL, SAMUEL, 259 Oxford St. London. – One Patent dumb jockey, with elastic India-rubber springs, crupper, and girth complete; one patent dou- ble girth; two girth-straps, with elastic springs; one stable roller, with elastic spring; one servant's coat belt, with elastic spring; two India-rubber web boots to prevent horses cutting; one harness bridle com- plete, with apparatus to prevent horses running away. 228 POLLOCK, J. 151 Stockwell, Glasgow, Manu. -Scotch cart harness, for city and agricultural use. 229 LEAKE, FREDERICK, & Co. 9 Warwick St. Regent St. London, Des. and Prod..-One mahogany glass- panelled bookcase or cabinet, in two heights, with old marble slab on table height-the cases richly mounted in relievo leather ornaments, in the place of carvings, and the whole velvet-lined, and filled with-two large square letter-boxes for ladies, with reliefs in leather (after Gibson's), and silk-lined; two small oblong envelope boxes, do. do. (from School of Design); two small square work-boxes, and cigar-cases; two oval frames in relievo leather mountings of foliage and flowers (after Grinling Gibbons); two sheets of gilt and coloured relievo leather hangings for walls, stair- cases, halls, ceilings, and cornices (after old speci- mens); ten books (various), richly bound in relievo leather bindings. 230 LENNAN, W. 29 Dawson St. Dublin, Des, and Manu-A set of state council pair horse harness, made by order of Her Majesty; single and double harness, silver mounted, and half covered and silver mounted; improved safety buckles, and safety breeching; side saddles with horizontal trees; hunting, steeple chase, and racing saddles; children's chair saddles; riding bridles, bits, &c. 281 CUMMINS, J. 108 James St. Dublin, Inv. and Manu.--Side saddle; hunting saddles; silver mounted dray harness with newly invented breeching chains, and improved crupper; a chain invented as a substitute for top strap; brass mounted harness, with a new crupper; plain cart harness. 232 Cowan, L. Barrhead, Manu.-Scotch cart harness, as in use in the west of Seotland. 233 LARGE, T. 12 Leinster St. Dublin, Manu.- Side saddle, covered with hogskin, hunting, steeple chase and racing saddles; light phaeton pair horse harness, silver plated on German silver; car or gig harness, half covered and silver plated. Kersey horse cloths. น 234 Kane, G. 69 Dame St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Military and camp furniture; a box, making couch or bed, and carrying an easy chair, table, wash- stand and circular tent 18 feet in diameter; a portable house, furnished, 18 by 16 feet: made from the cases constructed to contain the Furniture; military bath forming ottoman, and wash-stand, with dressing table, &c.; portmanteaus of various designs; an enclosed set of camp drawers with chiffonier tup, cabinet front in frett work; case of drawers forming wardrobe and dinner table; a box, 7 inches deep, when opened forms an easy chair, upholstered in Morocco. 235 FARRELL, R. 38 College Green, and 55 & 56 Fishamble St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Ladies' and gentlemen's portmanteaus, of new and various designs; coat cases, hat cases, capable of holding a suit of clothes, &c.; railway tourists' companion, of new designs, with dressing case, &c.; improved travelling bags; ladies' and gentlemen's travelling trunks of various de- signs; improved bonnet boxes; ladies' dress cases, &c. 236 WHITE, JAMES CHADNOR, Liverpool Street, London.-Set of silver-mounted pair-horse carriage harness, with White's patent safety tugs; set of gig Brougham harness, with patent safety tugs to the traces, backbands and crupper; specimens of carriage and gig tugs finished with silver, brass, or covered mountings. 237 PERRY, J. 11 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. Portable furniture; drawers and book case, with ward- robe cases forming tables; portable bedsteads without screws, (patented); chairs, in morocco leather; basin stand; threefold portable trunks, with dressing case and writing desk; improved trunks and travelling cases; bonnet and hat cases of various designs; leather bags, with portmanteau bottoms, fitted with dressing case; railway and overland portmanteaus, and other articles. 238 Box, W. R. & Co. Dublin, Manu.-Curried leather, hogskins, bridle, stirrup and harness leather ; japanned leather; enamelled hides; japanned bag hides; patent splits; stout middlings; japanned cloth; hunt- ing, exercise, and racing saddle trees; side saddle trees; harness and pad trees; driving, hunting, and hand whips; specimens of heraldic devices in silver and brass, chased and embossed, for state and plain carriages and harness; coach handles; harness furni- ture, plain and embossed, in silver and brass; polished steel bits and stirrups; machinery belts and hose pipes. 239 ATKINSON, W. 19 Montpellier Hill, Dublin, PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, PAPUR, AND STATIONERY. 39 } Manu. Enamelled chaise and welting hides; brace, harness, and japanned split hides, for coach purposes, 240 BYRNE, A. & SON, New Row, South, Dublin, Manu.-Fancy colored morocco leather skins for car- riages, upholstery, and bookbinding purposes; Russia kid, or chamois; black morocco, and grained calf and goat skins for boots and shoes. 241 Hart, P. 27 & 28 Watling St. Dublin, Manu. -Irish and Buenos Ayres hides, tanned with oak bark and valonia. T 242 Ord, A. 83 Cork St. Dublin, Manu.-Tanned Buenos Ayrean hides, and native hides of tanned leather. 243 LESTRANGE, C. & SON, 63 James's St. Dub- lin, Manu.-Butt leather hides. 244 HAYES BROTHERS, Dublin, Manu.-Tanned leather; tanned hides, native growth and manufacture; East India kip butt; native kip butt; native rounded calf skin; native black grained calf skin; hide Spanish cordovan; hide native cordovan; native horse butt. • 250 INDUSTRIAL PRINTING SCHOOL, BONMAHON, established Oct. 20, 1851, by Rev. David A. Doudney, Curate of Monksland, Bonmahon, co. Waterford.—Dr. Gill's Commentary on the Holy Bible. Four volumes of this work have been printed at this school since its establishment in the above obscure village. Upwards of twenty tons of paper have been consumed; and the whole (comprising nearly four thousand pages) has been composed by boys varying from ten to fifteen years of age, who, previously, had never so much as seen a printing type! 251 HIBERNIAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Sackville Street, Dublin, Imp. and Prod.-120 specimens of the Holy Scriptures in different languages (the property of Wil- braham Taylor, Esq. of Hadley Hurst, Barnet, Middlesex, who has kindly lent them for exhibition.) A sélection from 175 versions of the Bible, in whole or in part published by the British and Foreign Bible Society, which, since its institution in 1804, has circu- lated upwards of 25 millions of copies. Several editions of the Scriptures in the English and Irish languages - 1 245 FLETCHER, W. 19 Clare St. Dublin, Manu- Phæton harness, with silver chased and covered buckles; silver-mounted gig harness; hunting. sad- dles. Tim g 246 BROWNING, W. & R. 35 Stockwell St. Glas gow, Manu.-Set of cart harness. 247 Watson, B. Mullingar, co. Westmeath, Manu. -Side saddle, with leaping head, and ornamented; hunting, cut back, steeple chase, and racing · sad- dles. PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, PAPER, AND STATIONERY. 248 DEED, J. S. 8, 9, and 10 Little Newport St. Leicester Sq. London, Manu.-Specimens of morocco leather for upholsterers, coach makers, bookbinders, and bootmakers; dyed sheep and lamb skin, for wool rugs or mats. 249 HINKSON, J. 20 Charlemont St. Dublin, Mann. -Improved side saddle, with moveable pannel, so as to fit any horse; improved hunting saddle, with moveable pannel, and without nailing; gig saddle; improved chariot pads; horse clothing, ornamented. ❤ have been published by the Hibernian Bible Society, which has circulated more than two millions of copies in Ireland. 252 Duffy, J. 7 Wellington Quay, Dublin, Pub-' lisher.-300 volumes of standard Roman Catholic works, and other books relating to Ireland, printed in Dublin, including Bibles, Testaments, Missals, Prayer Books, &c. in rich binding, designed and exe- cuted in exhibitor's establishment. 1.P , + 253 BELLEW, G. 79 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.- Bookbinding in its various branches, exhibited in about 200 volumes of modern authors, and 50 volumes of illustrated books. Legers, and other accoun books; paintings on vellum, &c. 254 BINGLEY, M. 10 Lawrence Pountney Lane, City, London, Inv. and Manu.-Patent headbands for bookbinding, made by machine.“ 255 COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL EDUCATION IN IRELAND.-Set of books published by the Commission-· ers, and used in the Irish National Schools. A set of books not published, but sanctioned by the 40 PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, PAPER, AND STATIONERY. Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, for use in the Irish National Schools. Sketches from nature taken with the daguerreotype by James Claridge, Esq. an amateur. 256 CALDWELL, M. South Frederick St. Dublin, Manu. Specimens of bookbinding. 257 Van VoorST, J. London, Prop.-Books pub- lished by exhibitor, and richly bound by Hayday, and Clarke and Bedford. 258 POWELL, J. H. 15 Westmoreland St. Dublin, Bookseller and Pubr.-Bibles, Prayer Books, and Church Services in rich bindings; maps of Ireland, &e. engraved by Kirkwood, (of Dublin), and printed on satin, calico, cards, &c.; Cellarius' ancient maps on satin, calico, and paper; View and plan of the Exhibi- tion Building, in gold, on gelatine, &c.; guide books; specimens of stationery, and steel and copper-plate engravings, &c. 259 SLATER, I. 37 Fountain St. Manchester, and Fleet St. London, and Dublin, Pub. and Prop. Slater's general directory of the United Kingdom, and British atlas; union map of England and Wales; plan of Manchester; travelling maps of Ireland and Scot- land; new coin table of all coins now circulating in the world, or commercial exchange standard, mounted on rollers, &c. 260 LUNTLEY, JOHN, 3 New Broad Street Court, London, Manu.-Patent ticket receipt till book, for checking receipts of money by shopmen; frames for holding same; pocket cases; glazed show bill. 261 CHAMBERS, J. & SON, 36 Dame St. Dublin, Manu.-Account books for bankers' and mercantile use; stationery cases; all of Irish material and manu- facture. 262 GEEER A. & Co. Cork, Manu.-Specimens of paper: post, foolscap, and pott in variety; brown, whited brown, and sheathing or roofing paper. 263 Saunders, T. H. London, Manu.-Best Kent hand and machine made account book, drawing, and letter papers, bank-note and patent cheque papers, plain and water-marked; loan or parchment paper; a transparency, showing specimens of ornamental water-marks used for prevention of frauds. 204 Mansell, J. 35 Red Lion Square, London, Des. and Manu.-Illuminated and embossed orna- mental wrappers for linens, damasks, &c.; perforated and embossed ornaments and tickets for muslins, woollens, &c.; satin damask writing papers, on which, by a patented process, pictorial illustrations are pro- duced in alternate dull and glazed surfaces; ornamen- 1 tal writing papers in imitations of lace, embroidery, &c.; wedding stationery and valentines. 265 NEWBERY, J. & R. 2 & 3 Hemlock Court, Carey St. Lincoln's-inn Fields, London, Manu.- Specimens of gold, silver, and coloured foil papers, plain and embossed; coloured glazed papers; gold and silver borders; fancy papers in variety; sereen handles; fancy coloured tissue and marble papers. 266 BOUSQUET I. 28 Red Cross St. London, Manu. -Burnished gold paper embossed, for paper stainers; patterns of embossed gold and silver borders; plain and flocked gold and silver papers; foil papers. 267 RYAN, W. & E. 1 Merchant's Quay, Dublin, Manu.-Paper made from straw. 268 SETON, R. Edinburgh, Des. and Manu.-Imi- tation of the illuminated books of the middle ages, bound in yellow morocco, &c. 269 Cowan & Co. London, Edinburgh, and 164 D'Olier St. Dublin, Manu.-Writing, drawing, and printing papers of various qualities; envelopes; account books in various rulings and bindings, the pages numbered by machinery; bibles and testaments in various bindings. 270 MAGUIRE, J. Dublin, Prop.-Hudson's Bay, swan, Russian, Irish, duck, and crow quills and pens; portable pens; toothpicks. 271 MCDONNEL, J. & Co. Swift Brook Paper Mills, co. Dublin, Manu.-Papers: blue laid medium; large blue and bank post; blue laid and cream laid foolscaps; cream posts; music paper and printing; also a roll of paper 2000 feet long by 5 feet wide. 272 HAWTHORNE, J. 77 Charrington St., St. Pan- cras, London, Manu.-Specimens of wood sponged over with an admixture of ink to match paint. Samples of ink of various colours and descriptions; hair dye; evaporated ink forming a varnish for shoes. 273 TODD, J. Perth, Manu.-Specimens of office, copying, and other inks, black, red and blue; ink- powder, &c. 274 MCDERMOTT, E. & Co. 33, Arran Qy. Dublin, Manu.-Printing and writing inks of various kinds; perfumery in variety. 275 WATERSTON, G. Edinburgh, Manu.-Samples of Great Exhibition prize medal sealing wax, in great variety, for home and foreign use; wax used for the great seal of Scotland, and other official seals; wafers, &c. 276 Cooke, J. & SONS, 84 Cannon St. London, Manu.-Sealing wax, and medallion wafers. 277 FIGGINS, V. & J. London, Manu.-Speci- mens of newspaper, book, and fancy types. 1 A PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, PAPER, AND STATIONERY. 41 278 FERGUSON, BROTHERS, Edinburgh, Manu.- Specimens of the Aldine series of new book and news- paper types. 279 REED & PARDON, Paternoster Row, London, Prod-Specimens of letter-press printing from English and foreign types. 280 ROWNEY, & Co. 51 Rathbone Place, London, Inventors, Printers, and Publishers.-Frames contain- ing specimens of typo-chromatic printing, or fac-simile water color drawings. 281 REEVES & SONS, 113 Cheapside. London.-- Boxes of water colors; Cumberland lead drawing pen- cils, and other materials for the use of artists. 281A. FAIRBAIRN, R. 37 Gt. Cambridge St. Hack- ney Road, London, Manu.-Specimens of wooden type for printing, &c. 1 282 STEPHENSON, BLAKE, & Co. Sheffield, Manu. -Specimens of printing types.-A new script, or writing character; and a series of old English types (registered); specimen books of types; borders and other ornamental designs for fancy printing. 283 FLEMING, A. B. & Co. Leith, Manu.-Speci- mens of printing with the Scottish printing ink, black and coloured. 284 MUIR, R. Dunlop St. Glasgow, Imp.-Im- proved composition for letter-press printer's rollers; and specimens of printing from gutta percha plate, made from wood cuts by exhibitor. 285 COE, J. Bank of England, London, Prod.- Bank Cheque, printed by letter-press (electro type blocks,) or surface printing. → 286 WEBB & CHAPMAN, 107, Gt. Brunswick St. Dublin, Prod. Specimens of books printed by exhibitors. 287 GILL, M. H. University Press, Dublin. Various volumes of books, in 4to and 8vo., printed in the English, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Oriental Irish Languages. Specimens of illustrated and scientific printing. an 288 HOLDEN, W. Dublin, Manu.-Specimens of printed music; letter-press printing; and stereotype casts. 289 NOVELLO, J. A. 69 Dean St. Soho, and 24 Poultry, London; and 389 Broadway, New York, Manu.-Specimens of musical and other typography; ornamental title pages. 290 FOWLE, THOMAS LLOYD, Amesbury, Wiltshire, Prop.-Music composed by exhibitor to celebrate The Great Exhibition, entitled "Hymn of Praise for All Nations;" and in honor of the Duke of Wellington, entitled “Rest on thy Marble Couch, Brave Warrior rest.” 291 BAXTER, G. 11 & 12 Northampton Sq. London, Inv. and Prop.-Specimens of oil colour picture print- ing, by a patent process. : 292 APPEL, R. 43 Gerrard St. Soho, London, Inv -Specimens of anastatic or appelotype printing, showing the original engraving or printing, the zinc matrix, and the copy printed therefrom. 293 BATESON, S. 4 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, Prop.-Specimens of anti-acid and anti- anastatic paper—(Glynn and Appel's patent)--for pre- vention of forgery by the anastatic process. Manufac- tured by Charles Venables, jun. Maidenhead. 294 BETTS, J. London, Inv.-Betts' improved educational maps; interrogatory maps, with book of exercises; railway and commercial and tourists' maps; London modern atlas; geographical slates; dissected games and puzzles, & 295 Coulter, W. 7 Synge St. Dublin, Inv.—Map of London, with moveable index. 296 MORRIS, J. P. C. E. Sandymount Rd. Dublin, Des. and Prop.-Manuscript chronological charts of the history of England, Ireland, &c., highly illuminated. 297 HANHART, M. & N. 64 Charlotte St. Rath- bone Pl. London, Prod.-Specimens of lithography and chromolithography. 298 FORSTER & Co. 2 Crow St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Specimens of lithographic printing in colours. 299 PLOWMAN, J. 1 St. Aldgate St. London.- Books and stationery. 300 GOODALL & SON, Camden-town, London, Manu. Specimens of playing cards. 301 FITZGERALD J. 45 Dawson St. Dublin, Des.— Specimens of plain and ornamental penmanship, with etchings, and other illustrations. 302 WREN, A. Keswick, Manu.- Black lead pen- cils; specimens of pure Cumberland lead; compressed lead. 303 ADAIR, R. & Co. Maryport, Cumberland, Manu. Specimens of black lead for pencils, and of improved composition, cleansed and purified; illustra- tions of the several processes of pencil making; saws; rounding machine, &c.; pencil drawings, in various shades, showing the different qualities of the pencils. 304 BANKS, SON, & Co. Keswick, Cumberland, Manu.-Black lead pencils; and illustrations of the processes of the manufacture. 305 BROOKMAN & LANGDON, 28 Gt. Russell St. Bloomsbury, London, Manu.-Fine drawing pencils. M 42 PRINTED AND DYED FABRICS.-IRON AND GENERAL HARDWARE. 306 WIGHTMAN, W. M'CLEARY, 24 Nassau St. Dublin, Imp. and Prop.-Artists' oil and water colours; sable, camel, and hog hair brushes; sketch books; tracing paper; graduated scraping tinted tablets. 307 STEPHENS, H. 54 Stamford St. Blackfriars Road, London, Manu.-Specimens of liquid colors for staining woods, and of woods stained therewith ; liquid colors for writing purposes, &c.; specimen of blood preserved more than four years by the oil of tar, show- ing its strong antiseptic qualities; specimens of newly invented pencils and rulers. 310 BURTON & GARRAWAY, Bethnal Gr. London, Manu.-Orchil, in the raw state; manufactured orchil liquor dye; cudbear; silks, wools, and morocco skins, dyed and printed with preparations of orchil or cud- bear; indigo, in the raw state; extract of indigo; silks, wools, and kid leather, dyed or printed with extract of indigo. 311 MARLAND & WHITCOMBE, 6 New High St. Manchester, Manu.-Cotton cloths of various colours; silescias; shalloons; Italians; Orleans serge; imita- tion morocco; Niagaras; Platas, and bookbinders' cloths, &c. PRINTED AND DYED FABRICS. 312 LATOUR, RATEAU & Co. 130 New Bond St. London, Manu.-A dyed satin mantle and skirt, show- ing the process of embossing a brocaded figure upon a worn and faded fabric, with other specimens of goods dyed and renovated; specimens of the process patented 303 SMITH, W. H. & SON, 1 Eden Quay, Dublin, -Newspapers in ornamental stands for the perusal of visitors. 309 WISEHEART, J. 23 Suffolk St. Dublin, Prop. -Specimens of engraving; die sinking in colors, &c. ; painted arms, crests, &c.; Berlin work patterns; spe- cimens of lithographic and music printing; album binding; fancy stationery; valentines, &c. 309A NORRIS, Miss, Clara, King's County.- A map of Great Britain, in penmanship, with an elaborate border. 315 BROWN, E. Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire, Inv. and Prop:-Working model of cooking apparatus and roasting jack; improved cooking apparatus; improved cottage or emigrant's stove; brass self-acting tobacco till; improved valve for cisterns; steam closet auto- maton roasting apparatus; chimney piece for large cooking apparatus. 316 BENHAM & SONS, 1s Wigmore St. London, Manu-Cooking apparatus and kitchen; ranges in various designs; improved smoke jacks; broiling stove by L. Rateau and Co. for renovating soiled kid gloves, ribbons, Limerick lace, &c. 313 YATES, TAYLOR & Co. 42 and 43 Gutter Lane, London, and Fountain Works, Mitcham, Manu. Printed cloth table covers; embossed table covers, shown as specimens of embossing in imitation of needlework, &c. 314 ORR, EWING & Co. Glasgow, Manu.-Cambrics and printed cottons, dyed in Turkey red. 314A LEE, DANIEL, & Co. Manchester, Manu.— Turkey red damask furniture; chintz furniture for sofa coverings; imitation damask furnitures; plain and fancy stripes for sofa covering; prints-blue, blue and white, green and yellow, blue and orange, blue, orange, and white, blue, green, and white, blue and yellow; cotton Damasks; chintzes in great variety of manufacture and design. IRON AND GENERAL HARDWARE. and hot plate, with pastry oven; steam hot closet; Flavel's patent kitchener; dinner lifting machine ; copper steam kettles; Bainmarie pan; model of com- plete kitchen apparatus; emigrants' or cottagers' stoves; emigrants' portable kitchen; perforated pedes- tals for hot water pipes; stair bannisters and newels in various style of ornament; warm air stove; bright register stoves, with burnished steel, ormolu, and natural bronze mouldings; Noirsain's patent register stove; turf grates; dog stove with encaustic covings; 1 K AC 43 IRON AND GENERAL HARDWARES 147M194 • • fenders and fire irons in polished steel, ormolu, and bronze; ornamental fire dogs; Telekouphonon or improved speaking pipe. 317 TYLOR, J. & SON, Warwick Lane, London, Prop.-Wheel of Wellington car; moderator lamps in bronze, ormolu, alabaster and china bronzed tea urns; bronze vases and tripods; ornamental coal scoops; imperial standard measures. Bath in mahogany frame, with heating apparatus affixed. Patent high pressure closets and cocks, at work. Copper goods for kitchen purposes. Patent garden syringes. Vapour bath. 317A Gas bath at work. (In Carriage Department.) 318 SHERIDAN, J. 163 Church St. Dublin, Manu. -Church bells; platform weighing machine; fire- proof safe; eagles with pedestals; weighing beams and scales; wrought iron gate with piers; hall door en- tablature in cast iron; balustrades and lamp posts; portable corn mill on a new principle or two-horse power; improved portable steam engine, (two-horse power) designed and made by Thomas Sheridan, C.E. 319 CUTTS, W. W. & Co. Atlas Works, Sheffield, and 95 Hatton Garden, London.-Chandeliers of various designs for gas and candles; brackets; vase lights, and hall lanterns for gas, in great variety of patterns, in rich gold, lacquer, and bronze; patent atlas oil lamps with stands; candle lamps; railway carriage, side, tail, and signal lamps; working model of Cutts' patent railway signals, &c. 320 ROBERTSON, CARR, & STEEL, Chantry Works, Sheffield, Manu.-Hall Stoves; dining and drawing- room grates; fenders, fire-irons, &c. (In Central Hall.) 321 COALBROOKDALE COMPANY, Coalbrookdale, near Wellington, Shropshire, Des. Inv. and Prop.—An ornamental tent, with pilasters, &c., of iron; an ornamental iron fountain; "The Combat," bronzed; register stoves and fenders, of new and unique design; hat, coat, and umbrella stands, of unique design, bronzed; garden and hall chairs, and tables; orna- mental vases in cast iron; brackets for gas, &c. electro- bronzed; hot air stoves; flower pot stands; cooking- glass and frame, in iron, gilt; an economical looking range, complete; two flower vases in bronze, electro gilt; a variety of ornamental castings of figures, &c. electro-bronzed. Samples of pig-iron, bar iron, and plates, as follows:-grey pig iron for light and heavy castings; strong grey forge pig iron; mottled iron; white iron; samples of forge and of finished bars; chequered plates for flooring. (In Central Hall.) 322 MORTON, J. 32 Eyre St. Sheffield, Manu. and Des.-Ormolu and steel, Berlin black, and bronze fenders; cast iron bronzed table, with marble top. Į 323 HODGES J. & SONS, 16 Westmorland St.Dublin, Manu.—Kitchen range, containing open fire grate, wrought iron boiler, double action smoke-jack, oven, set of charcoal stoves, hot plate, hot closet, and grilling iron; economical open fire kitchen range; sundry culinary articles; a small grate with tubular bars for heating water; scroll balustrade for gallery and stair case; shower and sponge bath. 323A BAILEY, JOHN, Regent St. Salford, Manu.-. Improved copying press. 324 MAGUIRE, J. 10 Dawson St. Dublin, Manu. -Kitchen range; sporting canteen; bedstead; churn; baths; japaned ware; garden chairs; table with mar- ble top; sundry specimens of iron-work; miniature of Dean Swift, which belonged to and was worn by Stella. I 325 GODDARD, H. Nottingham, Inv. and Manu.— New patent economical cooking apparatus, either for a closed or open fire. 326 POTTS, WILLIAM, Birmingham, Manufacturer; GREGG & SON, 18 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin, Exhibitors.-Chandeliers of various patterns; Grecian dishes; etched and stained lanterns; globe lights, (original design); candle lamps; candelabra; ormolu mirrors; mantel-piece gas brackets; lacquered and bronze spill pots; fancy bronze letter weights; epergne candelabra, in Parian and ormolu, &c. 327 RITCHIE, D. & Co. Glasgow, Manu.-Kitchen ranges; cottage ranges; Dundee kitchen grates ; register grates; dressing irons, &c. 328 KENNARD, R. W. & Co. 67 Up. Thames St. London, Manu. and Prop.-Iron castings; a large Christ, cast in one piece, by Ducel of Paris, the cross of oak; a dog on base; candelabra (a copy from Andrè, Paris); self-acting kitchen range. 329 GLENNIE, G. & Co. Springbank Iron Works, Glasgow, Manu.-Register grates; boiler; pots; camp oven and cover; air bricks; gutters; gas and water pipes, in variety; chimney cans; bar scale weights hay rack and manger; skylight and frame; cart bushes; Allan's patent iron pavement plates, and many other articles in iron. 329 A TODD, BURNS & Co. Mary St. Dublin.-Por- table iron bedsteads. : 330 THE HIBERNIAN GAS LIGHT Co. Foster Place, Dublin.-No. 1. Bennett's Gas Cooking Range for roasting, baking, boiling, and frying. No. 2. Same construction as No. 1. No. 3. Same construction as 1 IRON AND GENERAL HARDWARE. 1 C Varier Nos. 1 and 2, but with three roasting ovens, to cook for eighty persons. No. 4. Boggett's Duplicate Gas Oven, suitable for baking bread, pies, and pastry; it is also arranged for warming apartments. No. 5. Boggett's Gas Cooking Range, which, by its peculiar method of burning gas, is capable of heating an oven for baking and boiling, and adapts itself for frying, boiling, and stewing; also for radiating heat in apart- ments. No. 6. Boggett's Portable Gas Cooking Range, furnished with an oven for broiling and baking, with a stove for frying and boiling, and with the extra appendage of a steaming apparatus. No. 7. Gas apparatus for halis for keeping water hot, or making coffee, &c. Nos. 8 and 9. King's Gas Stoves, for warming halls, apartments, offices, &c. No. 10. ´Boggett's Asbestos Gas Stoves, for warming apart- ments. In this apparatus the gas is consumed in contact with asbestos, whereby a cheerful fire is obtained. No. 11. Boggett's Tinsmith's Gas Stove, for heating soldering irons. No. 12. Boggett's Druggist's Stove. This apparatus contains a hollow spatula heated by gas; it also forms a small stove for heating fluids. No. 13. Boggett's Salamander, for cooking steaks and chops, &c.; also for boiling, steam- ing and frying. No. 14. Bennett's Gas Light Stove, for the breakfast room, nursery, or sick chamber. No. 15. C. H. Hall's Patent Gas and Vapour Cooking Lamp, for the use of emigrants, tourists, &c. It affords a steady and efficient source of heat for cooking by the combustion of vapour from wood, spirit, or alcohol, in situations where gas cannot be procured. It is equally applicable for cooking by the heat from gas. By its peculiar construction it converts the whole of the gas into a flame twelve inches high by one and three-quarter inches in diameter, perfectly free from sooty deposits. 330A LAWLESS, T. Dundalk.-Self-adjusting lock, with fourteen tumblers and three detectors. 331 HENSHAW, T. & Co. Clonskeagh Iron Works, and 81 Abbey St. Dublin, Manu.-Quarry tools: sledges, picks, hammers, iron pulley block, scrap iron quarry bars, refined cast steel jumpers, &c. Smiths' and Horse Shoers' Tools: portable forge, smiths' and horse shoeing sledges; hand, bench, turn- ing and shoeing hammers; pincers. Iron and steel quoits; pulley blocks; Agricultural Implements, spades, shovels, draining tools. Irish and miners' shovels; manure and hay forks. Irish, Kent, Felling, and American axes. Carpenters', coopers', and ship adzes. Slashing or hedging books; bill hooks; picks; Ꭸ mattocks; refined cast steel mill picks, and chisels; Australian miners' tools, &c. 331A FRASER, S. 45 Mary St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Japanned shower, hip, toilet, foot, sponge, and children's baths; japanned toilet ware, and pails; improved garden watering engines; camp pedestal basin and washing stand; improved portable hot air stoves; emigrant's cooking stoves; cream forcers for making butter and iced or whipped creams; potato steamers; Irish horse, shoe, hair, plate, and other brushes; improved baking and roasting apparatus ; washing machine; Irish fire-clay chimney pots; im- perial double-acting prize churns; japanned hat case and plate warmers, with numerous culinary articles. 332 ANDERSON, R. 35 Greek St. Dublin, Manu. & Imp.-Brass cocks; pumps, pump valves, plugs, waste washers, &c.; shower baths; metal and delph sinks, plumber's basons, &c.; one slide valve water closet, as supplied to the British West India and North American Royal Steam Packet Companies; one Brahma valve water closet, used on deck houses; steam pressure indicator, as used in the Clyde steamers; Lambert's patent spirit and water cocks, &c. 332 A WHITESTONE, G. & W. 24 Nth. Earl St. and 36 Grafton St. Dublin, Imp. and Manu.-Shower baths; deed safes and boxes; papier maché trays;- imperial mangle; washing and wringing machine; tea urns; toilet furniture; umbrella and hat stand; coal vases; horse clothing; metal table and flower stand; specimens of electro plated and Britannia ware; brushes; bridles; cutlery; and miscellaneous ironmongery. 333 Rochford, J. & Son, 35 City Quay, and Clonskeagh, Dublin, Manu.-Anchors, jack screws, chains, purchase blocks, crabb wynches, ship and yacht cabooses; drainage tools, shovels, spades, forks; window guards, pumps, &c. 333 A Ross & MURRAY, 92 Middle Abbey St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Reclining and shower bath; double acting pump; toilet table and fittings; spe- cimen of plumber's brass work; model of heating apparatus, as fitted up in the large palm house of the Royal Dublin Society's Botanic Garden, Glasnevin. 334 HARRISON RADCLIFFE, & BLUNT, Eagle Foundry, Leamington, Manu. and Inv.-Kitchen ranges on a new and improved plan. 335 RUSSELL, J. & Co. Wednesbury, Manu.- Gasfittings, tubes, cocks, burners, &c. of various di- mensions. 336 BRAMHALL, T. 1 Union St., St. George's Road, } IRON ܀ ぶ ​GENERAL HARDWARE. AND Southwark, Inv. and Manu.-A wind guard (made of zinc) for the cure of smokey chimneys. A bath. 337 Langston, SCOTT & WHITE, Grand Surrey Canal Dock, Rotherhithe, and 10 Lombard St. City, London, Manu.—White oxide of zinc, an innoxious substitute for white lead, of various shades and quali- ties, used for paint, and in numerous manufactures, also for chemical purposes; zinc driers, without litharge or lead base, patented. 338 TAYLOR, W. 11 Sheepcote St. Birmingham, Inv. and Manu.-Taylor's registered shutter bars; ornamented door-spring and sash fasteners; steel bell springs. 339 AVERY, J. 29, North St. Hackney, London, Inv.-Improved water closet, fixed without nails, screws, or brads; improved ball lever tap with round water way. 340 JENNINGS, G. 29, Gt. Charlotte St. Blackfriars Road, London, Inv. & Manu.-India rubber tube water closet, the valves, cranks, levers, &c. generally employed being wholly dispensed with; earthenware water closet; India rubber tube cocks; sluice valves; fire-cocks and hydrants; traps for drains, &c; joints for connecting lead and other joints without solder; pump of a new construction; cistern; all patented. Valves, lavatories, and shoes for corners of shop shutters. 341 PEARSON, T. 11 Little Ship St. Dublin, Manu. -Wove brass wire cloth, six feet wide, 60 meshes to an inch, for paper manufacture; copper wire cloth, 100 spaces to an inch; flour machine wire, 90 meshes to an inch; improved separator for cleaning corn; brass sieves for medical purposes; wire garden chairs; ornamental flower stand. 342 ARMITAGE, MORGAN & HENRY & Co. Mouse hole Forge, near Sheffield.-Smiths' anvils, &c. 343 JOHNSON, CAMMELL, & Co. Cyclops Steel Works, Sheffield, Manu.-Specimens of steel, in great variety, for the use of engineers, machinists, ship builders, and all other purposes; specimens of files of every description, for engineering, machine, and every other general purpose; specimens of railway carriage, waggon, and truck springs, also for locomotive engine, and tenders, and of other railway tools and work. 344 CLASSON & COURTNEY, 39 Bridgefoot St.- Specimens of blister steel. 344A YOUNG, CHARLES D. & Co. Edinburgh, Glas- gow, Liverpool, and London, Manu.-Lodge and entrance iron gates; iron field gates, under their scheme for the reduction of the prices of iron manu- ** eee factures; simultaneous acting iron gates for railway level crossings; plain and ornamental iron and wire fencing; hare and rabbit proof wire netting; galvan- ised wire netting for Australian fencing; galvanised netting for salmon fisheries; wrought and cast iron garden chairs and seats; new French iron and gal- vanised wire seats; pheasant feeder; plant guards; flower stands, vases, fountains, dial stands, &c. 345 DANIEL, P. 44 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. & Imp.-Drawingroom grates, fenders and fire steels; locks, and articles of ironmongery; hip, sponge, and shower baths; papier mache and japanned trays; coal vases and japanned goods in variety. 346 PARKES, JOHN C. 111 Coombe, Dublin.- Case of medals and military instruments. 347 WHITLEY, JOHN, Ashton, near Warrington, Lancashire, Manu.-Wrought-iron Hinges; Cathedral Hinge; Locomotive Hinges; Shutter Bar Joints. 348 BARNWELL, T. & SON, 46 Bishop St. Dublin. A case of locks. C 349 CHUBB & SON, 57 St. Paul's Churchyard, London, Inv. Pat. and Manu.—Chubb's patent bank lock; gothic and other ornamental locks and keys; locks for various purposes. A suite of large and small locks, all to open with gold master key set in a ring. Fire-proof banker's safe, well safe, &c. 350 STOCKER (BROTHERS), S. & G. 3 and 4 Arthur St. New Oxford St. London, Pat. and Manu.—A recess counter for the use of licensed victuallers, with separate compartments for beer and spirits. The top is covered with pewter, supported by carved emblematic trusses. It is furnished with savealls in convenient places for beer and spirits, and for the drainage of glasses when washed. It has two water basins with supply and waste, twelve spirit cocks, and a six-motion beer engine. Stocker's patent beer engine. Stocker's patent horizontal tapping cock. 351 GEATREX, C. & Co. Walsall, Manu.-Sad- dlery, including bridles, stirrups, snaffles; steel, gig, and carriage bitts; spurs; harness mountings; horse, water, and spoke brushes; rosettes; harness collars in miniature, smallest weighing 8 grains; curb chains; crests, ornaments, and armorial bearings. Silver mounted gig and carriage lamps; coach lace; coach door handles and hinges; whip sockets; miniature eliptic carriage spring; Collinge's patent axle. + 警 ​352 PATENT SHAFT AXLE-TREE COMPANY, Bruns- wick Iron Works, Wednesbury.-Patent faggoted axle, solid, as finished by the forge hammer; patent faggoted axle, hollow, shewing section of metal; piece of im- 1 46 * IRON AND GENERAL HARDWARE. } proved hard surfaced locomotive tyre bar; sections of iron for railway waggon frames. 353 GILLOT, JOSEPH, Birmingham, Inv. and Manu. -Specimens of metallic pens and holders, in gold, steel, silver, &c. 354 HOBBS, ASHLEY, & FORTESCUE, 97 Cheapside, London.—The celebrated permulating locks; solid key locks, with moveable stumps, &c.; chest, till, pad, portfolio locks. 355 LAMBERT, T. Short St. New Cut, Lambeth, London, Manu.-Samples of black tin pipe; flexible diaphragm water valves for very high pressure; gun metal steam fittings for locomotive engines. 356 MOFFITT, T. 30 Chancery Lane, Dublin, Manu. -Wrought iron safes of different sizes, &c.. 357 HUXHAMS & BROWN, Exeter, Manu.-Emi- grants' and cottage stoves (Registered) with iron flues completed inside; cooking apparatus, with oven and boiler. 358 EDMUNDSON, J. & Co. 35 & 36 Capel St. and 50 & 51 Stafford St. Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Gas fittings; gas lustres, pillars, brackets, &c; Tuscan pillar of brass, with pedestal, adapted for a lamp post or bust stand; furnishing ironmongery, brushes, grates, fenders, and kitchen ranges; electro-plated goods; and light-house lamps, with plated reflectors. 359 NASH, R. Ludgate Hill Passage, Birmingham, Manu.-Spoon, collar, and medal dies; medal collar; livery, coining, and shank hole dies; piercing tools; hubbs; office desk seals; embossing, piercing, and copying presses. 360 CURTIS, W. 28 & 29 Chancery Lane, Dublin, Manu.-Brass eocks for steam, gas, and water; also guage cocks, valves, and other brass furniture, for steam engines; brass furniture for railway and private carriages; brass fittings, cocks, swivels, and bracket backs, for gas; general brass work for doors and shop windows; a garden engine. 361 KENT, G. 329 Strand, London, Inv. Pat. and Manu.-Kent's patented inventions for domestic purposes; rotary knife cleaning machine in various sizes; section of rotary knife cleaning machine, show- ing the internal construction; rotary cinder sifter; portable mangle; portable washing apparatus; triti- cating strainer for soups, &c. &c. 362 TINDALL, ENOCH, Oldfield, Scarborough, Inv. and Manu.--Imperial mangle with horizontal spring pressure; imperial mangle, combined with napkin press washing and wringing machine.. 363 WOODHOUSE, J. 39, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin, Manu.-Gilt and plated buttons, and brass mountings for military accoutrements, with partial illustration of process of manufacture. 364 LINGARD, EDWARD A. Birmingham, Manu.— Coffin ornaments. 364a Corcoran, BRYAN & Co. Mark Lane, Lon- don.-Specimens of woven wire; model of an improved malt kiln. 365 ELLIOTT, W. & SONS, Regent Works, Bir- mingham, Manu.-Buttons. 365 A BROWN, ROBERT, Toxteth Park, Liverpool. -Horse shoes and shod feet. 366 FOLEY, H. 24, College Green, Dublin, Manu. -Army, navy, livery, hunt, and club buttons. 367 MARTIN, J. 26 City Quay, Dublin, Manu.— Steel Pens, made in Ireland; and specimens showing the process of manufacture. 388 MYERS M. & SON, 8 Newhall Street, Bir- mingham, Inv. and Manu.-Steel pens; quill pen holders, and cylindrical spring pen holders (registered); patent metallic pointed quill pens; patent axissary pens, and self-acting ink propeller; pens and pen- holders made in gold, silver, and other metals. 369 ARCHER, W. H. Ironworks, Lucan, near Dublin, Manu.-Rolled Iron; Kieve Hoops; saw- plate for stonecutters' use; sledges; stonemasons' hammers; quarry picks; plough and axle sock moulds; shovels of various patterns, showing the forms used in the different counties of Ireland. 370 BARTER, R. St. Ann's Hill, Blarney, County Cork, Inv.-Machine for cutting or grating roots, &c.; a substitute for a wing or swivel joint in gas fitting. 371 BILLINGE, JAMES, Ashton, near Wigan, Lan- cashire, Manu.—Wrought iron hinges, locks, latches, and chains. 372 BRIGHAM, J. Driffield, Yorkshire, Inv. and Prop. Catch and fastener, with door and frame showing application of same; catch for park gate. 373 DYCER, E. 130 Stephen's Green, Dublin, Inv. and Prop.-A horse's head; improved horse ball administrator; horse shoes. 374 FRANCIS, E. 1 Camden Pl. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Improved horse-shoes for diseased and healthy feet; horses' hooves, showing the mode of shoeing, &c. 1 C 375 FENCELY, H. 34 Denmark St. Dublin, Inv. and Prop.-Spiral expanding and compressing machines for sweeping chimneys; elastic descending machine for sweeping chimneys with horizontal flues. ་ • IRON AND GENERAL HARDWARE. HARDW 375 A HIRD, DAWSON, & HARDY, Low Moor Iron Works, near Bradford, Yorkshire.-Specimens illus- trative of the manufacture of iron, &e. 376 GATCHELL, R. 33 and 34 Pill Lane, Dublin, Manu.-Scales of various kinds and sizes; chemists', bankers', jewellers', sovereign, and hydraulic scales; gilt beam; weights; imperial copper measures; bur- nished gold drums; tulip-shaped vases, richly orna- mented; sample boxes, bowls, and vases; show boxes and bowls; Chinese paintings on glass; fancy tea canisters; twine boxes, &c. 377 GREENING, N. & SONS, Warrington, Lanca- shire, Manu.-Extra strong drying kiln floor wire; and strong-wove wire for separating minerals, &c. woven by steam looms, and exhibited for their great width, strength, and regularity of meshes. 378 HAWKINS, J. Birmingham, Manu.-Brass, copper, and iron screws and bolts. 379 HILL, J. 18 Islington, Birmingham, Manu.- Specimens of stamped ornaments for lamps, chande- liers, and gas fittings; lamps in various styles; patterns for centre husks, balance weights, bracket arms, stands, vases, &c. 380 INGRAM, T. W. Birmingham, Des. and Manu. -Improved Horn buttons. 381 LOCKERBY, T. Glasgow, Manu.-Gas chande- liers; in florentine bronze, and relief, and in grand bronze and relief. 382 CHOPPING & SELBY, Argyll Works, Birming- ham.-Improved horse shoes. 383 MARTIN, J. 23 Peter St. Dublin, Manu.- Anatomical preparations of the leg and foot of the horse, and shoes for the security and preservation of the feet of the animal. 384 THE CITY OF DUBLIN BOLT, SCREW, AND RIVET COMPANY, S. M'CORMICK, 14 Fleet St. Dublin, Manu. Wood screws, screw bolts, rivets, and railway fastenings. 385 HODGES, T. 99 Middle Abbey St. Dublin, Manu.-Large church bell, cast a perfect note. B. 6, attached to M'Master & Sons turret clock; church bells of assorted sizes; farm bells, with emblematical devices, assorted sizes, on stand; handsome bell, mounted for yacht; highly finished gongs, on ebony stands; coil composition gas pipe on roller, containing 2,400 feet in one length, weight, 8 cwt.; coil inch lead pipe on roller, containing 1,100 feet in one length, weight, 20 cwts.-made from Irish lead; brass lifting, and force pumps on mahogany planks, with air vessels; cast iron pumps on oak planks ; glass case, containing specimens of sundry brass work. 386 VIBILLE MONTAGNE ZINC MINING CO. per Mr. H. F. Schmoll, Agent General to the Company, 12 Manchester Buildings, Westminster, Prod. Inv. and Manu.-Bronzed zinc statues of Her Majesty, Sir Robert Peel, Prince Albert's favourite grey- hound "Eos ;" gilt-zinc candelabra and chandeliers ; holy water vase; Corinthian capital; weather- cock; doors with architraves ornamented with mould- ings; ballustrade; cornices ; centre ceiling ornaments ; models of ships, showing the manner of using zinc for ship sheathing and bolting; models of zinc roofs, &c. ; dormer windows; baths; coppered zinc wire; suspend- ing vases for flowers, &c. ; candle branches; gutter; candle mould; cans and other water vessels; bowls containing samples of zinc nails, spikes, &c.; white ' and grey zinc paints and oxides; rolled zinc; spelter from the Vieille Montagne Mines; slab of slate painted five years ago with zinc paint, and subjected to severe test; zinc rope and wire; perforated zinc blinds, and numerous other articles of zinc; calamine, &c. from which the zinc is produced. 387 MOONEY, W. 9 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin, Manu.Ormolu chandeliers, and candelabra, in various styles. 388 Murphy, J. 15 Thomas St. Dublin, Manu.- A peal of eight joy bells in the key of D; a large bell weighing about 40 cwt.; a gong or altar bell; farm yard bells. 389 MILES, W. Nile St. Cork. Manu.-Specimens of horse shoes for sound and unsound feet. and defec- tive action. Patten shoe, &c. 390 NIXEY'S, W. G. 22 Moor St. Soho, London, Inv.-Nixey's patent revolving till, for prevention of fraud and error in paying and receiving money, and to facilitate the detection and conviction of the utterers of base coin. 391 NEY, R. 166, Gt. Britain St. Dublin, Manu. and Des-French iron bedsteads; camp bedstead; couch bedstead forming a child's cot, chair, or table; the same folded, showing the space it occupies. 392 PERRY, J. & Co. 37 Red Lion Square, Lon- don, Inv. and Prop.-Patent gold and steel pens and patent penholders of various sorts; patent silver- mounted travelling and drawing-room inkstands; also, patent filter and gravitating inkstands. 398 PIM, T. & S. Mountmellick, Queen's co. Manu.-Riding and driving bits, snaffles and stirrup- irons. { 48 UE4 MACHINES FOR DIRECT USE. t 894 REID, J. Thornton Pl. Aberdeen, Des. and Manu Improved portable-mangle. 395 SUMPTION, J. 14 Ebury Sq. Pimlico, London. -Cock box and key for water and gas works. 398 TARIN, M. L. A. 61 Mount St. Grosvenor Sq. London, Inv. and Prop.-Self-supporting Ordertz dust pan (patented); candle lamp, with reflectors, the pillar being needle work of gold embroidery; lantern with reflector, producing a crescent light; glass reflectors for diffusing light (patented). 396 A MILNER & SON, Phoenix Safe Works, Lord St. Liverpool, and 47 ▲ Moorgate St. London.-Patent holdfast and fire-resisting safes, chests, and deed boxes. 397 TUPPER & CARB, London and Birmingham, Manu.-Patent galvanized iron; sheet iron for out- buildings, roofing, sheathing of ships bottoms, &c.; roll and ridge capping; wrought and cast iron gutter- ing; rain water pipes; round and flat bars; hoop iron, rivets, burrs, nails, and screws; wire; roll game net- ting; wire stand for fencing, &c.; garden chair; sail thimbles and chain; gas tubing and fittings; house pails; coal scuttles, boiling pans, and other articles of wrought and cast iron. 397 A. ALLAWAY & SONS, Sydney, Gloucestershire. Charcoal tin plates made of Cinderford iron. Spe- cimens of the iron from which the plates are made. 398 PIERCE, WILLIAM, 5 Jermyn St. London, Manu.-Stoves, grates, fenders, cottager's grates, &c. 398A Jack, ADAM, Bristol.-Tin plates. 399 WARRINER, G. Snow Hill, Birmingham, Manu. -Osmazome, or essence of meat; biscuits made with essence of meat. Gas stove, heating water for a bath in five minutes, at a cost of one penny. Gas stove of earthenware. 399 A HART & SON, London.-Ornamental door · * + 403B FAIRBAIRN, WILLIAM, & Co. Manchester.- A 50-horse high pressure engine, (ordered by the Com- mittee of the Great Industrial Exhibition for driving the machinery in motion); a wrought iron tubular crane. 404 SHEKLETON, J. Dundalk, Manu.-Eighteen horse power portable high pressure steam engine; four horse power horizontal high pressure steam engine; upright tubular steam boiler. furniture; door handles; bell pulls; locks, knockers, &c. 400 Love, J. 20 St. Andrew Sq. Glasgow, Inv.- Room grate of new construction, for obviating smoke and preserving heat. Gas apparatus and steam boiler, for generating gas and steam in one apparatus. Im- proved portable gas stove for lighting and heating churches, &c. Gas generating and cooking stoves. Portable hot air stove for heating and ventilating large buildings. Ornamental ventilator for centre of ceiling. 400 A BARTLEET, W. & SONS, Redditch, Broms- grove, Worcestershire, Manu. and Patentees.—Oval perfect-eyed needles, and sewing needles of every description; sail, pack, surgeons', tambour, crochet, netting needles, &c.; Sea and River Fish hooks of all kinds. " 401 GODDARD, E. Ipswich, Inv. and Manu.-Gas cooking stove, lined with white glazed porcelain. Gas cooking apparatus, with chambers for roasting and baking, hot closet, copper boiler, steamer, and hot plate. Goddard's patent asbestos gas fires. 402 Lomas, FROMINGS, & SYKES, Sheffield, Manu. -Working model of Froming's patent forge hammer, smiths' anvils and vices; water tueiron; hand sledge hammer; millwright's and engineer's chipping ham- mer. MACHINES FOR DIRECT USE. 1 402 A ALLDRITT, J. 27 Blackhall St. Dublin.-A self-acting coffee pot. 403 WILEY, W. E. & Co. 34 Gt. Hampton St. Birmingham, Manu.—Card of gold pens, pointed with the native alloy of iridium and osmium, the hardest of known metals. 403a Dixon, GEORGE, Upper Erne St. Imp.- Moderateur vase; pedestal and stand lamps; candle lamps, shades, transparencies, lamp oils, &c. T 404A MILLER, G. M. Engineer, Great Southern and Western Railway.-Portable high pressure engine and boiler with pumps, as used on the Great Southern and Western Railway. ** 405 GRENDON, T. & Co. Drogheda, Manu- Passenger locomotive engine: stroke 18 inches, diameter of cylinder 14 inches, of driving wheels 5 feet 6 inches, number of tubes 137. Direct acting pumping engine: diameter of steam cylinder 10 inches, MACHINES FOR DIRECT USE. 49 、 of pump 5 inches, length of stroke 10 inches. Portable double cylinder high pressure and condensing engine, 45 horse power, on M'Naught's patent principle: diameter of condensing cylinder 28 inches, length of stroke 4 feet 6 inches, diameter of high pressure cylinder 25 inches, length of stroke 27 inches. Im- proved upright tubular boiler, for 45 horse engine. Agricultural steam engine, 4 horse power. 405 A ROURKE, E.-Small hydraulic ram. 406 THE IRISH ENGINEERING COMPANY, Seville Iron works, Seville Pl. Dublin, Manu.-A vertical, direct acting, portable, high pressure steam engine and boiler, complete, on one bed-plate. 406 A GILSON, O.-Model of carriage or waggon break work. 407 SIMPSON & SHIPTON, Manchester, Inv.-Three horse power reciprocating steam engine: an eccentric revolves in its own diameter, this being the most direct method of obtaining circular motion from the recti- linear. The chief features of this invention are economy in space, first cost, and consumption of fuel. .408 BOYD, W. Jun. Walworth, Grand Canal, Dublin, Prop.-Model steam engine, exhibited for its superior workmanship. 409 LAWRENCE, CHARLES, 13 North Cumberland St. Dublin, Manu.-Small high pressure steam engine. 410 WATT, J. & Co. 18 London St. London, and Soho, Birmingham, Manu. Working model of a locomotive engine, made by Mr. Murdoch of Soho, in 1785, showing the application of steam to locomotion, as patented by Mr. Watt in 1784. Model of an oscil- lating engine, made in 1785, to illustrate Mr. Watt's patent of 1784 for making the cylinder work on an axis. Machine invented by Mr. Watt about 1790, for registering continuously the successive but varying lengths of stroke in mining pumps. 411 MALLET, R. Engineer, Dublin, Inv. and Manu. -Patent wrought-iron buckled plate for fire-proof and other floors; specification enrolled April, 1853. 412 TURNER, R. 30 Nassau St. Dublin, Manu.- A pendulous oscillating double cylinder high-pressure steam engine, one horse power. 413 GREIG, D. & J. Edinburgh.-A lithographic printing press. 414 LYNCH, C. Ballycurrin Castle, Headford, co. Galway, Inv.- Model paddle wheel, the floats enter- ing and emerging vertically, without vibration. 415 SHERIDAN, H. & Co. Bridgefoot St.-Machine for cutting hay and straw; machine for bruising oats and beans. piggy 416 GRAHAM, W. (late L'Estrange & Co.) 33 Smith- field, Dublin, Manu-Steam-power thrashing chine; improved hay and straw cutter. 12. 416A BARRETT, EXALL, & ANDREWES, Reading, Manu.-Portable steam engine for agricultural pur- poses. 417 GWYNNE, SON & Co. Essex Wharf, Strand, London, Prop.-Gwynne's patent centrifugal pump, with fittings, &c. This pump has a rotary movement, and works without valves. 418 CARRETT, MARSHALL & Co. Sun Foundry, Leeds." Patent steam pump," or "water lift," size No. 3 A, can raise 22,000 gallons 50 feet high in 10 hours, producing a continuous stream; applicable also for supplying steam boilers with water. 419 WARNER, J. & SONS, Jewin Crescent, London, Manu. & Prop.-Cast iron frames, with wheel and pinion, and pumps for raising water to any height; overshot copper water wheel, with 3 force pumps; Warner's improved ship force pump, or fire engine; patent lift and force pumps; church bells; London fire brigade engine; water closets; water, gas, and team cocks, guages, valves, unions, &c.; screw down high pressure cocks; garden syringes; gun metal im- perial standard measures and weights; plumber's cocks; steam and gas cocks. 420 SHERIDAN, THOMAS, Dublin.-Portable two- horse high pressure steam engine. 421 DRAKE, THOMAS, & SON, 3 Aston's Quay, Dub- lin, Inv. & Manu.-Portable fire engine for ships' use, in wetting sails, pumping water out of tanks in hold, &c. with suction, hose, hand pipe and leather bucket; double barrel full water-way pumping engine, with frame, fly wheel, crank and pinion motion, and valves attached to moveable doors for repairing with- out disturbing any of the works; Kirkwood's improved tubular water closet, on cast iron frame. 422 SHAND & MASON, 245 Blackfriars Road, Lon- don, Inv. and Manu.-Patent ship fire engine-(in Centre Hall). 423 TYLOR, J. & SON, Warwick Lane, London, Manu.-Soda water machine, and bottling appar- atus; diving machine, and dresses, &c.; ship's fire engine. 424 SAMUELSON, M. & Co. Hull, Engineers. Hydraulic press for extracting oil from seed, and making oil cake; double kettle, for heating the seed; and small table steam engine to work the press. 425 PEILE, J. J. Whitehaven, Inv. and Manu.— Improved ships' screws for stowing ship's cargoes, &c. D ; 50% MACHINES FOR DIRECT USE. turnip cutters, with oil cake crusher; straw or chaff cutter og be 426 HEWITT, T. Cork, Inv. and Prop.-Model of a mashing ton; the steam is applied whilst the ma- chinery is in motion. 427 SHULDHAM, M. Portishead Bristol, Inv.- Models of apparatus for an improvement in the mechanic power of the wheel and axle, and for transmitting power by ropes. 428 GOMPERTZ, Lewis Esq. The Oval, Kennington, near London, Inv.-Prints of mechanical inventions on land and water locomotion, railway transit tooth machinery, and other objects. #! 429 Guy, R. Rutland Mills, Rutland Avenue, Dolphin's Barn Bridge, Dublin, Manu.-Improved Collinge axles for Broughams, outside cars, &c.; pony phaeton, improved mail patent axles. 430 HUXHAMS & BROWN, Exeter, Inv. and Manu. Deck-winch, with two wooden rollers and ends; Mill-stones of French burrs. 431 POOLEY, H. Albion Foundry, Liverpool, Mann, Patent dormant platform weighing machine ; portable weighing machines on wheels, &c.; computer balance, dispensing with loose weights; indicator of large weigh-bridges for road or railway waggons; counter scales and weights; bankers' weighing ma- chines to weigh from 1 to 1,000 sovereigns, as re- commended in Granville Sharp's prize essay on banking; plans of engine weighing tables; drawings of various kinds of weighing machines. A 432 ELLIOTT, J. Sheffield,-Quadrant weighing machine, adapted to both English and French weights. 433 GREAVES, H. Palatine Buildings, Manchester, Iny. and Prop.-Patent cast iron surface packed sleepers, with various forms of joint sleepers and joint fastenings. 7178 ܐܪ؛؛ .4 C 434 PALMER, E. O. 43 Lower Dominick St. Dub- 1 lin, and Tralee, Inv.-Model of a new double piece of ordnance; model of a new bomb shell, to be fired either from a mortar or howitzer. 430974 435 Models of a new propeller for steam boat; and of self-acting break for railway carriages. 436 THORNTON, J. & SONS, Birmingham, Manu. --Hydraulic lifting jacks; improved railway screw, and other jacks; railway signal and other lamps; miner's safety lamp; railway carriage wrench; Thorn- ton and M'Connell's patent waggon couplins; &c; exhibitors of Stirling's patent gun metal for bearings; toughened cast iron; hardened rails; tin zinc; leaded and Britannia metal; also Wright's patent ropes; # D GA &c.; Griffith's and Co. patent painted trays in oil; and tea service, made of patent tin zinc. 437 BOAKE & REILY, Dublin, Inv. and Manu.- Railway signal post, constructed of iron frame-work, with aerometric lamp, Invented by J. F. Boake. Model of iron-framed signal post, without the ap- paratus for raising the lamp. 438 EASTWOOD & FROST, Railway Iron Works, Derby, Manu.-Kirtley's patent rolled spoke solid wrought-iron railway wheels, made of same, with and without tiers. 439 POLLEN, H. 10 Serpentine Av. near Dublin, Inv. and Prop.-Improved double railway signal lamp for night, and arms for day. 440 GREGORY, REV. DR. T. Paget Priory, Kilcock. -Drawing and section of an improved locomotive passenger engine by Val. Tighe Gregory, Esq., Super- intendent of the locomotive department, St. Peters- burgh and Moscow Railway. 441 DUNN, HATTERSLEY & Co. Windsor Bridge Iron Works, Manchester.-Models and Drawings of patent turn-tables and traversers, for removing engine from one line of rail to another. 442 LEES, T. & SONS, 20 Mottram St. Stockport. Inv. and Manu.—Compressed air alarm whistle. 443 Rock, J. JUN. Hastings, Sussex.-Inv. and Prop.-Drawings of a patent railway carriage; model of patent railway buffers; goods' trucks with patent tarpaulin roller; the simultaneous carriage step ; model of a patent spring. 444 THE BELFAST IRON COMPANY, per T. M. Gladstone, C. E. Belfast, Manu.-Patent double wrought-iron for beams and joists of fire-proof ware- houses, &c., instead of cast-iron. Best boiler plate; also samples of best bar iron. 445 SLOAN & LEGGETT, T. J. Empire Iron Works, New York, Manu.-Patent hydrostat for preventing steam boiler explosions. Invented by T. J. Sloan, 28 St. George's Road, New Kent Road, London. 446 SEWARD, N. Caherconlish, Pallasgreen, Co. Limerick, Inv.-Model railway forty-eight feet long and one foot wide, with reservoir carriages and small engine. 447 SAUNDERS, J. M. Dublin, Inv.-A new rail- way guard alarum signal, for communicating between railway guard and engine driver. 447A THE FIRE ANNIHILATOR Co. 105 Leadenhall St. London, Exhibitors.-Phillip's Patent Fire Anni- hilator. This invention consists in the application of 1 r CARRIAGES. 27 GDAN 5DC a vapour composed of earbonic acid, nitrogen gas, and steam, by the action of which the flame is annihi- lated, the smoke absorbed, the heat reduced, and the atmosphere rendered perfectly respirable. The machine is in operation in 30 seconds, and consists of an iron vessel having an air and a water chamber, and two moveable perforated cylinders. Into the inner cylinder is placed a material composed of saltpetre, coke, and charcoal. This material gives out carbonic acid and nitrogen gases-ignites on the application of a spark, and burns down rapidly, like a pastile. This material is fired by means of a fusee inserted in the neck of the machine, which is lighted by the discharge of a gun cap; the gun cap is struck by the hammer appended to the machine. This mode of igniting the material is an improvement on the original mode. The opera- 448 MOLLOY, B. 22 Kildare St. Dublin, Prop.- A Pedemotive-made in Bristol. CARRIAGES. 449 BATES, E. Gorey, co. Wexford, Manu.- Self- balancing tax cart. 450 THORN, W. & F. 10 John Street, Oxford St. London, Inv. & Manu.-An improved Brougham, with patent Aquimotive springs and new carriage ventilator. · 451 THOMSON, G. Stirling, Des. and Manu.— Phaeton for one or two horses; lever balancing dog- cart, for regulating the weight upon the horse. 452 Rock & SON, Hastings, Sussex, Inv. and Manu.-Improved pony carriage with patent spring, invented by Jas. Rock, jun.; drawings of the patent dioropha carriage. 453 QUAN & SONS, 10 Talbot Street, Dublin, Manu.-Mail phaeton; a segmental-fronted brougham with improved lock; a vis-a-vis ; pony phaetons; out- side cars, (one similar to that ordered by his Royal Highness Prince Albert ;) pilentum phaeton; light phaeton for one pony. 454 PETERS, T. & SONS, London, Des. and Manu. -A double Brougham, for one or a pair of horses; a single Brougham, for one or pair of horses; a mail driving phaeton. 455 OFFORD, R. 79, Wells Street, Oxford Street, London.—Crystal barouche; Clarence carriage. 456 NUTMAN, I. 99, Lr. Dorset Street, Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Models of pedestrian carriages; an accelerator, and an improved pedomotive. tion of the machine is duplex. The material gires 3 out the gases as before mentioned; the gases passing through the perforated cylinders, find their way into the upper chamber formed by the cover; simultan- ✨ eously the intense heat rarifies the air in the air chamber, the expanded air forces the water out of the water chamber up the pipe forming the handle, the water is then received by a copper pipe running round the interior of the body of the machine, and by means of small holes pours down on the heated sides of the large perforated cylinder-the water is converted into steam, the steam mingles with the gases in the upper chamber, they rush out together, forming the anni- hilating vapour. The Fire Annihilator is a Vapour Fire Engine. Cornelius Carleton, Agent, 11 Eden Qy. Dublin. 457 MENZIES, A. Glasgow City.-Omnibus and harness, capable of carrying 17 inside and 18 outside passengers. 458 NEWNHAM, B. 19 Broad Street, Bath, Des. and Manu.-Three wheeled bath invalid wheel chair, with patent ventilated head, &c.; a reclining spinal bed wheel chair. 459 MASON, W. H. Clapton and Kingsland Road, Basin, London, Manu.-A light mail phaeton. 460 MAGILL, J. 9 Mercer Street, Dublin, Inv. and Manu.-Brougham, with semicircular glass front, affording an additional seat; sporting phaeton; a car on a new principle adapted to carry seven persons. 461 MAGILL, G. 14, Redmond's Hill, Dublin, Manu. A Clarence; Brougham, with segmental front and back; a pony phaeton; outside car, with slides and screw by which the balance can be adjusted for or without a driver. 462 HUTTON, J. & SONS, Summerhill, Dublin, Manu.-A dress coach, fully appointed for town use, built for Her Majesty the Queen. 463 A chariot; and a barouche, on C and under springs. Wh 464 An outside car with lancewood and whale- bone shafts. • C + M 1* . ܕ ܆ → ܕ 3 ! 465 KILLINGER, C. 20 Westland Row, Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Killinger's Irish jaunting car (régië- tered); park phaeton, 10 P JALIZA DASHBO * 466 LONGBOTTOM, R. I. 63 Mortimer St. London, Inv. and Manu. Noiseless carriage-wheel, with engine A 14 Ca D 2 62 MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND TOOLS. turned iron tire and vulcanized India-rubber band (Thomson's patent); truck wheels; model, showing the method of fixing the India-rubber tire; piece of tire in use for above two years on a street cab, in London, having travelled about 15,000 miles. 467 HOOPER, W. 28 Haymarket, London, Des. and Manu.-Working model of an elliptic spring Brougham. 468 HALLMARKE, ALDEBERT & HALLMARKE, 57 and 58 Long Acre, London, Manu.—A circular-fronted Brougham; a park phaeton. 469 GORDON, J. F. Strangford, co. Down, Inv.- A four-wheeled carriage, with a new kind of fore-axle, called "The Caster Axle." • 470 GRADY, R. E. 38 Dawson St. Dublin, Manu. -An emempton, forming a close or open carriage, at pleasure; a light driving phaeton; an outside car, with grasshopper springs, &c. 471 DOBAN, Messrs. 4 Up. Ormond Qy. Dublin, Manu-A light driving phaeton (Queen's pattern); a family outside car, with well, moveable driver's seat, &c. 472 DILLON, J. 42 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-A "Hansom" safety cab, the first built in Ireland; an outside jaunting car. { 473. DAWSON, J. S. & SONS, Sackville Pl. Dublin. Manu.A Clarence Brougham, with circular front; park phaeton; outside jaunting car; a cab. 474 COATES, BLIZARD, & Co. 7 Park Lane, Picca- dilly, London, Des. and Manu.--The Royal Maude Barouche, a new style of open carriage. 17 475 BUCHANAN, J. & Co. Glasgow, Manu.—An Australian dog cart.. : • * 482 Ingram, H. 198 Strand London, Prop.- Printing machine, printing a newspaper with en- gravings. 483 GUNN & CAMERON, Dublin, Prop.-Double cylinder newspaper printing machine at work, printing the "Exhibition Expósitor." 484 COURTNEY & STEPHENS, Blackhall Place, Dublin, Manu.-Double acting patent Platen printing machine; Improved Columbian printing press; im- ´proved machine for making tiles. 485 O'TOOLE, J. M. 13 Hawkins' St. Dublin, Prop.-Columbian printing press and improved metal inking table, with cases and type, plain and ornamental 476 BROWNE, W. 167 Gt. Brunswick St. Dublin, Manu.-A Basterna pilentum forming a close or an open carriage; a Malvern cart, to carry four persons with luggage or dogs; a pony phaeton, with moveable driving seat; an outside jaunting car, built on the same principle as the one for which exhibitor was awarded the prize medal at the Exhibition of 1851. 477 BIANCONI, C. Longfield, co. Tipperary, Prop. -A fly mail car, used by Mr. Bianconi for the con- veyance of mails and passengers, in 19 counties of the north, south, and west of Ireland. 478 BEGBIE, J. East Lothian Coach Works, Haddington, Inv. and Manu.-Patent Dog cart, with shifting apparatus enabling the driver to regulate the weight on the horse's back, without leaving his seat; the wheels and springs of an improved construc- tion. 479 ANNESLEY, R. 118 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. -Bath and Albert chairs, with hoods, aprons, and other fittings, &c. 480 BATHURST, W. Belfast, Manu.-A light step- piece-shaped park barouche, mounted on full C and under springs, with hind standard, &c.; a full sized Basterna landau, with coach box and hind seat, mounted on platform springs behind, eliptic do. in front, and self-acting steps to the body; a light Vic- toria shaped pony phaeton, with hind rumble and large side splash guards. MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND TOOLS. 481 ANDREWS, P. 42 Gt. Brunswick St. Dublin, Manu.-A coach car (Cork pattern); outside car; a family car; a velocipede. printing in operation, and the art exhibited in all its branches. 486 GONNE, H. 26 Clare St. Dublin, Prod.- Printing, engraving, and lithography exhibited in operation; specimens of plain and ornamental print- ing and engraving, &c. 487 WOODHOUSE, W. 23 Molesworth St. Dublin, Manu.-Large press with fly-wheel for striking medals, and lathes for skinning and edgeing medals, at work upon medals commemorative of the Great' Exhibition of 1853. 488 WALLER, J. 20 Suffolk St. Dublin, Prop.- Copper plate printing machine. Specimens of stamp- / MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND TOOLS ing note paper and envelopes in colors; armorial engraving; commercial and fancy engraving; armorial bearings for Berlin work. 489 WATSON, H. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Manu. and Prop.-Improved pulp strainer, for the paper manu- facture; Sir Humphrey Davy's, the George Stephen- son, and the Clanny safety lamps, used in the coal mines of Northumberland and Durham. 490 SULLIVAN, T. Foots Cray, Kent, Inv. and Manu.-Registered dandy rollers for producing water marks in machine made paper. 491 STRAKER, S. 80 Bishopsgate St. Within, Lon- don, Manu. and Inv.-Improved lithographic presses, with and without registering machine, and of va- rious sizes ; lithographic inking table; French seamed printing rollers, and German stones. 492 MARLOW, BROTHERS, 11 Merchant's Quay, Dublin.-Lithographic press and ink table; litho- graphic stones, with drawings thereon, to be printed in the Exhibition. 493 MANLOVE, ALLIOTT, & SEYRIG, Lenton Works, near Nottingham, Manu. and Prop.-Centrifugal sugar purifying machine and drying machine, with engine to work same; centrifugal drying machine, to be worked by hand; circular looms for making hosiery and woven fabrics; circular stocking frames. 1 494 Long, T. Paul's Works, Edinburgh, Manu.— Improved Columbian printing press. 495 OXLEY, W. & Co. Manchester, Manu.—Work- ing model ofa patent steam heating apparatus, suitable for flax spinners, bleachers, &c., also for ventilation ; patent self-acting regulator, for working dampers of steam boilers; patent steam indicators, showing the pressure in steam boilers, and the vacuum in engines; Lee's and Haley's safety signals for steam boilers; patent self-acting oil lubricators for shafting. Tin roving or sliver cans for spinning mills, with various oil cans. Store oil cistern to hold 325 gallons; safety reflector, and large ornamental gas lamps; improved cottage bee hive. 496 CROSSKILL, A. Beverly, Yorkshire, Manu.—— Barnett's patent flour mill; corn cleaning machine; Crosskill's patent eccentric mill for grinding farm produce, &c.; Crosskill's patent eccentric mill for grinding bones, minerals, &c. 497 GREENWOOD, J. Water Lane, Leeds,-Cir- cle used in combing wool; hand hackles; gills for preparing flax and wool. 498 LAWSON, S. & SONS, Belfast, Inv. and Manu. -Patent double flax scutching machine; portable 53. drilling machine; small slide lathe; a case showing the different stages of flax, from the seed to the linen cloth in its finished state. cone, 499 CODY, P. 8 Windsor Terrace, Portobello, Grand Canal Bank, Dublin.-Machine in operation, cutting, boring, and polishing shells, in the manufac ture of buttons; mother-of-pearl buttons of various. sizes and patterns, and new designs; and specimens of shells from which they are manufactured. 500 Todd, BURNS, & Co. 47 Mary St. Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-Jacquard machine at work manufacturing an original design in Irish poplins, brocaded in three colours; jacquard machine turned by steam power, and at work, manufacturing original · patterns in silk figured ribbons, in ten different pieces of various colours. (Made by Sharp, Odell, and Jury, Coventry). 500A JONES, EDWARD, 23 College Green, Dublin. -A velvet loom at work. 501 KEELY and LEECH, 108 Grafton St. Dublin, Prop.—A jacquard loom for weaving poplin; figured and plain poplin, in various colours. 502 WALMSLEY, HENRY, Failsworth, near Man- chester, Manu. and Prop.-Jacquard loom complete. 503 PIM, BROTHERS, and Co. Dublin, Manu.- Loom for the manufacture of velvets; jacquard loom with brocading machine of the newest description at work, upon a pattern designed at the Dublin School. of Design. ↓ 503A M'BRIDE, J. Glasgow, Inv. and Patentee.- Power loom for working ginghams, &c. with patent shifting shuttle box apparatus to work two to five shuttles; also, patent combination of loose feed, with shifting shuttle boxes. 504 ATKINSON, R. and Co. Dublin, Prop.-Ma- hogany and brass mounted Irish poplin loom, with jacquard machine, and new brocading apparatus, at work. > 505 GIBSON W. & Co. Glasgow,-Power and hand loom shuttles for cotton, linen, and woollen weaving. 506 PRESTON, F. Manchester, Manu.-Various spindles and flyers used in machinery for preparing, spinning, and doubling cotton, silk, wool, and flax. 507 WARD & HODGKINSON, Belfast.-Hand hackles; machine hackles; gills used in the preparation of flax. 508 PURKIS & NELSON, Joy's Entry, and Union Street, Donegal Street, Belfast, Manu.-Hand and machine flax hackles and gills, made of Child's im- proved pointed and tempered steel hackle pins. 509 WATKINS, W. & T. 131, Bridge Street, Brads . + • 004 MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND TOOLS. T ford, Yorkshire, Prop.-Porcelain guides, steps, shuttle eyes, washers, &c. used in the weaving and spinning of ! cotton, worsted, flax, silk, &c. 510 MASON, J. Rochdale, Inv. and Manu.- Patent slubbing frame for cotton, flax, and other fibrous substances, with Mason's patent long collars or bearings to the spindles, separating plates and other improvements; patent roving frame for cotton, flax, &c., with the patent collars and other improvements. 511 PARKER, C. E. & C. Dundee, Inv. and Mana.-Parker's and other power looms; Parker's self-acting, parallel and step winding machines. 512 WAITHMAN & Co. Bentham Mills, near Lan- caster, Pat. & Manu-Two double blow power looms, for weaving linen, &c. by giving the weft a double blow by only one turn of the crank. 513 COMBE, J. & Co. Belfast, Inv. and Manu.- Patent reversing cylinder hackling machine for dress- ing flax. 514 Dawson. JOHN, Greenpark, Linlithgow, Inv. and Prop.-Distillers' recording close safe, for the better securing the revenue arising from British spirits -made” in distilleries in the kingdom, and likewise for the protection of distillers during the process of distil- lation from thefts committed by their operatives at the worm ends. * T + 515 DE BERGUE & Co. London, and Strangeway Mill, Manchester, Manu.-Patent vulcanized India rubber buffers, drawsprings, and bearing springs for railway carriages; model of a railway chair, recently invented, one of cast and one of wrought iron. 516 DE BERGUE, C. Strangeway Mill, Manchester, Manu.-Reeds and dents for weaving, made and polished by patent machinery. 517 EUSTACE, R. & J. 10 Weavers' Sq. Dublin, Manu.-Specimens of saddle girth, roller, suspender, brush, and other webs; horse cloth binding; all made from Irish materials; an improved girth web loom at work. • 518 MIRFIN & SELBY, Leicester, Manu. and Prop. ---Patent circular knitting machine for making seam- less elastic petticoats; specimen of yarn. T 519 SERVICE, W. 8 Rutland Terrace, Hornsey Road, Holloway, London, Inv. and Manu.-Machine with 'new stop motion, for making elastic braid. 520 RIDER, W. Bolton, Lancashire, Inv. and Manu-Patent forging machine, to be worked by steam power; specimens of iron and steel forged, drawn down and swaged by same. 521 Lewis, F. & SONS, Manchester, Manu.-Sliding and screw cutting lathe; planing machines; portable drilling and boring machines; models of MacLardy and Lewis' patent spindles, for slubbing, roving, and doubling frames. 522 SHARP, STEWART, & Co, Engineers, Man- chester, Manu.-Curvilinear planing and shaping machine; self-acting planing machine; locomotive tank engine for passenger traffic, with outside cylinders 11 in. diameter, 18 in. stroke, on 4 wheels; a power loom to weave linen. 523 Coates & YOUNG, Belfast, Manu.-A set of side pipes with steam chests and self-regulating conical valves of a new construction, calculated for a steam engine of 30 horses power, manufactured by exhibitors at the Lagan Foundry, Belfast. 524 MORRALL, A. Studley, Redditch, 40 Gresham St. City, London, and 5 Gravel Lane, Salford, Man- chester, Inv. and Manu.-Machines and apparatus for stamping, eyeing, filing, and polishing needles; model, showing the process of scouring needles; samples of needles made by hand, and the tools used, previous to the introduction of machinery, by exhibitor; samples of Morrall's needles. 525 KENNAN T. & SON, 18 & 19 Fishamble Street, Dublin, Inv. & Manu.-Amateur turning lathes of different sizes and constructions, with many original contrivances for ornamental turning, &c.; slide rests, with Kennan's universal cutter or eccentric and fly cutters; grinding stones, on iron fi ames, with improved tool holders; portable vice stand, or filing bench; im- proved joiners' benches; circular sawing machines, to be worked by foot or power; machine for planing metals; "right-line-dividing-engine," capable of draw- a thousand lines per inch; letter copying and embossing ing presses; jointed ladder; apparatus for blasting roots of trees, &c.; improved apparatus for straining wire for fences; surface plates, or planoscopes, with various other mechanical tools and contrivances. 526 FURNESS, W. Liverpool, Prop.-Machines for wood planing, moulding and sash-making, morticing, tenoning and boring, grooving and rebating, &c., (patented). 527 GLENNY, CHARLES, 33 Lombard St. London, and Balbriggan.-A frame at work making Balbriggan cotton hosiery. 527A KERR, W. H. & Co. Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester.-The art of pottery.-Processes illus- trating the manufacture of China and Porcelain in its various stages, by workmen from the manufactory of Exhibitors. 528 THE BANK OF IRELAND, per W. GRAVES, Sec. + I CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. Dublin, Prop.-Grubb's numbering machine; Cotton's patent automaton weighing machine. 529 BENNETT, J. Manchester, Des.-Plan of a radial drilling and boring machine, with self-acting down motion without change of geer; the table may be set to any angle for boring ship's knees. 530 LEMON, G. & Co. 49 Lower Sackville St. Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-Steam confection pan at` work, showing how comfits are made, and wrought by their workmen; also samples of comfits, boiled confec- tions, and bon-bons made in every shape-pure ïn materials and coloring. 531 Hall, W. Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny, Inv. and Prop:-Working model of an apparatus for con- verting dried peat into charcoal in 15 minutes, by the simultaneous and continuous operations of charring, extinguishing, pulverizing, and cooling; a working CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 535 BARKER, J. & E. 32 Up. Abbey St. Dublin, Inv. assisted by the Rev. A. Wynne and Mr. James M'Allister.-Roof intended for the small tower of Lisnaskea New Church, co. Fermanagh; with weather vane and lightning conductor on a new plan; this conductor and vane is applicable to towers and spires or high buildings. The peculiarity of this invention is that the conductor rises above the vane without interfering with the evolution of the vane. 536 BEADON, W. Otterhead, Honiton, Devon, Inv. -Imperishable roof gutter patent tiles; improved gable bricks; wall gutter copings; smooth roof tiles. 537 CROGGON & Co. 2 Dowgate Hill, London, Manu.-Asphalte felt for roofing; inodorous felt for damp walls and floors, or for lining iron houses; ship sheathing felt, and hair felt for clothing boilers and steam pipes; all patented. model of a winding machine for mining operations, by which motion is instantaneously stopped or reversed, while the steam engine or water-wheel is at full speed. 532 LYON, A. 32 Windmill St. Finsbury, Lon- don, Inv. and Manu.-Noiseless sausage-making machines; seamless leather `rollers for lithographic printing. 533 Gardner, R. J. & W. Liverpool and Flint, Manu. and Imp.--Boxwood bobbins and bosses, lancewood creel pegs, for flax, cotton, and worsted spinners and weavers; boxwood gimblet heads, button moulds, squares for bobbin bushes, and scales or rules; lignum vitæ beam and rub boards, for curriers and bleachers; boxwood blocks for wood engravers. 534 PEMBERTON, G. Dublin.-A model of a small steam engine. + 538 MALONE, F. Maynooth, co. Kildare, Des.- Model of a double truss girder on a new plan. 539 RITCHIE, F. & SONS, Belfast, Manu.-Asphalte roofing felt; inodorous felt for lining damp walls, &c. ; boiler felt; asphalte flagging; black and brown mineral paints; fire lights; manures; creosote (coal tar oil). 540 Oates, W. Mirfield, Yorkshire, Inv.-Model of a self-acting water sluice. 541 DILLON, J. 28 Upper Buckingham St. Dublin, Inv. and Des.-Dillon's improved railway break. Design for a railway terminus. A specimen of a map J +- reduced and drawn in different colours, with an im- proved pentagraph, by one operation. 542 DOYLE, J. Donnybrook, near Dublin, Iny. and Manu.-Improved flower labels. Model of the testimonial erected in Limerick to Lord Monteagle; model of one-half of a double swivel bridge, proposed to be built at the Grand Canal Docks, Ringsend. ・・・ 543 BENSON, SIR JOHN, C.E.-Design for town hall, Cork. 544 KLASEN, P. J. Ferlane, King's .co.-Model of a girder and truss timber and iron viaduct, in two spans of 240 feet each (scale & in. to the foot). Work- ing model of a quartz crushing and cleaning machine (scale 1 in. to the foot). 545 Kennedy, T. Kilmarnock, Inv.-Water meter to uphold pressure (patented). 546 M'SHERRY, M. 3 James' St. Limerick, Inv. and Prop.-Model of a boiler plate iron stove for heating conservatories, &c. by circulation of pure warm air, moist or dry, as required. Chimney tops for curing return smoke. 547 CUTHBERT, C. D. 5 N. Frederick St, Dublin, Des.-Model of a design for a Mechanics' Institute (scale 8 feet to an inch), showing internal arrange- ment. 1.3. >> 548 BALL, R. LL.D. Dublin University Museum, Inv.-A naturalist's dredge, capable of bringing up from great depths the various objects of research; 56 CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. T recommended for its portability, certainty of action, small labour of working, and its indestructibility. 1 549 O'KEEFFE, M. T. C.E. 92 Patrick St. Cork, Des.-Model of Cork harbour, with the adjacent towns and villages (scale a foot to a mile). Model of an iron spring distention girder foot bridge (scale inch to a foot). 550 FULTON, H. M.D. Stillorgan, near Dublin.— Models: a temple, in a proposed new order of archi- tecture; a gatehouse, or labourer's cottage (exterior and interior), with a plan for effective ventilation; a railway bridge for crossing a river subject to occasional floods. 551 LINEHAN, J. C.E. Nurney, Kildare, Des. -Model, plan, and sections of a mode of house drain- age, and for applying the liquid manure to the irriga- tion of land. Plans and sections of works of arterial and thorough drainage (with tiles), as executed by exhibitor. Model, sections, and maps, of the Barrow river district, illustrative of a plan for drainage, navigation, and other improvements. A level and other instruments applicable to land surveying and civil engineering. 552 STOWELL, F. Castletown, Isle of Man, Inv. and Des. Model of a geometrical staircase to reading desk and pulpit, all supported by one pillar. 553 COGHLAN, J. Esq. M. D. Wexford.—Models in card board of a tower and an exchange; (made by the owner, G. W. Hart, C.E. Australia). 554 THE CORPORATION OF DUBLIN, per Parke Neville, C.E.-Ordnance map of the City of Dublin, on the scale of 88 feet to one inch, with the lines of the sewerage laid down thereon; also showing the plan proposed by Mr. Neville, the borough engineer, for extending and improving the sewerage. 555 MANN, F. Dublin.-Model of a castle on one of the islands in Lough Erne. 556 SYMES, S. 58 Lower Dominick St. Dublin, Prod.-Model of Killiney Hill, in the co. Dublin. 557 BLAND, JAMES F. Derriquin, Kenmare.— Model of Staig fort. 558 JERMYN, J.W. Kenmare, co. Kerry, Inv.-Self acting boat tackle hook, for suspending and lowering ships' boats at sea, &c. 559 DEANE, Sir T. Dundanion, Blackrock, co. Cork.—Architectural drawings. Ú 560 DENCH, E. King's Road, Chelsea, London, Inv. and Manu.-Two patent hot houses, 12 feet wide by 16 feet 6 inches long, each. 561 FARRELL, I. 12 Fleet St. Dublin, Inv.-The Albert window, a model of an improved French win- dow; model of a new railway break, to be attached to each carriage, and so contrived that all the breaks in a train are simultaneously applied. 562 STOKES, HENRY, C. E. Tralee.-Model of an ancient Hermitage, built of dry stone-work, situated in the townland of Galleross, in the county of Kerry. 563 GEOGHEGAN, C. 17 Westland Row, Dublin, Architect, Des.-Design for a national monument to the late Thomas Moore. 564 O'FLAHERTIE, G. F. Lemonfield, Oughterard. -Model of the R. C. chapel, Oughterard, in the county of Galway, made by Sweeny, a boy 14 years old. 565 MOREWOOD, M. Moville, co. Donegal.-Model of Dunluce Castle. 566 Peat, DAVID, Market Place, Thirsk.-Model of Thirsk Church. 567 EYRE, S. R. Lord St. Liverpool.-Architectural models. Model of St. Alban's Catholic church, Liscard, Cheshire; model of the great Central Horse and Carriage Repository, Southwark; model of an Italian mansion, Prince's Park, the residence of a Liverpool merchant. 568 Vaughan, E. Rutland Sq.-Map of Kilruddey Demesne. 569 HEALY, OLIVER, 13 Ellen Street, Limerick, Arch.-Architectural drawings of a town hall, and farm house and offices. 570 LYONS, J. 17 Westland Row, Dublin, and 10 St. Mary Axe, Leaden Hall Street, London, Des.- Architectural designs for a Grecian villa; presbyterian college, Belfast; mansion house recently erected at Abbeyfeale, co. Limerick, for R. Ellis, Esq.; and con- vent and schools, Ballinrobe. 571 SLOANE, JOHN S. C. E. 114 Gt. Britain St. Dub- lin, Des.-Designs for a new bridge on site of present Carlisle bridge, Dublin; markets, model lodging houses, baths and wash-houses, shops, &c., proposed to be erected on site of Cole's Lane Market, &c.; cast iron light-house; railway carriage break. مجد 572 Hemans, G. W. Dublin, Des.-Manuscript map of part of Ireland, (14 ft. by 17 ft. 6 in.) to illus- trate a system of railways recommended for the pro- vince of Connaught. 573 TOWNSEND, WM. UNIACKE, C.E. Spa Hill, Kilfinane, co. Limerick, Prop. and Maker.-Model of Lansdowne suspension bridge across the Kenmare river, co. Kerry. 574 O'KELLY, M. J. Esq. 17 Usher's Qy. Dublin, (Hon. Sec. of Monument Committee).-Model of in. 4 এি 1 } 5 NAVAL APPARATUS, MODELS & ORDNANCE AND ARMOUR. tended monument to the memory of Daniel O'Connell, Esq. M.P. designed by George Petrie, Esq. LL.D. 575 O'KELLY, Miss, Rochestown House, Dalkey.— Model of Claddagh Castle, in the co. Galway, and of Gowran Abbey, in the co. Kilkenny. + 576 THE DEAN OF ST. PATRICK'S, Deanery House, Dublin.-Coloured drawings: interior of St. Patrick's Cathedral as proposed to be restored; elevations of north and south fronts; western and eastern elevations and St. Patrick's Cathedral as it stood in 1843. 577 GRAVES, Rev. James & LALOR, J. M.D. Kil- kenny, Prop. on behalf of the Literary and Scientific Institution of Kilkenny.-Models of a new French 581 THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMI- BALTY, Whitehall, London.-Models of ships, viz.: The Great Harry, (rigged) built in the reign of Henry VIII., in glass; the Poyal George, 100 guns, sunk at Spithead, 1782; the Royal Sovereign, built at Wool- wich, by Peter Pelt, in the reign of Charles I. 1637; the Queen, 116 guns, built at Portsmouth, 1840; the Vanguard, 80; the Cumberland, 70; the Vernon, 50; the Pique, 40; transverse sections of the Queen, 116 guns, and the Vanguard; half model of the Colling- wood, 80, showing the interior, (scale in.); a series of nine boats for a first-rate ship; admiralty models of the Victoria and Albert, and the Fairy Royal Yachts, (made by Daniel Harvest, scale). 582 AICKIN, T. M.D. 1 Merrion Sq. South, Dublin, Inv.-A life boat, 20 ft. long, 8 ft. beam, with air cases, &c. 583 ALLEN, A. P. Hon. E. I. Co's. Service, Ballystraw, co. Wexford, Prod.-Model of a Corvette ship of 20 guns; scale, three-tenths of an inch to a foot: NAVAL APPARATUS, MODELS, &c. ORDNANCE, AND ARMOUR. 584 ARMSTRONG, R. Newbridge Barracks.- Wooden model of improved battery gun, also of a field gun, and balls for same. 585. ALLPORT, H. Cork, Manu.-Double fowling pieces; minie rifles; small breech loading rifle, for rook and rabbit shooting; pistols. 586 SHEARER & BARR, Ardrossan, Ayrshire, Prop. -Five models of ships. 587 BARRY, J & W. M'G. 151 South Bridge, Cork, Des. and Prop.-Models of a 50 gun frigate; a merchant screw steamer, 1,100 tons, (length over 91 E 1 window sash, and a new Propelling Engine applicable to steam power. dor Broodsi I mar 578 Raymond, R. Moore Abbey, Monasterevan, co. Kildare, Prod.-Model of Moore Abbey, the seat of the Marquis of Drogheda (scale, one quarter inch to a foot). mdinge 579 WHITE, J. D. Cashel.—Model of the buildings upon the Rock of Cashel. 580 LAVERTY, ALEXANDER, Giant's Causeway. Model of the Giant's Causeway and Headlands. 580A CULLEN, WM. Irishtown, co. Dublin.- Model of a bathing stage for the sea coast. 57 times the beam); a paddle steamer; clipper yacht, 50 tons; clipper schooners of 200 and 150 tons; model of a screw vessel. · 588 BLAIR, JOHN, jun. Irvine, Ayrshire, Inv. and Prop.-Iron portable camp cot, capable of being con- verted into a tent, couch, or bedstead. 589 BURTON, E. H. 11 Wentworth Pl. Dublin, Des.-Model of a schooner yacht. 590 COTTER, J. B. Monkstown, co. Cork, Inv. and Patentee.--Models of life boats (scale, 1 inch to a foot); model of a truck for conveying life boats from point to point; improved portable anchor for life boats; samples of strong waterproof canvas for cover- ing life boats, and for ships and railway purposes, (patented); spring portmanteau. *** 591 CANNING, J. Rockville, Malin, Carn, Inv A smooth-bored gun barrel, throwing conical bullets with the force and precision of a rifle. 592 CAREY, A. L. 5 Smith's. Buildings, Dub- lin, Prop.-A Java crisse, with Damascus blade, curiously wrought, and poisoned, the sheath of gold enamelled and studded with diamonds,-wrested from the Sultan of D'Jocjocarta, at the storming of his palace in the Crattan. 593 ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY, 3 Trafalgar Sq. London, per J. Charlier, Sec.-Models of pole and rope drags; ice boat of wicker-work, covered with raw hide, on wooden rockers, (made at Hamburgh), and breaker ladder used for extricating persons who have broken through theice; print descriptive of the same. 594 CLARKE, J. A. Birkenhead, Des. and Prop.— Model of a first-class merchant steamer, about 900 1 58 NAVAL APPARATUS, MODELS, &c. ORDNANCE, AND ARMOUR: tons, fitted with patent paddle wheels, and every other recent and patent improvement. 595 CONLAN, W. J. Esq. Kingstown, Des.-Fore and aft schooner model yacht for sailing. 596 COCKBURNE, J. 9 Sallymount, Ranelagh, Dublin, Des. and Prop.-Model of a Brig. 597 COLT, Col. S. 1 Spring Gardens, Cockspur St. London, Inv. and Patentee.-Patent repeating pistols or revolvers, of different sizes and styles of finish ; skeleton pistol, showing the working of the various parts; holster or cavalry, six shots; navy or belt, 73 inch barrel, six shots; four, five, and six inch barrel for belt or pocket, five shots--all rifle barrels; repeat- ing carbines, six shots. [Diplomas, gold medals and diamond snuff box awarded to Col. Colt.] White polar bear, (shot with Colt's revolver, by an officer of the U. S. exploring expedition). 598 COOPER, W. 2 Corrig Ter. Kingstown, Des. -Half models of cutter yacht "Irish Lily," 80 tons O. M.; American clipper pilot boats, "Moses H. Grinnell," 117 tons O. M., and "Mary Taylor," 94 tons O. M.; a plan of a schooner yacht, proposed to cheat both "Old" and "Royal Mersey Yacht Club," measurement, with centre board astern. 599 DICK, M. High St. Irvine, Ayrshire, Inv. of 1 & 2, Exhibitor of No. 3 :- 1. An articulated metal tube, or protective covering for submarine or land telegraph wires and other pur- poses, being a continuous series of ball and socket joints, or form of spine or vertebral column; its recommendations are, its simplicity, perfect protection of the wires from injury, flexibility to enter into all unequal parts of ground surface, strength and cheapness of construction. 2. Model exhibiting an entirely new method, (by means of vulcanized India rubber bags), of raising sunk vessels, and other materials from deep water. 3. Model of a vessel, with variety of screw pro- pellers, made and experimented with in the year 1828, invented by William M'Cririck, Gunsmith, Irvine. 599A YARBOROUGH, The Earl of, 17 Arlington St. London. Models of the bows and sterns of ships in Her Majesty's service, designed by Captain Symonds, R.N. and presented by him to the late Earl of Yarborough. ri * 60Ò DILLON, A. C 1 Up. Buckingham St. Dublin, Inv. An improved lanthorn for telegraphing orders to the helmsman in steam vessels. -} 601 DWYER, M. Com. R.N. Samuel St. Woolwich, Inv. and Prop.-Model and sections of a life boat JIN. with expanding sides, which cannot be upset; modėl of a gun brig, showing a new plan of coppering ships' bottoms; section of steam ship, with improved method of hoisting and lowering the paddle box boats; model of horizontal propeller; a bow section with relieving bitts; after body section; new plan of hanging rudder, and of steering, should the rudder-head be carried away; model of anchor for a 40 gun frigate; model of a boat with a safety plug always ready. 602 FARRON, G. Boat Builder, South Shields.— Model of a boat. 603 GRANTHAM, JOHN, C. E. Liverpool, Ees.