می شه مسه } MIOANE ARTES TIMOLE LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS FEMIHALLIKI KIUINIRII YAM { UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | "PLURIBUS INIM SCIENTIA OF THE „ST QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAMÚ. CIRCUMSFICE JANJANJANJANJA SUERE LENTIA XN JAME KISAHIITH ** な ​! } DA 25 E9 Vil ना 100 (SENTED HER 12 Jame COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY MAJES BL C Det er OVE: CALENDAR THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ' OF 1642-1656, PRESERVED IN THE STATE PAPER DEPARTMENT S.Knit HER MAJESTY'S PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. A OF EDITED BY MARY ANNE EVERETT GREEN, Author of "The Lives of the Princesses of England," &c. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASTER OF THE ROLLS, AND WITH THE SANCTION OF HER MAJESTY'S SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C.; or ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, 6, NORTH BRIDGE, EDINBURGH; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., 104, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1888. CONTENTS OF THIS VOLUME. PARTS I., II., AND III. PREFACE LIST OF THE RECORDS OF THE COMMITTEE GENERAL PROCEEDINGS CASES BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ADDENDA ERRATA WARRANTS For Payment of Money INDEX 50623. Wt. 23984. P a 2 - Page V xix 1 114 1483 1485 1488 1509 PREFACE. DURING the period of the civil war, and later, until the reins of government were seized and held by the firm hand of Oliver Cromwell, the fortunes of Englishmen were greatly at the mercy of Parliamentary Committees. The records of some of these com- mittees have come down to us in good preservation, whilst of others, the order books, which form the backbone of the whole, are wanting; and of some, though the order books are preserved, the original papers are wanting. The Army Committee was a potent element, because to it was mainly entrusted the regulation of public expenditure ; but its order books are absent, and its only records consist of large numbers of warrants, scattered among 300 bundles of Interregnum Exchequer Papers, which are now in process of arrangement. Another committee was that for taking the Accounts of the king- dom. It was formed 22 Feb. 1644, and consisted of 25 members.¹ Without its examination and approval, no accounts could be passed. All accounts for arrears of officers and soldiers, expenses of garri- sons, &c., as well as of civil expenditure, passed through the hands of this committee. But here again the sole records remaining in the Record Office are letters and papers scattered among the 300 bundles of Exchequer Papers. These two committees belong rather to the department of the Exchequer than to that of general history. There were also Committees of Safety; for Removing Obstructions in the sale of Delinquents' lands; and for relief of those who sur- rendered on Articles of War, of which only casual records remain. The Committees of which the records are sufficiently complete to render a calendar practicable, are, 1. Committee for Advance of Money. 2. Sequestration Committee. 3. Committee for Plundered Ministers. See Scobell's Acts of Parliament, pp. 62, 74, 93. vi PREFACE. 4. Committee for Compounding with Delinquents. 5. Derby House Committee, or Committee for both Kingdoms. 6. Committee for Indemnity. 7. Committee for Sale of Fee-farm Rents or Crown Lands. The Derby House Committee really represented the governing power on the Parliamentary side during the civil war, and its records are being calendared by Mr. W. D. Hamilton, with those of the closing years of Charles I. An account of the other Committees will be given with their respective calendars.¹ The first in order of date was that for Advance of Money, its object being to furnish the sinews of war to the Parliament party. It was appointed 26 November 1642, on a previous order in Parlia- ment of 14 November, that the Public faith of the kingdom should be given for repayment, with 8 per cent. interest, of all loans of money advanced for the public service. Among the 16 original members occur the names of 5 peers and 4 knights, but several others were added later (p. 1). The officers of the Committee were, 1. Treasurer, at 150l. a year, with percentage on receipts. 2. Clerk or secretary, at 4l. a week, with the benefit of the copying of orders, which was considerable after it became a rule of the Committee that all petitions or requests made to it should be accompanied by an official copy of the last. order in the case. 3. Registrar, at 150l. a year. 4. Legal counsellor, at 150l. a year. 5. Examiner of witnesses, at 100l. a year. 6. Six attendants or collectors, who were allowed 6s. 8d. a day when on duty, 6d. in the pound on all moneys brought in by them, and their travelling expenses.. The meetings of the Committee were first held at the Hall of the Haberdashers' Company in Gresham Street, which was hired for the purpose, at a rental of 60l. (p. 88), then at Sir Wm. Bruncard's house, Old Palace, or the Queen's Court, Westminster (p. 995), but after its amalgamation with the Committee for Compounding with delinquents, in 1650, it returned to Haberdashers' Hall, where its. treasury had remained all along (pp. 62, 76, 221). ¹ A fuller notice of these Committees is printed in the preface to the Calendar of State Papers, 1649-1650, pp. vii.-xii. PREFACE.. vii A sub-committee was also appointed by the civic authorities of London to raise assessments in the several wards. It consisted of 26 members, whose meetings were held in Weavers' Hall, Basing- hall Street (pp. 1, 2). They received weekly contributions for the expenses of the war. They appointed their own assessors and collectors for the respective wards.. On 7 January 1643, Parliament issued a declaration, to be read in the churches, urging the necessity of a present subscription, in money or plate, to the war expenses, the money to be paid in four instal- ments, on Public Faith Bills for principal and interest at 8 per cent. (p. 11). Frequently Parliament was in such straits for money, that sums were borrowed, for a few days or months only, from private persons or city companies. The efforts of the Committee for Advance of Money to procure supplies were at first chiefly limited to residents within 20 miles of London, but occasionally the counties which embraced the side of the Parliament sent liberal contributions, or were called into question for not doing so (pp. 3, 12, 14). The ratio of the assessment was of the real, and of the personal estate; but the estimates being founded on property or income, without reduction for the lowering of the value of both by the critical and uncertain position of public affairs, were often so much too high that instances of their payment in full are extremely rare; although one occurs whose assessment of 107. was reduced to 5l., but he was content to pay the whole.” An examination of the assessment books, Nos. 61 to 73, which give in parallel columns the sums assessed, the sums already con- tributed, and the sums remaining to be paid, will prove that the actual receipts bear a small proportion to the assessments laid. From two account books, Nos. 51 and 