B 1,578,405 ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE INDEX (3 – 2 UNIVERS THE UNIVERS ARTES S OF OF MICH MIC SCIENTI · LIBRARIES' HIGAN $2 " candy and I ཀ་ T.B. (Marks. Thornhill- INDEX 3. Carlish Place. S.W. TO THE OF THE PUBLICATIONS dov. 1899. Exdons [1843-1891.] ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Cuthbert Park. OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. BY INCLUDING THE JOURNAL AND TRANSACTIONS OF THE ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (1843-1871); THE JOURNAL AND MEMOIRS OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (1863-1871); THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL REVIEW; AND THE JOURNAL OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (1871-1891). GEORGE W. BLOXAM, M.A., Assistant Secretary. Price Ten Shillings. LONDON: THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, 3, HANOVER SQUARE. 1893. 4 GN 1 J82 LONDON: HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. Libr 66 INTRODUCTION. THE Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland was formed in the year 1871 by the union of two Societies-The Ethnological Society of London (founded in the year 1843) and the Anthropological Society of London (founded in 1863). Each of these Societies issued publications under various titles, and this has necessitated the use of a considerable number of abbreviations in a general index, a full explana- tion of which is given in the following list. Since the union, the title of the periodical issued by the Institute has remained unchanged, viz., “The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland." The first twenty volumes of this publication have been included in the present work. With the first part of the first volume of the "Transactions of the Ethnological Society" were issued twelve pages entitled "Report of the Ordinary Meetings of the Ethnological Society"; these pages are num- bered 129–140, and contain notices of the papers read at the meetings of the Society from November 25th, 1857, to December 21st, 1859, with abstracts of a few of those papers which are not printed at length in the 'Transactions"; they were not included in the bound volume of the "Transactions," the pagination of which is complete without them; the abstracts have been indexed, and the pages distinguished from the others having the same numbers by being placed in square brackets [129-140]. The Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of London were incor- porated with a quarterly journal entitled "The Anthropological Review," and, as this was issued to all members of the Society, it has been included in this index: the same remark applies to a periodical known as “The Popular Magazine of Anthropology," which had an existence of one year only, and was bound in the same cover and issued with the numbers of the "Anthropological Review” for 1866 (vol. iv). An error occurs in the pagination of the "Journal of the Anthropo- logical Society" contained in the second volume of the " Anthropological V Introduction. - Review," in which pages cclxiii-cclxxii are repeated; the second ten of these twenty pages are distinguished in the index by being printed in italics (cclxiii-cclxxii). The pagination of the "Journal of the Anthropological Society of London" is continued from Nos. 28 and 29 of the "Anthropological Review" to the first two numbers of the "Journal of Anthropology"; but in No. 3 of the "Journal of Anthropology" the pagination of the "Journal of the Anthropological Society" recommences with page i. In 1873 certain members of the old Anthropological Society of London founded the "London Anthropological Society," in connection with which a periodical was published entitled "Anthropologia." At the end of 1875 this Society was dissolved, and several of its mem- bers became members of the "Anthropological Institute." It has been thought well, therefore, to include a brief index to "Anthropológia " in the present volume; inasmuch, however, as the "London Anthropo- logical Society" had no direct connection with the "Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland," the entries relating to Anthropo- logia have been printed in italics. In the case of papers read before either of the Societies, the full title is given under the Author's name, together with information as to length, illustration, and the date of the meeting at which, the paper was read, whenever that has been ascertained. In order to avoid complication and needless repetition, the dates of publication of the various volumes are not given in the body of the index, but are collected together in a table at the commencement. : EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE A.R. A.R. i, T.A.S. A.R. ii, J.A.S. Á.R. iv, P.M.A. Anthrop... J.A. J.A., J.A.S. J.A. [3], J.A.S. J.A.I. &c. &c. A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cclxiii- The second ten of the twenty pages numbered cclxiii- cclxxii cclxxii in the Journal of the Anthropological Society, contained in the second volume of the Anthropological Review. J.A.I. i, P.A.S. J.A.I. i, P.E.S. J.E.S. J.E.S., N.S. ·· M.A.S. T.E.S. ·· T.E.S. i, (129-140] ·· ❤ ·· • ·· .. • • • • INDEX. Anthropological Review. Transactions of the Anthropological Society contained in the first volume of the Anthropological Review. Journal of the Anthropological Society contained in the second volume of the Anthropological Review. The Popular Magazine of Anthropology, issued with the fourth volume of the Anthropological Review. Anthropologia—the Organ of the London Anthropological Society. Journal of Anthropology-the Organ of the Anthropo- logical Society of London. Journal of the Anthropological Society, contained in the first two numbers of the Journal of Anthropology. Journal of the Anthropological Society, contained in the third number of the Journal of Anthropology. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of London, contained in the first volume of the Journal of the Anthropological Institute. Proceedings of the Ethnological Society of London, con- tained in the first volume of the Journal of the Anthro- pological Institute. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. Series. New Memoirs read before the Anthropological Society of London. Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London. New Series. Ten pages issued with Part I of the first volume of the Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London, and entitled " Report of the Ordinary Meetings of the Ethnological Society." vi "C DATES OF PUBLICATION. Publications of the "ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON." J.E.S.-JOURNAL OF THE ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Four Vols. J.E.S. i (pp. 374), published 1848. 1850. J.E.S. ii (pp. 283), J.E.S. iii (pp. 296), J.E.S. iv (pp. 316), 1854. 1856. T.E.S.-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Seven Vols. 1863. 1865. T.E.S. i (pp. iv, 378 + 12)*, published 1861. T.E.S. ii (pp. viii, 468), T.E.S. iii (pp. vi, 418), T.E.S. iv (pp. viii, 360), T.E.S. v (pp. viii, 346, 4)†, T.E.S. vi (pp. 8, viii, 364)‡, T.E.S. vii (pp. viii, 334), 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. Definitions. .. A.R. i (pp. 500) A.R. i, T.A.S. (pp. xxxiv) A.R. ii (pp. iv, 348) A.R. ii, J.A.S. (pp. ccxcii, + x) § A.R. iii (pp. 378).. A.R. iii, J.A.S. (pp. cccxviii, A.R. iv (pp. 410).. A.R. iv, J.A.S. (pp. ccxiv) "" པ་ "" * In this volume pages 129-140 are duplicated, the first twelve being entitled Report of the Ordinary Meetings of the Ethnological Society." The Report of the Council for the year 1865-66 is bound up at the end of this volume, but separately paged. The Report of the Council for the year 1866-67, together with the President's Address, is bound up at the beginning of this volume, but separately paged. "" >> >> "" J.E.S., N.S.-JOURNAL OF THE ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. New Series. Two Vols. J.E.S., N.S. i (pp. xxviii, 400), published 1869. J.E.S., N.S. ii (pp. xxxvi, 488), 1870. "" " Publications of the "ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.” A.R.-ANTHROPOLOGICAL REVIEW. Eight Vols. Published 1863. Transactions of the Anthropological Society of London, contained in the first volume of the Anthropological Review, but separately paged in small Roman numerals. Published 1864. "" >> Journal of the Anthropological Society of London, con- tained in the second volume of the Anthropological Review, but separately paged in small Roman numerals. Published 1865. 1865. 1866. 1866. "" § An error occurs in the pagination of A.R. ii, J.A.S., in which pages cclxiii- cclxxii are repeated; the second ten of these twenty pages are distinguished in this index by being printed in italics (cclxiii-cclxxii). A.R. iv, P.M.A. (pp. 150, viii, 72)* A.R. v (pp. 378). A.R. v, J.A.S. (pp. cclxxiv) A.R. vi (pp. 470).. A.R. vi, J.A.S. (pp. cc) A.R. vii (pp. 434) A.R. vii, J.A.S. (pp. ccxl) A.R. viii (pp. 206) A.R. viii, J.A.S. (pp. cviii) .. Definitions. vii The Popular Magazine of Anthropology, issued with the fourth volume of the Anthropological Review, but separately paged. J.A. (pp. 368) J.A., J.A.S. (pp. lxxvi) Published 1867. 1867. 1868. 1868. 1869. 1869. ·· "" >> "" >> >> در "" *The Popular Magazine of Anthropology consisted of four parts, issued with the four parts of the Anthropological Review for 1866, and a "Special Number," containing an account of a Special Meeting of the Anthropological Society, held at St. James's Hall, and separately paged. 1870. 1870. J.A.-JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY. One Vol. Published 1871. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London, con- tained in parts 1 and 2 of the Journal of Anthropology, but separately paged in small Roman numerals, in con- tinuation of A.R. viii, J.A.S. [pp. cix-clxxxiv]. J.A. [3], J.A.S. (pp. xlviii) Journal of the Anthropological Society of London, con- tained in part 3 of the Journal of Anthropology, but separately paged in small Roman numerals (i-xlviii). M.A.S.-MEMOIRS READ BEFORE THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Three Vols. M.A.S. i (pp. viii, 534) Published 1865. M.A.S. ii (pp. x, 464) M.A.S. iii (pp. viii, 580).. 1866. 1870. ·· "" "" TRANSLATIONS issued by the Anthropological Society of London, but not Indexed in the Present Work. WAITZ'S INTRODUCTION TO ANTHROPOLOGY. Edited from the first volume of Anthropologie der Vaturvölker, by J. F. Collingwood, F.R.S.L., F.G.S., F.A.S.L., Foreign Associate of the Anthropological Society of Paris. 8vo, 1863, pp. xvi, 404. ON THE PHENOMENA OF HYBRIDITY IN THE GENUS HOMO. Secrétaire Général à la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris. Blake, F.G.S., Hon. F.A.S.L. 8vo, 1864, pp. xiv, 76. By Dr. Paul Broca, Edited by C. Carter THE PLURALITY OF THE HUMAN RACE. By George Pouchet, M.D., translated and edited from the second edition by Hugh J. C. Beavan, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., 8vo, 1864, pp. xiv, 158. LECTURES ON MAN. His place in Creation, and in the History of the Earth. By Dr. Carl Vogt, Professor of Natural History in the University of Geneva. Edited by James Hunt, Founder and First President of the Anthropological Society of London. 8vo, 1864, pp. xxii, 476. : Definitions. BLUMENBACH (J. F.), LIVES AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL TREATISES OF, including the De Generis Humani Varietate Nativa, and the Dissertatio Inauguralis of Dr. John Hunter. Translated and edited by T. Bendyshe, M.A., F.A.S.L., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. 8vo, 1865, pp. xvi, 406. viii LAKE HABITATIONS AND PRE-HISTORIC REMAINS in the Turbaries and Marl-Beds of Northern and Central Italy. By Bartolomeo Gastaldi, Professor of Mineralogy in the School of Engineering of Turin. Translated from the Italian and edited by Charles Harcourt Chambers, M.A., F.R.G.S., F.A.S.L. 8vo, 1865, pp. xvi, 130. Publications of the "ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.” J.A.I.-JOURNAL OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Vols. i-xx. Published 1872. Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of London, contained in the first volume of the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, but separately paged in small Roman numerals (i-xxxvii). J.A.I. i, P.E.S. (pp. cxxiii) Proceedings of the Ethnological Society of London, con- tained in the first volume of the Journal of the Anthro- pological Institute, but separately paged in small Roman numerals (xxxviii-clx). Published 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. J.A.I. i (pp. 428, clx) J.A.I. i, P.A.S. (pp. xxxvii) J.A.I. ii (pp. 456) J.A.I. iii (pp. 540) J.A.I. iv (pp. 508) J.A.I. v (pp. 498) J.A.I. vi (pp. iv, 528) J.A.I. vii (pp. iv, 552) J.A.I. viii (pp. iv, 432) J.A.I. ix (pp. viii, 478) J.A.I. x (pp. viii, 474) J.A.I. xi (pp. viii, 516) J.A.I. xii (pp. vi, 582) J.A.I. xiii (pp. vi, 510) J.A.I. xiv (pp. vi, 404) J.A.I. xv (pp. vi, 510) J.A.I. xvi (pp. vi, 434) J.A.I. xvii (pp. viii, 364). . J.A.I. xviii (pp. viii, 444) J.A.I. xix (pp. vi, 522) J.A.I. xx (pp. vi, 388) • • • .. "" در "" "" "" 315 "; "" "" "" "" >> >> 353 225 "" "" در 3 "" "" 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. (In Progress.) Anthrop. (pp. 604, cxlviii) "Anthropologia," the Organ of the "London Anthropological Society," published 1873-5. | Abbeville, Flint Implements from (Ex. 45) the Fossil Man of Fossil Man of, see Falconer, H. Jaw, see Quatrefages, A. de Jaw, Remarks on the Aberdeen, Stone Circles near, see Lewis, A. L... Abessinia and the Neighbouring Countries, on the Geographical Distribution of the Languages of, see Beke, C. T. Abnormal Distortion of Wrist, Inherited, see Chambers, C. H. .. INDEX. ·· Abnormity, Hereditary Transmission of, see Morris, J. P. Abolition of Slavery, see McHenry, G. Abolition of Slavery.. Aboriginal Dialects of Queensland.. •• Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands, see Man, E. H. lanea, 143 • .. ·· Monuments in Canada, see Gibb, Duncan Paucity of, by Sir Duncan Gibb, see Anthropology at the British Associa- tion, 1869 Occupations, see Hall, G. R. Ovens, see Beveridge, P... Savage Races of Man Aborigines, Australian, see Anthropological lanea, 104 • C ·· · · Miscel- Legends of, see Anthropological Miscel- ·· ·· ·· on the Page and Isis (Hunter River, New South Wales) .. of Queensland, Extermination of K .. see Murray, T. A.. see Anthropological Miscellanea, 28.. J.A.I. ii, 307 North, see Creed, J.A.I. vii, 266 and Half-castes, see Peel, R. J.A. [3]; J.A.S. p. xxxi of Australia. Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 28 see Wake, C. S. of Central America, Macana of, see Anthropo- logical News, 161 of Central Queensland, see Beddoe, J. of Chatham Island, see Welch, E. A. A.R. v. J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. ii, 220–222 A.R. i, 177 A.R. i, 312 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. x J.A.I. xvii, 44 J.E.S. ii, 208 A.R. ii, 59 A. R. iii, 183 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cviii A.R. i, 182 J.A.I. ii, 166 J.A.I. xii, 69, 117, 327 J.A., J.A.S. p. clxxiii A.R. vii, 423 A.R. i, 415 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxxvii A.R. iv, P.M.A. 49–60 J.A.I. ix, 459 J.A.I. xiv, 87 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. liii J.A.I. ii, 307 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xiii A.R. viii, 100 J.A.I. vii, 145 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. xcvii J.A.I. vii, 255 A.R. vi, 461 B 2 Index. "Aborigines of Tasmania. By H. Ling Roth." Review J.A.I. xx, 222 Aborigines of Yesso, see Ainos. Abraham (Rt. Rev.), C. J. (D.D.), see Wellington, Bishop of. Absaroka Myth, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 115 Abyssinia, Ethnology of, see Crawfurd, J. the Native Races of, see Blanc, H. see Abessinia. Accepted Impossibilities Acclimatisation, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 39 of Europeans in the United States of America, see Hunt, J. of Man see Hunt, J. Accra Language, see Hanson, A. W. Acheson, F. On a Pseudo-Cromlech on Mount Alexander, Australia. 23rd February, 1869 on a supposed Stone Implement from County Wicklow, Ireland. 7th December, 1869. (Woodcut) Acquirement of Language by Mutes, see Heath, D. I. Acrobats, Indian, see Shortt, J., on the Domber Actions, Instinctive, see Murray, W. . Acts xvii, 26 (Codex Sinaiticus), see Bendyshe, T. see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 8 Adamite Species, see Harris, G., on the Plurality of races and Pre-Adamite, see Anthropological News, 35 Adamites, see Wake, C. S... Adampé, see Daniell, W. F. Adams, (Dr.) A. Leith, on a Series of 'Chipped Flints Collected in the Islands of Guernsey and Herm. 18th March, 1872 Address, 1844, see King, R. 1845, see Malcolm, Charles 1846, see Malcolm, Charles 1847, see Prichard, J. C. 1848, see Prichard, J. C. 1851, see Malcolm, C. 1852, see Cull, R. 1853, see Brodie, B. C. 1854, see Brodie, B. C. 1863, see Hunt, J. 1864, see Hunt, J. 1865, see Hunt, J. 1866, see Hunt, J. 1867, see Crawfurd, J. 1867, see Hunt, J. 1868, see Heath, D. I. .. • 1869, see Hunt, J. 1870, see Beddoe, J. 1870, see Huxley, T. H. 1871, see Beddoe, J. 1872, see Lubbock, J. 1873, see Lubbock, J. 1874, see Busk, G... 1875, see Busk, G... 1876, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt 1877, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt ·· •• ·· ·· ·· ·· . • • .. . .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· • ·· ·· ·· •• ·· J.A.I. x, 239 T.E.S. vi, 282 T.E.S. vii, 291 Anthrop. 355 A.R. iii, 85 A.R. viii, 109 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 27-30 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 118–120 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 145–147 T.E.S. ii, 50 J.E.S. iv, 84 J.E.S., N.S. i, 75 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 43, 44 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. lxxxiii A.R. ii, J.A.S. clxxxix p. A.R. i, 412 A.R. ii, 147 A. R. i, 490 A.R. v, 175 A.R. v, 244 J.A.I. i, 363 J.E.S. iv, 1 J.A.I. ii, 68 J.E.S. ii, 9 J.E.S. ii, 41 J.E.S. ii, 69 J.E.S. i, 301 J.E.S. ii, 119 J.E.S. iii, 86 J.E.S. iii, 165 J.E.S. iv, 98 J.E.S. iv, 294 A.R. i, 1 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxxx A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. lxxxv A.R. iv, J.A.S. lix p. T.E.S. vi, 6 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xliv A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxxxiv A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. civ A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. lxxviii J.E.S., N.S. ii, p. xvi J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. xxiv J.A.I. i, 381 J.A.I. ii, 429 J.A.I. iii, 507 J.A.I. iv, 476 J.A.I. v, 468 J.A.I. vi, 491 Index. 3 Address, 1878, see Evans, J. 1879, see Evans, J. 1880, see Tylor, E. B. 1881, see Tylor, E. B. 1882, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt 1883, see Evans, J... 1884, see Flower, W. H. 1885, see Flower, W. H. 1886, see Galton, F. 1887, see Galton, F. 1888, see Galton, F. 1889, see Galton, F. 1890, see Beddoe, J. :: .. .. ·· ·· .. • .. • ·· .. 1891, see Beddoe, J. Address delivered in the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology. (British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1870.) By John Evans, F.R.S., F.S.A., see Contemporary Literature to the Department of Anthropology of the British Association, 1879. By Edward B. Tylor, D.C.L., F.R.S., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 100 1881. By Professor W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 127 to the Anthropological Section of the British Asso- ciation, 1887. By Professor A. H. Sayce, M.A., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 172 to the Bath and Bristol Branch of the British Medical Association. By John Beddoe, M.D., F.R.S., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 103 .. by M. Broca to the French Association for the Advancement of the Sciences, 1877, see Anthropolo- gical Miscellanea, 87 "Address to the Geographical Society of Paris. By Maltebrun." Review.. • "Address delivered in the Department of Geology, British Association, 1878. By John Evans, D.C.L., F.R.S." Brief Abstract "Address on Chemistry in its Relations to Medicine. By W. B. Herapath. Review •• Donaldson, J. W. ** Tribal, among the Aborigines of Australia, see Wake, C. S. Africa, Ancient Egyptian Boomerang (Ex. 287) Divination among the Natives of Natal, Callaway, H. Figures Modelled by Native Zulu (Ex. 22) Flint Flakes from Egypt (Ex. 226) Flint Flakes, Arrow-heads, &c., from Egypt (Ex. • .. see J.A.I. vii, 515 J.A.I. viii, 402 J.A.I. ix, 443 J.A.I. x, 440 J.A.I. xi, 488 J.A.I. xii, 563 J.A.I. xiii, 488 229) Flint and Bronze Implements from Egypt (Ex. 251) Implements and Works of Art from the Lower Congo (Ex. 378) J.A.I. xiv, 378 J.A.I. xv, 489 J.A.I. xvi, 387 J.A.I. xvii, 346 J.A.I. xviii, 401 J.A.I. xix, 481 J.A.I. xx, 348 J.A. 355 J.A.I. ix, 235 J.A.I. xi, 184 Aden, Hebrew Manuscripts from (Ex. 42) Admiralty Islands, Inhabitants of, see Moseley, H. N. J.A.I. vi, 379 Weapons from (Ex. 209) Adzes, Stone, from Burmah (Ex. 216) J.A.I. vi, 425 J.A.I. vii, 117 Affinities, Scandinavian, of the Etruscan Language, see J.E.S. iv, 176 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xiii J.A.I. xii, 454 J.A.I. xvii, 166 J.A.I. xi, 351 J.A.I. vii, 187 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 84 J.A.I. viii, 101 A.R. ii, 121 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxi J.A I. i, 163 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121 J.A.I. vii, 323 J.A.I. vii, 396 J.A.I. x, 429 J.A.I. xvii, 213 B 2 4 Index. Africa, Photographs of Natives of Algeria (Ex. 334) Progress of Civilisation in, see Crawfurd, J. Stone Implement from Algeria (Ex. 248) Implements from (Ex. 122) see Baker, S. W., on the Races of the Nile Basin see Edwards, H. W., Marble Armlet from Lukoja see Gibb, G. D., on the Character of the Voice see Grout, L., on the Zulu Language see Mann, R. J., on the Kaffir Race of Natal see Phillips, R. C., on the Lower Congo see Rigby, C. P., on the Origin of the Somali Race · · see Robins, T. V., on the Niger see Wilson, C. W., on the Tribes of the Nile Valley Central, Bunu boy, &c. (Ex. 40) 256) Fetish from Lake Nyassa (Ex. 423) Scenes and Natives, Photographs of (Ex. see Cameron, V. L. see Flower, W. H., on two Skeletons of Akkas see Flower, W. H., on a Fetish from Lake Nyassa see Hore, E. C. see Robins, T. V., on the Bunu Tribe see Wildman, L. :. East, Skull from Quiloa (Ex. 43). Tribes and Languages, see Steere, E. Africa, Egypt, Ethnology of, see Poole, R. S. Equatorial, see Grant, J. •• ·· ·· ·· •• • .. ·· • see Burton, R. ·· see Reade, W. W., on the Bush Tribes Eastern Equatorial, see Johnston, H. H. the Gaboon, see Walker, R. B. N. Gold Coast, see Anthropological Conferences see Anthropological Miscellanea, 232 Guinea, Ashantee Fetish Curse (Ex. 172) Gold Objects from Ashantee (Ex. 174) Skull from Ashantee (Ex. 171) Yoruba Bows, &c. (Ex. 406) "Bull-roarers" (Ex. 403) ·· • • • • • see Batty, R. B., on the Yoruba Country see Burton, R. F., on the Present State •• of Dahome Guinea, see Moloney, A., on Yoruba Bows (Niger), Marble Armlet from Lukoja (Ex. 8) Northern, Existence of a Race of Red Men in, Anthropological Miscellanea, 40. Sierra Leone, see Clarke, R. see Harris, J. M., on the Gallinas People • see Harris, J. M., on the Gallinas People Soudan. Darfur Boy (Ex. 291) Africa, South, Aborigines of Natal (Ex. 76) Bechuana Skull (Ex. 75) Bushman Drawings (Ex. 288) Cave Cannibals of, see Layland, W. ·· ♥· see J.A.I. xv, 185 XV, T.E.S. iii, 98 J.A.I. x, 316 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcii T.E.S. v, 228 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35 M.A.S. iii, 244 J.E.S. iii, 247 T.E.S. v, 277 J.A.I. xvii, 214 T.E.S. v, 91 T.E.S. v, 82 J.A.I. xvii, 3 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cx J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. xi, 74 J.A.I. vi, 167 J.A.I. xviii, 3 J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. xii, 2 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cx T.E.S. iv, 268 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxvi J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxliii T.E.S. ii, 260 T.E.S. iii, 83 T.E.S. i, 316 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. xix J.A.I. xv, 3 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxlix J.A.I. xvi, 180 J.A.I. xx, 363 J.A.I. iv, 88 J.A.I. iv, 122 J.A.I. iv, 62 J.A.I. xix, 213 J.A.I. xix, 159 J.A.I. xix, 160 T.E.S. iii, 400 J.A.I. xix, 213 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35 J.A.I. iii, 300 T.E.S. ii, 320 M.A.S. ii, 25 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lxxxii J.A.I. xii, 469 A.R. V, clxxvii J.A.S. p. A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cliv J.A.I. xii, 464 J.E.S., N.S. i, 76 Index. 5 Africa, South, Ethnological Objects from, see Anthro- pological Conferences South, Implements and Dress from (Ex. 39) Land Tenure among the Aboriginal Tribes, see Frere, H. Bartle Polygamous Marriage in, see Sanderson, J... Prehistoric Remains in, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 164 .. South, on the Races of, see Anthropological Conferences 304) South, Skeletons from, see Macalister, A. the Stone Age in, see Gooch, W. D. Stone Hammer and Double-pointed Cut- ting Instrument from the Cape (Ex. 133) South, Stone Implements from (Ex. 123) (Ex. 260) (Ex. 365) see Feilden, H. W. .. ·· from Natal mans .. ·· ·· • • (Ex. Cape, see Dale, Langham ·· South, Stone Implements and Pottery from the Cape (Ex. 132).. ·· see Layard, E. L. see Penning, W. H. the Cape (Ex. 12) Natal (Ex. 233) and Pottery from the ·· South, Tribes of, see Macdonald, James Weapons and Implements, see Griesbach, • C. L. South, see Conder, C. R., on the Native Tribes in Bechuanaland South, see Grey, George, on Quartzite Imple- ments South, see Holub, E. see Hutchinson, M., on a Collection of Bushman Drawings South, see Lubbock, J., Stone Implements from the Cape South, see Macdonald, James ·· • see Sanderson, J., on Stone Implements see Stow, G. W., on a Tribe of Bush- see Callaway, H., on Divination South, Natal, see Calloway, H., on Infanticide see Anthropological Miscellanea, 121.. South West, Explorations in, see Baines, T. Review Africa, West, on Carvings from, see Walker, R. B. N... .. Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 286) Grass Cloth from Lagos (Ex. 111) Objects from Loango (Ex. 34) on the People of Batanga, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 126 Specimens from the Gaboon (Ex. 74) Symbolic Messages, see Bloxam, G. W. see Burton, R. F., a Day among the Fans ·· ·· J.A.I. xvi, 178 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cii J.A.I. xii, 258 J.A.I. viii, 254 J.A.I. xvi, 423 J.A.I. xvi, 177 J.A.I. xvi, 149 J.A.I. xi, 124 J.A.I. i, 348 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcrii J.A.I. xi, 180 J.A.I. xvi, 65, 66 J.A.I. xiii, 162 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcvii J.A.I. xvi, 68 J.E.S., N.S. i, 51 J.A.I. viii, 15 J.A.I. i, 345 J.A.I. i, 345 J.A.I. xx, 113 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cliv J.A.I. xvi, 76 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 39 J.A.I. x, 2 J.A.I. xii, 464 J.E.S., N.S. i, 51 J.A.I. xix, 264 J.A.I. viii, 15 J.A.I. iii, 244 J.A.I. i, 163 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxxvii J.A.I. x, 460 A.R. iv, 243 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiv J.A.I. xii, 454 J.A.I. i, 30 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiv J.A.I. x, 463 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxliv J.A.I. xvi, 295 T.E.S. iii, 36 6 Index. Africa, West, see Burton, R. F., and V. L. Cameron, on Stone Implements from the Gold Coast West, see Burton, R. F., on the Dahoman see Griffith, T. R., on the Races Inhabiting ( Sierra Leone West, see Kolbe, F. N. see Mann, A., on the Numeral System of the Yoruba Nation West, see Price, F. G. H., on the Quissama Tribe see Walker, R. B. N., on the Mpongwe Tribe see Wildman, L., on the People about ·· Little Popo West, Gold Coast, see Daniell, W. F. West, Old Callebar, see Daniell, W. F... see Walker, J. B... Western, see Johnston, H. H., on the Races of the Congo Western, Equatorial, see Burton, R. F., Notes on Du Chaillu's Explorations << Western, Equatorial, see Du Chaillu and Syria, Stone Implements from, see Lubbock, John African, Oil Painting of (Ex. 347).. Anthropology, see Anthropological Notes, 17 Elephants, Tusks of, Identical with those of Mammoth (Ex. 144) Nations, Character of the Voice in, see Gibb, D. Ornaments (Ex. 86) Symbolic Messages, see Gollmer, C. A. Tribes, see Hutchinson, T. J. of the British Empire, see Anthro- pological Conferences Africans, Photographs of (Ex. 349) of the Niger, Photographs of (Ex. 360) Age and Antiquity of the Book of Nabathæan Agricul- ture. By E. Renan." Review .. Age and Weight of Brain, see Weisbach, A. •• of the Hyena Bed in Victoria Cave, Settle, see Tiddeman, R. H. Mythic, see Westropp, H. M. ! • Ages of Parents and Sex of Offspring, see Napier, C. O. G... Relative, of Cremation and Contracted Burial, see Pennington, R. Aggri Beads, see Price, J. E. Skulls, see Davis, J. B. Woman, Skeleton of, see Davis, J. B. Ainos, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 41 · J.A.I. xii, 449 M.A.S. i, 308 "} J.A.I. xvi, 300 J.E.S. iii, 1 J.A.I. xvi, 59 J.A.I. i, 185 M.A.S. ii, 283 T.E.S. iv, 268 J.E.S. iv, 1 J.E.S. i, 210 J.A.I. vi, 119 J.A.I. xiii, 461 T.E.S. i, 316 T.E.S. i, 305 J.A.I. vii, 165 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxv A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxix J.A.I. iv, 265 J.A.I. xii, 64 J.A.I. xii, 64 (Ex. 270) Agricultural Implements from the Naga Hills (Ex. 320) J.A.I. xiv, 114 Agriculture, Origin of, see Roth, H. Ling J.A.I. xvi, 102 Primitive, see Buckland, A. W…… J.A.I. vii, 2 "Aide Mémoire du Voyageur. By D. Kaltbrunner.' Review .. Aim and Scope of Anthropology Aino, Language of the Aino, Skull, see Busk, G. J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcii J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A. 244 J.A.I. iii, 56 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. Ixii A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxxvi J.A.I. xiv, 169 T.E.S. i, 327 J.A.I. xvi, 182 J.A.I. xv, 423 J.A.I. xvi, 23 A.R. ii, 52 A.R. vii, 92 J.A.I. x, 237 J.A. 1-18 Anthrop. 308 T.E.S. vi, 109 M.A.S. iii, 21 M.A.S. iii, 21 J.A.I. iii, 304 Index. 7 Ainos, Japanese Drawings of the Manners of, see Franks, A. W... Manners of (Ex. 152) Photographs of (Ex. 151) see Bickmore, A. S. see Holland, S. C... see St. John, H. C. ·· see Wood, W. M., on the Hairy Men of Yesso and Japanese, see Anthrop. Miscellanea, 38 Ainsworth, W. F., the Assyrian Origin of the Izedis or Yezidis-the so-called "Devil Worshippers ·· "" << ·· .. .. on the Sabæans Dwelling at the Mouth of the Euphrates. 10th February, 1858. Abstract Aissa Houha Arabs, see Anthropological News, 81 Akerman, J. G., on an Artificially Deformed Skull found in Switzerland. 11th January, 1854. (Plate) Akkad People, see Clarke, H., on "Prehistoric Com- parative Philology, &c." .. Akkas Akkas, Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 333) Two Skeletons of, see Flower, W. H. see Read, C. H. on the Akkrah and Adampé, see Daniell, W. F. Alans or Lesghs, see Howorth, H. H., Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part X Alaska, Natives of, see Whymper, F. Albania, Worked Flints from (Ex. 362) Albanian Flints and Old English Strike-a-lights (Ex. 364) Albanians, see Skene, H. "Albert N'yanza. By S. W. Baker." Review.. Albertis, S. M. D', Extracts from "New Guinea: What I Did and What I Saw," see Beardmore, E., on the Natives of Mowat Travels in Guinea. 13th June, 1876 Albino, see Anthropological News, 105 "Album von Celébes Typen. By A. B. Meyer." Review Alderley Edge, Stone Mining Tools from, see Dawkins, W. B. (Ex. 182) "Alemannic Burial-grounds and the Roman Settlement near Schleitheim. By M. Wanner." Review Algemeine Naturlehre des Menschen. By E. Reich." Review ·· ·· Algeria, Photographs of Natives (Ex. 334) Stone Implement Found in, see Lubbock, J. from (Ex. 248) Alix, -, on the Mode by which the Pelvis should be Measured, see Anthropological Society of Paris Allan, J. McGrigor, on the Ape-origin of Mankind "Carl Vogt's Lectures on Man." Review Europeans and their Descendants in North America. With Discussion. 17th March, 1868 on the Real Differences in the Minds of Men and Women. With Discussion. 1st June, 1869 •• J.A.I. iii, 137 J.A.I. iii, 137 J.A.I. iii, 137 T.E.S. vii, 16 J.A.I. iii, 233 J.A.I. ii, 248 T.E.S. iv, 34 J.A.I. iii, 129 T.E.S. i, 11-44 T.E.S. i [130] A.R. vi, 118 J.E.S. iv, 191, 192 J.A.I. iv, 148 Anthrop. p. lxxxiii J.A.I. xv, 139 J.A I. xviii, 133 J.A.I. XV, 139 J.E.S. iv, 1 J.A.I. iii, 145 T.E.S. vii, 167 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.E.S. ii, 159 A.R. iv, 269 J.A.I. xix, 471 J.A.I. vi, 214–223 A.R. vi, 325 J.A.I. xx, 222 J.A.I. v, 2 A.R. v, 325 A.R. iii, 303 J.A.I. XV, 185 J.A.I. x, 316 J.A.I. x, 316 A.R. v, 351 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 121–128 A.R. vii, 177 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. cxxvi- clxvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxcv- ccxix 8 Index. Allan, J. McGrigor, "The Theory of the Arts." Review A.R. viii, 145 Allen, Francis A., The Original Range of the Papuan and Negritto Races. With Discussion. March, 1878 26th Allen, J. Grant, Questions as to Perception of Colour, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 92, Allport, Morton, Photographs, Casts of Skulls, Stone Implements, and Masks of Native Tasmanians. 20th May, 1873.. Alphabet, Hieroglyphic, see Bollaert, W. Maya, see Bollaert, W. see Bollaert, W. Alphabets of the Indian Archipelago, see Crawfurd, J. see Anthropological Miscellanea, 39. (Hyde Clarke, on the Hamath Inscriptions) Alps, Rhætian, Ethnological Observations Inhabitants of, see Freund, W. Altitudes, High, Influence of, see Glaisher, J. Amalgamation of the Anthropological and Ethnological Societies. Memorandum Embodying the Terms of Union. 14th February, 1871.. • A ·· ·· on Reports on the Failure of the Negotiation for Amazon, Feather Dress and Ornaments from the (Ex. 208) Tribes in the Valley of the, see Markham, C. R. Weapons from the (Ex. 211) Amazons, the Woman Question, see Clarke, H….. America, Alleged Introduction of Syphilis from, Bollaert, W. · · ·· the ·· Ancient Picture and Figurative Writing in, Bollaert, W. Local and Imported Diseases in, see Bollaert, W. Mexican Zodiac (Ex. 63) ·· Origin of Culture in, see Clarke, H. Palæography of, see Bollaert, W. Past and Present Populations of, see Bollaert, W. Peopling of (A. R. Grote). Review. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea. 84, Recent Anthropology Photographs of North American Indians (Ex. Rica (Ex. 177) .. Central, Carved Stone Object from (Ex. 236) Central, Tribes of, see Boyle, F. .. .. see 310) Photographs of the West Indies and British Guiana (Ex. 295) ·· see Progress of Civilisation, see Crawfurd, J. see Bollaert, W., on the Anthropology of the New World America, see Hamilton, Gavin America, Arctic, Objects from (Ex. 372) America, British, North, Natives of, see Anthropological Conferences America, Central, Anthropology in, see Anthropological News, 132 ·· Blowpipe, Bow and Arrows from Costa J.A.I. viii, 38-50 J.A.I. vii, 543 J.A.I. iii, 178 M.A.S. ii, 46 M.A.S. i, 210 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xlviii J.E.S. ii, 246 J.A.I. iii, 135 J.E.S. iv, 268 A.R. i, 414 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xxxvi, xxxvii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clv A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. clxxxix- cxcvii J.A.I. vi, 379 T.E.S. iii, 140 J.A.I. vii, 19 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 366 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclvi M.A.S. i, 169 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxiii A.R. v, J.A.S. xxxii p. J.A.I. iv, 148 M.A.S. i, 169 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. üi J.A.I. vii, 111 J.A.I. xiii, 431 J.A.I. xiii, 2 T.E.S. iii, 98 M.A.S. ii, 92 J.A.I. vii, 206 J.A.I. xvii, 68 J.A.I. xvi, 199 A.R. vi, 463 J.A.I. viii, 210 T.E.S. vi, 207 J.A.I. iv, 363 Index. 9 America, Central, Celts from Chiriquí (Ex. 4) Flint Implements from Honduras (Ex. Flint Implements from Honduras (Ex. Stone Implements from Honduras (Ex. 105) 212) 193) (Ex. 429) (Ex. 166) of Yucatan Chiriquí.. ·· see Collinson, J., on the Indians of the Mosquito Territory see Cullen, —, on the Darien Indians see Simson, A., on the Napo Indians see Steffens, A., on Stone Implements from the Island of San Jose America, Mexico, Maya Alphabet (Ex. 65) see Bollaert, W., on the Maya Hiero- glyphic Alphabet of Yucatan America, North, Distribution of Indian Tribes in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 182.. .. Ethnology and Archeology of, Address by Prof. Huxley see Blake, C. C., on Celts from Chiriquí see Bollaert, W., on the Hieroglyphics • • (Ex. 283) see Bollaert, W., on Tombs of the ·· bia (Ex. 246) ·· • C ·· • .. Europeans in, see Allan, J. M. Philology, see Tylor, E. B. Antiquities from Mexico (Ex. 126) Arrow-heads and Indian Pipes from Lake ·· Photographs of Indians (Ex. 350) .. Erie (Ex. 93) Artificially Distorted Skulls from Van- couver's Island (Ex. 125) Bored Stone from San Juan Teotihuacan Bow and Arrows of the Modoc Indians Carved Mexican Figures (Ex. 178) Elk" Teeth used for Money (Ex. 393) Ethnological Objects from British Colum- .. • ·· Canada (Ex. 318) Fictitious Writing in, see Bollaert, W. Flint Implements from Canada and the United States (Ex. 237) Obsidian Flake and Core from Mexico (Ex. 114) • • Terra Cotta Heads from Mexico ·· Pottawatamie Boy (Ex. 421) Pottery from New Mexico (Ex. 383) Sculptures and Photographs from North Carolina (Ex. 282) Stone Implements and Pottery from Canada (Ex. 146) from Queen Charlotte Island and Vancouver's Island (Ex. 124) Worked Jade from British Columbia (Ex. 428) T.E.S. ii, 166 J.A., J.A.S. p. cix J.A.I. vii, 19 J.A.I. vi, 37 T.E.S. ii, 166 M.A.S. iii, 288 T.E.S. ii, 147 M.A.S. iii, 148 T.E.S. iv, 264 J.A.I. xii, 21 J.E.S., N.S. i, 67 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii M.A.S. ii, 46 J.A.I. xvii, 358 J.E.S., N.S. i, 218 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxxvi T.E.S. ii, 130 J.A.I. i, 162 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxi J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. iv, 364 J.A.I. xix, 54 J.A.I. x, 74 J.A.I. xiv, 90 M.A.S. i, 169 J.A.I. viii, 377 J.A.I. i, 74 J.A.I. xv, 423, 424 J.A.I. xii, 323 J.A.I. xx, 224 J.A.I. xviii, 241 J.A.I. xii, 281 J.A.I. iii, 65 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. xx, 331 10 Index. America, North, see Balfour, H., on the Use of "Elk Teeth for Money see Bell, A. W., on the Native Races of see Blackmore, W., the North American see Bogg, E. B., on the Fishing Indians of Vancouver's Island New Mexico Indians see Fisher, M. C., on the Arapahoes, Kiowas, and Comanches see Hector, J., and W. S. W. Vaux, on the Indians seen by the Exploring Expedition under Captain Palliser.. Chipewyans in California .. ·· see Lefroy, J. H., on the Stature of the .. > see Simms, on the Flatheads see Skertchly, S. B. J., on Stone Mortars 118) see Smith, Erminie A., on the Iroquois see Wilson, —, on the Indian Tribes inhabiting the country in the vicinity of the 49th Parallel of North Latitude 176) (Ex. 99).. California. Mourning for the Dead among the Digger Indians, see Anthropological Miscel- anea, 44 ·· America, North-West Coast, on the Indian Tribes inhabit- ing, see Scouler, J. America, Russian, on the Ethnography of, see Latham, R. G. (Ex. 2) ·· America, South, Antiquities from Colombia (Ex. 241) Antiquities from Huasco (Ex. 395) Peru (Ex. 150) Arrow-heads from the Rio Negro (Ex. Blake, C. C. Celt from Dutch Guiana (Ex. 401) Clay used to mix with Food (Ex. 52) Clubs from British Guiana (Ex. 205) Cranial Characters of the Peruvians, • ·· Arrow Poison used by Canelos Indians Aymará Skull (Ex. 51) Botocudo Indians, weapons, &c. (Ex. 306) British Guiana (Ex. 27) Carved Wooden Club from Peru (Ex. ·· ·· ·· see Cranium from Chimborazo (Ex. 96) Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 388) Bolivia (Ex. 303).. Tierra del Fuego ·· (Ex. 346) Feather Dress and Ornaments from the Amazon (Ex. 208) Flagellum and Cingulum from Chili (Ex. 386) .. Hair of Canelos Indian (Ex. 98). Idol Human Head of Jívaro Indians Indian Tribes of, see Hutchinson, T. J. J.A.I. xix, 54 J.E.S., N.S. i, 222 J.E.S., N.S. i, 287 M.A.S. iii, 260 J.E.S., N.S. i, 274 T.E.S. i, 245 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 44 J.A.I. iii, 326 J.A.I. xvii, 332 J.A.I. xiv, 244 T.E.S. iv, 275 J.A.I. iii, 530 J.E.S. i, 228 J.E.S. i, 182 J.A.I. ix, 51 J.A.I. xix, 57 J.A.I. iii, 103 J.A.I. iv, 311 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xiii, 198 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 416 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xxxix J.A.I. xix, 125 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. vi, 310 T.E.S. ii, 216 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clv J.A.I. xviii, 274 J.A.I. xiii, 162 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. vi, 379 J.A.I. xviii, 274 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi T.E.S. ii, 112 T.E.S. iii, 321 Index. 11 ·· America, South, Muizca Calendar (Ex. 64) Natives of Tierra del Fuego (Ex. 408) Objects from Ancient Grave-mounds in Peru (Ex. 307) .. Patagonian Skull (Ex. 269) Peruvian Antiquities (Ex. 180) Peru (Ex. 70) 252) Records from Ecuador Pisagua, Skull from (Ex. 50) Portraits of Incas (Ex. 267) Sculptured Monolith of Tia-Huanaco, • Weapons from the Amazon (Ex. 211) Wood carvings, Pottery, &c., from the Macobi Islands (Ex. 130) Woollen Bags from Arica (Ex. 104) The Yahgans of Tierra del Fuego, Anthropological Miscellanea, 146 see Bollaert, W., on Ancient Pottery • Skeleton of a Pampas Indian (Ex. 33) Skull from the Chincha Islands (Ex. 92) Skulls from Patagonia (Ex. 250).. Rosario (Ex. 90) Stone Axe from Rio Madera (Ex. 77) Celts from British Guiana (Ex. Huasco other Indians J.A.I. xiii, 273 J.A.I. xii, 64 J.A.I. iv, 368 Figurative Writing (Ex. 71, 72).. A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii Pottery (Ex. 147, 148) Zodiac (Ex. 69) J.A.I. iii, 96, 103 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. v, v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xi, 455 ·· .. see Bollaert, W., on Peruvian Graphic • ·· see Caddy, see Ernst, A., on the Population of .. Venezuela see Garson, J. G., on the Inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego Lagoa Santa see Hansen, S., on a Fossil Skull from ·· see Hutchinson, T. J., on the Chaco and .. see Canelos Indians.. see Keane, A. H., on the Botocudos see Markham, C. R., on Quartz Cut- ting Instruments of the Ancient Inhabitants of Chanduy.. ·· see Markham, C. R., on Tribes in the Valley of the Amazon .. see Musters, on the Races of Patagonia see Parish, Woodbine see Read, C. H., on Antiquities from see Simson, A., on the Záparos ·· see Simson, A., on the Jívaros and A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xix, 443 see Snow, J. P., on the Wild Tribes of Tierra del Fuego see Stewart, on the Inhabitants of Paraguay Aboriginal Races of the North-Western Provinces, see White, R. B. A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxvii J.A.I. x, 332 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii A.R. V, J.A.S. P. clxxxvi J.A.I. x, 431 J.A.I. vii, 19 J.A.I. i, 213 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxxix J.A.I. xiv, 288 M.A.S. iii, 163 M.A.S. iii, 351 T.E.S. v, 50 M.A.S. iii, 274 J.A.I. xv, 141 J.A.I. xvii, 43 T.E.S. iii, 321 J.A.I. xiii, 199 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lvii T.E.S. iii, 140 J.A.I. i, 193 T.E.S. iv, 173 J.A.I. xix, 57 J.A.I. vii, 502 J.A.I. ix, 385 T.E.S. i, 261 J.A.I. xviii, 174 J.A.I. xiii, 240 12 Index. America, South, British Guiana, Celts from, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 123 .. Ecuador, Red Hair of a Canelos Indian Woman (Ex. 97) American Archæology, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 53 ·· Illustrations of the Evolution of New Varieties of Man, see Wilson, Daniel Indians, their Origin, see Kennedy, James Mounds, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 238 Nations, South, Cranioscopy of, see Blake, C. C. Prehistoric Remains, see Anthropological News, 140 American Race.' Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 234 American Researches, the Importance of Methodical Classification in, see Bellecombe, A. de Shell-work and its Affinities, see Buckand, A. W. Skulls, flattened (Ex. 149).. Americanists, Congress of, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 190 Amery, C. F., Reason and Instinct Amherst College Students, Measurements cf, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 181, 194 Amiens, Flint Implements from (Ex. 45).. Amulets against the Evil Eye, Modern Survival of, see Tylor, E. B. CC Association for the Advancement of Science. (Dall on the Distribution of the Native Tribes of Alasca and the Adjacent Territory.) (Hartt on the Botocudos of Brazil), see Scientific Societies Family Peculiarities, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 158 "" "( (Ex. 394) Analogies and Coincidences among Unconnected Nations, see Westropp, H. M... of Manners between the Indo-Chinese Races and the Races of the Indian Archipelago, see Yule, H. Analogous Forms of Implements among Early and Primi- tive Races, see Westropp, H. M. Anatomical Examination of a Bushwoman by Professor Luschka, A. Koch, and E. Görtz Method Applied to the Discrimination of Species, see Knox, R. ·· Anatomy of Intellect, see Dendy, w. c... Quadrumana, see Crisp, H. J.A.I. xix, 54 J.A.I. xix, 54 J.A.I. i, 221 J.A.I. ix, 290 M.A.S. ii, 288 A.R. viii, 89-91 A.R. i, 263 Explanation of the Peculiar Conformation of the Neanderthal Skull, see Davis, J. B. .. Anatomico-Anthropological Observations upon the Body M.A.S. i, 281 of a Negro. By Dr. I. Kopernicki. Translation.. J.A. 245-258 Anatomy. By H. Gray. Third Edition. By T. Holmes.' Review ·· >> ·· Young Chimpanzee, see Embleton, Anatomy and Physiology, Tablets of, by T. Cooke. Review Ancient Art in Peru, see Anthropological News, 85.. Britain, Scythe-Chariots in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 111, 112….. British City near Edinburgh, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 41 J.A.I. x, 461 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clv A.R. iii, 375 J.A. 3€0, 361 J.A.I. xvi, 98 J.A.I. viii, 338 J.E.S. iv, 226 J.A.I. xx, 366 A.R. i, 383 A.R. vi, 466 J.A.I. xx, 365 A.R. ii, 191 J.A.I. xvi, 155 J.A.I. iii, 103 J.A.I. xviii, 99 Anthrop. 565 J.A.I. xvii, 357; xviii, 192 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. ii, 202 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xxvii A.R. ii, 308 A.R. i, 394 Anthrop. 109 A.R. vi, 120 J.A.I. x, 127, 128 A.R. iii, 86 Index. 13 Ancient British Rocks, Inscriptions on, see Seemann, B. "Ancient British Sculptured Rocks. The Ancient Sculp- tured Rocks of Northumberland and the Eastern Borders, with Notices of the Remains Associated with these Sculptures." By George Tate. 1865. Review. Plate and Woodcuts Ancient British Skulls, Principal Forms of, see Thurnam, J... Tumuli, see Lubbock, J... British and Gaulish Skulls, Principal Forms of, see Thurnam, J. Buildings, Society for the Protection of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 85 .. Burial ground at Kintbury, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 82 Platycnemic bones in, see Jones, T. R. (Anthropological Miscellanea, 75) Burial grounds in Peru, see Hutchinson, T. J. Chaldean Customs and Belief among the Peoples of Western Europe, see Lewis, A. L. City in Sicily, ruins of, see Anthropological News, 141 Egyptian Boomerang (Ex. 287) Etruscan Language, Scandinavian Affinities of, see Donaldson, J. W. "Ancient Faiths. By T. Inman." Review Ancient Human Cranium found in California, see Anthro- pological News, 55 Inhabitants of the Canary Islands, see Hodgkin, T. ·· M .. Interments in County Antrim, see Holden, J. S. Jet Ornament from Garvagh (Ex. 278) Manorial Customs, Tenures, &c., of the County of Essex. By Richard Stephen Charnock, Ph.D., London, 1870, see Contemporary Literature von Mexicans, Analogy to the Existing Indian Tribes of Northern Mexico, see Ruxton, G. A. F……. Migration of, see Ruxton, G. A. F. Monuments, Preservation of, see Anthropological News, 157 ** .. .. .. and Antiquities in Ohio, Preservation of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 86 Peoples of Ireland and Scotland considered, see MacLean, H. Peruvian Graphic Records, see Bollaert, W. Skulls, see Busk, G. see Davis, J. B. .. Presented to the Universities and • • the Royal College of Surgeons.. Peruvians, see Tschudi, J. J. de…. or Fossil Pottery found in Ecuador, see Bollaert, W. • ·· Remains, Metrology and Geometry in, see Petrie, W. M. F. of Caithness, see Anderson, J. Rock Paintings in New Zealand, see Haast, J. .. M.A.S. ii, 277 A.R. iii, 293-298 M.A.S. iii, 41 T.E.S. iii, 307 M.A.S. i, 120, 459. J.A.I. vii, 186 J.A.I. vii, 104 J.A.I. vi, 196 J.A.I. iii, 311; J.A.I. iv, 2 J.A.I. vi, 136 A.R. vi, 467 J.A.I. xii, 454 J.E.S. iv, 176 A.R. vi, 378 A.R. v, 369 J.E.S. i, 167 J.A.I. i, 219 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A., 356 J.E.S. ii, 90 J.E.S. ii, 90 A.R. vii, 332 J.A.I. vii, 186 J.A.I. xx, 154 M.A.S. iii, 351 J.A.I. iii, 86 J.A.I. iii, 94 J.A.I. iii, 230 J.E.S. i, 79 M.A.S. iii, 163 J.A.I. viii, 106 M.A.S. ii, 226 J.A.I. viii, 50 J.A.I. xii, 176 Roman Locks (Ex. 275) Skulls, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 49 .. A.R. iii, 372 14 Index. Ancient Slavery, History of, see Bower, J. and Modern Greek and Italian Skulls, at the College of Surgeons, see Anthropological Notes, 10 and Modern Locks (Ex. 274) Andaman Islanders, Osteology of, see Flower, W. H. Photographs of, see Baxter, J. B. Islands, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 83 see Belcher, Edward see Fytche, A. see Man, E. H. Aboriginal Inhabitants of, see Man, E. H. Massacre of White Men in, see Anthropo- logical News, 84 Osteology of the Natives, see Flower, and Dentition of the Natives, see W. H. Owen, F. Andamanese, see Dobson, G. E. ·· 109 Bone Necklaces, see Thomson, Allen (Ex. 263) Skeleton (Ex. 272) Stature of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, ·· • .. Skulls, Description of Two, see Busk, G. and Nicobarese, Arts of, see Man, E. H……. Objects (Ex. 230) (Ex. 262) see Man, E. H. Presented to Major-General Pitt Rivers, by E. H. Man, Esq., see Man, E. H. (Mr. E. H. Man's Collection) see .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Rivers, A. H. Pitt Andamans, Note on the Languages of the, see Clarke, Hyde Anderson (Sir) C. (Bart.) on the Influence of the Invasion of the Danes and Scandinavians, in Early Times, on Certain Localities in England. 11th September, 1853. Abstract Anderson, John (M.D.) Chinese Mohammedans. With Discussion. 1st May, 1871 Notes on Further Remains from Keiss, near Wick. 28th February, 1865, with a Note on the Human Skull, by C. Carter Blake Anderson, Joseph, on the Horned Cairns of Caithness on Human Remains at Keiss. 3rd April, 1866 Discussion Report of Ancient Remains of Caithness. Abstract and Discussion. 20th March, 1866 ·· Report on Excavation in Caithness Cairns. Conducted for the Anthropological Society of London, by Messrs. J. Anderson and R. I. Shearer, in 1866 Report on the Ancient Remains of Caith- ness, and Results of Explorations, conducted for the Anthropological Society of London, by Messrs. Joseph Anderson and Robert Innes Shearer, in 1865. 20th March, 1866. Two Plates M.A.S. ii, 380 J.A. 115 J.A.I. xii, 176 J.A.I. ix, 108 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxxiii J.A.I. vii, 105 T.E.S. v, 40 T.E.S. v, 239 J.A.I. xiv, 253 J.A.I. xii, 69, 117, 327 A.R. vi, 120 J.A.I. xiv, 115 T.E.S. ii, 34 J.A.I. iv, 457 J.A.I. xi, 295 J.A.I. xi, 294 J.A.I. xii, 69 J.A.I. x, 124 T.E.S. iv, 205 J.A.I. vii, 451 J.A.I. vii, 434 J.A.I. xi, 268 J.A.I. vii, 457 J.A.I. xi, 268 J.A.I. vii, 434 J.A.I. iv, 167 J.E.S. iv, 150 J.A.I. i, 147–162 A.R. iii, J.A.S. clx-clxii M.A.S. iii, 266–273 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clii-clvi A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxviii- clxx A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxxxi- CXXXVI M.A.S. iii, 216–242 M.A.S. ii, 226–256 Index. 15 · 3. 1. ! "Andra omarbetade och tiltakta upplagan. By S. Nils- son." Review Anglo-Saxon Jaws (Ex. 53).. Angola-Quissama Tribe, see Monteiro, J. J. Animal Life, Relation of Man to the Inferior Forms of, see Wake, C. S. Remains Found at Cissbury, see Rolleston, G... at Newhaven, see Blake, C. C. Found at the Roman Villa at Brading (Ex. 258) Type, Elasticity of, see Devis, C. W. Animals, Characters Tending to Separate Man from, see Rochet C. O. G. ·· Domestication of, see Galton, F... Mental Progress of, see Shaw and Man, Comparative Longevity of, see Harris, G. ·· C Distinction Between, see Philalethes Resemblance Between, see Napier, 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 1876.. 1877. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. Aniwa Grammar, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 177 Annabom, Skulls from, see Burton, R. F., and C. C. อง J.A.S. P. A.R. T, Resemblances Between, see Physiognomy A.R. vi, 137 Animism of the Indians of British Guiana, see im Thurn, E. F. Blake Annamese Great Toe, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 105 Annamites of Lower Cochin China. (Proc. of the Anthropological Society of Paris) Anniversary Meeting, 1864.. 1865 .. 1866 .. 1867.. 1868.. 1869.. 1870.. 1870.. 1871.. • · ·· 7. · ·· : : .. 0. : • ·· ·· .. ·· :: : • .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· A.R. iv, 85 A.R. V, J.A.I. v, 198 ·· J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. i, 365 J.A.I. vi, 20 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxci J.A.I. ix, 116 M.A.S. iii, 81 A.R. vii, 163 T.E.S. iii, 122 J.A.I. vii, 96 J.A.I. ii, 69 A.R. ii, 153 clxix J.A.I. xi, 360 J.A.I. xvii, 282 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxx J.A.I. ix, 460 A.R. iv, 105 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. lxxiv- XCV A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. lxxv- cxiii A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xlix- lxxxi A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. xxxiii- lxxi A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxv-xer A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. lxxiv- cix A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. lxxv- lxxxiv J.E.S., N.S. ii, pp. ix-xxiv J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xix- xxvii J.A.I. i, 376-400 J.A.I. ii, 423–443 J.A.I. iii, 499–527 J.A.I. iv, 469–502 J.A.I. v, 465-488 J.A.I. vi. 487-516 J.A.I. vii, 511-538 J.A.I. viii, 396-425 J.A.I. ix, 437-458 J.A.I. x, 433-458 J.A.I. xi, 479–509 J.A.I. xii, 555-567 J.A.I. xiii, 480-501 16 Index. Anniversary Meeting, 1885 .. 1886.. 1887. << << • 1888.. 1889. ·· 1890.. 1891.. Anniversary Meeting of the London Anthropological Society, First (1874) • ·· Anomalous Transverse Suture in Human Malar Bones, see Anthropological Notes, 25 Ansairee of Asia Minor, see Bent, T. Ante-Diluvian Politics (Adamite and Pre-Adamite), or a Moral Cosmogony the True Theme of Genesis i to xi. Synopsis, see Anthropological News, 35 Anthropogenesis, see Dendy, Walter C... Anthropognosie. By K. Volgraff." Review Anthropoid Apes. By R. Owen." Review Anthropoid Apes and Men, see Schaaffhausen Anthropological Catholicon Classification, see Hunt, J. Collections from the Holy Land, see Burton, R. F. see Burton, R. F. see Burton, R. F. Colour Phenomena in Belgium and Elsewhere, see Beddoe, J. Conference at Dundee Conferences on the Native Races of the British Possessions. A series of special meetings held in the Conference Hall of the Colonial and Indian Ex- hibition ·· June, 1886 ·· ·· ·· on the Races of Africa. 1st June, 1886.. Opening remarks by the President (F. Galton). 1st June, 1886.. Remarks on some of the Races of South Africa represented at the Exhibition. By Dr. R. J. Mann ·· .. • on Objects of Ethnological Interest from South Africa, exhibited by C. D. Webb on the Natives of the Gold Coast. By Sir James Marshall, C.M.G. ·· J.A.I. xiv, 371-395 J.A.I. xv, 482-500 J.A.I. xvi, 380-408 J.A.I. xvii, 338-355 J.A.I. xviii, 395-419 J.A.I. xix, 474-493 J.A.I. xx, 343-359 Anthrop. 317 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvi J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. xvi, 177, 178 J.A.I. xvi, 178, 179 J.A.I. xvi, 180-182 Note on the African Tribes of the British Empire. By Joseph Thomson J.A.I. xvi, 182-186 on Archaic Survivals in Cyprus. By R. Hamilton Lang.. J.A.I. xvi, 186-188 J.A.I. xvi, 189–201 on the Races of America. 7th June, 1886 Opening remarks by the President (F. Galton). 7th June, 1886 the West Indies. By E. F. im Thurn Remarks on the Caribs. By G. H. Haw- tayne, C.M.G. .. J.A.I. xvi, 189, 190 J.A.I. xvi, 190-196 J.A.I. xvi, 196-198 on the Common Use of the Number Three in Different Parts of the World. By Hyde Clarke.. J.A.I. xvi, 198, 199 Remarks on the Natives of British North America. By Dr. J. Rae J.A.I. xvi, 199-201 on the Native Races of Australia. 22nd J.A.I. xvi, 201-210 .. A.R. v, 244-246 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xxix A.R. iv, 226 A.R. i, 149 A.R. v, 236 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 72, 73 A.R. i, 382 J.A.I. i, 300 J.A.I. i, 321 J.A.I. ii, 41 J.A.I. x, 374 A.R. vi, 71-88 J.A.I. xvi, 174-236 J.A.I. xvi, 174–188 J.A.I. xvi, 175-177 Index. 17 Anthropological Conference on the Australian Natives. By James Bonwick on the Natives of New Zealand. By F. W. Pennefather.. Fiji. By the Hon. J. E. Mason on the Native Races of New Zealand and the Fiji Islands. 29th June, 1886 ments and Borneo. 13th June, 1886 | | Malay States. By F. A. Swettenham on the Natives of British North Borneo. By W. B. Pryer Congress of 1867 :: ·· • • : : A.R. ii, J.A.S. cxv see Anthropological News, 122 Desiderata, see Reddie, J... Expedition to Zetland, Report of, see Tate, R... M.A.S. ii, 339 Exploration Fund • Explorations, see von Baer, K. E. Gleanings. (W. L. Distant.) pological Miscellanea, 93, 95 ·· ·· Investigations in Smyrna, see Clarke, H. Laboratory, see Anthropological News, 124 Broca's, see Anthropological Notes, 7.. Lectures, popular, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 212 Lecturing Club Literature, Foreign (1868–69), including Archæ- ology, Ethnography, and Travels Anthropological Miscellanea : : .. : : : : ·· : : the Straits Settle- : : : ·· • and ·· .. ·· ·· .. D See Anthro- • G • ·· ·· .. .. .. .. .. .. ·· J.A.I. xvi, 201-210 J.A.I. xvi, 211–216 J.A.I. xvi, 217-220 J.A.I. xvi, 211–220 J.A.I. xvi, 221–236 J.A.I. xvi, 221–229 J.A.I. xvi, 229–236 A.R. v, 229–235 A.R. vi, 462 ·· A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. ccxii A.R. iv, 238 J.A.I. vii, 543; viii, 96 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xcviii A.R. vi, 462 J.A. 113 J.A.I. xix, 441 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 42-44 A.R. viii, 94–96 J.A.I. i, 105–120; 254-264 401-422 J.A.I. ii, 114-136; 307–312; 444-450 J.A.I. iii, 123-136; 300- 304; 528-532 J.A.I. iv, 503, 504 J.A.I. v, 489-494 111-118; 391-406; J.A.I. vi, 71-100; 191-198; 335-344; 517-521 J.A.I. vii, 100-115; 186- 200; 379-393; 539-547 J.A.I. viii, 92-103; 228- 230; 336; 426, 427 J.A.I. ix, 233-248; 345– 352; 459-474 J.A.I. x, 124-128; 231– 240; 358-370; 459-470 J.A.I. xi, 184-194; 355 356 J.A.I. xii, 437-440; 568- 573 J.A.I. xiii, 119, 120; 238; 502-504 J.A.I. xiv, 85-88; 275-290; 396-398 J.A.I. xv, 132-136; 246- 264; 380-388; 501-504 с 18 Index. Anthropological Miscellanea ·· (C : (C .. ci ·· .. .. • Anthropological Miscellanea : 1. Notice of some Recent Anatomical writings Bearing upon Anthropology, by Professor Luigi Calori, of Bologna. By J. Barnard Davis. • • ·· 3rd April, 1871 2. "Il Brahui: Studio di Etnologia Linguistica. Di Felice Finzi. Firenze, 1870." (Hyde Clarke.) Review · ·· 3. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia." (F. W. R.) Review 4. "Body and Mind: an Inquiry into their Connection and Mutual Influence, specially in Reference to Mental Disorders; being the Gulstonian Lec- tures for 1870. By Henry Maudsley, M.D. London, 1870." (Delta.) Review · ·· 6. Man contemplated Physically, Morally, Intellec- tually, and Spiritually. By J. W. Jackson.” Review. ·· • 7. "The Huron Race, and its Head Form. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D." Review 5. "Darwinism. Being an Examination of Mr. St. George Mivart's Genesis of Species.' By Chauncey Wright. London, 1871." Review.. J.A.I. i, 261 8. "The Miau-Tsi. By the Rev. J. Edkins." Review. 9. "Mechanism in Thought and Morals. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. London, 1871." Review 15. Avares or Eastern Huns. By H. H. Howorth 16. Kimmerian and Atlantean Races. By R. Charnock 10. Death of William Pinkerton. 11. Kimmerians and Atlanteans. (A. L. Lewis) 12. The Kalmucks. (J. Kopernicki). • 13. Remains from the Dayr Már Músa el Habashi. By C. Carter Blake ·· 14. Remains from Huns (Emesa). By C. Carter Blake · .. • • • S. 17. Note on the Hamah Stones. By C. Carter Blake 18. Kimmerians and Atlanteans. (J. F. Campbell).. 19. "Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for India, in- cluding the outline of a History of Crime against the Person in India. By Norman Chevers, M.D. Calcutta, 1870." Review 20. "La Race' Prussienne. Par A. De Quatrefages. Paris, 1871." Review 21. "Les Grecs à toutes les Époques. Par un Ancien Diplomate en Orient." Review 22. "Quadri della Natura Umana, Feste ed Eb- brezze. Di Paolo Mantegazza. Milan, 1871." Review J.A.I. xvi, 97-100; 344; 409-426 J.A.I. xvii, 79, 80; 166-188; 276-290; 356-360 J.A.I. xviii, 73-100; 177- 204; 295-304; 420-440 J.A.I. xix, 89-92; 251, 252; 441, 442; 494-516 J.A.I. xx, 105-108; 220- 222; 289-294; 360-381 J.A.I. i, 105-118 J.A.I. i, 118, 119 J.A.I. i, 119, 120 J.A.I. i, 254-261 J.A.I. i, 262 J.A.I. i, 263 J.A.I. i, 264 J.A.I. i, 401-418 J.A.I. i, 418-421 J.A.I. i, 422 J.A.I. ii, 114-127 J.A.I. ii, 127-129 J.A.I. ii, 129, 130 J.A.I. ii, 130, 131 J.A.I. ii, 131 J.A.I. ii, 131, 132 J.A.I. ii, 132 J.A.I. ii, 132, 133 Index. 19 Anthropological Miscellanea : 23. "Organic Philosophy, vol. iii. Outlines of Biology. Body, Soul, Mind, Spirit. By Hugh Doherty, M.D. London, 1871." (C. S. W.) Review .. J.A.I. ii, 133, 134 24. "Sur la Déformation Toulousaine du Crâne. Par M. Paul Broca. Paris, 1872." (C. C. B.) Review .. 25. Quatrefages' "General Craniology 26. Chinese Seals found in Ireland. (W. Lockhart, M.D.) 27. "Mankind, their Origin and Destiny. By a M.A. of Balliol College, Oxford. London, 1872." Review 28. "Étude sur les Races Indigènes de l'Australie. Par le Docteur Paul Topinard. Paris, 1872.” (C. S. W.) Review (C 29. The Hamath Inscriptions. By Hyde Clarke 30. Recherches sur l'Ethnologie de la Belgique. Par Léon Vanderkindere. Bruxelles: 1872." Carter Blake.) Review (C. 31. Note on a Mummied Australian Head of a Child, presented by Mr. Bradley. By C. Carter Blake 32. "Darwin's Expression of the Emotions." Review 33. The Hamath Inscriptions. By C. S. Wake 34. A Colony of Heathens. (J. E. M.) 35. Artificially Enlarged Ear-lobes. (J. Park Har- rison) 36. What am I? By E. W. I? By E. W. Cox. London, 1873." (C Review 37. On the Probable Existence of Man during the Miocene Period. (Frank Calvert) 38. The Ainos and Japanese. By Herr Von Brandt. Translation.. 39. The Hamath Inscriptions. Alphabets. By Hyde Clarke 40. On the Existence of a race of Red Men in Northern Africa and Southern Europe in Prehistoric Times. By C. H. E. Carmichael, M.A., F.R.S.L. 41. The Ainos. By C. H. E. Carmichael 42. Note on Easter Island Writing. (J. P. H.) 47. << 48. An Indian Institute. 49. Howorth on the Mongols 50. The Easter Islanders • • • ·· J.A.I. ii, 134, 135 J.A.I. ii, 135 J.A.I. ii, 135, 136 (Plate) U ⇓ 43. Hamath Inscriptions. (Hyde Clarke) 44. Mourning for the Dead among the Digger Indians. (T. R. Clapham) 45. "What am am I? A popular introduction to mental philosophy and psychology. By Edward W. Cox, Sergeant-at-Law. Vol. ii. Mechanism in action. London, 1874." Review J.A.I. iii, 530–532 46. "The Native Races of the Pacific States of North The Lon- America. By Hubert Howe Bancroft. don, 1875." (J. P. H.) Review Cave Hunting. Researches on the evidence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe. By W. Boyd Dawkins, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.S.A. 1874." Review.. ·· J.A.I. ii, 307 J.A.I. ii, 307-309 J.A.I. ii, 309, 310 J.A.I. ii, 310, 311 J.A.I. ii, 311, 312 J.A.I. ii, 444-446 J.A.I. ii, 446, 447 J.A.I. ii, 447-449 J.A.I ii, 449, 450 J.A.I. iii, 123-126 J.A.I. iii, 127-129 J.A.I. iii, 129–135 J.A.I. iii, 135, 136 J.A.I. iii, 300–304 J.A.I. iii, 304 J.A.I. iii, 528 J.A.I. iii, 528, 529 J.A.I. iii, 530 J.A.I. iv, 503 J.A.I. iv, 503, 504 J.A.I. iv, 504 J.A.I. v, 111-114 C 2 20 Index. ↑ 52. Anthropological Miscellanea :- 51. "The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. By H. H. Bancroft. Vol. ii. Lon- don, 1875." (J. P. H.) Review The Mind of Man: being a Natural System of Mental Philosophy. By Alfred Smee, F.R.S., &c., &c. London, 1875." (G. H.) Review 53. Anthropological Notes and Queries. 54. Arctic Ethnology. ·· 55. Photo-lithograph of a Portuguese document with reference to the death of Vasco de Gama, and to a projected expedition in search of gold. 56. Société Khédiviale de Géographie. ·· 57. British Association, 1875 58. The history of twins, as a criterion of the relative powers of nature and nurture. By Francis Galton, F.R.S. (Reprinted, with revision and additions, from "Fraser's Magazine," Nov., 1875) 59. Kitchen middens in California. By James Deans. (Woodcuts) 60. Man in Bermuda. (From the "Bermuda Royal Gazette," July 13, 1875) .. 61. Centenarianism in Canada. York World") 62. On the alleged idolatry of the inhabitants of an island off the west coast of Ireland. By E. H O'Callaghan 63. "Petermann's Mittheilungen" for April, 1876 64. Rhabdomancy and Belomancy. (M. J. W.) 65. Pruner-Bey, on human hair as a race character, examined by the aid of the microscope. plates) (3 66. "Treatise on Man. By George Harris, LL.D., F.S.A., &c." Review 67. Bone Caves of Creswell Crags. (Abstract by Pro- fessor Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., of a paper by the Rev. J. M. Mole, F.G.S.) On the Mammalia and Traces of Man found in the Robin Hood Cave. By Professor W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S. Read at the Geological Society, April 5, 1876.. J.A.I. vi, 95–97 68. "The Mechanism of Man in answer to the ques- tion, 'What am I?' By E. W. Cox. Vol. i, the Mechanism. London, 1876." Review 69. "The Other World; or, Glimpses of the Super- natural, &c. Edited by the Rev. F. G. Lee, D.C.L. 2 vols. London, 1875." Review 70. Prehistoric antiquities in Florida, U.S.A. 71. A pigmy graveyard in Tennessee.. 72. On the natives of Suakin; with a Bishareen vocabulary. By Louis Lucas. (Plate) 73. A question on assimilation and on the eyes of Mongolians. (Hyde Clarke) 74. Bronze celts found near Cumberlow, Baldock, Herts. (Communicated by E. F. Bally.) (Woodcuts) 75. Occurrence of platycnemic bones in the ancient burial-ground at Kintbury. By Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S. .. (From the "New • •• .. • J.A.I. v, 114, 115 J.A.I. v, 115-117 J.A.I. v, 118 J.A.I. v, 391–406 J.A.I. v, 489, 490 J.A.I. V, 490-492 J.A.I. v, 492 J.A.I. v, 492, 493 J.A.I. v, 493 J.A.I. v, 494 J.A.I. vi, 71-92 J.A.I. vi, 92-95 J.A.I. vi, 97, 98 J.A.I. vi, 98, 99 J.A.I. vi, 99, 100 J.A.I. vi, 100 J.A.I. vi, 191-194 J.A.I. vi, 194 J.A.I. vi, 195, 196 J.A.I. vi, 196-198 Index. 21 Anthropological Miscellanea :- 76. Extracts from Commodore Goodenough's Journal, describing the natives of Mallicollo and Vani- koro.. 77. Extract from a report on the Island of Tristan d'Acunha, presented to Parliament in 1876 78. New Zealand myth of the Creation. (Communi- cated by J. F. H. Wohlers) 79. Woodcuts illustrating Commander Cameron's paper read on May 23rd, 1876 80. On the Juangs, a leaf-wearing tribe of Persia. (From Dalton's "Ethnology of Bengal ") 81. Discovery of a dug-out canoe in the Thames at Hampton Court. (A. Lane Fox) 82. The ancient burial ground at Kintbury. ination by Walter Money) 83. The Andaman Islands. By E. H. Man. 84. Recent Anthropology. Compiled by Distant • ·· 85. Society for the protection of Ancient Buildings. (A. Lane Fox) • ·· (Exam- (Map) W. L. • ·· 86. Preservation of ancient monuments and antiquities in Ohio. (A.. Lane Fox).. 87. Translation of the greater part of the Address delivered by M. Broca, President, at the Opening Meeting of the French Association for the Advancement of the Sciences, at the Havre Congress, 1877 ; .. 88. Obituary notice of Dr. Archibald Campbell 89. Anthropometric Committee of the British Asso- ciation. (A. Lane Fox.) (2 plates) 90. Note on Eskimo skulls. (W. H. Flower) 91. “Anthropology by Dr. Paul Topinard. Translated by Robert T. H. Bartley, M.D. London, 1878." (W. L. D.) Review 92. Questions as to perception of colour amongst savages and others.. 93. Anthropological Gleanings. Compiled by W. L. Distant 94. Bird-Shaped Mounds in Putnam County, Georgia, U.S.A.` (Charles C. Jones, jun.) (Woodcuts) 95. Anthropological Gleanings. Compiled by W. L. • ·· ·· ·· Distant 96. Chinese View on Heredity and Education. (Translated by Lavington Oxenham, from the Chinese Original) 97. The People Inhabiting the Interior of the Great Nicobar Island. (W. L. Distant) 98. Description of a Village of the Hydah Indians, near Skedigate Bay in Graham Island, one `of the Queen Charlotte's Islands, off British Col- umbia, from "The Sea of Mountains; an account of Lord Dufferin's Tour through British Col- umbia, in 1876." By M. St. John. Vol. ii, 27 et seq. •• ·· 99. French Anthropology. (Girard de Rialle) 100. Address to the Department of Anthropology of the British Association, Sheffield, 21st August, 1879. By Edward B. Tylor, D.C.L., F.R.S. . J.A.I. vi, 335-338 J.A.I. vi, 338-343 J.A.I. vi, 343, 344 J.A.I. vi, 517-521 J.A.I. vii, 100-102 J.A.I. vii, 102, 103 J.A.I. vii, 104, 105 J.A.I. vii, 105–109 J.A.I. vii, 109-115 J.A.I. vii, 186 J.A.I. vii, 186, 187 J.A.I. vii, 187-200 J.A.I. vii, 379–391 J.A.I. vii, 391-393 J.A.I. vii, 539, 540 J.A.I. vii, 540-542 J.A.I. vii, 543 J.A.I. vii, 543-547 J.A.I. viii, 92–96 J.A.I. viii, 96-103 J.A.I. viii, 228-230 J.A.I. viii, 336 J.A.I. viii, 426, 42 J.A.I. ix, 233-235 J.A.I. ix, 235-246 22 Index. Anthropological Miscellanea :- 101. Price List of Lacustrine Objects of the Stone Age, offered for Sale by the Museum of Neucha- tel. (Prof. Ph. de Rougemont) J.A.I. ix, 247, 248 102. Extracts from the Report of the Anthropometric Committee of the British Association. (4 plates) J.A.I. ix, 345-351 103. Progress of Public Health in our own Times. Abstract of Presidential Address to the Bath and Bristol Branch of the British Medical Association. By John Beddoe, M.D., F.R.S... 104. Customs of the Australian Aborigines. By Captain W. E. Armit ·· 105. The Great Toe of the Annamese. By Charles F. Tremlett 106. The Godeffroy Museum of Hamburg 107. Notice of an Interesting Pueblo Weapon. By W. J. Hoffman, M.D. 108. Wolf-reared Children. By V. Ball, M.A." (Wood- cut).. (W. H. Flower, 109. Stature of the Andamanese. F.R.S.). • 110. Chastleton Camp. Moreton-in-Marsh. (John E. Price) 111. The Alleged Existence of Scythe-chariots in Ancient Britain. (J. Jeremiah).. 112. The Alleged Existence of Scythe-chariots in Ancient Britain. (E. B. Tylor, F.R.S.) [Anthropological Notes.] 113. Necrology. Dr. D. A. Godron 114. Recent Literature 115. An Absaroka Myth. By W. J. Hoffman, M.D. 116. Notes on Prehistoric Discoveries in Central Russia. By C. H. E. Carmichael 117. On Jade Implements found in Switzerland. Hodder M. Westropp tr • By 118. "Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. xxii." (A. W. Buckland.) Review 119. Contributions to the History of the Development of the Human Race. Lectures and Disserta- tions, by Lazarus Geiger. Translated from the Second German Edition, by David Asher, Ph.D. London, 1880." (C. S. Wake.) Review 120. A horned African Family .. 121. Bushman Cave Paintings and Stone Implements 122. Strange Funeral Ceremony in the Tonga Islands, South Sea 123. Celts from British Guiana. (Geo. M. Atkinson) 124. International Congress of Prehistoric Archæology and Anthropology at Lisbon 125. Death of David Greig Rutherford. '(W. Ï. Distant) 126. Notes on the People of Batanga. (D. G. Ruther- ford) 127. Address to the Department of Anthropology of the British Association, delivered at the York Meeting, 1st September, 1881 128. Non-Mussulman Arabs. (C. Staniland Wake) 129. The Hon. Lewis H. Morgan. (A. W. Buckland) J.A.I. ix, 351, 352 J.A.I. ix, 459, 460 J.A.I. ix, 460-462 J.A.I. ix, 462-464 J.A.I. ix, 464, 465 J.A.I. ix, 465-474 J.A.I. x, 124 J.A.I. x, 127, 128 J.A.I. x, 128 J.A.I. x, 231 J.A.I. x, 231-239 J.A.I. x, 239, 240 J.A.I. x, 358, 359 J.A.I. x, 359-363 J.A.I. x, 363-365 J.A.I. x, 366–370 J.A.I. x, 459 J.A.I. x, 460 J.A.I. x, 460, 461 J.A.I. x, 461 J.A.I. x, 462 J.A.I. x, 463 J.A.I. x, 463-470 J.A.I. xỉ, 184194 J.A.I. xi, 355 J.A.I. xi, 355, 356 ! Index. 23 Anthropological Miscellanea : 130. Traditional Origin of Grass Aprons 131. Paleolithic Implement from the Bed of the Thames. (Plate).. ·· 132. Note to a Communication on the Survival of certain Racial Features. By J. Park Harrison, M.A. 133. The National Ethnological Museum at Leyden. 134. A Scheme of Anthropology 135. Stones on the Clent Hills, near Hagley. (A. L. Lewis) • 136. “Rivers of Life. By Major-General J. G. R. Forlong. London, 1883." (C. S. Wake.) Review 137. The Varini, Varangians. (Hyde Clarke).. 138. Stone Implements from India. (H. Rivett- Carnac) .. 139. The Varini, Varangians. (H. H. Howorth) 140. An Examination of some Official Statistics relating to the Population of Finland. By A. L. Lewis, F.C.A. .. << ·· 141. Dr. Finsch's Collection of Casts 142. On Artificial Deformation of the Head in Sumatra, Celebes, and the Philippine Islands. By A. B. Meyer, M.D. (Woodcut) 143. Legends of the Australian Aborigines. By F. C. Urquhart 144. Some results of the Anthropometric Laboratory. By Francis Galton.. 145. On Composite Photographs of Skulls. By J. S. Billings (M.D.) 146. The Yahgans of Tierra del Fuego. By the Rev. Thomas Bridges 147. On the • .. so-called Worked Flints from the Miocene Beds of Thenay, in France. By Mark Stirrup 148. "Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1880–81." (A. W. Buckland.) Review 149. Ethnological Notes on the Arabs of Arabia Petraea and Wâdy Arabah. By E. Gordon Hull, M.D... 150. Anthropological Meetings during the Autumn of 1885.. 151. Regression Towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature. By Francis Galton, F.R.S. (Two Plates and Tables) ·· • • • • 152. The Dolmens of Brittany. (A. L. Lewis) 153. The Scope of Anthropology and its Relation to the Science of Mind. By Alexander Bain, LL.D. .. 154. Anthropology in 1885 155. Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1881-82.” (A. W. Buckland.) Review 156. Obituary Notices of Luke Burke and Dr. Kelburne King 157. On a New Craniophore for use in Taking Com- posite Photographs of Skulls. By John S. Billings, M.D., U.S.A. (Plate).. • J.A.I. xỉ, 356 J.A.I. xii, 437 J.A.I. xii, 438, 439 J.A.I. xii, 440 J.A.I. xii, 568 J.A.I. xii, 568-573 J.A.I. xiii, 119 J.A.I. xiii, 119, 120 J.A.I. xiii, 238 J.A.I. xiii, 502–504 J.A.I. xiii, 504 J.A.I. xiv, 85-87 J.A.I. xiv, 87, 88 J.A.I. xiv, 275-287 J.A.I. xiv, 287, 288 J.A.I. xiv. 288, 289 J.A.I. xiv, 289, 290 J.A.I. xiv, 396–398 J.A.I. xv, 132–136 J.A.I. xv, 136 J.A.I. xv, 246–263 J.A.I. xv, 264 J.A.I. xv, 380-388 J.A.I. xv, 388 J.A.I. xv, 501–503 J.A.I. xv, 504 J.A.I. xvi, 97, 98 24 Index. ¡ Anthropological Miscellanea :- 158. On American Family Peculiarities in the 18th Century. By the Rev. Jonathan Boucher. (F. Galton).. 159. Romano-British Mosaic Pavements 160. A Legend of Narcissus. (J. G. Frazer) 161. Sketch of Nguna Grammar. By Sidney H. Ray 162. The Nationalities of the United Kingdom. By Sir John Lubbock. Extracts from Letters to the "Times" Research in America. By 163. Psycho-Physical Joseph Jastrow .. 164. Prehistoric Remains in South Africa. By A. W. Buckland 165. Australian Tunes. (H. Ling Roth) 166. "Introduction à l'étude des Races Humaines. Questions Générales. Par A. de Quatrefages." Review 167. The Royal Ethnographic Museum at Dresden 168. Lectures on Anthropology at the South Kensing- ton Museum, by Mr. Francis Galton, F.R.S. 169. British Association Meeting at Manchester 170. Archæological Meeting. 171. Chinese Superstition 172. Address to the Anthropological Section of the British Association at Manchester. By Prof. A. H. Sayce, M.A. 173. On the Notes sounded by Mr. Galton's Whistles for Testing the Limit of Audibility of Sound. By W. N. Shaw, M.A. ·· .. •• 174. Note on the Dieyerie Tribe of South Australia. By Samuel Gason.. 175. "Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethno- of logy, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1886." (A. W. Buckland.) Review 176. The Primitive Human Horde. (C. S. Wake) 177. Sketch of Aniwa Grammar. By Sidney H. Ray 178. Racial Photographs from the Egyptian Monu- ·· ients •• 179. The Races of India. (Sir George Campbell) 180. The Primitive Human Horde. (G. L. Gomme).. 181. Statistics Bearing upon the Average and Typical Student in Amherst College, March, 1888. By Dr. E. Hitchcock, assisted by Dr. H. H. Seelye ·· 182. Distribution of Indian Tribes in North America 183. The Late Mr. McLennan 184. The Pygmy Races of Men. By Prof. William Henry Flower, C.B., LL.Ď., F.R.S. (A Lecture Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain on 13th April, 1888) 185. Dr. Tylor on Marriage Systems and Laws of Descent • ·· .. • 186. Apparent Survival of a Human Pairing Season . 187. The Dieyerie Tribe, South Australia. (S. Gason) .. 188. Some Recent Publications of the Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (A. W. Buckland). J.A.I. xvi, 98, 99 J.A.I. xvi, 99, 100 J.A.I. xvi, 344 J.A.I. xvi, 409–418 J.A.I. xvi, 418-422 J.A.I. xvi, 422, 423 J.A.I. xvi, 423-425 J.A.I. xvi, 425 J.A.I. xvi, 425, 426 J.A.I. xvi, 426 J.A.I. xvii, 79 J.A.I. xvii, 80 J.A.I. xvii, 166-181 J.A.I. xvii, 181-185 J.A.I. xvii, 185, 186 J.A.I. xvii, 187, 188 J.A.I. xvii, 276–282 J.A.I. xvii, 282–289 J.A.I. xvii, 289 J.A.I. xvii, 289, 290 J.A.I. xvii, 356 J.A.I. xvii, 357, 358 J.A.I. xvii, 358, 360 J.A.I. xvii, 360 J.A.I. xviii, 73-91 J.A.I. xviii, 91, 92 J.A.I. xviii, 93, 94 J.A.I. xviii, 94, 95 J.A.I. xviii, 96-98 Index. 25 Anthropological Miscellanea :— 189. The Primitive Human Horde. (C. S. Wake) 190. International Congress of Americanists 191. British Association, 1888 ·· By 192. Personal Identification and Description. Francis Galton, F.R.S. (Substance of a lec- ture delivered at the Royal Institution.) (Wood- cuts) 193. The "Longstone" at Mottistone, Isle of Wight. (A. L. Lewis) ·· • 194. Anthropometric Statistics from Amherst College, Mass., U.S.A. By Dr. E. Hitchcock. introductory note by F. Galton).. 195. General Pitt Rivers' Explorations. (With (A. W. Buckland.) Review 196. Sketch of Api Grammar. By Sidney H. Ray 197. Contribution towards a Vocabulary of the Caya- pas. (C. Cheston) 198. Parsee Burial in India. (A. W. Buckland) 199. Tables of Observations. By F. Galton 200. Questions on the Manners, Customs, Religion, Superstitions, &c., of Uncivilized or Semi- civilized Peoples. By J. G. Frazer 201. Race and Language. (T. V. Holmes) 202. Race and Language. (Walter M. T. Campbell).. 203. Note as to Descent in the Dieri Tribe. Howitt 204. Sepulchral Chambers in Tumuli in Finistère. (A. L. L.) 205. International Congress of Prehistoric Anthro- pology and Archaeology By A. W. ·· 206. French Association for the Advancement of Science, 1889. 207. British Association, 1889. 208. Professor Weismann's Essays 209. Race and Language. (T. V. Holmes) 210. Naga Ornaments. (R. T. Woodthorpe) 211. Naga Ornaments. (C. H. Read). 212. Popular Anthropological Lectures.. 213. A Vocabulary of Ulia. (With introduction by M. Pleyte) c. 214. Note on a Vocabulary of Ulia. With vocabularies of Kusaie and Mortlock, Caroline Islands. By Sidney H. Ray 215. Childbirth Customs of the Loyalty Islands, as related by a Mangaian Female Teacher. (W. W. Gill) 216. Notes on Certain Australian Marriage Systems. By A. J. Vogan 217. Notes on a Recent Discovery in Finistère. By Admiral F. S. Tremlett 218. The Smithsonian Institution and its Anthropologic Work. By T. Wilson 219. Obituary Notice of A. Asher, M.D. By Maurice Davis 220. "Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, 1883-4, 1884-5." (A. W. Buckland.) Review.. 221. The British Association (1890) ·· •• .. ·· • •• ·· ·· ·· J.A.I. xviii, 99 J.A.I. xviii, 99, 100 J.A.I. xviii, 100 J.A.I. xviii, 177–191 J.A.I. xviii, 192 J.A.I. xviii, 192–199 J.A.I. xviii, 200–204 J.A.I. xviii, 295–303 J.A.I. xviii, 304 J.A.I. xviii, 420 J.A.I. xviii, 420–430 J.A.I. xviii, 431-439 J.A.I. xviii, 439, 440 J.A.I. xix, 89 J.A.I. xix, 90 J.A.I. xix, 90, 91 J.A.I. xix, 91 92 J.A.I. xix, 92 J.A.I. xix, 251 J.A.I. xix, 252 J.A.I. xix, 441 J.A.I. xix, 441, 442 J.A.I. xix, 494–500 J.A.I. xix, 500–503 J.A.I. xix, 503-505 J.A.I. xix, 505-507 J.A.I. xix, 507, 508 J.A.I. xix, 509–515 J.A.I. xix, 515, 516 J.A.I. xx, 105–108 J.A.I. xx, 108 26 Index. Anthropological Miscellanea :- 222. Precolombian Metallurgy in Venezuela, S.A. (V. Marcano) 223. Recent Anthropological Works. Reviews 224. Comparative Portraits of an Individual at different Ages 225. Ethnographic Researches in India. (H. H Risley) 226. Ethnographic Album of the Pacific Islands. Edge-Partington).. (J. 227. The Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks: on their Arrangement into Naturally Distinct Classes, the Permanence of the Papillary Ridges that make them, and the Resemblance of their Classes to Ordinary Genera. By Francis Galton, F.R.S. Abstract .. 228. "Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia; being the Ilchester Lectures for 1889-90. By Maxime Kovalevsky." Review 229. "Primitive Folk. Studies in Comparative Eth- nology. By Elie Reclus." Review. 230. "Races and Peoples. Lectures on the Science of Ethnography. By Daniel G. Brinton, A.M., M.D. 1890." Review 231. "The Vikings of Western Christendom. F. Keary, M.A." Review 232. People of the Gold Coast 233. A Curious Custom in Sicily 234. "The American Race. By Daniel G. Brinton, M.D." Review. CC .. 235. "The Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species. By Francis P. Pascoe. 1890." Review 236. "Exploratory Survey of part of the Lewes, Tat- on-duc, Porcupine, Bell, Trout, Peel, and Mac- kenzie Rivers. By William Ogilvie. Ottawa, 1890." Review (C 237. Three Years in Western China. By Alexander Hosie, M.A." Review. 238. American Mounds. By c. 239. Use and Disuse 240. "The American Anthropologist "The American Anthropologist." 241. 242. "Transactions of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science." "" (( "" • 243. "American Antiquarian " 244. L'Anthropologie ".. 245. "Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bom- "" • bay 246. "Science • 247. "Bulletin of the Anthropological Society of Brussels " >> • >> 248. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 249. "Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 250. “Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal" 251. "Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of ·· • • Ireland" 252. “Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 253. "Proceedings of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Scotland "" "" J.A.I. xx, 220, 221 J.A.I. XX, 222 J.A.I xx, 289 J.A.I. xx, 290–292 J.A.I. xx, 292–294 J.A.I. xx, 360–361 J.A.I. xx, 361 J.A.I. xx, 362 J.A.I. xx, 363, 364 J.A.I. xx, 364, 365 J.A.I. xx, 365 J.A.I. xx, 365 J.A.I. xx, 365, 366 J.A.I. xx, 366 J.A.I. xx, 367 J.A.I. xx, 368 J.A.I. xx, 368, 369 J.A.I. xx, 369 J.A.I. xx, 370 J.A.I. xx, 370, 371 Index. 27 Anthropological Miscellanea :- 254. "Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan." 255. "Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society." 256. The Archæological Journal 257. "Folk-Lore" 258. "Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeo- logy." 259. “Bulletin of the Anthropological Society of Paris r "" 260. "Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of Paris 261. “Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales "" 262. “Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society' 263. "Sixth Report of the North-Western Tribes of Canada" "" 264. "The Smithsonian Report," National Museum, for 1888 CC 265. "The Smithsonian Report," 1888.. CC 266. Transactions of the Canadian Institute." 267. “Journal of the Royal Institution of Corn- wall" 268. "Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads, found in or near the valley of the John Day river, a tributary of the Columbia River, Oregon, by James Terry "" 269. Archæologia." 270. "Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries' 271. "Revue Mensuelle de l'Ecole d'Anthropologie de Paris" >> Anthropological News 272. "Proceedings of the Boston Natural History Society 273. “Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales " 274. "Archiv für Anthropologie" see Reviews. · • 3. E. G. Squier. 4. Dr. Louis Büchner. 5. Dr. J. Aitken Meigs. 6. Karl Gutzkow • ·· gowshire 11. Dr. Anton Fritsch. I "" ·· · • ·· •• ·· ·· • • "" • •• ·· ·· • • Anthropological News :- 1. Application for an Anthropological Section of the British Association. •• ·· 7. Meetings of the Anthropological Society of Lon- don in 1866. • 8. Death of a boy who represented in lineage the United Kingdom. 9. Dr. H. Ronay. 10. Discovery of stone coffins near Torpichen, Linlith- • J.A.I. xx, 371 J.A.I. xx, 372 J.A.I. xx, 372, 373 J.A.I. xx, 373, 374 J.A.I. xx, 374 J.A.I. xx, 374–378 J.A.I. xx, 378 J.A.I. xx, 379 J.A.I. xx, 379, 380 J.A.I. xx, 380 J.A.I. xx, 380, 381 J.A.I. xx, 381 A.R. iii, 184 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 148 A.R. v, 240–256; 369–376 A.R. vi, 116-120; 220-224; 323-328; 442-468 A.R. vii, 116-120; 214-216; 330-332 A.R. iii, 184 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 148 › 28 Index. Anthropological News: 12. Humphry on the anatomy of the chimpanzee, and the term quadrumanous as applied to that animal. (C "" 13. What is Ethnology? 14. Goldwin Smith 15. Robert H. Collyer, Dr. 16. R. B. N. Walker. 21. Anthropological Lectures. 22. C. Carter Blake. 17. Dr. R. S. Charnock. 18. Alexis Fedtchenko. 19. British Association at Dundee. 20. Bones found under the walls of the Mansion House in London. 23. Anthropology at the British Association. 24. Destruction by fire of the statues of various savage tribes at the Crystal Palace 25. Worked stones from Zetland. 29. Catlin's O-Kee-Pa. 30. Winwood Reade. 26. Paris International Congress for Anthropology and Pre-historic Archæology. 27. Science and Spiritualism 28. Dr. John Beddoe 32. B. H. Hodgson. 33. Death of M. Boudin. ·· .. 31. Catalogue of books in the Library of the Anthro- pological Society of London. •• 34. Archaic Anthropology of New Zealand 35. Ante-Diluvian Politics (Adamite and Pre-Adam- ite), or a Moral Cosmogony the true Theme of Genesis ito xi. By Harcourt Beatty. nopsis) (Sy- 36. Moscow Anthropological Society. 37. Descriptive Anthropology in Russia 38. Traces of pre-historic civilisation in St. Anthony, Minn. •• ·· .. 39. On the skull of Dante. (Letter from Hermann Welcker to Dr. Barnard Davis). 40. Wagner on the occipital lobe of man and apes. (Letter to Dr. James Hunt) 45. Who were the Ancient Britons ? lecture by the Rev. W. Greenwell) 46. The Emancipated Negro. 47. An Anti-Malthusian Family. 48. A Young Mother 49. Proofs of Early Civilisation in Ireland 50. C. Carter Blake. 51. Broca on Anthropology. ·· 41. Cerebral measurements. (Notice of a Treatise by Dr. Hermann Wagner) 42. Views of a Parsee, a native of India, on the causes of the immense gulf that separates the Europeans from the Hindoos. (Letters from Nouraja Bymaij) ·· 43. The Aztecs 44. Extract of a letter from J. S. Wilson to W. Bollaert (Account of a •• ·· A.R. v, 240 A.R. v, 241 A.R. v, 242 A.R. V, 243 A.R. v, 244 A.R. v, 244-246 A.R. v, 246 A.R. v, 246, 247 A.R. v, 247, 248 A.R. v, 248, 249 A.R. v, 249, 250 A.R. v, 250-252 A.R. v, 252, 253 A.R. v, 253 A.R. v, 253–256 A.R. v, 256 Index. 29 Anthropological News :- 52. Sir William Lawrence and Dr. Nott. 53. Anthropological Society of Spain. 54. Foundation of a Museum of American Archæology and Ethnography in connection with Harvard University, in the City of Cambridge, Massachu- setts. 55. Discovery of Ancient Human Remains in Cali- fornia 56. Photographs of Human Races. 57. Catalogue of a Russian Collection of Four Hun- dred Human Skulls. 58. Professor Pott's Dictionary of the Radicals of the Indo-German Language. 59. Dr. Adolf Bastian. 60. Tweedie's presentation portrait of Dr. James Hunt. 61. Du Noyer's discoveries in the North of Ireland. 62. Spencer's "Principles of Psychology" 63. Anthropology in the Isle of Man .. 64. New South Wales Exhibition Commission 74. British Association, Dundee 75. Anthropology in Germany ·· 76. Officers of the Paris Anthropological Society 77. Indian News.. 65. Dr. Julius Schvarcz's researches 66. Oxford Anthropological Society 67. Anthropological Society of London 68. Bibliography of Anthropological Literature. 69. Moscow Anthropological Society. 70. Manchester Anthropological Society. 71. Schaaffhausen on Blood Globules in Fossil Bone 72. An Operation in the Days of the Incas 73. The Spring of Schussen, and its most Ancient Inhabitants ·· 78. Dr. Exton 79. White Family rescued from the Kaffirs 80. Men-Apes 81. The Aissa Houha Árabs ·· (C ·· · •• ·· .. • .. ·· 10 • •• ·· • 82. Ancient Human Skull found in California, at a depth of 130 feet 83. Murder of a Missionary in Fiji 84. Massacres in the Andaman Islands 85. Ancient Art in Peru 86. Anthropologists and Missionaries.. 87. Tait on Britain during the Stone Age 88. Misapplication of the term "Miscegenation." 89. Anthropology at the Vatican 90. The Anthropology of Brazil 91. Icelandic Remains on the Potomac, near Washing- ton .. 92. Lectures on The Negro Race," by a coloured gentleman 93. Anthropology and the British Association. 94. Anthropological and Ethnological Societies. 95. Captain Burton. 96. Consul Hutchinson. ·· • • 3. • • ·· A.R. v, 369 ·· A.R. v, 370 A.R. v, 370, 371 A.R. v, 371 A.R. v, 371, 372 A.R. v, 372, 373 A.R. v, 373, 374 A.R. V, 374 A.R. v, 374, 375 A.R. v, 375, 376 A.R. v, 376 A.R. vi, 116, 117 A.R. vi, 117, 118 A.R. vi, 118 A.R. vi, 118, 119 A.R. vi, 119 A.R. vi, 120 A.R. vi, 220, 221 A.R. vi, 221, 222 97. Ralph Tate A.R. vi, 323 98. International Congress of Archaic Anthropology A.R. vi, 323, 324 A.R. vi, 222 A.R. vi, 222, 223 A.R. vi, 223, 224 A.R. vi, 224 1 30 Index. . Anthropological News: 99. Professor Huxley. 100. Anthropological Society of Dundee. 101. Ethnological Society. 102. Election of Anthropologists into the Royal Society. 103. Death of Rajah Brooke 104. Death of John Crawfurd of London 112. Early Man in Italy 113. Dr. C. Carter Blake.. 114. Celt and Saxon ·· 105. Three Anthropological Wonders .. • 106. Anthropological Society of Manchester 107. Burke's "Ethnological Journal " 108. Rapport sur les Progrès de l'Anthropologie 109. Broca on the Relative Proportions of the Limbs in the Negro and the European. 110. Presentation to Dr. Moffat.. 111. Financial Position of the Anthropological Society Blake.) 130. E. G. Squier. 131. Dr. Nott .. 124. Anthropological Laboratory. 125. Finances of the Ethnological Society 126. Captain Burton 127. Retzius. ·· 128. Memoirs of the Anthropological Society. 129. The Guatuso Indians of Costa Rica. •• 132. Anthropology in Central America.. 133. Archaic Anthropology 136. Burke's "Ethnological Journal " 137. Nicaraguan Anthropology. 138. George R. Gliddon. 139. A Cave Story 115. The Anthropological Review and the Anthropo- logical Society 116. Dr. J. C. Nott 117. The Manchester Anthropologists 118. Anthropological and Ethnological Societies. (Failure of the Amalgamation Scheme) 119. Boucher de Perthes. 120. Ex-Governor Eyre. 121. Murder of Mr. W. Manson by Australians 122. Anthropological Congress. 123. British Association, 1868. · • 140. American Prehistoric Remains 141. Ruins of Ancient Ciastro in Sicily.. 142. Kitchen-Midden in Brittany, at Doelan. from G. A. Lebour) •• •• 147. Ingleby's "Introduction to Metaphysics 148. The Nova Scotian Giantess ·· ·· ·· 143. Archaic Anthropology at Paris 144. German Anthropology 145. Scientific Societies." Pall Mall Gazette ") 146. Biblical Science "" · ·· ·· ·· (( 134. Sir Roderick Murchison and Professor Huxley 135. Prize for the best Essay on The Origin of the English Nation," awarded to Dr. John Beddoe • ·· .. • ·· (C. C. • • (Letter A.R. vi, 324 A.R. vi, 324, 325 A.R. vi, 325, 326 A.R. vi, 326, 327 A.R. vi, 327 A.R. vi, 327, 328 A.R. vi, 328 A.R. vi, 442-445 A.R. vi, 445, 446 A.R. vi, 446 A.R. vi, 446-448 A.R. vi, 448-450 A.R. vi, 450-452 A.R. vi, 452-457 A.R. vi, 457-461 A.R. vi, 461 A.R. vi, 462 A.R. vi, 462, 463 A.R. vi, 463 A.R. vi, 463, 464 A.R. vi, 464 A.R. vi, 464, 465 A.R. vi, 465 A.R. vi, 465, 466 A.R. vi, 466 A.R. vi, 466, 467 A.R. vi, 467 A.R. vi, 467, 468 A.R. vii, 116, 117 A.R. vii, 117, 118 A R. vii, 118-120 A.R. vii, 120 A.R. vii, 214, 215 A.R. vii, 215 Index. 31 Anthropological News: 149. Archaic Anthropology in Ireland. 150. Memoirs of the Anthropological Society. 151. Mortillet's (C Chronological Arrangement Caverns and Rock-shelters " of 152. Lartet's "Report on the Skeletons discovered in the Département de la Dordogne." ("Pall Mall Gazette.") 153. Bibliography of Anthropological Literature. 154. Death of Hugh J. C. Beavan 155. Anthropology at the British Association.. 156. Anthropological Society of Madrid. 157. Preservation of Ancient Monuments. 158. Editor's Apologies 159. Death of the Best Man in England • 160. Congress of Polish Physicians and Naturalists at Cracow 161. On the Macana of the Aborigines of Central America. By C. Carter Blake Grand Discoveries near 162. Yorkshire Tumuli : ·· .. 185. Anthropophagi. 186. Fauna of Round Island. • Bridlington.. .. 163. The Iron Age in Egypt. 164. The Origin of the Berbers 165. Ecker on the Development of the Convolutions of the Hemispheres. 166. The Stone Age in Egypt 167. Prehistoric Man. ·· • • ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 168. Return of Gustav Vallis from South America 169. Curious Discovery at Tenby. 170. Stone Hammer of Serpentine found in Silesia. 171. Remains of a Foundry of the Bronze Period at Holzendorff. ("Pall ("Pall 172. Pile Works discovered in the Streitzig Lake 173. Professor Huxley on Political Ethnology.. 174. Professor Huxley's Last New Theory. Mall Gazette.") (A Devonshire Man).. 175. Professor Huxley on Celts and Teutons. Mall Gazette") 176. Professor Huxley on Celt and Teuton. (A Devon- shire Man.) ("Pall Mall Gazette ") 177. Anthropology and Politics: Kelts and Saxons. (John Beddoe.) ("Standard") 178. Race in Politics-the "Celt" and the "Saxon." (L. O. Pike.) ("Standard") 179. Anthropology and Politics-Kelts and Saxons. (J. Beddoe.) ("Standard") 180. Man, half white and half black. 181. Extraordinary Recovery after Saw-wound of the Skull and Brain 182. Immunity of a Monkey to Strychnine tr 183. The Big Mound" of St. Louis; a Natural Formation .. ·· ·· • • ·· 184. Rough Sketch of Mammoth found on a Bone of the Mammoth. ·· 187. A Sclavonian Account of Creation.. 188. Main Results of the Congress of Paleontologists at Copenhagen. (K. Vogt) · A.R. vii, 215, 216 A.R. vii, 330 A.R. vii, 330, 331 A.R. vii, 331 A.R. vii, 331, 332 A.R. vii, 332 A.R. viii, 97 A.R. viii, 97-100 A.R. viii, 100, 101 A.R. viii, 101-105 A.R. viii, 105 A.R. viii, 106 A.R. viii, 107 A.R. viii, 108 A.R. viii, 197–204 A.R. viii, 204-206 A.R. viii, 207-209 A.R. viii, 209–211 A.R. viii, 211-213 A.R. viii, 213–215 A.R. viii, 215, 216 A.R. viii, 216 A.R. viii, 217 A.R. viii 217, 218 A.R. viii, 218 A.R. viii, 219, 220 32 Index. Anthropological Notes Anthropological Notes:- ·· ·· • 1. Anthropological Society of London 2. Anthropology in the United States 3. Anthropology in Germany.. 13. Megalithic Monuments 14. Origin of the Gipsies • 4. The Society of the Friends of Nature at the University of Moscow 11. Weight of Sir James Simpson's Brain 12. Excavation of a Roman Circus at Paris. ·· .. 5. Anthropological Society of Paris. 6. Sociedad Antropòlogica Española .. 7. Broca's Anthropological Laboratory: Liberal offer to English Anthropologists 8. International Congress of Anthropology, 1870 9. British Association, 1870 10. Collection of Ancient and Modern Greek and Italian Skulls ·· 26. Hill Ranges of Southern India 27. Novara Expedition .. 15. Anthropology of the War. (Franco-Prussian) 16. Anthropology at the Royal Academy 17. African Anthropology 28. Swaving's Collection of Skulls 29. Numerals for 3, 7, and others 30. Kimmerians and Atlanteans · • • • • • ·· P: • .. • · 18. Origin of Diseases. 19. Darwin on Anthropology 20. Auguste Comte. (Definition of Anthropology) 21. Professor Rawlinson. (Definition of Anthro- pology) 22. Anthropological Section of the Society of the Friends of Nature, Moscow 23. Peruvian Inca Skulls • ·· ·· • ·· .. 24. Anthropology of Eastern Europe 25. Anomalous Transverse Suture in Human Malar Bones • .. ·· · ·· • :: 31: Nachtigal's Journey to the Tibbu-Reschade 32. Congrès International pour le progrès Sciences géographiques, &c. 33. Jackson on Anthropology Anthropological Notes and Queries, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 53 ·· des • Notes from Assyrian Inscriptions Notes from New York State Documents, see Roberts, G. E... Proceedings at the Oriental Congress, 1878, Cust, R... see ·· Research, on the Methods of, see Pike, L. O. Anthropological Review and the Anthropological Society, see Anthropological News, 115 Society .. Connection with the Anthropological J.A. 111-116; 242-244; 362-364 J.A.I. i; P.E.S. pp. clvi- clx J.A. 111 J.A. 111, 112 J.A. 112 J.A. 112, 113 J.A. 113 J.A. 113, 114 J.A. 114 J.A. 114, 115 J.A. 115 J.A. 115, 116 J.A. 116 J.A. 242 J.A. 242, 243 J.A. 243, 244 J.A. 244 J.A. 244 J.A. 362 J.A. 363 J.A. 363 J.A. 363, 364 J.A. 364 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvi J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. clvi, clvii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. clvii, clviii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. clviii, clix J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. clix, clx J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clx J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clx J.A.I. v, 118 Anthrop. p. lxxviii A.R. ii, 210 J.A.I. viii, 285 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. iii A.R. vi, 448 A.R. vi, 431 Index. 33 Anthropological Review, Origin of Anthropological Science at the British Association, 1865, prospects of Fundamental Principles of, see Donovan, Dr. Section of the Society of the Friends of Nature, Moscow (Crania from Samarcand), see Anthropo- logical Notes, 22 Societies, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 59 ·· Anthropological Society. Address, 1866, see Hunt, J... President's Address, 4th February, 1868.. Anniversary Address, 1869, see Hunt, 1870, see Beddoe, J. 1871 Meeting, 1864. 5th January, General Anniversary Meeting, Meeting, 3rd ·· Anniversary Meeting, 3rd January, James 1864 January, 1865 1866 1871 1867.. ·· Annual Meeting, 1867 1868 General Meeting, 1869 Meeting, 1870 General Meeting, 17th January, ·· ·· ·· .. ·· Arrangements for 1866, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 56 Committees. ·· "Memoirs Read Before the Anthropolo- Vols. i and ii." gical Society of London. Review see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 52 see Anthropological News, 115 Proceedings of the General Meeting held 7th July, 1863 .. Regulations for the Formation of Branch Societies.. Report of a Special Committee Appointed on 3rd November, 1868, to Inquire into the Desira- bility of Accepting the Copyright of the Anthropo- logical Review, and to Report on the Working of the Present Plan of Publishing the Journal of the Society Report of the Committee of Investigation into the General and Financial Condition of the Anthropological Society of London. With Discus- sion. 28th October, 1868 Special General Meeting, 14th February, 1871 • • ·· A.R. vi, 431 A.R. iii, 221-229 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii J.A. 363 A.R. iv, 208 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lix A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. xliv-lxx A.R. vi, J.A.Š. pp. xcviii- xcix A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. civ-cvii A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. lxxviii- lxxxiii J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xxiv- xxvii A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. lxxiv-xcv A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp.lxxv-cxiii A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xlix-lxxxi A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. xxxiii-lxxi A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxv-xcv A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. lxxiv- cix A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. lxxiv- lxxxiv J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xix-xxvii A.R. iv, 111 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. xcvii, xcviii A.R. v, 91-102 A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. xxiv-xxvi A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cciv, ccv A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xix-xxi A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. i-xix J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xxxvi A.R. iii, 375 A.R. vi, 418 D 34 Index. Anthropological Society, Memoirs of, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 54 100 67 156 ·· of Dundee, see Anthropological News, pological News, 111 D. I. ·· of London, see Anthropological News, logica, 57 477 Financial Position of, see Anthro- ·· .. see Anthropological Notes, 1 Formed at Madrid. 14th February, 1865 of Madrid, see Anthropological News, see Miscellanea Anthropo- of Manchester see Anthropological News, 70 see Anthropological News, 117 First Meeting of, see Heath, 66 Anthropological Society of Paris see Anthropological News, 106 of New York Founded. 2nd May, 1865 of Oxford, see Anthropological News, ·· 1. • .. see Villin, E. Villin, see Villin, E. Proceedings of the ·· Société d'Anthropologie de Paris. 1, 2. January to May, 1863." Société d'Anthropologie de Paris. Review • ·· see Anthropological Notes, 5 see Broca, Paul see Broca, Paul see Miscellanea Anthropologica, ·· ·· .. "Bulletins de la Vol. IV, Fas. • Review "Bulletins de la Vol. IV, Fas. 3." · "Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris. Vol. IV, Fas. 4; Vol. V, Fas. 1." Review see Anthropological Notes, 6. Spanish, see Jugo, F. • • "Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris. Vol. IV, Fas. 4; Vol. V, Fas. 1, 2." Review Séance du 4 Fevrier, 1864. Discussion sur les origines Indo-Européens .. Anthropological Society of Spain, Foundation of (5th June, 1865), see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 44 President's Address • A R. iv, 109 A.R. vi, 324 A.R. v, 373 A.R. vi, 442 J.A. 111 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxxii A.R. vii, 332 A.R. iv, 111 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxv A.R. V, 1-27 A.R. v, 374 A.R. vi, 452 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. ix A.R. vi, 326 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. ccxvi A.R. v, 372 A.R. iii, 305-325 A.R. iv, 96–108 A.R. iv, 198-207 A.R. iv, 278-288 A.R. iv, 372-386 A.R. v, 121–128 A.R. y 235-239 A.R. v, 350–364 J.A. 113 A.R. i, 274 A.R. vi, 225 A.R. iii, 231 A.R. vii, 195 A.R. vii, 381 A.R. vi, 104-108 A.R. i, 373-378 A.R. ii, 141-145 A.R. ii, 217-220 A.R. iii, 1-21 A.R. iii, 161-167 A.R. iii, 229 A.R. iv, 186 J.A. 113 A.R. iv, 259 Index. 