C 3. AL B داستان 1817 Yos ARTES SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OF TUEBOR WALDOR QUERIS-PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPIC SUNDUS2CCO SUUSADAS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY 은 ​BEQUEST OF BRYANT WALKER HONORARY CURATOR OF MOLLUSKS 1910-1936 Colore Museum QL 404 W 88 1856 Million verbete The Dow О Bidefod dcom LITTON. PIN ca G+ 3. at a + 10. C+ 7.4+ 9. a + 11. 15. a 16. 17 13. 22. 27. 19.1 30.1 26. + 29. 2 31. 72 13. 35. To 36. 33. a LEPAS 70. (+ 38. a + . 6. + 8.1 7. 12 n 13. u + 2. 67 8. at 12. (+ 14. 18. 11+ 20. c 25.P 27. + 32.22 34. b 39. 9. n 10.72 15. 72 11. 70 17. + 16. 20. 2 GNL i ! INDEX TESTACEOLOGICUS, AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN SHELLS CONTAINING ABOUT 2800 FIGURES ACCURATELY COLOURED AFTER NATURE, BY illiam W. WOOD, F.R.S., F.L.S. A NEW AND ENTIRELY REVISED EDITION, WITH ANCIENT AND MODERN APPELLATIONS, SYNONYMS, LOCALITIES, ETC. ETC. BY SYLVANUS HANLEY, B.A., F.L.S. AUTHOR OF RECENT SHELLS, MONOGRAPH OF TELLINA, IPSA LINNÆI CONCHYLIA, THE CONCHOLOGICAL MISCELLANY, THE SHELL PORTION OF THE BRITISH MOLLUSCA, THE TEXT OF THE EXOTIC CONCHOLOGY, ETC. LONDON: WILLIS AND SOTHERAN, 136, STRAND. MDCCCLVI. 1856 Museum 3.10.1939 فرای INTRODUCTION. The large number of figures in so small a space, and the circumstance that many of the shells there indicated have not been delineated, or even mentioned in more recent iconogra- phies, have rendered Wood's Index Testaceologicus, a work of acknowledged utility and general popularity. Its value to the naturalist, has, however, been much diminished by the now obsolete method of the classification adopted, (that of Linnæus) by the uncertainty or incorrectness of its recorded localities, and by the too frequently erroneous appellations (erroneous according to the present more restricted notions of permitted variation) bestowed upon the objects engraved. These defects it has been the object of the present edition to amend. It is hoped that the Synopsis will remedy the inconvenience of seeking the species of a Lamarckian genus in plates adapted to the arrangement of Linnæus, for by its aid, the concholo- gist can readily discover with what figures his specimens should be compared. Any change, indeed, in the relative position of the drawings to accord with the progressive advances of Lamarck, Sowerby, and Deshayes, would probably be futile, since the genera, throughout zoology, in the present tran- sitional stage of natural science, are continually being sub- divided and renamed ; hence their systems likewise may prove as ill-adapted to the more stringent requirements of the coming generation, as that of their great predecessor to the enlarged ideas of the present era. The localities have been revised and augmented through the increased experience which the researches of Quoy and Gaimard, Cuming, Hinds, D’Orbigny, and other exploring al ii INTRODUCTION. naturalists have bestowed upon us. Nevertheless, much caution has been found requisite in altering any of the re- corded habitats; since our knowledge of the precise limits of geographical distribution is somewhat hypothetical. To remedy the last objection alluded to, the Editor has carefully traced out the original figure from which the minia- ture one was taken (for almost all the engravings, excepting those of the Supplement, were copied from published draw- ings), and elaborated his synonymy (an original one) from the species there represented upon a larger scale. His re- ferences consequently apply to the figures, not to the Lin- nean names. The labour expended may in some degree be estimated by the long list of books referred to; a list which, independently of its necessity as explanatory of the abbre- viations, cannot be devoid of utility to the less advanced students of Conchological Bibliography. As the whole of the letterpress, except the first column, (Wood's Linnean names) is entirely original, the writer should, perchance, have styled himself the Author, rather than the Editor; yet, as the text, in the present work, is avowedly subsidiary to the engravings, he has contented himself with the less honoured appellation. Although the portion alluded to, has been preserved to facilitate the finding of previous references to the ‘Index,' it must not be conceived, from its retention, that the names there specified are invariably the first, or most desirable : the preferential specific epithets should be deduced rather from the last column, (in which they usually occur in the order of their publication) and from the dates mentioned in the list of ‘Abbreviations." The Appendix, which contains about 960 figures of species and genera not inserted in the original publication, is issued as a separate volume, the drawings being accompanied by a descriptive letter-press, expressly written to elucidate the bivalves delineated in the Index Testaceologicus. SYNOPSIS OF THE MODIFIED LAMARCKIAN ARRANGEMENT.* The genera in Italics, are not to be found in Lamarck's classification. Those attached by brackets to one of his genera, may be held by purists as included in it. The numerals mentioned are inclusive. Siliquaria. Ser. 25, 26, 27: Hel. 85? Dentalium. Den. 1 to 10. Cæcum. Den. 12, 13, 14, 15?: Ser. 3. ( Ditrupa. Den. 11. Spirorbis. Ser. 5 to 8, 10 to 16. Serpula. Ser. 17, 18, 19?, 31, 32, 36, 38: Ser. Sup. 1. Vermilia. Ser. 9, 33 ?: Ser. Sup. 4?. Tubicinella. Lep. 1. Coronula. Lep. 2, 3, 4: Lep. Sup. 2. Balanus. Lep. 5 to 15, 17 to 29, 32: Lep. Sup.5, 7. Acasta. Lep. 16. Pyrgoma. Lep. Sup. 4. Creusia. Lep. 30, 31. Anatifa. Lep. 36 to 41: Lep. Sup. 1. Pollicipes. Lep. 33, 34, 35, 42: Lep. Sup. 3, 6. Cineras. Lep. 43, 44. Otion. Lep. 45. Aspergillum. Ser. 34.-Apx. ix. 23, 54; X. 19. Clavagella.--Apx. ix. 21, 22; x. 21 ; xi. 1 to 4. Fistulana.--Apx. xi. 5; xiii. 59. Septaria. Ter. 1. . ; The editor disclaims all idea of system-making. The arrangement (one of mere expediency,) is that of Lamarck, with the addition of some of the more absolutely indispensable modern genera. These are not inserted according to their natural affinities, but in proximity to that Lamarckian genus, which either once included them, or to whose definition their characters are least opposed. iv. SYNOPSIS OF THE MODIFIED 3 (Teredo (including Fistulana, in part). Ser. 37: Ter. 2, 3?, 4.- Apx. ix, 49, 50; xi. 13, 22, 23. Xylophaga.—APx. ix. 51; xi. 21. Pholas. Pho. 1 to 10: Pho. Sup. 1 to 4.-Apx. ix. 26, 30, 43, 44, 58; xi. 8, 53. Gastrochæna. Pho. 11: Mya 1, 2.-Apx. ix. 37, 40, 42. Solen. Sol. 1 to 12, 14 to 20 : Sol. Sup. 2, 4, 5, 6.-Apx. ix. 16, 19, 28; X. 4, 7, 18, 30, 42 ; xi. 17, 18, 19, 26, 29, 35, 36; xii. 40, 41, 42; xiii. 28, 42. Glauconome. Sol. 21.-Apx, x. 17, 24; xiv. 41. Panopæa. Mya 41.- Apx. ix. 24, 59 ; x. 43. Pholadomya.- Apx. ix. 57. Glycimeris. Mya 9, 10. Mya. Mya 1, 2,-APX. X. 16; xiii. 60. Anatina. Mya 6, 7: Sol. 13, 30.— Apx. ix. 46; xi. 24. Lyonsia. Mya 13, 14, 24.—APX. X. 10, 14 ; xiii. 27. Cochlodesma. Mya 5.—APx. ix. 33. — Periploma. Apx. x. 11, 32, 33 ; xiii. 50. Thracia. Mya 3, 14, 15.-Apx. ix. 20, 52.- APx. X. 12, 15; X. 1, 34, 35, 37 Anatinella. Mya 11. Neæra. Mya 12. Myodora, Apx. ix, 53 ; x. 6, 9, 13; xï. 12. Myochama. Apx. xii. 3. Lutraria. Mac, 3, 4, 25, 33 to 37.- Apx. ix. 56; X. 26. Mactra. Mac. 1, 2, 5 to 15, 18 to 23, 30, 31, 32. Mac. Sup. 1 to 7.-Apx. ix. 1; x. 2, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 36, 38 to 41, 60; xi. 16, 27, 30, 51, 54, 55; xii. 11?; xiii. 24. Gnathodon. APx. X. 22. Crassatella. Ven. 74, 95: Cha. 11?-Apx. ix. 12, 31; x. 54, 58, 59; xi. 9, 15; xii. 13 to 18, 22 to 25. Mesodesma. Mac. 16, 24: Don. 9 : Mac. Sup. 9 to 12.—APx. ix. 55; X. 3, 55, 56; xi. 6, 39, 40; xii. 19, 20. Ungulina. Apx. X. 44. Solemya. Sol. Sup. 1,--Apx. xi. 25. Amphidesma. Tel. 17, 70, 81, 82.—Apx. xii. 5 to 10, 21, 28, 32, 35, 44, 45, 46, 48 to 52. Syndosmya. Mya 21: Mac. 26, 27. Cumingia. Apx. xii. 37, 38. Pandora. Sol. 35: Tel. 97.—APx. ix. 32 ; x. 45 to 50. Corbula. Mya 39, 40.--Apx. ix. 34; x. 51, 52, 53; xi. 32; xii. 4, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 39, 43, 47; xiii. 48, 58. Ervilia. Mya 20 : Don. 10.—APx. ix. 16. LAMAROKIAN ARRANGEMENT. V - Saxicava (including Hiatella). Mya 8: Sol. 33 : Myt. 9, 11.–Apx. ix. 5; xii. 2, 53, 54. Kellia. Mya 37: Tel. 59: Car. 8.-Apx. ix. 48 ; xii. 1. Turtonia. Mya 18. Montacuta. Mya 16, 19, 22, Lepton. Sol. 34.—Apx. ix. 47. Galeomma. Apx. ix. 25, 41. Petricola. Mya 17: Ven. 72, 73: Myt. 16.-Apx. xi. 41 to 45 ; xiii, 26, 49. Venerupis. Don. 21 : Ven. 112.-Apx. ix. 29 ; xii. 55, 58. Sanguinolaria. Tel. 15, 58: Ven. 64. Psammobia (including Psammotæa). Sol. 22 to 29, 31, 32: Tel. 6, 21, 32, 36, 65: Sol. Sup. 3.—APx. xi. 11, 12, 20, 28, 46 to 50, 52, 56, 57; xii. 56, 57, 59, 60; xiv. 1. Tellina, including Tellinides. Tel. 1 to 5, 7, 18, 20, 22 to 31, 33, 34, 35, 37 to 43, 45 to 48, 52, 53?, 54, 56, 57, 61 to 64. 66 to 69, 74, 75, 79, 80, 83 to 86 : Car. 10: Tel. Sup. 2 to 6.—APx. ix. 3, 4, 9, 17, 18, 38, 39; xi. 14, 31, 33, 37, 58; xiii. 1, 2, 3, 10, 44, 51, 53 to 57; xiv. 2 to 14, 26. Corbis. Ven. 65.—APX. xiv. 15. Lucina. Tel. 14, 44, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 87, 88, 89, 93?: Car. 9: Ven. 11, 75, 78 to 81, 88, 89, 99 : Tel. Sup. 1.-Apx. ix. 2, 45; xiii. 4, 5, 6; xiv. 16, 17, 18. Lucinopsis. Ven. 87. Cyrenoida. APx. XV. 4, ? 5,? 6. Donax. Tel. 49: Don. 1 to 8, 11 to 14, 16, 17, 19: Don. Sup. 1, 3, 4, 5.—APx. ix. 35, 36; xi. 38; xiii. 7, 8, 9, 47; xiv. 19 to 25, 27 to 32. Capsa. Apx, xiii. 52; xiv. 34. Astarte (=Crassina.) Mac. 28, 29: Ven. 18 to 21. Mac. Sup. 8.- Apx. ix. 27; xiv. 35 to 40. Cyclas. Tel. 16, 19, 90, 91.--Apx. ix. 15; xiii. 11, 12, 16 ; xiv. 42 to 49. Cyrena. Tel. 96: Ven. 42, 113, 114, 115.-APx. xiii. 13, 14, 15; xiv. 50 to 60; xv. 1, 2, 3. Galathea. Ven. 48, 116. Ven. Sup. 5, 13, 14. Cyprina. Ven. 41. Cytherea. Car. 30 : Don. 15, 20?: Ven. 1, 17, 22, 24, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39,43 to 47, 49, 53, 57 to 60, 62, 63, 90 to 94, 96, 97, 100: Ven. Sup. 9, 11, 16, 17: Don. Sup. 2.-Apx. ix. 10, 11, 13; x. 5; xi. 7, 10, 34 ; xiii. 17 to 23, 25, 29, 32, 33, 34, 40; xv. 7 to 37. Artemis. Ven. 10, 76, 77, 82, 83 to 86.—APX. xiii. 30, 31 ; xv. 38 to 44. - - vi SYNOPSIS OF THE MODIFIED Venus. Tel. 55, 60: Ven. 2, 3, 5 to 9, 12 to 16, 23, 25, 27, 28 ?, 29 to 32, 36, 37, 40, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 61? 66 to 71, 101 to 111. Ven. Sup. 1 to 4, 6 to 8, 10, 12, 15.--Apx. ix. 7, 8, 14; x. 57; xiii. 35 to 39, 41, 43, 45, 46 : xiv. 33 ; xv. 45 to 60 ; xvi. 1 to 49. Cardium. Car. 1 to 7, 11 to 29, 31 to 54: Mac. 17.- APx. xvi. 50 to 60; xvii. 1 to 55. Cardita (including Venericardia). Ven. 89: Cha. 4, 7 to 10, 15, 16 : Cha. Sup. 3, 4, 5.-APx. xvii. 56 to 60 ; xviii. 1 to 26. Cypricardia. Cha. 14, 17: Cha. Sup. 1, 2.-APX. xviii. 27 to 32. Isocardia. Cha. 1, 5.--APX. xviii. 30, 34. Cucullea. Arc. 16. Arca, Arc. 1 to 14, 17 to 25. Arc. Sup. 1 to 4, 7, 8, 12.- APX. xviii. 35 to 60 ; xix. 1 to 17. ; Pectunculus. Arc. 28 to 41 : Arc. Sup. 11.-APx. xix. 18 to 43. Nucula. Arc. 26, 27, 42 to 45 : Arc. Sup. 5, 6.-Apx. xix. 44 to 60 ; xx. 1 to 18. Solenella.—APX. X. 8. Trigonia. Cha. Sup. 6. Castalia. Mya Sup. 9.—APx. xxiv. 12. Unio. Mya 25 to 35, 38: Cha. 6: Mya Sup. 1 to 8, 10, 11.-APX. XX 19 to 60; xxi. all; xxii. all ; xxiii. all; xxiv. 1 to 10. Hyria. Mya 36: Mya Sup. 12.—APx. xxiv, 11. Anodon. Myt. 32 to 35.-APX. xxiv. 13 to 18. Iridina. Myt. 36: Are. Sup. 9, 10: Myt. Sup. 1. Chama Cha. 12, 18 to 25.-APx. xxiv. 19, 20. Etheria. Ost. Sup. 6. Tridacna. Cha. 2.-APX. xxiv. 21. Hippopus. Cha. 3. Modiola. Arc. 15 : Myt. 13, 14, 31, 32, 38 to 41, 49 : Myt. Sup. 3, 5.—APx. xxiv. 25 to 30. Lithodomus. Myt. 7, 8, 10, 12.- Apx. xxiv. 22, 23, 24. Dreissena. Myt. Sup. 6.—APX. xxiv. 31. Mytilus. Myt. 15, 19 to 29, 37?, 47, 48: Myt. Sup. 2.-Apx. xxiv. 3 32, 33, 34. Tichogonia. Myt. 17, 18. Pinna. Pin. 1 to 18, 20.--Apx. xxiv. 35, 36. Crenatula. Ost. 77, 82: Myt. Sup. 4. Perna. Ost. 78 to 81, 83.-APx. xxiv. 37. Malleus. Ost. 58, 59, 60?-APx. xxiv. 38. Avicula. Myt. 42, 43, 44.—APx. xxiv. 39. Meleagrina. Myt. 4, 5.—APx, xxiv. 40. - LAMARCKIAN ARRANGEMENT. vii Pedum. Ost. 75. Lima. Ost. 50 to 57 : Ost. Sup. 5.-Apx. xxiv. 41, 42. Pecten (including Hinnites). Ost. 1 to 49: Ost. Sup. 1 to 4. (Hin- nites 7).—APx. xxiv. 43. Plicatula. Spo. 3.—APX. xxiv. 44. Spondylus. Spo. 1, 2, 4?-APx. xxiv. 45, 46. Ostrea. Ost. 61 to 74, 76?: Myt. 1, 2, 3 : Ost. Sup. 8.- Apx. xxiv. 47, 48. Vulsella. Ost. 84.—APx. xxiv. 49. Placuna. Ano. 29, 30.-Apx. xxiv. 50. Anomia. Ano. 3 to 13, 31.—APx. xxiv. 51, 52. Crania. Ano. 1, 2. Orbicula. Ano. Sup. 2.- Apx. xxiv. 53, 54. Terebratula. Ano. 14 to 27, 32?: Ano. Sup. 1, 3, 4.-Apx. xxiv. 55 to 59. Lingula. Myt. 45, 46.-APx. xxiv. 60. Hyalea. Ano. 28. . Spirialis. Hel. 115. Limacina. Arg. 9. Chitonellus. Chi. 40. Chiton. Chi. 1 to 39 : Chi. Sup. 1 to 12. Patella. Pat. 14 to 16, 18 to 38, 40, 52, 53, 55?, 58 to 62, 64, 65?, 66, 68 to 75, 79, 80, 83. Acmæa. Pat. 17, 48, 50, 63, 76, 78, 81, 82. Siphonaria. Pat. 49: Pat. Sup. 1. Pleurobranchus. Bul. 16. Umbrella. Pat. 85. Parmophorus. Pat. 84. Emarginula. Pat. 39, 77, 86 to 88: Pat. Sup. 6, 8. Fissurella. Pat. 90 to 102: Pat. Sup. 7. Pileopsis. Pat. 41 to 47, 51. Calyptræa. Pat. 1 to 7: Pat. Sup. 2 to 5. Crepidula. Pat. 9 to 13. Ancylus. Pat. 56, 57. Bullæa. Bul. 14, 15, 22. Bulla. Bul. 12, 56 to 60 : Vol. 21: Bul. Sup. 1, 2. Helix (including Carocolla). Tro. 73, 74, 119: Hel. 3 to 6, 9 to 21, 27 to 39, 43, 44, 45, 51, 54, 57 to 69, 76 to 84, 86 to 96, 99, 105, 117, 118, 123 to 133, 189 : Ser. 29: Hel. Sup. 1 to 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 32 to 59, 61, 62, 74, 79, 60 ? to 85. Anostoma. Hel. 26. viii SYNOPSIS OF THE MODIFIED Helicina. Tro. Sup. 10. Hel. Sup. 63, 64, 65. Pupa. Tur. 110 to 113, 115, 150, 152 to 156 : Tur. Sup. 12, 13, 14: Hel. Sup. 21. Balea Tur. 149. -Cylindrella. Hel. 136 : Tur. Sup. 37, 38: Hel. Sup. 31, 70. Clausilia. Tur. 143 to 148: Tur. Sup. 35, 36, 39, 40, Bulimus. Bul. 47 to 49: Vol. 3 to 6, 8, 9 : Hel. 75, 101 to 104, 106, 107, 108, 111 to 114, 135, 137, 145, 147, 148, 154 to 159, 161 to 163 : Tur. Sup. 15, 24: Hel. Sup. 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 66, 69, 71, 75 to 78. Azeca. Tur. 151. Partula. Vol. 7: Hel. 47, 110: Hel. Sup. 67. Achatina. Bul. 34, 35, 45, 46, 50 to 55 : Vol. 107: Buc. 155 : Hel. 150 to 152. Achatinella. Hel. Sup. 30. Succinea. Hel. 172 : Hel. Sup. 9. S , Auricula. Vol. 1, 2, 15 to 21 : Hel. 2. Scarabus. Hel. 1. Carychium. Tur. 157. Cyclostoma. Tr. 72, 76: Tur. 26, 114, 116?, 117 to 125, 128, 167 : Hel. 7, 8, 41 to 46 : Tur. Sup. 2 to 6, 8 to 11, 21 to 23, 31, 32, 42. Planorbis. Arg. 3; Tur. 162: Hel. 23, 24, 25, 40, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53: Hel. Sup. 12. Physa. Bul. 36 to 39. . Limnæa. Hel. 149, 166 to 171, 173, 174, 175, 177, 179 to 182, 184. Velutina. Hel, 183, Melania. Buc. 154. Mur. 169 : Tur. 141: Hel. 134, 138 to 144, 160, 164: Str. Sup. 23, 24: Hel. Sup. 19, 26, 68, 72, 73. Eulima. Tur. 140, 159, 160. Rissoa Tur. 14, 15, 16, 50 to 53, 55, 57 to 63, 99 to 107, 158, 161. Hel. 153. Melanopsis. Buc. 94, 157?: Buc. Sup. 27, 28: Str. Sup. 11. Pirena. Str. 40, 41: Str. Sup. 22. Valvata. Tro. 77?: Tur. 87, 163. Paludina. Hel. 119, 120, 121?, 122, 146, 165, 176 : Tur. Sup. 27, 28, 48 : Hel. Sup. 13, 17, 18. Ş Ampullaria. Hel. 55, 71 to 74, 97, 109: Hel. Sup. 22. 2 Ampullacera. Hel. 46 : Tur. Sup. 7. Navicella. Ner. 9. Neritina. Ner. 18, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31 to 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 70: Pat. 8: Ner. Sup. 6, 8 to 12, 15 to 18, LAMARCKIAN ARRANGEMENT. ix Nerita. Ner. 23, 24, 26, 30, 35, 39, 40, 42 to 68: Ner. Sup. 4, 5, 13. Fossarus. Hel. 188. Natica. Ner. 1 to 17, 19, 69: Hel. 98: Ner. Sup. 1, 2, 3, 7, 14. Lacuna. Ner. 21 : Hel. 70, 178: Tur. 12, 68, 69, 70. Ianthina. Hel. 116. Sigaretus. Hel. 187: Ner. 20. Coriocella. Bul. 61: Hel. 186. Stomatia (including Stomatella). Tur. 49: Hal. 18 to 21: Pat. 54: Hal. Sup. 3, 4. Haliotis. Hal. 1 to 17: Hal. Sup. 1, 2, 56. Tornatella. Vol. 11, 12, 13. Pyramidella. Vol. 10, 119, 125 : Tr. 121, 122, Odostomia. Vol. 23 to 28: Tur. 54, 56. S Vermetus. Ser. 20 to 23, 24?, 28, 30 ?, 35: Ser. Sup. 2, 3. 2 Separatista. Arg. 8: Tur. 126. Scalaria. Tur. 64, 88 to 92, 94, 95: Tur. Sup. 16 to 20. Delphinula. Tur. 83, 84, 85, 127. Skenea. Tur. 164, 165. Solarium. Tro. 18, 46, 59 to 63, 86. Rotella. Tro. 78: Tro. Sup. 29, 30. (Trochus. Tro. 1 to 17, 19 to 38, 40 to 55, 57, 58, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 80 to 115, 117, 118?: Tur. 4, 9, 28 to 31, 71, 72: Tro. Sup. 1 to 6, 8, 9, 11 to 28, 31 to 46. Phorus. Tro. 64, 66, 69. Turbo. Tur. 18 to 23, 32 to 48, 65 to 67, 73 to 80, 81 ?, 82, 166: Tur. Sup. 1, 43, 44, 45. Planaxis. Buc. 64, 91, 92?: Buc. Sup. 15, 29. Phasianella. Buc. 96: Tur. 17: Tur. Sup. 25, 26, 46. Littorina. Tro. 39?, 79, 116: Tur. 1, 2, 3, 5 to 8, 10, 11, 13, 24, 25, 27: Hel. 42: Ner. 27: Tro. Sup. 7: Tur. Sup. 29, 30, 33, 34, 37. S Turritella. Tur. 129 to 139: Tur. Sup. 41. Chemnitzia. Tro. 129?: Tur. 96, 97, 98, 107, 108. Cerithium. Str. 38, 39, 43: Mur. 139 ?, 142 to 168: Tro. 120, 123 to 128: Tur. 93, 142: Str. Sup. 7 to 10: Mur. Sup. 21, 24. Pleurotoma. Buc. 111, 151: Str. 42: Mur. 63 to 69, 120?, 127 to 137: Mur. Sup. 5 to 9, 25. Turbinella. Vol, 118, 155 to 162: Buc. 66, 72, 89, 123?: Mur. 81, 84, 108, 110 to 113, 115, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123: Buc. Sup. 13, 20: Mur. Sup. 3, 10, 12, 15. Cancellaria. Vol. 71, 82, 83: Buc. 112, 124: Mur. 58, 101. Fasciolaria. Mur. 98 : Mur. Sup. 11, 14. b х SYNOPSIS OF THE MODIFIED Fusus. Buc. 122?, 128 : Str. 37: Mur. 31, 70 ?, 71 to 78, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 100, 107, 119, 124, 126, 138, 170, 171: Mur. Sup. 26. Pyrula. Bul. 29 to 131 : Buc. 68, 69, 71, 104, 105: Mur. 59, 60, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 88, 105, 114, 116, 125: Bul. Sup. 3: Buc. Sup. 8, 9. Struthiolaria. Buc. 81: Mur. 62. Ranella. Mur. 21 to 27, 36, 44: Mur. Sup. 2. Murex. Mur. 1 to 19, 91, 103, 109, 140 ?: Mur. Sup. 3, 16, 17, 19, 20. Triton. Buc. 115: Mur. 28, 29, 30, 32 to 35, 37 to 43, 45, 46, 86, 95, 99, 106: Mer. Sup. 18. Rostellaria. Str. 1 to 4, 31. Pteroceras. Str. 5 to 9. Strombus. Str. 10 to 20, 22 to 30, 32 to 35, 44: Str. Sup. 1 to 6, 12 to 21. Cassidaria. Buc. 9, 10, 11. Cassis. Buc. 12 to 30, 32 to 36, 160: Bue. Sup. 2, 4, 5. Oniscia. Str. 21. Ricinula. Buc. 125 : Mur. 47, 50, 51, 54. Vol. Sup. 27. Purpura. Buc. 8, 52, 53, 55, 57 to 63, 75, 76, 102, 103, 126, 162, 169 : Str. 36: Mur. 20, 48, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 61, 102, 104: Buc. Sup. 6: Mur. Sup. 1, 22, 23. Monoceras. Buc. 54, 70, 74, 166, 167, 168, 170: Buc. Sup. 10, 11, 12. Concholepas. Buc. 56. Harpa. Buc. 49, 50, 51: Buc. Sup. 23, 24. Dolium. Buc. 1 to 7 ; Buc. Sup. 1. -Nassa. Buc. 12, 37 to 48, 90, 113, 114, 116 to 120, 158, 159, 161, 165: Buc. Sup. 26. Buccinum. Vol. 132 ; Buc. 31, 65, 67, 80, 82, 83, 85 to 88, 97 to 101, 106, 107, 108, 110, 163, 164: Buc. Sup. 3, 7. Eburna. Buc. 77, 78. Bullia. Buc. 84, 95, 109, 138, 139: Buc. Sup. 14, 22. Terebra. Buc. 129 to 134, 140 to 147, 149, 150, 152: Buc. Sup. 25. Columbella. Vol. 73, 74, 79, 80, 85, 134 to 136 : Buc. 121, 127 : Mur. 141: Buc. Sup. 18, 19, 21, 30. Mitra. Vol. 47 to 51, 72, 75 to 78, 81, 84, 86 to 88, 90 to 106, 108 to 117, 120 to 124, 126 to 131, 133, 137 to 146, 186: Vol. Sup. 10, 12 to 18, 25, 28 to 30, 32: Buc. 153, 171. Voluta. Vol. 147 to 154, 163 to 174: Vol. Sup. 1 to 6, 9, 11, 19 , to 22, 24, 26. Cymba. Vol. 178 to 185 : Vol. Sup. 23. LAMARCKIAN ARRANGEMENT. xi Marginella. Vol. 14, 52 to 58, 60 to 70 : Vol. Sup. 7, 8, 31. Volvaria. Bul. 59. Ovulum. Bul. 1 to 11, 17 to 20, 22 to 28, 42. Cypræa. Cyp. 1 to 68 : Bul. 13: Cyp. Sup. 1 to 18. Terebellum. Bul. 41. Ancillaria. Bul, 43, 44: Buc. 79. Buc. Sup. 16, 17. Oliva. Vol. 29 to 46: Vol. Sup. 33 to 38. Conus. Con. 1 to 155: Con. Sup. 1 to 6. ş Orthocera. Nau. 22 to 26, 31, 34. Nodosaria. Nau. 27 to 30, 32? 33, 35? 36. Spirula. Nau. 16. Spirolina. Nau. 19, 20. Siderolites. Nau. 17. Truncatulina. Nau. 13. Cristellaria. Nau. 47 to 55. Orbiculina. Nau. 56, 57, 58. Miliola. Ser. 2. Melonia. Nau. 37. Rotalia. Nau. 9, 10. Placentula. Nau. 38, 39. Vorticialis. Nau, 41, 42, 43? Polystomella. Nau. 4, 5, 6 ? 7, 9, 11, 12, 18, 40, 44 to 46. Nautilus. Nau. 1, 2. Argonauta. Arg. 1 to 5. Carinaria. Arg 6, 7. PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. ABEL. Abel's Conchylien in dem Naturaliencabinette, &c Bischof's v. Constantz. 1787. ABILD. Abildgaard's continuation of Müller's Zoologia Danica. ADAMS, G. Adams in the Transactions of the Linnean Society, vols. ii. and v. and on the microscope. ADAMS, Sow. TH. A. Adams' monographs of Stomatia, &c. in Sowerby's Thesau- rus Conchyliorum. - Syn. JAM. C. B. Adams' Synopsis Conchyliorum Jamaicensium, from the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Read 1845. - Vor. SAMAR. A. Adams and Reeve in the Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang Mollusca pages 1 to 24 in 1848, pages 25 to 44 in 1850 ; pages 45 to 88 in 1850. ADANS. or ADANS. SEN. Adanson's Histoire Naturelle du Sénégal. 1757. ALDER. Alder in the Catalogue of the Mollusca of Northumberland and Durham (1848); in the Magazine of Zoology and Botany, and the Transactions of the Natural-historical society of Northumberland (1830). An. Nat. Alder in the Annals of Natural History, vol. xiii. ALTEN. Alten's Systematische, &c Erd u Fluss-Conchylien, &c. Augsburg. 1813. Apx. DENH. AND CLAP. Appendix to Denham and Clapperton's Narrative of Tra- vels, &c in Northern and Central Africa. 1826. ARG. (or Arg. Conc.) Argenville's Conchyliologie. 1757. ASCAN. Ascanius' Icones rerum naturalium. Pt. i. 1767: pt. ii. 1772: pt. iii. 1775: pt. iv. 1777: pt. v. 1805. BACH. GEV. Gevens Conchylien-Cabinet, edited by Bachmann, 1830. BAER. Ueber eine Süsswasser Miessmuschel. 1826. BARNES, or BARNES, Sil. J. Barnes in Silliman's American Journal of Science, vols. vi vii. xiü. Barnes has also written in the Annals of the Lyceum of New York, yol.i. BEAN. Bean in Thorpe's British Marine Conchology ; in Loudon's Magazine of Natural history, vols. vi. and viii. BEECH, Z. Gray and Sowerby (the former chiefly) in the Zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage, 1839. BINNEY. Binney in the Boston Journal of Natural History, 1837, 1841, 1843. BL. or BLAIN. Blainville. The reference is more frequently to his Manuel. - Dic. Sc. Blainville in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, 1824. - - F. F. Blainville's Mollusques in Viellot's Faune Française. An unfinished work, -- MAL. Blainville's Manuel de Malacologie, et de Conchyliologie, 1825 to 1827. - N. Ann. Mus. Blainville in the Nouvelles Annales du Museum d'Histoire na- turelle. vol. i. BOLTEN. Museum Boltenianum, ed. 2, 1819. Names (not descriptions) for figures in Knorr, Martini, &c. BONAN. Bonanni's Recreatio mentis et oculi. 1684. In Italian in 1681. BORN, or Born Tes. (or Tes. Cæs.) Born's Testacea Musei Cæsarei Vindobonensis, 1780.-His Index in 1778. BORY, E. M. Bory St. Vincent's names attached to the list of the engravings of shells in the Encyclopédie Méthodique. BOWDICH. Bowdich's Elements of Conchology. Univalves, 1820 ; Bivalves, 1822. BRANDE JOUR. Journal of Science and the Arts (edited by Brande). Bosc. Bosc's Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles. 1801. Gmelin's species arranged in more modern genera, BRARD. Brard's Histoire des Coquilles Terrestres et Fluviatiles aux environs de Paris. 1815. PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. xiii - - 7 BRIT. (or Br.) Mar. C. British Marine Conchology, 1844. The revised list by Hanley. Br. (or Brit.) MOL. Forbes and Hanley's British Mollusca. i. 1848 ; ii. 1849, to Feb. 1850; ii. 1850, to Sep. 1851; iv. 1851, to May, 1853. The generic arrangement and the animals by Forbes; the synonymy, and description of shells by Hanley. Brir. Mus. Names attached to the shells by Gray, &c. in the British Museum. BROD. Sow. TH. Broderip's monographs of Cymba and Melo in Sowerby's Thesau- rus Conchyliorum. SP. Con. Broderip's monographs of Cymba, &c. in the Species Conchyliorum. 1830. Z. J. Broderip in the Zoological Journal. AND Sow. Z. J. Broderip and Sowerby's joint articles in the same work. Z. P. Broderip in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. BROWN. Brown's IÎlustrations of the Recent Conchology of Great Britain and Ire- land. ed. 1844. Also in Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural-history So- ciety. BRUG. or BRUG. E. (or E. M. or E. M. VERS.) Bruguière's Dictionnaire des Vers in the Encyclopédie Méthodique. 1789 to 1792. JL. H. NAT. Bruguière in the Journal d'Histoire Naturelle. 1792. BURR. or BURROWS or BURR. E. (or El.) C. (or Conch.) Burrow's Elements of Conchology, 1815. CAILLAUD, or CAIL. VoY. MEROE. Cailliaud's Voyage a Meroé, vol. iv. 1824. CANTRAINE. Cantraine in the Bulletin de l'Academie de Bruxelles, 1836, and in his Malacologie Méditerranéenne, 1840. CHARPEN. Charpentier, in the Fauna Helvetica (between 1837 and 1840); and in Petits Journal de Conchyliologie. Ch. or Chz. Chemnitz's continuation of Martini's work, vol. iv. 1780: vol. v. 1781: vol. vi. 1782: vol. vii. 1784: vol. viii. 1785: vol. ix. 1786: vol. x. 1788: vol. xi. 1795. CHENU, IL. C. Chenu's Illustrations de Conchyliologie; contains monographs by Rousseau, Recluz, &c. From 1843 to present time. REC, LAM.=DELES. REC. CLARK, Z. J. Clark on British Bullææ in the Zoological Journal. COATES Coates on Ianthina and Cirrhipedes in Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. vi. &c. Con. Conrad in the cited works; also in Silliman's Journal, vols. xxiii. XXV. &c. CONR. AM. C. (or M. C.) Conrad's American Marine Conchology. 1831, &c. J. PHILAD. Conrad in the Journal of the Academy, &c. of Philadelphia; chiefly in vol. vii. and new. ser. vol. i. Costa. Costa's Catalogo sistematico e ragionato dei Testacei delle due Sicilie, 1829. COUCH. Couch's Cornish Fauna, part ii. 1841. COUTHOUY, or COUTH. Bost. J. Couthouy in the Boston Journal of Natural His- tory, vol. i. (1838). C. PF. (or PFEIF.) C. Pfeiffer's Systematische Anordnung und Beschreibung Deut- scher Land und Wasserschnecken, vol. i. 1821: vol. ii. 1824: vol. iii 1828. CROUCH, or CROUCH INT. (or LAM. or INT. LAM.) Crouch's Illustrated Introduc- tion to Lamarck's Conchology, 1827. Cuv. Cuvier's Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire, &c Mollusques, 1817; also in his Regne Animal. Cuv. ED. CROCH. The illustrated French edition of Cuvier's Regne Animal. From 1836. Da Cos. or Da Costa. Da Costa's British Conchology, 1778. DARW. CIR. Darwin's monograph on the Cirripedia. Vol. i. 1851: vol. ii. 1855. DAVID. DAVIDS. or DAVIDS. BUL. GEOL. FRANCE, S. 2, VII. Davidson in the Bulletin de la Societé Geologique de France. s. 2. vol. ii. There are valu- able papers also by this naturalist in the Annals of Natural History 1847, (vol. xx.) n. s. ix. (1852). DE JOANNIS, MAG. Z. De Joannis in Guérin's Magasin de Zoologie, 1834. DEKAY. Dekay's Zoology of New York, Mollusca, 1843. DEL. or DELES. or DELES. REC. (or R. C.) Delessert's Recueil de Coquilles decrites par Lamarck, et non encore figurés, 1841. xiv PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. DELLE CHIAJE. Delle Chiaje in his Memorie sulla storia e notomia degli animali senza vertebre del regno di Napoli 1823 to 1829, and in his continuation of Poli's Testacea, 1827 to 1835 (vol. iii.) DESH. Deshayes in the works specified. ALG. Deshayes in the Exploration scientifique de l'Algérie. Mollusques. ED. LAM. Deshayes' edition of Lamarck's Animaux sans vertèbres, vol. vi. 1835: vol. vii. 1836: vol. viii. 1838: vol. ix. 1843: vol. x. 1844: vol. xi. 1845. EL. CONCH. Deshayes' Traité Elementaire de Conchyliologie. From 1839. E. M. Deshayes continuation of Bruguière's Vers in the Encyclopedie Mé- thodique, vol. ii. 1830: vol. iii. 1832. Mag. Z. Deshayes in Guerin's Magasin de Zoologie. MON. DENT. Deshayes' Monographie du genre Dentale, 1825. From the Mémoires de la societé d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, vol. ii. MOR. Deshayes' in the Zoological portion of the Expédition scientifique de Morée, vol. iii. 1836. - Voy. BELANG. Deshayes in Bélanger's Voyage aux Indes Orientales, Zool. 1834. DESMAR. PHILOM. Desmarest in the Bulletin de la Societé Philomathique, 1814. DESMOULINS, BUL. BORD. Desmoulins in the Actes de la Societé Linneene de Bor- deaux. DICT. SC. NAT. Blainville in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. DIL. or DIL. R. S. Dillwyn's Descriptive catalogue of Recent Shells, 1817. Don. or Donov. or Don. B. (or Br.) S. (or SH.) Donovan's Natural History of British shells, 1779 to 1802. NAT. REP. Donovan's Naturalists Repository, 1823 to 1827. D'ORB. D'Orbigny in the works specified; also in Guérin's Magasin de Zoologie. CAN. D'Orbigny in Webb and Berthelot's H. N. des Isles Canaries, 1839. - AM. (or Voy. Am.) D'Orbigny's Voyage dans l'Amérique Meridionale, 1835 to 1846. DRAP. Draparnaud's Histoire Naturelle des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la France, 1805. DUCLOS, OL. Duclos' Histoire Naturelle, &c Coquilles, genre Olive: genre Colom- belle, 1835 to 1843. DUNK. Dunker in the Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie; &c. DUVAL, REV. Z. 1840. Duval in the Revue Zoologique de la Societé Cuvierenne. EHRENB. Ehrenburg's Symbolæ Physicæ, 1828, &c. EICHWALD. Eichwald in the Bulletin des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1838. ELLIS. Ellis on Cirrhipedes in the Philosophical Transactions, vol. L. Zoop. Ellis' Natural History, &c of Zoophytes, 1786. E. or E. M. or Exc. MÉTHOD. (OR MET.) Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des trois règnes de la Nature. Vers. ESCIOLTZ. Escholtz's Zoologischer atlas to Kotzebue's Reise um die Welt, 1830. FAB. DANK. SK. O. Fabricius in the Nye samlung af, &c Dankse Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. 1788. F. G. O. Fabricius's Fauna Grænlandica, 1780. -- SK. NAT. 0. Fabricius in the Skrivter af Naturhistorie Selskabet, vol. iv. pt. 2. FARIN. Farines in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, ser. 2, vol. ii. Fav. Favanne de Montcerville's edition of Argenville's Conchyliologie, 1780. FER. Férussac's Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles, 1819 to 1821; continued by Deshayes. BUL. Z. Férussac's Bulletin Zoologique, sec. 2. Contains useful notices of rare pamphlets. Dict. H. N. Férussac in the Dictionnaire classique de l'Histoire Naturelle. Pr. Férussac's Prodrome general pour tous les Mollusques Terrestres ou Fluviatiles' in his Tableau Systématiques des Animaux mollusques, 1821. Soc. H. N. PARIS. Férussac in Memoires de la Societé d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, vol. i. (1823). Voy. FREYCIN. Ferussac in Freycinet's Voyage autour du monde, Zoologie, 1824. PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. XV FICH. Fichtel and Moll's Testacea Microscopica, 1798. Fl. or FLEM. Fleming's History of British Animals, 1828. Enc. ED. Fleming's article Conchology in the Encyclopædia Edinensis. FORBES AN. NAT. Forbes in the Annals of Natural History, vols. v. &c; see, too, his papers in Loudon's Magazine of Natural History, vols. viii. ix. MAL. Mon. Forbes' Malacologia Monensis, 1838. FORSK. or FORSK, IT. AR. Forskäl’s Descriptiones animalium, &c. quæ in itinere orientali observavit, 1775. FREMBLEY. Frembley on Chitons in the Zoological Journal. GÄRT. Gärtner's Versuch etc. Wetterau, &c Conchylien, 1813. GM. or GMEL. Gmelin's edition of the Systema Nature of Linnæus, vol. i. pt. 6, 1790. GOULD. Chiefly in the cited work : also in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, in the Boston Journal of Natural History, and Silliman's Journal, new ser. vol. vi. Mas. Gould's Report on the Invertebrata of Massachussetts, 1841. . GRATEL. Grateloup in Actes de la Societé Linnéene de Bordeaux, vols. v. ix. xi. (1839.) GRAY. Gray in the works specified ; also in the Annals of Natural History, Lou- don's Magazine of Natural History, Dieffenbach's Travels in New Zealand, &c. &c. An. Ph. Gray in the Annals of Philosophy, vol. xxv. 1825. AP. KING N. S. WALES. Gray's Appendix to King's Survey of the inter- tropical and western coasts of Australia, 1827. ENC. METROP. Gray's names on the plates in the Encyclopædia Metropoli- tana. GRIF. Cuv. Gray in Griffith's edition of Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, 1834. Ι. Τ. Gray's manuscript names attached to the specimens delineated by Wood in the Index Testaceologicus. MAG. N. H. 1837. Gray on Mactra in Charlesworth's series, vol. i. of the Magazine of Natural History, Spic. Z. Gray's Spicilegia Zoologica, 1828 to 1830. TURT. Gray's edition of Turton's Manual of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 1840. ZooL. BEECH. Gray in the Zoology of Capt. Beechey's Voyage, 1839. Z. J. Gray in the Zoological Journal. Z. (or Zool.) Misc. Gray's Zoological Miscellany, 1831. GREEN. Green in the Contributions of the Maclurian Lyceum to the Arts, 1827. GRIF. Cuv. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom ed. Griffith, Mollusca, 1834. GRON. (or GRONOV.) Z. (or ZooP.) Zoophylacium Gronovianum, pt. iii. 1781. GUALT. Gualtieri's Index Testarum quæ adservantur in museo ejus, 1742. GUILD. Z. J. Guilding in the Zoological Journal, vol. iii. HÆn. Mon. CRAN. Hæninghaus' Beitrag zur Monographie der gattung Crania. Han. Con. Mis. Hanley in the Conchological Miscellany, parts 1, 2, 3, published 1854. IPSA LIN. Hanley's Ipsa Linnæi Conchylia, 1855. R.S. Hanley's Descriptive Catalogue of Recent (Bivalve) Shells : letterpress pts. 1,2 (1, to page 144 ; 2, to p. 272,) and plates 9 to 13, in 1843 ; plates 14, 15, 16, in 1844 ; plates 17, 18, 19, in 1846. Sow. Th. or Han. TEL. Hanley's Monograph of Tellina in Sowerby's The- saurus Conchyliorum. HARTM. Hartman's Erd und süsswasser gasteropoden, 1840 to 1844 ; also in Steinmuller's Neue Alpina, 1821. HELB. (or HEBL.) Boh. (or Boh. J.) Hebling in the Abhandlungen einer Privat- gesellschaft in Böhmen. vol. iv. (1779.) HERMAN NATURF. Hermann in the Naturforscher, vol. xix. HOME. Home on Teredo in the Philosophical Transactions. JAN. CAT. Cristofori and Jan's Catalogus etc. in museo exstantium, Conchylio- logie, 1833. JAY. Catalogue of the shells, &c of J. Jay, ed. 3 (with plates) 1839. Jer, or JEFFREYS. Jeffreys in the work specified ; also in vol. xvi. of the Trans- actions of the Linnean Society and in the Malacological Magazine. xvi PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. JEF. (or JEFFREYS.) AN. NAT. Jeffreys in the Annals of Natural History, 1848. JOHNSTON, or JOHNSTON BERWICK. Johnston in the Proceedings of the Berwick- . shire Naturalists' Club, 1835, 1840, 1841, 1842. JONAS. Jonas in the Abhandlungen, &c. Naturwiss. &c zu Hamburg, vol. i. ZEIT. MAL. Jonas in the Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie, vol. i. &c. KÄM. (or KÄMMER.) RUD. (or RUDOL.) Kämmerer's Conchylien im Cabinette des Herrn Erbprinzen von Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt, 1786. Suppl. 1791. No specific names. KARST. (or KARSTEN.) LES, (or LESK.) Karsten's Museum Leskeanum. Regnum Animale, 1789 KICKX. Kickx's Synopsis Molluscorum Brabantiæ, 1830. KIEN. or KIENER. Kiener's Coquilles Vivantes, from 1834 to now. The word which follows Kien. indicates the genus KN. KNORR, or Kn. DÉL. Knorr's Muscheln, or Délices de la nature, 1779 ; or, Vergnügen der augen, &c. 1757 to 1773. No specific names. KOCH, PH. N. C. Koch in Philippi's Abbildungen, &c Neue Conchylien, 1848. KRAUSS, SUDAF. Die Sudafrikanischen Mollusken of F. Krauss, 1848. KUST. or Kust. Ch. Kuster's edition of Martini and Chemnitz's Conchylien-Ca- binet, from 1837. LAM. Lamarck: usually in his Animaux sans Vertèbres. ANN. Mus. Lamarck in the Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, vols. XV. xvi. xvii. &c. AN. S. VER. Lamarck's Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres, vol. v. 1818 ; vol. vi. pt. 1, 1819; vol. vi. pt. 2, and vol. vii. 1822. LASKEY, MEM. WERN. Laskey in the Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, vol. i. LEA. Lea, chiefly in his Synopsis, of the family of Naiades, 1838, and his Obser- vations upon the genus Unio, &c., extracted from the work next mentioned, vol. i. 1832: vol. ii. 1834 to 1838: vol. ii. 1840 to 1842. AM. Tr. (or Ph. Tr.) Lea in the Transactions of the American Philosophi- cal Society, new ser, vols. iv. v. &c. &c. LEACH. Occasionally his manuscript names quoted by his correspondents : also in the Philosophical Magazine for 1817. LEACH, Ency. BRIT. SUP. Leach on Cirrhipedes in the supplement to the third ENCY edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica. Congo (or Tuck. Congo.) Leach's Appendix to Tuckey's Narrative of an expedition to, &c Congo, 1818. Z. M. (or Zool. Misc.) Leach's Zoological Miscellany, vol, i. 1814: vol. ii. 1815 : vol. iii. 1817. LEDERM. Micr. Ledermuller's Mikroscop. Gemüths-u augen-ergotzung. 1761, 1762, 1765. Les, or LESSON. Lesson in the works cited, and in the Centurie Zoologique (1830 . to 1832), Revue Zoologique, &c. IL. Zool. Lesson's Illustrations de Zoologie, 1831, 1832. Coq. (or Voy. Coq, or COQUIL.) Lesson in the Voyage, &c la Coquille. Zool. 1830. LIGHTFOOT, PHIL. TR. Lightfoot in the Philosophical Transactions of 1786, vol. Lxxvi. LIN. Linnæus. Faun. SUEC. (or F. S.) Linnæus's Fauna Suecica, ed. 2, (the first has no specific names) 1761. MANT. Linnæus' Vermes in the Mantissa altera plantarum, 1771; reprinted in the Ipsa Linnæi Conchylia. Mus. Tes. Linnæus' Museum Tessinianum, 1753. M. U. Linnæus's Museum Ludovicæ Ulricæ, 1764. Sys. Linnæus Systema Naturæ: the reference, unless specified, is to the final Stockholm edition, (12th) vol. i. pt. 2, 1767, reprinted in the Ipsa Linnæi Conchylia. Ed. 10, (the first with specific names), 1758. List. Lister's Historiæ sive synopsis methodica conchyliorum. Ed. 3 (1823) is the LIST most perfect: ed. 1 from 1685 to 1692. LOVÉN, or LOVEN I. M. SCAN. Lovén's Index Molluscorum Litora Scandinaviæ, 1846. PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. xvii LOWE. Lowe's Primitiæ Faunæ et Flora Madera, 1833 (from Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, read Nov. 15, 1830, vol. iv.) Z. J. Lowe in the Zoological Journal, vol. ii. Z. P. Lowe in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society. MACG. Macgillivray's History of the molluscous animals, &c. of Aberdeen, 1843. MACGIL. EDIN. N. Pu. JL. 38. Macgillivray in the Edinburgh New Philosophi- cal Journal. MARRYAT, T. L. Marryat in the Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xii. MARSIGLI. Marsigli’s Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus, 1726. No special names. Some of the figures copied in Schröter's Flüssconchylien. MART. Martini's Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, vol. i. 1769 : vol. ii. 1773 : vol. iii. 1774. No Linnean specific names as headings, but the species of Linnæus generally indicated in the synonymy. MARTYN, or MARTYN, U. C. Martyn's Universal Conchologist, 1764 to 1784. Mat. or MATON, (with or without Lin. Tr. or T. L. S.) Maton in the Transac- tions of the Linnean Society, vols. viii. x. xiii. MAT. and Rac. T. L. S. (or without T. L. S.) Maton and Rackett in the Trans- actions of the Linnean Society, vol. viii. 1807. MAWE. Mawe's Linnean system of Conchology, 1823. ---- I. T. Mawe's manuscript names attached to the specimens delineated in the Index Testaceologicus. MEGERLE = Muhl. (for Megerle von Mühlfeldt.) MENKE. Menke in the cited works. MALS. Menke in the Verzeichniss, &c Conchylien sammlung, &c Mals- burg, 1829. Nov. HOL. Menke's Specimen molluscorum Novæ Hollandiæ, 1843. Syn. Menke's Synopsis methodica Molluscorum, ed. ii. 1830. ZEIT. MAL Menke in the Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie, 1844, &c. MEUSCH. Meuschen's names for figures cited by him in the Museum Geversianum, 1787 (a sale catalogue without descriptions). MEUSC. or MEUSCH. GR. (or Gron. or Gronov.) Z. (or Zoop.) Meuschen in the Zoophylacii Gronoviani, pt. iii. 1781. MICHAUD. Michaud in the work cited ; also in the Actes de la Societé Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 1829, 1830. MICH. DRAP. Michaud's Supplement to Draparnaud's work, 1831. MICHEL. Mag. Z. Michelin in Guérin's Magasin de Zoologie. MIDDEND. MAL. Ros. Middendorf's Malacozoologia Rossica, pt. i. 1847 ; pts. ii. iii. 1849. MILLER AN. Pi. Miller in the Annals of Philosophy. MOL. or MOLINA CHIL. Molina's Compendio, &c del Chili, 1771. The same as Saggio, &c Chili, 1782. MÖLLER. Möller's Index molluscorum Groenlandia, 1842. Mon. Lin. Tr. Montagu in the Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xi. Mon. or MONT. (or MONT. T. B) Montagu's Testacea Britannica, 1803. Oc- casionally the Supplement is thus cited. Sup. (or T. B. SUP.) Supplement Supplement to the preceding work, 1808. MONTF. Montfort's Conchyliologie Systematique, vol. i. 1808; vol. ii. 1810. MÖRCH. Mörch's Catalogus Conchyliorum, &c Kierulf, 1852, and Catalogus con- chyliorum, &c Yoldi, 1852. No descriptions except at end of first. CAT. YOLDI. Mörch in the work last cited. Mous. Jav. Mousson's Land und Süsswasser Mollusken von Java, 1849. Müsl. or MUHL. MAG. BERL. Mühlfeldt in the Magasin der gesellschaft naturfor- shender freunde zu Berlin, 1818. MUL. Muller in the cited works. Pr. or Z. D. PROD. Müller's Zoologiæ Danicæ prodromus, 1776. Inade- quate descriptions. V. or VER. or VERM, Müller's Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilium, &c his- toria, pt, ii. 1774, Z. D. Müller's Zoologia Danica, 1788, 1789. NILs. or NILS. SUEC. Nilsson's Historia molluscorum Sueciæ, 1822. OLIVI. Olivi's Zoologia Adriatica, 1792. The descriptions are too brief for the recognition of species, were it not for the locality. - с xviii PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. OLIV. or Oliv. LEV. or OLIVIER. Olivier's Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, 1801, 1804. The conchology by Bruguiére. PALLAS IT. Pallas' Reisen durch verschied. Provinzen des Russ. Reichs. 1771, 1773, 1776. PALLAS (or PAL.) Misc. Zool. Pallas's Miscellanea Zoologica, 1766. N. A. PETROP. Pallas in the Nova Acta Academiæ, &c. Petropoli, vol. ii. (read 1787). SPIC. ZOOL. (or Z.) Pallas's Spicilegia Zoologica, 1767 to 1780. PAYR. or PAYRAUD, or PAYR. CORSE. Payraudeau's Catalogue des Annélides et des Mollusques de l'Ile de Corse, 1826. Pen. (or Pen. B. Z.) Pennant's British Zoology, ed. 4, vol. iv. 1777. PETIT, J. CONCH. Petit de la Saussaie's Journal de Conchyliologie, vol. i. 1850 ; vol. ii. 1851 ; vol. iii. 1852 ; vol. iv. 1853. PF. Pfeiffer's Monographia Heliceorum, vol. i. 1848 ; vol. ii. 1848; vol. iii. 1853. SYMB. Pfeiffer's Symbolæ ad historiam Heliceorum, Pt. i. 1841; pt. ii. 1842; pt. iii. 1846. PHANER. Pfeiffer's Catalogue of Phaneropneumona, 1852. Rev. Zool. Pfeiffer in the Revue Zoologique. ZEIT. MAL. Pfeiffer in the Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie. PFEIF. (or PF.) REG. (or REG. CH.) Pfeiffer's Kritisches Register zu Martini und Chemnitz, 1840. Ph. or Phil. or Philip. or PHILIPPI. -- N. C. or AB. N. C. Philippi's Abbildungen und beschreibungen neuer &c conchylien. Vol. i. 1842 to 1845 ; vol. ii. 1845 to 1847; vol. iii. 1847 to 1851. Kust. Philippi's monographs of Trochus, &c. in Kuster's edition of Martini. Sic. Philippi's Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliæ. Vol. i. 1836 ; ii, 1844. ZEIT. MAL. Philippi in the Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie. POIR. (or POIRET). Poiret's Voyage en Barbarie, 1789. Poli or Poli Sic. (or T. S.) Poli's Testacea Utriusque, Siciliæ, vol. i. 1791 ; vol. ii. 1795. POTIEZ. Potiez and Michaud's Galerie des Mollusques &c du museum de Douai. Vol. i. 1838 ; vol. ii. 1844. PULT, or Pult. Dor. (or Dors.) Pulteney's Catalogue of the birds, shells, &c. of Dorsetshire, 1799. Most copies of this rare work were burnt ; it was re- published with many additions by Rackett, 1813. Quor. Quoy and Gaimard in the work cited ; also in the Zoologie of the Voyage &c sur &c l'Uranie, 1824. Ast. (or Ast. Z.) Quoy and Gaimard in the Voyage de l'Astrolabe. Zool. Mollusques, 1832, &c. RAC. T. L. Rackett in the Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xiii. RAF. Rafinesque on Ohio shells, in the Annales generales des Sciences Physiques, 1820 : translated by Poulson, 1832. RANG, MAG. Z. Rang in Guérin's Magasin de Zoologie, 1832. RANZ. Ranzani on Cirrhipedes in the Opuscoli Scientifici di Bologna, 1817, 1818. RÉCL. (or RÉCLUZ.) Récluz in the works cited. IL. Conch. Récluz in Chenu's Illustrations Conchyliologiques. J. CONCH. Récluz in Petit's Journal de Conchyliologie. Rev. Cuv. (or Zool.) Récluz in Guérin's Revue Zoologique. REEVE, I. or C. I. Reeve's Conchologia Iconica. The genus is always referred to, from 1842 C. S. Reeve's Conchologia Systematica, 1841 to 1843. RETZ. Philipson's (præside Retz) Dissertatio &c nova testaceorum genera, 1788. -- TR. TURIN. Retz in the Memorie della reale academia di Torino. Risso. Risso's Histoire Naturelle de l'Europe, vol. iv. 1826. Roissy. Roissy's continuation of Montfort's Histoire, &c. des mollusques, 105. Rossm. Rossmässler's Iconographie der land und süsswasser mollusken, pt. i. ii. 1835; pt. iii. iv. 1836 ; pt. v. vi. 1837; pt. vii. viii. 1838; pt. ix. X. 1839; pt. xi. 1842; pt xii. 1844. ROTI. Roth's Molluscorum species quas in itinere per Orientem, &c. 1839. RUMPH, or RUMPHUS. Rumph's Amboinsche Rariteitkamer, 1705. SAL. MARSCH. Ull. Salis Marschlins Beiträge &c Natürlichen &c Sicilien, 1790, SARS. Sars' Beskrivelser &c Bergenske kyst. 1835. PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. xix Say. Say in the works cited ; also in Descriptions of some new terrestrial and fluviatile shells of N. America. AM. C. Say's American Conchology, pts. i. ii. 1830; pt. iii. 1831; pts. iv. v. 1832; pt. vi. 1834; pt. vii. (posthumous). NICH. (or NICHOLS.) Enc. Say in the second and third American editions (ENC of Nicholson's Cyclopædia (1818). Reprinted as a pamphlet in 1819. PHILAD. J. (or J. PHILAD.) Say in the Journal of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, vols. i, to vi. SCACCHI. Scacchi's Catalogus Conchyliorum Regni Neapolitani, 1836. SCHR. (or SCHRÖT.) Schröter in the works specified, Ein (or EINL.) Schröter's Einleitung in die Conchylien-Kenntniss nach Linné. Vol. i. 1783; vol. ii. 1784; vol. iii. 1786. ERD. Schröter's Versuch &c uber die Erdconchylien, 1771. FL. Schröter's Geschichte der Flussconchilien, 1779. JOUR. C. Schröter's Journal &c Conchyliologie, 1774 to 1780. N. LIT. Schröter's Neue Litteratur &c. 1784 to 1806. Sch. (or SCHUB.) Schubert and Wagner's appendix to Martini and Chemnitz's Conchylien cabinet, 1829. SCHUMACHER. Schumacher's Essai d'un nouveau systéme des habitations des Vers testacés, 1817. SCOPOLI. Scopoli's Deliciæ Floræ et Fauna Insubricæ, 1786 to 1788. SEBA. Seba's Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri &c. vol. iii. 1761. No special names. SHAW, NAT. MISC. Shaw's Naturalist's Miscellany, 1790 to 1813. SHEP. T. L. Sheppard in the Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xiii. SMITH, MEM. WERN. (or W. M.) Smith in the Memoirs of the Wernerian Na- tural History Society. SOL. Solander's manuscripts, quoted chiefly by Dillwyn, but also evidently studied by Hwass and Bruguière. Although not printed, several copies have been taken Sow. B. MISC. J. Sowerby's British Miscellany, 1806. Sow. C. I. Sowerby's (junior) Conchological Illustrations. G. (or GEN.) Sowerby's (senior) Genera of recent and fossil shells. MALAC. MAG. Sowerby's (senior) Malacological and Conchological Magazine, 1838, &c. Man. (or C. MAN.) Sowerby's (junior) Conchological Manual, Ed. ii. 1842. Sp. (OR SPEC.) C. (OR Conc.) Sowerby's (senior) Species Conchyliorum: part i. 1830: part ii. (imperfect) not published until Nov. 1855. TANK. Sowerby's (senior) Catalogue of the shells of the late Earl of Tanker- ville, 1825. Th, Sowerby's (junior) Thesaurus Conchyliorum. From 1842 to now. T. L. (OR TR. LIN.) Sowerby's (senior) in the Transactions of the Linnean . Society, vol. xüi. Z. P. Sowerby (senior chiefly) in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society. SPEN. or SPENG. Spengler in the works specified. SPENG. Sch. (or Schr.) Dan. Ges. Spengler in Nye sammlung &c Dankse Vi- denskabernes Selskab Skrivter, vol. i, SPENG. (or SPEN.) SK. (or SKRIV. NAT.) Spengler in the Skrifter af Naturhistoris Selskabet. Kiobenhagen, vol. i. pt. 1, 1790; vol. i. pt. 2, 1791; vol. ii. pt. 1, 1792; vol. ü. pt. 2, and iii. pt. 1, 1793; vol. iii pt. 2, 1794; vol. iv. pt. 1, 1797; vol. iv. pt. 2, 1798; vol. v. pt. 1, 1799; vol. v. pt. 2, 1802. SELKS. (or DANKSE VID.) Spengler in the Nye Sammlung af &c Dankse Videnskabernes Selskab Skrifter, 1781 to 1788. Spix, BRAZ. Wagner in Spix's Testacea fluviatilia in itinere per Brasiliam &c. collecta, 1827. STUDER. Studer's Systematisches &c Schweizer Conchylien, 1820. Sw. (or Swain. or SWAINS.) Swainson in the works cited. . SWAIN BLIGH. Swainson's Catalogue of the rare and valuable shells in the museum of the late Mrs. Bligh, 1822: reprinted in Hanley's edition of the following work. Ex. C. Swainson's Exotic Conchology, ed. Hanley, 1841: the first edition, imperfect, from 1822 to 1835. XX PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS. - - Sw. (or SWAIN. or SWAINS.) MAL. Swainson's Treatise on Malacology, 1840. PHIL. MAG. Swainson in the Philosophical Magasine and Journal, 1823. QUART. J. Sc. 1823. Swainson on Ancillaria, &c. in the Quarterly Journal of Science, vol. xviii. 1825. Z. I. Swainson's Zoological Illustrations. Series 1, from 1820 to 1823: series 2, from 1829 to 1833. Z. P. Swainson in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society. THOMPS. or THOMPSON. Thompson in the Annals of Natural History, vols. v. (1840), xiii. (1844), xv. 1845. THORPE B. M. C. Thorpe's British Marine Conchology, 1844. T. L. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (vol. viii. chiefly). TROSCHEL, WIEG. ARC. Nat. Troschel in Wiegmann's Archiv, fur Naturge- NAT schichte: continued by Troschel. TURT. Turton in the works cited; occasionally also in the Magazine of Natural History (vol. vi.) Dic. (or C. Dic. or CONCH. Dic.) Turton's Conchological Dictionary of the British Islands, 1819. D. B. (or DITH. BR.) Turton's Dithyra Britannica, often quoted as British Bivalves, 1822. Reprinted verbatim in 1848 (best edition for plates). MAN. Turton's Manual of the land and freshwater shells of the British Islands, 1831. Z. J. Turton on supposed new British shells, in the Zoological Journal. VAL, or VALEN, or VALENCIENNES. Valenciennes in the works cited; occasion- ally also for certain names in the Index to the figures in the Encyclopédie Méthodique. HUMB. (or Z. HUMB.) Valenciennes in the 'Recueil, &c Zoologie' of Hum- boldt and Bonpland's travels, ended in 1832. M. S. Unpublished names of Valenciennes upon tablets of shells in the French Museum. VENUS (or Voy. VENUS). Valenciennes in the Voyage de la Venus. From 1846. VAN BENEDEN. Vanbeneden's Memoire sur le Dreissena in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1835. WALCH, NATURF. Walch in the Naturforscher. No Latin names. WALK. T. M. Walker's Testacea minuta rariora Sandvicensis, 1784. WILLIAMSON. Williamson in the Magazine of Natural History, vol. vi. Wood, G. C. Wood's General Conchology, 1815. or WOOD, I. T. (or IND. TEs.) Wood's Index Testaceologicus, Ed. 1, (text) 1818; Ed. 2, with the plates and supplement in 1828. Woodw. or WOODWARD. Woodward's Manual of the Mollusca, pt. i. 1851: pt. ii. 1854. ZIEGL. Ziegler in Rossmasslers's Iconographie. ZOOL. BEECH.=Beech. Zool. ZORN NATURF, Zorn in the Naturforscher, vol. vii. No Latin specific names. - AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF FOREIGN AND BRITISH SHELLS. CHITON. COAT OF MAIL. Wood's Linnean names. 1 SQUAMOSUS scaly Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. Chiton Born, (not Lin.) Tes. pl. 1, f. 1. - Wood, G. C. pl. 1, f. 1.-Reeve, C. I. f. 23.— Undatus, Speng.-? C. tuberculatus, Lin. Sys. ed. 10. West Indies. 2 2 BISTRIATUS 2-striated Wood, G. C. 7, from C. squamosus of Ch. viii. f. 788.-C.squamosus, Reeve, C. I Ch. f. 16. West Indies. - 3 FULVUS tawny 4 PICEUS pitchy 5 GRANULATUS granulated Wood, G. C. 7, pl. 1, f. 2.-Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 39.—C. ferrugineus, Speng. Sk. Nat. iv.pt. 1, p. 72 has priority. Gibraltar. Wood, G. C. (as of Gmel.) 8, pl. 1, f. 3. Red Sea. Gmel. from C. piceus undique, &c. of Ch. viii. f. 806. St. Thomas, West Indies. Lin. ?-Spengl.-C. Nicobaricus acu- leatus of Ch. as aculeatus of Lin. Nicobar Islands, 6 ACULEATUS prickly B 2 CHITON. Wood's Linnean names. 7 FASCIATUS banded Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms— Locality. Genus. Chiton Wood, G. C. 10, pl. 1, f. 4, 5.=C. scaber variegatus, &c Ch. viii. f. 792.---Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 153. C. marmoreus, Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. , . f. 64.–C. squamosus, Lin. Syst. is to be preferred. West Indies. Ch. viii. 282, f. 805. (as marmoreus). -Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 7. Jamaica, Gmel. from C. ex fusco, &c. of Ch. . . viii. f. 802. West Indies. 8 MARMORATUS marbled 9 MACULATUS spotted 10 TUNICATUS coated 11 GIGAS gigantic 12 AMICULATUS kidney-sh. 13 CASTANEUS chestnut Wood, G. C. 11, pl. 2, f. 1.-Reeve, C. I. Ch. f. 61. Sitka. Gmel. from C. maximus, seu gigas, Ch. viii. f. 819.-Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 65.—Krauss, Sudaf. 40, pl. 3, f. 3. Cape of Good Hope. Pallas, N. A. Petrop. ii. 236, pl. 7, f. 26 to 30.—Middend. Mal. Ros. i. 96. --Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 59 ?. Kurile Islands. Wood, G. C. 13, pl. 2, f. 2, 3.-Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 114. Cape of Good Hope. Lin. Sys. Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 103, 104. -Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 175.—Brit. Mol. ii. 399, pl. 59, f. 6.-C. lævis, Loven. Britain, &c. Lin.!—Copied from Seba, iii. pl. 1, f. 13.=C, marmoratus ?, Reeve. Uncertain Gmel. from C. Indicus of Ch. viii. 287, f. 811. West Indies. Wood, G. C. 15, from C. squamosus denticularis of Ch. x. f. 1689. —C. foveolatus, Sow. teste Mörch. U. 14 RUBER red 15 PUNCTATUS punctured 16 INDUS Indian 17 VIRIDIS green CHITON. 3 Wood's Linnean names. 18 LINEATUS striped Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Genus. Chiton Wood, G. C. 15, pl. 2, f. 4, 5.-Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 77.-Reeve, C.I. iv. Ch. f. 33. Sitcha, North California. Lin. Sys. partly.-Wood, G. C. pl. 2, f. 6.— ? C. discrepans, Brown, and Brit. Mol. Britain, &c. 19 FASCICULARIS tufted 20 SULCATUS furrowed 21 BICOLOR 2-coloured Wood, G. C. 16, pl. 3, f. 1.-Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 12.-Reeve, C.I. iv. Ch. f. 15. Gallapagos. Gmel. 3204, from Ch. viii. f. 794.- ? C. elegans var. Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 13*_? O. Chiloensis, Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 14. Chili? - Ch. viii. f. 796.-Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 63. U. 22 CERASINUS cherry 23 MAGELLANICUS Magellanic 24 FUSCUS brown Ch. viii. 279, f. 797, 8. Straits of Magellan. Gmel. 3204, from C. linter Indiæ ori- entalis of Ch. viii. f. 799,800. Mar- gin imperfect. East Indies. Ch. viii. 289, f. 814.=No.27. Norway. 25 MINIMUS mealy Ch. viii. 289, f. 815. Norway. 26 CIMEX bug 27 ASELLUS millepede 28 ISLANDICUS Iceland Ch. viii. f. 816.—Lowe, Z. J. ii. 101, pl. 5, f. 3, 4.—Brit. Mol. ii. 407, pl. 59, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. Gmel. 3206, from Schr. iii. p. 509, . no. 19. Unfigured. Iceland. Lin. probably.–Fabr. F.G.422.-Sow. C. l. Ch. f. 99, 100.-Brit. Mol. ii. 405, pl. 62, f. 2.-C.aselloides, Lowe, Z. J. ii. 103, pl. 5, f. 5.-C. sagri- natus, Couthouy. Britain, &c. 29 ALBUS white 4 CHITON. Wood's Linnean names. 30 MARGINATUS bordered 31 CINEREUS ash-coloured 32 LAVIS smooth - Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Chiton Wood (not Pen.)—C. cinereus, Mont. Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 95 to 98.- Reeve, C. I. Ch. f. 191.=No. 27. Britain, &c. Lin. Sys.-Brit. Mol. č. 402, pl. 58, f. 1.-C. marginatus, Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 106 to 111.—Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 182, 183.-C. fuscatus, Brown. Britain, &c. Mont (as of Pen).—Lowe, Z. J. ii. 97, pl. 5, f. 1.–Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 101, 102.-Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 125.-Brit. Mol. ii. 411, pl. 58, f. 3. -C. marginatus, Maton.-C. achati- Brown.-C. corallinus, Loven. Britain, &c. Schröt. (as of Lin.) Einl. iii. 494, pl. 9, f. 19. W. Indies (Sch.) Wood, G. C. 23, from C. squamosus septemvalvis of Ch. x. f. 1690. St. Thomas, W. Indies. Pen. B. Z. iv. pl. 36, f. 1.-Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 176.–C. fascicularis, Lin.-Mont. T. B. Sup. pl. 27, f. 5.—Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 87.-Brit. Mol. ii. 393. Scotland. Wood, Ind. Test. (as of Lin.) America. nus, 3 33 TUBERCULATUS tuberculated 34 TESSELLATUS tessellated 1 l 35 CRINITUS hairy 36 HISPIDUS hispid 37 THALASSINUS seagreen 38 SPINOSUS spiny Gmel. 3206, from Schröt. Ein. iii. 509. no. 18 and N. Lit. iv. pl. 1, f. 1. U. Brug. Jl. H. Nat. i.--Burr. E. C. 174, pl. 26, f. 4.—Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 151.-Reeve, C. I. iv. Ch. f. 51. New Holland. LEPAS. 5 Wood's Linnean names. 39 POROSUS porous Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms Locality. Genus. Chiton Burr. El. Conch. 178, pl. 28, f. 1.- Cryptoconchus porosus, Sw. Mal. 358. Valves concealed.—?C.monticularis, Sow. C. I. Kamskatchka? 40 LARVÆ-FORMIS Chitonel- Burr. (as of Blain) El. C. 179, pl. larva-shaped lus 28, f. 3. Seems more like C. lævis, Bl. Mal. pl. 87, f. 5=Chitonellus fasciatus of Reeve, C. I. Australia. . LEPAS-BARNACLE. 1 TRACHEE Tubicinella Wood, G. C. 31, pl. 4* ; subsequent FORMIS to L. trachealis, Shaw, Nat. Mis. windpipe xvii.-T. balænarum, Lam.-T. tra- chealis, Gray; Darw. Cir. ii. 431, pl. 17, f. 3.—T. Lamarcki, Leach. - Coronula tubicinella, Blain. 8. Seas, on whales. 2 DIADEMA Coronula Lin. Mantissa.— Wood, G. C. 33, pl. turban 4.-- Balanus d. Brug.-C. d. Blain. Leach, Chenu. Arctic Seas, on whales. 3 BALANARIS Wood, G. C. 35, pl. 5, f. 1, as aged whale L. b. of Gmel.-C. b. Lam. Pacific, on whales. 4 TESTUDINARIA Lin.-Wood, G. C. 37, pl. 4.-Ver- turtle ruca t. Ellis.-C. t. Blainy.- As- trolepas rotundarius, Gray.—Chea lonobia t. Darw. Cir. ii. 392, pl. 14, f. 1. W. Africa, on turtles. - 5 TINTINNABU- LUM Balanus Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. 38, pl. 6, f. 12.-B. t. Darw. Cir. ii. 194, pl. 1, f. b. India, &c. bell 6 LEPAS. 2 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 6 SCOTICA Balanus Wood, G. C. 40, pl. 6, f. 3.=L. bala- Scottish nus of Lin. Born, Mont.-B. sul- catus, Brug.-B. angulosus, Lam. teste Chenu, Rec. Lam.-B. geni- culatus, Gould, Mas. f. 9.-B. por- catus, Darw. Cir. ii. 256, pl. 6, f. 4. N. Britain ; N. America. 7 RUGOSA Wood, (as of Pult.) G. C. 41, pl. 6, f. wrinkled 4.-B. r. Gould, Mas. f. 10. L. borealis, Donov.-B. crenatus, var. Darw. Cir. ii. 261. N. America, &c. 8 ANGUSTATA Wood, G. C. 41, pl. 6, f. 5. Subse- narrow-mouthed quent to B. perforatus, Brug. (= Darw. Cir. ii. 231, pl. 5, f. 1).-B. Cranchii, Leach.-B. communis, Pult. 25. Britain ; Mediterranean. 9 CONOIDES Donov. Br. Sh. pl. 30, f. 3.-Britain.' conic 10 LAVIS Brug. E. M. Vers, 264, pl. 164, f. 2, contracted (from Ch. f. 822.)—Darw. Cir. ii. 227, pl. 4. f. 2.-B. discors, Ranz. Strait of Magellan ; ' E. Indies.' 11 BALANUS Wood (not Lin.), G. C. 43, pl. 7, f. common 3.-L. balanoides, Lin. Sys.-B. balanoides, Darw. Cir. ii. 267, pl. 7, f. 2. Base membranous. Britain, &c. littoral. 12 BALANOIDES Wood (not Lin.), G. C. pl. 7, f. 1. smooth -B. crenatus, Brug. Darw. Cir. ii. 261, pl. 6, f. 6.-L. foliacea, var. a, Spengl. Sk. Nat. Base shelly Britain, &c. not littoral. 13 CLAVATA Wood (as of Mont.). G. C. 45, pl. 7, club-shaped f. 2. A var. of preceding. Britain, &c. not littoral. LEPAS. 7 -B. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. 14 PUNCTATA Balanus Mont. (as of Pult.) T. B. pl. 1, f. 5. punctured -L. stellata, Poli.Chthamalus s. Darw. Cir. ii. 455, pl. 18, f. 1. Britain, &c. 15 COSTATA Donov. B. S. pl. 30, f, 2.=no. 6, teste ribbed Darw. Britain, &c. 16 SPONGIOSA Acasta Mont. T. B. Sup.-L. spongites, Poli, sponge T. S. pl. 6, f. 3 to 6 is prior.-A. s. Darw. Cir. ii. 308, pl. 9, f. 1.-A. Montagui, Leach, Lam.—Balanus s. Blain.-B. M. Brown. Britain, &c. 17 GALEATA Balanus Wood, (as of Lin.) G. C. 48.—? Cono- helmet pea elongata, Say, J. Phil. ii. 324. 9. Darw. W. Indies ? on Gorgonias. 18 PSITTACUS Mol. Chil.-B. picos, Lesson, Coq.- parrot-beak B. cylindraceus, Lam. teste Chenu. -B. ps. Darw. Cir. ii. 206, pl. 2, f. 3. Chili; Patagonia. 19 SPINOSA Gmel. 3213, from L. spinosa, &c. of spiny Ch. f. 840, 1.-Wood, G. C. 49, pl. 7, f. 4, 5.-B. tintinnabulum, var. Darw. Cir. ii. p. 195, pl. 1, f. i. East Indies. 20 MINOR Wood, (as of Gmel.) G. C.59, pl. 7, flesh-colour f. 6.-? B. amphitrite, Darw. . East Indies. 21 RADIATA Wood, G. C. 50, pl. 7, f. 7.-L. rayed balanoides, Poli, pl. 5, f. 2, 7.-B. amphitrite, Darw. Cir. ii. 240, pl. 5, f. 2. Mediterranean. 22 PALMIPES Lin. Mant. An uncertain species. U. palmated S LEPAS. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. Genus. 23 CRISPATA Balanus Schröt. Ein. iii. 534, pl. 9, f. 21. rugged - Wood, G. C. pl. 8, f. 3, 4.-B, tintinnabulum, var. Darw. Cir. ii. pl. 1. f. h. East Indies. 24 PORCATA Wood, G. C. 52, pl. 8, f. 5.-B. tin- ridged tinnabulum, var. Darw. Cir. ii. 195, pl. 1, f. g. East Indies. 25 VIOLACEA Gmel. from L. Ind. or. &c. of Ch. violet f. 842.-L. purpurea, Speng. Sk. Nat. i.-—? B. amaryllis, Darw. Indian Archipelago. 26 PATELLARIS Gmel. 3213, from Ch. pl. 98, f. 839. limpet - Darw. Cir. ii. 259, pl. 6, f. 5. Malabar. 27 HEMISPHERICA Wood (not Brug.). Copied from Ch. hemispherical viii. f. 833, quoted as L. balanoides by Speng.-B. crenatus, Darw. pro- bably Iceland. 28 PURPURASCENS Wood, G. C. 55, pl. 9, f. 1, 2, 3.-B. purple-tipped plicatus, Lam.-B. puncturatus, Chenu.—Tetraclita pur. Darw. Cir. ii. 337, pl. 11, f. 1. Australia ; New Zealand. 29 POROSA Gmel. 3212, in part.— Wood, G. C. - porous 56, pl. 9, f. 4.-B. squamosus, Brug. -L. fungites, Speng.-B. stálacti- ferus, Lam. Chenu.- Asemus, p. Ranz.— Conia, p. Sow. G.–Tetra- clita, p. Darw. Cir. ii. 329, pl. 10, f. 1. Pacific 30 VERRUCA Creusia Spengl. Sk. Nat. i.-Wood, G. C. 57, wart-shaped pl. 9, f. 5.–Balanus v. Brug.-B. intertextus, Pult. 25.-L. striata, Pen.-- Cr. v. Lam.—Clitia, v. Sow. G.–Verruca Strömia, Darw. Cir. ii. 518, pl. 21, f. 1. Britain, &c. LEPAS. 9 Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. Creusia Muller, Z. D. iii.=last. Norway. Wood's Linnean names. 31 STRÖMIA Norwegian 32 CARIOSA carious 33 MITELLA mitre - 34 POLLICIPES cornucopia - 35 SCALPELLUM - penknife Balanus Pallas, N. A. Petrop. ii. p. 240, pl. 6, f. 24.-B.c. Darw. Cir. ii. 273, pl. 7, f. 3. Kurile Islands. Pollicipes Lin. Syst. — Wood. G. C. 59, pl. 10, - f. 1. - P.m. Lam. Sow. Gen.- Darw. Cir. i. 316, pl. 7, f. 3.-Po- lylepas m. Blain. Capitulum m. Gray. Philippines, China. Brug. E.M. (as Anatifa p.) 64.—Gmel. 3213.-Wood G. C.-P. cornuco- pia, Leach. Darw. Cir. i. 298, pl. 7, f. 1.-P. Gallorum, Spengl. Sk. Nat. i. pl. 6, f. 9. Portugal ; Spain. Lin. Syst. - P. s. Lam.— Scalpellum vulgare, Leach. — Darw, Cir. i. 222, pl. 5, f. 15. — Polylepas v. Blain. — · . S. Sicilie, var. Chenu. Britain, &c. Anatifa Ellis, Zoop. pl.15, f. 5.-Darw. Cir. i. 92, pl. 1, f. 6. – Mont. T. B. 5, 164. - L. cygnea, Speng. Sk.Nat. i. pl. 6, f. 8.—Pentelasmis f. Brown. Il. C. B. – P. spirulicola and Donovani, Leach, Congo. A. vitrea, Lam. -A. Oceanica, Quoy, Ast. Britain, &c. Gmel. (not Lin. Sys.) Darw. Cir. i. 81, pl. 1, f. 4. -- A. striata, Brug. - E. M.-Pentelasmis dilatata, Leach in Tuck. Congo. - P. anserifera, Brown, Il. C. B. — Lepas nauta, Macgil. Edinb. N. Ph, Jl. xxxviii. 300. Britain, &c. Lin. Syst. Darw. Cir. i. 73.-A. lævis, Lam. Britain, &c. 36 FASCICULARIS bladder - 37 ANSERIFERA striated - 38 ANATIFERA duck с 10 LEPAS. Wood's Linnean names. Lamarckian Genus. Anatifa 39 VILLOSA downy Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Anatifa v. Brug. E. M. Vers, 62, pl. 166, f. 2. Probably young of last. Mediterranean. 40 DENTATA toothed A. d. Brug. E. M. Vers, 63.-Thorpe, B. M. C. f. 69, as fascicularis, wrongly. Variety of No. 38. Mediterranean. 41 SULCATA furrowed Mont. T. B. pl. 1, f. 6. But L. anseri- fera, Lin. Syst. (Poli, Sic. i. pl. 6, f. 25-27) and L. pectinata, Speng. Sk. Nat. ii. pt. 2, pl. 10, f. 2 (Darw. Cir. i. 85, pl. 1, f. 3), L. muricata, Poli, Sic. i. pl. 6, f. 23, 29, are prior. - Pentelasmis sulcata and spirula, Leach.-P. radula, Brown Il. C.B. -P. inversus, Chenu, Il. C.-A. sulcata, Quoy, Ast. pl. 93, f. 18, 20. Britain, &c. Pollicipes Ellis, Zoop. pl. 15, f. 5.-Lithotrya dorsalis, Sow. Gen. - Litholepas de Mont Serrat. Blain. Honduras. 42 DORSALIS Musquito Cineras 43 VITTATA ribbon Wood, G. C. 69, pl. 12, f. 2, 3 (as of Solander MS.)- But L. virgata, Speng. Sk. Nat. i. pl. 6, f. 9, and L. coriacea, Poli, Sic. are prior.-C. v. Lam.-C. Cranchii, chelonophilus, Olfersii, megalopis, Montagui, Ris- soanus, Leach.—Gymnolepas Cran- chii, Blain. - Pamina trilineata, Gray- Conchoderma virgata, Darw. Cir. i. 146, pl. 3, f. 2. Atlantic. Mont. T. B. Sup. and Lin. Tr. xi. pl. 12, f. 2. A mere variety of last. 44 MEMBRANACEA membranous Britain. PHOLAS. 11 Wood's Linnean names. 45 AURITA eared Lamarckian Genus. Authority ---Synonyms-- Locality. Oticn Lin. Syst.-L. leporina, Poli, Sic. i. pl. 6, f. 21.-L. cornuta, Mont. Lin. Tr. xi.-0. Cuvieranus, Blainvilli- anus, Bellianus, Dumerillianus, Ris- soanus, Leach.--0. depressa and sac- cutifera, Coates.-Conchoderma au- rita, Darw. Cir. i. 141, pl. 3, f. 4.- Gymnolepas C. Blainv.- Malacotta bivalvis, Schumacher. Atlantic - PHOL A S.-PIERCER. Pholas 1 DACTYLUS prickly Lin. Syst.-Brit. Mol. i. 108, pl. 3. — P. hians, Pult. Dor. 26.-P. callosa, Cuv. ed. Croch. Britain, &c. 2 ORIENTALIS Indian - 3 CANDIDA white Gmel. from P. Indie o. of Ch. viii. f. 860.-Wood, G. C. 78, pl. 14, f. 1, 2.- Sow. Th. ii. pl. 102, f. 3, 4. Hindostan. Lin. Syst.-Brit. Mol. i. 117, pl. 4, f. 1, 2.-P. papyracea, Speng. Sk. Nat. ii. pt. 1, pl. 1, f. 4. Britain, &c. Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. 80, pl. 15, f. 1, 2. N. America. 4 COSTATA ribbed 5 CRISPATA curled - 6 PARVA small Lin. Syst. Brit. Mol. i. 114, pl. 4, f. 3, 4, 5.-P. bifrons, Da Cos. 242, pl. 16, f. 4. Britain, &c. Pen. B. Z. iv. 77, pl. 40, f. 13.—Brit. Mol. i. 111, pl. 4, f. 1, 2.-P. crenu- lata, Spengl.-P. dactyloides, Lam. -P. ligamentina, Desh. El. Con.- P, tuberculata, Turt. D. B. 5, pl. 1, f. 7, 8. Britain, &c. - 2 12. MYA. Wood's Linnean names. 7 STRIATA striated - - Lamarckian Genus. Authority - Synonyms—Locality. Pholas Lin. Syst. --Sow. Th. ii. 494, pl. 104, f. 40, 1, 2. — P. clavata and pusilla, Lam.-P. lignorum, Speng.-P. co- noides, Flem.-P. nana, Pult. Atlantic, in wood. 8 FALCATA hooked Wood, G. C. 84, pl. 16, f. 5-7.-Not mentioned in Sow. monog. Ph. Im- mature. U. in wood. 9 CORDATA heart-shaped Gmel. 3216, from Schröt. Ein. iii. 544, pl. 9, f. 22-24. Immature. U. in coral. 2 Molina, Chil. 179. Chili, in rocks. 10 CHILOENSIS Chili 11 HIANS gaping Gastro- chæna Ch. x. 364, f. 167, 8, 9.-G. cunei- formis, Phil. W. Indies, in corals. MY A.-GAPER. Mya 1 TRUNCATA abrupt - Lin. Syst.-Brit. Mol. i. 163, pl. 10, f. 1, 2, 3.-M. ovalis, Turt.-Sphænia Swainsoni, Turt. D. B. is young. Britain, &c. 2 ARENARIA sand Lin. Syst.--Brit. Mol. i. 168, pl. 10, f. 4, 5, 6.—Chama a. Da Cos.-M. mercenaria and acuta. Say. Britain, &c. Thracia 3 CONVEXA Wood, G. C. 92, pl. 18, f. 1.-Ligula distorta, Mont. T. B. Sup.- Anatina c. Turt. D. B. 45, pl. 4, f.1, 2.-Am- phidesma c. Flem.-T. c. Brit. Mol. i. 228, pl. 16, f. 1, 4.-T. declivis, Macg convex Britain. LEPAS Pr.2 27. n 29. a 25. 28. o 24. 26. + 30. 72 32. 35. t 40 41. + 42 CY 30. + 37. a 38. a + PITOLAS at 44. a + 2. et d 6. + ΠΙΣΩ, 1. + 3. ! 11. C 2. c + 4. C+ 11. at 14. a 10. 6+ 13.7 6. a 7. + 19. n 12. 17.+ 21. t 15. + 23. n 30.6 25.7+ 29.6+ 27.c 26.c 227 37. a 32.Z 33. + 31.0 35. (4+ 36.7+ UNIL F H. MYA. 13 Wood's Linnean names. 4 DECLIVIS sloping Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Genus. Thracia Donov. (as of Pen.) pl. 82.-Wood, G. C. pl. 18, f. 1, 2.-M. pubescens, Pult. Dors.-Anatina Myalis, Lam. -A.p. Turt. D. B.-T. P. Kiener. Brit. Mol. i. 226, pl. 16, f. 2, 3.- Amphidesma p. Flem.-T. d. Brown. Britain. - Ligula p. - - 5 PRÆTENUIS Cochlo- Pult. Dor. 28.-_Mont. T. B.-Anatina spoon-hinge desma p. Turt. D. B. 48, pl. 4, f. 4.- Amphidesma p. Flem. Mont. T. B. Sup.-Thracia p. Lo- ven.-C.p. Brit. Mol. i. 235, pl. 15, f. 4. Britain. 6 ΑΝΑΤΙΝΑ Anatina Ch. vi. 7, f. 13, 14, 15, 16.—M. Gui- duck nensis, Speng.-A. globulosa, Lam. -Han. R. S. Africa. 7 GLOBOSA Wood, G. C. 95, pl. 24, f.4, 5, 6.-A. globular g. Gray.-Han. R. S. 23. U. 8 ARCTICA Saxicava Lin. Syst.-Hiatella a. Lam.- Ana- arctic tina a. Turt. D. B. 49, pl. 4, f. 7, 8. Britain, &c. 9 EDENTULA Glycimeris Pallas, It. ii. 700.-G. e. Eichwald. . toothless -Han. R. S. 19. Caspian Sea. 10 PICEA Wood, G. C. 96, pl. 22, f. 5. Subse- pitchy quent to M. siliqua, Spen. and Ch. xi. f. 1934.-G.s. Lam. Newfoundland. 11 NICOBARICA Anatinella Gmel. 3221, from M. candida, &c. of Nicobar Chz. vi. f. 17, 18. Badly copied.- M.angulata, Speng. Sk. Nat. iii. pt. 1, p. 35.--? A. candida, Woodward. Nicobar Isles. 12 ROSTRATA Neara Speng. Schr. Nat. Ges. i. 42, pl. 2, f. beaked 42.-Chz. xi. 195, vig. 26, f. C. D. Norway 14 MYA. Wood's Linnean names. - - Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. Genus. 13 NORVEGICA Lyonsia Ch. (not Speng.) x. 345, f. 1647, 8.- Norway Amphidesma Corbuloides, Lam.-M. striata, Mont.-M. pellucida, Brown. -L. striata, Turt. D. B. 35, pl. 3, f. 6, 7.- Anatina N. Sow. G.–Osteo- desma C. Desh.-Myatella Montagui, Brown.-Magdala striata, Brown.- L. N. Brit. Mol. 214, pl. 8, f. 6 to 9. Britain, &c. 14 MEMBRANACEA Müll. Z. D. Prod. 2964. Iceland, membranous 15 DISTORTA Thracia Mont. T. B. 42, pl. 1, f. 1. — Anatina deformed d. Turt. D. B. 48, pl. 4, f. 5.-Am- phidesma d. Flem. — An. rupicola, Lam.- An. truncata, Turt. D. B.- Am. t. Flem.-T. t. Brown.-T. dis- torta, Brit. Mol. i. 231, pl. 17, f. 1, 2, 3, 8. Britain, &c. 16 BIDENTATA Montacuta Mont. T. B. 44.—Mon. 7. Turt. D. B. double-toothed -Brit. Mol. ii.75, pl. 18, f. 6.—Pe- tricola b. Gray.—Erycina b. Récl. — Tellimya b. Brown. Britain, c. c 17 DECUSSATA. Petricola Mont. T. B. Sup. 20, pl. 28, f. 1.-P. decussated striata, costellata, roccellaria, rupe- rella, Lam.- Venus lithophaga, Retz. Tr. Turin. 1786. (first name).-P.I. Brit. Mol. i. 151, pl. 6, f. 9, 10.- Sphania d. Turt. Ireland; Mediterranean. 18 PURPUREA Turtonia Mont. T. B. Sup. 21.-Subsequent to purple Venus minuta, Fabr. F. Græn. Mon. ? P. Han. Br. Mar. C. 25, f. 14.- Erycina p. Récluz.-Lesæa m. Möll.--Saxicava p. Brown (not fig.) -Cyamium ? m. Loven. T. m. Brit. Mol. ü. 81, pl. 18, f. 7. Britain, &c. - MYA. 15 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 19 FERRUGINOSA Montacuta Mont. T. B. Sup. 22, 166, pl. 26, f. 2. rusty -Mon.f. Turt. D. B.-Brit. Mol. ii. pl. 18, f. 5.- Erycina f. Récl.-- M. oblonga, Turt. D. B. 61, pl. 11, f. 11, 12.-M. glabra, Macg.–Telli- mya g. and elliptica, Brown. Britain, 8c. 20 NITENS Ervilia Mont. T. B. Sup. 165.-Laskey, Mem. glossy Wer. i. pl. 8, f. 4.-E. n. Turt. D. B. 56, pl. 19, f. 4.-Brit. Mol. i. 345.-Syndosmya purpurascens, Ré- cluz. W. Indies. 21 PRISMATICA Syndosmya Wood, from Ligula p. Mont. T. B. prismatic Sup. 23, pl. 26, f. 3. - Amphidesma p. Lam.-S. p. Brit. Mol. i. 321, pl. 17, f. 15. Britain, &c. 22 SUBSTRIATA Montacuta Mont. T. B. Sup. 25.- Mon. 8. Turt. substriated D. B. 59, pl. 11, f. 9, 10.-Brit. Mol. ii. 77, pl. 18, f. 8.—Erycina s. Récluz.- Tellimya, s. Brown. Britain, &c. 23 DUBIA Gastro- Pen. B. Z. iv. 82, pl. 44, f. 19.- Wood, dubious chana G. C. 102, pl. 25, f. 2, 3.-M. phola- dia, Mont. — Pholas faba, Pult. - · Mytilus ambiguus, Dil.-G. Modio- lina, Lam.-G. pholadia, Turt. D. B. 18, pl. 2, f. 8, 9.-G. hians, Flem. - G. dubia, Desh. Britain, &c. 24 NITIDA Lyonsia Fabr. Sk. Nat. iv. pt. 2, pl. 10, f. 10 white =no. 13. 25 BATAVA Unio Wood, (as of Maton and Rac. L. T.) Dutch G. C. 103, pl. 19, f. 1, 2. Holland. 26 PICTORUM Lin. Syst. - M. ovalis, Don.-U. p. painters Drap. Brit. Mol. ii. 143, pl. 39, f. 1.-U. rostrata, Lam. — Mysca p. - Norway. 16 MYA. Wood's Linnean names. Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Unio 27 0VATA oval Turt.-U. limosus, Nils.-U, Des- hayesii, Michaud.-U. longirostris, Rossm. Britain, &c. Don. B. S. pl. 122.–Subsequent to U. tumidus, Retz. Brit. Mol. ii. 140, pl. 40, f. 1.-M. ovalis, Mont. - M. depressa, Don. pl. 101.- Mysca ovata and solida, Turt.—U. ovalis, Fl.-Sow. G. Britain, &c. Wood, G. C. 106, pl. 20, 21.-U. pon- derosa, Lea.—Han. R. S. 177. - China.' 28 CRASSA thick 29 NODULOSA knotted | | | 30 MARGARITI- FERA pearl - 31 CORRUGATA wrinkled 32 RADIATA radiated Wood, G. C. 106, pl. 22, f. 1 to 4.-U. n. Han. R. S. 180. U. Lin. Syst.-U. m. Retz.-Rossm. Ic. f. 71 to 74.-Brit. Mol. ii. 146, pl. 38.-U. elongata, Lam.—U. sinuata, Pf.—U. Roissyi, Mich.—Alasmodon m. Gray. – Al. arcuata, Barnes. Britain, &c. Ch. (as of Müll.) vi, f. 22.-Wood, G. C. 108, pl. 24, f. 1,2,3.—U.C. Lea. Hindostan. Gm. 3220, from M. pictorum, &c. of Ch. vi. f.7.-Wood, G. C. 109.-U. Virginiana, Lam. (from N. America) teste Lea. • Malabar.' Gmel. 3222, from M. corrugata magna of Ch. x. 346, f. 1649.31 ! teste Lea. Coromandel. Ch. x. 347, f. 1650.—U. delphinus, Speng. Sk. Nat. iii. pt. 1, p. 63. Tranquebar. Gmel. 3222, from Schröt. Einl. ii. 617, pl. 7, f. 5.-U. (Naia) s. Mörch. Tranquebar. 33 RUGOSA rough 34 NODOSA knobbed 35 SPURIA spurious SOLEN 17 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms -- Locality. 36 SYRMATOPHORA Hyria Meusch. in Gronov. Zoop. pl. 18, f. angular 1, 2.-H. avicularis, Lam. Del. - Crouch, Int. pl. 9, f. 5. Guinea. 37 SUBORBICU- Kellia Mont. T. B. 39,564.- Tellina s. Turt. LARIS Dic. --K. s. Turt. D. B. 56, pl. 11, roundish f. 5, 6.—Brit. Mol. ii. 87, pl. 18, f. 9. — Tellimya s. Brown.-Bornia inflata, Phil. Britain, &c. 38 VARIABILIS Unio Maton, Tr. Lin. x. 327, pl. 24, f. 4, to variable 7=U. v. Lea. La Plata. Corbula 39 LABIATA lipped 40 INÆQUIVALVIS unequal-valved Maton, T. L. x. pl. 24, f. 1, 2, 3.-C. 1. Han. R. S. 47.-C. (Potamomya) C. Woodw. pl. 23, f. 3. La Plata. Mont. T. B.—Tellina gibba, Olivi.- C. nucleus, Lam.-Brit. Moll. i. 180, pl. 9, f. 7 to 12.-C. striata, Flem.- C. Olympica, Costa.-C. i. Macg. Britain, &c. Born, 20, pl. 1, f. 8.-P. g. Turt.- P. Aldrovandi, Lam.-Han. R. S.18. Mediterranean. Panopæa 41 GLYCIMERIS great SOLEN-RAZOR. Solen 1 SILIQUA pod Lin. Syst. Brit. Mol. 1. 246, pl. 14, f. 3.-S. ligula, Turt. D. B. 82, pl. 6, f. 6. Britain, &c. Mont. T. B. 47=last. S. Wales. 2 NOVACULA Carmarthen- shire - 3 VAGINA sheath Pen. (not Lin.) B. Z.-Lam.--S. mar ginatus, Brit. Mol. i. 242, pl. 14, f. 1. Britain, &c. Wood, G. C.121 (not var.) pl. 26, f. 3. -Han. R. S. 12. E. Indies. 4 TRUNCATUS truncated D 18 SOLEN. Wood's Linnean names. 5 LINEARIS slender Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. Solen Ch. xi. 198, f. 1931.-Wood, G. C. 121, pl. 27, f. 3.-Han. R. S. 12. Nicobar Isles. Lin. Syst.—Lam.- Brit. Mol. i. 250, pl. 14, f. 2. Britain, &c. 6 ENSIS sword 1 7 PELLUCIDUS transparent Pen. B. Z.–Brit. Mol. i. 252, pl. 13, f.3.-S. pygmæus, Lam. Britain, &c. | 8 LEGUMEN peascod Lin. Syst.— Wood, G. C. pl. 28, f. 4.- Psammobia 1. Turt.Solenocurtus l. Brown.-Ceratisolen 1. Brit. Mol. i. 256, pl. 13, f. 2. Britain, &c. 9 CULTELLUS kidney 10 ANTIQUATUS antiquated Lin.-Lam. Han. R. S. 13. Amboyna. Pult.-Lam.—S. cultellus, Pen. (not Lin.)—S. emarginatus, Speng.-S. coarctatus, Gmel. Solecurtus Brit. Mol. i. 259, pl. 15, f. 3.- Psammobia a. Turt.Solecurtus a. Desh.— Azor a. Brown. Britain, &c. C. 11 FRAGILIS brittle Pult.-Wood, G. C. 126, pl. 29, f. 4, 5.-S. bidens, Ch. xi. f. 1939 was prior.-S. divisus, Speng.—Psam- mobia teniata, Turt. D. B. W. Indies. 12 STRIGILATUS strigilated Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. 127, pl. 30, f. 1.-Lam.-Solecurtus s. Phil. Mediterranean. 13 ANATINUS duck-bill Anatina Wood (as of Lin.) G. C. 128, pl. 30, f. 2, 3, 4.-- A. subrostrata, Lam.- Han. R. S. 20. Indian Seas. Solen 14 RADIATUS rayed Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. 128, pl. 31, f. 1.- Lam.-Han, R. S. 14. Sumatra. SOLEN. 19 Wood's Linnean names. 15 GUINEENSIS Guinea Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. Solen Ch. xi. 202, f. 1937.-? S. Caribæus, Lam. Guinea. 16 MAXIMUS largest 17 MAGNUS Wood, G. C. 129, pl. 31, f. 3.-Han. R. S. 15.-Solecurtus Nuttallii, Con. teste Gould. Sandwich Isles. Wood, G. C. for S. maximus of Gm. from Leguminum max. Ch. vi. 51, f. 35.-S. lacteus, Speng. teste Mörch. China. great 18 INFLEXUS inflected Wood, G. C. 131, pl. 32, f. 1, 2.- Han. R. S. 15. U. 19 MINIMUS little 20 MACHA Molini's 21 VIRENS green 22 DIPHOS violet Gmel. 3227, from Minutissima Legu- minum of Ch. vi. 48, f. 31.-S. pel- lucidus, Speng. teste Mörch. Tranquebar Molina, Chili, 178.-S. gladiolus, Sow. teste Mörch. Chili. Glauconome Lin. Syst.-G. v. Reeve, Conch. Ic. Han. Ip. Lin. pl. 1, f. 1. Java. Psammobia Ch. (not Lin.) vi. 58, f. 53, 54.- Wood, G. C. 133, pl. 32, f. 3.- Solen rostratus, Lam.-P. r. Han. R. S. 58. Indian Ocean. 23 ROSEUS rose-coloured 24 STRIATUS striated 25 CASTRENSIS zig-zag Gmel. 3227, from S. ruber e mari rubro, Ch. vi. 39, 69, f. 55.-S. Tel- linata, Speng. teste Mörch.-P. r. Han. R. S. 60. Red Sea. Gmel. 3227, from S. ex albido, fc. of Ch. vi. 71, f. 57, 58. Nicobar Isles. Speng. Sch. Nat. iii. pt. 2, p. 110.- Chem. xi. 201, f. 1935, 6.-P. c. Han. R. S. 59. Guinea. Wood, G. C. 135, pl. 33, f. 1.- San- guinolaria b. Han. R. S. 56. Australia. 26 BIRADIATUS double rayed 20 SOLEN - Wood's Linnean Lamarchian names. Genus. Authority- Synonyms— Locality. 27 VESPERTINUS Psammobia Mont.—T. depressa, Pen. (not Lin.) variable -T. variabilis, Pult.—T. gari, Poli (not Lin.)-P. v. Lam.—Brit. Mol. i. 271, pl. 19, f.1, 2.—Sanguinolaria v. Flem. Britain, &c. 28 SANGUINOLENTUS Gm. 3227.--Sanguinolaria rosea, Lam. sanguine -Sow. G.Han. R. S. 56.- Loba. ria rosacea, Schum. Jamaica, &c. 29 OCCIDENS Gm. 3228, from Sol occidens, Ch. vi. spotted 61.-Sanguinolaria 0. Lam.—Han. R. S. 55. Ceylon. 30 SPENGLERI Anatina Gmel. 3228, subsequent to M. anseri- Spengler's fera, Speng. Sk. Nat. iii. pt. 1, 32, pl. 2, f. 8.--Ch. xi. vig. at p. 189.- A. a. Mörch. E. Indies. 31 AMETHYSTUS Psammobia Wood, G. C. 138, pl. 34, f. 1.-P. amethystine coerulescens, Lam.—Han. R. S. 57. Ceylon. 32 VARIEGATUS Wood, G. C. 139, pl. 34, f. 2, 3, 4.- variegated P.v. Han, R. S. 59. Indian Archipelago ? 33 MINUTUS Saxicava Lin. Syst.-—Wood, G. C. 139, pl. 34, minute f. 5, 6.—Donax rhomboides, Poli.- Hiatella arctica, Lam.-Agina pur- purea, Turt.--S. Arctica, Brit. Mol. i. 141, pl. 6, f. 4, 5, 6.-S. rhom- boides, Desh. — H. m. Turt.-S. rubra, Desh. Alg. Britain, &c. 34 SQUAMOSUS Lepton Mont. T. B. 565.-L. s. Turt. D. B. scale-like 62, pl. 6, f. 1, 2, 3.—Brit. Mol. ii. 98, pl. 36, f. 8, 9.- Lutraria s. Gray. Britain. 35 PINNA Pandora Mont. T. B. 567.-P. obtusa, Leach semi-oval in Lam.—Han. R. S. 48; Brit. Mol. 210, pl. 8, f. 5. Britain, &c. 2 12.1 Pl. a 37 40 72 12 38 SOLEV. ih 70 4 3 122:00 H 10 6 13 24 Il a + 0 voa 22 1.5 c 24 23 25 & 27 at 28 3/ .32 20 TEL LIV 33 3.5+ 5 at 1 + 120 8 + 16 m2 10 13 + 2.3 + 22 24 2.5 20 UNID mia TELLINA. 21 TELLINA-TELLEN. Wood's Linnean names. Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. 1 GARGADIA toothed - 2 LINGUA-FELIS cat’s-tongue 3 VIRGATA striped Tellina Lin. Syst. - Lam.-Han. Tel. 263, f. 156, 181. Philippines. Lin. Syst. — Wood, G. C. pl. 40, f. 2, 3.-Lam.—Han. Tel. 266, f. 236. Lin. Syst. — Wood, G. C. pl. 35, f. 2, 3. -- Lam.-Han. Tel. 228, f. 212. Indian Ocean. 4 INTERRUPTA freckled - 5 ANGULATA angular 6 GARI varying - 7 FRAGILIS brittle Wood, G. C. 146, pl. 36, f. 3.—Han. Tel. 227, f. 207. — T. maculosa, Lam. Surinam. Ch. (not Lin.) vi. 89, f. 74, 75.- Wood, G. C. 146, pl. 43, f. 1.- Han. R. S. 325, f. 250. Philippines. Psammobia Ch. (not Lin.) vi. 100, f. 92.-T. . truncata, Lin.-P. pulchella, Lam. -Han. R. S. 58. Tellina Lin. Syst.—Han. Tel. 319, p. 56, f. 14, and pl. 60, f. 149.-- Petricola ochroleuca, Lam. - - Sow. Gen.- Psammotæa Tarentina, Lam.---T. jugosa, Brown—Psammobia f. Turt. -P. j. Brown.—Diodonta f. Desh. Alg. - Brit. Mol. i. 284, pl. 21, f. 3. Britain, &c. Born. Tes. Cæs. 29, pl. 2, f. 3, 4.- Lam.-Han. Tel. 267, f. 233, 238. Isle of Opara, New California. Ch. vi. 91, f. 76. - Speng. Sk. Nat. iv. pt. 2, p. 99-? T. striatula, Lam. 8 RUGOSA rugged Nicobar. 9 INFLATA inflated 22 TELLINA. Wood's Linnean names. 10 CRYSTALLINA pellucid 11 MULTANGULA multangular - 12 PAPYRACEA Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms, Locality. Tellina Ch. xi. 210, f. 1947, 8.—Han. R. S. 66 ; Tel. 270, f. 43. W. Columbia. Gmel. 3230.- Lam.-Subsequent to T. polygona, Ch. vi. 91, f. 77.- Han. Tel. 321, f. 189. Guinea. Gmel.-Subsequent to T. lacunosa, Ch. vi. 92, f. 78.-Lam.-Han. Tel. 322, f. 252. Gmel. 3231, from Gualt. 77, f. Q. Irrecognisable. U. Lucina Gmel. from Gualt. 88, f. C. Irrecog- nisable. - paper 13 GIBBOSA gibbous 14 INÆQUILATERA unequal-sided 15 KNORRII Knorr's 16 PUSILLA minute Sangui- Gmel. 3231, from Knorr, Del. v. pl. nolaria 21, f. 5. A polished shell. Cyclas Gmel. 3231, from Schröt. Flus. pl. 4, f. 7.—? Pisidium pulchellum, Brit. Mol. Hamburg Amphi- Wood, G. C. 152, pl. 41, f. 4,5.-A. desma variegatum, Lam.—Reeve, C. I. Amph. f. 5. Brazil. Tellina Adams, L. T. iii. no. 75. Britain. 17 OBLIQUA oblique 18 MACULATA spotted 19 AMNICA river Cyclas Müll. Ver.- Wood, G. C. 153, pl. 47, f. 6.-T. rivalis, Mat.-Don.—Car- dium a. Mont.-C. palustris, Drap. - C. obliqua, Lam.- Pisidium o. Pf. -C. a. Turt. D. B. 250, pl. 11, f. 15.— Pisidium a. Brit. Mol. ii. 133, pl. 37, f. 8, 9. Tellina Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. pl. 36, f. 1. -Lam.-Han. Tel. 274, f. 253. Moluccas. 20 FOLIACEA foliaceous 21 ALBIDA whitish Psammobia Lin. Syst. = Psam. vespertina, pro- bably Europe, TELLINA. 23 Wood's Linnean names. 22 TENUIS thin 23 FABULA semi-striated 24 PLANATA flat 25 ACUTA sharp-edged Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Tellina Da Costa.- Lam.-Han. Tel. 287, f. 81, 82; Brit. Mol. i. 300, pl. 19, f. 8.-T. incarnata, Ch. (not Lin.) - T. planata, Pen. (not Lin.) — T. polita, Pult.-T. exigua, Poli.-T. balaustina, Dil. (not Lin.) Britain, &c. Gronov. Z. pl. 18, f. 9.-Han. Tel. i. 287, pl. 57, f. 62; Brit. Mol. i. 302, pl. 19, f. 9.-T. discors, Pult. Britain, &c. Lin. Syst. Born. T. Cæs. pl. 2, f. 9. -Lam.—Han. Tel. 276, f. 174. Mediterranean. Wood, G. C. 157, pl. 44, f. 1.-Sub- sequent to T. magna, Speng.--Han. Tel. 274, f. 239.-T. elliptica, Lam. W. Indies. Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. pl. 38, f. 2, 3.-Lam.—Han. Tel. 245, f. 220, 1. -T. unimaculata, Lam. W. Indies. Wood, G. C. 159, pl. 44, f. 2.-Sub- sequent to T. inæquistriata, Don. iv. pl. 123. -Han. Tel. 238, f. 80. Guayaquil. Gm. (not Lin.) in part.-— Wood, G. C. pl. 37, f. 3.-Han. R. S. 62.- T. vulsella, Ch. vi. f. 105—-Han. Tel. 235, f. 162, 163. Philippines. Schröt. (as of Lin.) Ein. pl. 7, f. 10.- Lam.-Han. Tel. 249. W. Indies. Ch. (not Lin.) vi. 123, f. 114. U. 26 RADIATA rayed - 27 SANGUINEA red 28 ROSTRATA beaked - 29 LÆVIGATA smooth 30 TRIFASCIATA 3-banded 3 31 DONACINA Donax 2 Lin. Syst. Han. Tel. 232, f. 12, 259 ; Brit. Mol. i. 292, pl. 20, f. 3, 4.-T. trifasciata, Pen.-T. variegata, Poli. T. Llantivyi, Payr. Britain, &c. 24 TELLINA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 32 TRUNCATA Psammo- Lin. Syst.-P. pulchella, Lam. Java. truncated bia 33 TRILATERA Tellina Gmel.–Subsequent to T. triangularis, triangular Ch. vi. 96, f. 85.—Han. Tel. 294, f. 150—T. obliqua, Lam.—Tellinides politus, Sow. Tank. Moluccas.' 34 OBLONGA Gmel. 3234, from T. tenuis ovalis of oblong Ch. vi. f. 87.-T. psammotella, Lam. teste Mörch. Guinea.' 35 SPENGLERI Ch. vi. f. 88, 89.— Wood, G. C. 37, f. Spengler's 2. — Lam. — Tel rostrata, Lin.-- Han. Tel. 222, f. 157. Philippines. 36 FERROENSIS Psammo- Ch. vi. 99.—Wood, G. C. 164, pl. 45, carnation bia f. 1.-? T. gari, Lin.-T. incarnata, Pen. (not Lin.)—T. radiata, Da Costa (not Lin.) — T. truncata, Speng. (not Lin.)—T. trifasciata, Don. (not Lin.)–P. F. Lam.- Brit. Mol. i. 274, pl. 19, f. 3. Britain, &c. 37 OPERCULATA Tellina Gmel. 3235.—Wood, G. C. 165, pl. blushing 42, f. 1.-Lam.—Sow. G. Subse- quent to T. rufescens, Ch. vi. f. 97. -Han. Tel. 307. Mexico; Peru. 38 ALBA Wood, from Ch. vi, f.98.—T. planata, white Lin. is prior. Mediterranean. 39 HYALINA Gmel. 3235, from T. complanata pellu- glassy cida of Ch. vi. f. 99.—Han. Tel. 292, f. 167. Guinea? 40 LANCEOLATA Ch. vi. f. 103.— Wood, G. C. 167, pl. lance-shaped 45, f. 2.-Han. Tel. 291, f. 86, 87. --Psammotæa pellucida, Lam. Philippines. 41 OPALINA Ch. vi. 118, f. 107, 108.—Speng. Sk. opaline Nat. iv. pt. 2, p. 106. Nicobar. TELLINA. 25 - rosea, Lam. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 42 COCCINEA Tellina Ch. vi. 118, f. 109.—Han. Tel. 296, f. scarlet 90.---Tellinides c Han. R. S. 74. Isle of Zebu, Philippines. 43 CALCAREA Ch. vi. 140, f. 136.—Han. Tel. 314, f. chalky 183-T. sordida, Phil. N. C. pt. 9, pl. 5, f. 6. Iceland ; Greenland. 44 PECTINATA Lucina Gmel. 3236, from List. 300, f. 137.- Lister's ? L. Jamaicensis, Lam. W. Indies. 45 ANGUSTA Tellina Gmel. 3236, from List. 283, f. 26.- narrow ? T. pulchella, Lam. Mediterranean? 46 MADAGAS- Gmel. Wood, G. C. 169, pl. 39, f. CARIENSIS 2, 3.-Han. Tel. 214, f. 218.-T. Madagascar Madagascar 47 PUNICEA Born, T. Cæs. pl. 2, f. 8.-Lam.- flat-striated Han. Tel. 239, f. 154.—A bad copy. Trinidad, W. Indies. 48 DEPRESSA Donov. B. S. pl. 163.- Wood, G. C. depressed pl. 45, f. 3.–Subsequent to T. in- carnata, Lin. Sys.-Brit. Mol. i. 298, pl. 20, f. 5.-T. squalida, Pult. Britain, &c. 49 PURPURASCENS Donax Gmel. 3237, from List. 391, f. 230.- purple ? D. compressa, Lam. Sumatra? 50 ASPERA Tellina ? Gmel. 3237. Undefined. U. rough 51 TRIANGULARIS Uncertain. Gmel. 3237, partly from List. 401, f. subcuneated 244. Uncertain. U. 52 LATA Tellina Gmel. 3237, from List. 407, f. 253.- broad Loven, I. M. Scan, as=T. proxima ! Norway. 53 JAMAICENSIS ? Gmel. 3237, from List. 408, f. 254. Jamaica Jamaica. ? 54 ALBICANS Gmel. 3238, from Gualt. pl. 77, f. H. whitish Irrecognisable. U. E 26 TELLINA. Wood's Linnean names. 55 RUFESCENS reddish 56 FASCIATA banded 57 STRIATA striated 58 ROSEA 2 rosy 59 ADANSONI Adanson's Venus 60 CANCELLATA reticulated 61 STRIGOSA fasciated 62 NIVEA Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. Venus Gmel. 3238, from Gualt. 85, f. C. Irre- cognisable. U. Tellina Gmel. 3238, from Gualt. 89, f. C. Irrecognisable. Gmel. 3238, from Gualt. 89, f. B. ? meant for striata of Ch. W. Indies ? Sangui- Gmel. 3239, from Kn. Dél. v. pl. 9, nolaria f. 3—S. rugosa, Lam. W. Indies. Kellia Gmel. 3239, from Le Poron of Adans. Sen. pl. 17, f. 9.-Poronia Adan- soniana, Récluz, Rev. Zool. Senegal. Wood, (not of Gmel. 3239, from L. Pirel of Adans. Sen. pl. 17, f. 10.)- Is V. rariflamma, Lam. and Han. R. S. Tellina Gmel. 3239.-Lam.-Han. Tel. 275, f. 211. Senegal Wood, G. C. 177, pl. 46, f. 1.—T. sinuata, Speng.- Han. Tel. 293, f. 203.—Tellinides Timorensis, Sow. G.–Reeve, C. S. Sumatra. Wood, G. C. 178, pl. 47, f. 1.-Han. R. S.—Tel. 227, f. 138. Philippines. Gmel.-T. striata, Ch. x. 349, f. 1654, 5.-Han. Tel. 240, f. 161.- T. leta, Pult.- Donas Martinicen- sis, Lam.-T. punicea, Turt. Martinique. Psammobia Mont. T. B. Sup. 28, pl. 28, f. 3.-P. L. Turt.— Brown, 103, pl. 39, f. 32. W. Indies? Tellina Lin. Sys.-Han. Tel. 253, f. 10; Brit. Mol. i. 290, pl. 21, f. 2.- Laicina b. Payr. Britain, &c. snowy 63 SULCATA sulcated 64 ANGULOSA angular - 65 LASKEYI Laskey's 66 BALAUSTINA pomegranate flower TELLINA. 27 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 67 SCOBINATA Tellina Lin. Sys. and M. U.-Wood, G. C. rasp 180, pl. 35, f. 1.-Lam.-Han. Tel. 266, f. 235. Society Islands. 68 LÆVIS Wood, G. C. 181, pl. 37, f. 1.-T. smooth remies, Born. (not Lin.) - Lam.-T. fausta, Pult. and Don. was prior.- Han. Tel. 256, f. 260, 264. W. Indies. 69 REMIES Lin. Sys.- Wood, G. C. pl. 38, f. 1. waved -Han. Tel. 258, f. 226.-T. sulcata, Lam.-T. convexa, Wood, I. T. Asiatic Archipelago. 70 RETICULATA Amphidesma Lin. probably.—Wood, G. C. 182, pl. lattice 42, f. 2, 3.-T. proficua, Pult.-A. r. Sow. Gen.-Crouch, pl. 4, f. 9. Brazil ? 71 RADULA Lucina Mont. T. B. 68.- Wood, G. C. 183, thread-girdled pl. 42, f. 4,5.-Subsequent to Venus borealis, Lin. Syst.-Don. B. S. pl. 130.-L. r. Lam.-L. alba, Turt. D. B. 114, pl. 7, f. 6, 7.-1.6. Brit. Mol. ii. 46, pl. 35, f. 5. Britain, &c. 72 SCABRA Ch. xi. 208, f. 1943, 4.—Dil.-L. s. rough Han. R. S. 78.-Not Lam. nor Reeve. W. Indies. - 73 MURICATA prickly Ch. xi. 209, f. 1945, 6.-Speng. Sk. Nat. iv. pt. 2, p. 120.-L. scabra, Reeve, C. I. vi. Luc. f. 45. Mexico. Tellina=No. 68. W. Indies, 74 FAUSTA obsolete 75 CRASSA thick Pen. B. Z.-Han. Tel. 265, f. 169, 173; Brit. Mol. i. 288, pl. 20, f. 1, 2.-T. rigida, Pult. and Don.- Arcopagia c. and ovata, Brown. Britain, &c. 25 TELLINA. - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. Genus. 76 LACTEA Lacina Pult. (not Lin.) Dor. 30.-L. 1. Lam. milky (not Phil.) — Turt. D. B. 112, pl. 7, f. 4, 5.-L. Amphidesmoides, Desh. E. M.-L. leucoma, Turt. D. B. 113, pl. 7, f. 8.-Brit. Mol. ii. 57, pl. 35, f. 2.- Loripes 1. Flem.-Blain. Britain, &c. 77 ROTUNDATA Mont. T. B. 71, pl. 2, f. 3.- L. r. Turt. round D. B. 114, pl. 7, f. 3.-Psammobia r. Flem.-- Diplodonta r. Brit. Mol. ii. 66, pl. 35, f. 6.-D. dilatata, Phil. -Loripes r. Cuv. Britain, &c. 78 FLEXUOSA Mont. T. B. 72.-Wood, G. C. 188, crooked pl. 47, f. 7, 8.-Venus sinuosa, Don, (not Pen.) - Amphidesma f. and L. sinuata, Lam.- Cryptodon f. Turt. D. B. 121, pl. 7, f. 9, 10.-L. f. Brit. Mol. ii. 54, pl. 35, f. 4.- Ptychina biplicata, Phil.- Axinus f. Loven. Britain, &c. 79 CARNARIA Tellina Lin. Sys.-Han. Tel. 260, f. 37, 38.- flesh-coloured Lucina c. Lam.-Strigilla c. Turt.- Cardium carneosum, Da Cos. W. Indies. 80 POLYGONA Mont. T. B. Sup. 27, pl. 28, f. 4.- T. polygonal Guinaica, Dil. 96.—Psammobia p. Turt. Frith of Forth.' 81 DECUSSATA Amphidesma Wood, G. C. 190, pl. 43, f. 2, 3.–Dil. decussated - A. d. Han. R. S. 43.- Reeve, C. I. Amp. f. 23. W. Indies. 82 CORDIFORMIS Ch. xi. 208, f. 1941, 2.–Dil.— Wood, heart-shaped G. C.- A. c. Han, R. S. 43. E. Indies? 83 BIMACULATA Tellina Lin. Sys.- Lam.—Han. Tel. 250, f. double- 16, 19, 20, 21, 22.-T. sexradiata, spotted Lam. W. Indies. TE ZI P2.4 27 01 + 28 3/ 4 20 .37c 59 ! 42 449 43 at 45 ct .) 2 + 8 at 62 0 64 6.5 t 70 01 + C 720+ 74 78 3.5%+ 410+ 71 0 + 81 11 + 77 a 79 01 2.2+ UNIL 3 ct OF TELLINA. 29 Wood's Linnean names. 84 SOLIDULA solid - 85 BALTIICA Baltic 86 PISIFORMIS pea Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Tellina Pult.-Lam.-Han. Tel. 318, f. 109, 110; Brit. Mol. i. 304, pl. 20, f. 6. -T. carnaria, Pen. (not Lin.)-T. rubra, Da Cos.-T. zonata, Dil. - Psammobia s Turt. D. B. 95, pl. 8, f. 2. Britain, &c. Lin. Sys.-Ch. vi. f. 128.-Han. Tel. 316, f. 121. Baltic. Lin. Sys.-Han. Tel. 261, f. 30.- Cardium discors, Mont. - Strigilla p. Turt.-Lucina p. Flem. W. Indies. Lucina Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 129.- Wood, G. C. 195, pl. 45, f. 6.- L. d. Lam. W. Indies. Wood, G. C. 195, pl. 46, f. 7.-L. divaricata var. Reeve, C. I.—? L. serrata, D’Orb. Am. U. Lin. Sys.-L. digitalis, Lam.-Han. R. S. 77.--Reeve, C. I. vi. Luc. f. 65. Mediterranean. 87 DIVARICATA obliquely- striated 88 DENTATA toothed - 89 DIGITARIA digital 90 CORNEA horn-coloured 91 LACUSTRIS lake Cyclas Wood (not of authors), G. C. 48, f. 3. -C. c. Drap. 128, pl. 10, f. 1, 2, 3. -C. rivicola, Leach in Lam.-Turt. D. B. 248, pl. 11, f. 13.-Brit. Mol. ii. 111, pl. 37, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. Mat. Lin. Tr. viii.- Cardium 1. Mont. T. B. 89.-C. l. Turt. D. B. 249, pl. 11, f. 18.-C. caliculata, Drap. 130, pl. 10, f. 14.-Brit. Mol. ii. 115, pl. 37, f. 7. -?? Gmel. 3243, from Bonan. f. 33, irre- cognisable. Spain. Lucina ? Gmel. 3243, from Gualt. 77, f. E. irre- cognisable. U. 92 IBERICA Spanish 93 SINUOSA sinuous 30 TELLINA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Genus. 94 GALLICA (? a fossil) Gmel. 3244, from Arg. pl. 27, f. 11, French irrecognisable. River Marne, France. 95 SENEGALENSIS Uncertain Gmel. 3244, from Adans. Sen. pl. 17, f. Senegal 14, not recognised. Senegal. 96 LIMOSA Cyrena Mat. Tr. Lin. X.- Wood, G. C. 199, Maton's pl. 46, f. 4, 5.-0. 1. Han. R. S. 92. S. America. 97 INÆQUIVALVIS Pandora Lin. Sys.- Wood, G. C. 201, pl. 47, unequal- f. 2, 3, 4.-P. rostrata, Lam.- valved Brit. Mol. i. 207, pl. 8, f. 1 to 4.- P. margaritacea, Turt.-P. i. Flem. Jersey, France. CARDIUM. 1 ACULEATUM spiny Cardium Wood (not of authors), G. C. 51, f. 1, as a var.-C. spinosum, Dillw. 115. -C. erinaceus, Lam.—Han. R. S. 131.-Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 62. Mediterranean. 2 ECHINATUM thorny - - - Lin. Sys.-Donov. B. S. pl. 107, f. 1. - Wood, G. C. 208, pl. 49, f. 1, 2. -Lam.-Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 34. -Brit. Mol. ii. 7, pl. 33, f. 2.-C. mucronatum, Poli, Sic. pl. 17, f. 7, 8.-C. spinosum, Sow. Brit. Misc. Britain, &c. Pen. (not Lin.) B. Z.-Donov. B. S. pl. 32, f. 2.–Wood, G. C. 209, pl. 49, f. 3, 4.-C. parvum, Da Costa, 177.-Is the young of C. aculeatum, Lin. &c.-- Brit. Mol. ii. 4, pl. 33, f. 1. Britain, &c. pl. 32. 3 CILIARE fringed - CARDIUM. 31 - - - - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 4 TUBERCULATUM Cardium Lin. probably.--Donov. B. S. 107, f. tuberculated 2.-Lam -Han. R. S.131.-Philip. Sic. i. 50; ii. 37.–C. echinatum, var. Mont. T. B. 79; Sup. 33.-O. tuber- culare, Sow. G. f.3= no. 25. 5 MEDIUM Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. 211, pl. 50, marbled f. 3.-Lam.-Mawe, pl. 7, f. 1.- Han. R. S. 141.-Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 30. W. Indies. 6 EXIGUUM Mont. 82.-Lam.-Phil. Sic.-Reeve, Pygmy C. I. i. Car. f. 121.-C. pygmæum, Don. pl. 32, f. 3.-Brit. Mol. ii. 29, pl. 38, f. 8. Britain, &c. 7 NODOSUM Mont. T. B. (not Turt.) = young no. = . knotty 4, probably Britain. 8 RUBRUTI Kellia Mont. T. B. 83 (not Reeve).—Tellina r. Turt. C. D. 168.- Kellia r. Turt. D. B. 57, pl. 11, f. 7, 8.-Brit. Mol. ii. 94, pl. 34, f. 5, 6, 7.- Bornia seminulum, Phil. Sic. i. 14, pl. 1, f. 16.-Poronia r. Récluz. Rev. Z. 1843, p. 175.- Lasæa r. Brown. Britain, &c. 9 ARCUATUM Lucina Mont. T. B. 85, pl. 3, f. 2 (not Reeve.) waved --L. a. Flem. 442.-L. commutata, Phil. Sic. i. 32, pl. 3, f. 15.-Subse- quent to Tellina divaricata, Lin. Sys.-- Brit. Mol. ii. 52, pl. 35, f. 3. Mediterranean. 10 DISCORS Tellina Mont. T. B. 84 = T. pisiformis, Lin. probably W. Indies. pea 11 ELONGATUM Cardium Mont. T. B. 82, teste Turt. D. B. lengthened 185, pl. 13, f. 9 = no. 13. 12 MURICATULUM Mont. from Walk. T. M. f. 84=young = microscopic no. 6, probably. Britain. - - - 32 CARDIUM. TVood's Linnean names, 13 FASCIATUM banded Lamarchian Genus. Authority - Synonyms-Locality. Cardium Mont. T. B. Sup. 30, pl. 27, f. 6.-- Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 118.--Brit. Mol. ii. 25, pl. 32, f. 5.-C. ovale, Sow. C. I.-Han. R. S. 136.- Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 119.--C. rubrum, do. f. 124. Britain, &c. Lin. Sys.—Brug. - Wood, G. C. pl. 51, f. 2.- Lam.-Han. R. S. 132.- Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 33. W. Indies. Lin.- Wood, G. C. pl. 52, f. 1.-Lam. -Han. R. S.-Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 84. W. Indies. 14 MURICATUM prickly 15 ISOCARDIA imbricated 16 GLAUCUM greenish 17 MACULOSUM mottled 18 RINGENS toothed Brug. E. M. Vers. 221.-Poir. Bar. ii. p. 13.-C. rusticum, Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 197.—Donov. B. S. pl. 124, f. 2.-Poli.—Lam.-Phil. Sic. pl. 4, f. 12, 13, 14.-C. Lamarckii, and Belticum, Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. . f. 93, 113. Britain ; Languedoc. Wood, G. C. 218, pl. 52, f. 3.—Han. R. S. 138.-C. arenicolum, Reeve, C. I. Car. f. 78. Philippines. Ch. vi. 176, f. 170.—Wood, G. C. 53, f. 1, 2.-Lam.—Han, R. S. 130.-- Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 6. Mouth of the Gambia, Africa. Brug. E. M. Vers.-Lam.-Han. R. S. 132.-C. maculatum, Gm. from . List. 328.-C. obliquum, Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 1, p. 23, pl. 1, f. 3.-C. magnum, Born. (not Lin.) T. Cæs. pl. 3, f. 5.-Reeve, C. I. i. Car. f. 20. Gulf of Mexico. 19 VENTRICOSUM prominent ZALIV. Io Pl.5 gon 9712 92 72 9.3 + 07 a 9.5 90 CHARLIIZ 3 672 12 m 31+ 22 24 19 2.2 24 27 23 O + 30 36 0 32 /) ފޮނު. 37 34 el 47 44 a 470 49 40+ 25 0+ 39 + 4572 stat UNIL CARDIUM. 33 Wood's Linnean Rames. 20 MAGNUM great 21 LAVIGATUM smooth - 22 CITRINUM citron Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Cardium Wood, G. C. (not Lin.) 221, pl. 53, f. 3.-C. leucostomum, Born.-Han. R. S. 132.-C. marmoreum, Lam. Ceylon. Penn. (not Lin.) B. Z. f. 40.-Donov. B. S. pl. 54.-Wood, G. C. pl. 21, f. 1.-Phil. Sic.-C. serratum, Lam. (not Lin.)—Turt. D. B. pl. 13, f.5. -0. oblongum, Reeve (not Ch.) I. Car. f. 71.-C. Pennantii, and C. vitellinum, do. f. 48, 37.-0. Norve- gicum, Speng. (Brit. Mol. ii. 35, pl. 31, f. 1, 2.) is to be preferred. Britain, &c. Wood, G. C. 223, pl. 54, f. 3.-Sub- sequent to C. serratum, Lin. Syst. -Han. R. S. 133.-Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 1.-C. lævigatum, Speng. - Lam. W. Indies. Ch. vi. 195, f. 190.-Wood, G. C. pl. 55, f. 1.-C. flavum, Born. (not Lin.) pl. 3, f. 8.-C. sulcatum, Lam. -Han. R. S. 133.-0. obsoletum, Speng. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 1, p. 28. Mediterranean. Schröt. (as of Lin.) Ein. ii. pl. 7, f. 11.-Speng. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 1, p. 22, pl. 1, f. 2.-C. rugosum, Lam. Indian Ocean. Lin. Syst.—Poli, T. Sic. pl. 16, f. 5.- Wood, G. C. 225, pl. 55, f. 2, 3.-- Brit. Mol. ii. 11, pl. 31, f. 3, 4. . Britain, &c. Lin. Sys.---Ch. vi. 198, f. 194.-Donov. B. S. pl. 124, f. 1.- Wood, G. C. 226, pl. 55, f. 4.-Lam.-Reeve, C. 23 OBLONGUM oblong - 24 FLAVUM * yellow 25 RUSTICUM banded 26 EDULE common F 34 CARDIUM. - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. I. ii. Car. f. 22.-- Brit. Mol. ii. 15, pl. 32, f. 1 to 4.-C. vulgare, Da Cos.-C. crenulatum, Lam.-Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 112.-C. pectinatum, Lam.-C. arcuatum, Reeve. Britain, &c. 27 ICELANDICUM Cardium Ch. vi. 200, f. 195,6.-Han. R. S. 136. Iceland -Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 54.-Sub- sequent to O. ciliatum, 0. Fab. F. G. 410.-C. pubescens, Cothouy. Iceland ; Greenland. 28 GRENLANDICUM Ch. vi. 202, f. 198.-Speng. Sk. Nat. Greenland v. pt. 1, p. 46.—Lam.-Gould. Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 53.–Venus Islandica, Fabr. F. G.-Mactra ra- diata, Donov. Br. Sh. pl. 161.- C. edentulum, Mont.-Sow. G.- Aphrodita columba, Lea, Am. Ph, T. v. 110, pl. 18, f. 54. Newfoundland. 29 REGULARE Brug. E. M. Vers. 227.- Wood, G. C. equal-sided 228. St. Domingo. 30 PECTINATUM Cytherea Wood (not Lin. nor Lam.)-C. gibbia, pectinated Lam.-Han, R. S. 108.-Circe g: Sow. Th. ii. 649, pl. 137, f. 4, 5, 6. Red Sea ; Philippines. 31 AURICULA Cardium Gm. 3253, from Forsk. Arab.—Sow. eared C. I. Car. f. 47.-Han. R. S. 142. --Reeve, I. ii. Car. f. 39. Red Sea. 32 LIMA Gm. 3253, from C. costatum, fc. Ch. Asiatic vi. 160, f. 153, 4.-C. Asiaticum, Brug.-Lam.—Han. R. S. 130.- Reeve, C. I. ii. Car. f. 90.-C.-la- mellatum, Speng. Sk. Nat. v. China, 33 PAPYRACEUM Wood (as of Ch.) G. C. pl. 55, f. 5. f paper - ? C.tenuicostatum, Lam. Australia. 34 COSTATUM Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. pl. 56, f. 1. ribbed -Lam.—Han. R. S. 129.-Reeve, I. ii. Car. f. 11. Guinea. 35 APERTUM Ch. vi. f. 181, 2, 3.-Wood, G. C. pl. gaping 56, f. 2.-Lam.-Han. R. S. - ? Solen bullatus, Lin. Sys. Indian Ocean. - - - - - CARDIUM. 35 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 36 SOLENIFORME Cardium Brug.–Wood, G. C. pl. 56, f. 3.- gaping Solen bullatus, Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 49, 50.-O. bullatum, Lam. W. Indies 37 PECTENIFORME Born, T. Cæs. 49, pl. 3, f. 10. U. Pecten 38 DONACIFORME Speng. in Ch. vi, 171, f. 165.-Sow. Donax C. I. f. 27.-Reeve, I. ii. Car. f. 25. Philippines. 39 FIMBRIATUM Wood, G. C. pl. 56, f. 5.-Reeve, I. furbelowed ii. Car. f. 91.—After O. coronatum, Speng. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 1, pl. 1, f. 1. China. 40 ÆOLICUM Janus Born, T. Cæs. 48.–Ch. vi. 191, f. 187, 188.- Wood, G. C. pl. 57, f. 1.-C. pectinatum, Lin. Indian Seas ? Guinea ? Wood, G. C. pl. 57, f. 2, 3.—Han. R. S. 136.-Reeve, I.ii. Car. Sp.105. U. 41 RIGIDUM rough 42 LATUM broad Wood (as of Born) G. C. pl. 57, f. 4, 5. · Indian Ocean.' 43 FLEXUOSUM flexuous 44 RUBIGINOSUM rusty Gmel. 3255, from List. 343, f. 18= no. 2. Europe. Gmel. 3256, from Gualt. 83, f. D. irrecognisable.—? C. edule, var. Mediterranean. . Uncertain Gmel. 3256, from Gualt. 83, f. H. irrecognisable. U. 45 ALBIDUM whitish 46 VIRESCENS greenish crable copy 47 LINEATUM streaked Modiola Gm. 3256, from Gualt. 84, f. A. (=M. marmorata, Forbes). Exe- Britain, &c. Cardium Gm. 3246, from Kämmer. Rudol. 210, pl. 12, f. 4. B.=no. 22. W. Indies? Wood (as of Ch.) G. C. pl. 57, f. 6. Gulf of Bengal. Lin. Syst. - Ch. vi. 167, f. 159, 60, 61. - Wood, G. C. pl. 57, f. 7, 8.-Lam. Philippines. 48 ROSEUM rose 49 HEMICARDIUM triangular - 2 36 CARDIUM. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. 50 UNEDO Cardium Lin. Syst.-Wood, G. C. pl. 58, f. 1, strawberry 2.-Lam.-Han. R. S. 141.-Reeve, I. ii. Car. f. 13. Ceylon, &c. 51 FRAGUM Lin. Syst.- Wood, G. C. pl. 58, f. 3. white straw- -Lam.-Han. R. S. 142.-Reeve, berry I. ii. Car. f. 23. Philippines, China. 52 RETUSUM Wood (not Lin.) G. C. pl. 58, f. 4, 5. Diana-heart =no. 31. 53 CARDISSA Lin. Sys. — Wood, G. C. pl. 59, f. 1, f spiny-keeled 2.-Lam.-Reeve, I. ii. Car. f. 15, d. e. China. 54 HUMANUM Wood (from C. humanum, &c. of Ch.) smooth-keeled G. C. pl. 59, f. 2, 3, 4.-Han. R. S. 143.-C. Junonie, Lam.-C. car- dissa, var. Reeve, I. ii. Car. f. 15, a. Persian Gulf. - MACTRA. 1 SPENGLERI Spengler's - - 2 PLICATARIA plaited Mactra Lin. Sys.—Ch. vi. 199, 200, 1.-Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 96.-Lam.- Sow. G.–Reeve, C. S. pl. 42, f. 1. -Han. R. S. 29. Cape of Good Hope. Lin. Sys.-Ch. vi. f. 202, 3, 4.—Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 98.—Lam.- . Han. R. S. 30.-Reeve, I. Mac. f. 26. Sumatra. Lutraria Ch. vi. f. 231.—Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 122.-? L. plicatella, Lam. Nicobar. - - 3 PAPYRACEA paper 4 VITREA brittle 5 STRIATULA striated Ch. xi. f. 1959, 1960.-Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 122.-L. v. Han. R. S. 28. Ceylon. Mactra Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 205, 206.-Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 99.-M. stria- tella, Lam. - Han. R. S. 29.- Reeve, I. Mac. f. 12.-M. albina, Desh. E. M. India. Ch. vi. f. 207.—Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 211.- Han. R. S. 33. Chinese Seas. 6 CYGNEA swan MACTRA. 37 names. - - - 1 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Genus. Authority Synonyms-Locality. 7 MACULATA Mactra Ch. vi. f. 208, 9.-Spen. Sk. Nat. v. spotted pt. 2, p. 110.-Lam.-Han. R. S. 56.-Reeve, I. Mac. f. 56. — M. setosa, Quoy. Ast. Zool. iii. 519, pl. 83, f. 3, 4. Philippines. 8 TURGIDA Gm. 3260.--Lam.-Han. R. S. 30.- inflated After M. tumida, Ch. vi. f. 210, 1, 2.-Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 108. p W. Indies. 9 VIOLACEA Ch. vi. f. 213, 4.-Spen. Sk. Nat. v. violet pt. 2, p. 101.-Lam.-Han. R. S. 30.-Reeve, I. Mac. f. 57. Malacca. 10 CUNEATA Ch. vi. f. 215.-M. purpurea, Spen. wedge-shaped Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 111. Nicobar Isles. 11 ROTUNDATA Wood (as of Gm.)–? M. corallina, roundish Lin. U. 12 GLABRATA Gm. (as of Lin.) 3258.–Dil. 136. - smooth M. polita, Ch. vi. f. 216, 7.-M. Australis, Krauss (as of Làm.) Sudaf. 1. "Tranquebar;' Cape G. Hope. 13 NITIDA Speng. in Schröt. Ein. iii. 88, pl. 8, f. pellucid 2.-Han. R. S. 30.-M. straminea, Lam. Senegal. 14 CORALLINA Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 218,9 nitida white-banded teste Mörch. Senegal. 15 LACTEA Ch. vi. f. 220.-M. corallina, Lin. milky probably.—Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 105.-? M. inflata, Phil. Sic. Algiers. 16 STRIATA Mesodesma Ch. vi. f. 222.- Crassatella s. Lam.- striated Erycina s. Sow. G.-M. s. Han. R. S. 38.-Reeve, I. Mes. f. 10. Australia. 17 RADIATA Cardium Don. pl. 161 = 0. Groenlandicum. rayed Greenland. 18 STULTORUM Mactra Lin. partly.--Don. pl. 106. Brit. simpleton Mol. i. 362, pl. 22, f. 4, 6; pl. 26, f. 2.--Tellina radiata, Pen.-Trigo- nella r. Da Cos.-M. cinerea, Mont. Britain sup. 35. . 38 MACTRA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 19 GRANDIS Mactra Gm. 3259, from Maxima, &c. of Ch. large vi. f. 228.-? Lam.-M. radiata, simpleton's Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 107. Nicobar Isles. - 20 ACHATINA Ch. xi. f. 1957, 8.-Reeve, I. Mac. f. variegated 51.-? M. maculosa, Lam. Philippines. 21 SOLIDA Lin. Sys.-Ch. vi. 230, f. 229.-Speng. strong -Don. pl. 61, f. 1, 3, 4, 5.—Lam. -Br. Mol. i. 351, pl. 22, f. 1, 5.- Trigonella zonaria and gallina, Da Cos.-M. truncata, Mont.—Turt. Britain, &c. 22 SOLIDISSIMA Ch. x. f. 1656.-Gould. Mas.-Han. thick R. S. 28.-M, gigantea, Lam. U. States, N. A. 23 SUBTRUNCATA Da Cos. 198.-Mont. 93; Sup. 37, abrupt pl. 27, f. 1.-Br. Mol. i. 358, pl. 21, f. 8; pl. 22, f. 2.- M. stultorum, Pen.-M. lactea, Poli, Sic. pl. 18, f. 13, 14.-M. triangula, Philip. Sic. i. 11.-M. crassateila, Lam.- Del. R. C. pl. 3, f. 6. Britain, &c. 24 AUSTRALIS Mesodesma Dil. 141.—Mya A. Gm. 3321, from southern Mya Nova Zelandiæ, of Ch. vi. f. 19, 20.-- Mes Chemnitzii, Desh. E. M. Vers.—Quoy, Ast. Z. iii. 504, pl. 82, f. 9, 10, 11.—Mes. Nove Zel. Reeve, I. Mes. f. 21. New Zealand. 25 LISTERI Lutraria Gm. 3261.-M. piperata, Gm. 3261. Lister's - Mya Hispanica, Ch. vi. f. 21.- Trigonella plana, Da Cos.-M. com- pressa, Pult. and Mon.—Tellina pl. Don. pl. 64, f. 1.-L. c. and pip. Lam. - Listera c. Turt. D. B. pl. 5, f. 1, 2.—Lut. Lis. Macg.–Lavigno calcinella, Récluz. Scrobicularia pip. Br. Mol. 326, pl. 15, f. 5. Britain, &c. 26 TENUIS Syndosmya Mont. 572, pl. 17, f. 7.- Amphidesma thin t. Lam.-Deles. R. C. pl. 4, f. 6.- S. t. Récluz. Rev. Z. 1843.-Br. Mol. i. 323, pl. 17, f. 11. Britain, &c. - - MACTRA. 39 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 27 BOYSII Syndosmya Mont. T. B. 98, pl. 3, f. 7.- After M. Boys' alba, Wood, Tr. L. vi.- Amphidesma B. Lam.-Turt. D. B. 53, pl. 5, f. 4, 5.-A. album, Flem.-S. a. Ré- cluz.-Br. Mol. i. 316, pl. 17, f. 12, 13, 14. Britain, &c. 28 TRIANGULARIS Astarte Mont. 99, pl. 3, f. 5.-Goodallia t. triangular Turt. D. B. 77, pl. 6, f. 14.—Mac- trina t. Brown.-A. t. Br. Mol. i. 467, pl. 30, f. 4, 5. Britain, &c. - 29 MINUTISSIMA minute 30 GLAUCA red-rayed - 31 PELLUCIDA. transparent Mont. Sup. 37.-Goodallia m. Turt. D. B. 77, pl. 6, f. 15.—Mactrina t. Brown=28 var. Britain, &c. Mactra Gm. 3260.-Speng. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, pl. 3.-Don. pl. 125.-After M. helvacea, Ch. vi. 234, f. 232, 233.-- Lam.-Phil.-Br. Mol. i. 366, pl. 23, f. 2.-M. Neapolitana, Poli, Sic. i. pl. 18, f. 1, 2, 3. Britain ; Mediterranean. Ch. vi. f. 234.-Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 123.-Reeve, I. Mac. f. 118. . Manilla. Ch. vi. f. 235.-Turt. D. B. pl. 4, f. 10.-M. dealbata, T. L. pl. i, f. 10. - M. Braziliana, Lam. Brazil. Lutraria Ch. vi. f. 236.-Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 118.-Reeve, I. Mac. f. 115. -L. r. Lam.-Han. R. S. 26. Spain, &c. Ch. xi. f. 1955, 6.-Dil.-L. E. Han. R. S. 26. Red Sea ; Ceylon. 32 FRAGILIS brittle 33 RUGOSA rugged 34 ÆGYPTIACA Egyptian 35 COMPLANATA flat Gm. 3261, from M. planata, Ch. vi. 238, 9.-M. p. Spen. Sk. Nat. v. pt. 2, p. 127.-Lutraria c. Lam.- Han. R. S. 28.-L. p. Gray, Mag. N. 1837. Indian Ocean. 36 LUTRARIA large Lin. Sys.--Ch. vi.-Don. pl. 58.-L. elliptica, Lam. Chenu. Desh. Alg.--Br. Mol. i. 370, pl. 12.-- Reeve, C. I. Lut. f.3.-L. vulgaris, Flem. Britain, &c. 40 MACTRA. Wood's Linnean names. 37 HIANS gaping - Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Lutraria Pult. 32.-Don. pl. 140.-- After Mya oblonga, Ch. vi.-L. solenoides, Lam. -Chenu.- L. o. Turt. D. B. 64, pl. 5, f. 6.-Br. Mol. i. 375, pl. 13, f. 1. -Reeve, C. I. Lut. f. 7.-L. h. Flem.-Lutricola S. Bl. Britain, &c. DONAX-WEDGE. Donax 1 SCORTUM beaked Lin. Sys.—Ch. vi. f. 242 to 7.—Lam. -Sow. G.-Han. R. S. 79.-Reeve, I. Don, f. 1. Malabar, - - 2 PUBESCENS spiny 3 RUGOSA wrinkled Lin. Sys.—Ch. vi. f. 248.- Lam.-D. scortum, young. Han. R. S. and Reeve. Malabar. Lin. Sys. (not M. U.)-Ch. vi. f. 250. -Lam. partly.--Han. R. S. 82 ; Ipsa Lin. 59. W. Indies? Ch. vi. f. 251, 2.-Reeve, C. I. Don. f. 5.-D. ringens, Lam.--Capsa r. Han. R. S. 86. Cape G. Hope. - 4 SERRA crenated - 5 TRUNCULUS yellow 6 COMPLANATA single-rayed Lin. Sys. partly.-Don. pl. 29, f. 1.- Mont.---Turt.- Mawe.-Crouch.-- Cuneus vittatus, Da Cos.-D. anati- nus, Lam.-Brit. Mol. 332, pl. 21, f. 4, 5, 6.-D. ruber, Turt. D. B. pl. 10, f. 14. Britain, &c. Mont. 106, pl. 5, f. 4.-Turt. D. B. 125, pl, 7, f. 13,4.-Lam. (ed. Desh. vi.)- After Tellina polita, Poli, Sic. pl. 21, f. 14, 15.-Psammobia p. Costa.—Capsa c. Sow. Gen. and Reeve, C. S. pl. 61, f. 2.-D. p. Br. . Mol. i. 336, pl. 31, f. 7.-Reeve, I. Don, f. 42. Britain, &c. Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 255.—Dil. 151 ? = no. 5. Mediterranean. 7 STRIATA striated 8 DENTICULATA Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Han. R. S. 82.- Reeve, I. Don. f. 48.-D. punctata, Ch. vi. 262, f. 256.-D. crenulata, Don. pl. 24. toothed W. Indies. ZV77TR.1. PO 26+ 0 0 12 6 2 147 18 17 c 19 20 24 at 27 23 + 22 31 a + 26 m 2.5 ut 27 72 28 27 et 32 39 DON.X 7+ 211 50 7 at /20 14 at 15 at 13 n 21 22 INIL OF DONAX. 41 Wood's Linnean names. 9 PLEBEIA horn- coloured Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Mesodesma Pult. Dor.- Mont. 107, pl. 5, f. 2.- After Mactra cornea, Poli, Sic. pl. 19, f. 8 to 11.- Amphidesma Dona. cilla, Lam.--Erycina p. Sow. Gen. Mes. D. Desh.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 45, f. 5.-- Donacilla Lamarckii, Phil. Sic. i. Mediterranean. - 10 CASTANEA chestnut Ervilia Mont. 573.-- Capsa c. Turt. D. B. 128, pl. 10, f. 13.-Mesodesma c. Brit. Mar. C.-E. c. Récluz. Britain. 11 SPINOSA Donax Gm. 3265, from D. spinosa, rarissima decussated of Ch. vi. f. 258.-- Han. R. S. 84. Ceylon. 12 INCARNATA Ch. vi. f. 259.- Han. R. S. 85.- flesh-coloured Reeve, I. Don. f. 53. Tranquebar. 13 CUNEATA Lin. probably.- Ch. vi. 260.–Lam. compressed Han. R. S. 79. -- Reeve, I. Don. f. 15. Ceylon. 14 LAVIGATA Wood (? Ch.) Ind. T.-D. deltoides, smooth Lam.- Reeve, I. Don. f. 4. Brisbane, Australia. 15 SCRIPTA Cytherea Lin. Sys.—Ch. vi. f. 261.—Lam.-- lettered Meroe s. Sow. Th. ii. 610, pl. 126, f. 3 to 8. Indian Seas. 16 FABA Donax Ch. vi. f. 266.–Dil. 155.--Han. R. - bean-shaped S. 80. Malabar. 17 RADIATA Spen. in Schröt. Ein. iii. 104, pl. 8, f. two-rayed 3.-Gm. 3266.–Dil. 155. Tranquebar. 18 MURICATA Cardium ? Lin. Sys. and M. U. Undefined. prickly Indian Ocean. 19 STRAMINEA Donax Gmel. 3266, from Schröt. Ein. iii. 105, straw-coloured pl. 8, f. 4.-Han. R. S. 85. U. 20 CANDIDA Cytherea ? Speng. in Schröt. Ein. iii. pl. 8, f. 5. white -Gm. 3266.—Dil. 156. Tranquebar. 21 IRUS Venerupis Lin. Sys. Ch. vi. f. 268, 9, 70.—Poli, foliated Sic. pl. 10, f. 1, 2, 3; pl. 19, f. 25, 26.-Tellina Cornubiensis, Pen. - Venerupis I. Lam.-Br. Mol. i. 156, pl. 7, f, 1, 2, 3.-Sow. Th. ii. 763, G 42 VENUS Wood's Linnean names. Lamarchian Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. pl. 164, f. 1.- Petricola I. Turt. D. B. 89, pl. 37, f. 9.–Pullastra I. Brown. Britain ; Mediterranean. ; VENUS. 1 DIONE Cytherea Lin. Sys.-C. D. Lam.-Sow. Th. ii. prickly-mouthed pl. 132, f. 110. Venezuela. 2 PAPHIA Venus Lin. Sys.-Ch. vi. 267, f. 274, 5, 6.- wrinkled Desh. in Lam. Anim. vi. 371.- Han. R. S. 112.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 68, f. 1.- V. vetula, Da Cos. W. Indies. 3 FASCIATA thick-ribbed Don, pl. 170.-Turt. D. B. 146, pl. 8, f. 9.-Desh. ed. Lam.-Br. Mol. i. 415, pl. 23, f. 3, and pl. 26, f. 7.— V. Paphia, Pult.–V. Brogniarti, Payr. 51, f. 23, 24, 25. Britain, &c. Cytherea? Lin. Mantissa. Undefined. U. 4 SUCCINCTA grooved 5 MARICA American Venus 6 CINGENDA girdled Lin. Sys.—Ch. vi. f. 282, 3, 4.-Sow. Th. ii. 719, pl. 157, f. 107, 8, 9. Philippines. Dil. 161.– After V. cancellata, Lin.- Gronov. Z. pl. 1, f. 8.—Lam.-Han. R. S. 112.-V. Dysera, Mont. - Reeve, C. S. pl. 68, f. 2.-V. elevata, Say, J. Philad. ii. 272. W. Indies. Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 291, 2.—Han. R. S. 113.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 157, f. 119. Australia. 7 DYSERA ribbed 8 TIARA turban 9 PLICATA plaited Dil. 162.-Han. R. S. 112.Sow. Th. ii. 723, pl. 158, f. 125 to 130.-7. foliacea, Phil. Philippines. Gm.-Dil. 162.--Sow. Th. ii. 725, pl. 160, f. 174.-7. dysera, Lin. is prior. -V. foliacea lamellosa, Ch. vi. f. 295. W. Africa. Artemis Gm. 3269, from Schr. Ein. iii. 167, pl. 8, f. 10.-? A. Gruneri, Reeve. China ? 10 EXCAVATA excavated VENUS. 43 Wood's Linnean names. 