A 1,019,040 * * CHIGAN OMICO 1 Xarry BRARIES JIVE POL NIVERS AIT. TT THE UN WORDS. AND PLACES. , MM。 事业是其主計是 ​鲁鲁 ​,鲁鲁 ​,非雙​” 1. 重量非是非非​, 善事業購 ​型學​, 事中事 ​事事重重​, 本書是 ​非非無書畫事 ​等書畫​,書 ​重量是非 ​重量​, 學書畫事事會 ​「者非其 ​「能量​, 非重重 ​来 ​, - 「 中 ​. 被 ​了​! , 重重​。 与生​, 一看平車事 ​一拳重重 ​重​,单中 ​「 早 ​」 「中華 ​重重 ​看了看​, 群重量 ​十一 ​上部 ​等書​。 - 中国 ​其中​, 中 ​。 工事 ​一 ​: , 看看 ​非事事事畫​, 事業 ​* 機車​,, 者 ​WORDS AND PLACES: . OR, M . ETYMOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OR HISTORY, ETHNOLOGY, AND GEOGRAPHY. BY THE REV. ISAAC TAYLOR, M.A. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. London and Cambridge: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1865. [The Rights of Translation and Reproduction are reserved.] .T24 London: R. Cliy, Son, and Taylor, Printers, Bread Street Hill. - Sta<22. 6-13-61 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. TYY TY THE First Edition of this book having been rapidly exhausted, I have been encouraged by its favourable reception to spare no labour which might make this Second Edition more complete and trustworthy. Various errors have been detected, and while new matter to the extent of more than sixty pages has been introduced, a slight typographical re-arrangement has prevented any increase in the absolute bulk of the volume. In endeavouring to secure increased accuracy and completeness, I have derived much valuable aid from the suggestions of many hitherto unknown corre- spondents, as well as from the able and careful reviews which have appeared in the literary journals. My especial thanks, however, are due to the writers of two very able articles which appeared respectively in the Quarterly Review and the Times newspaper. I have also to thank a Saturday Reviewer for pointing out some oversights, though I regret that while professing an almost fanatical theoretic love for accuracy of detail, he should, in his article, have exhibited so many conspicuous illustrations of the practical difficulty of attaining it. For instance, he quotes a passage where I say, “On Brent Knoll, near Athelney, in Somersetshire, is a camp whiclı Preface to the Second Edition. tradition ascribes to Alfred, and near the foot of the hill stands the village of BATTLEBURY.” The Reviewer re- marks that this “statement contains more mistakes than there are lines. Brent Knoll is not near Athelney. Battlebury is not a village, but a mound; nor is it near either Brent Knoll or Athelney." I certainly do not possess the advantage which the reviewer apparently enjoys of residing in Somersetshire, but still I must maintain that I am altogether right, and that he is altogether wrong. Gough, one of our safest topo- graphical authorities, asserts that Battlebury is “a village,” and that it is near the foot of Brent Knoll. The Ord- nance Survey, which spells the name in the alternative O Brent Knoll-half-a-mile from the summit of the hill. Moreover, it makes Battleborough not a mound, but a hamlet of ten houses. Brent Knoll is about half-a-day's march from Athelney, which may fairly be called “near," when my object was to suggest that the camp on Brent Knoll might without improbability be regarded as having been an outpost of Alfred's head-quarters at Athelney. I should be glad, were it worth the space, to examine other supposed corrections of this reviewer, but to do so would be wearisome and profitless. A few of his suggestions I have thankfully accepted; with regard to the rest, I must demur to his assumed infallibility both in matters of opinion and of fact. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. NEARLY two years have passed since this volume was first announced as ready for the press. At that time it did not seem premature to make such an announcement, inasmuch as ten years had been devoted, more or less, to the collection of materials, and the several chapters of the work had been written, and in great part re- written. The delay that has occurred in the publication will easily be understood and accounted for by those who have been engaged on fields of research where new and untrodden paths are continually inviting exploration, and where many commonly-received opinions require to be examined anew, and perhaps to be corrected in accordance with later or more exact investigation. Some limit, however, must be assigned to such inquiries, which might otherwise be pursued endlessly. In truth, the volume has already far exceeded the size that was at first intended for it, and therefore, such as it has become, it is now put into the reader's hand. . The design of the work, and an outline of its contents, are sufficiently set forth in the Introductory Chapter, and need not therefore be spoken of in this place. viii Preface to the First Edition. It may appear strange that a subject so fertile in sug- gestive materials should not already have received due attention from any competent English student. Since the publication, two centuries ago, of Verstegan's Resti- tution of Decayed Intelligence irl Antiquities, no work has appeared in England bearing any great resemblance to the present one. There are, it is true, a few alphabetical lists of geographical etymologies :—such are Baxter's crude collection of ingenious conjectures and wild ety- mological dreams, and Skinner's Etymologico12 O110111as- ticon, a far more safe and sober guide. Of more recent date are Mr. Charnock's Local Etymology, a book ex- hibiting some research, but no critical faculty whatever, and a few small school-books, of greater or less value, by Messrs. Sullivan, Gibson, Morris, Hughes, Boardman, and Adams. These, however, being all arranged on the al- phabetical plan, are as unreadable, as they are, for the most part, untrustworthy. On the Continent, in Germany especially, subjects allied to that of this volume have been copiously and eruditely treated by such men as Jacob Grimm, Pott, Zeuss, Förstemann, Wilhelm Von Humboldt, Diefenbach, Knobel, Renan, and Pictet. It will be obvious that the uuthor has derived great aid in the accomplishment of his ask from the labours of these distinguished scholars, vhose acknowledged learning, accuracy, ingenuity, and caution need no commendation from him. Leo, Glück, Buttmann, and De Belloguet, though lesser stars abroad, vould in England be luminaries of the first magnitude. There are also numerous monographs of great value Preface to the First Edition. hidden in the transactions of foreign academies :—such are the essays of Vilmar, Piderit, Massmann, Petersen, and Meyer, with which the English monographs of Fer- guson, Hartshorne, and Monkhouse are worthy to rank. The somewhat dangerous works of Dr. Donaldson and Dr. Latham have been used with caution, and have con- tributed useful materials and suggestions. The author cannot allow himself to suppose that, in writing upon a subject which ranges over so wide and various a field, he has always been successful in his en- deavour to avoid errors. He can only make this statement —that he has laboriously aimed at accuracy, both in advancing general statements, and in making references to the authorities which he cites. It is, perhaps, un- necessary to state that the common but objectionable practice of quoting at second hand has in no case been adopted without the reader's attention being expressly drawn to the fact. For the convenience of those who may feel inclined to pursue any of the lines of research which are indicated in the notes, a Bibliographical List has been compiled, enumerating the exact titles and editions of the books consulted. In conclusion, the author has the agreeable task of acknowledging his obligations to those who have given him the benefit of their special acquaintance with certain departments of his subject. The chapters relating to the Semitic languages have been kindly revised by the Venerable Archdeacon Tattam, D.D. LL.D.; by the Rev. H. G. Williams, B.D. Professor of Arabic at Can- bridge; and by E. Stanley Poole, Esq. The chapter on X Preface to the First Edition. Celtic names has been annotated by the Rev. John Davies, M.A. while Professor Donkin, of Queen's College, Liverpool, has given the benefit of his acquaintance with the Sanskrit and the Romance languages. G. P. Marsh, Esq. the United States Minister at Turin, has contri- buted most useful bibliographic information, and has also communicated observations of his own upon the ethnology of Northern Italy; and the Rev. S. A. Brooke, Chaplain to the British Embassy at Berlin, has given constant literary aid, and has made numerous valuable suggestions during the progress of the work. Lastly, the Author's thanks are due to the authorities at the Topo- graphic Department of the Royal Engineers, and at the library of the Royal Geographical Society, who have afforded every facility for the consultation of their ex- tensive collections of ancient and modern maps. CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER I. THE SIGNIFICANCY OF LOCAL NAMES. Local Names always significant, and possessed of great vitality, Some descriptive–Geological value of such names-Others con- serve ethnological and historical facts, or illustrate the state of civilization or religion in past times . . . . . . . . . . I CHAPTER II. NAMES OF RECENT ORIGIN. Colonization of America-Greenland-Leif Ericson—Columbus- Religious feeling in the Names given by the Spaniards and by the Puritans-Salem-Providence-The Quaker Colony-Native Indian Names- The Elizabethan worthies : Frobisher, Davis, Baffin, Hudson, Drake, and Gilbert-Adventures of Captain Smith—The French plantations—The Dutch in North and South America—Magalhaens-Spanish and Portuguese discoveries-The Dutch in the South Seas–New Zealand and New Holland Recent Arctic discoveries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 CHAPTER III. THE ETHNOLOGICAL VALUE OF LOCAL NAMES. Local names are the beacon-lights of primeval History—The method of research illustrated by American Names—Recent progress of Ethnology-The Celts, Anglo-Saxons, and Northmen-Retro- cession of the Sclaves-Arabic Names-Ethnology of monntain districts-The Alps . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CHAPTER IV. THE NAMES OF NATIONS, Ethnic Names are of obscure origir-Name of Britain-Many nations bear duplicate names-- Deutsche and Germans—" Barbarians”- Welsh-Gaels-Aryans-Names of conquering Tribes-Ancient Ethnic Names conserved in those of modern cities-Ethnic Names 36 xii Contents. PAGE from rulers-From geographical position, Europe-- Asia--Africa -Ethnographic Names— "Warriors”—“Mountaineers"-" Low- landers”-“Foresters”_"Coastlanders”-Greeks . . . . . 53 CHAPTER V. THE PHENICIANS. Physical character of Phoenician sites—Tyre-Sidon-Phenice- Phænician colonies in Crete, Cyprus, Sardinia, Corsica, Italy, Sicily, Malta, Africa, Spain, and Britain. ........ 89 CHAPTER VI. THE ARABS IN EUROPE. The Empire of the Cailiphs-Arabic Names in Southern Italy and Sicily-Tribes by which the conquest of Sicily was effected—Con- quest of Spain—Tarifa and Gibraltar--The Arabic article-River- names of Spain-Aralɔs in Southern France-They hold the passes of the Alps - The Monte Moro pass and its Arabic Names-The Muretto pass and Pontresina . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 CHAPTER VII. THE ANGLO-SAXONS. England is the land of inclosures - This denoted by the character of Anglo-Saxon Names which end in "ton," "yard,” “worth," "fold,” “hay,” and “bury”_-Ham, the home—The Patronymic "ing"— Teutonic clans-Saxon colony near Boulogne—The Saxon settlement in England began before the departure of the Romans- Early Frisian settlement in Yorkshire-Litus Saxonicum near Caen -German village-names in France, and in Italy-Patronymics in Westphalia, Franconia, and Swabia-Seat of the “Old-Saxons". 117 CHAPTER VIII. THE NORTHMEN. Incursions of the Northmen--Norse test-words: “by," "thorpe," “ toſt,” or ville," "garth," :* ford,” 6 wick”_Vestiges of the Danes near the Thames-Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Lincoln- shire–The Danelagh-Norwegians in Sutherland, the Orkneys, Shetlands, Hebrides, and Isle of Man-Cumberland and West- moreland- The Wirall-Colony in Pembrokeshire -Devonshire - + Contents. xiii PAGE and the South Coast–Northmen in Ireland—Intensity of the Scandinavian element in different parts of England-Northmen in France-Names in Normandy-Norse Names in Spain, Sicily, and the Hellespont-Local vestiges of the Anglo-Norman conquest- Anglo-Norman nobles in Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . 155 CHAPTER IX. THE CELTS. Prevalence of Celtic Names in Europe--Antiquity of River-names- The roots Avon, Dur, Stour, Esk, Rhe, and Don-Myth of the Danaides-Hybrid composition, and reduplication of synonyms— Adjectival river-names : the Yare, Alne, Ban, Douglas, Leven, Tame, Aire, Cam, and Clyde—Celtic mountain names : cefn, pen, cenn, dun-Names of Rocks- Valleys-Lakes-. Dwellings- Cymric and Gadhelic test-words-Celts in Galatia-Celts in Ger- many, France, and Spain-Euskarian Names-Gradual retro- cession of Celts in England-Amount of the Celtic element- Division of Scotland between the Picts and Gaels—Inver and Aber -Ethnology of the Isle of Man. . . . . . . . . . . . 193 CHAPTER X. THE HISTORIC VALUE OF LOCAL NAMES. Contrast between Roman and Saxon civilization, as shown by Local Names-Roman roads—“Gates”—Bridges and fords --Celtic bridges-Deficiency of inns- Cold Harbour--Saxon dykes- Roman walls-Saxon forts——“Bury"—Ancient camps—Chester, caster, and caer-Stations of the Roman Legions-Frontier dis- tricts—Castile-The Mark-Pfyii, Devises—Ethnic shire-names of England—Intrusive colonization . . . . . . . . . . . 249 CHAPTER XI. THE STREET-NAMES OF LONDON. The walls of Old London-Gradual extension of the town—Absorp- tion of surrounding villages— The brooks: the Holbom, the Tyburn, and the Westbourne-Wells, conduits, ferries-Monastic establishments of London, Localities of certain trades—Sports and pastimes—Sites of residences of historic families preserved in the names of streets—The Palaces of the Strand— Elizabethan London-Streets dating from the Restoration . . . . . . . 272 xiv Contents. PAGE CHAPTER XII. HISTORIC SITES. Places of Popular assembly-Runnimede-Moot-hill-Detmold The Scandinavian “things ” or parliaments—The Thingvellir of Iceland—The Thingwalls and Dingwells of Great Britain- Tynwald Hill in the Isle of Man—Battle-fields : Lichfield, Battle, Slaughter-Conflicts with the Danes—Eponymic Names-Myths of Early English History—Carisbrooke-Hengist and Horsa—Cissa --Ælle - Cerdic-Offa — Maes Garmon - British Chieftains - Valetta-Alexander-Names of the Roman Emperors —Modern Names of this class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 CHAPTER XIII. SACRED SITES. Local Vestiges of Saxon Heathendom,Tiw, Frea, Woden, Thor, Balder-Celtic Deities--Teutonic Demigods— Wayland Smith- Old Scratch-Old Nick-The Nightmare-Sacred groves and temples—Vestiges of Sclavonic Heathendon—The Classic Pan- theon_Conversion of the Northern Nations-Paulinus at Good- manham—“ Llan” and “Kil”—The Hermits of the Hebrides -The Local Saints of Wales—Places of Pilgrimage – The Monastic Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 CHAPTER XIV. PHYSICAL CHANGES ATTESTED BY LOCAL NAMES. The nature of geological changes—The valley of the Thames once a lagoon filled with islets—Thanet once an island-Reclamation of Romney Marsh-Newhaven-Somersetshire—The Traeth Mawr -The Carse of Gowrie-Loch Maree—The Fens of Cambridge- shire—The Isle of Axholme-Silting-up of the Lake of Geneva- Increase of the Delta of the Po–Volcanoes-Destruction of ancient Forests — Icelandic Forests — The Weald of Kent- Increase of Population--Populousness of Saxon England--The nature of Saxon husbandry-English vineyards-Extinct animals : the wolf, badger, auroch, and beaver—Ancient Salt Works- Lighthouses -Changes in the relative commercial importance of towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 347 Contents. XV CHAPTER XV. CHANGES AND ERRORS. PAGE Vitality of Local Names-Recurrence to Ancient Names—Changes in Names often simply phonetic-Lincoln-Sarum—Whitehall- Phonetic corruptions among savage tribes-Interchange of suffixes of analogous sound-Tendency to contraction-Laws of Phonetic change-Examples - Influence of popular etymological speculation on the forms of Names—Tendency to make Names significant – Examples-Transformation of French Names-Invention of new Saints from Local Names-Transformed names often give rise to legends-Bozra—Thongcastle-The Dun Cow-Antwerp—The Mouse Tower—The Amazons of the Baltic, Pilatus—The Picts— The Tatars—Poland, Mussulman - Negropont-Corruptions of Street-Names-America, The Gypsies . . . . . . . . . 375 CHAPTER XVI. WORDS DERIVED FROM PLACES. Growth of words out of names-Process of transformation-Ex- amples: cherry, peach, chestnut, walnut, quince, danson, Guernsey lily, currant, shallot, coffee, cocoa, and rhubarb Tobacco-Names of wines and liqueurs-Gin, negus, and grog - Names of animals : turkey, ermine, sable-Breeds of horses Fish–Names of Minerals: loadstone, magnet, agate, jet, nitre, ammonia-Textile fabrics—Manufactures of the Arabs: muslin, damask, gauze, fustian-Manufactures of the Flemings : cambric, diaper, duck, ticking, frieze~Republics of Northern Italy—Cravats -Worsted-Names of vehicles—The coach-Names of weapons- Inventions called from the name of the inventor-Pasquinade, punch, harlequin, charlatan, vaudeville—Mythical derivations- Names of coins-Moral significance attached to words derived from Ethnic Names-Examples: Gothic, bigot, cretin, frank, romance, gasconade, lumber, ogre, fiend, slave-Names of servile Races—Tariff-Cannibal-Assassin--Spruce— Words derived from the practice of pilgrimage : saunter, roam, canter, fiacre, tawdry, flash-History of the word palace . . . . . . . . . . . 402 xvi Contents. CHAPTER XVII. ONOMATOLOGY; OR, THE PRINCIPLES OF NAME GIVING. PAGE Dangers which beset the Etymologist-Rules of Investigation- Names in the United States— List of some of the chief components of Local Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 APPENDIX A. List of Names of ancient Tribes preserved in the Names of Modern Cities and Provinces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 APPENDIX B. Comparison of Saxon Patronymics in Artois and in England ... 491 Comparison of Patronymics in England, France, and Germany. . 496 INDICES. Index of Local Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 Index of Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 MAPS. Chromolithographic Map of the settlements of the Celts, Saxons, Danes, and Norwegians in the British Isles and Northern France. Sketch-Map showing the distribution of Arabic names in Spain and Portugal .. 105 Sketch-Map of the Saxon colony in Picardy and Artois ...132 Sketch-Map showing the Teutonic settlements in France . ... 145 Sketch-Map showing the settlements of the Northmen in Normandy 185 *** In these Maps each dot represents the position of an ethnographic local name. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF BOOKS CONSULTED. Abela, F. Giovanfrancesco :- Malta Illustrata, ovvero descrizione di Malta, Isola del Mare Siciliano e Adriatico, con sule antichità ed altre notizie, &c. 2 vols. fol. Malta, 1772. Adami, M. Canonici Bremensis- Libellus de situ Daniæ. (Elzevir.) 24mo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1629. Adelung, Johann Christoph, und Vater :-Mithridates ; oder allge- meine Sprachenkunde. 4 vols. Svo. Berī. 1806, 1809, 1817. Alcock, Sir Rutherford : “ The Capital of the Tycoon ; a Narra- tive of a Three Years' Residence in Japan. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1863. Amari, Michele :-Storia dei Musul- mani di Sicilia. 2 vols. Svo. Firenze, 1854—1858. Ammiani Marcellini-Quæ super- sunt. 3 vols. Svo. Lipsiæ, 1808. Ansted, Prof. D. T. :-A Short · Trip to Hungary and Transyl- varia. Svo. Lond. 1862. Ansted, Prof. D. T., and Latham, Dr. R. G.:- The Channel Islands. Svo. Lond. 1862. Astruc, Jean :-Mémoires pour l'His- toire Naturelle de la Province de Languedoc. 4to. Paris, 1737. Archæological Association,' Journal of the. 8vo. Lond. Archæological Institute, Proceedings of the. Svo. Lond. Arndt, Christian Gottlieb von :- Ueber den Ursprung 291d die verschiedenartige Verwandtschaft der Europäischen Sprachen. Svo. Frankfurt am Main, 1818. Arnold, Thomas, D.D. :—History of Rome. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1838–43. Bancroft, George :-History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Tenth Thousand. 5 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1854-5. Baring-Gould, Sabine, M.A.:- Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas. Svo. Lond. 1863. Barry, Rev. John :-History of the Orkney Islands. Second Edition. 4to. Lond. 1808. Barth, Dr. : - Travels in North and Central Africa in 1849–55. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1857. Barth, C. Karl :--Ueber die Druiden der Kelten, und die Priester der Alten Teutschen. 8vo. Erlangen, 1826. Baxter, William :-Glossarium A1- tiquitatum Britannicarum. Second Edition. Svo. Lond. 1773. Beardmore, Nathaniel :-Manual of Hydrology. Svo. Lond. 1862. Beaufort, Emily A. : - Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines, including some stay in the Lebanon, at Palmyra, and in Westeri Turkey. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1861. Becker, W. A. :-Charicles ; Illus- trations of the Private Life of xviii Bibliographical List of Books coirsulted. the Ancient Greeks. Translated. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Beckmann, J. :— History of Inverz- tions, Discoveries, and Origins. Translated by Johnson. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Bender, Dr. Joseph :-Die Deut- scher Ortsnamen, in. geographi- scher, historischer, besonders in sprachlicher Hinsicht. Svo. Sie- gen, 1846. Bergmann, Frédéric Guillaume :- Les Gètes; 011 la filiation Généa. logique des Scythes aux Gètes. Svo. Strasbourg, 1859. Betham, Sir William :—The Gael and the Cymbri. Svo. Dublin, 1834. Bianchi-Giovini, A. :-Sulla Domi- nazione degli Arabi in Italia. Svo. Milano, 1846. Biondelli, B. :-Studii Linguistici. Svo. Milano, 1856. Blomefield, Francis :-An Essay towards a Topographical History of Norfolk. 5 vols. fol. Fers- field, 1739-1775. Bocharti, Samuelis-Opera Omnia. Editio Tertia. 3 voſs. fol. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1582. Booth, Rev. John, B. A. :-Epi- grams, Ancient and Modern. îzmo. Lond. 1863. Borring, Étienne :-Sur la Limite Méridionale de la Monarchie Da- noise. Svo. Paris, 1849. Borrow, George :-Wild Wales; its People, Language, and Scenery. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862 Bosworth, Rev. Joseph, D.D. :- The Origin of the English, Ger- manic, and Scandinavian Lan- guages and nations. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Bouche, Charles-François :-Essai sur l'Histoire de Provence. 2 vols. 4to. Marseille, 1785. Boudard, P. A. :-Sur l'Origine des Premier's Habitants des Iles Baléares, in the Revue Archéo. logique, vol. xii. pp. 248-250. Boudard, P. A. :—Numismatique Ibérienne. 4to. Béziers. Bowditch, N. I.:-Suffolk Surnames. Second Edition. Svo. Boston. 1858. Brace, Charles L. :— The Races of the Old World. Svo. Lond. 1863. Brandes : — Das Ethnographische Verhältniss der Kellen und Ger- manen. Svo. Leipsig, 1857. British Association, Reports of the. Svo. Lond. Brown, Charles Philip :-Carnatic Chronology. 4to. Lond. 1863. Bruce, Rev. John Collingwood :- The Roman Wall: an Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive Account of the Barrier of the Lower Isthmus. 4to. Lond. 1851. Buchanan, William :-An Inquiry into the Genealogy and Present State of the Ancient Scottish Sur- names. Svo. Glasgow, 1820. Buckingham and Chandos, Richard, Duke of—The Private Diary of. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Buckingham, James Silk--Auto- biography of. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1855. Buckle, H. T. :- History of Civili- zation in England. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1857, 1861. Bunsen, Christian Charles Josias :- Outlines of the Philosophy of Uni- versal History. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Bunsen, C. C. J. :-On the Results of Recent Egyptian Researches in Reference to Asiatic and African Ethnology, in the Britislı Associa- · tion Reports for 1847. Burgon, Rev. John William :- Letters from Rome to Friends in England. Svo. Lond. 1862. Burn, Robert Scott :-Notes of an Agricultural Tour in Belgium, Holland, and the Rhine. Svo. Lond. 1862. Burton, R. F. :-Abeokuta and the Camarooris Mountains. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Burton, R. F.:--A Mission to Gelele, Bibliographical List of Books consulted. xix King of Dahome. 2 vols. Svo. Epistles of St. Paul. Third Lond. 1864. Edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. Butler, Rev. Alban:- The Lives of 1857. the Fathers, Martyrs, and other [Cooley, W. D.]:- The History of principal Saints, compiled from Maritime and Inland Discovery. Original Monuments and other (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopædia.) authentic Records. Stereotype 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1830-1831. Edition. 12 vols. Svo. London Contzen :-Die Wanderungeil der and Dublin, 1824. Kelten. Svo. Leipsig, 1861. Buttmann, Al.:-Die Deutschen Courson, Aurélien de :—Histoire Ortsnamen, mit besondere Berick- des Peuples Bretons. 2 vols. 4to. sichtigung der Urspriinglich Wen- Paris. dischen, in der Mittelmark und Court de Gebelin :--Le Monde Prri- Niederlausitz. Svo. Berlin, 1856. mitif. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1773 Buttmann, Philipp :-Mythologus, -1778. oder gesammelte. Abhandlungen Cowel :- A Law Dictionary. Fol. über die Sagen des Alterthums. Lond. 1727. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1828–9. Crichton, Dr. Andrew, and Whea- Buyers, Rev. William :-Recollections ton, Dr. Henry:-Scandinavia, of Northern India. Svo. London, Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. 1848. I2mo. Edin. 1838. Calendar of State Papers. Svo. Cunningham, Peter :-A Handbook Lond. 1856-1863. for London, Past and Present. Cambro-Briton and General Celtic 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1849. Repository. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. Curtius, Ernst:-Griechische Ge- 1819-22. schichte. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, Camden, W. :-Britannia. Second 1857, 1861. Edition. Edited by R. Gough. Curtius, Ernst :-Die Tonier vor der 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1806. Ionischer Wanderung. Svo. Ber- Caswall, Rev. Henry, M.A.:— The lin, 1855. Annerican Church and the Ameri Curtius, Georg :- Grundzüge der can Union. Svo. Lond. 1861. Griechischer Etymologie. Vol. i. Caussin de Perceval, A. P.:-. Svo. Leipsig, 1858. Essai sur l'Histoire des Arabes. Darwin, Charles :- 012 the Origin 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1847-8. of Species by means of Natural Chalmers, George :-Caledonia : an Selection. Fifth Thousand. Svo. Account, Historical and Topo Lond. 1860. graphic, of North Britain. 3 vols. Dasent, George Webbe, D.C.L. :- 4to. Lond. 1810—1824. The Story of Burnt Njal. 2 vols. Chambers, Robert :- Ancient Sea Svo. Lond. 1861. Margins, Memorials of Changes. Dasent, G. W. :—The Norsemen in Svo. Lond. 1848. Iceland. In Oxford Essays for Chainock, Richard Stephen : - 1858. Local Etymology: a Derivative Davies, Edward:--Celtic Researches, Dictionary of Geographical Names on the Origin, Traditions, and Svo. Lond. 1859. Language of the Ancient Britons. Codex Diplomaticus, see Kemble. Svo. Lond. 1804. Conde, José Antonio :-Historia de Davies, Rev. Jolin. - Various Papers la Dominacion de los Arabes en in the Transactions of the Philo- España. Svo. Paris, 1840. . logical Society. Conybeare, Rev. W. J., and How- De Belloguet, Roget, Bon. :-Eth- son, Rev. J. S. :—The Life and nogénie Gaulois, ou Mémoires Cri- 6 2 XX Bibliographical List of Books consulted. tiques sur l' Origine et la Parenté des Cimmériens, des Cimbres, des Ombres, des Belges, des Ligures, et des Anciens Celtes. Vol. i. Svo. Paris, 1858. Dennis, George :- The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Depping, E. B. :—Histoire des Ex- péditions Maritimes des Normands. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1826. De Smet :-Essai sur les noms de la flandre orientale et occidentale. In the Mémoires de l'Academie Royale de la Belgique, vol. xxiv. and vol. xxix. Bruxelles, 1820, 1825. Diefenbach, Dr. Lorenz:-Lexicon Comparativum Linguarum In- do-Germanicarum. Vergleichen. des Wörterbuch der Gothischen Sprache. 2 vols. Svo. Frankfort am Main, 1847-1851. Diefenbach, Dr. Lorenz :-Celtica. 1. Sprachliche Dokumenta zur Ge- schichte der Kelten. Svo. Stutt- gart, 1839. Diefenbach, Dr. Lorenz:-Celtica. II. Versuch einer genealogische Geschichte der Kelten. 2 vols. Svo. Stuttgart, 1840. Diefenbach, Dr. Lorenz:--Origines Europæa. Die alten Völker E16- ropas, mit ihren Sippen und Nach- barn. 8vo. Frankfurt am Main, 1861. Diez, Friedrich :---Lexicon Etymo- logicon Linguarum Romanoru17. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Romantischen Sprachen. Svo. Bonn, 1853. Diez, Friedrich :-Gratilmatik der Romanischen Sprachen. 3 vols. Svo. 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Dufresne :-Glossa- riunii Media et Infimæ Latini- tatis,cum Supplementis Carpen- terii et aliorum, disgessit Henschel. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1840-4. Dudo :-De Moribus et actis Pri- m0rum Normannia Ducum. In · Andreas Duchesne's Historiæ Normannorum Scriptores An- tiqui. Fol. Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1819.. Duff, M. E. G., M.A. :-Sicily. In Oxford Essays for 1857. Dufferin, Lord :--Letters from High Latitudes. Svo. Lond. 1857. Duncker, Maximilian Wolfgang :- Origines Germanicæ. 4to. Berlin, 1840. Dyer, George :- Vulgar Errors, Ancient and Modern. Svo. Exeter, 1816. Ellis, Sir Henry :--Domesday Book, with General Introduction. 4 vols. folio. Lond. 1783-1816. Engelhardt :-Das Monte Rosa und Matterhorn Gebirg. Svo. Stras- burg, 1852. Engelmann, Dr. W. H.:--Glossaire Bibliographical List of Books consulted. xxi des Mots Espagnols et Portugais dérivés de l'Arabe. 8vo. Leyde, 1861. Ersch and Gruber :- Allgemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste. 122 vols. 4to. Leip- sig, 1818, &c. Esquiros, Alphonse :-- The Dutch at Home. Translated by Lascelles Wraxall. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Ethnology and Topography, in The Church of England Quarterly Review, No. lxxv. Svo. Lond. 1855. Eustace, Rev. John Chetwoode :- A Classical Tour through Italy. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1815. Ewald, Heinrich :-Geschichte des Volkes Isracl. 3 vols. Svo. Göt- tingen, 1843: Fairholt, Frederick William :-Up the Nile and Home Again. À Handbook for Travellers. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Farrar, Frederick W., M.A.:- Essay on the Origin of Language. 12mo. Lond. 1860. Ferguson, Robert :- The Northmer in Cumberland and Westmoreland. 12mo. Lond. 1856. Ferguson, Robert: - The River. Names of Europe. 12mo. Lond. 1862. Finnson, Hans :-Islands Landna- mabok. 4to. Havniæ, 1774. Fleming, George : — Travels 011 Horseback in Mantchu Tartary. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1863. Forbés, Duncan :- The History of Chess. Svo. Lond. 1860. Forbes, James D.:— Travels through the Alps of Savoy, with Observa- tions on Glaciers. 4to. 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Hofer, Albert:-Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft der Sprache. Svo. Greifswald, 1845, &c. Holtzmann, Adolf:-Kelten und Germanen: Eine Historische U12- tersuchung. 4to. Stuttgart, 1855. Horsley, John :-Britannia Ro- mana; or, the Roman Antiquities of Britain. Folio. London, 1732. (Hotten, J. C.] :— The Slang Dic- tionary ; or the Vulgar Words, Street Phrases, and Fast Expres- sions of High and Low Society. Svo. Lond. 1864. Hoveden, Roger de, apud Saville's Scriptores. Huc, l'Abbé:- The Chinese Empire. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1852. Humboldt, Alexander von :- Cosmos: Sketch of a Physical De- scription of the Universe. Seventh Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Humboldt, Wilhelm von :-Prii- fung der Untersuchungen über die Urbewohner Hispaniens. 4to. Berlin, 1821. Reprinted in vol ii. of the Collected Works. Hume, Dr. A.:-Geographical Terms considered as tending to enrich the English Language. Reprinted from Vol. xi. of the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lan- cashire and Cheshire. Svo. Liverpool, 1859. Ihre, Johannes :--Glossarium Suio- 1829. Grote, Harriet :- Collected Papers, original and reprinted, in prose and verse. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Guest, Dr. E.:-On Gentile Names. In the Philological Proceedings, vol. i. Haigh, Daniel H.: The Conquest of Britain by the Saxonis. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Hakluyt, Richard - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Trafiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. 3 vols. fol. London, 1599—1600. Haldorsen, Biorn :- Islandske Lexi- con. 2 vols. 4to. Havniæ, 1814. Hall's Chronicle, collated with the Editions of 1548 and 1550. 4to. Lond. 1809. Hallam, Henry :- View of the State of Europe During the Middle Ages. Fifth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Halliwell, J. O., F.R.S. :-Rambles Bibliographical List of Books consulted.' xxiii Gothicum. 2 vols. Folio, Upsal, King, Rev. Samuel William :- The 1769. Italian Valleys of the Pennine Innes, Cosmo : - Origines Paro Alps. Svo. Lond. 1858. chiales Scotia. 2 vols. 4to. Knapp, J. A. :-English Roots and Edinb. 1850—55. Ramifications. Svo. Lond. 1857. Ingram, Rev. J., B.D.:— The Saxon Knobel, August :-Die Völkertafel Chronicle, with an English Trans der Genesis. Ethnographische lation. 4to. London, 1823. Untersuchungen. Svo. Giessen, Islands Landnamabok :-See Finn 1850. son. Kuhn, Dr. A. :~ 21.1r ältesten Ge- Jacobi, Victor :- Die Bedeutung schichte der indo-germanischen der böhmischen Dorfnamen für Völker. 4to. Berlin, 1845. Sprach- und Weltgeschichte. 8vo. Kuhn, Dr. A. :—See Zeitschrift für Leipsig, 1856. Vergleichende Sprachforschung Jephson, Rev. J. M.:-Narrative of Laing, Samuel :- The Heimskringla, a Walking Tour in Brittany. or Chronicle of the Kings of Nor- Svo. Lond. 1859. way.. Translated fro112. the lien Kausler : - Wirtembergisches Ur landic of Snorro Sturleson, 3 vols. kundenbuch. Herausgegeben von Svo. Lond. 1844. dem Königlicher-Staatsarchiv in Landnamabok :-See Finnson. Stuttgart. 2 vols. 4to. Stuttgart, Lappenberg, J. M. :--History of 1849 and 1858. England under the Anglo-Saxon Keferstein, Chr. :Ansichten über Kings. Translated by Thorpe. die Keltischen Alterthumer. 2 vols. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1846. Halle, 1846—1848. Lappenberg, J. M. :-History of Kelly, W. Curiosities of Indo England under the Anglo-Norman European Folk Lore and Tradition. Kings. Translated by Thorpe. Svo. Lond. 1864. Svo. Lond. 1857. Kemble, John Mitchell :— The La Roquette : -- Recherches. See Saxons in England: a History Petersen. of the English Commonwealth till Lassen, Christian :- Indische Alter- the Period of the Norman Con- . thumskunde. Vol. i. Bonn, 1847. quest. 2 vols. Lond. 1849. Latham, Dr. Robert Gordon:- The Kêmble, John M. :-Codex Diplo- English Language. Fourth Edi- maticus Avi Saxonici. 5 vols. tion. 2 vols. Svo. 1855. Svo. Lond. 1845-1848. Latham, Dr. R. G. :-Man and Kennett, Rev. W. :-Parochial An- his Migrations. 12mo. Lond. tiquities. 2 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1818. 1851. 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Origin of the Celtic Nations. See Loudon, J. C. :- Encyclopædia of Prichard. Plants, comprising the description Leake, William Martin :- Travels of all the Plants indigenous to, or in Northern Greece. 4 vols. 8vo. . cultivated in, Britain. Svo. Lond. Lond. 1835. 1829. Lechner, Dr. Ernst, Pfarrer in Louth :— The Wanderer in Westeri Celerina St. Moritz :-Piz Lan France. Svo. Lond. 1863. guard. Svo. Leipsig, 1858. Lucas, Samuel :--Secularia. 8vo. Leo, Dr. Heinrich :- Vorlesungen Lond. 1862. über die Geschichte des Deutschen Lyell, Sir Charles :-- Principles of Volkes und Reiches. 3 vols. Svo. Geology: or, the Modern Changes Halle, 1854, 57, and 61. of the Earth and its Inhabitants, Leo, Dr. Heinrich :-Rectitudines considered in illustration of Geo- Singularum Personarum. Svo... logy. Ninth Edition. Svo. Lond. Halle, 1842. 1853. Leo, Dr. Heinrich :- Treatise 012 Lyell, Sir Charles, M.A.:- The the Local Nomenclature of the Geological Evidences of the Anti- Anglo-Saxons, as exhibitea in the quity of Man.. Svo. Lond. 1863. “ Codex Diplomaticus Ævi Sax Macaulay, Lord :-History of Eng- onici.” Translated by Williams. land. 8vo. Lond. 1856. (A translation of a portion of the Mackay, Charles : A History of preceding work.) Svo. Lond. London. 8vo. Lond. 1838. 1852. Maclear, George Frederick, M.A. : Leo, H.:- Feriengeschriften. Ver -- A History of Christian Missions mischte Abhandlungen zur Ge during the Middle Ages. Svo. schichte der Deutschen und Kel. Cambridge, 1863. tischen. 8vo. Halle, 1847–1852. Mahn, Dr. C. A. F.:-Ueber den Leo, H. :-Walhen und Deutsche. Ursprung und die Bedeutung des In Kuhn's Zeitschrift für Verglei Namens Preussen. Svo. Berlin, chende Sprachforschung, vol. ii. 1850. 1853. Mahn, Dr. C. A. F. :-Ueber die Le Prevost : — Recherches. See Bedeutung des Namens der Städte Petersen. 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G., M.A. :-The Forest of Dean, an Historical and Descriptive Account. Sq. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Niebuhr, B. G. :-Lectures on An- cient Ethnography and Geography. Translated by Dr. L. Schmitz. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Niebuhr, B. G. :-Lectures 012 the : History of Rome. Edited by Dr. L. Schmitz. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1844-1849. Niebuhr, B. G. : The History of Rome. Translated by J. C. Hare, and Connop Thirlwall. Fourth Edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1847-1851. Olshausen, J. :-Ueber phönicische Ortsnamen ausserhalb des semi tischen Sprachgebiets. In vol. viii. of the Rheinisches Museum fiir Philologie. 8vo. Frankfurt am Maine, 1853. Ormerod, George :-History of the Courity Palatine and City of Chester. 3 vuls. fol. Lond. 1819. Palgrave, Sir Francis :--History of Normandy and England. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851, 1857, 1864. Palgrave, Sir Francis :- History of the Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth during the Anglo-Saxon Period. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1832. 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Philology, Comparative : - In the Edinburgh Review, vol. xci. Oct. 1851. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4to. Lond. Pictet Adolphe :-Les Origines Indo-Européennes, ou les Aryas Primitifs. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1859, 1863. Piderit, Dr. F. C. H. : Die Orts- ramen in der Provinz Nieder- hessen. In the Zeitschrift des Ve- reins für hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde, vol. i. pp. 283– 316. Kassel, 1837. Piers Ploughman. The Vision and the Creed of. 2 vols. izmo. Lond. 1832. Pihan, A. P. :-Glossaire des Mots Français tirés de l'Arabe, du Persan, et du Turc, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Planta, Joseph :-An Account of the Romansch Language. In the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. lxvi. 4to. 1776. Porter, Major Whitworth, R. E. :- History of the Knights of Malta. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Poste, Rey. Beale :-Britannic Re- searches. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Bibliographical List of Books consulted. xxvii Pott, Dr. A. F. :-Etymologische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Indo - Germanischen Sprachen. 2 vols. 8vo. Lemgo, 1833. Pott, Dr. August Friedrich :- Die Personen-iramen, insbesondere die Familien-namen und ihre Ent- stehungsarten, auch unter Berück- sichtigung der Ortsnamen. 8vo. Leipsig, 1853. Pott, Dr. A. F. :- Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien. 2 vols. 8vo. Halle, 1844, 1845. · Pott, Dr. A. F. Mytho-Etymo- logie. In Kuhn's Zeitschrift. Vol. ix. Pott, Dr. A. F. :-Etymologische Spahne. In Kuhn's Zeitschrift. Vol. v. . Pott, Dr. A. F. :-Indo-Germani- scher Sprachstamm. In Ersch und Gruber’s Allgemeine Encyklo- pädie. Second Section. Vol. xviii. pp. 1-112. Poulson, George :-- The History and Antiquities of the Seignory of Holderness. 2 vols. 4to. Hull, 1840, 1841. Preller, C. :-Griechische Mytho- logie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1854. Prescott, W. H. :-History of Ferdi- nand and Isabella. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1850. Prescott, W. H. :-History of the Conquest of Peru. Fourth Edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1850. Prichard, Dr. James C.:-Researches into the Physical History of Man- kind. Third Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. 1841-1847. Prichard, ' Dr. James C. :- The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations. Edited by Dr. Latham. Svo. Lond. 1857. Prichard, Dr. J. C. :-012 the Various Methods of Research tunich Contribute to the Advance ment of Ethnology. In the Re- ports of the Seventeenth Meeting of the British Association, for 1847. Pryce, William, M.D. :-Archæo- logia Cornu-Britannica ; or an Essay to Preserve the Ancient Cornish Language. 4to. Sher- bourne, 1790. Purchas:–His Pilgrimes. 5 vols. Folio. Lond. 1625. Quarterly Journal of Education. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831– 1835. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. Svo. Lond. Radlof, Dr. I. G. :-Neue Unter- Such1412 gen des Keltenthumes. Svo. Bonn, 1822. Rawlinson, Rev. George, M.A., Sir Henry Rawlinson, K.C.B., and Sir J. G. Wilkinson, F.R.S.: - The History of Herodotus. A New English Version, with copious Notes and Appendices, &c. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1858. Redding, Cyrus: - History and Description of Modern Wines. Third Edition. Svo. Lond. 1851. Rees, Rev. W. J. :-Lives of the Cambro-British Saints. 4to. Llandovery, 1853. Rees, Prof. Rev. Rice, M.A.:- An Essay on the Welsh Saints, or the Primitive Christians usually considered to have been the founders of Churches in Wales. Svo. Lond. 1836. Reinaud, L'Abbé Joseph-Toussaint: - Invasions des Sarazins en France, et de France en Savoie ; en Piémont et dans la Suisse, pendant les se, ge et roe Siècles de notre ère. Svo. Paris, 1836. Renan, Ernest :--De l’ Origine du Langage. Second Edition. Svo. · Paris, 1858. Renan, Ernest :-Histoire Générale et Système Comparé des Langues Sémitiques. Pt. i. Third Edition. Svo. Paris, 1863. Revile Archéologique. 8vo. Paris. Robertson, E. William :--Scotland under her Early Kings; a History of the Kingdom to the Close of the Thirteenth Century. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1862. xxviii Bibliographical List of Books consulted. Robinson, Edward, D.D. :-Biblical Rescarches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petrea. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1841. Robinson, Edward, D.D., LL.D. : -Later Biblical Researches in Palestine and the adjacent Regions. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Russell, W. H.: — My Diary, North and South. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Saint Fargeau, A. Girault de:- Dictionnaire des toutes les Com- munes de la France. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1844—1846. St. John, James Augustus:–History of the Four Conquests of Eng- land. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Salverte, Eusébe:-Essai Historique et Philosophique sur les Noms d'Hommes, de Peuples, et des Lieux. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1824. Sankey, William S. :- The Porte- feuille of Science and Art. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Saxon Chronicle. See Ingram. Sayer, Captain :-- The History of Gibraltar. Svo. Lond. 1862. Schafarik, Paul Joseph :--Slawische Alterthiimer. Deutsch von M. von Aehrenfeld. 2 vols. Svo. Leip- sig, 1843, 1844. Schleicher, A. :-- Die Sprachen Europas. Svo. Bonn, 1850. Schleicher, A. :--- Zur Vergleich- enden Sprachengeschichte. Bonn, 1848. Schmeller, J. A.:-Ueber die soge- nannten "Cimbern der VII. und XIII. Communen auf den Vene- dischen Alpen, und ihre Sprache. In the Abhandlungen der Philo- sophisch - Philolog - Classe der Königlich Bayerisch Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. ii. pt. 3, pp. 559—708. 4to. München, 1834. Schott, Albert: – Die Deutschen Colonien in Piémont. Svo. Stutt gart und Tübingen, 1842. Schott, Albert :- Die Deutschen am Monte Rosa, mit ihren Stammge- nosser in Wallis und Uechtland. 4to. Zürich, 1840. Sheppard, Dr. John G. :— The Fall of Rome, and the Rise of the New Nationalities. Svo. Lond. 1861. Singer, S. W. :-Wayland Smith, a Dissertation on a Tradition of the Middle Ages; from the French of G. B. Depping and Francisque Michel, with additions. 12mo. Lond. 1847. Skene, William, F. :— The High- landers of Scotland ; their Origin, History, and Antiquities. 2 vols. 12mo. 1837. Smiles, Samuel :- Lives of the En- gineers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Smith, George, LL.D.: – The Cassiterides : an Inquiry into the Commercial Operations of the . Phænicians in Western Europe. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Smith, Goldwin :-Irish History and Irish Character. Svo. Oxford and Lond. 1861. Smith, J. T.:--Antiquarian Rambles through the Streets of London. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1846. Smith, Captaine John :- The Gene- rall Historie of Virginia, Nero England, and the Summer Isles. 4to. Lond. 1627. Smith, Captaine John :- The True Travels, Adventures, and Obser- vations of, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America. 4to. Lond. 1630. Smith, Dr. W. :— Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols Svo. Lond. 1856, 1857. Sousa, Fr. Joaõ de :- Vestigios da Lingua Arabica em Portugal. 8vo. Lisboa, 1789. Souvestre, Emile :—Les Derniers Britons. 2 vols. Izmo. Paris, 1854. Sparschuh, Dr. N. : - Berichti- gungen und Beitrage zu Grimm's Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache. Svo. Maintz, 1850. Stalder, Franz Joseph:-Die Landes- sprachen der Schweiz, oder Bibliographical List of Books consulted. xxix Schweizerische Dialektologie, 12mo. Aarau, 1819. Stanley, Rev. A. P. (Dean of Westminster) :-Historical Memo- rials of Canterbury. Second Edition. Svo. Lond. 1855. Stanley, Rev. A. P. :-The Study of Modern History in London. A Lecture. Svo. Lond. 1854. Stanley, Dr. Arthur Penrhyn :- · Sinai and Palestine: in Connexion with their History. Twelfth Thousand. Svo. . Lond. 1862. Stanley, Dr. A. P. :-Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. Svo. Lond. 1863. Steub, Ludwig :-Ueber die Urbe- zvohner Rätiens, und ihrer Zusam- menhang mit den Etruskern. Svo. München, 1843: Steub, Ludwig :- Zur Rhätischer Ethnologie. Svo. Stuttgart, 1854. Stow, John :-Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1720. Strinnlıolm, A. M. :-Vikingzüge der alten Skandinavier. Aus dem Schwedischen, von Dr. C. F. Frisch. Svo. Hamburg, 1839. Sullivan, Robert, LL.D. :-A Dic- tionary of Derivations ; or, an Introduction to Etymology on a rezu plan. Seventh Edition. 12mo. Dublin, 1855. Symington, Andrew James :-Peri and Pencil Sketches of Faröe and Iceland. Svo. Lond. 1862. Talbot, H. Fox :-English Ety- mologies. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Tallack, William :-Malta under the Phenicians, Knights, and English. Svo. Lond. 1861. Taylor, Joseph:--Antiquitates Curi- osæ : the Etymology of many Re- markable Old Sayings, Proverbs, ani Singular Customs Explained. 12mo. Lond. 1818. Thierry, Amédée :-Histoire des Gaulois. . Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Thierry, Augustin : - Historical Works of, containing the Conquest of England by the Normans, and Narrative of the Merovingian Era. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Thirlwall, Connop, Bishop of St. David's :-The History of Greece. · Svo. Lond. 1845. Thornbury, G. W.:- The Monarchs of the Main ; 0r, Adventures of the Buccaneers. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1855. Thorpe, Benjamin :-Northern My- thology; comprising the principal Popular traditions and supersti- tions of Scandinavia, North Ger- many, and the Netherlands. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Thrupp, John :-The Anglo-Saxon Home, a History of the Domestic Institutions and Custorns of Eng- land from the Fifth to the Eleventh Century. Svo. Lond. 1862. Timbs, John:-Curiosities of London. 12mo. Lond. 1855. Tooke, John Horne : -. ETIEA IITEPOENTA : or, the Diversions of Purley. Second Edition. (First Edition of part ii.) 4to. Lond. 1798-1805. Train, Joseph :An Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man. 2 vols. Svo. Douglas, 1845. Trench, Richard Chenevix, D.D. (Archbishop of Dublin) :-On the Study of Words. Fifth Edition. 12mo. Lond. 1853. Trench, Dr. R. C. :-English Past and Present. Five Lectures. Fourth Edition. 12mo. Lond. 1859. Trench, Dr. R. C. :-A Select Glos- sary of English Words used for- merly in senses different from their present. Second Edition. Lond. 12mo. 1859. Trollope, Adolphus :-A Lenten Fourney in Umbric and the Marches. Svo. Lond. 1862. Tschudi :-Haupt-Schlüssel zu. ver- schiedenen Alterthumen. Fol. Constantz, 1758. Turner, Sharon :- The History of Die XXX Bibliographical List of Books consulted. TY the Anglo-Saxons. Fifth Edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828. Ungrisches Magazin. 4 vols. 8vo. Pressburg, 1781—1787. Verstegan, Richard :--Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities. 12mo. Lond. 1673.. Vilmar, Dr. :-Die Ortsnamen in Kurhessen. In the Zeitschrift des Vereins für hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde. Vol. i. pp. 237 —282. 8vo. Kassel, 1837. Warnkönig, Leopold August:- Flandrische Staats- und Rechts- geschichte, bis zum Jahr, 1305. 3 vols. Svo. Tübingen, 1835–1842. Warter, Rev. John Wood :- The Seaboard and the Down ; 01, My Parish in the South. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1860. Weber, Albrecht:-Indische Skizzen. Svo. Berlin, 1857. Wedgwood, Hensleigh :-A Dic- tionary of English Etymology. Vols. i. and ii. 8vo. Lond. 1859, &c. Welsford, Henry:--On the Origin and Ramifications of the English Language. Svo. Lond. 1845. Wenrich, Joannes Georgius :- Rerum ab Arabibus in Italia 292sullisque adjacentibus, Sicilia maxime, Sardinia atque Corsica gestarum Commentarii. Svo. Lipsiæ, 1845. Weston, Stephen, B.D. :-Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages. 12mo. Lond. 1818. Wheeler, J. Talboys :-- The Geo- graphy of Herodotus. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Whitaker, John :- The History of Manchester. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1775. Whitaker, Thomas Dunham :-An History of the Original Parish of Whalley, and Honor of Clitheroe. Third Edition. Folio. Lond. 1818. Wilkinson, Sir J. G. :-Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyp- tians. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. First Series, 1837; Second Series, 1841. Williams, Archdeacon John: - Essays on Various Subjects. Svo. Lond. 1858. Williams, Roger :-A Key into the Languages of America. .I6mo. Lond. 1643. Wilson, Daniel :- The Archeology and Pre-historic Annals of Scot- land. Royal Svo. Edin. 1851. Wilson, Daniel, F.S. A. : — Pre- historic Man, Researches into the Origin of Civilization in the Old and the New World. 2 vols. Svo. Cambridge, 1862. Wilton, Rev. Edward, M.A. :- The Negeb, or “ South Country," of Scripture. 12mo. Lond. 1863. Witte, J. H. F. Carl :-Alpinisches und Transalpinisches. Neuen Vor- träge. 16mo. Berlin, 1858. Worsaae, J. J. A. :-An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Svo. Lond. 1852. Wright, Thomas, M.A. :-Essays 01 Archeological Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Wright, Thomas, M.A. :—Wander- ings of an Antiquary, chiefly upon the Traces of the Romans in Britain. 12mo. Lond. 1854. Wright, Thomas, M.A.:- The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. Svo. Lond. 1861. Wright, Thomas, M.A. :—012 Wery- land Smith. In the Journal of the Archæological Association, vol. xvi. pp. 55-58. (Yonge, C. M.]:-History of Chris- tian Names. " 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Zeitschrift füir Vergleichende Sprach- forschung auf dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen und La- teinischen. Herausgegeben von Dr. T. Aufrecht und Dr. A. Kuhn. 10 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1852, &c. Zeitschrift der Morgenlandische Gesellschaft. . Bibliographical List of Books consulted. xxxi Zeitschrift für Deutsche Mythologie, und Sittenkunde. 4 vols. 8vo. Göttingen, 1853–1859. Zeitschrift fiir Deutsches Alterthum. See Haupt. Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft der Sprache. 8vo. Greifswald, 1845, &c. See Höfer. Zeuss, J. C. :-Grammatica Celtica. 2 vols. (paged continuously) Svo. · Leipsig, 1853. Zeuss, Kaspar:-Die Herkunft der Baiern von den Markomannen gegen die bisherigen Muthmassun- gen bewiesen. 8vo. München, 1839. Zeuss, Kaspar :- Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstämme. Svo. München, 1837. Classical writers, such as Pliny, Tacitus, Josephus, Juvenal, Jerome, Beda, Gregory the Great, &c. are cited by the chapter and verse. The same has been done with the English classics-such as Shakespeare, Chaucer, Wicliffe, Milton, Scott, and Blackstone. The titles of the German Philological Journals quoted are given at full length in the preceding list. This has not seemed to be necessary with well-known English periodicals—such as the Quarterly, Edinburgh, North British, and Saturday Revietus, The Times, The Guardian, Notes and Queries. Great use has been made of Richardson's New Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. 4to. ; as well as the useful Imperial Dictionary. I have constantly consulted K. von Spruner's Historisch-Geographisches Hand- Atlas; the Maps of the Useful Knowledge Society ; the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain ; and the convenient reduction published by Crutchley. I have also used the large Government Surveys of France, Switzerland, Belgium, Würtemberg, Bavaria, &c. and other ancient and modern maps too numerous to mention. WORDS AND PLACES. CHAPTER I. THE SIGNIFICANCY OF LOCAL NAMES. Local Names always significant, and possessed of great vitality—Some de- scriptive“Geological value of such names-Others conserve ethnological and historical facts, or illustrate the state of civilization or religion in past times. LOCAL NAMES—whether they belong to provinces, cities, and villages, or are the designations of rivers and mountains—are never mere arbitrary sounds, devoid of meaning. They may always be regarded as records of the past, inviting and rewarding a careful historical in- terpretation. In many instances the original import of such names has faded away, or has become disguised in the lapse of ages; nevertheless, the primeval meaning may be recoverable, and whenever it is recovered we have gained a symbol that may prove itself to be full-fraught with instruction ; for it may indicate—emigrations immigra- tions—the commingling of races by war and conquest, Significancy of Local Names. or by the peaceful processes of commerce :the name of a district or of a town may speak to us of events which written history has failed to commemorate. A local name may often be adduced as evidence determi- native of controversies that otherwise could never be brought to a conclusion. The names of places are conservative of the more archaic forms of a living language, or they embalm for remote. These topographic words, which float down upon the parlance of successive generations of men, are subject in their course to less phonetic abrasion than the other elements of a people's speech. Such words, it is true, are subject to special perils, arising from at- tempts at accommodating their forms to the require- ments of popular etymological speculation; but, on the other hand, they are more secure than other words from the modifying influences of grammatical inflexion. The name of many an ancient city seems as if it were endowed with a sort of inherent and indestructible vitality: it is still uttered, unchanged in a single letter -Monumentum are perennius—while fragments of marble columns, or of sculptures in porphyry or granite, are seen strewing the site confusedly.1 What has been affirmed by the botanist as to the floras of limited districts, may be said, with little abate- ment, concerning local names—that they survive the catastrophes which overthrow empires, and that they outlive devastations which are fatal to almost every- thing besides. Wars înay trample down or extirpate whatever grows upon a soil, excepting only its wild flowers, and the names of those sites upon which man 1 As in the case of Tadmor, Sidon, or Hamath. Perinarence of Names. has found a home. Seldom is a people utterly exter- minated,1 for the proud conqueror leaves “of the poor of the land” to till the glebe anew; and these enslaved outcasts, though they may hand down no memory of the splendid deeds of the nation's heroes, yet retain a most tenacious recollection of the names of the hamlets which their own ignoble progenitors inhabited, and near to which their fathers were interred. Nineteen-twentieths of the vocabulary of any people lives only in the literature and the speech of the cul- tured classes. But the remainder-the twentieth part- has a robust life in the daily usage of the sons of toil: and this limited portion of the national speech never fails to include the names of those objects which are the most familiar and the most beloved. A few score of “household words” have thus been retained as the common inheritance of the whole of the Indo- European nations;; and the same causes have secured the local preservation of local names. 1 Thus in the historical books of the Old Testament, we have, inci- dentally, a proof of the large Canaanite element remaining after the Israelitish conquest of Palestine. We see the old Canaanite names struggling for existence with those imposed by the conquerors :-Kirjath Arba with Hebron; Kirjath Sepher with Debir; Keneth with Nobar; Luz with Bethel ; Ephratah with Bethlehem.-See Stanley's Lectures on the Jewish Church, p. 275. 2 Of the 50,000 words in the English language, some 10,000 constitute the vocabulary of an educated Englishman, and certainly not 1,000, perhaps not more than 500, are heard in the mouths of the labouring classes. --See Marsh, Lectures 01 the English Language, pp. 125, 126; Max Müller, Lectures on the Science of Language, p. 268; Saturday Review, Nov. 2, 1861. 3 The names of the numerals, of father, mother, and brother, of the parts of the body, of two or three of the commoner metals, tools, cereals, and domesticated animals, such as the cat, the mouse, and the goose, as well as the names of the plough, of grist, of fire, of the house, as well as some of the personal pronouns and numerals, come within this category. The analysis of words of this class enables us to speculate upon the relative B 2 Significancy of Local Names. These appellations, which have thus been floated forward from age to age, have often, or they had at first, a descriptive import;—they tell us something of the physical features of the land. Thus it is that they may either give aid to the philologist when the aspect of the country remains the same—its visible forms stand- ing in view as a sort of material lexicon of a tongue that has ceased to be vernacular; or, on the other hand, where the face of nature has undergone extensive changes where there were formerly, it may be, forests that have been cleared, marshes that have been drained, coast-lines that have advanced seaward, rivers that have · extended their deltas or found new channels, estuaries that have been converted into alluvial soil, lakes that have been silted up, islands that have become gentle inland slopes surrounded by waving corn-flats;—in all such cases, instances of which will be adduced hereafter, these pertinacious names have a geological significance- they come into use as a record of a class of events, as to which, for the most part, written history is silent. In this manner--and the instances are many—the names of places become available as the beacon-lights of geologic history. In truth, there are instances in which local epochs at which the Celtic, Romance, Sclavonic, and Teutonic families separated from the parent stock, or from each other, and also to detect what progress had been made in the arts of life at the periods when each of these separations took place. See Grimm's Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache, pp. 9–113; Max Müller, On Comparative Mythology, in the Oxford Essays for 1856, pp. 14–26; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. II; Wilson, Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, p. 350; Weber, Indische Skizzen, pp. 9, 10; Glad- stone, Homer, vol. i. p. 299 ; Pritchard, Reports of Brit. Assoc. for 1847, p. 240; Mommsen, Inhabitants of Italy, pp. 11–14; Pictet, Origines Indo-Europ. pt. i. pp. 149–530; pt. ii. pp. 739-751; Bunsen, Philosophy of Universal History, vol. i. pp. 75, 76; Mannhardt, Götterwelt, vol. i. p. 47; Kuhn, Zur älteste Geschichte. Descriptive Import of Names. names, conserved in places where little or nothing else that is human has endured, may be adduced as evidence of vast physical mutations, side by side with the stone hatchets and the spear-heads of the drift of Abbeville, the canoes and anchors found in the alluvium of the Carse of Falkirk and Strathclyde, the gnawed bones of the Kirkdale Cavern, the glaciated rocks of Wales, the “rain-dinted slabs of Sussex, and other massive vouchers in the physical history of the globe. The picturesque or descriptive character of local names is, as might be anticipated, prominently exemplified in the appellations bestowed on the most striking feature in landscape-mountain peaks and ranges. Thus it is easy to perceive that, in every region of the world, the loftier mountains have been designated by names which describe that natural phenomenon, which would be most certain to impress the imagination of a rude people. The names of Snowdon, Ben Nevis, Mont Blanc, the Sierra Nevada in Spain, Snafell in Iceland, the Sneeuw Bergen at the Cape of Good Hope, the Sneehätten in Norway, Sneekoppe in Bohemia, and the Weisshorn, the Weissmies, and the Tête Blanche in Switzerland, as well as the more archaic or more obscure names of Lebanon, of Caucasus, of Hæmus, of the Himalaya, of Dwajala- giri, and of Djebel-es-Sheikh, are appellations descrip- tive, in various languages, of the characteristic snowy covering of these lofty summits. But there are many names which conjoin historical and physical information. Thus, when we learn that the highest summit in the Isle of Man is called SNAFELL, we recognise at once the descriptive character of the name, and we might be satisfied with simply placing it in the foregoing list. But when we discover that the name 2 Significancy of Local Names. Snafell is a true Norse word, and that it serves moreover for the name of a mountain in Norway, and of another in Iceland, we find ourselves in presence of the historical fact that the Isle of Man was, for centuries, a dependency of the Scandinavian Crown-having been conquered and colonized by the Norwegian Vikings, who also peopled Iceland. This is an instance of what we may call the ethnolo- * gical import of names. The chief value of the science of geographical etymology consists in the aid which it is thus able to give us in the determination of obscure eth- nological questions. There are many nations which have left no written records, and whose history would be a blank volume or nearly som-were it not that in the places where they have sojourned they have left traces of their migrations, sufficient to enable us to reconstruct the main outline of their history. The hills, the valleys, and the rivers are, in fact, the only writing-tablets on which unlettered nations have been able to inscribe their annals. It may be affirmed that, with hardly an excep- tion, the great advances in ethnological knowledge which have recently taken place are due to the decipherment of the obscure and time-worn records thus conserved in local names. The Celtic, the Iberic, the Teutonic, the Scandinavian, and the Sclavonian races have thus, and for the most part, thus only, made known to us their migrations, their conquests, and their defeats. To this subject-Etymology in its relations to Ethno- logy-several of the succeeding chapters will be devoted. But we sometimes derive historical information in a still more explicit form from local names. They often preserve the memory of historic sites, and even enable us to assign approximate dates to certain memorable. Historical Import of Names. events. Thus there is a meadow, near Stamford Bridge, which still goes by the name of BATTLE FLATS. For eight centuries, this name has kept in its tenacious grasp the memory of the precise locality of the famous terri- torial concession which Harald, son of Godwine, made to Harald Hardráda, King of Norway, “ seven feet of En- glish ground, or as much more as he may be taller than other men."2 And at the other extremity of the king- dom the name of the town of BATTLE, in Sussex, is the epitaph which marks the spot where, in less than a month, the Saxon king lost his kingdom and his life. The names of MESSINA in Sicily, of CARTHAGENA in Spain, and of MILETUS in Ionia, repeat the names of the mother-cities which sent out these colonies; and the name of TRIPOLI reminds us that there were threė cities, -Tyre, Sidon, and Aradus—which joined in establishing the new settlement. The name of the PHILIPPINE Islands tells us of the reign in which the Spanish galleons steered from Peru across the Southern Sea. The name of LOUISIANA re- minds us that, in the days of the Grand Monarque, France was the rival of England in the colonization of the Western World ; and the names of VIRGINIA, of the CAROLINAS, and of GEORGIA give us the dates of the first foundation of England's colonial empire, and of some of the chief successive stages in its progress. The word LONDONDERRY speaks to us of the resettlement of the desolated city of Derry by the London guilds; while the names KING'S COUNTY and QUEEN'S COUNTY, PHILIPSTOWN, and MARYBOROUGH, commemorate the i Stamford Bridge was long known as Battle Bridge—Pons Belli.- Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. ii. p. 281. 3 Saga of Harald Hardráda, in Laing's Heimskringla, vol. iii p. 89. Significancy of Local Names. Yn fact that it was in the days of King Philip and Queen Mary that the O'Mores were exterminated, and two new counties added to the English Pale. There are materials of yet another class which may be collected from the study of ancient names. From them we may decipher facts that have a bearing on the history of ancient civilization. With regard, for example, to Saxon England, we may from local names draw many inferences as to the amount of cultivated land, the state of agriculture, the progress of the arts of construction, and even as to the density of the population, and its relative distribution. In the same records we may dis- cover vestiges of various local franchises and privileges, and may investigate certain social differences which must have characterised the districts settled respectively by the Saxons and the. Danes. And we may collect en- chorial vestiges of the heathenism of our forefathers, and illustrate the process by which it was gradually effaced by the efforts of Christian teachers. We thus perceive how many branches of scientific, historical, and archæological research are capable of being elucidated by the study of names; and it is manifest that, upon many grounds, the work of their Historical Interpretation is called for. The almost virgin soil of a rich field, which has never yet been systematically culti- vated, presents itself before the labourer; and an indus- trious criticism, bringing into combination the resources of Geography, of Physical Description, of Geology, of Archæology, of Ethnology, of Philology, and of History, may hope to reach results, more or less important, in each of these departments of knowledge; or, at all events, it cannot fail to indicate, for future exploration, some of the sites where lie buried the hidden treasures of the past. Colonization of America, CHAPTER II. NAMES OF RECENT ORIGIN. Colonization of America-Greenland--Leif Ericson-Columbus Religious feeling in the Names given by the Spaniards and by the Puritans-Salem -Providence~The Quaker Colony-Native Indian Names— The Eliza- bethan cuorthies : Frobisher, Davis, Baffin, Hudson, Drake, and Gilbert- Adventures of Captain Smith— The French plantations—– The Dutch in North and South America–Magalhaens-Spanish and Portuguese dis- coveries—The Dutch in the South Seas—New Zealand and New Holland -Recent Arctic discoveries. 11 1 HE peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere is an event of the distant past. The names upon the map of Europe have remained there, most of them for ten, many of them for twenty, centuries. To study them is a task full of dif- ficulties; for they are mostly derived from obscure or unknown languages, and they have suffered more or less from the phonetic changes of so many years. But with the New World the case is different. The colonization of America has been effected during the modern historic period, the process of name-giving is illustrated by numerous authentic documents, and the names are de- rived from living languages. Just as the best introduction to the study of geology is the investigation of recent formations, abounding in the remains of still existing organisms, so we may fitly commence our present task by an examination of what we may call the tertiary de- 10 Names of Recent Origin. posits of America and Australia, which are still in process of formation; and we shall then be better prepared to explore the Wealden and other secondary formations of the Teutonic Period, and the still older primary Celtic strata—Silurian, Cambrian, and Devonian. We shall find that the study of the more recent names throws much light on those natural laws which have regulated the nomenclature of Europe : and the investigation is, moreover, full of interest, from the numerous associations with the names of the bold conquistadors and the daring seamen whose enterprise has added another continent to the known world. By means of the names upon the map, we may trace the whole history of the successive stages by which the white men have spread themselves over the Western World. We may discover the dates at which the several settlements were founded, we may assign to each of the nations of Europe its proper share in the work of colo- nization, and, lastly, we may recover the names of the adventurous captains who led their little bands of daring followers to conquer the wilderness from nature, or from savage tribes. The name of GREENLAND is the only one which is left to remind us of the Scandinavian settlements which were made in America during the tenth century. The discoveries of Leif, son of Eric the Red, have been for- gotten, and the Norse names of Vinland (Massachusetts), Markland (Nova Scotia), Helluland it mikla (Labrador), and Litla Helluland (Newfoundland), have been super- seded, and now survive only in the memory of the curious. Without disparagement of the claims of Leif Ericson to the discovery of the New World, we may regret that Columbus. II the names of the city of COLOMBUS and of the district of COLUMBIA form the only memorials of the bold Ge- noese adventurer; and we may wish that the name of the entire continent had been such as to remind us, day by day, of the exploits of Christopher Columbus rather than of those of Amerigo Vespucci. Alexander von Hum- boldt? has, indeed, vindicated Vespucci from the charge of trickery or forgery which Las Casas attempted to fasten upon him; and we must, therefore, regard the name of AMERICA as an unfortunate mistake rather than as an inglorious and successful fraud.2 The deep religious feeling of the earlier voyagers is well illustrated by the names which they bestowed upon their discoveries. The first land descried by Columbus was the island of SAN SALVADOR, From day to day he held on, in spite of the threats of his mutinous crew, who threatened to throw the crazy visionary into the sea. With what vividness does this name of San Salvador disclose the feelings with which, on the seventieth night of the dreary voyage, the brave Genoese caught sight of what seemed to be a light gleaming on some distant shore; how vividly does that name enable us to realize the scene when, on the next day, with a humble and grateful pride, he set foot upon that NEW WORLD of which he had dreamed from his boyhood, and, having erected the symbol of the Christian faith and knelt before it, he rose from his knees and proclaimed, in a broken voice, that the land should henceforth bear the name of San Salvador-the Holy Saviour, who had preserved him through so many perils ! 1 Cosmos, vol. ii. note 457. 2 The error obtained currency from a work on Geography, published in the year 1507. 12 Naines of Recent Origin. 1 We cannot but reverence the romantic piety which chequers the story of the violence and avarice of the con- quistadors. On the discovery of unknown shores, the first thought of those fierce soldiers was to claim the lands as new kingdoms of their Lord and Master, and to erect forthwith His symbol, the SANTA CRUZ, the VERA CRUZ, the name of which marks upon our maps so many of the earliest settlements of the Spaniards and Por- tuguese. The name of SAN SEBASTIAN, the first Spanish colony founded on the continent of South America, forms a touching memorial of the perils which beset the earlier colonists. On disembarking from the ships, seventy of the Spaniards were killed by the poisoned arrows of the Indians; on which account the dangerous spot was put under the special protection of the martyr, who, by reason of the circumstances of his death, might be supposed to feel a personal and peculiar sympathy with those who were exposed to the like sufferings.1 As in the case of many great men, there seems to have been a sort of mysticism underlying the piety of Columbus. On his third voyage he discerned three mountain-peaks rising from the waters, and supposed that three new islands had been discovered. On a nearer approach, it was found that the three summits formed one united land-a fact which the admiral recognised as a mysterious emblem of the Holy Trinity, and there- fore bestowed upon the island the name of LA TRINIDAD, which it still retains. i So too the name of the LADRONES, or “Robbers' Islands," comme- morates the losses of Magelhaen's crew from the thievish propensities of the natives. The name SIERRA LEONE, The Lion's range, records the terrors of the Portuguese discoverers at the nightly roaring of the lions in the mountains which fringe the coast. The Soldiers of the Cross. 13 - The Spaniards were devout observers of the festivals of the Church, and this circumstance often enables us to fix the precise day on which great discoveries were made. Thus FLORIDA, with its dreary swamps, is not the “ Flowery Land," as it is sometimes thought to be; but its name records the fact that it was discovered by Juan Ponce de Leon on Easter Sunday—a festival which the Spaniards call Pascua Florida, from the flowers with which the churches are then decked. The island of DOMINICA was discovered on a Sunday-dies Dominica, NATAL was discovered by Vasco de Gama on Christmas- day--dies Natalis. Alfonso de Sousa founded the first Portuguese colony in the Brazils, and its name JANEIRO, recalls the fact that he landed on the Feast of St. Janu- arius. The town of ST. AUGUSTINE, the oldest in the United States, was founded on St. Augustine’s-day by Melendez, who was sent by Philip II. of Spain on the pious mission of exterminating a feeble colony of Huguenot refugees, who were seeking, on the coast of Florida, that religious liberty which was denied them in their native land. The islands of ASCENSION and ST. HELENA, the River ST. LAWRENCE, and other places too numerous to men- tion, thus date the day of their discovery by their names. A religious feeling equally intense with that which dictated the names bestowed by the Spanish discoverers, but very different in character, is evinced by the names which mark the sites of the earlier Puritan colonies in North America. SALEM was intended to be the earthly realization of the New Jerusalem, where a “ New Reformation,” of the sternest Calvinistic type, was to inaugurate a fresh era in the history of the world, and a strict discipline was to 14 Names of Recent Origin. eradicate every frailty of our human nature from this City of the Saints. From the laws of the neighbouring town of Newhaven, as given by Hutchinson, we may gather some notion of Life in this Puritan Utopia. Among other things, it was there enacted, under severe penalties:- “That no one shall be a freeman unless he be con- verted. “That no one shall run on the Sabbath, or walk in his garden. “That no one shall make beds, cut hair, or shave, and no woman shall kiss her children on the Sabbath. “That no one shall make mince-pies, or play any in- strument, except the trumpet, drum, and jews'-harp. “That no food or lodging shall be given to any Quaker or other heretic." . The laws of Massachusetts assigned the penalty of death to all Quakers, as well as to “stubborn and rebel- lious sons, and to all “children, above sixteen, who curse or smite their natural father or mother," and to persons guilty of idolatry, witchcraft, or blasphemy. These laws, breathing the spirit of Christianity as understood by the Puritan exiles for conscience' sake, quickly bore their fruit. Roger Williams, a noble-hearted man, who, strange to say, had been chosen to be minister at Salem, dared to affirm the heresy that “the doctrine of persecution for cause of conscience is most evidently and lamentably contrary to the doctrine of Christ Jesus," i Caswall, The American Church and the American Union, p. 35. Lucas, Secularia, pp. 219, 227. Since the first Edition of Words and Places was published I have received a letter from an American correspondent in which he informs me that these so-called “Blue Laws” are a forgery. My cor- respondent assigns no reasons, but I sincerely hope his statement is correct. Puritan Names: 15 and that “no man should be bound to worship against his own consent." For maintaining these heterodox opinions, which struck at the root of the New England system of polity, Williams had sentence of exile pro- nounced against him. He wandered forth into the snows of a New England winter : “for fourteen weeks," he says, "he often, in the stormy night, had neither fire nor food, and had no house but a hollow tree.” The savages showed him the mercy which his fellow- Christians had refused him, an Indian chief gave him food and shelter; but that wigwam in the far forest was soon pronounced to be within the jurisdiction of the Puritan colony, and the Apostle of Toleration, hunted even from the wilderness, embarked with five companions in a canoe, and landed in Rhode Island. With simple piety he called the spot where the canoe first touched the land, by the name of PROVIDENCE-a place which still remains the capital of Rhode Island, the State which Williams founded as "a shelter for persons distressed for conscience.” 1 The name of CONCORD, the capital of the State of New Hampshire, shews that some at least of the Puritans were actuated by feelings more in harmony with the spirit of the religion they professed; while PHILADELPHIA, the City of Brotherly Love, tells a touching tale of the unbrotherly persecutions which filled the gaols of England with 60,000 Quakers,- persecutions from which they fled, in the hope of in- augurating a Utopian era of peace and harmony. All readers of Pepys' amusing Diary are familiar with the name of his colleague at the Admiralty, Sir William Penn. The funds which should have found their way i Bancroft, History of the United States, vol. i. pp. 276—286. 16 Names of Recent Origin. into the naval chest were diverted to purposes more agreeable to the “ merry monarch” than the purchase of tar and timber; and, in consequence, the fortune which the Comptroller of the Navy bequeathed to his Quaker son, was a claim on the royal purse for the sum of 16,000). The money not being forthcoming, young Penn-who, much to the annoyance of his family, had embraced the tenets of the Quakers-obtained, in satis- faction of his claims, a large grant of forest-land in North America, and led forth a colony of Quakers to found the new colony, called, after himself, PENN- SYLVANIA. The name of BOSTON reminds us of the part of England from which the first Puritan settlers emigrated. They had, with much difficulty, escaped from the Lin- colnshire coast--some of them having been apprehended on the beach for the crime of attempting to reach a country where they might worship according to their consciences. Their first refuge was in Holland, from whence the Mayflower carried them to the shores of New England, and on the IIth of December, 1620, landed them on a desolate spot, five hundred miles from the nearest settlement of white men. To this spot they gave the name of PLYMOUTH—a reminiscence of the last English land which they had seen as they passed down the Channel. HOBOKEN (an Indian word, meaning the “smoke pipe”) was the name of a spot in New Jersey, at which the settlers met the Indian chiefs in council, and smoked the pipe of peace, while they formed a league of amity 1 The Puritan emigration lasted twenty years—from 1620 to 1640. During this period, 21,000 emigrants crossed the Atlantic. The population of the six New England States is now upwards of three millions. 1 VIT Indian Names. —too soon, alas! to be broken by the massacre of BLOODY BROOK, where so many of the colonists were treacherously slain. Hoboken is one of the many Indian names which we find scattered over the map of the American continent, and which are frequently used to designate the great natural features of the country, the lakes, the rivers, the mountain ranges, and the chief natural territorial divisions. Such are the names of the NIAGARA, the POTOMAC, the OTTAWA, the RAPPA- HANNOCK, the SUSQUEHANNA, the MISSISSIPPI, the MISSOURI, the MINNESOTA, CANADA, MASSACHUSETTS, CONNECTICUT, ARKANSAS, WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN. The name of MEXICO is derived from Mexitli, the Aztec war-god. TLASCALA means “the place of bread.” HAYTI is the “mountainous country." The ANDES take their name from the Peruvian word anta-copper. Local names are the only memorial of many once powerful tribes which have become extinct. The names of the ALLEGHANY Range, the MOHAWK Valley, Lake HURON, Lake ERIE, Lake NIPISSING, the City of NATCHEZ, CHEROKEE County, the River OTTAWA, and the States of KANSAS, OHIO, and ILLINOIS are all derived from the names of tribes already extinct or rapidly becoming so. Centuries hence, the historian of the New World will point to these names as great ethnological landmarks : they will have, in his eyes, a value of the same kind as that which is now attached to the names of Hesse, Devonshire, The Solway, Paris, or Turin.? The name of VIRGINIA carries us back to the reign of OT 1 The rivers and mountains receive their names from the earliest races, villages and towns from later colonists. Many illustrations of the principle will be adduced in Chapter IX. See Chapter IV. and Appendix A. 18 Names of Recent Origin. the Virgin Queen, and gives us the date of the exploits of those hardy sailors, who cast into the shade the deeds even of the Spanish conquistadors. Not far from the scene of one of his ruinous enterprises,1 the most chival- rous, the most adventurous, the most farsighted, and the most unfortunate of Englishmen, has recently had a tardy tribute paid to him, in the adoption, by the Legislature of North Carolina, of the name of RALEIGH as the designation of the capital of the State in which Raleigh's colony was planted. On RALEIGH ISLAND, at the entrance of Roanoke Sound, may still be discerned the traces of the fort around which the adventurers built the CITY OF RALEIGH, a place which has now vanished from the map. Of Raleigh's other enterprises, more especially of his quixotic ascent of the Orinoco for four hundred miles in small open boats, no local name remains as a memorial. The names of other heroes of the Elizabethan era are to be sought elsewhere. In the Northern Seas we find a record of the achievements of four brave Englishmen -Frobisher, Davis, Baffin, and Hudson. The adven- turous spirit which actuated this band of naval worthies is shown in the declaration of Martin Frobisher, who deemed the discovery of the North-West Passage “the only thing of the world that was yet left undone by which a notable minde might be made famous and fortunate.” . In command of two little barks, respectively of 25 and 20 tons, and accompanied by a small pinnace, FROBİSHER steered for the unknown seas of ice, and, undaunted by the loss of the pinnace and the mutinous defection of one of his crews, he persevered in his 1L 1 CAPE FEAR commemorates the narrow escape from destruction of one of the expeditions sent out by Raleigh. . Frobisher, Davis, and Baffin. 19 enterprise, and discovered the strait which bears his name. John Davis, with two ships respectively of 50 and 35 tons, followed up the discoveries which Frobisher had made. With a brave heart he kept up the courage of his sickly sailors, who were struck with terror at the strange sight of huge floating icebergs towering overhead, and at the fearful crash of the icefloes as they ground one against the other, and threatened the ships with instant destruction. When, at length, the wished-for land came in sight, it was found to be so utterly barren and inhos- pitable that the disappointed seamen gave it the name which it still bears—CAPE DESOLATION. But Davis persevered, and was rewarded by the discovery of an open passage leading to the North-West, to which the name of DAVIS' STRAITS has been rightfully assigned.? Bylot and Baffin, with one small vessel, and a crew of fourteen men and two boys, eclipsed all that Davis had done, and ventured into unknown seas, where, for the next two hundred years, none dared to follow them. They discovered the magnificent expanse of water which is known by the name of BAFFIN'S BAY, and they coasted round its shores in hopes of finding some outlet towards the North or West. Three channels were discovered, to which they gave the names of Sir James LANCASTER, Sir Thomas SMITH, and Alderman JONES, by whose countenance and pecuniary assistance they had been enabled to equip the expedition. The adventurous life and tragic fate of Henry Hud- 1 Hackluyt, Navigations, vol. iii. pp. 29–96. Cf. Calendar of State Papers, Dom. Ser. 1577-9. 2 Hackluyt, Navigations, vol. iii. Pp. 98—120. C 2 20 . Names of Recent Origin. son would make an admirable subject for an historical romance. The narration is quaintly given in Purchas His Pilgrimes; 1 but, fortunately or unfortunately, it has not, so far as I am aware, been selected as a theme by any modern writer. Hudson's first voyage was an attempt to discover the North-East Passage to India. With ten men and a boy, he had succeeded in attaining the coast of Spitzbergen, when the approach of winter compelled him to return. In a second voyage he reached Nova Zembla. The next year he traced the unknown coast-line of New England, and entered the great river which bears his name. His last expedition was rewarded by still greater discoveries than any he had hitherto effected. In a bark of 55 tons he attempted the North-West Passage, and, penetrating through HUDSON'S STRAIT, he reached HUDSON'S BAY, where his ship was frozen up among the icefloes. Patiently he waited for the approach of spring, although, before the ship was released, the crew had been reduced to feed on moss and frogs. After awhile, they fortunately succeeded in catching a supply of fish, and prepared to return home, with provisions for only fourteen days. Dismayed at this prospect of starvation, the crew mutinied, and, with the object of diminishing the number of mouths to be fed, they treacherously seized their brave captain; and having placed in a small boat a little meal, a musket, and an iron pot, they cast Hudson adrift, with eight sick men, to find a grave in the vast inland sea, the name of which is the worthy epitaph of one of the most daring of England's seamen. The names of these four men-Frobisher, Davis, Baffin, and Hudson—the world will not willingly let die. 1 Purchas, Pilgrimes, vol. iii. pp. 567—609. Hudson, Drake, and Gilbert. 21 The naval triumphs of the Elizabethan era are also associated, in the minds of Englishmen, with the exploits of Drake and Gilbert, although they have not been fortunate enough to give their names to seas or cities. Drake's almost fabulous adventures-his passage of the Straits of Magalhaens—his capture of huge treasure- ships with his one small bark-his voyage of 1,400 miles across the Pacific, which he was the first Englishman to navigate-his discovery of the western coast of North America, and his successful circumnavigation of the globe, form the subject of a romantic chapter in the history of maritime adventure. But a still higher tribute of admiration is due to the brave and pious Sir Humphrey Gylberte, who, on his return from his expedition to NEWFOUNDLAND, attempted to cross the Atlantic in his “Frigat,” the Squirrel, a little vessel of 10 tons. Near the Azores, a storm arose, in which he perished. The touching account of his death as given in Hackluyt, is well known, but it can hardly be repeated too often: “The Generall, sitting abaft with a booke in his hand, cried out to us in the Hind, so oft as we did approach within hearing, 'We are as neere to heaven by sea as by land,' -reiterating the same speech, well beseeming a souldier resolute in Jesus Christ, as I can testifie he was. The same Monday night, about twelve of the clocke, or not long after, the Frigat being ahead of us in the Golden Hinde, suddenly her lights were out, whereof, as in a moment, we lost the sight, and withall our watch cryed the Generall was cast away, which was too true; for in that moment the Frigat was devoured and swallowed up of the sea."1 1 Hackluyt, Navigations, vol. ii. p. 159. 22 Names of Recent Origin. K Such were the gallant gentlemen and “soldiers resolute in Jesus Christ” who made the reign of Elizabeth illus- trious. The records of the progress of English colonization during the next reign are to be sought on the banks of the JAMES River. On either side, at the entrance of this river, are Cape HENRY and Cape CHARLES. Cape Charles was called after “Baby Charles," and Cape Henry bears the name of the hopeful prince whose accession to the throne might probably have changed the whole course of English history. ELIZABETH County, which formed M-Clellan's base of operations in the late campaign, and in which stands Fortress Monroe, was so called in honour of the sister of these princes—the hapless Winter Queen, the mother of Prince Rupert. SMITH'S ISLES, near Cape Charles, and SMITHFIELD, on the opposite side of the James River, are memorials of Captain John Smith, a man of rare genius and enterprise, to whom, even more than to Raleigh, the ultimate establishment of the English colony in Virginia is due. Even in those days of wild adventure, Smith's career had been such as distinguished him above all his fellow- colonists in Virginia. When almost a boy he had fought, under Leicester, in that Dutch campaign, the incredible mismanagement of which has been so ably detailed by Mr. Motley. His mind, as he tells us, “being set upon brave adventures,” he had roamed over France, Italy, and Egypt, doing a little piracy, as it would now be called, in the Levant. Coming to Hungary, he took service for the war with the Turks, against whom he devised many “excellent stratagems,” and performed prodigies of valour in various single combats with . Captain John Sinith. 23 Turkish champions, slaying the “Lord Turbashaw," also "one Grualgo, the vowed friend of Turbashaw," as well as “Bonny Mulgro," who tried to avenge the death of the other two. After numerous adventures, for which the reader must be referred to his amusing autobiography, a general en- gagement took place, and Captain Smith was left for dead upon the field of battle. Here he was made prisoner, and sold into slavery at Constantinople. Being regarded with too much favour by his "fair mistresse,” who “ tooke much compassion on him,” he was sent into the Crimea, where he was “no more regarded than a beast." Driven to madness by this usage, he killed his taskmaster, the Tymor, whose clothes he put on, and whose horse he appropriated, and thus succeeded in es- caping across the steppes; and, after overcoming many perils, he at last reached a Christian land. “Being thus satisfied with Europe and Asia," and hearing of the “warres in Barbarie," he forthwith proceeded to the in- terior of Morocco, in search of new adventures. We next hear of him “trying some conclusions at sea" with the Spaniards; and at last, at thirty years of age, he found himself in Virginia, at a time when a great portion of the hundred colonists had perished, and the survivors were meditating the abandonment of what seemed a hopeless enterprise. Before long, Smith's force of cha- racter placed him at the head of affairs, which soon began to improve under the influence of his resolute and hope- ful genius. But the position of responsibility in which he was placed could not put a stop to the execution of his adventurous projects. In an open boat he made a coasting voyage of some three thousand miles, in the course of which he discovered and explored the Potomac. Names of Recent Origin. On the occasion of one of these expeditions, his com- panions were all cut off by the Indians, and he himself, “beset with 200 salvages," was taken prisoner and con- demned to die. Brought before the King of Pamaunkee, “the salvages ” had fastened him to a tree, and were about to make him a target for the exhibition of their skill in archery, when he obtained his release by the adroit display of the great medicine of a pocket-compass. “A bagge of gunpowder,” which had come into the pos- session of the salvages, “they carefully preserved till the next spring, to plant as they did their corne, because they would be acquainted with the nature of that seede.” Taken at length before “ Powhattan, their Emperor," for the second time Smith had sentence of death passed upon him. “Two great stones were brought; as many as could, layd hands on him, dragged him to them, and thereon laid his head, being ready with their clubs to beate out his braines.” At this juncture “ Pocahontas, the king's dearest daughter," a beautiful girl, the “non- pareil of the country," was touched with pity for the white-skinned stranger; and, “when no intreaty could prevaile,” she rushed forward and “got his head in her armes, and laid her owne upon his to save him from death,” and thus succeeded, at the risk of her life, in ob- taining the pardon of the prisoner. Pocahontas was afterwards married to John Rolfe, “an honest and dis- creet” young Englishman, and from her some of the first families of the Old Dominion are proud to trace their descent." 1 i This account is abridged from The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captain John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America, London, 1629; and The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Sommer Isles, London, 1627-two most quaint and delightful works, of The French Plantations. 25 RS The State of FLORIDA, as the name imports, was originally a Spanish colony. LOUISIANA, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE, and many other names, remind us that, in the reign of Louis XIV., France held firm possession of the Valley of the Mississippi, and stretched a chain of forts, by ST. LOUIS, ST. CHARLES, and the State of Illinois, to FOND DU LAC and LAC SUPERIEUR, the “Upper Lake" of the great chain of lakes, as far as DETROIT, the “nar- row passage” between the LAC ST. CLAIR and Lake Erie. In Canada we are surrounded by French names. QUEBEC is a name transferred from Brittany,' and MONTREAL is the “Royal Mount,” so named by the Frenchman Cartier in 1535. Lake CHAMPLAIN takes its name from Champ- lain, a bold Normand adventurer "delighting marvellously in these enterprises," who joined an Indian war-party, and was the first to explore the upper waters of the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. The Habitans (as the French Canadians of the Lower Province are called) still retain the characteristics of the Normand peasantry in the time of Louis XIV. Cape BRETON was discovered, by mariners from Brittany, as early as the lifetime of Columbus. The name of the State of VERMONT shows that it came within the great French dominion, and the . which a well-edited reprint would be opportune. A brief narrative of Smith's adventures will be found in Bancroft, History of the United States, vol. i. pp. 94-112; Drake, Book of the Indians, bk. iv. pp. 7-18; and Cooley, History of Maritime and Irland Discovery, vol. ii, pp. 212--215. See also Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1614. Smith, of Virginia, bore for arms a chevron, between the three Turks' heads, which he had cut off. He is the hero of the Blackletter Ballad in the British Museum, entitled- "The Honor of a London Prentice; being an account of his matchless manhood and boyhood.”— Smith's Antiquarian Ramble in the Streets of London, vol. ii. p. 133. 1 The etymology of Lamartinière from Quel bec! What a cape! is too absurd to need refutation. 26 Names of Recent Origin. State of MAINE repeats in the New World the name of one of the maritime provinces of France. But the genius of Lord Chatham wrested the empire of the New World from France; and Fort Du Quesne, the key of the French position in the Valley of the Ohio, under its new name of PITTSBURGH, commemorates the triumphs of the great war-minister, and is now one of the largest cities in the United States. The State of DELAWARE was “planted” in 1610 by Lord De la Warr, under a patent granted by James I. The further progress of colonization in this region is commemorated by the Roman Catholic colony of MARY- LAND, named after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I.; and BALTIMORE, the capital of the State, takes its name from Lord Baltimore, the patentee of the new colony, who thus transferred to the New World the Celtic name of the little Irish village from which he de- rived his title. NEW JERSEY, in like manner, was founded under a patent granted, in the reign of Charles II., to George Carteret, Lord Jersey; while NOVA SCOTIA was a con- cession to Sir William Alexander, a Scotchman, who, with a band of his compatriots, settled there in the time of James II. Its recolonization in the reign of George II. is marked by the name of HALIFAX, given in honour of Lord Halifax, the president of the Board of Trade. The city of CHARLESTON, ALBEMARLE Sound, the rivers ASHLEY and COOPER, and the States of North and South CAROLINA, date from the time of the Restoration; 1 Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1632. 2 The name of the Carolinas seems to have been revived at this period, having been originally given at the time of the first colonization by the Huguenots in the reign of Charles IX. of France. 27 Progress of English Colonization. and the people are justly proud of the historical asso- ciations which attach to many of the local names.1 ANNAPOLIS, the capital of Maryland, as well as the RAPIDAN and NORTH ANNA Rivers, bring us to the reign of Queen Anne; and GEORGIA, the last of the thirteen colonies, dates from the reign of George II. NEW INVERNESS, in Georgia, was settled by Highlanders im- plicated in the rebellion of 1745. FREDERICKSBURG, the scene of the recent bloody repulse of the Federals, and FREDERICK CITY, in Maryland, bear the name of the weak and worthless son of George II. As has been observed by the Southern correspondent of the Times, “It is safe to observe that Virginia has done more than the mother country to keep alive the memory of a prince, who lives for Englishmen only as he is gibbeted in the Memoirs of Lord Harvey.” 2 The Scandinavian colony of NEW SWEDEN has been absorbed by the States of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey ; but a few names, like SWEDESBORO' and DONA, still remain as evidences of a fact now almost forgotten. The map of the State of NEW YORK takes us back to the reign of Charles II. The King's brother, James, Duke of York and Albany, had a grant made to him of the as yet unconquered Dutch colony of the NEW NETHERLANDS, the two chief cities of which, NEW AM- STERDAM and FORT ORANGE, were rechristened, after the Dutch had been dispossessed, by the names of NEW YORK and ALBANY, from the titles of the royal patentee. The names of the KATSKILL Mountains, STATEN Island, BROOKLYN (Breukelen), WALLABOUT Bay, YONKER'S 1 Russell, Diary North and South, vol. i. p. 171. 2 Times, Dec. 27, 1862. Y 17 T 28 Names of Recent Origin. Island, the HAARLEM River, and the villages of FLUSH- ING, STUYVESANT, and BLAUVELT,1 are among the local memorials which still remind us of the Dutch dominion in North America. 2 The Dutch colony in South America has had a greater permanence. NEW AMSTERDAM, FREDENBERG, BLAUW- BERG, and many other Dutch names in the same neigh- bourhood, surrounded as they are by Portuguese and Spanish names, are an exhibition of the results of in- trusive colonization, and are instructive analogues of ob- scure phenomena, which we shall hereafter find exhibited on the Continent of Europe. CAPE HORN, or rather CAPE HOORN, as it should properly be written, is also a vestige of the early enter- prise of Holland. The name is derived from Hoorn, a village on the Zuyder Zee, which was the birthplace of Schouten, the first seaman who succeeded in doubling the Cape. Before the time of Schouten's voyage, the Pacific had been entered by the STRAITS OF MAGAL- HAENS, a passage between Tierra del Fuego and the mainland, which had been discovered by a man who, for genius, fertility of resource, and undaunted courage, de- serves a place on the roll of fame beside Columbus, Cortez, Smith, and Hudson. Fernando Magalhaens was a Portuguese, engaged in the Spanish service, and was sent out to wrest from his fellow-countrymen the pos- session of the Moluccas, which, under the terms of the i We may add the names of Kinderhook, Haverstraw, Spuyten Duyvel, Watervliet, Roosefelt, Roseboom, Rosendale, Staatsburg, and Claverack. 2 The word creek, which often appears in American river-names, appears to be a vestige of the Dutch dominion. Kreek is a common suffix in the Netherlands. Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 35. 3 Esquiros, The Dutch at Home, vol. i. p. 255. Magalhaens. famous Papal Bull, were conceived to be included in the Spanish moiety of the world. Threading his way through the straits which bear his name, Magalhaens held on his way, in spite of the mutiny of his crews, the loss of one ship, and the desertion of another, and at last reached the Philippine Islands, where, during an attack by the natives, he fell beneath a shower of spears. TORRES' STRAITS bear the name of one of Magalhaens' lieutenants. · The PHILIPPINES and the CAROLINES bear the names of two Spanish monarchs, Philip II. and Charles II., under whose respective auspices the first were colonized and the second were discovered. The MARQUESAS received their name in honour of the Marquis Mendoza de Cañete, who, from his Viceroyalty of Peru, equipped the expedition which led to the dis- covery. But these were not the only results of Spanish enterprise in the Pacific. JUAN FERNANDEZ, a bold Spanish sailor, chanced upon the solitary isle which bears his name—an island which is chiefly memorable to Englishmen from having been, for four years, the abode of one of Dampier's comrades-Alexander Selkirk, whose adventures suggested to De Foe the inimitable fiction of Robinson Crusoe, The BERMUDAS, “the still- vexed Bermoothes," alluded to in Shakespeare's Tempest, were discovered, at an earlier period, by another Spaniard, Juan Bermudez: they took the name of the SOMERS ISLANDS, by which they were long known, from the ship- wreck of Sir George Somers, one of the deputy-governors of Virginia.1 We cannot complete the list of Spanish explorers without a mention of the name of ORELLANA, which, 1 See Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1610. 30 Names of Recent Origin. according to some maps, is borne by the largest river of the world. There are few more romantic narratives of adventure than the history of Orellana's voyage down the Amazons. In the company of Gonzales Pizarro he left Peru, and having penetrated through the trackless Andes, he came upon the head waters of a great river. The provisions brought by the explorers having at length become exhausted, their shoes and their saddles were boiled and eaten, to serve as a condiment to such roots. as could be procured by digging. Meanwhile the ener- gies of the whole party were engaged in the construction of a small bark, in which Orellana and fifty men com- mitted themselves to the mighty stream, which, in seven long months, floated them down to the Atlantic, through the midst of lands utterly unknown, clad to the water's edge with gigantic forest-trees, and peopled by savage and hostile tribes. Not content, however, with describing the real perils of the voyage, or, perhaps, half-crazed by the hardships which he had undergone, Orellana, on his return to Spain, gave the reins to his imagination, and related wild travellers' tales concerning a nation of female warriors who had opposed his passage; and posterity has punished his untruthfulness by enshrining, in a memorial name, the story of the. fabled AMAZONS, and letting the remembrance of the daring explorer fade away.1 We find the records of Portuguese adventure in BAHIA, PERNAMBUCO, BRAGANÇA, and a host of other names in the Brazils, which were accidentally discovered by Cabral, who was sailing with an expedition destined for the East Indies. But the great field of Portuguese : i See Cooley, Hist. of Maritime and Inland Discovery, vol. ii. p. 84 ; Prescott, Conquest of Peru, vol. ii. pp. 320—323. Portuguese and Dutch Discoverers. 31 IT enterprise lay in the East, where the names BOMBAY, MACAO, and FORMOSA, attest the widespread nature of the commerce which the newly found sea-route to India threw into the hands of its discoverers. Their track is marked by such names as SALDANHA BAY, CAPE AGUL- HAS, ALGOA BAY, and CAPE DELGADO, which we find scattered along the southern coasts of Africa. The name of the Cape itself reveals the spirit of hopeful enterprise which enabled the Portuguese to achieve so much. Bartholomew Diaz, baffled by tempests, was unable, on his first expedition, to weather the cape which he had discovered, and he, therefore, named it CABO TOR- MENTOSO—the Cape of Storms—a name which John, the sanguine and enterprising king, changed to the CABO DE BONA ESPERANZA, arguing the GOOD HOPE which existed of the speedy discovery of the long-wished-for route to the realms of “Ormus and of Ind.” 1 The Eastern route found by the Portuguese was soon followed by the Dutch. The names of the MAURITIUS and the ORANGE RIVER were bestowed by them at the time when, under the Stadtholder Maurice, Prince of Orange, they were heroically striving against the colossal power of Spain. This death-struggle for freedom did not prevent them pursuing their discoveries in the Eastern seas: and at the lowest point of their fortunes, when all seemed likely to be lost, it was soberly proposed to cut the dykes and leave the Spaniards the task of once more reclaiming Holland from the waves, and for themselves to embark their families and their wealth, and seek in BATAVIA, a new eastern home for the Bata- vian nation. From their colonies of Ceylon and Java, the Dutch 1 Cooley, History of Discovery, vol. i. p. 374. 32 Names of Recent Origin. fitted out numerous expeditions to explore the then unknown Southern Seas. Carpenter, a Dutch captain, was the first to discover the northern portion of the Australian continent. His name is attached to the Gulf of CARPENTARIA ; and the “great island" in the gulf bears the Dutch name of GROOTE EYLANDT, which he gave to it. The earliest circumnavigation of the new southern continent was achieved by means of two vessels of discovery, which were equipped by Antony VAN DIEMEN, the Governor of Batavia, and entrusted to the command of Abel Jansen TASMAN. NEW ZEALAND and NEW HOLLAND, the chief fruits of this expedition, had conferred upon them the names of two of the United Provinces; and on the discovery of a third large island, an attachment as romántic as a Dutchman may be supposed capable of feeling, caused the rough sailor, if tradition speaks the truth, to inscribe upon our maps the name of the beautiful daughter of the Batavian governor, Maria Van Diemen.) We may here briefly enumerate a few remaining dis- coverers, whose names are found scattered over our maps. DAMPIER'S Archipelago and WAFER Inlet bear the names of William Dampier and Lionel Wafer, the leaders of a band of West Indian buccaneers who marched across the Isthmus of Darien (each man provided only with four cakes of bread, a fusil, a pistol, and a hanger), and who, having seized a Spanish ship, continued for a long time to be the terror of the Pacific. Kerguellen was an 1 In consequence of an ignorant prejudice, which was supposed to deter intending colonists, the name of Van Diemen's Land, or Demon's Land, as it was called, has, after the lapse of two centuries, been changed to TASMANIA, in honour of the sailor who preferred the fame of his mistress to his own. Tasman, Behring, and Vancouver. 33 X officer in the French service, who, in the reign of Louis XV., discovered the island called KERGUELLEN'S LAND; while JAN MEYEN, a Dutch whaling captain, has handed down his obscure name by his re-discovery of that snow- clad island cone, which forms such a striking frontispiece to Lord Dufferin's amusing volume. BEHRING, a Dane by birth, was sent by Peter the Great to explore the eastern shores of Asia. He crossed Siberia, and having constructed a small vessel on the coast of Kamtschatka, he discovered the strait which separates Asia from America. On his return from a second expedition, his ship was wrecked, and the hardy sailor, surrounded by the snows and ice of an Arctic winter, perished miserably of cold, hunger, and fatigue, on an island which bears his name. At the instance of the British Government, Captain VANCOUVER succeeded in surveying 9,000 miles of the unknown western coast-line of America. His name stands side by side with those of Hudson, Behring, Franklin, and Cook—the martyrs of geographical science; for the exposure and the toil which he underwent proved fatal. Mr. Bass, a naval surgeon, in an open whale-boat manned by a crew of six men, made a voyage of 600 miles, which resulted in the discovery of BASS'S STRAITS, which separate Van Diemen's Land from the Australian continent. The discoveries of Captain Cook are so well known, that a brief reference to the names which he added to our maps may here suffice. He was despatched to ob- serve the Transit of Venus in 1769. In this expedition he discovered the SOCIETY ISLANDS, so named from the Royal Society, at whose instigation the expedition 34 Names of Recent Origin. had been undertaken; as well as the SANDWICH ISLANDS, called after Lord Sandwich, the First Lord of the Admiralty, who had consented to send it out. In his second voyage, Captain Cook explored and named the coast of NEW SOUTH WALES, the NEW HEBRIDES, NEW CALEDONIA, NORFOLK ISLAND, and SANDWICH LAND. We must not forget those Arctic explorers who, within the last half-century, have added so largely to our geographical knowledge. The names of MACKENZIE, ROSS, PARRY, FRANKLIN, BACK, HOOD, RICHARDSON, DEASE, SIMPSON, CROZIER, MACLURE, M'CLINTOCK, and KANE, perpetually remind those who examine the map of the Arctic regions, of the skill, the courage, and the endurance of the brave men who have, at last, solved the problem of three hundred years—"the only thing of the world yet left undone by which a notable minde might be made famous."1 Such names as REPULSE BAY, POINT TURNAGAIN, RETURN REEF, POINT ANXIETY, the BAY OF MERCY, FORT ENTERPRIZE, FORT PRO- VIDENCE, FURY BEACH, and WINTER HARBOUR recall to the memory of the readers of Arctic adventure some of the most thrilling passages in those narratives; and, at the same time, they form a melancholy record of the difficulties, the hardships, the disappointments, and the failures, which seemed only to braven the resolution and to nerve the courage of men whom all Englishmen are proud to be able to call their fellow-countrymen. Mention has already been made of the Sandwich Islands and the Marquesas, as commemorating the names of statesmen who have been instrumental in furthering the progress of geographical discovery. Other names of this class-prime-ministers, eminent statesmen, ? See p. 18, TY YE Names of Statesınen and Princes. lords of the admiralty, and secretaries of the navy—are to be found in great profusion in the regions which have most recently been explored. We may instance the names of MELVILLE, DUNDAS, MELBOURNE, AUCKLAND, BARING, BARROW, CROKER, BATHURST, PEEL, WELLING- TON, and SYDNEY.) Port PHILLIP, BRISBANE, the River DARLING, and MACQUARIE take their names from governors of the Australian Colonies, and Lake SIMCOE from a governor of Canada. BOOTHIA FELIX, GRINNELL LAND, SMITH'S SOUND, and JONES' SOUND commemorate merchant-princes who fitted out exploring expeditions from their private resources; while the names of KING GEORGE, QUEEN CHARLOTTE, the PRINCE REGENT, KING WILLIAM, QUEEN ADELAIDE, VICTORIA, and ALBERT are scattered so lavishly over our maps, as to prove a serious source of embarrassment to the young student of geography; while, at the same time, their English origin testifies to the energy and success with which, during the last hundred years, every corner of the globe has been explored by Englishmen. i CHATHAM Island does not belong to this class : it bears the name of the brig Chatham, by which it was discovered. Cf. Mt. EREBUS, FURY Beach, &c. D 2 36 Ethnological Value of Local Names. CHAPTER III. THE ETHNOLOGICAL VALUE OF LOCAL NAMES. Local names are the beacon-lights of primeval History~ The method of research illustrated by American Names Recent progress of Ethnology, The Celts, Anglo-Saxons, and Northmen-Retrocession of the Sclaves Arabic Names-Ethnology of mountain districts, The Alps. ETHNOLOGY is the science which derives the greatest aid from geographical etymology. The names which still remain upon our maps are able to supply us with traces of the history of nations that have left us no other memorials. Egypt has bequeathed to us her pyramids, her temples, and her tombs; Nineveh her palaces; Judæa her people and her sacred books; Mexico her temple- mounds; Arabia her science; India her institutions; Greece her deathless literature; and Rome has left us her roads, her aqueducts, her laws, and the languages which still live on the lips of half the civilized world. But there are other nations which once played a pro- minent part in the world's history, but which have be- queathed no written annals, which have constructed no monuments, whose language is dying or is dead, whose blood is becoming mingled with that of other races. The knowledge of the history and the migrations of such tribes must be recovered from the study of the names of the places which they once inhabited, but TYY TT YI Names are the Beacon-lights of Primeval History. 37 TT. which now know them no more—from the names of the hills which they fortified, of the rivers by which they dwelt, of the distant mountains upon which they gazed. As an eloquent writer has observed, “Mountains and rivers still murmur the voices of nations long denation- alized or extirpated."1 Language adheres to the soil when the race by which it was spoken has been swept from off the earth, or when its remnants have been driven from the plains which they once peopled into the fastnesses of the surrounding mountains. . It is mainly from the study of local names that we must reconstruct the history of the Sclaves, the Celts, and the Basques, as well as the earlier chronicles of the Scandinavian and Teutonic races; while from the same source we are able to throw great light upon the more or less obscure records of the conquests and coloniza- tions of the Phænicians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Arabs. In many instances, we can thus convert dubious surmises into the clearest historical certainties. The nomenclature of America, the nature of which has been indicated in the preceding chapter, may serve to explain the method by which etymological considera- tions become available in ethnological inquiries. Here we have a simple case, where we possess documentary evidence as to the facts which we might expect to be disclosed by etymological investigations, and where we can thus exhibit the method of research, and at the same time test the value of the results to which it leads. If we examine a map of America, we find names derived from a dozen languages. We first notice a few scattered Indian names, such as the POTOMAC, the RAPPAHANOCK, or NIAGARA. These names are sparsely 1 Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. i. p. 701. 38 Ethnological Value of Local Nanies. distributed over large areas, some of them filled almost exclusively with English names, while in others, the names are mostly of Spanish or Portuguese origin-the boundary between the regions of the English and Spanish, or of the Spanish and Portuguese names being easily traceable. In Louisiana and Lower Canada we find a predominance of French names, many of them exhibiting Normand and Breton peculiarities. In New York we find, here and there, a few Dutch names, as well as patches of German names in Michigan and Brazil. We find that the Indian, Dutch, and French names have more frequently been corrupted than those derived either from the English or from the Spanish languages. In New England we find names like SALEM and PROVIDENCE; in Virginia we find such names as JAMES River, Cape CHARLES, and ELIZABETH County. In many places the names of the Old World are re- peated: we find a NEW ORLEANS, a NEW BRUNSWICK, a NEW HAMPSHIRE, and the like. If we were entirely destitute of any historical records of the actual course of American colonization, it is evident that, with the aid of the map alone, we might recover many most important facts, and put together an outline, by no means to be despised, of the early history of the continent;-we might successfully in- vestigate the retrocession and extinction of the Indian tribes—we might discover the positions in which the colonies of the several European nations were planted —we might show, from the character of the names, how the gradually increasing supremacy of the Anglo- American stock must have enabled it to incorporate, and overlay with a layer of English names, the colonies of other nations, such as the Spanish settlements in U The Method of Research. 39 Florida and Texas, the Dutch colony in the neighbour- hood of New York, and the French settlements on the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. We might even go further, and attempt to discriminate between the colonies founded by Puritans and by Cavaliers; and if we pos- sessed a knowledge of English and French history, we might assign approximate dates for the original founda- tion of a large number of the several settlements. In some cases we might be able to form probable conjec- tures as to the causes and methods of the migration, and the condition of the early colonists. Our investigations would be much facilitated if we also possessed a full knowledge of the present circumstances of the country— if, for example, we knew that the English language now forms the universal medium of communication through- out large districts, which, nevertheless, are filled with Spanish or French names; or if we learned that in the State of New York the Indian and Dutch languages are no longer spoken, while many old families bear Dutch, but none of them Indian surnames. The study of the local names, illustrated by the knowledge of such facts, would enable us to reconstruct, in great part, the history of the country, and would prove that successive bands of immigrants may forget their mother-tongue, and abandon all distinctive national peculiarities, but that the names which, on their first arrival, they bestowed upon the places of their abode, are sure to remain upon the map as a permanent record of the nature and extent of the original colonizations. Centuries hence, when Macaulay's New Zealander shall have succeeded in escaping from his perilous position on the broken arch of London Bridge, and has taken up his stand among certain fallen columns which WI 40 Ethnological Value of Local Names. mark the supposed site of the British Museum, there to lament the destruction of the literary treasures which might have enabled him to investigate the early history of the land of his ancestors, he will do well to devote himself to a comparison of the local names of New Zealand with those of the United States; and he will find it easy to prove that the two countries must have been peopled from the same source, and under circum- stances not very dissimilar, and he might succeed in recovering, from a comparison and analysis of English and New Zealand names, many of those facts which he fancied had been lost for ever. We shall hereafter investigate classes of names which present a perfect parallelism to those in America. In the case of Spain, the Celtic, Phænician, Arabic, and Spanish names answer in many points to the strata of Indian, Dutch, French, and English names which we find superimposed in the United States; while an isolated name like Swedesboro', in New Jersey, may be compared with that of the town of ROZAS, which stands upon the Gulf of RHODA-names which have handed down the memory of the ancient Rhodian colony in North-eastern Spain. Again, the Scandinavian names scattered over a wide area throughout England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Flanders, Iceland, and Greenland, pre- sent a parallel to the names in the English colonies of North America, Australia, and New Zealand.1 The phenomena of the Old World are similar to those pre- 2 . i In Norway, as in England, a strict law of primogeniture has dispersed the cadets of a fully-peopled country over a wide geographical area. In the guards of Norway are to be found peasant proprietors, clad in homespun, who are the lineal representatives of the elder line of the chief royal and noble families of Western Europe. -See Laing, Heimskringla, vol. i. p. 109. A Novum Organum. 41 sented in the New. In either case, from similar pheno- mena we may draw similar inferences. This method of research-the application of which has been exhibited in the familiar instance of the United States, where the results attained can be compared with well-known facts—has of late years been repeatedly ap- plied, and often with great success, to cases in which local names are the only records which exist. . Wilhelm Von Humboldt was one of the pioneers in this new science of etymological ethnology. On the maps of Spain, France, and Italy he has marked out,1 by the evidence of names alone, the precise regions which, before the period of the Roman conquest, were inhabited by those Euskarian or Iberic races who are now represented by the Basquesthe mountaineers of the Asturias and the Pyrenees. He has also shown that large portions of Spain were anciently Celtic, and that there was a central zone inhabited by a mixed population of Euskarians and Celts. Archdeacon Williams, in like manner, has indicated the limits of the Celtic region in Northern Italy, and has pointed out detached Celtic colonies in the central por- tion of that peninsula. Mone, Diefenbach,4 Duncker,5 Brandes, and other industrious explorers have followed the wanderings of this ancient people through Switzerland, Germany, and France, and have shown that, in those countries, the Celtic speech still lives upon the map, though it has vanished from the glossary. i Priifung der Untersuchungen über die Urbewohner Hispaniens, 2 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. xiii. 3 Celtische Forschungen zur Geschichte Mitteleuropas. 4 Celtica. 5 Origines Germanicæ. 6 Das Ethnographische Verhältniss der Kelten und Germanen. o 42 Ethnological Value of Local Names. · From the evidence of local names alone, Prichard? has demonstrated that the ancient Belga were of Celtic, and not of Teutonic race, as had previously been supposed. So cogent is the evidence supplied by these names, that ethnologists are agreed in setting aside the direct testi- mony of such a good authority as Cæsar, who asserts that the Belgæ were of German blood.? In our own country, this method has afforded results of peculiar interest and 'value. It has enabled us to detect the successive tides of immigration that have flowed in ; just as the ripple-marked slabs of sandstone record the tidal flow of the primeval ocean, so wave after wave of population-Gaelic, Cymric, Roman, Saxon, Anglian, Norwegian, Danish, Norman, Frisian, and Flemish-has left its mark upon the once shifting, but now indurated sands of language. Baxter and Lhuyd, Chalmers,* Whitaker,5 Skene, Robertson, Garnett,» Davies, Latham,' and other writers have investigated the Celtic names of our own islands. Not only have they shown that the whole of England was once Celtic, but they have made it probable that the Scottish lowlands were peopled by tribes belonging to the Welsh and not to the Gaelic stock, thus clearing up Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, vol. iii. % Latham, English Language, vol. i. p. 12. 3 Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum. Appendix by Edward Lhuyd. 4 Caledonia. 5 History of Manchester. 6 History of the Highlanders. ? Scotland under her early Kings. 8 Papers in the Proceedings and Transactions of Philological Society, and in the Quarterly Review. 9 English Language, vol. i. pp. 363–367; Ethnology of the British Isles. English Ethnology. 43 some of the disputed questions as to the affinities and distribution of the Picts and Scots. The study of Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian names has been prosecuted by Leo," Ingram, Kemble,» Worsaae, Ferguson, Borring, “ Depping," Palgrave, and Lappen- berg. They have shown how we may draw the line between the Anglian and the Saxon kingdoms-how, from the study of the names of the villages of Lincoln- shire, of Leicestershire, of Caithness, of Cumberland, of Pembrokshire, of Iceland, and of Normandy, we may learn the almost-forgotten story of the fierce Vikings, who left the fiords of Norway and the vics of Denmark, to plunder and to conquer the coasts and kingdoms of Western Europe. By the use of the same method, Buttmann, 10 Bender, 10 and Zeussl have shown how we may investigate the ob- scure relations of the tribes of Eastern Europe, and mark the oscillations. of the boundaries of the Sclaves and Ger- mans, and even detect the alternate encroachments and retrocessions of either race. Thus in Eastern Bavaria, which is now a purely German district, we find scattered Sclavonic names, more especially in the Valley of the Naab.12 From the number and character of these names, i Rectitudines Singularum Personarum. 2 Appendix to Saxon Chronicle. 3 Codex Diplomaticus, vol. iii. ; Saxons in England. 4 The Danes and Norwegians. 5 The Northmen in Cumberland. 6 Sur la limite Méridionale de la Monarchie Danoise. ? Histoire des Expeditions Maritimes des Normands, 8 England and Normandy. 9 Anglo-Norman Kings. 10 Die Deutschen Ortsnamen. 11 Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstämme. 12 In the Aischthal, the presence of the Wends is denoted by names like Brodswinden, Ratzenwinden, Poppenwind, Reinhardswind, &c. In Wür- temberg, we find Windischgrätz and Winnenden; in Baden, Windischbuch; 44 Ethnological Value of Local Names. we may infer that, at some remote period, the Sclavo- nians must have extended themselves westward much beyond the present frontier of Bohemia,' even as far as Darmstadt, where the River WESCHNITZ marks the ex- treme western limit of Sclavonic occupancy. For several centuries, however, the German language has been en- croaching towards the east; and the process is now going on with accelerated speed. In Bohemia, where almost every local name is Sclavonic, and where five-and-twenty years ago few of the elder people knew any language but their Bohemian speech, we find that the adults are now universally able to speak German ; and in half a century, there is every likelihood that the Bohemian language will be extinct. Farther to the north a similar process has also taken place. Proceeding from west to east, the River BOMLITZ, near Verden in Hanover, is the first Sclavonic name we meet with. In Holstein, Mecklenburg, Luneburg, and Saxony-in East and West Prussia-in Brandenburg and Pomerania-we find numerous Sclavonic names, in Saxony, Wendischhayn; in Brunswick, Wenden and Wendhausen; in Westphalia, Windheim and Wenden. --Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. i. p. 85; Bender, Deutschen Ortsnamen, p. 31; Zeuss, Die Deutschen; Latham, Nat. of Europe, vol. ii. pp. 321, 309. 1 It is probable that, in the fifth and sixth centuries, the Sclaves took possession of the regions left vacant by the inroads of the Teutonic nations toward the west and south; while in the seventh and eighth centuries the Germans began to recover the lost ground, and to drive the Sclaves to the eastward. 2 See Latham, English Language, vol. i. p. 106; Nat. of Europe, vol. ii. p. 357 ; vol. i. p. 4; Germania, p. 151; Philological Proceedings, vol. iv. P. 187. For a list of Sclavonic names in the Valley of the Mayn, see Zeuss, Die Deutschen, pp. 649, 650. 3 Ansted, Trip to Hungary, p. 79. 4 Zeuss, Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstämme, p. 676; Bender, Ortsnamen, p. 90. Retrocession of the Sclaves. 45 such as POTSDAM, LEIPSIG, LOBAU, or KULM, scattered over an area which is now purely German. These names gradually increase in frequency as we proceed eastward, till, at length, in Silesia, we find that the local names are all Sclavonic, although the people universally speak German, except on the eastern rim of the Silesian basin, where the ancient speech still feebly lingers. It will be manifest that this distribution of Sclavonic names will greatly guide us in interpreting the obscure historical notices which relate to the great struggle by which, in the ninth and tenth centuries, Mecklenburg, Pomerania, Brandenburg, Silesia, Saxony, and part of Courland were wrested by the Germans from the Sarmatians. 3 The names in Eastern Europe illustrate the maxim that Ethnology must always be studied with due reference to Hydrography. In rude times, the rivers form the great highways. The Rhine, the Danube, and the Elbe seem to have regulated the directions of the early movements of nations. And the distribution of Sclavonic names proves that the Sclaves must, originally, have descended by the valleys of the Elbe and the Mayn, just as the Germans descended by the valley of the Danube, where we find a wedge or elbow of German names protruding eastward into the Sclavonic region. So, again, in Hungary we find that the central plains are occupied by the Magyar shepherds from the steppes of the Volga, while the original Sclavonic i Potsdam is a Germanized form of the Sclavonic Potsdupimi. Förste- mann, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. i. p. 15. 2 The phenomena, in fact, are analogous to those which are exhibited as we proceed from Somersetshire, through Devonshire, to Cornwall. 3 Latham, Man and his Migrations, p. 165. 46 Ethnological Value of Local Names. . population has been driven to the mountain region on either side.1 Still farther to the east we find the isolated Saxon colony of Siebenbürgen (Transylvania), where, surrounded on all sides by Sclavonic, Magyar, and Wallachian names, we find cities called Kronstadt, Hermannstadt, Klaussenburg, Elisabethstadt, and Müh- lenbach, which are inhabited by a population that has been transferred from the Lower Rhine to the Lower Danube. For seven centuries this little colony has retained, unchanged, its own peculiar laws, language, institutions, and customs. Siebenbürgen, in fact, presents a well-conserved museum of mediæval pecu- liarities-a living picture of Ancient Germany, just as in Iceland we find the language and customs of our Scandinavian ancestors still subsisting, without any material change. We find similar phenomena in the west and south. Franche Comté, Burgundy, and Lombardy contain many disguised German names-evidences of ancient conquests by Germanic tribes, which have now lost their ancient speech, and have completely merged their nationality in that of the conquered races. In Alsace, which has now become thoroughly French in feeling and in language, the German names of the villages have suffered no corruption during the short period which has elapsed since the conquest under Louis XIV. 1 The Sclavonic inroad into Greece is well marked by local names, such as WALIGOST, which extend even into the Peloponnesus.-Zeuss, Die Deut. schen, p. 634; Arndt, Europ. Spr. p. 105; Schafarik, Slauische Alter- thümer, vol. ii. p. 226; Keferstein, Kelt. Alterth. vol. ii. p. 436. ? Ansted, Trip to Hungary and Transylvania, pp. 30, 31. 3 See Lathain's Germania of Tacitus, Epilegomena, pp. xxxix. and lv. ; Nationalities of Europe, vol. ii. p. 283 ; Lewis, On the Romance Languages, P. 18. Ethnology of Mountain Districts. 47 | 1 · The Arabic names which we find in Asia, in Africa, in Spain, in Sicily, in Southern Italy, in Provence, and even in some valleys of the Alps, tell us of the triumphs of the Crescent from the Indus to the Loire. In some instances, these names even disclose the manner in which the Mahometan hosts were recruited for the conquest of Europe from the valley of the Euphrates and the borders of the Sahara ; and we can trace the settlement of these far-travelled conquerors in special valleys of Spain or Sicily. In mountainous regions, the etymological method of ethnological research is of special value, and yields results more definite than elsewhere. Among the mountains the botanist and the ethnologist meet with analogous phenomena. The lowland flora of the glacial epoch has retreated to the Grampians, the Carpathians, the Alps, and the Pyrenees ;? and in like manner we find that the hills contain the ethnological sweepings of the plains. Mountain fastnesses have always formed a providential refuge for conquered tribes. The narrow valleys which penetrate into the great chains are well adapted to preserve for a time the isolation of unrelated tribes of refugees, to hinder the intermixture of race, and thus preserve from extermination or absorption those who should afterwards, at the right time, blend gradually with the conquerors of the plains, and supplement their moral and intellectual deficiencies. Instances of this peculiar ethnological character of mountain districts will occur to every one. The Bengalees, though they are in geographical contact with the hill tribes of India, are yet, in blood, further 1 See Darwin, On the Origin of Species, pp. 365—369. ? Goldwin Smith, Irish History and Irish Character, p. 14. 1 48 Ethnological Value of Local Names. removed from them than from ourselves. Strabo informs us that in his day no less than seventy languages were spoken in the Caucasus, and the number of distinct dialects is probably, at the present time, quite as large. Here, in close juxtaposition, we find archaic forms of various Georgian, Mongolian, Persian, Semitic, and Tatarian languages, as well as anomalous forms of speech which bear no affinity to any known tongue of Asia or of Europe.1 In the Pyrenees we find the descendants of the Euskarians, who have been driven from the lowlands of France and Spain. The fastnesses of Wales and of the Scotch Highlands have enabled the Celts of our own island to maintain their ancient speech and a separate existence. An inspection of the map of the British Isles will show that The Peak of Derbyshire and the mountains of Cumberland retain a greater number of Celtic names than the adjacent districts; and the hills of Devonshire have served as a barrier to protect the Celts of Cornwall from the Anglo-Saxon conquerors. But Switzerland is the most notable instance of the ethnological interest attaching to a mountainous district. In a country only twice the size of Wales, the local names? are derived from half a dozen separate languages, three or four of which are still spoken by the people, while in some districts almost every village preserves its 1 Lyell, Antiquity of Man, p. 460; Max Müller, Lectures, p. 52 ; Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 14; Pott, Ungleichheit d. menschlicher Rassen, p. 238, apud Renan, Orig. du Langage, p. 176; Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. i. p. 294. 2 An admirable monograph on the local names in Canton Zurich, by Dr. Meyer, will be found in the Mittheilungen der Antiq. Gesellschaft in Zurich, vol. vi. pt. i. • Switzerland. 49 separate dialect. Thus, in the Cantons of Neufchâtel, Vaud, Geneva, and in the western part of the Valais, French is the prevailing language. In the northern and central cantons, which were divided among Burgundian, Alemannic, and Suevic tribes, various high German dialects are spoken;? while in Canton Ticino, and in portions of the Grisons, Italian is the only language understood. The Romansch language, spoken in the upper valley of the Rhine, is a debased Latin, with a few Celtic, German, and, possibly, some Iberic and Etruscan elements.3 In the Upper Engadine we find the Ladino, another Latin dialect,4 distinct from the Ro- mansch; while throughout the whole of Switzerland, numerous. Celtic names 5 show traces of a still earlier wave of population, of which no other evidence remains. Not only has the region of the Alps been the immemorial abode of Celts, but there also we find indications of i Planta, Romansch Language, p. 144; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 602; Lewis, Romance Languages, p. 46. Stalder, Die Landes-sprachen der Schweiz, pp. 273-418, gives specimens of thirty-five dialects of German, sixteen of French, five of Romansch, and eight of Italian, which are spoken in the several Swiss cantons. 2 German Switzerland is mainly Alemannic, French Switzerland is mainly Burgundian. In Berne, however, as well as in portions of Freiburg, - Lutzern, and Argau, the Burgundians have retained their German speech. Grimm, Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 703. 3 For instance, in the dialect of Groeden. Niebuhr, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 113. A list of Romansch words which are possibly Etruscan, will be found in Tschudi, Hauptschlüssel, pp. 289, 290. See also Steub's works. 4 See Lechner, Piz Languard, p. 28. An analysis of the names in Canton Zurich shows the following proportions :- [ 2 cities. (3,000 homesteads. Celtic 100 important rivers, moun Alemannic 100 hamlets. I tains, and villages. [ 20 villages. The other names are of modern German origin. -Meyer, Ortsnamen, p. 75. 50 Ethnological Value of Local Names. fragments of intrusive races—the meteoric stones of Ethnology. Thus, in the Valley of Evolena, there are traces of the former presence of a race of doubtful origin --possibly Huns or Alans, who long retained their heath- enism. In some valleys of the Grisons there are names which suggest colonies from Southern Italy; for example, LAVIN, which is apparently a reproduction of Lavinium, and ARDETZ, of Ardea.? Mommsen, a high authority, believes the Rhætians of the Grisons and the Tyrol to be the descendants of an ancient Etruscan stock ;3 while other valleys in the Valais and the Grisons astound us by the phenomenon of Arabic names, for whose presence we shall presently endeavour to account. On the Italian side of the Alps we find valleys filled with Sclavonic names, besides many isolated villages of Teutonic colonists,4 who still keep themselves distinct 2 Forbes, Alps, p. 289; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 238. 