* ...: THE COMPOSITION OF FINITE ROTATIONs * ABOUT PARALLEL AXES . . . . º , t - By ProFEssoR A1. ExANDER ZIWET ; ; t t; | l n i ii ! i * * * !; *t * * * :::::::::) ** A tº its :::::: t * $ & & t #####::::: #: !º {{#if::::::: g tº a ######::::: ::::: }}}#3::::::: {; i * ::::::::::: * º * * !: ! *** ***,\ , t $4 ::::, ; * * * * # § *: * * tº º * * * tº * * $g $ #: ::::#; *] § $4 tº {# # $? § { #: #:::: g l }* tº... . . * , a . . . . { : it | ; y ; } i § § i } # § }: i ; : § * § tº it NOTE ON THE COMPOSITION OF FINITE ROTATIONS ABOUT PARALLEL AXES. Q BY PROFESSOR ALEXANDER ZIWET. 1. It is well known that the succession of two finite rotations of a rigid plane figure in its plane (or, what amounts to the same, of a rigid body about parallel axes), say a rotation of angle 6' about a point O' followed by a rotation 6" about O", is equivalent to a single rotation of angle 0 = 0 + 6" about a point O. The center O is found as the intersection of the lines obtained by turning O'O" about O' through an angle — $6' and O'O' about O' through -- $6". As a clockwise rotation of angle b is equivalent to a counter- clockwise rotation of angle 27 — b, the angles of rotation can all be made of the same sense, say counterclockwise; and as a rotation of angle b-i-2kT is equivalent to the rotation of angle b, the angles can be confined to values between 0 and 27t. The construction of the point O is therefore always possible unless 0 = 0 + 6" is E 0 (mod 27). In this limiting case the center lies at infinity, and the resultant displacement is a trans- lation whose vector is readily determined. 2. When there are more than two successive rotations, the resultant of the first and second rotations can be compounded by the same method with the third rotation, and so on. It is apparent that the angle of the final resultant rotation is the sum of the angles of the given rotations, but the construction of the center becomes rather complicated. It is the object of the present note to indicate a convenient method for finding this center, by applying vector methods systematically. QA (a 23 , 2 × 2 v. 209 - COMPOSITION OF ROTATIONS. [Feb., 3. A single rotation, 6 about O' (Fig. 1), carries any point A of the rigid figure from the initial position A, to the final FIG. 1. FIG. 2. position A1. Taking the fixed point O' as origin and putting A – O' = ro, A – O' = r., we have the vector equation rl = e”'r, which means that the operator e” applied to the vector r, turns. it in the plane through the angle 6'.") This is of course merely another form of stating the ordinary method of complex numbers. Two successive rotations, 6 about O' and 6" about O’ (Fig. 2), carry the point A from A, to A, and from A, to A. With O' — O' = cl, A, - O' = r, we have A, - O' = r + c, A, - O' = r., + c, whence r, + c = €”(r) + c,), or, replacing r, by its value from the preceding equation, *º-sº e 9//+6/) 6// r, = e^ ro + e”"c, – c. ^. In the case of three successive rotations, 6 about O', 6" about O", 6" about O'", putting O" – O'" = c, A, - O' = r, we have i0/// - rs -- C, + C, = €”(r, + c, -- c.), whence eliminating r, we find I3 = *or, + **oc, + e”c, –– C3, where c, - – c – c. = O'" — O'. Similarly we find for four successive rotations, 6 about O', ..., 6" about O'" * G. Peano, Gli elementi di calcolo geometrico, Torino, 1891, p. 19. 1908.] COMPOSITION OF ROTATIONS. 