35 Anthropological Society of Vienna, see Rokitansky, C... J.A. 72 (Müller, on the origin of the writ- ing of the Malayan peoples.) See Scientific Societies Anthropological and Ethnological Societies, see Anthro- pological News, 94 · see Anthropological News, 118 Statistics from Schools, see Galton, F. Study, Ultimate Object of.. Types, Permanence of, see Beddoe, J. Wonders, see Anthropological News, 105 Anthropologie. By K. Schmidt." Review Anthropologists and Missionaries, see Anthropological News, 86 (C Western, and Extra-Western Communities Anthropology, Broca on Elected into the Royal Society, see Anthropo- logical News, 102 46 ·· By P. Topinard. •• ·· News, 179 "Anthropology. .. R. T. H. Bartley. Review Anthropology, Darwin on, see Anthropological Notes, 19 Jackson on, see Anthropological Notes, 33 see Bray, C. Review see Vollgraff, K. a Practical Science Advance of, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, on the Study of, see Hunt, James see Flower, W. H. and Social Innovation ·· ·· see ·· Application of the Principle of Natural Selection to, see Hunt, J. in 1885, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 154 the Aim and Scope of Definition of, see Anthropological Notes, 20. see Anthropological Notes, 21.. Genealogy in connexion with, see Marshall, G. M. History of, see Bendyshe, T. meaning of the Term, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 18 ·· Popular Lectures on, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 51 ·· on the Progress of, see Quatrefages, A. de A Scheme of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 134 the scope of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 153 • Translated by ·· ·· M.A.S. ii, 68 M.A.S. i, 335 A.R. ii, 147 A.R. iii, 375 A.R. viii, 28 J.A.I. xii, 440 J.A.I. xv, 380 A.R. i, 1 J.A.I. xiii, 488 A.R. iii, 303-305 Anthrop. 238 Text-books on True Cerebral Theory Necessary to and Darwinism, see Schaaffhausen, Hermann.. and Ethnology, see Cournot A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cviii A.R. ii, 267 see Davis, J. Barnard A.R. vi, 394 and Geology, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 20 A.R. ii, 149 and Natural Selection, see Wallace, A. R. A.R. v, 103 and Politics: Kelts and Saxons, see Anthropo- logical News, 177 A.R. viii, 211 Anthropological A.R. viii, 215 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 93–97 • J.A. 110 A.R. vi, 323 A.R. vi, 457 J.A.I. iii, 308 Anthrop. 30 M.A.S. ii, 37 A.R. vi, 325 A.R. iii, 303 A.R. vi, 220 A.R. vi, 324 Anthrop. 225 A.R. v, 193 A.R. vi, 35 ·· J.A.I. vii, 540 J.A. 244 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. clx p. A.R. vii, 185 A.R. iv, 226 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 6-9 A.R. iii, 230 A.R. iv, 320 J.A.I. xv, 388 J.A. 1-18 J.A. 362 J.A. 363 D 2 36 Index. Anthropology at the British Association. 1863.. 1864 .. see Gibb, G. Duncan 1871, see Wake, C. S. 1872, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt 1873, see Rudler, F. W….. 1874, see Rudler, F. W. 1875, see Rudler, F. W. at the International Congress of Orientalists, 1870, see Anthropo- 1874, see Clarke, H. .. 1866 1866, see Blake, C. C. dc. see Anthropological News, 93 see Anthropological News, 155 1869 at the Royal Academy. logical Notes, 16 at the Vatican, see Anthropological News, 89 in Central America, see Anthropological News, 132.. in Germany, see Anthropological Notes, 3 see Anthropological News, 75 .. in the Isle of Man, see Anthropological News, 63 of Persia, Review in the United States, see Anthropological Notes, 2.. in its connection with Chemistry in the Nursery 143 .. of Africa, see Cameron, V. L. of Auguste Comte, see Kaines, Joseph. of Brazil, see Anthropological News, 90 of Devon and Cornwall, see Beddoe, J. of Eastern Europe, see Anthropological Notes, 24 •. • ·· .. of Etruria, see Villin, E. of France, see Broca. Review Anthropology of Greece. By G. Nicolucci." Anthropology of Lancashire, see Beddoe, J. of Latium, G. Nicolucci. Review of Linnæus. 1735-1776. See Bendyshe, T., History of Anthropology. Part II. of the New World, see Bollaert, W. see Bollaert, W. ·· ·· • Descriptive, see Polak, J. ·· • •• • • Review.. Review.. • of Prehistoric Peru, see Hutchinson, T. J. of Scotland, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, E. .. 62 of the War (Franco-Prussian, 1870), see Anthro- pological Notes, 15 .. African, see Anthropological Notes, 17 Archaic, see Hunt, J. ·· see Anthropological News, 133 see International Congress at Paris, see Anthropological News, .. ·· ·· A.R. i, 379-464 A.R. ii, 294-335 A.R. iii, 354-371 A.R. iv, 386-408 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. iv A.R. vi, 88-103 A.R. vi, 323 A.R. vi, J.A.S. P. xvii A.R. vii, 331 A.R. vii, 414–432 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xxiii J.A.I. i, 268 J.A.I. ii, 350 J.A.I. iii, 330 J.A.I. iv, 323 J.A.I. v, 348 J.A.I. iv, 336 J.A. 243 A.R. vi, 222 A.R. vi, 463 J.A. 112 A.R. vi, 116 A.R. vi, 370 J.A. 111 A.R. ii, 121, 122 A.R. i, 489 J.A.I. vi, 167 J.A.I. i, 349 A.R. vi, 222 A.R. viii, 85 J.A. 364 J.A. 79 J.A. 89 A.R. vi, 154 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. xv Anthrop. 254 M.A.S. i, 421-458 M.A.S. ii, 92 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxi A.R. vi, 26 J.A.I. iv, 438 A.R. iv, 288 J.A. 242 J.A. 244 M.A.S. ii, 294 A.R. vi, 464 A.R. vi, 203 A.R. vii, 116 Index. 37 Anthropology, Archaic, in Ireland, see Anthropological News, 149 D. 99 Comparative, see Art in Relation to of England and Wales, see Mackintosh, gical Miscellanea, 102 lected by (Ex. 242) ·· Dutch, see Davis, J. B. Forensic, see Miscellanea Anthropclorica, 1 …. French, see Anthropological Miscellanea, Instrument (Ex. 139) Instruments (Ex. 266) (Ex. 361) see Darwin, H. ·· ·· German, see Anthropological News, 144 Italian, see Davis, J. B. Philosophical, see Frédault, F. Review Recent. Compiled by W. L. Distant. Anthropological Miscellanea, 84 .. Anthropometric Apparatus for Travellers (Ex. 389) Committee of the British Association, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 89 see Anthropolo- .. Bertillon's (Ex. 418) Recent Designs for, see Galton, F. Traveller's Box of (Ex. 358) .. • • Photographs Col- ·· +3 Made by the Cambridge Scientific Instru- ment Company (Ex. 357) Laboratory, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 144 Anthropophagi, see Anthropological News, 185 Anthropotomy, see Gray, H. Review • Nile Antiparos, Antiquities from (Ex. 324) Prehistoric Remains in, see Bent, T. Skull and Long Bones from (Ex. 328) Antiquities from Antiparos (Ex. 324) from Colombia (Ex. 241) of Colorado, see Whitney. See at the Health Exhibition, see Galton, F. Measurement of Criminals, see Mouat, F. J. of 2nd Royal Surrey Militia, see Rivers, ·· A. H. Pitt Statistics from Amherst College, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 194 Anthropometry, see Galton, F., on the Height and Weight of School-boys.. • see Lamprey, J. H., on a Method of Measuring the Human Form. N. and Q. see Rivers, A. H. Pitt, on Chest Measurements at Cambridge, see Venn, J. methods and Processes of, see Topinard, P. I. of English Jews, see Jacobs, Jos., and Spielman ·· ·· Anthropos (C. Carter Blake.) Man and Beast "Anti Kaulen. By A. F. Pott." Review Antinori and Piaggia, see Negro Tribes of the Upper • .. ·· • • ·· ·· A.R. vii, 215 A.R. v, 28 A.R. iv, 1 A.R. iii, 202 A.R. i, 179 J.A.I. ix, 233 A.R. vii, 117 A.R. v, 142 A.R. iv, 266 J.A.I. vii, 109 J.A.I. xviii, 332 J.A.I. vii, 391-393 J.A.I. ix, 345 J.A.I. ix, 254 J.A.I. ii, 180 J.A.I. xi, 360 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.A.I. xvi, 9 J.A.I. xx, 182 J.A.I. xvi, 2 J.A.I. xvi, 2 J.A.I. xvi, 2, 9 J.A.I. xiv, 275 J.A.I. xiv, 205 J.A.I. xx, 182 J.A.I. vi, 443 J.A.I. xviii, 192 J.A.I. v, 174 J.E.S., N.S. i, 84 J.A.I. v, 101 J.A.I. xviii, 140 J.A.I. x, 212 J.A.I. xix, 76 A.R. viii, 218 A.R. ii, 202 A.R. i, 153–162 A.R. ii, 24 A.R. viii, 91 J.A.I. xiv, 134 J.A.I. xiv, 134 J.A.I. xiv, 222 J.A.I. xiv, 134 J.A.I. ix, 51 J.A.I. v, 220. 38 Index. Antiquities of Easter Island, see Palmer, J. L. Egyptian, see Stuart, V. ·· in Great Turks Island, see Franks, A. W., on Stone Implements from Honduras from Huasco, see Read, C. H. (Ex. 395) Mexico (Ex. 126) of the Orkneys, see Petrie, G. from Peru (Ex. 150) Peruvian (Ex. 180). of Sutherland (Joass) in Wales (Ex. 228).. from Worthing (Ex. 213) Bronze, from Worthing, see Wisden Prehistoric, of Dartmoor, see Bate, C. S. in Florida, see Anthropological Mis- ·· cellanea, 70 from the South-east of Spain (Ex. 380).. primeval, in Austria Preservation of, in Ohio, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Antiquity of the Book of Nabathean Agriculture. Re- view Antiquity of Civilisation. Review Antiquity of Man Po mnen ·· see Crawfurd, J. see Crawfurd, J. see Crawfurd, J. see Crawfurd, J. see Dawkins, W. B. see Evans, J. P • • Ape and Man, see Wake, C. S. • :: • ·· " see Hughes, T. McK. "Antiquity of Man. By Sir Charles Lyell." Review Antiquity of Man. (Lyell) see Phillips, J. ·· ·· ·· ·· • ·· D • J ·· • ↑ •• ► D see Tiddeman, R. H. see Wallace, A. R. .. from the Évidence of Language, see • •• Crawfurd, J. .. in Central France. (Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris) Notes on the, A Summary of the Evidence.. .. and Comparative Geology, see Wake, S. Abstract and Discussion C. and Prehistoric Times. (Lyell), see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 58 of the Human Race, see Blake, C. C. Antler of Red Deer from Ipswich (Ex. 113) Anthropologia del Lazio, Memoria del G. Nicolucci. Review ·· J.E.S., N.S. i, 371 J.A.I. xii, 324 • J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. xix, 57 J.A.I. xix, 57 J.A.I. i, 162 A.R. i, 425 J.A.I. iii, 103 J.A.I. iv, 368 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. lxiii-lxv J.A.I. vii, 396 J.A.I. vii, 43 J.A.I. vii, 43 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. c J.A.I. vi, 99 J.A.I. xviii, 121 A.R. iii, 157 J.A.I. vii, 186 A.R. ii, 52 J.A. 170 A.R. vii, 136–152 T.E.S. ii, 170 T.E.S. iii, 58 T.E.S. vi, 233 A.R. i, 172 J.A.I. vii, 151 J.A.I. vii, 149 J.A.I. vii, 162 A.R. i, 129 A.R. ii, 299–301 A.R. i, 436 J.A.I. vii, 165 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. clviii T.E.S. ii, 170 A.R. iv, 205 A.R. i, 60-106 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cv A.R. iv, 112 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. xxvi J.A.I. i, 73 Anthrop. 416 J.A.I. ii, 315 A.R. v, 257 Ancestry and Christianity. Review Origin of Man, see Miscellanea Anthropo- logica, 21 of Mankind. J. McGrigor Allan Apes and Monkeys, Intelligence of, see Crisp, Api Grammar, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 196 Apparatus for Testing the Delicacy of the Muscular and other Senses in Different Persons, see Galton, F... J.A.I. xii, 469 A.R. ii, 150 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 121 A.R. ii, 308 J.A.I. xviii, 295 ་ Index. 39 Apparatus for Testing the Delicacy of the Sense (Ex. 292) J.A.I. xii, 469 Aprons, Grass, Traditional Origin of, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 130 Aptitudes of Races, see Farrar, F. W. J.A.I. xi, 356 T.E.S. v, 115 J.A.I. IV, 132 Arabia Petræa, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 149 Arabian Race and Language, on the Dissemination cf. see Crawfurd, J. T.E.S. v, 298 Arabs, Ethnological Notes on, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 149 J.A.I. xv, 132 Aissa Houha, see Anthropological News, 81 A.R. vi, 118 Non-Mussulman, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 128 Aracan, Account of the Hill Tribes, see St. John, R. F. J.A.I. xi, 355 ·· J.A.I. ii, 233 J.E.S., N.S. i, 287 J.E.S., N.S. i, 274 Anthrop. 60 St. A. Arapahoes, see Blackmore, W. see Fisher, M. C. Arberlows Ring and other Remains in Derbyshire Archæological Discoveries in Ireland, see Conwell, E. A. Importance of Ancient British Lake Dwellings, see Munro, R. Meeting, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 149 170 Archæology, American, see Miscellanea Anthropo- ·· logica, 53 Archæology of Peru. By E. G. Squier." Review Archæology and Ethnology, see Dunn, R. and History, International Congress for, 1868, see International Archaic Anthropology, see Anthropological News, 133 see International Congress German L. ·· ·· .. ·· International Congress of, see Anthro- pological News, 98 Lewis, A. L. see Lewis, A. L... in Ireland, see Anthropological News, of the Islands of Unst, Brassay, and the Mainland of Zetland, see Hunt, J. ·· ·· د. at Paris, see Anthropological News, 143 at the Society of Antiquaries. Review of the South-West of England Structures in Cornwall and Devon, see Lewis, A. .. ·· in the Isle of Man, see Lewis, A. L. in Somersetshire and Dorsetshire, see ·· Research, Desirability of, see Seemann, B. Ardagh, J. C., examination of the upper portion of the cliff, and remarks on objects discovered therein, 17th January, 1865, 1865, see Walker, B., and J. C. Ardagh, on a deposit at Newhaven see Walker, B., and J. C. Ardagh, on a deposit at Newhaven T.E.S. v, 217 J.A.I. XV, 453 J.A.I. xvii, 80 A.R. iii, 375 J.A. 236 T.E.S. v, 305 A.R. viii, 41 A.R. vi, 464 A.R. vi, 203 A.R. v, 325-330 "Archiv für Anthropologie, 1866." Review J.A.I. xi, 117 A.R. iv, 353-358 Arctic Ethnology, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 54 J.A.I. v, 118 Highlanders, see Markham, C. R. T.E.S. iv, 125 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. ccxciv A.R. vi, 323 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xxvi A.R. vii, 215 M.A.S. ii, 294 A.R. vii, 116 A.R. vii, 95-97 A.R. vii, 242 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. i J.A.I. i, 295 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxxxix- cxci A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxxvii 40 Index. Argentine Anthropology, see Hutchinson, Thomas J. Letter Republic, skulls from Rosario (Ex. 93) Argyll on Archaic Anthropological Speculations. Review. Argyllshire, see Mapleton, R. J., on prehistoric remains Arian Nomades, see Howorth, H. H. Arica, woollen bags from (Ex. 104) Armenians of Southern India, see Shortt, John.. see Shortt, John Armit (Captain), William E. (F.L.S.), Customs of the Australian Aborigines. 11th February, 1879. Title only see Anthropological Miscellanea, 104 Armlet, marble, from Lukoja, see Edwards, H. W. (Ex. 8) Arrest of development, see Meryon, E. Arrow-heads, Classification of, see Knowles, W. J. from Canada (Lake Erie), see Fairbank, F. Egypt (Ex. 229) Elginshire, see Roberts, G. E. Lake Erie (Ex. 93) Rio Negro (Ex. 176) Southern India, see Walhouse, M. J. (Ex. 200). flint, see Evans, J... CC ·· man, J. G. 125) .. >> .. ·· ·· ·· from Ditchley, Oxfordshire (Ex. 215) Oxfordshire (Ex. 217) (flint and chert) from Patagonia, see Rivers, H. Pitt.. Arrow poison used by the Canelos Indians (Ex. 99) Arrows of the Modoc Indians (Ex. 166) .. from the Solomon Islands, see Balfour, H. Evolution of a Characteristic Pattern on the Shafts of, see Balfour, H. of the South Sea Islanders, reputed Poisonous Nature of, see Messer, A. B... Arruda, Carbeço da, see Busk, G... ·· • ·· Art in Relation to Comparative Anthropology the Influence of Race on, see Fergusson, James, History of Modern Architecture of Music in Prehistoric Times, see Rowbotham, J. F. Articulations, Doubtful or Intermediate, see Hale, H... Artificial Deformation of the Skull, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 142 Enlargement of the Ear-lobe, see Harrison, J. P. Eyes of Peruvian Mummies, see Rising.. Artificially Deformed Crania from Mallicollo, see Flower, W. H. •• • A. R. A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxiv J.A.I. vii, 396 ·· · • • ·· (Ex. 257) .. see Flower, W. H. (Ex. 392) from Pisaqua (Ex. 50) found in Switzerland, see Aker- • .. ·· • Skulls from Vancouver's Island (Ex. Enlarged Earlobes, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 35 .. A.R. vi, 215 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii A.R. vii, 376–380 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 146 J.A.I. vi, 41 ÷ A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxxix J.A., J.A.S. p. clxix J.A. 180 J.A.I. ix, 3 J.A.I. ix, 459 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35 T.E.S. vii, 162 J.A.I. vi, 482 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxiv A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxi J.A.I. iv, 311 J.A.I. vi, 245 J.A.I. vi, 245 T.E.S. iv, 240 J.A.I. vii, 44 J.A.I. vii, 117 J.A.I. iv, 311 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. xviii, 30 J.A.I. xvii, 328 J.A.I. vii, 209 T.E.S. vii, 39 A.R. v, 28-46 A.R. i, 216 J.A.I. I, 380 J.A.I. xiv, 233 J.A.I. xiv, 85 J.A.I. ii, 190 T.E.S. iv, 59 J.A.I. xi, 75 J.A.I. xi, 74 J.A.I. xix, 52 J.A.I. xix, 52 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxir J.E.S. iv, 191 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. ii, 449 1 Index. 41 "Arts of Subsistence. By Lewis H. Morgan." See An- thropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthro- pology" Aryan and the Semite, see Jackson, J. W. or Indo-Germanic Theory, see Crawfurd, J. Polity, see Tagore, G. M. Race, see Pictet, A., "Les Origines Indo- Européennes." Review Aryans, Origin and Primitive Seat of, see Taylor, I. Origin of the. Review Ashantee Fetish Curse (Ex. 172) Gold Objects from (Ex. 174) Skull from, see Busk, G. (Ex. 171) Ashantees, Relations of Culture of, see Clarke, H. Asher, A. Obituary Notice. See Anthropological Asia. Chinese Skull (Ex. 142) • • K ·· see .. Miscellanea, 219 Asher, David, (Ph.D.) Geiger's Lectures on the Develop- ment of the Human Race. Review. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 119 Schopenhauer and Darwinism • ·· • •• J.A.I. x, 366 J.A. 312 J.A.I. iii, 2 J.A.I. ix, 31 Ethnological Objects from Borneo. (Ex. 351, 352) J.A.I. xv, 423, 424 from Siberia (Ex. 240) Fire-syringe from Borneo (Ex. 427) Japanese Roll (Ex. 152) J.A.I. xx, 331 Megalithic Remains in Japan (Ex. 396) Mosso (Chinese) Writing (Ex. 244) Objects from the Maldive Islands (Ex. 368) Photographs of Ainos (Ex. 151) . Prehistoric Objects found in Siberia (Ex. 156) Progress of Civilisation in, see Crawfurd, J. Skull of a Burmese Dacoit Leader (Ex. 399) of a Chinese Mandarin (Ex. 400).. Stone Adzes from Burmah (Ex. 216) Implements from India (Ex. 363) Tattooed Man from Burmah (Ex. 140) see Conder, C. R., on Hittite Ethnology ·· see Crawfurd, J., on the Supposed Aborigines of India • • •• ·· ·· • ·· • · • ·· • U • • ·· .. • · see Garson, J. G., on Skulls from the Hindu Kush District • A • J.A.I. ii, 228 J.A.I. xvii, 137 T.E.S. vi, 59 see Gibb, G. D., on the Character of the Voice.. see Hale, A., on Stone Implements from Perak.. see Jones, J., on Crucifixion in China J.A.I. xviii, 20 M.A.S. iii, 244 J.A.I. xvii, 66 T.E.S. iii, 138 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 97 see Oppert, Gustav, on the Kitai Anam. Photograph of "Tailed" Boy from Saigon (Ex. 330) J.A.I. xiv, 327 Andaman Islands. See Anthropological Miscel lanea, 83 J.A.I. vii, 105 Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 109 J.A.I. x, 124 see Anthropological News, 84 A.R. vi, 120 see Baxter, J. B... see Belcher, E. see Busk, G. see Dobson, G. E. see Flower, W. H. see Flower, W. H. · .. • J.A.I. vii, 115 A.R. vii, 333 T.E.S. i, 268 T.E.S. ii, 369 • A.R. i, 232 J.A.I. xvii, 238 Anthrop. 593 J.A.I. iv, 88 J.A.I. iv, 122 • J.A.I. iv, 62 J.A.I. iv, 62 J.A.I. iv, 122 J.A.I. xix, 515 J.A.I. iii, 137 J.A.I. xix, 64 J.A.I. ix, 337 J.A.I. xvi, 164 J.A.I. iii, 137 J.A.I. iii, 174 T.E.S. iii, 98 J.A.I. xix, 94 J.A.I. xix, 94 J.A.I. vii, 117 J.A.I. xvi, 65 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxxiii T.E.S. v, 40 T.E.S. iv, 205 J.A.I. iv, 457 J.A.I. ix, 108 J.A.I. xiv, 115 ! 42 Index. Asia, Andaman Islands, see Fytche, A. see Man, E. H. see Owen, R. see Rivers, A. H. Pitt see Thomson, A. .. Borneo. Wild Tribes of the North-west Coast, see St. John, S. Borneo, see Houghton, E. P., on the Land Dayas Burmah, see Phayre, A. P. Central, see Vambéry, A., "The Turcomans between the Caspian and Merv >> Central, see Vambéry, A., on the Dervishes and Hadjis of the East Ceylon. Skeleton and Skulls of Veddahs (Ex. 402) see Bailey, J. see Dickman, H., on the Treatment of Diseases by Charms (Ex. 255) .. ·· 141) District (Ex. 305) 120) (< ·· ·· see Maniegar, S. C. C., on the Mookwas see a "Tamil," on the Weddos .. China. Photographs of Natives of Yünnan and the Shan Country (Ex. 296) see Lamprey, J. •• .. see Lockhart, W., on the Miautsze Eastern. The Peoples of, see Bastian, A., “Die Volker des Oestlichen Asien." Review India. Agricultural Implements from the Naga Hills (Ex. 320).. ·· ·· • Andamanese Bone Necklaces (Ex. 263) Skeleton (Ex. 272) and Nicobarese Objects (Ex. 230) (Ex. 262).. Ethnological Objects from the Naga Hills Objects from Manipur (Ex. 371).. Scinde (Ex. 227) India, Paleolithic Implements from Madras (Ex. .. 294) • • Photographs of Nicobarese (Ex. 198) (Ex. 353, 354) Skull from the Nicobar Islands (Ex. 367) Stone Celts from the Shevaroy Hills (Ex. Implements from the Banda from the Naga Hills (Ex. >> Tribes of the Neilgherries (Ex. 56) see Anthropological Miscellanea, 225. Ethnographic Researches in India' see Cockburn, J., on Paleolithic Imple- ments from South Mirzapore .. see Kincaid, W., on the Bheel Tribes of the Vindhyan Range .. • see Maniegar, S. C. C., on the Classifi- cation of the Tamul Castes T.E.S. v, 239 J.A.I. vii, 451, 457 J.A.I. xi, 268 J.A.I. xii, 69, 117, 327 J.A.I. xiv, 253 T.E.S. ii, 34 J.A.I. vii, 434 J.A.I. xi, 295 T.E.S. ii, 232 M.A.S. iii, 195 T.E.S. v, 13 J.A.I. ix, 337 M.A.S. ii, 14 J.A.I. xix, 125 T.E.S. ii, 278 J.A.I. xii, 513 J.A.I. vi, 209 J.A.I. xv, 423, 427 J.A.I. xvi, 147 J.A.I. ii, 348 J.A.I. xiii, 184 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. P. lxii A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. XX, 290 J.A.I. xvii, 57 J.A.I. ix, 397 .. T.E.S. iii, 93 T.E.S. ii, 140 T.E.S. iv, 348 T.E.S. iii, 70 J.A.I. xiii, 2 T.E.S. vi, 101 T.E.S. i, 177 A.R. v, 187 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. xi, 294 J.A.I. xii, 69 J.A.I. vii, 434 J.A.I. xi, 268 J.A.I. xi, 56 J.A.I. xvi, 346 J.A.I. vii, 364 Index. 43 ·· Asia, India, see Mitra, R., on the Gypsies of Bengal see Owen, S. R. I., on Hindu Neology. see Risley, H. H., on the Study of Ethnology in India see Sellon, E., on Indian Gnosticism, or Sacti Puja ·· see Sellon, E., on Phallic Worship see Shortt, J., on the Bayadère see Shortt, J., on the Cheddul see Shortt, J., on the Marvar Tribes see Tagore, G. M., on the Caste System see Watt, G., on the Tribes of Manipur South. Skull of Yanadi (Ex. 73) Tribes of, see Shortt, J... Kurdistan, Tribes of, see Spottiswoode, W. Malay Archipelago. See Wallace, A. R. Peninsula. See Bourien .. Ghiliak ·· see Atkinson, G. M. see Ball, V. see Distant, W. L. see Flower, W. H. see Man, E. H. (Ex. 220) Hyde) 261) Shell Mounds in, see Earl, G. W. Malaysia. Ethnological Specimens from Timor- laut (Ex. 298) Nicobar Islands. See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 97 ·· .. see Rivers, A. H. Pitt : • ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· • • see Nicobar. Perak, see Hale, A., on the Sakais Siberia. Skull from Kamtchatka (Ex. 359) see Davis, J. B., on the Skull of a • : .. Turkestan. See Atkinson, T. W., on the Kirghis Western, Early Races of, see Conder, C. R. Asia Minor, On the Inhabitants of, see Clarke, H. Objects from a Refuse Heap near Smyrna Proto-Ethnic condition of. (Clarke, Stone and Copper Implements from (Ex. ·· see Bent, T., on the Ansairee see Bent, T., on the Yourouks Turkish, Topographical Nomenclature of, of, see Clarke, Hyde. Asiatic Nations, Character of the Voice in, see Gibb, G. D. ·· •• and European Races, Characteristics of, see Crawfurd, J. Origin of Europeans, see Anthropological Society of Paris.. see Anthropological Society of Paris Origin of the Game of Patolli, see Tylor, E. B. M.A.S. iii, 120 M.A.S. ii, 202 J.A.I. xx, 235 M.A.S. ii, 264 M.A.S. i, 327 M.A.S. iii, 182 T.E.S. iv, 333 M.A.S. iii, 201 T.E.S. ii, 369 J.A.I. xvi, 346 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxvii T.E.S. iii, 373 T.E.S. ii, 244 T.E.S. iii, 196 T.E.S. iii, 72 T.E.S. ii, 119 J.A.I. xiii, 23 J.A.I. viii, 336 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 137 J.A.I. x, 103 J.A.I. iii, 2 J.A.I. vi, 209 J.A.I. xvi, 147 J.A.I. vii, 451, 457 J.A.I. xi, 268 J.A.I. xv, 428 J.A.I. xviii, 354 J.A.I. vii, 434 J.A.I. xv, 285 J.A.I. xvi, 2, 21 M.A.S. iii, 366 T.E.S. i, 39 J.A.I. xix, 30 T.E.S. iv, 154 J.A.I. vii, 138 J.E.S., N.S. i, 39 J.A.I. xi, 196 J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. xx, 269 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxix A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxii T.E.S. v, 58 A.R. iii, 161 A.R. v, 357 J.A.I. viii, 116 44 Index. J.A.I. xi, 53 Asiatic relations of Polynesian Culture, see Tylor, E. B. J.A.I. xi, 401 Assam, platform dwellings in, see Peal, S. E. Assignation of Bronze Weapons, see Wright, T... Assimilation, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 73 T.E.S. iv, 176 J.A.I. vi, 194 Anthrop. p. lxxviii J.E.S. iii, 210 T.E.S. i, 146 T.E.S. i, 11 A.R. iii, 185 J.A.I. xv, 301 A.R. iii, 325-329 M.A.S. i, 210 M.A.S. i, 210 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. xv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxv J.A.I. x, 461 J.A.I. i, 213, 214 (C Assyria, Notes on Assyrian Inscriptions, see Hincks, E. Marbles, see Knox, R. 1852. Origin of the Izedis, see Ainsworth, W. F. Astrology, Lilly's," by Zadkiel. See Philosophy and Pseudo-Philosophy Astronomical Customs of the Blackfeet Indians, see L'Heureux, J…… Traditions ·· ·· ·· · ·· .. .. Astronomy of Central America, with Recent Discovery of the Maya Hieroglyphic Alphabet, see Bollaert, W. of the Red Man of the New World, see Bollaert, W. • .. see Bollaert, W. Atacama, mummy from, see von Burgholzhausen Atkinson, G. M. Celts from British Guiana, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 123 on a Kitchen Midden in Cork Harbour. 19th June, 1871.. on a new Instrument for determining the Facial Angle. With Discussion. 26th April, 1881. (Plate) Notes on the Nicobar Islanders. January, 1870. (Plate) 25th on a Scale to find Cranial Indices. With Discussion. 25th June, 1878. (Plate) Atkinson, H. G., on two Australian Skulls. 19th December, 1865. (Extract from letter) • • Mr. Dunn on Life and Mind. Letter on the Idiotic Family of Downham, in Norfolk. 19th December, 1865. With Discussion A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxxii Atkinson, (Rev.) J. C., on Cleveland Gravehills. Abstract. 2nd February, 1869 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxiii J.A.I. iii, 115–120 • ·· • • • ·· on the Danish Aspect of the Local Nomenclature of Cleveland. 22nd April, 1873 on the Danish Element in the Population of Cleveland, Yorkshire. 12th April, 1870. With Discussion Atkinson, T. W., an Account of an Ascent with the Kirghis through the Mountain Passes to their Summer Pastures at the foot of the Snowy Peaks of the Ac-Tou, Chinese Tartary. 15th December, 1858 • Atlantean Race, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 16 of Western Europe, see Jackson, J. W. see MacLean, Hector Atlanteans, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 11 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 18 see Kimmerians and Atlanteans. Audley End, Essex, cut bones found at, see Roberts, G. • E. "Auguste Comte and Positivism. By J. S. Mill.” Review • Australia, see Beddoe, J., on the aborigines of Central Queensland ·· J.A.I. xi, 122, 123 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 137–140 J.A.I. viii, 279–282 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xxxi, xxxii A.R. vi, 216, 217 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 351–366 T.E.S. i, 93-105 J.A.I. ii, 127 J.A.I. ii, 397 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xl J.A.I. i, 264 J.A.I. ii, 130 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxi A.R. iv, 289 J.A.I. vii, 145 Index. 45 Australia, see Beveridge, P., on aboriginal ovens see Crawfurd, J., on the food of the natives of Australia.. see Cunningham, R. A., on natives of Queens- land see Howitt, A. W., on the Jeraeil see Howitt, A. W., on the migrations of the Kurnai ancestors see Howitt, A. W., and L. Fison see Rolleston, H. D., on the cerebral hemispheres of an Australian Aborigines of. Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 28 see Oldfield, A. Child-bearing in Demigods, Dæmonia, Superstitions, and Languages, see Miles, W. A. mixed races of, see Taplin, G. natives of Queensland (Ex. 373) • photographs and implements from (Ex. 239) pseudo cromlech on Mount Alexander rock carvings found in the neighbourhood of Sydney, see Nicholson, Charles stone implements from (Ex. 194) .. .. ·· ·· cellanea, 143 W. E. Western, aborigines of, see Bland, R. H. • ·· • see Stanbridge, W. E. vocabulary of the Cornu tribe, see Pechey, W. A. Central, see Howitt, A. W., on the Dieri and Western, natives of, see Forrest, J. New South Wales, aborigines of the River Dar- ling, see Bonney, F. ► see Cameron, A. L. P. • North-West, see Walcott, P., vocabulary col- lected at Nichol Bay .. South, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 174, on the Dieyerie tribe Dieyerie tribe, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 187 .. preserving the dead in, see Flower, W. H. the tribes of Victoria, see Stanbridge, .. • • •· ·· ·· • · • see Fison, L., on the New Norcia marriage laws Australian Aborigines, see Carmichael, C. H. E. see Murray, T. A... Customs of, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 104 • ·· • ·· · intellectual and moral characteristics of, see Wake, C. S. legends of, see Anthropological Mis- .. J.A.I. xviii, 68 J.A.I. vii, 280 A.R. vi, J.A.S. J.A.I. ix, 459 J.A.I. i, 74 .. J.A.I. xiv, 87 J.A.I. x, 85 photographs of (Ex. 247) ·· physical characters of, see Wake, C. S... J.A. 259 beliefs, see Howitt, A. W. burials, remarks on .. Ceremonies of Initiation, see Howitt, A. W. Child, Mummied Head of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 31 • •• A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxxvii T.E.S. vi, 112 J.A.I. xvii, 83 J.A.I. xiv, 301 J.A.I. xv, 409 J.A.I. xii, 30 J.A.I. xvii, 32 J.A.I. ii, 307 T.E.S. iii, 215 J.E.S., N.S. i, 68 J.E.S. iii, 4 J.A.I. iv, 52 J.A.I. xvii, 83 J.A.I. ix, 3 J.E.S., N.S. i, 75 J.A.I. ix, 31 J.A.I. vi, 40 J.A.J. vi, 40 J.A.I. i, 143 J.A.I. xx, 30 J.A.I. v, 316 J.A.I. xiii, 122 J.A.I. xiv, 344 T.E.S. ii, 249 J.A.I. xvii, 185 J.A.I. xviii, 94 J.A.I. viii, 389 T.E.S. i, 286 J.A.I. xvi, 340 Anthrop. p. lxxxviii J.A.I. xiii, 185 Anthrop. 72 J.A.I. xiii, 4:2 J.A.I. ü, 311 p. liii 46 Index. Australian Class Systems, see Howitt, A. W. see Howitt, A. W. Cranium, peculiarities of, see Bradley, S. M. "Gins," reported infecundity of, after having borne half-caste children, see Thomson, T. R. H... half-castes, see Peel, R., on Kangaroo Island Horde, see Howitt, A. W., and L. Fison Implements (Ex. 343) Languages, see Bleek, W. H. I. see Clarke, H. see Mackenzie, A... see Taplin, G. and Traditions, see Mackenzie, A. see Ridley, W. see Ridley, W. ·· Laws, see Fison, L. see Tylor, E. B. Systems, see Galton, F. Anthropological see • ·· see Evans, J. Axeheads, Caribbean (Ex. 164) Axholme, the Isle of, see Peacock, E. Marriage Customs and Systems of Relationship, see Lubbock, J. • • ·· • .. .. ·· • ·· .. Miscel- lanea, 216 Medicine Men, see Howitt, A. W. Message Sticks and Messengers, see Howitt, A. W. Music, see Torrance, G. W. Natives, see Anthropological Conferences Skulls, see Atkinson, H. G. Skulls (Ex. 106) Songs and Songmakers, see Howitt, A. W. Traditions, see Major, R. H. Tribal Affinities, see Wake, C. S... Tribes, see Palmer, Edward Tundums or Bull-roarers (Ex. 345) Tunes, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 165.. J.A.I. xvi, 425 Vocabulary, see Walcott, P. see Barlow, Harriott Australians, Kamilaroi Tribe, see Ridley, W. Austria, Flint and Bronze Implements from Dalmatia (Ex. 251).. T.E.S. ii, 249 J.A.I. ii, 166 J.E.S. iv, 285 Objects from Istria (Ex. 227) Austrian Dominions, Physical Character of the Natives, see Beddoe, J. • ·· ·· Peoples, Weight Proportions of Brains, see Weisbach, A. Avares, or Eastern Huns, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 15 Avery, J. Gould. Civilisation, with Special Reference to the so-called Celtic Inhabitants of Ireland. With Discussion. 15th June, 1869.. • • .. .. ·· ·· Racial Characteristics as Related to Civilisation. Abstract and Discussion. 4th March, 1872 Axe, Chert Implements from the Valley of the (Ex. 232) Paleolithic Implements from (Ex. 245). Paleolithic Implements from the Valley of the, .. ·· ·· J.A.I. xii, 496 J.A.I. xviii, 31 J.A.I. ii, 137 J.E.S. iii, 243 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xxxi J.A.I. xiv, 142 J.A.I. xv, 266 J.A.I. i, 89 J.A.I. vii, 274 J.A.I. iii, 247 J.A.I. i, 84 J.A.I. vii, 269 J.A.I. ii, 257 J.A.I. vii, 232 J.A.I. xiv, 292 J.A.I. ix, 354 J.A I. ix, 354 J.A.I. xviii, 70 J.A.I. xix, 505 J.A.I. xvi, 23 J.A.I. xviii, 314 J.A.I. xvi, 335 J.A.I. xvi, 201 cxivi A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxxi J.A., J.A.S. p. J.A.I. xvi, 327 T.E.S. i, 349 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xiii J.A.I. xiii, 276 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. x, 429 J.A.I. vii, 364 T.E.S. i, 111 A.R. vii, 92 J.A.I. ii, 114 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cexxi- ccxxxvii J.A.I. ii, 63-67 J.A.I. vii, 499 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. vii, 499 J.A.1. iii, 204 A.R. viii, 137 Index. 47 Aymara Indians, see Forbes, David Skull (Ex. 51) Azores, Scourge, Flagellum, &c., from (Ex. 385) Aztec Mirror (Ex. 115) Aztecs, Method of Obtaining a Meridian Line by, see London, see Owen, R... A. L. L., see Lewis, A. L. Bollaert, W. Stone Zodiac of the, see Bollaert, W. see Anthropological News, 43 see Cull, R. .. .. on the so-called Aztec Children Exhibited in .. B. ·· ·· Babines, see Hamilton, Gavin Babington, J. Extract from a Description of the Pandoo Coolies in Malabar Babylonia, Prehistoric Civilisation of, see Boscawen, W. St. Chad Baldwin, on Historic Anthropology. Review Balfour, H. (M.A..), the Old British " "Pibcorn ·· ·· Terra Cotta Tablets from (Ex. 379) Babylonian Empire, Races of, see Bertin, G. Bachmaier, Anton, on Pasigraphy.. Baer, K. L. Von, "Proposal for the Equipment of Anthro- pological Expeditions into the Interior of the Rus- sian Empire. 1865." Review .. • ·· Bailey, John, an Account of the Wild Tribes of the Veddas of Ceylon; their Habits, Customs, and Superstitions. 1st July, 1862 • σ Bain, A. (LL.D.), the Scope of Anthropology, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 153 "The Senses and the Intellect. Second Edition." Review Baines, T., on Certain Implements and Articles of Dress from South Africa. With Discussion. 6th Feb- ruary, 1866 : "Explorations in South-West Africa. 1866." "The Victoria Falls of the Zambesi. 1866." Review Baker, (Sir) Samuel White, "The Albert N'yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, and Exploration of the Nile Sources. 1866." Review the Races of the Nile Basin. 12th July, 1866 Bakewell, R. H. (M.D.), Observations on the Condition of the Blood Corpuscles in Certain Races. With Discussion. 15th November, 1870 Baker, W. B., on Maori Popular Poetry. 19th January, 1859 >> or "Horn- pipe" and its Affinities. 25th March, 1890. (Two Plates) • on the Structure and Affinities of the Composite Bow. With Discussion. 25th June, 1889. (Two Plates and Woodcut) • Exhibition of Arrows from the Solomon Islands. With Discussion. 28th February, 1886. (Plate) J.E.S., N.S. ii, 193 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xviii, 274 J.A.I. i, 74 M.A.S. i, 210 M.A.S. i, 210 A.R. 7, 252 J.E.S. iv, 120 J.E.S. iv, 128 J.A.I. vii, 206 J.E.S., N.S. i, 178 J.A.I. viii, 21 J.A.I. xviii, 103 J.A.I. xviii, 104 Anthrop. 508 A.R. iv, 238-242 T.E.S. ii, 278-320 J.A.I. XV, 380 A.R. ii, 250-262 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cii-cviii A.R. iv, 243–252 A.R. iv, 269–277 T.E.S. v, 228-238 J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. x-xiii T.E.S. i, 44-59 A.R. vii, 323 J.A.I. xx, 142–154 J.A.I. xix, 220-250 .. J.A.I. xviii, 30 48 Index. Balfour, H. (M.A.), Note on the Use of "Elk" Teeth for Money in North America. 12th March, 1889 on the Evolution of a Characteristic Pat- tern on the Shafts of Arrows from the Solomon Islands. 10th January, 1888. (Plate) Bali, Account of the Island of. By R. Friederich. Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. Anthropology Ball, V., on Nicobarese Ideographs. With Bibliography. 23rd March, 1880. (Plate) Wolf-reared Children, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 108 Ballintoy, Flint Implements from, see Knowles, W. J. (Ex. 222) .. • Bally, E. F., Bronze Celts found near Cumberlow, Baldock, Herts, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 74 Bancroft, H. H. "The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 46, 51| ·· Bangor, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt, on the Opening of Two Cairns "3 ·· .. "" Bann, Valley of, Flint Implements from, see Knowles, W. J. See "Recent • Baptists and the Jamaica Massacre Barbadoes, Shell, Chisels from (Ex. 253).. ·· Barber, E. A., "The Seven Towns of Moqui." See Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. "Anthro- .. pological Gleanings Baring-Gould, S., "The Origin and Development of Religious Belief." Review Barlow, Harriott, Vocabulary of Aboriginal Dialects of Queensland. With Discussion. 6th May, 1872 Barnard, W. S., "Observations on the Membral Muscula- tion of Simia Satyrus (Orang), and the Comparative Myology of Man and the Apes," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology' Barnes' Inscribed Dallâns, see Kinahan, G. H. .. Barrie, (Captain), Kirkhead Cave, see Miscellanea An- thropologica, 36 "" Basque and Kelt, see Webster, Wentworth Race, see Webster, W. Skulls, see Broca, P. .. ·· •• .. Barrington, Human Lower Jaw and Femur found at, see Bendyshe, T. • Skulls from (Ex. 116) .. Barron, (Dr.) G. B., on a Human Skull found near Southport. Title only. 12th February, 1884 Barron, (Lieut.), Note on Stone Implements from the Naga Hills. Woodcuts. 22nd November, 1871 Barrow near Kirton-in-Lindsey, Lincolnshire, see Pea- cock, E... ·· ·· • · Barrows of Kokotowi, see Bogouschefsky, N. C. de Barrows, Round, Skulls from, see Blake, C. C. Bartley, R. T. H. (M.D.), Topinard's Anthropology. Translated by R. T. H. B. Review. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 91 • · • · ·· Barton Mere, near Bury St. Edmunds, Discoveries in, see Jones, H. • • • ·· ·· ·· ·· J.A.I. xix, 54 J.A.I. xvii, 328-332 J.A.I. vii, 110 J.A.I. x, 103–108 J.A.I. ix, 465 J.A.I. vii, 202 J.A.I. vii, 202 J.A.I. vi, 195 J.A.I. iv, 503; г, 114 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 306 J.A.I. x, 150 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 20-23 J.A.I. xi, 2 J.A.I. vii, 545 J.A. 149 J.A.I. ii, 166-175 J.A.I. vii, 112 J.A.I. xviii, 171 A.R. ii, 344 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. xv J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. xiii J.A.I. xiv, 3 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. lxii, lxiii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxiii J.A.I. ii, 199 M.A.S. iii, 114 J.A.I. vii, 540 J.E.S., N.S. i, 199 J.A.I. v, 5 J.A.I. ii, 150 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxviii Index. 49 Bassus's Tower, Remains from, see Blake, C. C. Bastian, (Dr.) A., Ethnology of Cambodia. Abstract "Die Volker des Oestlichen Asien. Studien und Reisen von Dr. Adolf Bastian. Vols. i and ii. 1866." Review.. • Bastian on the Ethnography of Civilised Peoples. Review Batanga, the People of, see Anthrop. Misc., 126 Bate, C. Spence, (F.R.S.) on a Human Skull and the Bones of Animals found with Pottery in a Kjök- kenmödding on the Coast of Cornwall, and on an Ancient Cornish Barrow. Abstract Report on the Prehistoric Antiquities of Dartmoor. With Discussion. (Six Plates.) 13th December, 1870 Bateman's Researches in Ancient British Tumuli, see Lubbock, J. .. Bath, Human Remains from (Ex. 201) Bayadère; or, Dancing Girls of Southern India, Shortt, J. • • .. • A POT A ·· Battersea Rise, Palæolithic Implement from (Ex. 279) Batty, (Mrs.) R. Braithwaite, Notes on the Yoruba Anthrop. 152 Country. Abs. and Disc. 14th May, 1889. (Woodcut) J.A.I. xix, 160–164 Bautzen, Wends of Baxter, J. Bainbridge, on Photographs of Andaman Islanders. 15th May, 1866 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxxiii M.A.S. iii, 182 J.A.I. xii, 64 T.E.S. iii, 47-58 Beads, Aggri (Ex. 270) Beale, L. J., the Brain and the Skull in some of the Families of Man. 3rd March, 1863 on the Characteristics of the Mongolian and European Families of Mankind, with a Special Refer- ence to the Civilization of the Chinese. 13th January, 1858. Abstract .. ·· • • see • Beamish, Richard (F.R.S.), "The Psychonomy of the Hand, according to MM. D'Arpentigny and Des- barrolles." Review • Beardmore, Edward, the Natives of Mowat, Daudai, New Guinea. (With notes by A. C. Haddon, and appen- dices) ·· Beast Children, see Tylor, E. B. Beatty, Harcourt, "Ante-Diluvian Politics." Synopsis. Beavan, H. J. C., Observations on the People Inhabiting Spain. 6th February, 1866 · • Notes on the Races Inhabiting Spain. Abstract and Discussion. 6th February, 1866 • Death of, see Anthropological News, 154 see Dally,E., on Consanguineous Marriages see Pouchet, G., "The Plurality of the Human Race" Becher, H. C. R., on Terra Cotta Heads from Mexico and from Sicily. (Ex. 283.) 27th June, 1882 .. Bechuanaland, Native Tribes of, see Conder, C. R. Bechuana Skull, see Payne, R. W. Beckett, Charles, on the Dialects North and South of the Humber Compared. 11th September, 1853. Abstract Beddoe, John, (M.D., F.R.S.) on the Aborigines of Cen- tral Queensland. With Discussion. 8th May, 1877 Address to the Anthropological Society of London, delivered 18th January, 1870 • J.A.I. ii, 55 A.R. ii, 330-332 → A.R. v, 187-193 A.R. vii, 98 J.A.I. x, 463 A.R. ii, 334, 335 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. c-cxx T.E.S. iii, 307 J.A.I. vi, 246 J.A.L. xii, 230 T.E.S. i [130] A.R. iii, 346-353 J.A.I. xix, 459-473 A.R. i, 21 A.R. v, 244 M.A.S. ii, 55-67 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xcii-xcviii A.R. vü, 331 A.R. ii, 65 A.R. iii, 120 J.A.I. xii, 323 J.A.I. xvi, 76 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cliv J.E.S. iv, 150, 151 J.A.I. vii, 145–148 A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. lxxviii— lxxxiii E 1 50 Index. Beddoe, John, (M.D., F.R.S.) Anniversary Address, 1871 Anniversary Address to the Anthropo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, delivered January 28th, 1890 .. 27th January, 1891 on Anthropological Colour Phenomena in Belgium and Elsewhere. With Discussion. 9th November, 1880.. - Anthropology and Politics, Kelts and Saxons, see Anthropological News, 17y see Anthro- pological News, 179.. Cornwall Lancashire. cussion. 3rd January, 1871 .. •• on the Anthropology of Devon and With Dis- • · Headforms of the West of England. Abstract and Discussion. 5th June, 1866 A With Discussion. on the Bulgarians. 11th June, 1878.. J.A.I. viii, 232-239 English Surnames, from an Ethnological Point of View. With Discussion. 9th May, 1882 J.A.I. xii, 231–242 on the Evidence of Phenomena in the West of England to the Permanence of Anthropo- logical Types. 5th December, 1865. Abstract and Discussion on the Headform of the Danes. 2nd June, 1868 Discussion.. .. 5th June, 1866 on Human Remains Discovered by General Pitt Rivers at Woodcuts, Rotherley, &c. With Discussion. 12th February, 1889 the Kelts of Ireland. With Map. 14th Abstract and Discussion. June, 1870 14th June, 1870 · Obituary Notice of Dr. H. Muirhead Observations on the Natural Colour of the Skin in Certain Oriental Races. With Discussion. 12th November, 1889 • .. on the Physical Character of the Natives of Some Parts of Italy, and of the Austrian Dominions, &c. 14th April, 1858 Characteristics of the Danes. Abstract and Discussion. 2nd June, 1868 .. of the Inhabitants of Bretagne. 16th February, 1869 on the Physical Characteristics of the People of Brittany. Short Abstract and Discussion. 16th February, 1869 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xxiv- xxvii ·· J.A.I. xix, 481- 493 J.A.I. xx, 348-359 J.A.I. x, 374-380 A.R. viii, 211 A.R. viii, 215 A.R. viii, 85-88 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xviii A.R. iv, J.A.S. J.A.S. PP. IV- p xviii-xxi M.A.S. iii, 378-383 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. clxxiii- clxxvi A.R, iv, J.A.S. pp. cxcix- cci M.A.S. ii, 348-357 J.A.I. xix, 257-263 J.A.I. xix, 2-11 J.A. 117-131 J.A., J.A.S. pp. clxxxii- clxxxiv J.A.I. xx, 301 T.E.S. i, 111-122 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. clxxiii- clxxvi M.A.S. iii, 359-365 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxxi and cxxiv-cxxx Index. 51 Beddoe, John, (M.D., F.R.S.) on the Physical Character- istics of the Jews (C Questions Relating to the Physical Characteristics of the Esquimaux, see Report of the Arctic Committee." Appendix Prize Essay on "The Origin of the English Nation" Awarded to, see Anthropological News, 135 The Progress of Public Health in our own Times. Abstract, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 103 Report on the Bradford Meeting of the British Association [1873] on a Skull from the Cave of Lombrive, in the Pyrenees. Short Note. 16th February, 1869 ·· on the Stature of the Inhabitants of Hun- gary. 22nd November, 1881.. Stature of the Older Races of England, as Estimated from the Long Bones. With Discussion. 28th June, 1887.. • and bulk of Man in the British Isles. 15th June, 1869. Maps on the Supposed Increasing Prevalence of Dark Hair in England on the Testimony of Local Phenomena in the West of England to the Permanence of Anthropological Types. 5th December, 1865 Discussion Notes on the Wallons. 5th February, 1872 see Bowker, J. H., on the Cave Cannibals of South Africa.. ·· Colour Phenomena in, see Beddoe, J. Ethnology of. Review. J.A.I. xvii, 202-209 M.A.S. iii, 384-573 Discussion A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. ccxx, ccxxi A.R. i, 310-312 on the Manufacture of Works of Art by the Esquimaux Belgian Bone Caves, see Blake, C. C. ·· sɛe Blake, C. C. Lehm, Habitation of Man in the, see Dupont, Miscellanea, 30 • E. Belgium, see Blake, C. C., on Recent Investigations of Dr. E. Dupont Bedford, stone Implements from (Ex. 280) Bediya Vocabulary, see Mitra, R., on the Gypsies of Bengal Beigel, Hermann, (M.D.) Letter Concerning a skull from Ulverstone. 5th March, 1867 on the Siamese Twins Beke, Charles T., (Ph.D.) on the Geographical Dis- tribution of the Languages of Abessinia and the Neighbouring Countries. 22nd November, 1848 .. J.E.S. ii, 208–223 Belcher, (Admiral Sir) Edward, notes on the Andaman Islands. From Notes by Lieutenant S. A. St. John. 23rd January, 1866 • T.E.S. i, 222-237 See Anthropological J.A.I. ii, 304 • A.R. vi, 465 J.A.I. ix, 351 Anthrop. 178 A.R. yii, J.A.S. p. cxx J.A.I. xi, 410–413 M.A.S. ii, 37–45 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xviii-xxii J.A.I. ii, 18-20 A.R. vii, 121 J.A.I. xii, 231 M.A.S. iii, 132, 133 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. cxxiii, cxxiv A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxxxiii, cxxxiv T.E.S. v, 40-49 T.E.S. i, 129–146 M.A.S. iii, 315 A. R. v, 294 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxvii A.R. v, J.A.S. p. x J.A.I. x, 374 J.A.I. ii, 310 E 2 52 Index. Belief in God, and in a Future State, the Universality of, see Farrar, F. W. .. Beliefs, Australian, see Howitt, A. W. Bell, (Professor) A. Graham, on the Natural Sign Language of the Deaf and Dumb. Title only. 12th March, 1878 Bell, (Dr.) A. W., on the Native Races of New Mexico. 13th April, 1869. Map and Woodcuts Bell, F. Jeffrey. Note on the name "Mediterranean," as applied to part of the Human Race; together with the proposal of a new term in its place. June, 1876 27th Bell, William, on the Origin of Language from Inter- jections, and of our Modern English in the Teutonic and Cognate Dialects. 19th March, 1867. With Discussion Bell, Sacrificial, see Crawfurd, J…… Bellecombe, A. de. The Importance of Methodical Clas- sification in American Researches. Translated by William H. Garrett Belloguet on the Origin of the Gauls. Review Belomancy, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 64 see Buckland, A. W. Bendyshe, T. (M.A.)´ Acts xvii, 26 (omission of aïµatos in the Codex Sinaiticus) .. ·· on the Anthropology of Linnæus. 28th February, 1865. Title only on the Extinction of Races. 19th January, 1864. With Discussion .. on the History of Anthropology. 31st January, 1865. Title only the History of Anthropology. 31st Janu- ary, 1865.. Human Hybridity, see Miscellanea An- thropologica, 377 on a Human Lower Jaw and Femur found at Barrington, in Cambridgeshire. 9th June, 1863 on the Precautions which ought to have been taken to ensure the health of British Troops, had any been sent to Copenhagen. 3rd May, 1864. With Discussion.. • Bengal, Gypsies of, see Mitra, R... Bennet Hill, Elgin, Stone Kist on, see Roberts, G. E... Bent, Theodore, the Ansairee of Asia Minor. With Discussion. 10th June, 1890.. • ·· on Insular Greek Customs. With Discus- sion. 24th November, 1885 ·· • Notes on Prehistoric Remains in Antiparos. With Discussion. 27th May, 1884 the Yourouks of Asia Minor. With Dis- cussion. 25th November, 1890 Beothucs, see Lloyd, T. G. B. of Newfoundland, see Lloyd, T. G. B. Beothuc Skulls, see Busk, G. Berbers, Origin of, see Anthropological News, 164 Berehon,., Colour of Mulattoes at Birth .. .. A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxvii J.A.I. xiii, 185 J.A.I. viii, 37 J.E.S., N.S. i, 222–274 J.A.I. vi, 271-278 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. cxxxiii- cxlix T.E.S. v, 150 A.R. ii, 191-202 A.R. vii, 245 J.A.I. v, 494 J.A.I. v, 436 A.R. ii, 147 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. clxii A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. xcix-cxiiì A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxix M.A.S. i, 335-458 A.R. ii, 344 A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. xv, xvi A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccxxxvii- ccxlix M.A.S. iii, 120 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. vi J.A.I. xx, 225, 226 J.A.I. xv, 391-403 J.A.I. xiv, 134-141 J.A.I. xx, 269-276 J.A.I. iv, 21 J.A.I. v, 222 J.A.I. v, 230 A.R. viii, 105 A.R. iii, 323 Index. 53 Berkeley (Bp.) —, see "Matter for Materialists." By T. Doubleday. Review Bermuda, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 60 Bernard, Claude, see Idea of Life .. Bertillon, Jacques, Identification of Criminals by Anthro- pometric Measurements, see Mouat, F. J. April, 1890 22nd * ·· Bertillon's Anthropometric Instruments (Ex. 418) Bertin, G., on the Origin and Primitive Home of the Semites. With Discussion. 13th December, 1881 the Races of the Babylonian Empire. With Discussion. 13th March, 1888. Plate Bertrand, on the Origin of Indo-Europeans. Ab- stract Beveridge, Peter, Aboriginal Ovens. 18th May, 1869 Bey and Khan, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 25.. ** ·· Bheel Tribes of the Vindhyan Range, see Kincaid, W. Bhutas, Belief in, see Walhouse, M. J. Biafra, Bight of, Philological Ethnography of the Countries around, see Latham, R. G. Biblical Ethnography "The Hidden Wisdom of Christ and the Key of Knowledge; or, History of the Apocrypha. By Ernest de Bunsen. Review Science, see Anthropological News, 146 Bibliography.. "" .. ·· English, American, French, German English, French, German ·· • · .. ·· • • English, American, French, German of the Nicobar Islands, see Distant, W. L. Bickmore, A. S., some Notes on the Ainos. 7th January, 1868 .. ·· "Big Mound” of St. Louis; a Natural Formation, see Anthropological News, 183.. Bikkers, A. V. W., on Literary Dutch Bilingual Town in England, see Latham, R. G... Billings, J. S. (M.D.), on Composite Photographs of Skulls, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 145 Craniophore for use in taking Composite Photographs of Skulls, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 157 Bilúchi Tribes inhabiting Sindh in the Lower Valley of the Indus and Cutchi, see Postans, Captain T. Biondelli, see Latham, R. G., on the Ethnology of Europe Bird, (Dr.) H., an Account of the Human Bones found in the Round and Long Tumuli, situated on the Cotswold Hills, near Cheltenham. 20th December, 1864 • .. Birds, Mythological, see Buckland, A. W. Bird-shaped Mounds, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 94 Bischoff, (Dr.) Th. L. W., on the difference between Man and Brutes. Extracts from a Lecture delivered at Munich, 1858 on the difference in the Cranial Structure of the Gorilla, Chimpanzee, and Orang- ·· J.A. 345 J.A.I. v, 490 A.R. viii, 49 J.A.I. xx, 182 J.A.I. xx, 182 J.A.I. xi, 423-437 J.A.I. xviii, 104–120 A.R. iii, 324 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. clxxxvii- clxxxix J.E.S., N.S. ii, 368 J.A.I. ix, 397 J.A.I. v. 408 J.E.S. i, 224 A.R. iii, 198-202 A.R. vii, 120 Anthrop. 123, 279, 440 J.A. 238, 239 J.A. 107-110 J.A. 357-360 J.A.I. vi, 209 T.E.S. vii, 16–26 A.R. viii, 217 Anthrop. p. xxxix J.E.S. iv, 151 J.A.I. xiv, 287 J.A.I. xvi, 97 J.E.S. i, 103 T.E.S. i, 105 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. lxv- lxxiv J.A.I. iv, 277 J.A.I. viii, 92 A.R. i, 54-60 : 54 Index. Outang, with Special Reference to Sex and Age, and with some Remarks on the Darwinian Theory. Review. By L. Rütimeyer Bishareen Vocabulary, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 72 Black, W. H. On Chinese Charms. 26th January, 1869 Black Burgh Tumulus, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Blackfeet Indians, see L'Heureux, J. Blackheath, Surrey, worked flints from, see Godwin- Austen, H. H. .. (Ex. 302) Blackmore, W. The North American Indians; a sketch of some of the Hostile Tribes, together with a brief account of General Sheridan's campaign of 1868 against the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians. 27th April, 1869 Obituary notice Blake, C. Carter (D. Sc.). On the alleged peculiar characters and assumed antiquity of the human cranium from the Neanderthal. With Discussion. 16th February, 1864 ·· races of man. • • •• ·· ·· .. Note upon the animal remains found at Newhaven, see Walker, B., and J. C. Ardagh, on a deposit at Newhaven.. • Barnard Davis on Cranioscopy. Review Broca, sur la Déformation Toulousaine du Crâne, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 24. Review • •• Burnt human (?) bones Catlin's "Lifted and Subsided Rocks of Review America." On the condylus tertius occasionally found in Indian skulls. 19th February, 1867 .. Abstract. On some drawings of skulls from St. Petersburgh. 30th April, 1867 •• The Guatuso Indians of Costa Rica, see Anthropological News, 129 Note on the Hamah Stones, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 17 On the Historical Anthropology of Western Europe. Abstract On a human jaw from the Belgian bone caves, see Anthropology at the British Associa- tion, 1866. (Abstract and Discussion) On the cranial characters of the Peruvian 6th May, 1862. With Discussion With Discussion.. T.E.S. ii, 216–230 Cranioscopy of South American Nations. A.R. i, 383 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxvii A.R. vi, 463 J.A.I. ii, 129 A.R. iv, 158-165 On a human jaw from the cave of La Naulette, near Dinant, Belgium On human remains from a bone cave, in Brazil. With Discussion. 31st May, 1864.. · • Notes on human remains brought from Iceland by Captain Burton. With Discussion. 19th November, 1872. (Plate) J.A. 268 J.A.I. vi, 191 J.E.S., N.S. i, 38 J.A.I. vi, 280 J.A.I. xv, 301 ·· J.A.I. xiii, 137 J.A.I. xiii, 137 J.E.S., N.S. i, 287-320 J.A.I. viii, 400, 401 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cxxxix- clvii A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxci,, cxcii A.R. vi, 386 J.A.I. ii, 134 A.R. iii, 183, 184 J.A. 106 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. cxvii- cxix A.R. iv, 391 A.R. v, 294-303 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cclxvi, cclxvii J.A.I. ii, 344-347 Index. 55 Blake, C. Carter (D. Sc.). On human remains from Kent's Hole, near Torquay. With Discussion. 31st May, 1864 Remarks on the human remains from the Muckle Heog, in the Island of Unst, Shetland. 6th December, 1864. (Plate).. son, J. Discussion.. ·· On human remains from kistvaens in the Muckle Heog, Shetland, see Roberts, G. E. Notes on human remains from Palmyra. (With an illustration by George Busk, F.R.S.) (Plate.) 20th November, 1871 Description of human and animal remains from Marad, Syria. 4th March, 1872 On a human skull from Keiss, see Ander- ·· The life of Dr. Knox. Review On Louis Lateau •• Lunacy and Phrenology. Review of the Thirty-third Annual Report of the Directors of James Murray's Royal Asylum for Lunatics, near Perth, June, 1860 Carus, C. G. ·· .. ·· A.R. i, 476-480 On the Macana of the Aborigines of Central America, see Anthropological News, 161.. A.R. viii, 100 Note on a mummied Australian head of a child, presented by Mr. Bradley, see Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 31 .. Obituary notice of W. C. Dendy Organic Philosophy. Review On two Peruvian mummies. 28th Feb- ruary, 1865. With Discussion "On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo. By Dr. Paul Broca. Translated and Edited by C. C. B." Review Phrenology. Review On recent evidences of extreme antiquity of the human race. 7th July, 1863 .. · On the upper jaw of a Greenlander, see .. .. "Recherches sur l'Ethnologie de la Bel- gique." Review. See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 30 • Anthropological Miscellanea, 14 .. ·· Description of remains from Bassus's Tower at Shakkah. 4th March, 1872 ·· the Dayr Már Músa el Habashi, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 13 ·· • Hums (Emesa), see Siloam. 4th March, 1872 Yabrúd. Part I. Captain Burton's Collection. Part II. Mr. Tyr- whitt Drake's Collection. 4th March, 1872 Report on the Anthropological Papers read at the Newcastle Meeting of the British Association, 1863. 3rd November, 1863 ·· A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cclxiii- cclxv M.A.S. i, 299-307 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp, xl-xlvi A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. xl J.A.I. i, 312–319 J.A.I. ii, 54, 55 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. clx J.A. 332-338 Anthrop. p. cv J.A.I. ii, 311 J.A.I. i, 398 A.R. ii, 213-216 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlv A.R. ii, 164 J.A. 197 A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. xxvi- xxxiv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxiv J.A.I. ii, 31.0 J.A.I. ii, 55–57 J.A.I. i, 418-421 J.A.I. i, 422 J.A.I. ii, 53, 54 J.A.I. ii, 58-62 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. i-vi 56 Index. 1 Blake, C. Carter (D. Sc.). Report on the Anthropological Papers read at the Bath Meeting of the British As- sociation for the Advancement of Science, September, 1864. 1st November, 1864 Birmingham Meeting of the British Associa- tion, September, 1865. 14th November, 1865 Nottingham Meeting of the British Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, 1866. 20th November, 1866 Report on the recent investigations of Dr. Edouard Dupont on the Bone Caves on the banks of the Lesse River, Belgium. Abstract and Discussion. 20th November, 1866 •• Report on the researches of Dr. Edouard Dupont in the Belgian Bone Caves on the banks of the River Lesse. 20th November, 1866 On certain "Simious" skulls with especial reference to a skull from Louth in Ireland. 6th March, 1866. (Plate) On certain simious skulls, with especial reference to a skull from Louth in Ireland. Ab- stract and Discussion. 6th March, 1866 On a skull from the Zanzibar coast. On the Skull, Jaw, and Limb Characters afforded by the Specimens recently discovered at Cro-Magnon 1st May, 1866 On a skull with an interparietal bone, the property of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. 7th July, 1863 - Note on a skull from the Cairn of Get, Caithness, discovered by Joseph Anderson, Esq. On a skull from the Chincha Islands. With Discussion. 5th January, 1869 Description of skull obtained by M. Cler- mont-Ganneau from Deir-es-Sinné near Siloam, from one of the graves in the necropolis termed Mághára 'Isá ("Tomb of Jesus") On skulls from round barrows in Dorset- shire. Abstract and Discussion. See Anthropo- logy at the British Association, 1866 Note on the skulls found in the round barrows of the South of England. 5th March, 1867 Discussion.. .. On the syndactylous condition of the hand in man and the anthropoid apes. Abstract Note on a Veddah skuil .. ·· A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. ii-vi and George E. Roberts. On human remains from Peterborough. 17th May, 1864 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. iv-xv A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. iv-viii A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. x-xiii M.A.S. iii, 315-350 M.A.S. ii, 74-81 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxxvi- cxxvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxvi A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxvi A.R. i, T.A.S. p. xxxiv M.A.S. iii, 243-259 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. lxvii- lxx Notes on skulls brought from the East by Captain Burton. 10th December, 1878. (Plate).. J.A.I. viii, 319-321 Note on stone Celts, from Chiriquí. 18th March, 1862. With Discussion T.E.S. ii, 166–169 A.R. i, 401 Anthrop. 251 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccliv, cclv J.A.I. ii, 54 A.R. iv, 398 M.A.S. iii, 114-119 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. cxxvi- cxxxii Index. 57 Blake, C. Carter (D. Sc.), see Anthropos see Burton, R. F., and C. C. B. see Charnock, R. S., and C. C. B. see Roberts, G. E., and C. C. B. Blanc, H. (M.D.). On the hair of a Hindustanee fakeer. Letter dated 14th October, 1871 The native races of Abyssinia. 10th November, 1868 ·· ·· .. Bland, R. H., a few particulars concerning the aborigi- nes of Western Australia in the early history of that Colony. 14th December, 1886 16th Blandowksi, W. von, on Australian aborigines. November, 1859. Abstract Bleek, W. H. I. (Ph.D.), the concord, the origin of pro- nouns, and the formation of classes or genders of nouns. With Discussion. 22nd November, 1870.. J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. lxiv-xc On the position of the Australian languages. With Discussion. 17th April, 1871 “Reynard the Fox in South Africa; or, J.A.I. i, 89-104 Hottentot Fables and Tales." Review A.R. iii, 138 A.R. vii, 121 A.R. ii, 116 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. x A.R. v, 374 see Bowker, J. H., on the cave cannibals of South Africa.. Blending of races, see Miscegenation Blood corpuscles, see Bakewell, R. H. Blood globules in fossil bone, see Anthrop. News, 71 .. Blood-Relationship in Marriage considered in its Influence upon the Offspring, see Mitchell, A. Blount, (Dr.) J. Hillier. Obituary Blowpipe, bow and arrows from Costa Rica. (Ex. 177) Bloxam, George W. (M.A.) Note on a Patagonian skull. With Discussion. 7th February, 1882 Exhibition of West Africa symbolic mes- With Discussion. 23rd November, 1886. .. sages. (Plate) Blumenbach, J. F., the Life and Anthropological Treatises of; with the Inaugural Dissertation of Dr. John Hunter, by T. Bendyshe. Boats, Polynesian, models (Ex. 48) Bode (Baron), C. A. de, on the races of the Southern shores of the Caspian Sea. 7th December, 1853 .. On the Yamúd and Goklán Tribes of Turkomania. 13th March, 1844 Bodichon, Dr., "De l'Humanité. 1853.' "Body and Mind. By H. Maudsley." Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 4 Body and Soul, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 17.. Bogdanow, Anatole, Letter respecting certain casts of crania, &c. 4th February, 1868 Review ·· ·· ·· See ·· A.R. i, 153 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxx J.A.I. ii, 10 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxxii J.A.I. ii, 102 T.E.S. vii, 291-298 see Clarke, H. Bogg, Edward B. (R.N.), the Fishing Indians of Van- couver's Island. 30th April, 1867 On the Fishing Indians of Vancouver's Island. Title only. 30th April, 1867 On the manners and customs of the Fish- ing Indians of Vancouver's Island, chiefly as typi- fied by the Sougish tribe. Abstract and Discussion. See Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 J.A.I. xvi, 340–343 T.E.S. i [133-139] M.A.S. ii, 402 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xliii J.A.I. iv, 363 J.A.I. xii, 28, 29 J.A.I. xvi, 295–299 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.E.S. iv, 155–175 J.E.S. i, 60-78 A.R. iii, 287–293 J.A.I. i, 254 A.R. ii, 63 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xcvi J.A.I. vii, 322 M.A.S. iii, 260-265 A.R. V, J.A.S. p. clxxxix A.R. iv, 400 Bogotá, probable use of the Gnomon in, see Bollaert, W. M.A.S. i, 210 - 58 Index. Bogotá, Stone Lunar Calendars of the Chibchas, see Bollaert, W. Bogouschefsky (Baron), N. C. de, general description of the great barrows of Kokotowi, near the village of Ardaschewo, in Sapolia, Russia. 3rd June, 1872 .. J.A.I. ii, 199–201 see Piggul, J., on Heathen Ceremonies in Livonia Bolivia, Ethnological objects from (Ex. 303) see Forbes, D., on the Aymara Indians Bollaert, William, some account of the Astronomy of the Red Man of the New World, including the “Tele- scopic Device," of the Mound Builders of the United States; another Examination of the Stone Zodiac of the Aztecs; their Method of Obtaining a Meridian Line, &c.; Astronomy of Central America, with recent Discovery of the Maya, Hieroglyphic Alphabet; the Stone Lunar Calendars of the Chibchas of Bogotá, and probable use of the Gnomon there; the Recently Discovered Gold Calendar of the Peruvians and Telescope Tube; their Gnomons, &c. 15th November, 1864 • ·· • Discussion on the Alleged Introduction of Syphilis from the New World. Also some Notes on the Local and Imported Diseases in America. With Discussion. 17th May, 1864 .. 1866 on the Ancient or Fossil Pottery Found on the Shores of Ecuador ·· Contributions to an Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World. Abstract and Discussion. 17th April, 1866.. on the Ancient Indian Tombs of Chiriquí in Veraguas, South-west of Panama, on the Isthmus of Darien. 18th March, 1862. With Discussion on Ancient Peruvian Graphic Records Hieroglyphics, Including the Recently Discovered Figurated Writing, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 A.R. iv, 407 Contributions to an Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World. 17th April, Biographical Sketch of ·· • Cranium from Chimborazo; and two Specimens of Red Hair of Canelos Indians. Pre- sented to the Society by James S. Wilson, Esq. 20th April, 1869.. • M.A.S. i, 210 Examination of Central American Hiero- glyphs; of Yucatan-Including the Dresden Codex, the Guatémalien of Paris, and the Troano of Madrid; the Hieroglyphs of Palenqué, Copan, Nicaragua, Veraguas, and New Granada; by the Recently Discovered Maya Alphabet Exhibition of Photographs, &c., of Peru- vian Antiquities. 24th November, 1874 on the Idol Human Head of the Jívaro Indians of Ecuador. 18th February, 1862 .. J.A.I. iii, 275 J.A.I. xiii, 162 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 193 M.A.S. i, 210-280 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. xv A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. celvi- cclxix M.A.S. iii, 163-166 T.E.S. ii, 147–162 M.A.S. iii, 351-358 M.A.S. ii, 92–152 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxxi- clxxv J.A.I. vi, 510-513 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clv M.A.S. iii, 288-314 J.A.I. iv, 368 T.E.S. ii, 112-115 Index. 59 Bollaert, William, Introduction into the Palæography of America; or, Observations on Ancient Picture and Figurative Writing in the New World; on the Fictitious Writing in North America; on the Quipu of the Peruvians, and Examination of Spurious Quipus. 3rd May, 1864 on the Palæography of the New World. Title and Discussion. 3rd May, 1864 Maya Hieroglyphic Alphabet of Yucatan. 19th December, 1865. Woodcuts on the Maya Alphabet. 19th December, 1865 Discussion only. Observations on the History of the Incas of Peru, on the Indians of South Peru, and on some Indian Remains in the Province of Tarapaca. 12th May, 1852 • ► Observations on the Indian Tribes of Texas. 10th April, 1850 Some Observations on the Jívaros (Jébero, Jívira) from Antiquarian, Ethnological, and other Researches in New Granada, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile, &c. 18th February, 1862. With Discussion Observations on the Past and Present Populations of the New World. 12th May, 1863.. (Abstract ·· and Discussion.) 12th May, 1863 see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 14. (Letter to the Editor) see Raimondy, Antonio, on the Indian Tribes of Loreto.. Bologna, Races which have stocked the Ancient Necropolis of, by Luigi Calori. Review .. Bolton, John, and George E. Roberts, on the Kirkhead Cave, near Ulverstone. With Discussion. 17th May, 1864 Bonaparte, (Prince) Roland, Notes on the Lapps of Fin- mark (in Norway). 9th June, 1885 Bone, Fossil, Blood Globules in, see Anthropological News, 71 Bone Age, see Sproat, G. M. ·· ·· · • Caves of Creswell Crags, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 67 Belgian, see Blake, C. C. .:: see Blake, C. C. ·· Implements from the East Coast of Greenland, see Sollas, W. J. • • • ·· New Zealand (Ex. 192) Oronsay (Ex. 300).. and Stone Implements from Gower (Ex. 135) Necklaces, Andamanese, see Thomson, Allen Bones found in a Roman Villa near Brading, see Flower, W. H. of a Syphilitic (?) Monkey (Ex. 32) Mammalian, cut by Flint Implements, found in Essex, see Roberts, G. E. Bonney, Frederic, on some Customs of the Aborigines of the River Darling, New South Wales. With Dis- cussion. 8th May, 1883 • ·· •• • ·· M.A.S. i, 169–194 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccxxxvi, ccxxxvii M.A.S. ii, 46-54 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xlviii J.E.S. iii, 132–164 J.E.S. ii, 262–283 T.E.S. ii, 115–118 M.A.S. i, 72–119 A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. iii-viii A.R. i, 496 A.R. i, 33 Anthrop. 104 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccli-ccliv J.A.I. xv, 210–213 A.R. v, 374 T.E.S. vi, 253 J.A.I. vi, 95 A.R. v, 294 M.A.S. iii, 315 J.A.I. ix, 329 J.A.I. v, 464 J.A.I. xiii, 122 J.A.I. ii, 2 J.A.I. xi, 295 J.A.I. xi, 116 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxi A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxi J.A.I. xiii, 122-137 60 Index. Bonomi, Joseph, on a New Instrument for Measuring the Proportions of the Human Body. Abstract and Discussion. 20th May, 1872 Bonomi, James, Obituary Notice Bonté, Human Hair as a Race Character. ceedings of the Anthropological Society of Paris Bonwick, James, the Australian Natives, see Anthropolo- gical Conferences "Daily Life and Origin of the Tasmanians." By James Bonwick, F.R.G.S. 1870. "The Last of the Tasmanians; or, The Black War of Van Dieman s Land." By James Bonwick, F.R.G.S. 1870. Review J.E.S., N.S. ii, 95 Letter calling attention to the Ill-treatment of the Queensland Aborigines. 14th November, 1865 on the Origin of the Tasmanians Geo- logically Considered. With Discussion. 25th Jan- uary, 1870 "Who are the Scotch? " Review "Book of Nature and the Book of Man. By C. O. Napier." Review G. • • Boomerang, Ancient Egyptian, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Egyptian (Ex. 287) Bored Stone from San Juan Teotihuacan (Ex. 429) Boreham, W. W., on a Human Skull from Bartlow Hills, Pro- • • .. • Essex. Abstract. 3rd May, 1864 Borneo, Ethnological objects from (Ex. 351, 352) Fire-making Apparatus from (Ex. 410) Fire Syringe from, see Martin, R. B. (Ex. 427) Human Jaws from Sarawak (Ex. 129) Wild Tribes of the North-west Coast of, see Labuan, Bishop of .. St. see • • • A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxvi J.A.I. xv, 423, 424 J.A.I. xix, 445 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. i, 212 T.E.S. ii, 24 John, S... T.E.S. ii, 232 British North, Natives of, see Anthropological Conferences J.A.I. xvi, 229 J.A.I. v, 34 ·· Milanos of, see Crespigny, De North, Fire-making in, see Skertchly, S. B. J... J.A.I. xix, 445 Stone Implement from (Ex. 117) .. Traps, see Skertchly, S. B. J. • • • • • • • • see Houghton, E. P., on the Land Dayas Bos Primigenius, Remains Found at Tenby, see Anthro- • ·· the Prehistoric Civilisation of Babylonia. 26th February, 1878.. Bosjesman Skull (Ex. 206).. Bosnians, see Howorth, H. H., "Spread of the Slaves. Part II".. pological News, 169 .. A.R. viii, 108 Bosanquet (Captain), G. S., on the Island of Tristan d'Acunha, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 77.. J.A.I. vi, 339 Boscawen, W. St. Chad, Hittite Civilisation. Title only. 14th December, 1880 J.A.I. x, 430 J.A.I. viii, 21–36 J.A.I. vi, 310 ·· Botocudo Indians, Weapons, &c. (Ex. 306) Botocudos, see Keane, A. H. Boucher de Perthes, sur les ossements humains trouvés en 1863 et 1864 à Moulin-Quignon dans un terrain non remanié, see Anthropological Society of Paris J.A.I. ii, 180 J.A.I. viii, 399 A.R. iv, 201-203 J.A.I. xvi, 201 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. iv J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121--131 J.A.I. x, 237 • A.R. viii, 162 J.A.I. xii, 454 J.A.I. xii, 454 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xxxix J.A.I. xx, 211 M.A.S. iii, 195 J.A.I. viii, 65 J.A.I. xiii, 198 J.A.I. xiii, 199 A.R. iv, 374 Index. 61 Boucher de Perthes, death of, see Anthrop. News, 119 Boucher, Jonathan, on American Family peculiarities, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 158 Boudin (Dr.), obituary notice of Bourien (Père), on the wild tribes of the interior of the Malay Peninsula. 5th May, 1863 Bourouts, see Howorth, H. H., on the westerly drifting of the Nomades. Part VI •• Bouverie-Pusey, S. E. B., the Negro in relation to civilised society. With Discussion. 14th June, 1864 Bow and arrows from Costa Rica (Ex. 177) of the Modoc Indians (Ex. 166) • composite, on the structure and affinities of the, see Balfour, H... KN VAN .. Bows, Yoruba, see Moloney, A. &c., Yoruba (Ex. 406) Bower, (Dr.) John, on the history of ancient slavery. 19th June, 1866 .. • • Abstract Bowker, James Henry, Dr. Bleek, and Dr. John Beddoe, the Cave Cannibals of South Africa Boyle, F., on the Free Indian Tribes of Central America. .. 11th June, 1867.. Brabrook, E. W., on an Echelle de Couleurs, published by the Société Sténochromique of Paris. February, 1879 .. 25th 14th obituary notice of Dr. Boudin. January, 1868 .. Sir R. F. Burton .. George Harris, LL.D., F.S.A. Report of the Director as to the Negotia- tions for Amalgamation with the Ethnological Society resignation of Directorship. 4th May, 1869 ·· Brace, C. L., "The Races of the Old World." Review.. Bracelets and necklace found near Thebes (Ex. 153) Bradford, E., on a Veddah. 21st December, 1859. Note Brading, Animal Remains found at (Ex. 258) Bones found in a Roman Villa near, see Flower, W. H. Downs, Tumuli on, see Price, J. E., and F. G. H. .. .. Price Bradley, S. Messenger, (F.R.C.S.), Note on the Peculiarities of the Australian Cranium. 6th May, 1872.. Bradley, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 31 Brahui, Il. By F. Finzi." Review Brain, see Rolleston, H. D., on the Cerebral Hemis- pheres of an Adult Australian Male ·· see Hunt, James. Physiology of, see Bray, Charles.. ·· ·· Centres of Ideation in the, see Holländer, B. Development of, in Different Races, see Dunn, R. Functional Topography of the, see Ferrier, D. Localisation of the Functions of the, see Hunt, see Hunt, James.. • •• • J. ·· ·· ·· A.R. vi, 461 J.A.I. xvi, 98 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxxvi T.E.S. iii, 72-83 J.A.I. i, 226 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cclxxiv- CCXC J.A.I. iv, 363 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. xix, 220 J.A.I. xix, 213 J.A.I. xix, 213 M.A.S. ii, 380-401 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. ccxi A.R. vii, 121-128 T.E.S. vi, 207-215 J.A.I. ix, 19–22 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxxvi- lxxix J.A.I. xx, 295-298 J.A.I. xx, 299, 300 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. cxcv- cxcvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. clxix, clxx A.R. iii, 47–51 J.A.I. iii, 139 T. E. S. i [139, 140] J.A.I. xi, 116 J.A.I. xi, 116 J.A.I. xii, 192 J.A.I. ii, 137-139 J.A.I. ii, 311 J.A.I. i, 118 J.A.I. xvii, 32 J.A.I. xix, 12 T.E.S. iv, 13 J.A.I. xvii, 26 A.R. vi, 329 A.R. vii, 100 A.R. vii, 201 A.R. vii, 268 62 Index. Brain of Microcephale, Superficial Convolutions of, see Marshall, J. "Brain of a Negro of Guinea. By L. Calori." Review Brain and Calvarium of Microcephale, see Marshall, J. Brain, weight of, in the Negro, see Peacock, T. B. Sir James Simpson's, see Anthropological Notes, 11 and Skull in some Families of Man, see Beale, L. J. Brain in the Negro, Weight of, see Davis, J. Barnard.. Brain and Mind Brains, Weight Proportions of, see Weisbach, A. Brainweights of Chinese and Pelew Islanders, see Clap- ham, Crochley.. Branch Societies, Regulations for, see Anthropological Society Brandt, von, the Ainos and Japanese, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 38 G Brassay, Archaic Anthropology of, see Hunt, J……. Inscriptions on Stones in, see Hunt, J. ·· Rock Inscriptions in, see Whitfield, J. Stone Axe from Rio Madera (Ex. 77) Botocudo Indians, Weapons, &c. (Ex. 306) Fossil Skull from Lagoa Santa, see Hansen, S. on Human Remains from a Bone Cave in, Blake, C. C. Kitchen-Middens in.. Brebner, 1868 .. Bray, Charles, Physics and Metaphysics on the Physiology of the Brain Bray on the Science of Man. Review Brazil, Anthropology of, see Anthropological News, 90 B " ·· and Canterbury. 1874 • ·· • · •• • • • .. • .. K. R. H. see Burton, R. F., on the Inhabitants of Minas Geraes ·· • •• see Burton, R. F., on a Kjökkenmödding at Santos see Mackenzie, see Burton's explorations in the Brazil. Review Photograph of a Fat Woman. 17th March, • · see • Brehon Laws, see Westropp, H. M. Brent, John, Exhibition of Incised Flints from Reculver With Discussion. 14th April, • .. ·· Brent, Paleolithic Implements from the Valley of the, see Smith, W. G. · Bretagne, Inhabitants of, see Beddoe, J. Bretons, see Beddoe, J. Brett, (Rev.) W. H., on the Opening of a Tumulus at Essequibo. Letter. 15th May, 1866 • • Bridges, J. H., "A General View of Positivism. Trans- lated from the French of Auguste Comte." Review. See Race in Religion.. The Unity of Comte's Life and Doctrine. Review. See Race in Religion Bridges, T., the Yahgans of Tierra del Fuego, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 146 • A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. vi A.R. vi, 279 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. viii M.A.S. i, 65; 520 J.A. 115 T.E.S. iii, 47 A.R. vii, 190 A.R. iii, 336-338 A.R. vii, 92 J.A.I. vii, 89 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cciv J.A.I. iii, 129 M.A.S. ii, 294 M.A.S. ii, 373 A.R. vii, 392–413 A.R. vii, 268–279 A.R. vii, 185 A.R. vi, 222 J.A.I. xiii, 198 J.A.I. xvii, 43 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxv Anthrop. 44 J.A.I. iii, 114 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxxvi A.R. J.A.S. V, p. clxxxvi J.A.I. ii, 407 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. exciii A.R. vii, 170 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxxvi J.E.S., N.S. ii, 342 J.A.I. iv, 88-90 J.A.I. ix, 316 M.A.S. iii, 359 M.A.S. iii, 359 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxcv- cxcvii A.R. iv, 289 A.R. iv, 289 J.A.I. xiv, 288 Index. 63 Bridlington, Tumuli near, see Anthropological News, 162 Review. Brine, (Captain) Lindesay, Past and Present Inhabitants of the Cyrenaica. 24th November, 1868 Brinton, D. G., "The American Race." Anthropological Miscellanea, 234 "Races and People." Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 230 Britain, Ancient, Scythe-chariots in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 111, 112.. Cæsar's Account of, see Crawfurd, J. During the Stone Age, see Anthropological News, 87 on the Ethnology of (Huxley, T. H.) Ethnology of, see Nicholas, T. British Association, 1851, Ethnological Proceedings, see ·· Cull, R... see Hunt, J. 1852, Abstract of Communications on Ethnology, made to Section E. 10th November, 1852 ·· ·· News, 74 1853, Abstract of Communications Ethnology, see Cull, R. 1861, Report of the Ethnological Papers, 1870 News, 155 57.. ·· 1863, Anthropology at the.. Report on the Anthropological Papers read at the Newcastle Meeting, 1863, see Blake, C. C. 1864, Anthropology at 1864, Report on the Anthropological Papers, see Blake, C. C. Prospects of Anthropological Science at, 1865 ·· See See ·· ·· 1865, see Blake, C. C. Anthropology at, 1866 1866, see Blake, C. C. at Dundee, 1867, see Anthropological .. see Rudler, F. W. w. • • 1867, Anthropology at see Devis, C. W... 1868, see Anthropological News, 123.. Anthropology at 1869, Anthropology at Anthropology at, see Anthropological ·· on ·· · see Gibb, G. Duncan 1870. Report of Delegates from the Anthropological Society of London. 1st November, ·· see Anthropological Notes, 9 see Scientific Societies 1871, see Wake, C. S. 1872, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt 1873, see Rudler, F. W. Meeting at Bradford, 1873, Report on 1874, see Rudler, F. W. 1875, see Anthropological Miscellanea, ·· • ·· .. • •• A.R. viii, 101 T.E.S. vii, 326-333 J.A.I. xx, 365 J.A.I. xx, 362 J.A.I. x, 127; 128 T.E.S. v, 202 { A.R. vi, 221 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 382 J. E.S., N.S. ii, 384 J.E.S. iii, 51 J.E.S. iii, 209-237 J.E.S. iv, 138 T.E.S. ii, 1 A.R. i, 379 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. i A.R. ii, 294–335 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. ii A.R. iii, 224-229 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. iv A.R. iv, 386-408 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. iv A.R. v, 376 A.R. vi, 88-103 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. iii A.R. vi, 462 P. xvii A.R. vi, J.A.S. A.R. vii, 414 A.R. vii, 331 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xxiii J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. iii-vi J.A. 114 J.A. 241 J.A.I. i, 268 J.A.I. ii, 350 J.A.I. iii, 330 Anthrop. 178 J.A.I. iv, 323 J. 1.I. v, 118 J.A.I. V, 348 64 Index. British Association, 1878. Address Delivered in the De- partment of Geology, by John Evans, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. "Anthropological Gleanings " --Address to the Department of Anthropology, 1879, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 100 1881, Address to the Department of Anthropology. By Professor W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 127 1887, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 169 191 Address to the Anthropological Section, 1887, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 172 1888, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 1889, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 1890, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 207 98 221 British Association and Anthropology see Anthropological News, 93.. Report of the Anthropometric Committee, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 102 'Sixth Report on the North-western Tribes of Canada.' Review "" see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 55 British City near Edinburgh, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 41 Columbia, see Anthropological Miscellanea, .. lanea, 123 .. ethnological objects from (Ex. 246) worked jade from (Ex. 428) crania, forms of, see Thurnam, J. gold coin found at Seaford (Ex. 202) Guiana, animism of the natives of, see im Thurn, E. F. ·· -- ·· superstitions as to hares, &c., see Thrupp, J. tumuli, see Lubbock, J. .. ·· · Celts from, see Anthropological Miscel- • • clubs from (Ex. 205) photographs of (Ex. 295) . picture writing in, see Brown, C. B. rock-carvings from (Ex. 27) stone celts from (Ex. 252).. stone implements from, see im Thurn, • . E. F. tribes of, see Harper, W... British Isles, inhabitants of Jutish type (Ex. 299) peoples inhabiting, see Lewis, A. L. stature and bulk of man in, see Beddoe, J. on the survival of certain racial features in the population of the, see Harrison, J. P. Mythology and Oral Traditions, see Campbell, J. F. population of Hampshire, distribution and density of, see Shore, T. W. settlement, ancient, near Rushmore, Salisbury, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt • • ·· ·· J.A.I. viii, 101 J.A.I. ix, 235 J.A.I. xi, 184 J.A.I. xvii, 79 J.A.I. xvii, 166 J.A.I. xviii, 100 J.A.I. xix, 92 J.A.I. xx, 108 A.R. iii, 354-371 A.R. vi, 323 J.A.I. ix, 345 J.A.I. xx, 374 A.R. iv, 111 A.R. iii, 86 J.A.I. viii, 426 J.A.I. x, 74 J.A.I. xx, 331 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxi J.A.I. vi, 297 J.A.I. xi, 360 J.A.I. x, 461 J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. xiii, 2 J.A.I. ii, 254 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 416 J.A.I. x, 431 J.A.I. xi, 444 J.A.I. vi, 324 J.A.I. xiii, 86 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xxxiv M.A.S. iii, 384 J.A.I. xii, 243 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 325 J.A.I. xviii, 334 J.A.I. xvii, 190 T.E.S. v, 162 T.E.S. iii, 307 Index. 65 British and Gaulish Skulls, Ancient, Two Principal Forms of, see Thurnam, J. Britons, Ancient, see Anthropological News, 45 Brittany, Karnak (Ex. 44) ·· see Charnock, R. S., on Mané-Lud see Hunt, James see Lewis, A. L. see Lewis, A. L., on a visit to Locmariaker and Gavr Inis 152 .. see Tremlett, F. S., on quadrilateral constructions near Carnac •• see Tremlett, F. S., on the sculptured dolmens of the Morbihan Dolmens of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 142 cut Kitchen-Midden in, see Anthropological News, ·· physical characteristics of the people of, Beddoe, J. pre-historic remains in, see Oliver, S. P. stone circles in, see Tremlett, F. S. Brittany, see Bretagne. .. Brixham cavern, flint implements from (Ex. 221) Broca, (Dr.) Paul, Address to the French Association for the Advancement of the Sciences, 1877, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 87 on the Advance of Anthropology, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 46 .. on Anthropology. Translation Translation on the Anthropology of Lower Brittany. Abstract and Discussion, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 .. .. on the Condition of the Crania and Skeletons in Ancient Graves. Abstract. See Anthro- pological Society of Paris Congratulatory Letter on the Foundation of the Anthropological Society of London. April, 1863 21st ·· ·· ·· ·· • ·· see ·· on the Crania of Orrouy, see Anthropo- logical Society of Paris on the Crania and Bones of Les Eyzies; or the Ancient Cave Men of Perigord on the Cranium of Schiller and the Cubic Index of Crania. Abstract "Sur la Déformation Toulousaine du Crâne." Review. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 24 Description of a new Goniometer. Wood- .. distribution of the Basque language in France, see Anthropological Society of Paris on the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo. Edited from the French by C. Carter Blake. .. ·· .. "On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo, by Dr. Paul Broca. Translated and Edited by C. Carter Blake, F.G.S., F.A.S.L. 1864.” Review ·· M.A.S. i, 120; 459 A.R. v, 253 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxi A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxiii J.A.I. xv, 175 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. xv, 170 J.A.I. xv, 104 J.A.I. xv, 264 A.R. vi, 467 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxi J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. xiii, 143 J.A.I. vii, 173 J.A.I. vii, 187 A.R. iii, 230 A.R. v, 193–204 A.R. vi, 35-52 A.R. iv, 403 A.R. iv, 376 A.R. i, 191, 192 A.R. iv, 384 A.R. vi, 408-411 A.R. iii, 305 J.A.I. ii, 134 M.A.S. ii, 82-91 A.R. V, 124 A.R. ii, 164–173 4 F } 66 Inder. Broca, (Dr.) Paul, Letter from Letter, Accompanied by Tickets for Admission to the Egyptian Exhibition at Paris. 14th May, 1867.. A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxci ·· Letter Expressing his Gratification at the Translation of his Work on Hybridity by the Anthropological Society of London. 8th May, 1864 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccxxxiv, CCXXXV on Mummification of the Brain, see Anthropological Society of Paris.. on the Neanderthal Skull, see Anthropo- logical Society of Paris Obituary Notice. By E. W. Brabrook Pů (Portrait) on the Relative Proportions of the Limbs in the Negro and the European, see Anthropological News, 109 Report of the Transactions of the Anthro- pological Society of Paris during 1865–67 Review of the Proceedings of the Anthro- pological Society of Paris. Delivered June 4th, 1863 on Six Casts of Skulls. [Three Basque Skulls from Guipuscoa, three Skulls from the Grave in the Cavern of Orrouy (Bronze Age).] With Discussion. 14th June, 1864.. Trephining by the Incas, see Anthro- pological News, 72 • Who are the Celts? Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of Paris Anthropological Laboratory, see Anthro- pological Notes, Anthropology of France. Review Broch of Dunbeath, see Anderson, J., on Excavations in Caithness Cairns of Yarhouse, see Anderson, J., on Excavations in Caithness Cairns ·· Brochs of Orkney, see Petrie, G. Brochs and so-called Picts' Houses of Orkney, see Petrie, G. Brodie (Sir), B. C. (Bart., D.C.L.) Address to the Ethno- logical Society of London, delivered at the Anniversary Meeting on the 27th May, 1853 ·· ·· ·· 26th May, 1854.. Brodie (Rev.) James, Observations on thePeculiarities of National Pronunciation as a means of tracing the Origin and History of Nations. 25th April, 1865 Bronze, on the Archæology of, see Howorth, H. H. Age, see Crawfurd, J. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· see Nilsson.. see Wright, T. see Wright, T. antiquities from Worthing, see Wisden (Ex. 213) celt from Thorpe (Ex. 128) celts found near Cumberlow, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 74 .. ·· Anthrop. 30 A.R. v, 350 A.R. iv, 383 J.A.I. x, 242–261 A.R. vi, 328 A.R. vi, 225-246 A.R. i, 274-310 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cclxviii- cclxxiii A.R. v, 374 A.R. iv, 199-201, 206, 207 J.A. 113 J.A. 89 M.A.S. iii, 238 M.A.S. iii, 228 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxx M.A.S. ii, 216 J.E.S. iv, 98-103 J.E.S. iv, 294–297 T.E.S. iv, 339–347 T.E.S. vi, 72 T.E.S. iv, 1 A.R. iv, 85 T.E.S. iv, 176 A.R. iv, 72 J.A.I. vii, 43 J.A.I. vii, 43 J.A.I. i, 212 J.A.I. vi, 195 • Index. 67 Bronze implements from Egypt, Greece, and Dalmatia (Ex. 251) Hammersmith (Ex. 78) Jersey (Ex. 170) ·· Kew, see Tupper, A. C... Saltwood, Kent (Ex. 168) the Thames at Kew (Ex. 41) Period, Remains of a Foundry found in the Peat- moss of Holzendorff, see Anthropological News, 171 socket celt from Italy, see Evans, J. (Ex. 214) Spear from Lough Gur, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt &c., from Lough Gur (Ex. 9) spear-heads from Newbury (Ex. 161) Sword from the Cherwell (Ex. 162) Sandy, Bedfordshire (Ex. 355) Tools and Weapons, Sources of the Supply of Tin for, see Crawfurd, J. Weapons, see Wright, T. found in Northern and Western Europe, see Lubbock, J., and Frederick Lubbock.. and Stone Antiquities from Portugal, see Evans, J... • • .. • · .. • ·· .. ·· ·· ·· stone and iron ages, see Crawfurd, J. Brooke, (Rajah Sir) James, Death of, see Anthropologi- cal News, 103.. ·· Broom, Stone Implements from (Ex. 280) Brown, Charles B. Indian Picture Writing in British Guiana. 17th June, 1872. (4 Plates) Brown, (Rev.) George, Papuans and Polynesians. 14th December, 1886.. ·· • • • • Brute and Man, Psychical Difference between, see Mis- cellanea Anthropologica, 33 Bryant, (Mrs.) Sophie, (D.Sc.) Experiments in Testing the Character of School Children. With Discus- sion. 10th November, 1885 Bryson, Alexander, see Roberts, G. E., on Arrow-heads from Elginshire.. • • • Bubis, or Edeeyah of Fernando Po., see Thomson, T. R. • H. • Büchner, (Dr.) Louis. Force and Matter. Edited by J. Frederick Collingwood, Esq. (Review) Büchner's Science and Nature Buckland, (Miss) A. W., on American Shell-work and its Affinities. With Discussion. 8th June, 1886 Notes on some Cornish and Irish Pre- historic Monuments. With Discussion. 10th June, 1879 Brown, John Allen, on some Small Highly Specialized Forms of Stone Implements, found in Asia, North Africa, and Europe. 10th April, 1888. (Woodcuts) J.A.I. xviii, 134–139 Browne, A. J. Jukes, (B.A.), on some Flint Implements from Egypt. With Discussion. 11th December, 1877. (Map and 2 Plates) Bruniquel, Cavern of, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 26 ·· ·· Ethnological Hints afforded by the Stimulants in use among Savages and among the Ancients. With Discussion. 11th June, 1878 J.A.I. x, 429 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxc J.A.I. iv, 2 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxviii J.A.I. iii, 230 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxviii A.R. viii, 108 J.A.I. vii, 44 J.A.I. vii, 44 J.E.S., N.S. i, 36 J.E.S., N.S. i, 36 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. XV, 452 T.E.S. iii, 350 T.E.S. iv, 176 T.E.S. v, 105 T.E.S. vii, 45 A.R. ii, 313 A.R. vi, 324 J.A.I. xii, 231 J.A.I. ii, 254-257 J.A.I. xvi, 310-327 J.A.I. vii, 396–412 A.R. ii, 226 A.R. ii, 229 J.A.I. xv, 338-351 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxiv J.E.S. ii, 105 A.R. iii, 22-28 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 140–145 J.A.I. xvi, 155–164 J.A.I. ix, 146–166 J.A.I. viii, 239-254 F 2 68 Index. Buckland, (Miss) A. W. Facts Suggestive of Prehistoric Intercourse between East and West. 25th November, 1884 ·· Human and Animal Remains found at Bath, 1870. 27th June, 1876.. the Monument known as "King Orry's Grave," compared with Tumuli in Gloucestershire. With Discussion. 8th January, 1889. (Plate) The Hon. Lewis H. Morgan, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 129 .. Mythological Birds Ethnologically Con- sidered. Full Abstract. 23rd June, 1874 .. Parsee Burial in India, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 198 Prehistoric Remains in South Africa, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 164.. Primitive Agriculture. With Discussion. 13th February, 1877 on Publications of the Bureau of Ethno- logy, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 188 Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 155 ·· ·· Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. Review, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 175 Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethno- logy, 1880-81. Review, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 148 Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethno- logy. 1883-4, 1884-5. Review, see Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 220.. .. Rhabdomancy and Belomancy, or Divina- tion by the Rod and by the Arrow. With Discus- sion. 28th December, 1875 General Pitt Rivers's Explorations, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 195.. the Serpent in Connection with Primitive Metallurgy. Abstract. 10th March, 1874 .. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vol. xxii. Review, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 118 Surgery and times. With Discussion. on Tattooing. January, 1888. (Map) on Traces of Commerce in Prehistoric Times. With Discussion. 12th February, 1884 Buddhism, see Tagore, G. M. ·· in the British Provinces of Little Tibet, see Paske, E. “Buddhism in Tibet. By E. Schlagintweit." Review.. Review "Buddhist Legends and Theories. By R. S. Hardy." Review Superstition in Neolithic 8th February, 1881 With Discussion. 10th · • Builders and Purposes of Megalithic Monuments, see Lewis, A. L. .. of the Megalithic Monuments of Britain, see Lewis, A. L. J.A.I. xiv, 222-232 J.A.I vi, 246, 247 J.A.I. xviii, 346-353 J.A.I. xi, 355 J.A.I. iv, 277–292 J.A.I. xviii, 420 J.A.I. xvi, 423 J.A.I. vii, 2-19 J.A.I. xviii, 96 J.A.I. xv, 501 J.A.I. xvii, 187 J.A.I. xiv, 396 J.A.I. xx, 105 J.A.I. v, 436-450 J.A.I. xviii, 200 J.A.I. iv, 60, 61 J.A.I. x, 363 J.A.I. xi, 7–21 J.A.I. xvii, 318-328 J.A.I. xiv, 3-13 T.E.S. ii, 182 J.A.I. viii, 195 A.R. iii, 185 A.R. vi, 121 A.R. vi, 121 J.A. 286 J.A.I. i, 70 Index. 69 " Buildings, Society for the Protection of Ancient, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 85 .. Buildwas Abbey, on a Jaw from, see Roberts, G. E. and C. C. Blake Jaw from (Ex. 31) • Budg Bulgarians, see Beddoe, J... see Howorth, H. H., "The Spread of the Slaves. Part IV" see Howorth, H. H., “The Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part XI" Bull-roarers, Australian (Ex. 345). Yoruba (Ex. 403) Bunsen, Ernest de, "The Hidden Wisdom of Christ and the Key of Knowledge, or History of the Apocrypha.” Review Bunu boy (Ex. 40) ·· •• ·· .. tribe, see Robins, T. V. Bureau of Ethnology, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 148, 155, 175, 188, 220. Burgholzhausen (Count Marschall) von, on Ethnographi- cal Objects presented to the Novara Museum, Vienna. (Mummy from Atacama, Peruvian skulls, etc.) 3rd May, 1864 Burgundy, see Lagneau, G., on the Saracens in France Burial Customs, Fijian, see Fison, Lorimer ·· illustrative of the primitive theory of the soul, see Frazer, J. G... grounds in Peru, see Hutchinson, T. J. see Hutchinson, T. J. urn, Romano-British (Ex. 271) Burials, Chinese, see Eatwell, W. Burke, Luke, Obituary Notice, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 156 Burke's Ethnological Journal, see Anthropological News, 107 ·· ·· • .. ·· J.A.I. xv, 64 J.A.I. iii, 311 J.A.I. iv, 2 J.A.I. xii, 68 J.A.I. i, 207 J.A.I. xv, 504 A.R. vi, 327 see Anthropological News, 136 A.R. vi, 465 Burmah, landed property in, see Phayre, A. P….. stone adzes from (Ex. 216) tattooed man from, see Franks, A. W. (Ex. 140) Race, on the History of the, see Phayre, A. P. Burmese Dacoit Leader, skull of (Ex. 399) hairy family, see Houghton, W... Burning alive of Lepers, see Campbell, A. Burnouf, Emile, see Religions Burnt human (?) bones, see Blake, C. C……. Burton, (Sir) R. F., on the Akkas. Title only with Re- marks by E. B. Tylor. 27th March, 1888 • .. • •• ·· ·· on Anthropological Collections from the Holy Land. With Discussion. 20th November, 1871. (3 Plates) ·· No. II. With Discussion. 4th December, 1871. (2 Plates) No. III. (Notes on the Hamah Stones, with Reduced Transcripts.) With Discussion. March, 1872. (10 Plates) 4th J.A.I. vii, 186 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxxii A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxxii J.A.I. viii, 232 J.A.I. xi, 219 J.A.I. iii, 277 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. xix, 159 A.R. iii, 198 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cx A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cx A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxv M.A.S. iii, 157 J.A.I. x, 137 T.E.S. vi, 227 J.A.I. vii, 117 J.A.I. ii, 228 J.A.I. ii, 228 T.E.S. v, 13 J.A.I. xix, 94 T.E.S. vii, 53 T.E.S. vii, 195 A.R. iii, 89 A.R. iii, 183 J.A.I. xviii, 121 J.A.I. i, 300–312; 319, 320 J.A.I. i, 321-345 J.A.I. ii, 41–52; 62, 63 70 Index. Burton, (Sir) R. F., a Day Among the Fans. February, 1863 T.E.S. iii, 36-47 A.R. i, 43-54 Discussion. 24th A.R. i, 185 Ethnological Notes on M. du Chaillu's 'Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa" T.E.S. i, 316-326 Farewell Dinner given by the Anthropo- logical Society to R. F. B. before his departure for South America. 4th April, 1865 Flint Flakes from Egypt. ber, 1877. (Woodcut).. March, 1863 CC a Day Amongst the Fans.. •• Discussion 1866 ? 13th Novem- on an Hermaphrodite from the Cape de Verde Islands. Notice only. 17th April, 1866. on Human Remains and other Articles from Iceland. With Discussion. 19th November, 1872 } Kitchen-Midden in Brazil on a kjökkenmödding at Santos, Brazil. Letter. 15th May, 1866 17th .. Notes on an Hermaphrodite. 1st May, ·· Letter from.. the Long Wall of Salona and the Ruined Cities of Pharia and Gelsa di Lesina. With Dis- cussion. 8th June, 1875. (2 Plates and Woodcut) J.A.I. v, 252-299 "A Mission to Dahome." Review, see Reade, W. W……. A.R. ii, 335 Notes on the Castellieri or Prehistoric Ruins of the Istrian Peninsula Notes on Certain Matters Connected with the Dahoman. 1st November, 1864.. Notes on Scalping Notes on Waitz's Anthropology Obituary Notice. By E. W. Brabrook the Pelagosa Finds. Title only. ·· ·· ·· • ·· March, 1876 22nd the Present State of Dahome. November, 1864.. the Primordial Inhabitants of Minas Geraes, and the Occupations of the Present Inhabi- tants. With Discussion. 7th January, 1873 Reply to Letter on Castellieri dell'Istria on Slavery in Brazil, see Extinction of 14th Slavery Stones and Bones from Egypt and Midian. 10th December, 1878. (2 Plates) a Word to the Reader ·· J.A.I. ii, 407-423 Anthrop. 412 A.R. vi, 56 J.A.I. viii, 290-319 Anthrop. 375 A.R. vi, 462 J.A.I. ii, 58 Marcy, Traveller." Review A.R. i, 145 and C. Carter Blake, on Skulls from Annabom, in the West African Seas. 19th April, 1864 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccxxx, ·· see Anthropological News, 126 see Blake, C. C., on Remains from Yabrúd. Part I R. B., "The Prairie see A.R. iii, 167-182 J.A.I. vii, 323, 324 A.R. iv; J.A.S. p. clxxv J.A.I. ii, 342-344; 346, 347 Anthrop. 44 ·· A.R. iv; J.A.S. cxciv Anthrop. 2, 3 pp. exciii, Anthrop. 376 M.A.S. i, 308-321 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. vi-xi M.A.S. ii, 262-263 A.R. ii, 49-52 A.R. ii, 233–250 J.A.I. xx, 295-298 J.A.I. vi, 54 T.E.S. iii, 400–408 ccxxxi Index. 71 Burton, (Sir) R. F., and (Commander) V. L. Cameron, (C.B.) on Stone Implements from the Gold Coast, West Africa. With Discussion, 11th July, 1882. (Plate) and Antonio Scampicchio (LL.D) and Antonio Covaz. More Castellieri. (The Seaboard of Istria.) 13th November, 1877 Burton's Explorations in the Brazil. Review Bury St. Edmunds, celt (?) from, (Ex. 82) Burying Alive of Lepers, see Campbell, A. Buschmann's Researches in North American Philology, see Tylor, E. B. .. • Bush Tribes of Equatorial Africa, see Reade, W. W. Bushman Cave Paintings and Stone Implements, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 121.. Drawings, see Hutchinson, Mark (Ex. 288) Bushmans, see Stow, G. W. Bushmen, see Holub, E., on Central South African Tribes Weapons and Implements of, see Griesbach, C. L. Bushwoman, Anatomical Examination of, see Anatom- ical – Ma ·· .. •• • • .. Flower and Murie on the Dissection of Busk, G., (F.R.S.) an Account of the Discovery of a Human Skeleton beneath a Bed of Peat on the Coast of Cheshire. 7th February, 1865 Anniversary Address. 27th January, 1874 to the Anthropological In- .. stitute. 26th January, 1875 on Bones Found in Pontnewydd Cave. 9th December, 1873 26th Description of an Aino Skull. March, 1867. (Plate) Two Andamanese Skulls. 13th June, 1865 Two Beothue Skulls. 25th May, 1875. (Plate) a Samoiede Skull in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. 13th January, 1874. (Plate) ·· .. .. ·· }} J.A.I. xii, 449–454 .. J.A.I. vii, 341-363 A.R. vii, 170 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cvi T.E.S. vii, 195 T.E.S. ii, 130 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. xix J.A.I. x, 460 J.A.I. xii, 464 J.A.I. xii, 464 J.A.I. iii, 244 J.A.I. x, 2 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cliv A.R. viii, 89 A.R. v, 319 and Remarks upon an Ancient Calvaria from China, which has been supposed to be that of Confucius. With Discussion. 21st Decem- ber, 1869. (Plate) Human Skull and Fragments of Bones of the Red Deer, etc., found at Birkdale, near South- port, Lancashire. 1st April, 1873 Note on a Ready Method of Measuring the Cubic Capacity of Skulls. With Discussion. 3rd June, 1873. (2 Plates) J.A.I. iii, 200-204 J.A.I. viii, 321-323 Notes on some Human Remains found at Luton, near Chatham. 26th May, 1863. (Woodcuts) A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. xi−xiv << Skull termed a Nabathæan." 10th December, 1878. (Plate) Collection of Skulls from the Islands of Mallicollo and Vanikoro, in the New Hebrides Group. With Discussion. 13th June, 1876. (4 Plates) T.E.S. iv, 101-104 J.A.I. iii, 507–526 J.A.I. iv, 476–502 J.A.I. iii, 390 T.E.S. vi, 109-111 T.E.S. iv, 205-211 J.A.I. v, 230-233 J.A.I. iii, 494-497 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 73-83 J.A.I. iii, 104, 105 J.A.I. vi, 200-208 72 Index. Busk, G., (F.R.S.) Notice of a Human Fibula of Unusual Form, discovered in the Victoria Cave, near Settle, in Yorkshire. With Discussion. 9th December, 1873. (Plate) ·· Respecting Human Remains dis- covered in the Carbeço da Arruda, by F. A. Pereira da Costa; and in the Grutas da Césaréda, by J. F. N. Delgado, accompanied with Various Remains of Human Art. 25th February, 1868 of a Skull from Ashantee, sup- posed to be that of a Chief or Superior Officer. 