2 Witte, Alpinisches und Transalpinisches, p. 124; Planta, Romansch Language, p. 134. 3 The village-names of Tilisuna, Blisadona, Trins, Vels, Tschars, Naturns, Velthurns, Schluderns, Villanders, Gufidaun, Altrans, Sistrans, Axams, and others, bear a remarkable resemblance to those Etruscan names with which we are acquainted. Compare also the names Tusis and Tuscany, Rhotia and Rasenna. This subject is discussed at great length in two works of Ludwig Steub, Ueber die Urbewohner Rätiens, und ihren zusam- menhang mit der Etruskern, and Zur Rätischen Ethnologie. Cf. Tschudi, Hauptschlüssel zu verschiedenen Alterthümern, p. 290 ; Adelung, Mithri. dates, vol. ii. p. 598; Mommsen, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 108; Inhabitants of Italy, p. 56; Newman, Regal Rome, p. 101; Note by Latham in Prichard's Eastern Origin of Celtic Nations, pp. 87–90; Niebuhr, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 113, and vol. ii. p. 525; Dennis, Etruria, vol. i. pp. xxxiv. xlv. ; Pott, Indo-Germ. Spr. p. 25; Planta, Romansch Language, p. 132. 4 Thus in the valley of the Tagliamento, north of Venice, we find the Sclavonic village-names, GNIVA, STOLVIZZA, and others, and the mountains POSGOST, STOLAC, and ZLEBA.C, Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 617; Latham, Nat. of Europe, vol. ii. p. 283; Biondelli, Studii Linguistici, p. 55. German Colonies South of the Alps. 51 from their Italian neighbours, and who speak a German dialect more or less corrupt. The German-speaking villages are often surrounded by a penumbra of German local names, which prove that the little settlement must formerly have occupied a more extensive area than at present. It is difficult to say whether these intrusive populations did, at some remote period, cross the passes and take possession of the unoccupied Italian valleys, or whether they are fragments thrown off at the time of either the Burgundian or the Lombardic invasions, and which the isolation of the mountain-valleys has pre- vented from becoming Italianized. In the case of the valleys of Macugnaga, Gressonay, Alagna, Sermenta, Pommat, and Sappada, we may, perhaps, incline to the former supposition; while with regard to the Sette Comuni, near Vicenza, and the Tredici Comuni, near Verona, which still retain their Lombard-German speech, the latter hypothesis may be the more probable.? 1 In some valleys the German language has become entirely extinct. In Ornavasco, north of the Lago Maggiore, this has taken place within the memory of persons now living. Latham, Nat. of Eur. vol. ii. p. 283. The upper part of the Val d'Ayas is called Canton des Allemands, though no German is now spoken there. -See Schott, Die Deutschen am Monte Rosa. 2 See Forbes, Alps, p. 330 ; Tour of Mont Blanc, p. 266 ; King, Italian Valleys, p. 449 ; Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. ii. p. 282 ; Germania, p. xl. ; Lewis, Romance Languages, p. 97; Biondelli, Studii Linguistici, pp. 47–54; Gilbert and Churchill, Dolomite Mountains, p. 379 ; Steub, Zur Rätischen Ethnol. pp. 56–65. On the valleys of Macugnaga, &c. see two capital monographs by Schott, Die Deutschen am Monte Rosa, and Die Deutschen Colonien in Piedmont. The best account of the Sette and Tredici Comuni is by Schmeller, Ueber die sogenannten Cimbern auf den Venedischen Alpen. Till the beginning of the present century they formed an independent republic. Schmeller, p. 563. They speak a Platt-deutsch dialect, and call themselves Cimbri. A peasant, if asked, will tell you, “Ich pin an Cimbro." Schmeller, p. 565. Eustace, Classical Tour, vol. i. p. 142, and Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 69, accept the local tradition E 2 52 Ethnological Value of Local Names. We shall proceed to fill up some portions of the out- line which has just been traced, and endeavour to decipher from the map of Europe the history of the con- quests and immigrations of some of the chief races that have succeeded one another upon the stage. which makes them the remains of the Cimbrian horde which was over- thrown by Marius in the neighbourhood of Verona. See Notes and Queries, vol. i. p. 176; Biondelli, Studii Linguistici, p. 53 ; Arndt, Eur. Spr. p. 105. J. K. [enrick ?], in Journal of Education, vol. vi. p. 353, thinks they are the remains of German mercenaries. Ethnic Names are of Obscure Origin. CHAPTER IV. THE NAMES OF NATIONS. Ethnic Names are of obscure origin–Name of Britain-Many nations bear duplicate names~ Deutsche and Germans--"Barbarians”- Welsh-Gaels -Aryanis-Names of conquering Tribes--Ancient Ethnic Names con- served in those of modern cities-Ethnic Names from rulers—From geo- graphical position-Europe -- Asia - Africa --- Ethnographic Names " Warriors"_“Mountaineers” “Lowlanders"_"Foresters"_“Coast- landers.”—Greeks. THE names borne by nations and countries are natu- rally of prime importance in all ethnological investi- gations. They are not lightly changed, they are often cherished for ages as a most precious patrimony, and therefore they stretch back far into the dim Past, thus affording a clue which may enable us to discover the obscure beginnings of separate national existence. But, unfortunately, few departments of etymology are beset with more difficulties, or are subject to greater uncertainties. Some of those ethnic names which have gained a wide application had at first a very restricted meaning, as in the case of ITALY or ASIA ; 7 others, like that of the ROMANS, may have arisen from special local circumstances, of which we can have only a conjectural See pp. 77, 87, infra ; and Newman, Regal Rome, p. 6. in 54. The Names of Nations. or accidental knowledge;l others, again, as in the case of LORRAINE, may be due to causes which, if history be silent, the utmost etymological ingenuity is powerless to recover. It is only here and there, as in the case of the UNITED STATES, LIBERIA, ECUADOR, the BANDA ORIENTAL, or the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, that we find countries bearing names which have originated within the historic era, and the meaning of which is obvious. But the greater number of ethnic names are of great antiquity, and their elucidation has often to be sought in languages with which we possess only a fragmentary acquaintance. Frequently, indeed, it is very difficult- sometimes impossible—to discover even the language from which any given ethnic name has been derived. It is not needful to travel far for an illustration of the mode in which this difficulty presents itself—the name of our own country will supply us with an instance. The BRITISH people, the inhabitants of GREAT BRITAIN, are, we know, mainly of Teutonic blood, and they speak one of the Teutonic languages. None of these, how- ever, affords any assistance in the explanation of the · name. We conclude, therefore, that the Teutonic colo- nists must have adopted an ethnic appellation belonging to the former inhabitants of the country. But the Celtic aborigines do not seem to have called themselves i The name of Roma is perhaps from the Groma, or four cross-roads at the Forum, which formed the nucleus of the city. See Donaldson, Varronianus, pp. 60, 270. Other plausible conjectures will be found in Curtius, Grundzüge, vol. ii. p. 261; Mommsen, Hist. of Rome, vol. i. p. 44; and Pott, Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 284. . ? See p. 74, infra. 3 Ecuador is the republic of the “Equator ; " the Banda Oriental occupies the “ eastern bank,” and the Argentine Republic the western bank of the Rio de la Plata, or River of the “ Silver." • Name of Britain. 55 by the name of Britons, nor can any complete and satis- factory explanation of the name be discovered in any of the Celtic dialects. We turn next to the classic lan- guages, for we find, if we trace the literary history of the name, that its earliest occurrence is in the pages of Greek, and afterwards of Latin writers. The word, however, is utterly foreign both to the Greek and to the Latin speech. Finally, having vainly searched through all the languages spoken by the diverse races which, from time to time, have found a home upon these shores—having exhausted all the resources of Indo- European philology without the discovery of any available Aryan root, we turn, in despair, to the one remaining ancient language of western Europe. We then discover how great is the real historical significance of our inquiry, for the result shows that the first chapter of the history of our island is in reality written in its name—we find that this name is derived from that family of languages of which the Lapp and the Basque are the sole living representatives; and hence, we rea- sonably infer that the earliest knowledge of the island, which was possessed by any of the civilized inhabitants of Europe, must have been derived from the Iberic mariners of Spain,who either in their own ships, or in those of their Punic masters, coasted along to Brittany, and thence crossed to Britain, at some dim pre-historic period. The name Br-itan-ia contains, it would seem, the Euskarian suffix etan, which is used to signify a district or country. We find this suffix in the names of 1 Niebuhr, Hist. Rome, vol. ii. p. 522; Arnold, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 489. 2 This is the explanation usually given, but it would be more correct to say that etan is the plural of an, the suffixed locative preposition, or sign of the locative case. See Boudard, Numatis. Ibér. pp. 92, 93;, and a tract by 56 The Names of Nations. many of the districts known to, or occupied by the Iberic race. It occurs in Aqu-itan-ia or Aquitaine, in Lus-itan-ia, the ancient name of Portugal, in Maur- etan-ia, the “country of the Moors," as well as in the names of very many of the tribes of ancient Spain, such as the Cerr-etan-i, Aus-etan-i, Lal-etan-i, Cos-etan-i, Vesc-itan2-i, Lac-etan-i, Carp-etan-i, Or-elan-i, Bast-itan-i, Turd-etan-i, Suess-etan-i, Ed-etan-i, and others, This illustration not only indicates the value of the results which may accrue from the investigation of ethnic names, but it will also serve to show how difficult it may often be to determine even the language from which the explanation must be sought. In attempting to lay down general principles to guide us in our investigations; we have in the first place to deal with the remarkable phenomenon-an instance of which has just presented itself—that the greater number of ethnic names are only to be explained from languages which are not spoken by the people to whom the name applies. Most nations have, in fact, two, or even a greater number of appellations. One name, by which the nation calls itself, is used only within the limits of the country itself; the other, or cosmopolitan name, is that by which it is known to neighbouring tribes. the same writer sur un suffixe Ibérien, in the Revule Archéologique, xi. pp. 562—567; Adelung's Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 26. The first syllable, bro, bri, or brit, is possibly Iberic, or more probably it may be a Celtic gloss (Brezonec, bro, a country, which appears in the name of the Allo-bro-ges), to which the Iberic etan was appended. Humboldt, Prüfung der Unter- suchungen, pp. 62, 63, 143 ; Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. p. 28; Philolog. Transactions, vol. i. p. 176; Pott, Etymol. Forschung, vol. ii. pp. 42, 582; Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 203 ; Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geogr. s. v. Britannicæ Insulæ, vol. i. p. 434. Cf. Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. pp. 59–63; De Belloguet, Ethnog. vol. i. p. 251. See Mahn, Nam. Preuss. pp. 4, 8; Verstegan, Restitution, p. 46. . Most Nations bear Duplicate Names. 57 • Thus, the people of England call themselves the En- glish, while the Welsh, the Bretons, the Gaels of Scotland, the Irish, and the Manxmen, respectively, call us Saeson, Saoz, Sasunnaich, and Sagsonach.' The natives of Wales do not call themselves the Welsh, but the Cymry. The people to the east of the Rhine call themselves Deutsche, the French call them Allemands, we call them Germans, the Sclavonians call them Niemiec, the Magyars call them +Schwabe, the Fins call them Saksalainen, the Gipsies call them Ssasso. The people whom we call the Dutch call themselves Nederlanders, while the Germans call them Holländers. The Lapps call themselves Sabme, the Fins call themselves Quains. Those whom we call Bohemians call themselves Czechs. The Germans call the Sclavo- nians, Wends, but no Sclavonian knows himself by this name.3 The origin of these double names is often to be ex- plained by means of a very simple consideration. Among kindred tribes, in a rude state of civilization, the concep- tion of national Unity is of late growth. But it would be natural for all those who were able to make them- selves mutually intelligible, to call themselves collectively “The Speakers," or "The People," while they would call ? See Grimm, Geschichte der Deut. Sprache, vol. ii. p. 658 ; Souvestre, Derniers Britons, vol. i. p. 219. 2 This name affords a curious piece of evidence as to the road by which the gipsies entered Europe. It would seem that the first German people which became known to them must have been the Saxon colony in Tran- sylvania. See Pott, Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien, vol. i. p. 53. Another indication that the gipsies immigrated by the valley of the Danube, is the name Romani, by which they call themselves. This is the enchorial appellation of the Wallachians, among whom, therefore, it would appear that the gipsies must have been domiciled. See, however, Pott, Indo- Germ. Sprach. p. 42; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. i. p. 237. 3 Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 655. 58 The Names of Nations. those neighbouring races, whose language they could not understand, by some word meaning in their own language “The Jabberers," or "The Strangers.” 1 A very large number of ethnic names can be thus ex- plained. The Sclavonians call themselves? either SLOWJANE, “the intelligible men,” or else SRB, which means “Kins- men," while the Germans call them WENDS, which means “Wanderers,” or “Strangers.” The Basques call themselves the EUSCALDUNAC,3 “ Those who have speech.” The LELEGES are “The Speakers,” 4 the SABÆANS are the “Men," and the name of SHEBA or SEBA is referable to the same root. All the Sclavonic nations call the Germans NIEMIEC, O “ the dumb i See a paper by J. K. (enrick], On the Names of the Ante-Hellenic Inhabitants of Greece, in the Philolog. Museum, vol. i. pp. 609-627; Arndt, Eur. Spr. PP. 251, 303; Strinnholm, Wikingzüge, p. 284; Renan, Origine du Langage, p. 180. 2 Schafarik, Slawische Alterthümer, vol. i. p. 180; vol. ii. p. 42; Arndt, Eur. Spr. p. 93; Zeuss, Deutschen, p. 68; Pott, Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 521; Indo-Germ. Spr. p. 107; Adelung, Directorio für Sud- Sach. Spr. quoted in Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 612. 3 From cuscara, speech ; dunac, those who have. Mahn, Namen Preuss. p. 9; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 12; Humboldt, Prüfung, p. 57. 4 Philological Museum, vol. i. p. 616. $ The Getes or Goths are, perhaps, the skinsmen.” Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. pt. i. p. 84. The names of the Achæans, the Sacæ, and the Saxons may be of kindred meaning. See Gladstone, Homer, vol. i. p. 558. Glück thinks the Cymry are the "people.” Kelt. Namen, p. 26. The Samo- jedes call themselves Chasowo, the “men.” Müller, Ugr. Volks. vol. i. p. 313 ; Arndt, Eur. Spr. pp. 247, 326. 6 Strictly speaking, they are called Niemiec by the Poles, Nemec by the Bohemians and Bulgarians, Njemc by the Lusatians, and Njemetz by the Russians. Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. p. 780; Leo, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. ii. p. 258; Max Müller, Lectures, p. 83; Pott, Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 521; Schafarik, Slaw. Alt. vol. i. p. 443; Zeuss, Deutschen, p. 68. The Gipsies call the Lithuanians, Lalerri, “The dumb.” Pott, art. Indo- Germanischer Sprachstamm, in Ersch und Gruber, p. 44. Deutsche-Allemands—Gernians. men." The earliest name by which the Germans desig- nated themselves seems to have been TUNGRI,1 “Those who have tongues,” the “Speakers.” This name was succeeded by the term DEUTSCHE,2 "the People," "the Nation," a name which still holds its ground. We have borrowed this national appellation of the Germans, but curiously enough we have limited its use to that portion of the Teutonic race on which the Germans themselves have bestowed another name.3 But while the Germans call themselves "The People," the name given to them by the French means “The Foreigners." The French word ALLEMAND is modern- ized from the name of the Alemanni, the ancient frontier tribe between Germania and Gaul. The Alemanni seem to have been a mixed race-partly Celtic, partly Teu- tonic, in blood. The name is itself Teutonic, and pro- 1 Tacitus, Germania, cap. 2: Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. p. 788; Donaldson, English Ethnog. p. 38; Mahn, Namen Prcuss. p. 9. The QUADI are the speakers. Cf. the Sanskrit, wad, to speak, and the Anglo- Saxon cwede, and Welsh chwed, speech. So the JAZYGES derived their name from the Sclavonic word jazik, the tongue. 2 The form in which this name first appears suggested to Von Hammer the possibility that it might have been formed by the conjunction of the definite article and the root of the German word Leute, people—the Roman læti. This Pott rightly pronounces to be "völlig unhaltbar,” Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 518. Dr. Donaldson derives the name of the Letts, Lithuanians, and even of the Latins from the same root. Donaldson, Varronianus, p. 62. See, however, p. 85, infra. On the etymology of the word Deutsche, see Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. pp. 789, seq. ; Leo, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. ii. pp. 255-257: Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 192; Leo, Rectitudines, p. 137; Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterb. vol. ii. pp. 705–708 ; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, pp. 63, 64; Latham, English Language, vol. i. pp. 289—297 ; Müller, Marken, pp. 218—230; Pott, Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 521; Indo- Germ. Spr. p. 95; Bergmann, Les Gites, pp. 74, 75. 3 It seems to have been only in the seventeenth century that the applica- tion of the word DUTCH was restricted to the Low Germans. See Arch- bishop Trench, Glossary, p. 65. 60 The Names of Nations. bably means “Other Men” or “Foreigners," and thus, curiously enough, the French name for the whole German people has been derived from a tribe whose very name indicates that its claims to Teutonic blood were disowned by the rest of the German Tribes.1 The English name for the same nation has been adopted from the Latin term, GERMANIA. It must have been from the Celts of Gaul that the Romans obtained this word, which seems foreign to all the Teutonic lan- guages. The etymology has been fiercely battled over; the most reasonable derivation is, perhaps, that suggested by Professor Leo, from the Gaelic gairmean, one who cries out, and the name either alludes to the fierce war- cry of the Teutonic hordes, or more probably it expresses the wonder with which the Celts of Gaul listened to the unintelligible clash of the harsh German gutturals. The Russians call the contiguous Ugrian tribes by the name TSCHUDES, a Slavonic word which means 1 The al in Alemanni is probably, the al in alius and Alsatia, or the el in else and Elsass, not the al in all. Thus the Alemanni are the “other men," not the "all men” or “mixed men,” as is usually supposed. Compare the al in Allobroges. Latham, Germania, Epileg. p. liii. ; Pott, Etymolog. Forsch. vol. ïi. pp. 523—526; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 318; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 132 ; Ménage, Origines, pp. 27, 31; Diefen- bach, Celtica, i. p. 17; Orig. Eur. p. 224; Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 26; Smith, Dict. of Geography, art. Germania ; Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. ii. p. 322; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 245; Müller, Marken, pp. 213, 216; Bosworth, Origin, p. 120. 2 See Leo, in Haupt's Zeitschrift, vol. v. p. 514; Smith, Diction. of. Geogr. vol. i. p. 993 ; Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. pp. 785–788; Gladstone, Homer, vol. i. p. 554; Latham, English Language, vol. i. pp. 286—289; Bosworth, Origin, p. 12; Bergmann, Gètes, pp. 76-79; Mahn, Nam. Preuss. p. I; Forbiger, Alt. Geogr. vol. iii. pp. 314, 315; Keferstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. i. pp. xxii., 293 ; vol. ii. p. 366; Radlof, Neue Untersuch. pp. 241-255; Arndt, Eur. Spr. p. 114. Dr. Latham refers the word German to the Turkish Kerman, a castle! Nat. of Europe, vol. ii. p. 215. : Barbarians. 1 “Strangers ” or “Barbarians.”l The PHILISTINES are, probably, the “Strangers” 2 and if this be the true mean- ing of the name, it strengthens the supposition that this warlike people arrived in Palestine by sea, probably from Crete, during the anarchic period which succeeded to the Israelitish conquest under Joshua. The names of the African and Asiatic KAFFIRS, of the PERIZZITES, of the IONIANS,4 and of the FLEMINGS are also nearly identical in meaning with those of the Philistines, Allemands, and Tschudes. The word Barbarian was applied by the Egyptians, and afterwards by the Greeks and Romans, to all who did not speak their own language. The root barbar may be traced to the Sanskrit varvara, “a foreigner,” or “one who speaks confusedly," and, accord- ing to the opinion of the best scholars, it is undoubtedly onomatopeian.? So also in the case of the HOTT-EN- i Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. p. 273 ; Müller, Marken des Vaterl. vol. i. p. 219; Latham, Nat. of Europe, vol. i. p. 161; Arndt, Eur. Spr. p. 323. 2 Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 218; Stanley, Sinai and Palest. p. 256; Movers, Phönizien, in Ersch und Gruber, p. 327. 3 I am inclined to regard this emigration from Crete as a result of the Dorian conquest of that island. The two events seem to have been syn- chronous, or nearly so. Compare Bochart, vol. iii. p. 422, with Müller's Dorians, vol. i. p. 494; Hoeck, Kreta, vol. ii. pp. 16, 368, 417, seq.; Stanley, Jewish Church, p. 287 ; Movers, Die Phönizier, part i. pp. 4, 27; and part ii. vol. ii. p. 254; Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 54 ; Ewald, Volk. Isr. vol. i. p. 292. 4 See p. 87, infra. 5 Pott, Etymol. Forschungen, vol. ii. p. 527 ; Renan, Langues Sémitiques, pt. i. pp. 30, 110; Müller, Marken, vol. i. pp. 159, 210; Knobel, Völker- tafel, pp. 169, 177 ; Movers, Phönizier, vol. ii. pt. i. p. 12; Phönizien, in Ersch und Gruber, p. 328. Flemd, the root of Fleming, means fugitive. De Smet, Noms, p. 10. : 6 Holzapfel, in Höfer's Zeitschrift, vol. iv. p. 240; Kenrick, Ancient Egypt, vol. ii. p. 248. :: 7 Pictet, Origines Indo-Européennes, pt. i. pp. 57, 55; Curtius, Grundziige der Griech, Etym. vol. i.. p. 255 ; Weber, Indische Skizzen, p. 9; Renan, 62 The Naines of Nations. TOTS we find a name which is supposed to have been given by the Dutch in imitation of the characteristic click of the Hottentot language, which sounds like a repetition of the sounds hot and toti Few Ethnic names are more interesting than that of the WELSH. The root enters into a very large number of the Ethnic names of Europe, and is, perhaps, ultimately onomatopæian. It has been referred to the Sanskrit mlệch, which denotes “a person who talks indistinctly," — “a jabberer.”2 The root appears in German, in the form wal, which means anything that is “Foreign" or “strange.” Hence we obtain the German words waller 3 a stranger or pilgrim, and wallen to wander, or to move about. A walnut is the “foreign nut," and in German a. turkey is called Wälsche hahn, “the foreign fowl," and a French bean is Wälsche bohne, the “foreign bean." All nations of Teutonic blood have called the bordering Langues Sémitiques, pt. i. p. 35; Orig. du Lang: p. 178; Lassen, Ind. Alt. vol. i. p. 855 ; Müller, Marker, p. 185; Philolog. Museum, vol. i. p. 611; Max Müller, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. v. pp. 141, 142. ' i Farrar, Origin of Language, p. 76. Compare the onomatopæian name of the ZAMZUMMIN, the Aborigines of Palestine. Renan, Lang. Sém. p. 35; Orig. du Lang. p. 117. 2 The Sanskrit in often becomes w in Gothic; thus, from mlai, to fade, we have vlacian, to flag, welken, to wither, and the name of the soft mollusk called a whelk. According to this phonetic law, from the Sanskrit mlêch we obtain the German wlack, walach, and Walch. See an Essay on Walhen und Deutsche, by Professor Leo, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. ii. pp. 252_255 ; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Euro. pt. i: p. 57 ; Renan, Lang. Sémit. part i. p. 35; Orig. du Lang. pp. 178, 179; Lassen, Ind. Alt. vol. i. p. 855; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 43. 3 The word waller, a pilgrim, no longer survives in English except as a surname; but we retain the derivative, wallet, a pilgrim's equipage. It may be noted that perigrinare and pilgrim are filially connected in the same way as wallen and waller. With wallen, to wander, are connected the words to walk, and to valze or waltz. Diefenbach, Vergl. Wörterb. vol. i. pp. 189, 181. Welsh. 63 AT tribes by the name of Wälsche, that is, Welshmen, or “ foreigners.” We trace this name around the whole circuit of the region of Teutonic occupancy. Wälschland, the German name of Italy, has occasioned certain incom- prehensible historical statements relating to Wales, in a recent translation of a German work on mediæval history. The Bernese Oberlander calls the French-speaking dis- trict to the south of him, by the name of Canton WALLIS, or Wales. WALLENSTADT and the WALLENSEE are on the frontier of the Romansch district of the Chur-walchen, or men of the Grisons. The Sclaves and Germans called the Bulgarians Wlochi or Wolochi, and the district which they occupied WALLACHIA; and the Celts of Flanders, and of the Isle of WALCHEREN, were called WALLOONS 3 by their Teutonic neighbours. North-western France is called VALLAND in the Sagas,4 and in the Saxon Chronicle WEALAND denotes the Celtic district of Armo- rica. The Anglo-Saxons called their Celtic neighbours the WELSH, and the country by the name of WALES.5 Cornwall was formerly written Cornwales, the country inhabited by the Welsh of the Horn. The chroniclers uniformly speak of North-Wales and Corn-Wales. In the charters of the Scoto-Saxon kings the Celtic Picts of Strath Clyde are called Walenses. 1 They are called Walisenses in the Chronicles. Schott, Deut. Col. p. 206. 2 Compare the Polish Wloch, an Italian, and the Slowenian Vlah, a Wal- lachian. From the same Sanskrit root we have the name of the BELOOCHS or Welsh of India. Pott, Indo-Germ. Spr. p. 48; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 641; Leo, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. ii. p. 255. 3 The name of the Belga, a Cymric tribe, seems to have been given them by the Gaels, whom they displaced. Cf. the Erse, Fir-bolg, “intruding men.” . * Laing, Heimskringla, vol. i. p. 293. 5 Strictly speaking, Wales is a corruption of Wealhas, the plural of wealh, a Welshman or foreigner. 64 The Names of Nations. Entangled with this root wal, we have the root gal. The Teutonic w and the Celtic and Romance g are convertible letters. Thus the French Gualtier and Guillaume are the same as the English Walter and William. So also guerre and war, garde and warde, guise and wise, guile and wile, gaif and waif, gaude and woad, gaufre and wafer, garenne and warren, gault and weald, guarantee and warranty, are severally the French and English forms of the same words. By a similar change the root wal is transformed to gal. The Prince of Wales is called in French “le Prince de Galles.” Wales is the “pays de Galles," and Cornwall is Cornuailles, a name which was also given to the opposite peninsula of Brittany. CALAIS was anciently written indifferently Galeys or Waleys; and the name, as will be shown elsewhere, most appropriately indi- cates the existence of the remnant of a Celtic people surrounded by a cordon of Teutonic settlers. This convertibility of the roots gal and wal is a source of much confusion and difficulty ; for it appears probable that gal may also be an independent Celtic root,2 entirely unconnected with the Teutonic wal; for while the Welsh of Wales or Italy never called themselves by this naře, it appears to have been used as a national appellation i Cf. Philolog. Proceed. vol. i. p. 108; Knapp, English Roots, p. 8; Verstegan, Restitution, pp. 166, 363 ; Max Müller, Lectures, and series, p. 265. 2 No satisfactory explanation from Celtic sources has, I believe, been offered. Possibly it may mean the “west.” See Mone, Celtische For. schungen, p. 326. Pott derives it from gwal, the "cultivated country.” Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 531. Zeuss thinks it means the "warriors.” Die Deutschen, p. 65. Dr. Meyer prefers the cognate signification of " clans- men." Report, Brit. Assoc. for 1847, p. 301; Bunsen, Phil. of Univ. Hist. vol. i. p. 145. CELT is of course only the Greek form of gael or gallus. Gaels. 65 by the GAELS of Caledonial and the GAULS of Gallia. Galway, Donegal, Galloway, and Argyle are all Gaelic districts; and GOELLO is one of the most thoroughly Celtic portions of Brittany. The inhabitants of Gallicia and Portugal possess more Celtic blood than those who inhabit any other portion of the Peninsula. The.. Austrian province of Galitz or Galicia is now Sclavonic, and the name, as well as that of Wallachia, is probably to be referred to the German root wal, foreign ; though it is far from impossible that one or both of these names may indicate settlements of the fragments of the Gaelic horde which in the third century before Christ pillaged Rome and Delphi, and finally, crossing into Asia, settled in and gave a name to that district of Galatia, whose inhabitants, even in the time of St. Paul, retained so many characteristic features of their Celtic origin.2 So interlaced are these primeval roots that it is almost hopeless to attempt to disentangle them.3 i This word possibly contains the root gael. If so, the Caledonians would be the Gaels of the duns or hills. The usual etymology is from coildooine, the “men of the woods." See Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. part i. p. 14; Cambro-Briton, vol. i. pp. 48, 373 ; vol. iii. pp. 397, 399 ; Thierry, Hist. Gail. vol. i. pp. xxix. XXXV ; Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. p. 200. 2 GALATA, near Constantinople, is regarded by Diefenbach as a vestige of the passage of the Galatian horde. Celtica, ii. part i. p. 7. It seems more probable that this name is Semitic, and should be classed with KELAT in Beloochistan, ALCALA in Spain, and CALATA in Sicily. See Chapter VI. 3 On the roots gal and wal, see Zeuss, Die Deutschen und die Nach- barstämme, pp. 66, 576; Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. part ii. pp. 127, 128 ; Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterb. vol. i. pp. 180, 181; Guest, on Gentile Names, in Philolog. Proc. vol. i. p. 105; Müller, Die Marken des Vaterl. vol. i. pp. 194—203; Prichard, Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations, pp. 104-110; Latham, English Language, vol. i. p. cv; Latham, Germania, pp. 83, 98; Nat. of Europe, vol. ii. pp. 192, 387; Conybeare and Howson, Life of St. Paul, vol. i. p. 284; Arnold, Hist. of Rome, vol. i. p. 520 ; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. ii. p. 9; Charnock, Local'Etymol. p. 291 ; Basil Jones, in Archæologia Cambrensis, 3rd series, vol. iv. Pp. 127-132 ; 66 The Names of Nations. Another root which is very frequently found in the names of nations is ar. This ancient word, which enters very extensively into the vocabularies of all the Indo- Germanic races, seems primarily to have referred to the occupation of agriculture. The verb used to express the operation of ploughing is in Greek åpów, in Latin aro, in Gothic arjan, in Polish orac, in old High German aran, in Irish araim, and in Old English ear. Thus we read in our version of the Bible, “The oxen ... that ear the ground shall eat clean provender."1 A plough is äpotpov in Greek, aratrum in Latin, ardr in Norse, and arad in Welsh; and the English harrow was originally a rude instrument of the same kind. The Greek äpoupa, the Latin arvum, and the Polish oracz mean a field, or arable ground. Aroma was the aromatic smell of freshly ploughed land; while åptos and harvest reward the ploughman's labour. The Sanscrit irâ, the Greek špa, the Gothic airtha, and their English representative, earth, is that which is eared or ploughed.2 1 Lord Lindsay, Progression by Antagonism, p. 62; Rawlinson, Herodotus, vol. iii. p. 190; Verstegan, Restitution, pp. 46, 166, 167; Pott, Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 529 ; Indo-Germ. Spr. p. 91; Saturday Review, April 11th, 1863 ; Arndt, Eur. Spr. p. 253; Schafarik, Slaw. Alt. vol. i. p. 377; Bp. Thirlwall, in Philolog. Trans. for 1860-1, pp. 199–203 ; and Holzapfel, in Höfer's Zeitschrift, vol. iv. p. 240, who quotes a work which I have not been able to procure-Massmann, Deutsch und Welsch. München, 1843. Niebuhr, in his Lectures on Ethnology and Geography, vol. ii. p. 308, holds the untenable opinion that the Celtic national appellation is the root of the German wal, and that the Germans took the name of some contiguous Gaelic tribe as a general term for foreigner. See p. 62, supra. 1 Isaiah xxx. 24. So the two great operations of ploughing and reaping are called “earing and harvest.” Gen. xlv. 6; Ex. xxxiv. 21. 9 Scores of related words might be collected from the Romance, Celtic, Sclavonic, and Gothic languages. Tilled land being the chief kind of pro- perty, we have the Gothic arbi, an inheritance. Since ploughing was the chief earnest occupation practised at an early stage of civilization, the root Aryanis. 67 The Sanskrit word arya means an agriculturist, a pos- sessor of land, or a householder generally; hence it came to denote any one belonging to the dominant race? the aristocracy of landowners—as distinguished from the subject tribes; and at length it began to be used as an ethnic designation, corresponding to some extent with the word deutſch, as used by the Germans.? The name of this conquering ARYAN race, which has gone forth to till the earth and to subdue it, is probably to be found in the names of IRAN,3 HERAT, ARAL, ARMENIA, and, perhaps, of IB-ER-IA, IRELAND, and comes to take the general signification of any kind of work. Hence the Greek épyov, the Latin ars, the German arbeit, the English errand ; all of which deserve earnings and earnest money. It would not be difficult to trace the connexion of the Greek ép-etuds, tpe-up-ns and úr-np-érns, the Latin remus, the English oar, the Sanskrit aritra, a ship, as well as of urbs and orbis. On the meaning and ramifications of the root ar, see Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterb. vol. i. pp. 65, 70; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. pp. 11–13; Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. vol. i. pp. 54, 55, 68; Kuhn, Zur älteste Gesch. pp. 12, 13; Pictet, Origines Indo-Europ. part ii. pp. 28–31, 67, 75, 78, 88, 123, 183—185; Curtius, Grundzüge der Griech. Etym. vol. i. pp. 306—308; Prichard, Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1847, p. 242; Lassen, Ind. Alt. vol. i. pp. 5--8; Pott, Ueber alt-persische Eigennamen in the Zeitschrift der Morgenl. Gesellschaft, vol. xiii. p. 374 ; Church of England Quarterly, no. 73, p. 139; Mommsen, Inhabitants of Italy, pp. 16, 17; Renan, Lang, Sémit. p. 14; Pott, Indo-Germ. Sprach. p. 46; Max Müller, Lectures on Science of Language, pp. 237—257 ; Arndt, Eur. Spr. p. 1'58 ; Phil. Trans. for 1857, p. 55; Edinburgh Review, vol. xciy. pp. 315, 316; Zeitschrift d. Morgenl. Gesellschaft, vol. iii. p. 284. 1 The profession of arins being engrossed by the ruling race has caused the root, if indeed it be the same, to enter into a number of military terms -army, armour, arms, harness, hero, Apns. Curtius and Pictet, however, think these words are of independent origin. 2 Leo, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. ii. p. 257. 3 In the cuneiform 'inscriptions the Medes and Persians claim proudly to be Aryans, and Darius styles himself an Arya of the Aryans. The Ossetes in the Caucasus call themselves IRON. The name German may perhaps be referred to this root. Compare the names Ar-iovistus, Ar-minius, Her-mann. F 2 68 The Names of Nations. ERIN. In languages which belong to the Teutonic branch of the Aryan stock, we find the root in the form ware, inhabitants. Burghers are those who inhabit towns, and a skipper is one who lives in a ship, as may be seen by tracing the words back to the Anglo-Saxon burhvare, citizens, and the old Norse skipveri, a sailor.? The word ware enters into the names of a great number of German tribes. It is Latinized into the forms uari, oari, and bari; and the wis sometimes changed into a g, in accordance with a phonetic law which has been already illustrated. Among the peoples of Central Europe are found the Ing-uari-i, the Rip-uari-i, the Chas-uari-i, the Chatt-uari-i, the Att-uari-i, the Angri-vari-i, and the Ansi-bari-i. The name of the Boio-ari-i is preserved in the modern name of BA-VARI-A, the land of the Boii. The BULG-ARI-ANS were the men from the Bolg, or Volga, on the banks of which river there is another, or Great Bulgaria.3 King Alfred speaks of the Moravians under the name Marvaro, the dwellers on the river Marus or Morava. Hun-gari-a, or HUNGARY, is the land formerly peopled by the Huns; and the name i On the root ware, see Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 367; Herkunft der Baiern, pp. 5-11; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, pp. 184, 197; Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. p. 781 ; "Mone, Celt. Forsch. p. 245 ; Müller, Marken des Vaterlandes, vol. i. p. 108; Philological Proceedings, vol. i. p. 10; Scha- farik, Slaw. Alt. vol. i. p. 367. Compare the Sanskrit vîra, the Latin vir, the Celtic gwr and fir, the Gothic vairs, and the Spanish varoni, all which denote a man. From the low Latin, baro, a male, comes baron, and perhaps the Scotch bairnz. Pictet, Or. Indo-Euro. part ii. p. 196 ; Diez, Gram. Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 26; Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 100. 2 Grimm, Gesch, der Deut. Spr. p. 781 ; Müller, Marken, vol. i. p. 192. The Prussian landwehr is the levy en masse of the whole population, and not the landguard, as is commonly supposed. 3 Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 641; Prichard, Researches, vol. iv. 4 Zeuss, Die Deritschen, p. 639. p. 32. The Suffixes “ware" and " set." 69 survives, though the Huns have been long dispossessed by Magyars and Sclavonians. WO-Y-CESTER is a cor- ruption of Hwic-wara-ceaster, the castle of the inhabi- tants of the country of the Huiccii. The men of Kent were the Cant-ware; and though this term is obsolete, it survives in the name of their chief town, Cant-wara- byrig, or CANT-er-BURY, “the burgh of the men of the headland,” while the ordinary signature of the primate, Cant-zlar,1 exhibits the Saxon root ware in a prominent form. CAR-ISBROOK, in the Isle of Wight, is a name closely analogous to Canterbury. Asser writes the word Gwiti-gara-burg, “the burgh of the men of Wight.” It will easily be seen how the omission of the first part of the name, and the corruption of the last part, have reduced it to its present form. Another of these widely diffused roots is sætan, settlers, or inhabitants, and sæte or setna, the seat or place in- habited.? Alsatia, ALSACE, or ELSASS, is the “other seat," the abode of the German settlers west of the Rhine, a dis- trict where, as we have seen, the names of places are still purely German. HOLSTEIN is a corruption of the dative case of Holt-sati, the “forest abode."3 From the same root we get Somerset and Dorset. It would appear that the ť in Wil-t-shire is also due to this root, since the men of Wiltshire are called in the Saxon chronicle Wil- sætan, just as the men of Somerset and Dorset are called i That is, Episcopus Cantuarensis. See Latham, Eng. Lan. vol. i. p. 143; Müller, Marken, vol. i. p. 192; Wright, Wanderings, p. 72; Guest, in Philolog. Proceed. vol. i. p. 10. 2 Cf. the verbs to sit, sitzen, sedere. See Leo, Rectitudines, p. 48. On set, see Guest on Gentile Names, in Phil. Proc. vol. i. pp. 105, 107. 3 Förstemann, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. i. p. 10; Ortsnamen, p. 105; Müller, Marken des Vaterl. vol. i. p. 121. 70 The Names of Nations. Sumorsætan and Dornsætan.) We have also Pecsætan, men of the Peak (Derbyshire) ; Scrobsætan, the men of Shropshire or Scrubland; Cilternsætan, the men of the Chilterns; and Wocensætan, the people of the Wrekin or hill-country of Exmoor.? Conquering tribes, numerically insignificant, when com- pared with the other elements of the population, have not unfrequently bestowed their names upon extensive regions. ENGLAND, for instance, takes its name from the Angles, who only colonized a small portion of the country. In the case of SCOTLAND, we may believe that the Angles, the Norwegians, and the Cymric Celts severally constituted a larger element in the population than the Scots, yet this conquering Irish sept, which ap- pears to have actually colonized only a portion of Argyle, has succeeded in bestowing its name upon the whole country. FRANCE takes its name from the Franks, a small German tribe which effected a very imperfect colonization of a portion of central France : the whole of Picardy, Normandy, Brittany, Burgundy, Languedoc, Guienne, and Gascony being excluded from their in- TY 1 Kemble, Saxons in England, vol. i. p. 78; Saxon Chron. A. D. 800 and 878. 2 Kemble, Saxonis, vol. i. p. 83. 3 The mixed multitude of Greeks, Italians, Maltese, English, Germans, French, and other western Europeans who are found in the streets of Cairo and other eastern cities, all go by the name of Franks to this day : parturiunt mures, et nascitur mons. The cause of the supremacy of the Frank name in the Levant is probably due to the prominent position taken at the time of the crusades by Godfrey of Boulogne, and the Franks of Northern France. See Purchas, His Pilgrimes, vol. i. p. 305; Trench, Study of Words, p. 72. Grimm, Gesch, der Deut. Spr. p. 789, attributes this diffu- sion of the Frank name to the repute of the Carlovingian empire. Latham ascribes it to the exploits of Robert Guiscard and his Normans ! Nat. of Europe, vol. ii. p. 23. Names of Conquering Tribes. 71 fluence. Even so late as the time of Philippe Auguste, the term FRANCE did not comprehend either Aquitaine or Languedoc. Several of the old French provinces— BURGUNDY, NORMANDY, FRANCHE COMTÉ, and the ISLE OF FRANCE-preserve the names of the German tribes which conquered them. The eastern division of the Frank nation has left its name in the Bavarian province of FRANKEN, or Franconia, as we call it. We find the name of the Suevi preserved in SUABIA; of the Rugii in the Isle of RUGEN ;2 of the Chatti in HESSE ; of the Saxons in SAXONY; of the Lombards in LOMBARDY; of the Huns in HUNGARY;. of the Atrebates in ARTOIS ; of the Pictones in POITOU; of the Cymry in CUMBERLAND, CAMBRIA, and the CUMBRAY Islands at the mouth of the Clyde ;3 of the Goths or Jutes in CATALONIA, JUTLAND, the Isle of GOTHLAND, and the Isle of WIGHT ;4 and that of the Vandals possibly in ANDAL-USIA.5 The Celtic Boii, who left their ancient “home” in BOHEMIA® (Boi-hem-ia, or Boi-heim) to Sclavonic occu- i Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. ii. p. 147. The “languages" or “nations” into which the Hospitallers were divided (A.D. 1322) were :-- Provence, Auvergne, France, Italy, Aragon, England, Germany, and Castile. 2 Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 38. 3 Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 29; Kennedy, in Philolog. Trans. for 1855, p. 164. To this list we may perhaps add the names of CAMBRAI, COIMBRA, CAMBRILLA, and QUIMPER. Archdeacon Williams refers MONTGOMERI in France, and the mountain refuge of Monte Comero (anciently Cumerium Promontorium) in Italy, to the same people. Edinburgh Trans, vol. xiii. p. 526. 4 In the laws of Edward the Confessor the men of the Isle of Wight are called Guti, i.e. Jutes or Goths. We have also the intermediate forms Geat, Gwit, Wiht, and Wight. G and W are convertible. See p. 64. On the identity of the names Geat and Goth, see Grimm, Gesch, der Deut. Spr. p. 439. 5 See p. 76, infra, for another etymology. 9 The Boii broke into Italy, and perhaps gave their name to Bononia, 72 The Names of Nations. pants, have also given their name to Bai-ern, or BAVA- RIA. So the Sclavonic and Hellenic districts under Moslem rule are called TURKEY, from the Turkomans or Turks, who constitute only a small governing class ;2 and it is singular that the Philistines, the “strangers” from Crete, who merely occupied a narrow strip of the sea- coast, should, through their contact with the western world, have given their name to the whole of the land of PALESTINE, in which they never succeeded in gaining any lasting supremacy. The names of ancient tribes are also very frequently preserved in the names of modern cities. The process by which this has taken place is exemplified in the case of the Taurini, whose chief city, called by the Romans Augusta Taurinorum, is now Torino, or TURIN ; while the capital of the Parisii, Lutetia Parisiorum, is now PARIS; and that of the Treviri, Augusta Trevirorum, has become Trier or TREVES.4 We have the name of the now BOLOGNA, and to BOVANIUM, another town in Italy. It has been thought that BORDEAUX and BOURBON also bear the name of the Boii. See Diefenbach, Celtica, iii part i. pp. 261, 316; Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. vol. i. pp. 166, 502; Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. p. 89; Prichard, Eastern Origin of Celtic Nations, pp. 133-136; Tschudi, Hauptschliissel, p. 179; Knobel, Völkertafel, pp. 47, 48; Mommsen, Hist. of Rome, vol. i. p. 338; Latham, Germania, p. 92; Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. ii. p. 326; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 641; Liddell, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 165; Schafarik, Slaw. Alt. vol. i. p. 382. i See p. 68, supra. ? The word Turk had a still wider signification in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when it was used to denote all Mahomedans, as the word Saracen was in the twelfth century. Trench, Glossary, p. 222. Compare the collect for Good Friday—“ All Jews, Turks, infidels, and heretics." 3 Renan, Langues Sémitiques, p. 57; Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, pp. 256, 257; Jewish Church, p. 362. 4 Of course, in cases of this kind it is impossible to say that the name of the city is not more ancient than the name of the tribe. The names Parisi Ethnic Names conserved in the Names of Cities. 73 YY Damnonii in DEVON, and a portion of the name of the Durotriges is preserved in Dorchester, of the Huiccii in Worcester, of the Iceni in Iken and Ickborough, of the Selgovæ in the Solway, of the Bibroci in Bray hundred, near Windsor, of the Regni in Regnewood or Ring- wood in Hants, and of the Cassii of Cæsar in the hundred of Cashïo, Hertfordshire, and in Cashïobury Park, which probably occupies the site of the chief town of the tribe. Many of these names have a certain ethno- logical value, inasmuch as they enable us to localize ancient tribes; and therefore a list of such probable identifications is subjoined in the appendix. The world-famous name of imperial Rome has been retained by various insignificant fragments of the Roman empire. The Wallachians, the descendants of the Roman colonists on the Danube, proudly call themselves ROMANI, and their country ROMANIA. The language of modern Greece is called the ROMAIC; that of Southern France is the ROMANCE; and that of the Rhætian Alps the RO- MANSCH. The ROMAGNA of Italy preserves the memory of the bastard empire which had its seat at Ravenna; and the name of the Asiatic pashalics of ROUM and ERZEROUM are witnesses to the fact that in the mountain fastnesses of Armenia the creed and the traditions of the Eastern Empire of Rome continued to exist long after the sur- rounding provinces had fallen under the dominion of the Turks ; while for the European province of ROUMELIA was reserved the privilege of being the last morsel to be swallowed by the Moslem Cyclops. or Taurini, for instance, may not be true ethnic names, but may have been derived from the name of their capital, the original name of which can only be dimly discerned through its Latin garb. See Ansted and Latham, Channel Islands, p. 311. i Appendix A. 74 . The Names of Nations. Conversely the name of a city has often become at- vtached to the surrounding region. The ROMAN EMPIRE must ever remain the chief instance of such an extension of meaning. This has also been the case with the king- dom of CABOOL, with the State of NEW YORK, with BERNE, ZÜRICH, and others of the Swiss cantons, with several German States, such as HANOVER, BADEN, BRUNSWICK, and MECKLENBURG, and with a large num- ber of the English counties, as YORKSHIRE, LANCASHIRE, and SALOP. A few countries have taken their names from some ruler of renown. LODOMIRIA, which is the English form of the Sclavonic Vlodomierz, is so called from St. Vladi- mar, the first Christian Tzar.) The two Lothairs, the son and the grandson of Louis le Débonnaire, received, as their share of the Carlovingian inheritance, a kingdom which comprised Switzerland, Alsace, Franche Comté, Luxembourg, Hainault, Juliers, Liége, Cologne, Trèves, the Netherlands, Oldenburg, and Friezland. This terri- tory went by the name of the Regnum Lotharii, Lotha- ringia, or Lothier-regne ; but by the incapacity or misfortune of its rulers the outlying provinces were gradually lost, so that in the course of centuries the ample "realm of Lothair" has dwindled down into the contracted limits of the modern province of LORRAINE.? The most recent instance of a state called from the name of its founder is BOLIVIA ; a name which remains as a perpetual reproach to the Bolivians, proclaiming the discords and jealousies which drove Bolivar, the liberator : 1 Across the Carpathians, p. 206. . ? Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. i. p. 363; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. ii. p. 391. Ethnic Names derived from Geographical Position. 75 and dictator, to die in obscure exile on the banks of the Mississippi. Stet nominis umbra. The name by which we know CHINA belongs, in all probability, to the same category. It was during the reign of the dynasty of Thsin, in the third century before Christ, that the first knowledge of the Celestial Empire was conveyed to the West. That the form of the name should be China, rather than Tsin or SINA,1 seems to prove that our first acquaintance with the Chinese em- pire must have been derived from the nation in whose hands was the commerce with the far East-the Malays —who pronounce Thsina as China. The names of America, Tasmania, Georgia, Carolina, and others of this class have already been discussed.3 Another class of names of countries is derived from their geographical position. Such are ECUADOR, the re- public under the Equator, and PIEDMONT, the land at the foot of the great mountain chain of Europe. Names of this class very frequently enable us to discover the re- lative position of the nation by which the name has been: bestowed. Thus SUTHERLAND, which occupies almost the extreme northern extremity of our island, must evidently have obtained its name from a people inhabiting regions still further to the North--the Norwegian settlers in Orkney. We may reasonably attribute to the Genoese and Venetians the name of the LEVANT,4 for to the Italians alone would the eastern shores of the Mediter- ranean be the “land of the sunrise." In like manner the 1 The ancient form sina indicates transmission through the Arabs. Strinnholm, Wikingziige, p. 284. ? Huc, China, vol. i. p. 347; Cooley, History of Maritime and Inland Discovery, vol. i. p. 120; Fleming, Travels, p. 336. 3 See Chapter II. 4 Compare the use of the word Orient. 76 The Names of Nations. Greeks of Constantinople, who watched the sun rise over the mountains of Asia Minor, called the land ANATOLIA (the rising), a name which is preserved in that of the Turkish province of NATOLIA. The name of JEPAN or Jehpun is evidently of Chinese, and not of native origin, for it means the “source of day.”] The AMALEKITES,” as well perhaps as the SARACENS,3 are the “ Orientals;" BACTRIA comes from a Persian word bakhtar, the east;4 the Portuguese province of the ALGARBE is “the west;" and some scholars are of opinion that the name of ANDALUSIA is also from an Arabic source, and that it signifies Hesperia, or the "region of the evening:"5 The name of the DEKKAN is a Sanskrit word, which means the “South.” The etymology of this word gives us a curious glimpse into the daily life of the earliest Aryan races. The Sanskrit dakshina (cf. the Latin dextera) means the right hand, and to those who daily worshipped the rising sun, the south would, of course, be the dakkhina, or dekkan, “ that which is to the right.”6 Hesychius tells us that EUROPE means tópa tñs duoews, the land of the setting sun, and the etymology i Kenrick, Phænicia, p. 85; Alcock, Capital of the Tycoon, vol. ii. p. 88. 2 Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 109. 3 Welsford, English Language, p. 27. 4 Ibid. 5 See Gibbon, note, chap. 51, vol. vi. p. 429. It is more probable, how- ever, that Andalusia is Vandalusia, the country of the Vandals. See p. 71, supra; Keferstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. ii. p. 313; Gayangos, Moham. Dynasties, vol. i. pp. 23, 322. 6 Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur, vol. ii. P. 495 ; Prichard, Rescarches, vol. iv. p. 93; Brown, Carnatic Chronology, p. 83. Lassen, however, Ind. Alt. vol. i. p. 46, derives the name from the Sanskrit deggân, peasants. ES SHAM, the local name of Syria, means “the left.” :. Europe Asia. is supported by Kenricki and Rawlinson, who think that we have in this case a Semitic root applied by the Phoenicians to the countries which lay to the west of them. Dean Trench, on the other hand, supports the Common explanation that the term εύρ-ώπη 1s descriptive of the “broad face” or profile, which the coast, near Mount Athos, would present to the Asiatic Greek. The origin of the name of ASIA is also in dispute. Pott 4 refers it to the Sanskrit ushas, and thinks that it means the “land of the dawn, and is, therefore, to be classed with such names as Levant, Anatolia, and Japan. On the other hand, much may be said in favour of the view that the word Asia was originally only the designa- tion of the marshy plain of the Cayster—the Asian plain on which EPHESUS (8D-60-os) was built; and the root as or es may, perhaps, be referred to that widely- diffused word for water which enters into the names of so many rivers and marshes throughout the Indo-Euro- pean region. As the dominion and the importance of the city of Ephesus increased, the name of this Asian district would naturally be extended to the surrounding i Phænicia, p. 85. 2 Herodotus, vol. iii. p. 40. 3 English, Past and Present, p. 226. Grimm makes the application of the root refer rather to the broad face of the earth, than to the broad outline of the coast. Deut. Myth. p. 631. It is curious that the same etymological connexion which appears to exist between the cúpeia, Europe, and the mythological Europa, is found between the Norse words rinta, the earth, Rindr, the spouse of Odin, and rind, cattle. Derit. Myth. p. 230. Cf. Karl Müller, Mythologie, p. 133. 4 Etymol. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 190. 5 Cf. the Greek ćws. 6 'Aolạ èv delu@vi, Kaüotplov åupl seedpa. Homer, Iliad, b. ii. 1. 461. See Forbiger, Alt. Geogr. vol. ii. p. 38. 7 See Chapter IX. 78 The Names of Nations. region, and the Romans afterwards transferred to the whole country east of the Ægean the name which they found attaching to that Asiatic province with which they first became acquainted. The earliest name for the African continent was LIBYA. The root is, perhaps, the Greek word riba, moisture-an etymology which, inappropriate as it may seem, would indicate the fact that Africa was first known to the Greeks as the region from which blew the Libyan or rain-bringing "south-west wind.2 The meaning of the word AFRICA, the Roman name of Libya, is very doubtful. The name seems to have originated in the neighbourhood of Carthage, and is pro- bably Punic, at all events Semitic. It has been con- jectured, with some show of probability, that it is derived from the ethnic designation of some tribe in the neigh- bourhood of Carthage, and whose name signified “The Wanderers,"3 in the same way that the NUMIDIANS were the vouádes-Nomads, or wandering shepherd tribes, an- cestors of the Berbers and Kabyles--and as the Suevi or Swabians,4 and probably also the Vandals and the 1 The name of Asia Minor seems to have been invented by Orosius in the fifth century, when a wider geographical knowledge required the name of Asia for all the regions to the east of the Mediterranean See Trench, Study of Words, p. 96. ? Rawlinson, Herodotus, vol. iii. p. 40. 3 See Movers, Die Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 402; Rawlinson, Herodotus, vol. iii. p. 40; and Mommsen, Hist. Rome. Ahrens, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. iii. p. 171, thinks Africa is the “south land.” Cf. Förstemann, Ib. vol. i. p. 15. 4 From schweben, to move. See Zeuss, Die Deritschen, p. 57; Müller, Marken, vol. i. pp. 164–168. Grimm thinks the root is a Sclavonic word meaning free. Gesch, der Deut. Spr. p. 322. Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 96, prefers a Sanskrit root meaning “offerers," and he believes that the practice of human sacrifice lingered long in the tribe. On human sacrifice among the Germans, see Milman, Hist. Latin Christianity, vol. i. p. 244; Africa. Wends, I were the roving border tribes of ancient Ger- many.2 A few names of races are descriptive of personal appearance, or physical characteristics; and they there- fore possess a peculiar value in the eyes of ethnographers. The EDOMITES were the “red” men, the MOORS4 and the PHÔNICIANS5 probably the “dark" men, and of still darker hue are the NEGROES of NEGROLAND, and the ETHIOPIANS, or "burnt-faced men,”6 quos India torret Mone, Gesch. Heidenthums, vol. ii. pp. 20, 136; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 222. 1 The root of these two names appears in the German word wandeln, and its English equivalents, to wander. or wend. To this root may also be attributed the name of FLANDERS; as well, perhaps, as those of VINDELICIA, VINDOBONUM, VENETIA, and others. See Zeuss, Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstämme, p. 57; Grimm, Gesch, der Deut. Spr. pp. 322, 475, 476; Latham, Germania, Epileg. p. xc. ; Arndt, Eur. Spr. p. 89. 2 The name of the scots has been deduced from an Erse word, scuite, meaning “wanderers," which is preserved in the English word scout. Meyer, Brit. Assoc. Reports for 1847, p. 305; Bunsen, Phil. of Univ. Hist. vol. i. p. 151; Wilson, Prehist. Annals of Scotland, p. 477; Betham, Gael, pp. xi. xii. The name of the Scythians may possibly be allied to that of the Scots. The PARTHIANS are the "wanderers” or strangers. Pott, Indo-Germ. Spr. p. 52; Bergmann, Les Gètes, pp. 24, 28. On Ethnic names of this class, see Bergmann, Periples Primitifs de la Race de Faféte, pp. 42, 45, 52, 53, quoted by Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 39. · 3 Knobel, Völkertafel, pp. 12, 135; Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 39. 4 Movers, Phönizier, part ii. vol. ii. p. 372. 5 From poiviš, reddish-brown. See Knobel, Völkertafel, pp. 12, 317; Kenrick, Phænicia, p. 68; Forbiger, Alt. Geogr. vol. ii. p. 659; Momm. sen, Hist. Rome, vol. ii. p. i. Movers inclines to the opinion that Phoenicia is the “land of palms.” Die Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. i. pp. 2–9. Cf. Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 267. 6 Aidíoy, from arow, to burn. Cf. néioy, the swarthy-faced. Curtius, Grundzüge Gr. Etym. vol. i. p. 215; Donaldson, New Cratylus, p. 138; Varronianus, p. 30; J. K. (enrick], in Phil. Mus. vol. i. p. 353. So the native name of Egypt, Chêmi (Ham), means black. Kenrick, Egypt of Herodotus, p. 22; Knobel, Völkertafel, pp. 13, 239, 240; Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 42; Wilkinson, Anc. Egypt, vol. ii. p. 47 ; Bunsen, Report on Ethnology in Brit. Assoc. Reports for 1847, p. 254. The name EGYPT 80 The Names of Nations. TI TT —and we may compare the name of the Du-gall and Fin-gall, the "black" and "white" strangers from Scandinavia, who plundered the coasts of Scotland, with that of the “Pale faces," who have encroached on the hunting-grounds of the “Red men” of North America, and of the “Blacks” of the Australian conti- nent. The Gipsies term themselves the ZINCALI or “ black men.”l Professor Leo, with a great deal of learning, traces the name of the GOTHS or GETÆ to the Sanskrit word gata, which denoted a special mode of dressing the hair in the form of a half moon, which was practised by the devotees of Siva.? The same writer thinks that the BOII are the “trim” or “neat” men. . The name of the Britons has been conjectured, rightly or wrongly, to be from the Celtic brith, paint ;4 and till rather recent times Claudian was supposed to be correct in his etymology of the name of the painted Picts-nec denotes the country which the Nile overflows. The root acy, which means "water," appears in the name of the Ægean Sea. Kenrick, Ancient Egypt, vol. ii. p. 116; Curtius, Die Ionier vor der Ionischer Wanderung, p. 18. Mizraim, the Biblical name, means “the two” banks, or more probably "the two” districts of Upper and Lower Egypt. Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 273; Wilkinson, Anc. Egypt, 2d series, vol. i. p. 261; Forbiger, Alt. Geogr. vol. ii. p. 767. SO INDIA and SINDE are each the “land of the river." Pictet, Or. Indo-Euro. vol. i. pp. 119, 144. i Pott, Zigeuner, vol. i. p. 27. 2 Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. pp. 83–85 and 258. Cf. Buyers, Northern India, p. 449 ; Bergmann, Les Gètes, pp. 43, 47. So the Hastings or Astingi, the noblest race of the Goths, are the “men with well-ordered hair." Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 86. 3 From the Gaelic word boigh, pronounced boi. Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 247. Thierry makes them “the terrible.” Hist. d. Gaulois, vol. i. p. liv. Cf. Keſerstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. ii. p. 293. 4 No nation would have called themselves by such a name. The pecu- liarity might have struck a foreigner, but not a native. See p. 56, note. Ethnographic Names. 81 falso nomine Picti. It is, however, far more probable that the PICTS, as well as the PICTONES of Gaul, are the "fighters,” the name being traceable to the Gaelic peicta, or the Welsh peith, a “fighting man."1 It has been thought that the SCYTHIANS 2 are either the “shooters," or the “shield men;" and that the men of the BALEARIC Isles are the “slingers."3 The TURKS are the “men with helmets,” 4 and the TATARS probably derive their name from a Turanian root, meaning primarily to stretch, and hence" to draw the bow," and “to pitch tents." 5 The name of the COSSACKS is also Turanian, and means “mounted warriors.” 6 The hatred and trembling contempt felt by the Hindoos for those fierce, lowborn freebooters who carved so many kingdoms out of the falling Mogul empire, is expressed by the name MAHRATTA, which signifies “pariahs” or “outcasts." There are two similar i Compare the Latin word pugna. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. vol. ii. p. 208; Meyer, in Brit. Assoc. Reports for 1847, p. 305 ; Wilson, Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, p. 470. See, however, Pott, Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 531 ; Gladstone, Homer, p. 347. 2 More probably, however, the name Skúons is a corruption of TSCHUD, barbarian (see p. 60); a name which the Greek colonists on the Euxine heard applied by their Sclavonic neighbours to the barbarous tribes further to the north. See Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. i. pp. 285, 286; Arndt, Eur. Spr. pp. 138, 323. 3 Movers, Die Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. i. p. 584 ; Bergmann, Les Gètes, pp. 31, 32; Diefenbach, Orig. Eur. p. 239; Boudard, Sur l' Origine des Premiers Habitants des Iles Baléares, in the Revue Archéologique, xii. pp. 248–250. 4 Gabelentz, in the Zeitschrift d. Morgenl. vol. ii. p. 72. 5 See an admirable article on Comparative Philology in the Edinburgh Review, vol. xciv. p. 308. Arndt, Eur. Spr. pp. 317, 326, 327, derives the name of the Tatars from the Chinese Ta-ta, a barbarian. This would pro- bably be onomatopæian, like mlêch, and varvara. See pp. 61, 62, supra. * Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. i. p. 376. 82 The Names of Nations. ethnic names in India. The CANNADI are “rubbish," and the TULAVA are "vile.” 1 With regard to the SAXONS, the old etymology of Verstegan, broached two hundred years ago, has recently been revived and supported by competent scholars. It would seem that the name did not refer to any particular tribe, but was the designation of a military confederation composed of adventurers from various low-German peoples, who were all distinguished by their use of the seax, a short knife-like sword.3 Dr. Latham, indeed, is of opinion 4 that the names Angle and Saxon related to the same people the names, perhaps, not being co-extensive; all Angles were probably Saxons, though all Saxons were not Angles. Or Angle may have been the native name, and Saxon that bestowed by Franks or Celts. It has been supposed that the FRANKS were dis- tinguished by the use of the france, franca, or framea, a kind of javelin; and the Langobards or LOMBARDS, by a long partisan or halberd. These etymologies are 1 Brown, Carnatic Chronology, p. 84. 3 Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, p. 24. - 3 Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. pp. 236 and 288. The seax was originally a stone knife, or celt, the name being derived from saihs, a stone. Cf. the Latin saxum. 4 Latham, Eth. Brit. Is. pp. 191—195; Eng. Lang. vol. i. pp. 162–165. Cf. Arndt, Eur. Spr. p. 250. Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. pp. 228, 609, Donaldson, English Ethnography, p. 44, and Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 100, connect the Saxons with the Asiatic Sacæ. Pictet rejects this. Orig. Indo-Europ. vol. i. p. 87 ; Cf. Bergmann, Les Gètes, p. 22. 5 Similarly the name of the ANGLES has been derived from angol, a hook, that of the GERMANS from the javelin called a gar, and those of the HERULI and the CHERUSCI from the Gothic herit, a sword. Kemble, Saxons, vol. i. p. 41; Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. pp. 81,512 ; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 255; Wackernagel, in Haupt's Zeitschrift, vol. vi. p. 16. Cf. Müller, Marken, pp. 176-180 ; Latham, Eng. Lang. vol. i. p. 216; Bosworth, .. Mountaineers. 83 plausible, but by no means indisputable. They may, however, be supported by the analogous fact in the history of names that the Red men of North America called the early European settlers by words signifying “sword men”.and “coat men.” The name of DAUPHINY is unique. Its origin is to be traced to the Dolphin, which was the heraldic bearing of the Counts of Albon, the feudal lords of the district. The name of this cetacean, if traced to its source, proves, curiously enough, to be derived from a local name. The chief shrine of Apollo was at Delphi, and the animal, derbis, was sacred to the Delphian God.? The natural features of the country have supplied many ethnic names. From the Greek tpaxús we obtain the name of THRACE,3 the rugged country, as well as of TRACHONITIS,4 a sort of basaltic island in the Syrian desert-a scene of grand rocky desolation, where vast fissures, and lines of craggy battlement call to mind the lunar landscape, as viewed through a powerful telescope, rather than any scene on the surface of the earth.5 PETRA takes its name from the long sandstone parapets which gird the Wady Mousa ; ALBION is the “hilly land” of Scotland, and ALBANIA is so called from the snowy Origin, pp. 122 ; and Mone, Gesch. Heidenth. vol. ii. p. 124; who quotes Leo, Othins Verehrung, a work which I have not been able to procure. i Roger Williams, K’ey into the Languages of N. America, p. 39. 2 C. O. Müller, Dorians, vol. i. p. 325; Ménage, Origines, pp. 250, 698; Yonge, Christian. Names, vol. i. p. 157 ; see, however, Curtius, Grund- züge, vol. ii. p. 65 ; Kuhn, Zeitschrift, vol. ii. p. 129. 3 Gladstone, Homer, vol. i. pp. 158, 347, 382 ; Grimm thinks the root is Opaoús rather than tpaxús. Gesch. der Deut. Spr. p. 195. 4 Trachonitis is the Greek translation of Argob, the Hebrew name. 5 See Stanley, Jewish Church, p. 213; Graham, in Cambridge Essays for 1858, p. 145. 6 Pictet, Orig. Indo-Euro. vol. i. p. 70. Cf. Meyer, in Reports of Brit. Assoc. for 1847, p. 303. G 2 The Names of Nations. range, whose peaks are seen, from the Ionian islands, glistening brilliantly in the evening sun. Cambria and Cumberland are the lands of the Cymry—the moun- taineers,1 and the CROATS or Chorwats, as well as the KABYLES,3 the MALAYS,4 the CHAUCI," the ARCADIANS,6 the GREEKS, the DORIANS,7 the THURINGIANS, and the TYROLESE are the “ Highlanders," while ATTICA is the “Promontory." 8 The CANAANITES are the “lowlanders," I as dis- tinguished from the AVITES and the AMORITES, or “dwellers on the hills," and from the HITTITES and the HIVITES, who were respectively the “men of the valleys," and the “men of the towns.” 10 · The POLES 1 The Cymry are probably the men of the combes," or mountaineers. Mone, Celtische Forschungen, p. 329. Cf. Donaldson, Varron. p. 63; Wright, Essays, vol. i. p. 101. Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 26, thinks they are “the people.” See p. 57, supra. 2 From the Sclavonic word gora, a mountain. The root is found in the name of Car-inthia, and also of the Carpathians, which were anciently called Chorwat, or Chrbat. See Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 647 ; Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 44; Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. i. p. 49; vol. ii. p. 305; Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 72; Church of England Quarterly. No. 73, p. 144 ; Bronisch, in Neues Lausitzisches Magazin, vol. xxxii. p. 274. 3 Brace, Races, p. 173. 4 Malaja means a mountain in the Turanian languages of India. Lassen, Ind. Alt. vol. i. p. 57. 5 Haupt, in Haupt's Zeitschrift, vol. iii. p. 190. 6 The root is seen in the Latin arx, and the Greek őkepov. See Church of England Quarterly, No. 73, p. 147. 7 The same root is found in the Latin turris, and in the Tors of Devon- shire and Derbyshire. The Tyrol, however, may take its name from a castle near Meran. 8 The root is found in åkth and ATHOS. Phil. Mus. vol. ii. p. 366. 9 Curtius, Grundziige der Gr. Ety. vol. i. p. 32; Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 309; Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 182 ; Stanley, Sinai and Pal. pp. 133, 267; Ewald, Gesch. d. Volkes Isr. vol. i. p. 281 ; Movers, Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. i. p. 6. 10 Movers, Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. i. p. 80; Ewald, Gesch. d. Volkes Isr. vol. i. pp. 279-282; Movers, Art. Phönizier, in Ersch und Gruber, pp. 319, 327, 331 ; Wilton, Negeb, p. 159. Lowlanders. YT or Polacs are the “men of the plain," I VOLHYNIA is the “level country," WESTPHALIA the great "western field,”2 HOLLAND is the “fen,"3 BATAVIA (Bet-au), the “good land,” 4 BRABANT the “ploughed land,” 5 and EUBCA is the “well tilled.”6 The ARGIVES lived in the “tilled" plain of Argos, and the LATINS are the men of the “ broad plain" of Latium. The KURDS are the “shepherds," the SARMATIANS are the “men of the steppe," 9 and the ARABS as well as the BEDOUIN 10 are the “men of the desert," as contrasted with the FELLAHS or FELLAHIN, the “men of the cultivated ground.” The BURGUNDIANS were the dwellers in burghs or fortified towns. 11 The TYRRHENIANS, or ETRUSCANS, i Schafarik, Slazu. Alt. vol. i. p. 49 ; vol. ii. p. 399; Arndt, Europ. Spr. P. 249. 2 Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 390. 3 From ollant, marshy ground. Bosworth, Origin, p. 21. 4 Bet, the first part of this name, is the obsolete positive degree of better and best. The second syllable au, land, is seen in the word fall-ow, the bad or failing land. Bosworth, Origin, p. 92; Motley, Dutch Republic, vol. i. p. 4. Cf. Thierry, Hist. Gaul, vol. ii. p. 43. 5 Brabant, anciently Brâch-bant, is from the old high German pracha, ploughing. Bant means a district, as in the names of the Subantes, Tri- bantes, and Bucinobantes. Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. p. 593; Forste- mann, Ortsnamen, p. 102. 6 Gladstone, Homer, p. 382. 7 The root is seen in špyov. Gladstone, Homer, pp. 384--402; Thirl- wall, Greece, vol. i. p. 38; Curtius, Die Ionier, p. 17; Movers, Die Phönizier, pt. i. p. 8. The PELASGIANS are, perhaps, the “men of the plain." Gladstone, Homer, p. 214. Other conjectures will be found in Marsh, Hora Pelasgicæ, p. 17; Thirlwall, Greece, vol. i. p. 45 ; Donaldson, Varroniarus, p. 30 ; New Crat. p. 138. 8 Mommsen, Hist. of Rome, vol. i. p. 36; Forbiger, Alt. Geogr. vol. iii. p. 649. 9 From sara, a desert or steppe, and mat, a tribe or race. This root is seen in the names of the Jaxa-matæ, Thisa-matæ, Aga-malæ, Chari-matæ, and other Asiatic tribes. Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. i. p. 367. 10 From arabah, a desert, and badiya, a desert. 11 Grimm, Gesch, der Deut. Spr. p. 700. 86 The Names of Nations. were the tower-builders. The SPARTANS were the dwellers in Sparta, the town of “scattered houses,” more loosely built than other Grecian cities, because uncon- fined by a wall. The RAMNES, as Mommsen thinks,3 were the "Foresters," a meaning which, according to Wilhelm von Humboldt, attaches to the name of the BASQUES, the BISCAYANS, and the GASCONS. The CALEDONIANS are, probably, the “men of the woods,” 4 FIFE is the “forest,” LYCIA5 and CORSICA“ the "wooded.” PONTUS was the province on the Black “Sea." POMERANIA” is a Sclavonic term, meaning "by the sea." The Celtic names of the MORINI,S of ARMORICA, 9 of MORHIBAN, of MORAY or MURRAY, and of GLAMOR- i See Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 90; Donaldson, New Crat. p. 133 ; Donaldson, Varron. p. 13. 2 Pott, 'Etymologische Spanne, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. v. p. 252. 3 History of Rome, vol. i. p. 44. 4 See p. 65, supra. 5 A word akin to lucus must have once existed in the Greek language. See Gladstone's Homer, vol. i. p. 186. The LACEDÆMONIANS are either the dwellers in the forest, or, more probably, the dwellers in the hollow or marsh. 6 Bochart, vol. iii. p. 579. ? From po, by, and more, the sea. So the Prusi, or PRUSSIANS, are probably the Po-Rusi, the men near the Rusi, or Russians, or perhaps near the Russe, a branch of the river Niemen. See Friedrich the Great, Mem. Hist. Brand. and Voigt, Gesch. Preussens, vol. i. p. 668, quoted by Mahn, Nam. Preussens, p. 3. Compare Donaldson, Varron. p. 70; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. vol. i. p. 110; Latham, Ethnology of Brit. Is. p. 73; Arndt, Eur. Spr. pp. 250, 293. 8 And of the Morgetes, on the coast of Sicily, according to Archdeacon Williams, Essays, p. 89. 9 The preposition ar, on, by, or at, is that found in the names of Argyle, Arles, Armagh, &c. See Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 43, 44; Davies, Celtic Researches, P. 221; Pott, Etymol. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 42; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. pp. 62, 80; Orig. Eur. p. 231 ; Glück, Kelt. Namen, pp. 31- 36 ; Ménage, Origines, pp. 61, 680 ; Thierry, Hist. d. Gaul. vol. i. pp. xxxix., 5. : Greeks. - 87 GAN or Morgant,1 have the same signification. The Salian Franks, to whom is attributed the Salic law of succession, lived by the salt water at the mouth of the Maas.? Dr. Donaldson follows Mr. Kenrick 3 in thinking that the IONIANS are the “coast-men :4 they were called also the Ainiareis, or the “Beachmen.”5 The ACHÆANS 6 may be the “Seamen," and the ÆOLIANS the “mixed men.”? The HELLENES, if not “hillmen," may be the "warriors,” whose martial prowess caused their name to be extended to the whole of the people whom we know by the name of GREEKS. This last name is a curious misnomer. Just as the name of Italy originally desig- nated only the extreme southern portion of the Peninsula, i From mor, the sea, and gant, side. 2 Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 257. 3 Donaldson, New Crat. pp. 134, 143 ; Kenrick, Egypt of Herodotus, and a paper 012 the Early Kings of Attica, by J. K[enrick], in the Philolog. Museum, vol. ii. pp. 366, 367. 4 From nüáv, the coast. More probably they are the “wanderers," from the Sanskrit root ja, which we find in the names of Ion, Hyperion, and Amphion. Curtius, Tonier, pp. 7, 8; Curtius, Grundzüge, vol. i. p. 37. Lassen and Pott think the root is the Sanskrit juwan, young. This, how- ever, seems too abstract. Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 79. 5 Gladstone, Homer, p. 382 ; Thirlwall, Hist. Greece, vol. i. p. 43. Conjecturally from an obsolete Greek root, allied to the Latin aqua, and found in the names of the Achelous and the Acheron. See note 6, p. 79, supra; and Church of England Quarterly, No. 73, p. 155. 7 Donaldson, New Crat. p. 142. Adelung thinks that the names of the VENETI and of the WENDS mean shore-dwellers. Mithridates, vol. ii. pp. 451 and 655 ; Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. i. pp. 159, 164. See, however, p. 79, supra. 8 In Aristotle the word Italy denotes only a portion of Calabria. In the time of Augustus it came to mean the whole peninsula. Niebuhr, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 17; Liddell, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 16; Lewis, Credibility Rom. Hist. vol. i. p. 272. So Tyre seems to have given its name to the whole of SYRIA, and the names of PERSIAN and PARSEE are traceable to the small province of Fars, or Pars. Gladstone, Homer, vol. i. p. 549. Com- pare the case of Asia, p. 77, and see Kenrick, Egypt of Herodotus, p. 81; Buttmann, Mythologus, vol. ii. p. 172. ITALY is, perhaps, the “land of 88 The Names of Nations. so the name of GREECE was derived from a small and unimportant Epirote tribe of "mountaineers” — the Græci, who, in blood, were probably not Hellenes at all, but Illyrians. By the accident of geographical proximity the Romans became first acquainted with this tribe, and applied their name to the whole of Hellas; and the modern world has adopted this unfortunate blunder from the Romans, and stamped it with the approval of its usage. cattle." Curtius, Grundzüge, vol. i. p. 177 ; Forbiger, Alt. Geogr. vol. iii. p. 488; Bunsen, Phil. of Univ. Hist. vol. i. p. 103. Niebuhr, however, ridicules this etymology. ? See Latham, Germania, p. 28; Eng. Lang. vol. i. p. 166; Mommsen, Hist. of Rome, vol. i. p. 141 ; Thirlwall, Hist. Greece, vol. i. p. 39. Com- pare the case of Palestine, p. 72, and of the Alemanni, p. 59. So the gipsies call the Germans, Saxons (see p. 57), and the Magyars call them Schwabe, the Suabians being the German tribe with which they first became acquainted. The Phænicians. 89 CHAPTER V. THE PHẬNICIANS. Physical character of Phænician sites—Tyre-Sidon-Phenice-Phænician colonies in Crete, Cyprus, Sardinia, Corsica, Italy, Sicily, Malta, Africa, Spain, and Britain. THE Phoenicians established a vast colonial empire. The Mediterranean coast-line of three continents was thickly dotted over with their settlements, which ex- tended beyond the pillars of Hercules, as far as the River Senegall to the south, and as far as Britain to the north. The causes of this development of colonial dominion must be sought, firstly, in the over-population of their narrow strip of Syrian coast, shut in between the mountains and the sea, and, secondly, in the spirit of mercantile enterprise with which the whole nation was imbued.” 2 As in the case of the Venetians, the Dutch, and afterwards still more notably of the English, the factories, which were established for commercial purposes alone, rose gradually to be separate centres of dominion.3 L TYY As evidenced by the Phænician names of Rysadion (Cape Blanco), Soloeis (Cape Cantin), Soloentia (Cape Bojador), and Bambotus (the river Senegal). Movers, Phönizier, part ii. vol. ii. p. 534 ; Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 200. 2 Movers, Die Phönizier, part ii. vol. ii. p. 5. 8 Renan, Langues Sémitiques, p. 44. 90 The Phænicians. To protect themselves from the lawless violence of the barbarous tribes with whom they traded, the merchant princes of Tyre found themselves unwillingly compelled to assume sovereignty over the surrounding districts. The origin of the colonial empire of the Tyrians is curiously indicated by a physical characteristic which marks the sites of many of their settlements. These were placed, almost invariably, on some rocky island near the coast, or on some promontory connected with the mainland by a low isthmus. A position of this kind would usually afford the advantage of a natural harbour, in which vessels might find safe anchorage, while the trading settlement would be secured from the attacks of the barbarous tribes which occupied the mainland. Tyre itself was probably at first only a trading colony sent forth from the mother city at the entrance of the Persian Gulf. The name TZUR1 or TYRE, which means a “rock," characterises the natural features of the sitema rocky island near the coast-well suited to the requirements of a band of mercantile adventurers. The neighbouring city of Aradus stood also upon a littoral island. SIDON occupies a somewhat similar position, being built on a low reef running out to sea, and the name, which denotes a "fishing-station," 2 suggests to us what must have been the aspect of the place in those prehistoric times when the first settlement was made. Not unfrequently the names of the Phoenician settlements thus indicate the circumstances of their foundation. Sometimes, as in the 1 Movers, Phönizier, part ii. vol. i. p. 174; Ersch und Gruber, sect. iii. vol. xxiv. p. 436 ; Stanley, Sinai and Pal, pp. 270, 498. The name of SYKIA is probably derived from that of Tzur, its chief city. Ib. p. 270. 2 Movers, Phönizier, part ii. vol. i. pp. 34, 868. Compare the name of BETH-SAIDA, the “house of fish.” Physical Characteristics of Phoenician Sites. 91 case of Spain, Malaga, or Pachynus, the names refer to the nature of the traffic that was carried on--more fre- quently, as in the case of Cadiz, Hippo, or Lisbon, we have a reference to the fortifications which were found necessary to protect the wealthy but isolated factory. We find the name of the nation repeated in Cape PHINEKE 1 in Lycia, also in PHENICE in Epirus, a place which now bears the name of Finiki,and in five places called PHNICUS, severally in Cythera, in Messenia, in Marmarica, in Ionia, and in Lycia. Pliny also states 3 that the island of Tenedos, as well as a small island near the mouth of the Rhone, was called PHENICE. The latter may probably be identified with one of the Hieres islands, which would satisfy the conditions which the Phænicians sought in their trading stations. One of the Lipari islands, anciently called Phænicodes, now goes by the name of FELICUDI. But the most interesting spot on which the Phænicians have left their name, is a rocky promontory on the southern coast of Crete, which possesses good harbours on either side. This place is still called PHENIKI, and has been identified 4 with the haven of Phænice men- tioned in the Acts of the Apostles. St. Luke says, “We sailed under Crete . . . and came into a place which is called the Fair Havens . . . and because the haven was not commodious to winter in, the more part advised to depart thence also, if by any means they Kenrick, Phænicia, p. 87. 2 Leake, Northern Greece, vol. i. p. 66. It is possible that some of these places may be named from the palm-trees “polvet" growing on them. Olshausen, Phön. Ortsnamen, p. 335. 3 Pliny, Hist. Nat. iii. 11, and v. 39. 4 Conybeare and Howson, Life and Epistles of St. Paul, vol. ii. pp. 395–400 ; Movers, Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 260. 92 , : The Phčenicians. might attain to Phenice, which is an haven of Crete, and there to winter.” With true commercial instinct the Phænicians seem to have selected for the centre of their Cretan trade this sea-washed promontory, with its double harbour, now, as in the time of St. Paul, the best haven along the southern coast of the island. LEBENA, another harbour on the Cretan coast, is the “ Lion promontory.”] There is a Cretan JORDAN flowing from a Cretan LEBANON. IDALIA in Cyprus, now Dalin, is the “sacred grove." 3 SAMOS is the “lofty," and the name of SAMOTHRACE contains the same root.* From the Phænician word sela, a rock, we derive the name of SELINUS, now Selenti, in Cilicia--a town which stands on a steep rock almost surrounded by the sea." TARSUS, the birthplace of St. Paul, is “the strong." LAMPSACUS, now Lamsaki, near Gallipoli, is the “pas- sage,”? and seems to have been the ferry across the Hellespont. Sardinia is full of Phænician names. CAGLIARI, the chief town, was a Tyrian colony, and its Phænician name Caralis, or Cararis, has suffered little change. BOSA still bears its ancient Tyrian name unaltered. MACOPSISA, now Macomer, is the “town;" OTHOCA seems to be a corruption of Utica, the "old" town, and NORA, like so many other Phænician settlements, was built upon a little island off the coast. 1 Kenrick, Phænicia, p. 83; Movers, Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 260. ? Olshausen, Phönicische Ortsnamen., p. 324. 3 Bochart, vol. iii. p. 356 ; Engel, Kypros, vol. i. p. 153, apud Smith, Dict. Geogr. vol. ii. p. 13. 4 Bochart, vol. iii. p. 378; Renan, Lang. Sémit. p. 44. 5 Movers, Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 174. 6 Gesenius, Monumenta, p. 427. 7 Movers, Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 296. 8 Other Phænician names found in Sardinia, are Cornus, Carbia, Olbia, 93 Sardinia-Corsica-Sicily—Malta. -The name of CORSICA, according to Bochart, means the “wooded.” i The desolate forest-clad mountains of this island seem, however, to have had few attractions for the Phænician merchants, since none of the towns bear names which, in their language, are significant.2 At Cære, in Italy, there was a Tyrian settlement, which anciently bore the Phænician name of AGYLLA, the “round town”3 and in lower Italy we find the Phænician names of Malaca, Sybaris, Crathis, Tempsa, Medma, and Hippo.4 Cape PACHYNUS in Sicily, was the “ station” for the boats engaged in the tunny fishery. Catana, now CATANIA, is the “little” town.6 MAZARA, which still preserves its ancient name, is the “castle "7 and the familiar name of ETNA is a corruption of attuna, the “furnace.” 8 Many other ancient names attest the long duration of the Phænician rule in this island.' Diodorus informs us that the Island of MALTA was a Phænician settlement; and we find that not only does Buccina, Cunusi, Charmis, and Sulchi. Movers, Phönizier, part ii. vol. ii. pp. 558, 572, 576-578 ; Bochart, vol. üi. p. 576. i Bochart, vol. iii. p. 579. 2 Movers, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 578. 3 Mommsen, Hist. of Rome, vol. i. p. 136; Olshausen, Phönicische Ortsnamen, p. 333. Cf. Gesenius, Monum. p. 419. * Movers, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 344. 5 Ib. p. 325. 6 Ib. p. 329. ? Ib. p. 332, Gesenius, p. 425. 8 Bochart, vol. iii. p. 526. The name cannot be derived from the Greek aitw, as Pictet shows. It may possibly be Oscan, according to Benfey, in Höfer's Zeitschrift, vol. ii. p. 117 ; Curtius, Grundziige, vol. i. p. 215. Cf. Church of England Quarterly, No. 73, p. 147. : 90.g. Arbela, which also occurs in Palestine ; Thapsus, the " passage.” Anesel, the "river head,” Amathe, the “castle," Adana, Tabæ, Motuca, Mactorium, Ameselum, Bidis, Cabala, Inycon, and many more. Movers Pp. 329, 339—342; Gesenius, pp. 419, 428. 94 The Phæricians. the name of the island bear out this assertion, but at HAGIAR CHEM—"the stones of veneration "-we have extensive remains of a Phænician Temple. The site was explored by Sir H. F. Bouverie about twenty years ago, when the outlines of the seven courts of the temple were traced, and the statues of the seven presiding planetary deities were disinterred.2 The Phænician capital was, probably, near the south- eastern extremity of the island. Here is a deep bay, on the shores of which stand the ruins of a temple of Mel- carth, the “ city king.”3 This word cartha, a city, appears in the Old Testament in the names of twelve places called Kirjath, as well as in that of CARTHAGE, the great Tyrian Colony in Northern Africa.4 CARTHAGE–Kart-hada, or Kartha hadtha—the “New Town”5 soon eclipsed in splendour and importance the older settlement of UTICA," the ancient”; 9 and before long she began to rival even the mother city of Tyre, and to lay the foundations of a colonial empire of her own. SPAIN seems to have been first known to the Phæni- 1 Melita means a "place of refuge,” Gesenius, p. 92 ; Bochart, vol. iii. p. 500; Movers, in Ersch und Gruber, S iii. vol. xxiv. P. 349. 2 Kenrick, Phænicia, p. 110; Tallack, Malta, pp. 115–127; Movers, Phönizier, part ii. vol. ii. p. 351. 3 The word Melek, a king, is found in all the Semitic languages. It is seen in the names of Melchisedek, Melchior, Abdu-l-malek, &c. 4 It appears also in the names of Cirta, Ta-carata, Cartili, Cartenna, Caralis, Carpi, Carepula, Mediccara, Cura, Curum, Rusucurum, Ascurum, Ausocurro, Curubis, Garra, Medugarra, Tagara, Tagarata, &c. Gesenius, Scrip. Ling. Ph. Mon. p. 417; Wilton, Negeb, p. 99. A suburb of Palermo anciently bore the name of Karthada. Movers, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 30. 5 Movers, p. 139 ; Gesenius, p. 421 ; Bochart, vol. iii. p. 468. 6 Bochart, vol. iii. p. 474 ; Gesenius, p. 429. Movers (p. 512) doubts this etymology. 95 Spain. cians as the land where the skins of martens 1 were procured, and the name Hispania or Spain appears to be derived from a Phænician word sapan, or span, which denotes the abundance of these animals. Many of the Phænician colonies in Spain were Tyrian rather than Carthaginian. ESCALONA is, probably, the same word as Ascalon; and MAGUEDA is, perhaps, identical with Megiddo. Asido, now MEDINA SIDONIA, was, as the name denotes, a colony of the Sidonians.3 Cadiz, as we learn from Velleius Paterculus, was founded before Utica, and consequently long before Carthage. The name CADIZ is a corruption of the ancient name Gadeira, and is referable to the Phænician word gadir, an inclosure. The site presents the features of other Tyrian settlements—an island separated by a narrow channel from the main land. The same is the case at Carthagena, which is built on a small island in a sheltered bay. The name of CARTHAGENA is a corruption of Carthago Nova or new Carthage; and we may, there- fore, assign to it a Carthaginian rather than a Tyrian origin. Near Gibraltar there is another town named CARTEJA, anciently Carteia. The name of MALAGA is i Tarn Taptolar-martens, or perhaps rabbits-see the passages from Herodotus, iv. 192; Strabo, iii. 2, 6; Schol. in Aristoph. Ran. 475; Ælian, V. H. xii. 4, and other writers which are quoted by Movers, part ii. vol. ii. p. 606. Compare Charnock, Local Etymology, p. 254. ? Bochart, vol. iii. p. 631; Niebuhr, Lectures on Ethnol. and Geograph. vol. ii. p. 279. 3 Movers, part ii. vol. ii. p. 641. 4 Movers, p. 621; Gesenius, p. 304; Kenrick, p. 126. Compare the names of the Ægades Islands near Sicily, of Geder (Joshua xii. 13); Gedera (Josh. xv. 36) ; Gedor (Josh. xv. 38); and Gadara, the city of the Gadarenes (Josephus, Jewish War, iv. 3 ; St. Mark v. 1). See Bochart, vol. iii. p. 608 ; Movers, pp. 139, 549. 5 Perhaps identical with Tartessus. Duke of Buckingham, Diary, 96 The Phænicians. derived from the Phoenician word nalaca, salt.Hispalis, now SEVILLA, was also a Carthaginian colony, and the name is deducible from a Phænician word meaning a “plain.” 2 The TAGUS is the river of fish. The name of Olisippo, which has been corrupted into LISBON, contains the word hippo, the “walled” town, which occurs so frequently in. Phænician names. There were three cities called HIPPO in Africa, one of them cele- brated as the See of the great Augustine, and two of the same name in Spain.4 Tarraco, now TARRAGONA, is the "palace.” 5 The name of CORDOVA, anciently Cortuba, may be derived either from coteba, the "olive press," or from Kartha Baal, the “city of Baal.” 6 BELON, now Belonia, near Tarifa ;' as well, perhaps, as the BALEARICS Isles, contain the name of Bel or Baal, the deity whose name enters into the composition of so many Tyrian and vol. i. p. 70; Bochart, vol. iii. p. 615; Olshausen, Phön. Ortsnamen, p. 328 ; Smith, Dictionary, vol. i. p. 528 ; Movers, pp. 632–635. 1 Bochart, vol. iii. p.: 616; Movers, p. 632. Cf. Gesenius, p. 312; Prescott, Ferd. and Isabella, vol. ii. p. 13. 2 Bochart, p. 603 ; Gesenius, p. 423; Movers, p. 641. 3 Ford, Gatherings, p. 28. The root appears in the name of the god Dagon. 4 We have also Orippo, Belippo, Baesippo, Irippo, and Lacippo, all on the Spanish coast. Humboldt, Prüfung, p. 64; Movers, Phön. pt. ii. vol. ii. pp. 144, 640; Cf. Bochart, vol. iii. pp. 475, 627 ; Gesenius, Monum. P. 423. 5 Bochart, vol. iii. p. 623. 6 Bochart, vol. iii. p. 602. ? Movers, p. 639. 8 Bochart, vol. iii. p. 634. See, however, p. 81 supra. Ebusus, now IVICA, means the “pine island,” and the Greek name Pitusæ is merely a translation of the earlier Phænician appellation. Movers, Die Phöniziet, p. 545; art. Phönizien in Ersch und Gruber, p. 349. The Balearic Islands present many Phænician names, such as Cinici, Cunici Bocchorum, Jamna, Mago, and Sanifera. Movers, pp. 584, 585. Britain. 97 Carthaginian names, such as Hannibal, Asdrubal, Maherbal, Ethbaal, Agbalos, Jezebel, Belshazzar, and Baalbec.1 There are many other places in Spain which seem originally to have been Carthaginian colonies, since their names can be explained from Punic sources. Such are Abdera, now ADRA; Barcino, now BARCELONA; 2 Ebora, now EVORA, the “ford”;3 Arci, now ARKOS; the River Anas, now the GUADIANA; TOLEDO, and others.4 Whether the Carthaginians reached the shores of Britain is uncertain. We have already seen that the Euskarian origin of the name makes it probable that the earliest knowledge of the island was obtained from Iberic traders; and it certainly is not improbable that the Carthaginians followed in the track discovered by their Spanish subjects. It is a noteworthy circumstance that the almost unique physical characteristics of St. Michael's Mount, in Cornwall, conform precisely to the account given by Diodorus Siculus of the trading station from which the Phoenicians obtained their tin. We may mention, though we can hardly maintain the supposition, that the names of MARAZION, the “hill by TT i Kenrick, Phænicia, pp. 129, 300; Renan, Langues Sémitiques, P. 44 ; Bochart, vol. iii. p. 634. 2 Movers, p. 636. 3 Ib. p. 640. Cf. Gesenius, p. 422. 4 E.g. Murgis, Urci, Certima, Saborra, Suel, Salduba, Ucia, Castalo, and Nebrissa. Movers, pp. 633–643. Gesenius, Scr. Ling. Ph. Mon. vol. i. pp. 340, 422. 5 Marazion seems to have been a Jewish settlement at a later time, and it is possible that the name may be Hebrew, rather than Phoenician. It can, however, be explained from Cornish sources. See Halliwell, Cornwall, pp. 47–52; Pryce, Archæologia Cornu-Brit. s. V. On the Phænicians in Cornwall, see Wilson, Prehist. Ann. of Scotland, p. 196 ; Bochart, vol. iii. pp. 648–654 ; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. pp. 51–55; Smith's Cassite- rides; and a tract on the Phoenician Tin Trade, recently published by Colonel James. Η 98 The Phænicians. the sea," and POLGARTH (root Kartha) are of Phænician origin, and are records of the first intercourse of our savage ancestors with the civilized world. 1 On Tyrian and Carthaginian names, see the erudite work of Bochart, Geographiæ Sacrae pars posterior, Chanaan, seu de Coloniis et sermone Phænicum, and the more trustworthy works of Movers, Die Phönizier, and the Article Phönizien in Ersch und Gruber's Allgemeille Encykuopädie, sect. iii. vol. xxiv. See also Kenrick's Phænicia; and the valuable treatise of Gesenius, Scripturæ Linguæque Phanicice Monumenta. Gesenius dis- cusses the etymologies of more than 400 names, collected from modern maps, the ancient itineraries, coins, inscriptions, and the ancient Geo- graphers, Ptolemy, Strabo, &c. Tlie Arabs in Europe. CHAPTER VI. THE ARABS IN EUROPE. The Empire of the Cailiphs-Arabic Names in Southern Italy and Sicily- Tribes by which the conquest of Sicily was effected— Conquest of Spain-- Tarifa and Gibraltar-Arabic article-River-names of Spain, Arabs in Southern France They hold the passes of the Alps - The Monte Moro pass and its Arabic Names-The Muretto pass and Pontresina. THE Arab conquests in the seventh and eighth centuries form one of the most remarkable episodes in the history of the world. At the time of its greatest extension, the empire of the Cailiphs extended from the Indus to the Loire. In the course of a single century they overran Persia, Syria, Egypt, Northern Africa, Spain, and the south of France. We find Arabic names scattered over the whole of this vast region; and it will be an interesting and pro- fitable task to investigate these linguistic monuments of Moslem Empire, confining our attention more especially to those districts where Christianity has long resumed its sway. In Southern Italy the dominion of the Arabs lasted hardly half a century, and consequently we cannot expect to find many Arabic names. Their chief conquests lay in the neighbourhood of the cities of Benevento and Bari, H 2 100 The Arabs in Europe. not far from which we find the doubtful Arabic names of ALIFE, ALFIDENA, and the river ALMARO.1 In Sicily, where the Arab colonization was more ex- tensive, and where their empire was more enduring than in Italy, we naturally find more abundant and less doubtful traces of their presence. The well-known name of MARSALA means, in Arabic, the “ Port of God.” Gebel, the Arabic name for a mountain, is still retained in the patois of the Sicilian peasantry, who prefer the mongrel term MONGIBELLO to the ancient Phoenician name of Etna.? From the same root comes the name of the GIBELLINA-a mountain ridge of the Province of Tra- pani. It would appear that the Arabs kept down by mili- tary rule a considerable subject population, for the island is covered with fortresses of their erection. The position of these we can often discover by means of the Arabic word kalah, or kalat, a castle on a rock-a root which enters into the names of many Sicilian towns, such as CALOTABALOTTA (Kalat-a-bellotta, oak-tree castle 4), CALATAGIRONE, or Caltagirone (Kalat-a-Girun), CALA- SCIBETTA (Kal'at-a-xibetta), CALATAFIMI (Kal’at-a-fieni), CALATAMISETTA (castle of the women), CALATAVUTURA, CALTANISETTA, CALATABIANO, CALAMONACI, and CATA- LAMITA.5 1 See Wenrich, Rerum ab Arabibus gestarum Commentarii, p. 140. 2 Duff, in Oxford Essays for 1857, p. 93; Wenrich, Rer. ab Ar. gest. p. 309 ; Pihan, Glossaire, p. 136. 3 This word is not confined to the Semitic languages. We have the Persian Kalat or Kalâtah, a “hill castle," and the Sanskrit Kalatra (? Kataka), a “fortress.” Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. vol. ii. p. 194. 4 Gayangos, Mohammedan Dynasties, vol. i. p. 450; Wenrich, p. 308. 5 Compare the names of KHELAT, the capital of Beloochistan, and of GÁLATA, a walled suburb of Constantinople. YENIKALE in the Crimea is Yeni Kalah, the “new fortress”-a name half Turkish, and half Arabic. Sicily. IOI There are also in this island many Arabic names of villages and farms. The word menzil, a “station," or “hut,” is found in MISILMERI (Menzil-Emîr), and in MEZZOJUSO (Menzil-Yusuf). The most common of these Arabic prefixes is rahl, a “house,” which appears in the names of REGALMUTO and RE-SULTANA. It occurs no less than one hundred and seven times, while Kalat is only found in twenty names, and Menzil in eighteen.2 We have ras, a cape, in the names of RASICANZIR, the cape of swine, RASICALBO, the dog's cape, RASACARAMI, the cape of vineyards, and RASICORNO, or Cape Horn.3 In Palermo the two chief streets bear the Arabic names of the CASSARO, or“ Castle Street," and the MACCHEDA, or “New Street,"4 and we find many other Arabic names scattered here and there over the island, such as GODRA- NO, the “marsh”; CHADRA, and CADARA, the “green”; ALCARA, MISTRETTA, MUSSOMELI, GAZZI, MONTE ME- RINO; and a few personal names, such as ABDELALI and ZYET.5 Altogether there are in Sicily some 328 local names of Arabic origin, and the distribution of these is remarkable, as showing the relative amount of Arab in- fluence in different portions of the island. In the Val di 1 As Abela says, the Arabs have left in Sicily “un gran novero di nomi di città, di terre, e di luoghi particolari.” Malta Illustrata, vol. i. p. 682. There are many Arabic words in the Sicilian patois, as saliare, to wonder, chamarru, an ass, hannaca, a necklace. The few Arabic words in Italian, such as alcova, a chamber, ammiraglio, an admiral, arsenale, an arsenal, and the vessels called carraca and feluca, were probably introduced through the Spanish. See Bianchi-Giovini, Dominazione degli Arabi in Italia, pp. 55, 56; Diez, Gram. Rom. Spr. vol. i. pp. 59, 70; Duff, in Oxford Essays for 1857, p. 91; Wenrich, pp. 309-312, 323. 2 Amari, Storia dei Musulmani, vol. ii. p. 434. 3 Bianchi-Giovini, Dominazione degli Arabi, p. 56; Wenrich, p. 308 ; Amari, Storia dei Musulmani, vol. ii. p. 435. 4 Bianchi-Giovini, Domin. d. Arabi, p. 57. 5 Amari, Storia dei Musuılmani, vol. ii. p. 435. 102 The Arabs in Europe. Mazara there are 209 Arabic names, in the Val di Noto 100, and the Val Demone only 19.1 The mediæval and modern names of Sicilian villages supply us with curious information as to the countries out of which was gathered the motley host that fought under the standard of the Prophet. In Sicily alone we find traces of tribes from Scinde, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Syria, and Spain. Thus, a fountain near Palermo, now called DENNISINNI, was anciently Ain es-Sindi, the fountain of Scinde. But the conquest of Sicily seems to have been effected; for the most part, by troops levied from the neighbouring continent of Africa. There are more than a dozen indisputable names of Berber tribes to be found in Sicily, chiefly in the neighbourhood of the Val di Mazara. 3 In the islands of Sardinia and Corsica the Arab rule was brief, and we find no Arabic names, except AJACCIO, and, perhaps, ALGHERO and ORISTAN. But Malta is full of Arabic names. The word mirsah, a port, which is found in the name of Marsala, in Sicily, appears in Malta in the names of numerous bays and inlets, such as MARSA SCIROCCO, MARSA SCALA, MARSA MUSCETTO, and MARSA FORNO. The ravines commonly go by the name of vyed, or wied, a corruption of the Arabic word wadî.4 The hills have the prefix gebel, the fountains aayn, the wells 1 Amari, Storia dei Musulmani, vol. ii. p. 435. 2 The local names of Sicily, as illustrating the nationality of the tribes by which the conquest was effected, have been investigated by Amari, Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia, vol. ii. pp. 31–36. 3 Amari, Musulmani, vol. ii. p. 35. 4 An exhaustive enumeration and explanation of the names in Malta is to be found in a work called Malta Illustrata, Ovvero descrizione di Malta con sue antichità, ed altre notizie, by F. Giovanfrancesco Abela, vol. i. pp. 231–369. Malta. 103 bir, the castles cala, the houses deyr, the caves ghar, the villages rahal, the capes ras. From the map of the island it would be easy to collect scores of such names as AAYN IL KEBIRA, the great fountain ; AAYN TAIBA, the good fountain; GEBEL OOMAR, the mountain of Omar; RAS EL TAFAL, Chalk Cape. In the neigh- bouring isle of Gozo we find the Arabic village-names of NADUR, ZEBBEY, GARBO, SANNAT, and XEUCHIA. Among the peasants of Malta and Gozo a corrupt Arabic patois still holds its ground against the Lingua Franca, the Italian, and the English which threaten to supplant it." Of the island of Pantellaria the Duke of Buckingham says, “the language spoken is a bad Italian, mixed up with a bastard Arabic. All the names of places, head- lands, and points, are pure Arabic, and every hill is called ghibel something." ? In no part of Europe do we find such abundant vestiges of the Arab conquest as in Spain and Portugal. The long duration of the Arab rule-nearly eight centuries — is attested by the immense number of Arabic local names, as compared with the dozen or half-dozen that we find in Italy, France, or Sardinia, whence they were soon expelled. i See Tallack's Malta, p. 246. It has been asserted by Michaelis, Majus, and other writers, that the Maltese dialect contains many Punic words, and contains traces of Punic grammar. This is denied by Gesenius. See his Versuch über die Maltesische Sprache zur Beurtheilung der neulich wieder- hohlten Behauptung dass sie ein Ueberrest der Altpunischen sey. He allows that there are many Berber or Moorish words mingled with the Arabic, but none clearly to be referred to the time of the Carthaginian conquest. The same conclusion, substantially, is arrived at by Kosegarten, in Höfer's Zeitschrift, vol. ii. pp. I, 30, and by Renan, Langues Sémitiques, pt. i. p. 413. . ? Private Diary, vol. ii. p. 139. 104 The Arabs in Europe. The very names of the first invaders are conserved in local memorials. In September, A.D. 710, Tarif-Abú- Zar'ah, a Berber freed-man, effected a landing at a place which has ever since been called after him- TARIFA. He was quickly followed by Tarik-Ibn- Zeyad, a liberated Persian slave, who, at the head of a body of light horsemen, advanced, in a few weeks, some seven hundred miles across the peninsula, as far as the Bay of Biscay. This bold chieftain landed in the Bay of Algeziras,” and he has left his name on the neighbouring rock of GIBRALTAR, which is a corruption of the Arabic name Gebel-al-Tarik, the “Mountain of Tarik.” The accompanying sketch-map will serve to give a rough notion of the distribution of the Arabic names upon the map of Spain. Unfortunately, owing to the smallness of the scale, it has been impossible to indicate the position of more than a proportion of the names. These local linguistic monuments make it easy for us to distinguish those districts where the Arab population was most dense. The Arabic names are seen to cluster thickly round Lisbon and Valentia; and in the neigh- 1 Mariana and Conde assert the identity of these two chieftains, but the latest and best authority on the subject, Reinaud, in his Invasion des Sarazins, pp. 432, 433, has vindicated the accuracy of Gibbon, and has conclusively shown that Tarif and Tarik were separate personages. See also Gayangos, vol. i. pp. 264–289, 318, 517; Sayer, Hist. of Gibraltar, pp. 5, 6; Murphy, Mahometan Empire, pp. 53—59; Conde, Dominacion, pp. 14, 15; Pihan, Glossaire, p. 137. 2 ALGEZIRAS means "the island.” By the Arabic chroniclers it is called Jezirah al-Khadhra, “ the green island.” Gayangos, vol. i. pp. 317, 517; Prescott, Ferdinand and Isabella, vol. i. p. 398; Sayer, Hist. of Gibraltar, p. 8. ALGIERS is a corruption of the same name, Al Jezirah, a name which has also been given to Mesopotamia—the peninsula between the Tigris and the Euphrates. Distribution of Arabic Names. 105 bourhood of Seville, Malaga, and Granada, the last strongholds of the Moslem kingdom, they are also very I AQUITAINE GASCCNY JA ASTURIAS poleo BISCAY GALICIA Zarag rugozdno .. ZOO., O VYO .. Y oportolo O oooooN. Euro Omadrido o • Toledo Calencia o Oy Lislor lengo ...My. Cordova ore aroo ...no oro Purcico artagena GUMO, OL 2.0 Every ooooy Inc. bapa 6.0 Marsa RoGuadiana hoGuadale un MILES Crodizion DISTRIBUTION OF ARABIC NAMES IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. numerous; but as we approach the Pyrenees, and the mountains of Galicia and the Asturias, these vestiges of i Contrary to what might have been supposed, we find that the Arabic names in the immediate vicinity of Granada are relatively less numerous than in some other places, as the neighbourhoods of Valencia and Seville. This is probably due to the forced eviction of the inhabitants of Granada under Ferdinand and Isabella, and the wholesale substitution of a large Christian population ; whereas in the case of earlier conquests, the Arab population, being allowed to remain till gradually absorbed, succeeded in transmitting the greater number of the local names. 106 The Arabs in Europe. Moslem rule entirely disappear, and are replaced by names derived from the Basque, Celtic, and Spanish languages. An obvious feature which characterizes the local nomenclature of Spain and Portugal, is the prevalence of the Arabic definite article al, which is prefixed to a very large proportion of names, such as Alicant, Albuera, Almanza, Alcala, Almarez, Almeida, Alham- bra, and Algoa. On the maps of the Peninsula pub- lished by the Useful Knowledge Society, there appear about two hundred and fifty names containing this prefix. Of these sixty-four per cent. are found to the south of the Tagus, and only thirty-six per cent. to the north of that river. The Spanish river-names beginning with Guad are very numerous. In Palestine and Arabia this word appears in the form wadî,1 a "ravine," and hence a “river.” The name of the GUADALQUIVIR is a cor- ruption of Wadi-1-Kebîr, the great river--a name which is found also in Arabia. We have also the river-names GUADALCAZAR, which is Wadi-1-Kasr, the river of the palace; GUADALHORRA, from Wadi-l-ghar, the river of the cave; GUADARRANKE, from Wadi-l-ramak, the mare's river; GUADALQUITON, from Wadi-l-kitt, the cat river; GUADALAXARA, from Wadi-1-hajarah, the river of the stones; GUAROMAN, from Wadi-r-roman, the river of the pomegranate-trees; GUADALAVIAR, from Wadi-1- abyadh, the white river; GUADALUPE, the river of the bay; GUALBACAR, the ox river; GUADALIMAR, the red river; GUADARAMA, the sandy river; GUADALADIAR, 1 This word appears to have been adopted by the Greeks, and corrupted into the form õaois. Renan, Lang. Sémit. pt. i. p. 205. Cf. Peyron, Lexicon Copt. p. 160. Arabic Names in Spain. 107 the river of houses; and the more doubtful names of GUADAIRA, the river of mills; GUADALERTIN, the muddy river; and GUADALBANAR, the river of the battle-field. We have also the GUADIANA and the GUADALETE, which embody the ancient names of the Anas? and the Lethe. The name of MEDINA, which means “city," appears not only in Arabia3 and Senegambia, but also five times in Spain. The word kalal, a castle, which we have traced in Sicily and Malta, is found in CALATAYUD, " Job's castle," 5 in Aragon; CALAHORRA, the “fort of stones," 6 in Old Castile; and CALATRAVA, the “Castle of Rabah,” 7 in New Castile. There are also half a dozen places called ALCALA, which is the same word with the definite article prefixed. Such names as BENAVITES, BENIAJAR, BENARRABA, BENICALAF, BENIAUX, BENTARIQUE, and BENADADID, 1 The name of the Anas is Phænician according to Bochart, vol. iii. p. 627, but it is capable of a Celtic etymon. ? We find also the rivers Guadafion, Guadehenar, Guadajor, Guadalbarro, Guacalbullon, Guadalcana, Guadalerce, Guadalertin, Guadaleste, Guadal- mallete, Guadalmedina, Guadalmelera, Guaderriza, Guedaxira, Guadazamon, Guadazelete, Guadacenas, Guadetefra, Guadarmena, Guadalfeo, Guad- almez, Guadalcalon, and others, the names of which are elucidated with more or less success by Gayangos, Weston, and De Sousa. 3 Yathrib, the city to which Mohammed fled from Mecca, bore thence- forward the name of Medînet-ennabi, the city of the prophet. Caussin de Perceval, Histoire des Arabes, vol. iii. p. 21. 4 Medinaceli, Medina Sidonia, &c. Pihan, p. 200 ; Prescott, Ferd, and Isab. vol. i. p. 398. 5 Built by the chieftain Ayub, or Job, who took a foremost part in the conquest, and was afterwards Governor of Spain. Conde, Dominacion, pp. 30–33; Gayangos, vol. i. p. 373 ; Weston, Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages, p. 143 ; De Sousa, Vestigios da Lingua Arabica em Portugal, p. 4. 6 Weston, p. 145. ? Gayangos, vol. ii. p. 356. Cf. Weston, p. 146. 108 : The Arabs in Europe. may embody curious information as to the names of the original Arab settlers, for the first syllable of such names is the patronymic Beni, “sons,” and the remainder is a personal or tribal appellation. But the great mass of Hispano-Arabic names are descriptive terms, relating to the artificial or natural features of the country. Such are the names ALBORGE, the turret; ALBUFEIRA, the lake;? ALMEIDA, the table; ALCACOVA, the fortress (a common name); ALMANZA, the plain ;3 ALPUXARRAS, the "grassy” mountains; 4 ALMENA,5 the battlemented tower; ALMAZEN, the store- house; 6 ALMADEN, the mine; ALHAMBRA, the red ; 8 ALGARBE, the west;9 ARRECIFE, the causeway;10 ALMA- ZARA, the mill; 11 ALCAZAR, the palace; ALDEA, the village; ALCANA, the exchange ; 12 ALCANTARA, the bridge ; 13 ALQUERIA, or ALCARRIA, the farm ; 14 and 1 On the inferences to be drawn from Spanish names as to the nation- alities of the Moslem settlers, see Gayangos, vol. i. pp. 356; vol. ii. pp. 20—29, 402, 403, 442. On the prefix Beni, see Wilton, Negeb, p. 140. 2 A corruption of Al-bilheyrah. Gayangos, vol. i. p. 374. 3 Gayangos, vol. i. p. 354 ; vol. ii. p. 515; Charnock, Loc. Etym. p. 28. 4 Prescott, Ferd. and Isab. p. 398. 5 From the same root comes the word ninaret. Weston, p. 61. 6 From the same root comes the word magazine. De Sousa, p. 45 ; Charnock, Loc. Etym. p. 8; Weston, p. 60; Engelmann, Glossaire, p. 52. ? The greatest quicksilver mine in Europe. Engelmann, p. 47. 8 De Sousa, p. 38; Weston, p. 54; Pihan, p. 31; Murphy, Mahonetan. Empire in Spain, p. 191. 9 De Sousa, p. 35; Weston, p. 53 ; Pihan, p. 29; Conde, Dominacion, p. 671. 10 Prescott, Ferd. and Isab. p. 398; Engelmann, p. 62. 11 Gayangos, vol. ii. p. 541. 12 From the same root come dogana and douane. Pihan, p. 113 ; Weston, p. 45. 13 Pihan, p. 24; De Sousa, p. 22; Gayangos, vol. i. pp. 61, 370 ; Weston, p. 44. 14 Gayangos, vol. i. p. 353 ; Conde, p. 671 ; Engelmann, p. 23. Arabic Names in Spain. 109 TRAFALGAR (Taraf al-ghar), the promontory of the cave. 1 A large number of Hispano-Arabic names are illus- trated in Weston's “Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Portuguese languages,” and in Pihan's “Glossaire des Mots Français tirés de l'Arabe, du Persan, et du Turc.” A competent and exhaustive investigation of these names has, as far as I am aware, never been attempted; and it would, undoubtedly, supply materials of great value to the historian of the conquest. The Arabic names in Portugal have been well discussed by Fr. Joaõ de Sousa, in a work entitled, “Vestigios da Lingua Arabica em Portugal.” 2 Flushed by the ease and rapidity of their Spanish conquest, the Arabs crossed the Pyrenees, and spread their locust swarms over the southern and central regions of France, as far as Tours. In the neighbour- hood of this city, in the year 732, Charles Martel gained one of the great decisive battles which have changed the current of the world's history, and the almost total destruction of the Moslem host rescued western Christianity from the ruin which seemed to be im- pending. After this event the fugitives seem to have retired into Provence, where they maintained a preca- rious sovereignty for some thirty years. In the Department of the Basses Pyrénées we find some vestiges of these refugees. At Oloron, a town i See p. 103, supra; and Gayangos, vol. i. p. 320. 2 On Spanish words of Arabic origin, see Diez, Gram. d. Rom. Spr. vol. i. pp. 70, 333 ; Gayangos, History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain, vol. ii. pp. xxxvi. clxix. clxx. ; and vol. i. p. 487; and Engelmann, Glossaire des Mots Espagnols et Portugais dérivés de l'Arabe, whose lists contain about 400 Spanish and Portuguese words derived from the Arabic. IIO The Arabs in Europe. · not far from Pau, is a fountain called LA HOUN (ain) DEOUS MOUROUS, or the fountain of the Moors; and in a neighbouring village, which bears the name of MOUMOUR, or Mons Mauri, there stands a ruined tower called LA TOUR DES MAURES. FONTARABIE, in the Department of the Charente Inférieure, marks a kind of oasis in the sandy desert of the Landes, and, like Fontarabia on the Bidassoa, may have been a station of the Arabs.2 In the patois of south-eastern France there are several words of Arabic origin, while down to the seventeenth century, many families of Languedoc, descended from these Moors, bore the name of “Marranes." In Auvergne also there is a pariah race called Marrons, whose conversion to Christianity has given the French language the term marrane, “a renegade.” 4 After an interval of more than a century, the Moorish pirates, who had long infested the coast of Provence, established themselves in the stronghold of Fraxinet, near Frejus (A.D. 889), and held in subjection a large part of Provence and Dauphiny. The FORÊT DES MAURES, near Frejus, is called after them; and the · names of PUY MAURE and MONT MAURE, near Gap, of the COL DE MAURE, near Château Dauphin, and of the whole county of the MAURIENNE, in Savoy, are witnesses of the rule in France of these Moorish conquerors. TY 1 Michel, Hist. des Races Maudites, vol. ii. p. 98. 2 In this latter case much may be said in favour of the etymology Fuente Rabia-Fons Rabidus, or rapidus. Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 264. 3 A list will be found in Astruc, Hist. Nat. de Languedoc, pp. 494-497. 4 Michel, Races Maudites, vol. ii. pp. 45, 96. 5 On the subject of the Moors in France, see Reinaud, Invasion des III Moors in France. In the tenth century the Moors still held the Mau- rienne, and in the year 911, by a convention with Count Hugo of Provence, they crossed the Cottian Alps, and took possession of the passes of the Pennine chain, which they guarded for Count Hugo's benefit, while they levied black mail on travellers for their own. - In the years 921 and 923, and again in 929, the chroniclers record that English pilgrims, proceeding to Rome, were attacked by Saracens while crossing the Alps. The bishops of York, Winchester, Hereford, and Wells were among those who thus suffered. In the year 973 St. Majolus, Abbot of Cluny, was taken prisoner by these marauders at Orsières, on the pass of the Great St. Bernard, and he could only obtain his freedom by the payment of a ransom, which consisted of a thousand pounds' weight of the church plate of Cluny.2 Such are the few meagre historical facts relating to the Arabs in the Alps which we are able to glean from mediæval chroniclers; fortunately, it is possible to supplement our knowledge by the information which has been conserved in local names. The mountain to the east of the hospice on the Great St. Bernard bears the name of MONT MORT, which there is reason for be- lieving to be a corruption of Mont Maure. If this name Sarazins en France, passim; Bouche, Histoire de Provence, vol. i. pp. 101, 204 ; Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. i. p. 416; Bianchi-Giovini, Dominazione degli Arabi, pp. 25, 26; Gayangos, vol. i. p. 228; Wenrich, Rer. ab Arab. gest. pp. 123, 144-146; Papon, Histoire de Provence, vol. ii. PP. 77, 146, 165. 1 The capture of S. Elphege is related by Osbern, Vit. S. Elpheg. apud Thrupp, Anglo-Saxon Home, p. 247. Cf. St. John, Four Conquests of England, vol. i. p. 326. .. 2 Reinaud, Invasion des Sarazins en France, p. 166; Wenrich, Rer. Arab. P. 147. II2 The Arabs in Europe. stood alone, we might hardly feel ourselves justified in connecting it with the local traditions which refer to the Arabs in the Alps. We find, however, that the name MONTE MORO, the “Moor's Mountain," is attached to another pass which was much frequented in early times,1 before the great roads of the St. Gothard, the Simplon, and the Splügen had been constructed. Though no direct historical evidence of the fact exists, it seems impossible not to believe that this pass of the Monte Moro must have been held by these “Saracens," or "Moors." In the first place, we find that a strong position, which commands the passage up the Val Anzasca on the Italian side of the pass, is called CALASCA—a name which is apparently derived from the Arabic kalah, a castle, which occurs in the Alcalas and Calatas of Spain and Sicily. The peak opposite Calasca is called PIZ DEL MORO. On the other side of the valley is the CIMA DEL MORO, beneath which lies the hamlet of MORGHEN. Crossing the Moro pass, the first hamlet we arrive at is placed on a mountain spur or terrace, which com- mands the view both up and down the valley. This place is called ALMAGEL, which, on the hypothesis of an Arab occupation, would be a most appropriate name, since al mahal denotes in Arabic “the station, or “the halting-place.” A high grassy mound, probably the terminal moraine of an ancient glacier, is called the TELLIBODEN, the first syllable of which name seems to 1 A paved Roman road exists beneath the snows of the Monte Moro. In' the 16th and 17th centuries a great permanent extension of the Nevé took place in the neighbourhood of Monte Rosa, which has brought the summit of the Moro above the summer snow-line, and rendered the Moro impassable for mules. Lyell, Antiq. of Man, p. 292; Murray, Handbook for Switzer- land, p. 290. The Arabs in the Alps. 113 be the Arabic word tell, a round hill. The neighbouring pasture goes by the name of the MATMARK, the ancient form of which was Matmar, or the “Moor's Meadow.” Close by is another pasture called the EVEN—a name which is pronounced in exactly the same way as the Arabic aïn, a “fountain," or "source of waters"-a very apposite description, as will be admitted by all those Alpine tourists who, before the recent construction of a road, have splashed across it, ankle deep, for some hundred yards. Passing the DISTEL Alp—a doubtful Arabic name we find the valley completely barred by an enormous glacier. This is called the ALALEIN Glacier, and the Arabic interpretation of the name, Alâ ’l aïn, or “Over the source,” gives a most graphic picture of the preci- pitous wall of ice, with the torrent of the Visp rushing from the vast cavern in its side. Opposite Almagel, and a little to the north of the Alalein Glacier, are the MISCHABEL HÖRNER, three peaks, the midmost of which, the Dom, is the loftiest summit in Switzerland. The latter part of the name Mi-schabel is pronounced almost exactly in the same way as the Arabic gebel, a mountain. The genius of the Arabic language would, however, require gebel to be a prefix rather than a suffix, but it is quite possible that Mischabel may be a hybrid formation, akin to Mon- gibello in Sicily.? Or we may derive the name from the Arabic word, migbâl, which means, according to Freytag, "crassus, ut mons." The conquerors of the East, we may well believe, brought with them the word dome, 1 Mont Blanc is in France-Monte Rosa partly in Italy. 2 See p. 100, supra.. 114 The Arabs in Europe. which Jerome tells us was, in Palestine and Egypt, the universal designation of a house roof.1 The northern outlier of the Mischabel range is called the BALFRAIN, a name whose Arabic interpretation- “the peak with two river sources”-describes the twin glaciers which hang from the flanks of the mountain, and send their tributary streams to join the Visp.? It is probable that the etymologies assigned to some of these names may be fallacious, but the cases are too numerous, and the accordances with the physical features of the spot are too precise, to allow us to explain them away altogether by any hypothesis of accidental coinci- dence of sound; and, therefore, though we may not be able to find any historical evidence whatever that the Moro was one of those passes which were occupied by Count Hugo's Moors, yet it seems impossible not to believe, on the evidence of the names alone, that the pre- sent inhabitants of the Saas Valley are descended from the marauders from the Maurienne. The third of the passes which in ancient times formed the chief communication between Italy and the North, was that which connects the Lake of Como with the Engadine. This, also, it would seem, was occupied by the Arabs. Near the summits of the St. Bernard and of the Moro we have the Mont Mort and the Piz del Moro; and so, near the summit of the Maloja and MURETTO passes we have the PIZ MURETTO, the PIZ MORTIRATSCH, and the PIZ MORTER. Descending the pass on the northern side, we come to a very ancient stone bridge of one arch, springing from rock to rock across a narrow i See Ducange sub voc. Vol. ii. p. 901. ? In the neighbourhood we find the names Jazi, Fee, Saas, Balen, and others, which may possibly be traceable to Arabic rools. Pontresina. 115 chasm. This place is called PONTRESINA, which seems to be a corruption of Ponte Saracina, the Saracens' bridge. The village of Pontresina is composed of solid stone houses, Spanish rather than Swiss in their appear- ance. Five minutes' walk from the village, we come to an ancient five-sided stone tower called SPANIOLA. In documents of the twelfth and fourteenth centuries we find mention of families inhabiting this valley bearing the names De Ponte Sarisino, Sarracino, Sarazeno, and the like. Saratz is still a very common surname in the district, and those bearing it claim descent from the Saracens, and possess a marked oriental type of feature.] A Herr Saratz is now president of the Gotthaus Bund, the Eastern division of the Grisons. In the neighbourhood of Pontresina there are several names apparently of Arabic origin, such as SAMADEN, ALVENEN, ALBIGNA, TARASP, AL-VASCHEIN, MAD-UL- EIN, and the Val AIN-AS. The river which flows from the Maloja on the Italian side is called the MAIRA. Near the Swiss frontier a barrier of roches moutonées blocks up this valley so completely that it has been necessary to excavate a considerable tunnel through the rock to admit of the passage of the road. On the sum- mit of this admirable defensive position stands a ruined castle, which goes by the name of Castel MURO, and an ancient building by the side of the castle exhibits certain Saracenic features which are in striking contrast with the Italian architecture around.? 1 Lechner, Piz Languard, pp. 12, 13. There are also at Bergamo families called Saratz. 2 In the summer of 1862 I made diligent inquiries of the peasantry in the neighbourhood of Castel Muro, but could discover no traditions of Saracenic occupation resembling those which are current at Pontresina. I 2 116 The Arabs in Europe. To the west of Pontresina is the SCALETTA pass, which leads to the valley of the Upper Rhine. A local tradition affirms that the Scaletta owes its name to the bleaching skeletons of a band of marauding Moors from Pontresina, who were defeated by the men of Chur, and whose corpses were left strewn over the mountain side where they fell in the attempted flight across the pass. The encounter is supposed to have taken place at the foot of the pass, on the western side, where there is a pasture which still goes by the name of KRIEGSMATTEN, the "battle field.” Whether there be truth in this tradi- tion or not, it testifies to the popular belief in the existence of a Moorish colony in the valleys of the Ber- nina, and it harmonizes well with the curious evidence supplied by the still existing local names.2 1 More probably the Scaletta is the “Staircase” pass. 2 On the subject of the Moors in Switzerland, see Engelhardt, Das Monte Rosa und Matterhorn Gebirg; Lechner, Piz Languard, pp. 12, 13; Reinaud, Invasion des Saraziizs ; Wenrich, Rerum ab Arabibus gestarum Commentarii ; Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 15. England is the land of inclosures. ΙΙ7 CHAPTER VII. THE ANGLO-SAXONS. England is the land of inclosures-- This denoted by the character of Anglo- Saxon Names which end in “ ton," " yard," " worth," "fold," "hay," and “bury”—Ham, the home — The Patronymic “ ing"— Teutonic clans --Saxon colony near Boulogne-Saxon settlement in England began before the departure of the Romans-Early Frisian settlement in Yorkshire-Litus Saxonicum near Caen-German village-rames in France and in Italy- Patronymics in Westphalia, Franconia, and Swabia—Seat of the “ Old- Saxons." ENGLAND is pre-eminently the land of hedges and in- closures. On a visit to the Continent almost the first thing the tourist notices is the absence of the hedgerows of England. The fields, nay even the farms, are bounded only by a furrow. The bare shoulders of the hills offend an eye familiar with the picturesque wooded skyline of English landscape, the rectangular strips of cultivation are intolerable, and the interminable monotony of the plains, varied only by the straight rows of formal poplars which istretch for miles and miles by the side of the chaussée, is inexpressibly wearisome to those who have been accustomed to quaint, irregular crofts, and tall, straggling hedgerows, twined with clematis and honey- suckle- “Little lines of sportive wood run wild,” overshadowed here and there by gnarled oaks and giant elms. 118 The Anglo-Saxonis. And if we compare the local names in England with those on the Continent, we shall find that for more than a thousand years England has been distinctively and pre-eminently the land of inclosures. The suffixes which. occur most frequently in Anglo-Saxon names denote an inclosure of some kind-something hedged, walled in, or protected. An examination of these names shows us that the love of privacy, and the seclusiveness of character which is so often laid to the charge of Englishmen, pre- vailed in full force among the races which imposed names upon our English villages. Those universally recurring terminations ton, ham,” worth, stoke, fold, garth, park, burgh, bury, brough, borrow, all convey the notion of in- closure or protection. The prevalence of these suffixes in English names proves also how intensely the nation was imbued with the principle of the sacred nature of property, and how eager every man was to possess some spot which he could call his own, and guard from the intrusion of every other man. Even among those por- tions of the Teutonic race which remained on the Conti- nent, we do not find that this idea of private right has been manifested in local names to the same extent as in England. The feeling, seems, indeed, to have been more or less enchorial, for we find strong indications of it even in the pure Celtic names of Britain. Probably 1 This characteristic of the Teutonic race did not escape the acute obser- vation of Tacitus. Colunt discreti ac diversi, ut fons, ut campus, ut nemus placuit. Vicos locant, non in nostrum morem connexis et cohærentibus ædificiis : suam quisque domum spatio circumdat. Gerinania, $ 16. ? The overwhelming number of surnames derived from these local suffixes is witnessed by the saw preserved by Verstegan :- In Foord, in Ham, in Ley, in Tun, The most of English surnames run. Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, p. 326. 3 See Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 71. The Suffix " tonn." 119 S more than one half of the Celtic names in Wales and Ireland contain the roots llan, kil or bally, all of which originally denoted an inclosure of some kind. The Teutonic suffixes which do not denote inclosures, such as gau, dorf, leben, halsen, stadt, and stein, all so numerous in Germany, are not reproduced in England to anything like the same extent as on the Continent. It would seem, therefore, that the love of inclosure is due more or less to the Celts who were gradually absorbed among the Saxon colonists. The suffix ton constitutes a sort of test-word by which we are enabled to discriminate the Anglo-Saxon settle- ments. It is the most common termination of English local names ; and although it is a true Teutonic word, yet there is scarcely a single instance of its occurrence throughout the whole of Germany. It appears in two small Anglo-Saxon settlements on the French coast, and it is found not unfrequently in Sweden3—a fact which may lead to the establishment of a connexion, hitherto unsuspected, between the Anglo-Saxon colonists of England and the tribes which peopled eastern Scandi- navia. 4 The primary meaning of the suffix ton is to be sought in the Gothic tains, the old Norse teinn, and the Frisian L TH TI V i We have, however, Altona, near Hamburg, and Ost- and West-tönne in Westphalia. 2 E.g. Colincthun, Alencthun, and Todincthun. See pp. 133; and Appendix B. 3 E.g. Eskilstuna, Sollentuna, Wallentuna, Sigtuna, and Frotuna. See Bender, Ortsnamen, pp. 54, 135; Förstemann, Altdeutsches Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 1414; Pott, Personen-Namen, p. 76. 4 Sweden takes its name from the Suiones who peopled it. The Suiones · are probably identical with the Suevi or Swabians who, as will be shown, contributed largely to the Teutonic colonization of England. 5 The root is widely diffused through the Aryan languages. Compare 120 The Anglo-Saxons. TY têne, all of which mean a twig-a radical signification which survives in the phrase "the tine of a fork.” We speak also of the tires of a stag's horns. In modern German we find the word Zaun, a hedge, and in Anglo- Saxon we have the verb tynan, to hedge. Hence a tun, or ton, was a place surrounded by a hedge, or rudely fortified by a palisade. Originally it meant only a single croft, homestead, or farm, and the word retained this restricted meaning in the time of Wicliffe. He translates Matt. xxii. 5, “But thei dispiseden, and wenten forth, oon into his toun (årypós), another to his mar- chaundise.” This usage is retained in Scotland, where a solitary farmstead still goes by the name of the toun; and in Iceland, where the homestead, with its girding wall, is called a từn.? In many parts of England the rickyard is called the bart0123_that is, the inclosure for the bear, or crop which the land bears. There are lone farm- houses in Kent called Shottington, Wingleton, Godington, and Appleton. But in most cases the isolated ton be- came the nucleus of a village, and the village grew into a town, and, last stage of all, the word TOWN has come to denote, not the one small croft inclosed from the the Sclavonic tuin, a hedge, and even the Armenian tun, a house. See Diefenbach, Vergleichendes Wörterbuch, vol. ii. pp. 653, 654; Monkhouse, Etymologies, p. 13; Kemble, Codex Diplom. vol. iii. p. xxxix. ; Leo, Anglo- Saxon Names, pp. 31–37 ; Mone, Geschichte Heidenthums, vol. ii. p. 95. . i The phrase "hedging and tining," for hedging and ditching, was current two hundred years ago. Verstegan, Restitution, p. 326. Brush- wood, used for hedging, is called tinetun in law Latin. Cowel, Law Dictionary, sub voce Tinet; Bailey, Dictionary, sub voce Tinetum. 2 Dufferin, Letters from High Latitudes, p. 46; Dasent, in Oxford Essays for 1858, p. 203. 3 In Iceland the bærtun. There are some sixty villages in England called Barton or Burton ; these must have originally been only outlying rickyards. I 21 Names which denote inclosures. forest by the Saxon settler, but the dwelling-place of a vast population, twice as great as that which the whole of Saxon England could boast. The Anglo-Saxon yard, and the Norse equivalent garth, contain nearly the same idea as ton. Both denote some place girded round, or guarded. The word tains, a twig, stands in the same etymological relation to ton as the old English word yerde, a switch or rod, does to yard, garth, and garden. The inclosure is named from the nature of the surrounding fence. The same may be said respecting stoke, another common suffix, which we find in BASINGSTOKE and ALVERSTOKE. A stoke is a place stockaded, surrounded with stocks or piles. A somewhat similar inclosure is denoted by the suffix fold. This was a stall or place constructed of felled trees, for the protection of cattle or sheep. The Anglo-Saxon weorthig, which appears in English names in the form of worth, bears a meaning nearly the same as that of ton or garth. It denotes a place warded, or protected. It was, probably, an inclosed homestead 1 It appears from Domesday that the population of Saxon England was about a million and a half. Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. iii. p. 256. 2 In old English a yerde means a rod. “Yet under the yerde was the maide."-Chaucer, Shipmannes Tale. A yard measure is a wand of a fixed length. The yards of a ship are the poles on which the sails are extended. Cf. the German gerte, and the Anglo-Saxon gerd. The Goths and Franks seem to have introduced the word jardin into the French, Spanish, and Italian languages. Of cognate origin are the Albanian gördíne, the Servian gràdena, the Russian gorod and grad, and the Persian gird, a city or fortified town. Diez, Etymolog. Wörterb. p. 173 ; Diefenbach, Vergleichendes Wörterb. vol. ii. p. 376; Sparschuh, Berichtigungen, p. 53; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. p. 265. 3 Anglo-Saxon falod. 4 From the Anglo-Saxon warian, to ward or defend. Kemble, Codex Diplom. vol. iii. p. xli. ; Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 59. A weir, which I22 The Anglo-Saxons. for the churls, subordinate to the tun. We find this suffix in the names of BOSWORTH, TAMWORTH, KENIL- WORTH, WALWORTH, WANDSWORTH, and many other places. : A haigh, or hay, is a place surrounded by a hedge, and appears to have been usually an inclosure for the purposes of the chase. We find it in ROTHWELL HAIGH, near Leeds; HAYE PARK, at Knaresborough; and HORSEHAY, near Colebrookdale. The word park, which is of kindred meaning, seems to have been adopted by the Saxons from the Celtic parug, an inclosed field.? Related to the Anglo-Saxon verb beorgan, and the German bergen, to shelter or hide, are the suffixes bury, wards off the waters of a river, is from the same root. Wedgwood derives worth from the Welsh gwyrdd, green. Philolog. Proc. vol. iv. p. 260. But more probably both gwyrdd and worth are sister words, coming from a common Aryan source. Compare the Sanskrit vri, to protect, and the Zend vara, a place hedged round. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. p. So. 1 The HAGUE (correctly 's Gravenhage, the count's hedge) was origi- nally a hunting-seat of the Orange princes. Cf. the Dutch haag, an in- closure; the old High German hag, a town; the German hagen, to hedge; the French haie, a hedge; and the English ha-ha, and haw-thorn, or hedge- thorn. Haia is a term often used in Domesday. The source seems to be the Sanskrit kakscha, which means “bush” and also a “fence." See Diez, Etyn. Wörterb. p. 656; Leo, Rectitudines, p. 54; Förstemann, Ortsrzamen, P. 57; Ellis, Introduction to Domesday, p. xxxvi. The suffixes hagen and hain are common in Hesse. Vilmar, Ortsrzamen, p. 269. 2 The word park is coinion to all the Celtic and Romance languages. See Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 252; Kemble, Codex Diplom. vol. iii. p. xxxv. ; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 167; and Diefenbach, Vergleichendes Wörterbuch, vol. i. p. 265, where the etymological affinities of park and borough are discussed. 3 Compare the phrases to burrow in the earth ; to borrow, 2.c. to obtain goods on security ; to bury, i.e. to hide in the earth; the bark of a tree is that which hides or covers the trunk. The etymology of borough may be compared with that of the Latin oppidum, the work. Mommsen, Hist. of Rome, vol. i. p. 39. The Suffixes "bury” and “ han." 123 borough, burgh, brough, and barrow. Sometimes these words denote the funeral mound which gave shelter to the remains of the dead, but more frequently they mean the walled inclosure which afforded refuge to the living. Since such walled places were often on the crests of hills, the word came to mean a hill-fortress, correspond- ing to the Celtic dur. In Anglo-Saxon a distinction was made between beorh, which answers to the German berg, a hill, and burith, which is the equivalent of the German burg, a town. This distinctive usage is lost in modern English. The word Barrow, however, is gene- rally confined to funeral mounds. Burgh, and Brough, are Anglian and Norse, as are, probably, four-fifths of the boroughs, while bury is the distinctively Saxon form.4 The suffix ham, which is very frequent in English names, appears in two forms in Anglo-Saxon docu- ments. One of these, hăm, signifies an inclosure, that 1 E.g. Inglebarrow. ? E.g. Jedburgh, Broughton, Brough. 