— Model of the screw steamer "Eagle," built for Mr. Dargan, from designs by exhibitor to ply between Newry and Liverpool. 604 MOXHAM, P. Granard, co. Longford, Inv.- Model of steam-boat paddle wheel. 605 GRISDALE, J. E. 2 Bloomsbury St. Holborn, London, Inv.-Model of screw boat, with new form of rudder, (called a "balance rudder,") having nearly equal resisting surface on each side of its axis or centre of motion; boat sterns, showing another appli- cation of the balance rudder. 606 HEALY, W. 96 Harcourt St. Dublin, Prop.- Model of a steam-boat, showing by a simple contri- vance of machinery a manner by which the oar of the paddle-wheel can be made to feather, obviating the evil effects of back water, and also by the turning of a screw one paddle-wheel can be made to reverse its paddle, causing the boat to turn on its own centre. 607 KING, HARMAN, HON. L. Newcastle, Ballymahon, co. Longford, Inv.-Model of an improved method of lowering boats from vessels in cases of wreck, fire, &c. 608 HODSMAN, J. 2 Banna Villa, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Dublin, Manu.-Models of self-igniting sig- nal light, for the rescue of shipwrecked seamen, and the self-protector pocket light. 609 JUDSON, VINCENT, 8 Barrow-street, Dublin, Des.-Working model of a steamer with an improved screw propeller; model of an American schooner yacht. 610 DICK, MAXWELL.-Two lances used at the Grand Tournament at Eglinton castle, in a tilting match between the Earl of Eglinton and the Marquis of Waterford. 611 GRANT, C. W. Lieut. Col. Bombay Engineers, Brunswick House, Great Malvern, Somersetshire, Des. -Model of a wrought-iron bridge, adapted for rail- ways in India. 612 Model of a ship's gun, from the wood of the ، PHILOSOPHICAL, MUSICAL, HOROLOGICAL, AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. 259 Royal George, turned by the late Robert O'Callaghan, Newenham, Esq., who witnessed the awful event. -Royal George sunk 1782-raised 1841. 613 WHITTON, C. R. Esq. Mountjoy Sq. Dublin, Prop.- Working model of a paddle marine steam engine. 614 MANCHESTER, THE DUKE OF, Tanderagee.— Model of the "America," by Steers, of New York, the builder of the vessel; model of a famous Baltimore schooner, showing the different style of building. 615 KAVANAGH, W. & J. 12 Dame St. Dublin, Manu.-Guns, pistols, and rifles. 616 NORTON, CAPTAIN, Cork, Inv.-Models of projectiles for military operations, &c. 617 REDMOND, J. 2 Donnybrook Road.-Model of a boat. 618 RIGBY, W. & J. 24 Suffolk St. Dublin, Manu.-Staunchion gun, with improved plan of ignition, &c.; case of twin double guns, with extra rifle, the locks, barrels, and triggers fitting either gun; single and double barrelled guns, rifles, and pistols, with various improvements; revolvers, for 6, 12, or more shots, &c.; specimens of gun barrels, rifled and otherwise; various parts of the gun, to illustrate the several stages of the manufacture; gun and pistol cases. 619 RICHARDS, WESTLEY, Birmingham, and 170 New Bond St. London, Manu.-Double barrelled guns and rifle; large single rifle for shooting wild animals; patent 5 shot revolving pistol, with one barrel; duelling pistols. 620 ROBINSON, G. & Co. Cork, Manu.-Models of a ship of 1,000 tons, barque of 304 tons (now building), schooner of 150 tons. 621 Rock, J. Hastings, Sussex, Prop. and Exhibi- 629 RUDOLPH, ROSE, & Co. 38 Southampton St. Strand, London, Manu.-Flutes. 630 TELFORD & TELFORD, St. Stephen's Gr. Dublin. -Organ, built for the College of St. Peter, Radley, Oxford, in solid oak Gothic cases; the choir organ, placed in front, the front pipes of pure tin, polished and burnished; three complete manuals from CC to G tor.-Model of Hastings fishing lugger. Obtained prize medal at Great Exhibition of 1851. ť "" 17 622 SMITH, H. 208 Rotherhithe, London, Des, and Prop.-Model of a steam vessel, intended for river na- vigation, (scale in. to a foot). 623 POLLEN, H. Sandymount.-Model of railway signals for day and night. 624 WHITE, ARTHUR. 34 Boot Lane, Dublin.- Guns, pistols, percussion caps, wadding, shot belts, pouches, &c. 625 MILLERS & THOMPSON, Liverpool.-Model of the clipper ship "Star of the East. 626 TEALL, H. Ringsend, Dublin, Inv. and Des. -Rotary steam engine; models of marine steam en- gine, yacht, life boat, a ship, a built mast and yard for large ships. 626a Ward, J. R. Inspector of Life Boats to the Royal Institution for the Preservation of Lives from Shipwreck, London.-"Life Belts." 627 TRULOCK, E. & Son, 9 Dawson Street, Dublin, Manu.-Double and single barrelled guns, rifles, and pistols, of various patterns and designs; large boat gun for shore shooting; complete Indian outfit; cen- tripetal double-barrelled gun; air-gun; gun and rifle barrels in the stages of manufacture; gun and pistol cases, &c. 627A LAIRD, JOHN, Birkenhead.-Models of screw and paddle steam ships of various sizes. 628 WALKER, S. & Co. 12 Legge St. Birmingham, Manu.-Percussion caps, for military and sporting use; patent metallic gun wadding, &c.; metal lined caps, and double waterproof caps. PHILOSOPHICAL, MUSICAL, HOROLOGICAL, AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. 628a Matthew, JOHN, 19 Valentine Ter. Green- wich, Prop.-Model of "John Penn & Son's Oscillating Marine Engines." i in alt; the pedal organ from CCC to G, two and a-half octaves, six composition pedals, five copula, fifty stops; the great organ, containing 1,146 pipes; the swell organ, 1,003; the choir organ, 356; and the pedal organ, 416; total, 2,921 pipes. (At the west end of the central hall.) .1 631 SANG, J. Kirkaldy, Fifeshire, Inv. and Manu. 60 £ PHILOSOPHICAL, MUSICAL, HOROLOGICAL, AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. " • Plätometers, or self-acting calculators of surface, tell- ing the area of any figure, however irregular, on carrying the tracer round the boundary. 632 HAGGARD, W. D. Bank of England, Inv.- A double protractor for measuring angles and dis- tance at the same time. (Registered). 633 SOLOMONS, E. 19 Nassau St. Dublin, and 27 Old Bond St. London, Inv. and Manu.-Improved sight preserving spectacles; amber applied to spec- tacles; various specimens of lenses in their rough state, and also in the different stages of manufacture; the organic vibrators for relief of deafness. I 634-BRYSON, J. M. 65 Princes St. Edinburgh, Manu. A series of Nicol's prisms and crystals for the polarization of light. 635 VIVIAN, — Oxford.-Manu.-Self-registering thermometer, hygrometer, Augeometer, pluviometer, constructed for weekly observations. 635 A PHELAN, W. T. 19 Heytesbury St. Dublin. -Spectacles manufactured from Irish pebble found at the island of Achill; specimens of the pebble from which they are manufactured; a visometer for ascer- taining the exact number of lens suitable for the eye. 636 YEATES, G. 2 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. and Prop. Transit instrument; improved transit theodo- lites, levels, sextants, &c.; Attwood's apparatus for demonstrating the laws of accelerated motion; standard barometers; station staves. 1 637 KINGSLEY, J. 4 Queen's Sq. Dublin, Inv.- Model for registering the names of the members of the House of Commons, the numbers polled at elections, &c. 638 MURPHY, B. Slane, co. Meath, Inv.-An improved instrument for cutting in the tailor trade. 639 HALL, G. F. 15 Norfolk St. Fitzroy Sq. London, Inv.-A standard bar measurer and pyro- meter, a philosophical apparatus for measuring minute differences of length, also adapted for a pyrometer to give to the millionth of an inch the ratio of expan- sion of metals. C T 640 DERING, G. E. Lockleys, Welwyn, Hertford- shire, Inv.--A pair of electric telegraph instruments, with improvements (patented). 641 LYONS, M. 143 Suffolk St. Birmingham, Inv. and Prod.-Apparatus for bright electro and magneto plating and gilding, with specimens illustrating the process. 642 OERTLING, LUDWIG, 13 Store St. London, Manu.-A Balance, with agate knife edges, to carry 1lb. in each pan, turning with the 100th part of a grain. M + 643 ROBINSON, J. Polytechnic Museum, 65 Graf- ton St. Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Achromatic and compound microscopes of various forms; microscopic preparations; large astronomical and other telescopes; opera, race, and exhibition glasses; stereoscopes of various forms, with diagrams and proofs; cameras for the daguerreotype, calotype, and collodion processes; various specimens of photography on paper and on glass; magic lanterns; polyoramas, and other curious optical and scientific toys; cheap and effective air- pumps; models of electric telegraphs; electro-mag- netic machines, and galvanic batteries; magnets; ba- rometers and thermometers; gazogene apparatus for making soda and other ærated waters; vacuum coffee- pots; moderateur and gazogene lamps, with various other applications of science to useful purposes; opera- glasses, stereoscopes and diagrams, &c.; cameras for the daguerreotype, calotype and collodion processes; magic lanterns, &c.; polyoramas; phenakisticopes; cylindrical mirrors; air-pumps; models of electric tele- graphs; electro magnetic machines; galvanic batteries; magnet; barometers and thermometers; gazogene apparatus for making soda and other ærated waters; vacuum coffee pots; gazogene and other lamps, with various other chemical and philosophical apparatus, &c. 644 Cox, G. 5 Barbican, London, Manu.-The orthochronograph, a portable instrument for ascer- taining correct time by equal altitudes of the sun; the periphan, illustrating astronomical phenomena; beam draining levels; moveable rackwork astronomical diagrams for the phantasmagoria lantern. 645 Goddard, J. T. 2 Jesse Cottage, Whitton, near Isleworth, Middlesex, Manu.-An achromatic 5 feet telescope. 646 SPEAR, R. 28 College Gn. Dublin, Manu.-- Barometers, thermometers, hydrometers; spectacle cases; ivory scales; phantasmagoria lanterns; optical pillar; magnetic sun dials; eye glasses and spectacles, mounted in gold, silver, &c.; opera-glasses; magni- fying glasses; condrometer; pentagraph; stereoscopes; sympiesometer; microscopes; telescopes; ship com- passes; binnacles; drawing instruments; level; theo- dolite; sextant; quadrant; with other philosophi- cal instruments, &c. 647 MAYALL, J. E. 224 Regent St. London.-- Views of the Great Exhibition of 1851, and other specimens of daguerreotype. 648 ALLISON, R. 108 Wardour St. London, Manu. and Prop.-Exhibited by J. Scates, 26 College Gn. Dublin.-Bichord grand pianoforte in rosewood ; PHILOSOPHICAL, MUSICAL, HOROLOGICAL, AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. 61 microchordon pianofortes of rosewood and walnut relation to identical degrees of atmospheric temperature and density. tree. 649 WEISS & Co. London.-Surgical instru- ments. 650 BARKER, R. 100 Lr. Leeson St. Dublin, Prop. -Perspective views; miniature flower stand. 651 BAXTER, J. P. 49 Lr. Baggot St. Inv. and Prop.-Stethescopes, with lateral tubes, containing a fluid to increase the power of hearing. 652 BARTER, R. St. Anne's Hill, Blarney, co. Cork, Inv.-Aparatus for applying cold water to the head without wetting other parts of the person. 653 BEAUFORD, R. 1 Sackville St. Dublin, Inv. and Manu.-Lenses with accelerators; Photographs. 654 BERTHON, REV. E. L. M.A. Fareham, Hants, Inv. Patent perpetual logs, an hydrostatic instru- ment for indicating the speed of ships; clinometers and other instruments for showing the trim and list of ships; working model of a collapsible life boat, (patented). 655 ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY.-Models of Boyne viaduct, Lord Rosse's telescope; case of philosophical instruments. 656 FANNIN & Co. 41 Grafton St. Dublin, Props. -New aneurism compressors for the treatment of aneurism by compression, as finally improved by A. Carte, M.D. A.M. F.R.C.S.I. 657 BEVAN, P. M.D. 21 Lr. Baggot St. Dublin, Inv.-A new rectilinear screw splint for fracture of the thigh. 658 BEVINGTON & SONS, 48 Greek St. Soho Sq. London, Manu.-Church organ, in carved Gothic case, with gilt speaking-pipes in front; boudoir organ, in carved cabinet rosewood case. 659 BLACKWELL, J. C. Queensferry Rd. Edin- burgh, Inv.-The "dulcion," or portable seraphine, a new musical instrument of remarkable sweetness and power, in six different sizes. 659A HODGSON, Mrs. 122 Baggot St. Dublin.- Stethotenist or chest expander. 660 BLUNT, H. Shrewsbury, Prod.-Three draw- ings of remarkable portions of the Moon's surface; froin observations made with a Newtonian reflecting telescope, of 9 in. aperture, 7 feet focal length, and a magnifying power of 400. 660A MURRAY, Sir J. M.D. 19 Temple St. Dublin. -A new instrument for comparing the relative specific gravities of different liquids, at the same identical density and temperature of the atmosphere; it is styled Sir James Murray's differential hydrostatic balance in 20 661 BRAY, J. 26 Westmoreland-street, Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-Enlarged double action harps; with stands, music desks, and stools. 77.5 662 BRODRICK, W. 16 Essex Quay, Dublin, Manu. -Clocks; gold and silver watches; gold chains, and silver plate, jewellery, &c. 663 BUSSELL, H. Dublin.-Pianofortes; harps ; music; military musical instruments. Дата 1 663A FLEURY, Rev. C. M. 24 Up. Leeson St. Ex.-Harmonic flute, invented by a clergyman; properties: vast increase of tone, perfect tune, open ventage, with facility of fingering; compass: three octaves and two tones. 664 CADBY, C. Liquorpond St. London, Inv..and Manu.-A rosewood semi-grand pianoforte, with royal patent, suspended, and adjustable sounding board. An elegant rosewood oblique pianoforte, with three strings, handsomely carved case. Two pianoforte backs, one with the ordinary bracing, the other with patent iron truss bracing. A model to explain the latter, showing its superiority over the former. 665 CALDWELL, S. M'CARTNEY, 1 Mountjoy Sq.. Dublin, Prop.-Carved ebony piccolo pianoforte, manufactured by the late John M'Culloch, Bel- fast. 666 CHANCE, BROTHERS & CO. Birmingham, Manu. -First order fixed dioptric light-house apparatus, with catadioptric zones constructed according to the system of Fresnel. 667 CHANCELLOR, G. W. Sackville Street, Dublin, Inv. and Manu.-Small turret clock, with right angle dead beat escapement. 668 CHAPMAN, J. 15 Essex Quay, Dublin, Manu. and Prop.-Three part skeleton brass eight-day clock, with Galway marble pedestal, &c.; chronometer clock; a case of jewellery, Irish pearls, Tara brooches, rings, Albert chain of gold and pyrites, &c. 669 CHAPPUIS, A. 10 St. Mary Axe, London, Manu.-Patent daylight reflectors, for diffusing light into dark places. 670 DE LA MỌTTE, P. H. London, Prod.-Photo- graphs taken by the Collodion process. 871 DILLON, THOMAS ARTHUR, 1 Upper Bucking- ham St. Dublin, Inv.- 1. Portable photographic camera, intended for glass plates, paper, or daguerreotype process. 2. Pontoon bridge. 3. Life-boat, formed of three or more longitudinal 62 PHILOSOPHICAL, MUSICAL, HOROLOGICAL, AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. J pieces of timber, covered with hide or canvas, inter- lined with air tubes. for camera; electric apparatus for communicating between guards and engine-drivers of railway trains, house bells, and knocker; regulator for electric light. 4. Compensating pendulum, homogeneous metal. 5. Pendulum and clock arranged within a glass chamber, and preserved at an invariable temperature by a casing of steam. 6. Self-registering barometer and storm courier. 7. Double conical expanding rifle bullet. 8. Specimen of gutta percha equally strong in every direction. 9. Blasting apparatus-by an endless cord and cork. 672 DOBBYN, G. 13 Wicklow St. Dublin.-As- tronomical clock with mercurial pendulum, (at sidereal time); Regulator clock with zinc compensation pendu- lum; Tell-tale or Watchman's clock; railway, cham- ber, and house clocks, &c. 873 DONEGAN, J. 5 Up. Ormond Qy. and 32 Dame St. Dublin.-Gold and silver watches; church plate. 674 DONOVAN, M. 11 Clare St. Dublin, Inv.- Philosophical instruments, viz. : a table gas-lamp, generating gas by machinery within; improved galva- nometer; a volta-magnetometer for measuring and regulating the magnetism of galvanometer needles; a combined hygrometer, psychrometer, and hygroscope, for indicating changes in the dryness of the atmosphere. 875 EDWARDS, R. J. Burslem, Staffordshire, Inv. and Prop.-Instrument for giving strength and flexi- bility to the fingers of instrumental performers. 676 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY, (Incor- porated 1846) England-Principal Office, Lothbury, London-448 West Strand, London, Prop.-A system of electric telegraphs for communication with various parts of the Exhibition building; comprising single and double needle instruments, batteries, bells, mag- neto-machines; method of insulation; maps of tele- graph in operation; scale of charges, &c. 677 FREEMAN, St. GEORGE, Beresford St. Waterford, Des. and Manu.-Specimens of the various modes of adapting artificial teeth to the mouth; mineral teeth; teeth and palates, carved from the tusk of the hippo- potamus; contrivance for regulating the growth of children's teeth; specimens of carious natural teeth. 678 GEARY, BROTHERS, 5 Grafton St. Dublin, Des. and Prop.-Photographers; photographic pic- tures. 678a Glóag, J. W. Esq. 11th Hussars.-Speci- mens of seals made by the electrotype process. 679 GLUKMAN, Professor, 24 Up. Sackville St. Dublin, Inv. and Prop.-Machine for polishing daguerrotype plates; photographic specimens; stand 暑 ​680 GOOD, S. A. Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, Inv. and Prop.-Work on velvet (by Mrs. Good), showing the principal stars visible from Great Britain and Ireland, grouped in a new method. 681 GORE, G. 8 Broad St. Birmingham, Inv. and Manu.-Improved medical galvanic apparatus. 682 GROSSMITH, W. R. 175 Fleet St. London, Manu.-Artificial human eyes; artificial legs, with new patent action knee and ankle joints, for ampu- tations above and below the knee; artificial hand and arm, with improved mechanical joints; artificial nose ; artificial fingers, and other specimens of surgical mechanism. · 683 GRAY & HALFORD, Goswell Road, London, Manu. Artificial eyes; dolls' eyes; eyes for wax figures; animals' and birds' eyes, &c. 684 GRUBB, THOMAS, 15 Leinster Sq. Rathmines, Dublin, Inv. and Manu.-Large equatorial instru- ment, with improved clock-work, and system of coun- terpoise, carrying achromatic telescope of 12 inches clear aperture, and 20 feet focus; model equatorial, the form being specially adapted for carrying large New- tonian reflectors (to 6 feet diameter), the present model carrying one of 15 inches; small equatorial, adapted to refracting telescopes, of from 3 to 5 inches aper- ture; case of achromatic object glasses for telescopes, and photographic purposes; improved oxyhydrogen microscope, polariscope, and economic double lantern requiring only one-half the usual quantity of the mixed gases for dissolving views. 685 WYLD, JAMES, Leicester Sq. London, Manu.- A portion of Mr. Wyld's large model of the earth. The circumference of the globe is one hundred and eighty feet; the land is modelled upon a scale of ten miles to the inch, and the mountains upon a scale of one mile to the inch; the globe is composed of nearly 6,000 blocks. 686 HANLIN & ROBERT, 40 Westmorland St. Inv. and Manu.-Eight day clock, with pendule movement; marine chronometers; gold and silver Geneva watches. 987 HARRISON, C. W. Larkfield Lodge, Rich- mond, near London, Inv. and Prop.-Specimens of Harrison's patent insulated subterranean electric telegraph lines, protected on Chatterton's principle; model of electro-magnetic motive-power engine (pro- visionally registered.) 688 HART, A. S. 3 Trinity College, Prop.-A draw- PHILOSOPHICAL, MUSICAL, HOROLOGICAL, AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! 63.0 ing, illustrative of the signs, proposed to be published in a dictionary for the instruction of the deaf and dumb. a canvas waistcoat; some tools (manufactured by Gage, Beresford St. Woolwich); connecting tap with double plug; couplings for hoses, basins, and drain pipes; single tap, improved by Winn. 639 HEAPS, J. K. Leeds, Manu.-Violoncello, constructed on mathematical principles. 690 HILL, W. Rose Bank, Patricroft, Manchester, Inv. and Prop.-Cards, showing Hill's system of teaching the alphabet, spelling, reading, and music. "The Memory of Language," à book explanatory of the system, illustrative diagrams, &c. 691 HILLIARD, W. B. 148 Buchanan St. Glasgow, Manu.—Surgical instruments, tooth forceps, invented and patented by Mr. J. A. Young; manufactured by exhibitor. 692 Young, JAMES A. of A. S. Young and Son, Surgeon Dentists, 185 Buchanan St. Glasgow, Inv.- Patent forceps, &c. for the extraction of human teeth, reducing the pain to a minimum. 693 HINTON, C. 10 Corporation Row, Clerkenwell, London, Manu.-Watch and timepiece enamel dials ; dials in the various stages of manufacture, with speci- mens of the different kinds of enamel used. M 694 HORNE, THORNTHWAITE, & WOOD, 123 and 121 Newgate St. London, Manu.-Daguerrreotype apparatus, with improved Bromine apparatus for pre- paring the plates. Portable folding camera and com- pound achromatic lens, with apparatus for the calotype and Collodion process. Portraits, &c. produced by the Collodion process. Medical galvanic apparatus, and instruments for administering galvanism. 695 JAMESOŃ, J. 87 Grafton St. Dublin.-Regula- tor clock. 696 JONES, J. 17 Duke St. Liverpool, Inv.- Symmetrometer, a tailor's instrument to draft coats; waistcoat and trousers rules. 697 JOHNSON, ZACHARIAH, M.A. F.R.C.S. Kil- kenny, Inv.-Surgical Instruments, viz. :-Protean fracture splint; convertible suspension plane; tracheal trochar; a fracture bed; portable dactyloplast. 698 HUG, WILLIAM, South Great George's St. Dublin.-A chronometer timepiece. 699 KIRKMAN, J. & SON, London, Inv. and Manu. Mackintosh & Co. Exhibitors.-Pianofortes of various styles and descriptions. 700 L'ESTRANGE, F. Surgeon, 39 Dawson St. Dublin, Inv.-Various surgical instruments; patent trusses for the cure of hernia; lithotritic instruments; instruments for arranging fractures of the lower jaw. 701 LITTLE, R. J. Bloomfield, Charlton Rd. Wool- wich, Inv.-Apparatus for loss of the arm attached to 702 Lover, WILLIAM, M.D. 46 Talbot St. Dublin, Inv. & Prop.-Educational models; novel arrangement of hydrogen generator for the oxy-hydrogen microscope; working model of electric clock, with novel galvanic contact maker; novel mode of moving electro magne- tic machinery, by compound levers and lever of La Garousse; galvanic battery for electro-typing, and electro-plating, on a new arrangement; novel plan for illustrating the pump-like action of the heart, with other philosophical models. 703 Lowry, S. 33 Spencer St. Goswell Road, London, Inv. and Manu.—Marine chronometer per- fectly air and water tight; a collection of watch movements in the rough and finished state. 704 LYNAM, J. Raheen Lodge, Kiltormer, Ballin- asloe, co. Galway.-A lithographed coloured chart of the climates of the earth. 705 MCNAUGHT, W. Glasgow, Manu.-Steam engine indicator and instruments for measuring the power exerted by steam engines; oil test: an instru- ment for measuring the relative tenacity or friction of oils. 706 MCNEILL, J. 146 Capel St. Dublin, Manu.- Cornopeans with front and back action, of improved construction; cornetto in D flat inventor of; Cam- bridge trumpet-bugle. 707 MOENIG, C. 103 Leadenhall St. London, Prop. -Portable galvano-voltaic batteries, for medical practice, and to be worn on the body for curative purposes; figures exhibiting their application; inter- rupting apparatus and other accessories. 708 METZLER, G. 37 Gt. Marlborough St. London, Manu. Marcus Moses, Westmoreland St. Exhibitor.- Cottage and microchordon pianofortes; an oak har- monium, with patent percussion and harmoniphone attachment. * 709 GRAY, J. Strand St. Liverpool, Manu.- Binnacles and compasses on an improved principle, including a compass similar to that supplied to Her Majesty's yachts "Victoria," and " Albert," and "Fairy," for counteracting vibratory action. 710 MORRISON, J. D. 18, Elder Street, Edinburgh, Manu.-Artificial teeth, made from the raw material; specimens of the raw materials in the natural and prepared state. AL 711 MOORE, B. R. & J. 38 and 39, Clerkenwell... + 64 PHILOSOPHICAL, MUSICAL, HOROLOGICAL, AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. $ Close, London.—An eight-day clock, chiming hours and quarters upon cathedral bells. extraction of teeth, with model head and chin for showing the application of the apparatus. 712 MOSES, MARCUS, 4 and 5 Westmoreland St. Dublin, Imp.-Specimens of pianofortes and harps, of different classes, and in various woods, manufactured to order, expressly for this Exhibition, by Messrs. Broad- wood and Sons, Messrs. Collard and Collard, and Messrs. S. and P. Erard. 726 REIN, F. C. 108 Strand, London, Inv. and Manu.-Rein's acoustic instruments, of various form and descriptions, for the relief of deafness; conical flexible whisper tube; models of acoustic pulpit, and accoustic chair; acoustic walking stick; ear specula, ear syringes, and various other instruments. 2 713 NELSON, W. late Dame St. Dublin, Manu.- An agricultural level for draining purposes; do. to be used on top of walking stick; a plumb level for laying down roads, drains, &c.; concave lens for landscape drawing; convex lens for landscape drawing; portable boat compass. 714 NUNN, R. M. M.R.C.S.L. Wexford, Inv.- The Universal Hydrometer, an instrument to ascertain the specific gravity of all liquids, its range, including 0·600 and 2·00); medical inspirators, for the more exact and efficient administration of chloroform and other anæsthetic agents. 728 ROWLEY, J. Lewis St. Wolverhampton, Manu. -Spectacles of various descriptions; single and double eye glasses; eye protectors or travelling spec- tacles, with recent improvements. 715 O'CONNELL, D. 48 Ranelagh, Rathmines, Inv. and Prop.—A horizontal dial; geographical clock; per- petual almanac ; quadrant, and circumferentor. 729 SCATES, J. 26 College Gn. Dublin, Manu. Treble and Barytone Concertinas, with Tympanums. 716 O'CONNELL, E. Bury, Lancashire.-Regis- tered infant feeder. 730 SCHOLEFIELD, D. Freeman's Sq. Huddersfield, Des. Improved metronome; school and pocket 717 OLIVER, F. London, Inv.-Portable single metronomes, for the use of singing classes, &c. and quartett music stands. 731 SCRIBER, M. & J. 34 South Great George's St. Dublin, Manu.-Clocks of different descriptions. 718 CHEVR. A. DE BRAUNHELDER, of Warsaw (Poland).—Model of a music or book stand, cut out of the solid piece of wood, and working on an in- genious hinge of the same piece, designed and cut out by Mr. Fall, of Manchester. 719 PENNINGTON, J. Camberwell, London, Manu. -Two-day chronometers; gold and silver watches. 720 CLAUDET, A. Regent St. London.-Stereo- scopes and photographic specimens. 732 SCRIBER, JOHN, Westmoreland St. Dublin and Geneva, Manu.-Geneva watches on a new principle, dispensing with the usual winding, setting of hands, or use of key; duplex, lever, and horizontal watches, made on the premises, 23 Westmorland St. and Geneva; specimens illustrative of the various stages which the watch undergoes in the process of manufacture; a small watch the size of a fourpenny piece, set in diamonds; extra flat watches, not one-eighth the usual thickness; English made patent lever watches, gold and silver; the new Sultan ladies' gold chains and jewellery, in imitation of flowers, leaves, branches, &c.; French ormolu, bronze, marble, and mechanical clocks; a two-tune music box in a gold seal; musical boxes of various descriptions, with overtures, qua- drilles, polkas, national airs, &c. 721 M'MASTER, MAXWELL, Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.-A turret clock. Chronomoters, with ex- amples of the various stages in the process of manufacture. 733 SMITH, R. Blackford, Perthshire, Inv.-Spe- cimens of photography. Specimens of textile fabrics, rendered fire-proof by Smith's new chemical process. 734 STATHAM, W. E. 29 Sussex Pl. Rotherfield St. Islington, London, Inv. and Manu.-Chemical cabinets and portable laboratories for students, chemists, lec- 722 PRINCE, Miss ABLEINDE, 29 Norfolk Cres- cent, Hyde Park, London, Inv.-"Gioco di Euterpe," a musical game; the Polyglot Cards, a game pro- moting the acquisition of modern languages. 723 RACINE & Co. Switzerland, and Nassau St. Dublin, Manu.-Gold Geneva watches. 724 READ & Co. 4 Parliament St. Dublin, Inv. and Prop.-Surgical instruments; cutlery. 725 REID, R. M.D. 19 Heriot Row, Edinburgh, Inv.-Compress for arresting excessive bleeding after $ " 727 ROBERTSON, A. 22 Bachelor's walk, Dublin, Inv. and Manu.-Improved stomach pumps; me- chanical leeching apparatus, with glasses for cupping internally, an instrument invented by Surgeon Zach. Johnson, Kilkenny, for the trachea; gum elastic syphons, (designed by Dr. E. Kennedy); pieces of elastic tubing; elastic check-string, or voice-conduc- tors for carriages; stethoscopes, and other medical and surgical apparatus. LACE AND EMBROIDERY, INCLUDING CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. 65 • *. turers, &c; agricultural test chests, for analysing soils, manures, &c.; toxicological test chests, for detecting and analysing poisons; hydro-pneumatic apparatus, combining a pneumatic trough, large gas jar tray, hydraulic blow-pipe and gasometer; pocket and other blow-pipes for mineralogists; mineralogical cabinet; photographic apparatus, chemicals, &c. ˜735 Tufnell, J. Esq. F.R.C.S., M.R.I.A., Des. - Gutta percha stethoscope. This stethoscope com- bines all the properties of the ordinary wooden, instrument, with the durability of gutta percha. The ear piece is moulded to fit that organ, and is encircled by the vulcanized India rubber band for percussion. The bell is rounded at its edge, which enables it to be applied without causing pain to the chest (or any other part) when very sensitive from disease, and the length, for convenience in carriage, is such, that it will fit into the crown of any ordinary hat. 736 TENISON, E. K. Kilronan Castle, Keadue, co. Roscommon.-Photographs. · 737 TILLEY, JAMES, Lieut. R.N. Fivehead, Taun- ton, Somersetshire, Prop.-Anatomised leaves; por- trait of a snake, made from strawberry leaves; the rise and fall of the elm leaf. ka Q 738 THOMPSON, C. T. 1 Campden Hill Ter, Ken- sington, London, Prod.-Photographs. 739 WALSH, R. 19 Parliament Street, Dublin, Manu.-Eight day clocks, of various patterns and descriptions. 740 WEEDON, T. 41 Hart Street Bloomsbury, 7-61 London, Manu.-Instruments for microscopical dis- section; dental instruments and cutlery. 741 WELLS, CAPT. G. G. Mullingar, co. West- meath. Specimens of Talbotype drawings. 742 WHITE, J. B. 3 West Square, Southwark, Des. The national anthem, a specimen of music printed on calico by hand with single types. 743 WHITE, P. F. Mus. Doc. Wexford, Prop.- Royal patent Victoria harp lyre, a new instrument of music. 744 BROPHY, J. 24 College Green.-Case of arti- ficial mineral teeth. > 745 WHITE, JOHN & Sons, Organ Builders, 17, Bishop Street, Dublin, Manu.-A finger organ in a gothic case. 746 YOUNG, A. K. Monaghan, Inv.-A surgical bed for invalids. 747 KNOX, Rev. T. Prop.-Large burning glass, five feet diameter. 1 747A NEWALL, R. S. Gateshead. Samples of submarine telegraphs, similar to that laid down between' Portpatrick and Donaghadee. 748 HANSON, G. & CHADWICK, D. Salford, Man- chester-Patent high pressure water meter, on an entirely new and novel principle, whereby the smallest to the largest quantities of water can be accurately measured, and the water delivered without destroying the pressure. 748A HAYDEN, CHARLES, Balbriggan. Specimens of electrotype. LACE AND EMBROIDERY, INCLUDING CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. 749 ANDREWS, W. Castle St. Dublin, Imp.- Floor cloths, (made by John Hare & Co. of Bristol); Axminster carpet, (made by Templeton & Co. Glasgow). Manu.-Dress, shawl, pocket handkerchief, and pair of sleeves of Limerick lace. 750 ANNETTE, J. & L. 32 Priory Rd. Wands- worth Rd. London.-Tapestry; two German scenes: "The Hawking Party" setting out, and the "Hawking Party" on their return. 753 BARBER, J. L. & Co. Norwich, Manu.- Sewing and crochet threads; specimens of three, six, and new patent vulcanized nine cord sewing prize crochet and brocade threads; registered designs by Hornsby, for diamond netting or crochet; netted anti- macassars, covers, etc. worked with Barber and Co's. vulcanized nine cord and brocade thread; collars, sleeves, berthes, &c. worked in the Irish industrial 752 BANNISTER, J. 2 Sir Harry's Mall, Limerick, schools, with Barber and Co's prize crochet thread. 751 ARTHUR, M. Airdrie, Inv.-Vase of artificial flowers, made of silver and silk; some of the same kind adapted for costume. E Cotto 66 LACE AND EMBROIDERY, INCLUDING CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. · 754 BARNES, R. Y. 11 City Rd. London, Manu.- Specimens of decorative floor cloth. 755 BARR, J. Caledon, Manu.-Woollen and spun silk shawls of various patterns; silk scarfs and aprons; ladies' dresses of spun silk and silk and wool; embroi- dered vests; tweeds; guipure cape. 756 BERTWELL, E. 24 Nassau St. Dublin, Prop.- A knitted counterpane. 757 BLEAKLEY, MRS. J. St. Mary's, Bandon, co. Cork. Specimens of muslin, embroidery, and crochet, worked in Ballymodan school. 758 BRITTAIN, W. 5 Montpelier Hill, Dublin.- Two crochet quilts. 759 BROWN, M'LAREN, & Co. Kilmarnock, Manu. —-Brussels, Kidderminster, and Thruply carpeting. 760 BROWN, H. & Co. 100 and 104 Virginia Pl. Glasgow, Manu.-Tamboured and Sewed Muslin Dresses; Sewed Book and Cambric Habit Shirts, Chemisettes Sleeves and Collars, French Cambric Handkerchiefs; Pattern Cards of Cambric and Book Trimmings and Flounces. 761 BROWN, J. R. & W. Bangor, co. Down, Manu. -Sewed muslin collars, habit shirts, chemisettes, handkerchiefs, and robes. 762 Brown, SAMUEL R. & THOMAS, 78 Queen St. Glasgow, Manu.-Specimens of muslin embroidery worked by the Irish peasantry in robes, frocks, collars, habits, &c.; specimens of lace goods embroi- dered by the Irish peasantry in black and coloured veils. 763 BAGOT, Mrs. Castle Bagot.-Specimens of fancy work done by children of Castle Bagot school. 764 BUCKMASTER, W. & Co. 55 Dawson St. Dub- lin, Manu.-Military and civil uniforms, richly em- broidered in gold and silver; military caps and equipments, &c.; the whole being specimens of Irish embroidery and workmanship. 765 BURTON & Co. 52 Wigmore St. Cavendish Sq. London, Des. and Manu.-Church robes :-Chasubles and cope; specimen of appliquè work; laces, embroid- ered satins, &c. Church plate and metal work. 766 BYRNE, F. 23 Albert Pl. East, Dublin.— Pattern worked in tapestry. 767 CANNING, M. Rockville, Malin, Carn.— Needle and crochet work, comprising basket covers, doyleys, trimmings, &c. by girls at Malin. 768 Carter, J. Mountmelick, Queen's co. Des. and Manu-Embroidered quilt, toilette cover, sachet, doyleys, and other work. 769 KEANE, Mrs. LEOPOLD, Cappoquin House, co, Waterford. Specimens of knitting executed by the children of the Cappoquin school. 770 CLARKE, E. Deopham, Wymondham, Nor- folk, Prop.-Crochet and pointwork collars, in imitation of Honiton and old marguerite guipure lace. 771 CLEARY, Miss M. Clonmel, co. Tipperary.— Specimens in Berlin wool work :— 1. Horses at the fountain. 2. The Angel Gabriel. 3. The Wandering Jew. 4. Earl of Leicester's last interview with Amy Robsart. 772 CLINCHY, Miss K. 1 Townsend St. Dublin, Prop.-A piece of tapestry work. 773 CLINCHY, Miss L. Des.-A gentleman's robe de chambre in needlework, composed of 7,500 small pieces. 774 COGHILL, Sir J. J. Bart. Malmaison, Castle, Townsend, near Skibbereen, co. Cork, Prop.-Berlin work, by an amateur. 775 COLLIER, M. Sidney Parade, Sandymount, Dublin, Prop.-Specimens of Berlin wool work. 776 CONSTABLE, H. D. 3 Anne St. Clonmel, Des. -Specimens of crochet work. 777 Cox, Miss R. Ballynoe, Ballingarry, co. Tip- perary, Prod.-Specimens of crochet work. 778 CUTHBERTSON & TAYLOB, Kilmarnock, Manu. -Imperial and Kidderminster carpets. 779 COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL EDUCATION, Dublin.-Specimens of work executed by pupils of National Schools. 780 Dart & SON, 12 Bedford St. Covent Garden, London, Manu. -Specimens of carriage lace, (of original designs); a series of patterns exhibiting in chronological order the progress of the art of coach lace weaving, from 1818 to the present time. 781 DAVIS, C. M. 60 Waterloo Road, Dublin, Des.-Lace curtains, with border of crochet work. 782 DEANE, THE MISSES, Dundanion, Cork.-Spe- cimens of crochet. 783 DE BELIGAND, Madame A. Convent of the Good Shepherd, Limerick, Des.-Church vestments : chasuble and preaching stole; Brussels lace veil, and several patterns of Valenciennes lace. 784 DORAN, MISS C. 1 Harcourt St. Dublin, Prop.-A lady's dress, flounced, knitted with Irish thread, weighing only 8 ounces, formed without a scissors. 785 Douglas, A. & J. Glasgow, Des.-Embroi. 1 LACE AND EMBROIDERY, INCLUDING CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. 67 déred velvet hassock; silk cushion; chenille sachet; hand screens; braided leather slippers. dresses. Rich guipure flouncings, scarf, &c. Lime- rick lace bridal dress and veil, ball and court dresses, &c. Guipure berthes, handkerchiefs, collars, mantles, &c. Irish embroidery. - 786 Dundrum, CENTRAL LUNATÍO ASYLUM OF, Co. Dublin, per Dr. Corbet.-A new writing desk; a cage for bird; boot-hooks, which, joined by a pin, form a boot jack; pair gentlemen's boots; ladies' boots; pair shoes for women (patients); pair for men (patients); pair boots for patients, with locks; two fancy shirts; two embroidered silk vests; two worked baby's dresses, and other articles; four pair fancy knitted stockings; a large knitted quilt. 787 DUNRAVEN, Dowager Countess of, Adare Manor, co. Limerick, Manu.-Altar cloth for the parish church of Adare, of velvet manufactured by Mrs. Moran, Mark's Alley, Dublin; the pattern designed by Mrs. Beard, Regent St. London, and executed by the Countess Dowager of Dunraven and Lady Anna Maria Monsell. ▸ 788 ADARE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS, Co. Limerick— Countess of Dunraven, Patroness-A netted quilt, from a German design; a pair of crochet lace sleeves; a Berlin tapestry worked chair; an embroidered pocket handkerchief of Irish cambric, for the Countess of Eglinton; a cambric pocket handkerchief for the Countess of Eglinton, trimmed with crochet lace and insertion; a pair of lamb's wool socks. 789 EDWARDS, J. F. Roebuck, Dundrum, near Dublin, Des. and Prop.-Carpet, worked in wool, by ladies. . · 790 BANNERTH, M. Bannerth St. Limerick.— Framed picture in Berlin wool. 791 EGLINTON, Countess of, Ayr, Prop.-A Scotch cambric muslin quilt, counterlined with blue satin, and embroidered with the initials E. and W. and coronet, and trimmed with Limerick lace (worked in Ayrshire). A quilt, richly embroidered in the centre with the Eglinton arms, and worked over with sham- rocks, roses, and thistles; designed and executed in one of the schools in the north of Ireland. 792 ELLIS, S. A. Kildemoc, Ardee, co. Louth.- Irish pearl tatting, worked by the poor females of the parish of Kildemoc. 793 ERSKINE, Miss E. Harristown, Ardee, co. Louth.-Specimens of Irish point lace. 794 FIDDES, G. R. Rathmines, Dublin.-Land- scapes in needlework, executed by Mrs. Captain Roche. 795 FORREST, J. & SONS, Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.-Irish guipure, point, and Applique lace; Limerick tamboured and shaded lace. Irish blonde 796 FRANKLIN, J. 61 and 62 Great Strand St. Dublin, Manu.-Floor cloth, 48 feet by 18 feet, woven without a seam. 797 FREEMAN, M. 68 Leinster Rd. Rathmines, Dublin.-A pole screen, with flowers painted in water colours. 798 FURLONG, Miss E. Wallstown, Castletown Roche, co. Cork.-Knit cotton quilts. 799 TRENCH, MARIA M. 44 James's St. Dub- lin, Des.-A piece of embroidery. 800 Gregory, THOMPSONS, & Co. Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Manu.-Velvet pile carpet. 801 GROUT & Co. Foster Lane, London, Manu. – Specimens of black crape for mourning, of various qualities; Aerophane used for caps, trimming dresses, flowers, &c.; crèpe lisse and lisse gauze. 802 GRAY, HARRIET A. 17 Brompton Crescent, near London, Des.-A piece of fine crochet work. 803 GREENE, Miss ELIZA, 14 Molesworth St. Dublin.-A knitted quilt. 804 GREYSON, E. M. S. Stanbrook Hall, Worces- ter, Des.—Articles cut with scissors on vellum, désigned and executed by the community of Benedictine nuns, Stanbrook Hall, near Worcester. 805 CHAMBERS, Mrs. E. R. Grenville St. Dublin. -Carpet in needle work. 806 Gubbins, DORA J. The Glebe, Ballingarry, co. Limerick.-Specimens of knitting, crochet and needlework. 807 HALL, J. J. 7 High St. Deptford, Kent. Crochet cover in cotton for back of sofa. 808 HALLOWELL, MISS E. 3 Lr. Hartstonge St. Limerick.-Shawl knitted of red and white wool; a veil knitted from black wool; horse's ear net done iñ crochet work. • $ 809 HAND, Miss C. Clones Rectory, eo. Monaghan, Prod.-Specimens of work in crochet guipure, pro- duced for charitable purposes. 810 HANIGAN, Miss M. T. Presentation Convent, Cashel, Prop.-Berlin work; embroidery; crochet; purses ; chair covers, &c. 811 HARDING & Co. 68 Long Acre, London, Des. and Manu.-Specimens of laces, just supplied for a new dress coach to her Majesty. 812 HENDERSON & WIDNELL, Lasswade, near Edinburgh, Manu.-Patent velvet; medallion carpets; { 30 E 2 68 LACE AND EMBROIDERY, INCLUDING CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. 1 British tapestry, and fine velvet, for curtains, por- tiéres, &c. 813 HENDERSON, Miss F. M. Mount Anthony, Rathmines, Dublin, Des.-Satin doyleys, with etch- ings in marking ink. 814 HUNT, Miss MARIA, Killashee.-A vase of flowers in crochet. 815 HEYMAN, N. & ALEXANDER, Nottingham.- Lace curtains; antimacassars; short window curtains. 816 HILL, B.Olney, Buckinghamshire.-Specimens of pillow thread lace edging and insertion; pillow thread infant cap and trimming lace, and lace flouncings. 817 HILL, E. Bryansford, Castlewellan, co. Down, Prop.-Embrodered pocket handkerchiefs, habit shirts, collars, sleeves, &c. 818 TALLAGHT INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, Mrs. Lan- taigne, Patroness, Tallaght House, Tallaght, near Dublin.-Specimen of muslin worked by the children of Tallaght industrial school. 819 LADIES' INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY FOR IRELAND, 76 Grafton St. Dublin.-Specimens of Valenciennes, guipure, Buckingham thread, French black and blonde lace, &c.; Spanish point lace, crochet, guipure, and tatting, from schools in Kildare, Wexford, and Fer- managh. Muslin embroidery. 820 KETTLEWELL, Miss MARY, Lissenure House, Clonmel, Prop.-Knitted capes, scarfs, lappets, &c. Trimming lace. A black lace veil (worked by the exhibitor.) 821 ADELAIDE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, 8 Duncan St. Cork. -Crochet and other ornamental needle work 821A HARVEY, The Misses, Malin Hall Industrial School. Specimens of rochet work. 822 LAMBERT & BURY, Limerick, Des. and Manu. -Half squares, berthes, jackets, handkerchiefs, scarfs, falls, chemisettes, and collars, of tambour Queen shaded (Limerick) lace. 823 LAMBERT, BROWN, & CLOWES, 27 Dame St. Dublin, Manu.-Figure of staff officer in full dress uniform. Army, navy, deputy lieutenants', and court swords, and sword knots. Rich gold army, navy, and other laces; field officers', staff, militia, and other epaulettes. Gold cross and glory for church; gold tassels for pulpit. Gold Bible (a copy of the engraving in Smith's "Collectanea Antiqua" of the Bible used by King Charles I. on the scaffold.) Court dress waistcoats, masonic aprons, sashes, &c. 824 LA TOUCHE, Miss ISABELLA, Bellevue, Del- gany, co. Wicklow.-Knitted shawls, scarfs, veils, &c. of Shetland wool. 825 DIGGES LATOUCHE, The Misses, Upham, Kille- naule, co. Tipperary.-Specimens of Irish Honiton lace, worked by the poor girls of Killenaule. 826 LEONARD, Miss ANNIE, Cork St. Dublin.- Netted curtains. 827 LEONARD, Miss MARGARET, Cork St. Dub- lin.-Netting work. 828 DALEY, Mrs. Rafford, co. Galway. Specimens of work executed by the children of the Tallow Con- vent Industrial School. 829 LEVEY, Miss, 3 Merrion Row, Dublin.-Berlin tapestry worked on canvas: Swiss peasants. 830 LEVEY, Miss E. 3 Merrion Row, Dublin.- Berlin tapestry, on canvas: Scotch boy with dogs. 831 DINGLE MISSION SCHOOLS, per Mrs. Lewis, Dingle, co. Kerry.-Children's robes, collars, and hand- kerchiefs, worked in satin stitch; knitted socks, stock- ings, quilt, &c. ; doyleys, antimacassar, &c. of linen specimens of flax grown on the mission farm. 832 LIMERICK LOCAL COMMITTEE, per D. W. Raimback, and W. Fitzgerald Limerick.-Specimens of work from the industrial schools, gaols, and work houses in Limerick, and its vicinity. Specimens of lace made by the orphans of Mount St. Vincent. Valenciennes lace, St. Mary's Convent, Limerick. 833 LINDESAY, F. J. SANDYS, Esq. 17th Regt. Richmond Barracks.-Carpet worked by the ladies of the United Kingdom, and presented to exhibitor. 834 LOUTH, M. 112 Cork-street, Dublin.-Quilt in crochet work. 835 MCCARTHY, HAMILTON, Mrs, 17 Albert Ter- race, Knightsbridge, London, Des.-Fire screen and chair, with improved painting on velvet. 836 SWEETMAN, Mrs. 2 Pembroke St. Dublin. - An opera cloak handsomely embroidered; a baby's cloak embroidered. 837 MACDONALD D. & J. & Co. 83 Miller Street, Glasgow, Manu.-Embroidered muslin, being speci- mens of the needlework of the females in the North and West of Ireland. 838 MACLEAN, Mrs. Rectory, Tynan, co. Armagh. -Specimens of guipure and Irish point lace. 839 MAGRATH, Miss A. Clifton Lodge, Blackrock, near Dublin.-Ottoman cover, in crochet work. 840 M'DOWELL Miss S. 9 Joy St. Belfast.-Irish point lace head-dress, collars, and lappets; real point lace berthe, collars, and lappet; handkerchief, &c. of applique. LACE AND EMBROIDERY, INCLUDING CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. 69 [ 1 841 MCCULLOCH, Mrs. 15 Nth. Cumberland St. Dublin.—Cheval screen; table and picture, worked by exhibitor. 851 NAIRN, T. G. Limerick, Manu.-Blue em- broidered frock for the Royal Horse Artillery, and scarlet embroidered vest, worn under the frock. 842 M'GEE, J. G. & Co. Belfast.-Gentlemen's richly embroidered vests; ladies' embroidered mantles; full dress court suit, sword, hat, &c. ; military uniform; civic robe; clerical gown, &c. 852 NICHOLSON, Miss M. Steele, Ontario Terrace, Dublin, Des.-A painted white silk quilt; ink-stand made of leather, ornamented with some of the Irish emblems. 853 OSBORNE, MISS G. Kingstown, near Dublin, Des.-Dahlia and flower mats of crochet work. 843 MCNAUGHT, MISS, 2 Hanover St. Edinburgh. -Cotton bed covers, worked in crochet. 844 MEYER & RICHARDSON, 3 Dawson St. Dub- lin.-Gold laced coatees, uniform waistcoats and over- alls; silk braided military frock; gold epaulettes ; uniform forage caps; hunting caps; and military Highland appointments; brest plates; military and piplomatic swords; regimental dirks; brooches: a silver engraved Highland dirk mounted in ebony; a pair of silver mounted Highland pistols. 845 MIDDLETON & ANSWORTH, Norwich and Lon- don, Manu.-Checked satin and Norwich poplin dresses; Bayadere Barege robes; rich figured Baya- deres; Paramatta dresses, &c. 845 A GIRDWOOD, J. Belfast, Manu.- Matting made of the Typha Latifolia. 845B GIRDWOOD, J. Belfast, Imp.-East India carpet, made at Masulipatam. Royal velvet tapestry carpet. 846 MILLAR & BEATTY, 16 Dame St. Dublin, Imp. -Turkey velvet, tapestry, Brussels, and Kiddermin- ster carpeting; stair carpeting; velvet, Mosaic, worsted, and figured hearth-rugs. 846A HOLDEN, JOHN, & Co. Belfast.-Specimens of worked muslin executed in various districts in Ireland. 847 MILLET, MISS H. R. Millbrook, Dundrum, Cashel, Des.-Table cover of Irish tweed, worked in Berlin wool; vase of flowers made of wood shavings ; book of native mosses, in a cover of fancy leather work. 847 A TIGHE, Lady LOUISA, Innistioge.-Specimens of Innistioge lace. 848 MONTGOMERY, MISS, Benvarden, Ballymoney, co. Antrim, Prop.-Crochet work, in imitation of Brussels lace and guipure; specimens of crochet in- sertions and edgings, &c. 849 LADY NAAS, Palmerstown, Naas, co. Kildare, Prop.-Baby's robe, worked by girls in the village of Kill, co. Kildare. 850 NAIRN, M. Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire, (Mr. James Forbes, 5 Eden Quay, Dublin, Agent), Manu.— Floor cloths, in chintz, oak, marble, and granite patterns. 854 PARKER, Mrs. W. 102 Rathmines, Dublin, Prop.-Berlin needlework: Landseer's Temperance; Esther pleading before Ahasuerus; and Joseph pre- senting his father to Pharoah. 855 PERRIN, J. and J. 32 Chancery Lane, Dublin, Manu.-Printed floor cloth. 856 POWELL, Mrs. 15 Westmorland St. Dublin.- Berlin wool work. Capt 857 PURCELL, Mrs. M. Halverstown, Kilcullen, co. Kildare, Prop.-Spanish point lace, wrought at Hal- verstown school; frock, cap, handkerchief, collars, &c. in braid guipure; silk embroidery on cloth and cashmere; sewed muslin work. 858 ROSSMORE, Lady, Rossmore Park.-Speci- mens of lace and embroidery work executed by the children of the Rossmore Estate, co. Monaghan. 859 ROBINSON, J. J. 15 Cork Hill, Dublin, Des. -Court Vest, in the old style of embroidery. 860 Ross, Miss M. Newtownlimavady, co. Lon- donderry, Prop.-Pole screen of black bog oak, enclosing a wreath of cut paper flowers; carved bog oak box for a dressing table, enclosing in the lid a group of cut paper flowers; the wood work by Messrs. Curran, Lisburn, the flowers by the exhibitor. 861 RYAN, Miss C. Prop.-Landscape and figures in Berlin work. 862 RECKLESS AND HICKLING, Messrs. 49 St. Mary's Gate, Nottingham.-Muslin embroidery. 863 RYAN, Mrs. Inch House, Borrisoleigh, co. Tipperary.-Infant's cap and robe in finest crochet point; openwork berthe; caps, collars, and sleeves, &c. in crochet guipure. 864 Saxton, A. 21 Hollow Stone, Nottingham, Manu.-Lace, jacquard, and filet shawls; toilets; antimacassars tray covers; knitted toilets, &c. ; ladies' silk mitts and gloves, embroidered. 865 SEMPSTRESSES' ASSOCIATION, 76 Grafton St. Dublin.-Plain needle work. 866 SHERIDAN, P. 22 & 23 Parliament St. Dub- lin. Mosaic landscapes for walls; Mosaic hearth rugs; Brussels carpets and rugs. 867 SIBTHORPE, Miss FANNY LOUISA, 2 Bank Pl. * 3 70 LACE AND FMBROIDERY, INCLUDING CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. I 書 ​: Limerick.-Scenes in Berlin wool: Cardinal Wolsey and Catherine of Arragon; Death of Douglas-from the Abbot; Haddon Hall in days of Yore; Titian's Daughter, &c. 868 THE SISTERS OF MERCY, Lower Baggot St. Dublin.- Limerick lace dress and Bishop's rochet; guipure flounce, berthes, and sleeves; double point crochet berthe, lappets, sleeves, &c.; embroidered baby's robe, collars, handkerchiefs, &c. Honiton lace crochet collar and sleeves; gold embroidery on white satin. The work of the children of the industrial school of the Sisters of Mercy. 869 SISTERS OF MERCY, Kinsale.-Irish point lace; crochet; Limerick lace; Honiton lace; embroi- dery in silk and gold; feather and maslin flowers; satin stitch embroidery. 870- SMAIL, Mrs. JAMES, 4 George Pl. Plymouth, Prop.-Worsted embroidery: Pharaoh's Horses. 871 HEACOCK, J. 49 Dame St. Dublin, Prop.— Chenile embroidery: Bird of Paradise, and branches of flowers. - 872 SMITH & BABER, Knightsbridge, London, Des. and Manu.-No. 1. Specimen of floor cloth, showing the various stages of the process of manufac- ture, from the raw material of stout canvas to the finished fabric. No. 2. Finished piece of floor cloth with the separate impression made by each print; also the 3 prints by which the pattern was executed. 873 SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF IRISH MANU- FACTURE AND INDUSTRY, 33 Anglesea St. Dublin.— A glass case containing specimens of needle-work executed in the Training School of the Society. 874 STEPHENSON, Miss MARGARET, 54 Meath St. Dublin.-Couverte, in netting work. 875 STOKES, S. Kevin St. Police Barrack, Dublin, Prop.-Table cloth of mosaic cloth work, detailing the life of a British soldier, containing 250 figures, and consisting of small pieces of cloth fine-drawn together. Pictures of the same work.. 876 SYMES, Miss CHARLOTTE, Roseville, Clane.— Table cover made of feathers, principally Irish, but some Indian, embroidered and lined with silk. 877 TAYLOUR, Miss L. Corballis, Drogheda, Prop. -Fire-screen, with family arms emblazoned thereon in needlework. 878 THOMSON, W. Stonehaven, Des. and Manu.—— Strong cover carpeting, made of wool engine waste. 879 TODD, BURNS & Co. 47 Mary St. Dublin, Prop.-Specimens of Irish fronting linens, bleached by a new process, occupying only 10 days; Irish cam- bric handkerchiefs; muslin leno curtains; Limerick lace; Coventry ribbons; Irish needlework and crochet lace; upholstery ornaments, with chair in Irish needle- work; foreign and British printed muslins, silks and shawls; historical piece, in Irish needlework, in gilt frame. 879a Drawing and dining-room curtains in French brocatelle with gold cornices; library curtains, of crim- son damask, of Irish manufacture, with gold cornices; bed-room curtain, in French printed Tournay, with patent noiseless pole and rings; rich brass and iron tube bedsteads, with specimens of damasks; patent Axminster carpets. 880 TOWNSEND, G. Friars Walk, Exeter, Des.- Designs for book illustrations, for lace, and for brooches, &c. 881 WARREN, Mrs. H. M. 14 Molesworth Street, Dublin, Prop.-Embroidered counterpane, in needle- work. 882 WELSTED, Mrs. H. S. Ballywaiter, Castle- townroche, co. Cork.-Richly embroidered cambric pocket handkerchief, collar, chemisette, baby's cap, &c. worked in Shanballymore industrial school. 883 WILLIAMS, Mrs. J. E. Home Ville, Rathmines, Dublin.-Berlin wool tapestry: Ossian, and Night and Morning, from Scott's Pirate. 884 WHYTOCK, RICHARD, & Co. Edinburgh.-Spe- cimens of New Tressel Fringe; and Patent Tapestry net for curtains. 885 WoodWARD, H. & Co. Kidderminster, Manu. -Carpets; Tournay velvet pile-style, Persian, Tur- key, Brussels; style, scroll chintz. 886 WHITWELL & Co. Kendall, Manu.-Speci- mens of Kidderminster carpeting. 887 BROWNE, Mrs. CLAYTON, Browne's Hill, Car- low.-Embroidered pocket handkerchief, worked by Miss Mary Hickey, of Johnstown, co. Carlow. 888 BERRY, Rev. E. F. Tullamore, King's co.-- Two worked children's frocks; worked body for ditto; and a pair of knit socks, worked at the Charleville School, Tullamore. 889 ELLIS, LYSTER, Douglas, Isle of Man.- Bird and flowers in Berlin wool, executed by exhi- bitor. 890 MAHER, LOUISA C. Ballinkeel, Enniscorthy, co. Wexford.-Bonnets (Traneen grass); bonnets and hats (rye straw); samples of fancy plaits; mats; basket, plaited. The Traneen grass, being the Cynosurus Cristatus of Linnæus, was cultivated on the Island of Begerin, I PUTARTICLES FOR IMMEDIATE PERSONAL OR DOMESTIC USE. 71 belonging to the Wexford Harbour Embankment Company, was prepared and dyed under Mrs. Maher's directions, and was plaited and made up into hats, bonnets, baskets, and mats, by peasant girls in their own houses: 891 PYNE, ELIZABETH, Honiton, Devon.-Lace veil, Honiton point lace, made on a cushion; Vandyck lace collar; pair of lace sleeves to match the collar, and a chemisette to match the collar and sleeves; Honiton bone lace. 892 SPRATT, Very Rev. JOHN, D.D. 56 Aungier St. Dublin.-Lace work executed by the children of Dr. Spratt's Industrial School in Whitefriar St. 893 TAYLOR, Hon. Mrs. Ardgillan, Balbriggan, county Dublin.-Turkish embroidered table cover, brought from Constantinople by Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, M.P. 893A KAVANAGH, MARY, 52 Meath St. Dublin.- An 66 Ossory" housewife's quilt, fashion of the 18th century; hexagon quilt, containing 4,000 pieces of silk of various colours-both worked by exhibitor. 894 Woods, LOUISA C. Whitestown, Balbriggan, co. Dublin.-Scarlet Turkish embroidered table cover, brought from Constantinople by Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, M.P. 897 APPLEYARD, H. Balbriggan, and 36 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin, Manu.-Plain and lace cot- ton hose, sandals, &c; children's cotton socks; Ber- lin wool shirts; cotton drawers, woollen vests. 898 BAIRD, J. H. 11 Upper Ormond Qy. Dublin, Manu.-Patent leather, and plain Wellington and top boots; double soled and cork-soled boots; elastic spring dress boots, in satin, Irish tabinet, prunella, and patent cloth; buttoned and laced boots in variety; plain and patent leather shoes, &c.; all manufactured on the diagonal-pegged system. 899 BARACLOUGH, Lichfield St. Tamworth, Staf- fordshire, Inv. and Manu.-Patent dress shoes, top and side lining in one piece; ladies' and gentlemen's waterproof boots, with elastic gore, for tender feet and weak ancles, &c. 900 BAXTER, R, West gate, Thirsk, Yorkshire, ARTICLES FOR IMMEDIATE PERSONAL OR DOMESTIC USE. · 894 A TUCKETT, Miss, BristolA crochet couns terpane. benimdeg" hys 895 BELFAST INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL-Valenciennes lace; English lace-manufactured in the Industrial School, Frederick St. Belfast (the first ragged school in Ireland, established 1847), by children, most of whom are under twelve years of age, and none. of whom have received more than ten months' instruction, some only three or four. 895 A BLACKWELL, ELIZABETH, 6 Henry St. Dub- lin, Exhibitor.-A piece of embroidery, mounted as a cheval screen, designed and worked by exhibitor. ► 898 O'CONNOR, Mrs. ELEANOR, 44 Denzille St. Dublin, Des.-An embroidered Brussells lace dress. 896A TRENCH, Hon. Mrs. HENRY, and Mrs.. FRED- RICK, Cangort Park, Shinrone, Patronesses of Cangort Park and Cloghjordan Schools.-Lady's embroidered collar; infants' embroidered body. 896B VEEVERS, Mrs. Industrial School.-Shawl, from nettles, bleached; scarf from daisies, bleached; polka, from japonnica, bleached; parasol, from sweet pea, bleached; polka, from marsh mallow; parasol, from nasturcium; parasol, from convolvulus; ten speci- mens of flax from fibres of plants; cloth manufactured from the wild bog-down, mixed with wool. Inv. and Manu.-Pair of promenade boots, with clogs and springs; pair of skating boots with springs, &c. 901 BAXTER, WILLIAM, 89 Grafton St. Dublin.-- Ladies' and gentlemen's boots and shoes. 902 BERRALL, W. & SON, 60 and 61 Marylebone Lane, London, Manu.-Walking, hunting, racing, and dress boots; ladies' and children's boots and shoes; samples of blocked boot fronts. 903 BOARDMAN, J. F. 92 Grafton St. Dublin.- Shirts. 904 BROWN & SHERLOCK, Westmoreland St. Dublin, Manu.-Hunting, dress, and Wellington boots; embroidered slippers; walking, shooting, and dress buskins; and patent hollow trees and shapes for boots. 905 BROWN & PAYNE, 12 Lr. Sackville St. Dublin, Manu, and Imp.-Hunting scarlet coat, cord waist- 72 ARTICLES FOR IMMEDIATE PERSONAL OR DOMESTIC USE. } ! coat, and improved breeches; full dress, evening suit; walking suit; Irish frieze, alpaca, and Venetian paletots; Lama coat; clerical coat and waistcoat; fancy plaid trowsers; vests of tabinet, cloth, silk, &c. 905A JONES, EDWARD, 23 College Gn. Dublin.- Shirts, collars, &c. 906 BURKE, T. 24 Patrick St. Limerick.-Limerick gloves in walnut shells; Gentlemen's colored kid gloves; white and colored buck and doe gloves; white and colored dog-skin gloves, and ladies' gloves of all kinds. M 906A HIGGINS, JOHN, Nassau St. Dublin.-Ladies' boots and shoes. 907 BUTLER, W. B. 31 Castle St. Dublin, Manu. -Silk, velvet, and beaver hats; summer hats; cloth caps, and numerous other articles. 907A O'LOUGHLIN, Mrs. 29 Nth. Gt. George's St. Dublin.-Stays. 908 CAMPBELL, H. 35 Grafton Street, Dublin, Manu.-White and blue satin stays. 909 CARLETON & SON, 33, Castle Street.-Ladies' boots and shoes. 910 CARRINGTON, S. and T. Stockport, Manu.- Beaver and felt summer hats; satin plush hats, sport- ing felt hats, waterproof and flexible; ladies' satin plush, beaver, and nap felt riding hats; ladies', girls', boys', and children's beaver and felt bonnets, hats, &c. 911 COLES, W. F. 61 Paul Street, Finsbury, London, Manu.-Fleecy and chamois cork socks; Lap- land and lambskin socks, &c. 912 COLLINGS, J. 14, Gt. Ormond Street, Blooms- bury, London, Inv. and Mauu.-An arm pad or artificial knee for tailors to rest their arms on, to work while sitting upright upon a chair, entirely superseding the necessity of cross-legged sitting. 913 CONDON, Miss 96 Patrick Street, Cork, Manu. -Ladies' and gentlemen's kid gloves. 914 CRAIG & SON, M. Dublin, Manu.-Ladies' brown Balbriggan, lace, and embroidered hose; gentle- men's cotton hose, and Balbriggan half hose, plain, ribbed, and embroidered; cotton and silk drawers and vests; Recamier lamb's wool; gentlemen's plain and fancy shirts. 915 CREAK, J. Wisbeach, Inv. and Manu.-Ox- ford shoes, screw bottomed, made without welts or stitches; waterproof shooting boots, screw bottomed; leather gaiters. 916 CROTTY, J. 24 Lr. Bridge St. Dublin, Manu. and Exp.-Ladies' stays. 917 DAWSON, W. 14 Duke St. Dublin, Manu.- Top, hunting, patent leather, cork soled, and plain boots; buskins and shoes in variety; ladies' leather buskins; a pair of shoes without a seam; a pair of buskins with screw bottoms. 918 DELANY, J. 13 Lr. Sackville St. Dublin, Des. and Prod.-A new garment which can be worn either as coat or cloak; Roman full dress clerical coat of Irish manufacture; trowsers in different materials; embroidered vests in gold, silver, and silk, from original designs; walking coats and paletots; vestings and other woollens. 919 DOYLE, J. 38 Mary St. Dublin, Manu.— Ladies' and gentlemen's boots and shoes. 920 DOYLE, M. 7 Wells St. Jermyn St. St. James London, Des. and Prop.-Elastic stays. 921 DUGGAN, J. 14 Capel St. Dublin, Prop.- Men and women's cotton hose; cotton drawers and vests, &c. 922 DUMAS, V. 18 Dawson St. Dublin, Imp. and Manu.-A variety of French corsets, with figure and busts showing effect of same. 923 FULTON A. 104 Argyle St. Glasgow.-Felt and satin hats; the self fitting ventilator hat. 924 GAHAGAN, J. R. 34 Henry St. Dublin, Manu. -Stays and corsets. 925 HALL, J. SPARKES, 308 Regent St. Manu.— Ancient, British, and Roman shoes and sandals; Anglo-Saxon shoes and boots of the 7th century; Norman half boots of Robert (the Conqueror's eldest son); decorated shoes of the 11th century; Richard Cœur de Lion's boots; Norman shoes, with long pointed toes and chains; long pointed shoes, worn by Richard, constable of Chester, in the reign of Stephen; King John's boots, richly decorated with circles; Henry the Third's boots, copied from his tomb in Westminster Abbey,; St. Swithin's shoes, rights and lefts; elegant shoes of the time of Edward I.; Shoes with blue, red, and white stockings; shoe of the time of Richard II.; boot of the time of Edward III.; shoes of Henry VIII. and the Earl of Surrey, with wide toes; boots of the time of Charles 1 and II.; boots and high-quartered shoes, William and Mary; shoes during the reigns of George I. II. and III. ;- The Duchess of York's shoe, 5 inches long; Her Majesty's boots, shoes and overshoes; Prince Albert's boots; the Princesses' boots. 926 HARKNESS, A. Conyngham Road, Manu.— Military, naval, and constabulary officers' cloth caps, with silk covers; japanned silk, cloth, tweed, and al- paca caps; boys' caps, in variety; horsehair caps, &c. 1 * "% ARTICLES FOR IMMEDIATE PERSONAL OR DOMESTIC USE. 927 HATTON & SMYTH, Messrs. 36 & 37 Lower Abbey St. Dublin, and George's Hill, Balbriggan.—- "Balbriggan hosiery.” 928. JACKSON, BROTHERS, 46 Castle Street, Liver- pool, Inv. and Prop.-Satin dress waistcoat, covered with Honiton point lace, with patent button fastener. 929 JENNETT, J. 25 & 26 Essex Quay, Dublin, Manu.-Boot and glove trees and stretchers. 930 KELLY, R. 16 College Green, Dublin.-Boots and shoes. 931 KELLY, J. 98 High Street, Kilkenny.-Hunt- ing breeches. 932 Langdale, H. 57 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London, Prop.—Juvenile and infantine boots and shoes, in variety of form and material; stiffened boots for the support of weak ancles; (the needlework by Ann and Helen Langdale). 933 LAWLOR, W. 11 Lower Exchange Street, Dublin, Manu.-Portable boot tree; improved buskin trees; men and women's lasts. 934 LEES, A. Manchester, Manu. -Boys' and men's hats, in alpaca, silk, &c. 935 LEMAN, L. 6 Eden Quay, Dublin, Manu.— Benedictine cloaks; vestments, in different patterns; preaching stoles, &c. 936 MACDONA, G. 32 Molesworth St. Dublin, Prod.-Queen's Own Royal Dublin Militia uniform; Prince of Wales' tunic; morning and fishing suit self-supporting drawers, with patent spring; safety travelling vest, capable of inflation, and of sustaining the body in the water; embroidered vests worked in Lady Emma Vesey's industrial schools; a new design for military trowsers, to give the appearance of height to men of low stature; Irish tweeds, and Llama friezes; tabinet vests, embroidered in the industrial school patronised by the Lady of the Rev. Mr. Maturin; clerical garments in variety. 937 MACDONA, G. 32 Molesworth St. Dublin, Agent for H. J. & D. NICOLL, 114 to 120 Regent St. and 22 Corn Hill, London, Prod.-Irish poplin paletôt; waterproof and registered two guinea paletôt, the best garment of any kind for which protection was sought by manufacturers, under the designs' act, (6 and 7 Vic. chap. 65); morning coat, exhibited for its cheapness and good quality, (registered); patent regi- mental great coat, which gives comfort and much safety to the soldier; coat of mail to resist the poisoned arrow, or assagai of South Africa, (manufactured for Messrs. Nicoll); CANADIAN COAT worn by the habitant, manufactured by Messrs. Nicoll); MORNING COAT AND 73 VEST united, (registered); PATENT TROWSERS AND VEST to supersede the use of braces-The Toga, (registered); DRESSING DRESS for medical men and invalids; cloak cane (waterproof cape concealed in a walking stick); Russian cape, made in all its stages by machinery; dry seat coat, with a cushion in skirt, (patented); LADY'S FLOAT CLOAK, for preservation of life from shipwreck, (patented). 938 MACDONA, GEORGE, 32 Molesworth St. Ex- hibitor; Messrs. Davies, Sons, & Evans, Stone House Mills, Stroud, Manu.-Nash scarlet cloth, finest made; shell scarlet for undress; royal white for dress; im- perial scarlet for Russian full dress uniforms; wool dyed electoral black cloth. 939 M'COMAS & SON, 2 Lr. Abbey St. Dublin, Des. and Prop.-Deputy-lieutenant's uniform; court dress; dress coats; embroidered vests and trowsers; Albanian scarlet cloth embroidered dressing-gown; Albanian embroidered caps; the Hibernian reversible embroidered Toga; "The Eblana Morning Coat" (of Irish manufacture); the Hibernian paletot and summer overcoat; lady's embroidered riding habit and mantle, and a specimen of needlework of Joseph presenting his father to Pharoah, by L. H. 940 M'CLUSKEY, J. Keadue, Carrick-on-Shannon. -Hosiery and shirts. 941 MEEHAN, W. 48 Beresford St. Dublin, Manu. -Ladies' and gentlemen's kid gloves; dressed kid skins-all manufactured from Irish skins. 942 MERRY, J. 4 Chesnut Pl. Lr. Clanbrassil St. Dublin, Manu.-Cockades, with leather fans-Lord Lieutenant's and other patterns; parchment cockades, with parchment fans; cockades of the Queen's pat- tern, and of various other descriptions and sizes. 943 MITCHELL, F. 8 Cartwright St. Royal Mint St. London, Inv. and Manu.-Gentlemen's riding boots, with spurs on a new principle; button shoes; ladies' riding boots; spurs, showing the improved action. 944 Morgan, J. 9 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.— Hats, racing caps, &c. 945 MORRISON, A. and W. & Co. Dublin, Manu.— Dunstable, rice, plain and fancy Tuscan bonnets; ladies' boots and shoes. 946 MORRISON, H. & SON, 27 Castle St. Dublin, Manu. Hats of various shapes and sizes. 947 MORAN, M. 13 Stephen's Green, N. Dublin, Manu.-Hosiery of various descriptions and qualities: hose, half-hose, socks, drawers, elastic web vests, &c. ; shirts and collars; cotton and silk web braces; ladies' and gentlemen's kid gloves in variety. + 71 ARTICLES FOR IMMEDIATE PERSONAL OR DOMESTIC USE. P 948 NELSON, J. Holloway, near London, Des. and Manu.-Boots warranted to wear in centre of sole, the first heel to last the sole out, thereby superseding the use of half irons and revolving heels. 948A DONEGAN, J. 32 Dame St. Dublin.-Suit of vestments, cloth of gold, of French manufacture ; specimens of silk and trimmings of Irish manufacture. 949 NOLAN, M. 52 Henry St. Dublin, Prop.- Baby's pelisse of embroidered cashmere; boy's dress of velvet and Irish poplin; girl's dress of lace ànd Irish poplin; boy's hat of embroidered cashmere; baby's hood of cashmere, embroidered. 950 O'DONOGHUE, J. 8 Bachelor's Quay, Cork, Manu.-Timber clog soles; timber soled Blucher boots and shoes; clothiers' and hatters' jack cards, with brass and iron teeth. 951 Parker, J. 35 Dame St. Dublin, Manu.- Ladies' and gentlemen's light and strong boots and shoes in variety. 952 PEYTON, J. C. 17 Up. Ormond Quay, Dublin, Manu-Hunting and riding boots rendered water- proof by saturation in a chemical fluid; regulation dress boot for the 11th Hussars; stage boot, costume of the reign of Louis XVI.; racing, shooting, and other boots; lace shoe for curling. 953 POIROTTE, F. 12 Suffolk St. Dublin, Imp.— Ladies' French shoes and boots. 954 ROBINSON, E. M. Stephen's Green, Dublin, Manu.-Model of exhibitor's house, containing minia- ture patterns of the various articles of ladies' under- clothing, baby linen, Irish stays; straw bonnets and hats; milinery in caps and bonnets; dresses, and gentlemen's shirts of Irish manufacture. 955 ROGERS & BAKER, 71 Grafton St. Dublin. Manu-Habit de chase; dress and morning coats; paletots; vests of Irish tissue, poplin, &c.; dress and promenade trowsers, of Irish tweeds and doeskins. 956 SamuelsON, E. 56 Dawson St. Dublin, Des. -Irish embroidered dress trowsers in a new style. 957 SHEILS & Scorт, 28 & 29, Castle St. Dublin, Manu.-Ladies' and children's boots and shoes. · 958 SPACKMAN, W. Victoria St. Belfast, Manu.— Sewing Machine, and articles of clothing made by it. ; 959 SILVERLOOK, H. 11 Trinity St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.--Boots and shoes, strong, light, and dress model of a life guardsman's leg and boot, with head of the late Duke of Wellington, and other ornaments, cut out of a solid piece of wood, by the exhibitor. 960 SUPPLE, J. 98 Quay, Waterford.-Gloves. 961 THOMPSON, A. 26, St. Andrew St. Dublin.— Clergymen's and lawyer's robes. 962 THRESHER & GLENNY, 152 Strand, (next Somerset house) London, Inv. and Manu.-Thresher's India gauze, (the lightest material made); waistcoats for gentlemen and ladies; cashmere; silk and thread hosiery. 963 TOLLET, G. Betley Hall, near Newcastle, Staffordshire, Prop.-Mantle with feather-work border, &c. ; feather-work tippets, trimmed with goose down ; muff and victorine made of the tail feathers of China fowl; a muff and boa made of goose down (Minniver pattern); with many other articles of feather-work; muffetees, knit by a lady in the 93rd year of her age. 964 WATKINS, JOSEPH D. 77 Dame St. Dublin.- Buckskin hunting breeches; buckskin hunting vest.; goatskin riding or driving gloves. 965 WEBB, T. & Co. 35 & 36 Up. Sackville St. Dublin, Wholesale Manu.-Boots and shoes; coats; vests; trowsers; shirts; collars; drawers; socks; gloves, &c. 966 WEBB & Co. J. H. 12 and 13 Up. Bridge St. Dublin, Manu.-Men's, women's, and children's boots and shoes. 967 WRIGHT, J. 33 Westmoreland St. Dublin, Manu.-Hats, caps, and children's fancy felts, &c. and other articles connected with the hatting trade. 968 WRIGHT & OXLEY, 8 Lr. Sackville St. 'Dublin. -Hats, hunting caps, &c. 969 WRIGHT & STANLEY, Dublin and Mespil, Manu. -Silk, beaver, and felt hats; military and court hats; with specimens of materials used in the manufacture of the above. ** HEADER 75 CUTLERY AND EDGED, TOOLS..\"} DOGA. + : CUTLERY AND EDGED TOOLS. 970 ALGOR, J. Eldon St. Sheffield, Manu.-Knives, in variety, for Shoemakers, Cooks, Butchers, Spinners, Painters and Glaziers; Farriers' drawing knives; cur- riers' and butchers' steels; plumbers' shave hook; saddlers' half-moon knife. 971 BAKER, W. 14 Allen St. Clerkenwell, Lon- don, Manu.-Brad awls; awls for sieve and cage makers, bookbinders, saddlers, and shoemakers; shoe awls for pegged boots; marking and seat awls; gun- smiths' wood awls; curriers' and cabinet-makers' scraper steels; shoemakers' tacks. 972 FIRMIN & SONS, Strand, London.-Swords and heraldic devices. 973 Bates, J. 62 Sth. Gt. Georges's St. Dublin, Manu.-Razors mounted in tortoiseshell handles, pearl, bog oak, ivory, and buffalo; razors in the rough, from the bar, showing the superfine quality of the steel. Penknives and table knives in the process of manufac- ture. Improved Irish balance table knives; also a newly invented carving fork and knife sharpener together. Masticating knife, and card of miniature razors and penknives. Irish manufactured razor strops. Bread knives mounted in bog oak. 974 BRADFORD, S. Clonmel, Des. and Manu.— Model of a cutler's workshop; razors, in tortoiseshell, pearl, ivory, and horn handles; razor strops; pen, pocket, pruning, clasp, hunting, and sportsmen's knives; daggers; bowie knives; portable knife and fork, with transferring blades, &c.; bread knife, with ivory handle, carved by exhibitor; case of veterinary instru- ments; tobacco cutter, and cucumber slicer, (invented- by exhibitor); skates, of improved pattern; large show knife and fork. 4 975 BOOTH, J. and J. 35 Golden Lane, Dublin, Prop. An assortment of plough planes, sash and side fillisters, moulding and bench planes, manufactured by them. Specimens of hard woods for turning, &c.; Ivory and Sea-horse teeth. 975A Cowan, B. & S. 164 Fenchurch St. London, (per J. Parkes).-Cutlery. 976 ELLIN, T, & Co. Sheffield, Manu.-Specimens of blistered, cast, shear, and coach spring steel; bread ? A •T ANO 1 -oralf knives, carving and table knives and forks of various patterns, and with handles of mother-of-pearl, ivory, fancy woods, horn, and bone; cooks' and butchers' knives and steels; table steels; shoemakers', glaziers' farriers', cork and leather cutters' knives; office, pocket, bowie, pruning, sportsmen's, and numerous other knives; scissors; sickles and reaping hooks; the " corn crake" sickle; the original Sheffield whittle, (Chaucers); table knife of 50 years ago, ox-bone handle, common point blade; large venison carving knife, and other articles of cutlery. 977 HANNAH, A. Calton, Glasgow, Manu.— Thompson's screw shell and single twist augers; braces, bits, and other boring tools; claw clinch; ve- neering, and rivetting hammers; turning tools, &c. 978 HENSHAW, T. & Co. 81 Abbey St. Dublin.— Galvanized chain and anchor. 979 HILLIARD & CHAPMAN, 56 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Inv. and Manu.-The gigantic table knife ; registered improved table knife of 1851, with invisibly locked-fast handle; skeleton of the improved table knife, showing the principle of the invention; shear- carving knife, for carving fowls, &c.;, the great Clydes- dale razor; the people's razor, remarkable for its cheapness; the organic razor; guard razors, and other new instruments for shaving; case of 7 razors, one for each day in the week; the valise strop, containing a complete shaving apparatus; gentleman's improved portable dressing case; newly constructed sportsmen's knives; a variety of knives, scissors, &c.; buffing ma- chines for cleaning knives; surgical instruments; Clendon's tooth forceps; speculi; patent stomach pump; trusses, &c. 980 HUDSON, J. 35 Button Lane, Sheffield.- Cutlery. 981 HUNTER, M. & SON, Talbot Works, Sheffield, Manu.-Solid cast steel table cutlery; plated dessert knives; scissors; razors; penknives; sportsmen's Wharncliffe and pocket knives; saws, files, edge and joiner's tools; axes; butcher knives and steels; shoe knives; adzes. 982 HUTTON & NEWTON, Highlane, near Sheffield, " 4 76 GLASS. † Manu-Sickles; sharping and patent hooks; scythes; hay and straw knives. 983 MATHIESON, ALEXANDER, & SON, Saracen's Lane, Glasgow, Manu.-Bench planes in boxwood; fillister planes in ebony; plows with steel bridles and side screws; assortment of various kinds of planes; screw augers; brace screw bits; turning chisels and gouges; improved holdfast; pianoforte key maker's tools; braces handsomely mounted; fancy turning tools; hammers; with numerous other tools. 984 PARKER & THOMPSON, 20 Rockingham St. Sheffield, Inv. and Manu.-Joiners' tools, comprising braces and bits, squares, bevils, spokeshaves, gimblets, augers, turnscrews, gauges, spirit levels, screw boxes, saw setts, saw pads, brad awl pads and tools, patent angular boring pad, turning saw and frame; cucumber slicer with silver plated cutter, &c.; Thompson's patent gutta percha skates. : 992 CAREY, T. & Co. Carey's Lane, Cork.-Chiňa and glass. 993 CHANCE, BROTHERS, & Co. Birmingham, Manu. -FIRST ORDER FIXED DIOPTRIC LIGHTHOUSE APPA- RATUS, with catadioptric zones, constructed according to the system of Augustin Fresnel: the lamp in the centre of the apparatus on the moderator principle, consisting of a burner with four concentric wicks, and is of immense power; the light in clear weather is visible 50 miles distant. GLASS. CONCENTRIC POLYZONTAL LENS, eight of which, arranged octagonally, constitute the revolving portion of a first order dioptric revolving light. FOURTH ORDER DIOPTRIC LIGHTHOUSE APPARATUS, similar to the first order light, but on a reduced scale, suitable for lighting the entrance to harbours, rivers, &c. visible at a distance of 15 miles. ANNULAR AND CYLINDRICAL LENSES FOR RAILWAY AND SHIP LANTERNS. 985 HIGGINS, F. Hatton Garden, London. - Knives and forks. 986 STANIFORTH, T. Hackenthorpe, near Sheffield, Manu.--Sickles, hooks, scythes and hay knifes. 987 STEWART, C. & Co. 22 Charing Cross, London. -Cutlery. 988 THOMPSON, W. Dame St. Dublin, Manu. - Cutlery and surgical instruments. 989 THOMPSON, S. & Co. 7 Henry St. Dublin, Manu. -Carving, table, and dessert knives; pen and sporting knives; razors in pearl handles and in cases; four sided razor strops; patent cork screws; surgical instruments. 994 BISHOP, S. & C. & Co. St. Helen's, Lancashire. -Circular top for an ornamental table, of plate glass, embossed and silvered. Embossed silvered plate of glass, intended for a cabinet panel or for fire screens. 990 TYZACK, J. Wells, Norfolk, Inv. and Manu.— Tyzack's British razor, ground out of the solid steel, (requiring no grinding). 991 WATKINS, W. Westgate, Bradford, Yorkshire. -Cutlery. ་ 995 CLYDE BOTTLE WORKS Co. St. Rollox, Glasgow. -Black and green glass bottles. 996 DAVIS, S. Dublin, Prop.-Glass shades; table crown glass; samples of bent glass. 997 THE DUBLIN GLASS BOTTLE Co. North Lotts, Dublin, Manu.-Black and green glass bottles, imperial and wine measure, &c. ; castor oils, various shades and sizes. Flasks, various sizes and colours; oval and flat shaped bottles; carboys; druggists' bottles ; wide- mouthed powder and tincture bottles; ginger beer and soda water bottles, flat bottomed and egg shaped; seltzer water amber coloured bottles. 998 HOLLAND, Warwick.-Specimens of glass staining, and mural decorations. 999 GIBSON, J. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Des. and Manu.-Windows of stained glass in the early Norman style; stained glass, (Saint Marie reading, after Jan Van Eyk); byzantine window; a decorated window, (from St. Jacques, Liege); a perpendicular win- dow. 1000 HALL, J. T. Prescot, Lancashire, Manu.— Four light cut glass chandeliers, with crystal prisms and chains complete. CHINA AND PORCELAIN. · 77 1001 HOWARD, BROTHERS, North Woolwich, near London.-Glass. 1002 KEAN, R. 27 Wells St. Oxford St. London, Prop.-Glass jug, decanters, goblets, and wine glasses, engraved in various designs by exhibitor. 1003 LAING, J. 8 Calton Hill, Edinburgh, Des. and Manu. Specimens of enamelled glass, suitable for professional signs and decorations. 1004 LOWE, E. 13 Marlborough St. Dublin, Manu. -Stained glass window, containing specimens of foliated ornament, landscapes, figures and heraldry. 1005 MEIN, A. Glasgow, Manu.-Glass bottles, imperial and wine measure; oil bottles of various sizes; bottles, with Beltzung's patent screw neck and capsule; soda water and other bottles. - 1006 MONTEAGLE, LORD.-Plateau of glass, pre- sented by the glass manufacturers of Great Britain to Lord Monteagle, when Chancellor of the Exchequer. 1007 Ross, W. A. & Co. High St. Belfast, Manu.— Epergnes, manufactured from Irish sand. 1008 Ross, W. A. & Co. High St. Belfast Pillar, showing eight different descriptions of watch glasses in their various sizes, supported and surmounted by the crystal balls from which they are made. 1009 RICE, HARRIS & SON, Islington Glass Works, Birmingham.-Coloured and ornamental glass; ruby jug; opaque yellow toilet; opal vase; ruby vase and cover; vases in great variety of colour and design; opal painted jugs and goblets; ruby and flint tazza; engraved goblet vase and cover. 1010 CLEINPETER, F.-Enamel glass brooches. 1 1018 BELL, J. & M.P. & Co. Glasgow Pottery, Glas- gow, Manu.-Dinner services, in pearl and stone ware ; dessert service in pearl ware; tea service in porcelain ; toilet services, in various styles; jugs, in pearl ware and Parian; salt-cellar, (shell and dolphin) in Parian ; candlesticks, in pearl ware; Ariosto's inkstand, after the antique, in Parian; cornucopias (stag's head,) after the antique, in pearl ware; vases, in Parian, pearl ware, and terra-cotta; bust of Jenny Lind; statuettes of Dante, Petrarch, Kilmeny, (from the Queen's Wake, 1011 RICHARDSON, B. Wordsley, nr. Stourbridge, England, Manu.-One set of pure crystal glass dishes, richly cut, for dessert; consisting of one 12 inch centre and stand, four 10 inch dishes, four 9 inch dishes, four 8 inch dishes. 1012 RIGG I. & SON, Glasgow.-Crystal gasiliers for four, six, and eight lights. 1013 SILLERY, M. & R. 107, Abbey St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.—Stained glass windows; embroidered looking glasses. · 1014 THOMAS & HIGGINBOTHAM, Dublin.-Glass drawing-room lustre. Gold colour Chandelier. Parian china vases, figures, groupes, &c. Celtic china dinner, dessert, and toilette suits. Specimen patterns of china services. A bronze pillar hall lamp, eight feet high, with three burner lamp. Numerous works of art. Engraved glass cup vase, "fighting for the standard at the battle of Marston Moor." 1015 THOMPSON, F. H. 48 Berner's St. Oxford St. London.-Specimens of silvered glass. . 1016 WARREN, S. 28 Dame St. Dublin, Prop.- Specimens of richly-cut flint glass, manufactured at the Dublin Flint Glass Works. CHINA AND PORCELAIN. Maddy O 1017 WHYTE, W. 4 Marlboro' St. Dublin.-A ruby coated vase, richly cut, made by Percival Yeates & Co. and engraved by Bohm, representing Richard Cœur de Lion and Saladin at the Battle of Ascalon; cut and engraved decanters; dinner and dessert glass, in variety; candle lustres and flower vases; specimens of spun glass, &c. and modelled by Mossman), in Parian; balustrade and large vases in terra-cotta; fancy flower pots in majolica ware; with other articles in Parian, porcelain, iron- stone, &c. 1019 LYGON, GENERAL, the Hon. EDWARD, Spring Hill, Broadway, Worcestershire, Prop.-Specimens of foreign and British porcelain from the collection of the Hon. General Edward Lygon :- 1. Two large vases, old Sevres, richly gilt, on a "Bleu de Roi" ground, painted with mythological * } 787 CHINA 'AND PORCELAIN. 亨 ​subjects round the centre; trophys in panel on the neck. 2. Two large vases, Dresden, dark blue ground, with gold, painted with battle pieces. " 3. Two cups and saucers. 1 Cappo di Monté.” 4. One cup and saucer, and cover, old Sevres, torquoise and gold; painted birds. 5. One cup and saucer, old Sevres, "Bleu de Roi" and gold, painted with Watteau subjects. 6. One coffee cup and saucer, old Sevres, "Bleu de Roi" and gold, painted with portrait of Van Dyck and geni. 7. One coffee cup and saucer, old Sevres, "Bleu de Roi” ground, jewelled and gilt, painted with female head and geni. 8. Two coffee cups and saucers, old Sevres, "Bleu de Roi," gilt and jewelled. 25. One jewel tray, old Worcester. 26. One tea pot, old Dresden, yellow ground, painted with figure subjects. 27. One small dish, old Dresden, gilt border, painted with birds. · 28. One plate, old Sevres, torquoise ground, painted · with birds and flowers. 29. One plate, old Dresden, pierced border rope, flat verge-subject painted in centre. 30. One plate, old Dresden, pierced border ribbon on verge-head painted in centre. 31. One oval coffee cup, old Dresden, solid gold ground-subject painted in green on the gold. 32. One square lamp, old Sevres, green ground -subjects painted in panels. 33. One large box, Dresden, May flowers. 34. One small tea pot, old Sevres, Rose du Barry, 9. One coffee cup and saucer, old Sevres, torquoise jewelled and gilt-painted with female head. ground, gilt and jewelled. 10. One coffee cup, old Dresden, chocolate ground, painted wreaths and basket of flowers. 35. One octagon plate, old Sevres, torquoise ground, painted with group of figures in centre, and 4 groups of flowers. 11. One oval cup and saucer, old Dresden, painted flowers, in solid gold ground, small figure, subjects painted in panels. 12. One ditto; the same, but with green ground. 13. One cup and saucer, Dresden, with raised flowers, gilt, painted with figure subjects. 14. One cup and saucer, Dresden, May flower, gilt inside, painted subjects inside in panel. 15. One coffee cup and saucer, old Sevres, "Bleu de Roi," richly jewelled and gilt, painted in four panels, with cupids. 16. One coffee cup and saucer, Vienna, Marone ground, flowers on ground, painted with Cupid in panel. 17. One oval cup and saucer, Furstenberg, blue ground, painted with small figure subjects. 18. One cup and saucer, old Sevres, Rose du Barry; scrolls, painted with flowers, gilt. 19. One cup and saucer, without handle, Oriental, raised white flowers; the surface covered with raised gold spots. 20. One coffee cup and saucer, old Sevres, torquoise ground, painted with subjects in one color. 21. One cup and saucer, old Sevres Bleu de Roi, richly gilt, and birds in gold in panel. · 22. One large coffee cup, old Sevres, Bleu de Roi, ground painted with portrait. 23. One coffee cup and saucer, old Worcester. 24. One bottle, old Worcester. 36. One plate, modern Dresden, richly gilt, painted with subjects in panels. 37. One plate old Sevres, Bleu de Roi, ground superbly painted with 5 subjects in panels. 38. One stand, old Sevres, Rose du Barry, painted with trophys and monogram. 39. One stand, old Sevres, Bleu de Roi, finely painted with 5 subjects in panels. 40. One square dish, old Sevres, blue and green ground. 41. One octagon plate, Berlin, broad gold band, painted with trophys in centre-(made for Napoleon). 42. One small cream jug, with cover, Berlin, straw color-painted with subjects in panel. 43. One covered coffee cup and saucer, Berlin, green band, painted subjects. 44. One coffee cup and saucer, old Sevres, green scrolls and painted flowers. 45. One coffee pot, Vienna, green ground, painted basket of flowers at bottom, and flowers twined up. 46. One small vase, two handles, Chelsea, blue and gold, painted with two subjects. 47. One ditto, one handle, Chelsea, blue and gold, painted with one subject. 48. One cup and saucer (large), old Sevres, rose ground and blue lines, and gold painted flowers. 49. One vase and cover, Colebrookdale, Rose du Barry, painted with trophies, richly gilt. 50. One cup and stand, Oriental, raised flowers. + 1 5 CHINA AND PORCELAIN. 797 51. One bason, old Dresden, raised flowers, gilt. 52. One plateau, Berlin, straw color ground, painted with landscape. 53. One cup and saucer, old Derby. 54. One small cup and saucer, painted, Chinese subject. 55. One large cup and saucer, old Sevres, blue and gold. The stand has three wells, beautifully painted. 56. One mug, old Worcester, blue and gold, a match to one in the possession of the Queen. 57. One cup and saucer, old Sevres, yellow ground, painted with cupids and birds in rose color. 58. One plate, Dresden, pierced border, painted with cameo subject in centre. 59. One plate, Vienna, blue and gold, painted centre. 60. One-plate, Sevres, views painted in one color. 61. One cup and saucer, Vienna, blue and gold, painted with subjects of children. 62. One cup and saucer, old Sevres, Rose du Barry green, peacock's feathers on ground. 63. One chalice cup, French, medallion Luther. 64. One covered box, old Sevres, blue and gold, painted with small flowers. 1020 BOURNE, J. & SON, Denby Pottery, near Derby, Manu.-Glazed ware, viz. :-Bottles for ink, blacking, porter, ginger beer, etc.; feet and carriage warmers; jars, jugs, etc. Vases, flower pots, wine, butter, and water coolers, in biscuit ware, manufac- tured from the same clay as the glazed ware. Electric telegraph insulators. 1021 COPELAND, W. T. Manu. Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire: London Depot, 160 New Bond St.— WORKS IN "PORCELAIN SCENERY." :- 1. Group of "Ino and the Infant Bacchus," by J. H. Foley, R.A., from the original marble in the possession of the Earl of Ellesmere. 2. Group of "Burns and Highland Mary." 3. Group of the "Prodigal's Return;" "Father I have sinned," by W. Theed. 4. Statuette " 'Sabrina," by W. C. Marshall, R.A. see Milton's Comus, "the Goatherd;" by the late J. R. Wyatt, R.A. from the original marble in the pos- session of His Grace the Duke of Sutherland. 5. Venus, by John Gibson, R.A. 6. Sappho, by W. Theed, from the original marble; the largest work ever produced in this material. 7. Equestrian statuette of Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, by the Baron Marochetti. 8. Rebekah, by W. Theed. 9. "Ruth Gleaning," by W. Theed. 10. Head of Juno-life size, from the antique 11. Innocence, by J. H. Foley, R.Á. executed as prizes for the Art Union of London. 12. Narcissus, by Gibson, R.A. executed for the Art Union of London. For lua ܝ ܂ 13. The "Dancing Girl Reposing" by W. C. Mar- shall, R.A. executed for the Art Union of London. 30. Little Neli, by Westmacott, Jun. 31. Master Davy, by Westmacott, Jun. 32. The Love Story. 14. Sir W. Scott, reduced copy, from the original colossal statue on the Calton Hill, executed for the Edinburgh Association for the promotion of the fine arts. 15. Groups of graces and cupids as Kanephoroi. 16. H.R.H. the Princess Alice as Spring. 17. H.R.H. the Princess Royal as Summer. 18. H.R.H. the Prince Alfred as Autumn. 19. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales as Winter. This illustrative series from the original models, executed by Mrs. Thorneycroft for the Queen. 20. The Greek Slave, reduced by B. Cheverton, from the original marble by Hiram Powers. 21. The Bather, by Lawlor. 22. Napoleon I. at Fontainbleau, by W. Theed, after the picture by Paul Delaroche. 23. Group of the "Return from the Vintage," consisting of seven figures. 24. Fairy Cap, by Edgar Papworth. 25. The Toilet, from the original by Wichmann. 26. The Indian, by Cumberworth. 27. The Negress, by Cumberworth. 28. The Golden Age, by W. Beattie. 29. The Temptation. 33. Paul and Virginia, group by Cumberworth. 34. Bust of Her Majesty the Queen, by Francis. 35. Bust of the late Duke of Wellington, by the Count Dorsay. 36. Bust of the late Lord George Bentinck, by the Count D'Orsay. 37. Bust of Napoleon I. by W. Theed. 38. Bust of the late Sir R. Peel, by Westmacott, Jun. 39. Bust of Nelson, after Flaxman. 40. Bust of Daniel O'Connell, by J. E. Jones. 41. Variety of busts, statuettes, &c. 42. Group of Graces with basket for flowers, the ornaments enriched with gold. 80 CHINA AND PORCELAIN. I I 1 43. Renaissance flower vase, richly gilt and en- amelled. 44. Jewel Casket, gilt and enamelled. 45. Pierced flower vase, with ruby lining, richly gilt. 46. Group of kneeling females supporting flower basket, enriched in dead and burnished gold. 47. Renaissance jardinieres, with burnished gold and enamelled decorations. 