24th March, 1874. (Plate) Obituary on Skulls from Palmyra. With Discussion. 24th November, 1874 Observations on a Systematic Mode of • Craniometry Remarks on a Collection of 150 Ancient Peruvian Skulls presented to the Anthropological Institute, by T. J. Hutchinson, H.M. Consul at Callao. 1st April, 1873. (2 Plates).. Skulls from Roth- well, in Northamptonshire. 13th December, 1870.. Skeleton found in Kist upon the Coast of Elgin, see Roberts, G. E. • Supplementary Remarks to a Note on an Ancient Chinese Calvaria. 22nd February, 1870 .. see Dawkins, W. B., on the Discovery of Platycnemic men in Denbighshire .. see Roberts, G. E., and G. Busk, on the Opening of a Cist on the Coast of the Moray Frith. [Bannat Hill] Bymaij, Nouraja, on the Causes of the Gulf that separates the Europeans from the Hindoos, see Anthropological News, 42.. B. [C. C.], see Blake, C. C….. Remains at Keiss • • C. Caddy, Dr. Notices of the Mendoza Earthquake. Visit to the Patagonians. 23rd January, 1866 “Cæsar, Julius, History of." Vols. I, II. Review Caffre Language, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 23 Cagots, see Tuke, D. H. Caicos Islands, Stone Implements from (Ex. 193) Caiger (Rev.), W. S., Thomas of Aquinum and Anthro- pology. Title only. 26th April, 1881 Cairn at Cefn, St. Asaph, see Thomas, D. R., and T. McK. Hughes ·· • .. • 1. of Get, see Anderson, J., on the Caithness Cairns at Khangaum, see Carey, J. J. • Cairns near Bangor, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Horned, see Anderson, J... Caithness, Ancient Remains of, see Anderson, J. see Anderson, Joseph .. • see Anderson, J., on Human J.A.I. iii, 392-395 T.E.S. vii, 39-44 J.A.I. iv, 62-66 J.A.I. xvi, 403 J.A.I. iv, 366, 367 T.E.S. i, 341-348 J.A.I. iii, 86-94 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. xci–xciii A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. vi J.E.S., N.S. ii, 156, 157 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 440 A.R. i, 403 A.R. v, 250 T.E.S. v, 50-57 A.R. v, 151-175 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367 J.A.I. ix, 376 J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. xi, 123 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxlii M.A.S. iii, 216 J.A.I. i, 208 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 306 M.A.S. iii, 266 M.A.S. ii, 226 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxxi A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clii Index. 73 Caithness, Ancient Remains of, see Hunt, J., on the Keiss graves see Petrie, G., on Human Remains at Keiss see Shearer, R. I., on Human Remains at Keiss cairns in, see Shearer, R. I. Horned Cairns of, see Anderson, J. shell mounds and graves in, see Cleghorn, J. see Laing, S. see Blake, C. C., on a Skull from the Cairn Get of Caithness Cairns, see Anderson, J. Calculation, Mental, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 11.. • Calder, J. E., Some Account of the Wars of Extirpation, and Habits of the Native Tribes of Tasmania. February, 1873 .. California, Bow and Arrows of the Modoc Indians (Ex. 166) Discovery of Human Remains in, see Anthro- pological News, 55 Kitchen-Middens in, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 59 ·· • Californian Skull, see Anthropological News, 82 Callaway, (Rev. Canon) Henry (M.D.), on Divination and Analogous Phenomena among the Natives of Natal. With Discussion. 15th May, 1871.. Callaway, (Dr.) T., on Hybridity, see Miscellanea An- ·· thropologica, 42 Calloway, Henry, (M.D.), on Infanticide amongst Certain Tribes of Kafirs. Letter. 3rd April, 1866.. • Calori, Luigi, "Cervello di un Negro della Guinea." Review .. Cambodia, Ethnology of, see Bastian, A… see Thomson, G. 4th .. .. .. Recent Anatomical Writings bearing upon Anthropology, see Anthropological Miscellaneà, 1 on a Scaphoid Skull, see Davis, J. B. Calvaria, supposed to be that of Confucius, see Busk, G. Calvert, Frank, on the Probable Existence of Man during the Miocene Period, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 37 · ·· Cambridge, head growth in students at, see Galton, F... Anthropometry, see Venn, J. Scientific Instrument Company, Anthropometric Instruments made by (Ex. 357) Cambridgeshire, Cremation in Cameron, A. L. P., Notes on some Tribes of New South Wales. 13th January, 1885. (Vocabularies) Cameron, Donald A., on the Tribes of the Eastern Soudan. 23rd November, 1886 Cameron, (Commander) V. L. (R.N., C.B.), Anthropology of Africa. With Discussion. 23rd May, 1876. (Map and Woodcuts) ·· • see Burton, R. F., and V. L. C... Camp and Tumulus at Seaford, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt.. A.R. iv, J.A.S. P. clxiii A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cl A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clvii A.R. iv, J.A.S. P. cxxxi M.A.S. iii, 266 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxxix A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. xx M.A.S. iii, 243 M.A.S. iii, 216 A.R. i, 492 J.A.I. iii, 7-28 J.A.I. iii, 204 A.R. v, 369 J.A.I. v, 489 A.R. vi, 119 J.A.I. i, 163-185 A.R. iii, 87 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxxxvii- cxxxix A.R. vi, 279 J.A.I. i, 105 J.A.I. ii, 140 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 73 J.A.I. iii, 127 A.R. ii, 330 T.E.S. vi, 246 J.A.I. xviii, 155 J.A.I. xviii, 140 J.A.I. xvi, 2, 9 Anthrop. p. lxix J.A.I. xiv, 344-370 J.A.I. xvi, 287–295 J.A.I. vi, 167-181; 517-521 J.A.I. xii, 449 J.A.I. vi, 287 · 74 Index. Campbell, (Dr.) Archibald, on the Custom of Burying and Burning Alive of Lepers in India. 9th June, 1868 on the Lepchas. 23rd March, 1869 on the Looshias. With Discussion. March, 1873 4th Note on the Migration of Coffee, Tea, etc. 9th June, 1868 ·· Obituary Notice of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 88 Note on Prehistoric Remains in Argyll- shire. 8th February, 1870 on the Tribes around Darjeeling. 7th April, 1868 Campbell, (Sir) George, the Races of India, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 179 ·· on the Races of India as Traced in Existing Tribes and Castes. (Map.) 9th March, 1869. (Dis- cussion) Campbell, James (Surgeon, R.N.) Polygamy: its Influence on Sex and Population. 15th February, 1870 on Polygamy: its Influence in Determining the Sex of our Race and its Effects on the Growth of Population. Brief Notice and Discussion. 15th February, 1870.. Campbell, J. F., on Current British Mythology and Oral Traditions. 22nd March, 1870 ·· ·· ·· Kimmerians and Atlanteans, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 18 .. ·· see Anthropological Notes, 30 Notes on the Stature of Lapps. January, 1866 Campbell, (Captain) Melford, see Franks, A. W., on Stone Implements from Honduras Campbell, Walter, M. T., Race and Language, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 202 .. • 9th ·· Camps, (Dr.) J., Sanitary Condition of Troops in India. Abstract.. Camps on the Malvern Hills, see Price, F. G. H. Canada, see L'Heureux, J., on the Blackfeet Indians see L'Heureux, J., on the Kekip-Sesoators Aboriginal Monuments in, see Gibb, Duncan Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 318) Flint Implements from (Ex. 237) Mixed Races of, see Reid, A. P... Stone Implements and Pottery from (Ex. 146) Canadian Centenarianism, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 61 ·· Canarese Microcephalic Skull, see Shortt, J. Canaries, Guancho Skulls and Other Objects from (Ex. 376) ·· •• ·· • • ·· • ·· Canary Islands, on the Ancient Inhabitants of the, see Hodgkin, T. see Wallach, H., on the Guanchos Canelos Indians, see Simson, A. Arrow Poison used by (Ex. 99) ·· T.E.S. vii, 195, 196 J.E.S., N.S. i, 143–157 J.A.I. iii, 57-65 T.E.S. vii, 207-209 J.A.I. vii, 379 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 145 T.E.S. vii, 144–159 J.A.I. xvii, 289 J.E.S., N.S. i, 128-140 J.A. 192-197 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. cviii J.E.S., N.S. ii, 325-340- J.A.I. ii, 130 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clviii T.E.S. v, 1-12 J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. xix, 89 A.R. i, 410 J.A.J. x, 319 J.A.I. xv, 301 J.A.I. xv, 161 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. clxxiii J.A.I. xiv, 90 J.A.I. viii, 377 J.A.I. iv, 45 J.A.I. iii, 65 J.A.I. v, 492 J.A.I. iii, 265 J.A.I. xvii, 158 J.E.S. i, 167 J.A.I. xvii, 158 J.A.I. ix, 385 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi A.R. v, 253 Colour of Hair, see Wilson, J, S. Poisonous Fruit used by (Ex. 100) A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi Samples of Red Hair of, see Bollaert, W. A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clv Index. 75 Cannibalism Anthrop. 571 .. ·· Cannibalism of African Tribes, see Hutchinson, T. J... T.E.S. i, 327 in Europe, see Charnock, R. S. .. ·· in Relation to Ethnology, see Crawfurd, J. Cannibals of South Africa, see Layland, W. Canoe Found in the Thames at Hampton Court, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 81 Canoes, Eskimo (Ex. 184) Canton, Edwin, Five Chinese Skulls Presented by Capacity of Skulls, Method of Measuring, see Busk, G. Cape of Good Hope, Stone Hammer and Double-pointed Cutting Instrument from (Ex. 133) Implements and Pottery .. ·· from (Ex. 132) Caprine, near Rome, Human Remains at.. Car Nicobar, the Inhabitants of, see Distant, W. L. Carbeço da Arruda, Human Remains Discovered in the, ·· see Busk, G. Carey, J. J., on the Discovery of a Cairn at Khangaum, in the Province of Nagpore, Central India. (Com- municated by Dr. A. Campbell.) 29th May, 1871.. "Carib Chisels," see Forte, J. Caribbean Axeheads (Ex. 164) Caribs, their Origin, see Kennedy, James see Anthropological Conferences .. .. (( F. S. Caroline Islands, see Davis, J. B... ·· Carmichael, Alexander A., on a Hypogeum at Valaquie, Island of Uist. 17th June, 1873. (3 Plates) Carmichael, C. H. E., (M.A.), the Ainos, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 41 on Cave-hunting in Southern Italy on Gallo-Helvetic Interments Islanders, see Pritchard, W. T. ·· ·· on the Akkas A Benedictine Missionary's Account of the Natives of Australia and Oceania. With Discussion. 26th June, 1877 ·· ·· "Caroline Islanders. By J. Van der Hoeven." Carribber. "Odd Showers." Review ·· • on the Postponement of the 5th Session of the International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archæology. 15th November, 1870 Notes on Prehistoric Discoveries in Central Russia. 11th May, 1880 • • on a Race of Red Men in Europe, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 40. Carnac, see Hunt, James .. Quadrilateral Structures near, see see Tremlett, .. ·· .. ·· •• Carthaginois en France, Les: La Colonie Lybio-Phéni- cienne du Liby. Par Jules Ollier de Marichard et Pruner-Bey," see Contemporary Literature Carus, (Dr.) C. G., some Remarks on the Construction of the Upper Jaw of the Skull of a Greenlander. 2nd February, 1864. With Remarks by C. Carter Blake ·· A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxii T.E.S. iv, 105 J.E.S., N.S. i, 76 J.A.I. vii, 102 J.A.I. v, 30 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xxvii J.A.I. iii, 200 J.A.I. i, 348 J.A.I. i, 345 Anthrop. 59 J.A.I. iii, 2 T.E.S. vii, 39 J.A.I. i, 208–210 J.A.I. xi, 2 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.E.S. iv, 226 J.A.I. xvi, 196 J.A.I. iii, 272-275 J.A.I. iii, 304 Anthrop. p. lxxxiii J.A.I. vii, 280-293 Anthrop. p. lxxi Anthrop. p. lxxvii Review Carter, R. Brudenell (F.R.C.S.), Hints on Vision Testing. With Discussion. 24th March, 1885. (Woodcut) J.A.I. xv, 121-127; 130, 131 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. x J.A.I. x, 358, 359 J.A.I. iii, 300 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxiii J.A.I. xv, 170 A.R. iv, 47 A.R. iv, 165 A.R. iv, 47 J.A. 356 J.A. 105 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cxiv, cxv 76 Index. Carus, (Dr.) C. G., Origin of Language, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 34 .. Carved Stone Object from Central America (Ex. 236) Wooden Club from Peru (Ex. 118) Carvings and Painted Masks from New Zealand (Ex. 276) Casimir the Great, Physical Characters of. Review Caspian Sea, the Races inhabiting its Southern Shores, see Bode, Baron J. de Cassia Tribe, see Oldham, T. Cassimati, (Dr.) S. I., Hints on the Noömetre, or the Right Method to be adopted by Anthropology as the Basis of every Science. Abstract. 16th Novem- ber, 1869.. Castellieri dell' Istria, Letter on .. or Prehistoric Ruins of the Istrian Peninsula Castellieri, see Burton, R. F.; A. Scampicchio; and A. Covoz • Caste System, see Tagore, G. M. ·· Castes, Tamul, see Maniegar, S. C. C. Castleton, Tumuli and Stone Circles near, see Penning- ton, R. •• • .. Casts, Ethnographical, see Schlagintweit, H. von Ethnological, see Flower, W. H... Finsch's Collection of, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 141 of Bones, and Stone Implements from Portugal (Ex. 6) of the Heads of Two Egyptian Kings (Ex. 285).. "Catalogue of Specimens in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. By W. H. Flower. Part I. Man. Review.. "" "Catechism of Positive Religion. Review .. .. + .. • •• By A. Catlin, George, "The Lifted and Subsided Rocks of America." Review ·· .. Caucasus, Photograph of Skulls and Objects from, see Franks, A. W... ·· ·· Comte." • Prehistoric Antiquities of the Skulls from the (Ex. 157) .. Caulfield, R., Note on a Supposed Ogham Inscription, from Rus-glass, co. Cork. With Discussion. June, 1870. (Plate) Causes which have led to the Rise and Fall of Nations.. Cave of Cro-Magnon, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1869 Cave Cannibals of South Africa, see Layland, W. • ·· 1st • see Bowker, J. H., Bleek, and Beddoe Dwellings in China.. Dwellers of Southern France, see Christy, H. "Cave Hunting," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 47 Cave Hunting in Southern Italy Cave Men of Perigord, see Broca, Paul Paintings and Stone Implements, Bushman, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 121.. Story, see Anthropological News, 139. Cayapas, Vocabulary, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 197 •• ·· ·· ·· •• A.R. ii, 230 J.A.I. viii, 210 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xxxix J.A.I. xii, 197 J.A. 51 J.E.S. iv, 155 J.E.S. iii, 238 A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. xviii, xix Anthrop. 408, 412 Anthrop. 376 J.A.I. vii, 341 T.E.S. ii, 369 T.E.S. iii, 93 J.A.I. iv, 377 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. clxxxviii J.A.I. xvi, 241 J.A.I. xiii, 504 T.E.S. vi, 39 J.A.I. xii, 324 J.A.I. x, 231 A.R. iv, 289 J.A. 106 J.A.I. iii, 176 Anthrop. 481 J.A.I. iii, 176 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 400-402 Anthrop. p. i A.R. vii, 422 J.E.S., N.S. i, 76 A.R. vii, 121 J.E.S., N.S. i, 203 T.E.S. iii, 362 J.A.I. iv, 503 Anthrop. p. lxxi A.R. vi, 408 J.A.I. x, 460 A.R. vi, 466 J.A.I. xviii, 304 Index. 77 Cefn, Cairn near, see Thomas, D. R., and T. McK. Hughes.. Celebes, Civilisation in, see Wallace, A. R. Deformation of the Head in, see Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 142.. Progress of Civilisation in, see Wallace, A. R... Celt, Irish, see Hudson, H. Celt, Physical Characteristics of the, see Wilson, D. and Saxon, see Anthropological News, 114, 178 Celt from Dutch Guiana (Ex. 401) see Crawfurd, J. Italy (Ex. 214) ivory, from Ireland (Ex. 290) Celtic Languages in Reference to the Question of Race, see Charnock, R. S. .. Centenarians, G. Duncan see Crawfurd, J. Race, see Knox, R... ·· ·· "Celtic Tumuli of Dorset. By C. Warne.' Review Celtic and Maori Vocabulary, Coincidences in, Ross, W. see • Celts, Discussion on the, see Anthropological Society of Paris Social life of the, see Hall, G. R... in Hampshire, characteristic survivals of the, see Shore, T. W. of Ireland, see Beddoe, John see Beddoe, J. Celts and Saxons, see Anthropological News, 177, 179 Celts from British Guiana, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 123 •• ·· ·· • · .. Césaréda, Grutas da, see Busk, G... Ceylon, see Bailey, J., on the Veddahs .. ·· Chiriqui (Ex. 4) from Italy (Ex. 5), see Westropp, H. M. Cemetery (Romano-British) at Seaford, see Price, F. G. H., and J. E. Price Centenarianism in Canada, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 61 condition of, see Gibb, physical Central America, tribes of, see Boyle, F. Centres of Ideation in the Brain, see Holländer, B. Cephalic Index, see Garson, J. G. International Agreement on Classification and Nomenclature, see Garson, J. G. Cerebral Development, see Dunn, R. Hemispheres of an Adult Australian male, see Rolleston, H. D. ·· ·· ·· ·· Measurements, see Anthropological News, 41 Psychology .. see Maniegar, S. C. C., on the Mookwas (C Tamil," on the Weddos see a ·· · • • see Thomson, A., on the Osteology of the Veddahs.. Ethnology of, see Swamy, Mutu Coomara Skeleton and Skulls of Veddahs (Ex. 402) Treatment of Diseases by Charms in, see Dick- man, H... J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. exlii T.E.S. iv, 61 J.A.I. xiv, 85 A.R. ii, 332 J.A., J.A.S. p. clxxviii A.R. iii, 52 A.R. vi, 446; viii, 213 J.A.I. xix, 125 J.A.I. vii, 44 J.A.I. xii, 465 A.R. i, 448 A.R. i, 447 T.E.S. iv, 71 A.R. vi, 175 A.R. v, 85 J.A.I. vii, 123 A.R. iv, 278 A.R. i, 415 J.A.I. xx, 3 J.A. 117 J.A., J.A.S. p. clxxxii A.R. viii, 211; 215 J.A.I. x, 461 T.E.S, ii. 166 T.E.S. v, 216 J.A.I. vi, 300 J.A.I. v, 492 J.A.I. ii, 78 T.E.S. vi, 207 J.A.I. xix, 12 J.A.I. xvi, 11 J.A.I. xvi, 17 T.E.S. iv, 13 J.A.I. xvii, 32 A.R. v, 249 A.R. i, 337-355 T.E.S. vii, 39 T.E.S. ii, 278 T.E.S. iv, 348 T.E.S. iii, 70 J.A.I. xix, 125 A.R. i, 444 J.A.I. xix, 125 T.E.S. ii, 140 78 Index. Chaco and other Indians of South America, see Hutchin- son, T. J. Chalybes, see Clarke, Hyde, on the Proto-Ethnic Con- dition of Asia Minor Chamant (Stone Period), Report on the Excavations of, see Anthropological Society of Paris Chamberlain, Basil Hall, Note on the Japanese Go-hei or Paper Offerings to the Shinto Gods. With Discussion. 28th February, 1888. (Plate) Chambers, Charles H., the Danish Kitchen Middens Inheritance of an Abnormal Distortion of the Wrist (C ·· Gastaldi's "Lake Habitations of Italy." Translated by C. H. C. Review Chanduy, Quartz Cutting Instruments from, see Markham, C. R. Channel Islands, Chipped Flints from Guernsey and Herm (Ex. 136).. Prehistoric Remains in, see Oliver, S. P. Stone and Bronze Implements from Jersey (Ex. 170) Chaplet of Gold and Silver Coins from Nazareth (Ex. << 179) Chapters on Language. By F. W. Farrar." Review.. Chapters on Man. By C. S. Wake Character of the Negro, see Davy, John of School Children, see Bryant, S. of the Scotch, see Cleghorn, John see Cleghorn, John of the Voice, see Gibb, G. Duncan see Gibb, G. Duncan Characteristics, Psychical, of the English People, see Pike, L. 0. Characters Tending to Separate Man from Animals, see • • "" ·· • • County of Essex." Review Affinities of the Old Italians. "Ancient Manorial Customs, ·· the Language of the Aino.. • • • • ·· Rochet Charlesworth, E., Exhibition of Two Tusks of an African Elephant, Identical in Form with those of the Mam- moth. With Discussion. 18th February, 1873 Objects Found in the Red Crag of Suffolk, Simulating Human Workmanship. With Discussion. 8th April, 1872 • Perforated Shark's Tooth from the Crag Formation of Suffolk. Exhibited 17th June, 1873 on a Skeleton of Bos Primigenius? Brief Note. 1st November, 1870 Charms, Chinese, see Black, W. H. Treatment of Diseases by, in Ceylon, see Dickman, ·· · ↓ H. Charnock, (Dr.) R. S., Inaugural Address to the London Anthropological Society Address to the London Anthropological Society, 1874 1875 • ·· ·· Review &c., of the T.E.S. iii, 321 J.E.S., N.S. i, 39 A.R. iv, 374 J.A.I. xviii, 27-29 A.R. ii, 60, 61 A.R. ii, 59 A.R. vi, 114 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lvii J.A.I. ii, 68 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 45 J.A.I. iv, 2 J.A.I. iv, 364 A.R. iv, 135 A.R. vi, 316 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi J.A.I. xv, 338 M.A.S. iii, 167 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xxi M.A.S. iii, 244 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxii M.A.S. ii, 153 A.R. vii, 168 J.A.I. iii, 56 J.A.I. ii, 91-94 J.A.I. iii, 233 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. ii J.E.S., N.S. i, 38 T.E.S. ii, 140 Anthrop. 4 Anthrop. 319 Anthrop. p. xviii J.A. 338-345 J.A. 356 Anthrop. 308 Index. 79 Charnock, (Dr.) R. S., Cannibalism in Europe. With Discussion. 5th December, 1865 ·· on Celtic Languages in Reference to the Question of Race on the Dolmen called Mané-Lud, to the North of Locmariaker. Abstract and Discussion. 16th February, 1869 on the Etruscans and their Language Gipsy Dialect called Sim on the Origin of the Gypsies on the Kimmerian and Atlantean Races, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 16 Language. Review on the Language of the Magyars.. "< Patronymica Cornu-Brittanica." Review the People of the Isle of Marken. 1st November, 1870.. 1866 Reply to Discussion on the Peoples of Spain. 6th February, on the Peoples of Transylvania. and Discussion. 4th May, 1869 1863 ·· Abstract Review "The Peoples of Transylvania." Review Facts Relating to Polyandry the Prussians Roumanian Gipsies on the Science of Language. 9th June, Discussion. on the Scytho-Cimmerian Origin of the Langue Romane. Review. "Mémoire sur l'origine Scytho-Cimmérienne de la Langue Romane. Par M. le duc du Roussillon " .. Le Sette Communi. 22nd April, 1872 .. the Wends of Bautzen and C. Carter Blake, (D.Sc.) on the Physical, Mental, and Philological Characters of the Wallons. 5th February, 1872 and C. Staniland Wake. Language as a Test of Race. Abstract. 17th November, 1868 .. .. Discussion Chastleton Camp, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 110 Chatham Island, on the Destruction of the Aborigines of, see Travers, W. Chatham Islands, see Welch, E. A., and J. Barnard A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xxii-xxxi A.R. i, 448 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxxi, cxxii, & cxxiv-cxxx Anthrop. p. cxvii Anthrop. 497 A.R. iv, 89-96 J.A.I. ii, 127-129 J.A. 188 A.R. iv, 171–179 J.A. 106 J.A. 308-312 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. vii A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xcii- xcvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. clxx- clxxv J.A. 355 Anthrop. 164 Anthrop. 142 Anthrop. 489 A.R. i, 193-215 A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. xvi-xviii A.R. ii, 39-49 J.A.I. ii, 108-113 Anthrop. 152 J.A.I. ii, 10-17 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xxxviii- xxxix A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xliv-xlvi J.A.I. x, 124 T.E.S. iv, 352 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. xcvii T.E.S. iv, 333 Davis Cheddul, or Hanging Feast, see Shortt, J. Chemistry and Anthropology Chert Implements from the Valley of the Axe (Ex. 232) in the Nile Valley, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Cherwell, Bronze Sword from the (Ex. 162) Chest Measurements of Recruits, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Cheston, C., Contribution towards a Vocabulary of the ·· Cayapas, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 197.. J.A.I. xviii, 304 A.R. ii, 121 J.A.I. vii, 499 J.A.I. xi, 382 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. v, 101 80 Index. Chevers, Norman (M.D.), "Manual of Medical Juris- prudence for India." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 19 Cheyenne, see Blackmore, W. Chibchas, Stone Lunar Calendars of the, see Bollaert, W. Child-bearing in Australia and New Zealand Childbirth customs of the Loyalty Islands, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 215.. Child-giantess, Russian (Ex. 409) Children, Power of Rearing among Savage Tribes, see Day, S. P. New-born, Secretion of Milk in, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 15 Wolf-reared, see Anthrop. Misc., 108 Chili, Antiquities from Huasco (Ex. 395).. Flagellum and Cingulum from (Ex. 386) Chimborazo, Cranium from (Ex. 96) Chimpanzee, Deformed Skull of (Ex. 309) Young, Anatomy of, see Embleton China, see Busk, G., on an Ancient Calvaria, supposed to be that of Confucius •• •• ·· Chincha Islands, Skull from, see Blake, C. C. (Ex. 92) see Wylie, A., “ History of the Heung-noo Crucifixion in, see Jones, J. Travels in Western, and on the Borders of Eastern Tibet. By Captain W. J. Gill, R.E., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95, Anthropo- logical Gleanings' (C Chinese, Brainweights of, see Clapham, Crochley Ethnology of the, see Lamprey, J. the, see Lamprey Apothecaries' Scales (Ex. 49) Burials, see Eatwell, W. Calva, see Busk, George Cave Dwellings Charms, see Black, W. H. ·· Writing (Ex. 244) see Beale, L. J. Chipewyans, see Lefroy, J. H. Chiriquí, Celts from (Ex. 4) ·· · .. ·· • • ·· • •• ► • • ·· ·· "" .. "Chinese Classics. By J. Legge." Review Chinese Coins and Medals (Ex. 10) Mandarin, Skull of (Ex. 400) Mohammedans, see Anderson, John Race, see Gardner, C. T. Seals found in Ireland, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 26 • • •• Gold Objects, Pottery, etc., from Tombs of 3).. see Bollaert, W., on Ancient Indian Tombs Stone Celts from, see Blake, C. C. • • Skull (Ex. 142) Skulls (Ex. 79) Superstition, see Anthropological Miscellanea, ·· • 171 View of Heredity and Education, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 96 • ·· • ·· ·· • · .. • .. • • (Ex. ·· • ·· J.A.I. ii, 131 J.E.S., N.S. i, 287 M.A.S. i, 210 J.E.S., N.S. i, 68 J.A.I. xix, 503 J.A.I. xix, 443 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cc A.R. ii, 62 J.A.I. ix, 465 J.A.I. xix, 57 J.A.I. xviii, 274 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clv J.A.I. xiii, 276 A.R. i, 394 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 73 J.A.I. iii, 401 T.E.S. iii, 138 J.A.I. viii, 100 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxvii J.A.I. vii, 89 T.E.S. vi, 101 T.E.S. vi, 183 A.R. V, J.A.S. xxxii p. J.A.I. i, 207 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 156 J.E.S., N.S. i, 203 J.E.S., N.S. i, 38 A.R. vi, 121 J.E.S., N.S. i, 38 J.A.I. xix, 94 J.A.I. i, 147 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 5 J.A.I. ii, 135 J.A.I. iii, 2 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xxvii J.A.I. xvii, 80 J.A.I. viii, 228 J.A.I. ix, 337 T.E.S. i. [130] J.E.S., N.S. ii, 44 T.E.S. ii, 166 T.E.S. ii, 147 T.E.S. ii, 147 T.E.S. ii, 166 Index. 81 Chorley, H. F., Obituary Notice of Dr. Berthold See- Race in Music. 19th May, 1870.. mann Christianity, Race Elements in, see Heath, D. I. Christison, David, (M.D.), the Gauchos of San Jorge, Central Uruguay. 22nd February, 1881 Christison, Robert, see Beddoe, J., on the Aborigines of Central Queensland Christy, Henry, on the Prehistoric Cave-Dwellers of Southern France. 21st June, 1864 .. see Lartet, E., and H. C., "Reliquiæ Aquitaniæ. Review "" • "Chronicle of England. By J. E. Doyle." Review Chronological Arrangement of Caverns and Rock-shelters, see Anthropological News, 151 Churchill, H. B., Accepted Impossibilities Ciastro, Ruins of, see Anthropological News, 141 Cieza de Leon, Pedro de, "The Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, A.D. 1532–50, contained in the first part of his Chronicle of Peru. Translated and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham, Esq. Printed for the Hakluyt Society. 1864." Review Cimbri, Ethnography of, see Rawlinson Cingulum from Chili (Ex. 386) Circassian Slaves, see Millingen, F. Circassians, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drift- ing of Nomades, Part IV J... see Westropp, H. M. of Babylonia, see Boscawen, W. St. Chad in Celebes, see Wallace, A. R. • Circular Structure at Cummer, see Kinahan, G. H. Cissbury, Animal Remains found at, see Rolleston, G.. Discoveries at, see Harrison, J. P. Flint Implements from (Ex. 81) Further Discoveries at, see Harrison, J. P. Marks found upon Chalk at, see Harrison, J. P. Skeleton found at, see Rolleston, G. Camp, Explorations in, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt.. Civilisation, see Avery, J. G. see Avery, J. G. ·· · ·· on the Origin of, see Lubbock, J. Phases of, see Westropp, H. M... 24 ·· • • .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· • .. of the Negro, see Guppy, H. F. J. in Northern Celebes, see Wallace, A. R. Affected by Commixture of Races, see Crawfurd, • • Conditions which Favour, Retard, or Obstruct, see Crawfurd, J. ·· • Phenomena of, Traceable to a Rudimental Origin among Savage Tribes, see Tylor, E. B. Progress of, in Europe, Affected by Commixture of Races, see Crawfurd, J. Relation of Domesticated Animals to, see Crawfurd, J. and Cerebral Development, see Dunn, R. Civilised and Savage Life, Relations Between, see Frere, H. Bartle ·· J.A.I. i, 397 J.A., J.A.S. clxviii A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xix J.A.I. xi, 34–52 J.A.I. vii, 145 T.E.S. iii, 362–372 J.E.S., N.S. i, 83 A.R. ii, 209 A.R. vii, 330 Anthrop. 355 A.R. vi, 467 A.R. iii, 298-303 J.A.I. vi, 150 J.A.I. xviii, 274 J.A., J.A.S. p. cix PP. clvi- J.E.S., N.S. ii, 182 J.A.I. xii, 318 J.A.I. vi, 20 J.A.I. vii, 412 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xliv J.A.I. vi, 430 J.A.I. vi, 263 J.A.I. viii, 377 J.A.I. v, 357 J.A.I. ii, 63 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. ccxxi J.E.S., N.S. ii, 324 J.A.I. viii, 21 A.R. ii, 332 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccix T.E.S. iv, 61 T.E.S. iii, 98 T.E.S. i, 154 T.E.S. vi, 328 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. A R. v, 303 T.E.S. ii, 201 T.E.S. ii, 387 T.E.S. iv, 13 J.A.I. xi, 313 J.A.S. p. cxcii G 82 Index. | Clapham, (Dr.) Crochley, on the Brainweights of some Chinese and Pelew Islanders. With Discussion. 27th March, 1877 Clapham, T. R., Mourning for the Dead Among the Digger Indians, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 44 Clark, (Sir) James. Obituary Notice of Dr. Conolly Clarke, C. B., the Stone Monuments of the Khasi Hills. With Discussion. 13th January, 1874. (Woodcuts) J.A.I. iii, 481-493 Clarke, Hyde, Alleged Connexion of Madagascar and Caffre Languages, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 23 Amazons; the Woman Question.. Anthropological Investigations in Smyrna. 6th February, 1866 Assimilation and the Eyes of Mongolians, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 73 Note on the Australian Reports from New South Wales. 10th April, 1877 P "Il Brahui: Studio di Etnologia Lin- guistica. Di Felice Finzi. Firenze: 1870." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 2 Note on Creolism. 2nd June, 1868 ·· on the Death of Mr. C. Darwin on the Egyptian Colony and Language in the Caucasus, and its Anthropological Relations. With Discussion. 20th May, 1873 on the Ethnological Position of the Guanches, as Dependent on their Philological Rela- tions. 10th March, 1868 1872 ·· the Ethnology, Mythology, and Philology of Races of Early Culture, Babylonians, Etruscans, Egyptians, Japanese, &c. 13th May, 1879. Title only • Queries, 19 ·· J.A.I. vii, 89-94 on the Inhabitants of Asia Minor previous to the Time of the Greeks. 7th March, 1865 on the Lion Shilling. 12th January, 1869 Merean, see Ethnological Notes and J.A.I. iii, 530 T.E.S. v, 325-340 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 366, 367 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xcviii-cii J.A.I. vi, 194 J.A.I. vii, 274-276 J.A.I. ix, 136 Folklore of Greece, Asia Minor, and Albania, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 12 J.E.S., N.S. i, 202 Fugitives from Troy, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 22 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367 Georgian and Sontal, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 17 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 J.E.S., N.S. i, 321 Gladstone's "Juventus Mundi." Review on the Hamath Inscriptions. 8th April, J.A.I. ii, 90, 91 see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 29 J.A.I. ii, 309 see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 43 J.A.I. iii, 528 Alphabets, see Anthro- J.A.I. iii, 135 pological Miscellanea, 39 Himalayan Origin and Connection of the Magyar and Ugrian. With Discussion. 13th March, 1877 J.A.I. i, 118 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. clxxii, clxxiii J.A.I. xii, 229 J.A.I. iii, 178-200 T.E.S. vii, 115-118 J.A.I. vii, 44–65 T.E.S. iv, 154-163 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 192 Index. 83 Clarke, Hyde, Name for Woman and Wife, see Ethno- logical Notes and Queries, 11 Note on the Languages of the Andamans. 12th January, 1875 a Note on the Numerals for 3, 7, and others, see Anthropological Notes, 29 Nyam-Nyam, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 2.. Observations on the Mexican Zodiac and Astrology. Title only. 23rd June, 1885 on Papier-mâché Casts of Skulls pre- sented by Professor Bogdanow. 13th November, 1877 Notes on the People inhabiting Moravian Wallachia. 6th February, 1866 Perpetuation of Names of Natural Objects by Translators, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 24 The Phoenix, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 26 .. on Prehistoric Names of Weapons. With Discussion. 9th May, 1876 on the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Rela- tions of the Populations of Asia and Europe, in reference to Paleo-Asiatic, Caucaso-Tibetan, Palæo- Georgian, etc. Abstract and Discussion. 20th March, 1871 ·.· Proceedings for the Expulsion of. 2nd September, 1868.. on the Propagation of Mining and Metal- lurgy. 9th April, 1867 ·· Proto-ethnic Condition of Asia Minor, the Khalubes (Chalybes), Idæi Dactyli, etc., and their Relations with the Mythology of Ionia. 26th January, 1869 on the Relations of Culture of the Ashan- tees. With Discussion. 12th May, 1874 Relations of the languages of the Dar- jeeling Tribes. 7th April, 1868 Researches in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Comparative Philology, Mythology, and Archæology, in connection with the Origin of Culture in America, and its Propagation by the Sumerian or Akkad fami- lies. With Discussion. 26th May, 1874 Report on the Anthropological Section of the International Congress of Orientalists. 10th November, 1874.. • • •·. the Right of Property in Trees on the Land of Another, as an Ancient Institution. 28th May, 1889 ·· Note on Serpent and Siva Worship and Mythology in Central America, Africa, and Asia. With Discussion. 27th June, 1876 .. on a Shell Mound at Smyrna, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 25 • Symbolism of the Number Three in Different Parts of the World, see Anthropological Conferences J.E.S., N.S. i, 202 J.A.I. iv, 467, 468 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii J.E.S., N.S. i, 85 J.A.I. xv, 285 J.A.I. vii, 322 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xc, xci J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 476 J.A.I. vi, 142-149 J.A.I. i. 52-59 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. clxxxi- clxxxix T.E.S. vi, 123-126 J.E.S., N.S. i, 39-50 J.A.I. iv, 122-126 T.E.S. vii, 160, 161 J.A.I. iv, 148-214 J.A.I. iv, 336-339 J.A.I. xix, 199-211 J.A.I. vi, 247-260 A.R. ii, 226 J.A.I. xvi, 198 G 2 84 J Index. Clarke, Hyde, on the Topographical Nomenclature of Turkish Asia Minor. 30th April, 1867 Turkish and Georgian Names for Water Identified, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 18 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 Turkish "know" and "sow," see Ethno- logical Notes and Queries, 20 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 192 The Varini, Varangians, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 137 J.A.I. xiii, 119 The Varini of Tacitus, or Warings, and their Relations to English Ethnology. 25th February, 1868 Note on the Zaparo Vocabulary Clarke, Robert, Sketches of the Colony of Sierra Leone and its Inhabitants. 1st July, 1862. (8 Plates) Class Systems, Australian, see Howitt, A. W. see Howitt, A. W. Classification, Methodical, Importance of in American Researches, see Bellecombe, A. de.. Principles of, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt of Arrow Heads, see Knowles, W. J. of Languages, see Oppert, G. of Races according to the Form of the Skull, see Crawfurd, J. of the Races of Man, see Crawfurd, J. .. Egyptian, see Poole, R. S. of the Tamul Castes, see Maniegar, S. C. C. of the Varieties of the Human Species, see Flower, W. H. ·· Committee of the Ethnological Society Classificatory System of Relationships, Origin of, see Wake, C. S. • Ex- Cleghorn, John, Is the Character of the Scotch the pression of the Soil of Scotland ? Abstract and Discussion. 19th November, 1867 Is the Character of the Scotch the Expres- sion of the Soil of Scotland? 19th November, 1867 Cleghorn, John, A New Reading of Shell Mounds and Graves in Caithness. 3rd April, 1866 Discussion .. • ·· J... Climate, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 7 .. ·· Cleland, (Dr.) John, on the Ligamentous Action of the Long Muscles in Man and other Animals. Abstract Clent Hills, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 135 Clermont-Ganneau, see Blake, C. C., on a Skull from Deir-es-Sinné .. • .. Cleveland, Nomenclature of, see Atkinson, J. C. see Atkinson, J. C., on the Danish Element in the Population Gravehills, see Atkinson, J. C. .. ·· Effects of, on the Races of Man, see Crawfurd, ·· ·· Influence of, see Knox, R. Ethnological Inquiries and Observations of North America, its Influence on the Physical and Psychical Constitution, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 3 ·· A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. clxxix- clxxxvi • T.E.S. vii, 60-77 J.A.I. viii, 227 T.E.S. ii, 320-363 J.A.I. xii, 496 J.A.I. xviii, 31 A.R. ii, 191 J.A.I. iv, 293 J.A.I. vi, 482 J.A.I. xiii, 32 T.E.S. vi, 127 T.E.S. i, 354 J.A.I. xvi, 370 T.E.S. iii, 93 J.A.I. xiv, 378 J.E.S., N.S. i, 1–4 J.A.I. viii, 144 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. xxi-xxvi M.A.S. iii, 167–181 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxxxix- cl A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxviii- clxx A.R. i, 402 J.A.I. xii, 568 J.A.I. ii, 54 J.A.I. iii, 115 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 351 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxiii A.R. i, 336 T.E.S. i, 76 A.R. i, 246 A.R. i, 180 Index. 85 Clubs from British Guiana (Ex. 205) Cockayne, (Rev.) Oswald, "Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England." Review Cockburn, J., on Palæolithic Implements from the Drift Gravels of the Singrauli Basin, South Mirzapore. With Discussion. 8th March, 1887. (Woodcut). Cocoa, Coffee, Tea, etc., Plants producing, see Crawfurd, J... Codrington, (Rev.) R. H., (D.D.). on the Affinity of the Melanesian, Malay and Polynesian Languages. Title only. 22nd November, 1881 on the Languages of Melanesia. With Discussion. 26th February, 1884 G on Poisoned Arrows from Melanesia. With Discussion. 25th June, 1889 .. Religious Beliefs and Practices in Mela- nesia. With Discussion. 8th June, 1880. on Social Regulations in Melanesia. With Discussion. 11th December, 1888 Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, etc., Plants producing, see Crawfurd, ·· ·· .. J... Coincidences of Custom and Belief among the Ancient Chaldeans and the Peoples of Western Europe, see Lewis, A. L. • Colderham, Kent, Rude Monument at, see Lewis, A. L. Cole, R. A., on the Discovery of Cromlechs in Southern India. 10th November, 1868. (Woodcuts) .. Colenso, (Right Rev.) J. W., on the Efforts of Missionaries among Savages. 16th May, 1865. With Discussion Collingwood, Dr. Visit to the Kibalan Village of Sau-o Bay, North-east Coast of Formosa. 9th April, 1867 Collingwood, J. F., see Büchner, L., "Force and Matter" Collinson, John, the Indians of the Mosquito Territory. 5th November, 1867 "" • ·· • .. Abstract and Discussion. 5th November, 1867 Collyer, Robert H., (M.D.), the Fossil Human Jaw from Suffolk. (Woodcut) ·· Colombia, Antiquities from (Ex. 241) Muizca Calendar (Ex. 64) .. Colonies and Climate, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, • ✔ ✔ J.A.I. xi, 410 J.A.I. xiv, 31-43 J.A.I. xix, 215-219 (Map).. J.A.I. x, 261–316 • Colonsay, Cranium found in a Viking Grave at (Ex. 301) Colorado, Antiquities of, see Whitney, Colour as a Test of the Races of Man, see Crawfurd, J. of Mulattoes at Birth ·· of the Skin in Certain Oriental Races, see Beddoe, J. ·· Questions as to perception of, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 92 Blindness, Dangers from, by B. Joy Jeffries, M.D., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. pological Gleanings "Anthro- Phenomena in Belgium, see Beddoe, J. types, see Brabrook, E. W. in mosaic, see Galton, F. Colouring Matters Found in the Human Hair, see Sorby, H. C. • ·· • .. ·· ·· • J.A.I. vi, 310 A.R. v, 314-318 J.A.I. xvii, 57-65 T.E.S. vii, 197 J.A.I. xviii, 306–313 T.E.S. vii, 197 J.A.I. vi, 136 J.A.I. vii, 140 T.E.S. vii, 299-304 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. ccxlviii- cclxxxix T.E.S. vi, 135-143; 362, 363 A.R. iii, 22 M.A.S. iii, 148-156 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. xiii-xv A.R. v, 221–229 J.A.I. ix, 51 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. i, 336 J.A.I. xiii, 122 J.A.I. v, 220 T.E.S. ii, 251 A.E. iii, 323 J.A.I. xix, 257 J.A.I. vii, 543 J.A.I. viii, 100 J.A.I. x, 374 J.A.I. ix, 19 J.A.I. xvi, 145 J.A.I. viii, 1 86 Index. Colquhoun, A. R., on the Aboriginal and other Tribes of Yünnan and the Shan Country. Abstract and Dis- cussion. 13th February, 1883 Comanches, see Blackmore, W. see Fisher, M. C. Comans, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of Nomades. Part III.. Commerce of Old Calabar, see Walker, J. B. Commerce in Prehistoric Times, see Buckland, A. W... Committee for Psychological Research Committee of Investigation, Report, see Anthropological Society (C Commixture, Effects of, on the Races of Man, see Craw- furd, J.. of the Races of Man as Affecting the Progress of Civilisation (Europe), see Crawfurd, J. of Races as Affecting Civilisation, see Craw- furd, J... of the Races of Man in Western and Central Asia, see Crawfurd, J. of Races, see Crawfurd, J. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. By R. Owen.” Review ·· • (C · · Comparative Anthropology of England and Wales, see Mackintosh, D. lanea, 145 Review Review Anthropology of Scotland, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 62 ·· of Scotland, see MacLean, H. Anthropology, Art in Relation to, see Art Longevity of Animals and of Man, see Harris, G. Myology of Man and the Apes. By W. S. Barnard, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology Comparative Philology. By R. G. Latham." Review Comparative Portraits of an Individual at Different Ages, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 224 Composite bow, see Balfour, H. · Photographs of Jews (Ex. 332) Photographs of Skulls (Ex. 327) "" } see Galton, F. (Ex. 331) (Ex. 348) ·· .. ·· .. •• ·· see Anthropological Miscel- ·· ·· .. • • Composite Portraits, see Galton, F. Comrie, (Dr.) P. (R.N.), Anthropological Notes on New Guinea. With Discussion. 11th April, 1876. (Plate and Table of Measurements) Comte, Auguste, on the Term " Anthropology," see ·· Anthropological Notes, 20.. ·· "The Catechism of Positive Religion." (C A General View of Positivism." •• Anthropology of, see Kaines, Joseph Concord, see Bleek, W. H. I. Conder, C. R. (Captain R.E.), the Present Condition of the Native Tribes in Bechuanaland. With Dis- cussion. 23rd March, 1886 ·· J.A.I. xiii, 3, 4 J.E.S., N.S. i, 287 J.E.S., N.S. i, 274 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 83 J.A.I. vi, 119 J.A.I. xiv, 3 J.A.I. iii, 29 A.R. vii, J.A.S, .i T.E.S. i, 76 T.E.S. ii, 201 T.E.S. iii, 98 A.R. i, 143 A.R. i, 405 A.R. vi, 301; vii, 252 A.R. iv, 1 A.R. iv, 288 A.R. iv, 209 A.R. v, 28 J.A.I. ii, 69 J.A.I. vii, 112 A.R. iv, 281 J.A.I. xx, 289 J.A.I. xix, 220 J.A.I. xv, 16 J.A.I. xiv, 205 J.A.I. xiv, 287 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. xiv, 327 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. viii, 132 J.A.I. vi, 102–119 J.A. 362 A.R. iv, 289 A.R. iv, 289 J.A.I. i, 349 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxiv J.A.I. xvi, 76-96 Index. 87 Conder, C. R. (Captain R. E.), Hittite Ethnology. With Discussion. 14th June, 1887. Exhibition of Drawings of Rude Stone Monuments East of Jordan. With Discussion. 26th March, 1889 the Early Races of Western Asia With Discussion. 26th February, 1889. (Plate).. Condylus Tertius" (Ex. 73) in Indian Skulls, see Blake, C. c. Confucius, Supposed Calvaria of, see Busk, G. Congo, Races of the, see Johnston, H. H. Lower, see Phillips, R. C. CC • .. Congrès International pour le Progrès des Sciences Géographiques, etc., see Anthropological Notes, 32 Congress, Anthropological, of 1867 Congress of Americanists of Anthropology, 1870, see Anthropological Notes, 8.. of German Naturalists and Physicians, see German.. ·· .. · of Paleontologists at Copenhagen, see Anthropo- logical News, 188 of Polish Physicians and Naturalists at Cracow, see Anthropological News, 160 • Continuity Applied to Anthropology, see Hunt, J. Contracted Burials, see Pennington, Rooke Interments, see Walhouse, M. J... of Prehistoric Anthropology and Archeology Congreve, Richard, "The Catechism of Positive Religion. Translated from the French of Auguste Comte." Review. See Race in Religion ·· "The New Religion in its Attitude towards the Old; the Propagation of the Religion of Humanity." Review. See Race in Religion Conolly, (Dr.) John, Obituary Notice of Consanguineous Marriages, see Dally, E... danger of, see Miscellanea Anthropo- logica, 38 Innocuousness of, see Anthropological Society of Paris see Thompson, G. C. Consanguinity and Affinity, see Macfarlane, A. Contemporary Literature .. • .. • Convolutions of the Brain, Definition of, on the Exterior of the Head, by T. S. Prideaux, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1869.. ·· of the Hemispheres, Development of, of, see Anthropological News, 165.. Conway, Moncure D., on Mythology. With Discussion. 11th May, 1875.. Conwell, Eugene Alfred, on some Remarkable Archæo- logical Discoveries in Ireland. 26th June, 1866 Coolie Labour, see Distant, W. L. Cooper, W. R., on some Græco-Egyptian Terra-Cotta Figures, from the Hay Collection. 6th December, 1870 .. J.A.I. xvii, 137-158 J.A.I. xix, 65, 66 J.A.I. xix, 30–51 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxvii A.R. V, J.A.S. p. cxvii J.E.S., N.S. ii, 73 J.A.I. xiii, 461 J.A.I. xvii, 214 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clx A.R. v, 229 J.A.I. xviii, 99 J.A. 114 A.R. viii, 35 A.R. viii, 219 A.R. viii, 97 J.A.I. xix, 91 A.R. iv, 289 A.R. iv, 289 T.E.S. v, 325 A.R. ii, 65 A.R. iii, 84 A.R. v, 363 J.A., J.A.S. p. cli J.A.I. xii, 46 J.A. 105-107 J.A. 235-237 J.A. 355-357 A.R. v, 110 J.A.I. iv, 265 J.A.I. xi, 415 A.R. vii, 428 A.R. viii, 106 J.A.I. v, 202–212 T.E.S. v, 217-220 J.A.I. iii, 139 J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. xxxii- xxxiv 88 Index. Copan Hieroglyphics, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hieroglyphics Monuments, see Hamy, E. T. Copiapó, tumuli near, see Madge, J. H Copper Celts at Buttivant, co. Cork, see Phair, J. P. Implements from Asia Minor (Ex. 261) Copyright of the Anthropological Review, Report of Committee on Cornish Barrow, see Bate, C. S. and Irish Prehistoric Monuments, see Buckland, A. W. Cornu Tribe of Australia. Vocabulary, see Pechey, W. A. Cornwall, Anthropology of, see Beddoe, J. .. ·· ·· << and Devon, Archaic Structures in, see Lewis, A. L. Corporal Penance, Survival of, see Howarth, O. H. Costa Rica, Blowpipe, Bow and Arrows from (Ex. 177).. Guatuso Indians of, see Anthropological "" GO ·· .. News, 129 Cotesworth, C., Notes on Ruins in the Neighbourhood of Palmyra. 24th November, 1874. (Plate) Cotterill, H. B., " On the Nyassa and a Journey from the North End to Zanzibar,' see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings ".. J.A.I. viii, 99 Coudereau, on Intelligence, and its Relation to Instinct. A.R. vi, 399–408 • • ·· Translation ·· Cournot, on the Ideas of Species and Race Applied to Man and Human Society; on Anthropology and Ethnology, "Traité de l'Enchainement des Idées Fondamentales dans les Sciences et dans l'Histoire " Covaz, Antonio, see Burton, R. F. "More Castellieri Cowley, Human Remains from, see Hutchinson, J. Skeletons from (Ex. 37) "" Coyoukon Vocabulary, see Whymper, F. Cox, E. W., on Hybridism .. "The Mechanism of Man." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 68 "What am I?" Review. See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 36 "What am I?" Vol. ii. Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 45 .. Cox, &. W., (M.A.) "The Mythology of the Aryan Nations." Review Cracow, Congress of Polish Physicians and Naturalists at, see Anthropological News, 160 Cranbourne Chase, Models of Excavations in (Ex. 377).. Crania, see Busk, G., on an Aino Skull see Busk, G., on Two Andamanese Skulls see Busk, G., on an Ancient Chinese Calvaria see Mouat, F. J., on some Skulls of the Hill Tribes of India.. on the Measurement of, see Wyman, Jeffries at Hythe, see Knox, R. .. Casts of Two Extreme Forms (Ex. 62) from Annecy, (Savoy), see Anthropological Society of Paris ·· ·· .. ► • .. •• Dutch, see Anthropological Society of Paris.. Irish, see Grattan, J. M.A.S. iii, 288 J.A.I. xvi, 242 J.A.I. xị, 437 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 402 J.A.I. xi, 196 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xix A.R. ii, 335 J.A.I. ix, 146 J.A.I. i, 143 A.R. viii, 85 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. i J.A.I. xviii, 275 J.A.I. iv, 363 A.R. vi, 463 J.A.I. iv, 364, 365 A.R. ii, 267-280 J.A.I. vii, 341 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlvi A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlvi T.E.S. vii, 182 Anthrop. 499 J.A.I. vi, 97 J.A.I. iii, 123 J.A.I. iii, 530 J.A. 149 A.R. viii, 97 J.A.I. xvii, 190 T.E.S. vi, 109 T.E.S. iv, 205 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 73, 156 T.E.S. vi, 42 A.R. vi, 345 T.E.S. ii, 136 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. v, 355 A.R. v, 361 J.E.S. iii, 215 Index. 89 Crania, Italian, see Vogt, C. from the Cave of Lombrives, see Anthropological Society, Paris.. of the Sepulchre near Maintenon (Stone Age), see Anthropological Society, Paris and Bones of Les Eyzies, see Broca, Paul and Human Bones from Hythe, see Knox, R. “Crania Britannica. By J. B. Davis and J. Thurnam.' Review see Skulls. • C. C. ·· .. A.R. v, 364 A.R. v, 127 A.R. v, 125 A.R. vi, 408 T.E.S. i, 238 A.R. vi, 52 H. J.A.I. x, 153 ·· Cranial Characters of Fiji Islanders, see Flower, W. of the Natives of Timor-laut, see Garson, J. G. of the Peruvian Races of Men, see Blake, ·· • .. • Deformation, see Turner, W. Deformities, see Turner, W. Craniology, Quatrefages'. Review. See Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 25 Craniometric Agreement, the Frankfort, see Garson, J. G. Craniometry, Systematic Mode of, see Busk, G... Craniophore for Use in Taking Composite Photographs of Skulls, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 157 Cranium, Artificial Deformations, see Knox, R….. Deformities of, see King, D. from Chimborazo (Ex. 96).. of a Fiji Islander (Ex. 238) of an Ancient German, see Anthropological Society, Paris.. • ·· • Dolichocephalic, from Glenarm, see Holden, J. Human, its Forms, see Dunn, R... S. and other Bones found in a Viking grave Colonsay (Ex. 301) see Skull. • ·· Craston, T., Present of the Skeleton of an Adult Male Gorilla. 2nd March, 1869 Crawfurd, John (F.R.S.), Address to the Ethnological Society of London, 1867. 21st May, 1867. on the Alphabets of the Indian Archi- pelago. 12th December, 1849 on an Ancient Hindu Sacrificial Bell, with Inscription, found in the Northern Island of the New Zealand Group. 10th April, 1866. (Plate) on the Antiquity of Man. 25th June, 1867 at from the evidence of language. 1st April, 1862. With Discussion on the Aryan or Idon-Germanic Theory on Cæsar's Account of Britain and its In- habitants in reference to Ethnology. 12th June, 1866 on Cannibalism in Relation to Ethnology. 22nd February, 1865 The Celtic Languages in Reference to the Question of Race. Abstract on the Classification of the Races of Man • according to the Form of the Skull. 9th April, 1867 on Colour as a Test of the Races of Man. 17th June, 1862 ·· J.A.I. xiii, 386 T.E.S. ii, 216 A.R. ii, 323 A.R. i, 391 J.A.I. ii, 135 J.A.I. xiv, 64 T.E.S. i, 341 J.A.I. xvi, 97 A.R. i, 271 A.R. viii, 47 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clv J.A.I. ix, 2 A.R. v, 353 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cliv J.E.S. iv, 33 J.A.I. xiii, 122 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxx T.E.S. vi [6, 7] J.E.S. ii, 246-261 T.E.S. v, 150-154 T.E.S. vi, 233-245 T.E.S. ii, 170-181 T.E.S. i, 26S-236 T.E.S. 202-215 T.E.S. iv, 105–121 A.R. i, 447 T.E.S. i, 354-378 T.E.S. vi, 127–134 T.E.S. ii, 231-260 F, } 90 Index. Crawfurd, John (F.R.S.), on the Commixture of Races of Man as Affecting the Progress of Civilisation (Europe). 6th May, 1862. With Discussion Abstract. (Africa, Asia, America) ·· in Western and Central Asia. Extracted from a Paper read before the Ethnological Society. 17th March, 1863 A.R. i, 143–145 on the Conditions which Favour, Retard, or Obstruct the Early Civilisation of Man. 18th Ap.,1859 T.E.S. i, 154-177 Connection between Ethnology and Physical Geography. 19th November, 1861. With Discussion Dissemination of the Arabian Race and Language. 20th November, 1866 Early Migrations of Man. 12th Notice and April, 1864 Discussion Effects of Commixture, Locality, Climate, and Food on the Races of Man. 16th Feb., 1859 Ethnology of Abyssinia and Adjacent Countries. 12th November, 1867.. Migration of Cultivated Plants in Reference to Ethnology; Articles of Food. 8th May, 1866 History and Migration of Culti- vated Plants in Reference to Ethnology. Fruits. 6th November, 1866 · on the Migration of Cultivated Plants in Reference to Ethnology. Sacchariferous Plants. 11th December, 1866 ·· · on the History and Migration of Culti- vated Plants producing Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, etc. June, 1868 9th Narcotic Plants in Reference to Ethnology. 25th February, 1868 .. Plants used as Condiments. 11th June, 1867 Plants yielding Intoxicating Potables and Oils. 10th March, 1868 .. Textile and Tinctorial Plants in Reference to Ethnology. 7th January, 1868 ·· Invention of Writing Materials in Reference to Ethnology. 10th April, 1866.. on Language as a Test of the Races of Man. 2nd December, 1862 Notes on Sir Charles Lyell's " Antiquity of Man." Extracted from a Paper read before the Ethnological Society, 14th April, 1863 Discussion at the British Association.. T.E.S. ii, 201-213 A.R. i, 405 T.E.S. iii, 98-122 on Sir Charles Lyell's "Antiquity of T.E.S. ii, 4-23 T.E.S. v, 298–304 T.E.S. iii, 335-350 A.R. ii, 320-321 T.E.S. i, 76–92 T.E.S. vi, 282-310 T.E.S. v, 178-192 T.E.S. v, 255-276 T.E.S. v, 318-324 T.E.S. vii, 197-206 T.E.S. vii, 78-91 T.E.S. vi, 188-200 T.E.S. vii, 92-106 T.E.S. vii, 1-15 T.E.S. v, 155–161 T.E.S. iii, 1-9 A.R. i, 172–176 A.R. i, 433 Index. 91 Man," and on Professor Huxley's "Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature." 14th April, 1863. . Crawfurd, John (F.R.S.), on the Malayan and Polynesian ·· • Languages and Races. June, 1847 Malayan Race of Man and its Pre- historic Career. 24th March, 1868 Numerals as Evidence of Progress in Civilisation. With Discussion. 18th February, 1862 .. on the Origin and History of Written Language. 27th February, 1866 Origin of the Gypsies. 17th February, 1863 .. (Abstract) Physical and Mental Character- istics of the European and Asiatic Races of Man. 13th February, 1866 Negro. 11th April, 1865 22nd January, 1867 Animals to Civilisation • • Tests of the Races of Man. Skin, the Hair, and the Eyes, as 23rd April, 1867 so-called Celtic Languages in Reference to the Question of Race. 26th April, 1864 Plurality of the Races of Man. Relation of the Domesticated • ·· Sources of the Supply of Tin for the Bronze Tools and Weapons of Antiquity. 10th May, 1864 Supposed Aborigines of India as Distinguished from its Civilised Inhabitants. 12th February, 1867.. Hybrids or Crosses. 21st June, 1864 Abstract and Discussion • Infecundity of Human ·· supposed Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages of Society. 10th May, 1864 Abstract and Discussion Theory of the Origin of Species by Natural Selection in the Struggle for Life. 21st January, 1868 .. Vegetable and Animal Food of the Natives of Australia in Reference to Social Position, with a Comparison Between the Australians 104 Creation, New Zealand Myth of the, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 78 ·· Sclavonian Account of, see Anthropological News, 187 Creed, (Dr.) the Aborigines of the North Coast of Australia, see Ridley, W. "Australian Languages and Traditions" Cremation in Cambridgeshire ·· T.E.S. iii, 58-70 J.E.S. i, 330-374 T.E.S. vii, 119–133 T.E.S. ii, 84-111 T.E.S. v, 96-104 T.E.S. iii, 25-36 A.R. i, 445 T.E.S. v, 58-81 T.E.S. iv, 212-239 T.E.S. vi, 49-58 T.E.S. ii, 387-468 T.E.S. vi, 144–149 and some other Races of Man. 26th March, 1867 T.E.S. vi, 112-122 Death of, see Anthropological News, A.R. vi, 324 J.A.I. vi, 343 A.R. viii, 218 T.E.S. iv, 71-100 T.E.S. iii, 350-356 T.E.S. vi, 59-71 T.E.S. iii, 356–362 A.R. ii, 318-320 T.E.S. iv, 1-12 A.R. ii, 313-318 T.E.S. vii, 27–38 J.A.I. vii, 266-268 Anthrop. p. lxix 92 Index. Cremation and Contracted Burials, see Pennington, Rooke Creolism, see Clarke, Hyde Crescentic Shields and Cylindrical Tiaras (Ex. 175) Crespigny, (Lieut.) De, on the Milanos of Borneo. Discussion. 23rd February, 1875 Creswell Crags, Bone Caves of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 67 Creswick, H. C., Life among the Veys. 10th December, 1867 on the Syllabic Characters in use Amongst the Vey Negroes. 9th July, 1867 Criminals, Anthropometric Measurement of, see Mouat, F. J. ·· .. · Crisp, (Dr.), on the Anatomy of Quadrumana, with a Comparative Estimate of the Intelligence of Apes and Monkeys. Abstract and Discussion Critique of "The English and their Origin" in the "Westminster Review," see Pike, L. O. Croats, see Howarth, H. H. "Spread of the Slaves. Part I " Photographs of (Ex. 57) .. Crocker, W. M., Exhibition of Ethnological Objects from Borneo. 8th December, 1885 Croggan, E., Keltic Element in the Lycian Inscriptions Crombie, J. W., (M.A.) History of the Game of Hop- Scotch. With Discussion. 24th November, 1885. (Plate) ·· • With Cromlech of Er-Lanic, see Tremlett, F. S. in Jersey Pseudo on Mount Alexander, Australia, see Acheson, F. Cromlechs, etc. in Drenthe, Holland, see Lubach, D. in Southern India, see Cole, R. A. Cromlech Structure at Tonga Taboo, see Mackenzie, K. "My • • • • ·· ·· • R. H. Cromlechs and Megalithic Structures, see Westropp, H. M. ·· Crosses, Infecundity of, see Crawfurd, J.. Crucifixion in China, see Jones, J. Cubic Index of Crania, see Broca, P. Cull, Richard, Abstract of Communications on Ethno- logy made to Section E of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 6th November, 1853 ·· · ·· ·· Notice of Ethnological Proceedings at the Ipswich Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held July 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th, 1851 on the Misapplication of the Terms Evolution and Development, as applied by Ethno- J.A.I. iv, 265 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxii J.A.I. iv, 148 J.A.I. v, 34-37; 40, 41 J.A.I. vi, 95 T.E.S. vi, 354-361 T.E.S. vi, 260–263 J.A.I. xx, 182 A.R. ii, 308–312 A.R. v, 79 J.A.I. vii, 324 A.R. V, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xv, 424–426 Anthrop. 517 J.A.I. xv, 403–408 J.A.I. xiv, 47 J.E.S., N.S. i, 86 a Brief Notice of the Aztec Race, com- piled by R. C., followed by a Description of the so-called Aztek Children Exhibited on the Occasion. By Professor Owen, F.R.S. 6th July, 1853. (Plate) J.E.S. iv, 120–137 a Description of Three Esquimaux from Kinnooksook, Hogarth Sound, Cumberland Strait. 8th February, 1854 J.E.S., N.S. i, 75 J.E.S., N.S. i, 85 J.A.I. vi, 158 T.E.S. vii, 299 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxcviii J.E.S., N.S. i, 53 ¡ T.E.S. iii, 356 T.E.S. iii, 138 A.R. iii, 305 J.E.S. iv, 138-154 J.E.S. iv, 215-225 J.E.S. iii, 51, 52 ! Index. 93 logical Philologists to the Inflexions of a Language. (B. A., 7th September, 1852.) Abstract Cull, Richard, Obituary Notice of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Malcolm. 12th November, 1851 on the Recent Progress of Ethnology; being the Annual Discourse for 1852. 14th May, 1852 Remarks on Three Naloo Negro Skulls. 25th April, 1849 Sketch of the Recent Progress of Ethno- logy. 27th May, 1853.. on the Recent Progress of Ethnology. 26th May, 1854.. Remarks on the Nature, Objects, and Evidences of Ethnological Science. 4th June, 1851 Cullen, (Dr.) —, the Darien Indians. 7th November, 1865 7th May, 1867. (Sketch Map) Cullen, Bin of, Stone Implements from, see Roberts, G. E. ·· Cummer, Circular Structure at, see Kinahan, G. H. Cunningham, R. A., Exhibition of Natives of Queensland. With Discussion. 26th April, 1887 .. Cunningsburgh Churchyard, Runic Inscription in (Ex. 223) Curl, S. M. (M.D.), on Phoenician Intercourse with Poly- nesia. 24th June, 1884 Cust, Robert, Report on Anthropological Proceedings at the Oriental Congress held at Florence, September 12-18, 1878. With Discussion. 12th November, 1878 Custom and Belief among the Ancient Chaldeans, see Lewis, A. L. Cyprus, Archaic Survivals in, see Anthropological Conferences Dahome, see Burton, R. F... .. Brine, L. Cyrenaica, Inhabitants of the, see Brine, C. C. B., see Blake, C. C. C. S. W., see Wake, C. Staniland. C. W. D., "Flower and Murie on the Dissection of a Bush-woman." Review C. [H. F.] see Chorley. C. [R. S.] see Charnock. (( ·· D. Dæmonia in Australia, see Miles, W. A... Dahoman, Notes on certain matters connected with the, see Burton, R. F. ·· ·· อง Burton's Mission to, see Reade, W. W. Daily Life and Origin of the Tasmanians. By J. Bon- wick." Review.. ·· Dakota Nation, Calendar of the, by Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel Garrick Mallery, U.S.I., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93, Anthropological Gleanings CC D'Albertis, see Albertis, S. M. D'. Dale, (Rev.) Langham, on a Collection of Stone Imple- ments and Pottery from the Cape of Good Hope With Discussion. 4th December, 1871 Dalecarlian Peasants, Photographs of (Ex. 58) ·· .. .. J.E.S. iii, 234–236 J.E.S. iii, 112–114 J.E.S. iii, 165–177 J.E.S. ii, 238-245 J.E.S. iv, 104–119 J.E.S. iv, 297-316 J.E.S. iii, 103-111 T.E.S. iv, 264–267 T.E.S. vi, 150-175 A.R. ii, J.A.S. lxiv p. J.A.I. xii, 318 J.A.I. xvii, 83, 84 J.A.I. vii, 232 J.A.I. xiv, 273, 274 J.A.I. viii, 285–290 J.A.I. vi, 136 J.A.I. xvi, 186 T.E.S. vii, 326 A.R. V, 319-324 J.E.S. iii, 4 M.A.S. i, 308 T.E.S. iii, 400 A.R. ii, 335 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 95 J.A.I. vii, 543 J.A.I. i, 345-348 A.R. V. J.A.S. p. xxxii 94 Index. : Dallâns in County Donegal, see Kinahan, G. H. Dallas, James, on the Primary Divisions and Geographical Distribution of Mankind Dally, (Dr.) E., an Inquiry into Consanguineous Marriages and Pure Races. Read before the Anthropological Society of Paris. 5th November, 1863. Translated by Hugh J. C. Beavan.. Dalmatia, Flint and Bronze Implements from (Ex. 251) Dalton, (Col.) E. T., on the Juangs, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 80 the "Kols" of Chota-Nagpore. 8th Jan- uary, 1867 Damara Country, an Account of the, see Kolbe, F. N.. Dancing Girls of India, see Shortt, J., on the Bayadère. Danes, Headform of, see Beddoe, J. Physical Characteristics of, see Beddoe, John Danes and Scandinavians, the Influence of their Invasion on Certain Localities in England, see Anderson, C. Dane's Dyke, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Danger of Consanguineous Marriages, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 38 .. 'Dangers from Colour-Blindness. By B. Joy Jeffries." See Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. "Anthro- pological Gleanings Daniel, P. A., "Doubtful Passages in Shakespeare's Plays." Review Daniell, William F. (M.D.), On the Ethnography of Akkrah and Adampé, Gold Coast, Western Africa. 14th January, 1852. 11th February, 1852 on the Natives of Old Callebar, West Coast of Africa. 28th January, 1846. (With a Supplement, upon the Philological Ethnography of the Countries around the Bight of Biafra. By R. G. Latham, M.D.) Danish Aspect of the Local Nomenclature of Cleveland, see Atkinson, J. C. 46 → "> see Leitner, G. W. Abstract Darfur Boy (Ex. 291) Darien Indians, see Cullen. see Cullen .. ·· .. Element in Yorkshire, see Atkinson, J. C. Kitchen Middens, see Chambers, C. H... and French Photographs (Ex. 265) Danks (Rev.) B., Marriage Customs of the New Britain Group. With Discussion. 27th November, 1838.. On the Shell-money of New Britain. 13th December, 1887.. ·· .. .. * ·· ·· ·· ·· Darjeeling Tribes, see Campbell, A. Languages of the, see Clarke, Hyde Dark Hair in England, see Beddoe, J. Darling River, Aborigines of, see Bonney, F. Darnley Island, Preserving the Dead in, see Flower, W. Dante, on the skull of, see Welcker, H. .. On the Skull of, see Anthropological News, 39 A.R. v, 247 Dardistan (Ex. 19) • H. .. Dartmoor, Prehistoric Antiquities of, see Bate, C. s. Darwin on Anthropology, see Anthropological Notes, 19 Darwin, Charles, Death of .. J.A.I. xviii, 171 J.A.I. xv, 304-330 ·· A.R. ii, 65-108 J.A.I. x, 429 J.A.I. vii, 100 T.E.S. vi, 1-41 J.E.S. iii, 1 M.A.S. iii, 182 M.A.S. iii, 378 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxiii J.E.S. iv, 150 J.A.I. xi, 455 A.R. iii, 84 J.A.I. viii, 100 J.A. 107 J.E.S. iv, 1-32 J.E.S. i, 210-224 J.A.I. iii, 115 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 351 A.R. ii, 60 J.A.I. xi, 311 J.A.I. xviii, 281–294 J.A.I. xvii, 305-317 A.R. v, 56 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 31 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 31 J.A.I. xii, 469 T.E.S. iv, 264 T.E.S. vi, 150 T.E.S. vii, 144 T.E.S. vi, 160 A.R. i, 310 J.A.I. xiii, 122 J.A.I. viii, 389 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. c J.A. 244 J.A.I. xii, 229 Index. 95 Darwin, Charles, Obituary Notice.. Darwin, Horace, Exhibition of Anthropometric Instru- ments. With Discussion. 9th February, 1886 "Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 235 Darwin's "Expression of the Emotions." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 32 Darwin's Hypothesis of Pangenesis as applied to the faculty of Memory, see Sanders, Alfred Darwinism, see Asher, D. ·· see Anthropological Miscellanea, 5 Strictures on, see Howorth, H. H. · "" see Howorth, H. H. see Howorth, H. H. and Anthropology, see Schaffhausen, Hermann in Germany, see Rolle, Friedrich, "Der Mensch Dase, Zacharias, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 11. "Mental Calculation' Daubeny (Dr.) (F.R.S.), The Decay of Species. Abstract Davis, J. Barnard (M.D., F.R.S.), Account of the Skull of a Ghiliak. Appendix to Article, "On the Skeleton and Skulls of Aïnos.' "" (Plate) On Ancient Peruvian Skulls and Pottery. 1st April, 1873. (Plate) ·· , ·· • .. Description of the Skeleton of an Aino Woman, and of Three Skulls of Men of the same Race. 19th May, 1868. (Plates) Description of Three Siah Posh Kafir Skulls · • Dr. C. Swaving's Collection of Skulls, see Anthropological Notes, 28.. verse Anomalous Transverse Suture in Human Malar Bones, see Anthropological Notes, 25 Anthropology and Ethnology. Letter The Brain of a Negro of Guinea. Review on Cranioscopy. Řeview.. Dutch Anthropology "Di un Grecian Anthropology. Review Italian Anthropology. Review. antico Cranio Fenicio rinvenuto nella Necropoli di Tharros, in Sardegna. Memoria del Dottore G. Nicolucci." see Nico- lucci, G. "La Stirpe Ligure in Italia, ne' tempi antichi e ne' moderni" a Few Notes upon the Hair, and some other Peculiarities of Oceanic Races. With Dis- cussion. 22nd April, 1872 the Hill Ranges of Southern India, see Anthropological Notes, 26.. on the Method of Measurements, as a Diagnostic Means of Distinguishing Human Races, Adopted by Drs. Scherzer and Schwarz in the Aus- trian Circumnavigatory Expedition of the "Novara." 16th November, 1859 the Neanderthal Skull: its Peculiar Con- formation Explained Anatomically. 15th November, 1864. (Woodcut) J.A.I. xiii, 561 J.A.I. xvi, 9-11 J.A.I. xx, 365 J.A.I. ii, 444 J.A., J.A.S. p. cxlvi J.A. 312 ·· J.A.I. i, 261 J.A.I. ii, 21 J.A.I. iii, 208 J.A.I. iv, 101 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cviii A.R. vi, 21 A.R. i, 492 A.R. ii, 301, 302 M.A.S. iii, 366–377 J.A.I. iii, 94–100 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvi A.R. vi, 394-399 A.R. vi, 279–285 A.R. vi, 386–394 M.A.S. iii, 21-40 Anthrop. 441 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii A.R. iii, 202–218 A.R. vi, 154 A.R. ii, 30-38 A.R. v, 142–150 J.A.I. ii, 95–104 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvi . T.E.S. i, 123-128 M.A.S. i, 281–295 : 7 96 Index. Davis, J. Barnard (M.D., F.R.S.), the Neanderthal Skull: its Formation considered Anatomically. 15th No- vember, 1864. Discussion Notice of some Recent Anatomical Writings Bearing upon Anthropology, by Professor Luigi Calori, of Bologna, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 1 the Novara Expedition, see Anthropolo- gical Notes, 27 Obituary Notice of Professor J. van der Hoeven. 19th January, 1869 J.A.I. i, 105–118 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. lxxxii- ciii A.R. viii, 183–196 Anthrop. 589 Questions for Explorers. General, see "Report of the Arctic Committee." Appendix J.A.I. ii, 296 on a Scaphoid Skull. A Letter from Professor Luigi Calori to Dr. Barnard Davis. 6th May, 1872 ·· Oceanic Races, their Hair, etc., and the value of the Skulls in the Classification of Man on the Osteology and Peculiarities of the Tasmanians. Review.. on the Skeleton of an Aino Woman and on Three Skulls of men of the same Race. Title only. 19th May, 1868.. • the Skulls of the Inhabitants of the Caroline Islands. "Beschrijving van Schedels ran Inboorlingen der Carolina-Eilanden, door J. Van der Hoeven. 1865." Review. (2 Plates).. on the Weight of the Brain in the Negro. Letter .. Obituary Notice see Kopernicky, Isidore, and J. B. D., on the Scoptsis." (C see Welch, E. A., and J. B. D., "Account of the Chatham Islands" see Welcker, H. On the Skull of Dante and John Thurnam, "Crania Britannica, Delineations and Descriptions of the Skulls of the Aboriginal and Early Inhabitants of the British Islands, etc., etc." Review Davis, Maurice, Obituary Notice of A. Asher, M.D. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 219 Davy, John (M.D.) on the Character of the Chiefly in Relation to Industrial Habits. Discussion. 20th April, 1869.. Negro. With [ Dawkins, W. Boyd, (M.A., F.R.S.), Bone Caves of Creswell Crags, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 67 .. "Cave Hunting." Review. "See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 47 on the Discovery of Flint and Chert under a Submerged Forest in West Somerset. 8th February, 1870. With Discussion of Platycnemic Men in Denbighshire; with Notes on the Human Remains, by Professor Busk, F.R.S. 27th June, 1870. and Woodcuts) (Plate (( Early Man in Britain." Review A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. xv-xix 0 J.A.I. ii, 140–150 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxii A.R. iv, 47-61 A.R. vii, 190-192 J.A.I. xỉ, 484 J.A., J.A.S. p. cxxi A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. xcvii A.R. v, 56 A.R. vi, 52-55 J.A.I. xix, 515 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. clvi- clxix J.A.I. vi, 95 J.A.I. iv, 503 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 141–145 VLJA J.E.S., N.S. ii, 440–468 J.A.I. x, 232 Index. 97 Dawkins, W. Boyd, (M.A., F.R.S.) on the Evidence Afforded by the Caves of Great Britain as to the Antiquity of Man. With Discussion. 22nd May, 1877 ·· Questions Relating to the Mammalia, the Vegetation, and the Remains of Ancient Races, see "Report of the Arctic Committee." Appendix.. J.A.I. ii, 298 Report on the Results Obtained by the Settle Cave Exploration Committee out of Victoria Cave in 1870. With Discussion. (2 Plates and Woodcuts.) 3rd April, 1871.. on the Stone Mining Tools from Alderley Edge, Cheshire. With Discussion. 9th February, 1875. (Plate) on Traces of Man in the Robin Hood Cave, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 67 Day, Samuel Phillips, on the Power of Rearing Children among Savage Tribes. 14th May, 1867 Dayas of Upper Sarawak, see Houghton, E. P... Dayr Már Músa el Habashi, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 13 Dead, Mourning for the, among the Digger Indians, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 44.. Preparation of, in Queensland, see McDonald, • Albert Dean, J., (M.D.) “The Grey Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium." Review ·· Deans, James, Kitchen Middens in California, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 59 Death of the Best Man in England. (Extract from the New York Weekly Day-Book, November 6th, 1869.) see Anthropological News, 159 Rajah Sir James Brooke, see Anthropological News, 103 John Crawfurd, see Anthropological News, 104 David Greig Rutherford, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 125 Decay of Species, see Daubeny, Definition of Anthropology, see Anthropological Notes, 20, 21 Deformation of the Head in Sumatra, Celebes, and the Philippine Islands, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 142 Deformation, Cranial, see Turner, W. Déformation Toulousaine du Crâne. ·· Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 24.. Deformations of the Human Cranium, see Knox, R. Deformed Skull of a Chimpanzee, see Flower, W. H. (Ex. 309). Deformities of the Cranium, see King, D. Deformities, Cranial, see Turner, W. Delta. "Body and Mind." Review. See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 4 Deme and the Horde, see Howitt, A. W., and L. Fison Demigods, Dæmonia, Superstitions, and Languages Australia, see Miles, W. A. ·· See ·· ·· • • ·· J.A.I. vii, 151-162; 174- 185 .. J.A.I. i, 60-6 J.A.I. v, 2–5 J.A.I. vi, 95 A.R. √, J.A.S. pp. M.A.S. iii, 195 J.A.I. i, 418 J.A.I. iii, 530 J.A.I. i, 214 J.A. 237 J.A.I. v, 489 A.R. viii, 97 A.R. vi, 324 A.R. vi, 324 J.A.I. x, 463 A.R. ii, 301 J.A. 362, 363 J.A.I. xiv, 85 A. R. ii, 323 .. J.A.I. i, 254-261 J.A.I. xiv, 142 J.E.S. iii, 4 J.A.I. ii, 134 A.R. i, 271 J.A.I. xiii, 276 J.A.I. xiii, 276 A.R. viii, 47 A.R. i, 391 co-ccii H 98 Index. Dendy, Walter C., the Anatomy of Intellect. With Dis- cussion. 3rd December, 1867.. Anthropogenesis. sion. 3rd November, 1868 Abstract and Discus- Remarks on the Aryan Language.. Exhibition of an Egg-cup extracted from the Ileum of a Man after Death. 3rd March, 1868 the Shadows of Genius Obituary Denison, (Sir) William, on Permanence of Type in the Human Race. 23rd March, 1869 ·· Denmark, Stone Implements from (Ex. 80) Dentition of the Aborigines of the Andaman Islands, see Owen, R. ·· ·· Derivation of the Spanish Language from the Latin, see Hincks, J. G. Dervishes and Hadjis of Central Asia, see Vambéry of the East, see Vambéry, A. Descent in the Dieri Tribe, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 203 •• "Descriptive Ethnology. By R. G. Latham." Review Desor, E., on the Influence of the Climate of North America, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 3 on a Photograph of Prehistoric Objects found at Krasnojarsk, on the Yeni Sei, Siberia. 20th May, 1873 Destruction of the Aborigines of Chatham Island, see Travers, W. .. ·· Development of the Brain, see Dunn, R. "Development of the Human Race. By L. Geiger. Translated by D. Asher." Development of the Human Species, see Schaaffhausen, Review H. ·· 0. of Institutions, a Method of Investigating, Applied to Laws of Marriage and Descent, see Tylor, E. B. of the Mental Function, see Heath, D. I. of Relationships, see Lubbock, J. "Devil Worshippers," see Ainsworth, W. F., on the Origin of the Izedis and Ghost Worship in Western India, see Walhouse, M. J. .. "Devil's Arrows,” see Lewis, A. L. Devis, C. W. (B.A.) Elasticity of Animal Type Report on Anthropology at the British Association, 1867. 5th November, 1867. Discussion With ·· ·· Devon and Cornwall, Anthropology of, see J... Devonshire, Flint Implements from (Ex. 231) Devonshire Man. Professor Huxley on Celt and Teuton, Beddoe, see Anthropological News, 176 Professor Huxley's Last New Theory, see Anthropological News, 174 Dialects North and South of the Humber, see Beckett, C. ·· 4. A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. xxvii- xxxix A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xxix- xxxviii J.E.S., N.S. i, 141 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxix J.A. 278-285 J.A.I. i, 398 J.E.S., N.S. i, 194–199 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xl T.E.S. ii, 34 A.R. vii, 154 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxli M.A.S. ii, 14 J.A.I. xix, 90 A.R. iv, 231 A.R. i, 180 J.A.I. iii, 174–176 T.E.S. iv, 352 T.E.S. iv, 13 J.A.I. x, 366 A.R. vii, 366 J.A.I. xviii, 245 J.A.I. iv, 66 J.A.I. i, 1 T.E.S. i, 11 J.A.I. v, 408 J.A.I. viii, 180 M.A.S. iii, 81-105 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. iii- Xlll A.R. viii, 85 J.A.I. vii, 470 A.R. viii, 209 A.R. viii, 204 J.E.S. iv, 150 Index. 99 Dickman, Henry, Treatment of Diseases by Charms, as Practised by the Singalese in Ceylon. 4th March, 1862 Diefenbach, Dr. Lorenz, "Vorschule der Völkerkunde und der Bildungsgeschichte. 1864." Review Dieffenbach Ernest (M.D.) The Study of Ethnology. [1848] .. Dieri and other Kindred Tribes of Central Australia, see Howitt, A. W. Tribe, Descent in, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 203 .. Dieyrie Tribe of Australian Aborigines, by S. Gason, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. tr Anthropo- logical Gleanings of South Australia, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 174 "" see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 187 Difference Between Man and Brutes, see Bischoff, Th. Difference, Psychical, between Man aud Brute, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 33 Difference of Sex, Distinctions Occasioned by, see Harris, G. Differences Between the Sexes, see Distant, W. L. in the Minds of Men and Women, see Allan, J. M. Difficulties in Ancient Theologies and Modern Science.. Digby, (Commander) N., on the Island of Tristan d'Acunha, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 77.. Digger Indians, North California, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 44 Dillon (Captain) Harold, on Flint Implements, etc., found in the Neighbourhood of Ditchley, Oxon. October, 1874, to February, 1875. With Discussion. 23rd February, 1875 ·· .. 1876 Discoveries at Cissbury, see Harrison, J. P. Diseases, Origin of, see Anthropological Notes, 18 Treated by Charms, see Dickman, H. Local and Imported, in America, see Bollaert, W. Distant, W. L., Anthropological Gleanings, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 93 see Anthropological Mis- ·· .. cellanea, 95 Death of David Greig Rutherford, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 125 Eastern Coolie Labour. With Discussion. 6th May, 1873 the Inhabitants of Car Nicobar. With Discussion. 4th February, 1873 on the Mental Differences between the Sexes. With Discussion. 24th March, 1874 Our Present Knowledge of the Nicobarians. 13th June, 1876. (Plate) the People Inhabiting the Interior of the Great Nicobar Island, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 97 ·· • .. << on the Term Religion," as used in Anthropology. With Discussion. 28th March, • • T.E.S. ii, 140-146 A.R. iii, 196 J.E.S. i, 15-26 J.A.I. xx, 30 J.A.I. xix, 90 J.A.I. vii, 545 J.A.I. xvii, 185 J.A.I. xviii, 94 A.R. i, 54 A.R. ii, 229 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cixxxix J.A.I. iv, 78 A.R. vii. J.A.S. p, cxcv Anthrop. p. xi J.A.I. vi, 338 J.A.I. iii, 530 J.A.I. v. 30-33 J.A.I. vii, 412 J.A. 244 T.E.S. ii, 140 A.R. ii, J.A.S. cclxiii J.A.I. vii, 543 J.A.I. viii, 96 J.A.I. x, 463 J.A.I. iii, 139–145 J.A.I. iii, 2–7 J.A.I. iv, 78-87 J.A.I. vi, 209-214 J.A.I. viii, 336 J.A.I. vi, 60-70 H 2 100 Index. Distant, W. L., "Topinard's Anthropology. Translated by R. T. H. Bartley," see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 91 23 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology Distinction between Man and Animals, see Philalethes.. Distinctions, Mental and Moral, occasioned by Difference of Sex, see Harris, G. .. Distortion of Wrist, Inherited, see Chambers, C. H. Distribution of Indian Tribes in North America, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 182.. of Mankind, see Huxley, T. H. and Density of the Old British Population of Hampshire, see Shore, T. W... Ditchley, Flint Arrow-heads from (Ex. 215) Implements from (Ex. 185) > of on the Anthropology Caracas. (Abstract.) See Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 Notes on Some Indian Remains Found in Venezuela. 1st November, 1870 Eskimo, the Descent of the, see Rink, H. Migrations of, see Rink, H. Origin of, see Rink, H. Eskimo Bone Implements, see Sollas, W. J. Canoes, &c. (Ex. 184) Dialects, see Rink, H. Lamp (Ex. 219) 100 CC .. .. .. ·· Land, Anthropology of, see Seemann, B. Migrations, see Rae, J. Skulls. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 90 J.A.I. vii, 539 see Rae, J. J.A.I. vii, 142 Esquimaux, by W. S. Hall, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1869 see Rae, J. see Sutherland, P. C. .c. see Tylor, E. B. from Cumberland Strait, see Cull, R. the Intellectual Character of the, see King, R. on the Industrial Arts of the, see King, R. Legendary Tales of.. on the Manufacture of Works of Art by the, see Belcher, E. ·· .. worth, H. H. of Civilised Peoples, see Bastian, A. of Russian America, see Latham, R. G. • ·· ·· Physical Characters of the, see King, R. Essequibo, Tumulus at, see Brett, W. H. Ethnic Psychology, see Dunn, R... Relations of the Egyptian Race, see Poole, R. S. Ethnical Periods. By Lewis H. Morgan, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea,84. “Recent Anthropology" Ethno-climatology, see Hunt, J. - Ethnogénie Gauloise. By R. Bon. de Belloguet." Re- view ·· .. ·· ·· Ethnographic Album of the Pacific Islands, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 226.. Description of the Peoples of Russia, see Pauly, ·· T. de Museum at Dresden, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 167 Researches in India, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 225 Types from the Monuments of Egypt, see Tom- kins, H. G. Ethnographical Album of the Pacific Islands (Ex. 430).. Basis of Language, see Leitner, G. W. Casts, see Schlagintweit, H. von Ethnography Affected by Changes of Surface, see Ho- .. • • ·· J.A.I. vii, 112 J.A.I. xiv, 47 M.A.S. iii, 274-287 ·· A.R. iv, 399 J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. vii-ix J.A.I. ii, 104 J.A.I. xvii, 68 J.A.I. xix, 452 J.A.I. ix, 329 J.A.I. v, 30 J.A.I. xv, 239 J.A.I. vii, 137 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. ccxciv J.A.I. vii, 125 A.R. vii, 425 T.E.S. iv, 138 J.E.S. iv, 193 J.A.I. xiii, 348 J.E.S. iv, 215 J.E.S. i, 127 J.E.S. i, 277 A.R. iii, 138 T.E.S. i, 129 J.E.S. i, 45 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxcv J.A.I. iv, 255 A.R. ii, 323 J.A.I. vii, 114 T.E.S. ii, 50 A.R. vii, 245 J.A.I. xx, 292 A.R. i, 142 J.A.I. xvi, 426 J.A.I. xx, 290 J.A.I. xviii, 206 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. xx, 204 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. clxxxviii T.E.S. vii, 134 A.R. vii, 98 J.E.S. i, 182 # Index. 107 Ethnography of Scotland, see Earle, John •• of the Western Tribe of the Torres Straits, see Haddon, A. C……. and the History of Civilisation. "Vorschule der Völkerkunde und der Bildungsgeschichte," von Dr. Lorenz Diefenbach. 1864. Review.. Ethnological Enquiry, Manual of, 1852 A.R. iii, 196-198 J.E.S. iii, 193–208 A.R. i, 246 ·· .. Enquiries and Observations, see Knox, R. Museum at Leyden, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 133 J.A.I. xii, 440 in connection with the London Inter- national Exhibition, 1874 J.A.I. iii, 474 Notes on the Blackfeet Indians, see L'Heureux, J. J.A.I. xv, 301 Notes and Queries • Ethnological Notes and Queries :- 2. Nyam-Nyam. (Hyde Clarke.) 3. Titans. (X.) 1. On a Method of Measuring the Human Form, for the Use of Students in Ethnology. By J. H. Lamprey 4. Father and Mother. (?) 5. Cromlechs, etc. (Indophilus) 6. Effect of Suckling. (O. K.) 7. Filed Teeth in Africa. (J. H. L.) • • 8. Scalping in India 9. Wandering Tradesmen-Pelasgians 10. The Turkish Impersonal Var 11. Name for Woman and Wife. (Hyde Clarke.) 12. Folklore of Greece, Asia Minor, and Albania. (Hyde Clarke.) (Querist.) ·· 13. Names of Months. 14. Ligurians. (R. E.) 15. Stone Implements and Pottery from an Old Pawnee Village in the Missouri Valley. (F. V. Hayden) 16. The Veddas of Ceylon. (Edward B. Tylor.) 17. Georgian and Sontal. (Hyde Clarke.) 18. Turkish and Georgian Names for Water Identi- cal. (Hyde Clarke) 19. Meneam. (Hyde Clarke.) 20. Turkish "know" and "sow." (Hyde Clarke).. 21. Amazons: The Woman Question. (Hyde Clarke) 22. Fugitives from Troy. (Hyde Clarke.) 23. Alleged Connexion of Madagascar and Caffre Languages. (Hyde Clarke) 24. Perpetuation of Names of Natural Objects by Translators. (Hyde Clarke) 25. Khan and Bey. (H. H. Howorth) 26. The Phoenix. (Hyde Clarke) 27. Dorchester Dykes. ("Saturday Review") 28. Dorchester Dykes. ("Pall Mall Gazette") Ethnological Objects from the Akkas (Ex. 333).. Arctic America (Ex. 372).. Assam, see Read, C. H. Bolivia (Ex. 303) British Columbia (Ex. 246) Canada (Ex. 318). ..´ J.E.S., N.S. i, 85 • · .. J.A.I. vi, 9 J.A.I. xix, 297 ::: J.E.S., N.S. i, 84; 201; 331; J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96; 192; 366; 476 J.E.S., N.S. i, 84, 85 J.E.S., N.S. i, 86 J.E.S., N.S. i, 201 J.E.S., N.S. i, 201, 202 J.E.S., N.S. i, 202 J.E.S., N.S. i, 331, 332 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 192 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 366, 367 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367, 368 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 368 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 476 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 477–479 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 479–482 J.A.I. xv, 139 J.A.I. xvii, 68 J.A.I. xv, 139 J.A.I. xiii, 162 J.A.I. X, 74 J.A.I. xiv, 90 108 Index. Ethnological Objects from the Maldive Islands (Ex. 368) J.A.I. xvi, 164 Manipur (Ex. 371) J.A.I. xvi, 346 J.A.I. xi, 56 the Naga Hills (Ex. 255).. New Britain and New Ireland (Ex. 249) New Guinea (Ex. 413) New Ireland (Ex. 342) North Borneo (Ex. 351) Polynesia (Ex. 341) Siberia (Ex. 240). South America (Ex. 388).. Tierra del Fuego (Ex. 346) Timor-laut (Ex. 298) Torres Strait (Ex. 407) the West Coast of Africa (Ex. ·· Finances of, see Anthrop. News, 125 Report of the Council, May, 1866 • • • 286) .. Observations in England and Wales, see Mac- kintosh, D. • Science, the Nature, Objects, and Evidences of, see Cull, R. Ethnological Society, see Anthropological News, 94.. see Anthropological News, 101 Annual Meeting, 1870 Classification Committee ·· · 1867 1869 1870 ·· Principles of, see Prideaux, T. S. Progress of, see Cull, R. see Cull, R... see Hodgkin, T. ·· • • ·· ·· of London. (Forbes, on the Aymara Indians.) See Scientific Societies.. (Huxley, on the Chief Modifica- tions of Mankind, and their Geographical Distri- bution.) See Scientific Societies (McLean, on the Kimmerian and Atlantean Races.) (Bleek, on the Concord, the Origin of Pronouns, and the Formation of Genders or Classes of Nouns.) See Scientific Societies ·· ·· • ·· ·· • • · (Tylor, on the Philosophy of Religion Among the Lower Races of Mankind.) See Scientific Societies ·· • Ethnological and Anthropological Societies, see Anthro- pological News, 118 .. Ethnology, see Latham, R. G. • ·· .. its Relations to Other Branches of Knowledge, see Prichard, J. C. .. .. Arctic, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 54 .. Methods and Results of, see Miscellanea An- thropologica, 48 Notices of •• ·· • • ·· ·· ·· • • • • ·· ·· J.A.I. X, 332 J.A.I. xix, 459 J.A.I. xv, 266 J.A.I. xv, 423 J.A.I. xv, 266 J.A.I. ix, 31 J.A.I. xviii, 274 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. xiii, 23 J.A.I. xix, 297 J.A.I. xii, 454 T.E.S. i, 211 J.E.S. iii, 103 A.R. vi, 323 A.R. xi, 324 • J.E.S., N.S. ii, p. ix J.E.S., N.S. i, 1–4 A.R. vi, 462 T.E.S. v, [1-4] T.E.S. vi, [1-4] J.E.S., N.S. i, p. vii J.E.S., N.S. ii, p. ix J.A. 240 J.A. 110 J.A. 361, 362 1848, see Prichard, J. C... the Study of, see Dieffenbach, E. J.E.S. i, 15 J.A.I. xx, 235 ·· in India, see Risley, H. H. Ethnology of Belgium. Review. See Anthrop. Misc., 30 J.A.I. ii, 310 J.A. 110 A.R. vi, 457 A.R. iv, 231 J.E.S. i, 301 J.A.I. v, 118 A.R. iii, 231 J.E.S., N.S. i, 86 J.E.S., N.S. i, 203 T.E.S. iii, 408 J.E.S. iv, 104 J.E.S. iv, 297 J.E.S. i, 27 J.E.S. ii, 119 Index. 109 Ethnology of Bengal, Descriptive, by E. T. Dalton. Review. Anthrop. 579 of Britain, see Huxley, T. H. see Nicholas, T. of Cambodia, see Bastian, A. of Egypt, see Owen, R. Poole, R. S... .. of Egyptian Sudan, see Keane, A. H. of Europe, see Latham, R. G. CC ·· ·· see Howorth, H. H. IV. Saxony, see Howorth, H. H... see Howorth, H. H. ·· of Germany. Part I. The Saxons of Nether Saxony, see Howorth, H. H... II. The Germans of Cæsar, see Howorth, H. H. III. Migration of the Saxons, ·· ·· ·· .. The Saxons of Nether V. The Jutes and Formorians, .. • ·· VI. The Varini, Varangians, and Franks, see Howorth, H. H. VII. The Varini, Varangians, and Franks. Section II., see Howorth, H. H. of the Iranian Race, see Khanikoff, N. of the Motu, see Turner, W. Y. of Polynesia, see Whitmee, S. J……. and Anthropology, see Davis, J. Barnard and Cannibalism, see Crawfurd, J. and Geology, see Howorth, H. H. and Language, see Farrar, F. W. ·· and Phrenology as an Aid to the Biographer, see Jackson, J. W... Ethnology and Phrenology as an Aid to the Historian. By J. W. Jackson." Review .. and Physical Geography, see Crawfurd, J. Etruria, Anthropology of, see Villin, E. .. Etruscan Language, Ancient, its Scandinavian Affinities, • ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· see Donaldson, J. W... People and Language—their origin—see Freund, .. W. Etruscans and their Language Eunuchs, see Shortt, J., on the Kojahs Europe, see Beddoe, J., on the Headform of the Danes see Gibb, G. D., on the Character of the Voice.. Cannibalism in, see Charnock, R.S. Ethnology of, see Latham, R. G. ·· Progress of Civilisation in, see Crawfurd, J. Europe. Antiquities in Wales and Worked Flints from Maiden Bower (Ex. 228) ·· Bronze Socket Celt from Italy (Ex. 214) Danish and French Photographs (Ex. 265) Flint and Bronze Implements from Greece Dalmatia (Ex. 251) Gold Irish "Ring Money" (Ex. 225) Ivory Celt from Ireland (Ex. 290) • Models of Dolmens in North Wales (Ex. 218) Photographs of Terra-cotta Heads from Sicily (Ex. 283) and • • • . Pre-historic Antiquities from the South East of Spain (Ex. 380) .. J.E.S., N.S. ii, 382 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 384 A.R. ii, 330 J.A.I. iv, 223 T.E.S. ii, 260 J.A.I. xiv, 91 T.E.S. i, 105 J.A.I. vi, 364 J.A.I. vii, 211 J.A.I. vii, 293 J.A.I. ix, 406 J.A.I. x, 174 J.A.I. xii, 525 J.A.I. xiii, 213 A.R. ii, 327 J.A.I. vii, 470 J.A.I. viii, 261 A.R. vi, 394 T.E.S. iv, 71 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 131 T.E.S. iv, 196 A.R. ii, 126 A.R. i, 118 T.E.S. ii, 4 J.A. 79 J.E.S. iv, 176 J.E.S. iv, 55 Anthrop. p. cxvii J.A.I. ii, 402 M.A.S. iii, 378 M.A.S. iii, 244 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxii T.E.S. i, 105 T.E.S. ii, 201 J.A.I. vii, 396 J.A.I. vii, 44 J.A.I. xỉ, 311 J.A.I. x, 429 J.A.I. vii, 277 J.A.I. xii, 465 J.A.I. vii, 123 J.A.I. xii, 323 J.A.I. xviii, 121 110 Index. Europe. Rubbings from a Runic Inscription in Cunnings- burgh Churchyard, and an Ogham Inscription from the Shetland Isles (Ex. 223) ·· Belgium, see Blake, C. C., on the Researches of Dr. Edouard Dupont in the Belgian Bone Caves British Isles, see Beddoe, J., on the Stature and Bulk of Man Brittany, see Beddoe, J., on the Inhabitants of Bretagne.. Eastern, Anthropology of, see Anthropological Notes, 24 England. Ancient Bronze Sword from Sandy, Bedfordshire (Ex. 355).. Animal Remains found at the Roman Villa at Brading (Ex. 258) Bronze Antiquities from Worthing (Ex. 213) Axe (Ex. 232) 377) 217) (Ex. 221).. 231) ! Chert Implements from the Valley of the (Ex. 59) Lea (Ex. 235) 281) ·· Excavations in Cranbourne Chase (Ex. Flint Arrow-heads from Ditchley (Ex. 215) Oxfordshire (Ex. Implements from Brixham Cavern Devonshire (Ex. Ditchley (Ex. 234) Flint Implements from the Little Ouse Wandle (Ex. 356) Large Implement found at Isleworth (Ex. • A the Valley of the Large and Heavy Implements from Broom, Bedford, Southampton, and Mildenhall (Ex. 280) ton (Ex. 404) ·· Paleolithic Implement from Battersea Rise (Ex. 279) . ·· found near Reading (Ex. 321) Implements from the Axe and the Thames (Ex. 245) • ·· ·· Skulls from the City of London (Ex. 424) Hunsbury Camp, near Northamp- North London (Ex. 322) (Ex. 325) Reading (Ex. 326) the Thames and the • the Thames (Ex. 414) (Ex. 419).. Stone Implements from the Paleolithic Floor of Hackney Brook (Ex. 273) France. Rude Stone Monuments in the Country of the Carnutes (Ex. 398) see Lagneau, G., on the Saracens ·· ·· J.A.I. vii, 232 M.A.S. iii, 315 M.A.S. iii, 384 M.A.S. iii, 359 J.A. 364 J.A.I. xv, 452 J.A.I. xi, 116 J.A.I. vii, 43 J.A.I. vii, 499 J.A.I. xvii, 190 J.A.I. vii, 44 J.A.I. vii, 117 J.A.I. vii, 173 J.A.I. vii, 470 J.A.I. viii, 184 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxx J.A.I. viii, 184 J.A.I. xii, 231 J.A.I. xii, 231 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. xiv, 182 J.A.I. xiv, 192 J.A.I. XV, 452 J.A.I. xx, 235 J.A.I. xix, 182 J.A.I. xx, 20 J.A.I. xx, 200 J.A.I. xii, 176 J.A.I. xix, 66 M.A.S. iii, 157 Index. 111 Europe, Hungary. Photographs of Croats (Ex. 57) Ireland. Flint Implements from Ballintoy (Ex. 222) Jet Ornament from Garvagh (Ex. 278).. Italy and Austria, see Beddoe, J. Scotland. Bone Implements from Oronsay (Ex. ·· ·· 300) Colonsay (Ex. 301) Lamps from the Orkney Islands (Ex. 308) Scotland. See Anderson, J., on the Horned • Bones found in a Viking Grave at Cairns of Caithness ·· Southern, Existence of a Race of Red Men in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 40.. Spain. See Beavan, H. J. C. Sweden. Photographs of Dalecarlian Peasants (Ex. 58).. • .. Turkey. Worked Flints from Albania (Ex. 362) Wales. Incised Slate Tablet from Towyn (Ex. 264) Skulls from Llantwit, near Cardiff (Ex. ·· 404) European Races, Origin of, see Heath, D. I. and Asiatic Races, see Naoroji, D. Characteristics of, see Crawfurd, J. Europeans, and their Descendants in North America, see Allan, J. M. ·· Acclimatisation of, in America, see Hunt, J. Euzbegs, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part VI Evans, Arthur J. (M.A.), on the Flint-knapper's Art in Albania. With Discussion. 9th March, 1886. (Plate) to the Anthropological - Institute. 28th January, 1879 to the Anthropological In stitute of Great Britain and Ireland. 23rd January, 1883 " "Address Delivered in the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology." (British Association, 1870.) Review.. J.A.I. xvi, 65-68 "Illyrian Letters," see Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 95. "Anthropological Gleanings" J.A.I. viii, 101 Evans, (Sir) John (K.C.B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.), Anniversary Address, 1878 J.A.I. vii, 515–534 J.A.I. viii, 402–425 "Address Delivered in the Department of Geology of the British Association, 1878." See An- thropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings" Note on Antiquities found in the Neigh- bourhood of Bethlehem, see Burton, R. F., on Anthropological Collections from the Holy Land on some Antiquities of Stone and Bronze from Portugal. 25th February, 1868 Exhibition of a Bronze Socket Celt from Italy. 13th March, 1877 ·· A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. vii, 292 J.A.I. xii, 230 T.E.S. i, 111 J.A.I. xiii, 122 J.A.I. xiii, 122 J.A.I. xiii, 275 M.A.S. iii, 266 J.A.I. iii, 300 M.A.S. ii, 55 on a Discovery of Flint Arrowheads and other Stone Implements at Little Salisbury Hill, near Bath. 27th December, 1864 .. A.R. v, J.A.S. p. J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.A.I. xi, 310 J.A.I. xix, 182 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxxiii T.E.S. v, 127 T.E.S. v, 58 xxxii A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxxvi A.R. viii, 109 J.A.I. i, 226 J.A.I. xii, 563-566 J.A. 355 J.A.I. viii, 101 J.A.T. i, 342–344 T.E.S. vii, 45–52 J.A.I. vii, 44 T.E.S. iv, 240–243 112 Index. Evans, (Sir) John (K.C.B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S), on a Discovery of Paleolithic Implements in the Valley of the Axe. 22nd January, 1878 •• · • on the Present State of the Question of the Antiquity of Man. 22nd May, 1877 Note on a Proposed International Code of Symbols for use on Archæological Maps. With Discussion. 28th December, 1875 "Evidence, Supposed, of the Existence of Inter-Glacial American Man. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D.” See Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropo- J.A.I. viii, 101 logical Gleanings" • • CC Evils Arising from the Use of Historical National J.A.I. viii, 325 Names as Scientific Terms, see Lewis, A. L. Evolution of a Characteristic Pattern on the Shafts of Arrows from the Solomon Islands, see Balfour, H. J.A.I. xvii, 328 of New Varieties of Man in America, see Wilson, Daniel J.A.I. viii, 338 J.E.S. iii, 234 J.A.I. viii, 185 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxi M.A.S. iii, 216 J.A.I. xvii, 190 J.A.I. iv, 136 J.E.S. ii, 238 and Development, on the Misapplication of the Terms, see Cull, R. Excavation at Sigwell, see Rolleston, G., and A. Lane Fox, (Pitt Rivers) of the Cavern, "Le Trou Magrite," at Pont-à- Lesse, see Dupont, Edward .. Excavations in Caithness Cairns, see Anderson, J. in Cranbourne Chase (Ex. 377) ·· Excess of Females in the West Indian Islands, see Galton, F. Exhibitions: 1. Three Naloo Skulls. (R. Cull) 2. Idol Human Head of the Jívaro Indians. (R. de Silva Ferro.) 18th February, 1862. (Bollaert, W.) ·· 3. Gold Objects, Pottery, &c., from Ancient Indian Tombs of Chiriquí. (Bollaert, W.) 4. Celts from Chiriquí. (Blake, C. C.) 5. Italian Celts. (Westropp, H. M.) 6. Casts of Bones and Stone Implements from Portugal. (Busk, G.) 7. Skulls and Photographs of Natives of Formosa (Schetelig) • 8. Marble Armlet from Lukoja, on the Niger. (Figured.) (Fox, A. Lane) ·· ·· ·· 9. Bronze Spear, with a Gold Ferrule and a Shaft of Bog Oak, from Lough Gur, County Limerick. (Fox, Á. Lane.) (Figured) 10. Chinese Coins and Medals. (Black, W. H.) 11. Gold Torque from an Irish Peat Moss, in the County of Sligo. (Lubbock, J.) 12. Stone Implements from the Cape. (Lubbock, J.) (Plate) 13. Stone Implements from San Jose. (Steffens, A.) 14. Objects of Art and Implements from India 15. Lepcha Ornaments, Weapons, &c. (Campbell, .. A.).. 16. Portrait of Montezuma, Emperor of Mexico. (Hodges, N. E.). 17. Photographs of Stonehenge and other Megalithic Structures. (Thompson, S.) .. 24 J.A.I. vii, 499-501 J.A.I. vii, 149–151 J.A.I. v, 427–436 T.E.S. ii, 112-115 T.E.S. ii, 147 T.E.S. ii, 166 T.E.S. vi, 216 T.E.S. vii, 39 T.E.S. vii, 215 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35, 36 J.E.S., N.S. i, 36-38 J.E.S., N.S. i, 38, 39 J.E.S., N.S. i, 51 J.E.S., N.S. i, 51–53 J.E.S., N.S. i, 67, 68 J.E.S., N.S. i, 89 J.E.S., N.S. i, 157 J.E.S., N.S. i, 218 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 1 : Inder. 113 Exhibitions: (Fox, A. Lane) 19. Ethnological Objects from Dardistan and Tibet. (Leitner, G. W.) 20. Quartzite Implements from the Cape of Good Hope. (Grey, G.) 18. Worked Flints found at Stonehenge. .. 21. Supposed Stone Implement from County Wick- low. (Acheson, F.) .. 22. Figures in Unburnt Clay Modelled by a Native Žulu. (Hooker, J.) 23. Stone Mullers from Tahiti and the West Indies. (Fox, A. Lane) . 24. Grotesque Figures, Carved in Teak-wood from the Nicobar Islands. (Atkinson, G. M.) 25. Stone Hammer-head from Portugal. (Rudler, F. W.) ·· 26. Stone Implements from Various Localities in England and France. (Topley, W.) 27. Copies of Rock-carvings, or "Indian Picture Writings," from British Guiana. (Campbell, A.).. ·· • Cast of the Neanderthal Skull. (Gregory, J. R.) 29. Skulls from Peterborough. 30. Two Calvaria from Skulls trophied. (Gibb, G. D.) 31. Jaw from Buildwas Abbey. 32. Bones of a Monkey said to have Died of Syphilis. (Lund, E.) (Roberts, 33. Skeleton of a Pampas Indian. (Rickard) 34. Ethnological Objects from Loango. (Walker, R. B. N.).. ·· .. • (Roberts, G. E.) enormously Hyper- .. 35. Skull from Pavenham, in Bedfordshire. (Pea- cock, T. B.) 36. Peruvian Mummies. (Helsby) 37. Skeleton from Cowley, near Cheltenham. (Hutchinson, J.) .. 38. Remains from Keiss. (Anderson, J.) 39. Implements and Dress from South Africa. (Baines, T.) (King, R.) 49. Chinese Apothecaries' Scales. (King, R.) ·· • 40. Bunu Boy and Various Articles of Manufacture from Central Africa. (Robins, T. V.) 41. Skulls and Bronze Implements from the Thames at Kew. (Tupper, A. C.) 42. Hebrew Manuscripts from Aden. (Skues, F. M.) 43. Skull from Quiloa. (Skues, F. M.) 44. Water-colour Drawings of Karnak, in Brittany. (Hunt, J.) 45. Flint Implements from Amiens and Abbeville. (Hunt, J.) • 46. Rude Stone Implements from the Zetland Isles. (Hunt, J.) 47. Water-colour Drawings illustrative of Natives of Tasmania, Madagascar, and the Polynesian Islands. (King, R.) 48. Models of Boats used by Polynesian Islanders. J.E.S., N.S. ii, 1 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 31 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 39-43 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 43, 44 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 137 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 145 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 325 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 416 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxxxix A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. celv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxx A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxxii A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxi A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiii A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiv A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxix A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlv A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlvi A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. clx A.R. iv, J.A.S. P. cii A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cx A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxviii A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxi A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxvi I 114 Index. Exhibitions: Skull from Pisaqua. 50. Artificially Deformed (Forbes, D.) (Forbes, D.) 51. Modern Aymara Skull. 52. "Ppassa, or Clay used by South American Indians to mix with Food. (Forbes, D.) 53. Ancient Anglo-Saxon Jaws. (Webb, F. C.) 54. Tomahawk and Paddle from Tahiti. (Webb, F. C.) "" 55. Photographs of Indian Temples in Mysore. (Higgins, A.) 56. Photographs of Tribes of the Neilgherry Hills. (Higgins, A.) 57. Photographs of Croats. (Higgins, A.) 58. Photographs of Dalecarlian Peasants. (Higgins, A.) 59. Flint Implements from the Little Ouse. (Prigg, H.) 60. Skulls from the Thames at Kew. (Leyton, H.) 61. Photographs of Ernst Schulz; Illustrating the Histrionic Imitation of Various Races of Man. (Miss Marshall) 62. Casts of Two Extreme Forms of Human Crania. (Gregory, J. R.) 63. Mexican Zodiac. (Bollaert, W.) 64. Muizca Calendar (N. Granada). (Bollaert, W.) 65. Maya Alphabet (Yucatan). (Bollaert, W.) 66. Photograph and Fac-simile of Dresden Maya Codex (Yucatan). (Bollaert, W.) 67. Photographs of Paris Maya Codex (Yucatan). (Bollaert, W.) CS. Lithographs of Troanus Maya Codex of Madrid (Yucatan). (Bollaert, W.) 69. Peruvian Zodiac (gold). Photograph. (Bollaert, W.) 70. Photograph of Sculptured Monolith of Tia- Huanaco, Peru. (Bollaert, W.) 71. Photograph of Peruvian Figurative Writing on Skin. (Bollaert, W.) 72. Enlarged Drawing of 71. (Bollaert, W.) 66 73. Skull of Yanadi, from Southern India, with condylus tertius." (Blake, C. C.) 74. Ethnological Specimens from the Gaboon. (Walker, R. B. N.) 75. Bechuana Skull. (Payne, R. W.) 76. Photographs of Aborigines of Natal. (Cox, C.) 77. Stone Axe from Rio Madera, Braxil. ·· (Mac- kenzie, K. R. H.).. 