11 SPINIFERA spiny 12 VERRUCOSA warty - 13 RIGIDA rigid 14 CASINA broad-ribbed Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Lucina Ment. 577, pl. 17, f. 1. -Myrtea s. . Turt. D. B. 133.- L. Hiatelloides, Phil, Sic. i. 32.-L. s. Br. Mol. ii. 49, pl. 35, f. 1. Britain. Venus Lin. Sys.-Born. pl. 4, f. 7.–Ch. vi. f. 299, 300.—Poli, Sic. pl. 21, f. 18, 19.-Don. pl. 44.-Brit. Mol. i. 401, pl. 24, f. 3.-V. Erycina, Pen. V.cancellata, Mont.-7. Lemanii, Payr. Corse, 53, pl. 1, f. 29, 30, 31. Britain. Dil. 164.-7. rugosa, &c. Ch. vi. f. 303.–V. r. Sow. (not Lin.) Th. ii. 728, pl. 60, f. 186. W. Indies, Lin. Sys.—Ch. vi. 306, f. 301, 2.--- Mat. T. L. viii. 79, pl. 2, f. 1.- Turt. D. B. 141, pl. 9, f. 1.-Lam. - Br. Mol. i. 405, pl. 24, f. 1, 5, 6. - Pectunculus membranaceus, Da Cos.-7. lactea, Don.-V. Ruste- rucii, Payr. Corse. Britain, &c. Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 306.—V. La- . marckii, Gray. in Han. R. S. 113. --Sow. Th. ii. 707, pl. 153, f. 20, 21.–V. subrostrata, Reeve, C. S. pl. 68, f. 4. Singapore ; Red Sea. Mont. 121, pl. 3, f. 1.-Brit. Mol. i. 423. W. Indies. Cytherea Mont. 121, pl. 3, f. 3.-Cyprina m. Turt. D. B.- Cyt. apicalis, Phil. Sic. i. 40, pl. 4, f. 5.—Cyt. Cyrilli, Phil. Sic. ii. 32.— Cyt. m. and mi- nuta, Brown.- Circe m. Br. Mol. i. 446, pl. 26, f. 4, 5, 6, 8. Britain, &c. Astarte Mont. (not Da Cos.) 131.—Mat. Tr. Lin. viii. 81, pl. 2, f. 2.-- A. casta- nea, Say, Am. C. pl. 1.-Phil. N. C. ii. 57, Ast. pl. 1, f. 2.—Crassina c. Desh.-A, S. Brown. N. America. Dil. 167, for V. compressa, Mont. Sup. 43, pl. 26, f. 1.–Oyprina c. Turt. D. B. 137, pl. 11, f. 22, 23.—Cras- sina M, Gray.--A. striata, Brown, 15 CANCELLATA channelled 16 SUBCORDATA subcordate 17 MINIMA red-streaked 18 SULCATA furrowed - 19 MONTAGUI Montagu's - 44 VENUS. Wood's Linnean names. Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. -C.c. Brit. M. C.-A. multicostata, Macg.- A. c. Br. Mol. i. 464, pl. 30, f. 1, 2, 3. Scotland. 20 SCOTICA Scottish Astarte Mat. Tr. Lin. viii. 81, pl. 2, f. 3.- Lam.—Crassina s. Turt. D. B. 130, pl. 11, f. 3, 4. – A. S. Flem.-Phil. Ab. N. C. ii. Ast. pl. 1, f. 3. var. 21. Scotland. - 21 DANMONIA Devonshire - 22 REFLEXA reflected - Mont. T. B. Sup. 45, pl. 29, f. 4.— Crassina D. Lam. Crouch.-C. sulcata, D. B. 131, pl. 11, f. 1, 2.- A. Danmoniensis, Sow. G.–Reeve, C. S. pl. 66, f. 1, 2, 3.-A. sulcata, Br. Mol. 452, pl. 30, f. 6. Britain, Sc. Cytherea Wood (not Mont.)V. undulata, Gm. 3290, from Gualt. 75, f. 0. = C. Hebræa, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 134, f. 143. Philippines. Venus Mat. (as of Lin.) Turt. D. B. 149, pl. 9, f. 2.-Lam. partly. - V. casina, Pult. (not Lin.) —V. striatula, Don. pl. 68.—Br. Mol. i. 408, pl. 23, f. 4 ; 26, f. 9, 10, 11.-1. laminosa, Turt. D. B. pl. 10, f. 4.-V. rugosa, Pen.-V. Prideauxiana, Couch. V. Pennantii, Forbes.-V. costata and sulcata, Brown. Britain, &c. Cytherea Born, 61, pl. 4, f. 8.-Ch. vi. f. 311. -V. Guineensis, Gm.-C. G. Lam. S. Atlantic 23 GALLINA hen 24 CIRCINATA compass 25 CALISTE sordid white Venus Speng. in Schr. Ein. iii. 156, pl. 8, f. 8, 9. Distorted. Red Sea. Astarte Lin. Mantissa. Irrecognisable. U. 26 COMPRESSA compressed Venus 27 EXALBIDA whitish Ch.xi. f.1974.-Lam.-Han.R.S. 119. --Sow. Th. ii. 731, pl. 161, f. 193. Straits of Magellan. Lin. Sys. Undefined. S. Europe.? ? 28 PETULCA clouded VZV7 Pl.7 11 1.5 o 220 254 27 0 290 30+ 40+ 45/ w 14 at 20 e 24! 41 + 49% sout + از 52 a 37 0+ 590 + 6001 Mio M CHI VENUS. 45 Wood's Linnean names. 29 GRANULATA grained Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms— Locality. Genus. Venus Gm. 3277.-Don. B. S. pl. 83.-Dil. 171.-Lam.--Han. R. S. 141.-V. Marica, Born.-V. Marica-spuria, Ch. vi. f. 313. W. Indies. 30 OVATA oval 2 - 31 PAUPERCULA despised 32 FLEXUOSA flexuous 33 MACTROIDES Mactra - 34 TRIPLA triple 35 TRIANGULARIS triangular Pen.-Turt. D. B. pl. 9, f. 3.-Lam. -Br. Mol. i. 419, pl. 24; f. 2 and 2, f. 1.–V. pectinula, Lam.- Cytherea o. Flem.-V, radiata, Phil. Sic. i. 44. Britain, &c. Ch. xi. f. 1977.—? V. Kochii, Phil. Ab. N. C. • Coromandel.' Lin. Sys.-Ch. vi. f. 333, 4.-Han. R. s. 116; Ipsa Lin. pl. 4, f. 1.- , Cytherea f. Lam. Brazil? Cytherea Ch. (as of Born) vi. f. 326.-C. cor- bicula, Lam.—Han. R. S. 97. W. Indies. Lin. Mant.-Ch. vi. f. 330, 1.-C. t. Lam.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 128, f. 19. Senegal Mont. 577.—Cyprina t. Turt. D. B. 136, pl. 11, f. 19, 20.—Cyt. t. Macg. Ab. = no. 17. Venus Ch. vi. f. 324, 5.-V. gallus, Spen. in Schr. Ein. iii.- Tapes M. Sow. Th. ii. 682, pl. 145, f. 6, 7, 8. Moluccas. Gm. 3278, from Schr. Ein. iii. 200, pl. 8, f. 12.-? Tapes flammiculata, Sow. Th. ii. 148, f. 56. Red Sea. Cytherea Lin. Sys.—Ch. vi. f. 337.-C. E. Lam.--Sow. Th. ii. 623, pl. 130, f. 69. Philippines. Ch. xi. f. 1975.-C. c. Han. R. S. 106. -Sow. Th. ii. 623, pl. 130, f. 70, 71. Australia. Venus Lin. Sys. (not F. S.)-Ch. x. f. 1659, 60.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 162, f. 204, 5. N. America Cyprina Lin. Sys.-Ch. vi. f. 341, 2.-Don. pl. 77.-V. mercenaria, Pen. (not Lin.) -0. I. Lam.-Crouch, pl. 7, f. 2. . 36 MALABARICA Malabar 37 FLAMMEA brown-banded 38 ERYCINA polished 39 COSTATA ribbed 40 MERCENARIA mercenary 41 ISLANDICA Icelandic 46 VENUS. Wood's Linnean names. 42 COAXANS Ceylon 43 LUSORIA sportive 44 CHIONE smooth brown Lamarckian Genus. Authority - Synonyms- Locality. -Br. Mol. i. 441, pl. 29.-C. vul- garis, Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 65. Britain, &c. Cyrena Gmel. 3278.—After V. Ceylonica, Ch. vi. 280, f. 336.-C. Zeylanica, Lam. Ceylon Cytherea Ch. vi. 280, f. 340.-C. 1. Han. R. S. 96. Amboyna. Lin. Sys.—Don. pl. 114.–Peli, Sic. pl. 20, f. 1, 2.- Pectunculus glaber, Da Cos.-C. C. Lam.-Turt. D. B. 160, pl. 8, f. 11.-Br. Mol. i. 396, pl. 27.- C. itidula, Lam. Britain, &c. Lin. Sys.-Ch. vi f. 345.--C.m. Lam. -Sow. Th.ii. pl. 131, f. 97. S. America. 45 MACULATA spotted 1 46 CASTA chaste Ch. vi. f. 346.-C. c. Han. R. S. 97. E. Indies. 47 MERETRIX lipped 48 PARADOXA doubtful 49 LATA globose Ch. (as of Lin.) vi. f. 351.-C. casta- nea, Lam.-C. impudica, var. Sow. Th. ii. Ceylon. Galathea Born, pl. 4, f. 12, 13.—G. radiata, Lam.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 64.—Mega- desma r. Bowdich.—Potamophila r. Sow. G. Sierra Leone Cytherea Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 353.-1. 1. Lam. -Sow. Th. ii. 636, pl. 133, f. 123, 4. Philippines. Venus Gm.-Lam.—After V. pinguis, Ch. vi. f. 355.-Han. R. S. 123.-Tapes p. Sew. Th. ii. 683, pl. 146, f. 20, 1, 2, 3. Ceylon. Ch. vi. f. 358 = no 50. 50 OPIMA plump Ch. vi. f. 361 = no. 50. 51 TRIRADIATA three-rayed 52 NEBULOSA clouded 53 CONTEMTA shabby - Cytherea Gm.—After V. exilis, Ch. vi. f. 363. Malabar. Venus Ch. xi. f. 1979.-? Tapes r. Sow. Th. Coromandel. 54 RECENS fresh VENUS. 47 Wood's Linnean names. 55 JAPONICA Japan - Lamarchian Authority - Synonyms - Locality. Genus. Venus Wood (not Gm.) I. T. - Copied from E. M. pl. 267, f. 6.-7. flammiculata, Lam. Australia Ch. vi. f. 365.-Sow. Th. ii. 735, f. 210. Nicobar Isles. 56 STRIATA striated 57 CASTRENSIS Eastern 58 PECTUNCULUS painted 59 LORENZIANA Lorenzo 60 ORNATA adorned 61 PHRYNE Phryne 62 MEROE Meroe 63 CALLIPYGA Arabian Cytherea Lin. Sys. Ch. vi. f. 370.-C. c. Sow. Th. ii. 612, pl. 134, f. 151, 2, 3, 4. . Philippines. Gm.—After V. lentiginosa, Ch. xi. f. 1963, 4.-C. Arabica, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 135, f. 168. Red Sea. Ch. vi. f. 1961, 2.-teste Sow. = no. 57. Ceylon. Dil. 184-C. o. Sow. Th. ii. 642, pl. 134, f. 149. Philippines. Venus ? Wood (as of Lin.) Badly copied from Rumphius, pl 42, f. O, irrecognisable. S. Ocean.' Cytherea Lin. Sys.-Ch. vii. f. 450.- Donax M. Lam.- Meroe picta, Sow. Th. ii. 609, pl. 126, f. 1, 2. Philippines. Dil. in part.–V. Arabica, Ch. xi. f. 1968.-C. splendens, Sow. Th. ii. 646, pl. 135, f. 167. Red Sea. Sanguino- Lin. in part.-S. rugosa, Llam. in part, laria - Psammobia r. Desh. in part. E. Indies. Corbis Lin. M. U.-Ch. vii. f. 448.-C. f. Lam.—Sow. G.-Crouch, pl. 6, f. 2. Reeve, C. S. Indian Ocean. Venus Wood (not Lin.) I. T.-7. magnifica, Sow. Th. ii. 704, pl. 152, f. 5. Philippines. Wood (not Lin.) I. T.–V. Listeri, Sow. Th. ii. 705, pl. 152, f. 7. Australia. Ch. vi. f. 385.-Sow. Th. ii. 729, pl. 161, f. 190. W. Indies. Ch. vi. f. 386.-? V. crenifera, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 156, f. 74. Peru ? 64 DEFLORATA purple- streaked 65 FIMBRIATA fringed - 66 RETICULATA netted 67 PUERPERA spotted 68 CRENULATA crenulated 69 RADIATA rayed 48 VENUS. 8. Lam. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 70 CINCTA Venus Ch. vi. f. 387 = young no. 13, teste girdled Sow. W. Indies. 71 SQUAMOSA Lin. Sys.—Ch. vi. f. 335.--Sow. Th. scaly ii. 716, pl. 156, f. 83, 84.—Cytherea Bay of Manilla. 72 LAPICIDA Petricola Ch. x. f. 1664, 5.-P. costata, Gray, rock An. Ph.-Han. R. S. 53.-P. 1. Sow. Th. ii. 776, pl. 166, f. 26. W. Indies. 73 DIVERGENS Gm. After V. divaricata, Ch. x. f. zigzag 1666, 7.-P. lucinalis, Lam.-P. div. Sow. Th. ii. 776, pl. 166, f. 24, 25. - Red Sea.? 74 PLUMBEA Crassatella Ch. vii. pl. 69, f. A. to D.-C. tumida, leaden Lam. Fossil from Grignon. 75 TIGERINA Lucina Lin. Sys. in part.- Cytherea t. Lam. tiger no. 53, not var. 3.-L. t. Han. R. S. 78, not var.--Reeve, I. vi. Lu. f. 3. Honduras; W. Indies. 76 SINENSIS Artemis Gm.-Han. R. S. 166.-V. Chinensis, China Ch. x. f. 1663. – A. C. Sow. Th. ii. 661, pl. 141, f. 24.— Cyprina tenui- stria, Lam. China. 77 PROSTRATA Ch. (not Lin.) vi. f. 298. Coromandel. compressed 78 PENSYLVANICA Lucina Lin. Sys.—Born, 72, pl. 5, f. 8.-L. Pensylvania P. Lam.-- Reeve, I. vi. Lu. f. 29. W. Indies. 79 JAMAICENSIS Ch. vii. f. 408, 9.-L. J. Lam. - Jamaica Reeve, I. vi. Lu. f. 7. Jamaica. 80 SPURIA Lucina Dil. 194.—After V. borealis, Lin. Sys. spurious - Tellina radula, Mont. Britain, &c. 81 PUNCTATA Lin. Sys. Ch. vii. f. 397, 8.—Cytherea dotted p . p Sow. G. Indian 0. 82 SINUATA Artemis Gm.-V. excisd, Ch. vii. f. 400, 1.- sinuated Cytherea e. Han. R. S. 103.-A. e. Sow. Th. ii. 671, pl. 143, f. 69. Tranquebar. 83 EXOLETA Lin. Sys.- Born, pl. 5, f. 9.–Poli, antiquated Sic. pl. 21, f. 9, 10, 11.- Don. pl. - 2. Lam. L. 2. 2 + + را و راهی 666+ 70 7 72 a 76 + 7 2 7 / + / ر 7 29 + تریر + / او اد + مو در زم // 102 امروز ار 1090 + بود که از VITS و 1 و 2 ! مرا و 2.2 at ) 4 + ()3 + // ON VENUS. 49 - TVood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. 42, f. 1.- Pectunculus capillaceus, Da Cos.— Cytherea e. Lam.-Turt. D. B. 162, pl. 8, f. 7.-Phil.-A. e. Br. Mol. i. 428, pl. 23, f. 3, 4. Britain, &c. 84 CONCENTRICA Artemis Wood (not of authors) I. T.—? A. dis- concentric tans, Sow. Th. ii. W. Indies. 85 JUVENILIS Gm. from V. juvenis, Ch. vii. f. 405. young - Lam.—Han. R. S. 100.- A. j. Sow. Th. ii. pl. 144, f. 76. Bay of Manilla. 86 HISTRIO Gm. from V. exoleta variegata, Ch. vii. map f. 407.—Cytherea h. Han. R. S. 103. - A. variegata, Reeve, I. vi. Ar. f. 33. --Sow. Th. ii. 675, pl. 144, f. 83. Philippines ; Australia. 87 UNDATA Lucinopsis Pen. 95, f. 51.-Don. pl. 121.–V. waved sinuosa, Pen.- Lucina u. Turt. D. B. 115.-Lam.-Han. R. S. 76.–V. incompta, Phil. Sic. i. 44, pl. 4, f. 9. Cytherea u. Macg: - Artemis u. Alder.-Ls. u. Br. Mol. i. 435, pl. 28. f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. 88 TUMIDULA Lucina ? Lin. Mantissa. Undefined. U. gibbous 89 ACULEATA Cardita Gm. from Schr. Ein. iii. 200, pl. 8, f. acute-ribbed 13.-? C. sulcata, Lam. Mediterranean? 90 PECTINATA Cytherea Lin. in part.-Dil.-C. gibbia, Lam. pectinated -Circe g. Sow. Th. ii. 649, pl. 137, f. 4, 5, 6, 7. Red Sea; Philippines. 91 DISCORS Dil. 199.-V. pectinata, Lin. in part. toothed p Lam.-- Circe p. Sow. Th. ii. 649, pl. 137, f. 1, 2, 3. Red Sea. 92 DISPAR Ch. xi. f. 1981, 2.-C. muscaria, and unequal pulicaris, Lam.—Circe d. Sow. Th. ii. 650, pl. 137, f. 10, 11. South Seas.' 93 EQUIVOCA Wood (as of Ch.) I. T.-Copied from E. pl. 271, f. 3, quoted by Lam, for C. placunella. E. Indies.' 94 DIVARICATA Ch. vi. f. 316.-C. d. Lam.-Han. R. divaricated S. 108.-C. testudinalis, Lam.- Circe æquivoca, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 137, f. 15. Ceylon. . -C. p. 0 equivocal - H 50 VENUS. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 95 CONTRARIA Crassatella Gm. 3277, from V.divaricata Guinaica, contrary Ch. vi. f. 317, 8.—Dil. 200.-C. c. Lam.-C. divaricata, Reeve, I. i. Cr. f. 18. Guinea ; Canary Isles. 96 CORRUGATA Cytherea Ch. vii. f. 410, 1.-C. rugifera, Lam. corrugated - Circe r. Sow. Th. ii. 652, pl. 139, f. 44, 5. Red Sea. 97 SCRIPTA Lin. Sys.-C. s. Lam. Australia. written 98 EDENTULA Lucina Ch. (as of Lin.) vii. f. 427, 8, 9.-L. toothless e. Lam.-Reeve, I. vi. Lu. f. 9.- Loripes chrysostoma, Mörch. Jamaica. 99 GLOBOSA Wood (not Ch. nor Forsk.) I. T.- globose Copied from E. pl. 285, f.1, a. named L. heteroclita by Valenciennes U. 100 GIGANTEA Cytherea Ch. x. f. 1661.—0.g. Lam.-Sow. Th. gigantic ii. 628, pl. 131, f. 86. Gulf of Mexico. 101 LITERATA Venus Lin. Sys.—Ch. vii. f. 432, 3. --Lam.- lettered Pullastra 1. Sow. G.–Tapes 1. Sow. Th. ii. Amboyna, &c. 102 GEOGRAPHICA Ch. vii. f 440.-Lam.-Phil. Sic.- geographic Tapes g. Sow. Th. ii. 692, pl. 149, f. 87 to 91. Mediterranean. 103 ROTUNDATA Gm. (not Lin.)—V. ala-papilionis, Ch. rounded vii. f. 441.–V. papilionacea, Lam. -Pullastra p. Sow. G.–Tapes p. Sow. Th. ii. 679, pl. 145, f. 1, 2. Ceylon. 104 TEXTILE Gm. Tapes textile, Sow. Th. ii. 681, tissue pl. 146, f. 26.—After V. textrix, Ch. vii. 48, f. 442.-Lam. E. Indies. 105 OBSOLETA Ch. vii. f. 444.–Dil. 205.-V. corru- wrinkled gata, Gm.-Lam.— Tapes c. Sow. Th. ii. 691, pl. 150, f. 121, 2. Australia? 106 SENEGALENSIS Gm. from Le Luinot, Adans. 227, pl. Senegal 17, f. 11.-? = no. 108. Senegal. 107 DECUSSATA Lin. Sys. - Ch. vii. f. 455, 6.-Lam. intersected - Turt. D. B. 158, pl. 8, f. 10.-V. litterata, Pen.- Cuneus reticulatus, Da Cos.-V.florida, Poli.- Veneru- pis d. Flem.-Pullastra d. Brown. -Tapes d. Br. Mol. i. 379, pl. 25, f. 1. Britain, &c. - - | - VENUS. 51 maidenly - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 108 PERFORANS Venus Mont. 127, pl. 3, f. 6.—Venerupis p. boring Lam.--Turt. D. B. 29, pl. 2, f. 15 to 18.–Venerupis nucleus, Lam.- Pullastra p. Brown.= no. 109. Britain, &c. 109 PULLASTRA Wood.-Mont. 125.-Lam. (ed. Desh. Sandwich vi.)-V. Senegalensis, Diì. 206,- V. palustris, Mawe, pl. 10, f. 3.- Venerupis pul. Flem.-Venerupis vulgaris, Sow. C. Man.- Venus plagia, Jeffreys.—Tapes pul. Br. Mol. i. 382, pl. 25, f. 2, 3. Britain, &c. 110 VIRGINEA Lin. Sys. —Turt. D. B. 156, pl. 8, f. 8.-Lam.-Br. Mol. i. 388, pl. 25, f. 4, 6.-V, rhomboides, Pen.-V. Sarniensis, Turt. D. B. 153, pl. 10, f. 6.- Venerupis v. and S. Flem. - Pullastra v. Brown.–V. virago, Loven. Britain, &c. 111 AUREA Gm. 3288.- Mat. T. L. viii, pl. 2, f. 9. golden --Lam.–V. nebulosa, Pult. –V. ænea, Turt. D. B. 152, pl. 10, f. 7. -V. nitens, do. 157, pl. 10, f. 8.- V. sinuata, do. pl. 9, f. 7, 8.-- Tapes a. Br. Mol. i. 392, pl. 25, f. 5. Britain, &c. 112 MONSTROSA Venerupis Ch. vii. f. 445, 6.—Vener. m. Han. R. unequal-valved S. 55.-Sow. Th. ii. 768, pl. 164, f. 13. Philippines. 113 FLUMINALIS Cyrena Mül. (as Tellina f.) Ver.- V. f. Eu- ventricose phratis, Ch. vi. f. 320.—? C. cor. Lam. Euphrates. 114 FLUMINEA Ch. (as Tellina f. Müll.) vi. f. 322.- heart-shaped C. f. Lam. Ph. Ab. N. C. ii. 76. China. 115 FLUVIATILIS Ch. (as Tellina f. Müll.) vi. f. 321.- river C. fuscata, Lam. (not var.)—Han. R. S. 92. Canton. 116 HERMAPHRO- Galathea Dil. (as of Martini) 107.–V. reclusa, Ch. vi. f. 327, 8, 9.-G. radiata, triangular Lam. Sierra Leone. DITA 52 SPONDYLUS-HINGED OYSTER. Wood's Linnean names. Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. 1 GÆDAROPUS Spondylus Dil. (not Lam. Sow., &c.) in part. - red-thorny S. Dominicensis, Bolten-S. America- nus, Lam.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 116, f. 1.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 89, f. 64.- S. arachnoideus, Lam. St. Domingo. 2 REGIUS Lin. M. U.- Ch. vii. f. 471.-Lam.- royal Sow. Th. i. pl. 87, f. 30. Sooloo Isles. 3 PLICATUS Plicatula Ch. (not Lin.) vii. f. 479.-P. ramosa, spineless Lam.-Han. R. S.-Sow. Th. i. 435, pl. 90, f. 1, 2.-P. gibbosa, Sow. G. Red Sea. 4 CITREUS Spondylus ? Wood, I. T. from Arg. ed. 1, pl. 23, citron f. K, a rude lower valve of a Sp. or Chama.- Undefined. "W. Indies.' - CHAMA--CLA MP. 1 con heart - 2 GIGAS giant 3 HIPPOPUS spotted Isocardia Lin. Sys.—Ch. vii. f. 483.-Don. pl. 134.—Cardita c. Brug. E. M. 403. -I. c. Lam.—Turt. D. B. 193, pl. 14.--Sow. G.-Phil. Br. Mol. i. 473, pl. 34, f. 2.-I. Hibernica, Reeve, C. I. Britain, &c. Tridacna Lin. M. U.-T. squamosa, Lam. Indian Ocean. Hippopus Lin. Sys.- Ch. vii. f. 498, 9.-H. ma- culatus, Lam.—Sow, G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 98, f. 1. E. Indies. Cardita Ch. (not Lin.) vii. 108, f. 488, 9.- Card. a. Reeve, I. i. Car. f. 29.- Car. bicolor, Lam. Ceylon. Isocardia Ch. vii. f. 484 to 7.-1. M. Reeve, I. ii. Is. f. 1.-not Cardita M. Brug. Philippines. Unio. Ch. xi. f. 1991,2.-Dil. 215. South Sea, - 4 ANTIQUATA antiquated 5 MOLTKIANA Moltkian 6 PLUMBEA leaden Cardita 7 AJAR Ajar 8 TRAPEZIA trapeziform Brug. E. M. in part, not Lam. nor Han. nor Reeve.=no. 4, var. Lin. Sys.—Ch. xi. f. 2005, 6.— Car. t. Brug.-Lam. ---Reeve, I. i. Car. f. 15. Mediterranean. SPONDIZI P. C'H 1174 74 + 200 210 22 17 ut ARCA Verte + 24 25 7 12 13! 20 17 19!! 12 ou + 25 a 22 o 23 + 26 2701 27 + 24+ 22 Et 22 UNIL sic CHAMA. 53 names. LATA pectuncle Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Genus. 9 SEMIORBICU- Cardita Lin. M. U.-C. phrenetica, Ch. vii. f. 502, 3.-Card. p. Lam.-Card. s. brown Reeve, I. iv. Car. f. 10. Red Sea. 10 CALYCULATA Ch. (not Lin.) vii. f. 500, 1.- Car. c. variegated Lam.--- Card. variegata, Brug. E. M. -Reeve, I. i. Car. f. 3. Indian O. 11 CORDATA Crussatella? Lin. Sys. Undefined. U. heart-shaped 12 SATIATA Chama Lin. Sys=arcinella. obsolete 13 RUGOSA Venericar- Lin. Mant. Undefined. U. rugged dia ? 14 OBLONGA Cypricardia Lin. M. U.-C. Guinaica, Ch. vii. f. oblong 504, 5.-Cyp. G. Lam.-Reeve, I. i. Cy. f. 13. Guinea,'' Pacific.' 15 CONCAMERATA Cardita Ch. vii. f. 506.- Car.c. Lam.--Reeve, chambered I. i. Car. f. 49. Cape of Good Hope. 16 PECTUNCULUS Dil. (for Card. p. Brug. E. M.)- Card. p. Reeve, I. i. Car. f. 4.--Han. R. S. 149. Madagascar. 17 CORALLIO- Cypricardia Ch. x. f. 1673, 4.—Cyp. c. Lam.—Han. R. S. 150. St. Domingo. coral-rock 18 LAZARUS Chama Lin. Sys.—Born, Tes. pl.5, f. 12.-Ch, Lazarus vii. f. 507, 8, 9.—Reeve, I. iv. Ch. f. 4.–0. Damæcornis, Lam. Mauritius. 19 GRYPHOIDES Lin. Sys. in part only.-C. macero- gryphus phylla, Ch. vii. f. 514, 5.-C. La- zarus, Lam.-Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 96, f. 3.-0. macrophylla, Reeve, I. iv. Ch. f. 6. W. Indies. 20 CORNUTA Ch. vii. f. 516 to 20. W. Indies. horned 21 SESSILIS Wood. (not. Brug. I.T.—Copied from scaly Enc. Méth. pl. 196, f. 2=? C. sinuosa, Reeve, I. Brasil ? 22 FOLIACEA Gm.-C. lamellosa, Ch. vii. f. 521.- leafy Lam.-C. rugosa, Brug. E. pl. 197, f. 2. Fossil from Grignon. 23 PUNCTATA Brug. E. M. 392, pl. 197, f. 3.–Dil. dotted 223.-C. calcarata, Lam. Fossil from Grignon. 24 SINISTRORSA Dil. (as of Brug.) 224.-C. gryphoides, reversed var. Ch. ix. f. 992, 3.-C. radians, Reeve, I. iv. Ch.f. 19. W. Indies.' PHAGA - 54 ARCA. Wood's Linnean names. 25 ARCINELLA hedgehog Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Genus. Chama Lin. Sys.—Ch. vii. f. 522,3.-Lam.- Sow. G. f. 3.- Reeve, I. iv. Ch. f. 26. W. Indies. ARCA-ARK. Arca 1 TORTUOSA twisted - 2 NO Noah's Il 3 BARBATA bearded - 4 IMBRICATA imbricated 5 NAVICULARIS boat 6 PLICATA plaited 7 CANDIDA white 8 COMPLANATA compressed 9 MAGELLANICA Magellanic 1 1 1 1 Lin. Sys.—Ch. vii. f. 524,5.—Lam.- Han. R. S. 152.-Reeve, I. Ar. f. 86. Singapore. Lin. Sys.—Lam.-E. M. pl. 305. f. 2. -Reeve, I. ii. Ar. f. 72. Mediterranean. Lin. Sys.-Ch. vii. 187, f. 535.- Poli, Sic. pl. 25, f. 6, 7.-Lam.—Reeve, I. Arc. f. 83.- A. reticulata, Turt. D. B. 168, 259. Mediterranean. Wood (as of Brug.) I. T.-A. Noe, var. Ch. vii. 183, f. 532.=A. retusa, Lam. teste Philippi. Suez. Brug. E. M.-Phil. Ab. N. C. ii. 210, Ar. pl. 3, f. 2.-A. Noe, var. Ch. vii. 184, f. 533. Amboyna. Ch. xi. f. 2008.Dil. R. S. 227. Red Sea. Ch. (as of Helbling) vi. f. 542. W. Indies. Ch. vii. f. 544, 5.—Dil. R. S. 228. Guinea. Ch. vii. f. 539.-Dil. R. S. 229 3, teste Phil. Straits of Magellan ;' Mediterranean ? Lin. Mus. Tes.- Ch. vii. f. 539.- Desh. ed. Lam.-Han. R. S. 155.- Reeve, I. ii. Ar. f. 93. Philippines. Ch. xi. f. 2007.-A. fusca, Brug.- Han. R. S. 154.-Reeve, I. ii. Arc. f. 82. Red Sea ; Philippines. Gm. from A. nivea, &c. of Ch. vii. 191,f. 538 as A. foliata, Forsk.-Lam.- Han. R. S. 153. Red Sea. Gm. from Schröt. Ein. iii. pl. 9, f. 2. - Dil. 230. = no. 10 LACERATA hairy 11 BICOLORATA 2-coloured 12 0VATA oval Curacoa. 13 CANCELLATA channelled ARCA. 55 Wood's Linnean names. 14 FUSCA brown 15 MODIOLUS mussel - 16 CUCULLUS chambered 17 ANTIQUATA antiquated 18 GRANOSA grained - 19 RHOMBOIDEA rhomboid - 20 SENILIS rugose Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. Arca Don. (not Brug.) B. S. pl. 158.-A. tetragona, Poli. Phil. Sic. - Br. Mol. - A. cardissa, Lam. Britain, &c. Modiola Lin. Sys.--Dil. 231.—Mytilus citri- nus, &c.—Ch.viii. f. 754. -- Mod. sul- cata, Lam.-Han. R. S. 240. W. Indies. Cucullaa Gm.— After A. cucullata, Ch. vii. f. 526, 7, and A. concamerata, Martini. -C. auriculifera, Lam.-- Han. R. S. 151. China. Arca Dil. (as of Lin.) 232.—Han. R. S. 157.- A. scapha, Gron. Zoop.-Ch. vii. f. 548. Red Sea. Lin. Sys. - Ch. vii. f.557--Lam. (not var. a.)-Reeve, I. ii. Arc. f. 13. Philippines, &c. Gm.—After A. rhombea, Ch. (as of Born) vii. f. 553.–Dil. 233.—Lam. -Han. R. S. Indian Ocean. Lin. Sys.-Ch. vii. f. 554, 5, 6.-Dil. 234.-Lam.-Reeve, I. ii. Arc. f. 45. Senegal. Gm. from A. Indiæ orientalis, Ch. vii. f. 543.–Dil. 234 (not var.) Hindostan. Gm. 3310, not var.—Subsequent to A. corbula, Ch. vii. f. 558.–Dil. 235, Nicobar Isles. Gm. 3312, from le Robet, Adans. Seneg. 248, pl. 18, f. 6. Senegal. Lin. Sys.-Reeve, I. Arca, f. 116.— Br. Mol. ii. 238, pl. 46, f. 1, 2, 3.- -- A. barbata, Pen. (not Lin.)-A. modiolus, Poli, Sic. pl. 25, f. 20, 1. . - A. crinita, Pult.--- A. perforans, Turt. D. B. 169, pl. 13, f. 2, 3.-A. Gaimardi and Quoyi, Payr. Britain, &c. Ch. vii. f. 540.–Dil. 237.-Desh. Lam, vị. 475. W. Indies. Nucula Gm.-A. lævigata, fc. Ch. vii. f. 548. - A. 1. Dil. 237.- N. Nicobarica, var. Lam. Nicobar Isles. 21 INDICA Indian 22 CORBICULA basket var. a. 2 23 SENEGALENSIS Senegal 24 LACTEA milky - - 25 RETICULATA reticulated 26 PELLUCIDA transparent - 56 ARCA. - naceus, Lam. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 27 PELLA Nucula Dil. (as of Lin.) 237.-A. fragilis, Ch. brittle vii. f. 546. Mediterranean. 28 CAMPECHENSIS Pectun- Wood (not Gm.) I. T.—Copied from Campeachy culus Enc. Méth. pl. 310, f. 1. = ? P. radians, Lam. Australia ? 29 PECTUNCULUS Lin. Sys.-Ch. vii. f. 568, 9.-P. Pectuncle Pectiniformis, Lam.—Crouch, pl. 8, f. 12.-Reeve, I. i. Pec. f. 11. Philippines. 30 PECTINATA Gm. (in part) from A. pectunculus comb-like minor, Ch. vii. f. 571.-P.p. Lam. -Reeve, I. i. Pec. f. 28. Island of La Plata. 31 DECUSSATA Ch. (as of Lin.) vii. f. 561.-? P. pen- decussated W. Indies. 32 ÆQUILATERA Gm. from A. variegata æquilatera, Ch. equilateral vii. f. 562.-P. castaneus, Lam.- Han. R. S. 164. W. Indies. 33 PALLENS Schröt. (not Lin.) Ein. iii. 271, pl. 9, pale f. 1. U. 34 ANGULOSA Gm. from A. sinuata seu subangulata, angular Ch. vii. f. 567.-P. angulatus, Lam. -Reeve, I. i. Pec. f. 30. Philippines. 35 UNDATA Ch. (not Lin.) vii. f. 560. W. Indies.' waved 36 GLYCIMERIS Lin. Sys.—Don. pl. 37, f. 2.-P.g. orbicular Turt. D. B. 171, pl. 12, f. 1.- Reeve, I. Pec. f. 12.-Br. Mol. ii. 245, pl. 46, f. 4 to 7.-P. undatus, decussatus, nummarius and A. mini- Britain, Sc. 37 PILOSA Lin. Sys.-Mont.-P.p. Lam.—Turt. downy D. B. 172, pl. 12, f. 2. Britain, &c. 38 STELLATA Wood (as of Brug.) I. T.—Copied starred from le Vovan of Adans. Sen. pl. 18, f. 10. Senegal. 39 SCRIPTA Born, pl. 6, f. 1 (copied E. M. pl. 311, lettered f. 8.)-Dil. 243. · St. Domingo 40 NUMMARIA Lin. Sys.Ch. vii. f. 572 coin pallens, Lin.-(P. violascens, Lam.) Mediterranean. . ma, Turt. - no. 36. young A. ARCA 57 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority--Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 41 STRIATA Pectun- Gm.--After A. multistriata, Ch. (as of thickly- culus Forsk.) vii. f. 573. - P. m. Reeve, striated C. I. i. Pec. f. 42.-Han. R. S. 164. Red Sea. 42 NUCLEUS Nucula Lin. Sys. in part.-Don. pl. 63, side silvery fig.- N. margaritacea, Lam. chiefly. Phil. Sic.- N. n. Br. Mol. ii. 215, pl. 47, f. 7, 8. Britain, &c. 43 ROSTRATA Dil. (as of Mart.) 245.-Not of Mont. beaked -N. fluviatilis, Sow. G.-Han. R. S. 168. North Seas. 44 MINUTA Fab. F. G.?- Mont.- A. caudata, minute Don. 78.-N. m. Turt. D. B. 178. - N. rostrata, Macg. (not Mont.) - Leda m. and complanata, Möller. - L. caudota, Br. Mol. ii. 226, pl. 47, f. 11, 12, 13. Britain, &c. 45 TENUIS Mont. Sup. 56, pl. 29, f. 1.-N. t. thin Turt. D. B. 177.-Br. Mol. ii. 223, pl. 47, f. 6. Britain, &c. OSTREA-OYSTER. 1 MAXIMA greatest 2 JACOBÆA lesser Pecten Lin. Sys.-P. m. Ch. vii. f. 585.- Lam.- Crouch, pl. 12, f. 3.–Sow. Th. i. 45, pl. 15, f. 98, 9, 100.-Br. Mol. ii. 296, pl. 49.-P. vulgaris, Da Cos. Britain, &c. Lin. Sys.-P. J. Sow. Th. i. pl. 15, f. 108.-Han. R. S. Mediterranean. Lin. Sys.-P. 2. Ch. vii. f. 590, 1, 2. -Sow. Th. i. pl. 16, f. 132, 3.- Han. R. S. 270:-Reeve, I. Pec. f. 29. Red Sea ; Philippines. Lin. Sys. Undefined. "Indian Ocean.' 3 ZICZAC zigzag 4 STRIATULA 16-rayed 5 MINUTA minute 6 PLEURONECTES sole Lin. Sys. Undefined. 'Indian Ocean.' 7 JAPONICA Japan Lin. Sys.-- Amusium Rumphii, Ch. vii. f. 595.-P. p. Sow. Th. i.55, pl. 16, f. 135,6.-Reeve, I. Pec.f.48. China, Gm.- Amusium J. Ch. vii. f. 596.- P. J. Sow. Th. i. 55, pl. 15, f. 109, 110. Japan. I 58 OSTREA. - Norway. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority- Synonyms- Locality. names. Genus. 8 LAURENTII Pecten Gm.-Pallium Lorenziana, Ch. vii. f. Lorenzo's 593, 4.- Pe. L. Sow. Th. i. Pec. f. 137, 8.-Reeve, I. Pec. f. 58. China. 9 MAGELLANICA Gm.- Amusium magnum Magellani- Magellanic cum, Ch. vii, f. 597.-P. M. Sow. Th. i. pl. 16, f. 122.-Reeve, I. Pec. f. 51. Newfoundland. 10 HYBRIDA Gm. 3318.- Pseud- Amusium, Ch. vii. hybrid f. 601, 2. 11 RADULA Lin.-- Pera venatoria, Ch. vii. f. 599, rasp 600.-P. r. Sow. Th.i. pl. 17, f. 154. --Reeve, I. Pec. f. 83. Philippines. 12 IMBRICATA Gm. - Pera venatoria i. Ch. vii. pl. imbricated 69, f. G.-P.i. Sow. Th. i. pl. 13. f. 32.-Reeve, I. Pec. f. 79. Red Sea. 13 PLICA Dil. (as of Lin) 252.- Pecten plicatus, folded Ch. vii. f. 598.-P. plica, Reeve, I. Pec. f. 16. Ceylon 14 PES-LUTRA Gm. (as of Lin. Mant.) in part.- otter's-foot Copied from List. pl. 171, f. 8. U. 15 PALLIUM Lin. Sys.—Pallium Ducale, Ch. vii. f. ducal-mantle 607.-Pec. p. Sow. Th. pl. 17. f. 148, 9, 50.-Reeve, I. Pec. f. 63. Mauritius, fc. 16 SANGUINOLENTA Gm. from Pallium variegatum, &c. Ch. red-spotted vii, f. 608.-P. s. Reeve, I. Pec. f, 98. Red Sea. 17 PALLIATA Gm. 3331, from Knorr, i. pl. 19. f. 2. variegated Mediterranean.' 1S NODOSA Lin. Sys.-P. corallinus, Ch. vii. f. knobbed 609, 10.---P. n. Sow. Th. i. pl. 15, f. 115.-Reeve, I. Pec. f. 15. Gulf of Mexico. 19 PES-FELIS Lin. Sys.-P. p. Ch. vii. f. 612, 3. cats-foot Barbary. 20 HISTRIONICA Gm, -- Pallium sannionis, Ch. vii. 313, harlequin f. 614—Pec. h. Sow. Th. i. pl. 20, f. 240.-Reeve, I. Pec. f. 130. Moluccas. 21 ISLANDICA Gm. from P. I. Mull. &c.-P. I. Ch. Iceland vii. f. 615, 6.-Lam.-Say, Am. C. pl. 56, f. 1.- Sow. Th. i. 75, pl. 17. f. 159, 0, 5.--0. cinnabarina, Born. -P. Pealii, Conr. Am. M. C. pl. 2, f. 2. N. America, 11 OSTREA. 59 Wood's Linnean names. 22 SENATORIA senator 23 CITRINA citron 24 PELLUCENS pellucid 25 OBLITERATA obliterated 26 TIGERINA tiger 27 FUCI Fucus 28 EXOTICA exotic 29 SANGUINEA scarlet Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms-- Locality. Genus. Pecten Gm.-Pallium senatoris, Ch. vii. f. 617.-Pec. s. Sow. Th. i. pl. 188, f. 2. Red Sea. Gm. for Pallium ex citrino, &c. Ch. vii. f. 618.=no. 22. Dil. (as of Lin.) 257.--P. inæqualiter &c. Ch. vii. f. 625.-P. ornatus, Lam -Reeve, I. Pec, f. 68. Barbadoes. Gm. (as of Lin.) 3323.-P. glaberri- mus, Ch. vii. f. 622, 3, 4. China. Mul. Z. D.-P. domesticus, Ch. xi. f. 2031 to 6.=no. 37. Gm.-After P. striatus, Mull.—Br. Mol.-P. reticulatus, Ch. xi. f. 2039, 40.-P. aculeatus, Jeffreys. Britain, &c. Dil. 259, from P. e. Ch. xi. f. 2037, 8. -P. pseudamusium, Sow. Th. i. pl. 19, f. 211, 2.- Reeve, I. Pec. f. 56. W. Africa. Lin Sys.- Not of authors.—Copied from List. pl. 185, f. 22.=no. 22. Red Sea. Gm. from Pallium porphyreum, Ch. vii. f. 632.—P. senatorius, Reeve, I. f. 81. Moluccas. Lin. Sys.-Don. pl. 1, f.1.-P. v. Ch. vii. f. 633, 4.-Lam.-Sow. Th. i. 76, pl. 19, f. 214, 218.-Br. Mol. ii, 273, pl. 50, f.1. P. monotis, Da Cos. Britain, &c. Gm. 3328, from Ch. vii. pl. 69, f. H. --Dil. 261. Red Sea. Ch. (not of authors) vii. 334, f. 636. Nicobar Isles. Mat. and Rac. T. L. viii.—0. distorta, Pult.-P. d. Da Cos. 148, pl. 10, f. 3, 6.-P. s. Turt. D. B. 210, pl. 9, f. 5.- Hinnites s. Sow. Th. i. 79, pl. 20, f. 1, 2, 3.-P. Isabella, Macg. - P. spinosus, Brown.-P. pusio (as 0. P. Lin.) Br. Mol. ii. 278, pl. 50, f. 4, 5, and pl. 51, f. 7. Britain, &c. 30 PORPHYREA porphyry 31 VARIA various 32 SAUCIATA unequal-rayed 33 PUSIO wrinkled 34 SINUOSA distorted 2 60 OSTREA. Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms— Locality. Genus. Pecten Born, Tes. 104, pl. 6, f. 1.= no. 34. Wood's Linnean names. 35 MINIATA vermilion 36 VITREA glassy 37 OBSOLETA obsolete 38 LÆTIS smooth 39 TRIRADIATA three-rayed Gm. from Pallium vitreum, Ch. vii. f. 637, a (not b, c,)-Dil. 263. Iceland, Mat. and Rac. Tr. L. viii. for P. o. of Pen. iv. 102, f. 66.- After P. tig- rinus, Mull. Z. D. pl. 60, f.- Br. Mol. ii. 285, pl. 51, f. 8 to 11.-P. parvus, Da Cos.-P. Armoricanus, Chenu. Ill. Con. Britain, &c. Mat, and Rac. (as of Pen.) T. L. viii. pl. 3, f. 5.= no. 37. Britain, &c. Mull. Z. D. teste Loven.-P. Dani- cus, Ch. xi. f. 2043.-Sow. Th. i. 61, pl. 12, f. 16.-Br. Mol. ii. 288, pl. 52, f. 1, 2, 7 to 10.-P. adspersus, Lam. and Phil.-P. Dumasii, Payr. 75, pl. 2, f. 6, 7.-P. nebulosus, Brown.-P. Jamesoni, Smith, W. M. viii. Scotland, &c. Ch. (not Born) vii. f. 638,—A var. of 40 SOLARIS solar no. 41. 41 GLABRA glabrous 42 PROTEUS variable 11 43 OPERCULARIS painted Lin. Sys.-P.g. Ch. vii. f. 642, 3.- Reeve, I. Pec. f. 53. Mediterranean. Dil. 265.- After P. discors, seu dis- conveniens, Ch. xi. f. 2042. Mediterranean. Lin. Sys.-P. o. Ch. vii. f. 646.-Sow. Th. i. 53, pl. 17, f. 141 to 6.-Br. Mol. ii. 299, pl. 50, f. 3; pl. 51, f. ; 5, 6; pl. 53, f. 7.—0. subrufa, Pen. and Don.-P. pictus, Da Cos. - 0. sanguinea, Poli.-P. subr. Turt. D. B. pl. 17, f. 1.-P. Audouinii, Payr. Britain, &c. Don. (as P. lineatus, Da Cos. 147, pl. 10, f. 8.) B. S. pl. 116.—P. I. Lam. = no. 43. Britain, &c. Gm. 3328.-P. T. Ch. vii. f. 647.- Reeve, I. Pec. f. 14.–0. undata, Born, probably Tranquebar. Lin. Sys.-P. rubicundus, Ch. vii. f. 619, 20. W. Indies. 44 LINEATA lineated 45 TRANQUEBARICA Tranquebar 46 GIBBA gibbous 1%. 330+ 09 42 12 OTRE 12 . 05 20 a 26 24! 226 27 et 220 22 30 + 40 41 6+ 42 at 44 4,3 W: UNIU OSTREA. 61 Wood's Linnean names. 47 TURGIDA turgid Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms - Localit . Genus. Pecten Gm. 3327.--0. nucleus, Born.-P. gibbosus, &c. Ch. vii. f. 621.-P. n. Reeve, I. Pec. f. 89. Venezuela. Gm.-Pyxis s. Ch. vii. 299, f. 603, 4. - After 0. pyxidata, Born.-P. p. Reeve, I. Pec. f. 96. China, &c. Lin. Sys. Undefined. "S. Ocean 48 SULCATA sulcated 49 FLAVICANS yellowish 50 FASCIATA banded Lima 51 INFLATA inflated 52 FRAGILIS brittle 53 HIANS gaping - Dil. (as of Lin.) in part.- Pecten in- flatus, Ch. vii. f. 649, a.-L. i. Lam. -Philip. Sic.-L. f. Sow. Th. i. 85, pl. 21, f. 15, 16. Mediterranean. Gm. 3321.-Dil. 270.--0. bullata, Born. pl. 6, f. 8.-L. b. Sow. Th. i. pl. 22, f. 32, 3. Sorsogon. Dil. (as Pecten f. Ch. vii. f. 650.) 270. -L. linguatula, var. a. Lam.-L. f. Sow. Th. i. pl. 22, f. 34, 5, 6, 7.- Han, R. S. 267. Tahiti. Gm. 3332 (from Schr. Ein. iii. 332, pl. 9, f. 4.-L. tenera, Turt. Z. J. ii. 362, pl. 13, f. 2.-Phil.-L. bul- lata, Payr.-L. vitrina, Brown.-L. fragilis, Flem.--L. inflata, Forbes, Mal. Mon.-L. aperta, Sow. Th. i. 87, pl. 22, f. 26, 7, 8, 9.-L. h. Br. Mol. ii. 268, pl. 52, f. 3, 4, 5. Britain, Sc. Lin. Sys. - Radula, Ch. vii. f. 651.- L. squamosa, Lam.-Sow. G.–Sow. Th. i. pl. 21, f. 1, 18.—Han. R. S. 266. Red Sea. Born.-Dil. 271.-L. aspera, Ch. vii. f. 652.-L. glacialis, Lam.-Sow. G.-L. s. Sow. Th. i. pl. 21.—Han. R. S. 265. W. Indies. Dil. 272.-After L. tenera, Ch. vii. f. 653.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 21, f. 10, 11. - Han. R. S. 266. Philippines, &c. Gm. 3332, for Ch. vii. f. 654 (as 0. e. Fabr.)—Dil. 272.—Sow. Th. i. 85, pl. 21, f. 8, 9.-Han. R. S. 267. Norway. 54 LIMA file - 55 SCABRA rough 56 GLACIALIS glacial 57 EXCAVATA excavated 3 62 OSTREA. Wood's Linnean names. 58 MALLEUS hammer 59 ANATINA duck 60 FORNICATA vaulted no. 58. 61 ORIENTALIS eastern Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Malleus Lin. Sys.—Ch. 655.-M. vulgaris, Lam.—Sow. G.- Reeve, C. S.- Han. R. S. 260. E. Indies. Wood (as of Gm.)—M. normalis, Sow. G.- Reeve, C. S. = young M. albus, Lam. Australia. ? Forsk. teste. Ch. viii. f. 667, copied in E. M. pl. 178, f. 6, 7, as Ost. ros- trata, (of Ch. p. 25)—? young Red Sea. Ostrea Dil. 274 for 0. parasitica, fc. of Ch. viii. f. 660 (copied in E. M. pl. 184, f. 4, as 0. radiata.) E. Indies. Lin. M. U. 534.–Ch. viii. f. 665, 6. -Dil. R. S. 274.-Sow. G. Indian Archipelago. Gm.—Lam. in part.—After 0. plicata, Ch. viii. f. 674.–Dil. 275. Chinese Seas. Gm. 3335, from 0. falso, &c. Ch. viii. f. 668 (copied E. M. pl. 184, f. 1.- Dil. 275.-0. fusca, Lam. Pacific. Dil. (not Born.) as var. 276.—0. stel- lata, Gm. 3337, from Schröt. Ein. iii. 377, pl. 9, f. 7. U. Ch. viii, f. 671 = ? no. 69. Red Sea. 62 FOLIUM corrugated - 63 PLICATULA plaited - 64 SINENSIS Chinese 65 CRISTATA crested II l I l II 66 FORSKÄLII Forskael's 67 ROSTRATA beaked 68 VIRGINICA Virginian - 69 CORNUCOPIA cornucopia 70 ORBICULARIS orbicular Ch. viii. f. 676.-0. borealis, var. Lam. N. America. Gm. -Dil. 277.-Lam.- Sow. G.- Reeve, C. I. pl. 120, f. 2.-Gould, Mas. 137. N. America. Ch. viii. f. 679 = I think 0. cucullata, Born. Indian Ocean. Ch. (not of Lin.) viii. 44, f. 680.—Dil. 278.-A var. of no. 63. Chinese Seas. Ch. viii. 46, f. 681.–Dil. 279.-0. parasitica, Lam. in part.—Desh. E. M. ii. 295.—0. rhizophora, Guild. Z. J. iii. 542. W. Indies. Gm. 3327, from Le Rojel, Adans. Sen. 202, pl. 14, f. 5.-Desh. ed. Lam, vil. 237. Senegal. - 71 ARBOREA tree 72 SENEGALENSIS Senegal OSTREA. 63 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms Locality. names. Genus. 73 DENTICULATA Ostrea Ch. (not Born) viii. f. 672, 3, copied toothed in E. M. pl. 183, as 0. concentrica. China. 74 EDULIS Lin. Sys.-- Crouch, Lam. pl. 12, f. 8. eatable -Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 120, f. 1.-Br. Mol. ii. 307, pl. 54.-0. vulgare, Da Cos. 154, pl. 11, f. 6.- 0. hippopus and deformis, Lam.- 0. parasitica, Turt. D. B. 204, pl. 17, f. 6, 7.-Brit. Mar. C. f. 108. Britain, &c. 75 SPONDYLOIDEA Pedum Ch. viii. f. 669, 70.-P. S. Lam.- Spondyloid Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 11. Mauritius, &c. 76 OVALIS Ostrea? Gm. (from Schröt. Ein. iii. 378, pl. 9, oval f. 8.) U. 77 SEMIAURITA Crenatula Schröt. (not Lin.) Ein. iii. 365, pl. 9, half-eared f. 6.-C. avicularis, Lam. Red Sea. 78 PERNA Perna Wood (not Lin.) I.T.-0. alata, Gm. oblong 3239.—P. obliqua, Lam.-P. ephip- pium, Sow. G. and Reeve, C. S. pl. 106, f. 2.- Crenatula Travisii, Turt. W. Indies. 79 ISOGNOMON Lin. Sys.-P. i. Lam.-Sow. G.-- long-hinged Reeve, C. S.-Han. R. S. 258.- P. femoralis, Lam. Ceylon. 80 EPHIPPIUM Lin. Sys. - Ch. vii. f. 576.-P.e. Lam. saddle -Han. R. S. 257. Indian Ocean. 81 ALATA Gm. 3339, from Ala corvi pendula, winged Ch. vii, f. 581.-P. obliqua, Lam.- Han. R. S. 258. W. Indies. 82 PICTA Crenatula Wood (as of Gm.)I. T.-C. avicularis, mussel. Sow. G. f. 3.--Reeve, C. S. pl. 105, shaped f. 3. 83 LEGUMEN Perna Gm. from Siliqua Spengleri, Ch. vii. pod-shaped f. 578, copied E. pl. 275, f. 2, 3, as P. dactylus.-P. 1. Han. R. S. 259. Nicobar Isles.' 84 VULSELLA Vulsella Lin. Sys.-V. lingulata, Lam.—Sow. tongue-shaped G. Vul, f. 1.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 108, f. 1. Indian Ocean. - 64 Α Ν Ο ΜΙΑ. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority --Synonyms- Locality. Genus. 1 CRANIOLARIS Crania Ch. (not Lin.) viii. f. 687.-C. ros- cranium trata, Hæn. mon. Cran. Mediterranean. 2 TURBINATA Dil. in part.- After Patella anomala, top-shaped Mul. Z. D. pl. 6.-P. distorta, Mont. T. L. xi. 195, pl. 13, f. 5.- Discina Ostreoides, Turt.-C. per- sonata, Sow. T. L. xlii. 471, pl. 26, f. 3.-Criopus a. Flem.-C. rostrata, Brit. M. Č.-Cra. Norvegica, Sow. Th. i. 368, pl. 73, f. 15, 6, 7.—Cra. a. Br. Mol. ii. 366, pl. 56, f. 7, 8. Britain, 8c. 3 EPHIPPIUM Anomia Lin. Sys.—Lam.- Sow. G.–Br. Mol. orbicular ii. 325, pl. 55, f. 2, 3, 5, 7.-A. rugosa, Gm. - A. margaritacea, Poli, pl. 30, f. 11.-A. cymbiformis, Mat. and Rack. T. L. viii.- A. patellaris, Pyriformis, fornicata, Lam.-A. tu- bularis, Turt.-A. coronata, Bean. - A. scabrella and polymorpha, Phil. Britain, &c. 4 CEPA Lin. Sys.—Ch. viii. f. 695. = no. 3. onion Britain, &c. 5 ELECTRICA Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Turt. D. B. 226, small amber pl. 17, f. 8, 9. 6 PUNCTATA Ch. viii. f. 698.–Turt. D. B. 231, pl. dotted 18, f. 11. = no. 3. 7 ACULEATA Mul. Z. D. Prod.- Ch. viii. 702.-Br. prickly-valved Mol. ii. 332, pl. 55, f. 4.-A. strio- lata, Turt. D. B. 233. Britain, &c. 8 MURICATA Gm. 3346, from A. aculeata maxima, muricated Ch. viii. vig: p. 65, C, D, copied as A. radiata in E. M. pl. 171, f. 14, 15. • Guinea.' 9 UNDULATA Gm. from A. undulatim, &c. Ch. viii. striated f. 699.—Brug. E. M. 74.-Mont. 157, pl. 4, f. 6.-Turt. D. B. 230, pl. 18, f. 8, 9, 10.–After A. Patel- liformis, Lin. Sys.--Br. Mol. i. 334, pl. 56, f. 5, 6.-Ostreum stria- tum, Da Cos. --Ostrea s. Don.- Mont. Britain, &c. - no. 3. 0.9TRE + مره را دارا + م / روز 62 + زر حر + راه + 77 70 ) 74 2/ 4444 7 / * / روح 7 77 ارد 277 + را + م م 7 2 ام کے م ور 27 + 20 11 UNIO ) با ANOMIÀ. . 65 cylindric Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. 10 PATELLI- Anomia Lin. Sys.=last. FORMIS limpet-shaped 11 SQUAMA Gm. 3346, from Squama magna, Ch. scaly viii. 87, f. 697. Norway. 12 PECTINATA Ch. (not Lin.) viii. 79, f. 689, 70.-A. comb-like bifida, Dil. (as of Brug.) 290. Mediterranean. 13 CYLINDRICA Gm. from Schröt. Ein. iii. pl. 9, f. 13. var. no. 3. 14 SCOBINATA Terebra- Ch. (as of Lin.) viii. f. 704. rough tula Mediterranean. 15 AURITA Lin. Sys.=no. 22. eared 16 RETUSA Lin. Sys. No. 22 blunt 17 TRUNCATA Lin. Sys.- Ch. viii. f. 701.-T. t. Lam. truncated -Sow. Th. i. pl. 71, f. 64,5,6,7.- Megerlia t. Davids. Mediterranear. 18 CAPENSIS Gm. from A. striata, &c. of Ch. viii. Cape 94, f. 703.—Not of Adams.-After rubra, Pal. Mis. Z. pl. 14, f. 2, 11.- T. C. Krauss, Sudaf.---Kraussia, 1". Davids. Cape of G. Hope. 19 DETRUNCATA Gm. After A. decollata, Ch. viii. 96, semicircular f. 705.—T. dec. Sow. Th. i. 355, pl. 71, f. 68,9,70.-- Argiope dec. David. Mediterranean. 20 PUBESCENS Lin. Sys.-Schr. Ein. iii. 397, pl. 9, f. downy 10.-T. p. Muller.=no. 22. 21 SANGUINOLENTA Gmel.–Subsequent to A. sanguinea, scarlet-rayed Ch. viii. f. 706.-T. s. Sow. Th. i. pl. 71, f. 71, 73. E. Indies.' 22 CAPUT-SERPENTIS Lin. Sys. ed. 12.-T. c. Lam.-Sow. snakes-head G.–Reeve, C. S. pl. 126, f. 2.—Sow. Th. i. pl. 68, f.1 to 4; pl. 72, f. 116. - Br. Mol. ii. 353, pl. 56, f. 1 to 4. -T. costata, Lowe, Z. J. ii. 105, pl. 5, f. 8, 9.-T. aurita, Flem. Britain, &c. 23 TEREBRATULA Dil. (not Lin.)- A. vitrea, Born, 119, Terebratula vign. at p. 116.-T. v. Sow. Th. i. pl. 70, f. 56 to 59.-Davidson. Mediterranean - 66 ANOMIA - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. 24 VITREA Terebratula Ch. (as of Born) viii, f. 707, 8, 9. brittle Mediterranean. 25 CRUENTA Dil. 295, for A. sanguinea, Leach (not blood-red Ch.) Z. M.-T. Želandica, Sow. Th. i. pl. 72, f. 111,2,3.-T. rubra, Sow. (not Pal.) Th. i. pl. 68, f. 9, 11.- Terebratella, Z. Davids. New Zealand. 26 DORSATA Gm.-A. striata Magellanica, Ch. viii. keeled f. 710, 1.-T. d. Lam.-Terebra- tella d. Davids. Straits of Magellan. 27 PSITTACEA Gm. from A. rostrum psittaci, Ch. viii. parrot-beaked f. 713.-T. p. Lam.—Sow. Th. i. 342, f. 78,9,0.- Gould, Mas. f. 91. - Hypothyris, p. Brit. Mol. ii. 346, pl. 57, f.1, 4, 3. Britain, &c. 28 TRIDENTATA Hyalea Forsk. It Ar.Dil.–Cavolina natans, 3-toothed Abildg.–Caulina n. Poli, Sic.-H. papilionacea, Bory.--H. tridentata, Lam.-C. t. Gray. Mediterranean, &c. 29 PLACENTA Placuna Lin. Sys.-Ch. viii. f. 716.—Placenta cake orbicularis, Retz.- Placuna p. Lam. -Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 122. China. 30 SELLA Gm. 3345.—Ephippium, &c. Ch. viii. saddle f. 714.-P. S. Lam. China, &c. 31 FLEXUOSA Anomia Gm. from Schröt. Ein. iii. pl.9. f. 11. flexuous =no. 3. Norway. 32 SPONDYLODES Terebra- Gm. from List. 211, f. 45. Irrecogni- Spondylus tula? sable. MYTILUS.- MUSSEL. 1 CRISTA-GALLI Ostrea cock's-comb 2 HYOTIS horned Lin. Sys.—Dil. 299.-0, c. Ch. viii. f. 683.-Lam.- Sow. G. Indian Ocean. Lin. M. V. -Dil. 300.-- 0. h. Ch. viii. f. 685.--Lam. --Desh. E. M. ii. 298. China, &c. Lin. Sys.-Born, 123, vig. b.at P. 121. -0. f. Ch. viii. f. 686.-? 0. crista- galli, Mont. -0. rubella, erucello, - 3 FRONS leaf MYTILUS. 67 Vood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms - Locality. limacella, Lam.-O. folium, Sow. G.--Reeve, C. S. pl. 121, f. 3. W. Indies. 4 MARGARITI- Meleagrina Lin. Sys.-- Ch. viii. f. 717.-- Mel. m. FERUS Lam.Han. R. S. 264. pearly Indian Ocean. 5 RADIATUS Dil. R. S. 302, for Avicula r. Leach rayed Zool. Misc. i. 98, pl. 43. W. Indies. 6 UNGUIS uncertain Lin. Sys.-Undefined. nail 6 Mediterranean.' 7 LITHOPHAGUS Lithodomus Lin. partly.- Ch.viii. f. 730.- Modiola burrowing 1. var. a. Lam.—Han. R. S. 238, not var.-L. dactylus, Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. Mediterranean. 8 ARISTATUS Dil. 303.— Modiola caudigera, Lam.- cross-beaked Phil. Ab. N. C. ii. 149, Mod. pl. 1, f. 5.-L. c. Sow. G. Senegal. 9 RUGOSUS Saxicava Don. (as of Lin.) pl. 141.—? M. pho- rugged ladis, Lin. Mant.—Mya byssifera, Fabr. F. G. 408.-S.r. S. Gallicana, S. p. Lam.-S. distorta, Gould.- Byssomya p. Bowdich.-Hiatella ob. - longa, Turt. D. B. 25, pl. 2, f. 13.- H. r. Flem.-S. r. Br. Mol. 146, pl. 6, f. 7, 8. 10 CORALLIO- Lithodomus Ch. viii. 174, f. 752, copied E. pl 219, f. 4. . E. and W. Indies.' coral-boring 11 PRÆCISUS Saxicava Mont. 165.-A var. of S. arctica. truncated Britain. 12 FUSCUS Lithodomus Gm. 3359, from List. 359, f. 197.- brown Modiola cinnamonea, Lam.-- Mod. f. Desh.-L. F. Forbes and Han. 1. Indies. 13 ARBORESCENS Modiola Ch. xi. f. 2016, 7.-Dil. 306.—Mod. dendritical picta, Lam.—Enc. Met. pl. 221, f. 2.--Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S.--Mod. a. Han, R. S. 237. St. Domingo.' 14 PLICATUS Ch, viii, f. 733.–Dil. 306..--Mod. p. plaited Lam.-Han. R. S. 237. Nicobar Isles. 15 VULGARIS Mytilus Ch. viii, f. 732.-Dil. 307. W. Indies. small - - PHAGUS 68 MYTILUS. - - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms— Locality. Genus. 16 NIVEUS Petricola Ch. viii. f. 734.-Dil. 307.-P. 16. snow-white Han. R. S.-P. rugosa and tenuis, Sow. Z. P. teste Sow. Junior. Nicobar Isles ; ' Peru ? 17 BILOCULARIS Tichogonia Lin. Sys.- Dil. 307.—Han. R. S. 244. two-celled -M. Nicobaricus, &c. Ch. viii. f. 736. Indian Ocean. 18 EXUSTUS Wood (not Lin.)-M. crenatus, Ch. rose-coloured viii. f. 744. Tranquebar. 19 STRIATULUS Mytilus Schr. (as of Lin.) Ein. iii. 449, pl. 9, striated f. 16.-M. bidens, Lin. Sys.-Brit. Mol. ii. 178.-M. exustus, Lam. W. Indies. 20 NIGER Gmel. from Le Dotel of Adans. Sen. black 211, pl. 15, f. 3.-Dil. 309.-Han. R.S. 245. Senegal. 21 EDULIS Lin. Sys.-Poli, Sic. i. pl. 1, f. 13.- eatable Lam.--Br. Mol. ii. 170, pl. 48, f. 1 to 4.-M. ungulatus, Lin.-Don. pl. 128, f. 2.-M. sagittatus and ftavus, Poli, Sic. pl. 32, f. 2, 3, 4.- M. Galloprovincialis, M. hesperio- nus, M. abbreviatus, M. retusus, Lam. M. dilatatus, Gray. — M. subsaxatilis, Williamson. Britain, &c. 22 PELLUCIDUS Pen. 112, f. 75.—Turt. D. B. 197, pl. pellucid 15, f. 1, 2. = no. 21. 23 UNGULATUS Ch. (as of Lin.) viii. f. 756. Algiers. ox-hoof 24 LATUS M. 1. &c. Ch. viii. f. 747.–Not M. l. broad Lam.-M. canaliculus, Han. R. S. 248. N. Zealand. 25 ELONGATUS M. e. &c. Ch. viii. f. 738.= Myt. perna, lengthened Lam. teste Desh. 'Falkland Isles.' 26 SMARAGDINUS Ch. viii. f. 745. = M. opalus, Lam. teste Desh. Tranquebar. 27 LINEATUS Gm.--Lam.-- Subsequent to M. con- wedge-shaped fusus, Ch. viii. f. 753.-Han. R. S. 250. U. 28 BIDENS Wood (not Lin.) – M. Magellanicus - double-toothed &c. Ch. vii. 162, f. 742.-M. M. Lam. Han, R. S. 244. Straits of Magellan. TL green-coated -- LIMIT Plie 34 32 29 30 TILOS. 8 CE 12+ 10 20 (+ 16 + 22 27 2.3 + 28 29 a 30 30 + 35 . C+ 44 + PINNA 47 dt 48a cd 7 82 N mpio MYTILUS. 69 TVood's Linnean names. 29 PUNICEUS ventricose 30 DEMISSUS silvery - - 31 MODIOLUS great - Lamarckian Authority--- Synonyms— Locality. Genus. Mytilus Gm. from Adans. Sen. pl. 15, f. 2.- Dil. 313. Senegal. Modiola Del. 314.- Mod. plicatula, Lam.--Sow. G.–Reeve, C. S.--Gould, Mas.- Han. R. S. 240.—Mod. semicostata, Conrad. N. America. Lin. Sys.--Don. pl. 23.-M. curtus, Penn. iv. 112, f. 76, a.-M. curvi- rostratus, Da Cos.-M. barbatus, Don. (not Lin.)—Mod. Papuana, Lam. partly.—Mod. m. Turt. D. B. 199, pl. 15, f. 3.-Br. Mol. ii. 182, pl. 44, f. 1, 2.-Mod. vulgaris, Flem. - Mod. barbata, Macg. Britain, &c. Anodonta Lin. Sys.-Mont.-M. stagnalis, Sow. B. Misc. pl. 16.-M. dentatus, Turt. C. D. 115.-- A. c. Drap. 134, pl. 11, f. 6; pl. 12, f. 1.-Br. Mol. ii. 155, pl. 39, f. 3; pl. 40, f. 2, 3; pl. 41. - A. intermedia, Lam.-A. ventri- cosa, Kickx, Brab.-4. paludosa, Turt. D. B. 240, pl. 15, f. 5.- A. piscinalis, Nils. Britain, &c. Mat. and Rac. (as of Lin.) T. L. viii. pl. 3, f. 1. = no. 32. . Mont. 172.-M. incrassatus, Shep. T. L. xiii.- A. A. Turt. D. B. 241. 32 CYGNEUS swan - 33 ANATINUS duck 34 AYONENSIS Avon no. 32. 35 FLUVIATILIS river 36 DUBIUS doubtful 37 RUBER red Dil. 316.- Copied from List. 157, f. 12. = A. cataracta, Say.--A. f. Lea. Virginia. Iridina Dil. (as of Gm.) R. S. 348.-Copied from Le Mutel of Adans. Sen. pl. 17, f. 21. = I. Nilotica, teste Lea. Senegal. Mytilus ? Lin. Sys. Undefined. Southern Ocean.' Modiola Mont. Sup. (not vol. i.) 65, pl. 26, f. 4.-M. discors, var. Ch.-Fabr.- Mod. nigra, Gray.-Mod. discrepans, Reeve, C. S. pl. 100, f. 3.- Mod. compressa, Menke.-- Crenella n. Br. Mol. ii. 202, pl. 44, f. 5. 38 DISCREPANS compartment . 70 MYTILUS. Wood's Linnean names. 39 DISCORS discordant - 40 IMPACTUS wool-coated 41 FABA bean Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Modiola Da Cos. (not Lin.) 221, pl. 17, f. 1.- Don, pl. 25, f. 1.- Mod. d. Turt. D. B. 201, pl. 15, f. 4, 5.--- Myt. discre- pans, Desh. E. M.- Mod. marmo- rata, Forbes, Mal. Mon.- Mod. dis- crepans, Phil. Sic. i. 70, pl. 15, f. 11. . , -M. tumida, Han. R. S. 241.- Mod. Poliana, Phil. Zeit. Mal. 1844. -Crenella m. Br. Mol. ii. 198, pl. 45, f. 4. Britain, &c. Herman. Naturf. xvii.-Dil. 320.- Myt. cor. Martyn, U. C. pl. 77. Mod. discors, Lam.—Mod. i. Han. R. S. 241. New Zealand. Fabr. F. G.-Ch. viii, f. 761.- Dil. 320.- Mod. f. Han. R. S. 242. Greenland. Avicula Wood (as of Lin.)—M. avicula seu hirundo, Ch. viii. 136, f. 722 = A. Atlantica, Lam. teste Desh.- Pinc- tada colymbus, Bolten, from Ch. figure. Atlantic. Wood (not Leach). — M. hirundo, var. Ægyptiaca, Ch. xi. f. 2018, 9. Red Sea. Dil. 322, for Ala-corvi, 8c. of Ch. viii. f. 727.-- A. a. Han. R. S. - Probably Ostrea semiaurita, Lin. Sys. South Seas;' Dutch E. Indies. Lingula Dil. (as of Sol.) R. S. 322.- Pinna unguis seu lingua, Ch. x. f. 1675, 6. -- L. anatina, Lam.-L. Chemnitzii, Kuster. Philippines. Shaw, Nat. Misc. ix.-Dil. 323. Japan. 42 HIRUNDO swallow - 43 MORIO mulberry 41 ALA-CORVI crow's-wing 6 45 LINGUA tongue - 46 CAMELLII Camelli's 47 CANALICULUS channelled 48 INCURVATUS incurved 49 UMBILICATUS umbilicated Mytilus Wood (as of Martyn U. C. pl. 78.) N. Zealand Pen. iv. 111, f. 74. = no. 21. Modiola Pen. iv. 112, f. 76. no. 31. 71 PINNA-WING-SHELL. Wood's Linnean names. 1 RUDIS rough 2 NIGRA black 3 INGENS vast 4 PECTINATA spiny-ribbed 5 INFLATA inflated Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Pinna Ch. (as of Lin.) viii. f. 773.- Lam.- Han. R. S. 251. • Guinea.' . P. n. &c. Ch. viii. f. 774.-P. n. Lam. -Han, R. S. 254. Red Sea. Mont. 180, 583.-Lam.-- Turt. D. B. 222, pl. 20, f. 1.-P. pectinata (as of Lin.) Brit. Mol. ii. 255, pl. 43, f. 1, 2.-P. muricata, Da Costa.--P. lævis, Don. pl. 152.-P. papyracea, Turt. D. B. pl. 20, f. 3.-P. rotun- data, Couch Britain. Ch. (as of Lin.) viii. f. 770. Not of ( British writers. Coromandel Ch. viii. f. 771.-Dil. 326.-Han. R. S. 256.-P. vitrea, Bolten. Nicobar Isles. Gm.3365.-Han. R. S. 252.-P. haud ignobilis, Ch. viii. 212, f. 769.-P. saccata, Schr. (not Lin.) Ein. iii. pl. 9, f. 17.-P. muricata, Mont. 183,pl. 5, f.3.-P. flabellum, Lam. in part. W. Indies.. Dil. (as of Sol.) for P. nobilis, of Ch. viii. f. 775.-Han. R. S, 252.-P. seminuda, Lam. Curaçoa. Lin. Sys.Dil. 327.-Lam.-Han. R. S. 252. Mediterranean, 6 CARNEA flesh-coloured 7 RIGIDA rigid 8 NOBILIS sharp-scaled 9 MURICATA prickly 10 EXUSTA pear-shaped Ch. (as of Lin.) viii. f. 781.-Dil. 328. 11 VEXILLUM banner Gm.-Subsequent to P. adusta, Ch. viii. 237, f. 782.-Dil. 328.--Han R. S. 254. Philippines. Ch. (as of Born.) viii. 238, f. 783.- Dil. 329.--Han. R. S. 254. E. Indies. Lam. (as of Gm.)-Han. R. S. 252, (not locality).-P. marina, Ch. viii. f. 784. Mediterranean. Dil. (not Lin.) R. S. 329.-P. gigas seu maxima, Ch. viii. 244, f. 787. aged no. 12. Mediterranean. 12 SQUAMOSA scaly 13 ROTUNDATA giant 72 . PINNA. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. names. Genus. 14 BICOLOR Pinna Ch. viii. 234, f. 780.-Dil. 330.- two-coloured Han. R. S. 253.-P. dolabrata, Lam. Red Sea. 15 INCURVA Gm. for P. incurvata, &c. Ch. viii. incurved 229, f. 778.--Dil. 330.-Han. R. S. 254. Nicobar Isles. 16 VITREA Ch. viii. 216, f. 772.—Dil. 330. Im- brittle mature. E. Indies. 17 PAPYRACEA Ch. viii. 243, f. 786.—Dil. 331.-Han. paper R. S. 254. E. Indies. 18 SACCATA Ch. (not Lin.) viii. f. 776.-? P. semi- satchel-shaped costata, Conr: Philad. J. Pacific? 19 DIGITIFORMIS (Ptero. Lin. M. U.- Undefined. finger-shaped pode ?) 20 BULLATA Pinna Gm. from Gualt. pl. 79, f. C. (badly studded copied here) quoted for P. margie nata, by Lam. 21 LOBATA (no shell Lin. M. U.-Undefined. lobed probably) ARGONAUTA.-PAPER SAILOR. - 1 ARGO Argonauta Wood (as of Lin.) I. T.-Scarcely of oriental authors.- p=next. Mediterranean. 2 TUBERCULATA Dil. (as of Shaw) 334.-A. tuberculosa, tuberculated Lam. Moluccas. 3 HIANS Dil. (as of Sol.) 334.—Adams, Mol. gaping Samarang, pl. 3, f. 2.-A. nitida, Lam. S. Atlantic. 4 GONDOLA Dil. 335, for Mart. i. f. 160, &c.- boat Adams, Mol. Samarang, pl. 2. S. Atlantic. 5 AUSTRUM Dil. 335.- Copied from Mart. i. vig. bucket at p. 221, f. 2. (E. Indies' 6 VITREA Carinaria Gm. 3338.–Dil. 336.- After Patella brittle cristata, Lin.-C. v. Lam. Amboyna. 7 CYMBIUM Lin. Sys.-C. c. Lam.—Copied from minute Gault. pl. 12, f. D. Mediterranean. 8 CORNU Separatista Gm. 3368, for N. parvius, &c. of Ch. x. horn f. 1271, 2, 3.Dil. 337. PINNA . م . // so e 12 k. 14 k k 11 15k 16 20 d TRGONITT. 1. he 2 + NVIT TIZI.S. 8 70 7 1 h 4 272 6 m 7171 O N 12 m 13 1 18 m 19 m 20 m 21 23 m 24 m 1 cac 8 27m 28 31 m окинуъ 34 m 37 O. 40 m UNIL Bic OF OSTREA. 73 Wood's Linnean names. 9 ARCTICA arctic Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms -- Locality. Genus. Limacina Fabr. F. G. 386.-Clio helicina, Gm. -L. helicinalis, Lam.-- Spiratella limacina, Bi. Greenland. NAUTILUS-SAILOR. 1 POMPILIUS Nautilus Lin. Sys.- Lam.-Sow. G.-Sow. Th. great chambered ii. pl. 97, f. 1. Indian Seas. 2 SCROBICULATUS Dil. (as of Sol.) 339.-N. crassus, um- sunk-spire bilicatus, Ch. x. f. 1274, 5.-N. umbilicatus, Lam.-Crouch. pl. 20, f. 16.–Sow. Th. ii. pl. 98, f. 7. New Guinea. . 3 LACUSTRIS Planorbis Lightfoot, Ph. Tr. lxxvi. 163, pl. 1. - lake Mont.-P. nitidus, Drap. 46, pl. 2, f.17, 8, 9.-Segmentina n. and line- ata, Flem.-S. l. Gray, Turt. 271, f. 99. Britain, &c. 4 CALCAR Polysto- Mart. (as of Lin.) i. f. 169.–Dil. 340. spur mella Adriatic. . 5 ROTATUS Mat. and Rack. Tr. Lin. viii. for N. wheel calcar of Mont. pl. 15, f. 4.- Dil. , 340. Britain. 6 LÆVIGATULUS ? Mont. (as of Adams) Sup. pl. 18, f. 7, smooth 8.- Tr. Lin. viii. 115.- Dil. 341. Britain. . 7 DEPRESSULUS Polysto- Mont. (as of Adams) Sup. pl. 18, f. 9. compressed mella -Tr. Lin. viii. 115.- Dil. 341. Britain. 8 CRISPUS Lin. Sys.—Mont. Sup. pl. 18, f. 5.- keel-edged Dil. 341. Britain, &c. 9 BECCARII Rotalia Lin. Sys. - Mont. Sup. pl. 18, f. 4.- Beccaria's Dil. 342. Britain, &c. 10 BALTHICUS ? Gm. from Schröt. Ein. i. 20, pl. 1, f. Baltic 2. Baltic. 11 CRASSULUS Polysto- Mont. (as of Adams) Sup. pl. 18, f. 2. strong mella -Dil. 343. Britain. 12 UMBILICATU- Mont. (as of Adams) Sup. pl. 18, f. 1. -Dil. 343 Britain. LUS umbilicated 13 LOBATULUS Truncatulina Adams for Walk. T. M. f. 71.-Serpula lobed (D’Orb.) lobata, Mont.-T. 1. D’Orb. Can. For. pl. 2, f. 22, 3, 4. Britain, &c. L 74 NAUTILUS. 6 C. d to g. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. 14 RUGOSUS uncertain Lin. Sys.--Undefined. rugged Southern Ocean.' 15 UMBILICATUS Lin. Sys.-Undefined. Croatia oblique-jointed 16 SPIRULA Spirula Lin. Sys.-S. Peronië, Lam.-S. Aus- ram's-horn tralis, E. M. pl. 465, f. 5. W. Indies, 8c. 17 SPENGLERI Siderolites Wood (as of Gm.)- S. calcitrapoides, Spenglers Lam.-E. M. pl. 470, f. 4. India. 18 UNGUICULATUS Polysto- Speng. Dan. Ges. Sch. i. pl. 2, f. 9, b, nail-shaped mella India. 19 SEMILITUUS Spirolina Lin. Sys.-Han. Ips. Lin. 158.- half-crozier Copied from Mart. i. f. 186. Leghorn. 20 LITUUS Gm. 3372, and Dil, 346, as of Speng, crozier Schr. Dæn. Ges. i. 373, pl. 2, f. 10, Red Sea. 21 CARINATULUS uncertain Adams, for Walk. T. M. f. 72.–Dil. keeled 346. Britain. 22 OBLIQUUS Orthoceras Wood (as of Lin.)— N. jugosus, Mont. obliquely- pl. 14, f. 4. Britain, &c. . striated 23 RAPHANISTRUM Copied from Lederm. Micr. pl. 4, f. X. 12-striated quoted as N. r. Lin. Sys. Mediterranean.' 24 RAPHANUS Lin. Sys.—0. r. Lam.- Copied from 17-striated Mart. i. p. 1, f. A. B. Britain. 25 COSTATUS Mont. pl. 14, f. 5.- Dil. 348. Britain. ribbed 26 GRANUM Lin. Sys.- Not recognised. 8-striated Mediterranean. 27 RADICULA Nodosaria Mont. (as of Lin.) pl. 14, f. 6. bulbous- Britain, &c. jointed 28 SPINULOSUS Mont. Sup. pl. 19, f. 5.-Dil. 349. spinous-joint Britain. 29 SUBARCUATUS Mont. pl. 6, f. 5.- Dil. 349. Britain. subarcuated 30 BICARINATUS Mont. Sup. 86.–Dil. 349. Britain. two-keeled 31 FASCIA Orthoceras Lin. Sys.—0. f. Lam.--Copied from banded Gualt. pl. 19, f. O. Adriatic.' NAUTILUS. 75 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 32 INÆQUALIS Nodosaria? Gm. 3373, and Dil. 350, from Spengl. unequal Schr. Dæn. Ges. i. 373, pl. 2, f. 10, a, b, c. Red Sea. 33 SIPHUNCULUS Nodosaria Lin. Sys.-N. s. Lam.--Copied from ringed Mart. i. vig. p. 1, f. F. Sicily. 34 LEGUMEN Orthoceras Lin. Sys.-Mont. Sup. pl. 19, f. 6. pod Britain, &c. 35 LINEARIS Nodosaria ? Mont. Sup. pl. 30, f. 9.-Dil. 351. linear Scotland. 36 RECTUS Nodosaria Mont. Sup. pl. 19, f. 4, 7.-Dil. 351. straight Britain. 37 POMPILOIDES Melonia Fich. pl. 2, f. a, b, c. Mediterranean. thick, smooth 38 REPANDUS Placentula Fich. pl. 3, f. A, B, C.-Pulvinulus r. wheel-shaped E. M. pl. 466, f. 9.-Pl. pulvinata, Lam. Mediterranean. 39 ASTERISANS Fich. pl. 3, f. E to H.-Pulvinulus a. starred E. M. pl. 466, f. 10.--Pl. a. Lam. Mediterranean. 40 INCRASSATUS Polysto- Fich. pl. 4, f. a, b, c. Elba. thickened mella 41 STRIGILATUS Vorticialis Fich. pl. 5, f. C, D, E.–V. s. Lam. white-rayed Adriatic. 42 CRATICULATUS Fich. pl. 5, f. H, I, K.-7. strigilata, sharp-keeled E. pl. 470, f. 1.–V. c. Lam. Arabia. 43 STRIATO- - ? Fich. pl. 9, f. a, b, c. Arabia. PUNCTATUS dotted 44 AMBIGUUS Polysto- Fich. pl. 9, f. D, E, F.-P. a. Lam. doubtful mella Arabia. 45 MACELLUS Fich. pl. 10, f. E, F, G.-P. m. Lam. 23-ribbed Mediterranean. 46 PAPILLOSUS Fich. pl. 14, f. A, B, C.-Lam. pimpled Adriatic. 47 PLANATUS Cristellaria Fich. pl. 16.-C. squammula, Lam. flat Adriatic. 48 CASSIS Fich. pl. 17, chiefly, and pl. 18, f. A, lobster's-tail B, C.-C. 6. Lam. Adriatic. 49 GALEA Fich. pl. 18, f. D, E, F.-C. g. E. M. helmet pl. 467, f. 6.--C, Levis, Lam. Tuscany. 76 NAUTILUS. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms-- Locality. 50 ACUTAURICU- Cristellaria Fich. pl. 18, f. G, H, I.-C. a. E. M. LARIS pl. 467, f. 7.-C. auricularis, Lam. sharp-eared Mediterranean. 51 FABA Fich. pl. 19, f. A, B, C.