48. Renaissance covered chalice; decorated samples of wall brackets of various designs. WORKS IN PORCELAIN :— 49. Several examples of the "jewelled designs" executed in white and coloured enamels on porcelain vases, tazzi, &c. 50. Several Porcelain vases, enamelled and gilt, with landscape and floral decorations. 51. A large Porcelain vase with Raphaelesque design in colours, and emblematical figure-subject, "Fame,” on gold ground. 52. Set of three china vases with pierced edges, rose- dubarry ground, chased gold panels and "amorini" in front, and "emblems" on the reverse. 53. Numerous samples of dessert plates, in various styles of decoration, including figure, landscape, and floral designs. 54. Various specimen cups and saucers of different designs. 55. Pair of amphoræ and stands, with wreaths of convolvulus and passion flower. 56. Pair of upright vases, with wreaths of flowers. 57. Porcelain slabs for fire place coverings, panels, table tops, &c. 58. Pair of slabs, Raphaelesque design on gold ground; scroll panels in colours; borders in raised gold, chased and burnished; and flowers in centre on blue ground. 59. Panel, Grecian design, in colours and gold, with figure of "Morning" in centre. 60. Several slabs of various designs. 61. Samples of printed earthenware, &c. 1022 DOULTON, J. Jun. Liverpool Pottery, St. Helen's, Lancashire, exhibiting in connexion with H. Doulton & Co. Lambeth, London, Manu.-Terra cotta vases, of various styles and forms, with pedestals; pendant vases; mignionette boxes; laburnum pedestal; ornamental brackets, trusses, and chimney tops; fern cases and ornamental garden pots; all in terra cotta. "Doulton's stone-ware pipes;" stone ware closet pans. 1023 DOULTON & WATTS, Lambeth Pottery, Lon- don, Manu.-Ornamented water filters (in use through- out the Exhibition Building). Large stone jar for chemical purposes; worm for distillation; stone-ware cock for acids; closet pans; registered air-tight stop- pered jars; enamelled spirit jars; figured jugs; oval spirit cask; bottles, with patent screw stoppers; and other articles. 1024 EDMONDSON, J. & Co. Dame St. Dublin-- Ornamental flower pots; Tye's registered hyacinth glasses with flower supports. 1024A DANIELL, A. B. & R. P. 18 Wigmore St. and 129 New Bond St. London.-Variety of orna- mental porcelain vases, trays, inkstands, &c.; speci- mens of plates, and cups and saucers, in Sevres style, "Rose Dubarry," &c.; a pattern plate of the Royal Dessert Service, executed by command of Her Ma- jesty, and presented to the Emperor of Russia. 1025 FERGUSON, MILLER, & Co. Heathfield Glas- gow, Manu. A fountain, height 24 feet. (Central Hall.) 1026 FLOYD, A. 19 Wellington Quay, Dublin.- Stands for shades and figures made of Kilkenny marble. Glass shades and figures, &c. 1027 JAMIESON, J. & Co. Pottery, Boness, N.B.— Earthenware. 1027A BLASHFIELD, J. M. Mill Wall, Poplar, London, Manu.-Figure in terra cotto of Diana, from the antique. Figure in terra cotta of Flora, from model by Bayley. Flower pots in terra cotta of various designs, (by T. M. Blashfield). Suspending flower pot in terra cotta, (designed by T. M. Blash- field). Terra cotta copy of Warwick vase. Terra cotta copy of antique vase. Terra cotta copy of antique terra. Terra cotta Tazza. Terra cotta vase, (designed by T. M. Blashfield). Terra cotta bust of her Majesty the Queen, from a bronze by H. Weigall. Terra cotta bust of the late Duke of Wellington, from a model by H. Weigall. Terra cotta copy of antique bust of Bacchus. Terra cotta copy of antique group of the Niobe. Terra cotta copy of Roubillac's cupid sleeping. Terra cotta Tazza. Terra cotta bowls and terra cotta vase, (designed by T. M. Blashfield). Terra cotta copy of antique vase, (remodelled by Mr. Innes). Terra cotta copy of antique vase, (remodelled by Mr. Pitts). Terra cotta consoles. Terra cotta basket flower pot. Terra cotta flower tray, (designed by T. M. Blashfield). 1028 KERR, W. H. & Co. Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester, Manu.-"The Shakespeare" dessert ser- vice, introducing groups in statuary illustrative of the "Midsummer Night's Dream," modelled by W. B. CHINA AND PORCELAIN. 81 Kirk, A.R.H.A.; manufactured from materials princi- pally the produce of Ireland. "Uncle Tom and Eva," in statuary porcelain, by W. B. Kirk. Bust of the Duke of Leinster, in Irish statuary porcelain, and statuette of Dr. Hahnmann, in porcelain, by the same artist. Busts of W. Dargan, Esq. and Sir Robert Kane, by J. Jones, Esq. in "Irish statuary porcelain." The Moore and Wellington vases, by J. Kirk, A.R.H.A. in Irish statuary porcelain. Vases by Mr. Duffy, Miss Bradshaw, and Mr. Farrell, of the Dublin School of Design. "Topsey," a statuette, by H. M'Manus, Esq. Dublin School of Design. Groups of animals, by Powell, Esq. Dublin School of Design. Wed- ding tray and vase. Specimens of Worcester china, dinner, dessert, breakfast, and tea services. Card trays, exhibiting specimens of painting on porcelain ; dejeune and ink trays, &c.; painted vases; specimens of the old Worcester painting on vases, cabinet, cups, &c. The royal iron stove, as used in the royal navy. Specimens of the raw materials used in the manufac- ture of porcelain, &c. 1029 ROSE, Messrs. J. & Co. Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, Manu.; Gregg and Son, 18 Upper Sackville St. Exhibitors.-China dinner, dessert, and tea services; dinner, dessert and tea services, in celtic body, a new composition; vases, similar to Sevres china; trays, inkstands, &c. similar to Sevres china; jars, beakers, &c. in coloured china; parian statuary group, from the "Faerie Queene;"large Parian pierced vase supported by sea horses; large group of "Puck and companions," from "Midsummer's night dream;" cabinet, dessert plates, and tea cups; new 'supper service," complete. 1030 LEETCH, T. 26 Dame St. Dublin, Imp.— Stone, china, and earthenware, comprising dinner, tea, breakfast, and toilet services, &c.; cut glass decanters, goblets, and wine glasses; large rich cut centre dish and vase; vases, &c. of Bohemian glass. "< 1031 MAYER, T. J. & JOSEPH, Dale Hall, Pottery, Longport, Staffordshire.-Parian statuettes, vases &c. Stone china, real ironstone, opaque porcelain, earthen- ware, &c. 1032 RIDGWAY, J. & Co. Staffordshire Potteries.- China and earthenware. 1033 RUFFORD, F. T. Stourbridge, and 10 Wharf City Road, London (J. Finch), Manu.-Porcelain Bath (Patentees, Rufford and Finch). The body is made with fire clay, the inner surface veneered with porcelain, and glazed as pottery, both white and marble. 1034 TOBIN, T. Ballincollig, co. Cork, Prop.- Modern Sevres Cup and Saucer, painted with portrait and scenes from the life of the Duchess De La Valliere; old Sevres Cup and Saucer, with miniature portrait and monogram of La Princesse de Lamballe. 1035 WALKER, J. Corran, Larne, co. Antrim.— Fire and common bricks; crucibles; common black, ware; jars; Rockingham teapots; cane ware; baking dishes; breakfast and tea services; bowls, wine coolers, porous water jugs. Raw Materials, discovered or brought into com- mercial use by exhibitor, viz. :-Clay, suited for fire-proof wares, for cane and Rockingham wares, and other samples of useful clays; flint, raw and prepared for potters' uses; limestone, and other substances use- ful to potters. 1036 WARREN, C. M. 19 and 30 Essex St. Dublin, Imp.-Large lustre, mounted with crystal prisms; cut glass decanters; claret jugs, caraffes, goblets, wine glasses, tumblers, and champaigne glasses; cut crystal centre dish; foreign ruby and cased glass chimney lustres; vases and tazzas, in various styles; toilet bottles; cased glass claret bottles, &c.; statuettes, group, and bust, in Parian; china, table, dessert, break- fast, tea and coffee, and toilet services; stone and earthenware. 1037 GREGG & SON, 18 Up. Sackville St. Dublin, Imp.-Bohemian ornamental coloured vases ; dessert water jug, opal and snake handle; dessert goblets to match; dessert jug, rub and opal; dessert goblets to match; dessert jug, engraved in flint; dessert goblets to match; rich embossed inkstand, gilt; rich butter coolers and stands; bon bon stands; liqueur sett sand trays, assorted; three pair large mantel piece lustres and drops; three pair smaller mantel piece lustres and drops. French paper weights; china vases, series; toilet bottles, assorted. Dresden figures, coloured. Samples of patent silvered glass; bronze and gold timepiece and bronze groups. 1038 WESTENHOLZ, BROTHERS, London, Imp.- Copies in porcelain of Thorwaldsen's sculptures, pro- duced at the Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Copen- hagen :-Statuettes of Christ; an angel as a font; Ganymede and the eagle; Mercury; Jason; Vulcan; Hebe; dancing girl; shepherd boy; Lord Byron; Love, with lyre; Cupid standing; and Love sharpening his darts, (after a marble statue by W. H. Bissen). F f - 82 MISCELLANEOUS. ¡ 1 1039 ALLOWAY, R. M. The Derries, Ballybrittas, Queen's County.-Specimens of bog or peat, manu- factured in various forms, and for various purposes of use or ornament, by peculiar processes. 1040 BIRCH, E. 1 & 2 Molesworth St. Manu.- Gentlemen's, barristers', and coachmen's wigs; gen- tlemen's scalps; ladies' wigs, plaits, curls on combs, &c.; Birch's hair wash and pomade. 1041 COOPER, Mrs. I. A. M. Newtownbarry, co. Wexford, Prop.-Hat and bonnet plait in imitation of Tuscan, made of the Irish "Traneen" grass in the cottages of the peasantry. 1042 A GASCOIGNE, Mrs. TRENCH-Little temple in ivory; sprig of lace-tatted flowers; glass enamel cabinet work box, painted in Alhambra arabesque. 1043 DINHAM, H. C. 59 Rupert St. London.— Designs worked in human hair, for brooches, lockets, souvenirs, &c. : 1044 FERGUSON, J. H. & Co. 2 Grocer's Hall, Court, Poultry, London, Pat. and Manu.-Water- proof and air-proof fabrics and clothing. 1045 BIRKBECK, E. 209 Gt. Brunswick St. Dublin. -Ladies and Gentlemen's perukes; hair brushes, perfumery, &c. 1046 GALBRAITH, W. H. Sec. to the Ceylon Mining Company, 23 New Broad St. London.-Artificial essences for culinary purposes; extracts for handker- chiefs from flowers and plants; hair oil; pomades; greases; soaps, &c. 1047 HAWKINS, THOMAS, Bishop's Road, London, İnv. Pat. and Manu.-Case of Hawkin's patent brushes, containing specimens of the patent, as ap- plied to stock and distemper brushes, dusters and ground brushes, sash tools and varnish brushes, mott- ler's and badger's hair brushes. 1048 HIGGS, J. S. 34 Abbey St. Dublin, Imp. and Manu. Varieties of wine, porter, soda, and phial corks; jar and puncheon bungs; cork soles. 1049 JERMYN, MARY, Sneem, co. Kerry, Manu.— Shell work baskets, made of shells from Derrynane. 1050 KENT, J. J. & Co. 11 Great Marlborough St. London, Manu.-Hair, clothes, hat, flesh, and bath pod pok MISCELLANEOUS. brushes, tooth, nail, and shaving brushes, in ivory, bone, and a great variety of fancy woods. Brushes for household and stable use; painters' and other brushes. Kent's caoutchouc knife boards, to be used with Batt's knife powder for cleaning knives. 1051 LAIRD, Mrs. SUSANNA, 24 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.-Ladies' and gentlemen's patent skin and gauze wigs, ladies' fronts, &c. 1052 LAIRD, J. 22 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.- Gentlemen's perukes; ladies' head-dresses, fronts, and bands, &c. 1053 LEDWICHE, M. 11 Meeting-house Yd. Dublin. -Brushes. Make mag 1054 LYNCH, A. Suffolk St. Dublin, Manu.-Wigs, fronts, and ornamental hair. 1055 MADDEN & BLACK, 145 Capel St. Dublin, Inv. and Manu.-Ladies' and gentlemen's perukes, with improved gossamer partings. Judge's full dress wig; bench and bar wigs. 1055 A LA TOUCHE, Miss C. Bellevue, Delgany.— Models in elder pith of ancient Irish crosses; Kells, Killamory, Clonmacnoise, Moore Abbey, Kilree. 1056 MAHONY, J. & J. 112 Coombe, Dublin, Manu. -Brushes, of various descriptions. 1057 O'CONNOR, Miss A. Sligo.-Ornaments in horse hair, the work of peasant girls in the co. Sligo. 1058 O'LEARY, J. 53 South Mall, Cork, Manu.— A gentleman's wig; a lady's wig, scalp front, ringlets, and plaits, all of Irish materials. 1059 POWELL, J. H. 15 Westmoreland St. Dublin. -Arabian liquid, (recently discovered by a physician,) for dying human hair from grey or red to brown or black. 1060 PRUVOT, H. 18 D'Olier St. Dublin, Manu.- Wax figures with beards and wigs ; ventilator and pa- tent perukes; curled front with skin division; ban- deaux with gauze net. 1060A DOHERTY, M. A. & T. 36 Castle St. Glasgow.-Horse hair ornaments. 1061 Rock, J. Hastings, Sussex, Exhibitor, J. Smith, Hurstmonceux, Manu.-Sussex truck baskets. م * 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 1081A STEWART, Miss, Rostrevor, co. Down.- Ornaments in hair. 1062 GUILLAUME, H. 11` Suffolk St. Dublin.— Gentlemen's and Ladies wigs; combs and brushes; perfumers, &c. 1062A LAMBERT, R. 13 Goree Piazza, Liverpool, Prop.-Patent ventilated double roofed Australian tent; Lamberts registered gold sifter; Walker's cen- trifugal gold washer; Rigbey's registered cradle. Iron bedsteads, and folding chairs; hair beds; ham- mocks, rugs, blankets; mining and emigrants' tools; portable cooking kitchens; filters, revolvers, bowie knives; money belts; samples of preserved meats and potatoes; and other articles for emigrants, &c. 1063 ROONEY, R. A. & Co. 28 Bishopsgate Street, London and, Brown Hill, brush works, Galway, Manu. -Hair brushes of various qualities, in fancy foreign woods, bone, ivory, tortoiseshell, and prismatic pearl shell; clothes brushes, made in part of new materials; ladies' curl and bandoline brushes; whisker, moustache, tooth, nail, and shaving brushes; hearth brushes; hair brooms; carpet brooms and brushes on a new and improved principle, and partly of new material; Rooney's patent horse brushes; Miller's machine and cylinder brushes; Rooney's improved painters' brushes. 1064 SMITH, J. 328 Rochdale Road, Manchester, Inv.-A novel and useful application in gutta percha (discovered by exhibitor.) 1064A LAMBERT, JAMES, Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Samples of lamp oils; wax, spermaceti, composite and tallow candles; soaps, the raw and manufactured material. 1065 SMYTH, O. 12 Upper Granby Row, Dublin, Manu.-Wicker chair screen, work basket, and soiled clothes basket. 1065 A SHAW, Miss ALEXANDER, Caledon.—Orna- ments made from the pith of the elder tree-Medici vase; a design for a screen; model of a steel chair at Longford castle, given by the city of Augsburg, to Rudolphis 2nd Earl of Germany, 1577; a model vase. 1066 SPARKS, W. S. 115 New Bond St. London, Manu.-India rubber portable fishing and life boat, inflated with air, with sculls, bellows for inflation, &c. to carry three persons, but capable of supporting more than twenty when used as a life buoy ; India rubber portable bath, not affected by heat, &c.; patent surgical elastic silk stocking and knee cap for varicose veins, &c. woven with India-rubber thread, and made without a seam. 83 1067 ELVERY, J. W. & Co. Elephant House, Lr. Sackville St. Dublin.-Waterproof, airproof, gutta percha, and patent vulcanised India rubber manufac- tures. 1068 WILSON, H. 5 Stephen's Gn. Dublin, Manu.- Gentlemen's knotted and temple spring wigs. 1069 WORN, R. 17 Dawson St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Gentlemen's patent machine made wig; tem- ple-spring and weft-spring wigs, with skin partings; coachman's full dress wig; ladies' long-haired braid wig, with transparent partings; gentlemen's gossamer transparent wigs; ladies' fronts. 1070 ALCOOK, P. C. & Co. Dublin Blacking Works, Prince's St. Post Office, Dublin, Manu.-Liquid and paste blacking; writing inks-black, blue, red, and violet. 1071 BARRETT. 45 Wicklow St. Dublin, Manu. Fancy silk and satin parasols; silk umbrellas. 1072 BARNARD, S. 51 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.- Gold and silver mounted walking canes; fancy para- sols; silk umbrellas; bathing caps, and sponge bags. 1073 BERRY, J. Jun. Arran Quay, Dublin, Des.— Ornamental closed (Ward's) case, for the growth of plants in drawing-rooms, &c. planted with the Ferns of Ireland. 1073 A KAIN, JOHN FRANCIS, Islington Road, -Statue of the late Lord Nelson, carved in ivory. 1074 BEWLEY, SAMUEL, & Co. 6 Dame St. Dublin, Imp.-Articles of Chinese manufacture: carved ivory and lacquered ware; China ware; paintings on rice paper; Argus, pheasant, and white feather fans, &c. 1075 BLACKNEY, HUGH, Bally Ellen, Goresbridge. -Mill's ventilating hive; box hive; Mill's observa- tory hive for observing the different operations of a colony of bees; a box hive, with bell-glass ventilator and thermometer; a straw hive, sown with cane in two parts, with windows, and place for bell glass. 1076 BLUM, BROTHERS, Nassau St. Dublin, Imp.- German toy's, viz. : Duke of Wellington and his staff, with escort of horse guards and band (manufactured in Saxe Coburg.) A box of wooden bricks to build a gothic church (manufactured in Saxony.) Fancy bas kets (from Bavaria.) Four horse toy carriage (from Bavaria.) 1076 A DAY, Mrs. & Miss.-Leather work in imi- tation of oak carving. 1077 BOLAND, P. 138 Capel St. Dublin, Manu.— Machine made fancy and spiced biscuits, in variety; rich ginger cakes, biscuits, &c. 1078 BRIEN, C. Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Wax, I F 2 84 MISCELLANEOUS. "7 1 spermaceti, composition, and composite candles; cla- rified tallow mould and dipt candles. Busts cast in clarified tallow. 1079 BRIGHT, W. English St. Armagh, Des. and Bright, Mánu.-Wedding cake, weighing 280 lbs. ; the Wel- lington trophy. 1080 BOYD, S. 46 Mary St. Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Fancy soaps and Perfumery; India-rubber har- ness varnish; and specimens of varnishes for wood; blocks of perfumed soaps, as taken from the moulds. 1081 CLARK, DAVIDSON & CO. Mauchline, Ayrshire, Manu.-Snuff boxes; needle and cigar cases, &c.; portfolios and memorandum books; work boxes and reticules, &c. made of fancy wood, painted, &c. 1082 CLEAVER, F. S. 18 Red Lion Sq. London, Manu.-Honey and white almond toilet soaps; scented Windsor soaps; summer soap (honey soap with tartaric acid); winter soap (honey soap and camphor); honey shaving soap, and shaving cream; saponaceous tooth powder (pure white soap and precipitated chalk); marine soap for washing in salt water. 1082 A KELLY, P. W. 89, Lower Gardiner St. -Carvings-(Death of St. Francis Xavier.) 1083 CONOLLY, T. 3 Lr. Bridge Street, Dublin, Manu.-Marrow and trotter oils for the hair; honey cream; castor oil pomade; eau-de-cologne, and nume- rous scents and essences; japan writing ink; thin office ink for metallic pens; blue, black, and fragrant violet writing fluids; machine copying ink; fountain of toilet perfume prepared from wild flowers. 1084 Cooney, C. Dublin, Manu.-Specimens of starch and dextrine from various sources; indigo and other blues; liquid and paste blacking. 1085 CRUISE, W. 2 Hoey's Court, Werburgh St. Dublin, Manu. Specimens of toys, comprising drums, guns, pistols, swords, tambourines, &c. • 1086 DARGAN, M. New Row West, Dublin,- Transparent shaving soap; toilet requisites; bouquet of the emerald isle for 1853; musk lavender; crystal- lized pomatum; trotter, marrow, and other hair oils; bear's grease, cold cream, lip salve, tooth powder, smelling salts, eau-de-cologne, writing inks, &c. 1087 DIXON, G. Up. Erne St. Dublin, Manu.- Household soap; clarified tallow, composite and stearine, spermaceti candles; specimens of the materials used in these several manufactures; specimens of palm oil, bleached by process patented by exhibitor. 1087 A KEILY, Mr. & Miss, Patrick St. Cork.- Ornamental leather work. 1087B O'KELLY, The Misses, Queen Anne St. London. Slippers; tea caddy; work-box; mirror frame; candlesticks designed and worked in leather. 1088 FIELD, J. C. & J. Up. Marsh, Lambeth, London, Manu.-Stearic acid, from tallow; wax, bleached and unbleached; spermaceti; stearine, wax, and spermaceti cales; patent standard, wax and Field's night lights; sealing wax; bougies or tapers. 1088A LANGDALE, W. S. Lambeth, London.- Model of a castle and demesne made entirely of sole and other leathers; the whole cut with an ordinary shoemaker's knife; the chased work executed with a common peg awl. 1089 FLINT, J. 17 Essex Quay, Dublin, Manu.- Fishing tackle, comprising rods, wheels, lines, flies, &c. 1090 FORRESTER, J. 7 Gordon Street, Glasgow.— A Scotch wedding cake. M 1091 GONNE, Mrs. ANNE W. 26 Clare St. Dublin. Specimens of rare flowers; water lilies, Victoria Regis, and spring flowers, modelled in wax from nature. 1091 A GLASGOW INSTITUTION FOR THE Deaf and DUMB.-Imitation of engraving, executed with a common pen, and China ink, by a deaf mute. 1092 GARNER, D. 41, Finsbury Market, London, Des. and Manu.-Specimens of lasts with mechanical arrangements for diseased feet; registered multum in parvo portable boot tree, containing short tree, blacking, boot hooks, brushes, &c. 1093 GILBART, J. W. F.R.S. London and West- minster Bank, Lothbury; an Indian writing desk. 1093 A RONGEATSNOW, F. A. of London.-Basket and cross made in paper. 1094 GRAY, J. & Co. 155 Trongate, Glasgow, Manu.-A variety, of lozenges, comfits, and other con- fectionery goods. 1095 GREAVES, A. E. Rosbercon Castle, New Ross. -Chinese vases and jars; model of a Chinese junk. 1096 HACKETT, W. A. 38 Patrick St. Cork.-Fish- ing rods, tackle, &c. ; specimen of preserved pike and large trout; collection of salmon and trout flys for all waters. 1097 HANNAN, Mrs. I. 14 Castle St. Dublin, Des. -Tea canister of paper filigree, inlaid with bog oak; vase in paper filigree. 1098 HANNAN, R. Dublin, Manu.-Liquid and paste blacking; harness varnish; perfumery; ink. 1099 HETHERINGTON, J. S. 27 Merchant's Qy. Dublin. Manu.-Rocking horses, and a variety of toys. 1100 HYDE, MISS A. Mohill, co. Leitrim.— Ivory, Basket of feather flowers. · MISCELLANEOUS. 85 } 1100A JACOB, W. & R. 5 & 6 Peter's Row, Dublin. —A variety of biscuits, both of plain and fancy kinds, manufactured by machinery driven by steam power, by which a superior finish is obtained, and great clean- liness and nicety secured. 1101 KELLY & FITZHENRY,47 Clarendon St. Dublin · -Blacking; salt; matches, &c. 1102 KERTLAND, G 42 Lr. Sackville St. Dublin.— Tooth and nail brushes; combs; specimens of hair dye and wash; soap, períumes. 1103 KIRBY, T. 15 Lower Sackville St. Dublin.- Rocking horses; dolls; architectural toys; cricket bats, balls, &c. 1104 LABERTOUCHE, A. W. 29 Upper Rutland St. Dublin, Prop.-Vase and flowers, formed of shellwork; (made some years since by a slave in the island of Trini- dad, whose leisure hours it occupied during 15 years.) 1104 A PURCELL, P. C.-Paintings on glass-spe- cimens of flowers and landscape. 1105 LAWRENCE, E. & Co. 7, Up. Sackville St. Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Rocking horses; Irish and foreign toys and dolls; model of an Irish jaunting car; Irish bog oak ornaments, set in native gold and gems; horse hair ornaments, made by the poor in the West of Ireland; hair brushes, made of Irish bog oak, Kil- larney arbutus, ivory, &c. 1106 LEWIS, F. 6 Fleet St. Dublin, Manu.-Per- fumed oils; pomades; essences; toilet soaps, and other perfumery. 1107 LEMON, GRAHAM & Co. Sackville St. Dublin. -Samples of lozenges, comfits, boiled and crystallized confections, and bon bons. Model of the Great Indus- trial Exhibition Building formed of comfits. The various colors are guaranteed by the exhibitors to be produced from the purest and simplest ingredients, and not from any deleterious substance whatever. 1108 LINDEN, W. 16 Corn Market, Belfast, Manu. -Bride's cake. 1109 LINDLEY, Miss C. A. 41 Lr. Sackville St. Dublin.-Fire screen in frame, composed of a wreath of sea flowers; basket of sea flowers; shell album of sea weed. 1110 M'Evoy, J. 68 George's St. Kingstown, near Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Self-snuffing mould candles, (manufactured by exhibitor only ;) stearine and chemi- cal candles. 1111 M'LOUGHLIN, JAMES, 122 Francis St. Dub- lin.-Smoking pipes. 1111 A BARKLIE, Miss M. 106, Lr. Gardiner St.- A group of shells, modelled in wax. M 1112 MITCHELL, J. Stonehaven, near Edinburgh, Manu.-Pipe tops, of sterling silver, German silver, and tin; iron pipe. 1113 MITCHELL, Mrs. S. 10 Grafton St. Dublin.— Bride cake, elaborately ornamented. 1114 MITTON, T. Old Sq. Blackburn, Lancashire, Inv. and Manu.-Improved wax candles. 1115 MORTON, J. 29 Dame St. Dublin, Manu.- Lozenges and confections; medicated lozenges; crys- talized and preserved fruits, ginger, jujubes, &c. 1116 NEIGHBOUR, G. & SONS, 127 High Holborn, London, Inv. and Manu.-Neighbour's unicomb glass bee-hive, stocked with living bees; the ladies' observa- tory glass bee-hive, stocked with living bees; improved cottage hive, with thermometer, 3 bell glasses, &c.; single box hive; Nutt's collateral bee-hive; Taylor's amateur 8 box hive; 8 bar straw hive, protected from the weather by a case of the same material with zinc roof; Neighbour's cottage hive; improved bee-feeder; implements for removing honey from the boxes; bee glasses of various patterns and sizes. 1116 A SCALLAN, Mrs. and WHITE, Miss 8 Talbot St.-Shells, fruit, and flowers, modelled in wax. 1117 TUCKER, FRANCIS, -& Co., Kensington, Mid- dlesex, Manu. and Inv.-Specimens of spermaceti, stearine, margarine, composition, composite, metallic, tallow, and other candles; also wax candles, with plaited wicks, patented, and wax candles decorated. 1117A STAVENHAGEN, SAMUEL, 67 Grafton St. Dublin.-French and German fancy toys. 1118 OGLEBY, CHARLES, & Co. Lambeth, London, Manu.-Refined spermaceti in block; spermaceti can- dles; composition candles; stearic acid block; crys- talline or stearic candles; transparent wax candles. 1 1118A GIBBS, D. W. London.-Perfumed soaps. 1119 OXLEY, W. & Co. Manchester, Manu.-Im- proved cottage bee-hive made of wood and glass. 1119A GATTI, A. & Co. Clerkenwell, London.- Artificial flowers. 1120 PONTET, A. 8 Upper Sackville St. Dublin, Manu. Plain and fancy umbrellas and parasols, with specimens of the materials and fittings employed in the manufacture. 1120A ALLINGHAM, MISS, Ballyshannon.-Horse hair ornaments, and ancient ruins in rotten stone. 1121 Bryan, THOS. Salford, Manchester.-Orna- mental basket, made from a cocoa-nut shell. 1121A STEPHENS, W. Kingsland, London.-Case of natural flowers preserved retaining their natural 86 MISCELLANEOUS. I form and relief, intended as botanical illustrations for museums. 1122 OGLE, J. Hayes, Navan, co. Meath.—Work and flower baskets. 1122a Watch stand, designed by the pupils of the Belfast Government School of Design, and by them presented to their president, Lord Dufferin and Clande- boy, as an acknowledgment of hls lordship's liberal patronage and kind attention to the welfare of the pupils, 1123 JACKSON, THOMAS, Pinstone St. Sheffield, Manu.-Brushes; scratch and polishing brushes used by gold, and silver, and white metal smiths, and for cutlery purposes; plate brushes; watch brushes. 1124 PRESTON, O. 17 Christ Church Place, Dublin, Manu.-Basket work cars, cradles, fire and hand screens; bed-room and baby baskets. 1125 PRICE'S PATENT CANDLE COMPANY, Belmont, Vauxhall, Surrey, Inv. and Manu.-Specimens illus- trating the Company's patent processes for making palm oil and other fatty substances into pure white candles by distillation, &c.; specimens of the palm oil fruit, and of vegetable tallows, butters and waxes; specimens illustrating the manufacture of night lights; candles, night lights, and oils of various descriptions. :: 1125 A DOWNES, Miss M. A. Dublin.-Model of Casino in Lord Charlemont's demesne. 1126 RATHBORNE, J. & J. Dublin, Manu.—Crude oil from the spermaceti whale, and specimens showing the different stages of manufacture; bees' wax, and specimens illustrating the different stages of manufac- ture of wax candles. ( CENTRAL HALL.-A block of refined spermaceti, illustrative of its crystallization. 1127 RICHMOND INSTITUTION FOR INDUSTRIOUS BLIND, 41 Up. Sackville St. Dublin, Manu.-Game and work baskets; fire screens, and other articles in basket work. .Y *** 1128 RIMMEL, EUGENE, 39 Gerrard St. Soho, London, and 19 Boulevard de la Gare d' Ivry, Paris, Manu.-Fountain of Rimmel's Toilet vinegar, (an improvement on Eau de Cologne); hygienic perfumery, (all ingredients injurious to health being excluded); specimens of perfumes, toilet soaps, pomades, tooth powders, hair dyes, cosmetics and other toilet re- quisites. - ** 1129 SANGSTER, W. & J. 140 Regent St. London, Manu.-Umbrellas in silk and alpaca; parasols in silk and China crape, and covered with Irish and Honiton lace, with richly carved ivory handles; riding * 1 and walking canes, with gold and silver mountings ; specimen of Fox's new patent light umbrella frame. 1129 A M'ALISTER, PATRICK, Donabate.—An old Irish gothic baronial castle, done in shell work. 1130 SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF IRISH MANU- FACTURE AND INDUSTRY, 33 Anglesea St. Dublin, Prop. -Uncle Tom's reading screens, made of cut card in leather frames ; leather basket with shells and sea-weed; ink-stand, ornamental shawl-pins, match-boxes, and other articles of leather; head ornaments, bracelets, brooches, pins, and necklaces of horse hair, made at the Coolkenno industrial school; ornaments in rotten- stone, cut with a penknife by Mrs. Pyne. 1131 SMYTH, F. 24 Essex Quay, Dublin, Manu.— Silver wire whip handles; portable umbrellas, with handles to screw off, so as to be packed in portmanteau, &c. Silk umbrellas mounted on gold, silver agate; ivory-handled silk umbrellas, mounted on patridge rice and bamboo canes; gingham umbrellas; fancy walking and riding canes; parasols mounted on whips, for ladies driving. Gold and silver ivory carving, and various mountings used by umbrella and parasol makers. 1132 SWAINE & ADENEY, 185 Piccadilly, London, Manu.-Prize racing whip, mounted in carved Irish bog oak; prize hunting whips, with sporting devices; ladies' and gentlemen's riding and driving whips ; ladies' riding and driving whips, with parasols, fans, or sun shades attached; improved patent Arab or Chowrie riding whips, with horse hair plumes, for driving away insects; state carriage and postilion whips; gentle- men's driving whips, with horn and warning whistle in the handles; riding canes; Swaine & Co's patent whip socket, and India rubber waterproof Oxonian driving apron.. 1133 TAGGART, Miss H. Tenchfield Terrace, Sandy- mount Strand, Dublin.-Fancy picture made of Irish sea-weed. 1134 TIGHE, J. 198 Gt. Britain St. Dublin, Manu. ---Gold and silver mounted riding and driving whips. 1134 A LEWERS, Mrs. Mount Pleasant. Square, Dublin.-3 vases of wax flowers. 1135 WATTERS, J. J. Jun. 6 Crow St. Dublin, Des. and Prop.-A collection of the birds of Ireland, indigenous and migratory, consisting of nearly 250 specimens, collected and arranged by exhibitor, (pre- served by Mr. Richard Glennon of Dublin) : 1. Raptorial birds: eagles, falcons, and hawks. 2. Raptorial and conirostral birds: owls, crows, and jays. 3. Insessorial birds: all the small perching birds. 1 1 JEWELLERY, &o. 4. Rasorial birds: pheasants, grouse, and pigeons. 5. Grallatorial birds: herons, plovers, and sea-larks. 6. Natatorial birds: swans, geese, ducks, mergansers, grebes, divers, cormorants, gannets, auks, sea gulls, terns, petrels. 1136 WOTHERSPOON, J. & Co. Glasgow, Manu.- Specimens of lozenges and comfits, manufactured by patent machinery driven by steam power; lozenges 1138 COLONEL THE EARL OF CARDIGAN AND THE OFFICERS OF THE 11TH HUSSARS.-Silver equestrian statue of His Royal Highness Prince Albert, by Cot- trell, presented to the officers of the 11th Hussars by the late Colonel, His Royal Highness Prince Albert, February, 1844. JEWELLERY, &c. 1139 HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT.— Her Majesty's Grand Centre Piece-was executed under the instruction of H. R. H. Prince Albert; it represents a group of horses round a Temple of Kiosk, with their attendants, the figures and horses with Persian greyhound, were grouped, designed, and moddelled by Mr. Cotterill; the Kiosk was modelled by Mr. E. Percy, formerly of Dublin; and the base by Mr. William Spencer. The whole executed in silver, by Messrs. Garrard, Haymarket. 1140 COLONEL AND OFFICERS OF THE 7TH HUSSARS. -Silver statuette of Field Marshal the Marquis of Anglesey, presented to the regiment by the Marquis. 1141 Aaron, BROTHERS, Torwood Row, Torquay, Devon, Manu.-Silver taper stand on malachite leaves; engraved and gilt match-box, inlaid; richly chased silver gilt eagle, on malachite pedestal; engraved and gilt casket, inlaid; silver and malachite box, for postage stamps; silver gilt engraved paper knife, malachite handle; gold and malachite harp brooch; brooches in malachite, and of various other descriptions; mala- chite bracelets; chatelaine; malachite vest buttons; shamrock studs; gold mounted malachite pen-holder and seal in case. 1142 ACHESON, W. 109 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Bog oak casket, set with Irish gems in silver gilt; bog oak brooches, bracelets, &c.; elastic band bracelets, with fibula and bog oak mountings; an- tique brooches, set with malachite, pearl, &c.; electro f • and comfits in handsome boxes; Scotch Marmalade, made from Seville bitter oranges, on an improved principle, by steam machinery. 1137 PARKER, RICHARD, Dunscombe.-Book of illustrations of the birds of Ireland. 87 1137A AICKIN, Miss S. E. 41 Leinster Rd. Rath- mines, Dublin.-Brooches and ornaments for the hair, made of shells. 1 plated moderator lamps; specimens of electro plating; gold jewellery, set with precious stones; antique tea and coffee services; plated flower stand; fish carvers. 1143 JOHNSON, J. 22 Suffolk St. Dublin.- Samples of Irish bog oak brooches, bracelets, &c. &c. produced by a patent process, the invention and manu- facture of exhibitor; a bog oak elephant, mounted with gold, silver, and precious stones; samples of brooches, after the ancient Irish, in gold silver, &c., manufactured by exhibitor. Į 1143 A GRIFFITH, WILLIAM DOWNES, Dunmore, Tuam, co. Galway.-Case containing gold snuff box, presented by the Emperor Napóleon Buonaparte when at St. Helena to Major Poppleton, the officer in charge; knife and fork belonging to the Emperor; lock of Napoleon's hair; black satin stock, worn by the Emperor Napoleon; letter from Monsieur Ber- trand to Major Poppleton, accompanying the presen- tation of the snuff box by the Emperor. 1144 ALEXANDER, Mrs. J. Malin Hall, Carndo- nagh, Brooches, carved in Coquilla nut. 1145 ASKEN, J. 19 Upper Sackville St. Dublin. -A suit of diamonds and turquois of great value, presented by Napoleon I., on the day of his coronation, to Madam Sa Mêre. ↑ Silver tea services; presentation plate; diamond ornaments, consisting of brooches, bracelets, rings, gold watches, and ornaments in Irish oak. + 1146 AUSTIN, G. 6 & 7 St. Andrew St. blin. Manu.-Silver mounted, and plated dressing cases, writing desks, workboxes, bagatelle tables, teapoys, and Davenports; papier machè tables, ink stands, tea trays, and writing desks; clothes, hair, and tooth brushes; despatch boxes; tourists' cases; French and German fancy goods, &c. 1 ! + ་ 88 JEWELLERY, &c. ! 1147 BENNETT, T. 73, Grafton St. Dublin.- 1 Specimens of Irish wrought silver plate, consisting of salvers, tea and coffee services, kettles and stands, claret jugs, children's cans, &c., &c. 2 Specimens of electro plate by the patentee, in salvers, kettles and stands, tea and coffee sets, claret jugs, &c., &c. 3 Specimens in working of gold, precious stones and gems, bog oak work, &c. 4 Newly designed centre candelabra for flowers. 5 Silver presentation centre piece. 1148 BOLE, M. 23, Lawson St. Liverpool, Prod. -Plain and ornamental miniature frames; clock stand; models of Canova's Venus, and Venus crouch- ing. 1149 CLASSON, J. Northumberland Buildings, Dub- lin, Manu. and Prop.-Carvings in bog oak of several of the antiquities of Ireland, comprising the rock of Cashel, Clonmacnoise, Monasterboice, Glendalough, &c. contained in a glazed frame, the front of which. carved by the celebrated Grinling Gibbons, repre- sents as emblems of war, the weapons used at the battle of the Boyne; brooches, bracelets, and other ladies' ornaments in bog oak: 1150 CONNELL, D. 26 Nassau St. and 93 Grafton St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Bog oak ornaments, mounted in native gold and silver, and set with Irish diamonds and pearls; book stands in oak, carved with views of Irish ancient abbeys; inkstands in oak ; knitting and work boxes carved; models carved in bog oak, representing views of Blarney Castle, Monaster- boice, Muckross Abbey, Howth and Malahide Cas- tles'; work and chess tables of arbutus wood; model of an Irishman in bog oak. 1151 CONNELL, M. 11 Nassau St. Dublin, Manu. -Bog oak ornaments, mounted in silver and gold, &c.; arbutus tables, work boxes, chess-boards, writing desk, &c. 1152 EGLINTON AND WINTON, EARL OF. —The "Emperor's Vase", won at Ascot, by the Earl of Eglinton's "The Flying Dutchman," by Bay Middle- ton, out of Barbelle, in June, 1850; ridden by Marlow. Subject: Eighth Labour of Hercules. Hercules having heard of the atrocious cruelties practised by Diomedes, Tyrant of Thrace, he being in the habit of causing his captives to be torn in pieces by his ferocious horses, he slew him and the animals, and let the captives free. This vase and group were designed and modelled by Cotterill, of London, and executed in silver by the Messrs. Garrard, Haymarket. 1152A The Goodwood Cup, won by the Earl of Eglinton's "Van Tromp," by Lanercost, out of Barbelle, in July, 1848; ridden by Marlow.-Subject: "The Battle of the Standard." 1153 ELKINGTON, MASON, & Co.-A selection of art manufactures in electro gold and silver plate; dessert service, with subjects taken from Shakspeare, designed and modelled by Charles Grant; a general assortment of electro plated wares. 1154 FITZPATRICK, BROTHERS, 11 Up. Sackville St. Dublin, Imp. and Manu.-Bracelets, brooches, and other jewellery; a silver vase made of coins, upwards of 300 years old; a cherry stone, containing 24 silver spoons, made from a silver penny. 1155 FLAVELLE, H. E. 13 Eustace St. Dublin, Manu.-Masonic and other jewellery. 1156 GARDNER, R. & J. Grafton St. Dublin.-- 1st Case:-A silver fountain, intended to form a centre for the dinner or supper table, which will emit for six hours continuously, upon one application of the winding key, a spray of rose water, to a height variable at pleasure, and through a variety of fancy jets, which can be severally attached to it. 2nd Case :-A variety of specimens of gold and silver plate; jewellery after the antique and modern designs; marine chronometer and Gardner's patent astronomical and nautical time keeper; curiosities, &c. &c. &c. 3rd Case :-The humming bird clock. 4th Case-Silver horsemen and figures, candela- abra, &c. 1157 GOGGIN, G. 13 Nassau St. Dublin, Manu.- Bracelets, brooches, necklaces, earrings, studs, buttons, card cases, bookstands, chess boards, and other articles of jewellery and ornaments in bog oak, Killarney arbutus and yew, Connemara marble, and mounted in native gold and silver, with Irish gems; ornaments in horsehair; candelabra, in bog oak and Irish diamonds, from the design of the Duke of Devonshire; pie case in bog oak, Irish diamond and Irish silver, (designed by the Earl of Eglinton, for Her Majesty the Queen); bog oak, Irish diamond, and Wicklow gold vest but- tons and studs, (Prince Albert's pattern). 1158 HUTCHINS, S. Fortlands, Charleville, co. Cork, Prop.-A silver salver presented by Lord Plunket to the late Peter Burrowes, Esq. and bearing the follow- ing inscription:-" To Peter Burrowes from his friend Plunket." - 1159 JACKSON, CAPTAIN H. Attyflinn, Patrick's Well, co. Limerick, Prop.-A curious silver table of } JEWELLERY, &c. great antiquity, with several antiques and curiosi- ties. 1160 JOHNSON, J. 7 North Place, Gray's-inn Road, London.-Silver gilt and metal gilt chased chatelains ; bronze medallion in gilt frame, (Cæsar presenting the crown of Egypt to Cleopatra); gilt patterns for book covers; gilt paper knife with chased handle; models for fibula brooches; casts from French and Scotch antique fibulæ ; models of the harp of Wales, and Mary Queen of Scots; pieces of Queen Mary's yew, and Shakspere's mulberry tree; original patterns for gold seals, by Bodell (an old Irish artist); carvings in metal; ebony casket, with chased gilt mountings; gilt casket and miniature tables; model of a swan in wax, coated with silver, by electro process; group of figures in electrotype; horse and jockey oxidized and gilt; reclining stag, in metal, silvered; small models of animals and insects; specimens of casting in bronze; copies of cup and tazza, by Benvenuto Cellini; speci- mens of electrotype, with other articles of vertu. 1161 THE LOCAL COMMITTEE OF THE Co. KERRY, Prop.-Specimens of fresh water pearl ornaments, from lake Currane. 1162 WATT, PHILIP B. Edinburgh. Specimens of seal and die engraving. 1163 HENNESSY, B. R. 7 Wind St. Swansea, Wales, Manu. and Exhibitor.-Specimens of Russian and Australian malachite in gold and silver mountings. 1164 HIGGINS, FRANCIS, 40 Kirby St. Hatton Gar- den, London.-Silver knives, forks, spoons, and various small articles, mugs, plates, &c. 1165 HUNT & ROSKELL, late STORR & MORTIMER, 156 New Bond St. London, Manu.-A candelabrum in silver-a testimonial presented to the Most Noble the Marquis of Tweeddale. The group represents an incident recorded in Buchanan's History of Scotland, said to have occurred in the reign of Kenneth III. A. D. 980, and to which tradition ascribes the origin of the noble house of Hay. "The Danes having invaded Scotland, were unsuc- cessfully opposed by the Scots who fled. A countryman, named Hay, was, with his two sons, ploughing in a neighbouring field, by the pass of Luncarty; when Hay seized the yoke from his oxen, and his sons, whatever instruments came readiest, and took their stations in the narrow pass, through which the fugitive Scots must proceed, and forced their countrymen back upon the Danes; and, joining in the conflict, sucess- fully routed the latter. After this gallant exploit, Hay entered the city of Perth in triumph, carrying his yoke, and accompanied by his sons and a numerous retinue." (3 At a consultation of the nobles, held a few days after at Scone, nobility was conferred upon Hay and his sons; and the king gave them as much land as the falcon would fly over. The falcon flew over six miles of country, afterwards called Errol. The king also assigned them three shields, or escutcheons, to intimate that the father and two sons had proved the three shields of Scotland." 89 These two latter scenes are displayed in basso relievo on the base, which is also embellished with figures of the wolf, boar, and dogs, illustrative of the sports of the period. The flowing branches of the candelabrum are enriched with vine. A silver group.-"Mazeppa." A group in silver, "St. Michael and Satan," after Flaxman, executed for the Earl of Chesterfield. Four equestrian statuettes in silver :- Joan of Arc. A cavalier. An Arab. A. Hussar. n : (Executed for the Earl de Gray.) The Doncaster Cup of 1850.-Subjects: victory crowning the horse; alti relievo representing chariot racing; racing with the torch; Italian and the modern race; groups of wild and domestic horses. The property of the Earl of Zetland. The first prize given by the Emperor of Russia to the Ascot Races:- On the summit is a copy of the famous statue of Peter the Great in the Place Isaac, St. Petersburg, the equestrian statuettes represent a Cossack, a Cir- cassian, and an Imperial Guard; the basso relievo represent Minim and Pojorsky, St. George of Russia, and views of the Kremlin at Moscow, the winter Palace of St. Petersburg, and Windsor Castle. 1166 MAHOOD, S. 13 Wellington Quay, Dublin, Manu.-Models, in bog oak, of the Round Tower of Donoughmore, and of Monasterboice, co. Louth; horned owl, carved in bog oak; specimens of landscape carving, representing Blarney Castle, Jerpoint Abbey, Dangan Castle, the Rock of Cashel, &c. fitted as ladies brooches; miniature model of Brian Boroihme's harp; bracelets and brooches of Irish materials and workmanship; ornaments manufactured from the scales of fishes; also, a collection cf new designs in imitation jewellery, including gold, silver, coral, carbuncle, amythist, opal, malachite and diamond imitations. • 90 I JEWELLERY, &c. 1167 BRUNKER, T. 30 & 31 William St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Upright glass case, containing specimens of electro plating on copper, nickel, bronze, ormolu, &c. Flat case containing samples of jewellery in fine gold, bog oak, Irish diamond, &c., also masonic ornaments. Frames containing masonic aprons, such as used by some Dublin lodges Handsome silver tea set, made of Irish silver, antique claret jugs, cups, &c. Vibrating or pendant clock, on a beautiful carved stand of bog oak, supported by two Irish wolf dogs; this clock is peculiar in construction, and plays music Mahogany cased regulator, jewelled movement, main- taining power, mercurial pendulum. 1168 MOSLEY, JULIUS, 46 Wicklow St. Dublin, Sculp.-Richly carved jewel casket, in bog yew, Saint Canice Cathedral, Kilkenny, subjects, from Sacred History, and allegorical representations of Good and Evil. Scene from Lover's story of the "Sportheen.” "The Leprechaun"-bog yew and Kilkenny marble. 1169 NELIS, J. Omagh, co. Tyrone, Prop.-Speci- mens of pearls, formed in a fresh water bivalve, (unio margaritifera) found in the river Strule, at Omagh, co. Tyrone. 1170 NORTH,T. 49 Grafton St. Dublin.-A skeleton lever repeating clock on marble stand, strikes the hours on a large gong, and the half hours on a bell; an electro-magnetic clock; a silver alarm watch of great antiquity; ladies' and gentlemen's gold watches; can- delabra of new design, in brass, and electro-plated; a variety of electro-plated goods; and specimens of old articles replated; also, specimens of electro-plating on steel, brass, copper, German silver, glass, china and delph; an electro-magnetic therapeuticon; and some electrotypes. 1171 O'BRIEN, Miss, B. M. 12 Fitzwilliam Sq. Dublin.-Surtout de table of ormolu, French manu- facture, made for the proprietor by Schallenberge, Rue de la Perle, Paris; dessert service, silver gilt. 1172 PEARSALL, T. 15 Lr. Sackville St. Dublin, Manu.—A silver tea service, made out of a single fourpenny piece, comprising teapot with moveable lid, 12 cups, 12 saucers, 12 spoons, 2 plates, cream-ewer, sugar-bowl, slop-basin, sugar-tongs, and butter-knife; -(45 articles in all); a silver tea and coffee service, made out of a single dime, or ten cent. piece of the United States of North America (equal to fivepence British), contains 74 pieces, viz. :-urn with moveable lid and tap, teapot with moveable lid, coffee-pot with same, sugar bowl and tongs, slop basin, cream ewer, 2 cake plates, cake basket with moveable handle, ཝཱ butter knife, 12 tea cups, 12 coffee cups, 12 saucers, and 24 spoons, with a small portion of the silver left. 1173 WEST & SON, Dublin, Manu.-Centrepiece in silver, (presented to the late Colonel Miller, by the constabulary of Ireland); silver centre piece, pre- sented to Wm. Grattan, Esq., late of the 88th Regi- ment, by Peninsular officers; vase of Irish diamonds, mounted in native gold and silver, ornamented with Irish pearls, beryls, &c. (presented to the Duchess of Northumberland); casket after the Irish antique, of bog yew, Cork malachites, and native gold and silver, studded with Irish pearls, amethysts, carbuncles, &c. (presented to the Countess of Clarendon); the mace of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, made of native silver; snuff-box, in native silver; ink- stands in the cinque cento and Etruscan styles; wine- cooler of bog oak, in the form of the old Irish Mether; brooches, bracelets, and neck ornaments, after the Irish antique. 1174 PHILLIPS, R. 31 Cockspur St. London, Prod. and Prop.-Signet rings in 22 carat gold Pins, with sporting and other designs. A series of works in oxidised silver, enamel, niello, and coral; statuettes of a British Life Guard, and colour-sergeant, of the Scot's Fusilier Guards, modelled from life, in oxidised silver and gold, the accoutrements detach at pleasure; the same in bronze and electro silver; miniature models of same, mounted and dismounted, in oxidised silver and gold on malachite pedestals; statuette, in oxidised silver and gold, of Lablache as Caliban, taken from life at Her Majesty's theatre; statuettes of the Emperor Charles V. and Marguerite of Parma, in silver, gold, and pre- cious stones, enamel, &c. from the celebrated models of Messrs. Weiskampt of Hanau; miniature statuette of Gutenberg in oxidised silver; desk seals in gold; lapis lazuli, and oxidised silver; oriental agate cup, in oxidised silver and gold; gold cup in the Byzantine style; tazza in crystal; small dagger, with silver gilt handle, enriched with pearls and emeralds; silver vase of antique form, engraved with subjects from the Pompeian frescoes. 1175 RETTIE, M. & Sons, 151 Union Street, Aber- deen, Des. and Manu.-Granite jewellery, mounted in gold and silver: as bracelets, brooches, shawl and other pins, buttons, studs, &c. Silver brooches with crests and mottos. Badges in a new style. 1176 SHELDON, J.Birmingham.-Silver and electro- plated goods; gold and silver pencil cases; letter and } FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, &c. 91 W 7 coin balance pencil and pen cases; gold pens; electro- plated Nickel silver spoons, forks, ladles, knives, &c. ; tea services. 1177 SMITH, NICHOLSON & Co. 12 Duke St. Lin- coln's Inn Fields, London, Des. and Manu.-Silver candelabrum, (presented to F. H. Hemming, Esq. Sec. of the Londonderry and Enniskillen Railway Co. by the shareholders); silver centre ornaments; dessert sugar basket with cover; electro-plated dessert stands, and salt cellar designed by Townsend; silver salt cellars and spoons. 1178 SULLIVAN, B. 7 Upper Stephen's St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Design in German silver for a Ceno- taph to the late Thomas Moore. 1179 SUTHERLAND, G. Forse, Lybster, Prop.- Massive silver urn, weighing 273 oz. 15 dwts. repre- senting capercailze, grouse, pheasants, partridges and other game, &c. 1180 WALSH, R. 19 Parliament St. Dublin, Manu. -Gold and silver watches; ciborium, chalice, oil stocks, pixes, crucifixes, beads, chased and plain sugar tongs, butter knife, spoons, snuff boxes, watch guards, and other articles in silver and plated ware; gold chains, watch guards and lockets; topaz, cameo, amethyst, pearl, Irish diamond and amethyst brooches; ear rings, in cut coral, torquoise and engraved gold; fancy rings; scarf pins and other jewellery. 1181 WATERHOUSE & Co. 25 Dame St. Dublin, I 1182 BARKLIE, Miss J. A. 106 Lr. Gardiner Street, Dublin.—An Elizabethan chair, in tufted work. 1183 JEFFREY, ÁLLEN, & Co. 115 Whitechapel, London, Manu.-Decorative paper hangings. 1184 BEAKEY & M'DOWELL, 39 Stafford St. Dublin, Manu.-Large mahogany side-board, supported on two carved figures, representing Peace and Plenty, with the emblems of painting, sculpture, and architec- ture, carved on the front rail, a large looking-glass at back, in a carved frame, representing England, Ireland, and Scotland, with the emblems of agricul- ture on the bottom rail; window curtain of rich silk tabourette, of Irish manufacture, with rich silk trim- mings suspended from a carved and gilt pole,' and original design, with a large plate of looking-glass be- hind. Exhibitor.-A silver centre piece, presented to Joseph Green, Esq. Kilkenny; a silver electrotype shield, Acis and Galatea"), presented to the Count Strelizki, by the Poor Law Unions of Ireland; a service of plate, presented to Michael Hyland, Esq. ex-mayor of Kilkenny; a centre piece (stags), presented to the Rev. Joseph Gabbett, of Kilmallock, co. Limerick ; the "Farmer's Gazette" challenge cup, won by Char- les Towneley, Esq.; a service of plate, presented to A. G Judge, Esq. of Athy; 2 large salvers, and the Boyne obelisk, in silver, presented to J. B. Kennedy, Esq. Dame St.; large cup, presented to the 1st Dragoon Guards; large silver snuff box, presented to the 62nd Regiment; a silver trowel, presented to the Right Hon. the Lord Bishop of Tuam; service of plate pre- sented to Doctor Gray, by the co. Monaghan; large silver tray, from the tenantry of his estates, to C. P. Leslie, Esq. M.P.; large silver tea urn, presented to Henry Mitchell, Esq. of Glaslough; Loughrea regatta prize, won by Major Goode, 62nd Regt. ; the original royal Tara brooch found in Meath in 1850; several copies of antique Irish brooches, and ancient jewellery of Ireland; and 12 coffee and tea services, presented to clergymen, doctors, &c. &c. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, &c. 1181A A silver centre piece, presented to the late Abraham Colles, Esq., M.D., by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, manufactured by Stewart, late of Dame St. Dublin. 1185 BOGLE, HUGH, & Co. 50 Gordon St. Glasgow. -Specimens of wall decorations and panelling; twelve imitations of woods and marbles. 1186 BOSWELL, J. Dublin, Manu.-Patterns of paper hangings; specimens of painting for house deco- ration. 1187 BOYLAN, P. 102 Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.— Pillars for busts, painted in imitation of marbles; gilt carved tables, with tops of various marbles in- laid, and of stone painted in flowers; stone table tops, painted in imitation of marbles, and in the Etruscan style; gilt flower pilasters, carved by Gibbons; orna- mented tripod, pedestals, and vases; specimens of paper hangings, and ornamented painted doors; print- blocks for the manufacture of paper hangings; a stained glass window, executed by Hand, of Antwerp, in 1784; 哆 ​92 FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, &c. frieze in the Etruscan style, executed for the Uni- versity Club, Dublin. 1188 BRADSHAW, BROTHERS, 28 Arran Quay, Dub- lin, Inv. and Manu.-Portable iron tube bedsteads, brass mounted, with screw joints, and with dove-tail joints on a new principle; portable iron bedstead, (a new invention, adapted for a fishing or shooting lodge.) 1189 BRADSHAW, R. 4 Grafton St. Dublin, Prop. -Drawingroom window curtain of rich crimson satin, bordered with crimson and ormolu brocade, trimmed with superb drapery fringe, tassels, &c. the carved and gilt cornice and the design by Strahan, of Henry St. Dublin. 1190 BUET, A. 3 North Ear St. Dublin, Des.- Fancy oval shaped gard de liqueur table in wallnut, with caved block and gothic pillar, containing decan- ters and wine glasses, which are immediately presented on the top by a secret spring. 1191 BYRNE, J. J. 6 Henry St. Dublin, Manu.— Pier table and glass, chastely carved in the purest Italian style, with a finely moulded black and gold marble top, two inches thick; a walnut cabinet, in the Louis XV. style, with outline, enriched with ormolu mouldings; a set of dinner tables of fine St. Domingo mahogany, on two sliding frames; a walnut and marquetrie loo table; a 'fancy walnut cheval screen; a pole screen; four chairs. 1192 CAHILL, S. M.D. 128 Stephen's Green, Dublin, Prop.-Flower vase of black wood, made in Bombay. 1193 CARTHY, J. 10 St. Andrew Street, Dublin, Manu.-Perforated zinc fan blind; royal arms on zinc blind; Italian blind. 1194 CHAPLIN, T.Kilkenny, Manu.-An oak table, made of Irish oak, grown on the demesne of the Right Hon. the Earl of Desart, co. of Kilkenny. 1195 CLARKE, J. 145 Townsend St. Dublin, Manu. -Edinburgh wardrobe; marquetrie sofa table. 1196 CLARKE, C. 19 Stephen's Gn. Dublin, Manu. -Rosewood cabinet, with marble top, and inlaid with marquetrie, with richly carved consoles, a large glass at top, the frame inlaid with marquetrie, and richly carved; a lady's Davenport, on richly carved consoles, with guard at top, representing the round towers of Ireland, &c.; rosewood cabriole lounger, with circular end richly carved, upholstered in the German style, and covered with rich silk damask. 1197 BOYLE, R. B. 19 Mary St. Dublin.—A large bracket, carved in pine-satyr and vine; style of ornament, Louis XIV.; a large bracket, carved in satin wood, "Venus hiding"-style of ornament, old French ; panel, carved in alto relief,—“the wise judg- ment of Solomon;" a hall chair, carved in oak, the property of B. L. Guinness, Esq. St. Anne's. 1198 COLLINS, T. 13 Snowdon St. Liverpool, Des. and Prop.-Articles in hand-wrought papier machè, viz.:-An ornamental ark or box, as the model of a coun- try church; a portable cabinet, surmounted by a cupola on pillars, enclosing a curious glazed casket; glazed cases, enclosing representations of the Rev. Dr. Cahill, and Rev. Dr. Newman; case, in the castellated style ; coloured prints, &c. in papier machè frames; six landscapes, in water colours. 1199 CURRAN & SONS, Castle. Street, Lisburn.- Large arm-chair, made from Irish black bog oak, richly sculptured and perforated, the design studied from the antique, and purely original. 1199 A DARGAN, Mrs. Mount Anville, co. Dublin, Ex.-Fine chenille tapestry, mounted as a cheval screen, worked by Miss Haslam, Market Drayton- the mounting executed by Wm. Fry & Co. Dublin. 1200 DESFOSSE, J. 1 Rue de Montreuil, Paris; agents, Gebhardt, Rottmann, & Co. 29 Wood Street, Cheapside, London, Manu.-Panel landscape decora- tions; paper-hangings, printed from blocks. 1201 DE VEAUX, Mrs. M. Grafton St. Dublin, Manu.-Chair, worked in the new style of golden tapestry, mounted in rosewood. 1202 DILLON, Miss, Artane Castle, Raheny, co. Dublin, Prop.-An ottoman sofa, with semicircular back, in carved and gilt frame, upholstered in richly embossed needlework. 1203 DONNE, G. 155 Leadenhall Street, London, Manu.--Gilt console table, with jasper plate glass top; carved and richly gilt chimney glasses, of new design. 1204 DREW, J. 49 Marlborough Street, Dublin, Manu.-Lady's work and writing table; pier cabinet ; two specimens of inlaid wine and work table tops, made and designed by the Exhibitor at the age of seventy-four. 1205 EGAN, J. Killarney, Des.-Table made from Arbutus wood grown on the demesnes of Lord Ken- mare and Mr. Herbert. 1206 EGLINTON, Earl of, Ayr, Prop.-A loo or chess table, made of Arbutus wood from Killarney ladies' work table, with work-box, writing stand and book stand formed from the pillar of the table, the whole elaborately inlaid with 157,000 pieces, designed by Mr. James Egan, and executed at his factory; a chair, (designed and executed by Curran & Son, of · : 1 1 93 FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, &c. ! Lisburn,) of Irish bog oak, ornamented with sham- rocks, roses, thistles, vine leaves and berries, to suit the needlework by the Countess of Eglinton. 1207 ENRIGHT, J. Shinrone, King's Co. Des.-Imi- tations of foreign and Irish woods and marbles, made of wood and slate, and on paper. } 1208 FAIRCLOUGH, J. 87 Renshaw St. Liverpool, Des. and Manu.-Sideboard, with carvings of fruit and game, the emblems of plenty, the four seasons, &c. 1209 MURPHY, Mrs. M. & Miss I. For, 62 Lr. Dominick St. Dublin, Des.-Chair, in needlework, of various materials; divan in needlework; painted chess table. 1210 Froggott, W. 6 Hall St. and 55 George's St. Manchester.-Specimens of patent enamel paint- ing for interior decoration, and various specimens of imitations of woods and marbles. 1211 FRY, W. & Co. Westmoreland St. Dublin.- Decorative furniture. 1212 GARDE, Miss L. 7 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin, Des.-Rosewood chess table, the top painted with flowers and mosaic, in water colours. 1213 GIBSON, J. 50 Mary St. Dublin.-Wooden doors painted in imitation of various woods. 1214 WHITE, Mrs. Kilikee.-Two tables in Flor- entine mosaic. 1215 GRENVILLE, W. 27 Clipstone St. Fitzroy Sq. London, Inv. and Manu.-Imitations of various woods, in paper, applicable to walls, wood-work, ceilings, &c. 1216 HALL & OSBORNE, 50 Paddington St. Marylebone, Manu.-A large easy chair, in crimsom Morocco, with new arrangement of stuffing; exhibited to show what may be accomplished by dispensing with all ornament in the shape of carving, &c. 1217 DROGHEDA, The Marquis of.-An inlaid table. 1218 HORSNAILL, W.11 Margate St. Dover, Manu. -Horsnaill's Dover couch, with sliding seat and re- cumbent end. Horsnaill's self-acting reclining couch, adapted to the bed chamber or boudoir, being con- vertible to nearly an incline plane. 1219 JACKSON, T. H. 32 Mid. Gardiner St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Carved oak library book-case, in the Italian style; carved oak chair. 1220 JACKSON & GRAHAM, 37 & 38 Oxford St. London. Decorative furniture, cabinets, &c. 1221 JENNENS, & BETTRIDGE, London, and Bir- mingham.-Papier machie and japanned goods. 1222 JONES, A. SONS & Co. 135 Stephen's Green, Dublin, Des. and Manu.-A curtain of gold color satin, with scroll work border of shaded celeste blue, and cornice of carved wood, gilt; the drapery supported by cupid veiled in lace by sylphs, the veil descending as curtains in front of the satin; the drawing curtain held by infantine figures standing on pedestals. Cabinet in brass buhl, with bent plate-glass panels in doors of wings. Ducal chairs, in style of Louis XIV. richly carved and gilt. Circular table, with marquetrie top, supported on claws of Irish walnut. Carved pier table and glass frame, in the florid style of Louis XIV. Bog yew Davenport desk. Antique carved and gilt girandole. Suit of chintz window curtains. Rosewood screen with panel in needle-work. Omnium of three plateaus, with statuette of Briam Boroihme. Loo table; three chairs; pole screen, with bass-relief of an Irish kern or light soldier of the 10th century; (the last six articles are made of Irish bog yew, and are specimens of a complete suit of furniture made by exhibitor). 1223 KERR, J. & Co. 43 Stafford St. Dublin, Manu. -Fancy cabinet, made of yew 100 years old, grown upon the estate of J. W. L. Naper, Esq. Loughcrew, Oldcastle, and with marble top. Oak chair, with arms supported by Irish wolf dogs, with the civic arms on back, made for the Council Chamber of the Corporation of Dublin. Bronze hall table, in the Grecian style, with marble top, supported by two female figures. 1224 LABERTOUCHE, G. E. 3 Charlemont Avenue, Kingstown, Des.-Picture frame, candlesticks, and brackets, ornamented with fruit and flowers in leather; model of an Irish jaunting car. · 1225 LEVIEN, J. M. 10 Davies St. Grosvenor Sq. London, Des. and Manu.-Escritoire in the style of Louis XIV. of tulip and kingwood, inlaid and orna- mented with ormolu, the interior consisting of a velvet writing table, sliding recesses for papers, drawers, &c. An occasional table, inlaid with various woods, and mounted in chased ormolu. Inlaid work table of New Zealand woods, discovered in that colony, and im- ported in 1840 by exhibitor. 1226 LITTLE, P. 29 Dorrington St. Hulme, Man- chester, Des. and Manu.-Table slab of Galway mar- ble, inlaid with Egyptian and Italian marbles. 1227 LOMBARD, N. 2 Leinster St. Dublin, Manu.— Looking glasses, in carved and gilt frames; chimney and pier glasses, in carved frames, in the old style; carved and gilt tables and drawing room chair; carved trophy picture frame; (see frame of Lord Gough's portrait in Fine Arts Hall); girandoles; Florentine mosaic chair (made by Luigi Venturicchio of Florence.) 1 2 94 FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, &G 1228 LOVE, T. 2 Little Britain, City, London, Inv. and Manu.-Walnut table, and mahogany boxes, with tops of plate glass painted in imitation of marbles, the colours chemically combining with the glass so as not to be rubbed off. 1229 STYAN, FRANCIS, of Chester St. Birkenhead, near Liverpool.-A full suit of walnut wood drawing- room furniture, comprising neatly designed chiffon- niere, with plate glass and marble slab; lady's writing table; loo table; twelve chairs; two lounging sofas, two lounging chairs, upholstered in damask, elaborately carved. 1230 MANSFIELD, WILLIAM, 90 Grafton St. Dub- lin, Manu.-Dressing cases, work boxes, writing desks, despatch boxes, envelope cases, &c. 1231 MANSFIELD, WM. 90 Grafton St. Exhibitor.- Papier machie goods manufactured by Jennens and Bettridge, consisting of tables, chairs, tea chests, dressing cases, work boxes, portfolios, pole screens,' tea trays, writing desks; patent inlaid gems, pearls, &c. 1232 MCKEON, P. 16 AungierSt. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Italian bonnet blind, with spring barrel and weight movement, for drawing-room or parlour win- dows; outside storm shutter blinds, with inside action ; corrugated zinc blind, lace pattern; Venetian blinds; zinc blind, with gilt moulding; ornamented wire blinds; transparent landscapes of Irish scenes, on wire and mousseline; the royal arms painted on zinc; linen blind, mounted on improved spring barrel. 1 1233 MILLIGAN, Mrs. Auburn Lodge, 111 Rath- mines Rd. Dublin.-Fancy painted chess table with rich flower border; white and gold chess board, mounted with gold pedestal. Heraldic chess table, the squares formed of heraldic designs adopted by the knights in the time of King John, the border in black and white designs of a procession and tournament; fancy work table, with group of fruit and flowers, mounted in maple-wood and gold; work box, in mineral painting, representing precious stones, mounted with gold moulding. 1234 GREENE, Mrs. JOHN B. 10 Waterloo Terrace, Up. Leeson St.-Table top, covered with tulip leaves. 1235 MULLER, A. 30 Sussex St. Bedford Sq. Lon- don, Des.-A painted panel, in decorative style. 1236 MOLLOY, T. Ballina, co. Mayo, Des.-A table and chair of curious and original design. ´1237 MORAN & QUIN, 29 Myddleton St. Clerken- well, London, Inv. & Manu.--Brooch, pin, ring, neck- let, steel, and watch cases; Kilburn's registered folding stereoscope, forming in one the case for the photogra- phic miniatures and binocular instrument; anti-warp- ! ing miniature and jewellery cases; ormolu, and imi- tation ormolu frames; daguerreotype mats, cases, and glasses; registered folded spring catch bracelet cases, 1238 NOSOTTI, C. A. 398 and 399 Oxford St. London.-Solid carved and gilt trophies, military and naval, representing species of war with medallions; the two departed Heroes-Wellington and Nelson; a rich ornamented and gilt pedestal, supporting bust of Daniel O'Connell; solid carved and gilt frame, with Crayon drawing, by Gratia. 1239 NIXON, T. Jun. Rothwell, near Kettering, Northamptonshire, Inv.-Specimens of Nixon's oil stain on deal, a substitute for paint; a prie dieu, and a lectern, executed in deal by Mr. Ruddle, of Peter- borough, from designs by J. G. Bland, Esq, architect, and stained with Nixon's oil stain. 1240 O'NEILL, H. 49 Mary St.-Cabinet and up- holstery work. 1241 OSBORNE, Mrs. C. S. 26 Harcourt St. Dublin, Des.-Frames, ornamented with raised coloured flowers, (Rembrandt's hundred guilder print, and Madame de Pompadour as Venus attired by the Graces). 1242 PANTER & CASSIDY, 22 D'Olier St. Dublin. -Specimens of, decorations and imitations of fancy marbles and woods painted, in oil. 1243 PARKER & Co. St. Vincent Works, Glasgow, Manu.-Paper hangings, in satins, flocks, and Bronzes, for dining and drawing rooms. 1244 PATTERSON, W. Dublin, Des.-Panels painted in imitation of woods and marbles; pillars and table – in imitation of marbles. 1245 NUGENT, Mrs. 74 Harcourt St.-A table inlaid with various emblematical devices. 1246 PLUNKETT, BROTHERS, 30 Lower Pembroke St. Dublin, Prod.-Round tables, painted in imitation of inlaid marbles; pillars in imitation of various marbles; panels painted to imitate several descriptions of woods. 1247 RENNER, J. F. 46 Castle St. East, Oxford St. London, Manu. Buhl cabinet, inlaid with tortoise- shell, brass, and ebony, &c.; buhl clock case, with bracket, and bracket for clock or bronze. 1248 M'DONAGH, Mrs. PLUNKETT, 21 Rathmines Road, Dublin.-Chinese work table, with carved ivory fittings. 1249 ROGERS, W. G. 10 Carlisle Street, Soho, `London :- His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, a crayon by Russell. ? 萨 ​FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, &c. 95 T следните Carved brackets, fruit, flowers and birds. Cluster of birds brackets. Small brackets. A squirrel in lime wood. A hunting trophy. A boy tazza in boxwood. A Dutch toper. Five oratory figures. Two small figures. A figure in pear wood. A friar in pear wood. A complimentary carved picture frame, composed of scrolls, flowers, and trophies of the arts, in the style of Louis XV. with the daguerreotype of Mrs. S. C. Hall, by D. Maclise. Heart-shaped miniature frame in boxwood emble- matical of passion winged love's hold, and ways of fruit and flowers, a garland of roses resting on branches of palms, illuminated by flames rising from a pot of fire at the bottom. In boxwood a miniature frame, ribbons and flowers. Boxwood, miniature frames of the time of James I. A shelf carved in lime wood, of the period of James I. with the ebony and gold case. A cup carved in boxwood, in the style of the box- wood cradle carved for her Majesty the Queen. A winged genius, with flowers and a lily, Mar- rianne. A winged hymen. A grotesque mask, Italian. Spoon and fork composed from the leaf and stem of celery, exhibited by John Cowley, Esq. In boxwood, a boy playing the reeds, on a primrose bank, from the legend of the Lady Nancy. I In boxwood, a boy with tambourine, on a hill of snow drops, from the legend of the Lady Harriett. A miniature frame, ribbons and flowers. In boxwood frames, Elizabethan strap. Boxwood frame of the time of James I. Music trophies-violin and guitar. An oratory group on a gothic bracket, Spanish. Alms dishes and covers. Two boys in pear wood. } A fine flower bracket, with bunches of hops, double stocks, rich fruit, and delicate snow drops. A companion bracket, in roses, convolvulus, china aster, and delicate snowdrop. A boldly carved poppy. Three angels' heads in boxwood, clustered in an oval. A brace of snipe. A brace of partridge. Gothic brackets. A bold fruit and flower brackets. A diaper and monogram alms. Small alms dish. A bold diaper alms dish. A peony in lime wood. An anemone. A carved glass case, 3 feet by 2 feet 6 inches, to hang on a wall. A boxwood bracket, composed of Elizabethan strap work, curiously interlaced with mask front. A boxwood Italian mask bracket. À box wood Italian mask bracket. Four grotesque masks, various conceits, in dark wood. Salad spoons and forks, Italian arabesque. In boxwood, the royal monogram, with crown and garter, for miniature. An Italian oval frame, dolphins, flowers, and foliage. Six ornamental boys in boxwood. Elizabethan strap, oval. V Two ornamental boys in porcelain. 1250 Ross, E. 9 and 10 Eilis' Quay, Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Rosewood chiffonier, made to contain a set of portable drawing room furniture, viz. cabriole couch, easy chair, six chairs, loo table, dinner table, and two sofa tables. Portable mahogany drawers, with secretary, &c. the cases to contain these forming wardrobe and three tables. Mahogany cabinet and bookshelf, made to hold the furniture of an officer's barrack room. Portable reclining easy chair of iron. Portable easy chair, forming also a couch; with other portable and camp furniture. 1251 RUTHERFORD, J. 5 Castle St. Belfast, Manu. -Stucco and alabaster pedestals, painted in imitation of marble. 1252 SMITH, Mrs. E. 4 Summerhill, Kingstown, Des.-Mosaic chess table and round table, painted in scagliola. 1253 SPARKS, R. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Spanish mahogany cabinet sideboard, richly carved, and with glass in pediment. Gilt pier table with two glasses, elaborately ornamented in the French style. Rosewood marchioness, for centre of drawing-room, containing two sofas, back-to-back, and two easy chairs at ends, richly carved in the French style, and covered with a ponceau figured satin brocatelle. Specimens of Axminster velyet pile, tapestry and Brussels carpets, and hearth rugs. + + S 96 CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PROCESSES GENERALLY. 1254 SPIERS & SON, Oxford, Manu.-A table, and other specimens of decorated papier maché. 1255 Star, G. B. 27 Lower Ormond Qy. Dublin, Manu. Specimens of paper hangings and decorations ; pedestals, painted in imitation of marbles. 1256 STEWART, J. 54 Clanbrasil St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Inlaid mosaic table, composed of upwards of 3,500 separate pieces, designed and executed by exhibitor, a working chair maker. 1257 STRAHAN, R. 24 Henry St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Rosewood drawing-room cabinet, with plate glass back, the carvings in sycamore. Library pedestal writing table in walnut, library reading chair; lounge chair; prie dieu, constructed to form an arm chair; and other chairs in walnut, upholstered in morocco; circular table in walnut, with marquetrie border; carved and gilt window cornice, &c. 1258 TILLING, E. Bolton le Moors, Inv.- Enrich ment for cornices and centres of ceilings; specimens of gilding; a cabinet. * 1259 WALTON, F. & Co. Old Hall, Wolverhamp- ton.-Specimens of papier maché tea trays; japanned toilet ware; block tin dish covers and patent enamelled wrought iron ware. 1260 WERTHEIMER, S. 35 Greek St. Soho, London, Des. Mod. and Manu.-Jewel caskets; envelope cases, work boxes, portfolios, inkstands, writing desks, can- dlesticks, &c. in the cinque cento, Louis XIV. and other styles, and in various materials and mountings; candelabras chased in ormolu; ormolu chandeliers, brackets, and card trays; card table, mounted in ormolu; ebony cabinet, with marble top, mounted in ormolu and china; chiffonier in tulipwood, mounted in plate glass and china; Louis XIV. clocks; chased and bronze wine coolers and candlesticks; agate cup, mounted with swans, set with stones; Cellini cup, 1 1267 THE GOVERNOR & Co. oF APOTHECARIES' HALL OF IRELAND, 40 Mary St. Dublin.-Chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, manufactured in the laboratory of the Apothecaries' Hall; specimens of drugs as imported and prepared. bronzed and chased, with many other articles in ormolu, bronze, &c. - 1261 SIBTHORPE, H. & SON, Dublin, Ex.-Two mirrors. These are the largest looking glasses ever imported into Ireland, and were made expressly for this Exhibition. 1262 WHITEHEAD, I. 29 South Anne Șt. Dublin. -Girandole glass; picture frames, of various sizes, finished and in the rough state; specimens of mould carving and gilt ornaments; window cornice. 1262A TRACEY, JOHN, 5 Harcourt St. Dublin.- Venetian shade, worked by a spring roller, rendering side hooks or knobs unnecessary; Louvre shutters, made to slide; patterns of brass wires, viz., gauze, fancy lace, and embroidered. CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PROCESSES GENERALLY, 1266 MURPHY, W. M.D. 4 Arthur Pl. Belfast, 1268 BOILEAU, JOHN GEORGE & Co. Mary's Abbey, Manu.-Aerated waters; carbonic acid gas in solu- Dublin, Imp. and Manu.-Specimens of chemical tion; effervescent tonics. 1263 WILSON, J. & Co. Ayr, Ayrshire, Des. and Manu.-Large Elizabethan book case, richly carved, the centre emblematical of the United Kingdom, the right wing of Ireland, and the left of Scotland. 1264 WINTERBOTTOM, A. 29 Mosley St. Manches- ter, Manu. and Pat.-Specimens of patent Dacian silver paper hangings and panelings; a variety of silver decorations, fancy papers, &c. 1 1265 WORMINGTON, W. 2 Dame Court, Dame St. Dublin, Manu.-An ecclesiastical throne, carved in Irish oak, in the style of Louis XIV. the arms sup- ported by winged seraphs, the cherubs on the corners denoting harmony and adoration; the entire sur- mounted by a statuette of St. Paul, by Clarke. 1265 A WRIGHT, Miss, Moneymore, co. Derry, Exhibitor. Specimens of carvings in wood, executed by deaf and dumb children. 1265B KEHOE, JAMES, Ballyvelogue, co. Wexford, Manu.-A tea poy, or holder of tea and sugar, made of cherrywood, on which are carved Chinese figures, copied from Chinese wardrobes. preparations. 1269 BOILEAUS. BROTHERS, 91, 92, and 93 Bride St. Dublin.-Chemicals. 1270 BOYD & Goodwin, 6 Merrion Row, Dublin, Imp. and Manu.-Pharmaceutical and chemical speci- mens. : 1 { T CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PROCESSES GENERALLY. 97 1271 BROTHERTON, WILLIAM, North St. Wands- worth, Surrey.-Bottle of rape seed, rape seed oil, olive oil. 1272 DAWSON, W. Leith.-Colours and specimens of prussiate of potash. 1273 THE DUBLIN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 64 Capel St. Dublin.-Productions by the following members:- PREPARED BY MR P. C. ALCOCK: K Prussian blue; oxide and sulphate of iron, from Irish ore, with specimen; carbonate, oxide and sul- phate of zinc, acetic acid. PREPARED BY MR. W. ARTHUR: Oxalates of iron, ammonia and potash; sulphates of magnesia and potash; benzoic acid. PREPARED BY MR. P. C. ALCOCK: Carbonate, oxide and sulphate of iron and zinc, Prussian blue; acetic acid: (all from Irish ores). PREPARED BY MR. W. ELLWOOD: Iodide of potassium; acetate of zinc; ammonia- citrate of iron; oxide of mercury. PREPARED BY MR. T. G. FIGGIS: Acetate, carbonate, chloride, nitrate, oxide and sulphate of lead-from Irish ore, with specimen. PREPARED BY MR. J. W. GREGG : Nitric acid, (pure); phosphate of silver; muriate and sulphate of ammonia. PREPARED BY MR. T. HAYES: Iodine, from Dublin Bay sea-weed; carbonate, bi-carbonate and sulphate of soda. PREPARED BY MR. J. LANGDALE : Tartar emetic; arseniate of potash; valerianates of iron, and zinc. ore. PREPARED BY MR. W. LEARY: Muriatic acid, (pure); boracic acid; phosphate of ammonia; bi-carbonate of potash. PREPARED BY MR. M. LANGAN: Arsenite, nitrate, and sulphate of copper-from Irish PREPARED BY MR. J. MOORHEAD : Chromate and iodide of lead; iodoform; gun cotton; collodion. 1274 CORRY & Co. Belfast, Manu.-Ornamental stand of aerated waters, manufactured by patent improved machinery. 1275 DONOVAN, R. E. 3 Home Ter. Dublin, Prop. -A collection of Irish lichens, collected by Joseph Taylor, Esq. and named and classified by the late Dr. Taylor, both of Dunkerron, co. Kerry. 1276 DYAS & HARMAN, Cork, Bewley & Evans, Agents in Dublin.-Dawson's rat poison. 1277 ELLAM, JONES, & Co. Markeaton Mills, Derby, Manu.-Specimens of the emery of commerce, ´or rhombohedral corundrum stone, from Naxos, in the Grecian Archipelago, in its native and manufactured state, used for grinding and polishing steel, iron, glass, &c. and by lapidaries. Mineral, chemical, and vege- table colors, raw and manufactured, for oil paints and paper staining. 1278 HILL, J. 58 Great Brunswick St. Dublin, Manu. Specimens of salt, manufactured from the rock salt of the new mines of Duncrue, Carrickfergus, on the Marquis of Downshire's estate, viz.: Stoved salt for table use; Irish fine or butter salt; İrish coarse or provision salt; crystalized salt for baker's use; pink table salt; bittern; with a sample of the rock salt. p 1279 TUSTIAN, J. & USHER, R. Milcombe, near Banbury, Oxon, Prod. and Manu.-English rhubarb powder; English rhubarb, trimmed and untrimmed. 1280 MOBERLY, W. Sandsend, near Whitby, Manu. -Half cask of alum; sample of refined Epsom salts (patent). 1281 MOFFAT, G. D. 46Dundas St. Edinburgh. Pure medicinal cod-liver oil, characterized by its freedom from taste and smell. 1282 MURRAY, Sir J. M. D. 19 Temple St. Dublin. -Specimens of magnesia and camphor in chemical union in a fluid form. A bottle of fluid magnesia and camphor, from which the carbonic acid having been expelled by heat, the magnesia and camphor held in sciution by that gas, become again insoluble, the magnesia falling to the bottom, and the camphor float- ing on the top of the liquid after being boiled. 1283 M'GARRY & SONS, Palmerstown and Ash- town Mills, Dublin.-Linseed and rape oils and cakes. 1284 PENNEY, HENRY, 4 York Place, Baker St. London.-Samples of Varnishes. 1285 COUPLAND, HENRY, Liverpool.-Raspberry vinegar, acid, and syrup of lemon. 1286 SMITH, T. &H. 21 Duke St. Edinburgh, Manu. -Caffeine; the crystalline and characteristic principle of coffee. Aloin; (discovered by the exhibitors, 1850,) the cathartic principle of the aloes; two samples exhibited, made from the Socotrine aloes. 1287 Squire, P. 277 Oxford St. London.-Speci- mens of the principal alcohols, and corresponding acids; compound ethers; specimens illustrating the indigo series; tartaric and paratartaric acids; speci- mens of crystals; pharmaceutical preparations. 1288 THWAITES & Co. A. & R. Dublin, Manu.- G • + 98 SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. Samples of artificial mineral waters; double and single soda water. 1289 WOOD & BEDFORD, Leeds, Manu. - The varieties of lichens employed in the manufacture of lichen dyes; specimens of Orchil and Cudbear of diffe- rent kinds and qualities; illustrations of the use of these coloring matters in the arts of dying and print- ing. Į 痛 ​1292 ANDREWS, W. Brazilian Consul, Castle St. Dublin.-Specimens of Brazilian produce, comprising coffee, coffee plants, sugar canes, sugar; cotton, raw and manufactured; native plants and trees. 1293 ALLMAN & Co. Bandon, Manu.-Specimen of whiskey. 1294 ASPREY, JAMES, Sandleford, near Newbury, Berks, Prod.-Specimens of malt and peas. 1295 BROWN & POLSON, Paisley.-Patent granu- lated starch, made from wheat; patent powder starch, from sago flower; pulverized farina, from diseased potatoes; gluten, from wheat. 1296 BURGESS, Mrs. E. 10 Pill Lane, Dublin, Manu.-Snuff, made solely from pure Virginia tobacco stalks; roll tobacco, made of pure Virginia leaf. 1297 COONEY, C. Dublin, Manu. and Imp.-Starch manufactured from wheat, sago flower, and potato flour; British gums; hair powder; indigo and smelt blue; button, thumb, and Queen's blue; Prussian and Chinese blue. SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD 1298 DALY, J. & Co. Cork, Manu.-Whiskey, in wooden and glass casks; specimens of Irish manufactured pearl, &c. pearl barleys. · 1290 WARD, JOHN, Ramelton, co. Donegal.- Muriate of potash, sulphate of potash, and iodine, manufactured from sea-weed. 1299 DAWSON & MORRIS, 96 Fenchurch St. Lon- don, Imp. and Manu.-Samples of Russian and Brazil isinglass, as imported, and cut for use. 1300 M'GARRY and SONS, Palmerston and Ashtown Mills, Dublin, Manu.-Irish mustard. 1291 ABBOTT & WRIGHT, Needham Market, Suffolk, Manu.-Specimens of crown glue, manu- factured from the waste pieces of hides and feet of animals. > 1301 FADEUILHE, V. B. 19 Newington Crescent, London, Inv. and Manu.-Patent solidified milk; grated substance of solidified milk; graters. the 1302 FARRELL, J. 10 & 11 Leinster Market, Hawkins St. Dublin.-Specimens of mess beef and pork, in casks. 1303 LEA & PERRIN, 68 Broad St. Worcester. -Worcestershire sauce. 1303 A WARRINER, GEORGE, 40 Snow St. Bir- mingham.-Biscuits made of essence of meat. 1304 Foot, LUNDY & Co. 6 & 7 Essex Bridge, Dublin, Manu.-Lundy Foot's snuff of three kinds, viz. :-Hightoast, Scotch and Stalk made solely from the leaf and stalks of Virginia Tobacco; Virginia leaf Tobacco and stalks; same fermented previous to roasting; same roasted ready for grinding; Cavendish, Nailrod, Negrohead, Pigtail, Roll Tobacco, and various cut Tobaccoes. 1305 FORDHAM, T. Snelsmore-Hill, East, near Newbury, Berks. Prod. and Prop.-Samples of agricultural produce, viz :—wheat, Fordham's improved white, red lammas, and Australian white; Fordham's prolific white eye and haricot beans; Augusta horse beans; chevalier, black, and skinless chevalier barley, (a new variety); two ears of maize, a few dried pods of haricot beans grown between the rows of the maize, with specimen of foreign maize; dried specimen of [maize] Indian corn, with three ears, grown upon the SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 99 Snelsmore Hill estate in 1852, from acclimatized seed. 1306 FRY & SONS, (Chocolate makers to the Queen), Bristol, Imp. and Manu.-Specimens of pods, leaves, flowers, wood, &c. of the theobroma cacao tree; cocoa nuts as imported; manufactured chocolate and cocoa; paintings of views in Trinidad, &c. 1307 GOODBODY, R. Tullamore, King's co. Manu. -Snuffs and tobaccos. 1308 HIRSCH, W. Mountmelick, Queen's co. Manu. -Specimens illustrating the beet root sugar manufac- ture: beet root seed, beet roots, beet root pulp; juice of beet root defecated, and concentrated; syrup of the beet root crystalized; samples of soft sugar from first, second, and third crystalizations; treacle from first and second crystalizations; the same, boiled; molasses ; soft sugar loaves and lumps; pressed scum from defe- cating pans; animal charcoal for filtering; five views of the different processes carried on in the factory at Mountmelick. 1308 A SULLIVAN, WILLIAM K.-Series of speci- mens, illustrative of the manufacture of beet sugar, obtained in carrying out the experiments for the government report at the Museum of Irish Industry. 1309 JENNINGS, T. Brown St. Cork, Manu.- Specimens of pure calcined magnesia; carbonate of magnesia, and strong solution carbonate of magnesia ; pure carbonate magnesia in blocks'; wheaten starch; crystal white wine and brown vinegar. T. Grentres, Hadlow, Kent, 1310 KIBBLE, Prod.-Hops. 1311 LUGTON, G. 14 Leinster St. Dublin, Manu.— Rounds of spiced beef. 1312 MOCANN, J. Drogheda, Manu.-Samples of oatmeal, coarse and fine, as used in Ireland for stirabout, gruel and bread. 1313 MOVEY, E. 61 James' St. Dublin, Manu.- A whole preserved pig; hams, middles, and joles of bacon; mess pork; refined lard in kegs, rings, and bladders; mutton hams, and ox tongues, dried and smoked. 1314 MONTEIRO, L. A. 2 Up. Phillimore Pl. Ken- sington, London, Inv. and Manu. Specimens of chocolate, sweetened without any admixture or color- ing matter whatever, made of Curaçao cocoa, Curacao # and British West India cocoas combined, and of British West India cocoa; and chocolate lozenges of pure Curacao cocoa; all roasted by a new process. 1315 NIMMO, T. & Co. Linlithgow, Manu.-Speci- mens of glue and refined gelatine. 1316 PIM, T. & L. Mountmelick, Queen's co. Manu.-Specimens of starch and blue. 1317 REILLY & SONS, 14 Westmoreland St. Dublin, Manu.-Pickled and smoked ox tongues; potted meats; vin au lait, or milk punch; restoration jelly; bottled fruits; fancy jars of pickles; and various sauces, pre- serves, &c. 1318 RUSSELL, G. Wilmington, Kent, Prod.— Kent hops. 1319 SMITH, J. Rye, Sussex, Prod. - Sussex hops. 1320 SMITH, M. Copper Alley, Dublin, Manu.—— Model of a pig, cast in rendered lard, with other ornamental devices of same material. 1321 STYLES, T. 148 Up. Thames St. London, Manu.-Samples of, and illustrations of the mode of packing, Ashby's prepared groats, barley and pea flour, for the production of gruel, &c. in a few minutes. 1322 TAYLOR, J. & W. Bishops Stortford, Hert- fordshire. Specimens of malt:—white, for making pale ale; coloured, for beer and porter; amber, for giving color and flavour; and brown or blown, used exclusi- vely for making porter. 1323 ROE, WILLIAM, Mountrath Mills.-Flour, bran, wheaten meal, &c. 1324 TUCKER, E. Belfast.-Specimens of wheat starch and glue. 1325 WATERS, G. & Co. Green Distillery, Cork, Manu.-Specimens of Whiskey of different ages, in 2 glass barrels, and one of polished oak, with brass hoops and glass heads, exhibited as a beautiful specimen of coopering; samples of Scotch and pearl barley, manu- factured at the green distillery mills. 1326 WEEKES, T. 91 Gt.Britain St. Dublin, Manu. -Roll of manufactured tobacco. 1327 WOTHERSPOON, R. Glenfield Starch-works, Paisley, Manu.-Specimens of the Glenfield patent starch, made of East India sago by a peculiar process, and solely by manual labour.. 10944 ་ .. I ****** * 1 100 AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL MACHINES. 1328 ADAIR, J. G. Bellegrove, Ballybrittas, Queen's county, Prop.-Model of farm steading, adapted for 1,000 acres, with accommodation for 20 horses and 300 head of cattle; the machinery driven by an eight- horse steam engine; as erected on exhibitor's farm of Bellegrove in 1852.-Made and modelled by Joshua Anderson, 8 North Brunswick St. Dublin. 1329 ADAMS, S. & C. Oldbury, near Birmingham, Inv. and Pat.-Steel hand mill, for grinding flour for domestic use, and for emigrants, of new and peculiar construction. 1330 BALL, W. Rothwell, Kettering, Northamp- tonshire, Inv. and Manu.-The criterion prize plough, made of iron, with steel or cast iron furrow turners. Two-horse waggon, either with pole or shafts. 1331 BARRETT, EXALL, & ANDREWES, Katesgrove Iron Works, Reading, Berks, Inv. and Manu.-Four horse-power patent steam engine, with improvements for economising heat; four horse-power thrashing machine, with wooden frame, wrought iron breasting, and wood and iron beaters; two horse-power patent thrashing machine, with portable patent gear, and new arrangement for setting the breastwork; hand power patent iron thrashing machine, for two men; one horse-power patent gear; barley aveller, with iron framing; patent chain chaff-cutter, on a new principle; the paragon grain mill, with two rollers for crushing malt, oats, barley, and linseed, and a third for splitting beans; oil cake mill; registered hay-making machine, with twofold motion, for tedding or spreading the grass, and for lightly turning it; patent horse rake, with moveable clearer; Read's patent subsoil plough. 1332 MELLOR, D. Dunleer.-Improved prize two horse plough, improved drill grubber; cart axle with engine turned ends. ; } 1333 BIGG, T. Great Dover St. Southwark, Inv. and Manu.-Sheep-dipping apparatus, consisting of dipping tub, draining vessel, and inclined plane. 1334 BLACKER, ST. J. T. Ballylongford, co. Kerry, Prop.-Hollow bricks for building; drainage tiles, pipes, and collars; earthenware dairy pans. SA AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL MACHINES. 3. t * 10 喜欢 ​1335 BOYD, J. 70 Lr. Thames St. London, Inv. and Manu.-Patent double action or self adjusting scythes. 1335A DAVIDSON, J. & Co. Edinburgh.-A su- periorly adjusted cart steelyard, to weigh from one pound to four tons, (gained first prize at the Great Exhibition of 1851); a set of three smaller steelyards. 1336 BRUCE, J. Coleraine, Inv.-Economic hay- rack, acted on by weight or spring; hollow tube, a fixture in a stable for tying horses, (patented); a model of stall with the fittings. 1337 BUSHE, R. H. Glencairn, Lismore, co. Wat- terford, Des. and Manu.-The Lismore turnip grater for grating roots for cattle, pigs, and poultry. 1338 CORCORAN, BRYAN, & Co. 36 Mark Lane, London, Manu.-A four feet diameter millstone for grinding wheat; a woven wire kiln plate; sundry samples; imperial bushel. 1339 CLAYTON, SHUTTLEWORTH & Co. Lincoln, Manu.-Portable steam engine, for agricultural con- tractors', or builders' purposes; combined portable thrashing, straw-shaking, riddling and winnowing machine, to be driven by steam power. 1340 COLEMAN, R. Chelmsford, Essex, Inv. and Manu.-Patent drag harrows, cultivators, or scarifiers, with 7 or 5 prongs, to which shares or spuds may be affixed; patent expanding harrow, made in four com- partments, and on the principle of a parallel ruler; patent subsoil harrow or pulveriser. 1 1340A COOMBE, & Co. 30 Mark Lane, London.- A case, containing specimens of fine wire netting, in brass and copper, to which the medal was awarded in 1851, at five hundred threads per inch; a variety of patent weighing machines, flour mills, &c. 1341 CORRIGAN, ANDREW, Royal Dublin Society. -Model of a simple machine for irrigation purposes, and making small as well as large streams available for such purposes in the summer, autumn, and winter seasons. Invented by Dr. Spurgen of the Polytechnic Institution, London. 1342 CROSSKILL, W. Beverley, Yorkshire, Manu. AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL MACHINES. 