74, an estimate can be formed of sums assessed, and sums actually paid, between 24 June 1643 and 1 July 1644. The receipts were 260,306l, 14s. 5d.; the unpaid balance of the sums demanded was nearly 6 times as much, being 1,418,2997. (C Sums already lent to Parliament were allowed on account of assessment when the receipts could be produced, or when affidavits were taken that they had not been disposed of, by doubling or otherwise." The phrase of doubling refers to a skilful device by means of which Parliament paid its debts by exacting more money. To any one producing a Public Faith Bill, and (( viii PREFACE. paying again as much as its value, lands from forfeited estates in Ireland or elsewhere were transferred, to the full value of the double sums. Large contributors occasionally accepted this mode of repayment, rather than trust to the uncertain discharge of their Public Faith Bills. The collectors were ordered to serve the summonses for payment of assessments on the persons concerned, and the grant of the Public Faith was conditional on payment ten days after the sum- mons. In case of failure, orders were issued for seizure and sale of goods, and for seizure of houses and lands, till the amount of assessment was paid. The houses were either let, or turned into a refuge for those who lost their houses owing to their adherence to the King's party.¹ Some endeavoured to elude payment by conveying away their goods, and some by absenting themselves, thus putting the collectors to great expense and trouble. The Committee retaliated by ordering the offenders to pay all expenses incurred by the distress levied upon their goods, including an extra allowance to the collectors of 3d. in the pound on moneys thus brought in. The goods were to be carried to Guildhall, and after due advertisement, to be sold "by the candle." This phrase alludes to a practice, fallen into desuetude, of sale by auction, a bid being absolute as soon as a candle lighted expired. One large purchaser of such goods was accused of placing himself too near the candle, and by some indirect means, blowing it out! (p. 129). The difficulties incurred by assessment collectors in getting in the assessments are given in detail on pp. 30, 31. In case of there being "no distress,"-that is, no property forthcoming on which the assessments could be levied by distraint, the persons assessed were to be taken into custody, and detained till payment was made.³ In June 1643, a sub-committee was appointed for mitigation of assessments that were considered too high, but a hearing from this 2 1 See Hen. Darrell (p. 183). Judge Foster (p. 383). Rob. Napper (p. 242). Rob. Valence (p. 303). Dr. Thos. Wilson (p. 238). Sir Rich. Young (p. 351). "See Sir John Baker (p. 181). Sir Inigo Jones (p. 185). Lancelot Lake (p. 186). Sir Edm. Pye (p. 188). Sir F. Williamson (p. 194). Sir Peter Wyche (p. 195). 3 See Ant. Browne (p. 289). Nieh. Franklyn (p. 270). Dan. Harvey (p. 138). Sir Mat. Mennes (p. 187). Thos. Wheeler (p. 231). PREFACE. ix committee could only be obtained on payment in deposit of half the sum assessed. The affidavit of the person assessed was frequently taken and accepted, as to the amount of his property, deducting debts incurred before June 1642, but should the affidavit prove false, he was condemned to pay the total amount of the primary assessment.¹ Should it be proved that the deposited was the full proportion, it was accepted as such; if less, then the balance was to be paid ; if more, the surplus was returned.2 Mitigations were sometimes granted on family reasons,³ and mitigations, sometimes extending to discharges, to those who had performed services, or had supplied money, horses, arms, or goods, for Parliament for which they were not paid, or who had suffered heavy losses by the King's troops, the billetting of soldiers, &c. 5 Discharges were also frequently granted to those who had been previously assessed in London, and had paid their assessments;7 also to those who had country as well as town residences, and had paid their assessments in the country.8 The Committee for Advance of Money granted respite or post- ponement of assessment in cases where the persons assessed were away from England, especially when on Parliament service; also when their estates were in counties occupied by the King's troops,10 or when they were under sequestration for delinquency."¹ 1 See Sir Edw. Bathurst (p. 249). Randall Bathurst (p. 249). 2 See Mrs. Emett Cheslett (p. 251). Roger Drake (p. 269). Wm. Holmes (p. 1373). Solomon Smith (p. 254). 3 See Mary Allison (p. 326). Countess of Carberry (p. 258). Hum. Clarke (p. 182). Step. Thompson (p. 763). 4 See Sir P. Killigrew (p. 192). Adam Laurence (p. 247). Solomon Smith (p. 254). Wm. Thomas (p. 255). Thos. Wyan (p. 311). 5 See Hen. Chester (p. 182). Sir Randall Crewe (p. 189). John Cartwright (p. 189). Nath. Parkhurst (p. 197). Sir E. Sawyer (p. 181). 6 See Sir John Farewell (p. 206). Jas. Hunt (p. 197). Sir Thos. Wroth (pp. 272-2). Rich. Elmhurst (p. 756). 7 See Hen. Cogan (p. 219). C. Nicolo de Franchi (p.259). Fras. Gardiner (pp. 321–2). Sir Thos. Lake (pp. 253–4). Lady Eliz. Stanley (p. 230). John Woodbourne (p. 235). 8 See Lord Allington (p. 219). Cath. Baldwin (p. 182). Jane Hopkins (p. 293). Sir Randal Crew (p. 199). Alex. Southwood (p. 219). 9 See Wm. Beacon (p. 233). 10 See Rich. Alport (p. 252). Chas. Thynne (p. 194). Rich. Trevile (p. 239). Sir W. and Lady Eliz. Sydley (p. 207). Sir Thos. Wroth (p. 272). 11 See Sir Hugh Cholmley (p. 423). Sir Simon Every (p. 292). Sir Edw. Hales (p. 257). Countess of Rutland (p. 325). X PREFACE. Sometimes, though seldom, persons who had shown good affec- tion to Parliament were freed from assessment, and left to their voluntary contributions, and sometimes they were discharged by direct Order from Parliament.¹ Discharge was also granted by Parliament to those included in the Articles of War granted on surrender of Exeter, Truro, Oxford, &c.² The only persons exempted from assessment were those whose total property did not exceed 100l. in value, and this exemption was frequently granted on the affidavit of the persons. Members of either House of Parliament and attendants on the House of Peers were to be assessed, not by the Committee for Advance of Money, but by their respective Houses. During the first 15 months of its existence, the proceedings of the Committee for Advance of Money were mainly confined to assess- ments; but in February 1645, it was ordered that informations might be entered before it against those delinquents who had been seques- trated and had, in compounding for delinquency, concealed any part of their estate, or of the debts due to them. Ordinary dis- coverers were allowed of the money brought in on their dis- coveries. In the cases of officers and others who had arrears due to them from Parliament, it was a frequent practice to settle their accounts in a manner that should not draw upon government resources, but add to them. They were promised,, and even, very occasionally, the whole clear benefit derived from the estates of delinquents to be discovered by them,-being the most frequent proportion (pp. 41, et seq.), the remainder accruing to the State. A few months proved however that this arrangement gave rise to untrue accusations, and therefore no one was permitted to enter a discovery without a personal recommendation by an M.P., signed by the Speaker (pp. 43, 44).