-0. f. Lam. bean-shaped Rimini, 52 SCAPHA Fich. pl. 19, f. D, E, F.-C. s. Lam. boat-shaped Adriatic. 53 CREPIDULA Fich. pl. 19, f. G, H, I.-C. c. Lam. slipper Tuscany. 54 AURICULA Fich. pl. 20, f. A to F.-C. a. Lam. ear-shaped Mediterranean. 55 TUBEROSUS Fich. pl. 20, f. G to K.-C. t. Lam. punctured Tuscany. 56 ORBICULUS Orbiculina Fich. pl. 21, f. A to D.-0. nummata, orbicular E.pl. 468, f. 1.--0. numismalis, Lam. Tuscany: 57 ANGULATUS Fich, pl. 22, f. A to E.-0. a, Lam. angular -E. pl. 468, f. 3. Arabian Gulf. 58 ADUNCUS Fich. pl. 23, f. A. to E.-0. a. E. pl. crooked 468, f. 2.-0. uncinata, Lam. Arabian Gulf CONUS-CONE. Conus 1 MARMOREUS marbled 2 NICOBARICUS yellow- throated 3 ARACHNOIDEUS spider's-web 4 ZONATUS zoned Lin. Sys.- Lam.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 120.-Reeve, I. i. Con. f. 74. Chinese Seas. Brug. E. M. pl. 318, f. 9.–Lam.- Reeve, I. i. Con. f. 41. Nicobar Isles. Gm.-Dil. - C. araneosus, Lam. Reeve, I. Con. f. 44. Ceylon, &c. Brug. E. M.-Dil. 355.-Lam.- Sow. C. I. Con. f. 127.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 4. Malabar. Lin.-Lam.—Sow. C. I. Con, f. 128, 9.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 60. Philippines. Lam. (as of Born). -Sow. C. I. Con. f. 131.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 294, f. 131. Indian Ocean. Lam. (as of Lin.)-Reeve, I. Con. f. 183. Ceylon. 5 IMPERIALIS imperial 6 TUSCATUS brownish 7 LITERATUS lettered V.17 TILZ.. P 45 m 40 m 47 m 49 20 43 mm 0 1727 52 m .5.9 m 54 m 56 247 C0/V7 2 18 gle+ 20 / 21 I 250 270 had 22 29 37 92 39 40 4, ..! 47 UNIL CONUS. 77 grooved Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 8 EBURNEUS Conus Lam. (as of Brug.)-Sow. C. I. Con. square-spotted f. 101.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 106, b. Ceylon. 9 TESSELLATUS Lam. (as of Brug.)-Sow. C. I. Con. mosaic f. 97, 8.-Reeve, I. Con, f. 163. Mauritius, &c. 10 GENERALIS Lam. (as of Lin.)-Sow. C. I. Con. f. general 113.-Reeve, I. i. Con. f. 48. Ceylon, &c. 11 CANALICULATUS Ch. xi. f. 1748, 9.–Subsequent to C. Malaccanus, Brug. E. M. pl. 325, f. 9.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 49. Straits of Malacca ? 12 RADIATUS Dil. (not Gmel.) in part.-C. daucus, radiated Lam. (as of Brug.)–E. M. pl. 327, f. 3.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 114.-C. Arausiacus, Ch. x. pl. 144, A. f. l. -0, castus, Reeve, I. Con. f. 267. America. 13 VIRGO Lin. Sys.-Dil. 361, not var.-Lam. virgin --Reeve, I. i. Con. f. 119. Ceylon, &c. 14 NIVEUS Gm. 3392, for C. candidus, Born, pl. white 7, f. 9. U. 15 CAPITANEUS Lam. (as of Lin.) - Sow. C. I. Con. f. captain 133, 4.—Reeve, I. Con. f. 54. Philippines. 16 CHEMNITZII Dil. 363, for C. capitaneus punctatus, Chemnitz's of Ch. xi. f. 1764,5.=15 teste Desh. -? C. rattus, Sow. C. I. Con. f. 137. Ceylon 17 MUSTELINUS Brug. E. pl. 327, f. 6.—Lam.-Sow. C. I. f. 136.- Reeve, C. S.; I. Con. f. 34. Philippines 18 HYÆNA Brug. E. M. pl. 327, f. 5, 7.-Lam.- hyæna C. punctatus, var. Reeve, I. Con, f. 133, c. teste Desh. Guinea. 19 MILES Lin. Sys.-Lam. --Sow. C. I. Con. f. soldier 100.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 9. Mauritius, &c. 20 TRIBUNUS Gm. 3377, for Mart. ii. f. 655.-- After tribune C. centurio, Born, pl. 7, f. 10.—Sow. C. I. Con. f. 103.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 21. Isle of Margarita, W. Indies. - - weasel 78 CONUS. Wood's Linnean names. 21 SPURIUS spurious 22 LEONINUS lion 23 CHARACTER- ISTICUS character- spotted 24 CERULESCENS blueish Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. Conus Gm.-Dil. --- C. Proteus, Lam. (as of Brug.)-E. M. pl. 334, f. 2. W. Indies. Lam. (as of Brug.)-Reeve, I. i. Con. f. 26. Brazil. Ch. xi. f. 1760, 1.–Dil. 367.—Reeve, I. Con. f. 167, a, b.-C. quæstor and , muscosus, Lam. teste Reeve. W. Indies. Ch. xi. f. 1762, 3.—Dil. 368.-Not , Lam. W. Indies. - 25 PRINCEPS Persian robe - 26 JANUS Janus 27 GUINAICUS Guinea 28 FULMINEUS lightning 29 LORENZIANUS Lorenzo's Lin. Sys.- Dil. 368.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 30.—Reeve, I. Con. f. 36.-C. regius, Ch. x. 17, f. 1276.—Lam. W. Columbia Brug. E. M. pl. 336, f. 5.—Lam.- Reeve, C. I. Con. f. 33. New Guinea. Wood (as of Brug.)--Copied from Fav. (698) pl. pl. 16, f. F. 1, taken from Arg. Conc. Ap. pl. 1, f. Q. Guinea.' Gm. 3388, for Mart. ii. f. 644.-C. fulgurans, Brug. teste Lam. ‘Africa.' Dil. (as of Ch. xi. f. 1754.)-Reeve, I. Con. f. 249.–C. flammeus, Lam.-E. M. pl. 336, f. 1. Honduras. Ch. xi. f. 1322, 3.-Lam.-E. M. pl. 335, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 222. Ceylon. Brug. E. M. pl. 336, f. 3, 4.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 17.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 173. Red Sea. C. St. Thome, Ch. x. 15, f. 133, no 2. -0. Omaicus, Brug. E. M. pl. 339, f.3.-Sow.C.I. Con.f. 115.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 50, Amboyna. Lin. Sys.-Brug.–Dil. 372.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 46.—Reeve, I. Con. f. 11. Moluccas, &c. Dil. (as of Sol.) 374.-C. ammiralis, var. Lam.-E. M. pl. 328, f. 3, 4. Amboyna. 30 AMADIS Amadis 31 ACUMINATUS sharp-pointed 32 THOMA St. Thomas's - - 33 AMMIRALIS admiral 34 ARCHITHALASSUS granulated CONUS. 79 - - Tood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 35 CEDO-NULLI Conus Brug. E. M.—Dil. 374.- Lam. -- - cedo-nulli Reeve, I. Con, f. 46. W. Indies. 36 AURANTIUS Brug. E. M. pl. 317, f. 7.—Dil. 376. orange -Reeve, I. Con. f. 73. Moluccas. 37 LEUCOSTICTUS Gm. 3388, in part.-C. nebulosus, Lam. marbled (as of Brug.)-Reeve, I. Con. f. 51. W. Indies. 38 VITULINUS Brug. E. M. pl. 326, f. 3.–Dil. R. S. spotted 377.—Lam.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 132. Ceylon. 39 POLYZONIAS Gm.-After C. planorbis, Born, pl. 7, depressed spire f. 13.-C. vulpinus, Brug.---Lam.- C. senator, Reeve, (as of Lin.) I. Con. f. 197. Guinea. 40 SENATOR Dil. (as of Lin.) 378.-C. vulpinus, var. senator Lam.—Copied from Mart. ii. f. 659. Guinea. 41 CATUS Brug.–Dil379.---Lam. Taheite. cat 42 NOBILIS Lin. Sys.—Ch. x. f. 1312, 3, 4.-Lam. noble -Sow. C. I. Con. f. 116.-Reeve, I. Con, f. 2. Philippines. 43 SIAM ENSIS Brug.-Dil. 380.—Lam. Asiatic Seas. Siam 44 GENUANUS Lam. (as of Lin.)-Sow. C. I. Con. f. butterfly- 99.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 81. winged Sierra Leone. 45 PAPILIONACEUS Wood (not authors) wrongly.—Copied papilio from Fav. pl. 18, f. A, 3. quoted for C. literatus, by Lam. Mauritius. 46 PROMETHEUS Lam. (as of Brug.)–E. M. pl. 331, f. Prometheus 5.-- Reeve, I. Con. f.172.-C. flucti- fer, Dil. 382. Sechelle Islands. 47 TÆNIATUS Lam. (as of Brug.) Dil. 382.-Reeve, American flag I. Con. f. 107. Chinese Seas. 48 MUSICUS Lam. (as of Brug.)–E. M. pl. 322, f. music 4.-Dil. 383.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 113. W. Indies. 49 MILIARIS Lam. (as of Brug.)-E. M. pl. 319, f. millet 6.- Dil. 383.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 81. -Reeve, I. Con. f. 198. Isle of Annaa. 50 GLAUCUS Dil. (as of Lin.) 384.-Lam.-Reeve, little blueish I. Con. f. 10. Moluccas. - 80 CONUS. . Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms—Locality. 51 SURATENSIS Conus Lam. (as of Brug.)-Dil. 384.-Reeve, Surat C. I. Con. f. 18.-C. betulinus line- atus, Ch. xi. f. 1752, 3. Philippines. 52 MONACHUS Wood (as of Lin.) I. T. --Scarcely of monk authors · China.' 53 RANUNCULUS Lam. (as of Brug.)–E. M. pl. 331, f. Ranunculus 1.–Dil. 385. American Seas. 54 ACHATINUS Wood (as C. a. maximus of Ch. x. f. agate 1317 !) I. T. Batavia, 55 LUZONICUS Lam. (as of Brug.)- E. M. pl. 338, f. spotted velvet 6.-Dil. 386. Philippines. 56 RUSTICUS Dil. (as of Lin.) 387, var. B.-C. li- rustic vidus, Ch. xi. f. 1776, 7.-C. cæru- lescens, Lam.-C. cinereus, var. Desh. Moluccas. 57 NISUS Ch. xi. f. 1784, 5.-Dil. 388. brown-throated E. Indies. 58 LIVIDUS Lam. (as of Brug.)—Dil. 388.—Reeve, livid I. Con. f. 211. Society Islands, &c. 59 MUS Lam. (as of Brug.)–E. M. pl. 320, f. mouse 9.-Reeve, I. Con, f. 103. W. Indies. 60 DISTANS Lam. (as of Brug.)- Dil. 389.—Reeve, wide-lined I. Con. f. 174.-C. Memnonitarum, Ch. x. f. 1281. Otaheite. 61 CALEDONICUS Lam. (as of Brug.)–E. M. pl. 321, f. Caledonian 10.-Dil. 389.-Reeve, 1. Con. f. 181. New Caledonia. 62 COFFEE Gmel.-Dil. 390.-C. fumigatus, Lam. Coffee (as of Brug.) American Seas. 63 VITTATUS Lam. (as of Brug.)–E. M. pl. 335, f. ribbon 3.- Dil. 390.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 21, probably. W. Columbia, 64 CLASSIARIUS Lam. (as of Brug.) --Dil. 391.-C. sailor capitaneus senex, Ch. xi. f. 1786, 7. • W. Columbia. 65 MERCATOR Lin. Sys.—Dil. 391.-Lam.-Reeve, net-work I. Con. f. 83. Senegal. 66 BETULINUS Lin. Sys.-Dil. 392.-Lam.-Reeve, birch-bark I. Con. f. 67. Ceylon. 67 FIGULINUS Lin. M. U.-Dil. 393, chiefly.-Lam. brown-band -Reeve, I. Con, f. 160. Ceylon. 1 1 1 1 - - CONUS. 81 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 68 QUERCINUS Conus Lam. (as of Brug.)-Dil. 393. --Sow. oak C. I. Con. f. 102.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 148. Ceylon. 69 LINEATUS Ch. x. f. 1285.-E. M. pl. 326, f. 2.-- lined Lam.---Dil. 394. Ceylon, &c. 70 EQUES Lam. (as of Brug.)-Dil.394.-Copied chevalier from Fav. pl. 14, f. F. 1. S. Seas. 71 ERMINEUS Born, Tes.-Dil. 395.-C. lithoglyphus, ermine Lam. (as of Brug.)- E. M. pl. 338, f. 8.-Swains. Z. I. Ser. 2, pl. 65. Philippines. 72 VEXILLUM Mart. ii. f. 629.-Lam.-Dil. 395.- banner Reeve, I. Con. f. 3. Moluccas. 73 TESTUDINARIUS Mart. ii. f. 605.-Lam.- Dil. 396.- turtle Reeve, I. Con. f. 214. W. Indies. 74 TENULATUS Lam. (as of Brug.) -Dil. 397.-Sow. veined C. I. Con. f. 47.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 195.-C. nivifer, Brod. Z. P. Cape de Verd Isles. 75 NAMOCANUS Brug. E. M. 712, pl. 338, f. 5.-Lam. ash-wood --Dil. 397.-Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 3056. ' Island of Namoca. 76 COSTATUS Ch. xi. f. 1745, 6, 7.- Dil. 398.- After ribbed C. sulcatus, Brug. E. M. 618.-- Reeve, I. Con. f. 99.--C. asper, Lam. China. 77 EBRAUS Lin. M. U.--Lam.-Dil. 398, var. A. Hebrew -Quoy, Ast. pl. 52, f. 5.--Reeve, I. Con. f. 104, b. Ceylon. 78 STERCUSMUS- Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Dil. 399.-- Reeve, I. Con, f. 90. Ceylon. black and white dotted 79 ARENATUS Lam. (as of Brug.)-Dil. 400.-Reeve, sandy I. Con. f. 92.-C. stercusmuscarum, var. Born, Tes. pl. 7, f. 12. Ceylon, 80 PULICARIUS Lam. (as of Brug.)-Dil. 400.-Reeve, flea-bitten I. Con. f. 94.-C. fustigatus, Lam. (as of Brug.) Otaheite. 81 ZEYLANICUS Gm. 3389.-Subsequent to C. Ceyloni- Ceylon cus, Ch. x. f. 1318.-0. obesus, Lam. (as of Brug.) --Dil. 401.--Reeve, I. Con. f. 37. Ceylon. 82 PUNCTATUS Brug. E. M.---Lam.-Dil. 401.-C. fawn-coloured filis, &c. Ch. x. f. 1294. 2 CARUM M 82 CONUS. 2 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms— Locality. Genus. 83 CANCELLATUS Conus Brug. E. M. pl. 338, f. 1.-Lam.- trellised Dil. 402. Ooh hee. 84 VARIUS Lin. Sys.—Lam.- Dil. 402. shagreen Philippines. 85 PORTORICANUS Brug. E. M. pl. 338, f. 4.- Lam.-Dil. granulated 403.---Reeve, I. Con. f. 212. Porto Rico, W. Indies. 86 TINIANUS Brug. E. M. pl. 338, f. 2.-Lam.- red clouded Dil. 403.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 236. Tinian, Ladrones. 87 CORONATUS Dil. (as of Gmel.) 403.-C. minimus, crowned Brug. (not Lin.)-Lam.-E. M. pl. 322, f. 2. Ceylon. 88 BARBADENSIS Brug. E. M. pl. 322, f. 8.-Lam.- white-banded Dil. 404. W. Indies. 89 ROSEUS Lam.-E. M. pl. 322, f. 7.-Dil. 404. rose-coloured -Reeve, I. Con. f. 186. 'W. Indies.' 90 COCCINEUS Dil. (not Gmel.) 404.-C. cardinalis, scarlet Lam. (as of Brug.)-Reeve, I. Con. f. 102. W. Indies.' 91 CITRINUS Gm. 3389, for Mart. ii. f. 681.-Dil. citron-colour 405, partly.-C. lividus, var. c. Lam. -C. sanguinolentus, Quoy, Ast. pl. 53, f. 18. Curaçoa.' 92 SPONSALIS Brug. E. M. pl. 322, f. 1.-Ch. xi. f. pink-spotted 1766, 7.-Lam.-Dil. 405.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 109. Lord Hood's Island. 93 TAITENSIS Brug. E. M. pl. 336, f. 9.–Lam.- blackish-violet Dil. 408. Otaheite. 94 SCABRIUSCULUS Ch. xi. f. 1768, 9.–Dil. 406. roughish Sierra Leone. 95 PUNOTURATUS Brug. E. M. pl. 322, f. 9.–Lam.- groove-punc- Dil. 405. Botany Bay. tured 96 CEYLONENSIS Brug. E.M. 636, pl. 322, f. 10,--Lam. zigzag - Dil. 406.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 199. Ceylon. 97 PUSILLUS Wood (not Ch. nor Lam.)–C. puncti- dwarf culatus, var. Lam. (as of Brug.)— E. M. pl. 331, f. 8. Mexico 98 LAMELLOSUS Brug. E. M. pl. 322, f. 5.--Lam.- plaited-spire Dil. 408. Ceylon. 1 1 ---- CONUS. 83 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 99 RATTUS Conus Brug. E. M. pl. 338, f. 7.-Lam.- rat-skin Dil. 408.-0. Taheitensis, Reeve, I. Con. f. 78. Isle of Annaa. 100 JAMAICENSIS Brug. E. M. pl. 335, f. 4.-Lam.---- three-banded Dil. 408. W. Indies. 101 MEDITERRA- Brug. E. M. pl. 330, f. 4.-Lam.- NEUS Dil. 409.-Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 3064. olive-clouded - Phil. Sic.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 89. Mediterranean. 102 PUNCTICULA- Brug. E. M. pl. 331, f. 2.-Dil. 409. TUS -Lam.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 116. red-dotted Mazatlan. 103 MAURITIANUS Brug. E. M. pl. 330, f. 9.-Lam.- Mauritian Dil. 410. Africa. 104 SULCATUS Brug. E. M. pl. 321, f. 6.---Lam.- Dil. 410,=no. 76. China. grooved 105 VERRUCOSUS warty 106 COLUMBA rose-dove 107 MADURENSIS green-cross - 108 JASPIDEUS jasper 109 JAPONICUS orange-mottled 110 MINDANUS white-mottled Brug. E. M. pl. 333, f. 4.-Lam.- Dil. 410.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 201. Senegal, fc. Brug. E. M. pl. 334, f. 3.- Lam. not var.–Dil. 411, not var.-Reeve, I. Con. 97. W. Indies. Brug. E. M. pl. 333, f. 3.-Lam.- Dil. 411. Madura, near Java. Wood (as of Gmel.)–C. pusio, Lam. -E. M. pl. 334, f. 4. W. Indies. Brug. E. M. pl. 330, f. 3.--Lam.- Dil. 412. Japan. Brug. E. M. pl. 330, f. 7.-Lam.- Dil. 412.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 115, d. Mindinao.' Ch. xi. f. 1770, 1.-Dil. 413.-C. ama- bilis, Lam.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 57. Philippines. Lam. (as of Lin.) - Dil. 413.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 194.-C. auricomus, Brug. Philippines. Brug. E. M. pl. 346, f. 4.-Dil. 413. -Reeve, I. Con. f. 196.-C. auri- comus, Lam.-Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 3070. Philippines. Gm. for Mart. ii. f. 571.–Subsequent to C. circumcisus, Born. -Dil. 414. < 111 FESTIVUS festive 112 CLAVUS yellow-veined 113 AUREUS golden 114 AFFINIS commandant M 2 84 CONUS. - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. -0. dux, Brug.-Lam.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 13. Philippines. 115 TENDINEUS Conus Brug. E. M.-Lam. not var.–Dil. chocolate 414.--Reeve, C. I. Con. f. 55. Mauritius, &c. 116 AUSTRALIS Ch. xi. f. 1774, 5.–Dil. 415.-Lam. Southern -Sow. G. Con. f. 4. Swan River. 117 LÆVIS Gm. for O. teres, l. of Mart. ii. f. 572. smooth -Dil. 415.-C. tendineus, var. Lam. ' Africa. 118 OCHROLEUCUS Gm. for Mart. ii. f. 573.Dil. 415.- yellowish C. præfectus, Brug.-Lam.-Sow.C. I. Con. f. 111.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 138. Swan River. 119 STRIGATUS Brug. E. M. pl. 342, f. 1.-Lam.-- pale-violet Dil. 416. Indian Ocean. 120 MITRATUS Brug. E. M. pl. 342, f. 3.—Lam.- mitre Dil. 416.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 100. Philippines. 121 GLANS Brug. E. M. pl. 342, f. 9.-Lam.- acorn Dil. 416.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 145. Philippines. 122 TENELLUS Ch. xi. f. 1782, 3.- Dil. 417.=magus delicate teste Reeve. Moluccas. 123 NUSSATELLA Lin. Sys.- Lam.-Dil. 417.-Reeve, clouded white I. Con, f. 56. Philippines. and yellow 124 GRANULATUS Lin. Sys.---Lam.-E. M. pl. 339, f. 9. grained Dil. 419.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 27. Antigua. 125 FUSUS Dil. (not Gmel.) 419.-C. verulosus, spindle Brug. E. M. pl. 341, f. 7.—Lam.- Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 3066. W. Indies. 126 AURISIACUS Lin. Sys. ---Lam.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. orange 110.-Reeve, I. Con, f. 29. Moluccas. 127 TEREBELLUM Gm. for Terebellum, &c. of Mart. ii, f. wimble 577.—Reeve, C. I. Con. f. 38.- After C. terebra, Born.-Lam.- Sow. G. Con. f. 6. Philippines 128 RAPHANUS Lam. (as of Brug.)-Dil. 420.-C. radish magus, Reeve, I. Con. f. 190, c. Mauritius | | | | | | | | | - - و کردار / 49 a + il 50 at 20+ + sse+ 56 a 62 1 + 11 52 e 6.3a + 6 63 70+ 7 726 746 766 78 30 a 31+ 79 31 a 26 90+ 92 93 93 83 0+ 91 01 990+ وا UNIQ Arc fy CONUS. 85 6 - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. 129 ADANSONI Conus Lam.-E. M. pl. 343, f. 7.-Dil. 420. Adanson's Senegal. 130 AUGUR Brug. E. M. pl. 333, f. 6.-Lam.- Dil. Augur 421.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 7. Ceylon. 131 MAGUS Wood (as of Lin.)=Lam. teste Desh. magician Amboyna. 132 STRIATUS Lin. Sys. and M. U.-Lam.-Dil. striated 423.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 179. Ceylon. 133 GUBERNATOR Brug. E. M. pl. 340, f. 5.--Lam.- governor Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 3063.-Reeve, I. Con, f. 59. Ceylon. 134 GLORIA-MARIS Ch. x. f. 1324, 5.-E. M. pl. 347, f. 7. Glory of the -Lam.Dil.--Sow. Tank.-Reeve, sea I. Con. f. 31. Philippines. 135 PYRAMIDALIS Lam.-E. M. pl. 347, f. 5.-Dil. 424. pyramidal "Torrid Zone.' 136 TEXTILE Lin. Sys.--E. M. pl. 344, f. 5.-Lam. gold-brocade --Reeve, I. Con. f. 209. Ceylon. 137 ABBAS Brug. E. M. pl. 345, f. 3.-Lam.- abbot Dil. 426.- Reeve, I. Con. pl. 32, f. 162.— O. textile obscuratum, Ch. x. f. 1326, b, c. Mauritius. 138 ARCHIEPIS- Brug. E. M. pl. 346, f. 1.-Lam.- COPUS Dil. 426.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 223.- Archbishop C. elegantissime, &c. Mart. ii. f. 602. Indian Ocean. 139 CANONICUS Brug, var, b.—Lam.-E. M. pl. 345, canon f. 1.- Dil. 427. Mauritius. 140 EPISCOPUS Lam. (as of Brug.) not var.-E. M. bishop pl. 345, f. 6.-Dil. 427.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 189, a.-C. fuscus, &c. Mart. ii. 216, f. 591. Ceylon, &c. 141 PRÆLATUS Brug. E. M. pl. 345, f. 4.-Lam.- Dil. 427. Indian Ocean. 142 PENNA CEUS Born, pl. 7, f. 14.- Brug: --Lam.-- plumous Dil. 428. Mauritius? 143 RUBIGINOSUS Brug. E. M. pl. 344, f. 2.-Lam.- orange-brown Dil. 428. Indian Isles. 144 OMARIA Brug. E. M. pl. 344, f. 3.-Lam.- pearl-brown Dil. 429. New Guinea. 145 AULICUS Brug. (as of Lin.) – E. M. pl. 343, f. brunette 3.-Dil. 430, not var. D.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 134. Ceylon. prelate 6 - 86 CONUS. Wood's Linnean names. 146 ELONGATUS lengthened - 147 SPECTRUM spectre 148 INFORMIS misshapen . 149 VENTRICOSUS ventricose 150 BULLATUS bubble Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Conus Ch. x. pl. 144, A, f. i, k.- Dil. 430. =C. Mozambicus, var. a. Brug teste Brug. Desh. &c. Guinea. Brug. (as of Lin.) E. M. 728, pl. 341, f. 9.-Lam.- Dil. 431. Amboyna. Dil. (as of Brug.) 431, in part.-C. spectrum Sumatra, Ch. x. pl. 144, f. , g, h.-C. pica, Reeve, I. Con. Sup. pl. 9, f. 281. Borneo. Dil. (as of Gm.) 432.—C. Francisca- nus, Brug.-E. M. 698, pl. 3371, f. 5.–Lam.-Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 3065. Africa. Ch. (as of Lin.) x. f. 1315, 6.-Lam. --Dil. 432.—Sow. G. Con. f. 9. -Sow. C. I. Con. f. 96.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 93. Moluccas. Brug. E. M. pl. 341, f. 3.–Lam.- Dil. 433.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 111.- C. vespertinus, Sow. Tank. Moluccas. Wood (as of Brug. E. M. pl. 341, f. 5.) Ceylon. Ch. xi. f. 1756, 7.—Dil. 433.–C. Au- 707a, Lam.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 7. rora Natal. Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 92, 3.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 128, a. Isle of Annaa. Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 95.-Reeve, I. i. Con. f. 130. Mauritius, 151 TIMORENSIS Timor 152 NIMBOSUS rainy 153 ROSACEUS Aurora 1 1 1 1 154 TULIPA tulip 155 GEOGRAPHUS geographer CYPRÆA-COWRY. 1 EXANTHEMA spotted 2 MAPPA map Cypræa Lin. Sys.—Lam.—Sow. C. I. Cy. f. 170.-Reeve, C. I. iii. Cyp. f. 16. W. Indies. Lin. Sys.—Lam.—Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 70.-Reeve, I. iii. Cyp. f. 18. Isle of Annaa. Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 85.-Reeve, I. ii. Cyp. f. 2. Indian Ocean. 3 ARABICA Arabic CYPRÆA. 87 -- Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. 4 HISTRIO Cypræa Gm. 3403.--Lam.--Sow. C. I. f. 80. harlequin -Subsequent to O. arlequina, Ch. x. f. 1346, 7.-C. Arabica, var. Gray, Z. J.-C. reticulata, Reeve, (as of Martyn) I. iii. Cy. f. 3. Eastern Seas. 5 ARGUS Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. Argus 125.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 8. Ceylon. 6 TESTUDINARIA Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. tortoise-shell 152.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 9. Mauritius. 7 STERCORARIA Lin. Sys.-Ch. xi. f. 1739, 40.--Sow. livid-speckled C. I. Cyp. f. 167.—Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 15. Persian Gulf 8 AURANTIUM Martyn, U. C.--Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 11. orange C. Aurora Solandri, Ch. xi. f. 1737, 8.-0. Aurora, Lam. Pacific Islands. 9 CARNEOLA Lin. Sys.—Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 165.- flesh-coloured Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 19. Isle of Annaa. 10 TALPA Lin. Sys.-Lam.—Kiener, Cyp. pl. mole 12, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 5. Madagascar, 8c. 11 LURIDA Lin. Sys.-Lam.--Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. lurid 82.---Reeve, C. I. Cyp. f. 32. Mediterranean. 12 VANELLI Lin. Sys.=young C. Lynx. Mauritius. saffron-throated 13 LOTA Wood (as of Lin.) I. T. Sicily, white 14 GUTTATA Dil. (as of Gm.) 444.-Gray, Z. J.i. dotted 511.-Reeve, I. iii. Cy. f. 30. U. 15 SANGUINOLENTA Gray (as of Gmel.) Z. J. i. 390.- sanguine Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 108.-Reeve, I. Cy. f. 102. Mouth of Gambia. 16 UNDULATA Wood (not Gmel.)-C. ziczac, Lin. waved Sys.-Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 133.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 97. Mozambique. 17 TERES Wood (not Gmel. nor authors) I. T. long U. 18 ACHATINA Dil. (as of Sol.) 446.-Subsequent to agate C.ventriculus, Lam.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 28.-C. carneola, Martyn (not Lin.) U. C. pl. 14. Isle of Annaa. - - 88 CYPRÆA. - | | | Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. 19 CAPUT-SERPENTIS Cypræa Lin. Sys.- Lam.-Gray, Z. J. i. 495. snake's-head - Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 44. . Natal. 20 MAURITIANA Lin. Sys.- Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. blackish-brown 164.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 1. Mauritius, &c. 21 VITELLUS Lin. Sys.—Lam.- Gray, Z. J. i. 150. white-spotted -Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 14. Indian Ocean. 22 MUS Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Gray, Z. J. i. 496. mouse --Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 24. Guinea. 23 TIGRIS Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Gray, Z. J. i. 367. tiger -Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 90. Madagascar. 24 PANTHERINA Dil. (as of Sol.) 368.-Gray, Z. J. i. panther 368.—Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 7.--0. ti- grina, Lam.-C. pardus, Bolten. Red Sea. 25 LYNX Lin. Sys.—Gray, Z. J. i. 151.–Sow. lynx C.I. Cyp. f. 107.-Reeve, C. I. Cyp. f. 33 Mauritius, &c. 26 FELINA Gm. 3412.—Gray, Z. J. i. 384.—Sow. feline C. I. Cyp. f. 135, 7.--Desh. ed. Lam. Natal. 27 CINEREA Gray (as of Gmel.) Z. J. i. 145.-- ash-coloured Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 163.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 124. – 0. sordida, Lam. W. Indies. 28 ISABELLA Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Gray, Z. J. i. 143. yellow -Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 98.-Reeve, I. Сур. f. 51. Mauritius 29 CYLINDRICA Wood (not Born nor authors) I. T.- cylindrical ?C. interrupta or tabescens, of Sow. C. I. U. 30 SCURRA Ch. x, f. 1338.– Gray, Z. J. i. 138.- green-spotted Sow. C. I. f. 103.- Reeve, I. Cyp. 45. Isle of Annaa. . 31 ONYX Gray (as of Lin.) Z. J. i. 370.- Sow. onyi C. I. Cyp. f. 133.-C. adusta, Ch. x. f. 1341.-Lam. California, 32 SUBFLAVA Wood (as of Gmel.) =no. 39. yellowish 33 ZICZAC Dil. (not Lin.) 454.-C. undata, Lam. zigzag An. s. Ver.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 109. -C. diluculum, Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 65. Philippines. - - Plio. CDVUS. sega 112 a + lush 1121 150 119 + 1200 + 123 124, + 20 o 121 + 122+ 128 120! 134 138 € 1.39 14111 + 1061 14,5,6t 142 at 123/ 14.01 147 + Uriel 1450+ 1.500 1491 + 052 1.5.3 CYPRA 6d 1 + . ONE CYPREA. P2.17 146 ial 2 2 yat 170 19 ! 4.3 + 49 a 48 a + 56 + N ma ICH CYPRÆA. 89 Wood's Linnean names. 34 ZONARIA zoned Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. Cypræa Gm.-C. zonata, Ch. x. f. 1342.- Reeve, C. I. Cyp. f. 58, probably. Guinea. Lin. Sys. -- Gray, Z. J. i. 377.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 174.--Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 104. Maldives. Gm.-- Worn no. 35. Maldives. - 35 HIRUNDO. swallow 36 URSELLUS brown-spotted 37 LUTEA yellow 38 ASELLUS three-banded 39 ERRONES olive-mottled 40 PYRUM pear 41 PUNCTATA dotted Meusch. in Gron. Z. pl. 19, f. 17.- Desh. ed. Lam. x. 552.--Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 110.- C. Humphreysii, Sow. (as of Gray) C. I. Cyp. f. 55. Singapore? Lin. Sys.--Lam.-- Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 93.-Reeve, I. Cyp.f. 98. W. Indies. Lin. Sys.—Gray, Z. J. i. 385.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 124, 129, 132.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 56.-C. olivacea, Lam. Indian Ocean. Gray (as of Gmel.) Z. J. i. 371.--- Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 26.-C. flaveola, Born (not Lin.)–C. rufa, Lam. Mediterranean. Lin. Mant.- Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 101.- C.stercus-muscarum, Lam. - tulata, Sow. C. I. Cyp, f 117. Philippines Lam. (as of Lin.) - Gray, Z. J. i. 382. -Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 63.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 81. Ceylon. Lin. Sys.---Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 123, 130.– Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 74. Otaheite, &c. Lin. Sys.- Lam --Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 115.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 71. Natal. Lam. (as of Lin.) — Gray, Z. J. i. 491. --Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 159, 0.—Reeve, I. Cyp, f. 46. Indian Ocean. Gm. (not Lin.)–C. dracæna, Born, pl. 8, f. 12. =no. 45. С. рипс- 42 CRIBRARIA umbilicated f. 43 MONETA money 44 ANNULUS ringed 45 CAURICA thick-edged 46 STOLIDA angular- marked 47 CRUENTA ferruginous Dil. (as of Gmel.) 460.--Gray, Z. J. i. 490.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 38.-- 0. variolaria, Lam. Indian Ocean. N CYPRÆA. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms— Locality. Genus. 48 EROSA Cypræa Lin. Sys. - Lam.-- Gray, Z. J. i. 504. bordered -Sow. C. I. Cyp. f.171, 2.--Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 43. Mauritius. 49 SPURCA Lin. Sys.—Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 104.— narrow-mar- Reeve, I. iii. Cyp. f. 68.–C. flaveola, gined Lam. Mediterranean. 50 RUBIGINOSA Gm.–Subsequent to C. stolida, Lin. square-spotted Sys.- Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 91.-Reeve, 1. Cyp. f. 67. Ceylon. 51 TABESCENS Dil. (as of Sol.) 462, in part — C. cy- glaucous lindrica, Born.—Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 100.-- Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 64.-- C. cor- nus, Bolten. Pacific Isles. 52 ANGUSTATA Gray (as of Gmel.) Z. J. i. 497.- narrow Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 105.-Reeve, I. Сур. f. 91. Africa. 53 HELVOLA Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. star 121.-Reeve, I. iii. Cyp. f. 72. S. Africa. 51 OCELLATA Lin. M. U.—Lam.—Gray, Z. J. i. 405. eyed --Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 67.-Reeve, I. Сур. f. 73. China.? 55 PORARIA Lin. M. U.—Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. white-spotted f. 68.- Reeve, I. iii. Cyp. f. 99. Otaheite. 56 GANGRENOSA Dil. (as of Sol ) 465.—Gray, Z. J.i. gangrene 503.-Sow. C. I. f. 8. China.' 57 FIMBRIATA Gray (as of Gm.?) Z. J. i. 383.-Sow. fimbriated C. I Cyp. Cat. no. 98. Red Sea. 58 ONISCUS Dil. (not Lam.) 466.-C. radians, wood-louse Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 146.- Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 117. W. Columbia. 59 SULCATA Dil. 466, partly.-C. pediculus, Lin. sulcated Sys. in part.- Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 148.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 131.. W. Indies. 60 PEDICULUS Lin. Sys. partly.-C. Europea, Dil. sea-louse (as of Mont.) 467.—Br. Mol. pl. 114, A, f. 6,7,8,9.-C. arctica, and bullata, Mont.-C. coccinella, Lam. Britain, &c. 61 MADAGASCARI- Gm. 3419.–Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 116.- ENSIS Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 75. Madagascar. Madagascar CYPRÆA. Wood's Linnean names. 62 NUCLEUS wrinkled - 63 PUSTULATA pustule 64 STAPHYLÆA groove-backed Lamarcklan Authority - Synonyms- Locality. Genus. Cypræa Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 86.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 70. Mauritius. Lam.-Gray, Z. J. i. 513.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 71.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 76. Mexico. Lin. M. U.-Lam.-Born, Tes. pl. 8, f. 18.-Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 82. Mauritius. Lin. Sys.-Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 84.- Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 116. Isle of Annaa. Wood (as of Dil. R. S. 470.) - Copied from Mart. i. f. 242. Amboyna. Lin. M. U.- Ch. x. f. 1339, 0.- Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 78.—Reeve, I. Cyp. f. 118. W. Indies. Gm. 3406, from Schröt. Einl. i. 165, U. 65 CICERCULA vetch 66 MARGARITA pearl 67 GLOBULUS globular 68 MINUTA minute no. 121. BULLA – DIPPE R. 1 OVUM egg 2 IMPERIALIS crumpled Ovulum Lin. Sys.-0. oviformis, Lam.—0. ovum, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 99. f. 1, 2, 3. Philippines. Dil. (as of Sol.) 473.--After Cypræa tortilis, Martyn, U. C. 60.-0. an- gulose, Lam.–Sow. Th. ii. pl. 99. f. 4, 5. Zanzibar. Lin. Sys.—0. v. Lam.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 99, f. 6, 7, 8. China. 3 VOLVA weaver's shut- tle 4 CARNEA flesh-coloured 5 LEPIDA orange-coloured Dil. (as of Poiret) 473.-0.c. Lam.- Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 4041, 2. - Sow. Th. ii. pl. 101. f. 74, 75. Algiers, &c. Dil. (as of Sol.) 474.- After 0. triti- cea, Lam.--Sow. Th. ii. pl. 100, f. 20, 21. Mediterranean. Not of Lin. Sys. -- 0. b. Lam.--Sow. Spec. Con. Ov. f. 44, 45. Pacific Isles. Dil. (as of. Sol.) 474. -- After 0. acicu- laris, Lam.-Sow. Sp. Con. Ov. f. 49 to 52. W. Indies. 6 BIROSTRIS lesser-shuttle 7 SECALE rye-shaped 92 BULLA. - 2 1 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority- Synonyms— Locality, names. Genus. 8 PATULA Ovulum Pen.iv.f.85, A.-Mont-Don.-Volva patulous p. Flem.-0. p. Sow. Spec. C. Ov. - 10, f. 58.—Brit. Mol. iii. 498, pl. 114, B. f. 42. Britain. 9 SPELTA Lin. Sys.-B. missile, &c. Mart. i. . oblong 277, f. 215, 6.--0. secale, Sow. Sp. Con. Ov. 8, f. 36. 10 VERRUCOSA Lin. Sys.-0. v. Lam.—Sow. Th. ii. warty p!. 101, f. 78,9. Philippines. 11 GIBBOSA Lin. Sys.—0. g. Lam.-Sow. Th. ii. - . belted pl. 99, f. 15 to 19. Panama, &c. 12 NAUCUM Bulla Lin. Sys.—Lam.— Adams, Sow. Th. sea-nut ii. pl. 124, f. 107, 8, 9. Indian Ocean. 13 FERRUGINOSA Cyprea Dil. (as of Gmel. from Mart. i. f. 209) rust-spotted 477.=young C. mus, teste Gray. 14 APERTA Bullæa Lin. Sys.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 153, f. 3. wide - Philine quadripartita, Ascan. - - Bullæa Planciana, Philippi (as of Lam. ed. i.) Sic. ii. pl. 20, f. 3.- Bullæa a. Br. Mol. iii. 539, pl. 114, E. f. 1. Britain, &c. 15 CATENA Mont. 215, pl. 7, f. 7.-B. punctata, chain Flem.-Bullea c. Clark. Z. J. iii. 337,--Bullæa p. Philippi, p. Philippi, Sic.- Philine c. Br. Mol. iii. 545, pl. 114, E. f. 6, 7. Britain. 16 PLUMULA Pleuro. Mont. 214, pl. 15, f. 9.— Berthella feather branchus porosa, Blain. Mal. pl. 43, f. 1-P. p. Br. Mol. iii. 559, pl. 114. F. f. 6, 7. Britain. 17 HYDATIS Bulla Don. (as of Lin.) B. S. pl. 88.—Br. paper Mol. 114, D. f. 7.-B. navicula, Da Cos.-B. cornea, Lam.—Deles. pl. 27, f. 7. Britain, lc. 18 AMPULLA Lin. Sys.- Lam.-Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pewitt's egg pl. 122, f. 59 to 62. Philippines. 19 AMYGDALUS Dil. (as of Sol.) R. S. 480, in part.- almond B. striata, Brug. chiefly.-B. media, Adams, Sow. Th. ii. 576, pl. 123, f. 70. W. Indies. 20 LIGNARIA Lin. Sys.--Lam.- Adams, Sow. Th. brown-striated ii. 574, pl. 121, f. 47.—Br. Mol. iii. 536, pl. 114, F. f. 3, Britain, &c. - P3 0 0 + 754 7 27 + 22 + 3,7 50+ 22 0 0 92 6 UNID ICH BULLA. 93 Wood's Linnean names. 21 PECTINATA pectinated - 22 SOLUTA unsealed - 23 AKERA elastic 24 PHYSIS striped 25 NITIDULA brittle Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. Bullæa Dil. 481.— Adams, Sow. Th.ii. 572, pl. 121, f. 51.–After B. scabra, Mul. Z. D. - Brug.-Bullæa granulosa, Sars. – Bullæa catenulifera, Macg. 187.- Bullæa p. Alder. --Philine s. Br. Mol. iii. 543, pl. 114, E. f. 4,5. Britain, &c. Bulla Ch. x. f. 1360.-Adams, Sow. Th. i. pl. 121, f. 40.-B. Ceylanica, Desh. (as of Brug.) ed. Lam. vii. 674. Philippines. Gm.—Mont. 219. -- Akera bullata, Mul. Z. D. pl. 71, f. 1 to 5.-Br. Mol. iii. pl. 114, D. f. 4, 5, 6.-B. Norwegica, Brug.-B. resiliens, Don. pl. 79.-B. fragilis, Lam.-B. (Ak.) Hanleyi, Adams. Britain, &c. Lin. Sys.- Lam. -Adams, Sow. Th. ii. 565, pl. 120, f. 9 to 11. Mauritius. Dil. (as of Sol.) 483.-Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 120, f. 15, 6.-Bullina elegans, Menke. - After B. undata, Brug. E. M.-Desh. Lam. vii. 676. W. Indies. Lin. Sys.-B. a. thalassiarchi, Ch. x. 116, f. 1351.-B. aplustre, Lam. B.t. Adams, Sow. Th. ii. 565, 564, pl. 120, f. 4. Mauritius. Dil. (as of Gm.) 484.-B. amplustre, Born (not Lin.)—V. nigritarum, Ch. x. f. 1348, 9.-B. fasciata, Lam. (as of Brug.)--B. v. Adams, Sow. Th. ii. 565, pl. 120, f. 12 to 14. Ceylon. Ch. x. f. 1352, 3.–Dil. 484.-Adams, Sow. Th. ii. 563, pl. 120, f. 1. Japan. Pyrula Dil. in part.-P. ficoides, Lam.--Kien. Py.f. 13. - Ficula reticulata, Reere, (as of Lam.) I. iv. Fic. f. 1. Borneo. Dil. 485.-P. spirata, Lam.-P. s. var. Kien. Py. pl. 10, f. 2.-Fulgur Pyruloides, Say, Am. C. pl. 19. Gulf of Mexico. - 26 AMPLUSTRE banded 27 VELUM zoned 28 SCABRA rough 29 FICUS fig 30 PYRUM pear 94 BULLA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms- Locality. 31 RAPA Pyrula Lin. Sys.—Dil. 485.-P. papyracea, turnip-shaped Lam. -- P. rapa, Reeve, I. Py. f. 21. Philippines. 32 CANALICU- uncertain Lin. Sys.— Undefined. U. LATA channelled 33 CONOIDEA Auricula ? Lin. Sys.ed. 12, 1185.—Unrecognised. conoidal 34 VOLUTA Achatina Ch. ix. f. 1009, 0.-Dil. 486.- Buli- Volute mus glans, Brug.-A. g. Lam.- ” Polyphemus g. Šow. Man. -- Glan- dina olivacea, Schumac. – A. v. Pf. ii. 279. W. Indies. 35 DOMINICENSIS Gm. for Ch, ix. f. 1011.-Dil. 487.- nine-whorled Bulimus maculatus, Brug.-A. fus- co-lineata, Lam.-A. D. Pf. ii. 289. Haiti. 36 CRASSULA Physa Dil. 487, from Ch. ix. f. 879, 880.-- reversed P. heterostropha, Say, teste Gould. W. Indies. 37 TONTINALIS Lin. Sys.-Mont.— Planorbis bulla, fresh-water Mul.-P. f. Drap.- Br. Mol. iv. 140, pl. 122, f. 8, 9.-B. fluviatilis, Turt. - Limnea font. Sow. G. Britain, &c. 38 RIVALIS Mat. and Rac. T. L. viii. 126, pl. 4, f. river 2.-P. r. Turt.-Limnea r. Sow. G. -Reeve, C. S.- Aplexus r. Gray. W. Indies. 39 HYPNORUM Lin. Sys. -- Mont.—Planorbis turritus, slender Mul.-H. marmorata, Gm.-P. h. Drap.--Br. Mol. iv. 143, pl. 122, f. 6, 7.- Limnea t. Sow. G.- Aplexus h. Gray, Turt. Britain, fc. 40 GELATINOSA shell? Gm. for Planorbis gelatinus, Muller, gelatinous Ver. ii. 170. Denmark. 41 TEREBELLUM Terebellum Lin. Sys.—T. punctatum, Ch. x. 124, awl-shaped f.1362, 3.-T. subulatum, Lam. Amboyna. 42 CYPRÆA Ovulum Wood (not of Lin.) -0. breve, Sow. cowry-form Sp. Con. Ov. f. 25, 26.- Copied from Gualt. pl. 15, f. 2. U. 43 VENTRICOSA Ancillaria Dil. (not Lam.) 490.- Copied from ventricose List. 746, f. 40, termed Porphyrea tumida, by Bolten.-? A. aperta, Sow. Sp. . Anc, f. 3, 4. Pacific ? - BULLA. 95 Lamarckian Wood's Linnean names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms—Locality. - 44 AMPLA Ancillaria Gm. 3467, partly.-Dil.- A. candida, wide-mouthed Lam. --Sow. Sp. C. Anc. f. 5, 6, 7. E. Indies. 45 VIRGINEA Achatina Lin.Ch. ix. f. 1102, 3.-Buccinum ribbon v. Mül. V.—Bulimus v. Brug: - Helix v. Fér.-A. v. Lam.-Pf. ii. 255. Hayti, Cuba. 46 FASCIATA Buccinum f. Mül. V.-Bul. f. Ch. ix. banded f. 1104, 5, 6.-Bulimus vexillum, Brug. -Helix v. Fér.-A. v. Lam. -A. f. Sw. Z. I. pl. 162.-Pf. ii. 245.-A. lineata, Val. Humb. Cuba, 8c. 47 STRIGATA Bulimus Gm. for Buccinum s. Mül. V. ii. 148. yellow- -Dil. 492.- Bulim. s. Pf. ii. 181. streaked Guinea. 48 STRIATULA striated Gm. for Buccinum s. Mül. Ver. ii. 147. -Bulim. s. Pf. ii. 181. Guinea. - 2 49 EXARATA Gm. and Dil. 493, for Buccinum e. wrinkled Mül. V.- Ch. ix. f. 1031, 2.- Bulim. e. Brug.-Pf. 16.- Achatina e. Lam. (ed. Desh.) Guinea. 50 TRUNCATA Achatina Gm. 3434.--Buccinum striatum, Ch. truncated ix. f. 1028, 9.—Bulimus s. Brug. - Helix rosea, Fér.-A. 1. Desh. E. M.- A. s. Lam. (ed. Desh.)- A. t. Pf. ii. 287.–Polyphemus glans, Say, Philad. J. Florida. 51 PRIAMUS - ! Helix P. Meusc. Gr. Z. pl. 19, f. 10, Priam 11.-Stercus-pulicum, Ch. ix.f. 1026, 7.-B. P. Dil. 493.- Bulimus P. Brug.- Achatina P. Lam.-- A. ma- culata, Sw. Ex. C. pl. 23. Guinea ? 52 ZEBRA Achatina Ch. ix. f.1014.-B. achatina, var. Dil. zebra 495.—Bulimus z. Brug. - Helix z. Fér.-A. 2. Lam.- Pf. ii. 250. Madagascar. 53 ACHATINA Lin. Sys.—Buccinum a. Mül. V.- brown-striped Bulimus a. Brug.-A. perdix, Lam. - Helix a. Fér.-A. variegata, Pf. ii. 249. W. Africa. 54 PURPUREA Ch. ix. f. 1017, 8.- Bulimus purpur- purple- ascens, Brug.--Helix, p. Fér.–A. mouthed p. Lam.-Pf. ii. 253. Africa. 96 BULLA. Wood's Linnean names. 55 BICARINATA double-keeled 56 CYLINDRICA cylindric - 57 CYLINDRACEA cylindrical 58 UMBILICATA umbilicated Lamarchian Genus. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. Achatina Dil. 496, for Bulimus b. Brug.-A. 6. Lam.- Reeve, C. S. pl. 178, f. 13.- A. sinistrorsa, Pf. ii. 248. Princes Island, Africa.. Bulla Hebl. Boh. iv. pl. 2. f.30, 1.-Ch. x. f. 1356, 7.-Sow. G.-B. solida, Lam. (as of Brug.)-B. (Atys) c. Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 125, f. 114. Philippines. Pen.-Mont. 221, pl. 7, f. 2.-B. cy- lindrica, Don. pl. 120, f. 2.- B. um- bilicata, Johnston.-Cylichna cylin- dracea, Adams, Sow. Th. i. pl. 125, f. 132.-Br. Mol. iii. 508, pl. 114, B. f. 6. Britain, &c. Mont. pl. 7, f. 4, (not desc.)—Cylichna u. Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 125, f. 140.–C. u. Brit. Mol. (as of Lovén) iii. 515, pl. 114, C. f. 6. Britain, &c. B. truncata, Mont. (as of Adams) 223, pl. 7, f. 5.-B. r. Mat. and Rac.-B. semisulcata, Phil. - Bul- lina, t. and pellucida, Macg.—Tor- natina t. Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 121, f. 27.-Cylichna t. Br. Mol. iii. 510. Britain, &c. Mont. 223, pl. 7. f. 3.-B. Jeverensis, Schr. - Cylichna 0. Br. Mol. iii. o 512, pl. 114, C. f. 1, 2, 3. Britain, &c. Coriocella Mont. 211, pl. 7, f. 6.- Sigaretus Ne- ritoideus, Delle Chiaje.- S.H. Gould, Mas. 244, f. 158.-S. Kindelianus, Michand.---S. perspicuus, Phil. Sic. pl. 10, f. 5.- Lamellaria p. Br. Mol. 111. 355, pl. 99, f. 8, 9.=Hel. no. 186. Britain, &c. 59 RETUSA blunt - 60 OBTUSA obtuse 61 HALIOTOIDEA Venus' ear VOLUTA-VOLUTE. 1 AURIS MIDA Midas' ear 2 AURIS JUDÆ Judas' ear Auricula Lin. Sys.--Dil. 499.-A. M. Lam.- Quoy, Ast. pl. 14. Ceram. Lin. Sys.--Dil. 500.-A. J. Lam.-- BI. Mal. pl. 38, f. 1. Malacca. P2.0 70 2.1 + 19a 15" 9. + 42 t 470 + OF H VOLUTA. 97 - 2 TTood's Linneare Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. 3 AUSTRALIS Bulimus. Dil. 500, for Aur's, 8c. Ch. ix. f. Southern 1039, 40.—Lim fibratus, Martyn, pl. 25.-B. bovinus, Brug.-B. f. Gray.-Pf. ii. 139.--Helix auris bo- vina Fér. - Auricula b. Lam. New Caledonia. 4 AURIS-MALCHI - ? Gm. and Dil. 501, for Ch. ix, f. 1037, Malchus' ear 8.- Helix. a M. Mül. V. ii. 112.-- Bulimus a. M. Brug.-Pf. ii. 228. Brazil ? 5 GLABRA Gm.-- Mawe, pl. 23, f. 5.- Auricula smooth Sileni, Lam.-B. egotis, Menke, Syn.-B.g. Pf. ii. 89. Haiti. 6 AURIS-SILENI Not of authors.-Copied from E. M. Silenus' ear pl. 460, f. 4=last. 7 FASCIATA Partula Dil.502, for Auris Mide fasciata, Ch. banded ix. f. 1041.--After Limax faba, Martyn, U. C.--- Bulimus Australis, Brug.-P. A. Sow. C. Man. f. 302, -P. Bulimoides, Lesson.=Helix, 49. 8 AURIS VIRGINIS Bulimus Dil. 502, for Auris virginea, Ch. ix, f. virgin's ear 1042.- Helix pudicus, Mül. V.-B. v. Brug.-B. p. Lam. ed Desh.-Pf. ii. 53.-Partula p. Fér. Brazil. 9 AURIS VULPINA Dil. 503, for Auris v. Ch. xi. f. 2086, fox's ear 7.-Pupa a. Gray, An. Ph.-Bulim. a. Lam. ed. Desh.—Gray, Grif. Cuv. pl. 37, f. 7.-Pf. ii. 93. St. Helena, 10 AURIS-CATI Pyramidella Ch. ix. f. 1711, 2.-D" 503.-P. pli- cat's ear cata, Lam. ! teste Desh. Philippines ? 11 TORNATILIS Tornatella Lin. Sys.—Mont.-T. fasciata, Lam. double- -Kien. Tor. pl. 1, f. 3. Britain, &c. banded 12 FLAMMEA Dil. (as of Gm.) 504.--T. f. Lam.- variegated E. M. pl. 452, f. 1.–Sow. G. Torn. f. 1.- Kien. Indian Ocean? 13 SOLIDULA Dil. (as of Lin.) 504.-T. s. Lam.- strong Kien. Tor. pl. 1, f. 2. Indian Isles. 14 LIVIDA Marginella Wood (as of Lin.)—Badly copied livid from Gualt. pl. 25, B. U. 15 COFFEA Auricula Ch. (not of Lin.) ix. pt. 2, 45, f. coffee- 1043, 4.-A. felis, Lam. coloured South Seas O 98 VOLUTA. - Wood's Linnean Lamarchian Authority-Synonyms- Locality. names. Genus. 16 MINUTA Auricula Dil. (as of Gm.) 506.--After V. cof- minute fea, Lin. — Bulimus coniformis, Brug.-- A. c. Lam.-E. M. pl. 459, f. 2. W. Indies. 17 FLAVA Gm. 3436, from Mart. ii. f. 444.–Dil. yellow 506.-A. monile, Lam. teste Lam. W. Indies. 18 DENTICULATA Mont. 234, pl. 20, f. 5.-V. ringens denticulated and reflexa, Turt. Dic.--- A. d. Jef. - A. tenella, Menke.-Carychium personatum, Michaud. - A. p. Desh. ed. Lam.—Conovulus d. Br. Mol. iv. 194, pl. 125, f. 3. Britain, &c. 19 TRIPLICATA Don. pl. 138.-A. nitens, Lam.-A. three-toothed ovula, Potiez, i. 204, pl. 20, f. 13, 14. W. Indies. 20 PUSILLA Gm. 3136, partly from Mart. ii. f. small oval 446, &c. Ill defined U. 21 BIDENTATA Mont. Sup. 100, pl. 30, f. 2.-V. alba, double-toothed Turt. Dic. - A. erosa, Jeff.- Cono- vulus a. Gray.-A. dubia, Cantraine. -C. 6. Br. Mol. iv. 191, pl. 125, f. 1, 2.- A. b. anda. Fér. Britain, &c. 22 ALBA Bulla Mont. 235, from Walk. f. 61.=Bul. white 23 PELLUCIDA Odostomia Turbo spiralis, Mont. 323, pl. 12, f. pellucid 9.-7. s. Mat. and Rac.-7. p. Dil. 508.-0. s. Br. Mol. iii. 299, pl. 97, f. 2.-0. plicatula, Macg. Britain, &c. 24 UNIDENTATA Mont. 324.-0. u. Br. Mol. iii. 264, single-toothed pl. 95, f. 7, 8. Britain. 25 INTERSTINCTA Turbo i. Mont. 324, pl. 12, f. 10.- divided V.i. Mat. and Rac.-0.i. Br. Mol. ii. 296, pl. 97, f. 1.-0. oblonga, Macg. Britain. 26 INSCULPTA Turbo i. Mont. Sup. 129–V.i. Dil. engraved 509.-0.i. Br. Mol. iii. 289, pl. 96, f. 6. Britain. 27 PLICATA Turbo p. Mont. 325, pl. 21. f. 2.-V. plaited Mat. and Rac.-7. plicatula, Dil. 509.-0. Anna, Macg-0. plicata, Br. Mol, iii, 271, pl. 98, f. 1, 2. Britain. no. 60. 11 p. VOLUTA. 99 Lam.– - - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 28 AMBIGUA Odostomia ? Turbo pallidus, Mont. 325, pl. 21, f. 4. doubtful -V. a. Mat. and Rac.-0.2 p. Br. ? . Mol. iii. 307, pl. 98, f. 4. Britain. 29 PORPHYRIA Oliva Lin. Sys.-Dil. 510.-0. p. porphyry Reeve, C. I. vi. Ol f. 2. Panama. 30 ERYTHROSTOMA Dil. 511, for 0. e. Lam.-0. e. Reeve, orange-marbled I. Ol. f. 7. Ceylon, &c. 31 OLIVA Lin. Sys. (type).–V. nigriía, Karst. olive Les. i. 216, No. 639, 640. — 0. maura, Lam.-Reeve, I. Ol. f. 10, d. --Porphyria vidua, Bolten. Ceylon, &c. 32 CRUENTA Dil. 514.- After 0. guttata, Lam. 2. orange-throated -Porphyria amethystina, Bolten. -0.c. Reeve, I. 01. f. 30. Society Islands. 33 ANNULATA Gm. 3441.-Dil. 515.–0. leucophæa, ringed Lam.- monstrous var. of No. 32. Ceylon, &c. 34 VENTRICOSA Dil. 515, chiefly.-0. undata and bi- ventricose cincta, Lam.-0. inflata, Reeve (as of Lam.), I. Ol.f. 31. Zanzibar, 35 INCRASSATA Dil. 516.- After 0. angulata, Lam.- thickened Reeve, I. Ol. f. 1. Central America. 36 PINGUIS Dil. 516.—After 0. Brasiliensis, Ch. quaker-olive x. f. 1367, 8.-Lam.-Reeve. I. 01. f. 13. Brazil. 37 UTRICULUS Gm. (not typical.) — After V. gibbosa, gibbous Born.-Karst. Lesk. no. 542.-Dil. 517.--0. u. Lam.—0. g. Reeve, I. Ol. f. 12. Africa. 38 ISPIDULA Dil. (as of Lin.) 518, var. A.-0. acu- enamelled minata, Lam.-Reeve, I. Ol. f. 33, a, b, c, e. Senegal. 39 HIATULA Gm. 3442.–Dil. 518.-0. h. var. b. gaping Lam.-Reeve, I. 01. f.35.- Hiatula pallida, Swain. Z. I. s. 2, pl. 79, f. 2. Senegal. 40 NIVEA Gm. 3442, for Mart. i. 557, 8.-Dil. snowy R. S. 519. - 0. eburnea, Lam.- Reeve, I. 01. f. 64. W. Indies. 41 JASPIDEA Gm. 3442.–Dil. 519.-O. conoidalis, jasper Lam.-Reeve, I. Ol. f. 58. W. Indies. - . - - - 100 VOLUTA. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms— Locality, Genus. 42 TIGRINA Oliva Dil. (as of Meuschen) 520.--0. tes- tiger sellata, Lam.-Reeve, I. Ol. f. 53. Philippines. 43 CARNEOLA Dil. (as of Gm.) 520.-0. c. Lam.-- cornelian Reeve, I. 01. f. 60. Philippines. 44 MICANS Dil. (as of Sol. M.S.) 521.-After 0. little nana, Lam.-E. M. pl. 363, f. 3.- Reeve, I. Ol. f. 66. W. Indies. 45 NITIDULA Dil. (as of Sol. MS.) 521.-0. fulgu- delicate rina, Bory, E. M. pl. 363, f. 4.–0. mutica, Reeve (as of Say), I. Ol. f. 86. W. Indies. 46 ORYZA Dil. 522.-After 0. 0. Lam.-Reeve, rice I. Ol. f. 81. W. Indies? 47 DACTYLUS Mitra Lin. Sys.- Dil. 522.-M. d. Lam. six-plaited Kien. Mi, f. 103.-Reeve, I. ii. Mi. f. 88. Philippines. 48 FENESTRATA Lam.-E. M. pl. 372, f. 3.- M. f. eight-plaited Lam.—Kien. Mi, f. 104. Philippines. 49 CRENULATA Ch. x. f. 1413, 4.-M.c. Lam.--E.M. crenulated pl. 372, f. 4.- Kien. Mit. f. 105.- Reeve, I. Mit. f. 190. Philippines. 50 TEXTURATA Dil. 523, from M. t. Lam.-M. t. E. four-plaited M. pl. 372, f. 2.-Kien. Mit. pl. 2, f. 4. Philippines. 51 CONUS Ch, x. f. 1415, 6.- Dil. 523.-M. Co- cone-shaped nulus, Lam.-E. M. pl. 382, f. 2.- Kien. Mit. f. 111. -- M. Conus, Reeve, C. I. Mit. f. 83. Philippines. 52 MILTARIA Marginella Dil. (not Lin.) 524, partly.—?M.lac- millet tea, Kien. Mar. pl. 13, f. 3. Africa? 53 MONILIS Wood (not authors.) - M. pulchella, necklace Kien. Mar. f. 40.—Sow. Th. i. pl. 78, f. 213, 4. Australia. 54 EXILIS Gm. 3444, for Mart. ii. f, 427.-M. brown-banded triticea, Sow. (as of Lam.) Th. i. pl. 76, f. 121. Mediterranean. 55 PERSICULA Lin. Sys.-M. P. Lam.-Kien. Mar. red-spotted f. 19.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 78, f. 190, 1. Gambia. 56 CINGULATA Dil. 525.- M. lineata, Lam. Kien. red-lined Mar. f. 22.- Sow. Th. i. pl. 178, f. 185, 6. Senegal. 1 1 1 1 OLUT4. PL.20 66/ byn 70 lt 771 750 7ou 77 78 21 94 ! 18/ 91 + 920 + 961 1010 102 100% 10g u + 110 7 1 tt + 119 C + + 92 + 104 a + 1/9 + 12.) (1 + 125 + VOLUTA. 101 - - - Wood's Linnean Lamarchian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms-Locality. 57 GUTTATA Marginella Dil. (as of Sol.) 526.-M. longivari- dotted cosa, Lam.—Kien. Mar. f. 12. — Sow. Th. i. pl. 76, f. 112, 3.W.Indies. 58 PORCELLANA Wood (not Ch.-M. avellana, Lam.--. porcelain E. M. pl. 377, f. 5.- Kien. Mar. f. 18. Indian Ocean. 59 PALLIDA Volvaria Not Lin.-Volva. Bulloides, Lam. pallid Fossil. 60 CATENATA Marginella Mont. 236, pl. 6, f. 2.-Volvaria c. chain-spotted Blain. F. F.-M. c. Kien. Mar. f. 41.--Sow. Th. i. pl. 78, f. 225, 6. W. Indies. 61 LÆVIS Don. pl. 165.—Bulla Voluta, Mont. smooth V. fusiformis, Turt. Dic.-M. Donovani, Payraud. - Kien. Mar. f. 34.-M. muscaria, Costa.- Erato 1. Gray in Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 57.--E. Cypræola, Ph. Sic. i. — M. I. Br. Mol. iii. 502, pl. 114, B, f. 4,5. Britain, &c. 62 MARGINATA Ch. (as of Born.) 1. f. 1421.-M. margined bivaricosa, Lam.—Kien. Mar. f. 10. -Sow. Th. i. pl. 77, f. 171, 2. Guinea. , 63 FABA Lin. Sys.-M. f. Lam. Kien. Mar. bean f. 7.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 74, f. 1, 2. Senegal 64 GLABELLA Lin. Sys.-M. g. Lam.- Kien. Mar. f. . 1, 2.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 75, f. 52, 53. Senegal. 65 PICTA Dil. (as of Sol.) 529.—After V. pyrum, Meusch. in Gron. Z. pl. 19, f. 13, 14.-M. nubeculata, Lam.-E. M. pl. 377, f. 2.-Kien. Mar. f. 3.- Sow. Th. i. pl. 75, f. 51. E. Africa. 66 CASTANEA - Dil. (as of Sol.) 530.—Copied from ) — chestnut Mart. ii. f. 430.- ? M. irrorata, Sow. Th. Brazil. 67 STRIGATA Dil. 530, for V. glabella undulata, Ch. wave-striped x. f. 1423, 4.-M. crenilabra, Bory, E. M. pl. 377, f. 7.—? M. strigata, Kien. Mar. f. 37 Guinea 68 PRUNUM Dil. (as of Gm.) 530.-M. cærulescens, bluish.grey Lam.- Kien. Mar. f. 4.---Sow. Th. pl. 77, f. 154. W. Indies. polished painted 102 VOLUTA. - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 69 ELEGANS Marginella Gm. 3448.-Dil. 531.-M. e. Kien. elegant Mar. f. 35.–Bad copy of Mar. ii. f. . 424. E. Indies. 70 BULLATA Ch. (as of Born) x. f. 1409, 10.–Dil. bubble 531.-M. Bellangeri, Kien. Mar. f. 43.- M. b. Sow. Th. i. pl. 77, f. 158. Brazil. 71 RETICULATA Cancellaria Lin. Sys.—C. r. Lam.- Kien. Can. pl. reticulated 2, f. 1.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 92, f. 17. W. Indies. 72 ZIERGOVELIT Mitra Gm.-- After V. Ziergoveliana, Ch. X. thick-lipped 156, f. 1406.—Cancellaria, Z. Lam. -E. M. pl. 375, f. 9.-M. Z. Kien. Mit. f. 52.-Reeve. C. I. Mit. f.136. Philippines. 73 MERCATORIA Columbella Lin. Sys.-C. m. Lam.-Kien. Col. pl. clouded 5, f. 1.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 36, f. 28 to 31.-C. Pleei, Kien. Col. pl. 5, f. 3. W. Indies. 74 RUSTICA Not of authors.-C. punctata, Lam. rustic — C. fulgurans, var. Kien. Col. pl. 7, f. 1, e. Mediterranean. 75 PAUPERCULA Mitra Dil. 534 (as of Lin.), not var.-M. zebra zebra, Lam. Ann. - M. p. Lam. An. s. V.-E. M. pl. 372, f. 8.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 84. Fhilippines. 76 PICA Wood, as of Ch. xi.-M. paupercula, magpie var. E. M. pl. 372, f. 7. W. Indies' ? 77 FERRUGATA Dil. (as of Sol,) 535.—After M. cucu- bellied merina, Lam.—E. M. pl. 375, f. 1. -Kien. Mit. f. 24. Pacific 78 PATRIARCHALIS Gm. for V. corona p. Ch. x. f. 1425, 6. patriarch - Dil. 535.- M. p. Lam Kien. Mit. f. 88.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 146, b. Philippines. 79 MENDICARIA Columbella Dil. (as of Lin.) 536.— C. m. Lam.- black and Sow. G.–Kien. Col. pl. 6, f. 1. white Mauritius. 80 NANA Gm. and Dil. 536, for Mart. ii. f. 459. dwarf -0. zonalis, Lam. U. 81 MICROZONIAS Mitra Dil. 537, for M.m. Lam.- M. m. Lam. white-banded -E. M pl. 374, f. 8.-Kien. Mit. . f. 89.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 185. Society Islands. 11 - VOLUTA. 103 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 82 CANCELLATA Cancellaria Lin. Sys. -- C. c. Lam.-Kien. Can. pl. latticed 2, f. 2. --Sow. Th. ii. pl. 94, f. 51. Mediterranean. 83 NASSA Not of Gm.-Copied from Gualt. .pl. ribbed 48, f. c. quoted for last. 84 NUCEA Mitra Meusch in Gron.=no. 139; prior. nut 85 TRINGA Columbella Mitra t. Lam. (as V. t. Lin.)— E. M. decorticated pl. 374, f. 10.-C. t. Kien. Col. pl. 9, f. 3. Africa. 86 CORNICULA Mitra Ch. xi. f. 1731, 2, as of Lin.=? M. horn-colour lutescens, Lam. and M.c. of authors. W. Indies. 87 SCHRÖTERI E. M. pl. 371, f. 2, as M. lactea, Lam. Schröter's - T. S. in part, Dil. 539. Mediterranean? 88 ACUMINATA Gm. 3454, for Ch. iv. f. 1403, 4.- sharp-pointed Not M. a. Sw.-? M. crebrilirata, Reeve, C. I. Mit. f. 92. Tranquebar. 89 VIRGO Turbinella? Lin. Sys.--Undefined. virgin's 90 FILARIS Mitra Lin. Mant.=next; prior. narrow 91 FILOSA Born, pl. 9, f. 9, 10.-M. f. Lam.- threaded Kien. Mit. f. 12.--Reeve, I. Mit. f. 81. Philippines, &c. 92 FISSURATA M. f. Lam.—Kien. Mit. f. 110.- straw-coloured Reeve, I. Mit. f. 30.–V. f. Dil. 541. Zanzibar. 93 BARBADENSIS Gm. 3455.–Dil. 541.—M. striatula, striped Lam.-- Reere, I. Mit. f. 96. W. Indies. 94 CLATHRUS Gm. and Dil. for Kn. iii. pl. 27, f. 3. cancellated =next. 95 CRENIFERA Dil. 542, for M. c. Lam.-M. c. Lam. crenulated - Kien. Mit. f. 11. - Reeve, I. Mit. f. 38. Philippines. 96 SCABRICULA Dil. (as of Lin.) 542, var.-M. grand- roughly- tina, Lam.- Kien. Mit. f. 10.--M. .striated scabriuscula, Reeve, I. Mit. f. 33. Philippines. 97 EXASPERATA Ch. x. f. 1440, 1.-Dil. 543.- M. toru- granulous losa, Kien (as of Lam.) Mit. f. 77. -M. e. Reeve, I. Mit. f. 162. Philippines. . 1 104 VOLUTA f. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. 98 COSTATA Mitra Gm. 3458, for Schr. Ein. i. pl. 1, ribbed 17.–Dil. 543. U. 99 GRANOSA Ch. x. f. 1442, 3.-Dil. 543.-M. stig- grained mataria, var. teste Reeve. E. Indian Seas. 100 NODULOSA Gm. 3485.-Dil. 544 (not var.)-M. nodulous granulosa, Kien (as of Lam.) Mit. f. 22. W. Indies. 101 SPADICEA Gm. 3454, and Dil. 544, for Ch. iv. f. five-plaited 1392. U. 102 DECUSSATA Gm. 3455, and Dil, 544, for Ch. iv. decussated 1395. U. 103 RUFFINA Dil. (as of Lin.) 545.-M. eremitarum, reddish-yellow Bolten, from Ch. iv. f. 1361.-M. adusta, Lam. Sow. G. Mit. f. 3.— Reeve, C. S. pl. 279, f. 3 ; I. Mit. f. 25. I. of Annaa, Pacific. 104 VARIEGATA Gm. 3457, and Dil. 545, for Kn. V. pl. variegated 18, f. 6.=M. serpentina, Kien. (as of Lam.) Mit. f. 17. Philippines. 105 SANGUISUGA Dil. (as of Lin.) 546, in part.- M. s. leech Lam.-E. M. pl. 373, f. 10.-Kien. Mit. f. 75. Pacific Isles. 106 CAFFRA Lin. Sys.-M. C. Lam.-Kien. Mit. Caffre f. 66.-M. bifasciata, Sw.Z. I. s. 1, pl. 35. Philippines. 107 LEUCOZONIAS Achatina Walch, Naturf. iv.- A. albolineata, white-striped Lam.-Crouch, pl. 15, f. 5, a.-A. 1. Sow. G.-Pf. ii. 280. W. Indies. 108 MORIO Mitra Lin. Sys.=no. 106, probably. tawny 109 VULPECULA Dil. (as of Lin.) 547.-M. v. Lam.- foxy M. balteata, E. M. pl. 373, f. 5.- M. melongena, Kien. Mit. f. 65. Indian Isles. 110 COSTELLARIS Dil. 548, as M. c. Lam.-Vexillum checquered subdivisum, Bolten, for Vol. s. Ch. f. 1436, 7.-M.c. Lam.- Kien. Mit. pl. 19, f. b.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 58. Philippines. 111 SUBDIVISA Ch. in part, x. f. 1434,5-Dil. 548. - subdivided M. s. Lam. in An.-M. lyrata, Lam. in A. s. V.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 46. Philippines. VOLUTA. 105 - 2 -- Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 112 MELONGENA Mitra Dil. 549, as M. m. Lam.-E. M. pl. fine-ribbed 373, f. 9.-? M. Caffra, Sw. (not Lin.) Z. I. s. 1, pl. 23. Indian Ocean? 113 POLYGONA Gm. 3454, and Dil. 549, for Ch. iv. f. polygonal 1401, termed V. virgo (as of Lin.) by Abel, and M. aurata by Bolten. —? M. fusiformis, var. b. Reeve, I. Mit. f. 132. E. Indian Seas. 114 TÆNIATA Dil. not M. t. Lam.-7. plicaria, &c. tania Ch. x. f. 1444, 5.-M. regina, Sow. G.–Kien. Mit. pl. 19, f.a. Reeve, I. Mit. f. 48. Moluccas 115 PLICARIA Dil. (as of Lin.) 550.—M. P. Lan. folded Kien. Mit. f. 63.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 56. Philippines 116 RUGOSA Gm. 3456.- Dil. 551.-M corrugata, rugose Lam.-E M. pl. 373, f. 8.- Kien. Mit. f. 67.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 57. Philippines 117 CRUENTATA Ch. x. f. 1438, 9,-Dil. 551.- M. har- knotty-ribbed piformis, Lam. teste Reeve. 2. Indian Seas. 118 TURRITA Turbinella Gm. 3456, from Ch. iv. f. 1317, 8.- turreted Dil. 551.- T. lineata, Lam.-T. turrita, Reeve, I. Turb. f. 57. Philippines. 119. SPIRALIS Pyramidella Wood (as of Gm.! 3465.)-P. auris- spiral cati, Adams, Sow. Th. ii. 812, pl. 172, f. 1. Philippines. 120 AURANTIA Mitra Gm. 3454, from Ch. iv. f. 1393, 4, orange termed M. minuta, by Bolten.-M. Peronii, Kien. (as of Lam.) Mit. f. 58.-M. a. Reeve, I. Mit. f. 182, a. Philippines. 121 VITULINA Dil. (as of Sol.) 553, from Ch. iv. f. white-banded 1380, 1.-M. ferruginea, Kien. (as of Lam.) Mit f. 23. Indian Seas. 122 SCUTULATA Ch. x. f. 1428, 9.-- Dil. 553.-M. s. scutcheon Lam.-- Kien. Mit. f. 57. Indian Isles. 123 NIGRA Ch. x. f. 1430, 1 - Dil. 553.- M. me- black laniana, Lam. -Sw. Z. I. S. 2. — Reeve, I. Mit f. 33.- M. carbonaria, Sw. Bligh. Pacific. P 106 VOLUTA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 124 CASTA Mitra Ch. (as of Sol.) x. vig. at 136, f. C. D. brown-banded -Dil.—After M. fasciata, Martyn, pl. 20.-M. c. Lam.-Kien. Mit. f. 109.--Reeve, I. Mit. f. 40. Zanzibar. 125 ACUS Pyramidella? Gm. 3451, and Dil. 554, for Ch. iv. f. needle 1493. U. 126 MACULOSA Mitra Gm. 3453. and Dil. 554, for Ch. iv. f. spotted 1377.