78. Bronze Implements from Hammersmith. (Mac- kenzie, K. R. H.) 79. Chinese Skulls. (Canton, E.) SO. Stone Implements, Weapons, etc., from Den- mark. (Rose, W.) 81. Flint Implements, etc., from Cissbury. (Fox, A. H. Lane) 82. Stone Celt (?) found near Bury St. Edmunds. (Prigg, H.) 83. Egg-cup Extracted from the Ileum of a Man after Death. (Dendy, W. C.) A.R. V, T, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxvii J.A.S. A.R. V, P. cxlix A.R. V, J.A.S. p. cliv J.A.S. P. clxxvii A.R. V, A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxxvi A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxc A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xxvii A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xl A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xliv A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cvi Index. 115 Exhibitions:- 84. Two Remarkable Specimens of Indian Manufac- ture. (Wood, J. D.) 85. Jaw-Bone found in a Roman Sewer in London. (Lyle, —.) 86. Fijian and African Ornaments, &c. G.) C 37. Photograph of a "Fat" Woman. Woman. C.).. 88. Japanese Toys. (Heath, D. I.) 89. Articles from New Zealand. (Napier, C. O. G.) 90. Skulls from Rosario. (Hutchinson, T. J.) 91. Flint Implements from Downham. (Lloyd, -.) 92. Skull from the Guano Deposit, Chincha Islands. (Wood, J. G.) ·· 93. Arrow Heads and Indian Pipes from Lake Erie. (Wood, J. G.) 94. Skull from the Cave of Lombrive, in the Pyrenees. (Beddoe, J.).. 95. Calvarium from Glenarm. (Holden, J. S.) 96. Cranium from Chimborazo. (Bollaert, W.) 97. Red Hair of an Indian Woman of Canelos. (Wood, J. (Brebner, A. (Bollaert, W.) 98. Hair of an Indian of Canelos. (Bollaert, W.) Indians. 99. Arrow Poison used by Canelos (Bollaert, W.) 100. Poisonous Fruit used by the Canelos Indians to Prevent the Bite of Flies. (Bollaert, W.) 101. Photographs Taken in the Sailors' Home. (Pedroletti, -.) · 102. Hair of Hova of Madagascar. (Wilmot, E.) .. 103. Sketches of Easter Island. (Harrison, J. P.) 104. Woollen Bags Associated with Flint Arrowheads from Arica. (Harrison, J. P.).. 105. Flint Implements from Honduras. (Charles- .. worth, E.) 106. Australian Skulls." (Lewis, A. L.) 107. Græco-Egyptian Terra-cotta Figures. W. R.) (Cooper, } 108. Worked Flint from the Isle of Wight." (West- ropp, H. M.) 109. Worked Flint from Mexico (?). (Fox, A. L.)¨´ 110. Flint Celt found at Tooting. (Blyth, -.) 111. Grass Cloth from Lagos. (Blyth, —.) 112. Necklaces of Lignite Beads. (Blyth, 113. Antler of Red Deer from Ipswich. (Price, F. G. H.) 114. Obsidian · ·· .. Mexico. ·· A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxix :. A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxxvi A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxlvii A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. lxvii P. A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxi A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxx A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cliv A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clv Flake and Core from (Charlesworth, E.) J.A.I. i, 74 115. Aztec Mirror. (Charlesworth, E.) 116. Skulls, Weapons, &c., from an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery near Barrington. (Wilkinson, J.).. J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. xiii 117. Rough Stone Implement from Borneo. (Fox, A. L.) 118. Carved Wooden Club from Peru. (Harris, J.) 119. Rubbings from Easter Island Tablets. (Reed, E.).. 120. Stone Implements from the Naga Hills. (Farrar, F. W.) A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxx A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxv A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxxix J.A., J.A.S. p. cix J.A., J.A.S. p. cxlvi J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. i, 1 J.A.I. i, 30 J.A.I. i, 73 xxxix J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxi J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxii 1 1 2 116 Index. Exhibitions:- 121. Skulls from the Ossuary at Rothwell Church. (Grove, W. R.) .. 122. Stone Implements from Africa. (Lubbock, J.) 123. Stone Implements from South Africa. (Layard, E. L.) 124. Stone Implements from Queen Charlotte Island and Vancouver's Island. (Hooker, J. D.) 125. Artificially Distorted Skulls from Vancouver's Island. (Fox, A. L.) ► 126. Antiquities from Mexico. (Charlesworth, E.) 127. Stone Implements from North Wales. (Hughes, T. McK.).. .. ·· and •• 128. Flint Implement from Virginia Water; Bronze Ĉelt from Thorpe. (Harcourt, G.) 129. Human Jaws from Sarawak. (Busk, G.) 130. Wood-Carvings, Pottery, and Cotton Rags from the Macobi Islands. (Harris, J.) 131. Jade Implement from New Zealand. (Flower, J. W.) 132. Stone Implements and Pottery from the Cape. (Dale, L.) 133. Stone Hammer and Double-Pointed Cutting Instrument from the Cape. (Rudler, F. W.) 134. Stone Polished Implements from Greece. (Lubbock, J.) 135. Bone and Stone Implements from Gower. (Francis, G. G.).. 136. Chipped Flints from Guernsey and Herm. (Adams, A. L.) 137. Fossils from the Crag of Suffolk. (Charlesworth, E.).. 138. Objects Simulating Human Workmanship from the Crag of Suffolk. (Charlesworth, E.) 139. Anthropometric Instrument. (Bonomi, J.) 140. Photographs of the Tattooed Man from Burmalı. (Franks, A. W.).. ·· .. ·· 141. Stone Celts from the Shevaroy Hills. (Fox, A. L.) ·· 142. Chinese Skull. (Struthers, J.) 143. Idol from Nicobar. (Edge, -.).. 144. Tusks of African Elephant Identical with those of the Mammoth. (Charlesworth, E.) 145. Stone Implements from the Surface Soil. (Topley, W.) 146. Stone Implements and Pottery from Canada. (Gibb, D.).. 147. Peruvian Pottery. (Davis, J. B.) • 148. Peruvian Pottery. (Fox, A. L.) 149. Flattened American Skulls. (King, R.) 150. Photographs of Antiquities from Peru. (Harri- son, C.) 151. Photographs of Ainos, etc. (Holland, S. C.) 152. Japanese Roll Representing the Manners of the Ainos. (Franks, A. W.) 153. Bracelets and Necklace found near Thebes. (Fox, A. L.) 154. Photographs of Oriental Tribes and Races. (Brabrook, E. W.) J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xci J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcvii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. i, 162 J.A.I. i, 212 J.A.I. i, 213 J.A.I. i, 214 J.A.I. i, 345 J.A.I. i, 348 J.A.I. ii, 2 J.A.I. ii, 68 J.A.I. ii, 89 J.A.I. ii, 91 J.A.I. ii, 180 J.A.I. ii, 228 J.A.I. ii, 348 J.A.I. iii, 2 J.A.I. iii, 56 J.A.I. iii, 57 J.A.I. iii, 65 J.A.I. iii, 96 J.A.I. iii, 103 J.A.I. iii, 137 Inder. 117 Exhibitions: 155. Quartz Pivot and Cup of the Vertical Shaft of a Gold Amalgamating Mill from Piedmont. (Foster, C. le Neve) 156. Photographs of Prehistoric Objects found in Siberia. (Desor, E.) • •• • 157. Photographs of Skulls and Objects from the Caucasus. (Franks, A. W.) 158. Photographs and a Wooden Implement (rapa) from Easter Island. (Harrison, J. P.) 159. Photographs, Casts of Skulls, and Masks of Tasmanians, and Stone Implements. (Allport, M.).. 160. Stone Implements from St. Vincent. (Busk, G.) 161. Bronze Spear-heads from Newbury. (Rolleston, G.) 162. Bronze Sword from the Cherwell. (Rolleston, G.) 163. Net-sinkers from the Lake District. (Rolleston, G.) 164. "Greenstone," Ornamental Axeheads, probably Caribbean. (Rolleston, G.) 165. Perforated Stone Hammer from Oxford. (Rol- leston, G.) ·· 166. Bow and Arrows of the Modoc Indians. (Franks, A. W.) 167. Mural Inscription, in Samaritan Characters, from Gaza. (Heath, D. I.) 168. Bronze Ìmplements from Saltwood, Kent. (Waller, J. G.) 169. Perforated Shark's Tooth from the Suffolk Crag. (Charlesworth, E.) 170. Photographs of Stone and Bronze Implements from Jersey. (Oliver, S. P.) 171. Skull from Ashantee. (Busk, G.) 172. Ashantee Fetish Curse. (Howorth, H. H.) 173. Incised Flints from Kent. (Brent, J.) 174. Gold Objects from Ashantee. (Garrard, R. and •• S.).. 175. Drawings of Crescentic Shields and of Cylindrical Tiaras or Hats. (Harrison, J. P.) 176. Arrow-heads, etc., from the Rio Negro. A. L.) • •• (Fox, .. 177. Blow-pipe, Bow and Arrows from Costa (Fox, A. L.) 178. Carved Mexican Figures. (Charlesworth, E.) 179. Chaplet of Gold and Silver Coins from Nazareth. (Charlesworth, E.) 180. Photographs, etc., of Peruvian Antiquities. (Bollaert, W.) Rica. ·· • J.A.I. iii, 139 J.A.I. iii, 174 J.A.I. iii, 176 J.A.I. iii, 177 J.A.I. iii, 178 J.A.T. iii, 204 J.A.I. iii, 205 J.A.I. iii, 230 J.A.I. iii, 233 J.A.I. iv, 2 J.A.I. iv, 62 J.A.I. iv, 88 J.A.I. iv, 122 J.A.I. iv, 148 J.A.I. iv, 311 J.A.I. iv, 363 181. Tracings of Late Phoenician Characters from Sumatra. (Harrison, J. P.) 182. Stone Mining Tools from Alderley Edge. (Daw- kins, W. B.) 183. Lapp Skulls. (Simms, J.) 184. Models of Eskimo Canoes, Winter and Summer Huts, etc. (Holt, R. B.) 185. Flint Implements from Ditchley. (Dillon, H.) J.A.I. v, 30 186. Objects of Prehellenic Age from Hissarlik. (Hartshorne, B. F.) J.A.I. v, 120 J.A.I. iv, 364 J.A.I. iv, 368 J.A.I. iv, 387 J.A.I. v, 2 J.A.I. v, 5 118 Index. : Exhibitions:— 187. Gorget from Easter Island. (Franks, A. W.). 188. Photographs of Easter Island Tablets. (Harri- son, J. P.) 189. Wooden Image and Spear-head from Newton Abbot. (Watts, Blake, Bearne & Co.) 190. Skeleton found in a Stone Coffin in London. (Staples, J.) ·· ·· 191. Skull found at Fulbourne. (May, H.) 192. Stone, Wooden, and Bone Implements from New Zealand. (Hector, J.) 193. Stone Implements from Honduras, and Turks, and Caicos Islands. (Campbell, M.) 194. Stone Implements from Australia. (Stanbridge, W. E.) —.) J.A.I. v, 220 J.A.I. v, 248 .. J.A.I. v, 299 ·· ·· 195. Flint Implements from Ditchley. (Dillon, H.) 196. Weapons, etc., from New Guinea. (Comrie, P.) 197. Skulls, Poisoned Arrows, Shell and Stone Imple- ments from Mallicollo and Vanikoro. (Fox, A. L.) 198. Photographs of Nicobarese. (Distant, W. L.).. 199. Photographs of Natives of New Guinea. (Franks, A. W.) 200. Iron Arrow-heads and Spear-heads from Southern India. (Walhouse, M. J.) 201. Human and Other Remains found at Bath. (Buckland, A. W.) .. 202. British Gold Coin found at Seaford. (Fox. A. L.) 203. Mexican Hammock. (Graham, Miss.) 204. Spears, Creese, and Knife from Perak. (Burgess, ·· .. ·· -.) 205. Clubs from British Guiana. (Burgess, —.) 206. Bosjesman Skull. (Canton, E.) 207. Terra-cotta Votive Statuettes from Tanagra. (Fox, A. L.) 208. Feather Dress and Ornaments from the Amazon. (Clarke, H. H.) 209. Weapons, etc., from the Admiralty Islands. (Moseley, H. N.).. 210. Stone Club from the Sandwich Islands. (Mose- ley, H. N.) 211. Weapons from the Amazon. (Clarke, H. H.) 212. Flint Implements from Honduras. (Rosehill, Lord) 213. Bronze Antiquities from Worthing. (Wisden, ·· ·· ·· 214. Bronze Socket Celt from Italy. (Evans, J.) 215. Flint Arrow-heads, etc., from Ditchley. (Dillon, H.).. · 216. Stone Adzes from Burmah. (Evans, 217. Flint Arrow-heads from Oxfordshire. (Dillon, H.).. 218. Models of Dolmens in North Wales. ``(Lewis, A. L.) 219. Eskimo Lamp. (Rae, J.).. 220. Objects from a Refuse Heap near Smyrna. (Martin, R. B.) .. .. 221. Photographs of Flint Implements from Brixham Cavern. (Whitley, —.). . ·· J.A.I. v, 425 J.A.I. v, 464 J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. vi, 40 J.A.I. vi, 55 J.A.J. vi, 102 J.A.I. vi, 199 J.A.I. vi, 209 J.A.I. vi, 214 J.A.I. vi, 245 J.A.I. vi, 246 J.A.I. vi, 297 J.A.I. vi, 309 J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. vi, 379 J.A.I. vi, 425 J.A.I. vi, 430 J.A.I. vii, 19 J.A.I. vii, 43 J.A.I. vii, 44 J.A.I. vii, 117 J.A.I. vii, 123 J.A.I. vii, 137 J.A.I. vii, 138 J.A.I. vii, 173 Index. 119 Exhibitions :— 222. Flint Implements from Ballintoy. (Knowles, W. J.) 223. Rubbings from a Runic Inscription in Cunnings- burgh Churchyard, and an Ögham Inscription from the Shetland Isles. (Roger, C. J.) 224. Figure-head of New Zealand War Canoe. (Burt, -.) 225. Gold Irish "Ring Money," and Ancient Ring. (Atkinson, G. M.) • 226. Flint Flakes from Egypt. (Fox, A. L.).. 227. Objects from Istria and Scinde. (Fox, A. L.) . 228. Views of Antiquities in Wales, and Worked Flints from Maiden Bower. (Smith, W. G.) 229. Flint Flakes, Arrow-heads, etc., from Egypt. (Browne, A. J. J.) 230. Andamanese and Nicobarese Objects. (Fox, A. L.) 231. Flint Implements from Devonshire. (Smith, W. G.) 232. Chert Implements from the Valley of the Axc. (Evans, J.) ·· ·· 233. Stone Implements from Natal. (Sanderson, J.) 234. Flint Implements from Ditchley. (Dillon, H.) 235. Flint Implements from the Valley of the Lea. (Smith, W. G.) 236. Carved Stone Object from Central America. (Clarke, H.) 237. Flint Implements from Canada and the United States. (Dillon, H.) 238. Scaphocephalic Cranium of a Fiji Islander. (Flower, W. H.).. 239. Photographs and Implements from Australia. (Lewis, A. L.) 240. Ethnological Objects from Siberia. (Seebohm, H.).. · ·· 241. Antiquities from Colombia. (Powles, W. D.) 242. Photographs Collected by the Anthropometric Committee of the British Association. (Bra- brook, E. W.) 213. Squeezes of Hamath Inscriptions. (Heath, D.)' 244. Mosso (Chinese) Writing. (La Couperie, F. de.) 245. Paleolithic Implements from the Axe and the Thames. (Smith, W. G.) 246. Ethnological Objects from British Columbia. (Dally, —.) · 247. Photographs of Australian Aborigines. (Gill,-) 248. Stone Implement from Algeria. (Lubbock, J.) 249. Ethnological Objects from New Britain and New Ireland. (Powell, W.) 250. Skulls from Patagonia. (Moreno, F. P.) 251. Flint and Bronze Implements from Egypt, Greece, and Dalmatia. (Greg, R. P.) .. 252. Stone Celts from British Guiana. (Atkinson, G. M.) 253. Shell Chisels from Barbadoes. (Distant, W. L.) 254. Rubbings from Door-posts and Window-frames in New Zealand. (Müller, F. Max) 255. Ethnological Objects from the Naga Hills. (Woodthorpe, R. G.) ·· J.A.I. vii, 202 J.A.I. vii, 232 J.A.I. vii, 277 J.A.I. vii, 323 J.A.I. vii, 364 J.A.I. vii, 396 J.A.I. vii, 434 J.A.I. vii, 470 J.A.I. vii, 499 J.A.I. viii, 15 J.A.I. viii, 184 J.A.I. viii, 210 J.A.I. viii, 377 J.A.I. ix, 2 J.A.I. ix, 3 J.A.I. ix, 31 J.A.I. ix, 51 J.A.I. ix, 254 J.A.I. ix, 337 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. x, 74 J.A.I. 85 X, J.A.I. x, 31C J.A.I. x, 332 J.A.I. x, 429 J.A.I. x, 431 J.A.I. xi, 2 J.A.I. xi, 53 J.A.I. xi, 56 120 Index. Ag Exhibitions 256. Photographs of Scenes and Natives of Central Africa. (Felkin, R. W.) ·· 257. Monumental Heads and Artificially-deformed Skulls from Mallicollo. (Flower, W. H.) 258. Animal Remains found at the Roman Villa at Brading. (Price, J. E.).. 259. Instrument for Measuring the Facial Angle. (Atkinson, G. M.) 260. Stone Implements from South Africa. ¨(Gooch, W. D.) 261. Stone and Copper Implements from Asia Minor. (Clarke, H.) 262. Andamanese and Nicobarese Objects. (Man, E. H.) 263. Andamanese Bone Necklaces. (Thomson, A.). 264. Incised Slate Tablet from Towyn. (Harrison, J. P.) 265. Danish and French Photographs. J. P.) (Harrison, 266. Anthropometric Instruments. (Garson, J. G.) 267. Portraits of Incas, Copied from Native Indian Drawings. (Wright, B. M.) ·· ·· 268. Stone Implements from the North-east of Lon- don. (Smith, W. G.) .. 269. Patagonian Skull. (Bloxam, G. W.) 270. Aggri Beads. (Price, J. E.) 271. Romano-British Burial Urn found in Cheapside (London). (Newton, E. T.) 272. Andamanese Skeleton. (Garson, J. G.) 273. Section of the Paleolithic Floor of Hackney Brook; and Stone Implements from the Same Spot. (Smith, W. G.) 274. Anciert and Modern Locks. (Rivers, A. H. •• Pitt.) 275. Ancient Roman Locks. (Price, F. G. H.) 276. Carvings and Painted Masks from New Zealand. (Rivers, A. H. Pitt) 277. Paleolithic Flint Implement from the Bed of the Thames. (Atkinson, G. M.) 278. Ancient Jet Ornament from Garvagh. (Atkin- son, G. M.) · • 279. Paleolithic Implement from Battersea Rise. (Smith, W. G.) 280. Large and Heavy Implements from Broom, Bedford, Southampton, and Mildenhall. (Smith, W. G.) 281. Large Implement found at Isleworth. (Smith, W. G.) 282. Sculptures and Photographs from North Caro- lina. (Valentine, M. S.) 283. Photographs of Terra-cotta Heads from Mexico and Sicily. (Becher, H. C. R.) 284. Copy of a Funeral Canopy of an Egyptian Queen. (Stuart, V.) 285. Casts of the Heads of Two Egyptian Kings. (Stuart, V.) 286. Ethnological Objects from the West Coast of Africa. (Cameron, V. L.) •• J.A.I. xi, 74 J.A.I. xi, 116 J.A.I. xi, 122 J.A.I. xi, 180 J.A.I. xi, 196 J.A.I. xi, 268 J.A.I. xi, 294 J.A.I. xi, 310 J.A.I. xi, 311 J.A.I. xi, 360 J.A.I. xi, 455 J.A.I. xi, 455 J.A.I. xii, 28 J.A.I. xii, 64 J.A.I. xii, 68 J.A.I. xii, 69 J.A.I. xii, 176 J.A.I. xii, 197 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A.I. xii, 231 J.A.I. xii, 281 J.A.I. xii, 323 J.A.I. xii, 324 Index. 121 Exhibitions:- 287. Ancient Egyptian Boomerang. (Rivers, A. H. Pitt) (Day, R.) 288. Copies of Bushman Drawings. (Distant, W. L.) 289. Jade Weapons from New Zealand. 290. Ivory Celt from Ireland. (Day, R.) 291. Darfur Boy. (Felkin, R. W.) 292. Apparatus for Testing the Delicacy Muscular Sense. (Galton, F.). 293. Worked Flints from Cape Blanc Nez. A. L.) of the (Lewis, 294. Palæolithic Implements from Madras. W. G.) (Smith, 295. Photographs of the West Indies and British Guiana. (Martin, J. B.) .. 296. Photographs of Natives of Yünnan and the Shan Country. (Colquhoun, A. R.). 297. Photographs of Cases of Hypertrichosis. (Gar- son, J. G.).. 298. Ethnological Specimens from Timor-laut. (Forbes, H. O.) .. 299. Photographs of Inhabitants of the British Isles of Jutish Type. (Harrison, J. P.) 300. Bone Implements, etc., from Oronsay. (Gallo- way, W.) 301. Cranium and Other Bones found in a Viking Grave at Colonsay. (Galloway, W.) 302. Worked Flints from Blackheath, Surrey. (God- win-Austen, H. H.) 303. Ethnological Objects from Bolivia. E. P.) ·· • • • (Rathbone, 304. Stone Implements from South Africa. H. W.) (Feilden, 305. Stone Implements from the Banda District, North-West Provinces, India. (Rivett Carnac, H.).. 306. Botocudo Indians, Weapons, etc. (Ribeiro,.) 307. Objects from Ancient Grave-mounds in Peru. (Price, J. E.) 308. Lamps from the Orkney Islands. (Garson, J. G.) 309. Deformed Skull of a Chimpanzee. (Flower, W. H.).. 310. Photographs of North American Indians. (Hay- don, W.) 311. Human Remains from Wheatley. (Harrison, J. P.) 312. Skulls of the Bronze Age from Whitby. (Smith, W. G.) ·· • .. 313. Paleolithic Implements and Fragment of Skull from Bury St. Edmunds. (Prigg, H.) 314. Human Remains from Morton. (Middleton, R. M.) 315. Stone Implement from Yorkshire. (Wharncliffe, Lord) 316. Flint Flakes from Southend. (Atkinson, G. M.) 317. Maori Heads curved in Cowrie Gum. (Laish- ·· ley, -) 318. Ethnological Objects from Canada. Marquis of) ·· ·· (Lorne, ·· J.A.I. xii, 454 J.A.I. xii, 461 J.A.I. xii, 465 J.A.I. xii, 469 J.A.I. xii, 496 J.A.I. xii, 513 J.A.I. xiii, 2 J.A.I. xiii, 6 J.A.I. xiii, 23 J.A.I. xiii, 86 J.A.I. xiii, 122 J.A.I. xiii, 137 J.A.I. xiii, 162 J.A.I. xiii, 184 J.A.I. xiii, 198 J.A.I. xiii, 273 J.A.I. xiii, 275 J.A.I. xiii, 276 J.A.I. xiii, 431 J.A.I. xiv, 3 J A.I. xiv, 55 J.A.I. xiv, 56 J.A.I. xiv, 90 122 Index. Exhibitions 319. Portrait of an Aboriginal Tasmanian. R.) (Owen, 320. Agricultural Implements from the Naga Hills. (Masters, M. T.) 321. Drawing of a Paleolithic Implement found near Reading. (Stephens, J.) 322. Palæolithic Implements from North London. (Smith, W. G.) 323. Large Stone Axe from New Guinea. (Smith, W. ·· G.) ·· .. • 324. Antiquities from Antiparos. (Bent, J. T.) 325. Palæolithic Flint Implements from the North of London. (Greenhill, J. E.) 326. Paleolithic Implements from Reading. (Shrub- sole, O. A.) 327. Composite Photographs of Skulls. (Galton, F.) 328. Skull and Long Bones from Antiparos. (Gar- 339. Photographs of Lapps. Roland.) son, J. G.) 329. Cast of the Mouth of a Hairy Boy from Russia. (Coffin, W.) 330. Photograph of a "Tailed" Boy from Saigon. (Flower, W. H.).. 331. Composite Photographs of Skulls. (Garson, J. G.) 332. Composite Photographs of Jews. (Galton, F.) 333. Ethnological Objects from the Akkas. (Read, C. H.) 334. Photographs of Natives of Algeria. (Karr, S.) 335. Portrait of King Tawhiao. (Wright, S.) 336. Tattooed Head of Maori. (Brett, A. T.) 337. Worked Jade Hatchet. (Evans, J.) 338. Family of Lapps. (Bonaparte, Prince (Holst, P. A.) 340. Photographs of Russians. 341. Ethnological Objects from Polynesia. (Brassey, Lady) 342. Ethnological Specimens from New Ireland. (North, Miss M.) 343. Australian Implements. (Lumholtz, C.) 344. Greek Dresses and other Objects. (Bent, J. T.) 345, Australian Tunduns or Bull-roarers. (Tylor, E. B.) 346. Ethnological Objects from Tierra del Fuego. (Read, C. H.) 347. Oil Painting of an African. (Read, C. H.) 348. Composite Photographs of Skulls. (Galton, F.) 349. Photographs of Africans. (Johnston, H. H.) 350. Photographs of North American Indians. (Karr, H. W. S.) 351. Ethnological Objects from North Borneo. (Hatton, J.) 352. Ethnological Objects from Borneo. (Crocker, W. M.) 353. Photographs of Nicobarese. (Man, Miss A. F.) 354. Photographs of Nicobarese. (Meldola, R.) 355. Ancient Bronze Sword from Sandy, Bedfordshire. (Wright, B.) ·· J.A.I. xiv, 90 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. xiv, 115 J.A.I. xiv, 134 J.A.I. xiv, 182 J.A.I. xiv, 192 J.A.I. xiv, 205 J.A.I. xiv, 222 J.A.I. xiv, 327 J.A.I. xiv, 327 J.A.I. xv, 16 J.A.I. xv, 139 J.A.I. xv, 185 J.A.I. xv, 210 J.A.I. xv, 266 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. XV, 423 J.A.I. xv, 423, 424 J.A.I. xv, 423 J.A.I. xv, 423, 424 J.A.I. XV, 423 J.A.I. xv, 423, 427 Index. 123 Exhibitions:- 356. Palæolithic Flint Implements from the Thames and the Wandle. (Lawrence, G. F.) .. 357. Anthropometric Instruments made by the Cam- bridge Scientific Instrument Company. (Dar- win, H.) S 358. Traveller's Box of Anthropometric Instruments. (Collin, —) 359. Skull from Kamtchatka. (Macalister, A.) 360. Photographs of Africans of the Niger. (Thom- son, J.) ·· 361. Instruments for Anthropometric Research. (Garson, J. G.) 362. Worked Flints from Albania. (Evans, J.) 363. Stone Implements from India. (Evans, J.) 364. Albanian Flints and Old English Strike-a-lights. (Evans, A. J.) 365. Stone Implements from South Africa. (Penning, W. H.) 366. Cakes of Roman Enamel suitable for Standards of Colour to be used in Anthropological Des- criptions. (Galton, F.).. 367. Skull from the Nicobar Islands. (Flower, W. H.) ·· 368. Ethnological Objects from the Maldive Islands. (Rosset, C. W.) .. 369. Finsch's casts of Faces of Natives of the Pacific Islands. (Flower, W. H.) 370. West African Symbolic Messages. W.) (Bloxam, G. 371. Ethnological Objects from Manipur. (Watt, G.) 372. Ethnological Objects from Arctic America. (Young, A.; McClintock, L.; Karr, H. W. S.; Rae, J.) 373. Natives of Queensland. (Cunningham, R. A.) 374. Stone Spinning Tops from New Guinea. (Read, C. H.) 375. "Mare-Stanes," or "Hag-Stones. (Ducie, Earl of).. 376. Guancho Skulls and other Objects from the Canaries. (Wallach, H.) 377. Models of Excavations in Cranborne Chase. (Rivers, A. H. Pitt) 378. Implements and Works of Art from the Lower Congo. (Goldsmid, F. J.; Morgan, E. D.) . 379. Terra Cotta Tablets from Babylonia. (Peek, C. E.) ·· ·· ·· 380. Illustrations of Prehistoric Antiquities from the South-East of Spain. (Siret, H.) 381. Papuan Boy. (Strachan, G.) 382. Small Flint Implements. (Brown, J. A.) 383. Pottery from New Mexico. (Burr, A. S.) 384. Photographs of New Guinea Types. (Forbes, H. O.) Azores. (Ward, .. .. 385. Scourge, Flagellum, etc., from the (Tylor, E. B.) 386. Flagellum and Cingulum from Chili. W. M.) 387. Ancient Peruvian Gold Breastplate. (Galton, F.) J.A.I. xv, 452 J.A.I. xvi, 2, 9 J.A.I. xvi, 2 J.A.I. xvi, 2, 21 J.A.I. xvi, 23 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.A.I. xvi, 65, 68 J.A.Ï. xvi, 144 J.A.I. xvi, 147 J.A.I. xvi, 164 J.A.I. xvi, 241 J.A.I. xvi, 295 J.A.I. xvi, 346 J.A.I. xvii, 68 J.A.I. xvii, 83 J.A.I. xvii, 85 J.A.I. xvii, 134 J.A.I. xvii, 158 J.A.I. xvii, 190 J.A.I. xvii, 213 J.A.I. xviii, 102 J.A.I. xviii, 121 J.A.I. xviii, 134 J.A.I. xviii, 241 J.A.I. xviii, 241 J.A.I. xviii, 274 124 Index. Exhibitions: 388. Ethnological Objects from South America. (Rudler, F. W.) .. 389. Anthropometric Apparatus for Travellers. (Gar- son, J. G.) 390. Instrument for Testing Perception of Differences of Tint. (Galton, F.) 391. Instrument for Determining Reaction-time. (Galton, F.) •• ·· · Skull from Mallicollo. 392. Artificially Deformed (Flower, W. H.).. 393. "Elk" Teeth used for Money in North America. (Balfour, H.) 394. Brass Harness Ornaments used as Amulets against the Evil Eye. (Tylor, E. B.).. 395. Antiquities from Huasco. (Read, C. H.) 396. Photographs of Megalithic Remains from Japan. (Gowland, W.) •• • 397. Drawings of Rude Stone Monuments East of Jordan. (Conder, C. R.) 398. Models of Rude Stone Monuments in the Country of the Carnutes. (Lewis, A. L.) 399. Skull of a Burmese Dacoit Leader. (Hastings, E. S.) 400. Skull of a Rebel Chinese Mandarin. (Hastings, E. S.) 401. Celt from Dutch Guiana. (Atkinson, G. M.) 402. Skeleton and Skulls of Veddahs. (Thomson, A.) 403. Yoruba "Bull-roarers." (Batty, Mrs. B.) 404. Skulls and other Bones found at Hunsbury Camp, and at a Roman Villa at Llantwit, near Cardiff. (Rivers, A. H. Pitt) .. 405. Examples of Prehistoric Trephining and Skull- boring from America. (Horsley, V.) 406. Yoruba Bows and other Weapons. (Moloney, C. A.) ·· 407. Ethnological Objects from Torres Strait. (Haddon, A. C.) .. 408. Natives of Tierra del Fuego. (Le Maitre.) 409. Russian Child-giantess. (Montgomery, G.) 410. Fire-making Apparatus used in North Borneo. (Skertchly, S. B. J.) 411. Fire-syringes. (Bidwell, E.) 412. Full-sized Drawings of Fire-syringes. (Pritchett, R.).. ·· •• ·· ·· ·· 413. Ethnological Specimens from New Guinea. (Haddon, A. C.)…. 414. Skulls from the Bed of the Thames. (Garson, J. G.; Lawrence, G. F.) 415. "Stanley's Spirometer." (Garson, J. G.) 416. Skulls from a Cave in Jamaica. (Flower, W. H.) 417. Skull Dredged on the Manchester Ship Canal Works. (Spielmann, I.) 418. Bertillon's Anthropometric Instruments. (Bertil- lon, J.) 419. Skulls from the Thames. (Lawrence, G. F.) 420. Fire-sticks from New Guinea. (Goodwin, A. P.) 421. Instrument for Measuring the Rate of Movement of the Various Limbs. (Galton, F.) .. ·· J.A.I. xviii, 274 J.A.I. xviii, 332 J.A.I. xix, 27 J.A.I. xix, 52 J.A.I. xix, 54 J.A.I. xix, 57 J.A.I. xix, 64 J.A.I. xix, 65 J.A.I. xix, 66 J.A.I. xix, 94 J.A.I. xix, 125 J.A.I. xix, 159 J.A.I. xix, 182 J.A.I. xix, 213 J.A.I. xix, 297 J.A.I. xix, 443 J.A.I. xix, 445 J.A.I. xix, 452 J.A.I. xix, 459 J.A.I. xx, 20 J.A.I. xx, 28 J.A.I. xx, 110 J.A.I. xx, 179 J.A.I. xx, 182 J.A.I. xx, 200 Index. 125 Exhibitions:- 422. Pottawatamie Boy. (Wilson, E. F.) 423. Fetish, or Ula, from Lake Nyassa. (Flower, W. H.) 424. Skulls Exhumed in the City of London. J. E.) (Price, 425. Patterns of Finger-marks. (Galton, F.) 426. Specimen of the Stone used by Admiral Tremlett to cut marks on the Granite of which the Breton Dolmens are Formed. (Lewis, A. L.) 427. Fire-syringe from Borneo. (Martin, R. B.) 428. Worked Jade from British Columbia. (Read, C. H.) 429. Bored Stone from San Juan Teotihuacan. (Read, C. H.) ·· 430. Ethnographical Album of the Pacific Islands. (Edge-Partington, J.; and C. Heape).. Existence of Man during the Miocene Period, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 377 Expeditions, Handbook. ("The Prairie Traveller," by Randolph B. Marcy. Edited by Richard F. Burton.) Review Exploration Committee, Report of, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt, on Explorations in Cissbury Camp of Peru, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 10 Explorations by Gen. Pitt Rivers, see Anthropological "C .. (C • "Explorations in South-West Africa. By Baines." Review Miscellanea, 195 Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil. By R. F. Burton." Review • .. ·· Exploratory Survey of Part of the Lewes, Tat-on-duc, Porcupine, Bell, Trout, Peel, and Mackenzie Rivers." Review. See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 236 Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. By C. Darwin." Review. Review. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 32 Extinction of Aboriginal Tribes ·· ·· • .. .. ·· of Families, see Watson, H. W... of Races, see Bendyshe, T. see Lee, R... of Slavery in Brazil from a Practical Point of View. Letters from Captain Sir R. F. Burton and Senhor A. M. Perdigao Malheiro Extirpation of the Tasmanians, see Calder, J. E. Eyes, Skin, and Hair as Race Tests, see Crawfurd, J... • • 120 Eyzies, Les, Crania and Bones of, see Broca, Paul ·· • of Mongolians, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 73 Artificial, of Peruvian Mummies, sce Rising Eyesight of Savage and Civilised People, see Roberts, C... ·· Eyre, (Ex-Governor) J., see Anthropological News, ❤ ·· J.A.I. xx, 224 J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. xx, 235 J.A.I. xx, 329 J.A.I. xx, 330 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. iii, 127 A.R. i, 145-149 J.A.I. v, 357 A.R. i, 491 J.A.I. xviii, 200 A.R. vii, 170 A.R. iv, 243 J.A.I. xx, 365 J.A.I. ii, 444 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 10-14 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 75-77 J.A.I. iv, 138 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. xcix A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. xcv A.R. vi, 56-63 J.A.I. iii, 7 T.E.S. vi, 144 J.A.I. vi, 194 T.E.S. iv, 59 J.A.I. xv, 127 A.R. vi, 461 A.R. vi, 408 126 Inder. F. Fabricius, J. A., Dissertatio Critica de hominibus orbis nostri incolis, specie et ortu avito inter se non dif- ferentibus quam in auditorio gymnasii Hamb. ad viii April, Praeside Jo. Alberto Fabricio, SS. Theol. D. Prof. Publ. et H. T. Gymnasii rectore Defendet publice autor respondens Vincentius Rumpf, Ham- burgensis, A.D. 1721. See Bendyshe, T., History of Anthropology. Appendix III.. Facial Angle, Instrument for Determining, see Atkin- son, G. M. Measuring (Ex. 259) Fairbank, Frederick Royston (M.D.) on Some Flint Arrow-heads from Canada. 15th December, 1863.. Falconer, H. (M.D., F.R.S.), on the Reputed Fossil Man of Abbeville. From the CC Times of April 25th, 1863 "Families of Speech. By F. W. Farrar." Review Family Peculiarities, American, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 158 Fans (W. Africa), see Burton, R. F. see Burton, R. F. 4th April, Farewell Dinner to Captain R. F. Burton. 1865, see Burton, R. F. Farrar, (Rev.) Frederic, W., (M.A., F.R.S.). Aptitudes of Races. 27th March, 1866 (C cussion April, 1864 1865 • Chapters on Language. 1865." Review "Families of Speech. "" Review .. Fixity of Type. 8th November, 1864 Fixity of Type. Abstract and Dis- on Hybridity. With Discussion. 5th Language and Ethnology. 9th ·· Traditions, Real and Fictitious. February, 1864 on the Universality of Belief in God, and in a Future State. With Discussion. April, 1864 5th Farrer, J. A. Savage and Civilised Warfare. Discussion. 9th December, 1879 .. • • ·· • ·· May, 23rd "Fat" Woman (Ex. 87) Father and Mother Feather Dress and Ornaments from the Amazon (Ex. 208) Features, Racial, Survival of, in the British Isles, see With • Harrison, J. P. • • Fechner (Dr.) Proportion of Female to Male Steps, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 27 .. · Fedtschenko, Alexis. Letter on the Progress of Anthro- pology in Moscow, and the Museums of Scandinavia. With Discussion. 31st December, 1867 Feilden, (Major) H. W., "On the Mammalia of North Greenland and Grinnell Land," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. Anthropological Gleanings " (C .. L M.A.S. i, 372-420 J.A.I. xi, 122 J.A.I. xi, 122 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. lxiv, lxv A.R. i, 177-179 J.A. 188 J.A.I. xvi, 98 A.R. i, 43 T.E.S. iii, 36 A.R. iii, 167 T.E.S. v, 115-126 A.R. iv, 135–143 J.A. 188 T.E.S. iii, 394-399 A.R. ii, 302-308 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccxxii- ccxxix T.E.S. iv, 196-204 T.E.S. iii, 298-307 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccxvii- ccxxii J.A.I. ix, 358-369 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxxvi J.E.S., N.S. i, 85 J.A.I. vi, 379 J.A.I. xii, 243 A.R. ii, 227 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. 1-liii J.A.I. vii, 546 Index. 127 Feilden, (Major) H. W., Notes on Stone Implements from South Africa. With Discussion. 22nd May, 1883 Felkin (Dr.) R. W. Exhibition of a Darfur Boy. 14th November, 1882 Female Powers, the Worship of, see Sellon, E., on Indian Gnosticism Female and Male Steps Compared, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 27 Females, Excess of, in the West Indies, see Galton, F. Fergus, Walter (M.D.) and G. F. Rodwell, (F.R.A.S.), on a Series of Measurements for Statistical Purposes Recently made at Marlborough College. 12th May, 1874. (Plate) Fergusson on Tree and Serpent Worship in India. Review Fergusson, James. History of Modern Architecture ; with an Appendix on Ethnology from an Architec- tural Point of View." Review Fernando Po, see Thomson, T. R. H. Ferrier, D. (M.D., F.R.S.), on the Functional Topography of the Brain. With Discussion. 22nd February, 1887. (Woodcut) Ferro, R. de Silva, Exhibition of an Idol Human Head of the Jívaro Indians, see Bollaert, W... Fetichism, see Westropp, H. M. ا ·· .. << H. .. of the Rig Veda Fetish, or Ula, from Lake Nyassa, see Flower, W. H. (Ex. 423) Curse, Ashantee (Ex. 172).. ·· ·· Islands, see Fraser, A. A... Fijian Burial Customs, see Fison, L. Ornaments (Ex. 86).. · Worship in Egypt, see Mackenzie, K. R. H. Fibula from the Victoria Cave, see Busk, G. Fictitious Writing in North America, see Bollaert, W... Figurative Writing in the New World, see Bollaert, W. on Skin, Peruvian (Ex. 71, 72) Figure-head of New Zealand War Canoe (Ex. 224) Fiji, see Fison, L., on the Nanga .. ·· see Pritchard, W. T., on Viti and its Inhabitants Land Tenure in, see Fison, L. Natives of, see Anthropological Conferences Fiji Cranium (Ex. 238) Islanders, Cranial Characters of, see Flower, W. • ·· • ·· · • • • • • Riddles, see Fison, L. •• Filhol and Garrigou, on the Age of Polished Stones in the Caverns of the Ariège, Pyrenees, see Anthropo- logical Society, Paris Finger-marks, Patterns of (Ex. 425) see Anthropological Miscellanea, 227 Finistère, Recent Discovery in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 217 Sepulchral Chambers in Tumuli in, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 204.. Finland, Population of, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 140 • J.A.I. xiii, 162-174 J.A.I. xii, 469 M.A.S. ii, 264 A.R. ii, 227 J.A.I. iv, 136 J.A.I. iv, 126-130 A.R. vii, 217 A.R. i, 216-227 J.E.S. ii, 105 J.A.I. xvii, 26-31 T.E.S. ii, 112 J.A.I. ix, 304 Anthrop. p. cxii J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. iv, 88 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxxii J.A.I. iii, 392 M.A.S. i, 169 M.A.S. i, 169 A.R. V, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. vii, 277 J.A.I. xiv, 14 M.A.S. i, 195 J.A.I. x, 332 J.A.I. xvi, 217 J.A.I. ix, 2 J.A.I. x, 153 A.R. i, 355 J.A.I. x, 137 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxxvi J.A.I. xi, 406 A.R. v, 354 J.A.I. xx, 329 J.A.I. xx, 360 J.A.I. xix, 507 J.A.I. xix, 90 J.A.I. xiii, 502 128 Index. 1 Fins, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part IX Finsch's Casts of Faces of Natives of the Pacific Islands (Ex. 369) Collection of Casts, see Anthrop. Misc., 141 Finzi, F., “Il Brahui." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 2.. Fire-making in North Borneo, see Skertchly, S. B. J. Apparatus from North Borneo (Ex. 410) Fire-sticks from New Guinea (Ex. 420) Fire Syringe from Borneo, see Martin, R. B. (Ex. 427) Syringes (Ex. 411) Drawings of (Ex. 412) "First Principles. By H. Spencer." Review Fisher, Joseph, the Migrations of Mankind. and Discussion. 14th May, 1867 ·· Celt from Tooting (Ex. 110) ·· .. •• ·· ·· Arrow-heads, near Bath, see Evans, J. from Canada, see Fairbank, F. R. Ditchley (Ex. 215) Oxfordshire (Ex. 217) • • ·· • • Fisher, Morton, C., on the Arapahoes, Kiowas, and Comanches. 13th April, 1869.. Fishermen of Southern India, see Shortt, J. Fishing Implements, Palæolithic, see Young, J. T. Indians of Vancouver's Island, see Bogg, E. B. Fison, (Rev.) Lorimer (M.A.), Australian Marriage Laws. 9th December, 1879 Notes on Fijian Burial Customs. April, 1880 Fijian Riddles. 22nd November, 1881 Land Tenure in Fiji, 22nd June, 1880 the Nanga, or Sacred Enclosure, of Wai- nimala, Fiji. 26th February, 1884. (Plate and Map) the New Norcia Marriage Laws see Howitt, A. W. and L. F. Fitzroy, (Admiral) R., Outline Sketch of the Principal Varieties and Early Migrations of the Human Race. 12th May, 1858.. Fixity of Type, see Farrar, F. W... see Farrar, F. W…… Flagellum from the Azores (Ex. 385) and Cingulum from Chili (Ex. 386) Flathead Indians, see Simms, Flattened American Skulls (Ex. 149) Fleming, (Captain), -(Ethnology of Eastern Manchuria) Flempton, Stone Implement from, see Prigg, H. "Flint Chips. By E. F. Stevens." Review Flint, Worked, from the Isle of Wight (Ex. 108) Mexico (Ex. 109) ·· .. • Abstract • • • • • • · • ·· 27th ·· • • • • ·· • .. ·· .. ·· ・・ Cores as Implements, see Gillespie, W. Factories in the North of Ireland, see Knowles, W. J. Flakes, Method of Forming, by T. M. Hall, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1869 from Egypt, see Burton, R. F. (Ex. 226). • • • ·· .. .. J.A.I. ii, 205 J.A.I. xvi, 241 J.A.I. xiii, 504 J.A.I. i, 118 J.A.I. xix, 445 J.A.I. xix, 445 J.A.I. xx, 200 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. xix, 452 J.A.I. xix, 452 A.R. iii, 185 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. ccii- ccviii J.E.S., N.S. i, 274-287 T.E.S. v, 193 J.A.I. xiv, 83 M.A.S. iii, 260 J.A.I. ix, 354–357 J.A.I. x, 137-149 J.A.I. xi, 406–410 J.A.I. x, 332–352 J.A.I. xiv, 14–31 J.A.I. xviii, 68-70 J.A.I. xii, 30 T.E.S. i, 1-11 T.E.S. iii, 394 A.R. ii, 302 J.A.I. xviii, 274 J.A.I. xviii, 274 J.A.I. iii, 326 J.A.I. iii, 103 A.R. i, 444 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cvii J.A. 164 J.A.I. i, 1 J.A.I. i, 30 T.E.S. iv, 240 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxiv J.A.I. vii, 44 J.A.I. vii, 117 J.A.I. i, 30 J.A.I. vi, 260 J.A.I. ix, 320 A.R. vii, 427 J.A.I. vii, 323 J.A.I. vii, 323 Index. 129 Flint Flakes, from Southend (Ex. 316) S. Arrow-heads, etc., from Egypt (Ex. 229) Implement from the Bed of the Thames (Ex. 277) Virginia Water (Ex. 128).. (Neolithic) from Antrim, see Holden, J. J.A.I. xiv, 55 J.A.I. vii, 396 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A.I. i, 212 ·· J.A.I. iv, 19 Station in Wishmoor Bottom, see King, J.A.I. ii, 365 Implements from Amiens and Abbeville (Ex. 45) A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii Ballintoy, see Knowles, W. J. J.A.I. vii, 202 J.A.I. vii, 202 C. C. J... Holderness R. P. ·· A. (Ex. 222) the Valley of the Bann, see Knowles, W. Brixham Cavern (Ex. 221) Canada and the United States (Ex. 237) Cissbury (Ex. 81) in the Department of Loire et Cher, France, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 5 Devonshire (Ex. 231) Ditchley (Ex. 185).. (Ex. 195) see Dillon, Harold (Ex. 234) Downham (Ex. 91) Egypt, see Browne, A. J. Jukes see Burton, R. F. ·· in the "Hessle Clay," at Kelsea Hill, in ·· .. .. ·· Flints, Albanian (Ex. 364) .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ► • ·· Honduras (Ex. 105) ·· see Rosehill (Lord) (Ex. 212) the Valley of the Lea (Ex. 235) Little Ouse (Ex. 59) Madras (Ex. 294) . of the Nile Valley and Egypt, see Greg, .. .. ·· ·· ·· • from the North of London (Ex. 325) from Pressigny-le-Grand, see Steen- strupp, J., and Sir John Lubbock.. the Gravel at Reading, see Shrubsole, O. 0 • · found Associated with Roman Remains in Oxfordshire and the Isle of Thanet, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt.. Flint Implements, Small (Ex. 382) · and Bronze Implements from Egypt, Greece and Dalmatia (Ex. 251) • • * • from Cape Blanc Nez (Ex. 293) · • from the Miocene Beds of Thenay, in France, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 147.. ·· from Ventnor, see Westropp, H. M. Flints, Cores and Flakes from Blackheath, Surrey, see Godwin-Austen, H. H. ·· ·· and Skulls from Palestine, see Drake, C. F. T... Chipped, from Guernsey and Herm, see Adams, A. L. (Ex. 136).. Incised, from Kent (Ex. 173) ·· .. J.A.I. x, 150 J.A.I. vii, 173 J.A.I. viii, 377 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xliv A.R. i, 182 J.A.I. vii, 470 J.A.I. v, 30 J.A.I. vi, 55 J.A.I. v, 30 J.A.I. viii, 184 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii J.A.I. vii, 396 J.A.I. viii, 290 J.E.S., N.S. i, 203 J.A., J.A.S. p. cix J.A.I. vii, 19 J.A.I. vii, 19 J.A.I. viii, 184 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xii, 513 J.A.I. x, 424 J.A.I. xiv, 182 T.E.S. v, 221 J.A.I. xiv, 192 J.E.S., N.S. i, 1 J.A.I. xviii, 134 J.A.I. x, 429 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.A.I. xii, 496 J.A.I. xiv, 289 J.A.I. iii, 69 J.A.I. xiii, 137 J.A.I. iv, 14 J.A.I. ii, 68 J.A.I. ii, 68 J.A.I. iv, 88 K 130 1. Index. Flint, Worked, found near Carrickfergus, see Anthropo- logical News, 61 Worked, from Maiden Bower (Ex. 228) .. Flint-Knapper's Art in Albania, see Evans, A. J. Florida, Prehistoric Antiquities in, see Athropological Miscellanea, 70 Flourens, Gustave, Science de l'Homme," 1865. Re- ·· view Flower, J. W., Notices of a Kjökken-Mödding in the Island of Herm. With Discussion. 2nd February, 1869 On the Relative Ages of the Stone Implement Periods in England. With Discussion. 6th November, 1871. (4 Plates) Flower, (Sir), William H. (K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S.), on the Aims and Prospects of the Study of Anthro- pology. Anniversary Address to the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 22nd January, 1884 ·· Address Delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 27th January, 1885. On the Classification of the Varieties of the Human Species (c ·· Address to the Department of Anthro- pology of the British Association, 1881, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 127 • • Catalogue of Osteological Specimens in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons." Review on a Collection of Monumental Heads and Artificially Deformed Crania from the Island of Mallicollo, in the New Hebrides. 22nd March, 1881. (Plate and Woodcut) on the Cranial Characters of the Natives of the Fiji Islands. With Discussion. 22nd June, 1880. (3 Plates and Tables) on the Death of Mr. C. Darwin Deformed Skull of a Chimpanzee. 13th November, 1883 ·· ·· Description of Two Skeletons of Akkas, a Pygmy Race from Central Africa. With Discussion. 14th February, 1888. (3 Plates) Note on Eskimo Skulls, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 90 Exhibition of an Artificially Deformed Skull from Mallicollo. With Discussion. March, 1889 12th 10th June, 1890 1886 .. a Cranium of a Native of one of the Fiji Islands. 11th February, 1879 Ethnological Casts. 9th November, 1886 a Fetish, or Ula, from Lake Nyassa. • a Nicobarese Skull. 11th May, • ·· A.R. ▼, 370 J.A.I. vii, 396 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.A.I. vi, 99 A.R. iv, 149-157 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxv- cxix J.A.I. i, 274–295 J.A.I. xiii, 488-501 J.A.I. xix, 52-54 J.A.I. ix, 2 J.A.I. xvi, 241, 242 J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. xvi, 147–149 Jamaica. With Discussion. 11th March, 1890 J.A.I. xx, 110–112 Two Skulls from a Cave in J.A.I. xiv, 378-395 J.A.I. xi, 184 J.A.I. x, 231 J.A.I. xi, 75–81 J.A.I. x, 153-174 J.A.I. xii, 229 J.A.I. xiii, 276 J.A.I. xviii, 3-19 J.A.I. vii, 539 Index. 131 Flower, (Sir), William H. (K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S.), Il- lustrations of the Mode of Preserving the Dead in Darnley Island and in South Australia. 8th April, 1879. With Discussion. (2 Plates).. Title only "The Native Races of the Pacific Ocean. "" (Lecture Delivered at the Royal Institution, 1878.) Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings Obituary Notice of George Busk, F.R.S. on the Osteology and Affinities of the Natives of the Andaman Islands. 24th June, 1879. (4 Plates and Tables) Additional Observations on the Osteology of the Natives of the Andaman Islands. 13th May, 1884 tr the Pygmy Races of Man, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 184 Report on Bones found in a Roman Villa at Morton, near Brading, April, 1881. 26th April, 1881 "" ·· .. on the Size of the Teeth as a Character of Race. With Discussion. 24th June, 1884.. on the Stature of the Andamanese, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 109 Flower and Murie on the Dissection of a Bushwoman Flowers at Mr. A. R. Wallace's Séance, see Anthropo- logical News, 27. Science and Spiritualism" Folds in the Hand as Indicating Race, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 32 Foley, R. J., Vocabulary of the Champion Bay Tribe (West Australia), see Oldfield, A., on the Aborigines of Australia • ·· Foreign Literature Folklore of Greece, Asia Minor, and Albania "Folk-lore of the South Australian Aborigines. By G. Taplin." Review Food, Effects of, on the Races of Man, see Crawfurd, J. · · .. •• of Australian Natives, see Crawfurd, J... Foote, R. Bruce, Notes on Prehistoric Finds in India. With Discussion. 9th March, 1886 .. Foramen Magnum, Position of, see Wyman, Jeffreys. Forbes, David, on the Aymara Indians of Bolivia and Peru. With Discussion. 21st June, 1870. (Plates) Obituary Notice of.. Forbes, H. O., Ethnological Notes on the People of the Island of Buru. Title only. 11th November, 1884 ·· on the Ethnology of Timor-laut. With Discussion. 13th March, 1883. (Woodcut and Vocabulary) ·· on the Kubus of Sumatra. 27th May, 1884. (Plate) .. ·· on some of the Tribes of the Island of Timor. 27th November, 1883. (2 Plates).. "Force and Matter. By L. Büchner. Collingwood." Review . J.A.I. viii, 389-395 J.A.I. ix, 51 J.A.I. viii, 96 J.A.I. xvi, 403 J.A.I. ix, 108-135 J.A.I. xiv, 115-120 J.A.I. xviii, 73 J.A.I. xi, 116, 117 J.A.I. xiv, 183-187 J.A.I. x, 124 A.R. v, 319 A.R. v, 242 A.R. ii, 229 T.E.S. iii, 297, 298 J.E.S., N.S. i, 202 J.A.I. x, 234 T.E.S. i, 76 T.E.S. vi, 112 J.A.I. xvi, 70-75 A.R. vii, 152 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 193–305 J.A.I. vi, 513-516 J.A.I. xiii, 8-31 J.A.I. xiv, 121–127 J.A.I. xiii, 402-430 Edited by J. F. A.R. iii, 22 A.R. viii, 94 J.A.I. xiv, 205 K 2 132 Index. Forensic Anthropology, Subjective Light in Relation tɔ, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 1.. Forest, Submerged, in Somerset, see Dawkins, W. Boyd Forlong's "Rivers of Life." Review. See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 136 Form of the Female Skull, see Ecker, Alexander Skull, see Schaaffhausen, Hermann Formation of Mixed Human Races, see Quatrefages, A. de Formosa, Aborigines of, see White, F. Kibalans of, see Collingwood on the Natives of, see Schetelig • ·· Skulls and Photographs of Natives of (Ex. 7) see Swinhoe, R. Forrest, John, on the Natives of Central and Western • ·· Australia. 22nd June, 1875 .. Forte, Joseph, Note on "Carib Chisels," from Barbadoes. 8th February, 1881 Fosberry, Major, on some of the Mountain Tribes of the N.W. Frontier of India. 23rd March, 1869 Fossil Bone, Blood Globules in, see Anthropological News, 71 Fossil, Human Jaw, see Collyer, R. H. found at Abbeville, see Falconer, H. Skull from Lagoa Santa, see Hansen, S. ·· ·· ossil Man. Review .. • .. • ·· of Abbeville, see Abbeville Fox, A. Lane, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt. France, see Lewis, A. L., on Rude Stone Monuments in the Country of the Carnutes .. ·· Rude Stone Monuments in the Country of the Carnutes (Ex. 398) Saracens in, see Lagneau, G. Stone Implements from (Ex. 26) · J.A.I. xix, 66 Flint Implements discovered at Pressigny-le- Grand, see Steenstrupp, J. and Sir John Lubbock T.E.S. v, 221 Flints from the Miocene Beds of Thenay, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 147 J.A.I. xiv, 289 J.A.I. xix, 66 M.A.S. iii, 157 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 325 J.A.I. xv, 264 ·· • A.R. i, 179 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 141 J.A.I. xii, 568 A.R. vi, 350 A.R. vi, 412 ·· A.R. vii, 22 T.E.S. vii, 165 T.E.S. vi, 135 T.E.S. vii, 215 T.E.S. vii, 215 T.E.S. i. [131] J.A.I. v, 316-321 J.A.I. xi, 2, 3. J.E.S., N.S. i, 182-193 Brittany. See Anthrop. Misc., 152 Karnak (Ex. 44) Stone Southern, Cave Dwellers in, see Christy, H. Francis, (Lieut.-Colonel) George Grant, on Implements, etc., from Paviland, Gower. With Discussion. 5th February, 1872 Franco-Prussian War, see Anthropological Notes, 15 Racial Aspects of, see Jackson, J. W. Frankfort Craniometric agreement, see Garson, J. G. Franks, see Howorth, H. H., The Ethnology of Germany. Part VI." ·· (C ·· ·· see Howorth, H. H., "The Ethnology of Ger- many. Part VI." Franks, A. W. (C.B., M.A., F.R.S.), Bow and Arrows of the Modoc Indians. 3rd June, 1873 Enquiries and Observations on Ethnologi- cal Questions Connected with Arctic Exploration, see 'Report of the Arctic Committee." Appendix J.A.I. ii, 302 on a Japanese Roll Representing in Coloured Drawings the Manners of the Ainos. 6th May, 1873 A.R. v, 374 A.R. V, 221 A.R. i, 177 J.A.I. xvii, 43 A.R. vii, 163 A.R. ii, 220 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii T.E.S. iii, 362 J.A.I. ii, 2, 3 J.A. 242 J.A.I. i, 30 J.A.I. xiv, 64 J.A.I. xii, 525 J.A.I. xiii, 213 J.A.I. iii, 204, 205 J.A.I. iii, 137–139 Index. 133 Franks, A. W. (C.B., M.A., F.R.S.), Photographs of Skulls and Objects from the Caucasus. 20th May, 1873 ·· .. Stone Implements from Honduras, Ex- hibited by Captain Melford Campbell. 14th March, 1876 ·· on a Tattooed Man from Burmah. With Discussion. 17th June, 1872.. Fraser, A. A. Seemann on the Inhabitants of the Fiji Islands. (Review) Fraser Lake Tribes, see Hamilton, Gavin Frazer, J. G. (M.A.) on Certain Burial Customs as Illus- trative of the Primitive Theory of the Soul. With Discussion. 10th March, 1885 a Legend of Narcissus, see Anthropolo- gical Miscellanea, 160 Questions on the Manners, Customs, Religion, Superstitions, etc., of Uncivilised or Semi- civilised People, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 200 Frédault, (Dr.) F. "Physiologie Générale; Traité d'Anthropologie Physiologique et Philosophique. 1863." Review.. Freeman's Dutchmen. Review French Anthropology, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 99 Association for the Advancement of the Sciences, 1877, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 87 1889, see Anthro- >> ·· •• Ethnological Observations made on a Journey through the Rhaetian Alps in 1853. 3rd May, 1854 .. on the Romanish Languages of Switzerland and the Tyrol. 9th June, 1852 Friederich, R., "An Account of the Island of Bali," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology Fryer (Captain), G. E., Aborigines of Travancore and Colhin. (Notice of a Paper Read before the Asiatic Society.) Plate Fuegians (Ex. 408). Fulbourne, Skull found at (Ex. 191) Functional Topography of the Brain, see Ferrier, D. Functions of the Brain, see Hunt, J. pological Miscellanea, 206 Exhibition, Ethnology of the, see Linton, L... Photographs (Ex. 265) Frere, (Sir) H. Bartle, (Bart., G.C.B., F.R.S.), on the Laws Affecting the Relations between Civilised and Savage Life, as Bearing on the Dealings of Colonists with Aborigines. With Discussion. 28th June, 1881.. J.A.I. xi, 313–354 on Systems of Land Tenure among Aboriginal Tribes in South Africa. With Discussion. 23rd May, 1882.. Freund, (Dr.) William, on Dr. Donaldson's Opinion of the Origin of the Etruscan People and Language. 16th March, 1853 J.A.I. xii, 258-276 · • see Hunt, J. Localisation of the, see Hunt, J. • • ·· J.A.I. iii, 176, 177 J.A.I. vi, 37-40 J.A.I. ii, 228–233 A.R. i, 355–365 J.A.I. vii, 206 J.A.I. xv, 64–104 J.A.I. xvi, 344 J.A.I. xviii, 431 A.R. iv, 266–268 A.R. viii, 1-14 J.A.I. ix, 233 J.A.I. vii, 187 J.A.I. xix, 92 T.E.S. vi, 216 J.A.I. xi, 311 J.E.S. iv, 55-83 J.E.S. iv, 268-284 J.E.S. iii, 178-192 J.A.I. vii, 110 J.E.S., N.S. i, 80 J.A.I. xix, 443 J.A.I. v, 425 J.A.I. xvii, 26 A.R. vi, 329 A.R. vii, 201 A.R. vii, 100 134 Index. Fundamental Principles of Anthropological Science, see Donovan, Funeral Canopy of an Egyptian Queen (Ex. 284) Ceremony in the Tonga Islands, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 122 Future State, Universality of Belief in, see Farrar, F. W. Fytche, (Col.) Albert, on Certain Aborigines of the Anda- man Islands. 10th July, 1866 F. W. R., see Rudler, F. W. Gaboon. Letter from R. B. N. Walker. G. Ethnological Specimens from the (Ex. 74) Specimens from the, Presented by R. B. N. ·· Walker Gaddi, Paolo, see Welcker, H., on the Skull of Dante.. Gælic Mythology, see Maclean, H. Galchah Languages. By R. B. Shaw, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology Galitzin (Prince), Ern, Manners and Customs of the Yacoutes. Translated and Communicated by Dr. Norton Shaw. 8th September, 1853. Abstract Gallinas, see Harris, J. M... Gallinas People of Sierra Leone, see Harris, J. M. Gall's Organology, see Prideaux, T. Symes Gallo-Helvetic Interments on the Uetliberg, near Zürich Galton, F., (M.A., F.R.S.), Anniversary Address to the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, delivered 26th January, 1886 ·· "" •·· ·· Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, January 25th, 1887 January 24th, 1888 January 22nd, 1889 ·· on the Anthropometric Laboratory at the late International Health Exhibition. With Dis- cussion. 11th November, 1884. (2 Plates) on Apparatus for Testing the Delicacy of the Muscular and Other Senses in Different Persons. With Discussion. 14th November, 1882 Note on Australian Marriage Systems. 28th February, 1888 .. Composite Portraits, made by Combining those of many Different Persons into a Single Resultant Figure. With Discussion. 30th April, 1878. (Woodcuts) on the excess of Females in the West Indian Islands, from Documents communicated to the Anthropological Institute by the Colonial Office. 12th May, 1874.. ·· Exhibition of Ancient Peruvian Gold Breastplate. 27th November, 1888.. Exhibition of Composite Photographs of Skulls. 24th November, 1885 ·· A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii J.A.I. xii, 324 J.A.I. x, 460 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxvii T.E.S. v, 239-242 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xcv A.R. v, J.A.S. p. J.A.S. p. cxlix A.R. V, A.R. v, 56 J.A.I. ix, 167 J.A.I. vii, 110 J.A.S. p. cxlix J.E.S. iv, 144–148 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lxxxii M.A.S. ii, 25 A.R. vii, p. 76 Anthrop. p. lxxvii J.A.I. xv, 489--499 J.A.I. xvi, 387-402 J.A.I. xvii, 346-354 J.A.I. xviii, 401–419 J.A.I. xiv, 205–221 J.A.I. xii, 469-477 J.A.I. xviii, 70–72 J.A.I. viii, 132–144 J.A.I. iv, 136, 137 J.A.I. xviii, 274 J.A.I. xv, 390, 391 Index. 135 Galton, F. (M.A., F.R.S.), Exhibition of Instruments (1) for Testing Perception of Differences of Tint, and (2) for Determining Reaction Time. 26th February, 1889 the First Steps towards the Domestication on Head Growth in Students at the Uni- versity of Cambridge. With Discussion. 24th April, 1888. (Plate) on the Height and Weight of Boys aged 14, in Town and Country Public Schools. With Discussion. 27th April, 1875. (Woodcut).. Short Notes on Heredity, etc., in Twins. 9th November, 1875. (Woodcut) "Hereditary Genius." Review Lectures on Anthropology at the South Kensington Museum. Notice. See Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 168.. Notes on the Marlborough School Statistics. With Discussion. 12th May, 1874 ·· a New Instrument for Measuring the Rate of Movement of the Various Limbs. 13th May, 1890. (Zincograph) .. Obituary Notice of Miss Marianne North Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 227 of Animals .. ·· ·· J.A.I. xix, 27-29 T.E.S. iii, 122-138 Peculiarities •• see Rising Galton's History of Twins, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 58 J.A.I. xviii, 155–156 J.A.I. 174-181 V, J.A.I. v, 324–329 J.A. 56 J.A.I. xvii, 79 J.A.I. iv, 130-135 • Notes on Permanent Colour Types in Mosaic. With Discussion. 11th May, 1886 Personal Identification and Description, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 192 on the Probability of the Extinction of Families, see Watson, H. W. Proposal to Apply for Anthropological Statistics from Schools. With Discussion. 11th November, 1873 on Recent Designs for Anthropometric Instruments. With Discussion. 9th February, 1886 J.A.I. xvi, 2-9 Regression towards Mediocrity in Heredi- tary Stature, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 151 J.A.I. xv, 246 Remarks Made at the Commencement of the Session, 1885-86. 10th November, 1885 on Replies by Teachers to Ques- tions Respecting Mental Fatigue. With Discussion. 24th April, 1888 Some Results of the Anthropometric Laboratory, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 144 Tables of Observations, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 199 a Theory of Heredity. 9th November, 1875 Visualised Numerals. With Discussion. 9th March, 1880. (2 Plates and Woodcuts) see Anthropological Conferences see Anthropological Miscellanea, 194 see Boucher, J., on American Family J.A.I. xx, 200–204 J.A.I. xx, 302 J.A.I. xx, 360 J.A.I. xvi, 145-147 J.A.I. xviii, 177 J.A.I. iv, 138 J.A.I. iii, 308-311 J.A.I. xv, 336-338 XF, J.A.I. xviii, 157-16S J.A.I. xiv, 275 J.A.I. xviii, 420 J.A.I. v, 329–348 J.A.I. x, 85-102 J.A.I. xvi, 175 J.A.I. xviii, 192 J.A.I. xvi, 98 T.E.S. iv, 59 J.A.I. v, 391 136 Index. Galton's Whistles for Testing the Limit of Audibility of Sound, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 173 Gama, Vasco de, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 55 Game of Hop-Scotch, see Crombie, J. W. Games, Geographical Distribution of, see Tylor, E. B... Gardner, C. T., on the Chinese Race; Their Language, Government, Social Institutions, and Religion. 9th November, 1869. (Woodcuts.) With Discussion.. With Discussion.. Garo Hill Tribes, see Godwin-Austen, H. H. Garrett, W. H., see Bellecombe, A. de Garrod, A. H. (M.A.), "On the Mechanism of the In- vertebral Substance, and on some Effects of the Erect Position of Man," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology" Garson, J. G., (M.D.), the Cephalic Index. With Discussion. 9th February, 1886 • on the Cranial Characters of the Natives of Timor-laut. With Discussion. 27th November, 1883. (2 Plates) the Frankfort Craniometric Agreement, with Critical Remarks Thereon. With Discussion. 25th March, 1884. (2 Plates) on the Inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego. With Discussion. 14th April, 1885. (Plate and Folding Tables).. • • the International Agreement on the Classification and Nomenclature of the Cephalic Index. 11th May, 1886 With Lamps from the Orkney Islands. Discussion. 13th November, 1883. (Figured) the Natives of Tierra del Fuego. only.) 3rd December, 1889 ·· on the Osteological Characters of the Kubus of Sumatra. 27th May, 1884 Osteology of the Ancient Inhabi- tants of the Orkney Islands. 10th April, 1883. (Plate and Folding Tables) Notes on Photographs Illustrating Cases of Hypertrichosis. 27th February, 1883 ·· on the Physical Characteristics of the Lapps. 9th June, 1885 ·· (6 • .. • ·· on Skulls from the Hindu Kush District. With Discussion. 14th February, 1888 Remarks on Skulls Dredged from the Thames, in the Neighbourhood of Kew. 11th Feb- ruary, 1890 • ·· Garvagh, Jet Ornament from (Ex. 278) Gason, S., Note on the Dieyerie Tribe of South Australia, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 174 "The Dieyrie Tribe of Australian Aborig- ines," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. Anthropological Gleanings " see Anthropological Miscellanea, 187 Gastaldi, Bart. Lake Habitations and Prehistoric Re- mains in the Turbaries and Marl Beds of Northern and Central Italy. Translated by C. H. Chambers. Gastaldi and Keller, on Archaic Anthropology. Review Gauchos of San Jorge, Central Uruguay, see Christison, D. (Title • J.A.I. xvii, 181 J.A.I. v, 118 J.A.I. xv, 403 J.A.I. ix, 23 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 5-27 J.A.I. ii, 391 A.R. ii, 191 J.A.I. vii, 112 J.A.I. xvi, 11-17 J.A.I. xiii, 386-402 J.A.I. xiv, 64--83 J.A.I. xv, 141-160 J.A.I. xvi, 17-20 J.A.I. xiii, 275, 276 J.A.I. xix, 443 J.A.I. xiv, 128-133 J.A.I. xiii, 54-86 J.A.I. xiii, 6, 7 J.A.I. xv, 235-238 J.A.I. xviii, 20-26 J.A.I. xx, 20-25 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A.I. xvii, 185 J.A.I. vii, 545 J.A.I. xviii, 94 A.R. vi, 114–116 J.A.I. xi, 34 Index. 137 Gaulish and British Skulls, two Principal Forms of, see Thurnam, J. Gauls, Origin of. Review Gavr Inis, see Lewis, A. L. Review Gaza, Mural Inscription from (Ex. 167) "Gehirn und Geist. By Dr. F. Piderit." Geiger, Lazarus, "Contributions to the History of the Development of the Human Race." Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 119 See ·· Gelsa di Lesina, see Burton, R. F. Genders of Nouns, Formation of, see Bleek, W. H. I. Genealogy in Connexion with Anthropology, Marshall, G. W. "Genesis of Species." Miscellanea, 5.. Genius, Shadows of, see Dendy, W. C. Gennarelli, see Carmichael, C. H. E., "On the Exis- tence of a Race of Red Men in Northern Africa " Gentile Revelation, see Lewis, A. L. Letter Geographical Distribution of Games, see Tylor, E. B... Mankind, see Dallas, J. see Huxley, T. H. Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI • • Review. See Anthropological Primer (Chambers' Educational Course). Review Geological Time measured by Natural Chronometers, see Phillips, J. Geology and Anthropology, see Miscellanea Anthropo- logica, 20 •• Notes, 3.. Germany, Ethnology of, see Howorth, H. H.: ·· ·· ·· Geometry in Ancient Remains, see Petrie, W. M. F. Geophagy (at Batanga), sée Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 126 • Georgia, Bird-shaped Mounds in Putnam County, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 94 .. Georgian and Sontal.. and Turkish Names for Water Identical, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 18 Gerber, Henriquez, see Burton, R. F., on the Pri- CC mordial Inhabitants of Minas Geraes " German, Ancient Cranium, see Anthropological Society, Paris · • • ·· D Anthropology, see Anthropological News, 144 Archaic Anthropology Naturalists and Physicians, Congress of, Report of the Transactions of the Section for Anthropology and Ethnology. Dresden, September, 1868.. "The German Working Man; his Institutions for Self- Culture and his Unions for Material Progress. By James Samuelson. 1869." See Contemporary Literature ·· Germans of Cæsar, see Howorth, H. H. "Ethnology of Germany, Part II” Germany, Anthropology in, see Anthropological . • ·· • • • • see • · · • • ·· .. ·· ·· ·· • ·· • M.A.S. i, 120; 459 A.R. vii, 245 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. iii, 205 A.R. iii, 236 J.A.I. x, 366 J.A.I. v, 275 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxiv M.A.S. ii, 68 J.A.I. i, 261 J.A. 278 J.A.I. iii, 300 A.R. vi, 217 J.A.I. ix, 23 J.A.I. xv, 304 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 404 A.R. i, 489 A.R. ii, 312 A.R. ii, 149 J.A.I. viii, 106 J.A.I. x, 467 J.A.I. viii, 92 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 J.A.I. ii, 407 A.R. v, 353 A.R. vii, 117 A.R. v, 325–330 A.R. viii, 35-41 J.A. 235 J.A.I. vii, 211 J.A. 112 J.A.I. vi, 364 J.A.I. vii, 211 J.A.I. vii, 293 J.A.I. ix, 406 J.A.I. x, 174 J.A.I. xii, 525 138 Index. Get, Cairn of, see Anderson, J., on Excavations in Caithness Cairns Skull from, see Blake, C. C. Gha (Accra) Language, its Grammatical Principles, see Hanson, A. W. Ghaznevides, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomads, Part II Ghiliak, Skull of, see Davis, J. B... Giantess, Nova Scotian, see Anthropological News, 148 Gibb, (Sir) G. Duncan, (Bart., M.A., M.D., LL.D), a Cause of Diminished Longevity among the Jews the Character of the Voice in the Nations of Asia and Africa, contrasted with that of the Nations of Europe. 15th December, 1868.. on the Character of the Voice in the Nations of Asia and Africa, contrasted with that in the Nations of Europe. Abstract and Discussion. 15th December, 1868 Essential Points of Difference between the Larynx of the Negro and that of the White Man. 31st January, 1865 .. on the Essential Differences observable between the Larynx of the Negro and that of the White Man. Discussion. 31st January, 1865 Extreme Hypertrophy of the Skull. With Discussion. 31st May, 1864 the Larynx of the Negro. Abstract and an Obstacle to European Longevity beyond Discussion Seventy on a Patoo-patoo from New Zealand. Ab- stract. 17th June, 1873 ·· • on the Paucity of Aboriginal Monuments in Canada. 31st May, 1870 ·· Stone Implements and Fragments of Pottery from Canada. With Discussion. 4th March, 1873. (2 Plates) Ultra-Centenarian Longevity. With Dis- cussion. 9th March, 1875 ·· on the Various Forms assumed by the Glottis. Abstract Vocal and other Influences upon Mankind, of Pendency of the Epiglottis. 4th February, 1861 Vocal and other Influences upon Mankind from Pendency of the Epiglottis. Abstract and Dis- cussion. 4th February, 1868.. • Gibbs, G., on the Antiquities of Great Turks Island .. M.A.S. iii, 216 M.A.S. iii, 243 J.E.S. iv, 84 J.E.S., N.S. i, 378 M.A.S. iii, 366 A.R. vii, 215 J.A. 94-97 .. M.A.S. iii, 244–259 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. lxii- lxvi M.A.S. ii, 1–13 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxxv- cxxviii the Physical Condition of Centenarians, as derived from Personal Observation in Six Genuine Examples. With Discussion. 18th March, 1872.. J.A.I. ii, 78-89 Report upon the State of Anthropology at the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Norwich. 3rd November, 1868 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cclxx- cclxxii A.R. ii, 322, 323 J.A. 232-235 J.A.I. iii, 266 J.A., J.A.S. pp. clxxiii- clxxviii C J.A.I. iii, 65-69 J.A.I., v, 82-101 A.R. ii, 321, 322 M.A.S. iii, 106–113 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xxiii- XXV1 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. c-cv J.A.I. vi, 38–40 C Index. 139 Giles, John V., Description of a Samoied Family seen at Archangel [B.A., 2nd September, 1852.] Abstract.. J.E.S. iii, 214, 215 Gilgit Valley, Description of a Trip to. By Captain H. C. Marsh. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology Gill, (Capt.) W. J., "Travels in Western China and on the Borders of Eastern Tibet," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings ".. Gill, (Rev.) W. Wyatt, Childbirth Customs of the Loyalty Islands, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 215 (C "" Extract from "Life in the Southern Seas, or Scenes and Incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea." See Beardmore, E., on the Natives of Mowat $ 44 on the Origin of the South Sea Islands, and on some Traditions of the Hervey Islands. With Discussion. 8th February, 1876 Gillespie, (Dr.) W., on Flint Cores as Implements. With Discussion. 27th June, 1876. (Woodcut).. Gillespie, William Honyman. "The Modern Anthropo- logy, as Developed into a Universal Ape Ancestry; can it be held by a Christian Divine of the Straitest School ? " Review. See Jackson, J. W., on the Theory of Development Ginsburg, C. D. (LL.D.), "The Moabite Stone." Re- view Gipsies, Origin of the, see Anthropological Notes, 14 on the Origin of, see Crawfurd, J. of Bengal, see Mitra Rajendralala in Egypt, see Kremer, A. von Roumanian • •• .. ·· Gipsy Dialect called Sim Girl Sacrifices, see Walhouse, M. J. Gladstone, W. E. "Juventus Mundi, the Gods and Men of the Homeric Age. By the Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. London, Macmillan and Co., 1869." Review.. Glaisher, James, Influence of High Altitudes on Man. Abstract Glenarm, Calvarium from (Ex. 95) Gliddon, George R., see Anthropological News, 138. Glottis, forms Assumed by, see Gibb, G. D. Gnomon, Probable Use of in Bogotá, see Bollaert, W... Gnomons of the Peruvians, see Bollaert, W. Gnosticism, Indian, see Sellon, E. ·· ·· • God, the Universality of Belief in, and in a Future State, see Farrar, F. W. Godeffroy Museum of Hamburg, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 106 Godron, (Dr.) D. A., Obituary of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 113 J.A.I. vii, 103 J.A.I. viii, 100 J.A.I. xix, 503 J.A.I. xix, 469 J.A.I. vi, 2–5; 6-8 J.A.I. vi, 260–263 A.R. v, 257 J.A. 349 J.A. 242 A.R. i, 445 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clii A.R. ii, 262 Anthrop. 489 Anthrop. 497 J.A.I. xi. 415 J.E.S., N.Ś. i, 321–331 A.R. i, 414 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cliv A.R. vi, 466 A.R. ii, 321 M.A.S. i, 210 M.A.S. i, 210 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxxii A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxvii J.A.I. ix, 462; x, 236 J.A.I. x, 231 Godwin-Austen, (Lieut.-Colonel) H. H., (F.R.S.) on the Discovery of some Worked Flints, Cores, and Flakes from Blackheath, near Chilworth and Bramley, Surrey. With Discussion. 8th May, 1883. (Map) J.A.I. xiii, 137–143 on Garo Hill Tribes, Bengal. With Dis- cussion. 17th December, 1872 J.A.I. ii, 391-396 on the Rude Stone Monuments of certain 110 Index. 4 1 ·· Naga Tribes, with some Remarks on their Customs, etc. 12th May, 1874. (The Plates in Illustration of this Paper were never Published) Godwin-Austen, (Lieut.-Colonel) H.H., (F.R.S.) on the Stone Monuments of the Khasi Hill Tribes, and on some of the Peculiar Rites and Customs of the People. With Discussion. (4 Plates.) 1st May, 1871 Further Notes on the Rude Stone Monu- ments of the Khasi Hill Tribes. With Discussion. 23rd February, 1875. (2 Plates) Godwin-Austen, R. A. C., (F.R.S.), on the Alluvial Accu- mulation in the Valleys of the Somme and the Ouse. Abstract .. Go-hei, Japanese, see Chamberlain, B. H. Goklán and Yamúd Tribes of Turkomania, see Bode, (Baron), C. A. de .. Gold-Calendar of the Peruvians and Telescope Tube, see Bollaert, W. Gold Coast, People of the, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 232 . ·· Stone Implements from, see Burton, R. F., and V. L. Cameron Gold Objects from Ashantee (Ex. 174) Torque from Peat Moss in County Sligo (Ex. 11) Gollmer, (Rev.) C. A., on African Symbolic Messages. With Discussion. 10th June, 1884 .. Gomme, G. L., on the Evidence for Mr. McLennan's Theory of the Primitive Human Horde. With Dis- cussion. 24th May, 1887 the Primitive Human Horde, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 180.. Goniometer, see Broca, P... Gooch, W. D., Notes on the occurrence of Stone Imple- ments in South Russia. 11th May, 1880. 11th May, 1880. cuts) (Wood- ·· .. •• the Stone Age in South Africa. With Discussion. 11th January, 1881. (7 Plates, 4 Sketch Maps, and Folding Tables) Goodenough, (Commodore) -., on the natives of Malli- collo and Vanikoro, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 76 "" ·· • Resolution of Condolence at the Death of, 9th November, 1875 Gordon, (Col.) C. E., " Observations on the Nile between Dufli and Magungo," see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 84. Recent Anthropology Gore, R. T., Notice of a Case of Micro-cephaly. 7th April, 1863 Discussion Gorget from Easter Island (Ex. 187) Gorilla, on the Limbs of the, ("Osteological Contribu- tions to the Natural History of the Anthropoid Apes," by Professor Owen, 1862). Review.. Skeleton Presented by T. Craston.. 18th of, Presented by T. Craston, Esq. May, 1869 Transversalis Pedis in the Foot of. (Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris) • ·· J.A.I. iv, 144-147 J.A.I. i, 122-143 J.A.I. v, 37-41 A.R. i, 438 J.A.I. xviii, 27 J.E.S. i, 60 M.A.S. i, 210 J.A.I. xx, 363 J.A.I. xii, 449 J.A.I. iv, 122 J.E.S., N.S. i. 51 J.A.I. xiv, 169–182 J.A.I. xvii, 118–133 J.A.I. xvii, 356 M.A.S. ii, 82 J.A.I. x, 352-357 J.A.I. xi, 124-183 J.A.I. vi, 335 J.A.I. v, 324 J.A.I. vii, 109 A.R. i, 168-171 A.R. i, 187-191 J.A.I. v, 220 A.R. i, 149-152 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxx A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxv A.R. iv, 107 Index. 141 Gorilla and Man (Chief Anatomical Differences), see Mis- cellanea Anthropologica, 12 see Bischoff, T. L. W. Gower, Bone and Stone Implements from (Ex. 135) Gowland, W., Exhibition of Photographs of Megalithic Remains from Japan. 26th March, 1889 Græco-Egyptian Terra-Cotta Figures, see Cooper, W. R. (Ex. 107) Graham Island, Village of Hydah Indians in, Anthropological Miscellanea, 98.. Grammar, Aniwa, see Anthrop. Misc., 1ryny Api, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 196 Nguna, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 161 Grant, (Captain) J. A., on the Native Tribes visited by Captains Speke and Grant in Equatorial Africa. 30th June, 1863 W. Graphic Records, Peruvian, see Bollaert, Grass Aprons, Traditional Origin of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 130 "" Cloth from Lagos (Ex. 111) Gratiolet, (Professor), Death of, see Pruner-Bey ·· on the Frontal Region in Man and the Anthropo- morphous Apes. Abstract. See Anthropological Society of Paris Grattan, John, on a new Craniometer. Abstract and Discussion. See Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 · Notes upon a Collection of Irish Crania. (B.A., 4th September, 1852). Abstract Grave-mounds in Peru, see Price, J. E. Objects from (Ex. 307) Graves, Giants', in Ireland.. Graves of Heitsi-eibib; a Chapter on the Prehistoric Hottentot Race, by Dr. Theoph. Hahn. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 95. "Anthropological Gleanings (C Gray, Henry, Anthropotomy. Review. Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. By Henry Gray, F.R.S. Third Edition, 1864" Great Turks Island, see Gibbs, G... Grecian Anthropology. Review Grecs à toutes les Époques. Review. .. • • • • • • see ·· •• ·· • • See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 21 Greece, see Bent, T., on Prehistoric Remains in Anti- paros ·· Flint and Bronze Implements from (Ex. 251) Stone Implements from (Ex. 134).. Votive Statuettes from Tanagra (Ex. 207) Greek Customs, Insular, see Bent, T. Dresses and Other Objects (Ex. 344) "Greek Language. By G. D'Eichthal." Review Greek and Italian Skulls, see Anthropological Notes, 10 Greenhow, H. M., a Short Notice of the People of Oude and of their Leading Characteristics. 17th Novem- ber, 1858 Greenland, Statistics of. (Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris) Greenlander, on the Construction of the Upper Jaw of, see Carus, C. G. ·· • ·· ·· A.R. i, 494 J.A. 268 J.A.I. ii, 2 J.A.I. xix, 64 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. viii, 426 J.A.I. xvii, 282 J.A.I. xviii, 295 J.A.I. xvi, 409 T.E.S. iii, 83-93 M.A.S. iii, 351 J.A.I. xi, 356 J.A.I. i, 30 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxliii A.R. iv, 377 A.R. iv, 392 J.E.S. iii, 215-218 J.A.I. xiii, 273 J.A.I. xiii, 273 Anthrop, 66 J.A.I. viii, 103 A.R. ii, 202-200 J.A.I. vi, 38 A.R. vi, 154-175 J.A.I. ii, 132 J.A.I. xiv, 134 J.A.I. x, 429 J.A.I. i, 348 J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. xv, 391 J.A.I. xv, 390 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 46 J.A. 115 T.E.S. i, 71-76 A.R. iv, 193 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxiv 142 Index. Greenway (Rev.), C. C., Kamilaroi Language and Tradi- tions, see Ridley, W., “Australian Languages and ·· Traditions" Greenwell, (Rev.) W., on Ancient Burial Mounds, see Anthropological News, 45. Who were the Ancient Britons ?.. on the Opening of Grime's Graves in Norfolk. With Discussion. 27th June, 1870. (Plates) Greg, R. P., Neolithic Flint Implements of the Nile Valley and Egypt. 23rd November, 1880 Gregor (Rev.), Walter, the Healing Art in the North of Scotland in the Olden Time. 17th June, 1873 Grey, (Sir) George (K.C.B.), on Quartzite Implements from the Cape of Good Hope. With Discussion. 23rd November, 1869. (Plate) on the Social Life of the Ancient Inhabi- tants of New Zealand, and on the National Charac- ter it was likely to Form. 11th May, 1869.. Grey Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trape- zium, The. By John Dean, M.D. 1869. See Con- temporary Literature Grierson, (Dr.) on Certain Celts from Dumfriesshire. Abstract and Discussion. See Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 Griesbach, Carl Ludolf, on the Weapons and Implements used by the Kaffir Tribes and Bushmen of South Africa. Abstract. 24th January, 1871 •" ·· Griffith, T. R., on the Races Inhabiting Sierra Leone. With Discussion. 23rd November, 1886 Grime's Graves in Norfolk, see Greenwell, W... Groshans, G. Ph. F., "Lebensbericht van Prof. Jan Van der Hoeven." Review.. O Grote, A. R., " On the Peopling of America," see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthro- pology" Group-marriage, Nature and Origin of, see Wake, C. S. Grout, (Rev.) Lewis, on the Phonology and Orthography of the Zulu Language, and Its Kindred Dialects. 8th December, 1852 Grove, W. R., Extracts from Address to the British Association, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 Groves, Charles, Obituary • · Grutas da Césaréda, Human Remains discovered in the, see Busk, G. Guanches, see Clarke, Hyde • Guanchees, see Hodgkin, on the Inhabitants of the Canary Islands Guancho Skulls and Other Objects from the Canaries (Ex. 376).. Guanchos, see Wallach, H. "Guatémalien Codex of Paris, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hieroglyphics .. .. • • Guatuso Indians from Costa Rica, see Anthropological News, 129 Guernsey, chipped Flints from (Ex. 136).. • J.A.I. vii 233-246 A.R. v, 253 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 419-439 J.A.I. x, 424–429 J.A.I. iii, 266-272 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 39-43 J.E.S., N.S. i, 333-364 J.A. 237 A.R. iv, 401 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. cliv, clv J.A.I. xvi, 300-310 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 419 J.A. 70 J.A.I. vii, 111 J.A.I. xiii, 151 J.E.S. iii, 247-296 A.R. iv, 386 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. xliii, xliv T.E.S. vii, 39 T.E.S. vii, 115 J.E.S. i, 167 J.A.I. xvii, 158 J.A.I. xvii, 158 M.A.S. iii, 288 A.R. vi, 463 J.A.I. ii, 68 1 Index. 143 Guernsey and Herm, Chipped Flints from, see Adams, A. L. Guiana, on the Natives of, see Schomburgk, R. British, Celts from, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 123 Guillot, Natalie, Secretion of Milk in New-born Children, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 15 Gulstonian Lectures for 1870, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 4 ·· Gunn, (Rev.) J., on Flint Implements found in the Neighbourhood of Thetford. 19th May, 1868 Guppy, H. B. (M.B.), on the Physical Characters of the Solomon Islanders. With Discussion. 23rd June, 1885 Guppy, H. F. J., Notes on the Capabilities of the Negro for Civilisation. With Discussion. 15th March, 1864 Gypsies, the Origin of, see Charnock, R. S. see Crawfurd, J. of Bengal, see Mitra, R. see Gipsies. G. H., see Harris, G. 66 ·· · .. 量 ​H. Ha Cave, near Settle, see Hughes, T. McK. Haast, (Dr.) Julius von, (F.R.S.), Notes on some Ancient Rock Paintings in New Zealand. With Appendices and Discussion. 26th March, 1878. (Plate) on Certain Prehistoric Remains discovered in New Zealand, and on the Nature of the Deposits in which they occurred. With Discussion. 11th Janu- ary, 1870. (Plates) ·· Habitation of Man in the Belgian Lehm, see Dupont Haddon, Alfred C., (M.A.) the Ethnography of the Western Tribe of the Torres Straits. 26th Novem- ber, 1889. (3 Plates and Map) see Beardmore, E., on the Natives of Mowat Hadgis of Central Asia, see Vambéry, A. Hadjis and Dervishes of the East, see Vambéry, A. Hag-Stones," see Ducie, Earl of · ·· .. : CC : .. (Ex. 375) a Hahn, (Dr.) Theoph., "The Graves of Heitsi-eibib; Chapter on the Prehistoric Hottentot Race," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropo- logical Gleanings" Haigh, (Miss) Some Account of the Island of Teneriffe and its Inhabitants, at the Time of the Spanish Con- quest. 10th March, 1868 Hair as a Race Character, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 65 see Anthropological Society, Paris see Pruner-Bey of a Canelos Indian (Ex. 98) of Hova of Madagascar (Ex. 102).. • • ·· • • J.A.I. ii, 68 J.E.S. i, 253 J.A.I. x, 461 A.R. ii, 62 J.A.I. i, 254 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxii J.A.I. xv, 266-285 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccix- ccxvi A.R. iv, 89 T.E.S. iii, 25 M.A.S. iii, 120 J.A.I. iii, 383 J.A.I. viii, 50-65 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 110-120 A.R. V, J.A.S. p. clxxvii J.A.I. xix, 297-440 J.A.I. xix, 466 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxli M.A.S. ii, 14 J.A.I. xvii, 135 J.A.I. xvii, 134 J.A.I. viii, 103 T.E.S. vii, 107–114 J.A.I. vi, 71 A.R. v, 121 A.R. ii, 1 A.R. vii, J.A.S. clvi P. A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxv 144 Index. Hair, Colour of, see Beddoe, J., on the Supposed In- creasing Prevalence of Dark Hair in England Colouring Matters in, see Sorby, H. C... of Oceanic Races, see Davis, J. B. • Skin and Eyes as Race Tests, see Crawfurd, J……. Hairy Boy from Russia, Cast of the Mouth of (Ex. 329) Family in Burmah, see Houghton, W. Men of Yesso, see Wood, W. M... Hale, Abraham, on the Sakais. 23rd June, 1885. Plates) (3 Notes on Stone Implements from Perak. With Discussion. 8th March, 1887.. Hale, Horatio, on Some Doubtful or Intermediate Ar- ticulations; an Experiment in Phonetics. 25th November, 1884. (Mohawk Vocabulary) Halfbreed Races of Canada, see Reid, A. P. Hall (Rev.), G. R., on the Aboriginal Occupations of North Tynedale and Western Northumberland; an illustration of the Social Life of the Celts Halloy, Omalius de, on Indo-European Origins on the Pretended Asiatic Origin of Euro- peans, see Anthropological Society of Paris Hamah Stones, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 17. see Burton, R. F., on Anthropological Collections from the Holy Land. No. III .. Hamath Inscriptions, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 29 ·· • ·· ·· • see Anthropological Miscellanea, 33.. see Anthropological Miscellanea, 39 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 43 see Clarke, Hyde .. Squeezes of, see Heath, Dunbar (Ex. 243) Hamburg Museum, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 106 .. ·· · ·· .. Hamilton, Charles, see Price, F. G. H., on the Customs of the Kaffirs Hamilton, Gavin, Customs of the New Caledonian Women Belonging to the Nancaushy Tine, or Stuart's Lake Indians, Natotin Tine, or Babine's and Nantley Tine, or Fraser Lake Tribes. 12th June, 1877 Hampshire, Characteristic Survivals of the Celts in, see Shore, T. W. Hamy (Dr.), E. T., an Interpretation of One of the Copan Monuments (Honduras). With Discussion. 9th November, 1886. (Plate) Han Annals, Introduction to the Translation of, see Howorth, H. H. ·· Translation of, see Wylie, A., History of • • • ↓ • ·· the Heung-noo Hand in Man and the Anthropoid Apes, see Blake, C. C. Folds in the, as indicating Race, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 32 Hanging Festival, see Shortt, J. Hansen, Sören, on a Fossil Human Skull from Lagoa Santa, Brazil. Abstract. 22nd February, 1887 Hanslick, Eduard, see Lübcke, W. and E. H. Hanson, (Rev.) A. W., on the Grammatical Principles of the Ghã (Accra) Language. 11th May, 1853 • A.R. i, 310 J.A.I. viii, 1 J.A.I. ii, 95 T.E.S. vi, 144 J.A.I. xiv, 222 T.E.S. vii, 53 T.E.S. iv, 34 J.A.I. xv, 285–301 J.A.I. xvii, 66, 67 J.A.I. xiv, 233-243 J.A.I. iv, 45 A.R. i, 415 A.R. iii, 307 A.R. 7, 357 J.A.I. ii, 129 J.A.I. ii, 41 J.A.I. ii, 309 J.A.I. ii, 446 J.A.I. iii, 135 J.A.I. iii, 528 J.A.I. ii, 90 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. ix, 337 J.A.I. ix, 462 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. xiv J.A.I. vii, 206-208 J.A.I. xx, 3 J.A.I. xvi, 242-247 J.A.I. iii, 396 J.A.T. iii, 401 A.R. i, 401 A.R. ii, 229 T.E.S. iv, 333 J.A.I. xvii, 43 J.E.S. iv, 84-97 Index. 145 Harafura," see Latham, R. G., on the Pagan Popula- tions of the Indian Archipelago Hardy, J. Spence, "The Legends and Theories of the Buddhists," see Iran and Turan. Review.. Harem, Sultan's, see Millingen, F. Harley, (Dr.) George, Comparison between the Recupera- tive Bodily Power of Man in a Rude and in a Highly- Civilised State; Illustrative of the Probable Re- cuperative Capacity of Men of the Stone Age in Europe. With Discussion. 24th May, 1887 Harness Ornaments used as Amulets against the Evil Eye (Ex. 394) Harper, (Rev.) W., the Tribes of British Guiana. 28th November, 1876.. (C Hereditary Genius. Review on the Hereditary Transmission of Endow- ments and Qualities of Different Kinds. Discussion. 5th February, 1872 With • Inaugural Address to the Manchester An- thropological Society, 1st November, 1866 Harris, George, (LL.D.) the Comparative Longevity of Animals of Different Species, and of Man; and the Probable Causes which Mainly Conduce to Promote this Difference. With Discussion. 18th March, 1872 J.A.I. i, 69-78; 87-89 the Concurrent Contemporaneous Progress of Renovation and Waste in Animated Frames, and the Extent to which such Operations are Control- lable by Artificial Means. Short Abstract. With Discussion. 18th March, 1873 on the Distinctions, Mental and Moral, occasioned by the Difference of Sex. With Dis- cussion. 1st June, 1869 Moral Irresponsibility Resulting from Insanity. With Discussion. 20th May, 1872 Obituary Notice. By E. W. Brabrook the Plurality of Races, and the Distinctive Character of the Adamite Species Smee's Mind of Man." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 52 Tests Adapted to Determine the Truth of Supernatural Phenomena · D •• • • Theories Regarding Intellect and Instinct; with an Attempt to Deduce a Satisfactory Conclusion therefrom. With Discussion. 18th March, 1873.. "The Theory of the Arts." Review "Treatise on Man." Review. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 66 .. Harris, Josiah, Carved Wooden Club from the Coast of Peru. 8th November, 1870. (Woodcut) Harris, J. Meyer. Letter from Liberia .. Some Remarks on the Origin, Manners, Customs, and Superstitions of the Gallinas People of Sierra Leone. 16th January, 1866 Abstract and Discussion. 16th January, 1866 Harrison, C., Exhibition of Photographs of Peruvian Antiquities. 1st April, 1873.. • T.E.S. i, 202 A.R. vi, 121 J.A., J.A.S. p. cix J.A.I. xvii, 108-118 J.A.I. xix, 54 J.A.I. vi, 324-328 J.A.I. iii, 72, 73 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. clxxxix- excv; ccxv-cexviii J.A. 56 J.A.I. ii, 3-10 A.R. V, 5-14 J.A.I. ii, 183-189 J.A.I. xx, 299, 300 A.R. v, 175-187 J.A.I. v, 115 Anthrop. 359 J.A.I. iii, 73–85 A.R. viii, 145 J.A.I. vi, 92 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xxxix A.R. V, J.A.S. p. xcv M.A.S. ii, 25-36 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. lxxxii- lxxxv J.A.I. iii, 103 L 146 Index. Harrison, J. Park (M.A.), on the Artificial Enlargement of the Earlobe. With Discussion. 3rd June, 1872. (2 Plates) Artificially Enlarged Earlobes, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 35.. Bancroft's Races of North America. Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 46.. see Anthropological Miscellanea, 51 on some Characters Tattooed on a Motu Woman. Title only. 12th November, 1878 report on some further Discoveries at Cissbury. With Discussion. 9th January, 1877. (2 Plates and Woodcut) on Marks found upon Chalk at Ciss- bury. With Discussion. 27th June, 1876 sketches of Monoliths in Easter Island. additional Discoveries at Cissbury. With Discussion and Postscript. 11th December, 1877. (2 Plates) J.A.I. vii, 412-433 note on Five Hieroglyphic Tablets from Easter Island. With Discussion. 25th May, 1875 J.A.I. v, 248-250 the Hieroglyphics of Easter Island. With Discussion. 9th December, 1873. (2 Plates) J.A.I. iii, 370-383 J.A.I. vi, 263–271 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxxix J.A.I. xiii, 86, 87 1st June, 1869 note on Photographs of Inhabitants of Britain of Jutish Type. 10th April, 1883 .. Phoenician Characters from Sumatra. 22nd December, 1874. (Plate.) (Pages 389-398 inclusive are omitted) >> ·· on a "Rapa' or Paddle from Easter Island. With Discussion. 20th May, 1873 on the Relative Length of the First Three Toes of the Human Foot. With Discussion. 26th June, 1883 on a Slate Tablet Covered with Incised Figures, found at Towyn. 24th May, 1881 on the Survival of Certain Racial Features in the Population of the British Isles. With Dis- cussion. 9th May, 1882. (Woodcuts) Note to a Communication on the Survival of Certain Racial Features, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 132 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 42. (Note on Easter Island Writing) Hartog, P. L. C., on the Voyage of the Steamer "Egeron through the Malayan Archipelago, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 84. Recent Anthro- pology" Hartshorne, B. F. Exhibition of Objects of Prehellenic Age from Hissarlik. With Discussion. 13th April, 1875 .. ·· With Discussion 9th April, 1889 Haughton, Richard. Obituary Notice • on the Weddas of Ceylon. 14th December, 1875 Hastings, (Captain) E. S. Exhibition of the Skulls of a Burmese Dacoit and of a Rebel Chinese Mandarin. • ·· "" Title only. .. ·· J.A.I. ii, 190-199 J.A.I. ii, 449 J.A.I. iv, 503 J.A.I. v, 114 J.A.I. viii, 290 J.A.I. vi, 430–442 J.A.I. iv, 387-399 J.A.I. iii, 177, 178 J.A.I. xiii, 258-269 J.A.I. xi, 310 J.A.I. xii, 243-256 J.A.I. xii, 438 J.A.I. iii, 528 J.A.I. vii, 113 J.A.I. v, 120 J.A.I. v, 426 J.A.I. xix, 94-96 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxxxiii, lxxxiv Index. 147 Hawtayne, G. H. Remarks on the Caribs, see Anthro- pological Conferences ·· Hayden, F. V., Stone Implements and Pottery from an Old Pawnee Village in the Missouri Valley, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 15 Hayti, see Roth, H. Ling, on the Aborigines of His- ·· paniola Head, Shrunk by Macas Indians, see Lubbock, John Headform of the Danes, see Beddoe, J. Headforms of the West of England, see Beddoe, J. Head growth in Students at Cambridge, see Galton, F. Healing Art in the North of Scotland in the Olden Time, see Gregor, W. ·· • Christianity. 1866 Health of British Troops, Precautions Necessary to Ensure, see Bendyshe, T. Heart of Africa, by G. Schweinfurth. Review. Heath, (Rev.) Dunbar I. (M.A.) Anniversary Address Delivered before the Anthropological Society of London, 14th January, 1868 .. ·· • • on the Assured Progress of the Arts from the South to the North. Abstract. 20th March, 1866 March, 1868 Exhibition of Japanese Toys. 31st ·· on the Great Race-elements in With Discussion. 4th December, the Moabite Jars, with a Transla- tion. With Discussion. 19th November, 1872. (Plate) on Molecules and Potential Life. Title only. 23rd March, 1875 Mural Inscription in Large Samaritan Characters from Gaza. Exhibited, 3rd June, 1873. With Discussion on the Origin and Development of the Mental Function in Man. With Discussion. 24th March, 1874 on the Primary Anthropoid and Secondary Mute Origin of the European Races, Versus the Theory of Migration from an External Source. With Discussion. 19th December, 1865.. Report on the First Meeting of the Manchester Branch of the Anthropological Society of London. 20th November, 1866. Squeezes of Hamath Inscriptions. With Discussion. 25th November, 1879. (Plate) on the way in which Large Bodies of Mute Men would Acquire Language from small Bodies of Speaking Men. With Discussion. 18th December, 1866 ·· Heathen Ceremonies in Livonia, see Piggul, James Heathens, a Colony of, in an Island off the Coast of Ireland, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 34 Heathery Burn Cave, Human Remains from, see Mackie, S. J. ·· ·· J.A.I. xvi, 196 J.E.S., N.S. i, 331 J.A.I. xvi, 247 J.A.I. iii, 29 M.A.S. iii, 378 M.A.S. ii, 348 J.A.I. xviii, 155 J.A.I. iii, 266 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxvii Anthrop. 436 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxxxiv- xciv A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxxvi A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxlvii A.R. v, J.A.S pp. xix-xxxi J.A.I. ii, 331-341 J.A.I. v, 106 J.A.I. iii, 205-208 J.A.I. iv, 66-78 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xxxiii- xlviii A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. ix, x J.A.I. ix, 369-375 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. lxxxiii- xciv; xcvi-ciii J.A.I. iii, 275 J.A.I. ii, 447 T.E.S. ii, 266 L 2 148 Index. Hebrew Manuscripts from Aden (Ex. 42) "Hebrew Scriptures. By Benedict de Spinoza.' Review Hector, James (M.D., C.M.G., F.R.S.), on Certain Early Forms of Stone Implements in use Among the Inhabitants of New Zealand. With Discussion. 11th January, 1876 and W. S. W. Vaux, Notice of the Indians seen by the Exploring Expedition under the Com- inand of Captain Palliser Hegel, see Stirling, J. H. Review Height and Weight of School-Boys, see Galton, F. Hempstead, G. S. B., see Holt, R. B., on the Earth- works at Portsmouth, Ohio Herapath, W. Bird (M.D.), Anthropology in its Connec- tion with Chemistry. Review .. Hereditary Genius. By F. Galton." Review. Hereditary Stature, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 151 CL J. P. "C .. ·· •• see Transmission of an Abnormity, see Morris, .. ·· of Endowments, see Harris, G... Heredity, a Theory of, see Galton, F. in Twins, see Galton, F. and Education, Chinese View of, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 96 • Herm, Chipped Flints from, see Adams, A. L. . (Ex. 136) .. ·· 23 .. Kjökken-Mödding in, see Flower, J. W. Hermaphrodite, Notes on an, see Burton, R. F. Hervey Islands, Traditions of, see Gill, W. W... Herzegovinians, see Howorth, H. H., "Spread of the Slaves. Part II." • Hessen, see Nebal, Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 16 Hickson, (Dr.) S. J., Notes on the Sengirese. 13th April, 1886 "Hidden Wisdom of Christ. By E. de Bunsen." Review Hieroglyphic Alphabet, Maya, see Bollaert, W... Alphabet of Yucatan (Maya), see Bollaert, W... Tablets from Easter Island, see Harrison, .. ·· ·· • J.P. Hieroglyphics of Easter Island, see Harrison, J. P. Relation of those in Easter Island to those of Central America Higgins, Alfred, on the Orthographic Projection of the Skull. 6th March, 1866. (Plate) A bstract and Discussion. 6th March, 1866 Note on Certain Scandinavian Museums. With Discussion. 4th December, 1866 see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 63.. High Altitudes, their Influence on Man, see Glaisher, J. Hill Canton of Sálár-the most Easterly Settlement of the Turk Race. By R. B. Shaw." See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 95. Gleanings " "Anthropological FJ • A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxi A.R. i, 488 J.A.I. v, 458-464 T.E.S. i, 245-261 A.R. iv, 34 J.A.I. v, 174 J.A.I. vii, 132 A.R. ii, 121, 122 J.A. 56 J.A.I. xv, 246 A.R. iii, 183 J.A.I. ii, 3 J.A.I. v, 329 J.A.I. v, 324 J.A.I. viii, 228 J.A.I. ii, 68 J.A.I. ii, 68 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxv M.A.S. ii, 262 J.A.I. vi, 2 J.A.I. viii, 65 A.R. ii, 62 J.A.I. xvi, 136–143 A.R. iii, 198 M.A.S. i, 210 M.A.S. ii, 46 J.A.I. v, 248 J.A.I. iii, 370 Anthrop. 281 M.A.S. ii, 195–201 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxx- cxxvi A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. xiv-xix A.R. iv, 288 A.R. i, 414 J.A.I. viii, 100 Index. 149 Hill Ranges of Southern India, see Anthropological Notes, 26 Tribes of the Neilgherries, see Shortt, J. Himalayan Origin and Connection of the Magyar and Ugrian, see Clarke, H. Himyaritic Inscriptions, see Playfair, Hincks, (Rev.) Edward (M.D., D.D.), on the Ethnological Bearing of the Recent Discoveries in Connection with the Assyrian Inscriptions. (B.A., 2nd September, 1852.) Abstract on the Forms of the Personal Pronouns of the Two First Persons in the Indian, European, Syro-Arabic, and Egyptian Languages. (B.A., 6th September, 1852.) Abstract Hincks, J. G., the Process of Derivation of the Spanish Language from the Latin. (Being Part of the" Dis- curso Preliminar" to the Romancero y Cancio- nero," by Don Agustin Duran.) Translated from the Spanish by J. G. H. Hindoos and Europeans, see Anthropological News, 42. (Letters from Nouraja Bymaij) Hindu Neology, see Owen, S. R. I. see Owen, S. R. I. << (( ·· CC (( Prophetess, see Walhouse, M. J. Sacrificial Bell, see Crawfurd, J……. Hispaniola, Aborigines of, see Roth, H. Ling Hissarlik, Objects from (Ex. 186) .. Historical Anthropology of Western Europe, see C. C. National Names as Scientific Terms, see A. L. History, Race in Science of ·· • ·· ·· •• ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· • ·· History of Ancient Slavery, see Bower, J. of Anthropology, see Bendyshe, T. History of the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ: Translated from the French of Albert Réville. Lon- don, 1870," see Contemporary Literature.. • Blake, Lewis, • •• · • .. History of England. By Lord Macaulay." Review.. History of the Heung Noo, see Wylie, A. of Man, Thoughts and Facts contributing to the History of Medicine. By T. A. Wise." Review History of Twins, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 58 Hitchcock, E., Anthropometric Statistics from Amherst College, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 194 Statistics bearing upon the Amherst College Students, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 181.. Hittite Ethnology, see Conder, C. R. ·· Words, see Conder, C. R., on the Early Races of Western Asia Hjaltalin, J. A., on the Civilisation of the First Icelandic Colonists, with a Short Account of some of their Manners and Customs. 7th May, 1867 Hodges, E. R., on the Slavonians .. Hodges, N. E., Exhibition of a Portrait of Montezuma.. Hodgkin, Thomas, (M.D.), on the Ancient Inhabitants of Canary Islands. 21st May, 1845 Obituary of.. • .. •· ·· • ·· •• • • J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvi T.E.S. vii, 230 J.A.I. vii, 44 T.E.S. v, 174 J.E.S. iii. 210-214 J.E.S. iii, 218-220 A.R. vii, 154–163 A.R. v, 250 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxvi M.A.S. ii, 202 J.A.I. xiv, 187 T.E.S. v, 150 J.A.I. xvi, 247 J.A.I. v, 120 A.R. iv, 158 J.A.I. viii, 325 A.R. iii, 233–248 A.R. iii, 29 M.A.S. ii, 380 M.A.S. i, 335 J.A. 356 A.R. v, 129 J.A.I. v, 41 A.R. ii, 173-191 A.R. vii, 24 J J.A.I. v, J.A.I. xviiii 192 J.A.I. xvii, 357 J.A.I. xvii, 137 J.A.I. xix, 44 391 T.E.S. vi, 176–182 Anthrop. p. xciii J.E.S., N.S. i, 218 J.E.S. i, 167-181 T.E.S. v, 341 T 150 Index. ·· Hodgkin, Thomas, (M.D.), Obituary of Dr. Prichard. 28th February, 1849 the Progress of Ethnology [1848] Hoeitche or Uzes, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part VII.. Hoeven, J. van der, Obituary Notice see Van der Hoeven. Hoffman, (Dr.) W. J., an Absaroka Myth, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 115 .. .. Notice of an Interesting Pueblo Weapon, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 107 Remarks on Arrow Poisons prepared by some Tribes of North American Indians. Title only. 22nd February, 1881 Hogg, John (M.A., F.R.S.), on Iceland; Its Inhabitants and Language. 8th September, 1853. Abstract Holden, J. Sinclair (M.D.), on Archaic Anthropology in Ireland, see Anthropological News, 149 on a Dolichocephalic Cranium from Glen- arm, County Antrim. With Discussion. 20th April, 1869 .. ·· on Some Forms of Ancient Interments in County Antrim. 19th June, 1871 on Giants' Caves in Ireland Peculiar Neolithic Implement from Antrim. 24th February, 1874. (Plate) Holland, Cromlechs in Holland, (Lieut.) Swinton C. (R.N.), on the Ainos. With Discussion. 17th June, 1873. (2 Plates) Holländer, Bernard, a Contribution to a Scientific Phreno- logy. 10th June, 1890.. ·· • • a Demonstration of Centres of Ideation in the Brain from Observation and Experiment. With Discussion. 12th February, 1889. (Woodcut) Holmes, Oliver Wendell, "Mechanism in Thought and Morals." Review. See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 9 .. Holmes, T., “Gray's Anatomy." Review Holmes, T. V., Kace and Language, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 201 ·· Honduras, Flint Implements from (Ex. 212) (Ex. 105) Stone Implements from (Ex. 193).. see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 209 .. Holt, R. B., the Earthworks at Portsmouth, Ohio, U.S. With Discussion. 24th April, 1877. (Plate) Holub, (Dr.) Emil, on the Central South African Tribes from the South Coast to the Zambezi. With Dis- cussion. 10th February, 1880. (5 Plates and Holy Land, Anthropological Collections from, see Bur- ton, R. F. .. • see Burton, R. F. see Burton, R. F. ·· • ·· see Franks, A. W. ·· see Hamy, E. T., an Interpretation of One of the Copan Monuments ·· J.E.S. ii, 182-207 J.E.S. i, 27-45 J.A.I. i, 242 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxxxii J.A.I. x, 239 J.A.I. ix, 464 J.A.I. xi, 34 J.E.S. iv, 139–144 A.R. vii, 215 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cliv, clv J.A.I. i, 219–221 Anthrop. 66 J.A.I. iv, 19, 20 Anthrop p. viii J.A.I. iii, 233–244 J.A.I. xx, 227-234 J.A.I. xix, 12-26 J.A.I. i, 263 A.R. ii, 202 J.A.I. xviii, 439 J.A.I. xix, 251 J.A.I. vii, 132-137 J.A.I. x, 2-20 J.A.I. i, 300 J.A.I. i, 321 J.A.I. ii, 41 J.A.I. vii, 19 J.A., J.A.S. p. cix J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. xvi, 242 Index. 151 ► Honery, Thomas, Wailwun Language and Traditions, see Ridley, W., "Australian Languages and Tradi- tions" Hooker, (Sir) Joseph (M.D., F.R.S.), on Child-bearing in Australia and New Zealand. 23rd February, 1869 Hop-Scotch, History of the Game, see Crombie, J. W. Horck, see Humboldt, v. H. v. d. Horck. Horde, McLennan's Theory of the Primitive Human, see Gomme, G. L. .. Primitive Human, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 176 Miscel- lanea, 180 lanea, 189 Hore, Edward C., on the Twelve Tribes of Tanganyika. With Discussion. 7th February, 1882. (Map) Horned African Family, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 120 see see Anthropological ·· ·· ·· February, 1868 Hova, Hair of (Ex. 102) Hovas, see Oliver, S. P. Anthropological Horned Cairns of Caithness, see Anderson, J. Hornpipe, the old British, and Its Affinities, see Balfour, H. Horsley, Victor (B.S., F.R.S.), Trephining in the Neoli- thic Period. Abstract and Discussion. 10th May, 1887 ·· • Hosie, A., "Three Years in Western China." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 237 Hottentot Skeleton, see Wyman, J. Houghton, Edward P. (M.D.), on the Dyaks of Borneo. Discussion only, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 on the Land Dayas of Upper Sarawak, Seutah, Lihoy, Letung, and Quoss. 30th April, 1867 Miscel- ·· ·· Seutah, Sikoy, Setany, and Quop. Notice and Dis- cussion. 30th April, 1867 Houghton (Rev.) W., on a Hairy Family in Burmah. 25th • • • see Sibree, J. of Madagascar, see Oliver, S. P. .. Hovenden, Frederick. Man an Indestructible Atom. Abstract and Discussion. 2nd March, 1869 ·· .. Howarth, Osbert H., the Survival of Corporal Penance. With Discussion. 27th November, 1888. (2 Plates) Howitt, A. W., on some Australian Beliefs. 12th June, 1883 Ceremonies of Initiation. With Discussion. 11th December, 1883 Notes on the Australian Class Systems. With Discussion. 12th December, 1882. (Sketch Map) Further Notes on the Australian Class Systems. 28th February, 1888. (Map) Remarks on the Class Systems Collected by Mr. Palmer, see Palmer, Edward J.A.I. vii, 246-254 J.E.S., N.S. i, 68-75 J.A.I. xv, 403 J.A.I. xvii, 118 J.A.I. xvii, 276 J.A.I. xvii, 356 J.A.I. xviii, 99 J.A.I. xii, 2-21 J.A.I. x, 459 M.A.S. ii, 266 J.A.I. xx, 142 J.A.I. xvii, 100–106 J.A.I. xx, 366 A.R. iii, 330 A.R. iv, 402 M.A.S. iii, 195–200 A.R. ۲, J.A.S. p. clxxxix T.E.S. vii, 53-59 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxv M.A.S. iii, 1 J.A.I. ix, 35 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxix A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xxxi- cxxxiii J.A.I. xviii, 275–281 J.A.I. xiii, 185-198 J.A.I. xiii, 432-459 J.A.I. xii, 496-512 J.A.I. xviii, 31-70 J.A.I. xiii, 335 152 Index. Howitt, A. W., on Australian Medicine Men; or Doctors and Wizards of some Australian Tribes. With Discussion. 23rd February, 1886 J.A.I. xvi, 23-59 ·· Notes on Australian Message Sticks and Messengers. 11th December, 1888. (Plate) J.A.I. xviii, 314-332 on Descent in the Dieri Tribe, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 203.. J.A.I. xix, 90 the Dieri and Other Kindred Tribes of Cen- tral Australia. 25th February, 1890. (Sketch Map) J.A.I. xx, 30-104 the Jeraeil, or Initiation Ceremonies of the Kurnai Tribe. With Discussion. 