—The informations were entered in official books, and each entry was signed by the informer. Later on, 1 See Ald. Wm. Ashwell (p. 217). Lady Barkham (p. 221). Elizabeth, Lady Hatton (p. 191). Jane Milborne (p. 232). Hen. Poulsted (p. 286). John Stint (p. 224). 2 See Lord Cholmley (p. 729). Sir Thos. Ersfield (pp. 299, 300). Sir Theo. Mayherne (p. 186). Lady Paget (p. 193). Sir Thos. Porter (p. 193). 3 See pp. 39, 52; also Dr. Clewett (p. 225). Dr. Exton (p. 270). Sir Hen. Croke (p. 340). Hillary Hancock (p 220). PREFACE. xi informers were obliged to enter into a bond, generally in 2007., to prosecute their informations, and those who dropped prosecutions, compounded with the persons concerned to desist prosecution, or suborned witnesses, were made liable to imprisonment (p. 83). The proceedings of this Committee as to assessments were at first made without distinction of party, except so far as that those who had voluntarily contributed with liberality to Parliament funds were exempted. Gradually, as the Parliament party gained strength in the country, delinquents,-as the Royalists were called-were more frequently subject to this taxation. On 6 August 1646, an Order in the House of Commons was issued that the officers of the Com- mittee for Compounding should certify the names of all those who by composition had acknowledged their delinquency, and that all these should be assessed for their 2 (p. 56). 1 On 25 August following, assessments were limited to those who had been delinquents, or who had not contributed in any place to Parliament (p. 56). On 5 June 1648, a still more important Order was passed in Parliament, viz., that the and should not be levied excepting on those delinquents who were within the Ordi- nance of Sequestration; but this order was not to be retrospective, or to prevent the payment of assessments already ordered (p. 70). 1 On March 13 following (1649), it was ordered that all delinquents who compounded, if assessed, should be taxed according to the particulars of their estates, presented and signed by themselves at Goldsmiths' Hall, their allegations of debts, &c., to be subject to the judgment of the Committee for Advance of Money (p. 74). The composition was considered, however, to free them from assessment, provided the fine was fully paid up, but in case of failure in payment of the second half, the assessment was imposed. In April 1650, an entire change was made in the personnel of the Committee for Advance of Money; the former Commissioners were dismissed, and replaced by- John Berners. Wm. Molins. Rich. Moore. Sam. Moyer. Jas. Russell. Art. Squibb. Edw. Winslow. These were the men who were on the Committee for Compound- ing, and the title of the Committee for Advance of Money was enlarged to Committee for Sequestration and Advance of Money, xii PREFACE. and for Compounding with delinquents, the former Sequestration Committee being abolished. Although efforts were made to keep distinct the business of the two Committees for Advance of Money and Compounding, it fol- lowed almost inevitably that confusion arose, and orders in cases begun in one committee were given in the other. This was the more easy because the course of business so often led from the one committee to the other in the following routine: -A delinquent was informed against in the Committee for Advance of Money and convicted. The delinquent then applied for his composition to the Com- mittee for Compounding.. In case he undervalued his estate in the account he sent in, information of the undervaluation might be presented to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money. He had then to go back to the Committee for Compounding to compound for the undervaluations. When it is considered that the same men were on both com- mittees, and that both sat in the same place, the surprise is that mistakes were not more frequent. ? The powers of the new Committee for Advance were defined by Parliament Order on 8 Aug. 1650 (pp. 83, 84). During the years 1650 and 1651, assessments in the country by the county commissioners-which had all along been partially enforced in counties where Parliament authority was recognized,- were more general (pp. 84, 88-100). The last in the large books of assessments which contain the initiation of these proceedings are dated Oct. 1651. In April 1651, the Committee defined more fully the difference between an order for seizing and securing an estate, and sequester- ing it. In the former case, the rents of the real estate were stayed in the tenants' hands, and the suspected delinquent was allowed to enjoy his personal estate, on security in double its value, in case he should be convicted of delinquency. In the latter case, the whole property was taken into the hands of the county commis- sioners, the estates let, and the goods sold. In April 1651 also, Auditor Sherwin issued a series of proposals for the better regulation of the committee's business (p. 91). As the persons accused of delinquency frequently complained of want of definiteness in the charges preferred, which rendered a PREFACE. xiii defence difficult, or even impracticable, an order was issued on 18 June 1651, that the date, within a year, and the place of the acts of delinquency informed against, should be ascertained (p. 93). But by this time the country had become so weary of the uncertainty to property attending the proceedings against delin- quents, and the tediousness with which they dragged on, that Par- liament passed an Act of Pardon and Oblivion, whereby discharges from sequestration were granted to all those whose estates were not actually sequestered 1 Dec. 1651 (pp. 99, 101). This Act produced a great revolution in the reduction of the numbers of informations, and in the discharge of very numerous cases, both of delinquency and non-payment of assessments, already before the Committee; but it pressed very heavily upon the in- formers, many of whom had expended considerable sums in the prosecution of cases, which were far advanced towards a hearing, but the estates not sequestered; and as the recompense to informers was solely from the amounts paid in by the delinquents accused by them, they lost not only their expenses but the reward hoped for. These informers differed much in position and character; we find among them such men as Cols. Hutchinson and Venn, and nume- rous other officers, and groups of officers and soldiers, who were unable in any other way to obtain their arrears of pay. But some were money hunters, who brought their neighbours into trouble for their own gain; and some vented their malice upon their private enemies by picking holes in their political conduct, and informing against them for delinquency.