=? M. crenifera, Kien. U. 127 BIPLICATA Gm. 3454, and Dil. 555, for Ch. iv. f. two-plaited 1375. U. 128 TURRICULA Gm. 3454, and Dil. 555, for Ch. iv. f. tower 1376.—? M. torulosa, Kien. Indian Isles? 129 LINEATA Gm. 3455, and Dil. 555, for Ch. iv. f. white-lined 1378, 9. U. 130 SULCATA Gm. 3455, and Dil. 555, for Ch. iv. f. sulcated 1407. Tranquebar. 131 DISCORS Gm. (not. var.) from Ch. iv, f. 1400. discordant -Dil. 556.-M. maculosa, Reeve, I. Mit. f. 175. Isle of Annaa. 132 STRIATA Buccinum Gm. 3455, from Ch. iv. f. 1406.- Dil. striated 556.-B. maculosum, Lam,-Pur- pura m. Kien. Pur, f. 98.-P. varie- gata, Sch. (Ch. xii.) Minorca, &c. 133 LAVIGATA Mitra? Gm. 3455, and Dil. 556, for Ch. iv. f. smooth 1408 - ? M. lutescens, Phil. Sic. Mediterranean. 134 OCELLATA Columbella Not Gm. or Dil.-P. lavigatum, Lam. eyed (as of Lin.) - Kien. Buc. f. 26.-C. concinna, Sow. G.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 38, f. 108, 9. W. Indies. 135 NASUTA Gm. 3455, and Dil. 557, from Ch. iv. black-spotted f. 1410. W. Indies ? 136 MARMOREA Wood (not Gm. or Dil.) - ? C. ful- marbled gurans, var. Lam. Indian Ocean ? 137 ABBATIS Mitra Dil. 557, for V. M. a. Ch. xi. f. 1709, abbot 1710.- M. a. Reeve, I. Mit. f. 91. Philippines. 139 SERPENTINA Wood, not Dil. 557.-M. puncticu- serpentine lata, Lam.-- Kien. Mit. f. 20.- Reeve, I. Mit. f. 19. Philippines. - VOLUTA. 107 Wood's Linnean names. 139 OLIVARIA two-banded 140 NUBILA clouded 141 PERTUSA punctured 142 DIGITALIS digital 143 EPISCOPALIS mitre - 144 PAPALIS Papal-mitre 145 THIARA thiara Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms—Locality. Genus. Mitra Dil. 558, for M. 0. Lam.-- After V. nucea, Meusc. in Gron. Zoop. pl. 18, f. 11.-M. 0. Lam.-E. M. pl. 371, f. 3.-Kien. Mit. f. 102.-M. n. Reeve, I. Mit. f. 86. N. Zealand. Gm.- Ch. xi. f. 1705, 6.-D. f. 558. -- All as M. versicolor, of Martyn, U. C. pl. 23. Friendly Isles. Born. (as of Lin.) pl. 9, f. 11, 12.- M. cardinalis, Lam.-- Kien. Mit. f. 6.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 26. Ceylon. Ch. x. f. 1431, 2 - M. millepora, Lam. -Kien. Mit. f. 19.-M.ð. Reeve, I. Mit. f. 21. Philippines. Dil. (as V. m. e. Lin. Sys.) 559.-M. e. Lam. --Sow. G.–Kien.-Reeve, I. Mit. f.5. Ceylon, &c. V.m. p. Lin. in part.- M. p. Lam.- Kien. Mit. f. 3.--Reeve, I. Mit. f. 9. I. of Annaa, Pacific. Dil. (as of Sol.) 561.--After M. pon- tificalis, Lam.-Kien. Mit. pl. 1, f 2.--Reeve, I. Mit. f. 23. Taheite. Mitra c. Lam. (as of Ch.)-Kien. Mit. pl. 18, f. 60.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 104. Philippines. Voluta Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 49, f. 40.-Reeve, I. vi. Vol. f. 18, b. W. Indies. Dil. 562, var. C.-V. fulva, Lam. and E. M. pl. 382, f. 3. · ' Guinea. Dil. 563, from Ch. x. f. 1403, 4.-After V. sulcata, Lam.-V, musica, var. teste, Reeve. E. Indies. Ch. x. 152, vig.–Lam.---Sow. Th. i. pl. 50, f. 54,5.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 32, Ceylon. Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Dil.563.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 47, f. 15.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 11. Philippines, &c. Lam.--Dil. 564, not var. -Sow. Th. i. pl. 54, f. 102.---Reeve, I. Vol. f. 36. Philippines. - 146 CORONATA crowned 147 MUSICA music 148 VIRESCENS greenish 149 PLICATA plaited 150 VEXILLUM banner 151 VESPERTILIO. bat 152 IMPERIALIS imperial 108 VOLUTA. - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 153 PACIFICA Voluta Ch. xi. 21.-Lam.—Dil. 565.-Reeve, — nodulaus C. I. Vol. f. 38. -After V. Arabica, Gm. from Buccinum A. Martyn, U, C. pl. 52. N. Zealand. 154 EBRÆA Lin. Sys. - Dil. 565. — V Hebrea, Hebrew Sow. Th. i. pl. 54, f. 95, 6.-— Reeve, character I. Vol. f. 20, b. W. Africa. 155 TURBINELLUS Turbinella Lin. M.U.-T. cornigera, Lam.- Kien. turbinated Tur. pl. 1.-Reeve, I. iy. Tur. f. 40. Moluccas. 156 CAPITELLUM Lin. Sys. ed. 10.-T. c. Lam.—Kien. ridged Tur pl. 12.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 30. -- Variety T. mitis, Lam. Indian O. 157 RHINOCEROS Ch. x. f. 1407, 8.- T. r. Lam. Kien. rhinoceros Tur. pl. 10, f. 1.-Reeve, I. iv. Tur. f. 33. Zanzibar. 158 MURICATA Dil. (as of Born.)--T. pugillaris, Lam. prickly -Kien. Tur. pl. 8. - Reeve, I. Tur. f. 35. W. Indies. - 159 CERAMICA horned 160 PYRUM pear-shaped 161 GRAVIS solid 162 GLOBOSA globose Lin. Sys.-T. C. Lam.-Kien. Tur. pl. 11, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 46. Philippines Lin.-T. p. Lam.—Sow. G.–Kien. Tur. pl. 7.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 15. Ceylon. Dil. (as of Sol.) 569.—(unnamed) E. M. pl. 390, f. 1.-T. napus, Kien, , (as of Lam.) Tur. f. 6.-? T. rapa, , Reeve, I. Tur. f. 8. Malacca, Dil. 569.--After V. globulus, Ch. xi. f. 1715, 6.--T. globulus, Lam.- Kien. Tur. pl. 10, f. 2. Africa. Voluta Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Dil. 570.-V. In- dica, Sow. Th. i. Vol. f. 68, 9.-V. interpuncta, Reeve, (as of Martyn), C. I. Vol. f. 12. Ceylon. Leach, Zool. Misc. - Dil. 570.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 51, f. 83, 4.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 43.-7. lineata, Leach, Z. M.- Marginella, z. Lam. Australia Gm. 3465.-Dil. 570.-7. volvacea, in part, Lam.--Sow. Th. i. pl. 46, f. 3. Australia. 163 LAPPONICA wave-lined 164 ZEBRA zebra 165 FLAVICANS yellowish TOLTTU P/2/ 126 t 13022 127 1292 128+ 1962 133 + + Gal 138 + 1.99 % 14.50 147 d .. 1.50 16/ Tist 6+ 159 ct 107 6+ + 2 791 29.01 10+ 107 + 1696+ 170 d taili 172c + 7 891 2227 179 Verli UNIL Bicy OF VOLUTA. 109 - Wood's Linnean Lamarchian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 166 UNDULATA Voluta Lam.--Dil. 571.- Sow. Th. i. 196, pl. undulated 48, f. 28, 9.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 26. S. Australia. 167 RUPESTRIS Dil. (as of Gmel.) 571.-Reeve, I. Vol. rock f. 14.–V. fulminata, Lam.-Sow. Th. i. 209, pl. 50, f. 51, 2. China. 168 MAGELLANICA Ch. x. f. 1383, 4.-E. M. pl. 385, f. 1. Magellanic -Lam.-V. ancilla, Sow. Th. i. 213, pl. 54, f. 101. Patagonia. 169 VOLVA Ch. x. f. 1389, 0.Dil. 572.-?V. pal- whitish lida, in part, Sow. Th. 'Australia.' 170 JUNONIA Ch. xi. f. 1707, 4.-Lam.-Sow. Ex. square-spotted C. - Sow. Th. i. 197, pl. 49, f. 44. - Reeve, I. Vol. f. 50. Gulf of Mexico 171 NIVOSA Lam.--Dil. 573.-Sow. Th. i. 200, pl. snow-spotted 51, f. 63, 4.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 17. Australia. 172 SCAPHA Lam. (as of Gm.)-Dil. 573.-Lam. lightning -Sow. Th. i. pl. 48, f. 35.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 37. Singapore. 173 MAGNIFICA Ch. xi. pl. 174,5. — Lam.—Dil. 573.- magnificent Sow. Th. i. 200, pl. 54, f. 103.-- Reeve, I. Vol. f. 2. Australia. 174 COLOCYNTHIS Ch. xi. f. 1695, 6.-Dil. 574.–V. Bra- colocynth siliana, Lam.--Sow. Th. i. 204, pl. 54, f. 98.-Reeve. Brazil. 175 ÆTHIOPICA Cymba Lin. Sys.- Lam.--Sow. Ex. C. pl. 39. Ethiopic -Kien. Vol. f. 5.- Melo A Brod, Sow. Th. i. pl. 71, f. 9. Indian Ocean. 176 CORONA Voluta Ch. x. f. 1387, 8: from which Dil. ducal crown 576.- Sow. Th. i. 193, pl. 55, f. 120, copied E. Indian Seas ?' 177 CYMBIOLA Ch. x. f. 1385, 6.-Dil. 576.-Sow. Th. lesser cymbal i. 192, pl. 51, f. 75, 6.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 46. Moluccas. 178 CYMBIUM Cymba Dil. (not Lin.) 576.--Lam.--Sw. Z. cymbal I. s. 2. pl. 84.–C. c. Sow. G. - Sow. Th. i. pl. 80, f. 21, 26.-C. cisium, Menke. Guinea, Africa. 179 PORCINA V. cymbium, Lin.-V.p. Lam.-E. M. keel margin pl. 386, f. 2.-Sw. Ex. Con. pl. 25. Africa. - 110 VOLUTA. 4, 11. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 180 OLLA Cymba Lam. (not Lin.)-Kien. Vol. pl. 14.— melon Sw. Ex. C. pl. 26.-C. o. Brod. Sp. Con. f. 1; Sow. Th. i. pl. 79, f. 3, Gibraltar. 181 NEPTUNI V. olla, Lin.-V. N. Lam.-Kien. Vol. Neptune's pl. 9, f. 1.-C. N. Brod. Sp. Con. Cym. f. 2; Sow. Th. i. pl. 80, f. 23. Philippines. 182 NAVICULA Gm. in part=young, no. 181. gondola 183 GLANS Copied from Ch. x. f. 1393, 4.=C- reddish-yellow proboscidalis, young, teste Brod. W. Africa. 184 PREPUTIUM Ch. x. f. 1391, 2.-young. Coromandel. nipple 155 INDICA Gm. 3467.-V. melo, Lam.-- Dil 580. Indian -Kien. Vol. pl. 15. Melo I. Brod. in Sow. Th. i. pl. 81, f. 1 to 5. Indian Ocean. 186 CLATHRATA Mitra Gm. 3455, from List. 819, f. 34, here worn badly copied. Barbadoes. - BUCCINUM-WHELK, 1 OLEARIUM tun Dolium 2 GALEA brown tun 3 PERDIX partridge tun Lin. Sys.—D. o. Crouch, pl. 19, f. 2. - D. zonatum, Green.-Reeve, I. v. Dol. f. 12.-D. crenulatum, Phil. Ab. N. C. ni. Dol. f. 1. China. Wood (as of authors.)—? D. olearium, Lam. Mediterranean.' Lin. Sys.-D. p. Lam.-Kien. Dol. f 9.- Reeve, I. Dol, f. 9. Mauritius, &c. Lin. Sys.-D. p. Lam.---Kien. Dol. f. 8.-Reeve, I. Dol, f. 6. Society Isles. Dil. (not Born.)- After D. fasciatum, Abel, for Mart. 1081.-Lam.-Kien. Dol. f. 5.- Reeve, I. Dol. f. 12. Philippines. Lin. - D. maculatum, Lam. Kien. Dol. f. 4.-Reeve, I. Dol. f. 4. E. Indies. 4 POMUM thick-lipped tun 5 SULCOSUM flat-ribbed - 6 DOLIUM spotted tun - BUCCINUM. 111 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. 7 CHINENSE Dolium Dil. 585, for B. Australe, seu C. Ch. Chinese tun xi. f. 1804, 5.--D. C. Reeve, I. Dol. f. 10.-D. variegatum, Ph. Ab. N. C. iii. Dol. pl. 1, f. 2. Java ; China. 8 CAUDATUM Purpura Wood (not Gm.)—Copied from Mart. beaked tun iii. f. 1084, copied from Kn. v. pl. 3, f. 4. U. 9 ECHINOPHORUM Cassidaria Lin. Sys.-C. e. Lam.—Kien. Cas. tuberculated f. 2.-Reeve, I. Cas. f. 3, sp. 2. Mediterranean. 10 NODOSUM Dil. 586; for List. 1011, f. 71.-var. belted of no. 9. 11 TYRRHENUM C. t. Sow. G. (not authors.)-Phil. Sic. i.var. no. 9. rugged Nassa 12 ABBREVIATUM short-beaked Cassis 13 PLICATUM plaited 14 CORNUTUM horned 15 RUFUM red 16 TUBEROSUM casket Ch. x. f. 1463, 4.-Kien. Buc. f. 105. -Desh. ed. Lam. X. 194.- N.glo- bosa, Sow. G.-N. a. Reeve, C. S. pl. 269, f. 6. Indian 0. Dil. (not Lin.) 588.-C.crumena, Lam. -C. testiculus, var. Kien. Cas. f. 7.--Reeve, I. Cas. f. 10, a. W. Indies. Wood (not Lin.)-C. labiata, Ch. xi. pl. 184, 5.-Conr. J. Philad. n. s. 1. Isles of Pacific Lin. M. U.--. r. Lam. — Kien. Cas. f. 12, 13.-Reeve, I. Cas. f. 20. I. of Annaa. Lin. Sys.- Lam.-- Kien. Cas. f. 4.- Reeve, I. Cas. f. 7. Philippines. Dil. (as of Lin.) 591.-C. f. Lam.- Kien. Cas. f. 5.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 255, f. 2. · Indian Ocean.' Lin. M. U.-C. t. Lam.- Kien. Cas. f. 17.-Reeve, I. Cas, f. 10, b. W. Indies. Wood (not authors.)-C. granulosa, Kien. (as of Lam.) Cas. f. 23. - C. inflata, Reeve, C. S. Cas. f. 22, W. Indies. Lin. Sys.-C. a. Lam.-- Kien. Cas. f. 19.-Reeve, I. Cas. f. 24. Philippines, 17 FLAMMEUM triangular casket 18 TESTICULUS bonnet casket 19 DECUSSATUM decussated - 20 AREOLA small dice 112 BUCCINUM. . - - C 6 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 21 STRIGATUM Cassis Gm. for B. cassideum, s. Ch. x. f. 1457, yellow-striped 8.-C. lævis undata, Mart. f. 356, A.-C. zebra, Lam.-C. undata, Reeve, I. Cas. f. 26. Philippines. 22 ACHATINUM C. a. Lam.-E. M. pl. 407, f. 1.-Kien. agate Cas. f. 24. - Reeve, I. Cas. f. 28, b. Algoa Bay. 23 SABURON Wood (not authors.)—C. pila, Reeve, gray-casket I. Cas. f. 21. China. 24 GRANULATUM Wood (not Dil.) - B decussatum, Lin. granulated M. U.-C. d. Lam.- Kien. Cas. f. 16, a.-Reeve, I. Cas. f. 4, a, 6. - Atlantic. 25 UNDULATUM Wood (as the B. cassideum u. of Ch. undulated xi. f. 1794, 5=C. sulcosa, Lam.) • Mediterranean.' 26 INFLATUM C. cassideum tessellatum, Ch. xi. f. inflated 1792, 3.-B. i. Shaw (from Ch.) Nat. Misc. xxii. pl. 959.–Dil. 595. Guinea. 27 TESSELLATUM Wood (not Gm. nor Dil.) I. T.-? C. tessellated Japonica, Reeve, I. Amboyna : China ? 28 BILINEATUM Mont. (not Gm.) = young no. 18. smooth helmet 29 CICATRICOSUM Meusch. Gron. Z. pl. 19, f. 1, 2.–Dil. - cicatrix 597.-- C. c. Desh. ed. Lam. x. 42. Indian Ocean. 30 RECURVIROS- Gm. 3477, for List. 1016, f. 75.-Dil. TRUM 597. Barbadoes. recurved beak 31 CASSIS Buccinum Gm. and Dil. 598, for B. cassideum, helmet Ch. x. f. 1456. Naples.' 32 ERINACEUS Cassis Lin. Sys.-Dil. 598.–B. bec, Bur- hedge-hog rows, pl. 16, f. 3.-C. v. var. Reeve, I. Cas. f. 15, d. Philippines. 33 NODULOSUM Dil. (for Schr. Ein. pl. 2, f. 9.) 599.- knobbed Cassidea erinaceus, Brug:—Cassis e. Kien. Cas. f. 21.-C. torquata, Reeve, I. Cas. f. 1, c. Australia, 34 FIMBRIA Gm. from Seba, pl. 53, f. 1, 2.-C.pli- bordered caria, Lam.-- Kien. Cas. f. 11.- Reeve, I. Cas. f. 27. Moluccas. BICOU. PL22 0+ 20+ 79 80 + 10 1814 169 170+ 99% 19 at 206+ 2! 2.5 c 30 1,+ 20 d + 29 28 27 crir 31 + 346+ 32 0 + + 39 410 97 1, + 47 a + / آر 50 at 491+ ار 7 UND Bic OF BUCCINUM. 113 - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 35 GLAUCUM Cassis Lin. Sys.-C. g. Lam. Kien. Cas. f. : . glaucous 9.-Reeve, I. Cas. f. 33. Philippines. 36 VIBEX Lin. Sys.-C. v. Lam.-Kien. Cas. f. agate-casket 20.-Reeve, I. Cas. f. 15, b. c. Philippines. 37 PAPILLOSUM Nassa Lin. Sys.-Lam.- Kien. Buc. f. 54. - prickly lipped N. p. Reeve, I. Nas. f. 12. Philippines. 38 GLANS Lin. M. U.-Lam.—Kien. Buc. f. 52. thread-girded -N.g. Reeve, I. Nas. f. 5. . Philippines. 39 FOLIOSUM Wood I. T.-After B. mutabile, Lin. leafy Sys.- Lam.-Kien. Buc. f. 93.- B. gibbum, Brug.–Dil. 602. Mediterranean. . 40 ARCULARIA Lin. Sys.-Lam. var. a.–Kien. Buc. broad-ribbed f. 115.-N.a, Reeve, I. Nas. f. 25,6. Indian Ocean. 41 CORONATUM Brug:--Lam.—Quoy, Ast. pl. 32, f. crowned 8, 9, 10.-B. mutabile, Schr. (not Lin.) i. 329, pl. 2, f. 4. Madagascar. 42 HEPATICUM Pult.—Mont. 243, pl. 8, f. 1.—Mono- small-knobbed ceros h. Flem.-Nassa h. Brown.- Brit. Mol. iii. 398. Philippines. 43 PULLUS Wood (not Lin.) I. T.-B. P. Kien. small coffer Buc, f. 114. Indian 0. 44 THERSITES Brug. E. M. pl. 394, f. 8.—Lam.- pale-olive Kien. Buc. f. 113.–After B. pullus, Lin. Sys. Philippines. 45 VERRUCOSUM Dil. (as of Brug.) 605.-B. graniferum, warty Kien. Buc. f. 111.-Desh. ed. Lam. x. 196. Indian Isles. 46 GIBBOSULUM Lin. Sys.- Lam.-N.g. Reeve, Nas. hunch-backed f. 64. Philippines. 47 MUTABILE Ch. (as of Lin.) xi. f. 1810, 1.- B. m. changeable var. Dil. 606. Senegal.' 48 NERITEUM Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Kien. Buc. f. 120. Nerite-shaped -N. N. Reeve, I. Nas. f. 153. Mediterranean. 49 HARPA Harpa Dil. (as of Lin.) 607, var. A.-H. ven- harp tricosa, Lam.-Reeve, I. Har. f. 2. Mauritius. 50 CANCELLATUM Ch. x. f. 1453.–Dil. 608.--H. striata, latticed Sw. teste Mörch, Tranquebar. < - 114 BUCCINUM. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 51 COSTATUM Harpa Lin. Sys. - H.imperialis, Lam.-Kiel, ribbed Har. pl. 2, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Har. f. 5.-H. multicostata, Sow. G. Mauritius. 52 PERSICUM Purpura Lin. M. U.-P. P. Lam.—Kien. Pur. Persian f. 67.-Reeve, I. Pur. f. 8. Philippines. 53 PATULUM Lin. Sys. - P. p. Lam.-Sow. G.- wide-mouth Reeve, I. Pur. f. 3. Philippines. 54 MONODON Monoceras Dil. (as of Gm.)—B. monoceros, Ch. spine-lipped X.-M. imbricatum, Lam.-Sow. G. - Reeve, I. Mon. f. 10, a. Cape Horn. 55 HAUSTORIUM Purpura Gm.---After B. haustrum, Martyn.- SCOOP Kien. Pur. f. 69.-Reeve, I. Pur. f. 6. New Zealand. 56 CONCHOLEPAS Concholepas Brug.–C. Peruviana, Lam.- Pur- limpet-shaped pura P. Blain.-P. c. Kien. Pur. f. 65. Peru. 57 HÆMASTOMA Purpura Lin. Sys.-P. h. Lam.—Phil. Sic. i. red-lipped 218.--Kien. Pur. f. 79. Mediterranean, 58 ARMIGERUM Ch. xi. f. 1798,9.-P. a. Lam.-Kien. armed Pur. f. 30.-Reeve, I. Pur. f. 27. U. 59 LUTEOSTOMUM Ch. xi. f. 1800, 1.-P. 1. Desh. ed. pallid Lam. x. 98 ---Reeve, J. Pur. f. 35. China. 60 LAMELLOSUM B. plicatum, Martyn (not Lin.) pl. 44. lamellar -B. compositum, Ch. x. 179, vig, at p. 176, f. A. B.-B. 1. Dil. (as of Gm.) 612. N. Zealand.' 61 CRISPATUM Ch. xi. f. 1802, 3.-Murex c. Lam.- wrinkled M. lactuca, Escholtz, pl. 9, f. 3. Sitcha. 62 LAPILLUS Lin. Sys.—Mont.-P.1. Lam.-Brit. purple- Mol. iii. 380, pl. 102, f. 1, 2, 3.-P. staining imbricata and bizonalis, Lam. Britain, foc. 63 FILOSUM Gm. 3486.-Dil. 614.=last. threaded 64 SULCATUM Planaxis Born, pl. 10, f. 5, 6.- Not P. s. Lam. grooved -P. Buccinoides, Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 237. Madagascar. - - BUCCINUM. 115 - - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms— Locality. names. Genus. 65 SERTUM Buccinum Wood, (as of Brug.)-Purpura Fran- chestnut- colinus, Lam. (as of Brug.)-P. 8. stained var. Kien. Pur. f. 96, a, b. Pacific. 66 RUSTICUM Turbinella B. smaragdulus, Lin. Sys.-Dil. 615. emerald --B. r. Gm. 3486.-T. r. Lam.- Kien. Turb. pl. 19, f. 1.-T. s. Reeve, 1. Turb. f. 18. Philippines. 67 VARIUM Buccinum Gm. 3486, for Kn. vi. pl. 23, f. 3, varied copied Mart. iii. f. 1106.--Dil. 616. --? B. melanostoma, Sow. U. 68 TUBA Pyrula Gm. 3484, for Mart. iii. f. 908.- P. , lengthened elongata, Lam.-Reeve, I. Pyr. f. 5.-Fusus e. Kien. Fus. pl. 28. Indian Ocean. 69 PYRUM Gm. 3484, for Mart. iii. f. 909, 910.-- pear-shaped P. citrina, Lam.—Kien. Py. pl. 3, f. 2.-P. Paradisaica, Reeve, c. I. Py. f. 17. Mozambique. 70 PLUMBEUM Monoceras Ch, xi. f. 1806, 7.-Desh. ed. Lam. x. double- - Eburna p. Sow. C. I. Eb. f. 3, 4. grooved --M. p. Reeve, I. Mon. f. 8. California. 71 SPADICEUM Pyrula Gm. 3485, for Mart. iii. f. 911.-P. chestnut nodosa, var. Kien. Py. pl. 6, f. 2. Red Sea. 72 UMBILICATUM Turbinella? Gm. 3485, for Mart. iii. f. 915.-Dil. umbilicated 616. Mauritius ? 73 CANDIDUM Pyrula Gm. 3485, for Pyrum eburneum, Mart. white iii. vig. at 191, f. 3.–Dil, 613.-P. lævigata, Lam. Fossil. 74 CRASSUM Monoceras Gm. 3485, for Mart. iii. f. 1099, 1100. thick -Dil. 618.-Pyrula c. Gray, Zool Beech. Pacific. 75 ORBITA Purpura B. succinctum, Martyn, pl. 45.-B. 0. globose Ch. x. f. 1471, 2.-P.s. Lam.-P. 0. Sow. G. f. 2, copied in Reeve, C. S. pl. 259, f. 2. New Zealand. 76 SCALA B. cingulatum, Lin. Mant.-B. s. Dil. broad-belted (as of Gm.) 619.-P. trochlea, Lam. -P. c. Reeve, I. Pur. f. 76. Cape of Good Hope. 77 SPIRATUM Eburna Dil. (not Lin.) 620, not var.-E. s. acute-spired Lam.---Kien. Eb. f. 1.--Reeve, I. Eb. f. 7. Philippines. 6 - - 116 BUCCINUM. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 78 CEYLANICUM Eburna B. Zeylanicum, Brug.-E. Z. Lam.- Ceylon Kien. Eb. f. 4.-Reeve, I. Eb. f. 8. Ceylon. 79 GLABRATUM Ancillaria Lin. M.U.-Eburna g. Lam.-Sow. G. glossy -A - A. g. Sow. Sp. Con. Anc. f. 60, 1, 2, 3, 4. Indian 0. 80 TURGITUM Buccinum B. maculatum, Martyn, pl. 49.-B. ex red-spotted &c. Ch. x. f. 1475, 6.-B. t. Gm. 3490. New Zealand. 81 SCUTULATUM Struthio- Martyn.-Dil. 622.-B. nuperrime streaked laria &c. Ch. x. vig. at 176. f. C. D.-S. . oblita, Sow. Th. i. pl. 5, f. 14, 5.- S. s. Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 536. N. Zealand. 82 TESTUDINEUM Buccinum Ch. x. f. 1454.-Lam.--Sow. G. Buc. tortoise-shell f. 3.-Kien. Buc. f. 22.-Reeve, I. Buc. f. 66. N. Zealand. 83 CATARACTA Ch. x. f. 1455.—Dil. 622.-Krauss, long-striped Sudaf. f. 119.- Not Purp. c. of au- thors. Natal. 84 LÆVISSIMUM Bullia Gm.-Lam.—Kien.—After B.læviga- polished tum, Ch. iv. f. 1215, 6.- Bullia læ- vig. Reeye, I. Bul. f. 6. Cape of Good Hope. 85 CYANEUM Buccinum B. Groenlandicum, Ch. x. 177, f. 1448. bluish -B. cyaneum, Brug. E. M. 266. Greenland. 86 LAVE Gm. 3488, for Ch. iv. f. 1150.-Dil. smooth 624. . E. Indies.' - 87 IGNEUM red-streaked 88 PLUMATUM painted Gm. 3494, for Ch. iv. f. 1217.–Dil. 624.-B. pictum, Reeve, I. Buc. f. 74. Philippines. Murex pusio, Lin.-B. p. Gm. 3494. -Di1.624.-- Fusus articulatus, Lam. -Kien. Fus. pl. 26, f. 2.-B. pus. Reeve, I. Buc. f. 43. Honduras. Turbinella Gm. 3488, for Ch. iv. f. 1160, 1.--- Dil. 624.--T. 0. Lam.-Kien. Tur. pl. 21, f. 4.–Reeve, I. Tur. f. 38. W. Indies. Nassa Gm. 3488, var, a. for Ch, iv. f. 1177. -Dil. 625, var. a. T 89 OCELLATUM white-eyed 90 GLABERRIMUM little smooth Pl. 23 6 a + 62 a + 67 at 69 at 70 72 + 73% 746 7.5 6+ 701 78 706+ 20 6 26 a 87. 01/+ 88 / 90 02 n 9an 94 066+ 98% 990+ 1020 976 104 7 100 108 W sogl w at 117 710+ 77 U+ 83 0+ 89 u 100 a 101 at 106b+ 110 6+ 1190 116 01 + 120 UNIL OF AO BUCCINUM. 117 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. names. Genus. 91 NUCLEUS Planaxis Brug. E. M. 254, chiefly.-Purpuran. small Lam. — Pl. semisulcata, Sow.- Reeve, C. S. pl. 270. Madagascar. 92 LINEATUM -? Pult. Dor.-Don. pl. 15.- Mont. 245. small lineated B. pediculare, Lam.-Kien. Buc. f. 102. W. Indies. 93 EXILE uncertain Gm. 3497, and Dil. 626, for Ch. iv. f. slender 1190, 1. U. 94 PRÆROSUM Melanopsis Lin. Sys.—Han. Ip. Lin. 255, pl. 2, carious f. 5-? M. Dufourei var. Rossm. f. 839. Seville. 95 VOCHLIDIUM Bullia Ch. xi. f. 2053, 4-—-Dil. 627.-Not indented spire Kien. S. Seas. 96 AUSTRALE Phasianella Gm. 3490. — Dil.-P. Bulimoides, Southern Lam.-P.varia, Sow. G. Australasia. 97 UNDOSUM Buccinum Lin. Sys.- Kien. Buc. f. 41, 41, b.- undulated Reeve, C. S. pl. 268, f. 2; I. Buc. f. 55.-Triton u. Lam. Malacca. 98 AFFINE Gm. 3490, for Ch. iv. f. 1135.-Dil. brown-striped 628.=last. 99 FUMOSUM Dil. (as of Sol.) 629, for Ch. iv. upper smoky f. 1145, 6.-? B. undosum, Kien. Buc. f. 41, a. U. 100 INDICUM Gm. 3495, for Ch. iv, f. 1138, 9.- Indian Dil. 629.-Purpura texata, Menke Syn. E. Indies? 101 TRANQUE- B. undosum T. Ch. iv. f. 1146, 7.- BARICUM B. T. Lam.- Kien. Buc. f. 92. Tranquebar Coromandel. 102 VERSICOLOR Purpura Gm. 3495, for Ch. iv. lower f. 1145, lurid -Dil. 629. E. Indies. 103 CRUENTATUM Wood, as of Gm. from Ch. iv. f. 1143, red-spotted 4. U. 104 BEZOAR Pyrula Lin. Sys. -Dil. 630.-P. 6. Lam.- Bezoar Reeve, I. Pyr. f. 15, b.-Purpurab. Kien. Pur. f. 49. China. 105 BULBOSUM bulbous - Murex rapiformis, Born, 307, not var. b.-B. b. Dil.—P, rapa, Lam.- Kien. Py. pl. 7, f. 1.-P. b. Reeve, I. Py. f. 14. Indian 0. Buccinum Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Kien. Buc. f. 4.- Reeve, I. Buc. f. 18. Spitzbergen. 106 GLACIALE keel-ridged 118 BUCCINUM Wood's Linnean names. 107 UNDATUM wave-ribbed Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Buccinum Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Br. Mol. iji. 401, pl. 109, f. 3, 4 ; pl. 110, f. 4.-B. striatum, Pen.-Tritonium u. Mül. -B. Bornianum, Ch. ix. f. 892, 3.- B. carinatum, Turt. Dic.—B. Labradorense, imperiale, and pyra- midale, Reeve, I. Britain, &c. Dil. 634, var.-Not Brug.=no. 163. 108 PAPYRACEUM paper 109 TAHITENSE Otaheite 110 PORCATUM rugged Bullia B. Australe Otaheitense, Ch. x. f. 1477; B. A. p. 178.-B. 0. Brug.-B. T. Gm.-? Bul. T. Reeve, I. Bul. f. 11. Otaheite. Buccinum Gm. 3494, for Ch. iv. f. 1213, 4.- Reeve, I. Buc. f. 22.-B. ligatum, (as Purpura 1. Lam.) Kien. Buc. f. 15. Cape G. Hope. Pleurotoma Gm. 3494, and Dil. 635, for Ch. iv. f. 1221,2.-- Fusus harpula, Menke, Syn. for do.-P. 1. Pfeif. Reg. Ch. p. vii. U. Cancellaria Gm. 3488, for Mart. iii. f. 1017.= Vol. no. 82. 111 LYRATUM lyre 112 PYROZONIAS double- streaked Nassa 113 TEXTUM turreted 114 CLATHRATUM latticed Triton 115 NIVEUM cancellated Nassa 116 LIMA acuminated Gm.—Dil. 435.-B. Blainvillei, Desh. Voy. Belang. - Kien. Buc. f. 38. Indian 0. Wood (as of Born.)-B. gemmulatum, Lam. Kien. Buc. f. 84. Indian Islos. Gm. 3495, and Dil. 636, for Ch. iv. f. 1122, 3.-T. n. Pf. Rev. Zool. — Reeve, I.Tr. f. 75. E. Indian Seas. Ch. xi. f. 1808, 9.-Dil. 637. E. Indian Seas. Lin. Sys.—Mont.240.-- Lam.— Nassa 7. Br. Mol. iii. 388, pl. 108, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. Pult. --Mont. 242, pl. 9, f. 7.-Kien. Buc. f. 81.- N. a. Flem. W. Indies. Mont. 241, pl. 8, f. 4.- After B. in- crassatum, Mül. Z.D.-B. Ascanias, Brug.-B. coccinella, Lam.-B. ri- 117 RETICULATUM reticulated - 118 AMBIGUUM small plicated 119 MACULA spot-lipped BUCCINUM. 119 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. names. Genus. parium, Delle Chiaje.--B. asperu- Tum, Phil. Sic.-N. i. Br. Mol. iii. 391, pl. 108, f. 3, 4. Britain, &c. 120 STOLATUM Nassa Gm. 3496, for N. fasciata, &c. Ch. iv. brown-banded 1167, 8, 9.-Dil. 639.-B. ornatum, Kien. Buc. f. 83.- N. 0. Reeve, I. Nas. f. 33. Ceylon. 121 CINCTUM Columbella Mont. 246, pl. 15, f. 1.--Dil. 639.- minute- Nassa c. Flem.-C. c. Brit. Mol. girdled W. Indies. 122 MINIMUM Fusus Mont. 247, pl. 8, f. 2.-B. brunneum, minute Don.- Nesæa granulata, Risso.— chesnut Murex Massene, Delle Chiaje.-F. minimus, Flem.-F. turritellatus, Desh. Mor.-B. rubrum, Potiez.-- Nassa m. Brown.- Lachesis m. Br. Mol. iii. 377, pl. 101, f. 7, 8. Britain, &c. 123 PLICATULUM. Turbinella? Gm. 3496, for Ch. iv. f. 1158, 9.- plaited Dil. 640. E. Indies. 124 PISCATORIUM Cancellaria Gm. 349.-C. nodulosa, Lam.-Kien. knobbed Can. pl. 6, f. 1. Senegal. 125 ST. MAURITII Ricinula Gm. 3496, for Ch. iv. f. 1153, 4. six-toothed Mauritius, 126 ARMILLATUM Purpura Gm. in part.-M. rugosus, Born, 305, brown- pl. 11, f. 6, 7.-P.r. Desh. ed. Lam. pimpled x. 111. Indian 0. 127 NITIDULUM Columbella Copied from Gualt. pl. 52, f. C. quoted neat-banded by Lin. for B. n.-?? O. nitida, Lam. and Kien. W. Indies ? 128 VENTRICOSUM Fusus Gm, and Dil. 641, for B. saturum, ventricose Martyn U. C. pl. 47.=Mur. no. 24. 129 MACULATUM Terebra Lin. Sys.-T.m. Lam.-Kien. Ter. pl. spotted 1.-Hinds, Sow. Th. i. 150, pl. 42, f. 33. Indian Seas. 130 OCULATUM Dil. 642.-T. o. Lam.-- Kien. Ter. f. occellated 7.-Hinds. Sow. Th. i. pl. 42, f. 31. Society Isles. 131 SUBULATUM Lin. Sys.-T. s. Lam.-Hinds, Sow. awl-shaped Th. i. pl. 41, f. 16. Moluccas. 132 TIGRINUM Gm.-- B. felinum, Dil.-T. t. Hinds, tiger Sow. Th. i. 155, pl. 42, f. 30.- Desh, ed. Lam. x. U. | IT 120 BUCCINUM. - 147. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. 133 CRENULATUM Terebra Lin. Sys.-T. c. Lam.-Kien. Ter. f. crenulated 9.- Hinds, Sow. Th. i. 153, pl. 41, f. 18, 19. Society Isles. 134 HECTICUM Ch. (not Lin.) f. 1817, 8.- Var of no. hectic 135 GEMINUM ? Lin. Mant. Undefined. divided 136 PROXIMATUM ? Lin. Mant. Undefined. proximate 137 MONILE ? Lin. Mant. Undefined. necklace 138 VITTATUM Bullia Lin. Sys. — T. v. Lam.-E. M. pl. ribbon 402, f. 4.--Sow. C. Man. f. 427. 139 DIGITALE Dil. (as of Meusch.) 646, not. var.- bluish-banded Buc, achatinum, Lam.-Kien. Buc. f. 21. Cape G. Hope. 140 STRIGILATUM Terebra Gm. (as of Lin.)—T. myuros, Lam.- strigilated Kien. Ter. f. 34. Moluccas. 141 CONCINNUM Dil. 647.-T. c. Desh. ed. Lam. X. belt-spotted 259. Amboyna. 142 DUPLICATUM Lin. Sys.-T. d. Lam.—Hinds, Sow. double-whorled Th. i. pl. 41, f. 9. Indian 0. 143 CINEREUM Born, pl. 10, f. 11, 12.–Dil. 649. steel-gray Amboyna. 144 SUCCINCTUM Wood (as of Gm. from Mart. iv. f. girded 1451.) E. Indies. 145 ACUS Gm. and Dil. 649, for Ch. iv. f. 1449. needle U. 146 LANCEATUM Lin. Sys.-T. 1. Lam.-Kien. Ter. f. lancet 22.-Hinds, Sow. Th. i. pl. 43, f. 52. 147 DIMIDIATUM Lin. partly.-T. d. Lam.-Kien. Ter. pl. 2, f. 2.-Hinds, Sow. Th. i. 153, white striped pl. 41, f. 7,8. Tahiti, 148 MURINUM Cerithium ? Lin. Sys. Undefined. Africa. mouse-co- loured 149 PERTUSUM Terebra Born, pl. 10, f. 13.–Dil. 650.-T. p. hollow-dotted Kien. Ter. f. 24.-Hinds, Sow. Th. i. 161, pl. 42, f. 42, 3. U. 150 HASTATUM Dil. (as of Gm.) 651.-T. h. Kien. javelin Ter. f. 23.-Hinds, Sow. Th. i. pl. 44, f. 87. U. - orange and - Z UCCISO. PL.24 1922 1.21 120 126 + 127 1299 20+ 1.38 + 7 30+ 146 + 1496+ 1500 / رد کر 152! 1:56 a + 6.59 + 160l 161 a 1020 165 a 166 a 169! 1676 168 at 170o 171 a TROMBUS 7 el 120+ JNE BUCCINUM. 121 - a pointed Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. names. Genus. 151 PHALLUS Pleurotoma Gm.—After B. sinuatum, Born, 268. sinuated -P. Buccinoides, Lam. — Kien. Pleu. pl. 13, f. 1. Natal. 152 BIFASCIATUM Terebra Dil. 651, from Pet. Gaz. pl. 53, f. 5; two-banded &c.—After B. hecticum, Lin. (not Ch.)-T. coerulescens Kien. Ter. f. 12, b, c. Feejee Isles. 153 RADIATUM Mitra Wood, not Gm. Copied from Gualt. radiated pl. 53, f. D. U. 154 VIRGINEUM Melania Bad copy of List. pl. 113, f. 7, the M. fresh-water Virginica of Say, &c. Virginia. 155 ACICULA Achatina Mul. V. – Bulimus a. Brug. -- Buc. minute- terrestre, Mont.-A. a. Lam.—Gray, Turt. Man. 191, f. 77. Britain, &c. 156 ASPERUM uncertain Gm. 3503_(not var.) from List. pl. rough 925, f. 17. U. 157 CHALIS Melanopsis ? Gm. 3497, from Ch. iv. f. 1192 (Nassa Chalis citharæformis) U. 158 NANUM Nassa Gm. 3497, from Ch. iv. f. 1176. dwarf Morocco ? 159 NIGRO-PUNO- Gm. 3497, from Gualt. pl. 44, f. F, TATUM U. black-dotted 160 STRIATUM Cassis Meusc. in Gron. Zoop. no. 1345, pl. striated 19, f. 18. America, 161 TRIFASCIATUM Nassa Gm. 3489, for Gualt. pl. 44, f. A. red-banded U. 162 UNIFASCIALE Purpura P. u. Lam.-E. M. pl. 397, f. 6.-P. single- hæmastoma, var. Kien. Pur. f. 79, a. streaked U. 163 NORWEGICUM Buccinum B. Anglicanum, &c. Ch. iv. f. 1212.- Norwegian -B. N. E. M. pl. 399, f. 5.-B. A. Lam.-Reeve, I. Buc. f. 23. ' Norway'! 164 MACULOSUM Lam. = Vol. no. 132. stained 165 TURRIS Nassa Wood for Nassa crenulata, E. M. pl. spiral tower 394, f. 6. Indian 0. 166 CRASSILA- Monoceras M. c. Lam.-Reeve, I. Mon. f. 14.- M. citrinum, Sow. C. I. Mon. f. 2. thick-lipped - Purpura c. Kien. Pur. f. 104. Chili. BRUM - R 122 BUCCINUM. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms— Locality. names. Genus. 167 CINGULATTM Monoceras M. c. Lam. Monoceras M. C. Lam. - Sow. G.-Reeve, I. welted Mon. f. 11.-Turbinella c. Kien. pl. 20, f. 1. Mexico. 168 DENTATUM Wood, for E. M. pl. 396, f. 5.--M. toothed glabratum, Lam.-Reeve, I. Mon. f. 15.-Purpura g. Kien. Pur. f. 105. Chiloe. 169 GEMMULATTM Purpura P.g. E. M. pl. 397, f. 3. Mur. no. folded 52. 170 PSEUDONUM Monoceras Burr. pl. 26, f. 2. Monoceras Burr. pl. 26, f. 2. = no 167, young. false-toothed 171 STROMBI- Mitra Burr. pl. 26, f. 3. = Vol. no. 72. FORME Strombus- shaped STROMBUS-SCREW. -- 1 FUSUS Rostellaria Dil. (not Lin. Sys. ed. 10.) 654.-R. spindle curvirostris, Lam.—Sow. Th. i. pl. 5, f. 9.-- Kien. Ros. pl. 1. Red Sea. 2 UNICORNIS S. fusus, Lin. Sys. ed. 10.-S. clavus, unicorn Lin. Mant.-S. u. Dil. 655.-R. rectirostris, Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 5, f. 8.-Kien. Ros. pl. 2, f. 1. China. 3 FISSUS Dil. 656, for S. fusus, &c. Ch. xi. f. slit 1869.—R. f. Desh. ed. Lam.-R. Fa- vanni, Kien. (as of Pfeif.) Ros. pl. 3, f. 2. U. 4 PES-PELECANI Lin. Sys.- Don. pl. 4. Aporrhais four-fingered quadrifidus, Da Cos.—Tritonium P. Mül.-R. P. Lam.—Kien. — Che- p nopus p. Phil. Sic. - 4. p. Sow. Th. i. pl. 5, f. 3, 4.- Br. Mol. ii. 188, pl. 89, f. 4. Britain, &c. 5 CHIRAGRA Pteroceras Lin. M. U.- P. c. Lam. Kien. Pt. Devil's claw pl. 5.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 11, f. 12. E. Indies. 6 SCORPIUS Lin. Sys.-P. s. Lam.—Kien. Pt. pl. scorpion 6.—Sow. Th.i. pl. 11, f.1. Moluccas. 7 LAMBIS Lin. Sys.-P.1. Lam.—Kien. Pt. pl. 3. spider -Sow. Th. i. pl. 11, f. 5. Ceylon, &c. STROMBUS. 123 . . - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. S BRYONIA Pteroceras Gm. 3520, for S. radix B. Ch. x. f. blunt-tipped 1512-5.-S. truncatus, Dil.-P. t. Lam.-Sow. Th. i. 41. pl. 11, f. 13. Kien. Pt. pl. 10, f. 3,-Pyrula Bengalina, Gratel. Australasia. 9 MILLEPEDA Lin. Sys.--P. m. Lam. partly.-P. m. millepede Sow. Th. i. 43, pl. 11, f. 3.—Kien. Pt. pl. 9, f. 1. Philippines. 10 LENTIGINOSUS Strombus Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 8, f. pink-lipped 79.-Kien. St. pl. 18, f. 1. - Reeve, I. St. f. 31. Philippines 11 POLYFASCIATUS S. fasciatus, Born.-Reeve, I. St. f. many-banded 56.-S. P. Ch. x.-S. lineatus, Lam. Red Sea. 12 GALLUS Lin. Sys.—Lam.—Sow. Th. i. pl. 10, f. plough 111.-Reeve, I. St, f. 18. Red Sea. 13 PAPILIO Ch. x. f. 1510, 1.-Lam.-Kien. St. butterfly pl. 17, f. 1.- Reeve, I. St. f. 29.- Lambis pipa, Bolten. Philippines. 14 FASCIATUS Gm. (not Born).-S. bubonius, Lam. banded --Reeve, I. St. f. 27. Cape de Verde. 15 LACINIATUS Ch. x. f. 1506, 7.--Reeve, I. St. f. 25. sinuated - S. cristatus, Lam.-Kien. St. pl. 11. Philippines. 16 AURIS-DIANÆ Lin. Sys. --Sow. Th. i. pl. 2, f. 101, 2. Diana's ear Lambis bulla, Bolten.-S. guttatus, Kien. St. pl. 15, f. 1.- Reeve, I. St. f. 33. Philippines. 17 PUGILIS Lin. Sys. - Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 8, f. thick-spined 74.- Kien. St. pl. 20.-Reeve, I. St. f. 39. W. Indies. 18 MARGINATUS Lin. Sys.- Lam.- Kien. St. pl. 16, margined f. 2.-Reeve, I. St. f. 49.-- Lambis carinatus, Bolten. Philippines. 19 LUHUANUS Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 7, f. Lohoe broad- 54.—Kien. St. pl. 27, f. 1.-Reeve, lipped I. St. f. 19. Philippines. 20 GIBBERULUS Lin. Sys.--Lam.—Sow. Th. i. pl. 6, f. pouter 19.-Kien. St. pl. 28, f. 1.– Reeve, I. St. f. 15. Philippines. 21 ONISCUS Oniscia Not Lin.-0. 0. Sow. G.-Reeve, C. wood-louse S. pl. 254, f. 4.--0. Lamarckii, Desh. ed. Lam. x. 12. Indian O. - - - 124 STROMBUS. Wood's Linnean Lamarchian names. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. 22 GIGAS Strombus Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 10, giant f. 117. -Kien. Strom. pl. 1.-Reeve, I. St. f. 2. W. Indies. 23 LATISSIMUS Lin. Sys. --Mart. iii. f. 832, 5. (as =) broad giant -Lam.--Kien.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 10, f. 112. Indian O. 24 ACCIPITER S.costatus, partly, Gm.(not Da C.)—S. spinous accipitrinus, Bolten.-Lam.--Sow. Th. i. pl. 10, f. 115, 6.-S. accipiter, Dil. 669, Florida. 25 EPIDROMIS Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Reeve, I. St. f. 54. mottled-fawn Philippines. 26 MINIMUS Lin. Mant.—Reeve, I. St. f. 47.-S. least troglodytes, Lam.-Kien. St. pl. 31, f. 2. Philippines 27 CANARIUM Lin. Sys.- Lam.- Sow. Th. i. pl. 8, f. partridge 69, 70.- Kien. St. pl. 29, f. 1, 2.- Reeve, I. St. f. 46. Ceylon. 28 VITTATUS Lin. Sys.-Lam.--Sow. Th. i. pl. 6, f. ribbon 29.—Kien. St. pl. 23, f. 1.-Reeve, I. St. f. 44. Philippines. 29 SULCATUS Ch. xi. f. 1870, 1.- Dil. 672. China. sulcated 30 SUCCINCTUS Lin. Sys.-Lam.- Sow. Th. i. pl. 6, f. girdled 20.- Kien. St. pl. 10, f. 2.-Reeve, I. St. f. 43.-S. accinctus, Born. Philippines. 31 FISSURELLA Rostellaria Lin. Sys.-R. f. Lam. FOSSIL. slit-lipped 32 URCEUS Strombus Born. (not Lin.) 283.—Lam.—Sow. pitcher Th. i. pl. 7, f. 34,5,6.-Reeve, I. St. f. 24. Philippines. 33 ERYTHRINUS Ch. xi. f. 1874, 5.--Dil. 673. Red Sea. nodulous 34 TRIDENTATUS S. dentatus, Lin. Sys.--S. Samar, Ch. 3-toothed X. - S. t. Lam. - S. Samarensis, Reeve, I. St. f. 53. Philippines. 35 DENTATUS Ch. (not Lin.) x. f. 1501, 2.-Dil. toothed 674.-Reeve, I. St. f. 17.-S. pli- catus, Lam. Philippines. 36 VEXILLUM Purpura Ch. x. f. 1504, 5.-P. v. Lam.-- Cassi- banner daria v. Kien Cas. f. 6.-Buccinum v. Reeve, Buc, f. 79. Philippines. 1 - 11 - STROMBUS Plai 20 A + 26 a 27 at 29 32 at 30+ 30+ il + MURRY mpy b+ + 18 + 19 2.31 22/ 267 UN STROMBUS. 125 - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonymis- Locality. names. Genus. 37 NORWEGICUS Fusus Ch. x. f. 1497, 8.-F. N. Reeve, I. Norwegian Fus. f. 47.- Br. Mol. iii. 428, pl. 107, pl. 108, f. 7, 8, 9. Britain, &c. 38 TUBERCULATUS Cerithium Born. (not Lin.) pl. 10, f. 16, 7.-Dil. tuberculated 675. - C. morus, Brug. 500. — C. Bornii, Sow. Th. ii. Cer. f. 175. Red Sea ? 39 PALUSTRIS Lin. Sys.-C.p. Lam.-- Crouch,pl. 17, marsh f. 3.-Kien. Cer. 81, pl. 1.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 185, f. 261. E. Indies. 40 ATER Pirena Lin. Sys. ed. 10.-Ch. ix. f. 1227.- black Cerithium a. Brug. 485.-P. tere- bralis, Lam.-Melanopsis a. Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 195, f. 1. Amboyna. 41 AURITUS Nerita a. Mül. V. 192. — S. tym- eared panorum, &c. Ch. ix. f. 1265, 6. - S. a. Dil. 677.-P. a. Lam.-Me- lania a. Rang, Mag. Z. 1832, pl. 12. Madagascar. 42 LIVIDUS Pleurotoma Ch. (as of Lin.) ix. f. 1269, 70.-P. livid auriculifera, Lam.-Kien. Pl. pl. 11, f. 2. Guinea.' 43 COSTATUS Cerithium Da Cos. pl. 8, f. 14.-Mont. 255.-S. ribbed Turboformis, Mont. Sup. 110, pl. 30, f. 7.-C. T. Flem.-0. Lafondii, Kien. Cer. pl. 24, f. 3.-C. ambi- guum, Adams, Syn. Jam.-C. c. Br. Mol. iii. 200. W. Indies. 44 RANINUS Strombus Gm. from Knorr, vi. pl. 29, f. 8.—S. thin-lipped bituberculatus, Lam. - S. lobatus, Sw. Z. I. s. i. pl. 153.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 8, f. 76, 7. W. Indies. - MUREX ROCK. 1 HAUSTELLUM snipe 2 MOTACILLA nightingale 3 SCOLOPAX thorny snipe Murex Lin. Sys.—Lam.--Sow. G. Mur. f. 1. Reeve, I. Mur. f. 95. Ceylon, &c. Ch. x. f. 1563.Dil. 681.-Reeve, I. Mur, f. 88. Senegal. Dil. 681, for M. tribulus, &c. Ch. xi. f. 1819, 20,--Reeve, I. Mur, f. 89. Persian Gulf 126 MUREX Wood's Linnean names. 4 TRIBULUS thorny woodcock Lamarckian Genus. Murex 5 CORNUTUS horned snipe 6 BRANDARIS short-beaked snipe 7 TRUNCULUS Tyrian dye LI 8 ROSARIUM rosary 9 POMUM apple-shaped 10 MILIARIS scabrous Authority -- Synonyms-Locality. Lin. Sys. (var, nobilior.)—M. t. dupli- catus, Ch. xi. f. 1821, 2.-M. tenui- spina, Lam.-Kien. Mur. pl. 6, f. 1; pl. 7, f. 1. Indian O. Lin. Sys. -- Lam.-Sch. (Ch. xii.) f. 4068, 9.-- Reeve, I. Mur. f. 71.- M. crassispina, Kien. Mur. pl. 2, f. 1. W. Africa. Lin. Sys.-Lam.- Kien. Mur. pl. 3, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Mur. f. 96. Mediterranean. Lin. Sys.-Lam.—Kien. Mur. pl. 23, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Mur, f. 22. Mediterranean. Ch. x. f. 1528, 9.-Reeve, I. Mur. f. 14.-M. melonulus, Lam.-Kien. Mur. pl. 45, f. 1. Fernando Po. Gm. 3527.- Reeve, I. Mur, f. 35.- M. asperrimus, Lam.-- Kien. pl. 25, f. 1. W. Indies. Lingua vitulina, Ch. x. f. 1532, 5.-- M. m. Gm. 3536. — M. vitulinus, Lam.--Kien. Mur. pl. 47, f. 2. Africa. Lam.-- Kien. pl. 29, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Mur, f. 48. U. Wood, as of Lin.—Copied from Bonan. f. 276, perhaps M. adustus, Lam. Indian 0. Purpura f. Martyn, pl. 66.—M. pur- pura, &c. Ch. x. 1538.-M. f. Dil. ---Reeve, I. Mur. f. 12.--M. trip- terus, Kien. Mur. pl. 26. f. 2. Sitka. M. 1. vervecina, Ch. x. f. 1540, 1.- Reeve, I. Mur. f. 21.-M. 1. Dil. 688. — M. gibbosus, Lam. — Kien. Mur. pl. 7, f. 3. W. Africa. Born. pl. 10, f. 18, 9.—Sow. 0. I. Mur. f. 54.-Reeve, I. Mur. f. 55. —M, trialatus, Kien. Mur. pl. 3, f. 2. Philippines. Born. p). 11, f. 1, 2.-Lam.-Reeve, I. Mur. f. 4.-M. trigonulus, Kien. Mur. pl. 25, f. 1, 2. Philippines. 11 MELANAMATHOS black-spined 12 RAMOSUS branched 13 FOLIATUS foliated 14 LINGUA sheep's tongue 15 TRIPTERUS subtriangular - 16 TRIQUETER 3-warted MUREX. 127 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 17 SCORPIO Murex Lin. Sys.---Lam.--Kien. Mur. pl. 9, scorpion f. 3.--Reeve, I. Mur. f. 106. Moluccas. 18 SAXATILIS Lin. Sys. partly.-M. endivia, Lam.- endive Kien. pl. 35, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Mur. f. 27. Philippines. 19 ERINACEUS Lin. Sys.- Lam.- Br. Mol. iii. 370, pl. rough-ridged 102, f. 4.-M. Tarentinus, Lam.- Kien. Mur. pl. 44, f. 2.-Triton e. Flem. Britain, Sc. 20 SACELLUM Purpura Ch. x. f. 1561, 2. - Dil. 891.-P. s. corded Reeve, I. f. 58. Nicobar Isles. 21 RANA Ranella Lin. Sys. - Ch. in part, iv. f. 1270.- frog R. albivaricosa, Reeve, I. ii. Ran. f. 2. Ceylon. 22 SPINOSUS Dil. 692.-R. S. Lam.- Kien. Ran. spiny frog pl. 5.-Reeve, I. Ran. f. 7. Malabar. 23 CRASSUS Dil. 692, for Ch. iv. f. 1272, 3.-R. thick frog granulata, Lam.-Kien. Ran. pl. 12, f. 1.-R. c. Reeve, I. Ran. f. 18. Madagascar. 24 GYRINUS Lin. Sys.-R. ranina, Lam.-Kien. whirled Ran. pl. 11, f. 3.-R.g. Reeve, I. , , Ran. f. 49. Philippines. 25 BITUBERCULARIS R. b. Lam. and E. M. pl. 412, f. 6.- 2-knobbed Kien. Ran. pl. 6, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Ran. f. 40. China. 26 BUFONIUS Ch. xi. f. 1845,6.-R. 6. Lam.- Kien. toad-shaped Ran. pl. 7, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Ran. f. ! - 23, 6. 27 ARGUS Argus Triton 28 LAMPAS granulated 29 OLEARIUM oil jar Gm. in part.—R. A. Lam.-Kien. Ran. pl. 8, f. 1.--Reeve, I. Ran. f. 12. Cape G. Hope. Dil. (as of Lin.) 694. -- T. 1. Lam.- Reeve, I. Tr. f. 30, a. Philippines. Bolten (not Lin.)—M. lotorium, Schr. Ein. i. pl. 3, f. 3.--T. pileare, Lam. Kien. Tr. pl. 7. f. 1. W. Indies. Sal. Marsch.-Dil. 696.-M. costatus, Born, is prior.- T. succinctum, Lam. -Kien. Tr. pl. 6, f. 1, Algiers. Buccinum 1. Martyn, U. C. pl. 43.- Dil. 696.-M. glomus cereus, Ch. x, f. 1634.-F. 1. Desh. ed. Lam. X. 478. Australasia, 30 PARTHENOPEUS tawny yellow 2 Fusus 31 LYRATUS lyre-shaped 128 MUREX. Wood's Linnean names. Lamarckian Genus. Triton - 32 FEMORALE triangular 33 CUTACEUS rough-stained Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Lin. Sys.-7. f. Lam. Kien. Tr. pl. 10, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tr. f. 22. W. Indies. Lin. Sys.-T. c. Lan.-Sow. G.- Kien. Trit. pl. 13, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tr. pl. ll, f. 39. Mediterranean. Wood (not Lin.)—T. 1. Lam. Kien. Tr. pl. 9, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tr. f. 19, b. Ceylon. Lin. probably.-M. lotorium, Bolt. for Ch. iv. f.1248, 9.-T. Martinianus, D'Orb. W. Indies. - 34 LOTORIUM angulated 35 PILEARE nodulous oil-jar 36 CONDITUS mottled oil-jar 37 MACULOSUS spotted Ranella Gm. 3565.—After M. candisatus, Ch. x. f. 1544,5.-R. can. Lam.-Kien. Ran. pl. 13, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Ran. f. 5. Isle of Annaa. Triton Buccinum m. fc. Ch. iv. f. 1257, 8.- Dil. 699. T. 20. Lam. Kien. Tr. pl. 17, f. 1. E. Indies. Ch. xi. f. 1839, 40.–Dil. 700.-T. S. Lam.—Kien. Tr. pl. 4, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tr. f. 36. Australia. - 38 SPENGLERI Spengler's 39 PYRUM pear - - 40 CLAVATOR club-shaped 41 CAUDATUS caudated Wood (not Lin.)—T. retusum, Lam. -Kien. Tr. pl. 4, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Tr. f. 47. Ceylon. Ch. xi. f. 1825, 6.- Dil. 701.-T. c. Lam.- Kien. Tr. pl. 10, f. 2. Indian 0. Dil. (as of Gm.) 701.--T. canaliferum, Lam.—Kien. Tr. pl. 13, f. 2. Coromandel. Lin. Sys.-T. r. Lam.-- Reeve, I. Tr. f. 29. Philippines. Lin. Sys.-Ch. x. f. 1556, 7.-T. s. Lam.-- Reeve, I. Tr. f. 28. Greece. 42 RUBECULA footman 43 SCROBICULATOR violet- throated 44 RETICULARIS reticulated Ranella M. olearium, Lin.-M. r. Born (not Lin.) pl. 11, f.5.-R. gigantea, Lam. -Kien. Ran. pl. 1.- Reeve, I. Ran. f. 3. Mediterranean. Triton Lin. Sys, T. d. Lam.–Sow. G. Tr. f. 2.-Reeve, I. Tr. f. 44. Ceylon. 45 ANUS grimace , ها را 2 // به ویژه / + 8** / / 2 / + 2 / + / متر + // در // + / روز (7/ کرر / + + مرد ات (7+ اور 7 /وح + 7 + / رو 80 et 3611+ / از UNIO G MUREX. 129 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. 46 MULUS Triton T. clathratum, Lam.-Kien. Tr. pl. mule 14, f. 1.-T. cancellinus, Reeve, I. Tr. f. 45. Ceylon. 47 NERITOIDEUS Ricinula Not Lin.-R. horrida, Lam.-Reeve, mulberry I. Ric. f.3.-Purpurah. Kien. Pur. f. 1. Society Isles. 48 NODUS Purpura Wood, as of Lin. Sys. !—? P. undata, chesnut var. Kien. Jamaica. 49 FUCUS M. Neritoides, Lin.-M. f. Gm. 3538. black-eyed -P. N. Lam. Kien. Pur. f. 62.- Reeve, I. Pur. f. 12. Cape de Verde. 50 HYSTRIX Ricinula Not Lin. nor authors.-M. Hericius, porcupine Mart. iii. f. 974, 5.-R. clathrata, Lam.-Reeve, I. Ric. f. 9.-Pur- pura c. Kien, pl. 3, f. 5. Elizabeth Isl. 51 RICINUS Not Lin.-R. digitata, Lam.--- Reeve, spur I. Ric. f. 2, a.-Purpura d. Kien. Pur, f. 6. Lord Hood's Is. 52 MANCINELLA Purpura Lin. M. U.-P. m. Lam.-Kien. Pur. Mancinella f. 46.-Reeve, Pur. f. 2. Philippines 53 HIPPOCASTANUM Wood (not Lin.)-P. hystrix, Lam.- horse-chesnut Kien. Pur. f. 4, 4, a.-Reeve, I. Pur. f. 13. Isle of Annaa. 54 NODATUS Ricinula Wood, not Gmel. nor Dil.-? Purpura knobbed concatenata, Kien. (as Murex Lam.) Purp. f. 20. Mauritius? 55 LACERUS Purpura Dil. (as of Born.) 708.-P. carinifera, carinated Lam.-Kien. Pur. f. 38.-Reeve, I. Pur. f. 26. Guinea. 56 PLICATUS Mart. iii. 268, f. 954, 5.–Dil. 708. plaited Not P.p. Lam.-? Pyrula deformis, Lam. monstrosity. E. Indies.' 57 MORBOSUS Dil. (as of Sol.) 709, partly.-P. coro- marbled nata, Lam.-Kien. Purp. f. 53.- P. Guinensis, Sch. (Ch. xii.) f. . 4083, 4. Senegal. 58 SENTICOSUS Cancellaria! Lin. Sys.-Ch. xi. f. 1864.-C. s. Lam. cancellated Buccinum s. Kien. Buc. pl. 9, f. 31. Indian 0. 59 MELONGENA Pyrula Lin. Sys.-P. m. Lam.-Kien. Py. pl. open-mouthed 1; pl. 2, f. 3.-Reeve, I. Py. f. 18. Eastern Seas S 130 MUREX Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms- Locality. Genus. 60 CALCARATUS Pyrula Not Dil.-young of no. 85. . brownish white 61 CONSUL Purpura Ch. x. f. 1516, 7.–Dil. 711.--Reeve, . , ventricose I. Pur. f. 4. Philippines. 62 STRAMINEUS Struthio- Buccinum papillosum, Martyn, pl. 54. straw- laria -M. s. Dil. (as of Gm.) 711.-S. coloured nodulosa, Lam.-S. s. Sow. Gen.- Reeve, C. S. pl. 245, f. 1, 2.—Sow. Th. i. pl. 5, f. 16. N. Zealand. 63 VIRGO Pleurotoma Buccinum sinuatum, Martyn, pl. 94, f. corded on right. - Turris Š. Mauritii, Bolten, for T. nivea, &c. Ch.-P. virgo, Lam.-E. M. pl. 439, f. 2.- Kien. Pl. pl. 3, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Pl. f. 20. Mauritius. 64 CLAVATULUS Dil. 713, for M. turris coronata, Ch. crowned tower xi. f. 1831, 2.-P. muricata, Lam. probably Guinea. 65 GIBBOSUS Ch. (not Born) xi. 112, partly, f. 1829. gibbous - P. flavidula, var. Kien. Pl. pl. 18, f. 2. • Red Sea ' China ? 66 VIRGINEUS Dil. 714, for M. turris v. Ch. xi. f. virgin tower 1835, 6.-Not P.v. Kien. Guinea. 67 BABYLONIUS Lin. Sys.-P. B. Lam.-Kien. Pleur. tower of Babel pl. i, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Pl. f. 5. Moluccas. 68 JAVANUS Lin. Sys.-P. nodifera, Lam.—Crouch. Javan pl. 17, f. 4.-Sow. G. Pleur. f. 1.- Kien. Pl. pl. 12, f. 1. Malacca. 69 TORNATUS Dil. 715, not var. for M. Javanus, Ch. white tower (not Lin.) iv. f. 1336, 7, 8.-P. J. Kien. Pl. pl. 5, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Pl. f. 26.-P. t. Desh. ed. Lam. X. Java. 70 DUBIUS Fusus? Dil. 716, for Ch. iv. f. 1396, 7. U. doubtful 71 COLUS Fusus Dil. (not Lin.) partly.-F. longissimus, spindle Lam. (as M. l. Gm.)-Kien. Fus. pl. 2, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Fus. f. 4. Ceylon. 72 COLOSSEUS F.c.Lam.—Kien. Fus. pl. 25.-Reeve, great I. Fus. f. 19. Eastern Seas - - MUREX 131 IT Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 73 LONGICAUDUS Fusus F. 1. Bory, E. M. pl. 423, f. 2.-Reeve, long-beaked I. Fus. f. 13.-F. colus, var. Lam. Ceylon. 74 STRIATULUS Gm. 3557, for Ch. iv. f. 1351.–Dil. transversely 718. U. striated 75 LANCEA Gm. 3556, for Ch. iv. f. 1347, ('Lan- narrow ceola.')-F. aculeiformis, Sow. G. (not Lam.)-F. ligula, Kien. Fus. pl. 9, f. 2.-F. lanceola, Reeve, C. S. pl. 232, f. 2; I. Fus. f. 52.-F. lancea, Desh. ed. Lam. Philippines. 76 VERSICOLOR Gm. 3556.-Dil. 718.-F.v. Desh. ed. changeable Lam. ix. 469. Indian Seas. 77 VERRUCOSUS Dil. (as of Gm.) 719, for Ch. iv. f. warty 1349, 1350.--? F. marmoratus, Phil. Ab. N. C. ii. Fus. pl. 3. Red Sea. 78 MORIO Lin. Sys.-F. m. Lam.-Kien. Fus. helmet pl. 23, f. 2.- Pyrula m. Reeve, I. Py. f. 3. W. Indies. 79 COCHLIDIUM Pyrula Ch. (as of Lin.) x. f. 1569.--Dil. 720. brown- - Fusus c. Lam.-Kien. Fus. pl. 30. streaked Indian 0. 80 TUBA Gm.- Dil. 720 — P. t. Lam.-Reeve, trumpet I. Py. f. 22.-- Fusus t. Kien. Fus. pl. 26, f. 1. China. 81 SPIRILLUS Turbinella Lin. Sys.—Pyrula s. Lam.- Kien. Py. blunt-tipped pl. 15, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Py. f. 29. - T. s. Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 177. Moluccas. 82 CANALICU- Pyrula Lin. Sys.-P. c. Lam.-Reeve, I. Py. LATUS f. 26.—P. spirata, Kien. Py. pl. 10, channelled f. 1. Massachussetts. 83 CARICA Gm. 3545.JP. C. Lam.-Kien. Pyr. keeled pl. 3, f. 1.-Gould, Mas. f. 296. – P. Aruanus, Reeve, I. Py. f. 16. N. America. 84 CARINIFERUS Turbinella Fusus c. E. M. pl. 423, f. 3.-T. c. wave-edged Lam.- Kien. Tur. pl. 13, f. 1.-- Reeve, Tur. f. 14. U. 85 FICUS Pyrula M. f. Maris Erythræi, Ch. xi. f. 1853. fig-shaped -M. f. var.g. Gm.-- P. nodosa, var. Kien. pl. 6, f. 2. Red Sea. - 132 MUREX. - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. 86 CLANDESTINUS Triton M. succinctus, Lin. Mant.-M. c. Ch. double-lipped xi. f. 1856, 7.-Dil. 723.- Ranella c. Lam.-Reeve, I. Ran. f. 13. Philippines 87 ARUANUS Fusus Not Lin.-? Buccinum incisum, Mar- spine-crowned tyn, pl. 81.-F. proboscidiferus, , Lam.—Kien. Fus. pl. 17.--Reeve, I. Fus. f. 15. Australia. 88 PERVERSUS Pyrula Lin. Sys.-P. p. Lam.—Kien. Py. reversed pl. 9, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Pyr. f. 13. Gulf of Mexico. 89 ANTIQUUS Fusus Lin. Sys.- M. despectus, Pen.-Mont. antiquated -M. carinatus, Turt. Dic. f. 95.- F. a. Lam.-Br. Mol. iii. 423, pl. 104.-F.c. and Babylonicus, Brown. Britain, &c. 90 MAGELLANICUS Buccinum Geversianum, Pall. Spic. Z. leafy-ribbed pl. 3, f. 1, 2.-B. fimbriatum, Mar- tyn, pl. 6.-M. M. Lam. (not Ch.). -F. G. Reeve, I. Fus. pl. 4, f. 2. Straits of Magellan. 91 ACANTHOPTERUS Murex Lam.-E. M. pl. 417, f. 2.-Sow. C. foliated I. Mur. f. 85.-Kien. Mur. pl. 38, f. 2.- Reeve, I. Mur. f. 64. U. 92 FORNICATUS Fusus Tritonium f. Fab. F. G.-M. f. Dil. arched -F. f. Reeve, I. Fus. f. 39 = var. next. 93 DESPECTUS Lin. Sys.—Don. pl. 180.-Tritonium d. despised Fabr.-Middend. — M. duplicatus, Don. pl. 119.—M. carinatus, Pen. - F. c. Kien. Fus. pl. 19, f. 1. Greenland, &c. 94 SUBANTIQUATUS Wood (not Mat. and Rac.) from Ch. great worn iv. f. 1296. - Buccinum saturum, Martyn, pl. 47. - F. fornicatus, Reeve, I. Fus. f. 63. Iceland. 95 TRITONIS Triton Lin. Sys. partly.—Buccinum T. Ch. Triton iv. f. 1282, 3.-T. variegatus, E. M. pl. 421, f. 2.-Lam. Indian Ocean. 96 VULPINUS Fusus ! Born, 317, pl. 11, f. 10, 11.–Dil. 728. foxy - F. buccinatus, Lam.-Kien. Fus. Africa. 97 PUSIO Born (not Lin.) 316.-Dil. 728.-F. wreath Nifat, Lam.-Sow. G.-Kien. Fus. pl. 23, f. 1. - Reeve, I. Fus. f. 30. Senegal - - - pl. 8, f. 2. - UTRZY Pl. 27. د / در 92 93 04 90 W 97 at 990 VU + Myytib 1036 100 107 tent 19 1? + P 17 0 + 18+ 1696 /2011 + 718/ از نور 126 1 1250 127 132 + 1361 117 06+ 104 + 116! / و و 1282 125 a + 19 dou 0 UNIE MUREX 133 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 98 TULIPA Fasciolaria Lin. Sys.-F. t. Lam.—Kien. Fas. pl. tulip 2. W. Indies. 99 CLATHRATUS Triton Not Lin.-Copied from List. pl. 926, ribbed f. 19. U. 100 LAMELLOSUS Fusus Buccinum laciniatum, Martyn, pl. 42. lamellar - M. foliaceus minor, Ch. xi. f. 1823, 4.-M. lam. Gm. 3536.-F. lac. Reeve, I. Fus. f. 14. Chonos Archipelago. 101 SCALA Cancellaria Gm. 3551, for Ch. iv. vig, at p. 1, f. ladder a, b, c.-Dil. 731 (not synon.) -C. scalarina, Lam. part only.- Sow. Th. ii. pl. 96, f. 87, 8 ? E. Indies. 102 FISCELLUM Purpura Ch. x. f. 1524, 5.- Not Reeve.—M. - short-beaked margariticola, Brod. Z. P. --Sow. C. I. Mur. f. 21. Lord Hood's Island, 103 UNDATUS Murex Ch. xi. f. 1851, 2.-Dil. 732.—? M. waved margariticola, Reeve, I. Mur. f. 178. * Tranquebar.' 104 VIRGATUS Purpura Dil. (as of Sol.) 732, for Ch, iv. 33, f. nodulous 1141, 2.-? P. Turbinoides, Kien. Pur. f 82. E. Indies.' 105 CORONA Pyrula C. Mexicana, Ch. x. f. 1526, 7.-M. c. crowned Gm.-F. c. Lam.- Kien. Fus. pl. 24, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Py. f.7. Mexico. 106 DOLARIUM Triton Lin. Sys.—T. d. Lam.- Kien. Tr. pl. narrow-belted 15, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Tr. f. 56. Mouth of Gambia. 107 CORNEUS Fusus Pen.(not Lin.)-Mont.-F. Islandicus, slender horn Ch. iv. f. 1312, 3.-Lam. - Br. Mol. iii. 416, pl. 103, f. 1, 3.-F. c. Reeve, I. Fus. f. 43. - F. Listeri, Jonas.-F. gracilis, Alder. Britain, &c. 108 LINEATUS Turbinella Voluta turrita, Gm. 3456, from Ch. iv. lined f. 1317, 8.-T. 1. Lam.—Kien. Tur. pl. 18, f. 2.-T. t. Reeve, I. Tur. f. 57. Philippines. 109 SEX-COSTATUS Murex E. M. pl. 441, f. 3. U. six-ribbed 110 NASSA Turbinella Not Gm.—Copied from Kn. vi. pl. 20, f. 7, the T. Knorrii, of Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 391.-? T. K. Reeve, I. Honduras.' - - - rough 134 MUREX. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms --- Locality. 111 APLUSTRE Turbinella Buccinum a. Martyn, pl. 3.- M. am- American flag plustre, Ch. xi. f. 1841, 2,—T. am. Kien. Tur. pl. 20, f. 2.-T. ap. Reeve, I. Tur. f. 16. I. of Annaa. 112 TRAPEZIUM Lin. Sys.-F. t. Lam.— Crouch, pl. 17, striped tower f. 7.-Reeve, I. Fas. f. 16. Philippines. 113 POLYGONUS Gm.-T. p. Lam.—Kien. Tur. pl. 13, many-angled f. 2.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 1, b. Mouth of Gambia. 114 VESPERTILIO Pyrula M. pugilinus, Born, descrip. 314.-P. reddish-brown vespertilio, Lam. --Kien. Py. pl. 5, f. 1.-P. p. Reeve, I. Py. f. 1, b. East Indies. 115 SCOLYMUS Turbinella Gm. 3553, for Ch. iv. f. 1325.-Dil. flesh-coloured 737.-T. s. Lam.-Kien. Tur. pl. 2. -Reeve, I. Tur, f. 4. Bahamas. 116 TERNATANUS Pyrula Fusus brevis, T. Ch. iv. f. 1304, 5.— Ternate M. T. Gm. 3554.-P. T. Lam.- Fusus T. Kien. Fus. pl. 27. Philippines. 117 COLUMBARIUM Turbinella Buccinum spinosum, Martyn, pl. 4.- white-belted M.c. Ch. x. f. 1637,8.- T. s. Reeve, Tur. f. 43. ' Friendly I' 118 INFUNDIBULUM Gm. 3554.-T.i. Lam.-Sch. (Ch. xii.) funnel-shaped f. 4022.-Kien. Tur. pl. 14, f. 1.- Reeve, I. Tur. f. 3. W. Indies. 119 SYRACUSANUS Tusus Lin. Sys.-F. S. Lam.--Kien. Fus. Syracuse pl. 4, f. 2. -- Phil. Sic. i. 203. Mediterranean. 120 PERRON Pleurotoma? Ch. x. f. 1573, 4.-Dil. 739.-? P. shelving spirata, (Lam.) Kien. Pl. 46, pl. 5, f. 2.-P. Perronii, Reeve, I. f. 94. China. 121 CRATICULATUS Turbinella Voluta c. Gm. 3464.-T. c. Lam.- net-whirled Kien. pl. 19, f. 2.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 7. Philippines. 122 PARDALIS Gm. from Pardus, Ch. iv. f. 1384, copy leopard of Kn. ii. pl. 3, f. 4. = no. 113, probably 123 PRISMATICUS Buccinum p. Martyn, pl. 2.--M. prismatic Ch. x. f. 1635, 6. —Dil. 741.-T. p. Reeve, I. probably Philippines. - P. MUREX 135 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms- Locality. 124 MAROCCENSIS Fusus Dil. (as of Gm.) 741, for F. Maroc- Morocco canus sinistrorsus, Ch. ix. f. 896.- F. sinistralis, Lam.-Kien. Fus. pl. 6, f. 2. — F. Maroccanus, Reeve, Fus. f. 72. W. Indies. 125 HARPA Pyrula Gm. 3544, for Mart. iy. f. 1328, 9.- harp ? young, no. 114. U. 126 BAMFFIUS Fusus Don. pl. 169, f. 1.- After M. cla- Bamflian thratus, Lin.-Tritonium c. Mül.- F. B. Flem.-- Pleurotoma B. Macg. ---Trophon c. Br. Mol. iii. 436, pl . 111, f. 2. Britain, &c. 127 GRACILIS Pleurotoma Mont. 267, 586, pl. 15, f. 5.-M. elegant emarginatus, Don. pl. 169, f. 2. P. g. Flem.-P. Comarmondi, Michaud. --P. suturalis, Phil. Sic. i.-P. vul- pecula, Desh. ed. Lam.-Mangelia g. Br. Mol.iii. 473, pl. 114, f. 4. Britain, &c. 128 ATTENUATUS Mont. 266, pl. 9, f. 6.-M. aciculatus, tapering Lam.-- Fusus at. Flem.-P. Vil liersi, Michaud. - Kien.-P.gracilis, Phil. (as of Scacchi) Sic. i.-Man- gelia at. Brit. Mol. iii. 488, pl. 113, f. 8, 9. Britain, &c. 129 NEBULA Mont. 267, pl. 16, f. 6.-Fusus n. clouded Flem.-P. nebula, Reeve.-P. Ber- trandi, Phil. Sic. i.-P. levigatum and Ginnanianum, Phil. Sic.-Man- gelia n. Br. Mol. jii. 476, pl. 114, f. 7, 8, 9. Britain, &c. 130 COSTATUS Don. (as of Pen.) pl. 91.-Fusus c. high-ribbed Flem.-P.coarctata, Forbes, An. N. V.-P. Metcalfei, Br. Mar. C.- Mangelia pusilla and balteata, Reeve, I. Pl. f. 50, 57.-M. c. Br. Mol. iü. 485, pl. 114, A. f. 3, 4, 5. Britain, &c. 131 PROXIMUS Mont. Sup. 118, pl. 30, f. 8, from which eleven-ribbed F. p. Flem. Scotland.' 132 SEPTANGULARIS Mont. 268, pl. 9, f.5.-Fusus s. Flem. seven-angled -P. s. Kien. Pleur. pl. 26, f. 3.- Phil. Sic. ii.-P. heptagona, Scacchi. -Mangelia s. Br. Mol. iii. 458, pl. 112, f. 6, 7. Britain, &c. - 136 MUREX. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. 133 TURRICULA Pleurotoma Mont. 262, pl. 9, f. 1.-M. angulatus, small- Don. pl. 156.— Fusust. Gould, Mas. towered 292, f. 193.-P. t. Reeve, I. i. Pl. f. 162.—Defrancia nobilis and scalaris, Möller.-Mangelia t. Br. Mol. iii. 450, pl. 111, f. 7, 8. Britain, &c. 134 RUFUS Mont. 263.-M. chordula, Turt. Dic. red 94.-Fusus r. Gould, Mas.-F. C. Flem.-T. Pleurotomaria, Couthouy, -P. nigra, Potiez.-P. Ulideana, Thomps. --Mangeliar. Br. Mol. iii. 454, pl. 112, f. 3, 4, 5. Britain, &c. 135 SINUOSUS Mont. 264.–P. s. Reeve, I. Pleur. f. channel-lipped 307. Africa? 136 LINEARIS Mont. 261, pl. 9, f. 4.-M. elegans, linear Don. pl. 179, f. 3.--P. l. Kien. Pleur. 73, pl. 25, f. 4.-P. concinna, Scacchi.- Fusus l. Johnston.-P. scabrum, Jeff.—Mangelia 1. Br. Mol. 470, pl. 114, f. 1,2, 3. Britain, &c. 137 PURPUREUS Mont. 260, pl. 9, f. 13.— Fusus p. Flem. purple - P. Philberti, Michaud. —P. p. Kien. Pleur. pl. 25, f. 3.-P. versi- color Scacchi.-P. variegatum, Phil. Sic.—Mangelia p. Br. Mol. iii. 465, pl. 113, f. 3, 4, 5. Britain, &c. 138 MURICATUS Fusus Mont. 262, pl. 9, f. 2.-F. m. Gould. rasp -Reeve, I. iv. Fus. f. 88.—Trophon m. Br. Mol. iii. pl. 111, f. 3, 4. Britain, &c. 139 MINUTISSIMUS Cerithium? Adams, T. L. iii. 65. Irrecognisable. minute Britain. 140 ARENOSUS Murex ? Gm. 3558, from Speng. N. Schr. Dan. sea-sand Ges. i. 373, copied Schr. Ein. i. 644, pl. 2, f. 8.-Young, India. 141 SCRIPTUS Columbella Lin. Sys. – Buccinum corniculatum, character Kien. Buc, f. 56. Mediterranean. 142 OBELISCUS Cerithium M. Sinensis, Gm. partly.-Turris, &c. Chinese Ch.iv. f. 1489.-C.o. Brug.-Lam.- obelisk Kien. pl. 5, f. 1.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 177, 8, f. 130, 1.-M. o. Dil. Indian O. 143 VERTAGUS Not Lin.-C. v. Bory, E. M. pl. 443, curve-beaked f. 2.-0. Martinianum, Pf. Reg. 1.- C. procerum, Kien. Cer. 22, pl. 18, f. 1.-C. fasciatum, Sow. (as of Brug.) Th. ii. pl. 176, f. 6. Indian O. - - MITATEA P1.26 ) نہ کر 159/ Ibol 16 ut 62 16 1677 168 160 1700 TROCI 50+ 60+ Id 26 7a SU + 16 18 ! 170 . 20 + 190 22+ 27 + 20 170 3.3 + 89+ 40 16.at 29 + 36 + 3? + 4? + MUREX. 