101 -Yorkshire wood plough, to work as a swing plough, or with one or two wheels; sets of Williams' patent iron seed harrows, and pair horse iron harrows; Cross- kill's patent serrated roller, or clod crusher, fitted with two travelling wheels; Crosskill's patent wheat roller and clod crusher, with latest improvements; two row hand presser, used after two ploughs, to press the edges of each furrow, and form a solid bottom for seed corn; improved Norwegian harrow; Earl Ducie's drag harrow and scarifier, with extra steel paring shears; improved iron lever horse rake; double-action haymaker, with fore motion for making hay, and back motion for tedding it; improved iron horse hoe and harrow; broadcast portable manure distributor; tur- nip and manure drill, for peat charcoal, &c.; Cross- kill's patent wheels and axle for farm carts; emigrant's cart; model farm cart; liquid manure cart; portable manure pump, with hose pipe and copper tube; iron pump, with iron pipe and winbore; specimens of por- table farm railway, and railway truck; two-horse por- table thrashing machine, as used in the colonies; corn dressing machine; Archimedean potato washer; pig troughs; Hussey's American reaper, with further improvements by exhibitor; improved American reaper, by W. Crosskill; Bell's original reaper, with patented improvements, and self-acting side-delivery; other agricultural implements. 2343 LA TOUCHE, Rev. THOMAS DIGGES, Upham, Killenaule.-Agricultural models of a harrow; of a drill dibbler and roller; of a drill scuffler of horse hoe; of a farm cart; of a grubber. 1344 LONGWORTH DAMES, F. Greenhill, Edenderry, King's co. Prop.-Net for confining sheep on pasture, &c. made of shreds of bog deal; specimens of ropes of same material. 1345 DrummOND, W. & SON, 58 Dawson St. Dub- lin, and Stirling, N.B.-290 dried specimens of grains, grasses, and other plants used in agriculture; samples of the seeds of the grains and grasses, &c. generally cultivated in Ireland; colored drawings in full size, of 40 varieties of garden and farm vegetables and roots; model of a corn stack. • 1345 A WEBSTER, W. B. Esq. C. E.-A prize double acting tile making machine, and pug mill, manufactured by Tasker and Fowler. 1346 EELES, T. & Co. Mary St. Dublin, Prop.- Improved hay and straw cutting machine, to be worked by water, steam, or horse power; oat, bean, and flax- bruising machine; turnip slicer and cutter; strong malleable iron steelyard or weighing machines; single pri horse drill grubbers, or green crop cultivators; double drill turnip-sowing machine; improved cart axle with turned bushes; two horse plough; Ferrabee's improved Budding's mowing machine; Hunter's registered hand churn; samples of farm and garden seeds, with drawings, &c.; farm, garden, and forest hand implements and tools; improved durable sheep-folding net; farm cart harness; Berwickshire farm cart; specimens of arti- ficial manures. 1347 Farran, C. Dungarva, Conunty Waterford, Manu. A cradle churn; a milk tub. 1348 FERGUSON, J. Bridge of Allan, near Stirling, Des. and Manu.-Model of an improved draining plough; common iron plough improved. 1349 FORBES, P. Shettleston, Glasgow, Des. and Manu.-Common Plough, with machinery for depositing seeds. 1350 FORSHAW & Co. 51 Cornwallis Street, Liver- pool, Des. and Manu.--Machine to weigh carts and live stock; Fairbank's patent, and other weighing machines; bean and oat crusher; linseed and oat mill; hand mill and dressing machine for grinding and dress- ing flour; grocers' coffee mill. 1351 FRASER, S. 45 Mary St. Dublin, Des. and Manu.-Improved garden watering engines; cream forcers for making butter and iced or whipped creams; potato steamers; imperial double-acting prize churns. 1351a Young, CHARLES, D. & Co. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, and London, Manu.-Improved corn rick stands, under their scheme for the reduction of the price of iron manufactures; premium iron field gates and posts, and Crosskill's clod crusher, both under same scheme; premium hare and rabbit proof wire netting; iron and wire fencing; garden roller; garden chairs; new French iron and galvanised wire seats; Drummond's patent churn, with recent im- provements. 1352 GAILLARD, fils ainé, La Ferté, sous Jouarre, France (agent, G. Dornbusch, London), Manu.- French mill-stones of the best description. 1352A NIXON, T. Kettering, Northamptonshire, Inv. and Manu.-Small green-house, glazed without putty, with improved ventilators, &c.; improved garden hand frames of metal; shade of zinc and glass to preserve peas from frost; specimen of fret work or lead light glazing. 1353 GARRETT, R. Laston Works, Suffolk, Manu. —An eleven-row improved Suffolk corn drill, with fore, carriage, steerage, and iron levers; corn and seed drills for small occupations; lever drill for vegetable 1 #1 } .1 2 102 1 TINTOL 100; AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL MACHINES. Į seeds and manure; economical vegetable seed and manure drill; broadcast manure distributor; Gar- rett's patent horse hoe; horse and steam-power port- able thrashing machines on travelling wheels; reaping machines, and set of Norwegian harrows. 1354 CORPORATION OF DUBLIN, per Parke Neville, Esq., C.E.-Watering, scavenging, and gravel carts, manufactured by Mr. James Fitzsimons, Bridgefoot St. under direction of the Borough Engineer. 1354A COURTNEY & STEPHENS, Messrs. Dublin. -A gorse machine and oat bruiser, with two horse plough and harrows, and a double acting pipe tile, and brick making machine. 1355 SMYTH, JAMES, & SONS, Peasenhall, Yoxford, Suffolk. A six rowed patent corn drill, upon the lever principle, manufactured by the proprietors, who are the inventors. An eight rowed patent corn drill for corn and seeds, manufactured upon the improvements of seeding hilly land regular, and for the simple application of cog wheels, &c. A ten rowed patent corn and seed drill, with attach- ments of improved and patented inventions. A patent three rowed turnip and mangold wurzel seeds and manure drill, adapted for three rows on the flat and two on the ridge, constructed upon a new principle, with revolving axle for contracting or ex- panding the carriage wheels. A patent three rowed turnip and mangold wurzel seed drill, for two on ridge or three on flat. Fore carriage steerage for straight drilling, &c. A patent manure distributor. 1355 A GREENING, B. 6 Church Gate, Manchester, or 2 Cateaton St.-Wire manufactures, by machinery, of every variety of agricultural and horticultural fences and decorations, field ates, corn rick stands, &c. 1356 GRAY & Co. Uddingston, near Glasgow, Manu.-One-horse Scotch farm cart; Scotch two-horse swing plough; parallel lever sub-soil pulveriser; parallel hoe for drill crops; parallel expansion horse hoe; horse parallel five-tined drill grubber; horse equalizing draught bars; field grubber or cultivator; double drill turnip sowing machines, with improved seed distribu- tors, concave iron rollers, &c.; improved chaff cutting, and oat and bean bruising machines; American churn. 1357 HUGHES, W. Valley Foundry, Holyhead, Anglesea, Inv. and Manu.-Gorse or furze cutting machines for hand and power; chaff cutting machine, with an improved motion. 1358 HILL, E. & Co. Brierley Hill Iron Works, near Dudley, Manu.-Wrought iron skim or paring plough; registered expanding horse hoe, for turnips, potatoes, &c.; iron sheep rack on four wheels, with roof and trough; wrought and cast iron rick staddle or stand; iron fittings for a stable. Samples of E. Hill & Co.'s continuous iron fences and hurdles; new sheep hurdle. Materials for strained wire fences, consisting of wire, straining pillar, standards and stays. Specimens of game proof wire netting, painted and galvanized; iron garden seat with foot stage; netting plant guards; iron gates; guttering for roofs; iron barrow with apparatus for heating tar. 1359 HOWARD, J. & F. Bedford, Inv. and Manu.-. Patent iron plough, with wheels, of various sizes and descriptions; patent iron swing plough; double breast or ridge plough; patent subsoil plough; sets of patent jointed iron harrows; patent three and four beam iron harrows; improved one rowed horse hoe; trussed, equalizing, and steel-yard whippletrees: patent horse rake; improved corn crusher and oil cake breaker. 1360 HUNTER, W. & J. Samuelston, Haddington, Inv. and Manu.-Lever drilling machine; horse hoe for drilled grain. 1360A JAMES, J. 24 Leadenhall St. London," Weigh Bridge Manufacturer.-A variety of patent weigh bridges, suited to agricultural and mercantile purposes. 1361 KAY & HILTON, Fleet St. Liverpool.-French Burr runner mill stones, built after the plans of Geo. Mullin, Esq. of Gilford, Co. Down, and John Steel, Esq. of Cork. 1362 KENNEDY, J. 8 Aston's Qy. Dublin, Manu.— Double and single drill turnip sowers; oat bruiser; turnip cutters; hay and straw cutter; drill grubber, and harrow; couch grass rake; steaming apparatus; winnowing machine; ploughs; 6 bull harrow of wrought iron; Churn; patent mangles, with rack and crown wheel motion; linen press; family wheat mill. 1363 KENT, A. Chichester, Inv. and Manu. Greenhouses, glazed with Kent's patent weather-proof glazing, without putty or other adhesive composition. 1363A KIRKWOOD, J. Tranent Foundry, Tranent. -A horse hay-rake; turnip cutter; two-horse plough; pil cake mill; four-horse grubber; and set of har:ows. 1364 LE HUNTE, G. Artramont, Wexford, Manu. -Sheep-netting, made by Irish peasants. 1365 MASON, W. Navan, co. Meath, Manu.— Three horse power threshing machine; corn-dressing or winnowing machine, worked by one man. イ ​AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL MACHINES. 12. 1366 M'ARTHUR, J. 64 Capel St. Dublin, Prop.— Agricultural roots, in various stages of growth, illus- trating the observations upon vegetable physiology, contained in exhibitor's "Essay on the Roots of Plants"; living agricultural plants, showing the grow- ing roots through glass, and illustrating the effects of light thereon. 1367 M'CONNELL, JAMES, Dunleer.-Ploughs. 1368 MOLLOY, J. Rochestown Avenue, co. Dublin, Inv.-New churn, with cooler and stand; model of a horse shoe for contracted foot; horse nails; clay with- out lime for stuffing horses feet; a cavisson for a bull; improved collar buckles and bits for horses; saddle of new construction; specimens of the bark of the lime tree, for matting; collection of the insects which caused the destruction of the potato, in their different stages; samples of mammoth peas. 1369 Morrow, J. Banbridge.-Winnowing ma- chine. 1370 O'CONNOR, H. Frederick St. Limerick, Inv. -Wheel and lever four-fold dash churn; model of horse digging machine. 1371 PORTER, J. V. GREY, Belleisle, Lisbellaw, -Tillage farmer's account book. 1372 RANSOMES & SIMS, Ipswich, Manu.-Patent iron ploughs, with one and with two wheels; patent trussed beam iron ploughs; set of patent trussed iron whippletrees; improved direct-action horizontal steam engine, of six horse power; two-horse leportab threshing machine; patent iron chaff engine, for hand or horse power; small chaff engine; Gardener's double-action turnip cutter; Hurwood's patent metal mill for emigrants; patent double-crushing mill; small bean mill; oil cake breakers; grass cutter; Tennant's registered grubber. 1373 RITCHIE, W. & J. Ardee, co. Louth, Inv. and Manu.-Farm cart with harvest frame and improved locker; six-drill corn-sowing machine, with self-acting coulters; improved two-horse wing plough; improved subsoil plough; drill plough, with improved mode of expanding and contracting mould boards; new machine for ribbing wheat, oats, or barley. 1374 SAMUELSON, B. Banbury, (agents in Dublin, Messrs. Drummond and Sons), Manu.-Samuelson's patent digging machine for thorough tillage of lands or breaking ground for railways; patent Gardener's turnip cutter with double action; Samuelson's registered Budding's lawn mower, with fore carriage; registered atmospheric churn. 1375 SHERIDAN, H. & Co. Dublin, Manu.-Drain- - si 103 ing, subsoiling, and other field implements and ma- chines for horse and hand labour; machines and implements for the barn, haggard, farm-yard, dairy and feeding shed; portable threshing machine; doublé action vegetable cutter with grater attached. 1376. SKELTON, S. Sheffield.-Farm, and garden spades, and shovels of every description; draining tools; forge hammers, and other agricultural tools. 1377 SMITH & ASHBY, Stamford, Lincolnshire, Inv.-Smith and Ashby's new patent self-acting reap- ing machine; patent double action hay making ma- chine, for spreading and turning hay, fitted with patent wrought iron wheels; patent wrought iron horse rake, for hay, corn, twitch and stubble; patent lever hand rake, on iron frame, mounted on light wheels; patent chaff and litter cutting machines, for hand, horse, water, or steam power; improved wrought iron lever cultivator or scarifier; patent park and luggage cart mounted on springs; samples of Smith and Ashby's patent wrought iron wheels and axles for carriages and for agricultural purposes. 1377A TOOLE, & MACKEY, Messrs. Westmoreland Buildings, Dublin.—A collection of agricultural seeds and artificial manures. 1378 SMITH, A. & W. & Co. Woodside Works, Paisley, Manu.—Cart weighing machines, with com- pound index lever; improved sack weighing machine. Portable liquid manure pump; cart and cattle weigh- ing machine, single lever. 1379 SMITH, W. Kettering, Northamptonshire, Inv. and Manu.-Smith's lump sugar chopper; fruit dresser; steerage horse hoe with double bar-all pa- tented. 1380 STANLEY, W. P. Peterborough, Northampton- shire, Manu.-Stanley's registered roller mill for crush- ing linseed, oats, &c. for steam or hand power; Stanley's universal mill; rape and linseed cake breaker; farmers' steaming and cooking apparatus; safety lever chaff engines; patent wrought iron plough with steel breast and two wheels; set of four beam diagonal iron har- rows; hand labour machine, intended as a substitute for tread mills in goals; improved churn; lever cheese press; machine for making pipes and drain tiles. 1381 FARRELL, F. Capel St. Dublin.-Specimens of hay, clover, and other seeds; a selected assortment of agricultural grasses, suited for the improvement of pasture and meadow lands. 1382 WATSON, D. Newtownsandes, co. Kerry, Des. -Plans of concentrated farm yards, .for 200 or 600 acres; and of enclosed farm yard for 600 acres. 104 WAX FLOWERS, MODELS, &0 ! T Ap · [11383 WEDLAKE, MARY, & Co. 118 Fenchurch St. London.-A manger feeding machine; improved por- table mangle, occupying but 3 feet 6 inches of room- can be worked readily by a child; convex chaff cutter; mill flour mill; flour mill, with French burr-stones; four dressing machine; oat bruisers; Sinclair's drill; broad cast seed machine; turnip cutter; hay-making machine, invented by the late Mr. Thomas Wedlake; sack holder filler and truck combined. • 1383A WINTON, H. Dove Mills, Birmingham.- A collection of digging forks, agricultural and horti- cultural spades, &c. which obtained several first prizes at the Royal English and Irish meetings. 1384 WHITMEE & CHAPMAN, 18 Fenchurch Build- ings, Fenchurch St. London, Inv. and Manu.- Improved corn-crusher, with steeled rollers; domestic flour mill; coffee mills, with patent anti-friction wheel; improved coffee roasters; sugar mills; small mills. : 1388 BAILLIE, E. 12 Cumberland Market, and 118 Wardour St. Soho, London:— Shakespeare reading a Play to Queen Elizabeth, and her Court. Enamelled on glass. Bust of our Saviour. Enamelled on glass. do. Bust of St. Catherine. Our Saviour Blessing little Children. do. Arms of Henry VIII. do. do Trial of St. Stephen. Decorated ornamental light, with arms of England 1385 WILLISON, A. Dundonald by Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Inv. Patent threshing machine, with two flat beaters, instead of the usual drum, and may be used by the feet, on the treaddle principle, or by the hand. WAX FLOWERS, MODELS, CARVING IN WOOD, IVORY, &c. FANCY WORK, STAINED GLASS, &c. in the centre. St. John the Divine. Decorated style of glass. Ornamental Light. Norman style. Ornamental Light, emblematic of the Order of the Garter. 1386 WILKINSON, T. 309 Oxford St. London, Inv. and Manu.-Improved patent box churn, on stand. 1387 WILMOT, E. Hulme, Wakefield, Congleton, Cheshire, Des.-Model and plans, with estimate, of a set of farm buildings for 300 acres, the roofs being made with bricks instead of timber and slates.. 1387A EDMONDSON, J. & Co. 61 Dame St. Dub- lin.-Winton's steel digging, hay, and dung forks, made from one piece of steel, without join or weld; spades, draining tools, &c.; terra cotta vases and fern cases; ornamental flower pots, &c.; Tye's registered hyacinth glasses, with flower supports. R Ornamental Light, emblematic of the Order of thể Thistle. 1389 DILLON, Mrs. D. G. Grantham Villa, Blakeney Parade, Sandymount :- Sea-shore gatherings, (Irish Shells. The Mermaid's Offering, do. 1390 GONNE, Mrs. ANNE W. 26 Clare St. Dublin' Specimens of rare flowers, modelled in wax from nature; water lilies, Victoria Regis, and spring flowers. 1391 CLARKE, J. A. 43 Abbey St. Dublin- The currant picker bracket, a conventional arrange- ment of the currant, gooseberry, and other foliage and fruit. Dead game-the golden plover, carved in lime wood. WAX FLOWERS, MODELS &ŒF Mot T 1 «Dead snipe, in same wood. Cock Robin's Death, from the well known story. An original design for a chimney glass frame. Oval frame, ornamented by sprigs of the fuschia, with figure in plaster-the hedge belle. Original models, in plaster, of Gothic capitals. 1392 CLARKE, Mr. D. 2 Carysfort Avenue, Black- rock.-Wax flowers, made entirely without instructions or patterns, from memory. 1393 COOPER, M. T. Carlow, Queen's co.- Dogs (7) modelled in wax from life. 1394 DEGROOT, C. Jun. 52 Stafford St. Dublin.- The arms of the Earl of Eglinton, carved in oak; basket of fruit, flowers, and ornament carved in sycamore; oval picture frame, carved in lime tree; cheval screen frame, carved in rosewood, cheval screen frame, carved in oak. 1395 HEMPHILL, W. D. Esq. M.D. Clonmel.- Ivory vase, ornamented in the Gothic style; candle- stick and table of African blackwood and ivory. A small cup and vase, showing the beautiful reticu- lated structure of the walrus tooth when turned extremely thin. Two small vases containing flowers. 1395A HOWE, J. G. Camden Town, London.- A window of stained glass. -Stand of 1396 DOHERTY, JOHN.-Stained glass collected at various times on the continent, and put together in its present state, as a window, under the superintendence of the late Chief Justice Doherty. ... 1396A CASTELLE, P. Paris.-Stained glass. 1397 FULTON, Miss ELIZABETH, Stillorgan.-Bas- ket made of shells from the Bahama islands. 1397A BOGLE, HUGH, & Co. Glasgow.-A portion of a stained glass window. Stat 1398 FULTON, Mrs. ANNE, Stillorgan Framecon- taining 7 carvings in ivory, by Mrs. Fulton; models of the Temple of the Winds at Athens, Pantheon at Rome, Temple of Clitumnis, and Temple of the Sybil, at Tivoli. dia 1399 FURNISS, CORNELIA ISABELLA, Wexford.— Table; fire screens ; ornamental leather work; vases wax flowers. 1400 Clausen, JURGEN, 8 William St. Regent's Park, London.-2 designs for ceilings decorated, in the German style. 1401 WILLIAMS, H.-Model turned in ivory from Sir John Benson's original design for the principal front of the Exhibition Building. Specimens of amateur eccentric turning in concentric chucks. 1402, SHAW, C.-Specimens in ivory of mechanical sculpture, produced in a turning lathe, by machinery, invented by exhibitor. 1403 CLAUDET and HOUGHTON, 89 High Holborn, London. Three compartments of a painted and stained glass window, viz. : — the figures of our Saviour. 1404 BAKER, Mrs. MARIA, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. ---Stuffed British game birds; artificial birds; ruin of Dumbrody Abbey, co. Wexford (rotten stone); ruin of Iona Abbey, Island of Staffa, Scotland (rotten stone); domestic birds made of shells. 1404A PURCELL, P. C. Dublin.-Specimen of painting on glass-a Scene in the South of Ireland. 1404B HOPKINS, Miss ISABELLA L. Mitchelstown, Athboy.-Models in elder pith, carved with a pen- knife-boy sketching dog; a group of mendicants begging alms of children going to school; girl and goats; Queen Mab; Mars. 7: TOG J MEDIEVAL COURT. POOR LAW UNIONS. ¡ a'yond out by TRA ni. 1.! C t 196 I 1405 HARDMAN, JOHN, 166 Gt. Charles St. Bir- mingham, Des. and Manu.-Stained glass windows; ancient church and domestic furniture, consisting of chandeliers, Coronal's lamps, gas and candle branches, wrought iron hinges, lock and door plates, grate and fire dogs; gold and silver work; chalices with enamels, eiboniums, monstrances; reliquiaris pixs Thuribles MEDIEVAL COURT. 1406 ENNISCORTHY UNION, Co. Wexford; G. Maguire, Master.—Sheeting, ticken, blankets, flannels, rugs, friezes, tweeds, men's and boy's clothing and caps, suspenders, worsted shawls, woollen and cotton stockings, cotton bonnets, crochet and other quilts ; nankeen, linen and cotton cloths, calico, gingham, table linen, towelling, vestings; various articles in crochet, knitting, netting, and lace; silk and worsted gloves; hearth rug, slippers, and landscape, worked in wool; habit-shirt and collar; cambric handkerchief; linen, cotton, and woollen yarn; sewing thread; clog and leather shoes. Many of the articles are made from flax grown on the Workhouse farm. 1407 CROOM UNION; E. Gormley, Master.-Frieze, flannel, tweed, linsey-woolsey, shambray, calico; men's and women's clothing, made up; clogs, shoes; cotton knitted quilts; knitted chair, sofa, and toilet covers; baby's cap, and other specimens of lace. ܐ POOR LAW UNIONS. 1408 MITCHELSTOWN UNION; M. Kearney, Master. TÁTOONI. Shoes, stockings, socks, gingham, check, flannel, ticken, quilt, habit-shirts, hearth-rug, mat, shawls, linen, caps, trowsers, and waistcoats. 1409 STRABANE UNION, Co. Tyrone, per D. M'Me- edin. Knitted cotton quilt and toilet covers; webs of twilled cotton shambray, and twilled union cloth. namin and boats; cruets and stands; pastoral staff; flower vases, ; torches, flagons and beaten dishes; monumental brasses and tabernacle; Triptics and processional crosses. Myer's carved stone altar, and carved wood figures Minton's encaustic tiles. Mesdames Powell and Brown embroidery on silk and linen, vestments and albs, &c. } 1410 TIPPERARY UNION; J. Hood, Master.-Frieze, tweed, woollen shawls, check, Bengal stripe, linen, diaper towelling, clogs, shoes, Blucher boots; lace stockings; knitted chair covers, table cover, and quilt; fancy basket; mat; piece of carpeting. 1411 KILMALLOCK UNION, Co. Limerick; J. Wilson, Master.-Caps, shambray, tweed, plaid, frieze, flannel, towels, shawls, sheeting, linsey woolsey, table cloths, shoes; men's and women's clothes, made up; worked collar, infants caps, &c. rugs. 1412 DUNSHAUGHLIN UNION, co. Meath.-Em- broidered shawl, pocket handkerchief, and baby's frock; fancy knitted window hangings, and stockings; linsey- woolsey; frieze, calico, linen; and men's and boy's clothes made up. 1413 BALLYMENA UNION, co. Antrim.-Carpeting made from rugs worn out in the House, and re- manufactured; drugget; flannel; coarse linen; diaper table linen; twilled sheeting; diaper towelling; bed ticken; linen thread; frocks; knitted stockings; shirts; woollen and worsted yarn. 1414 CASTLEDERG UNION, Co. Tyrone, per D. John- ston.-Knitted quilts and toilette doyleys. 1415 DUNGARVAN UNION, co. Waterford; P. S. Keane, Master.-Frieze; linen and cotton shirting; ZOZ "POOR LAW UNIONS.JAVEIⱭJM 102 woollen shawls, tweeds, Russia duck, linen towels, striped flannel, calico, shambray, gingham; baby's robe; chemisette, collars; chair and table covers; pin-cushion and hair net. 1416 EPENDERRY UNION, King's co.—Frieze, twill- ed calico, linens, linsey wolsey, Bengal stripe, check, tweed; men's and women's clothes; thread, flax yarn, woollen stockings; collars, toilet table cover, and other articles in crochet. • 1417 KILLARNEY UNION, Co. Kerry; P. Lambert, Master.-Frieze, tweed, shepherd's plaid, flannel stuff; woollen shawls, carpeting; check, Bengal stripe, ging- ham, calico, cotton sheeting, linen, towels, canvas, knitted quilts, blankets, linen yarn; combed worsted, men's clothes, shoes. 1418 MALLOW UNION, Co. Cork, D. Singleton, Master.-Blankets, frieze, tweed; woollen cap, shawl, stockings, &c. ; linen shirt, table cloth, napkins, shawls, ticken, union duck, &c.; cotton shirt and wrapper; a khitted quilt; shoes ; canvas. 1419 MULLINGAR UNION, CO. WESTMEATH.- Baldwin's medley tweed; sheeting or shirting; ticken, &c.; medley tweed caps; brogues, linsey-woolsey. 1420 PARSONSTOWN, UNION, King's co.-Frieze, trowsering, linen, flannel, shawls, linsey-woolsey, towels; knitted cotton quilt; habit shirt; stockings; knitted thread edgeings; collars. 1421 LISMORE UNION, CO. WATERFORD; S. Mur- ray, Master.-Frieze, flannel, check, calico, ticken, blankets, sheeting, knitted quilts; boots and shoes; stockings; men's and women's clothing, made up; shawl; knitted paletot, purse, and shirt; chair and ottoman covers, döyleys, and gloves. 1 1422 RATHDOWN UNION, Loughlinstown, co. Dub- lin.-Frieze, linsey, linen, flannel, tweed, gingham, shoes, shirts, stockings, &c.; specimens of crochet work. 1423 RATHKEALE UNION, co. Limerick.-Frieze, barragon, shambray, check, linens, calico, tweed, linsey- woolsey, Russia duck, flannel; men's and women's dresses; stockings, thread. 1424 MONAGHAN UNION.-Linen, suit men's clothes. 1425 THURLES UNION, Co. Tipperary.-Flax in straw, broken, scutched, and hackled; flax yarn; tow and tow yarn; blankets, flannel, frieze, tweed; diaper table linen and towels; ticken, crumb cloth, linen plaid; sheeting, calico, woollen scarfs; boots; sheet iron coal-box; tin kettle and stand; coffee pot, tea pot, dust pan, water cans, watering pot, shower bath, garden nets; crochet berthes, cap, cuffs, ruffles, baby's frock, collars, doyleys, and veils; thread stockings; lace veils. 1426 OLDCASTLE UNION, Board of Guardians, Old- castle, Guardians of the Poor.-6 petticoat bodies, knitted by infants; 1 arm chair cover, do. ; 1 toilet cover, do. ; 1 pair of men's socks, do!. 1 pair of children's socks, do.; 3 crochet collars, do. ; 1 pair of crochet Berlin under cuffs, do. ; 2 knitted handkerchiefs, do. ; 2 knitted towels, do. ; 1 needle book, do.; 1 pair of knitted cuffs, do. ; 1 knitted doyley do. ; 1 plain chair cover, do. " 1427 ATHLONE UNION.-Flannel, boy's caps, frieze, poplin, tweed, gingham, sacking. 1428 BOYLE UNION.-Boy's suit, towelling, flannel petticoat, shirt, sheeting, stockings, crotchet work, veils, chemise, baby's frock. 1429 NEWCASTLE UNION.-Crotchet and patch work quilts, flannel petticoats, boy's suit, check apron and shirt, canvas shirt, linen, stockings, trowsers. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ * 1430 BORRISOKANE UNION. Striped cotton, linsey woolsey, union linen, calico, 1 piece Bengal stripe, linen, 1 linsey quilt, frieze, embroidery. 1431 NENAGH UNION WORKHOUSE.-Twilled calico; linen; grey freize; tweed made from wool and cotton; brown frieze; shoes. 1432 ROSCREA UNION.-Boy's jackets and trow- sers, shoes, towels, crotchet work, baby's caps, frieze, tweed, flannel, check, shawl, night cap, needle-work. 1 1433 CASHEL UNION, co. Tipperary; W. Murphy, Master.—Frieze, flannel, tweed, blanket, linsey, rugs, carpeting, twilled linen, sheeting, ticken, diaper, Bengal stripe, calico, Russia duck, shambray, gingham, check, shawls; specimens of knitting, crochet, netting, and embroidery. 1. 1434 CLOGHEEN UNION, co. Tipperary.-Clothing; embroidery; various articles, both useful and ornamen- tal, worked in flax, wool, and worsted. 1435 DINGLE UNION, Co. Kerry.-Bengal stripe,¨ check, frieze, flannel, crochet quilt, embroidered and knitted children's frocks, mitts, reticule baskets. 1436 NORTH DUBLIN UNION, M. Weddick, Master. -Frieze, tweed, flannel, drugget; linsey woolsey; calico; check; linen, towelling; men's, women's, and children's apparel, made up; specimens of embroidery, Berlin, and other fancy wool; specimens of drawing, penmanship; roots, vegetables, and flowers from the workhouse farm; specimens of carpentry, viz: dressing table, stand, wheelbarrow, ladders, clothes stands, press, fire screens, &c. entus ve dek > 108 POOR LAW UNIONS.—GAOLS. 1 DOL ZAUTAHAT 42m 1437 SOUTH DUBLIN UNION.-Frieze, tweed, flan- nel, blankets; linen, calico, check; men's, women's, and children's clothes, made up; specimens of em- broidery, and other fancy work. 1438 BALLINASLOE UNION WORKHOUSE.-Linsey Woolseys; striped cotten; union linen; calico; linen; Bengal stripe; embroidery muslin; tweeds. 1438A CARRICK-ON-SHANNON UNION.-Ginghams ; checks; foot mats. 1439 LARNE UNION.-Crotchet quilt, chemise, shirts, stockings, suit cf frieze, needlework, pincushions, child's knit jacket; lady's cap and collars. 1440. LISNASKEA UNION, co. Fermanagh.-Linen, frieze, flannel, shambray; shoes. 1440 A LIMERICK UNION.-Linsey woolsey cloth- ing; tweeds; shoes; coarse linens, &c. 1441 NAAS UNION, Co. Kildare.-Blankets, frieze ; linsey woolsey; hosiery; Bengal stripe, check, calico; linen, ticken; knitted stockings; specimens of netting and embroidery. 1442 NEWRY UNION, Co. Down, M.Smith, clerk.— Calico, shambray, gingham, linen; frieze; Tweed; boot and shoes; specimens of fancy and plain work; mats and matting; dresses, shirts, caps, &c. 1443- TRALEE UNION, Co. Kerry.—Macassars, quilt, towelling, diaper, linen sheeting, frieze. 1444 TULLAMORE UNION, King's co. W. Kerans, Master.-Shambray, gingham, check, calico; woven shawls corduroy; linen, ticken; linsey woolsey; woollen shawls; friezes, Tweeds, flannel, blankets; shoes and stockings; combed wool prepared by the inmates. 1445 FERMOY UNION, Co. Cork, W. Robinson, Clerk. -Gingham; frieze; tweed; flannel; sheeting; linen; caps; embroidered muslin sleeves, pocket kerchief, habit shirts, collar; stockings, polka jacket, and other articles. F 1446 TUAM UNION, co. Galway, J. Morris, Master. —Antimacassar; crotchet doileys; lace veil; shirt; altar cloth; fancy Berlin wool; stockings; thread and black silk lace; embroidered sleeves; frieze; tweed; flannel; linsey woolsey; Bengal stripe; handkerchiefs; napkins. GAOLS. 1447 Co. LIMERICK GAOL, H.Woodburn, Governor. -Samples of prison clothing and bedding; flax yarn; root-washers; hot water vessels of tin and iron, for warming rooms; foot-mats, and other articles, the work of the prisoners. 1448 RICHMOND BRIDEWELL, Dublin; D. Marques, Governor.-Plain and fancy cocoa matting, in many varieties; fancy woollen mats; cocoa fibre mats, with woollen borders; linsey woolsey; striped calico for shirting; corduroy, frieze, and bed rug. 1449 GrangEGORMAN FEMALE PRISON, Dublin; T. S. Synnott, Governor.-Quilt, blankets, linen, linsey; knitted shoes made of tow; embroidered table cover, waistcoats, and shirt; worsted and cotton socks; stays; carpet bags; Limerick lace and worsted polkas; black lace; hair nets; baby's shoes; worked handkerchief; anti-macassar. 1449A CARRICK-ON-SHANNON GAOL, Co. Leitrim; W. P. Clarke, Governor.-Linen check woven of thread spun by female prisoners; blue union woven of linen yarn spun by female prisoners; striped union; hail mat of cocoa nut fibre; all made by prisoners taught in the gaol. 1449 B ARMAGH GAOL, per J. M'Cutcheon.— Cambric and linen webs. J STOAB- 24OUG MAI HOOT 201 Studie Same Ma E 1450 O'BRIEN, MESSRS. Mary's Abbey, Dublin.- Green hemp and Manilla lobster lines. Ball's tarred hauzlin; yacht marlin; trawl twine; salmon twine. Herring netting. Green fish hemp. Italian hemp. Hand lines. Landing net. Eel cockell. lb., 1lb., 1lb., 1 lb., 2lbs., and 3 lbs. teakle lines. Ball's haddock snowding; finest hemp strand snowding; fine cod snowding; middle snowding; Baltic snowding; rod lines. IRISH FISHERIES. 1451 MALLOW & ETTINGSALL, Merchant's Qy. Dub- lin.-Fishing tackle. 1452 FLINT, J. 17, Essex Qy. Dublin.-Fishing tackle. Large pike, caught with single gut. IRISH FISHERIES. 1453 BARTLEET & SONS, Redditch.-Sea fishing hooks. River fishing hooks and gut, &c. Albicore hooks. Harpoons and grains. Trout spears. Eel spears. · * 1454 DOHERTY, J. Bushmills. co. Antrim.—Arti- ficial flies. I 1455 O'CONNELL, J. Cahirciveen, co. Kerry.— Artificial flies. 1456 KANE, SIRR. from Museum of Irish Industry. -Models of boats used on coast of Ireland. 1457 BAILEY, E. W. Belfast.-Model of river 109 A PEAL Beldasid Dex add bre Celine AGE sun fish. TIF J do fixtures for rapid water. Model of river fixtures for slow water. Modern eel net with fix or hincher, adapted for slow water, made of Irish flax, 24 strand to the cord, full size used in nine feet of water. Model of new mode of capturing eels, proposed by E. W. Bailey,-scale 1 inch to a foot. .1 1457a LysagHT, Wm. Esq.-Salmon flies, for the Shannon and other Rivers, tied by Exhibitor. 1458 GRIFFITH, J. Coleraine.-Pollen net, used in Lough Neagh. (License duty received for these nets last open season, £119). 1. 1 1459 KIMBERLY, F. E. Middle Abbey St. Dublin: -Model of bag net, with model of machine and appa- ratus for hauling bag net ashore for the weekly close season, during any weather. Si 1460 FROM THE COMMISSIONERS :- Models of weirs, fish passes, &c. Harpoon used on coast of Galway for killing Model of stake or Scotch weir. Model of otter weir, now interdicted by law as being most destructive. Lough Neagh Trout, (Dollaghaun or Buddough), : F 110 FOREIGN STATES.-ZOLLVEREIN. ་ E ·ebond k. & Foreign States. ZOLLVEREIN. (Agents, Messrs. BROUX & Co. 3 Bury Court, St. Mary Axe, London). 1461 Him MAJESTY THE KING OF PRUSSIA.- Iron vase, cast at the Royal Iron Foundry, the frieze representing the four seasons and the ages of man, composed, modelled, chiselled and inlaid with silver, by Vollgold. · 1462 THE ROYAL PORCELAIN MANUFACTORY, Ber- lin. Porcelain vases; tea and coffee services; dinner services, biscuit busts, and photophanic pictures. 1463 BUCKER,H. Dresden.-Paintings on porcelain. 1464 WILKINSON, Miss, Berlin.-Trays and look- ing-glasses, ornamented with leather flowers, in imita- tion of wood work. 1465 MEVES, Berlin.-Statuettes, groups, and various ornaments cast in iron. 1466 SEEBASS & Co. Offenbach, Grand Duchy of Hesse.-Figures, and various ornaments cast in iron. 1467 ZIMMERMANN, E. G. Frankfort.-Statuettes, and various articles cast in Iron. 1468 DIERGARDT, Viersen, Prussia.-Ribbons and velvets. 1469 FICHLER, Berlin.-Bas reliefs and medal- lions-Night and Morning; bas reliefs after Thor- waldsen-Bacchus and Amor; Christ blessing Children; the Virgin with the Infant Jesus and John; the Virgin with the Infant Jesus; series of the Popes, from 1417 till the present time, after contemporaneous medallions, &c. 1470 METER & WRIED, Brunswick.-Paintings on metalices BAL 1471 STOCKMANN, W. & Co. Brunswick.-Paintings on metal. 1472 DEVARANNE, -, Berlin.-A case of iron orna. ments. 1473 G.LANGSELS ERBEN, Oberammergau, Bavaria. -Wood carvings and toys. 1474 MARCH, M. Charlottenburg. Various articles in terra cotta. } C 1475 FECHNER, F. Guben, Prussia. -Fancy sta tionery; fancy boxes and toys. 1476 GERRESHEIM & NEEFF, Solingen.-Scissors. 1477 WUNDER, L. Lieguitz, Silesia.-Soaps. 1478 DOUGLAS, S. S. & SONS, Hamburg.- Soaps. 1479 FARINA, JOH. MARIA, opposite the Joseph's Platz, Cologne.-Eau de Cologne and Carmelite spirit. 1480 GADEMANN, Schweinfurt, Bavaria.-Ultra- marine, &c. 1481 THE ROYAL IRON FOUNDRY, Berlin.-The Athenian vase; the Alexander vase, the frieze on the exterior representing Alexander's triumphant entry into Babylon, after Thorwaldsen; alto-relievo, the Last Supper. 1482 FLEISCHMANN, A. Sonneberg.-Toys and wood carvings. 1483 SCHANZ, H. Nürnberg.-Nürnberg articles. 1484 FLEISCHER & Co. Nürnberg.-Bronze pow- ders. 1485 BROUX & Co. 3 Bury Court, St. Mary Axe, London.-Samples of crystallized Manganese, ver- million, carmine, &c. 1486 TANZEN, A. Stolp, near Danzig.-Amber ornaments. 1487 Castan, L. Berlin.-Carvings in cork. 1488 PIEGLER, G. Schleiz, Saxony.-China groups and lamps, mounted in gilt bronze. IZ 1489 FABER, A. W. Nürnberg.-Pencils. 1 + FOREIGN STATES. ZÖLĽVEREIN. 1490 TEPE, J. J. Osnabrück.-Cremona violins. 1491 CAUER, A. Kreuznach.-Boxes ornamented with artificial ivory alto relievos. 1492 MENGEL & Co. Gladbach.-Cotton cloth. 1493 VISSEUR, P. Aix-la-Chapelle.- Woollen cloth. 1494 KILIAN, H. Siegen.-Wood carving-Christ Blessing the Bread. 1495 MELAS & GERNSHEIM, Worms.-Patent calf skins. 1496 SEIMANN, Warmbrunn.-Lilliputian chrono- meter clocks. 1497 SCHUTZE, E. Berlin.-Calligraphic picture, executed with camel's hair brush, containing passages from Cosmos, and surrounded by arabesques and vig- nettes, illustrating the different sciences; calligraphic pictures for albums. 1498 DUNKER, A. Berlin.-Specimens of printing and bookbinding. 1499 FROMMANN, ALVINA, Berlin.-Goethe's auto- graph, with illuminated border; Goethe's coat of arms, and that of his parents. 1500 BROUX & Co. 3 Bury Court, St. Mary Axe, London.-Portfolios, portmonnaies, &c. ornamented with oil paintings by the brush. 1501 KRUSS, T. N. Hamburg.-Models of a wind- mill and anchor. 1502 CARSTENS, D. H.-Preserved fruits and meats. 1503 FARINA, JOH. (Maria), opposite the Julichs- platz, Cologne.-Eau de Cologne. 1504 GRESSLER, E. Erfurt.-Gas apparatus for making champagne, soda water, &c. 1505 NOLDA, CHARLES, Düren.-Woollen cloth. 1506 KAYSER, L. & Co. Neuwalden.-Nickel, oxyde of nickel, and cobalt. * 1507 KULLRICH, Berlin.-Medallions. 1508 REIMER, F. Berlin.-Prof. Adamis' globes; seven plates from a work on the frescoes and pictures of Pompeii and Herculaneum. 1509 WILLMANN & WEBER, Patschkey, Silesia.- Spécimens of flax. 1510 LANDAU, S. Andernach.-Millstones. 1511 MIKULISCH, A. Czernowitz, Bukowina.— Madder. 1512 RIGHETTI, A. Czernowitz.-Confectionery. 1513 STEAM-MILL COMPANY, Vienna.-Meal. 1513A VOGELSANG & SONS, Frankfort-on-the- -Maine, and Hayda, Bohemia.-Bohemian glass. 1514 OPPENHEIMER, F. Brünn. Head-bands, fringe, &c. 1515 PAULING, J. Military Institute, Vienna.-A topographical plastic card, representing a portion of the Alps. 1516 THONET, BRS. Vienna.-Furniture made of bent beech wood, in imitation of rosewood. 1517 GEVERS & SCHMIDT, Goerlitz.-Cloths. 1518 ZEITLER, J. Vienna.-Meerschaum pipes and mouth-pieces. 1518A LUCAS & Co. Elberfeld. Ornamental castings in iron. 1519 HARDMUTH, L. C. Budweis, Bohemia.- Pencils. 1520 PRINCE ALBERT VON SCHWARZENBURG.—— Plumbago. 1521 MAHRISCH FLAX SPINNERY, Schönberg,→ Prepared flax. 1521A GRILLMAYER, J. Linz, Upper Austria.— Wool and yarn. 1522 AUGUSTIN & Co. Karsten, Upper Austria. Pencils. MI 1523 KRACH, BBS. Prague.-A black dress coat made of Austrian silk. 1524 FRIENSCHLAG, M.-Four saws. 1524A RITTER VON FRIDAU, Gratz, Austria.-- Scythes, and raw steel. 1524B JUST, IGNATIUS, Ferlach Carinthia, Aus- tria.-Guns and Pistols. 1525 GLANZ, J. Vienna.-Fancy articles cast in metal. 1526 RODENBURG, AMALIE VON, Vienna. Arti- ficial flowers. ร 1527 LANGE, J. Vienna.-Woollen stuff for ladies' dresses. " 1528 Toft, C. Vienna.-Saddlery. 1529 HASSA, J. Vienna.-Sofas. 1530 BOCH, F. Vienna.-Musical instruments. 1531 HARTINGER, Vienna.-Coloured prints. 1532 RAFFELSBERGER, F. Vienna.-Oil prints on canvas; maps in different languages. 1532A BOECKE, F. Berlin.-Instrument for view. ing the interior of the eye. 1533 KUMPF, J. Schluckenau.-Articles made of split willow wood. 1533A SEVORELLI & Co. Del Vecchio's Gallery, 200 Great Brunswick St. Dublin.-Tuscan alabaster vases and baskets. Inlaid marble and composition tables. * Y IPET Froyo. 12. 7 112 FOREIGN STATES. UNITED STATES—FRAŃCE. ( UNITED STATES. 1533 B. SLOAN & LEGGETT, Empire Iron Works, New York.—The Hydrostat, an apparatus for indica- ting the height of water in the boiler of an engine. 1533C TAYLOR & Co. 129 Pearl St. New York.- A straw, Lay, and vegetable cutter. FRANCE. 1534 IMPERIAL MANUFACTORY OF PORCELAIN AT SEVRES.-Vases painted and enamelled with figures, landscapes, flowers and birds. Cups of various designs. Flower baskets. Dinner and dessert services. Coffee and chocolate cups. A painting in enamel on an iron plate representing "Prudence." 1535 IMPERIAL MANUFACTORY OF GOBELINS, PARIS.-Tapestry. Jupiter and Cupid after a penden- tive in the Farnese palace. The Madonna after Raphael. Dead game and fruits after Desportes. A screen in tapestry de la Savounerie. 1536 IMPERIAL MANUFACTORY OF BEAUVAIS.- Three panuels of tapestry, with landscapes after Oudry. A vase of flowers after Wandaël. A dog watching partridges after Oudry. The Autumn, fruits after Groëland. 1537 CII,SALLANDROUZE DE LAMORNAIX, 23 Boule- vard Poissonnière, Paris.-Tapestry carpets, portières, pannels, and tapestry for furniture. (Manufactories at Aubusson, Felletin and Maurissard.) Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin. 1538 MIROY, FRERES, 10 Rue d'Angoulême, Paris, 2 Frith St. Soho, London. Clocks, statuettes, can- delabra, chandeliers, and various fancy articles cast in bronze. 1539 VIEILLE MONTAGNE ZINC MINING, ROLLING, AND CASTING Co. 19 Rue Richer, Paris (exhibiting in conjunction with the following Manufacturers :— BAUDOIN.—Zinc roofing. BERARD.--Inkstands, &c. BOGAERT BROTHERS. Small figures. BIARD.- Printing on paper prepared with oxide of zinc. CHASSAGNE.-Candelabra. CHEVALIER. -Opera glasses; the glasses prepared with oxide of zinc instead of arsenic. DERAIN & TARRATRE.-Groups. DUCHATEAU & Co.-Clocks and cups. DUVAL ET GUERLEPIED.-Groups, candelabra, &c. FETU, J.-Candlesticks. FIAT.-Domestic utensils. FERNOUX.-Candlesticks. FOEX.-Altar candlesticks. FUGERE & GRADOS.-Stamped ornaments. HUBERT, FILS.-Flower baskets. LAMY.-Bath. LEFEVRE.-Groups. LEREBOURS & SECRETAN.-Achromatic lenses, pre- pared with oxide of zinc. MARIE.-Zinc roofing. MIROY BROTHERS.-A large chandelier, groups, clocks, candelabra, &c. MOUTERDE.-Medallions. PAILLARD, E.-Candlesticks, &c. PAILLARD, VICTOR.-Busts, &c. PALMER & Co.-Water pipes. PAPE & LOST.-Candlesticks. PATRY, FILS.-Bust and candlesticks. PLE.-Candlesticks. POULAIN.-Candlesticks. RENAUDOT.-Zinc roofing. ROBIN BROTHERS.-Candlesticks. TOLOSA.-Artificial slates. VAYEUR & LAPORTE.-Statuettes. WALZ.-Candlesticks. 1540 RUDOLPHI, F. J. 23 Boulevard des Capucines, Paris.Jewellery; oxydised silver and enamelled articles. 1541 MENE, Rue du Faubourg du Temple, Paris -Groups in bronze; the duck hunt; dog guarding game. 1541A BONHEUR, ISIDORE, 7 Rue Dupuytren, Paris.-Group of bulls in plaster; various groups and figures in bronze. 1542 LORIN, H. 8 Rue de Valois, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.-Figures and groups modelled in clay. Apollo, Cupid, Venus de Medicis, and Venus Callipige. Figures representing the de- pressed and the reckless individuals. The chastity of Joseph. Judith and Holofernes. The male and female scavengers. The barricader. Outraged virtue and virtue in danger. The Marquis and the woman de la halle. Paul and Virginia. The handsome Nicolas and Nicolette. The two duellists. Athalante after Pradier. The Huguenot and the Soldier of the League. 1543 POUSSIELGUE RUSAND, Paris.-Chalices and altar ornaments. • FOREIGN STATES.-FRANCE 1544 TRONCHON, N. Paris.-Garden chairs and sofas, flower baskets, tables, &c. in iron wire. QUAUT 1545 GILLOT, F. Rue du Pont aux Choux, Paris.- Clocks and fancy articles in bronze. 1546 VILLEMSENS, F. 71 Rue du Temple, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.-Large chandelier; altar furniture and plate; Florentine cups; groups and figures in bronze; a bronze helmet of Francis I. from Benvenuto Cellini's design. 1547 CHARRIERE, Rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.- Surgical instruments. 1548 LIENARD, 23 Rue Oudinot, Paris.-Wood carvings; figure of Christ; a dog with group of game. 1549 GRAILLON, P. A. 116 Grande Rue, Dieppe.- A group of Bohemians in terra cotta; a woman and three children; four children. 1550 HADROT, L. & Co. 37 Rue du Faubourg St. Martin, Paris.-Brass and porcelain moderateur lamps of various shapes. 1551 NOEL, AUBERT, 265 and 267 Rue St. Honoré, Paris.-Fruit brandy and Maraschino. 1552 ANDRE (veuve), 10 and 14 Rue Neuve Menil- montant, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.-Castings in iron; a large fountain; a figure of Christ; a large, and various small ornamental crosses; vases with figures and fruits; the head of a calf, &c. 1552A M. MADUL RAM DEY, Chandernagor, French Colony, East Indies.-Indian cloth. 1552B LUYNES, THE DUO DE.-Group in silver, executed by M. Froment Meurice of Paris. 1553 BOUZEL ET HOUVRIEZ, Haubourdin near Lille. -Coffee and chicory. 1554 BOUZEL, frères, Haubourdin, near Lille.- Ceruse and ultramarine. 1555 BORDIN, 20 Rue des Juifs, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.-Foreign mustards, herbs, &c. 1556 BRAQUENIE, 16 Rue Vivienne, Paris.-Aubus- son carpets. 1557 CARRE, Bergerac (Dordogne).-A rosewood box containing an assortment of wafers. Six filters. 1558 CHARLES, S. & C. 7 Rue Furstemberg, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.-Apparatus for washing linen; artificial refrigerators; glass jars containing salt for refrigerating; a knife-cleaning machine. 1559 COSQUIN, J. 91 Rue du Cherche-midi, Paris.- A frame containing specimens of topography from the map of France, executed at the Ordnance Department. Ch 1560 DEADDE, L. 12 Rue Tiquetonne. Paris.- Ninety-three pieces of variously prepared leather. 1561 Dubus, Rouen.-A cylinder made of brass and sheet iron, covered with emery for sharpening spinning cards. 1562 DUPONT, PAUL, 45 Rue de Grenelle St. Honoré, Paris.-Specimen of printing, a large volume entitled "Practical Essays on Printing." 1563 DESFOSSES, J. 1 Rue de Montreuil Faubourg St. Antoine, Paris.-Twenty-two frames forming one entire pannel of decorative paper-hangings. 1564 FROMENT CLOLUS, 15 Rue Neuve St. Méry, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.- Fifteen pairs of sabots and goloshes. 1565 Fould, J. St. Denis près Paris.-Sacks of flour. 1566 EVROT, Charmes (Dept. des Vosges).-Imita- tion of marbles on wood. 1567 GAILLARD, fils ainé, La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre (Seine et Marne).-Four mill-stones. 1568 HEBERT, J. B. 37 Rue de Fleurus, Paris.- Matriculated maps and plans, according to a new system. 1569 JUHEL-DESMARES, J. Vire, Calvados.-Cloths. 1570 SOCIETY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ROLLAND BREAD-MAKING APPARATUS, M. Lesobre, Director, 17 Rue de l'Estrapade, Paris.-Models of an aerothermal oven and of a mechanical kneading- trough, according to the Rolland system. 1571 MABRUN, P. & Co. 32 Rue de la Terrasse, Batignolles, Paris.-A map of France; chronological tables of the histories of France and England; five mechanical drawings. f 1572 MICHEL, A. Puteaux (Seine).-Bottles con- taining specimens of dyes. 1573 MERLIE LEFEVRE & Co. Havre.-Cordage for ships. 1574 MATHERON ET BOUVARD, Lyons.-A silk picture, representing the portrait of the Queen of England. 1575 MICHELIN, T. 139 Rue Montmartre, Paris. -Samples of Ribbons. 1578 MONTANDON, 81 Rue St. Antoine, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.-337 springs for clocks and watches. 1577 MORIDE & RAUX, 1 Quai Flaselle, Nantes. Calf and ox skins. 1578 PRIN, Fils Ainé, Nantes.-Calf skins. 1579 POIRIER, P. Châteaubriand (Loire-Inférieure) -Shoes of various shapes. H 1 FOREIGN STATES.-FRANCE-BELGIUM. 1580 WIRLY, R. Bar-le-Duc (Meuse).-Stays with- out seams. 1581 RONCHARD SIAURE, Saint Etienne (Loire).— Fowling-piece barrels. 1582 RENOUARD, J. 6 Rue de Tournon, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.-Specimens of printing and book-binding. 1582A BARBEDIENNE, Boulevard Poissonniére, Paris.-Works of art in bronze. 1583 REBAUD MONTILLET. St. Etienne (Loire).— Damascened gun barrels. 1584 SABRAN, J. H. Chatou, (Seine at Oise).- Overcoats without seams made in felt. 1585 SCHULHOF, E. 22 Rue Rambuteau, Paris.- Specimens of oil cloth. 1588 SCRIVE, Frères, Lille.-Prepared Flax. 1586A SAILLARD, Ainé, Besançon.-Match and tinder boxes of various shapes. 1587 SENTIS, Rheims.-Carded Thibet and Cash- mere wool. 1588 SERAND, TH. Sancy Le-Long, (Doubs).- Instruments for watchmakers and mechanism for watches. 1589 DE SERLAY, C. G. Gueures (Seine Inferieure). -Specimens of coloured paper. 1589 A PAILLARD, V. Rue St. Claude, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.- Clocks, candelabra, and fancy articles in bronze. 1590 SEHNE, Freres, 8 Cite du Wauxhall, Paris; Agent, Mr. Lesage, Sackville St. Dublin.-Varnishes. 1591 VALTAT & ROUILLE, 70 Rue du Rambuteau, Paris. Two shirt fronts made by a mechanical pro- cess. J 1592 VICOMTE VAN LEMPOEL, Quiquengrogne, (Aisne,) près la Capelle.-Specimens of bottles for Champagne. 1593 LEISTENER, 48 Rue de Chaillot, Paris.—A rustic fountain, perfumery, tooth powder, &c. 1594 TALBOT, J. Meneton Solon près Bourges.—A plough. 1595 LECONTE, Rennes.-A clock and two alarums. 1595 A BOULENOISE, Rue St. Sébastien, Paris. - Small fancy articles in bronze. 1598 DUVELLEROY, Passage des Panoramas, Paris, 167 Regent St. London.-Fans. 1537 CORNIQUEL, Vannes (Morbihan).—Prepared calf skins. 1598 GUILLOT, J. 17 Rue de Bouloy, Paris.- Various calf skins and cow hides. 1599 ERNOUX, Paris.-Children's hats in felt. 1599 A MIRAUD, Rue St. Jacques, Paris.-Micro- scopes. 1600 LEJEUNE & Co. Rue St. Honoré, Paris.- Hats. 1601 HOUETTE & Co. 29 Faubourg Montmartre, Paris. Varnished calf skins. 1602 TALABERT ROCOFFON, St. Etienne, Loire.- Gun barrels. 1603 MENILDROIT, 9 Rue Tronchet, Paris. Designs and embroidery. 1604 MARTIN & VIRY, 14 Quai de la Megisserie, Paris.-Crosses, balustrades, and various castings in iron. 1605 ROYER, P. E. 6 Rue du Caire, Paris.- Arti- ficial flowers. 1608 BERGER, 8 Rue de la Chaussée d'Antoine, Paris. Preparation for cleaning jewellery, bronzes, &c. 1606 A CHEVALIER & Co. 209 Rue St. Martin, Paris.-A frame containing specimens of ornamental letters, and openwork designs for engraving. 1607 BRUNEL, St. Etienne, Loire.-An improved gun. 1608 POIROTTE, F. Paris, and 12 Suffolk St. Dublin.-Ladies' boots and embroidered shoes. 1609 CARON, La Villette, Seine.-Artificial coal. 1610 CASTELLE, P. Rue Neuve St. Mery, Paris.— Stained glass made of gelatine. Gelatine paper and ornaments. 1610A BLANK, 22 Rue du Roi de Sicile, Paris.- Specimens of marqueterie and mosaic work. 1611 COLONDRE, Rue Bourbon, Villeneuve, Paris. -Waistcoat stuffs. " 1611A CAZAL, 27 Boulevart des Italiens, Paris.- Umbrellas and parasols. BELGIUM. 1612 HIS MAJESTY LEOPOLD I. KING OF THE BELGIANS.-A chimney-piece in statuary marble with figures, executed by A. J. Leclerq, sculptor in marble, Brussels. 1613 DEBREMAEKER, J. Rue du Pont-Neuf, Brus- sels.-Three marble chimney pieces; one granite chim- ney piece. 1614 LECLERCQ, Sculptor, Brussels.-A chimney piece in statuary marble of the Renaissance style; a chimney piece in black Belgian marble; a marble chimney piece. } FOREIGN STATES:-BELGIUM, 1615 CORMANN, R. Rue de Louvain, Brussels, Manu.-Chinese table with bird-cage, painted and decorated; Chinese cages; painted pedestals and vases in galvanized zinc. 1616 OFFERMANS, L. Antwerp.-Silver crucifixes. 1617 MISSON, L. E. & A. Spa.-Various articles in Spa wood. 1618 MARIN, J. Spa.-A work table ornamented with flowers; a table ornamented with figures; a work box with figures and animals; a work box with flowers; various articles in Spa wood. 1619 MICHEL LEON, Spa.-Card trays, and orna- mental boxes in Spa wood. 1620 JABSTRZEBSKI, F. 23 Rue Ruysbroeck, Brus- sels, Manu. to the King.-Pianos. 1621 ZIRKZEE, J. E. Grande Rue au Beurre, Brus- sels.-Window blinds painted on muslin. 1622 LEVASSEUR, A. Rue des Croisades, Brussels. -Painted window blinds. 1623 Bouvy, A. 28 Rue du Pont, Liège, Manu.— Leather, polished cow-skins, varnished calf-skins; top and upper leathers. 1624 JONES BROTHERS, Rue de Lacken, Brussels, Coach Builders.-Curricle-phaeton with seats before and behind, Collinge's patent axles; post-phaeton with moveable body, Collinge's patent axles. 1625 CLAUS & CARRON, Ghent.-Samples of re- fined sugar. 1626 BONGAERTS, F. A. J. Antwerp.-Sacks, woven upon a common loom, without seams; a piece of cow-hair carpet. 1627 DE KEYSER, M. 10 Rue St. Christophe, Brussels, Manu.-Horse cloths and twilled blankets. 1628 VAN ASSCHE, L. Termonde.-A white marble mantel piece. 1629 LETORET, J. Civil Mining Engineer and Pro- fessor of Chemistry, 7 Rue de Ruysbroeck, Brussels.- Apparatus for collecting gases, and forming chemical combinations, without the aid of corks or lutes. 1630 VAN DEN DRIESCHE, P. Sleydinge, (East Flanders).-Improved churn, patented. 1831 BREUER, E. 23 Rue St. Severin, Liège, Manu. -Single and double, barrelled guns and pistols. 1632 KEYMOLEN, Petite Rue des Dominicains, Brussels, Manu.-Kitchen and parlour stoves, and ash pan. 1633 OPPELT, G. Rue de la Blanchisserie, Brussels, Pat.-Model of a piece of cannon, mounted on its carriage, with caisson and other appurtenances, and provided with a safety obturator, 1634 BELLEGHEM, G. L. F. 45 Rue Digue de Bra- bant, Ghent.-Gobelins carpets of the ancient manu- facture of Andernærde. 1635 SAVOIR, J. Rue de la Constitution, Antwerp, Manu.-A table painted in imitation of tortoise-shell, representing Godefroi de Bouillon; fancy tables; a painted table representing Spring. 115 1636 LaLMAND, F. Antwerp.-A bas relief in plaster, representing a vase of flowers. 1637 DEBBAUDT-DELACROIX, Courtray-Common and refined rape-seed oil for lamps; Camelina, oil; flax- seed oil for painters; and poppy-seed oil for the table. 1838 DONY, F. Ghent, Manu.-Samples of potas- sium. 1639 SCHOFFS, J. B. C. Brussels, 15 Rue de la Montagne.—Six patented extracts for the manufacture of liqueurs; extract of Swiss absinthe; Marascino from Zara; Dantzic brandy; Dutch curacao; Dutch anisette; Bordeaux anisette; Kirsch-wasser; Hol- land gin (Schiedam); oil of noyaux, cream of mint and of punch. 1640 DUCHAUSSOIT, E. Ghent, Manu.-Sample of white rabbit skin muff, pellerines, &c., in imitation of ermine; model of a machine for planing leather and furs. T 1641 OLINGER, J. B. Etterbeek, Brussels, Tanner. Prepared kid-skins for gloves. 1642 PARENT, 7 Montagne du Sion, Brussels, Pub.-Different printed works. 1643 DERVERVEIRN, J. J. Ghent, Manu.-Hand- kerchiefs and calicos, dyed and printed. 1644 BERENHAERT, A. & Co. Antwerp.-Scarfs, handkerchiefs, head dresses, lace, and embroideries upon tulle and muslins; imitation of gimps, &c. &c. 1645 MABILDE, MADAME, Rue des Champs, Ghent. -Lace veil and other articles, application de Bruxelles. 1646 JOREZ, L. FILS, 75 Rue Fosse aux Lups, Brussels, Manu.-Floor cloths; printed cotton flannel table covers; samples illustrating the progress and process of oil-cloth manufacture. 1647 BERGER, B. 53 bis Montagne de la Cour, Brussels.-Stays. 1648 DE KETELAERE, B. Rue de l'Eglise St. Anne, Bruges. An assortment of wooden shoes of every quality and size. 1649 SIERON, L. Place des Walons, Brussels, Manu.-Samples of nails called pointes de Paris. 1650 SOCIETE DE LA FABRIQUE DE POINTES DE CHARLEROI, Marcinelle, Pat. Samples of rough pointed nails. + H.2 + FOREIGN STATES.-BELGIUM. 116 I 3 t L- 1651 SOCIETE Vanden BRANDE & Co. Schærbeek, Brussels. A gilded sign intended for the exhibitors who obtained a prize medal at the London Exhibition in 1851; the same in a rough state; letter box, accord- ing to the system adopted in Belgium. 1652 WYNANTS, C. Rue Vandyke a Schærbeek, Brussels, Pat.-Model of a press for stamping letters and papers generally, invention adopted in the Belgian State and railroad offices. M 1653 OBACH, N. 46 Rue de Scharbeek, Brussels, Manu.-Square platform weighing balance, supporting 20 Is. weight; small improved counter scales, without plates or chains. 1654 WATTEYNE, DETLEURE, Soignies, Manu.— Samples of linen thread spun by hand; sample of thread called "fils de mulquinerie.” 1655 VERBEECKE, P. J. Granberghen (East Flan- ders).-Samples of hemp and peeled flax. 1656 REUSENS, P. F. Rue du Trèfle, Antwerp.— Samples of Copal varnish for varnishing carriages and apartments. 1657 VAN GEETERUYEN, E. Hamme, (East Flan- ders) Manu.-Superior qualities of starch for getting up laces, &c.; starch called "Amidon Lis de Belgique," and other kinds of starch. 1658 VAN HOORICK & CO. 27 Rue du Frontespice, outside of the Port de Lacken, Brussels, Manu.- Lead Pencils. 1659 STRUBB & BAEY, Bruges.-Samples of oak bark; young oak bark from the neighbourhood of Bruges. 1660 DUTALIS, G. Mechlin, Manu.-Samples of Fœcula. 1661 DE MEY, G. Gremberghen, (East Flanders) -Samples of peeled flax. 1662 CLAUDE, L. 25 Rue Rempart des Moines, Brussels, Manu.-Samples of refined rapeseed oil for burning 1663 COOREMAN, A. S. Rebecq-Rognan, Manu.— Samples, of flax thread used for the ground-work of Brussels lace; samples of thread for lace. 1664 BONTE-NYS, Courtray, Manu.-Samples of flax thread, made by hand, styled fils de mulquinerie, fils ourdi, &c. 1665 DE ST. HUBERT, E. Bouvignes, Province of Namur. A pair of mill stones of molar silex. 1665 A COMPANY FOR THE WORKING AND MANU- FACTURING OF BELGIAN MILLSTONES IN MOLAR SILEX, Lodelinsart, near Charleroi.—A pair of millstones. 1665B DEMAEYER, Boom.-Drainage pipes. 1666 BRASSEUR, E. Ghent, Manu. (Agent, E. Ecoins 2 Dunster Ct. Mincing Lane, London).—Samples of ultra-marine. 1667 VAN TROOSTENBERGHE, P. D. Bruges, Manu. Shoes, slippers, and gaiters, without seams, made by a patented process. 1668 BENNERT & BIVORT, de la Coupe glass works, Junnet, near Charleroi, Manu.-Samples of white and half-white window glass; cylinder of window glass. 1669 GOYERS, BRS. Louvain.-A Gothic chapel of the fifteenth century, carved in oak wood. 1669A VANDEN BOSCH, Brussels.-Model of an expanding table. 1669 B VAN HOOL, J. Sculptor and Professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp.-Pannel or centre-piece for a communion table; an altar carved in wood; Christ on the cross; figure of the Madonna in oak wood; figure of Christ carved in palm wood, and framed. 1670 VAN SCHENDEL, Brussels.-Optical instru- ment for perspective drawing. 1670A SOMZE JUN. Liége.-Brushes. 1670в SOMZE, MAHY, Liége.-Brushes. 1671 KOKEROLS, Antwerp.-Figure of Christ carved in box wood. 1671A HOMBLE, Antwerp.-The Virgin Mary carved in wood. 1671B GERAERDTS, Antwerp.-Carved chairs. 1672 VAN AERSCHOUT & VAN ESPEN, Louvain, -A Bell. 1672A COLLINGS BROTHERS & MAINGY, Courtray. -Flax. 1672B TOUCHE, G. Antwerp.-Soaps. 1673 ABRAHAMS, BROTHERS, Stationers, Middle- burg.-Three counting-house books; twenty-eight note books. 1674 SCHOBER & SON, Manufacturers, Utrecht.- One cask of cement; two bricks. 1675 OOMEN, A. Sculptor and Carver, Breda, Holland.-Carved fire-screen of nut-tree wood, re- presenting Jesus and the Samaritan woman. 1676 WARNAARS, T. H. Judge, Almalo.-Antique cabinet, with a collection of coins and curiosities; antique bible in extract and manuscript, probably of the eleventh century. 1677 OOMEN, A. M. Ginneken.-Refined rapeseed FOREIGN STATES.-HOLLAND. 117 譬 ​oil for lamps; rapeseed oil; linseed oil cakes; linseed oil. 1678 ZAALBERG, J. C. & SON, Leiden.-Seven pair of blankets. 1679 BRANDON, N. D. Amsterdam.-Eight boxes, each containing five pounds stearine candles. 1680 DALFSEN, J. VAN, Jun. Genemuyden.— Three rolls Overyssel floor matting. 1681 NOORDWYNS, Mdlle. J. A. Rotterdam. — A crochet work table cover. 1682 SPARNAAY, F. T. & SON, Gouda and Rotter- dam.-Five gross of clay tobacco pipes, different pat- terns and colours. 1683 LEVYSSOHN, J. H. The Hague.-A stone cut in two, composed of amethysts, from the Province of Hetatsi, to the north of, and near Jedo, brought from Japan by the proprietor, formerly chief of the Nether- lands Factory at Japan. 1684 HOVE, H. VAN, The Hague.-A passage in an old-fashioned Dutch house. • 1685 WYNGAARDT, P. VAN.-Interior of a house. 1686 GOLL & Co. Amsterdam.-Samples of Indigo. · 1687 Post & WENDT, Gouda. Twenty-four coach- men's whips; eighteen riding whips; eighteen walking sticks. 1688 KEYSER, M. & Co. Voorburg.-Twenty-four bottles Eau de Voorburg. HOLLAND. Collection of Japanese Articles from the Museum at the Hague, exhibited by order of the Government of the Netherlands. 1689 Articles used in the celebration of Religious Ceremonies. 1600 A balance, scales and weights. 1691 Two gold lacquered dishes. 1692 Two gold lacquered boxes, and one dish. 1693 A box containing various gold and silver coins, and paper money. 1694 A box of mosaic lacquered ware. 1695 Playing cards and paper money. 1696 The portraits of Frederick II., John Milton, and Hermann Boerhave. (These are imitations in lacquer work by the Japanese of European drawings). 1697 A miniature palanquin lacquered with gold. 1698 Two palanquins to carry goods. 1699 A palinquin for sachi and confectionery. 1700 Printing types. 1701 Japanese drawings on silk and paper. 1702 An ink stand. 1703 The figure and the head of a monster. (Ma- nufactured). 1704 Models of three ships. 1705 A lacquered tea-tray. 1706 A bronze candelabrum, representing a bird. 1707 A bronze candelabrum. 1708 A large candelabrum. 1709 Porcelain tea-pots and tea-caddy. 1710 A porcelain basin and jug, (Cracklin), and two cups, with lacquered tables to stand them upon. 1711 Two baskets made of fine straw. 1712 Two ditto lacquered inside. 1713 A Japanese clock. 1714 Two pieces of embroidered silk. Ditto em- broidered crape. 1715 A large silk purse. 1716 A pair of shoes. 1717 Two pairs of slippers. 1718 A straw cabinet, lacquered inside. 1719 A cabinet with drawers for tobacco, pipes, &c. 1720 18 cups of the finest quality of porcelain. 1721 14 cups of lacquered papier mâché. 1722 Model of a Sinto temple. 1723 A miniature horse, with its accoutrements. 1724 A box containing nine different fans. 1725 A tea-tray inlaid with several kinds of wood. 1726 A leather box, with raised figures. 1727 A cabinet of Japanese wood. 1728 Model of a Japanese shop. 1729 Children's toys. 1730 2 straw cups. 1731 2 smaller ditto. 1732 2 tables lacquered red and gold with figures. 1733 Articles used in falconry. 1734 A small table, with plates to hold confec- tionery. 1735 A Japanese palanquin (Norimon). 1736 Three screens. 1737 Miniature agricultural implements. 1738 An altar piece of the Buddha worship. (This is one of the finest specimens of gilt lacquered ware inlaid with mother-of-pearl. It may be considered as unique in Europe). 1739 Three idols. 1740 A small model of a temple. 118 FOREIGN STATES.-HOLLAND. 1741 A compass in a box of lacquered ware. 1742 A tea-tray lacquered red, with gold ard silver figures. 1743 Toilet appurtenances lacquered and inlaid with mother-of-pearl. 1744 A lady's toilet. 1745 Printed books. 1746 A map of Japan, made in that country. 1747 An umbrella in a black velvet case, (Som- beriro); two small umbrellas; three lances; a musket. 1748 Two lacquered cases, &c.; a warrior's mask; four fine sabres (as it is forbidden, on punishment of death, to export any kind of arms, money, or maps from Japan, the above articles are very interesting, and rarely to be met with in Europe); a hat, lacquered on the outside, used in cases of fire; umbrellas of differ- ent sizes; a large drum, gilt and lacquered with figures (Taiko); the pedestal of a drum, lacquered with orna- mental devices, (Kakoo); a small drum, (Sioko); a flat-shaped drum, (Sioo); a trumpet, (Triambra); a guitar (Birva); a harp, (Kote) (this instrument when played is laid flat on the ground); a small harp, with seven strings, (Wagon); a lacquered harp inlaid with mother-of-pearl (Sitsigenkin); a bamboo flute (Ooteki); a flute, (Kama Toejé); a violin, (Kohm); a three- stringed guitar, (Samsjen); a circular-shaped drum, (Taéjko); a drum in the form of an hour-glass, (Tjvesami-oo); a smaller drum, (Tjoesami-ko); a flute, (Toejé); a metal bell, (Rei); a playing pipe, (Siakkatsi); miniature cymbals, (Tekiosie); cymbals (Hitsjeriké); two large cymbals; a tamtam or Japanese gong; a convex tamtam; a pair of drum sticks; a box, containing ivory nails to protect the finger of the harp player; a fan; a cloak made of feathers and worn in dancing, (Hamiero); a cloak made of cord, (Kasiemino); a shot pouch made of leather, (Haijago); two gunpowder flasks, (Doek- soeri-iré); a pistol, (Soedezoete); two boxes containing miniature bows and arrows, (Turin); an embroidered bag containing a dice box and dice; a bit; a quiver 1 for bamboo arrows, (Watboo); two matchlocks; orna- ment for the trappings of a horse; two mats and two benches. 1749 A cloak worn in wet weather. 1750 A black silk cloak, embroidered in gold. 1751 An embroidered white silk cloak lined with red. 1752 Á red crape cloak, embroidered in gold. 1753 A purple cloak, embroidered with flowers. 1754 A cloak embroidered with figures of birds. 1755 An orange coloured cloak. 1756 4 Embroidered state cloaks. 1757 A pair of breeches, purple and gold. 1758 A sash. 1759 Two pairs of stockings. 1760 A small sash with family arms. 1761 Five purses. 1762 A purse to contain papers and letters. 1763 A figure of a man dressed. 1764 A figure of a lady. 1765 A man's head-dress. 1766 A lady's head-dress. 1767 A fan with a lacquered and inlaid stick. 1768 A box containing toilet articles. 1769 Carpenter's tools. 1770 A lantern on a lacquered stand. 1771 Two painted candlesticks. 1772 A lacquered cabinet. 1773 A writing desk and pocket inkstand. 1774 Specimens of paper, pencils, &c. 1775 Two pipes, with tobacco pouches. 1776 Two porcelain vases of large size. 1777 Two animals made of silk. 1778 Two birds made of silk. 1779 A small table lacquered black and gold. 1780 Image of Japanese hero. 1781 An insect cage in straw-work. 1782 Knife handles. 1783 Two banners, a lance, and three umbrellas, 1784 The armour of a Japanese soldier. EAST INDIES. 119 LIST OF THE ARTICLES FORWARDED TO THE INDUSTRIÀL EXHIBITION AT DUB- LIN, FROM THE MUSEUM OF THE HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY. 1785 1 Idol. Image of Gotama. From Ava (in wood). 2 Mayadevi, the mother of Sakyamuni (in stone). 3 Siva taking leave of Sarvati (in stone). 4 Image of Siva (of stone) gilt. 5 Stone figure, with four heads and four arms. 6 Stone figure, stand gilded. 7 Stone figure, plain. 8 Stone figure in intaglio. 9 Stone figure in intaglio. · 10 Stone figure in intaglio. 11 Clay figure in intaglio, plain. 12 Clay figure in intaglio, gilt. 13 Metal figures-No. 1 Fish Avatár. 14 2 Tortoise Rama. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Metal figures (in three pieces). 22 Metal figure with horse's head. 23 Metal figure. 24 Metal figure, on Beil. 25 Chain of metal. "" "> "" "} >> " "" "" "" "" "" "" EAST INDIES. "" >> 3 Boar Avatár. 4 Man-Lion Avatár. 5 Dwarf Avatár. 6 Sarvasu Rama. 7 Rama Chaudra. 8 Bala Rama, 26 Four glazed and unglazed tiles. 27 Three small figure heads (of plaster). 28 Pottery (of white clay) decanter and stopper. 29 White clay vase, ornamented. 30 White clay cornice, do. 31 White clay goblet. 32 Jug of black clay. 33 Black clay vase and cover, ornamented. 34 Black clay decanter (figured with silver). 35 Black clay small jar (figured with silver). 36 Black clay small jar (figured with silver). 37 Pottery (of black clay), bowl. 38 Red clay decanter, figured. 39 Pottery, gilt cup. 40 Small red clay jar, with cover. 41 Vase and cover (wood lacquered). 42 Iron goblet, inlaid with silver, Biddery. 43 Iron jug and stand, inlaid with silver, Biddery. 44 Elephant and Howdah, in ivory carving. 45 Camel, carved in ivory. 46 Native workmen, carved in ivory. 47 Inlaid Mosaic tray, from Agra. 48 Model of temple in Pith. Aspera. 49 Camel, gun, and saddle, from Lahore. 50 Gun barrel (being a sword twisted). 51 Small brass lock. 52 Small iron lock from Moultan. 53 Long screw. 54 Fumigating lamp, of brass, from Cochin. 55 Brass goblet. 56 Brass tea-pot. 57 Three Burmese musical instruments. 58 Violin (Chikarah and bow). 59 Violin (Tamura and bow). 60 Violin and bow. "" 1 "" 61 Violin and bow, from Java, by Dr. Horsfield. 62 Flageolet (Shanee). 63 Flageolet (Tublah). 64 Kettle-drum. 65 Tom-Tom. 66 Tom-Tom, on circular stand. 67 Pair of cymbals. 68 Thirteen models of different musical instru- ments, from Java, by Dr. Horsfield. 69 Boats:-1 Catamaran, from Madras. 70 71 72 73 74 A small state Howdah. 75 Iron lock (very curious). 76 Lady's spinning-wheel. 77 Mahratta carriage (Keroo). 78 Mahratta carriage, (Kuth). 79 Bullock carriage from Lahore. "" "" Eschonomyne 1 Mussula life-boat, from Madras. 1 Sampan. 1 Arab dow. 1 Snake boat. • 120 EAST INDIES. { 1 80 Small palanquin, and four bearers. 81 Box made of porcupine quills, &c. 82 Circular box (wood lacquered). 83 Tea table, from Tibet. 84 Tea-pot do. 85 Pair of wooden shoes. 86 Dancing figures, from Cashmere. 87 Khus-Khus basket, from Poona. 88 Morning gown, embroidered, from Cashmere. 89 Glazed case, containing richly-ornamented MS. address letter, silver case, and bag. 90 Boat. 91 A collection of imitation Indian fruits. do. of woods. 92 Do. 93 Sample tea. 94 opium and pipe. "" 95 Fish (chuppa) from which the isinglass is ނގ procured. A collection of woods. A curious pair of Bellows, made from leaves. Various articles in Gutta Percha. A collection of animals modelled by Mr. F. Pulman, from stone carvings from Bengal. A section of mahogany and a tea caddy made from part of the same tree, grown in the East India Com- pany's Botanic Gardens at Calcutta. · SPECIMENS OF INDIAN ART SENT BY COLONEL AND MRS. SYKES TO THE DUBLIN EXHIBITION. 1786 1. A sandal-wood desk, carved with Hindoo deities.-Exhibited by Mrs. Colonel Sykes. 2. A Bombay work backgammon board.-Exhi- bited by Mrs. Colonel Sykes. 3. An embossed silver rose-water bottle from Cutch.-Exhibited by Mrs. Colonel Sykes. 4. A Goorkha sword; Goorkha military knives; a Goorkha noble's green velvet cap.-Exhibited by Colonel Sykes. These articles were worn by the Nepaulese with the Nepaulese Ambassador when in England. 5. Two baskets of the fragrant grass, called Khus-Khus (Andropagon Muricatum) from Poonah, in the Deccan.-Exhibited by Mrs. Colonel Sykes: ** ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED BY THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. 1787 ARMS:-1. 2Ceylonese gingals or grasshopper guns, inlaid with silver. 2. 2 Indian matchlocks and coil of match cord. 3. A musket, formerly belonging to the King of Candy, stock covered with tortoise shell. 4. An Indian sword-blade, ornamented with figures of elephants, &c. 5. A Persian sword, made at Ispahan. 6. A Chinese sword, being one actually used at an execution in Canton, witnessed by an English gen- tleman in 1815, on which occasion 33 criminals were decapitated by one man in less than three minutes. 7. A Japanese sword, with suicidal knife. 8. A Koorg knife and belt. 9. A Japanese spear headed blow-pipe, used for propelling poisoned arrows. 10. 2 Ceylonese spears. 11. 1 Ceylonese bow. 1788 MODELS: -12. Model of the great Hindoo temple at Trivalore, in the Tanjore provinces. 13. Model of a Ceylonese Buddhist temple. 14. Model of a Ceylonese Buddhist preaching house. 15. Model of a Chinese chain pump, made like the original of wood, without the presence of iron. 16. Model of the idol Juggernaut, and cars. 17. 20 native models of Ceylonese ranks, trades, and occupations. 18. Model of Burmese war boat. 1789 MISCELLANEOUS :--19. Burmese harp. 20. Burmese gong. 21. Burmese water pail, made from a single joint of large bamboo cane. 22. Specimens of Burmese lacquered ware, show- ing the different stages of the manufacture. 23. Burmese lacquered box. 24. An Affghan water bag of Russia leather. 25. A Japanese joss house, used by the people for the reception of Buddhist idols in their domestic worship. 26. Japanese opium pipe, and four pouches. 27. Pack of Japanese playing cards. 28. 5 Japanese books. 29. Chinese and Japanese dictionary. 30. Japanese reaping hook : 31. Chinese opium pipe, of highly furnished manu- facture, in case. 32. Chinese sun-dials, with magnetic compasses for adjustment, in japanned case, highly finished. : EAST INDIES. 121 14 33. Chinese mariner's compass.. 34. Chinese lady's shoe. 35. A Tibetian wooden printing block. · 36. Box of Indian playing cards. 37. A series of 13 miniature portraits of kings of Delhi of the Timurian dynasty, by a native artist. 38. A Hindoo horoscope, in a sanscript roll of several yards in length, found in the camp of one of the Sikh generals after the battle of Goojerat. 39. A Tamel palm leaf manuscript. 40. An illustrated Persian manuscript of the Shah Nameh. 41. A Siamese dramatic poem, in manuscript, folded fan-like. 42. An elephant's tooth. 43. A rhinoceros's horn. 44. An original Arabic letter from the Imaun of Muscat sent to the Royal Asiatic Society, in Kincob envelope. 45. An Arabic celestial globe, made at Mosul in the year 1275 A. D. 46. An ancient image of Brahma. 47. Image of Vishnu. 48. Image of Vishnu and Lakshmi, (ancient). 49. Images of Vishnu, Darga, and Durgo. 50. Image of Buddha. 51 Piece of ancient sculpture, representing Buddha and his disciples. THE GOUGH COMPARTMENT-VISCOUNT GOUGH. 1790 1 Two 12 lb. howitzers and carriages complete, beautifully mounted and inlaid with brass gilding. These guns were portion of those taken by Lord Gough in the action of Sabraon in the year 1846, and were presented to him by the Government of India. 2 Two guns, a 6 lb. and a 12 lb. howitzer, taken in the battle of Goojerat, and presented to Lord Gough by the East India Company. 3 Four imperial standards of China taken at Chin- Keang-Foo by Lord Gough. 4 Some handsome China vases. 5 Model of the caique or state barge of the Sultan of Constantinople. In the same case some good specimens of China. 6 Two heads and horns of the Indian buffalo. * 7 A buhl cabinet of Irish manufacture, inlaid with coloured woods. This cabinet also contains some fine china. 8 A model of Chinese joss house, with an idol in it, covered in wood and gilt. 9 Two figures (carved out of pith) of the Rajah of Mysore and his favorite wife. 10 Two models of guns, one of agate, the other of blood stone from Bombay. 11.A glass case containing baskets, &c. made of filagree silver, Chinese curiosities of different sorts, Indian, Sikh, &c. and other things. 12 Three fine specimens of Chinese bronzes. 13 A piece of sandal wood carved at Bombay. 14 A model of a hackery or native carriage drawn by bullocks, in ivory. 15 A Chinese field piece taken in action; it has four handles, and is intended to be carried by the soldiers. • 16 A box inlaid with porcupine quills and Bombay work. 17 A Chinese gong of a curious shape, used in the temples. 18 Four Sikh matchlocks, fine specimens. 19 A box made of the horns of the Indian elk, and lined with sandal wood. 20 Handsome Chinese dresses, shields, lances, &c. 21 The two-edged sword used by Tippoo Saib at the siege of Seringapatam. 22 A very rich green and gold cashmere chogah. 23 A ditto, red and gold. 24 A handsome purple and gold cashmere Merzai. 25 A Hindostanee saddle cloth, green, satin, and gold. 26 A specimen of beetle-wing emhroidery, from Madras. 27 A Loodianah worked shawl, (stone color-) ditto. 28 A scarf, 29 A very magnificent red Cashmere shawl. 30 A Cashmere Jamawar. 31 A Mooltan khes, crimson and gold. 32 A red Cashmere scarf, of very rare workmanship. 33 A Mysore silk scarf, black and white. 34 Three Delhi scarfs, (red, blue, and green), em- broidered in coloured silks. 35 An Ayah's chudder. 36 A Chinese pillow. 37 Two "chobes," (silver and gold), carried in India before men of rank. 38 Two "sontahs," ditto, ditto. + 122 EAST INDIES. 39 A brace of Seikh pistols. 40 Two buffaloe heads, male and female. 41 A rhinoceros horn. 42 Two Chinese shields, wicker work. 43 A sandal-wood chowrie. 44 An ivory ditto. 45 A pair of Chinese shoes. 46 A complete set of Hindoo woman's ornaments, (silver.) 37 A Mandarin's necklace in a case. 48 An elk-horn box. 49 A Chinese Marshal's baton. 50 A black Gyah marble elephant. 51 A ditto, panther. 52 Two Indian state letters. 53 Two Harr's. 54 Six Ivory figures, (Indian trades). 55 Two Gods of the same description. 56 A Chinese necklace, ten appendages. 57 A pair of Himalayah shoes. 58 A carved Japanese box. 59 Delhi looking glass. 60 A Chinese compass. 61 A sandal-wood box, with painting of Taj. 62 A pair Turkish slippers. 63 A Chinese teapot. 1 64 A Japan ball. 65 Commander-in-Chief in India's Persian seal. 66 Lord Gough's seal, entirely of Irish material and workmanship. 67 A specimen of Sycee silver. 68 Two Palmer's shells from Jerusalem. 69 A Chinese landscape cast in rice. 70 Four Seikh spears. * 71 Model in white marble, elaborately inlaid with agates and other stones of the tomb of Noormahal, in the Taj at Agra. CHINESE ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED BY RICHARD TWINING, ESQ. C 1791 1 Tripod of elephant's heads, figure sitting above. 1a Carved wooden stand, into which the ends of the trunks rest at each end. 16 Wooden stool with marble top, on which the wooden stand and tripod rest. 2 Marble screen. 3 Bronze tripod, with wooden carved lid and stand. 4 Square bronze vessel. 4 a Stand. 46 Lid. 5 Tall bronze jar with wooden stand. 6 Carved bronze jar with three feet, without cover. 7 Two bronze animals, men sitting on them, wooden stands. 8 Bronze basket shaped vessel. 9 Small wooden screen, with white centre. 10 Small bronze screen. 10 a Wooden stand for same. CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF INDIAN CURIOSITIES RECEIVED FROM AND THE PROPERTY OF JOHN BRIDGE, ESQ. WOOD HOUSE, SHEPHERD'S BUSH. 1792 55 Siva, seated in the usual attitude of Buddha, on a throne with railed back; above is a disk between two spiral obelisks-of basalt, about 104 by 74 inches. Also Agni, the god of fire, seated; the back ground waved with flames, beneath him is a couchant ram -basalt, 12 by 8 inches. 84 Parus Nauth, in a niche, with small figures, 17 by 11 inches basalt. 91 A colossal hand holding the shell of Vishnu. 93 Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu trampling upon Bali; of alabaster, enriched with vermilion and gold, 28 by 14 inches. t 94 Ten small groups, illustrative of the Avatars of Vishnu, 7 inches high, of alabaster, richly coloured with vermilion, and gilt. 95 A four-headed lingam, with a snake twined round the disk-basalt. 98 One brown, one white polished egg-shaped baun lingams-the brown sacred to Ganesa, the white to Maha Deva. 99 Saraswati, the wife of Brahma, mounted upon the Hanasa, or goose, of alabaster gilt; also Laeghmi, with her infant. 100 Parvati in prayer, seated; Ganesa, and Hara Guri. - EAST INDIES. * 173 101 A four-faced lingam of alabaster, from Jeypoor, very richly ornamented; and a pair of small ele- phants. 102 A pair of obelisks, of carved and gilt wood, and stands. 103 Krishna playing on the flute, of alabaster, gilt. 106 A lingam, of black stone, with the serpent partly coiled round it. 112 A bull of alabaster. 113 Krishna playing on the flute, and two creeping infants. 114, 115, 118, and 5 others, Buddha seated on a throne, &c. partly gilt. 117 Two brass hookah stands, two bottles, and three incense burners. 121 Two solid brass gongs, and four pairs of cymbals. A piece of crystal (not numbered). Five stands-three marked 97, and two others. A tiger and elephant in marble (not numbered). Two brass bells (not numbered). Stone figure with two faces. Stone figure praying. CHINESE ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED BY JOHN REEVES, ESQ. 1793 1 to 4. Four scrolls of Chinese Leonine verses. 5 Black wood stand, carved out of the solid, repre- senting the root and leaf of the Nelumbium or water sing. 6 Copper kettle in shape of a peach. 7 Copper incense vase in shape of the fingered citron -Citrus Sarcodachylus. 8 Another incense vase. 9 Inlaid bronze jar. 10 and 11 Two tin teapots lined with earthenware. 12 and 13 Steatite cup, and carved ornament. 14 and 15 Two others carved, (lily leaf.) 16 Bruss seal or paper weight, with the Ke Lin or Lipsitriores lion. 17 B... containing two cases of China ink, with ten representations of views of the Wang Shan (Hill in Kean Nan.) 18 Box containing four cases of fine ink. 19 Box containing a larger stick of ink. 20 to 24 Five teapots. 25 to 27 Two Japan boxes, and a drinking cup, of plaited bamboo. 28 and 29 Two black Japan cups and covers. 30 A Chinese compass. 31 A mortar and muller for grinding corn. 32 to 34 Three Chinese pallets. 35 An ornament of red Tychon manufacture. 36 A packet of Japan rice. 37 Two quires of Chinese paper. 38 Chinese gas lights (children's toys.) 39 Nest of ten China cups. 40 Seven Japan and gilt baskets. 41 One specimen of rice paper. 1794 THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, Adelphi, London; E. Sully, Secretary.—Arm-chair and chair, of native India manufacture. Specimens of Chandernagore- manufactured cotton; viz. Khaunpos, Kermeech, black and white; Nulchee, and white handkerchiefs and a gown piece. Balls of Chandernagore two-thread and three-thread twine and canvas. Box, containing 100 Havannah cigars; box, containing 100 Manilla cigars. Papers, containing samples of lac dye, and shellac. A LIST OF ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED TO THE DUBLIN EXHIBITION BY WILLIAM DOWNING, ESQ. EAST INDIA HOUSE, LONDON. 1794 A 1. A long rifle, with percussion lock, from Lahore, made from materials indigenous to that country; lock and stock in imitation of English. 2. A crochet box, beautifully japanned and en- graved, from Sindh. 3. A necklace and a pair of ear-rings, from Poona. Khus-Khus and sandalwood are much used in the composition. 4. A coverlid, elaborately quilted, from Rajpoo- tanah. 5. A merrytwist quilt, from Assam. ← + : 124 EAST INDIES. EXHIBITED BY A. ROTHNEY, ESQ. EAST INDIA COMPANY'S MILITARY STORES. 1795 A sword taken in the late Chinese war. ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED BY THE UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1796 1 A flint lock gun belonging to the late King of Candy, in Ceylon. The carved stock was originally plated over with silver; a little of it only remains. The King had lost his right eye, and the lock is consequently placed on the left side. 2 A sword taken from the palace of the King of Candy in Ceylon. 3 A double matchlock from Delhi. This gun requires two charges, separated from each other by a pellet of clay in firing, the foremost pan is first opened to fire the first charge, afterwards the other. 4 An Indian matchlock, with barrel 7 feet 3 inches long. 5 A pair of battle axes from Cutch, silver mounting and handles, with stiletos in the handle. 6 A dagger with two blades from Cutch. 7 A dagger which belonged to the late Rajah of Sattera, gold mounting, and scabbard with rubies and emeralds. 8 The arms and accoutrements of a Beloochee soldier, consisting of a matchlock, sabre, shield, and belt, with flasks, pouches, &c. brought from the field of Meanee by Lieutenant-General Sir Charles James Napier, G.C.B. &c. &c. 9 A Mahratta chak kra or war quoit. Several of these are carried on the turban, and being rapidly whirled round the first finger, are thrown with great force and decision. 10 A Ghoorka sword, presented by his Highness the Nepaulese Ambassador to Major St. George Lister. 11 A Bedawin curved dagger, silver mounted. 12 A Burmese sword, carved ivory handle. 13 A common matchlock, used by the Chinese infantry. 14 A portable brass 3 inch gun made by the Chinese expressly for use against the English, and called by them a “silk gun," being strengthened by a 15 The infantry long bow of the Chinese soldier. 16 Binted arrow for the above. 17 A whistling arrow used by the Chinese sentinals as an alarm signal. 18 A flat-bladed Chinese arrow. 19 A rocket arrow for setting fire to shipping. 20 A Chinese twin sword, two blades in one scab- bard. 21 Four silk Chinese flags. 22 A dagger brought from Scio, silver mounted and silver scabbard. The silver work is Greek; the blade European. EXHIBITED BY THE MARCHIONESS OF HEADFORT. 1797 A bedstead from Cashmere. A piece of Kincob. Do. gold brocade. One pair tinsel trowsers. One tinsel jacket. One piece of embroidery. One Shoe. One cotton and silk cloth. Two trowser ties. Two pair socks. One sash. : A COLLECTION OF FABRICS FROM SCINDE, CONSISTING OF 1798 Five square table covers. Seven velvet chair covers. Five cloth covers. Six-cloth pieces for bags. Six cloth pieces for slippers. Two satin covers. Four satin bag pieces. All the above most elaborately embroidered in silk, and gold and silver thread. Two pieces worked with silver thread, used as scarfs. Five cotton pieces used as scarfs. A scratcher, used by the Scindee ladies to scratch themselves with. FAST INDIES. 125 CONTRIBUTED TO THE INDIAN COLLEÇ-. TION BY MR. PHILIP MEADOWS TAYLOR, OF HAROLD'S CROSS. 1799 A table printed on Indian satin, in the private printing press of His Highness the Rajah of Mysore, was arranged by himsolf, and sent by him to Captain Meadows Taylor, Political Agent at the Court of Sherapoer, as a mark of his friedship. The Rajah of Mysore is justly distinguished in India as an accom- plished prince. He devotes much attention to scien- tific pursuits. He excels at chess; and governs his subjects with ability. EXHIBITED BY DR. STOCKS. 1799 A A collection of fabrics from Sindh. EXHIBITED BY WM. STOKES, ESQ. M.D. 1799 B A collection of Indian deities. ✓ EXHIBITED BY THE ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. 1799 c Two models of Chinese Boats, elaborately carved in mother-o'-pearl and ivory. EXHIBITED BY MRS. ALMS, RAHEEN PARK, THURLES. 1800 A book of Persian manuscript taken from the tent of Meer Musseer Khan after the battle of Meannee. EXHIBITED RY LIEUT.-COL. CUNINGHAM. 1800A™ A Seikh sword and shield. EXHIBITED BY MR. E. HAWKINS, KEEPER OF ANTIQUITIES, BRITISH MUSEUM. 1800 B Eight silver fibulæ, from Tunis, remarkable from their similarity to the ancient Irish ornaments. EXHIBITED BY ALDERMAN REYNOLDS. 18000 A Goorkha sword, presented to him by the Nepalese Ambassador, in 1850. EXHIBITED BY MISS KEMPSTON, SANDYMOUNT. 1801 An inkstand, elaborately painted and engraved, and curious pair of scissors from Cashmere. EXHIBITED BY MRS. COGHLAN. 1801 A A Chinese backgammon and chess table, with chess men, &c.; a Bombay fancy work box. EXHIBITED BY MR. COOPER. 1801 B Two embossed silver claret jugs. One carved sandal-wood writing desk. One Bombay inlaid box. One silver mounted hookah. One coat of mail armour, and helmet. One chain armour and helmet. One carved Chinese fan. One ditto, ditto, sandal-wood card case, One sword. Two daggers. A splendidly carved Chinese ivory basket. EXHIBITED BY G. W. WHEATLEY & CO. 1801 o One writing desk. One gaming Board. One camp work-box. Four glove boxes. 5. IMG Pla 126 EAST INDIES. Two Table Trays. Two ivory baskets. Two card racks. Three needle cases. Four paper weights. Ten card cases. Twelve paper knives. One cigar case. One model of a Chinese coffin. All the above carved in sandal wood, and beauti- fully inlaid, ftom Bombay. One Chinese chess board. Specimens of moss agate and blood stone. Fragment of a crystal of corundum. Cakes of corundum and lac. Wood bored by a large blue. Wood twisted by a creeper. Punjaub rock salt. Rock salt from Mocha. Common corundum. Native lapidary's wheel. EXHIBITED BY MR. FREDERIC STACEY. 1802 A hookah from Bengal, and musical instruments from Java. EXHIBITED BY ISAAC D'OLIER, ESQ. BOOTERSTOWN, COUNTY DUBLIN. 1802A A Kaunda or double-edged sword; and a Coorg knife. EXHIBITED BY MISS FRANCES BOYD, KILMARNOCK, COUNTY DUBLIN. 1802B Indian carving in Bombay Blackwood (Dalbergia latifolia), consisting of a flower stand and two chairs; also some specimens of carving in ivory. 1803 EXHIBITED BY MR. CLOSE. Opium from Bengal. + EXHIBITED BY F. PRIDEAUX, ESQ. 1804 Tea from the Himalaya Mountains. COLLECTED AND EXHIBITED BY DR. WALLICH. 1805 An extensive and valuable collection of Indian woods. CHINESE ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED BY- ANTHONY GRAVES, ESQ. ROSBERCON CASTLE, NEW ROSS. 1806 Carved ivory model of a Chinese junk, 2 feet, by 1 foot 2 inches. One pair of China vases, 3 feet high, by 15 inches in diameter. One pair of China vases, 2 feet high, by 1 foot in diameter. One pair of China vases, 1 foot 7 inches high, by 10 inches in diameter. CHINESE ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED BY JOHN BLOOMFIELD, CASTLECALDWELL. 1807 Chinese shawl; table cover; warrior's dress, helmet, boots, sword, bow and arrows; large light blue crape cloak, with fur; bridle; 3 white crape lady's cloaks; a pair of lady's white crape trousers; crim- son crape lady's cloak; purple embroidered Man- darin's cloak; 2 ladies' crimson embroidered petticoats; baton of office; dark purple Mandarin's dress, em- broidered; long pale blue embroidered Mandarin's dress; 2 yellow lady's embroidered petticoats; ladies' green silk petticoat; lady's short red trousers; green satin cloak; black figured silk cloak, embroidered in a square piece on the back and front; 3 ladies' waist-- coats; priest's scarf; labourer's felt hat; first-class Mandarin's hat; black velvet East Indian gold em- broidered. cap; one god's dress, embroidered in gold on black crape; Mandarin's long amber necklace; a tobacco purse; two ivory chop sticks; lock and key; calculating board; weighing scale; three buttons; ? " EAST INDIES. 127 pair of common shoes; pair of lady's shoes; compass; musical instrument; comb; paintings on glass; dark purple satin cloak, lined with fur; eight figures in soap stone; flag; three large bowls; one small purple bowl; nine large round dishes; four long dishes; eighteen plates different sizes and shapes; seven cups and saucers; one large blue jar and cover; curious cream ewer, with two handles; one little jug; two large rings; two dogs; one small ring; two covered dishes and stands. 1808 GALLAGHER, J. H.M.S. Arrogant, Prop.- A Collection of Chinese and Japanese curiosities: Picture frames, and panels for cabinet, from Ningpo ; figures and balls carved in soap stone, from Shanghai ; josses, figures, and jars, carved in roots and bamboo, from Ningpo and Chusan; small cabinet and box, japanned and inlaid; pair of lacquered trays, and nest of turned boxes, from Japan; box of counters, cribbage board, and watch stand in sandal wood; chess and backgammon men, carved in ivory, with lacquered boards; paper cutters in carved ivory and mother of pearl; specimen of minute carving in olive stones, from Amoy; carved cup of rhinoceros horn, supposed to impart medicinal powers to drink kept in it, and pair of large vases, from Canton; antique vase on stand, from Amoy; several smaller jars, modern and antique, from Amoy and Foochow ; Bamboo painted window screens, pair of candle stands on dogs backs, pair of small jars in red and green imitation stone, from Canton; gong, and stick for beating it; bronze josses and figures, from Amoy, Foochow, and Shanghai; small bronze jar inlaid with silver, from Foochow (rare); metal mirror on stand, silver card case and cross, from Canton; hat, shoes, and tail, of a blue button man- darin, with opium pipe, tobacco pipe, chop sticks, and razor; ladies' embroidered dress and artificial flowers for the hair, as worn at Amoy; model of lady's leg and foot, from Ningro; pair of embroidered shoes, as worn by small footed ladies; fans and armlets, from Canton and Shanghai; oil paintings, by artists of Canton and Whampca; copies of English engravings by Chinese artists; a copy on ivory, in water colors; paintings in water colors, from Shanghai and Ningpo ; rice paper paintings, illustrating costumes, junks, boats, punishments, and the cultivation of the tea plant; pictures on wove paper (a rare manufacture). → · 1809 HEWETT & Co. 18 Fenchurch St. and 58 Baker St. London, Imp.