¹ It cannot be supposed that a Committee whose object was to raise money from the accused would act partially towards them, yet the instances of discharge from sequestration are not very infrequent. In June 1652, a mandate was issued that the Public Faith should not, without special order, be granted for assessments paid. in (p. 105); but on 7 Dec. 1653, certificates for the Public Faith were granted, on the Parliament Order of 12 Aug. 1645, to all who had paid their assessment within the time limited, or had been re- spited; but not to those against whom proceedings had been taken. This led to numerous requests for Public Faith certificates, from such of the community as still retained a hope that the Public Faith of the Commonwealth was worth anything (p. 112). 1 See the Index under the head Informers. xiv PREFACE. From the time of the Protectorate, in December 1653, the powers of all committees were gradually curtailed, and their business diverted and absorbed into Cromwell's hands, until, one by one, they ceased to exist. The latest entry of the proceedings of this Committee is 14 May 1656. In the general proceedings of the Committee for Advance are placed some entries relating to individual cases, when they seemed needful to illustrate the modus operandi of the committee, although in a few instances, they are repeated in the case itself. In reference to the cases brought before the Committee for Advance of Money, especially those relating to assessments, they were so numerous that, had they all been calendared, the present volumes must have extended to seven or eight. A selection of these only is therefore given; they comprise— 1. Noblemen, baronets, knights, and ladies. 2. All those whose assessments amounted to 1,000l., and who, therefore, were considered to be worth 20,000l., equal to 80,000l. or 100,000l. in our days. 3. Ministers of churches. 4. Men whose names were known in the legal, literary, diplo- matic, or official circles of the period. 5. Cases in which there are several original papers, as well as entries in the order books. 6. Cases which occur, though they may not begin, in the later order books, thereby leading to the presumption that the parties are delinquents. Any persons seeking information about names of persons as- sessed, especially those resident in London, not occurring in the index to these volumes, should consult the indexes to the six assessment books, A 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, and 72. The mode of calendaring adopted for the cases, to secure at once brevity and clearness, and to avoid repetitions, is to place the case under the date of the earliest entry relating to it, and then to add all the other proceedings in order of date. All petitions and the principal orders in the case are calendared, and the references placed in the right-hand margin. Orders of minor importance-as those for respite or hearing of a case, or for confirmation of former orders are not calendared, but the references to them placed in PREFACE. XV the left-hand margin. In that margin are also placed references to the evidences on which the orders are grounded, as letters from the county committees, depositions, reports, &c. Any searcher wishing to follow out a case in full should look over these papers. Occasionally the depositions contain particulars of historical interest relating to the civil war, especially to the proceedings before and after the battle of Worcester. The reports frequently contain details valuable for family pedigree, whilst the par- ticulars of estates and debts give full accounts of the financial position of the individual concerned. The contractions used in the left-hand margin are- o.c. Order confirmed. o.c.c. Order of county committee. O.H.C. Order of the House of Com- ACCTS. Accounts. ANS. Answer. CERT. Certificate. COM. Commission. DEP. Depositions. E.W. Examination of witnesses. EXC. Exceptions. H. Hearing. IND. Indenture. INT. Interrogatories. INV. Inventory. L. Letter. o. Order. mons. O.P. Order in Parliament. P.D. Particulars of debts. P.E. Particulars of estates. PR. Proceedings. PUB. Publication of proofs. REC. Receipt. REP. Report. R. Respite. s. Summons. The first of the large books of assessment on which the majority of the assessment cases are based, does not begin till June 1643, but there are several cases of assessment before this date, though no note exists of the laying of the assessment. After June 1643, the cases usually begin with the laying of the assessment, orders for deposit, or for hearing on payment of the, and then dis- charge on payment of the second half, and frequently of collectors' salary and charges, or of the percentage of 6d. in the pound granted to the County Commissioners. The discharge on payment was by no means an exemption from future charges, as persons were frequently assessed two, three, or four times. Sometimes, however, a later assessment was dis- charged because of an earlier one. Some cases terminated within a few weeks or months; others dragged on for years. Delays occurred more especially where there were debts due to the persons concerned, which were claimed in payment of their xvi PREFACE. assessment, or forfeited for their delinquency; each debtor was sum- moned to pay the debt to the Committee for Advance of Money, who, for the sake of securing the money, often remitted part of the debt. The debtors refused to pay unless their bonds, securities, or mortgages could be delivered up to them. In troublous times these had often been lost or mislaid, and the creditors were natu- rally reluctant to give them up, when they received no benefit from the payment.¹ The cases of concealed or undervalued estates of delinquents, and also of delinquency, usually commence with informations. These are followed up by orders to the county commissioners to make inquiries, then a return of depositions on the case, publication of proofs, and a final decision. The cases were frequently prolonged owing to delay on the part of the prosecutor, or of the county com- missioners; sometimes to the difficulty of obtaining evidence, or to a determination on the part of the accused person to weary out his prosecutor. If the cases were thus protracted without sequestra- tion to the close of 1651, the delinquent obtained his discharge on the Act of Pardon. On pp. xix. to xxiv. will be found a complete list of the books and papers of the Committee for Advance of Money, noting how far their contents are embodied in the present calendar; but it should be observed that, though many books are noted as not calendared, it is because all the important information in them occurs in other books which have been calendared. To this list is appended a note of directions for the guidance of searchers. It has been found necessary to divide this Committee's Calendar into three parts, but the pagination is consecutive, and one Index includes the whole Calendar. The contents, especially the general proceedings (pp. 1-113), afford frequent elucidations of the history of the period; while to the genealogist and the topographer, the cases open out a mine of information. All the leading families of the country will be able to ascertain, directly or indirectly, the side taken by their ancestry in the great civil strife. If they took the Parliament side, they will not be found here, unless falsely accused; but if they were Royalists-as 1 See the cases of Sir G. Benyon (pp 345-349), Duke of Buckingham (pp. 528- 541), Lord Craven (pp. 297-299), Marquis of Worcester (pp. 208–217), &c. PREFACE. xvii were most of the landed proprietors-details, often curious and interesting, will be found relating to them, their families, and their estates. The cases of the Duke of Buckingham (pp. 528-541); Thomas, Lord Coventry, and his sons (pp. 1363–1369); William, Lord Craven (pp. 297-299); the Marquis of Worcester (pp. 208- 217); and the Countess of Derby (pp. 1,295-1,298) may be cited as illustrative. The Yorkshire and Oxford Engagements illustrate the position of the Royalists. Merchants and moneyed men were willing to advance loans, but they required better security than the King's privy seals. The noblemen and gentry around him therefore became guarantors, and signed bonds making themselves personally responsible for the return of the money lent. The outcome was unfortunate for both parties. The guarantors were obliged to pay to the State half the sums for which they had made themselves responsible, even though in a few cases the creditors had claimed and recovered the debts, and the lenders found their debts sequestered, and were summoned to deliver up their bonds, and thus disabled from recovering their money by law (pp. 907– 941, 996-1,005). The topographer also will find a store of information; these records make it easy to ascertain in what counties the King's party or the Parliament party prevailed. London, its city companies, and its streets, parishes, wards, and buildings occupy much space, owing to the fact that the earlier assessments were mainly limited to the city. The records of the two Committees that follow that for the Advance of Money in point of date are far from perfect. Of the Sequestration Committee the order books, seven in number, are all in existence, but very few of the original papers. They are comprised in four bundles. As to the Committee for Plundered Ministers, there are only two volumes of its proceedings, one a regular order book, but only extending from 1646 to the early part of 1647. The other, a collection of orders bound together, forming a thick volume, and dating from December 1645 to October 1653. Many of this Committee's orders are scattered among the composition papers,— a portion of the fine of the compounders being frequently trans- muted into a settlement of income upon neighbouring ministers,- and there is also a bundle of loose orders and papers relating to it. b 50623. xviii PREFACE. It is not at present intended to print a Calendar of these records. The next Committee to be dealt with is, therefore the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents, by far the largest and most important of the Commonwealth's Committees. M. A. E. G. 100, Gower-street, 27th August 1888. LIST OF BOOKS AND RECORDS OF THE COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. A1 to 10.-Order books of the committee from 26) Nov. 1642 to 27 June 1651. [Folio.] The next order book, from June to Dec. 1651, is missing, but its place is partially supplied by the draft minute book, No. 17. A 11 to 13.-Like order books from 5 Dec. 1651 to 4 Sept. 1655. [Folio.] All calendared excepting orders on un- important as- sessments in the earlier volumes. A 14.-Entries of Parliament Orders relating to the Committee for Advance of Money, and its orders thereon, 1643 and 1644. Calendared. [Folio.] A 15.-Committee for Advance of Money's orders relating to Huish Hospital, 1645 to 1647. Calendared. [Folio.] A 16 to 20-Draft minutes of the order books, May 1643 to May 1656. Those portions are calendared which supply the missing order book, June to Dec. 1651, and those which in No. 20 go beyond the entries in the order books. Also references are made occasionally, when the minute book is much fuller than the order book. [Small folio.] A 21 to 23.-Books of informations against delinquents, March 1645 to July 1655. All calendared except the names of the informers. [Folio.] A 24 and 25.- Letter books of the Committee for Advance of Money, May 1648 to March 1656. All calendared. [Folio.] 1 20 A 26. Account book of acquittances granted to persons who paid, in part, or in total, deducting abatements granted, the sums assessed on them for their and The earlier portion gives the sum assessed and a reference to the assessment book in which they are entered, and also adds up the sums paid, but the latter part is less carefully done. There are references to an acquittance book and an order book, not identified, and to a cash book which is No. 55. Not calen- dared. [Long narrow folio, 145 written and many blank pages.] A 27. Index to the above, but note that the names indexed include both those on the right hand and on the left hand leaf of the book. [Long narrow folio.] XX LIST OF BOOKS AND RECORDS. A 28. Entry book of orders of summons for the appearance of wit- nesses against delinquents, and in a few cases, of the delinquents themselves. Nov. 1649-Feb. 1653. All calen- dared under their respective cases, except a few which afford no clue to the cases in which they were to appear. [Small folio.] A 29. Tables of persons informed against for delinquency, arranged in counties, with brief notes of the proceedings. Referred to only where the orders in the cases are wanting. [Large folio.] A 30 and 31. " Causes to be heard in course," being notes of cases brought before the Committee for Advance of Money, with the dates when they will probably come to their turn for a hearing, from Oct. 1649 to July 1655. The notes are nearly consecutive for the Wednesdays and Fridays on which the Committee sat, and on many pages the date is entered, but the rest of the page left blank. The cases appear in the order books of the Committee. Not calen- dared. [Small folio and oblong folio.] A 32. Lists, arranged in alphabetical order of counties, of persons in England and Wales (exclusive of London) who have not paid their 20th part, and notes of proceedings against them thereupon; with list of those who are discharged or dead. 1650 to 1652. Not calendared. [Large folio.] 1 A 33. Alphabetical entries ¹ of persons ordered to pay money on their 20th parts, Dec. 1650 to Jan. 1651, together with the times of paying the same, and a few notes of proceedings. Very few entries. Not calendared. [Thin folio.] .. A 34. Alphabetical lists of compounders for assessments, Sept. 1652-Dec. 1656, with certificates in a few cases. Calendared when containing information not given elsewhere. [Large folio, thin.] A 35. Modern index to the order books A 1-5 of the Committee for Advance of Money. [4to.] A 36. Ditto to A 6 to 25, 28, 29, and 34. [4to.] A 37. Lists of persons distrained in London for non-payment of assessments. Feb. 1643 to March 1644. Not calendared. [Small folio.] A 38 to 42. Account books of receipts in detail from assessments in London and Middlesex, Feb. 1643 to July 16-17, but without any summary. Not calendared. [Small folio.] It should be noted that alphabetical lists at this time were only alphabetical as to the first letter of the name, and are, therefore, immeasurably more tedious to consult than a modern index. LIST OF BOOKS AND RECORDS. xxi A 43. Lists of persons assessed in Middlesex, divided into the respec- tive hundreds. On p. 50 is a list of 18 persons who formed the county commissioners, and