9th Decem- ber, 1884.. on the Migrations of the Kurnai Ances- tors. With Discussion. 24th November, 1885 Notes on Songs and Song-makers of some Australian Tribes. 14th December, 1886 see Taplin, G. on the Mixed Races of CC Australia' "" and the (Rev.) Lorimer Fison, (M.A.) on the Deme and the Horde. With Discussion. 10th June, 1884 and the (Rev.) Lorimer Fison, (M.A.). From Mother-right to Father-right. 21st February, 1882 Howorth, (Sir) H. H., (K.C.S.I.) on the Archeology of Bronze. 26th February, 1867 the Arian Nomades. Part I. The Sauromatæ or Sarmatæ. 14th March, 1876.. some Changes of Surface Affecting Ancient Ethnography. 24th March, 1868 the Ethnology of Germany. Part I. The Saxons of Nether Saxony. With Discussion. 11th December, 1876.. Part II. The Germans of Cæsar. 12th June, 1877 of the Saxons. 26th June, 1877 Nether Saxony • .. • • Part III. The Migration • • Part IV. The Saxons of • Part V. The Jutes and Fomorians. 11th May, 1880. Varini, Varangians, and Franks. Part VI. Section I... Part VI. Section II. The The Varini Varangians, and Franks. on a Frontier Line of Ethnology and Geology. 25th January, 1870 • • Introduction to the Translation of the Han Annals. 30th December, 1873.. Khan and Bey, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 25 on the Mongols, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 49 Introductory Note to "Notes on the Western Regions" on the Origines of the Norsemen. 10th December, 1867.. the Spread of the Slaves. Part I. Croats. 13th November, 1877 .. The •• J.A.I. xiv, 301-325 J.A.I. xv, 409–422 J.A.I. xvi, 327-335 J.A.I. iv, 52 J.A.I. xiv, 142-169 J.A.I. xii, 30-46 T.E.S. vi, 72-100 J.A.I. vi, 41-54 T.E.S. vii, 134-143 J.A.I. vi, 364-378 J.A.I. vii, 211-232 J.A.I. vii, 293-320 J.A.I. ix, 406-436 J.A.I. x, 174-211 J.A.I. xii, 525-553 J.A.I. xiii, 213-237 • J.E.S., N.S. ii, 131–137 J.A.I. iii, 396-401 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 368 J.A.I. iv, 504 J.A.I. xi, 83 T.E.S. vi, 342–353 J.A.I. vii, 324-341 Index. 153 Howorth, (Sir) H. H., (K.C.S.I.) the Spread of the Slaves. Part II. The Southern Serbs, Bosnians, Montenegrins, and Herzegovinians. 26th March, 1878 Part III. Northern Serbs or Sorabians and the Obodriti. June, 1879 The 24th Part IV. The Bulgarians Report on the Stockholm Meeting of the International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archæology. (1874.) 10th November, 1874 Strictures on Dawinism. Part I. On Fertility and Sterility. With Discussion. 19th February, 1872 .. The Westerly Drifting of the Nomades from the Fifth to the Nineteenth Century. Part I. 1218-1868. 8th December, 1868 A.D. Part II. The Seljuks, Ghaznevides, etc. January, 1869 Part III. The Comans and Petchenegs Part IV. The Circassians and White Khazars Part V. The Hungarians Part VI. The Kirghises, or Bourouts, the Kazaks, Kalmucks, Euzbegs, and Nogays. 19th June, 1871 ·· ·· J.A.I. ii, 21-40 J.A.I. iii, 208-229 Part II. The Extinction of Types. With Discussion. 3rd June, 1873 Part III. On Gradual Variation. With Discussion. 28th April, 1874. J.A.I. iv, 101–121 The Varini, Varangians, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 139 J.A.I. xiii, 238 ·· ·· Part VII. The Thukiue or Turks Proper, and the Hoeitche or Uzes. 19th June, 1871.. ·· 12th Part VIII. The Avares, or Eastern Huns, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 15 .. ·· Part IX. The Fins and some of their Allies. 3rd June, 1872 Part X. The Alans or Lesghs. With Discussion. 6th May, 1873 Part XI. The Bulgarians. 17th June, 1873 Part XII. The Huns. With Discussion. December, 1873.. U • 30th >> see Wylie, A., “History of the South- Western Barbarians and Chaou-sëen Huasco, Antiquities from, see Read, C. H. (Ex. 395). ·· ·· •• J.A.I. viii, 65-91 .. J.A.I. ix, 181–232 J.A.I. xi, 219–267 J.A.I. iv, 339-362 J.E.S., N.S. i, 12-34 J.E.S., N.S. i, 378-387 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 83-95 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 182-192 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 469-476 J.A.I. i, 226-242 J.A.I. i, 242-253 J.A.I. ii, 114–127 J.A.I. ii, 205-227 J.A.I. iii, 145-173 J.A.I. iii, 277–299 J.A.I. iii, 452-474 J.A.I. ix, 53 J.A.I. xix, 57 J.A.I. xix, 57 154 Index. Hudson, Henry (M.D.), on the Irish Celt. With Dis- cussion. 14th June, 1870 Hughes, T. McKenny, (M.A.), on the Evidence afforded by the Gravels and Brick-earth as to the Antiquity of Man. With Discussion. 22nd May, 1877 Exploration of Cave Ha, near Giggles- wick, Settle, Yorkshire. With Discussion. 9th December, 1873. (Plate) and the Rev. D. R. Thomas, on the Occur- rence of Felstone Implements of the Le Moustier Type in Pontnewydd Cave, near Cefn, St. Asaph. 9th December, 1873. (Plate) see Thomas, D. R., and T. McKenny Hughes, on a Cairn near Cefn Hull, E. Gordon, (M.D.), on the Arabs of Arabia Petræa and Wâdy Arabah, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 149 Human Bones at Chatham, see Owen, R. 37 see Bird, H. Crania, Quatrefages on the. Review Hair as a Race Character, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 65 Hybridity, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, found in Tumuli on the Cotswold Hills, ·· see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 43 . Hybrids, Infecundity of, see Crawfurd, J. Jaw from Belgium, see Blake, C. C. Fossil, see Collyer, R. H. Mouth, see Nasmyth, A... Origin, Theories of .. Pairing Season, Survival of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 186 Race, Origin of ·· Plurality of, see Pouchet, G. Races classed in Accordance with the Moral and Intellectual Characteristics, see Napier, C. o. Groom C... ·· Remains Buried in Peat in the Zetland Islands see Hunt, J., on the Influence of Peat in Destroying the Human Body ·· found at Barrington, Cambridgeshire, see Bendyshe, T. ·· Mackie, S. J. Iceland, see Blake, C. C... see Burton, R. F. Cowley, see Hutchinson, J. Heathery Burn Cave, Durham, see at Keiss, see Anderson, J. see Petrie, G. see Shearer, R. I. ·· ·· ·· J.A., J.A.S. pp. clxxviii -clxxxi and clxxxii- clxxxiv ·· J.A.I. vii, 162-165; 174- 185 at Bath, see Buckland, A. W. J.A.I. vi, 246 (Ex. 201) .. J.A.I. vi, 246 from a Bone Cave in Brazil, see Blake, C. J.A.I. iii, 383-387; 390- 392 J.A.I. iii, 387-390 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxlii J.A.I. xv, 132 A.R. i, 187 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. lxv Anthrop. 102-433 J.A.I. vi, 71 A.R. ii, 344 A.R. iii, 87 T.E.S. iii, 356 A.R. v, 294 A.R. v, 221 J.E.S. i, 192 A.R. vii, 1 J.A.I. xviii, 93 Anthrop. 42 A.R. iii, 120 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clx M.A.S. ii, 364 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. xv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxv A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlvi T.E.S. ii, 266 J.A.I. ii, 344 J.A.I. ii, 342 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clii A.R. iv, J.A.S. cl p. A.R. iv, J.A.S. P. clvii Index 155 Human Remains from Kent's Hole, see Blake, C. C. in the Gravels of Leicestershire, by F. Drake, see Anthropology at the British Associa- tion, 1869 in Kist-vaens on the "Muckle Heog" in the Island of Unst (Shetland), see Blake, C. C. H. in Lough Gur, Co. Limerick found at Luton, see Busk, G. from Marad, see Blake, C. C. Morton (Ex. 314) .. at Moulin-Quignon, see Tylor, A. from Muskham, see Mackie, S. J. Palmyra, see Blake, C. C. Wheatley (Ex. 311) found at Wroxeter, see Wright, I. .. in Shell-mounds, see Huxley, T. discovered by General Pitt Rivers] at Woodcuts, Rotherley, etc., see Beddoe, J. Sacrifice, False Charge of .. • Skeletons discovered in the Département de la Dordogne Coeval with the Mammoth, see Anthro- pological News, 152 .. ·· • • Skull and Fragments of Bones of the Red Deer, from Birkdale, see Busk, G. Species, Classification of, see Flower, W. H. Species, Development of, see Schaaffhausen, H. Evidence in Favour of the Unity of the, see Dunn, R. • • Humphry, (Sir) G. M., on the Term, “Quadrumanous, see Anthropological News, 12 ·· Hungary, Photographs of Croats (Ex. 57) Primitive Period of, see Vogt, C. Some Varieties of the, see Latham, R. G. Workmanship, Objects Simulating, found in Red Crag of Suffolk, see Charlesworth, E. Humanity, "De l'Humanité, par Bodichon, Docteur en Médecine à Alger. 1853.' Review.. Humboldt, v. H. v. d. Horck, Alexander, the Physical Condition and Distinctive Characteristics of the Lapplanders, and the Races Inhabiting the North Coast of Europe. 28th November, 1876 Hume, (Rev.) A. (D.C.L., LL.D.), the Origin, Character- istics, and Dialect of the People in the Counties of Down and Antrim. (B. A. 7th September, 1852.) Abstract.. • Stature of the Inhabitants, see Beddoe, J. • ·· .. Hums (Emesa), Description of Remains from, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 14 ·· Hunebedden Hunebedden, or Cromlechs in Drenthe, Holland, see Lubach, D. Hungarians, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of Nomades, Part V + "" ·· • Huns, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades, Part XII Hunsbury Camp, Skulls from (Ex. 404) .: J.A.I. vi, 316-323 .. • A.R. ii, J.A.S. A.R. vii, 427 M.A.S. i, 299 A.R. ii, 59, 60 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. xi J.A.I. ii, 54 J.A.I. xiv, 3 A.R. i, 166 T.E.S. ii, 266 J.A.I. i, 312 J.A.I. xiv, 3 T.E.S. ii, 364 T.E.S. ii, 265 J.A.I. xix, 2 J.E.S., N.S. i, 203 A.R. vii, 331 J.A.I. iii, 104 J.A.I. xiv, 378 A.R. vii, 366 P. cclxiii T.E.S. i, 186 A.R. v, 204; 334 J.E.S. iv, 148 J.A.I. ii, 91 A.R. iii, 287-293 J.E.S. iii, 229–233 A.R. v, 240 J.A.I. i, 422 Anthrop. p. viii J.A.I. vi, 158 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 469 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xi, 410 J.A.I. iii, 452 J.A.I. xix, 182 1 156 Index. Hunt, James, (Ph.D.), Abstract of a Report of the Ethno- logical Papers read at the Manchester Meeting of the British Association in September, 1861. 19th November, 1861.. ·· on the Acclimatisation of Europeans in the United States of America.. Address to the Anthropological Society, 1864. 5th January, 1864 Anniversary Address to the Anthropo- logical Society of London. 3rd January, 1865 Address delivered at the Third Anniver- sary Meeting of the Anthropological Society of London. 3rd January, 1866 Anniversary Address to the Anthropo- logical Society, 1867. 1st January, 1867 Address to the Anthropological Society. 4th February, 1868 Anniversary Address, delivered before the Anthropological Society of London. 19th January, on Anthropological Classification. stract on the Application of the Principle of Natural Selection to Anthropology 1869 .. on Carnac, in Brittany. Discussion. 16th February, 1869 1867 • ·· Archaic Anthropology of the Zet- land Isles. Abstract and Discussion. 14th Novem- ber, 1865.. Abstract and • • ·· • • on Five Chinese Skulls. 3rd December, Ab- Death of, see Anthropological News, 159 on the Death of Mr. John Crawfurd. 19th May, 1868.. on the Doctrine of Continuity Applied to Anthropology on Ethno-Climatology; or the Acclimati- sation of Man. 4th February, 1862. 4th February, 1862. With Discus- sion • Report on Explorations into the Archaic Anthropology of the Islands of Unst, Brassay, and the Mainland of Zetland, undertaken for the Earl of Zetland and the Anthropological Society of London. 14th November, 1865. (Plate and Woodcuts) Report on Failure of Amalgamation Scheme Interpretation of Some Inscrip- tions on Stones recently discovered in the Islands of Brassay and Zetland. 19th June, 1866. (Wood- cuts) T.E.S. ii, 1-3 A.R. viii, 109-137 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. lxxx-xciii A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp.lxxxv-cxii A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. lix-lxxxi A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. xliv-lxx A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. xcviii, xcix ·· A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. civ-cvii A.R. i, 382 A.R. iv, 320-340 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xv–xviii A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxxiii- CXXX A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xxvii A.R. viii, 97 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxi A.R. v, 110-120 .. M.A.S. ii, 294–338 T.E.S. ii, 50-79 on the Influence of Some Kinds of Peat in Destroying the Human Body, as shown by the Dis- covery of Human Remains Buried in Peat, in the Zetland Islands. 19th June, 1866. (Woodcut).. M.A.S. ii, 364–372 on the Influence of Peat in Destroying the Human Body. Abstract and Discussion. 5th June, 1866 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. clxxxix- CXCV A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. ccvi-ccix M.A.S. ii. 373-379 Index. 157 Hunt, James, (Ph.D.), on the Interpretation of Some Inscriptions on Stones recently discovered in the Islands of Brassay and Zetland. Abstract and Dis- cussion. 19th June, 1866 Introductory Address on the Study of Anthropology, delivered before the Anthropological Society of London. 24th February, 1863 Inaugural Address on the Study of An- thropology. Discussion. 24th February, 1863 on the Keiss Graves. With Discussion.. on the Negro's Place in Nature. 17th November, 1863 Abstract and Discussion. 17th November, 1863 Physical and Mental Characters Letter with Regard to the Meeting of the British Association at Dundee, in September, 1867.. A.R. v, 368 on the Localisation of the Functions of the Brain, with Special Reference to the Faculty of Language of the Negro. Abstract on Physio-Anthropology. With Discus- sion. 4th June, 1867; 18th June, 1867; 21st June, 1867 on the Principle of Natural Selection Applied to Anthropology. Discussion. See Anthro- pology at the British Association, 1866. . Carl Vogt's Lectures on Man, Edited by J. H. Review · ·· • see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 63 Hunt, Sanford B. (M.D.), the Negro as a Soldier Hunter, (Captain) F. M. (R.N.), Notes on Socotra. November, 1877. (Woodcuts) Hunza, Customs and Language of, see Leitner, G. W.,. "Huron Race, and its Head Form." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, Hutchings, James, Remarks about the Consecration of the Serpent as an Emblem, but not an Object of Worship among the Intelligent Druids. Abstract. 22nd April, 1873 Hutchinson, J., on Some Human Remains from Cowley, near Cheltenham. 28th February, 1865 Hutchinson, Mark, Notes on a Collection of Fac-simile Bushman Drawings. 11th July, 1882 Hutchinson, T. J. (Consul), Anthropology of Pre-historic Peru. With Discussion. 12th January, 1875. (3 Plates) · .. 27th •• Argentine Anthropology. Letter on the Chaco and Other Indians of South America. 22nd March, 1864 .. Explorations amongst Ancient Burial Grounds (Chiefly on the Sea Coast Valleys) of Peru. Part I. With Discussion. 11th November, 1873.. Part II. With Discussion. 10th February, 1874.. A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. ccix, ccx A.R. i, 1-20 A.R. i, 183-185 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxiii- clxx A.R. vi, 329-345 A.R. vii, 100-116 A.R. vii, 201-214 M.A.S. i, 1-64 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. xv-lvi A.R. i, 386 A.R. v, J.A.S.} pp. ccix- cclxxi A.R. iv, 395 A.R. vii, 177 A.R. iv, 288 A.R. vii, 40-54 J.A.I. vii, 364-372 J.A.I. J.A.I. xx, 204 J.A.I. i, 262 J.A.I. iii, 120-122 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlvi J.A.I. xii, 464, 465 J.A.I. iv, 438-457 A.R. vi, 215-216 T.E.S. iii, 321-334 J.A.I. iii, 311-326 J.A.I. iv, 2–13 158 Index. Hutchinson, T. J. (Consul), on the Paraná Indians. Short Note. 31st December, 1867 Physical Characters of the Patagonians. Short Note. 31st December, 1867 on Eight Skulls from Rosario. 16th June, 1868 on the Social and Domestic Traits of the African Tribes; with a Glance at their Superstitions, Cannibalism, etc. the Tehuelche Indians of Patagonia. 24th November, 1868 .. Hut Circles, see Roberts, G. E. Huxley, T. H., (D.C.L., F.R.S.) Address on Indian Ethno- logy. 9th March, 1869 on North-American Ethnology. 13th April, 1869. 1870 CC ·· News, 175 ·· Anniversary Address, 1870 on the Ethnology of Britain. 10th May, • • • on two Extreme Forms of Human Crania. Abstract and Discussion, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 on the Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications of Mankind. With Discussion. 7th June, 1870. (Map) on the Human Remains found in the Shell-Mounds. (Province Wellesley, Malay Penin- sula.) 1st July, 1862 .. "Man's Place in Nature." 1863. Re- view .. .. and Sir Roderick Anthropological News, 134.. Hyæna-Bed at the Victoria Cave, Settle, R. H. Hybridism .. ·· on the Methods and Results of Ethnology, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 48 on Celts and Teutons, see Anthropological •• .. .. News, 176 on Political Ethnology, see Anthropo- logical News, 173 Last New Theory, see Anthropological News, 174 • see Anthropological • • • ·· Murchison, see D ·· see Tiddeman, ·· ·· Hybridity. By P. Broca." Review Hybridity, see Farrar, F. W. see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 42 see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 43 Influence of, see Knox, R., Ethnological Inquiries and Observations • • .. ·· Human, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 37.. Hybrids, Human, Supposed Infecundity of, see Craw- furd, J.. see Crawfurd, J... Hydah Village, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 98 Hyksôs, or Shepherd Kings of Egypt, see Tomkins, H. G. Hypertrichosis, see Garson, J. G... A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxiii, lxiv A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxiv A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii T.E.S. i, 327-340 T.E.S. vii, 313-325 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. lx J.E.S., N.S. i, 89–93 J.E.S., N.S. i, 218–221 J.E.S.. N.S. ii, p. xvi J.E.S., N.S. ii, 382–384 A.R. iv, 404 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 404-412 T.E.S. ii, 265-266 A.R. i, 107-117 A.R. iii, 231 A.R. viii, 207 A.R. viii, 209 A.R. viii, 197 A.R. viii, 204 A.R. vi, 464 J.A.I. vii, 165 Anthrop. 499 A.R. ii, 164 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxii A.R. iii, 87 A.R. iii, 87 A.R. i, 246 A.R. ii, 344 T.E.S. iii, 356 A.R. ii, 318 J.A.I. viii, 426 J.A.I. xix, 183 J.A.I. xiii, 6 Index. 159 Hypertrichosis, Photographs of Cases of (Ex. 297) Hypertrophy of the Skull, see Gibb, G. D. Hypogeum at Valaquie, see Carmichael, A. A…. Hythe, Crania from, see Knox, R……. and Other Human Bones from, see Knox, R. H.F.C., see Chorley, H. F. H, [G.], see Harris. H, [J. P.], see Harrison. I. Iceland, its Inhabitants and Language, see Hogg, J. Human Remains from, see Blake, C. C... see Burton, R. F. Tour in Icelandic Colonists, the First, see Hjaltalin Remains on the Potomac, near Washington, see Anthropological News, 91 .. Iconography of the Skull, see Wesley, W. H. see Welsey, W. H. Idæi Dactyli, see Clarke, Hyde, on the Proto-ethnic Condition of Asia Minor Idea of Life, as Deduced from Contemporary Physiology. Virchow-Claude Bernard. Translated from Le Correspondant of 25th October, 1868, by E. S. Dunster, M.D. • Miscellanea, 192 Ideographs, Nicobarese, see Ball, V. Idiotic Family at Downham, see Atkinson, H. G. Idol from Nicobar (Ex. 143) Ideation, Centres of in the Brain, see Holländer, B. Identification and Description, see Anthropological Ilchester Lectures for 1889-90. (C Idolatry in Ireland, Alleged, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 62 • pological Miscellanea, 228 .. Illyrian Letters, by Arthur J. Evans, B.A., F.S.A.," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropo- logical Gleanings" Immunity of Monkey to Strychnine, see Anthropological • Review. See Anthro- (C • News, 182 ·· Implement, Paleolithic, from the Bed of the Thames, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 131.. Implements from Australia (Ex. 239) the Caves of Dordogne, see Jones, T. R. Saint-Brieuc, Normandy, see Rivers, .. A. H. Pitt South Africa (Ex. 39) Analogous Forms of, see Westropp, H. M. of, among Early and Primitive Races, see Westropp, H. M……. Ancient Egyptian, see Price, F. G. H. Chert, in the Nile Valley, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Flint and Stone, from Denmark and Schleswig- Holstein, see Rose, Wilmot ·· • • Paleolithic, from the Valley of the Axe, see Evans, J. J.A.I. xiii, 6 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxx J.A.I. iii, 272 T.E.S. i, 238 T.E.S. ii, 136 J.E.S. iv, 139 J.A.I. ii, 344 J.A.I. ii, 342 Anthrop. p. i T.E.S. vi, 176 A.R. vi, 223 A.R. iv. J.A.S. p. cxx M.A.S. ii, 189 J.E.S., N.S. i, 39 A.R. viii, 49-69 J.A.I. xix, 12 J.A.I. xviii, 177 J.A.I. x, 103 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. iii, 2 J.A.I. v, 492 J.A.I. xx, 361 J.A.I. viii, 101 A.R. viii, 217 J.A.I. xii, 437 J.A.I. ix, 3 J.A.I. ii, 362 J.A.I. ii, 68 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cii A.R. iv, J.A.S. P. clxxxiii M.A.S. ii, 288 J.A.I. xiv, 56 J.A.I. xi, 382 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xx and xl J.A.I. vii, 499 160 Index. Implements and Dress from South Africa, see Baines, T. A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cii see Flint Implements. Inca Skulls, see Anthropological Notes, 23 Incas of Peru, see Bollaert, W. Portraits of (Ex. 267) Incas, Trephining in the Days of the, see Anthropological News, 72 320) ·· Incised Flints from Kent (Ex. 173) Slate Tablet from Towyn (Ex. 264) India, see Campbell, A., on the Lepchas see Campbell, G. see Crawfurd, J. ·· see Dalton, E. T., on the "Kols see Doria, A. Review. see Macpherson, S. C. see Maniegar, S. C. C., on the Tamul Castes see Mitra, R., on the Gypsies of Bengal.. see Mouat, F. J. see Munphool Pundit see Oldham, T., on the Cassia Tribe see Pearse, G. G., on the Excavation of a Raised Stone Circle, near Wurreegaon see Shortt, J., on the Domber Caste see Shortt, J., on the Marvar Tribes see Tagore, G.M., on the Caste System see Taylor, Meadows, on the Prehistoric Archæology of India Aborigines of, see Crawfurd, J. Agricultural Implements from the Naga Hills (Ex. • >> ·· • • • • .. .. • ·· • ·· ·· .. · Andamanese Bone Necklaces (Ex. 263) Skeleton (Ex. 272).. Ethnological Objects from Dardistan and Tibet (Ex. 19).. Ethnology and Archæology of. Address by Pro- fessor Huxley Ethnographic Researches in. Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 225.. .. Grotesque Figures Carved in Teak-wood from the Nicobar Islands (Ex. 24) ·· ·· .. .. ·· ·· Leaf-wearing Tribe in, see Walhouse, M. J. Lepcha Ornaments, Weapons, etc. (Ex. 15) Mountain Tribes of the North-West Frontier, see Fosberry ·· Objects of Art and Implements from (Ex. 14) Objects from Manipur (Ex. 371).. Scinde (Ex. 227) • • Paleolithic Implements from Madras (Ex. 294) Parsee Burial in, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 198 • .. ·· · ·· • See Phallic Worship of, see Sellon, E. Prehistoric Finds in, see Foote, R. B. Races of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, • • 179 the Races of, as Traced in Existing Tribes and Castes, see Campbell, G. .. Sanitary Condition of Troops in, see Camps, J... Scalping in, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 8 J.A. 363 J.E.S. iii, 132 J.A.I. xi, 455 A.R v, 374 J.A.I. iv, 88 J.A.I. xi, 310 J.E.S., N.S. i, 143 J.E.S., N.S. i, 128 T.E.S. vi, 59 T.E.S. vi, 1 J.E.S., N.S. i, 179 A.R. iv, 360 T.E.S. iii, 93 M.A.S. iii, 120 T.E.S. vi, 42 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 35 J.E.S. iii, 238 J.E.S., N.S. i, 207 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. clxxxix M.A.S. iii, 201 T.E.S. ii, 369 J.E.S., N.S. i, 157 T.E.S. vi, 59 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. xi, 294 J.A.I. xii, 69 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 31 J.E.S., N.S. i, 89 J.A.I. xx, 290 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 137 J.A.I. iv, 369 J.E.S., N.S. i, 157 J.E.S., N.S. i, 182 J.E.S., N.S. i, 89 J.A.I. xvi, 346 J.A.I. vii, 364 J.A.I. xii, 513 J.A.I. xviii, 420 M.A.S. i, 327 J.A.I. xvi, 70 J.A.I. xvii, 289 J.E.S., N.S. i, 128 A.R. i, 410 J.E.S., N.S. i, 86 Index. 161 India, Sect of Mahárájas, or Vallabhúcháryas, see Ma- Review hárájas. 1 Skull from the Nicobar Islands (Ex. 367) Stone Implements from (Ex. 363).. cellanea, 138 305) Naga Hills (Ex. 120) Tribes of the Neilgherries (Ex. 56) Bengal, see Campbell, A., on the Looshais see Godwin-Austen, H. H., on the Garo Ceylon, see Bailey, J. Hill Tribes Central, the Meenas, see Showers and Southern, see Elliot, W. see Anthropological Mis- the Banda District (Ex. see a "Tamil," on the Weddos Notes, 26 (Ex. 200) • 141) Hill Tribes, see Fryer, G. E. Plate of Mulchers • .. ·· Southern, see Shortt, J., on the Kojahs.. Aborigines of, see Shortt, J. ·· •• • · ·· · see Maniegar, S. C. C., on the Mookwas Dardistan, see Leitner, G. W. North-East, Ethnological Objects from the Naga Hills (Ex. 255) Naga Hills, on the Wild Tribes Inhabiting the, see Woodthorpe, R. G. Oude, see Greenhow, H. M. South, see Shortt, J., on the Bayadère South, Skull of Yanadi (Ex. 73) found in Venezuela, see Ernst, A. Temples in Mysore, Photographs of (Ex. 55) Tombs of Chiriquí, see Bollaert, W. • • • • Stone Celts from the Shevaroy Hills (Ex. With ·· ·· the Armenians of, see Shortt, J... the Fishermen of, see Shortt, J. .. Hill Ranges of, see Anthropological Iron Arrow-heads and Spear-heads from Stone Celts from, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Wild Tribes of, see Shortt, J. .. • Indian Archiepelago, Alphabets of the, see Crawfurd, J. Pagan Populations of the, see Latham, R. G. Arrow-heads, see Walhouse, M. J. Burial Mounds and Shell-heaps near Pensacola, Florida. By G. M. Sternberg, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology "" ·· Gnosticism; or, Sacti Puja, the Worship of the Female Powers, see Sellon, E. Institute, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 48 Manufacture (Ex. 84) Picture Writing in British Guiana, see Brown, C. B. from British Guiana (Ex. 27) Pipes from Lake Erie (Ex. 93) Remains from the Coast of Labrador, see Lloyd, T. G. B... ·· .. ·· .. J.A.I. vii, 110 A.R. iv, 252 J.A.I. xvi, 147 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.A.I. xiii, 119 J.A.I. xiii, 184 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxi A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxx J.A.I. iii, 57 J.A.I. ü, 391 A.R. ii, 327 J.E.S., N.S. i, 94 T.E.S. ii, 278 T.E.S. iii, 70 T.E.S. iv, 348 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 31 J.A.I. xi, 56 J.A.I. xi, 56, 196 T.E.S. i, 71 M.A.S. iii, 182 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxvii J.A.I. ii, 348 J.E.S., N.S. i, 80 J.A.I. ii, 402 T.E.S. iii, 373 J.A. 180 T.E.S. v, 193 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvi J.A.I. vi, 245 J.A.I. ii, 348 T.E.S. vii, 186 J.E.S. ii, 246 T.E.S. i, 202 J.A.I. vi, 245 M.A.S. ii, 264 J.A.I. iv, 504 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxix J.A.I. ii, 254 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 416 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxi J.A.I. iv, 39 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. vii A.R. v, J.A.§. p. xxxii T.E.S. ii, 147 M 1 162 Index. Indian Tribes in North America, Distribution of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 182.. of Texas, see Bollaert, W. Indians inhabiting Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and California, by Dr. Edward Palmer, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 93. Anthropological Glean- ings "" of Cape Flattery, The, at the Entrance to the Strait of Fuca, Washington Territory. By James G. Swan, see Contemporary Literature of the Missouri .. of the Mosquito Territory, see Collinson, J. of South America, see Parish Woodbine Indices, Cranial and Other, Scale to Find, see Atkinson, G. M. Indo-Chinese and Inter-Oceanic Races and Languages, see ·· (C Keane, A. H. Races, Manners of, and Races of the Indian Archi- pelago, see Yule, H. Indo-European Languages, see Latham, R. G. • Origins, Discussion on Dr. Pruner-Bey's Paper read before the Anthropological Society of Paris Indo-Europeans, on the Origin of, see Anthropological Society of Paris ·· • • ·· the Origin of.. Industrial Arts of the Esquimaux, see King, R. Infanticide among Kafirs, see Calloway, H. Infecundity of Human Hybrids, see Crawfurd, J. see Crawfurd, J. .. Influence of Blood-Relationship in Marriage upon the Offspring, see Mitchell, A. ·· of Climate and of Hybridity over Man, see Knox, R., Ethnological Inquiries and Observations Influence of Man upon Man and the Lower Animals Influence of Peat in Destroying the Human Body, see Hunt, J... ·· of Race on Duration of Life and Development of Disease ·· ·· • • of Race on Religion, see Pike, L. O. • Influences of Pendency of the Epiglottis, see Gibb, G. D. Ingleby's "Introduction to Metaphysics," see Anthropo- logical News, 147 Inglis, (Rev.) John, Report of a Missionary Tour in the New Hebrides. 11th December, 1851 Inheritance of an Abnormal Distortion of the Wrist, see Letter from Life; its Attributes and Belongings Chambers, C. H. Inishkea, off the West Coast of Ireland, Colony of Heathens in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 34 Initiation Ceremonies, Australian, see Howitt, A. W... of the Kurnai Tribe, see Howitt, A. W. Inman, T., on Ancient Temples in Malta.. Causes which Determine the Rise and Fall of Nations on Difficulties in Theologies and Science on the Influence of Man upon Man and the Lower Animals ·· J.A.I. xvii, 358 J.E.S. ii, 262 J.A.I. vii, 544 J.A. 237 J.E.S., N.S. 332 M.A.S. iii, 148 T.E.S. iv, 173 J.A.I. viii, 279 J.A.I. ix, 254 J.A.I. ix, 290 J.E.S. ii, 224 A.R. iii, 307-320; 322 A.R. iii, 161 A.R. iii, 324 J.E.S. ì, 277 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxxvii A.R. ii, 318 T.E.S. iii, 356 M.A.S. ii, 402 A.R. i, 246 Anthrop. 37 M.A.S. ii, 364 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 73-75 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxxv M.A.S. iii, 106 A.R. vii, 214 J.E.S. iii, 53-85 A.R. ii, 59 J.A.I. ii, 447 J.A.I. xiii, 432 】 } J.A.I. xiv, 301 Anthrop. 18 Anthrop. 217 Anthrop. p. xi Anthrop. 37 Anthrop. 21 Anthrop. p. xliii Index. 163 .. Inman, T., on the Origin of the Human Race on Theological Philology. Review Insanity, Moral Irresponsibility Resulting from, see Harris, G. Inscribed Rock Surface at Mevagh, see Kinahan, G. H. Inscriptions on Ancient British Rocks, see Seemann, B. on Rocks found in Central America, see Seemann, B... ·· on Stones in the Island of Brassay, see Hunt, J. Inscriptions, Himyaritic, see Playfair Instability of Cross-breeds in the Ovine Species, see Anthropological Society of Paris.. Instinct, see Coudereau ·· ·· • • see Harris, G. W. Instinctive Actions, see Murray, Instructions sur l'Anthropologie de l'Algerie, by Faid- herbe, Review Instrument for Determining the Facial Angle, see Atkinson, G. M. Measuring the Facial Angle (Ex. 259) Deterinining Reaction-Time (Ex. 391) Measuring the Proportions of the Human Body, see Bonomi, Joseph Rate of Movement of the Various Limbs, see Galton, F... News, 98 .. • ·· ·· - ·· (Ex. 390).. Intellect, Anatomy of, see Dendy, W. C. and Instinct, see Harris, G. • "" Intellectual Character of the Esquimaux, see King, R. . "Intellectual Development of Europe. By J. W. Draper.' Review Intelligence of Apes and Monkeys, see Crisp, and Instinct, see Coudereau, (Ex. 421) Testing Perception of Differences of Tint • ·· ·· ·· Interglacial American Man, Supposed Evidence of the Existence of, by Daniel Wilson, LL.D., F.R.S.E., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. "Anthro- pological Gleanings " Inter-marriage of Kindred. Address delivered before the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York, January 26th, 1870. By Alexander Wilder, M.D." See Contemporary Literature Interments, Ancient, in County Antrim, see Holden, J. S. International Agreement on the Classification and Nomenclature of the Cephalic Index, see Garson, J. G. Code of Symbols for Use on Archæological Maps, see Evans, J. Congress of Americanists, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 190 ·· .. ·· • • • of Anthropology, see Anthropological Notes, 8.. of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archæo- logy. 1874. See Howorth, H. H... for Archæology and History. September, 1868 Bonn. of Archaic Anthropology see Anthropological .. Anthrop. 42 A.R. vi, 378 J.A.I. ii, 183 J.A.I. xviii, 170 M.A.S. ii, 277 M.A.S. ii, 277 M.A.S. ii, 373 T.E.S. v, 174 A.R. v, 361 A.R. vi, 399 J.A.I. iii, 73 A.R. i, 412 Anthrop. 435 J.A.I. xi, 122 J.A.I. xi, 122 J.A.I. xix, 27 J.A.I. ii, 180 J.A.I. xx, 200 J.A.I. xx, 200 J.A.I. xix, 27 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xxvii J.A.I. iii, 73 J.E.S. i, 127 A.R. iii, 29 A.R. ii, 308 A.R. vi, 399 J.A.I. viii, 101 J.A. 106 J.A.I. i, 219 J.A.I. xvi, 17 J.A.I. v, 427 J.A.I. xviii, ŷ J.A. 114 J.A.I. iv, 339 A.R. viii, 41-46 A.R. vi, 203-215 A.R. vi, 323 M 2 164 Index. International Congress of Prehistoric Archeology and Anthropology at Lisbon, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 124 .. 1889, Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 205 Inter-Oceanic Races, Nomenclature of, see Whitmee, S. J. .. and Languages, Relations of, with the Indo-Chinese, see Keane, A. H. Interpretation of Inscriptions on Stones in the Island of Brassay, see Hunt, J. .. • Intoxicating Potabes, Plants Yielding, see Crawfurd, J. "Introduction à l'étude des Races Humaines. By A. de Quatrefages." Review Introduction to the Popular Magazine of Anthropology "Invasion of the Crimea. By C. Kinglake." Review. Iran and Turan. Review Iranian Race, Ethnology of, see Khanikoff, N. see Kanikoff.. • • ·· Irayas, Ygorrotes, and Manobos of the Philippines. Review. (Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner. Von Dr. C. Semper) Ireland, see Beddoe, J., on the Kelts of Ireland see Rivers, A. H. Pitt, Bronze Spear from Lough Gur Bronze Spear from Lough Gur (Ex. 9) see Kinahan, G. H., on an Inscribed Rock Surface at Mevagh see Phair, J. P., on the Discovery of Copper Celts · see Westropp, H. M., on the Tribal System and Land-Tenure Alleged Idolatry of the Inhabitants of an Island off the Coast of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 62.. •• Archæological Discoveries in, see Conwell, E. A. Archaic Anthropology in, see Anthropological News, 149 Chinese Seals found in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 26 Flint Implements from Ballintoy, see Knowles, W. J. (Ex. 222).. Giants' Graves in Gold Torque from Peat Moss in Sligo (Ex. 11).. Ivory Celt from (Ex. 290).. Jet Örnament from Garvagh (Ex. 278) Neolithic Implement from Antrim, see Holden, J. S. Ogham Inscription, see Caulfield, R. Pillar Stones in, see Westropp, H. M. the Race Question in, see Jackson, J. W. Roman Intercourse with .. • • • • ·· • • • see Wright, T. County Wicklow, see Acheson, F., on a Sup- posed Stone Implement Supposed Stone Implement from (Ex. 21).. • J.A.I. x, 462 J.A.I. xix, 91 J.A.I. viii, 360 J.A.I. ix, 254 M.A.S. ii, 373 T.E.S. vii, 92 J.A.I. xvi, 425 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 1-5 A.R. iv, 62 A.R. vi, 121-137; 286-301 A.R. ii, 327 T.E.S. iv, 39 J.A. 296 J.A. 117 J.E.S., N.S. i, 36 J.E.S., N.S. i, 36 J.A.I. xviii, 170 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 402 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 342 J.A.I. v, 492 T.E.S. v, 217 A.R. vii, 215 J.A.I. ii, 135 J.A.I. vii, 202 J.A.I. vii, 202 Anthrop. 66 J.E.S., N.S. i, 51 J.A.I. xii, 465 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A.I. iv, 19 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 400 J.A.I. ii, 201 A.R. vii, 54 A.R. iv, 180-186 A.R. iv, 366 T.E.S. v, 168 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 43 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 43 Index. 165 Ireland, Louth, see Blake, C. C., on Certain "Simious Skulls and Scotland, Ancient Peoples of, see MacLean, H. Irish, see Hume, A... Antiquities, see Lewis, A. L. Celt, see Hudson, H. Crania, see Grattan, J. People, see Kinahan, G. H. the Real Wants of the. Review. Prehistoric Monuments, see Buckland, A. W. Prime Minister of one of the Pellew Islands, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. Anthropo- logical Gleanings" .. • • Prince, Curious Custom at the Coronation of, see Anthropological News, 49. Proofs of Early Civilisation in Ireland .. CC Ring-money" (Ex. 225) ·· • .. CC ·· • • .. Iron Age, see Crawfurd, J. in Egypt, see Anthropological News, 163 Arrow-heads and Spear-heads from Southern India (Ex. 200).. • • Stone, and Bronze Ages, see Crawfurd, J. Iroolers, see Shortt, J., on the Tribes of Southern India Iroquois, Customs and Language of the, see Smith, Erminnie A. ·· Irresponsibility, Moral, Resulting from Insanity, see Harris, G. "Isis. By C. Radenhausen." Review ·· • ?? Isleworth, Large Implement found at (Ex. 281).. Istria, Objects from (Ex. 227) Seaboard of, see Burton, R. F., "More Castellieri" Italian Anthropology, see Davis, J. B. Celts, see Westropp, H. M. .. .. ·· • • .. (Ex. 5) Crania, see Vogt, C. and Greek Skulls, see Anthropological Notes, .. · . 10 Italy, Bronze Socket Celt from (Ex. 214).. Cave Hunting in Early Man in, see Anthropological News, 112 Physical Characters of the Natives, see Beddoe, J. Ivory Celt from Ireland (Ex. 290).. Izedis, Assyrian Origin of the, see Ainsworth, W. F... · J. Jackson on Anthropology, see Anthropological Notes, 33 Jackson, Henry, Obituary Jackson, J. W., the Antiquity of Civilisation. Review the Arvan and the Semite.. O the Atlantean Race of Western Europe. With Discussion. 7th January, 1873 • << Ethnology and Phrenology as an Aid to the Historian." Review as an Aid to the Biographer M.A.S. ii, 74 J.A.I. xx, 154 J.E.S. iii, 229 J.A.I. ix, 137 J.A., J.Á.S. p. clxxviii J.E.S. iii, 215 J.A., J.Á.S. p. clxxxi A.R. iv, P.M.A. 46 J.A.I. ix, 146 J.A.I. vii, 545 A.R. v, 256 J.A.I. vii, 227 T.E.S. iv, 1 A.R. viii, 105 J.A.I. vi, 245 A.R. ii, 313 T.E.S. iii, 373 J.A.I. xiv, 244 J.A.I. ii, 183 A.R. iii, 219 J.A.I. xii, 231 J.A.I. vii, 364 J.A.I. vii, 341 A.R. v, 142 T.ES. v, 216 T.E.S. v, 216 A.R. v, 364 J.A. 115 J.A.I. vii, 44 Anthrop. p. lxxi A.R. vi, 445 T.E.S. i, 111 J.A.I. xii, 465 T.E.S. i, 11 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clx A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xliv J.A. 170 A.R. vii, 333-365 J.A.I. ii, 397-402 A.R. i, 118–129 A.R. ii, 126-140 166 Index. Jackson, J. W., Inaugural Address to the Psychological Association of Glasgow.. Iran and Turan. Review.. See "Man contemplated Physically, Morally, Intellectually, and Spiritually." Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 6 the Race Question in Ireland on the Racial aspects of the Franco- Prussian War. With Discussion. 6th March, 1871 the Theory of Development, and its Bear- ing on Science and Religion. Review on the Value of Phrenology in Anthropo- logical Investigations Jacob, (Captain) Eustace W., Indian Tribes of Van- couver's Island. 3rd November, 1863 Jacobs, Joseph, the Comparative Distribution of Jewish Ability. 10th November, 1885. (Plate) on the Racial Characteristics of Modern Jews. With Discussion. 24th February, 1885. (2 Plates and Woodcut) and Isidore Spielman, on the Comparative Anthropometry of English Jews. With Discussion. 26th March, 1889. (Plate) Jade used for Ancient Implements in Europe and ·· America, Source of, see Rudler, F. W. • Hatchet (Ex. 337) Implement from New Zealand (Ex. 131) Implements found in Switzerland, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 117 Weapons from New Zealand (Ex. 289) Worked, from British Columbia (Ex. 428) Jagor, (Dr.) on the Natives of Naga, in Luzon, Philip- pine Islands. 22nd February, 1870 .. Jamaica, Skulls from, see Flower, W. H. ·· ▸ • ·· (Ex. 416) Janet, Paul, "The Materialism of the Present Day. Translated from the French by Gustave Masson, B.A." Review .. ·· Japan, see Davis, J. B., on the Skeleton of an Aïno Woman, and Three Skulls of Men of the same Race Photographs of Ainos (Ex. 151) W. Megalithic Remains from, see Gowland, in (Ex. 396) Stone Age in, see Milne, J. Japanese, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 38 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 163 Javanese, see Kiehl, A. H……. Notes on the.. ·· ·· • ·· see Pfoundes, C. ·· Go-hei, or Paper Offerings to the Shinto Gods, see Chamberlain, B. H. Mythology, see Tylor, E. B. People, see Pfoundes, C. •• Roll representing the Manners of the Ainos (Ex. 152) ·· ·· Toys (Ex. 88) Jar Burial, see Walhouse, M. J. Jastrow, Joseph, Psycho-Physical Research in America, ·· ·· ·· •• ·· A.R. vii, 259--268 A.R. vi, 121-137; 286- 301 J.A.I. i, 262 A.R. vii, 54-76 J.A.I. i, 30–52 A.R. v, 257-276 A.R. v, 71-78 A.R. ii, J.A.S pp. xi-xiv J.A.I. xv, 351-379 J.A.I. xv, 23-62 J.A.I. xix, 76–88 J.A.I. xx, 332 J.A.I. xv, 185 J.A.I. i, 214 J.A.I. x, 359 J.A.I. xii, 465 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 170-175 J.A.I. xx, 110 J.A.I. xx, 110 A.R. v, 47-49 M.A.S. iii, 21 J.A.I. iii, 137 J.A.I. xix, 64 J.A.I. xix, 64 J.A.I. x, 389 J.A.I. iii, 129 J.A.I. xii, 222 J.A.I. xviii, 27 J.A.I. vi, 55 J.A.I. x, 225 J.A.I. iii, 137 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxlvii J.A.I. xi, 415 J.A.I. xvi, 422 J.A.I. vi, 346 Anthrop. p. xc Index. 167 Jaw from Buildwas Abbey, see Roberts, G. E., and C. C. Blake Human, from the Cave of La Naulette, see Blake, C. C. Jaws, Anglo-Saxon (Ex. 53) from Sarawak (Ex. 129) Jaw-bone from Roman Sewer in London (Ex. 85) Jeffcott, J. M., Mann, its Names and their Origins. With Discussion. 6th May, 1872 "" Jeffries, B. Joy, (M.D.) "Dangers from Colour-Blindness, see Anthrop. Misc., 95. "Anthrop. Gleanings " Jennings, Hargrave, "The Rosicrucians." Review Jeraeil, see Howitt, A. W... Jeremiah, John, Obituary Notice Scythe-chariots in Ancient Britain, Anthropological Miscellanea, 111.. Jersey, Stone and Bronze Implements from (Ex. 170) Jervis Island, see Thomas, O., on Skulls from Torres · ·· Straits Jessen, (Dr.) P., on the Performances of Zacharias Dase in Mental Calculation, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 11 Jet Ornament from Garvagh (Ex. 278) Jewish Ability, Comparative Distribution of, see Jacobs, ·· • • see J... Jews, a Cause of Diminished Longevity among, see Gibb, Duncan .. ·· .. J.A. 94 Composite Photographs of (Ex. 332) J.A.I. xv, 16 Physical Characteristics of the, see Beddoe, J... T.E.S. i, 222 Race-types of the, see Neubauer, A. J.A.I. xv, 17 Racial Characteristics of, see Jacobs, J... J.A.I. xv, 23 English, Comparative Anthropometry of, Jacobs, Jos. and I. Spielman Jeypore, Ethnology of, see Shortt, J. Jívaro Indians, Idol Human Head of (Ex. 2) Jívaros, see Bollaert, W. • Idol Human Head of, see Bollaert, W. Jívaros and Canelos Indians, see Simson, A. Joass, (Rev.) J. M., Notes on the Antiquities of Suther- land, 20th December, 1864. (Plate).. on Some Prehistoric Dwellings in Rosshire, see Roberts, G. E. Johnson, Henry, (M.D.) on some deformed skulls from Wroxeter, 18th May, 1859 Johnston, H. H., (C.B.) the People of Eastern Equatorial Africa. 10th February, 1885.. on the Races of the Congo and the Portu- guese Colonies in Western Africa. With Discussion. 8th January, 1884. (2 Plates and Woodcut) Jones, A. F., Letter from Jones, Charles C., Bird-shaped Mounds, in Putnam County, Georgia, U.S.A., see Anthrop. Misc., 94.. Jones, (Rev.) Harry, Notes of Some Discoveries in Barton Mere, near Bury St. Edmunds.. Jones, J., see Anthropological News, 73 Jones, James, on the Punishment of Crucifixion in China. 12th January, 1864 ·· .. ·· see • Jones, J. M., on Kjökkenmöddings in Nova Scotia, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 25 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxxii A.R. v, 294 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. i, 212 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxix J.A.I. ii, 159-165 J.A.I. viii, 100 J.A. 236 J.A.I. xiv, 301 J.A.I. xi, 486 J.A.I. x, 127 J.A.I. iv, 2 J.A.I. xiv, 328 A.R. i, 492 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A.I. xv, 351 J.A.I. xix, 76 T.E.S. vi, 264 T.E.S. ii, 112 T.E.S. ii, 115 T.E.S. ii, 112 J.A.I. ix, 385 A.R. iii, J.A.S.pp. lxiii-lxv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxxxv T.E.S. i, [134-136] J.A.I. xv, 3–15 J.A.I. xiii, 461-479 Anthrop. 207 J.A.I. viii, 92 J.E.S., N.S. i, 199 A.R. v, 375 T.E.S. iii, 138-139 A.R. ii, 223 4 168 Index. Jones, T. Rupert (F.R.S.), on Some Implements bearing Marks Referable to Ownership, Tallies, and Gamb- ling, from the Caves of Dordogne, France. Abstract and Discussion. 3rd December, 1872 Occurrence of Platycnemic Bones in the Ancient Burial-ground at Kintbury, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 75 see Lartet, E. and H. Christy, Reliquiæ Aquitaniæ. Review Journals, Reviews of, and Extracts from J. B. D. see Davis, J. Barnard. J. P. H., see Harrison, J. Park. ·· .. Juags or Leaf Wearers, see Shortt, J. Juangs, a Leaf-wearing Tribe in Persia, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 80 Jugo, F. de Asis Delgado, Address to the Spanish An- thropological Society Jukes, J. Beete (F.R.S.), on Certain Markings on the Horns of Megaceros Hibernicus. Abstract.. Jutes and Fomorians, see Howorth, H. H., of Germany. Part V." CC Ethnology Jutish Type of Inhabitants of the British Isles (Ex. 299) Juventus Mundi, by the Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. Review J •• on the Fetichism of the Rig Veda the Interpretation of Mythology.. en Some Racial Aspects of Music. Discussion. 31st January, 1871 • ** • ·· K. J.A.I. ix, 312 Kabi Dialect of Queensland, see Mathew, J. Kaffir Race of Natal, see Mann, R. J. T.E.S. v, 277 • Weapons and Implements, see Griesbach, C. L. J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cliv Kaffirs, on the Customs of, see Price, F. G. H. Kafirs, Infanticide amongst, see Calloway, H. A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. xiv A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxxvii J.A.I. viii, 254 J.A.I. iii, 341 Anthrop. 30 ·· ·· Polygamous Marriage among, see Sanderson, J. Kafristan, see Leitner, G. W., on the Siah Posh Kafirs Kaines, J., Anthropological Study, Ultimate Object of.. the Anthropology of Auguste Comte. With Discussion. 18th December, 1871 .. • • • With Report of the Delegates from the Anthro- pological Society of London to the British Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science Meeting, 1870. Liverpool. 1st November, 1870 True Cerebral Theory Necessary to An- thropology Western Anthropologists and Extra- Western Communities. “Kaladlit Assialiait": or, Woodcuts Drawn and En- graved by Greenlanders. Review "Kaladlit okalluktualliait, Kalâdlisut Kablunâtudio." Re- view .. ·· 12 Kalmucks, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 12 see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part VI J.A.I. ii, 362-365 ·· J.A.I. vi, 196 J.E.S., N.S. i, 83 Anthrop. 594 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxxiv J.A.I. vii, 100 A.R. iv, 259-266 A.R. i, 433 J.A.I. x, 174 J.A.I. xiii, 86 J.E.S., N.S. i, 321 110; 270; 437; J.A.1. i, 349–362 Anthrop. p. cxii Anthrop. 465 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xxviii- xxxvi J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. iii-vi Anthrop. 238 Anthrop. 225 A.R. iii, 138 A.R. iii, 138 J.A.I. i, 401 J.A.I. i, 226 Index. 169 Kaltbrunner, D. "Aide Mémoire du Voyageur." Re- view "Manuel du Voyageur." Review Kamilaroi Tribe, see Ridley, W. Kamchatka, Skull from an Ancient Burying Place in, see Macalister, A... • (Ex. 359) Kangaroo Island, see Peel, R. Kanikoff, N., Contributions to the Natural History of the Iranians. 10th January, 1865 Kara-Kitai, see Oppert, Gustav Karnak, in Brittany, Water-colour Drawings of (Ex. 44). Karr, H. W. Seton, Exhibition of Photographs of North American Indians. 8th December, 1885 Kassia, see Cassia. Kayak Implements, see Rink, H., on the Migrations of the Eskimo ·· ·· • Kazaks, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part VI. Ke Islands Vocabulary Keane, A. H., (B.A.) on the Botocudos. 19th June, 1883 Ethnology of Egyptian Sudán. April, 1884 the Lapps; their Origin, Ethnical Affini- ties, Physical and Mental Characteristics, Usages, Present Status, and Future Prospects. 9th June, 1885 • .. Hole, see Pengelly, W. ·· Kelt and Basque, see Webster, Wentworth Keltic Element in Lycian Inscriptions Kelts, see Celts. ·· 1 ·· ·· on North Carolina Stone Carvings. With Discussion. 13th June, 1882. on the Relations of the Indo-Chinese and Inter-Oceanic Races and Languages. With Discus- sion. 11th November, 1879 Keary, C. F., "The Vikings of Western Christendom." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 231 Keiss, Human Remains at, see Anderson, J. see Petrie, G. see Shearer, R. I. Remains from, see Anderson, J. Graves, see Hunt, J. ·· ·· • 22nd • (Ex. 38) • Kekip-Sesoators, or Ancient Sacrificial Stone, of the North-West Tribes of Canada, see L'Heureux, J. Keller, (Dr.) Ferdinand, "The Lake Dwellings of Swit- zerland." Review ·· . ·· · ·· • • "Kemp How," Cowlam, see Mortimer, J. R. Kennedy, James (LL.B.), on the Probable Origin of the American Indians, with Particular Reference to that of the Caribs. 15th March, 1854 Kenney's Cairn, see Anderson, J., on Excavations in Caithness Cairns • ↓ ·· Kennicott (Major), Kutch-á-Kutchin Vocabulary Kent's Cavern, Exploration of, by W. Pengelly, F.R.S., see Anthropology at the British Association, 1869 J.A.I. x, 237 J.A.I. x, 237 J.E.S. iv, 285 J.A.I. xvi, 21 J.A.I. xvi, 2; 21 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xxxi T.E.S. iv, 39-58 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 97 .A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xv, 424 J.A.I. xvii, 68 J.A.I. i, 226 J.A.I. xiii, 25-29 J.A.I. xiii, 199–213 J.A.I. xiv, 91–113 J.A.I. xv, 213-235 J.A.I. xii, 281-288 J.A.I. ix, 254-289 J.A.I. xx, 362 A.R. iv, J.A.S. clii p. A.R. iv, J.A.S. cl P. A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clvii A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. clx A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxiii J.A.I. xv, 161 A.R. vi, 114 J.A.I. v, 5 Anthrop. 517 J.A.I. ix, 394 J.E.S. iv, 226-267 M.A.S. iii, 225 T.E.S. vii, 183-185 A.R. vii, 431 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. xlvi ·· Human Remains from, see Blake, C. C... A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxiii 170 Index. 1 Kerry-Nicholls, J. H., the Origin, Physical Characteristics, and Manners and Customs of the Maori Race, from Data derived during a Recent Exploration of the King Country, New Zealand. With Discussion. 12th May, 1885 Kesteven, W. B., Prehistoric Archæology. Review Kew, Skulls from (Ex. 60) ·· .. Khalubes (Chalybes), see Clarke, Hyde, on the Proto- Ethnic Condition of Asia Minor Khan and Bey Khanikoff, Nicholas, on the Ethnology of the Iranian Race. Abstract • J.E.S., N.S. i, 39 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 368 A.R. ii, 327 J.A.I. i, 122 J.A.I. v, 37 Stone Monuments of, see Clarke, C. B. J.A.I. iii, 481 Khasia Tribe, see Steel, E. H. T.E.S. vii, 305 Khazars, White, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part IV... Khonds of Orissa, see Macpherson, S. C. Kibalans of Formosa, see Collingwood Sau-o Bay, Vocabulary of .. Kidnapping of Easter Islanders, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 14 Review Khanikoff, see Kanikoff, Khasi Hill Tribes, see Godwin-Austen, H. H... Hills, Rude Stone Monuments of, see Godwin- Austen, H. H... .. ·· ·· Kiehl, A. H., on the Javanese Notes on the Javanese. With Discussion. 11th December, 1876 . New Guinea and Neighbouring Islands, ·· .. .. ·· ·· • Natives of Kimmerian and Atlantean Races, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 16 see MacLean, Hector Kimmerians and Atlanteans, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 11 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 18 see Anthropological Notes, 30.. Kinahan, G. H., Barnes' Inscribed Dallâns, County Donegal. With Discussion. 29th May, 1888. (Plate) •• .. ·· - •• ·· • • on a Circular Structure at Cummer, County Wexford. 13th June, 1882. (Plate) on an Inscribed Rock Surface at Mevagh, Rosguile, County Donegal, Ireland. 29th May, 1888. (Plate) on a Prehistoric Road, Duncan's Flow, Ballyalbanagh, County Antrim. 23rd March, 1875. (Woodcuts) on the Race Elements of the Irish People. Abstract. 14th June, 1870 J.A.I. xv, 187-209 J.A. 164 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.E.S., N.S. ii, 182 A.R. iv, 360 T.E.S. vi, 135 T.E.S. vi, 362 A.R. i, 496 Anthrop. p. xc J.A.I. vi, 346-364 Anthrop. 129 J.A.I. ii, 127 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xl J.A.I. i, 264 J.A.I. ii, 130 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clviii J.A.I. xviii, 171–174 J.A.I. xii, 318-323 J.A.I. xviii, 170, 171 J.A.I. v, 106-110 J.A., J.A.S. pp. clxxxi, clxxxii on Sepulchral Remains at Rathdown, County Wicklow. 14th June, 1881. (Woodcut).. J.A.I. xi, 452–454 Kincaid, (Colonel) W., on the Bheel Tribes of the Vind- hyan Range. With Discussion. 11th November, 1879 J.A.I. ix, 397–406 King, (Lieut) C. Cooper, Discovery of a Flint Implement Station in Wishmoor Bottom, near Sandhurst. With Discussion. 3rd December, 1872. (2 Plates) J.A.I. ii, 365–372 Index. 171 King, D., (M.D.) on the Deformities of the Cranium in Relation to Intellect and Beauty King, (Dr.) Kelburne, Obituary Notice, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 156 on Rise and Fall of Nations King, Richard, (M.D.) Address to the Ethnological Society of London, delivered at the Anniversary, 25th May, 1844.. Death of, (Vote of Condolence). 8th February, 1876.. • on the Industrial Arts of the Esqui- maux. (1848).. •• Intellectual Character of the Esquimaux. 19th June, 1844 Manx of the Isle of Man. With Discussion. 3rd January, 1871 Obituary of Thomas Hodgkin, M.D. Obituary Notice of Lieutenant George Augustus Frederick Ruxton. 20th December, 1848 (C ·· .. ·· on the Physical Characters of the Esqui- maux. (1848) King, W., “Notice of a Prehistoric Burial Place with Cruciform Monoliths, near Mungapet, in the Nizám's Dominions," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. "Anthropological Gleanings "" ·· .. King, William, the Neanderthal Skull. Abstract King, (Lieut.-Colonel) W. Ross, the Aboriginal Tribes of the Nilgiri Hills. 3rd May, 1870. (With Plates) • •• .. the Aboriginal Tribes of the Nilgiri Hills. Abstract and Discussion. 3rd May, 1870 King Orry's Grave, Compared with Tumuli in Glouces- tershire, see Buckland, A. W. Kinglake's "History of the Invasion of the Crimea." Re- view .. ·· Kingsley, Charles, (M.A.), "The Roman and the Teuton. 1864." Review.. The Water Babies; a Fairy Tale for a Land Baby." Review.. Kintbury, Ancient Burial Ground at, see Anthropolo- ·· ·· gical Miscellanea, 82 Platycnemic Bones at, see Anthropological . Miscellanea, 75 Kiowas, see Blackmore, W. see Fisher, M. C. Kirghis, see Atkinson, T. W. Kirghises, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drift- ing of the Nomades. Part VI. Kirkhead Care, see Bolton, J., and Roberts, G. E. near Ulverstone, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 36 •• ·· •• ·· at Ulverstone, see Morris, J. P... Kirton-in-Lindsey, Barrow near, see Peacock, E. Kist in Argyllshire, see Sinclair, Dugald see of the Stone Age upon the Coast of Elgin, Roberts, G. E... Kistraens in the Mückle Hcog, see Roberts, G. E. A.R. viii, 47, 48 J.A.I. xv, 504 Anthrop. 1 J.E.S. ii, 9-40 J.A.I. vi, 2 J.E.S. i, 277-300 J.E.S. i, 127-153 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. xiii- XY T.E.S. v, 341–345 J.E.S. ii, 150-158 J.E.S. i, 45-59 J.A.I. viii, 102 A.R. i, 393 J.A. 18-51 J.A., J.A.S. pp. cliii-clv J.A.I. xviii, 346 A.R. iv, 62 A.R. iv, 22–33 A.R. i, 472-476 J.A.I. vii, 104 J.A.I. vi, 196 J.E.S., N.S. i, 287 J.E.S., N.S. i, 274 T.E.S. i, 93 J.A.I. i, 226 A.R. ii, J.A S. p. coli A.R. ii, 341 M.A.S. ii, 358 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxiii J.A.I. i, 211 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. vi A.R. iii, J.A.S. P. xl K 172 Index. Kistvaens on the "Muckle Heog" in the Island of Unst, containing Urns of Chloritic Schist, see Roberts, G. E. Kitai and Kara-Kitai, see Oppert, Gustav Kitchen-Midden in Brittany, at Doelan, see Anthropolo- gical News, 142 Cork Harbour, see Atkinson, G. M. in the Island of Herm, see Flower, J. W. at Tenby, see Laws, E. at Ventnor, see Westropp, H. M. Kitchen-Middens in California, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 59 Danish, see Chambers, C. H. of São Paulo, Brazil see Kjökkenmödding. ·· Kjökkenmödding on the Coast of Cornwall, see Bate, C. S. (?) in the Neighbourhood of Smyrna, see Martin, R. B. at Santos, see Burton, R. F. at Smyrna, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 25 at Newhaven, see Walker, B., and J. C. Ardagh in Nova Scotia, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 25 • Knapping Tools, Palæolithic, see Spurrell, F. C. J. Knowles, W. J., on the Antiquity of Man in Ireland. Title only. 11th March, 1884 Classification of Arrow-heads. • • ·· ·· A.R. ii, 223–226 J.A.I. xiii, 109 J.A.I. xiv, 44 23rd January, 1877 J.A.I. vi, 482-484 ·· Additional Remarks on the Find of Pre- historic Objects at Portstewart. 23rd January, 1877 J.A.I. vi, 485–487 Flint Implements, and Associated Re- mains found near Ballintoy, County Antrim. June, 1877 12th Bann. 11th May, 1880 Portstewart and Other Flint Factories in the North of Ireland. With Discussion. June, 1879 24th Knox, on the Celtic Race ·· ·· • from the Valley of the · · • • ·· ·· • over Man Some Observations on a Collection of Human Crania and other Human Bones at Present Preserved in the Crypt of a Church at Hythe, in Kent ; Some Additional Observations on a Collec- tion of Human Crania and other Human Bones, at Present Preserved in the Crypt of a Church at Hythe, in Kent. 4th March, 1862 M.A.S. i, 296 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 97 .. A.R. vi, 467 J.A.I. i, 213 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxv J.A.I. vii, 84 J.A.I. vii, 83 ·· • Saxon Race Knox, R., (M.D., F.R.S.E.) on the Application of the Anatomical Method to the Discrimination of Species. From the Medical Times and Gazette, 14th March, 1863 A.R. i, 263–270 Deformations of the Human Cra- nium, supposed to be Produced by Mechanical Means J.A.I. v, 489 A.R. ii, 60 Anthrop. 44 A.R. ii, 334 J.A.I. vii, 138 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. exciii A.R. ii, 226 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxxvii J.A.I. vii, 202–205 J.A.I. x, 150-153 Ethnological Inquiries and Observations Abstract of Observations on the Assyrian Marbles, and on their Place in History and in Art.. T.E.S. i, 146–154 Influence of Climate and of Hybridity A.R. i, 246-255 J.A.I. ix, 320–328 A.R. vi, 175-191 A.R. vi, 257-279 A.R. i, 271-273 A.R. i, 216–263 T.E.S. i, 238-245 T.E.S. ii, 136-140 Index. 173 Knox, R., (M.D., F.R.S.E.) on the Unity of the Human Race; viewed as a Physiological and Anatomical Question.. Koiari Tribe of New Guinea, see Lawes, W. G. Koitapu Tribe of New Guinea, see Lawes, W. G. Kojahs of Southern India, see Shortt, J….. Kokotowi, Great Barrows Barrows of, see Bogouschefsky, (Baron) de Kolbe, (Rev.) F. N., an Account of the Damara Country. 15th January, 1851 Kols, see Dalton, E. T. Koords, see Millingen, F... Kopernicki, (Dr.) I, Anatomico-Anthropological Observa- tions upon the Body of a Negro. (From the Annals of the Society of Sciences of Cracow, Tom. xli) on the Kalmucks, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 12 Caucasus.. Prehistoric Antiquities of the Scaphoid Skull of a Pole.. 23rd May, 1876. (2 Plates) and J. Barnard Davis, (M.D., F.R.S.), on the Strange Peculiarities observed by a Religious Sect of Moscovites, called Scoptsis. With Discus- sion. 15th March, 1870 "" Koragars, see Walhouse, M. J., "Account of a Leaf- Wearing Tribe Kovalevsky, Maxime, "Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 228 Krasnojarsk, Prehistoric Objects found at, see Desor, E. Krause, (Dr.) R., see Schmeltz, J. D. E. and R. K. Kremer, Alfred von, the Gipsies in Egypt. (Translated from "Ægypten; Forschungen über Land und Volk während eines Zehnjährigen Aufenthalts, von Alfred von Kremer ") Kubus of Sumatra, see Forbes, H. 0. Osteological Characters of, see Garson, J. ·· ·· • G. Kurdistan, Tribes of, see Spottiswoode, W. Kurnai Ancestors, Migrations of, see Howitt, A. W. Tribe, the Jeraeil, or Initiation Ceremonies of, see Howitt, A. W…. Kutch-á-Kutchin Vocabulary, see Whymper, F., Rus- sian America K. R. H. M., see Mackenzie, Kenneth Robert Hen- derson. K. [W. B.], see Kesteven. ·· •• L. .. Laboratory, Anthropometric, at South Kensington, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 144 •• Broca's Anthropological, see Anthropological Notes, 7 Labrador, Indian Remains found or the Coast of, see Lloyd, T. G. B. A.R. i, 255-263 J.A.I. viii, 369 J.A.I. viii, 369 J.A.I. ii, 402, J.A.I. ii, 199 J.E.S. iii, 1-3 T.E.S. vi, 1 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 175 J.A. 245-258 J.A.I. i, 401–418 Anthrop. 481 Anthrop. p. ix J.A.I. vi, 181–190 J.A., J.A.S. pp. CXXXV J.A.I. iv, 369 J.A.I. xx, 361 J.A.I. iii, 174 A.R. ii, 262-267 J.A.I. xiv, 121 J.A.I. xiv, 128 T.E.S. ii, 244 J.A.I. xv, 403 J.A.I. xiv, 301 T.E.S. vii, 183 J.A.I. xiv, 275 J.A. 113 J.A.I. iv, 39 cxxi- 174 Index. Labuan, Bishop of, Wild Tribes of the North-west Coast of Borneo. With Discussion. 5th December, 1861 Lacustrian Habitations in Wigtonshire, see Lovaine Lacustrine Habitations and Primæval Antiquities. (Ex- tracts from the Report of a Special Commission appointed by the Imperial Academy of Vienna) Objects, Price List of, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 101 Ladies admitted as Members of the Institute Lagneau, Gustave, on the Saracens in France, especially in Burgundy and Lorraine. (Translated by E. Villin) Lagos, Grass Cloth from (Ex. 111) Laing, Samuel, on some Ancient Shell-mounds and Graves, in Caithness. With Discussion. 6th December, 1864 ·· Lake District, Net-sinkers from (Ex. 163).. Lake-Dwellings, British, see Munro, R. "Lake Dwellings of Europe. By R. Munro." "Lake Dwellings of Switzerland. By F. Keller. lated by J. E. Lee." "Lake Habitations of Italy. By B. Gastaldi. lated by C. H. Chambers." Review.. Lamp, Eskimo (Ex. 219) Lamps from the Orkney Islands (Ex. 308) Review.. .. in Fiji, see Fison, L. in Ireland, see Westropp, H. M. in Madagascar, see Parker, G. W. see Garson, J. G. Lamprey, (Dr.) J., a Contribution to the Ethnology of the Chinese. 12th March, 1867 on the Ethnology of the Chinese. 7th May, 1867 Lamprey, J. H., on a Method of Measuring the Human Form, for the Use of Students in Ethnology. (Plate) Lancashire, Anthropology of, see Beddoe, J. Land Tenure among the Aboriginal Tribes of South Africa, see Frere, H. Bartle Landed Property in Burmah, see Phayre, A. P... Lane Fox, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt. Review Trans- Trans- see Leitner, G. W. Antiquity of Man, Hodder M. on the Science of, see Charnock, R. S... Chinese, see Gardner, C. T. ·· • • .. Lang, (Dr.) —, "On the Origin and Migrations of the Polynesian Nation," see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings”.. Lang, R. H., on Archaic Survivals in Cyprus, see Anthropological Conferences ·· Language, Acquirement of, by Mutes, see Heath, bar I. • as a Test of Race, see Charnock, R. S., and C. S. Wake C. • • • Ethnographical Basis of, Evidence of, as to the Crawfurd, J. Origin of, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 34 see Pott, A. F. ·· Origin and Development of, see Westropp, Dun- ·· see T.E.S. ii, 24-34 A.R, i, 426 A.R. iii, 157-160 J.A.I. ix, 247 J.A.I. v, 81 M.A.S. iii, 157-162 J.A.I. i, 30 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. xx-xlvi ; xlviii-lx J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. xv, 453 J.A.I. xx, 222 A.R. vi, 114 A.R. vi, 114 J.A.I. vii, 137 J.A.I. xiii, 275 J.A.I. xiii, 275 T.E.S. vi, 101-108 T.E.S. vi, 183-187 J.E.S., N.S. i, 84 J.A.J. i, P.A.S. p. xv J.A.I. xii, 258 J.A.I. X, 332 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 342 J.A.I. xii, 277 T.E.S. vi, 227 J.A.I. viii, 98 J.A.I. xvi, 186 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. lxxxiii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xxxviii J.A.I. xx, 204 T.E.S. ii, 170 A.R. ii, 230 A.R. ii, 24 A.R. vii, J.A.S. A.R. i, 193 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 5 p. arxik I Index. 175 Language, Egyptian, in the Caucasus, see Clarke, H... J.A.I. iii, 178 as a Test of the Races of Man, see Craw- furd, J... of Madagascar, see Parker, G. W. of the Magyars, see Charnock, R. S. Scottish, see MacLean, Hector Written, see Crawfurd, J. and Ethnology, see Farrar, F. W. and Race, see Sayce, A. H. and Race, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 201, 202, 209 ·· • and Thought, see Sweet, Languages, Classification of, in Conformity with Eth- nology, see Oppert, G... of Abessinia, see Beke, C. T. of the Andamans, see Clarke, H... of Australia, see Miles, W. A. Australian, see Clarke, H... see Mackenzie, A.. see Ridley, W. see Ridley, W. see Taplin, George • ·· Family of (Ex. 338) Photographs of (Ex. 339) · • ·· of the Oregon Territory, see Latham, R. G. Lapp Skulls (Ex. 183) Lapplanders, see Humboldt, v. H. v. d. Horck, A. Lapps, see Keane, A. H. ·· .. ·· (C ·· ·· ·· •• Position of, see Bleek, W. H. I... of East African Tribes, see Steere, E. of the Indo-European Class, see Latham, R. G. of Melanesia, see Codrington, R. H. ·· ·· ► + ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Physical Characters of, see Simms, Characteristics of, see Garson, J. G. on the Stature of, see Campbell, J. F. of Finmark, see Bonaparte, Roland Lartet's CC Report on the Skeletons discovered in the Département de la Dordogne," see Anthropological News, 152 .. ·· Lartet, Edward, and Henry Christy. Reliquiæ Aqui- taniæ; being Contributions to the Archeology and Paleontology of Périgord and the Adjoining Pro- vinces of Southern France. By E. L. and H. C. Edited by T. Rupert Jones, Professor of Geology, etc., Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 1865-68." Review • Larynx of the Negro, see Gibb, G. D. see Gibb, G. D. of Negro compared with that of the White Man, see Gibb, G. D... of Negroes, see Anthropological Society, Paris "Last of the Tasmanians. By J. Bonwick." Review.. Latham, R. G., (M.D.), on Certain Localities not in Sweden occupied by Swedish Populations, and on Certain Ethnological Questions Connected with the Coasts of Livonia, Esthonia, Courland, and Goth- land. (B.A., 14th September, 1853.) Abstract Contributions to the Minute Ethnology ·· T.E.S. iii, 1 J.A.I. xii, 478 A.R. iv, 171 J.A.I. vii, 65 T.E.S. v, 96 T.E.S. iv, 196 J.A.I. v, 212 J.A.I. xviii, 439; xix, 89, 251 J.A.I. vi, 457 J.A.I. xiii, 32 J.E.S. ii, 208 J.A.I. iv, 467 J.E.S. iii, 4 J.A.I. vii, 274 J.A.I. vii, 269 J.A.I. ii, 257 J.A.I. vii, 232 J.A.I. i, 84 J.A.I. i, 89 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxliii J.E.S. ii, 224 J.A.I. xiv, 31 J.E.S. i, 154 J.A.I. v, 5 J.A.I. vi, 316 J.A.I. xv, 213 J.A.I. xv, 210 J.A.I. xv, 210 5 J.A.I. v, J.A.I. xv, 235 T.E.S. v, 1 J.A.I. xv, 210 A.R. vii, 331 J.E.S., N.S. i, 83, 84 A.R. ii, 322 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxv M.A.S. ii, 1 A.R. v, 125 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 95 J.E.S. iv, 152-154 176 Index. "" of Europe, with Special Reference to a Treatise by Biondelli, entitled Prospecto Topographico-Statisco delle Colonie Straniere d'Italia. 9th December, 1857 T.E.S. i, 105-111 Latham, R. G., (M.D.), "Descriptive Ethnology, 1859, "Elements of Comparative Philology, 1862. Review A.R. iv, 231-237 upon the Edeeyalı Vocabulary of Thomas R. Heywood Thomson, M.D. 8th December, 1847 on the Ethnography of Russian America. 19th February, 1845 J.E.S. ii, 117–118 J.E.S. i, 182-191 Ethnological Remarks upon some of the more Remarkable Varieties of the Human Species (Zulus, Earthmen, Australians, Aztecs), Represented by Individuals now in London. 9th Sept., 1853. Abst. J.E.S. iv, 148–150 General Principles of Philological Classi- fication and the Value of Groups, with Particular Reference to the Languages of the Indo-European Class. 28th February, 1849 on the Languages of the Oregon Territory. 11th December, 1844 .. on the Pagan Non-Mahometan Popula- tions of the Indian Archipelago, with Special Reference to the Colour of their Skin, the Texture of their Hair, and the Import of the term Harafura. 15th June, 1859.. upon the Philological Ethnography of the Countries around the Bight of Biafra. 28th January, 1846 on the Traces of a Bilingual Town, Danish and Angle, in England. (B.A., 11th September, 1853.) Abstract • on the use of the terms Celt and German. Title only. 11th December, 1883 Lawes, (Rev.) W. G., Ethnological Notes on the Motu, Koitapu, and Koiari Tribes of New Guinea. With Discussion. 7th January, 1879 Lawrence, G. F., Remarks on the Geological Position of the Skulls Dredged from the Thames in the neigh- bourhood of Kew. 11th February, 1890 Laws, Edward, on a "Kitchen Midden" found in a cave near Tenby, Pembrokeshire, and Explored by Wilmot Power, M.R.C.S.E., in January, 1876. With Dis- cussion. 27th March, 1877 Laws of Descent, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 185 Laws, Malagasy, see Parker, G. W. Laws affecting the Relations between Civilized and Savage Life, see Frere, H. Bartle Lawson, (Captain), the Papuans of New Guinea. Title only. 22nd June, 1875.. Lawson, Henry (M.D.). Metamorphosis of Man and the Lower Animals. By A. de Quatrefages." Trans- lated by H. L. Review CC Layard, Edgar L., Note on the Stone Implements of South Africa. 13th December, 1870 •• "" Layard, Leo., "A Cruise in the New Hebrides," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. Anthropo- logical Gleanings ' Layland, W., the Cave Cannibals of South Africa. 23rd February, 1869 .. ·· (6 • J.E.S. ii, 224-234 J.E.S. i, 154–166 T.E.S. i, 202-211 J.E.S. i, 224-227 J.E.S. iv, 151, 152 J.A.I. xiii, 431 J.A.I. viii, 369-377 J.A.I. xx, 26, 27 J.A.I. vii, 84-89 J.A.I. xviii, 91 J.A.I. xii, 306 J.A.I. xi, 313 J.A.I. v, 322 ; A.R. iv, P.M.A. 83 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. xcvii-c J.A.I. vii, 547 J.E.S., N.S. i, 76-80 Index. 177 Lazarus and Steinthal, "Zeitschrift für Völkerpsycho- logie," Extracts from, see Miscellanea Anthropo- logica, 13 Le Hon, H., "L'Homme Fossile en Europe." Review.. Lea, Flint Implements from the Valley of the (Ex. 235) Paleolithic Implements from the Valley of the, see Smith, W. G. Leaf-Wearing Festival, see Shortt, J. Tribe in India, see Walhouse, M. J. • • ·· (C Persia (Juangs), see Anthropological Miscellanea, 80 Lebour, G. A., on a Kitchen Midden at Doelan in Brit- tany, see Anthropological News, 142 Lecky, W.E. H., (M.A.) "History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, 1865." Review ·.· Lectures on Anthropology, by Mr. Francis Galton, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 168 "Lectures on Man. By C. Vogt. Edited by J. Hunt. Review ·· • .. Popular Anthropological, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 212 ·· on Anthropology, see Miscellanea An- thropologica, 51 Lee, (Rev.) F. G., "The Other World." Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 69.. Lee, J. E., Keller's "Lake Dwellings of Switzerland.' Translated by J. E. L. Review Lee, (Dr.) Richard, the Extinction of Races. January, 1864 ·· - ·· ·· ·· ·· • .. • · • " Discussion on Human Hybridity, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 43 Obituary Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft. By O. Coc- kayne." Review ·· • See C ·· Lefroy, (Major-General Sir) J. H. Note on the Stature of American Indians of the Chipewyan Tribe. 7th December, 1869.. Legend of Narcissus, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 160 19th ·· Legends of the Australian Aborigines, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 143 Legge, (Rev.) James (D.D.), The Chinese Classics, see Iran and Turan Leguay, Excavations at Chaffant, Vienne, see Anthropo- logical Society of Paris Leib und Seele (Body and Soul), see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 17 Leitner, G. W. (Ph.D., LL.D.), on the Ethnographical Basis of Language, with Special Reference to the Customs and Language of Hunza. With Discussion. 13th May, 1890 .. on Iceland Language, Manners, and Customs of the Siah Posh Kafirs Letter from.. on the Races and Languages of Dardistan. Abstract and discussion. 23rd November, 1869 A.R. i, 495 A.R. vii, 163 J.A.I. viii, 184 J.A.I. viii, 275 T.E.S. iv, 333 J.A.I. iv, 369 J.A.I. vii, 100 A.R. vi, 467 A.R. iii, 265-272 J.A.I. xvii, 79 A.R. vii, 177 J.A.I. xix, 441 A.R. iii, 375 J.A.I. vi, 98 A.R. vi, 114 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. xcv-xcix A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cviii-cxiii A.R. iii, 87 A.R. V, J.A.S. A.R. v, 314 p. xliii J.E.S., N.S. ii, 44, 45 J.A.I. xvi, 344 J.A.I. xiv, 87 A.R. vi, 121 A.R. iv, 383 A.R. ii, 63 J.A.I. xx, 204-210 Anthrop. p. i Anthrop. 443 Anthrop. 70, 71 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 31-34 N 178 Index. Leitner, G. W., (Ph.D. LL.D.), on the Shiná People. 30th November, 1869 Siah Posh Kafirs. With Discus- sion. 25th November, 1873 Length of Toes (Relative), see Harrison, J. P... Lepchas, see Campbell, A……. Lepers in India, Burying and Burning Alive of, see Campbell, A. 'Leprosy, as Observed in the Sandwich Islands, by Frank H. Enders, M.D.," see Anthropological Miscel- .. lanea, 95. "Anthropological Gleanings " Lesghs, see Alans Lesley's Origin and Destiny of Man. Review Leslie, (Lieut.-Colonel) Forbes, "The Early Races of Scotland and their Monuments, 1866." view Re- (( ·· .. shire and Dorsetshire. April, 1881 ments" April, 1878 ·· ·· Letung, see Houghton, E. P., on the Land Dayas Levy, Professor, on Twins, etc., see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 35 Lewis, A. L., Alleged Identification of the English Nation with the Lost House of Israel.. Ancient Arithmetical Progress, Ex- emplified by Roman Numerals. 25th November, 1879. Title only Some Apparent Coincidences of Custom and Belief Among the Ancient Chaldeans and the Peoples of Western Europe. With Discussion. 25th April, 1876.. on Arbelows Ring and Other Remains in Derbyshire a Description of Some Archaic Structures in Cornwall and Devon. With Discussion. 20th December, 1870.. Notes on Some Archaic Structures in the Isle of Man. With Discussion. 6th November, 1871. (2 Plates) ·· • in Somerset- With Discussion. 26th Arthurian Theory of" Rude Stone Monu- on Assyrian Inscriptions the Builders of the Megalithic Monu- ments of Britain. Abstract and Discussion. April, 1871 3rd ·· ·· Notes on the Builders and the Purposes of Megalithic Monuments the "Devil's Arrows," Yorkshire. 30th ·· List of some Dolmens and Tumuli in Brittany on the Dolmens of Brittany, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 152 on the Evils Arising from the Use of Historical National Names as Scientific Terms. With Discussion. 26th November, 1878 Notes on Some Irish Antiquities. With Discussion. 13th May, 1879. (Plate) A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. xx- xxviii J.A.I. iii, 341-369 J.A.I. xiii, 258 J.E.S., N.S. i, 143 T.E.S. vii, 195 J.A.I. viii, 98 J.A.I. iii, 145 A.R. vi, 356–366 A.R. iv, 341-352 M.A.S. iii, 195 A.R. ii, 232 Anthrop. 185 J.A.I. ix, 337 J.A.I. vi, 136-141 Anthrop. 60 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. pp. i-ix J.A.I. i, 295-299 J.A.I. xi, 117-122 Anthrop. 282 Anthrop. p. lxviii J.A.I. i, 70-73 J.A. 286-296 J.A.I. viii, 180-183 J.A.I. xv, 175–183 J.A.I. XV, 264 J.A.I. viii, 325-335 J.A.I. ix, 137-145 Index. 179 Lewis, A. L., the Kentish Group of Rude Stone Monuments Anthrop. 511 Kimmerians and Atlanteans, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 11 J.A.I. i, 264 on the "Longstone" and other Prehistoric Remains in the Isle of Wight. 11th March, 1884.. J.A.I. xiv, 45–47 at Mottistone, Isle of Wight, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 193 the New Gentile Revelation. Letter the Oxfordshire Group of "Rude Stone "" • ·· Monuments on the Past and Present Condition of Certain Rude Stone Monuments in Westmoreland. With Discussion. 28th April, 1885.. the Peoples Inhabiting the British Isles. With Discussion. 6th December, 1870 ·· Notes on Polygary.. Note on Relation of Hieroglyphics of Easter Island to those of Central America .. on the Relation of Stone Circles to Out- lying Stones, or Tumuli, or Neighbouring Hills, with some Inferences therefrom. With Discussion. 21st March, 1882 Reminiscences of a Visit to Locmariaker and Gavr Inis. Abstract and Discussion. February, 1869.. 16th Report of the Delegates from the Anthropo- logical Society of London to the British Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting, 1870. 1st November, 1870. • on the International Congress of Archaic Anthropology. 3rd November, 1868 Wales. (Woodcut) J.A.I. xviii, 192 A.R. vi, 217-220 Anthrop. 508 ·· J.A.I. xv, 165–170 J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. xxxiv -xlv Anthrop. 172 Anthrop. 281 J.A.I. xii, 176-191 on a Rude Stone Monument in Kent. Abstract and Discussion. 8th May, 1877 on Rude Stone Monuments in the Country of the Carnutes (Departement Eure et Loir, France), with List of Rude Stone Monuments in the Depart- ment Eure et Loir. 26th March, 1889. (Woodcut) J.A.I. xix, 66–75 on Some Rude Stone Monuments in North With Discussion. 10th April, 1877. A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxxii, cxxiii, and cxxiv-cxxx J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. iii-vi A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xxvi- xxix J.A.I. vii, 140–142 J.A.I. vii, 118-123 J.A.I. xix, 90 ·· Sepulchral Chambers in Tumuli, in Finis- tère, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 204 Exhibition of a Specimen of the Stone used by Admiral Tremlett to cut Marks on the Granite of which the Breton Dolmens are Formed. 13th January, 1891 (Ex. 426) .. J.A.I. xx, 330, 331 Statistics Relating to the Population of Finland, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 140.. J.A.I. xiii, 502 Stone Circles near Aberdeen. With Dis- cussion. Sth March, 1887. (Plate).. J.A.I. xvii, 44–57 on Three Stone Circles in Cumberland, with some further Observations on the Relation of Stone Circles to Adjacent Hills and Outlying Stones. With Discussion. 12th January, 1886. (Plate) …. Notes on Two Stone Circles in Shropshire. 8th February, 1881. (Plate).. J.A.I. xv, 471–481 J.A.I. xi, 3-7 ¿ N 2 180 Index. Lewis, A. L., Stones near Hagley, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 135 on the Wiltshire Circles. With Discus- sion. 25th November, 1890 Lewis, G. E., on Australian Burials Letter from.. 133 Leyden Museum, see Anthropological Miscellanea, L'Heureux, J., (M.A.) Ethnological Notes on the Astro- nomical Customs and Religious Ideas of the Chokitapia or Blackfeet Indians. 23rd June, 1885. (Plate) ·· the Kekip-Sesoators, or Ancient Sacrificial Stone, of the North-West Tribes of Canada. With Discussion. 28th April, 1885. (Plate) "L'Homme. By W. F. A. Zimmermann. "" Review "L'Homme Fossile en Europe. By H. Le Hon." Re- view (6 .. (C Liadov, B., on the Kalmucks. (Extract from a Work entitled, "Russia in Europe, under its Physical and Ethnological Relations "), see Anthropological Miscellanea, 12 Liberia, Letter from J. Meyer Harris Life: its Attributes and Belongings Life, Idea of, see Idea of Life Review in the Atmosphere, see Samuelson, J. "Life of Robert Knox. By H. Londsdale." Life and Mind, see Atkinson, H. G. Letter "Lifted and Subsided Rocks of America, The, with their Influences on the Oceanic, Atmospheric, and Land Currents, and the Distribution of Races. By George Catlin. 1870." See Contemporary Literature .. Ligamentous Action of the Long Muscles, see Cleland, J. Light, Subjective, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 1. . Lignite Bead Necklaces (Ex. 112).. Ligurian Race in Italy. By G. Nicolucci." Review.. Ligurians .. • ·· • ·· Lihoy, see Houghton, E. P., on the Land Dayas Lilly's Astrology. By Zadkiel." Review Limboo Vocabulary, see Campbell, A., on the Tribes around Darjeeling • ·· ·· Lindemann, H. "Vorselungen über Anthropologie.' (Lectures on Anthropology), Extracts from, Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 29, 30, 31.. Linga Puja, see Sellon, E... Linnæus, Anthropology of, see Bendyshe, T., History of Anthropology. Part II Linton, (Mrs.) Lynn, on the Ethnology of the French Exhibition as represented by National Arts. 25th June, 1867 ·· "" ·· Lion Shilling, see Clarke, Hyde Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. (Dawkins, on Work done at Victoria Cave, near Settle), see Scientific Societies Dutch in old English Provincialisms Literature, Anthropological, see Anthropological Litera- ture .. Little Popo, Bight of Benin, on the Manners and Cus- toms of the People, see Wildman, L. J.A.I. xii, 568 J.A.I. xx, 277-288 Anthrop. 72 Anthrop. 208 J.A.I. xii, 440 J.A.I. XV, 301-304 J.A.I. xv, 161–165 A.R. iii, 132 A.R. vii, 163 J.A.I. i, 401 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xcv Anthrop. p. xliii A.R. viii, 49 A.R. i, 412 J.A. 332 A.R. vi, 216 J.A. 106 A.R. i, 402 A.R. i, 179 J.A.I. i, 30 A.R. v, 142 J.E.S., N.S. i, 202 M.A.S. iii, 195 A.R. iii, 185 T.E.S. vii, 157 F A.R. ii, 228 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxiv M.A.S. i, 421 T.E.S. vi, 216–226 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35 J.A. 361 Anthrop. p. xxxix A.R. viii, 94 T.E.S. iv, 268 Index. 181 Little Salisbury Hill, see Evans, J., on the Discovery of Flint Arrow-heads Livingstone, (Dr.) D., "The Zambesi and its Tributaries." 1865. Review ·· • Livingstone as an Anthropologist, see Livingstone, D. Review ·· .. Llantwit, Skulls, etc., from a Roman Villa at (Ex. 404).. Lloyd, T. G. B., on the "Beothucs," a Tribe of Red Indians, supposed to be Extinct, which formerly In- habited Newfoundland. With Discussion. 24th February, 1874. (Plate) .. a further Account of the Beothucs of Newfoundland. With Discussion. 25th May, 1875. (Plate) Notes on Indian Remains found on the Coast of Labrador. With Discussion. 24th Feb- ruary, 1874 on the Stone Implements of Newfound- land. 25th May, 1875. (3 Plates). Loango, Objects from (Ex. 34) Localisation of the Functions of the Brain, see Hunt, J. .. • see Hunt, James see Hunt, James see Ferrier, D. see Holländer, B. .. Locality, Effects of, on the Races of Man, see Crawfurd, J. Lockhart, W. (M.D.), Chinese Seals found in Ireland, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 26 on the Miautsze or Aborigines of China.. Locks, Ancient and Modern (Ex. 274) Roman (Ex. 275) Locmariaker, see Charnock, R. S. see Lewis, A. L. Lombrive, Skull from the Cave of, see Beddoe, J. (Ex. 94) Lombrives, Crania from the Cave of, see Anthropological Society, Paris.. London International Exhibition, 1874. The Ethnology and Geography of the British Empire Paleolithic Flint Implements from (Ex. 325) Implements from (Ex. 322) Romano-British Burial Urn found in Skeleton found in Stone Coffin in (Ex. 190) Skulls from (Ex. 424) Stone Implements from (Ex. 268) London, North-East, Palæolithic Floor at, see Smith, ·· ·· • ·· • • .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Worthington G. Long Barrow Period, People of, see Rolleston, G. Cairn, Camster, see Anderson, J., on Excavations in Caithness Cairns ·· •• Bones, Stature Estimated from, see Beddoe, J... Wall of Salona, see Burton, R. F. Longevity, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 16 the Means of Prolonging Life after Middle Age, by J. Gardner. Review Obstacle to, see Gibb, Duncan by Sir Duncan Gibb, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1869 .. Ultra-Centenarian, see Gibb, G. D. ·· ·· T.E.S. iv, 240 A.R. iv, 143-149 A.R. iv, 143 J.A.I. xix, 182 J.A.I. iv, 21-39; 43, 44 J.A.I. v, 222-230 J.A.I. iv, 39-44 ▼, J.A.I. 233-248 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiv A.R. vi, 329 A.R. vii, 100 A.R. vii, 201 J.A.I. xvii, 26 J.A.I. xix, 12 T.E.S. i, 76 J.A.I. ii, 135 T.E.S. i, 177–185 J.A.I. xii, 176 J.A.I. xii, 176 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxi A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxx A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxx A.R. V, 127 J.A.I. iii, 474, 475 J.A.I. xiv, 182 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. xii, 68 J.A.I. v, 425 J.A.I. xx, 235 J.A.I. xi, 455 J.A.I. xiii, 357 J.A.I. v, 120 M.A.S. iii, 221 J.A.I. xvii, 202 J.A.I. v, 252 A.R. ii, 62 Anthrop. 427 J.A. 232 A.R. vii, 426 J.A.I. v, 82 182 Index. •• Longevity of Man and Animals, see Harris, G... Romans in North Africa, see Talbot de Malahide Longstone at Mottistone, Isle of Wight, see Anthropolo- gical Miscellanea, 193 and other Prehistoric Remains in the Isle of Wight, see Lewis, A. L. Lonsdale, H. "The Life of Robert Knox." Review Looshais, see Campbell, A. Loreto, Indian Tribes of, see Raimondy, Antonio Lorraine, see Lagneau, G., on the Saracens in France.. Lost House of Israel, Alleged Identification of the Eng- lish Nation with the • .. Lost Tribes: Where are They? Lough Gur, Human Remains in Louise Lateau, the Ecstatic of Boise d'Haine, Belgium.. Louth, see Blake, C. C., on certain "Simious" Skulls, with especial reference to a Skull from Louth, in Ireland • •• .. Lovaine, (Lord) on the Recent Discovery of Lacustrian Human Habitations in Wigtonshire .. Loyalty Islands, Childbirth Customs in, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 215 Lubach, D. (M.D.), on Hunebedden on the Hunebedden, or Cromlechs, in the Province of Drenthe, in Holland. 9th May, 1876. (Woodcuts) Lubbock, Frederic, see Lubbock, John, and F. L., on the True Assignation of Bronze Weapons Lubbock, (Sir) John (Bart., F.R.S.). Anniversary Address, 1872 • .. ·· ·· • .. 1873. 21st January, 1873 on Mr. Bateman's Researches in Ancient British Tumuli. 22nd March, 1864 .. on the Customs of Marriage and Systems of Relationship among the Australians. 9th Decem- ber, 1884.. • Description of the Park Cwm Tumulus. 27th June, 1870.¯ (Plate) on the Development of Relationships. With Discussion. 14th February, 1871. (Folding Table) Notes on the Discovery of Stone Imple- ments in Egypt. With Discussion. 9th June, 1874. (4 Plates) the Early Condition of Man. Read before the British Association at Dundee, 1867. With Discussion .. J.A.I. ii, 69 J.A.I. xii, 441 J.A.I. xviii, 192 J.A.I. xiv, 45 J.A. 332 of J.A.I. iii, 57 A.R. i, 33 M.A.S. iii, 157 Anthrop. 185 Anthrop. p. lxvii A.R. ii, 59 Anthrop.p.cv M.A.S. ii, 74 A.R. i, 426 J.A.I. xix, 503 Anthrop. p. viii J.A.I. vi, 158-167 T.E.S. v, 105 J.A.I. i, 381-397 J.A.I. ii, 429–442 T.E.S. iii, 307-321 J.A.I. xiv, 292-300 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 416-419 A.R. vi, 1-21 Note on the Macas Indians. With Dis- cussion. 18th February, 1873. (Plate) J.A.I. iii, 29-32 J.A.I. xvi, 418 the Nationalities of the United Kingdom, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 162 Nilsson's Primitive Inhabitants Edited by J. L. Review Scandinavia." A.R. vi, 191 ·· on the Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man. 26th November, 1867 T.E.S. vi, 328-341 "Prehistoric Times, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains, and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages, 1865." Review J.A.I. i, 1-29 J.A.I. iv, 215-222 A.R. iii, 338-316 ·Index. 183 ·· Lubbock, (Sir) John (Bart., F.R.S.). Note on a Stone Implement of Palæolithic Type found in Algeria. 22nd June, 1880. (2 Plates). on some Stone Implements from Africa and Syria. With Discussion. 13th Decem- ber, 1870. (2 Plates).. Stone Implements from the Cape. 9th February, 1869. (Plate) see Steenstrup, J., and J. L. and Frederic Lubbock, on the True Assig- nation of the Bronze Weapons, etc., found in North- ern and Western Europe. 13th March, 1866 Lübeke, Wilhelm und Eduard Hanslick über Richard Wagner. Review Lucas, Joseph, on the Ethnological Bearings of the terms Gypsy, Zingaro, Rom, etc. Title only. 22nd March, 1881 Lucas, Louis, on the Natives of Suakin, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 72 Lukoja, Marble Armlet from (Ex. 8) Lunacy and Phrenology, see Blake, C. C. Lund, Edward, on the Occurrence of Syphilis in a Monkey. With Discussion. 17th January, 1865 .. · Luschka, (Professor) see Anatomical Examination of a Bushwoman G... M ·· Luton, Human Remains found at, see Busk, Luzon, see Jagor, on the Natives of Naga Lycian Inscriptions, Keltic Element in Lyell (Sir) Charles. "The Geological Evidences on the Antiquity of Man, 1863." Review Lyell, (Sir) Charles, remarks bearing on the Antiquity of Man, see Anthropology at the British Associa- tion, 1864. (Extract from Inaugural Address) see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 58.. L. (A. L.), see Lewis. .. ·· .. Macalister, Alexander (M.D., F.R.S.), Description of a Skull from an Ancient Burying Place in Kamtchatka. 9th February, 1886 Notes on a Skull from New Ireland. 11th May, 1886 on some South African Skeletons. 11th May, 1886.. Macallister, D., Australian Aborigines. 11th February, 1879. Title only ·· Macana of the Aborigines of Central America, see Anthropological News, 161.. Macas Indians, see Lubbock, John Macaulay's "History of England." Review McCallum, on flint, bone, and iron bracelets, bone necklace, and a flint knife found near Thebes (Ex. 153). See Rivers, A. H. Pitt Macdonald, —., the Aborigines on the Page and the Isis (Hunter River, N.S.W.), see Ridley, W., Austra- lian Languages and Traditions " CC • J.A.I. x, 316–319 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. xcii- xcvii J.E.S., N.S. i, 51-53 T.E.S. v, 221 T.E.S. v, 105–114 A.R. vii, 306 J.A.I. xi, 81 J.A.I. vi, 191 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35 A.R. i, 476 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxxi- cxxiii A.R. viii, 89 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. xì J.E.S., N.S. i, 170 Anthrop. 517 A.R. i, 129–137 A.R. ii, 299 A.R. iv, 112 J.A.I. xvi, 21, 22 J.A.I. xvi, 150, 151 J.A.I. xvi, 149, 150 J.A.I. ix, 3 A.R. viii, 100 J.A.I. iii, 29 A.R. V, 129 J.A.I. iii, 139 J.A.I. vii, 255 184 Index. McDonald, Albert, Mode of Preparing the Dead among the Natives of the Upper Mary River, Queensland. 19th June, 1871 No. II. 6th May, 1872 Macdonald, (Rev.) James, Manners, Customs, Super- stitions, and Religions of South African Tribes. 12th November, 1889 11th March, 1890 MacDouall, (Professor) (M.A.), on the Present State of Medo-Persic Philology. (B.A., 6th September, 1852.) Abstract.. Macfarlane, A. (M.A., D.Sc.), Analysis of Relationships of Consanguinity and Affinity. 21st February, 1882. (4 Plates and 4 Folding Tables) McHenry, G., Letter on the History of the Abolition of Slavery. With Discussion. 6th February, 1866.. Mackenzie, A., Australian Languages and Traditions. 10th April, 1877 Specimens of Native Australian Lan- guages. 17th June, 1873 Mackenzie, Kenneth R. H., Exhibition of (Spurious?) Bronze Implements said to have been found near Hammersmith. 14th May, 1867 on a Cromlech Structure at Tonga Taboo. 5th June, 1866 .. ·· a Few Notes on Fetish Worship in Egypt. With Discussion. 14th February, 1865 view the Life and Anthropological Labours of Dr. Nott, of Mobile. 14th January, 1868 .. Notes on a Stone Axe from the Madera, Empire of Brazil. 30th April, 1867 ·· •• .. Rolle's "Hertha." Review Sproat's Studies of Savage Life. Re- • • Mackie, S. J., on some Human Remains from Muskham, in the Valley of the Trent, and from Heathery Burn Cave, near Stanhope, in Weardale, Durham. With Discussion. 1st July, 1862. (Woodcuts) Mackintosh, D., Comparative Anthropology of England and Wales. (2 Plates) Results of Ethnological Observations made During the Last Ten Years in England and Wales MacLean, Hector, the Ancient Peoples of Ireland and Scotland Considered. With Discussion. 25th March, 1890 on the Comparative Anthropology of Scotland. .. •• Rio • • Gaelic Mythology. 24th June, 1879 on the Kimmerian and Atlantean Races. With Discussion. 8th November, 1870 Race in History, see Macaulay, Lord, "History of England" ·· J.A.I. i, 214-219 J.A.I. ii, 176–179) J.A.I. xix, 264-296 J.A.I. xx, 113-140 J.E.S. iii, 220-229 J.A.I. xii, 46–63 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cviii-cx J.A.I. vii, 269–274 J.A.I. iii, 247-264 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxci A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxcviii, cxcix A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxxxii- cxxxiv A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxxix- lxxxiii A.R. vii, 117 A.R. vi, 366 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. clxxxvi- clxxxviii T.E.S. ii, 266-278 A.R. iv, 1-21 T.E.S. i, 211-222 Ang J.A.I. xx, 154–179 A.R. iv, 209–226 J.A.I. ix, 167-181 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. xl-lxi A.R. v, 129-141 Index. 185 MacLean, Hector, the Scottish Highland Language and People. With Discussion. 13th March, 1877 McLennan, J. F., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 183. .. .. McLennan's Theory of the Primitive Human Horde, see Gomme, G. L.. Macobi Islands, Wood-carvings, Pottery, and Cotton Rags from (Ex. 130).. Macpherson, (Major) Samuel Charters, "Memorials of Service in India. Edited by William Macpherson. 1865." Review.. • Macpherson, W., see Macpherson, S. C.. Madagascar, see Oliver, S. P., on the Hovas Hair of Hova (Ex. 102) Natives of, see Wilkinson, Thomas see Mullens, J. People and Language of, see Parker, G. W. Hovas, see Oliver, S. P. .. ·· • .. • .. ·· and Caffre Languages Madecasses, Race Elements of, see Wake, C. S... Madge, J. H., Notes on some Excavations made in Tumuli near Copiapó, Chili, in June, 1880. 14th June, 1881. (Plate and Woodcut) Madrid, Anthropological Society of, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 57 ·· Mághárá 'Isá, see Blake, C. C., on a Skull from Deir-es- Sinné ·· << Magyar and Ugrian, Himalayan Origin and Connection of, see Clarke, H. ·· Magyars, Language of, see Charnock, R. S. Mahaffy, J. P., "Lectures on Primitive Civilisations.' Review "" Mahárájas or Vallabhúcháryas in Western India, History of the Sect. Review Maiden Bower, Worked Flints from (Ex. 228) "" Maine, (Sir) H. S., "South Slavonians and Rajpoots," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. "Anthro- pological Gleanings Majer, (Dr.) Joseph, "The Physical Characters of King Casimir the Great." Review.. · Major, R. H., Native Australian Traditions Makrán, Ruins in. By Major Mockler, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology Malabar, see Babington, J., Description of the Pandoo Coolies >> ·· Malagasy, see Mullens, Joseph Origin of, see Wake, C. S. Relationships and the Names used for them by, see Sibree, J. ·· Sign and Gesture Language among, see Sibree, J... .. Land Tenure, see Parker, G. W... Laws, New Code, see Parker, G. W. Water-colour Drawings of (Ex. 47) Malar Bones, Anomalous Transverse Suture in, Anthropological Notes, 25 .. see Malay Archipelago. By A. R. Wallace." Review Malay Archipelago, see Wallace, A. R. Review ·· J.A.I. vii, 65-81 J.A.I. xvii, 360 J.A.I. xvii, 118 J.A.I. i, 213 A.R. iv, 360–366 A.R. iv, 360 M.A.S. iii, 1 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxv A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clvi J.A.I. v, 181 J.A.I. xii, 478 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxix J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. xxix J.A.I. xi, 437-443 A.R. iv, 111 J.A.I. ii, 54 J.A.I. vii, 44 A.R. iv, 171 J.A. 170 A.R. iv, 252-259 J.A.I. vii, 396 J.A.I. vii, 546 J.A. 51 T.E.S. i, 349-353 J.A.I. vii, 110 J.E.S., N.S. i, 178 J.A.I. v, 181 J.A.I. xi, 21 J.A.I. ix, 35 J.A.I. xiii, 174 J.A.I. xii, 277 J.A.I. xii, 306 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clri A.R. vii, 310 J.E.S., N.S. i, 81 Varieties of Man in the, see Wallace, A. R. A.R. i, 441 186 Index. Malay Archipelago, Varieties of Man in the, see Wallace, A. R. Peninsula, see Bourien, Père Shell-Mounds in, see Earl, G. W. States, Native Races of, see Anthropological Conferences Malayalis, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt, on Stone Celts from the Shevaroy Hills Malayan and Polynesian Languages and Races, see Crawfurd, J. .. .. • Race, see Crawfurd, J. Malayo-Polynesians, Characteristics of, see Whitmee, S. J... ·· Malcolm, (Vice-Admiral Sir) Charles, Address to the Ethnological Society of London, delivered at the Anniversary, 26th May, 1845.. 29th May, 1846.. 14th May, 1851.. Obituary Notice of, see Cull, R. Maldive Islands, see Rosset, C. W. Objects from (Ex. 368) >> ·· ·· ·· ·· • Male and Female Steps compared, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 27 Málé Atol, see Rosset, C. W. Malemute Vocabulary, see Whymper, F., Russian America .. Malheiro, A. M. Perdigao, on Slavery in Brazil, see Ex- tinction of Slavery Mallery, (Col.) Garrick, "A Calendar of the Dakota Nation," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. "Anthropological Gleanings". Mallicollo, Artificially Deformed Skull from, see Flower, W. H. 14 >> •• ·· ·· ·· ·· J.A.I. vii, 543 J.A.I. xix, 52 J.A.I. xix, 52 (Ex. 392).. Monumental Heads and Artificially Deformed Skulls from (Ex. 257) .. J.A.I. xi, 74 Crania from, see Flower, W. H. J.A.I. xi, 75 Natives of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 76 J.A.I. vi, 335 Skulls, etc., from (Ex. 197) J.A.I. vi, 199 from, see Busk, G... J.A.I. vi, 200 Malone, John, Specimens of the Language of the Extinct Sydney Tribe, and of Wodiwodi, the Language of Illawarra, see Ridley, W., “Australian Languages and Traditions' ·· ·· Malta, Ancient Temples in . Maltebrun. "Annual Address to the Société de Géo- graphie de Paris." Review ·· Malvern Hills, Camps on, see Price, F. G. H. Mammalia of North Greenland and Grinnell Land. By H. W. Feilden, see Anthropological Miscellanea, (C • • 93. Anthropological Gleanings Mammoth, Rough Sketch of, on a Bone of the Mammoth see Anthropological News, 184 • Man, E. H., on the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. Part I. 7th March, 1882. (Map, Plate, and Woodcut) T.E.S. iii, 196 T.E.S. iii, 72 T.E.S. ii, 119 J.A.I. xvi, 221 J.A.I. ii, 348 J.E.S. i, 330 T.E.S. vii, 119 J.A.I. vii, 372 ·· J.E.S. ii, 41-62 J.E.S. ii, 69-89 J.E.S. iii, 86-102 J.E.S. iii, 112 J.A.I. xvi, 164 J.A.I. xvi, 164 A.R. ii, 227 J.A.I. xvi, 164 T.E.S. vii, 180 A.R. vi, 56 J.A.I. vii, 262-266 Anthrop. 18 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 84 J.A.I. x, 319 J.A.I. vii, 546 · A.R. viii, 218 J.A.I. xii, 69-116 I. ! J Indec 187 Man, E. H., on the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. Part II. 25th April, 1882. (2 Plates) Part III. With Appendices A-M. 27th June, 1882. (Woodcuts) The Andaman Islands, see Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 83 Andaman Islands and their Inhabitants. 13th May, 1881 Andamanese and Nicobarese Ob- jects Presented to Major-General Pitt Rivers, F.R.S. 24th May, 1881. (4 Plates) Arts of the Andamanese and Nico- barese. 8th January, 1878 Descriptive List of Andamanese and Nicobarese Objects. 8th January, 1878 a Brief Account of the Nicobar Islanders, with Special Reference to the Inland Tribe of Great Nicobar. With Discussion. 8th December, 1885. (Map, 2 Plates, and Woodcut) the Nicobar Islanders. With Discussion. ·· " 26th June, 1888. (4 Plates and Map) Man. L'Homme," see Zimmermann "Man. By D. Page." Review Man, Antiquity of see Crawfurd, J. see Dawkins, W. B. see Hughes, T. McK. Tiddeman, R. H……. Ape Origin of, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 21 .. .. J ·· ·· • ·· Notes on the Antiquity of.. Comparative Psychology of, see Spencer, H. "Man contemplated Physically, Morally, Intellectually, and Spiritually." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 6.. see Man, Creation of, and Substance of the Mind, Wagner, Rudolph Early Condition of, see Lubbock, John.. .. ·· Migrations of, see Crawfurd, J. see Crawfurd, J. Evolution of New Varieties of, in America, see Wilson, Daniel ·· •• ·· ·· • ·· • Existence of, During the Miocene Period, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 37.. Half White and Half Black, see Anthropological News, 180 History of, see History Man, his Origin and Culture. By F. Rolle." Man, Plurality of the Races of, see Crawfurd, J. Prehistoric, see Wilson, Daniel Primitive Condition of, see Lubbock, J... • Relation of, to the Inferior Forms of Animal Life, see Wake, C. S. • • • • Review .. Inferior Animals. ("Man's Place in Nature," by T. H. Huxley. 1863.) Review Stature and bulk of, in the British Isles, see Beddoe, J. .. J.A.I. xii, 117-175 J.A.I. xii, 327–434 J.A.I. vii, 105 J.A.I. xiv, 253-272 J.A.I. xi, 268–294 J.A.I. vii, 451-457 J.A.I. vii, 457-467 J.A.I. xv, 428-451 J.A.I. xviii, 354–394 A.R. iii, 132 A.R. vi, 109 A.R. vii, 136 T.E.S. vi, 233 J.A.I. vii, 151 J.A.I. vii, 162 J.A.I. vii, 165 A.R. ii, 150 A.R. i, 60-106 J.A.I. v, 301 J.A.I. i, 262 A.R. i, 227 A.R. vi, 1 A.R. ii, 320 T.E.S. iii, 335 J.A.I. viii, 338 J.A.I. iii, 127 A.R. viii, 216 A.R. ii, 173 A.R. vi, 21 T.E.S. vi, 49 A.R. i, 137 T.E.S. vi, 328 A.R. i, 365 A.R. i, 107-117 M.A.S. iii, 384 188 Index. Man, Traces of, in the Robin Hood Cave, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 67 Treatise on. Review. See Anthropological • Miscellanea, 66 an Indestructible Atom, see Hovenden, F. in Bermuda. (From the Bermuda Royal Gazette, July 13th, 1875), see Anthropological Miscellanea, 60 Early, in Italy, see Anthropological News, 112 Man's Evolution, Probable Region of, see Duncan, W. S... "Man's Origin and Destiny. By T. P. Lesley." Re- view Place and Bread Unique in Nature. Review in Nature, see Huxley, T. H. Review (T. H. Huxley), see Crawfurd, J. Man and Animals, Characters Separating, see Rochet, the Distinction between, see Philalethes Resemblance between, see Napier, C. O. Groom .. and the Ape, see Wake, C. S. and Beast, see Anthropos.. and Brute, Psychical Difference between, see Mis- cellanea Anthropologica, 33 the Difference between, see Bischoff, Th. and the Gorilla, see Miscellanea Anthropo- logica, 12 • and the World, "Isis. Der Mensch und die Welt." 1863. Review Man, Anthropology in the Isle of, see Anthropological News, 63 Archaic Structures in the Isle of, see Lewis, A. L. Manchester Anthropological Society (C see Anthropological News, 106 Anthropologists, see Anthropological News, 117 Mané-Lud, see Charnock, R. S. Maniegar, Simon Carie Chitty, an Account of the Mook- was in the District of Putlam. 13th June, 1865 (Casie) Chitty, an Outline of the Classifi- cation of the Tamul Castes. 10th November, 1863 Manipur, Aboriginal Tribes of, see Watt, G. Objects from (Ex. 371) Mankind, Diversities of, see Miscellanea Anthropo- logica, 31 Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifi- cations of, see Huxley, T. H... Migrations of, see Fisher, Joseph Primary Divisions and Geographical Distribution of, see Dallas, J. ·· D .. .. • Psychological Unity of, see Wake, C. S... Races of, see Races of Mankind Review. See Mankind, their Origin and Destiny." Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 27.. Man-like, not Man, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 19 Mann, Adolphus, Notes on the Numeral System of the Yoruba Nation. 23rd February, 1886 J.A.I. vi, 95 J.A.I. vi, 92 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxxi J.A.I. v, 490 A.R. vi, 445 J.A.I. xii, 513 A.R. vi, 356 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 78-80 A.R. i, 107 T.E.S. iii, 58 A.R. vii, 168 A.R. ii, 153 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxix J.A.I. ii, 315 A.R. i, 153 A.R. ii. 229 A.R. i, 54 A.R. i, 494 A.R. iii, 219–223 A.R. v, 370 J.A.I. i, 295 A.R. v, 1-27 A.R. vi, 326 A.R. vi, 452 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxi T.E.S. iv, 348-351 T.E.S. iii, 93-98 J.A.I. xvi, 346 J.A.I. xvi, 346 A.R. ii, 229 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 404 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. ccii J.A.I. xv, 304 M.A.S. iii, 134 A.R. viii, 93 J.A.I. ii, 307 A.R. ii, 147 J.A.I. xvi, 59–64 Index. 189 Mann, Robert James, the Kaffir Race of Natal. November, 1866 Mann, its Names and their Origins, see Jeffcott, J. M... Mann, see Man. Manners and Customs of the Gallinas People of Sierra Leone, see Harris, J. M. .. Manobos, see Phillippines. Review Manson, W., Murder of, by Australian Natives, see An- thropological News, 121 Mantegazza, P. Quadri della Natura Umana, Feste ed Ebbrezze." Review. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 22 "C .. “Manuel du Voyageur. By D. Kaltbrunner." Manx of the Isle of Man, see King, Richard Maori Heads carved in Cowrie Gum (Ex. 317) Popular Poetry, see Baker, W. B. Tattooed Head of (Ex. 336) (C ·· Mare-Stanes" (Ex. 375) ·· •• ·· ·· .. ·· and the Moa, see Tregear, E. Maoris, see Haast, Julius von, on Rock Paintings in New Zealand. Appendix I. see Wellington, Bp. of Origin of, see Vaux, W. S. W. ** Origin, Physical Characters, and Manners and ·· ·· 20th ·· J.A.I. ii, 132 Review J.A.I. x, 237 • • ·· • • Customs of, see Kerry-Nicholls, J. H. of New Zealand, see Hector, James see Tregear, E. Mapleton, (Rev.) R. J., Note on a Cist with Engraved Stones on the Poltalloch Estate, County of Argyll, N.B. With Discussion. 