-Magnificent mandarin China jars ; several very fine jars of mandarin china, and painted; jars and stands; pot pourri jars and covers, with dragons; mandarin garden seats; flower vases; jars and beakers ; yellow match pots in imitation of bamboo ;egg shell cup, cover, and saucer; enamelled copper cup and saucer; earthenware tea pot; richly painted punch bowl and stand; various china plates; nest of toilet pots; lacquered work table with carved ivory fittings; lac- quered tables; lacquered cabinet with drawers; tea caddies and tea .tray; pole fire screens, with birds, silk figures, &c.; ivory chessmen exquisitely carved, (made expressly for the Dublin Exhibition, the ball at the bottom of each has in it several concentric spheres); basket, work box, with internal fittings, vases, card racks, and cup, of carved ivory; ivory ball, containing 20 concentric spheres each carved in a different pat- tern, the time consumed in carving each ball being about one month; card basket, splendid fan, card cases, paper knife, and chessmen, of carved ivory; carved mother of pearl shell on a carved wood stand; set (140 pieces) of mother of pearl counters; card basket on pedestal and bålls, paper knife, snuff box, letter tray, and card case, of carved tortoiseshell; glove boxes, watch stand, and fan of carved sandalwood; pair of chop sticks and knife, in sandalwood case.; embroidered screens ; silver filagree bouquet holder; carved wood picture frame, from Ningpo; table, inlaid with ivory and wood; carved and inlaid cabinet; numerous clay figures, singular specimens of Chinese life; various figures, carved in bamboo and other woods; bamboo bird cage; embroidered apron and cigar case; toilet set, enamelled on copper; book, containing 12 draw- ings on rice paper; curiously carved slate; painted blind, made of bamboo; and akittysol or parasol; curiously carved rhinoceros horns and ebony stands; Chinese shoes and slippers; antique bronzes; gongs; hand screens; soap stones; lanterns; fans; metal hand furnace for keeping the fingers warm when walking in the street in cold weather, no gloves being worn; tray for burning joss stick; swanpan, or calculating board, in universal use among the Chinese; a Chinese rattle; porcelain land mark, to designate the boundaries of adjoining states; a mili- tary officer's saddle, bridle, &c.; bamboo boat, and carved wood stand; curious Chinese carving from the root of a tree, and carved stand. t / 128 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. } 1811 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 1810 QUEEN, HER MAJESTY, THE-A Gold Torque found in Sherwood Forest EXHIBITED BY THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY ▲ GENERAL COLLECTION OF ANCIENT WEAPONS, IMPLEMENTS, ORNAMENTS, &C., FOUND IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF IRELAND; ARRANGED IN EIGHTY-EIGHT TRAYS. BRONZE SERIES. 1. Twenty-seven broad hatchets of a dark red color bronze approaching to copper. They are of different colors, sizes and weights, and may be considered as exhibiting the simplest form, in which either copper or bronze autiquities are found in Ireland. 2. Twenty-five broad hatchets of full bronze. Some of these are unusually large, particularly one presented by SIR MATTHEW BARRINGTON, BART.; three of these hatchets were found with eight others at Derrynane, the residence of the late Daniel O'Connell, Esq. and were presented by MAURICE O'CONNELL, Esq. M. P. 3. Thirty-four narrow hatchets of yellow bronze. These generally exhibit traces of hammering ap- proaching to ornament, and though very simple in shape are frequently found along with other bronzes of every complicated forms. 4. Twenty narrow hatchets larger than those in No. 3. Some of these are ornamented with hammering in chevron patterns. They vary much in size, and might have been used in battle. These hatchets have generally traces of a handle, though none found with handles have hitherto been described. 5. Thirty-six long hatchets, with cross ribs, to prevent their sinking too far into their handles. There are two distinct types; one, with extended corners turned out, in shape resembling the heads of the war hatchets represented in the hands of the Amazons in ancient Greek paintings. The other type has great strength, and is like hatchets of this kind found in Italy. 6. Thirty-nine long hatchets. In these the cross stop rib is nearly worn away. All of this form are ornamented with patterns also found frequently on cinerary urns. The pattern in hatchets of this class is generally very perfect, and indicates extreme antiquity, or some peculiarity in the composition of the bronze. 7. Thirty-seven palstaves, or spuds; these it is thought were secured in straight handles, and might have been used as celtes or chisels to cut wood, so necessary in defensive warfare. In some of them we observe the cross rib has become a socket, to prevent the handle, by degrees, splitting and slipping down the blade. 8. Fifty-three palstaves of different patterns and sizes, exhibiting different methods for securing the ends of the handles. 9. Thirteen palstaves, with side loops, but in their general forms resembling those in Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8. Seventeen pocket celts, very light and long in form. Three pocket celts, peculiar form, with hatchet shaped edges. 10. Sixty-seven pocket celts of various forms and sizes, and found in all parts of Ireland. 11. Seventy-nine do. do. 12. Forty-eight spear and javelin heads of different patterns, chiefly of the old Greek type, as represented on vases. Some of these have remnants of the handles still remaining in them; in all, we find lateral holes for the rivets to attach the shaft to the head, but in none has the rivet remained. 13. Sixty-nine javelin heads, all having lateral loops, but no rivet holes; they are of different patterns and kinds of bronze to those in Tray 12, &c. The broader javelin heads are remarkable for their peculiar lustre } RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 129 1 and freshness when found, they are generally so bright and like gold, parties finding them frequently mistake their composition for the more precious metal. 14. Thirty-five spear heads, some with perforated and ornamented blades, and of different patterns; the differences, not only in the material of these spears, but in their forms also, indicate totally different schools of design, and elements of taste, and lead us to look abroad for similar types. 15. Daggers with sockets for handles; one of these presented to the Academy by D. H. KELLY, Esq. was found with the wooden handle, apparantly yew, quite perfect; near it is another dagger, with a bronze handle, said to have been found originally in the County of Kildare; this dagger in form resembles the ancient Egyptian and Assyrian daggers repre- sented in the sculptures and paintings of Thebes and Nineveh. 16. Eighteen copper or impure bronze blades; some of these might be called scythes. It was thought by antiquarians that these blades might have been used formerly for chariot wheels, but latterly it is considered more probable, that they were originally fastened obliquely on a long handle, and so formed a very effective and dangerous weapon, like a bill hook. The tablet No. 89, containing 7 of these copper blades, was presented to the Academy by GEORGE W. HEMANS, Esq. They were found together in a heap with their points downwards, at Hellswood, County of Galway; from the extreme perfection of their edges and points, these do not appear to have been ever used. 17. Twenty-eight swords and daggers of a Persian type, broad at the hilt and tapering to the point; the material of these weapons is generally very brittle, and only calculated for stabbing, but not for cutting and fighting, like the swords in No. 18. 18. Twenty-eight swords and daggers of the old Greek type, which resembles in form the leaf of the agave plant, so closely, they might be called agave- leaved swords; in length they are generally about a cubit, and from the great beauty and perfection of their shape, they were intended, like the old Greek sword, which they so closely resemble in shape, for actual combat. They are found almost always without hafts or handles, though the rivets which secured them, are often discovered quite perfect. 41 " 19. Fourteen swords and daggers of the Greek type; one of these has a deer horn handle, probably not very ancient; another has a modern iron handle annexed to the blade quite recently. In this tray there is a model in wood of an ancient sword found in a bog in the county of Wicklow; it is of great interest as exhibiting the shape of the handle of a sword of this class when perfect. 20. Fifteen swords of the Greek pattern, about a cubit in length. 21. Eleven swords of the Greek pattern; these are longer than usual, and indicate the use of cavalry or chariots; the shorter sword of this class being essen- tially that of a foot soldier. 22. Sixty-seven articles; comprising a miscellaneous collection of chisels, razors, arrow heads, gouges, butchers knifes, maces, crotals, &c.; the exact uses of the greater part of the articles in this tray are unknown, but judging of them by the analogies i form which they bear to articles now or lately in use, they may be named as above; the hooked knives sharp- ened both on the outside as well as the inside of the hook, are said to be exactly similar to the knife used by butcher's in some parts of Spain, for slaying and skinning cattle, the use to which these were most probably applied in Ireland, where cattle were always so abundant, and corn very scarce, if at all cultivated, in the times when these bronze articles were used. 23. Four trumpet mouths; they may have been fastened to straight wooden tubes, by the rivet holes still remaining in them. Two trumpet mouths, longer and more taper than the former, into which the wooden tubes were driven; in these, the bronze head was forced into the wooden tube. 24. Six trumpets probably used for speaking or singing, as they have large lateral openings for the mouth; the use of the trumpet for blowing and calling people together, and also for speaking to them when assembled, is indicated by the Hebrew Scriptures and other ancient authorities; the trumpets in these trays supply three varieties, and, with the great long rivetted trumpets also exhibited, prove that this instrument was well known formerly in Ireland; in this tray there is a collection of 19 small bell metal or bronze bells of different patterns. 25. Twelve large rings, probably armlets or orna- ments for the ankles, 11 smaller rings and 18 miscel- laneous articles, bridle mountings, rings, &c. &c. 26. Fourteen large rings, perforated laterally and with necks like bottles to the openings; nearly all of these have stone rings inclosed in them; 12 rings I 1 130 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. perforated laterally; these collectively form when strung through the side openings, a sort of necklace. In structure, these rings are exactly like tribute repre- sented in the Egyptian paintings as being paid to the kings of Egypt, by some of the African nations; 7 strings of rings, generally called ring money; these differ materially in size and quality, some being com- posed of the most beautiful antique bronze, others of a base mixed metal; in this tray there are two open elastic rings with other rings on them-use unknown; they were found in their present condition with bronze weapons, &c. in the county of Galway. 27. Two double necked rings, like those in No. 26. When found, these had portions of chain attached, com- posed of sets of four and three rings of bronze, con- nected together with scraps of copper plate; one large ornament composed of arched shoulder plates and central front and back wheel shaped ornaments, connected with the shoulder plates by sets of chains formed of triplet links, joined imperfectly by scraps of copper plate; two circular ornaments composed of the antique bronze, having double the number of loops for chains with the wheel shaped centre ornaments above noticed, some few triplet links were found with them; also two centre pieces of a similar ornament, one imperfect, these are provided with half the num- ber of loops attached for chains, with the wheel shaped centre ornaments. These differences in the num- ber of loops, coupled with the character generally of all the articles belonging to this class, lead to the conclusion that these systems of chains were used as personal decorations, indicative of the relative ranks of the parties wearing them. A personal ornament of the same kind, but with four loops only to the centre pieces, is represented in Dr. Layard's plates, as worn by the private soldiers who are mounting the scaling ladders, and fighting the battles of the Assyrian kings. 28. Forty-two cheek plates for bridles, one of these has a part of the iron mouth piece attached. The patterns and ornaments on some are curious, particu- larly the representations of horses and dogs. Some of the more minute ornaments indicate that they belong to the same period with the silver pins generally. 29. Twenty-eight bridle bits of different patterns, more ancient than the last. In some cases the material of these had all the external character of the oldest and best bronze, still some devices, considered to be very early christian, are found used as ornaments on some of them. In several of these bridle bits, which ༔、 superficially appear to be made altogether of bronze, there are hid internally in them cores of iron, used apparently for the purpose of economizing bronze, and leading to the inference, that, at the time these bits were made, iron was a cheaper metal than bronze. As castings, these bridal bits have in several instances great merit. 30. Eleven articles shaped like spurs or tuning forks, use not known. They are made of all kinds of bronze. They have two small loops or eyes, generally inside and near the ends of the forks; from their position, and as portions of chain have been found attached to them, it has been infered they might have been used as han- dles to support or suspend chafing cups or dishes used as censers. It has also been supposed that they were, at least in some cases, used as supports to hand bells, and so would have resembled, at least in use, the Egyptian sistrum, which has a strong likeness in its form to this instrument. A third notion is that these spur shaped articles were used as portions of the head stall of a bridle; and the fourth notion is that they were allowed to hang from the cheek plates of a horse's bridle so as to prevent him grazing when he is harnessed and ready for battle. In this tray we find 16 bosses or ornaments for horse furniture. 31. Ninety miscellaneous articles, consisting of ornamental figures, buckles, bosses, &c. 32. Eighteen portions of tubing, supposed to have been parts of the worms of ancient stills, and of small musical instruments. In this tray there are three heavy adze-shaped implements supposed to have been used in the dressing of leather. 33. One hundred and thirty-four cloak and hair pins, fibulæ, brooches, latchets, bodkins, &c. some of great variety and beauty. In this tray there are two com- plete examples of the stylus used by the ancients for writing on waxed tablets similar to the set exhibited. BRASS SERIES. 34. Fifty-one spurs of different periods and patterns in bronze, brass, iron, and steel. 35. Twelve stirrups chiefly composed of brass; 23 ornamental bosses for harness. 36. Ten brass Dutch tobacco boxes, 1 tobacco pipe in an ornamented case; the case of an oval watch; 2 almoners purse clasps, and 20 miscellaneous articles chiefly in brass, all found in Ireland. LOCAL FINDS. 37. Twenty-nine articles from Lough Gurr, consist- RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 131 ing of one bronze sword, to which a modern handle has been attached; 2 bronze spears, one of these is the largest and finest of its kind in the collection; a bronze basin and celt; three iron spears; two knives; six ornamented black bone handles; six stone celts, and four stone balls. ´ 1812 38. Sixty-five Articles from Dunshaughlin, con- sisting of iron chains, swords, long knives, dirks, small knives, spears, sheers, iron fibulo, a bronze palstave, javelin head, and drinkingcup; 9 stones, peculiarly shaped and marked; also a number of fragments of combs and pins made of bone; several wooden caltraps, and a ring of deer's horn. 1813 Presented chiefly by Dr. MADDEN. Articles from Strokestown, collected chiefly in the Crannogs or artificial islands in Clonfree and Ardakillen lakes, consisting of:- 39. Eighty-three bronze pins and brooches; 2 bridle cheek plates; 14 articles and 1 palstave also in bronze; 3 stone articles; and 162 bone pins, bodkins, &c., of different patterns. 40. Eight iron spears, 9 javelin heads or points, 2 nearly perfect sets of eel spears, fragments of others, and iron fish spears; 3 perfect pairs of wool sheers, and several broken fragments; an iron stirrup, and portion of a small bridle bit; a padlock, and sundry fragments of keys, &c. 41. One three-legged small pot, 2 iron ladles, 1 small bowl, 6 very small frying-pans, 1 smith's tongs, 2 saws for making combs, several tools for plaiting leather- work, sundry files and drills, some pins, hooks, and fragments of iron, copper, brass, &c. 42. Five hooked knives, 2 bill-hooks, 3 hatchets or adzes, 2 reaping hooks, 56 knife blades, 5 knives with handles, and 1 long sword, and 5 sharpening stones. 43. Thirty-six bone and horn articles, 5 carved or ornamented bones, 6 draft-men, 10 chess-men, 10 amber and glass heads, 30 fragments of hair combs, 4 tusks of boars, &c. Besides the articles in the trays, there is a long iron chain with a collar for a prisoner, and 2 large cruciform griddles for baking. 1814 44. Antiquities presented by JOHN LENTAIGNE, ESQ., found at Ballinderry Lake, near Moate, county of Westmeath, consisting of 38 iron, bone, and wooden articles. Also a collection of 76 antiquities made by MR. JAMES UNDERWOOD, from excavations in Christ Church Place, Dublin, comprising specimens of work in leather, bone, wood, glass, stone, &c. 45. Fifty-one bronze pins, 2 buttons, 21 iron knives, 6 spear heads, 2 large fish-hooks, 12 bone pins, and 7 portions of combs, &c., also collected by MR. UNDER- WOOD, in the same locality. 46. A miscellaneous collection of iron antiquities from different localities, similar to those found at Dunshaughlin, Ballinderry, and Strokestown. 47. Three specimens of chain armour, several knives with ornamented handles, a pair of hinges, and other articles in iron. 48. Sixty-four iron keys of different patterns, from different localities. 49 Twenty-six spoons, 3 pairs of nut-crackers, 1 snuffers, 3 steelyards, 11 harp pins, and sundry articles, names and uses unknown. 1815 Antiquities presented by the SHANNON COMMISSIONERS. From the excavations made at Keelogue ford and other localities near Athlone. 50. A collection of bronze hatchets, palstaves, pocket celts, arrow heads, &c.; in all 35 articles. 51. Twenty-two bronze spears of different forms. 52. Twenty-two swords and daggers, similar to those in tray No. 17. 53. Twenty-two swords and daggers, similar to those in trays No. 15, 18, 20, and 21, 54. Six tubes, 13 fibulæ, 8 ornamented pins, 2 latchets, a curious bone nail or pin, and several small bronze rings, a portion of an armlet made of shale. 55. Twenty-four iron swords, daggers, skeans, spears, &c. 56. Eighteen Iron battle axes, hammers, hatchets, bill-hooks, &c. 57. Fish spear or trident, a shingle knife, 2 match- locks, fragments of a sword, all iron, 2 large silver candle holders. 58. Two bronze cooking vessels of exquisite work- manship; a wooden spade, protected with an iron edge, &c.; several spears, &c.; in all 19 articles. } 59. Thirty-five articles in stone, containing 1 battle- axe, 1 perforated hammer, and cup, 2 circular stones, 2 elliptical stones, 2 hone, and a number of celts of different patterns. 1 2 132 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. Besides the stone articles here exhibited, the Shannon Commissioners have, at different times, presented to the Academy, a large collection of stone celts not arranged in trays. 1816 Antiquities presented by W. T. MULVANY, on the part of the COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC WORKS, &c. Forty-four specimens of Irish antiquities, and 25 from the private collection of RICHARD A. GRAY, Esq., arranged in the following trays:- 60. Five swords like those in Nos. 1, 20, and 21; one of these is the largest yet discovered. 2 swords like those in No. 17, one of these is the finest in the Academy collection. 4 hatchets, 2 pocket-shaped celts, 6 pins, and fibulæ. 61. Nine spears, different patterns, like others in Nos. 12, 13, and 14; 2 tubes, the longer is most beau- tifully made, and is slightly ornamented; 1 armlet, and forked-shaped article like those in No. 30-all made of bronze; 3 long swords, with diverging points; 2 short swords, like Roman, one of these is in extraor- dinary preservation; 1 dirk and hilt, imperfect; 7 spears of different patterns; one bone dagger. 62. One sword, with blade, inlaid with six draped figures in gold; 1 modern sword, 1 blade of sword like the long sword in No. 42, 2 blades of skeans, 4 knives -all made of iron or steel; 3 brass buckles and 1 iron key. 63. One giesearm 2 modern swords, one battle-axe, 2 poignards, and 1 bronze bridle bit. These articles were obtained from the excavations connected with the improvement of the Boyne and Deel rivers. (See Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. V., Appendix, pp. xxxiv. & liii., &c.) 1817 Articles collected by CHARLES S. OTTLEY, ESQ., from the Lower Bann river, at Toome Bar, Portglenone, and Portna. (See Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. V., Appendix, pp. lxiv., &c.) 64. Two two-handed swords, 4 perforated stone hammers; 20 coarse knives, 2 arrow-heads, 1 broad axe head-all of flint; 4 stone celts. 65. Three iron swords, 3 skeans, 1 spear head, and 2 fibulæ; 1 bronze pot, with iron handle and feet, &c. 66. Seven bronze swords like those in Nos. 20 and 21. The form of one of these is peculiar; its per- forated handle is like the fragment in No. 18. They indicate extreme smallness of hand in the party using them, and also great physical strength. 4 daggers like those in No. 17, 1 tube like those in No. 54, 1 spear with loops attached to blade, 1 hatchet, 1 celt, 1 pal- stave, and 1 very short dagger like those in No. 18. 67. One sword blade, Greek pattern. (This blade, and three others in the Academy's collection, found in different localities, are all defective in the casting, and have been made in the same mould.) 1 palstave, 1 hatchet like those in No. 1, and 2 spears—all in bronze; 1 ancient sword, 1 modern sword, 2 spears, 1 chain, and hatchet, in iron. 1818 Articles collected by WILLIAM FRAZER, Esq., from the drainage districts of Castlebernard, Borris-in- Ossory, and Templemore. (See Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. V., Appendix, pp. xxxvi. & lvi., &c.) 68. Seven spear heads, 2 swords, 2 heavy axes, 1 cutting edge of wooden spade, like that in No. 58; 1 large hook, 1 horse shoe-all iron; 1 stone celt, and 1 bronze basin. 69. Four bronze swords-the longest of these is quite different in its material, shape, specific gravity, and in ornament, from all the others in the collection. 2 bronze fibulæ, 7 bronze rings, 2 skeans, 3 iron knives, 1 iron sword, 2 wooden beetles, &c. 1819 Collected by P. J. KLASEN, ESQ., in Brusna drainage district. (See Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. V., Appendix, p. lviii.) 70. Two stone celts, 1 iron dagger, with wooden handle, inlaid with lead; 1 ancient iron sword blade; 1 bronze spear-head, similar to others in No. 12, but much superior in size and shape; 1 bronze brooch, 1 small stone celt, 1 bone spear-head. 1820 Collected by GEORGE TARRANT, ESQ., in the drainage districts of Dunmore and Monivea. One bronze spear head and dagger, 1 long piece of soft stone-others like it but not so long in No. 59; 1 portion of similar stone; 1 javelin head, 1 spear head, 2 portions of sword blades-all bronze. 1821 Collected by FREDERICK BARRY, ESQ., in the drainage district of Lough Mask and River Robe. One iron war hatchet and small iron spear, 1 bronze cheek-plate (very small) for bridle bit. • 1 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 1822 Collected by SAMUEL R. ROBERTS, ESQ., in the drainage district of the River Corrib. (See Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. V., Appendix, lviii.) 71. One large modern spear head and cavalry sword, 1 ancient sword blade, battle axe, and javelin head, 1 bronze sword like those in No. 17, 1 stone bullet, 6 stone celts, 2 cannon balls, 1 hilt of modern heavy cavalry sword, and two rapiers. 1823 Collected by THOMAS J. MULVANY, ESQ., in the Bal- linamone and Ballyconnell districts. 72. One bronze cup of beautiful workmanship, with a handle representing a bird's head; 2 bronze brooches, 1 short sword, dagger, spear head, and hatchet, and 1 stone celt. From Loughs Oughter and Gowna, and River Erne districts.-1 dagger, 3 celts, and 1 bronze sword, 2 stone celts. From Dungolman district.—1 large iron sword like those found at Kilmainham, but in almost perfect pre- servation. 1824 Collected by JOHN O'FLAHERTY, ESQ., in the drainage district of Strokestown. 73. Five pins with rings, six pins, all of bronze, 1 fibula of white bronze of beautiful workmanship, 1 palstave, and 3 articles in bronze, 4 needles and 2 bone spears, 1 small bronze basin, 6 fragments of knives, &c., in iron, 1 wooden scoop. 74. A collection of nails; 2 axes, one with the wooden handle; 2 bill-hooks, 1 sheers, 2 fragments of swords, 1 sword, 1 spear, 1 gouge, 3 whet stones, and several small articles. 1825 Articles collected by CHARLES S. OTTLEY, ESQ., in the Lough Neagh drainage districts, from Lower Bann river. (Second donation). 75. Two swords, Greek pattern, and 1 dagger; 1 sword, Persian pattern; 2 large spears, with loops in blades; 1 spear, Greek pattern; 1 palstave and 1 square celt-all of bronze; 4 stone celts, 2 long pointed stone implements, 1 iron hatchet, and 1 pike. 76. One pointed stone, 3 wooden caltraps of hard wood, 1 copper hatchet head, 1 bronze dirk blade highly ornamented, an iron spear, sword, and bayonet, 3 brooches or pins, 1 cheek-plate of bridle. From the Blackwater district- + 198 77. One two-edged sword, part of sword hilt, cannon ball, bronze spear head Greek pattern; bronze pan of great beauty in workmanship, like those in No. 58, but larger; a flat stone celt, twenty-two inches long and four inches wide-a very peculiar specimen. 1826 Collected by THOMAS J. MULVANY, ESQ., in the drainage districts of Killeshandra. One bronze sword, Persian pattern; a very fine iron skean blade; an iron pipe. From the Ballinamone district.-A bronze dagger and celt. 1827 Collected by R. MANNING, ESQ., in the Glyde district. A stone pestle, the fragment of an armlet of shale, like one in No. 54; a thin circular stone. 1828 Collected by A. O. Lyons, Esq., in the Railway gripe, near Templemore. A bronze capsule; a bronze celt, found at Lehid, county Galway; 2 medals of Pope Theodorus II. and Leo II., found in a cave at Shandon, near Dungarvan. 1829 78. Articles made of leather or hide.-2 buskins; 1 upper of shoe, carved and curiously inlaid; 3 shoes made of single pieces, and sewed with thong—one made of two pieces, ornamented; 2 shoes handsomely carved, made each out of one piece; a pair of twin pumps, made with double uppers, and out of two pieces of leather, and with no seams but those which unite the uppers to the soles. The heels are pegged, the workmanship is curious and perfect. It has been thought these shoes might have been intended for one of those exhibitions of art and craft which formerly took place at Tara. These shoes were found in the county of Cavan. STONE ARTICLES. 1830 79. Four cups; 8 hollowed stones, supposed to have been used as nut-crackers; 1 cup, with a portion of handle; 2 hollowed stone articles, 1 mould for arrow heads, 2 moulds for palstaves, 1 mould for ribbed celts, 5 moulds for ornaments, &c.; 3 bronze moulds or dies for glass ornaments; 1 bronze mould for clay pellets, to be used instead of stones with the sling; 1 set of brass button moulds. 134 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. # 80. A collection of perforated stone articles, con- taining 65 spindle stones of different forms; 17 small beads, 5 rings, 9 flat disks, supposed to be weights for nets; 11 large beads, 8 weights for fishing lines, and several articles names and uses unknown. 81. A collection of stone hammers, &c.-3 hammers used for killing cows, one with its wooden handle per- fect; 2 hammers made of porphyry-from their shape and finish they are believed to have been used by gold beaters; 1 very large hammer, found near Killyleigh, supposed to have been used in making stockades; 1 stone battle-axe, like that in No. 59; 1 large hammer, found near Aliarney Church, Queen's County; 1 long hammer-from its shape and proportions it appears to have been intended as a pattern for an iron hammer; 3 oval rings; 9 perforated stones, used probably with a thong or lasso; 2 weights. 82. Three stone plough shares; 3 large stone celts of peculiar shapes and finish, found near Oughterard, county Galway; 4 stone hammers, with indentations for an external handle; 1 weight; 8 celts, with super- ficial hollows for handles, &c. '83. Ten large stone celts of different patterns, found chiefly in the county of Antrim, and presented by COLONEL PORTLOCK, R.E. and others. 1831 FLINT ARTICLES. 84. Sixteen double spike-shaped implements. They exhibit no signs of use. 2 spear-shaped articles; 5 blocks, from which spalls have been knocked off; 11 coarse knives, 1 leather cutter, 6 unfinished chisels or celts, 2 large and 5 small celts, with ground cutting edges; 1 chisel with ground edge, 1 kite-shaped javelin head. 85. 1 circular disk, polished and sharpened round the edge; 24 circular pieces, 2 circular pieces per- forated, 11 pieces so shaped they resemble spoons with short handles, 6 similar pieces with distinct handles, 15 broad knife blades or flat scrapers, some of them exhibiting great care and labour in their manufacture; 14 curved scrapers, one indented as if for a tie; 1 fine pointed instrument, 2 large javelin heads. A col- lection of knives of different patterns, composed chiefly of spalls of flint knocked off blocks. A collection of flint and stone articles, with a small scale of copper or bronze found actually within a large cinerary urn discovered in the tumulus of Rath, near Drogheda. 86. Eight articles presented by ARTHUR R. NUGENT, Esq.-9 roughly-made javelin heads, 9 broad javelin heads, 8 narrow javelin heads. In shape some of these so closely approach to one class of bronze spears in No. 14, we might almost infer that these were intended to have been copies of the bronze articles. In the intervals between the javelin heads, there are arrow heads of similar forms. The remainder of the tray is occupied with collections of different shaped javelin and arrow heads. 87. A collection of 242 arrow heads, with barbs. Many of these exhibit the high perfection to which the manufacture of articles in flint had arrived in those districts in the north of Ireland, where this material abounded. All these arrow heads, unlike those found in North America, are constructed so as to remain in the wound; and from the highly artificial shape of many of them, they appear to have been made in imitation of iron and bronze arrow heads, and pro- bably as a cheaper substitute for the dearer article. 1832 88. A collection of miscellaneous articles, chiefly in bronze, containing 13 specimens, from which portions have been removed for analysis by J. William Mallet, Esq.; 2 large bridle bits; 1 small horse bit, with spines; 3 bracelets; 2 copper fibuloe, or bangles, in shape like gold ones, in safe No. 97. These appear to have been covered originally with gold leaf. 13 bronze needles and 1 fishing hook, 1 bronze sword, quite perfect, of Greek pattern, and 2 ladles, pre- sented by F. W. Barton, Esq. 89. See notice of, under No. 16. 1833 90. A glazed case, containing a collection of Danish and Norwegian antiquities, presented to the Royal Irish Academy by the KING OF DENMARK and the MUSEUM OF NORTHERN ANTIQUITIES, COPENHAGEN. 1. A polished flint qucin or axe, without back. 2. A polished flint axe, with sundry marks of the chiseling and smoothing. 3. Three flint axes, with backs smoothed on two sides. 4. Two flat flint axes, smoothed on all sides. 5 & 6. A rough gouge or hollow chisel made of flint, and another smoothed. 7. A cast of whetstone for gouges. 8. A rough narrow chisel, made of flint. 9. Two smoothed and polished chisels made of flint. 10. A cast of a stone axe, with a shoulder, and without a shaft hole. 11 & 12. A cast of a stone axe, with groove in the middle, and another with gripe or handle. 13 & 14. Two stone axes with round backs and shaft holes, and two smalle of the same. 15-17. A stone axe hammer RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 135 t with a broad back, and three others with backs curved outwards. 18. A cast of a small stone axe hammer. 19. Two casts of masses of flint, from which flakes have been struck off. 20. Six flint flakes. 21. An arrow head made of a flake of flint. 22. A heart shaped arrow head made of flint. 23. A trilateral shaped arrow head made of flint. 24. A cast of a harpoon head, made of flint. 25. Two lance heads of flint. 26 & 27. A knife made of flint, with a (square or) quadrilateral handle, and another with ornamental handle. 28. a fragment of a rasp of flint, and cast of an entire ore. 29 & 30. Two crescent shaped flint knives, and another with saw teeth. 31 & 32. Cast of a quoin perforated in the upper part, and another with a groove in the middle. 33 & 34. Casts of two stones -use unknown, but probably to whet implements. 35. A boat shaped stone hammer, and cast of another. 36 & 37. An axe hammer made of stone, and cast of another with "knobbed" back, ornamented with stripes on both sides. 38. Cast of a splendid axe hammer, with knob-shaped back. 39 & 40. A perfect bronze sword with a knob on the head of the hilt, and a hilt of another. 41. Fragment of a bronze sword with hilt. 42. Two short swords or daggers, which have had hilts of wood. 43. Two lance heads of bronze. 44. Three celts of bronze. 45. Two palstaves of bronze. 46. An arrow head of bronze. 47. A small scythe of bronze. 48. Two knives with bent handles or gripes of bronze. 49. A small bronze knife. 50. A utullus of bronze. 51. Four bronze pins with heads, two of them bent. 52. Two long pins of bronze. 53. Two bronze needles. 54. Two bronze pincers, 55. Three bronze collars, and two collars imperfect. 56. A spiral bracelet made of bronze. 57. An Iron sword, from Norway, with trilateral pommel. 58. A shell formed buckle, made of brass or bronze. 59. A draughtsman of bone. 60. Some mosaic and glass beads, and also a sort of jettones of glass; also, a stone hammer, two sharpened chisels and a flint knife and dagger —part of a previous donation. 91. Horizontal case, containing three urns, some perforated shells, &c. found in a tumulus in the Phoenix Park. (See Proceedings Royal Irish Academy, vol. I. pp. 186-190). Presented by his Excellency the Marquis of Normanby, Lord Lieutenant, &c. 92. Upright case, containing the cross of Cong, presented to the Royal Irish Academy by the late James MacCullagh, LL.D. (See Proceedings Royal Irish Academy, vol. I. pp. 326-9; and Description by Dr. Petrie, vol. IV. pp. 572—85). 93. Upright case, containing a collection of ancient Irish bells, &c. 94. Upright case, containing a collection of cinerary urns, &c. found in Ireland. 95. Horizontal case, containing a model of an ancient structure found in Drumkelin bog, in the parish of Inver, county of Donegal. Presented to the Royal Irish Academy by Major Larcom. (See Archaologia, vol. XVI. pp. 361–7). 96. Upright case, containing the remains of a circu- lar vessel, originally formed of three pieces of wood, and filled with butter, found in a bog near Abbeyleix. Presented to the Royal Irish Academy by Lord De Vesci. 97 and 98. Two iron glazed safes, containing a col- lection of gold antiquities found in Ireland, viz. ;— A. Two torques, weights 27 oz. 7 ds. 20 gs. and 12 oz. 7 ds. 13 gs. said to have been found at Tara, co. Meath. (See Proceedings Royal Irish Academy, vol. I. 274-6). One small torques, weight 3 oz. 3 ds. 15 gs. These are all long enough to go round the waist. They are made of four fillets of gold, nicely fastened together, apparently without solder. B. Two small torques, weights 19 ds. 18 gs. and 17 ds. 12 gs; each made of one broad band of twisted gold. C. One small torques, weight 12 ds. 14 gs. made of a narrow fillet of gold. D. One small torques, weight 12 oz. 10 ds. 7 gs. made of thick bar of gold, twisted so as to represent a hank of wire. E. One small torques, weight 5 oz. 3 ds. 18 gs. made of plain circular bar of gold. All these are large enough for the neck, and end of torques; weight 4 ds. 19 gs. F. One torques, weight 9 oz. 16 ds. 18 gs. made of plain square bar of gold. The two last said, to have been found together near Enniscorthy. G. One torques, weight 3 oz. 9 ds. 9 gs. made of flattened bar of gold, and now bent up into the use of an armlet. H. One bracelet or bangle, weight 13 oz. 1 ds. 1 gr. made of three gold bars of different thicknesses, curi- ously twisted and bound together, said to have been found near Carlow., I. One bracelet, weight 3 oz. 15 ds. 4 gs. made round bar, slightly ornamented at ends with chevron ornaments. J. One bracelet, weight 2 oz. 1 d. 5 gs. made of round bar, ornamented with numerous circular inden- * 136 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. tations. One bracelet, weight 16 ds. 17 gs. made of thin circular gold bar, and four others, made of flat gold bars, weight 1 oz. 11 ds. 13 gs.; 1 oz. 8 ds. 12 gs. ; 14 ds. 18 gs.; 11 ds. 6 gs. ; found near Strokestown. Presented to the Royal Irish Academy by his Excel- lency the Earl of Clarendon, Lord Lieutenant, &e. K. Ten bracelets or bangles, made of round bars, with ends slightly expanded. No. 1, weight 4 oz. 11 ds. 3 gs.; No. 2, weight 2 oz. 9 ds.; No. 3, 1 oz. 11 ds. 17 gs.; No. 4, weight 1 oz. 9 ds. 20 gs.; No. 5, weight 1 oz. 3 ds. 5 gs.; No. 6, weight 1 oz. 0 ds. 7 gs. ; No. 7, weight 9 ds. 3 gs. ; No. 8, 8 ds. 18 gs.; No. 9, 8 ds. 11 gs.; No. 10, 7 ds. 11 gs. L. One bracelet of round gold, with ends expanded, weight 2 oz. 17 ds. 1 gr.; another, bent ends, weight 1 oz. 0 dt. 17 gs.; another, flattened in the centre, weight 16 ds. 16 gs.; another, convoluted into the shape of letter C, weight 7 ds. 14 gs. M. Four bracelets, made of solid round bar, and with cone-shaped ends; No. 1, weight 2 oz. 15 ds. 7 gs. ; No. 2, weight 2 oz. 6 ds. 20 gs.; No. 3, weight 1 oz. 8 ds. 22 gs.; No. 4, weight 11 ds. 19 gs.; and one bracelet, very thin bar, like the last, cups very wide, weight 17 ds. 13 gs. N. Four bracelets, similar in shape to the last, but made of hollow gold bars, with cone-shaped cups at the ends. No. 1, plain, weight 3 oz. 5 ds. 22 gs. ; No. 2, with chevron ornament, weight 2 oz. 16 ds. 5 gs. ; No. 3, broken, weight 1 oz. 14 ds. 12'gs.; No. 4, with small thread ornament, weight 1 oz. 4 ds. 8 gs. O. Seven bracelets, made of solid bars, with ex- panded cups at their ends. No. 1 (round), weight 4 oz. 11 ds. 2 gs.; No. 2 (angular), weight 3 oz. 18 ds. 19 gs.; No. 3 (flat), weight 3 oz. 6 ds. 12 gs.; No. 4 (circular), weight 2 oz. 16 ds. 1 gr.; No. 5 (very round, smaller cups), weight 1 oz. 2 ds. 7 gs. ; No. 6, weight 16 ds. 10 gs.`; No. 7 (very flat), weight 1 oz. 0 dt. 1 gr. P. One bracelet, flat and hollow bar, weight 2 oz. 11 ds. 7 gs. ; one bracelet, hollow and half round bar, weight 4 oz. 7 ds. 1 gr. Q. One very large hollow bracelet, with expanded cups, said to have been found at Castle Kelly, weight 16 oz. 17 ds. 4 gs. One crossed end of bracelet, weight 1 oz. 0 dt. 11 gs. One large bracelet with hollow bar, not closed at the ends, exhibiting the mode of making articles of this kind; it is in an unfinished state; weight 5 oz. 5 ds. 16 gs. (belonging to Messrs. West and Son). R. Two small fibulæ, ribbed pattern. No. 1, weight 2 ds. 17 gs.; No. 2, weight, 2 ds. 8 gs. One fibula, smooth, weight 2 ds. 13 gs. S. Four small fibula, with ribbed pattern, and slightly expanded ends. No. 1, presented by H. T. Monk Mason, LL.D. weight 17 ds. 7 gs.; No. 2, weight 7 ds. 12 gs. ; No. 3, weight 7 ds. 11 gs. ; No. 4, weight 4 ds. 7 gs. T. Nine fibulæ, with ribbed pattern, and expanded disks. No. 1, weight 4 oz. 15'ds. 19 gs.; No. 2, weight 1 oz. 7 ds. 7 gs.; No. 3, weight 1 oz. 5 ds. ; No. 4, weight 13 ds. 20 gs. ; No. 5, weight 13 ds. 17 gs. ; No. 6, weight 11 ds. 22 gs.; No. 7, weight 10 ds. 12 gs. ; No. 8, weight 8 ds. 7 gs.; No. 9, weight 8 ds. 6 gs. U. Cleft rings made of wire of different thicknesses. Ten plain rings. No. 1, weight 10 ds. 20 gs.; No. 2, weight 3 ds. 17 gs. ; No. 3, weight 3 ds. 12 gs.; No. 4, weight 2 ds. 17 gs.; No. 5, weight 2 ds. 11 gs. ; No. 6, weight 2 ds. 6 gs.; No. 7, weight 1 dt. 16 gs.; No. 8, weight 1 dt. 16 gs. ; No. 9, weight 1 dt. 12 gs.; No. 10, weight 14 gs. V. Four rings with convolved pattern. No. 1, weight 11 ds. 19 gs.; No. 2, 8 ds. 17 gs.; No. 3, weight 7 ds. 4 gs. ; No. 4, weight 6 ds. 7 gs. W. Five thick copper rings plated with gold. No. 1, weight 12 ds. 6 gs. ; No. 2, weight 10 ds. 19 gs.; No. 3, weight 8 ds. 14 gs. ; No. 4, weight 7 ds. 11 gs.; No. 5, weight 5 ds. 1 gr. X. Ribbed cleft finger ring, weight 9 ds. Y. Twisted cleft finger ring, weight 3 ds. 9 gs. ; Z. Two twisted small rings. No. 1, weight 5 ds. No. 2, 2 ds. 7 gs. AA. Fragment twisted bar, weight 8 ds. AB. Fragment of hank of wires twisted, weight 5 ds. 15 gs. AC. Fragment of bracelet of knotted wire work, weight 6 ds. 1 gr. AD. Scrap of gold, weight 3 ds. 12 gs. AE. An ingot, weight 12 ds. 9 gs. AF. Two plain gold rings. No. 1 found with bronze dagger, similar to those in tray No. 15, weight 6 ds. 7 gs.; No. 2, weight 6 ds. 23 gs. AG. Convolved finger ring, weight 1 oz. 12 ds. 6 gs. AH. One small horse-shoe shaped case, made of twisted gold wire thread, like filagree work, weigh 20 gs. AI. Two larger cases, in shape resembling the last, but made in imitation of filagree work. No. 1, weight 8 ds. 2 gs.; No. 2, weight 5 ds. 2 gs. AK. A bulla, of a hollow ball shape, made of lead covered with thin gold plate, highly ornamented, weight RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 137 2 oz. 6 ds. 10 gs. This, it is said, was found in a black coarse urn, along with burnt bones. AL. Two bullæ, heart-shaped. They are hollow and made of lead. No. 1, highly ornamented, weight 4 oz. 14 ds. 12 gs.; No. 2, slightly ornamented, and not angular, weight 1 dt. 1 gr. AM. Two cinerary boxes, each containing a brace- let or bangle. Box No. 1, weight 19 ds. 11 gs. and cupped bangle, weight 19 ds. 11 gs.; box No. 2, weight 19 ds. 20 gs. and plain bangle, weight 1 oz. 0 dt. 2 gs. AN. Six large hollow double crisps or balls, made of thin gold, said to have been found with three others at Toomna, co. of Roscommon. No. 1, weight 2 oz. 6ds. 6 gs.; No. 2, weight 2 oz. 7 ds. 7 gs.; No. 3, weight 2 oz. 0 dt. 8 gs. ; No. 4, weight 1 oz. 17 ds. 13 gs. ; No. 5, weight 1 oz. 9 ds. 9 gs. ; No. 6 (belonging to West and Son), weight 1 oz. 8 ds. 20 gs. AO. Seven beads, shaped like double cones, weigh- ing from 9 to 11 grains each. AP. Seven beads, shaped like the last, but expanded at their ends, weighing from 1 dwt. to 4 gs. to 1 dwt. 10 gs. each. AQ. Seven beads or cylinders, weighing from 5 gs. to 7 gs. each. AR. A cupped shape ornament (imperfect), weight 16 ds. 2 gs. AS. Three ornamented head ornaments, with lateral circular disks, and made to resemble wire work. No. 1 ornamented with seven ribs or bars, weight 3 oz. 5 ds. fine very 5 gs. In this the imitation gold wire-work is and beautiful; one of the lateral disks is wanting. No. 2 ornamented with four bars or ribs, weight 4 oz. 0 dt. 1 gr. In this the imitation wire work is coarse, but the effect of the ornament is good, and though one of the side ornaments has been much injured, the parts, might be restored and made perfect. No. 3, ornamented with five bands or ribs, divided by an imitation of the torques pattern. The imitation of wire work is found only in the ruins inside and outside; weight 7 oz. 8 ds. 1 gr. This wants one lateral disk; that which remains is flat, unlike those belonging to the two other ornaments, which are slightly convex. The lateral disks are all sown on the arched part of these ornaments with fine gold wire thread, and the disks are ornamented with cones resembling the beads described above. AT. One ribbed circular disk with central opening, weight 1 oz. 2 ds. 2 gs. AU. Two fillets of gold. No. 1, broad and orna- mented with a wheel pattern, weight 5 oz.; No. 2, narrow, and ornamented with a fine dotted pattern, weight 1 dt. 2 gs. AV. Skewer, or pin, very rude in its form, weight 1 oz. 17 ds. 6 gs. AW. Two fibulæ, with pendant ring ornaments. No. 1, weight 3 ds. 14 gs.; No. 2, weight 2 ds. 12 gs. AX. Five circular disks or spangles, with cross- shaped ornaments. No. 1, large, like the flat lateral 'disk of head dress No. 3, noticed above, weight 13 ds. 20 gs.; No. 2 (similar to No. 1), weight 13 ds. 10 gs. ; No. 3, smaller and thinner, weight 4 ds. 12 gs.; No. 4, ornamented with a cross formed of triangle; No. 5 (like No. 4), weight 2 ds. 2 gs. (imperfect). AY. One lunett ornament rudely ornamented, and without terminal disks, weight 2 oz. 2 ds. AZ. Eight lunett ornaments with terminal disks. No. 1, presented by his Excellency Earl De Grey, Lord Lieutenant, weight 4 oz. 3 ds. 22 gs.; No. 2, weight 3 oz. 4 ds. 3 gs.; No. 3, weight 1 oz. 10 ds, 11 gs.; No. 4, weight 1 oz. 7 ds. 15 gs.; No. 5, weight 1 oz. 3 ds.; No. 6, weight 1 oz. 0 dt. 9 gs.; No. 7. weight 18 ds. 2 gs..; No. 8, weight 16 ds. 16 gs. All these are ornamented with crossing and zigzag lines, arranged in different patterns. BA. Two fragments of a lunett, ornamented. No. 1, weight 8 ds. 15 gs. ; and No. 2, weight 5 ds. 12 gs. The pattern on this is composed of trangles filled in with dots, and quite unlike to those on all the perfect speci- mens. BB. One lunett, without ornament and much ex- panded, weight 18 ds. broken in two pieces. BC. Four oblong thin plates, plain. No. 1, weight 2 ds. 18 gs.; No. 2, weight 2 ds. 6 gs. ; No. 3, weight 1 dt. 21 gs.; No. 4, weight 1 dt. 8 gs. BD. Two oblong thin plates with hooks attached. No. 1, weight 4 ds. 2 gs.; No. 2, weight 3 ds. 17 gs. BE. Four oblong plates, ribbed. Nc. 1, weight 2 ds. 4 gs.; No. 2, weight 2 ds. 5 gs.; No. 3, weight 1 dt. 18 gs.; No. 4, weight 1 dt. 18 gs. Nos. 2, 3, and 4, were presented by W. T. Mulvany, Esq. on the part of the Commissioners of Public Works. BF. Fragments of thin gold spirals, some with hooks They appear to have composed originally neck or arm ornaments; weight 2 oz. 13 ds. 15 gs. BG. Collar or gorget made of red gold, and orna- mented with three ribs dotted with nail head pattern. The workmanship rude, but very effective. It is broken in four pieces; total weight 16 oz. 11 ds. 138 ELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 1 1 # ARTICLES EXHIBITED BY LORD TALBOT DE MALAHIDE, MALAHIDE CASTLE. jewelled, found in the bed of the river Witham, near Lincoln. 1834- 1 Portrait of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, on enamel. 2 A large spear head, found near Athlone, in 1853. 3 Two circular disks, curiously painted on enamel. They are supposed to have been used in some game. 4 One bronze double-looped palstave. There is one other specimen with two loops in the collection of Mr. Norris. 5 A large ornamented bronze spear-head, found at Claremorris, co. Galway. 6 One bronze palstave, found in digging the foun- dations of Harewood Square, London. 7 One piece of ornamented bronze work, possibly horse furniture. 8 One ancient glazed encaustic tile, with pattern, found in the foundations of the parsonage, Evercreech, co. of Somerset. 9 Two ancient encaustic tiles, found in an excava- tion in the interior of the ancient Parish Church of St. Sylvester, Malahide. 10 Ancient Celtic urn, found in a barrow at Pitcur, N.B. / 11 Bronze celt of very peculiar form, found with the former article. 12 Stone knife, with handie of moss, as found in the bed of the river Bann. MA 13 Two swords found at Lagore, near Dunshaughlin. 14 One axe found in the same locality. 15 One brooch, curiously enamelled with the opus Hibernicum, found at the same place. The Very Rev. B. J. ROCHE, V.G. Galway: 1835 Ancient embroidered chasuble, stole, and maniple, found about 50 years ago in the wall of the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas, Galway. 1835 A Three ancient embroidered vestments, be- longing to the Rev. Dr. Moore, of St. Mary's College, Oscott. 1836 THE ARCHEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND :— 1 Circular bronze coating of a shield found in dredging in the Thames, ornamented with work curiously beaten up and punctured. 2 Oblong bronze ornament of thin metal plate, in similar style, and found with the last. 3 Three pins, the heads being flat discs, chased with interlaced patterns, animals, &c. and originally 4 A remarkable stirrup of bronze, with elaborate ornament of metal inlaid, found in the Witham, near Lincoln. 5 Two bronze swords, found in Yorkshire. 6 Palstave, found in the field of battle at Rhos-y- gard, Anglesea. 7 A chisel of silex. 8 A bone skate, formed of the cannon bone of a horse, found 10 feet deep, St. Peter's, at Arches, Lincoln. Such primitive skates (the use of which is mentioned by Olaus Magnus and Fitzstephen in his account of the manners of London) have been found also in Moorfields, London, at York, &c. 9 A fine example of the pheon, or broad arrow, of iron, found in the Thames, near Westminster bridge. 10 Two enamelled plates of Limoges work, twelfth century, representing the crucifixion, and the Saviour enthroned on the rainbow, portions of shrine decora- tions, or of the binding of a book of the Gospels. 11 A palstave, with two side loops, found at South Petherton, Somerset, closely resembling one in Lord Talbot de Malahide's possession. J 1837 MARQUESS of WESTMINSTER :-Gold torques, found in 1816, at Bryn-shon, in the parish of Ysceifiog, near Holywell, N.W. The place where it was found is about a mile distant from the situation of the reputed Palace of the last Prince of Wales. 1838 CHARLES TUCKER, Esq. F.S.A. :- 1 An enamelled cup of Limoges work, sixteenth century, representing Tritons, &c. 2 A cup of Limoges enamel, beautifully decorated with historical subjects within and without. 1838A ROBERT Dundas, Esq. of Arniston, N.B. : 1. Circular torc of silver, with flattened ends. 2. Small gold torc. 3. Part of large silver ornament. 4. Silver circular disk. do. 5. Small 6. Lozenge-shaped silver ornament, curiously decorated. 7. Fragment of silver inscription. 8. Piece of silver. 9. Silver ribbon. 10. Silver pin, with ornamented head. 11. Fragment of silver armlet. 12. Silver tore ring. All found at Largo, N. B. RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 139 1839 ANDREW FOUNTAINE, Esq. Narford Hall, Norfolk:- Curious reliquary in the form of a hand and arm; Irish work. 1840 The Right Hon. Lord LONDESBOROUGH, Grimston, Tadcaster :— 1 Gold ornaments found at New Grange, co. Meath, in December, 1842, consisting of 1 A gold chain of 50 double links. 2 A gold ring with gem. 3 A gold twisted armlet. 4 Another. 5 A gold ring with gem. 2 A torc ring and spear-head from the Isle of Ely. 3 A large fibula for fastening the priest's dress of the twelfth century. 4 Six gold torques of various sizes found in a rath near Kilmallock, co. Limerick, in May, 1852. 1841 Dr. DowSLEY, Clonmel :- Roman oculist's stamp, found in the co. Tip- perary. 1842 F. W. BARTON, Esq. co. Fermanagh :- 1 Piece of gold ring money. 2 Gold ring. 1843 THOMAS TOBIN, Esq. Ballincollig 1 Flat gold armlet, found at Fermoy, co. Cork. 2 Piece of gold wire. 3 Small piece of gold ring money. 4 Gold armlet. S 5 Gold ingot found in the co. Cork. 1844 Dr. M'DOWELL, Monaghan :- 1 Set of brass stirrups. They belonged to Lord Clare's regiment, the Yellow Dragoons, who were defeated at the battle of Newtownbutler, A.D. 1689. 2 A very large stone hammer. 1845 Ven. Archdeacon SAURIN, Seagoe, Seagoe, co. Antrim:- 1 Piece of bronze ring money. 2 Bronze sword and two daggers. 3 An Irish harp. 1846 ROBT. YOUNG, Esq. Hillmount, co. Antrim. Brass stirrups, gilt and richly enamelled, used by Duke Schomberg at the battle of the Boyne. 1847 Dr. C. Y. HAINES, Cork:- K MA Piece of silver ring money. 1848 WILLIAM DAY KEYWORTH, Esq. 54 Savile St. Hull:- Cast of a monumental effigy of one of the Percy family, in Beverley Minster. 1849 His Grace the DUKE of NORTHUMBERLAND, Alnwick Castle:- 1 Fragments of a Saxon cross, found in 1789, near the site of Woden's church at Alnmouth, Northum- berland. On one side is represented the Crucifixion, It bears an inscription, explained by Mr. Kemble as recording the workman or executor of the cross, MÆREDEH. MEH. WO[RHTE] Mæredep me wrought. On one side appears the name ADYLFEZD; the legend being possibly continued in a lower com- partment. These sculptured relics appear to be of the 9th or 10th century. See Archæologia, vol. X., pl. 36, p. 472. 2 A series of curious white Chinese porcelain seals. 1850 Rev. GEORGE H. READE, Inniskeen Rectory, Dundalk:- 1 One large iron till, from co. Donegal. 2 One small square bronze bell. 3 Two crotals, one found near Enniskillen in 1851, and the other in the co. Louth in 1853. 4 One small crotal or hawk's bell. 5 Two large and perfect swords. 6 One broken one found in a warrior's grave. 7 One small sharp-pointed one from the Giant's Causeway. 8 One large ornamented spear-head, and one broad- leaved one from Scotshouse, Monaghan. 9 Two hunting spears, the larger from Pettigo. 10 One large skene dhu with socket handle, and one small one. 11 Two very large bronze hatchets. 12 One very small hatchet. 13 One large hatchet of flint. 14 One large hatchet of stone. 15 One very large looped celt. 16 Two very large celts of a rare type. 17 One bridle bit, highly cut and ornamented, from Killievan. 18 One ornamented shield boss, found with the bit. 19 One lady's stirrup, with holes to fasten foot. 20 A very large warrior's cloak pin. 21 One lady's cloak pin. 22 Another, no split. 23 One lady's pin for hair. 24 Two ladies' pins. 25 One small bronze box, use unknown. 26 A stone, probably a mould, vulgarly called a Leprechaun's coffin. 1850A EARL OF DIGBY, Exhibitor: 1. Two twisted armlets of gold. 1 140 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 2. Double twisted armlet of gold. 3. Double plain one of gold. 4. Plain gold armlet. 5. One small double do. 6. Gold ornament, with small beads of the same metal attached. All found near Sherborne, in Dorsetshire. 1851 JOHN WINDELE, Esq. Blair's Castle, Cork :- 1 Two bronze curved trumpets, and a portion of a third. 2 Engraved bronze axe. 3 Irish bronze ring money. 1852 MARRIOTT DALWAY, Esq. Carrickfergus :— Curious ancient Irish harp, called the Regina Cithararum. 1853 JOHN M'CLELLAND, Esq. Dungannon :- 1 Bell of St. Muran. 2 A selection of celts and spear-heads. 1854 JOHN F. SHEARMAN, Esq. Kilkenny:- An antique jet necklace. 1855 MACLEOD OF MACLEOD :— Rorie More's Horn.-This horn has been handed down from generation to generation in the family of Macleod of Macleod from the ancestor whose name it bears, Sir Roderick Macleod, of that ilk. It is cus- tomary for the heir of the family on attaining the age of 21, to drink off this horn full of claret at a draught; it contains nearly two bottles. 1855▲ The Dunvegan Cup belongs to the Macleod of Macleod, the head of the clan of that name, and has been preserved at Dunvegan Castle, the family seat in the Isle of Skye; it is made of oak, wrought and embossed with silver, and was probably used in ancient times as a chalice; the inscription has been variously read; Sir Walter Scott has given one reading in a note to the Lord of the Isles, which was thus :-"Ufo Johannes mich-magni Principis de Hr manae Vich Liahici Mahryneil, et sperat Domino Ihesu dari dementiam illorum opera Fecit Anno Domini 993 onili onin.' "" J Bas-relief from Bective Abbey, co. Meath, the property of Patrick Matthews, Esq. Anagor, Drogheda. 1856 A Shrine of St. Manchan of Lemanaghan of the 7th century, the property of the Rev. Charles O'Rielly, C.C. and the parishioners of Bellaire Chapel, in the diocese of Ardagh. + 1856в Fac-simile executed by ALEX. CARTE, Esq. M.D. of shrine of St. Patrick's hand, placed in Down Abbey in 1186, carried off by Edward Bruce in 1315, and used by him as a standard, preserved in the family of Magennis, Lords of Irvagh, at Castlewellan, and now the property of the Right Rev. Dr. Denvir, R.C. Bishop Down and Connor. 1856 c Large glass goblet, used by a Dublin Guild in the beginning of the last century, with the battle of the Boyne engraved on it. 1856D Antique French watch, found in the Bog of Allen. 1856 E Antique image of our Saviour, a specimen of Irish art of a very early age, the property of the Very Rev. Mr. M'Evoy, P.P. and parishioners of Kells. 1856F Ancient Irish Font of Kilcarne, the pro- perty of the Rev. T. Reid, P.P. and the parishioners of Johnstown Chapel, co. Meath. 1856 G Ancient Irish Font, the property of Rev. P. Gough, P.P. and parishioners of Curraha. 1857 Exhibited by ALEXANDER CARTE, ESQ. M.D.: Dr. Wilson of the Society of Antiquarians in Scot- land, makes the date more modern, and reads the inscription as follows:-"Katerina Nigegneill uxor Johannes Megueger principis de Firmonac me fieri fiat Anno Dommini, 1493; omli oninicem in te sperant omine, et tu dos escam illorum in tempore opportuno. 1860 Circular window of the eighth century which 1856 Exhibited by JOHN LENTAIGNE, ESQ. Tallaght lighted a chamber placed between the chancel and stone House: roof of Rahan Church, King's County. (See Petrie's Round Towers, page 241). Fac-simile of the shrine of St. Manchin, restored by Alexander Carte, Esq. M.D. Director of the Museum, Royal Dublin Society. 1858 Exhibited by the RIGHT REV. DR. RYAN, R.C. Bishop, Limerick. Silver crozier of Cornelius O'Dea, Bishop of Limerick, made by Thomas O'Carthy, A.D. 1418. 1858 A Silver mitre of Cornelius O'Dea, Bishop of Limerick, made by Thomas O'Carthy, A.D. 1418, silver gilt. Exhibited by the FINE ARTS COMMITTEE OF THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1853:— 1859 Doorway of the Church of Freshford, eo. Kilkenny, erected by St. Lachlin, in the seventh century, and rebuilt towards the close of the eleventh century. There are two lines of inscription on this doorway soliciting prayers for the founders of the church and the Builder. ( RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 141 1861 Pillars of the chancel arch of the Church of Rahan, King's County. Eighth century. 1862 Chancel arch of Tuam Cathedral, co. of Galway. 1863 Eastern window of Tuam Cathedral, co. of Galway. 1864 Cast of the stone cross at Dunnamoggan, co. of Kilkenny. 1865 Monument of Peter Earl of Ormonde, and Margaret his wife, in Canice's Cathedral, Kilkenny. 1866 Monument of a Bishop in St. Canice's Cathedral, Kilkenny. 1867 Monument of a cross legged knight at Kilfane, co. Kilkenny. 1868 LARCOM, MAJOR, Under Secretary for Ireland.—Western doorway of Maghera Church, co. Londonderry. Fifth century. 1869 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, Ireland.-Cast taken from the Castle of the Lynches in Galway. 1870 Monumental stone erected on the spot where Lynch, warden of Galway, executed his Son in 1871 FINE ARTS COMMITTEE OF THE GREAT IN- DUSTRIAL EXHIBITION OF 1853.-Stone cross from the Market-place of Tuam, co. Galway, erected by Turlogh O'Conor, King of Ireland, and Edan O'Hoi- sin, Comharba of St. Jarlath in the beginning of the twelfth century. There are four inscriptions on this cross, two on the base, and two on the shaft, which ask for prayers for the founders, and the artist, Gillu- Christ. 2 * 1872 Stone cross of SS. Patrick and Columba, from the churchyard of Kells, co. Meath, lent for exhibition by the Very Rev. T. A. Stopford, D.D., Archdeacon of Meath, and Rector of Kells. This cross is of very great antiquity, and mentioned in early records. 1873 Cast of St. Boyne's stone cross at Monaster- boice, co. Louth. 1874 Cast of the great stone cross at Monaster- boice. 1875 Cast of the stone cross at Kilcrispeen, co. Tipperary. 1876 Cast of the stone cross at Kilkeiran, co. Kilkenny. These crosses wherever found are composed of siliceous sandstone. 1877 Cast of Sarcophagus, found near the Cathe- dral of Saint Andrews, in Fifeshire, very elaborately sculptured, with man on horseback, and others on foot, also various animals, some of a nondescript character, representing a hunting scene; the design at the sides is formed of serpents entwined in a most intricate manner, and terminating in the legs and heads of lizard-like animals; the back ground is formed of the well-known knotted ornament, termed "Guilloche." 1878 Cast of one of the end pieces of the above, sculptured with the same intricate knot-work, and divided into five compartments, the centre and two of the corner ones have globes from which serpents ap- pear to be issuing, the other two have figures of apes sitting. 1179 Cast of one of the end pieces of the same sarcophagus, sculptured with the same intricate knot- work. This remarkable monument is undoubtedly the work of the 7th or 8th century. 1880 Cast of Celt mould found in Ayrshire. 1881 Cast of Celt mould found in Rosshire. Both these are interesting specimens of the bronze period. 1882 JOHN HARVEY, Esq. Malin Hall, co. Donegal :- 1 Earthen jar, found filled with silver coins, on a mountain near Malin, parish of Clonea, with 14 of the coins. 2 Thirteen and a half gold beads of a double conical shape; also three pieces of gold wire, found in a bog near Malin, co. Donegal. 1883 A. C. WELSH, Esq. Dromore, co. Down :— 1 A stone sock of a plough. 2 A stone coulter of a plough. 3 A stone mould for casting ornaments. 4 One very large stone ploughshare. 5 A mould for ceits. 6 A mould for 7 A small stone mould for casting ornaments. 8 A stone lancehead which was found attached to a pole by a leather socket. 1884 Catalogue of Antiquities sent to the Dublin Exhibition by JAMES CARRUTHERS :— 1. Bronze trumpet, quite perfect, found in Druma- bert Bog, Parish of Kilrant, co. Antrim, 1840. 2. One do. do. 3. Spear head, 2 feet 10 inches long, found in Ballygowan Bog, co. Down, 1830. 4. Sword, very thin, 20 inches long, having rivets, found at Kilwaughen, co. Antrim, 1838. 5. Spear head, the blade perforated with two oblong carved openings, found at Ballyboley, co. Antrim, 1850. 6. Spear head, 14 inch long. 7. Bronze Axe. I 142 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 8. Bronze axe. 9. Do. do. 10. Do. do. 11. Do. do. 12. Do. do. 13. Do. do. 14. Do. do. 15. Do. do. 16. Do. do. 17. Do. do. 18. Do. do. 19. Bronze war club. 20. Silver armlet, weight, 3 ozs. 15 dwt. found, toge- ther with seven others, and two silver forks, near Downpatrick, 1830. + 21. Remarkable and unique bronze iustrument, found in a bog near Ballymoney, co. Antrim, 1829. For a further description, see "Belfast Catalogue of Antiquities," page 18. 22. Silver fibulæ, weight, 3 oz. 15 dwt. found at Ballymoney, co. Antrim, 1824. 23. Silver fibulæ, found near Belfast, 1851, weight, 8 dwt. 4 grs. 24. Large circular pendant jet ornament, found near Belfast, 1850. 25. Large thin flint arrow head, having a shell imbedded in it. 26. Large thin flint arrow head. 27. Do. do. 28. Bronze finger shield, probably used by archers. 29. Forty-five amber and glass beads. 30. Bronze spear head. 31. Do. do. do. 32. Do. 33. Bronze axe, bent at the point for the purpose of scooping out wood. For an account of these celts, see "Wilson's Archæ- ology of Scotland.” 34. Similar. 35. Bronze reaping hook. 36. Broad, very rude copper sword. 37. Bronze stirrup, found in Shane's Castle Park, the residence of Lord O'Neal. 1885 MARTIN, JOHN, Downpatrick, Ireland, Prop.- 1 Gold Torque. 2 Gold Armlet. 3 Another. 4 Small piece of gold ring money. 5 Gold fibula with flat ends. 6 Broad flat gold ring, ornamented with ridges. 7 Silver ring. 8 Curious bent wooden pine ornamented with a horse's head; found in a grave. 9 Silver armlet. 10 Ancient comb, 11 One of the silver seal-rings of Turlough O'Neil, having the "Bloody hand of Ulster," and the initials T. 0. 12 Perforated stone, with rude carving. 13 Mosaic encaustic tile, representing an animal, found in the ruins of the old Cathedral of Down- patrick. 14 Large flat bronze spear-head. 15 Flat bronze axe, highly ornamented. 16 Long stone dagger. 1886 MURRAY, R. Mullingar, Ireland, Prop.- One cinerary urn. One chalice, Irish inscription, with date of 1143. Three Patinas-one circular, and 2 oval and pointed. Fifteen spear heads, various types. Five Arrow heads, two flint. Sixteen Celts, various types, ornamented. One iron spear head, blade twisted at right angles. Two iron daggers, different types. Two reaping hooks. Two Crescents. Three stone heads, barbarous types. Twenty-six pins and brooches, various types. Six seals. One stone hammer. Group of two celts and one spear head, unfinished, with three pieces of metal used in casting thera, found together. Group, comprising one silver bracelet, one finish- ed, and one unfinished amulet. 1887 BLOOMFIELD, J. Castle Caldwell :- Two tiles. Baptismal font. Christ, in alabaster. Head of our Saviour, in ivory. Bronze seal. Carolan's Skull. Felt hat, found in a bog. O'Neil's harp. Large pan. · RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 143 2 Large stone hammer. Bronze sword. Curious carving of Atlas. Curious hammer in handle. Large square bronze bell. Stone hatchet. Two green hatchets. Irish pike. Bronze Stirrup. Stone hammer. Spear, found in the Castle of Donegal. Seven specimens of ancient bronzes. Bronze spear of rare form. Bronze spear. Wooden pipe. Green Hatchet. Ancient earthen ladle. The lock of the castle of Donegal, of very curious make, from the number of bolts shot with one key. Bronze spear head. Bronze Fibula. Crotal. 1888 KNIPE, E. A. Mount Salem, Stillorgan.- Collection of models by an amateur. 1889 CALEDON, COUNTESS OF, Caledon, county Armagh:- Bronze hatchet curiously marked. Two Druid Beads. Two fairy lasts. Bronze looped hatchet. Turquoise brooch. Oak spade bound with iron at the edge Steel sword, (blade marked "Sahagon"). ! 1890 CARTER, WILLIAM, 6 Mespil Parade, Dublin. -Model of Ruins of Monasterboice, co. Louth. 1891 CASHEL, Very Rev. the Archdeacon of, Thur- les.-A rare and early Irish engraving, by W. Simp- son of Waterford, date 1646. It appears to have reference to the political troubles of Ireland during that period. No other copy is at present known, nor are any further particulars of its history within the knowledge of Exhibitor. 1892 CHANDLEE, THOS. MOORE, Ballitore-Model of Stone Cross at Moone Abbey, co. Kildare; model of Cromlech, called Labacally, near Glanworth, co. Cork; model of an Irish cabin. 4 1893 BERWICK, EDWARD, Queen's College, Galway. -Ancient map of Galway, A. D. 1650; old Municipal map of Galway, commencing A. D. 1484. F J 1894 MCGILLICUDDY of the Reeks, Whitefield, co. Kerry.-23 Manuscripts, with dates from A. D. 1597 to 1700, comprising royal and other distinguished autographs of that period. 1895 HOWTH, The Earl of, Howth Castle.-The ancient bells of Howth Abbey, co. Dublin. 1896 The great two-handed sword, said to have been used by Sir Almericus St. Laurence, the founder of the Howth family, who landed in Ireland in 1177. 1897 BAILLIE, EDWARD, London.-Stained glass window, executed in the ancient Irish style by Ex- hibitor. 1897A MARCHAND, Rue d'Augoulême du Temple, Paris.-Stained glass-style, 13th century. 1898 BRUCE, Sir HERVEY, Downhill, co. Derry. -Part of the walls of Herculaneum, painted in fresco. Herculaneum was destroyed by Vesuvius in the year 79; consequently this fresco is painted upwards of 1,700 years. 1899 Ancient Roman helmet, found in the tomb of the Horatii, near Rome. 1900 Exhibited by ROBERT BALL, LL.D.—1. A restoration of the celebrated instrument, commonly called the harp of Brian Boroimhe. It is the oldest known specimen of Irish harp, and is preserved in the Dublin University Museum. 2. A restoration of the Dalway harp; the arm of the original is in the possession of M. Dalway, Esq. of Carrickfergus; the bow belongs to Mrs. Sherrard of Thornhill; the sounding board has been lost-it is restored from analogy. The original was made for Sir John Fitzedmond Fitzgerald of Cloyne, in 1621. This was a very remarkable and beautiful instrument. 3. A restoration of the charter horn of the Kav- enagh's. The original is preserved in the University Museum. 1901 MORRISON, Dr. Leeson St. Dublin.-The Irish union pipes. This ancient musical instrument, by the Elder Kenna, about 1767, is in fine preserva- tion, and a good specimen of his skill and workman- ship. These pipes manifest great ingenuity in con- struction; the tones are sweet and melodious, and the chords full and singularly expressive of the passions. The cushlanang, or bagpipe, is described in the ancient chronicles of Ireland as far back as the 10th century, used both as a war instrument and as an accompani- ment to the crenau at funerals. 1902 ROE, HENRY.-Watch said to have been worn by Charles the First, on the day of his execution, 2 144 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. and to have been presented to the ancestor of Colonel Pratt, of Cabra Castle, by Oliver Cromwell. 1903 WILSON, DR. DANIEL, Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland :- Casts of- ´1. Bronze circular shield, decorated with a classic group in low relief, Appolo, &c. 2. Horn of tenure, richly carved in ivory-temp. 13th century, formerly belonging to Dr. Samuel Hib- bert Ware. See Soc. Antiquaries, Scotland. 3. Chessmen, carved out of the walrus tooth, found in the Isle of Skye. 4. Bronze armilla, snake pattern, found at Pitalpin, near Dundee, in 1732. 5. Bronze armlet, dug up in Argyleshire. 6. Bronze armlet, found in a cairn in Aberdeen- shire. 7. A crozier, or pastoral staff of oak, found in the tomb of Bishop Tullock, Kirkwall Cathedral, Orkney. Facsimiles in Metal of- 1. A gold sceptre head, found at Cairnmure, Peeble- shire in 1806, along with three gold tons, and other gold relics. 2. Head, ring, or gorget of bronze, found in 1747, about seven feet below the surface, when digging a well at Stetthell, Roxburghshire. 1904 Ancient figure of St. Laurence O'Toole, for- merly in Christ's Church, Dublin, and now the property of Rev. Dr. Spratt. 1905 Gold watch, formerly the property of Mary Queen of Scots, and now in the possession of John Grace, Esq. of Mantua. 1906 Antique watch, in the form of a cross- the property of William Gerard Walmesley, Esq. of Mount Sackville. 1907 FINE ARTS COMMITTEE. - Fresco painting on the north chancel wall of the ancient Abbey of Knockmoy, co. Galway, and supposed to represent the execution, in the 12th century, of the young son of Dermod Mac Murrough, King of Leinster, who was hostage to O'Connor, King of Ireland, for his father's fidelity, as tributary sovereign to O'Connor, and was put to death by that monarch on his father joining Strongbow. 1908 E. M. BLOOD, Esq. Exhibitor.-Models of two ancient pillars in alabaster in the Church of St. Denis, Paris. 1909 HENRY MORIARTY, Esq.-Stone effigies of Irish Gallowglasses or soldiers, from the tomb of Felim O'Connor, King of Connaught, at Roscommon Abbey, 1265. See Walker on Irish Dress, and O'Connor's Mcmoirs. 1910 ROBERT LEECH, Esq.-An ancient brick from Nineveh. 1911 LE HUNTE, GEORGE, Esq.-White Chinese seal, found in the neighbourhood of Wexford. 1912 BEDFORD, Mrs. The Close, Litchfield. 1. Large silver Irish bodkin. 2. Irish bodkin, richly set with chrysopuses, gar- nets, pearls, &c. 3. Gold bodkin, with a cornelian centre. 4. Large antique Irish brooch. 5. Large silver brooch. 6. Three brooches of different sizes. 7. A rich circular ornament of silver, having a garnet in the centre and eight round the periphery, symbolical of the sacred Ogdoad, from the co. of Kildare. 8. Ancient rings. 9. Silver button, from Major Sirr's collection. 10. Rich silver crucifix. 11. Pair of ear-rings. 12. Silver incense-box, found in taking down the wall of an old house in the parish of Kilrenny, Fife- shire. N.B.-All these articles were the property of the dis- tinguished antiquary, the late C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq. 1913 Talbot DE MALAHIDE, Lord.-Electrotype facsimiles in copper of three spearheads and two swords (one of very peculiar construction), found in the co. of Northumberland, and the property of the Hon. H. T. Liddell. 1914 WAY, ALBERT, Esq. F.S.A.-Enamelled ciborium of the 12th century. 1915 WALSH, Right Rev. Dr. R. C. Bishop of Ossory.-Ancient vestments of David Roth, Bishop of Ossory. 1916 Remonstrance, silver gilt, of David Roth, Bishop of Ossory, with inscription. 1917 Sardonyx cup. 1918 LENTAIGNE, JOHN.-Ivory carving. 1919 Collection of Irish Antiquities, exhibited by GEORGE PETRIE, LL.D. being a selection from his Museum, made for the purpose of illustrating ancient Irish art.- K 1. Seventeen highly ornamented bronze hatchets, of different patterns. A collection of iron articles found at Dunshaughlin, consisting of swords, knives, spears, files, hatchets, horse bits, &c. Four perforated + } RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 145 stone hammers; one stone axe, head broken; two stone celts of peculiar form; two half moulds, made of stone, for casting bronze palstaves; one complete stone mould for casting bronze looped spears; one bronze half mould for casting bronze palstaves; five highly ornamented bronze celts; two beautiful bronze bridle bits; two peculiarly large spur-shaped orna- ments, made of bronze; two vessels made of bronze; one cooking vessel; three large weights made of stone; one beautiful spear, with perforated blades ; two scythe-shaped weapons; one pattern for a sword, made of wood, discovered in the ancient structure on Drumkelin Bog; one bronze blade of dagger; one bronze spear, highly ornamented with representations of rivit heads; one bronze sword blade of the Greek form, with a peculiarly short handle; one sword blade of the Persian form, with a bronze handle nearly per- fect; one bronze sword blade of unique form, with four sides, its two edges highly ornamented with grooves; one celt with a gouge-shaped edge, the loop being on the hollow side; one butt of spear. 2. A collection of silver brooches, torques, and armlets; one bronze armlet; one spiral armlet; two highly ornamented spurs; a perforated ring orna- ment; a fibula, consisting of three serpents; a fibula of great beauty, made of white bronze, inlaid with amber and gold filagrees; three fibulæ of different patterns, made of bronze; a collection of specimens of work in enamel of different colours and patterns; a highly ornamented and enamelled pastoral staff or crozier; portions of six ancient croziers found in Ire- land; the bell of St. Patrick; six crucifix figures of different periods; four figures of early Roman art; portion of a figure of a horse, and of an angel, made of silver; a highly ornamented shrine, and shoe, made of bronze; an ancient chessman made of ivory or bone; two arrow heads made of tips of deer horn; a stylus, with ring, &c., &c. 1920 Collection of Antiquities Exhibited by R. N. BRACKSTONE, Esq.-collected chiefly in Ireland.- 1. A general collection of stone weapons, &c. con- gisting of celts of different patterns, hammers, per- forated stones, &c. 2. A collection of flint weapons. &c. consisting of arrow and javelin heads, celts; a string of amber beads; also, a figure of the Virgin Mary, found at Rainsford St. Dublin; ten cards of bronze fibulæ and pins; four copper scythe shaped blades, made of copper, and three broad bronze dagger blades. 3. A collection of bronze swords, daggers, and spears of different forms, some very peculiar, if not unique. 4. A collection of bronze celts and palstaves, of a great variety of form, several of great rarity and beauty. 5. A collection of bronze antiquities, consisting chiefly of hatchets of different forms, some of them highly ornamented; large rings; bridle bits, and cheek plates for bridle bits; bells; moulds for glass ornaments, &c. &c. 6. A miscellaneous collection, consisting of several beautiful shrine ornamental figures, iron spears, buckles, &c. made of bronze; a number of weapons made of iron, used in the rebellion of 1798; a beautiful- rapier, and several foreign weapons, illustrative of the original uses of antiquities found in Ireland; a carved oak panel, representing the adoration of the shepherds; a wooden mether, and pattern for a chisel; six cards of flint arrow heads, &c. from North America, &c. 1921 HODGSON, Mrs.-Ancient Greek fresco. 1921 A Stained ivory crucifix. 1922 Collection of Irish Antiquities, exhibited by T. R. MURRAY, Esq. Edenderry-collected chiefly in that neighbourhood. 1. Eight bronze spears of different patterns ; twelve pins and fibula; two rings, with triple pellet ornaments; two iron reaping hooks; one bronze ring and hook; one ingot of bronze; one cross shaped im- plement, made of silver; one string of glass and amber beads; one spur shaped implement, and a bell with similar ornaments; three large bronze rings; one bronze fibula; one heavy implement of brass or bronze; one horn battle axe or pick. 2. An ancient pocket celt with wooden handle ; two bronze hatchet heads; one perforated bronze ring ; one palstave; five pocket celts ornamented; one perfect bronze sword; three bronze sword blades; one bronze sword, the smallest known of the Greek pattern; two sword blades of Persian pattern; one bronze socketed chisel; one very small bronze hatchet. 3. Two iron sword blades, with broad points; two sword blades with taper points; one sword blade, broken, with bone handle, nearly perfect; one dagger, with wooden handle perfect; one dagger blade, with bronze mounting; one large iron spear; one handle of sword, nearly perfect, made of bone; four iron spears; one broad axe, and a bone handle of knife. 4. Four iron axes: seven iron dirks or long knives ; five iron spears; one iron sword with broad blade; K 146 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. one bronze tube and head, supposed to have been part of a still; a quantity of bronze ring money; three irons for wooden spades; one iron knife and handle. 5. Twenty-three perforated pins, made of bone; fifty-four perforated tessera or discs of bone, all of different patterns and forms; seven perforated stones -these were all found together. 1923 Collection of Irish Antiquities, exhibited by MATTHEW J. ANKETELL, Esq. Anketell Grove, co. Monaghan.- Twenty-seven stone celts, of different sizes and patterns; one large stone celt, nearly covered with lines, arranged so as to represent ogham inscriptions, mixed up with a few letters of the common Irish character; one celt; twenty-five knives very rudely made; three knives highly finished; twenty-three javelin and arrow heads, of different forms, &c.—all made of flint; stone vessel; perforated and ornamented stone; stone vessel slightly hollowed; flatted stone ball; two stone cups with handles; a string of beads, composed of stone, amber, and glass of different patterns; a silver chain, ornamented with a medallion and nine amber beads; two terra cotta flat cups or urns; three earthenware ornamented balls; fourteen pocket celts of different patterns; one hatchet; nine palstaves of different forms, two swords, two daggers, ten spears, six brooches or pins with rings, two blades shaped like reaping hooks, eight rings, one ornamental boss, two pin shaped ornaments, all made of bronze; one copper blade; one representation of the crucifixion in copper; two brass vessels and shoe; one crotal; one skull cap or helmet; one brass cannon; small iron dirk and key; one lump of adipocere or bog butter; nine wooden methers; three bronze pans; and one three-legged pot. COLLECTION OF IRISH ANTIQUITIES EXHIBITED BY T. L. COOKE, ESQ. 1924 Bell of St. Ruadhan, of Lorrha, co. Tipperary, who died A.D. 584. Bell of St. Cuanna, of Killshanny, in co. Clare. St. Cuanna lived about the end of the 6th century. Bell of St. Molua, Lua, or Lugeas of Clonfert- Molua, now Kyle, Queen's County. St. Molua died early in the 7th century. Fragment of the bell of St. Camin, of Killcamin, King's County, who died about March, A.D. 653. Bell of St. Cuimin, of Disert-Cuimin, now Kill- common, King's County. He was known as Cummin. fada, or The Tall, and died A.D. 662. The Barnan-Caulawn, or Bell of St. Culamis, who was brother to the celebrated Cormac M'Cullenan, king, bishop, lexicographer, and scholar of Cashel. Cormac was killed in battle A.D. 908. Bell found at the ruins of St. Senan's establishment in Inis-Scathy, near the mouth of the River Shannon. Bell found at Corbeg, King's County, A.D. 1848. Four large pear-shaped crotals, found at Dowris, King's County. One spherical-shaped crotal, found at Dowris, King's County. Two unfinished spherical crotals, found at Dowris, King's County. A piece of waste bronze metal, found at Dowris, King's County, and impressed with form of a spherical crotal, against which the metal fell in a fluid state. Two rub-stones (Liadog), found with many others at Dowris, King's County. Four small sheep bells. Part of a human skull, found, with other portions of a human skeleton, A.D. 1845, under the foundation of the ancient round tower at Roscrea. ↓ Image, supposed to be of Eochaidh, the tutelary semi-god, whom the Pagan Irish believed to preside over cattle and horses. It was found in a moate or barrow, within the demesne, and close to the mansion, of Castle Bernard, King's County. Three flint arrow heads. Two bronze arrow heads, knives, or razor blades. Eight spindle stones. Two bronze rings or circles. Four ancient bone pins and needles, found in Bal. linderry Lough, near Moate. Bone articles, found in drainage operations at Bal- linderry Lough, co. Westmeath. 2 Part of a sharpening stone dug up along with a human skeleton, from a barrow at Curranrue, co. Clare, A.D. 1828. A stone hammer-head found in the ground at Tom- brickane, barony of Lower Ormond, co. Tipperary, A.D. 1851. Five stone celts, selected for the purpose of showing the different descriptions of stone of which these instruments were formed. A bronze instrument, called by Vallancy, a "Crepi- taculum.". This was found during the improvement of the River Shannon, at Athlone, in the summer of 1849. + RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 147 } A smaller and solid resemblance of the above. One side is rough and unfinished, but the other is highly ornamented with chevrons and lozenges in enamel. This was found in the island at Dowris, King's County, August, 1850. A ring with three knobs, found at Leap, King's County. Cast bronze tablet, representing two woman in con- versation, found near Kinelfhekin Abbey, co. Galway. Red bronze money, found near Birr, King's County. Bronze ornament, apparently for the boss of a shield. Stone cup, brought from the holy well at Nough- vale, co. Clare. Six stones, found during the drainage operations at Ballinderry Lough, co. Westmeath. Twenty-eight specimens of bronze ring money, and one of counterfeit, or gold plated money. Bronze fibula, found near Drogheda. Gilded bronze fibula, found at the Castle of Ballin- asshra, near Tullamore, King's County. Silver fibula, found near Drogheda. Four bronze pins, from Clonmacnoise, King's County. Silver pin, found at Cashel, and having an Irish diamond stone set in it. { Curious bronze pin, with a moveable ring, resembling a new moon, found at Kylebeg, near Burrisokane. Bronze pin, found in the river at Roscrea, co. Tip- perary. Part of a fibulæ, found at Killoughy, King's County. Pin, found at Ballymahon, co. Longford. Bronze pin, found in the Great Southern Isle of Arran, co. Galway. Bronze pin, found in Grave Yard at Parsonstown, in March, 1848. Bronze pin, found at Croghan Hill, near Philips- town. Three bronze pins, found at Le Porte, Dowris, King's County, in the summer of 1849. Fibula, with pendent head, made of white bronze, found at Derrinlough, near Dowris, King's County. Five bronze pins, found at Le Porte, Dowris, King's County, in the summer of 1849. Four bronze pins, found at Le Porte, Dowris, King's County, in May, 1850. Two bronze pins, found at Le Porte, Dowris, King's County, in April, 1851. Five bronze trumpets, found at Dowris, King's County. Four copper hatchets. Two bronze hatchets, plain, and without ridge. Six bronze hatchets, having a very slight ridge. Two bronze hatchets, ornamented with chevrons. Two bronze solid celts, with stop-ridge. Bronze solid celt, made of rich bronze, and having ornamental ridges on its sides. Two bronze solid celts, having rectangular handle sockets, stock-ridges, and with side-ridges bent inwards. Two bronze solid celts, not furnished with stop- ridges, but having side-ridges. Four bronze solid celts, plain, with rectangular handle sockets, and high stop and side-ridges. The sockets are much countersunk. Bronze solid celt, having stop and side-ridges, and also ornamental reeding on the sides. Bronze solid celt, with stop and side-ridges, and having a peculiar ornamental swelling on the sides. Two bronze solid celts, with ear and stop-ridge. Bronze solid celt, with a very remarkable kind of stop-ridge. Bronze hatchet of a peculiar shape, being long and narrow, with an inartificial mode of attaching the handle, and having an unperforated ear. Copper blade, found near Roscrea. Two copper, curved blades, found at Derreensallagh, King's County, A.D. 1852. Seven bronze heads of war spears, all found at Dowris, King's County; one do. found at Rathkeale, co. Lim- erick, which still has part of the staff remaining in the socket. Five bronze heads of hunting spears. Each of these has two ears for thongs to pass through; all are orna- mented with chevron-shaped ridges on their sides. A beautiful bronze head of a war spear, found at Dowris, King's County. Length, 13 inches. Bronze head of a war spear, very carefully finished, found at Dowris, King's County. Copper spear 'head, contrived with cavities. Bronze spear head, with cells. Bronze barbed javelin head. Bronze poignard, found at Dowris, King's County. Five bronze daggers, found near the Mile-tree, Parsonstown, King's County, in May, 1850. Two bronze hollow celts, of the plainest fashion. Five bronze hollow celts, having a rough projection around the base. Three bronze hollow celts, much hooked at the ex- tremities of the blade. Five bronze hollow celts, having three reeds around the base or handle socket. K 2 148 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 1 Four bronze hollow celts, having a furrow or depres- sion around the base or handle socket. Bronze hollow celt, whereon the fibre forming the ear appears prolonged upon the sides of the celt. Bronze hollow celt, having a rectangular shaped socket, and a broad single reed around the base. Bronze hollow celt, having around its base or handle socket two reeds, one of which is formed by a con- tinuation of the ear. Length, 3 9-10th inches. Three bronze hollow celts, having four reeds around the base or handle socket. Bronze hollow celt of a gold colour, and having five reeds around its base. Found at Dowris, King's County. Bronze hollow celt, with rectangular corners and ornamented sides. Bronze chissel, found during drainage operations near Burrisokane, co. Tipperary. Gouge made of gold coloured bronze, and found at Dowris, King's County. Bronze punch, found at Dowris, King's County. Bronze skean, found in the River Shannon, at Meelick, (King's County side). Three bronze skeans made of gold coloured metal, and found at Dowris, King's County. Fragment of a bronze skean. Skean of gold coloured bronze, found at Dowris, King's County. Bronze skean (part of). Small gold-coloured bronze skeans, found at Dowris, King's County.. Small bronze skean. Bronze bridle-bit, found at Leap, King's County. Bronze ornament for the head-stall of a bridle found in a bog at Ballynacostello, parish of Agha- vower (on the road between Becan and Swinford), co. Mayo. Cruan for bridle ornaments. Seven amber beads, found in a bog at Cograàn, terri- tory of Lusmagh, King's County. Silver ecclesiastical ring, inlaid with the letters I.H.S. in the character called Bâtarde ancienne, used in France in the 14th and 15th centuries. Silver ecclesiastical ring, found near Portarlington, Queen's County. · Silver ring, found near Edenderry, King's County. Silver ring of Donat, or Donough O'Kennedy, of Ormond, co. Tipperary, whose daughter, Sadhbh, was married to Donough Cairbreach O'Brien, King of Thomond, early in the 13th century. Seal of Geoffry Cornwall, who (according to Sir William Betham) lived early in the 14th century, Found in the river at Roscrea, co. Tipperary. Seal bearing (lain dearg creann) the emblem or crest of the O'Neil. Found at Clonoonymore, King's County, by which place the army of O'Neil marched. Seal, with oaken handle, found in a bog near the ruins of Kilmacuna church, in the territory of Lus- magh, King's County. Bulla of Pope John XXI. who filled St. Peter's chair, A.D. 1334. Found on the lands of Ballyea near the ruins of Bunahan church, barony of Lower Ormond, co. Tipperary. Bulla of Pope Innocent VIII. who died A.D. 1492. Found in the Abbey of Ennis, co. Clare. Presented by Capt. Samuel Vignolles. Bronze key, found at Burke's Hill, near Birr, A.D. 1844. Bronze probe and tenaculum, found at Dowris, King's County. Badge of an English Artillery Driver, found at Aughrim. Ornament of horse-trappings, found at Aughrim. Match-lock of a gun, found in the Queen's County, near to Dungar Castle. Ivory ball, with alphabet inscribed, found two or three feet under ground, at Philipstown Castle, King's County, in 1836. Ancient bronze Candlestick. Part of a candlestick, found at Clonaghall Castle, near Birr, King's County. Bronze Cauldron, (gold colour), found at Dowris, King's County. Part of a bronze vessel, and three Lag-shields, found at Dowris, King's County. Bronze Cauldron, found about five feet beneath the surface, at Dowris, King's County, in the moorland behind James Read's house, the 1st February, 1851. This vessel, which is of a shallow, cylindrical shape, was found in a different place from the other Dowris bronzes; it is of a fine yellow gold colour metal. Brass pan, found in the Bog of Killourney, near the town of Cloghan, King's County, September, 1850. Bronze vessel, found at Curraghmore, between Templemore and Killea, co. Tipperary. Bronze vessel.. Vessel formed nearly of pure copper, and found at Curraghmore, between Templemore and Killea, co. Tipperary. A semblance of a sword, along with many rude } 149 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. BATTL arrows, was found in the Bog of Derrygowney, near Philipstown, King's County. A skull of the black bear, found at Clonbrone, near Parsonstown, King's County, in excavating a new channel for the Comcor river, Castle Bernard district, at a depth of seven feet in alluvial deposit under bog oak trees, the 9th June, 1848. Pieces of crucibles, used for making glass, were found, with various fragments of glass at Clonbrone, near Birr, King's County. Bog butter, found at Broughall, near Frankford, King's County. Bog tallow, found at Clonkelly Bog, near Birr, King's County. • Sword, found along with a human skeleton of more than ordinary size, and a coin of Queen Elizabeth's reign, at Clonooney Castle, King's County. Sword, with flaming blade, found in the River Shannon, near Meelick. co. Galway. Part of a sword, found near Tullamore, King's Co. Part of a sword, found near Templetuohy, co. Tipperary. Sword, found at the Castle of Streamstown, King's County, A.D. 1849. Court sword, found in the ground at Strawberry Hill, (near Cloghan, King's County). Sword-guard, curiously ornamented; found near Roscrea, co. Tipperary. Brass stirrup-loops, found near Roscrea, co. Tip- perary. Brass connecting piece for a crupper. Brass spoon, found at Le Porte Castle, Dowris, King's County. Brass spoon, found at Brownstown Castle, co. Tip- perary. Brass spoon-handle, found at Le Porte, Dowris, King's County. Brass spoon. • Brass spoon of a modern shape, but ornamented with the head of Mercury. A very large brass spur, found at Le Porte, Dowris, King's County. Four brass spurs. Iron spur from Le Porte, Dowris, King's County. Felt hat from the ruins of Kilmurry, Ely Church, near Shinrone, King's County. Shoe, found in a bog at Broughall, near Frankford, King's County. Shoe, found under very many feet of peat, in the Bóg of Moanaincha, near Roscrea, co. Tipperary. Shoe, found in the Bog of Dowris, near Birr, King's County, A.D. 1851. Brass knife, haft inscribed, "Success to the King of Prussia. I say for ever, huzza." It was found in the ground near the fort of Seir Kyran, alias Saiger, King's County. Iron key, found in the ruins of Kilbeggan Abbey, co. Westmeath. Two iron keys, found A.D. 1847, with several other things, in the ruins of Killyon Nunnery, King's County. Six keys, found in the ruins of the castle of Le Porte, Dowris, King's County. Lock, found at the Castle of Ballaghmore, Ossory, Queen's County. Cast iron image, found near Roscrea, co. Tipperary. Six ancient tobacco pipes. Bottle, found at the Black Castle, parish of Lough- more, co. Tipperary. Bottle, encrusted with sea-shells, found in a sub- marine part of the more ancient of the two castles at Kinvarra, co. Galway. Bottle, found near Ballycowan Castle, King's Co. Two Roman coins, one of the Emperor Gordian, the other of Antoninus Pius, found at Lisheen, near Templemore, co. Tipperary, A.D. 1851. 