of 6 more who were moderators; on p. 51, a note of persons thought fit to give instructions to the commissioners in the several hundreds; and on p. 52, a list of 7 persons whose assessments were moderated on better information. Not calendared. [Small folio, thin.] A 44. Alphabetical list of "persons discharged on the Act of General Pardon since 4th March 1652," so labelled. A paper inserted at the beginning gives a list of 11 persons discharged of delinquency upon hearing their cases at Haberdashers Hall, Feb. 13 to Aug. 6, 1652. The names are arranged by the initial letter; they are from all parts of England. The entries give surname and christian name, date, and from what discharged, whether payment of assessment or delinquency; there are 11 names under the letter A; 25 under B, &c. At the beginning is the following:--" Md. that a list was given to the auditor of the persons discharged, unto the 12th of Oct. 1652; and after that I stroke a line through his book, and they that are after the line are such as are since discharged." The total number below the line is 12, the latest date is 19 Oct. 1653, showing that only 12 had been discharged during that year. Not calendared. [Narrow folio.] A 45. Alphabetical list of persons whose estates were discharged on the Act of Pardon, April 1652-July 1656, with references to the counties, of which a numbered list is prefixed, in which the property in question was situated. Not calendared. [Narrow folio.] A 46. Alphabetical list of residents in London, the street generally given, with the sums at which they are respectively assessed, or to be assessed, varying from 51. to 5,000l.; 58 written pages, and about 60 names on a page. This portion is un- dated. Then follows a similar list for an assessment 3 March 1644, 4 pages, but not giving the streets. Not calendared. [Narrow folio.] A. 47. Account of the 50 subsidies levied in the several wards of London in 1643, granted by an Act of Common Council, on an Ordinance of Parliament. It gives the persons assessed, the sums assessed on each, and occasionally notes of payments made. With an index of the wards prefixed, Not calendared. [Folio, 278 pp., many blank.] A 48. Accounts for the several wards of London of the raising of moneys on the Ordinance of Parliament of 29 Nov. 1642, It gives, in parallel columns, the names of the ward residents, the sums they are "content to advance," generally nothing, date of notice given, date of expiration of the time limited for payment, the sums paid in, allowance made for sums paid towards the loan of 30,000l., and for sums lent xxii LIST OF BOOKS AND RECORDS. → formerly. The sums assessed are added up in most of the wards, but not the sums paid. Not calendared. [Large folio, 158 pp., many blank.] A 49. Accounts for the several wards of London of sums ordered to be levied on the assessments for the parts, Dec. 1642 to March 1643, giving in parallel columns the person, sum assessed, sum paid, sums allowed on loans and contributions, and sums abated. With notes of proceedings in the cases up to July 1643. In this book, the sums paid are added up on each page, and on p. 78 the total is given, viz., 72,006l. 12s. 11d. The first 4 pages contain lists of the assessors appointed for the several wards. Not calendared. [Large folio, 80 pp., and a few blank at the end.] 1 20 A 50. Rough draft of the preceding volume. Not calendared. [Large folio, 83 pp., and a few blank at the end.] A 51. Account of persons assessed for their and, from 24 June 1643 to 1 July 1644, giving in parallel columns the persons assessed, the references to books A to C,-being Nos. 61, 63, and 65 of this series,-in which the assessment was ordered, the sums paid in respectively to the Guildhall Treasurers, Sam. Gosse, Laurence Newman, and Wm. Lane, and the names of the respective collectors. Gosse has few entries, and Lane none. The total paid to Newman was 67,8751. 5s. 4d., to the treasurers, 42,000l. 3s. 2d., making a total of 109,875l. 8s. 6d. All the important cases occur in the calendar. [Large folio, 141 pp., and numerous blank leaves.] A 52. Index to the preceding volume. [Small folio.] A 53. Newman's cash book, containing an account of his daily receipts from 26 June 1643 to 5 April 1644. A very large proportion of these moneys are entered in vol. 51, as paid to the Guildhall Treasurers. Not calendared. [Large folio, 51 written, and very numerous blank pages.] A 54. Index of the above. [Folio, thin.] A 55. Newman's cash book, from 26 June 1643 to 29 June 1644. This book, from p. 1 to the latter end of p. 51, is a duplicate of No. 53, but it carries down the accounts nearly 3 months later. The total of the receipts was 117,724l. 14s. 5d. The payments, on pp. 91-97, were 67,3167, 28. 3d., being for return of assessments ordered to be repaid, provisions for war, sums sent to the Guildhall Treasurers, &c. [Large folio, thin, 73 written and many blank pages.] A 56. Index to the receipt portion of the preceding book. [Folio, thin.] A 57. Book of payments made by Laurence Newman, treasurer to the Committee for Advance of Money, from August 1643 LIST OF BOOKS AND RECORDS. xxiii A 59. till his death, June 1644. This book was compiled after his decease, for the settlement of his accounts. Calendared in the Warrants for payment of money. [Folio.] A 58. Entry book of the journeys of collectors for sequestered estates, July 1643 to May 1650, stating the date, the places where they went, and their errands; viz., to deliver tickets of assess- ment, and summonses for appearance, to seize and sequester estates, &c., with the periods of their respective absences. Not calendared. [Small folio.] (( "An account of such persons to whom the Public Faith is given for money paid by them to the Committee of Lords " and Commons for Advance of Money and other necessaries "for the army, at Haberdashers' Hall, upon the Ordinances "for the 20th part and 5th part, according to an Ordinance "of Parliament dated 12 Aug. 1645," being a list of 1,225 lenders of sums varying from 30s. to 3,000l., noting such as paid within the limited time, or lent without interest, from Sept. 1645 to Jan. 1654. Also list of 382 certificates given by Martin Dallison, registrar of the Committee for Advance of Money, certifying the sums paid on the 20th and 5th parts, noting whether they were paid within the limited time or not, and whether on distress, or levied out of rents. Issued on an order of the committee, prefixed, of 8 March 1654, because divers persons had no cer- tificates to enter their claims for the said debts. Also on the last leaf, form of a Public Faith Bill, and notes of 10 persons to whom copies were given for sums specified. 1646 to 1654. Not calendared. [Large folio, not paged. Numerous blank leaves.] A 60. Index to the former part of the preceding volume, the references being given by dates. [Narrow folio.] A 61 to 73. Seven large folio volumes, with the respective indexes, to the first 6 (small folio) of assessments laid, chiefly in London and Middlesex, but later on in other counties, between 21 June 1643 and Oct. 1651. These contain on the right hand page, the name and frequently the residence of the person assessed, the amount taxed, the sums paid, those previously lent, the total of both, and the balance still due. On the left hand page are numerous notes of the proceedings on the cases, and valuable references to the pages of the Mitigation Committee books (vols. 75 and 76), on which orders are to be found relating to the cases. All the im- portant cases are calendared. A 74. Account taken from the assessment books A to F (being of arrears remaining due June 1643 and 20 Feb. [Small thin folio.] Nos. 