137 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names Genus. 144 CURVIROSTRIS Cerithium Wood, for Ch. iv. f. 1478. = no. 146. cross-beaked 145 PLICATULUS Gm. 3561, and Dil. 748, for Ch. iv. f. white-plaited 1488, probably, M. vertagus, Lin. and C. v. Lam. (Sow. Th.ii. pl. 176, f. 2, 3.) E. Indies. 146 ALUCO Lin. Sys.-M. coronatus, Born, 322. caterpillar -C. a. Lam. (as of Brug.)-Kien. Cer. pl. 6, f. 1.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 177, f. 34, 5. Indian 0. 147 NODULOSUS C. n. Brug.-Lam.- Kien. Cer. pl. 2, nodulous f. 1.-Sow. Th.ii. pl. 178, f. 42.-M. tuberosus, Dil. 749.-M. n. Wood. Indian 0. 148 ADANSONI C. A. Brug. 479, for Cerite, Adans. pl. Adanson's 10, f. 2.- ? Kien. Cer. pl. 4.-M. A. Dil. 750. Senegal. 149 CLAVA Clava maculata, Martyn, pl. 57.-M. club-shaped c. &c. Ch. x, vig. at p. 233, f. A, B. -M. c. Dil. 750.-C. marmoratum, Quoy, pl. 54, f. 4.-Jay, pl. 2, f. 5, -Kien. Cer. pl. 12, f. 1.-C. macu- losum, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 177, f. 29. Philippines 150 UNCINATUS Gm. 3542, for Strombus, &c. Schr. Fl. grappling 370, pl. 8, f. 15.–Dil. 751.-C. u. Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 315.-? C. co- lumna, Sow. Gen. U. 151 ATRATUS Born, pl. 11, f. 17, 8.-C. a. Kien blackish Cer. pl. 10, f. 3.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 179, f. 69. (W. Indies.' 152 ALUCOIDES Dil. (as of Olivi) 751.-Strombus no- marbled dosus, &c. Schr. Fl. pl. 8, f. 11, 12. -C. vulgatum, Brug. -Lam.-- Kien. Cer. pl. 9, f. 2.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 178, f. 43. Mediterranean. 153 EBENINUS Clava Herculea, Martyn, pl. 13.-C.e. Brug.--Lam.—Kien. Cer. pl. 26, f. 1.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 185, f. 267. N. Zealand. 154 FUSCATUS C. muricatum, Brug.-Lam. — Kien. prickly Cer. pl. 31, f. 1. (and 2 as C. radula) - M. f. Dil. (not Lin.) 752.-C. f. Sow. Th. ii. pl. 186, f. 300, 1. Madagascar. - deep black - T 138 MUREX. g. Brug. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms—Locality. Genus. 155 TORULOSUS Cerithium Lin. Sys.- Ch. x. f. 1575, 6.— Turbo ringed annulatus, &c. Ch. iv. f. 1486.-C. t. Lam. (as of Brug.) - Kien. Cer. pl. 2, f. 2.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 180, f. 92. Philippines. 156 FLUVIATILIS M. fuscatus, Lin.-Nerita aculeata, river Mül. V. 193. - Strombus a. Gm. 3523.-M. f. Gm.-C. radula, Lam. (as of Brug.)-Mr. Dil. 754.—Sow. Th. ii. pl. 186, f. 303. W. Africa. 157 MARGINATUS Wood (not C. m. Brug. 491.) I. T. margined = no. 154. 158 SERRATUS Clava rubus, Martyn, pl. 58.-M. s. serrated Dil. (not C. s. Lam.) 755.-0. r. Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 310. - N. Zealand. 159 ASPER Lin. Sys.- Mawe, pl. 26, f. 6.-C. a. rough-grained Lam. Mauritius. 160 GRANULATUS M. radula, Lin. Sys. probably-Born, grained 324, pl. 11, f. 16.-C. Lam.--Kien. Cer. pl. 31, f. 3.- M.g. Dil. (as of Lin.) 756. Africa. 161 MOLUCCANUS Wood (not Gm.).-C. sulcatum, Desh. grooved (not M. s. Born) Lam. ix. 285, note. C. semistriatum, Mörch, Cat. Yoldi (as of Bolten, name only, no definition) for C. s. (as of Lam.) Kien. Cer. pl. 27, f. 1. (not 2). - C. semitrisulcatum, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 185, f. 263. Australia. 162 SEMIGRANOSUS O. s. Lam.-E. M. 443, f. 1.- Kien. half-grained Cer. pl. 21, f. 2.-Sow. Th. ii. 852, pl. 177, f. 36, 7. Australia. 163 LITTERATUS Born, 323, pl. 11, f. 14, 5.-0.1. Lam. lettered -Kien. Cer. pl. 14, f. 1.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 181, f. 128, 9. W. Indies. 164 HEXAGONUS Ch. x. f. 1554, 5.-Dil. 757.-C. h six-ribbed Brug. 494. S. Seas :' recent ? 165 RETICULATUS Mont. 272, as Strombiformis r. Da Cos. reticulated - C. lima, Brug.-Lam.—C. La- treillii, Payr.-C. scabrum, Blain. Terebra r. Flem.-C. r. Br. Mol. iii. 192, pl. 91, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. 166 TUBERCULARIS Mont. 270.- Cerithiopsis t. Br. Mol. pimpled iii. 365, pl. 91, f. 7, 8. Britain. -- MUREX. 139 Wood's Linnean names. Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 167 ADVERSUS left-handed 168 SUBULATUS awl-shaped Cerithium Mont. 271; Sup. 115.-Dil. 758.- Turbo reticulatus, Don. pl. 159.- Terebra perversa, Flem.-C. a. Br. Mol. iii. 195, pl. 91, f. 5, 6. Britain, &c. Mont. Sup. 115, pl. 30, f. 6.-Dil. 759.-- Terebra s. Flem.-C. elegans, Blain. F. F.-C. s. Br. Mol. iii. 201.-0. punctatum, Sow. Th. i. pl. ii 184, f. 240. W. Indies. Melania Wood, as of Lin. Sys.-M. semiplicata, E. M. pl. 458, f. 3.-M. truncata, Lam.-M. atra, Ph. (as of Richard) N. C. iii. Mel. pl. 5, f. 2. Guiana. Fusus F. A. Lam. as M. A. Gm.: E. M. pl. 426, f. 6.-Kien. pl. 18, f. 2.- Reeve, I. Fus. f. 21. Senegal. F. s. Lam. no. 124. 169 DECOLLATUS decapitated 170 AFER African 171 SINISTRALIS left-handed TROCHUS-TOP SHELL. 1 NILOTICUS large-marbled 2 CONUS conic - 3 SPINOSUS thorny --- 4 JUJUBINUS mottled Trochus Lin. Sys. ed. 12.-Lam.-Kien. Tr. pl. 10.-Woodw. pl. 10, f. 5. China, &c. T. acutangulus, &c. Ch. v. f. 1610.–T. a. Karsten.-T. O. Gm. 3569.-Dil. 761.—T. elatus, Lam. E. Indies. Gm. 3570, for T. s. &c. Ch. v. f. 1611. ? young no. 1. . U. Gm. 3570, for Ch. y. f. 1612, 3.-Dil. 762.–Lam. Mauritius Gm. (not Lin.) for T. niveus, &c. Ch. v. f. 1623, 4.--Dil. 762. · E. Indies.' Apiarium Chinense, Ch. v. f. 1619. -T. al. Gm.3570.–Dil. 763, partly. E. Indies. Gm. 3570.--Dil. 763.-Lam.-Mawe, pl. 27, f. 5. Indian O. Gm. 3571.—After T. vernalis, Ch. v. 11, f. 1625, 6.--Dil. 764. E. Indies. 5 MACULATUS spotted 6 ALVEARE beehive 7 CONCAVUS concave base 8 VERNUS green 140 TROCHUS. III Wood's Linnean Lamarchian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. 9 CONSPERSUS Trochus Gm. 3571, for Ch. V. f. 1627.- Dil. poppy 764. E. Indies. 10 TENTORIUM Ch. v. 11, f. 1628.--Dil. 764. pavilion E. Indies 11 OCHROLEUOUS Gm. 3571, for Ch. V. f. 1629.--Dil. whitish- 765, not. var. E. Indies. brown 12 STELLATUS Ch. v. 11, f. 1630.--Dil. 765. starred Indian O. 13 SPENGLERI Gm. (not var.) for T. S. fc. Ch. v. Spengler's f. 1631.-Dil. 766. S. Seas. 14 COSTATUS Ch. v. 11, f. 1633, 4.–Dil. 766. U. ribbed 15 INÆQUALIS Gm. 3572, for T. i. fc. Ch. v. f. 1635, unequal 6.–Dil. 776. Mozambique. 16 REGIUS Ch. v. 11, f. 1637.-Dil. 767.- Desh. royal ed. Lam. ix. 155. U. 17 VERRUCOSUS Gm. 3572, for Conus acutangulus, &c. warty Ch. v. f. 1638.Dil. 767.-After T. a. Schröt. Index Ch. E. Indies. 18 OYLINDRICUS Solarium Gm.—After T. cylindraceus, Ch. v. 11, subconical f. 1639.—Dil. 767.-S. Heberti, Desh. E. M. ii.-S. c. Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 101. W. Indies. 19 RADIATUS Trochus Gm. 3572, for Ch. 1640.–Dil. 768, radiated var. a. W. Indies. 20 VIRIDIS Gm. 3572, for Ch. y. f. 1643, 4.–Dil. green-headed 768. N. Zealand. 21 RUSTICUS Gm. 3572, for T. agrestis, &c. Ch. v. blackish-brown f. 1645, 6.-T. a. Dil. 769. China. 22 NIGERRIMUS Gm. 3572, for T. niger, &c. Ch. v. f. black 1647.-T. niger, Dil. 769. China. 23 FANULUM Gm. 3573. - Dil. 769. — Desh. ed. pagoda Lam. ix. 154.- Monodonta Ægyp- tiaca, Payr. pl. 6, f. 26, 7, Mediterranean. 24 STRIGOSUS Gm, as T. s. var. ! for Ch. v. f. 1651. black-tipped -Dil. 770, as type.-T. exiguus, Mont. Mediterranean. 25 PYRAMIS Gm. (not Born.) 3572, part only, for pyramidal Ch. v. f. 1652.-T. dubius, Dil. 770, partly.- T. turritus, Bolten. — T. pyramidatus, Del. (as of Lam.) pl. 36, f. 2. Mediterranean ? - ( + 3 // + + . ر 2 + + در 61 + + 620 / را + ) ورا // ژ 72 + 76 781 72 ( 0 / / / 820 /زن و 30 921 // // ) + ) // /حو ی تردا 7/ / 2 / + 34 + 0 20 / رو / ام اس ) او ه ه ( ) و 43 /./ UN را ان 3 cm TROCHUS. 141 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. 26 DEPRESSUS Trochus Gm. 3573, for Ch. V. f. 1688.-Dil. depressed 770. U. 27 LÆVIGATUS Gm. 3573.- After T. lævis, Ch. v. 11, smooth f. 1670.-T. lævis, Dil. 771. U. 28 GROENLANDICUS Ch. v. f. 1671.-Dil. 771.—Margarita Greenland undulata, var. lavior, Möll. Greenland. 29 CRUCIATUS Ch. as of Lin.(= Mon. Vielloti, Payr.) cross-rayed v. 113, f. 1674. Mediterranean. 30 PHARAONIS Lin. Sys.- Ch. v. 1672, 3.–Dil. 772. strawberry (not. var.)—Lam. Red Sea. 31 CORALLINUS Gm. 3576, for Fujet, Adans. 183, pl. coral-beaded 2, f. 4.–Dil. 773, var. A.-Mono- donta Coutourii, Payr. 134, pl. 6, f. 19, 20. Mediterranean. 32 GUINEENSIS Globulus G. Ch. v. 12, f. 1680.-T. G. Guinea Dil. 773.- Teste Mörch. - = T. un- datus, Lam. Guinea. 33 CARNEUS Gm. 3574, for Globulus indusii, Ch. v. flesh-coloured f. 1682.–Dil. 773.—Teste Mörch, T. canaliculatus, D’Orb, W. Indies. 34 MAGUS Lin. Sys.-Lam.--Br. Mol. ii. 522, pl. tuberculated 65, f. 6, 7.-T. tuberculatus, Da Cos. pl. 3, f. 1. Britain, &c. 35 CAPENSIS Gm. 3573, for T. variegatus, &c. Ch. Cape v. f. 1661, 2.-T. v. Bil. 774. Cape G. Hope. 36 AFER Gm. 3577, for Lonier, Adans. 184, grey-marbled pl. 12, f. 6. Senegal. 37 MODULUS Lin. Sys.-Ch. v. f. 1665.—Dil. 775. keel-whorled -Monodonta m. Lam. W. Indies. 38 ÆGYPTIUS T. declivis, Forsk. 126.–Dil. 775.- Egyptian T. Æ. Gm. 3573, for Tectum d. Egyptiacum, Ch. v. f. 1664.—Mono- donta Æ. Lam. Red Sea. 39 MURICATUS Littorina ? Copied from Gualt. pl. 64, f. H. quoted prickly by Lin. for T. m.! – Uncertain. U. 40 ROSEUS Trochus Gm. 3574, for Globulus r. Ch. v. f. rose-coloured 1675.-Dil. 776.- Krauss, Sudaf. 97. Cape G. Hope. - _ 142 TROCHUS. 1 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 41 TUMIDUS Trochus Mont. 280, pl. 10, f. 4.- Br. Mol, ii. tumid 513, pl. 65, f. 8, 9.-T. patholatus, Dil. 776.-T. Nassaviensis, Récluz, Rev. Z. 1843. Britain, &c. 42 VIRIDULUS Gm. 3574, for Ch. V. f. 1677.-Dil. necklace-grained 776.-? T. Brasilianus, Menke. Brazil ? 43 URBANUS Gm. 3574 for Globulus civicus, Ch. v. broad purple- 11, f. 1679.-Dil. 777. U. striped 44 SCABER Ch. (not Lin.) v. 107, f. 1667. U. rough 45 QUADRATUS Dil. 778. for T. tessellatus, &c. Ch. v. square-spotted f. 1683.-Monodonta Fermonii, Payr. 128, pl. 6, f. 11, 2.-M. canaliculata, Ph. (not Lam.) Sic. i. 180. Mediterranean. 46 CROCEUS T. crocatus, Ch. (not Born) v. f. 1684. saffron- - T. croceus, Dil. 778. coloured Mediterranean 47 VARIUS Lin. Sys.-Phil. Sic. i. 180, pl. 10, f. varied 19. Mediterranean. 48 UMBILICATUS Mont. 286.- Br. Mol. ii. 519, pl. 66, obliquely f. 1 to 4.-T. umbilicalis, Da Cos. rayed pl. 3, f. 4. –T. cinerarius, Pult. (not Lin.)-T. obliquatus, Dil. R. S. 779. Britain, &c. 49 CINERARIUS Lin. Sys.-- Brit. Mol. ii. 516, pl. 65, f. ash-coloured 1, 2, 3.-T. lineatus, Da Cos. pl. 3, f. 5.-T. perforatus, Smith, Mem. Wern. viii, 99, pl. 1, f. 3, 4.-T. in- flatus, Blain.-T. lineolatus, Potiez. - T. littoralis, Brown.-T. electis- simus, Bean. Britain, &c. 50 NERITOIDEUS Gm. for Turbo Helicinus, Fab. F. G.- reddish- Tur. margarita, Mont. — Margarita. coloured vulgaris, Sow. (as of Leach) C. I. Mar. f. 13.-Tr. H. Br. Mol. ii. 531, pl. 68, f. 45. Britain, &c. 51 ALBIDUS T. cinerarius, Born, pl. 11, f. 19, 20. white --T. albidus, Dil. (as of Gm.) 780. U. 52 VITTATTS Gm. 3575, for T. subumbilicatus, &c. ribbon Ch. y. f. 1687.-- Dil. 780. U. - 2 TROCHUS. 143 2 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 53 DIVARICATUS Trochus Lin. Sys.-Phil. Sic. i. 177.-Desh. divaricated ed. Lam. ix. 152.-Monodonta Les- sonii, Payr. pl. 7, f. 3, 4. Mediterranean. 54 FUSCATUS T. umbilicaris, Lin. Sys.—Born, pl. brown 12, f. 1, 2.-Ph. Sic. i. 181.-T. f. Dil. (as of Gm.) 781.-Desh. ed. Lam. ix. f. 153. Mediterranean. 55 UMBILICARIS Ch. (not Lin.) v. 106, f. 1666.-T. umbilicated cinereus, Da Cos. pl. 3, f. 9, 10.- Donov. pl. 155, f. 2.--T. excavatus, Lam.-Deles. pl. 36, f. 4. W. Indies. 56 AREOLA Solarium Areola, Ch. v. 134, f. 1710, 1.-T. a. red square- Gm. 3575.–Dil. 784.-S. tessel- spotted latum, Desh, E. M. ii.- S. a. Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 100. U. 57 CINEREUS Trochus Not Da Cos.-T. umbilicaris, Pen. dark ash- (not Lin.)—T. umbilicatus, Mont. coloured 286.—Br. Mol. ii. 519, pl. 66, f. 1 to 4.- T. obliquatus, Dil. 779. Britain, &c. 58 FASCIATUS Born, 332, pl. 12, f. 3, 4.-Dil. 783. U. banded 59 VARIEGATUS Solarium T. perspectiviusculus, Ch. v. 13, f. variegated 1708, 9.-Dil. 783.- T. v. Gm. 3575.--S. v. Kien. (as of Lam.) Sol. pl. 4, f. 7. W. Indies? 60 INFUNDIBULI- Gm. 3575, for T. planior i. Ch. v. f. FORMIS 1706.7. = Turbo, no. 86. ram's horn 61 HYBRIDUS Ch. (as of Lin.) v. f. 1704, 5 (not hybrid 1702, 3). — Architectonica radiata, Bolten.-S. h. Bory (as of Lam.) E. M. pl. 446, f. 2.-- S. cingulum, Kien. Sol. pl. 3, f. 6. Indian O. 62 PERSPECTIVUS Wood (not Lin.)-S. p. Lam. partly. stair-case Indian O. 63 STRAMINEUS T. perspectivus s. Ch. v. 128, f. 1699. straw-coloured -T. s. Gm. 3575.-S. s. Lam.-- Kien. Sol. pl. 3, f. 4. Tranquebar. . 64 INDICUS Phorus Gm. 3575, for T. solaris, 8c, Ch. v. f. Indian 1697, 8.-Dil. 785.-Lam. Indian O. - 144 TROCHUS. Wood's Linnean names. 65 PLANUS flattish Lamarchian Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. Genus. Trochus Gm. 3576, for Ch. v. f. 1721, 2.-Dil, 785. U. - - RUS 66 SOLARIS Phorus Lin. Sys. : M. U.-Ch. v. f. 1700, 1.- sulcated Lam.-Kien. Tro. pl. 13, f. 1.-P. s. Reeve, I. i. Pho. f. 5. Moluccas. 67 INERMIS Trochus Gm. 3576, for Ch. y. f. 1712, 3.-Dil. short-spined 787.— Astræa corrusca, Bolten. W. Indies. 68 IMPERIALIS Ch. v. 13, f. 1714, 5.-Lam.-Kien. imperial Tr. pl. 2.-T. Heliotropium, Martyn, pl. 30. N. Zealand. 69 CONCHYLIOPHO- Phorus Born, pl. 12, f. 21, 2.-T. lithophorus, Ch. v. f. 1688, 9.-T. agglutinans, carrier Lam.—Kien. Tr. pl. 6.-P. onustus, Reeve, I. i. Ph. f. 3. W. Indies. 70 TECTUM Trochus Gm. 3569.–Dil. 788.—Monodonta t. arch-lipped Lam. Mauritius.' 71 PERLATUS Trochilus unidens, &c. Ch. x. 290, f. tooth-lipped 1583, 4.-T. p. Dil. (as of Gm.) 788.—Monodonta carchedonius, Lam. Australia.' 72 PUMILIO Cyclostoma Ch. xi. f. 1888, 9.-Dil. 789.—T. ru- dwarf gosus, Mühlf. Mag. Berl. 1818, teste Pf.—Helix p. Pf. i. 178.‘N. Africa.? 73 TERRESTRIS Helix Ch. ix. f. 1045. – Pf. i. 179.-H. land elegans, Gm.-Drap. pl. 5, f. 1, 2. -Rossm. S. Europe. 74 BIDENS Ch, ix. f. 1052.-Pf. i. 151.-H. bi- double- dentata, Gm.- Mich. Drap. pl. 14, toothed f. 26. - Rossm. f. 14. Germany, &c. 75 FRAGILIS Uncertain Gm. 3577, for Schr. i. 754, pl. 3, f. 16. brittle U. 76 CALLOSUS Cyclostoma T. carinatus, Ch. ix. f. 1051. (as Nerita keeled Trochus, Müll. V.) — T. cal. Gm. 3577. U. 77 FLUMINEUS Valvata ? Gm. for Sch. Fl. 282, pl. 6, f. 12.- riyer ? V. piscinalis. Europe. 78 VESTIARIUS Rotella Ch. (not Lin.) v. f. 1601, a, b.-R. flattened elegans, Kien. (as of Beck, MS.) Rot. pl. 3, f. 6. Philippines. ROCHUN Pls 106(1 107 u 102 ! 10 g at. 110b+ Sa+ 1/2 C + 13 a + 115 SO 118 19a 125 m 126 m 90+ 13/W 127 m TRBO. 674 8a Hn 10 7+ 9a 7n 18 l, 19 + 20 a 21 ut 7 24,6 26 274 7 28 u 29 0 32 83 U + 39 C + Out TROCHUS. 145 -- no. 82. - | - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms ---Locality. 79 GRANDINATUS Littorina T. bullatus, Martyn, pl. 38.-1.g. Ch. studded xi. f. 1639. - Dil. 792.- ? Mono- donta papillosa, Lam. S. Seas. 80 LABEO Trochus Lin. Sys.-Born, pl. 12, f. 7, 8.-Mo- double-lipped nodontal. Lam. S. Africa. 81 ASPER Gm. 3583, for T. a. agrestis, Ch. v. f. ragged 1582.- Dil. 793.- = teste Mörch, N. Zealand.' 82 QUADRICARINA- Ch. xi. f. 1892, 3.–Dil. 793.—Mono- TUS donta tricarinata, Lam. Red Sea ? four-keeled S3 TESSELLATUS T. t. fc. Ch. v. f. 1583, (as T. tessu- tessellated latus, Born).-M fragaroides, Lam. - M. Olivieri, Payr. pl. 6, f. 15, 16. - Mediterranean. 84 TURBINATUS Not Born.-T. labeo Australis, Ch. xi. turbinated f. 1890.- Monodonta A. Lam. Australia. 85 ARGYROSTOMUS Gm. 3583, for Ch. v. f. 1562, 3.Dil. ink-horn 795.-Lam.-Turbo a. Kien. Tur. pl. 29, f. 4. China. 86 SINENSIS Merula, Ch. v. f. 1564, 5.—T. Sinensis, Chinese Gm. 3583.-T. m. Dil. 795.- Lam. Cape G. Hope. 87 CRASSUS Mont. (as of Pult.) 281.-- After T. thick lineatus, Da Cos. 100, pl. 6, f. 7.— Br. Mol. ii. 525, pl. 65, f. 4,5.- Monodonta lugubris, Lam.---T. punc- tulatus, Blain.-M. c. Macg. Britain, &c. 88 TUBER Lin. Sys.- Ch. v. f. 1572-6.-Lam.-- large mottled Turbo t. Kien. Tur. pl. 22. W. Indies. 89 MELANOSTOMUS black-throated 90 STRIATUS small striated Gm. 3581, for Ch. y. f. 1526.-Dil. 797.-Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 157. S. Seas. Lin. Sys.—Mont.-Br. Mol. ii. 507, pl. 66, f. 5, 6.-T. parvus, Da Cos. -- T. conicus, Don. B. S. pl. 155, f. 1.- T. erythroleucus, Turt.--T. de- pictus, Desh. Mor. pl. 18, f. 23, 4, 5. Britain, &c. U 146 TROCHUS. 1 Wood's Linnean Lamarchian names. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 91 EXIGUUS Trochus Mont. (as of Pult.) T. B. 277.—Br. crimson-tipped Mol. ii. 505, pl. 66, f. 11, 12.-T. minutus, &c. Ch. probably.-Dil. R. S. 797.-T. erythroleucus, Lam.- T. Sartorii, Phil. Sic. ii. Britain, &c. 92 PUNCTULATUS Gm. 3581, for T. minimus, &c.—Ch. v. little rose.co- f. 1530.-Dil. 798. Morocco. loured 93 CONULUS Lin. Sys.-- Lam.- Phil. Mol. Sic. --- conical Br. Mol. ii. 495, pl. 73, f. 1, 2. Mediterranean : Britain ! 94 ZIZIPHINUS Lin. Sys.Br. Mol. ii. 491, pl. 67, f. livid 1 to 6.-T. discrepans, Brown.-T. conuloides, Lam. Britain, &c. 95 PAPILLOSUS Donov. (as of Da Cos.) pl. 127.- After granulated T. granulatus, Born, 337, pl. 12, f. 9, 10.–Lam.—Br. Mol. ii. 499, pl. 67, f. 7; pl. 68, f. 2.-T. fragilis, Pult.- T. tenuis, Mont. 275, pl. 10, f. 3. Britain, &c. 96 DOLIARIUS T. canaliculatus, Martyn, pl. 32.—T. d. fluted Ch. x. f. 1579, 80.–Lam.- Kien. Tr. pl. 16, f. 1. N. Zealand. 97 GRANATUM Granatum, Ch. v. f. 1654,5.-7. tigris, tiger Martyn, pl. 75.-T. g. Gm. 3584. -Dil. 800.- Lam. N. Zealand. 98 VIRGINEUS T. annulatus, Martyn, pl. 33.-Lam. ringed ---Reeve, C. S. pl. 213, f. 10.—T. v. Ch. x. f. 1581, 2.-Dil. 800.-Turbo a. Kien. Tur. pl. 16, f. 3. N. Zealand. 99 DIAPHANUS T. punctulatus, Martyn, pl. 36.-T. d. thin chesnut- Gm. 3589, for Ch. v. f. 1520, 1.- coloured Dil. 801. N. Zealand. 100 CERULESCENS Lam.-E. M. pl. 444, f. 2. Australia. bluish 101 SELECTUS Ch. xi. f. 1896, 7.-Dil. 801. red and white N. Zealand. grained 102 PURPUREUS Gm. 3582.–After T. purpurascens, Ch. bright purple v. 9, f. 1538, 9.–Dil. 802. U. 103 AMERICANUS Gm. 3581, for Ch. y. f. 1534, 5.—Dil. American 802. W. Indies. TROCHUS. 147 olive green Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms--Locality. names. Genus. 104 IMBRICATUS Trochus Turbo tectum-Persicum, Born (not imbricated Lin.)—T. profunde, &c. Ch. v. f. 1531.-T. i. Gm. 3581, in part.- Dil. 802.-Lam. W. Indies. 105 CELATUS Ch. v. f. 1536, 7.--Dil. 803.-Lam.- scaly Turbo c. Kien. Tur. pl. 23. W. Indies. 106 GIBBEROSUS T. inæqualis, Martyn, pl. 31.-T.g. Ch. X. p. 287, vig. f. A, B.–Dil. 803. S. Seas. 107 MAURITIANUS T. muricatus, &c. Ch. v. f. 1547, 8.- great toothed T. M. Dil. (as of Gm.) 804.—Lam. Mauritius. 108 FENESTRATUS Ch. v. 9, f. 1549.--Dil. S04.- Desh. small-toothed ed. Lam. ix. 156. Indian 0. 109 OBELISCUS T. pyramis, Born, 333, teste Ch. v. f. obelisk 1510, 1, 2.--Dil. 805.-T. 0. Gm. 3579,Lam. Indian 0. 110 FOVEOLATUS T. dentatus, Forsk. teste Ch. v. 23, f. sugar-loaf 1516, 17.–Dil. 805.-T. f. Gm. 3580.-T. pyramidalis, Lam. Red Sea. 111 VIRGATUS T. pyramidalis, &c.—Ch.v. f. 1514, 5. rose-striped -T. v. Gm. 3580.-Dil. 806.--- Lam. E. Indies. 112 COOKII T. sulcatus, Martyn, pl. 35.—7. Cook- Cook's sianus, &c. Ch. v. f. 1540, 1551.- T. Cookii, Gm. 3582.–Dil. 896.- Lam.--Turbo 0. Kien. pl. 14, f. 1. N. Zealand. 113 IRIS T. Iridis, Ch. v. f. 1522, 3.-T. opalus, Martyn, pl. 24.-T. Iris, Gm. 3580. -Dil. 807, not var.-Mawe, pl. 27, f. 2.--Lam. 114. ELEGANS Gm. 3581, and Dil. 805, for Zorn, elegant Naturf. vii. 167, pl. 2, f. D. 1, 2.- Elenchus e. Gray. N. Zealand. 115 NOTATUS Gm. 3581, and Dil. 808, from Schröt. marked Jour. C. v. 438, f. 10, 11. = Schr. Ein. i. 682, pl. 3, f. 14. S. Seas. 116 ZICZAC Littorina Ch. v. f. 1599.-L. 2. Ph. N. C. ii. zigzag 163, Lit. pl. 3, f. 13, 14. W. Indies. 117 OBTUSUS Trochus Ch. xi. f. 1894,5.-Dil. 809. E. Indies. blunt - - - Iris 148 TROCHUS. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 118 CROCATUS Trochus? Born, pl. 12, f. 11, 2.–Dil: 809. U. - saffron-co- loured 119 HORTENSIS Helix H. Trochus, Mül. V.- Pf. iii. 46.—- garden T. h. Ch. ix. f. 1055, 6. Moluccas. 120 TELESCOPIUM Cerithium Lin. Sys.- Mawe, pl. 27, f. 3.-C. t. telescope Lam.-Kien. Cer. pl. 28, f. 1. Ceylon. 121 TEREBELLUS Pyrami. T. dolabratus, Lin. Sys.-P. d. Lam. augur della -Kien. Pyr. pl. 1, f. 3.-P. t. Crouch, pl. 16, f. 9. W. Indies. 122 DOLABRATUS Ch. (not Lin.) v. 10, f. 1603, 4, for zebra which Plotia lineata, Bolten, and Py. 7. Mörch. W. Indies. 123 PERVERSUS Cerithium Lin. Sys.-C. p. Lam.-Payr. Corse, left-handed pl. 7, f. 7, 8. Mediterranean. 124 PUSILLUS Gm. 3586, for Speng. Dankse Vid. i. minute re- pl. 1, f. 1, and Ch. ix. f. 966.-Dil. versed 812. E. Indies. 125 UNDULATUS Gm. 3586, for Speng. Dankse Vid. i. minute waved pl. 1, f. 2, and Ch. ix. f. 956.—Dil. 812. E. Indies. 126 VENTRICOSUS Gm. 3586, for Speng. Dankse Vid. i. minute bellied pl. 1, f. 3, and Ch. ix. f. 968.-Dil. 812. E. Indies. 127 ANNTLATUS Gm. 3587, for Speng. Dankse Vid. i. annulated pl. 1, f. 4, and Ch. ix. f. 969.–Dil. 813. E. Indies. 128 PUNCTATUS Lin. Sys.—? O. p. Phil. Zeit. Mal. dotted 1848, p. 23. , • Mediterranean.' 129 STRIATELLUS Chemnitzia? Lin. Sys.-Undefined. violet-tip- ped 130 LUNARIS Uncertain Gm. 3587, for Ch. ix. f. 971.–Dil. minute horn- 814. U. coloured - TURB 0.-WREATH. 1 OBTUSATUS Littorina Ch. (as of Lin.) v. f. 1854, a. b. blunt N. Europe. 2 NERITOIDES Lin. Sys.=no. 13. Mediterranean. Nerite-shaped TURBO. 149 Wood's Linnean names. 3 NICOBARICUS Nicobar - Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms, Locality. Littorina Helix paradoxa, Born.- Chrysostomus N. Ch. v. 216, f. 1822-5. - Nerita c. Karst. i. pl. 4, f. 7.-T. N. Lam. -Kien. pl. 36, f.5.- Reeve, I. Tur- bo, f. 48. Philippines. Trochus Gm. 3597, for Ch. v. f. 1848.-Dil. 816. S. Seas. - 4 NIGERRIMUS black - - 5 LITTOREUS Littorina Lin. Sys.—Mont. - Lam.—T. ustula- periwinkle tus, Lam.-L. vulgaris, Sow. G.- L. l. Br. Mol. iii. 29, pl. 83, f. 7. 8. 6 TENEBROSUS Mont. pl. 20, f. 4.-T. vestitus, Say. chocolate J. Philad.-L. t. Br. Mol. iii. 39, pl. 84, f. 11, 12 Britain, &c. 7 RUDIS Donov. pl. 33, f. 3.-Mont.-L. r. sordid Phil. N. C. Lit. pl. 1, f. 14, 5, 6.- Br. Mol. iii. 32, pl. 83, f. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.-L. zonaria, Bean in Brit. Mar. C. Britain, &c. 8 MURICATUS Lin. Sys.—Born, pl. 12, f. 15, 6.- prickly Lam. W. Indies. 9 ÆTHIOPS Trochus Gm. 3596, for Æthiopissa, &c. Ch. v. black and f. 1820, 1.-Dil. 819. N. Zealand. white 10 PUNCTATUS Littorina Gm. and Dil. 817, for Marnat, Adans. white-dotted Sen. 168, pl. 12, f. 1.--L. p. Phil. N. C. ii. 198, Lit. pl. 4, f. 11. Senegal. 11 JUGOSUS Mont. 586, pl. 20, f. 2.= rudis, var. lineated 12 CRASSIOR Lacuna Mont. pl. 20, f. 1.-T. pallidus, Don. coarse pl. 178, f. 4.-L. c. Turt. Z. J. iii. 192.-Br. Mol. iii. 67, pl. 72, f. 5, 6. Britain. 13 PETRÆUS Littorina Mat. and Rack. L. T. viii.-- After T. small rock Neritoides, Lin.- Helix P. Mont. - T. cærulescens, Lam.-L. Basteroti, Payr.- Paludina glabrata, Ziegl. – L. p. Alder.-- L. N. Br. Mol. iii. 26, pl. 84, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. 14 FULGIDUS Rissoa Helix f. Adams, T. L. iii. - T. f. Mont. bronze-banded 332.- Truncatella ? fusca, Phil. Sic. ii. probably.-Cingula f. Han. in Brit. Mar. C. f. 50.- R. f. Br. Mol. iii. 128, p. 81, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. 150 TURBO. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 15 CIMEX Rissoa Don. (not Lin.) pl. 2, f. 1.-Cingula c. bug Flem.-R. crenulata, Michaud. -- Br. Mol. iii. 80, pl. 79, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. 16 CALATHISCUS Mont. Sup. 132 (not var.) pl. 30, f. cancellated 5.- Alvania Europea and mamillata, Risso.--R. cancellata, Desh. ed. Lam. Cingula cal. Flem. - R. granulata, Phil. Sic. i. Mediterranean. 17 PULLUS Phasianella Don. (as of Lin.) pl. 2, f. 2.-Lam.- painted T. pictus, Da Cos. pl. 6, f. 1, 3.- P. pullus, Sow. G.–Br. Mol. ii. 538, pl. 69, f. 1, 2, 3.-Cingula p. Flem. Britain, fc. 18 PETHOLATUS Turbo Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Kien. Tur. pl. 24, serpent's skin f. 1, b.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 12. Philippines. 19 CIDARIS Gm. 3596. -Lam.-Kien. Tur, pl. 5, turban f. 2.- Reeve, I. Tur. f. 51. Natal. 20 HELICINUS Born, pl. 12, f. 23, 4.—Dil. 824.-teste Mörch=last. U. purple 21 COCHLUS Not Lin.- Pellis serpentis, Ch. v. f. cameleopard 1805, 6.—T. c. Bachm. Gev. pl. 20, f. 194.-? T. imperialis, Reeve, I. Tur. E. Indies. 22 SMARAGDUS Limax s. Martyn. pl. 73.-T. s. Gm. green 3595.-Lam.-Kien. Tur. pl. 6, f. 2.—Reeve, I. Tur. f. 13. N. Zealand. 23 CHRYSOSTOMUS Lin. Sys.—Lam.-- Kien. Tur. pl. 4, f. golden- 2.- Reeve, I. Tur. f. 28. Philippines. mouthed 24 TECTUM-PERSI- Littorina? Lin. (=Bach. Gev. pl. 9, f. 66.)— L. papillosa, var. Phil. N. c. ii. little pagoda Lit. pl. 2, f. 6. Indian 0. 25 TROCHIFORMIS Dil. 826, for Ch. v. f. 1545, 6.-L. T. white-grained Phil. N. C. i. 143, Lit. pl. 2, f. 14, 15. W. Indies. 26 UNICARINATUS Cyclostoma C. u. Lam.-E. M. pl. 461, f. 1. single-keeled Madagascar. 27 PAGODUS Littorina Lin. Sys.-Bachm. Gev. f. 62, 3, 4, 5. pagoda Monodonta p. Lam.-I. p. Phil. N. C. ii. 139, Lit. pl. 2, f. 1. Indian 0. III green and CUM TURBO. 151 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 28 CALCAR Trochus Lin. Sys. --Tr. stellatus, Ch. v. 47, spur lower f. 1552, 3.--Tr. stella, Lam. W. Indies. 29 STELLARIS Trochus stellatus, Ch. v. 47, upper f. starred 1552, 3.—T. stellaris, Gm. 3600.- Dil. 828.-Lam. S. Seas. 30 ACULEATUS Calcar Spenglerianum, Ch. v. f. 1556, 7. pointed -Tr. a. var. ? Gm. 3600.-- Tr. d. var. Dil. 828.-T. calcar, Reeve, C. S. pl. 217, f. 2. Nicobar I. 31 STELLATUS Gm. (not Ch.) 3600, for Ch. v. f. y spined 1558, 9.-Dil. 828. U. 32 ARMATUS Turbo Calcar, &c. Ch. v. f. 1786, 7.-T. cal- armed car, Mont. (not Lin.)—T. a. Dil. 829.=next, young. 33 RUGOSUS Lin. Sys.-Ch. v. f. 1782 to 7.-Lam. large silver- Reeve, C. I. Tur. f. 26.-T. calcar, mouthed Mont. (as of Gm.)- Delphinula c. Flem. Mediterranean. 34 MARMORATUS Lin. Sys.—Ch. v. f. 1775, 6.-Lam.- large green Kien. Tur. pl. 1.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 2. Philippines 35 SARMATICUS Lin. Sys.- Ch. v. f. 1777,8.- Lam.- large knobbed Kien. Tur. pl. 6, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 15. Cape G. Hope. 36 OLEARIUS Ch. (as of Lin.) v. 183, f. 1771, 2. — large keeled Dil. 831.- Bachm. Gev. f. 131, 149. Indian 0. 37 CORNUTUS Gm. 3593, for Ch. v. f. 1779, 80.- large horned Dil. 832.-Lam.-Kien. Tur. pl. 19, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 4. Chinc. 38 RADIATUS Gm. 3594, for Ch. v. f. 1788, 9.- radiated Dil. 832.-Not Reeve.—T.speciosus, Reeve, I. Tur. f. 36. Red Sea. 39 IMPERIALIS Gm. 3594, for Ch. v. f. 1790.–Dil. imperial 633.JLam. China. 40 CORONATUS Gm. 3594, for Ch. v. f. 1791, 2.--- Dil. crown 833.-Kien. Tur. pl. 12, f. 2.- Reeve, J. Tur. f. 22. Natal. 41 CANALICULATUS Gm. 3594, for Ch. v. f. 1794.-Desh. grooved ed. Lam. ix, 223. (India.' 42 SETOSUS Gm. 3594.Dil. 834.---Lam.-Reeve, leopard I. Tur, f. 37. Lord Hood's l. 152 TURBO. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms-Locality. 43 SPARVERIUS Turbo Gm. 3594, for Sparverius, Ch. V. f. pearly- 1798.-Dil. 835.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. mouthed 30. Philippines. 44 MOLTKIANUS Gm. 3595, for Cochlea lunaris M. Moltkian Ch. v. f. 1799.-Dil. 835.- Kien. Tur. pl. 11, f. 2. U. 45 SPENGLERIANUS Gm. 3595, for Cochlea lunaris S. Ch. Spengler's v. f. 1801, 2.—Dil. 835.-Lam.- ?Reeve, I. Turbo, f. 20. Gulf of Mexico. 46 CASTANEUS Gm. 3595 (from Ch. v. f. 1813, 4.) – chestnut Dil. 836.-T. hippocastanum, Lam. W. Indies. 47 MAMILLATUS Don. pl. 173.=no. 46. nipple 48 CRENULATUS Gm. 3595 (from Ch. v. f. 1811, 2.)— crenulated Kien. Tur. pl. 27, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 42.=no. 46. - - - 49 PAPYRACEUS Stomatia Gm. 3596, for Cochlea lunaris p. Ch. paper v. f. 1817, 8.—Dil. 837.–Stomatella p. Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 174, f. 5. Sooloo I. 50 SEMICOSTATUS Rissoa Mont. 326, pl. 21, f. 5.-young no. . minute ribbed 106. 51 RUBER Mont. (as of Adams) 320.--Cingula r. minute red Flem.-R. fulva, Michaud.-Phil. Sic.-R. r. Br. Mol. iii. 120, pl. 78, f. 45; pl. 80, f. 3. Britain, &c. 52 VITREUS Mont. 321, pl. 12, f. 3.— Helix v. Mat. minute glossy and Rac. T. L. viii.-Cingula v. Flem.- R. v. Br. Mol. iii. 125, pl. 75, f. 5, 6. Britain. 53 PUNCTURA Mont. 320, pl. 12, f. 5.-R. p. Br. minute Mol. iii. 89, pl. 80, f. 8, 9. Britain. punctured 54 ARENARIUS Odostomia T. decussatus, Mont. 322, pl. 12, f. 4. minute sand -Helix a. Mat. and Rac.-T. a. Dil. 839.-0. pellucida, Jef.-0.d. Br. Mol. iii. 303, pl. 97, f. 6, 7. Britain. 55 UNIFASCIATUS Rissoa Mont. 320, pl. 20, f. 6. – Cingula u. minute banded Flem.-R. U. Recluz, Rev. Z=no. 51. PI: 50 m 52 m 777 211 56 m ulo 6 m 6.2 m 656 701 66 a n 69 71 727 730 746 751 776 790+ 80 a + 877 ara + 85 at 88 90 92 930 76/ 78ų ag/ 9a + 97 m 99 w 10.8 100 222 102 m موفر UNIL OF TURBO. 153 - - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 56 NIVOSUS Odostomia Mont. 326.-Dil. 839.—0. cylindrica, minute white Alder, An. Nat. xiii. 327, pl. 8, f. 14.–0. c. Br. Mol. iii. 287, pl. 96, f. 7. Britain. 57 LABIOSUS Rissoa Helix l. Mont. 400, pl. 13, f. 7.- lipped Turbo 1. Mat. and Rack. T. L. viii. Cingula l. Flem.-R. 1. Br. Mol. iii. 109, pl. 76, f. 5; pl. 77, f. 1, 2, 3 ; pl. 81, f. 3. Britain, &c. 58 ULVÆ Mont. (as of Pen.) 318.—Helix u. Pult. sea-weed -H. Jeveraná, Megerle, probably. -Cingula u. Flem.-- Paludina u. Forbes, Mal. Mon.- Littorina u. Johnston.-R. Barleei, Jef. An. Nat. xix.—R. U. Br. Mol. iii. 141, pl. 81, f. 4, 5, 8, 9; pl. 87, f. 2, 8. Britain, &c. 59 VENTRICOSUS Dil. 840, for T. ventrosus, Mont. 317, bellied pl. 12, f. 13.—Cyclostoma acutum, Drap.-Cingula v. Flem.-Paludina stagnorum, Turt. Man.-R. v. Br. Mol. iii. 138, pl. 87, f. 1, 5, 6, 7. Britain, &c. 60 SUBUMBILICATUS Mont. 316.-Cingula s. Brit. Mar. C. minute 181. Britain. yellowish 61 CINGILLUS Mont. 328, pl. 12, f. 7.-T. vittatus, minute girdled Don. pl. 178, f. 1.—T. graphicus, Turt. C. Dic. 200, f. 34.--Cingula c. Flem.-R. c. Michaud.Br. Mol. 111. 122, pl. 72, f. 9, 10.-R.rupestris, Forbes, An. Nat.-R. v. Recluz. Britain, &c. 62 INTERRUPTUS Mont. pl. 20, f. 8.—Cingula i. Flem. minute -R. i. Johnston, Berw. i. 271. streaked Britain, &c. 63 SEMISTRIATUS Mont. 136, pl. 21, f. 5.--Cingula pul- minute half- chra, Johnston. – R. tristriata, · striated Thompson.-R. subsulcata, Phil. R. S. Br. Mol. iii. 117, pl. 80, f. 4, 7. Britain. 64 ALBULUS Scalaria ? Fabr. F. G. 394.-Dil. 842.-Me- minute 20esto . Moller. Greenland. pellucid х 154 TURBO. Wood's Linnean names. 65 PICA pied 66 NODULOSUS nodulous 67 DENTATUS toothed 68 AURICULARIS eared 69 VINCTUS small brown- banded Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms -- Locality. Genus. Turbo Lin. Sys.-- Lam.-Bachm. Gev.pl. 10. -Kien. Tur.-Reeve, I. Turbo, f. 24. W. Indies. Cochlea, &c. Ch. (as T. n. Born) v. f. 1769, 70.=last, Gm. 3601, for Cochlea, &c. Ch. v. f. , 1767, 8.--Dil. 843. U. Lacuna Mont. 308.--Cingula a. Flem.=next probably Britain. Mont. 307, pl. 20, f. 3.-T. canalis, Mont. pl. 12, f. 11.-Helix c. Dil. -L. v. Turt. Z. J. iii.— Br. Mol. iii. 62, pl. 72, f. 10, 11, 12; pl. 74, f. 7, 8; pl. 76, f. 6, 7, 8.-L. canalis, Turt. Z. J. ii.-L pertusa, Conr.- L. divaricata, Loven.---L. cornea, Brown. Britain, &c. Mont. pl. 20, f. 7.-L. 9: Turt. Z. J. iii.=last. 70 QUADRIFAS- CIATUS small four- banded 71 SANGUINEUS scarlet Trochus Tr. divaricatus, Lin. Sys.-Tur.s. Ch. (not Lin.) v. 172, f. 1756, 7.=Tr. no. 53. 72 ATRATUS black-grained 73 ANGUIS snake 74 DIADEMA diadem Gm. 3601, for Cochlea lunaris deni- grata, Ch. v. f. 1754, 5.--Dil. 645. -Teste Mörch.=Monodonta canali- culata, Lam. Turbo Anguis Martyn, pl. 70.-T. a. Dil. 846. Australia. Gm. 3601, for Ch. v. vig. 43, at p. 145.-Dil. 846.=no. 82. Limax u. Martyn, pl. 29.-T. u. Ch. x. f. 1640, 1.–Dil. 846.-Lam. -- Reeve, I. Turbo, f. 3. N. Zealand. Lin. Sys.-T. margaritaceus, Reeve, I. Turbo, f. 29. Indian O. 75 UNDULATUS wared 76 ARGYROSTOMUS wrinkled silver-mouth 77 MARGARITACEUS greenish-white pearly-mouth 78 PORPHYRITES porphyry Lin. Sys.—Ch. v. 176, f. 1762.-Dil. 847.-Lam.- Bachm. Gev. f. 156. Indian O. P. Martyn, pl. 72.-T. Gm.-Dil. -Reeve, I. Tur. f. 53.---T. versico- lor, Gm. 3599.--Lam.-Desh. E. M. iii. S. Seas' Red Sea ? P. TURBO. 155 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 79 MESPILUS Turbo Gm. 3601, for Ch. v. f. 1742, 3.- medlar Dil. 848.-T. porphyrites, Kien. teste Mörch. E. Indies. 80 GRANULATUS T. g. var. b. Gm. 3601, for Ch. v. f. granulated 1746.=no. 40. 81 CINEREUS ? Born, pl. 12, f. 25, 6.--Dil. 849.- ash-coloured ? ? var. no. 78. U. 82 TORQUATUS Helix staminea, Martyn, pl. 71.-T. t. thready Gm.-Lam.-Kien. Tur. pl. 4. f. 1.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 26.-? var. T. lamellosus, Brod. Z. J. N. Zealand. 83 DELPHINUS Delphinula Lin. Sys.-D. laciniata, Lam.- Kien. endive-leaf Del. 3, f. 1.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 212, f. 7: I. Del. f. 9. Philippines. 84 NODULOSUS Gm. (not Born) 3600, for Delphinus rough-knobbed supra, &c. Ch. v. f. 1723, 4.---T. exasperatus, Dil. 851.-D. nodosa, Reeve, C. S. pl. 211, f. 2. E. Indies. 85 DISTORTUS Ch. (as of Lin.) v. f. 1737, 8, 9.-D. distorted d. Lam.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 211, f. 3. -Kien. Del. pl. 3, f. 4. (D. rugosa). Nicobar I. 86 CRENELLUS Solarium Lin. Sys.-S. Chemnitzii, Kien. Sol. . crenated 12, pl. 4, f. 8. Indian 0. 87 FONTINALIS Valvata Mont. (as of Pult.) pl. 22, f. 4.-After fresh-water Nerita piscinalis, Mul. V.- Cyclo- stoma obtusum, Drap.V.o. Turt.- T. thermalis, Dil. R. S.-V.p. Lam. - Br. Mol. iii. pl. 71, f. 9, 10. Britain, &c. 88 SCALARIS Scalaria Lin. Sys.-S. pretiosa, Lam.-Sow. wentle-trap G.-Kien. Sc. f. 1. China. 89 PRINCIPALIS Pallas, Spic. Z. no. 10, pl. 3, f. 5, 6.- principal Ch. iv. f. 1428, 9.-Not Ch. xi. not Dil.–S. Pallasii, Kien. Scal. f. 4.- ? S. P. Sow. Th. i. 83, pl. 34, f. 75. Philippines. 90 CLATHRUS Mont. (as of Lin.) 296. -- Strombifor- latticed mis clathratus, Da Cos.-T. clathra- tus, Don.-- S. communis, Lam, Sow. Th. i. 85, pl. 32. f. 18, 19, 20. -Br. Mol. iii. 207, pl. 70, f. 9, 10. -S. clathrus, Sow. G. Britain, &c. - 6 - 156 TURBO. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms- Locality. names. Genus. 91 FIMBRIATUS Scalaria S. f. E. M. pl. 451, f. 4.-S. varicosa, furbelowed Lam.-Kien. Sc. 22, f. 22. Philippines. 92 CLATHRATULUS Mont. 297.-T. clathrus, var. B. Mat. little latticed and Rac. T. L. viii. pl. 5, f. 1.- S. clathratula, Sow. Th. i. pl. 33, f. 47.—Br. Mol. iii. 209, pl. 70, f.3, 4. - S. pulchella, Phil. Sic. Britain, &c. 93 PULCHER Cerithium Copied from List. 588, f. 50, quoted white-ribbed for T. p. by Dil. ! --? C. decollatum, . Brug U. 91 AMBIGUUS Scalaria Lin. Sys.—? S. lineolata, Sow. Th. i. doubtful * Mediterranean! 95 CRENATUS Lin. Sys.—Ch. xi. f. 1880, 1.—S. c. knobbed whorl Sow. Th. i. pl. 35, f. 123. Algiers. . 96 LACTEUS Chemnitzia Lin. Sys.=next probably. milky Mediterranean. 97 ELEGANTISSI- Mont. 298, pl. 10, f. 2.--T. acutus, MUS Don. pl. 179, f. 1.- Helix e. Mat. elegant and Rac.— Turritella e. Flem.- Melania campanella, Phil. i. 156, pl. 9, f. 5.—Parthenia e. Lowe, Z. P. -C. e. Br. Mol. iii. 242, pl. 93, f. Britain, &c. 98 SIMILLIMUS Lask. Mem. Wern. i. pl. 8, f. 15.- similar Mont. Sup. 136.— Turritella s. Br. Mar. C.- Pyramis s. Brown, 15. Scotland.' 99 PARVUS Rissoa Da Cos. 104.—Mont. - Cingula p. and little Guernsey alba, Flem.-R. P. Recluz.-Br. p Mol. iii. 98, pl. 76, f. 2, 6; pl. 77, f. 6, 7; pl. 82, f. 1 to 4.-R. a. Johnston.-R. obscura, Phil. Britain, &c. 100 STRIATULUS Mont. 306, pl. 10, f. 5.-T. monilis, minute Turt. C. Dic.—Cingula s. Flem.- wrinkled R. s. Recluz.-Br. Mol.iii. 73, pl. 79, f. 7, 8. Britain, &c. 101 RETICULATUS Mont. pl. 21, f. 1.--Cingula r. Flem. reticulated =no. 53. 102 BRYEREUS Mont. 313. pl. 15, f. 8.-T. costatus, Bryer's Don. pl. 178, f.3.- Cingula B. Flem. Rissoa Chesnelii, Michaud, pro- bably.-R. B. Macg. WV. Indies. 1, 2. - . TURZO. P132 a + 112 12,1 119 € 122 12 120 a 1250 126 27n 128 + 1200+ 128 e + 1366+ 1840 304 Lot 1441 1491 650 n 151 m 1481 155m 156 m 1.57 m 159 m 16on 161 162 m 164 m 105 m 7660 -HELIX. 167 4 owt 11 9 2 UNIO 10 M Pric TURBO. 157 - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms- Locality. Genus. 103 CONIFERUS Rissoa Mont. 314, pl. 15, f. 2.-Cingula c. small mar- Flem.-- Turritella c. Brit. Mar. C. ginated -- R. c. Brown. Mediterranean? 104 DENTICULATUS Mont. 315.—Cingula d. Flem.-R. d. small tooth Brown. U. 105 MARGINATUS Mont. Sup. 128. — Laskey, Mem. small mar- Wern. i. pl. 8, f. 13.–After T. auri- ginated scalpium, Lin. Sys.--Turritella a. Bosc. -Turbo arcuatus, Dil.—R. acuta, Desmar. Philom.—Cingula m. Flem.-R. aur. Phil. Sic.ii.-R. m. Brown. Mediterranean. 106 STRIATUS Mont. 312.- Cingula . Flem.-R. minute minutissima, Michaud. — R. com- striated munis, Forbes.-R.s, Br. Mol. iii. 94, pl. 78, f. 8,9.-R. gracilis, Macg. -Pyramis candidus, and discors, Brown. Britain, &c. 107 COSTATUS Mont. 311, pl. 10, f. 6.-T. plicatus, minute ribbed Muhlf. - R. exigua, Michaud. Cingula carinata, Phil.-R. C. Br. Moi. iii. pl. 78, f. 6, 7. Britain, &c. c 108 UNICUS Chemnitzia Mont. 299, pl. 12, f. 2.- Turritella u. minute Flem.-C. u. Alder.-Aclis u. Br. convex Mol. iii. 222, pl. 90, f. 4,5. Britain. 109 INDISTINCTUS Mont. Sup. 129.-C. i. Br. Mol. iii. indistinct 255, pl. 95, f. 2, 3. Britain, &c. 110 UVA Pupa Dil. (as of Lin.) 861.-Bulimus u. berry Brug:—Helix u. Fér. pl. 153, f. 9-14.--P. u. Lam.- Pf. ii. 317. Guadaloupe. 111 MUMIA Bulimus m. Brug. -T. m. Dil.-- P.m. double toothed Lam.- Crouch, pl. 15, f. 2.-P. . sulcata, Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 170, f. 4. Cuba. 112 ALVEARE Wood (as of Dil.!)—P. fusus, Lam. white-mouthed (from synon.) not Bulimus f. Brug. -P. rubicunda, Menke, Mals.-P. a. Pf. ii. 315. W. Indies. 113 CYLINDRUS Ch. xi. f. 2061, 2.-P. c. Lam.-P. cylindrical rubella, Adams, Pr. Bost. Clausilia torticollis, Crouch, pl. 15, f. 3. -- Cylindrella c. Pf. ii. 370. Jamaica. - 2 158 TURBO. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 114 CROCEUS Cyclostoma Gm. 3655, for H. cylindracea, fc. Ch. orange ix. f. 1233. =I. T. Sup. pl. 6, f. 31. Porto Rico 115 SULCATUS Pupa Helix s. Müll. V. ii. 108.- Ch. ix. f. sulcated 1232.-T. s. Dil. 863.-P. s. Lam. - Pf. ii. 301. Ceylon. 116 CORNEUS Cyclostoma? Lin. M. U. Undefined. horny 117 REFLEXUS Cyclostoma Lin. Sys. = next. Ill defined. reflected mouth 118 ELEGANS Nerita e. Mül. V.-T. tumidus, Pen. intersected T. striatus, Da Cos.-T. e. Mont.- C. e. Drap.—Br. Mol. iv. 201, pl. 122, f. 3. Britain, 8c 119 LINCINA Wood (as of Lin.! = C. 1. Sow. Th.i. bordered pl. 28, f. 148, 9.)—? C. ambigua, Del. (as of Lam.) pl. 29, f. 5. W. Indies. 120 LABEO Nerita la. Mül. V.ii.-T. lincina, Born, white-lipped (not Lin.) pl. 13, f. 5, 6.— la. Lam.—Sow. Th. i. pl. 28, f. 165. W. Indies. 121 LUNULATUS Nerita l. Mül. V. i. 180.- T. 1. Gm. moon-spotted -Dil. 865. U. 122 LIGATUS Wood, not Ch. ix. f. 1071 - 4 (as ligature Nerita l. Mül.)-C. affine, Sow. Th. i. pl. 23, f. 25, 6. Cape G. Hope. 123 FOLTACEUS Ch. ix. pl. 259, f. 1069, 70.–Dil. 866. leafy --?? C. clathratulum, Recluz, U. 124 LIMBATUS T. marginatus, Ch. ix. pt. 2, p. 60, f. shouldered 1075.-Dil. 866.-T. 1. Gm. 3606. Coromandel. 125 CARINATUS Not Born.-H. tricarinata, Ch. (as of keeled Müll.) ix, f. 1103, 4.-C. t. Lam. Madagascar. 126 SEPARATISTA Separatista Ch. x. 298, f. 1589, 0.--Dil. 867.- T. three-keeled Helicoides, Gm. 3598 (not 3602). Indian O. 127 NIVEUS Delphinula Gm, and Dil. 867, for T. n. 8c. Ch. x. snowy 298, f. 1587, 8.-D. lævis, Kien. Del. pl. 4, f. 6.-D. n. Reeve, I. Del. f. 26. Nicobar I. TURBO. . 159 - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority--Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 128 HELICOIDES Cyclostoma Gm. 3602, (not 3598) and Dil. 807, brown zigzag for T. Helicinus, Ch. (not Born) ix. f. 1067, 8.—? C. planorbula, Sow. Th. i. pl. 25, f. 85. 129 IMBRICATUS Turritella Lin. Sys.-Han. Ips. Lin. pl. 3, f. 2.- imbricated Turr. i. Lam.-Kien. Turr. pl. 9, f. 2, a.—Turr. variegata, Reeve, I. Turr. f. 19. W. Indies. 130 REPLICATUS Ch. (as of Lin.) iv. 248, f. 1412.-- large screw Turr. attenuata, Reeve, I. Tur. f. 4. Malabar. 131 ACUTANGULUS Lin. Sys.-Ch. iv. 250, f. 1413.-A. sharp-angled var. of next. 132 DUPLICATUS Lin. Sys.-Strombiformis bicarinatus, double-ribbed Da Cos.- Turrit. d. Lam.-Reeve, I. v. Tur. f. 2. Indian 0. 133 TORCULARIS Born, pl. 13, f. 8.-Dil. 869. =? no. brown-spotted 135. U. 134 TURRITELLA Turr. cornea, Lam.-E. M. pl. 449, f. spindle 2. = worn var. no. 157. 135 OBSOLETUS T. exoletus, Born, (not Lin ) pl. 13, f. obsolete 7.-T. o. Gm. 3612.-Dil. 870.- Turr. e. Lam.-Reeve, I. Turr. f. 22. Guinea. 136 EXOLETUS Mat. and Rac. T. L. viii.-T. cinctus, ribbed screw Don. pl. 22, f. 1.- Turrit. bicin- gulata, Lam.- Kien. Tur. pl. 8, f. 2. -Reeve, I. pl. 5, f. 20.- Turrit. e. Flem. Africa. 137 TEREBRA Lin. F. S. (not Sys.)-Mont.- Strom- Augur-screw biformis t. Da Cos. —T, ungulinus, Mul. V. (not Lin )— Turrit. cornea, Lam.—Turrit. t. Fl. (not Lam.) - Phil. Sic.—Turrit. communis, Risso. -- Br. Mol. iii. 172, pl. 89, f. 1, 2, 3. — Turrit. Linnæi, Desh. Mor. Britain, &c. 138 ARCHIMEDIS T. terebra, Lin. Sys.—T. A. Dil. 671. Archimedes' - Mawe, pl. 28, f. 3.—Turr. t. Lam. screw - Reeve, 1. Turr. f. 3. Philippines. 139 VARIEGATUS Wood, as of Lin. Sys. (= no. 129.) variegated 140 TEREBELLUM Eulima Ch. x. f. 1592, 3.- Dil. 872.-Niso t. little screw Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 170, f. 6. Nicobar I. - - - 160 TURBO. - Wooll's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-- Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 141 ANNULATUS Melania Lin. Sys.-? Pyrgula a. Jan. Cat.= little white M. Helvetica, Michel Mag. Z. Conch. pl. 37, from Switzerland. 142 TURRIS- Cerithium Ch. xi. f. 3022.–Dil. 873. W. Indies. THOME little tower 143 BIDENS Clausilia Mont. (not Lin.)-0. dubia, Alder (as double toothed of Drap.) -Gray, ed. Turt. Man. . 216, f. 143. = C. nigricans, var. (no. 147.) 144 LAMINATUS T. bidens, Ch. (not Lin.) ix.-- Bulimus laminated 6. Brug.-T. I. Mont. --C. 6. Drap. -C. derugata, Jeffreys.-C. 1. Turt. -Br. Mol. iv. 116, pl. 128, f. 10. Britain, &c. 145 BIPLICATUS Mont.-C. plicata, Gärt.-C. perversa, double plaited C. Pf. pl. 3, f. 28.-C. ventricosa, C. Pf. pl. 3, f. 29.-C. 6. Br. Mol. iv. pl. 129, f. 4.–C. similis, Char- pen. Britain, &c. 146 CORRUGATUS Ch. ix. f. 961, 2.–Dil. 875.- Buli- wrinkled mus c. Brug.-C. c. Pf. ii. 483. Greek Isles? 147 NIGRICANS Mat. and Rac. L. T. viii.-C. dubia, black Drap.-C. roscida and cruciata, Studer.-C. parvula, Turt. Z. J.- C. rugosa and obtusa, C. Pfeif.-C. n. Br. Mol. iv. 121, pl 129, f. 1, 2. Britain, $c. 148 LABIATUS Wood (as of Mont. 362, pl. 11, f. 6.) lipped I. T. Britain ! 149 PERVERSUS Balea Lin. Sys.- Pupa fragilis, Drap.- reversed Clausilia f. C. Pfeif.- B. f. Gray, ed. Turt.-Rossm.-Br. Mol.iv. 114, pl. 128, f. 8, 9.-B. p. L. Pfeif. Britain, &c. 150 QUINQUEDEN- Pupa Born, pl. 13, f. 9.-Bulimus similis, Brug.-P. cinerea, Drap. pl. 3, f. five-toothed 53, 4.-P. q. Pf. ii. 345. S. Europe. 151 TRIDENS Azeca Mont. (as of Pult )-Pupa t. Gray, three-toothed An. Ph. XXV.-P. Goodalli, Mich. Drap. f. 39, 40.—P. Menkeana, C. Pf. - A. Matoni, Turt.-A. t. Gray, Turt. f. 52.- Achatina G. Rossm.- Ac. t. Pf. ii. Britain, &c. - TATUS TURBO. 161 Wood's Linncan Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 152 JUNIPERI Pupa P. secale, Drap.-Rössm.-Pf. ii.- juniper-bush Br. Mol. iv. 101, pl. 129, f. 5.-T. J. Mont.-- T. cylindricus, Hartm. — Vertigo s. Turt. Man. f. 81.-P. J. Flem. Britain, &c. 153 MUSCORUM Pult. (not Lin.)—Mont. pl. 22, f. 3.- moss P. umbilicata, Drap.- Br. Mol. iv. 95, pl. 129, f. 7.-P. m. Flem. Britain, &c. 154 QUADRIDENS H. q Müll. V.-T. q. Gm.- Bulimus four-toothed q. Brug.-Pf. ii. 131.-P. q. Drap. pl. 4, f. 3.--Rössm. f. 308, 723. S. Europe. 155 SEXDENTATUS Mont. pl. 12, f. 8.-Vertigo s. Turt. six-toothed Man. f. 84.-P.s. Alder. - Alea sub- striata, Jeffreys, T. L. xvi.-- V. sub. Gray, ed. Turt.-P.sub. Br. Mol. iv. 108, pl. 130, f. 3. Britain. 156 VERTIGO Mont. 363, pl. 12, f. 6.-7. angustior, vertigo Jeffreys, T. L.-7. Venetzü, Char- pent.-P. V. Br. Mol. iv. 112, pl. 130, f. 9. Britain, fc. 157 CARYCHIUM Carychium C. minimum, Müll. V.Br. Mol. iv. minute- 198, pl. 125, f. 6.-T. c. Mont.-- toothed Auricula m. Drap. Britain, &c. 158 AURISCALPIUM Rissoa Lin. Sys.= no. 105: prior. ear-picker 159 POLITUS Eulima Helix p. Lin. Sys.- Mont. — T. albus, polished Don. Rissoa Boscii, Payr. pl. 5, f. 15, 6.-Phasianella p. Flem.- Melania Boscii, Phil. Sic.-E. An- glica, Sow. C. I. Eul. f. 8.-E. p. Br. Mol. iii. 229, pl 92, f. 1, 2, 3. Britain, &c. 160 SUBULATUS Don, pl. 172 —Helix s. Mont. 143.- awl-shaped H. flavo-cincta, Megerle.--- Melania Cambessedesii, Payr.-M. Donovani, Forbes, Mon.--È. lineata, Sow. C. I. Eu. f. 13.-E. S. Br. Mol. iii. 235, pl. 92, f. 7, 8. Britain, &c. 161 DECUSSATUS Rissoa Wood (as of Mont. pl. 15, f. 7. ! !) I. decussated T. Britain. 162 NAUTILEUS Planorbis Mat, and Rack. L. T. for Helix N. Nautilus Lin. Sys.-P. imbricatus, Mul. V. ii. 165.-- Gray, ed. Turt. Man. f. Y 162 TURBO. Wool's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms-- Locality. Genus. 94.-P. cristatus, Drap. pl. 2, f. 1, 2, 3.-P. N. Br. Mol. iv. 152, pl. 126, f. 6, 7. Britain, ge. 163 CRISTATUS Valvata Mat, and Rac. T. L. viii, for V. c. Mul. small-crested V.-Nerita valvata, Gm.— Helix c. Mont.---V. spirorbis, and planorbis, Drap.-V.c. Br. Mol. iii. 21, pl. 71, f. 11, 12, 13. Britain, &c. 164 DEPRESSUS Skenea Maton, for Helix d. Mont. 439, pl. 13, minute flattish f. 5.--After T. planorbis, Fabr. F. G. 394.-S. d. Flem.- Delphinoidea d. Brown.-S.p. Br. Mol iii. 156, pl. 74, f. 1, 2, 3. Britain, &c. 165 SERPULOIDES Mont. Sup. 147, pl. 21, f. 3 (as Helix Serpula S.)- Delphinoidea S. Brown-P=S. divisa, Br. Mol. (as of Flem.) iii. 161, pl. 74, f. 4, 5, 6. Britain. 166 LUDUS Turbo Alea, Ch. v. f. 1748, 9.-T. 1. Gm. green spotted 3601.—? T. porcatus, Reeve, I, Tur. ? f. 52. Van Dieman's Land.' - 167 MARGINELLUS Cyclostoma Gm. 3602, for T. immaculatus, &c. Ch. pale reflected ix. f. 1063.-C. lave, Sow. Th. i. pl. lipped 29, f. 220. Philippines. HELI X.-SNAIL. 1 SCARABÆUS cockchafer 2 ATRA African Scarabus Lin. Sys.--Ch. ix. f. 1249, 50.-H. pythia, Müll. V. ii. 89.- Bulimus s. var. B. Brug. partly.- Auricula s. Lam. partly.-S. imbrium, Reeve, C. S. pl. 188, f. 11. Indian Isles. Auricula Gm. 3651, for Pietin, Adans. Sen. pl. 1, f. 4.--Dil. 886.--Bulimus pedipes, Brug. 340.—Tornatella P. Lam. Pedipes A. Lowe, Z. J. v. 296, pl. 13, f. 12. Senegal. Helix Lin. Sys.—Pfeif. - Brit. Mol. iv. 65, pl. 116, f. 3, 4.-H. acuta, Da Cos. - Carocolla 1. Lam. Britain, &c. Gm. for H. marginata, Born (not Mül.) -H. fasciata, Bl.-Carocolla mar- ginata, Lam.-H. Bornii, Pf. i. 391. - 3 LAPICIDA rock 4 MARGINELLA Portorico white- margined HELIX. 163 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 5 CICATRICOSUS Helix Mül.--Ch. xi. f. 3012.-Pf. i. 330.- flat-reversed H. Senegalensis, Lam. China. 6 CORNU Wood, for H. c. giganteum, Ch. xi. f. large horn 2051, 2 –H. c. g. Pf. i. 16.-E. vesicalis, Lam. Africa. 7 OCULUS-CAPRI Cyclostoma Neither Lin. Sys. nor Müll.-C. varie- goat's-eye gatum, Phil. (as of Valene. MS.) N. C. i. 103, Cy. pl. 1, f. 3.-C. perdix, Mousson, Jav. pl. 8, f. 1. Java. 8 INVOLVULUS Mül. Ver. ii. 84.-C. i. Sow. Th.i. Cy- white-reflected clost. f. 114, 5, 6. India. 9 ALBELLA Helix Drap. (as of Lin.)—H. explanata, flat whitish Mül. V.-Pf. i. 172.-Carocolla a. Lam. Southern France. 10 ALBINA Copied from List. pl. 86, f. 8, as H. a. minute white of Müll. Immature. 11 RADIATA Da Cos.-Mont. - After H. rotundata, small radiated Mul. V.-Pfeif.Br. Mol. iv. 80, pl. 119, f. 6, 7.-H. Turtoni, Flem. --- Zonites rot. Gray, Turt. Britain, &c. 12 STRIATULA Lin. Sys.-Undefined. Probably H. transversely amanda, Rossm. f. 449. Algiers. striated 13 ALGIRA Lin. Sys.-Ch. ix. f. 1093, 4.--Lam. yellowish -Pf. i. 126. S. France, &c. 14 LEUCAS Lin. Sys. = young, H. Pisana. purple-lined S. France. 15 LÆVIPES Mul. V. - Ch. ix. f. 915.-Pf. i. 71.- reverse- Ariophanta 1. Desmoulins, Bul. whirled Bord. iii. pl. 1, f. 1 to 5. Malabar. 16 EXILIS Ch. (not Mül.) ix. f. 1149.-H. bi- white-striped strialis, Pf. i. 71.-H. diaphana, Lea on U.i. pl. 19, f. 65. Pondicherry. 17 VERMICULATA Mül. V.-Drap. pl. 61, f. 7, 8.-Lam. rough-dotted -Pf. i. 273. S. Europe, 18 INCARNATA Mül. V.-Ch. ix. f. 1206.-Drap. pl. flesh-coloured 6, f. 30.—Lam.-- Pf. i. 139. lip Germany 19 CANTIANA Mont.-Pfeif.-- Br. Mol. iv. 50, pl. Kentish 116, f. 8, 9.-H. pallida, Donor. H. Carthusiana, Drap. Britain, &c. - - 164 HELIX. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 20 RUFESCENS Helix Pen.-Mont. 420, pl. 23, f. 2.-Pf. i. reddish 141.-H. circinata, Studer.- H. montana, C. Pf. Britain, &c. 21 CAPERATA Mont.-Pf. i. 167.-H. striata, Drap. black-tipped -H. crenulata, Dil. Britain, &c. 22 ANNULATA ? Gm. for P. umbilicatus, &c. Schr. Fl. ringed 244, pl. 5, f. 30. Immature ? U. 23 PLANATA Planorbis Mat. and Rac. for H. planorbis, Lin. keeled in part.-P. carinatus, Mul. V.- Br. Mol. iv. 153, pl. 127, f. 4, 5.- H. C. Mont. pl. 25, f. 1.-P. lu- tescens and disciformis, Jeff.-P. p. Turt. Man, f. 92. Britain, &c. 24 COMPLANATA Mont. 450, pl. 25, f. 4.-P. margina- flat umbilicated tus, Drap. 45, pl. 2, f, 11, 12, 15.- Br. Mol. iv. 155, pl. 127, f. 1, 2, 3. -P. turgidus and Draparnaldi, Jeff.-P. c. Flem.-P. rhombeus, Turt. Man. Britain, &c. 25 FONTANA Lightfoot, Phil. Tr. 1786.—After P. fresh water nitidus, Mul. V.Br. Mol. iv. 161, pl. 127, f. 11, 12.-P. complanatus, Drap. --P. lenticularis, Kickx.-P. f. Turt. Man. Britain, &c. 26 RINGENS Anostoma Ch. (not Lin.) ix. f. 919, 20.-A. de- toothed lamp pressa, Lam.- A. r. Sow. G.-Pf. i. 1. Brazil. 27 PLICATA Helix Wood (not Born.)-H. labyrinthus, plaited Ch. xi. f. 2048.-Pf. i. 397. Cent. America. 28 PUNCTATA Born, pl. 14, f. 17,8.-Pf.i. 306.-H. punctured nux denticulata, Ch. f. 2055, 6.-H. hippocastanum, Lam. W. Indies. 29 SINUATA Mül. V.-Ch. ix. f. 1110, 1, 2.—Lam. sinuous -Pf. i. 305. Jamaica, 30 LUCERNA Mül. V.—Ch. ix. f. 1108, 9.-Pf. i. lamp-shaped 315.- Carocolla 1. Lam. Jamaica. 31 LYCHNUCHUS Copied from List. pl. 90, f. 90 ; quoted top-shaped for H. 1. by Mül.= last teste Pf. W. Indies. 32 CEPA Mül. V.-Lam.-Pf. i. 303. Haiti. onion 33 LAMPAS Mül. V.-Lam.-Pf. i. 292.-H. caro- orange-lip colla, Ch. xi. f. 2044, 5. . Haiti ? PL33 20n 18 n 10 a 19+ 22n 24 n 25 r 2010 > 28 30 a 31 a 32 a 23 1+ 366+ 38n at 59 4on 420 + 40 a 50 51 at 58 n 59 n 6 m on OS 71 72 d + 17 a 2.3n 29 a 35 ut 4 a 47 a 55 a 60 n bn 62 n 68 m 69 m 70 m 73 0+ 24 82 0+ UNU Bior HELIX. 165 Wood's Linneun Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 34 CAROCOLLA Helix Ch. (as of Lin.) ix. f. 1090, 1.-Pf. i. large brown 20.-H. tornata, Born.- Carocolla albilabris, Lam.-- Crouch, pl. 14, f. 16. W. Indies. 35 UNIDENTATA Ch. xi. f. 2049, 50.—Lam.-Pf.i. 303. single-toothed -H. microdonta, Desh. E. M. Seychelles. 36 CORNU-MILITARE H. malum-terre, Ch. ix. f. 1142, 3.- bugle-horn H. gigantea, Scop.-H. c. Pf. (as of Lin.) i. 256. Sandwich I.' 37 MACULOSA Born, 371, pl. 14, f. 15, 16.-Lam.- spotted H.irregularis, Fér.-- H. Hemprichii, Forskahlii and Haselquisti, Ehrenb. - H. Arabica, Roth. - H. deserto- rum, Pf. (as of Forskal) i. 343. Egypt, &c. 38 CORRUGATA Gm. for H. scabra, &c. Ch. ix. f. 1208. wrinkled -H. rugosa, Lam.-Pf. i. 173.- H. Gargotta, Rossm. f. 357. Sicily, &c. 39 PELLIS-SERPENTIS Ch. xi. f. 2046, 7.-Lam.-- Pf. i. 371. snake's-skin Guiana. 40 VORTEX Planorbis Lin. Sys.- Mont.-P. v. Br. Mol. iv. vortex 157, pl. 127, f. 6, 7, 8.-P. com- pressus, Michaud. Britain, &c. 41 PLANORBULA Cyclostoma C. p. E. M. pl. 461, f. 3.-Lam.- . notch-lipped Sow. Th. i. pl. 25, f. 83. Indian Isles. 42 SCABRA Littorina Ch. (as of Lin.) xi. f. 2074.-L. s. rough Ph. N. C. ii. pl. 5, f. 3. Malabar. 43 GOTHICA Helix Lin. Sys. - Undefined. N. Europe. doubtful - 44 GUALTERIANA Gualtier's 45 TURCICA Turkish Lin. Sys. (as H. Gualtierana, so too Pf. i. 293.)-H. obversa, Born.-Caro- colla G. Lam. Spain. Trochus T. Ch. xi. f. 2065, 6.-H. T. Dil.-Pf.i. 171.-Carocolla T. Gray. Morocco. Ampulla- Limax crenata, Martyn, pl. 69.— Ne- rita nux a. Ch. v. f. 1919, 20.- Bulimus a. Brug. 297.-H. a. Dil. 905.- Ampullaria a. Lam. 46 AVELLANA N. Zealand. hazel-nut cera 166 HELIX. Wood's Linnean names. 47 FABA bean-shaped Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms --- Locality. Genus. Partula Gm. from Limax f. Martyn. U.C. pl. 47.-Bulimus f. Desh. Lam.-Pf. ii. 73. - P.f. Sow. Beech. Z. pl. 38, f. 4. Australian Isles. Planorbis Lin. Sys.-Mont. Planorbis pur- pureus, Mul. - P. C. Drap.- Br. Mol. iv. 147, pl. 126, f. 4, 5. Britain, &c. Mül. V. ii. 166.= young no. 48. 48 CORNEA horn 49 SIMILIS similar many whirled - 50 SPIRORBIS Lin. Sys.—Mont. pl. 25, f. 2.-P. small concave vortex, var.6. Drap.-P. leucostoma, Michaud.-P. s. Br. Mol. iv. 159, pl. 127, f. 9, 10. Britain, &c. 51 POLYGYRA Helix H. polygyrata, Born, pl. 14, f. 19, 20. - Ch. ix. f. 1124, 5. --Lam.-Pf. i. 405. Brazil, 52 CONTORTA Planorbis Lin. Sys.—Mont.-P. c. Mul.—Br. coiled Mol. iv. 160, pl. 126, f. 3.-H. crassa, Da Cos. - H. umbilicata, Pult. Britain, &c. 53 ALBA Mont. - Planorbis a. Mul. V. - Br. pale horn- Mol. iv. 149, pl. 126, f. 1, 2.-P. colour hispidus, Drap. - ? P. hirsutus, Gould. Britain, &c. 54 PALUDOSA Helix Mont. - After H. pulchella, Mull. V. bog -Pfeif.- Br. Mol. iv. 78, pl. 119, f. 8, 9, 10.-H. costata, Mul.-H. crenella, Mont.-H. minuta, Say. Britain, &c. 55 CORNU-ARIETIS Ampullaria Lin. Sys.—Planorbis c. Lam.- A. c. ram's-horn Sow. G. Am. f. 3. Brazil. 56 CORNU-VENA- Cyclostoma Cornu v. Ch. ix. 104, f. 1132, 3.-H. TORUM c. Dil. 910.—0. planorbulum, Sow. hunter's horn Th. i. pl. 25, f. 85. Philippines. 57 ERICETORUM Helix Mull. V. ii.-Pfeif.—Br. Mol. 62, pl. heath 117, f. 4.--H. albella, Pen. (not Lin.) Britain, &c. 58 CINGENDA Mont.—After H. Pisana, Mul. V.- girdled Rossm.-Pfeif.-Br. Mol. ii. 56, pl. 115, f. 7, 8.-H. zonaria, Pen. (not Lin.)—H. rhodostoma, Drap. Britain, &c. HELIX. 167 Wood's Linnean names. 59 YIRGATA striped - 60 LUCIDA pellucid Lamarchian Genus. Authority-Synonyms— Locality. Helix Da Cos. B. C.-Pfeif.-Br. Mol. iv. 57, pl. 117, f. 10.--H. variabilis, Drap.-II. zonaria, Donov. - H. striata, Brard. Britain, &c. Mont. 425, pl. 23, f. 4.-After H. cellaria, Mull. V. ii. 28.- Pfeif. i. 112.-H. nitida, Drap. pl. 8, f. 23, 4,5.-H. nitens, T. L. viii. pl. 5, f. 7.—Zonites c. Br. Mol. iv. 33, pl. 120, f. 1, 2, 3. Britain, &c. Gm. for Schr. Fl. pl. 5, f. 32. Germany. Mül. V.-Lam.- Pf. i. 413.-Br. Mol. Britain, &c. 61 TENUTS thin 62 OBVOLUTA small white- lipped 63 MINIMA minute 64 HISPIDA hairy Gm. for Schr. Fl. pl. 7, f. 18. U. - Mont. (not Lin.) pl. 23, f. 3.-H. sericea, Drap.-Br. Mol. iv. 71, pl. 118, f.5,6.-H.globularis, Jeffreys. -H. granulata, Alder. Britain, &c. Mont. 434, pl. 13, f. 2.—Pf. i. 86.- H. rupestris, Drap. 82, pl. 7, f. 7 to 9.-Zonites u. Gray. Britain, &c. Mül. V. 31.=no. 54. 65 UMBILICATA umbilicated 66 COSTATA little cross- ribbed Mul. V. 30.=no. 54; prior. 67 PULCHELLA little striated 68 TROCHIFORMIS Trochus- shaped - 69 SPINULOSA prickly Mont. After H. fulva, Mull. V.- Pfeif. -- Br. Mol. iv. 75, pl. 118, f. 8, 9.- H. nitidula, Alten.-- H. Trochulus, Dil. R. S.-H. chersina, Say.-H. Mortoni, Jeff. Britain, &c. Lightfoot Phil. Tr.-Mont. -- After H. aculeata, Mull. V. - Pfeif. - Br. Mol. iv. 74, pl. 117, f. 5, 6. Britain, &c. Lacuna Mont. pl. 13, f. 6.—Turbo l. and pu- teolus, Turt.-L. p. Turt. Z. J. iii. - Br. Mol. iii. 58, pl. 72, f. 7, 8, 9; pl. 74, f. 9.-L. Montacuti, Turt. Z. J. iii.-T. fasciatus, Flem.-L. f. Macg.-L. Montagui, Brown. Britain, &c. 70 LACUNA gutter-lipped 168 HELIX - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names, Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 71 AMPULLACEA Ampullaria Wood (not Lin.) I. T.-A. fasciata, smooth Lam. partly.—E. M. pl. 457, f. 3. girdled Surinam ? 72 URCEUS H. u. Dil. (as Nerita u. Mül.) 918. cocoa-nut -A, rugosa, E. M. pl. 457, f. 2.-- - A. Lam. Guiana. 73 GLAUCA Lin. Sys. - H. effusa, Ch. (as Nerita e. grayish brown Müll.) ix. f. 1144.- A. e. Lam. Guiana. 74 VITREA Born, 383, pl. 15, f. 15, 16.—Ch. xi. f. brittle 2072, 3.–Dil. 919.-- Bulimus v. Brug. 299, Guinea ? 75 SULTANA Bulimus H. gallina s. Ch. xi. f. 2070, 1.-H.s. variegated Dil. - B.g. Lam.-Pf. ii. 145.--B. g. s. Reeve, I. Bul. f. 198. Bolivia. 76 POMATIA Helix Lin. Sys. – Drap.-Lam.- Br. Mol. edible iv. 46, pl. 116, f. 2. Britain, &c. 77 SCALARIS Mül. V.=last, distorted. produced 78 CINCTA Mül. V. 58.-Lam.-Ros. f. 287, 583, red-banded 4.-H. grisea, Pf. (as of Lin.) i. 236. Italy, &c. 79 ROSACEA Mül. V.76.--H. globulus, var. (as of flesh-coloured Mül )– Pf. i. 319. Cape G. Hope. 80 EXTENSA Mül. V.-Lam.-Pf. i. 257. Moluccas? four whirled 81 CITRINA Lin. Sys.—Born, pl. 13, f. 14, 15.- sulphur- Pf. i. 53; iii. 60.-Nanina c. Gray. coloured Vitrina c. Quoy, Ast. Moluccas. 