3 E.g. Peterborough, Scarborough, Marlborough. 4 This widely diffused Aryan root appears to have been introduced from the Teutonic into the Romance languages. To it we may refer Burgos, Bergamo, Cherbourg, Luxembourg, Perga, Pergamos, and scores of other names spread over Europe and Asia. Gothic baurgs, Greek túpyos, Mace- donian, Búpyos. Even the Arabs borrowed burg, a fortress, from the Goths. See Diefenbach, Verg. Wört. vol. i. pp. 262—265; Diez, Rom. Gram. vol. i. p. 9; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. vol. ii. p. 194; Kemble, Codex Diplom. vol. iii. p. xix. ; Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, pp. 245—247; Sparschuh, Bericht. pp. 40, 52. 5 This is, for the most part, the source of the Frisian suffix um, which fringes the coast-line of Hanover and Oldenburgh. In Brunswick and Wolfenbüttel we find Bornum, Eilum, &c. It occurrs in Holstein and part of Sleswic, in the Danish islands Sylt and Föhr, and in the Frisian colony in Yorkshire. See p. 138, infra. Latham, English Lang. vol. i. pp. 125—130; Ethnol. Brit. Is. p. 182. The suffix um is sometimes only the sign of the dative plural. 124 The Anglo-Saxons. which hems in La meaning not very different from that of ton or worth. These words express the feeling of reverence for private right, but hāir involves a notion more mystical, more holy. It expresses the sanctity of the family bond; it is the HOME,2 the one secret (geheim) and sacred place. In the Anglo-Saxon charters we frequently find this suffix united with the names of families--never with those of individuals. This word, as well as the feeling of which it is the symbol, was brought across the ocean by the Teutonic colonists, and it is the sign of the most precious of all the gifts for which we thank them. It may indeed be said, without exaggeration, that the universal prevalence throughout England of names containing this word HOME, gives us the clue to the real strength of the national character of the Anglo-Saxons. It has been well observed that it was this supreme reverence for the sanctities of domestic life which gave to the Teutonic nations the power of breathing a new life into the dead bones of Roman civilization.4 The most important element which enters into Anglo- Saxon names yet remains to be considered. This is i Several Bedfordshire villages, as Felmersham, Biddenham, and Blun- ham, which are almost surrounded by the serpentine windings of the Ouse, exhibit this suffix. See Monkhouse, Etymologies, pp. 8–11. 2 Cf. the German heim, home, which enters so largely into the names of Southern Germany. What a world of inner difference there is between the English word home, and the French phrase chez nous. 3 Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 37. 4 Kemble, Anglo-Saxonis, vol. i. p. 231; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 189. On the suffixes hăm and hām see Kemble, Codex Diplom. vol. iii. pp. xxvii. xxviii. ; Leo, Rectitudines, pp. 30–33 ; Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterb. vol. ii. pp. 499–501 ; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. pp. 290, 291. With hām compare the Gothic haims, the Lithuanian kaimas, and the Greek kuun, a village. The ultimate root seems to be the Sanskrit çî, to repose. Cf. κείμαι and κοιμάω. The patronymic “ ing." 125 the syllable ing. It occurs in the names of a multi- tude 2 of English villages and hamlets, often as a simple suffix, as in the case of BARKING, BRADING, DORKING, HASTINGS, KETTERING, TRING, or WOKING ; but more frequently we find that it forms the medial syllable of the name, as in the case of BUCKINGHAM, BIR- MINGHAM, KENSINGTON, ISLINGTON, HADDINGTON, or WELLINGTON.3 This syllable ing was the usual Anglo-Saxon patronymic. Thus we read in the Saxon Chronicle (A.D. 547) :- Ida was Eopping, Ida was Eoppa's son, Eoppa wæs Esing, Eoppa was Esa's son, Esa wæs Inguing, Esa was Ingwy's son, Ingui, Angenwiting. Ingwy, Angenwit's son. 1 On the root ing see Förstemann, Alt-deutsches Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 835; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, pp. 178, 204, 245; Grimm, Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 775; Deut. Gram. vol. ii. pp. 349-352 ; Kemble, Saxons in England, vol. i. pp. 56–63, and 445–480 ; Kemble, in Philolog. Proceedings, vol. iv. pp. 1–9; Guest, in ib. vol. i. p. 117; Pott, Personen-Namen, pp. 169, 247, 553 ; Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 160; Zeuss, Herkunft der Baiern, pp. xii. xxiii. XXXV. ; Massmann, in Dorow's Denkmäler alter Sprache und Kunst, vol. i. pp. 185–187; Schott, Deut. Col. p.211; Max Müller, Lectures on Language, and Series, p. 16; Latham, Ethnol. Brit. Is. p. 241, seq. ; Latham, Eng. Lang. vol. i. p. III; Meyer, Ortsnamen, p. 139 ; Bender, Ortsnamen, pp. 103, 104; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, pp. 264, 265; Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 2; Wright, Celt, Roman, and Saxon, pp. 438–441; Edinburgh Review, vol. cxi. pp. 374—376; Donaldson, English Ethnography, p. 61. 2 In about one-tenth of the whole number. 3 Mr. Kemble has compiled a list of 1,329 English names which contain this root. To ascertain the completeness of the enumeration, the Ordnance Maps of three counties–Kent, Sussex, and Essex-were carefully searched, and it was discovered that Mr. Kemble had overlooked no less than forty- seven names in Kent, thirty-eight in Sussex, and thirty-four in Essex. If the omissions in other counties are in the same ratio, the total number of these names would be about 2,200. Large additions might also be made from Domesday Book. The Exon and Ely Domesdays alone contain thirty- six names not given by Mr. Kemble. 126 The Anglo-Saxons. In fact the suffix ing in the names of persons had very much the same significance as the prefix Mac in Scot- land, O' in Ireland, Ap in Wales, or Beni among the Arabs. A whole clan or tribe, claiming to be descended from a real or mythic progenitor, or a body of adven- turers attaching themselves to the standard of some chief, were thus distinguished by a common patronymic or clan? name. The family bond, which, as we have seen, was so deeply reverenced by the Anglo-Saxon race, was the ruling power which directed the Teutonic colonization of this island. The Saxon immigration was, doubtless, an immigration of clans. The head of the family built or bought a ship, and embarked in it with his children, his freedmen, and his neighbours, and established a family colony on any shore to which the winds might carry him. The subsequent Scandinavian colonization was, on the other hand, wholly or mainly effected by soldiers of fortune, who abandoned domestic ties at home, and, after a few years of piracy, settled down with the slave women whom they had carried off from the shores of France, Spain, or Italy, or else roughly wooed the daughters of the soil which their swords had con- quered. Thus the Scandinavian adventurers Grim, Orm, Hacon, or Asgar, left their names at GRIMSBY, ORMSBY, HACONBY, and ASGARBY; whereas in the Saxon dis- tricts of the Island we find the names, not of individuals, 1 i It may be observed that the etymology of the word clan proves the patriarchal nature of the Scottish clans. It is derived from the Gaelic cluin, children. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. pt. ii. p. 386; Newman, Regal Rome, p. 49. 2 See Thrupp, Anglo-Saxon Hones. p. 178. 3 See Thrupp, Anglo-Saxon Home, p. 319; St. John, Four Conquests, vo). i. p. 306. 127 Family settlements. but of clans. It is these family settlements which are denoted by the syllable ing. Hence we perceive the value of this word as an instrument of historical research. In a great number of cases 1 it enables us to assign to each of the chief German clans its precise share in the colonization of the several portions of our island. In investigating the local topography of England, we constantly meet with the names of families whose deeds are celebrated in the mythic or legendary history of the Teutonic races. Thus members of a Frankish clan- the Myrgings, or Maurings, of whom we read in the “Traveller's Song," and who, at a later time, are fainiliar to us as the Merovingian dynasty of France—seem to have settled in England at MERRING in Nottingham- shire, and at MERRINGTON in Durham and Shropshire.3 The family of the Harlings, whose deeds are also chronicled in the “Traveller's Song,” are met with at HARLING, in Norfolk and in Kent, and at HARLINGTON, in Bedfordshire and Middlesex. The families of the TY 1 The syllable ing has sometimes a topographic rather than a patronymic signification. Thus, in the Chronicle and the Charters, mention is made of the Centings, or men of Kent, the Brytfordings, or men of Bradford, and the Bromleagings, or men of Bromley. Sometimes, as Mr. Kemble and Dr. Massmann think, the suffix ing has simply the force of the genitive singular. Kemble, in Philolog. Proc. vol. iv. pp. 1–9; Massmann, in Dorow's Denkmäler, vol. i. p. 186; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 178. Occasionally it denotes a meadow. 2 The same patronymics which occur in local names were borne by persons mentioned in ancient German charters and other documents. Förstemann collects 270 such names from documents of the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries. Alt-Deutsches Namenbuch, vol. i. p. 782. 3 Müllenhoff, in Haupt's Zeitschrift, vol. vi. pp. 430—435; Kemble, Saxons, vol. i. p. 469; Zeuss, Herkunft der Baiern, p. xxxv.; Latham, English Lang. vol. i. p. 221. See Mone, Geschichte Heidenthuns, vol. ii. p. 133, for the Merovingian traditions. The Meringas are also mentioned in a charter. Cod. Dipl. No. 809. 128 The Anglo-Saxons. YT Brentings, the Scylfings 1 (a Swabian race), the Banings, the Hælsings, the Hôcings, and the Scærings, which are all mentioned in Beowulf or in the “Traveller's Song,"3 are found at BRENTINGLEY, SHILVINGTON, BANNINGHAM, HELSINGTON, HUCKING, WOKING, and SHERRINGHAM ; and the Scyldings _a Danish family, to which Beowulf himself belonged—are found at SKELDING in Yorkshire. In the Edda and in Beowulf we read of the Wælsings, whom we find settled at WOLSINGHAM in Norfolk, WOOLSINGHAM in Durham, and WOLSINGHAM in Northumberland. The Thurings, a Visigothic clan,o mentioned by Marcellinus, Jornandes, and Sidonius Apollonaris, are found at THORINGTON in Suffolk and THORRINGTON in Essex. The Silings, a Vandal tribe, mentioned by Ptolemy, are found at SELLING in Kent. The Icelings, the noblest family of Mercia, are found at ICKLINGHAM in Suffolk. The Hastings, the noblest race of the Goths, are found at HASTINGLEIGH in Kent, and HASTINGS in Sussex. The Ardings, the royal race of the Vandals, are found at ARDINGTON in Berkshire, and ARDINGLEY in Sussex ; and a branch of the royal Visigothic family is found at BELTING in Kent. The Irings, the royal family of the Avars, are found at ERRINGHAM in Sussex, and at 1 Müllenhoff, in Haupt's Zeitschrift, vol. vi. p. 431. 2 The Hôcings are probably the same as the Chauci of Tacitus—the interchange of 1 to ch or w often takes place, as in the case of the Chatti and Hesse. The Wokings were probably the same as the Hôcings. Grimm, Gesch. der Deut. Spr. p. 674. 3 Kemble, Saxons, vol. i. pp. 59–63, and 456–478. 4 Müllenhoff, in Haupt's Zeitschrift, vol. vi. p. 431. 5 The Wælsings were probably Franks. Latham, Eng. Lang. vol. i. p. 226. 6 Müller, Marken, p. 175; Latham, Nationalities, vol. ii. p. 312. ? Piderit, Ortsnamen, p. 311. The Teutonic Clans. 129 T ERRINGTON in Yorkshire. The Varini, who are placed by Tacitus in juxtaposition with the Angli, are found at WARRINGTON in Lancashire and Bucks, and at WERRINGTON in Devon and Northamptonshire. The Billings, who were the royal race of the Varini,? seem, as might have been anticipated, to have profited exten- sively by the conquest of England, for we find their name in no less than thirteen places, as BILLINGE, BILLINGHAM, BILLINGLEY, BILLINGTON, and BILLINGS- HURST. The Æscings, the royal race of Kent, are likewise found in thirteen places. Some families seem to have spread much more widely than others. Of many only an isolated local name bears witness, some are confined to a single county, while the names of others, as the Æscings and the Billings, are spread far and wide throughout the island.? Where the patronymic stands without any suffix, as in the case of MALLING, BASING, or HASTINGS, Mr. Kemble thinks that we have the original settlement of the clan, and that the names to which the suffixes ham or ton are i Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 213. In the earliest records, however, the Billings are mythological rather than historical. The first undoubtedly historical Billing died in the year 967. The root bil signifies gentleness. Billich is Equity personified. Cf. the modern German billig, cheap. The name Billingsgate may perhaps be thus explained. Grimm, Deut. Mythol. p. 347. 2 The Cyllings and the Wealings are found in twelve places; the Dodings, the Wittings, and the Willings, in eleven; the Ofings in ten ; the Donings and the Sillings in nine; the Edings, the Ellings, the Hardings, and the Lings in eight; the Fearings, the Hemings, the Herrings, the Holings, the Hornings, the Newings, the Serings, and the Wasings in seven; the Cannings, the Cerrings, the Hastings, the Lullings, the Hannings, the Stannings, the Teddings, the Tarings, and the Withings, in six; the Bennings, the Bings, the Bobbings, the Cædings, the Collings, the Gillings, and the Stellings, in five, and the remaining 400 or 500 patronymics in four or a smaller number of places. K 130 The Anglo-Saxois. applied mark the filial colonies sent out from this parent settlement. This theory is not, perhaps, altogether carried out by a study of the names, but it certainly derives considerable support from the way in which these patronymics are distributed throughout the Eng- lish counties. By a reference to the subjoined table, it will be seen that the names of the former class are chiefly to be found in the south-eastern districts of the island, where the earliest Teutonic settlements were formed, namely, in Kent, Sussex, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk, and the adjacent counties, and that they gradually diminish in frequency as we proceed towards the northern and western counties. Still farther to the west, as in Gloucestershire and Warwickshire, the names of the former class are very rare; those of the second abound. In the semi-Celtic districts of Derby- shire, Devonshire, and Lancashire names of either class become scarce, while in Cumberland, Westmoreland, Cornwall, and Monmouth they are wholly or almost wholly wanting. On Mr. Kemble's hypothesis this re- markable distribution of these names would accord with the supposition that the Saxon rule was gradually extended over the western and central districts by the cadets of families already settled in the island, and not by fresh immigrants arriving from abroad. From the lists given by Mr. Kemble the following table has been compiled, so as to represent the propor- tion of names of these two classes to the acreage of the several counties. The absolute numbers are not given, since the varying sizes of the counties would vitiate the results :- Original and filial settlements. 131 Originall Filial Settle- Colonies Original Filial Settle- nients. ments. Colonies ا W ه N ه co no â con N ه N ر N در H د En Hy my H be conducerea B م م e .. .. Kent ....... Sussex ...... Middlesex ... Essex..... .. Norfolk ..... Suffolk ...... Bedfordshire . . . Huntingdonshire . Berkshire. .... Surrey ...... Hertfordshire. . . Northamptonshire Oxfordshire, ... Nottinghamshire . Hampshire .... Lincolnshire ... Cambridgeshire. . Yorkshire .... Dorsetshire. ... Lancashire . ... Derbyshire .... Gloucestershire. . Northumberland . Leicestershire .. Buckinghamshire. Warwickshire .. Somerset Salop...... Wiltshire Devonshire . Rutland. .... Cheshire . .... Worcestershire . . Herefordshire .. Staffordshire . . . Durham ..... Cumberland ... Westmoreland .. Cornwall ..... Monmouth .... ه o everyone can o ا 5 4 1 41 51 o حد o م to do o حه بی o بی o a بی o w در o n در o O For the preceding results no great amount of novelty can be claimed, since they are based mainly on the re- searches of Mr. Kemble, and of Professor Leo of Halle. But, having occasion, for another purpose, to make a minute examination of the sheets of the large Govern- ment survey of France, I was startled by a remarkable phenomenon, which, so far as I can ascertain, seems hitherto to have escaped the notice which it deserves K 2 132 The Anglo-Saxonis. In the old French provinces of Picardy and Artois, there is a small well-defined district, about the size of Middlesex, lying between Calais, Boulogne, and St. Omer, and fronting the English coast, in which the name of almost every village and hamlet is of the pure Anglo- Saxon type; and not only so, but the names are, most of them, identically the same with village-names to be found in England. To exhibit graphically the distribu- tion of these Saxon villages the accompanying sketch- map has been constructed. Each dot represents the position of one of the Saxon names. DOVER Dunkerque Caluisa BELGIUM Marck c.griznezi Boulogne o ano Ou? Orney, Lilles Montreuil Doua.90 Αγνατο R. Sonymen Abbeville MILES SAXON NAMES IN PICARDY AND ARTOIS. The Saxon Colory near Boulogne. 133 Thus we have in the French District. Corresponding English Names. Warhem . . . . . . Warham, Norfolk. Rattekot . . . . . . Radcot, Oxon. Le Wast. . . . . . Wast, Gloucestershire, Northumberland, Frethun . . . . . . Freton, Norfolk. Cohen, Cuhem, and Cuhen. Cougham, Norfolk. Hollebeque . . . . . Holbeck, Notts., Yorks., Lincoln.. Ham, Hame, Hames ... Ham, Kent, Surrey, Essex, Somerset. Werwick . . . . . . Warwick, Warwick, Cumberland. Appegarbe. . . . . . Applegarth, Dumfries. Sangatte .. . . Sandgate, Kent. Guindal. . . . . . . Windle, Lancashire. Inghem . . . . . . . Ingham, Lincoln, Norfolk, Middlesex. Oye . . . . . . . . Eye, Suffolk, Hereford, Northmptonsh., Ox011. Wimille? . . . . . . Windmill, Kent. Grisendale. ..... Grisdale, Cumberland, Lancashire. TIT TV We have also such familiar English forms as Gray- wick, the River Slack, Bruquedal, Marbecq, Longfosse, Dalle, Vendal, Salperwick, Fordebecques, Staple, Cre- hem, Pihem, Dohem, Roqueton, Hazelbrouck, and Roe- beck. Twenty-two of the names have the characteristic suffix -ton, which is scarcely to be found elsewhere upon the Continent, and upwards of one hundred end in ham, hem, or hen. There are also more than one hundred patronymics ending in ing. A comparison of these patronymics with those found in England proves, be- yond a doubt, that the colonization of this part of France must have been effected by men bearing the clan-names which belonged to the Teutonic families which settled on the opposite coast. More than eighty i Sankey, Portefeuille, p. 53, refers this very remarkable name to the time of the occupation of Boulogne by the English in the sixteenth century. I cannot doubt that it is an evidence of a much earlier connexion. 2 See p. 119, supra. 3 A few phonetic changes are worthy of notice. We find ham once or 134 The Anglo-Saxons. per cent of these French patronymics are also found in . England. Thus we have In France. In England. Alencthun . . . . . . . . Allington, Kent. Bazingham . . . . . . . . Bassingham, Linc. Balinghiem . . . . . . . . Ballingham, Hereford. Berlinghen . . . . . Birlingham, Worcester. Colincthun . . . . . . . . Collington, Sussex. Elingehen.. Ellingham, Hants. Eringhem . .. Erringham, Sussex. · Hardinghem . . . . . . . Hardingham, Norfolk. Linghem . . . . . . . . Lingham, Cheshire. Lozinghem . . . . . . . . Lossingham, Kent. Maninghem . . . . . ; . Manningham, Yorks. Masinghen ... Massingham, Norfolk. Pelincthun . . . . . . . Pallington, Dorset.. Todincthun . . . . . . . Toddington; Bedford. Velinghen . . . . . . . . Wellingham, Norfolk. . . A more detailed comparison of these patronymics will be found in the appendix, and to this the attention of the student is specially requested. It is confidently be- lieved that such a comparison will render it impossible not to admit that the same families which gave their names to our English villages must have also made a settlement on that part of the French coast which lies within sight of the English shore. The question now arises whether the Saxons, as they coasted along from the mouths of the Rhine, made the twice close to the coast-the usual form, however, is hem--and further inland it changes to hen; while ing is sometimes changed into eng or inc, and gay into gue. The suffix gay which we find in Framlingay, Gamlingay, &c. is found abundantly in those parts of Germany from whence the Saxons emigrated. It there takes the forın gau. This word originally denoted a forest clearing, hence afterwards it came to mean the primary settlement with independent jurisdiction, like the Cymric tref. Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 88; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 63. i Appendix B. Litus Saxonicum. : · 135 Boulogne colony a sort of halting-placë or stepping- stone on their way to England, or whether the French settlement was effected by cadets belonging to families which had already established themselves in this island. . In favour of the latter view we may adduce the entire absence of Saxon names from that part of the coast which lies to the north-east of Cape Grisnez. Why should the intending settlers have passed along this stretch of coast, and have left it entirely untouched ? The map shows conclusively that the colonists did not arrive from the east, but from the west—the Saxon names radiate, so to speak, from that part of the coast which fronts England. And the names are arranged exactly as they would have been if the invaders had set sail from Hythe for the cliffs on the horizon. The district about St. Omer was evidently colonized by men who landed, not in the neighbourhood of Dunkerque, but in the neigh- bourhood of Boulogne. Again, if any importance is to be attached to Mr. Kemble's theory of original and filial settlements, the Saxon villages in France must all have been filial settlements. We find that ing is never a mere suffix; in every case it forms the medial syllable of the name. On the other hand, it may be said that these names mark the position of the “Litus Saxonicum in Belgica Secunda”—the coast settlement of the Saxons in Flan- ders,—which is mentioned in the Notitia Imperii. This Litus Saxonicum existed as early as the third century, i See p. 132, supra. 2 As if to preclude all doubt, at some distance inland, on the northern border of the Saxon colony, we find the village of Marck, a name which always indicated an ethnological frontier. See Chapter X. 3 See p. 130, supra. 136 The Anglo-Saxons. L and therefore, it may be urged, its foundation must have been long anterior in date to the Saxon colonization of Britain, which, according to the chroniclers, commenced in the fifth century, with the arrival of Hengist and Horsa. Eutropius informs us that the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian appointed Carausius, “apud Bononiam,” (Boulogne) to protect the Flemish coast and the adjoin- ing sea, “ quod Saxones infestabant.” Carausius was a Menapian, that is, a native of the islands near the mouth of the Rhine. He was probably one of those pirates whose incursions he was appointed to suppress. Carau- sius, it would seem, entered into a compact with his Saxon kinsmen, and promoted their settlement, as sub- sidized naval colonists, in the neighbourhood of his for- tress at Boulogne.? • It may be said, in reply, that the date ordinarily as- signed for the commencement of the Saxon colonization of Britain is too late by at least a couple of centuries. Even in the time of Agricola the Saxon piracy had begun. In the south-east of England a Saxon immigra- tion seems to have been going on in silence during the period of the Roman rule.4 Without supposing, as some 1 Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 375. 2 Lappenberg, England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. pp. 44–47; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, pp. 381, 384; Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 308 ; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 267; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 145; Depping, Expéditionis Maritimes, vol. i. p. 84; Warnkönig, Flandrische Staatsgeschichte, vol. i. p. 91. 3 Poste, Britannic Rescarches, p. 20. 4 Haigh, Conquest of Britain, pp. 161-166. The Roman Legions stationed in Britain were composed mainly of Germans. This must have introduced a considerable German element into the population. Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 268; Wright, “On the Ethnology of South Britain at the extinction of the Roman Government." Essays, vol. i. pp. 70, 71. . Date of First Teutonic Settlement in England. 137 t. inquirers have done, that the Belgæ, whom Cæsar found in Britain, were Low Germans in blood and speech, we may suppose that, after the extermination of the Iceni, the desolated lands of Eastern Britain were occupied by German colonists. In Essex and Suffolk there is a smaller proportion of Celtic names than in any other district of the island, and this would indicate that the Germanization of those counties is of very ancient date. Gildas, Nennius, and Beda, among all their lamentations over the “destruction of Britain” by the Jutish and Saxon invaders, are strangely silent as to any settlements on the eastern coast, where, from geographical considera- tions, we might have expected that the first brunt of invasion would be felt. While we can trace the progress of the Saxons in the western and central districts of England, with respect to the east both the British bards and the Saxon chroniclers are dumb. They tell us of no conquests, no defeats.2 Descents had, however, been made, for we learn from Ammianus Marcellinus that, nearly a century before the date assigned by Beda for the landing of Hengist and Horsa, London was taken by t.. Saxon invaders, who slew the Duke of Britain and the Count of the Saxon shore. This name alone might suffice to set the question at rest. Even before the time of Constantine, there was in England, as well as in Flanders, a Litus Saxonicum, or Saxon coast settlement, which extended from Brancaster in Norfolk as far as Shoreham in Sussex.The Roman names of the places in this district seem in some cases 1 Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 413. ? Grimm, Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 625; Palgrave, English Common- wcalth, vol. i. pp. 389, 412 ; St. John, Four Conquests, vol. i. p. 44 ; Latham, Ethnology of Brit. Is. p. 199; Donaldson, English Ethnog. YY P. 45. 138 The Anglo-Saxons. : to be referable to Teutonic rather than Celtic roots. The modern name of RECULVERS probably approximates very closely to the original word which was Latinized into Regulbium, and it suggests the settlement of a Teuton named Raculf.1 The name of DOVER,2 Latinized into Dubris, reminds us of DOUVRES in the Saxon shore near Bayeux, and of DOVERCOURT in the intensely Teu- tonized district near Harwich, as well as of the Dovre- fjeld in Norway, and THANET, also a Teutonic name, appears in the pages of Solinus, an author certainly not later than the fourth century. There are several concurrent indications that the dis- trict of Holderness was occupied by Teutonic settlers before the close of the Roman rule. Holderness is a fertile tract of some 250 square miles, bounded on the north, east, and south by the sea and the Humber, and on the west by the Wolds, which were probably a frontier of wooded and impenetrable hills. In this dis- trict Ptolemy places a people whom he calls the laplooi. Grimm has shown that the old German p is interchange- able in Latin with f, the aspirated form of the same letter. This would lead us to identify the lapioou with the F-risii or Frisians. In the same district Ptolemy 1 The name of the British usurper, Tetricus, whose date is about 270 A.D. appears to be only the German name Dietrich in a Latinized form. Haigh, Conquest of Britain, p. 162. 2 The root may be the Anglo-Saxon Ofer, shore, with a preposition, or the definite article prefixed. The usual derivation is from the Celtic dufr, water. Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 35; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 575. 3 The name Holderness means a wooded promontory. The Wolds are "the woods.” Cf. the German wald. 4 Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 394. 5 The Frisian form of ham is um. See p. 123, supra. Holderness is the only part of England where this form occurs. Here we find the village names Arg-am, News-01., Holl-ym, Arr-am, Rys-omn Garth, and Frisian Settlement in Yorkshire. 139 places PETUARIA, a name which cannot be explained from Celtic sources, but which points undoubtedly to the German root wareminhabitants, which appears in Cant- ware, Wihtware, and so many other names. Nor is this all, for Ptolemy gives us a third name in the district of Holderness, Gabrantovicorum Sinus, which must be either Filey Bay or Bridlington Bay. Now this word contains the root vic, which was the appellation of a bay in the language of the vikings or Bay-men who, at a later period, descended in such numbers from the Frisian region. There seems therefore to be good ground for assign- ing for the commencement of the Saxon settlements in Britain a date anterior to the time of Carausius, and we may believe that the Saxon settlement in Flanders may be partly due to the energetic measures by which he compelled or induced the Saxon pirates, who were establishing themselves on the British coast, to seek a new home beyond the channel. There was also a third Litus Saxonicum, in the neigh- bourhood of Caen, and which extended as far as the islands at the mouth of the Loire, 4 where the population Ulrome, as well as Owstwick, another Frisian form. The village of FRISMERSK is now washed away. Poulson, Hist. of Holderness, vol. ii. p. 528. i See p. 68, supra. Ptolemy also gives us a Vand-ular-ia, near the wall, apparently a settlement of some tribe of Vandals or Wends. ? Cf. Wright, “ On the remains of a primitive people in the south-east of Yorkshire." Essays, vol. i. p. 1; Latham, English Lang. vol. i. pp. 5, 6; Poulson, Hist. of Holderness, vol. i. pp. 4–9. 3 The date usually assigned to the landing of Hengist and Horsa is 449 A.D. The Saxons took London in 367. Carausius was appointed in 287. The latest writer on the subject places the commencement of the Saxon colonization “three or four centuries" before 449. Thrupp, Anglo- Saxon Home, p. 4.. 4 Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 386; Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. 140 The Anglo-Saxons. still retains the distinctive outward marks of Saxon blood." The Swabian læti who, as we learn from the Notitia, were settled at Bajoccas (Bayeux) may have formed the nucleus of this settlement. In the year 843 the annalists mention the existence of a district in this neighbourhood called Otlinga? Saxonica, and Gregory of Tours speaks of the Saxones bajocassini. This Saxon settlement dates from the third century, and its forma- tion was probably contemporaneous with that of the colony in Picardy. By the aid of local names we can still trace its sharply defined boundaries. It will be seen that in the departments of the Eure and of the Seine Inférieure, where the Danish names of a later period are so thickly clustered, hardly a single Saxon name is to be found, while in the department of the Cal- vados, and in the central portion of La Manche, where the Danish names are comparatively scarce, their place is occupied by names of the Saxon type. The North- men seem to have respected the tenure of their Teutonic kinsmen, and to have dispossessed only the Celtic tribes who dwelt to the east and north-west of the Saxon colony. The artificial landscape in this Saxon district is pp. 44, 46; Anglo-Norman Kings, p. 23 ; Latham, Channel Is. p. 313 ; Ethnol. Brit. Is. p. 197; Nationalities of Europe, vol. ii. pp. 21, 292; Depping, Expéditions Maritimes, vol. i. pp. 84, 85; Petersen, Recherches, p. 44. i Louth, Wanderer in Western France, p. 292. 2 This phrase, which has elicited so many ingenious etymological guesses, does not mean the district where the Saxon language was spoken, but, as Grimm has suggested, it was the abode of Saxon nobles, Adalings or Æthelings. — Gesch. der Deut. Sprach. p. 626. See Donaldson, English Ethnog. p. 45; Depping, Expéditions, vol. i. p. 85; and compare the name of Athelney, which in the Saxon Chronicle (A.D. 878) is written Æthelinga-igge, the isle of the Æthelings. 3 See the coloured map, and the sketch map of Normandy in the next chapter. Saxon Settlement near Caen. . 141 of a thoroughly English type. The sketcher might imagine himself in Devonshire or Kent. The country is divided by thick hedgerows into small irregular crofts, and the cottages are unmistakably English rather than French in structure and appearance. I In this neighbourhood we find the village names of SASSETOT (Saxons'-field), HERMANVILLE, ETREHAM, or QUISTREHAM 2 (Westerham), HAMBYE, LE HAM, LE HAMELET, COTTUN (cows' yard), ETAINHUS, HEU- LAND (highland), PLUMETOT (Blomfield or Flowerfield), DOUVRES, on “the shore," which reminds us of our own Dover, and CAEN, which was anciently written Cathem and Catheim. There are also about thirty Saxon pa- tronymics. It is curious to observe in how many cases we find the same families on the opposite coast of Hants, Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall. In the whole of Cornwall there are only two patronymic names, and both of these are also found among the thirty on the opposite coast. We have the Families of the Near Bayeux at In England at Berrings ..... j Berengeville ..... $ Berrington, Dur. Glouc, .....Berigny ........1 Salop, Worcester. Bellings ..... Bellengreville . .... Bellinger, Hants. Basings. ..... Bazenville ....... Basing, Hants. Bobbings ..... Baubigny .... Bobbing, Kent. Callings ..... Caligny ........ Callington, Cornwall. Ceafings ..... Chavigny ..... s Chalvington, Sussex. | Chevington, Suffolk. 1 These two characteristic features of Saxon colonization are also to be noted in the Litus Saxonicum near Boulogne. 2 La Roquette, Noms en Normandie, p. 56. 3 This mongrel growth is apparently a Danish graft on a Saxon stock. 4 La Roquette, Noms en Normandie, p. 53 ; Charnock, Local Etym. p. 53. Cat is perhaps a corruption of Goth or Geat, or it may be the proper name Geit. 142 The Anglo-Saxons. Families of the Near Bayeux at In England at Cofings ...... Cavigny ........ Covington, Huntingdon. Ceardings..... Cartigny. ....... ſ Cardington, Beds. Salof. ... | Cardingham, Cornwall. ¢ Græfings ..... Gravigny ....... Grayingham, Linc. Hardings ..... Hardinvast ...... Hardenhuish, Wilts. Ifings. ...... Juvigny ........ Jevington, Sussex. Essings ...... Isigny ...... Issington, Hants. Mærings ..... Marigny. ... Marrington, Salop. Potings...... Potigny .... Podington, Dorset. Seafings ..... Savigny ........ Sevington, Kent. Sulings ...... Soulangy ........ Sullington, Sussex. Dhyrings..... Thorignyl ...... Torrington, Devon. ... Local names are of great value when we attempt to estimate the amount and the distribution of the Teutonic element in the population of France. Any historical notices which might aid us are very vague, and the philological analysis of the modern French vocabulary? would give a most inadequate notion of the actual num- bers of the Frank and Burgundian colonists. In fact, the local names enable us to prove that certain parts of modern France are as thoroughly Teutonic in blood as any portion of our own island. The Germanization of France commenced with settle- IN 1 The Gothic igg becomes ing in the Teutonic, and ign in the Romance languages. Grimm, Gesch. Deut. Spr. p. 775. 2 Not more than five hundred words were introduced into the French lan- guage by the German conquerors. Diez, Gram. d. Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 52. Most of them are names of weapons and military terms, such as gonfanon., massacre from metzger, a butcher, bivouac from beiwacht, and guerre, from werra, war. ib. p. 55; Max Müller, Lectures, and series, p. 263 ; Perticari ; and Milman, Hist. Latin Christianity, vol. vi. p. 332. The other words are chiefly the names of articles of dress, of beasts of the chase, and terms belonging to the feudal system. Diez, Gram. p. 56; Lewis, Romance Languages, p. 270. To these must be added the points of the compass, nord, sud, est, ouest. The fact that in these cases the Teutonic terms should Gerinanization of France. 143 T ments of subsidized colonists, læti," who were introduced by the Roman rulers to defend the frontier. According to the Notitia there were Batavian læti at Arras. The Emperor Julian transported thousands of the Chattuarii, Chamavi, and Frisii, to the neighbourhood of Amiens, Beauvais, and Langres. The system was continued at a later period. Charlemagne transported into France a vast multitude of Saxons-multitudinem Saxonorum cum mulieribus et infantibus. After another Saxon conquest he transplanted every third man-tertium hominem-of the vanquished people. Many of the German names in France may be due to these forced emigrations, but by far the greater number are, no doubt, records of the settlements of the Frank and Bur- have displaced their Romance equivalents is a striking indication of the more mobile habits of the German tribes as contrasted with the stationary life of the Celto-Latin inhabitants. Lewis, Romance Lang: p. 267. The radical meaning of the word west is perhaps the vast, the vastitudo, or great unknown region lying before the conquerors as they advanced from the east. See Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part i. p. 112; Müller, Marken des Vaterl. p. 209. The Romance words introduced into the Teutonic languages are chiefly ecclesiastical, a fact which, connected with the nature of the terms conversely introduced into the Romance languages, suggests curious speculations as to the reciprocal influence of the rude conquerors and their more civilized subjects. See Diez, Gram, d. Roin. Spr. vol. i. p. 58. German was spoken in France more or less for some 400 years after the Teutonic conquest. So late as the year 812, A. D. the Council of Tours ordained that every bishop should be able to preach both in the Romance and Teutonic languages. Diez, Gram. d. Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 48; Milman, Hist. Latin Christianity, vol. vi. p. 341. 1 Probably a Latinization of the German word Leute, people. The lathes of Kent are probably a vestige of the lætic organization. 2 Latham, Channel Islands, p. 343'; Nationalities of Europe, vol. ii. p. 294. 3 Annal. Laureshameuses, apud Pertz, Mon. Germ. vol. i. p. 38; Warn- könig, Flandrische Staatsgeschichte, vol. i. p. 92. 4 Annal. Laur. Minores, apud Pertz, vol. i. pp. 119, 120. 5 Guilmot, quoted by Warnkönig, Flandrische Staatsgesch. vol. i. p. 92, believes all the Flemish patronymics to be due to this cause. 144 The Anglo-Saxons. gundian conquerors. The area and intensity of this . German colonization may conveniently be traced by means of the patronymic village-names, of which there are more than 1100 in France. I About 250, or nearly one-fourth, of these clan-names are also to be found in England—the proportional num- ber of identifications being far smaller than in the case of the Litus Saxonicum in Picardy. Thus we have the Families of the In France at In England at Æbings ... A in Aubinges, Burgundy (3), Lahing 1 Franche-Comté, Poitori (2), ) 3); } Abington, Camb. Æcings ... Acquing, Isle of France . ... Oakington, Camb. Ælings. . . . Alling Alligny, Burgundy ...... | Allington, Dev. Hants. N'' Allinges, Burgundy. .....! Kent. Antings ... Antigny, Burgundy, Poitou (2) Antingham, Norf. Arrings ... Arrigny, Champagne ...... Arrington, Camb. Bælings ... Balagny, Isle of France .... Ballingdon, Essex. Bazegny, Champagne .....} Basing, Fants. PS...{ Bazainville, Isle of France. . ., Beadings. . . Bettigny, Champagne ..... Beddingham, Sussex. (Belligneux, Burgundy .....} Bellinger. Hants. Bellings ... Belligni, Anjou .... Bessings ... Bissines, Limousin ...... Billings ... Billanges, Limousin ...... Billing, Northumb. Bings .... Binges, Burgundy. ...... Bing, Suff. ( Bobigny, Isle of France .... Bobbing, Kent. Bobbings ..B . Beaubigny, Burgundy. . (Boligneux, Burgundy . . Bollings . :. Bolligney, Fr. Comté .....) Bollington, Essex. Bondings. . . Bontigny, Lorraine ...... Bondington, Somers. Brantings .. Brantigny, Champagne .... Brantingham, Yorks. :: Bessingham namo. The map will give an approximate idea of the distribution of these names. i See Appendix B. German Village-Names in France. 145 They cluster most thickly in the old province of Lorraine, where, especially in the departments of the ..A: z CELTIC . . CEĽ IBERIES GERMAN PATRONYMIC VILLAGE NAMES IN FRANCE. The towns indicated by initials are Amiens, Caen, Rouen, Paris, Rheims, Treves, Chalons, Troyes, Dijon, Strasbourg, and Maçon. The shaded district (Alsace) is full of names of the pure German type, few of which, however, are patronymic. Meurthe and the Moselle, almost every village name bears witness to the extensive colonization effected by the Frankish conquerors. The Isle of France, especially the department of the Aisne, the Upper Valley of the Loire above Orleans, and the provinces of Franche- Comté and Burgundy, present numerous names of the patronymic class. 146 The Anglo-Saxons. It is difficult to account for these resemblances on the ordinary theory that England was colonized exclusively by the Saxons and Angles, and France by the Franks and Burgundians. A large number of Frank adven- turers must have joined in the descents which the Saxons made on the English coast:1 and many Saxons must have found a place in the ranks of the Frankish armies which conquered North-eastern France. The chroniclers, when mentioning the earlier invasions and piratical attacks, attribute them to Franks and Saxons, 2 or to Saxons and Lombards in conjunction. The tribes between the Rhine and the Elbe — Franks, Saxons, Angles, Sueves, Lombards, and Burgundians--were probably united by a much closer connexion-ethno- logical, geographical, and political—than historians have hitherto been willing to admit. At all events, the speech of all these invading tribes must have been mutually intelligible. Indeed, there seems to be strong reason for believing that the names of Frank, Saxon, or Lom- bard are not true ethnic names, but that they were only the designations of temporary confederations for military purposes,4 an hypothesis which would be almost reduced to a demonstration if we could succeed in establishing i Dr. Latham thinks that Kent was largely colonized by Franks. English Language, vol. i. p. 178. Ammianus Marcellinus places Alemanni in Britain. Lappenberg believes that the Saxons were accompanied by large numbers of Franks, Frisians, and Lombards. The Welshman Llywarc Hen uses Frank as an equivalent for Saxon. 2 Eutropius, Julian, and Ammianus Marcellinus associate the Franks and Saxons in this manner. 3 Diez, Gram. d. Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 46; Marsh, History of Eng. Lang. p. 55; Poste, British Researches, p. 74; Donaldson, English Ethnog. p. 61. 4 See Zeuss, Die Deutschen, pp. 326, 380-384; Sheppard, Fall of Rome, p. 130. Saxon and Lombard Names in Italy. 147 that plausible etymology of these names which makes them descriptive terms relating to the equipment of the invading hosts—whether armed with javelin (franca), sword (seax), or partisan (lang-barta).1 This hypothesis, which I was first inclined to reject somewhat cavalierly, has commended itself more and more to my judgment during the progress of a laborious comparison of the village names of France, Germany, Italy, and England. Little need be said about the German names in Northern Italy. Paulus Diaconus and Gregory of Tours assert that the conquest was effected by Saxons and Lombards. We find the names of the early Lom- bard kings are of a pure Anglo-Saxon type. Thus Audouin and Alboin are, no doubt, the same names as Edwin and Elfwine.2 My friend, Mr. G. P. Marsh, the United States Minister at Turin, has kindly pointed out to me several clusters of Saxon patronymics in Northern Italy. One of these is to be found on the Southern side of the Po, opposite the mouth of the Dora Baltea, where we have the villages of VARENGO, ODALENGO, TON- ENGO, GONENGO, and SCALENGHE. Near Biella there is another cluster of these names_VALDENGO, AR- BENGO, BOLENGO, and TERNENGO. Near Milan we find MARENGO and MORENGO ; and near Brescia-BOVENGO and PISOGNE.3 In the villages of RONCEGNO and TORCEGNO, in the Valle Sugana, German is still spoken. i See p. 82, supra. ? Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. ii. p. 246. 3 Compare the English village-names of Warrington, Athelney (p. 140), Donnington, Connington, Skillington, Waldingfield, Erpingham, Boling- broke, Thurning, Marrington, Bovington, Bessingham, Rockingham, and Torkington. 4 Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. ii. p. 283; Schmeller, Ueber die L 2 148 , The Anglo-Saxons. 1 I have not succeeded in discovering any undoubtedly Teutonic names in Spain, with the notable exception of BURGOS. Such, however, doubtless exist within the confines of the kingdom of the Swabian conquerors, which comprised Galicia, the Asturias, and part of Portugal.2 It has been generally assumed that the original home of the Saxons is to be sought in the modern kingdom of Hanover, between the mouths of the Elbe and the Weser. I have made a careful search in this region for names identical or analogous with those which are found in Saxon England. In Westphalia a small group of patronymics was discovered. But on the whole the investigation was remarkably barren of results; the names, for the most part, proving to be of an alto- gether dissimilar type. The search was continued over Mecklenburg, Holstein, Friesland, and the greater part of Germany. A few sporadic names were found, but always surrounded and outnumbered by names possess- ing no distinctive Anglo-Saxon character. There is, however, in a most unlikely corner of the Continent, a sogenannten Cimbern, p. 561. The Lombard German was commonly spoken in Northern Italy, till the year 800 A. D. Diez, Gram. d. Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 48. 1 And, possibly, Collunga and Meville, both within the limits of the Swabian kingdom. ? See Grimm, Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 501; Keferstein, Ansichten, vol. ii. p. 313: Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 456. 3 See Appendix B. 4 Names in wick and wich, so common in England, are found on the Continent only in the Netherlands, Friesland, and old Saxony. Lappen- berg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 86. The horsts which abound in Kent and Sussex, are found also on the Weser in Westphalia. Some curious coincidences between the local names in Kent and in Jutland have been pointed out by Maack, in the Germania, vol. iv. pp. 396-398. Franconia and Swabia. 149 well-defined district, rather larger than Devonshire, where the names, though slightly disguised in form, are as characteristically Saxon as those found in the Boulogne Colony. This district is confined chiefly to the Valley of the Neckar, but just crosses the watershed between the Neckar and the Danube. It occupies the Northern half of the modern kingdom of Würtemberg, and in- cludes a small portion of Bavaria in the neighbourhood of Donauwerth. It also stretches into the State of Baden, between Heidelberg and Bruchsal. It does not extend to the left bank of the Rhine, or to the right bank of the Lower Neckar. In Würtemberg, however, it occupies both banks of the Neckar. The railway from Bruchsal to Ulm, with its serpentine windings and fear- ful gradients, carries the tourist through the centre of this district-which has attractions for the artist and the angler, as well as for the ethnologist. This district comprehends the Southern portion of what was known in mediæval times as FRANKEN, or Franconia, and the northern part of SWABIA, or Schwa- benland. Etymologically and historically, Franconia is the land of the Franks, and Schwabenland is the land of the Suevi, just as England is the land of the Angles. Tacitus locates the Suevi near the Angles; and There are many points of analogy between this part of Germany and England. It is the hop garden and brewery of the Continent. It was in the midst of this district that I met with the only case of downright English beery drunkenness that it has been my lot to encounter during many rambles on the Continent. The people are the only Protestants in South Germany, and they are distinguished by the English love of field sports. It may be curious to note that the battles of Blenheim and Dettingen were fought on the borders of this Saxon district, and that of Agincourt on the borders of the Boulogne colony. ? On the close connexion of the Franks and Suevi, see Zeuss, Die Deutschen, pp. 328, 338. 150 The Anglo-Saxoris. Ptolemy even speaks of the Suevi as one division of the Angles. The ancient charters of this district, extending from the eighth to the twelfth centuries, have been admirably edited, and published by the Government of Würtem- berg. The local names which occur in these charters are, to a surprising extent, identical with those in the Anglo-Saxon charters, published by the English His- torical Society. Twenty-four very remarkable corre- spondences are given by Professor Leo,4 and it would be easy largely to increase the list. But confining ourselves to the names which have survived to modern times, I find in the maps of the admirable government survey of Würtemberg no less than 344 patronymics, of which 266, or 80 per cent. occur also in England ; 5 and the number of identifica- tions might, doubtless, be largely increased by a more careful comparison. The evidence is overwhelming. It proves that the villages of Würtemberg and the villages of England were originally settled by men bearing the same family names. One or two instances of these cor- 1 των δε εντός και μεσογείων εθνών μέγιστα μέν έστι τό τε των Σουήβων Twv 'Ayyel@v. See Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 153. It is a very significant fact that in mediæval times the district south of Heidelberg was called the ANGLA-DEGAU. 2 Wirtembergisches Urkundenbuch, herausgegeben von dem Königlichen Staatsarchiv in Stuttgart. Edid. Kausler ; two vols. 4to. 1849 and 1858. A large number of ancient Swabian names are also to be found in the Codex Laureshamensis, in Dümges, Regesta Badensia, and in Trehere, Origines Palatina. See also Förstemann, Alt-deritsches Namenbuch, vol. ii. passim. 3 Codex Diplomaticus Ævi Saxonici, opera Joh. M. Kemble ; five vols. Svo. 4 Anglo-Saxon Names, pp. 116–119. 5 The proportion is the same as in the Boulogne colony. Patronymic Village-Names in Würtemberg. 151 tioned in awe appendix.1 Thieth, and others will respondences may here be given, and others will be found in the appendix.1 Thus the Æslingas are men- tioned in a Kentish charter, 2 we have Eslingaforda in the Exon Domesday, and ISLINGTON in Norfolk and Middlesex. In Artois we find ISLINGHEM and ESLING- HEN; and in Würtemburg there are several villages named ESSLINGEN, EISLINGEN, and AISLINGEN. Again, the Besingas, who are mentioned in an Anglo-Saxon charter, appear at BESSINGHAM in Norfolk, at BEZING- HAM in Artois, and at BISSINGEN in Würtemberg. The Birlingas appear in a Worcestershire charter, we have BIRLING in Kent, BIRLINGHAM in Worcestershire, BAR- LINGHEM and BERLINGHEN in Artois, and BIERLINGEN in Würtemberg-a place which has been identified with the Birlingen of an ancient charter. So we have BOCKING in Essex, BOUQUINGHEM in Artois, and BÖCHINGEN in Würtemberg. It will be observed that these Swabian names ter- minate almost universally in ing-en. The suffix en is usually the sign of the dative plural. Thus Birlingen would mean “At the Birlings,” that is, “at the place where the family of Birl lives.” 3 It should, however, be noted that a name like Birlingen may be a corrup- tion of the Berlinghen, which we find in Artois. The XY ? Appendix B. 2 Cod. Dipl. no. III. 3 So Baden is a dative plural answering to Thermis or Aquis. Holstein, Sweden, Hessen, and Preussen are also dative plurals. Pott, Personen-Namen, p. 169; Förstemann, Alt-Deutsches Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 835; Ortsnamen, Pp. 194, 195; Grimm, Derit. Gram. vol. ii. p. 349; Meyer, Ortsnamen des Kantons Zürich, p. 139; Bender, Deutschen Ortsuzamen, p. 103 ; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, pp. 264, 265; and p. 69, supra. 4 That the Suevi were associated with the Saxons in the formation of the Flemish settlement is proved by the names of some fifteen villages in 152 The Anglo-Saxons. hen in this case is, undoubtedly, a corruption of hem, for we find that, close to the coast, the village-names end in hem, a suffix which passes into hen as we ap- . proach the Belgian frontier. The hem of Artois is undoubtedly only a phonetic modification of the Eng- lish hăm; and it is, therefore, a question whether the -ing-en of Würtemberg is not the same as the -ing- ham of England, since we can trace it through the intermediate stages of inghen and inghem.1 What interpretation shall we put upon these facts ? Shall we conclude that the cradle of the Saxon race is to be sought in the Valley of the Neckar, or were Swabia and England both colonies from a common motherland ? In the case of a fluviatile migration the descent of the river would be far more easy, and there- fore far more probable, than the ascent against a rapid current like that of the Rhine. But this argument is of Flanders which contain their name, e.g. Suevezele, Sueveghem, &c. Warnkönig, Flandrische Staatsgeschichte, vol. i. p. 91. 1 In Switzerland heim often becomes en, e.g. Altheim is now Alten, Dachsheim is now Dachsen, Sickingen was anciently Sickingheim. Pott, Personennamen, p. 169; Meyer, Ortsnamen, p. 125. In Hesse we find Sielen, anciently Siliheim, and Heskem, anciently Heistincheim. Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 271; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, pp. 98, 231. Some of the names, instead of the suffix ing-en, terminate in ig-heim. This is clearly the Anglo-Saxon hām, a home, while hăm, an inclosure, would be repre- sented by en. The distinction which has been lost in England has been preserved in Swabia. Since heim is a long syllable, the penultimate is shortened for phonetic reasons by the omission of a letter, and ingheim becomes igheim, or cnheim, as in the cases of Bönigheim, Besigheim, Bietigheim, Billigheim and Dackenheim. 2 Along the whole course of the Rhine, from the Neckar to the sea, a distance of more than 250 miles, we find scattered, here and there, isolated names undoubtedly akin to those which we have been considering. There is no cluster of them to be discovered anywhere, nothing but single names, such as Bingen, Wellingen, Rellinghaus, and Eppinghofen, which seem to have been waifs by the roadside, dropped by the passing host of pilgrims. Original seat of the Saxons. 153 1 small force, when weighed against the concurrence of ancient tradition, which places the Saxons on the coast of the German ocean. Ptolemy speaks of the “islands of the Saxons ;” and the geographer of Ravenna says, “confinalis Daniæ est patria quæ nominatur Saxonia.” Orosius speaks of the Saxons, “gentem Oceani in litoribus et paludibus inviis sitam.” 1 These and other early notices render it difficult to avoid the conclusion that the “old Saxons” were seated somewhere between the mouths of the Elbe and of the Rhine, in juxtaposition with the Suevi, the Franks, the Lombards, and the Angles. As we have already seen, it was here that, for thirty-two years, they withstood the power of Charlemagne, who avenged their obstinate resistance by the massacre of thousands of their warriors in cold blood, and dispersed a third of the nation into distant provinces. This extermination of the Saxons on the Weser, coupled with the subsequent influx of a Sclavonic population, as evinced by the local names, may serve to account for the absence of characteristic Saxon names in that region, while the Swabians and Angles of Würtemberg may possibly have formed one of the trans- ported colonies of Charlemagne ; if, indeed, the Swabian I On the original seat of the old Saxons see Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 87; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, pp. 380—394. The modern kingdom of Saxony was Sclavonic to a late date, as is shown by the local nanies. It is out of the question to locate the “old Saxons” in this region. ? Eginhard, in his life of Charlemagne, sec. vii. and again in his Annals, A. D. 804, says that Charlemagve transplanted 10,000 men of the Saxons, with their wives and children, into Germany and Gaul. All these were from the Duchy of Bremen. The names of Sachsenhausen, near Frankfort, and Katzellenbogen in the gorge of the Rhine, may be records of some of these settlements. See p. 143, supra; Pertz, Mon. Ger. vol. ii. p. 447; vol. i. p. 191 : Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 40. 154 The Anglo-Saxons. colony was not a settlement brought about at the same time and by the same causes that produced the descents upon the English coast.1 1 Both Zeuss and Latham think that the Suevi left the shores of the Weser for those of the Danube and the Neckar in the third century. The Saxons moved southwards in the sixth century. See Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 316; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 208. The Northmen. 155 155 CHAPTER VIIT. THE NORTHMEN. Incursions of the Northmen—Norse test-words: “by," "thorpe," “ toft," "ville," "garth,” “ford," "wick” – Vestiges of the Danes near the Thames-Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Lincolnshire, The Danelagh- Norwegians in Sutherland, the Orkneys, Shetlands, Hebrides, and Isle of Man-Cumberland and Westmoreland— The Wirall–Colony in Pem- brokeshire—Devonshire and the South CoastNorthmen in Ireland- -Intensity of the Scandinavian element in different parts of England- Northmen in France - Names in Normandy - Norse Names in Spain, Sicily, and the Hellespont- Local vestiges of the Anglo-Norman conquest -Anglo-Norman robles in Scotland, For three centuries the Northmen were the terror of Western Europe. They sailed up the Elbe, the Scheldt, the Rhine, the Moselle, and the Neckar.1 They ravaged the valleys of the Somme, the Seine, the Marne, the Yonne, the Loire, and the Garonne. They besieged Paris, Amiens, Orleans, Tours, Troyes, Chalons, Poic- tiers, Bordeaux, and Toulouse. They plundered the coasts of Italy, and encountered the Arabs at Seville and Barcelona.3 Over the entrance to the arsenal at Venice may still be seen one of the sculptured lions i Strinnholm, Wikingziige, p. 81. 2 Ib. pp. 34, 35, 98, 144; Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 165. 3 Gayangos, Moham. Dynasties, vol. ii. pp. 116, 431, 435.; Strinnholm, Wikingzüge, p. 36; Depping, Expéditions, vol. i. pp. 110, 134. 156 The Northmen. which once adorned the Piræus at Athens. The marble is deeply scored with Norse runes, which, by the aid of photography, have been deciphered by Professor Rafn of Copenhagen, and which prove to be a record of the capture of the Piræus by Harold Hardráda, the Norwe- gian king who fell at Stamford Bridge. The Northmen established themselves as conquerors or colonists over the half of England, in the isles and western coasts of Scotland, in Greenland, in Iceland, in the Isle of Man, and in the north of France—they founded kingdoms in Naples, Sicily, France, England, and Ireland—while a Norse dynasty ruled Russia for seven hundred years,2 and for centuries the Varangian guard upheld the tottering throne of the Byzantine emperors. The historic annals of these conquests are scanty and obscure. But the Norse names which are still found scattered over the north-west of Europe supply a means of ascertaining many facts which history has left un- recorded. By the aid of the names on our modern maps we are able to define the precise area which was ravaged by the Scandinavians, and we can, in many instances, detect the nature of the descent, whether for purposes of plunder, trade, or colonization. Sometimes, indeed, we can even recover the very names of the Viking chiefs and of their followers, and ascertain from whence they sailed, whether from the low-lying coasts of Denmark, or from the rock-bound fjords of Norway. · Before we proceed to attempt the solution of any of i Laing, Heimskringla, vol. iii. pp. 3, 4; Dasent, Burnt Njal, vol. i. p. 10; vol. ii. p. 499; St. John, Four Conquests, vol. ii. p. 248. 2 Of the fifty Russian ambassadors to Constantinople in the year 945, as many as forty-seven bear Norse names, such as Rulov (Rolf), Phrelaf (Frideleif), Grim, Karl, Ulf, Asbrand, and Sven. Strinnholm, Wikingzüge, p. 296. Area of Norse Invasion. 157 these curious problems, it will be necessary to exhibit the tools with which the historical lock is to be picked. We must analyse and classify the characteristic names which the Northmen have left upon the map. The most valuable and important of these test-words is byr or by. This word originally meant a dwelling, or a single farm, and hence it afterwards came to denote a village. In Iceland, at the present day, the ordinary name given to a farmstead is boer, and in Scotland a. Cow-stall is still called a byre. We find this word as a suffix in the village-names of Denmark, and of all countries colonized 3 by the Danes. In Normandy we find it in the form bule or boeuf, and in England it is usually contracted into by. In the Danish district of England-between Watling Street and the River Tees- the suffix by frequently takes the place of the Anglo- Saxon -ham or -ton. In this region there are numerous names like GRI:MSBY, WHITBY, DERBY,“ RUGBY, KIRBY, 1 A by-law is the local law enacted by the township. Compare the Burlaw, or Birlaw, of Scotland. Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 80. On the suffix by, see Donaldson, English Ethnog. p. 54; Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, pp. 67, 159; Latham, English Language, vol. i. p. 431 ; Ansted and Latham, Channel Islands, p. 333; Ferguson, North- meil, p. 42. 2 Peaks and Passes, Second Series, vol. i. p. 47. 3 It denotes Danish colonization. In places visited only for purposes of trade or plunder no dwellings would be required. 4 The Devonshire suffix bere or bear comes still nearer to the Icelandic form. See p. 179, infra The Normand boeuf seems to be represented in the English booth, and the Scotch bothie. Le Prevost, Recherches, p. 40; Ferguson, Nortimen, p. 46. 5 At the port of Elsinore, previous to the recent abolition of the Sound dues, the vessels of Grimsby could claim certain privileges and exemptions conferred by the Danish founder of the town. Palgrave, Eng. Common- wealth, vol. i. p. 50; Normandy and England, vol. iii. p. 349. In a few cases we have documentary evidence of a change of name consequent upon the Danish conquest. Thus we know that the Norse 158 The Northreat. 1 NETHERBY, SELBY, or ASHBY. In Lincolnshire alone there are one hundred names ending in by. To the north of Watling Street there are some six hundred instances of its occurrence—to the south of it, scarcely one. There are scores and scores of names ending in by in Jutland and Sleswic, and not half-a-dozen throughout the whole of Germany. The suffix is common both to the Nor- wegian and Danish districts of England, though it is more frequent in the latter. Another useful test-word is thorpe, throp, or trop, which we find in ALTHORPE, COPMANSTHORPE, and WILSTROP, near York. It means an aggregation of men or houses—a village. This suffix is very useful in enabling us to discriminate between the settlements of the Danes and those of the Norwegians, being confined almost exclusively to the former. It is very common in Denmark and East Anglia, it is very rare in Norway, it does not occur in Lancashire, only once in Cumber- land, and very seldom in Westmoreland. The word toft, which in Normandy takes the form tot, is also distinctly Danish and East Anglian. It is very scarce in Norway and Westmoreland, and is unknown in 11 TY name of Deoraby or DERBY took the place of the former Saxon name of Northweorthig, or Norworth as it would now be written. So the Saxon Streoneshalch became the Norse WHITBY. 1 Even these are chiefly found on the Eyder and north of the Elbe-a Danish district. 2 It corresponds to the German dorf, a village, seen in the names ALTORF, DUSSELDORF, &c. Cf. Arnold, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 526. In Westphalia and Münster the form trup or drup is very common, as HOLTRUP, ALDRUP, SANDRUP, BARNSTRUP, WESTRUP. Massman, in Dorow's Denkmäler, vol. i. pp. 187–192. The etymological affinities of thorpe are discussed by Diefenbach, Vergleichendes Wörterbuch, vol. ii. p. 698; Leo, A.-S. Names, pp. 43–50; Förstemann, Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 1391. The Suffixes " by," “ thorpe," and “ toft.” 159 Cumberland. It signifies a homestead or inclosure, and, like by and thorpe, it is an indication of permanent colonization. Thwaite, on the other hand, is the distinctive Norwe- gian suffix. The meaning is nearly the same as the Saxon field, a forest clearing. It is very common in Norway, it occurs forty-three times in Cumberland, and not once in Lincolnshire, while thorpe, the chief Danish test-word, which occurs sixty-three times in Lincolnshire, is found only once in Cumberland. In Normandy the greater proportion of Norse names end in ville, as TANCARVILLE or HACONVILLE. This has always, I believe, been referred to the Romance word villa, but a careful study of the regions in which it occurs has convinced me that it must be the Teutonic weiler, 1 an abode, a single house, which is so common in the Rhinegau and in many parts of Germany. Toward the edge of the Norman occupancy it takes the form villiers, as in the name HARDIVILLIERS. In England it is found in the form well or will, as at KETTLEWELL, and BRADWELL. The Norse garth, an inclosure, which corresponds to the Anglo-Saxon yard, has already been discussed.4 The work beck, 5 a brook, is more frequent in the Nor- 1 Old High German wilari or wilre. New High German weiler. Förstemann, Alt-deutsches Namenbuch, vol. ii. pp. 1527—1533 ; Bender, Ortsnamen, p. 131. 2 In Canton Zürich it occurs more than seventy times, as in BREITWIL. Meyer, Ortsnamen des Kantons Zürich, p. 75. 3 This form alone may suffice to show how inadequate the Romance villa is as a source of these names. 4 See p. 121, supra. MICKLEGARTH or “Greatgarth” was the Norse name of Constantinople. 5 In Mercia we find the form batch, as in Woodbatch, Comberbatch, and Sandbach. 160 The Northmen. wegian than in the Danish region, and this also is the case with the suffixes -haugh, -zuith, -tarn, and -dale. The word force, which is the ordinary name for a water- fall in the lake district, is exclusively Norwegian, and corresponds to the Icelandic and Norwegian foss. The word fell is also derived from Norway, where it takes the form fjeld (pronounced fi-ell). It is the usual name for a hill in the north-west of England. 3 We now come to the words which do not necessarily imply any permanent colonization by the Northmen. The suffix ford occurs both in Anglo-Saxon and in Norse names, but with characteristic difference of mean- ing. In either case ford is a derivative of faran or fara, to go. The fords of the Anglo-Saxon husbandmen, which are scattered so abundantly over the south of England, are passages across rivers for men or cattle; the fords of the Scandinavian sea-rovers are passages for ships 5 up arms of the sea, as in the case of the fjords of 1 The Anglo-Saxon forın is dell, as in ARUNDEL. The Norse form dale is seen in KENDAL, ANNANDALE, and LONSDALE. The German equivalent is thul. When dal is a prefix it is usually a corruption of the Celtic dol, a field, as in the cases of DALKEITH and DALRYMPLE. ? E.g. the waterfall of SKOGARFOSS in Iceland. 3 The Anglo-Saxon field or feld is from the same root as the Norse fell. A fell is a place where the ground is on the fall; a field or feld is where the trees have been felled. In old writers wood and feld are continually con- trasted. Just like the American term “a clearing,” the word field bore witness to the great extent of unfelled timber which still remained. With the progress of cultivation the word has lost its primitive force. The word fold is from the same source. See p. 121, supra; Trench, Study of Words. p. 200 ; Sparschuh, Berichtigungen, p. 17. 4 A cabman's or waterman's fare is the person who goes with him. Fare- well is an imperative-journey well. The field-fare is so called from its characteristic habit of moving across the fields. See Diefenbach, Vergl. Wört. vol. i. pp. 364—366; Sparschuh, Berichtigungen, p. 65. 5 While many of our agricultural terms, as basket, crook, kiln, fleam, barrow, ashlar, gavelock, rasher, and mattock, are of Celtic origin, seafaring “Ford” and “wick." 161 . Norway and Iceland, and the firths of Scotland. These Norse fords are found on the coasts which were fre- quented for purposes of trade or plunder. We have instances in WEXFORD, CARLINGFORD, WATERFORD, and STRANGFORD in Ireland, in MILFORD and HAVERFORD in Wales, in ORFORD and CHILLSFORD in Suffolk, and perhaps in SEAFORD ? in Sussex, and DEPTFORD, the “deep reach" on the Thames. Wick is also found in both Anglo-Saxon and Norse names, but here also there is a difference in the ap- plication, analogous to that which we have just con- sidered. The primary meaning in either case seems to have been a station. With the Anglo-Saxons it was a station or abode on land-hence a house or a village: with the Northmen it was a station for ships 4_hence a small creek or bay. The sea-rovers derived their name of vik-ings,5 or “creekers," from the wics or creeks in which they anchored. The inland wicks, therefore, are mostly Saxon, while the Norse wicks fringe our coasts, words, such as cockswain, boatswain, and skipper, are mostly Norse. Garnett, Essays, p. 31. Cf. Diez, Gram. d. Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 56. ? E... FAXA FIORD, HAFNAFIORD, and HVALFIORD in Iceland. 2 Still pronounced Seafoord. 3 See Marsh, Lectures on the Origin and Hist. of the English Language, P. 132. The root runs through all the Aryan languages. We have the Sanskrit vêça, the Zend viç, the Greek olicos, a house, and the Latin vicus, the Mäso-Gothic veihs, the Polish wies, the Irish fich, the Cymric gwic, all meaning an abode or village. Diefenbach, Vergleichendes Wörterbuch, vol. i. p. 138 ; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. vol. ii. p. 238 ; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 270; Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 37; Sparschuh, Berichtigungen, p. 95; Förstemann, Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 1509. 4 There is, however, an Anglo-Saxon verb wician, to run a ship on shore, to take up a station. 5 Afterwards the word viking came to be used for any robber. Thus in a Norse Biblical paraphrase Goliath is termed a viking. Dasent, Burnt Njal, vol. ii. p. 353. • The whole of the Essex coast is lined with names ending in wick. -162 The Northinen. and usually indicate the stations of pirates, rather than those of colonists. Thus we have WICK and SAND- WICH, in Kent; WYKE, near Portland; BERWICK, in Sussex and Northumberland; and WICKLOW, in Ireland, all of which occur in places where there are no inland names denoting Norse colonization. The names of NORTHWICH, MIDDLEWICH, NANT- WICH, DROITWICH, NETHERWICH, SHIRLEYWICH, WICK- HAM, and perhaps of WARWICK, although inland places, are derived indirectly from the Norse wic, a bay, and not from the Anglo-Saxon wic, a village. All these places are noted for the production of salt, which was formerly obtained by the evaporation of sea-water in shallow wiches or bays, as the word baysalt testifies. Hence a place for making salt came to be called a wych-house, and Nantwich, Droitwich, and other places where rock- salt was found, took their names from the wych-houses built for its preparation. Another word which denotes the occasional presence of the sea-rovers is ness or naze, which means a nose, or About thirty of the farmhouses in the salt marshes bear this name. We have the Wick (three times), Eastwick (twice), Westwick (twice), Northwick (twice), as well as Jewick, Raywick, Frowick, Langwick, and Lastwick. These names may be derived either from the Anglo-Saxon, or from the Norse, wic. More probably, however, they should be referred to an entirely different source, namely the Anglo-Saxon' víc, a marsh, a word which is related to the German weich, soft, and the modern English word wcak. Diefenbach, Vergleichendes Wörterbuch, vol. i. p. 139 ; Leo, Rectitudines Sing. Pers. p. 53. The numerous places in South Tyrol called Vigo seem to derive their names from the Latin vicus. Gilbert and Churchill, Dolomite Mountains, p. 74. 1 See Knapp, English Roots and Ramifications, p. 18. Domesday Book mentions salt works at Wich, Upewic, Helperic, Midelwic, and Norwiche, all in Worcestershire. From the same authority we learn that at Droitwich certain ducs of salt were payable. Ellis, Introduction to Domesday, pp. xl. and xli. “Ness” and “scar." 163 promontory of land. Thus we have CAITHNESS, WRAB- NESS, CAPE GRINEZ, near Calais, and the NAZE in Norway and in Essex. We may also detect the visits of the Northmen by the word scar, a face of rock or cliff—from skera, to shear, or cut asunder. Instances are to be found in the names of SCARBOROUGH, the SKERRIES, and SKERRYVORE. A holm means an island, almost always an island in a lake or river. STOCKHOLM stands on such an island. We have also FLATHOLM in the Severn, and LINGHOLME on Windermere. An island in the sea is denoted by the suffix ol, a, ay, or ey, as in the case of the FAROE ISLANDS; MAGEROE, in Norway ; STAFFA, IONA, and CUMBRAY, on the western coast of Scotland; and LAMBAY on the Irish coast. Furnished with these test-words we may endeavour to trace the various settlements of the Danes and of the Norwegians. To begin with our own island. As will be seen by a reference to the coloured map, the Danes of Jutland appear to have frequented the south-eastern portion of the island for purposes of trade or plunder rather than of colonization. This we gather from the fact that the Norse names in this district are found chiefly in the immediate vicinity of the coast, and designate either safe anchorages, or dangerous headlands. We find hardly 1 Cf. the Gaelic and Erse sgeir, a cliff, and the Anglo-Saxon sciran, to divide. Hence the shire, a division of land, the shore which divides land from sea, a skewer, the ploughshare and the shears, instruments for dividing, and a share, a divided part. To score is to make notches on a stick, and the Numeral a score denotes the number of notches such a stick would contain. A scar is the mark where the flesh has been divided. A shard is a bit of broken pottery. Sharp and skarp denote that something has been cut off. ? The suffix ey is Anglo-Saxon as well as Norse. M 2 164 The Northmen. one solitary instance of the occurrence of the suffixes by, toft, thorpe, or thwaite, which would indicate permanent residence. London was repeatedly besieged by the Danes. With the hope of capturing the rich and unrifled prize, their fleets lay below the city for many months together.' Their stations were at DEPTFORD, “the deep fiord ;” at GREENWICH,2 the “green reach:” and at WOOLWICH, the “hill reach,"3 so called apparently from its being overhung by the conspicuous landmark of Shooter's Hill. The spits and headlands, which mark the navi- gation along the Thames and the adjacent coasts, almost all bear characteristic Norse names-such as the FORE- NESS, the WHITENESS, SHELLNESS, SHEERNESS, SHOE- BURYNESS, FOULNESS, WRABNESS, ORFORDNESS, and the NAZE, near Harwich. On the Essex coast we find DANE- SEY FLATS, LANGENHOE, and ALRESFORD.4 DENGEY Hundred, in the south-east of Essex, is spelt Daneing in a charter of Edward the Confessor.5 PRETTLEWELL and HAWKSWELL, in the same neighbourhood, may probably contain the suffix -ville, which is so common in Nor- mandy; and THOBY, near Ingatestone, SCAR House, and LEE BECK, indicate the presence of Danish settlers. In the extreme north-eastern corner of the county we : TTTT i Saxon Chronicle, A.D. 1013, 1014, 1016. 2 There is a GRENIVIK in Iceland, which is mentioned in the Landra. mabok, p. 255. 3 This etymology is confirmed by the fact that Woolwich is written Hulviz in Domesday. .4 Stansgate Wick, Wigborough, and Battleswick may be either Saxon or Norse. See p. 161, supra. 5 Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 132. 6 Not far from hence Cnut gained a great victory over Eadmund Iron- de, which may have led to the settlement of some of the conquerors in the neighbourhood. See Chapter XII. The Northinen in Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. 165 find a little compact Danish colony-planted on a spot well guarded by marshes and the sea. Here we discover the Danish names of HARWICH, HOLMES Island, KIRBY, THORPE-le-Soken, and East THORPE. At WALTON ON THE NAZE there seems to have been a walled inclosure, to defend the intruders from the assaults of their hostile Saxon neighbours. In the south-eastern corner of Suffolk we have another WALTON, probably a second fortified outpost of the Danish kingdom.) In Suffolk there are a few scattered Danish names, chiefly near the coast-such as IPSWICH, DUNWICH,2 WALDERSWICK, ORFORD, CHILLESFORD, THORPE, BARNBY, and LOWESTOFT. The name of NORWICH is probably Norse. The city is situated on what was formerly an arm of the sea, and it was visited by Danish fleets. In the extreme south- eastern corner of Norfolk there is a dense Danish settle- ment-occupying the Hundreds of East and West FLEGG,4 a space some eight miles by seven, well pro- tected on every side by the sea, and the estuaries of the Bure and the Yare. In this small district eleven names W i In England we find some forty places called Walton. With one or two exceptions these occur in the neighbourhood of some isolated Danish or Norwegian colony. There are places bearing the name in the neighbour- hood of Harwich, Ipswich, Fenny Stratford, Lynn, Wisbeach, Liverpool, and Haverford West, all regions inhabited by an intrusive population, to whom the security afforded by a walled town would be a matter of prime necessity. 2 Beda writes the name Dunmoc. It would seem, therefore, that the last syllable of the modern name is due to Danish influence. 3 Saxon. Chronicle, A.D. 1004; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. ii. p. 317; Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. iii. p. 398. 4 From the Norse word flegg, or Danish vlak, flat. Compare the names of FLECKNEY, in Leicestershire, and FLEKKESFJORD and FLECKEROE, on the Norwegian coast. 166 The Northmen. out of twelve are unmistakably Norse, compounded mostly of some common Danish personal name, and the suffix by. We find the villages of STOKESBY, BILLOCKBY, FILBY, HEMSBY, ORMSBY, SCROTEBY, ROLLESBY, MALTBY, HERRINGBY and CLIPPESBY. The parish of REPPS re- minds us of the Icelandic districts called Hreppar, and St. Olave's Bridge preserves the name of the royal saint of Scandinavia. In the remaining part of Norfolk there are scattered names of a distinctively Danish cha- racter, though they by no means preponderate. Here, however, we are met by an element of uncertainty, since the dialectic peculiarities of the Danes from Jutland merge into those of the East Anglians who migrated from the contiguous districts of Holstein and Sleswic; and .1 See p. 191, infra. ? In the list of Suffolk surnames given in Donaldson's English Ethno- graphy, pp. 62–65, there are several which occur in the Landnamabok of Iceland. The sons of Njal were Skarphethin, Helgi, and Grimmr; these three names are common in Norfolk in the form Sharpin, Heely, and Gryme. Dasent, Burit Njal, vol. i. p. 79; Borrow, Wild Wales, vol. i. p. 352, note. 3 In the Rev. R. Garnett's Essay on the Language and Dialects of the British Isles (Essays, pp. 139, 140, 143) an attempt is made to distinguish the Anglian districts by means of the hard forms, Carlton, Fiskerton, Skipton, Skelbrooke, Skephouse, &c., which take the place of the Charltons or Chorltons, Fishertons, Shelbrookes, and Sheephouses, which are found to the south of the Thames and the west of the Teme. But it may be doubted how, far these forms are Anglian and how far Scandi- navian. Mr. R. Garnett's Anglian districts are: 1. East Anglian- Norfolk and Suffolk. 2. Middle Anglian-Lincoln, Notts, and Derby- shire. 3. North Anglian— West Riding. 4. Northumbrian-Durham, Northumberland, and the North and East Ridings. All these so-called Anglian districts are also, it will be seen, decisively Scandinavian. In fact, the Saxon peculiarities pass into those of the Anglians, the Anglian into those of the Danes, and these again into those of the Norwegians. The Danish inroads were the continuation, under another name, of the earlier Anglo-Saxon expeditions. See Palgrave, Eng. Comm. vol. i. P. 568. Lincolnshire. 167 11 TY it is often difficult to discriminate between the names derived from either source. When, however, we cross the Wash and come to Lincolnshire, we find overwhelming evidence of an almost exclusive Danish occupancy. About one-fourth of the village names in Lincolnshire present the characteristic Danish suffix by, while the total number of Danish names in this county amounts to about three hundred- more than are found in all the rest of Southumbrian England. The fens which border the Witham, the Welland, and the Nen effectually guarded the southern frontier of the Danish settlers; and this natural boundary they do not seem to have crossed in any considerable numbers. A line drawn from east to west, about eleven miles to the north of Boston, will mark the southern limit of the purely Danish, as distinguished from the Anglian settle- ment. North of this line is a district about nine miles by twelve, between Tattershall, New Bolingbroke, Horn- castle, and Spilsby, which would appear to have been more exclusively Danish than any other in the kingdom.? In this small space there are some forty unmistakable Danish:village-names; such as KIRBY, MOORBY, ENDERBY, WILKSBY, CLAXBY, MININGSBY, HAGNABY, DANDERBY, SCRIVELSBY, HAREBY, LUSBY, REVESBY, .RAITHBY, SOMMERSBY, SALMONBY, FULLETBY, ASHBY, ASGARDBY, HEMINGBY, TOFT, and others, all denoting the fixed residence of a Danish population. From Lincolnshire the Danes spread inland over the N i See the coloured map. ? A list of surnames compiled from the parish registers of this district, and compared with the names in the Landnamabok of Iceland, would pro- bably prove of great ethnological interest and value. 168 The Northmen. contiguous counties. The Danelagh, or Danish district, by agreement between Alfred and Guthrum, renewed by Eadmund and Anlaf in 941, was divided from the Saxon kingdom by a line passing along the Thames, the Lea, and the Ouse, and then following the course of Watling Street, the Roman road which runs in a straight line from London to Chester. North of this line we find in the local names abundant evidence of Danish occupancy, while to the south of it hardly a single name is to be found denoting any permanent colonization. The coloured map will show the manner in which the Danish local names radiate from the Wash. In Leicestershire, Rutland, Northamptonshire, and Yorkshire, the Danish names preponderate over those of the Anglo-Saxon type; while Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Bedford- shire, and the adjacent counties, protected by the fens, present scarcely a single Danish name.? We have, however, the Danish village-names of HEYTHROP, and COCKTHORPE in Oxfordshire. DACORUM Hundred, in Herts, is called Danais in Domesday: it contains the hamlets of ELSTROP, AYSTROPE, CAUSE- WELL, HAMWELL, and a place called DANEFURLONG; and on the borders of the hundred, close to the dividing line of Watling Street, are KETTLEWELL, CHISWILI., and DANESEND.4 It will be seen also how the Danish names cluster round each of the Danish fortresses of i Roger de Hoveden, p. 423; St. John, Fouer Conquests, vol. i. p. 354 ; Robertson, Scotland under her Early Kings, vol. ii. p. 273 ; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 378; Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, p. 21. 2 Toft, in Cambridgeshire, is almost the only instance. 3 An unmistakably Norse name. In the Landnamabok Ketell occurs repeatedly as a personal name. + Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 67. Scotland. 169 -*... * .. .. - V 2 Leicester, Derby, Stamford, Nottingham, Lincoln, and York.1 As we leave Yorkshire and approach Durham and... Northumberland the Norse names rapidly diminish in frequency, and north of the Tweed ..they almost entirely disappear. The few that we find are usually only stations on the coast, as ALNWICK and BERWICK. The names of a few bays and headlands? prove that the Northmen were familiar with the navigation of the coast, while the absence of any Norse names of villages or farms proves that the soil, for some reason, was left in the undisturbed possession of the Saxons or the Celts. In Fife we find by once or twice, and thorpe appears once in the form of threap.3 The map proves conclusively that the district between the Tees and the Forth is one of the most purely Saxon portions of the island, thus remarkably corroborating the historical fact that in the eleventh century even the Lothians were reckoned as a part of England.4 But as we approach the north-eastern extremity of Scotland a new phenomenon presents itself. We find a large number of Norse names; they are, however, no longer Danish as heretofore, but exclusively Norwegian. We find, in fact, that the local nomenclature bears decisive witness to the historical fact that, down to a comparatively late period,5 the Shetlands, the Orkneys, the Hebrides, and the Isle of Man, were not dependencies 1 On the Danish burghs, see Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, p. 31; Kemble, Saxonis in England, vol. ii. p. 320. ? E.g. Alnwick, Berwick, the Firths of Forth, Tay, and Moray, Black- ness, Borrowstowness, Fifeness, Buttonness, Burleness. 3 See Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. p. 487. 4 See Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. iv. p. 346. 5 A.D. 1266. 170 The Northmen. TY TT of the Crown of Scotland, but jarldoms attached to the kingdom of Norway. It may seem strange to us that the extreme north- western corner of Great Britain should be called SUTHER- LAND. No inhabitants of Scotland could have bestowed so inappropriate a name. And, accordingly, we find that the Gaelic peasantry call the county Catuibh. The name of Sutherland was evidently given by a people living still further to the north. Sutherland, in short, was the mainland to the south of the Orkney jarldom, Here, as well as in Caithness, we find numerous Norwegian names, such as BRORA, THURSO, WICK, SKEROAR, Loch SKERROW, and SANDWICK bay. The barren uplands were left to the Gael ; while in the more fertile straths and glens we find the Norse suffixes -dale, -seter, and -ster. Names like LOCH LAXFORDor STRATH HELMSDALE, in which a Celtic synonym is prefixed to the Norse word, seem to point to the recovery by the Celts of that preponderance of which, for a time, they had been deprived. In the Shetlands every local name, without exception, is Norwegian. The names of the farms end, as in Norway, in -seter or -ster, and the hills are called -how, -hoy, and -holl. The names of the small bays have the Norwegian suffix -voe, as WESTVOE, AITHSVOE, LAXVOE, and HAMNAVOE. We find also BURRAFIORD, SAXAFORD, LERWICK, and SANDWICK. In the whole of the Orkneys i See p. 75, supra. 2 This word, and the first syllable of Caithness, are probably vestiges of an Ugrian occupation, which preceded the arrival of the Celts. In the Lapp language ketje means an end or extremity. See Robertson, Early Kings, vol. i. p. 33; Worsaae, Danes, p. 253. 3 1.e. Salmon fjord. 4 Worsaae, Danes, p. 230. The Shetlands and Orkney's. 171 there are only two, or perhaps three, Celtic names.1 The names of the islands of which the group is composed present the Norwegian suffix, a, island. We have SANDA (sand island), STRONSA (stream island), and WESTRA (west island); and often, as in the case of RONALDSA and EGILSA, we find the name of the first Norwegian chief who found here a safe island home.? It was the practice of the Vikings to retire during the winter months to one of the small islands off the coast, and to issue forth again on the return of summer to recommence their piracies. The names of the in- numerable islets of the Hebrides bear curious testimony to the prevalence of this practice. The small islands, with few exceptions, bear Norse appellations, while the local names on the mainland are almost wholly Celtic.4 The name of LEWIS is the Norwegian ljod-lus,the wharf or landing-place; and in this island we find bays i One of these is the name of the group. In the word ORKNEY the terminal syllable ey is the Norse for island. The n which precedes is, I imagine, a vestige of the Gaelic innis or inch, an island. Orc is probably from the Gaelic orc, a whale. Diefenbach, Celtica, vol. i. p. 41. Milton speaks of "the haunt of seals and orcs.” Dr. Guest and Chalmers think that the root is the Cymric word orch, which means a border or limit. Guest, On Gentile Names, in Phil. Proc. vol. i. p. 9. ? The Faroe Islands are wholly Norwegian. We have the islands of SANDOL, MEGGANAES, HESTOE, VAAGOE, NAALSOE, and the chief town is THORSHAVN. 3 Skene, History of the Highlanders, vol. i. p. 91. 4 There are three islands called Bernera, two called Scalpa, two called Pabbay. We have also the islands of Skarpa, Tarransay, Gillisay, Barra, Sundera, Watersay, Mingalay, Sanderay, Plottay, Vidhay, Eriskay, Fiaray, Wiay, Grimsay, Rona, Calvay, Lingay, and Hellesay. Nearer to the coast we find Rona, Fradda, Raasay, Soa (twice), Longa, Sanday, Canna, Ulva, Gommeray, Staffa (cf. Stafafell, in Iceland), Iona, Colonsay, Oronsay, Kerrera, Skarba, Jura, Islay, Gigha, Cara, Cumbray, Ailsa, and many others. 5 Ansted and Latham, Channel Islands, p. 333 ; Innes, Orig. Par. Possibly, however, the root is lod, a bundle of fishing lines. 172 The Northmen. A called SANDWICK and NORWICK. UIG was anciently Wig,' and HARRIS is a corruption of Harige. BROAD- FORD bay, in Skye, is a name identical with BREIDA FIORD in Iceland, and there are also the capes of TROT- TERNISH and VATTERNISH (water-ness). The first portion of this name contains the characteristic Norse word vatn, which appears in the names of no less than ten of the Hebridean lakesmas, for example, in those of Lochs LANGAVAT and STEEPAVAT.3 The Norsemen called the Hebrides the SUDREYJAR, or Southern Islands. The two sees of the Sudreyjar and of the Isle of Man were united in the eleventh century, and made dependent on the Archbishop of Trondhjem, in Norway, by whom, till the year 1334, the Episcopi Sudorenses were always consecrated. The Anglican Bishop of SODOR and Man still retains his titular supre- macy over those “southern isles” which have so long been under the pastoral care of a presbyterian Church. In the south of Scotland the only Scandinavian settle- ment on the mainland was in Dumfriesshire. Here we find more than a dozen names with the suffix by, and Others ending in garth; beck, and thwaite. In the neigh- bouring counties of Kirkcudbright and Wigton there are also a few outlying names of the same class. The Isle of Man, which at one time formed a portion of the kingdom of Norway, must have contained a considerable Norwegian population, as appears from the Norse names of the villages, such as COLBY, GREENABY, DALBY, BALEBY, KIRBY, SULBY, and JURBY. On the 1 Innes, Orig. Par. vol. ii. p. 385. ? Ib. p. 376. 3 In Iceland there are lakes called Langer-vatn, Apa-vatn, Græna-vatn, Fiski-vatn, Torfa-vatn, Sand-vatn, &c. On Norse names in the Scottish Isles, see Worsaae, Danes, pp. 218~-276; Barry, Hist. of Orkneys, p. 232. Sodor and Man. 173 coast we find the bays of PERWICK, FLESWICK, GREEN- WICK, SANDWICK, ALDRICH, SODERICK, GARWICK, and DRESWICK, the capes of LANGNESS and LITTLENESS, and the islands of EVE, HOLM, the CALF, and RONALDSAY ; while SNEEFELL (snow hill), the highest mountain in the island, bears a pure Norwegian name. The distribution of these Norse names is very noteworthy. It will be seen by a reference to the coloured map that they are confined mainly to the south of the island, a circumstance for which I was at a loss to account, till I discovered the historical fact that when Goddard of Iceland conquered Man he divided the fertile southern portion among his followers, while he left the natives in possession of the northern and more mountainous region, where, conse- quently, Celtic names still prevail.2 In the same way that the Danish names in England are seen to radiate from the Wash, so the Norwegian immigration seems to have proceeded from Morcambe Bay and that part of the coast which lies opposite to the Isle of Man. Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, and Dumfriesshire contain a very considerable number of Scandinavian names, but comparatively few of a distinctively Danish cast. The lake district seems to have been almost exclusively peopled by Celts and Norwegians. The Norwegian suffixes, -gill, -garth, -haugh, -thwaite, -force, and -fell, are abundant; while the Danish forms, -thorpe and -toft, are almost unknown; and the Anglo-Saxon test-words, -ham, -ford, -worth, and -ton, are comparatively rare.3 . Of the other test-words we find ey in WALNEY and 1 See p. 5, supra; and Worsaae, Danes, p. 279. 2 Train, Isle of Man, vol. i. p. 78. 3 See pp. 158, 159, supra. 174 The Northmen. FOULNEY,1 and holm in LINGHOLM and SILVERHOLM on Windermere, and in RAMPSHOLME on Ulleswater. Ness occurs in the names of BOWNESS, SHINBURNESS, SCAR NESS, and FURNESS:-wick in KESWICK on Derwent- water, and in BLOWICK on Ulleswater. The Norwegian word stackr, a columnar rock, was appropriately ap- plied to the mountains which bear the names of STAKE, the STICKS, PIKE O'STICKLE, and the HAY STACKS (the high rocks). More than 150 different personal names of the Icelandic. type are preserved in the local topography of the lake district. According to the last census2 there are now only sixty-three surnames in Iceland, of which the commonest are Kettle, Halle, Ormur, and Gils. In Cumberland and Westmoreland these are preserved in the local names, KETTLEWELL, HALLTHWAITE, ORMA- THWAITE, and GELLSTONE. By far the most common Christian names in Iceland are Olafur (borne by 992 persons), Einer (by 878), and Bjarni (by 869). These are found in ULVERSTON, ENNERDALE, and BARNEY- HOUSE. We find the name of Hrani (now Rennie) in RANSDALE, RAINSBARROW, and WRENSIDE; Loki in LOCKTHWAITE, LOCKHOLM, LOCKERBY, and LOCKER- BARROW; Buthar in BUTTERMERE, BUTTERHILL, and BUTTERGILL ; Geit? in GATESWATER, GATESGARTH, and GATESGILL; and Skögul in SKEGGLES WATER.4 The Norse haugr, a sepulchral mound, is often found in the names of mountains crowned by conspicuous i The suffix a, which denotes a river as well as an island, appears in the river names of the Greta, Liza, Wiza, Rotha, Bretha, Rathay, Calda, as well as in the Ea, and the Eamont. See Ferguson, Northmen, p. 113. ? Symington, Iceland, p. 182. 3 Ferguson, North.men in Cumberland, pp. 105, 130. 4 Ferguson, Northmen, pp. 128–135. See the Landnamabok, passim. The Lake District-Cheshire. 175 1 tumuli. The name of the old Viking who lies buried here is often preserved in the first portion of such local names. Thus, SILVER HOW, BULL HOW, SCALE HOW, and BUTTERLIP HOW, are, probably, the burial-places of the forgotten heroes, Sölvar, Böll, Skall, and Buthar Lipr. In Cheshire, with one remarkable local exception, we find no vestiges of Norse colonists. But the spit of land called the Wirral, between the Dee and the Mersey, seems to have allured them by its excellent harbours, and the protection afforded by its almost insular cha- racter. Here, in fact, we find geographical conditions similar to those which gave rise to the two isolated Norse colonies at the mouths of the Stour and the Yare, and the result is no less remarkable. In this space of about twelve miles by six there is scarcely a single Anglo-Saxon name, while we find the Norse villages of RABY, PENSBY, IRBY, FRANKBY, KIRBY, WHITBY, and GREASBY. We find also the Norse names of SHOTWICK, HOLME, DALPOOL, HOWSIDE, BARNSTON, THORNTON, THURSTANSTON, BIRKENHEAD, and the BACK Brook ; and in the centre of the district is the village of THING- WALL, a name which indicates the position of the meeting place of the Thing, the assembly in which the little colony of Northmen exercised their accustomed privileges of local self-government.4 The Vikings cruised around the coasts of North Wales, but we find no trace of settlements. The names of the ... i Ferguson, Northmen in Cumberland, p. 55. 2 We read of a large body of Scandinavian invaders who took refuge here. Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 397. 3 See pp. 165, 166, supra. 4 See Chapter XII. 176 The Northmen. ORME'S 1 HEAD, the NORTH STACK, the SOUTH STACK, FENWICK ROCK, the SKERRIES, and PRIESTHOLME, show their familiar acquaintance with the dangerous points on this rockbound coast; while PORT DYN NOR- WIG, the “Port of the Norway Man,” near Bangor, may probably indicate a haven which they frequented. There is a curious exception to the broad assertion that has been made 2 as to the non-existence of Norse names to the south of Watling Street. The sea-rovers, with infallible instinct, seem to have detected the best harbour in the kingdom, and to have found shelter for their vessels in the fjords of the Pembrokeshire coast —the deep land-bound channels of MILFORD, HAVER- FORD, WHITEFORD,4 and SKERRYFORD, and the neigh- bouring creeks of WATHWICK, LITTLE WICK, OXWICH, HELWICK, GELLYSWICK, MOUSSELWICK, WICK HAVEN, and MUGGLESWICK BAY. The dangerous rocks and islands which fringe this coast likewise bear Norwegian names; such are the STACK Rocks, STACKPOLE Head, the STACK, PENYHOLT STACK, ST. BRIDE'S STACK, STACK Island, SKOKHOLM Island, SKERRYBACK, SKERPOINT, the NAZE, STRUMBLE Head, the WORM'S Head, NASH (Naze) Point, and DUNGENESS (Dangerness). Most of the names on the mainland are Celtic, but the neigh- bouring islands bear the Norse names of CALDY (Cold Island), BARRY (Bare Island), SULLY (Ploughed Island), T TY i From the Norse ormr, a serpent. The Wurmshead in South Wales presents the Saxonized form of the same word. In Stanfield's admirable picture of this rock we seem to see the sea serpent raising its head and the half of its huge length above the waves. % See p. 168, supra. 3 Havenfjord. So there is a Hafnafjord in Iceland. 4 Whiteford Sands show that the estuary of the Burry must hav received from the Norsemen the appropriate name of Hvit-fjora. The Pembrokeshire Settlement. 177 L LUNDY (Grove Island), SKOKHOLM (Wooded Island), DENNEY (Danes' Island), RAMSEY, SKOMER, BURRY HOLMES, GATEHOLM, GRASSHOLM, FLATHOLMI and STEEPHOLM. No less than twenty-four of the headlands on the Pembrokeshire coast are occupied by camps, which we may regard as the first beginning of a Scandinavian occupation of the soil. Round the shores of Milford Haven a little colony of permanent settlers was estalished in the villages of FREYSTROP (Freysthorpe), STUDDA, VOGAR, ANGLE, TENBY (Daneby), DERBY, HASGUARD, FISHGUARD, DALE, LAMBETH, and WHITSAND. Of the Vikings who founded this Welsh colony, Harold, Bakki, Hamill, Grim, Hiarn, Lambi, Thorni, Thor, Gorm, Brodor, Sölvar, Hogni, and Buthar have left us their names at HAROLDSTON, BUCKSTON, AMBLESTON, CREAM- STON, HEARSTON, LAMBSTON, THORNSTON, THURSTAN, GOMFRESTON,2 BROTHER HILL, SILVER HILL, HONEY HILL, and BUTTER HILL, several of which may be the burial-places of those whose names they bear.3 There is, occasionally, in Pembrokeshire, a difficulty in distinguishing between the Norse names and those which are due to the colony of Flemings which was established in this district during the reign of Henry I. “Flandrenses, tempore Regis Henrici primi ... ad occidentalem Walliæ partem, apud Haverford, sunt translati.” 4 These colonists came from a portion of 1 A large body of Danes took refuge in Flatholm in the year 918. St. John, Four Conquests, vol. i. p. 322. 2 The last syllable in these names would seem not to be the Anglo-Saxon ton, but was probably derived from the memorial stone erected over the grave of some departed hero. 3 See Ferguson, Northmen, pp. 10, 66, 68. 4 Higden's Chronicle, apud Gale, Scriptores, vol. iii. p. 210. 1 1 178 The Northmen. TTT Flanders which was submerged by an irruption of the sea in the year 1110. LEWESTON, RICKESTON, ROBESTON, ROGESTON, JOHNSTON, WALTERSTON, HERBRANDSTON, THOMASTON, WILLIAMSTON, JAMESTON, and JEFFREYS- TON belong to a class of names which we find nowhere else in the kingdom-names given, not by Saxon or Danish pagans, but by Christianized settlers, men bearing the names, not of Thurstan, Gorm, or Grim, but of Lewes, Richard, Robert, Walter, and others common in the twelfth century. The names of the village of FLEMINGSTON, and of the VIA FLANDRICA, which runs along the crest of the Precelly mountains, afford ethno- logical evidence still more conclusive, and TUCKING Mill (Clothmaking Mill) shows the nature of the industry which was imported. This Pembrokeshire settlement was, probably, at first, little more than a nest of pirates, who sallied forth to plunder the opposite coast of the Channel, and to prey upon any passing merchant craft. That the Somerset- shire coast was not unknown to them we see from the Norse names of WICK Rock at one entrance of Bridge- water Bay, and How Rock at the other. The sands which lie in the estuary of the Yeo are called Langford grounds-an indication that this “long fiord” was known to the Northmen by the appropriate name of LANGFORD. The chief port of Scilly bears the name of GRIMSBY, and ST. AGNES, the name of the most southern island, is a corruption of the old Norse name Hagenes. On the mainland of Cornwall only one station of the North- i See Cliffe, South Wales, p. 257; Lappenberg, Anglo-Norman Kings, p. 345; Giraldus Cambrensis, Itin. lib. i. cap. II; and the notes of H. Lluyd, Camden, and Sir R. C. Hoare upon the passage. Devonshire. 179 men can be discovered, but the position is admirably adapted for refitting ships, and obtaining necessary sup- plies. Near the Lizard Point a deep inlet bears the name of HELFORD, and the village at its head is called GWEEK, evidently a corruption of Wick. In Devonshire there are two or three clusters of Norse names. These present the characteristic suffix by. in.... a form nearly approaching to the old Norse form by.r-,---- which is preserved in the boer of the Icelandic farms.? In North Devon we find ROCKBEER and BEAR, both in the neighbourhood of the fjord of BIDEFORD. On the left bank of the estuary of the Exe, in South Devon, we have another cluster of such names, comprising the villages of AVLESBERE, ROCKBERE, LARKBEER, and HOUNDBERE. We find also (BYESTOCK and THORP, EXWICK and COWICK, the NESS at Teignmouth, the SKERRIES close by, and a place called NORMANS (i.e. Northman's) CROSS. Here a portion of the Roman road to Exeter takes the Danish name STRAIGHTGATE. The Northmen penetrated up the estuary of the Tamar as well as up that of the Exe. In the Saxon Chronicle (A.D. 997) we read of a descent of the Danes at Lidford ; and in this neighbourhood we find LANGABEER, BEARDON, BEER ALSTON, BEARON, BEER FERRERS, DINGWELL, and THURSHELTON, as well as BURN and BEARA (byr water), both on the banks of brooks. At the mouth of i See the review of the Ist edition of Words and Places in the Times o · March 26, 1864. 2 E.g. Ossaboer, in Iceland. In Essex and Suffolk we find Buers and Bures. See p. 157, supra. 3 On the numerous Danish incursions into Devonshire see Strinnholm, Wikingziige, p. 57; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. pp. 542, 591, 601; vol. ii. pp. 306, 312, 317. In 877 the Danes were in possession of Exeter. St. John, Four Conquests, vol. i. p. 266. N 2 180 The Northmen. the Otter, again, we find the villages of BEER, BERE- WOOD, and BOVY ? IN BEER. Near Poole Harbour 3 we have East HOLME, BERE Regis, and SWANWICK. There was another Swanwick on Southampton Water, which has been corrupted to SWANAGE. In the Saxon Chronicle (A.D. 877) we read of the defeat of a Danish fleet at Swanawic on the south coast; and it has been con- jectured, with some probability, that a chief bearing the common Danish name of Sweyn may have been in command, from whom we derive the name of “ Sweyn's Bay,"4 SWANTHORPE, IBTHROP, and EDMUNDSTHROP, all in Hampshire, exhibit the suffix which is so charac- teristic of Danish settlements. At HOLMSDALE, in Surrey, we find an isolated Danish name. At this spot the crews of 350 ships, who had marched inland, were cut off by Ethelwulf, in the year 852, and it is probable that the survivors may have settled in the neighbour- hood. Further to the north we find THORPE, near Chertsey. There seem to be traces of the Danes at BERWICK and SEAFORD near Beachy Head, and at HOLM- STONE 6 and WICK in Romney Marsh, as well as at the point of DUNGENESS, or “Danger Cape.” Finally, we 1 The Danes landed at Seaton in 937. See Saxon Chronicle. 2 This approximates to the Norman form boeuf. See pp. 157, 186. 3 We frequently read of Danish descents in Dorset. See Turner, Anglo- Saxonis, vol. ii. pp. 306, 312; Strinnholm, Wikingzüge, p. 55; St. John, Four Conquests, vol. i. p. 443. 4 See Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 329. Sweyn was a common Danish name. There are three SWANTONs in Norfolk. At SWANESCOMB, near Greenhithe, there are several barrows; and here, it has been thought, Sweyn, king of Denmark, landed. 5 St. John, Four Conquests, vol. i. p. 227. Cf. Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 590. Here a battle was fought between Danes and Saxons. The Danes had a fortress in Romney Marsh. Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 387. : Ireland. ini 181 find them on the Kentish coast at SANDWICH, the sandy bay-a name which occurs also in Iceland, in Norway, in the Orkneys, in the Hebrides, and in the Shetlands. Sandwich in Kent was one of the favourite stations for the Danish fleets; they were there in the years 851 and 1014, as we learn from the Saxon Chronicle. The Northmen would appear to have established themselves in Ireland rather for purposes of trade than of colonization. Their ships sailed up the great fjords of WATERFORD, WEXFORD,1 STRANGFORD, and CARLINGFORD, and anchored in the bays of LIMERICK and WICKLOW. In Kerry we find the name of SMER- WICK, or “butter bay," then apparently, as now, a trading station for the produce of the surrounding dis- trict. The name of COPLAND Island, near Belfast, shows that here was a trading station of the Norse mer- chants, who trafficked in English slaves ? and other merchandize. As we approach Dublin, the numerous Norse names along the coast–LAMBAV Island, DALKEY Island, Ireland's EYE, the SKERRIES, the Hill of HOWTH, and LEIXLỊP, the “salmon leap," on the Liffey—prepare us to learn that the Scandinavians in Dublin were go- verned by their own laws till the thirteenth century, and that, as in London, they had their own separate quarter of the city; guarded by walls and gates—OXMANTOWN, that is, Ostmantown, the town of the men from the East.3 The general geographical acquaintance which the i To the south of Wexford is the Barony of FORTH (fjord). 2 See Goldwin Smith, Irish History and Irish Character, p. 48. 3 Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, pp. 323, 349. The Ostmen pos- sessed the four cities of Dublin, Waterford, Limerick, and Cork. There were Ostman kings of Limerick, Dublin, and Waterford. Lappenberg, Anglo-Norman Kings, p. 64; Strinnholm, Wikingzüge, p. 57. . 182 The Northmen. Northmen had with the whole of Ireland is shown by the fact that three out of the four Irish provinces, namely, LEINSTER, MUNSTER, and ULSTER, present the Norse suffix ster, a place, which is so common in local names in the Shetlands and in Norway.1 In order to estimate with some exactitude the pro- portionate amount of the Scandinavian element in the different parts of England, the following table has been carefully compiled. It gives the proportion of Norse names to the acreage of the several counties—the proportion in Kent being taken as the unit of compu- tation. The names in those counties which are printed in italics exhibit a Norwegian rather than a Danish character. Intensity of the Scandinavian element of population, as indicated by village names : Kent • .i.. Lancashire .... Glamorgan. ... Durham . . . . . 30 Hants. . . . . West Riding ... 60 Essex. . . . . . 5 Nottingham. .. Warwick... Norfolk, ... Bucks. ... Northampton .. Rutland . . . . . Devon . . . . North Riding ... Suffolk .. . Cumberland . . . . 124 Bedford, ... Westmoreland . . . Pembroke ... East Riding. .... Northumberland .. Lincolnshire .. . 165 Derbyshire .... Leicestershire ... 1692 Cheshire . . . . . 8 III 126 The actual number of names is-in Lincolnshire, about 300; in Leicestershire, Westmoreland, Cumber- i See p. 170, supra. 2 In several particulars this table will be found to differ from that given by Mr. Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, p. 71. 1. I have excluded suffixes common to the Anglo-Saxon and the Norse languages. 2. I have Relative Intensity of the Scandinavian Element. 183 land, and each of the Ridings about 100; in Norfolk, Northampton, Notts, and Lancashire, about 50; in Dur- ham and Northumberland, about 20; in Suffolk, Derby, Cheshire, Rutland, and Pembroke, about a dozen; in Bucks, Bedford, and Warwick, not more than half that number. From the character of the Norse names upon the map of the British Isles, we may class the districts affected by Scandinavian influence under three general divisions :- 1 I. Places visited only for trade or booty. These fringe the coast, and are the names of bays, capes, or islands. The surrounding villages have Saxon or Celtic names. To this class belong, mostly, the names along the estuaries of the Thames and Severn, and along the coasts of Kent, Sussex, Essex, North Wales, Ireland, and Eastern Scotland. II. Isolated settlements amid a hostile population. These are found in places which are nearly surrounded by water, and which are furnished with good harbours. In this class we must include the settlements near Har- wich, Yarmouth, Birkenhead, and Milford. III. The Danelagh or Danish kingdom, where the Norse element of the population was predominant. Yet 2. I have excluded names on the coast not denoting colonization. 3. I have calculated the proportion of names to the acreage of each county, instead of giving the absolute number of names. The latter mode of computation is deceptive. An example will make this plain. From Mr. Worsaae's table it appears that the Scandinavian names in Lincolnshire, a very large county, are three times as numerous as those in Leicestershire, a much smaller one, whereas, in reality, the Norse element is actually less intense in Lincolnshire than it is in Leicestershire. In fact, portions of Lincolnshire are almost destitute of Norse names : for example, the Fens, which in their nomenclature are neither Saxon nor Danish, but English, having been reclaimed at a period when the distinction between Dane and Saxon had died away. See the coloured map. 184 The Northmen. even here the names are clustered, rather than uniformly distributed. Such clusters of names are to be found near Stamford, Sleaford, Horncastle, Market Rasen, Melton Mowbray, Leicester, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, New- ark, Lincoln, Grimsby, York, and Bridlington, The Scandinavians who settled in France have left few memorials of their speech in our French dictionaries -few permanent conquests have had so slight an in- fluence on the language of the conquered nation. The conquerors married native women, and their sons seem only to have learned the language spoken by their mothers ; so that, except in the neighbourhood of Bayeux, where the Norman speech was grafted on the nearly-related and firmly-established language of the Saxon shore, the sons of the soil at no time spoke a Scandinavian dialect. But the map of Normandy sup- plies abundant traces of the Scandinavian conquest. The accompanying sketch-map shows the distribution 1 A few Norse words still survive in the dialect of Normandy. Thus we have- In Normandy. In Iceland. davre. dagverdr. breakfast. fikke. ficki. pocket. grande. granni. neighbour. gild. gildr. clever. feig. feigr. dying. kaud. kot. cottage. These are not the terms used either in French or Danish. The French expressions would be déjeûner, poche, voisin, habile, moribond, and cabane; and the modern Danish would be frokost, lomme, nabo, flink, dödsens, and hytte. See Etienne Borring, Sur la Limite Méridionale de la Monarchie Da noise, p. 4. In modern French there are a few nautical terms of Danish origin. See Diez, Rom. Gram. vol. i. p. 51. Cf. Max Müller, Lectures, 2nd series, p. 264. All:crilis Dieppe : Si...:AA. DAN: ASS. Ann. os :. . . . .::AA...AMAZ, 20:04AAOsoA. D AHA MA.. , AAAAA....:doo 4:,41::.A... don *. to Pro Rouen. ☆ xi a Wool ins · Caoni 4 .4.:;; .L ; . . ! SAXON x 0 · 0 X-a co MILES A TOT XBEUF .:. Other Names lunch 0 5 10 i 30 20 The Northmen in France. 185 of these names, and, as has been already observed, it proves how carefully the Scandinavians avoided all encroachment on the district already occupied by Saxon colonists. We find the names of the original Scandinavian settlers are thickly scattered over the land. We have seen that in England the former abodes of the North- men-Grim, Biörn, Harold, Thor, Guddar, and Haco - go by the names of Grimsby, Burnthwaite, Harroby, Thoresby, Guttersby, and Hacconby: so in Normandy these same personal appelations occur in the village- names, and we find GRIMONVILLE, BORNEVILLE, HEROU- VILLE, TOURVILLE, GODARVILLE, HACONVILLE, and HACQUEVILLE.? The Norse gardr, an inclosure, or yard, occurs in Nor- mandy at FISIGARD, AUPPEGARD, and EPEGARD- names which we may compare with Fishguard in Pem- brokeshire, Applegarth in Yorkshire, and Æblegaard in Denmark. Toft, which also means an inclosure, takes the form tot in Normandy, as in YVETOT, Ivo's toft; PLUMETOT, flower toft ; LILLETOT, little toft; ROUTOT, Rödtot, or red toft; CRIQUETOT, crooked toft; BERQUE- TOT, birch toft; HAUTOT, high toft; LANGETOT, long toft. We have also Pretot, Tournetot, Bouquetot, Grastot, Appetot, Garnetot, Ansetot, Turretot, He- bertot, Cristot, Brestot, Franquetot, Raffetot, Houdetot, and others, about one hundred in all. Toft being a Danish rather than a Norwegian suffix, would incline 1 All these names are found in the Landnamabok of Iceland. 2 See Depping, vol. ii. p. 339; Palgrave, vol. i. p. 702; Ferguson, p. 128; Worsaae, p. 69; Gervilie; Petersen. This suffix ville has been usually supposed to be the Romance word villa. It is far more probable, however, that it is the Teutonic weiler, a single house. See p. 159, supra. 3 Moreover, in Denmark we often find combinations identical with some 186 The Northmen. . us to suppose, from its frequent occurrence, that the conquerors of Normandy were Danes rather than Nor- wegians; and the total absence of thwaite, the Norwegian test-word, tends to strengthen this supposition. The suffix by, so common in Danish England, gene- rally takes, in Normandy, the form bæuf, buf, or bue, as in the cases of CRIQUEBUF (Crogby, or crooked-by), MARBEUF (Markby), QUITTEBEUF (Whitby, or white- by), DAUBEUF (Dale-by), CARQUEBUF (Kirkby), QUILLE- BEUF (Kil-by?), ELBEUF, PAINBEUF, and LINDEBEUF. The form buf, or bouf, seems very remote from the old Norse boer; but a few names ending in bue, such as LONGBUE and TOURNEBUE, and still more the village of BURES, exhibit the transitional forms through which the names in buf may probably have passed. HAMBYE and COLOMBY are the only instances of the English form which I can find. The village of LE TORP gives us the word thorpe, which, however, more usually appears in the cor- rupted form of torbe, tourp, or tourbe, as in the case of CLITOURPS.3 The name of the castle-crowned rock of FALAISE reminds us of the fells of Cumberland.4 The name of the river DIEPPE, which was afterwards 5 given to the town which was built beside it, is iden- tical with that of the Diupa, or “deep water” in of those just enumerated. Such are Blumtofte, Rodtofte, Langetofte, and Grastofte. See Le Prevost, Recherches, pp. 41, 64. i Norse kellda, German quelle, a well or river-source. La Roquette, Recherches, p. 46; Ferguson, Northmen, p. 119.' 2 Cf. Taarnby, in Denmark. 3 See Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, pp. 43–50. Cf. the German felsen. 4 Petersen, p. 49. 5 In the tenth century. Normandy. 187 Iceland; and it may be compared with “The Deeps" near Boston. From the Norse beckr (Danish bec), a brook, we have CAUDEBEC, the “cold brook," the same name as that of the Cawdbeck in the Lake District, and the Kaldbakr in Iceland. The name of the BRIQUEBEC, the “birch- fringed brook," is the same as that of the Birkbeck in Westmoreland. The HOULBEC, the “brook in the hollow," corresponds to the Holbeck in Lincolnshire, and the Holbek in Denmark. The name of BOLBEC we may compare with Bolbek in Denmark; and the name of FOULBEC, or “muddy brook,” is identical with that of the Fulbeck in Lincolnshire. The Danish ö, an island, is seen in Eu, Cantaleu, Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney. The suffix -fleur, which we find in HONFLEUR and other names, is derived from the Norse fliot, 2 a small river or channel, which we have in Purfleet, Northfleet, and many other English names. The phonetic resem- blance between fleur and fleet may seem slight, but the identification is placed beyond a doubt by the fact that HARFLEUR was anciently written Herosfluet ; while Roger de Hovenden calls BARFLEUR by the name of Barbeflet, and Odericus Vitalis calls it Barbeflot. VITTE- FLEUR is the "white river," and FIQUEFLEUR seems to be a corruption of Wickfieet, "the river in the bay." 3 Holine, a river island, appears in the names of TUR- 1 Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. ii. P. III; La Roquette, P. 55. 2 Danish flod, English flood. See Petersen, Recherches, p. 38; Depping, Expéditions, vol. ii. p. 341. 3 HAVRE may be either from the Norse höfn, a haven, or from the Celtic aber, a river's mouth. See Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 41 ; Dieſen- bach, Celtica, i. p. 23. 188 The Northmen. HULME, NIHOU, 1 and LE HOULME, near Rouen. Cape de la HOGUE, Cape HOC, and Cape le HODE, may be compared with the Cape near Dublin, called the Hill of Howth. This is the old Norse laugr, a sepulchral mound, the same word which appears in the haughs of Northumberland. LES DALLES, OUDALES, CRODALE, CROIXDAL, DANESTAL, DEPEDAL, DIEPPEDAL, DARNE- TAL, and BRUQUEDALLE, remind us of the dales of Westmoreland and the North Riding. · ESCOVES ? seems to be the Icelandic skogy, and corre- sponds to the English shaw, a wood, or shady place. Bosc, a wood, or bushy place, is a very common suffix in Normandy, as in the names VERBOSC, BRICQUEBOSQ, and BANDRIBOSC. Holt, a wood, occurs in the name TERHOULDE, or Theroude. The Calf of Man is re- peated in LE CAUF.4 Beyond the district of Norse colonization we have a few scattered names of bays and capes, indicating occa- sional visits of the Vikings. Such are Cape GRINEZ, or Greyness, near Calais ; WYK in Belgium ; QUANTOVIC; VIGO Bay in the North of Spain, and possibly VICO in the bay of Naples. The BERLINGAS, a group of rocky islets forty miles north-west of Lisbon, would appear, from the name, to have been a station of the North- i Granted to one Niel, or Njal, A.D. 920. Gerville, Noms, p. 229; La Roquette, p. 48. · 2 Petersen, p. 50.. 3 Petersen, p. 50; Depping, vol. ii. p. 344. : 4 On the Norse names in Normandy, see Depping, Expéditions Maritimes des Normands, vol. ii. pp. 339—342; Lappenberg, England under the Anglo-Norman Kings, pp. 97-100; Borring, Sur la Limite Méridionale de la Monarchie Danoise: and the essays of Palgrave ; Petersen ; La Roquette; Le Prevost ; Gerville ; and Latham. 5 A Danish fleet was destroyed at Compostella. Strinnholm, Wikingziige, vol. i. pp. 144, 145 ; Depping, vol. i. p. 110. The Northmen in Sicily. 189 men.) HASTINGUES, a river-island near Bayonne, probably takes its name from the renowned Viking Hasting, who was long the terror of France, Spain, and Italy, and the Ile de BIERE in the Loire was no doubt so called from the huts which the Danes erected upon it for the accom- modation of their prisoners. 3 SCARANOS, on the southern coast of Sicily, 4 is an almost solitary memorial of the visits of the Vikings to the Mediterranean. With this name we may compare those of Scarnose on the coast of Banff, Scarness in Cumberland, and Sheerness on the Thames. The SKERKI rocks, also on the Sicilian coast, may not improbably have received from the Northmen the name of the Skerries, or Scar Isles, which was so frequently given to similar dangerous needles of sea-washed rock. The most easterly Norse name is KIBOTUS (Cheve- tot), near Helenopolis, on the Hellespont. Here was the station of the Væringer, or Varangian guard of the Byzantine Emperors, who were afterwards reinforced by the Ingloi, or Saxon refugees, who fled from the Norman conquerors.6 The Norman conquest of England has left few traces 1 This patronymic is found on the Baltic coast, in Friesland, and in England, see p. 151, supra. ? Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 166; Strinnholm, Wikingzüge, vol. i. P. 26; Depping, Expéditions des Normands, vol. i. pp. 122, 132. 3 See Strinnholm, Wikingzüge, vol. i. p. 34. 4 On the exploits of the Northmen in Sicily, see the Saga of Harold Hardráda, in Laing's Heimskringla, vol. iii. p. 7. 5 Talbot, English Etymologies, p. 376. ☺ See Lappenberg, Anglo-Norman Kings, p. 114. We find the name of these Warings, or Varangians, at VARENGEFJORD in Norway, VARENGE- VILLE in Normandy, WIERINGERWAARD on the coast of Holland, and at many places in England. See p. 129, supra. On the etymology of the name see Strinnholm, Wikingziige, vol. i. pp. 301, 312. 190 The Northmen. on the map. There was in no sense any coloniza- tion, as in the case of the previous Saxon and Danish invasions; nor was there even such a general trans- ference of landed property as took place in Normandy, and which is there so fully attested by the local names. The companions of the Conqueror were but a few thousands in number, and they were widely dis- persed over the soil. A few Norman-French names, however, may be still pointed to as memorials of the conquest. Of these RICHMOND 2 in Yorkshire, and MONTGOMERY : on the Welsh border, are the most con- spicuous. At MALPAS was a castle built by the first Norman Earl of Chester to guard the “bad pass" into the valley of the Dee. 4 MONTFORD, or Montesfort, in Shropshire, and MOLD in Flintshire, anciently Mont- hault 5 (Mons Altus) were also frontier fortresses ; MONT- ACUTE Hill, in Somerset, has Mortaine's Norman castle on its summit, and a Norman abbey at its foot. The commanding situation of BELVOIR castle justifies its Norman name. At BEAUMONT 6 near Oxford, was a palace of the Norman kings; and at PLESHY (plaisir) in Essex, the seat of the High Constables of England, the 1 The only Anglo-Norman suffixes seem to be clere, manor, and court, as in HIGHCLERE, BEAUMANOIR, and HAMPTON COURT. We have also a few names like CHESTER-LE-STREET, BOLTON-LE-MOOR, and LAUGHTON-EN-LE- MORTHEN. 2 Thierry, Conquest, p. 90. Henry IV. transferred to his Surrey palace the name of his Yorkshire earldom. 3 The same story is told in another language by the Welsh name of Montgomery—Tre-faldwyn, or Baldwin's Town. See Borrow, Wild Wales, vol. iii. p. 97. * Ormerod, Hist. of Chester, vol. i. p. 328; Charnock, Local Etymol. p. 173. 5 Cambro-Briton, vol. i. p. 136. 6 Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 21. Vestiges of the Norinan Conquest. 191 1 TY ruins of the Norman keep are still visible." BEAUCHAMP- OTTON, near Castle Hedingham, bears the name of Ottone, the skilful goldsmith who fashioned the tomb of the Conqueror at Caen. We find the Norman abbeys of RIEVAUX and JORVEAUX in Yorkshire, BEAULIEU in Hampshire, DELAPRE in Northamptonshire; and the Augustinian Priory of GRACEDIEU in Leicestershire, The Norman family of St. Clare, or Clarence, has be- stowed its name upon an English town, an Irish county, a royal dukedom, and a Cambridge college. We have the names of Norman barons at STOKE-MANDEVILLE, CARLTON-COLVILE, MINSHALL-VERNON, ASHBY-DE-LA- ZOUCH, NEWPORT-PAGNELL, BURY-POMMEROYE, ASTON- CANTELOUPE, STOKE-PIROU, ACTON-TURVILLE, and NEVILLEHOLT. The names of HURST MONCEAUX, HURST PIERPOINT, and HURST COURTRAY all occur in the county of Sussex, where the Conqueror landed, and where the actual transfer of estates seems to have taken place to a greater extent than in other counties. Sussex is the only English county which is divided into rapes, as well as into hundreds or wapentakes. While the hundred seems to indicate the peaceful settlements of Saxon families, and the wapentake the defensive mili- tary organization of the Danish intruders, the rape, as it would appear, is a memorial of the violent transference of landed property by the Conqueror—the lands being plotted out for division by the hrepp, or rope, just as they i Gough's Camden, vol. ii. pp. 121, 133. ? Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. iv. p. 2. 3 See Donaldson, English Ethnography, p. 60 ; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 385. The Clarenceaux King-at-Arms had jurisdiction over the Surroys, or men south of the Trent, and the Norroys' king over those to the north of that river. 192 The Northmen. had been by Rolf in Normandy. Illam terram (Nor- mandy) suis fidelibus funiculo divisit.1 There are some curious memorials of that influx of Anglo-Norman nobles into Scotland which took place during the reigns of David I. and Malcolm Canmore. In ancient records the name of Maxwell is written in the Norman form of Maccusville. The name of Robert de Montealt has been corrupted into Mowatt and MOFFAT; and the families of Sinclair, Fraser, Baliol, Bruce, Camp- bell, Colville, Somerville, Grant (le Grand), and Fleming, are all, as their names bear witness, of continental an- cestry.” Richard Waleys—that is, Richard the Foreigner ---was the ancestor of the great Wallace, and has left his name at RICHARDTUN in Ayrshire. The ancestor of the Maule family has left his name at Maleville, or MEL- VILLE, in Lothian. SETON takes its name from a Nor- man adventurer called Say. TANKERTON, in Clydesdale, was the fief of Tancard, or Tancred, a Fleming who came to Scotland in the reign of Malcolm IV. And a few village names like INGLISTON, NORMANTON, and FLEMINGTON, afford additional evidence of the exten- sive immigration of foreign adventurers which was encouraged by the Scottish kings. 1 Dudo, De Moribus Norm. Ducum, apud Duchesne, Hist. Norm. Script. p. 85. The districts of Iceland are called Hreppar. The hyde, the Saxon unit of land, seems to have been a portion measured off with a thong, as the rape was with a rope, See Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. i. p. 692; vol. iii. p. 395; Robertson, Early Kings, vol. ii. p. 213. 2 See Buchanan, Scottish Surnames, pp. 42, 43 ; Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. iii. Appendix, and vol. iv. P. 298; Dugdale, Chalmers, and the Charters. Skene, History of the Highlanders, vol. ii. p. 280, &c., attempts to disprove the supposed Norman origin of the Campbells and other Scottish families. He admits, however, the case of the Grants ; vol. ii. p. 255. The Celts. 193 CHAPTER IX. THE CELTS. Prevalence of Celtic Names in Europe Antiquity of River-names-- The roots Avon, Dir, Stour, Esk, Rhe, and Don-Myth of the Danaides-Hybrid composition, and reduplication of synonym123--Adjectival river-names : the Yare, Alne, Ban, Douglas, Leven, Tame, Aire, Cam, and Clyde-Celtic mountain-names : cefrr, pen, cenn, dun-Names of Rocks-Valleys— Lakes -Dwellings—Cymric and Gadhelic test-words-Celts in Galatia-Celts in Germany, France, and Spain-Euskarian Names-Gradual retrocession of Celts in England-Amount of the Celtic element-Division of Scotland between the Picts and Gaels-Inver and Aber-Elhnology of the Isle of Man. EUROPE has been peopled by successive immigrations from the East. Five great waves of population have rolled in, each in its turn urging the flood which had preceded it further and further toward the West. The mighty Celtic inundation is the first which we can dis- tinctly trace in its progress across Europe, forced on- ward by the succeding deluges of the Romance, Teu- tonic, and Sclavonic peoples, till at length it was driven forward into the far western extremities of Europe. The Celts were divided into two great branches, which followed one another on their passage across Europe. Both branches spoke languages of the same stock, but distinguished by dialectic differences as great or greater than those which divide Greek from Latin, or English from German. There are living tongues belonging to 194 · The Celts. each of these branches. The first, or Gadhelic branch, is now represented by the Erse of Ireland, the Gaelic of the Scotch Highlands, and the Manx of the Isle of Man; the second, or Cymric, by the Welsh of Wales, and the Brezonec or Armorican of Brittany, which is still spoken by a million and a half of Frenchmen. Although both of these branches of the Celtic speech now survive only in the extreme corners of western Europe, yet, by the evidence of local names, it may be shown that they prevailed at one time over a great part of the continent of Europe, before the Teutonic and Romance nations had expelled or absorbed the once dominant Celts. In the geographical nomenclature of Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, and England, we find a Celtic substratum underlying the superficial deposit of Teutonic and Romance names. These Celtic roots form the chief available evidence on which we can rely when investigating the immigrations of the Celtic peoples. We shall now proceed to adduce a few fragments of the vast mass of evidence which has been collected by numerous industrious explorers, and which seems to justify them in their belief as to the wide extension of the Celtic race at some unknown prehistoric period. One class of local names is of special value in investi- gations relating to primæval history. The river-names, more particularly the names of important rivers, are everywhere the memorials of the very earliest races.? These river-names survive where all other names have 1 Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. part. ii. p. 162; Meyer, in Bunsen's Philos. of Univ. History, vol. i. p. 145. 2 See Förstemann, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift für Vergl. Spr. vol. ix. p. 284 ; Monkhouse, Etymologies, p. 64; Müller, Marken d. Vaterl. p. 124; Schott, Deut. Col. p. 218. 1 River-Naines. 195 changed—they seem to possess an almost indestructible vitality. Towns may be destroyed, the sites of human habitation may be removed, but the ancient river-names are handed down from race to race; even the names of the eternal hills are less permanent than those of rivers. Over the greater part of Europe—in Germany, France, Italy, Spain—we find villages which bear Teutonic or Romance names, standing on the banks of streams which still retain their ancient Celtic appellations. Throughout the whole of England there is hardly a single river-name which is not Celtic. By a reference to the map prefixed to this volume it will be seen that those districts of our island which are dotted thickly with Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian village-names, are traversed everywhere by red lines, which represent the rivers whose names are now almost the sole evidence that survives of a once universal Celtic occupation of the land. The Celtic words which appear in the names of rivers may be divided into two classes. The first may be called the substantival class, and the second the adjectival. The first class consists of ancient words which mean simply water or river. At a time when no great inter- communication existed, and when books and maps were unknown, geographical knowledge must have been very slender. Hence whole tribes were acquainted with only one considerable river, and it sufficed, therefore, to call it “The Water," or " The River.” Such terms were not at first regarded as proper names; in many cases they only became proper names on the advent of a con- quering race. To take an example—the word afon. This is the usual Welsh term for a river. On a map of 1 Almost every river-name in Germany is Celtic. Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 198; Zeuss, Gram. Cclt, vol. ii. p. 760. 02 196 The Celts. Wales we find at Bettws-y-Coed the “Afon Llugwy," or, as it is usually called by English tourists, the “ River Llugwy.” So also at Dolwyddelen we find the Afon Lledr, or River Lledr, and the Afon Dulas and the Afon Dyfi at Machynlleth. In England, however, the word avon is no longer a coinmon name as it is in Wales, but has become a proper name. We have a River AVON which flows by Warwick and Stratford, another River AVON flows past Bath and Bristol, and elsewhere there are other rivers of the same name, which will presently be enumerated. The same process which has converted the word afon from a common name into a proper name has also taken place with other words of the same class. There is, in fact, hardly a single Celtic word meaning stream, current, brook, channel, water, or flood, which does not enter largely into the river-names of Europe. The second class of river-names comprises those which may be called adjectival. The Celtic words meaning rough, gentle, smooth, white, black, yellow, crooked, broad, swift, muddy, clear, and the like, are found in the names of a large proportion of European rivers. For example, the Celtic word garw, rough, is found in the names of the GARRY, the YARE, the VARROW, and the GARONNE. We may now proceed to enumerate some of the more important names which belong to either class. I. AVON. This, as we have seen, is a Celtic word meaning “a river.” It is written aon in the Manx lan- guage, and abhainn (pronounced avain) in Gaelic. We find also the ancient forms amhain and auwon. This i Cognate to the Latin amnis. Ultimately afon is to be referred to the Sanskrit root ap, water, which we see in the names of the Punj-ab, or land of the “five rivers; ” the Do-ab, the district between the two rivers,” River-Names-Avon. 197 Y word has become a proper name in the case of numerous rivers in England, Scotland, France, and Italy. The Stratford AVON flows through Warwickshire and Wor- cestershire. The Bristol AVON divides the counties of Gloucester and Somerset. The Little AVON, also in Gloucestershire, runs near Berkeley Castle. One Hamp- shire AVON flows past Salisbury to Christchurch, another enters the sea at Lymington. We also have rivers called AVON Or EVAN in the counties of Devon, Monmouth, Glamorgan, Lanark, Stirling, Banff, Kincardine, Dum- fries, and Ross. We find the IVE in Cumberland, the ANNE in Clare, and an INN in Fife and in the Tyrol. The AUNE in Devon keeps close to the pronunciation of the Celtic word. The AUNEY, in the same county, is the Celtic diminutive “Little Avon," which we find also in the EWENNY in Glamorgan, the EVENENY in Forfar, the INNEY in Cornwall, and the ANEY in Meath. The AWE in Argyll, and the EHEN in Cumberland, are probably corrupted forms of the word Avon. We find it in composition in the AVEN-GORM in Sligo, the AVEN-BANNA in Wexford, the BAN-ON in Pembroke- shire, the AVEN-BUI in Cork, the AVEN-MORE in Mayo and Sligo, and the ANTON in Hampshire, as well, possibly, as in the case of the D-OVE,1 the T-OWY, the T-AFF, the T-AVY, the T-AW, and the D-EE, anciently the Deva. A very large number of French river-names3 contain the тът Ganges and Jumna ; as well as in the river-names of the Z-ab, and of the Dan-ub-ius, or Dan-ub-e. i Compare the name of the Dovebridge over the Avon. 2 This initial d or t may be a fragment of an ancient preposition, as will be shown below, p. 209, infra. These names are more probably to be referred to the Welsh dof, gentle; or dyfi, smooth. 3 There are some remarks on the Celtic river-names of France in a paper by Kennedy, in Philological Trans, for 1855, p. 166; Betham, Gael, pp. 198 The Celts. root afon. In Brittany we find the AFF, and two streams called AVEN. There are two streams called AVON in the river system of the Loire, and two in that of the Seine. The names of the chief French rivers often contain a fragment—sometimes only a single letter—of this root, which may, however, be identified by a comparison of the ancient with the modern name. Thus, the Matrona is now the Marne, the Axona is the Aisne, the Sequana is the Seine, the Antura is the Eure, the Iscauna is the Yonne, the Saucona is the Saone, the Meduana is the Mayenne, the Duranius is the Dordogne, the Garuinna is the Garonne. The names of an immense number of the smaller French streams. end in on, onne, or one, which is probably a corruption of the root afon. In the depart- ment of the Vosges, for instance, we find the Madon, the Durbion, the Angronine, and the Vologne. In the depart- ment of the Alpes-basses we have the Verdon, the Jabroni, the A11012, the Calavon, and the Bléone. In the depart- ment of the Ain there are the Loudo12, the Sevron, the Solmani, and the Ain. Elsewhere we have the Aveine, the Vilaine, the Vienne, the Arnon, the Ausonne, the Odon, the Iton, the Seran, the Aveyron, the Roscodon, the Maronne, the Jourdanne, the Douron, and scores of similar names. The same termination occurs frequently in the names of German streams, as for example, in the case of the Lahn, anciently the Lohana, the Isen, anciently the Isana, the Mörn, anciently the Merina, and the Argen, anciently the Argana, while the Drave and the Save preserve 194—196; Astruc, Hist. de Languedoc, p. 424; Thierry, Hist. Gaul. vol. ii. p. 2; Ferguson, River Names, passim; Pott, Etymolog: Forsch. vol. ii. pp. 103, 528; Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 289. i Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 254. River-Names—Dur. 199 the latter instead of the former portion of the ancient word. In Portugal we find the AVIA, and in Spain the ABONO or AVONO. The GUADI-ANA is the Anas of Strabo, with the Arabic prefix Wadi. In Italy we may enumerate the Aventia, now L’Avenza, the Savo, now the Savone, the Ufens, now the Aufente, the Vomanus, now the Vomano, as well as the Amasenus, the Fibrenus, and the Avens. The names of Oundle (Avondale), Wandle, Wands- worth, Wanstead, Wansford, Veronia, and Avignon, anciently Avenion, the town on the afon or stream of the Rhodanus, or Rhone, have all been thought to con- tain the same root. II. DUR. Another word, diffused nearly as widely as afon, is the Welsh dwr, water.3 Prichard gives a list of forty-four ancient names containing this root in Italy, Germany, Gaul, and Britain. We find the DOUR in Fife, Aberdeen, and Kent, the DORE in Hereford, the DUIR in Lanark, the THUR in Norfolk, the DORO in Queen's County and Dublin, the DURRA in Cornwall, the DAIRAN in Carnarvonshire, the DURARWATER and the DEARGAN in Argyle, the DOVER or Durbeck in Nottinghamshire, the Glasdur, or grey water, in Elgin, the Rother, or red water (Rhuddwr), in Sussex, the Calder,4 or winding water, in Lancashire (twice), Yorkshire, Cumberland, Lanark 1 Williams, in Edinburgh Transactions, vol. xiii. p. 521 ; Essays, p. 70. 2 Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 289. 3 Brezonec and Cornish dour; Gaelic and Irish dur, and dobhar, pro- nounced doar ; cf. the Greek 68wp. On this root see Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 155; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 57; Davies, Celtic Researches, p. 207 ; Duncker, Orig. Germ. p. 55 ; Charnock, Local Etym. p. 93; Ferguson, River Names, pp. 37, 69 ; Radlof, Neue Untersuchungen., p. 317; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 218. 