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, and 71), on assessments laid between 21 1647. Total 1,413,299l. 4s. 11d. xxiv LIST OF BOOKS AND RECORDS. A 75, 76. Order books of the Sub-committee for Mitigation of Assessments, June 1643 to May 1647. Partly calendared. [Small thick folio.] A 77 to 87. Original papers relating to the general proceedings of the Committee for Advance of Money, 1642-1656. [Bundles.] A 88 to 165. Original papers relating to the cases before the Com- mittee for Advance of Money, Dec. 1642 to 1655. Arranged under their respective cases. [Bundles.] Persons desiring to consult the documents of the Committee for the Advance of Money should apply for them under the designation of "State Papers, Interregnum, A-," with the number of the particular volume or bundle, as given in the margin of the Calendar. Documents of other Committees noticed in this volume should similarly be applied for as "State Papers, Interregnum, G-" with the number in the case of those of the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents; or "State Papers, Inter- regnum, I—" with the number, in the case of those of the Council of State. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 1612. Nov. 14. Nor. 26. [Nov. 26.] 50623. VOL. A LXXVIII. 1642. Order in Parliament. Whereas divers well-affected citizens of London and others have advanced large sums of money and other supplies for the safety of the King, Parliament, and kingdom, and have also set forth many soldiers under the Earls of Essex and Warwick: yet for the better safety of King, Parliament, and City, and no way hindering the former intentious, divers of the said well-affected persons are willing to raise some soldiers, and maintain them for several months during these times of danger, provided they may have the Public Faith of the kingdom for repayment of such loans;-Parliament accepts their service, and engages the Public Faith of the kingdom for repay- ment of all such loans with interest, and orders the Lord Mayor and sheriffs to appoint sub-committees to take the subscriptions, and order the performance of this service. [A1, pp. 29, 30. Printed in Lords' Journals, Vol. V., pp. 445, 446.] Order in Parliament appointing a committee, with power to call persons in the City or elsewhere to their aid, for Advance of moneys on the credit of the late Ordinance passed by both Houses; to summon persons or companies when needful, and to improve all other ways for procuring moneys and necessaries for the army, in the City and Kingdom. Members: Sir Thos. Middleton. [Edm.] Prideaux. [Wm.] Purefoy. John Pym. Lord Say and Sele. Sir Thos. Soame. Sir Wm. Brereton. Lord Brooke. Lord Howard of Es- crigg. Walter Long. Earl of Manchester. [A1, p. 21. Printed in Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 863, omitting the list of the Committee.] Rob. Sweet John Bellamy Hugh Smithson Rich. Willett Wm. Walwin Hoogan Hovett Chris. Nicholson Mich. Stiles John Hilliard Rich. Coles John Leigh Walter Boothby Nich. Gerard Wm. and Mat. For Thos. Lenthall 19 Order by Isaac Pennington, Lord Mayor, and sheriffs John Langham and Thomas Andrews, on the Parliamentary Order of 14 November 1642.—We hereby appoint a Committee selected from the wards on this business, viz.: Wt. 23984. Mr. Spurstow. [Wm.] Strode. Sir Hen. Vane, junr. [Sam.] Vassall. Lord Wharton. # Langborne Ward. Cornhill. Cheap. Cordwainers. Vintry. Broad Sreet. Castle Baynard's. Candlewick. Dowgate. Aldersgate Without. Within. 32 Cripplegate. Bread Street. Farringdon Without. Billingsgate. :: A 2 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1642. Nov. 28. Nov. 29. Nov. P Nov. ? Dec. 1. Dec. 1. Dec. 2. Dec. 3. VOL. A LXXVIII. Thos. Hutchins Rich. Smith Rob. Meade Wm. Farrington Mark Hildesley John Dethick John Kendrick Thos. Foot Fras. Greenway Edw. Vaughan Solomon Vandebrook I - - · Bishopsgate. Queenhithe. Walbrook. Portsoken Without. Colman Street Without. Lime Street. Tower. Bridge. Bassieshaw. Farringdon Within. Duke's Place. You, with the other treasurers of parishes, are to assemble from time to time, holding your Court at Weavers' Hall, or elsewhere, to collect subscriptions by monthly payments, beginning from 1 December, and to deal with the deputies, common councilmen, churchwardens, and all others of the several wards and parishes in and about London, and particularly those wards, &c., that have not yet chosen treasurers or committees, to forward the work. Six shall be a quorum; but to promote the business, the majority of you should be present. You may appoint your own collectors of subscriptions. [A 1, pp. 30-32.] 1. List of 38 parishioners of St. Peter's, Cornhill, who lend, on the Lord Mayor's order of 26 November, sums varying from 30l. to 1l. [1 column.] 2. Note by Mr. Mayden of sums promised by the churchwardens, some named, of Mildred Poultry and 40 other parishes, varying from 381. to 3,4197. [total 13,975l. 10s.]. With note that only 77 parishes have sent in returns, and that of 45 he has no account. [24 pages.] 3. Note of several places in the suburbs where the parties assessed object that the Ordinance does not reach their place. [Scrap.] 4. Request that the Ordinance of 29 November for assessments be enlarged to places adjacent the City, in Middlesex and Surrey, and within 3 miles compass. The well-affected of those places find a general refractoriness in the inhabitants to contributions, and it is a discouragement to them when the refractory contribute not. [1 page.] 5. List of 20 inhabitants of Wapping who have promised to lend sums, varying from 31. to 50l. each, and of 49 more, who have paid in sums varying from 10s. to 201. Total of the latter 1411. 4s. [1 sheet.] Order that the collectors in London, Westminster, and Southwark, for subscriptions of money and to plate on the propositions of Parliament, attend on 5 December, with an account of what has been brought in from each parish, and by whom, and what is behind hand that was promised of those who have not subscribed for the loan, being men of ability, or have not done it in proportion to their estates. This notice to be printed and sent to the collectors of each ward and parish. The churchwardens of each parish to bring in an account of the present loan of moneys on Saturday. Also the collectors for weekly subscriptions for maintaining soldiers. Captain Hoskin to make 6 tons of musket bullets of bastard size, 15-18 to the round, by to-morrow night. Noted as performed. [A1, pp. 22–24.] Order for a letter to be sent to the Lord Mayor, to hasten the choice of assessors, and return their names to-morrow, and to quicken them to set up on their work. Also to the knights of Middlesex and burgesses of Southwark and Westminster, to call such as are to name assessors in the