210 — ai(9'V+0"--974-97 t(6 iW--97'--9” i(6iv-E67) $6iv r, = e” Jr. -- eº"+ }c, +e” C,-H C” Cº-FC, where c + c, -i- c, -- c, = 0. The vectors c, . . , c, are equal to the sides of the quadrilateral formed by the centers O', . . , O"; these centers are points of the fixed plane, not of the moving figure. The initial and final radii vectores ro, r, of A are drawn from O'. If any other point Q of the plane were taken as origin, it would only be necessary to replace ro, r, by r. — q, r — q, where rº, r are the radii vectores of A drawn from Q, and q = O' — Q. - 4. In the expression found for ro all terms after the first are independent of the particular point A of the figure. Their sum represents a vector s, which can be written S = cº"(e."(ºc, + C) + C) + c,. This form indicates the most convenient way of constructing the vector s, (Fig. 3): turn O' — O' = c, about O' through 6" and add c, ; then turn the sum so obtained about O'" through 6" and add c, ; finally turn the vector so obtained about O" through 6" and add c, ; this gives the vector s, = 0, - O' which evidently represents the displacement of that point of the rigid figure which originally coincided with O'. Denoting the angle of the resultant rotation by 6, so that 6 = 0 + 6" + 6" + 6"(mod 27t) and introducing the vector s, we have the simple result — 236 r, = €”ro + S,. 5. It is obvious that in the case of m, successive rotations we have similarly I, = e'r, —H. Sº, where 6 = 0 + 6" + . . . -- 0° and S = ºl. gº) { & E & [eº"(eiº"c, + C.) + cal + . . . -- Cº-1} + C. Thus, the final radius vector of any point of the rigid figure is found by turning its initial radius vector about O' through an angle 0 = 0 + 6" + . . . -- 0° and adding to it the vector s. In other words, the resultant displacement is resolved into the rotation of angle 6 about O' and the translation s, of O'. The center O of the equivalent single rotation being a fixed point its radius vector r is found by putting r, = r =r which 211 COMPOSITION OF ROTATIONS. [Feb., 1908. gives — e”)r = s : - = __ oi(tr–6)/2 (1 – e’”)r=s, or r 2 sin #9° S. This means that the point O is the vertex of the isosceles tri- angle whose base is O'O, and whose angle at O is 0 if 0 < T and is 2T – 6 if 6 × T. In the former case the sense O'O,O is positive, in the latter it is negative. If 6 = T, the resultant displacement is a reversal (Umwendung) about the midpoint of O'O. If 6 = 0 (mod 27t) the resultant displacement reduces to the translation s. * If, in particular, the angles of rotation 0", 6", . . , 6") are equal, respectively, to the exterior angles of the polygon of centers at O'", O", ..., O", the vector s, has, as appears at once from its construction (Fig. 3), the direction and sense of c, and a length equal to the perimeter of the polygon O O" . . . O". If, in addition, 6' is equal to the exterior angle at O' and the polygon is convex, the resultant rotation is zero, and the resul- tant displacement reduces to the translation S. ANN ARBOR, December, 1907. ; : ". : © : : : : .* : º |||||||||||||| 5 O51 16 1902 Sample of GAYLORD BROS.” PAMPHLET BINDER Made Of PHOTO= MOUNT The size of this binder is 4. X ? / inches. 2- inch. Space at back Color ('Olor ('loth . " : | i f ; | - / DIRECTIONS. Moisten the gum ned surfaces, insert magazine, close the binder, and press firmly for a no ment to make adhesion secure. remove the cover, moisten the gum mod surfaces of the binding strip and insert the contents. Then past tº the magazine covers previously de- tached, to the ungu in med surfaces of the binding strip. Some librarians prefer to paste the maga- zine covers to the outside covers of the bin cler. This will allow the title of the magazine to be seen at a glance. - - -º •G -- º -t º : GAYLORD BROS., Syracuse, N. Y. | i i § ;*g # ; §: #: §: f § ººº :: ſ i; !'; ; : H 11, ºf * } !!!" º tº . : § º- º º t º º º § sº 1 s : & ſ º tº Fº º *... f. §º º º *º º sº * . º # # ~