4 Perhaps, however, from the Norse kalldr, cold. Y 200 The Celts. (three times), Edinburgh, Nairn, Inverness, and Renfrew, the Adder in Wilts, and two of the same name in Berwick, the Adur in Sussex, the Adar in Mayo, the Noder in Wiltshire, the Cheddar in Somerset, the cascade of Lodore, the lakes of Windermere and Derwent-water. The name Derwent is probably from dwr-g-wyn, the clear water.) There is a river Derwent in Yorkshire, another in Derby- shire, a third in Cumberland, and a fourth in Durham. The Darwen in Lancashire, the Derwen in Denbighshire, the Darent in Kent, and the Dart in Devon, are con- tractions of the same name, as well, possibly, as the TRENT. DORCHESTER was the city of the Dur-otriges, or dwellers by the water, and a second ancient city of Dorchester, in Oxfordshire, stands upon the banks of the Thames. In France3 we have the Duranius, now the Dordogne, the Antura, now the Eure, and the Aturus, now the Adour. The Alpine Durance, anciently the Druentia, reminds us of our English Derwents. We find the THURR in Alsace and again in Switzerland, the Durbion in the Vosges, the Durdan in Normandy, the Dourdon and the Dourbie in the department of the Aveyron, as well as the Douron in Brittany. 1 TTT 1 Whitaker, Hist. Whalley, p. 8; Charnock, Local Etym. p. 85; Williams, Edin. Trans. vol. xiii. p. 522; Essays, p. 72; Poste, Brit. Researches, p. 143. Ferguson prefers Baxter's etymology, from the Welsh derwyn, to wind, River Names, p. 141. I believe, however, that none of the Derwents are very tortuous, though they are all very clear. 2 That the Darent was anciently the Derwent is shown by the name of DERVENTIO, the Roman station on the Darent. The further contraction into the form Dart is exhibited in the name of Dartford, the modern town on the same river. See Baxter, Glossarium, p. 103. 3 Pott, Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 104 ; Philolog. Proc. vol. i. p. 107; King, Italian Valley's, p. 75. River-Names-Stour. 201 In the North-Western, or Celtic part of Spain, there are the Durius, now the DOURO, the Duerna, the Duraton, the Torio, the Tera, the Turones, and the Tormes. In Italy are the TORRE, the two Durias or DORAS in Piedmont, and the TURIA, a tributary of the Tiber. In the slightly changed form of ter we find the root dur in the names of the Truentum, now the Tronto, the Traens now the Trionto,1 as well as the Trebia, the Terias, the Termus, the Dniester, and the Ister? In Germany we find the Oder, the Drave, the Dulr- bach, the Diirrenbach in Würtemberg, the Dirnbach in Austria, the Dürrenbronne near Eppingen, and the city of Marcodurum, now Duren. STOUR is a very common river-name. There are im- portant rivers of this name in Kent, Suffolk, Dorset, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire; we have the stor in Holstein, the Stura, in Latium, is now the STORE, and STURA is a very common river-name in Northern Italy. The etymology of this name Stour is by no means certain. In Welsh, words are augmented and intensified i Compare the name of the English Trent, anciently the Treonta. 2 Rawlinson, Herodotus, vol. iii. p. 202. See however p. 202, infra. 3 Mone, Celtische Forschungen, p. 68. 4 In ancient Gaul we find many names of towns in which this root indicates that their sites were on the banks of rivers. We may specify, among others, Ernodurum, Salodurum, Ictodurum, Divodurum, Brevio- durum, Ganodurum, Velatodurum, Antissodurum, Octodurum, Brivo- durum, Marcodurum, Duronum, Durocatalaunum, and Vetodurum. In the valley of the Danube we find Gabanodurum, Bragodurum, Ebodulrum, Ectodurum, Boiodurum ; and in Britain, Durovernum, Durobrivæ, Dur- olevum, Durolitum, Durocornovium, Durocobrivium, and Durolipsus. Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. pp. 114-119. SO ZURICH, in Switzerland, is a corruption of Turicum, SOLOTHURN of Salodurum, and WINTERTHUR of Vitodurum. Förstemann, Altdeutsches Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 446; Keferstein, kelt. Alt. vol. ii. p. 375. 202 The Celts. in meaning by means of the prefix ys.1 Thus we have- Llwr, a lake; Yslwc, a slough. Ber, a bar; Yspar, a spear. Llac, lax; Yslac, slack. Crecian, to creak; Ysgrec, a shriek. Craful, to scratch ; Ysgrafu, to scrape. Pin, a point; Yspin, a spine. Mwg, vapour (muggy); Ysmus, smoke. Mal, light, fickle ; Ysmal, small. Pig, a peak, or point; Yspig; a spike. Brig, a shoot; Ysbrig, a sprig. Stour, therefore, may be only the intensitive of dur. On the other hand, it is possible that by a common pro- cess of reduplication of synonyms, which will presently be discussed, the word Stour may be formed from a prevalent root-is, water; and dwr, water. There is also a further complication, arising from a Teutonic river-root st-y, which has been discussed by Förstemann, a great authority. He finds this root in the names of more than one hundred German streams, such as the Elster, Alster, Lastrau, Wilster, Ulster, Gelster, Innerste, Agistra, Halsterbach, Streu, Suestra, Stroo, Ströbeck, Laster, Nister, and others. III. ESK. The Gaelic and Erse word for water is uisge. This is represented in Welsh by wysg, a current, and by guy or wy, water. This root, subject to various 1 Some forty instances of this augmentation may be found in Garnett's Essays, p. 174; Cf. Diefenbach, Celtica, i. pp. 90—96 ; Charnock, Local Etym. pp. 258, 269 ; Mayhew, German Life and Manners, vol. i. p. 557 ; Zeuss, Gram. Celtica, vol. i. p. 142. On the name Stour, see Ferguson, River Names, p. 58; and Boudard, Num. Iber. p. 127, who thinks it is the Euskarian ast-ur, rock water. ? In Kuhn's Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung, vol. ix. pp. 276—289. 3 Whisky is a corruption of Uisge-boy, yellow water. River-Names-Esk. 203 phonetic mutations, is found in the names of a vast num- ber of rivers. There is an ESK in Donegal, in Devon, in Yorkshire, in Cumberland, in Dumfries, two in For- farshire, and two in Edinburghshire. We have an ESKY in Sligo, an ESKER in King's County and in Brecknock, an ESKLE in Herefordshire, and an ISLE in Somerset. Esthwaite Water, and Easedale, in the Lake District, contain the same root, as well as the EWES in Northum- berland and Dumfries, the ISE near Wellingborough, the Isbourne, a tributary of the Stratford Avon, the Easeburn in Yorkshire, the Aslibourne in Sussex, and the ASH in Hertfordshire and Wiltshire. In Bedfordshire and in Hertfordshire we have the IZ; the Ischalis was the ancient name of the Ivel, and the Tisa of the Tees, The ISIS contains the root in a reduplicated form, and the Tamesis, or THAMES, is the “broad Isis.” In Wales we have the river which the Welsh call the WYSG, and the English call the USK. This Celtic word was Ro- manized into Isca, while another Isca in Devonshire, now the EXE, has given its name to Exeter, Exmoor, and Exmouth. There is also an Ex in Hampshire and in Middlesex. The Somersetshire AXE flows by Axbridge, and the Devonshire AXE gives its name to Axminster, and Axmouth. The ancient name of the Chelm must have also been the Axe, for Chelmsford was formerly Trajectus ad Axam, and Thaxted has been supposed to be a corruption of The Ax Stead. The town of Ux- bridge stands on the River Colne, a later Roman appel- 1 Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. part i. p. 327; Donaldson, English Ethnography, p. 39; Radlof, Neue Untersuchungen, p. 286. The word has been thought to have some Norse affinities. See Dietrich, in Haupt's Zeitschrift, vol. v. p. 228. ? More probably from the Gadhelic tuisc, moisture. 3 Baxter, Glossarium, p. 31. 204 The Celts. lation, which apparently superseded the Celtic name Ux. The OCK joins the Thames near Oxford, the OKE is in Devon, and the Banocburn, near Stirling, has given its name to a famous battle-field. The few Gadhelic names in England are found chiefly towards the Eastern part of the island; here consequently we find three rivers called the OUSE,1 as well as the OUSEL, the OUSEBURN, the use in Buckinghamshire, UGG Mere, and OS-EY Is- land. Oseney? Abbey is on an island near Oxford. The WISK and the Washburn in Yorkshire, the Guash in Rutland, the Wissey in Norfolk, and the local names ITI and Asbeach, in the fens of Huntingdonshire, Wisbeach, and the WASH, seem to be derived from the Welsh wysg rather than from the Gaelic uisge. In Spain there are the ESCA and the Esla, the latter of which we may compare with the two Islas in Scot- land, the Isle in Somerset, and the Isle in Brittany, where also we find the Isac, the Oust, the Couesnon, and the Couesan; and in other districts of France are the ESQUE, the ASSE, the OSE, the Isolé, the Isère, the Ousche, the Aisne, the Ausonne, and the Achase. There are several French rivers called the AÈS or AÈSE. The Isara, or Esia, has become the OISE, the Axona is now the Aisne, the Iscauna is the Yonne, the Ligeris is the Loire, and the Uxantis insula is the island of Ouessant or Ushant. The name of the town of 1 The Huntingdonshire peasant to this day calls the Ouse the Usey, thus preserving the ancient Gaelic form. Monkhouse, Etymologies, p. 64. 2 The n is probably a relic of the Celtic innis, island, as in the case of Orkney. See page 171, supra. 3 Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 289. . River-Names-Esk. 205 The Isella is now the Yssel, the Scaldis is the Scheldt, the Vahalis is the Waal. In central Europe we have the Albis now the Elbe, the Tanais now the Don, the Borys- thenes now the Danasper or Dnieper, the Tyras now the Danaster or Dniester, the Tibiscus now the Theis, the Ister now the Danube, to which may, perhaps, be added the Hyphanis, the Hyphasis, the Phasis, the Tiberis, the Teris, the Isaurus, the Isaphis, and the Isæus. Among German streams we find the ISE, the AXE, the Isen, the Isar, the Eisach, the Eschaz, the Save, the Ahse, the Eisbach, the Eisenbach, the Eischbach, the Esbach, the Eselbach ; and a very large number of small streams bear the names of Etchbach, Aschbach, Eschel- bach, and Eschelbronn or Eschelbrunn. We find, also, the Esseborn, the Esterbach, the Agsbach, and the Etsch.1 The word Etsch is a German corruption of the ancient name Atesis or Athesis, which the Italians have softened into the Adige. In Italy we find the Bedesis, the Is now the Issa, the Æsis now the Fiumesino (Flumen Æsinum), the Æsarus now the Isaro, the Natiso now the Natisone, the Galæsus now the Galeso, the Veresis now L'osa, the Osa, which still retains its name unchanged, the Ausar now the Serchio, the Aprusa now the Ausa, and the Padusa a branch of the Po. The name of ISTRIA-half land, half water-is derived from the Celtic roots, is, water, and ter, terra ; and Trieste, its chief town, exhibits a Celtic prefix tre, a dwelling, which will presently be discussed. From the closely related Welsh word gruy or wy 1 See Donaldson, Varronianus, pp. 45–48; Mone, Celtische Forschungen, pp. 12, 13, 14, 18; Ferguson, River Names, pp. 31–33. 2 Arch. Williams, in Edinb. Trans. vol. iii. p. 519 ; Essays, p. 69. 3 Pott, Etymol. Forsch, yol. ii. p. 233 ; Mone, Celt. Forsch. p. 224. 206 The Celts. YTY (water), we may derive the names of the WYÉ in Wales and in Derbyshire, and of the way in Hampshire, in Dorset, and in Surrey. The Lluguy (clear water), the Mynwy (small water), the Garway (rough water), the Dowrddwy (noisy water), the Elwy (gliding water), the Conway (chief water), the Sowy, the Edwy, the Onwy, (the Olway, the Vrynwy, are all in Wales; the Medway is in Kent, and the Solway on the Scottish border. There is an Ivel (Guivel) in Somersetshire and in Bedfordshire. The Solent was anciently called Yr wyth, the channel, and the Isle of Wight was Ynys yr wyth, the Isle of the Channel, from which the present name may possibly be derived. We find the Viehbach, Wippach, and many similar names in Germany2 In France the Gy, the Guli- save, and the Guil, in the department of the Hautes Alpes, and the Guiers, in the department of the Ain, seem to contain the same root.3 IV. RHE. The root Rhe or Rhin is connected with the Gaelic rea, rapid ; with the Welsh rhe, swift; rhedu, to run; rhin, that which runs :4 and also with the Greek péw, the Sanskrit ri, and the English words run and γαιο.5 1 Walters, in Philological Proceedings, vol. i. p. 65. See, however, p. 71, supra. 2 Mone, Celtische Forsch. pp. 35, 36. 3 The Welsh names of many aquatic animals contain the root gwy, water, 6.g. hwyad, a duck; gwydd, a goose ; guillemot, &c. Morris, in Gentle- man's Magazine for October, 1789, p. 904. Guit is the Provençal terın for a duck. Courson, Peup. Bret. vol. i. p. 32. 4 Rhyr is a promontory, a point of land which runs out to sea. Penrhyn near Bangor, Rynd in Perth, Rhind in Clackmannan, Rindow Point near Wigton, the Rins of Galloway, Penryn in Cornwall, Rien in Clare, Rinmore in Devon, Argyle, and Aberdeen, and several Rins in Kerry, are all pro- jecting tongues of land. 5 So the raindeer is the running deer. Cf. Dieſenbach, Celtica, i. p. 56; Orig. Europ. p. 408; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. vol. i. p. 136 ; Zeuss, Gram- River-Names-Rhe. 207 TT Hence we have the Rye in Kildare, Yorkshire, and Ayrshire, the REA in Salop, Warwick, Herts, and Worcestershire, the REY in Wilts, the RAY in Oxford- shire and Lancashire, the RHEE in Cambridgeshire, the RHEA in Staffordshire, the WREY in Devon, the Roy in Inverness, the ROE in Derry, the RUE in Montgomery, the ERYN in Sussex, the Roden in Salop and Essex, and the Ribble in Lancashire. We also find this root in the names of the RHINE (Rhenus), the RHIN, the REGEN, the REGA and the Rhadanau, in Germany, the Reinach and the Reuss in Switzerland, the Regge in Holland, the Rhone in France, the Riga in. Spain, the RHA or Volga in Russia, the Eridanus, now the Po, and the Rhenus, now the Reno, in Italy. V. DON. Whether the root Don, or Dan, is connected with the Celtic afon, or whether it is an unrelated Celtic or Scythian gloss, is a point which has not been decided. It appears, however, that in the language of the Ossetes -a tribe in the Caucasus, which preserves a very primi- tive form of the Aryan speech-the word don means water or river. If this be the true meaning of the word it enables us to assign an esoteric explanation to certain primæval myths. Thus Hesiod informs us that Danaus, matica Celtica, vol. i. p. 13; Astruc, Languedoc, p. 448 ; Betham, Gael, p. 212. 1 Arndt, Europ. Spr. pp. 117, 174, 241; Cf. Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, p. 261; Wheeler, Geography of Herodotus, p. 145. There is a Gadhelic word tain, water. Armstrong says don is an obsolete Gaelic word for water, and that it is still retained in the Armorican. Compare the Sclavonic toni, a river-deep. Schafarik, Slawische Alterth, vol. i. p. 498. Ultimately, we may probably refer don to the conjectural Sanskrit word udan, water-which contains the root und, to wet. Hence the Latin unda. The Sanskrit udra, water, comes from the same root und, and is probably the source of the Celtic dwr. Pictet, Orig: Indo-Eur. vol. i. p. 141. 2 Karl y. Müller, Mythologie, pp. 185, 3.12 ; Pott, Mytho-Etymologica, in 208 The Celts. the grandson of Poseidon and Libya (nißa, moisture), relieved Argos from drought : "Apyos åvudpov êòv Aavaòs Toinevévudpov. Again, we are told that the fifty Danaides, having slain their husbands, the fifty sons of Ægyptus, on the wedding night, were condemned to carry water in broken urns to fill a bottomless vessel. This myth receives a beautiful interpretation as an esoteric exposition of a natural phenomenon, if we inter- pret the ancient gloss dan, as meaning water. We then see that the Danaides, daughters of Dan, are the waters of the inundation, which overwhelm the fifty provinces of Egypt in their fatal embrace, and for a penalty have to bear water up the mountain sides in their broken urns of cloud, condemned ceaselessly to endeavour to fill the valley, a bottomless gulf through which the river carries forth the outpourings of the clouds into the sea. But whatever may be the signification of this root, we find it in a large number of the most ancient and im- portant river-names. On the Continent we have the Danube,1 the Danastris, the Danaster, or Dniester, the Danapris, Danasper, or Dnieper, the DON, anciently the Tanais, and the Donetz, a tributary of the Don, in Russia, the Rhadanau, in Prussia, the Rhodanus or Rhone, the Adonis, the Aredon in the Caucasus, the Tidone and the Tanaro, affluents of the Eridanus or Po, the Durdan in Normandy, the Don in Brittany, and the Madon, the Verdon, the Loudon, the Odon, and the Roscodon in other parts of France. Kuhn's Zeitschrift für Vergleich. Sprachforsch. vol. vii. pp. 109—III; Gladstone, Homer, p. 366; Kelly, Curiosities, pp. 142, 212; Creuzer, Symbolik, vol. iii. p. 480 ; Preller, Griechische Mythologie, pp. 33–38. i Zeuss, Gram. Celt. vol. ii. p. 994, thinks the root is the Erse dana, strong. He is followed by Förstemann, Alt-dent. Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 409 ; De Belloguet, Eth. p. 104; and Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 92. River-Names--Don. 209 · In the British Isles this word is found in the names of the DON in Yorkshire, Aberdeen, and Antrim, the Bandon in Londonderry, the DEAN in Nottinghamshire and Forfar, the DANE in Cheshire, the DUN in Lincoln- shire and Ayrshire, the TONE in Somerset, and probably in the Eden in Yorkshire, Cumberland, Kent, Fife, and Roxburgh, the DAVON in Cheshire and Glamorgan, the DEVON in Leicestershire, Perth, Fife, and Clackmannan, and possibly the TYNE in Northumberland and Had- dington, the TEIGN in Devon, the TIAN in the Island of Jura, the TEANE in Stafford, the TEYN in Derbyshire, and the TYNET in Banff.1 It thus appears that the names of almost all the larger rivers of Europe, as well as those of a very great number of the smaller streams, contain one or other of the five chief Celtic words for water or river, viz.- 1. Avon, or aon. 2. Dwr, or ter. 3. Uisge, or wysk, wye, is, es, oise, usk, esk, ex, ax. 4. Rhe, or rhin. 5. Don, or dan. It will, doubtless, have been remarked that several rivers figure more than once in the foregoing lists; we find, in short, that two or even three of these nearly 1 Some of these names may be from the Celtic tian, running water, or, perhaps, from Ta-aon, the still river-see page 216, infra. The names of the Davon and the Tone show how dwur-avon, by crasis, might possibly become D'avon, d-aon, or don. In many river-names we find a d or a ť prefixed, which has been thought to be due to the Celtic preposition di, do, or du, which means at. The Tees, the Taff, the Tavon, are perhaps instances of this usage, which we see exemplified in the indisputable cases of Zermat, Andermat, Amsteg, Stanko (és táv Kw), Utrecht (ad trajectum), Armorica, Arles, &c. See pp. 86, 227; and Whitaker, Hist. Manchester, vol. i. p. 220; Hist. Whalley, p. 9; Zeuss, Gram. Celt. vol. ii. pp. 566, 595, 597, 626; Baxter, Glossarium, p. 8; Charnock, Local Etym. p. 269. 210 The Celts... synonymous roots enter into the composition of their names. Thus it seems probable that the name of the Dan-as-ter, or ) contains roots Hypan-is .. .. (I) (3) Dn-ies-ters (5) (3) (2) Tan-ais . . . . . (5) (3) Rha-dan-au . . (4) (5) (1) Eri-dan-us . . . . (4) (5) (3 ?) Is-ter . . . . (3) (2) Ex-ter . . . . . (3) (2) Rho-dan-us.. (4) (5) (3-?) Tyr-as . . . . . (2) (3) Dan-ub-ius . . (5) (1) (3 ?) Ax-ona . . . . . (3) (1) Dur-dan ... (2) (5) S-avone . . . . . (3) (1) Dur-an-ius . . (2) (1) (3 ?) Aus-onne . . . . (3) (I) Rhe-n-us... (4) (1) (3 ?) Is-en . . . . . . (3) (1) Isc-aun-a . . . (3) (1) Dour-on. . . . . (2) (1) Dan-as-per .(5) (3) S-touri , . (3?)(2) Ter-ab-ia . . . (2) (1) An-ton . . . . . (I) (5) Some of these cases may be open to criticism, but the instances are too numerous to be altogether fortuitous. The formation of these names appears to be in accord- ance with a law, which, if it can be established, will enable us to throw light on the process of slow accretion by which many of the most ancient river-names have been formed. The theory supposes that, when the same territory has been subject to the successive occupancy of nations speaking different languages, or different dialects of the same language, the earliest settlers called the river, on whose banks they dwelt, by a word signifying in their own language "The Water," or "The River.” As lan- guage changed through conquest, or in the lapse of ages, this word was taken for a proper name, and another 1 The existence of this law, hybrida compositio, as it was termed by Baxter, who discovered it, has been strenuously denied. See, however, Donaldson, Varronianus, pp. 46, 47; New Cratylus, p. 14; Rawlinson, Herodotus, vol. iii. p. 188; Mone, Celt. Forsch. p. 5; Davies, n Phil. Trans. for 1857, p. 91; Poste, Brit. Researches, p. 144. 21 1 Reduplication of Synonyms. word for “River” or “Water” was superadded. This process of superimposition may have been repeated again and again by successive tribes of immigrants, and thus ultimately may have been formed the strange aggregations of synonymous syllables which we find in so many river-names. The operation of this law we may detect with certainty in the case of names unaffected, as are most of the names which have been cited, by the phonetic changes of many centuries. It will be well, therefore, to illustrate this process in the case of some familiar and more modern names, where it must, beyond possibility of doubt, have taken place. In the case of the DUR-BECK in Nottinghamshire, and the DUR-BACH in Germany, the first syllable is the Celtic dwr, water. The Teutonic colonists, who in either case dispossessed the Celts, inquired the name of the stream, and being told it was DWR, the water, they naturally took this to be a proper name instead of a common name; and suffixed the German word beck or bach, a stream. In the names of the ESK-WATER and the DOUR-WATER in Yorkshire, we have a manifest English addition to the Celtic roots esk and dwr. The IS-BOURNE, the EASE-BURN, the ASH-BOURNE, the WASH-BURN, and the OUSE-BURN, present the Anglian burne, added to various common modifications of the Celtic uisge. In the name of WAN-S-BECK-WATER we first find wan, which is a slightly corrupted form of the Welsh afon. The s is, perhaps, a vestige of the Gadhelic uisge. As in the case of the Durbeck, the Teutonic beck was added by the Anglian colonists, and the English word water was suffixed when the meaning of Wans- . beck had become obscure, and Wansbeckwater, or P 2 212 The Celts. US Y Y Riverwaterriverwater, is the curious agglomeration which has resulted.1 The mountain at the head of the Yarrow is called MOUNTBENJERLAW. The original Celtic name was Benz Yair, or “ Yarrow Head.” The Angles added their own word Julaw, a hill; and the mount is an Anglo-Norman addition of still later date.? In the name of BRINDON HILL, in Somersetshire, we have first the Cymric bryn, a hill. To this was added din, a Saxonised Celtic word, nearly synonymous with bryn; and the English word hill was added when neither bryn nor dun were any longer significant words. · PEN-DLE-HILL, in Lancashire, is similarly com- pounded of three synonymous words--the Cymric pen, the Norse holl, and the English hill. In PEN-TLOW HILL, in Essex, we have the Celtic pen, the Anglo-Saxon hlaw, and the English hill. SHAR-PEN-HOE-KNOLL, in Bedfordshire, contains four nearly synonymous elements. The names of PIN-HOW in Lancashire, PEN-HILL in Somersetshire and Dumfriesshire, PEN-D-HILL in Surrey, and PEN-LAW in Dumfriesshire, are analogous com- pounds. · MON-GIBELLO, the local name of Etna, is compounded of the Arabic gebel, a mountain, to which the Italian monte has been prefixed. Trajan's bridge, over the Tagus, is called the LA PUENTE DE ALCANTARA. Here we have the same pro- cess. Al Cantara means “The Bridge” in Arabic, and La Puente means precisely the same thing in Spanish. 1 Donaldson, Varronianus; New Cratylus, p. 14. 2 Garnett, Essays p. 70. 8 Davies, in Philolog. Trans. p. 218; Whitaker, Hist. of Whalley, pp. 7, 8. Reduplication of Synonymns. 213 1 In the case of the city of NAG-POOR we have nagara, a city, and pura, a city. The VAL DE NANT, in Neufchâtel, presents us with the Celtic rant and the French val, both identical in meaning. HERT-FORD gives us the Celtic rhyd, a synonym of the Saxon ford1 In HOLM-IN ISLAND there are three synonyms. We find, first, the Norse holm; secondly, the Celtic innis; and, lastly, the English island INCH ISLAND is an analogous name. In the case of the Isle of Sheppey, Canvey Island, Osey Island, and Ramsey Island, we have the Anglo-Saxon ca, which is identical in meaning with the English island. In like manner, we might analyse the names of the Hill of Howth, the Tuskar Rock, Smerwick Harbour, Sandwick Bay, Cape Griznez, Start Point, the Aland Islands, Hampton, Hamptonwick, Bourn Brook in Surrey, the Bach Brook in Cheshire, the Oehbach? in Hesse, Knock-knows, Dal-field, Kinnaird Head, the King-horn River, Hoe Hill in Lincoln, Mal-don (Celtic maol or moel, a round hill) Maserfield (Welsh mnaes, a field), Romney Marsh (Gaelic ruimne, a marsh), Alt Hill (Welsh allt, a cliff),and many others. In short, it would be easy to multiply, almost without end, unexceptional instances of this process of aggrega- tions of synonyms; but the cases cited may probably suffice to make it highly probable that the same process has prevailed among the Celtic and Scythian tribes of central Europe, and that this law of hybrid composition, as it is called, may, without extravagance, be adduced in TY ? 1 Baxter, Glossarium, p. 69. 2 Old High German, aha, water. See Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 258. 3 Davies, in Philolog. Trans. for 1857, p. 91, 214 The Celts. . explanation of such names as the Rha-dan-au, or the Dn-ies-ter, and with the highest probability in cases like the Ax-ona or the Dur-dan. It now remains briefly to consider the second or adjectival class of river-roots. Two have been already mentioned. From the Welsh garw, rough, we obtain the names of the GARA in Sligo and Hereford, the GARRY in Perth and Inverness, the YARE in Normandy, in Norfolk, in the Isle of Wight, and in Devon, the GARWAY in Carmarthen, the GAR- NERE in Clare, the GARNAR in Hereford, the VARRO in Lancashire, the YARROW and the VAIR in Selkirk, the GARVE and the GARELOCH in Ross, the GARONNE, the GERS, and the GIRON in France, and the GUER in Brittany. From the Gaelic all, white, we obtain al-aon, “white afon.” The Romans have Latinized this word into Alauna.3 In Lancashire the Alauna of the Romans is now the LUNE.4 There is another LUNE in Yorkshire. We find a River ALLEN in Leitrim, another in Denbigh, another in Northumberland, and a fourth in Dorset. There is an ALLAN in Perthshire, and two in Roxburgh- shire. The ALAN in Cornwall, the ALLWEN in Merioneth, the ELWIN in Lanark, the ELLEN in Cumberland, the ILEN in Cork, and the ALN or AULN, which we find in Northumberland, Cumberland, Hampshire, Warwick, T TYYT VI i Gaelic and Irish, garbh. 2 Compare the name of the monastery of Jarrow, where Beda lived. 3 See Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. part i. p. 310, 4 Lancaster, anciently Ad Alaunam, is the castra on the Lune. The name of Alcester, which stands on the Aln, the Warwickshire Alauna, is written Ellencaster by Matthew Paris. See Baxter, Glossarium, p. 10. River-Names-Aln, Douglas, Leven. 215. Roxburgh, and Berwickshire, are all modifications of the same name, as well as the AULNE and the ELLÉE in Brittany. The name of the ELBE is probably connected with the same root. To the Gaelic and Erse ban, white, we may refer the BEN in Mayo, the BANN in Wexford, the BANE in Lin- coln, the BAIN in Hertford, the AVEN-BANNA in Wexford, the Banon (Ban Afón) in Pembroke, the BANA in Down, the Bandon in Cork and Londonderry, the Barney in Yorkshire, the Banac in Aberdeen, the Ban- oc-burn in Stirling, the BAUNE in Hesse, and the Banitz in Bohemia. The word dhu, black, appears in five rivers in Wales, three in Scotland, and one in Dorset, which are called Dulas. There are also two in Scotland and one in Lancashire called the Douglas,' and we have the Doulas in Radnor, and the Dozules in Shropshire. From llevn, smooth, or from linn, a deep still pool, we obtain the names of Loch LEVEN and three rivers called LEVEN in Scotland, beside others of the same name in Gloucestershire, Yorkshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, and Lancashire. To one of these words we may also refer the names of Loch LYON in Perth, the River LYON in Inverness, the LOIN in Banff, the LEANE in Kerry, the LINE in Cumberland, Northumberland, Nottingham, Peebles, and Fife, the LANE in Galloway, the LAIN in Cornwall, and perhaps one or more of the four LUNES which are found in Yorkshire, Durham, and Lancashire.? Deep pools, or lynns, have given names to LĪNCOLN, 1 The Diggles, also in Lancashire, is a corruption of the same name. Whitaker, Hist. Whalley, p. 9. 2 We know that the Lune is, in one case, a contracted form of Alauna, the white river. See p. 214, supra. 216 The Celtsi King's LYNN, DUBLIN, GLASLIN, LINLITHGOW, LINTON, KILLIN, and ROSLIN.I The word tam, spreading, quiet, still, which seems to be related to the Welsh taw and the Gaelic tav, appears in the names of the Tamesis or THAMES, the TAME in Cornwall, Cheshire, Lancashire, Stafford, and Bucks, the TAMAR: in Devon, the TEMA in Selkirk, the TEME in Worcester, and perhapsi in those of the TAW in Devon and Glamorgan, the TA Loch in Wexford, the TAY (anciently the Tavus) in Perth and Waterford, the TAVY in Devon, and the TAVE in Wales. Pliny tells us, Scythæ vocant Mæotim Temarundam, — the “Broad Water.” 2 The widely-diffused root ar causes much perplexity. The ARAR, as Cæsar says, flows “incredibili lenitate;" while, as Coleridge tells us, the ARVE and the ARVEIRON “rave ceaselessly." We find, however, on the one hand, a Welsh word araf, gentle, and an obsolete Gaelic word ar, slow, and on the other we have a Celtic word arw, violent, and a Sanskrit root arb, to ravage or destroy. From one or other of these roots, according to the character of the river, we may derive the names of the ARW in Monmouth, the ARE and the AIRE in Yorkshire, the AYR in Cardigan and Ayrshire, the ARRE in Corn- wall, the Arro in Warwick, the ARROW in Hereford and Sligo, the Aray in Argyle, the Ara-glin and the Ara- gadeen in Cork, the ERVE, the ARVE, the OURCQ, the i Zeuss derives the name of the Lacus Lemanus from this root. Gram. Celt. vol. i. p. 100; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 249. 2 See p. 209, supra. 3 Donaldson, Varron. p. 51. We find a Sanskrit word, tâmara, water. The ultimate root seems to be tam, languescere. Pictet, Orig: Indo-Europ. p. 142. River-Names—Tame, Aire, Cam, Clyde. 217 ARC, the Arriège, and the Auveiron, in France, the Arga and three rivers called Arva in Spain, in Italy the Arno and Era, in Switzerland the AAR and the Arbach, in Germany the OHRE, AHR, Isar, Aurach, Orre, Erl, Erla, Arl, Orla, Argen, and several mountain streams called the ARE; besides the well-known ancient names of the Oarus, the Araxes, the AR-AR-AR, the Naparis, the Aras, and the Jaxartes.? The word cam,2 crooked, we find in the CAM in Gloucester and Cambridgeshire, the CAMIL in Cornwall, the CAMLAD in Shropshire, the CAMBECK in Cumber- land, the CAMLIN in Longford, and the CAMON in Tyrone. MORCAMBE BAY is the crooked-sea bay, and CAMDEN is the crooked vale. We have also the rivers KAMP and CHAM in Germany, and the KAM in Switzerland. To the Gaelic clith, strong, we may refer the CLYDE and the CLUDAN in Scotland, the CLWYD, the CLOYD, and the CLYDACH, in Wales, the GLYDE and several other streams in Ireland, and, perhaps, the CLITUMNUS in Italy 3 There are many other clusters of river-names which invite investigation, but of which a mere enumeration i See Latham, Germania, p. 13; Rawlinson, Herodotus, vol. iii. p. 202 ; Mone, Celt. Forsch. p. 204; Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. p. 132; Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 58 ; Radlof, Nere Untersuchungen, p. 285; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 116; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 32. 2 Diefenbach, Celtica, i. P. IIo. This word was adopted into English, though it is now obsolete. So Sicinius Velutus says of the crooked reasoning of Menenius Agrippa, “This is clean kam ;” to which Brutus replies, “Merely awry." Coriolanus, Act iii. scene i. The root appears in the phrase, arms in kembo, or a-kimbo. To can, in the Manchester dialect, is to cross or contradict a person, or to bend anything awry. Kennett, Parochial Antiquities, Glossary, s. y. Camera; Whitaker, Hist. Manchester, vol. ii. p. 274; Davies, in Philolog. Proc. vol. vi. p. 129 ; Halliwell, Archaic Glossary, s. v. ; Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 34. 3 Williams, Essays, p. 71, prefers the Welsh clyd, warm. 218 'The Celts. 17 must suffice. Such are the groups of names of which the NEATH, the SOAR, the MAY, the DEE, the TEES, the CHER, the KEN, the FROME, the COLNE, the IRKE, the LID, the LEA, the MEUSE, the GLEN, and the SWALE, may be taken as types. It is indeed a curious fact, that a unique river-name is hardly to be found. Any given name may immediately be associated with some dozen or half-dozen names nearly identical in form and meaning, collected from all parts of Europe. This might suffice to show the great value of these river- names in ethnological investigations. Reaching back to a period anterior to all history, they enable us to prove the wide diffusion of the Celtic race, and to trace that race in its progress across Europe. For antiquity and immutability, the names of mountains and hills come next in value to the names of rivers.? The names of these conspicuous landmarks have been transmitted from race to race very much in the same way, and from the same causes, as the names of rivers. The modern Welsh names for the head and the back are pci and cefar. We find these words in a large num- ber of mountain-names. The Welsh cef12,3 (pronounced 1 On river-roots see Ferguson, River Names of Europe; Baxter, Glos- sarium ; Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. ; Förstemann, Altdeutsches Namenbuch, vol. ii. ; Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 31–37; Whitaker, History of Man- chester, vol. i. p. 220; History of Whalley, pp. 8, 9; Betham, Gael, pp. 205– 215; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 254; Church of England Quarterly, No. 73, p. 153; Schott, Deutsch. Col. pp. 219, 225; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. part i. pp. 119, 134--145; and the works of Pott, Arndt, Glück, Diefenbach, De Belloguet, Williams, Davies, Latham, Rawlinson, Donaldson, &c. 2 “Helvellyn and Skiddaw rise as sepulchral monuments of a race that has passed away.”—Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 451. 3 See Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 104; Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 51; Boudard, Numat. Ibér. p. 121 ; Morris, in Gentleman's Mag. ſor 1789, p.905. Names of Mountains. 219 ACN keven) a back, or ridge, is very common in local names in Wales, as in the case of CEFN COED or CEFN BRYN. In England it is found in the CHEVIN, a ridge in Wharf- dale; in CHEVIN Hill near Derby ; in KEYNTON, a name which occurs in Shropshire, Dorset, and Wilts; in CHEVENING, on the great ridge of North Kent; in CHEVINGTON in Suffolk and Northumberland; also in CHEVY Chase, and the CHEVIOT Hills; in the Gebenna Mons, now LES CEVENNES, in France; and in Cape CHIEN, in Brittany The Welsh pen, a head, and by metonymy, the usual name for a mountain, is widely diffused throughout Europe. The south-easterly extension of the Cymric race is witnessed by the names of the PENN-INE chain of the Alps, the A-PENN-INES, a place called PENNE, anciently Pinna, in the high Apennines, and Mount PINDUS, in Greece. The ancient name of PENILUCUS, near Villeneuve, is evidently a Latinized form of Pen-y- llwch, the head of the lake. We find PENHERF and the headland of PENMARCH in Brittany, and there is a hill near Marseilles which is called LA PENNE. In our i From the root pen, originally a head or point, come probably, pinnacle, penny (?), pin, spine, and the name of the pine-tree. It is curious that the Cymric pyr, a fir, bears the same relation to the name of the Pyrenees that pina does to those of the Apennines and Pennine Alps. Compare the Pyern mountains in Upper Austria, and the Ferner in Tyrol. In the case of many of the Pyrenean giants the topmost pyramid of each is called its "penne.” Peña is the name for a rock in Spanish, and in Italian penna is a mountain summit. Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 258. Cf. Quarterly Review, vol. cxvi. p. 12. On the root pen, see Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 170; Orig: Eur. p. 397; Keferstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. ii. p. 186; Adelung, Mithri- dates, vol. ii. p. 67; Forbes, Tour of Mont Blanc, p. 210; Zeuss, Gram. Celt. vol. i. p. 77 ; Wedgwood, in Philolog. Proceed, vol. iv. p. 259 ; Davies, ibid. vol. vi. p. 129; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 73. 2 Robertson, Early Kings, vol. ii. p. 229. 220 The Celts. Y own island, hills bearing this name are very numerous. We have PENARD, PENHILL, and PEN in Somerset, Upper and Lower PENN in Staffordshire, and PANN Castle near Bridgenorth. The highest hill in Bucking- hamshire is called PEN. One of the most conspicuous summits in Yorkshire is called PENNIGANT. INKPEN stands on a high hill in Berkshire. We have PENDLETON and PENKETH in Lancashire, PENSHURST in Sussex; in Cumberland we find PENRITH, the head of the ford ; and in Herefordshire, PENCOID, the head of the wood. In Cornwall and Wales the root pen is of perpetual occur- rence, as in the cases of PENRHYN and PENDENNIS (Pen Dinas) in Cornwall, and PENMAENMAWR, PEMBROKE, and PENRHOS, in Wales. In Argyleshire and the northern parts of Scotland the Cymric pen is ordinarily replaced by ben or cenn, the Gaelic forms of the same word. This distinctive usage of pen and ben in local names enables us to detect the ancient line of demarcation between the Cymric and Gadhelic branches of the Celtic race. We find the Cymric form of the word in the Gram-pian-s, the PENTLAND Hills, the PENNAGAUL Hills and PENPONT in Dumfries, the PEN of Eskdalemuir, PEN CRAIG in Haddington, PENWALLY in Ayrshire, and PENDRICH in Perth. On the other hand the Gaelic ben, which is conspicuously absent from England, Wales, and south-eastern Scotland, is used to designate almost all the higher summits of the north and west, as, for instance, BENNEVIS, BENLEDI, BENMORE, BENWYVIS, BENLOMOND, BENCRUACHAN, and many more, too numerous to specify. 1 Pen-bro, the head of the land. ? Ben Rhydding, in Yorkshire, is a name of very recent concoction. TIT Hill-Naines-pen, dun, 221 The Gadhelic cenn, a head, is another form of the same word. It is found in KENMORE, CANTIRE, KIN- NAIRD, and KINROSS, in Scotland, KINSALE and KEN- MARE in Ireland, in the English county of KENT, KENNE in Somerset, KENNEDON in Devonshire, KENTON in Middlesex, KENCOT in Oxfordshire, and KENCOMB in Dorset. The position of ancient Celtic strongholds is frequently indicated by the root dun, a hill fortress, a word which is closely related to the modern Welsh word dinas. The features of such a natural stronghold are well exhibited at SION in Switzerland, where a bold isolated crag rises in the midst of an alluvial plain. Like so many other positions of the kind, this place bears a Celtic name. The German form SITTEN is nearer than the French SION to the ancient name Sedunum, which is the Latin- ized form of the original Celtic appellation. In a neighbouring canton the ancient Ebredunum has become YVERDUN, a place which, as well as THUN (pronounced Toon), must have been among the fortress-cities of the Celts of Switzerland. In Germany, Campodunum is now 1 Kenmore, the "great summit,” from the Gaelic mor, or the Welsh mawr, great. This name is found also in Switzerland. There is a mountain called the KAMOR in Appenzell, and another called the KAMMERSTOCK between Uri and Glarus. Mont CENIS was anciently Mons Cinisius. GENEVA is probably cenn afon, the head of the river. See Mone, Celtische Forschungen, p. 27. 2 Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 139; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 157 ; Orig. Eur. pp. 325—328; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 57 ; Holtzmann, Kelten und Germanen, p. 100; Menage; Origines, pp. 264–267; Förstemann, Alt- deutsches Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 442 ; Cambro-Briton, vol. iii. p. 43. From the Celtic the root has penetrated into Italian and Spanish as duna, into English as down, and into French as dune. The Dhures of the Himalayas, as Kjarda Dhun, Dehra Dhun, &c. seem to be related words. Diez, Etym.. Wörterb. p. 129; Lassen, Indische Alterth. vol. i. pp. xlv. 48. · 222 The Celts. : KEMP-TEN, and Tarodunum, in the modern form of DOR-N-STADT, preserves only a single letter of the Celtic dun. The same is the case with Carrodunum (carraigh- dun, the rock fort), now KHAR-N-BURG on the Danube; while Idunum, on the same river, is now I-DIN-O. THUN- DORF and DUN-ESTADT also witness the eastern exten- sion of the Celtic people.1 In Italy we find nine ancient names into which this Celtic root enters, as Vindinum, Atina, and Retina. But in France, more especially, these Celtic hill-forts abounded. Augustodunum is now AU-TUN, and Juliodunum is LOU-DUN near Poictiers. Lugdunum, on the Rhone, is now LYONS; Lugdunum or Lugodinum, in Holland, is now LEYDEN; and Lugi- durum, in Silesia, is now GLOGAU. The rock of LAON, the stronghold of the later Merovingian kings, is a contraction of Laudunum.3 Noviodunum, the “new fort," is a common name: one is now NOYON, another NEVERS, another NYON, another JUBLEINS. Melodunum (meall- dun,t the hill fort), now MELUN, Verodunum, now VER- DUN, and Uxellodunum in Guienne, were also Celtic strongholds. In England there seem to have been fewer Celtic fortresses than in France. Londunum or Londinium, the fortified hill on which St. Paul's Cathedral now sta:ads, is now LON-DON. LEX-DON, near Colchester, i See Mone. Celtische Forschungen, p. 68. The ancient name of Belgrade was SEGODUNUM, Seigha-dun, equivalent to Hapsburg, or Hawks’-hill. Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 195. 2 Williams, Edinburgh Proceedings, vol. xiii. p. 532; Essays, p. 80. Cortona is evidently Caer-dun. 3 Palgrave, England and Normandy, vol. ij. P. 7 ; Kennedy, in Philolog. Trans. for 1855, p. 170; Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. pp. 265, 266. See p. 227, infra. 4 Glück, Kelt. Nam. p. 139. Celtic Strongholds. 223 seems to have been Legionis dunum ;1 and Camulo- dunum iš probably MAL-DON, in Essex.? Sorbiodunum, now Old SARUM; Brannodunum, now Brancaster; Mori- dunum, now CARMAR-THEN; Rigiodunum, perhaps Ribblechester; Moridunum, probably Seaton; and Tao- dunum, now DUN-DEE, were all British forts which were occupied by the Romans. The same root dun is found also in DUNSTABLE, DUNMOW, and DUNDRY Hill in Somerset. In Scotland we have DUMBLANE, DUMFRIES, DUNKELD, the "fort of the Celts,” and DUMBARTON, the “fort of the Britons.” In Ireland we find DUNDRUM, DUNDALK, DUNGANNON, DUNGARVON, DUNLEARY, DUN- LAVIN, and scores of other names, which exhibit this word. It was adopted by the Saxons from the Celts, and, in accordance with the genius of their language, it is used as a suffix instead of as a prefix, as is usually the case in genuine Celtic names. We have instances in the names of HUNTINGDON, FARRINGDON, and CLARENDON. The Celtic languages can place the substantive first and the adjective last, while in the Teutonic idiom this is unallowable. The same is the case with substantives which have the force of adjectives. Thus the Celtic Strathclyde and Abertay corresponds to the Teutonic forms Clydesdale and Taymouth. This usage often enables us to discriminate between Celtic and Saxon roots which are nearly identical in sound. Thus, Balbėg and Strathbeg must be from the Celtic beg, little; buť Bigholm and Bighouse are from the Teutonic big, great. Dalry, Dalgain, Dalkeith, Daleaglis, Dolberry in Somer-. set, and Toulouse must be from the Celtic dol, a plain; tr1 :Baxter, Glossarium, p. 174. 2 Horsley, Brit. Rom. p. 31; Gough's Camden, vol. ii. pp. 122, 135. 224 The Celts. while Rydal, Kendal, Mardale, and Oundle, are from the Teutonic dale, a valley.1 The Welsh word bryn, a brow? or ridge, is found in BRANDON, in Suffolk, which is the Anglicized form of Dinas Bran, a common local name in Wales. A ridge in Essex is called BRANDON. BREANDOWN is the name of a high ridge near Weston-super-Mare. BRENDON Hill forms part of the great ridge of Exmoor. BIRN- WOOD Forest, in Buckinghamshire, occupies the summit of a ridge which is elevated some 300 feet above the adjacent country. BRAINTREE in Essex, and BRINTON and BRANCASTER in Norfolk (anciently Brannodunum), contain the same root, which is found in numerous Swiss and German names, such as BRANNBERG, BRAN- DENBURG, BRENDENKOPF, and the BRENNER in the Tyrol.3 · PENRHOS, a name which occurs in Wales and Corn- wall, contains a root-ghos, a moor 4-which is liable to be confused with the Gaelic ros, which signifies a promi- nent rock or headland. Ross in Hereford and in North- umberland, ROSNEATH by Loch Long, and ROSDUY on Loch Lomond, are all on projecting points of land. Every Rigi tourist will remember the projecting preci- pice of the ROSSBERG, in Canton Schwytz, whose partial fall overwhelmed the village of Goldau. There are six i See Zeuss, Grammatica Celtica, vol. ii. pp. 824, 825, 862 ; Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. p. 492; Robertson, Early Kings, vol. ii. p. 244. 2 Cf. the Sanskrit bhrit, eyebrow. The English word brow, the Scotch bral, and the old German brdwa, all seem to be connected with this root. See Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 178; Vergl. Wörterb. vol. i. pp. 316-318. 3 Mone, Celtische Forschungen, pp. 15, 16. 4 The rush is the characteristic moorland plant. The Latin rus is a cognate word, and indicates the undrained moorland condition of the country. Names of Rocks. 225 other mountains of the same name in Germany.1 To the same source we may probably refer the names ? of Monte ROSA, Piz ROSATSCH, ROSEG, and ROSENLAUI in Switzer- land, and ROSTRENAN in Brittany. In our own islands we find this root in the names of WROXETER, ROSLIN, KINROSS, CARDROSS, MONTROSE, MELROSE, ROXBURGH, ARDROSSAN, and ROSCOMMON. Craig, a rock, so common in Welsh names, is found in CRICK in Derbyshire and Northampton, and CRICKLADE in Wilts. In Ireland this word takes the form carraig as in the case of CARRICKFERGUS. The root is probably to be found in the name of the three ranges called respectively the GRAIAN,3 the CARNIC, and the KARA- VANKEN Alps. The prefix Kar is very common near Botzen.4 In Savoy it takes the form crau. This form also appears in the name of a rocky district between Arles and Marseilles, which is called LA CRAU.5 Tor, a projecting rock, is found in the names of Mount TAURUS, TORBAY, and the TORS of Devonshire and Derbyshire. The higher summits of the TYROL are called Die Taurren. i Mone, Celtische Forschungen, p. 127. 2 Some of these may be the “red” mountains. The red hue of Monte Rosso, a southern outlier of the Bernina, is very markedly contrasted with the neighbouring “black peak” of Monte Nero. 3 Petronius tells us that this name means a rock. See Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 104; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 54; Keferstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. ii. p. 186; Radlof, Neue Untersuchungen, p. 312; De-Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 249. 4 Gilbert and Churchill, Dolomite Mountains, p. 84. 5 According to Pliny, the Scythian name of Caucasus was Grau-casis. 6 We find YES TOR, FUR TOR, HEY TOR, MIS TOR, HESSARY TOR, BRENT TOR, HARE TOR, and LYNX TOR, in Devon; and ROW TOR, MAM TOR, ADYN TOR, CHEE TOR, and OWLAR TOR, in Derbyshire. IIENTOE, in Lan- cashire, is a corruption of Hen Tor. See Dieſenbach, Celtica, ii. pt. i. pp. 337, 340. -226 - The Celts. The word ard, high, great, which forms the first portion of the name of the legendary King Arthur, occurs in some 200 Irish names, as ARDAGH, ARDGLASS, and ARDFERT. In Scotland we have ARDROSSAN, AR- MEANAGH, ARDNAMURCHAR, and ARDS. The name of ARRAN, the lofty island, has been appropriately bestowed on islands off the coast of Scotland and Ireland, and it attaches also to a mountain in Wales. The LIZARD Point is the high cape.3 In combination with the word den, a wooded valley, it gives us the name of the Forest of ARDEN in Warwickshire and in Yorkshire, and that of the ARDENNES, the great forest on the borders of France and Belgium. AUVERNE is probably, ar fearann, the “high country.”4 The word cwm 5 is very frequently used in Wales, where it denotes a cup-shaped depression in the hills. This word, in the Saxonized form combe, often occurs in English local names, especially in{those counties where the Celtic element is strong. In Devonshire we have ILFRACOMBE, YARCOMBE, and COMBE MARTIN; and the combes among the Mendip hills are very numerous. The Celtic county of Cumberland has been supposed to take its name from the combes with which it abounds.? 1 Yonge, Christian Names, vol. ii. p. 125. 2 Sullivan, Dictionary of Derivations, p. 282. 3 Baxter, Glossarium, p. 186. 4 Thierry, Hist. Gaul. vol. i. pp. xxxvi. 5 ; Keferstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. ii. p. 295. 5 A comb, a measure for corn, and the comb of bees, are both from this root, which is found in several local dialects in the Celtic parts of France, Spain, and Italy, as, for example, the Piedmontese comba. Diez, Etym. Wört. p. 107; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 112; Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 28; Kemble, Cod. Dipl. vol. iii. p. xvi. 6 Professor Leo, however, maintains the Anglo-Saxon combe was not adopted from the Celtic cwm. Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 83. ? See, however, p. 71, supra. · Combe. 227 Anderson, a Cumberland poet, says of his native county :- “ There's Cumwhitton, Cumzwhinton, Cumranton, Cumrangan, Cumrew, and Cumcatch, And mony mair Clinis i' the County, But'nin wi' Cumdivock can match."1 1 High WYCOMBE in Buckinghamshire, COMBE in Oxford- shire, APPLEDURCOMB, GATCOMB, and COMPTON Bay, in the Isle of Wight, FACOMB and COMBE in Hampshire, and COMPTON,4 GOMSHALL, and COMBE, in Surrey, are instances of its occurrence in districts where the Celtic element is more faint than in the west: and abroad we find the root in the name of the Puy de BELLECOMBE in Cantal, and not improbably even in the name of COMO. The Welsh llwch, a lake, morass, or hollow, corresponds to the Scotch loch and the Irish lough. This word con- stitutes the first syllable of the common ancient name Lugdunum, which has been modernized into LYONS and LEYDEN. We can trace the first portion of the Romanized Celtic name Luguballium in the mediæval Caerluel which superseded it, and which, with little change, still survives in the modern form CARLISLE. The lake which fills a remarkable bowl-shaped crater in the Eifel district of Germany is called LAACH. We find the same root in Lukotekia, Lukotokia, or Lutetia, the ancient name of Paris.3 i Sullivan, Dictionary of Derivations, p. 286. 2 There are twenty-three parishes of this name in England. 3 Old Paris was confined on the island which divides the Seine into two branches. The name seenis to be from llwch, and toki, to cut. Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. p. 132. From the related Welsh word llaith, moist, we have the name of ARLES, anciently Arelate, the town “on the marsh." See p. 86, supra ; Glück, Kelt. Namen, pp. 30, 114, 115; Pott, Etym. Forsch. Q 2 228 The Celts. The Cymric prefix tre, a place or dwelling, 1 is a useful test-word, since it does not occur in names derived from the Gaelic or Erse languages. It occurs ninety-six times in the village-names of Cornwall, more than twenty times in those of Wales; and is curiously distri- buted over the border counties. We find it five times in Herefordshire, three times in Devon, Gloucester, and Somerset, twice in Shropshire, and once in Worcester, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, and Northumber- land.4 It is frequent in Brittany, it occurs some thirty times in other parts of France, and twice or thrice in the Celtic part of Spain.5 TRÊVES, anciently Augusta Trevirorum, TROYES, anciently Civitas Tricassium, and TRICASTIN, near Orange, exhibit this widely-diffused vol. ii. pp. 42, 536; Astruc, Hist. Languedoc, p. 424; Menage, Origines, p. 57 ; Davies, Celtic Researches, pp. 221, 500 ; Radlof, Neue Untersuch- ungen, p. 290; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 115. 1 The Tref or Hamlet was the primary division of a British sept. 2 It is related to the Irish treabh, a clan, and, more distantly, to the Latin tribus. Mone, Celtische Forsch. p. 204; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 149; Dieſenbach, Celtica, i. pp. 146, 147 ; Williams, Essays, p. 85; Gerville, Noms, p. 225; Latham, Germania, p. 98; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. vol. ii. p. 291; Glück, Kelt. Namen, pp. 39, 40. 3 More than a thousand times, if we include hamlets and single home- steads. Hence it enters into a vast number of Cornish territorial surnames. There is an old adage which says :- " By Tre, Pol, and Pen, You may know the Cornish men.” 4 We have, for example, such names as—Trefonen, Tre-evan, Tretire, Trevill, and Trewen, in Herefordshire; Trebroader, in Shropshire ; Tre- borough in Somerset; Treton in Yorkshire ; Trebroun in Berwickshire; Trehorn in Cunningham, in Ayrshire ; Tretown in Fifeshire; Tregallon in Kirkcudbright; Treuchan in Perthshire. Such names as Uchiltre in Ayr- shire, Wigtonshire, and Linlithgow; Wavertree in Lancashire ; Braintree in Essex; Oswestry in Shropshire ; and Coventry in Warwickshire, may, or may not, contain this root. The substantive in Celtic names is usually, but not invariably, the prefix. See p. 223, supra. 5 E.8. TREVENTO, CONTREBIA. Names of Dwellings. 229 Cymric root. The tribe of the Durotriges, the dwellers by the water, have given a portion of their name to DORSET, and the Atrebates have bestowed theirs upon ARRAS and ARTOIS. In Italy we find the name Treba, now TREVI, Trebula, now TREGLIA, TRESSO, TREVISO, TREBBIA, and TRIESTE, besides TRIENT in the Italian Tyrol, and other similar names in the most Celtic part of Italy, near the head of the Adriatic. Bod, a house, is very common in Cornwall,' and appears also in Wales. Ty means a cottage, and is universally prevalent in Wales, though it enters into few important names. In Cornwall it takes also the forms Chy and Ky,2 and in Brittany it appears as Qui and Cae,3 Llan, an inclosure, and hence, in later times, the sacred inclosure, or church, is also a useful Cymric test-word. It occurs ninety-seven times in the village-names of Wales, thirteen times in those of Cornwall, in Shrop- shire and in Herefordshire seven times, in Gloucester- shire four times, and in Devon twice. It is also found in the Cymric part of Scotland,4 and is very common in Brittany.5 The original meaning of lan was probably not an in- closure, but a level plain, such as the LANDES, the vast sandy flats near Bayonne, or the LLANOS, the sea-like plains of South America. In a mountainous country 1 E.g. BODMIN, the stone house. ? E.g. CHYNOWETII, the new house, KYNANCE, the house in the valley. Pryce, Arch. Cornu-Brit, sub voc. 3 E.g. QUIBERON. 4 E.g. LANARK and LANRICK. 5 E.g. LANGEAC, LANNION, LANDERNEAU, LANDIVIZIAN, LANOE. O Cf. Talbot, Eng. Ety. p. 55; Pryce, Arch. Cornie-Brit. s. v. Our words lawn and land come from the same ultimate root. Compare how- ever the Persian lån, a yard. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ, vol. ii. p. 19, OTA 230 The Celts. like Wales such level spots would be the first to be inclosed, and it is easy to perceive the process by which the transition of meaning might be effected. The root, in its primary meaning, appears in the name of MI-LAN, which stands in the midst of the finest plain in Europe. The Latin name Mediolanum, probably embodies, or perhaps partly translates, the ancient enchorial word. The Celtic word, man, a district, is probably to be sought in MAINE, MANS, MANTES, and MAYENNE in France, in MANTUA in Italy, in LA MANCHA and MANXES in Spain, in England in MANSFIELD, in Mancunium, now MANCHESTER, in Manduessedum, now MANCESTER, as well as in MONA, the MENAI Straits, the Isle of MAN, and several Cornish names.? Nant, a valley, is a common root in the Cymric dis- tricts of our island, as in NANT-FRANGON, the beavers' valley, in Carnarvonshire; or NANTGLYN in Denbighshire. NAN BIELD is the name of a steep pass in Westmore- land, and NANTWICH stands in a Cheshire valley. In Cornwall we find NANS, NANCEMELLIN, the valley of the mill, PENNANT, the head of the valley, and TRENANCE, the town in the valley. It is also found in NANTUA in Burgundy, NANCY in Lorraine, NANTES in Brittany, and the VAL DE NANT in Neufchâtel. All Chamounix tourists will remember NANT BOURANT, NANT D'ARPE- NAZ, NANT DE TACONAY, NANT DE GRIA, NANT DANT, - 1 Niebuhr, Lectures on Geography and Ethnology', vol. ii. p. 235. Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 194, makes Milan meiden llan, the great temple. Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 64, thinks the first syllable is medıı, a low place. See Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 279 ; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 222. 2 See Philolog. Proceed. p. 118. Mona and the Isle of Man are perhaps from the Welsh mon, separate. Cf. the Greek móvos. Cambro-Briton, vol. iii. p. 170; Notes and Queries, 2d series, vol. ii. p. 20. Valleys and Plains. 231 NANGY, and the other nants or valleys of Savoy, which were once, as this word proves, possessed by the same. people who now inhabit the valleys of North Wales. . The ancient kingdom of GWENT comprised the coun-- ties of Monmouth and Glamorgan, and Monmouth still locally goes by this name. A Newport newspaper is. called the Star of Gwent. The word denotes an open: champaign country, and the uncouth Celtic word was Latinized by the Romans into Venta. Venta Silurum is now CAER-WENT in Monmouthshire, Venta Belgarum is now WIN-CHESTER, and Bennaventa is now. DA- VENT-RY. The Veneti were the people who inhabited the open plain of Brittany, and they have left their name in the district of LA VENDÉE and the town of VANNES. The vast plain at the mouth of the Po, where Celtic names abound, has from the earliest times been called VENETIA, a name which may probably be referred to the same root, as well perhaps as Beneventum, now BENE- VENTO, and Treventum, now TRIVENTO.3 Most of the Celtic roots which we have. hitherto i Smith, Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Geogr. sub voc. Nantuates; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 82; Court de Gebelin, Monde Prin. P. xxiv ; Thierry, Hist. Gaul. vol. ii. p. 34; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 64; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 211. The singular way in which this root nant is confined to Wales and the region of the High Alps, has suggested the doubt whether it be an original Cymric gloss, or not rather one adopted from an earlier Liguro-Iberian wave of population. See Robertson, Scot- land under her Early Kings, vol. ii. p. 223. 2 Vannes and Venetia may possibly be from venna, a fisherman. See however p. 79, supra. Mommsen thinks the Veneti of the Adriatic were not Celts, but Illyrians. Hist. Rome, vol. ii. p. 76. 3 See Guest on Early Settlements in South Britain, in Proceedings of Arch. Instit. for 1849, p. 33 ; Guest in Philolog. Pr. vol. i. p. 10; Archdeacon Williams, Ed. Trans. p. 535; Essays, p. 82 ; Cambro-Britoil, vol. i. pp. 17, 168; Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. pt. i. p. 343; Mone, Gesch. Heidenth. vol. ii. p. 424. 232 The Celts. considered are distinctively Cymric rather than Gaelic or Erse. Such are cefn, bryn, cwm, llan, tre, nant, and gwent. Dun and llwch are common to both branches of the Celts, while the Gaelic ben, cenn, and carraig are closely related to the Cymric pen and craig. The next root to be considered is decisively Gadhelic, and is, therefore, very useful as a test-word in discrimi- nating between the districts peopled by the two great branches of the Celtic stock. The word magh, a plain or field, is found in more than a hundred Irish names, such as MAGH-ERA, MAY- NOOTH, AR-MAGH. On the Continent it is found in many ancient and modern names. In Germany we find Magetoburgum, now MAG-DEBURG; Mogontiacum, now MAI-NT2, and other names ; 3 and in north-eastern France this root was equally common. The chief Cymric roots are found scattered over Spain, Northern Italy, Switzerland, and Southern Ger- many; but the root magh, the Gadhelic test-word, seems i Sanskrit, mahi, terra. The Welsh form is maes, as in Maes Garmon, Mesham, Maesbury, Maserfield, Masbrook, Woodmas. The MAES or MEUSE is the river of meadows. The English math, and to mow, and the Latin meto are cognate words. See Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 77 ; Mone, Celtische Forschungen, p. 228; Sullivan, Dict. of Derivations, p. 291 ; Astruc, Hist. Languedoc, p. 437; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. vol. ii. p. IOI; Glück, Kelt. Namen, pp. 123—125; Zeuss, Grammatica Celtica, vol. i. p. 5. ..The suffix magues occurs forty-seven times in Prichard's lists. Researches, vol. iii. 3 E.g. Marcomagus, now Marmagen, Noviomagus (Newfield), now Nimegen, Rigomagus (Kingsfield), now Rheinmagen, Borbetomagus, now Worms, and Durnomagus, a place near Cologne. 4 We have it in Rotomagus, now Rouen, Noiomagus, now Nemours, Noviomagus Lexoviorum, now Lisieux, Cæsaromagus, now Beauvais, Juliomag us, now Angers, Argentomagus, now Argenton, Catorimagus, now Chorges, and Sermanicomagus, now Chermez, Cymric and Gadhelic Test-words. 233 to be confined almost entirely to the district of the lower Rhine and its tributaries. In Switzerland it does not appear, and in Italy it occurs only in the district peopled by the intrusive Boii. In southern and western France it hardly occurs at all, and it is found only once or twice in Britain. We may therefore conclude that while the Cymry came from the region of the Alps, the Gadhelic branch of the Celts must have migrated from the valleys of the Rhine and the Moselle. It seems to have been from this district that the earliest historic movement of the Celts took place. Three Celtic tribes burst through the Alps; they pillaged Rome, and, after returning to Illyria for a while, they broke in upon Greece, and plundered the treasures at Delphi. They settled for a time in Thrace, where we have local traces 1 The Swiss form mat, a meadow, which appears in ZERMAT and ANDERMAT, is found only in the Cymric, and not in the Gaelic portions of Great Britain. E.9. MATHERN in Monmouth and in Hereford. 2 We have Rigomagus near Turin, Bodincomag us on the Po, and Cameliomagus near Placentia. 3 We have Magintum, now Dunstable. Close to the town is an ancient earthwork, called the Maiden Bower, or the Maidning Bourne, which seemns to be a corruption of the Celto-Saxon name Mageburg. See Gough's Camden, vol. ii. pp. 49, 55. The original name of Cæsaromagus was probably Dunomagus, as is indicated by the modern name DUNMOW. Sitomagus is, perhaps, Thetford. The position of these places is a strong corroboration of the opinion held by many Celtic scholars, that East Anglia was Gaelic rather than Cymric. See various Papers by the Rev. J. Davies, in the Transactions of the Philological Society; and Davies, Celtic Researches, p. 203. 4 See Contzen, Wanderungen der Kelteni, pp. 97--262; Conybeare and Howson, Life of St. Paul, vol. i. p. 284; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, pp. 180– 184; Rawlinson, Herodotus, vol. iii. p. 190 ; Arnold, History of Roine, vol. i. p. 522 ; Niebuhr, History of Rome, vol. ii. p. 524; Latham, Germania, pp. 83, 98 ; Prichard, Eastern Origin of Celt. Nat. pp. 104- 110; Lindsay, Progression, p. 62; Duncker, Orig. Germ. pp. 36–39; Keferstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. ii. p. 348 ; Radlof, Neue Untersuchungen, pp. 430-435. 234 The Celts. of a still earlier abode of a Celtic people, and then crossing the Bosphorus, they took possession of the central parts of Asia Minor, to which they gave the name of Galatia, the land of the Gael, and where they long re- tained their Celtic speech,1 and the ethnical peculiarities of their Celtic blood.2 Here, curiously enough, we again encounter this root mag, which is found so abundantly in the district from which they emigrated. In the Galatian district we find the names of Magydus, Magabula, Magaba, Mygdale, Magnesia (twice), and the Mygdones. In Thessaly, where these Celts settled for a time, we also find two of these names, Magnesia, and the district of Mygdonia, which lay on the banks of the Axius, a Celtic river-name: Magaba is on the Halys, which is a Celtic word, meaning salt river. In Lycia, according to Strabo, there was an enormous rocky summit, steeply scarped on every side, called Kpáryos.4 1 Galatas . . . propriam linguam eandem pene habere quam Treviros. Jerome, Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians, Proæmium. 2 We see, from many indications in St. Paul's Epistle, that the “ foolish Galatians," who were so easily “bewitched," were like the rest of the Gaelic race-fickle, enthusiastic, fond of glory and display, and at the same time lively, witty, eloquent, and full of good sense and good feeling. The Galatians, like all other Celtic peoples, made admirable soldiers, and over- threw the invincible phalanx of Macedonia. We recognise in them the same military qualities which have made the charge of the Highland clans and of the Irish regiments so terrible, and which have rendered so famous the brilliant Celtic mercenaries of France and Carthage. 3 These Thessalian names, occurring as they do in Homer and Hero- dotus, must be attributed to the earlier Celtic occupancy of this region. 4 Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 104. There are many other Celtic names in Galatia and the neighbouring parts of Bithynia and Magnesia ; such as the Rivers Æsius, Æsyros, and Æson, which apparently contain the root es, water. See p. 203, supra. Abr-os-tola seems to contain the root aber as well. See p. 245, infra. Vindia, Cinna, and Briania call to mind the roots gwent, cenn, and bryn. See pp. 231, 221, 224, supra. Armorium reminds us of Armorica. Olenus, in Galatia, reminds us of Olenæum in Britain, and Celts in Galatia. 235 - The accumulative evidence furnished by these Celtic names has been exhibited in a very imperfect manner, but enough has probably been adduced to lead irresis- tibly to the conclusion that large portions of Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, and Germany, were at some period inhabited by the race which now retains its speech and its nationality only in a few of the western corners of Europe-Ireland, the Scotch Highlands, the Isle of Man, Wales, and Brittany. . The following may be offered as a brief summary of the results disclosed by the evidence of these Celtic names. There is no ground for any probable conjectures as to the time and place at which the division of the Celts into their two great branches may be supposed to have taken place. In central Europe we find traces of both Cymry and Gael. The most numerous people of primæval Germany were of the Gadhelic branch. · They were not only the most numerous, but they were also the earliest to arrive. This is indicated by the fact that throughout Germany we find no Cymric, Sclavonic, or Teutonic names which have undergone phonetic changes in accordance with the genius of the Erse or Gaelic languages. Hence it may be inferred that the Gaels, on their arrival, found Germany unoccupied, and that their immigration was therefore of a peaceful character. Olin in Gaul. Agannia reminds us of Agennum in Gaul. An Episcopus Taviensis came from Galatia to attend the Nicene Council. We have also the apparently Celtic names Acitorizacum, Ambrenna, Eccobriga, Landrosia, Roslogiacum, and the River Siberis. Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. pt. i. pp. 256, 313, &c.; Thierry, Histoire des Gaulois, vol. i. pp. 145, seq.; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. p. 249. 236 The Celts. Next came the Cymry. They came as conquerors, and in numbers they were fewer than the Gaels whom they found in possession. This we gather from the fact that there are comparatively few pure Cymric names in Germany, but a large number of Gadhelic names which have been Cymricized. From the topo- graphical distribution of these names we infer that the Gaels arrived from the east, and the Cymry from the south.1 The large number of Cymric names in northern Italy, and the fact that several of the passes of the Alps 3 bear Cymric names, seem also to indicate the quarter whence the Cymric invasion proceeded. Lastly came the Germans from the north-they were conquerors, and fewer in number than either the Cymry i See Meyer, in Bunsen's Phil. of Univ. Hist. vol. i. p. 148; and Mone, Celtische Forschungen. In the lists given by Keferstein (vol. ii. pp. 1–101) there are about 2,400 German words which bear more or less resemblance to their Celtic synonyms. The resemblance, in many cases, is only what is due to the common Aryan source; but, from other instances, we may fairly infer the existence, for a time, of a Celtic remnant among the Teutonic conquerors. On Celtic names in Germany see Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 194, seq. ; Mahn, Namen Berlin und Köln, p. 7 ; Keferstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. ii.; Mone, Celtische Forschungen, passim ; Müller, Marken d. Vaterl. pp. 117–128 ; Duncker, Origines Germ. pp. 44—70. 2 We find the roots llan, gwent, afon, is, stour, dwr, tre, ter. See pp. 229, 231, &c.; Williams, in vol. xiii. of Trans. of Royal Society of Edin. passim; Latham, note to Prichard's Eastern Origin, pp. 121–133. A large number of words are common to the Celtic and Latin languages -lists will be found in Keferstein, Kelt. Alterth, vol. ii. pp. 102–172; Newman, Regal Rome, pp. 17-25; Donaldson, English Ethnography, p. 37; and see Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, passim. Compare, for instance, the words sagitta and saighead, lorica and luireach, telum and tailm. 3 Celtic names are very numerous in the Alps. See Meyer, Ortsnamen ; Schott, Deut. Pied. Col. pp. 216, 225; Keferstein, Kelt. Alt. vol. ii. p. 375 ; Latham, in Prichard's Eastern Origin, p. 84, seq.; Zeuss, Deutschen, pp. 228-238. Celts in Germany and France. 237 or the Gael. They have Germanized many Gadhelic names which had previously been Cymricized.1 The names of northern and central France are still more decisively Celtic than those of Germany. In Brittany the Armorican, a language closely allied to the Welsh, is still spoken, and the local names, with few ex- ceptions, are derived from Cymric roots, and are in a much purer and more easily recognisable form than in other parts. But we find that the same names which occur in Brittany are also scattered over the rest of France, though more sparingly, and in more corrupted forms. Brandes 3 has compiled a list of more than three hundred Breton names, which also occur in other parts of France. In the north-east of France we find a few i See Mone, Celtische Forschungen, p. 172. 2 Though the Celtic tongue was spoken in France down to the sixth century, very few Celtic words have found their place in the French lan- guage. A good many, however, linger in the provincial dialects. A list will be found in Courson, Histoire des Peuples Bretons, vol. i. pp. 31–41. But without the evidence of local names we should have no conception of the real amount of the Celtic element in France. See Milman, Hist. Lat. Christianity, vol. vi. p. 340 ; Diez, Gram. Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 80; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 35. On Celtic names in France, see Diefenbach, Celtica ; Glück, Keltischen Namen ; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie Gaulois, Kennedy, in Philolog. Trans. for 1855, P. 166; and two silly books—Astruc, Hist. Nat. de Languedoc, pp. 422—457, and Court de Gebelin, Monde Primitif, vol. v. pp. XX—XXV. 3 Das Ethnographische Verhältniss der Kelten und Germanen, pp. 257—- 261. Courson, Histoire des Peuples Bretons, vol. i. pp. 42—45, gives a similar list. Cf. Souvestre, Les Derniers Britoris, vol. ii. p. 164, on the two races inhabiting respectively the mountains and the plains. 4 Thus we have avon four times, bryır nine times, tre thirty times, as well as llan, is, ar, dwr, garw, &c. The theory has been advanced that the Bretons of Brittany were a colony from Cornwall or Devon. No doubt there was a great amount of intercourse. The Cornwall and Devon of France afforded refuge to the emigrants expelled by the Saxons from the Cornwall and Devon of England; but the local names of France prove conclusively that the Bretons were once more widely spread. 238 The Celts. Gaelic and Erse1 roots, which are altogether absent from the local nomenclature of the west, a fact which suggests that the Gaels of Germany may have crossed this part of France on their way to the British Isles. · But in south-western France-the region between the Garonne and the Pyrenees—the Celtic names, which are so universally diffused over the other portions of the kingdom, are most conspicuously absent. The names which we find in this district are not even Indo-Euro- pean, but belong to quite another family of human speech—the Turanian, which includes the languages which are now spoken by the Turks, the Magyars, the Finns and Lapps of Northern Europe, and their distant congeners, the Basques, who inhabit the western portion of the Pyrenees. These Spanish mountaineers, who now number three-quarters of a million, seem to be the sole unabsorbed remnant of the powerful nation which once occupied the greater portion of Spain, the half of France, the whole of Sardinia and Corsica, and large portions of Italy. Whether these Iberians, or Euska- rians as they are called, were the earliest inhabitants of Spain, or whether they were preceded by Celtic tribes, is still a disputed question among ethnologists. It is doubtful whether they crossed into Spain by the Straits of Gibraltar, or whether they crept along the coast of the Mediterranean from Liguria, and penetrated by the north-eastern defiles of the Pyrenees. The whole sub- See Palgrave, Eng. Com. vol. i. p. 382 ; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. ii. p. 213.. i The Glossa Malperga, recently disinterred by Leo, contains the laws of a Belgian tribe, written in a language nearly akin to Irish. . 2 Pott, Art. Indo-Germ. Sprach-Stamm, in Ersch und Gruber, p. 250 ; Arndt, Europ. Spr. pp. 19–23; Brace, Races of Old World, p. 252. . 3 The absence of Iberic names from Eastern Europe and Asia seem to Euskarians. 239 T ject of the ancient ethnology of Spain has been dis- cussed in an admirable and exhaustive manner by Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt, in his work entitled “Prüfung der Untersuchungen über die alter Bewohner Hispa- niens.”] The materials of this investigation consist chiefly of the ancient names which are found in Pliny, Ptolemy, Strabo, and the Itineraries. These names he endeavours to trace to Celtic or Euskarian roots, and compares them with the Basque names now found in the Asturias. One of the most prevalent words is asta, a rock, which we have in ASTURIA, ASTORGA, ASTA, ASTE- GUIETA, ASTIGARRAGA, ASTOBIZA, ASTULEZ, and many other names. The root ura, water, occurs in ASTURIA,? ILURIA, URIA, VERURIUM, URBIACA, and URBINA, Iturria, a fountain, is found in the names ITURISSA, TURAS, TURIASO, TURDETANI, and TURIGA. The char- acteristic Euskarian terminations are uris, pa, etani, etania, gis, ilia, and ula. The characteristic initial syl- lables are al, ar, as, bae, bi, bar, ber, cal, ner, sal, si, tai, and tu. These roots are found chiefly in eastern and northern Spain, in the valley of the Tagus, and on the make it probable that the Iberians crossed from Africa, and spread over Spain, and thence to France, the Italian coast land, and the Mediterranean Islands. The Celts seem to have been the conquering, and the Iberians the conquered people. Pott, Indo-Gerin. Spr. p. 25. See, however, Niebuhr, Hist. Rome, vol. ii. p. 520. There appear to be a few Euskarian names in Thrace. Humboldt, Priifiing, pp. 118-120. · 1 On Iberic names see also Zeuss, Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstämme, pp. 160—164; Prichard, Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, vol. iii. p. 20–48; Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. pp. 1–52 ; Robertson, Scotland under her Early Kings, vol. ii. p. 221; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. pp. 12—30. The work by S. F. W. Hoffmann, Die Iberer im Westen und Osten, I have not been able to procure. 2 On the name Asturia see Humboldt, Prüfung, pp. 23, 30; Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. part i. P. 312, and i. p. 27. 3 See p. 55, supra. 240 The Celts, southern coast, while in Galicia, in the valleys of the Minhol and the Guadiana, and in southern Portugal, the names are purely Celtic,2 and there seems to have been no infusion of an Euskarian element. Various fortresses in the Iberic district bear Celtic names, while in the mountainous district of central Spain a fusion of the two races would seem to have taken place, probably by a Celtic conquest of Iberic territory, and the Celtiberians, as they are called, separated the pure Celts from the pure Iberians. In Aquitania proper 3 there is hardly a single Celtic name-all are Iberic or Romance. In Italy Iberic names are not uncommon,4 and it has been thought that some faint traces of a Turanian, if not of an Iberic po- pulation are perceptible in the names of north-western Africa, of Sicily, and even of the extreme west of Ireland.5 In the British Isles, the Gaelic, the Erse, the Manx, and the Welsh, are still living languages. Just as in Silesia and Bohemia the Sclavonic is now gradually TY i The Mynnow or Mynwy, on which Monmouth stands, is the same name. 2 Dr. Latham has noticed the significant fact that the Celtic roots inag and dun, which occur so abundantly in other districts peopled by the Celts, are not found in Spain. This may indicate that the Spanish Celts were separated from their kinsfolk at an early period. 3 On Euskarian names in France see Humboldt, Priifung, pp. 91–95. 4 We find URIA in Apulia, ASTURA near Antium, ASTA in Liguria, as well as LIGURIA, BASTA, BITURGIA, and others which are compounded with the Euskarian roots, asta, a rock, ura, water, and ilia or alia, a city. Hum- boldt, Priifung, pp. III-118. 5 Professor Keyser, of Christiania, has endeavoured to prove a wide extension of Iberic tribes over the extreme Western shores of Europe. See Prichard, Report on Ethnology to Brit. Assoc. in 1847, p. 246 ; Meyer, ib.; Wilson, Prehist. Annals, p. II; Robertson, Early Kings, vol. i. p. 33. Retrocession of Celts in England. 241 receding before the German language, so in the British Isles a similar process has been going on for more than fourteen centuries. We have documentary evidence of this process. The ancient documents relating to the parishes north of the Forth, exhibit a gradually in- creasing proportion of Teutonic names. In the Taxatio of the twelfth century, only 21 per cent. are Teutonic; in the Chartularies, from the twelfth to the fourteenth century, the proportion rises to 4 per cent., and in the tax rolls of 1554 to nearly 25 per cent.1 In the south of the island a similar retrocession of the Celtic speech may be traced. Thus in the will of Alfred, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, and Devon, are enumerated as “Wealh- cynne," a phrase which proves that these counties were then thoroughly Celtic in blood and language, although politically they belonged to the Anglo-Saxon common- wealth. Dr. Guest has shown that the valleys of the Frome and the Bristol Avon formed an intrusive Welsh wedge, protruding into the Saxon district.3 Athelstan found Britons and Saxons in joint occupation of the city of Exeter. He expelled the former, and drove them beyond the Tamar, and fixed the Wye as the boundary of the Northern Cymry. Harold, son of Godwin, ordered that every Celt found east of Offa's Dyke should have his right hand struck off. But even so late as the time of Henry II. Herefordshire was not entirely Anglicized, and it was only in the reign of Henry VIII. that Monmouthshire was first numbered among the English counties. In remote parts of Devon the i Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. pp. 484, 485. 2 Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 410. 3 Archæolog. Journal, vol. xvi. 4 Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 231. 242 'The Celts. 11 ancient Cymric speech feebly lingered on till the reign of Elizabeth, while in Cornwall it was the general medium of intercourse in the time of. Henry VIII. In the time of Queen Anne it was confined to five or six villages in the western portion of the county, and it has only become extinct within the lifetime of living men (A.D. 1777),1 while the Celtic race has survived the ex- tinction of their language with little intermixture of Teutonic blood. In the west of Glamorgan, in Flint, Denbigh, and part of Montgomery, the English language has almost entirely displaced the Welsh, and in the other border counties it is rapidly encroaching. In fact, we may now see in actual operation the same gradual process which has taken place throughout the rest of Britain. In Wales, the change of language, now in pro- gress, is accompanied by very little infusion of Saxon blood. The same must also have been the case at an earlier period. In Mercia and Wessex, at all events, we must believe that the bulk of the people is of Celtic blood. The Saxon keels cannot have transported any very numerous population, and, no doubt, the ceorls, or churls, long continued to be the nearly pure-blooded de- scendants of the aboriginal Celts of Britain.2 These theoretical conclusions are thoroughly borne out by the evidence of the local names. Throughout the whole island almost every river-name is Celtic, most of the shire-names contain Celtic roots, and a fair I . i Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 15; Halliwell, Cornwall, pp. 167–174. Many Cornish words still survive, as quilquin, a frog. 2 Palgrave, English Common. vol. i. p. 26; Davies, in Philolog. Trans. for 1857, p. 75; Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. part ii. p. 140. 3 Cambridge, Cornwall, Cumberland, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Glouces- ter, Hertford, Huntingdon, Kent, Lancaster, Lincoln, Monmouth, North- umberland, Oxford, Worcester, and York, together with all the Welsh Celt and Saxon. 243 sprinkling of names of hills, valleys, and fortresses, bears witness that the Celt was the aboriginal possessor of the soil; while in the border counties of Salop, Hereford, Gloucester, Dorset, Somerset, and Devon, and in the mountain fastnesses of Derbyshire and Cumberland, not only are the names of the great natural features of the country derived from the Celtic speech, but we find oc- casional village-names, with the preffixes lan and tre, interspersed among the Saxon patronymics. A large number of the chief ancient centres of population, such as LONDON, WINCHESTER, GLOUCESTER, EXETER, LIN- COLN, YORK, MANCHESTER, LANCASTER, and CARLISLE bear Celtic names, while the Teutonic town names usually indicate by their suffixes that they originated in isolated family settlements in the uncleared forest, or arose from the necessities of traffic in the neighbourhood of some frequented ford. These facts, taken together, prove that the Saxon immigrants, for the most part, left the Celts in possession of the towns, and subdued, each for himself, a portion of the unappropriated waste. It is obvious therefore, that a very considerable Celtic element of population must, for a long time, have sub- sisted, side by side with the Teutonic invaders, without much mutual interference. In time the Celts acquired the language of the more energetic race, and the two peoples at last ceased to be distinguishable. Just in the same way, during the last two centuries, Anglo-Saxon colonists have been establishing themselves among the aborigines of North America, of the Cape, and of New and Scotch shires, except Anglesea, Montgomery, Haddington, Kircud. bright, Stirling, Sutherland, and Wigton. 1 E.g. Buckingham, Reading, Derby, &c. 2 E.g. Stafford, Bedford, Chelmsford, &c. . R 2 244 The Celts. Zealand, and the natives have not been at once extermi- nated, but are being slowly absorbed and assimilated by the superior vigour of the incoming race. To exhibit the comparative amount of the Celtic, the Saxon, and the Danish elements of population in various portions of the island, an analysis has been made of the names of villages, hamlets, hills, woods, valleys, &c.? in the counties of Suffolk, Surrey, Devon, Cornwall, and Monmouth. Per centage of Names from the Suffolk. Surrey. Devon. Corn- | Mon- wall. mouth. Isle of Ire- land. ~ Celtic .... Anglo-Saxon. Norse .... 90 | 911 By far the greater number of Celtic names in Eng- land are of the Cymric type. Yet, as we have already seen, there is a thin stream of Gadhelic names which extends across the island from the Thames to the Mersey, as if to indicate the route by which the Gaels passed across to Ireland, impelled, probably, by the suc- ceeding hosts of Cymric invaders. The Cymry held the lowlands of Scotland as far as the Perthshire hills. The names in the valleys of the ? River names are excluded from the computation. E.g. Dunmow, Ouse, &c. See pp. 204, 233, supra. 3 On the limits of the Cymry and Gael in Scotland, see Garnett, “On the relation of the Picts and Gael,” in Philolog. Proceed. vol. i. and Essays, pp. 196–204; Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. ; Robertson, Scotland under her Early Kings, vol. ii. pp. 360—381 ; Skene, Hist. of the Highlanders, vol. i. pp. 67–87; Donaldson, English Ethnography, pp. 36, 37; Dieſenbach, Celtica, ii. pt. ii. pp. 176, seq. Estimate of the Amount of the Celtic Element. 245 Clyde and the Forth are Cymric, not Gaelic. At a later period the Scots,' an Irish sept, crossed over into Argyle, and gradually extended their dominion over the whole of the north-west of Scotland, encroaching here and there on the Cymry who held the lowlands, and who were probably the people who go by the name of Picts. In the ninth century the monarchy of the Picts was absorbed by the Scots. The Picts, however, still maintained a distinct ethnical existence, for we find them fighting in the battle of the Standard against Stephen. In the next century they disappear myste- riously from history.? To establish the point, that the Picts, or the nation, whatever was its name, that held central Scotland, was Cymric, not Gaelic, we may refer to the distinction already mentioned 3 between ben and pen. Ben is con- fined to the west and north ; pen to the east and south. Inver and aber are also useful test-words in discrimi- nating between the two branches of the Celts. The difference between the two words is dialectic only; the etymology and the meaning are the same—a confluence of waters, either of two rivers, or of a river with the sea. Aber occurs repeatedly in Brittany,4 and is found in about fifty Welsh names, such as ABERDARE, ABERGA- VENNY, ABERGELE, ABERYSTWITH, and BARMOUTH, a corruption of Abermaw. In England we find Aberford in Yorkshire, and Berwick in Northumberland and 1 In ancient records Scotia means Ireland. North Britain was called Nova Scotia. In the twelfth century the Clyde and Forth were the Southern boundary of what was then called Scotland. Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 420; vol. iv. p. 308. 2 Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 418. 3 See p. 220, supra. * E.S. ABERYRACK, AVRANCHES, &c. 246 The Celts. Sussex; and it has been thought that the name of the HUMBER is a corruption of the same root. Inver, the Erse and Gaelic form, is common in Ireland, where aber is unknown. Thus we find places called INVER, in Antrim, Donegal, and Mayo, and INVERMORE, in Gal- way and in Mayo. In Scotland, the invers and abers are distributed in a curious and instructive manner. If we draw a line across the map from a point a little south of Inverary, to one a little north of Aberdeen, we shall find that (with very few exceptions) the invers lie to the north-west of the line, and the abers to the south-east of it. This line nearly coincides with the present southern limit of the Gaelic tongue, and probably also with the ancient division between the Picts and the Scots. Hence, we may conclude that the Picts, a people belonging to the Cymric branch of the Celtic stock, and whose language has now ceased to be anywhere vernacular, occupied the central and eastern districts of Scotland, as far north as the Grampians; while the Gadhelic Scots have retained their language, and have given their name to the whole country. The local names prove, moreover, that in Scotland the Cymry did not encroach on the Gael, but the Gael on the Cymry. The intrusive names are invers, which invaded the land of the abers. Thus on the shore of the Frith of Forth we find a few invers among the abers. The process of change is shown by an old charter, in which King David et 1 Inverary, Inverness, Inveraven, Inverury, Inveroran, Inverlochy, Inver- cannich, Inverfankaig, Invercaslie, Inverallen, Inverkeithnie, Inveramsay, Inverbroom, Invereshie, Invergarry, Invernahavon. ? Arbroath or Aberbrothwick, Abercorn, Aberdeen, Aberdour, Aber- nethy, Abertay, Aberledy, Abergeldie, Abernyte, Aberfeldie, Aberſoyle. 3 E.g. Inveresk, near Edinburgh, Inverkeithing in Fife, Inverbervie in Kincardine. Southern Limit of the Gael-Inver and Aber. 247 grants the monks of May, “ Inverin qui fuit Aberin.” So Abernethy became Invernethy, although the old name is now restored. The Welsh word uchel, high, may also be adduced to prove the Cymric affinities of the Picts. This word does not exist in either the Erse or the Gaelic languages, and yet it appears in the name of the OCHIL Hills, in Perthshire. In Ayrshire, and again in Linlithgow,' we find places called OCHIL-TREE ; and there is an UCHEL-TRE in Galloway. The suffix in this case is undoubtedly the characteristic Cymric word tre, a dwelling. Again, the Erse bally, a town, occurs in 2000 names in Ireland ; and, on the other hand, is entirely absent from Wales and Brittany. In Scotland this most characteristic test-word is found frequently in the inver district, while it never appears among the abers. The evidence of these names makes it impossible to deny that the Celts of the Scottish lowlands must have belonged to the Cymric branch of the Celtic stock. The ethnology of the Isle of Man may be very com- pletely illustrated by means of local names. The map of the island contains about 400 names, of which about 20 per centare English, 21 per cent. are Norwegian, and 59 per cent. are Celtic. These Celtic names are all of the most characteristic Erse type. It would appear that not a single colonist from Wales ever reached the island, which, from the mountains of Carnarvon, is seen like a i 1 See Kemble, Saxons in England, vol. ii. pp. 4, 5; Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. p. 480; Latham, Ethnology of Brit. Is. pp. 80, 81. Skene, History of the Highlanders, vol. i. p. 74, and Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 23, think that too much ethnological importance has been attributed to the distinction between inver and aber. ? See p. 228, supra. 3 The root of bally is found in the words wall, vallum, bailey, &c. 248 The Celts. faint blue cloud upon the water. There are ninety-six names beginning with Balla, and the names of more than a dozen of the highest mountains have the prefix Slieu, answering to the Irish Slievk or Sliabh. The Isle of Man has the Curragh, the Loughs, and the Allens of Ireland faithfully reproduced. It is curious to observe that the names which denote places of Christian worship? are all Norwegian; they are an indication of the late date at which Heathenism must have prevailed.? i In the Channel Islands the names of all the towns and villages are derived from the names of saints, indicating that before the introduction of Christianity these islands were inhabited only by a sparse population of fishermen and shepherds. Cf. Latham, Channel Is. p. 311. 2 An account of the heathen superstitions and legends, which still linger in the Island, will be found in Train, Isle of Man, vol. ii. pp. 114—184. Historic Value of Local Names. 240 CHAPTER X. THE TIISTORIC VALUE OF LOCAL NAMES. Contrast between Roman and Saxon civilization, as shown by Local Names--- Roman roads—“ Gates"-Bridges and fords - Celtic bridges-Deficiency of inns—Cold Harbour-Saxon dykes-Roman walls-Saxon forts—“Brry," --Ancient camps Chester, caster, and caer-Stations of the Roman Legions -Frontier districts-Castile-The Mark-Pfyn, Devises-Ethnic shire- names of England-Intrusive colonization. THERE is a striking contrast between the characteristics of Saxon and Roman names. The Saxon civilization was domestic, the genius of Rome was imperial; the Saxons colonized, the Romans conquered. Hence, the traces of Roman rule which remain upon the map are surprisingly few in number. Throughout the whole island, we scarcely find a single place of human habi- tation denoted by a name which is purely Roman. The names of our English villages, with few exceptions, are Scandinavian or Teutonic; while the appellations of the chief centres of population and of the great natural land- marks—the rivers and the mountains--are the legacy of a still earlier race. The character of Roman nanies is very different. Rome, with her eagle eye, could cast a comprehensive 11 1 Exceptions are SPEEN, anciently Spina, PONTEFRACT, CAERLEON, PORCIIESTER, and CIIESTER. 250 Historic Value of Local Names. glance over a province or an empire, and could plan and execute the vast physical enterprises necessary for its subjugation, for its material progress, or for its defence. The Romans, were essentially a constructive race. We still gaze with wonder on the massive fragments of their aqueducts, their bridges, their amphitheatres, their fortresses, and their walls; we still find their altars, their inscriptions, and their coins. The whole island is inter- sected by a network of Roman roads, admirably planned, and executed with a constructive skill which is able to excite the admiration even of modern engineers. These are the true monuments of Roman greatness. The Saxons were not road-makers. Vast works undertaken with a comprehensive imperial purpose were beyond the range of Saxon civilization. The Saxons even borrowed their name for a road from the Latin language. The Roman strata, or paved roads, became the Saxon streets. This word street often enables us to recognise the lines of Roman road whicb, straight as an arrow-course, connect the chief strategic positions in the island. Thus, from the fortified port of Lymne an almost disused road runs across the Kentish Hills to Canter- bury, bearing the name of STONE STREET. From the fortified port of Richborough the road which is called WATLINGI STREET went to Canterbury and London, and thence, by STONY STRATFORD (the paved Street-ford), to Chester, the “castra” of the northern army. RYKNIELD STREET led from Tyne- mouth, through York, Derby, and Birmingham, to St. David's. ICKNIELD STREET led from Norwich to Dor- 1 1 Probably from vadla, a mendicant pilgrim. Roman Roads. 251 chester and Exeter. The ERMINI STREET joined London and Lincoln. The Roman road by which sick men journeyed from London to bathe in the hot springs at Bath, went, in Saxon times, by the appropriate name of AKEMAN STREET. The Westmoreland mountain called HIGH STREET, derives its name from the Roman road which crosses it at a height of 2,700 feet.2 Even where the Roman roads have become obliterated by the plough, we may often trace their direction by means of the names of towns, which proclaim the position they occupied on the great lines of communication. Such are the names of ARDWICK LE STREET in York- shire, CHESTER LE STREET in Durham, STRETTON, STRATTON, STREATHAM, STREATLEY, and several places called STRETFORD or STRATFORD, all of which inform us that they were situated on some line of Roman road. Roman roads which do not bear the name of street are often called Portways. There are nine Portways in different parts of the kingdom. The FOSSWAY5 also was a Roman road, running from Cornwall to Lincoln. In the Scandinavian districts of the island the word gate is comnionly used to express a road or street, as in ? Probably from carm, a pauper. See Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 51; Poste, Britannic Researches, p. 94; Horsley, Brit. Rom. p. 388. 2 Ferguson, Northmen in Cumberland, p. 49. 3 Hartshorne, Salopic Antiqua, p. 238; Wright, Wanderings, p. 326. 4 Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, p. 272. Foss is a Saxon synonym for a dyke. The source seems to be the Latin fossa. o The Danish word gata means a street or road. The Anglo-Saxon geat means a gate. The distinction is analogous to that which exists in the case of the word ford. See p. 160, supra. The one is a passage along, the other a passage through. The root is seen in the German verb gehen, and the English go. Compare the Sanskrit gati, and the Zend gåtu, which both mean a road. From the same primary meaning of a passage, we obtain ΝΥΧΙΑ U 252 Historic Value of Local Names. in the case of HARROWGATE. In York, Leeds, Lincoln, and other northern towns, the older streets usually bear this suffix. In Leeds we find BRIGGATE or Bridge Street, and KIRKGATE or Church Street. In York this suffix was borne by no less than twenty of the streets, as in the case of MICKLEGATE, WALMGATE, JUBBERGATE, FEASEGATE, GODRAMGATE, CASTLEGATE, SKELMER- GATE, PETERSGATE, MARYGATE, FISHERGATE, and STONEGATE. We find MILLGATE STREET and ST. MARYSGATE in Manchester, and COWGATE and CANON- GATE in Edinburgh. In the South the word gate usually takes the sense of the passage through a town wall, as in the case of NEW- GATE, BISHOPSGATE, and the other gates of London. In the name of HIGHGATE, however, we have the sense of a road. The passes through lines of hill or cliff are frequently denoted by this root. Thus REIGATE is a contraction of Ridgegate, the passage through the ridge of the North Downs. GATTON, in the same neighbourhood, is the town at the passage. CATERHAM and GODSTONE may possibly be referred to the same root, as well as GAT- COMBE in the Isle of Wight, RAMSGATE, MARGATE, WESTGATE, KINGSGATE, and SANDGATE, are the passages to the shore through the line of Kentish cliffs. In gut, the intestinal passage, and the nautical term gat, a passage through a narrow channel, as the CATTEGAT. A gate is the passage into a field. A man's gait is the way he goes; his gaiters are his goers. Othergates is the Sussex provincialism for otherways. See Warton, Seaboard and the Down, vol. ii. p. 28. The ghats, or ghauts, of India are the passages to the river- side, and the passes through the western line of hills. See Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. pt. ii. p. 292; Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, p. 40; Ferguson, Northmen, p. 49 ; Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 63; Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterbuch, vol. ii. p. 394 ; Philolog. Proc. vol. i. p. 40; and several letters in the Guardian, Dec. 1861. Roads and Bridges. 253 Romney Marsh gut takes the place of gate, as in the case of JERVIS GUT, CLOBESDEN GUT, and DENGE MARSH GUT. The difficulties of travelling must formerly have inter- posed great obstacles in the way of commercial inter- course. Local names afford various intimations that the art of bridge-building, in which the Romans had ex- celled," was not retained by the Anglo-Saxons. Thus the station on the Tyne, which in Roman times had been called Pons Ælii,” received from the Anglians the name GATESHEAD, or, as we may translate it, “road's end;" an indication, it would seem, of the destruction of the bridge. At the spot where the Roman road crosses the Aire, the name of PONTEFRACT (Ad Pontem Fractum) reminds us that the broken Roman bridge must have remained unrepaired during a period long enough for the naturalization of the new name, and the name of STRATFORD LE BOW contains internal evidence that the dangerous narrow Saxon ford over the Lea was not replaced by a “how," or "arched bridge,” till after the time of the Norman conquest.? But nothing shows more conclusively the unbridged state of the streams than the fact that where the great lines of Roman road are intersected by rivers, we so 1 The importance attached by the Romans to the art of bridge-building is indicated by the fact that the chief ecclesiastical functionary bore the name of the bridge-builder-Pontifex. See Donaldson, Varronianus, p. 270. 2 The piles on which the Roman bridge rested were discovered in 1771. Bruce, Roman Wall, p. 130. There seems to have been another bridge built by Ælius on the continuation of the Roman road northward. Six miles from Newcastle we find the village-name of PONTELAND, apparently from Ad Pontem Elianum. Baxter, Gloss. p. 196. There was a Roman bridge at PAUNTON, Ad Pontem. Baxter, Glossarium, p. 7. 3 The bridge was built by Matilda, Queen of Henry I. 254 Historic Value of Local Names. TI frequently find important towns bearing the Saxon suffix - ford. At OXFORD, HEREFORD, HERTFORD, BEDFORD, STRATFORD ON AVON, STAFFORD, WALLINGFORD, GUIL- FORD, and CHELMSFORD, considerable streams had to be forded. In the kingdom of Essex, within twenty miles of London, we find the names ILFORD, ROMFORD, STAPLEFORD, PASSINGFORD, STANFORD, WOODFORD, CHINGFORD, STORTFORD, OLD FORD, and STRATFORD. We find the same state of things in Kent. The Medway had to be forded at AYLESFORD, the Darent at DART- FORD and at OTFORD, and the Stour at ASHFORD. The great deficiency of bridges is still more forcibly impressed upon us when we remember that while the names of so many large towns present the suffix ford, there are only a very few which terminate in bridge. We have TUNBRIDGE, WEYBRIDGE, UXBRIDGE, STOCK- BRIDGE, CAMBRIDGE,” and a few more, all of which stand on small and easily-bridged streams. But in all these cases the English form of suffix seems to show the comparatively modern date of the erection, and names which take a Saxon form, such as BRIXTON, or BRISTOL, anciently Bricgstow, are extremely rare. It should be noticed that port, the Welsh word for a bridge, is derived from the Latin, probably through the monks, who were the great bridge-builders. Nevertheless it has been thought that the art of bridge-building was i Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, pp. 262—265. 2 Camboritum, the ancient name of Cambridge, gives us the Celtic root rhyd, a ford, which we find also in Rhedecina, the British name of Oxford, and in Hert-ford (Rhyd-ford), where, probably, we have two synonymous elements. The Celtic rhod, a roadstead, and rhyd, or red, a ſord, bear much the same relation to each other as the Norse fjord and the Saxon ford. See p. 160, supra; Gluck, Keltischen Namen, p. 25; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. iii. p. 68 ; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 58. Bridges and Fords. 255 known at a very early period to the Celtic nations, and was subsequently lost. In the most purely Celtic parts of Spain and France, a very large number of the names of riverain cities terminate in briga and briva, which, in the opinion of many Celtic scholars, must have meant a bridge., They think it is an ancient Aryan word, older than the epoch of the separation of the Teutonic and Celtic stems, and which disappeared from the Celtic speech at the time when the art of bridge-building was lost.2 The hardships incident to travelling must have been much increased by the fewness of houses of entertain- A 1 Thus the ancient name of Brivisara has been replaced by the modern 2 In Spain we have Turobriga, Mirobriga, Mertobriga, Segobriga, Laco- briga, Arcobriga, Juliobriga, and others, thirty-five in all. In Celtic Gaul there are Eburobriga, Limnobriga, Amagenbriga, and Brigiosum; and Brivate and Durocobrivis in Britain. An allied forın is bria, which we we find in Mesembria, Selymbria, and Poltyobria, in the Celtic colonies on the Euxine. Brescia was in the Celtic part of Italy. The names of Bregentz, Braganza, Briançon, and perhaps of the Brigantes, contain the same root. For lists of these names see Diefenbach, Celtica, ii. pt. i. p. 317 ; Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. pp. 30, 120. The word brigand may not im- probably be derived from the name of the Brigantes, who served as mediaval mercenaries. See Dufresne, vol. i. pp. 775—778; Diefenbach, Orig. Eur. p. 271; Celtica, i. p. 17; Diez, Etym. Wörterb. s. voc.; Rawlinson, Herodotus, vol. jii. p. 220 ; Prichard, Eastern Origin of Celtic Nat. p. 120; Humboldt, Priifung, pp. 82–86, 144; Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 258 ; Radlof, Neue Untersuchungen, pp. 304, 305; Zeuss, Grammatica Celtica, vol. i. p. 101; vol. ii. pp. 758, 772; Hume, Geogr. Terms, p. 10; Cambro-Briton, vol. iii. p. 285; De Belloguet, Ethnogénie, vol. i. pp. 214–217; Baxter, Gloss. p. 50. Glück, as usual, laments the sad ignorance displayed by all preceding writers, except himself and Zeuss, and asserts that the root is the same as that of the German berg, the Irish brig, and the Cymric bre, a hill. Kelt. Namen, pp. 126, 130. On the whole I am inclined to believe that the words briga and briva are unconnected, briga meaning a hill, and briva a bridge. 256 Historic Value of Local Names. to receive the wayfarer, he would usually be compelled to content himself with the shelter of bare walls. The by travellers who carried their own bedding and pro- visions, as is done by the frequenters of the khans and dak houses of the East. Such places seem commonly to have borne the name of COLD HARBOUR.1 In the neighbourhood of ancient lines of road we find no less than seventy places bearing this name, and about a dozen more bearing the analogous name of CALDICOT, or “cold cot.” 3 The only great works constructed by the Anglo- Saxons were the vast earthen ramparts which served as the boundaries between hostile kingdoms. For miles and miles the dyke and ditch4 of the WANSDYKE-the ancient boundary of Wessex—still stretches across the bleak downs of Somerset and Wilts. Beginning near Portishead, on the Bristol Channel, its runs by Malmes- bury and Cirencester, to Bampton in Oxfordshire; it then crosses the Thames, and re-appears at a place called KINSEY. This name is a corruption of King's T i Compare the German Herberg, shelter, and the French auberge. See Notes and Orceries, second series, vol. vi. pp. 143, 317. 2 There are three on Akeman Street, four on Ermin Street, two on Icknield Street, two on Watling Street, two on the Portways, and one on the Fossway. Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, pp. 253—258. 3 Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, p. 249. 4 The Anglo-Saxon díc is derived from the root which supplies us with the verb to dig, and is used to mean both the mound and the excavation. In modern English we call one the dyke and the other the ditch. Probably the masculine and feminine of the Anglo-Saxon díc supplied the original germ of the distinctive use. Kemble, Cod. Dip. vol. iii. p. xxii. ; Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 78. The common village name of DITTON (dyke- ton) may sometimes guide us as to the position of these dykes. Fen Ditton and Wood Ditton in Cambridgeshire, stand respectively on the Fleam Dyke and the Devil's Dyke. YTT Saxon Dykes-Roman Walls. 257 Way, and shows that the dyke must have been used as a road as well as for purposes of defence.1 OFFA'S DYKE, which stretched from Chester to the Wye, guarded the frontiers of Mercia against the Welsh.2 GRIM'S DYKE near Salisbury, OLD DITCH near Amesbury, and BOKERLY DITCH, mark the position of the Welsh and Saxon frontier at an earlier period. The ditch called the PICTS' WORK, reaching from Galashiels to Peel Fell, seems to have been at one time the northern boundary of the kingdom of Northumbria. A vast work, variously called the RECKEN DYKE, the DEVIL'S DYKE, ST. EDMUND'S DYKE, and CNUT'S DYKE, served as the defence of the kingdom of East Anglia against Mercia ; unless, indeed, we suppose, as is not improbable, that it was constructed at a time when the Mercian kingdom was still British, and the East-Anglian settlement was the sole possession of the Teutons in the island.4 But these Saxon defences were at the best mere earthworks, and are not to be compared, in a con- structive point of view, with the two Roman walls which stretched across the island from sea to sea. The Wall of Hadrian, or of Severus, as it is called, ran from New- castle to Carlisle, and is still in wonderful preservation. But even if the massive masonry and huge earthen rampart of this wall had perished, it would be easy to trace its direction by means of the continuous series of T 1 Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. xiv. 2 Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 231 ; Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, pp. 181—193. 3 Guest, in Proceedings of Archæol. Instit. for 1849, p. 28. 4 Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 242. The Mercian king- dom was founded 140 years after that of Kent, and the East-Anglian settlement was, no doubt, much earlier than that in Kent. Thrupp, Anglo- Saxon Home, p. 7. 258 Historic Value of Local Names. memorial names which are furnished by the villages and farm-houses along its course. It began at WALLSEND, now famous as the place where the best Newcastle coals are shipped. We then come in succession to places called Benwell, Walbottle, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Welton, Wallhouses, Wall, Walwick Chesters, Wallshiels, Wall- town, Thirlwall, Birdoswald, Wallbours, Walton, Old- wall, Wallknoll, Wallmill, and Wallby, with Wallend, Wallfoot, and Wallhead at the western end. The wall was, moreover, protected by fortified posts at regular intervals. The sites of these fortresses go by the names of BLAKE (Black) CHESTERS, RUTCHESTER, HAL- TON CHESTERS, CARROWBURGH, CHESTERHOLM, GREAT CHESTERS, BURGH, and DRUMBURGH. The northern wall, or Wall of Antoninus, extended from the Forth to the Clyde, and goes by the name of GRIME'S DYKE.2 DUMBARTON, DUMBUCK Hill, and DUNGLAS were probably fortified stations along its course. Fortified camps, whether of British, Roman, Saxon, or Danish construction, are very commonly marked by the suffix bury. To enumerate any considerable portion of these names would far exceed our limits; but merely to show how this suffix may guide the antiquarian in his researches, it may suffice to exhibit the results obtained from a single county. In Wiltshire alone there are, or were in Camden's time, military earthworks in existence at places called Chisbury, Boadbury, Abury, Yanesbury, Ambresbury, Selbury, Sidbury, Badbury, Wanborough, Burywood, Barbury, Oldbury, Rybury, Westbury, Battles- i Bruce, The Roman Wall, passim. 2 There is also a Grimesditch in Cheshire, and there are four other earthworks bearing the same name, slightly altered. Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. p. 119. Ancient Camps. 259 bury, Avesbury, Heytesbury, Scratchbury, Waldsbury, Bilbury, Winklebury, Chiselbury, Clerebury, Whichbury, Frippsbury, and Ogbury or Okebury. At Malmesbury, Salisbury, Heytesbury, Ramesbury, Titsbury, and Marl- borough, the sites of British or Saxon earthworks seem to have been used for the erection of Norman castles. A competent etymological investigation of the first syllable in these names might probably yield results not destitute of value. The Roman stations throughout the island may very frequently be recognised by the fact that their modern names contain a modification of the Latin word castra. These modifications are very curious, as exhibiting the dialectic tendencies in different portions of the island.2 Throughout the kingdoms of Essex, Sussex, Wessex, and other purely Saxon districts, the form chester is universal. Here we have the names of Colchester, Godmanchester, Grantchester, Chesterford, Irchester, Rochester, Win- chester, Ilchester, Chichester, Silchester, Porchester, and two Dorchesters. But as we pass from the Saxon to the Anglian kingdoms, we find chester replaced by caster. The distinctive usage of these two forms is very notice- able, and is of great ethnological value. In one place the line of demarcation is so sharply defined that it can be traced within two hundred yards. Northamptonshire, I i One syllable of names containing chester, caster, or caer, is almost always Celtic, and seems to have been a Latinization of the enchorial name. In Winchester the first syllable is the Latin venta, a word which was constructed from the Celtic gwert, a plain. Binchester contains a portion of the Latinized name Binovium. In Dorchester and Exeter we have the Celtic words dwr and uisge, water; in Manchester we have man, a district. See pp. 231, 200, 203, 230, supra. ? See Robertson, Early Kings, vol. ii. p. 240 ; Latham, Opuscula, p. 152; Wright, Wanderings, p. 208; Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, pp. 158, 199. S 2 260 Historic Value of Local Names. which is decisively Danish, is divided by the Nen from Huntingdonshire, which is purely Saxon. On the Saxon side of the river we find the village of CHESTERTON, confronted on the other side by the town of CASTOR, the two names recording, in two different dialects, the fact that the bridge was guarded by the Roman station of Durobrivæ.1 Throughout the Anglian and Danish dis- tricts we find this form caster, as in Tadcaster, Brancaster, Ancaster, Doncaster, Lancaster, Casterton, Alcaster, Caster, and Caistor. As we pass from East Anglia to Mercia, which, though mainly Anglian, was subject to a certain amount of Saxon influence, we find cester, which is intermediate in form between the Anglian caster and the Saxon chester. The e is retained, but the h is omitted; and there is a strong tendency to further elision, as in the case of Leicester, pronounced Le’ster; Bicester, pronounced Bi’ster; Worcester, pronounced Wor’ster; Gloucester, pronounced Glos'ter, and Ciren- cester, pronounced S'isester or Si’s'ter. The same ten- dency is seen in the cases of Alcester, Mancester, and Towcester. It is still more noteworthy that beyond the Tees, where the Danish and Mercian influence ceases, and where almost all the local names resume the pure Saxon type, we find that the southern form chester re- appears; and we have the names Lanchester, Binchester, Chester-le-Street, Ebchester, Ribchester, Rowchester, Fichester, Chesterknows, Chesterlee, Chesterholm, Rut- chester, and a few others on the Wall. i See a paper by Latham On the Traces of a Bilingual Town in England, read before the British Association in 1853 ; Latham, Opuscula, p. 152; English Language, vol. i. p. 434; Ansted and Latham, Channel Is. p. 335; Smith, Dictionary of Geogr. s. v. Durobriva; Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 286. Durobrivæ means water-bridge. See p. 255, supra. 2 See p. 169, supra. i Chester, Caster, and Caer. 261 Towards the Welsh frontier the c or ch becomes an x, and the tendency to elision is very strong. We have Uttoxeter, pronounced Ux'ter; Wroxeter, and Exeter, which in Camden's time was written Excester. These names on the Welsh frontier exhibit a gradual approximation to the form which we find in the parts where the Celtic speech survived. Here the t also dis- appears, and we find the prefix caer in the names of Caerleon, Caergai, Caergwyle, Caersws, Caerwent, Caer- philly, Caerwis, and the still more abbreviated forms of Carstairs, Carluke, and Carriden in Scotland, Carhayes in Cornwall, Carmarthen, Cardigan, Cardiff, and Car- narvon in Wales, Carhallock, Carlisle, and Carvorani in England, Carlow and Cardross in Ireland. With these forms we may compare Caerphili and Caerven in Brit- tany, Cherbourg in the Celtic peninsula of Cornuaille, and Carsoli, Carosio, Carmiano, Carovigno, and Cortona, in the Celtic part of Italy. i Great Chesters, on the Wall, is an exact reproduction of the Celtic name Carvoran, from which it is only three miles distant. As in the case of Chesterton and Castor, we have here an indication of the close geographical proximity in which different races must have lived. See Wright, Essays, vol. i. p. 103. 2 Chester and caster are, undoubtedly, from the Latin castra. Compare the Anglo-Saxon word ceaster. Kemble, Codex Diplom. vol. üi. p. XX. But there is considerable doubt whether caer is a modification of castra, or an independent Celtic root. We have the British and Cornish caer, the Armorican ker, and the Irish cathair and ca'ir, a fortress, and the Welsh cal, an inclosure, and cor, a close. See Owen's Welsh Dictionary ; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 107; Davies in Philolog. Trans. for 1857, p. 43; Williams, Essays, pp. 79, So; Wright, Essays, vol. i. p. 103 ; Mone, Celt. Forsch. p. 200; De Belloguet, Ethnog, vol. i. p. 210; Guest in Philolog. Proceed. vol. y. p. 187; Cambro-Briton, vol. ii. p. 409. Compare the Hebrew and Phænician word Kartha, which is seen in the names of Kirjath, Kerioth, Kir, and Carthage, and is identical in meaning with the Celtic caer. Wilton, Negeb, p. 103. If there is no affiliation, this is a very remarkable coincidence of sound and meaning. 262 Historic Value of Local Names. TI The Latin word colonia is found in the names of LIN- COLN and COLOGNE, and perhaps also in those of COLCHESTER and the two rivers called the COLNE, one of which rises near the site of the colonia of Verulamium, and the other flows past Colchester. In the immediate vicinity of Colchester a legion was stationed for the pro- tection of the colony. The precise spot which was occu- pied by the camp of this legion is indicated by the remains of extensive Roman earthworks at LEXDON, a name which is a corruption of Legionis Dunum. The Second Legion-Legio Augusta—was stationed on the river Usk, or Isca, at a place called, in the Roman time, Isca Legionis. The process by which the modern name of CAERLEON has been evolved, is indicated in the work which bears the name of Nennius: “bellum gestum est in urbe Leogis, quæ Brittanice Cair Lion dicitur." 3 Another legion we find at LEICESTER (Legionis castra). The station of the seventh legion was in Spain, at LEON (Legio), that of the Claudian legion at KLOTEN in Switzerland.4 Megiddo in Palestine, where another legion was quartered, now goes by the name of LEDJÛN, or LEJJUN.) (Legio, or Castra Legionis.) The numerous “peels” along the border are an evi- dence of the insecurity arising from border warfare in times when every man's house was, in a literal sense, his castle also. 1 See Malin, Ueber die Namen Berlin und Köln, p. 2. Compare the name of KULÔNIA in Palestine. Robinson, Later Researches, p. 158. 2 Baxter, Glossarium, p. 64; Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 138. 3 Nennius, C. 56. 4 Meyer, Ortsnamen, p. 70. 5 Robinson, Biblical Researches, vol. iii. pp. 177-180; Later Researches, p. 118; Stanley, Jewish Church, p. 322. 6 Peel is from the Celtic pill, a castle. Davies in Philolog. Proc. vol. vi. p. 131. Stations of Roman Legions. 263 The hill where the border clan of the Maxwells used to assemble previous to their dreaded forays bears the appropriate name of the WARDLAW (guard hill). A reference to this trysting place is contained in the war- cry of the clan, “I bid you bide Wardlaw.” A similar state of society is indicated by the name of CASTILE, as well as by the castle which appears on the armorial bearings of that kingdom. The name and the device date from the times of continuous border warfare, when the central portion of the peninsula was, mile by mile, being wrested from the Moors, and secured by an ever advancing line of frontier castles. At a later period, when the unbelievers had been finally expelled from Northern and Central Spain, the debate- able ground was the province which now goes by the name of MURCIA. This word means the district of the "march” or margin, the demarcation between two alien races. To make a nark is to draw a boundary. Letters of marque are letters which contain a licence to harass the enemy beyond the frontier. A Margrave, Mark-graf, Earl of March, or Marquess was the warden of the Marches, who held his fief by the tenure of defending the frontier against all aggression, and this important office gave him rank next to the Duke or Dux, the leader of the forces of the shire. The root is found in all the Indo-Germanic languages, and is probably to be referred to the Sanskrit maryâ, a boundary, which is a derivative of the verb sinri, to remember. We may compare the Latin inargo, and the Persian inarg, a fron- tier. The uncleared forest served as the boundary of the 1 The same fact is expressed by the Arabic name for Castile-Ardhie-l- kila, the land of castles. Gayangos, Dynasties, vol. i. p. 316 ; Prescott, Ferdinand and Isabella, vol. i. p. 28. 264 Historic Value of Local Names. gau of the Teutonic settlers. Hence the Scandinavian mörk, a forest, and the English word murky, which ori- ginally denoted the gloom of the primæval forest. The chase took place in the forest which bounded the in- habited district, hence the Sanskrit mrga, chase, hunting. A huntsman being nearly synonymous with a horseman, we have the Celtic marc' a horse, which has found its way into the English verb, to march, and the French word maréchal, a groom or farrier. The Earl Marshal was originally the “grand farrier," or "master of the horse”-a great officer of state, like the grand fal- coner.2 The Scotch and the Welsh marches, for many cen- turies, occupy an important place in English history as the border-lands between England, and her ancient enemies in Scotland and Wales. The Anglo-Saxon kingdom of MERCIA was the frontier province between the East Angles and the Welsh. On the frontier line we find MARBROOK and MARCHOMLEY in Shropshire, MARBURY in Cheshire, and MARKLEY in Herefordshire.? On the frontier between the Celts of Cornwall and the i Gaelic and Erse, marc; Welsh, Cornish, and Brezonec march. Com- pare the Anglo-Saxon mear, a horse, whence the English mare. According to Ammianus Marcellinus, the war-cry of the Sarmatians was—Marha, Marha, “to horse, to horse." Diefenbach, Orig. Europ. p. 90. 2 On the word mark see Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 67; Origines Europ. p. 429; Vergleichendes Wörterbuch, vol. ii. pp. 50–53 ; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 144; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 114; Diez, Etymolog. Wörterbuch, pp. 217, 682; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. p. 408 ; Müller, Marken des Vaterlandes, pp. 216, 217 ; Verstegan, Restituition, pp. 171, 172; Kem- ble, Codex Diplom. vol. iii. p. xi.; Blackstone, Commentaries, book i. c. 7, § 4; Garnett, Essays, p. 16; Pott, Etymologische Forschringen, vol. ii. p. 116. 3 There are fifteen English parishes called Marston, i.e. Markstone or boundary stone, one of which gives a name to the well-known battlefield of Marston Moor. The Mark. 265 Saxons of Devon, stands the village of MARHAM. We have seen that the valleys of the Frome and Avon re- mained Celtic long after the surrounding country had been occupied by the Saxons. Some three or four miles to the south-west of Bath stands the village of MERKBURY, the “fortress of the march” or boundary of the Welsh district. The names of the adjoining villages of ENGLISHCOMBE? and ENGLISH BATCH seem to mark outlying portions of the English territory. The town of MARCH in Cambridgeshire is close to the sharply defined frontier line of the Scandinavian kingdom, and on the frontier of the little outlying Danish colony in Essex we find a place called COMARQUES. Throughout Europe we find this word march or mark entering into the names of outlying or frontier provinces. The MARCOMANNI of Tacitus were the marchmen of the Sclavonic frontier of Germany. The names of the provinces of ALTMARK, MITTELMARK, UKERMARK," and NEUMARK, which collectively constitute the MARK of Brandenburg, show the successive encroachments of the Germans on the Poles; Altmark, or the “Old Mark," being the farthest to the west, while Neumark, the “New Mark,” is the farthest to the east. DENMARK was the i The name of Englishcombe is found in Domesday. 2 Guest, in Archæolog. Journal, vol. xvi. Pp. III, 112. 3 See p. 167, supra. 4 Latham, Germania, prolegomena, pp. liii.--Ivi. ; Latham in Philolog. Proceedings, vol. iv. p. 190. Grimm thinks that the Marcomanni were the men of the forest, rather than the men of the frontier. Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 503. 5 The name of the Ukermark contains two synonymous elements- Ukraine being a Sclavonic word, meaning a frontier. The UKRAINE on the Dnieper was the southern frontier of the ancient kingdom of Poland. See Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. i. pp. 5 and 376 ; vol. ii. p. 358. 266 Historic Value of Local Names. jana Danish frontier. FINMARK, and four provinces called LAPPMARK, show the five successive stages by which the Scandinavian invaders encroached upon the territory of the Fins and Lapps. MORAVIA takes its name from the March, or Mor-ava, a bordering river.1 STEYER- MARK, or Styria, as we Anglicize the word, formed the south-eastern frontier between the Germans, and the Hungarians and Croats. Here we find the border town of MARCHBURG. The boundary of the Saxon colony in Westphalia is shown by the district called MARCH, and there is a place called MARBACH on the frontier of the Swabian settlement in Würtemberg. On the frontiers of the Saxon colony in Picardy we find the Rivers MARBECQ and MORBECQUE, a dike called the MARDICK, and the village of MARCK. In the Vosges, on the frontier of the Alemannic population of Alsace, we find the town of LA MARCHE. One of the old provinces of France, called MARCHE, was the frontier between the Franks and the Euskarians of Aquitaine. The March of Ancona, and the other Roman Marches which have been recently annexed to the kingdom of Italy, together with the Marquisate of Tuscany, formed the southern boundaries of the Carlovingian empire. The Marquisate of Flanders 2 was erected at a later period as a barrier against the Danes. In fact, all the original Marquisates, those of Milan, Verona, Carniola, Istria, Moravia, Cambe, Provence, Susa, Montserrat, and many others, will be found to have been marks or frontier territories. Two names survive which mark boundaries of the i Grimm, Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 505. The suffix ava is the Old High German aha, a river. . 2 On the frontier of the Marquisate of Flanders are two towns called MARCHIENNES. Names of Frontiers. 267 Roman empire. The name of the Fiume Della FINE, near Leghorn, is a corruption of the ancient name, Ad Fines. This river, about the year 250 B.C., formed the extreme northern limit of the Latin confederacy.1 The Canton Valais in Switzerland is curiously divided between a German and a French-speaking population. The Romans left the upper end of the valley to the bar- barous mountaineers, and their descendants now speak German. The lower part, which was included within the Roman rule, is now French in language. The line of linguistic demarcation is sharply drawn in the neigh- bourhood of Leuk. Here we find a village which is called PFYN, a name which marks the fines, the confines both of the Roman rule, and of the language of the conquerors. A somewhat similar name is found in England. DE- VIZES is a barbarous Anglicization of the Low Latin Divisa, which denoted the point where the road from London to Bath passed into the Celtic district. Even so late as the time of Clarendon, the name had hardly become a proper name, being called The Devizes, in the same way that Bath was called The Bath in the time of Addison. The former state of our island, divided between hostile peoples—Saxon, Celt, and Dane—is indicated not only by such names as Mercia and March, but by those of several of our English counties. CUMBERLAND is the land of the Cymry CORNWALL, or Corn-wales, is the kingdom of the Welsh of the Horn. DEVON is the land i Mommsen, Hist. Rome, vol. i. p. 441. 2 Guest, in Archæolog. Journal, vol. xvi. p. 116. 3 See Saturday Review, Aug. 22, 1863. 4 See Grimm, Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 658. 268 Historic Value of Local Names. T T . of the Damnonii, a Celtic tribe; KENT 'that of the Cantii ; WORCESTERSHIRE that of the Huicii. SUSSEX, ESSEX, WESSEX, and MIDDLESEX, were the kingdoms of the southern, eastern, western, and central Saxons. In Robert of Gloucester, the name of SURREY appears in the form of Sothe-reye, or the south realm. NORFOLK and SUFFOLK were the northern and southern divisions of the East-Anglian folk. The position on the map of what we call NORTHUMBERLAND—the land north of the Humber--proves that it was by aggression from the south that the Northumbrian kingdom, which once stretched northward from the Humber, was reduced to the restricted limits of the modern county. HEREFORD, the "ford of the army," was an important strategic point in the Marches of Wales, being one of the few places where an Anglo-Saxon army could cross the Severn to harry the Welsh borders. These county names may serve to remind us of the discordant fragments that have at length been welded into a national unity, while numerous village-names, such as SAXBY, FLEMINGSBY, FRANKBY, FRISBY,3 SCOT- THORPE, NORMANDBY, FINSTHWAITE,4 and DANBY, prove from how wide an area those bands of adventurers were collected who made their swords the title-deeds to por- tions of our English soil. SS 1 On the forms in which this name appears, see Guest, On Gentile Names, in Philolog. Proceedings, vol. i. p. III. 2 We have Frankby in Cheshire, four Franktons in Salop, and one in Warwick, Frankley in Worcester, and Frankham in Dorset. 3 We find a Friesthorpe in Lincolnshire, two Frisbys in Leicestershire, Frieston in Lincolnshire and Sussex, and two in Suffolk, Frystone in York- shire, Friesden in Bucks, and Frisdon in Wilts. 4 We have Finsthwaite in Lancashire, Fineston in Lincolnshire, Finsham in Norfolk, Finstock in Oxon. Ethnic Shire-names of England. 269 At the close of the period of Roman occupation, the Barbarian auxiliaries must have formed a not incon- siderable element in the population of Britain. From the “Notitia Imperii,” and from inscriptions, we learn that there were legions recruited from Moors, Indians, Cilicians, Dacians, Thracians,? Dalmatians,3 Sarmatians, Tungrians, Batavians, and from sundry tribes of Gaul, Spain, and Germany, which were located in various parts of Britain.4 Local names preserve a few traces of these military colonies. The names of QUAT and QUATFORD,5 near Bridgenorth, in Salop, have been thought to bear witness to a settlement of Quadi; and TONG, in York- shire, of the Tungrians. The ancient name of HUNNUM on the Wall, and the modern one of HUNSTANTON, in Norfolk, may possibly be due to the Huns. There is only one name of this class, however, which can be re- ferred to with any confidence. We are informed by Zosimus that large bodies of Vandal auxiliaries were settled in Britain by the Emperor Probus, and Gervase of Tilbury informs us that Vandalsburg in Cambridge- shire was a fortification raised by them. Vandalsburg is undoubtedly to be identified with the huge earthwork called WANDLESBURY, which occupies the summit of the Gogmagog Hills. WENDLEBURY, near Bicester, in Oxfordshire; WINDLESHAM, near Woking, in Surrey; 1 At Cirencester. 2 In Yorkshire, Shropshire, at Cirencester, and on the Wall. 3 In Norfolk, Lincolnshire, and on the Wall. 4 See Wright, “On the Ethnology of South Britain at the extinction of the Roman Government," Essays, vol. i. pp. 70, 71; Poste, Britannic Researches, pp. 99, 100; Latham, Ethnol. Brit. Is. pp. 99—101; Edinb. Review, vol. xciv. p. 187; Horsley, Brit. Rom. pp. 88–97, 102; Bruce, Roman Wall, p. 60. 5 More probably from the Celtic coed, a wood. 6 More probably Norse. 270 Historic Value of Local Names. WINDLEDEN and WENDEL Hill, in Yorkshire; and WINDLE, in Lancashire, may, some of them, be Vandal settlements.1 Henry of Huntingdon informs us that the Picts, during one of their incursions, advanced as far as Stamford, where they suffered a bloody repulse. The remnant of this invading host may with some probability be traced at PITCHLEY in Northamptonshire, a place which, in Domesday, is called Picts-lei and Pihtes-lea, the laga or settlement of the Picts or Pehtas. Beyond the confines of England we find numerous names which denote intrusive colonization, or the settle- ment of the remains of defeated armies. One of the most curious of these is SCYTHOPOLIS, a strong natural rock-fortress in Eastern Palestine, the name of which is probably a record of the Scythian invasion in the reign of Josiah, which is recorded by Herodotus.3 The names of SERVIANIKA and CRAVATTA, show that Servians and Croats penetrated into the Morea. In Westphalia we find the adjacent villages of FRANKEN- FELD and SASSENBERG,4 and in Hesse Cassel FRANKEN- 1 See Kennett, Parochial Antiquities, vol. i. p. 18; Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 355; Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. cxxxix. and vol. ii. p. 213. 2 See Poste, Brit. Researches, p. 47. The pronunciation of this name, Peitchley, strongly favours the etymology suggested in the text. Compare also the phrases Sexena-laga, the seat or district of the Saxons, and Dane- lagh, that of the Danes. 3 Herodotus, i. C. 105; Zephaniah ii. 5, 6; see Stanley, Jewish Church, p. 338; Sinai and Pal. p. 340 ; Bergmann, Les Gètes, p. 26; Robinson, Biblical Researches, vol. iii. p. 175; Later Researches, p. 330 ; Brace, Raees of the Old World, pp. 60, 61. It is possible that there may be truth in the tradition which asserts that the Frank Mountain, in the same neighbour- hood, was a refuge of the Crusaders. See Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 163 ; Robinson, Bibl. Researches, vol. ii. p. 171. 4 Massmann, in Dorow's Denkmaler, vol. i. p. 199. Intrusive Colonization. 271 BERG and SASSENBERG stand face to face. In the Rhineland, FRANKFURT and FRANKENTHALare settle- ments of the Franks, just as KATZELLENBOGEN 3 and SACHSENHAUSEN are of the Saxons. FLAMANDVILLE and SASSETOT in Normandy, and SUEVEGHEM in Flanders, are among the numerous names of the kind which might easily be collected.4 The WESTMANN ISLES, opposite Hjörleif's Head on the coast of Iceland were the refuge of some westmen, or Irish slaves, who slew their master, Hjörleif, and then fled for their lies. We must, I fear, give up the curious tradition which derives the name of Canton SCHWYTZ from a Swedish colony which settled there at some remote period.6 i Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 243. 2 The ancient forms of these two names show that they are derived from the nationality of the inhabitants, and not, as is usually supposed, from the possession of certain franchises. Zeuss, Herkunft der Baiern, p. 38. 3 See, however, Dixon, Surnames, p. 41. 4 Many instances have been collected by Zeuss and Förstemann. See Die Deritschen, pp. 608, 635, &c.; Die Deutschen Ortsnamer, p. 170. 5 Baring-Gould, Iceland, p. 2. 6 The Haslithalers affirm that they are Swedes. Hassle is a common local name in Sweden. See Geijer, De Colonia Svecorum in Helvetian deducta, quoted extensively by Strinnholm, Wikingzüge, pp. 190–199. 272 The Street Names of London. CHAPTER XI. THE STREET NAMES OF LONDON. surrounding villages—The Brooks ; the Holborn, the Tyburn, and the Westbourne Wells, conduits, ferries—Monastic establishments of London historic families preserved in the names of streets – The Palaces of the Strand-Elizabethan London-Streets dating from the Restoration. THE history of many cities has been deciphered from much of it, be deciphered from the inscriptions which we find written up at the corners of its streets. These familiar names, which catch the eye as we pace the pave- ment, perpetually remind us of the London of bygone centuries, and recall the stages by which the long un- lovely avenues of street have replaced the elms and hedgerows, and have spread over miles of pleasant fields, till scores of outlying villages have been absorbed into a “boundless contiguity” of brick and mortar. By the aid of the street names of London let us then endeavour to reconstruct the history of London, and, in the first place, let us take these names as our guide-book in making the circuit of the old City Walls. The ancient wall started from the Norman fortress on TOWER HILL, and ran to ALDGATE—the "Old Gate." Between ALD- GATE and BISHOPSGATE the wall was protected by an Ld The Walls of London. 273 open ditch, two hundred feet broad, whose name, HOUNDSDITCH, sufficiently indicates the unsavoury na- ture of its contents. CAMOMILE STREET and WORM- WOOD STREET remind us of the desolate strip of waste ground which lay immediately within the wall, and of the hardy herbs which covered it, or strove to force their rootlets between the stones of the grey rampart. In continuation of the street called Houndsditch, we find a street called LONDON WALL. Here no ditch seems to have been needed, for the names of FINSBURY, MOOR- FIELDS, MOOR LANE, and MOORGATE STREET, hand down the memory of the great Fen or Moor-an“arrant fen," as Pennant quaintly calls it—which protected the northern side of London. On this moor, just outside the wall, was the ARTILLERY GROUND, where the bowmen were wont to assemble to display their skill. Where the fen terminated the wall needed more pro- tection, and here accordingly we find the site of the BARBICAN,3 one of the gateway towers, which seems < 1 Pennant, London, p. 234. 2 Hard by we find ARTILLERY STREET, where the Bowyers and Fletchers fabricated longbows and cloth yard shafts. The word artillery, in old English, denotes bows and arrows, and it retained this meaning till the seventeenth century, for we find the word used in this sense in 1 Sam. xx. where our version reads, “And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad, and said unto him, Go, carry them to the city.” 3 The whole tribe of modern Londonologists have followed Stow in deriving the word barbican from the Saxon burgh kenning, or “town watching” tower. A barbican was, strictly, a projecting turret over a gateway. The true etymology of the word is undoubtedly that given by Camden (vol. ii. p. 85), from the Persian bala khaneh, an upper chamber, whence also we derive the word balcony. We find this form in the case of BALCON LANE, which was parallel to, and just outside, the town wall of Colchester. See Wedgwood, Eng. Etym. vol. i. p. 97 ; and Wedgwood in Phil. Proc. vol. iii. p. 156. 274 The Street Names of Londoni. YY TY to have guarded ALDERSGATE, the chief entrance from the north. Considerable remains of the wall are still visible in CASTLE STREET, as well as in the churchyard of St. Giles', CRIPPLEGATE.1 Passing by NEWGATE We come to the OLD BAILEY, a name which is derived from the balliuin or vallum, an open space between the ad- vanced gate of the city and the line of the outer wall.? The wall now turned southward, and ran along the crest of LUDGATE HILL, its western face being protected by the FLEET, a small stream which flowed through the ditch of the city wall, which was here called the FLEET DITCH. The river Fleet also gave its name to the street which crossed it at right angles, and entered the city by Fleetgate, Floodgate, or LUDGATE.3 At the angle formed by the wall and the Thames stood a Norman fortress erected at the same time with the Tower of London. A wharf which occupies the 1 The wall gives its name to the parish of Allhallows-in-the-Wall, as well as to that of Cripplegate. 