82 RAPA Mül. V.-Ch. ix. f. 1176,-Pf. i. 62. single-banded Amboyna. 83 CASTANEA Mül. V. 67.--Ch. ix. f. 1177, 8.- Pf. chestnut i. 44. Sumatra. 84 GLOBULUS Ch.ix.f. 1159,60. (not of Mül.)-Lam. globular --Fér. pl. 26, f. 10, 1, 2.-Pf.i. 41. -H. semirugata, Ch. ed. Kust. Bengal. 85 INCISA Siliquaria? Ch. ix. 129, f. 1166. - Dil. 924.-Ím- slit-margined mature. E. Indies." S6 LUCANA Helix Gm.—After H. Tucana, Mül. V.–Ch. transparent ix, f. 1155.-Pf. i. 331. S. Africa. 87 FRUTICUM Mül. V. 135.- Ch. ix. f. 1203.--Drap. six-whirled 83, pl. 5, f. 16, 7.-Pf. i. 135. Germany, 8c. ELIX Plah 3a + 84 a 85 + 86ą 87 + 88 ? 90 a 91 a 92 93 94a gun 960 97 a + 98 0+ 107 d + 102 C + 103c 104 105 a 106 107 1080 109 110 a na 112 119 ou 1176 118 a 120 a 119 121 122a 123 + 124 n 125 at 126 a 127 a 132 n 1280 129 + 137 185 a 1860 1370 + tsalt 139 a + 1 1961 UNIL Bics HELIX. 169 . polished | Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. names. Genus. 88 ARBUSTORUM Helix Lin. Sys.-Drap.-Lam.-Pfeif.- Br. brown single- Mol. iv. 48, pl. 115, f. 5, 6.- streaked Cochlea unifasciata, Da Cos.-H. Xatartii, Farin. -- H. Wittmanni, Zawadzky in Rossm. — H. al- pestris, Zieg. in Rossm. Britain, &c. 89 FULVA Mül. ?-Drap. pl. 7, f. 12, 3, amber Denmark, 8c. 90 EPISTILIUM H. mamilla, Fér. pl. 25, f. 1, 2.--Ast. bee-hive pl. 7, f. 3, 4,5.-Pf.i. 318.-Reeve, 1. Hel. f. 471.-H. e. Wood, not authors. Celebes. 91 PAPILLA Miil.–Fér. pl. 25, B, f. 5.-Lam.- nipple Pf. i. 319. Australian Isles. 92 NEMORENSIS Mül. V.--Pf.i.46.-H.cretacea, Born, pl. 16, f. 1, 2.- Ch. ix. f. 1146, 7.-- Nanina n. Gray. New Zealand. 93 VITTATA Mül. V.-Ch. ix. f. 1190, 1, 2.-Lam. ribbon -Pfeif. i. 342. Ceylon, &c. 94 ZONARIA Ch. ix. f. 1189.-H. coluber, Pf. (as of zoned Beck) i. 386,--Reeve, C. S. Hel. Java. 95 STRIATA Mül. V.–Dil. 928.-H. nivea, Gm. striated from Schr. Erd, pl. 2, f. 20. Saxony. 96 UNGULINA Born (as of Lin.) pl. 15, f. 11, 2.- tawny-horn Fér. pl. 77, f. 3. --Lam.-Pf. i. 383. Java. 97 LUSITANICA Ampullaria Cochlea Guinaica, Ch. ix. 80, f. 913, Lusitanian 4.-H. Guinensis palustris, Ch. x. 367, f. 1684, 5.-H. L. Dil. (not Lin.) 329.-? A. G. Lam. and Sow. C. M. f. 319. Guinea. 98 MAMMILLARIS Natica N. putamen, Meusch. for List. 566, f. mammillary 15,= Ch. v. f. 1936, 7. — H. m. Dil. (not Lin. nor Born) partly. - Nat. melanostoma, partly, Lam. Indian 0. 99 HISPANA Helix Lin. Sys.-Undefined. Spain. Spanish 100 LUTARIA ? Lin. M. U.-Undefined. mud 101 OVALIS Bulimus Gm.-After H. ovata, Mül.-Bulla o. oval Ch. ix. f. 1020, 1.-B. ovat. Brug. -- Pf. ii. 19.-Reeve, I. Buli. f. 212. Brazil. pl. 92. - Z 170 HELIX. - - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. 102 OBLONGA Bulimus Mül. V. - Born. --- Bulla o. Ch. ix. f. oblong 1022, 3.—Buli. hæmastomus, Sco- poli.—Buli. o. Brug.–Pf. ii. 21. - Reeve, I. Buli. f. 210. S. E. America. 103 FLAMMEA Mül. V.- Bulla f. Ch. ix. f. 1024, 5. zebra - Buli. f. Brug.-Pf. ii. 180. W. Africa. 101 KAMBEUL B. K. Brug. -- Lam.-H. K. Dil... Kambeul H. flammata, Caillaud.-B. Adan- soni, Pf. i. 179. Senegal, &c. 105 PILEUS Helix Mül. V.-Born, pl. 16, f. 11, 12. — red and yellow Lam. -- Pf. i. 323.—Trochus p. Ch. - striped - Geotrochus p. Swain. Z. I. Amboyna. 106 TRIFASCIATA Bulimus H. c. c. Ch. ix. f. 1215. B. 6. Brug. three banded - Pf. ii. 58.-B. zonatus, Swain. Z. I. E. Indies. 107 BONTIA Ch. ix. f. 1216, 7.-B. B. Pf. ii. 194. broad-mouthed Bengal. 108 LABIOSA Mül. V.-H. cylindracea, &c. Ch. ix. f. lipped 1234.-B. l. Lam.-Pf. ii. 67. - Pupa Jehennei, Récluz, Rev. Zool. 1843. Socotora. 109 TROCHOIDES Ampullaria H. T. &c. Ch. x. f. 1686.-H. T. angular- Gm. 3642.-Dil. 934.-? Paludina mouthed olivacea, Sow. G. E. Indies. 110 OTAHEITANA Partula Bulimus 0. Brug.-Pf. ii. 71.-H. O. coffee-coloured Dil. 935.-P. 0. Lesson, Coq. pl. 7, f. 6, 7. Society Isles. 111 LÆVA Bulimus H. 1. var. Ch. ix. f. 949.-B. l. var. party-coloured Reeve, I. Bul. f. 216, a.-B. elegans, (furcillatus) Mouss. Jav. pl. 3, f. 3.-B. contrarius, var. Pf. iii. 327. Java. 112 AUREA Dil.–Fér. pl. 148, f. 4.—After H. yellow perversa, Ch (as of Lin.) ix. f. 934, 5.-H. dextra and sinistra, Mül. V. -- B. citrinus, Brug.-B. a. Swain. -B. p. Pf. iii. 308. . Java, &c. 113 RECTA Mül. V.-H. inversa, Mül. V.-Ch. straight ix. f. 925, 6.-B. Javanus, Lea.- B. contusus, Reeve.-B. i. Pf. iii. 318. Singapore, HELIX 171 Wood's Linnean names. 114 INTERRUPTA tessellated 115 ARENARIA minute sand 116 IANTHINA violet 117 JAMAICENSIS Jamaica 118 RHODIA Rhodes 119 VIVIPARA viviparous Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. Bulimus Ch. ix. f. 1213, 4.-B. dexter, Desh. in Fér. pl. 161, f. 7, 8.-B. Javani- CUS, Sow. C. I. Bul. f. 35. Spirialis Gm. 3644, for Ch. ix. f. 972, 3, &c.- Dil. 938.-? Scæa stenogyra, Ph. Sic. ii. pl. 25, f. 20.-? Sp. Flemingii, Br. Mol. ii. pl. 57, f. 4, 5. Mediterranean. Ianthina Dil. (as of Lin.) -I. communis, Lam. -Br. Mol. ii. 549, pl. 69, f. 6, 7.- I. fragilis, Sow. (as of Lam.) G.- Sw. Ž. I. s. 1, pl. 85.-I. bicolor, Phil. Sic. i. 164. Britain, &c. Helix Gm. for H. terrestris, J. Ch. ix. 17.- Pf. i. 17.-H. pulla, Lam. Jamaica. Not Ch. not Dil.-H. spiriplana, Oliv. pl. 17, f. 7.-Roth. pl. 1, f. 10-14.- Rossm. f. 682.-Pf. i. 366. Rhodes; Palestine. Paludina Don (not Lin.) pl. 87.--Nerita v. Mul. V. -- Cyclostoma v. Drap.-P. v. Lam.-P. achatina, Sow. G.-- Reeve, C. S. pl. 197, f. 1.-P. Lis- teri, Br. Mol. iii. pl. 71, f. 16. Britain, &c. Nerita f. Muller. --- After Il. vivipara, Lin. F. S.-Cyclostoma achatinum, Drap.-P. a. Lam.-P. f. Philippi. -P. v. Br. Mol. iii. ll, pl. 71, f. Britain, &c. ? Schr. (as of Mül.) Ein. ii. 253, pl. 4, f. 10. Tranquebar. Paludina Nerita a. Mül. V. 187.- Ch. ix. 160, f. 1222, 3. China. Helix Lin. Sys.—Drap.-Pfeif. - Br. Mol. iv. 53, pl. 115, f. 1 to 4.-H. horten- sis, Mull. V.-Mont.-H. hybrida, Poiret.-H. subglobosa, Binney. Britain, &c. Mül. V.-Pf. i. 132.-H. nitida, Ch. ix. f. 1130, 1.-H. Carthusianella, Drap. 101, pl. 6, f. 31, 2. Britain, &c. Mül. (as of Lin.) V.-Rosm. f. 291. -Pf. i. 233.-H. castanea, Olivier. --H. mutata, Lam. Syria. 120 FASCIATA banded 14, 15. 121 DISSIMILIS dissimilar 122 ANGULARIS angular 123 NEMORALIS varied 124 CARTUSIANA Chartreuse 125 LUCORUM brown-lipped 172 HELIX. | | | | 2 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. 126 HORTENSIS Helix Don (as of Pen.) B. S. pl. 131.—After garden H. aspera, Mull. V. i.-Br. Mol. iv. 44, pl. 116, f. 1. Britain, &c. 127 HÆMASTOMA Lin. Sys.- Ch. ix. f. 1150, 1.--Lam. rose-lipped -Pf.i.247.–VAR. H.melanotragus, Born.—Lam. Ceylon. 128 LACTEA Mül. V.-Rossm. f. 545-551. - Pf. i. milky 272.-H. faux nigra, Ch. ix. f. 1161. Algiers, &c. 129 PICTA Born, 386, pl. 15, f. 17, 18.–Lam.- painted Pf. i. 26. Cuba. 130 VERSICOLOR Born, 386, pl. 16, f. 9, 10.-Fér. pl. diversified 17, f. 1, 2, 3.-Pf. i. 26. Cuba ? 131 APERTA Born, 387, pl. 19, f. 20.-Br. Mol. iv. gaping 43, pl. 116, f. 7.-H. Neritoides, Ch. ix. f. 1201, 5.—H. Naticoides, Drap. 92, pl. 5, f. 26, 7. France, &c. 132 FUSCA Mont.—Pfeif-Br. Mol. iv. 77, pl. brown 119, f. 4,5.-H.subrufescens, Miller, An. Ph.-Flem. Britain. 133 FUSCESCENS Gm. 3639, from Schr. Erd. pl. 1, f. 11, glossy uncertain. Germany 134 CONSOLIDATA Melania H. decollata nigra, Ch. ix. f. 1258.- square-lipped Bulimus c. Brug. 325.-H. c. Dil. 947. Surinam. 135 DECOLLATA Bulimus Lin. Sys.-B. d. Brug.- Drap. pl. 4, truncated f. 27, 8.-Pf. ii. 152.—B. mutilatus, Say. S. Europe. 136 TRUNCATA Cylindrella Dil. 948.—Cyclostoma fasciata, Lam. flag -Pupa t. Gray, An. Phil.-- Cyl. f. Pf. ii. 369. Hayti. 137 CALCAREA Bulimus Ch. (not Born) ix. f. 1226.-- Fér. pl. chalky 140, f. 9, 10, 1.-H. obtusata, Gm. 3655.-B. c. Brug.--Lam.-B. o. Pf. ii. 151. Madagascar. 138 CUSPIDATA Melania Ch. ix. pt. 2, p. 163, f. 1228.–Dil. pointed 949. E. Indies. 139 PLICARIA Born, pl. 16, f. 14.–Dil. 949.- Buli- white-spotted mus p. Brug. 328. U. 140 UNDULATA H. maculata, Born, pl. 16, f. 15.-H. wave-striped undulata, Gm. 3654.-Dil. 949. - HELIX. 173 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 141 ASPERA Melania Buccinum scabrum, Müll. V.-H. S. roughly Ch. ix. f. 1259, 60.--H. a. Gm. striated 3656.–Dil. 950.- Bulimus s. Brug. 330.-M, s. Desh. Lam. ix. 443. Malabar. 42 VIBEX Strombus v. Gm. 3522, for Nerita tu- red-marked berculata, Mül. (Ver.) &c.-H. v. Dil. 950. Coromandel 143 CRENATA H. turrita crenulata, Ch. ix. pt. 2, p. crenated 165, f. 1230.-H. crenata, Gm. 3655.- Dil. 950. — M. crenulata, Desh. Lam. ix. 434. 'Madagascar'? 144 FUSCATA H. ater, Ch. ix. pt. 2, p. 164 (as H.f. shining brown Born, pl. 16, f. 17.= Dil. 951, and Brug. 332, as Bulimus f.) f. 1229. E. Indies. 145 LUBRICA Bulimus Mül. V.-H. subcylindrica, Ch.-B.1. glossy Turt. Man. 82, f. 65.-Achatina l. Pf. ii. 271.- Zua l. Gray. Britain, &c. 146 STAGNORUM Paludina Wood (as of Gm. 3653 = stagnalis, barley-corn Lin.) I.T. Holland. 147 OBSCURA Bulimus Mont. (as of Gm.) T. B.-B.0. Drap. small brown - Pfeif.--Br. Mol. iv. 91, pl. 128, f. 7.-B. hordeaceus, Brug. Britain, &c. 148 LACKHAMEN- Mont.-B. montanus, Drap. -- Pfeif.---- H. buccinata, Alten.-B. o. Hartm. Lackham -B. L. Br. Mol. iy. 89, pl. 128, f. 6. Britain, &c. 149 OCTANFRACTA Limnæa Mont. 588, pl. 11, f. 8.-H. octona, eight-whirled Pen.-H. peregrina, Dil.—L. elon- gatus, Drap.---L. leucostoma, Lam. - 1. 0. Flem.-L. glaber, Gray ed. Turt. Man.-Br. Mol. iv. 178, pl. 124, f. 1. Britain, &c. 150 OCTONA Achatina Mat. and Rac. T. L. S. viii. pl. 5, f. slender 10.--Scarcely of authors. W. Indies.' 151 COLUMNA Buccinum c. Mül. V.-H. c. Ch. ix. f. column 954, 5, and xi. f. 3020,1,-- Bulimus c. Brug:--Lymnea columnaris, Lam. --- A. c. Pf. ii. 268. Princes Island, Africa. SIS - 174 HELIX. Wood's Linnean Ιιη τη μία η names. Authority-Synonyms- Locality. Genus. 152 INCUMBENS Achatina Dil. 955.–After Buccinum striatum, tawny-striped Mül.-A. Mülleri, Gray, Grif. Cuv. - A. dactylus, Brod.-A. s. Pf. ii. 287. S. America. 153 PELLA Rissoa Lin. Sys.= Turbo no. 61, probably. small red- brown 154 BIFASCIATA Bulimus Pult. After H. acuta, Mul. V.- double-banded Turbo fasciatus, Mont. (as of Pen.) —B. a. Brug.–Br. Mol. iv. 86, pl. 128, f. 5.-B. articulatus, Lam.- B. variabilis, Hartm.-B. f. Turt. Britain, &c. 155 CARINULA Gm. 3565, for Ch. ix. f. 1263.-B. brown-lined lineatus, Brug. 323.- Pf. 11.363.- Macroceramus Guildingüi, Petit, J. Con. i. pl. 13, f. 5. W. Indies. 156 DETRITA Mül. V.-B. radiatus, Brug.-Rossm. smooth-rayed f. 42, 390.-B. d. Pf. ii. 222. Cen. Europe. 157 GUADALOUPEN- Bul. G. Brug.-H. G.–Dil. 957.-- Bulimulus trifasciatus, Leach, Z. M. Guadaloupe -- B. exilis, Pf. ii. 223. W. Indies. 158 SUBSTRIATA Wood (not Gm.)— = last. substriated 159 UNDATA Gm. 3667, from Gualt. pl. 5. f. N.- waved B. Numidicus, (young) Reeve, I. Africa ? 160 FLUVIATILIS Melania H. f. Tanschaurensis, Ch. ix, 174, f. river 1243.-H. lanschaurica, Gm. 3655. --H. f. Dil. 959. Coromandel. 161 LYONETIANA Bulimus Pal. Spic. Z. pl. 3, f. 7, 8.-B. 1. Brug. distorted Lam.-H. distorta, Burr. pl. 23, f. 3.-Pupa L. Potiez.–Gibbus L. Pf. ii. 298. Mauritius 162 PUPA Lin. Sys.-B. detritus, Mül. V.---B. pupa radiatus, C. Pf. pt. 1, pl. 3, f. 6. Algiers, &c. 163 BARBARA Lin. Sys. = no. 154. Barbary 164 AMARULA Melania Lin. Sys.—Ch. ix. f. 1218, 9.- Buli- mitre mus a. var. B. Brug.-M. a. Lam. - Sow. G. Mel. f. 1.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 114, f. 1. Madagascar. SIS HELIX 175 - no. 167. TVood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms- Locality. Genus. 165 TURBINATA Paludina Gm. 3668, for Marsigli, pl. 31, f. 2, turbinated and Schr. Fl. pl. 10, B. f. 1, (copied) Danube. 166 STAGNALIS Limnæa Lin. Sys.---Turbo s. Da Cos.- Buli- lake mus s. Brug. - L. s. Drap. -- Br, . Mol. iv, 174, pl. 124, f. 4, 5.- L. major, Jeff Stagnicola vulgaris, Hartm. Britain, &c. 167 FRAGILIS Lin. F. S.-Mont.-L. f. Turt. Man. brittle = var. last. 168 PALUSTRIS Buccinum p. Müll. V.-H. p. Mont. marsh --H.corvus, Gm.-H. fragilis, Pult. - H. fontinalis, Don.-L. p. Drap. - Br. Mol. iv. 180, pl. 124, f. 2.- L. fusca, Nils.-L. communis and tincta, Jeff. Britain, &c. 169 FOSSARIA Mont. 372, pl. 16, f. 9.---L. f. Turt. ditch Man. no. 173. 170 ALBICANS Wood (as of Gm. from Schr. Fl. pl. 7, white f. 6. = no. 149). - ? N. Europe. 171 PUTRIS Pen. (not Lin.) -- Buccinum peregrum, thin yellowish Mül.-H. per. Mont.-H. limosa, Mont. (as of Lin.) — L. per. and ova- tus, Drap.-L. vulgaris, C. Pfeif. -- L. intermedia, Lam.-L. pu. li. and lu. Flem.-L. marginata, Mi- chaud.-L. lineata, Bean.-L. la- custris, Potiez. Britain, &c. 172 SUCCINEA Succinea Mul. Ver.--- After H. putris, Lin. Sys. amber-co- -S. amphibia, Drap.-S. oblonga, loured Turt. Man.-S. Pfeifferi, Rossm.- S. Levantina, Desh. Mor.-S. gra- cilis, Alder.-S. p. Br. Mol. iv. 132, pl. 131, f. 1 to 5. Britain, &c. 173 TRUNCATULA Limnæa Buccinum t. Mül. V.-- Bulimus trunca- small dark tus, Brug.- L. minutus, Drap.-L. brown truncatulus, Br. Mol. iv. 177, pl. 124, f. 3, Britain, &c. 174 INFLATA Gm. 3666, from Schr. Fl. pl. 7, f. 5. inflated = no. 171. 175 OPACA Gm. and Dil. 967, for Schr. Fl. pl. 7, opaque f. 17. - Hamburg 176 HELIX. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms—Locality. Genus. 176 TENTACULATA Paludina Lin. Sys.- Mont.-- Nerita jaculator, olive Mül. V. - Cyclostoma impurum, Drap.-P. i. Lam.-P. t. Flem.- Bithinia t. Br. Mol. iii. pl. 71, f. 5, 6. Britain, &c. 177 REPANDA Limnæa Gm. and Dil. 968, from Schr. Fl. pl. 7, ventricose f. 16. Germany. 178 CANALIS Lacuna Turbo c. Mont. 309, pl. 12, f. 11.-H. channelled c. Mat. and Rac. T. L. viii.--L. c. Turt.-= Turbo, no. 69. 179 LUTEA Limnæa Mont. 380, pl. 16, f. 6. = no. 171. yellow 180 AURICULARIA Lin. Sys.-Bulimus a. Brug.-L. a. eared Drap.- Br. Mol. iv. 169, pl. 123, f. 1, 2.-L. acutus, Jeff.- Gulnaria a. Hartm. Britain, &c. 181 SICULA Wood, as of Brug.--H. teres, Gm. Sicilian from Gualt. pl. 5, f. NN. and its copy in Schr. Fl.-= no 171. 182 GLUTINOSA Buccinum g. Müll. V.-H. 9. Mont. membranous 379, pl. 16, f. 9.- Amphipeplea g. Nils. - L. g. Br. Mol. iv. 182, pl. 124, f. 6, 7. Britain, &c. 183 LÆVIGATA Velutina Don. (as of Lin ) pl. 103.—Bulla v. smooth flesh- Mul. Z. D.pl. 101, f. 1 to 4.-H. Ha- coloured Tiotoides, Fab. F. G.–V. capuloidea, Bl. Mal.-1.1. Reeve, C. S. pl. 147, f. 1, 2.- Br. Mol. iii. 347, pl. 99, f. 4, 5.-V. rupicola, Conr.--V.stri- ata, Macg Britain, &c. 184 BALTHICA Limnæa Lin. Sys.-L. B. Nills. Suec.--- Menke, Baltic Zeit. Mal. 1845. Baltic. 185 NERITOIDEA Stomatia ? Wood (not Lin.) - Copied from Gualt. Nerite- pl. 64, f. 1. U. shaped 186 PERSPICUA Coriocella Lin. Sys.- Oxinoe glabra, Couth. Bost. large-mouthed J.ii. pl. 3, f. 16.-C. p. Kust. Ch. Bul. no. 61. Mediterranean. 187 HALIOTOIDEA Sigaretus Wood (not Lin.)-S. Leachii, Sow. G. Venus' ear Sig. f. 3.-Reeve, C.S. pl. 148, f. 3. Not Phil. W. Indies. 188 AMBIGUA Fossarus Fossar, Adans. pl. 13, f. 1.-H. a. Lin. ambiguous Sys. -Dil. 973.- Fossarus Adansoni, Phil. Sic. ii. pl. 25, f. 1. Senegal. - or Neri- topsis ? - Ple 1481 1491 150 € 161 155+ 157 a 158 + 159 160 16101 164 + 16SC 166 6 169 1 167 a 1680 1707 17211 174n 1707 175n 178n 771 179 n 188 W 182 n 182 n 185 189 NERIT. 3 5 6 8 9 a ga 10 W 16n 16+ 17W+ 18 a 24 n 20 a 22 19 at 96 n 2770 + 28 m 31 a UNIO HELIX. 177 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. 189 ACUTANGULA Helix brittle acute Authority - Synonyms- Locality. Burr. pl. 26, f. 1—? young II. papy- . racea, Brod. Z. P. Philippines ? NERITA-NERITE. Natica 1 CANRENA varied - 2 CANDIDA zoned 3 CANCELLATA latticed 4 SULCATA grooved 6 5 GLAUCINA livid Lin. Sys. part only.--Dil.975, var. A. -Nat. c. Lam.-Sow. G.-- Reeve, I. Nat. f. 14. W. Indies. Pavimentum Chinense, Ch. v. f. 1887 to 91.-N. p. Bolten.-Nat. Ch. Lam.-- Ner. cand. Wood, I. T. Moluccas. N. rugosa, &c. Ch. v. 1911, 2.- N. c. Gm. 3670, partly. - Nat. c. Lam. - Nat. sulcata, Reeve, I. Nat. f. 95. W. Indies. Born, pl. 17, f. 5, 6.–Dil. 978.- Nat. costata, Menke, teste Mörch. · W. Indies. Pen. (not Lin.)- Don. pl. 20, f. 1.- Nat. monilifera, Lam.- Br. Mol. iii. 326, pl. 100, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Nat. - f. 50.-- Nat. castanea, Lam.-Nat. catena, Flem. Britain, &c. Born (not Lin.) 398.- Ch. v. f. 1966, 7. -Dil. 979.-Nat. v. Lam.-Reeve, I. Nat. f. 39. Amboyna. Gm. 3672 (not var.) for Ch. v. f. 1872, 3.-Dil. 980, not vars. --- Swain. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 75. Red Sea. N. vitellus, Lin. Sys.- N. r. Born, pl. 17, f. 3, 4.-N.r.&c. Ch. v. f. 1874, 5.-Nat. r. Lam. E. Indies. Ch. xi. 172, f. 1903, 4.-Dil. 982. — Nat. p. Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 104, mid. f. Senegal. N. flammis, &c. Ch. v. f. 1881, 2.-N. ziczac, Karsten-Bolten-N. f. Gm. 3672.-Dil. 981. - Nat. f. Lam. - --Reeve, I. Nat. f. 61. W. Africa. 6 VITELLUS clouded yellow 7 SPADICEA chestnut co- loured Nat. S. 8 RUFA reddish 9 PUNCTATA punctured 10 FULMINEA zigzag - 2 A 178 NERITA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms - Locality. 11 ORIENTALIS Natica Ner. eburnea, Ch. v. 242, f. 1898, 9, Eastern 1904.-N.o. Dil. (as of Gm.) 892. Nat. e. Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 646.- Nat. 0. Reeve, 1. Nat. f. 69. E. Indies. 12 CRUENTATA Gm. 3673, for Ch. v. f. 1900, 1.–Dil. red-spotted 982.- Nat. c. Lam. Malabar. 13 RUGOSA Ner. 7. Ch. v. 242, f. 1902, 3 - Dil. wrinkled 982.-= no. 4, teste Mörch. = W. Indies. 14 MAROCHIENSIS Ner. Maroccana, partly, Ch. v. f. 1906. wave-striped Dil. 983, partly.-- Nat. Maroch. . Lam. partly. N. Africa. 15 ARACHNOIDEA Gm. 3674, for Ch. v. f. 1915, 6.-Dil. spider-marked 983.- Nat. a. Lam. U. 16 VITTATA Gm. 3674, for Ch. v. f. 1917, 8.-Nat. ribbon v. Lam.— Nat. Valenciennesi, Payr. teste Mörch. Morocco. 17 ALBUMEN Ch. (as of Lin.) v. 276, f. 1924. liver-coloured - Dil. 984.-Nat. a. Lam.-Reeve, 1. Nat. f. 31. Moluccas. 18 ZEBRA Neritina Ch. ix. f. 1080, = no. 29, teste Desh. zebra 19 MAMMILLA Natica Lin. Sys.-Ch. v. f. 1928, to 31.— Nat. nipple m. Lam.—Reeve, I. Nat. f. 27. Indian 0. 20 PAPILLA Sigaretus Gm. 3675, for P. &c. Ch. v. f. 1939.- pap-shaped Dil. 985.-S. p. Recl. Ill. Conch. E. Indies. 21 PALLIDULA Lacuna Da Cos. 51, pl. 4, f. 4, 5.--Mont.- pallid Turbop. Turt.-Natica p.Flem.-L. p. Turt. Z. J.iii. - Br. Mol. 11.56, pl. 72, f. 1, 2, 3, 4. . Britain, &c. 22 CORONA Neritina Müll. (not Lin.)-Neritina c. Lam.- Eastern Sow. C. I. Ner. f. 20.- N. longi- crown spinis, Récl. Rev. Z. Mauritius, 23 RADULA Nerita! Lin. Sys. — Born.—Ch. v. f. 1946, 7. rough-ribbed - Dil. 987. Indian Isles. 24 MAGDALENA Nerita Gm. 3677, for Kiset, Adans. Sen. pl. Magdalen 13, f. 5.—Dil. 987. W. Africa. 25 CORNEA Neritina Lin. Sys.- Neritina, dubia, Sow. (C. horny I. Ner, f. 28.) and N. amphibia, Lesson, teste Mörch.– Neritina fas- ciata, Lam. and N. ampullaria, Les. teste Récluz. New Guinea. - NERITA. 179 - - 2 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 26 FLUVIATILIS Neritina Lin. Syst. ---Drap. --- Theodoxus Lute- river tianus, Montf. - Neritina f. Lam. Br. Mol. iii. 3, pl. 71, f. 1, 2.-Ne- ritina fontinalis, Brard. Britain, &c. 27 LITORALIS Littorina Lin. Sys.--Mont. — Turbo Neritoides strand and retusus, Lam. — T. ustulatus, Blain.—L. N—Macg: - L. obtusata Phil. N. C. Lit. pl. 1, f. 20, 1, 2. --- L.l. Br. Mol. iii. 45, pl. 74, f. 3 to 7. Britain, &c. 28 LACUSTRIS Neritina Copied from Gualt. pl. 4.f. MM, quoted lake for N. 1. in Lin. Sys. Europe. 29 DUBIA Ch. v. 324, (and N. dubiosa, 244.) f. black-marked 2019, 20.—Neritina Philippinarum, Sow. - N. reticulata, Quoy.- N. Ze- broides, Lesson, teste Récluz. Philippines. 30 MARGINATA Nerita Gm. 3678, for Schr Ein. ili pl. 4, f. margined 16.-Dil. 990.-N peleronta, Forsk, (not Lin.) teste Morch.--- N. cha- mæleon, Lam. (not Lin.) teste Récl. Red Sea. 31 PULLIGERA Neritina Lin. Sys.- Born, pl. 17, f. 10.— Ne- reddish ritina p. Lam.-Sow. C. I. Ner. f. 26. Indian Isles. 32 ACULEATA Ch. x. f. 1642.-Dill. 991.- Neritina spinous a. Sow. Th. i. Ner. f. 32. Sumatra. 33 PUPA Lin. Sys.--Dil. 991. black and Lam. --Sow. C. I. Ner. f. 30, upper. white - N. venosa, Menke, teste Réch. W. Indies. 34 BIDENS Copied from Favanne, pl. 10, lower R, double-toothed quoted as N. 6.? of Lin. Sys. N. Zealand'! 35 FLAVESCENS Nerita Ch. x. f. 1594, 5.–Dil: 992- -=no. 39, teste Récl.-N. D' Orbignyana, Récl. teste Mörch. Nicobar Isles. 36 VIRIDIS Neritina Lin. Sys.-Dil.992.-Neritina v. Lam. green -Sow. C. I. Ner, f. 24. Mediterranean. 37 VIRGINEA Lin. Sys.- Neritina v. Lam. Sow. zigzag Th.ii.Ner. f. 236, 7.-- Neritina Bra- siliana, Récl. 38 TURRITA Ch. ix. f. 1085.-Dil. 993.—Neritina turreted strigillata, Lam. (not Del.) teste Mörch. Sumatra. Neritina p. yellowish 180 NERITA. 2 - - no. thick opaque Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. 39 POLITA Nerita Lin. Sys.-Lam.-Mawe, pl. 30, f. 1. mottled - N. bifasciata, Gm. Indian 0. 40 LITTERATA N. hieroglyphica, Ch. v. f. 2016, 8.-N. streaked 1. Gm. 3685.-Dil. 995.- last, teste Récl. E. Indies. 41 PIPERINA Neritina Ch. xi. f. 1905, 6.–Dil. 995.- = triangular (after) N. pennata, Born, teste Récl. spotted - Neritina pi. Sow. C. I. Ner. f. 18. Malabar. 42 LARVA Nerita Ch. V. f. 2017.-Dil. 996. brown-banded 39, teste Récl. * Amboyna. 43 ATRATA Ch. v. 243, f. 1954, 5.-Dil. 996. – smooth black Reeve, I. Ner. f. 16.- N. nigerrima, Desh. teste Récl. Timor. 44 ATERRIMA Ni nigerrima, Ch. v. p. 243, f. 1985, 6. -Dil. 997.—N.a. Gm. 3679.-N. punctata, Quoy.-N. Mauritia, Ré- cluz, teste Rec. Mauritius. 45 ANTILLARUM Gm. 3685, for Ch. v. f. 1987.- Dil. wrinkle-lipped 997.-Desh. ed. Lam. ix, 611.- Teste Récluz = no. 24. W. Indies. 46 PELERONTA Lin. Sys.—Dil. 997.—Lam.--Sow. G. purple-streaked -Reeve, I. Ner. f. 8. W. Indies. 47 ALBICILLA Lin. Sys.- Ch. v. f. 2000.–Dil. 998. pimple-lipped - Lam. Cape G. Hope. 48 MAXIMA Gm. 3683, for N. m. 8c. Ch. v. 287, f. 1942, 3.-Reeve, I. Ner. f. 18.-- and yellow N. atrata, Lam, teste Récl. Australia. 49 TEXTILIS Gm. 3683, for N. plexa, fc. Ch. v. f. thrush 1944, 5.- Lam.-N.p. Dil. 998.— Reeve, I. Ner. f. 12. Indian 0. 50 HISTRIO N. ex nigro, &c. Ch. v. f. 1948, 9.-N. tooth-lipped n. Dil. 999, partly.-N. Maura, Récluz, Rev. Zool.-=no. 48, teste Recluz. Amboyna. 51 PLICATA Lin. Sys.—Born, pl. 17, f. 17, 18. — wrinkle-lipped Ch. v. f. 1952, 3.-Lam. Malabar. 52 ASCENSIONIS Gm. 3683, for Ch. y. f. 1956, 7.-Dil. Ascension 1000.-Reeve, I. Ner. f. 14.—N diversicolor, Martyn, teste Mörch -- N. chlorostoma, Lam.teste Récluz. I. of Ascension. - great black - - LV77UA. P/30 W 32 33 11 361 33 39 ♡ 46 49 a 52 + زهر 50 a 51 a 60+ 6/ 562 57 a 58 W 59 a 65 ca 66 62 a 63 a 64 71 ALIOTIS 68 + 69 € 70 $6 80 70 40+ 1, 100 12 sed + 14 C+ 15 a + 2 a 10 20 GNIL OF NERITA. 181 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. 53 LINEATA Nerita lined 54 VERSICOLOR purple-tessel- lated 55 PICA pied 56 FLAMMEA spotted silver - 57 COSTATA ribbed - 58 BIZONALIS two-zoned Authority-Synonyms— Locality. Gm. 3684, for N. l. &c. Ch. y. f. 1958, 9.-Dil. 1001. Malacca. N. variegata, Ch. v. 243, f. 1962, 3.- N. ver. Gm. 3684.–Dil. 1001. - Lam.- N. flammea, Gm. 3685. W. Indies. Pica, &c. Ch. v. f. 1964, 5.- N. p. Karst. 295.- Gm. 3684.—Dil. 1002. ' Amboyna.' N. striata, &c. Ch. v. f. 1992, 3.- N. f. Gm. 3685.-Dil. 1002, var. a. W. Indies. N. grossa, Born (not Lin.).- N. c. . Ch. v. 243, f. 1966, 7.-Dil. 1002. - N. scabricosta, Deles. (not Lam.) Nicobar I. Enc. Méth. pl. 454, f. 3. = teste Lam. . N. chamæleon ; teste Mörch, N. atropurpurea, Récl. Indian 0. Lin. Sys.—Ch. v. f. 1968, 9.- Dil. 1003.-Reeve, I. Ner. f. 10.-N. Ascensionis, Lam.-- N. textilis and papilionacea Valen. teste Récluz. Moluccas. Lin. Sys, and M. U.-Ch. v. f.1988, 9, 90.--Dil. 1003. - Han. Ipsa Lin. . pl. 4, f. 8. Moluccas. Ch. xi. f. 1907, 8.-Dil. 1004.-=last, teste Récl. E. Indies. Lin. M. U.–Ch. v. 292, f. 1950, 1.- Desh. ed. Lam. Indian 0. Gm. 3678, for Ch. v. f. 1970, 1.- Dil. 1005.-N. Striata, Burrows, teste Récluz. Timor. Lam. (not Lin.)=no. 49. 59 GROSSA red-thrush 60 CHAMÆLEON chameleon - 61 STELLA black-rayed 62 UNDATA N. maris Rubri, Ch. v. 243, f. 1974, 5.-N. q. Gm. 3684. -Dil. 1005.- -- N. striata, Martyn, teste Récluz. Red Sea. N. exuvia, Lin. M. U.-N. M. Gm. 3684, for Ch.v. f. 1976.–Dil. 1006. -N. chlorostoma, Sow. G. (not Lam.) Malacca. waved 63 UNDULATA thin waved 64 EXUVIA exuvia 65 QUADRICOLOR four-coloured 66 MALACCENSIS Malacca - 182 NERITA. Wood's Linnean names. 67 FULGURANS lightning 68 TESSELLATA tessellated Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms --- Locality. Genus. Nerita Gm. 3685, for Ch. v. f. 1996, 7.–Dil. 1006. W. Indies. Gm. 3685, for Ch. v. f. 1998, 9. --Dil. 1006. Lam. W. Indies. 69 STERCUS-MUS- CARUM dotted Natica S. m. Ch. y. f. 1894.-N. punctata, Karsten.- Nat. s. m. E. M. pl. 453, f. 6.- Nat. millepunctata, Lam.- Reeve, I. Nat. f. 26. Mediterranean. Neritina Neritina auriculata, Lam.-E. M. pl. 455, f. 6.- Desh. E. M. iii. Australia. 70 AURICULATA eared HALI OTIS-SEA-EAR. 1 MIDE Haliotis Lin. Sys.--Dil. 1008.-Lam.-Reeve, leafy I. iii. Hal. f. 16.-H. Capensis, Phil. (as of Dunk.) N. C. i. Cape G. Hope. 2 PULCHERRIMA Martyn, pl. 62.—Ch. x. f. 1605, 6.- white and rose- Dil. 1008. – Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 35.- coloured Reeve, I. Hal. f. 1. L. Hood's I. 3 VIRGINEA Ch. x. f. 1607, 8.–Dil. 1009.- Desh. iridescent. ed. Lam. ix. 33.-Reeve, I. Hal. f. 36. Australia.' 4 TUBERCULATA Lin. Sys.-Don. pl. 5.-Lam.-Reeve, common I. ii. Hal. f. 34.— Br.: Mol. ii. 485, pl. 64.-H. vulgaris, Da Cos. Britain, &c. 5 STRIATA Mart. (as of Lin.) i. 179, f. 138.— wrinkled ? Dil. 1010.-? Lam. U. 6 BISTRIATA Gm. 3689, for Mart. i. f. 142.-Dil. double-lined 1010.--? Reeve, I. Hal. f. 33. Africa. 7 VARIA Lin. Sys – Mart. i. 184, f. 144. - Dil. rough 1010.-Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 31.- striated Reeve, I. Hal. f. 4. Philippines. 8 MARMORATA Mart. i. 180 (as of Lin.) f. 139.—?= marbled * E. Indies.' - no. 3. 9 GLABRA small mottled Ch. x. f. 1602. - Dil. 1011.-Lam.-- Not Schub.(Ch. xii.)-Reeve, I. Hal. f. 2. Australia. HALIOTIS. 183 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-- Synonyms— Locality. Names. Genus. 10 ASININA Haliotis Lin. Sys.---Lam.- Lam.-Crouch, pl. 16, f. ass' ear 7.- Reeve, I. Hal. f. 18. China. 11 AUSTRALIS H. rugoso-plicata, Ch. x. f. 160. — rough-plaited Reeve, I. Hal. f. 7.-H. Australis, Dil. (as of Gm.) 1012.—Lam.— H. costata, Sw, Bligh. Swan River. 12 GIGANTEA Wood (not Ch. x.) - II. discus, Reeve, gigantic Hal. f. 31. Japan. 13 IRIS Martyn, pl. 61.--Dil. 1013.--Lam.- Iris Reeve, I. Hal. f. 37.-H. Iridis, Ch. x. f. 1612, 3. N. Zealand. 14 CRACHERODII Leach, Z. M. pl. 58.–Dil. 1013.- Cracherode's Reeve, I. Hal. f. 23.-H. glabra, Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 3086, 7. California. 15 OVINA Ch. x. f. 1609. - Dil. 1013.Reeve, I. chestnut Hal. f. 28. Philippines. marbled 16 PARVA Lin. Sys.—Dil. 1014, partly.-Reeve, small I. Hal. f. 53.-H.canaliculata, Lam. orange -H. carinata, Sw. Bligh. Ap. 17 GUINEENSIS Gm. 3689, for Schr. Ein. ii. pl. 4, f. decussated 18. Guinea. 18 IMPERFORATA Stomatia Ch. x. f. 1600. = no. 20. imperforate 19 IMBRICATA Stomatella i. Lam.-E. M. pl. 450, f. imbricated 2.-Crouch, pl. 16, f. 5.-Adams, Sow. Th.ii. pl. 174, f. 1. Australia. 20 PHYMOTIS S. p. Hebl. Boh. J. iv. pl. 2, f. 34, 5. irregular - Lam. E. M. pl. 450, f.5.-Adams, Sow. Th. ii. 841, pl. 175, f. 48 to 52. Philippines. 21 PLANULATA Stomatella p. Lam.-E. M. pl. 450, f. oblong mottled 4.- Gena p. Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 173, f. 1, 2, 3.-H. imperforata, Mawe, pl. 31, f. 1. Philippines. PATELLA. LIMPET. 1 EQUESTRIS cup and Calyptræa P. undulata, Bolten, for Mart. f. 119, 0.-P. e. Dil. (not Lin. Sys. ed. 10) 1015.-C. Dillwynii, Gray. W. Indies. saucer 184 PATELLA. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 2 NEPTUNI Calyptræa P. equestris, Lin. Sys. ed. 10.-Bolten, Neptune's cap for Mart. f. 117, 8.-P. N. Dil. 1016.-C. e. Lam. E. Indies. 3 TECTUM P. t. Sinense, Ch. x. f. 1630, 1.-P.t. Chinese-roof Dil. 1016.-C. t. S. Lam. Indian I. 4 SINENSIS Dil. 1017, for P. Chinensis, Lin. Sys. Chinese bonnet -P. albida, Don. B. S. pl. 129. C. levigata, Lam. C. C. Flem.-C. S. Br. Mol. ii. 463, pl. 60, f. 3, 4, 5. -P. muricata, Costa. Britain, &c. 5 AURICULATA Ch. x. f. 1628, 9.-Gm. 3694.-Dil. ear-shaped 1017. W. Indies. 6 TROCHIFORMIS Ch. x. f. 1626, 7.–Dil. 1018. Trochus-shaped E. Indies. 7 TROCHOIDES Dil. 1018, for Mart. i. 135, &c.- wave-ribbed Trochus radians, Lam.-C. Peru- viana, Desh. E. M. ii.-C. r. Desh. ed. Lam. vii. Peru. 8 NERITOIDEA Neritina Mart. (as of Lin.) i. f. 133, 4.—Ner. chambered crepidularia, Lam.-Sow. C. I. Ner. f. 25.-Récl. J. Conc. i. 69. Malabar. 9 PORCELLANA Navicella Ne.p. Lin. Sys. - Ch. ix. f. 1082.- brown- Na. elliptica, Lam - E. M. pl. 456, spotted f. 1.- Crepidula Borbonica, Roissy. Madagascar. 10 FORNICATA Crepidula Lin. Sys.-Mart. i. f. 129, 30.—C. f. slipper Lam.-Sow. G.–Gould, Mas. 158, f. 17. N. America. 11 ACULEATA P. fornicata a. Ch. x. f. 1624, 5.-P. spiny-ribbed a. Gm.Dil. 1020.-C. a. Lam.- Sow. G. American I.' 12 GOREENSIS Gm. 3691, for Mart. i. f. 131, 2; &c.- sandal Dil. 1020.-C. G. Desh. ed. Lam. vii. 645. Senegal. 13 CREPIDULA Lin. Sys.-C. unguiformis, Lam.-- C. transparent plana, Say.-C. sinuosa, Turt. Z. J. white ii. pl. 13, f. 5. N. America, &c. 14 LACINIOSA Patella Lin. Sys. from Rum. pl. 40, f. 3.–Dil. white-eyed 1021.-Lam. Amboyna. 15 PLICARIA P. plicata, Born, pl. 18, f. 1.-Dil. plaited 1022.---Lam. - P. plicaria, Gm. 3708. Cape G. Hope PATIEV A. PUS 3 + 4 + 8 10+ + 14 a 156+ 18 + 19 20 a + 2/ 22 w 24 O+ 26 2.5 276+ 28 29 300 30+ 820 36 w 40 a + 40+ 42 47 G6 a 55m 490+ 50 at 55 a 526 53 a 57 56m 57w 59 64 386+ 60 a 6.50 66 W+ 68 og 6+ UND PATELLA. 185 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. names. Genus. 16 MONOPIS Patella Gm. 3707 (not var.), for Mart. i. f. 80, chestnut- &c.Dil. 1022.-Desh. ed. Lam. streaked vii. 545.-P. oculus, Reeve, I. Pat. f. 2. Cape G. Hope. 17 SACCHARINA Acmæa Lin. Sys.—Mart. i. f. 76.–Dil. 1023. star –Lam. Cape G. Hope. 18 ANGULOSA Patella Gm. 3707, from List. pl. 538, lower f. angular (copied Mart. i. f. 69.)-Dil. 1023. –Lam. Cape G. Hope.' 19 REPANDA Dil. (as of Gm. 3707.) 1024.--P. as- small sun pera, Lam.---Reeve, I. Pat. f. 23.- P. Lowei, D'Orb. Can. Canary Islands. 20 TENUIS Gm. 3708, for Mart. i. f. 87.- Dil. thin amber 1024. Canary Isles ? 21 MARGARITACEA Gm. 3707, for Mart. i. f. 85, &c.—Dil. great sun 1025.-P. scutellaris, var. Phil. Sic. - Reeve, I. Pat. f. 49. Mediterranean. 22 BARBARA Lin. Sys.-P. spinifera, Lam.-De- toothed les. Rec.—P. plicata, Reeve, I. Pat. f. 16. Cape G. Hope. 23 CYPRIA Dil. (as of Gm.) 1025.-P. barbata, white-ribbed Lam. = var. last. 24 OCULUS Dil. (as of Born.) 1026. — Lam.- goat's eye Copied from Mart. i. f. 86. ' Brazil.' 25 PENTAGONA Born, pl. 18, f. 4, 5.--Dil. 1026.- five-angled P. stellæformis, Reeve, C. S. Cape G. Hope. 26 GRANULARIS Lin. Sys.--Dil. 1027.—Lam. white-grained Cape G. Hope. 27 GRANATINA Lin. Sys. -Dil. 1027.–Lam.-Reeve, garnet I. Pat. f. 4.-P. apicina, Lam. Cape G. Hope. 28 CHLOROSTICA Gm. 3707, for Mart. i. f. 84.–Dil. pigeon's throat 1028,=last. Cape G. Hope. 29 TIGRINA Gm. 3707, for Mart. i. f. 78.-Dil. tiger 1028. U. 30 ORNATA P. margaritaria, Ch. xi. f. 1914, 5.- adorned P. o. Dil. 1029.-Desh. ed. Lam. vii. 542. N. Zealand. 2 B 186 PATELLA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 31 MELANOGRAMMA Patella Gm. 3706, for Mart. i. f. 67.-Dil. black-ribbed 1029.-P. Safiana, Lam. and P. Algira, Desh. teste Mörch. . Algiers.? 32 FERRUGINEA Scutum deauratum, Ch. x. f. 1616.-P. rusty d. Gm.--Lam.-P. f. Dil. (not Gm. 3706. = P. Lamarckii, Payr.) 1029. Falkland I. 6 33 CRENATA little grey Wood (as of Gmel. = no. 21.), I. T. --Copied from Fav. pl. 2, f. E. Mediterranean. - - 1 34 UMBELLA P. miniata, Born, 420.-Dil. 1031.-- rose-streaked Sow. G.-P. u. Gm.3706.- Lam.- Reeve, I. Pat. f. 17.-P. sanguino- lenta, Gm. 3716, for Mart. i. f. 52. Cape G. Hope. 35 ULYSSIPONENSIS Gm. 3706, for Mart. i. f. 62.-Dil. buckler 1031.-? P. Bonnardi, Payr. Portugal. 36 RADIATA Ch. xi, f. 1916,7.–Dil. 1031. radiated Moluccas. 37 LUGUBRIS Gm. 3705, for Mart. f. 60.-Dil. 1032. black -- ? P. cærulea, Born, teste Mörch. U. 38 VULGATA Lin. Sys.—Lam.-Br. Mol. ii. 421, common pl. 61, f. 5, 6.-- Reeve, I. Pat. f. 42. -P. depressa, Pen. B. Z.-P. vul- garis, Da Cos. Britain, &c. 39 TUBERCULATA Emargi- Lin. Sys.-M. U.-? E. tricostata.- white pimpled nula? Undefined. 40 COCHLEAR Patella Born, pl. 18, f. 3.–Dil. 1032.-Lam. horse-shoe -Reeve, I. Pat. f. 24. Cape G. Hope. 41 UNGARICA Pileopsis Lin. Sys.- Mont. ii. 486.-P. U. Lam. bonnet - Capulus U. Sow. G.–P. Hunga- ricus, Br. Mol. ii. 459, pl. 60, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. 2 MILITARIS Lin. Mant. probably.- Mont. pl. 13, hooked f. 11.- Pat. spirata, Helbling, Ab. Boh, iv. pl. 1, f. 1, 2.—Pil. intorta, Lam. Capulus m. Flem.-C. i. Blain. W. Indies. PATELLA. 187 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 43 MITRULA Pileopsis Gm. 3708. — Pat. antiquata, Mont. - small imbri- (as of Lin.) 485, pl. 13, f. 9.-Ca- cated pulus a. Flem.- Pil. m. Lam. W. Indies. 44 COCHLEATA Ch. xi. f. 1919, 20.--Dil. 1036. white-ridged South Seas. 45 CALYPTRA Martyn, pl. 18.-Ch. x. f. 1643, 4.- helmet Dil. 1036. "N. W. America.' 46 INTORTA Don. (as of Pen.) pl. 146.--Sow. G. inclining Pat, f. 5.-P. pectinata, Born. (not Lin.) 423, pl. 18, f. 7.-Lam. Natal. 47 CASSIDA Copied from Mart. i. f. 116, quoted lentil-seed by Dil. 1037, for his P. c.-Interior of last (46). 48 TRANQUEBARICA Acmæa Wood (not Gm. nor Dil.) I. T. brilliant Tranquebar.' 49 MAMMILLARIA. Siphonaria Mart. (not Lin.) i. 59. — Probably nipple Mouret, Adans.=P. pectinata, Lin. =P. grisea, Gm. Mediterranean. 50 LEUCOPLEURA Acmæa Gm. 3699, partly.--Dil.1039.—? Lam. small-rayed W. Indies. 51 TRICARINATA Pileopsis Lin. Sys.—Dil. 1039.-P. tricostata, small three- Ch. A. f. 1622, 3.-Lam-P. thºi- keeled cos. Desh. E. M. Philippines. 52 PECTINATA Patella Schr. (not Lin.) Ein. pl. 5, f. 3.–Dil. grey-striated 1040. Mediterranean?! 53 FUSCO-LUTEA Dil. 1040, for P.lutea, Born, (not Lin.) yellowish brown pl. 18, f. 8. U. 54 LUTEA Stomatia Mart. (not Lin.) i. f. 154, 5.—? Gena yellow planulata, Adams (as St. p. Lam.) Sow. Th. ii. pl. 173, f. 3. Philippines. 55 PERVERSA Patella ? Gm. 3714, for Liri, Adans. Sen. and reversed-tip Mart. i. f. 114, A, B.-? Ancylus Gussonii, Phil. Sic. Senegal. 56 LACUSTRIS Ancylus Lin. Sys.-A. fluviatilis, Mül. V.-- lake Br. Mol. iv. 186, pl. 122, f. 4.-P. f. Da Cos. — Mont. — A. sinuosa, - Brard. Britain, &c. 57 OBLONGA Lightfoot, Phil. Tr. 1786.- A. lacus- oblong tris (not Lin.) Mül.V.-P.1. Mont. -Velletia l. Gray, ed. Turt. Man. - A. o. Br. Mol. iv. 188, pl. 122, f. 5. Britain, &c. - - - 188 PATELLA. grey mottled Wood's Linnean Lamarchian Authority-Synonyms- Locality. names. Genus. 58 PELLUCIDA Patella Lin. Sys.Br. Mol. ii. 429, pl. 61, f. pellucid 3, 4.-P. lavis, Pen. f. 151.-P. blue-rayed coeruleata, Da Cos. pl. 1, f. 5, 6. — P. bimaculata, Mont. Sup. 153.— P. elongata and elliptica, Flem. Enc. Ed.-P. cornea, Potiez. Britain, &c. 59 CERULEA Mont. Sup. 153. var. no. 58. opaque blue-rayed 60 RADIANS Gm. 3270, for P. radiata, &c. Ch. x. f. 1618.-Dil. 1044.-Lam. N. Zealand. 61 ROTA Ch. x. f. 1619.-Dil. 1045.-Reeve, C. roundish S. E. Indies. 62 TESTUDINARIA Lin. Sys.-Dil. 1044.-Lam. - Reeve, great tortoise- I. Pat. f. 6. E. Indies. shell 63 TESTUDINALIS Acmea Mull. Pr.–Fabr. F. G. 385. -Desh. small tortoise- Lam.-P. Clealandi, Sow. T. L. xi. shell -P. amena, Say. Philad. J. ii.-P. clypeus, Brown.-Lottia t. Forbes, Mal. Mon.-Patelloida a. Couthouy. -A. t. Br. Mol. ii. 434, pl. 62, f. 8, 9. Britain, &c. 64 COMPRESSA Patella Lin. Sys.—Dil. 1045.--Lam.-Reeve, flat-sided I. Pat. f. 13. Cape G. Hope. 65 AFRA ? Gm. 3715.- Copied from Mart. i. f. African 34 (copy of Gualt. pl. 9, f. C).-Dil. 1046. Africa. 66 LUSITANICA Patella P. rustica, Lin. Sys. (not M. U.)- — narrow-ribbed Dil. 1046.-P. 1. Gm. 3715.-P. punctata, Lam.-- Payr. Corse. Mediterranean. 67 JAMAICENSIS - ? Gm. 3715, for Mart. i. f. 37.–Dil. orange-lined 1047. Jamaica. 68 STELLIFERA Patella P.stellata, seu stellif. Ch. x, f. 1617.- brown and P. stellif. Gm.- Dil. 1047.—Lam. white starred -P.stellularia, Reeve, I. Pat. f. 96. N. Zealand. 69 FUSCA P. Magellanica, Gm. 3703.—Lam.-- sugar-loaf P.f. Dil. (not Lin.) 1047. Straits of Magellan. 70 AREOLATA Gm. 3716, for Arg. pl. 2, f. A, copied pyramidal in Fav. and Mart. i. f. 41.–Dil. 1048. Straits of Magellan. P1.38 70 72c + 731 74a 75 a + 76 a WIR 80N 77 79 + 82 ! son 89n an, 85 du 88n 90 90 9 la 97 95 6+ 92 « 930 94 0+ | ga c99 100 CE + 105 DENTALIUM. a 2d 3d 12 0. 6 at 7 m sat 10 la SEZ PULA. 10 6m 5 a 3 m 8 W Im 13 m 19 h 14 m 15 m 18 20 230 21.6 d ܦܝܐ4 f 28 25e 269 TERED O. 360 19 UNIL Pic mo PATELLA. 189 < -- - Wood's Linnean Lamarchian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms-Locality. 71 FLAMMEA Patella Gm. 3716, for Arg. pl. 2, f. Q, copied agate in Fav. and Mart. i. f. 42. Falkland I.' 72 INDICA Gm. 3716, for Mart. i. f. 49, and Gual, Indian pl. 8, f. E.-Dil. 1049, E. Indies. 73 VITELLINA Gm. 3716, for Mart. i. f. 51, and Kn. yellow i. pl. 20, f. 2.-Dil. 1049. U. 74 LAVIGATA Gm. 3717, for Mart. i. f. 54.- Dil. white-tipped 1049 U. 75 SURINAMENSIS Gm. 3716, for Mart. i. f. 50.-Dil. brown-rayed 1050. • Surinam.' 76 PUNCTULATA Acmæa P. pustula, Hebl. (not Lin.) Boh. iv. dotted (1779) pl. 1, f. 12.—P. punctulata, Gm. 3717.-Dil. 1050.-Lam. W. Indies. 77 NOTATA Emargi. Lin. Sys.--Ch. x. vig. at 320, f. C. D. wheat-sheaf nula -Dil. 1050.—Lam.-E. n. Reeve, C. S. pl. 140, f. 3. W. Indies. 78 CRUCIATA Acmæa Lin. Sys. M. U.-Schr. Ein. ii. 432, pl. white-cross 5, f. 6.-A. c. Han. Ips. Lin. 429. U. 79 RETICULATA Patella Schr. (not Lin.) Ein. ii. pl. 5, f. 7.- reticulated Dil. 1051, partly S. Seas? SO CACA Mull. Z. D. i. 45, pl. 12, f. 1, 2, 3.— little white- Dil. 1052.- ? P. Ancyloides, Br. bordered Mol. ii. 443, pl. 62, f. 3, 4, 5. N. Europe. 81 VIRGINEA Acmæa Mull. Z. D. pl. 12, f. 4, 5.-Desh. ed. red-rayed Lam. vii. 543.-P. parva, Da Cos. 7, pl. 8, f. 11.-P. pulchella, Forbes, Mal. Mon.-Lottia v. Alder.- A. v. Br. Mol. ii. 437, pl. 61, f. 1, 2. Britain, &c. 82 TESSELLATA Mull. Z. D.-Dil. 1052. Norway. tessellated 83 FULVA Patella Mull. Z. D. pl. 24, f. 1, 2, 3.-P. For- orange-tawny besii, Smith, Mem. Wern. viii. 107, pl. 2, f. 3.-A. fulva, Han. Brit. M. C.–Pilidium f. Br. Mol. ii. 441, pl. 62, f. 6, 7. Britain, &c. 84 AMBIGUA Parmo- Ch. xi. f. 1918.-Dil, 1053. Australia. white duck's phorus bill - - 190 PATELLA. Chinese para- - - C Wood's Linnean Lamarchian Authority - Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 85 UMBELLATA Umbrella Umbella Chinensis, Ch. x. f. 1645, 6. P. umbellata, Gm. and Dil. partly. sol - U. Indica, Lam. partly. E. Indies. S6 FISSURA Emargi- Pen. (as of Lin.) B. Z.-Don. pl. 3, f. slit nula 2.-E. f. Flem. (not Lam.)-E. lævis, Récluz, Rev. Z. 1843.-E. curvirostris, Macg. (not Desh.)—E. reticulata, (as of Sow.) Br. Mol. ii. 477, pl. 63, f. 1. Britain, &c. 87 INCISA Dil. 1054, for P. fissura, fc. Ch. xi. f. reticulated slit 1925, 6. Falkland I. 88 FISSURATA Ch. xi. f. 1929, 30.-Dil. 1055.-E. rose-coloured rubra, Lam.-E. f. Sow. G.–Reeve, slit C. S. p). 140, f. 8. Ceylon. 89 APERTURA Fissurella Mont. 491. young no. 91. perforated 90 PUSTULA Ch. (not Lin.) x. f. 1632, 3.–Dil. doubtful 1056.-F. p. Lam.—Sow. C. I. Fis. f. 20. W. Indies. 91 GRÆCA Pen. (not Lin.) f. 153.-P. reticulata, cancellated Don. pl. 21, f. 3.-F. cancellata, Gray, An. Ph.-F. G. Flem. (not authors).-F. Europæa, Sow. C. I. Fis. f. 43.-F. r. Br. Mol. ii. 469, pl. 63, f. 4, 5. Britain, &c. 92 ATRICAPILLA Dil. 1057.-F. viridula, Sow. (as of black ring Lam.) C. I. Fis. f. 13.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 142, f. 13; I. Fis. f. 25. W. Indies. 93 NODOSA Born. 429.--Dil. 1058.-P. Jamaicen- tuberculated sis, Gm. 3730.-F. n. Lam.- Sow. C. I. Fis. f. 1. W. Indies. 94 PERFORATA P. Barbadensis, Gm. 3729, for Mart. partridge i. f. 93, &c.-F. B. Lam. -Sow. C. I. Fis.f. 5, 6.-P. p.Dil. (as of Gm.) ( 1058. W. Indies. 95 CAFFRA Gm. 3730, for Mart. i. f. 95.–Dil. African 1059.-? = 99. Cape G. Hope.?! 96 PILEOLUS P. pileata seu pileol. Ch. xi. f. 1922. open cap -P. pileolus, Dil. 1059. U. 97 SCUTELLUM Copied from Schr. Ein. pl. 6, f. 11, scutcheon quoted by Gm. as P. s. var.-F. Ja- vanicensis, Sow, C. I. f. 12. Cape G. Hope. PATELLA. 191 - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 98 PICTA Fissurella P. personata, Martyn, pl. 64. — P. painted picta, Gm. 3729, for Mart. i. f. 90 ; &c.Dil. 1060.-F. p. Lam.-Sow. C. I. Fis. f. 4. Terra Del Fuego 99 NIMBOSA Mart. (as of Lin.) i. 135, f. 91, 2.-F. scaly-ribbed n. Lam.-Sow. C. I. Fis. f. 2. W. Indies. 100 NUBECULA P. rosea, Gm. 3730, from Mart. i. f. variegated red 105 ; &c.-P.n. Dil. (as of Lin. and white F. r. Phil. Sic.) partly.-F. r. Lam. probably Jamaica. 101 PORPHYROZO- Gm. 3730, from Mart. i. f. 102, 3.-- NIAS Dil. 1061.-F. radiata, Lam. teste porphyry Mörch. W. Indies? 102 MACROSCHISMA Ch. xi. f. 1923, 4.--Dil. 1062.--Sow. oblong perfo- C. I. Fis. f. 39. Japan. rated - DENTALIUM.-TOOTH-SHELL. 1 RECTUM Dentalium Gm. 3738, for Mart. i. f. 4, A ; &c. - straight Dil. 1063.-D. elephantinum, Desh. (not Lin.) Mon. Dent. 28, pl. 3, f. 7.-Sow. Z. J. iv. 180. E. Indies. 2 ELEPHANTINUM Lin. Sys.Dil. 1063.—Sow. G. f. 1. fluted ele- - Crouch, pl. 1, f. 3.-Reeve, C. S. phant's pl. 130, f. 5.-D. arcuatum, Desh. Mon. Dent. 29, pl. 2, f. 3, 4, 7, 8. -Z. J. iv. 180. Amboyna. 3 APRINUM Gm. (scarcely Lin.) from Mart. i. f.4, white-ribbed B. - Dil. 1065.-Not Lam. Indian 0. 4 STRIATULUM Gm. 3738, from Mart. i. f. 5, B ; &c. striated -D. aprinum, Lam. (as of Lin.) - Desh. Mon. Dent. 31, pl. 2. f. 18, 19.-Z. J. iv. 181.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 130, f. 7. Indian Isles. 5 DENTALIS Lin. Sys.Dil. 1065.—Lam.-Desh. curved striated Mon. Dent. 33, pl. 2, f. 9, 10.- Sow. Z. J. iy. 183. Mediterranean. 6 ENTÁLIS Lin. Faun. Suec.--Turt. Conc. Dic. common 37, 40.—Br. Mol. ii. 449, pl. 57, f. 11. Britain, &c. 192 DENTALIUM. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority - Synonyms- Locality. 7 CORNEUM Denta- Schr. (not Lin.) Ein. ii. pl. 6, f. 16.— horn-coloured lium ? Of a horny substance. North Seas. 8 POLITUM Lin. Sys.—Dil. 1066.-D. eburneum, ring-striated Desh. Mon. Dent. pl. 3, f. 8.—Sow. Z. J. iv. 187. Indian 0. 9 EBURNEUM Lin. Sys.—Dil. 1067.-Not Turt.- smooth ivory D. politum., Mawe. — Crouch Int. Lam. Indian 0. 10 FASCIATUM Gm. 3737, for Mart. i. f. 3, B.–Dil. banded 1067. Sicily.' 11 GADUS Ditrupa Mont. 496, pl. 14, f. 7.—Dil. 1067.- hake's Turt. Dic.-Sow. G.-Brit. Mar. C. 5, f. 62. Britain. 12 IMPERFORATUM Cæcum Mont. (as of Adams) 496.- Orthocera, minute truncated i. Flem.-= next. 13 TRACHEA Mont. 497, pl. 14, f. 10.-Dil. 1068. minute wind- - Odontidium rugulosum, Phil. Sic. pipe pl. 6, f. 20.—Brochus trachiformis, Brown. - Cæcum trachea, Br. Mol. iii. 178, pl. 69, f. 4. Britain, &c. 14 GLABRUM Mont. 497.-C. g. Fl. Ed. Enc.—Br. minute smooth Mol. iji. 182, pl. 69, f. 5.-Brochus Britain, &c. 15 PELLUCIDUM -? Gm. 3738, from Schr. Ein. pl. 6, f. 17. pellucid -Dil. 1009 North Sea.' - g. Brown. - SERPULA.-WORM-SHELL, shell ?? Fabr. F. G.-Dil. 1070. Greenland. 1 STELLARIS rayed pin’s- head 2 SEMINULUM minute seed 3 INCURVATA incurved Miliola Lin. Sys.—Dil. 1071. - Vermiculum - intortum, Mont. Britain, &c. Cæcum Dil. (as of Adams) 1071.–Vermiculum i. Mont. = young Dent. no. 14. . Britain, &c. shell ? Lin. Sys.—Undefined. Europe.' 4 PLANORBIS flat 5 CEREOLUS bougie 6 SPIRILLUM minute spiral Spirorbis Gm. 3745, for Mart. i. f. 20, E ; &c. -Dil. 1071. America. Mart. (as of Lin.) i. f. 20, D. Europe. SERPULA. 193 - TVood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. 7 MINUTA Spirorbis Mont.—Dil. 1072.-Sp. m. Brit. Mar. minute C. 11. Britain. 8 SPIRORBIS Mont. (as of Lin.).--Sp. Nautiloides, tapering spiral Lam.-Brit. Mar. C. 9. Britain, &c. 9 TRIQUETRA Vermilia Lin. Sys. ed. 10: not F. S.-S. t. three-sided Mont. Sup.-7. t. (not var.) Lam. Sow. Conch. Man. f. 7.-Brit. Mar. C. 14, f. 53. Britain, &c. 10 CARINATA Spirorbis Mont.—Turt. Dic.--Sp. c. Brit. Mar. keeled C. 10. Britain. 11 GRANULATA Lin. Sys.-Mont.-Sp. g. Brit. Mar. grained C. f. 64. Britain, &c. 12 CANCELLATA Fabr. F. G.-Dil. 1074. Greenland. grooved 13 HETEROSTROPHA Mont.–Dil. 1075.--Sp. h. Brit. Mar. reversed C. Britain. 14 CORRUGATA Mont.-Dil. 1075.-Sp. c. Brit. Mar. wrinkled C. 11, f. 65. Britain, 15 LUCIDA Mont. -Dil. 1075.-Sp. l. Brit. Mar. shining C. 11, f. 63. Britain. 16 VITREA Fabr. F. G.-Gm. 3746.-Dil. 1075. brittle Greenland. 17 CONTORTUPLI- Serpula Lin. Sys.-Mart. i. f. 24, A.-Lam. CATA Mediterranean. twisted 18 NEBULOSA ? Copied from Fav. pl. 6, f. I. (irrecog- clouded tawny nisable) termed s. n. by Di. 1076. America. 19 GOREENSIS ? Gm. 3745, from Dofan, Adans (copied intestine in Fav. pl. 6, f. E, 2.) pl. 11, f. 3. Senegal. 20 GLOMERATA Vermetus Mart. (as of Lin.) i. f. 23.-Dil. 1077. glomerate Sicily 21 LUMBRICALIS Lin. Sys.-Mart. i. f. 12, B.-V. trica- flexuous rinatus, Desh. ed. Lam.-V.1. Reeve, (not Lam.) C. S. pl. 152, f. 1. 22 CONICA Dil. 1078, for Rump. pl. 41, f. 4, and elephant's Mart. i. f. 15. W. Indies. trunk 23 ARENARIA Tubulus, &c. Mart. i. f 19, A. (from solitary rose Arg. pl. 4, f. H.-S. a. Dil. (not Lin.) 1078. India.' 2 C 194 SERPULA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 24 AFRA Vermetus? Gm. for Datin, Adans. (copied in Mart. smooth brown i. f. 20, B.) pl. 11, f. 4, B. Senegal. 25 VOLVOX Siliquaria S. anguina, Mart. (as of Lin.) i. 50, f. caterpillar 14. (from Rump. pl. 41, f. H.)- S. v. Dil. 1079. E. Indies. 26 ANGUINA Lin. Sys.- Mawe, pl. 34, f. 2.-S. mu- serpent ricata, Born.-Sil.m. Lam.-- Copied from Mart. i. f. 13, C. Worn. Indian 0. 27 ECHINATA Gm. 3744, from Gualt. pl. 10, f. R. prickly and Mart. i. f. 8. U. 28 ANNULARIS Vermetus S. arenaria, Lin. Sys. ed. x.--Viscera, ringed snake &c. Mart. i. f. 16 (from Bon. f. 20, C.)-S. an. Dil. 1081.-V. gigas, Phil. Sic. i. pl. 98, f. 18. Mediterranean. 29 CORNU-COPLÆ Helix Cornu copia, Born, 362, pl. 13, f. 10, cornu-copia 11. - S. c. Gm.- Dil. 1081.- Hel. no. 126. 30 DECUSSATA Vermetus ? Gm. 3745, for List. pl. 547, f. 4, and decussated its copy Mart. i. f. 17. W. Indies. 31 VERMICULARIS Serpula Lin. Sys.-Dil. 1082.-Brit. Mar. C. 13, f. 66.-S. triquetra, Mont. (not Supplement) Britain, &c. 32 TUBULARIA Mont. -Dil. 1083.-Brit. Mar. C. 13, awl-shaped f. 68.-S. arundo, Turt. C. Dic. tubular Britain. 33 DENTICULATA Vermilia ? Gm. 3746, for Schr. Ein. pl. 6, f. 18. toothed -Dil. 1083 U. 34 AQUARIA Aspergil- S. penis, Lin. Sys.-Mart. i. f. 7.-- watering-pot lum S. a. Dil. (as of Burrows) 1083, not var.- A. Javanum, Lam. Java. 35 OCREA Vermetus Gm. 3744, for Rump. pl. 41, f. K, and boot-shaped its copy Mart. i. f. 9.–Dil. 1084. Indian 0. 36 PROBOSCIDEA Serpula Gm. 3745, from Mart. i. f. 18, B.- proboscis Dil. 1085. U. 37 PROTENSA Teredo Gm. 3744, for Mart. i. f. 12, A.-Not lengthened Dil.-? tube of T. navalis, Lin. Europe. 38 GIGANTEA Serpula Pallas, Misc. Zool. 139, pl. 10, f. 1 to 10.-Gm. 3747.-Dil. 1085. toothed W. Indies. round great conical - 195 TERED 0.-BORER. Wood's Linnean names. 1 GIGANTEA great-bifur- cated 2 NAVALIS ship 9 Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms -- Locality. Septaria Ser. polythalamia, Lin. Sys.-S. are- naria, Mart. i. f. 6. --T. g. Dil. (as of Home) 1087.- Sep. ar. Lam. Moluccas. Teredo T. Norvagicus, Speng. Skriv. Nat.1792, (ii. pt. i.) 102, pl. 2, f. 4, 5, 6, B.- Brit. Mol. i. 67, pl. 4, f. 1 to 5.- T.n. (not Lin.) Mont.—Turt. Dith. Br. pl. 2, f. 1, 2, 3.- Sow. Gen. Britain, &c. Teredo? Gm. from Käm. Rud. pl. 1.-Dil. 1089. U. Teredo T. nucivorus, Speng. Skriv. Nat. 1792, (ii. pt. 1.) pl. 2, f. D.-Gm. 3748.—- Dil. 1090.-F. gregata, Lam.--Ser- pula retorta, Mawe, pl. 34, f. 5. E. Indies. - 3 UTRICULUS timber 4 CLAVA club-shaped CITOV Solo 2 16t at 6t 1 3 4 at at 7 8 n a 10 n In -LEPAS 11 12 2 + 1 4 R 5n -PHOLAS. lat a 3 o 7 a 4 a MYA 2 ct 4 6+ 6 5 at ct 1 a+ 3 8 c 10 11 ct 12 I at SOLEIV. CEBU 1 at 2o ou 5 36 4. a TELLINA e 1 2 6+ 6 a 4 a 5 bt 3 c MACTRA 3c 4 b 6 d at 9 at 106 12 6 12 Bich SUPPLEMENT. The marks attached to the species indicate the collections from which the specimens were delineated. The names were chiefly the manuscript ones furnished by the owners of the shells | Mawe; t = Gray), found upon the tablets in our National Museum (* = British Museum), or eliminated by the elder Wood (I = Wood). In some few cases, they had been altered by the latter, at the suggestion of Dr. Goodall, from the presence of a similar name in the earlier portion of the “Index,' &c. &c. - CHITON - COAT OF MAIL. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. 1 PERUVIANUS Chiton Wood (as of Lam.!) I. T. Peru! black bristle- edged 2 UNDULATUS Mawe, I. T. Indian Ocean. brown waved 3 LUTEOLUS Mawe, I. T. Indian Ocean. yellowish || 4 NEBULOSUS Mawe, I. T. greatly worn: irrecognis- clouded able. Mauritius 5 SETOSUS Mawe, I. T.(1828).-Not Sow. (1832). yellow-bearded -C. Guildingüi, Reeve, I. Ch. f. 138. W. Indies. 6 OLIVACEUS Mawe, I. T.-? C. elegans, var. Frem- smooth olive bley. Indian Ocean.' 7 VARIEGATUSI C. lævis, Mont. (as of Pen.)-Br. Mol. variegated ii. 411, pl. 58, f. 3.-C. marginatus, Mat. L. T. viii. pl. 1, f. 2.--C. v. Wood, I. T.-C. achatinus, Brown. Britain, &c. 8 LATUS C. marmoreus, Fabr. F. G.-Br. Mol. brindled ii. 414, pl. 58, f. 2; pl. 59, f. 4.--- C. l. Lowe, Z. J. ii. pl. 5, f. 6, 7.- C. levigatus, Flem.-Reeve, I. Ch. f. 179.-C. fulminatus, Couth. Bost. J. ii. Britain, &c. 198 CHITON. Wood's Linnean names. 9 ASELLOIDES smooth brown Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms -- Locality, Chiton C. albus, Lin. probably.- Sow. C. I. Ch. f. 99, 100.-Br. Mol. ii. 405, pl. 62, f. 2.-C. as. Lowe, Z. J. ii. pl. 5, f. 5.-C. sagrinatus, Couth. Bost. J. ii. 82. Britain, &c. Gray, Spic. Z. 6. Cape G. Hope. 10 CARMICHAELIS Carmichael's* 11 CAPENSIS* Cape 12 SICULUS* Sicilian Gray, Spic. Z. 5.—Reeve, I. Ch. f. 151. Cape G. Hope. Gray, Spic. Z. 5.- Sow. C. I. Ch. i. f. 123.-Reeve, I. Ch. f. 5.-C. Polii, Desh. (not Phil.) Mediterranean. LEPAS. – BARNACLE. 1 ACULEATA Anatifa Mawe, I. T. no. 41. spiny ribbed 2 PULCHRA* Coronula C. bissexlobata, Bl. Dic. Sc. N. xxxii. wrinkled pl. 117, f. 1.–Platylepas p. Gray, An. Ph. 1825.-C. Californiensis, Chenu, Il. C.-P. 6. Darw. Cir. ii. 428, pl. 17, f. 1. Mediterranean. 3 PERONII* Pollicipes Smilium P. Gray, Ann. Ph. 1825; Peron's Spic. Z. 7, pl. 3, f. 10.-Anatifa obliqua, Quoy, Ast.-P. o. Desh. ed. Lam.--Scalpellum P. Darw. Cir. i. 264, pl. 6, f. 6. Australia. 4 PYRGOMA* Pyrgoma P. cancellata, Leach, Ency. Brit. Sup. ribbed -Darw. Cir. ii. 362, pl. 12, f. 5.- P. lobata, Gray, Ann. Ph. 1825. W. Indies. 5 LYONIT* Balanus L. coerulescens, Speng. Skriv. Selsk. i. Lyon's -L. L. Wood, (as of Leach, M. S.) I. T.-Not C. Lyonsii, Sow. Gen. -Tetraclita c. Darw. Cir. ii. 342, pl. 11, f. 4. Indian Seas. 6 HOMIL* Pollicipes P. H. Gray, I. T. South Seas. Home's 7 ANGULOSA Balanus Octomeris a. Sow, Z. J. ii.-Darw. Cir. angular ii. 483, pl. 20, f. 2.-0. Stutchburii, Gray, Ann. Ph. 1825. Australia ; Cape G. Hope.' - - - 199 PHOL A S. -- PIERCER. Wood's Linnean names. 1 PAPYRACEA papert - Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. Genus. Pholas Turt. D. B. 2, pl. 1, f. 1 to 4.-Sow. G.-Pholadidea Loscombiana, Turt. Dic. 147.-Pholad. Goodallii, Dict. Sc. Nat. xxxvii. — Pholas striata, . , Grif. Cuv. pl. 8, f. 1.-Pholad. p. Br. Mol. i. 123, pl. 5, f. 3, 4, 5, 6, pl. 2, f. 1. Britain. Turt. D. B. 5, pl. 1, f. 7, 8. mon- strous P. parva. Britain. Turt. D. B. 4, pl. 1, f. 5, 6. = young no. 1. Gray, I. T.-Han. R. S. 7.-P. ovata, Sow. Th. ii. 493, pl. 107, f. 71, 2. W. Indies. . 2 TUBERCULATA tuberculated 3 LAMELLATA lamellated 4 OVUM* egg-shaped MY A. - GAPER. Unio 1 ROTUNDAI round 2 OBLONGATAI brown-rayed 3 ALATA winged - 4 NASUTAI lancet-shaped Wood, I. T.-U. circulus, Lea, Am. Tr. iii. teste Green. N. America. U. Virginiana, Lam.-M. o. Wood, for U. radiatus, of American writers.- Ur. Gould, Mas. 110, f. 73. N. America. Say.-Lam.-Swain. Ex. C. pl. 7.- Sow. G.-Han, R. S, 172. N. America. U.n. Say, Nich. Enc. - Gould, Mas. 109, f. 71.-U. rostratus, Val. Z. Humb. ii. N. America. U. u. Say, Nich. Enc.-Han. R. S. 211.-U. hians, Val. Z. Humb. ii.- Alasmodon u. Gould, Mas. 715, f. 76. N. America. Wood, for U. crassus, Say, (not Retz.) = teste Lea U. ligamentinus, Lam. U. ellipticus and carinatus, Barnes, U. fasciatus, Conrad. N. America. Alasmodonta marginata, Say, J. Philad. i.-Gould. Mas. 116, f. 77.-U. va- ricosa, Lam.-M. r. Wood.-U. m. Han. R. S. 211. N. America. 5 UNDULATAI dark streaked 6 GRAVISI heavy 7 RUGULOSA I green, wrinkled 200 MYA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. Genus. 8 OBLIQUA* Unio M. o. Wood. --U. Mytiloides, Lea, (as oblique of Raf.!) Syn. ed. 3.- Uniopsis M. Swain. Mal. N. America. 9 AMBIGUA * Castalia C. a. Lam.—Crouch, pl. 9, f. 2.-Te- doubtful traplodon pectinatum, Spix, Braz. S. America. 10 RIGIDA* Unio U. r. Gray, I. T. = teste Lea, M. rigid complanata, Dil. U. purpureus, Say, U. rarisulcata, coarctata, purpuras- cens, rhombea, carinifera, glabrata, sulcidens, Lam. N. America. 11 PRALONGA* p. Barnes. Sil. J. -After U. rectus, lengthened Lam.-Han. R. S. 204. N. America. 12 ANGULATA Hyria H. corrugata, (not Mya c. I. T.) Lam. sharp-cornered - H. c. Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S.- Han. R. S. 215.-M. a. Mawe, 1. T. Guiana. U SOLEN. – RAZOR. - - - - 1 MEDITERRANEUS Solemya Mytilus Solen, Salis Marschlins. , dark-rayed* Solem. M. Lam.-Crouch, pl. 4, f. 8. -Sow. G.–Reeve, C. S. pl. 29.- Solenomya M. Ph. Sic. i. 15.-Han. R. S. 41. Mediterranean. 2 CORNEUS* Solen Wood (as of Lam. !) I. T. U. horn-coloured 3 LIVIDUS* Psammobia Sanguinolaria l. Lam.- P. flavicans, pale Lam.-Del. pl. 5, f. 5.—Han. R. S. 57. Australia, 4 ORBICULATUS* Solen Gray, I. T.-Han. R. S. 15.—Psam- orbicular mobia o. Desh. Mag. Z. 1839. S. America ? 5 TENUIS S. constrictus, Lam.-S. t. Mawe, I. slender T.--Han. R, S. 16.-Not of Gray in Grif. Cuy. China. 6 POLITUS Mawe, I. T.-Han. R. S. 14. Red Sea. polished TELLINA. -TELLEN. Lucina L. C. Gray, An. Ph. 1825, (n. s. ix.) p. 136.-Reeve, I. Luc. f. 12. 1 CHILDRENI Children's Brazil. TELLINA. 201 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 2 CONTEXA* Tellina T. remies, Lin. Sys.- Wood, G. C. pl. round 38, f. 1.-Han. Sow. Th. i. 258, pl. 64, f. 226.-V. vulcata, Lam. Australia. 3 LUTEA* Gray, I. T.-Han. Sow. Th. i. 306, pl. yellowish 59, f. 103; pl. 65, f. 249.- T. alter- nidentata, Brod. Z. J. iv. 363.- Zool. Beech. pl. 44, f. 5.-T. Guil- fordiæ, Gray, Grif. Cuv. M. pl. 19, f. 2. Icy Cape. 4 PULCHELLA T. rostrata, Born (not Lin.), pl. 2, f. orange-streaked 10.—T. p. Lam.-Phil. Sic. i. 24. - Han. Sow. Th. i. 231, pl. 56, f. 4. Mediterranean. 5 ELEGANS Mawe, I. T.-Han. R. S. 62 ; Sow. beaked Th. i. 245, pl. 65, f. 241. Gulf of Mexico 6 OCHROLEUCA | Petricola o. Lam. Tel. no. 7. ochre-coloured Britain, &c. - - MACTRA.-MACTRA. 1 CYPRINUS* Mactra Litraria c. Gray, I.T.-M. c. Reeve, brittle I. Mac. f. 37. Peru. 2 RECURVA* Lutraria lineata, Say, J. Philad. iv. ; recurved Am. C. pl.9.—Conr. Am. C. pl. 10, f. 2.-L. papyracea, Sow. (as of Lam.) G.-L.r. Gray, I.T.-M. Nuttallii, Reeve (as of Conr.) I. Mac. f. 125. S. Carolina. . 3 CAMPECHENSIS Lutraria canaliculata, Say, J. Philad. grooved -Conr. Am. C. pl. 10, f. 1.-L. C. Gray, I. T.- M. c. Reeve, I. Mac. f. 122. Florida. 4 TENERA* M. aspersa, Sow. Tank. Ap. 2.-Reeve, thin-spotted I. Mac. f. 65.-M. t. Gray, I. T. Philippines 5 SIMILIS* M. s. Gray (not Say) I. T.-Beech. rough-coated Z. pl. 44, f. 8.-M. ovalis, Gould, Mas. 53, f. 32.-Reeve, I. Mac. f. 36. N. America. 6 SUBPLICATA* M. Leos, fc. Chu vi. f. 205, 6.– 8. wrinkle-skinned Lam. - Han. R. S. 31,-M. 1. Reeve, I. Mac. f. 27. Philippines. - 2 D 202 MACTRA. 1* Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority - Synonyms— Locality. names. Genus. 7 ALATA Mactra Speng. Sk. Nat. v. 98.-Reeve, I. pale single- Mac. f. 29.-M. carinata, Lam.- ridged Mawe, pl. 8, f. 1.-M. striatula, Han. (not Lin.) R. S. 29. "Tranquebar.' VENERIFORMIS Astarte Wood, I.T.-A. lactea, Brod, and Sow. Venus-shaped* Z. J. ir. (1829) 365.—Beech. Zool. pl. 44, f. 2.--Young. Arctic Ocean. 9 DENTICULATA Mesodesma Mac. deaurata, Turt. Dith, Br. 71, pl. toothed* 5, f. 8.-Mes. den. Gray, Grif. Cuv. pl. 22, f. 2.—Mes. Jauresii, De Joannis, Mag. Z. 1834.-- Gould, Mas. 58, f. 38.—Mes. deau. Brit. Mol. i. 347. N. America. 10 SUBTRIANGULATA Crassatella cuneata, Lam.-M. c. Han. truncated* R. S. 38.-C. s. Gray, I. T.-M. s. Gray, Grif. Cuv. N. Zealand. 11 0VATA * Mya Australis, Gm. 3221, for Ch. f. ovate 19, 20.—Mac. A. Dil. ---- Crassatella 0. Gray, I. T.-Mes. Chemnitzii, Reeve (as of Desh.) C. S.-Han. R. S. 38. Australia. 12 TAPROBANENSIS* Crassatella T. Gray, I. T.—? = C. smooth angular glabrata, Lam.- ? Erycina striata, Crouch, pl. 4, f. 6. Ceylon. - DONAX. - DON A X. 1 SCALPELLUM* Donax D. elongata, Mawe (1823) Con. pl. 9, slender f. 6.-D. s. Gray, An. Phil. 1825, n. s. ix. 166.-Reeve, I. Don. f. 39. California. 2 STULTORUM* Cytherea Mawe (1823) Con.pl. 9, f. 7.