22nd March, 1870. (Woodcut) J.E.S., N.S. ii, 340-342 Report on Prehistoric Remains in the Neighbourhood of the Crinan Canal, Argyllshire. With Discussion. 8th February, 1870 Marad, Syria, Description of Human Remains from, see Blake, C. C. Marcano, V., Precolombian Metallurgy in Venezuela, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 222 .. ·· • or "Hag-Stones," see Ducie, Earl of Marcy, Randolph B. (Captain U.S. Army). "The Prairie Traveller a handbook for overland expeditions. ·· Carthaginois en France." Review Marken, Inhabitants of, see Charnock, R. S. Markham, Clements R., (C. B.) the Arctic Highlanders. 21st March, 1865 on Crystal Quartz Cutting Instruments of the Ancient Inhabitants of Chanduy (near Guayaquil, in South America). Found by Mr. Spruce. With Discussion. 15th December, 1863 a List of the Tribes in the Valley of the Amazon, including those on the Banks of the Main Stream, and of all its Tributaries. 12th January, 1864 Report of the Arctic Committee. 17th June, 1872 T.E.S. v, 277-297 J.A.I. ii, 159 • • M.A.S. ii, 25 J.A. 296 A.R. vi, 461 : Edited (with notes) by Richard F. Burton." Review A.R. i, 145-149 Marichard, Jules Ollier de, and Pruner-Bey. "Les on the significance of the term Aymara. Title only. 8th November, 1870 see Cieza de Leon, Pedro de.. ·· J.A.I. i, P.A S. p. xiii J.A.I. xiv, 56 T.E.S. i, 44 J.A.I. xv, 185 J.A.I. xvii, 292 J.A.I. viii, 61 J.E.S., N.S. i, 364 J.A.I. v, 451 J.A.I. xv, 187 J.A.I. v. 458 J.A.I. xix, 97 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 146–155 J.A.I. ii, 54 J.A.I. xx, 220 J.A.I. xvii, 134 J.A.I. xvii, 135 J.A. 105 J.A. 308 T.E.S. iv, 125-137 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. lvii-lxi T.E.S. iii, 140-196 J.A.I. ii, 291-306 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xxxix A.R. iii, 298 : 190 Index. Marks found upon Chalk at Cissbury, see Harrison, J. P. Marlborough College Statistics, see Fergus, W. and G. F. Rodwell (C School Statistics, see Galton, F. Marquesan Tradition of the Deluge. By J. Linton Palmer," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings ". • (C Marriage, Blood-Relationship in, see Mitchell, A. Marriage by Capture Marriage Customs of the New Britain Group, see Danks, B. ·· and Morals among the Malagasy, see Sibree, J. and Systems of Relationship among the Australians, see Lubbock, J... Laws of New Norcia, see Fison, L. Systems, Australian, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 216 • • see Galton, F. and Laws of Descent, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 185 Anthropology. January, 1886 ·· and Descent, Laws of, see Tylor, E. B. Marriages, Consanguineous, see Dally, E. Danger of, see Miscellanea Anthropo- (C logica, 38 Marsh, (Capt.) H. C. Description of a Trip to the Gilgit Valley, a Dependency of the Mahárájá of Kashmir," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology Marshall, George W., (LL.M.) Remarks on Genealogy in >> ·· ·· ·· Marshall, (Sir) James, on the Natives of the Gold Coast, see Anthropological Conferences Marshall, Jolin, (F.R.S.) on the Brain and Calvarium of a Microcephale. 12th May, 1863 .. Superficial Convolutions of a Microcephalic Brain. Title only. 3rd November, 1863 Marshall, W., Skulls from the Peat of the Isle of Ely. ·· ·· J.A.I. vii, 109 Connexion with Anthropology. 16th January, 1866 M.A.S. ii, 68–73 Remarks on Genealogy in Connexion with Abstract and Discussion. L 13th January, 1874 Martin, R. B., (M.A.) Exhibition of a Fire Syringe from Borneo. 13th January, 1891.. on Objects from a large Refuse Heap in the Neighbourhood of Smyrna. With Discussion. 8th May, 1877 .. Marvar Tribes of India, see Shortt, J. Masks from New Zealand (Ex. 276) Mason, J. E., on the Natives of Fiji, see Anthropological Conferences Masson, G., see Janet, P., "The Materialism of the Present Day." Review Mateer, (Rev.) S., Nepotism in Travancore. 13th June, 1882 “Materialism of the Present Day. By P. Janet. Trans- lated by G. Masson." Review J.A.I. vi, 263 J.A.I. iv, 126 J.A.I. iv, 130 J.A.I. viii, 99 M.A.S. ii, 402 Anthrop. 73 J.A.I. xviii, 281 J.A.I. ix, 35 J.A.I. xiv, 292 J.A.I. xviii, 68 J.A.I. xix, 505 J.A.I. xviii, 70 J.A.I. xviii, 91 J.A.I. xviii, 245 A.R. ii, 65 A.R. iii, 84 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. lxxxv- lxxxix J.A.I. xvi, 180 A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. viii-x A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. vi J.A.I. iii, 497, 498 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. vii, 138-140 M.A.S. iii, 201 J.A.I. xii, 197 J.A.I. xvi, 217 A.R. v, 47 J.A.I. xii, 288-306 A.R. v, 47 < Index. 191 Mathew, John, on the Kabi Dialect of Queensland. only. 27th May, 1879.. on the Kabi Dialect of Queensland. May, 1879 Matter and Spirit. Review Maudsley, on Physiology and Pathology of the Brain. Review Review. Maudsley, H. (M.D.). "Body and Mind." See Anthropological Miscellanea, 4 Mausoleum at Palmyra, see Cotesworth, C. May, Hooper, on a Skull found at Fulbourn. December, 1875.. see Bollaert, W. see Bollaert, W. (Ex. 65) Maya Codex (Ex. 66) (Ex. 67) (Ex. 68) Maya Alphabet, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hieroglyphics ·· .. W. "Mazzaroth. By F. Rolleston." Review Measurement of Crania, see Wyman, Jeffries • Title 27th Hieroglyphic Alphabet of Yucatan, see Bollaert, •• W. M. F. "Mechanism in Thought and Morals." 14th • of the Pelvis, see Anthropological Society of Paris Measurements Adopted by Scherzer and Schwarz, in the Voyage of the " Novara," see Davis, J. B... made at Marlborough College, see Fergus, W., and Rodwell, G. F. .. .. •• Chest, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Measuring the Human Form, see Lamprey, J. H. Capacity of Skulls, see Busk, G. .. Mechanical Methods of the Ancient Egyptians, see Petrie, Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 9 "Mechanism of Man." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 68 Mediæval Travelling in South America, “the Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, A.D. 1532-50, contained in the First Part of his Chronicle of Peru. Translated and Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham, Esq. Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1864” Review. ·· Medical Jurisprudence for India, Manual of. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 19 "Medical Psychology. By R. Dunn." Review.. Medicine Men, Australian, see Howitt, A. W. Mediterranean, on the Name, as Applied to Part of the Human Race, see Bell, F. J... Medo-Persic Philology, see MacDouall Meenas of Central India, see Showers Megaceros Hibernicus, Markings on the Horns of, see Jukes, J. B. Megalithic Monuments, see Anthropological Notes, 13 by A. L. Lewis, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1869 see Lewis, A. L. •• J.A.I. ix, 145 J.A.I. ix, 312-316 J.A. 345-349 A.R. vii, 192 J.A.I. i, 254 J.A.I. iv, 364 J.A.I. v, 425, 426 M.A.S. iii, 288 M.A.S. i, 210 A.R. iv, J.A.S. xlviii p. A.R. V, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. V, J.A.S. A.R. V, A.R. V, p. xxxii J.A.S. p. xxxii v, J.A.S. P. xxxii M.A.S. ii, 46 A.R. iii, 325 A.R. vi, 345 A.R. V, T.E.S. i, 123 J.A.I. iv, 126 J.A.I. v, 101 J.E.S., N.S. i, 84 J.A.I. iii, 200 J.A.I. xiii, 88 J.A.I. i, 263 J.A.I. vi, 97 351 A.R. iii, 298-303 J.A.I. ii, 131 A.R. i, 163 J.A.I. xvi, 23 J.A.I. vi, 271 J.E.S. iii, 220 A.R. ii, 327 A.R. i, 433 J.A. 116 A.R. vii, 424 J.A. 286 192 Index. Megalithic Monuments of Britain, Builders of, see Lewis, A. L. Remains from Japan, see Gowland, w... (Ex. 396) Structures, see Westropp, H. M. << Pitt Melanesia, see Pritchard, W. T., on Viti and its Inhabi- tants on the Distribution of, see Rivers, A. H. Ethnological Objects from New Britain and New Ireland (Ex. 249).. 238) .. Specimens from New Ireland (Ex. 342).. Languages of, see Codrington, R. H. Papuan Boy (Ex. 381) Photographs of New Guinea Types (Ex. 384) Religious Beliefs and Practices in, see Codring- ton, R. H. Scaphocephalic Cranium of a Fiji Islander (Ex. Skull from Mallicollo (Ex. 392) ·· Skulls, etc., from Mallicollo and Vanikoro (Ex. 197) •• Social Regulations in, see Codrington, R. H. Weapons, etc., from the Admiralty Islands (Ex. 209) New Hebrides, Monumental Heads and Artifi- cially Deformed Skulls from Mallicollo (Ex. 257) .. Poisoned Arrows, see Codrington, R. H. Melanesians of the South-West Pacific, see Wellington, Bp. of ·· Meldola, R., Exhibition of Photographs of Nicobarese. 8th December, 1885 Melia, P., Human Remains discovered by Signor Ceselli, at Caprine, near Rome.. "Memoirs Read before the Anthropological Society of London. Vols. I and II." Review ·· Memoirs of the Anthropological Society, see Anthropo- L... ·· • • logical News, 150 Memorials of Service in India. By S. C. Macpherson. Review ·· ·· ·· Men and Women, Differences between, see Allan, J. M. see Harris, G. Men-Apes, see Anthropological News, 80 Mendoza Earthquake, see Caddy Meneam Mental Agents and Origin, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 30 ·· ·· ·· " ·· Calculation, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 11 Characteristics of the Negro, see Crawfurd, J... of Primitive Man, as Exemplified by the Australian Aborigines, see Wake, C. S. Differences between the Sexes, see Distant, W. Evolution, Apparent Paradox in, see Welby, Lady Fatigue, Remarks on Replies by Teachers to Questions respecting, see Galton, F... .. Function in Man, Origin and Development of, see Heath, D. I. J.A.I. i, 70 J.A.I. xix, 64 J.A.I. xix, 64 J.E.S., N.S. i, 53 J.E.S., N.S. i, 59 M.A.S. i, 195 J.A.I. x, 332 J.A.I. J.A.I. xv, 266 J.A.I. xiv, 31 J.A.I. xviii, 134 J.A.I. xviii, 241 J.A.I. x, 261 J.A.I. ix, 2 J.A.I. xix, 52 J.A.I. vi, 199 J.A.I. xviii, 306 J.A.I. vi, 425 J.A.I. xi, 74 J.A.I. xix, 215 J.E.S., N.S. i, 364 J.A.I. xv, 427, 428 Anthrop. 59 A.R. v, 91 A.R. vii, 330 A.R. iv, 360 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxcv A.R. vii, J.A.S. clxxxix p. A.R. vi, 118 T.E.S. v, 50 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 192 A.R. ii, 228 A.R. i, 492 T.E.S. iv, 212 J.A.I. i, 74 J.A.I. iv, 78 J.A.I. xx, 304 J.A.I. xviii, 157 J.A.I. iv, 66 Index. By W. B. Car- "Mental Physiology, Principles of. penter." Review Mental Progress of Animals during the Human Period, see Shaw, Mere of New Zealand, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Meridian Line, Aztec Method of Obtaining, see Bollaert, W. Merovignian Crania of Langres, see Anthropological Society, Paris . . Meryon, E., an Account of some Cases of Arrest of Development. 7th April, 1868 Message Sticks and Messengers, Australian, see Howitt, A. W. • Messer (Dr.), A. B., on "An Inquiry into the Reputed Poisonous Nature of the Arrows of the South Sea Islanders." 12th June, 1877.. Metallurgy, Precolombian, in Venezuela, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 222 aud Mining, see Clarke, Hyde Metamorphosis of Man. By A. de Quatrefages. Trans- lated by H. Lawson." Review • Metaphysics, see Bray, C. Method of Measurements as a Diagnostic Means of Dis- tinguishing Human Races, adopted by Scherzer and Schwarz, see Davis, J. B. rr • ·· .. • • Methods of Anthropological Research, see Pike, L. 0. and Results of Ethnology, see Miscellanea An- thropologica, 48 Metrology and Geometry in Ancient Remains, see Petrie, W. M. F. Skulls, see Shortt, J. Micro-cephaly, Notice of a Case of, see Gore, R. T. Midian, Stones and Bones from, see Burton, R. F. Migrations of the Eskimo, see Rae, J. of Man, see Crawfurd, J. of Mankind, see Fisher, Joseph.. · Mexican Figures, Carved (Ex. 178) Hammock (Ex. 203) Zodiac (Ex. 63) Mexicans, Ancient, their Migration, and their Analogy to the Existing Indian Tribes of Northern Mexico, see Ruxton, G. A. F. J.E.S. ii, 90 Mexico, Antiquities from (Ex. 126) J.A.I. i, 162 Aztec Mirror (Ex. 115) J.A.I. i, 74 J.A.I. i, 74 Obsidian Flake and Core from (Ex. 114) Photographs of Terra Cotta Heads from (Ex. 283).J.A.I. xii, 323 Yucatan, Maya Alphabet (Ex. 65) ·· • ·· • • ·· New, on the Native Races of, see Bell, A. W... Meyer, A. B., (M.D.) on Artificial Deformation of the Head in Sumatra, Celebes, and the Philippine Islands, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 142 Meyer's "Album von Celébes-Typen." Review Miautsze or Aborigines of China, see Lockhart, W. Microcephale, Living, see Shortt, J. Living, Description of, see Shortt, J. Brain and Calvarium of, see Marshall, J. Microcephali, see Vogt, Carl Microcephalic Brain of a Female Idiot, see Gore, R. Discussion.. • • ·· ·· •• ·· ·· Anthrop. 430 J.A.I. vii, 96 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 106 M.A.S. i, 210 A.R. v, 122 T.E.S. vii, 162–164 J.A.I. xviii, 314 · J.A.I. vii, 209-211 J.A.J. xx, 220 T.E.S. vi, 123 • A.R. iv, P.M.A. 83 A.R. vii, 392 T.E.S. i, 123 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. iii A.R. iii, 231 J.A.I. viii, 106 J.A.I. iv, 364 J.A.I. vi, 309 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.E.S., N.S. i, 222 J.A.I. xiv, 85 J.A.I. xx, 222 T.E.S. i, 177 .A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxxi M.A.S. ii, 257 T. A.R. i, 168 A.R. i, 187 J.A.I. iii, 265 A.R. i, 168 J.A.I. viii, 290 J.A.I. vii, 125 A.R. ii, 320 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. ccii 0 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. viii A.R. vii, 128 Index. Migrations, Early, of the Human Race, see Fitzroy, of Man, Early, see Crawfurd, J... Milanos of Borneo, see Crespigny, "Miau-Tsi." Review. See Anthropological Miscel- de • lanea, 8.. Mildenhall, Stone Implements from (Ex. 260) Miles, W. A., How did the Natives of Australia become acquainted with the Demigods and Dæmonia, and with the Superstitions of the Ancient Races ? and how have many Oriental Words been Incorporated in their Dialects and Languages? (Plate).. Milk, Secretion of, in New-born Children, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 15 .. .. 6C .. Mill, John Stuart, Auguste Comte and Positivism.' Review, see Race and Religion Millingen, (Major) Frederick, the Circassian Slaves and the Sultan's Harem. With Discussion. 1st March, 1870 ·· • Miscellanea Anthropologica ·· h ·· •• on the Koords. 21st December, 1869. on the Negro Slaves in Turkey. 1st Feb- (Woodcut) ruary, 1870 ·· Milne, John, the Stone Age in Japan; with Notes on Recent Geological Changes which have taken place. 25th May, 1880. (2 Plates and Woodcut) Minas Geraes, the Inhabitants of, see Burton, R. F. Mind, Physiology and Pathology of, see Maudsley, H. Review Substance of, and Creation of Man, see Wagner, Rudolph "Mind of Man." Review. See Anthropological • Miscellanea, 52 Mind and Language, on the Place of the Sciences of, in the Science of Man, see Pike, L. O... Mineralogical Characters of Stone Arrow-heads from Patagonia, see Rudler, F. W… Mining and Metallurgy, see Clarke, Hyde Miocene Period, Existence of Man during, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 37 ·· •• "" • Miscegenation, or the Theory of the Blending of Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro." 1864. Review .. ·· "Miscegenation" according to the Daily Telegraph, see Anthropological News, 88.. "Mission to Dahome. By R. F. Burton." ;; Review to Viti. By Dr. Seemann." Review Missionaries and Anthropologists, see Anthropological News, 86 • .. 1 .. • • • 1. Subjective Light, in Relation to Forensic Anthro- pology. (Blatter für Gerichtliche Anthropo- logie, vol. vi, 1856) 2. Superfotation. (Southern Medical and Surgical Journal, 1854) ·· .. 3. Influence of the Climate of North America on the Physical and Psychical Constitution. By E. Desor. (Centralblatt für Naturgeschichte und Anthropologie, 1853) T.E.S. i, 1 T.E.S. iii, 335 J.A.I. v, 34 J.A.I. i, 263 J.A.I. xii, 231 J.E.S. iii, 4-50 A.R. ii, 62 A.R. iv, 289 J.A. viii, J.A.S. pp. cix-cxx J.E.S., N.S. ii, 175-181 A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. lxxxv- xcvi J.A.I. x, 389-423 J.A.I. ii, 407 A.R. vii, 192 A.R. i, 227 J.A.I. v, 115 A.R. ii, J.A.S. J.A.I. iv, 320 T.E.S. vi, 123 J.A.I. iii, 127 p. cxcii A.R. ii, 116-121 A.R. vi, 222 A.R. ii, 335 A.R. i, 355 A.R. vi, 220 A.R. i, 179, 180 A.R. i, 180 A.R. i, 180-182 Index. 195 Miscellanea Anthropologica 4. Abolition of Slavery. (Amusing Speech delivered at a Young Men's Debating Society in October, 1862) 5. Flint Implements found by M. de Vibraye in the Department of Loire et Cher, France .. 6. Egyptian Skulls found at Cologne on the Rhine 7. Colonies and Climate: a Prophecy. Extracts from a review of works on Public Hygiene. (British and Foreign Medical Review, 1812).. A.R. i, 336 8. Acts xvii, 26. (List of authorities for omitting and for retaining αἵματος) 9. Superstitions of Nations .. 10. Proposed Exploration of Peru. (Extract of a letter from Prof. Raimondi, Lima, 13th July, 1863, to William Bollaert, Esq., London) 11. Mental Calculation. (Performances of Zacharias Dase, of Hamburg) ·· 12. Man and the Gorilla 13. Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie, 1859. By Drs. Lazarus and Steinthal. (Extracts) 14. Letter from Mr. W. Bollaert to the Editor on the Kidnapping of Easter Islanders 15. Secretion of Milk in New-born Children 16. On Longevity, with Special Reference to Hessen. By Dr. Nebal 17. Extracts from Leib und Seele (Body and Soul). By J. Schaller 18. Meaning of the Term Anthropology 19. Not Man, but Man-like ·· 20. Anthropology and Geology 21. Ape origin of Man 22. Prehistoric Dwellings • .. • 30. Origin and Mental Agents.. 31. Diversities of Mankind • ·· ·· ·· ·· 23. Prize Anthropological Memoir 24. The Neanderthal Skull. (Extract from a Letter from Dr. Pruner-Bey) 25. Recent Discoveries of Kjökkenmöddings 26. Description of the Cavern of Bruniquel, and of its Organic Contents. Part I. Human Re- mains. By Professor Richard Owen. F.R.S. (Abstract of Paper read before the Royal Society of London, June, 1864) 27. Proportion of Female to Male Steps.” By Dr. Fechner · • •• 28. Names of Negroes. 29. The Primary Stocks seem to have been Originally formed both for and by the Localities they Inhabit ·· .. 32. The Folds in the Hand as Indicating Race. Instructions by Serres to Deville the Traveller 33. Psychical Difference between Man and Brute 34. Extracts from Organon der Erkentniss der Natur und des Geistes by Carl Gustav Carus. of Language (greatly Abridged) 35. On Twins, etc. By Professor Levy 36. The Kirkhead Cave, near Ulverstone. from a Letter from Captain Barrie, R.N. Origin ·· Extract A.R. i, 182 A.R. i, 182 A.R. i, 335 A.R. i, 490 A.R. i, 491 A.R. i, 491, 492 A.R. i, 492-494 A.R. i, 494, 495 A.R. i, 495, 496 A.R. i, 496 A.R. ii, 62 A.R. ii, 62 A.R. ii, 63, 64 A.R. ii, 147 A.R. ii, 147-149 A.R. ii, 149, 150 A.R. ii, 150 A.R. ii, 151, 152 A.R. ii, 223 A.R. ii, 223 A.R. ii, 223-226 A.R. ii, 226, 227 A.R. ii, 227, 228 A.R. ii, 228 A.R. ii, 228 A.R. ii, 228 A.R. ii, 229 A.R. ii, 229 A.R ii, 229, 230 A.R. ii, 230-232 A.R. ii, 232 .. A.R. ii, 344 0 2 196 Index Miscellanea Anthropologica :- 37. Human Hybridity. Letter from T. Bendyshe.. A.R. ii, 344 38. Extracts from Du Danger des Marriages Con- sanguines, Paris, 1857. "On the Danger of Consanguineous Marriages' >> A.R. iii, 84, 85 39. Acclimatisation. Extract from Der Mensch und seine Physische Erhaltung. "Man and his Physical Preservation." By F. Oesterten, Leipzig, 1858 40. The Negro in the South 41. Discovery of an Ancient British City near • Edinburgh .. 42. Hybridity. Extract from a Letter from Callaway, Algiers.. 43. Human Hybridity. Letter from Richard Lee.. 44. Foundation of the Anthropological Society of Spain •• Dr. 45. Visit of a Commission from the Anthropological Society of London to the Shetland Islands 46. Letter on the Advance of Anthropology (P. Broca) ·· 47. Anthropological Society of Paris 48. Extract from an Article by Professor Huxley, "On the Methods and Results of Ethnology 49. On some Ancient Skulls • 50. Phrenology.. 51. Popular Lectures on Anthropology 52. Anthropological Society 53. American Archæology. Comité d'Archéologie 57. Anthropological Society of Madrid 58. The Antiquity of Man and Prehistoric Times 59. Anthropological Societies.. 60. Anthropological Society's Meetings 61. Memorial Portrait of G. E. Roberts Américaine de France 54. The Memoirs of the Anthropological Society 55. Professor Phillips and the British Association.. 56. Arrangements of the Anthropological Society for 1866 "A.R. iii, 231, 232 A.R. iii, 372, 373 A.R. iii, 373-375 A.R. iii, 375 A.R. iii, 375 .. .. • 62. Comparative Anthropology of Scotland .. 63. Visit of Dr. J. Hunt and A. Higgins to Scandin- avia Missionaries, Efforts among Savages, see Colenso, J. W. Efforts among Savages, see Reade, W. W. Missionary Successes and Negro Converts, see Owen, H. B. Mitchell, Arthur, Blood-Relationship in Marriage con- sidered in its Influence upon the Offspring. 19th June, 1866 ·· A.R. iii, 85, 86 A.R. iii, 86 A.R. iii, 86, 87 A.R. iii, 87 A.R. iii, 87, 88 A.R. iii, 229, 230 A.R. iii, 230 A.R. iii, 230, 231 A.R. iii, 231 on the Influence of Blood-Relationship in Marriage. Title only. 5th June, 1866 Mitra, Bábu Rajendrala'la, on the Gypsies of Bengal. 2nd April, 1867.. A.R, iii, 375, 376 A.R. iv, 109-111 A.R. iv, 111 A.R. iv, 111 A.R. iv, 111 A.R. iv, 112 A.R. iv, 208 A.R. iv, 208 A.R. iv, 208 A.R. iv, 288 M.A.S. ii, 402–456 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. ccxi M.A.S. iii, 120-133 Abstract and Discussion. 2nd April, 1867 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. clii-cliv •• Mitré, Bartolomé, Letter to Mr. Bollaert. 3rd May, 1864 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxvi Mivart, on Man and Apes. Review Mivart, St. George, "Genesis of Species." Anthrop. 263 Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 5 J.A.I. i, 261 A.R. iv, 288 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. ccxlviii A.R. iii, J.A.S. 3. clxiii A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. clxxxiv Index. 197 "C Mixed Human Races, see Quatrefages, A. de A.R. vii, 22 or Half-breed "Races of Canada, see Reid, A. P. J.A.I. iv, 45 Races of Australia, see Taplin, G. J.A.I. iv, 52 Moabite Jars, see Heath, D. I. J.A.I. ii, 331 “Moabite Stone, The. By C. D. Ginsburg.' Review J.A. 349-354 Mockler, (Major) "On Ruins in Makrán.” See "Recent Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. Anthropology J.A.I. vii, 110 J.A.I. vii, 123 Models of Dolmens in North Wales (Ex. 218) "Modern Architecture. By James Fergusson. Review A.R. i, 216 "Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia." J.A.I. xx, 361 "" "" Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 228 Modern Thinker, The: an Organ for the most Advanced Speculations in Philosophy, Science, Sociology, and Religion. New York, 1870. See Contemporary Literature •• ·· "" Modoc Indians, Bow and Arrows of (Ex. 166) Moggridge, Matthew, Obituary Notice Mohammedans, Chinese, see Anderson, John Mole, (Rev.) J. M., Bone Caves of Creswell Crags, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 67.. Moloney (Sir) Alfred, Exhibition of Cross-Bows, Long- Bows, Quivers, &c., from the Yoruba Country. With Discussion. 25th June, 1889 Money, Walter, on the Ancient Burial Ground near Kintbury, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 82.. Mongolians, Eyes of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 773 ·· • (C • ·· • .. .. Mongols, see St. John, Bayle Howorth on the, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 49 • ·· Monkey, Ímmunity of, to Strychnine, see Anthropo- logical News, 182 Syphilis in, see Lund, E. said to have died of Syphilis (Ex. 32) Monkman, C., on Discoveries in Recent Deposits in York- shire. 22nd February, 1870. (Plates.) With Dis- cussion ·· Monoliths at Trellech, Monmouthshire, see Price, F. G. H. Monteiro, J. J., on the Quissama Tribe of Angola. 27th April, 1875. (Woodcut) Montenegrins, see Howorth, H. H., "Spread of the Slaves. Part II " .. ·· Montezuma, Portrait of (Ex. 16) Mouths, Names of Monumental Heads and Artificially Deformed Skulls from ·· Mallicollo (Ex. 257) Crania from Mallicollo, see Flower, W. H. Stones in Scotland Monuments, Megalithic, see Anthropological Notes, 13 Moodie, G. Pigot, "The Population, Prospects, and Future Government of the Transvaal," see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings " Mookwas of Putlam, an Account of the, Maniegar, S. C. C... Moore, (Dr.) George, and his First Man on the First Man .. • • J.A. 355 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. xii, 561 J.A.I. i, 147 J.A.I. vi, 95 J.A.I. xix, 213–215 J.A.I. vii, 104 J.A.I. vi, 194 J.E.S. i, 86 J.A.I. iv, 504 A.R. viii, 216 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxi A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxi J.E.S., N.S. ii, 157–169 J.A.I. ix, 51 J.A.I. v, 198-201 J.A.I. viii, 65 J.E.S., N.S. i, 218 J.E.S., N.S. i, 202 J.A.I. xi, 74 J.A.I. xi, 75 J.E.S., N.S. i, 204 J.A. 116 J.A.I. viii, 100 T.E.S. iv, 348 A.R. v, 105-110 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 128-132 198 Index. Moqui, the Seven Towns of, by E. A. Barber, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 93. "Anthropological Gleanings " Moral Idea, Origin of Moral Irresponsibility Resulting from Insanity, see Harris, G. • Morals among the Malagasy, see Sibree, J. Moravian Wallachia, on the People of, see Clarke, H.. Morbihan, see Tremlett, F. S., on the Cromlech of Er- Lanic ·· Sculptured Dolmens of, see Tremlett, F. S. Moreton-in-Marsh. (Chastleton Camp.) See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 110 .. Morgan, (Hon.) Lewis H., see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 129 ·· .. "C ·· ·· "Arts of Subsistence," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology "" "Ethnical Periods," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology" Morocco, the Races of, see Stirling, John Morris, J. P., on the Hereditary Transmission, through Four Generations, of an Abnormity .. Letter Relating to Human Remains from ·· • the Ure Pits Report of Explorations Conducted in the Kirkhead Cave at Ulverstone. 5th June, 1866 Abstract and Discussion. 5th June, 1866 Mortillet, Gabriel de, Chronological Arrangement of Caverns and Rock-Shelters, see Anthropological News, 151 .. • ·· on Crania from Annecy (Savoy), see An- thropological Society, Paris << Les Terramares de Reggianais." Review Mortimer, J. R., on some Crania of the Round Barrows of a Section of the Yorkshire Wolds. 28th Novem- ber, 1876. (Woodcuts) on Crania from Yorkshire Round Barrows Account of the Discovery of Six Ancient Dwellings, found under and near to British Barrows on the Yorkshire Wolds. 10th January, 1882. (Plate) J.A.I. xi, 472–478 Kemp How," Cowlam. 24th June, 1879. (Plate) J.A.I. ix, 394–397 J.A.I. vii, 277-279 J.A.I. xiv, 3 an Underground Structure at Driffield, Yorkshire. 26th June, 1877. (Woodcut). Morton, Human Remains from (Ex. 314).. Mosaic Pavements, Romano-British, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 159 Moscow Anthropological Society, see Anthropological News, 36 J.A.I. xvi, 99 A.R. v, 246 Moseley, H. N. (M.A., F.R.S.), on the Inhabitants of the Admiralty Islands, etc. With Discussion. 9th January, 1877. (4 Plates and Woodcuts) Note on a Stone Club from the Sandwich Islands. 9th January, 1877 Mosquito Indians, see Collinson, J. ·· Territory Indians, see Collinson, John Vocabulary, see Collinson, J., on the Mosquito Indians .. •• ·· J.A.I. vii, 545 Anthrop. p. cvii • J.A.I. ii, 183 J.A.I. ix, 35 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xc J.A.I. xiv, 47 J.A.I. xv, 104 J.A.I. x, 124 J.A.I. xi, 355 J.A.I. vii, 115 J.A.I. vii, 114 J.A., J.A.S. p. clxix A.R. iii, 183 A.R. V, v, J.A.S. p. cxxiii M.A.S. ii, 358-363 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cci-cciit A.R. vii, 330 A.R. v, 355 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 84 J.A.I. vi, 328–334 Anthrop. p. x J.A.I. vi, 379-429 J.A.I. vi, 430 M.A.S. iii, 148 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xiii M.A.S. iii, 156 Index. 199 Mosso (Chinese) Writing (Ex. 244) Mother and Father, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 4 ·· Mother-Right to Father-Right, see Howitt, A. W. and L. Fison ·· Mottistone, "Longstone" at, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 193 Motu, Ethnology of, see Turner, W. Y... ·· Koitapu, and Koiari Tribes of New Guinea, see Lawes, W. G. Mouat, F. J., (M.D., LL.D.) Notes on M. Bertillon's Dis- course on the Anthropometric Measurement of Criminals. With Discussion. 22nd April, 1890 a Few Notes on Some Skulls of the Hill Tribes of India. 8th January, 1867 .. Moulin-Quignon, see Abbeville. Human Remains discovered at, see Tylor, A. Mound Builders of the United States, " Telescopic Device of the, see Bollaert, W. >> Mountain Tribes of the North-West Frontier of India, • • .. .. see Fosberry Mourning for the Dead among the Digger Indians see Anthropological Miscellanea, 44.. Mouth, Human, see Nasmyth, A. Mowat, the Natives of, see Beardmore, E. Mpongwe Negroes, see Walker, R. B. N. G. E. Tribe of Negroes, see Walker, R. B. N. Mückle Heog," on Human Remains from the, see Blake, C. C. "Mückle Heog," large Kist-vaens on the, see Roberts, Muirhead, Henry (M.D.), Obituary Notice. By J. Beddoe Some Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection, as explained by Mr. A. R. Wallace. With Discussion. 20th December, 1870 Muizca Calendar (Ex. 64) .. Mulatresses, Unusually Gifted, see Napier, C. O. Groom Mulattoes, Colour at Birth.. Mullens, Joseph (D.D.), on the Origin and Progress of the People of Madagascar. With Discussion. 27th April, 1875 .. ·· •• • ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· • • Müller, (Dr.) Friedrich, see Races of Mankind.. Müller, F. Max, "Lectures on the Science of Religion." ·· Review Mummied Head of an Australian Child, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 31 Mummies, Peruvian, see Blake, C. C. (Ex. 36) see Rising Mummification of the Brain, see Anthropological Society of Paris Mummy from Atacama, see von Burgholzhausen Munphool Pundit, Relations between Gilgit, Chitral, and Kashmir. (Extract from a Communication to the Political Department, India Office, 1867) Munro, R. (M.A. M.D.), the Archæological Importance of Ancient British Lake-Dwellings, and their Rela- tion to Analagous Remains in Europe. With Dis- cussion. 12th January, 1886.. • • ·· .. · • .. ·· • •• • J.A.I. ix, 337 J.E.S., N.S. i, 85 J.A.I. xii, 30 J.A.I. xviii, 192 J.A.I. vii, 470 J.A.I. viii, 369 J.A.I. XX, T.E.S. vi, 42-48 A.R. i, 166 M.A.S. i, 210 J.E.S., N.S. i, 182 J.A.I. iii, 530 J.E.S. i, 192 J.A.I. xix, 459 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxix M.A.S. ii, 283 M.A.S. i, 299 M.A.S. i, 296 J.A.I. xx, 301 182-198 J.A.I. i, P.A.S, pp. ix-xii A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lvii A.R. iii, 323 J.A.I. v, 181–198 A.R. viii, 93 J.A. 149 J.A.I. ii, 311 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlv A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlv T.E.S. iv, 59 A.R. v, 350 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxv J.E.S., N.S. ii, 35-39 J.A.I. xv, 453-470 200 Index. Munro's "Lake-Dwellings of Europe," see Reviews Murchison, (Sir) Roderick Impey (Bart., K.C.B., D.C.L.. F.R.S.), Obituary .. and Professor Huxley, see Anthropo- logical News, 134 Murie, see Flower and Murie, on the Dissection of a Bushwoman Murray, John C. (M.D.), on the Nervous, Bilious, Lym- CC ,, phatic, and Sanguine Temperaments; their Connection with Races in England, and their Relative Longevity A.R. viii, 14-28 Murray, T. A., on an Aboriginal Tomb Tablet from Australia, with Notes on the Aborigines. Letter and Discussion. 31st December, 1867 Murray, (Dr.) W., Instinctive Actions. Abstract Muscular and Other Senses, Apparatus for Testing, see botham, J. F. • in Race. Review Galton, F. .. Sense, Apparatus for Testing (Ex. 292) Museum at Leyden, Ethnological, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 133 Museums of Scandinavia, see Fedtschenko, Alexis Scandinavian, see Higgins, A. ·· ·· Music, see Chorley, H. F., on Race in Music Development of, in Prehistoric Times, see Row- • .. .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· Racial Aspects of, see Kaines, Joseph Australian, see Anthropological Miscellanea, ·· • • 165 of the Australian Aborigines, see Torrance, G. W. Muskham, Human Remains from, see Mackie, S. J. Musters (Lieut. R. N.), on the Races of Patagonia. With Discussion. 29th May, 1871 .. Mute Origin of the European Races, see Heath, D. I... Mutes, Acquirement of Language by, see Heath, D. I.. Myth, Absaroka, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 115 Myth of the Creation, New Zealand, see Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 78 ·· Myths of the Origin of Man and Language, see Pott, A. F. Mythic Age, see Westropp, H. M. Mythologic Legendary Tales of South Africa, and of the Esquimaux in Greenland. Review .. Mythological Birds Ethnologically considered, see Buck- land, A. W. ·· · ·· • • ·· ·· ·· Mythology, see Campbell, J. F. see Conway, M. D... Gaelic, see MacLean, H. the Interpretation of Japanese, see Tylor, E. B... and Religion. Review •• M. [J. E.], A Colony of Heathens at Inishkea, off the West Coast of Ireland, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 34 M. [K. R. H], see Mackenzie. ·· ·· · · • N. Nabathæan" Skull from Wady Hamz, see Busk, G... Nachtigal's Journey to the Tibbu-Reschade, see Anthro- pological Notes, 31 J.A.I. xx, 222 J.A.I. i, 399 A.R. vi, 464 A.R. v, 319 •• A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. liii-lvii A.R. i, 412 J.A.I. xii, 469 J.A.I. xii, 469 J.A.I. xii, 440 A.R. vi, J.A S. p. 1 A.R. V, J.A.S. P. xiv J.A., J.A.S. p. elvi J.A.I. x, 380 A.R. vii, 306–309 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. xxviii J.A.I. xvi, 425 J.A.I. xvi, 335 T.E.S. ii, 266 J.A.I. i, 193-207 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxxiii A.R. V, J.A.S. P. lxxxiii J.A.I. x, 231 J.A.I. vi, 343 A.R. ii, 24 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxv A.R. iii, 138-145 J.A.I. iv, 277 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 325 J.A.I. v, 202 J.A.I. ix, 167 Anthrop. 465 J.A.I. vi, 55 J.A. 149 J.A.I. ii, 447 J.A.I. viii, 321 J.A.I. i; P.E.S. p. clix Index. 201 Naga, on the Natives of, see Jagor Hills, Agricultural Implements from (Ex. 320).. Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 255) Stone Implements from, see Barron (Ex. 120).. on the Wild Tribes Inhabiting the, Woodthorpe, R. G. Ornaments, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 210 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxii J.A.I. xi, 56, 196 J.A.I. xix, 252 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 211.. J.A.I. xix, 441 Skulls, see Thane, G. D. .. J.A.I. xi, 215 Nagas, see Godwin-Austen, H. H. J.A.I. iv, 144 see Peal, S. E. J.A.I. iii, 476 ·· •• • Naloo Africans, Observations on Three Skulls of, see Owen, R. ·· • ·· see Negro Skulls, see Cull, R... Names of Negroes, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 28 Nancaushy Tine, or Stuart's Lake Indians, see Hamilton, Gavin ·· Nanga, or Sacred Stone Enclosure, of Wainimala, Fiji, see Fison, L. Nantley Tine, or Fraser Lake Tribes, see Hamilton, Gavin Naoroji, Dadabhai, Observations on Mr. John Crawfurd's Paper on the European and Asiatic Races. 27th March, 1866 Napier, C. O. Groom, on the Classification of Head Forms. Title only. 16th April, 1867.. Exhibition of Objects from New Zealand. 31st March, 1868 on the Harmony between Geography and Ethnography. Abstract. 16th April, 1867 on the Lost Tribes.. "Miscellanea Anthropologica." Review. • Natal, Bishop of, see Colenso, J. W. Natal, Aborigines of (Ex. 76) ·· ·· See Physiognomy • on Two Unusually Gifted Mulatresses. Abstract and Discussion. 31st December, 1867 on the Proportion that Numbers of the Sexes of Offspring bear to the Ages of Parents. With Discussion. 19th February, 1867 .. Resemblance between Man and Animals. Abstract and Discussion. 16th April, 1867.. Table of Human Races, Classed in Ac- cordance with the Moral and Intellectual Character- istics. 16th April, 1867 (C The Book of Nature and the Book of Review.. Man." Napo Indians, see Simson, A. Napoleon, Louis (Emperor), "History of Julius Cæsar.' Review Narcissus, Legend of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 160 • 22 Narcotic Plants, see Crawfurd, J……. Nasmyth, Alexander, on the Human Mouth. 23rd April, 1845 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 170 J.A.I. xiv, 56 J.A.I. xi, 56 • J.E.S. ii, 235 J.E.S. ii, 238 A.R. ii, 228 J.A.I. vii, 206 J.A.I. xiv, 14 J.A.I. vii, 206 T.E.S.V, 127-149 A.R. V, J.A.S. p. clxxv A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxlvii A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxvi Anthrop. p. lxvii A.R. vi, 137 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lvii-lx A.R. V, J.A.S. pp. cxix- cxxii A.R. V, clxxv J.A.S. PP. clxix- A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. clx-clxix A.R. viii, 162 J.A.I. xii, 21 A.R. v, 151 J.A.I. xvi, 344 T.E.S. vii, 78 J.E.S. i, 192-209 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxvii 202 Index. Natal, Stone Implements from, see Sanderson, J. (Ex. 233) • Nationalities of the United Kingdom, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 162 << Native Races of the Pacific Ocean. By W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S." See Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings "Native Races of the Pacific States of North America." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 46, 51.. (C 24 Natotin Tine, or Babines, see Hamilton, Gavin Natural Selection, Application of the Principle to An- thropology, see Hunt, J. Applied to Anthropology, see Wallace, A. R. Objections to the Theory of, see Muir- head, H. Nature, Negro's Place in, see Hunt, J. Navigation, Early Modes of, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Nazareth, Chaplet of Gold and Silver Coins from (Ex. 179) Neanderthal Skull. Pruner-Bey. ·· nard • see Blake, C. C. (Ex. 28) see Davis, J. B. j. see Davis, J. B. see King, W. see Pruner-Bey M.D. Race Extract from a Letter from Dr. See Miscellanea Anthropologica, Nebalsine, see Liadov, B., on the Kalmucks Necklaces, Andamanese (Ex. 263). of Lignite Beads (Ex. 112) Negritos of the Philippines. Review Negro, see Walker, R. B. N. D • · ·· Nebal, Dr., on Longevity with Special Reference to Hessen, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 16 • • "" ·· • ▸ • ** · as a Soldier, see Hunt, Sanford B. Capabilities for Civilisation, see Guppy, H. F. J. Character of the, see Davy, John Difference between the Larynx of, and that of the White Man, see Gibb, G. D... the Larynx of, see Gibb, G. D. • see Gibb, G. D. the Physical and Mental Characteristics of the, Crawfurd, J. ·· .. see Hunt, J. Vitality of, see Reichenbach, O... Weight of the Brain in the, see Davis, J. Bar- .. ·· Weight of Brain in the, see Peacock, T. B. as a Freedman, McHenry in Relation to Civilised Society, see Bouverie- Pusey, S. E. B. in the South, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 40 Emancipation in America. By J. H. Van Eyrie, • • ·· • 0 •.• J.A.I. viii, 15 J.A.I. viii, 15 J.A.I. xvi, 418 J.A.I. viii, 96 J.A.I. iv, 503; v. 114 J.A.I. vii, 206 A.R. iv, 320 A.R. v, 103 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. ix M.A.S. i, 1 J.A.I. iv, 399 J.A.I. iv, 364 A.R. ii, 223 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxxxix A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxxxix M.A.S. i, 281 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. xv A.R. i, 393 A.R. ii, 145; v, 123 A.R. ii, 62 J.A.I. i, 401 J.A.I. xi, 294 J.A.I. i, 30 J.A. 131 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxii A.R. vii, 40 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccix A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi M.A.S. ii, 1 A.R. ii, 322 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxv T.E.S. iv, 212 A.R. i, 386 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxv A.R. vii, 190 M.A.S. i, 65; 520 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 36–39 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxxiv A.R. iii, 86 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 136-140 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 102–118 Index. 203 Negro Revolt in Jamaica .. Slaves in Turkey, see Millingen, F. Tribes of the Upper Nile and the Njamnjams, by Antinori and Piaggia Negro of Guinea, Brain of .. Negro's Place in Nature, see Hunt, J. see Hunt, J. Negro and European Relative Proportions of the Limbs in, see Anthropological News, 109 Negroes, Names of, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 28 · • New Guinea, see Albertis, S. M. D' Mowat ·· and Indians of the United States.. Neilgherries, Hill Tribes of the, see Shortt, J. Neilgherry Hills, Photographs of Tribes of (Ex. 56) Neolithic Times, Surgery and Superstition in, see Buck- • ·· ·· ·· land, A. W. Neology, Hindu, see Owen, S. R. I. see Owen, S. R. I. Nepotism in Travancore, see Mateer, S. Net-sinkers from the Lake District (Ex. 163) Neubauer, (Dr.) A., Notes on the Race-Types of the Jews. 24th February, 1885 · of the Motu' .. ·· ·· .. • ·· ·· J.A.I. xv, 17-23 J.A..I. x, 332 New Britain, Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 249) Shell-Money, see Danks, B. J.A.I. xvii, 305 Group, Marriage Customs of, see Danks, B. J.A.I. xviii, 281 Newbury, Bronze Spear-Heads from (Ex. 161) J.A.I. iii, 204 New Caledonian Women, Customs of, see Hamilton, ·· Gavin New Gentile Revelation, see Lewis, A. L. Letter New Granada, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hieroglyphics ► · see Beardmore, E., on the Natives of • • see Comrie, P. see Lawes, W. G... see Read, C. H., on Stone Spinning Tops from Torres Straits · ·· see Turner, W. Y., on "The Ethnology >> ·· ·· Fire-sticks from (Ex. 420).. Objects from (Ex. 413) Photographs of Natives of (Ex. 199) Stone Axe from (Ex. 323) Spinning Tops from (Ex. 374) Weapons from (Ex. 196) . Types (Ex. 384) .. and Neighbouring Islands, Natives of New Hebrides, Artificially Deformed Skull from Malli- collo (Ex. 392) . .. (Ex. 257) • ·· ·· ·· Skulls from, see Busk, G. etc., from (Ex. 197) see Flower, W. H., on Monumental Heads from Mallicollo.. a Cruise in the. By Leo. Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. logical Gleanings" Layard, see "Anthropo- ·· A.R. iv, P.M.A. 14–20 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. lxxxv A.R. viii, 91-93 A.R. vi, 279 M.A.S. i, 1 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. xv A.R. vi, 328 A.R. ii, 228 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 40-42 T.E.S. vii, 230 A.R. v, J.A.S. xxxii p. J.A.I. xi, 7 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxvi M.A.S. ii, 202 J.A.I. xii, 288 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. vii, 206 A.R. vi, 217 M.A.S. iii, 288 J.A.I. vi, 214 J.A.I. xix, 459 J.A.I. vi, 102 J.A.I. viii, 369 J.A.I. xvii, 85 J.A.I. vii, 470 J.A.I. xx, 200 J.A.I. xix, 459 J.A.I. vi, 214 J.A.I. xiv, 115 J.A.I. xvii, 85 J.A.I. vi, 102 J.A.I. xviii, 241 Anthrop. 129 J.A.I. xix, 52 J.A.I. xi, 74 J.A.I. vi, 200 J.A.I. vi, 199 J. A.I. xi, 75 J.A.I. vii, 547 204 index. New Hebrides, Report of a Missionary Tour, see Inglis, J... New Ireland, Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 249) Specimens from (Ex. 342) on the Natives of, see Duffield, A. J. Skull from, see Macalister, A. New Mexico, Pottery from (Ex. 383) New South Wales, Tribes of, see Cameron, A. L. P. New World, Anthropology of, see Bollaert, W….. Past and Present Populations of the, see Bollaert, W. Moa the Maoris 317) • Bollaert, W. •• Peopling and Planting of the, see Bendyshe, T., History of Anthropology. Appendix II.. New York State Documents, Anthropological Notes from, see Roberts, G. E. New Zealand, see Baker, W. B., on Maori Popular Poetry see Crawfurd, J., on a Hindu Sacrificial Bell see Grey, George ·· see Kerry-Nicholls, J. H. see Tregear, E., on the Maori and the Julius von 276) von ·· ·· ferences.. .. see Vaux, W. S. W., on the Origin of ·· see Wellington, Bp. of Ancient Rock Paintings in, see Haast, Carvings and Painted Masks from ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· see Child-bearing in Jade Implement from (Ex. 131) Weapons from (Ex. 289) the Maoris of, see Tregear, E. Maori Heads Carved in Cowrie Gum (Ex. ·· •• ·· ·· (Ex. ·· Natives of, see Anthropological Con- ·· Objects from (Ex. 89) Prehistoric Remains in, see Haast, Julius .. Rubbings from Door-posts and Window- frames in (Ex. 254) Stone, Wooden, and Bone Implements from (Ex. 192) . • Tattooed Head of Maori (Ex. 336) Mere, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Myth of the Creation, see Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 78 War Canoe, Figure-head of (Ex. 224) New Zealanders, Physical Characteristics of, Thomson, A. S. New-born Children, Secretion of Milk in, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 15 Newfoundland. Beothucs, see Busk, G. see Lloyd, T. G. B. • · .. see .. J.E.S. iii, 53 J.A.I. x, 332 J.A.I. xv, 266 J.A.I. XV, 114 J.A.I. xvi, 150 J.A.I. xviii, 241 J.A.I. xiv, 344 M.A.S. ii, 92 M.A.S. i, 72 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. iii M.A.S. i, 365 A.R. ii, 210 T.E.S. i, 44 T.E.S. v, 150 J.E.S., N.S. i, 333 J.A.I. xv, 187 J.A.I. xvii, 292 J.A.I. v, 451 J.E.S., N.S. i, 364 J.A.I. viii, 50 J.A.I. xii, 197 J.E.S., N.S. i, 68 J.A.I. i, 214 J.A.I. xii, 465 J.A.I. xix, 97 J.A.I. xiv, 56 J.A.I. xvi, 211 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxvii J.E.S., N.S. ii, 110 J.A.I. xi, 53 J.A.I. v, 464 J.A.I. xv, 185 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 106 J.A.I. vi, 343 J.A.I. vii, 277 J.E.S. iii, 123 A.R. ii, 62 J.A.I. v, 230 J.A.I. iv, 21 Index. 205 } Newfoundland. Beothucs, see Lloyd, T. G. B... Stone Implements of, see Lloyd, T. G. B. Newhaven, Deposit at, see Walker, B. and J. C. Ardagh Newton Abbot, Wooden Image and Spear-head from, see Woodward, H. B. (Ex. 189) Nguna Grammar, see Anthrop. Misc., 161 Nicaragua, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hiero- glyphics.. Nicaraguan Anthropology, see Anthropological News, 13 Nichol Bay Vocabulary, see Walcott, P... Nicholas, see Pike versus Nicholas Nicholas (Dr.), T., the Influence of the Norman Conquest on the Ethnology of Britain. With Discussion. 10th May, 1870.. Nicholson (Sir) Charles (Bart., LL.D.), on some Rock Carvings found in the Neighbourhood of Sydney. With Discussion. 22th March, 1879 Nicobar, Idol from (Ex. 143) Great, Inhabitants of the Interior of, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 97 ·· Islanders, see Atkinson, G. M. see Man, E. H. see Man, E. H. Islands, see Distant, W. L. Carved Wooden Figures from (Ex. 24) Skull from (Ex. 367) Nicobarese, see Distant, W. L. Photographs of (Ex. 196) (Ex. 353, 354) Arts, see Man, E. H. Ideographs, see Ball, V. Objects, see Man, E. H. (Ex. 230) • • · Nilsson on the Bronze Age.. •• ·· • • .. ·· Stone Age in Scandinavia. Review ·· • • • • • • • see Man, E. H. (Ex. 262) see Rivers, A. H. Pitt ·· Skull, see Flower, W. H... Nicolucci, G., on an Ancient Phoenician Cranium, see Davis, J. B. "Italian Anthropology." Review on Grottos in Italy. Letter. 22nd May, ·· 1877 • • ·· "La Stirpe Ligure in Italia, ne'tempi antichi e ne'moderni." Review Nicolucci's Anthropology of Etruria, see Villin, E. Niger, Notes and Sketches, see Robins, T. V. Nile between Dufli and Magungo. By Colonel C. E. Gordon, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology" Basin, see Baker, S. W. Review the Races of, see Baker, S. W. Valley, Discovery of Chert Implements in Strati- fied Gravel in the, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt.. Tribes of the, see Wilson, C. W. Nilgiri Hills, Aboriginal Tribes of, see King, W. Ross.. • ·· J.A.I. v, 222 J.A.I. v, 233 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxxvii J.A.I. v, 299 J.A.I. v, 299 J.A.I. xvi, 409 M.A.S. iii, 288 A.R. vi, 466 T.E.S. ii, 249 A.R. vii, 279 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 381-400 J.A.I. ix, 31-35 J.A.I. iii, 2 J.A.I. viii, 336 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 137 J.A.I. xv, 428 J.A.I. xvii, 354 J.A.I. vi, 209 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 137 J.A.I. xvi, 147 J.A.I. iii, 2 J.A.I. vi, 209 J.A.I. xv, 423-427 J.A.I. vii, 451 J.A.I. x. 103 J.A.I. vii, 457 J.A.I. vii, 434 J.A.I. xi, 263 J.A.I. xi, 268 J.A.I. vii, 434 J.A.I. xvi, 147 A.R. ii, 30 J.A.I. vii, 173, 174 A.R. v, 142–150 J.A. 79 T.E.S. v, 82 J.A.I. vii, 109 A.R. iv, 269 T.E.S. v, 228 J.A.I. xi, 382 J.A.I. xvii, 3 J.A., 18; J.A., J.A.S. p. cliii A.R. iv, 85-89 A.R. vi, 191-203 206 Index Nilsson, Sven, "Andra omarbetade och tiltakta upplagan, 1862." Review.. Stonehenge, an Attempt to Explain the Monument. 13th June, 1865.. Nogays, see Howorth, H. H. on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part VI. Nomades, Westerly Drifting of, Part I, A.D. 1218–1868. See Howorth, H. H. Part II. Part III. Part IV. Part V. Part VI. Part VII. [Part VIII.] gical Miscellanea, 15 << ·· See Howorth, H. H……. See Howorth, H. H... See Howorth, H. H. See Howorth, H. H. Nomenclature of Cleveland, Danish Aspect of, see Atkin- son, J. C. of the Inter-oceanic Races of Men, see Whitmee, S. J. Non-mussulman Arabs, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 128 Non-sepulchral Rude Stone Monuments, see Walhouse, .. M. J. Part IX. Part X. Part XI. Part XII. Norman Conquest, Influence of, on the Ethnology of Britain. See Nicholas, T. Norman Conquest of England. By Edward A. Freeman." Review See Howorth, H. H... See Howorth, H. H. See Howorth, H. H. See Howorth, H. H... See Howorth, H. H. See Howorth, H. H. See Anthropolo- Normandy, Implements from, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt.. Norsemen, Origines of the, see Howorth, H. H. North, (Miss) Marianne, Obituary Notice. By Francis Galton ·· Notices of Ethnology:- North America, Red Men of North American Philology, see Tylor, E. B. North Aracan, Account of the Hill Tribes of, see St. John, R. F. St. A. Carolina, Sculptures and Photographs from (Ex. 282) ·· • ·· Stone Carvings, see Keane, A. H. Wales, Models of Dolmens in (Ex. 218).. Northesk, Earl of, Exhibition of Jade Implements from New Zealand. With Discussion. 12th May, 1885 Northumberland, Prehistoric Remains in.. Notes .. .. "Notes and Conjectural Emendations of Certain Doubtful Passages in Shakespeare's Plays. By P. A. Daniel, 1870." See Contemporary Literature Notes and Queries, Anthropological, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 53 ·· ·· ·· 1. Excavation of the Cromlech known as the "Druids' Temple or Polgulaye," at Faldouet, in the Island of Jersey. (F. Porter). 2. Prehistoric Archæology: Cornwall Tolmens. (J. Lubbock). ("Athenæum ") ·· A.R. iv, 85–89 T.E.S. iv, 244-263 J.A.I. i, 226 J.E.S., N.S. i, 12 J.E.S., N.S. i, 378 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 83 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 182 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 469 J.A.I. i, 226 J.A.I. i, 242 J.A.I. ii, 114 J.A.I. ii, 205 J.A.I. iii, 145 J.A.I. iii, 277 J.A.I. iii, 452 J.A.I. iii, 115 J.A.I. viii, 360 J.A.I. xi, 355 J.A.I. vii, 21 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 384 A.R. viii, 1 J.A.I. ii, 68 T.E.S. vi, 342 J.A.I. xx, 302 Anthrop. 209 T.E.S. ii, 130 J.A.I. ii, 233 J.A.I. xii, 281 J.A.I. xii, 281 J.A.I. vii, 123 J.A.I. xv, 185-187 J.E.S., N.S. i, 205 Anthrop. 121, 275, 439, 599 J.A. 107 J.A.I. v, 118 J.E.S., N.S. i, 86, 87 J.E.S., N.S. i, 87, 88 Index. 207 Notices of Ethnology 3. Antiquarian Discovery at Padstow, Cornwall 4. Flint Implements at Kelsea-Hill. ("Times") 5. Chinese Cave Dwellings. ("Asiatic") 6. False Charge of Human Sacrifice. ("Asiatic") 7. Monumental Stones in Scotland. ("Times").. 8. Prehistoric Remains in Northumberland. (6 ("Times") Nott, (Dr.) J. C., False Report of Death, see Anthropo- logical News, 116 Obituary Notice of, see Mackenzie, K. R. • H. Nova Scotian Giantess, see Anthropological News, 148 A.R. vii, 215 Novara," Voyage of the, see Davis, J. B. T.E.S. i, 123 ، ، Novara Expedition, see Anthropological Notes, 27 Numeral System of the Yoruba Nation, see Mann, A... Numerals, Origin of, see Tylor, A. for 3, 7, and others, see Anthropological Notes, 29 • • ·· • Cassell, John Conolly, (Dr.) John Darwin, Charles Robert (F.R.S.) Davis, (Dr.) J. Barnard Dendy, Walter Cooper.. Forbes, David Visualised, see Galton, F... Nyam-Nyam... Nyassa, on the, and a Journey from the North End to Zanzibar. By H. B. Cotterill," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. 'Anthropological Gleanings ".. J.A.I. viii, 99 (C O. Obituaries— Asher, A. (M.D.) see Anthropological Miscellanea, 219.. Blackmore, W. Blount, (Dr.) J. Hillier Bollaert, W. Bonomi, James Boudin (Dr.) ·· • ·· • ·· • ·· • •• • Broca, Paul (Portrait).. Burke, Luke, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 156 ·· ·· Burton, (Sir) R. F. (K.C.M.G.) By E. W. Brabrook Busk, George (F.R.S.).. Campbell, (Dr.) Archibald ·· • • • • ·· Freeman, Henry Stanhope Godron, (Dr.) D. A., see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 113. Gratiolet, (Dr.) Pierre.. Groves, Charles.. ·· J.E.S., N.S. i, 88 J.E.S., N.S. i, 203 J.E.S., N.S. i, 203 J.E.S., N.S. i, 203, 204 J.E.S., N.S. i, 204 J.E.S. N.S. i, 205, 206 Harbour, Edward (B.A.) Harris, George (LL.D., F.S.A.) By E. W. Bra- brook A.R. vi, 450 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxxix ·· J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii J.A.I. xvi, 59 J.A.I. vi, 125 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii J.A.I. 85 X, J.E.S., N.S. i, 85 J.A.I. xix, 515 J.A.I. viii, 400, 401 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xliii J.A.I. i, 510-513 J.A.I. viii, 399 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxx- lxxix J.A.I. x, 242-261 J.A.I. xv, 504 J.A.I. xx, 295–298 J.A.T. xvi, 403-407 J.A.I. vii, 379 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lxii T.E.S. v, 325 J.A.I. xii, 561 J.A.I. xi, 484, 485 J.A.I. i, 398 J.A.I. vi, 513-516 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lxii J.A.I. x, 231 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lxii A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. xliii, xliv A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lxii J.A.I. xx, 299, 300 208 Inder. Obituaries:- Haughton, Richard Hodgkin, Thomas (M.D.) Jackson, Henry.. Jeremiah, John.. King, Kelburne (M.D.), see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 156 Lee, Dr. (Q.C., LL.D.) McLennan, J., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 183.. • ·· • Muirhead, (Dr.) H. By J. Beddoe Murchison, (Sir) R. I... Malcolm, (Vice-Admiral Sir) Charles.. Moggridge, Matthew Morgan, Hon. Lewis H., see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 129 ·· ·· North, (Miss) Marianne. By Francis Galton Nott, (Dr.) J. C. Ouvry, Frederic lanea, 10 Prichard, (Dr.) J. C. Pruner Bey (Dr.) Roberts, George Edward. (Portrait) ·· Pickering, (Dr.) Charles Pinkerton, William, see Anthropological Miscel- cellanea, 125 Ruxton, (Lieutenant) G. A. F. Seemann, (Dr.) Berthold Stevens, E. T. Unger, (Dr.) Franz. (Portrait) Van der Hoeven, John. By J. Barnard Davis Rolleston, G. (M.D., F.R.S.) Ricardo, M. Rule, Samuel (M.D.). By John Shortt, M.D. and Langdon H. Down, M.D... Rutherford, D. G., see Anthropological Mis- ·· ·· • 2. ·· ·· Williams, Thomas, (M.D., F.R.S.) Wright, Thomas (M.A.) Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection, see Muir- • head, H. O • Obodriti, see Howorth, H. H., on the Spread of the Slaves. Part III Observations, Tables of, see Anthropological Miscel- ·· lanea, 199 • • Observations on the Geography and Archaeology of Peru. By the Hon. E. G. Squier, M.A., F.S.A. 1870. See Contemporary Literature Obsidian Flake and Core from Mexico (Ex. 114) Obstacle to European Longevity, see Gibb, G. Duncan O'Callaghan, E. H., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 62 Occipital Lobe of Man and Apes, see Anthropological News, 40 ·· • L'Océan des Anciens et les peuples préhistoriques. Review Oceanic Races, see Davis, J. B. Races, Notes upon the Hair and some other Peculiarities of, see Davis, J. B. p. A.R. vi, J.A.S. T.E.S. v, 341 A.R. V, J.A.S. p. xliv J.A.I. xi, 486 J.A.I. XV, 504 A.R. v, J.A.S. J.A.I. xvii, 360 J.E.S. iii, 112 J.A.I. xii, 561 p. J.A.I. xi, 355 J.A.I. xx, 301 J.A.I. i, p. 399 J.A.I. xx, 302 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. J.A.I. xi, 485 J.A.I. vii, 537 J.A.I. i, 264 J.E.S. ii, 182 lxxxiii J.A. 236 J.A.I. i, 74 J.A. 232 J.A.I. v, 492 A.R. v, 248 Anthrop. 267 A.R. viii, 183 J.A.I. ii; 95 xliii lxxix J.A.I. xii, 561 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. lix- lxi J.A.I. xi, 485 A.R. v J.A.S. p. xliv A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. ciii-civ J.A.I. x, 463 J.E.S. ii, 150 J.A.I. i, p. 397 J.A.I. viii, 399 J.A. 227-232 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. lxxii- Cilli A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lxi J.A.I. vii, 534 J.A.I. i, P.A.S. p. ix J.A.I. ix, 181 J.A.I. xviii, 420 Index. 209 Odd Showers. By Carribber: London, 1870, see Con- temporary Literature J.A. 356 Oesterten, F., "Man and his Physical Preservation." A.R. vii, 306 Extract. See Miscellanea Anthropologica, 39.. A.R. iii, 85 Oettinger, E. M., "Offnes, billet-doux, &c., an Herrn Richard Wagner." Review Official Reports of the President and Director of the Anthropological Society of London, respecting the Failure of the Negotiation for the Amalgamation of the Ethnological and Anthropological Societies. 2nd September, 1868 ·· Offspring, Influence of Blood-Relationship in Marriage upon, see Mitchell, A. Ogham Inscription from Rus-glass, County Cork. See Caulfield, R. .. the Shetland Islands (Ex. 223) Pillar Stones in Ireland, see Westropp, H. M... Ogilvie, W., "Exploratory Survey of part of the Lewes, Tat-on-duc, Porcupine, Bell, Trout, Peel, and Mac- kenzie Rivers." Review. See Anthrop. Misc., 236 J.A.I. xx, 365 Ohio, Preservation of Antiquities in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 86 ·· .. Oils, Plants yielding, see Crawfurd, J. Ojibois Indians, see Reid, A. P. Old Calabar, Politics, Religion, and Commerce of, see • • Walker, J. B... Old Callebar, see Daniell, W. F. Oldfield, Augustus, on the Aborigines of Australia. 9th February, 1864.. Oldham, T., Communications respecting the Cassia Tribe. 10th November, 1852 Oliver (Captain), S. P., the Hovas, and other Charac- teristic Tribes of Madagascar. 3rd March, 1868. (Plates) on the Hovas of Madagascar. With Discussion. 3rd March, 1868.. Non-historic Stone Relics of the Mediter- ranean. With Discussion. 14th April, 1874. (4 Plates) on the Prehistoric Remains in Brittany. With Discussion. 10th January, 1871. (Plate) •• Report on the Present State and Condition of Prehistoric Remains in the Channel Islands. With Discussion. 7th December, 1869. (Plates).. Ollamh Fodhla, Discovery of the Tomb of. By E. A. Conwell. Review ·· Omalius, d'Halloy D', on the Indo-European Origins Oppert, Gustav, (Ph.D.), on the Classification of Lan- guages in Conformity with Ethnology. With Dis- cussion. 13th March, 1883. (Table) Kitai and Kara-Kitai. With Discussion. 11th January, 1870 Oregon Territory, the Languages of the, see Latham, R. G. ·· A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. clxxxix- cxcvii M.A.S. ii, 402 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 400 J.A.I. vii, 232 J.A.I. ii, 201 ·· J.A.I. vii, 186 T.E.S. vii, 92 J.A.I. iii, 106 J.A.I. vi, 119 J.E.S. i, 210 T.E.S. iii, 215-298 J.E.S. iii, 238-242 M.A.S. iii, 1-20 A.R. vi, J.A.S.pp.cxix-cxxv J.A.I. iv, 90-100 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. cxxii- cxlii J.E.S., N.S. ii, 45–73 Anthrop. 268 A.R. iii, 307 J.E.S. i, 154 "Organic Philosophy. By H. Doherty." Vol. i. Review A.R. ii, 213 Vol. iii. Review. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 23 J.A.I. ii, 133 J.A.I. xiii, 32–52 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 97–106 P 210 Index. Organology, see Prideaux, T. Symes Oriental Congress, 1878, see Cust, R. Tribes and Races, Photographs of (Ex. 154) Orientalists, International Congress of, 1874, see Clarke, H. Origin of Agriculture, see Roth, H. Ling of the Anthropological Review and its Connection with the Anthropological Society of the Berbers, see Anthropological News, 164 Classificatory System of Relationships, see Wake, C. S. of Culture in America, see Clarke, H. .. of Diseases, see Anthropological Notes, 18 Review.. see Pike versus Nicholas.. see Pike versus Nicholas of the English, see Pike, L. O. $6 of the Lapps, see Keane, A. H. of Man and Language, see Pott, A. F. of the Maoris, see Kerry-Nicholls, J. H. of Modern English, see Bell, W... of Numerals, see Tylor, A. Review · • .. Human, Theories of.. 'Origines Indo-Européennes. Review • • ·· Eskimo, see Rink, H. European Races, see Heath, D. I. of the Gallinas People of Sierra Leone, see Harris, J. M. · .. ·· Gypsies, see Anthropological Notes, 14 of Grass Aprons, Traditional, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 130 • • • Gypsies, see Charnock, R. S. see Crawfurd, J. of Human Races, see Wallace, A. R. of the Japanese, see Pfoundes, C. of Language, see Farrar, F. W. Review see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 34.. from Interjections, and of our Modern English in the Teutonic and Cognate Dialects, see Bell, W.. • By Adolphe Orkney, Brocks and Pict Houses of, see Petrie, G. Islands, Lamps from, see Garson, J. G... (Ex. (8). • • • • • of Serpent-Worship, see Wake, C. S. of the South Sea Islanders, see Gill, W. W. of Species, see Crawfurd, J. and Development of Language, see Westropp, Hodder M. of the Mental Function, see Heath, D. I. and Mental Agents, see Miscellanea Anthropo- logica, 30 "Origin and Migrations of the Polynesian Nation. By Dr. Lang." See Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings" tr and Primitive Home of the Semites, see Bertin, G. • .. 1. Seat of the Aryans, see Taylor, I. Condition and Destiny of Man, by P. Melia. • ·· ·· ·· ·· • Pictet." ·· ·· A.R. vii, 76 J.A.I. viii, 285 J.A.I. iii, 139 J.A.I. iv, 336 J.A.I. xvi, 102 A.R. vi, 431-442 A.R. viii, 105 J.A.I. viii, 144 J.A.I. iv, 148 J.A. 244 A.R. v, 49 A.R. vii, 279 A.R. viii, 69 J.A.I. xix, 452 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxxiii M.A.S. ii, 25 J.A. 242 J.A.I. xi, 356 A.R. iv, 89 A.R. i, 445 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. clviii J.A.I. x, 225 A.R. iv, 135 A.R. ii, 230 = A.R. V, J.A.S. p. cxxxiii J.A.I. XV, 213 A.R. ii, 24 J.A.I. xv, 187 A.R. V, J.A.S. cxxxiii J.A.I. vi, 125 J.A.I. ii, 373 p. J.A.I. vi, 2 T.E.S. vii, 27 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xxxix J.A.I. iv, 66 A.R. ii, 228 J.A.I. viii, 98 J.A.I. xi, 423 J.A.I. xvii, 238 Anthrop. 109 A.R. vii, 1 A.R. i, 232 M.A.S. ii, 216 J.A.I. xiii, 275 J.A.I. xiii, 275 Index. 211 Orkney Islands, Osteology of the Ancient Inhabitants, see Garson, J. G. ·· Orkneys, Antiquities of the, see Petrie, G. Oronsay, Bone Implements from (Ex. 300) Orrouy, Skulls from the Cavern of, see Broca, P. Orthographic Projection of the Skull, see Higgins, A. .. ·· see Higgins, A... Osteological Characters of the Kubus of Sumatra, see Garson, J. G. Osteology of the Ancient Inhabitants of the Orkney Islands, see Garson, J. G. Natives of the Andaman Islands, see Flower, W. H... Veddahs of Ceylon, see Thomson, A. and Affinities of the Natives of the Andaman Islands, see Flower, W. H. and Dentition of Natives of the Andaman Islands, see Owen, R. ·· Oude, People of, see Greenhow, H. M. Our British Ancestors .. · • • ·· • ·· • ·· Ouse, Alluvial Accumulation in the Valley of the, see Godwin-Austen, R. A. C. • • • Little, Flint Implements from (Ex. 59) Ouvry, Frederic, Obituary Notice .. Ovens, Aboriginal, see Beveridge, P. Owen, H. Burnard, Missionary Successes and Negro Con- verts. 18th April, 1865. With Discussion.. · • • • Owen, (Sir) Richard, (K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S.), on the So-called Aztec Children, see Cull, R. 6th July, 1853. (Plate) on the Cavern of Bruniquel. Abstract. See Miscellanea Anthropologica, 26 Contributions to the Ethnology of Egypt. With Discussion. 9th June, 1874. (4 Plates) on some Human Bones discovered under Six Feet of Brick Earth at Chatham. Abstract and Discussion. 7th April, 1863 .. :: Observations on the Collection of Skulls sent by Captain Burton to the British Museum, Sep- tember, 1878. 10th December, 1878.. on Three Skulls of Naloo Africans. • ·· .. 25th April, 1849 Osteological Contributions to the Natural History of the Anthropoid Apes. No. VII. Com- parison of the Bones of the Limbs of the Troglodytes Gorilla, Troglodytes niger, and of Different Varieties of the Human Race; and on the General Character of the Skeleton of the Gorilla. (Trans. Zool. Soc., 1862.) Review.. on the Osteology and Dentition of the Aborigines of the Andaman Islands, and the Rela- tions thereby Indicated to Other Races of Mankind. 14th January, 1862. With Discussion Owen's Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. Review of Vertebrates, vol. iii. Review Owen, (Major) Samuel R. I., on Hindu Neology. 1st May, 1866 J.A.I. xiii, 54 A.R. i, 425 J.A.J. xiii, 122 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxviii A.R. iv, J.A.S. M.A.S. ii, 195 J.A.1. xiv, 128 J.A.I. xiii, 54 J.A.J xiv, 115 J.A.I. xix, 125 J.A.I. ix, 108 T.E.S. ii, 34 T.E.S. i, 71 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 133-136 p. cxx A.R. i, 438 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xi, 435 A.R. vii, J.A.S. P. clxxxvii A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. clxxxiv- ccxlvi; cexc-ccxciv J.E.S. iv, 128-137 A.R. ii, 226 J.A.I. iv, 223–254 A.R. i, 187 J.A.I. viii, 323, 324 J.E.S. ii, 235-237 A.R. i, 149-152 T.E.S. ii, 34-43 A.R. vi, 301-316 A.R. vii, 252 M.A.S. ii, 202–215 - P 2 212 Index. Owen, (Major) Samuel R. I., on Hindu Neology. Ab- stract and Discussion. 1st May, 1866 Oxenham, Lavington, a Modern Chinese View on Here- dity and Education, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 96 Oxford Anthropological Society, see Anthropological News, 66 Oxford, Stone Hammer from (Ex. 165) Oxfordshire, Flint Arrow-heads from (Ex. 217). Ditchley (Ex. 215) Implements from Ditchley (Ex. 195) (Ex. 234).. A. H. Pitt ·· .. "" ·· ·· and Roman Remains in, see Rivers, P. Pachisi, Game of, see Tylor, E. B., on the Game of Patolli Pacific Islands, Ethnographic Album of the, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 226.. W. G. W. G. ·· .. Ethnographical Album of (Ex. 430) Finsch's Casts of Faces of Natives of (Ex. 241) CC Pacific Ocean, Native Races of the. By W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings Paddle from Tahiti (Ex. 54) Padstow, Cornwall, Antiquarian Discovery in the Church- yard • Pagan Populations of the Indian Archipelago, see Latham, R. G. Page, David, (LL.D.), "Man; Where, Whence, and Whither; being a Glance at Man in his Natural Palæography of America, see Bollaert, W. Paleolithic Fishing Implements, see Young, J. T. Flint Implements from Reading, see. Shrubsole, O. A. ·· History Relations. Edinburgh, 1867." Review .. A.R. vi, 109–114 Pairing Season, Human, Apparent Survival of, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 186 Floor at North-East London, see Smith, W. G. Implement from Battersea Rise (Ex. 279) found near Reading (Ex. 321) from the Bed of the Thames, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 131 .. ·· Implements from the Valley of the Axe, see Evans, J. • · Axe and the Thames (Ex. 245) Valley of the Brent, see Smith, Lea, see Smith, J.A.I. xiv, 192 J.A.I. xiii, 357 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. xii, 437 J.A.I. vii, 499 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. ix, 316 Madras (Ex. 294) North London (Éx. 322) Reading (Ex. 326) J.A.I. viii, 275 J.A.I. xii, 513 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. xiv, 192 from South Mirzapore, see Cockburn, J. J.A.I. xvii, 57 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxxvi- clxxix .. J.A.I. viii, 228 A.R. v, 372 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. vii, 117 J.A.I. vii, 44 ·· J.A.I. vi, 55 J.A.I. viii, 184 J.E.S., N.S. i, 1 J.A.I. viii, 116 J.A.I. xx, 292 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A.I. xvi, 241 J.A.I. viii, 96 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.E.S., N.S. i, 88 T.E.S. i, 202 J.A.I. xviii, 93 M.A.S. i, 169 J.A.I. xiv, 83 Index. 213 Paleolithic Implements and Fragment of Skull from Bury St. Edmunds (Ex. 313). Flint Implement from the Bed of the Thames (Ex. 277) ·· Implements from the Thames and the Wandle (Ex. 356) North of London (Ex. 325) Knapping Tools, see Spurrell, F. C. J. Paleontologists, Congress of, at Copenhagen, see Anthro- pological News, 188 Palembang, Skulls of the Inhabitants of, see Swaving, C. Palenque, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hiero- • glyphics • ·· ·· >> Palestine, Rude Stone Monuments East of Jordan (Ex. 397) ·· ·· .. ·· see Holy Land. Palliser's Expedition, Indians seen by, see Hector, J., and W. S. W. Vaux Palmer, Edward, Notes on some Australian Tribes. With Discussion. 13th November, 1883. (Vocabularies and Appendix, by A. W. Howitt) Palmer, (Dr.) Edward, "Remarks concerning two Divisions of Indians Inhabiting Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and California," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. "Anthropological Gleanings Palmer, (Captain) J. L., Observations on the Inhabitants J.A.I. vii, 544 "Anthro- and Antiquities of Easter Island. 8th May, 1869.. J.E.S., N.S. i, 371–377 Palmer, J. Linton, " Marquesan Tradition of the Deluge," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. pological Gleanings Palmyra, Human Remains from, see Blake, C. c. Ruins in the Neighbourhood of, see Cotesworth, C... ·· .. • • • •• • • ·· ·· J.A.I. iv. 364 J.A.I. iv, 366 J.A.I. viii, 323 p. A.R. iii. J.A.S. cxxiii J.E.S., N.S. i, 178 Skulls from, see Busk, G. see Owen, R. Pampas Indian, Skeleton of (Ex. 33) Pandoo Coolies in Malabar .. Pangenesis, Darwin's Hypothesis of, see Sanders, Alfred J.A., J.A.S. p. cxlvi and Memory, see Sanders, Alfred Papier-Mâché Casts of Skulls, see Clarke, H. Papuan Boy (Ex. 381) J.A. 144 and Negritto Races, Original Range of, see Allen, F. A. · Paraguay, Inhabitants of, see Stewart, Paraná Indians, see Hutchinson, (Consul) T. J. Paris, Anthropological Society of • • ·· • ·· >> Papuans, see Comrie, P. and Polynesians, see Brown, G. see Wake, C. S. Paradox, Apparent, in Mental Evolution, see Welby, Lady .. ·· ·· ·· ·· see Broca, P. see Villin, E. see Anthropological Society of Paris. Maya Codex (Ex. 67) Parish, (Sir) Woodbine, on the Indians of South America. 9th May, 1865 see Rising •• J.A.I. xiv, 3 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.AI. XV, 452 J.A.I. xiv, 182 J.A.I. xiii, 109 A.R. viii, 219 A.R. viii, 178 M.A.S. iii, 288 J.A.I. xix, 65 T.E.S. i, 245 J.A.I. xiii, 276-347 J.A.I. viii, 99 J.A.I. i, 312 J.A.I. vii, 322 J.A.I. xviii, 134 J.A.I. viii, 38 J.A.I. vi, 102 J.A.I. xvi, 310 J.A.1. xii, 197 J.A.I. xx, 30+ J.A.I. xviii, 174 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxiii A.R. vi, 104-108 A.R. i, 274 A.R. vii, 381 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii T.E.S. iv, 173-175 T.E.S. iv, 59 214 Index ". Parish Boundaries, see Topley, W. Park Cwm tumulus, see Lubbock, J. Parker, (Dr.) G. W., on the New Code of Laws for the Hova Kingdom of Madagascar, Promulgated at Antananarivo on 29th March, 1881. 13th June, 1882 People and Language of Mada- gascar. With Discussion. 28th November, 1882.. on Systems of Land Tenure in Madagas- car Parsee Burial in India, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 198 Opinion as to the Cause of the Gulf that separates the Europeans from the Hindoos, see Anthropo- logical News, 42 Partington, J. Edge, Pacific Islands." Miscellanea, 226 Pascoe, F. P., "The Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species.' Review. See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 235 >> ·· Pasigraphy Paske, (Colonel) Edward, Buddhism in the British Provinces of Little Tibet. With Discussion. 28th May, 1878 Patagonia, the Races of, see Musters, a Tehuelche Indians of, see Hutchinson, T. J. Patagonian Arrow-heads, Mineralogical Characters of, see Rudler, F. W. ·· and other Stone Implements, see Rivers, 66 A. H. Pitt quake ·· Ethnographical Album of the Review. See Anthropological tr Skull, see Bloxam, G. W. w... (Ex. 269) Skulls (Ex. 250) see Caddy, ·· • • • • • ** .. ·· ·· · Notices of the Mendoza Earth- .. .. · · • • Pauly, T. de, "Description Ethnographique des Peuples de la Russie. (1862.)" Review Pavenham, Skull from, see Peacock, T. B. (Ex. 35) Paviland, Gower, see Francis, G. G. Pawnee Village, Pottery from, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 15 see Hutchinson, T. J. Pathuas or Leaf Wearers, see Shortt, J... Patolli, Game of, in Ancient Mexico, and its probably Asiatic Origin, see Tylor, E. B. Patoo-patoo from New Zealand, see Gibb, G. Duncan.. Patronymica Cornu-Britannica, or, the Etymology of Cornish Surnames. By Richard Stephen Charnock, Ph.D., F.S.A. 1870," see Contemporary Literature J.A. 106 Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks, see Anthropolo- gical Miscellanea, 227 J.A.I. xx, 360 A.R. i, 142–143 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxix A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxix J.A.I. ii, 2 • • ·· • Payne, R. W., on a Bechuana Skull. 2nd April, 1867 Peabody Museum, see Anthropological News, 54 Peacock, Edward, on Remains from a Barrow near Kirton-in-Lindsey, Lincolnshire. 2nd February, 1869 the Isle of Axholme .. J.A.I. iii, 32 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 416 ·· ·· J.A.I. xii, 306-318 J.A.I. xii, 478-495 J.A.I. xii, 277-280 J.A.I. xviii, 420 A.R. v, 250 J.A.I. xx, 292 J.A.I. xx, 365 Anthrop. 508 J.A.I. viii, 195–210 J.A.I. i, 193 T.E.S. vii, 313 J.A.I. iv, 320 J.A.I. iv, 311 J.A.I. xii, 28 J.A.I. xii, 28 J.A.I. x, 332 T.E.S. V, 50 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxiv A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxxiv J.A.I. viii, 116 J.A.I. iii, 266 J.E.S., N.S. i, 331 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. cliv-clvi A.R. v, 369 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxiii-cxv A.R. viii, 137-144 Index. 215 Peacock, (Dr.) Thomas B., on a Skull Exhumed at Paven- ham, in Bedfordshire. With Discussion. 31st January, 1865 .. on the Weight of the Brain and Capacity of the Cranial Cavity of a Negro. 31st January, 1865 Skull of a Negro. 31st January, 1865. Discussion on the Weight of the Brain in the Negro. 16th February, 1864 16th February, 1864. Discussion only Peal, S. E., the Nagas and Neighbouring Tribes. With Discussion. 13th January, 1874. (Map) J.A.I. iii, 476–481 Note on Platform-Dwellings in Assam. With Discussion. 8th March, 1881. (2 Plates).. J.A.I. xi, 53–56 Pearse, (Major) G. G., on the Excavation of a Large Raised Stone Circle or Barrow near the Village of Wurreegaon, one Mile from the Military Station of Kamptee, Central Provinces of India. 23rd March, 1869. (Woodcuts) Pearse, John, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt, on Weapons from Costa Rica ·· Peat, Influence of some kinds of, in destroying the Human Body, see Hunt, J. Pechey, (Dr.) W. A., Vocabulary of the Cornu Tribe of Australia (with notes). With Discussion. 1st May, 1871 Peculiarity in the Form of the Female Skull, see Ecker, Alexander Peek, Cuthbert E., (M.A.) Exhibition of Terra Cotta Tablets from Babylonia (described by T. G. Pinches). 13th March, 1888 Peel, (Dr.) Robert, on Kangaroo Island. With Discus- sion. 15th November, 1870 .. • Peet, (Rev.) S. D., "A Recent Find of Skulls and Skele- tons in Ohio," see Anthropological Miscellanea, (C 95. Anthropological Gleanings Pelagosa Finds, see Toppich, Pelasgians, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 9 Pelew Islanders, Brainweights of, see Clapham, Crochley Pelvis of Different Races, see Anthropological Society of Paris.. "" .. ·· of Mammals. (Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris) ·· • A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxxix- cxxxi ·· M.A.S. i, 520–524 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxxviii cxxix M.A.S. i, 65-71 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cxxxviii- cxxxix J.E.S., N.S. i, 207–217 J.A.I. iv, 363 M.A.S. ii, 364 J.A.I. i, 143–147 A.R. vi, 350 J.A.I. xviii, 102, 103 J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. xxxi, xxxii J.A.I. viii, 101 J.A.I. vi, 54 A.R. iv, 96 Penance, Corporal, Survival of, see Howarth, O. H. J.A.I. xviii, 275 Pendency of the Epiglottis, see Gibb, G. D. M.A.S. iii, 106 Pengelly, on the Archaic Anthropology of the South- West of England ·· Pengelly, W., on Kent's Hole. (Letter).. Pennefather, F. W., on the Natives of New Zealand, see Anthropological Conferences Penning, W. H., Notes upon a few Stone Implements found in South Africa. Abridged. With Discussion. 9th March, 1886 J.E.S., N.S. i, 201 J.A.I. vii, 89 A.R. V, 127 A.R. vii, 242-45 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. xlvi, xlvii J.A.I. xvi, 211 J.A.I. xvi, 68-70 # 216 Index. I Pennington, Rooke, (LL.B.), on the Relative Ages of Cremation, and Contracted Burial in Derbyshire in the Neolithic and Bronze Periods. With Discussion. 23rd June, 1874 Notes on some Tumuli and Stone Circles near Castleton, Derbyshire. With Discus- sion. 8th December, 1874. (Plate).. People of the Long Barrow Period, see Rolleston, G. Peoples Inhabiting the British Isles, see Lewis, A. L... of Eastern Asia, see Bastian, A. "Die Volker des Oestlichen Asien." Review ·· "Peoples of Russia. By T. de Pauly." Review.. Peoples of Transylvania. By Richard Stephen Charnock, Ph.D." See Contemporary Litera- <( ture Peopling of America. By Aug. R. Grote. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 84. "Recent Anthro- pology" .. • Abstract Traumatic Aphonia. Lesion of the Third Frontal Convolution on the Left Side the True (Genuine) Celts are the True (Genuine) Gauls, see Anthropological Society of Paris. Abstract.. the True Celts are the True Gauls. Discussion. See Anthropological Society of Paris Perigord, Cave-men of, see Broca, Paul Permanence of Anthropological Types, see Beddoe, J. of Type in the Human Race, see Denison, · · • and planting of the New World and other remote countries. (Dated, 1695.) See Bendyshe, T., History of Anthropology. Appendix II Perak, Spears, Creese, and Knife from (Ex. 204) Stone Implements from, see Hale, A. Perception of Colour amongst Savages and others, Ques- tions as to, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 92.. J.A.I. vii, 543 of Differences of Tint, Instrument for Testing (Ex. 390) Perier, -., on the Etruscans. • .. W. Permanent Colour Types, see Galton, F... Perpetuation of Names of Natural Objects by Translators. Perrin, James, on the Population of Natal. Short Note. 31st December, 1867 "Persia, Descriptive Anthropology of. By J. Polak.” D ·· ·· • Review Persia, on the Juangs, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 80 Personal Identification and Description. By F. Galton. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 192 Pronouns, on the Forms of, see Hincks, E. Perthes, Boucher de, Human Jaw discovered at Abbe- ville, in undisturbed Earth Peru, see Bollaert, W. ·· ·· · • .. see Forbes, D., on the Aymara Indians. .. Ancient Art in, see Anthropological News, 85 Antiquities from (Ex. 150).. Carved Wooden Club from (Ex. 118) .. Objects from Ancient Grave-Mounds in, see Price, J. E. • J.A.I. iv, 265–276 • J.A.I. iv, 377-386 J.A.I. v, 120 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xxxiv A.R. v, 187 A.R. i, 142 J.A. 355 J.A.I. vii, 111 M.A.S. i, 365 J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. xvii, 66 J.A.I. xix, 27 A.R. iii, 321 A.R. iii, 324 A.R. iv, 284-288 A.R. iv, 372 A.R. vi, 408 M.A.S. ii, 37 J.E.S., N.S. i, 194 J.A.I. xvi, 145 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. A.R. vi, 26 J.A.I. vii, 100 J.A.I. xviii, 177 J.E.S. iii, 218 ixiv A.R. i, 318-327 J.E.S. iii, 132 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 193 A.R. vi, 120 J.A.I. iii, 103 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xxxix J..A.I. xiii, 273 Index. 217 Peru, Objects from Ancient Grave-Mounds in (Ex. 307) Pottery, etc., from the Macobi Islands (Ex. 130) Prehistoric, Anthropology of, see Hutchinson, T. J. ·· Proposed Exploration of, see Miscellanea An- thropologica, 10 Sculptured Monolith of Tia-Huanaco (Ex. 70) Skull from the Chincha Islands (Ex. 92).. Woollen Bags from Arica (Ex. 104) North, see Raimondy, Antonio, on the Indian Tribes of Loreto Peruvian Antiquities, Photographs of (Ex. 180).. see Bollaert, W. W. Burial Grounds, see Hutchinson, T. J... see Hutchinson, T. J. Figurative Writing on Skin (Ex. 71, 72). Gnomons, see Bollaert, W. Gold Breastplate (Ex. 387) Gold-Calendar and Telescope Tube, see Bollaert, Graphic Records, see Bollaert, W. Inca Skulls, see Anthropological Notes, 23 Mummies, see Blake, C. C. (Ex. 36) see Rising ▸ • Pottery, see Davis, J. B. (Ex. 147, 148) see Price, J. E. Skulls, see Busk, G. ·· • • Egyptians. (Plate) ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· Abstract. 20th March, 1866 .. on Human Remains at Keiss. 3rd April, 1866 .. • .. • ·· ·· ·· ·· .. • • .. • .. · • ·· • ·· ·· ·· see Burgholzhausen, von see Davis, J. B. Zodiac (Ex. 69) Peruvians, Ancient, see Tschudi, J. J. de Cranial Characters of, see Blake, C. C. the Quipu of the, see Bollaert, W. Pesherahs, see Snow, J. P….. Petchenegs, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part III... Peterborough, Skulls from, see Blake, C. C., Roberts, G. E….. • • · ·· • ·· • • · (Ex. 29) .. Petermann's Mittheilungen, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 63 Petrie, George, Antiquities of the Orkneys. Abstract Notice of the Brochs and the so-called Picts' Houses of Orkney. 20th March, 1866 • and • • • • ·· Letter. J.A.I. xiii, 273 J.A.I. i, 213 J.A.I. iv, 438 A.R. i, 491 A.R. J.A.S. V, p. xxxii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxxix A.R. i, 33 J.A.I. iv, 368 J.A.I. iv, 368 J.A.I. iii, 311 J.A.I. iv, 2 on Metrology and Geometry in Ancient Remains. With Discussion. 9th April, 1878 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii M.A.S. i, 210 J.A.I. xviii, 274 M.A.S. i, 210 M.A.S. iii, 351 J.A. 363 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlv A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlv T.E.S. iv, 59 J.A.I. iii, 94 J.A.I. iii, 96, 103 J.A.I. iii, 100 Discussion.. Petrie, W. M. Flinders, Collection of Ethnographic Types from the Monuments of Egypt, see Tomkins, H. G. J.A.I. xviii, 206 on the Mechanical Methods of the Ancient With Discussion. 24th April, 1883. J.A.I. iii, 86 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxv J.A.I. iii, 94 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.E.S. i, 79 T.E.S. ii, 216 M.A.S. i, 169 T.E.S. i, 261 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 83 A.R. ii, J.A.S. P. ccliv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclv J.A.I. v, 493 A.R. i, 425 M.A.S. ii, 216–225 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxx A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cl-clii A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxviii- clxx J.A.I. xiii, 88-109 .. J.A.I. viii, 106–116 1 218 Index. Petrified Human Eyes (so-called) from Peru. By the Rev. A. Hume, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1869 Peyrerius and Theological Criticism, see Philalethes Pfoundes, C., some Facts about Japan and its People. 10th June, 1879. Title only.. .. on some Rites and Customs of old Japan. Abstract and Discussion. 4th April, 1882 Phair, J. P., Notes on the Discovery of Copper Celts at Buttivant, County Cork. 1st June, 1870 Phallic Worship, see Sellon, E. see Wake, C. S. 66 the Japanese People: their Origin, and the Race as it now exists. With Discussion. 25th May, 1880 • 66 see Westropp, H. M. of India, see Sellon, E. Phallism in Ancient Religions, see Wake, C. S... see Wake, C. S. Pharia, see Burton, R. F. . Phases of Civilisation, see Westropp, H. M. Phayre, (Sir) Arthur P., on the History of the Burmah Race. 9th January, 1866 ·· see Latham, R. G... Medo-Persic, see MacDouall, .. • • • O North American, see Tylor, E. B. Philosophical Anthropology, see Fredault, F. Philosophy of Religion. By Hugh Doherty." Philosophy of Religion, ree "ylor, E. B. ·· ? ·· Notes on the Tenure and Distribution of Landed Property in Burmah. 25th June, 1867 Philalethes, the Distinction between Man and Animals.. Peyrerius and Theological Criticism > Philippi, on the Easter Islanders. Extract. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 50 .. Philippine Islands, see Jagor, on the Natives of Naga Philippine Islands, Deformation of the Head in the, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 142. . ·· Philippinen und ihre Bewohner, Die. By C. Semper." Review Philippines (the Irayas, Ygorrotes, and Manobos). view. "Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner. Dr. C. Semper " ".. Phillips, J., the Antiquity of Man. Abstract on the Measures of Geological Time by Natural Chronometers. Abstract and Discussion Phillips, Professor, and the British Association, see Mis- • • • •• ·· ·· • ·· .. cellanea Anthropologica, 55 Phillips, Richard Cobden, the Lower Congo; a Socio- logical Study. With Discussion. 8th November, 1887. (Map) Philological Classification, General Examples of, and the Value of Groups with Particular Reference to the Languages of the Indo-European Class, see Latham, R. G. .. ·· Ethnography of the Countries around the Bight of Biafra, see Latham, R. G... Philology Re- Von • • • Review Review A.R. vii, 423 A.R. ii, 109 J.A.I. ix, 166 J.A.I. x, 225–230 J.A.I. xii, 222–227 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 402, 403 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxiv J.A., J.A.S. p. cxlii J.A., J.A.S. p. cxxxvi M.A.S. i, 327 J.A. 97 J.A. 199 J.A.I. v, 275 A.R. V, T.E.S. v, 13-39 T.E.S. vi, 227-232 A.R. ii, 153–163 A.R. ii, 109-116 J.A.S. p. cxcii J.A.I. v, 111 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 170 J.A.I. xiv, 85 J.A. 131 J.A. 296-307 A.R. i, 436 A.R. ii, 312–313 A.R. iv, 111 J.A.I. xvii, 214-237 J.E.S. ii, 224 J.E.S. i, 224 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96, 192, 367, 368 A.R. iv, 231 J.E.S. iii, 220 T.E.S. ii, 130 A.R. iv, 266 A.R. iii, 185 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 369 Index. 219 A.R. iii, 185-196 Philosophy and Pseudo-Philosophy Phoenician Characters from Sumatra, see Harrison, J. P. J.A.I. iv, 387 (Ex. 181) J.A.I. iv, 387 A.R. ii, 30 64 Phoenician Cranium. By G. Nicolucci." Review Phoenician Inscription in Brazil, Alleged Discovery of.. Intercourse with Polynesia, see Curl, S. M. Phoenix. Review Photographs Collected by the Anthropometric Committee of the British Association (Ex. 242).. of Africans (Ex. 349) (C (C .. P • of the Niger (Ex. 360) of Natives of Algeria (Ex. 334) of Australian Aborigines (Ex. 247) ·· of Inhabitants of Britain of Jutish Type, see Harrison, J. P. Danish and French (Ex. 265) from Egyptian Monuments, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 178 of Lapps (Ex. 339).. of Megalithic Remains from Japan (Ex. 396) of New Guinea Types (Ex. 384) of Nicobarese (Ex. 353, 354) of North American Indians (Ex. 310) (Ex. 350) .. ·· • • .. Physics and Metaphysics, see Bray, C. Physio-Anthropology, see Hunt, J. ·· ·· • ·· .. •• Physical Geology and Geography of Great Britain. A. C. Ramsay." Review ·· •• ·· see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 50 see Physio-Anthropology in Anthropological Investigation, see Jackson, J. W. • • ·· of Russians (Ex. 340) of Scenes and Natives of Central Africa (Ex. 256) J.A.I. xi, 74 see Composite Photographs. Phrenology. By C. Donovan." Review ·· ·· Contribution to a Scientific, see Holländer, B... and Ethnology, see Jackson, J. W. as an aid to the Biographer, see Jackson, J. W. and Lunacy, see Blake, C. C. Physical Character of the Natives of Parts of Italy and Austria, see Beddoe, J. Characters of the Solomon Islanders, see Guppy, H. B. .. Characteristics of the Inhabitants of Bretagne, see Beddoe, J. Characteristics of the Ancient and Modern Celt, see Wilson, D... •• of the Danes, see Beddoe, John of the Jews, see Beddoe, J. of the Lapps, see Garson, J. G... of the Negro, see Crawfurd, J... of the People of Brittany, see ·· Beddoe, J. ·· and Mental Characteristics of the European and Asiatic Races of Man, see Crawfurd, J. of Centenarians, see Gibb, G. Condition Duncan.. By ·· Anthrop. 299 J.A.I. xiv, 273 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 476 ·· J.A.I. ix, 254 J.A.I. XV, XV, ±23 J.A.I. xvi, 23 J.A.I. XV, 185 J.A.I. x, 74 J.A.I. xiii, 86 J.A.I. xi, 311 J.A.I. xvii, 289 J.A.I. xv, 210 J.A.I. xix, 64 J.A.I. xviii, 241 J.A.I. xv, 423, 427 J.A.I. xiii, 431 J.A.I. xv, 423, 424 J.A.I. xv, 210 XV, J.A. 197 A.R. iii, 373 A.R. vi, 64 A.R. v, 71 J.A.I. xx, 227 A.R. i, 118 A.R. ii, 126 A.R. i, 476 T.E.S. i, 111 J.A.I. XV, M.A.S. iii, 359 A.R. iii, 52 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxiii T.E.S. i, 222 266 J.A.I. xv, 235 T.E.S. iv, 212 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxi T.E.S. v, 58 J.A.I. ii, 78 A.R. i, 484 A.R. vii, 392 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. ceix 220 Index. i Physio-Anthropology at Edinburgh Physiognomy. Review CC Physiology and Pathology of the Mind. By H. Mauds- ley." Review 'Pibcorn," or "Hornpipe, "the old British, and its Affinities, see Balfour, H. (( Pickering, Charles, Obituary Notice. 29th January, 1878 Pictet, Adolphe, "Les Origines Indo-Européennes, ou les Aryas Primitifs, Essai de Paléontologie Linguistique." Review • ·· Picts' Houses of Orkney, see Petrie, G. "Picture Gallery of the Nations, The: For the Young,' see Contemporary Literature Picture Writing in British Guiana, see Brown, C. B. in the New World, see Bollaert, W. Piderit, Fh., "Gehirn und Geist, Entwurf einer physiologischen Psychology für denkende Leser aller Stande.' Review. See Brain and Mind Piggul, James, Note on Heathen Ceremonies still Prac- tised in Livonia, Russia. 17th June, 1873 Pigmy Graveyard in Tennessee, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 71 >> ·· .. ·· (( see Pygmy. Pike, Luke Owen (M.A.), on the Alleged Influence of Race upon Religion. With Discussion. 16th March, 1869 "" Claims of Women to Political Power. 1st December, 1868 .. 66 ·· .... ·· on the Critique of His Work, "Eng- lish and their Origin," in the "Westminster Review, of October, 1866 "The English and their Origin; a Pro- logue to Authentic English History." Review on the Methods of Anthropological Re- search. 2nd November, 1869.. Place of the Sciences of Mind and Language in the Science of Man. With Discussion. 15th March, 1864 ·· .. "" Psychical Characteristics of the English People. 20th February, 1866 Abstract and Discussion. 20th February, 1866 • Psychical Elements of Religion. With Discussion. 4th January, 1870 .. ·· Race in Politics; the "Celt" and the Saxon," see Anthropological News, 178.. What is a Teuton?.. versus Nicholas. (Copyright Case) ·· ·· Pilework at London Wall, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Pile Works in the Streitzig Lake, see Anthropological News, 172 •• Pim, (Admiral) Bedford, Ethnological Enquiries, see 1 A.R. vi, 64–71 A.R. vi, 137-154 Anthrop. 592 A.R. vii, 192 J.A.I. xx, 142 J.A.I. vii, 537 A.R. i, 232-246 M.A.S. ii, 216 J.A. 356 J.A.I. ii, 254 M.A.S. i, 169 A.R. iii, 336 J.A.I. iii, 275, 276 J.A.I. vi, 100 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxxxv- cliii A.R. viii, 213 A.R. vi, 246-257 A.R. vii, 279-306 A.R. viii, 69–85 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. lxxi A.R. viii, 108 Report of the Arctic Committee." Appendix J.A.I. ii, 305 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xlvii- lxi A.R. v, 79-85 A.R. v, 49-55 A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. iii-xiti A.R. ii, J.A.S.pp.cxcii-ccviii M.A.S. ii, 153-188 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxiv- cxix A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. lvii- lxxiii Index. 221 Pim, (Admiral) Bedford, on the Negro 1866. With Discussion the Negro and Jamaica. 1st February, · at Home and Abroad. Title only. 1st February, 1866 Pinches, T. G., Description of Terra-Cotta Tablets from Babylonia, exhibited by C. E. Peek, see Peek, C. E. Pinkerton, William, Obituary Notice of, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 10 Piojes of the Putumayo, see Simson, A. Pisaqua, Artificially Deformed Skull from (Ex. 50) Pitt Rivers' Explorations, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 195 Plant, J., on Evidence of Prehistoric Man, from Pooles Cavern. Title and discussion. See Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 .. Plants, on the Migration of, see Crawfurd, J. History and Migration of, see Crawfurd, J. Narcotic, History and Migration of, see Craw- furd, J... Textile, and Tinctorial, History and Migration of, see Crawfurd .. ·· Producing Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, etc., History and Migration of, see Crawfurd, J. used as Condiments, see Crawfurd, J. ·· ·· • • yielding Intoxicating Potables and Oils, History and Migration of, see Crawfurd, J. Plaster Casts (Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris) Platform-Dwellings in Assam, see Peal, S. E. Platycnemic Bones at Kintbury, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 75 Men in Denbighshire, see Dawkins, W. B., and G. Busk.. Playfair, (Colonel), on the Himyaritic Inscriptions lately brought to England from Southern Arabia. 24th April, 1866 Pleyte, C. M., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 213.. Plough, Origin of the, see Tylor, E. B. Plurality of the Human Race, "the Plurality of the Human Race. By Georges Pouchet. Translated by Hugh J. C. Beavan." Review ·· .. .. ·· .. of Races, see Harris, G. of the Races of Man, see Crawfurd, J. Poetry, Maori, see Baker, W. B. Poisoned Arrows from Mallicollo and Vanikoro (Ex. 197) from Melanesia, see Codrington, R. H. Poisonous Fruit used by Canelos Indians to prevent the Bite of the Flies (Ex. 100) Nature of the Arrows of the South Sea Islanders, see Messer, A. B. Poisons used by Savages, see Wood, J. G. Polak, (Dr.) Jakob Eduard, "Persien, Das Land und seine Einwohner; Ethnographische Schilderungen." Review • .. ·· ·· Pole, Scaphoid Skull of, see Kopernicki, I. Skull of Political Ethnology, see Anthropological News, 173.. Power, Claims of Women to, see Pike, L. O. A.R. iv, P.M.A. 35, 36 A.R. iv, P.M.A., Special Number [pp. viii, 72] A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. lxxxix J.A.I. xviii, 102 J.A.I. i, 264 J.A.I. viii, 210 A.R. V, J.A.S. J.A.I. xviii, 200 P. xxxii A.R. iv, 408 T.E.S. v, 178, 255, 318 T.E.S. vii, 1 T.E.S. vii, 78 T.E.S. vii, 78 T.E.S. vii, 197 T.E.S. vi, 188 T.E.S. vii, 92 A.R. iv, 106 J.A.I. xi, 53 J.A.I. vi, 196 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 440 T.E.S. v, 174-177 J.A.I. xix, 494 J.A.I. x, 74 A.R. iii, 120-132 A.R. v, 175 T.E.S. vi, 49 T.E.S. i, 44 J.A.I. vi, 199 J.A.I. xix, 215 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clvi J.A.I. vii, 209 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxx A.R. vi, 26-35 J.A.I. vi, 181 Anthrop. p. ix A.R. viii, 197 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xlvii 222 Index. Politics and Anthropology, see Anthropological News, 177, 179.. Race in, see Anthropological News, 178 Religion, and Commerce of Old Calabar, see Walker, J. B. .. Poltalloch, see Mapleton, R. J. Polyandry, Facts Relating to Polygamous Marriage among the Kafirs of Natal and Countries around, see Sanderson, J... Polygamy, see Campbell, James 210) - 1ryry. •• see Campbell, James Notes on Polynesia, see Elton, F., on the Natives of the Solomon Islands see Pritchard, W. T., on the Samoans Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 341) Ethnology of, see Whitmee, S. J. Stone Club from the Sandwich Islands (Ex. .. ·· CC ·· • ·· ·· (Melanesia), see Anthropological Miscellanea, Sketch of Aniwa Grammar see Balfour, H., on Arrows from the Solomon Islands.. • .. • see Balfour, H., Exhibition of Arrows from the Solomon Islands ·· see Danks, B., on Marriage Customs of the New Britain Group see Danks, B., on the Shell-Money of •• New Britain Easter Island Tablets (Ex. 188) Gorget from Easter Island (Ex. 187) Photographs and a Wooden Implement from Easter Island (Ex. 158) Tablets from Easter Island (Ex. 119) Tahiti, Tomahawk and Paddle from (Ex. 54) Tonga, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 122.. Stone Mullers from Tahiti (Ex. 23) .. •• · ·· • ·· Polynesian Culture, see Tylor, E. B. Islands, Natives of, see Trotter, Coutts.. Nation, Origin and Migrations of. By Rev. Dr. Lang. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings " Race, see Wake, C. S. • and Malayan Languages and Races, see Craw- furd, J. Polynesians, see Brown, G... .. see Wake, C. S. see Whitmee, S. J... Models of Boats used by (Ex. 48).. • • • • • • and their Migrations, see Quatrefages. Water-colour Drawings of (Ex. 47) Pont-à-Lesse, see Dupont, Edward Pontnewydd Cave, near Cefn, see Hughes, T. McK., and D. R. Thomas ·· • Poole, Reginald Stuart (LL.D.), the Egyptian Classifica- tion of the Races of Man. With Discussion. 25th May, 1886. (2 Plates) on the Egyptian Classification of the Races of Man. Abstract. 25th May, 1886 A.R. viii, 211; 215 A.R. viii, 213 J.A.I. vi, 119 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 340 Anthrop. 164 J.A.I. viii, 254 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. cviii J.A. 192 Anthrop. 172 J.A.I. xvii, 90 M.A.S. i, 322 J.A.I. xv, 266 J.A.I. viii, 261 J.A.I. vi, 430 J.A.I. xvii, 282 J.A.I. xvii, 328 J.A.I. xviii, 30 J.A.I. xviii, 281 J.A.I. xvii, 305 J.A.I. v, 248 J.A.I. v, 220 J.A.I. iii, 177 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxi A.R. V, J.A.S. xxxii p. A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii Review A.R. v, 330 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. lxi J.A.I. iii, 387 J.A.I. x, 460 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121 J.A.I. xi, 401 J.A.I. xvii, 75 J.A.I. viii, 98 J.A.I. x, 109 J.E.S. i, 330 J.A.I. xvi, 310 J.A.I. xii, 197 J.A.I. vii, 372 J.A.I. xvi, 370-379 J.A.I. xvi, 152, 153 Index. 223 Poole, Reginald Stuart (LL.D.), the Ethnic Relations of the Egyptian Race. Abstract the Ethnology of Egypt. 17th June, 1862 Popular Errors Concerning Anthropology Popularised Ethnology Population of Finland, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 140 (( Population, Prospects, and Future Government of the Transvaal. By G. P. Moodie." See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Glean- ings Populations of Asia and Europe, Prehistoric and Proto- historic Relations of, see Clarke, Hyde "" .. of the New World, past and present, see Bollaert, W. Portrait of King Tawhiao (Ex. 335) Portraits of Incas (Ex. 267) Composite, see Galton, F... << ·· • ► •• ·· • · .. Portsmouth, Ohio, Earthworks at, see Holt, R. B. Portstewart, Prehistoric Objects at, see Knowles, W. J. and other Flint Factories in the North of Ireland, see Knowles, W. J. Portugal, Casts of Bones and Stone Implements from (Ex. 6) Stone Hammer-head from (Ex. 25) Portuguese Document, Photo-lithograph of, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 55 ·· ·· "Positivism. By A. Comte." Review Postans, (Captain) T., on the Bilúchi Tribes Inhabiting Sindh in the Lower Valley of the Indus and Cutchi. 10th April, 1844 Potomac, Icelandic Remains on the, see Anthropological News, 91 ·· Pott, A. F., on Myths of the Origin of Man and Lan- guage. Review. "Anti-Kaulen, oder Mythische Vorstellungen vom Ursprunge der Volker und Spra- chen nebst Beurtheilung der zwei sprachwissen- schaftlichen Abhandlungen Heinrich v. Ewald's Pottawatamie Boy (Ex. 422) Pottery from Canada (Ex. 146) · D ·· ·· • • ·· the Cape (Ex. 132). . Ancient, from Ecuador, see Bollaert, W. Japanese, see Milne, J., on "The Stone Age in Japan' " .. etc., from the Macobi Islands (Ex. 130) from New Mexico (Ex. 383) from an Old Pawnee Village, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 15 .. ·· .. Peruvian (Ex. 147, 148) see Davis, J. B. see Price, J. E. Fragments of, from Canada, see Gibb, G. Duncan.. ·· ·· • ·· Pouchet, Georges, on the Plurality of the Human Race. Edited from the French by H. J. C. Beavan. Translated by Hugh J. C. Beaven. Review A.R. ii, 323-326 T.E.S. ii, 260-264 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 60-71 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 80-83 J.A.I. xiii, 502 J.A.1. viii, 100 J.A.I. i, 52 M.A.S. i, 72 J.A.I. xv, 185 J.A.I. xi, 455 J.A.I. viii, 132 J.A.I. vii, 132 J.A.I. vi, 485 J.A.I, ix, 320 T.E.S. vii, 39 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 145 J.A.I. v, 118 A.R. iv, 289 J.E.S. i, 103–126 A.R. vi, 223 A.R. ii, 24-30 J.A.I. xx, 224 J.A.I. iii, 65 J.A.I. i, 345 M.A.S. iii, 163 J.A.I. x, 389 J.A.I. i, 213 J.A.I. xviii, 241 J.E.S., N.S. i, 331 J.A.I. iii, 96, 103 J.A.I. iii, 94 J.A.I. iii, 100 J.A.I. iii, 65 A.R. iii, 120-132 224 Index. Poutiatine, (Prince) Paul, on Neolithic Implements in Russia. Title only. 9th November, 1880 Power, Wilmot, see Laws, E., on a Kitchen Midden at Tenby Ppassa, or Clay used to Mix with Food (Ex. 52).. Prairie Traveller, see Marcy, R. B. Review Precolombian Metallurgy in Venezuela, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 222 Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. ("Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D. 1865.") Review lanea, 70 and L. .. Anthropology and Archæology, Congress of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 205 Antiquities of Dartmoor, see Bate, C. S. in Florida, see Anthropological Miscel- from South-East of Spain, see Siret, H. (Ex. 380).. .. H. Archæology. Review • of India, see Taylor, M. and Anthropology, International Con- gress of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 124 .. Burial Place with Cruciform Monoliths, near Mungapet in the Nizám's Dominions. By W. King. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. "Anthro- pological Gleanings Pitt "} ·· J.A.I. viii, 102 T.E.S. iii, 362 Comparative Philology, etc., in connection with the Origin of Culture in America, see Clarke, H... J.A.I. iv, 148 Discoveries in Central Russia. See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 116 J.A.I. x, 358 Dwellings, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 22 A.R. ii, 151 in Ross-shire, see Roberts, G. E. Finds in India, see Foote, R. B. .. Hut-Circles, see Roberts, G. E. . Intercourse between East and West, see Buckland, A. W. ·· Man. "Prehistoric Man; Researches into the Origin of Civilisation in the Old and the New World. By Daniel Wilson. 1862." Review.. Cave-Dwellers of Southern France, see Christy, ·· ·· see Wilson, Daniel. Review in the Island of Palmeria, see Anthropo- logical News, 167 Monuments, Cornish and Irish, see Buckland, A. W.. ·· Names of Weapons, see Clarke, H. "Prehistoric Nations. By J. D. Baldwin.' Review Prehistoric Objects at Portstewart, see Knowles, W. J. found in Siberia (Ex. 156) at London Wall, see Rivers, A. H. ·· •• in New Zealand, see Haast, Julius von in Northumberland • at St. Anthony, Minn., see Anthropo- logical News, 38 in South Africa, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 164 • ·· J.A.I. x, 389 J.A.I. vii, 84 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. i, 145 J.A.I. xx, 220 A.R. iii, 272-287 J.A.I. xix, 91 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. c J.A.I. vi, 99 J.A.I. xviii, 121 J.A.I. xviii, 121 J.A. 164 J.E.S., N.S. i, 157 J.A.I. x, 462 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxxxv J.A.I. xvi, 70 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. lx J.A.I. xiv, 222 A.R. i, 137-141 A.R. iv, 358 A.R. viii, 107 J.A.I. ix, 146 J.A.I. vi, 142 A.R. vii, 323 J.A.I. vi, 485 J.A.I. iii, 174 A.R. V, J.A.S. p. lxxi J.E.S., N.S. ii, 110 J.E.S., N.S. i, 205 A.R. v, 246 J.A.I. xvi, 423 Index. 225 Prehistoric Peru, see Hutchinson, T. J... Remains, American, see Anthropological News, 140 S. P. in Antiparos, see Bent, T. in Argyllshire, see Mapleton, R. J. in Brittany, see Oliver, S. P. in the Channel Islands, see Oliver, 157 ·· J.E.S., N.S. ii, 45 in the Isle of Wight, see Lewis, A. L... J.A.I. xiv, 45 Road in Duncan's Flow, see Kinahan, G. H. J.A.I. v, 106 "Prehistoric Times, as illustrated by Ancient Remains, and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages." By John Lubbock, F.R.S., 1865. Review Prehistoric Times, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 58 M .. · .. Existence of a Race of Red Men in Northern Africa and Southern Europe in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 40.. Traces of Commerce in, see Buckland, ·· A. W. Trephining and Skull-boring from America (Ex. • .. 