2 In a similar position with respect to the city wall, we find the Old Bayle at York, the church of St. Peter in the Bailey at Oxford, and Bailey Hill at Sheffield and Radnor. A bailiff was originally the Bayle-reeve, or officer in charge of the Ballium ; just as the sheriff is the shire-reeve. A bail is etymologically a palisade. Thus the bails at cricket were originally the stumps, the present restricted meaning of the word being of later origin. See Knapp, English Roots, p. 79-81; Timbs, Curiosities of London, p. 556; Wedgwood, Dict. of Eng. Etym. vol. i. p. 96 ; Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, p. 241; Diez, Elym. Wörterbuch, p. 37; Whitaker, Hist. of Manchester, vol. ii. p. 244. - 3 The words flood, fleet, and float, come from the Anglo-Saxon verb fleotan, to float or swim. A fleet is either that which is afloat, or a place where vessels can float—that is, a channel, or where water fleets or runs. Hence the names EBBELEET, NORTHFLEET, SOUTHFLEET, PURFLEET, and PORTFLEET. The word vley, which the boers of the Cape use for the smaller rivers, is the same word fleet (Dutch, vliet,) in a somewhat dis- guised form. Kemble, Cod. Dip. vol. iii. p. XXV. See p. 187, supra. + See Thierry, Norman Conquest, p. 76; Cunningham, Handbook for London, p. 65. Extent of Old London. site, as well as one of the city wards, still retain the name of CASTLE BAYNARD, although every vestige of the fortress has long disappeared. DOWGATEI and BILLINGSGATE were two of the passages through that part of the wall which protected the city from assailants coming from the riverside.2 The small space within the walls of Old London was almost exactly of the same shape and the same area as Hyde Park. In fact, as the last syllable of its name indicates, LONDON was originally a dur or Celtic hill- fortress, formed by Tower Hill, Cornhill, and Ludgate Hill, and effectually protected by the Thames on the south, the Fleet on the west, the great fen of Moorfields and Finsbury on the north, and by the Houndsditch and the Tower on the east.3 For a long period London was confined within the limit of its walls. In the reign of Edward I. CHARİNG was a country village lying midway between the two cities of London and Westminster, and ST. MARTIN'S-IN-THE- FIELDS long continued to be the village church. Along the STRAND of the river hardly a house had been built in the time of Edward III., and no continuous street existed till the reign of Elizabeth. Even then, to the north of this straggling line of houses, the open country extended from LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS to the village church of St. GILES' IN THE FIELDS. James I. ordered the justices to commit to prison any person presuming i Possibly the Dourgate or water-gate. Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 8o. 2 Pauli, Pictures of Old England, p. 416. 3 The natural advantages of the site have been well brought out by Dean Stanley in his admirable lecture on The Study of Modern History, T 2 276 The Street Names of London. to build in this open space. LONG ACRE, formerly a field called “The Elms,” or “The Seven Acres," 2 was not built upon till the reign of Charles I. And scarcely a century ago a man with a telescope used to station himself in LEICESTER FIELDS—now Leicester Square- and offer to the passers-by, at the charge of one half- penny, a peep at the heads of the Scotch rebels which garnished the spikes on Temple Bar.3 If, two or three centuries ago, what now forms the heart of London was unbuilt upon, it was at a still more recent period that Kensington, Brompton, Paddington, Dalston, Stoke Newington, and Islington, remained de- tached country villages, though they are now districts incorporated with the wilderness of streets. There was a coach which took three hours to run, or rather to flounder, from the village of Paddington to London ; and Lord Hervey, in country retirement at Kensington, laments that the impassable roads should cause his entire isolation from his friends in London. The names SPITALFIELDS, BETHNAL GREEN, FIELD LANE, CLERKENWELL GREEN, PADDINGTON GREEN, VINE STREET, MOORFIELDS, SMITHFIELD, East and West, COLDBATH FIELDS, ST. GEORGE'S FIELDS, SPA FIELDS, ROSEMARY LANE, COPENHAGEN FIELDS, and KINGS- LAND, indicate the rural character of the districts that separated the outlying villages from the neighbouring city. In these fields the citizens could take pleasant country walks with their wives, while their children clambered over GOODMAN'S STYLE, in GOODMAN'S i Smith, Antiquarian Ramble, vol. i. p. 302; Mackay, History of London, p. 272. 2 Timbs, Curiosities of London, p. 473. 3 Smith, Antiquarian Ramble, vol. i. p. 117. Gradual Extension of the Town. 277 FIELDS, or, on rare occasions, went nutting on Nutting or NOTTING HILL. There were windmills in WINDMILL STREET, at the top of the Haymarket, and in WINDMILL STREET, Finsbury; there was a water-mill in MILFORD LANE, Strand; while the hounds of the Lord Mayor's pack were kenneled at DOG-HOUSE BAR, in the City Road. In TOTHILL FIELDS there was a bear garden, and in the fields by the side of the brook which has given its name to Brook Street, an annual fair was held on the site of Curzon Street and Hertford Street—a rural fête whose memory is preserved in the name of the fashion- able region of MAYFAIR. The names of the present streets will enable us to trace the courses of the brooks which ran through these country fields. The little stream called the HOLBORN, rising near Holborn Bars, gave its name to the street down which it flowed,1 and after turning the mill at TURNBULL or Turnmill Street, it joined the FLEET river at Holborn Bridge. From this point to the Thames the Fleet was navigable, at all events by barges, as is attested by the names of SEACOAL LANE and NEWCASTLE LANE. 1 The “Old Bourne,” or burn, is the etymology of “The Holborn," which is universally given thoughtlessly copied, according to the usual custom, by one writer from another. That a village or town should be called Oldham, Aldborough, or Newton is intelligible, but how a name like Oldbourne should have arisen is difficult to explain. The introduction of the h is another difficulty in the way of this etymology. It seems far more in accordance with etymological laws to refer the name to the Anglo- Saxon hole, a hollow, or ravine; the Holborn will therefore be “the Burn in the hollow," like the Holbeck in Lincolnshire, and the Holbec in Normandy. The Charters in the Codex Diplomaticus supply apposite instances of the usage of the Anglo-Saxon word hole. See Leo, Anglo- Saxon. Names, p. 80. 278 The Street Names of London. the Finsbury and Moorfields were drained by the WAL- BROOK, which passed through the wall in its course to the Thames. Two or three centuries ago this stream was vaulted over, and WALBROOK STREET was built upon the ground thus gained. At BUDGE ROW-a corruption of Bridge Row—there was a bridge over the brook. The LANGBOURNE, another of the city streams, has given its name to one of the London wards; and SHERBOURNE LANE, near London Bridge, marks the course of the Sherbourne. Further to the west, the positions of two small rivulets which crossed the Strand are denoted by IVYBRIDGE LANE and STRAND-BRIDGE LANE. The TYBURN, a much larger stream, after passing by the church of St. Mary le bourne, or MARYLEBONE, and crossing the great western road near Stratford Place, passed across BROOK STREET, and down ENGINE STREET, to the depression of Piccadilly. The hollow in the Green Park is, in fact, the valley of the Tyburn, and the ornamental water in front of Buckingham Palace was the marsh in which it stagnated before its junction with the Thames. To the west of the Holborn and the Tyburn we find the WESTBOURNE, with its affluent the KILBURN." Where this stream crossed the great western road, it spread out into a shallow BAY-WATER,? where cattle might drink at the wayside. On the formation of Hyde Park a dam was constructed across the valley of the Westbourne, so as to head up the water, thus forming the SERPENTINE ? Either the Cold-burn, or, more probably, the Well-burn. See p. 186, supra. 2 A different etymology of Bayswater is, however, proposed in Notes and Queries, first series, vol. i. No. II, p. 162. The Brooks, Wells, and Conduits. 279 > RIVER, which leaves the park at Albert Gate, and crosses the Kensington Road at KNIGHTSBRIDGE. It would appear that the water supply of Old London, when not derived from the Thames, the Holborn, or the Tyburn, was obtained from numerous wells—CLERKEN- WELL or the priests well, BRIDEWELL or St. Bridget's well, HOLYWELL, SADLER'S WELLS, BAGNIGGE WELLS, ánd others--and in later times from the conduits or foun- tains which gave a name to LAMB'S CONDUIT STREET, and CONDUIT STREET, Regent Street. The use of the SHOREDITCH, the Walbrook, the Sherbourne, the Langbourne, and the Fleet, was, we will hope, discon- tinued at a comparatively early period. REDRIFF, which is a corruption of Rotherhithe, St. Mary SOMERSET, a corruption of Summer's Hithe, STEPNEY, anciently Stebenhithe, QUEENHITHE, and LAMBETH, or Loamhithe, mark some of the chief “hithes" or landing-places on the banks of the Thames.3 Close to London Bridge we find the church of St. Mary OVERY, or St. Mary of the Ferry.4 This name, if we may believe the old traditions, recalls the time when the Thames was unbridged, and when the proceeds of the ferry formed the valuable endowment of the con- 71 1 I am not aware that any etymology of the name of wYCH STREET has been proposed. Like Wynch Street in Bristol, it may be probably derived from the wynch of the public well of Holywell. 2 The name was anciently written Stebenhethe, which would mean either the " timber wharf,” or perhaps “Stephen's wharf.” Cunningham, Hand- book for London, p. 780. 3 The names of Erith and Greenhithe, lower down the river, contain the same root. 4 This etymology, as well as the myths of the miserly ferryman and his fair daughter, are open to grave suspicion. St. Mary Overy is probably St. Mary Ofer-ea; or St. Mary by the water-side. The Anglo-Saxon ofer is the same as the modern German ufer, a shore. 280 The Street Names of London. ventual church, just as HORSEFERRY ROAD is a remi- niscence of the ferry which Westminster Bridge has superseded. The Thames was formerly by no means confined to its present bed, but both above and below the city spread out into broad marshes, where the varying channels of the river inclosed numerous islands.LAMBETH MARSH, and perhaps MARSHAM STREET, may remind us of the former. Some of the islands are commemorated by such names as CHELSEA, which is a corruption of chesel-ey, or shingle isle ; BATTERSEA, which is St. Peter's-ey; as well as BERMONDSEY, PUTNEY, and the ISLE OF DOGS.2 The monastic establishments were chiefly situated in the fields around the city, their sacred character render- ing unnecessary the protection of the walls. Convent, or COVENT GARDEN, was the garden of the monks of WEST- MINSTER ABBEY. The name of the Chartreuse, or Car- thusian convent, has been corrupted into the CHARTER- HOUSE. At CANONBURY, Islington, was an affiliated establishment of the canons of St. Bartholomew's Priory, now St. Bartholomew's Hospital. SPITAL SQUARE occu- pies the site of the churchyard belonging to the church of the priory and hospital of St. Mary, which stood beyond the walls in SPITAL FIELDS. In AUSTIN FRIARS, Broad Street, stood the convent of the Augustines; that of i See Chambers, Ancient Sea Margins, p. 14. Thorney Island, on which Westminster Abbey was built, seems to have been completely surrounded by the river. The ornamental water in St. James's Park occupies a part of the bed of the northern branch of the Thames. During the excavation of St. Katharine's Docks old ships were dug out, showing that here also the Thames must have shifted its channel. Lyell, Antiquity of Man, p. 129. 2 Perhaps a corruption of the Isle of Digues, or dikes. 3 So Orchard Street, Bristol, was the garden of a monastery, and Culver Street was the columbarium. Lucas, Secularia, p. 98. Monastic Establishments of London. 281 the Minoresses, or Nuns of St. Clare, was in the MINORIES, just outside the eastern wall; and in CRUTCHED FRIARS, Tower Hill, was that of the Crutched Friars, distin- guished by the cross upon their dress.1 ST. KATHARINE'S DOCKS occupy the site of the abbey of St. Catherine. The Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem occupied what is now the TEMPLE; the round church, built on the model of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, being the only part of the ancient building still remaining. At St. JOHN'S GATE, Clerkenwell, we find a vestige of the other great military order, the Hospitallers, the Knights of the Hospital of St. John, of Jerusalem, Rhodes, and Malta. To several of the convents belonged sanctuaries, or precincts possessing the valuable privilege of freedom from arrest. The BROAD SANCTUARY belonged to the abbot and monks of Westminster. The monastic esta- blishment of the SAVOY enjoyed similar privileges. The Times is now printed within the precincts of the convent of the BLACK FRIARS, or Dominicans, who together with the WHITEFRIARS, or Carmelites, and the GREY FRIARS, or Franciscans, possessed the privileges of sanc- 1 A crutch is the old English word for a cross. A cripple's crutch has a cross piece of wood at the top. Crouchmass was the festival on the 14th of September, in honour of the Holy Cross. To crouch is to bend the body into the form of a cross. Crochet work is performed with a crooked needle. A person who has a crotchet has a crook in the mind. A crotchet in music is a crooked note. A shepherd's crook is crooked at the top. 2 GLOSTER Court, Blackfriars, is a corruption of Cloister Court. See Whewell, in Philological Proceedings, vol. v. p. 140. 3 The Augustines, the Dominicans, the Franciscans, and the Carmelites, were the four mendicant orders, whose sphere of labour lay among the crowded population of great cities. The Benedictines and Cistercians had their establishments, for the most part, in country districts, where they dis- charged the duties of great feudal landowners. See Pauli, Pictures of Old England, pp. 53–64. 4 The monastery of the Greyfriars is now Christ's Hospital, The cloisters 282 The Street Names of London. - I tuary, the abuse of which has conferred an unenviable notoriety upon the districts to which these immunities were attached. Special districts in the city, or in the suburbs, were assigned to aliens, or appropriated by those who carried on certain trades. TOOLEY STREET, a corruption of St. Olaf's Street, and ST. CLEMENT DANES3 mark respec- tively the colony and the burying-place of the Danes in the southern and western suburbs. The Jews were admitted within the walls, and resided in the two districts which still retain the names of JEWIN STREET and the OLD JEWRY. The LOMBARD pawnbrokers and money dealers established themselves in the street which bears their name, between the two chief centres of trade, the posi- tions of which are denoted by the names of CHEAPSIDE and EASTCHEAP.4 The corn-market on CORNHILL ad- joined the grass-market in Grasschurch or GRACECHURCH STREET, and the hay-market in FENCHURCH STREET.5 The wool-market was held round the churchyard of ST. MARY WOOLCHURCH. The grocers were established in SOPERS' LANE; the buckler-makers in BUCKLERSBURY 7; TTTT HIVI and the buttery are the only parts of the old edifice now remaining. The Greyfriars were sometimes called the Minorites, but the name of the Minories is derived, as has been said above, from the Minoress nuns, and not from the Minorite friars. i Pauli, Pictures of Old England, pp. 425-427. 2 St. Olaf was the great saint of Scandinavia. 3 See Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, p. 16; Stanley, Study of Modern History, p. 361 ; Stow, Survey, bk. iv. p. 113; Timbs, Curiosities of London, p. 123. 4 From tlre Anglo-Saxon ceap, sale. 5 The name of Fenchurch is probably from fænum or foin, hay. The western HAYMARKET dates from a much later period. 6 Now Queen Street, Cheapside. 7 Stow, however, gives another derivation for this name. Surt'ey, Book iii. p. 27. Concentration of Trades. 283 and LOTHBURY, a corruption of Lattenbury, was inha- bited by the workmen in brass and copper. The names of the POULTRY, the VINTRY, FISH STREET, BREAD STREET, MILK STREET, LEADENHALL,' LEATHER LANE, SILVER STREET, SHIREMONGERS'? or Sermon LANE, and SMITHFIELD, indicate the localities appropriated to other trades. The streets in the neighbourhood of st. PAUL'S were occupied by those who ministered to the temporal and spiritual necessities of the frequenters of the church. DEAN'S COURT, DOCTORS' COMMONS, and GODLIMAN STREET, still form an oasis of ecclesiastical repose amid the noise and whirr of the city. At the great entrance of the cathedral the scene must have resembled that which we see at the doors of continental churches, which are often blocked up by stalls for the sale of rosaries, crucifixes, and breviaries. We read in Stow's Survey : “This street is now called PATERNOSTER ROW, because of the stationers or text-writers that dwelled there, who wrote and sold all sorts of books then in use, namely A B C, or Absies, with the Paternoster, Ave, Creed, Graces, &c. There dwelled also Turners of Beads, and they were called Paternoster-makers. .... At the end of Paternoster Row is AVE MARY LANE, so called upon V dwelling there. And at the end of that lane is likewise CREED LANE, late so called, .... and AMEN CORNER is and the north end of Ave Mary Lane.” 3 1 A corruption of Leather Hall. · The MINT, in Bermondsey, was the issuing place at a later date. 3 Stow, Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, vol. i. p. 174. 284 The Street Names of London. Of the recreations of old London but few memorials are preserved in names. It is difficult to realize the fact that tournaments were held on London Bridge, or in the middle of Cheapside. The name of QUEEN STREET, Cheapside, seems to have arisen from an ancient stone balcony which had been erected at the corner of the street in order to enable the queens of England to enjoy the spectacle of the tourneys which on special occasions were held in this great thoroughfare. Drury Lane Theatre was built on the site of a cockpit called the Phoenix, the memory of which is perpetuated, not only in the “Rejected Addresses,” but by the names of PHENIX ALLEY, leading to Long Acre, and of COCK- PIT ALLEY in Great Wyld Street. The names of many of our streets preserve the remem- brance of the sites of the town houses of great historical families. These were originally within the walls.2 ADDLE STREET, near the Guildhall, is believed by Stow to owe its name to the royal residence of Athelstane, which once stood upon the site. In the time of Henry VI. the Percys, Earls of Northumberland, had their town house near Fenchurch Street, on the spot which still goes by the name of NORTHUMBERLAND ALLEY. The De la Poles, Dukes of Suffolk, lived in SUFFOLK LANE, Cannon YA A. Contiguous to the Cathedral at Geneva are streets called Des Toutes Ames, Des Limbes, Du Paradis, and D'Enfer. Salverte, Essai, vol. ii. p. 336. i The permanent stone balcony was erected in 1329, in consequence of the fall of one of the temporary wooden structures previously used. The name of the street was bestowed in 1667, when it was rebuilt after the Great Fire. See Mackay, History of London, p. 97 ; Cunningham, Hand- book, p. 185. 2 Richard III. resided in Castle Baynard, and Duke Humphrey of Glou- cester, and Prince Rupert, in the Barbican. OLD PALACE YARD reminds us of the ancient palace of the kings of England, the site of which is now occupied by the Houses of Parliament. Sports and Pastimes. 285 Street ; DUCK'S FOOT LANE, close by, is probably a corruption of Duke's Foot Lane; the Manners family resided in RUTLAND PLACE, Blackfriars; the Earls of Devonshire in DEVONSHIRE SQUARE, Bishopsgate; and the Earls of Bridgewater in BRIDGEWATER SQUARE, Barbican. LONDON HOUSE YARD, in St. Paul's Church- yard, marks the site of the palace attached to the See of London. The greater security which existed under the Tudor princes is shown by the fact, that the protection of the walls was gradually found to be unnecessary, and mansions began to cover the ground between London and Westminster, where hitherto churchmen only had found it safe to reside. The Bishops of Bangor, Chichester, Durham, and Ely lived, respectively, in BANGOR COURT, Shoe Lane; CHICHESTER RENTS, Chancery Lane; DURHAM STREET, Temple Bar; and ELY PLACE, Holborn. SAFFRON HILL, near Ely Place, has obtained its name from the saffron which grew abundantly in the gardens of Ely House. Between the river Fleet and Temple Bar, we find SALISBURY SQUARE, which occupies the site of the courtyard of the old Salisbury House, belonging to the see of Sarum ; while DORSET STREET and DORSET COURT, Fleet Street, mark the position of the residence of the Sackvilles, Earls of Dorset. In Clerkenwell we find a NORTHAMPTON SQUARE, which was formerly the garden of the Earls of Northampton; and in AYLESBURY STREET and COBHAM ROW, both in the same fashionable locality, were the houses of the Earls of Aylesbury, and of the celebrated Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham. The Wriothesleys, Earls of Southampton, lived in SOUTHAMPTON BUILDINGS, Chancery Lane, and 286 The Street Names of London. Christopher Hatton, Elizabeth's chancellor, had his house in HATTON GARDEN. But the neighbourhood of the Strandl was the favourite residence of the great nobles, probably because the execrable condition of the roads rendered necessary the use of the Thames as the chief highway. At the begin- ning of the seventeenth century the Strand must have pre- sented the appearance of a continuous line of palaces, with gardens sloping down to the brink of the then silvery Thames. ESSEX STREET, DEVEREUX COURT, and ESSEX COURT, point out the spot where Elizabeth's favourite plotted and rebelied. The great space which is now occupied by SURREY STREET, HOWARD STREET, NOR- FOLK STREET, and ARUNDEL STREET, is a proof of the wide extent of the demesne attached to Arundel House, the residence of “all the Howards." The present SOMERSET HOUSE stands on the site of the palace built by the Protector Somerset, which afterwards became the residence of Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I. Those nests of poverty and crime called CLAREHOUSE COURT, CLARE MARKET, and NEWCASTLE STREET, replace the mansion and gardens of Clare House, the residence of the Earls of Clare, afterwards Dukes of Newcastle. Near CRAVEN BUILDINGS, Drury Lane, stood the house of Lord Craven, a soldier of the Thirty Years' War, celebrated as the hero of Creutznach, and the champion of the Winter Queen. CLIFFORD'S INN and GRAY'S INN were the mansions of the Barons Clifford and Gray de Wilton. Peter de Savoy, uncle of Eleanor of Provence, the queen of Henry III., built for himself a palace at the SAVOY, which was afterwards converted into a conventual establishment. Facing each other, on opposite sides of 1 See Cunningham, Handbook for London, pp. 783, 784. Houses occupied by Historic Families. 287 1 the Strand, stood the mansions of the two sons of the great Sir William Cecil, Lord Burleigh. The elder son, created Earl of Exeter, occupied his father's house, which has now made way for BURLEIGH STREET, EXETER HALL, and EXETER STREET; while the younger son, Sir Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, built Salisbury House on the site where CECIL STREET and SALISBURY STREET are now standing. In close proximity to the houses of the Cecils was, as we have seen, the “convent garden," belonging to the abbot and monks of Westminster. After the dissolution of the monasteries this property came into the hands of the Russell family, and here the Earls of Bedford built a mansion, which, about a century and a half ago, gave place to SOUTHAMPTON STREET, RUSSELL STREET, TAVISTOCK STREET, and BEDFORD STREET. The Russells then removed to Bloomsbury, where BEDFORD SQUARE, SOUTHAMPTON STREET, RUSSELL SQUARE, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, and CHENIES STREET, preserve the memory of the great house they occupied. SYDNEY ALLEY, and LEICESTER SQUARE, remind us of another historic name—that of Robert Sydney, Earl of Leicester, whose house stood on what is now called LEICESTER PLACE. GEORGE STREET, VILLIERS STREET, DUKE STREET, OR ALLEY,- and BUCKINGHAM STREET, pre- serve every syllable of the name and titles of “Steenie,” the fortunate and unfortunate avourite of James I. and " baby Charles.” Of all the palaces which once lined 1 The Adelphi, with the five streets-Robert Street, John Street, George Street, James Street, and Adam Street, was built in 1760, by four brothers of the name of Adam. 2 Now improved away. See Stanley, Lecture on the Study of Modern History, p. 362. 288 The Street Names of London. the Strand, Northumberland House is the only one which still remains. If the Strand is full of memories of the statesmen and favourites of Elizabeth, PICCADILLY 1 brings us to the time of the Restoration. ALBEMARLE Street and CLARGES Street,2 ARLINGTON Street and BENNET Street,3 The CLARENDON, CORK Street,4 COVENTRY Street,5 DOVER Street, JERMYN Street and ST. ALBAN'S Place, SACKVILLE Street and DORSET Place, CLEVE- LAND Row,8 KING Street, CHARLES Street, St. JAMES' Street, DUKE Street, YORK Street, and The ALBANY,9 are in convenient proximity to PALL MALL, and the MALL in St. James's Park, where the courtiers from whom these streets derived their names played at Paille Maille while the merry monarch fed his ducks. There are a few scattered names to remind us of persons and events memorable in later times. HARLEY Street, OXFORD Street, HENRIETTA Street, CAVENDISH Square, and HOLLES Street, take their names from Harley, Earl of Oxford, and his wife Lady Henrietta Cavendish Holles. HANS Place and SLOANE Street bear the names of Sir Hans Sloane, who invested his fees in the purchase of the manor of Chelsea, and in the i So called from Piccadilla Hall, a shop for the sale of piccadillas, the fashionable peaked or turn-over collars. 2 Monk, Duke of Albemarle, and Nan Clarges, Duchess of Albemarle. 3 Henry Berinet, Earl of Arlington. 4 Boyle, Earl of Cork. 5 Lord Keeper Coventry. 6 Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. Albans, one of the heroes of Grammont's Memoirs. 7 Edward Sackville, Earl of Dorset. & The “beautiful fury,” Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland, mistress of Charles II. 9 Charles II., and James, Duke of York and Albany. Streets dating from the Restoration. 289 formation of a collection of natural curiosities as cele- brated as Harley's collection of MSS. or the marbles of the Earl of Arundel. PIMLICO takes its name from a celebrated character of a very different order-one Ben Pimlico, who kept a suburban tavern, first at Hoxton, but afterwards transferred to the neighbourhood of Chelsea.1 The dates at which other streets were built can, in many cases, be determined by the names they bear. If the SAVOY reminds of the queen of Henry III., PORTUGAL Street, Lincoln's Inn, carries us to the time of the marriage of Charles II. QUEEN ANNE Street, MARLBOROUGH Street, HANOVER Square, Great GEORGE Street, REGENT Street, KING WILLIAM Street, and VICTORIA Street, afford dates, more or less definite, of certain metropolitan extensions or improvements; while BLENHEIM Street, QUEBEC Street, VIGO Street, WATER- LOO Bridge, and TRAFALGAR Square, are instances of that system of nomenclature which has been so exten- sively carried out in Paris. i The MALAKOFF, in like manner, was called from a tavern kept by Alexander Ivanovitch Malakoff, a ropemaker discharged for drunkenness from the arsenal at Sebastopol. Strange origin for a ducal title. See Charnock, Local Etymology, pp. 172, 210. 290 Historic Sites CHAPTER XII. HISTORIC SITES. S Places of popular assemblyRunnimedemMoot-hill-Detmold-The Scandi- navian "things” or parliaments—The Thingvellir of Iceland, The Thing- walls and Dingwells of Great Britain, Tynwald Hill in the Isle of Man -Battle-fields : Lichfield, Battle, Slaughter-Conflicts with the Danes- Eponymic Names—Myths of Early English History--Carisbrooke-Hengist and Horsa-Cissa-Ælle- Cerdic-Offa-Maes Garmon-British Chief- tains-Valetta-Alexander - Names of the Roman Emperors-Modern Names of this Class. In the preceding chapter it has been shown how the history of a great city tends to perpetuate itself in its street-names. It would be easy, did space permit, to apply the same method of investigation to other cities, such as Paris, Rome, or Athens. We might show, from the evidence of names, how Paris was originally confined to the little island in the Seine, upon which the cathedral of Nôtre Dame now stands; and how the LOUVRE was at first a hunting-seat; and the TUILERIES a tile-yard (French tuile, a tile). The names of the Palatine, the Vatican, and the Janiculum, of the Forum, and the Latin Gate at Rome, or of the Ceramicus, the Acropolis, 1 This has been imperfectly attempted for Paris in a work by M. Ferdinand Heuzey, entitled, Curiosités de la Cité de Paris, Histoire Etymologique de ses Rues, &c. Paris, 1864. Places of Poprilar Assembly. 291 and the Pnyx at Athens, would prove similarly sug- gestive. But the instance of London may suffice as an example of the value of local names in city history, and in this chapter we will rather pursue another department of the subject, and collect the names of various scattered HIS- TORIC SITES—names which conserve the remembrance of historic personages, which denote the localities of great battles, or of places otherwise memorable in the history of the human race. The places where popular self-government has at any time been exercised, are frequently indicated by local names. RUNNIMEDE, the “meadow of the runes," was the ancient Anglo-Saxon field of council ;' and, on the spot thus consecrated to national liberty, the privileges of the great feudatories of England were afterwards secured by the Magna Charta. In Scotland the ancient place of assembly was the MOTE HILL at Scone, near the ancient capital of Scot- land. In the midst of the town of Hawick there is a singular conical mound called the MOAT HILL. We may notice also the names of the MOOT HILL at the eastern end of Lyne Bridge, and the MOTE OF THE MARK in Galloway. On the confines of the Lake District, there are hills called MOUTAY and CAERMOTE; and there is a 1 i There are monographs of greater or less value on the street-names of the cities of Brunswick, Heiligenstadt, Hildesheim, Köln, Nuremberg, and Amsterdam. A curious list of German street-names will be found in Förste- mann, Deut. Ortsrzamen, pp. 167–169. 2 Matthew of Westminster, A.D. 1215. 3 This, perhaps the most interesting historical memorial in Scotland, has been recently removed, to improve the view from the drawing-room window ! Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. iv. p. 336. U 2 292 Historic Sites. MOOT-HILL at Naseby, all of which have probably served as the meeting-places of assemblies.? The Stannary Court of the Duchy of Cornwall is an assembly which represents, in continuous succession, the local courts of the ancient Britons. The court was formerly held in the open air, on the summit of CROKERN TOR,2 where the traveller may still see concentric tiers of seats hewn out of the rock. The name of Crokern Tor seems to point to a deliberative assembly, and WIST- MAN'S WOOD, in the immediate neighbourhood, suggests the wisdom traditionally imputed to the grave and reverend seniors who took part in the debates. In Germany there are several places called Ditmold. We find the names DETMOLD, DIETMALE, RODENDIT- MOL, and KIRCHDITMOLD. These were all places of popular assembly, as the names imply. The first portion of the name is diet, people, which we have in the name of Deutschland. The suffix is mal, a place of assembly, or a court of justice.5 But the most noticeable traditions of ancient liberties are associated with the places where the Things,6 the 1 Ferguson, Northmen in Cumberland, p. 33 ; Pennant, Scotland, vol. iii. p. 115. 2 See Gough's Camden, vol. i. pp. 43, 49 ; Murray, Handbook of Devon, p. 95. 3 We have the Welsh word gragan, to speak loud, whence comes the English verb to croak, to make a loud noise like a frog or raven. The creaking of a door and the name of the corncrake are from the same root. Compare the Sanskrit kruç, to call out, the Greek kpácw, and the Latin crocire. See Diefenbach, Vergleichendes Wörterb. vol. ii. p. 591; Celtica, Glossary, No. 184; Whitaker, History of Manchester, vol. i. p. 313. 4 See p. 59, supra.. 5 Piderit, Ortsnamen, pp. 309, 310; Förstemann, Die Deutschen Ortsria- men, p. 95; Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterb. vol. ii. pp. 59, 706. 6 The word thing is derived from the Old Norse tinga, to speak, and is allied to the English word to think. See Ihre, Glossarium Suiogothicum, The Thingvellir. 293 judicial and legislative assemblies of the Scandinavian nations, were wont to meet. These institutions, of which we find traces in all the regions colonized by the North- men, were derived from the parent country, Norway, where there was an Althing, or general assembly, and four district Things for the several provinces. The Norwegian parliament still goes by the name of the Stor-thing, or great council. The Thing usually met on some island, hill, or promontory, where its deliberations could be carried on secure from lawless disturbance. The Swedish parliament used to assemble on a mound near Upsala, which still bears the name of TINGSHOGEN (Thing-hough). One of the chief attractions for Icelandic tourists is a vast sunken lava-plain which bears the naine of the THINGVELLIR, or" council plains.” In the midst of this plain there is an isolated area, some two hundred feet long and fifty broad, which is guarded on every side by deep rifts,4 produced by the cooling of the lava. Across these rifts the sole access is by one narrow bridge of rock. This vol. ii. p. 901; Haldorsen, Islandske Lexicon, vol. ii. p. 407. The bodyguard of the Danish kings was called thingamanna lith, its chief duty being to escort the monarch at these assemblies. Laing, Heimskringla, vol. i. pp. 103, 114-119. 2 Ibid. vol. i. pp. 89, 117. 3 Often wrongly called the Thingvalla. This, however, is the genitive case. The word völly means a plain or field. The root is the Norse völr, a stick or post (Mæso-Gothic valus : cf. the English goal, a winning-post). The völlr takes its name from the nature of the inclosing fence, like tori, ham, garth, &c. See pp. 119-121, and the notes on the words bally and bail, pp. 247, 274, supra ; also Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterb. vol. i. p. 179. 4 A tradition which still lingers on the spot avers that during the battle which ensued upon the hearing of the suit for the burning of Njal's house, Flosi, the leader of the burners, took a wild and desperate leap across one of these chasms. Dasent, Burnt Njal, vol. i. p. cxxviii. 294 Historic Sites. spot, so well guarded by nature, is called the ALTHING, and was the assembly-place of the “general council" of the whole island. A mound, in the midst of the Althing, bears the name of the LÖGBERG,1 the sacred “hill of laws,” from whose summit, for nine hundred years, all the enactments of the Althing had to be promulgated before they could receive the force of laws. Each of the twelve districts into which Iceland is divided had also its Thing, where the peasant-nobles carried into effect their privileges of local self-govern- ment. THINGANES, THINGSKALER, ARNESTHING, THING- ORE, and THINGMULI, were, as the names denote, places at which some of these subordinate assemblies were accustomed to be held. The Northmen introduced their Things into England. The very name survives among us as a household word. A "meeting,” according to Dr. Dasent, is the mot thing, or assembly of freeholders, and at the “hustings," or house things, the duly qualified householders still as- semble to delegate their legislative powers to their repre- sentatives in parliament.3 In the Danelagh, as well as in most of the detached Scandinavian colonies, we find local names which prove the former existence of these Things. 1 The upper chamber of the Norwegian parliament is called the Lag. Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 158. 2 The Thingvellir have been described sixteen times by recent travellers. Perhaps the most graphic accounts are those given by Dasent, Burnt Njal, vol. i. pp. CXXV.-cxxxix. ; Norsemen in Iceland, p. 207 ; Dufferin, Letters from High Latitudes, pp. 84-95; and Baring-Gould, Iceland, pp. 67–71. The Icelandic parliament, with full legislative and judicial powers, con- tinued to meet at the Thingvellir till the year 1800. The legislative powers have now ceased; the judicial functions were restored in 1845, since which time the meeting-place has been at Reykjavik. 3 Dasent, Burnt Njal, vol. i. p. li. ; Worsaae, Danes, p. 19. Thingwall. 295 In the Shetland Islands, SANDSTHING, AITHSTHING, DELTING, NESTING, and LUNZIESTING, were the places of assembly for the local Things of the several islands, while TINGWALL seems to have been the spot where the Althing, or general assembly, was held. In a fresh- water lake, in the parish of Tingwall, there is an island still called the SAWTING. On it are four great stones, the seats for the officers of the court, and the access is by stepping-stones laid in the shallow waters of the lake. In the Shetlands, the old Norwegian laws are even now administered at open courts of justice, which still go by the ancient name of Lawtings. In the Ross-shire colony we find the names of DING- WALL and TAIN,while TINWALD Hill, near Dumfries, was the assembly place of the colonists who settled on the northern shore of the Solway.4 Not far from the centre of the Cheshire colony in the Wirall, we find the village of THINGWALL. Near Wrabness, within the limits of the little colony in the north-east of Essex, we find a place whose name, DENGEWELL, probably: marks the spot where the local jurisdiction was exercised. The three neighbouring Danish parishes of Thorp le Soken, Walton le Soken, and Kirby le Soken, possessed the privilege of holding a soke, or local court, independent of the jurisdiction of the hundred-a vestige, probably, of their ancient Scandinavian franchises. 1 These were usually held in the centre of circles of upright stones, perhaps the erection of an earlier race. See Wilson, Pre-historic Annals, p. 113; Poste, Brit. Researches, p. 256 ; Worsaae, Danes, p. 232. 2 Martin, Description of the Western Isles, p. 383, quoted by Train, Isle of Man, vol. i. p. 299. 3 Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, p. 260. * Ib. p. 204 ; Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 158. See p. 172, supra. 5 Worsaae, Danes, p. 70. 296 Historic Sites. In the absence of all documentary evidence, I was inclined to believe that the apparently Danish names in Devonshirel must be explained from Saxon sources; I felt that I should hardly be justified in placing a Scandi- navian colony in that county, so far removed from their compatriots in the Danelagh. But all cause for hesita- tion was removed by the accidental discovery of an isolated farmhouse bearing the name of DINGWELL. It stands on a plateau, steeply scarped on three sides, and about a mile from the village of THUR-SHEL-TON, a name every syllable of which is of the Icelandic type, denoting the tun or enclosure round the skaaler, or wooden booths, which were usually erected at some little distance from the Thingvellir for the convenience of persons attending the meeting. The Thing was inaugurated by sacrifices and religious ceremonies, which enables us to understand why the name of the deity Thor, should appear in the first syllable of this name Thurshelton. These two names, Thurshelton and Dingwell, surrounded as they are by names of the Norse type, seem to prove conclu- sively3 that the Northmen must have settled in this remote corner of the island in sufficient numbers to establish their usual organized self-government. In the Danelagh we meet with several places bearing names of the same class, which may, with greater or less certainty, be regarded as meeting places of local Things. 1 See pp. 179, 180, supra. 2 Near Tingwall, in Shetland, we find SCALLOWAY, or Booth Bay. Worsaae, Danes, p. 232. Mr. Ferguson thinks Portingscale, near Keswick, is an analogous name. Northmen, p. 31. 3 This conclusion, it is fair to add, has been ably controverted by Mr. King, in Notes and Queries, Nov. 5th, 1864. He would derive the name of Thurshelton from a neighbouring stream called the Thistle Brook, and is of opinion that all the apparently Norse names in Devonshire may be explained from Saxon sources. Valeat quantuin. Tynwald Hill. 297 Y Y In Northamptonshire we have, near Kettering, a place called FINEDON, which was anciently written Thingdon, and there is a place called DINGLEY near Market Har- borough. Not far from Stamford we find TINWELL in the county of Rutland, and TINGEWICK, in the north of Buckinghamshire. In Yorkshire, there are TINSLEY near Rotherham, and THWING near Bridlington. In Durham, on the extreme northern border of the Danelagh, we find DINSDALE, a place which is almost entirely sur- rounded by one of the bends of the Tees, and is thus well protected from hostile intrusion, as is the case with so many of these sites. I cannot discover the place where the Lincolnshire Thing assembled, unless indeed it be at THIMBLEBY or LEGBOURN. In the Scandinavian district of Cumberland and West- moreland, the word Thing does not appear in any local name; but the Vale of LEGBERTHWAITE, no doubt, con- tained the lögberg, or “hill of laws," from which the local enactments were promulgated. By far the most interesting of these ancient West- minsters is TYNWALD HILL in the Isle of Man. Less than a century ago the Isle of Man preserved a sort of quasi independence of the British crown, and it was only in the year 1764 that the Duke of Athol parted with the last of the royal rights, which had descended to him from the ancient Norwegian kings. But though the representative of the Norwegian jarls has divested himself of his regal prerogatives, the descendants of the vikings still retain a shadow of their ancient legislative powers. The old Norse Thing has survived continuously in the Isle of Man to the present day, though in Iceland, in Norway, 1 Tindale in Northumberland is probably the Tyne dale. 2 Ferguson, Northmen in Cumberland, p. 32. 298 Historic Sites. and in Denmark, its functions have been intermitted, or have long ceased. The three estates still assemble every year, and no laws are valid in the island unless they have first been duly proclaimed from the summit of TYNWALD HILL. This is an ancient mound some eighteen feet in height, and constructed with four concentric circular stages, whose diameters are, respectively, 80, 27, 15, and 7 feet.2 The ancient place of the coronation of the kings of England was KINGSTON in Surrey, where, in the centre of the town is still to be seen the stone on which the Saxon monarchs sat while the ceremony was performed. TRONDHJEM, or DRONTHEIM, was in like manner the “throne home," or coronation seat of the kings of Norway,3 and KÖNIGSBERG,4 in the extreme east of Prussia, shows the way in which that agglomerated kingdom has ex- tended itself westward from the ancient central seat of the grand master of the Teutonic Knights.5 KINGSGATE, in the Isle of Thanet, marks the spot where Charles II. landed after his exile; and QUEENBOROUGH, in the Isle of Sheppey, is a proof of the development of the English navy in the time of Edward III. The manor of Hull, or KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, was purchased by Edward I.; and Coningsby, Coneysby, Conington, Cunningham, 1 Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 122; Worsaae, Danes, p. 295; Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 158. A full account of the powers of the estates, and of the ceremonies observed when they are convened, will be found in Train, Isle of Man, vol. ii. pp. 189–201. 2 Train, Isle of Man, vol. i. pp. 271–273; Poste, Brit. Res. p. 256. 3 It is possible, however, that the root may be the same as that of Thrandia. Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 32. 4 Mone, Celtische Forschungen, p. 265, makes Argos the equivalent of Königsberg! arg; a prince; ais, a fortress !! 5 There are ten Königsbergs in Germany. See Buttmann, Ortsnamesi, P. 38; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 299. Battle-fields. 299 Kingthorpe, Kinsby, King's Lynn, Lyme Regis, and many similar names, denote the residences, or manors, of Saxon, Danish, and English monarchs. Local names often conserve the memory of famous battles, or sometimes they tell us of forgotten contests of which no other memorial remains. Probably the greatest reverse ever suffered by the Roman arms was the defeat which Hannibal inflicted on Flaminius at Thrasymene. The brook which flows through this scene of slaughter is still called the SANGUI- NETTO, and the name of the neighbouring village of OSSAIA shows that the plain must have long been whitened by the bones of the fallen Romans. The Teutonic division of the Cimbric horde which in- vaded Italy, was annihilated by Marius in the year 102, B.C., and the slaughter is said to have reached the im- mense number of 100,000 men. The battlefield after- wards bore the name of the Campi Putridi, a name which is preserved by the Provençal village of POURRIÈRES. The Temple of Victory built by the conqueror is now the parish church of ST. VICTOIRE.2 Of the great battles which have changed the course of the world's history, few are more important than the defeat of the Huns by the Emperor Otho in the tenth century. This battle, regarded as to the magnitude of its results, can only be compared with the overthrow of the Saracens by Charles Martel. The one rescued Christianity, the other saved civilization. The Magyar host, like that of the Saracens, was all but exterminated, 1 Dennis, Etruria, vol. ii. p. 457 ; Duke of Buckingham, Private Diary, vol. iii. pp. 658–666. 2 Sheppard, Fall of Rome, p. 164. 300 Historic Sites. and the name of the LEICHFELD, or “Field of Corpses," near Augsburg, informs us of the precise locality of the fearful slaughter. Our two English LICHFIELDS,’ one in Staffordshire 3 and the other in Hampshire, where are seven barrows,4 as well as LECKHAMPSTEAD in Buckinghamshire, are probably memorials of battles of which history has pre- served no certain record. The chroniclers tell us that in the year 1173, an army of 10,000 Flemings under Robert, Earl of Leicester, was almost totally annihilated at LACK- FORD, near Bury St. Edmund's, by Richard Lucy, Chief Justice of England. «LECKFORD in Hampshire may also not improbably indicate the site of a bloody battle which was gained by Cymen over the Britons in this immediate neighbourhood. The final overthrow of the Britons by Athelstan in the year 936 occurred at a place called BOLLEIT, in Cornwall. This name means in Cornish the “House of Blood.” The name of BATTLEFIELD,5 about three miles from Shrewsbury, is a memorial of the decisive contest which Shakespeare has so vividly brought before us; and an additional memorial of the fiery Welsh chieftain is found in an ancient tumulus near Corwen, which bears the name 1 Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. ii. pp. 658–666. 2 The German word leich, a corpse, is preserved in the lychgate of our churchyards, where the corpse awaits the approach of the priest ; and in the Zzıkewake, or funeral feast, which is celebrated in some parts of Scotland. See Drake, Shakspeare and his Times, vol. i. p. 234. 3 The city arms are a field surcharged with dead bodies. Tradition refers the name to the martyrdoms of a thousand Christian converts. See Fuller, Church History, vol. i. p. 34. 4 Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 205. 5 The collegiate church of Battlefield was founded by Henry IV. in com- memoration of the victory. Pennant, Wales, vol. ii. p. 411. Battle-fields of Shrewsbury, Bannocburn, & Hastings. 301 of Dinas Mont Owain Glyndwr, and from the summit of which he is said to have been in the habit of gazing down the valley of Dee. Close to Bannocburn is the inclosure of BLOODY FOLD, where the Earl of Gloucester fell, and the name of GILLIES HILL commemorates the station of the camp followers who created the fatal panic. Of the destruction of the Spanish Armada, we have a geographical reminiscence in the name of PORT-NA- SPANIEN in Ireland, where one of the galleons of the Invincible Armada was dashed to pieces. There is a place called BATTLE FLATS north of Bos- worth, though perhaps hardly near enough to be con- fidently referred to as the scene of the struggle. CROWN HILL, a small eminence on the plain, is pointed out as the spot where Stanley placed Richard's crown on the head of Henry VII. The flying cavaliers, after the defeat at Naseby, were overtaken and cut to pieces at a place now called SLAUGHTERFORD, where the road to Harborough crosses the Welland ;2 and a part of the route by which Mon- mouth's army marched to the night attack at Sedgemoor, still goes by the name of WAR LANE.3 The names of the town of BATTLE in Sussex, and of BATTLE FLATS near Stamford Bridge, have already been mentioned as instances in point.* SENLAC (Sangue Lac), the Norman name of the battle-field of Hastings, still survives as a local name in the neighbourhood of the town of Battle. STANDARD HILL, close by, is said to i Goldwin Smith, Irish History and Irish Character, p. 85. 2 James, Northamptonshire, p. 50. 3 Macaulay, History of England, vol. i. p. 608. 4 See p. 7, supra. 302 Historic Sites. be the place where the Conqueror raised his standard previous to the commencement of the engagement, and MONTJOIE, one of the four wards of the town, commemo- rates the spot to which he rode in triumph at the con- clusion of the fight.1 About six miles south of Poictiers there is a place called MAUPERTUIS, a name supposed to commemorate the exact site of the battle-field which proved so disas- trous to the chivalry of France. Frederick the Great's victory over the Austrians at Hohenfriedberg, has given the name of SIEGESBERG, or “Victory Hill,” to an emi- nence which stands within the confines of the battle- field. The terror which was inspired by the inroads of the Danes, and the joy with which their discomfiture was hailed, is evidenced by numerous local names, which are often associated with traditionary battle-legends which still linger among the surrounding villagers. Such a tradition is connected with a camp in Hampshire called Ambrose Hole, hard by which runs a rivulet called DANESTREAM.3 At SLAUGHTERFORD in Wiltshire,4 and at BLEDLOE 5 (bloody hlaw) in Buckinghamshire, there are traditions that great slaughters of the Danes took place. In the Saxon Chronicle (A.D. 1016) we have an account of the great victory gained by Cnut over Eadmund Iron- side, which led to the division of the kingdom between the two monarchs. The Chronicle places the battle at i Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, p. 241; Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. iii. p. 406. 2 Carlyle, Frederick the Great, vol. iv. p. 137. 3 Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 187. 4 Ibid. vol. i. p. 141. ó Ibid. vol. ii. p. 41. 1 Conflicts with the Danes. 303 Assandun in Essex. Near Billericay there is a place now called Assingdon, and in the neighbourhood we find twenty barrows, and the names of CANEWDON and BATTLEBRIDGE.1 On CAMPHILL near Rochdale, the Danes are said to have encamped on the eve of the battle that was fought in the neighbourhood; and KILLDANES, the name of the valley below Camphill, tells us the story of that bloody day.2 TY 2 Near Stow-on-the-Wold in Gloucestershire is a Danish earthwork called Bury Camp, and the adjacent villages bear the names of SLAUGHTER and LEACH. In a field called KNAP DANE in the parish of Nettlecombe, a vast quantity of bones was found, supposed to be those of the Danes who landed at Watchet in the year 918.4 At DANEBURY near Chelmsford, and at DANES-BANKS in the parish of Chartham in Kents the outlines of camps are still to be traced. GRAVENHILL is also the legendary scene of a battle with the Danes. It is surrounded with entrenchments, and is covered with mounds, which are probably the graves of the fallen warriors.6 At DANES GRAVES on the Yorkshire wolds numerous small tumuli are still visible. The name of DANESFORD, in Shrop- shire, is supposed to be a memorial of the Danes who wintered at the neighbouring town of Quatford in the year 896.S DANTSEY or “Danes Island” in Wiltshire, CO i Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 131. 2 Davies, in Philological Transactions, for 1855, p. 261, 3 Ibid. vol. i. p. 407.. 4 Ibid. vol. i. p. 90. 5 Ibid. vol. i. p. 354. 6 Kennett, Parochial Antiquities, vol. i. p. 50. 7 Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, p. 40. 8 Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, p. 260. 304 Historic Sites. TA was formerly the property of the family of the Easter- lings,1 a name usually given to the Vikings from the East. WARE in Hertfordshire seems to have been the place at which Alfred constructed his weir across the river Lea, in order to cut off the retreat of the Danish fleet.2 On Brent Knoll near Athelney in Somersetshire, is a camp which tradition ascribes to Alfred, and at the foot of the hill, half a mile from its summit, stands the village of BATTLEBURY. There is also a camp near Salisbury which goes by the name of BATTLESBURY, and there is a place called BATTLEWIC near Colchester. By the side of the Dee in Scotland there is an ancient earthwork called NORMAN (Northmen’s) DIKES, in the front of which there is a piece of land which bears the name of BLOODY STRIPE.4 Near Burnham in Norfolk there is a camp surrounded by tumuli, the road leading to which goes by the name of BLOODGATE.5 At Chels- ham in Surrey there is a Roman camp crowning the summit of a knoll called BOTLE Or BATLE HILL. Two Roman camps in Forfarshire go by the names of BATTLE DIKES and WAR DIKES." There is a camp near Cater- ham called WAR COPPICE; and the name of CATERHAM itself may perhaps be referred to the Celtic word cath, battle. CADBURY, a name which occurs in Somerset- shire and in Devon, means the “Battle entrenchment.”. TTY i Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 130. 2 St. John, Four Conquests, vol. i. pp. 298, 299 ; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 398 ; Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 68. 3 Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 103. 4 Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. p. 125. 5 Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 197. 6 Ibid. vol. i. p. 256. Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. pp. 148, 176. Eponymic Names. 305 CATERTHUN, a remarkable Celtic fortress which over- looks Strathmore, is no doubt “ Battle Hill.” The numerous Cat Stanes in Scotland are supposed to be memorials of battles. Such are the CATT STANE in Kirkliston parish, and the CAIG STONE near Edinburgh.' From the Anglo-Saxon camp, battle, we have a few names like CAMPTON and KEMPSTON in Bedfordshire.2 In the case of several of these battle-fields we find traditions which assign a local habitation to the names of British chieftains or Anglo-Saxon kings. It is pos- sible that in some of these instances minute fragments of historic truth have been conserved, but it is needless to say that the greatest caution must be exercised as to the conclusions which we allow ourselves to draw. The traditions are generally vague and obscure, and the personages whose names are associated with these sites have often only a mythical, or, to speak technically, an eponymic existence. This convenient phrase is used to convey the suggestion that a personal name has been evolved by popular speculation to account for some geo- graphical term, the true meaning of which has not been understood. A full discussion of this subject would form a curious and important chapter in what we may call the history of History. Most nations have supposed themselves to be de- scended from some mythical or eponymic ancestor. The Lydians, the Phænicians, the Pelasgians, the Dorians, 1 The name of the Caturiges, “the battle kings," and the personal names of Catullus, Cadwallon, Cadwallader, St. Chad, and Katleen, contain this word. See Zeuss, Grammatica Celtica, vol. i. p. 6; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. ii. p. 93 ; Wilson, Pre-historic Annals of Scotland, pp. 95, 412; Monk- house, Etymologies, p. 58. 2 Monkhouse, Etymologies, pp. 6, 20. 306 Historic Sites. the Æolians, the Hellenes, the Sicilians, and the Italians, have respectively traced themselves to mythical per- sonages whom they called Lydus, Phoenix, Pelasgus, Dorus, Æolus, Hellen, Siculus, and Italus. Rome was said to have been built by Romulus; Nineveh by Ninus; Memphis by Menes. When we come down to a later time we are encountered by the still more extravagant absurdities which fill the pages of Geoffrey of Monmouth, Layamon, Wace, Matthew Paris, and Matthew of Westminster, by whom the origin of all the nations and cities of Europe is traced to heroes of the Trojan war. We are gravely told that France takes its name from Francus, a son of Hector, and Britain from Brute, Prydain, or Pryd, a son of Æneas; that Lisbon (Olisipo) was built by Ulysses ; and Paris by the well-known son of Priam. Tours was the burial-place of a Trojan named Turonus, and Troyes was, of course, a colony from Troy. Nuremberg was built by Nero, and Prussia takes its name from one Prussus, a brother of Augustus. But these are modest pretensions when compared with that of the Scots, who claimed to be descended from Scota, a daughter of Pharaoh, while the Saracens are assigned to Sarah the wife of Abraham. These wild absurdities are mostly the creation of authors of a late date, and seldom conceal any esoteric 1 See a series of papers by Pott, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift für Vergleich. Sprachforschung, entitled “Mytho-Etymologie;" Grimm, Geschichte d. Deut. Spr. pp. 776, 784 ; Buckle, History of Civilization, vol. i. pp. 284– 286, 295; Wright, on “Geoffrey of Monmouth," Essays, vol. i. p. 216 ; Lewis, Credibility of Early Roman History, vol. i. p. 278; Welsford, English Language, pp. 6–16; Movers, Die Phönizier, part ii. vol. ii. p. 297 ; Ver- stegan, Restitution, p. 102; Davies, Celtic Researches, pp. 167, 169; Butt- mann, Mythologus, vol. i. pp. 219; vol. ii. pp. 172-193. Myths of early English History. 307 1 truths. The case is often different with the earliest legends. Thus we are told that Pedias was the wife of Cranaus, one of the mythical kings of Attica. Under this disguise we recognise a statement of the fact that Attica is formed by the union of the mountain district (kpavaós, rocky), and the plain (mediás, level). But the extravagances of Geoffrey of Monmouth, or the more recondite myths of Grecian history, concern us less nearly than the eponymic names which fill the earlier pages of Beda and the Saxon Chronicle. These narratives are still regarded as historical by the great mass of half-educated Englishmen, who seem to have hardly a conception that, in the ordinary school histories of England, the chapter “On the arrival of the Saxons" relates the deeds of personages who, in all probability, have only an eponymic existence. To take a few instances. The name of PORTSMOUTH undoubtedly dates from the time when the commodious harbour was used as a portus by the Romans. But when we read in the Saxon Chronicle that Portsmouth derives its name from a Saxon chieftain of the name of Port, who landed there, we conclude at once that the name of Port is eponymic, that no such personage ever existed except in the imagination of some early histori- cal speculator. Again, CARISBROOKE, in the Isle of Wight, was anciently written Wiht-gara-byrig. Respect- ing the etymology of this name there can be little doubt. Wilt is a corruption of Vectis, the Roman 1 See a paper by J. K[enrick], in the Philological Museum, vol. ii. p. 359; Pott, “Mytho-Etymologie,” in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. ix. p. 403. 2 A well-known M.P. has lately, before a London audience, gravely re- produced the still more extravagant absurdities of Layamon and Geoffrey as veritable English history! 3 See p. 69, supra. X 2 308 Historic Sites. UN name of the island. The inhabitants of the island would be called Wiht-ware, and the chief town of the island would be called Wiht-gara-byrig, “the burgh of the men of Wight,” just as Canterbury, or Cant-wara-byrig, is “the burgh of the men of Kent.” But when the Saxon Chronicle asserts that Wiht-gara-byrig was the burgh of a Saxon chief named Wihtgar, who was buried there, we can entertain no doubt that the name of Wiht- gar, like that of Port, is eponymic. But we should undoubtedly be wrong were we to extend our scepticism to some other cases. For instance, we read in a later and more historical portion of the Saxon Chronicle, and in the Latin version which bears the name of Florence, that King Harthacnut drank himself to death at a feast which Osgod Clapha, one of the great nobles of Wessex, gave in his house at Lambeth to celebrate the marriage of his daughter Gytha with Tovi the Proud. In this case there is a very high probability that the London suburb of CLAPHAM takes its name from the ham of the Saxon thane. Or to take another case of a somewhat different cha- racter. Near Christchurch, in Hampshire, there is a place called TYRRELL'S FORD, around which a tradition used to linger that here Tyrrell passed on the day of the death of Rufus. There is nothing intrinsically im- probable about this tradition, and Tyrrell is certainly not an eponymus. We may even go so far as to lend an ear to the assertion that Jack Cade was killed at CAT STREET, near Heathfield in Sussex-especially when we find that the name was anciently written Cade Street.3 07 i See Latham, English Language, vol. i. pp. 37–40. 2 Aubrey, quoted in Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 187. 3 Ibid. vol. i. p. 295. Hengist and Horsa. 309 Yty Bearing in mind, then, the necessity of great caution as to the eponymic character of many of the heroes who figure in Beda and the Saxon Chronicle, we may proceed to enumerate a few of the more conspicuous of the localized traditions of the Saxon conquest.. Whether the names of Hengist and Horsa are wholly eponymic, or whether there remains a substratum of historic fact, after all due concessions have been made to the demands of modern criticism, is a question re- specting which scholars are not agreed. But we find their names in many places. Thus at HENGISTBURY HEAD on the Hampshire coast, there is a large funeral barrow protected by an entrenchment; and a tumulus of flints at HORSTED, in Sussex, is said to mark the sepulchre of Horsa. There is also a mound near the castle wall of Conisbrough which bears the name of Hengist. Camden asserts that it was his tomb; and we learn from Polydore Virgil. that in the sixteenth century a local tradition still survived respecting a great battle which had been fought upon the spot. Henry of Huntingdon informs us that Hengist and Horsa fought a battle with the Picts and Scots at Stamford, in Lincolnshire. A local tradition affirms that the Saxons came from Kent by sea, and landed near Peterborough, after sailing up the Nene. This tradition is supported by the fact, that at about two miles from Peterborough there is an ancient entrenchment which goes by the name of HORSEY HILL.3 There is a camp near Chesterford in i Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 72 ; Gough’s Camden, vol. i. pp. 311, 336. 2 Haigh, Conquest of Britain, p. 257. This is an uncritical work, but contains a large store of carefully collected, and sometimes valuable facts. 3 Ibid. p, 209. 310 · Historic Sites. Essex, called HINGESTON barrows. We have also the names of HINKSEY near Oxford, anciently Hengestesige; HENSTRIDGE in Somerset, anciently Hengestesricg ; 2 HINXWORTH in Hertfordshire, anciently Haingesteworde; and HENGESTON, anciently Hengestesdun, in Cornwall. There are many other names of the same class. The numerous Horsleys and Hinkleys, are probably only forest leys or pastures for horse or steed (hengst). Other names, such as two Horsteads in Sussex, and one in Nor- folk, Horsham in Sussex and in Norfolk, Horsey in Nor- folk, and Horsell in Sussex, certainly seem specially to con- nect some person, or persons, bearing the name of Horsa with the two English counties of Sussex and Norfolk.4 According to the Saxon Chronicle the kingdom of the South Saxons was founded by Ælle and his three sons, Cymen, Wlencing, and Cissa. If these names are not altogether eponymic, as is probably the case, the account in the Chronicle receives very remarkable con- firmation from local names. The landing is said to have taken place at KEYNOR in Selsea, anciently Cymenes- ora 5 or Cymen's shore, where we may suppose the eldest son was left to guard the ships while the father and the brothers advanced into the interior.6 We find . 1 Gough’s Camden, vol. ii. p. 141. 2 Codex Dipl. No. 1002. 3 Horsley in Surrey and Derby, Horseley in Gloucester and Stafford, and three in Northumberland; Hursley in Hants (Horsanleah, Cod. Dipl. No. 180), and Hinkley in Leicester. 4 We have also Hinxton in Cambridgeshire, Hensting in Hants, Hincks- ford in Stafford, Hinxhill in Kent, Hinckford in Essex, Hinchcliff in Yorkshire, as well as Horsey Isle in Essex, Horsall in Surrey, Horsdun in Hants, and many other similar names. See Haigh, Conquest of Britain, p. 151. : 5 See Dugdale, Monast. Ang. vol. vi. p. 1163 ; Cod. Dipl. No. 992. 6 CUMNOR in Berks was anciently Crmenora. Cod. Dipl. No. 214; Dugdale, Nonast. Ang: vol. i. p. 527. 14 Cissa and Cerdic. 311 VL VV the name of Ælle at ELSTEAD in Sussex and ELSTEAD in Surrey.1 The name of LANCING near Shoreham is certainly very remarkably coincident with that of Wlen- cing. The name of Cissa may be sought at CISSBURY, a rude camp on a lofty hill near Worthing, as well as at another camp in Wiltshire called CHISBURY; also at CISSANHAM 3 in Hampshire, and at CHICHESTER, anciently Cissan-ceaster, the “fortress of Cissa,” who, according to the Chronicle, succeeded in taking the old Roman city, and made it the capital of his kingdom of the South Saxons.4 The kingdom of Wessex was founded, we are told, by Cerdic, through whom Queen Victoria claims to be lineally descended from Woden! The name of Cerdic we find at CHARFORD, anciently Cerdices-ford, where was fought the decisive battle which gave the Saxons the supremacy as far west as the Hampshire Avon.5 The name of LICHMERE, the moor of corpses, not far from Charford, seems to mark the precise locality of the struggle, and is of a more historic character than many of the rest. The nephew of Cerdic was the eponymic 1 There was another Ælle, founder of the Anglian kingdom of North- umbria. To him we may perhaps refer Ellakirk, Ellaby, Ellard, Ellerbeck, Ellerburn, and other Yorkshire names. Ellescroft is said to be the burial place of the Ælle who was killed in a battle with Regner Lodbrook. Worsaae, Danes, p. 33. 2 Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 270. 3 Codex Diplom. No. 658. 4 Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. pp. 104-106; Saxon Chronicle, A. D. 490. There are the remains of a Saxon camp at Chichester. 5 Saxon Chronicle, A.D. 519; Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon King's, vol. i. p. 109. The locality of Cerdices-ora, where the Chronicle (A. D. 514) asserts that Cerdic landed, has not been satisfactorily identified. Perhaps it may be Charmouth in Dorset. See Haigh, Conquest of Britain, p. 312; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 271. 6 Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 178. 312 Historic Sites. Wihtgar of Carisbrooke Castle, whose claims to an his- torical existence have already been discussed. In SEWARDSTONE near Waltham Abbey we have, perhaps, the name of Seward, king of the East Saxons ; and Offa, another king of the same people, had a palace and a tomb at OFFLEY near Hitchin.1 Another Offa, king of the Mercians, had a palace at OFFENHAM in Wor- cestershire, and in 773 he is said to have gained a victory over Eadmund, king of Kent, at OTFORD on the Darent. The name of Wuffa, king of the East Angles, may perhaps be found at UFFORD in Suffolk. RENDLESHAM, in the same county, was in the seventh century the resi- dence of Redwald, another king of the East Angles. Among other Anglian traditions we are told that king Atla of Norfolk was the founder of ATTLEBURY,” and that the name of Bebbe, the queen of Ida of Northum- bria, is to be found in Bebban-burh, now BAMBOROUGH, near Berwick-upon-Tweed.3 Oswald, a Christian prince of Mercia, gave his name to OSWESTRY. The strong king of Northumbria, who extended his kingdom to the shores of the Forth.4 Ammianus Marcellinus, a more trustworthy authority than the earlier portion of the Saxon Chronicle, says, that Valentinian sent over to Britian one Fraomarius, the king of the Bucinobantes, an Alemannic tribe near BRAMERTON and four BUCKENHAMS, all in Norfolk.5 1 Knapp, English Roots, pp. II, 12 ; Gough’s Camden, vol. ii. p. 66. 2 Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 116. 3 Ibid. p. 119; Saxon Chronicle, A. D. 547. 4 Dixon, Fasti Ebor. vol. i. p. 44. 5 Haigh, Conquest, p. 163. Maes Garmon. 313 Attempts have been made to identify the spots selected for an abode by other less distinguished settlers. The results are of course highly conjectural, to say the least, but they are perhaps sufficiently curious to justify the insertion of a few specimens in a note.) The British traditions conserved in local names are often more trustworthy than those of the Saxon period. There is a high probability that MAES GARMON near Mold was the scene of the famous Alleluia victory, which was obtained by St. Garmon over the Picts. The good bishop placed the members of his church militant in ambush, and when the invaders were fairly entangled in the intricacies of the valley, a loud shout of Alleluia from the Welsh created a panic which enabled them to gain an easy but decisive victory.? A 1 Thus we have Personal name. Ancient local name. Modern local name. ( Harmodestone (Domesday) . . . . Harmstone, Lincoln. Heremod . Hermodesthorpe (Domesday) ... Harmthorpe, Lincoln. ( Hermodesworde (Domesday) ... Harmondsworth, Mid. Heorogar. Herigerby (Domesday) . . . . . Harrowby, Lincoln. Helgiby (Domesday).... Hellaby, Yorks. Halga .. Helgeſelt (Domesday). ..... Hellifield, Yorks. Halgeforde (Cod. Dip. No. 483) . . Halliford, Mid. | Halganstok (Cod. Dip. No. 701) , Halstock, Dorset. Warmud , Wærmundes hlæw (Cod.Dip.No. 1368) Warmlow, Worces. Wærmundesham (Cod. Dip. No. 18.). Mundham, Sussex. Scylf. Scylftun (Cod. Dip. No. 775) ... Shilton, Oxford. Bedca. . Bedan ford (Saxon Chronicle). . . Bedford. Childeric. Hildericesham (Domesday). . . . Hildersham, York. At Navistock, in Essex, and Navesby, in Northamptonshire, we seem to have a name like that of Hnæf, which we find in the Traveller's Tale. At Ripley, in Yorkshire, we have a founder Hryp, and there are also local names which have been supposed to refer to the semi-historic personages who were called Alr, Beonat, Beowa, Brada, Cynfar, Fear, Hlyd, Hræſn, Hungar, Nægel, Pendere, Sumær, &c. -See Haigh, Conquest, pp. 150—160. 2 Beda, Hist. Ecc. book i. cap. 20; Haigh, Conquest, p. 238; St. John, 314 Historic Sites.. ST The CARADOC, the most picturesque of the Shropshire hills, is crowned by an earthwork bearing the name of Caer Caradoc, and here, as tradition affirms, was the stronghold of Caractacus. A camp near Verulamium, called OISTER HILLS, has been supposed to bear the name of the Roman general Ostorius, and we have a CÆSAR'S CAMP near Farnham, and a VESPASIAN'S CAMP in Wiltshire. CHILHAM in Kent was anciently called Fulham, and is supposed to be the site of the battle fought by Julius Cæsar, in which Laberius was slain. This supposition is curiously corroborated by a tradition which calls a large tumulus in the neighbourhood by the name of JULABER'S GRAVE.3 According to the Chronicles, it fell to the lot of Catigern, a Kentish chieftain, to oppose the earliest invasion of the Saxons. We are told that he fought a battle with the forces of Hengist and Horsa, in the neighbourhood of Aylesford. On the summit of the downs which overlook the battle-field, there is a Celtic tomb, constructed of vast vertical and horizontal slabs of sandstone. This, the most remarkable megalithic erec- tion in the south-eastern portion of the kingdom, goes by the name of KITS COTY HOUSE, and may not impro- bably bear the name of the British prince. Four Conquests of England, vol. i. p. 56; Rees, Welsh Saints, pp. 121, 122. 1 The real name of Caractacus was probably Cradock, which is still a common surname in the West of England. 2 Gough's Camden, vol. ii. pp. 63, 73; Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, P. 153. 3 Gough's Camden, vol. i. pp. 313, 353. 4 Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 73 ; Gough's Camden, vol. i. PP. 311, 336. 1 Britishi Chiefs. 315 We also read that the body of Ambrosius, the successor of Vortigern, was buried, according to his dying request, at AMBRESBURY on Salisbury Plain,1 In the year 945 the British population of Cumbria, under a chief who bore the name of Donald, made a final and unsuccessful attempt to shake off the Saxon yoke. A cairn at the summit of the desolate pass which leads from Keswick to Ambleside is called DUNMAIL- RAISE, and in all probability it marks the precise scene of the struggle with Eadmund, as well as the burial- place of the British leader.2 In Strathearn there is a barrow which goes by the name of CARN-CHAINICHIN, that is, the Cairn of Ken- neth. This name no doubt preserves the memory of the burial-place of Kenneth IV. of Scotland, who in the year 1003 was slain by Malcolm II. in a battle which was un- doubtedly fought in the near neighbourhood of the cairn. An entrenchment on Barra Hill in Aberdeenshire bears the name of CUMMIN'S CAMP, and thus preserves the memory of the defeat of Comyn, Earl of Buchan, by Robert Bruce ;4 while DALRY, the "king's field,” is the spot where John of Lorn defeated Bruce, and from whence he tracked him with blood-hounds, as is so inimitably told in the “ Tales of a Grandfather.” 5 The names of GIBRALTAR and TARIFA have already been noticed.6 VALETTA, the port and chief town of 1 Haigh, Conquest of Britain, p. 264. There is a large camp in Epping Forest called Ambresbury Banks. 2 Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. p. 442 ; Ferguson, Northmen in Cumberland, pp. 15, 57. 3 Chalmers, Caledonia, vol. i. p. 397. 4 Ibid. vol. i. p. 90. 5 Skene, History of the Highlanders, vol. ii. p. 109. 6 See p. 104, supra. 316 Historic Sites. Malta, preserves the name of John Parisot de la Vallette, the heroic Grand Master of the Knights of St. John. Together with the suburb of VITTORIOSA it was founded in the year 1566, at the close of the memorable siege in which some 500 knights, assisted by 9,000 men at arms, successfully withstood for four months the assaults of an army of 30,000 Turks, until at last there survived only 600 of the Christians, utterly worn out by the toils and perils of the siege. The rulers of the ancient world seem to have anxiously desired to stamp their names upon cities of their own creation. Of the fifteen cities upon which Alexander the Great bestowed his name, only six retain it, and only two still possess any geographical importance. The name of Alexandria in Egypt has been corrupted into the Arabic form of ISCANDERIEH, and Alexandria in Bokhara is now SAMERCAND. The city of Alexandria which was built near the battle-field of Issus, though now a miserable village, has given a name to the Bay of SCANDEROON or ISKENDEROON. ALEXANDRETTA and CANDAHAR still maintain an obscure existence.2 Antiochus and Seleucus, and the princes of their dynasties, followed the example of their great captain, but while the once important name of SELEUCIA3 has i Porter, Knights of Malta, vol. ii. pp. 70–166. One of the gates of Valetta is called the Port des Bombes, from its bearing the marks of the cannonade which took place when the French were attacked by the English and Maltese. 2 ALESSANDRIA, an important fortress in Piedmont, takes its name from a Roman Pope. Several places in Russia and Siberia are called ALEXAN- DROV and ALEXANDRIA, from the Russian Emperor. See Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 200. 3 There were seven cities called Seleucia. The only one that retains the name is Seleucia in Cilicia, now Selef kieh. Alexander-Cæsar-Augustus. 317 RT vanished from the map, Antioch, now ANTAKIEH, still ranks among the cities of the East. Philippi, now FELIBEDJIK, built by the father of Alex- ander, would be now forgotten were it not for the epistle addressed by St. Paul to its inhabitants; and the mention of PHILADELPHIA in the Apocalypse still causes us to bear in mind that it was built by Attalus Phila- delphus, king of Pergamus. The names of the Roman Emperors are scattered over Europe, and some of them are found under very curious phonetic disguises. Who would expect, for in- stance, to find the name of Cæsar in JERSEY, a name which nevertheless is probably a corruption of Cæsarea ?2 In the East the phonetic changes have been less; the Cæsareas in Palestine and Cilicia are now called KAIS- ARIYEH; and KESRI, on the Dardanelles, is probably a corruption of the same name. The city of Cæsarea Jol, built by Juba in honour of Augustus, is now ZERSHELL in Algeria. Two of the most curious of these transmu- tations are Cæsarea Augusta into ZARAGOSSA, and Pax Augusta into BADAJOZ. Augusta Emerita has been clipped down into MERIDA. Augustodunum is now AUTUN, and Augusta is AOSTA and AUGIA. We find the same Imperial name preserved in AUGSBURG, AUGST in Canton Bâle and Canton Zurich, AOUST in the 1 1 There were ten cities called Antiochia. 2 The names of GUERNSEY and CHERBOURG are possibly to be traced to a similar origin, as well as Jerbourg in Guernsey ; though it is more pro- bable that the first is Norse, and that the root of the two latter is the Celtic word Caer. Latham, Channel Isles, pp. 429, 452; Notes and Queries, second series, vol. vi. p. 163. 3 Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, s. v. Jol; Quarterly Review, xcix. p. 341. 4 Meyer doubts this. See Ortsnamen des K. Zurich, p. 76. 318 Historic Sites. department of the Drôme, AUCH near Toulouse, and the AUST passage over the Severn. The names of Julius and Julia we have in LOUDON (Juliodunum), BEJA in Portugal (Pax Julia), TRUXILLO in Spain (Turris Julia, or Castra Julia), JÜLICH or JULIERS (Juliacum), the valley of ZSIL (Julia) in Hun- gary, pronounced Fil, ZUGLIO (Julium), ITUCCI, (Victus Julius), and LILLEBONNE (Julia bona); while FRIULI, FORLI, and FREJUS are all corruptions of Forum Julii. ORLEANS, VALENCIENNES, GRENOBLE, and ADRIANOPLE, bear the names of the Emperors Aurelian, Valentinian, Gratian, and Hadrian, by whom they were respectively founded or rebuilt. Forum Aurelii is now FIORA, Aurelia is ORLEANS,1 Claudii Forum is KLAGENFURT, and PAM- PELUNA and LODI (Laus Pompeii) bear the name of Pompey. TIBERIAS, in Palestine, was built by the younger Herod (Antipas) in honour of his imperial friend and master. Constantius Chlorus gave his name to CONSTANCE or CONSTANTZ on the Boden See, and to COUTANCES (Constantia) in Normandy, where Roman antiquities are still occasionally found. The surrounding district, now called the CÔTANTIN, exhibits very curiously a parallel but independent corruption of the name Con- stantinum. KUSTENDJE is the Turkish corruption of Constantiana. CONSTANTINEH is the strongest place in Algeria. Constantine, the son of Constantius, had a palace a few miles from Trêves, at a place now called CONZ, a name which, after a long eclipse, is again becom- ing audible among men, in the novel character of a great railway junction. I could not but think, as I once whiled away a tedious hour in the waiting-room at Conz, 1 The form of the modern name suggests that the place must have ordi- narily been called Aureliana, rather than Aurelia. TA 1 Emperors and Kings.. 319 of the waiting-rooms on the same spot once thronged by the nobles of Western Europe, worshipping the rising sun, who was afterwards to imprint his name on CON- STANTINOPLE, the new capital of the Roman world. Of the modern cities which are thus inscribed with the dates of their foundation, ST. PETERSBURG and VICTORIA, the capitals of two distant empires, occur at once to the memory. EKATERINENBURG was founded by the great Empress Catherine. CHRISTIANA, CHRIS- TIANSTAD, and CHRISTIANSAND, are memorials of the subjection of Norway and Sweden to the crown 'of Denmark in the seventeenth century, during the reign of Christian IV. of Denmark. The little kinglets of Germany, otherwise unknown to fame, have not been slow in endeavouring to rescue their obscure names from oblivion by a geographical immortality of this kind. As we fly past upon the railway the names of CARLSRUHE, FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, LUDWIGSHAFEN, LUD- WIGSBURG, or WILHELMSBAD may, perhaps, induce the traveller to endeavour to learn from his open Murray the deeds of the monarchs who have thus eagerly striven after fame. A far more inconvenient practice prevails in the United States, where the names of popular Presidents have been bestowed so liberally on towns and counties as to occasion no little confusion. There are no less than 169 places which bear the name of Washington, 86 that of Jefferson, 132 that of Jackson, while Munroe and Harrison have respectively to be contented with 71 and 62 places named in their honour.1 i See Notes and Queries, second series, vol. i. p. 508. 320 Sacred Sites. CHAPTER XIII. SACRED SITES. Lučal Vestiges of Saxon Heathendom-- T'iw, Frea, Woden, Thor, Balder- Celtic Deities-- Teutonic Demigods-Wayland Smith-Old Scratch-Old Nick The Nightmare-Sacred groves and temples-Vestiges of Sclavonic Heathendom— The Classic Pantheon-Conversion of the Northern Nationes - Paulinus at Goodmanham“ Llan” and “ Kil"-The Hermits of the Hebrides— The Local Saints of Wales-Places of Pilgrimage- The Monastic Houses. DAY after day, as the weeks run round, we have obtruded upon our notice the names of the deities who were worshipped by our pagan forefathers. This heathenism is indeed so deeply ingrained into our speech, that we are accustomed daily, without a thought, to pronounce the sacred names of Tiw, Woden, Thunor, Frea, and Sætere,1 These names are so familiar to us, that we are apt to forget how little is really known of the mytho- logy of those heathen times. We have, it is true, Beowulf and the Traveller's Song, the verse Edda, and other parallel Norse and Teutonic legends, but the Anglo-Saxon literature dates only from the Christian period, and proceeds mostly from the pens of Church- 1 On the names of the days of the week, see Mone, Gesch. Heidenthums, vol. ii. p. 110; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. ii. p. 217; Trench, Study of Words, p. 93; Müller, Alt-deut. Relig. pp. 86--88; Mannhardt, Götter- welt, vol. i. p. 262. I The Anglo-Saxon Deities. 321 men, who naturally preferred to recount thaumaturgic histories of Christian saints, and willingly allowed the pagan legends to die away out of the memories of men. So small, in fact, are the materials at our disposal for an account of the Anglo-Saxon Pantheon, that the very name of Sætere is conjectural—it is not found in any literary document till long after the extinction of the Anglo-Saxon paganism-and it would almost appear that the name, the attributes, and the culte of this deity have been constructed in comparatively recent times, in order to illustrate the assumed etymology of the word Saturday. Our knowledge of Anglo-Saxon mythology being thus scanty, it will bear to be supplemented by the information which may be derived from local names. We may, in the first place, arrive at some vague estimate of the relative mythological importance of the various Anglo-Saxon deities by means of a comparison of the number of places which severally bear their names, and which were probably dedicated to their worship. Judging by this standard, we conclude that Tiw, Frea, 1 That the worship of Sætere was very local, appears also from the fact that Saturday, as a name for the last day of the week, is found only in the Frisian, Anglo-Saxon, and other Low-German languages. Laugardagr, the Norse equivalent for Saturday, the Swedish Lördag, and the Danish and Norwegian Löversdag; mean the washing-day, or laving-day ; if, indeed, they do not refer to the Scandinavian deity Loki. See Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, pp. 115, 226; Kemble, Saxons, vol. i. p. 372; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 439 ; Donaldson, English Ethnography, p. 67. 2 This word was used as the name of the Deity by all the Aryan nations. The Sanskrit dêva, the Greek Debs, the Latin deus, the Lithuanian dewas, the Erse dia, and the Welsh dew are all identical in meaning. The etymo- logy of the word seems to point to the corruption of a pure monotheistic faith. The Sanskrit word dydus means the expanse of blue sky, the heaven. This sense is retained in the Latin word dies, and in the phrase sub Jove, in the open air. (Horace, Odes, lib. I. i. 25.) Jupiter, Diupiter, or Diespiter, is the “heavenly father." See Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. part ii. pp. 653, 663, 664 ; Bunsen, Philos. of Universal History, vol. i. p. 78; 322 Sacred Sites. and Sætere, had but a small hold on the religious affections of the people, for TEWESLEY in Surrey, Great TEW and TEW DUNSE in Oxfordshire, TEWIN in Hert- fordshire, DEWERSTONE 1 in Devon, FRATHORPE and FRIDAYTHORPE ? in Yorkshire, FRAISTHORPE in Holder- ness, FREASLEY’ in Warwickshire, three FRIDAYSTREETS in Surrey, and one in Suffolk, SATTERLEIGH in Devon, and SATTERTHWAITE in Lancashire, seem to be the only places which bear their names. But of the prevalence of the worship of Woden and Thunor, we have wide-spread evidence. WEDNESBURY in Staffordshire, WISBOROW Hill in Essex, WANBOROUGH in Surrey, WANBOROUGH in Wilts, two WARNBOROUGHS in Hampshire, WOODNESBOROUGH in Kent 4 and Wilts, and WEMBURY in Devon, are all corruptions of the Anglo-Saxon word Wodnesbeorh, a name which indicates the existence of a mound or other similar erection dedi- cated to Woden.5 WANSTROW in Somerset was formerly Edinburgh Review, vol. xciv. pp. 334-338; Mannhardt, Götterwelt, vol. i. pp. 57, 69 ; Buttmann, Mythologus, vol. ii. p. 74 ; Müller, Alt-deut. Relig. pp. 223, 225; Kelly, Curiosities, p. 29; Max Muiller, Lectures, second series, p. 425. 1 In Saxe Weimar we have Tisdorf and Zeisberg; in Hesse, Diensberg and Zierenberg ; in Bavaria, Zierberg ; in Zeeland, Tisvelae ; in Jutland, Tystathe and Tüslunde ; in Sweden, Tistad, Tisby, Tisjo, and Tyved. Grimm, Deritsche Mythol. p. 180 ; Müller, Alt-deut. Religion, p. 87 ; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 244 ; Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 41; Mannhardt, Götterwelt, vol. i. p. 262. 2 An elaborate account of Frekkenhorst, a chief German seat of the worship of Frigge, or Frea, is given by Massmann, in Dorow's Denkmäler, pp. 199–203. We have also Frekeleve near Magdeburg, Freyenwald on the Oder, and Freyenburg in Belgium. Müller, Alt-deut. Rel. p. 121; Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 238. 3 Fraisthorpe and Freasley are more probably Frisian settlements. 4 Close to Woodnesborough is a tumulus called Winsborough. 5 Kemble, Saxons, vol. i. p. 344 ; Haigh, Conquest of Britain, p. 141; Morris, Local Names, p. 8; Guest, in Archæolog. Journal, vol. xvi. p. 107. Local Vestiges of Saxon Heathend0111. 323 Wodnestreow, and WANSDIKE in Wiltshire was Wodnes- dic. WODEN HILL on Bagshot Heath, WONSTON in Hampshire, WAMBROOK in Dorset, WEDNESHOUGH in Lancashire, WAMPOOL in Cumberland, WANSFORD in Northamptonshire, and another place of the same name in the East Riding, WANSTEAD in Essex, WAMDEN in Bucks, WADLEY in Berks, two WANSLEYS and WEDNES- FIELD in Staffordshire, WENDON in Essex and in Somer- set, WEDESLEY in Derbyshire, WEDNESHAM in Cheshire, WANTHWAITE in Cumberland, and WONERSH in Surrey, with other more doubtful names of the same class, enable us to form some estimate of how wide was the diffusion of Woden's worship.1 The Scandinavian Thor was worshipped by the Anglo- Saxons under the name of Thunor, a name identical with the English thunder and the German equivalent Donner.2 T 1 In Germany we have Godesberg, near Bonn, anciently Wodenesberg ; Gudensberg, in Hesse, anciently Wuodenesberg, as well as another Gudens- berg, and a Gudenberg ; also Godensholt, anciently Wodensholt, in Olden- burg; Woensdrecht, near Antwerp, and Vaudemont, in Lorraine, anciently Wodani Mons. In Denmark we find Odensberg; Onsberg, anciently Othensberg; Onsjö, anciently Othänsharet; Onsala, anciently Othänsäle; Onsley, anciently Othänslef ; Odinsey, on the island of Funen ; and in Norway, Onso, anciently Odinsey. Grimm, Deut. Myth. pp. 133, 140, 144; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 244 ; Bender, Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 107, 108; Mone, Gesch. Heidenthums, vol. i. p. 269; vol. ii. p. 154. On the occur- rence of the names of Woden and Thunor in the Saxon Charters, see Kemble, Codex Dip. vol. iii. p. xiii. 2 The identity of Thunor and Indra has been proved by Mannhardt, by a laborious comparison of the Teutonic and Indian myths. Germ. Mythen, pp. 1-242. The names also of Indra and Donnor, different as they may seem, are, no doubt, ultimately identical. We have seen (p. 207, supra) that udra and udan are related Sanskrit words, meaning water. The first gives us the name of Indra, the second that of Donnor or Thunor, both of whom are the storm and rain gods; both were born out of the water, both fill the rivers, and pour the milk of the cloud-cows of heaven upon the earth. See Mannhardt, Germ. Myth. pp. 3, 38, 50, 143, 147, 213, 216; Y 2 324 Sacred Sites. TT We find traces of the worship of the Saxon god in the names of THUNDERSFIELD in Surrey, two places called THUNDERSLEIGH in Essex, and one in Hants, as well as THUNDRIDGE in Herts, and THUNDERHILL in Surrey. To the name of Thor we may assign THURSLEY in Surrey, THURLEIGH in Bedfordshire,” KIRBY THORE in Westmoreland, THURSCROSS in Yorkshire, THURSTON in Suffolk, THURSTABLE and THURLOW in Essex, THURS- FIELD in Staffordshire, THURSFORD in Norfolk, TURS- DALE in Durham, THURSHELTON in Devon, THURSBY in Cumberland, THURSO in Caithness, TORNESS in Shetland, and THORIGNY in Normandy, all of which, as we have seen, are in regions settled more or less by Scandinavian colonists: In some of these cases it is probable that the name may have been derived from some Viking who bore the name of Thor.4 The Anglo- Saxon names, however, are not liable to this ambiguity, Mannhardt, Götterwelt, vol. i. p: 61; Max Müller, Lectures, second series, p. 430. 1 The little scholars, who enjoy catching a great scholar tripping, may amuse themselves with Mr. Kemble's attempt to find an allusion to the Thunderer's Hammer, in the Hammer ponds in Surrey ; the fact being, that the name originated from some ironworks now disused. 2 There is a remarkable tumulus in the middle of the village called Bury Hill. 3 On the continent we find Thuneresberg, in Westphalia, where stands a sacred oak, under which, to this day, an annual festival is held ; Don- riersberg, near Worms, anciently Thoneresberg; Donnerkaute and Don- nersgraben in Hesse; Donnersreut in Franconia ; Donnerbühel in Berne ; Donnersted in Brunswick ; Donershauk in Thuringia ; Thorsborg in Gothland ; Donnerschwee, anciently Donerswe (ve, holy), in Oldenburg; Donnersbach in Styria ; Torslunde (lundr, a sacred grove), and Thorsbro in Denmark; and Thôrsbiörg, Thôrshöfn, and others, in Norway. Grimm, Deutsche Mythol. pp. 64, 155, 169; Grimm, Namen Donners; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 244; Mannhardt, Germanische Mythen, p. 235. * In the case of several villages called Thursby this is the more probable supposition. Celtic Deities. 325 since it does not appear that any Anglo-Saxon-more timid, or more reverent than the Northman-ever dared to assume the name of the dreaded Thunor. Names like BALDERBY or BALDERTON, may probably be derived from the personal name Balder, rather than from that of the deity. Pol, another form of the name of the god Balder, is probably to be found in such names as POLBROOK, POLSTEAD, POLSDEN and POLSDON, as well perhaps as in BELL HILL, and HILL BELL. The last two names, however, are, more probably, vestiges of a still earlier cultus-Celtic, or possibly Semitic.? It has been thought that there must have been some original connexion, etymologic or mythologic, between the Syrian Baal, the Celtic Bel or Belen, the Sclavonic Biel-bog, and the Teutonic Pol. To the Celtic deity we may probably assign the local names of BELAN, near Trefeglwys in Montgomeryshire, BELAN near Newtown, two BELAN BANKS in Shropshire, and the BAAL HILLS in Yorkshire, besides three mountains called BELCH in the Vosges and the Black Forest. BALERIUM, the ancient name of the Land's End, may possibly be due to the Phænicians. BEL TOR in Devon may be either Teutonic, Celtic, or Semitic. Several of the Devonshire Tors seem also to bear names derived from a primeval mythology. MIS TOR and HAM TOR have been supposed to bear Semitic names derived from Misor, the moon, H i Grimm, Deutsche Mythol. pp. 208, 580; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 205 ; Thierry, Hist. Gaulois, vol. ii. p. 77, 78; Müller, Alt-deutsche Religion, pp. 253, 256; Ferguson, Northmen, pp. 95, 98; Mone, Geschichte Heidenthums, vol. ii. p. 345 ; Barth, Druiden, p. 69. The Beltane fires are still kept up in the Isle of Man, and in Yorkshire. Train, Isle of Man, vol. i. p. 328. ? Mone, Geschichte Heidenthums, vol. ii. p. 337; Barth, Druiden, p. 86. Cf. Piderit, Ortsnamen, p. 300, 326 Sacred Sites. r and Ham or Ammon. The name of HESSARY TOR can with greater confidence be referred to the Celtic deity Esus or Hesus,1 mentioned by Lucan- Teutates, horrensque feris altaribus Hesus, Et Taranis Scythicæ non mitior ara Dianæ. 2 The Celtic deity Taith referred to in these lines under the name of Teutates, must not be confounded with the Teutonic Tiw, though the names are probably not unconnected. Places called TOT HILL, TOOT HILL, or TOOTER HILL, are very numerous, and may possibly have been seats of Celtic worship.3 The word Easter, as we learn from Beda, is derived from the name of Eostre,4 or Ostâra, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of Spring, to whom the month of April was sacred. As in other instances the Catholic clergy seem to have given the heathen festival a Christian import, and to have placed “Our Lady” on the throne pre- viously occupied by the virgin goddess of the spring 5 She seems to have bestowed her name on two parishes in Essex which are called GOOD EASTER, and HIGH i Cf. the Sanskrit Asura, the supreme, self-existent Spirit, a name pro- bably derived from a root as=esse. A statue inscribed with the name of Esus was exhumed at Paris. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. part ii. p. 655 ; Barth, Druiden, p. 71 ; Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. p. 185; Thierry, Hist. Gaulois, vol. ii. p. 78. 2 Pharsalia, book i. l. 445. 3 See Davies, in Philolog. Trans. for 1855, p. 219; Barth, Druiden, p. 64 ; Thierry, Hist. Gaulois, vol. ii. p. 78; Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. p. 185. 4 Cf. the Sanskrit ushas=Aurora, from a root ush, to burn or glow. Hence the Greek nws, the Latin auster, the south, and the English east. Grimm, Deut. Mythol. p. 266; Neus, in Zeitschrift für Deut. Myth. vol. iii. pp. 356–368; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. part ii. pp. 672–674 ; Leo, . Rectitudines, p. 206. 5 Mayhew, German Life, vol. ii. pp. 332, 377. 6 In Domesclay this name appears in the form ESTRA. GOOD EASTER is probably the god Eostre. 1 Teutonic Deinigods. 327 EASTER; we find also the more doubtful names of EASTERFORD in the same county, EASTERLEAKE in Nottinghamshire, and EASTERMEAR in Hampshire. The name of Hel, the mistress of the gloomy under- world, seems to be confined to Yorkshire ; it may possibly be preserved in the names of HELLIFIELD, HEL- LATHYRNE, HELWITH, two HEALEYS, HEALIGH, and HELAGH, all in Yorkshire.1 HELWELL in Devonshire is probably only the covered well, the word hell origin- ally meaning only the “covered” place. Thus a wound heals when it becomes covered with skin. The heel is that part of the foot which is covered by the leg. A helmet covers the head. The hull is the covered part of a ship. To hele potatoes is to clamp or tump them. In Kent to heal a child is to cover it up in its cradle, and to heal a house is to put on the roof or covering. A hellier is a slater. Of the mythic heroes of Scandinavian legend, the name of Weland, the Northern Vulcan, who fabricates the arms of the heroes of the early Sagas, is preserved at a place in Berkshire called WAYLANDSMITH. Here, appropriately placed at the foot of that sacred HILL OF THE WHITE HORSE, which from immemorial times has borne the colossal symbol of Saxon conquest, there still stands the structure which our ancestors called Weland's forge, a huge megalithic monument, consisting of two chambers constructed of upright stones and roofed with large slabs. Here the hero-smith was supposed to fabri- cate shoes for the sacred horse. Though bearing a i We have Helgraben, Helwald, Helleberg, and other similar names in Germany. Panzer, Deut. Myth. p. 275. 2 In the charters the place is called Welandes Smidde, Wayland's Forge. Codex Didlom. No. 1172. 328 Sacred Sites. Saxon name, and connected with a Saxon legend, it is doubtless only a Celtic grave.2 The name of Eigil, the hero-archer, is probably to be sought at AYLESBURY, formerly Æglesbyrig, as well perhaps as at AYLESFORD, AYSWORTH, and AYLSTONE.2 ASGARDBY and AYSGARTH, however, probably refer to Asgard, the home of the gods. Curious legends often linger round the numerous places called the Devil's Dyke, the Devil's Punchbowl, and the like, and results, not without value, might doubtless be obtained by a comparative analysis of the names of the various celebrated witch mountains.4 A dark and rugged rock in the Lake District bears the name of SCRATCH MEAL SCAR. Here we may perhaps detect the names of two personages who figure in the Norse mythology, Skratti, a demon, and Mella, a weird i Grimm, Deutsche Mythol. p. 350; Wilson, Pre-hist. Annals of Scot- eland, p. 210 ; Scott, Kenilworth, chap. xiii. and note; Singer, Wayland Smith, p. xxxv. ; Wright, in Journal of Archæolog. Association, vol. xvi. pp. 50—58; Kemble, Saxonis in England, vol. i. pp. 419—421; Grimm, Heldensage, pp. 41, 322, 323; Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 221. 2 Grimm, Deutsche Mythol. p. 349; Kemble, Saxons, vol. i. p. 422. 3 We find Teufelstein near Dürkheim, Teufelsberg in Bavaria, and Teu- felsmaner in Austria. See Panzer, Deut. Myth. pp. 46, 100, 204 ; Piderit, Ortsnamen, p. 301. There are also many places called Drachenfels, Drachenbogen, Drachenkammer, &c. Panzer, Deut. Myth. p. 293; Grimm, Heldensage, p. 316. The chief of these are the Blocksberg, or Brocken, in the Hartz ; several Blocksbergs in Mecklenburg ; the Huiberg near Halberstadt; the Horselberg in Thuringia; the Bechelsberg in Hesse ; the Köterberg and the Weckingstein in Westphalia; the Kandel, the Heuberg, and the Staffelstein in the Black Forest; the Bischenberg and the Büchelberg in Alsace ; the Blåkulla (Black Mountain) in Sweden ; and the Blaakolle in Norway. See Thorpe, Northern Mythology, vol. i. p. 243; Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 1004. Hanenkamm and Hanenbuck in Bavaria were places of heathen worship. Mone, Gesch. Heid. vol. ii. p. 218. Heidenberg is the name of a hill near Zurich, down which on winter nights a headless horse- man is seen to ride, Meyer, Ortsnamen, p. 165. Old Scratch-Old Nick. 329 giantess.1 There is also a SCRATTA WOOD on the borders of Derbyshire. The demon Skratti still survives in the superstitions of Northern Europe. The Skratt of Sweden, with a wild horse-laugh, is believed to mock travellers who are lost upon the waste, and sundry haunted rocks on the coast of Norway still go by the name of "SKRATTASKAR.”? In the north of England the name of Skratti continues to be heard in the mouths of the peasantry, and the memory of “Old Scratch," as he is familiarly called, may probably be yet destined to survive through many future Christian centuries, in com- pany with “ Old Nick," who is none other than Nikr, the dangerous water-demon of Scandinavian legend. This dreaded monster, as the Norwegian peasant will gravely assure you, demands every year a human victim, and carries off children who stray too near his abode beneath the waters. In Iceland also, Nykr, the water-horse, is still believed to inhabit some of the lonely tarns scattered over the savage region of desolation which occupies the central portion of the island. 1 Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, p. 493 ; Ferguson, Northmen, p. 99 ; Edinburgh Review, vol. cxi. p. 386. Mella, when tired of the company of Skratti, had a separate abode on MELL FELL; unless, indeed, this name be Celtic rather than Scandinavian, and allied to the word mull, a head- land, which we have in the Mull of Cantyre and other names. Or the name of Mell Fell may be from the Icelandic melr, a sandy hill. There is a Mælifell in Iceland. 2 Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 447 ; Thorpe, Northern Mythology, vol. ii. p. 95; vol. i. p. 250. The name of Skratti is found also in the Sarmatian legends. In Bohemian Screti means a demon, See Latham, English Language, vol. i. p. 360. 3 Norwegian nök, Swedish neck, German nix, plural nixen, English nixies, and old Nick. The name of the River Neckar probably comes from the same root. Thorpe, Northern Mythology, vol. i. p. 246 ; vol. ii. p. 20 ; Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 456; Kemble, Preface to Translation of Bedrulf, p. xvii. ; Kemble; Saxons, vol. i. pp. 389–392 ; Laing, Heims- kringla, vol. i. p. 92; Baring-Gould, Iceland, p. 149. 330 Sacred Sites. Many similar traces of the old mythology are to be found in that well-stored antiquarian museum, the English language. In the phrase “ Deuce take it," the deity Tiw still continues to be invoked. The Bogie, with whose name nurses are wont to frighten children, is probably Bogu, the Sclavonic name of the Deity, and the name of Puck has been referred to the same source. The nursery legend of “ Jack and Jill” is found in the younger Edda, where the story of Hjuki (the flow) and Bil (the ebb), the two children of the Moon, is seen to be merely an exoteric version of the flowing and ebbing of the tides. The morning gossamer is the gott-cymar, the veil or trail left by the deity who has passed over the meadows in the night. The word brag has an etymological connexion with the name of Bragi, the Norse god of song and mirth, while the faithful devotees of Bragi fall after awhile under the power of Mara, a savage demon, who tortures men with visions, and crushes them even to death, and who still survives, though with mitigated powers, as the Night- mare of modern days.? i Compare Augustine, De Civitate Dei, book xv. cap. 23, "quosdam clæmones quos dusios Galli nuncupant." 2 Sanskrit bhaga, god, the sun. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. p. 654; Edinburgh Review, vol. xciv. p. 332. See, however, Davies, in Philolog. Proceed. vol. vi. p. 136; Notes and Queries, second series, vol. xi. p. 97. 3 De Belloguet, Ethnog. vol. i. p. 222. 4 Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 679 ; Müller, Alt-deut. Relig. p. 161 ; Baring- Gould, Iceland, p. 189. 5 Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterb. vol. i. p. 266; Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 215; Baring-Gould, Iceland, p. 161; Notes and Queries, second series, vol. v. p. 32. 8 Thrupp, Anglo-Saxon Home, p. 263 ; Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 215 ; Kelly, Curiosities, p. 240 ; Laing, Heimskringla, vol. i. p. 92. 7 On the subject of the Teutonic and Scandinavian mythology, as illus- Derce—Bogie-Brag—Nightmare. 331 There is another class of names of sacred sites, those, namely, which are not associated with the names of particular deities. The name of REDRUTH in Cornwall is written in old deeds Dre-druith, the town of the Druids. From the Celtic nemet, a sacred grove, we may deduce the name of NYMET ROWLAND in Devonshire, and of NISMES, anciently Nemausus, in Provence, as well as many ancient Gaulish names, such as Nemetacum" or Neme- tocenna (Arras), Vernemetum, and Tascinemetum. 2 LUND and LUNDGARTH, both in Holderness, are pro- bably from the Norse lundr, a sacred grove. The name of HOFF, near Appleby, seems to be from the Anglo- Saxon and old Norse hof, a temple. The vast inclosure of SILBURY is probably the holy hill.5 The names of trated by local names, the reader may consult Jacob Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, passim ; Buttmann, Die Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 162–169; Kemble, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. p. 243—422 ; Ferguson, Northmen in Cilin- berland, pp. 28, 95 ; Bender, Die Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 107, 108 ; Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 5; Panzer, Deutsche Mythologie; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 172 ; Worsaae, Danes and Norwegians, p. 69. A list of mythologịc names in the Tyrol is given in a paper by Zingerle, in the Germania, vol. v. p. 108. 1 Pryce, Arch. Cornu-Brit. s.v. 2 Sanskrit nam, to worship, Greek véuw, Irish nemhta, holy, Latin nemus, a grove, Gaulish nemetum, a temple, Brezonec rremet, a sacred grove. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. p. 691 ; Zeuss, Gram. Celt. vol. i. p. 186; Astruc, Languedoc, p. 439; Davies, in Philolog. Trans. for 1857, p. 91 ; Glück, Kelt. Namen, p. 75; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 65; Maury, Hist. des Forêts, p. 160. 3 LUNDEY Island in the Bristol channel, and LUNDHOLME near Lan- caster may be from this source, but more probably from the Norse lundi, a puffin. There is an islet called LUNDEY on the Icelandic coast. Baring- Gould, Iceland, p. 244. 4 There are two places called HOF in Iceland. 5 Selig, holy. See Poste, Brit. Res. p. 263. So Jerusalem is called by the Arabs EL KUDS, the holy. Compare also the name of BETHEL, the “house of God," with the Beit-allah of Mecca, and the Bætulia of early Phænician worship. Behistun is the abode of the gods, from the Sans- 332 Sacred Sites. WYDALE, WIGTHORP, and WEIGHTON, as well as WEIH- BOGEN in the Tyrol, WYBORG and WISBY, all of them holy places, probably come from the Norse vé, a sacred place. HELIGOLAND—which means “holy island land”—has been with great probability identified 2 with the insula oceani, which is described by Tacitus as the seat of the secret rites of the Angli and other adjacent con- tinental tribes. Of the numerous places bearing the name of HOLYWELL, HOLY ISLAND, and HOLY HILL,3 many were probably the sites of an ancient pagan cultus, to which, in accordance with Gregory's well weighed instructions, a Christian import was given by Augustine and his brother missionaries. The churches of St. Martin and St. Pancras, at Canterbury, as well as krit Bhaga. See Edin. Rev. vol. xciv. p. 333 ; Stanley, Jewish Church, P. 59. i We have the Gothic veihs, holy, and veihan, to consecrate; the old High German vih, a sacred grove, or temple, the German weihnacht, Christmas, and the Anglo-Saxon wiccian, fascinare, whence the English word witch. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. p. 643 ; Grimm, Deutsche Mythol. p. 581; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. ji. p. 238; Diefenbach, Ver- gleich. Wörterbuch, vol. i. pp. 137, 138; Mone, Geschichte Heidenthu112s, vol. i. p. 269 ; Thaler, in the Zeitschrift für Deut. Myth. vol. i. p. 286 ; Adelung, Mithridates, pp. 144, 169. 2 See Latham, Germania, pp. 145, 146; Eth. of Brit. Is. p. 155 ; Grimm, Deutsche Myth. p. 211; Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 75; and a paper by Maack, in the Germania, vol. iv. 3 Holy Hill is the highest point of ground in Kent. Cf. the numerous Heiligenbrunns and Heilbrunns in Germany, to the waters of many of which a supernatural efficacy was supposed to attach. The original meaning of holy is healing. See Grimm, Deritsche Myth. p. 553 ; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. vol. ii. p. 647. 4 Gregory, " diu cogitans," came to the conclusion that “fana indo- lorum destrui minime debeant," but that the idols should be destroyed, and the temples, well sprinkled with holy water, should be supplied with relics, so that the gens Anglorum “ad loca quæ consuevit familarius concurrat.” Beda, Hist. Ecc. lib. i. C. 30 ; Gregorii Magni Epistol. lib. xi, ep. lxxvi. ; Thorpe, Northern Mythology, vol. i. p. 268. . Vestiges of Sclavonic Heathenism. 333 Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's cathedral, were built on the sites of heathen temples, and are instances of this practice of enlisting, in favour of the new faith, the local religious attachments of the people. It would demand more space than the interest of the subject would warrant, to trace the local vestiges of the worship of the Sclavonian deities. They have left their names scattered far and wide over Eastern and Central Europe--a testimony to the long duration and great difficulty of the process by which the Sclavonic nations were converted to Christianity. Thus the name of Radegast, a god of light, is found at two places called RADEGAST in Mecklenburg Schwerin, one of the same name in Anhalt Dessau, and another in Oschatz; as well as at RADEGOSZ in Posen, RADIHOSCHT in Bohemia, the village of RODGES near Fulda in Hesse, anciently written villa Radegastes, and many villages bearing the names of RADIBOR, RADEBURG, RADENSDORF, and the like. We also find traces of the worship of Swjatowit,3 a deity with attributes similar to those of Radegast, of Juthrbog 4 the god of spring, of Ciza 5 the goddess of fer- tility, of Mita a malevolent cynoform deity, of Marsana? 1 See Rees, Welsh Saints, p. xii. ; Dixon and Raine, Fasti Eboracenses, P. 3; Stanley, Memorials of Canterbury, p. 21 ; Pauli, Pictures of Old England, p. 12. 2 Buttmann, Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 164, seq. ; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 246. 3 At Zwettnitz in Bohemia, Schautewitz in Pomerania, and Zwitto in Brandenburg. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 162; Maclear, Hist. of Christian Missions, p. 33. 4 Hence Jüterbogk, a large town near Berlin. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 168. 5 Hence Zeitz, near Leipsig. Buttmann, Ortsnanen, P. 168. 6 Hence Mitau in Courland. 7 Hence Marzahn near Berlin, Marzahna near Wittenberg, and Marzana in Illyria. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 169. 334 Sacred Sites. i the Sclavonic Ceres, and of Perun,1 a deity who cor- responds to the Scandinavian Thor. The subject of names derived from the eastern and classic mythologies is too extensive for discussion in this place. It would require a chapter, or even a volume to itself. There are many such places in India, Syria is full of them, they abound in Italy and Greece. Thus CALCUTTA and CALICUT are the Kali-Ghauts, the steps, or landing-places by the river-side, where the great festival of Kali was celebrated. BAALBEC was the chief seat of the worship of Baal, the ruins of whose temple, with its substructure of colossal stones, is still one of the wonders of the world. Panium, now BANIAS, was a sanctuary of Pan. The shores of the Mediterranean were covered with places bearing the names of the deities of Greece and Rome. More than a dozen might be enumerated taking their names from Neptune or Poseidon, of which PAESTUM, the ancient Posidonia, is the only one that still retains both its name and any human interest. Hercules seems to have been deemed the most powerful protector of colonies, for from him we find that some thirty or forty places were named HERA- CLEIA, HERACLEOPOLIS, or HERCULANEUM. Twenty, under the protection of Apollo, were called APOLLONIS i Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 156. 2 In the Old Testament we find many traces of the Canaanitish wor- ship still lingering in Palestine. For a long time, probably, the devo- tions of the people were attracted by the old idolatrous sanctuaries, such as Baal Gad, Baal Hermon, Baal Tamar, Baal Hazor, Baal Judah, Baal Meon, Baal Perazim, and Baal Shalisha. In the genealogies of families we find evidence of the same lingering superstitions. Thus in the family of Saul we find persons bearing the names of Baal, Eshbaal, and Meribaal. Stanley, Jewish Church, p. 291. 3 Robinson, Biblical Researches, vol. iii. p. 348. 4 MONTERCHI, in Umbria, is Mons Herculis. Conversion of the Northumbrians. 335 or APOLLONIA, and fifteen bore the name of Pallas Athene, all of which, except Athens, have sunk into obscurity. It is pleasant to leave these dry bones of a dead paganism, and turn to the names which speak to us of the first propagation of Christianity in our native land. One of the most striking scenes in the whole history of missionary enterprise was enacted in the East Riding of Yorkshire, at GOODMANHAM, or GODMUNDINGAHAM,2 a mile from WEIGHTON 3 where, as the name implies, stood a large heathen temple. Beda tells that the Bishop Paulinus presented himself on this spot before Edwin King of the Northumbrians, and urged eloquently the claims of the new faith. Coifi, the pagan high- priest, to the surprise of all, proclaimed aloud that the old religion had neither power nor utility. “If,” said he, “the gods were of any worth they would heap their favour upon me, who have ever served them with such zeal.” The demolition of the temple was decreed, but with a lingering belief in the ancient faith, all shrank from incurring the possible hostility of the old deities, by taking part in its destruction. “As an example to all,” said Coifi, “I am myself ready to destroy that which I have worshipped in my folly.” Arming himself with spear and sword, he mounted on a horse, and having profaned the temple by casting his lance against it, it was set on fire and consumed.4 TYT i In this case the name of the city is probably the source from which the cognomen of the goddess was derived. 2 The home of the mund, or protection of the gods, or from the Norse godi, a priest; hofs godi, a temple priest. Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 78. 3 The “sacred inclosure," see pp. 120, 332, supra. The ruins of the temple are to be seen near Goodmanham Church. 4 Beda, Hist. Ecc. lib. ii. c. 13. Cf. Lappenberg, Anglo-Sax. Kings, vol. i. 336 Sacred Sites. GODNEY near Glastonbury, GODMANCHESTER in Huntingdonshire, GODMANSTONE in Dorset, GODLEY in Cheshire, GODSTOW near Oxford, GODSHILL in the Isle of Wight, and GODSTONE in Surrey, were probably, like Godmundham, pagan sites consecrated to Christian worship. The prefix llan which, as we have seen, occurs so frequently in Cornwall, Wales, and the border counties, often enables us to detect the spots which were the first to be dedicated to purposes of Christian worship. The Cymric llan is replaced in Scotland and Ireland by the analogous Gadhelic word kil. Originally this denoted only a hermit's “cell," though it was after- wards used to mean the “church;" of which the hermit's cell was so often the germ. The numerous village-names which have this prefix kil possess a peculiar interest. They often point out to us the earliest local centers from which proceeded the evangelization of the half-savage Celts; they direct us to the hallowed spots where the first hermit missionaries established each his lonely cell, and thence spread around him the blessings of Christianity and of civilization. In Ireland alone there are no less than 1,400 local names which contain this root, and there are very many in Scotland also.2 In Wales and the neighbouring coun- ties, a few names occur with the prefix kil instead of llan. These names may probably be regarded as local memorials of those Irish missionaries, who about the P. 153; St. John, Four Conquests, vol. i. p. 110; Turner, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. pp. 356–360 ; Dixon and Raine, Fasti Eboracenses, vol. i. pp. 40, 41; Maclear, History of Missions, p. 114. i See p. 229, supra. 2 E.g. Kilmore, Kilkenny, Killin, Icolmkill. The Hermit Missionaries. 337 fifth century resorted in considerable numbers to the shores of Wales.1 It seems to have been by means of these Irish hermits that the fierce Scandinavians who settled in the islands off the Scottish coast were brought to submit to the gentle influences of Christianity. The Norse name for these anchorite fathers was Papar. Three islets among the Hebrides, two in the Orkneys, two in the Shet- lands,4 and others among the Faroes and off the coast of Iceland, bear the names of PABBA, or PAPA, the “Father's isle.” In the Mainland of Orkney, and again in South Ronaldshay, we find places called PAPLAY,5 the "hermit's abode," and at ENHALLOW, and at one of the PAPAS in the Orkneys, the ancient cells are still preserved. Danes, the missionary efforts seem to have been more of a parochial character. We find the prefix kirk, a church, in the names of no less than sixty-eight places in the Danelagh, while in the Saxon portion of England we find it scarcely once. KIRBY means church-village, and the Kirbys which are dotted over East Anglia and Northumbria speak to us of the time when the possession of a church by a village community was the exception, i We find Kilcwm, Kilsant, and Kilycon in Carmarthen; Kilgarran and Kilred in Pembrokeshire; Kilkenin, Kiluellon, and Kilwy in Cardigan; Kilowen in Flint; Kilgwri in Cheshire; Kilmersdon and Kilstock in Somerset; Kildare and Killow in Yorkshire; and Kilpisham in Rutland. 2 Pabba off Skye, Pabba off Harris, and Pabba off Barra. 3 Papa Westray and Papa Stronsay. 4 Papa Stour and Papa Little. 5 There is a Papil in Unst, and a Pappadill in Rum. 6 Wilson, Pre-historic Annals, p. 486; Dasent, Burnt Njal, vol. i. p. viii ; Worsaae, Danes, p. 231. 7 It is found over the whole track of the Norsemen from Kirkwall in the Orkneys, to Dunkerque in Flanders, and Querqueville in Normandy. . 338 Sacred Sites. TYT and not, as is now happily the case, the rule. These names point to a state of things somewhat similar to that now prevailing in Australia or Canada, where often but a single church and a single clergyman are to be found in a district fifty miles in circumference. Thus we may regard these Kirbys distributed throughout the Danelagh, as the sites of the mother churches, to which the surrounding parishes, whose names contain no such prefix, would bear a filial relationship. Joined with the prefixes kil and llan we find not un- frequently the name of the apostle of each wild valley or rocky islet—the first Christian missionary who ven- tured into the mountain fastnesses to tame their savage denizens. From the village-names of Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, it would be almost possible to compile a Hagiology of these sainted men, who have been canon- ized by local' tradition, though their names are seldom to be found in the pages of the Bollandists. In a few of these cases, where the same name is repeated again and again, we can only infer the fact of the dedication of the church to some saint of widely extended fame. Thus the repute of St. Bridget has given rise to no less than eighteen Kilbrides in Scotland alone. At ICOLMKILL, or Iona, as well as at INCHCOLM, COLONSAY, and KIRKCOLM, we find the name of St. Columba, the great apostle of the Picts, who is said to have founded an hundred monasteries in Ireland and Scotland. So the name of St. Ciarran, the apostle of i See Dixon and Raine, Fasti Eboracenses, vol. i. p. 27. ? Iona, the chief monastery and seminary of North Britain, and the burial-place of innumerable kings and saints, was originally bestowed on St. Columba by one of the Pictish kings. Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 132 ; Maclear, History of Christian Missions, pp. 84-90. T Local Saints. 339 the Scoto-Irish, and the founder of a monastic rule, is found at KILKIARAN in Islay, as well as at KILKERRAN in Ayrshire and in Connemara. But a very large num- ber of these saint-names are locally unique, and the parishes which bear such names are almost always the most ancient, their ecclesiastical position being that of the mother parishes, affiliated to which are the churches dedicated to saints in the Romish calendar. Hence these village-names may fairly be adduced as evidence in any attempt to localize the scene of the labours of these primitive missionaries. Our space would fail were we to attempt such a commemoration in this place; it may suffice to indicate the names of a few of the local saints who are associated with some of the more familiar localities. Thus the watering place of LLANDUDNO takes its name from St. Tudno, a holy hermit who took up his abode among the rocks of the Orme's head. LLANBERIS, now the head-quarters of Welsh tourists, commemorates the labours of St. Peris, an apostolically-minded cardinal.3 In the case of BEDDGELERT, the legend of the hound Gelert, which Spencer has so gracefully inshrined in verse, must give place to the claims of St. Celert, a Welsh saint of the fifth century, to whom the church of LLANGELLER is consecrated. LLANGOLLEN is so called from St. Collen, a man more fortunate, or unfortunate, than the majority of his brethren, in that a Welsh legend of his life has come down to us, recounting the deeds of valour which he performed when a soldier in i Rees, Welsh Saints, pp. 57, 59. . 2 Great use has been made of local names in the Lives of the Cambro- British Saints, by the Rev. W.J. Rees, and in the Essay on the Welsh Saints, by Professor Rice Rees, who enumerates 479 local saints, 3 Rees, Welsh Saints, p. 302. Z 2 340 Sacred Sites. the Roman armies; how he became Abbot of Glaston- bury, and finally retired to spend the remainder of his days in a cave scooped out in that rugged wall of cliff which bounds the lovely valley on which the saint has bestowed his name.I The name of MERTHYR TYDFIL commemorates the spot where the heathen Saxons and Picts, put to death the martyr Tydfyl, daughter of the eponymic King Brychan, who is asserted by Welsh legend to have given his name to the county of Brecknock.2 St. David or St. Dewi was a Welsh prince, whose preaching is compared to that of St. John the Baptist. He lived on herbs, and clothed himself in the skins of beasts. LLANDDEWI BREFI marks the spot where, at a synod assembled for the purpose, he refuted Pelagius. He was buried at his see of TY DDEWI, “the house of David,” a place which the Saxons call St. Davids.3 The names of St. Asaph,4 the apostle of North Wales, and of St. Maughold or Macull, the apostle of the Isle of Man, are to be found on the maps of the countries where they laboured. A few more of these names are appended in a note." ? See Borrow, Wild Wales, vol. i. p. 57; Rees, Welsh Saints, p. 302. ? Borrow, Wild Wales, vol. iii. p. 411; Haigh, Conquest of Britain, p. 251; Rees, Cambro-British Saints, pp. 602-608; Rees, Welsh Saints, p. 151. 3 Alban Butler, Lives of the Saints, March 1; Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 133 ; Rees, Cambro-British Saints, pp. 402-448; Rees, Welsh Saints, pp. 43—56, 191–201. . 5 The names of are attributed to LLANGATTOCK, Brecknock, and Monmouth . . . . . . . St. Cadoc, a martyr. CADOXTON, Glamorgan ... LLANBADERN, Radnor, andCardigan St. Padern, an Armorican bishop who came to Wales. [LLANGYBI, The Local Saints of Wales. 341 At KIRKCUDBRIGHT and elsewhere, we find the name of St. Cuthbert, a shepherd-boy who became abbot of Melrose, and the Thaumaturgus of Britain. St. Beya, an Irish virgin, lived an ascetic life at ST. BEES, where her shrine was long a great place of pilgrimage. We find the name of St. Jia, another female saint, at ST. IVES in Cornwall. There is another place called ST. IVES, which takes its name, we are told, from St. Ivon, LS LLANGYBI, near Caerleon ...la chi CAERGYBI, at Holyhead . . LLANILLTYD, Glamorgan · St. Illtyd, an Armorican. ILLSTON, Glamorgan . . . . . CRANTOCK, Cardigan. . . . . St. Carannog. LLANGADOG, Carmarthenshire . . St. Gadoga, a British saint of the fifth century, who died in Brittany. LLANIDLOES ... i . St. Idloes. ARDFINNAN, in Tipperary · · St. Finian the leper, a royal saint. INISFALLAN, in Kerry. i...s KILBAR, in the Isle of BARRA ,, St. Bar. ST. KENELM'S WELL , ...St. Kenelm, a Mercian prince, mur- dered in a wood by his aunt at the age of seven. KILLALOE . . . . . . . . St. Lua. PERRANZABULOE, or St. Perran in ) St. Piran, a bishop consecrated by Sabulo, Cornwall, a church | St. Patrick for a mission to Corn- buried in the drifting sand . ) wall. PADSTOW, i.e. Petrocstow, in Corn-St. Petroc, one of St. Patrick's mis- wall . . . . . . . . . sionary bishops. PENZANCE, 1.e. Saint's Headland. St. Anthony. The legends of St. Cadoc, St. Padern, St. Cybi, St. Illtyd, and St. Carannog will be found at length in Rees, Cambro-British Saints, pp. 309, 396, 465, 495, 502; and those of the others, in Alban Butler, Lives of the Saints, and Rees, Welsh Saints. i Cf. Gough's Camden, vol, ii, p. 248. There is a third St. Ivo, the popular saint of Brittany. He was an honest lawyer, and hence he is repre- sented as a black swan in certain mediæval verses in his honour:- " Sanctus Ivo erat Brito Advocatus, sed non latro Res miranda populo." Jephson, Tour in Brittany, p. 81. 342 Sacred Sites. a Persian bishop; but how his body reached Hunting- donshire, where it was miraculously discovered by a ploughman in the year 1001, tradition sayeth not. The neighbouring town of ST. NEOTS bears the name of St. Neot, who was a relative of King Alfred.1 ST. MA:LO takes its name from St. Maclou, as the chronicles call him. He appears to have been one of those wandering evangelists 2 of whom Ireland and Scotland sent forth so many in the sixth century, and we may perhaps conjecture that his real name was McLeod, and that his cousin St. Magloire was really a McClure. A more historical personage is St. Gall (the Gael), the most celebrated of the successors of St. Columba :-he occupied high station in France, and founded in the uncleared forest the Scotch abbey of ST. GALLEN, from which one of the Swiss cantons takes its name. Another Swiss canton, that of GLARUS, belonged to a church founded by St. Fridolin, an Irish missionary, and dedicated to St. Hilarius, a saint whose name has been corrupted into Glarus. ST. GOAR built a hut beneath the dangerous Lurlei rock, at the spot which bears his name, and devoted himself to the succour of shipwrecked mariners. 6 St. Brioc fled from the Saxon invaders of Britain, and founded a monas- tery at ST. BRIEUX in Brittany. The town of St. i Turner, Saxons, vol. i. pp. 549—553. 2 A catalogue of some of these Irish saints will be found in Alban Butler, Lives of the Saints, vol. xii. pp. 415-432. 3 For an account of St. Magloire see Ansted, Channel Islands, p. 324; Rees, Welsh Saints, p. 256. 4 Maclear, History of Missions, pp. 146-152; Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 183. 0 Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 183. 6 Maclear, History of Christian Missions, p. 132, 7 Jephson, Tour in Brittany, p. 31... St. Ives--St. Malom St. Cloud-St. Heliers. 343 OMER was the see of St. Audomar, a Suabian favourite of Dagobert, and ST. CLOUD was the scene of the retirement of St. Hlodowald, one of the saints whose royal birth facilitated their admission to the honours of the calendar.1 Legends more or less marvellous often attach to names of this class. The history of St. Brynach, who gave his name to LLANFRYNACH, is, to say the least, somewhat remark- able! We are gravely told how, for lack of a boat, he sailed from Rome to Milford Haven mounted on a piece of rock, and how among other proofs of supernatural power he freed Fishguard from the unclean spirits, who by their howlings had rendered the place uninha- bitable. Sometimes we have legends of a totally different class, as in the case of ST. HELIERS in Jersey.. Here, fied the flesh by standing on sharp stones with spikes pointed against his shoulders, and others against his breast, in order to prevent him from falling backwards or forwards in his weariness. A far more picturesque legend is that which accounts for the name of the castle of ST. ANGELO at Rome. We are told that, in the time of Gregory the Great, while a great plague was desolating Rome, the Pontiff, 1 SANTAREM, SANTIAGO, and SANTANDER, in the Peninsula, take their names respectively from St. Irene, a holy virgin, St. James, and St. Andrew; ARCHANGEL, in Russia, from St. Michael ; MARSABA, on the Dead Sea, from the celebrated St. Saba, hermit and abbot. 2 Rees, Cambro-British Saints, pp. 289—298; Rees, Welsh Saints, P. 156. 3 Not to be confounded with St. Hilarius, Bishop of Poitiers, or with Hilarius, Bishop of Arles, to whom Waterland has assigned the authorship of the Athanasian Creed. 4 Latham, Channel Islands, pp. 320-323. 344 Sacred Sites. TI walking in procession at the head of his monks, and chaunting a solemn litany for the deliverance of the city, saw, or thought he saw, St. Michael, the destroying angel, standing upon the very summit of the vast mausoleum of Hadrian, in the act of sheathing his avenging sword. The plague ceased, and thencefor- ward, in memory of the miracle, the tower bore the .name of the castle of the angel, whose effigy, poised upon its summit in eternal bronze, is pointed out as a perpetual evidence of the truth of the legend.1 Where the reputed burial-places of celebrated saints have become great places of pilgrimage, the name of the saint has often superseded the original appellation. Thus the reputed tomb of Lazarus has changed the local name of Bethany to EL LAZARIEH; and Hebron, the place of interment of Abraham, who was called the friend of God, is now called by the Arabs EL KHALIL, or “the friend.” 2 ST. EDMUND'S BURY in Suffolk, was the scene of the martyrdom of St. Edmund, king of the East Angles. He was taken prisoner by Ingvar the Viking, and having been bound to a tree, he was scourged, and made a target for the arrows of the Danes, and was finally beheaded.3 ST. OSYTH in Essex is said to bear the name of a queen of the East Angles who was beheaded by the Danes.4 ST. ALBANS claims to be i Dean Milman has ruthlessly pronounced this picturesque legend to be inconsistent with Gregory's own letters. History of Latin Christ, vol. i. P. 409. 2 Stanley, Jewish Church, p. 488. 3 Matthew of Westminster, Roger Wendover, and John of Brompton, apud Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. ii. p. 39; St. John, Four Con- quests, vol. i. p. 253 ; Sharon Turner, Saxons, vol. i. pp. 521–525. 4 Gough's Camden, vol. ii. pp. 124, 138. The name seems to be eponymic. Osyth means "water channel," and would correctly characterize the natural features of the spot. Places of Pilgrimage. 345 the scene of the sufferings of the protomartyr of Britain, and the still more marvellous legend of Dionysius the Areopagite finds a local habitation at ST. DENIS, the burial-place of the kings of France. The name of SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELLA in Spain has been curi- ously formed out of the Latin phrase Sancto Jacobo Apostolo, Of the great monastic edifices of later ages, most of which are now demolished wholly or in part, or devoted to other purposes, we find traces in the names of AX- MINSTER, LEOMINSTER, KIDDERMINSTER, WESTMINSTER, WARMINSTER, BEDMINSTER, BEAMINSTER, STURMIN- STER, UPMINSTER, and others. Minster is the Anglo- Saxon form of the Low Latin Monasterium. From the same word come the names of several places called MONSTIERS, MOUSTIERS, or MOUTIER in France and Switzerland, and various MONASTIRS in Greece and Thessaly. The bay of ABER BENIGUET in Brittany, takes its name from the lighthouse which the Bene- dictine monks maintained to warn vessels from the dangerous rocks upon the coast. MÜNCHEN, or Munich as we call it, takes its name from the warehouse in which the monks (German mönche) stored the produce of their valuable salt-mines at Reichenhall and Salzburg. ABBEVILLE was the township belonging to the Abbot of St. Valeri, seized and fortified by Hugh Capet.3 Numerous names, such as NUNTHORPE and NUNEATON, STAPLEFORD ABBOTS and ABBOTS LANGLEY, BISHOPSLEY and BISHOPS STORTFORD, MONKTON and MONKLANDS, PRESTON and PRESTWICH, PRIORS HARDWICK, BUCK-- - 1 Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 54. 2 Ibid. vol. i. p. 382. 3 Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. iii. p. 56. 346 Sacred Sites. LAND MONACHORUM, KINGSBURY EPISCOPI, and TOLLER FRATRUM, record the sites of the long-secularized pos- sessions of nuns, abbots, priors, bishops, friars, monks, and priests. The word Temple often appears as a prefix or suffix in village names, and marks the posses- sion of the Templars : such are CRESSING TEMPLE and TEMPLE ROYDON in Essex, TEMPLE CHELSING, and TEMPLE DINSLEY in Herts. TERREGLES in Dumfries is a corruption of Terra Ecclesiæ, a phrase which is usually translated into the form of KIRKLANDS, or corrupted into ECCLES. The name of AIX-LA-CHAPELLE ? reminds us of the magnificent shrine erected over the tomb of Charlemagne, and CAPEL CURIG of the chapel of a humble British saint. i Sion House, near Kew, was a nunnery. Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 88. 2 Mr. Burgon, in his amusing letters from Rome, has recently pointed out an undoubted etymology for this word chapel, which has so long puzzled etymologists. It seems to have been the name given to the arched sepulchres excavated in the walls of the catacombs of Rome, which afterwards became places where prayer was wont to be made. The Low Latin capella is the hood or covering of the altar. Hence our words cape and cap. See Wedge. wood, Dictionary of English Etymol. vol. i. p. 322. The inscription in the catacombs which gave Mr. Burgon the clue is literatim as follows: "EGO SECUNDA FECI CAPELLA BÖNE MEMORIE FILIEM MEEM SECUNDINEM QE RECESSIT IN FIDEM CUM FRATREM SUM LAURENTIUM IN PACE RECES- ERUND.” Letters from Rome, p. 206. Any of our young schoolboy readers may correct the grammar, and then translate the inscription for their sister's benefit. Geology and Etymology. 347 CHAPTER XIV. PHYSICAL CHANGES ATTESTED BY LOCAL NAMES. The nature of geological changes—The valley of the Thames once a lagoon filled with islets~ Thanet once an island-Reclamation of Romney Marsh -Newhaven-Somersetshire, The Traeth Mawr- The Carse of Gowrie Loch Mareem The Fens of Cambridgeshire–The Isle of Axholme-Silting up of the lake of Geneva—Increase of the Delta of the Po— Volcanoes— Destruction of ancient Forests—Icelandic Forests- The Weald of Kent—112- crease of population-Populousness of Saxon England, The nature of Saxon husbandry-English vineyards-Extinct animals: the wolf, badger, auroch, and beaver-Ancient Salt Works--- Lighthouses—Changes in the relative commercial importance of towns. VAST geological operations are still in progress on this globe; continents are slowly subsiding at the rate of a few inches in a century; while new lands are uprising out of the waters, and extensive deltas are in process of formation by alluvial deposition. But these changes, vast as is their aggregate amount, are so gradual that generations pass away without having made note of any sensible mutations. Local names, however, form an en- during chronicle, and often enable us to detect the pro- gress of these physical changes, and occasionally even to assign a precise date to the period of their operation. Thus it is not difficult to prove that the present aspect of the lower valley of the Thames is very different from what it must have been a thousand years ago. Instead 348 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. of being confined within regular banks the river must have spread its sluggish waters over a broad lagoon, which was dotted with marshy islands. This is indicated by the fact that the Anglo-Saxon word ea or cy, an island, enters into the composition of the names of many places by the river-side which are now joined to the mainland by rich pastures. BERMONDSEY, PUTNEY, CHERTSEY, MOULSEY, IFFLEY, OSNEY, WHITNEY, and ETON or Eaton, were all islands in the lagoon. The Abbey Church of Westminster was built for security on THORNEY Island, and the eastern portion of the water in St. James's Park is a part of that arm of the Thames which encircled the sanctuary of the monks, and the palace of the Anglo-Saxon kings. The name CHELSEA is a contraction of chesel-ea, or “shingle island," and in its natural features the place must have once resembled the eyots which are found in the Thames near Hampton. In Leland's time there was a shingle bank at the mouth of the Axe in Devon called the Chisille. The long ridge of shingle which joins the Isle of Portland to the mainland is also called the Chesil bank; and the name of the Isle of Portland proves that the formation of this ridge took place in modern times, subsequent to the period when Anglo-Saxon gave place to modern English. The Isle of Thanet was formerly as much an island as the Isle of Sheppey is at the present time. Ships bound up the Thames used ordinarily to avoid the perils of the North Foreland by sailing through the channel between the island and the mainland, entering by Sand- wich and passing out by Reculver, near Herne Bay. SANDWICH, or “sandy bay," was then one of the chief ports of debarkation; but the sands have filled up the 1 The island at the confluence of the Mole and the Thames. Silting up of the Stour. . 349 wick or bay, the ancient port is now a mile and a half distant from high-water mark; and the ruins of Rutupiæ, now Richborough, the port where the Roman fleets used to be laid up, are now surrounded by fine pastures. EBBFLEET, which is now half a mile from the shore, was a port in the twelfth century, and its name indicates the former existence of a “tidal channel” at the spot.2 This navigable channel, which passed between the Isle of Thanet and the mainland, has been silted up by the deposits brought down by the River Stour. STOUR- MOUTH—the name, be it noted, is English, not Anglo- Saxon—is now four miles from the sea, and marks the former embouchure of this river. CHISELET, close by, was once a shingle islet, and the name of FORDWICK, five miles farther inland, proves that in the time of the Danes the estuary must have extended nearly as far as Canterbury.4 ROMNEY Marsh,5 which is now a fertile tract contain- ing 50,000 acres of the best pasturage in England, must, in Saxon times, have resembled the shore near Lymington-aworthless muddy flat, overflowed at every tide. OLD ROMNEY, NEW ROMNEY, and SCOTNEY, were i Stanley, Memorials of Canterbury, p. 13. 2 The Celtic name of DURLOCK, more than a mile from the sea, means "water lake," and indicates the process by which the estuary was converted into meadow. 3 Fordwick means in Danish the bay on the arm of the sea. (See p. 161, supra). Fordwick was anciently the port of Canterbury, and a corporate town. Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 356. Norwich in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was on the banks of an arm of the sea." Lyell, Principles of Geology, p. 307. 4 Beyond Canterbury is Olantigh, anciently Olantige, whose name shows that in Saxon times it must have been an ige, or island. 5 From the Gaelic word ruimne, a marsh. The name of RAMSEY, in the Fens, is derived from the same source. 350 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. low islands which afforded sites for the earliest fisher- villages. The name of WINCHELSEA, or gwent-chesel-ey, enlightens us as to the process by which these islands were formed-namely, by the heaping up of shingle banks at the seaward edge of the muddy flats. The recent origin of this tract of land, and the gradual progress of its reclamation, are moreover curiously illustrated by the fact that over the greater portion of the marsh the local names present a marked contrast to the ancient names which so abound in Kent. They are purely English, such as IVYCHURCH, FAIRFIELD, BROOKLAND, and NEWCHURCH. In a few of the more elevated spots the names are Saxon or Celtic, as WINCHELSEA or ROMNEY, while it is only when we come to the inland margin of the marsh that we meet with a fringe of ancient names like LYMNE or APPLEDORE,2 which show the existence of continuous habitable land in the times of the Romans or the Celts.3 LYMNE, the ancient Portus Lemanus, is the kaivos Reuniv of Ptolemy, and was one of the three great fortified harbours which protected the communications of the Romans with the Continent. The ruins of the 1 Dungeness, at the southern extremity of Romney Marsh, is a long spit of shingle, derived from the disintegration of the cliffs at Beachy Head, and has for the last two centuries been advancing seaward at the rate of nearly twenty feet per annum. Lyell, Principles, p. 316, 2 From the Celtic dwr, water. Appledore was once a maritime town. See Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 368. 