--Trigona Mactra-shaped s. Gray, Analyst, 1838.–C. s. Han. R. S. 106. S. America ? 3 MADAGASCA- Donax Mawe, pl. 9, f. 3.- Han. R. S. 84.- Reeve, I. Don. f. 50. Madagascar. ribbon 4 BIRADIATA T. trifasciata, Lin. Sys.-Han. Ipsa two-rayed Lin. pl. 1, f. 5.-D. 6. Mawe, I. T. --D. vittata, Deles. (as of Lam.) pl. 6, f. 12. Mauritius RIENSIS DONAX 203 Wood's Linnean names. 5 SEX-RADIATA six-rayed Lamarckian Genus. Authority - Synonyms- Locality. Donax D. radians, Lam.- Reeve, I. Don. f. 26, c.-D. s. Mawe, I. T. Philippines. VENUS. – VENU S. Рапата. 1 LAMELLATA* Venus Lam.—Del. pl. 10, f. 6.-Han. R. S. rough ridged 119.—Sow. Th. ii. pl. 160, f. 5. Australia. 2 BERRII* Gray, I. T.-Han. R. S. 113.- Sow. Capuchin Th. ii. pl. 160, f: 170, 1. China : Australia ? 3 ELEGANS* V. pectorina, Lam.- Del. pl. 10, f. 11. cockle-shaped --Han. R. S. 114.–V. e. Gray, I. T. Brazil. 4 STUTCHBURII* Gray, I. T.-Han. R. S. 117. Stutchbury's Sandwich I. 5 SIMILIS* Cyrena C. s. Gray, I. T.-Gray, Grif. Cuv.- spotted ? C. rotundata, Lea, Am. Ph. Tr. v. China. 6 SUBRUGOSA| Venus Mawe, I. T. - Sow. G. Ven. f. 2.-- roughish Phil. N. C. i. 177, Ven. pl. 3, f. 6, 7.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 155, f. 63.-V. subsulcata, Menke. 7 SUBROSTRATA * Gray (as of Lam.)-V. Lamarckii, slightly beaked Gray, Anal. 1838.—Han. R. S. 113. -Sow. Th. ii. pl. 153, f. 21. Red Sea. 8 PAPYRACEA* Gray, I. T.-Han. R. S. 127.- Cle- paper mentia p. Sow, Th. ii. 700, pl. 151, f. 155. Australia. 9 KINGII* Cytherea Gray, I. T.-C. K. Gray, App. King, King's N. S. Wales.-Han. R. S. 10.- Sow. Th. ii. pl. 133, f. 130, probably. -C. modesta, Ph. teste Sow. S. Seas.' 10 APHRODINOIDES Venus Lam.-Del. pl. 11, f. 2.-Han. R. S. 126. Australasia. 11 HIANS Cytherea C. Solanderi, Gray, An. Ph. 1825 (n. gaping* s. ix.) - Han. R. S. 109.-C. h. Gray, I. T. Sup. 37.- Meroe S. Sow. Th. ii. pl. 126, f. 10. Malabar grated* - 204 VENUS. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 12 AURISIACA Venus Gray, An. Ph. 1825, (n. s. ix.) p. 137. golden valved* Han. R. S. 125.-7. tristis, (as of Lam.) Del. pl. 10, f. 10, probably. V. striata, teste Sow. Indian Ocean. 13 CHILDRENI* Cyrena C. C. Gray, An. Ph. 1825, (n. s. ix.) Children's p. 137. -Han. R. S. 93. China ? 14 CYPRINOIDES* C. C. Gray, An. Ph. 1825, (n. s. ix.) strong marked p. 137.-Not Quoy.—Han. R. S. 94.--Villorita C. Gray, Grif. Cuv. pl. 31, f. 5. Malabar. 15 COSTULATA Venus V. gallinula, Lam.-Del. pl. 10.--- mottle-ribbed Han. R. S. 115.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 162, f. 225, 6.-V. c. Mawe, I.T. Australia. 16 PULCHRA| Cytherea Mawe, I. T.-C. p. Han. R. S. 104.- . smooth rayed Sow. Th. ii. pl. 130, f. 73. Red Sea. 17 DAMAOIDES* Gray,I.T.—Trigona Donacoides, Gray, interrupted Analyst, 1838.-C. d. Han. R. S. 107.-Sow. Th. ii. pl. 127, f. 7.-C. ponderosa, Koch, Ph. N. C. i. 149, Cy. pl. 1, f. 1. Red Sea. - CHAMA. - CLAMP, 1 ANGULATA* Cypricardia Cy. oblonga, Sow. G. (as Ch. o. Lin.) angular -Reeve, I. Cy. f. 4.- Cy. a. Gray (not Lam.) I. T. Australia. 2 ROSTRATA Cy. angulata, Lam.—Han. 149.- Cy. beaked* 7. Lam.-Reeve, I. Cy. f. 2. Australia, 3 INCRASSATA * Cardita Car. i. Sow. Tank. p. V.- Han. R. S. heavy-grooved 149.-Reeve, I. Car. f. 11.- Car. rubicunda, Menke, Nov. Hol. - ? C. turgida, Valen. (not Lam.) Voy. Venus, pl. 22, f. 3. Australia. 4 AUSTRALIS* Wood, I. T.-Venericardia Tanker- cockle villii, Gray, I. T. Sup. p. 57.–V. A. Han. (as of Lam.) R. S. 129.-C. T. Reeve, I. Car. f. 28. Australia. 5 CRASSICOSTATA* Venericardia c. Sow. Tank. p. 4.- thick-ribbed Car. Cuvieri, Brod. Z. P. 1832. — Reeve, I. Car. f. 24.—Han. R. S. 146. -Car. Michelini, Val. Acapulco. Pl.2 Sap DONAX I a 2 4 at 3 VENUS o a + 6+ 2 a 3 4 a + 126 O + 8 6 9 + 10 11 a + 16 13 a 15 a + 614 a + CHAMA 6+ 2a + at 3 at 4 ARCA. 5 6 t 1 6 2c 3 at 4 6 7+ 20 6 8 69 € ob -OS TRE AL 11 a + 12 at 0- 3 86+. 4 6+ 16 5 -ANO MIA. m 1 6 8 z a 3+ 4 1 MYTILUS i et 6 5 a + 2 3 ct CU + 4 c UNIL OF CHAMA. 205 Wood's Linnean names. 6 PECTINATA* comb-shaped Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Trigonia T. p. Lam.—Crouch, pl. 9, f.1.-Sow. . Conch. Man. f. 139.--Han. R. S. 172.—T. margaritacea, Sow. (as of Lam. Ann. Mus.) Gen.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 86. Australia. ARCA. — ARK. - = 1 AMERICANA* Arca Gray, I. T.—Reeve, I. Arc. f. 21. regular-shaped S. Carolina. 2 SEMITORTA* Lam. Han. R. S. 152. — Reeve, I. winged Arc. f. 89. Philippines 3 CYLINDRICA* Gray, I. T. barbata, var. cylindric Mediterranean. 4 OBLIQUATA* Gray, I. T.-not Reeve.-Han. R. S. mussel-shaped 156.-- Phil. Ab. N. C. ii. 30, Ar. pl. 2, f .. Natal. 5 TELLINOIDES* Nucula N. T. Sow. G. Nuc. f. 2.-Han. R. S. Tellen-shaped 167. Cumana. 6 GLACIALIS* N.g. Gray, I. T. North Seas. small brittle 7 BRAZILIANA* Arca Gray, (not Lam.) I. T.-? reversed A. Brazilian anomala, Reeve, I. Arc. f. 9. Brazil. 8 NODOSA* Gray, I. T.--Han. R. S. 161.--- ? A. tuberculated rhombea, Reeve, I. Arc. f. 12. U. 9 ROSTRUM* Iridina I. ovata, Sw. Phil. Mag. lxi.-Han. hoe-shaped R. S. 225.-A. r. Wood.-Pleiodon Macmurtriei, Conr. Philad. J. vii. Liberia. 10 ELONGATA* I. e. Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S.-Han. R. lengthened S. 225. Senegal.' 11 PECTINIFORMIS* Pectun- P. P. Gray (not Lam.) I. T.-P. in- Pecten-shaped culus æqualis, Sow. Z. P.-Reeve, I. Pec. f. 16.-Han. R. S. 166. Panama. 12 SQUAMOSA Arca Gray (not Lam.) I. T.--A. velata, Sow. scaly* Z. P. Pacific. pl. 13. OSTREA- OYSTER. 1 ASPERRIMA* roughish Pecten P. a. Lam.-Del. pl. 15, f. 1.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 17, f. 15, 6, 7, 8.-Reeve, I. vii. Pect. f. 75. Van Diemen's Land. 206 OSTREA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. 2 MUSCOSA* Pecten P.m. Gray, I. T. --Sow. Th. i. 66, pl. prickly 19, f. 225.-Reeve, I. vii. Pect. f. 60. South Seas 3 TEGULA Mawe, I. T.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 14, f. 90. tile-ribbed -Reeve, I. Pect. f. 136. Australia. 4 ORNATA Mawe, (not Lam.) I.T.-P. squamosus, mottled Sow. (as 0. 8. Gm.) Th. i. pl. 13, f. 48, 9, 50.--Reeve, 1. Pect. f. 65.- Worn. Philippines. 5 SUBAURICULATA Lima Pecten s. Mont. Sup. 63, pl. 29, f. 2.- little-eared* 0. s. Turt. Dic.-L. s. Turt. Dith. Br. 218.—Sow. Th. i. pl. 22, f. 23. —Brit. Mol. ii. 263, pl. 53, f. 4, 5. L. nivea, Phil. Sic. i.-L. sulcata, Brown. Britain, &c. 6 ELLIPTICA* Etheria E. e. and trigonula, Lam. An. du Mus. shapeless x. pl. 29, 30, 31.-E. Lamarckii, Fér. Mem. Soc. H. N. Paris, i.- Han. R. S. 230. Nile. 7 GIGANTEA* Hinnites Lima g. Gray, An. Ph. 1825, (n. s. ix.) gigantic p. 139.-H. Poulsoni, Conr. J. Phi- lad. vii. pl. 14.-H.g. Sow. Th. i. pl. 20. Hin. f.6, 7.- Reeve, I. Hin. f. 2. California. 8 ANGULATA* Ostrea Wood (as Gryphæa a. Lam.) I. T. angular Africa. * Α Ν Ο ΜΙΑ. - Α Ν Ο ΜΙΑ. 1 DENTATA Terebratula T. d. Lam.-T. flavescens, Lam.-T. toothed* Australis, Quoy, Ast.-Sow. Th. i. 349, pl. 69, f. 25. -- T. recurva, Quoy. Australia. 2 OSTREOIDES * Orbicula Discina 0. and Or. Norwegica, Lam. Oyster-shaped - Or. N. Sow. Tr. Lin. xiii. 468, pl. 26, f. 2.- 0. striata, Sow. Th. i. 366, pl. 73, f. 8. Africa ? 3 ROSEA Terebratula Mawe Conch. pl. 15, f. 4.-T. r. Sow. rose-coloured Th. i. pl. 71, f. 74, 5, 6.—Bouchar- dia r. Davids. Bul. Geol. France, s. 2, vii. pl. 1, f. 1 to 6. Rio Janeiro. 4 rubra A. picta, Ch. xi. 247, f. 2011, 2.-A. r. red-coloured Mawe (not Pallas) I. T.-T. p. Sow. Th. i. pl. 70, f. 43, 4. Java. 207 MY TIL US. — MUSSEL. Wood's Linnean names. 1 NILOTICUS* Nile 2 DILATATUS* dilated 3 CASTANEUS chestnut* Lamarckian Authority—Synonyms --- Locality. Genus. Iridina 1. N. Sow. (as of Fér.) Z.J.i. 53, pl. 2. -Han. R. S. 225.- Teste Lea = I. = gracilis, Cail. Voy. Meroe; I. Oud- niæi, Apx. Denh. & Clapp. Sennaar. Mytilus M. ungulatus, Lin. Sys. partly.- M. Galloprovincialis, Lam.-M... Gray, An. Phil. 1825, (n. s. ix.) p. 139. Modiola Mod. c. Gray, (not Say) An. Ph. xxv. (1825) 139.-Han. R. S. 237.— Mod. silicula? Sow. G. Mod. f. 2. -Reeve, O. S. pl. 100, f. 2. Philippines. Crenatula C. f. Gray, An. Ph. 1825, (n. s. ix.) p. 139, as figured in Brande Jour. pl. 2, f. 81.-Han. R. S. 257. Red Sea. Modiola M. discors, var. Arctica, Fabr. Dank. Sk.-Mod. discors, Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 100, f. 4.-Mod. 1. Gray, Apx. Parry. Arctic 0. Dreissena M. polymorphus, Pallas.--Sow. Gen.- M. V. Gray, An. Ph. 1825.-M. Hageni, Baer.-M. arca, Kick.-D. p. Van Beneden.-Brit. Mol. ii. 165, pl. 42, f. 4,5.-Tichogonia Chem- nitzii, Rossm. f. 69. Britain, &c. 4 FOLIUM* leafy 5 LAVIGATUS Northern* 6 VOLGENSIS mottled * CONU S. - CONE. 1 BRUNNEUS brown 2 INTERRUPTUS dotted|| Conus Mawe, I. T.-Sow. C. I. Con. f. 63. Reeve, I. Con. f. 72. Panama. Mawe (1828), I. T.-Not Brod. and Sow. Z. J. 1829.-C. pulchellus, Sow. Z. P. 1834.- Sow. C. I. Con. f. 61.-C. varius, Reeve, I. Con. f. 224. Australia. C. Timonensis, Lam._Kien. Con, pl. 75, f. 4.-Reeve, I. Con. f. 111,-- C. vespertinus, Sow. Tank. Ap.-C. g. Mawe, I. T. 3 GRACILIS Timor. slender 208 CONUS. Wood's Linnean names. - 4 LUCIDUS bright Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. Genus. Conus Mawe, Conch. 90 (no desc.)–C. reti- culatus, Sow. (as of Wood !) C. I. Con. f. 86. S. Seas. Mawe, I. T. U. 5 BALTEUS girdled 6 GRADATUS interrupted Mawe, Conch. 90 (no desc.)—Reeve, I. Con, f. 140. California. CYPRÆ A. - COWRY. 2 1 TESSELLATA Cypræa Swain. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 111.—Sow. C. painted I. Cy. f. 94.—Reeve, I. Cy. f. 53. N. Zealand. 2 LACTEA Mawe, I. T.- ? young C. eburnea. milky|| South Seas. 3 SULCIDENTATA Gray, Z. J. i. pl. 7, and pl. 12, f. 5.- strong-toothed || Sow. C. I. Cy. f. 110.-Reeve, I. Cy. f. 29. S. Seas. 4 LISTERI Gray, Z. J. i. 507.-Sow. C. I. Cy. f. ocellated 114.-Reeve, I. Cy. f. 83. Philippines. 5 ARENOSA Gray, Z. J.i. p. 7, and pl. 12, f. 6.- sand Reeve, I. Cy. f. 27. I. of Annaa. 6 TURDUS Lam.- Gray, Z. J. i. pl. 7, f. 3; pl. thrush-backed 12, f. 3. --Sow. C. I. Cy. f. 173. — Reeve, I. Cy. f. 31. S. Seas.' 7 ARABICULA Lam.-Gray, Z. J. i. pl. 7, f. 4, and snake-skin pl. 12, f. 4.-Sow. C. I. Cy. f. 77. --Reeve, I. Cy. f. 60. Panama. 8 QUADRIMACULATA Gray, Z. J.i. 376.--Sow. C. I. Cy. f. four-spotted 83.-Reeve, I. Cy. f. 107. U. 9 INTERSTINCTÀ Mawe, I. T.-C. staphylæa, var.- Sow. spotted C. I. Cy. f. 83.-Reeve, I. Cy. f. 82. Philippines. 10 APERTA || C. oniscus, Lam. (not syn.) - Reeve, I. open-mouthed Cy.f. 111.-C. a. Sw. Bligh Apx.- ? Mawe, Front. f. 5, 6. — Sow. C. I. Cy. f. 144. Cape G. Hope. 11 COMMIXTA Mawe, I.T. Indian Ocean.' blended 12 NIVEA Mawe (not authors) I.T.-= C. lutea, white-banded a. - S. Seas. no. 37. P.3 Sup. CONUS. 1 2 d+ 4 at + CYPRAA i a 2 a 3a + 4 d 5 a 6 a 7 a 8! 9 a 10 al 11 a 12 a 13 Ict 14 a 15 + 16 17 + w 18 d + BULLA 1n 2 36+ VOLUTA 2 3 56+ 7 a 8 10 V 11 c 12 a + 13 1+ 15 166 17a 18 19 22 23 24 250 28 29 30 31 n 14 at 20 d 2104 26 a 27 W 32 at Pic CYPRÆA. 209 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority - Synonyms --Locality. Genus. 13 UMBILICATA Cypræa Sow. Tank. pl. 3, f. 13.-Gray, Z. J. umbilicated iv. 77.-C. pantherina, var. Sow. C. I. Cyp. f. 169. Australia? 14 ALGOENSIS* Gray, Z. J. i. 498. -Sow. C. I. Cy. f. Algoa-bay 26.-Reeve, I. Cy. f. 90. S. Africa. 15 ROSEA* C. costata, Gm. 3418, for Ien. vi. pl., violet 15, f. 7. -Desh. ed. Lam. X. -- Reeve, I. Cy. f. 109.-C. carnea, Gray, Z. J. vii. 569.-Sow. C. I. Cy. f. 147.-C. rosea, Wood. U. 16 CHILDRENI* Gray, Z. J.i. 518.-Sow. C. I. Cy. f. Children's 69.--Reeve, I. Cy. f. 115. I. of Annaa. 17 CLANDESTINA* Lin. Sys.—Sow. C. I. f. 87.-Reeve, angular-streaked I. Cy. f. 106..-C. moniliaris, Lam. Ceylon. 18 CAPENSIS* Gray, Z. J. iii. 573.-Sow. C. I. Cy. Cape f. 111.-Reeve, I. Cy. f. 86. Cape G. Hope. BULLA. DIPPER. 1 LINEATA* linear 2 ELEGANS inflated Bulla Wood, I. T.-Adams, Sow. Th. ii. 563, pl. 120, f. 2. Australia. Gray, An. Ph. 1825 (n. s. ix.)—B. Guildingii, Adams, Sow. Tb.ii. 580, pl. 124, f. 87, 8, 9. W. Indies. Pyrula P. ventricosa, Sow. Tank. Ap.- Kien. Py. pl. 12, f. 2.-B. d. Mawe, I. T. -Ficula d. Reeve, I. Fic. f. 3. Panama. 3 DECUSSATA | pear-shaped VOLUTA. - VOLUTE. 1 SUBNODOSA* zig-zag 2 GRACILIS* slender Voluta Leach, Zool. M.-V. ancilla, Sow. Th. i. pl. 54, f. 101. Straits of Magellan. Not of Swains.-V. ancilla, Lam.- Reeve, I. Vol. f. 39.-V. Magel- lanica, Sow. (not Ch.) Th. i. pl. 54, f. 99. Patagonia. Sow. Tank. Ap. 28, pl. 5, 6.-Desh. ed. Lam. x. 414. --Sow. Th. i. pl. 48, f. 33. --Reeve, I. Vol. f. 13. S. Australia. 3 FULGETRUM lightning 2 E 210 VOLUTA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. 4 AULICA Voluta Sow. (as of Solander) Tank. Ap. 29, clouded pl. 3.-Desh. ed. Lam. x. 411.- Sow. Th. i. pl. 46, f. 9.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 4, b. Sooloo Archipelago. 5 FLAMMULA Wood, from V. cymbiola, of Sow. flame-marked Tank. Ap. Moluccas. 6 PULCIRA Sow. Tank. Ap. pl. 3, f. 2.-Desh. ed. speckled flesh- Lam. X. 410.--Sow. Th. i. pl. 51, f. colour 61. U. 7 GOODALLI* Marginella M. G. Sow. Tank. Ap.- Kien. Marg. Goodall's f. 29.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 74, f. 16, 7. U. 8 MARGINATA* Wood! for M. bifasciata (part) Sow. double-banded Tank. Ap. f. 3.-M. faba, Lam.- Kien. Marg. f. 7. Senegal. 9 PUSIO* Voluta Swain. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 181.–Sow. Th. i. five-banded pl. 55, f. 119. U. 10 VITTATA* Mitra M. v. Swain. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 23.-Reeve, ribbon I. Mit. f. 50. Moluccas. 11 LYRÆFORMIS* Voluta Swain. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 54 (as Mitra l.) — lyre-shaped Sow. Th. i. pl. 49, f. 45, 6. E. Africa. 12 LUGUBRIS* Mitra M. 7. Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 66, f. 1.-Kien dark-coloured Mit. f. 100.-- Reeve, I. ii. Mit. f. 72. U. 13 ZONATA* M. z. Marryatt, T. L. xiii.--Sw. Z. I. zoned s. 1. pl. 3.-Kien. Mit. f. 108.-- Reeve, I. Mit. f. 13. Mediterranean. 14 CONTRACTA M. c. Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 18, f, top and contracted bot. U. 15 AUSTRALIS M. A. Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 18, f. mid.- Southern M. melaleuca, Quoy, Ast. pl. 45, bis, f. 26, 7.-Kien. Mit. f. 34. Van Diemen's Land. 16 PYRAMIS M. cancellata, Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 29, f. taper|| 1.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 39.- V. p. Mawe, I. T. U. 17 RIGIDA M. r. Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 29, f. 2.-Not stiff-ribbed Reeve.—M. semi-fasciata, Kien. (as of Lam.) Mit. f. 81.-Reeve, I. Mit. f. 131. Philippines, 18 CRASSA | M. c. Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 88, f. 4.- heavy Reeve, I. Mit. f. 7. S. Seas. | Il VOLUTA. 211 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms - Locality. names. Genus. 19 PUNCTATA Voluta Swain. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 161.--Sow. Th. i. dotted pl. 53, f. 89, 90.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 52. S. Seas. 20 MARMORATA Swain. Ex. C. pl. 1.-Sow. Th. pl. 46, marbled | f. 8.-Reeve. Australia. 21 ANGULATA Swain. Ex. C.-Desh. ed. Lam. x. 413. cornered -Sow. Th. i. pl. 47, f. 13, 4.- Reeve, I. Vol. f. 35.-V. Dufresnii, Don. Nat. Rep.-7. nasica, Schub. (Ch. xii.) Buenos Ayres. 22 TUBERCULATA Swain. Ex. C. pl. 29.-Sow. Th. i. pl. pimpled 50, f. 49, 50.-Reeve, I. Vol. f. 33, a, as V. Magellanica, Ch. Terra del Fuego. 23 RUBIGINOSA Cymba Swain. Ex. C. pl. 28.-C. r. Brod. in reddish || Sow. Sp. Con. Cy. 6, f. 7: in Sow. Th. i. pl. 79, f. 12, 13. Polynesia. 24 MODESTA Voluta Mawe, I. T.-=Vol. no. 165. open-mouthed 25 LENS Mitra Mawe, I.T.-M. Dupontii, Kien. Mit. lentil-shaped f. 39.—Tiara foraminata, Sw. Z. P. -M. l. Reeve, I. Mit: f. 1. Panama. 26 HARPA Voluta V. nucleus, Lam.-Kien. Vol. pl. 40, harp-shaped f. 3.–V. h. Mawe, Front. f. 2. S. Pacific. 27 FRAGARIA Ricinula Mawe, I. T.-R. bella, Reeve, I. f. 15. strawberry Philippines. 28 UNIFASCIATA Mitra Mawe, I. T.-Not M. unifascialis, single-banded|| Lam.-M. clathrata, Reeve, I. Mit. f. 71. China. 29 CORRUGATA|| Mawe (not Lam.) I.T.-=Vol. no. 97 wrinkled (exasperata.) Philippines. 30 FILUM Mawe, in I. T.-M. bicolor, Kien. (not thread Sw.) - M. f. Reeve, I. Mit. f. 218. Zanzibar 31 TESSELLATA| Marginella M. t. Lam.--- Kien. Mar. f. 20.--Sow. mosaic Th. i. pl. 78, f. 196, 7. Venezuela. 32 IGNEA Mitra Mawe, I. T.=M. subulata, Lam. teste reticulated|| Reeve. U. 33 NUX* Oliva 0. biplicata, Sow. Tank. Ap.—Reeve, hazel I. Ol. f. 48. California. 212 VOLUTA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-- Locality. numes. Genus. 34 COLUMELLARIS* Oliva 0. c. Sow. Tank. Ap.-- Reeve, I. 01. thick-lipped f. 62. Peru. 35 PERUVIANA* 0. P. Lam.-Reeve, I. Ol. f. 14.-0. Peruvian Senegalensis, Lam. Peru. 36 CÆRULEA 0. volutella, Lam.--Sw. Z. I. s. 2, Ol. blue-banded pl. 1.-7. c. Mawe, I. T. 37 DAMA Mawe, I. T.--0. purpurata, Sw. Z. I. fawn-spotted s. 2, Ol. pl. 2, f. 1.-0. d. Duclos, pl. 3, f. 5, 6-0. lineolata, Reeve, 1. 01. f. 63,5. California. 38 TENEBROSA Mawe, I.T.-0. undatella, Duclos, (as dark of Lam.) pl. 5, f. 5, 6.-Reeve, I. 01. f. 73, e. Panama. 2 BUCCINUM. - WHELK. 1 RINGENS* Dolium Cassis r. Swain. Bligh.-D. dentatum, wry-mouthed Barnes. Malea latilabris, Val. Humb. Z.-1.1. Kien. Dol. f. 7.- D. 7. Reeve. I. Dol. f. 5. Peru. 2 SEMIGRANO- Cassis C. S. Lam.-Kiener, Cas. f. 29.-- SUM* Reeve, I. Cas. f. 3. lightly grained Van Diemen's Land. 3 MELANOSTOMA* Buccinum Sow. Tank, ; G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 268, thick-ribbed f. 7.-Reeve, I. Buc. f. 15. Ceylon. 4 TENUE Cassis Mawe, I. T.---Reeve, I. Cas, f. 13. thin-coated C. Massena, Kien. Cas. f. 14. Galapagos. 5 COARCTATUM C. c. Sow. Tank, Ap. 21.- Kien. Cas. roller f. 15.- Reeve, I. Cas. f. 14. Galapagos. 6 RUDOLPHI Purpura Mawe (not Lam.) I. T.-P. columel- purple- laris, Lam.- Kien. Purp. f. 58.-- marked Reeve, I. Purp. f. 9. Galapagos. 7 DISTORTUM Buccinum Swain. Bligh.-Kien. Buc. f. 64, 5. — misshapen Reeve, I. Buc. f. 86.– Columbella triumphalis, Duclos. W. Columbia. 8 BULBUS Pyrula P. lineata, Lam.-- Kien. pl. 15, f. 1. bulbous -Reeve, I. Py. f. 28. — B. b. Mawe, I. T.-P. elata, Sch. (Ch. xii.) f. 4012, 3. China ? - YOLUTA P14 Sup. 33 a 34 3.5 36 BVCCINUM 3Z wa 38 n 2 4 d 5 6+ bt 6 a + 8 d 9 at 10 11 a + 12 a + 13 at 14 a 15 a 16 17 18. α 20 21 19 ! 22 a 23c 24 b 25d 26 a 27 28 STROMBUS 29 a 30 n 1 2 3 at 5 at 6 a 10 ga 11 d+ 7 at 8 at 12a + 13 th+ 14 15.0+ 16-d 18 A+ 794 20 a + 210 22 a + 23 21 UNIL BUCCINUM. 213 TUM Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 9 SUBROSTRATUM Pyrula Mawe, in. I. T.-Py. s. Gray, Beech . channelled || Z.--Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 523.-P. s. Reeve, I. Py, f. 11.-Fusus lapillus, Brod. Sow. Z. J. iv. 378. W. Columbia, 10 BREVIDENTA- Monoceras Mawe, in I. T.-Purpura cornigera, TUM Bl. N. An. Mus.i. pl. 9, f. 10.-P. short-toothed ocellata, Kien. Pur. f. 86.-M. b. Sow. C. I. Mon, f. 4.-Reeve, I. Mon. f. 4. W. Columbia. 11 DENTICULA- M. lugubre, Sow.G. Mon. f. 3.-Reeve, I. Mon. f. 9.-B. d. Mawe, I. T.- small-toothed Purpura l. Kien. Pur. f. 102. California. 12 ARMATUM Mawe, I. T.=last. single-spined || 13 TECTUM Turbinella Purpura callosa, Sow. G. (not Lam.) knob-whirled copied Reeve, C. S. pl. 260, f. 9. -- Bit. Mawe, I. T.-P. angulifera, Kien. (as of Duclos.) Pur. f. 42.- Cuma sulcata, Sw. Mal.-T.t. Reeve, I. Tur. f. 41. Рапата. 14 CALLOSUM Bullia Mawe in I.T.-Bul.c. Reeve, I. Bul. thick-skinned Angora. 15 PLANAXIS Planaxis P. planicosta, Sow. Tank. Ap.-B. p. girdled Mawe, I. T.-P. canaliculata, Du- val, Rev. Z. 1840, p. 107. Panama. 16 TANKERVILLII* Ancillaria A. T. Sw. Quart. J. Sc. 1825.—Sow. Tankerville's Tank. 85; Spec. Con. Anc. f. 53.- Kien. Anc. pl. 3, f.1. Isle of Margaretta. 17 MARGINATUM* A. m. Lam.-Sw. Quart. J. Sc. 1825, margined . p. 281. -Sow. Sp. Con. Anc. f. 40. Reere, C. S. pl. 272, f. 5.--Kien. Anc. pl. 5, f. 1. Port Phillip. 18 STROMBI- Columbella C. s. Lam.-Kien. Col. 1, f. 1.-Sow. FORME* Th. i. pl. 36, f. 1, 2. Peru. Strombus-shaped 19 FULGURĀNS* C. f. Lam.—Kien. Col. pl. 7, f. 1.- lightning Sow. Th. i. pl. 38, f. 95, 6. Philippines. 20 CHLOROSTOMA* Turbinella T. c. Sow. Tank. Ap. p. 15.—? Pur- thick-lipped pura Nassoides, Quoy. Ast. pl. 38, f. 7. 8.-B. solidum, Reeve, I. Buc. f. 81. Philippines. f. 24. 214 BUCCINUM. - - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 21 TERPSICHORE* Columbella C. T. Leathes MS. in Sow. G. Col. f. 6. small-spotted -Reeve, C. S. pl. 258, f. 6.- Sow. Th. i. pl. 38, f. 98, 9. W. Indies. 22 LINEOLATUM* Bullia Terebra l. Sow. Tank. Ap. 23.-Buc. slender-lined Belangeri, Kien. Buc. f. 48.- Bul. B. Reeve, I. Bul, f. 8. Ceylon. 23 ROSEUM* Harpa H. rosea, Lam.-Kien. Har. f. 8, a.- rose harp Reeve, I. Har, f. 8. W. Africa. 24 MINUS* H. Amouretta, Bolten for Mart. f. clouded harp 1097. — H. minor, Lam. — Kien. Har. f. 6.-Reeve, I. Har. f. 6. Society 1. 25 ELONGATUM Terebra T. strigata, Sow. Tank.-Hinds. Sow. long Th. i. 151, pl. 41, f. 10.-B. e. Mawe, I. T.-T. zebra, Kien. Ter. f. 5. Panama. 26 NOVEBORA- Nassa N. obsoleta, Say, Philad. J. ii. 232. — CENSE B. N. Wood.-B. Oliviforme, Kien. New Yorkt Buc. pl. 25, f. 99.-B. 0. Gould, Mas. 308, f. 210. N. America. 27 MELANOPSIS Melanopsis Melania costata, Oliv. Lev. pl. 31, f. 3. brown fur- - Melanopsis c. Lam.—E.M.pl. 458, rowed f. 7.- Woodw. pl. 8, f. 30. Syria. 28 PRÆROSUMT Not. Lin. Melania Buccinoidea, Oliv. spindle Lev. pl. 17, f. 8.-Sow. G. Mel. f. 2.-M. lævigata, Lam.-Crouch, pl. 15, f. 14. Levant. 29 LAVIGATUM Planaxis Not. Lin.-B. Brasilianum, Lam.- smooth™ Kien. Buc. pl. 17, f. 59.-P. mollis, Sow. G. Pl. f. 2.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 270, f. 2.- Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 238. Brazil. 30 ZEBRAT Columbella C. z. Gray. I. T.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 38, zebra f. 105, probably Pacific. - STROM BUS. – SCREW. 1 GRACILIOR indented Strombus Sow. Tank. App. p. 20.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 8, f. 73.- Kien. St. pl. 21, f. 1. -Reeve, I. St. f. 38. St. Elena. Swain. Z. I. s. 1.--Sow. Th. pl. 6, f. 9. --Kien. St. pl. 21, f. 2, a.- Reeve, I. St. f. 21. 2 VARIABILIS* N. Australia. streaked STROMBUS. 215 men. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. names. Genus. 3 LABIOSUS* Strombus Gray in I. T.--Sow. Th. i. pl. 6, f. 15. spreading - Reeve, I. St. f. 50. Philippines. 4 JUGOSUS* S. rugosus, Sow. Tank. Ap. p. 20.- ridged Sow. Th. i. pl. 7, f. 58, 60.-Reeve, I. E. Indies. 5 FLORIDUS S. urceus, Lin. Sys.-S. floridus, Lam. florid -S mutabilis, Sw.Z. I. s. 1, pl. 71. -Sow. Th. i. pl. 7, f. 40, 45, 46, 47. Philippines. 6 CANCELLATUS S. c. Lam.--S. fissurella, Sow. (not spindle* Lin.) i. pl. 8, f. 64, 5. Worn speci- Philippines. 7 ZONATUS Cerithium Mawe, I. T.-C. z. Gray, I. T.-Not zoned C. zonale, Brug. E. M. U. 8 OBTUSUS* C. o. Lam.—Kien. Cer. pl. 29, f. 1.- blunt C. decollatum,"Sow. (not Lam.) G. Reeve, C. S. pl. 227, f. 2. Timor. 9 PETROSUS Mawe, I. T.-C.p. Sow. Th. ii. pl. rocky|| 182, f. 171, 2. Red Sea. 10 RUGOSUS* C. r. Gray, I.T.-Kien. Cer. pl. 15, f. rugged 3.—Sow. Th. ii. pl 183, f. 195, 6, 7. Red Sea. 11 LINEOLATUS Melanopsis Melania l. Gray, I. T. 42. — Ph. lined* N. C. iii. Mel. pl. 5, f. 10.-- Ms. 1. Gray, Grif. Cuv. pl. 13, f. 4.-Han. Con. Mis. Mel. f. 29. W. Indies. 12 INCISUS* Strombus Gray, I. T.-S. urceus, var. Sow. Th. notch-lipped U. 13, 14 GALFA* S. galeatus, Sw. Phil. Mag. 1823.-- helmet Sow. Th. i.pl. 10, f. 114.-Kien. St. pl. 2.-Reeve, I. St. f. 3.-S. cre- natus, Sow. Tank. Panama. 15 BITUBERCULA- Not of authors.-S. Peruvianus, Sw. TUS* Phil. Mag. 62; Z. I. s. 2, St. pl. 1. banner -Sow. Th. i. pl. 10, f. 110.-Kien. St. pl. 8.-Reeve, I. St. f. 6. W. Columbia. 16 TRICORNIS* Lam.--Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 135; Ex. three-horned Con.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 10. f. 107. W. Indies. - - - 216 STROMBUS. c. - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. names. 17 THERSITES* Strombus Gray in I. T.-Sow. Th. i, pl. 10, f. spotted 109.-Reeve, I. St. f. 9.- S. pon- derosus, Phil. Ab. N. C. i. Society Isles. 18 VARIABILIS, var.* Sw.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 6, f. 13, 4.-Kien. spot-mouthed St. pl. 21, f. 2.-Reeve, I. St. f. 21, Zanzibar. 19 PERSICUS* Swain, Z. I. s. 1, pl.53, f. mid. --Teste Persian Desh.=fasciatus, Born! teste Sow. = Mauritianus, Lam. Persian Gulf. 20 DILATATUS* Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 71, f. mid.—Sow. Th. dilated-mouthed i. pl. 7, f. 38, 9.-Not Lam.-S. Swainsoni, Reeve, I. St. f. 28. U. 21 GRANULATUS* Swain, Bligh. Ap.—Mawe, pl. 25, f. granulated 2.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 9, f. 100.-Desh. ed. Lam. ix.-Reeve, I. St. f. 32, a. Panama. 22 AURITUS* Pirena Melania a. Gray, I. T. =? var. Str. eared no. 41. Africa? 23 BYRONENSIS* Melania M. B. Gray, Enc. Metrop. Mol. pl. nailed f. 21.–Con. Mis. Mel. pl. 2, f. 14. -M. Oweniana, Gray, Z. Mis. 24 SAYII* Wood, for M. canaliculata, Say, J. Phi- top-shaped lad. ii. 175.- Phil. N. C. i. Mel. pl. 3, f. 12.-M. exarata, Menke, Syn. 133. N. America. MUREX.-ROCK. 1 COSTULARIS* Purpura Wood (as of Lam.) I.T.) U. prickly-lipped 2 PAPILLA* Ranella R. verrucosa, Sow. Tank. Ap. 18.- nipple Sow. C. I. Ran. f. 20.-Kien. Ran. pl. 14, f. 1.- Reeve, I. Ran. f. 24. U. 3 RIGIDUS Turbinella Buccinum nodatum, Martyn, pl. 51, rigid* from which Murex n. Gm. and Dil. 708.-T. 7. Gray.--Reeve, C. S.- T. n. Reeve, I. Tur. f. 27. Panama. 4 CRISTATUS Murex Gray (not Brocchi) I.T.-Kien. Mur. horned* pl. 4, f. 3. –M. pinniger, Reeve, (as of Brod. Z. P.) I. Mur. f. 62. W. Columbia. MUREX Seep. Pl.5 36+ бат d+ 2 2a + 47 7 ob 70 a 71 72 W + d 76 b+ 15 c 73 140 18 a 17 a Apy 23 24 79 206 21 at 22 Wat TROCHUS 25 a 26 6 2 4 a a + at lat 5 а 6n 8 a 9 a 10 + 7 a 13 n 12 a 15 n 14 + 16 a 17 a 20 a + 21 a 22 d 17 a 18 a 19 a 25 + 26 + 24 a 23 + 27 a 28 30 m 34 m 20+ 31 m 32 n. 33 10 UN MUREX. 217 2 Wood's Linnean Lamarchian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 5 MITRA* Pleurotoma P. muricata, Lam.-Kien. Pl. pl. 17, mitre f. 2.-Reeve, I. Pl. f. 31.-P. mi. Gray, I. T. Mouth of Gambia. 6 ECHINATUS* P. e. Lam.--E. M. pl. 439, f. 8.- echinated Kien. pl. 20, f. 2.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 234, f. 19; I. Pl. f. 48. New Guinea 7 BICARINATUS* P. cryptorrhaphe, Sow. Tank.-Beech. double-keeled Zool, pl. 34, f. 8.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 234, f. 15 (for 16).—P. Woodii, Kien. Philippines 8 ELEGANS* P. fascialis, Lam.-Kien. Pl. pl. 4, f. slender 2.-Reeve, I. i. Pl. f. 24.-P. e. Gray, I. T. Philippines. 9 PLEUROTOMA Wood, in place of P. fusca, Gray, MSS. ribbed -? P. Maura, Reeve (as of Sow. Z. P.) C. S. p). 233, f. 4. W. Columbia ? 10 SANGUINEUS|| Turbinella Mawe, I. T.-T. varicosa, Reeve, I. red-ribbed Tur. f. 6. Gallapagos. 11 UNIFASCIATUS|| Fasciolaria F. Tarentina, Lam.—Payr.pl. 7, f. 16. white-banded -Kien. Fas. pl. 8, f. 2.-M. u. Mawe, I. T.-F. tuberculata, Schub. (Ch. xii.) f. 4027, 8. Mediterranean. 12 ACUMINATUS|| Turbinella Mawe, I. T.-T. a. Reeve, I. (not C. sharp-pointed S.) Turb. f. 47. Philippines. 13 REGIUS Murex Sw. Bligh; Ex. C.-Kien. Mur. pl. imperial 43, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Mur, f. 59. Рапалта. 14 SALMO|| Fasciolaria Mawe, I. T.-F. granosa, Kien. (as salmon- of Brod. Z. P. 1832) Fasc. pl. 5.- coloured Reeve, I. Fas. f, 6. Panama. 15 CERATUS Turbinella Mawe, I. T.-T. c. Gray, Grif. Cuv. wax-noduled pl. 41, f. 5.—Beech. Zool.-Kien. Turb. pl. 16, f. 1.-Reeve, I. Turb. f. 37. Panama. 16 FERRUGO|| Murex Mawe, I. T.-Sow. C. I. Mur. f. 53. rusty -Reeve, C. S.-M. angulifera, var. Reeve, I. Mur. f. 43, b. Ceylon. 17 FUNICULUS Mawe, I. T.-M. fiscellum, Sow. C. I. corded Mur. f. 42.-Reeve, Mur. f. 124. -M. decussatus, Reeve, I. Mur. f. Philippines. - 153. 2 F 218 MUREX. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms--Locality. 18 LABIOSUS Triton Mawe, I. T. -- Tritonium rutilum, lipped Menke, Nov. Hol. 25.--T.1. Reeve, I. Tr. f. 52. Philippines: Australia. 19 ACULEATUSI Murex Mawe (not Lam.) I. T.-M. dubius, spiny Sow. C. I. Mur. 8, f. 23.- Reeve, I. Mur. f. 116. Рапата. 20 PINNATUS Murex Sw. Bligh Ap.; Z. I. s. 2, pl. 122.- winged Kien. Mur. pl. 5, f. 3.-Reeve, I. Mur. f. 57.-M. Martinianus, Pfeif. Reg. China. 21 EXASPERATUS Cerithium C. echinatum, Lam.--Kien.-Sow. Th. rough-coated ii. pl. 178, f. 44.—M. e. Mawe, I. T.-C. mutatum, Sow. G. Society Isles. 22 CARIOSUS|| Purpura Mawe, I. T.-P. c. Gray, Beech. Z. carious - Ricinula elongata, Reeve, (as of Blain.) I. Ric. f. 25. Philippines 23 SUBGLOBOSUSO M. galea, Ch. x. f. 1518, 9.-Pyrula roundish abbreviata, Lam.-M. s. Mawe, I. T. - Pur. a. Kien. Pur. f. 56.--Purp. g. Reeve, I. Pur. f. 65. Philippines. 24 PICTUS|| Cerithium Mawe, I. T.-C. p. Kien. Cer. pl. 17, painted f. 2.—Sow. Th. i. 863, pl. 181, f. 121. U. 25 MITRIFORMIS! Pleuro- Mawe, I. T.-P. M. Kien. Pl. pl. 21, brown, striated toma f. 1.-Reeve, I. Pl. f. 23. Mauritius 26 CURVIROSTRIS* Fusus M. corneus, Lin.-F. lignarius, Lam. curve-beaked -Kien. Fus. pl. 22, f. 1.-Reeve, I. iy. Fus. f. 5. Mediterranean. TROCHUS.-TOP-SHELL. 1 UNDOSUS waved 2 Trochus Wood (for T. undatus, Mawe, 146, no desc.)-Kien. Tr.-Ph. in Kust. Tr. pl. 33, f. 1.--Reeve, C. S. pl. 217, f. 4.-T. balænarum, Val. Ve- nus, pl. 3, f. 1. California. Mawe, I. T.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 217, f. 6.—Kien. Tr. pl. 12. f. 1.--Turbo digitatus, Desh. Mag. Z. 1840.-Tr. amictus, Val. Venus, pl. 2, f. 2. California. 2 UNGUIS) clawed TROCHUS. . 219 rough Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms - Locality. 3 OLIVACEUS|| Trochus Mawe, I. T.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 217, f. olive-grey 7.-Kien. Tr. pl. 12, f. 2.-T. bre- vispinosus, Val. voy. Venus, pl. 2, f. 3. Mexico. 4 PELLIS-SERPEN- Mawe, I. T.-Turbo p. Valen. Humb. TIS Zool.- Tegula elegans, Lesson, Il. snake-skin Zool. pl. 50.-Tr. strigilatus, Phil. (as of Anton) N. C. i. 68, Tr. pl. 2, f. 9. Рапата. 5 ARMILLATUS|| Mawe, I. T. S. Seas. beaded 6 ACUMINATUS Mawe, I. T.—? = T. Capensis, no. sharp-edged 35. S. Seas.'? Cape G. Hope. 7 RUGOSUS* Littorina Monodonta papillosa, Lam. teste Ph. ---M.r. Gray, I. T.-L. p. var. rus- , tica, Ph. N. C. ii. 140; Lit. pl. 2, f. 3. Australia. 8 LISTERI* Trochus Monodonta L. Gray, I. T.-? T. Kochii. Lister's Ph. N, 0. U. 9 ELEGANTULUS* Gray, I. T.—?? T. hysginus, Valen. red rough Voy. Venus, Mol. pl. 4, f. 3. Ceylon.' 10 TANKERVILLII* Helicina Helic T. Gray, Z. J.i. 250.-Sow. Th. Tankerville's i. 5, pl. 1, f. 17.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 186, f. 10. W. Indies. 11 GRANOSUS* Trochus Gray, I. T. U. grained 12 TÆNIATUS* Turbo t. Sow. Tank. Ap. p. 13.-T. ribbon bicolor, Lesson, teste Philippi. — Margarita t. Sow. C. I. Marg. f. 2; Malac. Mag. 23.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 221, f. 2.-Tro. (Marg.) t. Phil. N. C. i. pl. 4, f. 1. S. America. 13 LÆVIS* Gray, I. T.-?? Monodonta Richardi, smooth Payr. Mediterranean? 14 ALBIDUST Wood, I.T.-= T. ziyphinus, var. whitish Britain. 15 CLELANDII Leach MS. (in Wood) I. T.-T. mil- small dotted legranus, Phil. Sic. i. pl. 10, f. 25. -Br. Mol. ii. 502, pl. 66, f. 9, 10. -T. Martini, Smith, Mem. Wern. viii. 99, pl. 1, f. 26. Ireland. < - 220 TROCHUS. Wood's Linnean names. 16 QUADRICOSTA- TUS* four-ribbed 17 BYRONIANUS* shaded Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Trochus Gray, I. T.—? T. cateniferus, Potiez, pl. 29, f. 12, 13.—T. torulosus, Ph. N. C. i. 69, Tr. pl. 2, f. 12.–Turbo 9 Kien. Tur. pl. 31, f. 2. S. America? Gray, I. T.—? T. Brasilianus, Menke. Syn. Sandwich Isles. Monodonta fragaroides, Lam. Gray, I. T. — M. Olivieri, Payr. ?M. lugubris, Del. (as of Lam.) pl. 36, f. 7. Mediterranean. Gray, I. T.-Ph. N. C. ii. Lit. pl. 6, f. 6.-Teste Menke, T. attenuatus, Jonas. U. Gray, I. T. M. z. 18 ZEBRA zebra - 1 L 19 ELONGATUS* lengthened U. 20 SMITIII* Smith's 21 RETICULARIS* blunt tipped Monodonta r. Gray, I. T.: Ap. Yates: Ap. Dieffenb. N. Z.-T. Zelanicus, Quoy, Ast. pl. 64, f. 12 to 15. N. Zealand. Gray, I. T.-Not Monodonta a. Lam. -T. villanus, Phil. U. Gray, I. T. U. 22 ARTICULATUS* interrupted 23 FILOSUS* threaded 24 TROCHLEA* screw 25 ATRATUS* sombre Monodonta constricta, Lam.-Del. pl. 36, f. 11.-Menke, N. Hol. 13. — M. t. Gray, I. T. Australia. Monodonta punctulata, Lam.—Del. pl. 36, f. 6.-M. a. Gray, I. T. W. Africa. Gray, I. T.-Krauss Sudaf. 98.-Ph. N. C. ii. 26, pl. 5, f. 3.-T. signa- tus, Jonas, Zeit. Mal. 1844, teste Ph. Natal. Gray, I. T.-Ph. in Kust. Tr. 240, pl. 36, f. 8, probably. U. Gray, I. T.-Teste Phil. T. Leh- manni, Menke, Nov. Hol. Australia. Rotella R. suturalis, Lam.-Del. pl. 34, f. 3. —R. f. Gray, I. T. – Globulus s. R. Ph. Kust. Indian O. R. e. Gray, I. T.—Teste Philippi R. (Trochus) vestiaria, Lin. U. 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 OBSCURUS* doubtful 27 MAUGERI* warted 28 PICTUS* painted 29 FORMOSUST ornamented 30 AQUALIST small flattish 9220 CUS Seup. Pl.6 35+ 40n 36 + 37 + 38 + 39 42 45 41 43 n TURBO 46 2 + 3α 4 a 5 + 6n I at 71 n 12 m 7n 10 12 8 + 9+ 13 m 14 m 15 m 78 17 a 16 @ a 19 la 20 + 21 m 22 n 23 + 24 n 29 n 25 28 n 30 n 26 + 27 n 33 32 35 n a 34 n 31 a 36 a 37 n 38 a 39a 40 n 41 lat 42 20 d 44 at 46 47 N RICH TROCHUS. 221 zoned Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. 31 CLANGULUST Trochus Gray, I. T. U. trumpet 32 MEDITERRANEUS Gray, I. T. - ? Monodonta Jussiæi, cloudedt Payr. Mediterranean. 33 CALLOSUST T. calliferus, Lam.-Del. pl. 36, f. 5. thick-skinned T. callosus, Wood, I. T. Australia. 34 ZONATUS Gray, I. T.–Krauss Sudaf. 97.-Ph. in Kust. Tr. pl. 42, f. 8.-T. cin- gulatus, Menke Syn. teste Ph.- T. Menkeanus Phil. N. C. i. 91, pl. 3, f. 6. Cape G. Hope. 35 CONCAMERATUST Monodonta c. Gray, I. T.-T. striola- dome-shaped tus, Quoy, Ast. pl. 63, f. 18 to 22. N. Zealand. 36 VIRIDISŤ Monodonta v. Gray, I. T.--T. v. Wood, green-striped I. T. U. 37 ODONTIST Monodonta o. Gray, I. T.-T. o. Wood, mulberry I. T.-Phil. Cape G. Hope. 38 RETICULATUST Gray, I. T.-?= T. Guineensis, Gm. reticulated “Рапалта. 39 CLANGULOIDEST Gray, I. T. U. regularly- marked 40 SULCATUST Gray, I. T. N. Zealand. furrowed 41 INDISTINCTUST Gray, I. T.-Phil. Zeit. Mal. 1849, p. indistinct 158. Australia. 42 INTERRUPTUST Gray, I. T. ?= T. exiguus, Pult. mottle-banded Ireland. 43 MONTAGUIT Gray, I. T.-Br. Mol. i. 511, pl. 65, Montagu's f. 10, 11. Britain, &c. 44 CALYCULUST Gray, I.T. U. cap 45 PULCHERRIMUST Monodonta p. Gray, I.T.-T. Preissii, elegant Menke, N. Hol. teste Ph.-T. p. Ph. N. C. ii, 37, pl. 7, f.1: in Kust. Tr. pl. 43, f. ll. Australia 46 BADIUST Monodonta b. Gray, I.T.-T. 6. Wood, chestnut- I. T. S. Seas. coloured 222 TURBO.-WREATH, 6 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms— Locality. names. Genus. 1 NIGER* Turbo Gray, I. T.: Beech. Zool. pl. 36, f. 1. black - Kien. Tur. pl. 29, f. 3.-Reeve, I. Tur. f. 49. Chili. 2 PETIVERIANUS Cyclo- Lituus breve, Martyn, pl. 28.-C. P. Petiver's* stoma Gray, I. T.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 25, f. 100, 1.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 184, f. 15. Pulo Condore.' 3 JAMAICENSIS* C. J. Gray (as Turbo J. Ch. xi. f. 2057, Jamaica 8.) I. T.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 23, f. 12, 3.-C. corrugatum, Menke.—Cyclo- Caus, J. P. Phaner. 13. W. Indies. 4 PULCHER* C. P. Gray, I. T.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 27, plaited-mouthed f. 143, 4.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 184, f. 12. Jamaica. 5 LAVIS* C. 1. Gray, I. T.-= Turbo no. 167, smooth teste Pfeif. Philippines. 6 CHEMNITZII* C. C. Gray, I.-T. Sow. Th. i. 141, pl. Chemnitz's 28, f. 155, 6.- Tudora? C. Pf. Phaner. 176. Jamaica. 7 AUSTRALIS* Ampullaria A. fragilis, Lam.- Paludina A. Gray, Southern I. T.- Ampullacera f. Quoy, Ast. pl. 15, f. 10 to 16. Australia. . 8 FASCIA* Cyclo- C. f. Gray, I. T.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 28, banded stoma f. 176, 7,Tudora f. Pf. Phaner. 177. Jamaica. 9 FULVUS* Wood. I. T.—After C. ferrugineum, tawny Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 24, f. 55, 6, 7.-C. productum, Turt. Man. f. 76. Minorca, &c. 10 ELONGATUS* C. e. Gray, I. T.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 24, finely-striated f. 64. W. Indies? 11 MACULATUSI C. m. Drap. pl. 1, f. 12.-Rossm. f. spotted 399, 400.-C. tessellatum, Sow. Th. i. pl. 28, f. 173. S. Europe. 12 ANGLICUSI Pupa P. A. Gray, MSS. in I. T.-Alder. - broad-toothed -Brit. Mol. iv. 99, pl. 129, f. 6. Pfeif.-Vertigo A. Turt. Man.-P. ringens, Jeffreys. Britain. 13 RUFESCENST P. r. Gray's list in I. T. Britain. reddish TURBO. 223 - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 14 EDENTULUST Pupa Wood for P.e. Drap.-Vertigo e. Gray toothless ed. Turt.- Alæa nitida and revoluta, Jeffreys.-P. e. Br. Mol. iv. 103, pl. 130, f. 1. Britain, &c. 15 FUSCUST Bulimus Mont. 330.-- Auricula lineata, Drap. brown ---Carychium 1. Rossm. f. 408.-Oy- clostoma 1. Fér. Dict. H. N.- Acme 1. Br. Mol. iy. 204, pl. 125, f. 7.- Car. f. Flem.-Ac. f. Gray. f Britain, &c. 16 RARICOSTATUS* Scalaria Sc. r. Lam.-Kien. Scal. f. 6.-Sow. . network Th. i. pl. 34, f. 79, 80.–Worn. Indian O. 17 LAMELLOSUS* T. clathrus, Lin. Sys. ed. 12.-S. 1. distant-ribbed Lam.—Kien. Scal. f. 7.-S. pseudo- scalaris, Ph. Sic. i. pl. 10, f. 2.- S. c. Sow. Th. i. pl. 35, f. 131. Mediterranean. 18 AUSTRALIS S. A. Lam.-Kien. Sc. f. 17.-Sow. Southern Th. i. pl. 35, f. 135. Australia. 19 VARICOSUS* S. v. Lam,-Kien. Scal. f. 22.--Sow. close-ribbed Th. i. pl. 35, f. 126, 8. 20 MARTINII* T. ambiguus, Karst. (as of. Lin.) i. 280 Martini's Epitonium minutum, Bolt. for Ch. iv. f. 1435, 6.- S. M. Gray, I. T.- Sow. Th. i. pl. 34, f. 78.-S. striata, Kien. Scal. 20, f. 14. 'W. Indies.' 21 COLUMNAT Cyclo- C. c. Gray, I. T.-Pf. in Kust. Cycl. pillar stoma pl. 46, f. 27, 8. Jamaica. 22 MIRABILIST C. m. Gray, I. T.--Sow. Th. i. pl. 28, broad-lipped f. 164. W. Indies. 23 AURANTIUS C. a. Gray, I. T.-C. versicolor, Pf. oranget Zeit. Mal. 1846.-C. aurantiacum, Sow. Th. i. pl. 24, f. 46, 7. W. Indies. 24 FORMOSUS Bulimus B. f. Gray, I. T.-Pf. ii. 80.-Reeve, elegantt 1. Bul. pl. 64.Macroceramus f. Petit, J. Con. i. 379. St. Domingo. 25 VARIUS Phasianella P. ventricosa, Swainson Ap. Bligh. Cat. speckled -P. v. Gray, I. T.-P. perdix, in part, Kust. U. 26 LINEOLATUS P. I. Gray, I. T. Mauritius. markedt 224 TURBO. Wood's Linnean names. 27 BULIMOIDES Bulimus. shaped 28 FRANCESIIT dark-banded Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Genus. Paludina Cyclostoma B. Olivier, pl. 31, f. 9.- , P. B. Desh. ed. Lam. Nile. 29 MINIMUST dotted - 30 TUBERCULATUS knobbedt 31 FLAVIDUST cylindrical 32 TORTUST crooked P. F. Gray, I. T.-P. conica, Tros- chel in Wieg. Ar. teste Kuster.- P. Francisci, Kust. Palud. pl. 6, f. . 6 15, 6, 7. Hindostan, Littorina Gray, I. T.-L. m. Gray, Beech. Z. 139.-Phil. N. C. ii. 197, Lit, pl. 4, f. 7. U. Gray, I. T.-Beech. Zool. 140.-L. t. Phil. N. C. ii. Lit. pl. 3, f. 1. U. Cyclo- C. flavulum, Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 24, stoma f. 66, 7.-T. flavid. Wood. W. Indies. 0. t. Gray, I. T.--Sow. Th. i. pl. 28, f. 181, 2.-Desh. ed. Lam. viii. 372. Cuba. Littorina Phasianella Peruviana, Lam. - Del, pl. 37, f. 9.–T. 2. Gray, I. T.-L. z. Ph. N. C. ii. 165, Lit, pl. 3, f. 16. Chili, &c. Gray, I. T.-L. p. Phil. N. C. ii. 203, Lit. pl. 4, f. 20. Sandwich Isles. Clausilia Bulimus t. Oliv. pl. 17, f. 4.-C. t. Lam.- Pf. ii. 463.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 171, f. 2. Greek Isles. . T. tridens, Ch. ix. f. 957.-T. labiatus, Dil. 875.-C.c. Lam.-C.t. Kuster. -0. l. Sow. G. Porto Rico. - 33 ZEBRA zebra 34 PINTADOM pintado 35 TORTICOLLIS* wry-necked 36 COSTULATUS cone* 37 TRUNCATULUS* Cylin- H. collaris, Fér. pl. 163, f. 7.—Clau- wire-worm drella silia c. and antiperversa, Lam. Pupa t. Sow. G.- Oy.c. Pf. ii. 375. W. Indies. 38 GRACILIS* Clausilia g. Gray, I. T.-C. g. Pf. ii. slender 381 : in Phil. Ab. N. C. i. W. Indies. 39 CHRYSALIS* Clausilia C. c. Gray, I. T.-? C. Cretensis, Pf. wrinkled ii. W. Indies?! 40 MEDITERRANEUS* T. bidens, Lin, Sys.-T. papillaris, Ch. seed-shaped ix.-C. p. Drap. pl. 4, f. 13.--Lam. -0. 6. Pf. ii. 453. S. Europe. < HSLIX Seeps. P! 0 4 at 2 a 3 5 a 6 a I a 11 m 12 n 7n 20 a + 8 a 9 a 13 76 n n 14 m 15 n 18 a · 20 a 21 + 22a 23 a at 24 / 19 a 25 a + 26 a 28 a 29 n 30 + 27 a 32 + 33 + 34 n 35+ 36 31 + 40 n 37 a 41 a 38 « 39 a 420 437 44+ 450 46 at 48 a 47 a 49 54 n 52 6 50 51 a 56 55 a 67 6+ 59 60 UNIL Pic M TURBO. 225 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms— Locality. Genus. 41 SUTURALIS* Turritella Turr. spirata, Sow. Tank. Ap.-Turr. taper sut. Grif. Cuv. t. 13, f. 5.- Eglisia s. Reeve, I. Eg. f. 1. 42 COMPRESSUS* Cyclostoma C. lincina (not Lin.) E. M. pl. 461, f. compressed 2.-C. lincinellum, Lam.-Sow. Th. i. pl. 28, f. 150, 1.-C.c. Gray, I.T. Jamaica. 43 CRASSUS Turbo Mawe, I. T.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 220, f. heavy 10: I. Tur. f. 10. Australia. 44 FLUCTUOSUS Mawe, I. T.-T. fluctuatus, Reeve, I. Tur, f. 34.-Var.? Trochus Fokkesii, Ph. N. C. i. Tr. pl. 2, f. 10. W. Columbia. 45 SAXOSUS Mawe, I. T.-Kien. Tur. pl. 15, f. 2. rocky -- Marmorostoma undulata, Swain. Z. I. s. 2. Panama. 46 PERDIXO Phasianella T. p. Mawe, I. T.-P.p. Gray, I. T. partridge -Not Kust. U. 47 BICARINATUSL Littorina Mawe, I. T.-Phasianella b. Gray, I. double-ridged T. list, p. 32. U. 48 FUNIS Paludina ? P. bicolor, Sow. Tank, Ap. 10.—T. corded f. Mawe, I. T.-P. costata, in Brit. Mus. China ? green-waved HELIX. - SNAIL. - Helix 1 FORMOSA bright-spotted 2 ORBICULATA roundish 3 SQUAMOSA scaly 4 AURICULATA eared Fér. Pr.-Pf. 1. 308.-Reeve, I. pl. 52.-H. lenocinia, Fér. pl. 47, f. 1. U. H. plicaria, Lam.- Fér. pl. 42, f. 4. -Pf. i. 291.-H. o. Wood. W. Indies. Fér. pl. 41, f. 3.-Pf. i. 294.-H. ma- cularia, Lam. W. Indies. H. planulata, Lam.-Pf. i. 379.-H. a. Sw. Z. I. s. 1, pl. 9.-H. papilio- nacea, Val. Humb. pl. 56, f. 6. Philippines. Drap. pl. 6, f. 1, 2.-Rossm. f. 496.-- Pf. i. 278. France. Wood for Fér. pl. 29, f. 1, 2.= mon- strous arbustorum. 5 SYLVATICA wood 6 TURGIDULA yellow-brown 2 G 226 HELIX --- - Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority-Synonyms—Locality. Genus. 7 HELICELLA Helix Wood for H. planata, Fér. pl. 30, f. 2. scollop-edged -H. p. Pf. iii. 137.-H. callio- stoma, Adams, Voy. Samar. N. Africa. 8 ZONULA Wood, for H. vittata, var. Fér. pl. 26, small-girdled f. 6. Ceylon. 9 PATULA Succinea Bulimus p. Brug: ---H. p. Fér. pl. 11. open-mouthed -S. cucullata, Lam.-Sow. G.-S. p. Pf. ii. 21. Guadaloupe. 10 FORMOSA Helix H. mirabilis, Fér. pl. 31, f. 4, 5, 6.---- delicate red- Pf. i. 220.- H. galactites, Desh. ed. striated Lam.-H. f. Wood.-H. decipiens, Reeve, C. S. pl. 163, f. 3. Philippines. 11 TRIDENTATAI Say, Nich. Enc.--Gould, Mas. 173, f. three-toothed 115, Pf. i. 412. N. America. 12 ANGULATAI Planorbis P. bicarinatus, Say, Am. C.-Gould, sharp-angled Mas. 203, f. 134.- H. a. Rack. T. L. xii. pl. 5, f. 1. N. America. 13 SUBCARINATA Paludina P. dissimilis, Say, Nichols. Enc. ed. slightly keeled 1819.-Dekay, 86.-H. s. Wood, I. T. N. America, 14 SEPTEMVOLVAI Helix Fér. pl. 51, f. 6.- After H. cereolus, seven-whirled Muhl.-Pf. i. 408.-H. planorbula, Lam.-H. polygyrata, Binney. Florida. 15 MONODONI Rack. T. L. xiii.-Gould, Mas. f. 113. single-toothed --H. fraterna, Say.-H. convexa, Pf. (as of Rafin.) i. 420. N. America. 16 FRATERNAÍ Wood, not Say.-H. hirsuta, Say.- brown five- Gould, Mas, f. 116.-Pf. i. 421. whirled N. America, 17 DECISAI Paludina P. subcarinata, Say, Nichols. Enc. ed. 1819, Am. Con. pl. 1, f. 7.-Dekay, ware 87.-H. d. Wood, I.T. N. America, 18 DISSIMILISI P. decisa, Say, Nichols. Enc. ed. 1819, dissimilar Am. Con. pl. 2, f. 6.-Gould Mas. 227.-H. dis. Wood, I. T.-P. dis- scisa, Dekay, 84, f. 131. N. America. 19 VIRGINEA I Melania M. Virginica, Say. Am. C. pl. 47, f. 2. beak-mouthed -M. fasciata, Menke Syn. 136. N. America. tawny Dela- HELIX. 227 TVood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms—Locality. names. Genus. 20 CONIFORMIS Helix Fér. pl. 108, f. 1. - Pf. i. 229.-H. cone-shaped turbinata, Desh. E. M.-H. Tuffetii, Less. Voy. Coq. pl. 10, f. 3. New Ireland. 21 CONCAMERATA Pupa Wood for H. pagoda, Fér.---P.p. Sow. . . dome-shaped G.-Pf. ii. 320.--P.idolim, Menke. Mauritius. 22 CONICA* Ampullaria Gray in Wood, I. T.-Han. Conch. conical Misc. Am. f. 8, 13. Java, &c. 23 LISTERI* Bulimus Wood, for Bul, melastomus, Sw. Z. I Lister's s. 1, pl. 4.-B. m. Lam.-Pf. ii. 91. -B. rhodospirus, Potiez. Brazil. 24 GONIOSTOMA* Fér. Pr.-B.g. Sow. Z. J. i. 59, pl. 5, angular-mouthed f. 2.-Pf. ii. 50.-. Pupa g. Gray, An. Ph. Brazil. 25 ODONTOSTOMA* B. o. Sow. Z. J. i. 59, pl. 5, f. 3.-Pf. six-toothed ii. 82.-H. Gargantua, Fér. pl. 163, f. 1.- Pupa o. Gray, An. Ph.-P. erythrostoma, Menke.— Clausilia G. Desh. ed. Lam. Brazil. 26 LAVISSIMA* Melania M. 1. Sow. Z. J.i. 60, pl. 5, f.5.-Han. smooth striped Con. Mis. Mel. f. 23. S. America. 27 KINGU Bulimus B. K. Gray, An. Ph. n. s. 9; I. T.- Pf. ii. 174. Australia. 28 DUFRESNII* B. D. Leach, Z. M. ii. pl. 120.--Pf. Dufresne's ii. 168.-H. D. Quoy, Ast. pl. 10, f. 1, 2, 3. Van Dieman's Land. 29 PULCHRAŤ B. p. Gray, An. Phil. n. s. ix.-H. p. garter Wood. Guinea? 30 BYRONIIT Achatinella A. pulcherrima, Sw. Mon. Ach. ; Z. I. Lord Byron's S. 2, pl. 123, f. 2.-- Pf. ii. 237.- Achatina B. Gray, I. T. Sandwich I. 31 MAUGERIT Cylindrella Bulimus M. Gray, I. T.-Pupa M. Mauger's Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 170, f. 6.-C. M. Pf. ii. 384. W. Indies. King's Helix Gray in Wood, I. T.-Pf.i. 309.-H. fuliginea, Pf. Symb. Guadaloupe. 32 NIGRESCENS three-toothed black 33 TRIPOLITANAM African H. Leachii, Fér. pl. 64, f. 2.-- Pf. i. 294. - Carocolla T. Gray, An. Ph. n. s. ix. 412. N. Africa. 228 HELIX. Wood's Linnean names. 34 SAYIIT Say's 35 GLOBULOSA inflated 36 CAFFRA thin streaked 37 CONFORMIS shapely 38 PRUNUM plum-shaped Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Helix Wood, for Polygyra avara, Say, Philad. J. i.-H. a. Fér.-Pf. i. 418.-H. auriculata, Binney, Bost. J. iii. Louisiana, U.S. Fér. pl. 25, f. 3, 4.-H. muscarum, Lea.-Pf. i. 27. Cuba. Fér. pl. 9, A, f. 8.—Pf.i. 40.-Reeve. I. Cape G. Hope. Fér. pl. 25, A, f. 10; Voy. Freyc. Zool. 467, pl. 64, f. 4,5.-Pf. i. 297. Moluccas, Fér. pl. 26, f. 7, 8.-Pf. i. 332.-H. argillacea, Gray, Grif. Cuv. Australia. Fér. pl. 31, f. 1: pl. 39, B, f. 5, 6.- Phil. N. C. i.-Streptaxis c. Pf. i. 6. Brazil. Fér. pl. 32, A, f. 1.–Streptaxis d. Phil. N. C. ii.-Pf. i. 7. Brazil. Fér. pl. 28, f. 1, 2.—Pf. i. 344. Mount Olympus Wood for H. Otaheitana, Fér.-H. ovum, Val. Zool. Humb. pl. 57, f. 1. --- Pf. i. 66. Philippines. Fér. pl. 25, f. 11, 12.-Pf. i. 280. Malta. Fér, pl. 41, f. 2.-Pf. i. 280. U. 39 CONTUSA blunt-tipped 40 DEFORMIS deformed 41 NICAENSIS double-banded 42 MERIDIONALIS Southern 43 MELITENSIS quince 44 CIRCUMORNATA spotted-whorl 45 GRANOSA grained 46 DISCOLOR discoloured 47 LIMA file 48 DENTIENS indented-lip 49 PARILIS orange 50 IMPERATOR claw-mouthed 51 SOROR four-toothed 11 Wood, for H. aspera, Fér. pl. 44, f. 1, 2, 3.- H. a. Pf. i. 310. Jamaica. Fér. pl. 46, f. 3 to 6.-Pf. i. 265. W. Indies. Fér. pl. 46, f. 1, 2.-Pf. i. 266.-H. punctifera, Lam. W. Indies. Fér. pl. 48, f. 2, and pl. 49, A, f. 2.- Pf. i. 307. W. Indies. Fér. pl. 49, f. 2.- Pf. i. 308. Guadaloupe. Polydontes i. Montf.- Fér. pl. 52, f. 4. -Pf. i. 302. S. America. Fér. pl. 54, f. 4. — Pf. i. 402.-H. quadridentata, Menké. Jamaica. HELIX Seijo P1.8 64. n 65 n 66 n 61 at 62 a 69 n 671 73 n 68 a 69m 71 + 72 a a 74 at 75 a + 77 a 78 79 a 84 n 85 m 80 n n 81 82 n 83 NERITA ab ab+ 1 3 at 4 4 at 5 a w 12 in 8 10 a I a 18 w 13 n 14 15 w 16 -H ALIOTIS 17 1dt 2 W 5 d 3d 4 a PATELLA a 5 d ib+ 2 b+ at 4 SERPULA 70+ 8 39 22 N HELIX. 229 Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Authority--Synonyms-Locality. Genus. 52 ZODIACUS Helix Fér. pl. 75, f. 2.-Pf. i. 373. U. white-banded red 53 CONCISA Fér. pl. 78, f. 3, 4.--Pf. i. 373. diagonally Aroo Isles. striated 54 PELLICULA Fér. pl. 105, f. 1.-Pf. i. 194. U. thin-skinned 55 STROBILUS Fér. pl. 103, f. 1.-Pf. i. 255.-H. red-banded mamilla, Lea. W. Indies? 56 ALAUDA Fér. pl. 103, f. 2, 3.- Pf. i. 268.-H. double-striped purpuragula, Lea on U. i. Cuba. 57 CARINA Wood, for H. lampas, Fér. pl. 60, f. 2. sharp-edged Hayti. 58 PILEOLUS Fér. pl. 63, A, f. 1, 2.-Pf. i. 324.- conical Carocolla p. Gray, An. Phil. U. 59 BIPARTITA Fér. pl. 75, A, f. 1.-Pf. i. 319. party-coloured Percy Island. 60 SINISTRORSA Wood for Fér. pl. 32, f. 2, 3. (H. glo- reserved bulus, var. sinistr.? of Deshayes' edition.) Cape G. Hope. 61 LISTERIANA Carocolla Listeri, Gray, An. Phil.- wheel* Reeve, C. S. pl. 168, f. 11, 2.-H. Listeri, Pf. i. 102. Philippines. 62 SCABRA Wood for H. undata, Lowe, Faun. rough-skinned Mad. pl. 5, f. 5-Pf. i. 191.-H. Groviana, Fér. pl. 46, A, f. 1. Made ra. 63 BROWNII Helicina Gray, Z. J. i. 69, pl. 6, f. 13. Brown's* W. Indies. 64 SCITULA* Helic. pulchella, Gray, Z. J.i. pl. 6, straw-coloured f. 1.-Sow. Th. i. 5, pl. 1, f. 15, 6. -Reeve, C. S. pl. 186, f. 13.-H. S. Wood. W. Indies. 65 AUREOLA* Helic. a. Gray, Z. J. 1. pl. 6, f. 15.- somewhat Sow. Th. i. 3, pl. 1, f. 44, 5. golden W. Indies. 66 FIBULA* Bulimus H. solitaria, Poiret - H. conoidea, — button Drap. pl. 51, f. 7, 8.-B.c. Rossm. f. 376.-B. s. Pf. ii. 216. S. Europe, 67 LÆVIS* Partula Bulimus l. Gray, I. T, Ceylon. smooth broad- lipped 2 - 2 230 HELIX. - hare's ear Wood's Linnean Lamarckian names. Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. 68 LINEATA Melania M, 1. Gray, I. T.—Troschel, Wieg. M. striped* Arc. Nat. 1837.-Phil. N. C. i. Mel. pl. 3, f. 7. Hindostan. 69 LABROSA* Bulimus H. Alepi, Fér. Pr.-H. 1. Wood.-B. edge-lipped Halepensis, Pf. ii. 66. Syria. 70 PETIVERIANA Cylindrella Fér. Pr. 498—C. P. Pf. ii. 386. Petiver's* W. Indies. 71 DENTATA Bulimus Wood, I. T. ---- Pupa Sowerbyana, toothed* D’Orb. Voy. Am. pl. 41, bis, f. 15, 16.-B. d. Pf. ii. 86. Uruguay. 72 TASCIOLATA || Melania Wood (as Melanoides f. Olivier, pl. 31, brown-streaked f. 7.) I. T. Mauritius. 73 SULCULATA Mawe, I. T.-M. s. Gray, I. T. U. beaked 74 SUBPLICATA* Helix Sow. Z. J. i. 56, pl. 3, f. 1.–Lowe, fallow Faun. Mad. 41, pl. 5, f. 4.-Pf. i. 24. Baxo, near Madeiva. 75 AURIS-LEPORIS * Bulimus B. a. Brug.-Pf. ii. 98.-B. lagotis, Menke.- Auricula leporis, Lam.- Helix a. Fér. Brazil. 76 PAPYRACEA* H. p. Mawe, Fron. f.7.-H. lita, Fér. paper -Pf. ii. 103.—B. litturatus, Spix, Braz. pl. 7, f. 3.-B. lita, Desh. Lam.-B. p. Pf. ii. 103. Brazil. 77 SCOBINATA | Mawe, in I. T.-Pf. ii. 100. Brazil. rough-coated 78 VEXILLUM Mawe, I. T.-B. pulchellus, varians, banner rubellus, Brod. Z. P.-Sow. C. I. Bul. f. 17, 20, 20*, 32.-B. v. Pf. ii. 205. Peru. 79 PORTO-SANC- Helix Sow. Z. J.i. pl. 3, f. 5.- Lowe, Faun. TANA Mad. pl. 5, f. 15.-Pf. i. 368.- H. Porto Santo Lowei, Fér. Bul. Z. 1835. Madeira. 80 PUNCTULATA Sow. Z. J.i. pl. 3, f. 2.- Lowe, Faun. small-dotted Mad. pl. 6, f. 7, 8.-Pf. i. 194. Porto Santo. 81 EXALBIDA || H. nivosa, Sow. Z. J. 1, pl. 3, f. 3.- whitish Pf. i. 192.-H. phlebephora, Lowe, Faun. Mad. pl.5, f. 6.-H.e. Wood. Madeira. 82 BULVERII H. Bulweriana, Lowe, Faun. Mad. pl. Bulwer's 5, f. 11.-Pf. i. 208. Carocolla variegata, Menke. Madeira. - --- HELIX. 231 Wood's Linnean names. 83 TECTIFORMIS roof-shaped - 84 MADEIRENSIS little brown- banded Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Helix Sow. Z. J.i. pl. 3, f. 6.-Lowe, Faun. Mad. pl. 5, f. 12.-Pf. i. 208. Porto Santo. Mawe, I. T.-Lowe, Faun. Mad. pl. 5, f. 22.-Desh. ed. Lam.-- Pf. i. 213.-H. cyclostoma, Menke, Syn. Madeira. Sow. Z. J.i. pl. 3, f. 7.-Pf. i. 190.- H. duplicata, Lowe, Faun. Mad. 58, pl. 6, f. 20. Madeira. 85 BICARINATA double-keeled NERITA.-NERITE. 1 DUPLICATA* doubled 2 PATULA* wide-snail- shaped 3 PLUMBEA lead-coloured - 4 ORNATA* tooth-lipped Natica Nat. d. Say, J. Ac. Philad. ii.- Gould, Mas, 236, f. 164, Ph. N. đi. Nat. pl. 1, f. 9; Kust. Nat. pl. 5, f. 1.- Nat. Campeachensis, Reeve, I. Nat. f. 1. N. America. Nat. p. Sow. Z. J. i. 60, pl. 5, f. 4.- Nat. glauca, Lesson, Voy. Coquil. -Desh. ed. Lam. ix. f. 651.-Ph. in Kust. Nat. pl. 6, f. 3.-Reeve, I. Nat. f. 5.- Nat. Bonplandi, Valen. Humb. Zool. Acapulco. Nat. p. Lam.-Quoy, Ast. pl. 66, f. 13, 4, 5.-Del. pl. 32, f. 10.-Nat. sor- dida, Swains. Z. I. pl. 79, middle f. Australia. Nerita N. scabricosta, Lam. (not Del.)-J. Conch. i. 287, pl. 11, f. 1, 2.-N. ornata, Sow. G.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 202, f. 4.-N. multijugis, Menke, Zeit. Mal. 1847. Panama. Gray, I. T.-- N. antiquata, Récluz, J. Conch. iv. 317, pl. 8, f. 8.-Reeve, I. Ner. f. 5. Australia. Neritina Neritina c. Lam.--Sow. C. I. Ner. f. 25. Australia. Natica Don. pl. 167.—N. canrena, Turt. Dic. --Nat. Valenciennesi, Payr. pl. 5, f. 23, 4.- Nat. i. Flem.-Phil. Sic. ii. --Reeve, I. Nat. f. 97. Mediterranean. 5 AUSTRALIS* cap 6 CREPIDULARIA slipper* 7 INTRICATA mottled 232 NERITA Wood's Linnean names. S OWENIANA shapeless 9 CARIOSAT angular mouthed 10 CAFFRAT negro 11 SMITHIIT Smith's 12 SPINOSA spinyt Lamarckian Genus. Authority-Synonyms -- Locality. Neritina Neritina 0. Gray, Zool. Misc.-Sow. C. I. Ner. f. 15.- Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 582. Africa. Neritina c. Gray, I. T.-Sow. C. I. Ner. f.5.— Neritina Nuttallii, alata, solidissima, Sow. Th. teste Récl. Sandwich I. Neritina C. Gray, I. T.-Sow. C. I: Ner. f. 51 ; Sow. Th. 2, p. 537, t. 112, f. 112. Fernando Po. Neritina S. Gray, I. T.-Sow. C. I.- Sow. Th. ü. pl. 112, f. 117, 8.- Neritina undata, Desh. teste Sow. Ganges. N. corona, Lin. teste, Sow.- Neritina s. Gray, I. T.-N. brevispina, Sow. C. I. - Neritina Montaguana, Ré- cluz.- Neritina c. Sow. Th. ii. pl. 110, f. 46 to 50. Philippines. Nerita Gray, I. T.—? N. venusta, Dunker, Phil. N. C. Ner. t. 1, f. 11. Africa. Natica Nat. violacea, Sow. Tank. Ap.-Reeve, I. Nat. f. 65.-N. rhodostoma, Phil. N. C. i. Nat. pl. 1, f. 7. Neritina s. Sow. (as of Lam.) C. I. Ner. f. 23. Madagascar. Mawe (not Gray), I. T.-Neritina globosa, (as of Brod.) Sow. C. I. Ner. f. 12. Central America. Sow. Tank. Ap.--Sow. C. I. f. 22.- Desh. ed. Lam. ix. 584. Tahiti. Neritina p. Gray, I. T.-Teste Sow. Neritina meleagris (Lam.) Sow. Th. ii. Ner. f. 252. W. Indies. 13 RUDIST unwrought 14 GLABRAŤ smooth 15 SEMICONICA dark-spotted 16 OWENII Owen's | 11 17 CANALIS channelled 18 PULCHELLA* festoon HALIOTIS.-SEA-EAR. 1 RUBRA* red - pl. 23. 2 TRICOSTATA three-ribbed Haliotis H. nævosa, Martyn, pl. 63, badly.- Reeve, I. Hal. f. 27.-Leach, Z. M. Australia. H. tricostalis, Lam.—Del. pl. 33, f. 8. -Padollus scalaris, Leach, Z. M. pl. 28.-H. canaliculata, Sch. (Ch. xii.) f. 3088, 9. Swan River HALIOTIS. 233 Wood's Linnean names. 3 SULCIFERA* blotched ( 4 IMBRICATA imbricated Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms-Locality. Genus. Stomatia Stomatella sulcifera, Adams, as of Lam.) Sow. Th. ii. pl. 174, f. 3.— Worn, aged. Philippines. S. i. Lam.-Adams, Sow. Th. ii. pl. 174, f. 1. Australia. Haliotis Gray, in I. T.-Reeve, I. Hal. f. 11. -H. dentata, Jonas, teste Reeve. U. Mawe, 181. (no desc.)-Reeve, I. Hal. f. 12.-? H. nodosa, Phil. N. C. ii. California 5 MARL* fluted 6 CORRUGATA * wrinkled PATELLA.-LIMPET. - 1 ANGULATA* Siphonaria S. gigas, Sow. Tank. Cat. (Feb. 1825). angular -Reeve, C. S. ii. pl. 138, f. 6.-S. a. Gray, An. Phil. 1825, n. s. ix. 140. Panama. 2 POCULUM* Calyptræa Trochus radians, Lam.-C. Peruviana, cup Desh. E.-C. p. Gray, I. T.-C. r. Desh. Lam.--Val. Voy. Venus, Mol. pl. 14, f. 3; pl. 15, f. 4. 3 PEZIZA* C. p. Gray, I. T.—Dispotea Byronen- Jew's ear sis, Gray, Enc. Metrop. Mol. pl. 4, f. 4. Chili 4 SCUTELLATA* C. imbricata, Sow. Gen.-Brod. Z. T. crenated i. pl. 27, f. 7.-Desh. Lam. vii. 636. --P.s. Gray, I. T. Mazatlan. 5 EXTINCTORIUM* P. Turcica, Bolten, for Mart. i. f. 123. extinguisher C. e. Lam. (not Sow.) Cape G. Hope. 6 LAQUEARE* Emargi- P. octoradiata, var. b. Gm. 3699.-P. grooved nula modulus, Bolten, for List. 532, f. 11. -P. l. Gray, I. T.-E. tricostata, Reeve (as of Sow.) C. S. pl. 140, f. W. Indies. 7 HIANTULA* Fissurella P. scutellum, Gm. 3731, partly.--F. key-hole h. Lam.-F. Javanicensis, Sow. (as of Lam.) C. I. f. 12.---Reeve, C. S. pl. 142, f. 12.-F. s. Krauss, Sudaf. 64, not var. Cape G. Hope. 2 - 5,6. 234 PATELLA. Wood's Linnean Lamarckian Authority-Synonyms--Locality. names. Genus. 8 CRYSTALLINA* Emargi- P. scissa, Salis Marschlins, (English brittle nula ed.) p. 449, t. 6, f. 1.—?E. Sicula, Gray, An. Phil. 1825, p. 407.-E. c. Gray, I. T.-E. canceliata, Phil. Sic. i. 114, pl. 7, f. 15.-Reeve, C. S. pl. 140, f. 2. Mediterranean. SERPULA.-WORM-SHELL. 1 FILOGRANA Serpula Lin. Sys.—Lam.—Brit. Mar. C. 13. threadliket -S. complexa, Turt. Dic. Britain, &c. 2 MAXIMA* Vermetus Sow. Tank. Ap. p. 1.–V. m. Gray, large Spic. Zool. 3, pl. 5, f. 3. Pacific. 3 FUSCATA* Adhuc, &c. Rump. pl. 41, f. L.-S. f. brown Sow. Taņk. Ap. p. 1.-? = Serp no. 35. Indian O. 4 ROSEA Vermilia ? Mawe, I. T.-? V. rostrata, Lam. rose-coloured Australia? - FINIS. YE T cred > C 2 CC CO COOC c EE CCC TO TEC C E D UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CCCC 3 9015 05238 5922 تماس با & (( DIY, OF MOLLUSKS DO . 3