405) and Protohistoric Relations of the Populations of Asia and Europe, see Clarke, Hyde.. Preparing the Dead among the Natives of the Upper Mary River, Queensland. See MacDonald, A. Preservation of Ancient Buildings, Society for, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 85 Monuments, see Anthropological News, • • ·· Miscellanea, 86 Preserving the Dead in Darnley Island and in South Australia, see Flower, W. H. Pressigny-le-Grand, Flint Implements discovered at, see Steenstrup, J., and Sir John Lubbock Price, F. G. H., Notes upon some Ancient Egyptian Implements. 25th March, 1884. (Plate).. Camps on the Malvern Hills. With Dis- cussion. 8th June, 1880. (Woodcuts) on the Customs of the Kaffirs. (From the Notes of Mr. Charles Hamilton.) 16th November, 1869 a Description of the Quissama Tribe (An- gola). With Discussion. 29th May, 1871.. Trellech. 8th April, 1879. (Plate) see Price, J. E., and F. G. H. P. and John E. Price, Notes on Romano-British Cemetery at Seaford, Sussex. 14th November, 1876. (3 Plates and Woodcuts) • • the in Ohio, see Anthropological • ·· ·· 27th further Notes on the Romano-British Cemetery at Seaford, Sussex. April, 1880. (2 Plates) Price, J. E., on Aggri Beads. 21st February, 1882 Chastleton Camp, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 110 ܕ Objects from Ancient Grave-mounds in Peru. With Discussion. 13th November, 1883 J.A.I. iv, 438 A.R. vi, 466 J.A.I. xiv, 131 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 146 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii A.R. iii, 338-346 A.R. iv, 112 J.A.I. iii, 300 J.A.I. xiv, 3 J.A.I. xix, 213 J.A.I. i, 52 J.A.I. i, 214; ii, 176 J.A.I. vii, 166 A.R. vii, 332 J.A.I. vii, 186 J.A.I. viii, 389 T.E.S. v, 221 J.A.I. xiv, 56-64 J.A.I. x, 319-331 A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. xiv- xviii J.A.I. i, 185-193 J.A.I. ix, 51–53 J.A.I. xii, 192 J.A.I. vi, 300–309 J.A.I. x, 130–137 J.A.I. xii, 64–68 J.A.I. x, 124 J.A.I. xiii, 273-275 226 Index. Price, J. E., on the Peruvian Pottery sent by Consul Hutchinson. With Discussion. 1st April, 1873 .. J.A.I. iii, 100–103 Pottery found near Colney Hatch. Ex- hibited 17th June, 1873 J.A.I. iii, 231, 232 J.A.I. vi, 300 J.A.I. x, 130 • see Price, F. G. H., and J. E. P., on the Romano-British Cemetery at Seaford see Price, F. G. H., and J. E. P. and F. G. Hilton Price, Excavations of Tumuli on the Brading Downs, Isle of Wight. 21st March, 1882. (Plate and Woodcut).. Prichard, James Cowles (M.D.), Anniversary Address for 1848, to the Ethnological Society of London, on the Recent Progress of Ethnology Obituary of, see Hodgkin, T. on the Relations of Ethnology to other Branches of Knowledge. Anniversary Address. 22nd June, 1847 Prideaux, T. Symes, Gall's Organology on Phrenology, see Miscellanea Anthro- D • pologica, 50 22nd on the Principles of Ethnology. November, 1864.. Prigg, Henry, on a Ground Stone Implement from Flemp- ton, near Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Letter with Discussion. 18th February, 1868 see Lubbock, J. "Primitive Folk. By Elie Reclus." Anthropological Miscellanea, 229 Primitive Human Family, see Wake, C. S. on a Portion of a Human Skull of Sup- posed Paleolithic Age from near Bury St. Edmunds. 11th March, 1884. (3 Plates) Primary Stocks of Man formed for and by the Localities they inhabit, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 29 Primeval Antiquities and Lacustrine Habitations "Primeval Man. By the Duke of Argyll." Review Primeval Status of Man. By W. C. Dendy, see Anthro- pology at the British Association, 1869.. Primitive Agriculture, see Buckland, A. W. "Primitive Civilisations. By J. P. Mahaffy." Review.. Primitive Condition of Man. By Sir John Lubbock. Ab- stract and Discussion. See Anthropology of the British Association, 1869 • 176 ·· 180 Horde, see Anthropological Miscellanea, see Anthropological Miscellanea, see Anthropological Miscellanea, Evidence for McLennan's Theory of the, see Gomme, G. L. "Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. By S. Nilsson." Review 189 Review. See Primitive Man, Mental Characteristics of, see Wake, C. S. Peoples, Marriage among Period of the Human Species, see Vogt, C. Theory of the Soul, see Frazer, J. G. ·· Principles of Anthropological Science, see Donovan, C. J.A.I. xii, 192–196 J.E.S. ii, 119–149 J.E.S. ii, 182 J.E.S. i, 301–329 A.R. vii, 76-92 A.R. iii, 373 T.E.S. iii, 408-417 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. cvii, cviii J.A.I. xiv, 51-55 A.R. ii, 228 A.R. iii, 157-160 A.R. vii, 376 A.R. vii, 423 J.A.I. vii, 2 J.A. 170 A.R. vii, 415-122 T.E.S. vi, 328 J.A.I. xx, 362 J.A.I. ix, 3 J.A.I. xvii, 276 J.A.I. xvii, 356 J.A.I. xviii, 99 J.A.I. xvii, 118 A.R. vi, 191 J.A.I. i, 74 Anthrop. 197 A.R. v, 204, 334 J.A.I. xv, 64 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii Y Index. 227 Principles of Archaic Anthropology of Classification, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt.. of Ethnology, see Prideaux, T. S. Pritchard, W. T., Notes on Certain Anthropological Matters respecting the South Sea Islanders (the Samoans). 17th January, 1865 on some Anthropological Matters connected with the South Sea Islanders. Note and Discussion. 17th January, 1865 Pritchard, W. T., on the Caroline Islanders Notes on the Physical and Psychological Condition of the Inhabitants of Viti, Tonga and Samoa. With Discussion. 28th February, 1865 .. Viti and its Inhabitants. 15th November, 1864 on Viti and its Inhabitants. Discussion. 15th November, 1864 .. Prix Godard. Analysis of Six Essays sent in Competition, see Anthropological Society of Paris Prize Anthropological Memoir, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 23 for the best Essay on "The Origin of the English Nation," see Anthropological News, 135.. "Problems of Life and Mind. By G. H. Lewes." view << << .. Re- Prognathic Face of a Cranium of the Stone Period, see Anthropological Society, Paris ·· Progress of Anthropology. Review Projection of Skull, Orthographic, see Higgins, A. Pronouns, Origin of, see Bleek, W. H. I. Pronunciation, a Means of Tracing the Origin and History of Nations, see Brodie, James ·· ·· ·· Propagation of the Religion of Humanity. By R. Con- greve." Review Propensitorial Zodiac, The, or Psychoneurology of the Mental Faculties, as Governed and Developed by the Animal Nature; shown by a Demonstrative Chart entitled an Anthropological Catholicon. By Robert T. Stothard. London, 1870." See Contemporary Literature ·· Prostitution, Sacred . "Protoplasmic Theory of Life. By J. Drysdale." Re- view • • ·· Pruner-Bey, (Dr.) on the Alleged Affinity between the Neanderthal Man and Modern Australians on the Celtic Question. Abstract. Anthropological Society of Paris.. See Examination of the Jaw-bone of Moulin- Quignon (Abbeville) from an Anthropological Point of View on Human Hair as a Race Character, Examined by the Aid of the Microscope. Read before the Anthropological Society of Paris, 19th March, 1863 on Human Hair as a Race Character, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 65 .. Is Religiousness a Human Character? (Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris) Letter announcing the Death of Professor A.R. iv, P.M.A, 89–93 J.A.I. iv, 293 T.E.S. iii, 408 M.A.S. i, 322–326 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxm, A.R. iv, 165-170 M.A.S. ii, 195 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxiv T.E.S. iv, 339 A.R. iv, 289 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxlvi-clx M.A.S. i, 195–209 A.R. iii, J.A.S. xii-xv A.R. vi, 104 A.R. ii, 223 A.R. vi, 465 Anthrop. 420 A.R. v, 126 A.R. vii, 231 J.A. 357 Anthrop. 156 Anthrop. 591 A.R. ii, 145, 146 A.R. iv, 378 A.R. 334, 335 A.R. ii, 1-23 J.A.I. vi, 71-92 A.R. iv, 204 cxxi Q 2 228 Index. Gratiolet (with remarks on Belgian Bone Caves). 28th February, 1865 Pruner-Bey, (Dr.) on the Neanderthal Skull, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 24 Pruner-Bey, on the Neanderthal Skull, in reply to Dr. B. Davis, see Anthropological Society of Paris Obituary Notice see Marichard, J. O., and Pruner-Bey. Prussians .. Pryer, W. B., on the Natives of British North Borneo, see Anthropological Conferences Pseudo Cromlech on Mount Alexander, Australia. ·· •• • ·· ·· f see Acheson, F. Psychical Characteristics of the English People, see Pike, L. O. ·· see Pike, L. O. Difference between Man and Brute, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologia, 33 ► ·· • Elements of Religion, see Pike, L. O. Psychological Association of Glasgow, Inaugural Address, see Jackson, J. W. ·· • • ·· • .. • Differences between Typical Races of Man, see Dunn, R. Unity of Mankind, see Wake, C. S. see Wake, C. S. Psychology, Ethnic, see Dunn, R... Medical, see Dunn, R. Review of Man, Comparative, see Spencer, H. Psychonomy of the Hand. "The Psychonomy_of_the Hand, according to MM. D'Arpentigny and Desbar- rolles. By Richard Beamish, F.R.S." Review Psycho-Physical Research in America, see Anthropologi- · • • cal Miscellaneà, 163 .. Puberty, Early, see Anthropological News, 48. Public Health, Progress of, see Anthropological Miscel- ·· Pygmy Races, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 184.. see Pigmy. Pyrenees, Skull from the Care of Lombrive (Ex. 94) ·· Q. Quadrilateral Structures near Carnac, see Tremlett, F. S. •• lanea, 103 J.A.I. ix, 351 Pueblo Weapon, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 107 J.A.I. ix, 464 Pusey, S. E. B. Bouverie, see Bouverie-Pusey. Putlam, see Maniegar, S. C. C., on the Mookwas Putnam County, Georgia, Bird-Shaped Mounds in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 94 .. T.E.S. iv, 349 .. J.A.I. viii, 92 J.A.I. xviii, 73 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxx .. Quadrumana, Anatomy of, see Crisp, Quadrumanous " as applied to the Chimpanzee, see A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxliii- cxlv Anthropological News, 12 .. Quartz Cutting Instruments from the Mouth of the Guayaquil, see Markham, C. R. Pivot and Cup of the Vertical Shaft of a Gold Amalgamating Mill from Piedmont (Ex. 155) A.R. ii, 223 A.R. v, 123 J.A.I. xii, 561 Anthrop. 142 J.A.I. xvi, 229 J.E.S., N.S. i, 75 A R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxiv M.A.S. ii, 153 A R. ii, 229 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. lvii A.R. vii, 259 T.E.S. iii, 9 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxviii M.A.S. iii, 134 J.A.I. iv, 255 A.R. i, 163 J.A.I. v, 301 A.R. iii, 346-353 J.A.I. xvi, 422 A.R. v, 256 J.A.I. xv, 170 A.R. ii, 308 A.R. v, 240 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lvii J.A.I. iii, 139 Index. 229 Quartzite implements from the Cape (Ex. 20) Quatrefages on the Progress of Anthropology. Review Quatrefages, A. de, on the Abbeville Jaw. Translated by G. F. Rolph, Esq. Announcement of New Work on " General Craniology," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 25 Quatrefages, A. de, the Formation of the Mixed Human Races "Introduction à l'étude des Races Review. See Anthropological Mis- Humaines." cellanea, 166 << Metamorphosis of Man and the Lower Animals." Review "Les Polynésiens et leurs Migrations." Review ·· << on the Progress of Anthropology.. "La Race Prussienne." Anthropological Miscellanea, 20.. Rapport sur les Progrès de l'Anthropo- logie," see Anthropological News, 108 Queen Charlotte Island and Vancouver's Island, Stone Implements from (Ex. 124) Charlotte's Islands, Village of Hydah Indians, in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 98 Queensland, on the Kabi Dialect, see Mathew, J. Aboriginal Dialects of, see Barlow, H. Aborigines of, see Beddoe, J. ·· ·· Review. ·· Mode of Preparing the Dead among the Natives of the Upper Mary River, see McDonald, Albert Natives of, see Cunningham, R. A. (Ex. 373) Quiloa, Skull from (Ex. 43).. Quipu of the Peruvians, see Bollaert, W. Quipus, spurious, examination of, see Bollaert, W. Quissama Tribe of Angola, see Monteiro, J. J. . . (Angola), see Price, F. G. H. Quoss, see Houghton, E. P., on the Land Dayas R. Anthropological News, 178 in Religion. Review See · Questions as to the Perception of Colour amongst Savages and others, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 92 ·· • for Explorers. (With Special (With Special Reference to Arctic Exploration), see Report of the Arctic ·· Committee on the Manners, Customs, Religion, Superstitions, etc., of Uncivilised or Semicivilised Peoples, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 200 • ·· •• • ·· Race in History ·· see Macaulay, Lord, "History of Eng- land." Review.. ·· ·· in Legislation and Political Economy in Music, see Chorley, H. F. .. .. in Politics. The "Celt" and the "Saxon," see • • ·· J.E.S., N.S. ii, 33 A.R. vii, 231 A.R. i, 312-335 J.A.I. ii, 135 A.R. vii, 22-40 J.A.I. xvi, 425 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 83 A.R. v, 330-334 A.R. viii, 28-35 J.A.I. ii, 131 A.R. vi, 327 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. viii, 426 J.A.I. ix. 312 J.A.I. ii, 166 J.A.I. vii, 145 J.A.I. i, 214; ii, 176 J.A.I. xvii, 83 J.A.I. xvii, 83 J.A.I. vii, 543 J.A.I. ii, 296–306 J.A.I. xviii, 431 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxvi M.A.S. i, 169 M.A.S. i, 169 J.A.I. v, 198 J.A.I. i, 185 M.A.S. iii, 195 A.R. iii, 233-248 A.R. v, 129 A.R. iv, 113-135 J.A., J.A.S. p. clvi A.R. viii, 213 A.R. iv, 289-320 230 Index. Race indicated by the Folds in the Hand, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 32 and Language, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 201 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 202 see Anthropological Miscellanea, 209 see Sayce, A. H. • ·· and Religion, see Pike, L. O. Antagonism Elements in Christianity, see Heath, D. I. Question in Ireland, see Jackson, J. W... Types of the Jews, see Neubauer, A. "Race Prussienne, La. By A. de Quatrefages." Re- ·· .. view Races, on the Extinction of, see Bendyshe, T. see Lee, R... tested by Language, see Crawfurd, J. of the Babylonian Empire, see Bertin, G. .. ·· ( (6 • · of India, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 179 of Man, Psychological Differences between, see Dunn, R. • · Tegumentary differences among, see Dunn, # R. ·· of Mankind. (Extracted from "Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara,' um der Erde. Anthropologischer Theil. Dritte Abtheilung, Ethnographie. Von Dr. Friedrich Müller. Wien. 1868") ► of the Old World. "The Races of the Old World; a Manual of Ethnology. By Charles L. Brace. 8vo. 1863." 1863." Review of Western Asia, Early, see Conder, C. R. of the Congo and the Portuguese Colonies in Western Africa, see Johnston, H. H. ·· ·· and Languages, Indo-Chinese and Inter-Oceanic, see Keane, A. H. "Races and Peoples." Review. See Anthropological •• • Miscellanea, 230 Racial Aspects of the Franco-Prussian War, see Jackson, J. W. ·· .. Characteristics, see Avery, J. G., Characteristics of Modern Jews, see Jacobs, J... Features, Survival of, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 132 • Features, Survival of, in the British Isles, see Harrison, J. P. Photographs from Egyptian Monuments, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 178 Radenhausen, C. Isis, Der Mensch und die Welt, 1883." Review.. Rae, (Dr.) John, Eskimo Migrations. With Discussion. 24th April, 1877.. Eskimo Skulls. With Discussion. 8th May, 1877 • on the Esquimaux, 21st March, 1865 Remarks on the Natives of British North America, see Anthropological Conferences Rag-Bushes and Kindred Observances, see Walhouse, M. J. •• A.R. ii, 229 J.A.I. xviii, 439 J.A.I. xix, 89 J.A.I. xix, 251 J.A.I. v, 212 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxxv A.R. iv, P.M.A. 24-26 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xix A.R. vii, 54 J.A.I. xv, 17 J.A.I. ii, 131 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. xcix A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. xcv T.E.S. iii, 1 J.A.1. xviii, 104 J.A.I. xvii, 289 T.E.S. iii, 9 T.E.S. i, 59 A.R. viii, 93, 94 A.R. iii, 47-51 J.A.I. xix, 30 J.A.I. xiii, 461 J.A.I. ix, 254 J.A.I. xx, 362 J.A.I. i, 30 J.A.I. ii, 63 J.A.I. xv, 23 J.A.I. xii, 438 J.A.I. xii, 243 J.A.I. xvii, 289 A.R. iii, 219–223 J.A.I. vii, 125-131 J.A.I. vii,142-145 T.E.S. iv, 138–153 J.A.I. xvi, 199 J.A.I. ix, 97 Index. 231 Raimondi, Proposed Exploration of Peru, see Mis- cellanea Anthropologica, 10 ·· Raimondy Antonio, on the Indian Tribes of the great District of Loreto, in Northern Peru. 24th March, 1863. Translated from the Spanish by William Bollaert Ramas Indians, see Collinson, John, on the Mosquito Indians Ramsay, A. C., (F.R.S.) on Artificially Worked Stones found in Cairns upon Moel Faban and Carnedd Howell, near Bangor, North Wales. 8th March, 1870 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 316 "The Physical Geology and Geography of Great Britain." Review Range of the Papuan and Negritto Races, see Allen, F. A.R. i, 484-488 J.A.I. viii, 38 J.A.I. vi, 223–244 .. A. Ranken, W. L., South Sea Islanders. 13th June, 1876.. Rapa," or Paddle from Easter Island, see Harrison, J. P. (6 from Easter Island (Ex. 158) Rapport sur les Progrès de l'Anthropologie, see Anthro- pological News, 108.. ·· Rate of Movement of the Limbs, Instrument for Measuring, see Galton, F. ·· (C (Ex. 421) Rathdown, Sepulchral Remains at, see Kinahan, G. H. Rationalism. History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. By W. E. H. Lecky, M.A. 1865." Review Rawlinson (Canon), on the Ethnography of the Cimbri. With Discussion. 9th May, 1876 Rawlinson, (Professor) on the Term Anthropology, see Anthropological Notes, 21 .. Ray, S. H., Sketch of Aniwa Grammar, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 17y ·· Api Grammar, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 196 .. Sketch of Nguna Grammar, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 161.. • Note on a Vocabulary of Ulia, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 214 .. Reaction Time, Instrument for Determining (Ex. 391) . Read, C. H., on Antiquities from Huasco (Guacso) Chili. ·· 12th March, 1889. (2 Plates and Woodcuts) Exhibition of Ethnological Objects from the Akkas, Northern Assam. 14th April, 1885. (Plate) ·· •• Naga Ornaments Description of Objects from Timor-laut, see Forbes, H. 0. Stone Spinning Tops from Torres Straits, New Guinea. 26th April, 1887. (Plate) Reade, W. Winwood, Burton's Mission to Dahome. Richard "A Mission to Dahome. By Captain F. Burton, 1864." Review on the Bush Tribes of Equatorial Africa. 22nd June, 1863 Efforts of Missionaries among Savages. With Discussion. 14th March, 1865 .. A.R. i, 491 A.R. i, 33-43 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xiii J.A.I. iii, 177 J.A.I. iii, 177 A.R. vi, 327 J.A.I. xx, 200 J.A.I. xx, 200 J.A.I. xi, 452 A.R. iii, 265–272 J.A.I. vi, 150-158 J.A. 363 J.A.I. xvii, 282-289 J.A.I. xviii, 295 J.A.I. xvi, 409 J.A.I. xix, 500 J.A.I. xix, 27 J.A.I. xix, 57–62 J.A.I. xv, 139, 140 J.A.I. xix, 441 J.A.I. xiii, 23 J.A.I. xvii, 85-90 A.R. ii, 335-343 A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. xix-xxiii A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. clxiii- clxxxiii; ccxcii-ccxciv 232 Index. ; Reade, W. Winwood, "Savage Africa; being the Nar- rative of a Tour in Equatorial South-Western and North-Western Africa." Review. (Plate). . Reading, Paleolithic Implement found near (Ex. 321).. from (Ex. 326) Reason and Instinct.. Reclus' "Primitive Folk." Recruits for the (French) Army. (Proc. of the Anthrop. Review Soc. of Paris) ·· Recuperative Bodily Power of Man in a Rude and a Highly Civilised State Compared, see Harley, G. Red Hair of Canelos Indian Woman (Ex. 97) Red Man, Astronomy of the, see Bollaert, W. • • .. Men in Europe and Northern Africa, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 40 Reddie, James, on Anthropological Desiderata, Considered with Reference to the Various Theories of Man's Origin and Existing Condition, Savage and Civilised. With Discussion. 2nd February, 1864 • •• Slavery Refuse Heap near Smyrna (Ex. 220) Regression in Hereditary Stature, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 151 Reich, Eduard, "Die Allgemeine Naturlehre des Men- schen, etc. Erste Dieferung, 1865" Reichenbach (Count) Oscar, on the Vitality of the Black Race, or the Coloured People in the United States, according to the Census. With Discussion. 15th December, 1863.. Reid, A. P. (M.D.), the Mixed or "Half-breed” Races of North-Western Canada. With Discussion. 10th March, 1874 • Religious Belief of the Ojibois or Sauteux Indians, Resident in Manitoba and at Lake Winne- peg. With Discussion. 22nd April, 1873 .. Relationship, systems of, among the Australians, see Lubbock, J. · • ·· Relationships, Classificatory System of, see Wake, C. S. Development of, see Lubbock, John and the Names used for them among the Peoples of Madagascar, chiefly the Hovas; together with Observations upon Marriage Customs and Morals among the Malagasy, see Sibree, J. ... Relationship of Consanguinity and Affinity, Analysis of, see Macfarlane, A. ·· Relative Proportions of the Limbs in the Negro and the European, see Anthropological News, 109 "Religion," meaning of the Term as used in Anthro- pology, see Distant, W. L. psychical Elements of, see Pike, L. O. of Old Calabar, see Walker, J. B. · the Philosophy of, amongst the Lower Races of Mankind, see Tylor, E. B. Religions, the Science of. "La Science des Religions, sa Méthode et ses limites." By Emile Burnouf Religious Belief of the Ojibois or Sauteux Indians of ·· • •• Manitoba, see Reid, A. P. Beliefs and Practices in Melanesia, see Codring- ton, R. H. • • •• ·· A.R. ii, 123–126 J.A.I. xiv, 114 J.A.I. xiv, 192 Anthrop. 565 J.A.I. xx, 362 A.R. iv, 106 J.A.I. xvii, 108 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clv M.A.S. i, 210 J.A.I. iii, 300 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cxv-cxxxV A.R. ii, 280-293 J.A.I. vii, 138 J.A.I. XV, A.R. iii, 303 246 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. lxv-lxxiii J.A.I. iv, 45-52 J.A.I. iii, 106–113 J.A.I. xiv, 292 J.A.I. viii, 144 J.A.I. i, 1 J.A.I. ix, 35 J.A.I. xii, 46 A.R. vi, 328 J.A.I. vi, 60 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. lvii J.A.I. vi, 119 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 369 A.R. iii, 89-120 J.A.I. iii, 106 J.A.I. x, 261 : : Index. 233 Religious Ideas of the Blackfeet, see L'Heureux, J. Reliquiæ Aquitaniæ. Review Remains of a Great City in Sicily, see Anthropological News, 141 Renan's Lives of the Apostles Renan, Ernest, on the Shemitic Nations. "An Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of Nabathæan Agriculture; to which is added an Inaugural Lecture on the Position of the Shemitic Nations in the History of Civilisation. By Ernest Renan." Review ·· ·· • • • ·· Renovation and Waste, see Harris, G. Report of the Arctic Committee. 17th June, 1872 of Committee of Investigation, see Anthropo- logical Society.. on the Researches of Dr. Edouard Dupont in the Belgian Bone Caves, see Blake, C. C. Resemblance of Inscriptions found on Ancient British Rocks with those of Central America, see Seemann, B. • (( Resolution of Council Limiting the Time of Reading Papers and of Speeches and Replies Retzius, see Anthropological News, 127 Reviews Reviews .. 1. "Man's Place in Nature." By T. H. Huxley. 1863 ·· 2. "Ethnology and Phrenology as an Aid to the Historian." By J. W. Jackson.. 3. "The Geological Evidences on the Antiquity of Man, with Remarks on Theories of the Origin of Species and Variation." By Sir Charles Lyell, F.R.S. 1863 4. Prehistoric Man: Researches into the Origin of Civilization in the Old and the New World." By Daniel Wilson, LL.D. London, 1862 • 5. "Description Ethnographique des Peuples de la Russie." Par T. de Pauly. St. Petersburgh, 1862 6. "The Prairie Traveller: a handbook for Over- land Expeditions, with illustrations and itine- raries of the principal routes between the Mis- sissippi and the Pacific, and a map." By Ran- dolph B. Marcy. Edited (with notes) by Richard F. Burton 7. "Osteological Contributions to the Natural His- tory of the Anthropoid Apes. No. VII. Comparison of the Bones of the Limbs of the Troglodytes Gorilla, Troglodytes Niger, and of different varieties of the Human Race; and on the general character of the skeleton of the Gorilla." By Professor Owen, F.R.S. (Trans- actions of the Zoological Society, 1862) 8. "Medical Psychology: comprising a brief Ex- position of the leading Phenomena of the Mental States, and of the Nervous Apparatus through which they are manifested, with a view to the better understanding and Elucidation of J.A.I. xv, 301 J.E.S., N.S. i, 83 A.R. vi, 467 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 97-102 A.R. ii, 52-59 J.A.I. iii, 72 J.A.I. ii, 291–306 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. i M.A.S. iii, 315 M.A.S. ii, 277 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. iii A.R. vi, 463 Anthrop. p. clxvi A.R. i, 107–117 A.R. i, 118–129 A.R. i, 129-137 A.R. i, 137–141 A.R. i, 142, 143 A.R. i, 145-149 A.R. i, 149–152 234 Index. Reviews: 10. the Mental Phenomena on the Symptoms of Disease." By Robert Dunn, F.R.C.S. London, 1863 9. "History of Modern Architecture: with an Ap- pendix on Ethnology from an Architectural Point of View." By James Fergusson. Lon- don, 1862.. "Les Origines Indo-Européennes, ou les Aryas Primitifs, Essai de Paléontologie Linguistique." Par Adolphe Pictet. Paris, 1859-63 CC 11. A Mission to Viti." By Dr. Seemann. (A. A. Fraser) 12. Waitz's Introduction to Anthropology CC 16. "Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: a Critical In- quiry into the History, Purpose, and Authen- ticity of the Hebrew Scriptures, with the right to free thought and free discussion asserted, and shewn to be not only consistent, but neces- sarily bound up with true piety and good government.' By Benedict de Spinoza. Lon- don, 1862 .. 17. "Geographical Primer" (Chambers' Educational Course) 22. 13. The Water Babies: a Fairy Tale for a Land Baby." By the Rev. Charles Kingsley. 1863 A.R. i, 472-476 14. "Thirty-third Annual Report of the Directors of James Murray's Royal Asylum for Lunatics, near Perth." 1860. (C. C. Blake) 15. "The Physical Geology and Geography of Great Britain." By Professor A. C. Ramsay, F.R.S. 1863 23. .. "" .. 21. "An Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of Nabathæan Agriculture; to which is added an Inaugural Lecture on the Position of the Shemitic Nations in the History of Civilisation." By Ernest Renan. 1862 (C Miscegenation, or the Theory of Blending of Races, applied to the American White Man and Negro." 1864 Address on Chemistry in its relations to Medi- cine and its Collateral Sciences." By W. Bird Herapath, M.D. 1863 24. “Savage Africa: being the Narrative of a tour in Equatorial, South-Western, and North- Western Africa; with notes on the Habits of << A.R. i, 163-166 A.R. i, 216-227 18. "Anti Kaulen, oder Mythische Vorstellungen vom Ursprunge der Völker und Sprachen nebst Beurtheilung der zwei sprachwissenschaftlichen Abhandlungen Heinrich v. Ewald's." Von A. A.R. ii, 24–30 F. Pott. Lemgo and Detmold. 1863 19. "Di un antico Cranio Fenicio rinvenuto nella Necropoli di Tharros, in Sardegna." Memoria del Dottore G. Nicolucci. Torino, 1863. (J. B. D.)... 20. "Mémoire sur l'origine Scytho-Cimmérienne de la langue Romane." Par M. le duc du Rous- sillon. Première partie, 1863. (R. S. Char- nock) A.R. i, 232-246 A.R. i, 355–365 A.R. i, 465-472 A.R. i, 476–480 A.R. i, 484-488 A.R. i, 488 A.R. i, 489 A.R. ii, 30-38 A.R. ii, 39-49 A.R. ii, 52–59 A.R. ii, 116-121 A.R. ii, 121, 122 Index. 235 Reviews: the Gorilla; on the existence of Unicorns and Tailed Men; on the Slave Trade; on the Origin, Character, and Capabilities of the Negro, and on the Future Civilisation of Western Africa. By W. Winwood Reade. Second Edition. 1864. (Plate) 25. "Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris," vol. iv. 3me Fascicule, May to August, 1863 26. "On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo." By Dr. Paul Broca. Translated and edited by C. Carter Blake. 1864 27. "Anatomy; Descriptive and Surgical." By Henry Gray, F.R.S. Third Edition. By 32. "" T. Holmes. 1864 28. “A Chronicle of England, B.C. 55-a.D. 1485.” Written and illustrated by Jas. E. Doyle. 1864 29. “Organic Philosophy; or, Man's True Place in Nature." Vol. i, Epicosmology. By Hugh Doherty, M.D. (C. Č. B.) 30. "Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris," vol. iv, 4me Fascicule, September to December, 1863; vol. v, ler Fascicule, January to March, 1864 31. "The Senses and the Intellect." By Alexander Bain, M.A. Second Edition (( A Mission to Dahome." By Captain Richard F. Burton. 1864. (W. Winwood Reade) 33. "Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris." Vol. iv, 4me Fascicule, September to December, 1863; vol. v, ler Fascicule, January to March, 1864. 2me Fascicule .. 34. "Force and Matter." By Dr. Louis Büchner. Edited by J. Frederick Collingwood 35. "History of the Intellectual Development of Europe." By Jolin William Draper, M.D. 1864 36. "The Races of the Old World: a Manual of Ethnology." By Charles L. Brace. 1863 37. "La Science des Religions, sa méthode et ses limites." By Emile Burnouf. (Revue des Deux Mondes, 15th December, 1864) 38. "The Plurality of the Human Race." By Georges Pouchet. Translated and edited by Hugh J. C. Beavan 39. "L'Homme." Par le docteur W. F. A. Zim- mermann. 1865.. 42. (( ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 40. "Reynard the Fox in South Africa"; or, Hot- tentot Fables and Tales, chiefly translated from original MSS. in the library of His Excellency, Sir George Grey, K.C.B. By W. H. J. Bleek, Ph.D. 1864. 41. "Kaladlit assialiait"; or, Woodcuts drawn and engraved by Greenlanders. Gothaab, in South Greenland. 1860. Kaladlit okalluktualliait, Kalâdlisut Kablunâ- tudlo. Attuakæt ardlait et Attuakat pingajue. •• A.R. ii, 123-126 A.R. ii, 141-145 A.R. ii, 164-173 A.R. ii, 202-209 A.R. ii, 209, 210 A.R. ii, 213-216 A.R. ii, 217-220 A.R. ii, 250-262 A.R. ii, 335-243 A.R. iii, 1-21 A.R. iii, 22-28 A.R. iii, 29-47 A.R. iii, 47-51 A.R. iii, 89-120 A.R. iii, 120-132 A.R. iii, 132-137 236 Index. Reviews :- Noungme. Nunnap nalgata Nakiteriviane Nakitat; L. Möllermit, 1860 et 1861.” translation into Danish. 1861.. With 43. "Philosophy of Religion." By Hugh Doherty, M.D. 1865. 44. Lilly's Astrology." By Zadkiel. 1852. 45. Buddhism in Tibet." By Emil Schlagintweit, CC "C LL.D. 1863. 46. "First Principles." By Herbert Spencer. Part I, The Unknowable. 1862 47. Vorschule der Völkerkunde und der Bildungs- geschichte," von Dr. Lorenz Diefenbach. 1864 48. "The Hidden Wisdom of Christ and the Key of Knowledge; or, History of the Apocrypha.” By Ernest de Bunsen 49. "Isis. Der Mensch und die Welt.' C. Raden- hausen. 1863 50. "Researches into the Early History of Mankind, and the Development of Civilisation." Edward Burnet Tylor, 1865 By 51. "History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe." By W. E. H. Lecky, M.A. 1865 52. "Prehistoric Annals of Scotland." By Daniel Wilson, LL. D. 2nd Edition. 1865.. 53. De l'Humanité," par Bodichon, Docteur en Médecine à Alger. 1853 tr 60. 61. ·· 54. "The Ancient Sculptured Rocks of Northumber- land and the Eastern Borders, with Notices of the Remains associated with these Sculptures.' By George Tate. 1865. 1865. (Plate and Wood- cuts) 55. "The Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, A.D. 1532-50, contained in the First Part of his Chro- nicle of Peru." Translated and edited with Notes and an Introduction. By Clements R. Markham. 1864. (Hakluyt Society).. 56. "Die Anthropologie: Die Wissenschaft von Menschen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung und auf ihrem gegenwartigen Handpunkte." Von Prof. K. Schmidt. 1865. ·· 57. "Die Algemeine Naturlehre des Menschen, etc.” Von Eduard Reich. Med. Dr. Erste lieferung. 1865 CC 58. Mazzaroth; or the Constellations." In four parts. To which is added "Mizraim; or the Astronomy of Egypt." Illustrated by Litho- graphs of the Planisphere of Dendere, and the Zodiac of Esné. By F. Rolleston. 1865 59. "Gehirn und Geist. Entwurf einer physiologis- chen Psychologie für denkende Leser aller Stände." Von Dr. Fh. Piderit.. • • "Prehistoric Times, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains, and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages." By John Lubbock, F.R.S. 1855 ·· "The Psychonomy of the Hand, according to • A.R. iii, 138-145 A.R. iii, 185-196 A.R. iii, 196-198 A.R. iii, 198-202 A.R. iii, 219–223 A.R. iii, 248-265 A.R. iii, 265-272 A.R. iii, 272-287 A.R. iii, 287-293 A.R. iii, 293-298 A.R. iii, 298-303 A.R. iii, 303-305 A.R. iii, 325-329 A.R. iii, 336-338 A.R. iii, 338-346 Index. 237 Reviews :- By By Charles .. MM. D'Arpentigny and Desbarrolles." Richard Beamish, F.R.S. 62. "The Roman and the Teuton." Kingsley, M.A. 1864 63. "The Secret of Hegel: being the Hegelian Sys- tem in Origin Principle, Form, and Matter." By James Hutchinson Stirling. 1865.. Beschrijving van Schedels van Inboorlingen der Carolina-Eilanden." Door J. Van der Hoeven. 1865. (J. B. D.) (2 Plates) • 64. " 65. "History of the Invasion of the Crimea." King- "C 75. lake's 66. "Andra omarbetade och tiltakta upplagan." By Sven Nilsson. 1862 67. Chapters on Language." By the Rev. Frederic W. Farrar, M.A. 1865.. ،، 68. The Zambesi and its Tributaries." By Dr. Livingstone. 1855 69. "Science de l'Homme." Par Gustave Flourens. Première partie, tome premier. 1865.. 70." Anthropognosie, Ethnognosie, und Ethnologie, Polignosie, und Polilogie." By Dr. Karl Vol- graff. 1851, 1853, 1855.. (( ·· 71. "Descriptive Ethnology." By R. G. Latham, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. 1859. 72. "Elements of Comparative Philology." By R. G. Latham, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. 1862 73. " Explorations in South-west Africa." Baines. 1866. By 74. "The Victoria Falls of the Zambesi." Baines. 1866 ·· By- History of the Sect of Mahárájas or Vallabhú- cháryas, in Western India." · (C ·· 76. “The Albert N'yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, and Exploration of the Nile Sources." By Samuel White Baker, M.A. 1866 77. "A General View of Positivism." Translated from the French of Auguste Comte by J. H. Bridges. 78. "The Catechism of Positive Religion." Trans- lated from the French of Auguste Comte by Richard Congreve. 79. "The New Religion in its Attitude towards the Old: The Propagation of the Religion of Humanity." By Richard Congreve. 80. " 81. "The Unity of Comte's Life and Doctrine." By J. H. Bridges Auguste Comte and Positivism." By John Stuart Mill. 82. "The Early Races of Scotland and their Monu- ments." By Lieut.-Col. Forbes Leslie. 1866.. 83. "Archiv für Anthropologie." Edited by A. Ecker and L. Lindenschmitt. 1866 84. Prehistoric Man: Researches into the Origin of Civilisation in the Old and the New World.” By Daniel Wilson, LL.D. 2nd Edition 85. "Memorials of Service in India." From the Correspondence of Major Samuel Charters • A.R. iii, 346-353 A.R. iv, 22-33 A.R. iv, 34-47 A.R. iv, 47-61 A.R. iv, 62–71 A.R. iv, 85-89 A.R. iv, 135-143 A.R. iv, 143–149 A.R. iv, 149–157 A.R. iv, 226–231 A.R. iv, 231-237 A.R. iv, 243-252 A.R. iv, 252–259 A.R. iv, 269-277 A.R. iv, 289-320 A.R. iv, 341–352 A.R. iv, 353-358 A.R. iv, 358-360 238 Index. Reviews:- Macpherson, C.B. Edited by his brother, William Macpherson. 1865 86. "Memoirs read before the Anthropological A.R. iv, 360-366 Society of London, 1863-4." London, 1865.. A.R. iv, P.M.A. 44–46 87. "Gustave D'Eichthal-De l'Usage pratique de la Langue grecque." Paris, 1865.. A.R. iv, P.M.A. 46 88. "The Real Wants of the Irish People." By a Member of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. Dublin, 1865 89. "Metamorphosis of Man and the Lower Animals." By A. de Quatrefages. Translated by Henry Lawson, M.D. 90. "Gabriel de Mortillet-'Les Terramares de Reg- gianais.' Paris, 1865.. > >> 91. Maltebrun. "Annual Address to the Société de Géographie de Paris." Paris, 1865 By 92. "The Materialism of the Present Day." Paul Janet. Translated from the French by Gustave Masson, B.A. "The English and their Origin: a Prologue to Authentic English History." By Luke Owen Pike, M.A. 94. "The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset. An account of personal and other researches of the sepulchral mounds of the Durotriges, etc. By Charles Warne, F.S.A. 1866 95. "Memoirs read before the Anthropological Society of London." Vols. i and ii 96. " History of England." By Lord Macaulay. (Hector MacLean) "La Stirpe Ligure in Italia, ne' tempi antichi e ne' moderni." Per Giustiniano Nicolucci. 1864. (J. B. D.) 98. " History of Julius Cæsar." By Louis Napoleon 99. "Die Volker des Oestlichen Asien." Studien und Reisen von Dr. Adolf Bastian. Vols. i and ii, 1866 93. 97. ·· •• .. >> ·· ·· ·· ** 100. "The Modern Anthropology, as Developed into a Universal Ape Ancestry; can it be held by a Christian Divine of the Straitest School? By William Honyman Gillespie. 1867 101. “Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England." Edited by the Rev. Oswald Cockayne, M.A. ·· A.R. iv, P.M.A. 46, 47 ·· A.R. iv, P.M.A. 83, 84 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 84 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 84, 85 A.R. v, 47-49 A.R. v, 49–55 A.R. v, 85-90 A.R. v, 91-102 A.R. 129-141 ۲, A.R. v, 142-150 A.R. v, 151-175 A.R. v, 187-193 A.R. v, 257–276 102. "Journal of Comparative Anatomy and Physio- logy." No. 2. May, 1867. (Flower and Murie on the Dissection of a Bushwoman.) (C. W. D.) A.R. v, 319-324 103. "Das Alamannische Todtenfeld bei Schleitheim und die Dortige Römische Niederlassung." Von Dr. Martin Wanner. 1867 104. "Les Polynésiens et leurs Migrations." Par M. de Quatrefages. 1866 105. "Der Mensch, seine Abstammung und Gesittung im Lichte der Darwin'-schen Lehre, etc." Von Dr. Friedrich Rolle. Frankfurt-a.-Main. 1865 A.R. vi, 21–26 106. "Persien. Das Land und seine Einwohner: Ethnographische Schilderungen." Von Dr. Jakob Eduard Polak A.R. v, 314-318 A.R. v, 325–330 A.R. v, 330-334 A.R. vi, 26-35 Index. 239 t · Reviews: 107. "Crania Britannica. Delineations and Descrip- tions of the Skulls of the Aboriginal and Early Inhabitants of the British Islands, etc." By Joseph Barnard Davis, M.D., F.S.A., and John Thurnam, M.D. London, 1856-65 (J. B.) 108. "Man: Where, Whence, and Whither; being a Glance at Man in his Natural History Rela- tions." By David Page, LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.G.S. Edinburgh, 1867 (C 109. The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland, and other Parts of Europe." By Dr. Ferdinand Keller. Translated by John Edward Lee, F.S.A. London, 1866 .. 110. "Lake Habitations and Prehistoric Remains in the Turbaries and Marl-beds of Northern and Central Italy." By Bartolomeo Gastaldi. Translated by C. Harcourt Chambers, M.A., F.A.S.L. London, 1865 111. "The Chinese Classics." By James Legge, D.D. London. (J. W. Jackson.) 112. "Buddhism in Tibet." By Emil Schlagintweit, 114. "Napier, Miscellanea Anthropologica." London and Bristol, 1868. 115. "Porta de Humana Physiognomia." Francof, 117. " tr 1618. 116. "Lavater, Essays on Physiognomy." London, 1810; and 1860. George Combe, Elements of Phrenology.” 118. "D'Arpentigny on the Hand.” Translated by Beamish. 119. " (( LL.D. London. (J. W. Jackson.) 113. "The Legends and Theories of the Buddhists." By R. Spence Hardy. London. (J.W. Jackson) A.R. vi, 121-137; and 286- 301 Carus, Symbolik der menschlichen Gestalt." Leipzig, 1853. 120. "Fowler, Practical Phrenology." New York, 1851. "" A.R. vi, 52-55 127. Cervello di un Negro della Guinea, illustrato con otto tavole litografiche." Dal Prof. Cav. Luigi Calori. Bologna, 1866. (J. B. D.) 128. "On the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Vertebrates," vols. i and ii. By Richard Owen, F.R.S. London.. A.R. vi, 109-114 A.R. vi, 114-116 121. "Fowler, Self-Instructor on Phrenology." Lon- don, n.d. 122. "Notes on Noses." London, 1857. "C 123. Redfield, Comparative Physiognomy, or Resem- blances between Man and Animals.' A.R. vi, 154 124. "Aristotle's Works." Translated by Taylor. 1812 A.R. vi, 137 125. "Sull', Antropologia della Grecia." Memoria di Giustiniano Nicolucci, Napoli, 1867. (J. B. D.) 126. "The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. An Essay on Comparative Ethnography, and a Contribution to the History of the Development of Mankind." By Sven Nilsson. Third Edi- tion. Edited, and with an Introduction, by Sir John Lubbock, Bart. London, 1868 A.R. vi, 191 A.R. vi, 114-116 A.R. vi, 279-285 A.R. vi, 301-316 240 Index. Reviews: 129. "Chapters on Man." Wake. London, 1868 By Charles Staniland 130. “Man's Origin and Destiny." By T. P. Lesley. London, 1868 131. "Scenes and Studies of Savage Life." By Gil- bert Malcolm Sproat. London, 1868. (K. R. H. M.) 132. "Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names ; or, an Attempt to trace the Religious Belief, Sacred Rites, and Holy Emblems of certain Nations, by an interpretation of the names given to children by priestly authority, or assumed by prophets, kings, and hierarchs." By Thomas Inman, M.D. (6 (C • ·· • >> 133. "Thesaurus Craniorum. Catalogue of the Skulls of the various Races of Men in the Collection of J. Barnard Davis, M.D., F.S.A. London, 1867." (C. C. B.) .. 134. "Archæologia, vol. xli; Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, New Series, vol. iii” 135. Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer Veränderlichkeit. Prolego- mena zu einer Ethnologie der Culturvölker." Von Dr. A. Bastian. Mit einer Karte von Prof. Kiepert, Berlin, 1868 ·· 136. "C Hertha, Zeitschrift for Naturwissenschaft und Völkerkunde." Herausgegeben von Dr. Frede- rich Rolle. Erster Band. Zweites Heft. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1868. (K. R. H. M.) A.R. vii, 117 137. “L'Homme Fossile en Europe; son industrie, ses mœurs, ses œuvres d'art.' Par H. Le Hon. Second Edition, Bruxelles, 1868 A.R. vii, 163-168 138. Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil, with a Full Account of the Gold and Diamond Mines; also, Canoeing down 1,500 miles of the Great River São Francisco, from Sabará to the Sea." By Captain Richard F. Burton. 2 vols. A.R. vii, 170-176 139. Lectures on Man, his Place in Creation and in the History of the Earth." By Carl Vogt. Edited by James Hunt, Ph.D., F.S.A. London. (J. MacGregor Allan) 140. "The Science of Man: a bird's-eye view of the wide and fertile field of Anthropology." By Charles Bray. 1868 ·· 141. "The Physiology and Pathology of the Mind.” By Henry Maudsley, M.D. London 142. “Tree and Serpent Worship; or, Illustrations of Mythology and Art in India in the First and Fourth Centuries after Christ. From the Sculptures of the Buddhist Topes at Sanchi and Amravati. Prepared under the Authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council." With introductory essays and descriptions of the plates. By James Fergusson, F.R.S. London, 1868 143. "Rapport sur le Progrès de l'Anthropologie." Par M. A. de Quatrefages. Paris, 1867 * • ·· A.R. vi, 316–323 A.R. vi, 356-366 A.R. vi, 366-378 A.R. vi, 378-386 A.R. vi, 386-394 A.R. vii, 95-97 A.R. vii, 98-100 A.R. vii, 177-184 A.R. vii, 185–189 A.R. vii, 192–195 A.R. vii, 217-230 A.R. vii, 231-239; viii, 28- 35 Index. 241 Reviews :- 144. " History of Medicine." By Thomas A. Wise, M.D. Vols. i and ii, London 145. "Ethnogénie Gauloise." Par Roget Bon. de Belloguet. Troisième partie. Le Génie Gaulois 146. “On the Anatomy of Vertebrates," vol. iii. By Richard Owen, F.R.S. London, 1868 147. "Das Judenthum in der Music." Von Richard CC Wagner. Leipzig, 1869. 148. "Wilhelm Lübcke und Eduard Hanslick über Richard Wagner." Berlin, 1869. 149. Offnes, billet-doux, etc., an Herrn Richard Von E. M. Oettinger, Dresden, Wagner." 1869. 150. Das Judenthum und Richard Wagner." Berlin, "C "" << 1869. 151. "Histoire du Lied ou la Chanson Populaire en Allemagne." Par Edouard Schuré. Paris, 1868 152. The Malay Archipelago," by Alfred Russel Wallace. London, 1869 153. "Prehistoric Nations; or, Enquiries concerning some of the Great Peoples and Civilisations of Antiquity, and their probable relation to a still older civilisation of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia." By John D. Baldwin, M.A. London, 1869 154. "Primeval Man; an Examination of some Recent Speculations." By the Duke of Argyll. 2nd Edit., 1869 CC .. ·· 155. The History of the Norman Conquest of England; its Causes and its Results." By Edward A. Freeman, M.A. 156. "Annals of the Florentine Geographical Society, and Petermann's Mittheilungen. "" 1868 157. "The Theory of the Arts; or, Art in Relation to Nature, Civilisation, and Man. Comprising an Investigation, Analytical, and Critical, into the Origin, Rise, Province, Principles, and Applica- tion of each of the Arts." By George Harris, F.S.A. 2 vols. 1869. (J. McGrigor Allan) 158. "The Book of Nature and the Book of Man." By C. O. Groom Napier, F.G.S. With a Preface by the late Lord Brougham and Vaux 159. "Postac Kazimierza Wielkiego wedlug wymiarów dokonanych przy przekładaniu szczatkow jego w dniu 7ym Lipca 1869 r. oznaczona przez Prof. Dra. J. Majera. Krakow; 1869." ("The Physical Characters of King Casimir the Great. From Measure- ments taking during the Transposition of his Remains on the 7th of July, 1869." Deter- mined by Prof. Dr. Joseph Majer. Cracow, 1869) •• >> 160. "Hereditary Genius: an Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences.' By Francis Galton, F.R.S.P. (George Harris) A.R. vii, 240-242 A.R. vii, 245-251 A.R. viii, 252-259 A.R. vii, 306–309 A.R. vii, 310-323 A.R. vii, 323-330 A.R. vii, 376-380 A.R. viii, 1-14 A.R. viii, 91–93 A.R. viii, 145–162 A.R. viii, 162–178 J.A. 51-56 J.A. 56-65 R 242 Index, Reviews 161. "Lebensbericht van Prof. Jan Van der Hoeven.” Door Prof. G. Ph. F. Groshans. Leyden, 1870 162. Nouvelles Recherches sur l'Anthropologie de la France en général, et la Basse Bretagne en particulier." Par M. Paul Broca 163. "Les Carthaginois en France; La Colonie Lybio- Phénicienne du Liby." Par Jules Ollier de Marichard et Pruner-Bey 164. "Patronymica Cornu-Brittanica; or, the Ety- mology of Cornish Surnames." By Richard Stephen Charnock, Ph.D., F.S.A. London, 1870. 166. CC 165. "The Lifted and Subsided Rocks of America, with their Influences on the Oceanic, Atmos- pheric, and Land Currents, and the Distribu- tion of Races." By George Catlin. London, 1870. (C. C. B.) Intermarriage of Kindred. Annual Address delivered before the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York, January 26th, 1870.' By Alexander Wilder, M.D. 167. "Notes and Conjectural Emendations of Certain Doubtful Passages in Shakespeare's Plays." By P. A. Daniel, London, 1870 CC Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner. Sechs Skizzen." Von Dr. C. Semper. 1869. (Woodcut) Würtzburg, 168. CC .. " 169. "The Mythology of the Aryan Nations." By George W. Cox, M.A. 2 vols. London, 1870. 170. "The Origin and Development of Religious Belief." By S. Baring-Gould, M.A. Part I. Heathenism and Mosaism, 1869. • • 171. "Lectures on the Science of Religion," by Prof. Max Müller (Fraser's Magazine for April, May, June, July, 1870) 172. "Flint Chips." By Edward F. Stevens. London, 1870. (W. B. K.) 173. "Twelve Lectures on Primitive Civilisations." By John P. Mahaffy, A.M. (J. W. Jackson) 174. "Families of Speech; Four Lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain.” By the Rev. Frederic W. Farrar, M.A., F.R.S. London, 1870. (R. S. C.) ** ·· 175. "A Handbook of Phrenology." By C. Donovan. London, 1870. (C. C. B.) 176. "The German Working Man; his Institutions for Self-Culture and his Unions for Material Progress." By James Samuelson. 1869 ·· London, 177. "The Rosicrucians: their Rites and Mysteries; with Chapters on the Ancient Fire- and Serpent-Worshippers, etc." By Hargrave Jennings. London, 1870 178. "Observations on the Geography and Archæc· logy of Peru." By the Hon. E. G. Squier, M.A., F.S.A. London, 1870 179. “The Indians of Cape Flattery, at the Entrance ·· • • .. J.A. 70–72 J.A. 89-94 J.A. 105 J.A. 106, 107 J.A. 107 J.A. 131-144 J.A. 149-164 J.A. 164-170 J.A. 170-180 J.A. 188-192 J.A. 197-199 J.A. 235, 236 J.A. 236 J.A. 236, 237 Index. 243 Reviews :- to the Strait of Fuca, Washington Territory." By James G. Swan, (Smithsonian Contribu- tions to Knowledge.) 1869. 180. "The Grey Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium." By John Dean, M.D. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.) 1869 181. Bischoff, Th. L. W. Ueber die Verschiedenheit in der Schädel bildung des Gorilla, Chimpansé, und Orang-Outang, vorzüglich nach Geschlecht und Alter, nebst einer Bemerkung über die Darwin'sche Theorie. München, 1867. Bec. von Rütimeyer. (Translated from the third and concluding part of Archiv für Anthropolo- gie, 1868).. (( 182. Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner." Von Dr. C. Semper. Würzburg, 1869 183. "The Life of Robert Knox, the Anatomist, a Sketch of his Life and Writings." By his Pupil and Colleague, Henry Lonsdale. With Por- traits. London 184. "The Celtic Origin of the Greek and Latin Languages." By Thomas Stratton. Edin- burgh, 1870. 185. "Lectures Introductory to a History of the Latin Language and Literature." By John Words- worth, M.A., Oxford, 1870. 186. "The Asiatic Affinities of the Old Italians." By Robert Ellis, B.D. London, 1870 • 187. Matter for Materialists: a Series of Letters in Vindication and Extension of the Principles regarding the Nature of Existence of the Right Rev. Dr. Berkeley." By Thomas Doubleday. London, 1870 (( ·· 188. "The Moabite Stone: a Fac-simile of the Original Inscription, with an English Trans- lation and a Historical and Critical Commen- tary." By Christian D. Ginsburg, LL.D. London, 1870 (C ·· Réville. London, 1870.. 196. "The Propensitorial Zodiac; or, Psychoneurology J.A. 237 •• J.A. 268-277 J.A. 296-307 J.A. 332-338 "" 189. "The Modern Thinker: an Organ for the most Advanced Speculations in Philosophy, Science, Sociology, and Religion. New York, 1870.. 190. "The Peoples of Transylvania." By Richard Stephen Charnock, Ph. Dr. London, 1870 .. J.A. 355 191. An Address Delivered in the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology." (British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1870.) By John Evans, F.R.S., F.S.A. 192. "Old Showers." By Carribber. London, 1870. 193. "Ancient Manorial Customs, Tenures, etc., of the County of Essex." By Richard Stephen Charnock, Ph. Dr. London, 1870. 194. "The Picture Gallery of the Nations: For the Young." London 195. "History of the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Translated from the French of Albert Christ." J.A. 338-345 J.A. 345-349 J.A. 349-354 J.A. 355, 366 J.A. 356 J.A. 356, 357 R 2 244 Index. Reviews :- 197. "Captain Fryer's Paper, in the Royal Asiatic Society's Journal, on the Hill Tribes of Tra- vancore and Cochin " 199. CC 198. The Malay Archipelago: the Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. A 200. (C of the Mental Faculties, as Governed and Developed by the Animal Nature; shown by a Demonstrative Chart entitled an Anthro- pological Catholicon." By Robert T. Stothard. London, 1870 Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature." By Alfred Russel Wallace. 1869.. J.E.S., N.S. i, 81 Reliquiæ Aquitaniæ; being Contributions to the Archæology and Paleontology of Périgord and the adjoining Provinces of Southern France." By Edward Lartet and Henry Christy. Edited by T. Rupert Jones. 1865-68 J.E.S., N.S. i, 83, 84 "Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, includ- ing Visits to Mounts Ida, Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, etc." By the Rev. H. Fanshaw Tozer, M.A. 1869 201. Juventus Mundi, the Gods and Men of the Homeric Age." By the Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. 1869. (Hyde Clarke) 202. "Daily Life and Origin of the Tasmanians." By James Bonwick, F.R.G.S. 1870. 203. "The Last of the Tasmanians; or, the Black War of Van Diemen's Land." By James Bonwick, F.R.G.S. 1870 . • (C CC 204. “Il Brahui: Studio di Etnologia Linguistica.' Di Felice Finzi. Firenze, 1870. (Hyde 210. 211. " • • .. "The Miau-Tsi." By the Rev. J. Edkins. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 8. Mechanism in Thought and Morals." By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Second Edition. London, 1871. See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 9 .. "" ·· J.A. 357 Clarke.) See Anthropological Miscellanea, 2 J.A.I. i, 118, 119 205. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia.” (F. W. R.) See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 3 206. “Body and Mind: an Inquiry into their Con- nection and Mutual Influence, specially in Reference to Mental Disorders, being the Gulstonian Lectures for 1870." By Henry Maudsley, M.D.Lond. London, 1870. (Delta.) See Anthropological Miscellanea, 4 207. "Darwinism: being an Examination of Mr. St. George Mivart's 'Genesis of Species.' By Chauncey Wright. London, 1871. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 5 > "" 208. "Man contemplated Physically, Morally, Intel- lectually, and Spiritually." By J. W. Jackson, M.A.I. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 6. 209. "The Huron Race, and its Head-form." By Daniel Wilson, LL.D. See Anthropological Miscellanea, ry. .. J.E.S., N.S. i, 80 J.E.S., N.S. i, 200 J.E.S., N.S. i, 321-331 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 95 J.A.I. i, 119, 120 J.A.I. i, 254 J.A.I. i, 261 J.A.I. i, 262 J.A.I. i, 263 Index. 245 215. " tr Reviews: 212. "A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for India, including the Outline of a History of Crime against the Person in India. By Norman Chevers, M.D. Calcutta, 1870. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 19. ·· 213. "La Race Prussienne." Par A. De Quatrefages. Paris, 1871. See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 20.. 214. “Les Grecs à toutes les Époques." Par un Ancien Diplomate en Orient. Paris, 1870. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 21. Quadri della Natura Umana, Feste ed Ebbrezze.” Di Paolo Mantegazza. Milan, 1870. Anthropological Miscellanea, 22 .. 216. “Organic Philosophy." Vol. iii. Outlines of Biology. Body, Soul, Mind, Spirit. By Hugh Doherty, M.D. London, 1871. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 23 217. "Sur la Déformation Toulousaine du Crâne.” Par M. Baul Broca. Paris, 1872. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 24 "On Mankind, their Origin and Destiny." By an M.A. of Balliol College, Oxford. London, 218. 221. (C 225. • tr "" ·· 220. "Recherches sur l'Ethnologie de la Belgique." Par Léon Vanderkindere. Bruxelles, 1872. (C. Carter Blake.) See Anthropological Miscellanea, 30 "" • See 1872. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 27 J.A.I. ii, 307 219. "Étude sur les Races Indigènes de l'Australie." Par le Docteur Paul Topinard. Paris, 1872. (C. S. W.) See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 28.. .. 222. What am I? A Popular Introduction to the Study of Psychology." By Edward William Cox, Serjeant-at-Law. Vol. i. The Mechanism of Man. London, 1873. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 36 223. What am I?" Vol. ii. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 45 ·· 224. "The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America." By Hubert Howe Bancroft. London, 1875. (J. P. H.) See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 46 ·· The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals." By Charles Darwin, M.A., F.R.S., etc. London, 1872. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 32 .. Cave-hunting. Researches on the evidence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe." By W. Boyd Dawkins, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.S.A. 1874. 1874. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 47 226. "The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America." By H. H. Bancroft. Vol. ii. London, 1875. (J. P. H.) See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 51 227. "The Mind of Man; being a Natural System of Mental Philosophy." By Alfred Smee, J.A.I. ii, 131, 132 J.A.I. ii, 132 J.A.I. ii, 133 J.A.I. ii,134 J.A.I. ii, 307 J.A.I. ii, 310 J.A.I. ii, 444-446 J.A.I. iii, 123 J.A.I. iii, 530 J.A.I. iv, 503 J.A.I. iv 503, 504 J.A.I. v, 114, 115 246 Index. Reviews :- F.R.S. London, 1875. (G. H.) See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 52 228. "Treatise on Man." By George Harris, LL.D., F.S.A. London, 1876. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 66 230. • • .. 229. "The Mechanism of Man; in answer to the Question, What am I?" By E. W. Cox. Vol.i. The Mechanism. London, 1876. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 68 The Other World; or, Glimpses of the Super- natural, etc." Edited by the Rev. F. G. Lee, D.C.L. London, 1875. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 69 CC 231. "Anthropology." By Dr. Paul Topinard. Trans- lated by Robert T. H. Bartley, M.D. London, 1878. (W. L. D.) See Anthropological Miscellanea, 91 ¦ • 239. ·· CC 232. "Illyrian Letters." By Arthur J. Evans, B.A., F.S.A. London, 1878. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Glean- ings" << ·· 233. "Catalogue of Specimens Illustrating the Osteology and Dentition of Vertebrated Animals, recent and extinct, contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England." By W. H. Flower. Part I. Man: Homo sapiens, Linn. 1879. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 114. Recent Litera- ture 234. "Early Man in Britain and his place in the Tertiary Period." By W. Boyd Dawkins, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.S.A. London, 1880. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 114. Recent Literature ·· .. 235. "The Folk-lore, Manners, Customs, and Lan- guages of the South Australian Aborigines, gathered from Inquiries made by Authority of the South Australian Government." Edited by the late Rev. G. Taplin, of Point Macleay. 1st Series. Adelaide, 1879. See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 114. Recent Litera- ture • 236. “Die Ethnographisch-Anthropologische Abtheil- ung des Museum Godeffroy in Hamburg." Ein Beitrag zur Kunde der Südsee-Völker von J. D. E. Schmeltz und Dr. med. R. Krause. Hamburg, 1881. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 114. Recent Literature 237. "Who are the Scotch ?" By James Bonwick, F.R.G.S. London, 1880. See Anthropolo- gical Miscellanea, 114. Recent Literature. 238. "Manuel du Voyageur." By D. Kaltbrunner. Zurich, 1879, and Paris. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 114. Recent Literature. Aide Mémoire du Voyageur." By D. Kalt- brunner. Zurich, 1881, and Paris. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 114. Recent Literature J.A.I. v, 115-117 J.A.I. vi, 92-95 J.A.I. vi, 97, 98 J.A.I. vi, 98, 99 J.A.I. vii, 540–542 J.A.I. viii, 101 J.A.I. x, 231 J.A.I. x, 232 J.A.I. x, 234 J.A.I. x, 236 J.A.I. x, 237 Index. 247 Reviews: 240. "Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge." Vol. xxii. (A. W. Buckland.) See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 118 .. 241. Geiger's History of the Development of the Human Race." (C. S. Wake.) See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 119 242. "Rivers of Life; or, Sources and Streams of the Faiths of Man in all Lands, showing the Evolu- tion of Faiths from the Rudest Symbolisms to the latest Spiritual Developments." By Major- General J. G. R. Forlong, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.E., &c. London, 1882. 2 vols, 4to. (C. Staniland Wake.) See Anthropological Miscellanea, 136.. 243. "Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1880-81." (A. W. Buckland.) See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 148 See 244. "Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Eth- nology, 1881-82." (A. W. Buckland.) Anthropological Miscellanea, 155 .. 245. "Introduction à l'étude des Races Humaines: Questions Générales." Par A. De Quatrefages. 8vo. Paris, 1887. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 166 (C 252. ·· 246. "Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Eth- nology." (A. W. Buckland.) See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 175 247. “Gen. Pitt Rivers's Explorations." See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 195 248. Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, 1883-4, 1884-5." See Anthropological Miscellanea, 220.. 249. "Album von Celébes-Typen." By Dr. A. B. Meyer. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 223. (C .. (( • ·· •• • 250. "The Aborigines of Tasmania." By H. Ling Roth. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 223. 251. "The Lake Dwellings of Europe." By Dr. Robert Munro. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 223 Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia; being the Ilchester Lectures for 1889-90." By Maxime Kovalevsky. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 228 Th GRA • ·· 253. Primitive Folk: Studies in Comparative Eth- nology." By Elie Reclus. By Elie Reclus. See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 229. 254. "Races and Peoples: Lectures on the Science of Ethnography." By Daniel G. Brinton, A.M., M.D. 255. “The Vikings of Western Christendom." By C. F. Keary, M.A., F.S.A. C 256. The American Race. A Linguistic Classi- fication and Ethnographic Description of the Native Tribes of North and South America." By Daniel G. Brinton, M.D. New York, 1891. J.A.I. x, 363 J.A.I. x, 366 J.A.I. xii, 568-573 J.A.I. xiv, 396-398 J.A.I. xv, 501 J.A.I. xvi, 425, 426 J.A.I. xvii, 187 J.A.I. xviii, 200 J.A.I. xx, 105 J.A.I. xx, 222 J.A.I. xx, 361 J.A.I. xx, 362 i 248 Index, Reviews: 257. "The Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species." By Francis P. Pascoe, F.L.S. 1890 J.A.I. xx, 365 258. "Exploratory Survey of Part of the Lewes, Tat- on-duc, Porcupine, Bell, Trout, Peel, and Mackenzie Rivers. By William Ogilvie. 1887-8. Ottawa, 1890. 259. "Three Years in Western China." By Alexander Hosie, M.A. >> "" ·· 260. "Nature." (1891, January and February) 261. "The American Anthropologist." No. 4; Vol. iv, No. 1) 262. "The Transactions of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science." 1890. 263. "The American Antiquarian." (Vol. xiii, No. 1) 264. "L'Anthropologie.' (Vol. ii, No. 1) 265. "The Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay." (Vol. ii, No. 1.) 266. "Science." (February, 1891) 267. “Bulletin of the Anthropological Society of Brussels." (Vol. viii.) 268. "Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal." 1890 269. “Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.” 1889, 1890.. 270. “Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland." (Vol. i, No. 3.) 271. "Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh." (Vol. xxxv, Part 4.) 272. "Proceedings of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Scotland." (Vol. xi.) 273. "Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan." (Vol. xvi, Part 2.) 274. "Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society." (January, 1891.) CC ·· ·· (Vol. iii, .. ·· • J.A.I. xx, 365, 366 J.A.I. xx, 366 J.A.I. xx, 367, 368 275. "The Archeological Journal." 1890. (No. 188) J.A.I. xx, 371 276. "Folk-Lore." (Vol. ii, No. 1.) · J.A.I. xx, 368 J.A.I. xx, 368, 369 277. "The Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology." (Vol. xii, Part 4.) 278. "The Bulletin of the Anthropological Society of Paris." (Vol. i, Parts 1-3) 279. "The Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of Paris." (Vol. iv, Part 2) 280. "The Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales." (Vol. xxiii, Part 2; vol. xxiv, Part 1) 281. "Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society." (Vol. xxiv) 282. "Sixth Report on the North-Western Tribes of Canada," British Association for the Advance- ment of Science, Leeds Meeting, 1890 283. "The Smithsonian Report," National Museum, for 1888 .. 284. The Smithsonian Report," 1888 285. "The Transactions of the Canadian Institute." (Vol. i, Part 1.) 286. "Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall." (Vol. x, Part 2) J.A.I. xx, 379 287. "Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads, found in .. • J.A.I. xx, 369 J.A.I. xx, 370 J.A.I. xx, 370, 371 J.A.I. xx, 372 J.A.I. xx, 372, 373 J.A.I. xx, 373, 374 J.A.I. XX, J.A.I. xx, 374-378 J.A.1. xx, 378, 379 374 Inder. 249 Reviews :- (C or near the Valley of the John Day River, a Tributary of the Columbia River, Oregon." By James Terry 288. " Archæologia." (Vol. liii, Part 1.) 289. "The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries." (Vol. xiii, No. 2.) 290. Revue Mensuelle de l'École d'Anthropologie de Paris." (Nos. 2, 3.) 291. "The Proceedings of the Boston Natural His- tory Society." (Vol. xxiv) 292. (( • Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales." (Vol. ii, Part 2) << 293. Archiv für Anthropologie." (Vol. xix, Part 4) Réville, Albert. History of the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ." Review Reynard the Fox in South Africa. By W. H. J. Bleek." • 0 Review Rhabdomancy and Belomancy, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 64 << CC • • CC ·· • see Buckland, A. W. Rhætian Alps, Ethnological Observations on their In- habitants, see Freund, W. Rialle, Girard de, French Anthropology, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 99 Ricardo, M. Obituary Rickard (Major), on the Skeleton of a Pampas Indian. 17th January, 1865 .. • • • ·· ·· •• Riddles, Fijian, see Fison, L. Ridley (Rev.), William (M. A.), Australian Languages and Traditions. 10th April, 1877. (Woodcuts.) (Dated 21st July, 1873).. • ·· ·· ·· Report on Australian Languages and Traditions. 17th June, 1872.. • on the Kamilaroi Tribe of Australians and their Dialect. 3rd May, 1854 Rig Veda, Fetichism of Rigby, (Colonel) C. P., on the Origin of the Somali Race which Inhabits the North Eastern Portion of Africa. 27th February, 1866 Righthandedness, see Shaw, • Ring-Money," Irish (Ex. 225) Rink (Dr.), Henry, on the Descent of the Eskimo. With ·· .. ·· • • • Discussion. 22nd April, 1872 the Eskimo Dialects as Serving to Determine the Relationship between the Eskimo Tribes. 9th June, 1885 20 the Migrations of the Eskimo indicated by their Progress in completing the Kayak Imple- ments. With Discussion. 22nd March, 1887 on a Safe Conclusion concerning the Origin of the Eskimo, which can be Drawn from the Desig- nation of Certain Objects in their Language. With Discussion. 10th December, 1889 • Rio Negro, Arrow-heads from (Ex. 176) Rise and Fall of Nations, Causes which Determine Rising, (Lieut.), on the Artificial Eyes of Certain Peruvian Mummies. With Notes by F. Galton, F.R.S. 10th January, 1865 ·· ·· J.A.I. xx, 379, 380 J.A.I. xx, 380 J.A.I. xx, 380, 381 J.A I. xx, 381 J.A. 356 A.R. iii, 138 J.A.I. v, 494 J.A.I. v, 436 J.E.S. iv, 268 J.A.I. ix, 233 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xliv A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiv J.A.I. xi, 406 J.A.I. vii, 232–268 J.A.I. ii, 257-291 J.E.S. iv, 285–293 Anthrop. p. cxii T.E.S. v, J.A.I. vii, 94 J.A.I. vii, 277 J.A.I. ii, 104-108 91-95 J.A.I. xv, 239–245 J.A.I. xvii, 68–74 J.A.I. xix, 452-458 J.A.I. iv, 311 Anthrop. 217 T.E.S. iv, 59–60 I 250 Index. Risley, H. H., (M.A.) Ethnographic Researches in India. Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 225 the Study of Ethnology in India. With Discussion. 24th June, 1890 Rivers, (Lieut.-Gen.) A. H. Pitt, (D.C.L., F.R.S.), [Col. A. Lane Fox], on an Ancient British Settlement excavated near Rushmore, Salisbury. With Discus- sion. 28th June, 1887.. Anniversary Address, 1876. 25th Jan- uary, 1876 Anniversary Address. 30th January, 1877 Anniversary Address to the Anthropolo- gical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 24th January, 1882 ·· on a Bronze Spear from Lough Gur, Limerick. 26th January, 1869. (Plate) Note on the Chest Measurement of Re- cruits. With Discussion. 23rd March, 1875. (Wood- cuts) • on the Death of Professor Rolleston. 28th June, 1881 ·· a Description of Certain Piles found near London Wall and Southwark, possibly the Remains of Pile Dwellings. With Discussion. 18th Decem- ber, 1866. (Plate) (C on the Discovery of Chert Implements in Stratified Gravel in the Nile Valley near Thebes. With Discussion. 14th June, 1881. (9 Plates and Map) • Discovery of a Dug-out Canoe in the Thames at Hampton Court, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 81 on the Distribution and Varieties of a Padlock. Title only. 21st March, 1882 on the Distribution of Megalithic Struc- tures. 9th February, 1869 22nd on Early Modes of Navigation. December, 1874. With Discussion • on the Egyptian Boomerang and its Affini- ties. 11th July, 1882. (Plate and Woodcuts) Enquiries into Customs relating to War, see Report of the Arctic Committee." Appen- dix ·· • • J.A.I. xx, 290 J.A.I. xx, 235-263 in Cissbury Camp, Sussex; being a Report of the Exploration Committee of the Anthro- pological Institute for the year 1875. With Discus- sion. 23rd November, 1875. (6 Plates) on Excavations in the Earthwork called Dane's Dyke, at Flamborough, in October, 1879; and J.A.I. xvii, 190–201 J.A.I. v, 468–488 J.A.I. vi, 491-510 J.A.I. xi, 488–508 J.E.S., N.S. i, 36–38 J.A.I. V, 101-106 J.A.I. xi, 312 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. lxxi- lxxxiii J.A.I. xi, 382–400 J.A.I. vii, 102 J.A.I. xii, 176 J.E.S., N.S. i, 59–67 J.A.I. iv, 399–437 J.A.I. xii, 454-463 J.A.I. ii, 298 relating to Certain Arrow Marks and Other Signs in Use among the Esquimaux, see (6 Report of the Arctic Committee." Appendix J.A.I. ii, 300 to Drawing, Carving, and Ornamentation, see "Report of the Arctic Com- mittee." Appendix ·· Excavations in the Camp and Tumulus at Seaford, Sussex. With Discussion. 14th November, 1876. (2 Plates) J.A.I. ii, 301 J.A.I. vi, 287–299 J.A.I. v, 357–390 Index. 251 10th on the Earthworks of the Yorkshire Wolds. January, 1882. (Map, 2 Plates, and Tables) Rivers, (Lieut.-Gen.) A. H. Pitt, (D.C.L., F.R.S.), [Col. A. Lane Fox], Exhibition of Flint Bracelets and Other Articles found near Thebes. 6th May, 1873.. of a Marble Armlet from Lukoja on the Niger. 26th January, 1869. (Woodcut) Explorations, see Anthropological Mis- .. cellanea, 195 on some Flint Implements found associated with Roman Remains in Oxfordshire and the Isle of Thanet. 8th December, 1868.. Human Remains discovered by, at Wood- cuts, Rotherley, etc., see Beddoe, J... Note on the Use of the New Zealand Mere. 11th January, 1870 Observations on Mr. Man's Collection of Andamanese and Nicobarese Objects; with Extracts from Letters from Mr. Man on the Arts of the Anda- manese and Nicobarese, and on the Epidemic of Measles in the Andamans; together with a Descrip- tive List of Andamanese and Nicobarese Implements, Ornaments, etc., presénted to Major-General Lane Fox (Pitt-Rivers). By E. H. Man. With Dis- cussion. 8th January, 1878. (5 Plates and Wood- cuts) • ·· Observations on the Topography of Sig- well. 14th May, 1878. (2 Plates) .. Opening of the Dyke Road, or Black Burgh Tumulus, near Brighton, in 1872. 14th November, 1876. (2 Plates.) on the Opening of two Cairns near Bangor, North Wales. With Discussion. 8th March, 1870. (Plate) Preservation of Ancient Monuments and Antiquities in Ohio, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 86 on the Principles of Classification adopted in the Arrangement of his Anthropological Collection, now exhibited in the Bethnal Green Museum. (Read at a Special Meeting of the Institute held at the Bethnal Green Museum on the 1st July, 1874, on the Occasion of the Opening of the Collection to the Public.) (Plate) ·· Report on a Collection of Implements, etc., from Saint-Brieuc, Normandy. 18th March, 1872 J.A.I. xi, 455-470 Report of Measurements taken of the Officers and Men of the 2nd Royal Surrey Militia according to the General Instructions drawn up by J.A.I. iii, 139 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35, 36 J.A.I. xviii, 200 J.E.S., N.S. i, 1–12 J.A.I. xix, 2 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 106–109 J.A.I. vii, 434-469 J.A.I. viii, 191–194 J.A.I. vi, 280-287 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 306–324 J.A.I. vii, 186 on a proposed Exploration of Stonehenge by a Committee of the British Association. 9th November, 1869.. J.E.S., N.S. ii, 1–5 Report on Anthropology at the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1872, at Brighton. 3rd December, 1872 J.A.I. ii, 350–362 Report on the Anthropometric Committee of the British Association, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 89 J.A.I. iv, 293–308 J.A.I. vii, 391 J.A.I. ii, 68, 69 252 Index. the Anthropometric Committee of the British As- sociation. With Discussion. 23rd January, 1877. (Woodcuts) Rivers, (Lieut.-Gen.) A. H. Pitt, (D.C.L., F.R.S.), [Col. A. Lane Fox], Rough Stone Implement from Borneo. 8th November, 1870. (Woodcut) on a Series of about two hundred Flint and Chert Arrow-heads, Flakes, Thumbflints, and Borers, from the Rio Negro, Patagonia; with some Remarks on the Stability of Form Observable in Stone Implements. With Discussion. 10th Nov- ember, 1874. (2 Plates) Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 85.. Stone Celts from the Shevaroy Hills, India. 3rd December, 1872 on the Threatened Destruction of the British Earthworks near Dorchester, Oxfordshire. 21st June, 1870.. • ·· ·· •• on Votive Statuettes found at Tanagra, Beotia. With Discussion. 28th November, 1876.. Exhibition of Weapons and Implements from Costa Rica. With Discussion. 28th November, 1874 ·· •• see Rolleston, G., and A. Lane Fox (Pitt Rivers) "Rivers of Life." Review. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 136 Rivett-Carnac, H., Stone Implements from India, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 138.. Roberts, C., Eyesight of Savage and Civilized People. on some Arrow-heads and other Imple- ments of Quartz and Flint from the Bin of Cullen (Elginshire). Extracted from Letters received from Alexander Bryson, Esq., F.R.S.E. 15th December, 1863 J.A.I. iv, 363-364 J.A.I. viii, 185 J.A.I. xii, 568 J.A.I. xiii, 119 With Discussion. 24th March, 1885. (Woodcut).. J.A.I. xv, 127–131 Roberts, George E., Anthropological Notes Extracted from the New York State Documents A.R. ii, 210-213 ·· on the Discovery of Large Kist-vaens on the "Muckle Heog" in the Island of Unst, Shetland, containing Urns of Chloritic Schist. 6th December, 1864. (Plate) .. ·· on the Discovery of Large Kist-vaens in the Muckle Heog, in the Island of Unst, Shetland, containing Urns of Chlorit c Schist. With Notes upon the Human Remains by C. Carter Blake. 6th December, 1864. Discussion • J.A.I. vi, 443–457 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xxxix .. J.A.I. iv, 311–323 J.A.I. vii, 186 J.A.I. ii, 348-350 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 412-415 J.A.I. vi, 310-316 + A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxiv M.A.S. i, 296–298 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. xl-xlvi; xlviii-lx Notes upon the Discovery of Mammalian Bones Cut and Sawn by Implements of Flint at Audley End (Essex). With Discussion. 15th December, 1863. (Section of ground) Memorial Portrait of, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 61 Note upon the Opening of a Kist of the Stone Age upon the Coast of Elgin. With a descrip- tion of the skeleton, by Professor Busk, F.R.S. With Discussion. 3rd November, 1868. (Plate) A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. vi-xi A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. lxi-lxiii A.R. iv, 208 Index. 253 Roberts, George E., Prehistoric Dwellings, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 22 on some Prehistoric Dwellings in Ross- shire. Extracted from Letters from the Rev. J. M. Joass. With an Introduction by G. E. Roberts. With Discussion. 16th February, 1864 .. some further Notes upon Prehistoric Hut- circles. 20th December, 1864. (Plate) see Blake, C. C., and G. E. R... see Bolton, J., and G. E. R. see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 20. "Anthropology and Geology and C. Carter Blake, on a Jaw from Buildwas Abbey, County Salop. With Discussion. 31st May, 1864 .. • • .. "" O and G. Busk, Notes upon the Opening of a Cist of the Stone Age, on the Coast of the Moray Frith. (Bannat Hill.) Abstract Robin Hood Cave, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 67 Robins, T. Valentine, a few Remarks on the Bunu Tribe of Central Africa. With Discussion. 20th February, 1866 ·· Notes and Sketches on the Niger. 13th February, 1866 .. Rochet, ., Analytical Account of the Chief Characters Tending to Separate Man from Animals. lation Trans- · .. Rock Carvings from British Guiana (Ex. 27) found in the Neighbourhood of Sydney, see Nicholson, Charles Inscriptions in Brazil, see Whitfield, J... Paintings in New Zealand, see Haast, Julius von Rodwell, G. F., see Fergus, W., and G. F. R., on Marl- borough College Statistics Rodwells, J., on Tumuli at Livermere Rokitansky, C., Opening Address to the Anthropological Society of Vienna. 13th February, 1870 Rolle, Dr. Friedrich, "Der Mensch, seine Abstammung und Gesittung im Lichte der Darwin'schen Lehre, etc. Frankfurt-a-Maine, 1865." "Hertha." Review • Rolleston, F., "Mazzaroth, or the Constellations," to which is added 'Mizraim, or the Astronomy of Egypt." 1865. See Astronomical Traditions Rolleston, G., (M.D., F.R.S.), Note on the Animal Remains found at Cissbury. 23rd November, 1875. (Plate) Bronze Spear-heads from Newbury Death of, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Description of a Male Skeleton found at Cissbury. Title only. 14th May, 1878 Obituary Notice on the People of the Long Barrow Period. With Discussion. 13th April, 1875. (3 Plates) Notes on the Skeleton found at Cissbury, April, 1878. With Discussion. With Discussion. 7th January, 1879. (Plate) and Major-General A. Lane Fox, F.R.S., • .. A.R. ii, 151 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cxxxv- cxxxviii A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. lx-lxv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccliv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccli A.R. ii, 149 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. cclxxii, cclxxiii A.R. i, 403 J.A.I. vi, 95 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cx-cxiv T.E.S. v, 82-90 A.R. vii, 168-170 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 416 J.A.I. ix, 31 J.A.I. iii, 114 J.A.I. viii, 50 J.A.I. iv, 126 Anthrop. p. lxx J.A. 72-79 A.R. vi, 21-26 A.R. vii, 117 A.R. iii, 325 J.A.I. vi, 20–36 J.A.I.iii, 204 J.A.I. xi, 312 J.A.I. viii, 184 J.A.I. ix, 485 J.A.I. v, 120-173 J.A.I. viii, 377-389 254 Index. Report of Excavation of a Twin-Barrow and a Single Round Barrow at Sigwell (Six Wells), Parish of Compton, Somerset. With an Appendix on the Topography of Sigwell. By Major-General A. Lane Fox (Pitt Rivers). 14th May, 1878. (3 Plates) Rolleston, H. D., (B.A.), Description of the Cerebral Hemispheres of an Adult Australian Male. 22nd February, 1887. (Plate) Rolph, G. F., see Quatrefages, A. de, on the Abbeville Jaw Roman and the Celt. Review. See "Cæsar, Julius" Circus at Paris, see Anthropological Notes, 12 Roman Intercourse with Ireland Price ·· see Wright, T. Locks (Ex. 275) Remains in Oxfordshire and the Isle of Thanet. (Fox, Col. A. Lane) Sewer, Jaw-bone from (Ex. 85) Villa at Brading, Animal Remains found at (Ex. ·· ·· 1886 .. ·· 258) "Roman and the Teuton. By C. Kingsley." Review Romanish Languages of Switzerland and the Tyrol, see Freund, W. Romano-British Burial Urn (Ex. 271) Cemetery at Seaford, see Price, F. G. H. and J. E. Price.. see Price, F. G. H. and J. E. · ·· · • · ·· Mosaic Pavements, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 159 Romans in North Africa, Longevity of, see Talbot de Malahide .. ·· • Rosario, Skulls from (Ex. 90) Rose, Wilmot, Exhibition of a Large Collection of Flint and Stone Implements from Denmark and Sleswig- Holstein. 19th November, 1867, and 17th December, 1867 • on Flint and Stone Implements from Den- mark and Sleswig-Holstein. With Discussion Rosehill (Lord), Exhibition of Flint Implements from Honduras. Discussion. 13th February, 1877 "Rosicrucians, The: their Rites and Mysteries: with Chapters on the Ancient Fire- and Serpent-Worship- pers, etc. By Hargrave Jennings. 1870." See Con- temporary Literature Ross, (Rev.) W., Curious Coincidences in the Celtic and Maori Vocabulary. 10th April, 1877 Rosset, C. W., on the Maldive Islands, more especially treating of Málé Atol. 8th June, 1886 Ross-shire, Prehistoric Dwellings in, see Roberts, G. E. Roth, H. Ling, the Aborigines of Hispaniola. 9th No- vember, 1886 • ◄ Australian Tunes, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 165 on the Origin of Agriculture. 13th April, .. .. J.A.I. viii, 185-194 J.A.I. xvii, 32–42 A.R. i, 312 A.R. v, 151-175 J.A. 116 A.R. iv, 180-186 A.R. iv, 366-371 T.E.S. v, 168 J.A.I. xii, 176 J.E.S., N.S. i, 1 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxix J.A.I. xi, 116 A.R. iv, 22 J.E.S. iii, 178 J.A.I. xii, 68 J.A.I. vi, 300 J.A.I. x, 130 J.A.I. xvi, 99 J.A.I. xii, 441 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. clxxvii A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. xx, xxi; x1-1 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. xl-1 J.A.I. vii, 19, 20 J.A. 236 J.A.I. vii. 123, 124 J.A.I. xvi, 164–174 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxxxv J.A.I. xvi, 247-286 J.A.I. xvi, 425 J.A.I. xvi, 102–136 Index. 255 Roth, H. Ling, on Salutations. 14th May, 1889.. Roth's "Aborigines of Tasmania." Review Rotherley, Human Remains from, see Beddoe, J. Rothwell, Skulls from, see Busk, G. (Ex. 121) Rotumah, Tombs in the Island of, see Wood, W. W. Rougemont, Ph. de, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 101 .. A. L. Round Barrow Crania Round Barrow Skulls, see Blake, C. C. ·· Skulls, see Mortimer, J. R. Round Island, Fauna of, see Anthropological News, 186 Roussillon, (Duc) du, see Charnock, R. S., on the Scytho- Cimmerian Origin of the Langue Romane. Review Rowbotham, J. F., Čertain Reasons for believing that the Art of Music in Prehistoric times passed through three distinct stages of development, each characterized by the invention of a new form of instrument, and that these stages invariably succeeded one another in the same order in various parts of the world. With Dis- cussion. 9th November, 1880.. • Rowley, John, Language of the Aborigines of George's River, Cowpasture, and Appin, see Ridley, W. "Australian Languages and Traditions " Rubbing from Ogham Inscription in the Shetland Islands (Ex. 223) Rubbings from Door-posts and Window-frames in New Zealand (Ex. 254) from Runic Inscription in Cunningsburgh Church- yard (Ex. 223) Rude Stone Monuments, Arthurian theory of Rude Stone Monuments in the country of the Carnutes, see Lewis, A. L. ·· ·· .. M. J. Rude Tribes of Southern India, see Shortt, J... · • ·· • J.A.I. xix, 65 J.A.I. xix, 66 (Ex. 396). J.A.I. xix, 66 East of Jordan, see Conder, C. R. J.A.I. xix, 65 (Ex. 397).. in Kent, see Lewis, A. L. Kentish group in North Wales, see Lewis, A. L. J.A.I. vii, 118 Oxfordshire group.. J.A.I. vii, 140 Anthrop. 511 Anthrop. 508 in Westmoreland, see Lewis, J.A.I. xv, 165 J.A.I. vii, 21 T.E.S. iii, 373 •• Non-Sepulchral, see Walhouse, •• ·· Nachtigal's Journey to the Tibbu-Res- chade, see Anthropological Notes, 31 Report on the Department of Anthropo- logy at the Bradford Meeting of the British Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, 1873. November, 1873.. 25th J.A.I. xix, 164–181 J.A.I. xx, 222 J.A.T. xix, 2 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xci J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xci J.A.I. vi, 5 J.A.I. ix, 247 Anthrop. p.x M.A.S. iii, 114 J.A.I. vi, 328 A.R. viii, 218 A.R. ii, 39 Rudler, F. W., "Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnolo- gia." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 3 J.A.I. i, 119 Exhibition of Ethnological Objects from South America. 27th November, 1888 Notes on the Mineralogical Characters of the Stone Arrow-heads from the Rio Negro (ex- hibited by Colonel Lane Fox). 10th November, 1874 • J.A.I. x, 380-389 J.A.I. vii, 258-262 J.A.I. vii, 232 J.A.I. xi, 53 J.A.I. vii, 232 Anthrop. 282 J.A.I. xviii, 274, 275 J.A.I. iv, 320, 321 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clix J..A.I. iii, 330-341 256 Index. Rudler, F. W., Report on the Department of Anthro- pology at the Belfast Meeting of the British As- sociation for the Advancement of Science, 1874. 10th November, 1874. . at the Bris- tol Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1875. 9th November, 1875 J.A.I. v, 348–356 on the Source of Jade used for Ancient Implements in Europe and America. With Discus- sion. 13th January, 1891 Ruffières, C. Robert des, Report on the Failure of the Amalgamation Scheme.. Rule, Samuel, (M.D.) Obituary Notice of Runic Inscription in Cunningsburgh Churchyard (Ex. 223) near Washington, see Anthropological • News, 91 Rushmore, Ancient British Settlement near, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Russia, Skulls and Objects from the Caucasus (Ex. 157).. Description of the People. (" Description Ethno- graphique des Peuples de la Russie." Par T. de Pauly. 1862.) Review A.R. i, 142, 143 Descriptive Anthropology in, see Anthropologi- cal News, 37 A.R. v, 246 Central, Prehistoric Discoveries in, see Carmi- chael, C. H. E. J.A.I. x, 358 J.A.I. xix, 443 South, Stone Implements in, see Gooch, W. D... J.A.I. x, 352 Russian Child-giantess (Ex. 409) Russians, Photographs of (Ex. 340) Rutherford, D. G., Death of, see Anthropological J.A.I. xv, 210 Miscellanea, 125 J.A.I. x, 463 J.A.I. x, 463 J.A. 268 .. Notes on the People of Batanga, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 126.. Rütimeyer, L., see Bischoff, Th. L. W., on the Cranial Structure of the Gorilla. Review Obituary Notice of, see King, R. R. S. C., see Charnock, R. S. R, [F. W.], see Rudler. ·· Ruxton, (Lieut.) George Augustus Frederick, the Migra- tion of the Ancient Mexicans, and their Analogy to the Existing Indian Tribes of Northern Mexico. May, 1848 17th • ·· · S. Sabæans, see Ainsworth, W. F. Sacrificial Bell, see Crawfurd, J. Stone of the North-west Tribes of Canada, see L'Heureux, J…… Sacti Puja, see Sellon, E. Saghalien, see Davis, J. B., on the Skull of a Ghiliak Saigon, "Tailed" Boy from (Ex. 330) Sailors' Home, Photographs taken in (Ex. 101) Saint-Brieuc, Normandy, Implements from, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt .. ► D • .. O • •• J.A.I. iv, 323-335 .. St. John, Bayle, the Mongols. 24th January, 1844 St. John, (Commander) H. C. (R.N.), the Ainos, Aborigi- With Discussion. 17th June, 1872. nes of Yeso. (3 Plates) J.A.I. xx, 332–342 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxcvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. ciii J.A.I. vii, 232 A.R. vi, 223 J.A.I. xvii, 190 J.A.I. iii, 176 J.E.S. ii, 90-104 J.E.S. ii, 150 T.E.S. i, [130] T.E.S. v, 150 J.A.I. xv, 161 M.A.S. ii, 264 M.A.S. iiiì, 366 J.A.I. xiv, 327 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxx J.A. I. ii, 68 J.E.S. i, 86-102 J.A.I. ii, 248–254 'a Index. 257 ·· St. John, M., Description of a Village of the Hydah Indians, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 98 St. John, R. F. St. Andrew, a Short Account of the Hill Tribes of North Aracan. With Discussion. 17th June, 1872. (Map) St. John, (Lieut.) S. A., see Belcher, Edward St. John, Spencer, Wild Tribes of the North-west Coast of Borneo. 3rd June, 1862 St. Louis, "Big Mound" of, see Anthropological News, 183 •• St. Vincent, see Burton, R. F., Notes on an Herma- phrodite .. Stone Implements from (Ex. 160) Sakais, see Hale, A... Sálár, on the Hill Canton of,-the most Easterly Settlement of the Turk Race. By Robert B. Shaw. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings" (C Salona, Long Wall of, see Burton, R. F... Saltwood, Bronze Implements from (Ex. 168) Salutations, see Roth, H. L. Salvado, Rudesin do, on the Natives of Australia and Oceania, see Carmichael, C. H. E. ·· Samaritan Inscription from Gaza (Ex. 167) Samoa, see Pritchard, W. T. .. • .. .. •• • · ·· Samoans, see Pritchard, W. T. Samoied Family seen at Archangel, see Giles, J. V. Samoiede Skull, see Busk, G. Samuelson, James, on Life in the Atmosphere. Abstract "The German Working Man." Review San José, Stone Implements from, see Steffens, A. San Juan Teotihuacan, Bored Stone from (Ex. 429) Sanders, Alfred, Mr. Darwin's Hypothesis of Pangenesis as Applied to the Faculty of Memory. 19th April, 1870 • · .. .. •• on Mr. Darwin's Hypothesis of Pangenesis as Applied to the Faculty of Memory. Abstract and Discussion. 19th April, 1870.. Sanderson, John, Polygamous Marriage among the Kafirs With Discussion. of Natal and Countries around. 11th June, 1878.. ·· on Stone Implements from Natal. 26th February, 1878 .. Sandwich Islands, Stone Club from, see Moseley, H. N. (Ex. 210).. • Sandy, Bronze Sword from (Ex. 355) Sanson, on the Instability of Cross-breeds in the Ovine Species, see Anthropological Society of Paris Santo Domingo, Ethnological Researches in, see Schom- burgk, R. ·· Santos, Kjökkenmödding at, see Burton, R. F. Saracens in France, see Lagneau, G. Sarawak, see Houghton, E. P., on the Land Dayas Sardinian Nuragghs, see Oliver, S. P., on Non-historic Stone Relics of the Mediterranean << "" Sarmatae, see Howorth, H. H. Sasse, -., on Dutch Crania, see Anthropological Society of Paris.. • ·· J.A.I. viii, 426 J.A.I. ii, 233-247 T.E.S. v, 40 T.E.S. ii, 232-243 .A.R. viii, 217 M.A.S. ii, 262 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. XV, 285 J.A.I. viii, 100 J.A.I. v, 252 J.A.I. iii, 230 J.A.I. xix, 164 J.A.I. vii, 280 J.A.I. iii, 205 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlvi M.A.S. i, 322 J.E.S. iii, 214 J.A.I. iii, 494 A.R. i, 412–414 J.A. 235 J.E.S., N.S. i, 67 J.A.I. xx, 331 J.A. 144-149 J.A., J.A.S. pp. cxlvi-cl J.A.I. viii, 254-260 J.A.I. viii, 15-21 J.A.I. vi, 430 J.A.I. vi, 430 J.A.I. xv, 452 A.R. v, 361 J.E.S. iii, 115 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxciii M.A.S. iii, 157 M.A.S. iii, 195 J.A.I. iv, 95 J.A.I. vi, 41 A.R. v. 361 S 12 258 Index. Sástrí, (Pandit) Bápú Deva, The Siderial and Tropical Systems. A Lecture delivered before the Benares Debating Club on the evening of the 14th October, 1862 Sauromatæ, or Sarmatæ, see Howorth, H. H. .. Sauteux Indians, see Reid, A. P. Savage Africa. By W. W. Reade." Review Savage Life. By G. M. Sproat." Review and Civilized Warfare, see Farrer, J. A. Saw-wound of the Skull and Brain, Extraordinary Re- covery after, see Anthropological News, 181 Saxon Race, see Knox Saxons, Migration of, see Howorth, H. H. 'Ethnology of Germany. Part III." see Celts and Saxons. CC CC Scalping, see Burton, R. F. in India .. >> Skull, see Turner, W. Scaphoid Skull, see Davis, J. B. of a Pole (C • O of Nether Saxony, see Howorth, H. H., on the Ethnology of Germany. Part I. • ·· • ·· see Howorth, H. H. nology of Germany. Part IV." Saxon and Celt, see Anthropological News, 114, 178, 179 Sayce, (Rev.) A. H., Address to the Anthropological Section of the British Association, 1887, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 172 . Language and Race. With Discussion 11th May, 1875.. Scale to find Cranial and other Indices, see Atkinson, G. M. ·· · • ·· ·· • ·· ·· "The Eth- Scampicchio, Antonio (LL.D.), .. "More Castellieri Scandinavia, Stone Age in, see Nilsson. Review Visit of Dr. J. Hunt and A. Higgins to, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 63 .. Scandinavian Affinities of the Ancient Etruscan Language, see Donaldson, J. W... Civilisation, Old, among the modern Esquimaux, see Tylor, E. B. Museums, see Higgins, A. Scaphocephalic Cranium of a Fiji Islander, see Flower, W. H. (Ex. 238) ·· • see Burton, R. F. •• ·· see Kopernicki, I. · Schaaffhausen, H., on Blood Globules in Fossil Bone, see Anthropological News, 71 .. Hermann, Darwinism and Anthropology. With Discussion. 18th February, 1868 • Description of the Cranium of an Ancient German, see Anthropological Society of Paris on the Development of the Human Species, and the Perfectibility of its Races. Translation International Congress for Archæology and History, 1868. (Abridged Report) on the Primitive Form of the Human ·· .. Skull ·· ·· M.A.S. ii, 205-215 J.A.I. vi, 41. J.A.I. iii, 106 A.R. ii, 123 A.R. vi, 366 J.A.I. ix, 358 A.R. viii, 216 A.R. vi, 257 J.A.I. vii, 293 J.A.I. vi, 364 J.A.I. ix, 406 A.R. vi, 446; viii, 213, 215 J.A.I. xvii, 166 J.A.I. v, 212-220 J.A.I. viii, 279 A.R. ii, 49 J.E.S., N.S. i, 86 J.A.I. vii, 341 A.R. vi, 191 A.R. iv, 288 J.E.S. iv, 176 J.A.I. xiii, 348 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xiv J.A.I. ix, 2 J.A.I. ix, 2 A.R. i, 391 J.A.I. ii, 140 Anthrop. p. ix J.A.I vi, 181 A.R. v, 374 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. cviii - cxviii A.R. v, 353 A.R. vii, 366-375 A.R. viii, 41–46 A.R. vi, 412-431 Index. 259 Schaaffhausen, H., on the Relations between the Anthro- poid Apes and Man. With Discussion. See An- thropological Society of Paris the Struggle of a Man with Nature. Translation of a Lecture, delivered at Düsseldorf, 1st February, 1867 see German Naturalists and Phy- sicians, Congress of. (Abridged Report).. Schaller, J., Extracts from Leib und Seele, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 17 Schaller's "Body and Soul," Extract from, see Miscel- lanea Anthropologica, 33 . Scheme of Anthropology, see Anthropological Miscel- ·· lanea, 134 Schetelig, (Dr.), on the Natives of Formosa. 23rd June, 1868. (2 Plates) ·· Review Schlagintweit, Hermann von, Notes on some Ethnogra- phical Casts. 15th March, 1864 Schiller's Cranium, see Broca, P. Schlagintweit, Emil, (LL.D.), "Buddhism in Thibet." 1863. See Philosophy and Pseudo-Philosophy.. A.R. iii, 185 See Iran and Turan. A.R. vi, 121; 286 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. clxxxviii, clxxxix "" .. Schmeltz, J. D. E. and R. Krause, "Die Ethnographisch- Anthropologische Abtheilung des Museum Godeffroy in Hamburg." Review Sec • Schmidt, K., “Die Anthropologie; Die Wissenschaft von Menschen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung und auf ihrem gegenwartigen Handpunkte, 1865." Text-books on Anthropology Schomburgk (Sir) Robert, Ethnological Researches in Santo Domingo. 11th December, 1851. (Plate:, on the Natives of Guiana. 27th No- vember, 1884. Plate of Native Music School Children, testing the Character of, see Bryant, S. Schopenhauer and Darwinism. By Dr. David Asher Schulz, Ernst, Photographs of (Ex. 61) Schumacher, Paul," Methods of Making Stone Weapons, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. "Anthro- pological Gleanings Schuré, Edouard, "Histoire du Lied ou la Chanson Popu laire en Allemagne." Review.. Schussen, Spring of, and its most ancient Inhabitants, see Anthropological News, 73.. Schuyler, (Dr.) Eugene, on the Batchas of Central Asia. • Title only. 9th June, 1874 Schvarez, Julius, on Permanence of Type, in connection with Human Origins. Title and Discussion. 21st April, 1863 .. "" .. "Science de l'Homme. By G. Flourens." Review "Science des Religions. By E. Burnouf." Review Science of History, "History of the Intellectual Develop- ment of Europe." By John William Draper, M.D. 2 vols., 8vo. 1864. Review.. "Science of Man. By C. Bray." Review Science of Man in the British Association A.R. v, 236-239 ·· A.R. v, 276-294 A.R. viii, 35 A.R. ii, 63 A.R. ii, 229 J.A.I. xii, 440 T.E.S. vii, 215–229 A.R. iii, 305 J.A.I. x, 236 A.R. iii, 303 J.E.S. iii, 115–122 J.E.S. i, 253-276 J.A.I. xv, 338 J.A. 312–332 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. vii, 544 A.R. vii, 306 A.R. v, 375 J.A.I. iv, 254 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. ii A.R. iv, 149 A.R. iii, 89 A.R. iii, 29-47 A.R. vii, 185 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 31-35 A.R. iii, 89 of Religions, see Religions Science and Spiritualism, see Anthropological News, 27 A.R. T', 242 s 2 260 Index. Scientific Societies > • "On the Hill Canton of Sálár," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. "Anthropo- logical Gleanings Shaw, W. N., Whistles for Testing the Limit of Audibility of Sound, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 173.. Shearer, R. I., on Cairns in Caithness. Letter. 20th March, 1866 on Human Remains at Keiss. 3rd April, • Discussion. 3rd April, 1866 see Anderson, Joseph Shell Chisels from Barbadoes (Carib Chisels), see Forte, J. (Ex.253) Implements from Mallicollo and Vanikoro (Ex. 197) Money of New Britain, see Danks, B. Mound at Smyrna, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 25 J.A.I. ix, 181 J.A.I. viii, 65 J.A.I. iv, 60 J.A.I. iii, 120 J.A.I. ii, 373 J.A.I. vi, 247 A.R. iv, 186-197 A.R. ii, 229 J.A.I. ii, 108 J.A.I. iii, 383 J.A.Į. i, 60 J.E.S., N.S. i, 388 M.A.S. iii, 195 J.A.I. iv, 78 A.R. V, J.A.S. J.A. 278 p. cxix J.A.I. ii, 55 J.A.I. xiii, 2 J.A.I. xiii, 3 J.A.I. iii, 233 J.A.I. vii, 96-99 J.A.I. vii, 94-96 J.E.S. iv. 144 J.A.I. vii, 110 J.A.I. viii, 100 J.A.I. xvii, 181 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxxxi- cxxxiv Madd A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clvii- clxiii A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxviii- clxx M.A.S. ii, 226 J.A.I. xi, 2 J.A.I. xi, 2 J.A.I. vi, 199 J.A.I. xvii, 305 A.R. ii, 226 Index. 263 Shell Mounds, Human Remains found in, see Huxley, T. H. in Caithness, see Laing, S. of Province Wellesley, in the Malay Peninsula, see Earl, G. W. Work, American, see Buckland, A. w... Shemitic Nations, see Renan, Ernest Shetland, see Roberts, G. E., on the Discovery of large Kist-vaens on the "Muckle Heog Shetland Islands, Exploration of, see Miscellanea An- thropologica, 45 Ogham Inscription from (Ex. 223) see Zetland. Shevaroy Hills, Stone Celts from, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt ·· India Discussion. 31st May, 1870 (Ex. 141).. Shiná People, see Leitner, G. W….. Shore, T. W., Characteristic Survivals of the Celts in Hampshire. With Discussion. 11th February, 1890 >> the Distribution and Density of the old British Population of Hampshire With Discussion. 8th January, 1889. (2 Plates) Shortt, John, (M.D.) the Armenians of Southern India. 31st May, 1870.. Abstract and • ·· the Bayadère, or Dancing Girls of Southern ·· ·· ·· • ·· ·· on Crania from India on the Domber. 15th March, 1864 Notes on Differences in Weight and Stat- ure of Europeans and some Natives in India. May, 1862 6th ·· ** ·· a Contribution to the Ethnology of Jey- pore. 9th July, 1867 . • the Fishermen of Southern India. May, 1866 India · ·· • · Habits and Manners of Marvar Tribes of 8th on the Habits and Manners of the Mar- var Tribes of India. (Brief Notice.) See Anthro- pology at the British Association, 1866. . an Account of the Hill Tribes of the Neil- gherries. 23rd June, 1868 the Kojahs of Southern India. With Dis- cussion. 7th January, 1873 .. Description of a Living Microcephale. 1st May, 1866 Description of a Living Microcephale. Abstract and Discussion. 1st May, 1866 • a Brief Account of three Microcephales. Abstract. 17th June, 1873. (2 Plates) an Account of a Religious Festival, com- prising Leaf Wearing, and the Hanging, or Cheddul. 12th December, 1865 •• T.E.S. ii, 265 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. xx T.E.S. ii, 119 J.A.I. xvi, 155 A.R. ii, 52 M.A.S. i, 296 A.R. iii, 230 J.A.I. vii, 232 J.A.I. ii, 348 J.A.I. ii, 348 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. xx J.A.I. xx, 3–20 J.A.I. xviii, 334-346 J.A.I. 180-187 J.A., J.A.S. p. clxix M.A.S. iii, 182-194 A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. xvii, xviii A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. clxxxix- cxci T.E.S. ii, 213–216 T.E.S. vi, 264-281; 364 T.E.S. v, 193–201 M.A.S. iii, 201-215 A.R. iv, 400 T.E.S. vii, 230-290 J.A.I. ii, 402-407 M.A.S. ii, 257-261 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxxxi, clxxxii J.A.I. iii, 265 T.E.S. iv, 333-338 * 264 Index. Shortt, John, (M.D.), an Account of some Rude Tribes, the Supposed Aborigines of Southern India. 14th February, 1865. Title only 8th November, 1864 (C of a Wild Tribe inhabiting some parts of Orissa, and known as Juags " and "Ba- thuas," or "Leaf Wearers." 14th February, 1865. With Discussion 1. on the Wild Tribes of Southern India. 14th April, 1868 ·· and Langdon H. Down, Obituary Notice of Dr. Samuel Rule Showers, (Lieutenant-Colonel), Central India. Abstract Shrubsole, O. A., on certain less Familiar Forms of Paleolithic Flint Implements from the Gravel at Reading. 24th June, 1884. (Plate) Siah Posh Kafir Skulls, Description of Kafirs Language, Manners, and Customs the Meenas of ·· • • • Sikidi Siloam, Remains from, see Blake, C. C... Sim, Gipsy Dialect of.. Siah Posh Kaffirs, see Leitner, G. W. Siamese Twins, see Beigel, H. .. Siberia, Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 240) Prehistoric Objects found in (Ex. 156) Sibree, (Rev.) James, (Jun.), Relationships and the Names used for them among the Peoples of Madagascar, chiefly the Hovas; together with Observations upon Marriage Customs and Morals among the Malagasy. With Discussion. 29th April, 1879.. Notes on Relics of the Sign and Gesture Language among the Malagasy. With Discussion. 22nd May, 1883.. Sicily, Curious Custom in, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 233 · Photographs of Terra Cotta Heads from (Ex. 283) Remains of a Great City in, see Anthropological News, 141 Sierra Leone, see Clarke, R. .. see Harris, J. M., on the Gallinas People Races Inhabiting, see Griffith, T. R. Sign and Gesture Language among the Malagasy, see Sibree, James.. • • • ·· • • Sigwell, Excavations at, see Rolleston, G., and A. Lane Fox (Pitt Rivers) Topography of, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt ·· ·· .. ·· Simious Skulls, see Blake, C. C. "Simious" Skulls, with especial Reference to a Skull from Louth, in Ireland, see Blake, C. C... Simms, J., on Egyptian Skulls J., on the Red men of North America Simms, (Dr.), on Flathead Indians of North America. With Discussion. 11th November, 1873 ·· A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxli T.E.S. iii, 373-394 A.R. iii, J.A.S. pp. cxxxiv- cxli T.E.S. vii, 186–194 A.R. vii, J.A.S. A.R. ii, 327-330 J.A.I. xiv, 192–200 Anthrop. 441 Anthrop. 70 Anthrop. 443 J.A.I. iii, 341 p. ciii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxxxiii J.A.I. ix. 31 J.A.I. iii, 174 J.A.I. ix, 35–50 J.A.I. xiii, 174-183 J.A.I. xx, 364 J.A.I. xii, 323 A.R. vi, 467 T.E.S. ii, 320 M.A.S. ii, 25 J.A.I. xvi, 300 J.A.I. xiii, 174 J.A.I. viii, 185 J.A.I. viii, 191 J.A.I. xi, 31 J.A.I. ii, 53 Anthrop. 497 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxvi J M.A.S. ii, 74 Anthrop. p. '. p. xlii Anthrop. 209 J.A.I. iii, 326-329 Po Index. 265 "C Simms, (Dr.), on the Physical Characters of the Lapps.. Simms' Nature's Revelations of Character." Review.. Simon T. Collyns, on the Thinking Substance in Man Simpson, (Sir) James, Weight of Sir James Simpson's Brain, see Anthropological Notes, 11 Simson, Alfred, Notes on the Jívaros and Canelos Indians. With Discussion. 13th January, 1880 Záparos. Title only. 27th November, 1877.. Napo Indians. 7th Feb- ruary, 1882 Notes on the Piojes of the Putumayo. (With Vocabulary of the Záparo Language) Záparos. With Discussion. 27th November, 1877 Sinclair, Dugald, on a Kist found in Argyllshire. May, 1871 Sindh, see Postans, T. Singalese, Treatment of Diseases by Charms by, Dickman, H. Singrauli Basin, Paleolithic Implements from, ·· .. .. [ ·· • • Cockburn, J. Sioux, see Blackmore, W. Siret, Henri and Louis, the Early Age of Metal in the South-east of Spain. 10th April, 1888. Siva Worship, see Clarke, H. Skeleton, Andamanese (Ex. 272) (Plate) •• ·· ** .. 29th • • see ·· • see • found at Cissbury, see Rolleston, G. in a Stone Coffin in London (Ex. 190) of an Aïno Woman, see Davis, J. B. of a Hottentot, see Wyman, J. Pampas Indian (Ex. 33) • Human, discovered beneath a Bed of Peat, see Busk, G. and Skulls of Veddahs (Ex. 402).. Skeletons from Cowley, near Cheltenham (Ex. 37) of Akkas, see Flower, W. H. D • • •• • • • • • South African, see Macalister, A. Skene, Henry, the Albanians. 8th June, 1848 Sketch of Mammoth found on a Bone of the same Species, see Anthropological News, 184 Skertchly, Sydney B. J., on some Borneo Traps. 13th May, 1890. (7 Plates) With on Fire-making in North Borneo. Discussion. 