3 The same is the case in the Fens. The portions reclaimed at an early period show English names surrounded by a border of Danish names on the north, and of Saxon names on the south. The same is the case with the Delta of the Rhone. Places lying to the north of the old Roman road be- tween Nismes and Beziers have Celtic names, while all those to the south of the road have names of Romance derivation. Astruc, Hist. Languedoc, pp. 374, 375; Lyell, Principles, p. 258. Forination of Romney Marsh. 351 YYYY TYN Roman port are now nearly two miles from the sea. The names of WEST HYTHE, which is more than a mile from the shore, and of HYTHE, which is only half a mile, chronicle the silting up of the backwater which formed the ancient port, and the successive seaward ad- vances of the shingle since the time when the Saxon word hithe was superseded by its English equivalent “haven." I The name of NEWHAVEN commemorates a geological event of an opposite character. LEWES was anciently a port, and HAMSEY was a marshy island in the estuary of the River Ouse, which then entered the sea at SEA- FORD,3 but a great storm in the year 1570 permanently changed its course, and the port of Newhaven has arisen at the new outlet of the river.4 PEVENSEY and SELSEV are now no longer islands, the channels which divided them from the mainland having been silted up. The name of SELSEY (seal's island) 'reminds us of the remote period when seals lay basking on the Sussex coast.5 . The central part of Somersetshire presents many times STICKLINCH, MOORLINCH, and CHARLINCH were islands, as was the case in the Saxon period with MUCHELNEY, RODNEY, GODNEY, ATHELNEY, HENLEY, BRADNEY, HORSEY, HACKNEY, OTHERY, MIDDLENEY, 1 Wright, Wanderings of an Antiquary, p. 123. 2 See p. 171, supra. 3 Probably from the Danish fjord. 4 The name of NEWPORT in South Wales reminds us in like manner of the decay of the Roman port at Caerleon, and the erection of another a little nearer to the sea; and NEWPORT in the Isle of Wight has taken the place of an older harbour near Carisbrooke. 5 See Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 268. 6 See Macaulay, History of England, vol. i. p. 604. 352 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. 1 1 THORNEY, CHEDZOY, WESTONZOYLAND, MIDDLEZOY, and WESTHOLME, while the pasture-land called MEARE must once have been the bed of an inland lake. The whole district of the TRAETH MAWR or “Great Sand” in North Wales was an estuary at no very remote period. The action of the sea may be distinctly traced along the rocks near Tremadoc.1 Almost every rocky knoll on the wide flat pasture land bears the name of yrys, or island, and must once have been surrounded by every tide, as is still the case with Ynys-gifftan and Ynys-gyngar. YNYS FAWR and YNYS FACH, the “Great Island” and the “ Little Island” are now two miles from the sea. From YNYS HIR, now some way inland, Madoc is said to have sailed in quest of unknown lands. Ywern, two miles from the sea, was once a sea-port, as is proved by the parish register of Penmorpha.4 The tract of land near Dartmouth called NEW GROUND was only reclaimed from the river a century ago.5 ROOD- EY, which now forms the race-course at Chester, was formerly an island surrounded by the river Dee, like the INCHES, or islands of Perth. The Carse of Gowrie is the bed of an ancient arm of the sea, which having been nearly filled up by the alluvium of the Tay and the Earn, has, in common with the whole of central Scotland, undergone an elevation of twenty to thirty feet since the Roman period. INCHTURE, INCHMARTIN, 1 i The site of this town was reclaimed from the sea in 1813 by means of an embankment made by Mr. Maddock. 2 E.g. YNYS-GWELY, YNYS-CEILIOG, YNYS-CALCH, YNYS-TYWYN. 3 YNYS GWERTHERYN, south of Harlech, is a mile inland. 4 Davis, on the Geology of Tremadoc, in Quarterly Fournal of the Geo- logical Society, for May, 1846, vol. ii. pp. 70-75 : Chambers, Ancient Sea Margins, p. 20. 5 Murray, Handbook to Devonshire and Cornwall, p. 58. Recent Elevation of Scotland. 353 INCHMICHAEL, INCHYRA, and MEGGINCH were, as the names witness, islands in this frith. In the plain a little below Dunkeld, a hillock containing 156 acres goes by the name of INCHTUTHILL, "the island of the flooded stream,” showing that the Tay must once have sur- rounded it.2 This secular elevation of Scotland may also be traced by means of the raised beaches on the western coast. Here also we meet with a remarkable etymological confirmation of the results arrived at on independent grounds by geological investigators. "Loch Ewe, in Ross-shire, one of our salt sea lochs," says Hugh Miller, “receives the waters of Loch Maree-a noble freshwater lake, about eighteen miles in length, so little raised above the sea level that ere the last upheaval of the land it must have formed merely the upper reaches of Loch Ewe. The name Loch Maree—Mary's Loch — is evidently mediæval. And, curiously enough, about a mile beyond its upper end, just where Loch Ewe would have terminated ere the land last arose, an ancient farm has borne, from time immemorial, the name of KINLOCH EWE—the head of Loch Ewe." 4 START ISLAND, in the Orkneys, has in comparatively recent times been separated from the Island of Sanda. The word start means a tail, as in the case of Start-point, in Devon, and the redstart or red-tailed bird. Thus the TV i Chambers, Ancient Sea Margins, p. 19; Geikie, “On the Date of the Last Elevation of Central Scotland,” in Quarterly. Journal of Geological Society, vol. xviii. p. 227. An anchor has been dug up at Megginch, and at the farm of Inchmichael a boat-hook was found at a depth of eight feet below the soil, and twenty feet above the present high watermark. 2 Chambers, Ancient Sea Margims, p. 44. 3 Or, perhaps, from the Celtic mor, the sea. 4 Hugh Miller, Lectures on Geology, p. 23. A A 354 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. name of this island proves that it was once only a long promontory projecting from the island of Sanda. The Fens of Cambridgeshire aud Huntingdonshire constitute a vast alluvial flat of more than a thousand square miles in extent, and must formerly have been a shallow bay six times as large as the Wash, which has been silted up by the deposits of the Nen, the Welland, and the Ouse. The local names in this district show, as might have been expected, great alterations in the distribution of land and water. HOLBEACH is now six miles from the coast, and WISBEACH, the beach of the Wash or Ouse, is seven miles inland. The ancient sea-wall, now at a considerable distance from the shore, has given rise to the local names of WALSOKEN, WALTON, and WALPOLE. The tide does not now come within two miles of TYDD, and almost all the present villages in the Fen country were originally islands, as is shown by their names. Thus Tilney, Gedney, Stickney, Ramsey, Thorney, Stuntney, Southery, Norney, Quaney, Helgae, Higney, Spinney, Whittlesey, Yaxley, Ely, Holme, Oxney, Eye, Coveny, Monea, Swathesey, Sawtrey, Raveley, Rowoy, and Wiskin,3 are no longer, as they once were, detached islands in the watery waste; the great inland seas of Ramsey Mere and Whittlesey Mere are now drained, and the flocks of wildfowl have given place to flocks of sheep. The Isle of AXHOLME or AXELHOLME, in Lincoln- 1 Lyell, Principles, P. 302. 2 We have also LANDBEACH, WATERBEACH, ASBEACH, OVER (Anglo-Saxon ufer, a shore), and ERITH (ora, shore, and hithe, haven), which are all places on the edge of the present Fen district. 3 Both syllables of this name are Celtic. It is evidently the water island." See p. 204, supra. The Fens. 355 1 shire, is now joined to the main land by a wide tract of rich cornland. The name shows that it has been an island during the time of the Celts, Saxons, Danes, and English. The first syllable Ax is the Celtic word for the water by which it was surrounded. The Anglo- Saxons added their word for island to the Celtic name, and called it Axey. A neighbouring village still goes by the name of HAXEY. The Danes added holm, the Danish word for island, to the Saxon name, and modern English influences have corrupted Axeyholme into Axelholme, and contracted it into Axholme, and have C evidence afforded by the name is supplemented by historical facts. In the time of Henry II. the island was attacked and taken by the Lincolnshire men in rounded by broad waters, across which the islanders sailed once a week to attend the market at Doncaster. We can trace similar changes on the Continent. The city of LISLE is built on L'isle, once an island. MON- TREUIL SUR MER, formerly Monasteriolum super Mare, was built in the year goo, on the banks of an estuary which has been silted up, and the town is now separated fleet once sailed up to Bavent, which is now ten miles from the sea. WISSAN is now four miles from the sea. The name is a corruption of the Norse Wissant or Witsand, and refers to the “white sand” which has choked up the harbour from which, in all probability, Cæsar first sailed for Britain.3 ST. PIERRE-SUR-LE- 1 Smiles, Lives of the Engineers, vol. i. p. 37. 2 Palgrave, England and Normandy, vol. ii. p. 57. 3 Ibid. vol. ii. p. 200. Α Α 2 356 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. DIGUE, near Bruges, is six miles from the present seawall, and the town of DAMME, which once possessed an harbour and considerable maritime trade, is now an inland agricultural town. NÔTRE DAME DES PORTS, at the mouth of the Rhone, was an harbour in the year 898, but is now three miles from the sea. OSTIA, as the name implies, and as we are expressly told, was founded at the mouth of the Tiber, but the alluvial matter from the Apennines brought down by the yellow river has now advanced the coast line three miles beyond Ostia.3 There are but few islands in the world whose names do not contain some root denoting their insular character. A remarkable exception to this rule is to be found in the names of the islands which lie off the mouth of the Scheldt, and at the entrance of the Zuyder Zee. Does not the circumstance bear a striking testimony to the historical fact that it is only within comparatively recent times that the delta of the Scheldt has been broken up, and the Zuyder Zee formed by incursions of the ocean? PORT VALAIS, the Portus Valesiæ of the Romans, occupies the site of the ancient harbour at the upper end of the Lake of Geneva. The alluvium of the Rhone has advanced the land nearly two miles in less than two thousand years, being at the rate of between four and five feet per annum. VILLENEUVE, the new town, has taken the place of the old port. The southern face of the Alps is bare and precipitous, and from meteorological causes, which are well under- stood, the district is peculiarly liable to sudden and YYY i Burn, Tour in Belgium, p. 14. 2 Lyell, Principles, p. 259. 3 Bunbury, in Smith's Dict. of Geogr. s. v. Ostia. Delta of the Po. 357 violent falls of rain. The rivers of Lombardy are, in consequence, charged with an exceptional amount of alluvial matter. The whole plain of the Po is rapidly rising, so much so that at Modena the ruins of the Roman city are found forty feet beneath the surface of the ground. Hence at the embouchures of the Po and the Adige we might anticipate rapid changes in the coast line ; and this we find to be the case. We find a range of ancient dunes and sea beaches stretching from Brandolo to Mesola. Ravenna, now four miles inland, stood on the coast two thousand years ago. One of the suburbs of Ravenna is called CLASSE, a corruption of Classis, the ancient name of the port, which was capable of giving shelter to 250 ships of war. Classe is now separated from the sea by a dense forest of stone-pines two miles in breadth. The Adriatic takes its name from the town of ADRIA, which was its chief port, B.C. 200. ATRI, the modern town upon the site, is now nearly twenty miles from the coast. The present delta of the Po, containing 2,800 square miles, was probably at no very distant date a shallow lagoon, resembling that which is crossed by the railway viaduct between Mestre and Venice. The delta com- mences at the town of OSTEGLIA, now eighty-six miles from the sea. The name of Osteglia would indicate that here formerly was the embouchure of the Po. ESTE is nearly thirty miles inland, and the name seems also to be a corruption of the word ostia. The Po has, moreover, frequently changed its channel, and two of these deserted river-beds are known by the names of the PO MORTO, the PO VECCHIO. 1 Niebuhr, Lectures on Ethnol, and Geogr. vol. ii. p. 240; Lyell, Prin- ciples, p. 256; Marsh, Man and Nature, p. 256. 2 Lyell, Principles, p. 255; Beardmore, Hydrology, pp. 164–180. 358 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. The name of VESUVIUS is probably Oscan, and proves, as Benfey thinks, that this volcano must have been in eruption some 2,400 years ago, before the Greeks arrived in Italy. A similar conclusion may be deduced from the fact that the name of ETNA means a “furnace" in the Phænician language.2 On the Bay of Baia we find MONTE NUOVO, the "new mountain," which, at the time of the eruption in the year 1538, was thrown up to a height of 440 feet in less than a week. 3 Near Primiero, in the Italian Tyrol, is a lake, three miles long, called LAGO NUOVO. This was formed a few years ago by a landslip which choked up the entrance to one of the narrow mountain valleys.* The physical condition and the climate of the northern hemisphere have been largely affected by the destruction of the forests which once clothed the greater part of Europe. The notices of ancient writers are seldom sufficiently definite or copious to enable us to discover the extent of the old woodland. Occasionally we have tangible evidence such as is supplied by the bog oak of Ireland, or the buried trees of Lincolnshire. But ancient names here stand us in good stead, and enable us, at certain definite periods, to discover with considerable precision, the extent of primæval forests now partly or entirely destroyed. i Benfey, in Höfer's Zeitschrift, vol. ii. p. 118. Cf. the Sanskrit vasu, fire. 2 See p. 93, supra. The name of SODOM means burning, thereby indi- cating, as Dr. Stanley has suggested, the volcanic character of the region in which the catastrophe took place. Sinai and Pal. p. 289. 3 Lyell, Principles of Geology, pp. 366—372. 4 Gilbert and Churchill, Dolomite Mountains, P. 451. 5 See Marsh, Man and Nature, pp. 128–329. Destruction of Forests. 359 The local names of Iceland show in a very curious manner the way in which the rigour of the climate and the scarcity of fuel have caused the total destruction of the few forests of dwarf trees which existed at the time when the island was first discovered. At the present time, a solitary tree, about thirty feet in height, is the sole representative of the former Icelandic forests; and the stunted bushes growing on the heaths are so eagerly sought for fuel that, as a recent traveller has observed, the loss of a toothpick is likely to prove an irreparable misfortune. The chief resource of the inhabitants is the drift-wood cast upon the coast by the gulf stream, or the costly substitute of Norwegian timber. But at the time of the first settlement of the island there must have been considerable tracts of woodland. In the Land- namabok we find no less than thirty-one local names containing the suffix holt, a wood, and ten containing the word skogr, a shaw. Most of these names still re- main, though every vestige of a wood has disappeared. Thus there are several places still called HOLT; and we also find HOLTFORD, SKALHOLT, REYKHOLT (where Snorro Sturleson was murdered), SKOGARFOSS, Cape SKAGI, SKOGCOTTR, and BLASKOGIHEIDI or Blue-wood- Heath. The name of HOLSTEIN, or Hol-satia, means the Forest settlement, and it probably indicates, as Dr. Latham has observed, that the now barren Segeberger Heath was once a vast forest which supplied a portion of the Angles with the materials for the fleets with which they invaded the shores of England. In southern Europe names like BROGLIO, BROLO, and BREUIL attest the former existence of forests in districts 1 English Language, vol. i. p. 123. 360 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. now entirely bare. The name of the island of MADEIRA bears witness to the vast forests which clothed the moun- tains of the island, and which were wantonly destroyed by fire soon after the discovery by the Portuguese. The bare heaths to the south-west of London seem to have been at one time partially clothed with forest. This is indicated by the root holt (German Holz), which we find in the names of BAGSHOT, BADSHOT, EWSHOT, LODSHOT, BRAMSHOT, ALDERSHOT, and ALDERSHOLT. The vast tract in Kent and Sussex which is now called the WEALD,2 is the remains of a Saxon forest called the Andredesleah, which, with a breadth of 30 miles, stretched for 120 miles along the northern frontier of the kingdom of the South Saxons. In the district of the Weald almost every local name, for miles and miles, terminates in hurst, ley, den, or field. The hursts 3 and charts 4 were the denser portions of the forest; the leys were the open forest glades where the cattle love to lie ; 5 i Marsh, Man and Nature, p. 129. So also local names attest the former existence of the forests which covered the now bare slopes of the High Alps of Dauphiny. Ib. p. 24. 2 Cf. the German wald, wood. WELL Street is the name of the Roman road which ran through the wooded district. Maury, Hist. des Forêts, p. 129. 3 E.g. Penshurst, Lyndhurst, and Chiselhurst. 4 As in Seal Chart and Chart Sutton in Kent. The word chart is identical with the hart (wood, or forest), which we find in such German names as the HARTZ Mountains, the HERCYNIAN Forest, HUNHART, LYNDHART, &c. H and ch are interchangeable, as in the case of the Chatti, who have given their name to Hesse. There seems to have been a German word hard or charud, from which hart and chart are derived. We find it in the names of the “forest tribes,” the Harudes and the Cherusci. Cf. Latham, English Language, vol. i. p. 57 ; Maury, Hist. des Forêts, p. 187. 5 The root of the word leah or lea, is the verb “to lie." Kemble, Codex Dipl. vol. iii. p. xxxiii. The Weald. 361 the dens I were the deep wooded valleys, and the fields 2 were little patches of "felled” or cleared lands in the midst of the surrounding forest. From PETERSFIELD and MIDHURST, by BILLINGHURST, CUCKFIELD, WAD- HURST, and LAMBERHURST, as far as HAWKSHURST and TENTERDEN, these forest names stretch in an un- interrupted string. The dens were the swine pastures ; and down to the seventeenth century the “Court of Dens," as it was called, was held at Aldington to deter- mine disputes arising out of the rights of forest pasture.4 1 Den is probably a Celtic word adopted by the Saxons. The ARDENNES is the “great forest” on the frontiers of Belgium and France. On the word den, see Leo, Rectitudines, p. 91; Kemble, Saxons, vol. i. p. 481 ; Maury, Hist. des Forêts, p. 167. 2 E.g. Cuckfield, Lindfield, Uckfield. On field see note on p. 160, supra. 3 An analysis of the forest names in the Weald gives the following results :- hurst | ley holt, hot field Total Central Kent .... Northern Sussex . . .1 Southern Surrey ... Eastern Hants. ... Total . . . . . 100 59 299 4 The surnames Hayward and Howard are corruptions of Hogwarden, an officer elected annually to see that the swine in the common forest pas- tures or dens were duly provided with rings, and were prevented from straying. The Howard family first comes into notice in the Weald, where their name would lead us to expect to find them. So the family name of Woodward is vudu veard, the wood warden, whose duties were analogous to those of the howard. There are many evidences of the importance attached to swine in Anglo-Saxon times. Flitch is etymologically the same word as fleisch or flesh, showing that the flesh of swine was pre-eminently 362 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. Ir Another line of names ending in den testifies to the existence of the forest tract in Hertfordshire, Bedford- shire, and Huntingdonshire, which formed the western boundary of the East Saxon and East Anglian king- doms. HENLEY IN ARDEN, and HAMPTON IN ARDEN, are vestiges of the great Warwickshire forest of ARDEN, which stretched from the forest of Dean to Sherwood Forest. The BLACK FOREST in Argyle is now almost entirely destitute of trees, and the same is the case with the COTSWOLD Hills in Gloucestershire. This name con- tains two synonymous elements. The second syllable is the Anglo-Saxon weald, a wood, which we find in the now treeless WOLDS of Yorkshire; and the first portion is the Celtic coed, a wood, which we find in CHAT MOSS, CATLOW, COITMORE, GOODGRAVE, and CAD- BEESTON.? The name of DERBY, the “village of wild beasts,"3 shows us the state of things on the arrival of the Danes. The Midland Derby lay between the forests of Arden and Sherwood. The hundred of Derby, which occupies the southern portion of Lancashire, and includes the populous towns of Liverpool and Wigan, was one vast “the flesh” to which our ancestors were accustomed. Sir Walter Scott, in the well-known forest dialogue in Ivanhoe, has pointed out the fact that while veal, beef, mutton, and venison are Norman terms, bacon is Saxon. Cf. Mrs. Grote, Collected Papers, p. 165; Kemble, Anglo-Saxons, vol. i. pp. 481—-486 ; Leo, Rectitudines, p. 129; Marsh, Lectures on English Language, p. 248. i See pp. 210-213, supra. 2 Whitaker, History of Whalley, P. 9; Verstegan, Restitution, p. 262. 3 The German word thier still means any wild animal; but in England the extermination of the wolf, the wild ox, and the badger, has left the “deer" as the solitary representative of the German thier. Forest-Names. 363 the midst, till at length the villages of Ormskirk and Preston grew up around the church built by Ormr, and the priest's house. Indeed, Lancashire, which is now such a busy hive of workers, was one of the most desolate and thinly peopled parts of England before coal had been discovered under- lying her barren moorlands and thick forests. An analysis of the local names will enable us to make a rough comparison of the area anciently under cultivation with that which was unreclaimed. Throughout Lan- cashire we find very few names ending in borough, by, or thorpe, and hence we conclude that the number of villages and towns was small. There is a fair sprinkling of names in ham, worth, and cote, suffixes' which would denote detached homesteads; while the very large number of names which are compounded with the words shaw, holt, ley, hill, and mere, prove that the greater portion of the county consisted only of woodland or wild moor.2 In order to arrive at somewhat definite results an analysis has been made of the local names in the counties of Surrey and Suffolk. Of the total number of names in Surrey 36 per cent have terminations like wood, holt, hurst, ley, den, or noor, and 12 per cent. end in don, combe, ridge, hill, &c., while 40 per cent. exhibit such suffixes as ham, worth, cote, ton, sted, or borough, whence we gather that the proportion of uninhabited to in- habited places was 48 to 40. In Suffolk, on the other hand, the population seems to have been much more dense, for 65 per cent. of the names denote habitations, 18 per cent. denote wood and moorland, and 7 per cent. i See Whitaker, History of Manchester, vol. ii. p. 403. % Davies, in Philolog. Trans. for 1855, p. 262. 1 364 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. 1 denote hills. It would thus appear that the ratio of the density of the population in Suffolk to that in Surrey was approximately as 13 to 8, whereas at the present time the population of Suffolk is 215 to the square mile, and that of Surrey 842, or in the ratio of 13 to 48. The names which we have been considering indicate the former existence of ancient forests that have been cleared. In Hampshire we are presented with the con- verse phenomenon; we meet with names which establish a fact which has been doubted by some historical in- quirers, that extensive populated districts were afforested to form what now constitutes the New Forest. The very name of the NEW FOREST has its historical value- and within its present reduced area, the sites of some of the villages that were destroyed are attested by names like TROUGHAM, FRITHAM, WOOTON, HINTON, BOCH- AMPTON, TACHBURY, WINSTED, CHURCH WALK, and CHURCH MOOR, while the village names of Greteham, Adelingham, Wolnetune, and Bermintone survive only in the Domesday record.2 The hundred is supposed to have been originally the settlement of one hundred free families of Saxon colonists, i We may tabulate these results as follows:- Names in ham. ton. ing. thorpe. or busert borough wood. Thurst wood. hurst. Suffolk. ... Surrey . . . . 5 I | 12 10 1 31 9 40 | ILO 14 36 5 2 Ellis, Introduction to Domesday, p. xxxiv. A colony of the dispossessed villagers was established at Carlisle by Rufus. Of this I can find no trace in local names. See Palgrave, Eng. Common. vol. i. p. 449. 365 Populousness of Saxon England. just as the canton was a similar Celtic division." In rural districts the population must have increased at least tenfold—often in a much larger proportion--since the period of the formation of the present hundreds. Many single agricultural parishes contain a hundred families removed above the labouring class, and we may probably conclude that the population is equal to that one of the Saxon hundreds. The manner in which the island was gradually peopled, and the distribution and relative density of the Saxon population, are curiously indicated by the varying sizes of the hundreds. In Kent, Sussex, and Dorset, which were among the earliest settlements, the small dimensions of the hundreds prove that the Saxon population was very dense, whereas, when we approach the borders of Wales and Cumberland, where the Saxon tenure was one rather of conquest than of colonization, and where a few free families probably held in check a considerable subject population, we find that the hundreds include a much larger area. Thus the average number of square miles in each hundred is, In Sussex . . . . . . 23 1 Kent. . . . . . . 24 Dorset . . . . . . Wiltshire . . . . . Northamptonshire . . 52 Surrey. · 58 In Herts . . . . . . 79 Gloucestershire . .. 97 Nottinghamshire . . . 105 Derbyshire . . . . . 162 Warwickshire . . . . 179 Lancashire . . . . . 302 We arrive at somewhat similar conclusions from the proportions of the slaves to the rest of the population, as returned in Domesday. In the east of England we 1 From the Welsh cant, a hundred. See Diefenbach, Celtica, i. pp. 113 -115; Hallam, Middle Ages, vol. ii. P. 391. 366 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. find no slaves returned, the Celtic population having become entirely assimilated. In Kent and Sussex the slaves constitute 10 per cent. of the population : in Cornwall and Devon, 20 per cent.; and in Gloucester- shire, 33 per cent. The knowledge which we possess of several thousand names which have been preserved in Anglo-Saxon charters, enables us to ascertain, in many cases, the original forms of names which have now become more or less corrupted. From the study of these names Pro- fessor Leo, of Halle," has arrived at the conclusion that agriculture was in a more advanced state among the Anglo-Saxons than on the Continent. A three course system of husbandry was adopted; wheat and flax are the crops which seem to have been the most cultivated. We meet with indications of the existence of extensive estates, on which stood large houses, occasionally of stone, but more frequently of wood, for the residence of the proprietor, surrounded by the tun or inclosure for cattle, and the bartun or inclosure for the gathered crops. Round the homestead were inclosed fields, with barns, mills, and weirs. There were detached outlying sheepfolds and sheepcotes, with residences for the serfs, and special pasturages were allotted to swine and goats. The estates were separated from one another by a mark, or broad boundary of woodland. There were open forest-pastures fed by swine, which must have presented an appearance resembling that of the open parts of the New Forest at the present day. In these woodlands the prevalent vegetation consisted of the thorn, hazel, oak, i Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 72. See also Codex Diplomaticus Ævi Saxonici, passim ; St. John, Four Conquests of England, vol. ii. p. 191; Ellis, Introduction to Domesday Book, pp. XXX. ----xliv. Saxor Agriculture-English Vineyards. 367 ash, elm, lime, and fern. The maple, beech, birch, aspen, and willow grew less abundantly. There were planta- tions of osiers, and the names of the rush and sedge occur so frequently as to indicate a very defective state of drainage. One fact, however, which we gather from these ancient names indicates a marked peculiarity in the aspect of Anglo-Saxon England. In no single instance through- out the charters do we meet with a name implying the existence of any kind of pine or fir, a circumstance which curiously corroborates the assertion of Cæsar, that there was no fir found in Britain. The names of fruit-trees are also very unfrequent, with the exception of that of the apple-tree, and even this appears very rarely in conjunction with Anglo-Saxon roots, being found chiefly in Celtic? names, such as APPLEDORE,3 APPLEDURCOMBE, and AVALON; or in Norse names, such as APPLEBY, APPLEGARTH, and APPLETHWAITE. At the period of the Conquest, vineyards do not seem to have been uncommon in the south of England. In Domesday Book vineyards are mentioned in the coun- ties of Hertford, Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Kent, Hampshire, Dorset, and Wilts. At the present day a part of the town of Abingdon is called the VINEYARD, and there is also a field so called near Beaulieu Abbey in Hampshire, and another near Tewksbury. The same name is borne by lands which were formerly attached 1 See, however, Whitaker, History of Manchester, vol. i. p. 309. 2 The root apple or apul runs through the whole of the Celtic, Scandi- navian, Teutonic, and Sclavonic languages. See Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterb. vol. i. p. 88. 3 Appledore in Romney Marsh was à favourite station of the Vikings. See Saxon Chronicle. Hasting the Dane built a castle there. 368 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. Hereford, Somerset, Cambridge, and Essex. The very early existence of vine culture in England is indicated by the name of WINNAL in Hampshire, which is de- rived from the Celtic gwinllan, a vineyard. Local names occasionally preserve evidence of the former existence of animals now extinct. The names of the wolf and the bear were so commonly used as per- sonal appellations by the Danes and Saxons, that we are unable to pronounce with certainty as to the signi- ficance of names like WOLFERLOW in Herefordshire, or BARNWOOD in Gloucestershire. WOLVESEY, a small island at Winchester, was, however, the place where the Welsh tribute of wolves' heads was annually paid. The badger or broc gave its name to BAGSHOT, BROXBOURNE, and BROGDEN; the wild boar (eofer) was found at EVERSHAW, EVERSHOT, EVERTON, and EVERSLEY ;3 and the crane at CRANFIELD and CRANBOURN. The huge aurochs, which once roamed over the forests of Germany, is mentioned in the Niebelungen Lied by the name of the Wisent; and in Hesse we find a place called WIESENFELD, the “aurochs' field," and another called WIESENSTIEGE, the “aurochs' stair."4 We find traces of the elk at ELBACH and ELLWANGEN; and of the Schelch, a gigantic elk, now everywhere extinct, at SCHÖLLNACH.5 The fox is unknown in the Isle of Man, and not even TY 1 Redding, Wines, pp. 33, 34; Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 189; Lap- penberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. ii. p. 360; Edinburgh Review, vol. cxi. p. 392. 2 Yonge, Christian Names, vol. ii. p. 269. 3 Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 12 ; Morris, Local Names, p. 10; Monk- house, Etymologies, p. 40. 4 Piderit, Ortsnamei, p. 296 ; Förstemann, Ortsnamei, p. 145. 5 Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 145; Marsh, Man and Nature, p. 85. Manzanemadurep. 85. Extinct Animals—The Beaver. 369 a tradition survives of its former presence. A place called CRONKSHYNNAGH, which means “Fox hough," is, however, sufficient to prove that this animal was once a denizen of the island.1 The vestiges of the Beaver are very numerous. BE- VERLEY in Yorkshire is the “beaver's haunt,” and we find a BEVERSTONE in Gloucestershire, and a BEVER- COATES in Nottinghamshire. The valley which stretches northwards from the Glyders, scored with glacial striæ and dotted over with moraines, bears the name of NANT FRANGON, or “the beaver's dale"; and across this valley stretches SARN YR AFRANGE, or “the beaver's dam.”2 The magnificent pool, well known both to the artist and to the angler, which lies just below the junction of the Lledr and the Conway, is called LLYN YR AFRANGE, “the beaver's pool."3 In Germany we have the names of BIBERSBURG, 4 BIVERBIKE (the beaver's beck), and the BEBRA (anciently Piparaha, or beaver's river). From the Sclavonic bobr, a beaver, we have the River BOBER in Silesia, as well as BOBERN, BOBEROW, BOBERSBURG, BOBERWITZ and BOBR- AU. BIÈVRE on the Aisne has been identified with the BIBRAX of Cæsar, and BIBRACTE, now Autun, was the chief city of the Ædui. The tribe of the BIBŘOCI no doubt called themselves “the Beavers," in the same way that North American tribes take their names from the snakes, the foxes, or the crows. 1 Train, Isle of Man, vol. i. p. 20. 2 Pennant, Wales, vol. ii. p. 299. 3 Ibid. vol. ii. p. 134.. 4 Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. vol. i. p. 444. 5 Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 258. 6 Piderit, Ortsnamen, p. 297.; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 256. 7 Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 124; Jacobi, Ortsnamen um Potsdam, p. 34. 8 Zeuss, Grammatica Celtica, vol. i. p. 44 ; vol. ii. p. 761; Glück, Kelt. BB 370 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. In the Saxon charters we find many allusions to quarries, but there is a remarkable absence of names denoting iron-works or mines, such names, for instance, as the GOLDBERG, EISENBERG, KUPFERHÜTTE, and ERZGEBERGE, which we find in Germany. In the Forest of Dean, however, we find on the map CINDERFORD and CINDERHILL, names derived from vast heaps of scoriæ, from which the iron had been so imperfectly extracted by the Roman miners, that these mounds form a valuable consideration in the purchase of the ground on which they lie. The charters contain numerous indications of the localities where salt was procured or manufactured? Domesday Book enumerates no less than 385 salt-works in the single county of Sussex. The wics in the Essex marshes were probably once salt- works, and we have already traced the singular way in which the wych or bay-houses on the coast came to give a name to the inland salt-works of DROITWICH and NANT WICH. But the evidence of names enables us to prove that many existing salt-works were worked before the advent of the Teutonic race. This we can do by means of the Celtic word hal, sålt; which we find in the name of PWLLHELLI, the “salt pools," in Carnarvon- shire. At HALING, on the Hampshire coast, salt-works still exist, which apparently date from Celtic times; TTTT T Namen, p. 43; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 145. The word beaver is common to most of the Aryan languages. Latin fiber (=beber), Cornish afrange, and llost lydan, “the broad-tailed.” On the former existence of the beaver in Scotland, see Wilson, Pre-historic Annals, p. 193. 1 Nicholls, Forest of Dean, p. 216. 2 Ellis, Introduction to Domesday, p. xl.; Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i. p. 363. 3 See p. 162, supra. Salt-Works-Lighthouses.. 371 and we find a place called HALTON in Cheshire, and HALSAL and HALLATON in Lancashire. In the salt- producing districts of Germany several towns whose names contain the Celtic root hal stand on rivers which contain the Teutonic synonym sal.1 Thus HALLE, in Prussian Saxony, stands on the river SAALA (salt river); REICHEN-HALL, in Bavaria, is also on a river SALE;2 HALLEIN, in SALZBURG, stands on the SALZA. We find towns called HALL near the salt mines of the Tyrol, of Upper Austria, and of Swabia; there is a HALLE in Ravensberg, a HALLSTADT in the Salzkammergut, and HALEN and HAL in Brabant.3 The institution of lighthouses dates from very early times, as names bear witness. The names of the PHAROS, at Dover and Alexandria, and the GIBEL EL FARO, near Malaga, take us back beyond the Christian era. In Sicily, the cape by the side of Charybdis, and opposite Scylla, was called CAPE PELORUS (Cape Terrible). It has now become CAPO DI FARO-the erection of the lighthouse having caused the Cape to lose at once its terrors, and its name of terror.4 CAPE COLONNA, in Greece, takes its name from the conspicuous white columns of the ruined Doric temple which served as a landmark to the Genoese and Venetian seamen ; 5 1 An ingenious attempt to account for this distinction will be found in Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 1.96. 2 There were six German rivers anciently called SALA. Förstemann, Alt- deut. Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 1209. We find the river HALYS (salt water) in Galatia, and the river HALYCUS in Sicily. 3 On names containing the root hal, see Leo, Rectitudines, p. 203 ; and an article by the same writer in Haupt's Zeitschrift, vol. v. p. 511 ; Grimm; Deut. Mythol. p. 1000; Garnett, Essays, p. 150 ; Bender, Deutschen Orts- namen, p. 113; Mahn, Namen Berlin, p. 6. . 4 Duff, in Oxford Essays, for 1857, p. 93 ; Duke of Buckingham, Diary, vol. i. p. 226. 5 Bremer, Greece, vol. i. p. 313. в в 2 372. Physical Changes attested by Local Names. TI and CAPE CORUNNA, in Spain, is so called from the columna or tower which served the purpose of a Pharos. The name of FLAMBOROUGH HEAD speaks of the rude fires of coal or wood that used to "flame” by night on that dangerous headland. At the extremity of the peninsula of FURNESS? (Fireness) is a small island, on which stands a ruined building, called the PILE OF FOUDRY—that is, the “ peel” or tower of the “fire isle."3 Furness and Foudry are Norse names, and are an indi- cation of the antiquity of the lighthouse which guided the Northmen in their voyages from the Isle of Man to Lancaster. The numerous BEACON HILLS throughout the island call to mind the rude though efficient means by which, before the days of the Electric Telegraph, the tidings of great events could be communicated from one end of the island to the other. There are those now alive who can remember looking out, the last thing every night, towards the Beacon Hill to know if the dreaded landing of Bonaparte had taken place. · Though the commerce of the Anglo-Saxons was not extensive, yet our local names indicate considerable changes in the relative commercial importance of various towns. The natural advantages of the site of London have enabled it to maintain, at all times, its ancient pre- eminence for its Celtic name implies that, even in pre-historic times, it was, as it is still, the “city of ships.” i This name may, however, mean the “camp of refuge.” Anglo-Saxon fleam, a fugitive. The extremity of the headland has been converted into a stronghold by an ancient dyke still called Danes' Dyke. 2 Ferguson, Northmen, p. 109. 3 It is possible, however, the Furness may be only the “fore ness," and Foudry the “isle of fowls." 4 There is also a FURNESS on the Belgian coast. Commercial Changes. 373 From the Anglo-Saxon ceapian, to buy, cypan, to sell, and ceap, price, or sale, we derive many names which indicate early seats of commercial activity. A chipping was the old English term for a market-place; thus Wicliffe translates Luke vii. 32, “They ben like children sitting in chepinge and spekinge togidre.” Hence we see that CHIPPING NORTON, CHIPPING CAMDEN, CHIP- PING SODBURY, CHIPPING ONGAR, CHIPPING BARNET, CHEPING HILL on the south side of the church at Witham, CHEPSTOW, and CHIPPINGHAM, are ancient market- towns-once of much greater relative commercial import- ance than they are at present. CHEAPSIDE and EAST- CHEAP were the old market-places of London. In Norse names the form cope takes the place of the Anglo- Saxon ceap. COPENHAGEN 2 is equivalent to Chipping Haven. In like manner we infer from the name of the 1 To this root we may trace many idiomatic English words. A chapman is an itinerant seller : chap was originally an abbreviated form of chapman. Cheap, an abbreviation of good cheap, answers to the French bon marché ; while good cheap still survives in the phrase dog cheap, where the letters d and g have been interchanged according to a well-known phonetic law. The original sense of the root is that of bargaining the ancient method of making a purchase—which is preserved in the word to chaffer. To chop horses is to sell them. A horse couper is one who deals in horses. To chop and change is to sell and barter. To swop and to swab are probably pho- netic variations of to chop. Thus we say the wind chops, 1.6. changes. The ultimate root is the Sanskrit kupa, the beam of a balance. Compare the old Sclavonic kupiti, to buy, the Gothic kaupon, the Latin caupo, and the Greek kátndos. Wedgwood, Eng. Etym. vol. i: p. 327 ; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. pp. 416, 417. ? Anciently Kiobmæns havn. The Norse word köping, is pronounced chaping. Hence we derive the names of JÖNKÖPING, LIDCÖPING, NY- KÖPING, NORRKÖPING. See Thompson, Travels in Sweden, p. 42, quoted in Crichton, Scandinavia, vol. i. p. 226. KIEL and KILLERFIORD take their names from the Danish keol, a ship. Morris, Local Names, p. 29. The name of the HANSE towns seems to be from hansel, a contract, or hanse, a company or association. Wedgwood, in Philolog. Trans. for 1860-61, p. 37. 374 Physical Changes attested by Local Names. COPELAND Islands near Belfast, that here were the store- houses of the goods brought by Norwegian traders. COPMANSTHORPE, near York, would be equivalent to the German Kaufmansdorf, the merchants' village ; and the form of the word shows us that here the Danish traders resided, just as those of Saxon blood dwelt together at CHAPMANSLADE. The word staple also enables us to detect some of the local centres of Anglo- Saxon trade. This word has undergone some changes of a place ;—thus we should say lace is the staple of Nottingham. But the term was formerly applied to the place rather than to the merchandize, and our forefathers would have said Nottingham is the staple of lace. In local names--as DUNSTABLE, BARNSTAPLE, and ETAPLES in France—this word staple denotes a place where mer- chants were wont to store their goods. · When the English word market takes the place of the Anglo-Saxon chipping, or staple, as in the case of STOW- MARKET, MARKET BOSWORTH, or WICKHAM MARKET, we may fairly conclude that the commercial importance of the town in question dates from a more recent period. 1 See Trench, Glossary, p. 205. 2 It may be noted that the name of AMPURIAS in Spain retains, nearly unchanged, the name of the Hellenic settlement of Emporia. Changes and Errors. 375 CHAPTER XV. CHANGES AND ERRORS, Vitality of Local Names---Recurrence to ancient Names—Changes in Names often simply phonetic-Lincoln-Sarum—Whitehall-Phonetic corruptions among savage tribes- Interchange of suffixes of analogous sound— Tendency to contractiori-Laws of Phonetic change-Examples— Influence of popular etymological speculation on the form of Names-- Tendency to make Names significant-Examples-Transformations of French Names—Invention of New Saints from Local Names— Transformed names often give rise to legends-Bozra— Thongcastle— The Dun Cow- Antwerp~ The Mouse Tower— The Amazons of the Baltic–Pilatus— The Picts~The Tatars --Poland Mussulman --- Negro-pont - Corruptions of Street-Names America-- The Gypsies. PROFESSOR MAX MÜLLER, in his deservedly popular lectures, has well illustrated the process of phonetic decay by which the words of a nation's speech are clipped and worn down by constant currency, until, like ancient coins, the legend which they bore at first has become effaced. Many words, whose paternity is never- theless indisputable, do not retain a single letter, some- times not even a single vocable, of the ancestral form, and exhibit still less resemblance to collateral descendants from the parent stock. Who would imagine, for instance, that the French word larıne is the same as the English tear; that the French jour is a lineal descendant of the Latin dies, or that dies, and the two syllables of 1 Dies—diurnum tempus -giorno—jour. Aujourd'hui contains the root dies twice, the hui being a corruption of hodie=hoc die. Max Müller, Lectures, p. 48; Lewis, Romance Languages, pp. 213, 220. 376 Changes and Errors. Tuesday are all descended from the same original Aryan root? In the case of local names the raw materials of lan- guage do not lend themselves with the same facility as other words to the processes of decomposition and re- construction, and many names have for thousands of years remained unchanged, and even linger round the now deserted sites of the places to which they refer. The names of five of the oldest cities of the world- DAMASCUS HEBRON, GAZA, SIDON, and HAMATH-are still pronounced by the inhabitants in exactly the same manner as was the case thirty, or perhaps forty, centuries ago, defying, oftentimes, the persistent attempts of rulers to substitute some other name. During the three hundred years of the Greek rule, an attempt was made by the conquerors to change the name of HAMATH to Epiphania, but the ancient appellation lingered on the lips of the surrounding tribes, and has now resumed its sway, while the Greek name has been utterly forgotten. The name of Accho, which we find in the Old Testament, was superseded for some time by the Greek name of Ptolemais. This is now forgotten, and the place goes by the name of AKKA. The Greeks attempted to im- pose their name of Nicopolis on the town of Emmaus, but in vain; for the modern name, 'AMWÂS, still asserts the vitality of the ancient designation. We read, in the Book of Chronicles, that Solomon built TADMOR in the wilderness. The Romans attempted to impose on it the name of Adrianopolis, but this appellation has utterly perished, and the Bedouin still give the ancient i Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 381; Robinson, Later Researches, p. 92. 2 Robinson, Later Researches, p. 146. S Vitality of Local Names. 377 name of Tadmorl to the desolate forest of erect and prostrate columns, which marks the site of the city of the palms. TENEDOS and ARGOS still bear the names which they bore in the time of Homer. Most of the islands of the Grecian archipelago, and many of the neighbouring cities, retain their ancient names with little variation, and several of the Etruscan cities are called by the same names which they bore at the first dawn of Italian civilization But we need not go to the East for instances of the persistency with which names adhere to the soil. The name of LONDON is now, in all probability, pronounced exactly as it was at the time when Cæsar landed on the coast of Kent. The Romans attempted to change the name, but in vain. It mattered little what the city on the Thames was called in the edicts of prefects and procon- suls. The old Celtic name continued in common usage, and has been transmitted in turn to Saxons, Normans, and Englishmen. It is curious to listen to Ammianus Marcellinus speaking of the name of London as a thing of the past-an old name which had gone quite out of use, and given place to the grand Roman name “Augusta."4 I PALMYRA is an Italian translation of the enchorial name of Tadmor, and is known only in the West. See Beaufort, Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines, vol. i. pp. 34, 302. 2 Delos is now DILI, Paros is PARO, Scyros is SKYRO, Naxos is NAXIA, Patmos is PATIMO, Samos is SAMO, Thasos is THASO, Sardis is SART, Sparta is SPARTI, Arbela is ARBIL, Tyre or Tzur is SÛR, Nazareth is NAZIRAH, Joppa is YAFA, Gaza is GHUZZEH. 3 The names of SATURNIA and POPULONIA are unaltered. Cortona is now CORTONO, Volaterræ is VOLATERRA, Sena is SIENNA, Pisa is PISA, and Perusia is PERUGIA. 4 Ab Augustâ profectus, quam veteres adpellavêre Lundinium. Amm. Marc. lib. xxviii. cap. 3, § 1. Lundinium, vetus oppidum, quod Augustam posteritas adpellavit. Ibid. lib. xxvii. cap. 8, 57. 378 ... Changes and Errors.. In like manner the ancient Indian name of HAITI has replaced the appellation of St. DOMINGO, which the Spanish conquerors attempted to impose upon the island. But though so many names remain substantially unchanged in spite of efforts to supplant them, yet, as the successive waves of population have flowed on, many influences have been set at work which have sometimes produced material modifications, and it often requires the utmost care, and no inconsiderable research, to detect the original form and signification of very familiar names, and to extract the information which they are able to afford. These modifying influences are of two kinds. The first is simply phonetic. A conquering nation finds it difficult to pronounce certain vocables which enter into the names used by the conquered people, and changes consequently arise which bring the ancient names into harmony with the phonetic laws of the language spoken by the con- querors. Many illustrations of this process may be found in Domesday. The “inquisitors” seem to have been slow to catch the pronunciation of the Saxon names, and were, moreover, ignorant of their etymo- logies, and we meet consequently with many ludicrous transformations. The name of LINCOLN, for example, which is a hybrid of Celtic and Latin, appears in the Ravenna Geographer in the form Lindum Colonia, and in Beda as Lindocolina. The enchorial name must have been very nearly what it is now. This, however, the Norman Conquerors were unable to pronounce, and changed the name into Nincol or Nicole. The name of SHREWSBURY is an English corruption of the Anglo- 1 Dugdale, Monast. Anglic. vol. ii. p. 645, apud Thierry, Norman Cor- quest, p. 84. 5 11 Corruptions. 379 Saxon Scrobbes-byrig or Shrubborough. The Normans, however, corrupted Scrobbesbury into Sloppesburie, whence the modern name of SALOP is derived. So also the Roman Sorbiodunum was contracted into the English SARUM, and then, as in the case of Salop, the Normans changed the r into an l, and have thus given us the form SALISBURY. In the Arabic chronicles of Spain we meet with many curious transformations of familiar names, such, for instance, as that of the Visigoths into the Bishtolkat.1 Mr. Motley, in his United Netherlands, has given an amusing instance from the archives of Simancas. A dispatch of the ambassador Mendoja stated that Queen Elizabeth was residing at the palace of St. James'. Philip II. according to his custom, has scrawled on the margin of this dispatch, “There is a park between it, and the palace which is called Huytal, but why it is called Huytal I am sure I don't know." WHITEHALL seems to have presented an insurmountable etymological difficulty to the "spider" of the Escurial. Among unlettered nations phonetic changes of this kind are especially likely to arise. The word YANKEE is probably an Indian corruption of either Anglois or English. The Chinese call an Englishman Ying kwoh, the Bengalee calls him Inrej, and corrupts the words champagne and coachman into the forms simkin and gurrawaun. At Fort Vancouver, the medium of inter- TIY ? Gayangos, Dynasties, vol. i. p. 324. So the Indian names Misachibee and Tlaltelolco have been corrupted into MISSISSIPPI and GUADALUPE. Russell, Diary North and South, vol. i. p. 381; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 81. 2 Drake, Book of the Indians, book i. p. 23. 3 Fleming, Travels on Horseback, p. 116. 4 Hotten, Slang Dictionary, pp. 148, 231. 380 Changes and Errors. course a few years ago was a curious Lingua Franca, composed of Canadian-French, English, Iroquois, Cree, Hawaian, and Chinese. The word for rum was lum, for money tula, a corruption of dollar, and an Englishman went by the name of a Kintshosh, a corruption of King George. The Kaffirs of Natal call Harry Hali, and Mary Mali. The Egbas have turned Thompson into Tamahana, and Philip into Piripi.2 The Maoris make sad havoc of biblical names; they have transformed Lot to Rota, and Philemon to Pirimona.3 Sailors are especially given to such innovations. Jos-house, for instance, the name applied to the Buddhist temples in China, has been formed by English sailors out of the Portuguese word dios, god.4 Anglo-Saxon suffixes of nearly similar sound some- times come to be interchanged. This has very fre- quently taken place in the case of stone and ton. Thus Brigges-stan has been transmuted into BRIXTON, and Brihtelmes-stan into Brighthelmstone, Brighthampton, and BRIGHTON. The change from don to ton is also common. Seccan-dun is now SECKINGTON,5 and Beam- 1 Wilson, Pre-historic Man, vol. i. p. 431. An American is called Boston, and the ordinary salutation is Clakhohahyah, which is explained by the fact that the Indians, frequently hearing a trader named Clark, long resident in the Fort, addressed by his companions in the village, “ Clark, how are you?” imagined that this sentence was the correct English form of salutation. 2 Burton, Mission to Geleli, vol. i. p. 32. " 3 Yonge, Christiani Nantes, vol. i. p. Io. 4 The sailors transformations of H.M.S. Bellerophor into the Billy Ruffian, of the Andromache into the Andrew Mackay, of the Æolus into the Alehouse, of the Courageux into the Currant Juice, and of the steamer Hirondelle into the Iron Devil, belong to another class of changes, which we shall presently consider. See p. 387, infra. 5 Sax, Chron. A.D. 755. Interchange of Suffixes Tendency to Contraction. 381 IVT dun is BAMPTON. The suffix hithe, a haven, is changed into ey, an island, in the case of STEPNEY, formerly Stebenhithe, and into head, in the case of Maidenhead, formerly Maydenhithe. In CARISBROOK, which was anciently Wihtgara-byrig, we have a change from burgh to brook. The suffix in the name DURHAM is properly not the Saxon ham, but the Norse holm, and Dunelm- the signature of the bishop-reminds us also that the Celtic prefix is Duni, a hill fort, and not Dur, water, 3 Many of these changes seem to be simply phonetic, among which we may reckon Gravesham into GRAVES- END, Edgeworth into EDGEWARE, Ebbsham into EPSOM, Swanwick into SWANĄGE, and Badecanwylla or Bath- well into BAKEWELL. The great tendency is to con- traction; as Horne Tooke puts it, "letters, like soldiers, being very apt to desert and drop off in a long march.” 4 Thus we find Botolph's ton contracted into BO'STON, Agmondesham into AMERSHAM, and Eurewic into YORK. In London St. Olaf's Street has been changed into TOOLEY Street, and in Dublin into TULLOCH Street." St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, has been transformed into Skimmery Hall, and this has been abbreviated into the disrespectful appellation SKIM. St. Bridget is turned into St. Bride, St. Benedict into St. Bennet, St. Etheld- reda into St. Awdrey, St. Egidius into St. Giles. This tendency to contraction is often to be detected in the 1 Sax. Chron. A. D. 614. 2 See p. 307, supra. 3 Durham is written Dunholm in the Saxon Chronicle, A.D. 1072. 4 Tooke, Diversions of Purley, part i. ch. vi. p. 94. 5 Now pulled down. It was standing in the sixteenth century. 6 Territorial surnames show still more startling changes. St. Denys has been corrupted into Sydney, St. Maur into Seymour, St. Paul into Semple, Sevenoaks into Snooks, and St. John and St. Leger are pronounced Sinjun and Sillinger. 382 Changes and Errors. pronunciation of names of which the more lengthened form is retained in writing. Thus CIRENCESTER is pro- nounced Cisester; GLOUCESTER, Gloster ; WORCESTER, Worster ; BARFREESTONE, Barston ; and TROTTERS- CLIFFE, Trosley. In America, on the other hand, owing to the universal prevalence of reading, the tendency is to pronounce words exactly as they are spelt, and WORCESTER is pronounced Wor-ces-ter, and ILLINOIS is called Illinoys. In endeavouring to recover the original forms of names, it becomes important to discover the phonetic tendencies which prevailed among different nations. This is not the place to exhibit or discuss the laws of phonetic change which have been detected ;3 all that 1 In Switzerland inghofen is generally contracted into ikon, as Benning- hofen into Bennikon. Meyer, Ortsnamen, pp. 127–136. 2 In Samuel Rogers' youth every one said Lunnon ; we have now returned to Lundun. 3. “Grimm's law,” as it is called, enables us to identify cognate words in the Teutonic and Romance languages. It is In Greek and gene- rally in Sanskrit | and Latin, the letters . . ) * | 6 ph (,) + | 4 |ta(0) + (c) || ka (x) Correspond Gothic to in . phef) p 1 th t d kh(11,8) k g . And in Old High} |0(0,5) phis) 1 German to. .S Ø 1dth(z) + 18 (2) khk The changes from the Latin to the modern Romance languages are more simple. The chief correspondences are — * Latin Romance Lan- }| 0,010, § h 1o lg, ch, k, 2, 5c, Ply, i, j lg, d, y guages. ) Phonetic Changes. 383 can here be attempted is to illustrate them by a few characteristic instances. The tendency among the German nations is to de- velop the sibilants and gutturals; among the Romance nations to suppress these and develop the mutes and liquids. Thus in the name of the river Atesis or Atygis, how harsh is the German namethe ETSCH; how soft and harmonious the Italian development of the same word—the ADIGE. Again we may compare the German LÜTTICH with the French LIÉGE, or we may contrast the German change of Confluentes into COBLENTZ with the soft effect produced even in cases when the Italians have introduced sibilants, as in the change of Florentia into FIRENZE, or Placentia into PIACENZA. But the best illustration of these phonetic tendencies will be to enumerate a few cases where the same root has been variously modified by different nations. Let us take the Latin word forum. The Forum Julii, in Southern France, has become FRÉJUS; and, in Northern Italy, the same name has been changed to FRIULI. In the Emilia we find FORLI (Forum Livii), FOSSOMBRONE Latin ... ť | m | 921 Romance Lan-31d, a guages - .) 2,.;, I, s, cl k, %, x 1 1 1, r 1 r,12,11 I, d See Bopp, Vergleich. Gramm.; Grimm, Geschichte der Deut. Sprache, vol. i. pp. 294–434; Schleicher, Die Sprachen Europas ; Bunsen, Brit. Assoc. Reports for 1847, p. 262 ; Edinb. Rev. vol. xciv. pp. 318, 319 ; Prichard, Eastern Origin, pp. 179–200; Mone, Celt. Forschungen ; Donaldson, Varronianus ; New Cratylus, pp. 144-190; Max Müller, Lectures, second series, pp. 198–222; Pott, Etymol. Forschungen ; Diez, Rom. Gram. vol. i. pp. 175—253; Lewis, Romance Languages; Milman, Hist. Latin Christianity, vol. vi. p. 343. 384 Changes and Errors. (Forum Sempronii), FERRARA (Forum Allieni), and FORNOVO (Forum Novum). In Central Italy we have FORCASSI (Forum Cassii), FIORA (Forum Aurelii), FOR- FIAMMA (Forum Flaminii), and FORLIMPOPOLI (Forum Popilii). With these compare the German name KLAGENFURT (Claudii forum), the Dutch VOORBOURG (Forum Ha- driani), the French FEURS (Forum Segusianorum), and Or let us take the changes effected in the Greek word móds, a city. Neapolis, in Italy, has become NAPLES, in the Morea it has become NAUPLIA. Neapolis, near Carthage, is now NABEL, and Neapolis, in Syria, is NÂBU- LUS or NÂBLUS.1 TRIPOLI is little changed ; Amphipolis is now EMBOLI, Callipolis is GALLIPOLI, Antipolis is ANTIBES, Gratianopolis is GRENOBLE. STAMBOUL, or ISTAMBOUL, the modern name of Byzantium, is not, as might be imagined, a corruption of Constantinopolis, but of és tdv mótiv, a phrase analogous to that which we use when we speak of.a journey to London, as going “to town." In like manner STANKO, the modern name of the Island of Cos, is a corruption of és táv K6.3 i Robinson, Biblical Researches, vol. iii. pp. 96, 119.. . 2 Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 246; Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 196. : 3 The same process of the incorporation of preposition and articles may be seen in ZERMAT, ANDERMAT. Many German names beginning with M are due to am or im prefixed to Celtic names. Thus Oersberg has become changed to MARSBERG, Eppenthal to MEPPENTHAL, Achenthal to MACHEN- THAL. So with MOSBACH, MEICHES, and many others. Mone, Celt. Forsch. pp. 157, 180. THAXTED is probably The Axstead, THISTLEWORTH is The Istle-worth, ATFORD and OTFORD are At the ford, and ABRIDGE is At the bridge. Also in Spain the Arabic article Al is often incorporated into the name. See p. 106, supra. LUXOR, one of the four villages which stand on the site of ancient Thebes, is a contraction of El Eksor, the palaces. Fairholt, Up the Nile, p. 266. Phonetic Changes. 385 We find the word Trajectus in ATRECHT or ARRAS (Atrebatum Trajectus), MAESTRECHT (Mosæ Trajectus), and UTRECHT (Ultra Trajectum).1 The Romanized Celtic suffix iacum is changed into ay in France and ach in Germany, while in Brittany and Cornwall the original form is ordinarily retained.2 Thus Cortoriacum is now COURTRAY, Camaracum is CAMBRAY, Bagacum is BAVAY, and Tournacum is TOURNAY. An- tunacum is now ANDERNACH, Olimacum is LYMBACH, Vallacum is WILNPACH, and Magontiacum is MAINTZ. The manner in which personal names have entered into the names of places has been referred to in a previous chapter. A few instances may be here again enumerated as affording admirable illustrations of di- verse phonetic tendencies. Thus the name of Augustus is found in the Spanish ZARAGOSSA (Cæsarea Augusta), and BADAJOZ (Pax Augusta); in the Italian AOSTA (Augusta); in the French AOUST (Augusta), AUCH (Augusta), and AUTUN (Augustodunum); in the German AUGSBURG (Augusta), and AUGST (Augusta); and the English AUST passage (Trajectus Augusti). We find the word Julius or Julia in LILLEBONNE (Julia Bona), LOUDON (Juliodunum), in BEJA in Portugal (Pax Julia), in JÜLICH or JULIERS (Julicacum), in ZUGLIO (Julium), and in FRIULI and FRÉJUS (Forum Julii); and the name of Constantius or Constantinus is found in CONZ, COU- 1 . IW 1 The word trajectus may have sometimes been confounded with the Celtic traeth, sands. See Diefenbach, Origines Europæi, p. 429; De Belloguet, Ethnog. p. 139; Ludlow, in Philolog. Trans. for 1857, p. 15. 2 E.g. Plabenec, Bourbriac, Loudeac, and Gourarec in Brittany, and Bradock, Boconnoc, Isnioc, Ladock, Phillack, Polbathick, and Polostoc in Cornwall. :3 See pp. 316, 317, supra. сс 386 Changes and Errors. TANCES, CÔTANTIN, CONSTANZ, and CONSTANTINOPLE. Some additional changes, valuable as illustrating pho- netic laws, are added in a note.? XY T The changes that have hitherto been discussed may be considered as natural phonetic changes—changes bringing combinations of letters from one language into harmony with the laws of another. We have now to consider a class of corruptions which have arisen from a totally different cause. Men have ever felt a natural desire to assign a plausible meaning to names to make them, in fact, no longer sounds, but words. How few children, conning the atlas, do not connect some fanciful speculations with such names as the CALF OF MAN, or IRELAND'S EYE; they suppose that JUTLAND is the land which "juts out," instead of the land of the Jutes;2 they suppose that Cape HORN has received its name, not, as is the fact, from the birth- place of its discoverer, but because it is the extreme southern horn of the American continent, and names like the ORANGE River, or the RED Sea are, unhesi- tatingly, supposed to denote the colour of the waters, instead of being, the first a reminiscence of the extension of the Dutch empire under the house of Orange, and the second a translation 4 of the Sea of Edom.5 1 Eburovices and Evreux, Vesontio and Besançon, Vinovium and Bin- chester, Bononia and Boulogne, Chatti and Hesse, Aquitania and Guienne, Olisippo and Lisbon, Agrigentum and Girgenti, Aletium and Lecci, Aquæ and Aix. In French names a final n or s is often added, as in the case of Dibio and Dijon, Matesco and Maçon, Brigantio-and Briançon, Massilia and Marseilles, Londinium and Londres. 2 Trench, Study of Words, p. 86. 3 See p. 28, supra. 4 So the YELLOW SEA and PALMYRA-are translated names. Magna, the Roman station, is now Car-voran, from the Celtic vawr, great. 5 Similar misconceptions are BLACKHEATH (bleak heath); the Isle of Erroneous Etymology. 387 This instinctive causativeness of the human mind, this perpetual endeavour to find a reason or a plausible explanation for everything, has corrupted many of the words which we have in daily use, and a large allowance for this source of error must be made when we are in- vestigating the original forms of ancient names. No cause has been more fruitful in producing corruptions than popular attempts to explain from the vernacular, and to bring into harmony with a supposed etymology, names whose real explanation is to be sought in some language known only to the learned.? Names, significant in the vernacular, are constructed out of the ruins of the ancient unintelligible names, just as we find the Wight, see p. 307 ; Trinidad, p. 12 ; Gateshead, p. 253, supra. FLORIDA is not the flowery land, but the land discovered on Easter Day, Pascua florida, p. 13. The FINSTER-AAR-HORN is not, as guidebooks tell us, the peak of the Black Eagle, but the peak which gives rise to the Glacier of the black Aar. 1 :We may enumerate the well-known instances of buffetier corrupted into beefeater, lustrino into lute-string, asparagus into sparrow-grass, coat-cards into court-cards, shuttlecork into shuttlecock, mahlerstock into maulstick, écrevisse into crayfish, dormeuse into dormouse, dent de lion into dandy lion, quelques choses into kickshaws, contre danse into country dance, ver de gris into verdigrease, weissager into wiseacre, and hausenblase or stur- geon's bladder into isinglass. A groom used to call Othello and Desdemona -two horses under his charge-by the names of Old Fellow and Thursday Morning. The natives called Miss Rogers (authoress of “Domestic Life in Palestine") by the name of narâjus, “the lily," as the nearest approxi- mation to her name which they were able to pronounce. Ibrahim Pacha, during his visit to England, was known to the mob as Abraham Parker. See Whewell, in Philolog. Proceedings, vol. v. p. 138; Wedgwood, in Philolog. Trans, for 1855, pp. 66—71 ; Wilton, Negeb, pp. 140, 218; Farrar, Origin of Language, pp. 57, 58; Mayhew, German Life and Man- rrers, vol. ii. p. 404 ; Dixon, Surnames, p. V.; Trench, English Past and Present, pp. 243—253 ; Study of Words, p. 87. Erroneous etymologies are unfortunately by no means confined to the unlearned. Witness Baxter's derivation of KIRKCUDBRIGHT (1.2. Church of St. Cuthbert). It is, he says, forsan, Caer giu aber rit, 1.c. Arx trajectus fluminei Æstuarei !! Glossarium, p. 40. сс2 388 Changes and Errors. modern villages of Mesopotamia built of bricks stamped with the cuneiform legend of Nebuchadnezzar.1 Teutonic nations, for instance, inhabiting a country covered with ancient Celtic names, have unconsciously endeavoured to twist those names into a form in which they would be susceptible of explanations from Teutonic sources. The instances are innumerable. The Celtic words alt inaen mean high rock. In the Lake District this name has been transformed into the OLD MAN of Coniston. In the Orkneys a conspicuous pyramid of rock, 1,500 feet in height, is called the OLD MAN of Hoy; and two rocks on the Cornish coast go by the name of the OLD MAN and his MAN. The DEAD MAN, another Cornish headland, is an Anglicization of the Celtic dod maen. BROWN WILLY, a Cornish ridge, some 1,370 feet in height, is a corruption of Bryn Huel, the tin-mine ridge. Abermaw, the mouth of the Maw, is commonly called BARMOUTH;4 Kinedar has been changed into KING EDWARD ; Dun-y-coed, a “wooded hill” in Devon- shire, is now called the DUNAGOAT; and EASTBOURNE was, no doubt, the eas-bourne,5 or water-brook; the t having crept in from a desire to make the Celtic prefix significant in English.6 Similar transformations of Celtic and Sclavonic names are to be found on the Continent. In Switzerland the 1.See Edinburgh Review, vol. xciv. p. 331. 2 Davies, in Philolog. Trans. for 1855, p. 219. 3 Welli, or wheal, which occurs so often in the mining share list, is a corruption of the word huel, a tin mine. 4 Baxter, Glossarium, p. 69. . 5 A reduplicated name. See p. 211, supra. 6 Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 296. ? See a paper by Förstemann in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. i. p. 10, seq. The numerous instances given by Mone, in his Celtische Forschungen, must be received with caution. Transformation of Celtic and Saxon Names. 389. Celtic Vitodurum has been Germanized into WINTER- THUR;1 Noviomagus is now NIMWEGEN; Alcmana is ALTMÜHL ;2 and the FREUDENBACH, or joyful brook, is, probably, a corruption of the Celtic Ffrydan, a stream.3 The Sclavonic Potsdupimi has become POTSDAM, Melraz is MÜLLROSE, and Dubrawice DUMMERWITZ.4 Anglo-Saxon and Norse names have not escaped similar metamorphoses. The name of MAIDENHEAD has given rise to the myth that here was buried the head of one of the eleven thousand virgins of Cologne, but Mayden hithe, the ancient form of the name, shows that it was the wharf midway between Marlow and Windsor. SO MAIDSTONE and MAGDEBURG are not the towns of maids, but the town on the Medway, and the town on the plain, HUNGERFORD, on the border between the Saxons and the Angles, was anciently Ingleford, or the ford of the Angles.? .. FITFUL HEAD, in Shetland, familar to all readers of the Waverley Novels as the abode of Norna in 'The 1 Förstemann, Alt-deut. Namenbuch, vol. ii. p. 446. 2 Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 313. 3 Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 314. On the Germanization of Sclavonic names see a paper by Bronisch in the Neues Lausitzisches Magazin, vol. xvii. pp. 57–73. 4 Mone, Celt. Forsch. p. 7. Mone thinks the OELBACH, or oily brook, is from the Irish oil, a stone, and that the TEUFELSTEIN, or Devil's Stone, is from the Celtic dubhail, the black rock. Ibid. p. 175. 5 The Cologne myth of the eleven thousand virgins seems to have arisen from the name of St. Undecemilla, a virgin martyr. The insertion of a single letter in the calendar has changed this name into the form, '“ Undecem millia Virg. Mart.” The bones of the eleven thousand, which are reve. rently shown to the pious pilgrim, have been pronounced by Professor Owen to comprise the remains of all the quadrupeds indigenous to the district. 6 See p. 232, supra. For the legends respecting the Mons Puellarum, as Magdeburg was called, see Panzer, Deut. Myth. pp. 122, 272, 370. form. See Gough’s Camden, vol. i. p. 215. 390 . Changes and Errors. Pirate,' has received its present not inappropriate name, by reason of a misconception of the original Scandi- navian name Hvit-fell, the white hill ;1 CAPE WRATII, beaten, it is true, by wrathful storms, was originally Cape Hvarf, a Norse name, indicating a point where the land trends in a new direction ;2 and the Norse Vedra- fiordr, the firth of Rams (wethers), is now WATERFORD in Ireland. In the Lake District we also find some curious trans- formations of Norse Names. SILLY WREAY is the happy nook, CUNNING GARTH is the King's Yard, CANDY SLACK is the bowl-shaped hollow.3. As might have been expected, French and Norman names in England have been peculiarly liable to suffer from these causes. Château Vert, in Oxfordshire, has been converted into SHOTOVER Hill; Beau chef into BEACHY Head; and Burgh Walter, the castle of Walter of Douay, who came over with the Conqueror, now appears in the form of BRIDGEWATER. Beau lieu in Monmouthshire, Grand pont, the great bridge over the Fal in Cornwall, and Bon gué, or the good ford, in Suffolk, have been Saxonized into BEWLEY Woods, GRAMPOUND,4 and BUNGAY. Leighton Beau-désert has been changed into LEIGHTON BUZZARD ; and the brazen eagle which forms the lectern in the parish church is gravely exhibited by the sexton to passing strangers as the original buzzard from which the town may be sup- posed to derive its name.5 i Symington, Faroë and Iceland, p. 8: 2 Laing, Heimskringla, vol. i. p. 144. 3 Cf. Mealy Sike, Heedless Gill, &c. Ferguson, Northmen, p. 126. 4 Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 20. 5 The French colony of Beauregard, in Brandenburg, has been Ger- manized into BURENGAREN or Bauerngarten (peasants' garden). Förstemann, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. i. p. 21. 1 e A Transformation of French Nanies. 391 In Canada, where an English speaking population is encroaching on the old French settlers, the same process of verbal translation is going on. “Les Chéneaux," or channels, on the River Ottawa, are now the SNOWS. So "Les Chats” and “Les Joachims" on the same river are respectively becoming the SHAWS and the SWASHINGS, while a mountain near the head of the bay of Fundy, TX which often overhangs it, is now known as the SHEPODY Mountain. The River Quah-Tah-Wah-Am- Quah-Duavic in New Brunswick, probably the most breakjaw compound in the Gazetteer, has had its name justifiably abbreviated into the Petamkediac, which has been further transformed by the lumberers and hunters into the TOM KEDGWICK.1 Anse des Cousins, the Bay of Mosquitoes, has been turned by English sailors into NANCY COUSINS Bay; they have changed Livorno into LEG-HORN; and the nautical mind has canonized a new saint, unknown even to the Bollandists, by the change of Setubal into ST. UBES. So Hagenes, the Norse name of one of the Scilly Isles, has become ST. AGNES. Soracte, the mountain whose snowy summit is sung by Horace,3 has been added to the list of saints by the Italian peasantry, and receives their prayers under the name of ST. ORESTE.4 The name and legend of ST. GOAR, who is said to have dwelt in a cavern on the Rhine, where the river furiously eddies round the Lurlei rock, is supposed by certain i Hon. Arthur Gordon, in Vacation Tourists for 1862-3, p. 484; Quarterly Review, vol. cxvi. p. 27. 2 Times, March 26th, 1864. 3 Vides, ut alta stet nive candidum Soracte. 4 Duke of Buckingham, Private Diary, vol. iii. p. 171; Whewell, in Philolog. Proceedings, vol. v. p. 141. 392 Changes and Errors. . sceptics to have originated in a corruption of the German word gewirr, a whirlpool. In this instance it is not improbable that the hagiologists may be right and the philologists wrong. The name of a well-known saint is sometimes substituted for one less familiar. Thus St. Aldhelm's Head, in Dorset, has become ST. ALBAN'S HEAD. Occasionally the name of the saint apparently disappears, submerged beneath some obtrusively tempt- ing etymology, as in the case of St. Maidulf's borough, which has become MARLBOROUGH. The Hebrew name JERUSALEM was reproduced under the form Hierosolyma, the holy city of Solomon, owing to a mistaken derivation from the Greek ιερός. Α mountain on the eastern coast of Africa, opposite Aden, received the Arabic name of GEBEL FIEL (elephant mountain), from the remarkable resemblance of the outline to the back of the elephant. From the re- semblance of the sound the name was corrupted in the Periplus into Mons Felix.4 Many instances may be cited of the manner in which legends are prone to gather round these altered names. The citadel of Carthage was called BOZRA, a Phænician word meaning an acropolis. The Greeks connected this with Búpoa, an ox-hide, and then, in harmony with the popular notions of Tyrian acuteness, an explanatory 1 Mayhew, German Life and Manners, vol. ii. pp. 370, 398. ? Farrar, Origin of Language, p. 59. The process of the creation of new saints is illustrated by the case of the eleven thousand virgins (see p. 389, supra), as well as by that of St. Veronica, whose name arose from a transposition of the letters of the mongrel phrase vera icon. See Whewell, in Philolog. Proceed. vol. v. p. 141 ; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 424. 3 Trench, English Past and Present, p. 237 ; Farrar, Origin of Lang. 4 Buckingham, Autobiography, vol. ii. P. 395. p. 59. 393 . Myths evolved from Names. legend was concocted, which told how the traders, who had received permission to possess as much land as an ox-hide would cover, cut the skin into narrow strips, with which they encompassed the spot on which the Carthaginian fortress was erected. We find the same legend repeated in the traditions of other countries. The name of THONG castle, near Sittingbourne, is derived from the Norse word tunga, a tongue of land, which we find in the Kyle of Tongue in Sutherlandshire. This name has given rise to the tradi- tion, that Dido's device was here repeated by Hengist and Horsa. The same story is told of Ivar, son of Regnar Lodbrok, in order to account for the name of THONG CASTOR, near Grimsby. The legend of the victory gained by Guy of Warwick, the Anglian champion, over the dun cow, most probably originated in a misunderstood tradition of his conquest of the Dena gau, or Danish settlement in the neighbour- hood of Warwick.3 The name of ANTWERP denotes, no doubt, the town which sprang up “at the wharf.” But the word Ant- werpen approximatęs closely in sound to the Flemish handt werpen, hand throwing. Hence arose the legend of the giant who cut off the hands of those who passed his castle without paying him black mail, and threw them into the Scheldt.4 i Bochart, vol. iii. p. 470 ; Trench, English Past and Present, p. 238. 2 The legend is found also among the Thuringians and the Russians. Grimm, Deut. Rechtsalt. p. 90, apud Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. p. 51; Latham, Channel Isles, p. 338; Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 338; Verstegan, Restitution, p. 133; Skinner, Etymol. s. V. 3 Donaldson, English Ethnography, p. 54. 4 Motley, Dutch Republic, vol. i. p. 711 ; Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 294 ; Charnock, Local Etymology, p. 14. The giant was killed by Brabo, the eponymus of Brabant. 394 Changes and Errors. The legend of the wicked Bishop Hatto is well known. It has been reproduced by Southey in a popular ballad, and it is annually retailed and discussed on the decks of the Rhine steamers. At a time of dearth he forestalled the corn from the poor, but was overtaken by a righteous Nemesis—having been devoured by the swarming rats, who scaled the walls of his fortress in the Rhine. The origin of this legend may be traced to a corruption of the name of the maut-thurm, or custom-house, into the MÄUSE-THURM, or Mouse-tower.1 The story of Roland the crusader, and his hapless love for the daughter of the Lord of Drachenfels, is perhaps a still greater favourite with the fairer portion of the Rhine tourists. It is sad to have to reject the pathetic tale, but a stern criticism derives the name of ROLANDSECK from the rolling waves of the swift cụrrent at the bend of the river, which caused the place to be called the rollendes-ecke by the passing boatmen. Near Grenoble is a celebrated tower, which now bears the name of LA TOUR SANS VENIN, the tower without poison. The peasantry firmly believe that no poisonous animal can exist in its neighbourhood. The superstition has arisen from a corruption of the original saint-name of San Verena into sans venin. The superstitions which avouch that birds fall dead in attempting to fly across the DEAD SEA and the LAKE AVERNUS (đopvos) have originated in similar etymological fancies. In the Swedish language a woman is called quinna, or quinn, a word nearly allied to the obsolescent English 1 Förstemann, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift für Vergleich. Sprachforschung, vol. i. p. 6. 2 Mayhew, German Life and Manner's, vol. ii. p. 405. 3 Max Müller, Lectures, 2d series, p. 368. 1 Myths evolved from Names. 395 word quean, as well as to the appellation of the highest lady in the land. The Finns also call themselves Qvaens, a Euskarian word, which is no way related to the Teutonic root. The misunderstood assertions of travellers as to this nation of Qvons gave rise to the legend respecting a tribe of Northern Amazons ruled over by a woman. This myth must have come into existence even so early as the time of Tacitus, and we find it repeated by the geographer of Ravenna, by King Alfred, and by Adam of Bremen. The last-named writer confuses all our notions of ethnological propriety by the assertion that there are Turks to be found in Finland. He has evidently been misled by the fact that Turku was the ancient enchorial synonym for the city of Abo.3 PILATUS, the mountain which overhangs Lucerne, takes its name from the cap of cloud which frequently collects round this western outlier of the mountains of Uri. The name has originated the poetic myth of the banished Pilate, who, torn by remorse, is said to have haunted the rugged peak, and at last to have drowned himself in the lonely tarn near the summit of the mountain. Drepanum, now TRAPANI, in Sicily, was so called from the sickle-shaped curve of the sea-shore-Opéravov, a sickle. A Greek legend, preserved by Pausanias, affirms 1 Gay speaks of “the dread of every scolding quean." 2 “Circa hæc litora Baltici maris ferunt esse Amazonas, quod nunc terra feminarum dicitur," &c. Adam of Bremen, De situ. Danie, p. 15. See also Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 687; Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. p. 273 ; Latham, Nationalities of Europe, vol. i. p. 164 ; Latham, Germania, p. 174 ; Buckle, Hist. of Civilization, vol. i. p. 275. 3 De situ Daniæ, p. II; Cooley, Hist. of Maritime and Inland Discovery, vol. i. p. 211; Buckle, Hist. of Civiliz. vol. i. p. 275. 4 Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 291; Murray, Handbook for Switzerland, p. 39. 396 . Changes and Errors. that the name is a record of the fact that it was here Kronos threw away the sickle with which he had killed Uranos.? And various myths have clustered round the river LYCUS, as if it had been the Wolf river (úkos, a wolf) instead of the White river (neukós, white), as is no doubt the case.? The names of countries and nations have often suffered in this way. The Celtic name Pehta, or Peicta, “ the fighters,” has been Latinized into PICTI, the painted. savages of the Scottish Lowlands. In the case of the Berbers, a people in Northern Africa, the e in the enchorial name seems to have been changed into an a, from a desire to establish a connexion with the Greek word Bápßapot, and the name of BARBARY still remains on our maps to remind us of the error.4 A similar instance of the change of a single letter in accordance with a fancied etymology occurs in the case of the TATAR hordes, which, in the thirteenth century, burst forth from the Asiatic steppes. This terrible in- vasion was thought to be a fulfilment of the prediction of the opening of the bottomless pit, spoken of in the ninth chapter of the Revelation, and in order to bring 1 Movers, Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 312; Welsford, English Language, P. 194. 2 So around the name of the Lycian Apollo, the light-giver, have col- lected mythologic legends of the wolf-destroyer. Müller, Dorians, vol. i. p. 315. 3 See p. 81, supra; Trench, Study of Words, p. 86. 4 See p. 61, supra; Barth, Travels, vol. i. p. 224 ; Movers, Die Phönizier, pt. ii. vol. ii. pp. 390, 391; cf. Gibbon, Decline and Fall, vol. vi. p. 427, chap. li. The name of the Berbers is found in an ancient Egyptian inscrip- tion. Kenrick, Ancient Egypt, vol. ii. p. 248. In the time of Herodotus the word BápBapol was applied to all nations who spoke languages unintelli- gible to the Greeks. Afterwards it was restricted to all tribes beyond the pale of the Roman empire, and is now confined to certain tribes of northern Africa. Poland-Mussulman-Negropont. 397 the name into relation with Tartarus, the word Tatar was written, and still continues to be written, in the form Tartar.1 Our English name of POLAND is likewise founded on a misconception. The country consists of vast plains, and from the Sclavonic polie, a .plain, is derived the German plural form Polen or Pohlen, the men of the plains. In the old English writers we meet with the name Polayn, which is an admissible Anglicization of the German word. But the more recent change of Polayn into Poland is due to the desire of substituting an intelligible word for an unintelligible sound. The correct formation, following the analogous case of Switz- erland, would be Polenland. So the Arabic MOSLEMIN, already a plural form, has been corrupted into Mussulman, which is taken for a sin- gular, and from which have been formed those anomalous double plurals—Mussulmen and Mussulmans.2 NEGROPONT, the modern name of the island of Eubæa, is a corruption due, probably, to Genoese and Venetian mariners. The channel dividing the island from the mainland was anciently called Euripus, in allusion to the swiftness of the current; and at one time the land on either side projected so far as nearly to bridge the space between the two shores. The town built at this spot received the name of the channel, and was called Evripo, or Egripo, a name which has been a i Plebs Sathanæ detestanda Tartarorum , . . exeuntes ad instar dæ- monum solutorum à tartaro, ut bene Tartari, quasi tartarei nuncupentur. Matt. Paris, Hist. Major, p. 546, A.D. 1240. See p. 81, supra ; Prichard, Researches, vol. iv. p. 278; Wedgwood, in Philolog. Trans. for 1855, p. 72; Edinburgh Rev. vol. xciv. p. 308 ; Trench, English Past and Present, p. 239 ; Buckle, Hist. of Civilization, vol. i. p. 288. 2 See Förstemann, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. i. p. 17. 398 Changes and Errors. converted by Italian sailors into Negripo, or NEGROPONT, the “black bridge;" and, finally, the name of the town was extended to the whole island. 1 Some of the most curious transformations which have been effected by popular attempts at etymologizing are those which have taken place in the names of the streets of London. Sheremoniers Lane was so called from being the dwelling-place of the artizans whose business it was to shear or cut bullion into shape, so as to be ready for the die. The name, as its origin became forgotten, passed into Sheremongers Lane, and after a while, from the vicinity of St. Paul's Cathedral, and an analogy with Amen Corner, Ave Maria Lane, and Paternoster Row, it became SERMON Lane. After the loss of Calais and its dependencies, the artizans of Hames and Guynes, two small towns in the vicinity of Calais, took refuge in England. A locality in the east of London was assigned for their residence, and this naturally acquired the name of the old home from which they had been expelled, and was called Hames et Guynes. The vicinity of the place of execution on Tower Hill probably suggested the change.of the name to HANGMAN'S GAINS. Among many similar changes we may enumerate that of the 1 Talbot, English Etymologies, p. 53 ; Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. p. 301; Bremer, Greece, vol. ii. p. 89. So also the name of the MOREA seems to have arisen from a transposition of the letters of Romea, the ancient name. The usual explanation is that the name Morea is due to the resemblance of the peninsula in shape of a mulberry leaf. This is too abstract an idea, and it argues a knowledge of geographical contour which would hardly be possessed by the mediaval sailors among whom the name arose. See Salverte, Essai sur les Noms, vol. ii. P. 305. 2 Cunningham, Handbook of London, p. 734. 3 Stow, Survey, book v. p. 299 ; Cunningham, Handbook, p. 369. Street Names. 399 Convent of the Chartreuse into the chartered school now called the CHARTER HOUSE. Guthurun Lane, which takes its name from some old Danish burgher, has become GUTTER Lane, the change having been, doubtless, suggested by the defective condition of the drainage. Grasschurch Street, where the old grass market was held, became—first, Gracious Street, and then GRACECHURCH Street. Knightengild Lane has become NIGHTINGALE Lane, Mart Lane is now changed to MARK Lane, Des- mond Place to DEADMAN'S Place, Snore Hill to SNOW Hill, Candlewick Street to CANNON Street, Strype's Court to TRIPE Court, Leather Hall to LEADENHALL, Cloister Court, Blackfriars, to GLOSTER Court, Lomes- bury to BLOOMSBURY, St. Olave's Street to TOOLEY Street, St. Osyth's Lane to SISE Lane, St. Peter's-ey to BATTERSEA, and Stebenhithe to STEPNEY.? In New York there is a square called GRAMMERCY SQUARE, a name popularly supposed to be of French origin. But the true etymology.is indicated in one of i Compare the name of TIBBS Row, in Camibridge, a corruption of St. Ebbe's Row. 3 The curious transformations in the signs of inns have often been com- mented upon. For instance, we have the change of the Belle Sauvage to the Bell and Savage; the Pige washael, or the Virgin's greeting, to the Pig and Whistle; the Boulogne Mouth, i.e. the mouth of Boulogne harbour, the scene of a naval victory, to the Bull and Mouth ; the Bacchanals to the Bag o’ Nails; the vintner's sign of the Swan with two Nicks to the Swan with two Necks; and the Three Gowts (sluices) in Lincoln, to the Three Goats. Mr. Wedgwood, however, in a paper in the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1855, pp. 62—72, is inclined to hold as apocryphal some of the cases usually cited. Cf. Whewell, in Phil. Proc. vol. v. p. 140; Timbs, Curiosities of London, pp. 397—402 ; Taylor, Antiquitates Curiosa, p. 60 ; Cunningham, Handbook. Cf. also the change of the name of the lust-garten, or tea-garden, called Philomeles lust, nightingales' delight, into Viellmann's lust, many men's delight. Förstemann, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. i. p.21. 400 Changes and Errors. the old Dutch maps, in which we find that the site is occupied by a pond called De Kromme Zee, the crooked lake. In addition to the corruptions already considered, there are misnomers which are due to mistakes or misconceptions on the part of those by whom the names were originally bestowed. Prominent among these is one which has been already referred to, and which has bestowed the name of Amerigo Vespucci upon the continent which Columbus had discovered. The names of the WEST INDIES, and of the RED INDIANS of North America, are due to the sanguine supposition of Colum- bus that his daring enterprise had in truth been rewarded by the discovery of a new passage to the shores of India. The name of CANADA is due to a mistake of another kind. Canada is the enchorial word for “a village." When the French explorers first sailed up the St. Lawrence, it would seem that, pointing to the land, they asked its name, while the natives thought they inquired the name given to the collected wigwams on the shore, and replied Canada.? A notable instance of a name arising from an errone- ous ethnological guess occurs in the case of the GIPSIES. Their complexion, their language, and many of their customs, prove them to be a Turanian tribe which has wandered from the hill-country of India. Dr. Wilson, an Indian missionary, found some gipsies in Palestine i Notes and Queries, vol. ii. p. 428; Cooley, History of Maritime and Inland Discovery, vol. ii. p. 140; Charnock, Local Etymol. p. 58; Drake, Book of the Indians, book i. p. 23. The etymology from the Indian words kan, mouth, and ada, a country, has also been suggested. The etymology from the Portuguese ca nada, “Here is nothing," has been gravely pro- posed! This Portuguese exclamation is supposed to express the disap- pointment of the French discoverers at the desolate aspect of the country. The Gipsies. 401 with whom he could converse in one of the dialects of Western India. When they appeared in Europe in the beginning of the fifteenth century, their dark com- plexion and their unknown language seem to have sug- gested the erroneous ethnological guess that they were Egyptians, a word which has been corrupted into Gipsies. Their own name for themselves, ROMANI, indi- cates their temporary sojourn in the “ Roman" colony of Wallachia. A belief that they came immediately from Eastern Europe is also implied by the French name BOHÉMIENS, unless, indeed, as has been suggested, the name Bohemian be derived from an old French word boem, a Saracen. The Danes and Swedes regard them as Tatars, the Dutch call them HEIDEN or Heathen, the Spaniards call them GITANOS, (Gentiles,) and the Ger- mans and Italians call them ZIGANAAR, ZIGEUNER, or ZINGARI, that is, the wanderers. i See p. 57, supra, note. 2 In Germany they are popularly regarded as Saracens. Pott, Zigeuner, vol. i. p. 30. 3 Or, perhaps, a corruption of the name Egyptians. Pott, Zigeuner, vol. i. p. 31. 4 See Buyers, Northern India, p. 151–153; Gardner, Brazil, p. 147; Frontier Lands of the Christian and the Turk, vol. i. p. 385 ; Trench, Study of Words, p. 86; Pott, Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien, vol. i. p. 58; Prichard, Researches, vol. iv. p. 616. ut D D 402 Words derived from Places. CHAPTER XVI. WORDS DERIVED FROM PLACES. Growth of Words out of names--Process of Transformation-Examples ; cherry, peach, chestnut, walnut, quince, damson, Grernsey lily, currant, shallot, coffee, cocoa, and rhubarb-TobaccomNames of wines and liqueurs Gin, negus, and grog-Names of animals : turkey, ermine, sable-Breeds of horses~Fish-Names of Minerals ; loadstone, magnet, agate, jet, nitre, ammonia-- Textile fabrics-Manufactures of the Arabs : nuslin, damask, gauze, fustian-Manufactures of the Flemings: cambric, diaper, duck, ticking, friezemRepublics of Northern Italy-Cravats-- Worsted-Names of vehicles. The coach-Names of weapons, Inventions called from the name of the inventor-- Pasquinade, punch, harlequin, charlatan, vaude- ville--Mythical derivations-Names of coins-Moral significance attached to words derived from Ethnic Names-Examples ; Gothic, bigot, cretin, frank, romance, gasconade, lumber, ogre, fiend, slave-Names of servile Races-Tariff-Cannibal-Assassin-Sprucem Words derived from the practice of Pilgrimage : saunter, roam, canter, fiacre, tawdry, flash History of the word palace. ALL local names were once words. This has been the text of the preceding chapters; we have hitherto been endeavouring to make these words—long dumb-once more to speak out their meaning, and declare the lessons which they have to teach. We now come to the con- verse proposition. Many words were once local names. We find these words in all stages of the process of metamorphosis-some unchanged-some so altered as to be scarcely recognisable. In fact, it is only by Etymological Botany. 403 watching the process of transmutation in actual pro- gress in the linguistic laboratory of Nature that we are able to trace the identity of some of the products, so strangely are they altered. Let us take a few familiar instances. So short a time has elapsed since the introduction of French beans or Brussels' sprouts, that the names have undergone no phonetic changes—the information which they convey needs no interpreter. We may now proceed to an analogous case where the first stage in the transforma- tion of names into words has already commenced. We have almost ceased to speak of Swede turnips, Ribstone pippins? or Savoy cabbages, but the adjectives Swede, Ribstone, and Savoy have already become substantives, and the farmer talks of his SWEDES and the gardener of his RIBSTONES and his SAVOYS. In these instances the words themselves have as yet remained uncorrupted; but in the case of the cherries called MAYDUKES a further process of transformation has taken place. The word Mayduke is a corruption or Anglicization of the name Medoc, a town in the Gironde, from which these cherries were introduced.” But the word CHERRY is itself a local name, still more disguised, since it has passed through the alembic of two or three languages instead of one. The English word Cherry, the German Kirſche, and the French Cerise, all come to us from the Greek, through the Latin, and inform us that this fruit was first introduced from Cerasus,4 a town on the Black Sea. First grown in the Garden of Ribstone Hall in the West Riding. 2 Sankey, Portfeuille, p. 52. 3 Compare the Armenian geras, and the Persian carasiyha. 4 Now, probably, Kheresoun. See, however, Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part i. p. 244. ' D D 2 404 Words derived from Places. We shall find it instructive thus to examine the names of a few of our common plants and animals, with the double object of tracing historically the process by which words become disguised, and of showing the aid which etymology is able to render to the naturalist. To begin with the PEACH. This word, like Cherry, has had an adventurous life, and has retained still less resemblance to its original form, the initial p alone re- maining to remind us of the native country of the peach. The English word is derived immediately from the old French pesche. The s, which has been dropped'in the English form, gives us a clue to the origin of the word; and when we find that the Italian name is pesca or persica, the Spanish persigo, and the Latin persicuni; we discover that the peach is a Persian fruit." The Nectarine comes also from the same region, but tells us its story in a different way. The name is itself a Persian word, meaning “the best” kind of peach; and the Latin name of Apricots, mala armeniaca, refers them to a neighbouring district. The CHESTNUT is often improperly spelt chesnut, as if it were the cheese-like nut. But the mutę t, which could never have crept into the word, whatever may be the danger of its ultimate disappearance, is valuable as an indication of the true etymology, as well as of the country in which the tree was indigenous. The French Châtaigne or Chastaigne, and still more plainly the Italian Castagna, and the Dutch Kastanie, point us to Castanæa, in Thessaly, as its native place.3 i Talbot, English Etymologies, p. 475 ; Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 259. Compare the Dutch name persikboom. 2 Abricot is an Arabic word. For its curious history see Engelmann, Giossaire, p. 13. 3 See, however, Pictet, Orig: Indo-Europ. part i. p. 249. Peach—Chestnut-Walnuit-Quince. 405 • The London urchins, whose horticultural studies have been confined to Covent Garden, probably suppose that the WALNUT is a species of Wallfruit. In German, however, the word takes the form Wälſche Nuß, which would indicate that it is either the foreign nut, or the nut from Wälschland or Italy.1 Though the former is, perhaps, the more probable etymology, yet we must remember that the walnut is pre-eminently the tree of Northern Italy, as will be acknowledged by all who have rested beneath the spreading shade of the gigantic walnut-trees of the Piedmontese valleys, or who have crossed the wide plains of Lombardy, where the country for miles and miles is one vast walnut orchard, with the vines swinging in graceful festoons from tree to tree. The word QUINCE preserves only a single letter of its original form. The English word is a corruption of the French coing, 2 which we may trace through the Italian cotogna to the Latin cotonium or cydonium ma- lum, the apple of Cydon, a town in Crete. The cherry, the peach, the quince, and the chestnut are very ancient denizens of Western Europe. Not so the DAMSON, which was only imported a few centuries ago. If we write the word according to the older and more correct fashion-damascene--we are able at once i See p. 62, supra ; Talbot, English Etymol. p. 307; Max Müller, Lec- tures, and series, p. 367. Compare the Anglo-Saxon wealh-hnut, and the Old Norse yal-huot. 2 See the “Romaunt of the Rose":- "And many homely trees there were , That peaches, coines, and apples bere; Medlers, plummes, peeres, chesteines, Cherise, of which many one faine is." This passage also exhibits chestnut and cherry in a transitional stage of adoption from the French. 406 Words derived from Places. to trace its identity with the Prunum Damascenum, or Y the same city in the reign of Henry VII. and we learn how rapidly the culture of the beautiful flower must have extended from the fact, that in less than a century Shakespeare talks of the damask cheek of a rosy maiden, showing that the name had already become an English word.2 • The science of etymological botany has its pitfalls, which must be avoided. The GUELDER ROSE, for instance, is not, as might be supposed, the rose from Guelderland, but the elder rose, as is shown by the natural affinities of the plant, as well as by the ancient spelling of the name.3 An attempt to give a geographical significance to the name has probably led to the modification of the spelling. The same cause has undoubtedly been at work in corrupting the name of the girasole—the Italian turnsole or sunflower-into the JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE, out of which some ingenious cook has concocted Pales- tine soup ! The name of the GUERNSEY LILY contains a some- what curious history. The flower is a native of Japan, where it was discovered by Kæmpfer, the Dutch botanist and traveller. The ship which contained the specimens of the new plant was wrecked on the coast of Guernsey, and some of the bulbs having been washed ashore, they germi- nated and spread in the sandy soil. Thence they were sent over to England, in the middle of the seventeenth 1 The greengage was introduced by one Gage, belonging to an old Suf- folk family of that name. Borrow, Wild Wales, vol. ii. p. 99. 2 See Whewell, in Philolog. Proceed. vol. v. p. 136. 3 Talbot, English Etymologies, p. 88. 4 Max Müller, Lectures, second series, p. 368. Currant-Coffee-Cocoa. 407 century, by Mr. Hatton, a botanist, and son of the Governor of Guernsey, .. The small dried grapes called CURRANTS were, in the last century, called “corinths,” or Corinth grapes, Corinth being the chief port from which they were shipped. The currants of our gardens seem to have received their name from their superficial resemblance to the currants of commerce. The SHALLOT, a species of onion, comes to us from Ascalon, as will appear if we trace the name through the French form échalotte, and the Spanish escalona, to the Latin Ascalonia.SPINAGE is, perhaps, olus Hispa- nicum, and the Arabs call it Hispanach, the Spanish plant.3 COFFEE has been traced to the mountains of Caffa, south of Abyssinia, where the plant grows wild; name to the choicest growth. In like manner BOHEA, CONGOU, HYSON and SOUCHONG are geographical terms on a map of China. JALAP comes from Xalapa, or Jalapa, a province of Mexico. Another Mexican province, Choco, has given us the names of CHOCOLATE and CACAO. The coco or cocoa nut, however, has no botanical 5 or etymo- i Beckmann, History of Inventions, vol. i. p. 516; Ansted, Channel Islands, p. 499. 2 Diez, Etymolog. Wörterb. p. 305; Ménage, Origines, pp. 278, 786. 3 Or, perhaps, the name is derived from the spines on the seed. See Beckmann, Hist. of Inventions, vol. ii. p. 340 ; Notes and Queries, vol. xii. P. 253. 4 Hartwig, Tropical World, p. 189. 5 The cacao, or cocoa nibs, which produce the beverage, are beans borne in the pods of a shrub, ( Theobroma cacao,) which has no resemblance or affinity to the palm-tree, (Cocos nucifera,) which produces the coco nut, or to the coca or coco (Erythroxylon coca,) a herb whose leaves are chewed by the Peruvians, as a powerful stimulant-narcotic. The distinctive spel- ling of these three productions, cacao, cocoa, and coca should be carefully observed. See Burton, Abeokuta, vol. i. p. 47. 408 Words derived from Places. logical connexion with cacao. The Portuguese term for a bugbear is coco, and the word seems to have been applied to the palm nut on account of the appearance of a mask or face which is produced by the three holes at the extremity of the shell.1 CAYENNE, CHILIS, SEVILLE and CHINA oranges, PERUVIAN bark, and BRAZIL nuts are examples of names that have remained undisguised by etymological changes. The BRAZIL WOOD of commerce does not, however, as might have been thought, derive its name from the country; but, on the contrary, that vast empire was so called from the discovery on its shores of a dye wood, which produced the Brazil colour, or colour of glowing coals. The slopes of Sinai were formerly overgrown with the SENEH, or wild acacia-tree, a shaggy thorn-bush ; and it is more probable that the plant takes its name from the moun- tain than the mountain from the plant. SQUILLS are possibly from Squillace, and CARRAWAYS, Pliny tells us, are from Caria. RHUBARB is a corruption of Rha barbarum, or Rha barbaricum (German Rhabarber, Italian Rabarbaro), the root from the savage banks of the River Rha, or Volga. DRAGONWORT is a curiously i Marsh, Lectures on English Language, p. 143. 2 The Cæsalpinia crista, which grows profusely in the forests of Brazil. Hartwig, Tropical World, p. 240. 3 The word brazil is found in our literature as early as the reign of Edward I. Talbot, English Etymologies, p. 451 ; Hinchliff, South American Sketches, p. 232. French braise, Portuguese braza, live coals. Hence the English braser, sometimes improperly written brasier, a vessel for containing live coals. 4 Stanley, Jewish Church, p. 108; Sinai and Palestine, p. 18. Cf. Greek uúppa= gjúpva, myrrh. Huic Rha vicinus est amnis, in cujus superciliis quædam vegetabilis ejusdem nominis gignitur radix, proficiens ad usus multiplices medelarum. Ammianus Marcellinus, lib. xxii. cap. 8, § 28. See Müller, Ugrische Volkstamm, vol. ii. p. 87. Tobacco. 409 corrupted name. It comes from Tarragona in Spain. The word TAMARIND is from the Arabic tainarhendi, which means the Indian date.1 INDIGO is indicum, the Indian dye; and GAMBOGE is from Cambodia. Fen- jibre, the Spanish form of the word GINGER, looks as if the root had been imported from Zanzibar, while the Arabic form Zenjebel seems to point to the mountains of Zend, or Persia. Sugar CANDY seems to be from Candia ; and this view is supported by the fact that kand is the Turkish word for sugar of every kind. The CYPRESS tree comes from the island of Cyprus, and the SPRUCE fir is the Prussian fir. “There is an herbe," says an old voyager, “which is sowed apart by itselfe, and is called by the inhabitants Vppowoc; in the West Indies it hath diuers names according to the seuerall places and countreys where it groweth and is used ; the Spanyards generally call it TOBACCO. The leaues thereof being dried and brought into pouder, they use to take the fume or smoake thereof, by sucking it through pipes made of clay, into their stomacke and head. .... This Vppomoc is of so precious estimation amongst them (the Indians), that they think their gods are maruellously delighted there- with: whereupon sometime they make hallowed fires, and cast some of the pouder therein for a sacrifice.” 3 The general estimation in which the growth of Tobago 4 1 Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 340 ; Freytag, vol. i. p. 424, b. 2 In Moslem countries an inordinate quantity of sugar is consumed. A very large number of the Arabic words now existing in the Spanish and Portuguese languages denote preparations of sugar. See Engelmann, Glos- saire, passim. 3 See Hariot, “ Brief and true report of the new found land of Virginia,” apud Hackluyt, Voyages, vol. iii. p. 271. 4 There is also a province of Yucatan called Tabaco. Adelung thinks 410 Words derived from Places. was held has caused the name of this island to become the general designation of the "herbe.” Laodicea, the mother of Seleucus Nicator, gave her name to a city on the Syrian coast, and the “herbe” shipped from this port goes by the name of LATAKIA tobacco—a name which exhibits a curious geographical juxtaposition. Another choice growth is called YORK RIVER, a name familiar to the readers of telegrams from the seat of war, and derived from the Duke of York, afterwards James II. CUBAS, HAVANNAHS, VEVAYS, and MANIL- LAS are also among the “diuers names" derived from “the seuerall places and countreys where the herbe groweth.” The names of wines are, with few exceptions, derived from geographical sources. The CHIAN and the SAMIAN came from islands of the Grecian archipelago. The FALERNIAN, of which Horace was so fond, was the produce of a volcanic hill-side near Naples. Falernian has already been driven from the cellar to the school- room, and the vine disease threatens to do the same with CANARY and MADEIRA. CAPE comes from South Africa. Three of the old provinces of France give their names to CHAMPAGNE, BURGUNDY, and ROUSILLON. There is a vineyard near Rheims called SILLERY, CHABLIS is a town in northern Burgundy not far from Auxerre, that the word tobacco is not derived from either of these local names, but vice verså : the word may, perhaps, be derived from the Haitean tambaku, a pipe, or, as some have thought, the word may have been adopted from an Indian name of the plant. Against this it may be urged that the Indian word for tobacco is uppbwoc. Wilson, Pre-historic Man, vol. i. p. 383; Drake, Book of the Indians, book iv. p. 6. 1 Such as TENT, which is derived from the Spanish tinto, in allusion to its rich colour. The name of CLARET is derived from its clearess. No Frenchman, however, speaks of, or drinks, clairet. This is the mixture manufactured solely for the English market. Wines. 411 and SAUTERNE is a village near Bordeaux. MEDOC is the name of the vast sandy plain which lies between the Gironde and the ocean. The town of MANZANARES and the VAL DE PENAS, or valley of rocks, are both in the province of La Mancha. ASTI is a town near Marengo. TOKAY is situated in the north-east of Hungary. Many of the wines of commerce, as BORDEAUX and LISBON, receive their English names from the port of shipment rather than from the place of growth. So PORT is the wine exported from Oporto, and the wines of Sicily are shipped from MARSALA, an Arabic name meaning “the Port of God," and reminding us, as we drink it, of the almost forgotten story of the Mahometan conquests in Southern Europe. MALMSEY is a contrac- tion of MALVASIA, having been originally shipped from Napoli di Malvasia, a port in the Morea. MALAGA and XERES are also places of export rather than of production. The Spanish x being pronounced like the ch in German, the word sherris, on English lips, is a very fair approximation to the name of the town of . grand emporium of the Spanish wine trade. The sack or sherris sack, upon whose excellent “twofold opera- tion” Falstaff so feelingly dilates," is Xeres sec, or dry sherry as we should call it. The term sack was applied to all the dry wines of Canary, Xeres, and Malaga : thus we read of Canary sack, Malaga sack, Xeres sack.2 It would be curious to trace the progress of the per- version whereby the wines which in the fifteenth century 1 Henry IV. second part, act iv. scene 2. 2 See Hackluyt, apud Redding, Wines, p. 211; Drake, Shakspeare and his Tisſies, vol. ii. p. 130; Ducange, s. V. saccatum ; Ford, Gatherings from Spain, p. 150. 412 Words derived from Places. used to be correctly designated wines of Rhin' have come to be called HOCKS. Hocheim, from which the name is derived, lies on the Mayn and not on the Rhine, and neither the excellence nor the abundance of the Hocheim vintage seems to afford adequate reason for the fact that the name has become a generic term for the whole of the Rhine wines. It may probably be due to special commercial interests connecting some London firm with Hocheim, for in no European language except English do these wines go by the name of hocks. It might seem that JOHANNISBERG, with its white Schloss, STEINBERG, NIERSTEIN, GEISENHEIM, RUDESHEIM, ASS- MANNHAUS, or some other of the venerable towns or smiling villages which delight the eye of the traveller, as he passes the romantic ruins and steep vineyards which fringe the broad rolling stream, might have as- serted a better claim to bestow their names upon the delicate vintage of the Rhine, than an obscure village, which stands upon another river, and which is by no means unsurpassed in the excellence or abundance of its growth. The volcanic slopes of all the river-banks in this dis- trict offer a congenial soil and site for the growth of the vine. LAUBENHEIM on the Nahe, LAHNSTEIN on the Lahn, and ZELTINGEN and PIESPORT on the MOSELLE, compete with the more celebrated villages on the Rhine and the Mayn. The Germans have a saw which com- pares the qualities of their chief growths : “Rhein-wein, fein wein; Neckar-wein, lecker wein ; Franken-wein, tranken wein ; Mosel-wein, unnosel wein." HUNGARY WATER is said to have been first distilled owth Liqueurs. 413 by Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary.1 CHARTREUSE is prepared from a recipe in the possession of the monks of the celebrated monastery ruled over by St. Bernard. CURAÇAO ? came originally from the island of that name in the Carribean Sea. COGNAC is a town in the depart- ment of the Charente. HOLLANDS and SCHIEDAM, as their names import, came to us from the Dutch. Since GIN is a contraction of Geneva, it might be supposed that geneva was originally distilled in the city of that name. The word geneva is, however, only an Anglicized form of the Dutch jenever,3 the juniper, from the berries of which plant the peculiar flavour is derived. WHISKEY is a corruption of the Celtic word uisge, water, a root which, as we have seen,4 appears in the names of the Wisk, Esk, Usk, Exe, Thames, and other Celtic rivers. USQUEBAUGH is the "yellow water," from the Erse boy, yellow. GLENLIVAT is the name of a highland valley in Banffshire, famous for its stills. SPRUCE BEER is either Prussian beer, or beer tinctured with the sap of the spruce' or Prussian fir. Colonel NEGUS has been im- mortalized by the beverage which he first concocted. The etymology of GROG is curious. Admiral Vernon, a sailor of the old school, used to wear a grogram coat, and hence the seamen bestowed upon him the nickname of Old Grog,' which was afterwards transferred to the D i Beckmann, History of Inventions, vol. i. p. 316. 2 Often wrongly spelt Curaçoa. Cf. the analogous names Macao, Bilbao, Callao, &c. 3 Gin being originally a Dutch drink, the name is undoubtedly derived from the Dutch jenever, rather than from the French equivalent genièvre, as is usually alleged. 4 See pp. 202—206, supra. 5 The word Grogram is an Anglicization of the French gros-grain, coarse textured. 414 Words derived from Places. mixture of rum and water which he was the first to introduce into the navy.1 The names of animals, like those of plants, are able to supply us, in many cases, with information as to the countries from which they have been introduced, as well as with examples of the curious phonetic changes which the names of those countries have undergone. The naturalization of the COCHIN CHINA fowl has been too recent to permit any of these changes to take place. The same is the case with DORKINGS and SPANISH FOWLS. The GUINEA FOWL came from the Guinea coast, and the CANARY was brought from the Canary Isles in the middle of the sixteenth century.3 BANTAMS came from the Dutch settlement of Bantam in Java. The PHEASANT is of much older introduction. The name is derived from the Latin avis phasiana-the Phasian bird—whence we conclude, with Pliny, that the bird was originally brought from the banks of the river Phasis, in Colchis. The EIDER duck takes its name from the river Eider in Holstein, whence, however, the bird has long disappeared. The TURKEY was so named by a mistake. It is an American fowl, but was popularly supposed to have come from the Levant. The German name, Kalekuter, would imply that it came from Calicut, and the French Dinde, a contraction of poulet d'Inde, appears to endorse the same error. ERMINE is the fur of the animal of the same name; i Taylor, Antiquitates Curiose, p. 58 ; Notes and Queries, first series, vol. i. pp. 58, 168 ; Sullivan, Dict. of Derivations, p. 110. 2 The GUINEA-pig is a native of Brazil, but it may probably have been originally brought to this country by some ship engaged in the Guinea trade. 3 Hence CANARY seed and the CANARY colour. Names of Animals. 415 Chaucer calls it the Armine.1 By a parallel phonetic change, Ville Hardouin calls the Arminians the Her- mines. Hence we may with great probability assign the animal to Armenia, and its scientific name, Mus Ponticus, points to the same region. The SABLE, like the Ermine, bears the corrupted name of a large country. The English form affords no clue to the etymology, but we find that the word in Italian takes the form Zibellino, which appears to be a cor- ruption of Sibelino or Siberino--the fur from Siberia. The POLECAT is from Poland. SHAMOY leather is often erroneously spelt chamois, as if it were prepared from the hide of the Alpine antelope. But, like RUSSIA or MOROCCO, the word shamoy has a geographical origin, and means the leather from Samland, a district on the Baltic. Many of the breeds of domestic cattle are of such recent origin, that the names have as yet suffered no corruption. Thus the names of LEICESTERS, and SOUTH- DOWNS, DEVONS and HEREFORDS, as well as of ANGOLAS, CASHMERES, SHETLANDS and NEWFOUNDLANDS, are still in the second stage of word formation. In the third stage we may place the SPANIEL, which is either the Spanish dog, or the dog from Hispaniola. The GREYHOUND is the Grecian dog (canis graius). PUSS is an endearing corruption of Pers, the Persian cat. The meaning of the word BARB4 is slowly changing; it was at first used strictly of a horse brought from Barbary, just i We find also the forms Harmelinus and Arminiæ pellis, and the Italian name is Armellino. Diez, Etymol. Wörterbuch, p. 26. 2 See p. 403, supra ; and compare the names CHEDDER, CHESHIRE, STILTON, PARMESAN, &C. 3 Hume, Geographical Terms, p. 9. 4 German, barbar : Old French, barbare. 416 Words derived from Places. as an ARAB was a horse from Arabia. Of kindred blood to Barbs and Arabs is the Spanish horse called a JENNET, a name which may not improbably be derived from Jaen, the capital of one of the Moorish kingdoms in the Peninsula. Nor have we yet acknowledged all the obligations of our horse-breeders to the Arabian blood. One of the galleons of the Armada, which had succeeded in weathering Cape Wrath and the storm-beaten Hebrides, was lost on the coast of Galloway, and tra- dition avers that a Spanish stallion, rescued from the wreck, became the ancestor of the strong and serviceable breed of GALLOWAYS. A curious instance of change of application in a name occurs in the case of the strong Normand horses which were imported from Rouen. They were called rouens or ROANS-a word which has now come to denote the colour of the horse rather than the breed. Collectors of insects often give topic names to rare or local species, such as the Camberwell beauty, the Kentish glory, the Bath white; and there are scores of similar names which might be added to the list. The venomous spider called the TARANTULA takes its name from Taranto in Southern Italy. The Cantharides of the druggist's shop often go by the name SPANISH FLIES. Mosquitoes, however, do not take their name from the Musquito coast, the word being the diminutive of the Spanish word mosca, a fly.1 The CARP is in Latin cupra or cyprinus, the fish from Cyprus. SARDINES are caught off the coast of Sardinia, but we should be wrong in supposing that the SARDINE stone or the SARDONYX came to us from that island, for 1 The word musket (Italian, moschetto) is from the same root. Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 232. Names of Minerals. 417 the true origin of these names is to be sought at Sardis in Asia Minor. The loadstone and the magnet are both local names. The LOADSTONE is a corrupted 1 trans- lation of Lydius lapis, the stone of Lydia. In the same region we must seek for the source of the name MAGNET, which is derived from Magnesia, a Lydian city. From Magnesia we also obtain the names of MANGANESE, or manganesis, MAGNESIA, and MAGNESIAN LIMESTONE. COPPER is cuprurit or as cyprium, the brass of Cyprus.? The neighbouring island of Crete gave its name to the creta, a sort of pipeclay which the Romans used for seals, the knot with which the packet was tied being enveloped in a ball of clay, and the seal impressed upon it. From the Latin creta the English adjective CRETA- CEOUS has been formed, and from the same root we get our CRAYONS through the medium of the French craie. TRIPOLI powder is composed of the flinty skeletons of diatomaciæ, of which large beds exist near Tripoli. The TURKEY STONE on which we whet our razors is derived from the same region, and possibly from the same quarries as the cos, to which the Romans gave the name of the island from which they were accustomed to pro- cure it. The TURQUOISE is a sort of misnomer. It came from Nishapore in Persia, but being imported by the Turkey merchants was supposed to be a Turkish stone. CHALCEDONY came from Chalcedon, and ALA- i The notion of a leading or guiding-stone seems to have influenced the present form of the word. Cf. the loadstar, or leading-star. 2 The Sanskrit name is nearly identical, which would indicate that copper first reached India from the West. See Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part i. P. 173. 3 Or the island may have derived its name from the stone. In favour of this view it may be urged that the Sanskrit ço means to sharpen. Cf. the Latin acilo. EE 418 Words derived from Places. BASTER from Alabastrum in Egypt, as we are told by Pliny, who also informs us that the TOPAZ came from Topazos, an island in the Red Sea. AGATES were first found in the bed of the Achates, a Sicilian river.1 In like manner the Gagates, a river of Lycia, gave its name to the black stone which the French call gagate, jayet, or jaet, a word which we have abbreviated into JET. The crystal called SPA came originally from the Belgian watering-place whose name has been transferred to so many mineral springs, and the word CHALYBEATE is itself indirectly derived from the name of the Chalubes, a tribe which inhabited the iron-producing district of Armenia. SEIDLITZ in Bohemia has given its name to the well-known effervescing draughts, and genuine SELTZER water comes from Nieder Selters, near Maintz. On Epsom Common may still be discovered the forsaken, but once fashionable well, from whose waters EPSOM SALTS were first procured. GYPSUM, when written in its ancient form egipsum, tells us that it came from Egypt. PLASTER of PARIS was procured in great abundance from the catacombs of Paris, and UMBER and SIENNA, as the names import, are earths from Northern Italy. SYENITE is the granite of Syene in Upper Egypt.? PARIAN marble is. from the isle of Paros, and CAEN and BATH stone have suffered no corruption. Two of the newly discovered metals take their names respectively from YTTRIUM in Sweden and STRONTIAN in Argyle- shire. NATRON and NITRE are found in the Egyptian province of Nitria, where natron lakes still exist, though it is fairly open to dispute whether the salt gave its TAI 1 T V i Bochart, vol. iii. p. 549. 2 There are many terms of local origin used by geologists, such as Devo- nian, Silurian, Wealden, Cambrian, &c. Textile Fabrics. 419 1 name to the province, or, as Jerome asserts, the province performed the like office for the salt. AMMONIA abounds likewise in the soil of the Libyan desert, and in the writings of Synesius, bishop of Pentapolis, we have an account of the preparation of the sal aminoniacus by the priests of Jupiter Ammon, and its transmission to Egypt in baskets made of the leaves of palms. A large number, we might almost say the greater number, of the fabrics which we wear, are called by names derived from the places at which they were originally made. Political and social revolutions, aided by the invention of the spinning jenny, of the power- . loom, and of the steam-engine, have, it is true, transferred the great seats of manufacture from India, from the Levant, from Holland, from Northern Italy, and from East Anglia, to the neighbourhood of our English coal- fields, but the fabrics retain the ancient names which still testify of the places which saw the earliest develop- ments of industrial energy. Our CASHMERE SHAWLS1 are now made at Paisley ; our JAPANNED ware comes from Birmingham, our CHINA from Staffordshire, our NANKEEN from Manchester, and we even export our CALICO to Calicut, the very place from whence, three hundred years ago, it used to come.? Names of this class resolve themselves, for the most part, into three divisions, which indicate in a character- istic manner the three chief centres of mediæval industry. The ingenuity and inventive skill of the Arabs gave 1 The word SHAWL is itself the name of a valley and district in Affghan- istan. 2 The French for calico is calicot. The fact that the t is dropped in English indicates that we got the word through the French. Hackluyt calls it " Calicut cloth." E E 2 420 Words derived froin Places. the first impulse to the industrial progress of the West. Thus SARCENET (low Latin, saracenicum) was a silken fabric obtained from the Saracens. Mouseline, the French form of the word MUSLIN, clearly refers us to Moussul,1 in the neighbourhood of the eastern capital of the Caliphs. In Bagdad, the street inhabited by the manufacturers of silken stuffs was called Atab, and the fabrics woven by them were called Atabi.? From a corruption of this word we probably derive the words TAFFETY and TABBY.3 The rich figured silk called DAMASK,4 and the famous DAMASCUS swords were pro- duced at the central seat of the Moslem dominion,5 and the TOLEDO blades remind us that the Arab conquerors carried their metallurgic skill with them to the West. From another Moslem kingdom came CIPRESSE, the black “cobweb lawn” behind which Olivia, in ‘Twelfth Night,' “hides her heart," and which the pedlar Auto- lycus, in the 'Winter's Tale,' carries in his pack. ĠAUZE was made at Gaza, as is indicated by gaze, the French, and gasa the Spanish form of the name ; 6 and in the same way we are guided by the Italian baldacchino in assigning BAUDEKIN, which we read of in old authors, to Baldacca or New Bagdad, one of the suburbs 'of Cairo. Baudekin originally meant a rich silken tissue embroidered with figures of birds, trees, and flowers, in gold and silver thread, but the word was subsequently used for any rich canopy, especially that 1 Diez, Etymol. Wörterbuch, p.236; Pihan, Glossaire, p. 210. 2 Gayangos, Dynasties, vol. i. pp. 358, 51; Vonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 122. 3 A tabby cat has the wavy markings of watered silk. 4 Scarlet, it may be noted, is an Arabic word. 5 Diez, Etymol. Wörterbuch, p. 121. 6 Pihan, Glossaire, p. 132 ; Diez, Etymol. Wörterb. p. 641. Manufactures of the Arabs. . 421 over the altar, and pre-eminently the canopy in St. Peter's under which stands the throne of the Pope.1 Previous to the tenth century an important suburb of Cairo was Fostat,2 where flourished the manufacture of FUSTIAN; fostagno, the Italian name of the fabric, indicates this more clearly than the English disguise.3 MOHAIR, or MOIRE, is a fabric 4 of the Moors or Arabs of Spain; and the same skilful race, after the Spanish conquest, manufactured JEAN at Jaen; and at Cordova, cordovan or CORDWAIN," a kind of leather prized by the cordonniers or CORDWAINERS of the middle ages as highly as MOROCCO is by the leather-workers of the present day. Truly the most elaborate history of the civilization of the Arabs would fail to give us any i Fairholt, Up the Nile, p. 59. Wedgwood (English Etym. p. 126) copies Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 39, in assigning this manufacture to Bagdad on the Tigris. The ecclesiastical vestment called a DALMATIC was invented in Dalmatia. 2 Gibbon, chap. li. vol. vi. p. 403. 3 Diez, Etymol. Wörterb. p. 157. Dimity is not, as has been asserted, the fabric from Damietta, but that woven with two threads (dis and ultus) just as twill and drill are respectively made with two and three threads, as the names imply. 4 In Almeria there were at least 4,000 looms. Gayangos, Dynasties, vol. i. p. 51. MERINO is woven from the wool of the Merino sheep, a name which Southey has ingeniously derived from the emirs, or shepherd princes of Spain. The name of MOREEN may be due to the same source, though it is more probably derived from the dark colour. 5 Diez, Etymol. Wörterb. p. III; Ménage, Origines, pp. 229, 696. 6 To the Arabs we also owe much of the early science of the West, as is shown by the words chemistry, alchemy, alembic, borax, elixir, alkali, alcohol, azul, lapis lazuli, algebra, almanac, azimuth, zenith, and radir, which are all of Arabic origin. How feeble, too, would be our powers of calculation with- out the ARABIC NUMERALS, and the Arabic system of decimal notation. It is also a very suggestive fact that almost every Spanish word connected with irrigation-some dozen in all-is of Arabic origin. E. : alberca, a tank; azequia, a canal; azena, a water-wheel; aljibe, a well. Gayangos, Dynas- ties, p. 487. Many nautical terms used in Spain are also Arabic. E.g. 422 Words derived from Places. such vivid sense of their industry and ingenuity as is conveyed by the curious fact, that the seats of their empire, whether in Europe, in Africa, or in Asia, have stamped their names indelibly on so many of the fabrics in our daily use. As the energies of the Moslem races decayed, the Flemings took their place as the chief manufacturing people. When Leeds and Manchester were country villages, and Liverpool a hamlet, Flanders was supply- ing all Europe with textile fabrics. The evidence of this fact is interwoven into the texture of our English speech. We have seen that many silken and cotton fabrics come from the Arabs; the Flemings excelled in the manufactures of flax and wool. From Cambrai we have CAMBRIC, as is clear from the French form cambray, or toile de Cambray. DIAPER, formerly written dipre or d' Ypres, was made at Ypres, one of the chief seats of the cloth manufacture, as we learn from Chaucer, who says of his wife of Bath :- “Of cloth making she hadde swiche an haunt, She passed hem of Ipres and of Gaunt.” Another colony of clothworkers was settled on the River Toucques in Normandy. From the name of this river a whole family of words has been derived. In German the general name for cloth is Tuch, and in old English tuck. We read in Hackluyt a description of "the great Turke himselfe," who had “upon his head a goodly LI sactia, a boat; the small three-masted vessel called a xabeque; almadia, a raft; arsenal; and almirante, an admiral, which is a corruption of emir-al- bahr, commander at sea. Gayangos, Dynasties, vol. ii. appendix, p. xxxvi. ; Engelmann, Glossaire, p. 53. i The Flemish manufactures arose in the twelfth century. See Hallam, Middle Ages, vol. iii. p. 375. ? See Knapp, English Roots, p. 46. T Manufactures of the Flemings. 423 white tucke, containing in length by estimation fifteene yards, which was of silke and linnen wouen together, resembling something of Calicut cloth.”] White trou- sers are made of DUCK, our beds are covered with TICKING, and our children wear TUCKERS at their meals. A TUCKER was originally a narrow band of linen cloth worn by ladies round the throat. Hence any narrow strip of cloth fastened on the dress was called a TUCK or TUCKER, and when this mode of ornamentation was imitated by a fold in the fabric, the fold or plait itself received the same name. A weaver used to be called a tucker, and Tucker is still a common surname among us. In Somerset and in Cornwall there are villages called Tucking Mill, and Tucker Street in Bristol ? was that occupied by the weavers.3 From the Walloons we have GALLOON, that is, Walloon lace, as well as the finer fabrics which take their names from VALENCIENNES and MECHLIN. GING- HAM was originally made at Guingamp in French Flan- ders. From the same region come LISLE thread, the rich tapestry called ARRAS, and BRUSSELS CARPETS. In the marshes of Holland the fabrics were of a less costly type than among the wealthy Flemings. From this region we obtain the names of DELF ware, brown HOL- LAND, and homely FRIEZE, 6 or cloth of Friesland. 1 Anthony Ienkinson, “The manner of the entring of Soliman the great Turke, with his armie into Aleppo in Syria,” apud Hackluyt, Voyages, vol. ii. p. 113. 2 Lucas, Secularia, p. 101. 3 I have left this paragraph as it stood in the first edition, though I am now far from certain as to the correctness of the etymology suggested. The very early use of the word tuck suggests some independent Teutonic root. 4 The GALLEON was probably a Walloon vessel, one of the great Ant- werp merchantmen. 5 Hume, Geographical Terins, p. 7. • Compare, however, the Welsh ffris, the nap of cloth. TO FRIZZLE, in YA 424 Words derived from Places. · Passing from the ingenious Arabs and the indus- trious Netherlanders, we find among the luxurious republics of Northern Italy a third series of names, as characteristic and as suggestive as those we have already considered. The fiddles of CREMONA, the PISTOLS of Pistoja? in Tuscany, the bonnets of LEGHORN, the PADS and PADDING of Padua, the rich fabric called PADUASOY, and the scent called BERGAMOT, are fair specimens of the wares which would be articles of foremost necessity to the fine gentleman and fair ladies who figure in the pages of Boccace; and it is easy to understand that ITALIAN IRONS might be suitably introduced by those MILLINERS and MANTUAMAKERS? who derive their names from two cities where their services were so abundantly appreciated. On the other hand, ITALICS and ROMAN type still bear witness in every printing office that the newly discovered art was nowhere more French friser, is to curl the hair in the Frisian fashion. See, however, Grimm, Gesch. Deut. Spr. p. 669; Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 155. The architectural term FRIEZE is probably derived from Phrygia, certainly not from Friesland. The ATTICS of our houses may be traced to the Attic order of architecture, which displayed an upper tier of columns. 1 The name of pistoyers was originally given to certain small daggers, and was afterwards transferred to the small concealed firearms. H. Ste- phanus, apud Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 267; Ménage, Origines, P. 527. To this last we may add the pavois, or shield of Pavia. Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 256. 2 Whewell, in Phil. Proc. vol. v. p. 136, thinks this is an erroneous deri- vation. He prefers manteau. The best bells for hawks were called MILANS, because imported from Milan. See Drake, Shakspeare and his Times, vol. i. p. 268. 3 The tureen is not from Turin, but is a terrine, or earthen vessel. Whe- well, in Philolog. Proc. vol. v. p. 136. We have also POLONIES or Bologna sausages, and SAVELOYS from Savoy. Cf. Perigord pies, Bath buns, Ban- bury cakes, &c. The MAGENTA colour derives its name from a Lombard village, but the name commemorates the date, and not the locality of the discovery. TTT YM Manufactures of Northern Italy. 425 eagerly welcomed, or carried to a higher perfection than in the country in which the revival of learning first began. From the rest of Europe we may glean a few scat- tered names of the same class—though they mostly denote peculiarities of local costume rather than esta- blished seats of manufacture. Thus, we have the word CRAVATS from the nation of the Cravates, or Croats as they are now called. There was a French regiment of light horse called “le royal Cravate," because it was attired in the Croat fashion, and the word cravat was introduced in 1636, when the neck-ties worn by these large open hose worn by the Gallo-vascones, or Gascons of Southern France. GALLỘCHES, or galloshoes, are the wooden sabots worn by the French peasants, and the name has been transferred to the overshoes of caoutchouc which have been recently introduced. The French city from which we first obtained SHALLOON is indicated by Chaucer in the “Reves Tale." The Miller of Trumpington, we read, “Made a bedde With shetes and chalons fair yspredde.” JERSEYS and GUERNSEYS remind us how the mothers and wives of the fishermen in the Channel islands used to toil with their knitting-needles while their sons and 1 Whewell, in Phil. Proc. vol. v. p. 136 ; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 608. 2 The etymology here suggested is doubtful. The word is very ancient, for the Roman caliga, from which Caligula derived his name, and the Lan- cashire clog, are from the same root. Compare the Old Spanish gallochas, Erse galoig, Brezone galochou. Spenser speaks of “My galage grown fast to my heel.” Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 133 ; Diez, Etymol. Wörter- buch, p. 162; Whitaker, History of Manchester, vol. ii. p. 258; Ménage, Origines, p. 338. 426 Words derived from Places. husbands were labouring at sea. TWEEDS were made at Hawick, Galashiels, Selkirk, and other towns on the Scottish border. The name was first suggested by the misreading of an invoice, and the appropriateness of this substitution of Tweeds for Twills gave rapid currency to the new name. WORSTEDI takes its name from Wor- stead, a village not far from Norwich, and informs us that the origin of our English textile manufactures dates from the settlement, in the time of Henry I., of a colony of Flemings, who made Norwich one of the chief manufac- turing towns of England. The importance of the East Anglian woollen trade” is also shown by the fact that two contiguous Suffolk villages, Lindsey, and Kersey with its adjacent mere, have given their names to LINDSEY WOLSEY and KERSEYMERE. BAIZE is said to be from Baiæ near Naples, though this appears to be only an ingenious etymological guess. It is said also that DRUGGET, or droget, was first made at Drogheda in Ireland, and that BONNETS came from the Irish village of that name. From the name of Hibernia is derived the French word berne, a blanket,4 and hence, perhaps, we have obtained the semi-naturalized word BERNOUSE.5 Llanelly, I believe, was a great place for the Welsh flannel manu- facture, though whether the word FLANNEL is derived from the name Llanelly is doubtful. The etymology at all events seems quite as probable as that which i Blomefield, Hist. of Norfolk, vol. v. p. 1455 ; Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 190; Hallam, Middle Ages, vol. iii. p. 378. 2 See Good Words, March, 1864; Hume, Geographical Terms, p. 6. 3 Hume, Geographical Terms, p. 7. 4 Italian and Spanish bernia. Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 201 ; Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 51. 5 The general use of this word in the East suggests a doubt whether it. may not be of Semitic origin. 0 Notes and Queries, second series, vol. ix. p. 177. Vehicles. 427 Diez proposes, from velamen. The word SILK may be traced to the serica vestes, the garments of the Seres or Chinese, who, ever since the time of Pliny, have been the chief producers of this material. It must suffice briefly to enumerate a few inventions whose names betray a local origin. The towns of Sedan in France, and Bath in England, have given us SEDANS and BATH CHAIRS. From Kottsee, a town in Hungary, comes the Hungarian word KOTCZY, and the German Kutſche,2 of which the English word COACH3 is a corruption. The first BERLINE was constructed for an ambas- sadorial journey from Berlin to Paris. The LANDAU is said to derive its name from the town of Landau in the Palatinate. It has been supposed that Hackney i Diez, Etymol. Wörterbuch, p. 147. 2 John Cuspinianus, physician to Maximilian I., says that the Hungarians rode in carriages, called in their native tongue kottschi. Ungriches Mag. vol. i. p. 20, vol. ii. p. 460. See two most exhaustive treatises on this word, by M. Comides, in the Ungriches Magazin, vol. i. pp. 15–21 ; vol. ii. pp. 412-465. See also Beckmann, Hist. of Inventions, vol. i. p. 77. 3 Coaches were introduced into England from Hungary, by the Earl of Arundel, in 1580. Ung. Mag: vol. ii. p. 424 ; Smith, Antiquarian Ramble, vol. i. p. 367. 4 The Kutsche was a carriage in which the traveller might sleep, as ap- pears from a passage of Avila, quoted by Diez, p. 105. Charles V. he says, “se puso a dormir en un carro cubierto, al qual en Hungria llaman coche, el nombre y la invencion es de aquella tierra.” Hence it has been proposed to connect the English word cOUCH, and the French verb COUCHER with the same root, but the influence is probably only of a reflex nature, the ultimate source of these two words being to be sought in the Latin collocare. 