1925 Sir PHILIP DE MALPAS EGERTON, Bart. M.P.: Pair of torc armlets of pure gold, found 1831, near Egerton Hall, Cheshire; one is engraved in the Archæologia, vol. xxvii. p. 400. A similar armlet was found at Ropley, Hants. 1926 GEORGE WADE, Esq. Ashbrook, Phoenix Park: A map of Dublin in the year 1490. A number of Falconer's Journal, giving a description of the battle of Culloden, and a sketch of the position of the two armies, 1646. Miniature of Prince Charles Edward ("The Pre- tender.") 1927 WILLIAM F. WAKEMAN, Esq.: A collection of iron, bone and bronze antiquities, found in High St. and Christchurch Pl. Dublin.. One remarkably fine iron sword with pommel, highly ornamented with inlaid wirework, found near Kilmain- ham. Iron sword of peculiar form, beautiful workmanship, found in the co. Kerry. Blade of an ancient iron two-edged sword, with bronze ornament on hilt, composed of the trumpet pattern, found near Moate, co. Westmeath. \ 150 RELICS OF ANCIENT ART. 1 1928 Exhibited by Lord ROSSMORE:- An ancient leather shoe made of carved leather, found in a bog, in Errigal-truagh, co. Monaghan. Crystal ball, found in a bog. Small gold fibula of beautiful workmanship. A gold crescent, highly ornamented. Miniatures of Lord Edward Fitzgerald and Charles James Fox. A Union bagpipes mounted in silver, and richly orna- mented with precious stones found in Ireland. 1929 Exhibited by GREVILLE J. CHESTER, Esq. A beautifully ornamented copper chalice, enamelled in blue, green, white, and red, and studded with imi- tations of precious stones, found near Sudbury. 1930 Exhibited by Sir ROBERT BUXTON, Bart. :— A cup made of a large shell, mounted on a foot of yellow metal, elaborately ornamented with white and blue enamel. It was in the possession of the Earl of Yarmouth, grandson of Charles II., at Oxnead. 1931 Exhibited by the BELFAST MUSEUM :— Ancient stirrup, made of untanned hide. Ten wooden models of spears and other implements, found in the bog at Ballinderry, near Tobermore, co. Derry. Part of an old wooden plough. A stone covered with moulds for casting bronze hatchets of different sizes. Another mould for casting ornaments. An ancient iron rivetted bell, covered superficially with bronze or brass. Three amphoræ or urns of baked clay. 1932 Exhibited by the ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY :— One large pot with spine shaped rivets. One large gold coloured spear. One sword blade of Persian pattern. ༣ One scythe shaped copper blade with rivets. One spear made of bronze, with perforated blade, highly ornamented. One short dagger, with bronze handle, quite perfect. Five bronze rings of different patterns. One bronze ring perforated laterally. An ancient bell called the Barre Garreagh.-14. Frag- ments of a spiral silver armlet found near Cavan. One bronze torquis. One silver bangle or bracelet. Six fragments of highly ornamented flat bars of silver. Head of silver fibula. Large silver fibula, with 'ogham inseriptions on its back. Head of silver fibula, gilt and ornamented with snake's heads, &c. Eight fibulæ of different patterns. Three ancient keys. Two pattens or spoon-shaped articles. One cup made of leather, and ornamented with silver crest, &c. 1932A VEN. MARCUS G. BERESFORD, Archdeacon of Ardagh:—1. A remnant of the Clog Mogue, or bell of St. Mogue.-2. The shrine, made to cover it. 3. An ancient brass bottle.-4. An ancient ves- sel, apparently Indian.-5. An ancient bronze ra- pier.-6. An ornamented bronze hatchet.-7. A remarkably pure bronze palstave, and a fibula, bought at Perugia in Italy.-9. A bronze spear, bought at Rome.-10. A bronzé celt, found in the Lune at Paris. -11 and 12. Five bronze celts found near Paris.-13. SERIES OF BRASS RUBBINGS. 1933 Group I.-ECCLESIASTICS. 1. Priest, supposed to be Adam de Bacon at Pulton. 2. Coped Priest, Queen's College, Oxford. 3. Robert Trellick. Bishop of Hereford, Hereford. 4. Thomas Crawley, Archbishop of Dublin, New College. 5. Thomas Delamere, Abbot of St. Albans. 6. Prior Thomas Ireland, Cowfold, Sussex. 7. A Priest, Wensley, Yorkshire. 8. John Campden, St. Cross. 9. Warden Henry Lever, Merton College, Oxford. Group II.-KNIGHTS & LADIES. 10. Sir R. de Trumpington, Trumpington, Cam- bridge. 11. Sir R. de Bures, Acton, Suffolk. 12. Sir Fitz Ralph, Pebmarsh, Essex. 13. Alionne de Bohun, Westminster Abbey. 14. Sir R. & Sir T. de Swynborne, Little Horkesley, Essex. 15. Lord and Lady de Camoys, Trotton, Sussex. 16. Lady de Camoys, Trotton, Sussex. 17. Sir Hugh Hastings, Elsying, Norfolk. 18. Lord and Lady Berkeley, Wooton-under-edge, Gloucestershire. 1934 Collection of engravings of the monumental brasses of England, by Rev. C. Boutelle, A.M. 1935 J. ANKETELL, Esq. Anketell Grove :— John de Estrey, abbott of Westminster, A.D. 1498. · J ¿ I ! 1 Fine Arts. INTRODUCTION. 1 WHILE the present Exhibition is chiefly occupied with those productions of nature which are the objects of utilitarian industry, the modes by which dynamical laws or motive powers are applied and combined in the processes of utilisation, and the results of those processes upon the objects utilised—that is to say, The Fine with Raw Materials, Machinery, and Manufactures-it has not confined itself wholly to them. Arts have been admitted to a place in the Exposition, and that to an extent not heretofore conceded to them. It has not been without consideration that the claims of the Fine Arts-in their abstract character, and viewed apart from utilitarian industry (if, indeed, they can ever be justly so viewed)—have been It is not easy. recognised. The difficulty of exclusion appeared at the least as great as of admission. often to draw the line of demarcation between objects which come within the strict limits of the Fine Arts, and those Arts which are purely utilitarian in their character. There are few of the latter which do not, to a greater or less extent, include or intimately ally themselves to the former; and, therefore, were' the boundary to be defined with a scrupulous determination to exclude every article whose object is not solely utilitarian, the result would be to reject from the Exhibition much that now finds a place within it. When the mere necessities of life have been satisfied, civilization superadds to the useful the ornamental, and soon learns to recognise it as a necessity of life also; for the perception of the beautiful is innate to the mind of man, and when the useful has been achieved, the cravings for the beautiful will seek to be satisfied. Hence Sculpture, in the most extended acceptation of that term, enters into the composition of a vast proportion of the articles designed for utilitarian purposes. The same may be said of Painting. In truth it is difficult, when once we have emerged from the rudest and most elementary state of society, to deny that the Fine Arts are themselves utilitarian. The desires of the eye for that which is beautiful in form and color, if not essential to mere existence, assuredly are so to the enjoyment of life; and hence Sculpture and Painting, in the abstract, may, it is presumed, be fitly exhibited without transgressing the strict limits which should be assigned to an Industrial Exhibition. Under this conviction the Committee have admitted works of Fine Art which are not utilitarian, in the ordinary sense of the word; and they have done so the rather that the study of Sculpture and Nor let it Painting is essential to perfection in the ornamentation of almost everything in ordinary use. be forgotten, as one of the uses of the Fine Arts unconnected with industrial objects, that the Statuary ✓ + 5 . 152 INTRODUCTION TO FINE ARTS. $ W and the Painter contribute to the pages of History as well as the Scribe or the Printer. The former perpetuates and diffuses the forms and the character of historical persons and events, of natural history, scenery, and costume, as the latter cannot do. In furtherance of these views, a Fine Arts Court has been constructed in the extreme southern aisle, between the Archæological and Medieval courts, principally for the reception of Paintings; and the Committee have been enabled to bring together a considerable collection, at once interesting, as exhibiting the progress of the Art in modern times, and instructive, as containing some superior specimens of the Ancient Masters of the Art. Classification in relation to ages and countries rather than to schools has been adopted; but the collection will be found to contain examples of the earlier schools of Italy-the Lombardic and Venetian, the Raphaelite and Bolognese, of the ancient Flemish school, and of the modern schools of France, Belgium, Germany, and Great Britain. Many of the works of these modern schools exhibit the great progress of the Art of Painting towards another grand development in its history. In addition to Paintings of the character mentioned, places have been assigned to Pictures which are the product of mechanical skill and the application of scientific discovery; such as specimens of Heliograpy, or the process whereby the actinic rays of the sun produce permanent pictures of objects upon metallic plates. . مجھے Encaustic Painting, Chromo-Lithography, and uncolored Lithography, may also be classed under the general head of Painting. -upon The application of all these various branches of Painting, as ornamentation, to articles of use- ceramic manufactures, as china, porcelain, earthenware-upon glass, slate, enamel, wood, japanned goods, papier machè, paper-hangings, and decorative furniture of all sorts, have their appropriate places in the various manufactures under which the decorated articles are classed. In the Fine Arts Hall have also been placed some objects of Sculpture-statues and busts in marble; the greater portion, however, of the Sculpture, including marbles, bronzes, casts in clay and other materials, have been dispersed throughout the nave and aisles in a manner which adds greatly to the interest and effect of the general exposition. Amongst them are to be found, in the casts from the bassi-relievi Sculptures of the Metopes of the Parthenon at Athens, the finest exponents of the Phidian era of the art, exhibiting the unrivalled excellence of the Greek sculptors, resulting from their perfect acquaintance with anatomical structure and mechanical balance, and their true perception of form and sentiment. It will be instructive to contrast these with the specimens of the Etruscan school, as exhibited amongst the ceramic manufactures and mark the absence of flow in the draping, the meagreness in the treatment of details, the exaggeration of attitude and action which invariably characterise the latter. > Several good illustrations of Greek and Roman Sculpture during the post-Phidian eras may also be seen throughout the nave, some of them possessing high merit. There are some specimens of the Italian school, after the revival of Sculpture in the eleventh century, one of which, as the work of the painter, Raphael, commands attention. The Sculpture of British artists of the present age is abundantly and creditably exemplified, and the works of some foreign Masters give a favorable impression of their progress in the Art. Besides the subjects already adverted to, Sculpture embraces within its limits the Modelling and Plastic Arts, and includes works in Stone, in Metallic and Mineral productions, in Ceramic and Vitreous compositions, in Animal and Vegetable substances; in fine, in whatever is capable of being wrought into INTRODUCTION TO FINE ARTS. 153 } 6 1 form by the tool or the finger of the Statuary; and that, whether in relief, as in medals, coins, gems, or in intaglio, as in dye-sinking, seal-cutting, &c. The application of Sculpture to the useful Arts takes a range of vast extent. Wherever the form or outline of articles is not rigidly prescribed, the Sculptor and the Modeller are called in to give variety and beauty to figure; such is the case in gems and jewellery, in vases, urns, tazze, drinking-cups, and other vessels, in candelabra, and in ornamented furniture, &c. When Sculpture is found in these combinations, it is transferred to the particular class of manufacture to which the decorated article belongs. In connection with the Fine Arts Department, the Medieval and Archæological courts are to be classed and studied. The former contains within it a large development of the Fine Arts-of Sculpture and Painting—as monumental brasses, coronce lucis, and windows of stained and painted glass. latter possesses a rare and valuable collection of objects of ancient art, principally Irish, highly important, illustrating the state of the arts, sciences, and manufactures in this country during several centuries. The 3 1 素 ​} $ " • 1 FINE ARTS. Fine Arts. PICTURES. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN :— Portrait of Her Majesty, Portrait of His Royal Highness Prince Albert, 92 The Wolf and the Lamb, 13 Vessel in a light Breeze, 14 The Middle Lake, Killarney, 10 Interior of a Cottage, 11 Sir Roger de Coverley going to Church, 12 Portrait of Daniel O'Connell, 1 1 Full length Portrait of Lord Viscount Gough, 2 The Deluge, F. Danby, A.R.A. 3 The Woodman, Barker; 4 Young Girls bedecking themselves with Flowers, Munro, Į 5 View near Sligo, in the co. Leitrim, W. P. Clarke, 6 Portrait of O'Connell, painted during his imprisonment in Richmond Prison, in 1844, for Dr. Gray. Crowley, R.H.A. Rothwell, R.H.A. 7 Girl with a Pitcher, 8 The Irish Piper, J. Haverty, 9 View in the co. Wicklow, O'Connor, Stainesbury, Į 15 The Gap of Dunloe, 16 Crossing the Bridge, 17 View of Palanza, on the Lake Maggiore, 18 Sweeps, 1 • · Harwood, C. R. Leslie, R.A. J. Haverty, Ellis, Sir George Hodson, Bart. Sir George Hodson, Bart. F: W. Topham, Winterhalter. Winterhalter. W. Mulready, R.A. J. B. Pyne, · Sir John Power, Bart. Kilfane. H. A. J. Munro. W. P. Clarke. " · · • Lord Gough. W. Jones. · 155 John Gray, M.D. H. A. J. Munro. Sir R. Gore Booth, Bart. Rev. J. A. Malet, F.T.C.D. Samuel Cartwright. Marquis of Lansdowne. P. V. Fitzpatrick. John Barton. Sir George Hodson, Bart. Sir George Hodson, Bart. E. Gambart. 1 Thos. Fairbairn. School of Design, Belfast 1.56 FINE ARTS. + **: 19 Bedouin Arab Chief examining his Captives after an attack on a Caravan, Abraham Cooper, RA. 20 Napoleon in Prison at Nice, 21 Trout fishing, 22 Market Place, 23 Ceremony in a Catholic Church, 24 Vessels in a Calm, 25 The Love Letter, 26 The Lower Glacier of Grindenwald, Switzerland, 27 Landscape, 28 Dog and Pups, 29 Landscape, 30 Figures on Horseback, 31 View of Dordrecht, 51 Travelling in Snow. 52 Rabbits, Stark, A. Jones, - 53 Pigs, 54 Lady with Horse, 55.Love and Labour, 56 The Pilot Boat, J. B. Pyne, Ellis, Mrs. Colonel Smith, A. R. Jones, t W. S. Baker, 32 The Royal Captives at Carisbrook, A.D. 1620, 33 The Prayer, Lucas, 34 The Battle of Camperdown, 35 Drumming out, the Lawyer, 36 Cattle, 37 Horses Feeding, 38 A Mountain Stream near Belfast, 39 Vive Le Roi-The King's party in difficulties at Marston Moer, Abraham Cooper, R.A. A. Cooper, R.A. Armfield, C. Stanfield, R.A. E. M. Ward, A.R.A. J. R. Herbert, R.A. J. F. Herring, J. Sant, 1 J. F. Herring, S. A. Hart, R. A. Knell, J. M. Wright, 40 Off Ramsgate, Kent, 41. Eagles'. Nest, Killarney, 42 "On the Zuyder Zee," 43 Red Deer, 44 The Pilgrim, We Etty, R.A. 45. The Rape of Proserpine, 46 A Roman Lady and her Attendant-Carnival time, 47 The Toilet. 48 The Spoiled Child, 49 The Fountains in Italy, 50 Pencil Sketch of Mr. S. C. Hall, J. F. Herring, - W. E. Bates, G. Tutill. C. Stanfield. R.A. A. Cooper, R.A. Abraham Cooper. S. C. Hall. James Stark. H. A. J. Munro. H. A. J. Munro. John Barton. Mrs. Colonel Smith. J. A. Hammersley, J. A. Hammersley. T. Agnew & Sons. A. R. Jones. W. S. Baker. P. Williams, K. F. Bombled. G. Jones, R.A. R. Redgrave, R.A. E. W. Cook, A.R.A. 1 · t Paul Delaroche, . T. A. Jones, · · · - - S. C. Hall. · G. Young. Charles Lucy. J. Lucas. T. Agnew & Sons. - - - S. C. Hall. G. Young. S. C. Hall. D. W. Raimbach. - · A. Cooper. - S. C. Hall. S. C. Hall. · Abraham Cooper. W. E. Bates. G. Tutill. G. Young. George Armfield. E. Gambart. Jos. Gillott. T. A. Jones. - E. G. Salisbury. E. G. Salisbury. - S. C. Hall. R. Redgrave. -E. W. Cook. t 1 FINE ARTS. 157 Į i 57 A Fine Day at Noon, in the early part of December, J. Cleghorn, Jun. J. A. O'Connor, -Armfield, 58 View in the co. Wicklow, 59 Fox and Wild Rabbits, 60 Death of Adonis, 61 Fruit Piece, G. Lance, 62 Prince Charles Edward asleep in one of his hiding places, after the Battle of Culloden, protected by Flora Macdonald and outlawed Highlanders, who are alarmed on their watch, T. Duncan, A.R.A. R. Huskisson, 63 The Young Shepherd-"Hope," 64 Landscape, 65 The Travelling Druggist, 66 Come unto these Yellow Sands, 67 "The Benefactresses."-Elizabeth, Duchess of Buccleuch, and Harriet, Countess of Dalkeith, visiting the Cottage of a Widow, W. Bonnar, R.S.A. J. Sant, smooth, 88 The Rent Day, T. Creswick, R.A. W. Mulready, R.A. R. Huskisson, 69 The Deserted Mansion, 70 The Wounded Smuggler, 71 Portrait of the late Count D'Orsay, 72 Tooth Drawer, 73 Rustic Courtesy, 74 Boy and Hawk, 75 Bolton Abbey in the Olden Time, Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. 76 Trial and Acquittal of the Seven Bishops in 1688, J. R. Herbert, R.A: 77 A Neapolitan Girl, Edmonstone, 78 The Lovers, J. C. Hook, A.R.A. 79 The Love Letter-secret, sweet, and precious, J. J. Chalon, RA. C. Landseer, R.A. Gerard Dow, Collins, R.A. Landseer, R.A. - 68 The Ladies Northumberland and Percy dissuading the Earl from joining the War against Henry IV. R. Eannah, · F. Grant, R.A. 80 Portrait of Charles Kean in Hamlet, 81 Italian Landscape, 82 Hunt the Slipper, 83 The Irish Girl, 84 The Fruit Seller, W. Müller, 85 Harvesting, W. F. Witherington, R.A. 86 Portrait of Thomas Moore, Sir Martin Shee, 87 Cross Purposes "The course of true love never did run Frank Stone, A.R.A. Sir David Wilkie, T. Mogford, Sir W. Allan, R.A. F. Goodall, A.R.A. Turner, R.A. A. Ë: Chalon, R.A. J. Cleghorn, Jun. - The Lord Chancellor. · • - & - S. C. Hall. ❤ · R. Hannah. J. J. Chalon. C. Landseer. . H. A. J. Munro. Marquis of Ely. · Duke of Devonshire. Duke of Devonshire. Duke of Devonshire. T. Agnew & Sons. S. C. Hall. S. C. Hall. T. Mogford. C. Kean. Earl of Yarborough. A. E. Chalon. S. C. Hall. S. C. Hall. W. F. Witherington. Corry Connellan. · · · C · - George Armfield. S. C. Hall. George Lance. · Alexander Hill. E. Gambart. • G. Young. John Chapman. • Alexander Hill. A Marquis of Lansdowne. John Chapman. " 168 FINE ARTS. [ 1 89 An Episode in the Happier Days of Charles I. This is the sketch picture of the larger work exhibited at the Royal F. Goodall, A.R.A. Academy, 1853, 90 Joan of Arc, W. Etty, R.A. 91 Horses Watering, 92 The Wolf and the Lamb, 93 The Convalescent, 94 Portrait of Mrs. S. C. Hall, D Maclise, R.A. 95 Temperance and Luxury, Thomas Uwins, R.A. 96 Interior of the Great Exhibition, May 1, 1851, "Time of 99 Prayer," J. D. Wingfield, • 97 Griselda, 98 The Old Port of Naples, 99 Sunday Morning a Century ago, (Vicar of Wakefield,) 100 Summoned to the Conclave, `101 "Reading the Scriptures," 102 Portrait of Miss Munroe, 103 View in Venice, Canaletti, 104 Portrait of Queen Mary, wife of William III. 105 St. Sebastian, 106 Portrait of Isabella, Archduchess of Austria, 107 Head of an Old Man, 108 Head of an Old Woman, 109 Edmund Burke, 110 Female shading a Candle, 111 View in Venice, 112 David with Head of Goliah, 113 Virgin and Child, - 114 The Crucifixion, 117 Musicians, 118 The Nativity, 119 The Swing, 120 Full length Portrait of Charles I. 121 Venus chiding Cupid, 122 The Family of Charles I. 123 St. Catherine, Sir E. Landseer, R.A. R. Redgrave, R.A. • W. Mulready, R.A. 124 Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 125 Fete Champetre, 126 Henrietta Maria, W. Mulready, R.A. 115 Magdalen, Guido, 116 A French Sea Port.-" Evening," Teniers, Antonio Tanzi di Varallo, Sir A. Callcott, R.A. Rembrandt, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Honthorst. Caracci, Watteau, Rembrandt, Canaletti, S. A. Hart, R.A. Thomas Faed, Angelica Kauffman, Coreggio, Giulio Romano, · Domenichino, Watteau, Vandyck, Lionel Spada, Vandyck, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Vandyck, Vernet, H. M. Anthony, · Vandyck. · Sir Peter Lely, - J. Bloomfield. Sir Joshua Reynolds, · - J. D. Wingfield. S. C. Hall. Samuel Cartwright. William Anthony. S. A. Hart. Thomas Fairbairn. The Marquis of Ely. Marquis of Ely. · · ❤ · - · Marquis of Ely. Sir Compton Domville, Bart. Marquis of Ormonde. Sir Compton Domville, Bart. Sir Compton Domville, Bart. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Miltown. The Marquis of Ormonde. - The Earl of Charlemont. The Marquis of Ormonde. Alexander M'Carthy. Sir Vere De Vere, Bart. The Earl of Miltown. The Marquis of Ormonde. E Thomas Fairbairn. E. Gambart. Lord Monteagle. Her Majesty the Queen Lord Northwick S. C. Hall. Thomas Uwins. ❤ · - Alexander M'Carthy. John Bloomfield. Marquis of Ely. Marquis of Ely. J. Bloomfield. 1 1 J I FINE ARTS: 127 St. John Preaching in the Wilderness, 128 Bacchanalians, 129 Caricature, 130 Caricature, 131 Caricature, 132 Landscape, with Latona and the Clown, 133 Meleager and Atalanta, 134 Horses Watering, 135 Judas returning the 30 pieces of silver, 136 Adam and Eve, with Cain and Abel, 137 Domestic Poultry, 138 A French Sea Port.-"Morning." 139 Dead Game, 140 The Assumption, 141 The Holy Family, 142 The Founders of the Barrington Hospital, Limerick-M. Cregan, P.R.H.A. 3 Rubens, Sir Joshua Reynolds, • Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir Joshua Reynolds, - Wouvermans, Hondecooter, Hondecooter, Domenichino, Raphael, Titian, Luca Giordano, Domenichino and Caracci, Sir Compton Domville, Bart. Rubens, - The Earl of Miltown. Do. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Milltown. Pannini, Pannini, • Rembrandt, Luca Giordano, Vernet, · The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. Do. Do. Do. Sir Compton Domville, Bart. The Marquis of Ely. & 143 Cæsar Borgia, 144 Roman Forum, 145 Roman Ruins, 146 The Falls of Niagara, Wall, De Grey, 147 Angels at Play, 148 St. Gingaugh, and Rocks of Meillarie, on Lake of Geneva, T. N. Deane, 149 St. Francis receiving the Five Wounds on Mount Domenichino, Charles Molloy. Alverno, 150 John Philip Kemble, as Coriolanus, Sir T. Lawrence, The Earl of Yarborough. "This picture was painted for the late Sir Richard Worsley, of Appuldercombe Park, Isle of Wight. Sir Thomas Lawrence met the present Lord Lansdowne one day on the Pier of Ryde, who enquired of him where he was going; "To Lord Yarborough's, at Appuldercombe,' said the painter, 'to see an early picture of mine-Kemble as Coriolanus.' Meeting Sir Thomas Lawrence the next day, Lord Lansdowne asked him what he thought of the picture; to which he replied. 'I am glad that I went to Appuldercombe to see it; but at the same time it makes me melancholy to think how little I have gained in the mastery of my art since the early period of my career when I painted it.' The Governors of the Barrington Hospital The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. Archdeacon Magee. D 159 Hon. Richard O'Grady. T. N. Deane. } } Y i ? " + · 160 FINE ARTS. " : : *J 159 Dogs, 178 Louis XVII. HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE BELGIANS. 191 A Young Venus, .: 208 Elizabeth of Hungary, 214 Kitchen, 222 A Market, 233 Dice Throwing, 339 The Temptation of St. Anthony, 304 The Plough, 288 Rebecca, : Verbockhoven, S 151 A Dispute over Cards, 152 Breakfast, 153 Maternal Happiness, 154 A Stolen Kiss, 155 The Miniature, 156 The Fruit Seller, 157 The Flight of Henrietta Maria, 158 An Interior, 159 Dogs, Wappers, BELGIUM. Van Meer, Bossuet, 'Portaels, 100. A Pilgrim in the Holy Land, 161 Landscape, 162 Return from the Chase, Vanheyken, Tschaggeny, Carolus, H. Leys, Francia, 163 Doves, 164 "Tumblers," 165 The Happy Mother, 166 The Gate of Harkvilde at Ghent, Verbockhoven, Haeseleer, De Keyseer, Gon's, Taymans, Geernaert, 167 The Re-opening of a Catholic Church, 168 Landscape with Cattle, Melzer, Van Den Daele, Henri Voordecker, Haesaert, Gallait, Schaepkens, Taymans, < Jambees; · Kremer, Gernaert, $ Francis Boulanger, Kremer, · Brussels. • Brussels, Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. ✔ w · al - ♣ • Antwerp. Antwerp. Brussels. Ghent. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. ...Brussels. ¡ Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Antwerp. Ghent. • ! · { . Antwerp. Brussels. - Antwerp. - Ghent. ¿ 1 ↓ } ## ET ? 5 F ย 169 Young Girls, 170 Saint Cecilia, Ghent. Louvain, 171 Resignation, Antwerp. 172 The Enemy of Farm Yards-(property of M. Vandenberghe), Brias, Brussels. 173 The Lacemaker, Antwerp. 174 Fish Market, Noterman, Van Regemorter, Francia, Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. FINE ARTS. De Vigne, Mathieu, Angus, 175 Morning Walk, 176 A Cook, 177 The Centenarian, 178 Louis XVII. 179 Hibernia, 180 Mary Queen of Scots, 181 Gipsy Mother, Mathilde Lagache-Corr, 182 The Village Politician David Col, 183 The Female Recruit-(property of M. Vandenberghe), Van Severdonck, Bossuet, 184 A Stable, 185 An Arab Fortress, 186 The Sacrifice of Abraham, 187 Virgilius braving the Anger of the Duke of Alva, 188 View in Italy, Edouard De Vigne, Adèle Kindt, 189 The Communion, 190 The Fan, 191 A Young Venus, 192 A Farm' House, 193 Dead Game, 194 Field of Flowers, 195 A Figure of 17th Century, 196 The Knitter, 197 A Moorish Gate, 198 Birds, Kruseman, 199 Landscape with Cattle, 200 The Young Delinquent,--offence against the game laws, 201 The Young Poacher-(the property of.M. Podestá), 202 Young Girls with the Jew, Cornet, 203 Guess who I am, 204 The Field of Waterloo, 205 Moonlight, Vanbombergen, 206 Boy and Lamb, Picqué, 207 Judith presenting the Head of Holophernes, 208 Elizabeth of Hungary, 209 A Cook, Van Meer, Voordecker, Wappers, Fanny Geefs Corr, Huysmans, Vambombergen, Vanheyken, Van Moer, Van Meer, - H. Dillens, Verhaghen, - Madame Vervloet, L. Voordecker, Verhaghen, F. Bossuet, Hasaert, Verhaghen, Seghers, De Keyser, Madou, Bellemans, Noterman, - Thomas, - · · · - • - · • - · · F. Claes, - · · - Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels, Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Ghent. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Malines. Brussels. Antwerp. Antwerp. Antwerp. Antwerp. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. L + 161 : # 162 FINE ARTS. 4 * ra ** 210 Interior of a Church, 211 Dog and Puppies, 212 A Badly Nursed Child, 213 A Group of Young Beggars, 214 Kitchen, Van Meer, 215 Rat Catching-(property of M. Couteaux), 216 Citadel in Spain, Boulanger, 217 A Cart with Oxen frightened by a Storm, De Taeye, 218 Landscape with Cattle-(property of M. Vandenberghe; animals Schelfhout and Verbockhoven, painted by Verbockhoven), Verwée, Geerts, Vervloet, Haeseleer, 219 Winter, 220 Landscape with Cattle, 221 Judith giving back the Head of Holophernes, 222 A Market, Bossuet, 223 Interior of a Court-yard, 224 Interior, 225 Flowers and Fruit, 226 The Adoration, 227 Return from the Vintage, 228 Taking the Veil, Houzé, 229 Court of a House in the 17th Century, 230 A Souvenir of the Fount of D'Orval, Verhaghen, Brice, 231 A Young Work Woman, 232 The Prayer, 233 Dice Throwing, 234 A Dream, 235 View in Ardennes, 236 A Seller of Game, 237 Henry Percy, Duke of Northumberland, 238 Village Dance, Schaep, 239 The Temptation of St. Anthony, 240 The Last Moments of St. Remacle, Houzé, Houzé, Fanton, Robbe, Van Schendel, Verhaghen, Taymans, H. Leys, · Bource, Billoin, Francia, Van Meer, Correns, De Brackeleer, Van Rooy, Schaepkens, Defailly, Houzé, Grallait, Bellemans, 241 Crucifixion, 242 The Return to the Chateau, 243 The Black Mask, 244 Landscape in Belgium, Lauters, 245 Interior of a Synagogue—(the property of M. Couteaux), 246 Souvernir of the Dauphine, Deschampheler, David Col, 247 Upset of a Market Cart, 248 Flowers and Fruit-(the property of M. Couteaux), 249 Entering the Convent, Houzé, Coumont, H. Leys, Van 08, Malines. Brussels. . Brussels. · Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Antwerp. Antwerp. • # - · → • - · · · · * 2 · · · · - IN - - • · - · - • Brussels. Brussels. Liege. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussells. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels I wi -- ‣ +2. 250 A View in Holland, 251 The Young Shepherd, 252 The Young Bride, 253 Macbeth and the Witches, 254 The Riding Whip, 255 A Valley in the Alps, 256 You will not Forget Me, 257 A Scene in Holland, Hulk, Lehon, 270 Setting off for the Market, 271 View of the Basin of Ghent, 272 View near Antwerp, 273 Fresh Breeze, 274 An Interior, 275 Sisters of Charity, 276 The Breakfast, 277 Park of Brussels, 285 Mary Magdalen Penitent, 286 A Cook, 287 The Elopement, 288 Cattle, 289 Landscape and Cattle, Guffens, Defailly, Coumont, Adèle Kindt, 258 A Village Scene, 259 A Village Feast, 260 Landscape in Holland, 261 Sea Piece, 262 A View in Sussex, 263 Farm Yard, Fanton, 264 Harvest Scene (property of M. Vilain), 265 The Last Interview between the Count D'Egmont and the Duke of Albe, 266 Jacob and Rachel, 267 Evening, 268 Landscape in Switzerland, 269 The Milkmaid, Redig, Redig, Vanbombergen, Roffiaen, FINE ARTS. Geerts, Portaels, Correns, Francia, Lehon, Redig, 278 Christ, 279 The Young Marauders, 280 View of the Allee Verte at Brussels, 281 An Interior, Geerts, 282 Going to the Market, 283 Rebecca, 284 Genevie De Brabant, Brascasset, Bellemans, Van Meer, Payen, Redig, Jules Boulanger, Toussaint, • Van Rooy, Hunin, Carpentero, Van Moer, Defailly, De Bruyker, Boulanger, Charles Tschaggeny, Toussaint, Piqué, De Bruyker, Van Severdonck, Van Oudenhoven, • Joseph Van Severdonck, · Marinus, · • • • · · · · - · * - · · - an - · - Antwern, Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels.. Ghent. Antwerp. Antwerp: Antwerp. Antwerp. Antwerp. Brussells. Liege. Brussels. Antwerp. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Antwerp. Antwerp. Antwerp. Brussels. Antwerp. Malines. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels, Antwerp. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Paris. Namur 1,63 T L 2 164 FINE ARTS. 1 1 290 The Holy Family, 291 Winter Scene in Holland, Taymans, 292 "Suffer Little Children to Come unto Me." 293 Frances De Foix, Comtesse De Chateaubriand, De Bruyker, 294 The Village Feast, 295 The Cook's Accounts (the property of M. Vandenberghen, * Brussels), Dyckmans, Moerenhout and Schelfhout, Fanny Geefs Corr, Peterszen, 296 The Water-Wheel, 297 A Winter, Peterszen,. 298 Autumn, Mathilde Lagache-Corr, 299 A Fancy Portrait (the property of M. Couteaux, Brussels), 300 A Fancy Portrait do. do. 301 An Episode of the Creation, 302 "The Girl," "The Mother," "The Widow," 303 View of the Roman Aqueduct, 304 The Plough, 305 Sea View off Dunkirk, 306 Agar in the Desert (an Engraving), 307 A Crucifixion (an Engraving), 308 The Youth of Gerard Dow (Engraving), 309 Christ and the Virgin Mary, Wauters, Charles Tschaggeny, Francia, - す ​Bossuet, Michiels, Erin Corr,- Erin Corr, Wulffaert, Dorcy, 310 Spring, Mathilde Lagache-Corr, 311 Fancy Portrait (the property of M. Couteaux, Brussels), 312 A Child Sleeping, Guillaume Geeffs, 313 Cupid, Guillaume Geefs, 314 The Last Moments of Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, 315 Medals in Bronze, Wiener, Antwerp. Antwerp. Antwerp. Brussels. Dorcy, Brussels. Brussels. Malines. Fanny Geefs Corr, Brussels. Brussels. Bodeman, Erin Corr, Vanreth, 316 Bacchus and the Monk (Engraving), 317 The Arab (Engraving), 318 Dog and Puppies, 319 A Winter Scene in Belgium, 320 Head of Christ (Engraving), 321 The Guitar, Victor Eeckhout, 322 The Effect of Music on the Young Montaigne, Soubre, 323 The Friar Felix (Sixte Quint) at the Cardinal Buoncom- Bellemans, pagno's, · - · - - · · · · · - Brussels. Dorcy, Brussels. Brussels. · Bal (Pupil of Erin Corr), Vanreth (Pupil of Erin Corr), Adolphe Jones, Brussels. Brussels. Brussels, Ghent. Antwerp. Brussels. Houzé, Brussels. Brussels. · Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Antwerp. Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels, Antwerp. Brussels. Brussels. Antwerp. Brussels. Liege. Antwerp. هر 1 1 FINE ARTS. 165 PRUSSIA. HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF PRUSSIA:— 324 Our Saviour prophesying the Destruction of Jerusalem, Kalkreuth. 345 View in Insprück, 354 Martinswand-A View near Insprück, 365 Prince Waldemar, of Prussia, supporting his dying Physician, Hofmeister, shot at the Battle of Ferozeshah, with Portrait of Lord Hardinge and others. Kretzschmer. 662 Portrait of Alexander Von Humboldt, author of Kosmos, 663 Portrait of Ideler the celebrated Chronologist, 664 Portrait of Rauch the celebrated Sculptor, 665 Portrait of Cornelius the celebrated Painter, 666 Portrait of Bessel the Astronomer, 667 Portrait of Schinkel the Architect. 668 Portrait of Tieck the Translator of Shakspeare, 352 Pier of Ostende during a Storm, 364 Pantaleone, in the Island of Sicily, Kalkreuth, Herz. Begas. Begas. J. Wolff, C. Schmidt. H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF PRUSSIA:- Achenbach. Achenbach. Cretius. Stiehler. 328 A Vintage Festival in Ischia, 329 "Esther accusing Haman to Ahaseurus," 330 Daughter of Herodias, with Head of John the Baptist, 331 Sketch in Corfu-View from Benezza looking towards Un Canone Begas. 324 Our Saviour prophesying the Destruction of Jerusalem, 325 Fort Abraham in Corfu, looking towards the Island of Vido, and the Coast of Albania, Schmidt. 326 Genoveva with her Child, Schmerzenreich, "Early German History," Eighth Century, Sheinbrück. 327 A Landscape, with Nymphs Bathing, C. Becker. Levin. Begas. Begas. Schrader. Max Schmidt. 166 FINE ARTS. 332 View towards the Citadel of Corfu and Coast of Albania, 333 Fruit and Flowers, Dietrich. 334 A Scene on the Nile" Difficulties of Embarking,” 335 St. Giovanni in Laterna, Rome, 336 The Angel's Horn, in Switzerland, 337 Lunch in the Desert, 338 Flight into Egypt, 339 Mendicant Friar, 340 Swiss Landscape, 341 Maternal Love, 342 Avalanche at the Gosen Lake, Upper Austria. 343 Leave-taking of a Condemned Criminal, with his Family. 344 Castle of Lueg, in Carniola, Biermann. 345 View in Insprück, 346 Valley of Chamouni, 347 The Young Princes in the Tower, 348 Entrance to the old Harbour of Corcyra, 349 Bull Hunting in the Italian Fashion, 359 The Sleepy Nurse, 360 The Charitable Little Maiden, 366 Landscape, 367 Landscape and Cattle, 368 Ruins, } Kretzschmer. Schuetze. 350 Landscape-Winter, 351 Landscape, with Cattle, 852 Pier of Ostende during a Storm, 353 Birth of Christ, 354 Martinswand-A View near Insprück, 355 Captured Banditti taken to Prison, 356 A Swiss Landscape-Canton Uri, 357 Scene from Roman Life-Lower Orders, 358 Gretchen in the Dungeon-(Faust,) Pannini, Nerenz. Seifish. Meyer. Kalkreuth. Seifisch. Meyer. Pietrowski. Schultz. Pistorius. Claude Lorraine, Von Der Burch. Englehardt. Verreydt. Moucheron, C. Steffeck. Achenbach. Nerenz. Seiffert. Nerenz. Kalkreuth. Max Schmidt. Begas. Hollstein. Pistorius. 361 Swiss Landscape, Canton, Berne, 362 Horses, Steffeck. 363 Hamilton's Point in Heligoland, 364 Pantaleone, in the Island of Sicily. Edward Schmidt. Achenbach. 365 Prince Waldemar, of Prussia, supporting his dying Physician, Hofmeister, shot at the Battle of Ferozeshah, with Portrait of Lord Hardinge and others, Kretzschmer. Max Schmidt. Seiffert. Kretzschmer. Bendix The Marquis of Drogheda. The Earl of Portarlington. The Marquis of Drogheda. FINE ARTS. 167 ¦ 372 Magdalen, 373 Hurdy Gurdy Boy, 374 Apotheosis of St. Francis, 375 Horses crossing a Rivulet, 376 The Hour Glass, -377 Madonna and Child, 378 Musical Concert, 379 The Holy Family, 380 Portrait of a Friar, 369 Saint Lucia, 370 Miraculous Draught of Fishes, (sketch,) 371 Head of an Old Woman, 393 Holy Family, 394 Christ before Herod, 395 Tobit and the Angel, 7 Ferdinand Bol, Guido, 408 Portrait of the Duke of Alva, 409 The Cavaliers, Rembrandt, J. Haverty, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Vandyck, Titian, 381 Marine Piece, 382 Portrait of Henry VIII, 383 Portrait of Gerard Dow, 384 Landscape and Figures, 385 Gates of Calais, 386 View in Venice, 387 Marriage of St. Catherine, 388 Scene on Ice in Holland, 389 Francis Thomas of Savoy, Prince of Carignan, 390 Landscape, Claude Lorraine, 391 Loading Hay, Cattle, &c. 392 Milking the Cow, a view near Dordrecht, M. Angelo da Caravaggio, Berghem, Carlo Dolce, Van de Velde, 403 Magdalen in a landscape, 404 St. John baptizing in the wilderness, 405 Cupid Breaking his Bow, 406 Madonna and Child, 407 Portrait of Dean Swift, Cuyp, Hogarth, Canaletti, 396 Holy Famliy, 397 Landscape, 398 Lady's Last Stake, 399 View in Venice, 400 Portrait of Leo X. 401 Landscape, with Figures and Buildings, 402 Dutch Interior, Ostade, Holbein, Gerard Dow, Teniers and Artois, Andrea del Sarto, Carlo Maratti, H. W. Schudelck, Cuyp, Rubens, Andrea del Sarto, Salvator Rosa, Hogarth, Canaletti, Guilio Romano (after Raphael), Berghem, Gio. Wykersloost, 1658, Salvator Rosa, P. F. Mola, Guercino, Sassoferrato, Vandyck, Rubens, Cuyp, Salvator Rosa, · - - John Latouche. - - - · · - · The Lord Chancellor. The Marquis of Drogheda. The Marquis of Drogheda. The Marquis of Drogheda. The Marquis of Drogheda. J. H. Reid. J. Haverty. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Charlemont. The Marquis of Drogheda. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Portarling The Earl of Portarlingt The Lord Chancellor. The Earl of Charlemont The Earl of Portarlington. The Lord Chancellor. The Lord Chancellor. The Lord Chancellor. The Earl of Portarlington The Rt. Hon. Judge Ball John La Touche. The Earl of Portarlington. Archdeacon Magee. The Earl of Portarlington. Archdeacon Magee. The Lord Chanceller. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Portarlington. John La Touche. The Earl of Portarlington. John La Touche. The Lord Chancellor. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Portarlington. The Lord Chancellor. The Marquis of Drogheda. The Earl of Portarlington. The Duke of Leinster. 168 410 Pattle Piece, 411 Fruit Piece, 412 Venus Chiding Cupid, 413 Landscape, 414 Landscape with Water Mill, 415 Il Penseroso, FINE ARTS. Borgognone, E. Murphy, - Coreggio, Teniers and Artois, 425 Forge by Moonlight, 426 River scene in Holland, Foley, 416 Original Sketch Picture for the Ceiling of St. Sulpice, 417 Entombment of our Saviour, Tintoretto, - Hobbema, 418 River scene, Decker, 419 Portrait of Charles I., presented by James Stopford, Bishop of Cloyne, 1742, to Dean Swift, and left back again to him in the Dean's will, Vandyck. G. Poussin, - 420 Portrait of Martin Folkes, F. R. S. 421 Portrait of Lord Plunkett. 422 Drawing the Net, 423 Companion to 422, G. Poussin, 424 The Town of Pau in the Pyrenees, taken from the heights of Juramcon, Jourenet, Vanderbank, Peter Wouvermans, Van Goyen, T. Roberts, Rembrandt, Ferrari O'Connor, • • 427 Landscape, Rustic Bridge, 428 Portrait of the Artist, 429 Full-length Portrait of Dean Swift, presented by the Chapter to the Deanery House; the frame of Irish oak, presented by the Artificers of Dublin at the same time, Bindon, · TRoberts, 433 Portrait of General O'Donnell, 434 St. Jerome, 435 Landscape, 436 A Sale by Auction of Household Goods in a Village near the Hague, painted for the present proprietor by Valentyn Bing, of Amsterdam, 437 Landscape, Barrett, 438 Landscape with Brood Mare and Asses, 439 Vessels in a rough sea, Ellis, 440 Vessels in a gleam of sunshine, with squall approaching, 441 Sunset, Ashford. Miss Rathborne, 430 Landscape, 431 Interior of an Italian Artist's Studio, Thomas Uwins, R.A. 432 Portrait of Roger More, of Ballynagh, County Kildare, one of the principal leaders of the Irish Rebellion of 1641, until he retired from it disgusted with the cruelties of his brother leaders (See Lingard's England, vol. 6, p. 414), - - - • < The Earl of Portarlington. The Lord Chancellor. James Daly. The Lord Chancellor. The Lord Chancellor. C. V. Foley. E. M. Blood. The Earl of Portarlington. The Marquis of Drogheda. · James E. Stopford. Sir Vere de Vere, Bart. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Portarlington. Very Rev. Dean Pakenham. Miss Rathborne. Thomas Uwins. William Oliver. The Lord Chancellor. The Marquis of Drogheda. The Lord Chancellor. The Earl of Portarlington. Rt. Hon. R. More O'Ferrali. Rt. Hon. R. More O'Ferrall. Rt. Hon. R. More O'Ferrall. Rt. Hon. R. More O'Ferrall. John Barton. John Barton. John Barton. John Barton. Ellis, John Barton. John Barton. E # + . FINE ARTS 1.69 442 Cart Horse, and interior of Stable, 443 Cow and Ass companion, Shayer. 444 The King of the Beggars of Munster, painted from life at J Skillin, Cork, 1842, Rev. Smyth W. Fox. “This old man, eighty-eight years of age (John Clarke) is a native of Blarney, served on board the Polyphemus frigate, was a prisoner of war at Amiens for three years and five months, has visited every quarter of the globe, and was present at Wexford during the rebellion of 1798.”--Cat R.H.A. 1842. 445 View of the Ruins of the Cloisters of Walkenrind, Hanover, sunset in winter, Hasenplfug, of Halbertstadt, 446 Magdalen, Coreggio, 447 Portrait of the late Earl of Bristol, 448 Full length Portrait of John Foster (Lord Oriel) last Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, Sir Thomas Lawrence, 449 Full length Portrait of Quin in the character of Sir John Falstaff, where, pointing to his followers in Sherwood Forest, he says:— "Fine food for powder, Hal." Sir Joshua Reynolds, Coates. Joy, Shayer, + 464 Irish Peasants, 465 Portrait of a Lady, 466 Portrait of the Bishop of Londonderry,-(Crayon) 467 Portrait of King William-(Crayon), G. F. Mulvany, R.H.A. Daniel Maclise, R.A. Shayer, P. W. Elen, Middleton, J. Haverty, Collier, 450 Sea Piece, 451 The Weird Sisters-Scene from Macbeth, 452 Portrait of Thomas Moore, 453 A Spanish Girl, 454 A Fisherman's Family, 455 A Sketch in North Wales, 456 Portrait of a Lady, 457 Portrait of Lord Mount Charles, when a Child, 458 Full length Portrait of the late Daniel O'Connell, 459 Portrait of Dean Swift, 460 Portrait of King William, Philip Vandyck, M. Cregan, P.R.H.A. 461 Portrait of the late Chief Justice Bushe, 462 Full length Portrait of General Vicars, Sir M. Shee, 463 Portrait of the late Sir Michael O'Loghlen, Bart. Master of the Rolls, G. F. Mulvany, R.H.A. Ireland, Hurlston, Sir D. Wilkie, 468 Triptych-representing in the central compartment the Adoration of the Magi, on the right hand side the Birth of our Saviour, on the left the Circumcision. This picture is said to have been in Queen Mary's Chapel at Holyrood. - - - · • - S - - - D. Maclise. ·· · - · John Barton. John Barton. • Jean Marie Farina. Charles D. Young. Sir Hervey Bruce. Lord Viscount Massareene Sir Percy Nugent, Bart. G. F. Mulvany. S. M. Joy. Marquis of Conyngham. P. W. Elen. -J. G. Middleton. Marquis of Conyngham. National Bank of Ireland. George Crampton. John Bloomfield. Thomas Bushe. Mr. Boyle. Sir Colman O'Loghlen. J. Haverty. Mrs. Collier. Sir Hervey Bruce, Bart. Sir Hervey Bruce, Bart. : ' 170 FINE ARTS. 3 ܚ ܢ . Palace, and was presented to an ancestor of the owner by the celebrated Mademoiselle de Querouaille, Duchess of Portsmouth, Albert Durer, R. T. S. late Sir Thomas Laurence, 469 Portrait of Sir Henry Torrens, K. C. B., Adjutant-General of the British Forces, 470 Picture of the Irish House of Commons, containing 148 Por- traits, painted in 1780, accompanied by a Key-"Henry Grattan moving Declaration of Independence,” 471 Tottenham in his Boots, 472 Full length Portrait of Right Hon. John Philpot Curran, 473 Full length Portrait of Lord Plunket. M. Cregan, P.R.H.A. 474 Portrait of Dr. Magee, late Archbishop of Dublin, Sir Martin Shee, 475 Portrait of Sir Richard Worsley, in the uniform of the Isle Sir Joshua Reynolds, 476 Portrait of Lieut.-General Sir Edward Blakeney, Commander of the Forces, Ireland, 477 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, of Wight Militia, Catterson Smith, R.H.A. Dobson, 478 Full length Portrait of the late Very Rev. Walter Blake Kirwan, Dean of Killala, 479 Full length Portrait of Joseph Damer, 480 Portrait of the Marquis of Montrose, 481 Portrait of the Earl of Strafford, 482 Portrait of the first Duke of Ormonde, 483 Full length Portrait of Henrietta Maria, accompanied by Sir Jeffrey Hudson, the court dwarf, Vandyck, 484 Portrait of Lord Newport, 485 Portrait of Patrick Sarsfield, Earl of Lucan, 486 Portrait of Lady Caroline Damer, 487 Scene in Holland, 488 Landscape and figures, 489 Landscape and figures, 490 Battle Piece, 491 Bacchanalians, 492 Second Stage of the Harlot's Progress, 493 Portrait of the late Earl of Charlemont, (unfinished), 494 Landscape, with sheep and figures, 495 Italian Landscape, 496 St. Peter denying Christ, 497 Dutch Larder, Borgognone, N. Poussin, Van der Neer, Snyders, H. Westropp, 498 Woody Landscape-Duck Shooting, 499 Louis XIV. in the Gardens at Versailles, Sir Martin Shee, Dobson, Wissing, Vandyck, Vandyck, - Wheatley, Teniers and Vanuden, Teniers and Vanuden, Sir Peter Lely, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Angelica Kauffman, Hogarth, Hogarth, George Morland, Gerard Segers, Waterloo, Vander Meulen, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lord Talbot de Malahide. Hon. Judge Torrens. Mrs. Gascoigne. Marquis of Ely. Lord Cloncurry. Lord Plunket. Archdeacon Magee. The Earl of Yarborough. Sir Edward Blakeney. John Bloomfield. The Dean of Limerick. The Earl of Portarlington. The Marquis of Ormonde. The Marquis of Ormonde. The Marquis of Ormonde. The Earl of Portarlington. Lord Portarlington. E. H. Casey. The Earl of Portarlington. The Lord Chancellor. - The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Portarlington. H. Westropp. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Charlemont. S. Cartwright. H. Westropp. The Earl of Bessborough. The Earl of Bessborough. The Earl of Bessborough. The Earl of Bessborough. Į FINE ARTS. 171 500 The Dawn of Day-a Foraging Party returning, 501 Liverpool from the Old Flood Gate-Thunder Storm clearing Charles Barber, - away, Mrs. Chester, Hamilton, 502 View taken near Anagassen, in the co. of Louth, 503 Portrait of Thomas Parr (old Parr) in his 153rd year, A.D. 1635, - 504 The Very Rev. Walter Blake Kirwan, Dean of Killala, preaching on behalf of the Female Orphans, 505 Cattle Piece, Eugene Verboeckhoven, 506 Landscape-View of Genoa from the west, 507 Landscape-View of Genoa from the east, 508 Landscape-View taken near the coast of the Mediter- ranean, between Genoa and Spezia, 509 Landscape-View taken near the coast of the Mediter- ranean, between Geñoa and Spezia, 510 Lady and Child, 511 Portrait of the late Earl of Charlemont, 512 Saint Paul, 513 Musicians, 514 The Music Lesson, 515 The Singing Lesson, 516 Portrait of William IV., 517 Portrait of Canning, 518 St. Cecilia, 519 The Good Shepherd, 520 The Adoration of the Angels, 521 Landscape and Figures, 522 Old Lady, 523 Hares at Play, 524 The Alchemist, 525 Fete Champetre, Coreggio, 526 Venus disarming Cupid, 527 The Irish House of Commons." Henry Grattan moving declaration of independence," Nicholas Kenny, E. Hayes, Romney, Vandyck, Tintoretto, Karl de Moore, Karl de Moore, Carlo Dolci, Coreggio, B. Denner, Sir David Wilkie, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Paul Potter, Gerard Dow, Watteau, N. Berghem, Arthur Hughes, Charles Barber, 528 Brig leaving Ramsgate, Kent, 529 Ophelia, 530 View from Richmond Hill, Surrey, 531 Portrait, 532 Marine View, 533 The Holy Family, Andrea del Sarto, 534 The Irish Volunteers assembled in College Green, 535 View of Annamoe Bridge, Co. Wicklow, (Flemish School,) Joseph Vernet, Andrew Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Pompeo Batoni, Pierino del Vaga, G. Hilditch, Wheatley, George Nairne, ** - - - - - S - → · - · ❤ - - - · · - · - - The Marquis of Conyngham. The Marquis of Conyngham. John Farrell. John Gibson. John Gibson. John Gibson. John Gibson. John Gibson. John Gibson. John Gibson. John Gibson. Charles Barber. Charles Barber. Mrs. P. M. Chester. E. R. P. Colles. E. R. P. Colles. Edward Cooper. Edward Cooper. Edward Cooper. Edward Cooper: Edward Cooper. Edward Cooper. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Charlemont. John Gernon. John Gernon. Henry Grattan. Edwin Hayes. Arthur Hughes. George Hilditch. Peter La Touche. Peter La Touche. The Duke of Leinster. The Duke of Leinster. - M. A. Lentaigne. * T 1 FINE ARTS. 3 } 172 536 The Nativity, 537 Head Study, 538 Madonna, 539 Marriage of St. Catherine, 540 Child's Head, Philippo Lauri, Nogari, Fiate Modesto, Guido, 541 Troutbeck-Village of Westmoreland, 542 Astronomy, 543 Halt of Cavaliers, 544 Halt at the Smithey, 545 Cattle, figures, &c. 546 Landscape, 547 Landscape and figures, 548 Nymphs Bathing, 549 Hare and Fruit, 550 Head, 551 Head, 552 Virgin and Child, 553 Portrait of a Burgomestre, 554 Landscape, 555 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, 556 Magdalen reading, 557 Madonna, 558 View in Venice, Domenichino, Ruysdael, 559 Belling the Cat, 560 Flowers, 561 Fruit, 562 The Welsh Bard, 563 "Beneath the Hawthorn Tree," Wouvermans, Van 08, Cuyp, Wilson, Van Os, Beschey, Polemberg, Carlo Dolci, Wouvermans, Titian, Wynants, Canaletti, Teniers, Coreggio, 567 An Artist's Studio, 568 Age receiving instruction from youth, 569 Waiting for orders off Cork Harbour, 570 Fruit, 571 Transaction in the Map, 572 Sunset at Sea, 573 Regret, 574 Head of the Infant St. John, · Martin, G. Morant, Rondini, - D. W. Raimbach,· Rembrandt, Murch, · Guido, 564 The Temple of Vesta, 565 The Arch of Titus, Murch, 566 Total loss of the Intrinsic, of Liverpool, with all hands, near Kilkee, a few miles North of the Mouth of the River Shannon-January, 1836, R. B. Beechey, Cumming, Alexander M'Carthy. Alexander M'Carthy. Alexander M'Carthy. Alexander M'Carthy. Alexander M'Carthy. Mrs. William Oliver. Alexander M'Carthy. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Lord Ward. Charles D. Young. Charles D. Young. Her Excellency the Countess of St. German s Her Excellency the Countess of St. Germans. Crabb, Thomas Cooley, Claude Lorraine, Murillo, J. B. Brenan, T. N. Deane, - - G - - QUIN - - - · · · - - - - - - ... R. B. Beechey, Com. R.N. Lord Cloncurry. James B. Brenan. T. Newenham Deane. David W. Raimbach, Thomas Cooley. H. Westropp. G. Morant. Rev. Dr. Russell. 1 • E FINE ARTS. 173 575 St. Francis in the Desert receiving the Stigmata, 576 Portrait of Archbishop Usher, 577 St. Jerome translating the Bible, 578 Woody Scene, Hnnting Party, &c. 579 Cattle crossing a Stream, 580 The Cup found in Benjamin's Sack, 581 Group of Figures,. 582 Dutch Boors Smoking, 596 Merry Making, 597 James the I. and his Family. 598 Portrait of Charles the II. (French School), Ostade, Domenichino, 583 Landscape, with Banditti, 584 Landscape, Figures, and Waterfall, 585 From the Milton Gallery, 586 Landscape, Figures, and Waterfall, Poussin, 587 The Virgin and Child-Duplicate of a Picture in the Tribune of Florence, Coreggio. 588 St. Cecilia, X 589 St. Catherine, 590 The Coronation of the Virgin, 591 An Interior, with Christ, Mary, and Martha, 592 Firing a Salute. Peters, 593 Portrait of Vossius, 594 Cattle in a Landscape, A. Van de Velde, 595 Virgin and Child, formeriy in the possession of the celebrated Engraver, Longhi, Albert Durer, Wynants and Wouvermans, Berghem, Teniers, 599 Portrait of George Duke of Albemarle, 600 Scene in Holland, 601 Holy Family, Honorio Mari Nari, Fuseli, Sandrart Salvator Rosa, Velasquez, Caracci and P. Bril, Jonathan Osborne, M.D. R. Pearson, M.D. William Jameson. The Marquis of Ely. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Miltown. John Bloomfield. The Rt. Hon. Judge Ball. James E. Stopford. The Earl of Miltown. Samuel Cartwright. The Earl of Miltown. Poussin, 602 Portrait of William the III. 603 Portrait of the Duchess of Orleans. 604 Saint Agnes, 605 Portrait of Sir Peter Lely, 606 Shepherd, Sheep, and Goats, 607 Portrait of the Countess of Desmond, 608 St. Michael. From the Palazzo Riccardi, Florence, Wouvermans Elizabeth Sirani, Mytens, Sir Peter Lely, Salvator Rosa, Pierino del Vaga, Steenwick, Tilburg, School of Andrea del Sarto, Sir G. Kneller, - Sir Peter Lely, Sir Peter Lely, Rosa di Tivoli, - 609 The Horse Fair, 610 Magdalen, 611 Portrait of Thomas, Lord Fairfax, Vandyck. 612 Portrait of Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, painted when he was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1745, Thompson, • - - << · - D. Ross of Bladensburg. Mr. Duffy. Lady Juliana Bayly. J. S. Loughnan. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Miltown. - - H. Westropp. The Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. Somerville, Bart. Henry Rosenthal. William Ruxton. William Ruxton. Sir Wm. Somerville Bart. Lady Juliana Bayly. - Thomas Ford. P The Rt. Hon. - The Rt. Hon. Sir Peter Lely. - - 1 - Gerard Dow, Pietro Perugino, - The Earl of Portarlington Sir Wm. Somerville, Bart. The Earl of Portarlington. Henry Grattan. James E. Stopford. Lady Juliana Bayly. The Knight of Kerry. Lady Juliana Bayly. Henry Grattan. Mrs. Nevin, The Hon Sir F. Stanhope, Bart. + } 7: 174 FINE ARTS. 613 Portrait of Prince Charles Edward, the "Pretender," 614 Early Morn, Cuyp, 615 Twilight at Sea, 616 Portrait of Henry Flood, and others, 617 Marine View, Dubbels, 618 Meeting Room of Three Societies of Rhetoricians, which existed at Haarlem in the 17th Century, 619 Head of an Old Woman, 620 St. Jerome, Spagnoletti, 621 Napoleon I. in his Imperial Robes. to the City of Rome in 1810, James Danby, 622 A Study, 623 Bacchus and Ariadne, 624 View of Calcutta, 625 Adoration of the Kings, 626 Judith bearing the head of Holophernes, 627 The Roman Peasant Boy. 628 The Seasons. 629 Angels appearing to the Shepherds, 630 The Angels appearing to the Shepherds 631 The Mouth of the Scheldt, Boats, &e. 645 Landscape and Figures, 646 Death of Adonis, G. Morland, 647 Landscape-View in Kent, 648 Jephtha's Rash Vow, 649 Elena, 650 The Holy Family, Backhuysen, Martin de Vos, Presented by him Gerard, Romney, Samuel Lover, John Van Eyck, Garofalo, Mrs. Col. Smith, H. Munro, 632 The Flight of Europa, 633 Landscape and Cattle, 634 Storm, 635 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, 636 Landscape, Cattle, and Figures, Van de Velde, 637 St. Boromea, (portion of a panel of a Sacristy door,) 638 The Annunciation, (portion of a panel of a Sacristy door,) 639 Village Festival, Teniers, Raphael. 640 Madonna and Child, Beschey, Domenichino, J. Haverty, Barry, Backhuysen, 641 Irish Peasants, 642 Portrait of the late Earl of Charlemont, 643 Design for a Town Hall, City of Cork, 644 View of the Island, Clew Bay, Co. Mayo, -with Fishing R. B. Beechey, Westall, Both, Barrett, Rubens, Walker + A. Cooper, Gainsborough, T. N. Deane, Geo. Williams, - J. H. Reid. Mrs. West. James Danby. - Henry Grattan. - T - · - - M . · - Robert Smith. Charles Brien. Charles Brien. Charles Brien. Charles Brien. Charles Brien. Charles Brien. Charles Brien. Charles Brien. Charles Brien. Mrs. Barry. ܝ. - · - - < · The Marquis of Ely. · J. H. Reid. The Earl of Portarlington. Rev. J. Mulhall, W. F. Burton. Robert Smith. Edward Cooper. Edward Cooper. Very Rev. J. Curtis. Very Rev. J. Curtis. Mrs. Col. Smith. Samuel Lover. J. Haverty. The Earl of Charlemont. T. N. Deane. R. B. Beechey, Com. R.N. William Anthony. William Anthony. Charles Brien. The Earl of Enniskillen. H. A. J. Munro. A. D. Cooper, 1 F FINE ARTS. 175 G t 1 T 7 651 Dalila asking forgiveness of Sampson, 652 David with Head of Goliah. 681 Evening Scene, 682 The Departure, 683 Madonna, 653 A Gleamy Day in England, Earlswood Common, Surrey, 654 Head of an Old Woman, 655 Roman Ruins, 656 A Portrait, 657 Venus preparing for the Bath, 658 In the Meadows near Sturry, Kent, Claude Lorraine, W. S. Burton, 659 Passing Shower, near St. Laurence, Isle of Thanet, 660 Corn Field near St. Peter's, Isle of Thanet, 681 Bantry Bay. Ireland, G. Tutill, W. Etty, R.A. - PRUSSIA-continued. 662 Portrait of Humboldt, author of Kosmos, 663 Portrait of Ideler, the celebrated Chronologist, 664 Portrait of Rauch the Sculptor, 665 Portrait of Cornelius the Painter, 666 Portrait of Bessel the Astronomer, 667 Portrait of Schinkel the Architect. 668 Portrait of L. Tieck, Translator of Shakspeare, 669 Children at a Brook, 670 The Singing Lesson, 671 Swiss Landscape, Pistorius. Scheuren. 672 Henry Percy's Death, Houze. 673 The Battle of Brienne, Raymond de Baux. 674 The Weisse Horn, from the Nicolai Vale, Switzerland, 675 Little Girl going to School, Pistorius. 676 Hannah bringing Samuel to the High Priest Eli, 677 Apollo amongst the Shepherds, 678 Summer Wild Flowers, 679 Ithaca, looking towards Greece, Barrett, - G. Morant, Magrath, Begas. Begas. Scheinbrueck. Begas. A J. Wolf. C. Schmidt. Dietrich. Herz. + C. Becker. Stichler. 680 A Savannah on Fire by Moonlight,-from sketches made on the spot during the late Government Boundary Expedition to British Guinea, E. A. Goodall, Max Schmidt. l - - - William S. Burton. G. E. Herring. Earl of Miltown.. John Bloomfield. John C. Grundy. W. E. Bates. W. E. Bates. W. E. Bates. G. Tutill. · រ His Majesty the King of Prussia. His Majesty the King of Prussia. His Majesty the King of Prussia. His Majesty the King of Prussia. His Majesty the King of Prussia. His Majesty the King of Prussia. His Majesty the King of Prussia. E. Hollstein. Huebner. Edward A. Goodall. T. Berry. G. Morant. J. Magrath. 176 FINE ARTS. * + 4 684 Fruit, from Nature, 685 The Entombment, 686 The Rose, 687 Landscape, 688 Vulcan and Venus, John Van Kessel, 689 Miss Foote and Madame Vestris, as Olivia and Viola, in Fradelle. 695 View in Venice. 696 The Patience of Griselda, 697 Lady with Hawk, 698 The Guitar. Charles Lewis, Barry, Carver, Salter, Twelfth Night, 690 St. Peter delivered from Prison, 691 Our Saviour bearing the Cross, 692 The Virgin, Infant Saviour, and St. Francis, 693 A Friar at his Devotions, 694 Waterfall. Cope, Pickersgill. 699 Portrait of George Washington, 700 Marine View, 701 Portrait of William III. 702 A Boar Hunt, Valatti, 703 "Sine Cerere et Baccho, friget Venus,” *704 Conflict between Cavaliers and Puritans, Mrs. Bayly, after Zuccheri, Mrs. Bayly, after Sebastiano del Piombo, Ligozzi, Pickersgill. Miss Rathborne, 718 Coronation of Constantine the Great, 719 Altar Piece on gold ground, 720 The Entombment, 721 Portrait of the Artist, 722 The Crucifixion, 723 Head of Christ, Helen Trevor, 705 Christ driving the Devils out of the possessed Men, M. Angelo d' Caravaggio 706 Narcissus, 707 Wooden Bridge, Co. Wicklow, 708 Drumkeiran Glebe, Co. Fermanagh, 709 The Grave of Will Watch, 710 Glendalough, 711 Eagles' Rock, Killarney, 712 The Dance, 713 Landscape and Figures, 714 The Youthful Mechanic, 715 The Juvenile Artist, 716 The Crying Child for Meal, 717 Edwin and Emma, C. G. Morgan, - Gilbert Stewart, C. Nairn, T. Cooley, Elmore, Miss Semple, Miss Semple, C. G. Morgan, Salvator Rosa, Miss Trevor, Coreggio, T. Cooley, Cimabue, Franks, Albert Durer, J. Haverty, Miss Palliser, John Tracy, Raphael, M. Angelo Bunarotti, . H. Bunn. - · - · - H. A. J. Munro. · - - G - - · Cecilia Nairn. Earl of Miltown. Earl of Milltown. Miss Trevor. T. Cooley. - T. Cooley. ❤ C. Coppinger. Major Dillon. Rev. D. Flynn. W. Knox. · W. Knox. Mrs. G. Bayly. Mrs. G. Bayly. Mrs. G. Bayly. John Barlow. Henry Hodgson. Henry Hodgson. Henry Hodgson. - Henry Hodgson. Henry Hodgson. Henry Hodgson. • · Richard Hemphill. Miss Kate Rathborne, Miss Trevor. Mrs. Rothwell. J. Haverty. Miss Palliser. John Tracy. T. Tepe. Miss Semple. Miss Semple. FINE ARTS. 177 : 724 Ruth follows Naomi in her departure from Moab, while the other sister, Orpah, alarmed by the dangers she may meet with out of her own country, returns to her father's house, Count Spezia (Rome), 725 Cimabue going to Paint, near Florence, finds Giotto, a young Boy, Sketching upon a Rock, the flock of Sheep of which he was the Shepherd, 726 Portrait of Henry Grattan, 727 Portrait of James 2nd Duke of Ormond, 728 The Ninth Hour, J. O'Keeffe, 729 Portrait of the Earl Macartney and Sir George Staunton, Sir Joshua Reynolds, 730 Portrait of Chief Justice Bushe in his Robes, 731 Landscape with Figures, 732 Dogs, G. Morland, 733 Portrait of the Right Hon. R. L. Shiel, 734 The Gardener's Shed, 735 Portrait of the Chief Justice of Ireland, 736 Madonna, Sassoferrato. 737 The Shell Boat, Pickersgill, 738 Portrait of the Rt. Hon. the Lord Chancellor, 739 Companion to No. 147, De Greg, Joseph. Pouissin, Harrison, Count Spezia (Rome). Sir G. Kneller, M. Cregan, P.R.H.A. Miss F. Pentland, Miss F. Pentland, Miss Wyse, Catterson Smith, WATER COLORS. Rothwell, 740 Scene from Macbeth, "The Discovery of the Murder of Louis Haghe, Duncan," 741 The Blind Girl at the Holy Well, F. W. Burton, 742 The Wife and Daughter of the Chamberlain of Otho, King of Greece, Mrs. Murray, G. Lance, 743 Fruit Piece, 744 View of Mitchelstown Castle, co. Cork, 745 Portrait of Miss Helen Faucit (in chalk), 746 View of the Great Sugar Loaf Mountain, co. of Wicklow, from old Connaught Road, 747 Drawings of Sligo Abbey, Henry Newton, James H. Owen, 748 Dead Game, 749 Snow Scene, Mrs. M. Digges La Touche, Burton, 1 - J. H. Smith. Qu • - George Roe. A. Lefroy. - Mrs. O'Keeffe. - P. M'Dowell. - - Thomas Lalor. S. M. Caldwell. T. Bushe. The Earl of Enniskillen. H. Luscombe. - 1 The Lord Chancellor. The Hon. R. O'Grady. Her Majesty the Queen. Lieut. Gen. Sir G. D'Aguilar. 算 ​Henry Newton.. James H. Owen. Miss F. Pentland. Miss F. Pentland. M Ashley La Touche. G. Lance. Mrs. M. Digges La Touche. The Rev. J. A. Malet. стр 178 FINE ARTS. 1 } 750 A Sketch in Arundel Park, Sussex, P. W. Elen, 751 The Church of St. Michel, Ghent, from the Quai aux Herbes, P. W. Elen, 752 A Smithy, near Little Hampton, Sussex, 753 Entrance to Foynes Harbour, 754 Foynes Harbour, J. Haverty, 755 View of the Galtees Mountains, from Mitchelstown Demesne, Mrs. M. Digges La Touche, Co. Cork, V. Bartholomew, 756 Flowers, 757 A View of Sackville St. Dublin, 758 Watermill, Ashford, Derbyshire, 759 Two Jewish Children, 760 Portrait of a Cat, 761 Portrait of a Boy, 762 Portrait of a Girl, • Miss Trevor, V. Corri, R. L. Stopford, J. Haverty, 4 P. W. Elen, M. Angelo Hayes. Charles Marshall, Mrs. Oliver, R. L. Stopford, C. H. Weigall, R. L. Stopford, M. Angelo Hayes, A. Warren, C. Marshall, B. Mulrenin, A.R.H.A. J. F. Nash, Mrs. Jane Earith, Mrs. Jane Earith, 763 Sketch in Kent, 764 The Wood Nymph (in pastel,) 765 Bantry Bay, 766 Carriganass Castle-Evening, 767 South Stack Light-House, near Holyhead, 768 The last stand of the 44th at Cabul, in 1842, 769 Red Riding Hood, 770 The Death of the First Born, 771 A View on the Thames, near Gravesend, Kent, 772 Mill, Ashford, Derbyshire, 773 Clonmacnoise, King's County, 774 Gypsies' Encampment, 775 Domestic Scene, B. Mulrenin. 776 The Bride, B. Mulrenin, A.R.H.A. B. Mulrenin. 777 Hunting Lodge of Queen Elizabeth, Epping Forest, Essex, W. J. Baker, W. J. Baker. - P. W. Elen. - P. W. Elen. P. W. Elen. J. Haverty. J. Haverty. - Mrs. M. Digges La Touche. V. Bartholomew. - - - - C - - - * Charles Marshall. Mrs. Nugent. Miss Trevor. → Mrs. Nugent. Mrs. Nugent. V. Corri. Mrs. W. H. Oliver. R. L. Stopford. R. L. Stopford. R. L. Stopford. Thomas Webb. C. H. Weigall. A. Warren. J. F. Nash. Charles Marshall. Mrs. J. Earith. Mrs. Earith. .. T t FINE ARTS. FRANCE. 786 St. Peter repentant, after denying Christ, 787 Young Girl playing with a Squirrel, 788 The Return from the Fields, 816 Maternal Bliss, 817 View in Normandy, 818 Landscapé à Pästurage, Antigna. 789 Forest near Lake Tingot, Algeria, (pen and ink drawing), 790 St. Hugues praying in the Forest, 791 An Almazara or Spanish Oil Mill, 792 A Pasturage in Normandy, 793 Swiss Shepherdess of the Canton de Vaud, 794 Environs of Susten, Haut Valais, Switzerland, 795 Jane Shore condemned to die of Hunger in the Streets of London, 796 Louis Philippe d'Orleans visiting the North Cape, in a Lapland boat, 797 View of the Ruins of Charlus and of the Mars River (Cantal), 798 Dead Nature, Mlle. Juliette Bonheur. Mlle. Rosa Bonheur. Mlle. Rosa Bonheur. Boulanger. 799 Study of a Fox, 800 Study of a Dog, 801 The Dancing Gipsy, 802 View of Royal, Auvergne, 803 View taken at Thiers, Auvergne, 804 Jesus Christ and the Woman of Samaria, 805 Study of a Dalmation Hound, 806 Landscape, with Cavalcade, 807 Landscape, 808 Partridge and Thrush, 809 Birds, Coïc. 810 Dance in the Island of Ischia, A. Colin. 811 The good Conscience, 812 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, distributing Alms, 813 View of the Titlis Mountain (Switzerland), 814 Margaret of Anjou after the Battle of Exham, 815 The Little Gleaner, Etex. Cibot. Corc. J. Felon. Balfourier. Antigna. Bourgeois. Cibot. Baccuet. Balfourier. A. Chazal. Leon Fleury. Paulin Guèrin Fils. A. Colin. Bourgeois. A. Giroux. #. Berthoud. . Cammade. H. Berthoud. Baccuet. Debon. Defontenay. Deharissy. Biard. Biard. A. Bonheur. : 179 D M 2 180 FINE ARTS. I 819 Flowers, J. Goullet. 820 Landscape in the Environs of Algiers, 821 Flowers and Animals, 822 Italian Family, 823 View in Normandy, Huber. 824 Roman Mosaic, the Temple of Sybil, near Rome, (the property of Dr. Olliffe, Paris,) 825 View of the Tivoli Cascades, Lapito. 826 View-Forest of Fontainebleau. Lapito. 827 The Brothers of the Redemption ransoming Captives in Africa, 828 The Flight into Egypt, Emile Lecomte. 829 The Tales of the Queen of Navarre, 830 Paradise Lost, 831 The Family Breakfast, 832 View of the Harbour at Nice, 833 Ophelia, 834 Hamiet, 835 The Twilight, 836 A Hunt near Chantilly, Lehmann. Lehmann. Honein. Gabriel Lefébure. Lehmann. Mme. Guillot d'Orsy. Louis Rey. 855 The Blessing, 856 Sarah, the Bather, 857 The Temptation of St. Anthony, 858 The Poor Family, Gabriel Lefébnre. Lépaulle. 837 The Prayer, Lépaulle. 838 Landscape, Lonyrette. 839 The Last Moments of Count Egmont, (Engraving after Gallait), 840 Virgin Mary, (Engraving after Raphael's original,) 841 A Moorish Woman, Matout. 842 View taken at Bruges, 843 Interior of a Kitchen, 844 Captain Montrose. 845 Young Child gathering Grapes, 846 Halt of Light Cavalry, 16th Century, 847 Rita, the Neapolitan, 848 Fruits, 849 View near Edinburgh, Justin Ouvrié. Pascal. Pérignon. 850 The Valley of Meyringen, Bernese Oberland, 851 An Inundation Scene, Rouget. C. Grolig. L. Garneray. Louis Rey. 852 Henry IV. of France and his Children, 853 Napoleon I., Rouget. 854 The Illusion-The Deception (Costumes of the Time of Louis XIV., Serrure. Lecomte. Guillemin, Marcel de Pignerolle. Tassart, Tassart, Pérignon. Philippoteaux. Rouget. Tassart, Martinet. ' Ricois. Kineldi. Lebouys. Martinet. Monsieur Suisse. Monsieur Suisse. Monsieur Suisee. Monsieur Suisse. 1 FINE 181 FINI ARTS. J 859 The Nest Robber, 860 View of the Gulf Puzzuoli, Naples, 861 View taken in the Environs of Algiers, 862 The Water Seller at Malta, 863 Swiss Costumes (two drawings), 864 The Interrupted Meal, after Edouard Girardet, 865 The Improvisatrice, 866 View of the Borghese Villa, Rome, 867 Snow Effect in the Valley of St. Gothard, 868 Sunset on the Banks of the Seine, near Chalon, 869 The Creation, Gosse. 870 The Birth of Christ, 871 Death of Judas Iscariot, 872 View from Bucchaness, near Peterhead-Scotland, 873 Jesus Christ expiring on the Cross, (Drawing after Karl Dujardin), Mme. Jacott Cappeleere. 874 The Pifferare, 875 The Sylphide, C. Muller. 876 Sarah, the Bather, 877 Water Colour Drawings, 878 The Queen of Heaven, (Chromolithography), 879 Jesus Christ Curing the Mother-in-Law of Simon Peter, 880 The Lion Hunt Horace Vernet. 881 Miniature of the Duchess of Sutherland, after Winterhalter, 882 "Les Moissoneurs," on Porcelain, after Leopold Robert, 883 View of the Downes, near the Pond of Cazeaux, 884 View taken at Sestas, near Bordeaux, 885 View taken at Salleboeuf, 886 View taken at Izon, 887 View taken at La Sauve, 888 View of the Abbey of Bellefont 889 View taken at Izon, (Evening,) 890 A bye Road, (chemin creux,) 891 Bordeaux's Moors, (fusain,) 892 Forest of La Ceste, 893 Banks of the Dordogne, (Vintage Gatherer,) 894 Halt on the Banks of a Stream, 895 Watering Place, 896 Oaks, 897 Ruins of the Magdelaine at Sauternes, 898 St. Emilion's Quarries, 899 Baza's Cathedral (fusain et plume,) Tassart, Thuillier. Valfort. Gosse. Jules de Vignon. Amédée Varin. E. Signol. Paulin Guèrin Fils. Thuillier. Mlle. Thuillier. Viollet Leduc. Amédée Varin. .. Van der Burch. Van der Burch. (Pencil), ( do.) (Black Chalk), ( do.) ( do.) ( do.) (Charcoal,) (Black Chalk,) ( do.) ( do.) ( do.) (Black Chalk,) ( do.) ( do.) (Quil and Charcoal,) Monsieur Suisse. Leo Drouyn. Thurwanger. Leo Drouyn. Theodore Gudin. Madame Laurent. Madame Laurent. A Jules Jacott. Viardot. Leo Drouyn. Lco Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouny. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drouyn. Leo Drowyn. 182 FINE ARTS.. Bank 1 . A 900 Ave Maria, Sussmann. 901 Ulysses after his return to Ithaca, reposing in a Grotto, 10 Tiepoli, 11 Guido, 12 Guido, 13 Franceschini, 14 A. Caracci, 15 Murillo, 16 Claude, 17 Swaneveldt, 902 A Collection of original Drawings, by the Old Masters, the property of HENRY ARROWSMITH, Esq. 80 New Bond St. London :- 1 Parmigiano. Three Specimens in one Frame-One in Pen and Wash, One in Red Chalk, and One in Chalk. 2 Amidano, Pupil of Parmigiano, 3 Albano, 4 Pasinelli, 5 Guiseppe Galleotti, 6 Guiseppe Galleotti, 7 Sebastiani Galleotti, 8 Lucca Giordano, 9 Andrea Sacchi, 23 Backhuysen, 24 Rielschoof, 25 Rembrandt, 26 Van Drielst, 27 Van Drielst, 28 De Bourg, 29 Ruysdael, 30 Ruysdael, 31 Polemberg, 32 Van Drielst, PRUSSIA. 33 Hogarth, 34 Gainsborough, 35 Niciolo Poussin, 36 Vandyck, 18 Rousseau, Pupil of Swaneveldt, 19 Callot, 20 Boucher, 21 Boucher, 22 Paul Bril, Holy Family, Sketch, Study for Fresco. Study for Fresco. Study for Fresco. A Battle, Sacrifice by Abram, Wounded Horse, Studies of St. Michel, Repentance of St. Peter, Study, Study for Crowning a Saint. The Titans, Saint, Landscape. Landscape, A Sacrifice, Ship in a Gale, Berlin. Sussmann, Berlin. Pen and Wash. In Black Chalk. Landscape, The Fortune Teller, Three Subjects in one Frame, Landscape. Companion, Conversation, Studies of Trees, Studies of Trees, In Wash. Indian Ink Wash. English Sports, Landscape, Color Wash. Indian Ink, Shipping, Abraham and the Angels, Stormy Weather, In Sepea Wash. Wash. Wash. Pen and Wash. Pen and Wash. Pen and Wash. Wash and Pen. Wash and Pen. 1 In Wash. Indigo Wash. Wash. Water Color. Wash. Wash. Water Color. In Wash. In Chalk, In Pencil. Wasli. In Red Chalk, In Red Chalk, Wash and Color. In Conte Chalk. } ! FINE ARTS. 183 1 903 A. Stable with Horses and Figures, 904 View of Amsterdam by Moonlight, with DUTCH PICTURES. 917 Moonshine, 918 Strand View, 919 Dutch Summer Landscape, 920 Strand View, 921 Naval Engagement, i Ships, &c. C. Immerzeel. 905 A Dutch Village intersected with water towards Evening, by Moonlight, J. T. Abels, 906 The arrival of the Queen of England at Flushing, with the escorting Squadron saluted by the Ship, "The Prince of Orange," on her passage to Antwerp, on the 18th August, 1852, A. Pleysier, 907 View of the Strand at Scheveningen, A. Pleysier, 908 Agitated water, with several Vessels entering at the A. Pleysier, Nienwediep, 909 A Passage in an old fashioned Dutch House, in the back part, a street seen by moonlight; in the foreground, a maid servant lighting a candle in a lantern, 910 Interior of a House; a lady sitting on a sofa, attended by her chamber maid, dressing her hair, H. Hilleveld, Hz, P. F. Van Wyngaardt 911 Review of the Album, A. Verhoeven, 912 Ruins of the Castle Pierrifond, near Compiegne, L. Hanedoes, Lamoriciere, France, J. J. Spöhler, P. F. van Os, 913 A Landscape at Sunset, 914 Dutch Landscape-A Winter View, 915 Moonlight, 916 Interior of a House-Le Coup Réflechi-("The Premeditated Stratagem,") L. de Winter, A. T. Cramer, Amsterdam. A. Verhoeven, H. Van Hove, B.Z. Do. Do. L. de Winter, Do. Do. L. Meyer, W. Bodeman & E Verboeckhoven Do. F. Gudin, Do. F. Gudin, Do. - Do. Do. Do. · · · · Haarlem. · Haarlem Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. 1 1 L 184 4 FINE ARTS. A 922 A Shipwreck near Vera Cruz, 923 Agitated Sea, Ch. Bouchez, 924 A Landscape "The Jura Mountains," 925 Rippling Water, 926 Agitated Water, 927 Agitated Water, 928 Summer Landscape-Panorama, 929 The Hague-Town View, 930 Amsterdam Orphans going to Church, 931 Winter View, 932 Town View, 933 Dutch Maritime Village, 934 Painting, 935 Landscape, Guelderland · www. ! H. Hilleveld, Hz. Amsterdam. Do. Amsterdam. Do. Amsterdam, Do. Amsterdam. Do. Amsterdam. Do. Amsterdam. Visser, Do. Amsterdam. A. Waldorp, G. de Vries, Jz. Amsterdam. H. F. C. Ten Kate, Do. Amsterdam. Do. Amsterdam. Do. Amsterdam. Do. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. A. Mayer, J. C. Schotel, A. Hulk, A. Hulk, C. Springer, Collens, B. C. Sneiders & C. Bouchez, W. A. Van Deventer, B. Donker Curtius, The first breath of the Tempest, P. L. Dabourcq, 936 Guelderland Hilly Landscape by day, with Cattle, A. J. Offermans, 937 Dutch Farm in the Morning, A. J. Offermans, 938 View in the Hague Wood-Evening, A. J. Offermans, 939 The Mother of Jesus, and St. John standing by the Cross:- "When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! the disciple, Behold thy mother! that disciple took her unto his Chap. xix. ver. 26, 27. Then saith he to J. A. Kruseman, Jz. 940 Jesus and the little Child :-"Whosoever therefore shall hum- ble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."--St. Matthew, Chap. xviii. ver. 4. 941 A Town View, K. Karsen, 942 View on the Y at Amsterdam in Winter, 943 Country Fair in the Environs of Amsterdam, 944 Dutch Landscape, clouded, J. Pelgrom, 945 Procession with Torches by Moonlight, 946 Country Fair, 947 Landscape-Panoramic view, representing the town of Rhenen, with its environs, situated on the borders of the Rhine, J. P. Van Wisselingh, And from that hour own home."-John, J. Pelgrom, 948 A Girl reading a Letter by Candle-light, 949 A View on the Coast of Holland, with fishing boats, 950 A Painting, J. F. Van Deventer, · J. Pelgrom, • * T. A. Kruseman, Dricbergen. G. de Vries, Jz. Amsterdam. C. Steffelaar Amsterdam. C. Steffelaar Amsterdam. Zutphen. Zutphen. Zutphen. - • Wm. Van der Worp, W. A. Van Deventer, Amsterdam. The Hague. The Hague. The Hague. - Driebergen. Utrecht. Zutphen, The Hague. The Hague, FINE ARTS. 185 951 Hugo Grotius, with his Family, and the faithful domestics, Elsje Van Houweningen and H. Van de Velde, in the prison of Loevenstein, reading and explaining the Holy Scriptures, in 1620, C. J. L. Portman, 952 Scene of an Inundation in North Holland in 1825, by C. J. L. Portman, G. A. Roth, moonlight, 953 Landscape in the vicinity of Verviers, Belgium, 954 Landscape, with Trees, 955 The Stranding of a Merchant Vessel on a Rocky Shore, the Crew endeavouring to save themselves, with a Steamer C. C. Kannemans, lying to take them in, 956 Water View on the Dutch Coast, 957 An Old Gentleman in his Study, 958 A Farmer paying his Labourers, 959 A Painting, Rotterdam, 976 View of Rotterdam, 977 A Brig coming to Anchor, 978 Market Boats under Sail, F. H. Hendriks, 960 The Difficult Trade, K. F. Bombled, 961 A Dutch Village by Moonlight, E. Koster, S. Van Den Berg, 962 Dutch Landscape, 963 A Man-of-War, crowding sail, on the Coast of Holland to clear P. J. Schotel, a lee shore, M. F. H. de Haas, C. Neurdenburg, C. Neurdenburg, S. L. Verveer, 979 Market Boats leaving the Harbour, 980 Market Boats laying to alongside a pier, : J. Rosierse, J. Rosierse, - Ho Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. •· F. L. Huygens, J. Van Ravenzwaay, T. Van Westhreene, w.z. 964 Two Figures by candle-light, in ancient costume, 965 Confidential Participation, by candle-light, 966 Companion to No. 965, J. Rosierse, 967 Iron Mill in the vicinity of Breda, North Braband, 968 Dutch Meadow, with Cattle and Herdsman, 969 The Painter Fentoresso and his Daughter, 970 An old Italian Shepherd, fainting from fatigue, and supported by his Daughter, C. Kruseman, A. A. Weimar, 971 A Church at Antwerp, Genisson & Williams, Do. 972 An agitated Sea, with Shipping and a View of the English Coast, Louis Meyer, A. A. Weimar, 973 Still Water-A Dutch River, with various Vessels, F. J. Vanden Blyk, 974 A Dutch River, by moonlight, F. J. Vanden Blyk, 975 Arrival of the Steamer from Tilburg with the corpse of His Majesty, King Wm. II. at the Marine yard, P. Schiedges, · · · · · Cleves. Cleves. Amsterdam. Oosterbeek. Breda. Rotterdam. Rotterdam. Rotterdam. The Hague. The Hague. Amsterdam. Haarlem. Kampen. Dordrecht. Dordrecht. Dordrecht. Breda. Velp. The Hague. The Hague. The Hague. The Hague. Dordrecht. Dordrecht. Josh. J. Crooswyck, Rotterdam. Rotterdam. Rotterdam. Rotterdam. Rotterdam. Rotterdam. 186 FINE ARTS. 981 A Strand on the Dutch Coast-Fishermen aground, Josh. J, Crooswyck, Rotterdam. I. Hollander, Brussels. Rotterdam. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. 982 The Reading of the Bible, 983 The Visit of a Physician, 984 Workshop of a Painter, 985 A Chamber with a Lady and Child, 986 A Visit to Poor People, 987 Forest Landscape, 988 Oberwesel on the Rhine, 992 Beech at Scheveningen, Holland, 993 The Kiss interrupted, 994 Landscape-Norwegian winter, 995 Rhine Landscape, 996 Netherlands Landscape, 997 Italian Landscape, Rocca Secura, 998 Stags going to the Fountain, 999 Matin Song of Italian Herdsman, J. J. Ecckhout, Y W. Rikkers, L. J. Hausen, 989 Stags, Fried, Happel, 990 Return from the Chase-Landscape, 991 Sketch on the Reichenbach, in Switzerland, GERMANY. L. J. Hausen, Wm. Klein, Wm. Klein, Carl Hubner, School of Painting, Dusseldorf. Do. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf. P. H. Happel, L. Rausch, Carl Adloff, T. B. Sonderland, M. T. Bagge, C. Jungheim, Caspar Scheuren, E. Von Guerard, Fried. Happel, Theod. Maassen, ! .. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. } ? · · 1 : 187 FINE ARTS. 1 : VERNON GALLERY 1 A GREEK GIRL,Sir C. L. Eastlake, P.R.A. 2 A JEWISH SYNAGOGUE.S. Hart, R.A. 3 THE DANGEROUS PLAYMATE.-W. Etty, R.A. 4 THE BAGPIPER.-Sir D. Wilkie, 5 THE WOODEN BRIDGE.-Sir A. W. Calcott, R.A. 6 MALVOLIO.-D. Maclise, R„A. 7 THE DUETT.-W. Etty, R.A. 8 THE WOODLAND GATE.-W. Collins, R.A. 9 BATHERS SURPRISED BY A SWAN.-W. Etty, R.A. 10 THE AGE OF INNOCENCE.Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, R.A. 11 A LAKE IN CUMBERLAND.-J. C. Loutherbourg, R.A. 12 CROSSING. THE FORD.-W. Mulready, R.A. 13 THE CARRAba Family, 1406.-Sir Charles L. Eastlake, P.R.A. 14 READING THE NEWS.-Sir D. Wilkie, R. A. 15 CUPID BOUND.-T. Stothard, R.A. 16 THE CHAPEAU DE BRIGAND.-T. Uwins, R.A. 17 YORICK AND THE GRISETTE.-G, S. Newton, R.A. 18 CLARISSA HARLOWE.-C. Landseer, R.A. 19 A SYRIAN MAID.-H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. 20 THE PRIDE OF THE VILLAGE.-J. Callcott Horsley. 21 THE CASEMENT.-G. S. Newton, R.A. 22 THE COLUMNS OF ST. MARK, VENICE.-R. P. Bonington. 23 DUTCH BOATS IN A CALM.-E. W. Cooke. 24 THE WINDMILL.-J. Linnell. 25 SANCHO AND THE DUCHESS.-C. R. Leslie, R.A. 26 VENICE.-C. Stanfield, R.A. 27 SIR THOMAS MORE AND HIS DAUGHTER.—J. R. Herbert, R. A. 28 ARABS DIVIDING SPOIL.-Sir W. Allan, R.A. 29 RED CAP.-G. Lance. 1 30 INTEMPERANCE.-T. Stothard, R.A. 31 THE ENTHUSIAST.-T. Lane. 32 THE FLOWER GIRL.-H. Howard. 33 VENICE, THE GRAND CANAL.-J. M. W. Tur- ner, R.A. 34 THE COUNTESS.-Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. 35. THE RAFFLE FOR THE WATCH.-E. Bird, R.A. 36 FLORIMEL AND THE WITCH.-F. R. Pickersgill. 37 THE LAST IN.-W. Mulready, R.A. 38 UNCLE TOBY AND THE WIDOW.-C. R. Leslie, R.A. 39 THE STOLEN Bow.-W. Hilton, R.A. 40 THE ASTRONOMER.-H. Wyatt. 41 COTTAGE IN HYDE PARK.-Nasmyth. 42 WOOD CUTTING IN WINDSOR FOREST.-J. Lin- nell. 43 THE MEADOW.-Sir A. W. Callcott, R.A. 44 THE CHURCH OF ST. PAUL AT ANTWERP.-D. Roberts, R.A. 45 MORNING ON THE SEA COAST.-F. R. Lee, R.A. 46 SEA SHORE IN HOLLAND.-Sir A. W. Callcott, R.A. 188 FINE ARTS. 買 ​47 CATTLE EARLY MORNING.-T. S. Cooper, A.R.A. 48 A DUTCH FERRY.-Sir A. W. Callcott, R.A. 49 RUINS IN ITALY.-R. Wilson, R.A. 50 THE PENITENT.-W. Etty, R.A. 51 COTTAGE CHILDREN.-T. Gainsborough, R.A. 52 HADRIAN'S VILLA.-R. Wilson, R.A. 53 THE FIRST EAR-RING.-Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. 54 THE CAVALIER'S PETS.-Sir E. Landseer, R.A. 55 YOUTH AND PLEASURE.-W. Etty, R.A. 56 THE DEATH OF THE STAG.-Sir E. Landseer, R.A. 57 NEBUCHADNEZZAR AND THE FIERY FURNACE.- G. Jones, R.A. 58 DR. JOHNSON IN THE ANTE-ROOM OF LORD CHESTERFIELD.-E. M. Ward, A.R.A. 59 THE COUNCIL OF HORSES.-J. Ward, R.A. 60 THE VICTIM.-A. L. Egg, A.R.A. 61 REST IN THE DESERT.-W. Muller. 62 THE VILLAGE FESTIVAL.-F. Goodall. "And young and old come forth to play, On a sunshine holiday." 63 THE FAIR SLEEPER.-H. Wyatt. 64 INTERIOR OF BURGOS CATHEDRAL.-D. Ro- berts, R.A. 65 THE FALL OF CLARENDON-E. M. Ward, A.R.A. 66 THE PEEP-o'-DAY BOY'S CABIN.-Sir D. Wil- kie, R.A. 67 THE OLD PIER, AT LITTLE HAMPTON.-Sir A. W. Callcott. R.A. 68 THE NEWSPAPER.-T. S. Good. 69 A FETE CHAMPETRE.-T. Stothard, R.A. 70 THE PORT OF LEGHORN.-Sir A. W. Callcott, R.A. 71 THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR.-C. Stanfield, R.A. 72 LAKE AVERNUS.-R. Wilson, R.A. 73 THE PRAWN FISHERS.-W. Collins, R.A, 74 THE SCHELDT, TEXEL ISLAND.-C. Stanfield, R.A. 75 HIGH LIFE.-Sir E. Landseer, R.A. 76 Low LIFE.-Sir E. Landseer, R.A. 77 THE CROWN OF HOPS.-W. F. Witherington. R.A. 78 THE BATHERS.-T. Stothard, R.A. 79 THE COVER SIDE.-F. R. Lee, R.A. 80 THE TRUANT.-T. Webster, R.A. 81 REBEKAH AT THE WELL.-W. Hilton, R.A. 82 THE INSTALLATION.-B. West, P.R.A. 83 THE STEPPING STONES.-W. F. Witherington, R.A. 84 WESTMINSTER BRIDGE, 1745.-S. Scott. 85 LONDON BRIDGE, 1745.-S. Scott. 86 FALSTAFF AND ANNE PAGE.-C. Clint, A.R.A. 87 THE TAMBOURINE.-P. Williams. 88 FAIR TIME.-W. Mulready, R.A. 89 THE INFANT BACCHUS.-Sir Martin A. Shee. 90 THE FARM-YARD.-T. S. Cooper, A.R.A. 91 JULIET AND THE NURSE.-H. P. Briggs, R.A. 92 THE WAYSIDE IN ITALY.-P. Williams. 93 IMPRUDENCE OF CANDUNLES. 94 THE TIRED SOLDIER.-F. Goodall. 95 LADY GODIVA.-G. Jones, R.A. 96 SPANIARDS AND PERUVIANS.-H. Briggs, R.A. 97 MYTHOLOGICAL BATTLE. 98 THE SEPULCHRE.-W. Etty, R.A. 99 A HIGHLAND COTTAGE.-A. Fraser. 100 THE LAKE OF COMO.-C. Stanfield, R.A. KEAN, CHARLES, 3 Torrington Sq. London: Portrait of Charles Kean. Sir W. Allan, R.A. C. Kean in Hamlet. A. E. Chalon, R.A. C. Kean in Macbeth. A. E. Chalon, R.A. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kean in Lovell's play of the Wife's Secret. A. E. Chalon, R.A. Miss Ellen Tree (now Mrs. C. Kean) in Pau- line in the Lady of Lyons. A. E. Chalon, R.A. Miniature of the late Mrs. Kean, widow of Edmund Kean, by A. Chalon, R.A. Miniature of the late Edmund Kean, in the character of Brutus, in the Fall of Tarquin, by Stump t + R.A. FINE ARTS. Miniature of Miss Ellen Tree. Sir W. Ross, Miniature of Charles Kean when he left Eton College, by Stump. Miniature of Mary Kean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Kean, when 18 months old, by Miss Sharp. Edmund Kean's Play Bill of his first appear- ance in London. Edmund Kean's Play Bill of his last appear- ance in London. Play Bill of the first appearance of Edmund Kean and his son Charles in Glasgow. Sword presented by the late Lord Byron to Edmund Kean. Turkish yataghan presented by the late Lord Byron to Edmund Kean, and which was the last sword. he wore on the stage. þ 189 Andrea Ferrarra, basket-hilted sword, pre- sented to E. Kean by his admirers in Edinburgh, and which he always wore in the regal scene of Mac- beth. Snuff-box presented by the late Lord Byron to Edmund Kean, the lid a beautiful specimen of mosaic. Cardinal Wolsey's Hat, purchased by Mr. Charles Kean at the sale of Horace Walpole's effects at Strawberry Hill. Dagger which belonged to Henry VIII. pur- chased by Mr. Charles Kean at the sale at Strawberry Hill. Original miniature of Nelson, by E. H. Cham- berlayne.- (Vide Life of Nelson). 190 FINE ARTS. I [ I ANDERSON, MATTHEW, Dublin :- 1000 Equestrian statuette of the Queen, BAILY, E. H. R.A. London :- 1001 Eve at the Fountain, 1002 The Graces, 1003 Youth resting after the Chase, 1004 Nymph preparing to bathe, 1005 Bust of Lord Gough, 1006 Bust of late John Lawless, Esq., 1007 Bust of Lord Brougham, 1008 Bust of Sir John Herschell, 1008 A Bust of Douglas Jerrold, SCULPTURÉ. ! BARTER, RICHARD, 23 South Frederick St. Dublin :- 1009 Group-Lesson interrupted, 1010 Group-Venus and Cupid, 1011 Bust of the late Thomas Little, M.D. LL.D. 1012 Bust of Dr. Little, 1013 Bust of Noblett R. St. Leger, Esq. 1014 Bust of Miss Catherine Hayes, 1015 Bust of Miss Mayne (posthumous),- 1016 Bust of a Lady, 1017 Bust of a Gentleman, 1017 A Glass Case of Medallion Likenesses. Count D'Orsay, BERWICK, WALTER, 5 Upper Merrion St. Dublin :- 1018 Group-The Young Champion Boy defending his Sister from a Snake. 1019 Boy taking Italian Greyhound Pup from its Mother, 1020 Child embracing Italian Greyhound, 1021 Bossuet Preaching, Besse & Co. Paris, C J. Gott, Rome, C · J. Gott, J. Gott, • · · Bronze. Plaster. | 1 1 1 1 1 1 Plaster. | Marble. Marble. ¡ FINE ARTS. ∙191 BARRE, A. Paris :— 1022 Statuette, (exhibited by Miss O'Brien,) 1023 Statuette, (exhibited by Miss O'Brien,) BARTOLINI, L. Rome:- 1024 Praying Girl-statuette, BELL, JOHN, London :- 1025 The Child's attitude-statue, RAUCH, MARK R. 1025 A The Danaid. BURNETT, FRANCIS, Dublin :- 1026 Young Musician, 1027 Busts of Wellington and Moore, upon one stand, BUTLER, T. London :- 1027A Bust of the late Peter Burrowes, Esq. י CAHILL, JAMES, Dublin :— 1028 Virgin and Child, 1029 Nun instructing a Girl, • DOHERTY, W. J. Dublin :— 1031 Small statue-Boy and Bird, CECCARINI, FRANCESCO, Belfast:- 1030 A basso relievo of the late Duke of Wellington, · CAHILL, Miss, Cork:- 1033 Bust of a Lady of distinction, by Canova, Durant, SUSAN :— 1034 Girl and Bird, + · 1 · - WALESBY, THOMAS, 5 Waterloo Pl. London:— 1032 Equestrian Statuette of Field Marshal Arthur Duke of Wellington, modelled by Count D'Orsay, on black marble pedestal and plinth, surrounding the edges of which are reposing lions and a richly foliated wreath. • - - . • • Marble. Marble. Marble. Marble. Caen Stone. Plaster. Marble. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Bronze. Marble. Plaster. 192 FINE ARTS. 1 1 ¿ EARLE, T. London :- 1035 Pastorella-statuette, 1036 Abel and Thirza, 1037 Silvia and the Wounded Fawn, 1038 Cupid and Calypso, CHEARNLEY, R.. Salterbridge, Cappoquin:- J. Gott, COOPER, EDWARD, Markree Castle, Collooney:— 1039 Cephalus and Procris, by M'Dowell, (his first work). 1040 Leda by Scaccioni. * FARRELL, JAMES, Dublin :- 1045 Hunter reposing, 1046 Madonna and Child, 1047 Pet Dove's return, FARRELL, JOHN, Dublin :- 1048 St. Lucius, 1049 The Wanderer, 1050 Alfred, FARRELL, TERENCE, Dublin:- 1041 Model of a Monument erected in Flitton Church, Bedfordshire, to the memory of the Countess de Grey, 1042 Bust of Theobald Wolfe Tone, 1043 Model of a Monument, commissioned by the 18th Royal Irish Regiment, and erected in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, to the memory of Lieutenant- Colonel Tomlinson, 1044 Bust of Earl de Grey, FARRELL, JOSEPH, Dublin :- 1051 A Bard, 1052 St. Lawrence, 1053 St. Joseph, FARRELL, THOMAS, Dublin :- 1054 Statue of Master Barton, 1055 The Lost One, FLETCHER, A. :— 1056 Bust of the late Mrs. Hemans, · • - · · . W - Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Portland stone. Plaster. Plaster. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Plaster. +4 T FINE ARTS. 193 1 ! FOLEY, JOHN H. A.R.A. London :- 1057 Innocence, FRANCES, J. London :- 1058 Statue of Her Majesty the Queen, 1058A Bust of Her Majesty the Queen, 1058B Bust of His Royal Highness Prince Albert, 1058c Bust of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, FULTON, Mrs. Anne, Stillorgan, co. Dublin :-- 1059 Statuette of Phocion, 1060 Statuette of Meditation, 1061 Statuette of Silence, GEEFS:- 1062 Sleeping Cupid, 1062A Cupid in the attitude of supplication, HANIGAN, R. Dublin:- 1063 Flaxman's Morning-copy, 1064 Flaxman's Night-copy, 1065 Medallion.-The Fairy in the Blue Bell, - 1072 Monument to the late William Beamish, Esq. 1073 Bust of the late Daniel O'Connell,· 1074 Bust of the Rev. Theobald Mathew, 1075 Bust of the late Thomas Steele, · · JACKSON, WILLIAM, M.P. :— 1075A Group of Bacchante, with Panther, by Philippo Gnaccherino, - - HOGAN, JOHN, Dublin: 1066 Hibernia supporting Bust of Lord Cloncurry, executed at the instance of a Lady since deceased, 1067 Drunken Faun, 1068 Statue, life size, to the Memory of the late Thomas Davis, Esq. 1069 Monument to the late P. Purcell, Esq. - - 1070 Monument to the late Doctor Scanlan, 1071 Monument to the late Right Rev. Dr. Fleming, in the act of consigning his Cathedral and Appandage to his Successor, Right Rev. Dr. Mullock, Bishop of St. John's, Newfoundland, · - an · Plaster. Marble. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Marble. Marble. Marble. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Marble. N 1 194 FINE ARTS. t F JONES, J. E. London and Dublin :---- 1076 Statue of William Dargan, Esq. "Those features so massive, that forehead immense, Prove the block forms the head of no blockhead ; What a face full of talent, and goodness, and sense, Has that man with his hand in his pocket. "That hand holds no hard, sordid gripe of his gold, For the good of mankind he'll unlock it; For science and art thousands freely are told, By this man with his hand in his pocket." 