10th December, 1889. (Plate) on the Occurrence of Stone Mortars in the Ancient (Pliocene ?) River Gravels of Butte County, California. With Discussion. January, 1888. (Plate) 10th Skin Colour, see Beddoe, J. • • · • ·· • •• Hair, and Eyes as Race Tests, see Crawfurd, J. Skues, (Dr.) Mackenzie, on Hebrow MSS., from a Village near Aden. 17th April, 1866.. Skull, Iconography of, see Wesley, W. H. of, see Wesley, W. H. • ·· Orthographic Projection of, see Higgins, A. Projection of, see Higgins, A. Female, Characteristic Peculiarity in the Form, sce Ecker, Alexander ·· J.A.I. v, 5 Anthrop. 592 A.R. iii, 146-157 J.A. 115 J.A.I. ix, 385–394 J.A.I. vii, 372 J.A.I. xii, 21-27 J.A.I. viii, 210-227 J.A.I. vii, 502-510 J.A.I. i, 211, 212 J.E.S. i, 103 T.E.S. ii, 140 J.A.I. xvii, 57 J.E.S., N.S. i, 287 J.A.I. xviii, 121-132 J.A.I. vi, 247 J.A.T. xii, 69 J.A.I. viii, 377 J.A.I. v, 425 M.A.S. iii, 21 A.R. iii, 330 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiii T.E.S. iv, 101 J.A.I. xix, 125 A.R. iii, J.A.S. J.A.I. xviii, 3 J.A.I. xvi, 149 J.E.S. ii, 159–181 A.R. viii, 218 J.A.I. xx, 211-219 J.A.I. xix, 445-452 p. cxlvi J.A.I. xvii, 332-337 J.A.I. xix, 257 T.E.S. vi, 144 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxi A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxx M.A.S. ii, 189 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxx M.A.S. ii, 195 A.R. vi, 350 266 Index. Skull in some of the Families of Man, see Beale, L. J. Primitive form of the, see Schaaffhausen, Her- mann • • from Ashantee, see Busk, G. (Ex. 171) Aymara (Ex. 51) Bechuana, see Payne, R. W. (Ex. 75) from Birkdale, near Southport, see Busk, G. Bosjesman (Ex. 206) Jaw from Buildwas Abbey (Ex. 31) of a Burmese Dacoit Leader (Ex. 399) from the Cairn of Get, see Blake, C. C. of a Chimpanzee (Ex. 309).. from the Chincha Islands, see Blake, C. C. (Ex. 92) .c. .. (Ex. 417) .. • ·· • • .. Neanderthal, see Davis, J. B. Neanderthal (Ex. 28) ·· from New Ireland, see Macalister, A. Nicobarese, see Flower, W. H. from the Nicobar Islands (Ex. 367) ·· Chinese (Ex. 142) of a Rebel Chinese Mandarin (Ex. 400) of Dante, see Welcker, H... from Deir-es-Sinné, near Siloam, see Blake, C. C. found at Fulbourn, see May, Hooper (Ex. 191) of a Ghiliak, see Davis, J. B. Human, found in a Kjökkenmödding on the Coast of Cornwall, see Bate, C. S. ·· .. ·· • • • ·· .. from an Ancient Burying Place in Kamtchatka, see Macalister, A. • • • from Kamtchatka (Ex. 359) from Lagoa Santa, Brazil, see Hansen, S. from the Cave of Lombrive (Ex. 94) from Louth, see Blake, C. C., on Certain "Simious" Skulls • • Dredged on the Manchester Ship Canal Works, see Spielmann, I. • • • • • .. • • • · .. · of supposed Paleolithic Age from Bury St. Edmunds, see Prigg, H. Patagonian, see Bloxam, G. W. (Ex. 269) from Pavenham, see Peacock, T. B. (Ex. 35) of a Pole, see Kopernicki, I. from Quiloa (Ex. 43) from Ulverstone, see Beigel, H. from Wady Hamz. ("Nabathæan.") See Busk, • • • ·· • .. • .. • • G. of Yanadi, with "condylus tertius" (Ex. 73) Fragment of, from Bury St. Edmunds (Ex. 313) Artificially Deformed, from Mallicollo (Ex. 392) and Long Bones from Antiparos (Ex. 328) Boring, Prehistoric, Examples of, from America (Ex. 405) · • T.E.S. iii, 47 A.R. vi, 412 J.A.I. iv, 62 J.A.I. iv, 62 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. V, J.A.S. P. cliy A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cliv J.A.I. iii, 104 J.A.I. vi, 310 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxxii J.A.I. xix, 94 M.A.S. iii, 243 J.A.I. xiii, 276 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxvii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxvii J.A.I. iii, 2 J.A.I. xix, 94 A.R. v, 56 J.A.I. ii, 54 J.A.I. v, 425 J.A.I. v, 425 M.A.S. iii, 366 A.R. ii, 334 J.A.I. xvi, 21 J.A.I. xvi, 2, 21 J.A.I. xvii, 43 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxx M.A.S. ii, 74 J.A.I. xx, 179 J.A.I. xx, 179 M.A.S. i, 281 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cxxxix J.A.I. xvi, 150 J.A.I. xvi, 147 J.A.I. xvi, 147 J.A.I. xiv, 51 J.A.I. xii, 28 J.A.I. xii, 28 A.R. iii, J.A.S p. cxxix A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxix J.A.I. vi, 181 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxvi A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxxiii J.A.I. viii, 321 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxvii J.A.I. xiv, 3 J.A.I. xix, 52 J.A.I. xiv, 222 J.A.I. xix, 213 Index. 267 : Skull, Artificially Deformed, from Mallicollo, see Flower, W. H. found in Switzerland, see Aker- .. man, J. G. Skulls, their Value in the Classification of Man, see Davis, J. B. Composite Photographs of (Ex. 327) ·· (Ex. 331) (Ex. 348) Composite Photographs of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 145 Aïno, see Davis, J. B. Ancient, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 49.. Ancient British, two principal Forms of, see Thurnam, J. British and Gaulish, two principal Forms of, Thurnam, J. •• .. ·· ** Australian, see Atkinson, H. G. . see Bradley, S. M... (Ex. 106) Andamanese, see Busk, G... from Annabom, see Burton, R. F., and C. C. Blake • • • ·· ·· ·· see etc., from an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery near Bar- rington (Ex. 116) ·· Basque, see Broca, P. from Bassus's Tower at Shakkah, see Blake, C. C. •• Hypertrophied (Ex. 30) Inca, see Anthropological Notes, 23 from the Isle of Ely, see Marshall, W. .. Beothuc, see Busk, G. of different Nations, Blumenbach on. By H. Von Jhering. Review .. British, two Principal Forms of, see Thurnam, J. Ancient British Forms of, see Thurnam, J. of the Bronze Age from Whitby (Ex. 312) of a Burmese Dacoit and of a Rebel Chinese Man- darin, see Hastings, E. S. from California, see Anthropological News, 82 • • .. • Chinese (Ex. 79) from the City of London (Ex. 424) ·· from the Dayr Már Músa el Habashi, see ·· Anthropological Miscellanea, 13 . ·· .. brought by Captain Burton from the East, see Blake, C. C. Egyptian, at Cologne, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 6 ·· from Egypt, see Burton, R. F. see Owen, R. Eskimo, see Rae, J... ·· see Anthropological Miscellanea, 90.. Greek and Italian, see Anthropological Notes, 10.. • Guancho (Ex. 376).. from the Hindu Kush District, see Garson, J. G. from Hums (Emesa), see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 14 • ·· ·· J.A.I. xix, 52 J.E.S. iv, 191 A.R. viii, 183 J.A.I. xiv, 205 J.A.I. xiv, 331 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. xiv, 287 M.A.S. iii, 21 A.R. iii, 372 M.A.S. iii, 41 M.A.S. i, 120; 459 T.E.S. iv, 205 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxx A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xxxi J.A.I. ii, 137 J.A., J.A.S. p. cxlvi J.A.I. i, P. A.S. p. xiii A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. celxviii J.A.I. ii, 55 J.A.I. v, 230 Anthrop. 269 A. R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxi A.R. J.A.S. p. cxxiv J.A.I. xiv, 3 ▼, J.A.I. xix, 94 A.R. vi, 119 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xxvii J.A.I. xx, 235 J.A.I. i, 418 J.A.I. viii, 319 A.R. i, 335 J.A.I. viii, 290 J.A.I. viii, 324 J.A.I. vii, 142 J.A.I. vii, 539 J.A. 115 J.A.I. xvii, 158 J.A.I. xviii, 20 J.A.I. i, 422 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxx J.A. 363 J.A.I. iii, 497 268 Index. Skulls from a Cave in Jamaica, see Flower, W. H. (Ex. 416).. Lapp (Ex. 183) from Mallicollo and Vanikoro, see Busk, G. (Ex. 197) Microcephalic, see Shortt, J. Naga, see Thane, G. D. of Naloo Africans, see Cull, R. see Owen, R. from Palestine, see Drake, C. F. T. from Palmyra, see Busk, G. see Owen, R. .. •• (Ex. 29) from Rosario (Ex. 90) from Rothwell, see Busk, G. (Ex. 121) ·· .. rence, G. F. ·· from the Cavern of Orrouy, see Broca, P. of the Inhabitants of Palembang, see Swaving, C. • • • ·· ·· from the Thames (Ex. 419) from the Thames at Kew (Ex. 41) (Ex. 60) .. • ·· Tiflis, see Telfer, Torres Straits, see Thomas, O. of Veddahs (Ex. 402) ·· X, 332 .. Papuan, see Comrie, P. from Patagonia (Ex. 250). Peruvian (Titicacan), see von Burgholzhausen A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. ccxxxv see Davis, J. B. J.A.I. iii, 94 J.A.I. iii, 86 • ·· ·· • ancient Peruvian, see Busk, G. • from Peterborough, see Blake, C. C., and G. E. Roberts (1 nea, 95. 'Anthropological Gleanings " Slavery, see Reddie, James ·· .. •• • ·· •• •• from Round Barrows, see Mortimer, J. R. found in Round Barrows of the South of England, see Blake, C. C. Samoiede, see Busk, G. • •• • • from Siloam, see Blake, C. C. Simious, see Blake, C. C. "Simious," see Blake, C. C. Swaving's Collection of, see Anthropological Notes, 28 • • • • • • ·· Geological Position of, see Law- • • + dredged from the Thames in the Neighbourhood J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii of Kew, see Garson, J. G. (Ex. 414) • 10 • from Yabrúd, see Blake, C. C. artificially deformed, from Mallicollo (Ex. 257).. and Bronze Implements from Kew, see Tupper, A. C. • • and Objects from the Caucasus (Ex. 157) and other Bones found at Hunsbury Camp, and at a Roman Villa at Llantwit, near Cardiff (Ex. 404) • and Photographs of Natives of Formosa (Ex. 7) and Skeletons, Recent Find of, in Ohio. By the Rev. S. D. Peet. See Anthropological Miscella- J.A.I. xx, 110 J.A.I. xx, 110 J.A.I. v, 5 J.A.I. vi, 200 J.A.I. vi, 199 J.A.I. iii, 265 J.A.I. xi, 215 J.E.S. ii, 238 J.E.S. ii, 235 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclxviii ** A.R. viii, 178 J.A.I. iv, 14 J.A.I. iv, 366 J.A.I. viii, 323 J.A.I. vi, 102 J.A.I. A.R. ii, J.A.S. P. ccliv A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclv A.R. vi, J.A.S. J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xci J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xci J.A.I. vi, 328 M.A.S. iii, 114 J.A.I. iii, 494 J.A.I. ii, 53 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxvi M.A.S. ii, 74 J.A.I. xx, 20 J.A.I. xx, 20 p. clxxvii J.A.I. xx, 26 J.A.I. xx, 200 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxviii A.R. V, v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. iv, 57 J.A.I. xiv, 328 J.A.I. xix, 125 J.A.I. ii, 58 J.A.I. xi, 74 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxviii J.A.I. iii, 176 J.A.I. xix, 182 T.E.S. vii, 215 J.A.I. viii, 101 A.R. ii, 280 Index. 269 ·· Slavery, Abolition of, see McHenry, G. Ancient, History of, see Bower, J. Slavery in Brazil, see Extinction of Slavery Slaves, see Millingen, F. in Turkey, see Millingen, F. Slaves, Spread of the. Part I. Howorth, H. H. .. Part III. Sorabians and the Obodriti. Part IV. D The Croats. See Part II. The Southern Serbs, Bosnians, Montenegrins, and Herzegovinians. Howorth, H. H. See ·· Miscellanea Anthropologica, 49 Smee, Alfred, "The Mind of Man.' " The Northern Serbs or See Howorth, H. H. The Bulgarians. See Howorth, H. H. Slavo-Sarmatian Race Slavonians, or Slaves Slavonians and Rajpoots. By Sir Henry Sumner Maine. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. "Anthro- pological Gleanings ·· ·· Smart, Bath C., Remarks on the English Gypsies and their Dialect. Abstract •• .. ·· .. • ·· Smart, T. W., (M.D.) on some Ancient Skulls, see Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 52 .. Smiddy R., the Druids, Ancient Churches and Round 3. •• Towers of Ireland. Review Smith, (Mrs.) Erminie A., the Customs and Language of the Iroquois. 25th November, 1884 .. Smith, Worthington G., on a Paleolithic Floor at North-east London. 26th June, 1883. (16 Plates) Exhibition of Paleolithic Implements from the Valley of the Axe. 9th December, 1879 Paleolithic Implements from the Valley of the Brent. With Discussion. 24th June, 1879.. on Palæolithic Implements from the Valley of the Lea. 25th June, 1878.. Exhibition of Paleolithic Implements from the Valley of the Thames. 9th December, 1879 "Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. xxii. Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 118 Smithsonian Institution and its Anthropologic Work, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 218 "Smithsonian Report, 1888." Review "Smithsonian Report, National Museum, for 1888." Review ·· • "" Smyrna, Anthropological Investigations in, see Clarke, H. Objects from a Refuse Heap near (Ex. 220) Snow, W. Parker, a few Remarks on the Wild Tribes of Tierra del Fuego, from Personal Observation Social Condition of Woman as affected by Civilisation.. Social Regulations in Melanesia, see Codrington, R. H. Sociedad Antropòlogica Española, see Anthropological Notes, 6.. Société Khédiviale de Géographie, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 56 Society of the Friends of Nature at the University of Moscow, see Anthropological Notes, 4 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cviii M.A.S. ii, 380 A.R. vi, 56 J.A., J.A.S. p. cix A.R. viii J.A.S. p. lxxxv J.A.I. vii, 324 J.A.I. viii, 65 J.A.I. ix, 181 J.A.I. xi, 219 A.R. iv, 62–71 Anthrop.p. xciii J.A.I. vii, 546 T.E.S. ii, 2 A.R. iii, 372 J.A.I. v, 115 Anthrop. 269 J.A.I. xiv, 244–253 J.A.I. xiii, 357-384 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. ix, 316-320 J.A.I. viii, 275–279 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. x, 363 J.A.I. xix, 509 J.A.I. xx, 378 J.A.I. xx, 374 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xcviii J.A.I. vii, 138 T.E.S. i, 261-267 Anthrop. 78 J.A.I. xviii, 306 J.A. 113 J.A.I. v, 118 J.A. 112 . 270 Index. Socotra, see Hunter, F. M. Sollas, W. J., on some Eskimos' Bone Implements from the East Coast of Greenland. 24th June, 1879. (Plate and Woodcuts) Solomon Islanders, Physical Characters of, see Guppy, H. B. Islands, Arrows from, see Balfour, H. .. Natives of, see Elton, F. Somali Race, on the Origin of, see Rigby, C. P. Somerset, see Dawkins, W. Boyd, on the Discovery of Flint and Chert.. •• • .. Somme and Ouse, Alluvial Accumulation in the Valleys of the, see Godwin-Austen, R. A. C. Songs and Song-makers of some Australian Tribes, see Howitt, A. W... Sontal and Georgian.. Sorabians, see Howorth, H. H., on the Spread of the Slaves. Part III Sorby, H. C., (F.R.S.) on the Colouring Matters found in the Human Hair. With Discussion. 12th February, 1878 — Soudan, Eastern, Tribes of, see Cameron, D. A... Soul, Primitive Theory of, see Frazer, J. G. Source of Jade used for Implements in Europe and America, Rudler, F. W. Sources of the supply of Tin for Bronze Tools and Weapons, see Crawfurd, J. South Africa, Implements and Dress from, see Baines, T. Legendary Tales of.. • Natives of. By G. Fritsch. Review Stone Implements from (Ex. 304) South Sea Islanders, see Gill, W. W. ·· M ·· .. ▸ O see Ranken, W. L. see Pritchard, W. T., on Certain Anthropological Matters Respecting the Samoans .. M.A.S. i, 322 Poisonous Nature of the Arrows used by, see Messer, A. B. Southampton, Stone Implements from (Ex. 280) Southend, Flint Flakes from (Ex. 316) Spain, Anthropological Society of, see Anthropologica, 44 .. Early Age of Metal in, see Siret, H. and L. People Inhabiting, see Beavan, H. J. C. Peoples of, see Charnock, R. S. .. Prehistoric Antiquities from (Ex. 380) Races Inhabiting, see Beavan, H. J. C. Spanish Anthropological Society, see Jugo, F. .. Language, Process of Derivation from the Latin, see Hincks, J. G. Spear-heads from Southern India (Ex. 200) Spears, Creese, and Knife from Perak (Ex. 204) Special General Meeting. Resolution carried, "That Ladies be admitted as Members of the Institute." 9th March, 1875 Species, the Decay of, see Daubeny, ·· Discriminated by the Anatomical Method, see Knox, R. · ·· ·· • • Miscellanea . • • and Race, the Ideas of, applied to Man and Human Society, see Cournot, ·· J.A.I. vii, 364 J.A.I. ix, 329-336 J.A.I. xv, 266 J.A.I. xviii, 30 J.A.I. xvii, 90 T.E.S. v, 91 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 141 A.R. i, 438 J.A.I. xvi, 327 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 J.A.I. ix, 181 J.A.I. viii, 1-14 J.A.I. xvi, 287 J.A.I. xv, 64 J.A.I. xx, 332 T.E.S. iii, 350 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cii A.R. iii, 138 Anthrop. 89 J.A.I. xiii, 162 J.A.I. vi, 2 J.A.I. vi, 223 J.A.I. vii, 209 J.A.I. xii, 231 J.A.I. xiv, 55 A.R. iii, 229 J.A.I. xviii, 121 M.A.S. ii, 55 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xcii J.A.I. xviii, 121 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xcii A.R. iv, 259 A.R. vii, 154 J.A.I. vi, 245 J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. v, 80, 81 A.R. ii, 301 A.R. i, 263 A.R. ii, 267 Index. 271 Spencer, Herbert, the Comparative Psychology of Man. With Discussion. 22nd June, 1875.. ·· "First Principles." 1862. See Philosophy and Pseudo-philosophy Spielmann, Isidore, Exhibition of a Skull Dredged on the Manchester Ship Canal Works. With Discussion. 25th March, 1890 see Jacobs, Joseph and I. S., on the Comparative Anthropometry of English Jews Spinning Tops, Stone, from New Guinea (Ex. 374) Spinoza, Benedict de, "Tractatus Theologico-Politicus." Review ·· · Spiritism among Uncultured Peoples Compared with Modern Spiritualism and Supernatural Phenomena; Opinions of the Brahmins respecting Spiritualism and Science, see Anthropological News, ·· 27 Spirometer, New, see Stanley, W. F. Stanley's (Ex. 415).. Spottiswoode, William, Sketch of the Tribes of Northern Kurdistan, 3rd June, 1862 Spread of the Slaves. Part I. The Croats, see Howorth, H. H. • ·· ·· Part II. The Southern Serbs, Bosnians, Montenegrins, and Herzegovinians, see Howorth, H. H. Part III. The Northern Serbs or Sorabians and the Obodriti, see Howorth, H. H... Part IV. The Bulgarians, see .. Howorth, H. H. Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm, on the Probability of a Bone Age. 9th July, 1867 the West Coast Indians in Van- couver Island. 10th July, 1866 Sproat's Studies of Savage Life. Review Spurious Quipus, see Bollaert, W. Spurrell, F. C. J., on some Paleolithic Knapping Tools and Modes of Using them. With Discussion. April, 1883. (Plate) Squeezes of Hamath Inscriptions, see Heath, Dunbar.. (Ex. 243) Squier, E. G., (M.A.) "Geography and Archeology of 24th Peru." Review.. • Stack, (Rev.) James W., see Haast, Julius von, on Rock Paintings in New Zealand. Appendices Stahl, —., a new Process for Solidifying Friable Sub- stances. (Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris) Stanbridge, W. E., some Particulars of the General Characteristics, Astronomy, and Mythology of the Tribes in the Central part of Victoria, Southern Australia.. Stone Implements from Australia. With Discussion. 14th March, 1876 Stanley, W. F., Note on a New Spirometer. 25th Febru- ary, 1890.. Stanley's Spirometer (Ex. 415) Statistics, Anthropological, from Schools, see Galton, F... • .. J.A.I. v, 301-316 A.R. iii, 185 J.A.I. xx, 179, 180 J.A.I..xix, 76 J.A.I. xvii, 85 A.R. i, 488 Anthrop. 458 Anthrop. 464 A.R. v, 242 J.A.I. xx, 28 J.A.I. xx, 28 T.E.S. ii, 244-248 J.A.I. vii, 324 J.A.I. viii, 65 J.A.I. ix, 181 J.A.I. xi, 219 T.E.S. vi, 253-259 T.E.S. v, 243–254 A.R. vi, 366–378 M.A.S. i, 169 J.A.I. xiii, 109-118 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. ix, 337 J.A. 236 J.A.I. viii, 61-63 A.R. iv, 204 T.E.S. i, 286–304 J.A.I. vi, 40, 41 J.A.I. xx, 28–30 J.A.I. xx, 28 J.A.I. iii, 308 272 Index. Statistics bearing upon the Average and Typical Student in Amherst College, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 181 Relating to the Population of Finland, see An- thropological Miscellanea, 140 Stature of the Andamanese, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 109 J.A.I. x, 124 Inhabitants of Hungary, see Beddoe, J... J.A.I. xi, 410 of Lapps, see Campbell, J. F. T.E.S. v, 1 J.A.I. xvii, 202 J.A.I. xv, 245 M.A.S. iii, 384 T.E.S. ii, 213 T.E.S. vii, 305-312 of the Older Races of England as Estimated from the Long Bones, see Beddoe, J. Stature, Hereditary, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 151 .. Stature and Bulk of Man in the British Isles, see Beddoe, J. and Weight of Europeans and Natives of India, see Shortt, J. Steel, (Lieut.) E. H., on the Khasia Tribe. 10th Nov- ember, 1868 Steenstrup, J., and Sir John Lubbock, on the Flint Imple- ments recently discovered at Pressigny-le-Grand. 26th June, 1866.. Steere (Rev.), Edward (LL.D.), on East African Tribes and Languages. 24th January, 1871 .. • .. ·· .. Steffens, Alfonso, Stone Implements from the Island of San José. 23rd February, 1869 Steinthal, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 13 Steps, Proportion of Female to Male, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 27 .. Sterility of Savage Women, see Walker, R. B. N. (Alleged) of the Union of Women of Savage Races with Native Males, after having had Children by a White Man, see Walker, R. B. N. Sternberg, G. M., "Indian Burial Mounds and Shell- heaps, near Pensacola, Florida," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 84. Recent Anthropology " Stevens, E. F., " Flint Chips." Review Stevens, E. T., Obituary Notice Stewart, (Dr.) —., on the Inhabitants of Paraguay. With Discussion. 29th May, 1888.. Stimulants in use among Savages and among the Ancients, see Buckland, A. W. . Stirling, on some Flint Arrow-heads and North American Indian Pipes, from Kelby's Island, Lake Erie; presented to the Anthropological Society by the Rev. J. G. Wood. With Discussion. 2nd February, 1869 ·· • ·· Stirling, James Hutchinson. "The Secret of Hegel; being the Hegelian System in Origin, Principle, Form, and Matter, 1865." Review Stirling, John, (M.A.) the Races of Morocco. With Dis- cussion. 31st May, 1870 J.A.I. xvii, 357 J.A.I. xiii, 502 Stirrup, M., on the so-called Worked Flints from the Miocene Beds of Thenay, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 147 Stocks, Primary, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 29 T.E.S. v, 221-227 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. pp. cxliii- cliv J.E.S., N.S. i, 67, 68 A.R. i, 495 A.R. ii, 227 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. clxxix M.A.S. ii, 283 J.A.I. vii, 110 J.A. 164 J.A.I. viii, 399, 400 J.A.I. xviii, 174–176 J.A.I. viii, 239 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. cxi, cxii A.R. iv, 34-47 J.A., J.A.S. pp. clxix- clxxiii J.A.I. xiv, 289 A.R. ii, 228 Index. 273 Stone used by Admiral Tremlett to cut marks on the Granite of which the Breton Dolmens are formed, see Lewis, A. L. used to Cut Marks on Granite (Ex. 426) Stone Adzes from Burmah (Ex. 216) Age, see Crawfurd, J. in Britain, see Anthropological News, 87 in Egypt, see Anthropological News, 166 in Europe, Probable Recuperative Capacity of the Men, see Harley, G. • J.A.I. xvii, 108 J.A.I. x, 389 in Japan, see Milne, J. in Scandinavia, see Nilsson. Review A.R. vi, 191 in South Africa, see Gooch, W. D. J.A.I. xi, 124 ·· N. and Bronze Antiquities from Portugal, see Evans, J... Bronze, and Iron Ages, see Crawfurd, J. Axe from New Guinea (Ex. 323) Rio Madera, see Mackenzie, K. R. H. Brazil (Ex. 77) Carving from North Carolina, see Keane, A. H. Celt (?) from Bury St. Edmunds (Ex. 82) Celts from British Guiana (Ex. 252) ·· Chiriquí, see Blake, C. C. the Shevaroy Hills (Ex. 141) Southern India, see Rivers, A. • (Ex. 210).. • Pitt • Circle near Wurreegaon, see Pearse, G. G. Circles, see Lewis, A. L., on the Wiltshire Cir- .. •• •• cles Circles, Relation of, to Adjacent Hills and Out- lying Stones, see Lewis, A. L. • to Outlying Stones, or Tumuli, or Neighbouring Hills, see Lewis, A. L. near Aberdeen, see Lewis, A. L. in Brittany, see Tremlett, F. S... in Cumberland, see Lewis, A. L. in Shropshire, see Lewis, A. L. . . Club from the Sandwich Islands, see Moseley, H. • · · · H. ·· ·· ·· • • J.A.I. vi, 430 J.A.I. vi, 430 Hammer from Oxford (Ex. 165) J.A.I. iii, 204 and Double-pointed Cutting Instrument from the Cape (Ex. 133) J.A.I. i, 348 A.R. viii, 108 of Serpentine found in Silesia, see Anthro- pological News, 170 .. Hammer-head from Portugal (Ex. 25) Implement found in Algeria, see Lubbock, John J.A.I. x, 316 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 145 from Algeria (Ex. 248) J.A.I. x, 316 •• ·· · · .. • • • · Flempton, see Prigg, H... found at Isleworth (Ex. 281) from North Wales (Ex. 127) County Wicklow (Ex. 21) Yorkshire (Ex. 315) Periods in England, see Flower, J. W... Implements (Ex. 26) see Grey, George, on Quartzite Imple- ments from the Cape of Good Hope. ·· • • • Borneo (Ex. 117) .. County Wicklow, see Acheson, F. J.E.S., N.S. ii, 43 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cvii J.A.I. xii, 231 J.A.I. xx, 330 J.A.I. xx, 330 J.A.I. vii, 117 T.E.S. iv, 1 A.R. vi, 221 A.R. viii, 106 T.E.S. vii, 45 A.R. ii, 313 J.A.I. xiv, 115 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxxvi A.R. v, J.A.S. clxxxvi p. J.A.I. xii, 281 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cvi J.A.I. x, 431 T.E.S. ii, 166 J.A.I. ii, 348 J.A.I. ii, 348 J.E.S., N.S. i, 207 J.A.I. xx, 277 J.A.I. xv, 471 J.A.I. xii, 176 J.A.I. xvii, 44 J.A.I. xiii, 143 J.A.I. xv, 471 J.A.I. xi, 3 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xxxix J.A.I. i, 162 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 43 J.A.I. xiv, 55 J.A.I. i, 274 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 325 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 39 T 274 Index. Stone Implements from Africa (Ex. 122).. John Islands (Ex. 193) cellanea, 138 A.) ·· and Mildenhall (Ex. 260) Implements, Bushman, see Miscellanea, 121 and Syria, see Lubbock, .. O Australia, see Stanbridge, W. E. (Ex. 194) . the Banda District (Ex. 305) near Bath, see Evans, J... ·· from British Guiana, see Thurn, E. F. im Broom, Bedford, Southampton, Anthropological ·· Canada, see Gibb, Duncan the Cape (Ex. 12).. see Lubbock, J. Denmark (Ex. 80).. in Egypt, see Lubbock, John ·· from the Gold Coast, West Africa, see Burton, R. F., and V. L. Cameron Implements from Greece (Polished) (Ex. 134) from Hackney Brook (Ex. 273) couver's Island (Ex. 124) ·· • • .. • Honduras, see Franks, A. W. and Turks and Caicos .. St. Vincent (Ex. 160) San José (Ex. 13).. of South Africa, see Layard, E. L. from South Africa (Ex. 123) · • India, see Anthropological Mis- • in South Russia, see Gooch, W. D. from the Surface Soil (Ex. 145) Tasmanian (Ex. 159) • .. (Ex. 363) the Island of San José (Steffens, • • Mallicollo and Vanikoro (Ex. 197) used by the Maoris, see Hector, James.. from the Naga Hills, see Barron, (Ex. 120). Natal, see Sanderson, J... of Newfoundland, see Lloyd, T. G. B. from the North-east of London (Ex. 268) Natal (Ex. 233) Patagonia, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Perak, see Hale, A. Queen Charlotte Island and Van- ·· • ·· • • · • • • • • •• ·· ·· J.E.S., N.S. i, 67 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcvii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcvii J.A.I. xi, 180 (Ex. 260).. see Feilden, H. W. J.A.I. xiii, 162 (Ex. 304).. J.A.I. xiii, 162 (Ex. 365).. J.A.I. xvi, 65, 66 found in South Africa, see Penning, W. H. J.A.I. xvi, 68 J.A.I. x, 352 · in Yorkshire, see Monkman, C... from the Zetland Islands (Ex. 46) Small, Highly Specialised Forms of, see Brown, J. A. Implements and Casts of Bones from Portugal (Ex. 6) .. J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcii J.A.I. vi, 40 J.A.I. vi, 40 J.A.I. xiii, 184 T.E.S. iv, 240 J.A.I. xi, 444 J.A.I. xii, 231 J.A.I. x, 460 J.A.I. iii, 65 J.E.S., N.S. i, 51 J.E.S., N.S. i, 51 A.R. vi, J.A.S. P. J.A.I. iv, 215 J.A.I. xii, 449 J.A.I. i, 348 J.A.I. xii, 176 J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. xiii, 119 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.E.S., N.S. i, 67 J.A.I. vi, 199 J.A.I. v, 458 xl J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. lxii J.A.I. viii, 15 J.A.I. v, 233 J.A.I. xi, 455 J.A.I. viii, 15 J.A.I. iv, 311 J.A.I. xvii, 66 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. iii, 57 J.A.I. iii, 178 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 157 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xviii, 134 T.E.S. vii, 39 1 Index. 275 Stone Implements and Pottery from Canada (Ex. 146).. the Cape of Good Hope, see Dale, Langham (Ex. 132).. an Old Pawnee Village, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 15 .. and Bronze Implements from Jersey (Ex. 170).. and Copper Implements from Asia Minor (Ex. 261) Wooden, and Bone Implements from New Zea- land (Ex. 192) Lunar Calendars of the Chibchas, see Bollaert, W. Mining Tools from Alderley Edge, see Dawkins, W. B. .. ·· (Ex. 182).. Monuments, see Lewis, A. L., on the "Devil's Arrows". .. in the Country of the Carnutes, see Lewis, A. L. ten, H. H. H. CL East of Jordan, see Conder, C. R. in Ireland, see Lewis, A. L. of the Khasi Hill Tribes, see Godwin- Austen, H. H. ·· ·· Nagas, see Godwin-Austen, H. in Westmoreland, see Lewis, A. L. Non-sepulchral, see Walhouse, M. J. Monuments, Rude, East of Jordan (Ex. 397) see Rude Stone Monuments. ·· Mortars in California, see Skertchly, S. B. J... Mullers from Tahiti and the West Indies (Ex. 23) ·· Relics of the Mediterranean, Non-historic, see Oliver, S. P. "" ·· R. F. Stonehenge, see Nilsson, S. ·· see Clarke, C. B. see Godwin-Aus- • • Spinning Tops, from New Guinea (Ex. 374) Torres Strait, see Read, C. H. Weapons, Methods of Making. By Paul Schu- macher. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 93. Anthropological Gleanings ·· ·· · Zodiac of the Aztecs, see Bollaert, W. Stones on the Clent Hills, near Hagley, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 135 .. Worked, found in Cairns near Bangor, see Ram- say, A. C. ·· and Bones from Egypt and Midian, see Burton, · ·· - Photograph of (Ex. 17) on a Proposed Exploration of, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt D Worked Flints from (Ex. 18) Stothard, R. T., "The Propensitorial Zodiac." Review Stow, G. W., Account of an Interview with a Tribe of Bushmans in South Africa. 17th June, 1873 J.A.I. iii, 65 J.A.I. i, 345 J.A.I. i, 345 J.E.S., N.S. i, 331 J.A.I. iv, 2 J.A.I. xi, 196 J.A.I. v, 464 M.A.S. i, 210 J.A.I. v, 2 J.A.I. v, 2 J.A.I. viii, 180 J.A.I. xix, 66 J.A.I. xix, 65 J.A.I. ix, 137 J.A.I. i, 122 J.A.I. iii, 481 J.A.I. v, 37 J.A.I. iv, 144 J.A.I. xv, 165 J.A.I. vii, 21 J.A.I. xix, 65 J.A.I. xvii, 332 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121 J.A.I. iv, 90 J.A.I. xvii, 85 J.A.I. xvii, 85 J.A.I. vii, 544 M.A.S. i, 210 J.A.I. xii, 568 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 316 J.A.I. viii, 290 T.E.S. iv, 244 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 1 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 1 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 1 J.A. 357 J.A.I. iii, 244–247 T 2 276 Index. Straits Settlements. Spears, &c., from Perak (Ex. 204) and Malay States, Native Races of, see Anthropological Conferences Stratton, T., "The Celtic Origin of the Greek and Latin Languages." Review Streitzig Lake, Pile Works in, see Anthropological News, 172 Strictures on Darwinism, see Howorth, H. H. Strike-a-lights, Old English (Ex. 364) Strychnine, Immunity of Monkey to, see Anthropological News, 182 Stuart, (Major) R., the Vlakhs of Mount Pindus. November, 1867 Stuart, Villiers, Note on some Egyptian Antiquities. June, 1882 • • Stuart's Lake Indians, see Hamilton, Gavin Study of Anthropology, see Hunt, James Struggle of Man with Nature, see Schaaffhausen, H... Suakin, Natives of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 72 • O • .. ·· Subjective Light in Relation to Forensic Anthropology, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 1 Submerged Forest in Somerset, see Dawkins, W. Boyd Suckling, Effect of Sudán, Egyptian, Ethnology of, see Keane, A. H. Sue, Eugène, “The Rival Races; or, the Sons of Joel." Review 26th 27th Suffolk, Tumuli in Suffolk Crag (Ex. 137, 138) Sultan's Harem, see Millingen, F. Sumatra, see Forbes, H. O., on the Kubus Deformation of the Head in, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 142 ·· land, A. W. Surnames, English, see Beddoe, J. Phoenician Characters from, see Harrison, J. ·· P... Late Phoenician Characters from (Ex. 181) South, Skulls of the Inhabitants of, see Swaving, ·· C... Sumerian, or Akkad Families, see Clark, H., on Prehis- toric Comparative Philology," etc. • Superfotation, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 2 Supernatural Phenomena, Tests adapted to determine the Truth of.. Superstition in London, Recent, see Clarke, Hyde Superstition, Chinese, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 171 Superstitions as to Hares, Geese and Poultry, see Thrupp, J... • of African Tribes, see Hutchinson, T. J. ► • of the Gallinas People of Sierra Leone, see Harris, J. M. ·· of Nations, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 9 of the Veddahs, see Bailey, J. English Surface Changes affecting Ethnography, see Howorth, • ·· H. H. • Surgery and Superstition in Neolithic Times, see Buck- .. J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. xvi, 221 J.A. 338 A.R. viii, 108 J.A.I. iv, 101 J.A.I. xvi, 65 .A.R. viii, 217 T.E.S. vi, 311-327 J.A.I. xii, 324-326 J.A.I. vii, 206 A.R. i, 1 A.R. v, J.A.I. vi, 191 276 A.R. i, 179 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 141 J.E.S., N.S. i, 86 J.A.I. xiv, 91 A.R. i, 481-484 Anthrop. p. lxx J.A.I. ii, 89 J.A., J.A.S. p. cix J.A.I. xiv, 121 J.A.I. xiv, 85 J.A.I. iv, 387 J.A.I. iv, 387 A.R. viii, 178 J.A.I. iv, 148 A.R. i, 180 Anthrop. 359 J.E.S., N.S. i, 35 J.A.I. xvii, 80 T.E.S. v, 162 T.E.S. i, 327 M.A.S. ii, 25 A.R. i, 491 T.E.S. ii, 278 A.R. V, 314 T.E.S. vii, 134 J.A.I. xi, 7 J.A.I. xii, 231 Index. 277 Surrey, Flint Implement from Virginia Water; and Bronze Celt, from Thorpe (Ex. 128). Survival of a Human Pairing Season, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 186 of certain Racial Features, see Anthropologi- cal Miscellanea, 132 .. Sutherland, P. C. (M.D.), on the Esquimaux. 8th Feb- ruary, 1854 Swamy, Mutu Coomara, on the Ethnology of Ceylon, referring especially to the Singalese and Tamil In- habitants. Abstract Swan, J. G., “The Indians of Cape Flattery." Review.. Swaving, (Dr.) C., Collection of Skulls, see Anthropolo- gical Notes, 28 N Description of the Skulls of the Inhabi- tants of the Highlands of Palembang (South Sumatra) Sweden, Photographs of Dalecarlian Peasants (Ex. 58).. Swedish Populations out of Sweden, see Latham, R. G. Sweet, Language and Thought. With Discussion. 23rd January, 1877 Swettenham, F. A., on the Native Races of the Straits Settlements and Malay States, see Anthropological Conferences ·· •• Syllabic Characters used by Vey Negroes, see Creswick, H. C. Symbolic Messages, African, see Gollmer, C. A. West African, see Bloxam, G. W. (Ex. 370) Symbols, International Code of, see Evans, J. Syphilis, on its Alleged Introduction from America, see •• ·· Bollaert, W. in a Monkey, see Lund, E. Syphilitic Monkey (Ex. 32).. Syria, Stone Implements from, see Lubbock, John Systematic mode of Craniometry, see Busk, G... Swinhoe, R., Ethnology of the Island of Formosa on the Natives of Formosa. 17th Novem- ber, 1858. Letter, with brief Vocabulary of the Dia- lect spoken by the Aborigines in the Kalepan River T.E.S. i, [131-133] Switzerland, Jade Implements found in, see Westropp, H. M. J.A.I. x, 359 T.E.S. vi, 260 J.A.I. xiv, 169 J.A.I. xvi, 295 J.A.I. xvi, 295 J.A.I. v, 427 T. Review Tableau ethnographique, recherches sur. Tables of Observations, see Anthrop. Misc., 199 Tablets from Easter Island, see Harrison, J. P. Tagore, G. M., on Buddhism. With Discussion. April, 1862 ·· ·· ·· .. • •• 15th • on the Formation and Institution of the Caste System-the Aryan Polity. 2nd June, 1863.. Tagore, G. M., Opinions of the Brahmins respecting Spiritism and Supernatural Phenomena "Tailed" Boy from Saigon (Ex. 330) Tait on Britain during the Stone Age, see Anthropo- logical News, 87 Talbot de Malahide (Lord), on the Longevity of the Romans in North Africa. With Discussion. 11th July, 1882 ·· J.A.I. i, 212 J.A.I. xviii, 93 J.A.I. xii, 438 J.E.S. iv, 193–214 ·· A.R. i, 444 J.A. 237 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clvii A.R. viii, 178–183 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.E.S. iv, 152 J.A.I. vi, 457–482 J.A.I. xvi, 221 A.R. i, 445 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. cclvi A.R. iii, J.A.S! p. cxxi A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxi J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. xcii T.E.S. i, 341 Anthrop. 267 J.A.I. xviii, 420 J.A.I. v, 248 T.E.S. ii, 182-196 T.E.S. ii, 369–386 Anthrop. 464 J.A.I. xiv, 327 A.R. vi, 221 J.A.I. xii, 441–448 278 Index. Tamil, A, (Native of Ceylon) on the Weddos. 8th December, 1863.. Tamul Castes, see Maniegar, S. C. C. Tanagra, Votive Statuettes from, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt ·· 1 (Ex. 207) Tanganyika, Twelve Tribes of, see Hore, E. C. Taplin, (Rev.) George, Notes on a Comparative Table of Australian Languages. With Discussion. (Fold- ing Table.) 17th April, 1871.. • J (C · • .. "Folk-lore, Manners, Customs, and Languages of the South Australian Aborigines." Review ·· • ·· Further Notes on the Mixed Races of Australia, and their Migrations and Language. (With Extract from a Letter from A. W. Howitt to the Rev. L. Fison.) With Discussion. 10th March, 1874 ·· Tasmanian, Portrait of an Aboriginal (Ex. 319).. Tasmanians, see Allport, M. see Calder, J. E. the Origin of, see Bonwick, James Osteology and Peculiarities of. Review.. Photographs, Casts of Skulls, Masks, and Stone Implements of (Ex. 159) Water-colour Drawings of (Ex. 47) Tate, George, "The Ancient Sculptured Rocks of Northum- berland and the Eastern Borders, with Notices of the Remains associated with these Sculptures." Review. (Plate and Woodcuts).. •• • ·· · · Tate, Ralph, Description of an Inscribed Rock on the Banks of the Iguana. Brief Notice. 15th February, 1870 • • Report of Zetland Anthropological Ex- pedition. 14th November, 1865 Report on the Zetland Anthropo- logical Exploration. 14th November, 1865. Abstract and Discussion .. Tattooed Head of Maori (Ex. 336) Man from Burmah, see Franks, A. W. (Ex. 140) Tattooing, see Buckland, A. W. Tawhiao, Portrait of (Ex. 335) Taylor, (Rev.) Isaac, (LL.D., Litt. D.), the Origin and Primitive Seat of the Aryans. With Discussion. 22nd November, 1887 • • ·· • ·· • ·· •• • Taylor, (Col.) Meadows, the Prehistoric Archæology of India. 23rd May, 1869. (Plates) Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc., Plants Producing, see Crawfurd, J... Teak-wood Figures, from the Nicobar Islands (Ex. 24) Teeth, Size of, as a Race Character, see Flower, W. H. Teeth, Filed Tegumentary Differences among the Races of Man, see Dunn, R. .. Tehuelche Indians of Patagonia, see Hutchinson, T. J. Telescope Tube of the Peruvians, see Bollaert, W. Telescopic Device" of the Mound Builders of the United States, see Bollaert, W. • .. ·· ·· T.E.S. iii, 70-71 T.E.S. iii, 93 J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. xii, 2 J.A.I. i, 84-88; 102-104 J.A.I. x, 234 J.A.I. iv, 52–57 J.A.I. xiv, 90 J.A.I. iii, 178 J.A.I. iii, 7 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121 Anthrop. 589 J.A.I. iii, 178 A.R. V, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. iii, 293-298 A.R. viii, J.A.S. p. cviii M.A.S. ii, 339-347 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. xvi-xviii J.A.I. xv, 185 J.A.I. ii, 228 J.A.I. ii, 228 J.A.I. xvii, 318 J.A.I. xv. 185 J.A.I. xvii, 238-275 J.E.S., N.S. i, 157–181 T.E.S. vii, 197 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 137 J.A.I. xiv, 183 J.E.S., N.S. i, 86 T.E.S. i, 59 T.E.S. vii, 313 M.A.S. i, 210 M.A.S. i, 210 Index. 279 Telfer, (Commander), —, (R.N.), Notes on Skulls and Works of Art, from a Burial Ground near Tiflis. With Discussion. 10th March, 1874. (Plate) Temperaments, see Murray, J. C….. Tenby, Curious Discovery at, see Anthropological News, 169 Teneriffe, see Haigh, Tennessee, Pigmy Graveyard in, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 71 ·· Terra-cotta Figures, Græco-Egyptian (Ex. 107) Heads from Mexico and Sicily (Ex. 283).. Tablets from Babylonia, see Peek, C. E... (Ex. 379) Votive Statuettes from Tanagra (Ex. 207) "Terramares de Reggianais. By G. de Mortillet.” Review Terry, James, "Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 268 Teuto-Celtic and Slavo-Sarmatian Races. (Review of Kinglake's History of the Invasion of the Crimea. 1864) Skulls from (Ex. 414) ·· (( ·· Anthropological Miscellanea, 131.. Paleolithic Flint Implements from (Ex. 277) • (Ex. 245) (Ex. 356) • • Theological Criticism, see Philalethes Philology. Review.. .. • • Teuton? What is a, Texas, Indian Tribes of, see Bollaert, W... Text Books on Anthropology Textile and Tinctorial Plants, see Crawfurd, J. Thames, Paleolithic Implement from the Bed of the, see • ·· • • • .. · • ·· ↓· • ·· • ·· • • ·· • (Ex. 419) at Kew, Skulls and Bronze Implements from (Ex. 41) Thane, George D., on some Naga Skulls. 10th May, 1881. (Folding Table).. Thanet, Isle of, Flint Implements and Roman Remains in, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt ·· ·· ·· • ·· • ·· Thebes, Bracelets and Necklace found near (Ex. 153) Thenay, Flints from the Miocene Beds of, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 147 • • .. • ·· • .. .. Theories of Human Origin Theory of the Arts. By George Harris." of Development and its Bearing on Religion, see Jackson, J. W... “The Other World. By F. G. Lee." Review "Thesaurus Craniorum. By J. B. Davis." Review Thinking Substance in Man, see Simon, T. C. Thomas, (Rev.) D. R. (M.A.), see Hughes, T. McK. and D. R. T., on Implements from Pontnewydd Cave • ·· ·· ·· Review Science and • • • ·· and T. McK. Hughes (M.A.), on a Cairn near Cefn, St. Asaph, North Wales. Abstract. 10th January, 1871 Thomas, Oldfield, Account of a Collection of Human Skul's from Torres Straits. With Discussion. 13th Janu- ary, 1885. (2 Plates and Tables) J.A.I. iv, 57–60 A.R. viii, 14 A.R. viii, 108 T.E.S. vii, 107 J.A.I. vi, 100 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. xii, 323 J.A.I. xviii, 102 J.A.I. xviii, 102 J.A.I. vi, 310 A.R. iv, P.M.A. 84 J.A.I. xx, 379 A.R. iv, 62-71 A.R. vi. 246 J.E.S. ii, 262 A.R. iii, 303-305 T.E.S. vii, 78 J.A.I. xii, 437 J.A.I. xii, 230 J.A.I. ix, 369 J.A.I. xv, 452 J.A.I. xx, 20 J.A.I. xx, 200 A.R. iv, J.A.S. J.A.I. xi, 215–219 J.E.S., N.S. i, 1 J.A.I. iii, 139 J.A.I. xiv, 289 A.R. ii, 199 A.R. vi, 378-386 A.R. vii, 1–22 A.R. viii, 145 A.R. v, 257 J.A.I. vi, 98 A.R. vi, 386 A.R. iii, 146 J.A.I. iii, 337 p. cxxviii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxlii J.A.I. xiv, 328-343 280 Index. Thompson, George C., on Consanguineous Marriages. With Discussion. 5th April, 1870 Thomson, (Dr.) Allen (F.R.S.), Description of Andamanese Bone Necklaces. 24th May, 1881 Thomson, Arthur (M.A., M.B.), on the Osteology of the Veddahs of Ceylon. With Discussion. 14th May, 1889. (Folding Table) 14th Thomson, A. S., (M.D.), Observations on the Stature, Bodily Weight, Magnitude of Chest, and Physical Strength of the New Zealand Race of Men. April, 1852 Thomson, G., Notes on Cambodia and its Races. 9th July, 1867. (4 Plates) Thomson, J., on the African Tribes of the British Empire, see Anthropological Conferences Thomson, Thomas R. Heywood (M.D.), the Bubis, or Edee- yah of Fernando Po. 8th December, 1847.. Observations on the Reported Incompe- tency of the "Gins," or Aboriginal Females of New Holland, to procreate with a Native Male after having borne Half-caste Children to a European or White. 10th November, 1852 Thomson, William, "Not Man, but Man-like," see Mis- ·· cellanea Anthropologica, 19 ·· "Three Years in Western China." Review. See Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 237 .. Thrupp, J., British Superstitions as to Hares, Geese, and Poultry. 24th April, 1866 on the Domestication of Certain Animals in England between the Seventh and Eleventh Cen- turies. 25th April, 1865 Thukiue or Turks Proper, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part VII Thumb and Finger Marks, Patterns in, see Anthropolo- gical Miscellanea, 227 d •• ·· Thurn, E. F. im, on the Animism of the Indians of British Guiana. With Discussion. 8th November, 1881 • • ·· • Measurements of a Cranium found in a Long-barrow at Dinnington, Yorks. Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris.. the Two Principal Forms of Crania among the Early Britons. 19th April, 1864. Notice and Discussion J.A.I. xi, 360–382 on the Races of the West Indies, see An- thropological Conferences J.A.I. xvi, 190 on some Stone Implements from British Guiana. 14th June, 1881. (Plate and Woodcut).. J.A.I. xi, 444–452 Thurnam, (Dr.) J., Ancient Cranium of a Briton of the Stone Period. Notice .. A.R. iii, 320 on the Two Principal Forms of Ancient British and Gaulish Skulls. 19th April, 1864. (Plates and Woodcuts.) Part I Part II • M · • Further Researches and Observations on the Two Principal Forms of Ancient British Skulls. 5th March, 1867. (Plates) · J.A., J.A.S. pp. cli, clii J.A.I. xi, 295309 J.A.I. xix, 125–159 J.E.S. iii, 123–131 T.E.S. vi, 246–252 J.A.I. xvi, 182 J.E.S. ii. 105–118 J.E.S. iii, 243–246 A.R. ii, 147 J.A.I. xx, 366 T.E.S. v, 162-167 T.E.S. iv, 164–172 J.A.I. i, 242 J.A.I. xx, 36Û A.R. iv, 204 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. ccxxxi- ccxxxiii M.A.S. i, 120–168 M.A.S. i, 459-519 M.A.S. iii, 41-80 Index. 281 Thurnam, (Dr.) J., Further Researches and Observations on the Two Principal Forms of Ancient British Skulls. Abstract and Discussion Thurnam, J. (M.D.) and J. B. Davis, "Crania Britannica." Review Thurnam's Ancient British and Gaulish Crania. (Discus- sion before the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris) Tia-Huanaco, Peru, Sculptured Monolith (Ex. 70) Tibbu-Reschade, Nachtigal's Journey to, see Anthropo- logical Notes, 31 Tibet, Objects from (Ex. 19) Buddhism in, see Paske, E. Tiddeman, R. H. (M.A.) on the Age of the Hyæna- Bed at the Victoria Cave, Settle, and its Bearing on the Antiquity of Man. With Discussion. 22nd May, 1877 346) G. Tierra del Fuego, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 146 Ethnological Objects from (Ex. the Inhabitants of, see Garson, J. Natives of (Ex. 408) Wild Tribes of, see Snow, W. Telfer, P. Tiflis, Skulls, and Works of Art from, see ·· Time, Notation of, in China, see Wade, T. F. Timor, some of the Tribes of, see Forbes, H. O. Timor-Laut, Cranial Characters of the Natives, see Gar- son, J. G. Ethnological Specimens from (Ex. 298).. Ethnology of, see Forbes, H. O... Tin for Bronze Tools and Weapons, see Crawfurd, J. Tinctorial Plants, see Crawfurd, J. Titans. •• • • • • Toe, Great, of the Annamese, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 105 • • Toes, Relative Length of, see Harrison, J. P. Tolmaen, near Penrhyn, Cornwall, Destruction of Tomahawk from Tahiti (Ex. 54) Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla, Discovery of, by E. A. Conwell. Review • “Tomb Tablet” from Australia, see Murray, T. A. Tombarra, (New Ireland), see Duffield, A. J. Tombs in the Island of Rotumah, see Wood, W. W. Tomkins, (Rev.) Henry George, Remarks on Mr. Flinders Petrie's Collection of Ethnographic Types from the Monuments of Egypt. With Discussion. 12th June, 1889. (2 Plates) .. ·· Islands, Strange Funeral Ceremony in, Anthropological Miscellanea, 122. . Tonga Taboo, Cromlech at, see Mackenzie, K. R. H. Tooting, Flint Celt from (Ex. 110) Notes on the Hyksôs or Shepherd Kings of Egypt. With Discussion. 28th May, 1889 Tonga, see Pritchard, W. T. see ·· A.R. vi, 52 A.R. iv, 97-105 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. cxxiv- cxxxii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. clix J.E.S., N.S. ii, 31 J.A.I. viii, 195 J.A.I. xiv, 288 J.A.I. xv, 390 J.A.I. xv, 141 J.A.I. xix, 443 T.E.S. i, 261 J.A.I. iv, 57 T.E.S. vii, 210 J.A.I. xiii, 402 J.A.I. vii, 165–173; 174- 185 J.A.I. xiii, 386 J.A.I. xiii, 23 J.A.I. xiii 8 T.E.S. iii, 350 T.E.S. vii, 88 J.E.S., N.S. i, 85 J.A.I. ix, 460 J.A.I. xiii, 258 J.E.S., N.S. i, 87 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii Anthrop. 868 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. liii J.A.I. xv, 114 J.A.I. vi, 5 T J.A.I. xviii, 206-239 J.A.I. xix, 183–199 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlvi J.A.I. x, 460 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. excviii J.A.I. i, 30 282 Index Topinard, P., "Étude sur les Races Indigènes de l'Australie." Review. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 28 Observations upon the Methods and Processes of Anthropometry. 11th May, 1880 on Resemblances between a Galtcha and a Savoyard Skull. 21st January, 1879. Title only Topinard's "Anthropology." Translated by R. T. H. Bartley, M.D. Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 91 Topley, William, (F.R.S.), on the Relation of the Parish Boundaries in the South-East of England to great Physical Features, particularly to the Chalk Escarpment. With Discussion. 18th February, 1873. (3 Plates) ·· .. Notes on the Roman Remains found at Newhaven, see Walker, B., and J. C. Ardagh Topographical Nomenclature of Turkish Asia Minor, (C see Clarke, Hyde Topography of Sigwell, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Toppich,, the Pelagosa Finds. the Pelagosa Finds. (Translated by Captain Richard Burton.) Title only. 14th March, 1876.. Torrance (Rev.) G. W., (M.A., Mus. D.) Music of the Australian Aborigines. With Discussion. 14th December, 1886. . .. "" Torre dei Giganti " of Malta, see Oliver, S. P., on historic Stone Relics of the Mediterranean Torres Strait, see Haddon, A. C. Ethnological Objects from (Ex. 407) Skulls from, see Thomas, O. Towyn, Incised Slate Tablet from (Ex. 264) Tozer (Rev.) H. Fanshawe-Researches in the Highlands of Turkey; including visits to Mounts Ida, Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, etc. By H. F. T. 2 vols. J. Murray, 1869. Review Traditions, see Farrar, F. W. 66 • Australian, see Major, R. H. >> "" .. ·· • • •• Non- ·· see Ridley, W. of the Hervey Islands, see Gill, W. W... Oral, see Campbell, J. F... Transvaal, Population, Prospects, and Future Government of the, by G. Pigot Moodie, F.R.G.S., see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Gleanings Transversalis pedis " in the Foot of the Gorilla. Proc. of the Anthrop. Soc. of Paris (( .. Transylvania, the Peoples of, see Charnock, R. S. Traps, Borneo, see Skertchly, S. B. J. Travancore, Hill Tribes of, see Reviews. Paper •• .. .. • • • ·· • Capt. Fryer's >> Nepotism in, see Mateer, S. Travellers, Anthropometric Apparatus for (Ex. 389) Traveller's Box of Anthropometric Instruments (Ex. 358) "Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon. By C. R. Markham.' Review "Travels in Western China and on the Borders of Eastern Tibet. By Capt. W. J. Gill." See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 95. Anthropological Glean- ings" CC ·· J.A.I. ii, 307 J.A.I. x, 212-224 J.A.I. viii, 395 J.A.I. vii, 540 J.A.I. iii, 32-56 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxcii A.R. v, J.A.S. p. clxxix J.A.I. viii, 191 J.A.I. vi, 54 J.A.L. xvi, 335-340 J.A.I. iv, 90 J.A.I. xix, 297 J.A.I. xix, 297 J.A.I. xiv, 328 J.A.I. xi, 310 J.E.S., N.S., i, 200 T.E.S. iii, 298 T.E.S. i, 349 J.A.I. ii, 257 J.A.I. vi, 2 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 325 J.A.I. viii, 100 A.R. iv, 107 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxx J.A.I. xx, 211 J.E.S., N.S. i, 80 J.A.I. xii, 288 J.A.I. xviii, 332 J.A.I. xvi, 2 A.R. iii, 298 J.A.I. viii, 100 Index. 283 Travers, W. on the Destruction of the Aborigines of Chatham Island. 7th March, 1865 Treatment of Diseases by Charms, as Practised by the Singalese in Ceylon, see Dickman, H. "Tree and Serpent Worship. By J. Fergusson." Review ·· ·· ·· Trees, Right of Property in, on the Land of another, see Clarke, H. Tregear, Edward, the Maori and the Moa. cussion. 14th December, 1887 the Maoris of New Zealand. 9th April, .. ·· • 1889 Trellech, see Price, F. G. H. Tremlett, C. F., the Great Toe of the Annamese, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 105.. Tremlett, (Admiral) F. S., on the Cromlech (Stone Circle) of Er-Lanic. With Discussion. 11th March, 1884. (Plate) ·· ·· With Dis- ·· Quadrilateral Constructions at Mané- Pochat-en-Uieu and Mané-Ty-ec, near Carnac, Ex- plored by the late James Miln, F.S.A. Scot. Discussion. 28th April, 1885. (Plate) With Notes on a Recent Discovery in Finistère, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 217 the Sculptured Dolmens of the Morbihan, Brittany. With Discussion. 10th March, 1885. (2 Plates) •• Notes on Stone Circles in Brittany. With Discussion. 8th May, 1883. (Plate) Trent Valley, see Mackie, S. J., on Human Remains from Muskham.. .. Trephining in the Neolithic Period, see Horsley, V. Days of the Incas, see Anthropological •• ·· News, 72 and Skull-boring from America, Prehistoric (Ex. 405) .. Tribal Affinities among the Aborigines of Australia, see .. Wake, C. S. System in Ireland, see Westropp, H. M. Triegaardt's Trek, Survivors of, see Anthropological News, 79 Trinidad, Stone Implements from San José (Ex. 13) Tristan d'Acunha, Island of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, y Troano Codex of Madrid, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hieroglyphics •• Troanus Maya Codex of Madrid (Ex. 68).. Trotter, Coutts, Notes on the Natives of the Polynesian Islands. 22nd March, 1887 Troy, Objects from Hissarlik (Ex. 186) .. · Fugitives from Tschudi, (Dr.) J. J. de, on the Ancient Peruvians. Tsëĕn-Han-Shoo, see Wylie, A. see Wylie, A. Book 95, see Wylie, A. Book 96, Part 2, see Wylie, A. Translation of, see Wylie, A. Tuckett, F. F., On a Supposed Diminution in the Size of Heads during the last Quarter of a Century, derived ·· T.E.S. iv, 352–360 T.E.S. ii, 140 A.R. vii, 217 J.A.I. xix, 199 J.A.I. xvii, 292-305 J.A.I. xix, 97-123 J.A.I. ix, 51 J.A.I. ix, 460 .. J.A.I. xiv, 47–51 J.A.I. XV, J.A.I. xix, 507 J.A.I. xvii, 75-78 J.A.I. v, 120 ·· J.E.S., N.S. ii, 367 1884 J.E.S. i, 79-85 79–85 170-175 J.A.I. xv, 104-113 J.A.I. xiii, 143–151 T.E.S. ii, 266 J.A.I. xvii, 100 A.R. V, v, 374 J.A.I. xix, 213 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. xiii J.E.S., N.S. ii, 342 A.R. vi, 117 J.E.S., N.S. i, 67 J.A.I. vi, 338 M.A.S. iii, 288 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. v, 41 J.A.I. x, 20 J.A.I. ix, 53 J.A.I. xi, 83 J.A.I. iii, 401 284 Index. = from the Observations of a Hatter upon his Sales and Stock. Title only. 11th January, 1881 Tuke, D. Hack, (M.D.) The Cagots. 13th January, 1880. With Discussion Tumuli, see Buckland, A. W., on " King Orry's Grave see Mortimer, J. R., on Kemp How," Cowlam (C • Ancient British, Bateman's Researches in, Lubbock, J. near the Village of Ardaschewo, Russia, Bogouschefsky, (Baron) de.. on Brading Downs, Isle of Wight, see Price, E., and F. G. H. Price near Copiapó, see Madge, J. H. on the Cotswold Hills, see Bird, H. in Finistère, Sepulchral Chambers in, see Anthro- pological Miscellanea, 204.. in the Isle of Man, see Anthropological News, 63 near Smyrna, sɛe Oliver, S. P., "Non-historic Stone Relics of the Mediterranean "2 • of the Seven Hills, Livermere, Suffolk Tumuli, Yorkshire, see Anthropological News, 162 and Stone Circles near Castleton, see Pennington, ·· R. Tumulus near Brighton, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt at Essequibo, see Brett, W. H. at Seaford, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt Tuna Tuoro, see Haast, Julius von, on Rock Paintings in New Zealand. Appendix 3 Tundums, Australian (Ex. 345) Tunes, Australian, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 165 see see J. ·· · • Impersonal "Var” "Know" and "Sow' • >> Tupper, (Captain) A. C., Skulls and Bronze Implements from the Thames at Kew. With Discussion. 20th March, 1866 Turcoman Tribes of Central Asia, see Vambéry, A. Turcomans between the Caspian and Merv, see Vambéry, A. • •• ·· ·· Turkey, Researches in the Highlands of. Review Worked Flints from Albania (Ex. 362) . Turkish Asia Minor, Topographical Nomenclature of, see Clarke, Hyde • • • ·· ·· • and Georgian Names for Water Identical, see • Ethnological Notes and Queries, 18 Turkomania, on the Yamúd and Goklán Tribes, see Bode, Baron de • Turks Islands, Stone Implements from (Ex. 193) Turner, (Rev.) William Y. (M.D.), the Ethnology of the Motu. With Discussion. 22nd January, 1878. (Woodcuts) Turner, (Sir) William (LL.D., F.R.S.), Cranial Deforma- tion. Abstract.. ·· on Cranial Deformities, more especially on the Scaphocephalic Skull. Abstract.. Further Ethnological Enquiries, more • • .. J.A.I. x, 431 J.A.I. ix, 376–385 J.A.I. xviii, 346 J.A.I. ix, 394 T.E.S. iii, 307 J.A.I. ii, 199 J.A.I. xii, 192 J.A.I. xị, 437 A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. lxv J.A.I. xix, 90 A.R. V, v, 370 J.A.I. iv, 93 Anthrop. p. lxx A.R. viii, 101 J.A.I. iv, 377 J.A.I. vi, 280 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxcv J.A.I. vi, 287 J.A.I. viii, 63 J.A.I. XV, 390 J.A.I. xvi, 425 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxxviii- CXXX A.R. ii, 326 J.A.I. ix, 337 J.E.S., N.S. i, 200 J.A.I. xvi, 65 A.R. v, J.A.S. clxxix p. J.E.S., N.S. i, 201 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 192 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 J.E.S. i, 60 J.A.I. vi, 37 J.A.I. vii, 470-499 A.R. ii, 323 A.R. i, 391 Index. 285 especially connected with the Western Esquimaux, see "Report of the Arctic Committee." Appen- dix Turner, (Sir) William (LL.D., F.R.S.), Human Cranium from Amiens. Abstract Twana Indians. By Rev. M. Eells. See Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 93. Anthropological Gleanings Twins, see Anthropological News, 47. An Anti- Malthusian Family "" (6 ·· ·· see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 35.. Heredity in, see Galton, F. History of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 58 .. ·· Tylor on Marriage Systems and Laws of Descent, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 185 Tylor, Alfred, on the Discovery of supposed Human Remains in the Tool-Bearing Drift of Moulin-Quig- non. 21st April, 1863. Plate.. Discussion the Homological Nature of the Human Skeleton. Title only. 27th February, 1883 on the Human Fossil at Nice. Title only. 14th June, 1881.. ·· ·· .. the Laws of Ornament in the Organic World, and on the Origin of the Human Form. Title only. 23rd March, 1880 ·· the Origin of Numerals; or the Object- Origin of Prehistoric Thoughts and Ideas illustrated by the History of the Invention of the Art of Calcu- lation and some other Useful Arts. With Discussion. 25th April, 1876 Tylor, Edward B. (D.C.L., F.R.S), Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Anthropological Institute. 27th January, 1880 25th January, 1881 Address to the Department of Anthropo- logy of the British Association, Sheffield, 1879. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 100 Notes on the Asiatic Relations of Poly- nesian Culture. With Discussion. 22nd November, 1881 Remarks on Australian Marriage Laws. 9th December, 1879 on Buschmann's Researches in North American Philology. 4th March, 1862 Enquiries as to Religion, Mythology, and Sociology of Esquimaux Tribes, see Report of the Arctic Committee." Appendix (( on the Game of Patolli in Ancient Mexico, and its probably Asiatic Origin. With Discussion. 9th April, 1878. (Woodcuts).. on a Method of Investigating the Develop- ment of Institutions; applied to Laws of Marriage and Descent. With Discussion. 13th November, 1888. (Woodcuts) Notes on the Modern Survival of Ancient J.A.I. ii, 305 A.R. i, 392 J.A.I. vii, 544 A.R. v, 256 A.R. ii, 232 J.A.I. v, 324 J.A.I. v, 391 J.A.I. xviii, 91 A.R. i, 166-168 A.R. i, T.A.S. pp. i, ii J.A.I. xiii, 7 J.A.I. xi, 31 J.A.I. x, 108 J.A.I. vi, 125-136 J.A.I. ix, 443–458 J.A.I. x, 440-458 J.A.I. ix, 235 J.A.T. xi, 401-405 J.A.I. ix, 354 T.E.S. ii, 130–136 J.A.I. ii, 297 J.A.I. viii, 116–131 J.A.I. xviii, 245–272 286 Index. With Discussion. Amulets against the Evil Eye. 12th March, 1889 Tylor, Edward B., (D.C.L., F.R.S.), Old Scandinavian Civilisation among the Modern Esquimaux. With Discussion. 12th June, 1883. (2 Plates) on the Origin of the Plough and Wheel- carriage. With Discussion. 24th February, 1880. (Plate and Woodcuts).. on Phenomena of the Higher Civilisation Traceable to a Rudimental Origin among Savage Tribes. Abstract. See Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 Phenomena of the Higher Civilisation Traceable to a Rudimental Origin among Savage Tribes.. •• the Philosophy of Religion among the Lower Races of Mankind. 26th April, 1870. With Discussion (C • • Scythe-Chariots in Ancient Britain, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 112 Note on the Veddas of Ceylon Wild Men and Beast-Children ·· see Burton, R. F., on the Akkas.. Type, Elasticity of, in Animals, see Devis, C. w. Fixity of, see Farrar, F. W. see Farrar, F. W…… ·· ·· •• Remarks on the Geographical Distribution of Games. With Discussion. 11th March, 1879.. J.A.I. ix, 23-30 on Japanese Mythology. With Discussion. 28th March, 1876 "Researches into the Early History of Mankind, and the Development of Civilisation.” 1865. Review .. J.A.I. vi, 55-60 .. .. JJ. Uist, Island of; Hypogeum at Valaquie, see Carmichael, A. A. • · • ·· Ula from Lake Nyassa, see Flower, W. H. (Ex. 423) Ulia Vocabulary, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 213, 214.. Ulverstone, see Morris, J. P., Report of Explorations Conducted in the Kirkhead Cave .. • • ·· Human Species, see Dunn, R. of Mankind, Psychological, see Wake, C. S. Skull from, see Beigel, Kirkhead Cave near, see Miscellanea Anthro- pologica, 36 Underground Structure at Driffield, see Mortimer, J. R. Unger, (Dr.) Franz. Obituary Notice. With Portrait.. United States, Anthropology in the, see Anthropological Notes, 2.. Flint Implements from (Ex. 237) Unity of Comte's Life and Doctrine. By J. H. Bridges. Review • .. • "" Unity of the Human Race, see Knox, R., Ethnological Inquiries and Observations J.A.I. xix, 54-56 ·· J.A.I. xiii, 348-357 J.A.I. x, 74-84 A.R. iv, 394 A.R. v, 303-314 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 369–381 A.R. iii, 248-265 J.A.I. x, 128 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 A.R. i, 21-32 J.A.I. xviii, 121 M.A.S. iii, 81 T.E.S. iii, 394 A.R. ii, 302 J.A.I. iii, 272 J.A.I. XX, 225 J.A.I. xx, 225 J.A.I. xix, 494; 500 M.A.S. ii, 358 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxxiii A.R. ii, 344 J.A.I. vii, 277 J.A. 227–232 J.A. 111 J.A.I. viii, 377 A.R. iv, 289 A.R. i, 255 T.E.S. i, 186 M.A.S. iii, 134 Index. 287 Unst, Archaic Anthropology of, see Hunt, J. Shetland, see Blake, C. C., on Human Remains from the "Muckle Heog" Urns of Chloritic Schist found in Kist-vaens on the "Muckle Heog," see Roberts, G. E. Urquhart, F. C., see Anthropological Miscellanea, 143 Use and Disuse, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 239 Uzes, see Howorth, H. H., on the Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part VII • T. Valentine, Mann S., Exhibition of Sculptures and Photo- graphs from North Carolina, see Keane, A. H. Vallabhúcháryas, Sect of, see Maharajas. Review Vallis, Gustav, see Anthropological News, 168 Vambéry, Arminius, on the Dervishes and Hadjis of the East. (Translated by Berthold Seemann) 14th February, 1865 .. on the Dervishes of Central Asia. 14th February, 1865. Discussion the Turcoman Tribes of Central Asia. Abstract.. • the Turcomans between the Caspian and Merv. With Discussion. 25th November, 1879 Van der Hoeven, John, "Beschrijving van Schedels van Inboorlingen der Carolina-Eilanden." Review. Review. See Davis, J. B. ·· · CC Obituary Notice see Reviews, 161 Vancouver Island, see Sproat, G. M. Vancouver's Island, Artificially Deformed Skulls from (Ex. 125) • ·· ·· • tr • •• .. Fishing Indians of, see Bogg, E. B. Indian Tribes of, see Jacob, E. W. Stone Implements from (Ex. 124) • and British Columbia, the Natives of, by R. King, see Anthropology at the British As- sociation, 1869 Vandenpeerenboom, Alphonse, Letter Relative to Excava- tions in Belgium. 5th March, 1867 . Vanderkindere, Léon, "Recherches sur l'Ethnologie de la Belgique." Review. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 30 ·· • ·· Vanikoro, Natives of, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 76 .. .. Skulls, &c., from (Ex. 197) from, see Busk, G. Varangians, see Howorth, H. H. many. Part VI” see Howorth, H. H. The Ethnology of Ger- many. Part VI" .. see Anthropological Miscellanea, 137, 139 Varieties and Early Migrations of the Human Race, see • • Ethnology of Ger- · .. Fitzroy, • • of the Human Species, Classification of, see Flower, W. H... M.A.S. ii, 294 M.A.S. i, 299 M.A.S. i, 296 J.A.I. xiv, 87 J.A.I. xx, 366 J.A.I. i, 242 J.A.I. xii, 281 A.R. iv, 252 A.R. viii, 107 M.A.S. ii, 14-24 A.R. iii, J.A.S.pp.cxli-cxliii A.R. ii, 326, 327 J.A.I. ix, 337–344 A.R. iv, 47 A.R. vii, J.A.S. J.A. 70 T.E.S. v, 243 P. lxxxii J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii M.A.S. iii, 260 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. xi J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxxii A.R. vii, 425 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. cxxiii J.A.I. ii, 310 J.A.I. vi, 335 J.A.I. vi, 199 J.A.I. vi, 200 J.A.I. xii, 525 J.A.I. xiii, 213 J.A.I. xiii, 119; 238 T.E.S. i, 1 J.A.I. xiv, 378 288 Index. Varini, see Howorth, H. H. "Ethnology of Germany. Part VI" see Howorth, H. H. many. Part VI" (C of Tacitus, see Clarke, Hyde Varangians, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 137, 139.. Vatican, Anthropology at the, see Anthropological News, 89 Vaux, W. S. W., (M.A., F.R.S.), on the Probable Origin v. of the Maoris or Native Inhabitants of New Zealand. With Discussion. 11th January, 1876 see Hector, J., and W. S. W. Veddah Skull, Note on Veddahs, see a ،، Tamil," on the Weddos Skeletons and Skulls of (Ex. 402) of Ceylon The Ethnology of Ger- (Year 1868) ·· •• • see Bailey, J. Osteology of, see Thomson, A. Venezuela, Indian Remains found in, see Ernst, A. Remarks on the Population of, see Ernst, A. Venn, John, (D.Sc., F.R.S.) Cambridge Anthropometry. • • in France Virchow, R., see Idea of Life Vision-testing, see Carter, R. B. Visualised Numerals, see Galton, F. • ·· ·· • · .. 24th April, 1888 Veraguas, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hiero- glyphics Vey Negroes, Syllabic Characters used by, see Creswick, H. C. Syllabarium, see Creswick, H. C. Veys, Life among the, see Creswick, H. C. Vibraye, de, Flint Implements in the Department of Loire et Cher, see Miscellanea Anthropologica, 5 Victoria Cave, see Busk, G. ·· see Dawkins, W. B., on the Work of the Settle Cave Committee • Settle, Age of the Hyæna-Bed, see Tid- deman, R. H. "Victoria Falls of the Zambesi. By Baines." Re- •• view Viking Grave, Cranium found in (Ex. 301) "C See Vikings of Western Christendom." Review. Anthropological Miscellanea, 231.. Villees. See Shortt, J., on the Tribes of Southern India Villin, E., Prof. G. Nicolucci's Anthropology of Etruria. (Abstract of a Paper read on December 4th, 1869, at the Academy of the Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Italy) Résumé of the "Bulletins " of the Paris Anthropological Society. (From June, 1867, to January, 1868) .. • • .. see Lagneau, Gustave, on the Saracens ■ • · Vitality of the Negro in the United States, see Reichen- bach, O. Viti, and its Inhabitants, see Pritchard, W. T. .. J.A.I. xii, 525 J.A.I. xiii, 213 T.E.S. vii, 60 J.A.I. xiii, 119; 238 A.R. vi, 222 J.A.I. v, 451-458; 463, 464 Anthrop. 251 T.E.S. iii, 70 J.A.I. xix, 125 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 T.E.S. ii, 278 J.A.I. xix, 125 J.A. [3], J.A.S. p. vii M.A.S. iii, 274 J.A.I. xviii, 140–154 M.A.S. iii, 288 T.E.S. vi, 260 T.E.S. vi, 260 T.E.S. vi, 354 A.R. i, 182 J.A.I. iii, 392 J.A.I. i, 60 J.A.I. vii, 165 A.R. iv, 243 J.A.I. xiii, 122 J.A.I. xx, 362 T.E.S. iii, 373 J.A. 79-89 A..R. vii, 195-200 A.R. vii, 381-392 M.A.S. iii, 157 A.R. viii, 49 J.A.I. xv, 121 J.A.I. x, 85 A.R. ii, J.A.S. p. lxv M.A.S. i, 195 Index. 289 Viti, Tonga, and Samoa, on the Inhabitants of, see Pritchard, W. T. • Vlakhs of Mount Pindus, see Stuart, R... Vocabularies, see Mackenzie, A. "Specimens of Native Australian Languages' Australian Tribes, see Palmer, E. Aymara, see Forbes, D. .. Bediya, see Mitra, R., on the Gypsies of Bengal Bishareen, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 72 Canienga or Mohawk, see Hale, H. Caribisce Caroline Islands, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 214 "" H. ·· .. ·· • 214 ·· Cayapas, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 197 Champion Bay (West Australia), see Foley, R. J. Chinook Jargon, or Trade Language, see Wilson, -, Report on Indian Tribes Chocó.. .. ·· Lepcha, see Campbell, A... Limboo, see Campbell, A., around Darjeeling • Cowitchan and Sumass-chilukweyuk, see Wilson, Report on Indian Tribes Coyoukon ·· Darien Indians, see Cullen, Formosa, see Swinhoe, R. ·· Gaelic and Welsh, see Crawfurd, J., on the so- called Celtic Languages •• •• Gypsy, see Crawfurd, J., on the Origin of the Gypsies. Hindi, see Crawfurd, J., on the Origin of the Gypsies Ke Islands and Timor-laut (Larat), see Forbes, H. O. .. • ·· ·· ·· ·· Kibalans of Sau-o Bay Kusaie, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 214 Kutch-a-Kutchin .. ·· ·· • ·· Modelja •• • Suj-él-pa. Colville Indians, see Wilson, Report on Indian Tribes Toole or Darien Indians, see Cullen, • Malemute ·· Melanesian, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 196. "Sketch of Api Grammar" Mortlock, see Anthropological Miscellanea, Mosquito see Collinson, J., on the Mosquito Indians Nichol Bay (North West of Australia), see Wal- cott, P. ·· on the Tribes .. ·· Noánama and Tadó Indians, see White, R. B. North American Indian, see Wilson, Aboriginal Dialects of Queensland, see Barlow, ·· • Inhabitants of Sau-o Bay, East Coast of Formosa Singhalese, see Bailey, J., on the Veddahs of Ceylon .. Spokan and Kalispelm, see Wilson, , Report on Indian Tribes A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxlvi T.E.S. vi, 311 J.A.I. iii, 247 J.A.I. xiii, 276 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 287–297 M.A.S. iii, 132, 133 J.A.I. vi, 193 J.A.I. xiv, 242, 243 T.E.S. vi, 175 J.A.I. xix, 500-503 J.A.I. xviii, 304 T.E.S. iii, 297, 298 T.E.S. iv, 322-326 T.E.S. vi, 175 T.E.S. iv, 326–329 T.E.S. vii, 182, 183 T.E.S. vi, 172–174 T.E.S. i, [133] T.E.S. iv, 92-100 T.E.S. iii, 28-30 T.E.S. iii, 28-30 J.A.I. xiii, 25--29 T.E.S. vi, 362, 363 J.A.I. xix, 501-503 T.E.S. vii, 183-185 J.E.S., N.S. i, 155–157 T.E.S. vii, 157-159 T.E.S. vii, 180-182 J.A.I. xviii, 302 J.A.I. xix, 501-503 T.E.S. vi, 175 M.A.S. iii, 156 T.E.S. ii, 249-251 J.A.I. xiii, 254–256 T.E.S. iv, 322-332 J.A.I. ii, 166 T.E.S. vi, 362, 363 T.E.S. ii, 314–318 T.E.S. iv, 332 T.E.S. iv, 329-332 T.E.S. vi, 172-174 U 290 Index. Vocabularies of Ulia, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 213, 214.. Veddah, Ceylon see Bailey, J., on the Veddahs of • ·· (C Vlakh, see Stuart, R., on the Valkhs of Mount Pindus Watchandie (West Australia), see Oldfield, A., on the Aborigines of Australia Woolwa, see Collinson, J., on the Mosquito Indians Záparo, see Simson, A ·· Vocal and other Influences upon Mankind, of Pendency of the Epiglottis, see Gibb, G. D. Vogan, A. J., Notes on Certain Australian Marriage- Systems, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 216…. Vogt, Carl, on Italian Crania. Letter Lectures on Man: his Place in Creation and in the History of the Earth. Edited by J. Hunt. on Microcephali; or, Human-Ape Or- ganisms. Translation .. ·· · ·· the Primitive Period of the Human Species. Translation on the Results of the Congress of Palæont- ologists at Copenhagen, see Anthropological News, 188 Vogt's Lectures on Man. Review.. Voice, the Character of, see Gibb, Duncan Character of the, see Gibb, G. D... Voisin, (Dr.) A., Anthropological Study on the Commune (Parish) of Batz (Loire-inférieure), and the In- nocuousness of Consanguineous Marriages, see Anthropological Society of Paris.. Völkerpsychologie, Zeitschrift für," 1859. (Extracts.) See Miscellanea Anthropologica, 13 Vollgraff, (Dr.) Karl, "Anthropognosie. Ethnognosie und Ethnologie. Polignosie und Polilogie, 1851, 1853, 1855. Review .. "" Vollgraff's Anthropology, see Vollgraff, K Vorschule der Völkerkunde. By L. Diefenbach." Re- view Votive Statuettes found at Tanagra, see Rivers, A. H. Pitt from Tanagra (Ex. 207) Voyages through the Malayan Archipelago to New Guinea and the "Papoea," Isles, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 84. "Recent Anthropology' "" ·· •• • ·· W. ·· Wade, (Sir) T. F., on the Notation of Time in China. 9th June, 1868 . Wâdy Arabah, the Arabs of, see Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 149 ·· Wagner, Hermann, Cerebral Measurements, see Anthro- pological News, 41 ·· on the Occipital Lobe of Man and Apes, see Anthropological News, 40 J.A.I. xix, 494–503 T.E.S. ii, 314-318 T.E.S. vi, 327 T.E.S. iii, 294-297 M.A.S. iii, 155 J.A.I. viii, 223–227 M.A.S. iii, 106 J.A.I. xix, 505 A.R. v, 364-368 A.R. vii, 128-136 A.R. V, 204-221; A.R. viii, 219 A.R. vii, 177 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. lxii M.A.S. iii, 244 A.R. v, 363 A.R. i, 495 A.R. iv, 226-231 A.R. iv, 226 A.R. iii, 196 J.A.I. vi, 310 J.A.I. vi, 310 334-350 J.A.I. vii, 113 T.E.S. vii, 210-214 J.A.I. xv, 132 A.R. V, 249 A.R. v, 248 Index. 291 Wagner, Richard, "Das Judenthum in der Music." Re- view Wagner, Rudolph, Creation of Man, and Substance of the Mind Waitz, Theodor, Anthropology of Primitive Peoples. First Part. Edited from the German by J. Frederick Collingwood. "Introduction to Anthropology." Re- view Waitz's Anthropology, Notes on, see Burton, R. F. Wake, C. Staniland, on Aborigines of Western Aus- tralia the Adamites. •• January, 1872 • the Aim and Scope of Anthropology on the Antiquity of Man and Comparative Geology. Abstract and Discussion. 5th February, 1867 (C ·· With Discussion. 1st Cannibalism Chapters on Man." Review "Contributions to the History of the Development of the Human Race." Lectures and Dissertations by Lazarus Geiger. Translated from the Second German Edition by David Asher, Ph.D. London, 1880. Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 119 ·· Étude sur les Races Indigènes de l'Aus- tralie." Review. See Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 28 ·· ·· "C ·· Forlong's "Rivers of Life." Review the Hamath Inscriptions, see Anthropo- logical Miscellanea, 33 • the Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity. 5th April, 1870 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Abstract and Discussion Man and the Ape. With Discussion. 5th November, 1872 ·· Origin of the Moral Idea the Origin of Serpent-Worship. Discussion. 17th December, 1872 on Marriage by Capture the Mental Characteristics of Primitive Man; as exemplified by the Australian Aborigines. With Discussion. 17th April, 1871.. the Nature and Origin of Group-marriage. 8th May, 1883 on Non-Mussulman Arabs, see Anthro- Review. • • • pological Miscellanea, 128.. ·· Organic Philosophy." Anthropological Miscellanea, 23 .. the Origin of the Classificatory System of Relationships used among Primitive Peoples. With Discussion. 30th April, 1878.. Notes on the Origin of the Malagasy. With Discussion. 23rd November, 1880 on the Origin of the Malagasy. only. 23rd November, 1880 Title • • • See With • A.R. vii, 306 A.R. i, 227-232 A.R. i, 465-472 A.R. ii, 233 Anthrop. p. lxxxviii J.A.I. i, 363-376 J.A.I. 1-18 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. cv-cxi; cxiii-cxvii Anthrop. 571 A.R. vi, 316 J.A.I. x, 366 J.A.I. ii, 307 J.A.I. xii, 568 J.A.I. ii, 446 J.A. 97–105; 199-227 J.A., J.A.S. pp. cxlii-cxlv´ J.A.I. ii, 315-330 Anthrop. 73 J.A.I. i, 74-84; 102-104 J.A.I. xiii, 151–161 J.A.I. xi, 355 J.A.I. ii, 133 J.A.I. viii, 144-180 J.A.I. xi, 21-33 J.A.I. x, 424 Anthrop. p. cvii J.A.I. ii, 373-390 1 2 で ​292 Index. Wake, C. Staniland, the Papuans and the Polynesians. With Discussion. 4th April, 1882 the Physical Characters of the Australian Aborigines Notes on the Polynesian Race. With Discussion. 13th April, 1880 the Primitive Human Family. 25th Feb- ruary, 1879 logical Miscellanea, 176 logical Miscellanea, 189 May, 1868 on the Psychological Unity of Mankind. Abstract and Discussion. 5th May, 1868 .. With Discussion. the Psychological Unity of Mankind. 5th •• Horde, see Anthropo- see Anthropo- on the Race Elements of the Madecasses. 14th December, 1869 the Relation of Man to the Inferior Forms Civilisation of Animal Life on the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals. Title only. 21st April, 1863 Report on Anthropology at the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at Edinburgh, 1871. 6th November, 1871 Report of the Delegates from the Anthro- pological Society of London to the British Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting, 1870. Liverpool. 1st November, 1870 Sacred Prostitution Social Condition of Woman as Affected by ·· ·· • Spiritism among Uncultured Peoples com- pared with Modern Spiritualism on Tribal Affinities among the Aborigines of Australia. With Discussion. With Discussion. 15th November, 1870 see Charnock, R. S., and C. S. W., Language as a Test of Race Wake's Chapters on Man. Review Wales, Ethnological Observations in, see Mackintosh, D. Skulls from a Roman Villa at Llantwit, near Cardiff (Ex. 404) North, Rude Stone Monuments in, see Lewis, A. L. • .. ·· • ■ Stone Implement from (Ex. 127).. see Rivers, A. H. Pitt [Fox, A. Lane], on Cairns near Bangor.. ·· J.A.I. xii, 197-222 J.A. 259-267 J.A.I. x, 109–123 J.A.I. ix, 3-19 J.A.I. xvii, 276-282 J.A.I. xviii, 99 M.A.S. iii, 134–147 A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. clxviii- clxx •• A.R. viii, J.A.S. pp. xxix-lvi A.R. i, 365-373 A.R. i, T.A.S. p. ii J.A.I. i, 268–274 see Thomas, D. R., and T. McKenny Hughes, on a Cairn near Cefn South, Bone and Stone Implements from Gower (Ex. 135) Walcott, P., a Short Vocabulary of Aboriginal Words, Collected at Nichol Bay. 3rd June, 1862 Walhouse, M. J., some Account of a Leaf-wearing Tribe T.E.S. ii, 249–251 on the Western Coast of India. 8th December, 1874 J.A.I. iv, 369–376 on the Belief in Bhutas-Devil and Ghost Worship in Western India. With Discussion. 14th December, 1875. (2 Plates) .. J.A. [3], J.A.S. pp. iii-vi Anthrop. 156 Anthrop. 78 Anthrop. 458 J.A. [3],J.A.S.pp. xiii-xxxii A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xxxviii A.R. vi, 316 T.E.S. i, 211 J.A.I. xix, 182 J.A.I. vii, 118 J.A.I. i, 162 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 306 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cxlii J.A.I. ii, 2 J.A.I. v, 408-425 Index. 293 : Walhouse, M. J., A Hindoo Prophetess. 1884 A 24th June, on Iron Arrow-Heads and Spear-Heads from Southern India. 27th June, 1876 on non-Sepulchral Rude Stone Monu- ments. With Discussion. 27th February, 1877. (2 Plates) Rag-bushes and Kindred Observances. With Discussion. 8th April, 1879 ·· on Rhabdomancy and Belomancy, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 64.. some Vestiges of Girl Sacrifices, Jar Burial, and Contracted Interments in India and the East. 13th December, 1881. (Woodcut) Walker, (Gen. Sir) C. P. Beauchamp, (K.C.B.) and Lieut. Ardagh, on a Deposit Containing Shells and Animal Remains at Newhaven, in Sussex. With Notes upon the Animal Remains, by C. Carter Blake; and on the Condition of Deposit, by W. Topley. With Discussion. 15th May, 1866 Walker, James Broom, Notes on the Politics, Religion, and Commerce of Old Calabar. With Discussion. 11th April, 1876 Walker, R. B. N., on the Alleged Sterility of the Union of Women of Savage Races with Native Males, after having had Children by a White Man; with a few Remarks on the Mpongwe Tribe of Negroes. 1st May, 1866 Abstract and Discussion. 1st May, 1866 on some Ivory Carvings and other Objects from West Africa. 31st January, 1865 Letter from Gaboon. 6th February, 1866 • .. Notes on the Negro. Letter. December, 1867.. • • ·· • 31st Specimens from the Gaboon. 2nd April, .. ·· 1867 Wallace, Alfred Russel, Abstract of Address to the Anthropological Department, see Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 • The Malay Archipelago; the Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature. By A. R. W. 2 vols. 1869. Review. (Woodcut and Plate) on Natural Selection applied to Anthro- pology the Origin of Human Races and the Antiquity of Man Deduced from the Theory of "Natural Selection." 1st March, 1864. With Discussion · on the Progress of Civilisation in Northern Celebes. 24th January, 1865.. J.A.I. xiv, 187-192 J.A.I. vi, 245, 246 J.A.I. vii, 21-43 J.A.I. ix, 97-106 J.A.I. v, 494 J.A.I. xi, 415–423 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxxxvii- cxciii J.A.I. vi, 119-124 M.A.S. ii, 283-287 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxxix- clxxxi A.R. iii, J.A.S. p. cxxiv p. A.R. iv, J.A.S. xcii A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xcv A.R. vi, J.A.S. pp. lxii, lxiii A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. cxlix-clii A.R. iv, 389 J.E.S., N.S. i, 81-83 A.R. v, 103-105 A.R. ii, J.A.S. pp. clviii- clxxxvii 'T.E.S. iv, 61-70 294 Index. Wallace, Alfred Russel, on the Progress of Civilisation in Northern Celebes. Abstract and Discussion on the Varieties of Man in the Malay Archipelago. 26th January, 1864 Varieties of Man in the Malay Archi- pelago. Abstract Madden, a Wallace's Malay Archipelago. Review Wallach, Henry, the Guanchos. 14th June, 1887 •• • Wallachia, see Clarke, H... Waller, J. G., Bronze Implements from Saltwood, Kent. 17. June, 1873.. ·· Wallington, Emma, Physical and Intellectual Capacities of Woman equal to those of Man Wallons, see Beddoe, J. .. •• • ·· • see Charnock, R. S., and C. C. Blake Wandering Tradesmen, Pelasgians.. Wandle, Paleolithic Flint Implements from the (Ex. • • • • • 356) Wanner, Dr. Martin, "Das Alamannische Todtenfeld bei Schleitheim und die Dortige Romische Neiderlass- ung." Review. See German Archaic Anthro- pology Warfare, Savage and Civilized, see Farrar, J. A. Warings, see Clarke, Hyde Warne, Charles, "The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset, 1866." .. • ·· ·· Review Wars of Extirpation, see Calder, J. E., on the Tas- manians. Water, Names for, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 18.. · "Water Babies. By Charles Kingsley." Review Washington, Icelandic Remains near, see Anthropologi- cal News, 91 Watson, (Rev.) H. W., on the Probability of the Extinc- tion of Families. With Prefatory Remarks by Francis Galton, F.R.S. 12th May, 1874 Watt, (Dr.) George (M.B., C.M.), the Aboriginal Tribes of Manipur. With Discussion. 11th January, 1887. (2 Plates) Weapon, Pueblo, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 1077 Weapons, Prehistoric Names of, see Clarke, H from the Amazon (Ex. 211) of the Botocudo Indians (Ex. 306) etc., from the Admiralty Islands (Ex. 209) from New Guinea (Ex. 196) .. and Implements used by the Kaffir Tribes and Bushmen of South Africa, see Griesbach, C. L. Bronze, see Lubbock, J., and Frederic Lub- ·· • .. ·· ·· .. bock see Bronze-Flint-Stone. Weardale, Durham, see Mackie, S. J., on Human Remains from Heathery Dale Cave Web-footedness of Negro •• ·· Webb, C. D., Ethnological Objects from South Africa, see Anthropological Conferences Webster, (Rev.) Wentworth, the Basque and the Kelt; an Examination of Mr. W. Boyd Dawkins' Paper, "The Northern Range of the Basques," in the Fort- A.R. ii, 332–334 T.E.S. iii, 196–215 A.R. i, 441 A.R. vii, 310 ·· J.A.I. xvii, 158-165 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. xc J.A.I. iii, 230 Anthrop. 552 J.A.I. ii, 18 J.A.I. ii, 10 J.E.S., N.S. i, 201 J.A.I. xv, 452 A.R. v, 325-330 J.A.I. ix, 358 T.E.S. vii, 60 A.R. V, 85-90 J.A.I. iii, 7 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 96 A.R. i, 472 A.R. vi, 223 J.A.I. iv, 138–141 J.A.I. xvi, 346-370 J.A.I. ix, 464 J.A.I. vi, 142 J.A.I. vii, 19 J.A.I. xiii, 198 J.A.I. vi, 425 J.A.I. vi, 102 J.A.I. i, P.E.S. p. cliv T.E.S. v, 105 T.E.S. ii, 266 A.R. iv, J.A.S. p. cxxvi J.A.I. xvi, 178 I 1 1 Index. 295 nightly Review, September, 1874. With Discussion. 9th February, 1875 Webster, (Rev.). Wentworth, on Certain Points Con- cerning the Origin and Relations of the Basque Race. With Discussion. 6th May, 1872 Weddos, see "Tamil" Weight of the Brain in the Negro, see Davis, J. Barnard.. of Brain in the Negro, see Peacock, T. B. of Sir James Simpson's Brain, see Anthropologi- cal Notes, 11 · Proportions of Brains, see Weisbach, Dr. A. · and Stature of Europeans and Natives of India, see Shortt, J. Weisbach, Dr. A., the Weight Proportions of the Brains of Austrian Peoples, with Reference to Stature, Age, Sex, and Diseases Weismann's Essays, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 208 •• Welby, (Lady), an Apparent Paradox in Mental Evolu- tion. With Discussion. 9th December, 1890 Welch, E. A. and Dr. J. Barnard Davis, an Account of the Chatham Islands, their Discovery, Inhabitants, Conquest by the Maoris, and the Fate of the Aborigines. With Discussion. 15th February, 1870 .. Welcker, Hermann, on the Skull of Dante; with Notes from the Memoir of Prof. P. Gaddi. By J. Barnard Davis ·· • ·· .. see Anthropologi- ·· cal News, 39 Wellington, Bishop of [Rt. Rev. Ch. John Abraham, D.D.], Notes on the Maoris of New Zealand and some Melanesians of the South-West Pacific. 11th May, 1869 Wesley, W. H., on the Iconography of the Skull. 6th March, 1866 Abstract and Discussion. 6th March, 1866 West of England, Head-Forms of, see Beddoe, J. West Indies, Excess of Females in, see Galton, F. Races of, see Anthropological Con- ferences.. ·· • Shell Chisels from Barbadoes (Ex. 253).. Skulls from Jamaica (Ex. 416) Stone Implements from Turks and Caicos Islands (Ex. 193) ·· ·· See Howorth, H. H. .. Part II. Ghaznevides, etc., see Howorth, H. H. • Mullers from (Ex. 23) and British Guiana, Photographs of (Ex. ·· ·· 295) Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. By H. H. Howorth. See Anthropology at the British Association, 1869 Part I. A.D. 1218-1868. •• • ·· The Seljuks, J.A.I, v, 5–29 J.A.I. ii, 150-159 T.E.S. iii, 70 A.R. vii, 190 M.A.S. i, 65; 520 J.A. 115 A.R. vii, 92 T.E.S. ii, 213 A.R. vii, 92-95 J.A.I. xix, 92 J.A.I. xx, 304-329 A.R. viii, J. S. pp. xcvii- cviii A.R. v, 56-71 A.R. v, 247, 248 J.E.S., N.S. i, 364–371 M.A.S. ii, 189–194 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. cxx- cxxvi M.A.S. ii, 348 J.A.I. iv, 136 J.A.I. xvi, 190 J.A.I. xi, 2 J.A.I. xx, 110 J.A.I. vi, 37 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121 J.A.I. xiii, 2 A.R. vii, 424 JE.S., N.S. i, 12-34 J.E.S., N.S. i, 378 - 296 Index Westerly Drifting of the Nomades. Part III. Comans and Petchenegs, see Howorth, H. H. Part IV. The Circassians and White Khazars, see Howorth, H. H. Part V. The Hungarians, see Howorth, H. H. Part VI. See Howorth, H. H. Part VII. See Howorth, Part VIII. The Avares, or Eastern Huns. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 15.. Part IX. See Howorth, Part X. The Alans or Part XI. The Bulgarians. H. H. H. H. ·· Abstract. Lesghs. See Howorth, H. H. See Howorth, H. H. See Howorth, H. H. .. Western Regions, Notes on the. (Translated from the "Tsëen Han Shoo," Book 96, Part II.) See Wylie, A. Westropp, Hodder M., on the Analogies and Coincidences among Unconnected Nations. With Discussion. 19th June, 1871.. Analogous Forms of Implements among Early and Primitive Races. 15th May, 1866 Title only May, 1879 11th May, 1880.. ·· Abstract and Discussion. 15th May, 1866 on Cromlechs and Magalithic Structures. 9th February, 1869 on the Earliest Phases of Civilization. 7th March, 1870 Notes on Fetichism. 27th May, 1879. With Discussion. 27th note on Italian Celts. 26th June, 1866.. on Jade Implements found in Switzerland. • The Part XII. The Huns. .. ·· • ·· .. ·· on Jade Implements found in Switzer- land, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 117 on a "Kitchen Midden" at Ventnor. 27th March, 1877 on the Mythic Age. With Discussion. 18th May, 1869.. on Ogham Pillar Stones in Ireland. With Discussion. 3rd June, 1872 a few Words on the Origin and Develop- ment of Language. With Discussion. 17th Novem- ber, 1868.. J.E.S., N.S. ii, 83 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 182 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 469 J.À.I. i, 226 J.A.I. i, 242 J.A.I. ii, 114 J.A.I. ii, 205 J.A.I. iii, 145 J.A.I. iii, 277 J.A.I. iii, 452 J.A.I. xi, 83 J.A.I. i, 221–226 M.A.S. ii, 288-293 A.R. iv, J.A.S. pp. clxxxiii- clxxxvi J.E.S., N.S. i, 53-59 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 324, 325 J.A.I. ix, 145 J.A.I. ix, 304–311 T.E.S. v, 216 J.A.I. x, 359-363 J.A.I. x, 359 J.A.I. vii, 83–84 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. clxxv- clxxxvi J.A.I. ii, 201-205 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. xxxix- xlvi on Phallic Worship. 5th April, 1870.. J.A., J.A.S. pp. cxxxvi- cxlii Index. 297 Westropp, Hodder M., on the Sequence of the Phases of Civilisation, and Contemporaneous Implements. With Discussion. 14th May, 1867 Tribal System and Land Tenure in Ireland, under the Brehon Laws. With Dis- cussion. 12th April, 1870 on Ventnor Flints. With Discussion. 4th March, 1873 “What am I? a Popular Introduction to the Study of Psychology." By E. W. Cox. Review "What am I?" Review. See Anthropological Mis- cellanea, 36, 45 What is a Teuton? Wheatley, Human Remains from (Ex. 311) Wheeled-carriage, Origin of the, see Tylor, E. B. Whistles for Testing the Limit of Audibility of Sound, • see Anthropological Miscellanea, 173 Whitby, Skulls of the Bronze Age from (Ex. 312) White, F., a Brief Account of the Wild Aborigines of Formosa. 7th April, 1868 •• · • ·· White, R. B., Notes on the Aboriginal Races of the North-Western Provinces of South America. With Discussion. 26th June, 1883. (Vocabulary of Words used by the Noánama and Tadó Indians) White Man and Negro, points of difference between the Larynx of, see Gibb, G. D. Whitfield, J., Rock Inscriptions in Brazil. With Dis- cussion. 22nd April, 1873. (Plate).. Whitmee, (Rev.) S. J., on some Characteristics of the Malayo-Polynesians. 27th November, 1877 • • ·· the Ethnology of Polynesia. With Dis- cussion. 25th June, 1878. (Map) a Revised Nomenclature of the Inter- Oceanic Raees of Men. With Discussion. 7th January, 1879 Whitney, (Professor) May, 1875 on Antiquities of Colorado. 11th "Who are the Scotch? By James Bonwick." Whymper, F., Coyoukon Vocabulary Review Russian America, or "Alaska," the Na- tives of the Youkon River and Adjacent Country. 21st April, 1868.. Wight, Worked Flint from the Isle of (Ex. 108) ·· ·· Isle of, Prehistoric Remains in, see Lewis, A. L. Wild Men and Beast-Children, see Tylor, E. B. Wilder, Alexander, (M.D.) "Intermarriage of Kindred.” Review Wildman, (Capt.) Leveson, Notes on the Manners and Customs of the People about Little Popo, Bight of Benin. 7th November, 1865 .. Wilkinson, on the Races of Madagascar. Discussion only. See Anthropology at the British Association, 1866 Wilkinson, Thomas, on the Natives of Madagascar. 2nd April, 1867 .. Wilmot, (Lieut.) Eardley, on the Hair of the Hovas of Madagascar. Title only. 4th May, 1869 A.R. v, J.A.S. J.A.S. pp. cxcii-ce J.E.S., N.S. ii, 342–351 J.A.I. iii, 69-70 Anthrop. 428 J.A.I. iii, 123; 530 A.R. vi, 246 J.A.I. xiv, 3 J.A.I. x, 74 J.A.I. xvii, 181 J.A.I. xiv, 3 T.E.S. vii, 165, 166 J.A.I. xiii, 240–258 M.A.S. ii, 1 J.A.I. iii, 114, 115 J.A.1. vii, 372-378 J.A.I. viii, 261–275 J.A.I. viii, 360-369 J.A.I. v, 220, 221 J.A.I. x, 237 T.E.S. vii, 182, 183 T.E.S. vii, 167-185 J.A.I. i, 1 J.A.I. xiv, 45 A.R. i, 21 J.A. 106 T.E.S. iv, 268-274 A.R. iv, 392 A.R. v, J.A.S. pp. clvi- clix A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxv 298 Index. Wilson, (Capt.) Report on the Indian Tribes Inhabiting the Country in the Vicinity of the 49th Parallel of North Latitude, North America. 27th June, 1865 Wilson, (Sir) Charles W. (K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.C.L., F.R.S.), on the Tribes of the Nile Valley, North of Khartum. With Discussion. 8th February, 1887. (Map) Wilson, (Sır) Daniel, (LL.D.), on some American Il- ·· lustrations of the Evolution of New Varieties of Man. Title only. 26th November, 1878 some American Illustrations of the Evolu- tion of New Varieties of Man. 26th November, 1878 66 J.A.I. viii, 338–359 "The Huron Race, and its Head Form." Review. See Anthropological Miscellanea, 7 J.A.I. i, 262 Inquiry into the Physical Characteristics of the Ancient and Modern Celt of Gaul and Britain A.R. iii, 52–84 "Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, 1865." Review • ·· ·· "Prehistoric Man" (1862). Review "Prehistoric Man; Researches into the Origin of Civilisation in the Old and New World." 2nd Edition. Review .. Supposed evidence of the Existence of inter-glacial American Man," see Anthropological Miscellanea, 95. "Anthropological Gleanings ".. Wilson, J. S., on the Colour of the Hair of the Canelos Indians. Extract from Letter on the colour of hair of Canelos Indians. 20th April, 1869 ·· Wilson, T., the Smithsonian Institution and its Anthropo- logic Work, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 218 Wiltshire Circles, see Lewis, A. L. Windward Islands.-Stone Implements from St. Vincent (Ex. 160) Wisden, (Major) ·· Exhibition of Bronze Antiquities from Worthing. 27th February, 1877 Wise on Race in Medicine. Review Wishmoor Bottom, Flint Implements from, see King, C. C. Wohlers, J. F. H., New Zealand Myth of the Creation, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 78 Wolf-reared Children, see Anthropological Miscel- ·· ·· lanea, 108 Woman, Physical and Intellectual Capacities of, Equal to those of Man Woman Question, see Ethnological Notes and Queries, 21.. Mak ·· ·· and Wife, name for, in Georgian Women, their Claims to Political Power, see Pike, L. O. Wood, (Rev.) J. G., Exhibition of Fijian and African Objects. 17th March, 1868 Poisons used by Savages. With Dis- cussion. 5th January, 1869 ·· Exhibition of Two Specimens of Indian Manufacture. 3rd March, 1868 see Stirling, on Arrow-heads from Kelby's Island .. • ·· T.E.S. iv, 275-332 J.A.I. xvii, 3-25 J.A.I. viii, 324 A.R. iii, 272-287 A.R. i, 137-141 A.R. iv, 358-360 J.A.I. viii, 101 A.R. V, 253 A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. 155, 156 J.A.I. xix, 509 J.A.I. xx, 277 J.A.I. iii, 204 J.A.I. vii, 43 A.R. vii, 240 J.A.I. ii, 365 J.A.I. vi, 343 J.A.I. ix, 465 Anthrop. 552 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 366 J.E.S., N.S. i, 202 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. xlvii A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. cxxvi A.R. vii, J.A.S. pp. lxx- lxxiv A.R. vi. J.A.S. p. cxix A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. cxi Index. 299 Wood, W. Martin, the Hairy Men of Yesso. 27th Decem- ber, 1864.. Wood, W. W., on the Tombs in the Island of Rctumah. 8th February, 1876. (Plate).. Woodcuts, Human Remains Discovered at, see Beddoe, J... Wooden Image and Spear-head from Newton Abbot (Ex. 189) ·· Ímplements from New Zealand (Ex. 192) Woodthorpe, (Lieut.-Col.) R. G., Naga Ornaments, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 210 Notes on the Wild Tribes Inhabiting the so-called Naga Hills, on our North-East Frontier of India. Part I. With Discussion. 8th March, 1881. (2 Plates) Part II. With Discussion. 10th May, 1881. (7 Plates) ·· Woodward, Horace B., on a Wooden Image and a Spear- head Discovered near Newton Abbot. 8th June, 1875 Woollen Bags Associated with Flint Arrow-heads from Arica (Ex. 104) Woolwa Vocabulary, see Collinson, John, on the Mos- quito Indians Woolwas Indians, see Collinson, John, on the Mosquito ·· .. Indians ·· • Wordsworth, J., (M.A.) "Lectures Introductory to a History of the Latin Language and Literature." Re- view Worked Flint from the Isle of Wight (Ex. 108) Flints from Albania (Ex. 363) • • ·· • ·· · Blackheath, Surrey (Ex. 302) Cape Blanc Nez (Ex. 293) Maiden Bower (Ex. 228).. found at Stonehenge (Ex. 18) · (so-called) from the Miocene Beds of Thenay, see Anthropological Miscellanea, 147.. Jade Hatchet (Ex. 337) Worthing, Bronze Antiquities from (Ex. 213) Wound of the Skull and Brain by a Saw, Extraordinary Recovery after, see Anthropological News, 181. Wright, Chauncey, " Darwinism." Review. See An- • ·· • • thropological Miscellanea, 5 Wright, Thomas, on the Human Remains found in the Excavations of Wroxeter on the Intercourse of the Romans with Ireland. 24th April, 1866 Obituary Notice of. 29th January, 1878 on the True Assignation of the Bronze Weapons, &c., supposed to Indicate a Bronze Age in Western and Northern Europe. 21st November, 1865. (Woodcuts) (Extracts from a Paper read before the British Association at the Birmingham Meeting, 1865) Writing, Easter Island, see Anthropological Miscel- lanea, 42 Fictitious, in North America, see Bollaert, W... ·· T.E.S. iv, 34-38 J.A.I. vi, 5, 6 J.A.I. xix, 2 J.A.I. v, 299 J.A.I. v, 464 J.A.I. xix, 252 J.A.I. xi, 56–73 J.A.I. xi, 196–214 J.A.I. v, 299, 300 A.R. vii, J.A.S. p. clxxxix M.A.S. iii, 155 A.R. vi, J.A.S. p. xiii J.A. 338 J.A.I. i, 1 J.A.I. xvi, 65 J.A.I. xiii, 137 J.A.I. xii, 496 J.A.I. vii, 396 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 1 J.A.I. xiv, 289 J.A.I. xv, 185 J.A.I. vii, 43 A.R. viii, 216 J.A.I. i, 261 T.E.S. ii, 364–369 T.E.S. v, 168–173 J.A.I. vii, 534–537 T.E.S. iv, 176-195 A.R. iv, 72-85 J.A.I. iii, 528 M.A.S. i, 169 1 300 Index. Writing, Picture and Figurative, in the New World, see Bollaert, W. Materials, see Crawfurd, J. Written Language, see Crawfurd, J. Wroxeter, deformed skulls from, see Johnson, H. Human Remains from, see Wright, T. Wylie, A., History of the Heung-Noo in their Relations with China. (Translated from the "Tsëen-Han-Shoo." Book 94, &c.) 30th December, 1873.. tentot Wyman, Jeffreys, Position of the Foramen Magnum W. B. K., see Kesteven, W. B. W. L. D., see Distant, W. L. W, [C. S.], see Wake. W, [M. J.], see Walhouse. 23rd February, 1875 of the South-Western Barbarians and Chaou-Seen. (Translated from the "Tsëĕn-Han- Shoo," Book 95.) With Introduction by H. H. Howorth, F.S.A. 8th April, 1879 "" Notes on the Western Regions. (Trans- lated from the "Tsëen-Han-Shoo. Book 96. Part I. 11th May, 1880) X. Xanthus Obelisk Inscription, Translation of .. Part II Wyman, Jeffries, (M.D.) on the Measurement of Crania Observations on the Skeleton of a Hot- · · Y. Yabrúd, Remains from, see Blake, C. C... Yacoutes, see Galitzin, E. .. Yahgans of Tierra del Fuego, see Anthropological .. .. ·· • ·· ·· Miscellanea, 146 Yamúd and Goklán Tribes of Turkomania, see Bode, ·· .. .. Baron C. A. de.. Yarhouse, Broch of, see Anderson, J., on Excavations in Caithness Cairns ·· •• J.A.I. ii, 58 J.E.S. iv, 144 J.A.I. xiv, 288 J.E.S. i, 60 M.A.S. iii, 228 J.A.I. ix, 87 Yen Ts'oo, Memoir of Yenadie, see Shortt, J., on the Tribes of Southern India T.E.S. iii, 373 Yeso, Aborigines of, see St. John, H. C... Yesso, Hairy Men of, see Wood, W. M. J.A.I. ii, 248 T.E.S. iv, 34 T.E.S. i, 11 J.A. 296 .. Yezidis, Assyrian Origin of the, see Ainsworth, W. F. Ygorottes, see Philippines. Review Yorkshire, see Monkman, C., on Discoveries in Recent Deposits Crania from .. Stone Implement from (Ex. 315) Yorkshire Tumuli; Grand Discoveries near Bridlington, see Anthropological News, 162 • • •• Wolds, Ancient Dwellings found on the, see Mortimer, J. R. ·· M.A.S. i, 169 T.E.S. v, 155 T.E.S. v, 96 T.E.S. i, [134] T.E.S. ii, 364 J.A.I. iii, 401-452 J.A.I. v, 41-80 J.A.I. ix, 53-96 J.A.I. x, 20-73 J.A.I. xi, 83–115 A.R. vi, 345-349 A.R. iii, 330–335 A.R. vii, 152–154 Anthrop. 524 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 157 Anthrop. p. x J.A.I. xiv, 55 A.R. viii, 101 J.A.I. xỉ, 472 Index. 301 Yoruba Bows, etc., see Moloney, A. •• and other Weapons (Ex. 406) "Bull-Roarers" (Ex. 403).. Country, see Batty, R. B... Nation, Numeral System of, see Mann, A. Youkon River, Natives of, see Whymper, F. Young, John T., on some Palæolithic Fishing Implements from the Stoke Newington and Clapton Gravels. Abstract. 12th February, 1884 Yourouks of Asia Minor, see Bent, T. Yucatan, see Bollaert, W., on Central American Hiero- glyphics Maya Hieroglyphic Alphabet of, see Bollaert, W. Maya Alphabet (Ex. 65) Yule, (Colonel) Henry, Notes on Analogies of Manners between the Indo-Chinese Races and the Races of the Indian Archipelago. With Discussion. 29th April, 1879 29th April, 1879. Title only.. Yünnan and the Shan Country, Aboriginal and other Tribes of, see Colquhoun, A. R. Photographs of Natives of, (Ex. 296) ·· • Z. 1852. See Philosophy Zadkiel, "Lilly's Astrology." and Pseudo-Philosophy “Zambesi and its Tributaries. By D. Livingstone.” Review Záparo Language, Vocabulary of, see Simson, A. Záparos, Notes on the, see Simson, A. •• Zetland, Anthropological Expedition to, see Tate, R. Archaic Anthropology of, see Hunt, J. Inscriptions on Stones in the Island of Brassay, Hunt, J... Zetland Islands, Stone Implements from (Ex. 46) Zimmermann's L'Homme, 1865. Review Zodiac, Mexican (Ex. 63) (69) Zodiac, Stone, of the Aztecs, see Bollaert, W. Zulus, Figures Modelled in Clay by (Ex. 22) Zulu Language, see Grout, L. Zurich, Interments near ·· ·· •• ·· • ·· ► A ·· ·· • ·· • • • see • • • • • .. • • • J.A.I. xix, 213 J.A.I. xix, 213 J.A.I. xix, 159 J.A.I. xix, 160 J.A.I. xvi, 59 T.E.S. vii, 167 J.A.T. xiv, 83, 84 J.A.1. xx, 269 M.A.S. iii, 288 M.Á.S. ii, 46 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii J.A.I. ix, 290-304 J.A.I. ix, 108 J.A.I. xiii, 3 J.A.I. xiii, 2 A.R. iii, 185 A.R. iv, 143 J.A.I. viii, 223 J.A.I. vii, 502 M.A.S. ii, 339 M.A.S. ii, 294 M.A.S. ii, 373 A.R. v, J.A.S. p. xxxii A.R. iii, 132–137 A.R. J.A.S. V, xxxii A.R. v, J.A.S. xxxii M.A.S. i, 210 J.E.S., N.S. ii, 121 J.E.S. iii, 247 Anthrop. p. lxxvii p. p. LONDON: HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. Officers and Council of the ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND FOR 1893. OF PRESIDENT. Professor A. MACALISTER, M.D., F.R.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. JOHN BEDDOE, Esq., M.D., F.R.S. Sir JOHN EVANS, K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S. Sir WILLIAM H. FLOWER, K.C. B., LL.D., FRANCIS GALTON, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. J. G. GARSON, Esq., M.D. Rt. Hon. T. H. HUXLEY, D.C.L., F.R.S. Rt. Hon. Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., F.R.S. CHARLES H. READ, Esq., F.S.A. Lieut.-General PITT RIVERS, D.C.L., F.R.S. F. W. RUDLER, Esq., F.G.S. EDWARD B. TYLOR, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S. SECRETARY. CUTHBERT E. PEEK, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. TREASURER. A. L. LEWIS, Esq., F.C.A. COUNCIL. G. M. ATKINSON, Esq. H. BALFOUR, Esq., M.A. E. W. BRABROOK, Esq., F.S.A. HYDE CLARKE, Esq. J. F. COLLINGWOOD, Esq., F.G.S. Prof. D. J. CUNNINGHAM, M.D., F.R.S W. L. DISTANT, Esq. A. J. EVANS, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. H. GOSSELIN, Esq. Prof. A. C. HADDON, M.A. F.R.S. T. V. HOLMES, Esq., F.G.S. R. BIDDULPH MARTIN, Esq., M.A. R. MUNRO, Esq., M.A., M.D. J. EDGE PARTINGTON, Esq. F. G. H. PRICE, Esq., F.S.A. OLDFIELD THOMAS, Esq., F.Z.S. ARTHUR THOMSON, Esq., M.A. COUTTS TROTTER, Esq., F.G.S. M. J. WALHOUSE, Esq., F.R.A.S. General Sir C. P. BEAUCHAMP WALKER, K.C.B. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. GEORGE W. BLOXAM, Esq., M.A. PAST PRESIDENTS. 1871-72. RT. HON. SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, BART., F.R.S. 1873-74. PROFESSOR G. BUSK, F.R.S. 1875-76. LIEUT.-GENERAL A. PITT RIVERS, D.C.L., F.R.S. 1877-78. SIR JOHN EVANS, K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S. EDWARD B. TYLOR, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S. 1879-80. 1881-82. LIEUT.-GENERAL A. PITT RIVERS, D.C.L., F.R.S. 1883-84. PROFESSOR FLOWER, C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. 1885-88. FRANCIS GALTON, Esq., F R.S. 1889-90. JOHN BEDDOE, Esq., M.D., F.R.S. 1891-92. EDWARD B. TYLOR, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S. Extracts from the Regulations respecting the Election of Fellows:- Every person desirous of admission to the Institute as a Fellow shall be proposed and recommended by at least two Fellows, one of whom shall certify his personal knowledge of such candidate. (Ladies are eligible as Fellows.) · Each Fellow shall pay an Annual Contribution of two guineas, which may at any time be compounded for by a payment of £21. The Annual Contributions shall become due upon election (unless such election takes place in the month of November or December) and in advance on the first day of January in each year afterwards. There is at present no Entrance Fee, Fellows residing in the country can borrow books from the Library. Persons who wish to become Fellows of the Institute are requested to communicate with the Assistant Secretary, 3, Hanover Square, London, W. NOTES AND QUERIES ON ANTHROPOLOGY. EDITED FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE BY JOHN GEORGE GARSON, M.D., AND ! CHARLES HERCULES READ, F.S.A. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, 3, HANOVER SQUARE, W. And at all Booksellers. 1892. PRICE FIVE SHILLINGS. * SAN FRA UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 05146 2482 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD 5 | + I