5 Whewell, in Philolog. Proc. vol. v. p. 136 ; Hume, Geogr. Terms, p. 17. It seems probable, however, that it may have been named after Marshal Landau, like the STANHOPE, TILBURY, and BROUGHAM. There is a coach- maker, in Longacre, called Rumball, and a writer in Notes and Queries (second series, vol. ix. p. 177) suggests that the RUMBLE was invented by him. 428 Words derived from Places. coaches were first used at the London suburb of Hack- ney ;7 the true etymology, however, seems to be the French word hacquenée, an ambling nag, of which the English hack is an abbreviation.2 - CHEVAUX DE FRISE, the wooden horses of Friesland, are due to Dutch ingenuity. They were first drawn up at the siege of Groningen, in 1658, to oppose the Spanish cavalry. A nearly contemporaneous invention is that of the BAYONET, which was first used at the storming of. Bayonne in 1665.3 The BURGONET, probably, takes its name from Burgundy, and the CARABINE from Calabria, as is indicated by the obsolete Italian form of the word-calabrino. The word CALIBRE, though appa- rently cognate, is really from an Arabic source. The POLE-AXE was the national weapon of the Poles. The LOCHABER axe has disappeared along with Highland warfare, and that other national weapon, the SHILLELAH, will, we may hope, soon be confined also to the museums of the antiquary. Improved weapons, according to the modern rule of nomenclature, are named after the inventor, as in the case of Congreve rockets, Minié and Whitworth rifles, and Armstrong, Dahlgren, and Parrot guns. An exception, however, exists in the case of long i Taylor, Antiquitates Curiosa, p. 115. 2 In the seventeenth century we have mention of the coche à haqrlenée. See Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 192; Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterbuch, vol. i. p. 30 ; Ménage, Origines, p. 375. 3 Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 561. Grenades have no connexion with the famous siege of Granada, but are so called from their resemblance to the granate or pomegranate. The tallest and strongest men in the regi- ment, who were chosen to throw them, were called grenadiers. 4 Englemann, Glossaire, p. 76. 5 The oak saplings which grow in a certain wood in the parish of Shil- lelah, County Wicklow, are believed to be of a peculiarly tough and knotty quality. Weapons. 429 Enfields and short Enfields, which are made in the Government factory at Enfield, just as the obsolete ordnance called CARRONADES were cast at the celebrated Carron Foundry on the Clyde. The word PARCHMENT is derived from the Latin charta pergamena, or pergamentum, which was used for the multiplication of manuscripts for the great library at Pergamus. From the Campagna of Rome we have the Italian campana a bell, and the naturalized English word CAMPANILE, a bell tower. The first ARTESIAN well was sunk through the chalk basin of the province of ARTOIS. VARNISH is said to be from the city of Berenice on the Red Sea. The BOUGIE, that constant source of altercation at Continental hotels, takes its name from Bougiah, a town in Algeria which exports large quantities of beeswax.3 Venetian blinds, prussic acid and prussian blue, Dresden, Sevres, Worcester, Chelsea, and other names of the class present no etymo- logical difficulties. MAJOLICA is Majorca ware, and Mr. Marsh thinks that the glass vessel called a DEMIJOHN may take its name from Damaghan, a town in Khoras- san formerly famous for its glass works. Many names of this description are personal rather than local. Thus the DOILEY is supposed to have been introduced by a tradesman in the Strand, one Doyley, whose name may still be seen cut in the stone over the office of the Field newspaper; and the etymology of the See Ducange, s. v. ; Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 84. 2 Cf. the Italian vernice, and the Spanish berniz. 3 Diez, Etym. Wört. p. 76; Ménage, Origines, p. 130 ; Pihan, Glossaire, p. 63. 4 Marsh, Lect. on Eng. Language, p. 145; English edition, p. 101. The dame Jeanne, however, seems to have been a bottle made near Arras. See Philolog. Trans. vol. i. p. 62—72. • Notes and Queries, second series, vol. ii. p. 476. 430 Words derived from Places. 1 word MACKINTOSH is not likely to be forgotten while the shop at Charing Cross continues to bear the name of the inventor. In like manner JACKET, in French jaque, was so called from Jaque of Beauvais,and GOBELIN tapestry from the brothers Gobelin, dyers at Paris, whose house, called the Hotel des Gobelins, was bought by Louis XV. for the manufacture of the celebrated fabric. The invention of SPENCERS and SANDWICHES by two noblemen of the last century is commemorated in a contemporaneous epigram, which may perhaps bear transcription : “Two noble earls, whom, if I quote, Some folks might call me sinner, The one invented half a coat, The other, half a dinner. The plan was good, as some will say, And fitted to console one, Because, in this poor starving day, Few can afford a whole one." 3 The invention of Earl Spencer may be classed with the WELLINGTONS and, BLÜCHERS which came into fashion at the close of the European war; and that of the Earl of Sandwich with Maintenon cutlets. It has been suggested4 that we owe the BRAWN on our break- fast tables to a German cook named Braun who lived in Queen Street. The word, however, is doubtless of much greater antiquity, the true etymology being to be sought in the old French braion, a roll of flesh. i Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 172 ; compare Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 110; Ménage, Origines, p. 353. 2 See Notes and Queries, Nov. Ioth, 1860 ; Beckmann, Hist. of Inven- tions, vol. i. p. 403. 3 Booth, Epigrams, p. 83. The invention of Lord Sandwich is said to have enabled him to remain at the gaming-table for 24 consecutive hours, without having to retire for a regular meal. Taylor, Antiq. Curiosa, p. 17. 4 Notes and Queries, second series, vol. ii. pp. 196, 235. Personal Names. 431 From two Greek philosophers we derive the terms PLATONIC love, and EPICURE. The GUILLOTINE takes its name from Dr. Guillotin, who introduced it. The DERRICK, a machine for raising sunken ships, by means memory of a hangman of the Elizabethan period.? TRAM roads and MACADAMIZATION we owe to Outram and Macadam. A strict disciplinarian in the army of Louis XIV. has given us the word MARTINET, and from a French architect we obtain the MANSARDE roof. Mr. PINCHBECK was one of the cheap goldsmiths of the last century, and has left numerous disciples in our own.4 An ingenious astronomical toy bears the name of the Earl of ORRERY.5 Galvani, Volta, Daguerre, and Talbot have stamped their names upon two of the greatest dis- coveries of modern times. The value of MESMERISM is more open to question. The name of SILHOUETTE was bestowed in the time of Louis XV. on the meagre shadow portraits which were then in vogue, and it con- tains a sarcastic allusion to the niggardly finance of M. de Silhouette, an unpopular minister of the French monarch? i Dr. Guillotin only introduced the bill in the Convention ; a Dr. Louis was the real inventor of the machine, which was at first called the Louisette. See Times, June 11th, 1864. 2 Holten, Slang Dict. p. 119. 3 Whewell, in Philolog. Proc. vol. v. p. 136. 4 Hotten, Slang Dict. p. 201. $ The Orrery was invented by a Mr. Rowley, who gave it the name of his patron. © This method of nomenclature has naturally prevailed among religious sects. We have ARIANS, ARMINIANS, CALVINISTS, WESLEYANS, SIMEON- ITES and PUSEYITES. ? Sismondi, Hist. de Français, vol. xxix. pp. 94, 95, apud Diez, Etym. Wörterb. p. 725. So Mr. Joseph Hume's unpopular ſourpenny pieces were called JOEYS by the cabmen; and Sir Robert Peel's substitute for the Lon- 432 Words derived from Places. Paschino was a cobbler at Rome; he was a noted character, and a man of a very marked physiognomy. The statue of an ancient gladiator having been ex- humed, and erected in front of the Orsini palace, the Roman wits detected a resemblance to the notorious cobbler, and gave the statue his name. It afterwards became the practice to post lampoons on the pedestal of the statue, whence effusions of this nature have come to be called PASQUINADES.2 Pamphylla, a Greek lady, who compiled a history of the world in thirty-five little books, has given her name to the PAMPHLET.2 The name of PUNCH, or, to give him his unabbreviated Italian title, Pulcinello, has been derived from the name of the person who is said to have first performed the world- known drama, one Puccio d'Aniello, a witty peasant of Acerza in the Roman Campagna.3 It has also been sup- posed, with some reason, that Punch and Judy and the dog Toby are relics of an ancient mystery play, the actors in which were Pontius Pilate, Judas, and Tobias' dog. For the word HARLEQUIN, in Italian Arlechino, a local origin has, however, been suggested; the name being, perhaps, derived from the Arlecamps, or Champ d'Arles, where the performance was first exhibited.4 The word CHARLATAN we may trace through the Italian forms ciarlatano and cerretano to the city of Cerreto. VAUDEVILLE is from Vau-de-Ville in Normandy, where don watchmen are still called BOBBYS and PEELERS. Hotten, Slang Dict. pp. 163, 198. 1 Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 437. 2 Atheneum, Nov. 11th, 1863, p. 715. 3 Diez, Etymolog. Wörterbuch, p. 425. 4 Diez, Etymol. Wörterb. p. 26. See, however, Max Müller, in Reports of Brit. Assoc. for 1847, p. 322. 5 Diez, Etymol. Wörterb. p. 100 ; Ménage, Origines, p. 202, Names of Coins. 433 the entertainment was introduced by Olivier Basselin, at the end of the fourteenth century. Many analogous derivations which we find in classical authors are obviously fanciful or mythical. Thus we read that the art of grinding was discovered at Alesiæ (årécai, to grind), by Myles (uvan, a millstone).? In like manner we are told that the tinder-box was invented by Pyrodes, and the spindle by Closter; and that the oar was first used at two Baotian towns-Copæ (handle), and Platææ (blade). This, it need not be said, is as absurd as if a modern Pliny were to assure us that needles were first manufactured by a Mr. Steel at the western extremity of the Isle of Wight, or that the game of draughts was originally played in Ayrshire. The etymology of the names of coins is often curious. The GUINEA was first coined in 1663 from gold brought from the Guinea coast. It was struck as a twenty- shilling piece, but from the fineness of the metal the new coins were so highly prized that they commanded an agio of a shilling. The BYZANT, a large gold coin of the value of 15l. sterling, was struck at Byzantium. The DOLLAR was originally the same as the German THALER, which took its name from the silverworks in the Thal or valley of Joachim in Bohemia. Its currency throughout the New World bears witness to the exten- sion of the Spanish-Austrian empire in the reign of Charles V. The FLORIN was struck at Florence, and bore the Florentine device of the lily-flower,4 which has Du Bois, p. 13, apud Diez, Etymol. Wörterb. p. 742. 2 Kenrick, Primaval History, p. 82 ; Pott, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift für Vergleich. Spr. vol. ix. p. 181. 3 Kenrick, Phænicia, p. 217. 4 Ménage, Origines, p. 793 ; Notes and Queries, second series, vol. v. P. 258. FF 434 Words derived from Places. been reproduced on the new English coins of the same name. The MARK was a Venetian coin, stamped with the winged lion of St. Mark, and since Venice was the banker to half the world, it became the ordinary money of account. CUFIC coins, silver pieces with Arabic characters, were coined at Cufa. The JANE which is mentioned by Chaucer and Spenser was a small coin of Genoa (Janua). The FRANC is the numilinus francicus- the coin of the Franks or French, and the Dutch GUILDER may possibly take its name from Gelderland.? MONEY and MINT remind us that the coinage of the Romans was struck at the temple of Juno Moneta, the goddess of counsel (mnoneo). The word STERLING is a contraction of esterling—the pound or penny sterling being a certain weight of bullion according to the standard of the Esterlings or eastern merchants from the Hanse towns on the Baltic. The convenience of the local standard of Troyes has given us TROY weight; and the STEELYARD is not, as is commonly supposed, a balance made with a steel arm, but is the 1 Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 291. 2 A DUCAT is the coin issued by a duke, just as a SOVEREIGN is that issued by a king. A TESTER bore the image of the king's head (teste, or tête), and the PENNY is, possibly, in like manner, the diminutive of the Celtic pen, a head. The modern Welsh word ceiniog, a penny, is analo- gously from cenn, a head. A SHILLING or skilling bore the device of a shield or schild, and a scudo had a scutum. An EAGLE, an ANGEL, and a KREUTZER bear respectively the American eagle, an angel, and a cross. English Groats, like the German GROSCIIEN, were the great coins, having been four times the size of the penny. Twenty shillings used to weigh a POUND (pondus). So the Italian lira and French livre were of the weight of a libra. A FARTHING is the fourthing, or fourth part of a penny, just as the square furlong is the fourthling of an acre, and as the Ridings of York- shire were the thridings or third parts of thecounty. 3 Robertson, Scotland under her Early Kings, vol. ii. p. 350 ; Ménage, Origines, pp. 616—618; Hume, Geogr. Terms, p. 19; Skinner, Etymolo- gicon, s. v. Vandalism-Gothic. 435 . machine for weighing which was used in the Steelyard, the London factory of the Hanse towns. That the name originated in England is proved by the fact that it is confined to this country; the French equivalent being Romaine, and the German ruthe. Not the least interesting, and by far the most in- structive, of the words that have been derived from geographical names are those which have been furnished by the names of nations, and which will mostly be found to have a sort of moral significance, ethnical terms having become ethical. Thus, when we remember how the Vandals and the Goths, two rude northern hordes, swept across Europe, blotting out for a time the results of centuries of Roman civilization, and destroying for ever many of the fairest creations of the Grecian chisel, we are able to under- stand how it has come about that the wanton or ignorant destruction of works of art should go by the name of VANDALISM, and also how the first clumsy efforts of the Goths to imitate, or adapt to their own purposes the Roman edifices, should be called GOTHIC. It is interesting to note the stages by which this word has ascended from being a word of utter contempt to one of highest honour. Yet we may, at the same time, regret that the same word–Gothic-should have been mis- applied to designate that most perfect system of Christian architecture which the northern nations, after centuries of honest and painsful labour, succeeded in working out slowly for themselves, and in the elabo- I See Pauli, Pictures of Old England, pp. 176~203. 2 Cf. Grimm, Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 475; Milman, Hist, of Latur Christianity, vol. vi. p. 405. F F 2 436 Words derived from Places. ration of which the nations of pure Gothic blood took comparatively little share. The fierce and intolerant Arianism of the Visigothic conquerors of Spain? has given us another word. The word Visigoth has become BIGOT, and thus on the imperishable tablets of language the Catholics have handed down to perpetual infamy the name and nation of their persecutors. From the name of the same nation—the Goths of Spain-are derived, curiously enough, two names, one implying extreme honour, the other extreme contempt. The Spanish noble, who boasts that the sangre azul of the Goths runs in his veins with no admixture, calls himself an HIDALGO, that is, a son of the Goth, as his proudest title.3 Of Gothic blood scarcely less pure than that of the Spanish Hidalgos, are the CAGOTS of 1 See Brace, Races of Old World, p. 283. 2 The doubtful point in this etymology seems to be set at rest by a pas. sage in the romance of Gerard of Roussillon, in which Bigot is used as an ethnic name :- “Bigot, e Provenzal, e Rouergues, E Bascle, e Gasco, e Bordales.” See Michel, Hist. des Races Maudites, vol. i. p. 539. This seems, there- fore, to be a more probable etymology than any of those which are ordi- narily given. The explanation of Ménage, Origines, p. 116, from Bi got, the Norman oath, is out of the question. That proposed by Wachter, and supported by Trench, Study of Words, p. 80; and by Wedgwood, Philo- logical Trans, for 1855, p. 113–116, from the beguins, or Franciscans, involves serious phonetic difficulties. That from bigotte, a moustache, is almost a úorepov apótepov, for bigotte, a moustache, is itself probably from Visigoth. Compare the Spanish phrase hombre de bigote, a man of fixed purpose, and the French un vieux moustache. Cf. Ford, Gatherings from Spain, p. 256. Bigot appears as a personal name in the case of Hugh Bigod, Earl of Norfolk. 3 The old etymology hijo ďalgo, son of something, has been universally given up in favour of hi ďal Go, son of the Goth. See a paper “On Oc and Oyl,” by J. E. Biester, in the Berlin Transactions for 1812–13, trans- lated by Bishop Thirlwall for the Philological Museum, vol. ii. p. 337. Bigot-Cretin-Marron." 437 Southern France, à race of outcast pariahs, who in every village live apart, executing every vile or dis- graceful kind of toil, and with whom the poorest peasant refuses to associate. These Cagots are the descendants of those Spanish Goths, who, on the invasion of the Moors, fled to Aquitaine, where they were protected by Charles Martel. But the reproach of Arianism clung to them, and religious bigotry branded them with the name of câ Gots, or “Gothic Dogs," a name which still clings to them, and keeps them apart from their fellow-men. In the Pyrenees these Arian refugees were anciently called Christaas, and in French Chrétiens, or Christians, probably to distinguish them from Jewish or Moorish fugitives. Confinement to narrow valleys, and their enforced intermarriages, often resulted in the idiotcy of the children, and the name of the outcasts of the Pyrenees has been transferred to the poor idiotic wretches who, under the name CRETINS, are painfully familiar to Swiss tourists. The word goître is not, as has been thought, derived from the name of these Gothic refugees, but is a corruption of the Latin guttur, which we find in Juvenal :-“Quis tumidum guttur miratur in Alpibus."; The MARRONS of Auvergne are a race of pariahs, descended from the Mauriens or Moorish conquerors of i From the Provençal ca, canis, or the Béarnais caas, and Got, Goth. This etymology, first proposed by De Marca, and stamped with the ap- proval of Scaliger, is now generally adopted. Compare the French cagoterie, bigotry. See Michel, Histoire des Races Maudites, vol. i. pp. 284, 294, 355; and a paper by the same author in vol. i. of Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance; Ménage, Origines, pp. 165–171 ; Diez, Etymol. Wörterbuch, P. 584. . ? See Michel, Histoire des Races Maudites, vol. i. pp. 59, 162, 180, &c. 3 Juvenal, Sat. xiii. 1. 162. 438 Words derived frorn Places. the Maurienne. Hence the French word narrane, a renegade or traitor, and the Spanish adjective marrano, accursed, and the substantive marrano, a hog:1 Again, when we remember how the soldierlike fidelity, and the self-reliant courage 2 of the Franks enabled them with ease to subjugate the civilized but effeminate inhabitants of northern Gaul, we can understand how the name of a rude German tribe has come to denote the FRANK, bold, open, manly character of a soldier and a freeman, and the word FRANCHISE to denote the possession of the full civil rights of the conquering race.3 In the south-east of Gaul the Roman element of the population had ever been more considerable than else- where, and in this region the influence of the northern conquerors was comparatively transient. Hence the langue d'oc, or language of Provence, the Roman Pro- vincia, was called the Romance, retaining as it did a much greater resemblance to the language of the Romans than the langue d'oyl, the tongue of that part of Gaul which had been conquered and settled by the Franks. Here, in the region of the Languedoc, civi- lization was first re-established; here was the first home of chivalry; here the troubadour learned to beguile the leisure of knights and ladies with wild tales of adventure and enchantment-ROMANCES, ROMANTIC narratives i See p. 110, supra; Michel, Histoire des Races Maudites, vol. ii. pp. 45, 96; Ménage, Origines, p. 451. 2 So the haughty character of the Norman conquerors, well illustrated by the story of Rollo's homaging, explains how the French norois (nor- mand) came to mean proud. Diez, Gram. der Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 47. 3 I agree with Leo, Vorlesungen, vol. i. p. 255, that the arguments of Jacob Grimm, Geschichte d. Deut. Sprach. p. 512, on the name of the Franks exhibit virtually a ý otepov mpótepov. Cf. Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 153 ; Diefenbach, Vergleich. Wörterbuch, vol. i. p. 403 ; Diez, Gram. der Rom. Spr. vol. i. p. 47. Roinance--Gasçõnade. 439 so called because sung in the Romance tongue of the Roman province.1 In the south-west of Gaul, on the other hand, the Celtic or Celtiberic element of the original population was little influenced either by Roman colonization, or by Frankish or Gothic conquest. The Gascons afforded an exhibition of the peculiar characteristics of the Celtic stock—they were susceptible, enthusiastic, fickle, vain, and ostentatious. The random and boastful way of talking in which these Gascons, were prone to indulge, has, from them, received the name GASCONADE. The Langobardes, or Lombards, who settled in Northern Italy, appear to have been distinguished by national characteristics very different from those of Frank, Gascon, Goth, Visigoth, or Vandal. They seem to have been actuated by the spirit of commercial rather than of chivalrous adventure; and at an early period we find them competing with the Jews as the capitalists 1 Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 295 ; Ménage, Origines, pp. 565–572; Sheppard, Fall of Rome, p. 133. ? See p. 234, supra. 3 The Spaniards call the Basque language, the Bascongada. RODOMONTADE, a word of somewhat similar meaning, is derived from Rodomonte, a brag- gart who figures in Ariosto's poem of Orlando Furioso. The immortal ro- mance of Cervantes has given us the word QUIXOTIC. HECTORING comes from “Sir Hector" of Troy. GIBBERISH comes from Geber, an obscure eastern writer on alchemy, and FUDGE, perhaps, from a certain inventive Captain Fudge, who flourished in the reign of Charles II. BURLESQUE, in Italian burlesco or Berniesco, is derived from Francesco Bernia, who invented this species of composition. ALEXANDRINES and LEONINES probably from a French poet, Alexandre Pâris, and the monk Leo, of Marseilles. We speak of the SPENSERIAN stanza, and a CICERONIAN style. The summary proceedings of Judge LYNCH have given our American cousins a verb of which they stood in need. The words BOGUS (Borghese), and BLENKERISM hand down to fame the names of two other transatlantic worthies, while BURKING is the peculiar glory of this island. See Bowditch, Suffolk Sura names, pp. 256-258. 440 Words derived from Places. 12TY and pawnbrokers? of the middle ages. As we have already seen,a Lombard Street-still the street of bankers -marks the site of the Lombard colony in London ;3 and the Lombards have left their name not only in our streets but in our language, as a curious witness to the national characteristics which distinguished them from the other tribes which overran the Roman Empire. A lumber-room is the Lombard room, the room where the Lombard pawnbrokers stored their unredeemed pledges. Hence, after a time, furniture stowed away in an unused chamber came to be called LUMBER ; and since such furniture is often heavy, clumsy, and out of date, we call a clumsy man a lumbering fellow; and our American cousins have given heavy timber the name of lumber, and call the man who fells it a LUMBERER -a curious instance of the complicated process of word manufacture-by which the name of a barbarous German tribe has been transferred to American back- woodsmen. . When the Bulgarians and Huns, under Attila, overran the Roman Empire, the terror which they inspired was due not only to their savage ferocity, but in part to the hideousness of the Kalmuck physiognomy, with its high 1 The Sicilian word lumbardu, an innkeeper, shows that the Lombards also exercised this calling. Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 676. There is an old French adjective, lombart, usurious. Thom. de Cant. Ed. Bekker, p. 41; apud Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 676. 2 See p. 282, supra. 3 The Caorsini, i.e. the men of Cahors (Dept. Lot), were in mediæval times the rivals of the Lombards in the money-markets of Europe. Their name, however, has not been perpetuated to the same extent as that of the Lombards, having left only the Provençal word chaorcin, a usurer. Hallam, Middle Ages, vol. iii. p. 405; Ducange, s. v. .. 4 French lombard, a pawnshop. See the passages cited by Trench, Glos- sary, p. 127. Lumber--Ogre-Fiend-Slave. 441 cheek bones, and grinning boar-tushed visage. Their name became the synonym for an inhuman monster. Hence the German Hüne, a giant,1 the French Bulgar, or Bougre,2 the Russian Obri, and the English OGRE.3 When the Asi approached Scandinavia they found the shores peopled by wandering Finns, whom tradition represents as malignant imps and deformed demons, lurking among rocks and in the forest gloom. Hence, it has been thought, have arisen the words FIEND and FIENDISH, and the German Feind, an enemy.4 The relations of the Sclavonic races of Eastern Europe to their western neighbours is also indicated by a curious piece of historical etymology. The martial superiority of the Teutonic races enabled them, as we have seen, gradually to advance their frontier toward the east, and in so doing, to keep their slave markets supplied with captives taken from the Sclavonic tribes. Hence, in all the languages of Western Europe, the once glorious name of SCLAVE has come to express the most degraded condition of man. What centuries of violence and 1 The Norse word for a giant is JOTUNN, i.e. Jute or Goth. Schafarik, Slaw. Alt. vol. i. pp. 50, 52. ? The Bulgarians were given to manichæism, hence the French word bougerie, heresy. Cf. Ducange, s. v. Bulgarus ; Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, P. 576 ; Ménage, Origines, p. 131. 3 The Ogres or Ugrians, to which stock the Bulgarians and Magyars belong, were the tribes north of the Ural. The ethnic name of the Ugrians seems to have become Ogres, from a fancied connexion with Orcus, analo- gous to that of the Tatars with Tartarus, which has been already referred to (p. 396, supra). Compare Prichard, Researches, vol. iii. pp. 273, 324; Grimm, Deut. Myth. p. 454 ; Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 244; Wilson, Pre-historic Man, vol. ii. p. 302. 4 Palgrave, English Commonwealth, vol. i. P. 103. 5 See p. 44, supra. The word sclave, in the sense of servus, appears first in Lombardy, in the ninth century. The earliest known occurrence of the word in Germany is 442 · Words derived from Places. warfare does the history of this word disclose! and the contempt and hatred of race which the use of the word implies, is strongly shown by the fact that even so late as the last century no person of Sclavonic blood was admis- sible into any German guild of artisans or merchants.i We have, however, an earlier and an analogous case of word-formation, which has not attracted the same attention as the word slave. That Sclavonic people which was in the closest geographical proximity to Italy called themselves Serbs or Servians, and it seems probable that the Latin word servus, and our own deri- vative SERF, originated from causes similar to those which have given us the word slave. The probability of this being the true etymology of servus is much increased by the numerous parallel cases of ethnic terms being perverted to be the designation of servile races. The manner in which the words Davus, Geta, and Syrus are applied to slaves in the Græco-Latin comedies, exhibits in a half completed state the same linguistic process which has given us the words slave and serf, and at the same time indicates that the Grecian slave markets must have been largely supplied by Dacians, Goths, and Syrians. Aristophanes uses the word in the year 996 :-"Ecclesiæ servos vel sclavos.” Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. ii. p. 27; Monumenta boica, 28, 1, p. 267, quoted by Mone, Celtische Forschungen, p. 251. i See Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. ii. p. 42; Arndt, Europ. Sprach. p. 291; Donaldson, New Cratylus, p. 385; Varronianus, p. 66; Gibbon, chap. lv. vol. vii. p. 76; Palgrave, Normandy and England, vol. i. p. 379; Sheppard, Fall of Rome, p. 143; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 646; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Eur. part ii. p. 204. i 2 The root sorb denotes “kinsmanship.” The modern usage of the word servility is an illustration of the habits engendered by a state of slavery. Pott, in Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. ix. p. 216. We have also the less fre- Servile Races. 443 okúðarva in the sense of a female house-servant.1 The word dolllos is probably derived from the Ablotes, a subject race of Thessaly; and the HELOTS were the aboriginal inhabitants of the Peloponnesus, who were reduced to slavery at the time of the Dorian conquest. The rich treasure-house of language has preserved a curious me- morial of the fact that the Saxon conquest of England was accompanied by a reduction to servitude of the indigenous race. Till within the last three centuries the word VILLAIN retained the meaning of a peasant. In Domesday the villani are the prædial serfs. The root of the word is, not improbably, the Anglo-Saxon wealh, a foreigner, or Welshman, an etymology which, if correct, proves that servitude must have been the ordinary condition of the Celts under Saxon rule.4 We have a somewhat analogous case in British India. Porters and palanquin-bearers go by the name of COOLIES, a name which has been extended to include the Indian labourers who have replaced the negro slaves in the sugar plantations of Tropical America. The word Coolie is a corruption of the name of a quent slave-names Adiwy, in Theocritus (v. 5), Meoonviwv, in Plautus, and DETTANOLKétns, in Athenæus (vi. 264). i So St. Paul uses Excúons as an equivalent of barbarian. Colossians, chap. iii. v. II. 2 The change to the present meaning of the word is analogous to that which has transformed the significations of boor (bauer, or peasant), knave (boy), and imp (child). 3 See pp. 62–64, supra. Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. i. p. 50. The word vile may be from the same root, wealh. Ibid. vol. i. p. 377. Much may doubtless be said in favour of the old derivation of these words from the Latin villa and vilis. But at all events we may believe that the obvious Teutonic analogy exercised a reflex influence on the usage of the words. 4 Cf. the name of the Teilfali of Poitou. 444 Words derived from Places. TI Turanian hill-tribe, the Coles or Kôlas, who occupy the lowest place in the Indian labour-market.1 The word káp is used in Greek to denote a mercenary soldier, the Carians having habitually hired themselves out to fight the battles of their neighbours. In like manner the Shawi, a tribe of desert nomads, were en- listed by the French after their Algerian conquest, and the name has been corrupted into ZOUAVE, while the ranks are filled by the gamins of the streets of Paris.? The word Sikh may possibly be destined to undergo a similar change of meaning. The luxurious sensuality which prevailed at Sybaris has attached a disgraceful signification to the word SYBARITE, and the moral corruption which poisoned the mercantile and pleasure-loving city of Corinth caused the word κορινθιάζεσθαι to become a synonym for εταιρείν, just as the more healthy pleasures of the Sicelian peasant made the word σικελίζειν equivalent to όρχείσθαι.4 The dry upland sheep pastures of the Peloponnesus, and the rich corn-flats of Thebes have given us the two adjectives ARCADIAN and BEOTIAN. An heroic man we call a TROJAN, a morose man a TURK, a benevolent man a good SAMARITAN, and “catching a TATAR" is a process more familiar than agreeable. The terse, pregnant way in which the Spartans expressed themselves still causes us to talk of LACONIC speech, the pithy wit of the Athenians has left us the phrase ATTIC salt, and the 1 Brace, Races of the Old World, p. 103. 2 Ibid. p. 172. 3 See Becker, Charicles, p. 246. 4 Müller, Dorians, vol. ii. p. 339. : 5 The Italian word ladino, easy, shows that Latin was the easiest lan- guage for an Italian to acquire. Compare the German deutlich, plain, and our own phrase, “It is Greek to me.” Words derived from Ethnic Names. 445 bitter laughter of the Sardinians is commemorated in the expression, “a SARDONIC smile.". From Thrax, a Thracian, the Romans, by the change of a single letter, derived the word threx, a gladiator, a fact which indicates the region from which the arena was supplied with hardy mountain combatants. The usage of the words Kρής, Παφλάγων, and Mύσος would prove equally suggestive. The word BRIGAND, as we have seen, is not im- probably derived from the name of the Brigantes, or perhaps from Briga, a border town near Nice. The word brigant first appears in the sense of a light-armed soldier, and then it takes the meaning of a robber. Next we find brigante, a pirate; and the pirate's ship is called a BRIGANTINE, of which the word BRIG is a con- traction.3 "Jeddart justice,” which denotes the practice of hanging the criminal first and trying him afterwards, is a reminiscence of the wild border life of which the town of Jedburgh was the centre. From Tarifa the Moorish cruisers sallied forth to plunder the vessels passing through the Straits of Gibraltar, but discovering the impolicy of killing the goose that laid the golden egg, they seem to have levied their black mail on a fixed scale of payment, which, from the name of the place where it was exacted, came to be called a TARIFF.4 ITI i See Donaldson, Varronianus, p. 449; Müller, Dorians, vol. ii. p. 300; Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. i. p. 52. 2 See p. 255, supra. 3 See Diez, Etymolog. Wörterbuch, p. 69; Ménage, Origines, p. 149. 4 See, however, Freytag, s. v. ; Diez, Etymol. Wörterbuch, p. 342 ; and Pihan, Glossaire, p. 271, who prefer a derivation from the Arabic 'ta'rif, a declaration. The word to sally is no doubt from salire, though there is a 446 Words derived from Places. The word CANNIBAL is probably a corruption of the name of the Caribs or Caribals, a savage West Indian people, among whom the practice of cannibalism was supposed to prevail. The horrible custom of scalping fallen enemies was usual among the Scythian tribes, and Herodotus gives us a picture of the string of bloody trophies hanging to the warrior's rein. Hence arose the word 'mooKVO IGeLv, to scalp, which we find in Euripides. The word ASSASSIN probably comes from the name of a tribe of Syrian fanatics who, like the Thugs of India, considered assassination in the light of a religious duty.? During the last century false political rumours were often propagated from Hamburg, then the chief port of communication with Germany. “A piece of Hamburg news" seems to have become a proverbial expression for a canard, and it is easy to see how this phrase has been pared down into the modern slang term HUMBUG.3 The expressive American term BUNCUM is due to the temptation to deduce it from Sallee, another chief station of the Moorish pirates. Corsair is certainly not. from Corsica ; though, possibly, riff raff may be derived from the Riff pirates. i Trench, Study of Words, p. 137. 2 Diefenbach (Celtica, i. p. 24) derives the name from the Kurdish word asen or hassin, iron. The name of the tribe, perhaps, comes from the hashish, an intoxicating preparation of hemp with which the members of the sect worked themselves up to the requisite degree of recklessness. Ménage, Origines, p. 64; Pihan, Glossaire, 'pp. 43, 147 ; De Sacy, in Memoires de l'Institute for 1818, apud Diez, Etym. Wörterbuch, p. 29. 3 See Outlines of Humbug, a brochure ascribed to the late Archbishop Whately. The word has also been derived from an alchemist named Homberg, who professed to have discovered the Philosopher's stone. Hotten, Slang Dictionary, p. 157. The analogous slang word BOSH has, I imagine, been imported from the Cape, the metaphor having been taken from the rubbishing and worthless “bush,” which is burned regularly every autumn, See, however, Hotten, Slang Dict. p. 81. Humbug-Spruce-Säunter. 447 member for the county of Buncombe, in North Carolina. In the State Legislature he made a speech, full of high- flown irrelevant nonsense, and when called to order he explained that he was not speaking to the House, he was talking to Buncombe. - Castle BLARNEY is, of course, in Ireland, and the famous stone can still be seen and kissed by those who desire to test its virtues. By a good- natured allusion to another peculiarity of our Irish fellow-countrymen, we term a certain characteristic confusion of ideas an Hibernianism. A SPRUCE person was originally a person dressed in the Prussian fashion. Thus Hall, the chronicler, describes the appearance of Sir Edward Haward and Sir Thomas Parre “in doblettes of crimosin veluet, voyded lowe on the backe, and before to the cannell bone, lased on the breastes with chaynes of siluer, and ouer that shorte clokes of crimosyn satyne, and on their heades hattes after dauncers fashion, with feasauntes fethers in theim: They were appareyled after the fashion of Prusia or Spruce.”1 · Though the pilgrims of the eighth and succeeding centuries were often only “commercial travellers," and still more frequently “vacation tourists,”? and although the visitation of foreign shrines did much to dispel na- glad, on moral as well as on religious grounds, that the feature in the life of the Middle Ages, has now ceased, at least among ourselves ; for in the word SAUNTERER we have a proof that, in popular estimation, idle and vagabond habits were acquired by those who made the 1 Hall, Chronicle, p. 513. 2 See Thrupp, Anglo-Saxon Home, p. 241. 448 Words derived from Places. pilgrimage to the Sainte Terre, or Holy Land. A ROAMER was one who had visited the tombs of the two Apostles at Rome, and this word conveys also in its present usage an intimation of unsettled habits similar to that which is contained in the word saunterer. The Italian word romeo implies no moral censure, but means simply a pilgrim ; and hence we may perhaps infer, that where the distance to be traversed was small, the evil effects of the pilgrimage were not so manifest. From the Canterbury pilgrimages to the shrine of St. Thomas comes the word CANTER, which is an abbreviation of the phrase "a Canterbury gallop"3_the easy ambling pace of the pilgrims as they rode along the grassy lane which follows the foot of the North Downs of Kent for many miles, and which still retains its title of the Pilgrims' Road. St. Fiacre (Fiachra) was an Irish saint of great renown, who established himself as a hermit at Meaux, some five-and-twenty miles from Paris. His tomb became a great place of pilgrimage, which was per- formed even by royal personages, such as Anne of Austria. The miracle-working shrine being frequented by many infirm persons who were unable to perform the pilgrimage on foot, carriages were kept for their convenience at an inn in the suburbs of Paris; which had i The Palestine pilgrims were also called palmers, from the palm branches which they brought home with them from the Holy Sepulchre. 2 The word canter is not found in any continental language, as it would be, if it were derived, as has been supposed, from cantherius, a gelding. See Wedgwood, Eng. Etym. vol. i. p. 295 ; Stanley, Memorials of Can- terbury, p. 196. 3 It is possible that the word gallop may be in like manner connected with Galoppe in Flanders. Diefenbach derives it from wallen, to wander. From the Cheviot hills we have the slang verb to CHEVY, a reminiscence of Chevy Chase. Canter-Fiacre-Tawdry. : 449 . the sign of St. Fiacre; and now, long after the pilgri- mages have ceased, the hired carriages of Paris retain the name of FIACRES. . St. Etheldreda, or, as she was commonly called, St. Awdrey, was the patron saint of the Isle of Ely. She is said to have died of a swelling in the throat, which she considered as a judgment on her for her youthful fondness for necklaces. Hence, at the fair held at the time of the annual pilgrimage, it was the custom for the pilgrims to purchase, as mementoes of their journey,2 chains of lace or silk, which were called “St. Awdrey's chains." These being of a cheap and flimsy structure, the name of St. Awdrey, corrupted into TAWDRY, has come to be the designation of cheap lace and showy finery. 3 1 See Ménage, Origines, p. 315; Alban Butler, Lives of the Saints ; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. ii. p. 97. 2 So keys were brought away by the romeos who had visited the tomb of St. Peter, palm-branches by the palmers from the Holy Land, and scallop- shells from the sea-shore near Compostella. St. James' day is still com- memorated by London urchins by oyster-shell grottos, for the construction of which the contributions of passers-by are solicited. On the various signs of pilgrimage see the description of a pilgrim in Piers Ploughman, lines 3541—3552:- “ A bolle and a bagge He bar by his syde, And hundred of ampulles On his hat seten, Signes of Synay, And shelles of Galice, And many a crouche on his cloke, And keyes of Rome, And the vernycle bi-fore; For men sholde knowne, And se bi hise signes, Whom he sought hadde.” 3 See Notes and Queries, second series, vol. xi. pp. 226, 300 ; Taylor, An- tiquitates Curiosa, p. 65; Stanley, Memorials of Canterbury, p. 221. GG 450 Words derived from Places. 11 In a wild district of Derbyshire, between Macclesfield and Buxton, there is a village called Flash, surrounded by uninclosed land. The squatters on these commons, with their wild gipsy habits, travelled about the neigh- bourhood from fair to fair, using a slang dialect of their own. They were called the Flash men, and their dialect Flash talk; and it is not difficult to see the stages by which the word FLASH has reached its present signi- fication. A SLANG is a narrow strip of waste land by the roadside, such as those which are chosen by gipsies. for their encampments. To be “out on the slang," in the lingo used by thieves and gipsies, means to travel about the country as a hawker, encamping by night on the roadside slangs. A travelling show is also called a slang. It is easy to see how the term was transferred to the language spoken by hawkers and itinerant show- men. The phrase, “using BILLINGSGATE," which has spread from England to America, reminds us that the language of London fishwives is not so choice as their fish ; and “a BABEL of sounds,” refers to the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babylon or Babel. A few remaining terms, derived from places, may be here collected. The winding river MEANDER has given us a verb; and the name of the RUBICON has now almost passed into our vocabulary. From the Moriscoes of Spain we have the words MORRIS boards, and MORRIS dances. 1 Smiles, Lives of the Engineers, vol. ii. p. 307. 2 Hotten, Slang Dictionary, p. 234. 3 A writer in Notes and Queries, second series, vol. xi. p. 471, and vol. iii. p. 445, derives slang from the name of the Dutch General Slangenberg, who commanded a part of the English forces, and whose unintelligible ob- jurgations seem to have puzzled the troops under his command. 4 Skinner, Etymologicon, s. v. ; Drake, Shakspeare and his Times, vol. i. Pp. 157, 158. -17 21 Flash-Bedlam-Palace. " 451 Political parties have sometimes assumed names derived from local sources. The leaders of the GIROND- ISTS were the deputies from the department of the Gironde. The JACOBINS took their name from the convent of St. James, in which the meetings of the revolutionary club were held. A TEMPLAR now studies law in the former residence of the crusading Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem. The Court of Arches was originally held in the arches of Bow Church-St. Mary de Arcubus—the crypt of which was used by Wren to support the present superstructure. When we talk of finding ourselves in a perfect BEDLAM we do not always remember that the rapacity and the vandalism of the English Reformers were redeemed by some good deeds —one of which was the assignment of the Convent of St. Mary of Bethlehem for the reception of lunatics, who used previously to be chained to a post, if indeed they were not left utterly uncared for. The hospital of St. Lazarus, at Naples, has, in a somewhat similar way, given a name to those who would be its most fitting occupants--the Neapolitan LAZZARONI. The porch of a cathedral is called the GALILEE, probably because to the crusaders and pilgrims advanc- ing from the North, Galilee formed the frontier or entrance to the Holy Land." On the Mons Palatinus—a name the etymology of which carries us back to the time when sheep were bleating on the slope 2-was the residence of the Roman VI i Stanley, Sinia and Palestine, p. 356. 2 So the CERAMICUS, or “Potter's field,” at Athens, was converted into the most beautiful quarter of the city, containing the academy, lyceum, &c. The name of the TUILERIES denotes that the site was once a “ Tile yard ; ” and that of the ESCURIAL shows that the palace was built upon a cheap of refuse from an exhausted mine." See p. 290, supra. [ Ꮐ Ꮐ 2 452 Words derived froin Places. emperors, which, from its site, was called the Palati(n)um, or Palatium. Hence the word PALACE has come to be applied to all royal or imperial residences. The Count Palatine was, in theory, the official who had the super- intendence of the household of the Carolingian empe- rors. As the foremost of the twelve peers of France, the Count Palatine took a prominent place in mediæ- val romance, and a PALADIN is the irnpersonification of chivalrous devotion. His feudal fief was the Palatinate --the rich Rhine valley above Frankfort. The counties Palatine of Chester, Durham, and Lancaster, are so called on account of the delegated royalty--the jura regalia --formerly exercised by the Earls of Chester, the Bishops of Durham, and the Dukes of Lancaster. It is one of the curiosities of language that a petty little hill-slope in Italy should have thus transferred its name to a hero of romance, to a German state, to three English counties, to a glass house at Sydenham, and to all the royal residences in Europe.? 1 Pembroke and Hexham, also march or border towns, had palatine rights. Lappenberg, Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. ii. p. 62. 2 See Yonge, Christian Names, vol. ii. p. 353 ; Ménage, Origines, P. 506; Max Müller, Lectures, second series, p. 251. The Science of Names. 453 CHAPTER XVII. ONOMATOLOGY ; OR, THE PRINCIPLES OF NAME-GIVING. Dangers which beset the Etymologist-Rules of Investigation-Names in the United States—List of some of the chief components of Local Names. . THE study of local names can, as yet, hardly claim the dignity of a science. With the exception of Ernst Förstemann, those who have written on the subject have too often been contented to compile collections of “things not generally known,” without attempting either to systematize the facts which they have brought together, or to deduce any general principles which might serve to guide the student in his researches. There are few subjects, perhaps, in which such numerous dangers beset the inquirer. The patent blunders, and the absurdly fanciful explanations of ety- mologists have become a byeword. It may be well, therefore, to clear the way for a scientific treatment of the subject by an examination of some of these sources of error, and by the suggestion of a few obvious rules which should be constantly kept in view by those who attempt the investigation of the meaning of ancient names. 454 0120matology. The fundamental principle to be borne in mind is an axiom which alone makes the study of local names possible, and which has been tacitly assumed in the title of this volume, and throughout the preceding chapters. This axiom asserts that local names are in no case arbitrary sounds. They are always ancient WORDS, or fragments of ancient words, each of them, in short, constituting the earliest chapter in the local history of the PLACES to which they severally refer. Assuming, therefore, as axiomatic, the significancy of local names, it need hardly be said that in endeavouring to detect the meaning of a geographical name, the first requisite is to discover the language from which the name has been derived. The choice will mostly lie within narrow limits-geographical and historical con- siderations generally confining our choice to the three or four languages which may have been vernacular in the region to which the name belongs. No interpre- tation of a name can be admitted, however seemingly appropriate, until we have first satisfied ourselves of the historical possibility, not to say probability, of the proposed etymology. For example, LAMBETH, as we have seen, is a Saxon name, meaning the loam-hithe, or muddy landing-place. We must not, as a Saturday Reviewer has amusingly observed, plume ourselves on the discovery that lama is a Mongolian term for a chief priest, and beth a Semitic word for a house, and thus interpret the name of the place where the primate lives as the “house of the chief priest.” 1 1 Etymologies quite as absurd have been seriously propounded. Thus Jacobi, in his Bedeutung der böhmischen Dorfoamen, derives from the Sclavonic the names of Jerusalem, Jericho, Africa, the Tigris, and the Euphrates. His absurdities are, if possible, surpassed by George Dyer, Rules of Investigation. 455 In the next place the earliest documentary form of the name must be ascertained. In the case of an English name Kemble's collection of Anglo-Saxon Charters,1 Domesday Book, and Dugdale, inust be diligently searched. For Scottish names Innes' Origines Parochiales Scotia will generally supply the necessary information. For names in France, the Dictionnaire des toutes les communes de la France, by Girault de Saint Fargeau, may often be consulted with advantage. But if the name to be investigated occurs in Germany, all trouble will be saved by a reference to Förstemann's systematic list of mediæval German names—the Alt- deutsches Namenbuch-a work which only a German could have conceived or executed, and which, even in Germany, must be considered a marvellous monument of erudite labour. If no early form of the name can be discovered, we must, guided by the analogy of similar names, endeavour to ascertain it by conjecture, bearing carefully in mind those well-known laws of phonetic change to which reference has already been made.2 This having been done, it remains to interpret the name which has been thus recovered or reconstructed. To do this with success requires a knowledge of the ancient grammatical structure and the laws of compo- who, in his Vulgar Errors Ancient and Modern, derives from Welsh roots all Scriptural names-Adam and Eve, Shem, Ham, and Japhet, the Nile, the four rivers of Paradise, &c.; and he naively says of those who refuse to accept his absurdities, “Our mistakes . . . afford melancholy instances of want of judgment, . .. and they prove that our opinions may not rest so much on rational grounds, as on weak imaginations, which in such cases as herein cited produce ridiculous and chimerical allusions or ludicrous and delusive explanations.”—P. LXXXV. i Codex Diplomaticus Ævi Saxonici. 2 See pp. 382, 383, supra. 456 Onomatology. sition which prevailed in the language in which the name is significant the relative position, for instance, of ad- jective and substantive,2 and the usage of prepositions and formative particles. Great aid will be derived from the analogy of other names in the same neighbourhood. A sort of epidemic seems to have prevailed in the nomenclature of certain districts. There is hardly a single English county, or French province, or German principality, which does not possess its characteristic clusters of names—all con- structed on the same type. The key that will unlock one of these names will probably also unlock the rest of those in the same group. Having thus arrived at a probable interpretation of the name in question, we must proceed to test the result. If the name be topographic or descriptive, we must ascertain if it conforms to the physical features of the spot; if, on the other hand, the name be historic in its character, we must satisfy ourselves as to the historic possibility of its bestowal, This scientific investigation of names is not, indeed, always possible. In the case of the Old World, the simple-minded children of semi-barbarous times have unconsciously conformed to the natural laws which regulate the bestowal of names. The names of the Old i For Celtic names, the Grammatica Celtica, of Zeuss, will be found in- dispensable, and for Teutonic names, Grimm's Deutsche Grammatik. 2 See p. 223, supra. 3 The local names invented by our popular novelists frequently set all etymological propriety at defiance. We have all sorts of impossible com- pounds, we have thorpes, holms, and thwaites in Wessex, Cornish names in Wales, and Kentish forms in the Midland counties. Mrs. Howitt's novel of The Cost of Caergryn forms a praiseworthy exception to the general rule. Names in the United States. 457 World may be systematized--they describe graphically the physical features of the country, or the circumstances of the early settlers. But in the New World, settled, not by savages but by civilized men, a large proportion of the names are thoroughly barbarous in character. We find the map of the United States thickly bespattered with an incon- gruous medley of names—for the most part utterly inappropriate, and fulfilling very insufficiently the chief purposes which names are intended to fulfil. In every State of the Union we find repeated, again and again, such unmeaning names as Thebes, Cairo, Memphis, Troy, Rome, Athens, Utica, Big Bethel, and the like. What a poverty of the inventive faculty is evinced by these endless repetitions, not to speak of the intolerable impertinence displayed by those who thus ruthlessly wrench the grand historic names from the map of the Old World, and apply them, by the score, without the least shadow of congruity, to collections of log huts in some Western forest. The incongruity between the names and the appearance of some of these places is amusing. Thus Corinth “consists of a wooden grog- shop and three log shanties; the Acropolis is repre- sented by a grocery store. .... All that can be seen of the city of Troy ... is a timber house, three log huts, a saw mill, and twenty negroes.”] The more ancient nanies in the States are for the most part far less objectionable. Indian names, such as Niagara, Massachusetts, Missouri, or Arkansas, though not always euphonious, are otherwise unexceptionable. And the same may be said of most of the names given by the trappers and pioneers of the Far West, names 1 Russell, Diary North and South, vol. ii. pp. 45, 46. 458 Onomatology. such as Blue Ridge, North Fork, Pine Bluff, Red River, Hickory Flats, Big Bone Lick, Otter Creek, and the town of Bad Axe. Henpeck City and Louse Village, both in California, are, to say the least, very expressive, and the town of Why Not, in Mississippi, seems to have been the invention of some squatter of doubtful mind. Such names as Louisiana, Columbia, Pittsburg, Charleston, New York, Albany, Baltimore, Washing- ton, Raleigh, Franklin, or Jefferson, have an historical significance and appropriateness which incline us to excuse the confusion arising from the frequency with which some of them have been bestowed. Much also may be said in favour of names like Boston, Plymouth, and Portsmouth, whereby the colonists have striven to reproduce, in a land of exile, the very names of the beloved spots which they had left. Smithtown and Murfreesboro' may perhaps pass muster, though Browns- ville 3 and Indianopolis have a somewhat hybrid appear- ance, Flos, Tiny, and the other townships which a late Canadian Governor named after his wife's lapdogs, are at all events distinctive names, though perhaps showing a want of respect to the inhabitants. But the scores of Dresdens, Troys, and Carthages, are utterly indefensible; they betray quite as much poverty of invention as Twenty-fourth Street, Fifth Avenue, or No: 10 Island, while they do not possess the practical 1 See Bowditch, Suffolk Surnames, p. 259. 2 See p. 319, supra. 3 Brownwill or Brownwell would more correctly denote the abode of Brown: see p. 159, suprd. The villes and cities which we find so profusely in the States show the land-speculating and grandiose character of the nation, just as the hams, tons, and worths of England are a proof of Anglo- Saxon seclusiveness. See p. 118, supra. 4 Quarterly Review, vol. cxvi. p. 3. Names in the United States. 459 1 advantages of the numerical system of nomenclature, and must be a source of unending perplexity in the post-office, the booking-office, and the schoolroom. The geographical etymologist regards a large portion of the names in the United States with feelings which are akin to those experienced by the ecclesiologist who, having traced with delight the national developments of the pointed architecture of western Europe, beholds the incongruous restorations so called—for which the last century is to blame, or the Pagan temples, the Egyptian tombs, and Chinese pagodas, with which architectural plagiarists have deformed our cities. Such plagiarisms and incongruities are as distasteful as the analogous barbarisms with which the map of the United States is so woefully disfigured. The further perpetration of such ästhetic monstrosities as those to which re- ference has been made is now happily impossible. Our architects have taken up the idea of Gothic art, and developed, from its principles, new and original creations, instead of reproducing, usque ad nauseam, servile copies or dislocated fragments of ancient buildings. Would that the same regeneration could be effected in the practice of name-giving. If the true principles of Anglo- Saxon nomenclature were understood, our Anglo- American and Australian cousins might construct an endless series of fresh names, which might be at once harmonious, distinctive, characteristic, and in entire con- sonance with the genius of the language. 1 Many of the Swabian patronymics which have not been reproduced in England would furnish scores of new names of a thoroughly characteristic Anglo-Saxon type, if combined with appropriate suffixes, such as ham, ton, hurst, ley, worth, by, den, don, combe, sted, borough, thorpe, cote, stoke, set, thwaite, and holt. Thus Senningham, Wickington, Erkington, Fre- lington, Moringham, Hermingham, Lennington, Teppington, Ersingham, 460 Oronatology. When we attempt a scientific analysis and classifi- cation of local names, we find that by far the greater number contain two component elements. One of these, which in Celtic names is generally the prefix, and in Teutonic names the suffix, is some general term mean- ing island, river, mountain, dwelling, or inclosure, as the case may be. Thus we have the Celtic prefixes, Aber, Inver, Ath, Bally, Dun, Kil, Llan, Ben, Glen, Strath, Loch, Innis, Inch; and the Teutonic suffixes, borough, by, bourn, den, don, ton, ham, thorpe, cote, hurst, hill, ley, shiels, set, stow, sted, wick, worth, fell, law, dale, gay, holm, ey, stone, and beck. This element in names is called the “Grundwort" by Förstemann. We have already, in the case of river- names, called it the substantival element. The other component serves to distinguish the island, river, or village, from other neighbouring islands, streams, or villages. This portion of the name, which we have called adjectival, has been denominated the “Bestim- mungswort” by Förstemann. It is frequently a per- sonal name4_thus GRIMSBY is Grim's dwelling, ULLS- THORPE is Ulf's village, BALMAGHIE is the town of the Maghies, CLAPHAM is the home of Clapha, KENSINGTON Steslingham, Mensington, Relvington, Plenningham, Aldington, Delking- ton, Weighingham, Ensington, Melvington, are characteristic Anglo-Saxon names, which nevertheless do not appear in the list of English villages. i Förstemann, Die Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 26—107. 2 There are only about 500 German Grundtvörter, which, variously com- bined with the Bestimmungswörter, constitute the 500,000 names which are found upon the map of Germany. Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 108. 3 Förstemann, Ibid, pp. 109-174; Bender, Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 97, 98. 4 While local names are frequently derived from personal names, the con- verse has been the case in a still greater number of instances. See Pott, Personennamen, p. 330, and passim; Dixon, Surnames, passim, Component Elements of Names. 461 the homestead of the Kensings. In a larger number of cases, instead of a personal name we have a descriptive adjective denoting the relative magnitude, the relative position or antiquity, the excellence, or, sometimes, the inferiority of the place, the colour or nature of the soil, or its "characteristic productions. A full enumeration, not to say a discussion, of these roots would occupy a volume-a few of the more important are enumerated below. i On German roots of this class, such as breit, platt, alt, rzeu, weiss, schwartz, &c. see Förstemann, Die Deutschen Ortsnament, and Bender, Die Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 97, 98. 462 Onomatology. LIST OF SOME OF THE CHIEF ADJECTIVAL COMPONENTS OF LOCAL NAMES. I. WORDS DENOTING RELATIVE MAGNITUDE. From the Celtic word mor or mawr, great, we have the names of Benmore, and Penmaen-Mawr, the great mountains, Kilmore, the great church, and Glenmore, the great glen. Much Wenlock, Macclesfield, Maxstoke in Warwickshire, Great Missenden, Grampound, and Granville, contain Teutonic and Romance roots of the same import. Similarly MISSISSIPPI is an Indian term of precisely the same meaning as the neigh- bouring Spanish name Rio Grande, which, as well as the Arabic GUADAL- QUIVER (keber, great), and the Sarmatian word WOLGA, signifies the great river.” 1 From the Celtic beg or bach, little, we have Bally begg and Inis beg, Glydwr Fach, Pont Neath Vechan, and Cwm Bychan. We find several Teutonic Littleboroughs, Littleburys, Littletons and Clintons. MAJORCA and MINORCA are the greater and lesser isles. BOCA CIIICA is the great mouth. We find the prefix broad, in Braddon, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bradford, and Ehrenbreitstein, and some of the Stratfords and Strettons are probably from the root "strait," and not "street." II. RELATIVE POSITION. The points of the compass afford an obvious means of distinguishing between the places of the same name. Thus we have Norfolk and Suffolk, Wessex, Essex, and Sussex, Northampton and Southampton, Surrey, Westmoreland, Northumberland, and Sutherland; Norton (57) and Sut- ton (77), Norbury (7) and Sudbury (7), Easton (14) and Weston (36), Eastbury (21) and Westbury (10), Easthorpe and Westhorpe, Norleigh, 1 Müller, Ugrische Volkstamm, vol. ii. p. 105. Names Denoting Size-Position. 463 Sudley and Westley.1 The Erse iar, the west, appears in the name of ORMUNDE or West Munster, as well, possibly, as in those of IRELAND and ARGYLE.2 The ZUYDER ZEE is the southern sea; DEKKAN means the south in Sanskrit; and ALGARBE is an Arabic name meaning the west.3 The OSTROGOTIIS and VISIGOTIIS were the eastern and western divisions of the Goths, as distinguished from the Massagetæ, or the great Goths, the chief body of the nation.4 AUSTRIA (Oestreich) is the eastern empire, WEST- PHALIA the western plain, and the WESER (anciently Wisaraha) is the western river. 5 From the close resemblance of the sounds it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between roots meaning the east and those meaning the west. Thus OSTEND in Belgium is at the west (ouest) end of the great canal ; and OSTEND in Essex is the east end of the land. In Chinese, pik and nan mean respectively north and south. Hence we have PIII-KING and NAN-KING, the northern and southern courts ; PIII-LING and NAN- LING, the northern and southern mountains ; NAN-IIAI, the southern sea, and the kingdom of AN-NAM, or the peace of the south."? PERÆA is the country “beyond” the Jordan, ANTILIBANUS is the range “opposite” Lebanon. TRANSYLVANIA is the country beyond the forest-clad range of mountains which bounds Hungary to the south-east. Hinton (14) is a common name for a village behind a hill, as in the case of Cherry Hinton, near Cambridge. From the German prepositions an, in, and zu, we have the names of Amsteg, Andermat, Imgrund, Zermatt, Zerbruggen, and Zermägern. From the Anglo-Saxon æt, at, we have Atford, Adstock, Otford, and Abridge. 8 From the Celtic preposition ar, upon, we obtain ARMORICA, the land “upon the sea," and ARLES (ar-laeth), the town “upon the marsh." 9 In the names of POMERANIA, and of PRUSSIA, we have the Sclavonic preposition po, by. With Netherby, Dibden, Dibdale, Deeping (the low meadow), Holgate and Holloway, we may contrast High Wy- combe, High Ercal, Upton (42), Higham, Highgate, and Highstreet. i See Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 10; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 239; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 133. 2 See Betham, Gael, p. 81. 3 See pp. 76, 108, supra. 4 Bosworth, Origin, p. 114; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part i. p. 83 ; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 212. Förstemann, Ortsramen, p. 134. 6 Charnock, Local Etymology, p. 159, 204; Gibson, Elym. Geogr. p. 147. ? Quarterly Revicw, vol. cxvi. p. 284. 8 Ingram, Saxon Chron. p. 425. 9 See pp. 86, 384, supra. 464 012011atology. . III. RELATIVE AGE. There are numerous English villages which go by the names of Althorp, Alton, Elston, Elton, Eltham, Elbottle, Alcester, Aldbury, Abury, Albury, Aldborough, Aldburgh, and Oldbury, and on the Continent we find Altorf, Starwitz, 1 Torres Vedras, Civita Vecchia near Rome, and Citta Vecchia in Malta. On the other hand, there are in England alone more than 120 villages called Newton, besides Newport (12), Newnham (11), Newland (11), Newark, Newbiggen (17), Newbold (11), Newbottle, Newstead, Newbury, Newby, Newcastle ? (10), Newhall and Newburgh, which we may com- pare with Continental names like Villeneuve, Villanova, Neusiedel, Neustadt, Novgorod, Neville, Neufchâtel, Nova Zembla, Naples,-New- foundland, and Nâblus. Veyil IV. NUMERALS. In ancient Anglo-Saxon and German names, the numerals which most commonly occur are four and seven, numbers which were supposed to have a mystical meaning. Such are Sevenoaks, Klostersieben and Siebenbürgen. Nine-elms dates from a later period. We have a moun- tain group called the Twelve Pins, in Ireland, and Fünfkirchen and Zwei- brücken in Germany. Neunkirchen, however, is only a corruption of Neuenkirchen, or New Church.3 The modern names of the ancient Roman stations in the Upper Rhine valley, near Wallenstadt, are curiously derived from the Roman numerals. We find, at regular intervals, as we proceed up the valley, the villages of Seguns, Tertzen, Quarten, Quinten and Sewes. * The three cities of Dea, Sabrata, and Leptis in Africa, went collectively by the name of TRIPOLIS. TRIPOLI in Syria was a joint colony from the i From the Sclavonic stary, old. 2 The New Castle built by the Normans on the Tyne is now 800 years years old, yet still keeps its name; and Nâblus (Neapolis) in Palestine is twice that age, having been founded by Vespasian after the destruction of Samaria. New College is one of the oldest colleges in Oxford, having been founded in 1386, and New Palace Vard, Westminster, is a memorial of the palace built by Rufus. 3 Bender, Ortsnamen, p. 98. On names of this class see Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 125. 4 Tschudi, Hauptschliżssel, p. 290; Holtzmann, Kelten und Germ. p. 137. 5 Bochart, vol. iii. 479. Names Denoting Age-Nuinerals. 465 three cities of Tyre, Sidon, and Aradus. 1 On the Lake Ontario there is the Bay of the Thousand Isles. TERCEIRA, one of the Azores, is the third Island. The LACCADIVES are the ten thousand islands, and the MALDIVES are the thousand isles. The PUNJAB is the land of the five rivers, and the DOAB2 is the country between the two rivers," the Ganges and the Jumna. PLYNLIMMON is a corruption of Pum-lumon, the five hills; and MIZRAIM, the Biblical name of Egypt, describes either the "two” banks of the Nile, or the “two” districts of Upper and Lower Egypt. 3 V. NATURAL PRODUCTIONS. A far larger number of names are derived from natural productions. Mineral springs are often denoted by some corruption of the Latin word Aquæ. Thus we have Aix in Savoy, and Aix near Marseilles ; Aix la Chapelle, or Aachen, in Rhenish Prussia ; Acqui in Piedmont; and Dax, or Dacqs, in Gascony. The misunderstood name Aqua Solis, or Aquæ, probably suggested to the Anglo-Saxons the name of Ake mannes ceaster, 4 the invalid's city, which was changed at a later period to Bath, from a root which also supplies names to Bakewell, anciently Badecanwylla, in Derbyshire, and to the numerous Badens on the Continent. THERMOPYLÆ took its name from the hot springs in the defile; TIERRA DEL FUEGO from its volcanic fires ; and REIKJAVIK, or “reek bay,” was the Norse settlement in the neighbourhood of the GEYSERS, 5 or 6 boilers.” HECLA was so called from the "cloak" of smoke hanging over the mountain. i See p. 7, supra. 2 The ab here is the Sanskrit and Persian word for water, which comes to us from the Persian through the Arabic, and which we have in the word julap (gul, rose; and ab, water), as well as in shrub and syrop (scharab). Diez, Etymol. Wörterb. pp. 175, 319 ; cf. Latham, Eng. Lang. vol. i. p. 355 ; Pihan, Glossaire, p. 169; Engelmann, Glossaire, p. 83. 3 The word survives in Misr, the enchorial name of Cairo. Stanley, Jewish Church, p. 76; p. 80, supra. 4 The road from London to Bath long went by the name of Akeman Street, which survives in the name of a hollow still called Jacuman's Bottom. Gough's Camden, vol. i. p. 119. 5 The words geyser, yeast, geist, gust, and ghost, are from the same root, which signifies something boiling, bubbling up, or overflowing. Cf. the cognation of óvemos and animus. Pictet, Origines, pt. ii. p. 540 ; Gladstone, Homer, p. 303. Η Η 466 Onomatology. VESUVIUS is an Oscan name, meaning the emitter of smoke and sparks.1 The basaltic columns of STAFFA are well described by its name, “the isle of steps," a Norse name which we have repeated in the case of the basaltic rocks of STAPPEN in Iceland. Missouri is the muddy river, and the name may be compared with those of the FOULBECK and the LAMBOURN; while the names of ACCHO or ACRE, and of SCINDE, describe the sandy nature of the country.” SANDWICH is the sandy bay: we have many analogous names, such as Sandhurst, Sandon, Sandford, Sandbach, and Peschkow, which last is derived from pesk, the Sclavonic word for sand.3 ALUM BAY, in the Isle of Wight, is a moạern name of the same class. The RIO DE LA PLATA, or river of plate, took its name from a few gold and silver ornaments which Sebastian Cabot found in the possession of the natives, and which he hoped were indications of an El Dorado, or golden land, in the interior. The GOLD COAST and the IVORY COAST were names appropriately bestowed by early traders. The name of the ANDES is derived from the Peruvian word anta, which means copper. Many names are derived from animals. We find that of the Ox in Oxley, and perhaps in Oxford ; and that of the Cow in Cowley; wol, the Sclavonic name for an ox, appears in the names of Wollau (14), Wollin (6), and many other places. We find Swine at Swindon, Swinford, and Swingfield :-Kine at Kinton :--Neat Cattle at Nutford, and Netley;5 and Sheep at Shipton and Shipley. The names of the FAROE Islands, and of FAIRFIELD, a mountain in Westmoreland, are probably from the Norse faar, sheep. Deer, or perhaps wild animals generally (German, Thier ; Anglo-Saxon, deor) are found at Deerhurst and Dyrham in Gloucestershire, Dereham in Norfolk, Dereworth in Northamptonshire, and Derby, anciently Deoraby. SCHWERIN, which serves as a name for a German principality and three other places in Germany, is the exact Sclavonic equivalent of Derby. Other wild animals whose names often occur are:-- The Stag at Hertford and Heurtley: the Fox or Tod at Foxley, Fox- hill, Foxhough, Todburn, and Todfield : the Wild Boar at Evershot and Eversley: the Seal at Selsey : the Otter at Otterbourn in Hants : the 1 Benfey, in Höfer's Zeitschrift. vol. ii. pp. 115, 116; Humboldt, Cosmos, vol. i. p. 449. See p. 358, supra 2 See Stanley, Sinai and Par. p. 264. 3 Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 103. Buttmann, Ibid. p. 122. Morris, Local Etymology, p. 10. Natural Productions. .467 Beaver at Beverley and Nant Frangon:1 the Badger, or Broc, at Bagshot, at Broxbourne, and at Brokenborough in Wilts, anciently Broken-eber-egge, or Badger-boar-corner.2 The Crane is found at Cranbourne, and the Eagle at Earnley in Sussex, and Arley in Warwickshire, both of which are written Earneleáh in the Saxon charters. Ely was once famous for the excellence of its eels. In the Isle of Ely rents used to be paid in eels. The Norse word for a salmon is lax. Hence we have Laxvoe, or "salmon bay” in Shetland, Loch Laxford in Sutherland, the Laxay, or "salmon river,” in the Hebrides, and also in Cantire, and the river Laxey in the Isle of Man, and five rivers called Laxa, in Iceland. We liave Laxweir on the Shannon, Leixlip, or salmon-leap, on the Liffey, and Abbey Leix, in Queen's County. ZEBOIM is the ravine of hyænas, and AJALON the valley of stags. BERNE takes its name from the bears with which it formerly abounded. ARLBERG in the Tyrol is the Adlers berg, or eagle's mountain : and HAPSBURG, the stammschloss of the Austrian dynasty, is hawk castle.3 SWAN River was so called from the number of black swans seen there hy Vlaming, the first discoverer. 4 The AZORES when discovered were found to abound in hawks; the CANARIES in wild dogs ; the CAMAROONS 5 in shrimps; the GALAPAGOS Islands in turtles ; and the Bay of PANAMA in mud fish. There are five islands called TORTUGA, either from the turtles found on the coast, or possibly from the turtle-like shape. The island of MARGARITA received its name from the pearls which Columbus obtained from the inhabitants. The island of BARBADOES is said to have derived its name from the long beard-like streamers of moss hanging from the branches of the trees ; 7 the island of BARBUDA from the long beards of the natives ; and the LADRONES from their thievish propensities. The PATAGONIANS were so called by Magalhaens from their clumsy shoes. The name of VENEZUELA, i See p. 369, supra. 2 See p. 368, supra. 3 On German names from animals, see Förstemann, Ortsnamen, pp. 143 --147 ; Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 18. On Sclavonic Names, see Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 120. On Norse Names, see Ferguson, Northmen, p. 124. 4 Charnock, Local Etymol. p. 261. 5 Portuguese, camaroēs, shrimps. Burton, Abeokuta, vol. i. p. 18; vol. ii. p.48. 6 Thornbury, Monarchs of the Main, vol. i. p. 28. ? Burton, Abeokuta, vol. ii. p. 78. H H 2 468 Onomatology. . or little Venice, is due to the Indian villages which were found built on piles in the lake Maracaybo.1 Names derived from those of plants are found in great abundance.2 We. have, for example, The Oak-Acton, Auckland, Okely, Oakley, Sevenoaks. From the Erse doire, an oak, we deduce the names of Derry and Kildare. Elm-Nine Elms, Elmdon, Elmstead, Elmswell. Ash-Ashton, Ashley. Beech-Buckland, Buckhurst. . Birch-Berkeley, Bircholt, Birbeck. Lime—Lindfield, Lyndhurst. Thorn-Thorney. Names derived from the thorn are very frequent in the Saxon charters. Hazel-Hasilmere. Alder-Allerton, Aldershot, Allerdale, Olney, Ellerton. Apple—Avallon, or Apple Island, 4 Appleby, Appleton. Cherry-Cherry Hinton. Broom-Bromley, Brompton. Fern-Farnham, Farnborough. Rushes—Rusholme. Sedge-Sedgemoor, Sedgeley. Reeds-Rodney, Retford. Shrubs-Shrewsbury and Shawbury. The names of Brescia and Brussels have been referred to a root connected with the low Latin bruscia, thicket, or brushwood.5 The chief Sclavonic roots 6 of this class are : dub, the oak. There are 200 places called Dubrau. brasa, the birch, occurs in the names of 40 places. E. g. Braslaf. lipa, the lime, occurs in the names of 600 places. E.g. Leipsig, the “Jinden town.” topol, the poplar. E.%. Toplitz. 1 Cooley, Hist. of Discovery, vol. ii. p. 49; Thornbury, Monarchs, vol. i. p. 205. ? On German names from plants, see Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 9; Bender, Ortsnamen, p. 114 ; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, pp. 60, 140. For Norse names, see Ferguson, Northmen, p. 124. 3 Ingram, Sax. Chron. p. 425. 4 Mone, Geschichte Heidenthums, vol. ii. p. 456. 5 See Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 217. Brussels may, however, be from the Flemish breecksal, a swamp. 'See Buttmann, Ortsnamen, pp. 88–94. Names implying excellence. 469 The Mount of Olives and the Spice Islands are familiar instances of this mode of nomenclature. Saffron Walden took its name from the saffron, the cultivation of which was introduced in the reign of Edward III. and which still to some extent coniinues. I GULISTAN is the place of roses. 2 The name of SCIO comes from scino, mastic. TADMOR, or PALMYRA, is the city of palms. PHENICIA is perhaps the land of palms.3 EN RIMMON is the Fountain of the Pomegranate. CANA, which stands close to the lake, is the reedy.4 BETH TAPUAH is the apple orchard, 5 and ANAB means the Malay, the island of the areca nut. BRAZIL, as we have seen,' was named from the red dye-wood, which was the first article of export. MADEIRA, when discovered by the Portuguese in 1418, was found uninhabited and covered with dense forests. It received its name from the Portuguese word madera, timber. The RIO MADEIRA, an affluent of the Amazons, still flows through the immense forests from which it took its name. VI. NAMES IMPLYING EXCELLENCE OR THE REVERSE Names implying the excellence of the locality are far more common than those implying the reverse. Thus FORMOSA, FUNEN, and JOPPA, in Portu- guese, Danish, and Hebrew, mean fine, or beautiful. VALPARAISO is Paradise Valley, and GENNESARETH is nearly identical in meaning: 8 The name of BUENOS AYRES describes the delicious climate of Southern Brazil. The PACIFIC Ocean seems calm to those who have just weathered the tem- pests of Cape Hoorn. BUNGAY is probably from the French' bon gué, fair ford. PALERMO, a corruption of Panormus, is the haven sheltered from every wind. The Genoese gave BALACLAVA its name of the beautiful quay, bella chiava. 10 The name of BOMBAY is from the Portuguese bona bahia, i Loudon, Encyclopædia of Plants, p.38; Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 125. ? Pihan, Glossaire, p. 146. 3 See page 79, supra. 4 Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 260. 5 Wilton, Negeb, p. 232. 6 Talbot, English Etymologies, p. 455. 7 See p. 408, supra. 8 Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 374. 9 The Norman castle of Hugh Bigot accounts for the French name. See Gough's Camden, vol. ii. p. 157. 20 Charnock, Local Etymology, p. 24. 470 Onomatology. the good bay, and well describes the harbour, one of the largest, safest, and most beautiful in the world. Cairo is the Anglicized form of the Arabic El Kahirah, the “victo- rious," 2 and the name may be compared with that of VITTORIOSA, a suburb of Valetta which was built at the conclusion of the great siege. The Romans often gave their colonies names of good omen, 3 as Pax, Liberalitas, Fidentia, Placentia (now PIACENZA), Valentia (now VALANCE, VALENTZ, and VALENTIA), Pollentia (now POLENZA), Potentia (now S. MARIA PO- TENZA), Florentia (now FIRENZE or FLORENCE), Vicentia (now VICENZA), Faventia (now FAENZA), and the queenly city Basilia (now BASEL or BÂLE.) Names of bad omen 4 are rare. From the Anglo-Saxon hean, poor, we have Henlow, Hendon, and Henley.5 PERNAMBUCO means the mouth of hell, and BAB-EL-MANDEB the gate of the devil.6 MALPAS is the bad fron- tier pass.7 DUNGENESS and Cape PELORUS express the terrors of the sailor. Caltrop, Colton, Caldecote, and Cold Harbour, are all cold places, and the name of Mount Algidus may be paralleled by that of Coleridge. A volcano broke out on the “most beautiful” island of CALLISTE, which caused the name to be changed to THERA, “the beast.” At the time of a subsequent eruption the island was placed under the protection of the Empress St. Irene, whose name it still bears in the form of SANTORIN.S VII. CONFIGURATION. A few names, chiefly those of islands, bays, and mountains, are derived from the configuration of the land. Thus ANGUILLA is the eel-shaped island. Drepanum, now TRAPANI, is from a Greek word, meaning a sickle. ZANCLE, the original name of Messina, is said to be derived from a Siculian root of the same significance. SICILY perhaps comes from a root allied to sica, a sickle, and the name seems to have been first applied to the curved shore near Messina, and then extended to the whole island. ANCONA, I See Buckingham, Autobiography, vol. ii. p. 338. ? The real name of Cairo is Misr ; El Kahirah or Cairo is only a title of honour applied to the city, just as Genoa is called “ La Superba,” Verona, “ La Degna,” Mantua, “La Gloriosa,” Vicenza, “L'antica,” and Padua, “La Forte.” Fairholt, Up the Nile, p. 42. 3 See Niebuhr, Lectures on Ethnology and Geogr. vol. ii. p. 291. 4 On names of ill omen, see Grimm, Gesch. d. derit. Spr. p. 780. 5 Monkhouse, Etymologies, p. 48. 6 Pihan, Glossaire, p. 49. 7 See p. 190, supra. Bremer, Greece, vol. i. p. 329.. Nares from Configuration–Colour. 471 which preserves its original naine unchanged, is built at the place where Monte Conero juts out into the sea and then recedes, forming a sort of bent - elbow” (åykáv). 1 The name of GOMPHI, near Pindus, expresses the "wedge-shaped” for- mation of the rocks, 2 and may be compared with that of the NEEDLES in the Isle of Wight. At METEORA the convents are poised " aloft in the air" on the summits of rocky columns.3. The name Trapezus, now TREBIZOND, on the Black Sea, is identical in meaning with that of TABLE MOUNTAIN at the Cape. The ORGAN Mountains in Brazil derive their name from the fantastic forms of the spires of rock, resembling the pipes of an organ. 4 PHIALA, in Palestine, is the “bowl.”5 RHEGIUM is the “rent” between Sicily and Italy. TEMPE is the "cut” (Téuvw) in the rocks through which the Peneus flows, 6 and DETROIT the “narrows," between Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair. VIII. COLOUR. The adjectival element in names is frequently derived from colour.? Names of this class are often admirably descriptive. How well, for instance, the Northmen described a conspicuous chalk cliff, past which they steered to Normandy, by the name of Cape GRISNEZ, or the grey nose. Cape BLANCNEZ, close by, is the white nose. Cape VERDE is fringed with green palms. The local name for the Indus is the Nilab, the blue river; and the name of the Blue Nile is, perhaps, an unconscious reduplication,8 The XANTHUS is the yellow river. The Rio COLORADO takes its name from its deep red colour; RÅTBY, RUGBY, and RUTLAND, from their red soil. RATCLIFFE, Bristol, is the red cliff. The Red Sea, I the Black Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the White Sea, are translated names. | Trollope, Lenten Fourney in Umbria, pp. 281, 290. 3 Müller, Dorians, vol. i. p. 27. 3 See Curzon's Monasteries of Levant; Müller, Dorians, vol. i. p. 26. 4 Hinchcliff, South American Sketches, p. 275. 5 Robinson, Later Researches, p. 400. 6 Müller, Dorians, vol. i. p. 21. ? Buttmann, Deutschen Ortsnamen, pp. 6, 7. 8 Pott (Indo-Germ. Spr. p. 29) thinks the name of the Nile is only an accidental coincidence with the Sanskrit nila, blue, whence, through the old French neel, we obtain the verb, to anneal. Cf. neelah, the Indian name of indigo. See Wilkinson, Ancient Egypt, vol. ii. p. 57. 9 Probably a translation of Sea of Edom. Renan, Lang. Semit. p. 39; Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 135. 472 Onomatology. The city of Hatria or ADRIA, from which the Adriatic took its name, is the black town, so called, perhaps, because built on a deposit of black mud.1 The KEDRON is the black valley.2 From the Celtic dhu, black, we have the names of DUBLIN, the black pool or linn, and the DOUGLAS, or black water, in Lancashire, Scotland, and the Isle of Man.3 The RIO NEGRO and the River MELAS are also the black rivers. The River LYCUS is, as we have seen, the white river, and not the wolf river.4 The HVITA, a common Norse river-name, is the white water. Names like Blackheath, Blackmore, Blakeley, or Blackdown, are very ambiguous, as they may be either from the English black, or from the Norse blakka, which means white. From the Sclavonic bel, white, we have BELGRADE and BOLGRAD, the "white castles,” 6 and scores of names in eastern Germany, such as Biela, Bielawa, Beelow, Bilau, and Bülow. From the Wendish zarny, black, we have Sarnow, Sarne, and many other names : from seleny, green, come Zielonka, Zelenetz, &c.; and so on through the whole range of the spectrum. 8 The names of mountains are naturally derived in many cases from their prevailing hue. Thus we have the NILGHERRIES, or the “blue hills” of India, the BLUE RIDGE of Virginia, and the BLUE MOUNTAINS of New South Wales and Jamaica. From the Gadhelic gorm, blue, we have BENGORM in Mayo, and the CAIRNGORM group in the Highlands.9 Roger Williams tells us that the name MASSACHUSETTS is an Indian word, mean- ing the blue hills. 10 The hills of VERMONT are clothed to the summit with green forests, while the SIERRA MORENA of Spain is the "sombre range," 11 and the SIERRA VERMEJA is the “red range." 12 From the Welsh coch, red, we have CRIB GOCII, the name of the striking peak which over- A 1 Mommsen, Inhabitants of Italy, p. 46, 2 Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 172. 3 See Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 139. 4 See p. 396, supra. 5 Cf. the English verb, to bleach or make white, the Gerinan bleich, pale, and the French blanc. Some of these names may be from the Celtic blaighe, a hill. See Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, p. 243. 6 Cf. the Turkish Ak-kerman, white castle. ? Buttmann, Deutschen Ortsnamen, p. 79 ; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, p. 613. 8 Buttmann, Ortsnamen, pp. 80, 81. 9 Gibson, Etym. Geogr. p. 133. 10 Drake, Book of the Indians, book ii. p. 18. li Root, morus. 12 Prescott, Ferdinand and Is. vol. ii. p. 387. Names from Colours. 473 hangs the pass of Llanberis, 1 while MONTE ROSSI, one of the peaks of Etna, and MONTE ROSSO, ' an outlier of the Bernina, are so called from their characteristic russet or rosy hue. 2 A very large number of the loftiest mountains in the world derive their names from their white coverings of snow. From the Sanskrit hima,3 snow, and ålaja, 4 an abode, we have the name of the majestic HIMALAJA, the perpetual "abode of snow.” 5 HIMAPRASTHA is the snowy head, HIMAWAT is 'the snow-covered, and the names of the HAEMUS and the IMAUS are from the same root. DWAJALAGIRI is the white mountain," and CVÊTAGHARA, the second highest peak of Dwajalagiri, is the white castle. The AKHTAG in Bokhara are the white mountains, and from the Hebrew laban, white, we deduce the name of LEBANON.7 The hoary head of DJEBEL ESH SHEIKH,8 the chief summit of the Lebanon, is covered i Cf. the Latin coccinus. The cock is the “red” bird. Diefenbach, Celtica, vol. i. p. 61. 2 See p: 225, supra. 3 Cf. the Latin hiems, winter, and the Greek xiáv, snow. 4 Cognate with the verbs to lie, and lay, and the common English suffix, ley. See p. 360, supra. , Lassen, Ind. Alterth. vol. i. p. 17; Curtius, Grundzüge, vol. i. p. 169 ; Charnock, Local Etymol. p. 131 ; Welsford, English Language, p. 22; Cooley, Hist. Discov. vol. i. p. 42; Pott, Etymologischen Forsch- ungen, p. lxxiv.; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part i. p. 90. 6 Lassen, Ind. Alterth, vol. i. p. 55. ? See Robinson, Bibl. Researches, vol. iii. p. 439; Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 403 ; Charnock, Local Etym. p. 154. 8 This Arabic word seems to have been adopted from the Persian shah, a king. The name of Xerxes (Khshayoarsha) is the “venerable king ;” that of Artaxerxes is the “great venerable king.” The English ramifi- cations of this root are curious to trace. We received the game of chess from the Persians through the Arabs. The name of the game is a corrup- tion of shah or sheikh. We cry check (king), to give notice that the king is attacked ; check mate means “the king is dead.” The verb mata=he is dead, we have in the name of the Spanish matador, who kills the bull. The word checkered describes the appearance of the board on which the game is played. In the Court of Exchequer the public accounts were kept by means of tallies placed on the squares of a chequered cloth. Hence the phrase to check an account, and the other uses of the verb to check. See Forbes, History of Chess, pp. 207, 208; Schafarik, Slaw. Alterth. vol. i. p. 283 ; Yonge, Christian Names, vol. i. p. 133; Ménage, Origines, pp. 279-286, 702. 474 0120matology. with snow even during a Syrian summer. Graucasus, ? the old Scythian word from which we derive the name of the CAUCASUS, means nive candidus, as we are told by Pliny. The Mustagh are the ice mountains. 2 The name of the APENNINES has been explained by a reference to the Welsh y-pen-ghwin, the white head. 3 The BIELOUKA, the giant of the Altai, is the white mountain ; and a range in China is called SIUÈ-LING, or the snow mountain. More obvious are the etymologies of Mont Blanc, the Sierra Nevada in Spain, the Nevado in Mexico, Ben Nevis in Scotland, Snowdon in Wales, Sneehattan in Norway, and Sneeuwbergen in the Cape Colony, two Snafells in Iceland, Sneefell in the Isle of Man; Schnee- koppe, the highest peak of the Riesen Gebirge ; Sneeberg, Sneekopf, and the Eisthaler Spitze, in the Carpathians; and the Weisshorn, Weissmies, Dent Blanche, and many other peaks in Switzerland. 4 The names of the Swiss mountains are often admirably picturesque and descriptive. How well do the words Dent, Horn, and Aiguille describe the rocky teeth, spires, and pinnacles of rock which shoot up into the clouds. How appropriate, too, are the names of the SCHRECKHORN, or “Peak of Terror ;" the WETTERHORN, or "Peak of Storms,” which gather round his head and reverberate from his fearful precipices; the EIGHER, who uprears his “giant” head; the MÖNCH, with his smooth-shaven crown; the JUNGFRAU, or “Maiden," clad in a low descending vesture of spotless white; the glittering SILBERHỢRN; the soft disintegrating rock of the ill- conditioned FAULHORN ; the DENT DU MIDI, or “the Peak of Noon," over whose riven summits the midday sun streams down the long Rhone valley to the lake. PILATUS, the outlier of the Bernese chain, takes his name from the “cap” of cloud which he wears during western winds. On the other hand, the MATTERHORN, the most marvellous obelisk of rock which the world contains, takes its name, not from its cloud-piercing peak, but from the scanty patches of green meadow which hang around its base; and which also give their name to ZERMATT-the village “on the meadow."6 i Evidently from the Sanskrit grava-kasas. The former part of the name seems to be related to the Greek repúos, and the latter to the Latin castus. See Grimm, Gesch. d. Deut. Spr. p. 234 ; Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part i. p. 73; Donaldson, Varvonianus, p. 53. 2 Lassen, Ind. Alterth. vol. i. p. 16. 3 Keferstein, Kelt. Alterth. vol. ii. p. 186 ; Morris, in Gentleman's Mag. for 1789, p. 905. Cf. Church of England Quarterly, No. 73, p. 148. 4 See p. 5, supra. 5 See Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 18. 6 Cf. Andermat. Names of Mountains. 475 The root alp, or alb, is widely diffused throughout the Aryan languages. The Gaelic and Welsh word, alp, means a height, a hill, or a craggy rock. 1 Alp, Owen says, is common in Glamorganshire as a name of hills. It is, no doubt, connected with the root of albus, 2 though in Switzerland the ALPS are now the green pasturages between the forests and the snow line. 3 ALBANIA, as seen from Corfu, appears as a long snowy range. We may refer the name ALBION to the same root; it may have been bestowed on the land lying behind the white cliffs visible from the coast of Gaul. ALBANY (Duke of Albany), the old name of Scotland, means probably the hilly land. 4 The name of the PYRENEES is probably from the Basque word pyrge, high ; 5 that of the traL is from a Tatarian word meaning a belt or girdle. The name of the CARPATHIANS comes, we have seen, from the Sclavonic gora, a mountain, or chrbat, a mountain range.? HOR means the mountain ; 8 PISGAH is the height ; 9 SION is the upraised ; HERMON, the lofty peak ; 10 GIBEAH, the hill ; 11 and SAMOS, the lofty. 12 1 Al, high, is common in Shropshire names, E... Ercal, Shiffnal, Peck- nall, &c.; Hartshorne, Sal. Ant. p. 240. ? On this root in river-names, see p. 225, supra. The elves are the white beings. 3 The Alps, as well as the Albis in Zurich, seem to have received their names before the meaning of the root was thus restricted. See Meyer, 4 On the root alp, see Pott, Etym. Forsch. vol. ii. p. 525; Latham, Ger- mania, p. 18; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 19; Orig. Europ. p. 224; Owen, Welsh Dictionary, s. v. alp; Davies, Celtic Researches, p. 207; De Bel- loguet, Ethnog. vol. i. p. 96; Duncker, Orig. Germ. p. 44; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 43; Arndt, Europ. Spr. pp. 241, 242; Radlof, Neue Untersuch. p. 287 ; Sparschuh, Berichtigungen, p. 28. 5 Arndt, Europ. Spr. p. 233. Cf. the Zend pur, a mountain. 6 Müller, Ugrische Volkstamm, vol. i. p. 18. 7 See p. go, supra; Knobel, Völkertafel, p. 44. Compare the Sclavonic gora, and the Greek opos. Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 494. 9 Ibid. p. 496. 10 Ibid. p. 403. 11 Ibid. pp. 41, 497. 12 Curtius, Die Ionier, p. 28; and p. 98, sripra. 475 Onomatology. LIST OF SOME OF THE CHIEF SUBSTANTIVAL COMPONENTS OF LOCAL NAMES. I NAMES OF MOUNTAINS AND HILLS. PEN; Welsh; ). y a head, hence a mountain. E.g. Pennigant, Ben CENN; Gadhelic; } Nevis, Kenmore, Kent, Cantal. pp. 219, 220. BEN ; Gadhelic; ) BRYN ; Welsh ; a brow, hence a ridge. E.g. Brandon. p. 224. DRUM ; From the Erse druim, a back or ridge. E.g. Dromore, Dundrum. CEFN ; Cymric ; a back, hence a ridge. E.g. Les Cevennes. p. 219. ARD; Celtic; a height. E.g. Ardrossan. p. 226. Tor; Celtic; a tower-like rock. E.g. Mam Tor. pp. 84, 225, 325. PEAK; England; allied to the words beak, spike, spit, &c. PIKE; England; Spithead is at the end of a long spit PIC; Pyrenees; of sand. E.g. Peak of Derbyshire, BEC; Piedmont; Pike oʻStickle, Pic du Midi, Beca di PIZ; Eastern Switzerland; Nona, Piz Mortiratsch, Oertler Spitz, SPITZ; Germany; Spitzbergen, Puy de Cantal. PUY; Auverne; GEBEL ; Arabic ; a mountain. E.g. Gibraltar, Gebel Mousa. P. 100. Anglo-Saxon beorh, a hill. Liable to be confused with names from burh, an earthwork. Common in Ger- BARROW; many, rare in England. E.g. Spitzbergen, Erzberg, BOROUGH ; BERG; Ingleborough in Yorkshire, Brownberg Hill in West- moreland, Queensberry in Dumfriesshire. p. 123. Leo, Rectitudines, p. 65; Codex Dipl. vol. iii. p. xviii. GORA; Sclavonic; a mountain. E.g. Görlitz, Carpathians. p. 84. · Mountains. 477 CARRICK ; Ireland ; ) CRAIG; Wales; (Gadhelic, carraig ; Cymric, craig, a rock or crag. CRICK ; England; E.g. Craigruigh, Carrickfergus, Cricklade. p. 225. CRAU; Savoy ; CHLUM; Sclavonic; an isolated hill. . There are forty-seven places in Bohemia alone which go by this name, or by its diminutive Chlumetz. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 76. DAGH or TAGH; Turkish ; a mountain. E.g. Altai, Agridagh, Belurtagh (the cloud mountains), Mustagh (the ice mountains). Lassen, Indische Alterth. vol. i. p. 16. TELL; Arabic; a heap, a small hill. Stanley, Sinai and Pal. p. 119. ( Anglo-Saxon hlaw, a mound, a rising ground. LOW; England; ) { E.g. Houndslow, Ludlow, Marlow, Broad- LAW ; Scotch border; / la p. 212. | Norse haugr, a mound. Old High German houc, of which the German hügel is a HOW ; Lake district; diminutive. · E.g. Fox How, Silver How. HAUGH ; Northumberland ; ) Ferguson, Northmen, pp. 54–56; Förste- mann, Ortsnamen, p. 42. p. 174. HILL ; Anglo-Sax. hyl, Norse holl. Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 73. KNOTT; a small round hill. E.g. Ling Knott, Amside Knott. SLIABH or SLIEVH; Erse; } a mountain. E.g. Slieyh Beg. p. 248. SLIEU ; Manx; KOM ; Arabic; a high mound. ( FELL; Norse fjeld; a hill-side. E.g. Goatfell in Airan, p. 160. | FELS; German ; a rock. E.g. Drachenfels. HAGAR; Arabic; a stone. p. 94. KAMEN ; Sclavonic; a stone. STONE ; England; STEIN; Germany; | Anglo-Saxon stan, a stone. Old German stain. STEEN: Netherlands : 1 E.g. Godstone, Ehrenbreitstein, Brunsteen. DUN; Celto-Saxon; a hill fort. E.g. London, Dunstable. pp. 221–235. HERMON ; Hebrew ; lofty. SION ; Hebrew ; upraised. RUDGE I a back or ridge. Anglo-Saxon hrycg ; German rücken, a back ; RIDGE I and English rick-yard. E.g. Reigate, Rugeley, Rudge. RIGGE; ) SIERRA ; Arabic. Not, as is usually supposed, from the Latin serra, a saw, · but from the Arabic sehrah, an uncultivated tract. E.. Sierra Nevada. Gayangos, Dynasties, vol. i. p. 546. CORDILLERA ; Spanish ; a chain. 478 Onomatology. HORN ; German ; a peak. E.g. Matterhorn, Schreckhorn, Finsteraarhorn, Wetterhorn. DODD; Lake district; a mountain with a round summit. E.g. Dodd Fell, Great Dodd. MONADH; Gaelic; ? a bald head. E.8. Monadh liadh, Inverness. MYNYDD ; Welsh ;) Mynydd-Mawr, Carnarvonshire. SMULL; Scotland ; Gaelic maol; a headland. E.g. Mull of Cantyre. MOEL; Wales ; a round hill. E.g. Moel Siabod. ROG ; Sclavonic ; a horn. . Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 61. DENT; French, a tooth. E.g. Dent du Midi. BLUFF ; American. A bluff, as distinguished from a hill, is the escarpment formed by a river running through a table-land. MONT; France ;) a mountain. Latin mons. E.g. Mont Blanc, Mont- MONTE ; Italy; } martre, Monte Rosa. KNOCK ; Gadhelic ; a hill. E.g. Knocknows, Knockduff. BALM ; Celtic; an overhanging wall of rock; a cave : not uncommon in Switzerland and France. E.g. Col de Balm. Meyer, Ortsnamen, . p. 81; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 45 ; Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 192. SCAR; Norse; a cliff. E.g. Scarborough. p. 163. GOURNA; Arabic; a mountain promontory, NESS; Norse ; a nose or headland. E.g. Wrabness, Sheerness. p. 163. HOO; England; Anglo-Saxon ho. A hoo or heal is a spit of land running into the sea. Codex Diplom. vol. iii. p. xxxi, - RAS; Arabic; a cape. p. 101. ROSS ; Celtic; a promontory. E.g. Rossberg, Kinross, Roseneath, Mel- rose, Ross. p. 224. II. PLAINS. GWENT ; Celtic; a plain. E.g. Winchester. p. 231. CLON ; Ireland ; from the Erse cluain, a plain surrounded by bog or water. E.g. Clonmel, Cloyne. It occurs four times in Shropshire. E.g. Clunn, Clunbury. PLUN ; Sclavonic; a plain. E.g. Plöner See, in Holstein. PLON; Sclavonic; S Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 79. LAN; Celtic; la LAND; English; Š a prain. P. 229. DOI ; Celtic; a plain. E.g. Toulouse, Dolberry. p. 223. BLAIR; Gadhelic; a plain clear of wood. E.g. Blair Atholl. SHARON ; Hebrew; a plain. Plains —- Forests. 479 p. 230. TIR; Welsh ; land. E.g. Cantire. p. 205. BELED ; Arabic; a district. GAU ; Teutonic; a district. Cf. the Greek yula. E.g. Spengay in Cam- bridgeshire, Wormegay in Norfolk. Pictet, Orig. Indo-Europ. part ii. pp. 15, 505. pp. 119--264. MAN; Celtic ; a district. E.g. Maine, Manchester. MAT; Swiss; MAES ; Welsh ; ( a field. E.g. Andermat, Masham, Armagh, Maynooth, MAGH; Erse; 1 Marmagen. pp. 232-234. MAG; Gaulish; ING; Anglo-Saxon ; a meadow. E.g. Deeping. p. 134. SAVANNAH ; Spanish ; a meadow. AGH; Ireland; From Erse achadh, a field. E.ç. Ardagh, Auchin- AUCH ; Scotland; S leek. See Sullivan, Dict. of Derivations, p. 282. AC; sometimes a corruption of agh ; sometimes of the Celtic ach or axe, water; sometimes of the Teutonic aha or ahi; more often the Celtic derivative particle. Nine out of ten of the village-names of Western and Central France exhibit this derivative suffix. See Zeuss, Gramm. Celt. vol. ii. p. 771; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 29. III. FORESTS. LU HOLZ; German; a copse. E.g. Bagshot, Sparsholt, pp. 359, 360. HOLT; Anglo-Saxon; 1 Codex. Dipl. vol. iii. p. xxxii. HURST; England; , thick wood. Anglo-Saxon hyrst. E.g. Lyndhurst, HORST ; Germany; | Penshurst. Ingram, Sax. Chron, p. 427. p. 360. HART; Germany ; La forest. E.g. Hunhart, Seal Chart. p. 300. CHART ; England ; $ BOR; Sclavonic; a forest. E.g. Bohrau. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 83. DROWO; Sclavonic; a wood. E... Drewitz. GOLA; Sclavonic; a wood. E.g. Gollwitz, WEALD ; England; woodland; related to holt. Anglo-Saxon wudu, WOLD; England; and weald; Old High German, witu. E.g. WALD; Germany; Waltham, Walden, The Cotswolds, Wootton, WOOD; England; Schwarzwald, Emswoude. Pp. 138, 360. WOUDE; Netherlands ; ) COED ; Welsh ; a wood. E.g. Bettws y Coed, Cotswold Hills, Catlow. p. 362. , an open place in a wood. Anglo-Saxon Icah. E.g. LEY; England; Leighton, Hadleigh ; Waterloo, Venloo. pp. 310. L00; Belgium ; 360 ; Leo, Rectitudines, p. 86; Morris, Local Names, P. 46. 480 Onomatology. DEN; Celto-Saxon ; a deep wooded valley. Den and dun are from the same root, but the meanings are converse, like those of dike and ditch. MONEY; Ireland; from Erse muine, a brake or shaw. E.g. Moneyrea, Moneymore. ACRE ; a field. Latin ager, Low Latin acra. E.Q. Longacre. SHAW; England; a shady place, a wood. Anglo-Saxon sceaga ; Norse skogr. E.g. Bagshaw. Liable to be confused with haw. pp. 188, 359. HAW ; German gehaw, a place where the trees have been hewn. Nearly the same as field. See Vilmar, Ortsnamen, p. 265; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 79. Cf. Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, p. 115. FIELD; Anglo-Saxon feld, a forest clearing, where the trees have been felled. E.g. Sheffield, Enfield. Pp. 160, 361. ROYD ; Teutonic. Probably land that has been ridded of trees. Low Latin terra rodata. E.g. Huntroyd, Holroyd, Ormeroyd. Names in rod, rode, or roth are very common in Hesse ; liable to be con- fused with rithe, running water, and rhyd, a ford, 9. v. See Förste. mann, Ortsnamen, p. 79; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, pp. 278, 279; Charnock, Local Etymol. p. 229. LUND ; Norse ; a sacred grove. E.g. Lundgarth. p. 331. NEMET ; Celtic ; a sacred grove. E.g. Nismes, Nynnet Rowland. p. 331. IV. VALLEYS. NANT; Cymric; a valley. E.g. Nant-frangon. P. 230. GLYN; Wales ; ? } a narrow valley. E.g. Glynneath, Glencoe. GLEN; Gaelic; sa STRATH; Gaelic ; a broad valley. E.g. Strathclyde, Stratherne. THAL; German ; ) a valley. E.g. Lonsdale, Arundel, Frankenthal. DALE; Northumbrian; ( Names in dol are very common in Bohemia and DELL ; Southumbrian; Moravia. p. 160. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, DOL; Sclavonic; 2 p. 79. VYED ; Malta ; Arabic wadi, a ravine, valley, or river. E.g. Guadal- GUAD; Spain ; S quiver. PP. 102, 106. COMBE ; Celto-Saxon; } a bowl-shaped valley. E.g. Wycombe, Cwm CWM ; Welsh; I Bechan. p. 226. KOTL; Sclavonic; a kettle or combe. Buttmann, Ortsranen, p. 79. COP; Celtic; a hollow or cup. E.g. Warcop. DEN ; from Celto-Saxon denit, a deep-wooded valley. E.g. Tenterden. pp. 361, 226. GILL; Lake District ; a ravine. E.g. Aygill. Valleys–Rivers. 481 V. RIVERS AND WATERS. A; Anglo-Saxon ea; Norse a ; Old High German aha ; Gothic ahva, water. Cognate with Latin aqua. E.g. Greta, Werra. p. 174. AVON; Celtic; a river, p. 196, DWR; Cymric; water. p. 199. ESK ; Celtic; water. p. 202. BURN ; Anglo-Saxon ; ) a stream. E.g. Blackburn, Tyburn, Hach- BRUNNEN; German; } born. BORN; in Hesse; BROOK ; from Anglo-Saxon bróc, a rushing stream. ( a small stream. E.g. Welbeck, Holbeck, BECK ; Northumbria ; ' Caudebec. There are fifty names in batch BACH; Germany; in Shropshire, as Comberbatch, Coldbatch, BATCH; Mercia ; and Snailbatch (i.e. Schnell-bach). BEC; Normandy; pp. 159, 187; Hartshorne, Salopia Antiqua, p. 240; Notes and Qrueries, vol. i. p. 267. REKA; Sclavonic; river. E.g. River Regen. WODA; Sclavonic; water. E.g. River Oder. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 114. RUN; Anglo-American ; a brook. E.g. Bull's Run. CREEK; Anglo-American ; a small river. E.g. Salt Creek. p. 30, supra. FORK; Anglo-American; a. large affluent. E.g. North Fork. PARA; Brazilian ; a river. E.g. Parahiba, Paraguay, Parana, Parany- buna. RITHE ; Anglo-Saxon; running water. E.g. Meldrith, Shepreth, &c. in Cambridgeshire. See ROYD, p. 480, supra. FORCE ; Northumbria ; Lo usate la ; } a waterfall. E.g. Airy Force, Skogar Foss. p. 160. FOSS; Iceland ; Anglo-Saxon fleót, a flowing stream. E.g. North- FLEET ; England; fleet, Byfleet, Harfleur. See pp. 187, 274. FLEUR ; Normandy ; 3. yi) Leo, Rectitudines, p. 81 ; Ingram, Sar. Chron. Vex; cape; C p. 426 ; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 36. GANGA ; India ; a river. In Ceylon most of the river-names terminate in ganga. The Ganges is the river. BIRKET ; Arabic; a lake. LINN; Celtic; a deep pool. E.g. Lincoln, Linlithgow, Dublin, Lynn, p. 215. VAT ; Hebrides ; a small lake. Norse vati, water. E... Ollevat. p. 172. II 482 Onzoinatology. TARN; Lake District ; a small mountain lake, lying like a tear on the face of the hill. Norse tiörn, a tear. E.g. Blentarn. KELL ; England ; la place whence water flows forth. Cf. the Wel- WELL ; England ; } land, which is a tidal stream. QUELLE ; Germany ; ) AIN ; Arabic ; a fountain. E.g. Engedi, the fountain of the kid ; Enrogel, the fountain of the foot. pp. 102, 113. HAMMAN ; Turkish ; hot springs. ebrew. ( a well. E.g. Beersheba, Beyrout. Dr. Stanley says BEEI BIR; Arabic; 3 it is something bored. Sinai and Pal. pp. 147, 512. p. 103. BAHR ; Arabic; a canal. BALA ; Welsh ; effluence of a river from a lake. ABER; Welsh ; , a confluence of two rivers, or of a river and the INVER ; Gadhelic; 1 sea. E.g. Abergavenny, Inverness. p. 246. CONDATE; Old Celtic; confluence of two rivers. E.g. Condé, Ghent. Zeuss, Gram. Celt. p. 994; Adelung, Mithridates, vol. ii. p. 54. WICK; Norse ; a bay. E.g. Sandwich. p. 161. FORD ; England; Norse fiord, an arm of the sea. E.g. Orford, Haver- FJORD ; Iceland ; 1 ford, Faxa Fjord. p. 160. OVER; Anglo-Saxon, ofer ; German, ufer ; a shore. E.g. Hanover, Overyssel, Over near Cambridge, Wendover. Andover is not from the root ofer, bul waere. See Sax. Chron. ; Cod. Dipl. vol. iii. P. xxxiv. ; Morris, Local Names, p. 38, Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 39. p. 138, supra. POOL; | Welsh pwl, an inlet, or pool. E.g. Pill in Somerset, Poole in PILL; Dorset, Bradpole, Pwlhelli, Liverpool. SHORE; e.g. Shoreham. OR; Anglo-Saxon ora, the shore of a river or sea. E.g: Bognor, Cumnor, Oare near Hastings, Elsinore. Windsor was anciently Windlesora, the winding shore. Ore in Iceland denotes a narrow strip of land between two waters. Leo, Rectitudines, p. 79; Laing, Heim- skringla, vol. i. p. 119; Ingram. Sax. Chron. p. 428 ; Charnock, Local Etymol. p. 298. TRA; Erse; a strand. E.g. Tralee, Ballintra. MERE ; Anglo-Saxon; , a lake, a marsh. E.g. Foulmire, Mersey, Morton, MOOR; Anglo-Saxon; } Blackmore. JASOR; Sclavonic; a marsh. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 107. RUIMNE; Celtic; a marsh. E... Romney. pp. 213, 349. RHOS; Celtic ; a moor. E.g. Rossall, Rusholme. p. 224. Waters-Islands-Roads. 483 VI. ISLANDS. EY ; A; YNYS; Welsh; an island. E.g. Inchiquin and Inchkeith in Scot- INNIS; Gadhelic; land; Enniskillen, Ennismore, Ennis, and at least ENNIS ; Irish; 100 names in Ireland, as well, perhaps, as Erin INCH; Scotch; ) and Albion. ) an island. From the Anglo-Saxon ea, Norse ol. Eyot is the diminutive of ey, and ait the contraction of eyot. E.g. Ey in I Suffolk, Sheppey, Rona, Faroe, Colonsay. Pp. 163, 171, 34 8. AY: AIRE;) AYRE; Sa small river-island of shingle or sand. E.g. Saltaire, Stonaire. EYRE; ) HOLM; Norse; an island in a river. E.g. Flatholm in the Severn. p. 163. JEZIRAH; Arabic; an island. E.g. Algiers, Algeziras. P. 104. OE; VII. ROADS, BRIDGES, FORDS. GATE; England; ) GUT: Kent: la passage, a road or street. E.g. Reigate, Gatton, GHAT ; India; ! Ramsgate, Calcutta. pp. 252, 334. GHAUT; India ATH; Erse ; a ford. E.g. Athlone. RHYD ; Welsh; a ford. P. 254 WATH; Northumbria ; a ford. Related to the verb to zade. E.g. FORD; England; Oxford, Frankfurt, Lemförde. p. 254. FUHRT; Germany ; } 1 Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 17; Bender, Ortsna- FÖRDE ; Hanover ; / men, p. 118; Ingram, Saxon Chron. p. 426 ; ( Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 38. PONT; Welsh and French; a bridge. E.g. Pontaberglaslyn. p. 253, 254. MOST; Sclavonic ; a bridge. E.g. Babimost, Motzen, Maust. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 135. BRIDGE • England. ( Eig: Brixton, Bruges, Innsprück, Weybridge, BRÜCKE ; Germany; 1 See p. 254; Bender, Ortsnamen, p. 119; Ingram, Sax. Chron. p. 425. BRIVA ; Old Celtic; a bridge. p. 255. BAB ; Arabic; a gate ; E.g. Babelmandeb. STREET ; Latin and Saxon ; a road. E.g. Stretton, Stratford. p. 250. SARN; Welsh ; a road. E.g. Sarn Helen. I 1 2 484 Onomatology, VIII. BOUNDARIES. TWISTLE; Northumbria ; a boundary. E.g. Entwistle, Birchtwistle, Extwistle. Whitaker, History of Whalley, p. 377. GILL; Northumbria ; Norse, gil, a ravine. E.g. Dungeon Gill. STONE ; Anglo-Saxon and Norse, stan. E.g. Stanton, Godstone. Staines is so called from the Stones bounding the river jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor. KAMEN ; Sclavonic; a stone. E.g. Chemnitz. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, pp. 61, 103. HAGAR ; Arabic; a stone. GISR; Arabic; a dyke. DYKE ; Anglo-Saxon ; a ditch. E.g. Wansdyke. p. 256. HATCH ; England; a hitch-gate. Cf. the French, hèche. This is a com- mon suffix in the neighbourhood of ancient forests. E.g. Westhatch in Somerset, Pilgrims' Hatch in Essex ; Colney Hatch in Middlesex was the gate at the southern extremity of Enfield Chase. See Notes and Queries, vol. x. pp. 107, 197, 238, 316. CLOUGII ; Erse cloch, a stone. E.g. Cloghan, Claughton in Yorkshire. MARK; Indo-European ; a boundary. E.g. Denmark, Altmark. P. 264. IX. HABITATIONS AND INCLOSURES, HEIM ; Germany ;) HAM; England; ( a home. E.& Hocheim, Buckingham, Rysum, HEN ; Picardy ; ( Hamburg. pp. 123, 124, 152. UM; Friesland; TON; Anglo-Saxon tun, an inclosure. Hence a village. pp. 119, 120. ( WICK; Anglo-Saxon víc an abode. Related to the Latin vicus. p. 161. WAS; Sclavonic; a village. E.& Weska, Wasowetz. Buttmann, Ortsnameni, p. 145. WIKI; Sclavonic; a market. E.g. Fourteen places called Wieck. Butt- mann, Ortsnamen, p. 139. WEILER; Germany; I VILLIERS; France; 1 an abode, a house. E.g. Berweiler, Hardivil- VILLE ; Normandy ; liers, Haconville, Chiswill, Kettlewell. pp. 159, 185. WILL; } England; WELL; BALLY; ) Gadhelic baile, an abode. Equivalent to the Cymric tre and BAL; } the Norse by. E.g. Ballymena, Balbriggan. pp. 247, 248. BALLA; ) Sullivan, Dict. of Der. p. 283. Boundaries--Dwellings. 485 BOTTLE; } England; ABAD; India ; an abode. E.g. Allahabad. BY; England; B@UF; Normandy ; } | Norse, byr, an abode. E.g. Derby, Elbeuf, BÜREN; Germany; l Amelsburen. pp. 157, 186. ( Anglo-Saxon and Norse, botl, a house, from BOLD; bytlian, to build. Rare in Anglo-Saxon names. BÜTTEL ; Germany; ) E.g. Newbottle, Wolfenbüttel, Bothwell. BLOD; Friesland; Cod. Dipl. vol. iii. p. xviii ; Bender, Orts- 1 namen, p. 132. BUS; Sclavonic; a dwelling. Bus is very common in Sclavonic districts. E.g. Trebus, Lebbus, Putbus. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 130. BUDA; Sclavonic; a hut. E.g: Buda, Budin, Budan, Budkowitz. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 129. Tood? Cymric; a house. E.g. Bodmin, Bodwrog, Boscawen, p. 229. STAN; Persian ; a place. E.g. Kurdistan, Hindostan, Beloochistan, • Affghanistan. STEAD; England; Anglo-Saxon stede, a place. E.g. Hampstead, Darm- STADT; Germany ; ) stadt. srove( Anglo-Saxon stoc, a stockaded place. E.g. Bristow or Bristol, 3 Chepstow, Tavistock, Stockholm, p. 121; Ingram, Sax. ' l Chron. p. 428. (SET ; from Anglo-Saxon seta, a settlement. E.g. Dorset. p. 69. SETER; Norse ; , a seat or dwelling. E.g. Ellanseter, Seatollar, STER; Norse ; ) Ulster. pp. 170, 182. SSEDLO; Sclavonic; a possession. E.g. Sedlitz. Buttmann, Ortsnamen, p. 144. PATAM ; India ; a city. E.g. Patra, Seringapatam. HAGEN ; Germany; ) a place surrounded by a hedge; a park. E.g: HAY; Tingland. } Hagendorn, La Haye Sainte. p. 122. Bender, HAIGH;) genna) Ortsnamen, p. 128. PARK; Celto-Saxon. P. 122. Diefenbach, Celtica, i. p. 146. TRE; Cymric; a village. E... Tredegar, Trêves. p. 228. , A house. E.g. the portage at the falls of the HOUSE ; England; Rhine is Schaffhausen, “at the ship-houses.” The dative plural hausci is the commonest HAUSEN ;) suffix in German names. Förstemann, Orts- HUUS; Norway ; namen, p. 84; Vilmar, Ortsnamen, pp. 264, 273 TV; Welsh ; a house. p. 229. JAZA ; Sclavonic; a house. E... Jäschen, Jäschwitz. Buttmann, Orts- namen, p. 131. STO HAUS; } Germany ; { 486 Onomatology. DOM; Sclavonic; a house. BETH; Hebrew; a house. E.g. Bethany (house of dates), Bethlehem (house of bread), Bethsaida (house of fish), Bethel (house of God), Bethharon (house of caves), Bethphage (house of figs). COTE; Anglo-Saxon ; a mud cottage. Coton is the plural of cote. E.g. Fosscot, Coton Hill in Shropshire. p. 363. SELL ; Anglo-Saxon ; a cottage, a little superior to cote. Leo, Anglo- Sax. Names, P. 54. HALL.. Anglo-Saxon. ( a stone house. E.g. Coggeshall, Mildenhall, 3 Kensal, Walsall. Leo, Anglo-Saxon Names, SALL; Anglo-Saxon ; 1 pp. 52, 54. p. 296. p. 95. CLERE ; Anglo-Norman; a royal or episcopal residence on a lofty hill. Almost the only Anglo-Norman suffix. E. g. Highclere, Burghclere, Kingsclere. See Notes and Queries, vol. i. p. 400. SCALE ; Norse; a shepherd's hut. Cf. the Scotch, a shealing. E.g. Portinscale, Scalloway. FOLD; Anglo-Saxon ; an inclosure made of felled trees. p. 121. WORTH; Anglo-Saxon and German; an inclosure. E.g. Tamworth, Königsworth. 'p. 121. Leo, Rectitudines, p. 52. GADIR; Phænician ; an inclosure. E.g. Cadiz. CARTHA; Phoenician ; an inclosed place, a city. E.g. Carthage. p. 94. GARTH : Norse : an inclosed place. Eg Fishguard, Apple- YARD; Anglo-Saxon: 1 garth. pp. 121, 159, 185. Bender, Orts- il namen, p. 134. GOROD; Russian ; ? Related to gora, a mountain, just as burg burgh ; 1 GROD; Polish; s is related to berg. E.g. Grätz in Styria, GRATZ; Sclavonic; a town ; ) Königsgrätz in Bohemia, Novgorod (new HRAD; Bohemian; a castle ; town), Belgrade (white castle), Stargard 1 (Aldborough). P. 121. BARROV W. From the Anglo-Saxon burh, buruh, and byrig, an earth- BURG ; I work, hence a fortified town. Related to the Celtic BOROUGH; briga and the Sclavonic gorod. See pp. 123, 258, supra. BURY; Bender, Ortsnamen, p. 135; Leo, Rectitudines, p. 34 ; BURGH; Ingram, Sax. Chron. p. 425. BROUGH; I CHESTER; Saxon ; ) Throm the Latin castra. E. & Winchester, Leicester, CESTER ; Mercian ; ? Doncaster. CASTER; Anglian; ) pp. 259, 260. CAER ; Welsh; Either related to the preceding, or to the Erse CAR; Welsh ; cathair, a fortress. E.g. Caermarthen, Carlisle. KER; Brezonec; ) p. 261. Dwellings. 487 P. 101. DON; Celto-Saxon ; a hill fort. E.g. London, Dunmow. p. 221. LIS; Gadhelic; an earthen fort; equivalent to bury. E.Ş. Lismore, Listowel, and 300 names in Ireland. RATII ; Erse; an earthen fort, or mound. E.g. Rathboyne, Rathlin. See Sullivan, Dict. of Deriv. p. 293. KASR; Arabic; a fort. KALAT; Arabic; a castle. E.g. Calatagirone, Alcala. See pp. 100, 107. PEEL; Celtic ; a stronghold. CIVITA; Italy; } Latin, civitas. E.g. Civita Vecchia, Ciudad Rodrigo. CIUDAD; Spain ;) MEDINA ; Arabic ; a chief city. E.g. Medina Sidonia. P. 107. POOR ; India ; a city ; Sanskrit, pura, related to róis. E.g. Singapoor. POLIS ; Greek ; a city. E.g. Constantinople, Grenoble, Naples. p. 405. BENI ; Arabic; sons of. Common prefix to the names of Arab villages. E.g. Benihassan. p. 107, supra; Wilton, Negeb, p. 140. ING ; England ; } sons of. E.g. Reading, Tübingen. pp. 125–152. INGEN; Germany ;) MENZIL; Arabic; a station. RAIL ; Arabic ; a village, or house. Pp. 101, 103. KAFR ; Arabic ; a village. BENDER; Arabic; a market-town. COLN; Latin, colonia. E.g. Lincoln, Cologne. p. 262. HIPPO ; Phoenician ; a walled town. p. 96. HAZOR ; Arabic and Hebrew ; an inclosure for cattle in the desert. A common prefix in the names of the settlements of the fixed Arabs. E.g. Hazar-Ithman, Hazar-Aman. Wilton, Negeb, pp. 75, 99. RUP; Holstein; THORPE ;) Norse; a village. E.g. Althorp, Ibthrop, THROP; England ; ) Rorup, Wanderup, Dusseldorf. Buttmann, TROP ; ) Ortsnamen, p. 21. pp. 158, 186 supra. DORF ; Germany; ? TOFT; Danelagh ; Norse; an inclosure ; related to turf. E.g. Lowestoft, TOT; Normandy;) Plumetot. Pp. 158, 185. TIIWAITE ; Norse; a forcst clearing. E... Finsthwaite. p. 159. LEBEN ; Germany; a place to live in. This suffix is very prevalent north of the Hartz. See Gerland, in Kühn's Zeitschrift, vol. x; Förstemann, Ortsnamen, p. 107; Latham, English Language, vol. i. p. 125. STAPLE ; England; a market. E.g. Dunstable, Etaples. KAIIN; Arabic; a market. MULLEN ; Gadhelic ; a mill. E.g. Mullingar, Mulintra. 488 Onomatology. MLYN; Sclavonic; a mill. E. g. Mlinek. Buttmann, Ortsnament, p. 133. MASARA ; Arabic ; a mill. CHURCH ; Southumbria. ? E.g: Church Stretton, Kircudbright, p. 337. . KIRK ; Northumbria. KIL; Gadhelic ; a cell ; a church. E.g. Killin. p. 336. LLAN ; Cymric ; an inclosure ; a church. E.g. Llanberis. pp. 229, 336. MOUTIERS ; France; la monastery. Eng. Westminster, Mo- MINSTER ; England; } I nasterevin in Ireland. MONASTER ; Ireland, Greece ; ) P. 345. DEIR; Arabic; a house ; a monastery. p. 103. GHAR; Arabic; a grotto. E.g. Trafalgar. pp. 103, 109. HITHE ; Anglo-Saxon ; la wharf. E.g. Greenhithe, Erith, Lambeth, HAFEN; Norse; Copenhagen, Kurische Haf. pp. 279, 351. WERP; from the Danish hverve, to turn, a word which appears in the name of Cape Wrath. E.g. Antwerp. See pp. 390, 393, supra; Wedgwood, in Philolog. Proc. vol. vi. p. 89. MARSA ; Arabic; a port. E.g. Marsala. pp. 100, 102. DAM; an embankment. E.g. Rotterdam, Amsterdam. Ethnic Names of Cities. 489 APPENDIX A. LIST of NAMES of ANCIENT TRIBES preserved in the NAMES of MODERN CITIES and PROVINCES. (See p. 73.) Ancient Names. Modern Cities and Provinces. Abrincatui, Avranches. Ambiani, Amiens. Andecavi, Angers in Anjou. Arverni, Auverne. Atrebates, Arras in Artois. Ausci, Auch. Bajucasses, Bayeux ? Bellovaci, Beauvais. Bigerrones, Bagnères de Bigorre. Bituriges-Vivisci, 1 Bordeaux ? Bituriges-Cubi, Bourges ? Berri. Воіі, Buch. Brannovices, Briennois. Brixantes, Bregentz. Cadurci, Cahors in Quercy. Caletes, Caux. Carnutes, Chartres. Cassii, Cashiobury. Catalauni, Chalons. Caturiges, Chorgres. Cenomani, Le Mans. Centrones, Centron. Cimbri, Canıbrilla, Quimper. Conembricæ, Coimbra. Consorranni, Conserans. Convenæ, Comminge. Curosolites, Corseult. Damnonii, Devon. Diablintes, Jubleins. Durocasses, Dreux. Durotriges, Dorchester in Dorset. Eburovices, Evreux. Eause. Gabali, Javaux in Gévaudan. Elusates, 1 The second portion of this name is the Celtic rix, a king, which is found in the names of Ambiorix, Dumnorix, Orgetorix, Rigomagus, &c. See Zeuss, Gram. Celt. vol. i. p. 25. Rajah, rex, reich, and rich, and the names Austria, Richard, are cognate words. 490 Appendix. Ancient Names. Huicii, Iberi, Iceni, Lexovii, Lemovices, Lingones, Mediomatrici, Meldi, Namnetes, Nantuates. Parisii, Petrocorii, Pictones, Remi, Rhedones, Rothomagi, Ruteni, Santones, Scoti, Seduni, Selgova, Senones, Sesavii, or Saji, Silvanectes, Suessiones, Taurini, Tolosates, Treviri, Tricasses, Tungri, Turones, Vassates, or Vasarii, Velavii, Veliocasses, Veneti, Veneti, Veromandui, Viducasses, Modern Cities and Provinces. Worcester. Ebro. Iken, Ickborough, Ickworth. Lisieux. Limoges in Limousin. Langres. Metz. Meaux. Nantes. Nantueil. Paris. Perigueux in Perigord. Poictiers in Poitou. Rheims. 1 Rennes. Rouen. Rhodez in Rovergne. Saintes in Saintonge. Scotland. Sion or Sitten. Solway. Sens. Séez. Senlis. Soissons. Turin, or Torino. Toulouse. Trêves, or Trier. Troyes. Tongres. Tours in Touraine. Bazas. Velay. Vexin. Vannes in La Vendée. Venice. Vermand. Vieux, near Caen. On these and other more doubtful names of the same class, see Contzen, Die Wanderungen der Kelten, pp. 9–18; Zeuss, Die Deutschen, pp. 204– 206; Glück, Die bei Caius Julius Cæsar vorkommende keltischen Namen. i Dean Milman states that Rheims took its name from St. Remigius. A strange Gotepov mpótepov. See History of Latin Christianity, vol. i. p. 257. Patrozymics. 491 APPENDIX B. SAXON PATRONYMICS IN ARTOIS AND IN ENGLAND. - See p. 134. Family Names. French Villages. English Villages. Æblings ... Eblinghem ... Ablington, Glouc. and Wills. Æclings.., Aeclinghen ., Acklington, Northumberland. Ælings . , Alencthun .. Allington, Kent, Hants, Dorset, ? Alenthun... Devon, Wilts, Lincoln. (Assinghen (Essington, Staff. Æscings, the royal Azincourt (the Essentona (Exon' Domesday). Æscingas(Codex Diplomaticus, Surrey. race of Kentul battle-field) ( No. III). Ashlingham, Kent. Æslings ... Eslinghen ... Esselingaforda (Exon' Domesday). (Eslingaham (Cod. Dipl. No. 111). Aldrings.. Audrehem. .. Aldrington, Sussex. (Autingues · · ·) Addington, Northants. Adings . . . . Audinghen. · · Adingtone (Kent, Domesday). (Audincthun ..) ( Bayenghem ..( Bavington, Northumberland. Bafings ...Baincthun.. Bevington, Warwick. (Bainghen (2) . .( Bevingford, Sussex. | Bassingham, Lincoln. Basing, Hants. | Bazinghen . . . Bessingham, Norfolk. Basings . . . . Bezinghen . . .) Besingas (Cod. Dipl. No. 994). Basingeham (Domesday, Sussex and Lincoln). Ballingham, Hereford. Bælings . . . Balinghem . .. Ballingdon, Essex. Belingham (Sussex, Domesday). (Belintona (Hertfordshire, Dom.). 492 Appendix. Family Names. French Villages. English Villages. (Barling, Kent and Essex. Beorlings ... Barlinghem ..Bærlingas (Codex Dipl. Kent, No. ( 152). ( Birlingham, Worcestershire. Berlings ... Berlinghen... Berling, Sussex. Birling, Kent and Northumberland. ( Boningale, Salop. Bonnings ... Bonningues , Boninghall, Salop. Bonnington, Kent and Notts. ( Bonintone (Kent, Domesday). Bossingham, Kent. Bosings. ... Boeseghem Bossington, Hants and Somerset. .. Bossingden, Kent. Bosintuna (Exon' Domesday). , Buckingham, Bucks. Bocking, Essex and Suffolk. Bucings ... Bouquinghen . . ) Boccingas (Cod. Dipl. Essex, No. 698). ( Buccingas (Chron. Sax. A. D. 918). Boflings ... Bouvelinghem . Bowling, Kent. ( Collington, Sussex and Hereford. Collings.... Colincthun (2) Collingham, Notts, Yorkshire. (Colingas (Cod. Dipl. Wilts, No. 336). Ellingham, Hants, Norfolk, North- umberland. Ellings .... Ellingehen . Ellington, Kent, Hants, Yorks, Northumberland. | Ellinge, Kent. Eorings. ... Eringhem ... | Eringham, Sussex. Eringden, Yorkshire. Frescings ... Fersinghem .. Fressingfield, Suffolk. Frelings ... Frelinghien .. Frillinghurst, Surrey, Garlings ... Garlinghem . Garlinge, Kent. Gystlings ... Guslinghem . Ş Guestling, Sussex. Gyrslingas (Cod. Dipl. No. 967). | Halling, Kent. Hallington, Linc. Northum. Hallings ... Halinghen ... Hailinegailey ( Halingas (Cod. Dipl. Kent, No. 160). Halinga }(Exon Domesday). Patronymics. 493 Io 022 esex. Family Names. French Villages. English Villages. ( Hardinghem .. (Hardingham, Norfolk. Heardings . . Hardinghen .. Hardingstone, Northamptonshire. (Hardenthun Hardington, Somerset. · · Hardinctona (York. Domesday). Hæferings .. Hauvringhen an . Haveringham, Suffolk. Havering, Essex. Helvelings... Helvelinghem. Elvington, Yorkshire. Hircelings... Herquelinghen . Hecklinge, Kent. ( Horrington, Somerset. Horings. ...Heuringhen .. Herington, Dorset. (Herringe, Kent. ( Huntingdon, Hunts. Hundings ... Hondeghem . :} Hunningham, Warwickshire. (Hodingas (Cod. Dipl. No.983). Islings . ... Islinghem, ... Ledings.... Ledinghem...ŞLiddington, Rutland and Wilts. . ? Leding (Domesday, Somerset). ( Litheringham, Suffolk. Ledrings ... Ledringhem .. Ledrincgeham (Domesday, Inquisit Eliensis). ( Lingham, Chesh. Lings .... Linghem ... Lingen, Hereford. Lingas (Cod. Dipl. Mid. No. 159). Locking, Somerset. Locings. ... Locquinghen . Lockinge, Berks. (Lockington, Leic. and Yorks. Lodings ... Lottinghen .. Loddington, Kent. Leic. Northamp. Leasings.. Lozinghem .. Lossingham, Kent. Lullings. or Lil ( Leulinghem ..( Lullington, Sussex, Derby, Somerset. Leulinghen .. Lillington, Dors. Oxford. Warwick, 80...'(Leulingue . . . | Loligtona (Exon' Domesday). Maninghem ( Maningham, Norfolk. { Manningtree, Essex. (Mannington, Dors. and Norfolk. Mærings, Merovin- ? Moringhem S Marington, Salop. gians of France S Mering, Notts. ( Masinghen.. ( Massingham, Norfolk. Mässings... Mazinghem Messingham, Lincoln. .. ( Mazingarbe Messing, Essex. :( Masingas (Cod. Dibl. No. 953). Mannings · · ·Maninghen...) 494 Appendix. Family Names. French Villages. English Villages. Mæcsings . . . Macquinghen. Matching, Essex. Myrcings ..Merkeghem ., Markington, Yorkshire. Mellings ... Melingue-dal . .Ş medal Melling, Lancashire. ? Millington, Chesh. and Yorkshire. ( Molington, Chesh. Oxford. Warw. Mollings... Molinghem . . Malling, Kent and Sussex. ( Molintona (Cheshire, Domesday). Ulings . ... Olincthun . .. Ullingswick, Herefordshire. Pallington, Dorset. Pallingham, Sussex. Pællings ... Pelincthun ... Pilling, Lancashire. ( Palingas (Cod. Dipl. Sussex, No.432). Raddington, Somersetshire. Reading, Berkshire. Rædings... Radinghem (2) Radingetuna (Exon' Domesday). Readingas (Cod. Dipl. Berks, No. 1 685). Ricings. ... Racquinghem . . em Rickinhall, Suffolk. ** {Ragintona (Dorset, Domesday). Riclings ... Recklinghem . . Rickling, Essex. Sinnings Senninghem s Sennington, Yorkshire. Senendone (Exon' Domesday). ( Tattingstone, Suffolk. Tætings... Tatinghem. .. Taddington, Gloucester. Derby. Tatintune (Hereford. Domesday). ( Tatintone (Gloucester. Domesday). Teilincthun . ( Terling, Essex. Teorlings · · · Tourlincthun. :) Terlingas (Cod. Dipl. Essex, No. .1907). Tings .... Tinghen ... Tingeham (Dorset, Domesday). Terdinghem · · Stortington, Susser. (Toddington, Bedford. Gloucester. Todings ... Todincthun . Tottington, Lanc. Norfolk. Totingas (Cod. Dipl. Surrey, Nos. ( 363, 785). Trings .... Dringem ... Tring, Herts. (Verlinghen ..( Farlington, Hants, Yorkshire. Feorlings ... Verlinghem ..] Ferlintun (York. Domesday). ( Verlincthun .. (Ferlingelai (Kent, Domesday). Tortings · · · Tardinghen . .! Patronymics. 495 I Family Names. French Villages. English Villages. ( Witchingham, Norfolk. Wiccings ... rWicquinghem. Wickinghurst, Kent. ? Wacquinhem. :) Wigingas (Cod. Dipl. Kent, No. 225; C Chron. Sax. Herts, A.D. 921). Westings... Ouestinghen .. Westington, Gloucestershire. ( Wellingham, Sussex. Welling, Kent. Wealings ... Velinghen . . . Wellington, Wilts, Salop, Som. Herts. Welingas (Cod. Dipl. Wilts, No. 462). Wellingas (Cod. Dipl. Herts, No. 410). Wadings .. Wadenthun.. Waddington, Lincoln. Yorkshire, Waddingham, Lincoln. 496 Appendix. PATRONYMICS IN ENGLAND, GERMANY, AND FRANCE. See pp. 144-152. *** The German names in the third column to which a W is appended are in the Westphalian district. The rest are in Franconia and Swabia, unless the contrary is expressly stated. France. Families. England. Germany. Ecgings . Eckington, Dev. Wor. Eckingen Edings Edington, Ber. Som. Eutingen . . . Autigny, Cham. (2), Lorr. Wilts, Nthld, Audenge, Guienne, Eadlings · Edlingham, Nthld. Aidlingen Edlington, Lin. York. Ettlingen Oetlingen Efings . . Evingar, Hants. . . Devinghausen,W. Effincourt, Cham. Evington, Gl. Lan. . Ehingen Effingham, Sus... Oeffingen Æfings. · Avington, Ber. Hants. Auingen... Auvignac, Ang. Ofings, . Ovington, Ess. Hants. . . . . . . Offignies, Pic, Nor. Nthld. York. Ovingham, York, Nthld Offingen, .. Offingues, I. of F. Uffings. . Oving, Sus. Bucks. . Owingen... Oigny, Pic., Bur., Vend. Uffington,Ber.Lin. Sal. . . . . . . Euffigneux, Cham, Uihingen ... Juvigny, Nor. . . Eoferings . Everingham, York. . Effringen ... Evrange, Lorr. Erflinghausen, W. Avrigny, Fr. Com. Eaglings . Eglingham, Nthld. Eglingen (2) Icelings . Icklingham, Suf. . . Igglingen Patronymics. 497 Families. England. Germany. France. Ælings Allington, Dev. Dor. Allinges, Burg. (2). Hants, Kent, Lin. Alaigne, Nivern. Wilts. . . . . . . . . . . Alligny, Bur., Berri. Alincourt, Champ, Alaincourt, Fr.Com., Lorr. Ellings. . Ellingham, Ham. Nor. Oelinghausen, W. Nthld. . Ellington, Hunts, Oellingen Kent, Nthld. Yor. Illings . . Illington, Nor. .. Illingen ... Iligny, Burg. Illingworth, York. Ihlingen Ælcings · Alkington, Glo. Sal. . . . . . . Alzing, Lorr. Elcings Elkington, Nhm. Lin. Elchingen . Elzange, Lorr. Aldings · Aldingham, Lan.. · Aldingen Aldington, Kent, Altingen Worc. . . . . Hailtingen Eltingen Ælfings · Alphington, Dev. Alfingen ... Alvignac, Quercy. Eilfingerhof . . Elvange, Lorr. Elmings · Elmington, Ntham. . Elmingen Elrings · Ellerington, Nthld. . Ailringen Emmings . Immingham, Lin. . Imminghausen, W. Emmingen Annings · Anningas (Cod. Dip.). Uninghausen, W. Aniange, Fr. Com. Antings · Antingham, Norf. ...... Antigny, Bur. (2)Poit. (2). Andigné, Lorr. Eppings . Epping, Ess. ... Eppinghofen, W. Epping, Lorr. Ebbinghausen, W. Epagny, Bur., Pic. Epagne, Cham. Ipings . . Iping, Sus. .......... Ibigny, Lorr. Æbings · Abington, Cam. ... Appingadam, Aubigné, Poit., Anj. (2). Groningen . · Aubigny,Bur.(3), Cham. (3), Niev. (2), Berri. (2), F. Com. Ebbange, Lorr. Epinac, Bur. к к 498 Appendix. Families. England. - Germany. France. Upings. · Uppingham, Rute . Upfingen Uppington, Sal. . . Oppingen Arrings · Arrington, Cam. , . Ehringen . . . Arrigny, Champ. Eorrings · Erringden, York. . . Erringhausen, W. Eragny, Bur. Irings(royal Erringham, Sus. , . Oehringen . Erigné, Anj. race of Eringes, Bur. Avars). Origny, Cham., Burg Pic. (2). Irigny, Lyon. Arlings. · Arlingham, Glou. Erligheim Arlington, Dev. Glo.Suse Earmings . Ermington, Dev. . . Ermingen Eorpings . Erpingham, Nor.. · Erpfingen Orpington, Kent. . ...i;. , Orbigny, Cham.(2), Tour. Ercensings. Kensington, Mid. Ergenzingen Artings . Artington, Sus. ........ Artigny, Tour. Eardings . Erdington, War. . . Ertingen Eardington, Sal. Æscings · Assington, Ess. . . Assinghausen, W. Assigny, Berri. Essings · Essington, Staf. . . Essingen.'.'. Essigny, I. of F. Easington, Buc. Dur. Oeschingen Glou.Nthld. Ox. York. Isings , . Issington, Hants. . ....... Isigny, Lorr. Ising, Lurr. . Æsclings · Ashling, Sus. .. Aislingen (C.D.) Islings . . Islington, Nor. Mid.. Esslingen . . . Etzling, Lorr. Eislingen . Ætings . Attington, Oxon. . . Atting . ., . Attigny, Lorr., Cham. · Aygem, Belgium (once Addingem) Ettings. .Ettinghall, Staf. , . Ettenheim · Etting, Lori. Oettinger . . Etigny, Cham. Etang, Bur. (2), 1. of Fr. Patronymics. 499 Families. England. Germany... France. Bæbings. . Babington, Som. . . Babing . . . Balbigny, Bur. Bobbings . Bobinger, Ess. . . Bobinger ...Baubigny, Norm. Bobbing, Kent. . . Böbingen . . . Beaubigny, Bur. Bobbington, Staf. Sal. .iii.. Bobigny, 1. of Fr. Bobbingworth, Ess. Beccings . Beckingham, Ess. Lin. Bechingen (2) Becquigny, Pic. Notts. Beckington, Son. Begging, Ess. . . , Bigginghausen, W Bocings . Bocking, Ess. Suf. Böchingen . . Bouquigny, Maine. Buckingham, Berks, Bocquegney, Cham. Essex, Bucks. . . . . . . . . Bochange, Lorr. Bædings Beeding, Sus. . . . Betinghof, W. . Betting, Lorr. (Cod. Dip.) Beddington, Sur. . . Böttingen . . . Bettigny, Cham. Beddingham, Sus. Bettagny, Lorr. Norf. . . . . . Biding . . . . Biding, Lorr. Bietigheim , Bettange, Lorr. Bettignies, Hain. Budings · Buddington, Sus. · · Beutingen ! . Buding, Lorr. Bædlings .. Bedlington, Dur... Bettlingen .. Budeling, Lorr. Betlinghausen, W Biterings . Bittering, Norf. . . Bettringen" Bofings . Bovington, Ess. · · Bopfingen .. Bouvigny, Lorr. Bovingdon, Herts. · Boihingen .. Boigny, Orl. Böinghausen, W. Beofings . Bevington, War. . . Beihingen. Bellings · Bellinger, Hants. . . Böllingerhof, Belingreville, Norm. Bellingham, Nthld. . Belinghausen., . Belligne, Anjou. Bellingdon, Bucks. . . . . . . . Belligneux, Burg. Belange, Lorr. Bælings Ballingham, Here. ...... Balagny, I. of F. (2). Balingdon, Ess. . . . . . . . . Blagny, Burg. Billings Billing, Nthld. . . Billenhausen. · Billanges, Marche. Billinge, Lan. , . . Billingsbach . . Bligny, Burg: (3), Champ. Billingham, Dur.. . Billinghausen, W. (3). Billingside, Dur. Billingley, York.. Bolings. . Bolingbroke, Lin. . Bollingen . . . Bolligney, Fr. Com. Bollington, Ess. Ches.......... Bolligneux, Bur. Bowling, Kent. . . . . . . . . Bologue, Champ. K K 2 500 Appendix. Families. : England. - Germany. France. Bullings . Bullingdon, Oxon. . Bụhlingen . . Bulligny, Lorr. Bullingham, Here. Blæcings , Bletchingley, Sur. . Blöchingen . . Blessignac, Guienne. Bletchington, Oxon. Beltings . Belting, Kent. . . . Baldingen Bennings . Bennington, Herts. Lin. Benningen .. Bening, Lorr. (2). Benningworth, Lin. . Benninghausen W Benigne, Burg. Benningbrough, York. Bönnigheim Bonnington, Kent. Ess. Beuningen, Lim- Notts. . .... burg. . Bings. , Bing, Suff. . i. . Bingen ... Binges, Burg. Bingham, Nthamp. . . . . . . . Buigny, Champ. Bingley, York. Bondings . Bondington, Som. . . . . . . . Bontigny, Lorr. Beorings . Barrington, Som. Éss. Bähringen. Berigny, Norm. Glo. Can. Berks. · Bieringen . . . Berengeville, Norm. Berrings · Berrington, Dur. Gl. Beringen, Limburg. Sal. Wor. ..Beringen, (Charters) Burrings · Burrington, Dev. Here. Böhringen Som. Burringham, Lin. Eberdings . Birdingbury. War. . Eberdingen Birlings Berling, Sus. . . . Bierlingen . . Berlingen, Alsace. Birling, Kent, Nthld. Berlinghausen, W Bermarings Birmingham, War. . Bermaringen Barming, Kent Beornings. Barningham, Suf. York. Berninghausen, Notts. W. Brantings . Brantingham, York. . ...... Brantigny, Champ. Brahcings . Braughin, Herts. · · Bröckingen (C.D.) Patronymics. 501 France. . . Families. England. - Germany.. Bressings · Bressingham, Nor... Bretzingen : Brimings . Brimington, Derby . Breimingsweiler Brislings . Brislington, Som. . . Börslingen (2) Britings . Brittenton, Ox... Breitingen .. Bretegny, Fr. C. (2), Nor., Bur., I. of Fr. Basings . Basing, Hants.. Baisinger . . . Bazegny, Cham., Fr. C. Bassingham, Lin. . Beisinghausen, W Bessings . Bessingby, York. . . Bissingen (2). · Bissines, Lim. Bessingham, Nor. . Bessigheim . . Bezing, Bearn. Betzingen. , . Bezange, Lori. Buslings · Buslingthorpe. Lin. · Börslingen . . Bousselange, Bur. . Cidings . Keddington, Lin. Keddinghausen, w Quetigny, Burg. Kedington, Ess. Suf. Köttinghausen, W Geddings . Gedding, Suf... Jettingen Yeading, Mid. Cædings . Caddington, Bed.Herts . . . . . . Catigny, 1. of F. Godings . Goddington, Oxon. . Göttingen i Ceadlings Gedling, Notts. .. Gültlingen orCycelings Gögglingen Cucklington, Som. . Guglingen Gægings Gagingwell, Oxon. · Gechingen Gächingen . Cofings . Covington, Hunts. . Goffingen . . ; Cauvigny, I. of F., Pic. Couvignon, Champ. Cifings. , Chevington, Suf. . . . . Chevigny, Cham., Fr. Nthld. .......... .. Com. (4), Burg. (3). Chevincourt, 1. of. Fr. Chavigny, Fr. Com. (4), I. of Fr. (2), Lorr. Ifings. Jevington, Sus...........Gevigny, Fr. Com. Ivinghoe, Bucks. ........ Juvigné, Maine. ...Juvigny, Champ., 1. of Fr. (2), Lorr. (2), Norm. (4), Pic. 502 Appendix. Families. : England. Germany. . France. Callings · Callington, Corn. i ......Caligny, Norm. Challange, Burg. Nor. Galinagues, Lang. Cyllings , Chellington, Bedf. Kellinghausen, W Challange, Burg. Norm. Kelling, Norf. Kellington, York. Kellinghausen, Chaligny, Lorr. Chillington, Som. Dev. Holstein - Chillingham, Nthld. . Gellinghausen, W. Gillings . Gilling, York. . ... Killingen.Julligny, Burg. Gillingham, Dor. Kent, ...... Jaligny, Bourb. Nor. Velling, Hunts. Collings : Collingham, Notts, York: ..... Collonge, Burg. Collington, Here. . . . . . . Coligny, Burg. Cullings . Cullingworth, York. ....... Coulange, Bur. Bourb. Camerings. Cameringham, Lin. . Gemmrigheim . Chemigny, I. of Fr. Gomaringen Gönningen, Cennings . Kennington, Kent, · Surrey, Berks. Gings . . Ginge, Berks · .. Gingen .... Gigny, Bur. (2), Cham. Giengen .. . (2), Lorr., Fy. C. • Jeugny, Cham. Cubings · Cubbington, War. Gippings . Gipping, Suf. . . . Göppingen Cerrings · Carrington, Ches. Lin....... Charigny, Burg. Notts Charing, Kent Cherrington, Wor. Sal. . . . . . . Guerigny, Niev. Corings . Corringham, Lin. Eșs....... ...... Corignac, Guienne. Cearlings , Carlingcot, Som. ........ Carling, Lorr. Garlings · Garlinge, Kent . . Gerlingen Yarlington, Som. . . . Gerlinghausen, W Cyrtlings . Kirtling, Cam. .Körtlinghausen, I. Cridlings • Cridling Stubbs, York. Creglingen Patronyinics. 503 Families. England. Germany. France. Cressings . Cressing, Éss. .. .. Griesingen 1. . Gressigny, Burg. Cressingham, Norf. . Grözingen Cæssings · Cassington, Oxon. Kasing... Chassigny,Burg., Chanı. . Geisingen. . . Chasseigne, Niev. Chessington, Sur. ' Jesingen. . Chassange, Bur., Fr.. Kessingland, Suf... Kösingen... Com., Niev. Güssingen .. Chessigny, Burg. Cosings . Cossington, Leic. Som. - . . . . . Jossigny, I. of F. Bur. Cussington, Kent ..ii.. Gussignies, Flan. Ghisignies, Flan. . Gislings · Gislingham, Suf. . . Geislingen Gestings · Gestingthorpe, Ess. · Justingen Tibbings · Tibbington, Staf. . . Tübingen Docings : Docking, Norf. .. . Döchingen Dycings . Duckington, Ches. . Dächingen Dykings, Lin. . . Deggingen (2) Dicelings . Ditchling, Sus. .. Dusslingen , . Desseling, Lorr. Deddings . Deddington, Oxon. . Dedinghausen, W. Diddings . Diddington, Hunts . Dietingen Döttingen Dattingen Dettingen (6)2 . Teting, Lorr. Daiting ... Theding, Lorr. Dodings , Doddington, Cam. Dottingen Ches. Kent, Lin. Dudinghausen, W Nthld. Ntham. Dodington, Glou. Sal. Som. Todings : Toddington, Bed. Tottington, Nor. Lan. . * In the Charters Chresinga. Kausler, Urkund. vol. i. p. 407. 2 Teddingen, Tettingen, and Totingen in the Charters. See Kausier. 504 : Appendix. Families. England. . Germany. France. Dæfings Davington, Kent . . Döffingen .. .. Davignac, Lim. Daigny, Cham. Digny, Orl. Dillings . Dillington, Nor. , . Dehlingen... Delincourt, I. of F. Dællings . Dalling, Norf. . . . . . . . . . Talange, Lorr. Dallington, Sus. Nihmp. Demings ......... Demingen .. Demigny, Burg. Dinnings . Dinnington, Som. Deiningen York. Nthld. Dintings. Dinting, Derby . • Dentingen 1 Denting, Lorr. Durings or Thorington, Suf.. ....... Thorigny, Poit. (2), Nor., Thurings. Thorrington, Ess. I. of Fr. Thorigné, Poit. Dartings . Dartington, Dev. . . Dertingen . Tartigny, Pic. Trings ... Tring, Herts ........... Trigny, Cham. Thrangy, Lorr. Dissings . Dissington, Nthld. . Dischingen , . Desaignes, Lang. Ditzingen Finnings . Finningham, Suf. . Finingen Feormings. Farmington, Glou. ....... Formigny, Norm. Frestings . Frestintorp (York, Frestingen Domesday) Frings . . Fring, Nor. . . . . . . . . . Frignicourt, Cham. Freigné, Anj. Vregny, I. of Fr. Vrigny, Cham.,Orl.,Nor. Frescings . Fressingfield, Suf. ....... Fressines, Poit. Fressigne, Marche. Frilings . Frillinghurst, Sur. · Frilinghausen, W. Tantiga in Charters. Patronymics. 505 Families. England. - Germany. France. Hæcings . Heckingham, Nor. Heckingen i Hickange, Lor. Heckington, Lin. Heighington, Dur. Lin. . . . Heyingen, Lor. Hocings . Hucking, Kent ......... Hocquincourt, Pic. (2). Hædings . Haddington, Liri........ Hadigny, Cham., Lor. Heddings . Heddingham, Ess. · Heddinghausen, W.Hettange, Lorr. (2). Heddington, Wilts'. Hudings . Huddington,, Wor.. - Hütting...Hodeng, Nor. Hodenger, Nor. Heofings . Hevingham, Nor. . Höfingen, Hofings . Hovingham, York.' Hellings .. Hellinghill, Nthld. , . Hellinghausen, W. Helling, Lor, Hoelling, Lor. ...... Halignicourt, Cham. Holings · Hollington, Staff.Sus....... Holling, Lor. Dev. Hemings . Hemington, Ntham. · Hemmingen . . Heming, Lor., Als. Som. . . . . . Hemminghausen, W. Hemingbrough, Yor. Hemingstedt, Holstein. Hanings . Hannington, Hants, Heiningen . Hiening, Lor. • Ntham. Wilts .' . Henninghausen, W. Hunings · Hunningham, War. ......Huningue, Als. Hundings . Huntingdon, Hunts . Undingen . . Hunting, Lor. Hensings . Hensington, Oxon........... Hensing, Lorr. Hensingham, Cuin. · · · · · · Hinsingen, Als. Heorings . Herring, Kent, Dor.. Heringhausen, W. Hareigny, Pic. Hearings . Harrington, Lin. Nthm. Haringkarspel, Hornsey, Mid. (an- Holland. ciently Haringsey) Horings · Horrington, Som. . . . . . . . Hurigny, Burg. . . . Origny, Burg., I. of Fr. Herelings . Harling, Norf. . . Herrlingen ... Hallering, Lorr. . : Harlington, Bed. Mid. Herlingen'.' Hellering, Lorr. (2). York. . .... Hirrlingen 506 Appendix. Families. England. Germany. France. Heardings. Hardingham, Norf. ....... . Hardancourt, Lorr. Hæssings . Hassingham, Nor., Hessigheim. Hesingue, Als. - Hạusingen Hicelings . Hickling, Nor. Notts. Heuchlingen Hecklinge, Kent Hæslings . Heslington, York. ..... Hesling, Lorr. Hæstings . Hastings, Sus. · Ber....... Hastingues, Gasc. War. Ntham. . Lissin Læcings · Lackington, Som. Laichingen. Lixing, Lorr. (2). Lachingdon, Ess. Leasings – Leasingham, Lin. Lazingen .. Lassigny, Pic. Lossingham, Kent ....... Lusigny, Burg. Lissington, Lin. ......... Lessigny, 1. of Fr., Poit. Lezigné, Anj. Ledings . Leding (Som. Dom.). ...... Leting, Lorr. Liddington, Rut. Wilts ....... Ladignac, Lim. (2), Gui. Lidlings · Lidlington, Bed. . . Leuglingen ... Ledrings . Ledrincgeham (Ely Lütringhausen, W. Domesday) Leafings · Lavington, Kent ......... · Lavigny, Fr. C. (2). Leavington, York. Lauingen, . . Levigny, Cham. Levington, Suf. . . . . . . . . Leffincourt, Chan. Levignac, Gui. (2). Levigneu, 1. of Fr. Lofings . Lovington, Som. Ess. .. ... Louvagny, Nor. . . : Louvigny, Nor. Leuvigne, Maine. Läferings . Leverington, Cam. . Leveringhausen, W. Lullings · Lullington, Dev. Som. Löllinghausen, W.. Sus. .. . Lings, Lingham, Ches......... Ligny, Lorr., Niev. (2), Lings, York ....... Bur., Cham., Orl. Lingen, Here. . . . . . . . . Legny, Burg. Laigné, Poit. (2), Anj., . . . . . Màine. Patronyinics. 507 Families. England.. Germany. France. Mecings . Meeching, Sus... Maichingen . . Mecquingies, Flan. Macquigny, Pic. Mæglings . Maudling, Suis. . . Mögglingen (2) Mecklinghausen, W. Mallings . Malling, Kent, Sus. . . . . . . . Malange, Fr. C. Maligné, Orlo Maligny, Bur., Cham. Mellings . Meling, Lan. ... Meiling ... Meligny, Lor. (2). Millings, Millington, Ches. York. Millinghausen, W. Melincourt, Fr. C. Melange, Lorr. Mollings . Mollington, Ches. Ox. Mollincourt, I. of Fr. Wor. . . . . . . . . . . . Molinges, Fr. C. Molangues, I. of Fr. Mincings · Minchingbury, Herts. Münchingen Mintings . Minting, Lin. . . . Mundingen . . Montigny, Fr. Com. (3), Norm., 1. of Fr., Flan. (2). Myrcings . Markington, York. . Merkingen . . Marcigny, Bur. (2). Marchington, Staf. . Emerkingen . . Marquigny, Cham. Marsigne, Niev. Mærings or Mering, Notts ..Möhringen? . . Marigny, Bur. (3), Myrgings Merrington, Sal. Dur. Muhringen 2. , Cham. (2), Poit. (3), (Merovin- Marrington, Sal. . . Mähringen.. Orl., I. of Fr., Bour., gians, the. ...... Möringen... Norm. (2), Fr. C., royal race. . . . . . . . Mehring ... Neiv. (3). of France). . Emeringen · Emeringe, Bur. Vollmaringen · Merigny, Poit. Meeringes, Chan. Maringés, Bur. Maragny, Bur. Marignac, Gui. (6). Mairegne, Lang. Marigna, Fri C. (3). Marigné, Anj. (2), Maine. Merignac, Gui. (3). Morigny, Bur., I. of Fr.. 1 Meringen in Charters. 2 Mieringen in Charters, Kausler, vol. i. p. 34. 508 Appendix. Families, England. Germany. France. Mässings . Massingham, Notts . Messinghausen, W. Massigny, Bur. Messing, Ess. Mössingen . . Messigny, Bur. Messingham, Lin. . Metzingen . . Messignac, Bur. Mötzingen . . Metzing, Lorr. Mussingen . . Musigny, Bur. Mætings . Mettingham, Suf. . Mietingen. . . Metting, Lorr. Mattingley, Hants . . . . . . . Matigny, I. of Fr. Mædings . Maddington, Wilts . Medingen . . Medegny, Champ. Madingley, Camb. Mottings . Mottingham, Kent ....... Mutigny, Cham. Mutlings . Mudling, Ess. . . . Möttlingen Næcings . Nedging, Suf. . . . Notzingen . Nichtinghausen, W. Nydings . Needingworth, Hun. Nettingen . . Nitting, Lorr. Nollings . Nollington, Sus. · · Nellingen (2) Nellingheim Nelling, Lorr. Pæccings · Patching, Ess. Sus. . Peiching... Picquigny, Pic. Pussigny, Tour. Pæfings . Pavingham, Bed. . . Pfäffingen .. Pagney, Fr. C. Pevington, Kent . . . . . . . . Peugny, Fr. C. Poigny, Lorr. Pagny, Cham., Bur. (2), Lor. (3). Pællings . Palling, Norf..... Paligny, Bur. (2). Pallingham, Sus. . . . . . . . . Palignes, Bur. Pallington, Dor. Polings . Poling, Sus. ......... Poligny, Cham., Poit., Pollington, York. Fr. C. (2). Pouligny, Bur., Poit., Berri (2), Fr. C. Poulangy, Cham. Pulling ... Pulligny, Lorr, Pennings · Pennington, Hants, Lan. Pinning Patronymics. 509 ilies Families. England. Germany. France. Porings. . Poringland, Norf. · Pöring ... Perigny, Bur. (7), Fr. C. (2), Poit. Perigne, Poit. Maine (3). Perignac, Guin. (2). Parigny, Bur. (3), Nor. Pætings, Pattingham, Sal. Staf. . . . . . . Patigny, Bur. Puddington, Bed. Ches. Putting ... Petignac, Ang. Dev. Petlings . Peatling, Leic.... Püttlingen, W. Pedling, Kent Pätrings . Patrington, York. ....... Petring, Lor. Rocings , Rockingham, Nham. Röckingen . . Rigny, Poit., Cham. (3), Tour., Fr. C., Burg: Riclings Rickling, Ess.. . Recklinghausen, W.Richling, Lorr. Rædings . Reddinge, Der... Rieding ... Reding, Lorr. Reddings, Ess... Rödinghausen, Redange, Lorr. Readings, Ess. W. Rodings . Rodington, Sal... Roding Rottington, Cum. Rætlings . Ratlinghope, Sal. Riedlingen (2) Redlingfield, Suf. . Reutlingen Reutlingdorf Radling Ratlinghausen, W. Rifings. . Rivington, Lan. , Riffingen, .. Revigny, Lor. Ruvigny, Cham.. Rouffignac, Perig. (2). Rouffigny, Norm. Rillings Rillington, York. . . Rellinghaus, W. Rielingshausen, W. Rehlingen , .Rahling, Lorr. Rehling Rimmings. Rimmington, York. Remmingheim . Remigny, Bur. (2), Pic. Rammingen. Rumigny, Cham., Pic. 510 Appendix. Families. England. Germany. France, Rennings . Rennington, Nthld. . Renningen Ringingen (2) Rohning Riplings , Riplingham, York. Rüblingen Riplington, Hants, Rieblingen Nthld. Risings. . Rising, Nor. ... Rissing ... Resigny, Pic. Rissington, Glou. Reissing Rexingen Reixingen Ritzing ... Ritzing, Lorr. Ratzing Reseghem, Bel- gie2,1 Rustings . Rustington, Sus. Reistingen . Restigny, Tour. Rowings , Rowington, War. . Roigheim ... Rugney, Cham. Secgings . Seckington, War. . Sickingen Schöckingen Schietingen Sceadings . Shadingfield, Suf, Sceanings . Shenington, Glou. Scheningen Syclings . Sicklinghall, York. · Siglingen Sceaclings. Skeckling, York, Sydlings · Sydling, Dor. . . . Züttlingen .: Siedlinghausen, W. Scyllings, Shellington, Bed. Schillinger Shillingthorpe, Lin. Sælings. Saling, Ess. . . . . . . . . . Saligny, Bur., Fr. Com., Cham., Bourb., Poite Saleigne, Poit. Salignac, Gui. (3). .] Anciently Rassinghem. Patronymics. 511 Families. England, Germany. France. Sullings · Sullington, Sus.......... · Solongy, Bur. Soulagny, Nor. Souligny, Cham. Soulignac, Gui. Sinnings . Sinnington, York. . . Sinning... Signy, Cham. Zainingen Sandlings . Sandling, Kent . . Sindlingen Syfings. . Sevington, Kent . , Zöbingen ..Sevigny, Cham. Sceafings . Shavington, Ches. . . . . . . . Savigny, Bur.(8), Nor., Shevington, Lan. Cham. (3), Fr. C.. Seafings · Seavington, Som. Poit., Lorr., Berri, I. of Fr. Savigné, Poit., Maine. (2), Tour. Savigneux, Bur. (2). Savigna, Bur. Savignac, Gui. Savignies, I. of Fr. Sauvagny, Fr. Com. Sauvigny, Bur. (3), Fr. Com. (3), Fl. Sealfings . Salvington, Sus. . . Söflingen . . . Selvigny, Fland. Silvange, Lorr. Seppings . Seppingeham, (Linc. Suppingen Domesday) Serings. . Shering, Ess. ......... Serrigny, Bur. (3), Poit. Sherringham, Nor. Sherrington, Bucks, Seringes, 1. of Fr. Wilts. . . . . · · · · · Serignac, Gui. (4). Scearings . Sharrington, Nor. ....... Sarronga, Bur. Sarregny, Bur. Sarrigné, Anj. Sorigny, Poit. Swannings. Swannington, Nor. Leic, Schwenningen Sweelings. Sweffling, Suf. .. Zweiflingen 512 Appendix. Families. England. Germany. France. Viccings. Witchingham, Nor.. Weiching Weckinghausen, W. Wiclings • Witchling, Kent . . Weuchlingen Wealings . Welling, Kent. . . Wellingen Wellington, Here. Sal. Vellinghausen, W. Som. Wilts. Fylings Fylingthorpe, York · Pfullingen .. Fuligny, Cham. Fylingdales, York. ....... Foulanges, I. of Fr. Folligny, Nor. Wealdings. Waldingfield, Suf.. Weldingsfelden Wildingtree, Ess. . Weiltingen Walding Walting Wealdrings Waldringfield, Suff. . Waltringhausen, W. Wælsings . Walsingham, Nor. · Wilsingen Wendlings. Wendling, Nor. . . Wendlingen Wippings . Whippingham, Han. Wippingen Wæplings . Waplington, York. . Waiblingen Wiblingen Waibling Ferrings . Ferring, Ess. Sus.. Vöhringen? Verigny, Lorr. Farincourt, Cham. Ferrange, Lorr. Wærings . Werrington, Dev. Wehringen Ntham. . . . . Weringhausen Wereingeurda (Ex. Wieringerwaard, Varengreville, Nor. (2). Domesday)... Holland. Wæsings . Wessington, Derby . Wessingen Wasing, Berks. . . Wasing . Vasincourt, Lorr. Washington, Dev. Dur. Sus. Wiscings . Wissington, Sal. Suf. Wiesing Wissinghausen, W. Weordings. Worthing, Nor. Sus.. Wörtingen i Veringen in Charters, Kausler, vol. i. p. 315a Patronymics. 513 France. Families. England. Germany. Westings. Westington, Glou. . Oestinghausen, W. Wittings . Whittington, Dev. Gl. Wittingen Nthld. Lan. Nor. Weitingen Sal. Staf. War. Wor. Whittingham, Lan. Nthld. Weddington, War. . Weddinghausen. Wederings. Wittering, Sus... Wittringen. . Vetrigne, Fr. Com. Witherington, Wilts. *** The English village-names have been taken chiefly from Mr. Kemble's lists, supplemented from the Ordnance Maps, the Codex Diplomaticus and Domesday : the German names from Bender's Ortsnamen, and the Government Surveys of Würtemberg and Bavaria : the French names from St. Fargeau's useful Dictionnaire de toutes les Communes de la France, and from the great French Survey. LL 514 Index 1.—Local Names. INDEX I. LOCAL N A M E S. Akkaa Mountains t, 465. A hero, 102 Alala: 376, 466. , 473. Algiers, Mount, and Aar River, 217. Aithsthing, 295. Alexandria, 316. Aayn il Kebira, 102. Aithsvoe, 170. Alexandrov, 316. Aayn Taiba, 102. Aix la Chapelle, 346, Alfidena, 100. Abbeville, 345. - 465. Algarbe, 76, 108, 463. Abbots Langley, 345. Ajaccio, 102. Algeziras, 104. Abdelali, 101. Ajalon, 467. Aber Beniguet, 345. Akeman Street, 251, 465. Algidus, Mount, 470. Aberdare, 245. Akhtag Mountains, 473. Algiers, 104. Abergavenny, 245. Algoa Bay, 31, 106. Abergele, 245. Alalein Glacier, 113. Alhambra, 106, 108. Abervrack, 245. Alan River, 214. Alicant, 106. Aberystwith, 245. Albania, 83, 475. Alife, 100. Abono River, 199. Albany, 27, 475. Allan River, 214. Abridge, 384, 463. Albemarle Sound, 26. Alleghany, 17. Abury, 464. Albigna, 115. Allen River, 214. Achelnus, 87. Albion, 83, 475. Allerton, 468. Acheron, 87. Alborge, 108. Allwen River, 214. Acqui, 465. Albuera, 106. Almaden, 108. Acre, 466. Albufeira, 108. Almagel, 112. Acton, 468. Albury, 464. Almanza, 106, 108. Acton Turville, 191. Alcacova, 108. Almarez, 106. Adana, 93. Alcala, 65, 106, 107. Almaro River, 100. Adige River, 383. Alcana, 108. Almazara, 108. Adra, 97. Alcantara, 108. Almazen, 108. Adria, 357, 472. Alcara, ior. Almeida, 106, 108. Adrianople, 318. Alcarria, 108, 212. Almena, 108. Adstock, 463. Alcaza, 108. Aln River, 214. Adyn Tor, 225. Alcester, 214, 464. Alnwick, 169. Aės or Aèse River, 204. Aldea, 108. Alps, The, 475. Aff River, 198. Aldersholt, 360. Alpuxarras, 108. Africa, 78. Aldershot, 360, 468. Alqueria, 108. Agulhas, Cape, 31. Aldgate, 272. Alresford, 164. Agylla, 93. Aldrich, 173. Alsace, 69. Ahr River, 217. Aldrup, 158. Althing, 294. Ainas, 115. Alencthun, 119. Althorp, 158, 464. Aire River, 216. Alessandria, 316. Altmark, 265. Aislingen, 151. Alexandretta, 316. Altmühl, 389. Index 1.- Local Names. 515 Alton, 464. Altona, 119. Altorf, 158, 464. Altrans, 50. Alum Bay, 466. Alvaschein, 115. Alvenen, 115. Alverstoke, 121. Amathe, 93. Amazons River, 30. Ambleston, 177. Ambresbury, 315. America, II. Amersham, 381. Ameselum, 93. Ampurias, 374. Amsteg, 463. Amwâs, 376. Anah, 469. Anatolia, 76. Ancona, 470. Andalusia, 71, 76. Andermat, 233, 384, 463. Andernach, 385. Andes, 17, 466. Anesel, 93. Aney River, 197. Angle, 177. Anguilla, 470. Anna River, 27. Annam, 463. Annandale, 160. Annapolis, 27. Anne River, 197. Antakieh, 317. Antibes, 384. Antilibanus, 463. Anton River, 197 Antwerp, 393. Anxiety Point, 3t. Aosta, 317, 385. Aoust, 317, 385. Apennines, 219, 474. Aquitania, 56. Aradus, 7. Aral, 67. Arar River, 216. Ararar River, 217. Arbela, 93, 377. Arbengo, 147 Arbroath, 246. Arc River, 217. Archangel, 343. Ardagh, 226. Arden, 226. Arden, Forest, 362. Ardennes, 226, 361. Ardetz, 50. Ardfert, 226. Ardfinnan, 341. Ardglass, 226. Ardingley, 128. Ardington, 128. Ardnamurchar, 226. Ardrossan, 225, 226. Ards, 226. Ardwick le Street, 251. Are River, 216, 217. Argam, 138. Argentine Republic, 54. Argos, 377 Argyle, 65, 86, 463. Arkansas, 17. Arkos, 97. Arlberg, 467. Arles, 86, 227, 463. Arley, 467. Armagh, 86, 232. Armeanagh, 226. Armenia, 67. Armorica, 63, 86, 463. Arnesthing, 294. Arram, 138. Arran, 226. Arras, 229, 385, 423. Arrecife, 108. Arre River, 216. Arro River, 216. Arrow River, 216. Artois, 71, 229. Arundel, 160. Arve River, 216. Arveiron River, 216. Arw River, 216. Asbeach, 354. Ascension, 13. Ascurum, 94. Asgarby, 126. Asgardby, 167, 328. Ash River, 203. Ashbourne, 211. Ashby, 158, 167 Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 191. Ashford, 254. Ashley River, 26. Ashton, 468. Asia, 53, 77. Asia Minor, 78. Asse River, 204. Asta, 239, 240. Asteguieta, 239. Asti, 411. Astigarraga, 239. Astobiza, 239. Aston-Canteloupe, 191. Astorga, 239. Astulez, 239. Asturia, 239, 240. Atford, 384, 463. Athelney, 140, 147, 351. Athens, 335. Athos, 84. Atrecht, 385. Atri, 357. Attica, 84. Attlebury, 312. Auch, 318, 385. Auckland, 35, 468. Augia, 317. Augsburg, 317, 385. Augst, 317, 385. Aulne River, 215. Aune River, 197. Auney River, 197. Auppegard, 185. Ausocurro, 94. Aust, 318, 385. Austin friars, 280. Austria, 463. Autun, 222, 317, 385. Auverne, 226. Avalon, 367, 468. Aven River, 197, 198. Avenbanna River, 197, 215. Avenbui River, 197. Avenmore River, 197. Apollonia, 335. Apollonis, 334. Appleby, 367, 468. Appledore, 350, 367. Appledurcombe, 227, 367. Applegarth, 367. Applethwaite, 367. Appleton, 120, 468. L L 2 516 Index 1.- Local Namnes. Avengorm River, 197. Bampton, 381. Avernus Lake, 394. Bana River, 215. Avia River, 199. Banda Oriental, 54. Avon Rivers, 196, 197, Bandribosc, 188. 198. Bane River, 215. Avono River, 199. Banias, 334. Avranches, 245. Bann River, 215. Awe River, 197. Banningham, 128. Axams, 50. Banon River, 197, 215. Axe River, 203, 205. Bantam, 414. Axelholme, 354. Barbadoes, 467. Axholme, 354. Barbary, 396. Axminster, 345. Barbican, 273. Aylesbere, 179. Barbuda, 467. Aylesbury, 328. Barcelona, 97. Aylesford, 254, 328. Barfleur, 187. Aylstone, 328. Barfreestone, 382. Ayr River, 216. Barking, 125. Aysgarth, 328. Barlinghem, 151. Aystrope, 168. Barmouth, 245, 388. Aysworth, 328. Barnby, 165. Azores, 467. Barneyhouse, 174. Barnstaple, 374. Barnston, 175. Barnstrup, 158. Baalbec, 97, 334. Barnwood, 368. Baal Hills, 325. Barry, 176. Bab-el-Mandeb, 470. Barton, 120. Back Brook, 174. Basing, 129. Bactria, 76. Basingstoke, 121. Badajoz, 317, 385. Bass' Straits, 33. Baden, 74, 151, 465. Basta, 240. Badshot, 360. Batavia, 31, 85. Baesippo, 96. Bath, 465. Baffin's Bay, 19. Bathurst, 35. Bagshot, 360, 368, 467. Batle Hill, 304. Bahia, 30. Battersea, 280, 399. Bain River, 215. Battle, 7, 301. Bakewell, 381, 465. Battlebridge, 303. Balaclava, 469. Battlebury, 304. Balcon Lane, 273. Battledikes, 304. Balderby, 325. Battlefield, 300. Balderton, 325. Battlefiats, 7, 301. Bâle, 470. Battlesbury, 304. Balearic Isles, 81, 96. Battleswick, 164. Baleby, 172. Battlewic, 304. Balerium, 325. Baune River, 215. Balſrain, 114. Bavaria, 68, 72. Ballybegg, 462. Bavay, 385. Balmaghie, 460. Bavent, 355. Baltimore, 26. Bay of Mercy, 34. Bamborough, 312. Bayswater, 278. Beachy Head, 390. Beacon Hill, 372. Beaminster, 345. Bear, 179. Beara, 179. Beardon, I79. Bearon, 179. Beauchamp-Olton, 191. Beaulieu, 191. Beaumanoir, 190. Beaumont, 190. Bebra, 369. Beddgelert, 339. Bedford, 243, 254, 313. Bedis, 93. Bedminster, 345. Beelow, 472. Beer, 180. Beer Alston, 179. Beer Ferrers, 179. Behring's Straits, 33. Beja, 318, 385. Belan, 325. Belan Bank, 325. Belch, 325. Belgrade, 472. Belippo, 96. Bellecombe, 227. Bell Hill, 325. Belon, 96. Belting, 128. Bel Tor, 325. Belvoir, 190. Benadadid, 107. Benarraba, 107. Benavites, 107. Bencruachan, 220. Benevento, 231. Bengorm, 472. Beniajar, 107. Beniaux, 107. Benicalaf, 107. Benjerlaw, 212. Benledi, 220. Benlomond, 220.' Benmore, 220, 462. Ben Nevis, 5, 220, 474. Ben River, 215. Bentarique, 107. Ben Wyvis, 210. Bere Regis, 180. Berewood, 180. Index 1.–Local Names. 517 Bergamo, 123. Bissingen, 151. Berkeley, 468. Biturgia, 240. Berlingas Islands, 188. Biverbike, 369. Berlinghen, 151. Black Forest, 362. Bermondsey, 280, 348. Blackfriars, 281. Bermudas, 29. Blackheath, 386, 472. Berne, 74, 467. Blake Chesters, 258. Berquetot, 185. Blakeley, 472. Berwick, 162, 169, 180, Blancnéz, Cape, 471. 245. Blaskogiheidi, 359. Bessingham, 147, 151. Blauvelt, 28. Bethany, 486. Blauwberg, 28. Bethel, 3, 331, 486. Bledloe, 302. Bethlehem, 3, 486. Blentarn, 482. Bethsaida, 90. Blisadona, 50. Beth Tapuah, 469. Bloodgate, 304. Bevercoates, 369. Bloody Brook, 17. Beverley, 369, 467 Bloody Fold, 301., Beverstone, 369. Bloody Stripe, 304. Bewley, 390. Bloomsbury, 399. Beyrout, 482. Blowick, 174. Bezingham, 151. Blunham, 124. Bibersburg, 369. Bober River, 369. Bibracte, 369. Bobern, 369. Bibrax, 369. Boberow, 369. Biddenham, 124. Bobersburg, 369. Bideford, 179. Boberwitz, 369. Bidis, 93. Bobrau, 369. Bielawa, 472. Boca Chica, 462. Bielouka, 474. Bochampton, 364. Biere, Ile de, 189. · Böchingen, 157. Bierlingen, 151. · Bocking, 151. Bièvre, 369 Bodmin, 229, 485. Billinge, 129. Bohemia, 71. Billingham, 129. Bokerly Ditch, 257. Billinghurst, 129, 361. Bolbec, 187. Billingley, 129. Bolengo, 147. Billington, 129. Bolingbroke, 147. Billingsgate, 129, 275, Bolivia, 74. 450. Bolleit, 300. Billockby, 166. Bologna, 72. Bingen, 152. Bolton-le-Moor, 190. Birbeck, 468. Bombay, 31, 469. Bircholt, 468. Bomlitz River, 44. Birkenhead, 175. Boothia Felix, 35. Birling, 151. Bordeaux, 72, 411. Birlingham, 151. Borneville, 185. Birmingham, 125. Bornum, 123. Birnwood, 224. Bosa, 93. Bishopsgate, 252, 272. Boscawen, 485. Bishopsley, 345. Boston, 16, 381. Bishops Stortford, 345. Bosworth, 122. Botle Hill, 304. Bouquinghem, 151. Bourbon, 72. Bovanium, 72. Bovengo, 147. Bovington, 147 Bovy in Beer, 18o. Bowness, 174. Bozra, 392. Brabant, 85. Brading, 125. Bradley, 462. Bradney, 351. Bradshaw, 462. Bradwell, 159. Bragança, 30. Braintree, 224. Bramerton, 312. Bramshot, 360. Brancaster, 223, 224. Brandenburgh, 224. Brandon, 224. Brannberg, 224. Braslaf, 468. Bray, 73. Brazil, 408, 469. Breandown, 224. Breidafiord, 172. Breitwil, 159. Brendenkopf, 224. Brendon, 224. Brenner, 224. Brentingley, 128. Brent Tor, 225. Brescia, 468. Bretha River, 174. Breton Cape, 25. Breuil, 359. Bricquebosq, 188. Bridewell, 279. Bridgewater, 390. Briggate, 252. Brighton, 380. Brindon Hill, 212. Briquebec, 187. Brisbane, 35. Bristol, 254. Britain, Great, 54. Brixton, 254, 380. Broadford, 172. Brodswinden, 43. Brogden, 368. 518 Index 1.- Local Names. Broglio, 359. Cabool, 74. Brokenborough, 467. Cabo Tormentoso, 31. Brolo, 359. Cadara, rol. Bromley, 468. Cadbeeston, 362. Brookland, 350. Cadbury, 304. Brooklyn, 27. Cadiz, 91, 95. Brora, 170. Cadoxton, 340. Brother Hill, 177. Caen, 141. Brough, 123. Caergybi, 341. Broughton, 123. Caerleon, 249, 262. Brown Willy, 388. Caermote, 291. Broxbourne, 368, 467. Caerwent, 231. Brunswick, 74. Cæsar's Camp, 314. Bruquedalle, 188. Cagliari, 92. Brussels, 468. Caig stone, 305. Buccina, 93. Cairngorm, 472. Buckenham, 312. Cairo, 470. Buckhurst, 468. Caithness, 163 Buckingham, 125. Calahorra, 107. Buckland Monachorum, Calais, 64. 346. Calamonaci, 100. Bucklersbury, 282. Calasca, 112. Buckston, 177. Calascibetta, 100. Buda, 485. Calata, 65. Budge Row, 278. Calatabiano, 100. Buenos Ayres, 469. Calatafimi, ioo. Buers, 179. Calatagirone, 100. Bul How, 175. Calatamisetta, 100. Bungay, 390, 469. Calatavutura, 1oo. Burengaren, 390. Calatayud, 107. Bures, 179, 186. Calatrava, 107. Burgh, 258. Calcutta, 334. Burghclere, 486. Calda River, 174. Burgos, 123, 148. Caldicot, 256. Burgundy, 71, 410. Caldy, 176. Burn, 179. Caledonia, 65. Burrafiord, 170. Calf of Man, 386. Burry Holmes, 177. Calf, The, 173. Burton, 120. Calicut, 334. Bury-Pommeroye, 191. Calliste, 470. Buttergill, 174. Calotabalotta, 100. Butterhill, 174, 177. Caltanisetta, 100. Butterlip How, 175. Caltrop, 470. Buttermere, 174. Cam River, 217. Byestock, 179. Camaroons, 467. Byfleet, 481. Cambeck River, 217. Byzantium, 433. Cambrai, 71. Cambray, 385, 422. Cambria, 71, 84. Cabala, 93. Cambridge, 254. Cabo de Bona Esperanza, Cambrilla, 71. 31. Camden, 217. Camil River, 217. Cainlad River, 217. Camlin River, 217. Camon River, 217. Camphill, 303. Campton, 305. Cana, 469. Canada, 17, 400. Canary, 410, 414, 467, Candahar, 316. Candy Slack, 390. Canewdon, 303. Cannon Street, 399. Canonbury, 280. Canongate, 252. Canterbury, 69, 308. Cantire, 221. Capel Curig, 346. Capo di Faro, 361. Caradoc, 314. Caralis, 94. Carbia, 92. Cardross, 225. Carepula, 94. Carinthia, 84. Carisbrook, 69, 307, 381. Carlingford, 161, 181. Carlisle, 227, 243. Carlsruhe, 319. Carlton-Colvile, 191. Carmarthen, 223. Carnchainichin, 315. Carnic Alps, 225. Carolina, 7, 26. Caroline Islands, 29. Carpathians, 84, 475. Carpentaria, Gulf, 32. Carpi, 94. Carquebuf, 186. Carrickfergus, 225, 477. Carrowburgh, 258. Carteja, 95. Carthage, 94, 486. Carthagena, 7, 95. Cartili, 94. Cashiobury, 73. Cassaro, 101. Castalo, 97. Castanæa, 404. Castel Muro, 115. Castile, 263. Index 1.—Local Names. 519. Castlegate, 252. Castor, 260. Catalamita, 100. Catalonia, 71. Catania, 93. Caterham, 252, 304. Caterthun, 305. Catlow, 362. Cat Street, 308. Cattegat, 252. Catt Stane, 305. Caucasus, 5, 474. Caudebec, 187. Causewell, 168. Cayenne, 408. Cefn Bryn, 219. Cefn Coed, 219. Cenis, Mont, 221. Cerasus, 403. Certima, 97. Cevennes (les), 219. Chablis, 410. Chadra, 101. Champagne, 410. Champlain, Lake, 25. Cham River, 217. Chapmanslade, 374. Charford, 311. Charing, 275. Charles, Cape, 22, 38. Charleston, 26. Charlinch, 351. Charmis, 93. Charter-house, 280, 399. Chart Sutton, 360. Chatham Island, 35. Chat Moss, 362. Cheapside, 282, 373. Chedzoy, 352. Chee Tor, 225. Chelmsford, 243, 254. Chelsea, 280, 348. Cheping Hill, 373. Chepstow, 373. Cherbourg, 123, 317. Cherokee, 17. Cher River, 218. Cherry Hinton, 468. Chertsey, 348. Chester, 249. Chesterton, 260. Chesterholm, 258. Chester le Street, 190, Cludan River, 217. 251. Clwyd River, 217. Chevening, 2I9. Clydach River, 217. Chevin, 219. Clyde River, 217. Chevington, 219. Cnut's Dyke, 257. Cheviot Hills, 219, 448. Coblentz, 383. Chevy Chase, 219, 448. Cockthorpe, 168. Chichester, 311. Coimbra, 71. Chien Cape, 219. Coitmore, 362. Chilham, 314. Colby, 172. Chili, 408. Colchester, 262. Chillesford, 161, 165. Col de Maure, 110. China, 75. Cold Harbour, 256, 470. Chingford, 254. Coleridge, 470. Chipping Barnet, 373. Colincthun, 119. Chipping Camden, 373. Colne River, 218, 262. Chippingham, 373. Cologne, 262. Chipping Norton, 373. Colomby, 180. Chipping Ongar, 373. Colonna, Cape, 371. Chipping Sodbury, 373. Colonsay, 338. Chisbury, 311. Colton, 470. Chiselet, 349. Columbia, 11. Chiselhurst, 360. Columbus, II. Chiswill, 168. Comarques, 265. Christiana, 319. Combe, 227. Christiansand, 319. Combe Martin, 226. Christianstad, 319. Comberbatch, 159. Church Moor, 364. Como, 227. Church Walk, 364. Compton Bay, 227. Chynoweth, 229. Concord, 15. Cima del Moro, 112. Coningsby, 298. Cinderford, 370. Connecticut, 17. Cinderhill, 370. Connington, 147. Cinici, 96. Constance, 318. Cirencester, 382. Constantinch, 318. Cirta, 94. Constantinople, 319, 386. Cissanham, 311. Constanz, 386. Cissbury, 311. Contrebia, 228. Civita Vecchia, 464. Conz, 318, 385. Clapham, 308, 460. Cooper River, 26. Clare, 191. Copeland Islands, 374. Clarendon, 223. Copenhagen, 373. Classe, 357. Copland Island, 181. Claverack, 28. Copmansthorpe, 158,374. Claxby, 167. Cordova, 96, 421. Clerkenwell, 279. Corinth, 407, 444. Clinton, 462. Cornus, 92. Clippesby, 166. Cornwall, 267. Clitourps, 186. Corsica, 86, 93. Clitumnus River, 217. Cortono, 377. Clobesden Gut, 253. Corunna, Cape, 372. Cloyd River, 217. Côtantin, 3I8, 386. 520 Index 1.—Local Names. Cotswold Hills, 362. Damascus, 376, 406,420. Dereham, 466. Cottun, 141. Damme, 356. Derry, 7, 468. Courtray, 385. Dampier Archip., 32. Coutances, 318, 385. Danby, 268. Coveney, 354. Danderby, 167. Desolation Cape, 19. Covent Garden, 280. Danebury, 303. Detmold, 292. Cowgate, 252. Danefurlong, 168. Detroit, 25, 471. Dane River, 209. Devil's Dyke, 257. Cowley, 466. Danesbanks, 303. Devizes, 267. Cranbourne, 368. Danesend, 168. Devon, 73, 267, 489. Cranfield, 368. Devon River, 209. Crantock, 341. Danesford, 303. Dewerstone, 322. Crathis, 93. Danesgraves, 303. Dibden, 463. Cravatta, 270. Danestal, 188. Dieppe, 18ð. Danestream, 302. Dieppedal, 188. Cressing Temple, 346. Dantsey, 303. Dietmale, 292. Crib Goch, 472. Danube River, 197, 208. Diggles River, 215. Crick, 225. Darling River, 35. Dili, 377. Cricklade, 225, 417. Darnetal, 188. Dingley, 297. Criquebuf, 186. Dart River, 200. Dingwall, 295. Criquetot, 185. Dartford, 254 Dingwell, 179, 296. Crodale, 188. Daubeuf, 186. Dinsdale, 297. Croixdale, 188. Dauphiny, 83. Distel Alp, 113. Crokern Tor, 292. Daventry, 231. Ditton, 256. Cronkshynnagh, 369. Davis' Straits, 19. Djebel es Sheikh, 5, 473. Crown Hill, 301. Davon River, 209. Dniester River, 208. Crutched Friars, 281. Dax, 465. Doab River, 196, 465. Cuba, 410. Dead Man, 388. Dodd Fell, 478. Cuckfield, 361. Deadman's Place, 399. Doghouse Bar, 277. Cumberland, 71, 84, 267. Dead Sea, 394. Dominica, 13. Cumbray Islands, 71, 163. Dean River, 209. Dona, 27. Cummin's Camp, 315. Deargan River, 199. Donegal, 65. Cumnor, 310. Debir, 3. Donnington, 147. Cunning Garth, 390. Dee River, 197, 218. Don River, 208, 209. Cunusi, 93. Deeping, 463. Dora River, 201. Cura, 94. Deerhurst, 466. Dorchester, 73, 200. Curubis, 94. Dekkan, The, 76, 463. Dore River, 199. Curum 94. Delapre, 191. Dorking, 125. Cwm Bychan, 462. Delaware, 26. Dornstadt, 222. Cvetaghara, 473. Delgado Cape, 31. Doro River, 199. Cydon, 405. Delting, 295: Dorset, 69, 229. Denge Marsh Gut, 253. Douglas, 472. Dengewell, 295. Douglas River, 215. Dacorum Hundred, 168. Dengey, 164. Douro River, 201. Dairan River, 199. Denmark, 265. Dour River, 199. Dalby, 172. Denney, 177. Dourwater, 211. Dover, 138. Dalkeith, 160. Dent du Midi, 474. Dove River, 197. Dalkey Island, 181. Depedal, 188. Dovercourt, 138. Dalpool, 175. Deptford, 161, 164. Dover River, 199. Dalry, 315. Dalrymple, 160. 362, 466. Douvres, 138, 141. Index I.-Local Names. 521 Dowgate, 275. Easeburn, 211. Englishcombe, 265. Dowles River, 215. Eastbourne, 388. Drachenfels, 328, 477. Eastbury, 462. Ennerdale, 174. Drachenkammer, 328. En Rimmon, 469. Drepanum, 395. Easterford, 326. Enterprise, Fort, 34. Dreswick, 173. Easter, Good, 326. Epegard, 185. Droitwich, 162, 170. Easter, High, 326. Ephesus, 77. Dromore, 476. Easterleake, 326. Ephratah, 3. Drontheim, 298. Eastermear, 326. Eppinghofen, 152. Drumburgh, 258. Easthorpe, 462. Epsom, 381, 418. Dublin, 216, 472. Eaton, 348. Erebus, Mount, 35. Dubrau, 468. Ebbfleet, 274, 349. Erie, 17. Duir River, 199. Ebro River, 490. Erin, 68. Dulas River, 215. Eccles, 346. Erith, 354. Dumbarton, 223, 258. Ecuador, 54, 79. Ermin Street, 251. Dumblane, 223. Eden River, 209. Erpingham, 147 Dumbuckhill, 258. Edgeware, 381. Erringham, 128. Dumfries, 223. Edinburgh, 312. Errington, 129. Dummerwitz, 389. Edmundsthorp, 180. Erve River, 216. Dumnailraise, 315. Egilsa, 171. Eryn River, 207. Dunagoat, 388. Egypt, 79. Erzeroum, 73. Dundalk, 223. Ehen River, 197. Erzgeberge, 370. Dundee, 223. Ehrenbreitstein, 462. Esca River, 204. Dundrum, 223, 476. Eigher, 474. Escalona, 95. Dundry Hill, 223. Eilum, 123. Escoves, 188. Dunestadt, 222. Eisenberg, 370. Escurial, 452. Dungannon, 223. Eislingen, 151. Esk River, 203. Dungarvon, 223. Ekaterinenburg, 319. Esker River, 203. Eskilstuna, 119. Dungeness, 176, 180, 350, Elbach, 368. 470. Elbe River, 215. Eskle River, 203. Dunglas, 258. Elbeuf, 186. Dunkeld, 223. Elisabethstadt, 46. Esky River, 203. Dunlavin, 223. Elizabeth County, 22, 38. Eslinghen, 151. Dunleary, 223. El Khalil, 344. Esque River, 204. Dunmow, 223, 233. El Lazarieh, 344. Essex, 268, 462. Dun River, 209. Ellée River, 215. Este, 357. Dunstable, 223, 233, 374. Ellen River, 214. Etainhus, 141. Dunwich, 165. Ellerton, 468. Etaples, 374. Durarwater River, 199. Ellwangen, 369. Etna, 93, 358. Durbach, 211. Elmdon, 468. .Eton, 348. Durbeck, 211. Elmswell, 468. Etreham, 141. Durham, 381. Elsass, 69. Etsch River, 383. Durlock, 349. Elstead, 311. Eubea, 85. Durra River, 199. Elston, 464. Europe, 76. Dusseldorf, 158. Elstrop, 168. Evan River, 197. Dwajalagiri, 5, 473. Elton, 464. Eveneny River, 197. Dyrham, 466. Elwin River, 214. Evershaw, 368. Ely, 354, 467. Evershot, 368, 466. Emboli, 384. Eversley, 368, 466. Eamont River, 174. Enderby, 167. Everton, 368. Ea River, 174. England, 70. Evora, 97. Earnley, 467. Englishbatch, 265. Ewenny River, 197. 522 Index 1.—Local Names. Fridaythorpe, 322. Friedrichshafen, 319. Frieston, 268 Frisby, 268. Frismersk, 139. Fritham, 364. Friuli, 318, 383, 385. Frobisher Strait, 18. Frome River, 218. Frotuna, 119. Fulletby, 167. Funen, 469. Furness, 174, 372. Fur Tor, 225. Fury Beach, 34, 35. Un Ewes River, 203. Fleet, 274. Ewshot, 360. Flegg, 165. Exe River, 203. Flekkesfjord, 165. Exeter, 243, 261. Flemingsby, 268. Ex River, 203. Flemingston, 178. Exwick, 179. Flemington, 192. Eye, 173, 354, 483. Fleswick, 173. Eyen, 113. Florence, 433, 470. Florida, 13, 25, 387. Facomb, 227. Flushing, 28. Faenza, 470. Fond du Lac, 25. Fairfield, 350, 466. Fontarabie, 110. Falaise, 186. Forcassi, 384. Farnham, 468. Fordongianus, 384. Faro, Capo di, 371. Fordwick, 349. Faroe Islands, 163, 171, Foreness, 164. 466. Forêt des Maures, 110. Farringdon, 223. Forli, 318, 383. Faulhorn, 474. Forlimpopoli, 384. Faxa Fiord, 161. Formosa, 31, 469. Fear, Cape, 18. Fornovo, 384. Feasegate, 252. Fort Enterprise, 34. Fee, 114. Fort Orange, 27. Felibedjik, 317. Fort Providence, 34. Felicudi, 91. Fossombrone, 383. Felmersham, 124. Fossway, The, 251. Fenwick Rock, 176. Foulbec, 187. Ferrara, 384. Foulbeck, 466. Feurs, 384. Foulness, 164. Fiamma, 384. Foulney, 174 Fife, 86. Foxhill, 466. Filby, 166. Foxley, 466. Finedon, 297. Fraisthorpe, 322. Finmark, 266. France, 70. Finsbury, 273. France, Isle of, 71. Finsthwaite, 268. Franche Comté, 71. Finster-aar-horn, 387. Franconia, 71, 149. Fiora, 318, 384. Frankby, 175, 268. Fiquefleur, 187. Franken, 71, 149. Firenze, 383, 470. Frankenberg, 270. Fishergate, 252. Frankenfeld, 270. Fishguard, 177. Frankenthal, 271. Fisigard, 185. Frankfurt, 271. Fitful Head, 389. Frathorpe, 322. Fiume della Fine, 267. Freasley, 322. Flamandville, 271. Fredenberg, 28. Flamborough Head, 372. Frederick City, 27. Flanders, 79. Fredericksburg, 27. Flash, 450. Fréjus, 318, 383, 385. Flatholme, 163, 177. Freudenbach, 389. Fleckeroe, 165. Freystrop, 177. Fleckney, 165. Friday-street, 322. Galapagos, 467. Galata, 65, 100. Galatia, 65. Galicia, 65. Galway, 65. Gallipoli, 384. Galloway, 65, 416. Gara River, 214. Garbo, 103. Gareloch River, 214. Garnar River, 214. Gainere River, 214 Garonne River, 196, 214. Garra, 94. Garry River, 196, 214. Garve River, 214. Garway River, 214. Garwick, 173, Gatcombe, 227, 252. Gateholm, 177. Gatesgarth, 174. Gatesgill, 174. Gateshead, 253, 385. Gateswater, 174. Gatton, 252. Gaza, 376, 420. Gazzi, IoI. Gebel, 100. Gebel Fiel, 393. Gebel Oomar, 103. Gellstone, 174. Gellyswick, 176. Geneva, 221. Gennesareth, 469. Georgia, 7, 27. Index 1.- Local Names. 523 Germany, 6o. Greasby, 175. Hacqueville, 185. Gers River, 214. Great Britain, 54. Haddington, 125. Geysers, 465. Great Chesters, 258. Hæmus, 5, 473. Ghuzzeh, 377. Greece, 88. Hafnafiord, 161. Gibeah, 475. Greenaby, 172. Hagiar Chem, 94. Gibel el Faro, 371. Greenland, 10. Hagnaby, 167. Gibellina, 100. Greenwich, 164. Hague, The, 122. Gibraltar, 104, 315. Greenwick, 173. Haiti, 378. Gillies Hill, 301. Grenivik, 164. Hal, 371. Giron River, 214. Grenoble, 318, 384. Halen, 371. Glamorgan, 86. Greta River, 174. Halifax, 26. Glarus, 342. Grime's Dyke, 258. Haling, 370. Glaslin, 216. Grimonville, 1852 Hall, 371. Glenmore, 462. Grimsby, 126, 157, 178, 178. Hallaton, 371. Glen River, 218. 460. Halle, 371. Glogau, 222. Grim's Dyke, 257. Hallein, 371. Gloucester, 243, 382. Grinez, Cape, 163, 188, Hallstadt, 371. Glyde River, 217. 470. Hallthwaite, 174. Gniva, 50. Grinnell Land, 35. Halsal, 371. Godarville, 185. Groote Eylandt, 32. Halstock, 313. Godington, 120. Guadaira, 107. Halton, 371. Godley, 336. Guadaladiar, 106. Halton Chesters 258. Godmanchester; 336. Guadalaviar, 106. Halycus River, 371. Godmanstone, 336. Guadalaxara, 106. Halys River, 371. Godney, 336, 351. Guadalbanar, 107. Hamath, 2, 376. Godramgate, 252. Guadalcazar, 106. Hambye, 141, 186. Godrano, 1o. Guadalertin, 107. Hamnavoe, 170. Godshill, 336. Guadalete, 107. Hampton Court, 190. Godstone, 252, 336. Guadalhorra, 106. Hampton in Arden, 362. Godstow, 336. Guadalimar, 106. Hamsey, 351. Goello, 65. Guadalquiton, 106. Ham Tor, 325. Goldberg, 370. Guadalquiver, 106, 462. Hamwell, 168. Gold Goast, 466. Guadalupe, 106. Hanenkamm, 328. Gomfreston, 177. Guadarama, 106. Hangman's Gains, 398. Gomphi, 471. Guadarranke, 106. Hanover, 74. Gomshall, 227. Guadiana, 97, 107, 199. Hanse Towns, 373. Gonengo, 147. Gualbacar, 106. Hapsburg, 467. Good Easter, 326. Guaroman, 106. Hardivilliers, 159. Goodgrave, 362. Guernsey, 317. Hare Tor, 225. Good Hope, Cape of, 31. Guer River, 214. Hareby, 167. Goodmanham, 335. Gufidaun, 50. Harfleur, 187. Gorlitz, 476. Gulistan, 469. Harling, 127. Gothland Island, 71. Guilford, 254. Harlington, 127. Gracechurch-street, 399. Gutter Lane, 399. Harmstone, 313. Gracedieu, 191. Gweek, 179. Haroldston, 177. Graian Alps, 225. Gwent, 231. Harrowgate, 252. Granmercy-square, 399. Harris, 172. Grampound, 390, 462. Hartz Mountains, 360. Granville, 462. Haarlem River, 28. Harwich, 165. Grassholm, 177. Hackney, 351. Hasguard, 177 Gravenhill, 303. Haconby, 126. Hasilmere, 468. Gravesend, 381. Haconville, 159, 185. Hastingleigh, 128. 524 Index 1.—Local Names. Hastings, 125, 128, 129. Hertford, 213, 254, 466. Hoorn, or Horn, Cape, Hastingues, 189. Hessary Tor, 225, 326. 28, 386. Hautot, 185. Hesse, 71. Horsehay, 122. Havannah, 410. Hestoe, 171. Horseley, 310. Haverford, 161, 176. Heuland, 141. Horsey, 351. Haverstraw, 28. Heurtley, 466. Horsey Hill, 309. Havre, 187. Heythrop, 108. Horsted, 309. Hawkswell, 164. Hey Tor, 225. Houlbec, 187. Haxey, 355. Highclere, 190. Houndbere, 179. Haye Park, 122.. Highgate, 252, 463. Houndsditch, 273. Haystacks, The, 174. High Easter, 326. How Rock, 178. Hayti, 17. High-street, 251, 463. Howside, 175. Hazor, 487. Hildersham, 313. Howth, Hill of, 181. Healey, 327. Hill Bell, 325. Hucking, 128. Healigh, 327. Himalaya, 5, 473. Hudson's Bay, 20. Hearston, 177. Himawat, 473. Hudson's Strait, 20. Hebron, 3, 376. Hingeston, 310. Humber River, 246. Hecla, 405. Hinkley, 310. Hungary, 68, 71. Heidenberg, 328. Hinksey, 310... Hungerford, 389. Helagh, 327. Hinton, 364, 463. Hunhart, 360. Helford, 179. Hinxworth, 310. Hunnum, 269.. Heligoland, 332. Hippo, 91, 93, 96, 487. Hunstanton, 269. Helsington, 128. Hoboken, 16. Huntingdon, 223. Hellathyrne, 327. Hoc, Cape, 188. Huron, 17. Hellifield, 313, 327. Hocheim, 412. Hursley, 310. Helluland it mikla, Io. Hode, Cape le, 188. Hurstcourtray, 191. Helluland, Litla, 10. Hoff, 331. Hurstmonceaux, 191. Helwell, 327. Hogue, Cape de la, Hurstpierpoint, 191. Helwick, 176. 188. Hvalfiord, 161. Helwith, 327. Holbeach, 354. , Hvita, 472. Hemingby, 167. Holborn, 277. Hythe, 351. Hemsby, 166. Holderness, 138. Hythe, West, 351. Hendon, 470. Holland, 85. Hengeston, 310. Holloway, 463.: Hengistbury Head, 309. Hollym, 138. Iberia, 67. Henley, 351, 470. Holm, 173. Ibthrop, 180. Henley in Arden, 362. Holme, 175. Ickborough, 73. Henry, Cape, 22. Holme, East, 180. Icklingham, 128. Henstridge, 310. Holmes Islands, 165. Icknield Street, 250. Hentoe, 225. Holmin Island, 213. Icolmkill; 338. Heracleia, 334. Holmsdale, 180. Idalia, 92. Heracleopolis, 334. Holmstone, 180. Idino, 222. Herat, 67. Holstein, 69, 359. Iffley, 348. Herbrandston, 178. Holt, 359. Iken, 73. Herculaneum, 334. Holtford, 359. Ilen River, 214. Hercynian Forest, 360. Holtrup, 158. Ilford, 254. Hereford, 254, 268. Holy Hill, 332. Ilfracombe, 227. Hermannstadt, 46. Holy Island, 332. Illinois, 17, 382. Hermanville, 141. Holywell, 332. Illston, 341. Hermon, 475. Honey Hill, 177. Iluria, 239. Herouville, 185. Honfleur, 187. Imaus, 473. Herringby, 166. Hor, Mount, 475. Imgrund, 463. Index I.-Local Names. 525 Inchcolm, 338.) Inches, 352. Inch Island, 213. Inchmartin, 352. Inchmichael, 353. Inchture, 352. Inchtuthill, 353. Inchyra, 353. India, So. Inglebarrow, 123. Ingliston, 192. Inkpen, 220. Inisfallan, 341. Inney River, 197. Inn River, 197. Inver, 246. Invermore, 246. Inycon, 93. Iona, 163, 338. Ipswich, 165. Iran, 67. Irby, 175. Ireland, 67, 463. Ireland's Eye, 181, 386. Irippo, 96. Irke River, 218. Isbourne, 211. Iscanderieh, 316. Ise River, 203, 205. Isis River, 203. Iskenderoon, 316. Isle of France, 71. Isle River, 203. Islinghem, 151. Islington, 125, 151. Istamboul, 384. Istria, 205. Italy, 53, 87. Itucci, 318. Iturissa, 239. Ive River, 197 Ivica 96. Ivory Coast, 466. Ivychurch, 350. Iz River, 203. Jüterbogk, 333; Java, 469. Keswick, 174. Jazi, 114. Kettering, 125. Jedburgh, 123, 445. Kettlewell, 159, 168, Jeffreyston, 178. 174. Jepan, 76. Keynor, 310. Jersey, 317. Keynton, 219. Jerusalem, 392. Khamburg, 222. Jervis Gut, 253. Khelat, 65, 100. Johnston, 178. Kibotus, 189. Jones' Sound, 19, 35. Kidderminster, 345. Jonköping, 373. . Kiel, 373. Joppa, 469. · Kielerfiord, 373. Jordan, 92. Kilbar, 341. Jorveaux, 191. Kilburn, 278. Juan Fernandez, 29. Kildare, 468. Jubbergate, 252. Kilkerran, 339. Jubleins, 222. Kilkiaran, 339. Julaber's Grave, 314. Killaloe, 341. Jülich, or Juliers, 318, Kilmore, 462. - 385. Killdanes, 303. Jungfrau, 474. Killin, 215. Jurby, 172. Kinderhook, 28. King Edward, 388. Jutland, 71, 386. Kingsbury Episcopi, 346. King's County, 7. King's Gate, 252, 298. Kaisariyeh, 317. King's Lynn, 216, 299. Kammerstock, 221. Kingston, 298. Kamor, 221. Kingston-upon-Hull,298. Kamp River, 217. Kinloch Ewe, 353. Kam River, 217. Kinnaird, 221. Kansas, 17. Kinross, 221, 225. Karavanken Alps, 225. Kinsale, 221. Katskill Mountains, 27. Kinsey, 256. Katzellenbogen, 153,271. Kinton, 466. Kedron, 472. Kirby, 157, 167, 172, 175, Kempston, 305. 337. Kencomb, 221. Kirby Thore, 324. Kencot, 221. Kirchditmold, 292. Kendal, 16o. Kirjath, 94. Keneth, 3. Kirjath Arba, 3. Kenilworth, 122. Kirjath Sepher, 3. Kenmare, 221. Kirkcolm, 338. Kenmore, 221, 476. Kirkcudbright, 341, 387. Kenne, 221. Kirkgate, 252. Kennedon, 221. Kirklands, 346. Ken River, 218. Kit's Coty House, 314. Kensington, 125, 460. Klagenfurt, 318, 384. Kent, 221, 268, 476. Klaussenberg, 46. Kenton, 221. Klostersieben, 464. Kerguellen's Land, 33. Kloten, 262. Kesri, 317. Knap Dane, 303. James River, 22, 38. Jameston, 178. Jamna, 96. Janeiro, 13. Jan Meyen's Island, 33. 526 Index I.--Local Names. CA Königsberg, 298. Lappmark, 266. Lichmere, 311. Kriegsmatten, 116. Larkbere, 179. Lidcöping, 373. Kronstadt, 46. Latakia, 410. Lid River, 218. Kulm, 44. La Tour des Maures, 110. Liége, 383. Kupferhütte, 370. La Tour sans Venin, 394. Liguria, 240. Kustendje, 318. Laughton en le Morthen, Lillebonne, 318, 385. Kynance, 229. 190. Lilletot, 185. La Vendée, 231. Limerick, 181. Lavin, 50. Lincoln, 215, 243, 262, Laach, 227. Laxa River, 467. 378, 481. Labrador, 10. Laxey River, 467. Lindebeuf, 186. Laccadives, 465. Laxvoe, 170, 467. Lindfield, 361, 468. Lacippo, 96. Leach, 303. Line River, 215. Lackford, 300. Leadenhall, 399. Lingholme, 163, 174. La Crau, 225. Leane River, 215. Linlithgow, 216, 481. Lac St. Clair, 25. Lea River, 218. Linton, 216. Lac Superieur, 25. Lebanon, 5, 92, 473. Lisbon, 91, 96, 411. Ladrones, 12, 467. Lebena, 92. Lisle, 355. Lago Nuovo, 358.. Le Cauf, 188. Lismore, 487. La Houn deous Mourous, Leckford, 300. Listowel, 487. IIO. Leckhampstead, 300. Litla Helluland, 10. Lain River, 215. Ledjûn, 262. Littlebury, 462. La Marche, 266. Lee Beck, 164. Littleness, 173. Lambay Island, 163, 181. Legberthwaite, 297. Littleton, 462. Lamberhurst, 361. Legbourn, 297. Littlewick, 176. Lambeth, 177, 279, 454. Leghorn, 391. Liza River, 174. Lambourn, 466. Le Ham, 141. Lizard Point, 226. Lambston, 177. Le Hamelet, 141. Llanberis, 339. Lampsacus, g1. Le Houlme, 188. Llanddewi Brefi, 340. Lanark, 229. Leicester, 262. Llandudno, 339. Lancashire, 74. Leichfeld, 300. Llanfrynach, 343. Lancaster, 214, 243. Leighton Buzzard, 390. Llangeller, 339. Lancaster Sound, 19. Leinster, 182. Llangollen, 339. Lancing, 311. Leipsig, 45, 468. Llangybi, 341. Landbeach, 354. Leixlip, 181, 467. Llanilltyd, 341. Landerneau, 229. Leominster, 345. Llanos, The, 229. Landes, The, 229. Leon, 262. Llyn yr Afrange, 369. Landivizian, 229. Lerwick, 170. Lobau, 45. Lane River, 215. Les Cevennes, 219. Loch Laxford, 170, 467. Langabeer, 179. Les Dalles, 188. Lockerbarrow, 174. Langavat, 172. Le Torp, 186. Lockerby, 174. Langbourne, 278. Levant, 75. Lockholme, 174. Langeac, 229. Leven, Loch, 215. Lockthwaite, 174. Langenhoe, 164. Leven River, 215. Lodi, 318. Langetot, 185. Lewes, 351. Lodomiria, 74. Langford, 178. Leweston, 178. Lodshot, 360. Langness, 173. Lewis, 171. Lögberg, 294. Lannion, 229. Lexdon, 222, 262. Loin River, 215. Lanoe, 229. Leyden, 222, 227. Lombardy, 71. Lanrick, 229. London, 222, 243, 275, Laôn, 222. Libya, 78. 377. La Penne, 219. Lichfield, 300. Londonderry, 7. Liberia, 54. Index 1.- Local Names. 527 7 London, Street-names, of, Maes Garmon, 232, 313. Margarita, 467. 272. Maestrecht, 385. Margate, 252. Long Acre, 276. Magalhaens Straits, 28. Marham, 265. Longbue, 186. Magdeburg, 232, 389. Mark, 265. Lonsdale, 160. Mageroe, 103. Mark Lane, 399. Lorraine, 54, 74. Maghera, 232. Market Bosworth, 374. Lothbury, 283. Magnesia, 234, 417. Markland, 1o. Loudon, 318, 385. Mago, 96. Markley, 264. Loudun, 222. Magueda, 95. Marlborough, 123, 392. Louisiana, 7, 25. Mahrattas, 81. Marlow, 477. Louvre, 290. Maidenhead, 389. Marquesas, The, 29. Lowestoft, 165, 487. Maidstone, 389. Marrington, 147. Ludgate, 274. Maine, 26, 230. Marsa Forno, 102. Ludlow, 477. Maintz, 230, 385. Marsaba, 343. Ludwigsburg, 319. Maira, 115. Marsala, 100, 411. Ludwigshafen, 319. Majorca, 462. Marsa Muscelto, 102. Lund, 331. Malaca, 93. Marsa Scala, 102. Lundey, 331. Malaga, 91, 95, 411. Marsa Scirocco, 102. Lundgarth, 331. Malakoff, 289. Marsberg, 384. Lundholme, 331. Maldives, 465. Marston, 264. Lundy, 177. Maldon, 223. Maryborough, 7. Lune River, 214, 215. Malling, 129. Marygate, 252. Lunziesting, 295. Malpas, 190, 470. Maryland, 26. Lusby, 167. Malta, 93. Marylebone, 278. Lusitania, 56. Maltbý, 166. Marzahna, 333. Luttich, 383. Mam Tor, 225. Maserfield, 232. Luxembourg, 123. Mancester, 2zo. Massachusetts, 10, 17, Luxor, 384. Mancha, La, 230. 472, Manchester, 230, 243. Mathern, 233. Manilla, 410. Matmark, 113. Lycus, 396, 472. Man, Isle of, 230. Matterhorn, 474. Lymbach, 385. Mans, 230. Maupertuis, 302. Lyme Regis, 299. Mansfield, 230. Mauretania, 56. Lymme, 350. Manxes, 230. Maurienne, i10. Lyndhart, 360. Manzanares, 411. Mauritius, 31. Lyndhurst, 360, 468. Mantes, 230. Mausethurm, 394. Lynn, 216. Mantua, 230. Maxstoke, 462. Lynx Tor, 225. Marazion, 97. Mayenne, 230. Lyon, Loch, 215. Marbach, 266. Mayfair, 277. Lyon River, 215. Marbecq River, 266. Maynooth, 232. Lyons, 222, 227. Marbæuf, 186. May River, 218. Marbrook, 264. Mazara, 93. Marbury, 264. Meander River, 450. Macao, 31. March, 265, 266. Meare, 352. Maccheda, 101. Marchburg, 266. Mechlin, 423. Macclesfield, 462. Marché, 266. Mecklenburg, 74. Machenthal, 384. Marchiennes, 266. Mediccara, 94. Macopsisa, 92. Marchomley, 264. Medina, 107. Macquarie, 35. Marck, 135, 266. Medina Sidonia, 95, 107. Mactorium, 93. Marcomanni, 265. Medma, 93. Medoc, 403, 411, Madeira, 360, 410, 469. Mardick, 266. Madulein, 115. Marengo, 147 Medugarra, 94. Luz, 3. Lycia, 86. 528 Index 1.-Local Names. Medway River, 206. Mobile, 25. Moussul, 420. Megginch, 353. Mocha, 407. Moustiers, 345. Megganaes, 171. Moffat, 192. Moutay, 291. Meiches, 384. Mohawk, 17. Moutier, 345. Melas, 472. Mold, 190. Muchelney, 351. Melbourne, 35. Mona, 230. Much Wenlock, 462. Mell Fell, 329. Monastir, 345. Muggleswick Bay, 176. Melrose, 225. Mönch, 474. Mühlenbach, 46. Melville, 192. Mongibello, 100, 212. Mull of Cantyre, 329. Melun, 222. Monklands, 345. Mullrose, 389. Menai Straits, 230. Monkton, 345. München, 345. Meppenthal, 384. Mons Palatinus, 451. Mundham, 313. Mercia, 264. Monstiers, 345. Munich, 345. Mercy, Bay of, 34. Montacute Hill, 190. Munster, 182. Merkbury, 265. Mont Blanc, 5, 474. Murcia, 263. Merida, 317. Mont Cenis, 221. Muretto, 114. Merring, 127 Monterchi, 334. Murgis, 97. Merrington, 127. Monte Merino, 101. Muro Castel, 115. Merthyr Tydvil, 340. Monte Moro, 112. Mussomeli, 101. Mesham, 230. Monte Nuovo, 358. Messina, 7, 470. Monte Rossi, 473. Meteora, 471. Montford, 190. Naalsoe, 171. Meuse River, 218, 232. Montgomeri, 71. Nabel, 384. Mexico, 17. Montgomery, 190. Nâblus, or Nabulus, 384, Mezzojuso, IOI. Montjoie, 302. 464. Michigan, 17. Mont Maure, 110. Nadur, 103, Micklegarth, 159. Mont Mort, III. Nagpoor, 213. Micklegate, 252. Montreal, 25. Nan Bicld, 230. Middleney, 351. Montreuil sur Mer, 355. Nancemellin, 230. Middlesex, 268. Montrose, 225. Nancy, 230. Middlewich, 162. Moorby, 167. Nancy Cousins Bay, 391. Middlezoy, 352. Moorfields, 273. Nangy, 231. Midhurst, 361. Moorlinch, 351. Nanhai, 463 Milan, 230. Moot Hill, 291, 292. Nanking, 463. Miletus, 7. Moravia, 266. Nanling, 463. Milford, 161, 176. Moray, 86. Nans, 230. Millgate Street, 252. Morbecque, 266. Nantes, 230, 490. Miningsby, 167. Morcambe Bay, 217. Nant Bourant, 230. Minnesota, 17. Morea, 398. Nant Dant, 230. Minorca, 462. Morengo, 147 Nant d’Arpenaz, 230. Minories, 281. Morghen, 112. Nant de Gria, 230. Minshall-Vernon, 101. Morhiban, 86. Nant de Taconay, 230. Mischabel Hörner, 113. Moro, The, 114. Nant Frangon, 230, 369, Misilmeri, 101., Mosbach, 384. 467. Misraim, 80, 465. Mote Hill, 291. Nantglyn, 230. Mississippi, 17, 462. Mote of the Mark, 291. Nantua, 230. Missouri, 17, 466. Mote, The, 291. Nantwich, 162, 230, 370. Mis Tor, 225, 325. Motuca, 93. Naples, 384, 464. Mistretta, 101. Moulsey, 348. Nash Point, 176. Mitau, 333. Moumour, Ilo. Natal, 13. Mittelmark, 265. Mount Benjerlaw, 212. Natchcz, 17. Moat Hill, 291. Moussel wick, 176. Natolia, 76. MAAAF Index 1.–Local Names. 529 AAA 356. Naturns, 50. Nightingale Lane, 399. Oister Hills, 314. Nauplia, 384. Nihou, 188. Okeley, 468. Navesby, 313. Nilgherries, 472. Oke River, 204. Navistock, 313. Nimwegen, 389. Olbia, 92. Naxia, 377. Nine Elms, 464, 468. Oldbury, 264. Naze, The, 163, 164,176. Nípissing, 17. Old Ditch, 257. Nazirah, 377. Nismes, 331. Old Ford, 254. Neath River, 218. Nobar, 3. Old Man, 388. Nebrissa, 97. Nora, 92. Olney, 468. Neckar River, 329. Norbury, 462. Oloron, 109. Needles, The, 471. Norfolk, 268, 462. Oporto, 411. Negropont, 397. Norfolk Island, 34. Orange, Fort, 27. Ness, The, 179. Norleigh, 462. Orange River, 31, 386. Nesting, 295. Normandby, 268. Orellana River, 29. Netherby, 158, 463. Normandikes, 304. Orford, 161, 165. Netherwich, 162. Normandy, 71. Orfordness, 164. Netley, 466. Norman’s Cross, 179. Organ Mountains, 471. Neufchâtel, 464. Normanton, 192. Orippo, 96. Neumark, 265. North Anna River, 27. Oristan, 102. Neustadl, 464. Northſleet, 187, 274. Orkney, 171. Nevers, 222. Northumberland, 268,462. Orleans, 318. Neville, 464. Northwich, 162. Ormathwaite, 174. Nevilleholt, 191. Norwich, 165. Ormes Head, 176. New Amsterdam, 27, 28. Norwick Bay, 172. Ormsby, 126, 166. New Brunswick, 38. Notre Dame des Portes, Ormunde, 463. Newby, 464. Oseney, 348, 204. New Caledonia, 34. Notting Hill, 277. Ose River, 204. Newcastle, 464. Nova Scotia, 10, 26. Osey Island, 204. Newchurch, 350. Nova Zembla, 464. Ossaboer, 179. New Forest, 364. Novgorod, 464, 486. Ossaia, 299. Newfoundland, 10, 21, Noyon, 222. Osteglia, 357. 464. Nuneaton, 345. Ostend, 4.63. Newgate, 252, 274. Nunthorpe, 345. Ostia, 356. New Ground, 352. Nutford, 466. Ost-tönne, 119. New Hampshire, 38. Nycoping, 373. Oswestry, 312. Newhaven, 351. Nymet Rowland, 331. Otford, 254, 312, 384, New Hebrides, 34. Nyon, 222. 463. New Holland, 32. Othery, 351. New Inverness, 27. Othoca, 92. New Jersey, 26. Oakley, 468. Ottawa, 17. Newland, 464. Oare, 482. Otterbourn, 466. New Netherlands, 27. Ochil Hills, 247. Oudales, 188. New Orleans, 25, 38. Ochiltree, 247. Ouistreham, 141. Newport, 351, 464. Ock River, 204. Ourcq River, 216. Newport-Pagnell, 191. Odalengo, 147. Ouseburn, 204, 211. Newsom, 138. Oelbach, 389. Ouse River, 204. New South Wales, 34. Offa's Dyke, 257. Ousel River, 204. Newstead, 464. Offenham, 312. Over, 354, 482. New Sweden, 27. Offley, 312. Owlar Tor, 225. New York, 27, 74. Ohio, 17. Owstwick, 139. New Zealand, 32. Ohre River, 217. Oxford, 254, 466. Niagara, 17, 37. Oise River, 204. Oxley, 466. M M 530 Index 1.—Local Names. Oxmantown, 181. Pennigant, 220. Pisa, 377. Oxney, 354. Pennine Alps, 219. Pisgah, 475. Oxwich, 176. Pennsylvania, 16. Pisogne, 147. Penpont, 220. Pitchley, 270. Penrhos, 220, 224. Pittsburgh, 26. Pabba, 337. Penrhyn, 206, 220. Piz del Moro, 112. Pachynus, 91, 93. Penrith, 220. Piz Morter, 114. Pacific Ocean, 469. Pensby, 175. Piz Mortiratsch, 114. Padstow, 341. Penshurst, 220, 360. Piz Muretto, 114. Paestum, 334 Pentland Hills, 220. Pleshy, 190. Painbeuf, 186. Pentlow Hill, 212. Plumetot, 141, 185. Palatinus, Mons, 451. Penwally, 220. Plymouth, 16. Palermo, 469. Penyholt Stack, 176. Plynlimmon, 465. Palestine, 12. Penzance, 341. Point Anxiety, 34. Pall Mall, 288. Peræa, 463. Point Turnagain, 34. Palmyra, 377, 386, 469. Perga, 123. Poitou, 71, 490. Pampeluna, 318. Pergamos, 123. Poland, 397. Panama, 467. Pernambuco, 30, 470. Polbrook, 325. Pann Castle, 220. Perranzabuloe, 341. Polenza, 470. Papa, 337. Peru, 408. Polgarth, 98. Papas, 337. Perugia, 377. Polsden, 325. Paplay, 337 Perwick, 173. Polsdon, 325. Paraguay, 481. Peschkow, 466. Polstead, 325. Parahiba, 481. Peterborough, 123. Pomerania, 86, 463. Parana, 481. Petersfield, 361. Po Morto, 357. Paris, 72, 490. Petersgate, 252. Pontefract, 249, 253. Paro, 377. Petra, 83. Ponteland, 253. Passingford, 254. Petuaria, 139. Pont Neath Vechan, 462. Patagonia, 467. Pevensey, 351. Pontresina, 115. Patimo, 377. Pfyn, 267. Pontus, 86. Paunton, 253. Pharos, 371. Poppenwind, 43. Pelorus Cape, 371, 470. Phiala, 471. Populonia, 377. Pembroke, 220. Philadelphia, 15, 317. Porchester, 249. Pen, 220. Philippine Islands, 7, 29. Port dyn Norwig, 176. Penard, 220. Philipstown, 7. Portfleet, 274. Pencoid, 220. Phineke, 91. Port na Spanien, 301. Pencraig, 220. Phænice, 91. Port Philip, 35. Pendennis, 220. Phoenicia, 469. Portsmouth, 307. Pendhill, 212. Phoenicus, 91. Port Valais, 356. Pendlehill, 212. Phæniki, 91. Portugal, 65. Pendleton, 220. Piacenza, 383, 470. Posgost, 50. Pendrich, 220. Piccadilly, 288. Potomac, 17, 37. Penherf, 219. Picts' Work, 257. Potsdam, 45, 389. Penhill, 212, 220. Piedmont, 75. Po Vecchio, 357. Penilucus, 219. Pihking, 463. Pourriéres, 299. Penketh, 220. Pihling, 463. Preston, 345. Penlaw, 212. Pike o' Stickle, 174. Prestwich, 345. Penmaenmawr, 220, 462. Pilatus, 395, 474. Prettlewell, 164. Penmarch, 219. Pile of Foudry, 372. Priestholme, 176. Penn, 220. Pimlico, 289. Priors Hardwick, 345. Pennagaul Hills, 220. Pindus, Mount, 219. Providence, 15, 38. Pennant, 230. Pinhow, 2126 Providence, Fort, 34. Index 1.- Local Names. 531 Prussia, 463. Rea River, 207. Puente de Alcantara, 212. Reading, 243. Pulopenang, 469. Recken Dyke, 257. Punjab, 465. Reculvers, 138. Purfleet, 187, 274. Redriff, 279. Putney, 280, 348. Redruth, 331. Puy Maure, 110. Red Sea, 386, 471. Pwllhelli, 370. Regalmuto, 101. Pyrenees, 437, 475. Rega River, 207. Regen River, 207. Reichenhall, 371. Quantovic, 188. Reigate, 252, 477. Quat, 269. Reikjavik, 465. Quatford, 269. Reinhardswind, 43. Quebec, 25. Rellinghaus, 152. Queenborough, 298. Rendlesham, 312. Queenhithe, 279. Repps, 166. Queen’s County, 7. Repulse Bay, 34. Quiberon, 229. Resultana, IOI. Quillebeuf, 186. Retford, 468. Quimper, 71. Return Reef, 34. Quittebeuf, 186. Revesby, 167. Reykholt, 359. Raby, 175. Rey River, 207. Radeburg, 333. Rha River, 207. Radegast, 333. Rhea River, 207. Radegosz, 333. Rhee River, 207. Radensdorf, 333. Rhegium, 471. Radibor, 333. Rheims, 490. Radihoscht, 333. Rhind, 206. Rainsbarrow, 174. Rhine River, 207. Raithby, 167. Rhin River, 207. Raleigh, 18. Rhoda, Gulf of, 40. Raleigh Island, 18. Rhotia, 50. Rampsholme, 174. Rhone River, 208. Ramsey, 177, 349. Richardtun, 192. Ramsgate, 252. Richmond, 190. Ransdale, 174. Rickeston, 178. Rapidan, 27. Ringwood, 73. Rappahanock, 17, 37. Rio Colorado, 471. Rasacarami, IOI. Rio de la Plata, 466. Ras el Tafal, 103. Rio Grande, 462. Rasenna, 50. Rio Negro, 472. Rasicalbo, 101. Ripley, 313. Rasiçanzir, IoI. Rievaux, 191. Rasicorno, 101. Robeston, 178. Ratcliffe, 471. Rockbeer, 179. Rathay River, 174. Rockbere, 179. Rathboyne, 487. Rockingham, 147. Rathlin, 487. Rodenditmol, 292. Ratzenwinden, 43. Rodges, 333. Ray River, 207. Rodney, 351, 468. Roe River, 207. Rogeston, 178. Rolandseck, 394. Rollesby, 166. Romagna, 73. Romania, 73. Rome, 54. Romford, 254. Romney Marsh, 349. Romney, New, 349. Romney, Old, 349. Ronaldsa, 171. Ronaldsay, 173. Ronsegno, 147 Roodey, 352. Roosefelt, 28. Rosa, Monte, 225. Rosatsch, 225. Roscommon, 225. Rosduy, 224. Roseboom, 28. Roseg, 225. Rosendale, 28. Rosenlaui, 225. Roslin, 216, 225. Rosneath, 224. Ross, 224. Rossberg, 224, 478. Rostrenan, 225. Rotha River, 174. Rouen, 416, 490. Roum, 73. Roumelia, 73. Rousillon, 410. Routot, 185. Row Tor, 225. Roxburgh, 225. Roy River, 207. Rozas, 40. Rubicon, 450. Rue River, 207. Rugby, 157, 471. Rugen Island, 71. Runnimede, 291. Rusholme, 468. Rusucurum, 94. Rutchester, 258. Rutland, 471. Rye River, 207. Rýknield Street, 250. Rynd, 206. Rysom Garth, 138. M M 2 532 Index 1.—Local Names. CA Saala River, 371. Samarcand, 316. Scar House, 164. Saas, 114. Samo, 377. Scarness, 174, 189. Saborra, 97. Samos, 92, 475. Schaffhausen, 487. Sachsenhausen, 153, 271 Samothrace, 92. Schautewitz, 333. St. Agnes, 178, 391. Sanda, 171. Schluderns, 50. St. Alban's Head, 392. Sandbach, 466. Schneekoppe, 474. St. Albans, 344. Sandgate, 252. Schöllnach, 368. St. Angelo, 343. Sandhurst, 466. Schreckhorn, 474. St. Augustine, 13. Sandoe, 171. Schwerin, 466. St. Bees, 341. Sandrup, 158. Schwytz, 271. St. Bride's Stack, 176. Sandsthing, 295. Scinde, 466. St. Brieux, 342. Sandwich, 162, 181, 348, Scio, 469. St. Charles, 25. 466. Scotland, 70, 490. St. Clair, Lac, 25. Sandwich Islands, 34. Scotncy, 349. St. Cloud, 343. Sandwich Land, 34. Scotthorpe, 268. St. Denis, 345. Sandwick, 170, 172. Scratch Meal Scar, 328. St. Domingo, 378. Sandwick Bay, 171, Scratta Wood, 329. St. Edmund's Bury, 344. 173 Scrivelsby, 167. St. Edmund's Dyke, 257. Sanguinetto, 299. Scrotesby, 166. St. Gallen, 342. Saniſera, 96. Scythopolis, 270. St. Goar, 342, 391. Sannat, 103. Seacoal Lane, 277. St. IIelena, 13. San Salvador, II. Seaford, 161, 18o. St. Heliers, 343. San Sebastian, 12. Seal Chart, 360. St. Ives, 341. Santa Cruz, 12. Seckington, 351, 380. St. Kenelm's Well, 341. Santander, 343. Sedan, 427. St. Lawrence, 13. Santarem, 343. Sedgeley, 468. St. Louis, 25. Santiago de Compostella, Segodunum, 222. St. Malo, 342. 343, 345. Seidlitz, 418, 485. St. Mary Overy, 279. Santorin, 470. Selby, 158. St. Mary Somerset, 279. Sarne, 472. Seleucia, 316. St. Mary's Gate, 252. Sarnow, 472. Selinus, 92. St. Michael's Mount, 97. Sarn yr Afrange, 369. Selling, 128. St. Neot's, 342. Sart, 377. Selsey, 351, 466. St. Omer, 342. Sarum, 223, 378. Senlac, 301. St. Oreste, 391. Sassenberg, 270, 271. Sermon Lane, 398. St. Osyth, 344. Sassetot, 141, 271. Servianika, 270. St. Petersburgh, 319. Satterleigh, 322. Seton, 192. St. Pierre sur le Digue, Satterthwaite, 322. Sevenoaks, 464, 468. 355. Saturnia, 377. Sevilla, 96. St. Ubes, 391. Sauterne, 411. Sewardstone, 312. St. Victoire, 299. Savoy, The, 281. Sharpenhoeknoll, 212. Sala River, 371. Sawting, 295. Shawbury, 468. Saldanha Bay, 31. Saxaford, 170. Shaws, The, 391. Salduba, 97. Saxby, 268. Sheerness, 164, 189. Salem, 13, 38. Saxony, 71. Shellness, 164. Sale River, 371. Scale How, 175. Shepody Mountain, 391. Salisbury, 379. Scalenghe, 147. Sherringham, 128. Salmonby, 167. Scaletta, 116. Shilton, 313. Salop, 74, 378. Scalloway, 296. Shilvington, 128. Salza, 371. Scanderoon, 316. Shinburness, 174. Salzburg, 371. Scaranos, 189. Shipton, 466. Samaden, 115. Scarborough, 123, 163. Shirleywich, 162. Index 1.—Local Names. 533 Shoeburyness, 164. Slaughter, 303. Stapleſord Abbots, 345. Shoreditch, 279. Slaughterford, 301, 302. Stappen, 466. Shotover Hill, 390. Snierwick, 181. Stargard, 486. Shottington, 120. Smithfield, Virginia, 22. Start Island, 353. Shotwick, 175. Smith's Isles, 22, Starwitz, 46.4. Shrewsbury, 378, 468. Smith's Sound, 19, 35. Staten Island, 27. Sicily, 470. Snaſell, Iceland, 5, 474. Steepavat, 172. Sidon, 2, 7, 90. 376. Snafell, Isle of Man, 5, Steepholm, 177. Siebenburgen, 46, 464. 474. Stepney, 279, 381, 399. Siegesberg, 302. Sneefell, 173, 474. Steyerinark, 266. Sienna, 377, 418. Sneehälten, 5, 474. Sticklinch, 351. Sierra Leone, 12. Sneekoppe, 5, 474. Sticks, The, 174. Sierra Morena, 472. Sneeuw Bergen, 5, 474. Stockbridge, 254. Sierra Nevada, 5, 474, Snowdon, 5, 474. Stockholm, 163. 477 Snow Hill, 399. Stoke-Mandeville, 191, Sierra Vermeja, 472. Snows, The, 391. Stoke-Pirou, 191. Sigtuna, 119. Soar River, 218. Stokesby, 166. Suīberhorn, 474 Society Islands, 33. Stolac, 50. Silbury, 331. Soderick, 173. Stolvizza, 50. Silly Wreay, 390. Sodor, 172. Stonegate, 252. Silver Hill, 177. Sollentuna, 119. Stone Street, 250. Silverholm, 174. Solothurn, 201. Stony Stratfurd, 250. Silver How, 175, 477. Solway, 73, 206, 490. Store River, 201. Simcoe, Lake, 35. Somerset, 69. Storms, Cape of, 31. Sinai, Mount, 408. Somers Islands, 29. Stor River, 201. Sinde, so. Sommersby, 167. Stortford, 254. Sion, 221, 475, 490. Soracte, 391. Stourmouth, 349. Sise Lane, 399. Southfleet, 274. Stour River, 201. Sistrans, 50. Spa, 418. Stowmarket, 374. Sitten, 221, 490. Spain, 91, 94. Straightgate, 179. Siuè-Ling, 474, Spaniola, 115. Strand, The, 275. Skagi, Cape, 359. Sparti, 377. Strangford, 161, 181. Skalholt, 359. Speen, 249. Stratford, 251, 254, 462, Skeggles Water, 174. Spitalfields, 280. Stratford-le-Bow, 253. Skelding, 128. Spithead, 476. Stratford-on-Avon, 254, Skelmergate. 252. Spuyten Duyvel, 28. Strathclyde, 480. Skerki Rocks, 189. Staatsburg, 28. Strath-helmsdale, 170. Skeroar, 170. Stack Island, 176. Stratton, 251. Skeipoint, 176. Stack, North, 176. Streatham, 251. Skerries, The, 163, 176, Stack Rocks, 176. Streatley, 251. Stack, South, 176. Streets of London, 272, Skerrow, Loch, 170. Stackpole Head, 176. Stretford, 251. Skerryback, 176. Staffa, 163, 466. Stretton, 251, 462. Skerryford, 176. Stafford, 243, 254. Stronsa, 171. Skerryvore, 163. Staines, 484. Strumble Head, 176. Skillington, 147. Stake, 174. Studda, 177. Skogarfoss, 160, 359. Stamboul, 384. Stura River, 201. Skogcoltr, 359. Standard Hill, 301. Sturminster, 345. Skokholm Island, 176. Stanford, 254. Stuyvesant, 28. Skomer, 177. Stanko, 384. Suabia, 71, 149. Skrattaskar, 329. Stavsgate Wick, 164. Sudbury, 462. Skyro, 377. Stapleford, 254. Sudley, 463. ,179, 181. 534 Index 1.- Local Names. Sudreyjar, 172. Taurus, 225. Thorigny, 374. Suel, 97. Tave River, 216. Thorington, 128. Sueveghem, 271. Tavon River, 209. Thorney, 352, 468. Suffolk, 268, 462. Tavy River, 197, 216. Thorney Island, 280, 348. Sulby, 172. Taw River, 197, 216. Thornston, 177. Sulchi, 93. Tay River, 216. Thornton, 175. Sully, 176. Teane River, 209. Thorp, 179. Superior, Lake, 25. Tees River, 209, 218. Thorpe, 165, 180. Sûr, 377. Teign River, 209. Thorpe, East, 165. Surrey, 268, 462. Telliboden, 112. Thorpe le Soken, 165. Susquehanna, 17. Tema River, 216. Thorrington, 128. Sussex, 268, 462. Teme River, 216. Thorshavn, 171. Sutherland, 75, 170, 462. Tempe, 471. Thrace, 83. Swabia, 71, 149. Temple Chelsing, 346. Thun, 22I. Swale River, 218. Temple Dinsley, 346. Thunderhill, 324. Swanagc, 180, 381. Temple Roydon, 346. Thundersfield, 324. Swanescomb, 180 Tempsa, 93. Thundersleigh, 324. Swan River, 467. Tenby, 177. Thundorf, 222. Swanthorpe, 180. Tenedlos, 377; Thundridge, 324. Swanton, 180. Tenterden, 361. Thurleigh, 324. Swanwick, 180. Terceira, 465. Thurlow, 324. Swashings, The, 391. Terhoulde, 188. Thurning, 147. Swedesboro', 27, 40. Ternengo, 147 Thur River, 199. Swindon, 466. Terregles, 346. Thurr River, 200. Swingfield, 466. Tête Blanche, 5. Thursby, 324. Sybaris, 93, 444. Teufelsmauer, 328. Thurscross, 324. Sydney, 35. Teufelstein, 328, 389. Thursfield, 324. Syria, 87, 90. Tew Dunse, 322. Thursford, 324. Tewesley, 322. Thurshelton, 179, 296, Tew, Great, 322. 324. Tabæ, 93. Tewin, 322. Thursley, 324. Table Mountain, 471. Teyn River, 209. Thurso, 170, 324. Tacarata, 94. Thames River, 203, 216. Thurstable, 324. Tachbury, 364. Thanet, 138. Thurstan, 177. Tadmor, 2, 376, 469. Thapsus, 93. Thurstanton, 175. Taff River, 197, 209. Thaso, 377. Thurston, 324. Tagara, 94. Thaxstead, 203, 384. Thwing, 297. Tagarata, 94. Thera, 470. Tian River, 209. Tagus, 96. Thermopylæ, 465. Tiberias, 318. Tain, 295. Thimbleby, 297. Tierra del Fuego, 465. Ta Loch, 216. Thinganes, 294. Tilisuna, 50. Tamar River, 216. Thingdon, 297. Tingewick, 297. Tame River, 216. Thingmuli, 294. Tingshogen, 293. Tamworth, 122. Thingore, 294. Tingwall, 295. Tancarville, 159. Thingskaler, 294. Tinsley, 297. Tankerton, 192. Thingvellir, 293. Tinwald Hill, 295. Tarasp, 115. Thingwall, 175, 295. Tinwell, 297. Tarifa, 104, 315, 445. Thistleworth, 384. Tlascala, 17. Tarik, Mountain of, 104. Thoby, 164. Tobago, 409. Tarragona, 96. Thomaston, 178. Todburn, 466. Tarsus, 92. Thong Castle, 393. Todfield, 466. Tasmania, 32. Thong Castor, 393. Todincthun, 119. Index 1.- Local Names. 535 Toft, 167. Trins, 50. Upminster, 345. Tokay, 411. Tripe Court, 399. Upton, 463. Toledo, 97, 420. Tripoli, 7, 384, 417, 464. Ural Mountains, 475. Toller Fratrum, 346. Trivento, 231. Urbiaca, 239. Urbina, 239. Tom Kedgwick Moun- Trondhjem, 298. tain, 391. i Trotternish, 172. Urci, 97. Tone River, 209. Trotterscliffe, 382. Uria, 239, 240. Tonengo, 147. Trougham, 364. Use River, 204. Tong, 269. Troyes, 228, 490. Usk River, 203. Tooley Street, 381, 399. Truxillo, 318. Utica, 94. Tooter Hill, 326. Tschars, 50. Utrecht, 385. Toot Hill, 326. Tucking Mill, 178. Uxbridge, 254. Toplitz, 468. Tuileries, 290, 452. Tor, 225. Tulloch Street, 381. Torbay, 225. Tunbridge, 254. Vaagoe, 171. Torcegno, 147. Turas, 239. Val de Nant, 213, 230. Torkington, 147. Turdetani, 239. Valdengo, 147 Torness, 324. Turhulme, 187. Val de Penas, 411. Torre River, 201. Turia River, 201. Valenciennes, 318, 423. Torres Straits, 29. Turiaso, 239. Valentia, 470. Torres Vedras, 464. Turiga, 239. Valetta, 315, 470. Tortuga, 467. Turin, 72, 490. Valparaiso, 469. Tot Hill, 326. Turkey, 72. Vancouver's Island, 33. Tournay, 385. Turnagain Point, 34. Van Diemen's Land, 32. Tournebue, 186. Tursdale, 324. Vannes, 231, 490. Tours, 490. Tuscany, 50. Varengefjord, 189. Tourville, 185. Tusis, 50. Varengeville, 189. Towy, River, 197. Tyburn, 278. Varengo, 147. Trachonitis, 83. Tydd, 354. Vatternish, 172. Traeth Mawr, 352. Ty Ddewi, 340. Vels, 50. Trafalgar, 109, 488. Tyne River, 209. Velthurns, 50. Tralee, 482. Tynet River, 209. Venetia, 79, 231, 490. Transylvania, 46, 463. Tynwald Hill, 297, 298. Venezuela, 467. Trapani, 395, 470. Tyre, 7, 90. Vera Cruz, 12. Trebbia, 229. Tyrrell's Ford, 308. Verbosc, 188. Trebizond, 471. Tyrol, 84, 225. Verde, Cape, 471. Treborough, 228. Verdun, 222. Treglia, 229. Vermont, 25, 472. Trenance, 230. Ucheltree, 247. Verurium, 239. Trent River, 200. Ucia, 97. Vespasian's Camp, 314. Tresso, 229. Uckfield, 361. Vesuvius, 358, 466. Tretire, 228. Ufford, 312. Via Flandrica, 178. Trevento, 228. Uggmere, 204. Vico, 188. Treves, 72, 228, 490. Uig, 172. Victoria, 319. Trevi, 229. Ukermark, 265. Vigo, 162, 188. Treviso, 229. Ukraine, 265. Villanders, 50. Trewen, 228. Ulrome, 139. Villeneuve, 356, 464. Tricastin, 228. Ullsthorpe, 460. Vindelicia, 79. Trient, 229. Ulster, 182. Vindobonum, 79. Trieste, 229. Ulverstone, 174. Vineyard, The, 367. Tring 125. Umber, 418. Vinland, io. United States, 54 Virginia, 7, 17. Trinidad, 12. 536 Index 1.—Local Names. Vittefleur, 187. Vittoriosa, 316, 470. Vogar, 177. Volaterra, 377. Volhynia, 85. Voorbourg, 384. Wadhurst, 361. Wadley, 323. Wafer Inlet, 32, Walbrook, 278. Walcheren, 63. Walderswick, 165. Wales, 63. Waligost, 46. Wallabout Bay, 27. Wallachia, 63. Wallensee, 63: Wallenstadt, 63. Wallentuna, 119. Wallis, 63. Wallingford, 254. Wallsend, 258. Walmgate, 252. Walney, 173. Walpole, 354. Walsoken, 354. Walterston, 178. Walton, 165, 354. Walton - on - the - Naze, Warmlow, 313. Weybridge, 254. Warnborough, 322. Wey River, 206. Warrington, 129, 147. Whilby, 157, 175. Warwick, 162. Whiteſord, 176. Washburn, 211. Whitefriars, 281. Wash, The, 204. Whitehall, 379. Waterbeach, 354. Whitehorse Hill, 327. Waterford, 161, 181, 390. Whiteness, 164. Watervliet, 28. White Sea, 471. Wathwick, 176. Whitney, 348. Watling Street, 250. Whitsand, 177. Wayland Smith, 327. Wick, 162, 170, 180. Weald, The, 360. Wickham, 162. Wedesley, 323. Wickham Market, 374. Wednesbury, 322. Wickhaven, 176. Wednesfield, 323. Wicklow, 162, 181. Wednesham, 323. Wick Rock, 178. Wedneshough, 323. Wieck, 484. Weighbogen, 332. Wieringerwaard, 189. Weighton, 332, 335. 165. Walworth, 122. Wambrook, 323. Wamden, 323. Wampool, 323. Wanborough, 322. Wandlesbury, 269. Wandsworth, 122. Wansbeckwater, 211. Wansdyke, 256, 323. Wansford, 323. Wansley, 323. Wanstead, 323. Wanstrow, 322. Wanthwaite, 323. Warcoppice, 304. Wardlaw, 263. Wardykes, 304. Ware, 304. War Lane, 301. Warminster, 345. Wiesenfeld, 368. Weisshorn, 5, 474. Wiesenstiege, 368. Wiessmies, 5, 474. Wigborough, 164. Weland's Forge, 327. Wight, Isle of, 71, 307, 387. Welland River, 482. Wigthorp, 332. Wellingen, 152. Wilhelmsbad, 319. Wellington, 35, 125. Wilksby, 167. Well Street, 360. Williamstown, 178. Wembury, 322. Wilnpach, 385. Wendel Hill, 270, Wilstrup, 158. Wenden, 44. Wiltshire, 69. Wendhausen, 44. Wimille, 133. Wendischhayn, 44. Winchelsea, 350. Wendlebury, 269. Winchester, 231, 243. Wendon, 323. Windheim, 44. Werrington, 129. Windischbuch, 43. Weschnitz River, 44. Windischgrätz, 43. Weser River, 463. Windle, 133, 270. Wessex, 268, 462. Windleden, 270. Westgate, 252. Windlesham, 269. Westholme, 352. Windsor, 482. West Indies, 400. Wingleton, 120. Westmann Isles, 271. Winnal, 368. Westminster, 345. Winnenden, 43. Westmoreland, 462. Winsled, 364. Westonzoyland, 352. Winter Harbour, 34. Westphalia, 85, 463. Winterthur, 201, 389. Westra, 171. Wisbeach, 204, 354. Westrup, 158. Wisborow Hill, 322. West-tönne, 119. Wisby, 332. Westvoe, 170 Wisconsin, 17. Wetterhorn, 474. Wiskin, 354. Wexford, 161, 181. Wisk River, 204. Index 1.- Local Names. 537 Ynys Hir, 352. Yonker's Island, 27. York, 243, 381. York River, 410. Yorkshire, 74. Yverdun, 221. Yvetot, 185. Wissan, 355. Wyborg, 332. Wistman's Wood, 292. Wych Street, 279. Wiza River, 174. Wycombe, 227. Woden Hill, 323. Wydale, 332. Woking, 125, 128. Wye River, 206. Wolds, The, 363. Wyk, 188. Wolferlow, 368. Wyke, 162. Wolga, 462. Wysg River, 203. Wollau, 466. Wolsingham, 128. Wolvesey, 368. Zab River, 197. Zaragossa, 317, 385. Zebbey, 103. Zeboim, 467. Zeitz, 333. Zerbruggen, 463. Zermatt, 233, 384, 463, Xanthus, 471. Wonersh, 323. Xeres, 411. Wonston, 323. Xeuchia, 103. Woodford, 254. Woodnesborough, 322. Woolsingham, 128. Yafa, 377. Woolwich, 164. Yair River, 214. Wooton, 364. Yarcombe, 226. Worcester, 69, 73, 382, Yare River, 196, 214. 490. Yarro River, 214. Worcestershire, 268. Yarrow River, 196, 214. Worm's Head, 176. Yaxley, 354. Wrabness, 163, 164. Yellow Sea, 386, 471. Wrath, Cape, 390. Venikale, 100. Wrenside, 174. Yes Tor, 225. .Wrey River, 207. Ynys Fach, 352. Wroxeter, 225, 261. Ynys Fawr, 352. 474. Zershell, 317. Zlebac, 50. Zsil, 318. Zuglio, 318, 385. Zurich, 74, 201. Zuyder Zee, 463. Zweibrucken, 464. Zwettnitz, 333. Zwitto, 333. Zyet, ior. 538 Index II.—Matters. INDEX II. MATTERS. *** Prefixes, suffixes, and roots are distinguished by the absence of an initial capital. English words whose etymology is explained or illustrated are printed in italics. a, suffix, 163, 171, 174, 348, 481, 483. aayn, Arabic prefix, 102. aber, Celtic word, 187, 245, 482. Adjectival components of local names, list of, 462-475. Adjectival element (The) of local names, 460. afon, root, 195, river-names containing it, 196~-199. Agate, 418. Age, relative, adjectival components denoting it, 464. agh, 479. Agricultural terms in England, mostly Celtic, 160. Agriculture, its condition in Saxon Alps, The Arabs in, 111-116, 474; England as shown by local names, 366. ain, Arabic prefix, 102, 113, 482. Alabaster, 418. Alans in Switzerland, 50. al, Arabic article, 106. Alemanni, The, 59. Alexander the Great, cities named aſter him, 316. Alexandrine verse, 439. Aliens, names in London derived from, 282. Al Jezirah (Mesopotamia), 104. Allemands, The, 59, 60. all-white, river-names containing it, 214. ethnology of, 48-51. America, colonization of, 9; its dis- covery by the Northmen, 10; its names, II, 457 ; its early history illustrated by local names, 37, 38; mistake in naming it, II, 400. Sce United States. American names, derivation of, 38. Amerigo Vespucci, 11, 400. Ammonia, 419. an, suffix, 55. Analogy necessary in Onomatology, 455, 456. Ancient tribes, names of, preserved in modern cities and provinces, 70- 73, 400, 489. Angel, (coin,) 434. Angles, The, 70. Angles and Danes, 166. Anglian dialectic forms, 166. Anglo-Norman nobles in Scotland, 192. Anglo-Saxon names, writers on, 43. Anglo-Saxons, 117–154; connexion with the Swedes, 119; their settle- ments in France, 131-136, 139 -147; our ignorance of their my- thology, 320; places named from their deities, 320. See Saxons. Animals, extinct, traces of, in local names, 368; places named from, Index 11.—Matters. 539 Assemblies, popular, names derived from their sites, 291. ath, 483. Atrebates, The, 71. Attic (room), 424. Attic salt, 444. Augustus, local names derived from, 317, 385. Auroch (The), places in Germany named from, 368. Australia, Dutch discovery of, 32. Avars, The, 128. Avon, a Celtic river-name, 196–199. ay, suffix, 163, 385, 483. Baal or Bel, 96, 325, 334. Babel, 450. Badger (The), places in England named from, 368, 467. Baffin, adventures and discoveries of, 19.. 466; names of, their derivation, 414. Animals, local names derived from, 466. Apollo, places named from, 334. 'ATOOKUBICELV, 446. Apple-trees, places in England, named from, 367, 468. ar, Celtic preposition, 86, 463. ar-to plough, wide diffusion of the root, 66, 69. ar, root, river-names containing it, 216. Arabic names, 47, 99—116; in Swit- zerland, 50, III—116; in Sicily, IOI; in Malta, 102, 103; in the Isle of Pantellaria, 103 ; in Spain, 103—109; their distribution in Spain and Portugal, 104, 105 ; river-names in Spain, 106. Arabic patois in Malla and Gozo, 103. Arabic words in Italian, 101; in the Isle of Pantellaria, 103 ; in Spanish, 109; in the patois of Languedoc, Bailiff, 274. Bairii, 68. Baize, 426. Balcony, 273. Balder, names derived from, 325. bal, balla, bally, Gadhelic root, 119, IIO. Arable, 66. Arab population in Spain, 104. Arabs, their conquests, 99; their set- tlements in Southern Italy, 99; in Sicily, 100-102, in Corsica and Sardinia, 102; in Spain and Portu- gal, 103—109; in France, 109, 11o; in the Alps, III–116; ety- mological proofs of their ingenuity, industry, and science, 419–422. Arcadian, 444. Arches, Court of, 451. Arctic discoveries, 18—21. Arctic exploration, 18-20, 34, 35. ard, Celtic prefix, 226, 476. Armorican dialect, The, 194. Arms, 67. Army, 67. Arona, 66. Artesian wells, 429. Articles, their incorporation with local names, 384. Artillery, original meaning of, 273. Artois, names in, 132 ; Saxon patro- nymics in, 491–495. Aryans, The, 67. Assassin, 446. 247, 248, 484. balm, 478. ban-white, river-names containing it, 215. Barb, 415. Barbarian, 61, 81, 396. Barbican, 273. Baron, 68. barrow, suffix, 123, 476, 486. Basques, The, 58, 86. batch, root, 159, 481. Battles, sites of, conserved in local names, 7, 299-305. Baudekin, 420. Bayeux, Saxon settlement near, 140. Bayonet, 428. Bayonne, Norse name near, 189. Beacon Hills, origin of, 372. Beaver (The), vestiges of, in local names, 369, 467. bec or beck, root, 159, 187,476, 481. Bedlam, 451. Behring, explorations of, 33. bekr, roct, 187. 540 Index II.—Matters. Belgæ, a Celtic tribe, 42, 63, 137. Belgium, Norse name in, 188. ben, Gadhelic root, 220, 476. beni, Arabic patronymic prefix, 108, 126, 487. bere, suffix, 157. - berg, 123, 476. Berline, 427. Bermudas (The), discovery of, 29. Bernina (The), Moorish colony in the valleys of, 116. Bernouse, 426. beth, 486. Better, 85. Bigot, 436. bil, root, 129. Billingsgate, 129, 450. " bir, Arabic prefix, 103, 482. Bishops' residences, names in London derived from, 285. Black men, 80. blair, 478. Blarney, 447. Blenkerism, 439. bluff, 478. Boar (The wild), places in England named from, 368, 466. Bobby, 432, bod, Celtic, 229. Baotian, 444. boer, root, 157, 179, 186. boeuf, suffix, 186, 485. Bogie, 330. Bogus, 439. Bohemian language, its probable ex- tinction, 44. Boii, The, 68, 71. Bolivar, 74. Bonnet, 426. Booth, 157. bor, 479. Border-lands or marches, their in- fluence on local names, 263. borough, suffix, 123, 476, 486. bosc, 188. Bosh, 446. Bothie, 157. bottle, 485. Bougie, 429. Boulogne, Saxon colony near, 131-134. Boundaries, substantival components denoting, 263, 484. Brag, 330. Brawi, 430. Brazils (The), Portuguese discoveries in, 30; origin of the name, 408, 469. Brazil and Brazil wood, 408. Brezonec dialect, The, 194. Bridges, local names derived from, 253, 483 ; and from their deficiency, 254; the art of building them un- known to the Saxons, 253 ; at one time known to the Celts, 255; substantival components denoting them, 483. Brigand, 255, 445. Brigantine, 445. Britain, name of, 54-56; its Eus- karian origin, 97; Carthaginians in, 97 ; its earliest intercourse with civilized nations, 98; names indi- cating sites of popular assemblies, 291 ; local names derived from the Scandinavian “things,” 292– 298 ; from battle-fields, 299 ; from the propagation of Christianity, 335. See England. British chiefs, their names conserved in local names, 313. bro, root, 56. Brooks in London, streets named from, 317. brough, suffix, 123, 486. bryn, Celtic root, names of ridges containing it, 224, 476. Buccaneers in the West Indies, 29, 30. buda, 485. bue, suffix, 157, 186. buf, suffix, 186. Bunkum, 446. burgh, suffix, 123, 258, 486. Burgher, 68. Burgonet, 428. Burial-places of saints, names derived from, 344. Burking, 439. Burlesque, 439. burn, 481. bury, suffix, 122 ; denoting fortified camps, 258, 486. bus, suffix, 485. by or byr, root, 157, 158, 164, 166, 167, 172, 179, 186, 485. Byzant, 433. Index II.--Matters. 541 Caen, Saxon settlement near, 139 142. caer, or car, Welsh word, 259, 486. Cæsar, Julius, local names derived from, 318, 385. Cagot, 436. cala, Arabic prefix, 103. Calibre, 428. Calico, 419. cam, root, river-names containing it, 217. Cambric, 422. Cambridgeshire fens, changes in, in- dicated by local names, 354. camp, Anglo-Saxon word, 305. Campanile, 429. Camps, ancient, local names derived from, 258, 303 ; indicated by suffix “bury,” 258. Canaanitish names in Palestine, 3 ; . worship, traces of, in the Old Testament, 334. Canada, curious transformation of names in, 391. Candy sugar, 409. Cannibal, 446. Canter, 448. Cap and Cape, 346. Cape Wine, 410. Carabine, 428. Carausius, 136, 139. Carp, 416. Carraways, 408. carrick, Gadhelic root, 225, 476. Carroniade, 429. cartha, Phoenician root, 94, 486. Carthage, Tyrian colony of, 94, 95. Carthaginians in Spain, 96, 97; in Britain, 97, 98. caster, its meaning in local names, 259, 486 ; its value as a testword, 259. Castile, its name indicative of a border kingdom, 263. Caucasus, ethnology of, 48. Causativeness, changes arising from, 387. cefn, Cymric root, names containing it, 218, 476. Celtic deities, local names derived from, 323. Celtic language, its dialectic differ- e nces, 193; its gradual extinction in England, 241. Celtic names in mountain districts, 48; in Switzerland, ib. ; in Wales and Ireland, 119; in Scotland, 170, 171. Celtic names : their antiquity, 194 ; their prevalence as names of large towns, 243 ; estimate of their preva- lence in England and Ireland, 244 ; prevalence of Celtic river-names, 194-218; phonetic changes in, 388. Celtic origin of English agricultural terms, 160. Celts (The), traced by local names, 42, 60, 63-65, 193–248; divided into two great branches, 193; once the dominant race of Europe, 194 ; traces of this in the river-names, 195; in the names of mountains and hills, 218; of strongholds, 221 ; of rocks and combes, 224 ; of dwellings, 228 ; of valleys and plains, 229; their distribution in Europe and Galatia, 232 ; summary of the evidence from their local names, 235 ; their settlements in Germany, 235; in France, 237; in the British Isles, 240 ; compared with the Saxons and Danes, 244; their connexion with bridge-build- ing, 255. Celts, Gadhelic, their course traced by local names, 232. cenn, Gadhelic root, names containing it, 221, 476. Chaffer, 373. Chalcedony, 417. Chalybeate, 418. Changes, phonetic, in local nomen- clature, 378; among unlettered nations, 379; in territorial sur- names, 381; from converting sounds into words, 386; from cau- sativeness, 387; from converting words into sounds, Celtic, 388 ; Anglo-Saxon and Norse, 389; French and Norman, 390 ;. in Canada, 391. Channel Islands, their village-names all derived from saints, 248. 542 Index 11.—Matters. Chap, 373. Chapel, 346. Chapman, 373. Charlatan, 432. chart, 360, 479. Chartreuse, 413. Chatti, The, 71, 128. Cheap, 373. Cherry, 403. Cheshire, Norse colony in, 175. Chess, origin of the terms in, 471. chester, its meaning in local nomen- clature, 259, 486; its value as a test-word, 259; generally found with a Celtic prefix, ib. Chestnut, 404. Chevaux de Frise, 428. Chevy, 448. Chian wine, 410. China, name of, 75. chipping, market-place, names de- rived from, 373. chlum, 477. Chocolate, 407. Christianity, vestiges from local names of its early propagation in Britain, 335. chy, 229. Cimbri in Italy, 51. Cities, names of regions, &c. derived from, 74; their history perpetuated in their street-names, 290 ; names of ancient tribes preserved in, 72, 489. Civilization, its history derived from local names, 8. Clan, 126. Clans, Teutonic, 127–130. Claret, 410. Classical authors, their fanciful deri- vations, 433. Classic mythology, local names de- rived from, 333. Classification of Norse names, 182. clere, suffix, 190, 486. clith, root; river-names containing it, 217. clon, 478. clough, 484 Coach, 427. Coast men, 87. Cocoa, 407. coed, Celtic word, 362, 479. Coffee, 407. Coins, etymology of their names, 433. Coldharbour, origin of the name, 255 ; its frequency on Roman roads, 256. colonia, names derived from, 262. Colonies, intrusive, local names de. noting them, 270. Colonies, isolated, 38. Colonies of the French, 7, 25, 26; of the English, 22, 26, 27; of the Dutch, 27, of the Spaniards, 25; ditto in the Pacific, 29, 30; Swedish, 27; of the Portuguese, 30, 31 ; of the Germans in North Italy, 50, 51, 147 ; of the Phænicians, 89; of the Moors in the valleys of the Alps, 111-116; of the Northmen, 183; in Pembrokeshire, 176; in Cheshire, 175; of the Saxons in Gaul, 133, 142, 153. Colonization, history of, 1o. Colonization of America, 9; German, in France, 142; Scandinavian, character of, 126. Colour, adjectival compounds de- noting it, 471. Columbus, local memorials of, 11, 12. combe, Saxon word, English names containing it, 226, 480. Commerce, its influence on local names, 372. Comparison of names in the Old World with those in the New, 40, 41, 456, 457. Compass, points of the, 142. Component elements of local names, 195, 460; adjectival, 462; sub- stantival, 476. Compostella, Danish fleet destroyed at, 188. condate, 482. Confederations of Teutonic invaders, 146. Configuration, adjectival compounds denoting it, 470. Contraction, its influence on phonetic changes, 381. Cook, Captain, discoveries of, 33. Coolie, 443. Copper, 417. Index 11.—Matters. 543 Cordwainer, 421. Corncrake, 292. Cornwall, Northmen in, 178; lan- guage of, 242 ; local names in, 228 ; derived from places of assembly, 292. Corruptions from changing sounds into words, 386 ; from mistakes or misconceptions, 400; legends arising from, 392. Corsair, 446. Corsica, settlements of the Phoeni- cians in, 93 ; of the Arabs, 102. Cossacks, The, 81. cote, Anglo-Saxon, 363, 486. Couch, 427. Counties of England, named from cities, 74; divided into hundreds, 191 ; into wapentakes, ib. ; ethnic names of, 267. Countries named from cities, 74; from rulers and founders, 74, 75. court, Anglo-Norman suffix, 190. craig, Cymric, a rock, names of places containing it, 225, 477. Crane (The), places in England named from, 368. crau, 225, 477 Cravat, 425. Crayon, 417. creek, Dutch origin of, in American river-names, 28. Cretaceous, 417. Crete, conquest of by the Dorians, 61; Phoenician settlements there, 91, 92. Cretin, 437. crick, 477. Croak, 292. Crutch, 281. Cufic Coins, 434. Curaçoa, 413. Currants, 407. cwm, Celtic root, 226, 480. Cymri, The, 58, 71, 84; their course traced by names of places, 232; their settlements in Europe, 232, 235; their immigration into Ger- many, 236 ; from North Italy, 236; their settlements in England and Wales, 241; in Scotland, 244 ; their limits there defined, 246. Cymric dialect, The, 194. Cypress, 409. dagh, suffix, 477. dale, suffix, 160, 480. Dalmatic, 421. Damask, 420. Damask rose, 406. Damson, 405. Danelagh, The, 168, 183, 294–297. Danes : London besieged by them, 164; their settlement in the South- East of England, 163--166; in Lincolnshire, 167; in Oxfordshire, 168; in Exeter, 179; in Somerset- shire, 178; in Devonshire, 179; in Dorsetshire, 180; in Hampshire, ib.; in the South of England, 180, 181; in Ireland, 181, 182 ; in France, 184-189; the conflicts with them preserved in the names of places, 302-305. Danish fleet destroyed at Compos- tella, 188. Danish names in France, 140, 184– 189. Danish names, distribution of, 168, 183; 'compared with Saxon and Celtic names in England, 244. Date of the first Teutonic settlements in England, 136—139. Davis, John, his discoveries, 19. Delf ware, 423. Demijohn, 429. den, Celto-Saxon root, 360, 480. Derrick, 431. Derwent, meaning of, 200. Descriptive names, 4, 5, 471. Deuce, 330. Deutsche, The, 59. Devil (The), legends attaching to places named after him, 328; origin of his synonyms “Old Nick" and “Old Scratch,” 329. Devizes, derivation of the name, 267. Devonshire, the Danes in, 179, 180; Scandinavian colony there, 296. Dexter, 76. deyr, Arabic prefix, 103, 488. dhu-black, river-names containing it, 215. Dialect, Anglian, 166. Diaper, 422. Diet, 292. Dimity, 421. 544 Index 11.—Matters. Distribution of Danish names, 168, 183. Documentary evidence necessary in Onomatology, 455. dodd, 478. Doiley, 429. dol, Celtic root, 160, 223, 478, 480. Dollar, 433. Dome, 113. Don as a river-name, 207 ; its pro- bable signification, 207 ; its exten- sive prevalence, 208. dorf, 119, 487. Dorsetshire, Danes in, 180. Douane, 108. dour, 199. Dragontuort, 408. Drake, Sir Francis, adventures of, 21. Drugget, 426. drum, prefix, 476. Ducat, 434. Duck (cloth), 423. Duke, 263. Dumfriesshire, Northmen in, 172. dun, Celtic root, names of fortresses containing it, 221, 477, 487. Dun cow (The), legend of, 393. Duplicate names of nations, 57. dur or dwr, root, 199, 202 ; river- names containing it, 299 ; its pro- bable source, 207. Dutch, colonies of, in North and South America, 27; their dis- coveries in the Eastern ocean, 31; their discovery of Australia, 32; origin of the name, 59. Dwellings, substantival components denoting them, 123, 157, 228, 484 dwr, Welsh word for water, 199, 207, 259, 481. Dyer, George, his etymological absur- dities, 454. Dykes, Saxon, account of, 256 ; names of places derived from, 256, 484. Eastern mythology, local names de- rived from, 333. Eastern Ocean, Dutch discoveries in the, 31. Edomites, the, 79. Eigil, names derived from, 328. Elements of local names, 460. Elizabethan era and its worthies, 18. 21. Elk (The), places in Germany named from, 368. Emperors of Rome, local names de rived from, 317. en, suffix, 151, 152. Enclosures, characteristic of the Teu- tonic race, 118; names denoting them, 118—124 ; substantival com- ponents denoting then, 484. England, once Celtic, 42; the land of enclosures, 117, 119 ; date of Teutonic settlements there, 136- 139; Normans in, 189—192; Nor- man-French names in, ib. ; Celtic river-names in, 195 ; those contain- ing the root afon, 196, 197 ; dur, 199 ; stour, 201 ; uisge, 202; gwy, or wy, 205; rhe, 206; don, 209; garw, all, 214 ; ban, dhu, llevn, linn, 215; tam, ar, 216 ; cam, clith, 217 ; names of ridges containing the root cefn, 218; of hills with the root pen, 219; cenn, 221 ; names of fortresses containing the root dun, 222 ; of headlands with bryn and ros, 224; craig and tor, 225; ard, 226; combe, ib. ; tre, 228; bod and llan, 229; man and nant, 230 ; gwent, 231; estimate of the Celtic element in, 240; the retro- cession of the Celts in, 241 ; traces of its universal occupation by them, 242; comparison of the Celtic ele- ment in, with the Saxon and Norse, 244; Roman names in, rare, 249 ; examples of Roman constructive skill abundant, 250; its ethnic shire and village names, 267 ; names of places derived from conflicts with the Danes, 302–305; myths of its early history, 307; eponymic names derived from the Saxon Conquest, 309-313; from British traditions, Eagle (coin), 434. Earnest, 66, 67. Earnings, 67. Earth, 66. Easter, 326. Index II.—Matters. 545 Etymologists, their sources of error examined, 453. Europe, meaning of the name, 76; peopled from the East, 193. Euskarian origin of the name of Britain, 97. Euskarian race, traces of, 41, 48, 55, 56; their settlements in France, Spain, and Portugal, 238. Excellence, or the reverse, adjectival compounds denoting it, 469. Exeter, Danes in, 179. ey, suffix, 163, 171, 173, 348, 483. 313; from the propagation of Chris- tianity, 335 ; geological changes in, marked by local names, 347; forest districts, traced by ditto, 360–364; its populousness in Saxon times, tested by the hundreds, 365 ; evi- dence of local names as to its state of agriculture, 366; its vineyards, 367; extinct animals, 368 ; iron mines and salt works, 370; its com- merce, 372 ; Saxon patronymics in, identical with those in Artois, 497 -495 ; patronymics in, and in Germany and France, 496–513. See Britain. English Colonies in North America, 22, 26, 27. English onomatology, books neces- sary for, 42, 43, 455. Eostre, Saxon goddess, names de- rived from, 326. Epicure, 431. Epigram on Spencer and Sandwich, 430. Eponymic names, examples of, 305. Ermine, 414. Errand, 67. Erse dialect, The, 194, 240. Esk, as a river-name, 202—206, 481. Essex, Danes in, 164, 295. etan, suffix, 55. Ethical terms derived from names of nations, 435. Ethiopians (The), 79. Ethnic names, 53-88; obscure origin of, 53 ; conserved in the names of cities, 72, 73; derived from geo- graphical position, 75-78; from wcapons, 82, 147. Ethnic signification of English shire- names, 267; of various village- _names, 269. Ethnographic names, 79–82. Ethnology, illustrated by local names, 6,36–52; its connexion with hydro- graphy, 45, 46. Ethnology of Great Britain, 42, 242; of mountain districts, 47–51 ; of Switzerland, 48; of the Isle of Man, 247. Etruscans in Switzerland, 49 ; in the Tyrol, 50. N Fabrics, textile, derivations of the names of, 419. Falernian wine, 410. Fallow, 85. Fare and Farewell, 160. Farthing, 434. fell, root, 160, 173, 186, 477. Fens, names in thc, 183, 350; their reclamation and original state as shown by local names, 354–356. Ferries, local names in London de. rived from, 279. Festivals, names of places derived. from, 12. Fiacre, 448. Field, 160, 360, 480. Fieldfare, 160. Fields near London, streets named after, 275. Fiend, 441. Filial and original settlements (Anglo-Saxon), 129–135. Fir-trees, their absence from Eng- land in early times, 367. Fish, names of, from places, 416, 467. Flanders, Suevi in, 151. Flannel, 426. Flash, 450. fleet, suffix, 187, 274, 481. flegg, Norse word, 165. Flemings (The), in Pembrokeshire, 177 ; evidence of their manufac- turing industry, 422. fleur, suffix, 187, 481. fliot, Norse word, 187. Flitch, 361. Florin, 433. N 546 Index 11.—Matters. fold, suffix, 121, 486. force, root, 160, 173, 481. ford, suffix, 160, 173, 482, 483. Fords, local names derived from, 253 ; these a proof of the deficiency of bridges, 254 ; substantival com- ponents denoting them, 483. Foresters, 86. Forests, primæval, their extent dis- coverable by local names, in Ice- land, 359 ; in Holstein, &c., 359; in the districts south-west of Lon- don, 360 ; other parts of England, 360, 363 ; the afforesting of the New Forest, 364; substantival components denoting them, 479. Frank, 438. Franks, The, 70, 71; their supre- macy in the Levant, 70; their settlement in Kent, 146; meaning of the name, 82, 147. Frea, Saxon deity, places named after, 322. French colonies in North America, 7, 25, 26. French language, German words in- troduced into the, 142. Frieze (architectural), 424. Frieze (cloth), 423. Frisian settlements in Yorkshire, 138, 139. Frobisher, Martin, his discoveries, 18. sches Namenbuch" 455. Fortresses, Arab, in Sicily, 100; Celtic, 221; Saxon, 123, 258; nomenclature, 265. Fruits, derivations of the names of, 401. Fudge, 439. Fugitives, names meaning, 61. Fustian, 421. Gadhelic names, where found in Eng- land, 204, 233. Gadhelic tongue, The, 194. Gaelic Celts, their course traced by local names, 234. Gaelic tongue, The, 1-94, 240. Gaels, The, 64, 65; their occupation of Europe, 233, 235; of Galatia, 234 ; their immigration into Ger- many, 235; their limits in the British Isles defined, 244. gal, root, 64. Galatia, settlement of Celts in, 234. Galligaskins, 425. Gallộches, 425. Galloon, 423. Gallop, 448. Galloway (horse), 416. Galvanisin, 431. Gamboge, 409, ganga, 481. gardr, 185. garth, root, 121, 159, 185, 486. garw, root, river-names containing it, Roman, 259; Spanish, 263. ſorun, Latin word, phonetic modi- fications of, 383. foss, root, 160, 481. foss, Saxon synonym for a dyke, 251. Fox (The), in the Isle of Man, traces of, 368. Franc, 434. France, mediæval extent of, 70. Arabs and Moors in, 109, 110; settlements of Saxons there, 131, 139; Danish names in, 140 ; Ger- man colonization in, 142–143; German spoken in, 143; German names in, 46, 141-145 ; North- men in, 184–189; Celtic river- names containing the root afon, 197 ; dur, 200; uisge, 204; gwy, 206 ; don, 208; garw and all, 214; ar, 216; names of mountains con- taining Celtic roots cefn and pen, 219; hill forts containing the Celtic root dun, 222 ; names of places containing the Cymric root tre, 228; llan and lan, ib. ; the Celtic root man, 230 ; the Cymric nant, ib.; traces of the Celts in the Northern and Central districts, 237; of the Euskarians, 238 ; patronymics in, and in England and Germany, 496-513. Franchise, 438. 196, 214. Index II.—Matters. 547 Gasconade, 439. gate, its various meanings in local names, 251, 252, 483. gau, Teutonic suffix, 119, 134, 264, 479. Gaul, ancient, towns or rivers there containing the root dur, 201 ; Saxon colonies in, 143, 153. Gauze, 420. gay, suffix, 134. gebel, Arabic prefix, 100, 102, 104, 113, 476. Geographical botany, 403. Geographical considerations necessary in Onomatology, 454. Geographical position, its bearing upon local names, 75–78, 462, 463. Geological terms, local origin of, 418. Geological value of local names, 4. Geology, its operations chronicled by local names, 347–358. Gerntan colonies in North Italy, .50, 51; in France, 142–144. German, etymology of thename, 59, 60. German language, encroachment of, 43, 44; spoken in France, 143.; in North Italy, 147. German nations, phonetic tendencies amongst, 383. German Onomatology, 455. German village-names in France, 46; 141-145; 496—513; in North- ern Italy, 46. German words introduced into the French language, 142. Germany, river names in, containing the Celtic root afon, 198; dur, 201; stour, 202 ; uisge, 205; gwy or wy, 206; rhe or rhin, 207; don, 208; ban, 215 ; ar, 217; cam, 237; strongholds containing the Celtic root dun, 221; ridges containing bryn, 224 ; headlands containing the root ros, 225; prevalence in, of the Gadhelic root magh, 232; im- migration of Gaels and Cymry, 235; of the Germans, 236; places in, named from popular assemblies, 292; from extinct animals, 368; from iron and salt:works, 370; saw upon its vine districts, 412. ghar, Arabic prefix, :103, 488. Ghost, 465. Gibberish, 439. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, death of, 21. gill, 480, 485. Gin, 413. Ginger, 409. Gingham, 423. Gipsies, route by which they entered Europe, 57 ; erroneous etymology of their various designations, 400. Girondists, 451. Gobelin tapestry, 430. Goître, 437. Goliath, a Viking, 161. Good Hope, Cape of, Portuguese dis- covery of, 31. gora, Sclavonic root, 84, 476. gorod, 121, 486. Gossamer, 330. Gothic, 435. Gothic architecture, misapplication of the term, 435. Goths, The, 58, 71–80. Gozo, patois of, io3. grad, Sclavonic suffix, 121. Greece, Sclavonic names in, 46. Greeks, The, 54, 87; their slaves, 442. Gr.cengage, 406. Greenland, a Norse name, Io. Greirade, 428. Greyhound, 415. “Grimm's law” of phonetic change, 382. Groat, 434. Grog, 413 Grogram, 413. Groscheni, 434. Groves, sacred, local names derived from their sites, 331. guad, Arabic prefix, 106, 480. Guelder rose, 406. Guernsey lily, 406. Guilder, 434. Guillotine, 431. Guinea, -433. gut, Kentish form of gate, 253, 483. Guy of Warwick, origin of the legend of, 393. Gwent, ancient kingdom of, 231 ; N N 2 548 Index II.—Matters. meaning of the word, 231, 259, Hero, 67. 478. Hidalgo, 436. gwy or wy, names of rivers and Highlanders, 84. aquatic animals derived from, 202, Hills, reduplication of synonyms in 206. their names, 212. Gypsum, 418. Hills, substantival components de noting them, 476. Hack, 428. hippo, root, 96, 487. Hackney coach, 428. Hispano-Arabic names, character of, Hadrian's Wall, its course traced by 108. local names, 257. . Historical considerations necessary in haffen, Norse word, 187, 488. Onomatology, 454. haigh, suffix, 122, 485. Historical information derived from ham, suffix, prevalence of in England, local names, 5–8. 123, 129, 138, 152, 484. Historic sites, local names derived Hampshire, the Danes in, 180. from, 290—319. Harald 'Hardráda, ñ ; runic inscrip hithe, 279, 351, 488. tion by, 156. Hithes, or landing-places in London, Harlequin, 432. streets named from, 279. Harness, 67 hlaw, Anglo-Saxon, 212. . Harrow, 66. Hôcings, The, 128. hart, 360, 479. Hock wines, their inappropriate de- Hasting, the renowned Viking, 189. signation, 412. hatch, 484. hof, Norse, 331. haugh, suffix, 160, 173, 188, 477. hofn, Norse word, 187. haugr, root, 174, 188. Holborn (London), etymology of, 277. haus, 485. Holderness, Teutonic settlers in, 138, haw, 480. 139. Hawthorn, 122. holl, root, 170. hay, suffix, 122, 485. Hollands, 413. Hayward (surname), origin of, 361. holm, Norse root, meaning of, 163, Heal, 327. 174, 180, 187, 483. Heathenism, Saxon, vestiges of in local holt, root, 188, 360, 479. names, 320; Celtic, 325 ; Scandi- Home, 124. navian, 327; Sclavonic, 333 ; hoo, 478. Eastern and Classical 334; Canaan- horn, 478. · itish, ib. Horses, breeds of, named from places, Hebrides, names in the, 171, 172. 415. Hectoring, 439. horst, root, 148, 479. Hedge, 122. Hospitallers (The), languages or Heel, 327. nations of, 71. heim, suffix, 124, 152, 484. Houses of historic families in London, Hel,' Pagan deity, names derived 286, 287. from, 327. how, root, 170, 178, 477. Hellespont, Norse name on the, 189. Howard (surname), origin of, 361. Helot, 443. hoy, root, 170. hem, suffix, 152. Hreppar, districts of Iceland so called, Hengist and Horsa, names of places 166, 192. derived from, 309. Hudson, his discoveries, 19, 20. Hercules, places named from, 334. Huill, 327. Hermit missionaries, names in Scot. Humboldt, Wilhelm von, his investi- tish Islands derived from, 337. gations, 41, 239. Index II.-Matters. 549 Humbug, 446. Hundreds, counties divided into, 191; the populousness of Saxon England shown by the size of these, 365. Hungary, 68, 71; ethnology of, 45. Hungary Water, 412. Huns, the, 71; their settlements in Switzerland, 50 ; in England, 269. Huntingdonshire, fens of, changes in them indicated by local names, 354. hurst, suffix, 360, 479. Hastings, 294. Hybrid composition, theory of, 210. Hyde, Saxon unit of land, 192. iacum, Celtic suffix, phonetic changes in, 385. Iberians, The, 41; traces of the Iberic race, 49, 55, 56 ; their settle- ments in France, Spain, and Por- tugal, 238. Iceland, Christian names in, 174 ; districts of, called Hreppar, 166, 192; its Thingvellir, or council- plains, 293 ; its extinct forests in. dicated by local names, 359. Icelings, The, 128. Iinmigration, Saxon, an immigration of clans, 126, 127. Immutability of local names, 376. inch, Gaelic, 171, 352, 483. Inclosures, names denoting them, 118 —125; substantival components indicating them, 484. Incongruity of names in the United Intrusive colonization indicated by local names, 270. Inventions named from places and persons, 427-432. inver, Gadhelic root, 245, 482. Investigation of names, rules to be observed in, 453. Ireland, Celtic names of, 119 ; Norse names in, 181, 182; Celtic river- names in, containing the root afon, 197 ; dur, 200; uisge, 203 ; rhe, 207; don, 209; garw, 214; all, ban, llevn, linn, 214, 215; ar, 216; cam, clith, 217; rocks containing the root craig, 225; the Celtic ard, 226; names with the Gadhelic root magh, 232; comparative table of its races, 244. Iron, the name of a Caucasian tribe, 67. Iron mines indicated by local names, States, 457. Indian names in North America, 16; their ethnological significance, 17, 37. Indigo, 409. Indra, Indian deity, identical with Anglo-Saxon Thunor, 323 ing, ingen, German suffix, 125—124, 151, 152, 479, 487; the phonetic changes of it, 142. Inheritance, 66. innis, Gadhelic, 171, 204, 213, 483. Inns, signs of, curious transformations in, 399. Insects, local names given to, 416. Interchange of Anglo-Saxon suffixes, 380. 370. Islands joined to the mainland, evi- dence of, in local names, 280, 346 - 356; substantival components denoting them, 483. Italian, Arabic words in, 101. Italy, German names in, 46; Scla- vonic names in (North), 50; Ger- man colonies in (North), 50, 51; Cimbri in, 51; Phænician names in, 93; Arabs in (South), 99 ; Saxon and Lombard names in, 147 ; Norse names in, 188; Celtic river- names in, containing the root afon, 199; dur, 201; uisge, 205; rhe, 207; don, 208 ; ar, 217; clith, ib. mountain-names with the root pen, 219 ; strongholds with root dun, 222; Cymric root tre, in names of places, 229; Celtic root man, 230 ; Cymri in North Italy, 236; me- diæval republics of, 424. Italy (North), names from the manu- factures of, 424. "Jack and Jill,” origin of, 330. Jacket, 430. Jacobins, 451. Falap, 407. James ist, colonization in the reign of, 22, 26. 550 Index 11.--Matiers. James River, English colonization on its banks, 22. Fane (coin), 434. Jean, 421. “Jeddart justice," 445. Feritet, 416. Jerusalem artichoke, curious corrup- tion of the term, 406. Jet, 418. Jews in Cornwall, 97. jezirah, Arabic, an island, 104, 483. Julius and Julia, local names derived from, 318, 385. Jutes, The, 71, 386. Jutland, names in, 148 ; derivation of the name, 386. kal’ah (or kalat), Arabic, a castle, 100, 107, 112, 487. Kali, festival of, in the East; 334. kartha, Phænician root, 94, 96, 98, 261, 486. Kent, Franks in, 146. Kerseymere, 426. Kibotus, Varangian guard at, 189. kil, root, 119, 336, 488: kirk, prefix, 337, 488: knock, 478. knott, 477. Kreutzer, 434. ky, 229. Laconic, 444. Ladino language, 49. Læti, Roman colonists, settlement of, at Bayeux, 140; at Arras, 143. Lake district of England peopled by Celts and Norwegians, 174. lan, Celtic root, 229, 478. Lancashire, the mediæval condition Lazzaroni, 451. leben, suffix, 119, 487. Legends and myths arising from cor- ruptions of local names, 305—308, 327, 344, 392–396. Legends of saints, names derived from, 343. Legions, Roman, local names derived from the stations of, 262. Leif Ericson, discoveries of, 10. Leonine verse, 439. Letters convertible, 382 ; G and W, 64, 65, 68, 71; P and F, 138 ; H and Ch, 360; D and G, 373. leven, smooth, river-names containing it, 215. Lewis, meaning of, 171. ley, suffix, 310, 360, 479. Lighthouses, their sites traced by local names, 371. Lincolnshire, Danes in, 167; changes in the fens of, indicated by local names, 354. Lindsey Wolsey, 426. linn, a deep still pool, river-names containing it, 215, 481. Lions at Venice, Norse runes on, Liqueurs, derivation of the names of, 413. lis, prefix, 487. Litus Saxonicum, 135, 137, 139, 141. llan, root, 119, 229, 336, 488. llevn, smooth, 215. llwch, root, 227. Loadstone, 417 Local names derived from personal names, 101, 127, 174, 185, 191, 192, 284-289, 305—319, 328– 345, 385. Lombards, The, 71; meaning of the name, 82, 147 ; their settlement in London, 282 ; their commercial en- terprise, 439 ; various words derived from their name, 440. London, taken by the Saxons, 137, 139 ; besieged by the Danes, 164 ; its history traced by its street- names, 272—289; its original shape and area, 275; the brooks, 277; the monasteries, 280 ; dis- tricts of, originally islands, 280, 156. of, tested by its local names, 362. Land, 229. Landau, 427. Landscape, English, character of, 117. Landwehr, Prussian, 68. Langue d'oc, why called the Ro- mance language, 438. Latakia tobacco, 410. Lawn, 229. Index II.—Matters. 551 347; residences of historic families, 284-288; traces of ancient forests in the names to the south-west, 360; the persistency of its name, 377; curious transformations in the names of its streets, 393. low, suffix, 211, 477. Lowlanders, 84, 85. Lumber, 440. lundr, Norse word, 339, 480. Lyrich law, 439. Macadamization, 431. Mackintosh, 430. Magalhaens, discoveries of, 28. Magazine, 108. magh, Gadhelic test-word, 232-234, 479. Magnet, 417. Magnitude, relative, adjectival com- ponents denoting it, 462. Mahrattas, The, SI. Majolica, 429. Majolus, St., taken prisoner by the Arabs, III. Malmsey wine, 411. Malta, Phænicians in, 93; Arabic names in, 103, 104; patois of, 103; siege of, 315. Manganese, 417. man, Celtic root, 230, 259, 479. Man, Isle of, Northmen in, 6; Nor- wegian names in, 172 ; comparative table of its races, 244 ; its eth- nology, 247; the Norse “ Thing" still retained there, 297 ; the fox anciently found in, 368. manor, Anglo-Norman suffix, 190. Mansarde roof, 431. Mantua maker, 424. Manufactures, derivation of the names of, 419–430. Manx, language, The, 194, 240. Map, showing the ethnology of the British Isles, I ; the distribution of Arabic names in Spain and Portu- gal, 105; of the German patro- nymic names in France, 145; of Saxon names in Picardy and Artois, March, indicative of boundaries or 132 ; Norse names in France, 184. Marches, or border lands, their influ- ence on local names, 263. frontier lands, 265. Mare, 264. Margrave, 263. Mark, 434. Mark, indicative of boundaries or frontier lands, 263–266. Marquis, 263. Marrons (The), of Auvergne, 110, 437- marsa (or mirsah), Arabic, a port, 100, 102, 488, Martel, Charles, 109. Martinet, 431. Massachusetts, laws of, 14, 15.- mawr, 221, 462. Mayduke cherries, 403. Meander, 450. medina, Arabic, a: city, 107;:487. Meeting, derivation of the word, 294. melek, a root, found in all Semitic languages, 94. menzil, Arabic prefix, 101, 487. Merchants, local names derived from, 35, 373, 374. mere, 482. Merino, 421. Mesmerism, 431. Mills, words denoting, 487, 488. Milliner, 424. Minaret, 108. Minerals, derivation of the names of, 416. Mineral springs, local names derived from, 465. minster, 345, 488. Mint, 434. mirsah (or marsa), Arabic root, a port, 100, 102, 488. Misnomers arising from misconcep- tions, 400. Missionaries, Irish, traces of, in the Islands of Scotland, 280, 337. moel, 478. Mohair, 421. Monasteries in London,.streets named from, 280. Monastic system, its influence on local names, 345. Money, 434. money, 480. Mons Palatinus, names derived from, 451. 552 Index II.-Matters. mont, 478. Moorish colony in the valleys of the Bernina, 116. Moors, The, 79 ; in France, 109 ; in the passes of the Alps, III-116; in Spain, 263. mor, 221. Moreen, 421. Morris dance, 450. Mosquito, 416. most, 483. Mountain districts, ethnology of, 47- 52; a hindrance to the intermixture of race and language, 48; Celtic names in, 49. Mountaineers, 83. Mountains, names of, derived from their snowy summits, 5, 473; derived from tumuli, 174; their antiquity and immutability, 17, 37, 218; derived from their hues, 472; 'from the shape of their summits, 474 ; substantival components de noting them, 476. mull, 329, 478. Musket, 416. Muslin, 420. Mussulman, derivation of the name, 397. mynydd, 478. Mythical ancestors, names and cities derived from, 305. Myths and legends evolved from cor- rupted local names, 392–396. Myths of early English History, 307. 57–60; ethical words derived from, 435. Natron, 418. Natural productions, adjectival com- pounds denoting them, 465. Negroes, The, 79. Negus, 413. nemet, Celtic word, 331, 480. Neptune, places named from, 334. ness, Norse root, 162, 174, 478. New England, settlement of, 16. New Forest, sites of villages depopu- lated to form it, 364. Newhaven, laws of, 14. New Netherlands, Dutch colony of the, 27. Nightmare, 330. Nitre, 418. Norfolk, Danes in, 165. Norman Conquest, transference of landed property at the time of the, 1894-192. Normandy, Saxons in, 139--142; traces of the Scandinavian con- quest of, 184; Norse names in, 184–188; division of land in, 191. Norman-French names in England, 189—192. Normans in England, 189—192 ; in Scotland, 192. Norse colony in Cheshire, 175. Norse element in England, compara- tive summary of, 244. Norse name off the coast of Portugal, 188; near Bayonne, 189; on the Hellespont, ib. Norse names, 43 ; their classification, 183; their occurrence in the Hebri- cles, 171; in the Isle of Man, 172; in the Lake district, 173— 175 ; in Devonshire, 179; in Normandy, 184–188; in Belgium, Italy, and · Spain, 186. Norse origin of English seafaring terms, 160. Northern Seas, discoveries in, 18– 20. Northmen · (The), discover America, 10; their ravages, 155-156; their settlements in the Isle of Man, 6, 172; in Greenland, 10; in Russia, Names, ethnic, 53–88; Hispano- Arabic, 108; onomatopoeian, 61; personal become local, 101, 127, 174, 185, 191, 192, 284—289, 305 --319, 328–345, 385; eponymic, 305; rules for their investigation, 453; patronymic, 125–152 ; list of, in England, Germany, and France, 141, 144, 496 ; patro- nymic, in Artois and in England, 134, 491. Vankeen, 419. nant, Cymric root, 230, 480, Nations, names of, 53—88 ; mean- ings of, 57—88; often duplicate, Index 11.—Matters. 553 156; in East Anglia, 161; in Sutherland, 170; in the Shetlands, 170 ; in Dumfriesshire, 172; in Cheshire, 175 ; in Wales, 175; in Scilly and Cornwall, 178; in Ire- land, 181 ; in France, 184-189 ; in Sicily, 189; their “ Things," or legislative assemblies, 292 ; isolated colony of, in Devonshire, 179, 296. Norway, peasant nobles of, 40. Norwegians in Scotland, 169—172; in the Isle of Man, 172 ; in the Lake district, 173. Numerals, adjectival compounds de para, 481. Parchment, 429. park, Celto-Saxon, 122, 485. Parthians, The, 79. Pasquinade, 432. patam, 485. Patronymic names, 125–152 ; corre- pondence of, on the opposite coasts of England and France, 141, 142 ; in Würtemberg, 150, 151 ; list of, in England, Germany, and France, 496 ; Saxon, in Artois and in Eng- land, 491. Peach, 404. peak, 476. Peeler, 432. Peels along the Scotch border, 262. Pembrokeshire, the Scandinavian set- tlement on the coast of, 176-178 ; the colony of Flemings in, 177. pen, Cymric root, 219, 220, 245, 476. Penn, William, 15. Penny, 219, 434. Persecution by the Puritans, 14. Personal names become local, 101, 127, 174, 185, 191, 192, 284—289, 305-319, 328–345, 385; words derived from, 429. Personal Saxon names conserved in local names, 313. Pheasant, 414. Philistines, The, 72; originally from Crete, 61. Phoenician names in Crete, 91, 92; in Sardinia, 92 ;-in Sicily, 93; in Italy, ib.; in Malta, 93 ; in Spain, 94-96. Phoenician sites, physical character- istics of, 89-91. Phænicians, The, 79. Phonetic changes in local names, 378; of H to Ch or W, 128; of G and W, 64, 65, 68, 71. Phonetic tendencies of different na- noting them, 464. Numidians, The, 78. ö, root, 187. Oar, 67. Oasis, 106. Obscure origin of Ethnic names, 53. oe, suffix, 163, 483. ofer, Anglo-Saxon suffix, 138, 482. Ogre, 441. Old Nick, 329. Old Scratch, 329. Onomatology, or the principles of name-giving, 453. Orellana, his adventures, 29, 30.. Orientals, 76. Original and filial settlements, 130. Orkneys (The), names in, 170. ormr (a serpent), 176. Orrery, 43i. Otlinga Saxonica, district of, 140. Oxfordshire, Danes in, 168. Pacific (The), discoveries in, 28, 29; Dutch in, 31, 32. Pad, Padding, Paduasoy, 424. Palace, 452. Paladin, 452. Palatinate, 452. Palatine county, 452. Pale faces, 8o. Palestine, 72; traces in the Old Testa- ment of Canaanitish worship there, 334. Pallas, places named from, 335. Pamphlet, 432. Pantellaria, Isle of, Arabic words and names in, 103. tions, 381–385. Physical changes attested by local names, 347. Physical characteristics of Phoenician sites, 89, 90. Physical features, names derived from, 3, 83—88, 465. pic, 476. 554 Index 11.—Matters. Picardy, names in, 132. Pictones, The, 71, 81. Picts, The, 81; a Cymric tribe, 245; their absorption by the Scots, 245; myth arising from the name, 396; settlement in Northamptonshire, 270. pike, 476. Pilgrim, 62. Pilgrim, description of, by Piers Ploughman, 449. Pilgrimage, places of, their influence Ports silted up, evidence of, in local names, 348. Portugal, Arabs in, 103—109; dis- tribution of Arabic names in, 103, 104; Norse name off the coast of, 188; Celtic river-names in, con- taining the root afon, 99; the Euskarians in, 239. Portuguese discoveries, 30, 31. Portways, Roman roads so called, 251. Port wine, 411. Position, relative, adjectival compo- nents denoting it, 462. Potomac (The), exploration of, 23. Pound, 434. Powhattan, Indian chief, 24. Prefix (The), as a component element of Celtic names, 460. Prepositions, their incorporation with local names, 384. Prichard's researches, 42. Property, landed, the transference of, at the time of the Norman Con- quest, 189-192. Provinces, names of ancient tribes preserved in, 70, 489. Proximity, the effect of, on names, 88. Prussia, 86, 413, 447. Purch, 432. Puritan persecution, 14. Puritan Utopia at Newhaven, laws of, 14. Puritans in New England, 15. puy, 476. pyr, 219, 475. Quaker colony in North America, on local names, 344. Pilgrimage, words derived from, 448. Pin, 202, 219. Pine-trel, 219. Pine-trees, Cæsar's statement of their absence from England corroborated by local nomenclature, 367. Pinnacle, 219. Pistol, 424. piz, 476. Places, the names of, significant, not arbitrary sounds, 1, 454. Plains, 85; substantival components denoting them, 478. Plants, derivations of the names of, 404 ; local names derived from, Platonic, 431. Ploughshare, 163. Pocahontas, the Indian princess, 24. Poleaxe, 428. Polecat, 415. TIÓMıs, phonetic changes in the word, - 384. Political names derived from local sources, 451. Polony, 424. pont, 254, 483. Pontresina, Saracen's bridge, in the passes of the Alps, 115--116. Po, River, changes in its delta marked by local names, 357. po, preposition, 86, 463. Popular assemblies, local names de rived from their sites, 291. Population, Arab, in Spain, 104. Population of England, in Saxon times, 121; changes in, traced by local names, 363; changes shown by the size of the hundreds, 385. 468. 15. Quince, 405, Quixotic, 439. rahal, Arabic prefix, 103. rahl, Arabic prefix, 101, 103, 487. Raindeer, 206. Raleigh, Sir Walter, discoveries of, 18. Rape, The, a memorial of the Con- quest, 191, 192. Index 11.—Matters. 555 Rapes, Sussex divided into, 191. ras, Arabic prefix, 101, 143, 478. rath, prefix, 487. rea, 200. Red Men, 80. Redstart, 353. Reduplication of synonyms, exam- ples of, in the names of rivers, 210; in the names of hills, &c., 213. Regions, names of, derived from cities, 74. Religious sentiment shown in local names, II. Rennie (surname), derivation of, 174. Resurrection of disused names, 376. Retrocession of the Sclaves, 43, 44; of the Celts in England, 240. rhedu, 206. rhe or rhin, river-names containing it, 206. Rhode Island, foundation of, by Roger Williams, 15. rhos, Celtic root, 224, 482. Rhubarb, 408. rhyd, Celtic root, 254, 483. . rhyn, a promontory, 206. Ridges, names of, containing the root cefn, 218; the root bryn, 224 ; the root hrycg, 477. Riff raft, 446.. rithe, 481. River-names, Arabic, in Spain, 106. River-names, 106; their antiquity and permanence, 17, 37, 194, 195; chiefly of Celtic derivation, 195; classification of these, substantival, 195--214; adjectival, 196, 214– 218: those containing the Celtic root afon, 195—199; the root dwr, or dur, 199-202 ; uisge, 202- 206 ; gwy, or wy, 205; rhe, 206 ; don, 207–209 ; garw, 196, 214 ;. all, 219; ban, dhu, llevn, linn, 215; tain, 216; ar, 216; cam, clith, 217; a unique one rarely found, 218 ; reduplication of synonyms in their formation, 210. Rivers, the ancient highways, 45, 46; substantival components denoting them, 481. Roads, Roman, local names derived from, 250 ; their course traceable by local names, 251. Roads, substantival components de- noting them, 483. Roadez, 448. Roan horse, 416.. Rodomontade, 439. Roman army in England composed mainly of Germans, 136; where stationed, 259, 262. Roman emperors, local names de- rived from, 317, 385. Roman empire, names marking its boundaries, 266. Roman road over the Moro, 112. Romance, 438. Romance nations, phonetic tendency amongst, 382. Romance words introduced into the Teutonic languages, 143. Romani, The, 57. Romansch language, The, 49, 73. Romans, their civilization as com- trasted with that of the Saxons, 249; character of their local names, 249 ; essentially a constructive race, 250; places named from their roads, 250 ; their bridges, 253; their walls, 257; fortresses and camps, 259; stations, 260; legions, 262. Rome, the name of, 54; retained in various parts of the ancient empire, 73. Romney marsh, its history and gradual · formation illustrated by its local names, 349. ros, Gaelic root, 224, 478. Roum, paschalic of, 73. royd, 480. Rubicon, 450. Rugii, The, 71. ruîmne, Gaelic, a marsh, 349. Rulers of the ancient world, local names derived from, 316, 385; ditto of the modern world, 74, Rules for the investigation of names, 302, 475. 427. Rush, 224. 31 R 2112 556 Index II.-Matters. 7 names in, containing Celtic root rhe, 207 ; don, 208. Saxon patronymic names, list of, in Artois and in England, 491. Saxons, The, 71, 82, 148; their co- lony in Siebenbürgen, or Transyl. vania, 46; their immigration an immigration of clans, 126, 127; their colony near Boulogne, 131- 134 ; their conquest of England, 136—139; London taken by them, Saas, valley of, 113, 114. Sable, 415. Sack (Wine), 411. Sacred groves and temples, names Caen, 139–142 ; transported into France by Charlemagne, 143, 153; their original seat, 153; their co- lony in Gaul 153; their civiliza- derived from, 331. Sætere, Saxon deity, doubts regard- ing, 321 ; places named after, 322. Saints, legends of, their influence on names of places, 343 ; influence of their burial-places on ditto, 344. Saints, local, their influence on names of places, 338-343. Saints' names, the process of creating them, 389, 392. Saints, places named after, II—13. sall, 486. Sally, 445. Salt-making, 162. Salt-works, their influence on local names, 370. Samian wine, 410. Sandwich, 430. Saracens, The, 72, 115. Saratz, family name in Switzerland, 115. Sarcenet, 420. Sardine, fish, 416. Sardine, stone, 416. Sardinia, Phænician settlements in, 92; Arab settlements, 102. Surdonic smile, 445. Sardonyx, 416. Sauiiterer, 447. Saveloy, 424. Saxon and Lombard names in Italy, 147. Saxon chiefs, eponymic names de rived from, 309-315. Saxon Chronicle (The), instances of eponymic names from, 307. Saxon deities, local names derived from, 320. Saxon element in England, com- pared with the Danish and Celtic, 244; comparative summary of, 245. Romans, 249; their names for Ro- man roads, 250 ; their ignorance of bridge-building, 253; their ram- parts or dykes their only great works, 256; their local names in- dicating border lands, 264. scale, Norse word, 296, 486. Scaletta Pass, 116. Scandinavian colonization, character of, 126, 127. Scandinavian element, relative inten- sity of, in England, 182, 183. Scandinavian legends, local names derived from, 327. Scandinavian names, writers on, 43. scar, Norse root, 163, 478. Scheidam, 413. Schwabenland, meaning of, 149. Scilly, Northmen in, 178. Sclaves, retrocession of the, 43, 44. Sclavonians, The, 58. Sclavonic deities, local names derived from, 333. Sclavonic names, 43; in Hanover, 44; in Greece, 46; in North Italy, 50; their illustration of Sclavonic history, 45. Sclavonic races, their history dis- closed by the word slave, 441. Score, 163. Scotland, Norse names in, 169; names in, 170, 171 ; the Normans in, 192 ; Anglo-Norman nobles in, ib. ; Celtic river-names in, contain- ing the root afon, 197; dur, 199 ; Index 11.-Matters. 557 uisge, 203 ; rhe, 207; don, 209; garw, 214; all, ban, dhu, llevn, linn, 214, 215; tain, 216; ar, 216; clith, 217; mountain names con- taining the roots pen, ben, and cenn, 219; forts with the root dun, 223; headlands with the root ros, 224; ard, 226; llan or lan, 229; names in, derived from places of assembly, 291, 295; from local saints, 338 ; local names proving its recent geological elevation, 353. Scots, The, 70, 79 ; their immigration from Ireland, 245. Scottish surnames, 192. Scudo (coin), 434. Scythians, The, 81. Seafaring words, English, Norse origin of, 160. Seals on the Sussex coast, indications of, 351. Seat, 69. Seclusiveness of Englishmen, 118. Sects, religious, nomenclature of, 431. Sedan, 427. Seneh'or Senna, 408. Serf, 442. Servile races, names derived from, 441, set, suffix, 69, 485. Seter, Norse suffix, 170, 182, 485. Sette Communi, 51. Settlements, original and filial, 129. Shallot, 407. Shalloor, 425. Shamoy leather, 415. shaw, root, 188, 363, 480. Shawl, 419. Shears, 163. Shepherds, The, 85. Sherif, 274. Sherry, 411. Shetlands, names in the, 170. Shillelah, 428. Shilling, 434. Shire, 163. Shire names of England, their ethnic signification, 267. Shore, 163. Shrubs, places, named from, 468. Sicily, Phænician names in, 93; the Arabs in, 100-102; Arabic local names in, 101 ; the Northmen in, 189. Siebenbürgen, isolated Saxon colony in, 46. Sienna, 418. sierra, mistaken etymology of, 477. Significancy of local names, I, 454. ELKERI CELV, 444. Silhouette, 431. Silk, 427. Sillery wine, 410. Sites, historic, local names derived from, 290—319. Sites of popular assemblies, names from, 291. Sites, sacred, names from, 321–346. Size, adjectival components denoting, 462. Skewer, 163. Skipper, 68. skogr, root, 188. Slang, 450. Slave, 441. sliabh or slievh, Erse, 248, 477. slieu, Manx prefix, 248, 477. Smith, Capt. Jno., his adventures in Hungary and Virginia, 22—24. Snow, mountain-names derived from, 5, 473. Sodor and Man, See of, 172. sokė, 295. Somersetshire, Danes in, 178; its physical changes shown by local. names, 351. Sovereign (coin), 434. Sovereigns, modern, local names derived from, 35, 319. Spa, 418. Spain, Phænicians in, 94-96; Car- thaginians in, 95, 96; Arabs in, 103—109; distribution of Arabic names in, 103—109; Arab popu- lation in, 104; Arabic river-names in, 106; Norse names in, 188; Celtic river-names in, containing the root afon, 199 ; dur, 201; uisge, 204; rhe, 207 ; ar, 216 ; names of places in, containing the root tre, 228 ; nian, 230; Euska- rians in, 238; Moors in, 263. Spaniards in the Pacific, 29, 30. Spaniel, 415. 558 Index II.--Matters. Spanish, Arabic words in, 109, 421. Spanish colonies, 25, 29, 30. Spencer, 430. Spinage, 407. Spine, 219. spitz, 476. Sports and pastimes, London streets named after, 284. Springs, local names derived from, 279, 465. Spruce, 409, 447. Spruce beer, 413. Squills, 408. stackr, root, 174. stadt, suffix, 119, 485. Stamford Bridge, battle of, 7, 301. stan, 484, 485. Stannary Court of Cornwall, anti- quity of, 292. staple, 374, 487. Statesmen, local names derived from, 34, 35. Stations of Roman legions, local names derived from, 262. Stations, Roman, their influence on names, 260. stead, suffix, 485. Steelyard, 434. Slerling, 434. ster, suffix, 170, 182, 485. stoke, suffix, 121, 485. stone, 477, 484. Stour, as a river-name, 201; its pro- bable derivations, 202. Stour River, in Kent, its silting up indicated by local names, 348. stow, suffix, 485. strath, 480. Street-names (The), of London, the records of its history, 272_-289; their curious transformations, 398. Street, the meaning of, in local no- menclature, 250, 483. Strongholds, Celtic, indicated by the root dun, 221 ; peel, 262. Substantival components of local names, list of, 476. Substantival element of local names, 195, 460. Suevi, The, 71, 78, 119; traces of, Suffix (The), as a component element of Teutonic names, 460. Suffolk, Danes in, 165; surnames in, 166; analysis of its local nomen- clature, 363. Sugar candy, 409. Suiones, The, 119. Surnames derived from local suffixes, 118, 228. Surnames in Suffolk, 166; Scottish, 192. Surrey, analysis of its local nomen- clature, 363. Sussex divided into rapes, 191. Swabia, patronymic names in, 459. Swabian patronymics recommended for New Anglo-Saxon names, 459. Swabians, The, 78, 119, 128. Swanawic, defeat of the Danish fleet at, 180. Sweden, names in, 119. Swedish colonies in America, 37; in Switzerland, 271. Switzerland, ethnology of, 48, 49, 286 ; variety of dialects in, 48, 49; Alans in, 50; Celtic names in, 49; Huns in, 50 ; Etruscans in, 49, 50 ; Germans in, 50; Arabic names in, 50, III, 116; Celtic river- names in, containing the root ar, 216; strongholds containing the Celtic root dun, 221; ridges con- taining the 'root bryn, 224; head- lands with the root ros, 224 ; names of places containing the Cymric root nant, 230. Sybarite, 444. Syenite, 418. Synonyms, Celtic, in the composition of river-names, 209; examples of their reduplication, 210. Tabby, 420. Table of Norse words in Norman French, 184. Table of original settlements and in Flanders, 151. . filial colonies, 131 ; of patronymic corresponding names in England and France, 144 ; of patronymic corresponding names in England and Normandy, 141 ; of Saxon Index 11.-Matters. 559 names in Picardy and Artois, and corresponding English names, 133, 491 ; of Saxon names in France and corresponding names in Eng- land, 134, 496; of the relative intensity of the Scandinavian ele- ment in different parts of England, 182. Taffety, 420. tain, 207. taise, 203. Taith, Čeltic deity, names derived from, 326. tam, “ spreading," river-names con- taining it, 216. Tamarind, 409. Tarantula, 416. Tarif-Abú-Zaráh, invader of Spain, 104. Tariff, 445. Tarik-Ibn-Zeyad, invader of Spain, 104. tamn, suffix, 160, 482. Tatar, 444. Tatars (The), 81; mythical corrup- of the term, 396. Tawudry, 449. Templar, 451. Templars, names derived from their possessions, 281, 346. Temples, i local names derived from their sites, 331. Tent wine, 410. Tester, 434. Teutonic changes of Celtic names in England, 388; on the Continent, 389. Teutonic clans, 127—129; date of their settlements in England, 136 -139. Teutonic demi-gods, names derived from, 325. Teutonic languages (The), Romance words introduced into, 143. Thaler, 433. Textile fabrics, local names given to, 419. Thames River, changes in its valley indicated by local names, 347; the Danes in the, 164 ; names in London derived from its islands, 280. Theory of hybrid composition, 210. Thing, 292. Things or councils of the Northmen, local names derived from, 292 ; in Iceland, 293 ; in Britain, 294– 298. Thingvellir (The), or council-plains of Iceland, 293. Think, 292. Thor, Norse deity, popularity of, evidenced by local names 323. thorpe, suffix, 158, 159, 164, 173, 186, 487. Thrasymene, Hannibal's victory at, conserved in local names, 299. threap, I69.. Thunder, 323. Thunor or Thor, Saxon deity, his popularity evidenced by local names, 296, 323. thwaite, Norse suffix, 159, 164, 172, 173, 186, 487. Ticking, 422. Tiw, Saxon deity, places named after, 322. Tobacco, 409. toft, root, 153, 164, 168, 173, 185, 487. ton, `Anglo-Saxon suffix, 119–121, 124, 129, 133, 484. tor, a projecting rock, names contain- ing it, 225, 476. torbe, root, 186. tot, root, 158, 185, 487. Toucques River, words derived from, 423.. tourbe, root, 186. tourp, root, 186. Tours, battle of, 109. tra, 482.. Trades in London, streets named after, 282. Trajectus, phonetic changes in the word, 385. Tramroads, 431. Transformations, phonetic, in local names, 378 ; etymological ditto, 386. Transylvania, Saxon colony in, 46. tre, Cymric prefix, its frequency in English names, 228, 485. Topaz, 410 560 Index II.—Matters. Tredici Comuni, 51. Trees, places named from, 468. Tribes, ancient, locality of, discover- able from names of cities, 72; names of, preserved in modern cities and provinces, 489. Tribes, conquering, names of, 70–72. Trojan, 444. Troy weight, 434. Tucker, 423. Tumuli, names of mountains derived from, 174. Turanian languages, The, 240. Tureen, 424. Turk, 444. Turks, The, 72, 81; the name ap- plied to all Mahomedans, 72. Turkey, 414. Turkomans, The, 72. Turquoise, 417. Tweeds, 426. twistle, 484. ty, Welsh, 229, 340, 485. Tyrian colony of Carthage, 94, 95. Tyrol (The), Etruscans in, 50. vé, Norse, 332. Vehicles, names of, derived from places, 427. Veneti (The), 87; traces of, in France, 231. venta, names of places derived from, 231, 259. Vemon, Admiral, the introducer of grog, 413. vic, root, 139. Vikings, meaning of the word, 161; traces of them, 43; their piracies, 171; Hasting, a celebrated one, 189. villa, 159, 185. Villages in England with ethnic names, 269; with Saxon patronymic names, 491. Villain, 443. ville, suffix, 159, 164, 185, 484. villiers, 159, 484. Vine-districts of Germany, saw upon, 412. Vineyards, their frequency in England shown by local names, 367. Virginia, settlement of, 23. Visigothic kings, 128. Visigoths of Spain, names derived from, 436. Vitality of local names, 2, 375. Vocabulary, English, extent of, 3; of the peasant class, ib. voe, suffix, 170. Volcanoes of Italy, their names evi. dence of their antiquity, 358. Voltaic, 431. uisge, “water," river-names con- taining it, 202. um, suffix, the Frisian form of ham, 123, 138. Umber, 418. United States, names in, 7, 13—18, 22~28, 37; numerous local names derived from the presidents, 319; barbarous character of the modern names, 457. Usquebaugh, 413. Valleys, substantival components de. noting them, 480. Vancouver, Captain, discoveries of, 33. Vandalisin, 435. Vandal kings, 128. Vandals, The, 71, 76, 78. Varangian guard, 156; at Kibotus, 189. Varini, The, 129. Varnish, 429. vatn, Norse root, 172, 481, Vaudeville, 432. wadî, Arabic word, 102, 106, 107, 480. Wälsings, The, 128. wäre, root, 139. wal, root, 62. wald, root, 138, 479. Wales, Celtic names of, 119; physical changes in, indicated by local names, 352. Wales, local saints of, places named after, 339. Wales, marches of, local names in- dicating them, 264. Wales, North, Northmen in, 175. Wallet, 62. Index 11.—Matters. 561 428. Walls of London, streets named after, Williams, Archdeacon, on the Celts 272. in Italy, 41. Walls, Roman, their course traced by Williams, Roger, story of, 14. local names, 257; places named Wiltshire, ancient earthworks in, 258. from, 258. Wines, derivation of the names of, Walnut, 62, 405. 410. Waltz, 62. Witch, 332. Wanderers, 78, 79, 87. Witch mountains of Germany, 328. Wapentakes, counties divided into, with, suffix, 160. 191. Woden, Anglo-Saxon deity, his great Ward, 121. popularity, evidenced by local ware, suffix, 68, 69. names, 322. Warrior races, 81. Wold, 138. Warriors, 87. Wolf (The), places in England named Waters, substantival components de from, 368. noting them, 481. Woolwich, meaning of, 164. Watling Street, 250; was the bound- Words, component, denoting relative ary of the Danelagh, 168. magnitude, 462; position, 462 ; Wayland Smith, legend of, 327. age, 464; numerals, ib. ; natural Weak, 162, productions, 465; excellence, or Weald (The), its character indicated the reverse, 469; configuration, by local names, 360 ; analysis of 470; colour, 471. its forest-names, 361. Words derived from places, 402~ Weapons, names derived from, 82, 452. 146; names of, derived from places, Worsted, 426. worth, Anglo-Saxon suffix, 121, 124, weiler, Teutonic suffix, 159, 185. Weir, 121. worthig, Anglo-Saxon, 121. well or will, suffix, 159, 482. Würtemberg, patronymic village- Wells and conduits, London streets names in, 150, 151, 496. named from, 279. wy, or gwy, 202; river-names derived Welsh, The, 62–65. from, 205. Welsh, name of, referred to the San- Wych house, 162. skrit, 62. wysg, 202. Welsh, traced in European names, 62–65. Yankce, 379. Welsh language, The, 194, 240. yard, Anglo-Saxon root, 121, 159, Wends, The, 43, 58, 79, 87. werp, 393, 488. Yeast, 465. yerde, Old English word, 121. Westphalia, Saxon names in, 148; ynys, Welsh, an island, 352. patronynric names in, 496. Yorkshire, Frisian settlement in, 138, Whelk, 62. 139. Whisky, 202, 413. ys, prefix, a Welsh intensitive, 201. White men, 80. wich, root, 148. wick, Anglo-Saxon, an abode, 161, Zincali, The, 80. wick, Norse root, a creek, 148, 161, Zouave, 444. 174, 482 ; its occurrence on the Zurich, Canton, analysis of names in, Essex coast, 161. wiki, Sclavonic, 484. Oo 486. 486. West, 143: 202. 484. 49. LONDON: R. CLAY, SON, AND TAYLOR, PRINTERS, BREAD STREET HILL BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE LITURGY AND THE DISSENTERS. Third Edition. Price is. 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"There can be but one opinion, we should think, of the ability, candour, and Christian feeling of this remarkable pamphlet.”-Evangelical Magazine. “Remarkable candour and ability. , .. great wisdom and clearness ... admirable pamphlet.”—Inquirer. “Mr. TAYLOR's unanswerable words might head a million handbills.”- Freeman. “ Ably and thoughtfully discussed.”—Atlas. “We willingly admit the ability, clearness, force, and condensation with which Mr. TAYLOR's argument is conducted. What he has confined to a pamphlet an ordinary writer would have expanded to a volume.”-Dial. “He writes so honestly and so forcibly that we cannot but regret that his talents are not enlisted on our side."--Literary Churchman. HATCHARD & CO. PICCADILLY.. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . HINTULUI TUULIINI WOULUILTA IWI WINT I TU TU DU IIIIIII III WIWIT IND TUT TIL TUDI LITT III JU II I JITI 3 9015 05144 7111 THE UNIVERSITY DATE 8417/07 12.14707 4 118 108 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD : 以后的 ​" 4 4人​, 小小兵 ​1.事事非非 ​- 難看​, , 里​, 是非事重重- ​看事 ​性 ​, 。 1 重量等量產量是 ​查看書​拿着 ​事重重​, - UN 非一 ​重劃​”。 重量是 ​中華學畢書 ​FE生 ​- 文化 ​「量 ​5 . , 了 ​长度 ​单个 ​· 鲁鲁F- - 中年​, 重量事 ​, 于是 ​} . 」非 ​- ; 看看 ​量身 ​平事 ​「 書庫​。 一个 ​“ 1 事​。 本事 ​( 一​、 / 下一 ​( 3 里​, 看看 ​量 ​重重重重 ​在 ​- 「 非會事工 ​第一 ​事事 ​。 , 十 ​是 ​一對一 ​。 其 ​重量​: 。 一 ​本書​。 , 重量 ​鲁中 ​「 非 ​4 里 ​台​,出售 ​者華章 ​, 重重重 ​看看畫書​, 看看 ​看了 ​書 ​士 ​· 重​, 主要是 ​F11 。 者 ​重量 ​:4量 ​鲁鲁事會董事 ​量 ​書​, 的事 ​量L型書 ​重量​, ” 但是是非非​, | 其 ​重 ​量非非 ​单身 ​“, 地​。 重量 ​看看 ​| 非事事非非 ​堂鲁鲁鲁​, 身子​, 了​, 動畫 ​举重 ​,:,鲁一鲁 ​11 鲁鲁番 ​- 學會​, 鲁鲁鲁鲁​, 鲁鲁 ​重重 ​。 本書非非 ​的 ​重量​, 事 ​, 事事學是學非 ​事 ​, 部 ​事事者 ​畢賽事 ​畢書畫學 ​會 ​- - - - - ” 鲁 ​, 重重重重重​, 量重工爭畫畫 ​車重量非​「華華書 ​性能 ​, 南一 ​非主 ​鲁 ​、,单非​,畢 ​車重量 ​看鲁鲁​, , in 鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​,事事有 ​4 不是非 ​是在争 ​,事 ​,動畫​, | 鲁鲁鲁鲁​, 鲁鲁​,鲁 ​, 尊重​,重重重重重事非非 ​事 ​他也鲁 ​書會 ​上看​, 。 . 事​。 重量 ​” . 。 鲁​' - - 音单 ​- - .. . ·鲁鲁 ​非主事者​, 看書​, 4. 中華書事是一事 ​重要事 ​= 鲁 ​鲁 ​= , 鲁 ​/ - 特集 ​- 4 典 ​单单单单​1 下載 ​量​” “是 ​, 是 ​是非​, 事書車 ​鲁鲁 ​重量重要​。 一一一一一 ​量 ​普重量重量是非非 ​h 其他​: 4、 11 “非​,事事​| 中国重要工作​, 鲁鲁​-鲁鲁​,鲁鲁是非 ​中華學单量​* 車 ​一事​:「 此​, 看看 ​重要​。 华鲁​,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁 ​一部書​。 “ 動畫​: } , 4 " 4 鲁一鲁 ​一是建中学 ​畫​,動普鲁鲁​。 重重重重重重重​。 一事​, - 44 實是​,。 # -* - 善書畫​「動畫​」 是​, 重量重量畫​」 是非 ​. - 重​, 量​;重疊車事 ​」 - 作者​: 中共事​:山中基事 ​- 看書​,是 ​一本書中​。 賽事​","重音​者帶​-爭​」 |普​「會​:鲁鲁鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​, - 鲁道鲁鲁鲁​,鲁 ​更重 ​| . 三一重​-_ 鲁鲁鲁鲁​, “ 人生​, 鲁 ​- 中華十佳单 ​4 事中 ​看看​。 -重重 ​事​。 一​,是 ​。 事​, 重劃 ​重重重重重 ​是重量重量 ​有 ​車賽事 ​· : 4 一中学 ​” 。 是是非 ​, 重量 ​- - . . " 14 事 ​, 14 . - 了 ​, 重 ​事 ​。 单​! 重重重重疊疊 ​事非​「看 ​是集​。 非 ​- 全身上​, 事重重 ​= 重重重量​, = 重量​: it鲁​,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​, 鲁鲁一鲁 ​, 是一种非 ​了 ​重重​, 「看事畢​。 - - - - 是無無重量鲁鲁鲁鲁鲁毒 ​鲁鲁鲁鲁鲁鲁 ​, 「華華​」 量 ​非 ​量 ​重量 ​事鲁​”事事​, 主動 ​。 , 事 ​事事​, 非建華 ​--- 型車普鲁鲁​· 重量 ​。 重重重重重 ​。 」 得是重量​, 「事 ​至青 ​事 ​非非 ​*-普 ​重量 ​: 。 青青 ​學會​, 事業 ​非事事 ​中學 ​本書​, -- : : “ , 事事 ​事 ​4 重 ​事事非非 ​無量​。 直击​:鲁​,鲁鲁 ​” 。 等等​。 : ,中華 ​畫 ​看 ​看看 ​- : 書 ​基建重量是 ​重量 ​--- (售量排查 ​| |_ 。 ,量​。 體重 ​学 ​「哥華 ​者 ​- ” 事實 ​了 ​-- 鲁鲁青青青 ​「 量 ​畢書​" 44 事非事實​,重量​, 。 鲁 ​” 鲁車事 ​「華帶 ​重量 ​。 - 事 ​- , 鲁​, 1 重量 ​。 事业单单是鲁一鲁鲁鲁實​,臺 ​- 鲁 ​韦鲁鲁​,鲁鲁 ​「 事 ​」。 重 ​. 重建 ​” ·一書​,再 ​一产​-青青是看重​:44 | 鲁鲁普鲁鲁鲁鲁士单单单单单鲁鲁​, 是非非非​-- 最大 ​產 ​「無非 ​重 ​重重重 ​非主 ​其實 ​单量​,重量型​鲁一鲁 ​中量是一个由 ​- 出售上量 ​是非斗士是​, 非事事 ​事 ​是非曲直是非学童​”肇事 ​「是是是 ​- , 平等​, 重量 ​有一条 ​鲁鲁 ​, 鲁​,单单是 ​”是對 ​重量​-单​.. 鲁鲁鲁​,鲁事​,事事奉单 ​工作​, ,鲁 ​- 是重 ​是 ​, 事重重 ​在普鲁斯 ​年 ​事重重​, 無非是華華 ​看看書看看 ​重書畫 ​|鲁鲁鲁鲁​, 鲁鲁鲁​”, 看書​,難事 ​是鲁 ​看看 ​重量重量 ​第1章重重​, - - - -- “事 ​事會 ​。 单章 ​- - 春 ​「 青春 ​事事非量身一 ​鲁鲁車事业单​,鲁 ​中国​·事业单本​,」他小書​,非一件事​,事實​, 事情到中 ​學學台 ​重量 ​中华 ​“ 華為 ​重重重重 ​重量​: 量 ​, 動畫 ​。 事事 ​, 单单是鲁畫書 ​看看再是學 ​重量重量畢 ​書 ​事 ​。 無量​、鲁 ​事​。 本人 ​是​, 普通車​, 本 ​賽事​, 事 ​, 鲁鲁特​· 。 , 重車鲁鲁​, 車程 ​看看 ​最 ​本書作者​。 軍學一 ​得動力量​。 「畫畫書 ​, 更重​! 鲁鲁​,鲁鲁鲁 ​重量​:一帶​, 警專畢畢 ​| 看看 ​量​,重量 ​華 ​鲁 ​事事書 ​重重​。 「華華​」 鲁鲁 ​带上 ​重量 ​事单鲁鲁鲁事​。 臺 ​单​, 重量 ​「是是非非​,重 ​「, 事事 ​| 重量​。 華華​」 重量​, 新華書畫 ​, 1垂直 ​1 L型 ​量 ​中學​, 看到書 ​Til 事 ​事 ​”, 4, , , 鲁鲁​,,鲁鲁 ​事​,事事 ​重量​: , 是華 ​者​, “ * 由重重​, 重重重重重重​。 非看 ​一 ​” , 「華華​」事重重​, . 重量 ​是 ​是 ​一看 ​,里 ​。 事 ​- 。 曲​: 。 。 - 非學生​,一直 ​臺中鲁鲁鲁鲁鲁兽車​: 一一一一一一一 ​* , 是 ​参拿 ​南非 ​- 业单单​, 查重重量业部鲁一鲁 ​重重重重疊疊普通 ​重重重重重重 ​重量 ​看看香 ​鲁鲁車重量​。 重重重重疊車 ​他一鲁 ​一帶​, 車主一直是 ​- , 单量​, , 是是非非非非非 ​了重 ​非 ​- *學 ​一章 ​1 单单是鲁一學費平臺​, - 事 ​三重重​, LL體重 ​事事 ​( 在等工 ​看事事​, 事 ​。 重量​/ 重量​, 重量 ​重量 ​畢 ​學 ​量生產 ​- - - 了 ​事实上看 ​事业单量建了一要事​」,是鲁 ​1.事​”鲁 ​鲁i_ | , 華 ​14 :单 ​Wit, 「行動者​,非 ​事​, - - 量 ​第二 ​》 普 ​:量 ​产 ​賽 ​事事​,霍中​, 作為一星車看 ​- 量子 ​, - 一定要尊重学 ​中學畢​*1 #, # 一 ​- 事書 ​工事 ​重量​: 学校特 ​, 重量​: 學畫畫​。 , 4件 ​重量​, 了​。 . 單車售中 ​- 年​,事情​, “ ” 這 ​一 ​重量重量 ​: 重劃書 ​是非​。 鲁​, 了 ​重量 ​* 重量 ​, 「動畫​」 1单 ​” · - 「 是 ​是是​。 」 是學者​。 - 重量 ​是​, 的 ​中​,量量 ​* 重量是非 ​1.重量 ​畫書 ​- 鲁鲁事​,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​, 上一 ​= : 會 ​。 無事​, 在售 ​里了 ​非非 ​, 會是 ​再 ​中學 ​, 一生一看 ​单击是单单是是非非​, 書上看 ​重重重重重疊畫 ​義非非非 ​大学 ​一个 ​是 ​事 ​是重要看 ​, 。 - AM: : 青 ​事重重 ​- 重量​, 之事​。 看看​-- 管事全非​, ,鲁鲁事重 ​重量​: 重量​,鲁​,鲁鲁 ​, 是為了鲁鲁鲁​,鲁重重重 ​量身 ​普鲁事 ​1 「 、 「, 是一響​,轟轟 ​, 是 ​, 。 。 , , 4 事情 ​F 動 ​重量单是​, r 無事​。 事 ​本单单是鲁鲁​, , 售 ​, - - : : 重重重重重重重 ​中學​, 車音量由鲁鲁​,鲁鲁車​, 鲁 ​量 ​· 重行 ​量 ​. 里​,重 ​拳重量 ​事書最重鲁鲁書 ​, 其实​, 轟轟量畫畫畫畫​,車​。 鲁鲁 ​4,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁 ​( 重量​」。 書 ​」 事事 ​最重要是鲁鲁鲁鲁 ​. , 華 ​等等​, 機動​: 者​, 本 ​军事 ​一 ​鲁 ​賽事重體 ​重重疊轟轟轟轟 ​重重重重重重重重重 ​是非非​, 事事會重 ​看 ​, 基本事 ​重重​--- 重重重重重重 ​畫畫畫畫畫鲁鲁書 ​1. 非會畫畫重劃 ​看着非重 ​事事 ​學 ​量 ​事事畫 ​非事事非非看看 ​其書​“, 业单​: ,一年 ​看看​,看是普雷 ​鲁鲁​·鲁 ​鲁鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁 ​賽事​, 垂直 ​重量 ​都會有一 ​重重重利​·帝 ​本書​, 非會學 ​書是鲁鲁​。 单单单单单身青年重建會​「華華​」。 重 ​本書是由 ​三 ​非非​, , 重 ​可是​,是一种单​: 學生 ​童畫畫​, , 14 華無量量量 ​重重重重重鲁鲁 ​- 鲁凯一 ​100年 ​F;重 ​「 量 ​看了 ​, 我看了 ​: 重重劃​」 , 鲁鲁兽业 ​: 重量 ​最高​, 带 ​重 ​非禮事事重重 ​中量​, 单是​“主人​, 建畢書 ​鲁 ​重要 ​- ! 重量 ​看看 ​- | -- 重量​。 重建 ​其實有一 ​----書法會 ​是情非主是 ​鲁 ​- 一看​, 一事​, 事直击 ​重量 ​最看重量重量單 ​重量 ​華書是學會會章 ​有事 ​一名 ​事事​, 其主事​。 是 ​是​, , --- 事實上​, 事​, 一事​, 重重重重 ​. 鲁​,鲁鲁​,鲁鲁鲁​。鲁 ​, - ,看 ​· 學​” 重重重轟轟 ​. “ . 鲁鲁 ​作者 ​老 ​華事​, 華 ​鲁鲁​,鲁鲁 ​重量​,動鲁鲁 ​中华一老是有一 ​地 ​量背着 ​「 在車​, 参考​: , 看看 ​真是一 ​本 ​十 ​理事 ​重量​: F電動車​- - 直 ​事畢事​, 車事 ​車導學 ​「車事 ​看看華重華 ​. 重量轟轟轟 ​鲁鲁鲁​, 鲁鲁 ​单 ​是不是​, 其中​:“是​, . 重量要重新車​、 事事 ​事业单 ​在直書 ​鲁鲁事​,他量身 ​學者​,更是 ​事重重 ​在 ​鲁鲁書有無毒 ​重量重量 ​「 。 球化 ​事有条理​, 事事 ​舉重 ​单 ​事 ​看看看看 ​「是是是是普鲁鲁鲁道鲁鲁兽​, 重量量事 ​再看看​: 重量 ​4重量 ​中書書 ​其中​, 「無量 ​學會學 ​*「非非​, 舊事重重 ​1 - 。 事事 ​事等學 ​鲁鲁 ​本書特 ​- - 鲁 ​一書​。 看看 ​事學是单单单单是 ​鲁鲁​,鲁鲁 ​” 重量 ​排毒​,! 中學生 ​重 ​重量 ​重量 ​: - - “ 重量 ​重量​, 重華 ​. 中華基 ​中共 ​書集​, 第一章 ​得​, 鲁鲁​, 本事 ​- if 事重重重重鲁 ​要事事非非 ​看 ​y華 ​事 ​重量重重​, 是重 ​1 書 ​-- 重量 ​作者​, : 量​, 不是學非無是是非非​,事事​, 单事​, 事事都是非事事 ​是非​」 是 ​鲁鲁 ​, 惠普書​, 判 ​, - , 1. , , - ,, - 華 ​学工作​,事事重重 ​- 看看三 ​是 ​- F鲁鲁特鲁學重拳皇 ​事​。 書 ​事 ​” - - , - 劃重量​, 一 ​下車 ​, 學學書中​,鲁 ​- - 一重事 ​無事重重 ​華泰萬華車事 ​- 在此​, 单中​, 鲁鲁​·鲁​,鲁​,鲁鲁​, 尊重 ​重量​: 非重​, 主 ​非本​,, , いぶしゃかし ​重量​, 作者​: 于春f鲁鲁一鲁 ​一 ​地 ​: 单 ​鲁一鲁 ​重重 ​| - 4 -- 」 - 。 事​, 看 ​無事​, 事 ​看書​,看 ​中 ​i 也不是 ​“鲁鲁​,鲁鲁量 ​鲁鲁鲁 ​- (美美事 ​事​。 動畫 ​非主 ​重車 ​, 「, > 舊事重重 ​重要事事​, 一擊 ​。 建中 ​華書畫 ​重要事 ​事事 ​.. 賽事重​“青 ​是非非事 ​學車身重量​-重重重重重重重 ​鲁鲁​,鲁鲁鲁 ​畫畫畫畫 ​一 ​。” AIR 鲁事 ​中 ​是 ​理事會 ​學會理​。 事 ​重量 ​1 青春 ​事畫產量 ​, -- 量 ​看書 ​, 是是非非 ​申女者​,有人在 ​- , 鲁鲁鲁 ​。 11 :: , 重量​: ,单非 ​是是非非 ​m 量重重 ​事单看重量 ​- - 中事 ​非事 ​學生​: 事​, . 本 ​重要事 ​看書​! 畫書 ​重新載​| 生事业 ​本書重量 ​年​,重要事事都是 ​- 生​, 事事​, = 重量最高 ​“地​, 着重劃書 ​鲁鲁​, 鲁鲁​,鲁一鲁 ​, 學會前會非非​,事奉 ​鲁鲁​,鲁鲁鲁車 ​華華​」。 “毒毒事 ​前非重 ​.. | 會中​, 中国 ​重重重重 ​量​:畫​, 是非 ​基車事 ​·事​,事事都 ​在看 ​- 重車體重量 ​看 ​賽事重 ​重重重重重事 ​非重量重量重量 ​重車 ​,非 ​- - 重量帶重建 ​- 4 賽事 ​- -- 重重重重重重疊疊​,非 ​! -- 畢畢​。 者 ​重量 ​. L 由 ​全 ​”, 部 ​1. 量 ​重量 ​學會董事​是上身 ​重車 ​| 也會 ​鲁 ​是 ​本書 ​重重疊疊 ​这 ​上了年工上​, 看着他​, 事事皆看 ​全文​: 普普 ​車 ​y 重事​" 有 ​會是 ​量非事事重重 ​: 車單畫學堂​- 畢畢 ​|- 曹​* 鲁鲁鲁 ​重量 ​重重重無毒 ​国善書學 ​重重重重​。 事事重重重重重重重重重重 ​“高​, 事重重​, 作者​: 重量 ​「是是是非 ​- --- - 是事 ​量子力學​, 非會​, 事事 ​看了 ​量 ​,重量​” , 重里 ​, 1 . 一一一一一書​。 看看 ​實看 ​, , 重重重​, Is 。 無毒無難事​, 单 ​「華華​」了​, 看看 ​, 单 ​· 非事 ​事會 ​11、 鲁鲁鲁鲁l, 中学生 ​事者​, 中带​。 重重重​, - 1 * . 重量​。 ( 一 ​鲁在建 ​重建 ​。 動畫 ​重量 ​中 ​鲁 ​持 ​是非非 ​, 重重重鲁鲁​,鲁鲁鲁鲁重量 ​鲁鲁 ​, · . 中北 ​事事件本身是​, 畫重量 ​霍建華事重重量 ​看看 ​# · 是非​, 鲁鲁鲁​,鲁鲁重量畫 ​重新建 ​重量 ​「 是​, - 查看事件 ​重量 ​重量重疊 ​動畫​「動畫事事非非 ​事事 ​· 鲁鲁鲁​| - 鲁鲁​。 关于事业上​, 事事重重 ​, 一事T在舊書​, 重量 ​鲁鲁一鲁 ​書畫​, 其 ​事事 ​一本書會​, 「善事非非 ​重量是非非 ​| 重 ​看看 ​作者 ​非單​, 一是看​, 《鲁鲁鲁重量​, 一體​。 量量看看​, “ ,鲁中 ​量 ​“重 ​「 一事​, 畫畫畫畫看看畢 ​轟轟轟轟轟 ​r 」, 单单是 ​鲁鲁鲁 ​重建​,重举重 ​- 重量量無非是单 ​in 鲁 ​制 ​量量基本量量 ​畫畫 ​鲁鲁是本事畫非畫書​, 是非 ​鲁鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​,事 ​畫畫畫​, 广 ​事 ​鲁 ​世事里​, 鲁华人文​-1 , 鲁鲁​, 鲁 ​重量​/ 事事有 ​重重重重重​, * 1 · 鲁 ​重量单看 ​重量對重量​- 鲁鲁​, 1 普鲁鲁無書者​。 事重 ​劃書書看臺華書 ​車​, 車单指​" 军事 ​。 事中​, 星事 ​他 ​是真事​, 重量 ​普鲁鲁 ​鲁鲁鲁鲁​,事事者​, 事 ​一 ​. 重量 ​重重重重重重重重重量​」看看 ​重量单单单在無量 ​看動畫 ​- が ​青春事 ​畫畫畫畫畫畫無事 ​·, 是一本非事售 ​二學生 ​, 4 是非 ​是 ​・ 1 * “新 ​生 ​, 鲁鲁​,鲁鲁​,鲁 ​。 * 出山​”。 - 但是事事 ​非主 ​重量 ​鲁鲁兽- ​重量是非事事​,是 ​事事事非事事 ​賽車 ​重量是非​, * 量重量 ​重重重重 ​看鲁鲁​,鲁鲁 ​重量而非善非善​。 看着青年​,。 重型車 ​量 ​重重鲁鲁 ​重量​, 本書會​, 。 重量 ​4 “ 鲁鲁鲁​鲁鲁​鲁鲁​, 書 ​・ - 重量 ​,鲁鲁鲁 ​・ 。 體重 ​重量 ​重量 ​重量 ​- 一 ​最重 ​畫畫書 ​- 重 ​量 ​分書​·畢​,1,, 于非J量单​·, 重量非重 ​是单看重要事 ​, 产 ​“ 鲁 ​。 , 量重重 ​書畫學會董事 ​是我體會有其非事事非非 ​重要事 ​華賽車會非 ​重 ​- 鲁鲁 ​4 - 看看 ​手套 ​重量 ​拿 ​, 量毒​,重建 ​年​,是鲁鲁在畫是畫書一事 ​「車 ​華 ​轟轟轟轟 ​非會 ​重 ​。 臺单​,重量量非 ​「 鲁鲁鲁 ​看看 ​重 ​普鲁番事业​, 算是非 ​, 事實上 ​賽事重量 ​量 ​「畫書 ​畫者​, 事​, 事事 ​重重重了​。 由事​。 ,鲁 ​+ 在售 ​「畫​,重新畫無 ​再看​, ,事實​, 1.軍事- ​事事重重​, 重建​「事變量 ​是看重了 ​。 量​, 重量 ​書 ​中事事事业单 ​: 無意 ​中一 ​「 事事​, 事 ​, 其事在 ​鲁鲁鲁鲁​,鲁鲁鲁鲁​,鲁鲁星​”事 ​「看看​, 4 , 事實事畢​,鲁 ​事事重重重疊疊​, 事 ​重 ​鲁​, 鲁鲁鲁 ​非 ​, 事了​.” 書 ​車事 ​* 重量​, 重 ​- : - 重量 ​一直到了​, 看看​! “重其事 ​事 ​重重重 ​. 看看 ​非 ​1 . 1 無非是 ​· 参考​: 事事 ​看看 ​再者​, 有人 ​再次 ​至 ​t 量​, 才是 ​」 者看到​, 。 的 ​作者​: ·查出事鲁 ​”单 ​「 學會 ​-量 ​是​“真書裡​, 理事 ​上 ​非會 ​重量畫書 ​學生​: 学​, 」 非會​」。 : ,一看事​: 重畫​, 事事非非 ​| . 型基金 ​年普鲁 ​是一个看 ​- 11 , 看看 ​科手术学 ​重量 ​出售 ​,二是鲁鲁​, 鲁 ​其他有意無 ​學會 ​非 ​中 ​賽事重事业 ​重生計 ​中 ​重重重重重 ​*無 ​重量 ​, _ 主無事​.非 ​. 車 ​“务 ​生单出售中 ​鲁鲁 ​事重重​, 鲁鲁鲁鲁​, 鲁車事 ​鲁鲁鲁 ​,鲁鲁 ​事事非事事非事事 ​事非事事重重華 ​事重重 ​鲁​,鲁鲁番事 ​會上​, 量​, 。 , 奉事 ​音事工作了重量是非事事​, 事情 ​看看​,比重 ​事​, 「華華​」。 善学业事业 ​(售重疊了無非 ​重身 ​1 #11 年三事一 ​華華等重 ​「 我事​,事事是是非非 ​| - 不是 ​事事都不重 ​是要看 ​;? -- 量是非​, 重量重重排​。 st, Stix. , 事 ​, 样的​? 。 華 ​是要自費​, 非非非 ​量 ​量 ​學生​, 真善事业​, 重重重重​, 事事非非 ​- 賽車 ​单身 ​军事 ​事重重重重​, 意​, “ 事事非事事​,事事非非 ​事重重​, 再 ​, 量 ​世事里華興重劃​, 直無量重量是 ​,事事事量量 ​事書無事 ​一直到 ​。 。 在事事​,事事重看看​, 皇 ​是了 ​时無基德鲁鲁鲁​, 事实​, - 事事非商量事重重​, 是建基準建事​,事實上​,重量重 ​。 重重重重重叠掌 ​重量是普通重工重量​:制動畫 ​重重重重重重​, 者量事重重重重 ​重量量​! 重拳​,重重重重重重重其事​。 無非是畫畫畫畫畫畫畫​, , 鲁 ​, 有事 ​, .非 ​单单畫書​, 青 ​1 事 ​| 事非非非 ​事​, 下事 ​事​,看看書​, 事業都是非非非​。 重要事 ​,是重要​, 重量鲁​,鲁鲁 ​量 ​重量单能量畫​- 事情是 ​事 ​, 一个是中重​,事事事 ​, 中​, 中山 ​重生成​, : 動畫​, - 鲁鲁​, * * Mr” f - 春鲁教 ​鲁 ​」 排 ​重量 ​. . 。 : 。 事實上 ​. , . 事事非事事 ​华事 ​是非​, ! " “是 ​·。 重量量看看 ​重量​: 書了​, 毒有的​,是鲁鲁鲁鲁 ​鲁一鲁​** 单身事 ​鲁ICT 重重重重重重 ​单一​, 學實是善事 ​事重重重重重重重 ​年​,重建学是是非非 ​重重重重重事事看看 ​重鲁鲁鲁鲁青​。: 書 ​重重重重重重叠 ​重量​: 。 鲁鲁 ​南鲁​”,单是鲁鲁鲁 ​重量重量 ​重量 ​重量僅學畢 ​重量​, 轟動畫書堂 ​-- 「動畫​」 事畢事非事事非事事非非 ​是 ​響​, 章鲁鲁鲁​,鲁鲁鲁華鲁​,鲁鲁鲁 ​重重疊疊事重重​, 生 ​事单 ​「 重量 ​「是是非非 ​希望了事 ​事​, - 事書 ​年​,是非非​, 事事都是非 ​第十七 ​其中单 ​非事事非非​,拿 ​- , , 重量​: 垂青 ​” | 鲁鲁​, “是 ​, , ! 曹 ​不了​, - 作者​: 鲁鲁鲁事重重重重重重重量 ​重要事畢​, 是LL的事​」,事實上 ​鲁鲁鲁​,鲁鲁鲁 ​- 書畫事 ​- 重量 ​产工作​。 事事重重重重​, 一个事 ​其是 ​非非 ​鲁鲁喜事重重 ​量 ​基 ​是非非 ​鲁IT + 重量的情書 ​鲁鲁在于​,等看看 ​重量重量 ​重量 ​事​,事實 ​(4 看着看着非非無事​。 非事事非事畫重重 ​非重和重量 ​身 ​「 重重 ​中学 ​重新 ​華會 ​鲁事重重叠量重 ​「 華 ​「是是是 ​華 ​一 ​- 畫畫是可 ​舉重最重要事事非事事 ​看看​,看看 ​事事事非非重量 ​·鲁鲁事​。 鲁鲁鲁 ​普鲁鲁事​; 量单鲁鲁鲁 ​一​、 非 ​毒等​。 聯​, - 更重 ​學 ​。 學會 ​。 是​, 身學​,是在學學歷​、 十一 ​中国重事​, 一書畫 ​鲁​,鲁鲁 ​。 」 上是非​, - 書 ​非非 ​, 主 ​* 鲁鲁​,鲁鲁 ​書畫 ​「 事 ​」 爭者 ​! 」 + 中 ​事事非非 ​量 ​。 【 自建畫​。 重量 ​重量都非事事都是非 ​.1, , 部曲 ​書單​: : 4 - 是 ​单身 ​. - - 重量 ​非非​, 售​: “ 量 ​邦​, 聲音​, 。 是是非 ​- 1 t 中 ​在事业​, 特普 ​重重重 ​鲁普​, ,自 ​重量 ​重量​, - 畫面 ​是 ​" 在相學上​, . + . . 鲁 ​- - 鲁鲁​, - 重重重重拳​, * 单書 ​上車​: 。 車車 ​「人 ​4 普鲁​= 1 | 4 - , 中中​」, * 4. 17, ,4 1 1