1077 Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1078 Group of Children and Animals (portraits), 1079 Companion group, do. do. 1080 Statuette (imitation silver) of His Grace the late Duke of Wellington, 1081 Statuette-The Favorite (portrait), 1082 Group of the Children of James Stirling, Esq. 1083 Statuette of Baron Meyer de Rothschild, on horseback with dogs, 1084 Bust of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant (the Earl of St. Germans), 1085 Bust, the Countess of Eglinton, 1086 Bust, the Earl of Eglinton, 1087 Bust, the Earl of Clarendon, 1088 Bust of the late Daniel O'Connell, 1089 Bust, George Roe, Esq. 1090 Bust, Mrs. Dargan, 1091 Bust of the late Pierce Mahony, Esq. 1092 Bust, Thomas Brassy, Esq. 1093 Bust of Sir John Benson, 1094 Bust, William Fairbairn, Esq. 1095 Bust, John David Barry, Esq. of Paris, 1096 Bust, Sir Mathew Barrington, 1097 Bust, Sir Charles Fox, 1098 Bust, Sir William Betham, 1099 Bust, James Perry, Esq. 1100 Bust, William M'Cormick, Esq. 1101 Bust, William Anketell, Esq. 1102 Bust of the late Alexander Nimmo, Esq. 1103 Bust, William Dargan, Esq. 1104 Bust, the Rev. Dr. Sadleir, 1105 Bust, William Harvie, Esq. · * · I - - # - 1 Plaster. Plaster. Marble. TITLE Marble. | | ││ | | | FINE ARTS. 195 1106 Bust, Mrs. William Harvie, 1107 Bust, Lord Rossmore, 1107A Bust of the late James Ferrier, Esq. 1107B Bust of James Gwynne, Esq. 1108 Bust, the Empress of the French, 1109 Bust, the Emperor of the French, 1110 Bust, Louis Phillippe, 1111 Bust, Sir Henry Pottinger, 1112 Bust, Sir Richard Morrison, 1113 Bust, William Keogh, Esq. 1114 Bust, Charles Lever, Esq. 1115 Bust, Albert Smith, Esq. 1116 Bust, Sir Robert Kane, President of Cork College, 1117 Bust, Rev. Dr. Henry, President of Queen's College, Belfast, 1118 Bust, Surgeon Cusack, · • · 1119 Bust, C. P. Roney, Esq. (Secretary to the Exhibition), 1120 Bust, William Cogan, Esq. M.P. 1121 Bust, Dr. Waller, 1121A Bust of N. D. Murphy, Esq. 1122 Bust, Dr. Petrie, 1123 Bust, Colly Grattan, Esq. - 1123A Bust of Edward Jones, Esq. 1124 Bust, Michael Balfe, Esq. 1124A Bust of Master Tennant, 1125 Bust, Sir Thomas Deane, 1126 Bust, Dr. Lyons (Cork), 1127 Bust, Lord Denman, 1128 Bust, the Duke of Cambridge, 1128A Bust of Major Edwards, 1129 Bust, Charles Copland, Esq. 1130 Bust of Favanti (Miss Edwards) 1131 Bust, Miss Tennent, 1131A Bust of the Nepaulese Ambassador, 1132 Bust, Hon. Miss Copley, 1133 Bust of the late Sir Robert Peel, 1134 Bust, James Wallack, Esq. 1134 A Bust of Lola Montes, Countess of Lansfeldt, 1135 Bust, Sir William Hackett, late Mayor of Cork, 1136 Bust, the Earl of Ellesmere, 1137 Bust, Sir Henry Marsh, Bart. 1137A Bust of Captain Williams, • - · - · • Marble. Plaster. 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 Plaster. | | | | | | | N 2 196 FINE ARTS. · : ! 4 1 1138 Bust, J. M'Glashan, Esq. 1138A Bust of Lady M'Neill, 1139 Bust, Surgeon Rynd, 1139 A Bust of the Rev. Mr. Hartigan, 1140 Bust, Mrs. Cogan, · 1140A Bust of Miss Gernon, 1140B Bust of the Rev. Peter Daly, 11400 Group--the Children of William M'Cormick, Esq. London, KENNEDY, Miss :- 1141 The Rival Spinners or Broken Hack, KIRK, THOMAS, the late, Dublin :— 1141A Bust of His Grace the late Duke of Northumberland, 1141B Bust of the late Abraham Colles, Esq. M.D. 1142 Sir Sydney Smith, 1143 The Young Champion-group. "A boy defending his sister's bird's nest," 1144 Bust, George IV. (Contributed by the Bank of Ireland), 1145 Bust, Nelson, (Ditto) 1145 A Bust of the late Dr. Kirby, 1146 Bust of the Right Hon. F. Shaw, 1146 A Sleeping Child, 1146B Bust of the late Judge Burton, KIRK, JOSEPH R. Dublin :- · - 1153 Bust, the Dean of St. Patrick's, 1154 Bust, the Provost of Trinity College, 1155 Bust, Lord Dunboyne, 1155A Bust of the late Thomas Moore, 1156 Bust, the Rev. Dr. Todd, 1156A Bust of the Rev. Dr. Todd, 1157 Bust, the Rev. Dr. Elrington, 1157A Bag of Dr. Magee, late Archbishop of Dublin, • 1147 Children at Play, 1148 Statuette, Cassandra Prophesying, 1149 Statuette, 1149 A Group emblematic of the Great Exhibition of 1851-designed for a centre piece in silver or gold, 1150 Ruth and Naomi, 1151 Creation of the Dimple, 1152 Andromeda, - - · · · • - Plaster. 1 1 Plaster. Marble. Plaster, Marble. Marble. Marble. Plaster. | | | Marble. Plaster. Plaster. . " 4. KIRK, Miss:- 1157B The Infant Bacchus, KIRK, W. B. London :- LAWLOR, JOHN, London :— 1158 Pastoral Age, 1159 Iris Ascending, 1159A Half-sized Model of a Statue of Justice, executed colossal size for the new Court House, Belfast, - 1160 The Bather-statue, 1161 The Emigrant,—statue, 1162 Boys Wrestling-group piece, 1163 Solitude, Statuette-Art Union Prize, MAROCHETTI, Baron, London :— 1164 Equestrian Statue of Her Majesty, 1164A Bust of Miss W. LANGFORD, EARL OF :- 1163 A The Hon. Mary Pakenham and her favorite Dog, LIVI V. CARRARA :— 1165 Statuette, 1166 Guardian Angel, 1167 The First Born, M'DONNELL, FRANCES (Deaf and Dumb), London :- M'DOWELL, P. R.A. London :--- FINE ARTS. 1 MACMANUS, HENRY, Dublin :— 1169 Bacchante reposing, 1169 A Topsy, 1168 Eve, 1168A Psyche. "Her sorrowing heart recalled her absent love with bitter sighs," 1170 Sabrina, 1171 Dancing Girl Reposing, 1171A The first Whisper of Love, • MARSHALL, W. CALDER, R.A. London :- · - U · · · · · · · Plaster. Plaster. Plaster. Parian Marble. Marble. Telé Plaster. Marble. Marble. Plaster Plaster. Plaster. 197 Plaster. T < · 198 FINE ARTS. MONTI, R. London :- 1172 The Playful Bather-statuette, (Portrait), - 1173 Heloise-Bust, 1174 Veiled Vestal-Bust, MOORE, CHRISTOPHER, London :- 1174A Bust of the Earl of Carlisle, 1174B Bust of Professor M'Cullagh, 1175 Statue, Sir Michael O'Loghlen, 1176 Bust of the late T. Moore, 1176 Bust of His Grace the Duke of Leinster, 1177 Bust, Lord Plunkett, 1177 A Bust of the late George Stephenson, 1177B Bust of Lord Plunkett, 1178 Bust,, the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, 1178 A Bust of the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, 1179 Bust of the late Surgeon Carmichael, 1180 Bust, Master Stedman, 1181 Bust, Lord Morpeth, 1182 Statue, Sleeping Child, 1183 Bust, Sir Edward Blakeney, 1184 Bust, John Philpot Curran, 1185 Bust of the late Josiah Dunne, 1186 Bust, the Earl of Derby, 1187 Bust of the late Judge Burton, 1187A Bust of the late Serjeant Warren, 1188 Bust, the Earl of Clarendon, 1189 Bust, Sir Philip Crampton, Bart. 1190 Bust, the Marquis of Anglesey, 1191 Bust, Jonathan Henn, 1191 A Bust of Judge Perrin, MUNRO, ALEXANDER, London: 1192 The Brothers' little Pet. Group, 1193 Paoloe Francesca. From Dante. Group, 1194 Egeria. (Vide Charles Mackay's poems), 1195 The Seasons, alto relievo, 1196 Innocence, A Study. 1198▲ Bust of a Highland Boy, 1196в Medallion of Lady Constance Grosvenor, p • M · · · · • . · • · · - · Marble, Marble. Plaster. 1 Marble. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. | | | Plaster. 1 7 Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. a FINE ARTS. 199 1 $ NANETTI, C. Dublin :-- 1197 Virgin and Child, 1198 Erudice-showing the mode of finishing plaster casts, 1199 Cyparissus, 1200 Leda and the Swan, NOBLE, MATTHEW, London :- 1201 Statue of the late Sir Robert Peel, 1202 Bust of the late Duke of Wellington 1202A Bust of Lord Nelson, · 1203 Bust of the late Sir Robert Peel, 1203A Bust of the late W. Etty, R.A. PANORMO, C. the late :- 1204 Caractacus. Group, 1205 The Pet Dove, 1205A The Rescue, 1205B Bust of the late William Deane Freeman, Esq. PAPWORTH, E. G. Jun. London :---- 1206 The Tired Water Carrier, POWERS, HIRAM :— 1206A Greek Slave, PHYSICK, EDWARD G. London :- 1207 Female and Child. (Group), 1208 Head of the dying Saviour, POWELL, G. E. Dublin:- 1209 Magyar's Daughter. Small group, 1210 Statuette of Arab Girl and Horse, 1211 The Combat of Caffirs and Dragoon, 1212 Mameluke and Horse, 1212A Prairie Indian and Bison, RAMBAUT, F. R. Dublin:-- 1213 Study from Life, 1 1 · + - " · · - • Plaster. Plaster. ! 1 Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Plaster. Marble. Plaster, Plaster. + 200 FINE ARTS. RICHARDSON, EDWARD, London :- 1214 Sketch for the Recumbent Portrait Statue of a Peer in the Robes of the Garter, since executed, life size in alabaster, 1215 Hand and Breast, 1216 Study for a Portrait Statue of Sir Walter Scott, 1217 Statuette of the Great Earl of Pembroke, Earl Marshal and Guardian of Henry III, 1218 Sleeping Nymph, 1219 Horse in full action, Ross, HENRY, London:- 1220 Bust, Michael Angelo, 1221 Bust, Raphael, 1221 A Bust of the Duke of Wellington, SIEVIER, London :- 1222 Bust of the Marquis of Anglesey, · THORNYCROFT, Mrs. London :- 1223 Bust of Her Majesty, 1224 Statue, Prince of Wales, 1225 1226 1227 "" "" "" Princess Royal, Princess Alice, Prince Alfred, 1231 Crouching Venus, 1232 Boy extracting a Thorn from his Foot, TURNERELLI :— 1228 Bust of the late Chief Justice Bushe, 1229 Bust, George III. (contributed by the Bank of Ireland,) - 1230 Bust of the late Duke of Wellington, ( do.) WEST, MRS. :— 1232A Statuette of Ariadne, 1233 Bust, VANEELI, GIOCOMO, (contributed by Mrs. Carmichael) :— WILLIAMSON, B. Belfast:- " · G · · - • - ❤ · Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. Marble. Plaster. || Marble. Marble. Marble. Plaster. FINE ARTS. 201 i NIEUWERKERKE, BARON :— 1233 A Bust of Napoleon III., CLONCURRY, Lord :- 1234 Cupid, by Bernini, 1235 Bust of Julius Cæsar, 1236 Bust of Homer, 1237 Bust of the Genio of the Vatican, 1238 Bust of Phocian, 1239 Bust of the Virgin, by Bernini, 1240 Bust of Tasso, 1241 Bust of the Laughing Faun, 1242 Mask of Medusa, 1243 Allegorical Statue of Hibernia, CHARLEMONT, the Earl of 1244 Bust of Dean Swift, BRUCE, SIR HERVEY, Bart. Downhill. 1245 The Centaur, 1246 Statue of Minerva, (antique) 1247 Statue of Leda, (antique), 1248 Colossal Head of Jupiter, 1249 Statue of Flora, 1250 Statue of Socrates, 1251 A Statue, (antique), 1252 Sleep, (statue), 1253 Infant Hercules, (statue), 1254 Head of Young Marcus Aurelius, 1255 Bacchus, (statue), 1256 Cupid and Psyche (statue) 1257 Agrippina, 1258 Bacchus and Ariadne, (statue) 1259 Head of Venus, 1260 Roman Senator, (statue), 1261 Cybele, antique, (statue), 1262 Jupiter, antique, (statue), 1263 Dying Gladiator, modelled in Tiber clay, 1264 Copy of Medici Venus, · 1 • + · · • W • Marble. Marble. 1 11 Marble. Marble. │▬▬▬▬▬▬│││| | | | | 202 FINE ARTS. 8 1265 Dolphin and boy by Raphael, 1266 A Mosaic-ruins in Rome. 1267 A Mosaic-ruins in Rome. 1268 A Mosaic. 1269 A Mosaic. MISCELLANEOUS. 1270 Bust of Pope Pius the 9th, 1271 Theseus, from a reduction in Alabaster, made by Mr. Che- verton, from the original in the Elgin Collection, British Museum, 1272 Ilissus, from a reduction made by Mr. Cheverton, from the original in the Elgin Collection, for the Arundel Society. 1273 Groups, subjects from the Heathen Mythology, each chiselled out of one block, by Franco. Bertos. This series was for merly in the possession of Napoleon Buonaparte. Contri- buted by John Gernon, Esq. COLE, Lady FRANCES, 15 Lower Fitzwilliam St. Dublin:--- 1274 Bust of Edward VI. by Roubilliac, WHITE, Hon. Mrs. 12 Merrion Sq. North, Dublin :- 1275 Voltaire and Rosseau, on pedestals of Jaolo Antico, 1275 A Boy and Dog-Group by Pampelona, of Florence, 1275 B Girl, Cat, and Bird, by Pozzi, of Florence, - La CROZIER, THOMAS, Seafield, Donnybrook :- 1276 Bust (executed at Florence) of Captain F. R. M. Crozier, R.N. F.R.S. commanding H.M.S. "Terror," in the missing expedition, under Sir John Franklin, which sailed from England, May 19th, 1845, Marble. 1 Marble. Plaster. Marble. Marble. Bronze. White Marble. Alabaster · FINE ARTS. 203 M ľ BRONZE ARTICLES. ELKINGTON, MASON, & Co. 22 Regent St. London :- 1277 "A Daughter of Eve," designed and modelled by John Bell. 1278 "Eustace de Vesci," A.D. 1215, modelled by Ritchie. 1279 Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, A.D. 1215, modelled by John Thomas. 1280 Death of Tewdric, "The Great King of Gwent and Glamorgan." 1281 Colossal Bust of Marcus Aurelius, from the Antique. 1282 Colossal Bust of Melpomene, Ditto. 1283 Colossal Bust of "Lucius Verus," Ditto. 1284 Group, of Queen Elizabeth entering Kenilworth A.D. 1575, by Jeannest. 1285 Charles I. on the Battle Field of Edge Hill, by Jeannest. 1286 Theseus reduced by Cheverton for the Arundel Society. 1287 Candelabrum, in the Greek style, representing amazon hunting, by Jeannest. 1288 Bust of the Duke of Wellington, by Weigoll. I F 0. 204 FINE ARTS. ** 1289 Cupid Captive, 1290 Psyche calling Cupid, 1291 The Cradle of Love, 1292 Veiled Bust in Marble, 1293 Madonna in Marble, 1294 Christ in Marble, · BELGIUM. STATUES. FRANCE. STATUES. 1295 Young Drummer of the Republic of 1789, 1296 Child with Greyhound, 1297 The child Jesus preaching in the Temple, 1298 Spartacus, in bronze, 1299 Our Saviour praying in the Garden of Olives, 1299 A Francoise de Rimini (Bas Relief in Marble), 1299B Bust of the Emper Napoleon III. in Galvanized Zinc, 12990 Statuette in Plaster-The Pope Pius IX. 1 · . · Fraikin. · · 99 "" Van Linden. • H. Van den Broeck, "" • Loison. David d'Angeré. Gairard. Foyatier. Dieudonne. Etex. Barre. Barre. FINE ARTS. 205 1300 Female Bust in Italian costume, 1301 Madonna, in alto relievo, 1302 Bust of Shakspeare, 1303 Medallion of James Watt, GERMANY. STATUES. IN BRONZE. 1304 Danaid, 1305 A Nun, - 1306 Ariadne, 1307 Madonna, 1308 A Fisher Boy, 1309 Humboldt, 1310 A Bull, 1311 A Cow, - 1312 Amazon, 1313 Cow with Calf sucking, 1314 Ducks, 1315 An Owl, 1316 Boy with Newfoundland Dog, 1317 Girl with Bull-dog, 1318 A Dog of Swedish race, 1319 A Lion startled by a Snake, 1320 A Bull-dog Bitch with Whelps, 1321 Amazon, after Kiss, 1322 Victory, after Rauch, 1323 Statue of Beethoven, 1324 Infant Jesus scattering Christmas presents, ... • 0 - R. Piehl, Berlin. • · · · · " F. Ochs, Berlin. Dankberg, Berlin. Fischer, Berlin. " 19 19 "" " " "" "" " 19 Franz Möller, Berlin. "" Wolf, Berlin. "" Wolff. Mencke. "" Blaeser. " 206 FINE ARTS. I 1325 Minerva supporting a Warrior in Battle, 1326 Infant Jesus dispensing Christmas presents, 1327 Morning, 1328 Evening, 1329 The Seasons, 1330 The Hours, 1331 Infant Jesus dispensing Christmas gifts, 1332 The Nymph Echo, 1331 Night and Morning, bas reliefs, : 1334 Bacchus and Amor, 1335 Christ blessing Children, 1336 The Virgin Mary with the Infant and St. John, 1337 The Virgin with the Infant, seated, 1338 Kneeling Genius with Harp, 1339 Boy Listening, 1340 Victory Seated, 1341 Victorv Standing, • 1344 Bust of Prince Waldemar, of Prussia, 1345 Bust of Shepherd, after Thorwaldsen, 1346 Bust of Paris, after Canova, 1347 Amazon, bronzed, 1348 Hercules and Bull, 1349 Frederick the Great, 1350 Battle of a Frog with a Lizard, IN PLASTER. · (groups) " 1342 Bust of Thorwaldsen, 1343 The Colossal Bust of Frederick the Great (from the grand equestrian statue, Unter den Linden, Berlin), "" "" "" "" IN MARBLE. IN ZINO. Rauch. Wittig. · • · · · · • · · Blaeser. • "" Dankberg. " "" "" ?? " Eichler, Berlin. "" "" "" "" Kalide. Berendes. Rauch. H. M. the King of Prussia. H. M. the King of Prussia. "" "9 Bianconi. ** Pohe. "9 29 Dankberg. Y 3 *** 1351 Battle of a Lizard with a Crab, 1352 Hercules wrestling with a Bull, 1353 Amazon, after Kiss, 1354 Boy with a Goose, 1355 Plenty, after Rauch, 1356 Boy plucking a Thorn from his Foot, 1357 Girl playing at Tali, 1358 Boy at Prayer, after Rauch, 1359 Venus after Canova, cast of 1360 Flora, 1361 Florentine Wolfdogs, 1362 Angel Praying, 1362▲ Angel Praying, 1362B Faith, IN ZINO—(continued). FINE ARTS. 1365 Group of Fox and Ducks, 1366 Hercules Shield (gilt and varnished), I COPPER CASTINGS. Winckelman, Berlin. 1363 Statue of Frederick I. of Prussia, Frederick II. Elector of Brandenburgh, "" " 1364 1364A Basso Relievo, after Rauch's Monuinent of Frederick the Great, BRONZE Wolff. Wickmann. • Dankberg. Kriesmann. Geiss. "" Devaranne MAROCHETTI, The BARON :- 1367 His Grace the late Duke of Wellington, 1368 His Royal Highness Prince Albert, 1369 Napoleon the 1st, 1370 Adam Smith, 1371 Sappho, 2 1372 La Pieta-A copy made in Rome from the beautiful original by Michael Angelo, in San Pietro. "" - "" - " · "" "" "" H. M. the King of Prussia. Sant Winckelman. "" "" H. M. the King of Prussia. I H. M. the King of Prussia. 207 Bronze. Bronze. Bronze. Bronze. Bronze. Bronze 208 1 FINE ARTS. GOTT, JOSEPH, Rome - 1373 Ino teaching the young Bacchus to Dance, 1374 Love and Innocence, 1375 Susanna alarmed at the Bath, 1376 Spaniel playing with a Kitten over a Basket of Fruit, 1377 An Italian Greyhound playing with a Puppy, 1378 Italian Greyhound alarmed while Suckling her Puppies, 1379 Hindoo Girl supplicating her Deity for success in her endeavour to prove if her absent Lover is safe, 1380 Italian Greyhound playing with a Ball, 1381 Sketch for a Monument to Thomas Moore. I i 1382 Bacchus and Acratus, 1383 Minerva, 1384 Sophocles, 1385 Alcibiades, 1386 A Genius, 1387 Venus, 1388 The Bull, 1389 A Roman Galley, : 1. ! C CAREW, JOHN E. 40 Cambridge St. Hyde Park, London 1390 Bust of Shiel, 1 YARBOROUGH, The Earl of, Appuldercombe Park, Isle of Wight :— · The Poet is represented in a moment of inspiration. The figure of Hibernia is waiting the result before she communicates to her Harp the Melody of his Soug. On either side of th pedestal (aronnd which is a belt of shamrocks and musical instruments), is the Irish w hound; at his feet is the collar on which is inscribed the motto, "Gentle when stroked, fierc when provoked." LABOUCHERE, The Right Honorable HENRY, M. P., London :- C. Moore, f * - · JOHN FALCONER, Printer and Binder to Her Majesty's Stationery Office, and to the Committee of the Great Industrial Exhibition, 1853, 53, Upper Sackville-street, Dublin. Marble. │J Marble. I 1 1 ! | Marble Exhibition Official Catalogue Advertiser. SECTION II.-MACHINERY. No. 712. EXHIBITED IN GRAND HALL FRONT OF THE GREAT ORGAN, Specimens of Piano Fortes and Harps, BY Messrs. BROADWOOD & SONS, Messrs. COLLARD & COLLARD, and Messrs. S. & P. ERARD, Manufactured to order, expressly for the present Exhibition, MARCUS MOSES, 4, & 5, WESTMORELAND STREET, IMPORTER AND EXHIBITOR. BY MESSRS, BROADWOOD AND SONS. No. 1. Seven-Octave Grand Piano Forte, in Amboyna wood,.. 2. Grand Piano Forte in Rosewood, 3. Boudoir Grand Piano Forte in Rosewood, 4. Short Bichorda Grand Piano Forte, 5. Grand Square Piano Forte in Rosewood, 6. Grand Square Piano Forte in Walnut wood, 7. Rosewood Cottage Piano Forte, 8. Rosewood Cottage Piano Forte,. 9. Rosewood Upright Grand Piano Forte,.. ... ………… 8 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 9 in. 8 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. BY MESSRS. COLLARD AND COLLARD. 10. Improved Patent Repeater Grand Piano Forte, Seven Octaves, with metal Wrest-pin plate, in British Mottled Oak, carved and gilt ornaments, on massive Cabriole Trusses. 11. Improved Patent Repeater Grand Piano Forte, in handsome Rosewood case, richly carved, &c. 12. Do. do. do. in French Walnut wood, on carved Cabriole Trusses. 13. Patent Repeater Bichord Grand Piano Forte, in Rosewood, with Elliptic end. 14. Improved Patent Repeater Square Semi-Grand Piano Forte, Grand Piano action, in Rosewood. 15. Patent Repeater Grand Square Piano Forte, in a very elegant case of Curl Spanish Mahogany. 16. Very elegant Grand Cabinet Piano Forte, Repeater action, richly carved Rosewood case.. 17. Richly ornamented Patent Repeater Check-action Microchordon, in Walnut, style of Louis XV: 18. Patent Repeater Check-action Microchordon, Rosewood, carved Pilasters. 19. Trichord Microchordon, in Rosewood, Repeater action, Cylinder front, carved Panels, 20. Piano for the People, in plain Deal case, Lyre Desk, French front and Trusses. do., do., 6 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 1 in. 6 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. BY MESSRS. S. AND P. ERARD. 21. Rosewood Seven-Octave Grand Piano Forte, extended scale, 22. Grand Piano Forte, in Rosewood, new scale,.. do., do., 23. Do., 24. Walnut wood Three-Unison Oblique Piano Forte. 25. Full-size Bird's-eye Maplewood Double Movement Harp, Six-and-a-half Octaves, ornamented in the Gothic style, with Spiral Column. 26. Second size Rock-Maplewood 27. Third size, Italian Walnut wood, (These Instruments are of Messrs. ERARD's Patents, dated 1794, 1809. Upward Bearing, 1821. Repetition Action, 1825. Complete System of Metal Bracing, 1835 and 1840.) do., do.,..... 3 ft. 10 in. high, 4 ft. 3 in. wide. 4 ft. 1 in. 4 ft. 4 in. 4 ft. 10 in.,, "" "" "" 3 ft. 11 in. 8 ft. 3 in. long. 7 ft. 10 in. 22 6 ft. 9 in. M Column, in Panel. do. 2 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. } Wanna JRANKA ZLATEX LOWER VOELH STREET RICHARD ALLEN MANTLES MILLINERY FLOWERS BONNETS OLDD100101019 191950 (0 14 16 (DIGIúi TOMOTO KUTO TOMO RO UMLU PATINGI - MCSWNE DELANYA C FRIL HANLON= PAUL PARTIGIAN PRINTS CASHMERES DE LAINES HQIDIÖÖMI EXTERI HAMU LATTIAMANTOVALI um kynningureanu hlilinda Univers [EMİ METABOL DIENTE SLUGOMALE IMPERIALU HOTEI LEG .. big Wag 43H THE NEW MART, Lower Sackville Street, Dublin, (opposite the General Post Office.) The first division of this Establishment is now open with a large and varied stock of First Class Goods, of the newest and most fashionable designs, in the following departments: BRITISH AND FOREIGN SILKS; FRENCH, GERMAN, AND PAISLEY SHAWLS PARASOLS LACES CALICOES HABERDASHERY RIBBONS SHEETINGS TRIMMINGS FLANNELS PERFUMERY BLANKETS GLOVES BABY LINENS MUSLINS HOSIERY FANCY DRESSES LINENS The Proprietors particularly direct the attention of Tourists and Travellers to their stock of native productions in LINENS, DAMASKS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, POPLINS, TABINETS, LIMERICK LACES, SEWED MUSLINS. McSWINEY, DELANY, AND CO. I CABINET WORK FANCY GOODS Sole Agents for the Elastic Petticoat without seam, and now being made in the Exhibition, under Chevalier Claussan's Patent, which was awarded the Prize Medal, Class 6, Machine 86-Exhibition of London, 1851. EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. MILNERS' Patent First-Class "Holdfast" and Fire-Resisting Safes, THE NOBILITY, CLERGY, GENTRY, BANKERS, SOLICITORS, MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, OF VARIOUS SIZES, SUITABLE FOR AND ALL POSSESSORS OF VALUABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE PROPERTY. AMEERASEPRAXISKJALMLTS: LAT QUID TIKKOTEIN HILM FAL The Strongest Safeguards in the World against Robbery and Fire! THE whole exterior consists of HALF-INCH WROUGHT IRON, constructed and secured in the strongest manner with HOBBS' LOCKS, impregnable to the PICKLOCK; and the peculiar superiority of MILNERS' FIRE RESISTING arrangement is, in filling the Lining Chambers with the most perfect Nonconductors of Heat, coinbined with Liquid in Tubes, or materials evolving moisture and steam on the application of heat, which pervades the whole interior of the Safe and contents when, exposed to Fire, keeping down the temperature at, or under, that of boiling water or steam at 212 deg. Fahrenheit. Without this neutralizing protection, NO SAFE CAN RESIST THE FIRE. In the public trials made by the Liverpool Polytechnic Society, the contents of Chubb's and Marr's Safes were destroyed by the side of Milner's, which was uninjured in the same Fire, the three safes being of equal size and thickness. Milners' Safes have also been tested by the Royal Dublin Society, by the authorities of the principal towns in the United: Kingdom, assisted by the highest scientific and practical parties. The Patentees have certificates of the utility of their Safes in hundreds of cases of accidental destruction by Fire of buildings containing them. Preparatory to the opening of the Exhibition în Dublin, THOMAS MILNER & SON publicly tested their safes in the presence of the Lord Mayor, and a number of scientific gentle- men, and the Safes and contents may be seen in the Building, west end of. Machinery Hall, near Polson's Refreshment Room, No. 396 A, Class, Iron and General Hardware. 3 MILNERS PHOENIX SAFE WORKS, Liverpool; Lone Depot, 47a, Moorgate Street, City, near i Wholesale Agents.-FITZHENRY & CO., Dublin; "MUSGRAVE BROTHERS, Belfast. · 4 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. ADEL TE JOHN GRAY & CO [[H QUD #TOJO MADURDU ATDD) Hessi was awarded in THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1851. JOHN GRAY & CO IL! #DETE JOHN GRAY & CO., WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, 155, TRONGATE, GLASGOW, STOCK of CONFEC- EG to call the attention of Wholesale Grocers and to their TIONARY, consisting of LOZENGES, SCOTCH MIXTURES, CARROWAYS, and BOILED SUGARS, of which they have a great variety, and which they put up in fancy bottles to suit wholesale buyers; together with CHRYSTALLIZED IMITATION FRUITS and FANCY SHAPES, which are now much in demand. Their extensive new premises, situate in Commercial Road, and Adelphi Street, being now nearly completed, they are in a position to execute orders with promptitude and despatch. Their Lozenges are made on the most improved principle, and of the best material; and their Confections, which are all made by steam, they can with confidence recommend, both for variety and quality, and can warrant their retaining their purity and whiteness of color, being thoroughly dried in finishing. Export orders assorted and arranged in a superior manner to suit the different climates tú which they may be destined. 316, CENTRAL HALL. DRAWING ROOM GRATES AND KITCHEN FITTINGS. BENHAM & SONS invite the attention of Visitors to their beautiful Collection of Drawing Room Grates, Fenders, and Fire Irons, in the Grand Hall, including some to which THE COUNCIL MEDAL 316, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. Also to their equally large display of Cooking Apparatus, Kitchen Ranges, Close Kitcheners (including every recent improvement), Dinner Lift Machines, and Emigrants' Stoves, in their Kitchen Department, under the Northern Gallery. Some of these also obtained THE PRIZE MEDAL OF SPECIAL APPROBATION AT HYDE PARK. BENHAM'S MANUFACTORY AND SHOW ROOMS, 19 WIGMORE STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, LONDON. # # EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 5 10 > SHAWLS. MANTLES. DELAINES. BROWN, THOMAS & GENERAL DRAPERS, TREET, Respectfully invite the attention of strangers visiting the city during the Great Exhibition, to their varied and unrivalled stock of goods. It being impossible to enumerate them, they solicit an inspection of the departments, all of which will be found replete with every article of the most recherche and fashionable styles worn. B., T. & Co. beg particular attention to their MILLINERY AND MANTLE DEPARTMENTS 16 & 17 & 17 GRAFTON FANCY DRESSES. HOSIERY. LINENS. SHIRTS and TIES. SELECTED IN PARIS. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF THE DEPARTMENTS PARIS MILLINERY. THE IRISH LINEN AND LIMERICK Finest Old Port Old Port, 2nd quality Finest Sherry, pale or brown Excellent Sherry Light Dinner Sherry, pale Do. do. Best Cape Calcavella golden Marsala Brontè Lisbon, Bucellas, in Flasks, Madeira, Direct do. 9 ALEXANDER FINDLATER AND CO., GROCERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. TS. WINES. ·· ·· ·· "" "" "" 29 "" "" "" Finest Lafitte Claret Good Claret Light do. Finest Sparkling Champagne 2nd Quality do. MALT LIQUORS. .. Double Stout Porter Cairnes's Drogheda Ale Cairnes's E. India Bitter Beer Bass and Co.'s E. India Pale Ale Per Doz. 36 "" "" "" "9 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Are fully assorted with every article in their line.. "" "" "" 333 "" "" Quarts. s. d. 0 30 0 36 0 30 0 26 0 24 0 >> "" "" "" 30 UPPER SACKVILLE STREET. 67 SOUTH GT. GEORGE'S STREET, 188 NORTH KING STREET. 82 LOWER GEORGE'S STREET, 16 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 28 0 48 0 36 0 72 0 60 0 30 0 63 0 42 0 SILKS. RIBBONS. STRAW BONNETS. FLOWERS. PRINTED MUSLINS. PRINTED. CALICOES. JUVENILE DRESSES. 36 3 6 2 9 4 10 }DU .. • ·· ·· Pints. S. d. 18 0 15 0 18 0 15 0 BROWN, THOMAS & CO., 16 & 17 GRAFTON STREET. 30 0 AND S. FINDLATER and Co., RATHMINES TERRACE. Co., 1 10 1 10 1 6 2 6 DUBLIN; KINGSTOWN; LACES. SEWED MUSLINS. • HABERDASHERY. GLOVES. FLANNELS. BLANKETS. CALICOES, &c. ار 3 LACE DEPARTMENTS DUBLIN WHISKEY. We have for Sale, in Packages of all sizes, Old Dublin Whiskey, of great age and finest quality, and stored on sherry casks. A. & J. BAGOT, No. 28 WILLIAM STREET, DUBLIN. JOHNSTON'S EX XPRESS NEWSPAPER & GENERAL ADVERTISING OFFICE, as FOUNDED by the late Cap- tain ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, A.D. 1819. No. 34 BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON begs to return his best thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, his Friends, and the Public, for their continued patronage, and to assure them that the saine zealous exertions and attention shall be pursued in the execution of all orders, which have characterised" the JOHNSTONS"—of whom he is the survivor-for the last thirty-four years. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON has been honoured with Testi- monials from HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT, the LIEUTENANT-GENERAL COMMANDING THE FORCES, the RIGHT HON. and HON. the JUDGES, the several Bars on CIRCUIT, the Nobility, Gentry, &c., acknowledging priority of intelligence supplied by him. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON supplies every Newspaper pub- lished with the strictest punctuality, and on moderate terms. Newspapers may be exchanged at pleasure; and by one Order Advertisements can be inserted in every Newspaper in the United KINGDOM. As numerous mistakes in the delivery of Orders intended for this Establishment have occurred, the Public are respectfully requested, to insure regularity, to be careful in addressing to ALEXANDER JOHNSTON & CO., 34 BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. 6 EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. 2 譬 ​7 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. OPP AND SONS S..have this day semoved their Dublin Office and Stores Fro 9 Dame Street to I CRAMPTON QUAY, near the Metal Bridge, where they will have a constant supply of their INDIA PALE and MILD ALES, in 13, 36. and 54 Gallon Casks. BREWERY-BURTON-ON-TRENT, May 2nd, 1853. NOVELTIES FOR FRED. LEWIS'S REAL HONEY SOAP, warranted to contain pure Honey.-The best and only Genuine Preparation in use. THE TOILET. VALUABLE PREPARATIONS. FRED. LEWIS'S PRIZE MEDAL BOUQUET-a most delightful and refreshing perfume from the choicest flowers, delicate but permanent. FRED. LEWIS'S GREAT EXHIBITION POMADE- a novel and beautiful preparation for the hair, charmingly per- fumed, and permanently valuable for the toilet. Every bottle is signed Fred. Lewis. Retail of ali venders of Perfumery in the Kingdom. FRED. LEWIS, WHOLESALE PERFUMER and REFINED SOAP MAKER, MANUFACTURER and INVENTOR of the REAL HONEY SOAP, FLEET STREET, DUBLIN. OUT SALES AND VALUATIONS EFFECTED IN ALL PARTS OF THE KINGDOM BY THOMAS FERRALL, AUCTIONEER E AND VALUATOR, 10 LOWER ORMOND QUAY, DUBLIN, Ten Doors from Essex Bridge. Upholstery and Cabinet Work to Order. FUNERALS CONDUCTED. PATENT GRUBBER. THOMAS EELES AND CO., AGENTS FOR THE MANUFACTURER, SEED AND IMPLEMENT WAREHOUSE, 22 MARY STREET, DUBLIN; And Lot 1346 in Exhibition. + MANUFACTURER and PROFESSOR of the CONCERTINA, has for sale or hire, the largest assortiment of Treble, Baritone, and Bass Concertinas in the kingdom, including Wheatstone's make, from Three to Fifteen Guineas each; also the Newest Compositions for the above Instruments. Lately Imported a choice selection of MICROCHORDON and PICCOLO PIANOFORTES, from £25; CHURCH and DRAWING ROOM HARMONIUMS, from Ten to Forty-eight Guineas. CORNOPEAŅŠ, HARMONICAS, FLUTINAS, ACCOR- DIONS, &c. Publisher of REGONDI'S CONCERTINA ME- THOD. Price 10s. 6d. 26 COLLÈGE GREEN (opposite the Bank). Specimens to be seen at the Musical Department of the Great Exhibition. L. DILLON, 7 PARLIAMENT-STREET, DUBLIN DRAPER AND CLOTHIER, First Designer and Recent Improver of ZEPHYR and EBLANĂ FRIEZES, SAXON PADDY CLOTHS, AND RUMSWIZZLES, or Cloths made of Undyed Foreign or British Wools, all of which received the universal encomiums of the Press - at the EXHIBITION CARPETS. You can purchase every description of OIL CLOTH S, CRYSTAL PALACE, and were specially ordered and worn by HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT; HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF LEINSTER, THE EARLS OF CLARENDON, EGLINTON, &C. CARPETINGS, (From 18 inches to 24 feet in width) DRUGGETS (all widths), HEARTH RUGS, BLANKETS. QUILTS, LINEN and COTTON SHEETINGS, and TABLE LINENS, all from the most Eminent Makers, at the VERY LOWEST PRICES they can be procured for, from P. SHERIDAN, 22 and 23 PARLIAMENT STREET. SHEILS AND SCOTT, WHOLESALE LADIES' PIANOFORTE and CONCERTINA WAREHOUSE. LAWTON'S BEE HOTEL, SCATES, QUEEN SQUARE, MANUFACTURERS, 28 AND 29 CASTLE STREET, DUBLIN. * Samples—Northern Gallery. TO EXHIBITORS. J. J. BYRNE, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, 6, HENRY STREET, DUBLIN, SHOE RES ESPECTFULLY informs Exhibitors who intend disposing of their goods at the termination of the Exhibition that he is prepared to make arrangements for the DISPOSAL BY AUCTION of all such property; and respect- fully solicits their favors, which shall be faithfully artended to. Any commands addressed as above, or to HIS STALL IN THE FURNITURE COURT, will meet prompt attention. CASTLE'S PRIVATE HOTEL 47, KILDARE STREET, DUBLIN. Bedrooms 1s. 6d. and 2s. per night. Breakfasts ls. 6d. to ls. 9d. Servants charged 6d. per night. The situation is highly respectable, Bedrooms airy and cheer- ful, with large and confortable Coffee-room, and every attention paid to the cleanliness of the House, and comfort of Visitors. ST. JOHN'S LANE, LIVERPOOL, Near to the London and North Western Railway Station, St. George's Hall, Assize Courts, and all other places of public business. Soups, Joints, Chops, Steaks, &c., always ready. The best Accommodation for Travellers, with good clean Beds, and moderate charges. Dealer in Wines, Spirits, and Cigars. Public Breakfasts, Dejeuners, Soirées, and Ball Suppers contracted for. Maker of the Celebrated Yorkshire Game Pies. NEWSPAPER ROSS, HORNIDGE & Co., EWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS, BRITISH AND FOREIGN ADVERTISING AGENTS, LOAN AND INSURANCE BROKERS, &c. SWIFT'S COURT, CASTLE STREET, LIVERPOOL. AT THE GARDEN OF THE ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY is now to be seen a most perfect and beautiful GIGANTIC SKELETON of the FOSSIL PLESIOSAURUS, presented by the MARQUIS OF NORMANBY to Sir PHILIP CRAMPTON, Bart., President of the Society. THE GARDEN IN THE PHŒNIX PARK' IS OPEN every week day from 7 o'clock a.m. till dusk; and on SUNDAYS from 2 o'clock, p.m. 1 A ADMISSION-Week days, 6d. Children, half price. On SUNDAY, One Penny only, for the benefit of working people. EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. FOR SALE, No. 1191 in the Catalogue, L ARGE PIER TABLE AND GLASS.— An original design in the Italian style (now fast superseding the Louis Quatorze, `on account of its more classic beauty and simple purity of taste). The Table forms a graceful outline, and grouping of foliage, scrolls, and flowers, supported by four figures in full relief, bearing a massive slab of black and gold marble, with moulded edge, 9 feet long. A Brilliant Mirror over ditto, in a moulded frame, enriched in the same style with figures and wreaths of flowers; and groups of boys supporting Plateau for either Vases or Lamps: the entire designed to pro- duce a light symmetrical effect. All carved out of solid timber; partly prepared for gilding. For Price apply to J. J. BYRNE, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, & AUCTIONEER, 6 HENRY STREET, DUBLIN. GREAT EXHIBITION OF '53. J. MURPHY, 15 THOMAS STREET, DUBLIN, begs the attention of Visitors to inspect his GREAT BELL at the Entrance of the Great Hall, and also to Prince Albert's. Certificate ;- 7 "I hereby certify that HER MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS, upon the Award of the Jurors, have presented a PRIZE MEDAL to JOHN MURPHY for BELLS shown in the Exhibition. " ALBERT, (Signed), President of the Royal Commission. "Hyde Park, London, 15th October, 1851.” HODCES SHERIDAN, EAGLE FOUNDRY, CHURCH STREET, Exhibits a CHIME of, CHURCH BELLS, PLATFORM WEIGHING MACHINE FIRE-PROOF SAFES, EAGLES. AND PEDESTALS, WEIGHING BEAMS AND SCALES, IRON GATE AND PIERS, HALL-DOOR ENTABLATURE, BALUSTRADES, LAMP POSTS, BALCONIES, PORTABLE CORN MILL (Universal Joint), IMPROVED PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE (2-Horse Power), designed and made by THOMAS SHERIDAN, C.E., with a variety of articles in the Foundry and Bell-Founding Line. BELLS. HODGES, 99, THOMAS Middle Abbey street, begs the atten- tion of parties requiring Church or Farm Bells, to his specimens in the Exhibition Building. A Large Church Bell, No. 385, North side, Centre Hall. Small do. attached to M'Master's Turret Clock, Organ Gallery. Farm Bells, Gongs, Brass Castings, Lead and patent Piping, Pumps, &c., No. 385, North Hall, near Refreshment Room. From amongst the numerous Certificates of merit in Bell Casting which T. H. has received, he begs to submit the following:- "I hereby certify that Her Majesty's Commissioners, upon the award of the Jurors, have presented a Prize Medul for Bells, to Thomas Hodges, of Dublin." ་་ (Signed,) “ALBERT. President of the Royal Commission. "Hyde Park, London, 15th Oct., 1851.' "" "Kilkenny, 19th June, 1853. "SIR,-I have great pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of the Dean and Chapter of St. Canice,' their entire approval of the tone of the Bells lately made by you for the use of the Cathedral, and their great satisfaction at the manner in which the works executed by you have been performed. (Signed,) "Mr. T. Hodges, Dublin." SANDYS, "F. R. SANDYS, Sub-Dean of St. Canice.” GREAT EXHIBITION REFRESHMENT SALOON is situate at the WEST END OF THE SOUTHERN HALL, (contiguous to the Indian Departinent.) The REFRESHMENT SALOON is constantly supplied with ALE, PORTER, SELTZER WATER, LEMONADE, SODA WATER, GINGER BEER, FRUIT, CAKES, SANDWICHES; and HOT LUNCHEONS and DINNERS, TEA and COFFEE, &c., &c., in readiness from two to six o'clock. All articles of first rate quality, and charges moderate. EDWARD BRESLİN, Contractor for Refreshments. 177 GREAT BRITAIN STREET, DUBLIN. MADEIRA, very hitherto much excluded by its high price, from the tables of any but the opulent, is now offered from THIRTY-SIX SHILLINGS PER DOZEN; it is entirely free from acidity, and possesses the character and the firmness of the fine Wine of the Island. CLARET, from a similar cause, has been very much confined to the same tables; I can now offer, from ? THIRTY SHILLINGS PER DOZEN • A good Medoc, with abundance of color, body, and vigour, pos- sessing that aroma and fine bouquet which distinguish the Wines of France. WILLIAM MALONE. TO TOURISTS. CHEAP AND UNIQUE EDITION OF THE IRISH MELODIES, BY THOMAS MOORE, ESQ. With the original Symphonies and Accompaniments for the Pianoforte, by SIR JOHN STEVENSÓN, MUS. DOC. Price, 2 vols., handsomely bound in fancy silk, with gilt edges, 30s.; in wrapper, with title and index, 24s.; or in single numbers at Is. each. EDITED BY FRANCIS ROBINSON, MUS. DOC. HENRY BUSSELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC SELLER, BY APPOINTMENT TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT AND THE UNIVERSITY, 7 WESTMORELAND STREET, and 39 FLEET STREET. N.B. This work can only be purchased in Ireland. AUSTIN'S RESSING CASE MANUFACTORY, DRES AND GENERAL FANCY WAREHOUSE, 6 AND 7 ST. ANDREW STREET, Five minutes' walk from the Exhibition, a straight line in continuation of Leinster Street and Nassau Street, through Suffolk Street. GEORGE AUSTIN Respectfully invites strangers arriving in Dublin during the Exhibition to visit his Show Rooms. The Stock is the largest and most valuable in the kingdom, comprising a rich and mag- nificent display of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S DRESSING CASES, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, DESPATCH BOXES, &c., &c. AUSTIN was the ONLY EXHIBITOR of Dressing Cares (from Ireland) at the GREAT LONDON EXHIBITION OF 1851. He also exhibited specimens of his Manufacture at the Dublin Exhibitions of 1834, 1835, 1839, 1841, 1844, 1847, and 1850, and On each occasion obtained the Prize. There is always a large assortment of CHEAP CABINET GOODS, as well as those of a higher and more expensive kind. Dressing Cases from Four Shillings and Sixpence to One Hundred Guineas. AUSTIN, MANUFACTURER, 6 AND 7 ST. ANDREW STREET. 1 * ∞ EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUE ADVERTISER. * THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION OF 1853. THE EXHIBITION is Open each day, (Sunday Excepted), from 10 o'clock a. m. to 64 o'clock p.m. ONE ONE SHILLING, PRICE OF ADMISSION With the exception of SATURDAY in each Week, when the Charge of Admission is 2s. 6d. JOHN C. DEANE, Assistant Secretary. N.B.- On Saturdays, the Exhibition opens at 12 o'clock noon, and closes at 64 p.m. By Order, NOTICE. That Visitors cannot be permitted to bring into the Building any Stick, Umbrella, or Parasol, but an Office is provided for their reception at the doors, where, on and after Wednesday next, the 20th July, a charge of One Penny will be made on each article deposited. 3, Upper Merrion-street, 18th July, 1853. By Order, JOHN C. DEANE. SW ITZER, BEATTY, AND CO., WOOLLEN DRAPERS AND TAILORS, 91, GRAFTON STREET. NEW CIRCASSIAN MORNING COATS, NEW CIRCASSIAN FROCK COATS NEW BORDERED ANGOLA TROUSERINGS. Sole to the following eminent Houses, who are Exhibitors in the Great Industrial Exhibition, viz. :- MR. W. T. COPELAND, Stoke, China Manufacturer; MESSRS. J. ROSE & Co., Coalport, China Manufacturers; MR. W. POTTS, Birmingham, Lamp Maker, and Patentee of the Monumental Bronzes; and MESSRS. BATTAM & SON, London, Terra Cotta Manufac- turers. Orders received for any article in the Exhibition, made by the above Houses, at pur CHINA AND GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, 18 UPPER SACKVILLE STREET, DUBLIN. THE OLD ESTABLISHED WINDOW GLASS WAREHOUSE, DUBLIN. 5 ABBEY, JOHN CARRICK, PROPRIETOR. Constantly supplied with a varied stock of Crown Window Glass, in crates and squares; patent Plate Glass for pictures, &c.; Sheet Glass, of different substances, for Shop Fronts, Prints, and Horti- · cultural purposes; also rolled and fluted rough Plate Glass; Glass Shades, round, oval, and square; Milk Pans; Propagating, Bee, and Cucumber Glasses, and Glass Rolling Pins, Enamelled and Stained, of different patterns and colours; Roman, Mastic, and Portland Ceinents; Plaster of Paris; Wine, Porter,and other Bot tles; British polished Plate (silvered and unsilvered), and rough cast Plate Glass, supplied in any quantity in a few days. N.B.-Glass shipped at Liverpool, and Roman Cement at Glas- gow, to any port in Ireland. Agent for St. Helen's Crown Sheet and Plate Glass Co., St. Helen's, Lancashire-Clyde Bottle Work Co., St. Rollox, Glas- gow-Messrs. G. Anderson & Co., Cement Manufacturers, Glasgow. SUN UN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. OCK, OFFICES, 42 DAME STREET, DUBLIN, (Next door to the Commercial Buildings. MESSÈS. CURTIS AND WOODLO AGENTS. INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, effected at the most moderate Rates. FARMING STOCK, Public Hospitals, and Poorhouses, free of Duty. LIFE ASSURANCE POLICIES issued at moderate Rates, with participation of the Net Profits of the Society. FOR SALE AT GEORGE MAGILL'S COACH FACTORY, 14 REDMOND'S HILL-ESTABLISHED 1760— An assortment of upwards of 100 CARRIAGES, consisting of CHARIOTS, BAROUCHES, BRITZKAS, Round and Segmental Fronted CLARENCES, BROUGHAMS, PI- LENTUMS to form close carriages, PHETONS, GIGS, and DOG CARTS, Cork and Coach-covered CARS, OUTSIDE CARS, in great variety, and every other description of vehicle at present in use, both New and Second-hand. THE HE EYES.-MR. E. SOLOMONS, OPTICIAN, 27 OLD BOND STREET, LONDON, who bas visited Ireland professionally for 29 years, may be personally consulted at his residence, 19 NASSAU STREET, DUBLIN. His celebrated Spectacles, which preserve vision to extreme old age, are used and recommended by the most eminent of the Faculty. THE QUEEN and PrinCE ALBERT'S EXHIBITION GLASS for the waistcoat pocket, size of the thumb, of wonderful power, invaluable to Sportsmen, Gentlemen, and Gamekeepers. WORKS FOR TOURISTS IN IRELAND. Giant's Causeway Guide, 2s. 6d., 5s. Killarney Guide, 18. 6d., 5s., 10s. 6d. Guide to the South of Ireland, Is. 6d. Connemara Guide, 2s. 6d., 58. Antiquities of Ireland. 58. Wilde's Boyne and the Blackwater, 5s SCENERY—a great variety. Sold by Map of Ireland, 3s. 6d. Guide Book for Ireland, 58. Irish Railway Charts, is, Dublin Guide, 18., 2., 2s. 6d. Wicklow Guide, 2s. Dublin and Wicklow Guide, 58. VIEWS OF IRISH WILLIAM ROBERTSON, 35 LOWER SACKVILLE STREET, DUBLIN, (Next the General Post Office). DUBLIN AND DROGHEDA RAILWAY. O TOURIST S.-This Railway offers T Interest, which are all in the immediate vicinity of the line:-- The HILL of HOWTH (Howth Station), affording a magni- ficent prospect of the surrounding country. A New Pathway, to which the Railway Passenger has free access, has been con- structed by the Company, and opens up the bold and rugged scenery of the Cliffs. MALAHIDE CASTLE, (Malahide Station), for which Pas- sengers inaking application at the Ticket Office, may have an order for admission free daily, Sundays excepted. The BOYNE VIADUCT (Drogheda Station). This stupen- dous undertaking is well worthy of a visit. The town of Drogh- eda is rich in historic associations and contains many reinarkable ruins, and near it is the site of the Battle of the Boyne. SLANE CASTLE `and BEAUPARČ DEMESNES, (Beauparc Station), open to the Passengers free, Tuesdays and Thursdays. A ferry is provided, free of charge, across the Boyne, which sepa- rates these demesnes. Reduced Fares for Pleasure Parties. The Line from Dublin to Drogheda runs along the coast the whole way, and thus affords fine views of the sea coast Scenery. J. P. CULVERWELL, Secretary. Dublin, May 11th, 1853. * · L For the 17 Kin ? SUPPLEMENT ΤΟ THE OFFICIAL CATÁLOGUE Great Industrial Exhibition, O OF THE (IN CONNEXION WITH THE ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY,) Ex 1853. THE GALLERY OF OLD MASTERS, WITH A Short Sketch of each Artist, FROM THE LATEST AUTHORITIES. “Chi farsi un buon pittor brama e desia Il disegno di Roma abbia alla mano, La mossa coll' ombrar Veneziano, E il degno colorir di Lombardia; Di Michelangiol la terribil via, Il vero natural di Tiziano, Di Coreggio lo stil puro e sovrano, Di un Raffael la vera simmetria."-AGOSTINO. DUBLIN: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE COMMITTEE, J. M. O'TOOLE, 13, HAWKINS'-STREET. AND SOLD IN THE BUILDING-PRICE SIX-PENCE. BY + INTRODUCTION. ALTHOUGH We are unable to point with precision to the degree of excellence at which the art of Painting arrived amongst the early nations of the world, yet we are furnished with sufficient material to justify the belief that the art did certainly exist, and was extensively practised, in very remote times. We are equally assured, that, in some instances, the efforts of the Painter were held in high estimation amongst persons of learning and judgment, and became subjects of eulogium with the greatest historians, poets, and philosophers of antiquity. This we learn from the same records of history that describe the beauties of Architecture and of Sculpture, some of the remains of which, from their durable nature, have escaped the hand of time, and now afford proofs incontestable of the great advance made, thousands of years since, in these departments of the Fine Arts. But the perishable materials neces- sarily employed by the Painter, having yielded to their fate, posterity is left to gather, from every source it can, the several evidences of its existence and extent. Reason tells us, that the people who designed and erected a style of architecture so noble, that to this day it serves as a model for imitation, with the humiliating confession that we are unable to improve it--who produced with the chisel such divine forms in marble, that men of the highest genius in modern times have bowed down to copy, without the most distant hope of imitating them- who produced historians, orators, poets, of such an order that our excellence is measured by their rules; that such a people must, if they possessed the art at all, have possessed it in a degree commensurate with their exhibition of taste in the departments alluded to. Modern research, however, has dissipated whatever doubts we entertained of the early existence of Painting as an art, and the ruins of Nineveh, Egypt, and Etruria have already brought con- viction to the minds of the most sceptical. In Greece, even assuming the stories of Xeuxis and Apelles to be mixed with fable, these stories afford evidence of a high order of Painting; nor could the poems of Anacreon, so descriptive of the imitative beauties of the Painter, have been bestowed upon any but an artist of consummate skill. The poet's eloquence would otherwise have denounced the mockery, instead of applauding the delusion. Towards the close of the Roman Republic, and during the time of the early Emperors, the art must have been highly cultivated in Italy. A small fragment of fresco, taken from the walls of a private dwelling-house in Herculaneum, now placed in the Antiquity Court of the Exhibition Building, gives evidence of a high state of art existing in Italy 1800 years since. Shortly after this period, we trace the gradual debasement of art. The languages of ancient Greece and Rome became corrupt, their writers careless and affected; architectural buildings lost their symmetry and elegance, as witnessed in the baths of Diocletian and the triumphal arch of Constantine, and other cotemporaneous erections, still visible; and, finally, about the third century, almost every trace of the former development of civilization vanished from existence. All this is proved by history. And then comes a long and dreary night, in which the artistic genius of man becomes torpid and unmoved for centuries. During upwards of eight hundred years we seek in vain for even a trace of art in Italy. The art, if such it may be called, we find in a cold and languid state in the hands of the Greeks and Byzantines, who applied their powers solely to attempts at decoration. Many of their works still remain, and are highly interesting in a historical point of view, but not otherwise. A small specimen of Greek fresco is to be seen in the Antiquity Court of this Exhibition, and also a fac simile of a fresco now existing upon the walls of Knockmoy Church, in the county of Galway, in this kingdom, done in the twelfth century, and which will be found nearly identical in style with others of the same date in eastern portions of Europe; and in the Gallery of Ancient Masters is an old Greek painting (No. 886), attributed to the twelfth, or beginning of the thirteenth, century. At the close of the thirteenth century, however, the art of painting began to revive, the chief merit of its restoration being usually attributed to Cimabue, who, although he is said to have had cotemporaries of merit, yet is treated as the great landmark of revival. He was born at Florence in 1240, and died about 1302. One painting 4 INTRODUCTION. He was by this venerable artist (a portable altar-piece) is in the Gallery of Ancient Masters (see No. 788.) succeeded by his pupil, Giotto, who died in 1336, after having made considerable advances upon the style of his master. About the commencement of the succeeding century, we find the art extending itself north of Italy. At that period Jan Van Eyck (born in 1370), commonly called John of Bruges, founded the Flemish School, and was the person to whom, for a long time, was attributed the invention of oil painting, and who latterly is more correctly stated to have been the first to have brought it into use. A work, said to have been written by Theophilus, a monk, in the eleventh century, recommended the adoption of linseed oil in painting; and instances of its use by Filippo Tesauro and others, in the thirteenth century, are recorded; but this does not lessen the merit of Van Eyck. Previous to his time painters worked in distemper, and, it is said that, during the process of heating, which was necessary to render the painting durable, or to dry the varnish, Van Eyck lost one of his best and most laboured productions, which occasioned him to try a mixture with oil. There are some fine specimens of his work in the Gallery (see Nos. 709, 826). The progress of the art, however, was but feeble during the greater part of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, when suddenly it burst forth with an energy and extent inconceivable; and during the first quarter of the sixteenth century, namely, from 1500 to 1530, the art of painting suddenly reached what we still consider the highest degree of perfection. At this time, the greatest Painters the modern world has seen, Raphael, Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Coreggio, Giorgione and Titian, Albert Durer and Holbein were all living, and working out, each in his own way, an individual style, on which various Schools of Art have since been formed. These Schools are variously named, and the Masters variously classed; sometimes by the country, sometimes by the name of the great master, or founder; and, sometimes, by the peculiar principles taught in the School, as the Eclectic and the Naturalisti. The Eclectic held it right to select and unite in their works the best qualities of the great Masters who preceded them, without, however, excluding nature. The principal of these Schools were those of the Caracci, at Bologna; the Campi, at Cremona; and the Procaccini, at Milan. The Na- turalisti endeavoured to form a style independent and distinct from those of the earlier Masters, based on the imitation of nature, in a bold and lively manner. The chief heads of this School were Caravaggio, at Rome, and Spagnoletto, at Naples, whose School produced Salvator Rosa. The following are the principal, without noticing the collateral Schools, according to their received division or order, accompanied with some of the admitted characteristics, and omitting any mention of their defects, upon which much difference of opinion naturally exists. THE FLORENTINE SCHOOL, Whose characteristics were, severity of design, vigour of conception, and grandeur of form. This, School presents us with a perfect instance of the rise, progress, and decline of modern art. Its existence includes a period of nearly six centuries, in the first half of which period is comprised the gradual improvement of the art, from its early dawn, under Cimabue, about the year 1300, to its greatest consummation under Michael Angelo, about the year 1500. The second half of the period exhibits the gradual decline of art, namely, from the death of Michael Angelo to the present century. The following are the chief names of its Masters :-In the thirteenth century, Cimabue; in the fourteenth, Giotto, Gaddi, Orcagna, Massolino; in the fifteenth, Massoccio, Ghirlandaio, L. Da Vinci (also of Milan), Michael Angelo; sixteenth, Bartolomeo, Andrea del Sarto, Ricciarelli, Cortona; seventeenth, Carlo Dolci, Lutti; eighteenth, Battoni, Zuccharelli, Cipriani. THE ROMAN SCHOOL. Characteristics.-Elevation of thought, strong and dignified expression, correct design, and picturesque sublimity. Masters: Perugino, Raffaelle, Giulio Romano, Pierino del Vaga, Udine, Guadenzio di Ferrara, Barroccio, Zucchero, Maratti, Garofalo, Sacchi, Caravaggio, Spagnoletto (Ribera), Salvator Rosa, Falcone, Luca→→ telli, Mola, Pannini, &c. 31 INTRODUCTION. 5' THE LOMBARD SCHOOL. Characteristics.—Rich and flowing contour, noble expression, graceful pencil, powerful colouring, and perfect knowledge of the chiaro-scuro. The greatest Painters of the Lombard School are Leonardo da Vinci, Susini, Coreggio, and Parmigiano. A second Lombard School was formed by the Caracci, at Bologna, whose principles were those mentioned, when noticing the Eclectic School, viz. :-a study of the works of the great Masters, with a view to unite the utmost correctness and purity of design; the highest graces of composition, with the various charms of colouring and expression, and, in addition, a higher poetic feeling of the subject. Domenichino, Albano, Guido, Guercino, Spada, belonged to this School. THE VENETIAN SCHOOL, Which was influenced at its outset by the neighbouring School of Padua, but did not retain its severity. Cha- racteristics. The highest perfection of colouring and chiaro-scuro. Sir Charles Eastlake observes, "that the Venetian School is acknowledged to be first in colour." He adds: "It is remarkable that in expression no School of Italy is more serious. The smiling expression of Leonardo da Vinci, Coreggio, and Raphael, never occurs in the Venetian Holy Families, and the pensiveness of mien and look, in subjects of a lighter character, is sometimes pathetic." The greatest Painters of this School were Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, and Paul Veronese. THE GERMAN SCHOOL. L The earlier works of this School are characterized by much learning, truth, and accuracy of detail, but, as well remarked by Lord Lindsey, "the hardness with which their truth is accompanied is like sincerity without love." Their more recent artists are blended with the Flemish, Dutch, and Italian Schools. The principal Masters of this School are Albert Durer, Hans Hemmeling, Lucas Van Leyden, the Kranachs, the Ostades, Lely, Kneller, Ferg, Loutherbourg, Mengs, the Rooses, Backhuysen, Denner, Linglebach, &c. THE FRENCH AND SPANISH SCHOOLS. These Schools were formed on a close study of the Italian Masters, but they, nevertheless, evince great origi- nality, especially the Spanish, whose Masters combine brilliancy and freedom of execution, with rich and delicate tones and graceful composition. The Spanish Masters are numerous, but little known in this country. The Poussins, Le Brun, Claude Vernet, Watteau, are amongst the principal Painters of the French School; and Velasques, Murillo, Zurbaran, amongst the Spanish. THE FLEMISH AND DUTCH SCHOOLS. Close proximity and direct influence have so commingled these Schools, that it is difficult to separate them. The Flemish School, like that of Venice, draws its principal excellence from the splendour of its colouring. The Dutch, although inferior, and with no pretension to sentiment, has such a true stamp of nature impressed on the works of its best painters, such general brilliancy of colouring, joined to a perfect knowledge of chiaro-scuro, together with a lively imagination and just representation of the scenes of humble life, that, whether justly or not, it occupies, both as to price and popularity, a leading position in art. The principal names amongst the Masters of the Flemish School are John Van Eyck, Rubens, Vandyck, Teniers, Wouvermans, Hobbema; and of the Dutch School, Gerard Douw, Rembrandt, Cuyp, Potter, Berghem the Boths, Bol, Hondekooter. THE BRITISH SCHOOL, Although scarcely of a century standing, has produced many distinguished artists. Until the end of the eighteenth century, foreigners usurped the whole patronage in art in Great Britain. To George III. is due the foundation of the Royal Academy of London, which was founded in 1768, under the presidency of Sir Joshua Reynolds. The Royal Hibernian Academy at Dublin was founded in 1823, and the Scottish Academy in 1833. Portraiture, domestic subjects, and landscapes principally predominate; and colour and finish being principal requisites, the conse- quence has been rather a close approximation to the Dutch and Flemish Schools. ! ** ܘ ܃ ܼܿܵ 1 egg ba ;;, *A "" 686 See p. 48 &51 687 49 688 20 689 11 690 9 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 7700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 "" "" " "" "" "" در "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" nes "" N ". { .:55 31 26 35 44 ~~ 33. 27 6.7 34 23 17 48 42 61 40 61 ཀྱྀ་ . 60. 66 21 37 43 60 "}} " Index of Numbers on Paintings. "" The subjects and artists' names are given as furnished by the proprietors. 713 See page 57 740 See page 44 7714 21 741 ,, 9 & 55 715 60 46 716 17 ,, 9 & 55 717 27 67 718 28 719 16 720 25 721 · 13 722 -- 28 723 .11 724 33 725 29 726 .66 727 10 728 36 729 65 730 24 731 29 732 39 733 68 734 13 735 67 736 .37 737 61 738 67 7739 65 "" "" "" "" "" "" "} "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ܚܪܕܐ ܝܘ "" "" * 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 7755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 "" "" , 12&14 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" A "" "" "" 30 17 32 67 65 55 63 69 45 56 47 .47 69 41. 56 63 63 · 64 25 17 ~27 مر "" Boo 767 See page 64 768 ::69: 769 10 770 47 771 10 772 46 773 33 1974 17175 776 regryny 7178 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 7790 791 792 793 "" " "" "} "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 29 "" "" "" "" 22 SOY act "" 4 kuka Lok گے 50€ 20 16 58 54 48. 10. 49 17 69% 16 21 ..69€ 69 15 · 69 3& 238 50 +63 80% INDEX OF NUMBERS ON PAINTINGS. 7 794 See page 51 795 52 796 38 797 33 798 38 7799 53 800 9 801 23 802 15 803 68 804 43 805 29 806 25 807 24 808 34 809 34 810 43 811 22 812 69 813 13 814 17 815 57 816 23 817 69 818 54 819 11 820 13 821 52 822 27 823 60 824 20 825 32 در "" "" "" """ "" "" "" "? "" "" "" "? "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 826 See page 21 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 " "" "" "} "" "" "" "" "" "" "? "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "? ** "" "" "" "? "" "" "" "} "" "" 858 See page 13 1774860 859 69 860 21 861 41 862 19 863 30 864 19 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 8717 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 59 26 25 55 16 39 10 10 37 20 13 33 64 60 20 26 25 64 22 43 14 40 19 14 58 57 68 67 45 *43 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 333 "" "" "" "" "" "} "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" * 41 69 52 47 35 25 31 14 50 57 47 49 49 40 9 41 35 25 44 18 17 25 48 19 26 890 See page 16 891 31 892 69 893 41 894 34 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 Ĉ - ", "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ?? "" "} "" 39 "" "" "" "" 99 49 38 50 30 -63 65 66 47 38 43 32 36 *45 53 60 61 10 39 26 $ A -- 66 69 44 15 Com com NN. W - 21 1.00 I 28 30 8 INDEX OF NUMBERS ON PAINTINGS. ! 922. See page 13 923 24 924 48 925 61 926 46 927 58 928 47 929 50 930 11 931 44 932 19 933 62 934 16 935 58 936 44 937 44 938 51 939 52 940 55 941 61 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ?? "" "" "" "" "" "" 942 See page 16 943 55 944 60 945 48 946 57 947 ,, 14 & 19 948 60 949 43 950 34 951 53 952 38 953 18 954 26 955 19 956 31 957 57 958 15 959 43 960 22 961 12 "" 29 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 962 See page 18 963 38 964 51 965 26 966 38 96'7 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ", "" "" "" "" "" "" 55&62 55 & 62 37 39 31 37 68 69 60 69 68 18 29 30 981 See page 30 982 29 983 30 984 12 985 41 986 16 987 32 988 36 989 68 990 16 991 69 992 15 993 69 994 45 995 69 996 58 997 61 998 999 70, 71, & 72 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" *** X *M + ༢༦、 ༡ Gallery of the Old Wasters. 879 A Storm. ARTOIS (Jacques). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Brussels, 1613; died 1665, aged 52. His manner leads to the belief that he was a pupil of John Wildens. He gives faithful representations of the scenery of his country, its fields and forests, depicted with a smoothness, lightness, and freedom of pencil, which, when ornamented with the figures of David Teniers, give a combination of very considerable value. These pictures bring a high price. 741 Landscape (with Figures by D. Teniers.) 743 Landscape (with Figures by D. Teniers.) The property of The Lord Chancellor. 99. BACKHUYSEN (Ludolph). GERMAN SCHOOL. Born at Embden, in Holland, 1631; died 1709, aged 78. BATTEM (Gerhard Van). DUTCH SCHOOL. "" A pupil of Everdingen, at Amsterdam, celebrated for his representation of water agitated by storms. He has frequently exposed himself to the greatest danger, by hiring fishermen to take him out to sea in the most tempestuous weather, and thus obtained the art of depicting those scenes with a fidelity that almost intimidated the beholder. 690 The Mouth of the Scheldt. The property of SS0 830 The Lord Chancellor The property of 30 *80 B Charles Brien. Date of birth and death uncertain; lived between 1650 and 1700. Is supposed to have been a pupil of Rembrandt, as his pictures bear a strong resemblance to that master's manner. His subjects are usually mountainous landscapes, with banditti, travellers, &c.; sometimes he painted stag hunts. 800 An Interior, with group of Figures. Charles Brien. William McKay. 10 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. BERGHEM (Nicholas). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born in Holland, 1624; died, 1683, aged 59. First taught by his father, an obscure painter at Haerlem, and afterwards by Van Goyen, and finally by Weeninx. His Landscape consists of most delightful scenery, enriched with architectural ruins, and decorated with charming groups of figures and cattle. His style is excellent, and, although he painted with surprising facility, yet his pictures have all the finish that could be wished. The distribution of his masses, and his conduct of light and shadow, are masterly and intelligent; and the delicate gradation of his aerial perspective, the light floating of his skies, and the transparence of the water, have never been surpassed by any painter of his country. 780 Horses crossing a Rivulet. 834 Landscape with Figures and Buildings. 911 Landscape and Figures. 727 Cattle crossing a Stream. BESSCHEY (J. F.) FLEMISH SCHOOL. The property of BOL (Ferdinand). DUTCH SCHOOL. "" "" "" "" J. H. Reid. The Earl of Portarlington. John Gibson. Born at Antwerp, 1739; died 1799, aged 60. Of this artist but little is known, except that he made several accurate copies of Moucheron, Gerard Douw, Rembrandt, Rubens, Vandyck, and various others, which afford charming reminis- cences to those who delight in the art, but have not the means to obtain originals. 769 Hare and Fruit. The property of The Marquis of Ely. 835 The Flight of Europa. Charles Brien. The Earl of Portarlington. Born at Dort, 1611; died (it is said), 1681, aged 70. Educated in the Academy of Rembrandt at Amsterdam, and is said to have been so successful an imitator of his great master, that some of his best portraits may be mistaken for those of Rembrandt. 1 Saint Lucia. The property of The Lord Chancellor. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 11 庚 ​BORDONE (Paris). VENETIAN SCHOOL. 723 A Battle Piece. 689 A Battle Piece. Born at Trevigi, 1513; died at Venice, 1588, aged 75. Studied under Titian; and enriched many of the churches throughout Italy with his fine paintings. In portrait painting he excelled; his paintings of that description being said to be inferior to none, except those of his great master. 819 Portrait of an Italian Nobleman. The property of The Right Hon. Alex. Macdonnell. *** This picture was in the Litta Gallery, at Milan. BORGOGNONE, Il (Jacopo Cortese). ROMAN SCHOOL. Born at St. Hippolyte, in Franche Conté, 1621; died at Rome, 1676, aged 55. Was instructed in the rudiments by his father, an obscure painter; and at an early age entered the army, but shortly afterwards returned to painting. Some of his historical works are in the church of S. Marta, in Rome; but his battles, many of which he himself witnessed, have immortalized him. Lanzi says, that, "in beholding his pictures, we seem to hear the shonts of war, the neighing of horses, and the cries of the wounded.” The property of "" BOTH (John and Andrew). DUTCH SCHOOL. The Earl of Portarlington. - H. Westropp. JOHN BOTH, the elder brother of Andrew, was born at Utrecht, 1610; died at Venice, 1645, aged 35.-ANDREW BOTH, born; died 1650, aged about 39. These celebrated painters are generally noticed in one article by writers; their histories as well as their works being so closely connected that it would be injustice to separate them. They were the sons of a painter on glass, in Utrecht, who taught them the first rudiments of design. Afterwards they learned from Bloemaert, and finally travelled together to Italy. John admired and followed the landscape of Claude Lorraine, while Andrew studied the works of Bamboccio, and enriched his brother's paintings with the choicest figures, grouped and designed with great taste and elegance. 930 The Angels appearing to the Shepherds. The property of Charles Brien. 12 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. た ​BRIL (Paul). ROMAN SCHOOL. Born at Antwerp, 1554; died at Rome, 1626, aged 72. Was instructed in the rudiments by an obscure painter named Wortelmans, and for a short time earned his bread by painting the tops of harpsichords, at that time a prevailing fashion; but following the fortunes of his brother, Mathew Bril, who won great fame at the Vatican, in Rome, Paul changed his school and manner, studying the landscapes of Titian as his model. His landscapes are now highly prized, and Annibal Caracci has frequently added in his own noble figures to aid them. 745 Landscape. St. Francis in the Desert-the figure by Caracci. The property of Jonathan Osborne, M.D. BUONAROTTI (Michael Angelo). FLORENTINE SCHOOL. Born at Anezzo, in Tuscany, 1474; died 1563, aged 89. This sublime artist, distinguished as a painter, sculptor, and architect, was educated with great care, and at an early age placed under Ghirlandaio; but from whom a genius of his cast could derive little beyond mere mechanical facility. He afterwards studied at the Museum of the Antique, at Florence, where, of himself, he formed and matured those powers that have asto- nished the modern world. He preferred sculpture to painting, and contributed more to greatness of design in both than any artist that ever lived. His prominent feature is grandeur—a grandeur peculiarly his own. He is named by Sir Joshua Reynolds, the "bright luminary," from whom all have derived whatever they possess of the "dignified and majestic." 984 Portrait of M. Angelo, of an old date. The property of CALABRESE, Il (Cavalier Mattia Preti). LOMBARD SCHOOL. Henry Hodgson. Born in Calabria, 1613; died at Malta, 1699, aged 86. Studied under Lanfranco; afterwards was several years under Guercino. His compositions bear a high character, partaking of his master's vigorous contrasts. His subjects are gloomy— sometimes terrific; he painted martyrdoms and scenes of death with unusual force and truth. 961 Martyrdom of a Saint. The property of Sir John Nugent, Bart. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 13 CANALETTO (Antonio), originally CANAL. VENETIAN SCHOOL. Views in Venice. Born at Venice, 1697; died 1768, aged 71. The son of a scene painter in Venice, and taught by his father, whose vocation he for some time followed. He afterwards was in Rome and its neighbourhood, where he formed a love for studying the remains of antiquity. Returning to Venice he there painted several views of the interior of that city, and ultimately became remarkable for the extreme elegance of his finish in buildings and civic landscapes, drawn with lineal precision, and accompanied with a brilliant effect of light. The conduct of his perspective and aerial tint is such as often to create a complete delusion of reality upon the charmed observer. He had many pupils, who caught up his style so closely, as sometimes to succeed in passing off their works as those of Canaletto. There are few galleries of note without a pair of his pictures, which may, perhaps, account for the name being so often used in the plural number Canaletti, instead of Canaletto. 721 734) 838 858 922 View in Venice. 813 820 Companion to No. 813. Views in Venice. Interior of a Venetian Palace, The property of 59 "" " "" The Marquis of Ely. The Earl of Portarlington. Lord Ward. Rt. Hon. Alex. Macdonnell. Rt. Hon. Alex. Macdonnell, CARACCI (Lodovico). LOMBARD SCHOOL. Born at Bologna, 1555; died 1619, aged 64. This great painter, the chief founder of the CARACCI SCHOOL (there were two others of the name, AGOSTINO CARACCI, born 1558, and his brother ANNIBALE, born 1660, both cousins of Lodovico), was taught by Prospero Fontana; but far excelling his master, he finally retrieved the art from the degradation into which it had fallen. Having instructed his relatives, Agostino and * 14 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 1 CARACCI (continued). Annibale, all three jointly established the celebrated Caracci Academy, in which Albano, Guido, and Domenichino and others were instructed. The style of Caracci is, by the best judges, considered as that which approaches nearest to perfection; Sir Joshua Reynolds, in contrasting it with that of Titian, says: "His breadth of light and shadow, the simplicity of his colouring, and the solemn effect of that twilight that seems diffused over his pictures, is better suited to the grave and dignified subjects he generally treated, than the more artificial brilliancy of sunshine which enlightens the pictures of Titian.” 848 The Crucifixion. * * 947 Landscape, by Domenichino,-Figures by Caracci. Latona changing the Clowns into Frogs. "Eternùm stagno, dixit, vivatis in isto. * * * * Limosoque novæ saliunt in gurgite ranæ.”—OVID MET. L. VI. The property of 872 St. Theresa. 851 Head of an Old Man. 745 St. Francis in the Desert receiving the Stigmata, Landscape by Paul Bril-Figures by Caracci. "" "" Sir Compton Domville, Bart. CARACCI (Annibale). Sir Compton Domville, Bart. CARAVAGGIO (M. Angelo da). ROMAN SCHOOL. The property of Mrs. West. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Jonathan Osborne, M.D. "" Born at Caravaggio, 1569; died 1609, aged 40. The son of a mason; and, being employed in preparing plaster for the fresco painters at Milan, he became inspired with a love of the art. It is said that without instruction from any particular master, he attached himself to a faithful imitation of nature, and thus formed to himself a manner, which, from its singularity and a striking effect of light and shadow, became extremely GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 15 popular for a time; but his preciseness in imitating models, and even copying nature's deformities, ultimately detracted from his fame. His merit is confined to colour, and extraordinary effect produced by contrast of light and shadow. He felt his want of academic training, and so he seldom ventured on full lengths, and his saint or hero is not ennobled, but merely represents the porter who served as a model for the occasion. 958 The Apotheosis of St. Francis. 917 Musical Concert. 992 Narcissus. The property of "" ,, CIMABUE (Giovanni). FLORENTINE SCHOOL. The Marquis of Drogheda. The Earl of Charlemont. The property of T. Tepe. Born at Florence, 1240; died 1300 (or 1302), aged 60 (or 62). He was of noble lineage, and is said by some to have learned the art from a Greek painter, then employed in the Church of St. Maria Novella; by others, to have been taught by Giunta Pisano, who himself studied under the Greek School. He is said to have been the first painter who threw a feeble gleam of light upon the total darkness which obscured the state of art before his day. His works are cherished with great care, as affording historical evidence of the progress of the art, the more especially, as it is known that his pictures were looked upon as prodigies in his time; such was his reputation, that on finishing a picture of the Virgin for St. Maria Novella, his fellow-citizens carried it to the church with sound of trumpets, in triumphal procession. 788 Portable Altar Piece, on a Gold Ground. Henry Hodgson. CORTONA (Pietro Berretini da). ROMAN SCHOOL. Born at Cortona, 1596; died at Rome, 1669, aged 73. Was taught in Rome by Carpi, and closely studied the works of Raphael. His paintings, although not scrupulously correct in design, possess much grace and loveliness, and his colouring is sweet and agreeable. 802 Return of the Prodigal Son. The property of Sir John Nugent, Bart, ĭ 16 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 1 う ​} COREGGIO (Antonio Allegri da). LOMBARD SCHOOL. Born at Coreggio, in Modena, 1494; died 1534, aged 40. Of his origin nothing is accurately known. Some assert he was born of a noble family; others of obscure and indigent parents. Even his instructor is unknown, some asserting he was a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci; others, of his uncle, Lorenzo Allegri. However that may be, it is evident he owed little of his celebrity to masters, and that he was the sole founder of his fame, and the first establisher of that admirable system of grace, grandeur, and harmony, which never yet was equalled, and is never likely to be surpassed. To him we are indebted for one of the most effective illusions of the pencil-the faculty of foreshortening; and he confessedly carried the magic of the chiaro-scuro to the highest possible pitch. His forms are exquisitely soft and beau- tiful; the airs of his heads exhibit an inimitable gracefulness in the tenderness of their expression. His colouring is equally delicate and pure with that of Titian, with more of the impasto; and in point of breadth of effect, he is undoubtedly his superior. 890 Virgin and Child. The property of 784 Venus chiding Cupid. Magdalen. 776 942 The Good Shepherd. 934 Venus disarming Cupid. The Marquis of Ormonde. James Daly. Charles D. Young. John Gibson. John Gibson. Lord Ward. 19 Magdalen reading. 99 *** Copies of two similar paintings of the Magdalen by Coreggio, one in the Dresden Gallery, the other supposed to be now in Spain, accompany this extraordinary painting. The difference in the form and shading of the figures, as well as in the background and sky, will at once strike the observation. 986 The Virgin and Child. 990 The Virgin and Child. "" 832 The Entombment. 59 >" "" 99 **This is a duplicate painting. The other is in the Tribune, at Florence. "" **Formerly in the possession of the celebrated engraver, Longhi. "" D. Ross, of Bladenburgh. CUYP, or KUYP (Albert). DUTCH SCHOOL. H. Westropp. Henry Hodgson. Born at Dort, 1606; time of death uncertain (was living in 1672). His father was a landscape painter of eminence, from whom alone the son received instruc- tion. In his painting he imitated purity of light better than any other artist, and was a close GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. · 17 and vigilant observer of nature under all the vicissitudes of atmosphere and season. His pictures frequently represent the borders of the Maes River, with shepherds and herdsmen attending their cattle. His pencil is uncommonly broad and facile, with an unusual plumpness of touch, and a crispness of surface which is peculiar to him, if we except Rembrandt, to whose works those of Cuyp bear some analogy in richness of colour, and intelligence of light and shadow. His works are increasing in estimation every year, and are now, according to Stanley, selling at enormous prices. 827 Loading Hay-Cattle, &c. 885 Milking the Cow-view near Dordrecht. 782 The Cavaliers. 765 Cattle, Figures, &c. 747 Early Morn. The property of DECKER. DUTCH SCHOOL. 701 Head of an Old Woman. 814 Portrait of Himself. "" "" "" 33 The Right Hon. Judge Ball. John Latouche. The Duke of Leinster. The Marquis of Ely. Mrs. West. There are nine artists of this name, all of whom are confused together by the different writers. One of them, who is the best known in England, produced landscapes very much resembling those of Ruisdael, without, at the same time, being either an imitator, or mere copyist. Some of his landscapes have been ornamented with figures and cattle by Adrien Ostade, and also by Van de Velde. He lived in the middle and close of the 17th century. 716 River Scene. The property of The Marquis of Drogheda. DENNER (Balthasar). GERMAN SCHOOL. Born in Hamburgh, 1685; died 1747, aged 62. His instructor's name is not known. He was very assiduous in his art, and painted with a most persevering and patient precision. When in Berlin, his works were admired by Fre- deric II.; and, during his short stay in London, by George I. The property of "" John Gibson. William McKay. 18 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 1 Born in London, 1610; died 1646, aged 36. Studied under Robert Peake, an English portrait painter and picture dealer, and lived in indigence and obscurity until Vandyck, seeing a picture of his exposed for sale in a shop window on Snow Hill, relieved him. He was afterwards introduced to Charles I.; and, on the death of Vandyck, to whose excellence he made the nearest approach of any painter of his day, he was appointed Sergeant Painter to Charles II., when he painted the portraits of Prince Rupert and many of the nobility. Full length portrait of Joseph Damer. 978 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell. DOBSON (William). ENGLISH SCHOOL. 953 884 Saint Cecilia. 962 Madonna. The property of DOLCI (Carlo). FLORENTINE SCHOOL. "" Born at Florence, 1616; died 1686, aged 70. A pupil of Jacopo Vignali. His paintings are, generally, on sacred subjects, to which, without possessing much genius or invention, he succeeded in imparting great interest by a tranquil expression of devotion, or patient, uncomplaining grief-mental sorrow without bodily pain. In all his paintings the tone of colouring is sweet and appropriate, nothing harsh or obtrusive—all is modest, placid, and harmonious. Madonna and Child. The property of "" >> The Earl of Portarlington. John Bloomfield. The Earl of Portarlington. John Farrell. Lord Ward. DOMENICHINO (Domenico Zampieri). LOMBARD SCHOOL (Caracci). Born at Bologna, 1581; died 1641, aged 60. When young, he was, for a short time, instructed by Denis Calvert; but soon afterwards was placed by his father under the Caracci, and has been universally considered the most distinguished disciple of that great School, in which Albano and Guido were his fellow-students. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 19 His chief excellence is expression, in which he has stood unrivalled since the time of His Raphael, with designs pure and grand, and compositions studied and appropriate. heads are full of grace and beauty, exhibiting not merely the mind alone, but the very soul itself, in a state of abstraction, as if entirely removed from the surrounding earth. In this high walk of art he stands, perhaps, altogether unequalled by any one. His painting of the Communion of Saint Jerome, being looked upon as the finest picture at Rome next after Raphael's Transfiguration, was taken by the French, and placed in the Louvre, but was afterwards returned. His landscapes, too, have been held in high estimation; and are generally enriched with beautiful figures. 888 Saint Catherine. The property of 947 Landscape, by Domenichino,-Figures by Caracci. Latona changing the Clowns into Frogs. "Eternùm stagno, dixit, vivatis in isto. "" "" Ipsaque dilatant patulos convicia rictus. Terga caput tangunt: colla intercepta videntur : Spina viret: venter, pars maxima corporis, albet; Limosoque novæ saliunt in gurgite ranæ."-OVID MET. L. VI. 955 The Assumption. The property of 932 Saint Francis receiving the five Wounds on Mount Alverno. 862 Poetry. 864 Saint Cecilia. 850 Landscape and Cattle. 3333 "" DOUW (Gerard). DUTCH SCHOOL. Alexander M'Carthy. Sir Compton Domville, Bart. Sir Compton Domville, Bart. Charles Molloy. Alexander M'Carthy. Thomas Duffy. Charles Brien. Born at Leyden, 1613; died 1674, aged 61. The son of a glazier, and first instructed by a glass painter named Kowenhoorn. At the age of fifteen he became a pupil of Rembrandt's, with whom he remained three years, where he learned colouring and effect, and became perfect master of harmony and of the chiaro-scuro. He adopted a mode of uniting the powerful tones and the magical light and shadow of Rembrandt with a minuteness and precision which so nearly approach nature, as to become perfect дыя 20 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. DOUW (continued). illusion. His colouring is admirable, and loses nothing of its purity by the apparent labour of his finishing, which is scrupulously minute, and yet done with a masterly management of light and shadow. 824 The Tooth Drawer. 837 Portrait of Gerard Douw, by himself. 842 The Alchemist. 75 Portrait of the Countess of Desmond. The property of DUBBELS (Jan). GERMAN SCHOOL. "" " 99 DURER (Albert). GERMAN SCHOOL. The Marquis of Ely. The Earl of Portarlington. Period of birth and death unknown. ** Taken at a very advanced period of life. She is said to have been the oldest woman at the court of Elizabeth; and Elizabeth died ten years before Douw was born. John Gibson. The Knight of Kerry. A pupil of Backhuysen, the famous marine painter (see BACKHUYSEN, page 9). He painted marine subjects in the manner of his master. Was living in 1715. 688 A Marine View. The property of The Marquis of Ely. Born at Nuremberg, 1471; died 1528, aged 57. He was first instructed in design by his father, who was a goldsmith, and afterwards studied for some years under Michael Wolgemut. His painting discovers a fertile invention, a design more precise than graceful, an excellent colour, and a polished finishing; but his outlines are formal, and there is a want of amenity in his tints. He was a distinguished artist, however, if we take into account the state of art as it then stood amongst the German painters; and if he GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 21 be not considered the founder, he may claim the credit of being the first that reformed the taste of the German School from the rude and barbarous style that preceded him. 785 Head of Christ. 918 A Triptych, or Painting in Three Parts. The property of ** Centre part-―The Adoration of the Magi. Right side-The Nativity. Left-The Circumcision. This painting is said to have stood in Queen Mary's chapel at Holyrood Palace. It was presented by the celebrated Mademoiselle de Querouaille, Duchess of Portsmouth, to an ancestor of the owner. 714 Saint Jerome Interpreting the Bible. 99 FLEMISH SCHOOL. 132 EYCK (John Van). 826 The Adoration of the Kings. 709 Prince Antiochus, Queen Stratonice, and the Physician Erosistratus, 860 Virgin and Child (by Hubert Van Eyck). The property of "" Lord Talbot de Malahide. Born at Maeseyk, on the Maes, 1370; died (according to the best authorities) 1441, aged 71. John and an elder brother, Hubert, who was born in 1366, but never attained any very great eminence, were the sons of an obscure painter, by whom they were instructed in the rude principles to which, at that period, the art was confined. They established themselves at Bruges, and are considered as the founders of the Flemish School. Although the discovery of the use of oil in painting is, by some, said to have been erroneously attributed to Van Eyck, yet it is admitted by all to have been imperfectly used until his time, when he brought the practice of oil painting into perfection. The pictures of the Eycks were held in the highest estimation at the time in which they lived. "" William Jameson. Henry Hodgson. Very Rev. J. Curtis. Sir John Nugent, Bart. ACTUL PI Sir John Nugent, Bart. ܐ 22 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. FAN EECKHOUT (Gerbrant Vanden). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born at Amsterdam, 1621; died 1674, aged 53. Was educated in the School of Rembrandt, from whom he acquired his excellent colouring, as well as light and shadow. He fell away in his style after leaving his great master, so that his pictures must be taken for what they may be worth, according to the time or mood in which the artist finished them. 811 Mercury, Argus, and Io. The property of The Right Hon. Alex. Macdonnell. FERRARI (Gregorio de). LOMBARD SCHOOL. Born at Genoa, 1644; died 1726, aged 82. Was taught by Fiasella, and studied the works of Coreggio, at Parma, whose style he endeavoured to follow; and, although considerably his inferior, yet he has shown great merit in composition and colouring. 960 St. Jerome. The property of 846 One of the Illustrations of Milton, exhibited in London, in 1798. The Marquis of Ely. FUSELI (Henry). ENGLISH SCHOOL. Born at Zurich, in Switzerland, 1745; died 1825, aged 80. His father, named John Caspar Füessli, was a native of Zurich. He first seriously studied the art after his arrival in England, where he originally intended to make literature his pursuit, but Sir Joshua Reynolds having seen some of his drawings, and spoken favourably of them, deter- mined him to become a painter. His subjects are generally taken from the higher order of poets, or writers of wild and wonderful fictions. His biographers say, that "his knowledge of anatomy was extensive, but rather ostentatiously displayed. That he was an accomplished scholar, and a sensible as well as estimable man; although matter-of-fact people, who could indulge their taste in the surprising truth of pictures of still life, set down his lofty imaginings as extravagances." The property of Samuel Cartwright. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 23 GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas). ENGLISH SCHOOL. Born at Sudbury, in England, 1727; died 1788, aged 61. This eminent English painter, being endowed with an intuitive disposition for the art, is said to have reached, without the aid of an instructor, an excellence seldom equalled by those who have had a graphical education. His portraits are and ever will be admired for striking resem- blance, expressed, perhaps, with less of effort than any other painter, and evincing a dexterity of handling and an intelligence of colour and effect entirely peculiar to himself. He is also praised in the highest degree by Sir Joshua Reynolds for the extreme beauty of his landscapes. The property of Portrait of the late Earl of Charlemont. GAROFALO (Benvenuto Tisio). ROMAN SCHOOL. 700 Judith bearing the Head of Holiphernes. 801 Marriage of Saint Catherine. 816 The Last Supper. Born at Ferrara, 1481; died 1559, aged 78. First studied under Panetti, afterwards under Boccacci, and finally at Rome, under Raphael, whose beautiful style he is said to approach, especially in the expression of his heads, and also in the correctness of his design. His colouring is distinguished by warmer tones and more vigorous shadows. The heads of his old men are noble and venerable, his Madonnas graceful and taste- fully attired. The property of "" دو The Earl of Charlemont. 1 Very Rev. J. Curtis. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Rt. Hon. Alex. Macdonnell. *** This was painted by order of the Duke of Ferrara, and contains the Portraits of the following persons of the day, beginning at the right hand of the spectator. 1 Cardinal Hippolito D'Este. 2 The Duke of Ferrara. 3 Titian. 4 Ariosto. Q GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 24 GIORDANO (Luca). NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL. Born at Naples, 1632; died 1705, aged 73. First taught by his at Naples. Attaining to father, an obscure painter; afterwards by Spagnoletto, whilst eminence, he was invited to Madrid, and appointed painter to Charles II., where he remained for ten years, enriching that city with a prodigious number of works. He was said to have the most fertile genius and expeditious pencil of any painter then known; and, perhaps, no man has left so many pictures, without even excepting Tintoretto. These powers alone entitle him to great merit; but his invention was mechanical, and not marked with independence or originality. 730 St. John Preaching in the Wilderness. 807 Adam and Eve with Cain and Abel. The property of "" The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. GOYEN (John Van). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Leyden, 1596; died 1656, aged 60. His first master was Schilperoot, a landscape painter; he then learned from John Nicolai; and, finally, from the celebrated Esaias Vandevelde, of Haerlem. Van Goyen was indefatigable, and sketched numberless views of villages and towns on the banks of rivers, canals, seaports in the Low Countries, &c., enriching them with cattle, boats, and figures in character. His works are extremely unequal, some being finished with great care, and highly prized; others with negligence and haste, and are little more than sketches. 923 River Scene in Holland. The property of GUERCINO (Giovanni Francesco Barbiere). LOMBARD SCHOOL. The Marquis of Drogheda. 1 Born at Cento, in Ferrara, 1590; died 1666, aged 76. It is alleged that he studied in the Academy of the Caracci, but the prevailing opinion seems to be that he was the disciple of his own genius and nature. He was a laborious artist, GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 25 and left an incredible number of performances, which are highly esteemed, and ranked amongst those of the greatest artists of his time. 806 Cupid Breaking his Bow. 870 Holy Family. The property of GREUZE (Jean Baptiste). FRENCH SCHOOL, Born at Tournus, 1726; died at Paris, 1805, aged 79. It is not known under whom he studied but his style is thoroughly French. He was remarkable for the richness and truth of his colouring. His heads are exceedingly fine, and his pictures are highly prized in England as well as in France, and bring large prices. 844 Head. The property of Sir John Nugent, Bart, The property of " "" GUIDO. LOMBARD SCHOOL (Caracci). Born at Bologna, 1575; died 1642, aged 67. First taught by Denis Calvert, and afterwards a pupil in the Academy of the Caracci, where Albano and Domenichino were his fellow-students. An exquisite touch, a singular facility of execution, great suavity of colour, a general accord, the sweetest harmony—are his distinguishing characteristics. His design is generally correct; and, though sometimes failing to satisfy the rigid anatomist in detail, yet he is sure to captivate by the grace and elegance of his contour. He is generally regarded as the most distinguished disciple of the Caracci School next after Domenichino, and possessed the extraordinary faculty of expressing grief, sadness, or terror, without detriment to the beauty of his heads. 720 Magdalen. 764 Magdalen. 830 A Child's Head. 882 Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian. 886 Magdalen. 19 " 11 The Earl of Portarlington. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Sir Compton Domville, Bart. John Latouche. Alexander M'Carthy. Lord Ward. Sir John Nugent, Bart. C 26 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. HOGARTH (William). ENGLISH SCHOOL. Born in London, 1697 or 8; died 1764, aged about 67. Was apprenticed to a silversmith, to learn the branch of engraving arms or cyphers on plate; but before his time expired became a pupil at the Academy in St. Martin's-lane. He commenced life by engraving arms and shop bills, and then supplying booksellers with designs for plates and frontispieces. He afterwards became a portrait painter, having a great facility in catching likenesses; but it is said that his love for the ridiculous, and his extreme coarseness, drove away many customers, and he became ultimately unsuccessful in that branch. He is said, by Lord Orford, to have been a "great and original genius, and rather a writer of comedy with a pencil than a painter, using colours instead of language." All his characters are individually true, and his delineation of each person is just and appropriate. The property of 4 965 The Gate of Calais. 954 The Lady's Last Stake. 889 Harlot's Progress. Second Stage. 693 Portrait of the late Earl of Charlemont (unfinished). "" 843 Landscape, with Water Mill. 913 Landscape and Figures. 829 Landscape and Figures. 99 "" HOBBEMA (Minderhout). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born in Holland about 1611; died Very little is known of the life of this captivating painter. He has not been surpassed by any of the Dutch painters in the pure and chaste tinting of his colour, the full and flowing richness of his pencil, and his intelligent conduct of the chiaro-scuro. His pictures are numerous in England, and are highly prized; as much as £3,000 having been paid for fine specimens. The property of The Lord Chancellor. John Gibson. William M'Kay. ر, The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Charlemont. " HOLBEIN (Hans or John). GERMAN SCHOOL. Born at Basle, 1498; died 1554, aged 56. Was instructed by his father; and having acquired, at an early age, considerable reputation for portrait painting, came, by invitation, to England, in 1526, when 28 years of age. 6:30 1 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. He had a salary from Henry VIII., and apartments in the Palace, and painted the portrait of the king several times, and those of the principal persons at the Court. His works are very numerous in England, and were held in very high estimation, both there and on the Continent. 766 Portrait of Henry VIII. The property of The Earl of Portarlington. * This portrait was presented by Henry VIII. to the ancestor of Lord Portarlington, with the grant of Milton Abbey, England. 697 Domestic Poultry. 717 Dead Game. HONTHORST (Gerard). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born at Utrecht, 1592; died 1660, aged 68. Was a scholar of Abraham Bloemaert, but his principal studies were at Rome, and his chief admiration was the School of Caravaggio, to whose vigorous colouring and powerful effect of chiaro-scuro he added dignity of character and a more correct and elevated taste of design, He was called Gherardo dalle notti, from his pictures generally representing torch or candlelight, Was a short time in England, and painted for Charles the First. 822 Female Shading a Candle. The property of 27. HONDECOOTER (Gysbrecht), Born at Utrecht, 1613; died 1653, aged 40. HONDECOOTER (Melchior). Born at Utrecht, 1636; died 1695, aged 59, DUTCH SCHOOL. The Marquis of Waterford. These artists (father and son) followed the same line of painting, but the latter infinitely excelled his father in life-like imitations of domestic and other fowl. His works are in great estimation, and usually bring a great price, especially amongst those judges who are skilful enough to distinguish his works from those of his father. The property of " The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. 11-% 28 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. ( JOUVENET (Jean). FRENCH SCHOOL. Born at Rouen, 1644; died 1717, aged 73. This eminent painter of the French School owes his instruction solely to his father. At an early age he went to Paris, where he painted his celebrated picture of Christ healing the Paralytic in the Church of Notre Dame. He possessed great facility and energy of handling, and was a correct designer, but rather deficient in colouring. 722 Original Sketch-Picture for the Ceiling of the Church of Saint Sulpice. The property of E. M. Blood. KAUFFMAN (Maria Angelica), afterwards MADAME ZUCCHI. ITALIAN SCHOOL. Born at Coire, the capital of Grizons, 1742; died at Rome, 1807, aged 65. Her father was a miniature painter of eminence, under whose care she was, at a very early age, so highly educated as to be esteemed a good musician as well as a promising painter, and, according to the Abbé Winkleman, spoke the German, Italian, French, and English languages with great facility. She travelled over the greater part of Europe, residing for a considerable period at a time in each city. In England she remained for seventeen years, and received the highest honours from the Royal Academy. Her compositions, which are now-a-days said to have been overrated, are ingenious and poetical, never ungraceful or incorrect, with colouring mellow and harmonious as the best of the Italian School, and her figures are always distinguished by an air of mild and virginal dignity. They are said, however, to want variety and passion, and their entire sameness has led some to denominate her a mannerist. One simple painting of hers in a collection must, however, be allowed to be a sweet and beautiful acquisition. 919 Portrait of Miss Munroe. 718 Portrait of Lady Caroline Damer. The property of The Marquis of Ely. The Earl of Portarlington. 99 KNELLER (Sir Godfrey). GERMAN SCHOOL. Born at Lubeck, 1648; died in England, 1723, aged 75. Studied under Rembrandt at Amsterdam, and afterwards under Ferdinand Bol, the scholar of Rembrandt, and finally at Rome under Carlo Maratti. He arrived in England in 1674, then twenty-six years of age, and was fortunate in his competition with Sir Peter Lely, 1 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 29 when Charles II., to avoid a double sitting, proposed that both artists should paint him at the same time. Kneller's picture was nearly finished when Sir Peter's was but dead coloured, upon which he became a favourite, and painted the greater part of the Court. He painted Charles II., James II., King William III., by whom he was knighted in 1792; Queen Anne, and George I., by whom he was made a baronet. There is little in the history of his painting, save that he was a fashionable and wealthy Court painter. 979 Portrait of William III. 982 Portrait of James, second Duke of Ormonde, The property of The Rt. Hon. Sir William Somerville. J. H. Smith. "" LAURI (Filippo). VENETIAN SCHOOL. Born at Rome, 1623; died 1694, aged 71. Was the son of Balthasar Lauri, a respectable artist, who was pupil of Paul Brill, and was early instructed by his brother Francesco, who studied at Rome. He is said to have been a highly accomplished scholar as well as a poet. His paintings are ingeniously composed, the figures correctly and gracefully designed, with sometimes very agreeable landscapes in the back- ground. 805 The Nativity. 725 Raising of Lazarus. 731 Angel descending at the Pool of Siloe. The property of LELY (Sir Peter). GERMAN SCHOOL. ,, "" Alexander M'Carthy. Sir John Nugent, Bart.. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Born at Soest, in Westphalia, 1617; died in London, 1680, aged 63. Son of a captain in the army; made such proficiency in two years under Peter Grebber, at Haerlem, that his master declared he could not further instruct him. On the death of Vandyck he arrived in England, and painted the portrait of Charles I., as well as those of William, Prince of Orange, and the Princess Mary (parents of William III.) It is said he painted a likeness of Cromwell. He was afterwards a great favourite of Charles II., by whom he was knighted. The greater part of his works are portraits; and, from the quality and rank, as well as the number of 30 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. T LELY (continued). his subjects, his reputation at the time must have been great. His colouring was beautiful and permanent. He was intrinsically a Court painter. A graceful air about his females marks them as persons of high rank and breeding; but he stooped to the adoption of courtly affectation, and he universally gave his subjects "the sleepy eye that spoke the melting soul," a distinguishing characteristic of the beauties of that dissolute Court; and for like reasons all his ladies have very beautiful hands. 980 Portrait of Queen Mary, wife of William III. Portrait of the first Duke of Ormonde. 981 Portrait of Charles II. 983 Portrait of George Duke of Albemarle. 898 Portrait of the Duchess of Orleans. 920 Portrait of Sir Peter Lely. The property of J. Bloomfield. The Marquis of Ormonde. William Ruxton. William Ruxton. LEYDEN (Lucas Van). DUTCH SCHOOL. "" 59 LIGOZZI (Jacopo). VENETIAN SCHOOL. "" 29 دو Born at Leyden, 1494; died 1533, aged 39. Was instructed by his father, an obscure painter, but showed extraordinary precocity, having engraved some plates from his own designs at the early age of nine years. He afterwards studied under Eryelbrechtsen, and is generally considered as the founder of the Dutch School. He was intimate with Albert Durer, whom he is said to have surpassed in composition, but not in design. 863 Triptych. Adoration of the Kings. The property of The Earl of Portarlington. James E. Stopford. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Born at Verona, 1543; died 1627, aged 84. Was a distinguished pupil and follower of Paul Veronese, whose style, in a great measure, he adopted. He shows great invention, and an uncommon freedom of hand, with the same vigour and truth, but with less of the colouring of his instructor. 746 Infant Jesus, Virgin, and St. Francis. The property of Mrs. Bayley. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 31 LORRAINE (Claude Gelee). FRENCH SCHOOL. Born at Chamagne, in Lorraine, 1600; died 1682, aged 82. The early part of the life of this "Prince of Landscape Painters" is lost in obscurity; the latter part is not so. He is supposed to have been born of parents in narrow circumstances, and to have contracted his first love for the art whilst receiving instruction in the business of a carver and engraver in wood, from an elder brother. He afterwards was kindly instructed by Godfrey Waal, and subsequently by Agostino Tassi, at Rome. Most of his studies were made on the banks of the Tiber. From morning till night he wandered in the fields, contemplating the effects produced by the sun at different periods. His objects are very numerous, and all justly, placidly, enchantingly laid before the eye;-all, except the figures, which an assistant was often employed to finish for him. He used jokingly to say, he "sold his landscapes and gave away his figures." Superb temples, lofty architecture, ample lakes, glittering lustre of the skies, diversity of foliage. suitable to each plant or tree, ornament his works. The morning dews and brightening fields the evening glow of the setting sun--the sultry noon and arid vegetation-are all equally well depicted by this enchanting painter, who, as Smith observes, "has for upwards of two centuries. stood alone, pre-eminent, without one successful rival to compete for the wreath of fame.” 921 Landscape. The property of The Marquis of Drogheda. 891 Landscape. The Earl of Portarlington. 871 Sunset at Sea. 692 Roman Ruins. : 99 971 The Marriage of Saint Catherine. 956 Coronation of Saint Catherine. "" 33 MARATTI (Carlo). ROMAN SCHOOL. "" P Born at Camurano (near Ancona), 1625; died at Rome, 1713, aged 88. A pupil of Andrea Sacchi, whose style from time to time he followed. Many of his paintings are admired for the apparent labour and care bestowed upon them, more than for origi- nality of conception, or diguity of expression. Those in imitation of his master are more highly valued than any others. Some of his etchings have been highly esteemed. The property of H. Westropp. The Earl of Miltown. The Lord Chancellor. Sir John Nugent, Bart BET 32 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. · = MARINARI (Onorio). FLORENTINE SCHOOL. Born at Florence, 1627; died 1715, aged 88. Was the cousin and pupil of Carlo Dolci. Many of his pictures are attributed to Carlo; but he painted with a much freer pencil, more ideal, and less constrained, with a greater glow of colour than his master, and more harmony of tone. 987 Saint Catherine. The property of MIGNARD (Nicholas). FRENCH SCHOOL. Born in Champagne, 1608; died at Paris, 1668, aged 60. Commenced under some obscure painter, now unknown; but by perseverance at his profession, and by the aid of travelling abroad, returned to France, and became a member of the Academy of Paris, and painted several admired works for the Palace of the Juillenes. 905 Mount Olympus, Assembly of the Gods. The property of MODESTO (Frate). MILANESE SCHOOL. Lady Juliana Bayly. MOLA (Pietro Francesco). ROMAN SCHOOL. Born at Milan in the 16th century. Was a member of a religious community, and one of those sweet and graceful artists, who, without obtruding themselves upon the world, did much towards advancing the fine arts in Italy. 825 Madonna. Alexander M'Carthy. The property of Sir John Nugent, Bart. The property of Born at Coldra, Milanese States, 1609; died 1665, aged 56. Studied at Rome, under D'Arpino; afterwards at Bologna, under Francesco Albano. He sought, however, a bolder style and more vigorous colour than either of his masters. He is much more esteemed for his landscapes than historical paintings, some of which are admirable, and reach the sublime. 748 Magdalen in a Landscape. The Lord Chancellor. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 33 MOOR (Karel de). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born at Leyden, 1656; died 1738, aged 82. Studied under Gerard Douw, also under Tempel, and at Dort under Schalcken. pictures are ingeniously composed, figures correctly designed, and colouring clear and transparent; sometimes partaking of the chaste delicacy of Vandyck, sometimes of the vigour of Rembrandt. The Music Lesson. (Over door of Medieval Court). The property of (Over door of Medieval Court). John Gernon. John Gernon. The Singing Lesson. The property of "> MORLAND (George). ENGLISH SCHOOL. Born in England, 1764; died 1804, aged 40. Was instructed solely by his father, Henry Robert Morland, an excellent portrait painter; and in early life exhibited great attention and assiduity to his profession, during which period he made great progress in the art. He represented with much truth familiar scenes of English rustic life, containing groups of men and cattle, especially sheep, asses, and also pigs. An old white horse was a favourite subject; but he avoided whatever required delicacy of form or nice propor- tions, and usually made choice of old, rough, and clumsy animals. 696 Landscape, with Sheep and Figures. The property of 839 A Study (Heads of Calves). 797 Dogs. "" 95 "" "" His MORALES (called EĻ DIVINO). SPANISH SCHOOL. Born at Badajos, 1509; died, 1586, aged 77. His source of instruction is not known, or at least is a subject of dispute. He was called El Divino, it is supposed, owing to the nature of the subjects he always selected, which were principally confined to heads of our Saviour, Mater Dolorosa, &c. They were of a most admirable and touching character, and finished with great care, without weakening the force or diminishing the expression; so much so, that his admirers have gone so far as to compare them to the heads of Lionardo da Vinci. 773 Portrait of Our Saviour. 790 Portrait of Saint Ambrose. 724 Portrait of Saint Francis. S. Cartwright. Robert Smith. H. Luscombe. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Sir John Nugent, Bart. ; 34 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. ງ : MOUCHERON (Frederick). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Embden, in Hanover, 1633; died 1686, aged 53. Was a pupil of John Asselyn. His landscapes exhibit pleasing scenery; the forms of his trees are well chosen, and his foliage light, and apparently in motion. Sometimes his pictures have been embellished with figures by A. Vandevelde and Lingelback. He left a son, Isaac (born at Antwerp, 1670; died 1744), whom he taught, and whose landscapes are admired as resembling those of Poussin. 894 Landscape and Cattle. * MURILLO (Bartolomé Estevan). SPANISH SCHOOL. Born at Seville, 1618; died 1685, aged 67, from the effects of a fall off a scaffold, while painting the Saint Catherine, in the Church of the Capuchins, at Cadiz. 699 Head of the Infant Saint John. 950 Hagur in the Wilderness. 808 The Saviour after being Scourged. The property of Studied under Don Juan del Castillo, at Seville, and improved himself under Velasquez, at Madrid. In the early part of his career he represented nature in her most simple and unsophisticated forms, and often selected rustics and beggar-boys, which he pourtrayed with a sweet and faithful attention to character peculiar to himself. He afterwards rose to a more dignified and sublime style, and executed many large works for the churches, as well as the galleries of the Spanish nobles, which are much and deservedly prized. His colouring is clear, tender, and harmonious; and all his figures uniformly stamped with the character of his country, and with an expression of eye which is remarkable, perhaps owing to his close observance of what he saw, in preference to following mere academical rule. His painting of the Holy Family, now in the National Gallery, cost 4,000 guineas. 809 Christ Raising the Mother-in-Law of Peter. The property of The Earl of Portarlington. "" "" *** From the Standish Collection of Louis Philippe, late King of the French. 99 The Rev. Dr. Russell. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Thomas Conolly, M.P. Henry Grattan. meH GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 35 MEULER (Anthony Francis Van der). FRENCH SCHOOL. Born at Brussels, 1634; died at Paris, 1690, aged 56. Taught by Peter Snayers, whom he soon surpassed. He was introduced to the notice of Louis XIV. by Le Brun, and became a pensioner of the Court of France, having apartments from that monarch. He painted battle-pieces, and attended the sieges in Flanders to witness their effects; and also painted hunting parties and cavalcades, with great spirit and energy, but with a precision which derogated from the picturesque, of which he might have shown himself a much greater master, had he not been curtailed and trammelled by subserviency to the Court fashion of the day. 881 Louis XIV. in the Garden of Versailles. The property of The Earl of Bessborough. MYTENS (Daniel the elder). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at the Hague, ; died Was living in 1656. His master is not known; but he studied the works of Rubens previous to his arrival in England, where, according to Lord Orford, he was an adınired painter in the reigns of James I. and Charles. His works have been often taken for those of Vandyck, who ultimately succeeded, or rather supplanted, him as Court painter in England. There is a fine painting by him of Sir Geoffrey Hudson, the dwarf, at St. James's. It is not satisfactorily proved that he was in England at a very early period of King James's reign. 694 James I. and his Family. NEEF (Peter). FLEMISH SCHOOL. The property of The property of Henry Rosenthal. Born at Antwerp, 1570; died about 1651, aged 81. Was taught by Steenwyck, whose style and subjects he followed, representing the interiors of churches and temples, which he finished with a precision and neatness of pencil altogether surprising. He was a complete master of perspective, and in this respect perhaps surpassed his renowned instructor. 869 Interior of a Church. The Lord Chancellor. 36 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. NEER (Arnold, or Aart Van der). DUTCH SCHOOL. It is not known by whom he was instructed. He was a most fascinating painter of views, especially by moonlight, for the most part laid in Holland, but he has also given representations of sunset. Groups of cottages and fishermen's huts on the banks of rivers and canals, with boats and figures, are occasionally given by him in a style not surpassed by any one: often approaching the excellence of Rubens and Rembrandt, in the glowing richness and harmony of his colouring. 728 Scene in Holland. The property of The Lord Chancellor. NETSCHER (Constantine). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born at the Hague, 1670; died 1722, aged 52. Learned the first principles of painting from his father, Gaspar Netscher, by a close imitation of whose works he became a much-admired artist. He was extensively employed in painting portraits, in which he was encouraged by the principal personages of his time; and was invited to England, but declined, owing to the weak state of his health. He was for some time Director of the Society of Painters at the Hague. 988 Portrait of King William III. The property of NOGARI (Guiseppe). VENETIAN SCHOOL. Sir Hervey Bruce, Bart. Born about 1700; died 1763, aged about 63. J Was taught by Antonio Balestra. Was a respectable artist as far as regarded resem- blance and powerful expression in portrait painting; at least such is the conclusion drawn by judicious artists, from the numerous heads by him brought to England within the last half century. The property of Alexander M'Carthy. 906 Study-a Head. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 37 OS (Jan Van). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born in Holland, 1734; died 1808, aged 74. Was taught by Schonman, at the Hague; and became remarkable for his pictures of fruit and flowers, resembling those of Huysum in style, but devoid of their tenderness and delicacy of touch. Fine specimens of his works are becoming scarce, and obtain high prices in commerce. 969 Flowers. The property of Lord Ward. 972 Flowers. OSORIO (Francisco Meneses). • · OSTADE (Adrian Van). DUTCH SCHOOL. "" SPANISH SCHOOL. Born at Seville, in Spain, This painter flourished about the beginning of the 18th century: but the date of his birth as well as death is not known. He was of the Murillo School, and copied his pictures, imitating them to deception, especially those of children. The painting of Murillo's, at Cadiz, left unfinished at his death, was completed by Meneses, to the satisfaction of Murillo's admirers. 836 Virgin and Child, with groups of Angels. The property of The property of "" Lord Ward. Born at Lubeck, 1610; died 1685, aged 75. Was a pupil of Frank Hals, whose works were then in great repute, and fellow-student with Brower. His subjects are somewhat similar to those of Teniers, not so lively and spirited in touch, but painted with more care, truth, and fidelity to nature, both in observance of colour and chiaro-scuro. The figures have more meaning in action, and more expression. His works are not very numerous, being so highly laboured as to swallow up much of his time. They consequently sometimes sell at a very high price. 736 A Dutch Interior. 710 Dutch Boors Smoking. Miss Ryan. John La Touche. The Right Hon. Judge Ball. 38 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. ***** PALAMEDES (Anthony Palamedes STAEVERTS), generally called PALAMEDES. DUTCH SCHOOL. Born at Delft, 1604; died, 1680, aged 76. It is not known under whom he studied; his father was not a painter; he was a carver, and must have been of some eminence, as it is said he was invited to London, about the year 1607, by James I., where he remained a short time. Palamedes painted portraits, but more frequently conversations and assemblies of persons amusing themselves, sometimes at cards, sometimes music. 798 Interior of a Guard Room. William McKay. The property of PANNINI (Cavaliere Giovanni Paolo). ROMAN SCHOOL. Born at Piacenza, 1691; died 1764, aged 73. Was instructed in Rome by Pietro Lucatelli, a painter famous for perspective. The monuments in the vicinity of Rome are represented by him with the utmost precision and correct- ness, with great freedom and neatness of touch, as well as clearness of colouring. Nor is his merit confined to the beauty and grandeur of his buildings, for he has decorated his pictures with graceful figures grouped with much taste and elegance. 952 Roman Forum. 963 Roman Ruins. 903 Ruins. 966 Christ and the Samaritan Woman at the Well. * The property of 796 Marriage of Saint Catherine. 896. Marriage of St. Catherine. 99 "" "" PARMIGIANO (Francesco Mazzuoli di). . LOMBARD SCHOOL. Born at Parma, 1503; died 1540, aged 37. Was the son of an obscure painter, from whom, or from his uncle Michele, he first learned the art, at an early age. By studying the old masters at Rome, he, in fact, educated himself, grounding his style particularly on that of Coreggio, whose works some of his zealous admirers declare him to have rivalled. His paintings are distinguished by a seductive elegance of contour, and the most captivating grace in his attitudes. His design, although learned and severe, is frequently more tasteful than correct, and often chargeable with affectation. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. The Marquis of Drogheda. Earl of Miltown. The property of "> Stephen Simpson, Sir John Nugent, Barts GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 39 PEETERS (Bonaventura). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Antwerp, 1614; died 1671 (not certain), aged about 57. His instructor is unknown, but, by whomsoever taught, he became a distinguished painter in the representation of nature, confining himself particularly to the sea and its adjuncts-tempests, hurricanes, shipwrecks, with all their accompanying horrors. Calms, fishing-boats, views on the Scheldt, vessels under easy sail, all are, by this skilful artist, conducted with equal beauty and observance of truth. 912 Firing a Salute at Sea. The property of The property of PERUGINO (Pietro Vanucci). ROMAN SCHOOL. Born near Perugia, in Italy, 1446; died 1524, aged 78. Is supposed to have learned the rudiments of the art from some obscure painter in Perugia; afterwards to have studied at Florence under Verocchio, but that is doubtful; some say under Bonfigli. His reputation must have been high in his day, when Sixtus IV. invited him to Rome to ornament the Sistine. His paintings are valuable in a historical point of view, for in them may be observed the remains of the dryness and crudity of his predecessors, mixed with a sweet imitation of nature, a mild simplicity in his composition, and a certain grace that distin- guishes his forms from those of his cotemporaries. In his female figures, it is said, we may dis- cover the germ of that transcendant beauty which afterwards characterized the productions of his disciple Raphael. His defects were those of the era: want of aerial perspective, ignorance of chiaro-scuro, and a servile attention to minute detail. In colouring he is equal to any artist of his time, especially in Frescos, where he excelled in delicacy and harmony. 732 Saint Michael, from the Palazzo Riccardi, at Florence. 970 Virgin and Child. "" The Earl of Miltown. Lady Juliana Bayly. E. J. Cooper. POELEMBURG (Cornelius). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born at Utrecht, 1586; died 1660, aged 74. Was taught by Abraham Bloemart; and afterwards went to Rome, where he studied the old masters, especially Raphael, and having attained some eminence, was invited to England about 1637, where he remained some years. He was a painter for the boudoir. Sometimes he painted the figures in the landscapes of Claude and of John Both, and, it is said by some, without DO: improving them. 833 Nymphs Bathing. The property of The Marquis of Efy! 40 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. MAST POTTER (Paul). Born at Enkhuysen, 1625; died 1654, aged 29. This gifted artist was instructed solely by his father, Paul Potter. So great was the admi- ration for his pictures, that he could with difficulty keep pace with the demand for them; and being naturally of a delicate frame, he fell a victim to his assiduity at the early age of 29 years. In cattle he showed his chief excellence, generally making his landscapes merely subordinate to them, seldom extending beyond a stump of a tree, farm house, or hovel. He principally excelled in painting cows, goats, sheep, hares, &c., which he grouped with great taste and judgment. His sunshine is brilliant, and colouring lustrous and peculiar to himself. His small paintings are preferred to his larger. One, 18 inches by 14, sold in 1844, at a public sale, for £840; and a painting, which in 1780 brought £25, was purchased in 1815, by the Emperor of Russia, for £2,800. 849 Hares at Play. Com DUTCH SCHOOL. › pode POUSSIN (Nicholas). 705 A Group of Bacchanalians. 878 The Cup found in Benjamin's Sack. FRENCH SCHOOL. Born at Andely, in Normandy, 1594; died 1665, aged 71. First instructed by Varin, an eminent French painter, and afterwards by Ferdinand Elle, a Flemish portrait painter; but he soon left his masters behind, and studied the works of Raphael and Romano, and finally travelled to Rome, where he so closely studied the ancient statues and bas-reliefs, that he became as intimately acquainted with the rites and ceremonies of the ancients as with those of his own time. He holds a high station in the class of original painters, and elevation is conspicuous in everything he did. His compositions, the result of a learned and profound meditation, are simple, grand, and judicious, and always distinguished by a refined and classical observance of the propriety of costume; and we are no less impressed with the beauty of the scenery which accompanies his historical works. The property of The property of "" John Gibson. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Miltown. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 41 POUSSIN (Gaspar Dughet). FRENCH SCHOOL. Born at Rome, 1613; died 1675, aged 62. Taught by his brother-in-law, Nicholas Poussin, whose name he adopted, under whose judgment and taste he directed his study to landscape painting; his master perceiving his décided genius for that line of pursuit. Studying the paintings of Claude, his style became mellow and sweet, with a touch firm and vigorous, impressing upon the foliage of each tree and plant the peculiar character of each species. His pictures represent the most interesting prospects in the neighbourhood of Rome, Tivoli, and Frescati. The most fascinating of nature's works,—the mountain's slope, the sequestered villa, the ruined castle, the limpid lake, the murmuring waterfall, the tempest, the calm, the whirlwind, the lull, all rise in magical enchantment before the eye. Sometimes his landscapes are aided by the figures of Nicholas Poussin. There are few painters, if any, to compete with this "magician of the woods." 880 Drawing the Net. 893 Companion to 880. 759 Landscape, Figures, and Waterfall. 861 Landscape, Wood, and Waterfall. 985 Landscape. The property of "" "" "" "" QUADAL (Francois). FRENCH SCHOOL. RAFFAELLE (Sanzio D'Urbino). ROMAN SCHOOL. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Enniskillen. T. Tepe. Born at Edinburgh (as supposed), about 1540; died at Paris, 1619, aged about 79. It is not known under whom he studied, but he spent nearly the whole of his long life in France, in the service of Henry III. and Henry IV., whose portraits he painted, as also that of Marie de Medicis. 865 Study-Heads of Wolves. Born at Urbino, 1483; died, of fever, 1520, at the early age of 37. This illustrious man, styled by the general approbation of mankind the "Prince of Painters," was the son of an artist at Urbino of little eminence, who, having given him some rudimentary instruction, placed him under Pietro Perugino, whose works were then held in high estimation. Raphael (as the English spell the name, and, indeed, as spelled by himself, though not generally D. 42 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. ** RAPHAEL (continued). *** by his countrymen) is said to have possessed the most essential excellencies of his art, in a more exalted degree, than any other painter. In invention, he surpassed all; in composition, it has been observed by Mengs, that, "if he possessed everything else in the same degree, he would have gone beyond humanity." In expression, he represented every emotion of the mind, every passion of the soul of man, with propriety the most characteristical. The spirit of the painter is exhibited in every individual member of the piece, as well as in the entire subject. It is seen in every group, figure, member, every articulation. The hair, the folding of the drapery expresses his intended subject. If his figure is speaking, the spectator may almost judge the subject of discourse. He is an enemy to all violent contrast, and produces the strongest passion, without grimace or vulgarity of any kind. 703 The original Oil Sketch of the Fresco in the Vatican, representing the Coronation of Constantine the Great by Leo III. The property of ** An Engraved Copy of the Fresco itself accompanies this sketch. t. 1 . On a Pedestal, in the Centre of the HALL OF ARTS, adjoining the Gallery of Old Masters, is an exquisite production in marble from the chisel of Raphael. A cast is in the Dresden Gallery. It was purchased in Italy, nearly a century since, for a very large sum, by the Right Rev. The Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry, whose collections of the antique add such interest to this Exhibition. 4 Henry Hodgson. In allusion to the poetic belief of the dolphin's attachment to the human race, a story is told by Ælian that a child and a dolphin had formed a friendship for each other-the dolphin often carrying the child with safety over the waters; that, in a moment of play, the child received a mortal wound; and that the creature carried the body of the infant ashore to its parents, and then, overwhelmed with grief, died by its side. The story further goes, that gratitude for the noble creature's worth caused the people to raise a monument in commemoration of the See Ælian de Anim., lib. vi. ch. xv. event. This fable is said to have suggested to Raphael's lofty conception, what might have been the nature of the monument upon such an occasion, and shows, within a trifling compass, what sublime designs and noble achieve- ments have been lost to the world by the premature death of this mighty artist. 1265 Dolphin carrying the Wounded Child ashore.—Marble. The property of { REMBRANDT (Van Lyn). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born near Leyden, 1606; died 1665, aged 59. That he lived to 1674 is now disproved. WOKE A 22 Was successively under the tuition of Zwaanenburg, Peter Lastmann, and Jacob Pinas but in fruth is supposed to have learned very little from any of them; his mind being as originat Sir H. Hervey Bruce, Bart. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 43 A 1993 as his style. He commenced his career by taking the peasants, who frequented his father's mill, as his models, and imitating their forms, dress, and manners, with the most scrupulous and rigid exactness, finishing off his designs with the most consummate care; and this he called imitating nature, an error into which Titian had likewise fallen in his earliest youth. But as Titian, at an early stage, broke loose those bonds of servility, so, at a more mature age, did Rembrandt; not, however, without leaving several specimens of his first school. He afterwards dealt largely in bold expression, even to coarseness; and, utterly disregarding his earlier style of neatness of finish, fled perhaps to the other extreme. Still, however, striking out his objects with truth and distinctness; not disguising the traces of the brush, but producing an effect in any way he could- the pallet knife, a bit of stick, and even his fingers, have been employed in laying on the colours. so as to create effect at the required distance. He is charged with want of grace, and vulgarity. Many of his female figures are coarse and inelegant, and even mean; but, in spite of all his faults, he is redeemed by the extreme force, depth, richness, brilliancy, and truth of his colouring, and the perfection with which he treated his chiaro-scuro, *** 804 Head of an Old Man. 810 Head of an Old Woman. 711 Judas returning the thirty Pieces of Silver, 847 Head of an old Woman, 904 Hurdy-gurdy Boy. 857 Portrait of Rembrandt, by himself. 959 Portrait of a Burgomaster. 949 Vision of the Centurion, The property of •· "" "1 ** "" رو Lord Ward. ** This is said to be the portrait of Rembrandt's great friend and patron, the Burgomaster of Amsterdam. "4 *9 The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Earl of Charlemont. The Marquis of Drogheda, The Marquis of Drogheda. The Earl of Portarlington. F. W. Brady, REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). ENGLISH SCHOOL, Born at Plymouth, 1723; died in London, 1792, aged 69. His father, a clergyman, intending his son for one of the learned professions, bestowed upon him the highest education in his power. His bent was, however, towards the art, and he was placed under the tuition of Mr. Hudson, then a very eminent portrait painter in London: 44 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. REYNOLDS (continued). After studying under this master he made a tour through the Continent, and remained a consi- derable time in Italy, especially in Rome, where he copied and studied the old masters. On his return to England, his profound knowledge of the principles of the art raised him to the first eminence as a painter. His works embrace sacred subjects, history, and portrait. He is regarded as the greatest ornament as well as founder of the English School, and was the first President of the Royal Academy. The works of Sir Joshua, which are very numerous, have suffered more than those of any other painter, from the fleeting nature of the colours he employed. 916 Portrait of Edmund Burke. 695 Venus chiding Cupid. 883 Portrait of Sir Joshua, by himself. The property of 937 Caricature of the first Lord Miltown, and Lord Naas, afterwards Lord Mayo. 936 Caricature of Henry of Straffan, Sir W. W. Wynne, Lord Charlemont, and another. The following three caricatures were painted in Italy by Sir Joshua, when a very young man; they represent the companions of his tours. He offered, in after life, any of his later pictures in exchange for them. 981 Caricature of Banks, afterwards Lord Aylesbury; Lord Miltown; Frank Burton, afterwards Lord Conyngham; and Lord Charlemont. The property of 729 Portraits of the Earl, Macartney and Sir George Staunton. "" А ,, 740 Portrait of Sir Richard Worsley, in the uniform of the Isle of Wight Militia. "" "" 99 39 John Bloomfield. The Earl of Charlemont. Sir Vere de Vere, Bart. Sir John Falstaff, in 1st Part of Henry IV. Sir Percy Nugent, Bart. "" *** "Food for powder, food for powder; they'll fill a pit, as well as better."-ACT IV. SCENE 2. This is a portrait of Quin in that character. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Yarborough. S. M. Caldwell. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 45 ROMANO (Giulio). ROMAN SCHOOL. 754 Lady and Child, 994 Bacchus and Ariadne. Born at Rome, 1492; died 1546, aged 54. Studied under Raphael, who considered him as one of his most distinguished disciples, so much so, that he entrusted him with the execution of some of his most important designs. His works display an elevated mind, a poetic genius, unusual grandeur of conception, though, at times, chargeable with extravagance in design. He was less true to nature than his master-with more fire, but wanting in judgment. Being well versed in history and fable, his fertile imagination was amply supplied with matter, and when called on by Leo X., and Clement VII., to perfect the "History of Constantine in the Vatican," left unfinished at Raphael's death, he fully justified their selection. Although his colours are condemned as cold, crude, and inharmonious, yet he was a great master, and did honour to his predecessor without, in any way, rivalling him. 856 Copy of Raphael's Portrait of Leo X. The property of 907 The Nativity. ROMNEY (George). ENGLISH SCHOOL. در Born in England, 1734; died 1802, aged 68. Was of humble origin, and learned the rudiments of the art from an itinerant painter in Westmoreland. His success as a portrait painter supplied him with the means of travelling to Italy, where he studied without any other instructor than his own perception of the beauties of Angelo and Raphael. After his return he became popular as a portrait painter, sharing the public favour with Sir Joshua Reynolds and Gainsborough. The property of >> John Latouche. The Earl of Charlemont. Edward Cooper. Edward Cooper. 46 GALLERY OF THE OLD MÁSTERS. Mo {།i,: **% Born at Parma, 1505; died 1548, aged 43. Perhaps the only one who can truly be called the pupil of Coreggio. He is said to have assisted his master in many of his works, and, especially, in his great painting of the Dome of S. Giovanni. His talents, however, although respectable, were not of such an order as to enable him to emulate the works of his illustrious instructor. 742 Marriage of St. Catherine. 1. A 1 } Je RONDANI (Francesco Maria). 926/Landscape. LOMBARD SCHOOL. Born near Naples, 1615; died at Rome, 1673, aged 58. Was liberally educated, and studied painting under Francazano. His family becoming reduced, he was compelled by poverty to offer his paintings for sale in the open streets, when Lanfranco, attracted by one in which he saw uncommon genius, relieved his wants, and encouraged him to pursue the art. Thereupon he studied under Falcone, and afterwards Spagnoletto, who took him to Rome. The merit of his paintings gained him many patrons, amongst whom he counted Princes and Cardinals. His genius was bold, daring, and inventive; his hand ready, free, and facile; and whether his pencil were engaged upon the wild glen or rocky precipice, the dreary waste or shattered oak, the troubled sky or wreck-strewn shore, or on the assassins, outlaws, and ferocious banditti that peopled these realms, we are equally fascinated with the truth of his delineation. His paintings are admired everywhere; some say undeservedly. Many good ones are in England, both sea pieces and savage scenery. There is in the National Gallery, what the author of the Dictionary of Paintings calls a "quiet sombre landscape, with figures, intended for Mercury and the Woodman," which cost 1,800 guineas; and the same authority `gruffly adds, a great deal of money;" but that it does not "impress the spectator" with any "particular admiration of the painter's powers." Thus it is with Salvator, his friends are lavish, and his enemies unsparing; but his fame survives after two centuries of detraction, and the public thirst for his pictures still remains unassuaged. (C кукур # The property of ROSA (Salvator). Tobit and the Angel, a Landscape. ROMAN SCHOOL. The property of Alexander M'Carthy. >> The Earl of Portarlington. The Lord Chancellor. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS, 43 A 770 Saint John Baptizing in the Wilderness. 756 Landscape with Banditti. 757 Landscape, Figures, and Waterfall. 875 Landscape and Figures. 868 A Seaport with Vessels under Sail. 902 Bacchanalians. th 928* Meleager and Atalanta. The property of 11 FLEMISH SCHOOL. "" ܼܝ "" RUBENS (Sir Peter Paul). The Earl of Portarlington. James E. Stopford. "9 The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. Born at Cologne, 1577; died 1640, aged 63. ; It would be impossible adequately to depict the leading characteristics of this consummate painter and accomplished scholar in a short extract. His parents, gifted with means, bestowed them with advantage upon his education; and he was successively the pupil of Verhaecht, a landscape painter of respectability-of Van Oort, the historical painter-and, finally, of Otho Venius, one of the most distinguished masters of the Flemish School; with the latter of whom he remained until he was assured by him his lessons could be of no further advantage to him. After which he travelled through Italy, studying the great masters with such effect, that it is said no painter ever left behind him so many considerable proofs of the excellence and variety of his powers, representing history, portraits, landscapes, animals, fruit, and flowers, with such truth as to render it difficult to decide in which he most excelled. His imagination was so regulated by learning and good taste, that his compositions appear without an effort, and his creations to be voluntary. He has a free and flowing outline, with inimitable colouring, and bold, impetuous expression in the execution. It will not be denied, however, that beauty of form is often sacrificed to brilliancy, and correctness of design to the magic of his colours. His female forms have no pretensions to elegance, and it is in vain we look for the graceful and the dignified, which so much captivate us in the works of Raphael or Domenichino. Less chaste than Titian, he is far more brilliant. His animals, especially those of a ferocious kind, for spirit and energy are unequalled. His pencil was very prolific; Smith, in his Catalogue, gives a list of his paintings amounting to 1,800. Whilst in England, in 1630, Charles I. conferred knighthood upon him. Sir John Nugent. `` The property of .The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. 48. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. RUBENS (continued). 702 Miraculous Draught of Fishes (a Sketch). The property of The Marquis of Drogheda. 887 Portrait of the Duke of Alva. The Earl of Portarlington. 686 Dutch Larder by Snyders. Female figure by Rubens. The Earl of Bessborough, 945 Jeptha's Rash Vow. The Earl of Enniskillen. 44 T ,, RUYSDAEL (Jacob). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Haerlem, 1630; died 1681, aged 51. It is not known under whom he studied. His landscapes represent the most interesting views in the neighbourhood of Haerlem, or the rocky borders of the Rhine, with cascades and waterfalls, treated in so sweet and admirable a style of picturesque, as justly to proclaim him unrivalled in that walk of art; he is also said to have painted sea pieces with equal success. The pictures of this captivating painter are now justly held in the highest estimation, when decorated with figures by Adrian Vander Eelde, or Ph. Wouverman. 924 Landscape, The property of 7797 Portrait of Vossius. 39 "" SANDRART (Joachim de). GERMAN SCHOOL. Born 1606; died 1688, aged 82. Was born at Frankfort, and distinguished himself as well as a writer on the arts as a painter. He began life as an engraver, but soon relinquished that profession for painting, as more suited to his genius. He was a pupil of Honthorst, and is supposed to have accompanied him to England, on the invitation of Charles the First. He afterwards studied in Venice and Rome, and was selected by Pope Urban VIII., amongst the most eminent painters of Italy, to paint for the King of Spain. After a long residence in Italy, he returned to Frankfort, and ended his days at Nuenburgh, where he founded an Academy. The Marquis of Ely, The property of Thomas Forde GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 49 T + SARTO (Andrea Vanucchi del) FLORENTINE SCHOOL. Born at Florence, 1488; died 1530, aged 42. Was apprenticed to a goldsmith to learn the art of engraving, but finally studied painting by copying from the frescoes of the great masters, so that he is not indebted for his fame to any particular instructor. He painted some frescoes at Florence, which bear a high character; but his chief talent lay in imitating and copying the works of others, which he did with such accuracy, as to deceive the very painters themselves. One anecdote, recorded by his favourite and accomplished pupil, Vasari, may serve the twofold purpose, of exhibiting the merit of Del Sarto, and of admonishing those connoisseurs who assume to be infallible upon the subject of art. Raphael had painted a portrait of Leo X. seated between two Cardinals (one of whom was afterwards Clement VII.), the drapery and the back ground being painted by his favourite pupil, Giulio Romano. The Duke of Mantua (Frederick II.) prevailed on Clement VII. to make him a present of that painting, which was then at the Florence Gallery. Upon the arrival of the Pope's order to send the painting to Mantua, the whole place was in commotion, and forthwith Ottavio de Medici employed Del Sarto to make an exact copy of it, which copy he sent to the Duke of Mantua, in whose service Giulio Romano then had been. Giulio received the picture and was himself deceived, and was only convinced of the truth by Vasari in person, who saw his master make the copy, and then showed Del Sarto's secret mark on the painting. So much for infallibility amongst connoisseurs. 876 Holy Family (by some attributed to Raphael). 877 Holy Family. 781 Holy Family. 895 Holy Family. 687 Holy Family. The property of "" "" "" "" The Marquis of Ely. The Earl of Portarlington. Archdeacon Magee. The Duke of Leinster. Lady Juliana Bayly. SASSOFERATO (Giovanni Battista Salvi). LOMBARD SCHOOL. Born near Urbino, 1605; died at Rome, 1685, aged 80. Was first taught by his father, an obscure painter, and afterwards studied the works of the great masters at Rome, but under whose instruction remains doubtful, some asserting he was a pupil of Domenichino, at Naples. He did not, however, confine himself to any particular style, 50 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 873 Madonna and Child. 4 Madonna. 897 Madonna. SASSOFERATO (continued). but occasionally imitated that of Guido, Albano, and even Raphael. His pictures are for the most part representations of the Virgin and Child, or of female saints. He painted with a fine flowing pencil, harmonious colouring, fine relief, and good knowledge of chiaro-scuro; but his local tints were somewhat hard, which gave his subjects an air of coldness and detracted from their interest. WYMI. <. 791 Scene on Ice in Holland." 1: SEGERS (Gerard). FLEMISH SCHOOL. The property of at sak "" Born at Antwerp, 1589; died 1651, aged 62. Was successively the pupil of Van Balen and Jansens, after which he made himself master of the art at Rome by studying the works of the great masters. He seems to have pre- ferred the bold broad style of Caravaggio to others, or, perhaps, it best suited his genius. He showed great mastery of lights and shadows, which, with a colouring warm and full of energy, gave great expression to his groupings. Amongst his far-famed pictures is his Saint Peter denying Christ, which is also the subject of the picture here given. 929 Saint Peter denying Christ. The property of M دو • SCHWEICHARDT (Henry William). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born at Brandenbourg, 1746; died in London 1797, aged 51. 1? His master is not known, but he practised for a long time in Holland, which he left during the disturbances. He painted landscapes and cattle, and particularly frost pieces, which were held in some estimation. A * 20 nurg The Lord Chancellor. 2 Sir John Nugent. 、་, The Earl of Bessborough. +++ 24 S ausdof. The property of The Lord Chan&ff. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 51 į SIRANI (Elizabetta). LOMBARD SCHOOL. Born at Bologna, 1638; died 1664, aged 26. Was instructed by her father Andr. Giov. Sirani, who was a scholar of Guido. Such was her progress in the art that she was considered a prodigy at the age of fifteen years. Her heads are full of grace, and her colouring full and smooth, with great freedom and ease of pencil, and her outlines are perfect. There are several of her paintings in the churches in Italy. 964 Saint Agnes. 794 Portrait of Eliz. Sirani (by herself). C The property of SIMONINI (Francesco). VENETIAN SCHOOL. SNYDERS (Francis). FLEMISH SCHOOL. در Born at Parma, 1689; died (was living in 1753). Was taught by Spolverini. He excelled in paintings of combats and warlike achievements, some of which are in the Sala Capello, others amongst private collections in Venice. 938 Execution of a Spy. The property of The Rev. Ogle Moore. Henry Grattan, Sir John Nugent, Bart. 4:. DOM Born at Antwerp, 1579; died 1657, aged 78. Was taught by Henry Van Balen, and became remarkable for accuracy of delineation of natural objects. He painted huntings and combats with wild beasts, admirably; also kitchens and larders, with fruit and vegetables, and dead game, representing each subject with an expres- sion suitable to its species or its situation. His pictures are often adorned with figures by Rubens or Joerdans, as Snyders was often employed by Rubens to fill in his landscapes and back- Comum-it our grounds, in the conduct of which he showed great skill and judgment. tock or bled 686A Dutch Larder (Female figure by Rubens). The property of The Earl of Bessborough. 32 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. * SPADA (Lionello). LOMBARD SCHOOL. Born at Bologna, 1576; died at Parma, 1622, aged 46. Was of humble origin, and worked as colour grinder to the Caracci, by whose practice and discourse he was inspired to attempt the artist, and, afterwards, became a conspicuous scholar of their Academy. He also studied under Caravaggio, by which he sometimes shows a middle style between the lowness of Caravaggio and the elevation of the Caracci. His forms are studied, though not select, and he shows great effect in his chiaro-scuro; but his colour is tame, and his beauties lose much of their charm by mannerism. 939 David with the Head of Goliah. The property of SPAGNOLETTO (Joseph Ribera). NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL. 795 Head of Saint Francis. 867 Portrait of Saint John of the Cross. Born at Xativa, in Spain, 1589; died at Naples, 1656, aged 67. Was taught by Ribalta, a Spanish painter, and afterwards studied in Italy, under Caravaggio, whose style he subsequently adopted in preference to all others, painting with bold broad lights and shadows, which gave his figures great expression and force. In design he exceeded his master, and in anatomy he was exact to an extraordinary degree. His subjects were, generally, of a gloomy character,-martyrdoms, torments, suicides; and he was fond of representing emaciated limbs, and bodies of old men reduced by mortification and abstinence, as hermits and saints in deserts, subjects agreeable to the Spanish and Neapolitan taste. These he executed with great truth and effect. SAL 821 Saint Jerome in the Wilderness. Sir Compton Domville, Bart. The property of "" "" The Rev. J. Mulhall. Sir John Nugent. Sir John Nugent. ག GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 53 STEEN (Jan). DUTCH SCHOOL. Born at Leyden, 1636; died 1689, aged 53. Was taught by Knufter, a painter of some note at Utrecht; and it is alleged by some and denied by others, that he afterwards studied under Adrian Brower, or under Van Goyen. He was famous for his representations of merrymakings, festivities, conversations, domestic assemblies; all managed with great wit and humour. His best works are compared to those of Metzu, and are latterly very much esteemed. 951 Family of Jan Steen, his mother and himself in the group. The property of Henry Grattan. 799 The Disciples at Emmaus, The Earl of Clancarty. [2 STEENWYCK (Henry), the Elder. Born 1550; died 1603, aged 53. STEENWYCK (Henry), the Younger. Born 1589; was living in 1642. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 908 An Interior, with Christ, Mary, and Martha. "" The elder was a pupil of John de Vries, and excelled in interiors, perspectives, and architec- tural views; he often represented them illuminated by flambeaux, &c., and by a judicious manage- ment of chiaro-scuro gave great effect to his pictures. The reflection of his lights is charming, and every column is painted with the utmost truth; indeed, he has scarcely ever been equalled in neatness and accuracy. The son was a pupil of and painted in the same style as his father, but his pictures are generally on a larger scale, and he is considered to have excelled him. He was invited to England by Charles the First, and was an intimate friend of Vandyck. He died in London; the year not known. The property of The Earl of Portarlington. ***** 54 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. SWANEVELT (Herman). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Woerden, about 1618 or 1620; died at Rome, 1690, aged about 70. It is unknown under whom he studied; some say Gerard Douw, others Claude Lorraine, painters of wholly opposite character. He was an attentive observer of nature, and one of the most celebrated landscape painters of his time. He resided in Italy for nearly the whole of his life, and his sweet and beautiful landscapes are there held in high estimation. 818 Italian Landscape. The property of The Right Hon. Alex. Macdonnell, TANZI (Di Varallo, Antonio). MILANESE SCHOOL. Born near Novara, 1574; died about 1644, aged about 70. It is not known under whom he studied, but he was a competitor with the Carloni at Milan, a family said to have been fruitful in very able artists. His picture of the battle of Sennacherib, in the Church of St. Gaudentio, at Novara, is said to exhibit much vivacity as well as intelligence. 7778 Saint Sebastian relieved by the Angel. The property of Alexander M'Carthy. TENIERS (David), The Old. FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Antwerp, 1582; died 1649, aged 67. TENIERS (David), The Young. Born at Antwerp, 1610; died 1694, aged 84. Ani 225 200 The father was instructed by Rubens, who esteemed him a promising genius; he afterwards studied under Adam Elsheimir. Between the two styles he formed one of his own, which he was enabled to impart to his son, David Teniers the Young, and which by him was most happily cultivated and carried to perfection. His pictures were small, and the subjects were not elevated. Shops, fairs, rural festivities, merry-makings, fortune-tellers--these were all executed with so neat a pencil that his pieces procured him great reputation. GALLERY OF 55 * THE OLD MASTERS. The son's principal instructor was his father, David, the Old, whose taste of design he ever after followed, notwithstanding that he studied under Adrian Brouwer, and finally under Rubens. His class of subjects were the same as those mentioned under the foregoing head, all which he gave in a style superior to his father's. He had a free and delicate pencil, which was employed in rendering his pictures clear in all their parts, with a beautiful transparence. He had the power of opposing light to light, by change of colour, instead of light to shade; and this it is which makes the adjustment so efficient, and throws a charm around his subjects which astonishes the spectator. 7751 Musicians. 741 Landscape by Artois, Figures by Teniers. 743 Landscape by Artois, Figures by Teniers. 967 Landscape by Vanuden, Figures by Teniers. 968 Landscape by Vanuden, Figures by Teniers. 831 Belling the Cat. 940 Merry Making. 691 Village Festival. 943 Scene in Holland. ADOTTE **** vligged neur botevole suur p 06 diy basunom. The *,, * The property of "" "" "" 4+2y=???? "" "9 "" " TILBURG (Giles Van). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Brussels, 1625; died 1678, aged 53. Was the scholar of the younger Teniers and painted the same subjects, such as assemblies of boors, fairs, feastings, merrymakings, conversations. In his colouring he approached near to the manner and tints of Brouwer; but in pencil and touch was not so spirited nor so delicate. His pictures have been objected to as rather dark and shadowy, The property of The Earl of Miltown. The Lord Chancellor. The Lord Chancellor. The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Portarlington. Lord Ward. Rt. Hon. Sir W. Somerville, Bt. Mrs. Barry. Right Hon. Sir William Somerville, Bart. Path 101 27 Arie bar betsvíðir Impr,erielagod? zonera kad rødt lionoq a tasu 56 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. TINTORETTO (Giacomo Robusti). VENETIAN SCHOOL. Born at Venice, 1512; died 1594, aged 82. Was the son of a dyer named Robusti, whereby he was named Il Tintoretto by his fellow-students. He became pupil to Titian, who, growing jealous of his scholar's progress, dis- missed him from his academy, whereupon, it is said, Tintoretto, who loved the style of Angelo, placed over his studio the following inscription:-"The design of Michael Angelo, and the colouring of Titian." There may have been some grounds for this story, but it is not universally received as true. His manner is bold, with strong lights, opposed by deep shadows; and his pencil firm and free, with easy execution and lively spirited touch. Several noble works of his are in the palaces, churches, and convents at Venice, and at the Escurial, in Spain, and in the royal and other collections of the kings and nobles of England and France. 760 Entombment of our Saviour. The property of 7755 Musicians. "" TITIAN (Tiziano Vecelli, da Cadore). ROMAN SCHOOL. The Earl of Portarlington, The Earl of Charlemont. Born in the Castle of Cadore, near Friuli, 1477; died 1576, aged 99. Received his first instruction from Zuccati, afterwards successively from Gentile and Bellini. Under these masters he followed a servile and laboured imitation of nature, but on seeing the works of Giorgione he quitted the tame and spiritless style, and adopted the bold and free. In his system of colouring he has far excelled, perhaps, any or all the painters who have lived; and about his composition generally, there is a tone of sobriety and gravity, that impresses the mind with a strong feeling of respect for the artist as well as for the subject of his pencil. Sir Joshua Reynolds used to say, there was always "a senatorial dignity about him." In historical subjects he is not conspicuous, in portraits and landscapes he is unrivalled. His talent lying in delicate and tender expression, his females and children are generally preferred to his masculine forms. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 57 A His landscapes are allowed to be above all praise, whether we consider the forms of his trees, the grandeur of his scenery, the truth of his distances, the mellowness of his pencil, or the harmony of his colouring. 713 Cæsar Borgia. 946 Portrait of a Friar. 957 Virgin and Child. 815 Portrait of Geronimo Prioli, Doge of Venice, son of Antonio Prioli, Procurator of Saint Mark. 874 Holy Family and St. John. 853 Portrait of a Lady (on Panel). The property of 99 "" "" "" "? The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Portarlington. TIVOLI (Rosa di). Philip ROOS. FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Frankfort, 1655; died at Rome, 1705, aged 50. The Right Hon. Alex. Macdonnell. Sir John Nugent, Bart. Sir John Nugent, Bart. VAGA (Pierino del). ROMAN SCHOOL. Born in Florence, 1500; died 1547, aged 47. Lord Ward. Received his first instructions from his father, John Henry Roos, and afterwards completed his artistic education at Rome. He painted pastoral subjects, herdsmen with cattle, &c., with great ease and rapidity. They are composed with great skill and taste, and the landscapes in the backgrounds, the skies and distances, are treated in a masterly style. 793 Shepherd, Sheep, and Goats. The property of Lady Juliana Bayly. Was taught at a very early age by Ghirlandaio, afterwards by Del Vaga, whose name he assumed, and with whom he travelled to Rome, where he became the assistant and companion of Giulio Romano, the pupil of Raphael, who, perceiving his merit, assisted in forwarding his interests. He left several works, most of them Scripture pieces, and had the honour of being called on to E ĥ せ​ん ​* → 58 GALLERY OF THE OLD MÁSTERS. VAGA (continued). execute some of the pieces designed by Raphael, particularly the Taking of Jericho, the Passage of the Jordan, Jacob and the Angel, and some others. 935 The Adoration of the Angels. The Coronation of the Virgin. Born in Holland, ; died The property of VANDERBANK (Peter), properly BANK (Peter Vander). DUTCH SCHOOL. دو (He was in London during the greater part of the reign of George II.) The property of Was a portrait painter of considerable reputation, who painted numerous likenesses of distin- guished persons in England, and showed great facility of execution. He was a good artist, but is often blamed for carelessness and neglect in finishing. 996 Portrait of Martin Foulkes, F.R.S. John Gibson. J. S. Loughnan. VANDERVELDE (Adrian), or VAN DE VELDE. FLEMISH SCHOOL. The property of "" Sir Vere de Vere, Bart. Born at Amsterdam, 1639; died 1672, aged 33. Was taught by John Wynants, one of the ablest landscape painters of his time, under whose tuition Adrian became so enamoured with the art of imitating Nature herself, that he passed the greater part of the day in fields, forming his designs, which he afterwards executed with such consummate skill. He was also good at figures, and assisted his master, as Philip Wouverman had done before him, in working in the figures of his landscapes. The colouring of his trees, herbs, and plants is fresh and juicy, and his landscapes are touched with great spirit and delicacy. His skies are brilliant and clear, and his pictures exhibit a sparkling glow of sunshine peculiar to himself. His cattle are original, and executed with a correctness, perhaps never equalled, certainly never surpassed. 927 Landscape with Cattle. 852 Landscape, Cattle, and Figures. The Earl of Portarlington. Charles Brien. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 59 Y VANDERVELDE (William), the Elder. FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Leyden, 1610; died in London, 1693, aged 83. VANDERVELDE (William), the Younger. FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Amsterdam, 1633; died 1707, aged 74. WILLIAM THE ELDER in early life was a sailor; and at what period or from whom he acquired the art is now unknown. His technical acquaintance with shipping particularly qualified him for marine painting, in which he so far excelled as to attract the attention of Charles II. of England, who conferred a pension upon him. WILLIAM THE YOUNGER was instructed by his father, Velde the Elder, and afterwards studied under Vliager, the eminent painter of sea-pieces, whom he quickly surpassed; and at length arrived at such a degree of perfection in painting sea-pieces, that he was universally allowed to stand unrivalled. "The palm,” says Lord Orford, "is not less disputed with Raphael for history, than with Vandervelde for sea-pieces." He also, as well as his father, was encouraged by Charles II., from whom he had a pension, and apartments at Greenwich, as best suited to his tastes and pursuits. 828 Marine Piece. The property of The Earl of Portarlington. VANDYCK (Sir Anthony). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Amsterdam, 1599; died in London, 1641, aged 42. Was first instructed by Van Balen, a painter of reputation, and afterwards studied under Rubens, who entertained so high an opinion of his abilities as to engage him to assist in executing many of his numerous commissions. His character is best in portraits, which are conspicuous for unity and propriety. A delightful union of tone and beauty of execution reigns over all the parts-head, hands, drapery, skies, all partake of the graceful, the sweet, the just. By the invitation of Charles I. he visited England in 1629, but left the kingdom in disgust, not meeting with the expected encouragement. His short life was a varied one, as far as professional honour was concerned. Previous to his first visit to England, his great painting of St. Augustine, in the* Church of the Augustins, was condemned by the Monks as a "bad picture," and he was com- 1 } 60 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. VANDYCK (continued). '' pelled to change the colour of the draperies before he could obtain payment for his work. At Courtray his picture of the Elevation of the Cross was treated by the Canons with contempt; it was declared to be "detestable," and the painter a miserable dauber," and it was with great difficulty he obtained the price of it. At length, in 1631, he tried England a second time, and after painting several pictures of the King, Queen, Princes, and Courtiers, honours came crowding upon him even to oppression. In 1632 he was knighted at St. James's, and appointed painter to his Majesty. In 1633 he was granted a pension, by patent roll, with apartments on the Thames, at Blackfriars. He became so popular as a portrait painter that he was overwhelmed with busi- ness, although indefatigable in his study, and was in the receipt of such a splendid income as enabled him to live in a state of sumptuous liberality, entertaining the best and highest society, both as regarded rank and talent. In his portraiture he is evidently entitled to the highest place next to Titian, who, although he may be allowed to excel Vandyck in his heads, is yet far his inferior in all the accessories, hands, attitude, draperies, &c. There is a great ease in his attitude, and great simplicity in his general style and carriage of the limbs and body. His heads are full of life and expression, without any of that coldness and insipidity that so often accompany portrait painting. 975 Portrait of an Abbess, said to have been Isabella, Archduchess of Austria. 944 Full length Portrait of Charles I. 712 The Family of Charles I. 948 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. 823 Holy Family. 841 Francis Thomas, of Savoy, Prince of Carignano. 909 Charles I. Presented in 1742 by James Stop- ford, Bishop of Cloyne, to Dean Swift, and by the Dean bequeathed back to the Bishop. 707 Portrait of the Earl of Strafford. 715 Full length Portrait of Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I., accompanied by Sir Jeffrey Hudson, the Court Dwarf. The property of "" د, "" "" "" "" 19 "" John Bloomfield. The Marquis of Ormond. The Marquis of Ormond. The Marquis of Ormond. The Marquis of Drogheda. The Lord Chancellor. James E. Stopford. The Marquis of Ormond. The Earl of Portarlington. 人 ​1 1 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. VANDYCK (continued). 704 Portrait of Lord Newport. 941 Saint Paul. 910 Portrait of Thomas Lord Fairfax. 925 Portrait of Lady Thurles. 737 Vulcan and Venus. The property of "" 19 "" VANDYCK (Philip). FLEMISH SCHOOL. FRENCH SCHOOL. Bórn at Amsterdam, 1680; died 1752, aged 72. Was a pupil of Arnold Booner, and acquired such a reputation for justness of delineation and for judgment in his art, as to secure the patronage of William, Prince of Hesse, for whom he executed many works. 706 Portrait of King William III. VAN KESSEL (Jan). VANLOO (Louis Michael). The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Charlemont. The property of Sir John Nugent, Bart. 61 The property of John Bloomfield. The property of W. Knox, Born at Toulon, 1707; died 1771, aged 64. Studied under his father, John Baptist Vanloo, and afterwards became a member of the Academy at Paris. His reputation for portrait painting must have been great, as he was invited to Madrid by Philip V., and was by him appointed principal painter to the Court of Spain. Upon the death of Philip he quitted Spain, and was in England in 1765, but shortly after returned to Paris. 997 Portrait of a Lady and Page. Mr. Nosotti. 62 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. } + VANUDEN (Lucas). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Antwerp, 1595; died about 1662, aged about 67. Learned the rudiments of painting from his father; and was indefatigable in his studies from nature, passing his leisure hours in fields and forests, which he represented with great truth, attending particularly to the effect and appearance of the atmosphere, whether at the rising or setting of the sun. His great friend was Rubens, who frequently employed him to paint the background of his histories. 967 Landscape, with Figures by D. Teniers. 968 Landscape, with Figures by D. Teniers. The property of The Earl of Portarlington. The Earl of Portarlington. "" VECCHIA (Pietro da). VENETIAN SCHOOL. Born at Venice, 1605; died 1678, aged 73. He applied himself to the study of Giorgione's works, and even imitated them to deception. His best pictures represent armed soldiers, banditti, &c., with admirable force and vigour, with fine warm and tender colouring. 933 Saul presented with the Head of Goliah by David. The property of VELASQUES (de Silva, Don Diego). SPANISH SCHOOL. Mrs. West. Born at Seville, in Spain, 1599; died 1660, aged 61. Was educated under Francesco Herrara, a painter of considerable celebrity, and afterwards Francesco Pacheco, a man of letters as well as an able designer. He became a great favourite with the Court, and all classes, and painted the portraits of the principal persons in Spain, before he met with Rubens, then in Madrid, who cherished a great affection for his estimable qualities as a scholar and a gentleman, aud formed so high an opinion of his talent as an artist, as to advise him to travel to Italy, to study the beauties of antiquity and the works of the best masters. For this purpose he was furnished with funds by the Court; and after a close study in Italy, he returned in higher favour than before, and in 1656 Philip conferred on him the order of Santiago. His paintings are generally large, and history is his subject. In his smaller T GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS, 63 pictures he is said to confer upon his heads all the characteristics of reality, and was peculiarly prominent in his mode of depicting great agony. In his painting of "the Crucifixion," says Mr. Sterling, "the head of our Lord droops on his right shoulder, over which falls a mass of dark hair, while drops of blood trickle from his thorn-pierced brow." Cumberland says: Cumberland says: "If there was nothing else to immortalize him, that single figure of itself would be sufficient." 792 Magdalen. The property of VERNET (Claude Joseph). FRENCH SCHOOL. در Born at Avignon, 1714; died 1789, aged 75. Having been instructed, for a short time, in his native town, he travelled to Rome, where he was instructed by his countryman, Adrian Mauglard, celebrated for landscape and sea pieces, which gave his talents that direction in which he became so conspicuous. His seaports and marine subjects were much admired in Italy; and on his return to France, Louis XV. engaged him to paint the seaports of his kingdom, for which he received every assistance from the Government. This duty he performed with consummate skill; but it is supposed that the exactness and preci- sion necessary for such a work checked the painter in his picturesque. The views of his own selection are sweet and engaging, and exhibit much of the serene poetic cast, which should ever accompany the mind of a true landscape painter. He was father of the late Carl Vernet, and grandfather to the present Horace Vernet, who is esteemed by all as an honour to his country. 761 Evening-A French Seaport. The Earl of Miltown. 752 Morning-A French Seaport. The Earl of Miltown. 762 Marine View. Peter La Touche. The property of "" Mrs. Nevin. VERONESE (Paolo Cagliari). VENETIAN SCHOOL. Born at Verona, 1532; died 1588, aged 56. Was taught by Antonio Badile, an eminent painter at Verona. He won considerable honours, and was presented with a gold chain and medal in a competition at Venice, by the judges, one of whom was Titian. His colour is pure, chaste, and undisturbed; but he is blamed for not observing the propriety of costume, and for a love of ostentation and splendour unfitted for his subjects. 899 Saint Cecilia. The property of Sir John Nugent, Bart. 64 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. VINCI (Lionardo da). FLORENTINE SCHOOL. Born at Vinci, near Florence, 1452; died 1519, aged 67. Was taught by Andrea Verocchio, and exhibited such genius whilst a mere youth, that in assisting his instructor to paint an altar piece, he so far excelled him, that, mortified by the con- Few mén, trast, the master retired from the profession, and relinquished his pencil for ever. of whatever rank or profession, have been so eminently possessed of a variety of powers. He was the greatest mathematician of his time, and also a great architect, an engineer, a poet, a musician, a painter, and a profound and philosophical writer. His great performances in art being in fresco, very few oil paintings of his exist, and many imputed to him are executed by his scholars from his original designs; but such is the veneration for his name, that any work bearing the impress of his genius is of inestimable value. 767 Portrait of a Lady. The property of VOS (Martin de). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Antwerp, 1531; died 1603, aged 72. Was instructed by his father, Peter, who was a member of the Academy of Antwerp. Tra- velling to Italy to extend his studies, he received lessons from Tintoretto, with whom he formed a great friendship, and who so far admired his style as to engage him to paint the landscape portion of his pictures. On his return to Antwerp he was much employed in painting portraits, and executed several works for the Cathedral as well as for the Church of Saint James. The property of 763 Head of an Old Woman. 840 The Assumption. Sir John Nugent, Bart. "" The Earl of Portarlington. Sir John Nugent, Bart. WALKER (Robert). ENGLISH SCHOOL. Born in England; died in the time of the Commonwealth of England, and shortly before the Restoration. Was a portrait painter, and cotemporary with Vandyck, whose works and style he studied with evident improvement. He did not attract much notice until the time of the Commonwealth, when he painted several portraits of Cromwell and his principal followers. 845 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell. The property of Charles Brien. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 65 WATERLOO (Anthony). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born (it is supposed) at Utrecht, 1618; died 1679, aged 61. The place and time of his birth are uncertain, and so also his school, except from charac- teristics, but it is certain that he lived the greater part of his life at Utrecht; and it is generally believed that this picturesque and fascinating landscape painter, who has left behind him several works of the most interesting description, the unsophisticated transcripts of nature, in her purest and simplest attire, perished of want, an inmate of a public hospital. 900 Duck Shooting, a woody landscape. The property of 739 The Swing. 750 A Fete Champetre. 729 A Fete Champetre. WATTEAU (Anthony). FRENCH SCHOOL. Born at Valenciennes, 1684; died 1721, aged 37. Commenced life as a mere assistant to a scene painter, whom he met on the road to Paris, going to paint and decorate the Opera House. After a short employment with this, his first patron, he fell into mere destitution, when he was taken care of by Claude Gillot, then celebrated for his painting of grotesque. Before long he excelled his patron, and afterwards became famous for painting balls, masquerades-gallant as well as pastoral subjects-in which new art he established a high reputation, and created a number of imitators, but no rivals. The property of WILSON (Richard). ENGLISH SCHOOL. "" "" The Earl of Bessborough. The Earl of Miltown. The Earl of Miltown. John Gibson. Born in Montgomeryshire, 1714; died 1782, aged 68. Was first taught by Thomas Wright, an obscure portrait painter in London, which branch he followed, and in 1749 painted a portrait of George III., then about ten years of age. He ultimately turned his attention to landscape painting, and went to Rome, where he had many I 66 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. * WILSON (continued). pupils in that line of art. He has been considered one of the most successful landscape painters that England produced. He spreads a delicious brightness, fresh and dewy, over his verdure;- and where allowed to select his own views, does so with taste and ingenuity. For a long time his transcendant abilities laboured in indigence and obscurity, the beauty and value of his works not being appreciated, until death had rendered him equally insensible of admiration or neglect. 914 Landscape. The property of Lord Ward. Stephen Simpson. 901 Roman Landscape. WISSING (William). FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Amsterdam, 1656; died in England, 1687, aged 31. Was instructed by Doudyns, a historical painter, and visited England when twenty-four years of age, when he became an assistant to Sir Peter Lely, after whose death he became a suc- cessful and favourite portrait painter, especially at the Court of Charles II. 708 Portrait of the Marquis of Montrose. The property of The Marquis of Ormond. WOUVERMANS (Philip). در FLEMISH SCHOOL. Born at Haerlem, 1620; died 1666, aged 46. He studied under John Wynants, a landscape painter of high character, and improved so rapidly as to surprise his preceptor. Little is known of him but what is painful. His biographers say that he died of a broken heart, from neglect. His paintings, which are held in the highest estimation, combining high finish, correctness, agreeable composition, and a charming taste for colouring, scarcely afforded him the pittance of a miserable subsistence for his family, and although he laboured with incessant industry at his calling, he languished long in indigence and obscurity. The pictures of this charming painter are now greatly valued. It is right to observe, that his biographers by no means agree as to the fact of his being neglected in his life-time, and his death is by some attributed to over-attention to labour. 726 Horses Watering. The property of The Earl of Miltown. 10 I GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. ! 67 WOUVERMANS (Philip), continued. The property of 749 Halt of Cavaliers. 735 Halt at the Smithy. 744 Hunting Party, Landscape by Wynants. 698 The Horse Fair. 855 Christ before Herod. "" د, WOUVERMANS (Peter). DUTCH SCHOOL. WYKERSLOOST, 1658. "" Born at Haerlem about 1625; died Was a younger brother of Philip, and learned at first from Roland Rogman, afterwards from his brother, whose style he followed so closely as to render it difficult at present to distinguish the paintings of the two, although it is said, by eminent judges, that Philip's productions are inimitable. 738 Forge by Moonlight. WYNANTS (John). DUTCH SCHOOL. The property of The Lord Chancellor. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. The Marquis of Ely. Henry Grattan. The property of The Very Rev. Archdeacon Magee. 744 Woody Scene, Hunting Party, &c., figures by Wouvermans. Born at Haerlem, 1600; died 1670, aged 70. It is not known under whom he studied. But he was one of the most distinguished artists of his day, and established an Academy, from which sprung Adrian Vandevelde, Philip Wouverman, who occasionally were engaged to embellish his landscapes by their figures and animals. His pictures represent broken grounds and winding sandy roads, plants and stunted trees, cottages and hotels, with great truth and simplicity. His landscapes, although confined and void of variety, are much valued and sought after by the lovers of Dutch paintings. # The property of The Marquis of Ely. 68 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. ZUCCARELLI (Francesco). FLORENTINE SCHOOL. Born in Tuscany, 1702; died at Florence 1788, aged 86. Was taught successively by Anesi, Morandi, and Nelli, and commenced as a historic painter, but finally became a landscape painter, generally furnishing his pictures with small figures, which he did in a pleasing and elegant style. He visited England in 1752, and was one of the original members of the Royal Academy in London, which was founded in 1768. 733 Landscape, with figures. The property of ZURBARAN (Francisco). SPANISH SCHOOL. Born near Seville, 1596; died 1662, aged 66. Was taught by Pablo Roelas, and is generally ranked amongst the first painters of the Spanish School. His tints, although sober and subdued, have, according to Stirling, much of the brilliancy and depth of Rembrandt. He is considered the "the peculiar painter of monks," as Raphael is of Madonnas, and Spagnoletto of martyrdoms. 803 Santa Rosalie. The property of The Right Hon. Alex. Macdonnell. 854 Jephtha's Vow. (BREUGHEL.) 973 Cupids at Play. (DE GREY.) 977 Companion to 973. (DE GREY.) 989 Virgin, Child, and Angels. (ALBANO). The property of "" Sir John Nugent, Bart. "" Hon. Richard O'Grady. Hon. Richard O'Grady. T. Tepe. · GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 69 The Painters of the following have not been ascertained:- 753 Figures (French School). The property of 758 Portrait of Charles Edward the Pretender. 768 Head of an Old Woman. 783 Italian Landscape. 7786 Old Age and Youth. 787 The Annunciation. 789 St. Charles Boromeo. 812 Italian Vineyard. 817 Venus and Adonis. 859 Meeting Room of three Societies of Rhetoricians, which existed at Haarlem in the 17th century. 866 Painting by a Byzantine artist. Portrait of Saint Spiridion, who was Bishop of Tremethus in Cyprus, in the 4th century. "" دو 892 Village Fete. 974 Portrait of Archbishop Usher. 976 Portrait of Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield. 991 Portrait of Old Parr, in his 153rd year, A.D. 1635. 993 View of Calcutta. 995 A Pieta. "" These were panels of an old door of a Sacristy in a Church at Milan. acristy? "" "" "" ** On his right Our Saviour, with the inscription "I.C.-X.C." Jesus Christ. Blessed Virgin, with the inscription "MP. OV.” Mother of God. The Right Hon. Alex. Macdonnell. The Right Hon. Alex. Macdonnell. "" "" "" "" "9 J. Bloomfield. J. H. Read. J. Bloomfield. H. Westrop. Lord Miltown. Charles Brien. Sir Robert Gore Booth, Bart. On his left the Lord Miltown. R. A. Pearson. The Hon. Sir F. Stanhope. Ed. R. Purefoy Colles. E. J. Cooper, J. Whitty. 70 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. } SERIES OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES, By Old Masters, THE PROPERTY OF HENRY ARROWSMITH, ESQ., NEW BOND-STREET, LONDON. t 999 PARMIGIANO. Lombard School. See page 38. 1 Two Sketches in Chalk, and one in Pen and Wash. AMIDANO. Pupil of Parmigiano. Lombard School. End of the 16th century. 2 A Sacrifice, in Sepia Wash. ALBANO. Pupil of Caracci. Lombard School. About the middle of the 17th century. 3 Angels Presenting Fruit to the Infant Jesus. PASINELLI. Pupil of Cantarini; afterwards of Paolo Veronese. died 1700. 4 Sketch in Black Chalk. GALEOTTI GIUSEPPE. Florentine School. Towards the end of the 17th century. 5 & 6 Apparition of the Blessed Virgin. Studies for Frescoes. GALEOTTI SEBASTIAN. Florentine School. 7 Same Subject. Study for a Fresco. GIORDANO LUCA. Roman School. See page 24. 8 Battle Piece, in Sepia Wash. SACCHI ANDREA. Roman School. Born 1697; died 1770. 9 Sacrifice of Abram, in Wash. Lombard School. Born 1629; TIEPOLO. Pupil of Lazzarini. Venetian School. Born 1697; died 1770. 10 A Wounded Horse, in Wash. GUIDO. Lombard School. See page 25. 11 & 12 Studies of Saint Michael and Repentance of St. Peter, in Wash and Pen. GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 71 999 (Continued.) FRANCESCHINI. Lombard School. Born 1648; died 1729. 13 A Study. CARACCI (A). Lombard School. See page 14. 14 Destruction of the Titans, in Pen and Wash. MURILLO. Spanish School. See page 34. 15 St. Joseph and Infant Jesus. CLAUDE. French School. See page 23. 16 A Study, in Pen and Wash, from the Collection of the Duke of Sussex. SWANEVELT. Pupil of G. Douw, afterwards of Claude. Börn 1620; died 1690. 17 Landscape. ROUSSEAU (James). died 1693. 18 A Landscape, in Chalk. Brother-in-law and pupil of Swanevelt. French School. CALLOT (James). Pupil of Giulio Parigie. French School. Born 1593; died 1635. 19 Fortune Telling, in Sepia Wash. BOUCHER. Pupil of Le Moine. French School. Born 1704; died 1768. 20 & 21 Landscape and others. BACKHUYSEN. BRIL (Paul). Venetian School. See page 12. 22 Landscape, in Indigo Wash. German School. See page 9. 23 Ship in a Gale, in India Wash. RIETSCHOOF. Pupil of Backhuysen. Dutch School. Born 1652; died 1718. 24 Marine Piece, in Water Colour. REMBRANDT. Dutch School. See page 42. VAN DRELST. 25 Abraham and the Angels, in Wash. Dutch School. Born 1746; died 1818. 26 & 27 Landscapes and Figures in Stormy Weather. Born 1630; 72 GALLERY OF THE OLD MASTERS. 999 (Continued.) Flourished about the end of the 17th century. DU BOURG. Dutch School. 28 An Interior with Figures, in Water Colours. RUYSDAEL. Flemish School. See page 48. 29 & 30 Studies of Trees in Red Chalk. POELEMBURG. Dutch School. See page 39. 31 Study of a Tree, in Sepia Wash. 1 VAN DRELST. Dutch School. Born 1746; died 1818. 32 Study of an Oak, in India Ink, Wash, and Chalk. HOGARTH. English School. See page 26. 33 English Sports, in Wash and Colour. GAINSBOROUGH. English School. See page 22. 34 A Landscape, in Chalk, from the Duke of Buckingham's Collection. POUSSIN (Nicholo). French School. See page 40. 35 Landscape and Figures, in Wash and Colour. VANDYCK (Sir A.) Flemish School. See page 59. 36 A Study, Figures in India Ink. RAFFAELLE. Roman School. See page 41. 37 Two Studies for Frescoes. The property of Col. Columb. FRANKS (Francis). Flemish School. Born 1546; died 1616. The Crucifixion, painted in Water Colours, on Vellum. The property of Henry Hodgson. THE END. PRINTED FOR THE COMMITTEE OF THE DUBLIN GREAT EXHIBITION, BY J. M. O'TOOLE, 13, HAWKINS'-STREET. C 7 deve UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 05449 2627 MA .... *N S * ܀܀܀܀