out-parishes, and return their names on Monday. Account brought in by the London sub-committees for weekly pay. [A1, p. 24.] Order that—as several parishes in or near London (viz. Foster's, Faith's, Christ Church, Katherine Coleman, Michael Wood Street, Bridewell Precinct, Giles Cripplegate, George Southwark, Olave's Southwark, Saviour's Southwark, GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 3 1642. Dec 3. Dec. 3. Dec. 3. Dec. 3. Dec. 5. Dec. 5. Dec. 5. London. VOL. A LXXVIII. Thomas's Southwark, Trinity Minories, Bevis Marks, Clement Danes, Giles in the Fields, James's Clerkenwell, Katherine Tower, Leonard Shoreditch, Martin's in the Fields, Mary Whitechapel, Magdalen Bermondsey, and Savoy) have not yet subscribed for pay and arms of the soldiers, by virtue of an Order of Parliament of 14 Nov.;-the churchwardens and constables thereof join with persons hereafter named to call a general meeting of the inhabitants of the said parishes, and deal effectually with them, to subscribe for several months, or during these times of danger, for preservation of King and Parliament, City and suburbs. Also repair to those who do not attend the meeting, and take their subscriptions, and give account to the sub- committee at Weavers' Hall, Basinghall Street, before 14 December, returning the names of refusers. Also that they choose a treasurer to bring in the weekly and monthly collections to the sub-committee, whose directions they are to obey. The Public Faith of the kingdom is engaged for repay- ment of the said sums advanced, with interest for the forbearance. This order to be printed and sent to the parishes. With note that it was sent to the liberty of East Smithfield, to return their subscriptions by 31 December. [A 1, pp. 25, 26.] 6. Draft of the above, much corrected, signed by Lord Say and Sele, Lord Wharton, and Sir H. Vane. [1 pp.] 7. Note by Thomas Clithero, curate, and the churchwardens of St. Giles in the Fields, that the Order of Parliament being given out in the church to six persons named, they promised sums amounting to 381. [ p.] 8. Note of sums collected from 19 persons in Bridewell parish. Total 481. 15s. 6d. [3 p.] Warrant from the Committee of Safety to the Lord Mayor, sheriffs, and other commissioners for weekly subscriptions from the parishes of London, for raising men and arms for defence of the City and kingdom, for payment of 3,4001. to Richard Shute, treasurer of the committee, for setting forth the dragoons under command of Colonel Richard Browne, on account for the regiment of dragoons already levied under his command. Endorsed with an order from the mayor and sheriffs, to the treasurer of the said committee, 9 December, for its payment, and receipt thereof by Shute, 18 December. [A 1, pp. 54, 55.] List of 110 persons, viz. from 3 to 10 in each of the several parishes named in the order of 3 December, to whom the promoting of weekly pay was com- mitted. Notice from the Committee for Advance of Money to the persons above-named, with the churchwardens and constables, to act in pursuance of orders sent, which will be an acceptable service, and tend much to the safety of King, Parliament, and the whole kingdom. Note that with the Order of 3 December, that of 1 December and of 14 November, were sent to the promoters of weekly pay in the parishes within the walls, but to those without, only the order of 14 November; to all the notice of 5 December was sent. Note that the Lord Mayor and sheriffs, and persons named in the Parliament Order of 29 November 1642, returned the names of the assessors for the several wards, who were summoned and received direction to nominate their collectors. [A1, pp. 27-33.] 9. Note of assessments made on 18 persons named, in sums varying from 107. to 1007. each. [Scrap.] Committee for Advance of Money to Sir John Potts and the rest of the deputy lieutenants of County Norfolk. We, being appointed by Parliament to bring in money to supply the pressing occasions of this kingdom, assaulted with many dangers, hear that the loan of moneys in your county has made such happy pro- gress that it has reached 40,000l., which would be a very seasonable supply. We therefore desire you to send up the said sum safely to the treasurers appointed at Guildhall, and to give us notice by the bearer, whom we send up express, when we may expect it, that further guard may be appointed for its safe convoy if needful. This will be a very acceptable service to both Houses of Parlia- ment. [41, pp. 32, 33.] A 2 4 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1642. Dec. 6. Dec. 6. Dec. 6? Dec. 6. Dec. 6. Dec. 6? Dec. 7. Dec. 7. Dec 7. Dec. 7. Dec. 7. [Dec. 7.] [Dec. 7.] [Dec. 7.] Dec. 8. Dec. 8. Dec. 8. Dec. 9. Dec 9. Dec. 9. Dec. 9. Dec. 9. Dec. 10. VOL. A LXXVIII. Order in Parliament that the treasurer at war, and the treasurers of the subscription moneys, certify all sums that have been imprested on account, and the names of the receivers, that all may be called to account for them. Sir Henry Vane and 9 others to be a committee to see this order executed, and to have power to send for witnesses and records, and to meet to-morrow in the Exchequer Chamber. [A 1, pp. 34, 35. Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 878.] 10. Note of the names of 4 collectors chosen by the assessors for Walbrook Ward, signed by Mich. Herring and 5 others. [ page.] 11. Note of money paid in during the past week in the ward, signed by 2 of the said collectors, total 5251. [page.] 12. Note of a reply from Lambeth, that the parishioners left are poor, but will pay what they can when assessed; many of the wealthy inhabitants having gone to live in London, they were required to send in their names and addresses. [page.] 13. Names of 4 collectors chosen by the assessors of Bishopsgate Ward. [Scrap.] 14. List of numerous inhabitants of the ward summoned to appear at Haberdashers' Hall on Thursday. [1 pages.] Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, appointing assessors, not named, for Cornhill Ward. [4 1, p. 35.] 15. Like order for Dowgate Ward, naming 6 assessors. [ page.] 16. Like order for Tower Ward, naming 6 assessors. [ page.] 17. Like order for Cheap Ward, naming 6 assessors. With note 20 December, signed by Isaac Pennington, Lord Mayor, Sir John Wollaston, Rich. Waring, and 3 others, suggesting 3 more names to be added. [1 page.] 18. List of 6 collectors chosen by the assessors for Broad Street. [Scrap.] 19. List of 63 residents in Broad Street who are to lend or be bound, with note of 2 who are to appear on Monday. [1 pages.] 20. List of 71 residents in Farringdon Without. [3 pages.] 21. Note of collectors proposed for 7 hundreds in or near London. [page.] Order in the Committee for Advance of Money for the Langborne Ward assessors to choose collectors, and bring in their names to Haberdashers' Hall on Friday next, when they will receive directions. [41, p. 36.] 22, 23. Lists of collectors nominated by the assessors of Langborne and Cheap Wards. [2 papers.] 24. Like list for the ward of Farringdon Without. [1 page.] 25. List of collectors nominated for High Holborn. [Scrap.] 26. List of collectors for Stepney. [Scrap.] 27. List by Hum. Stillego, churchwarden, of 9 persons in Shadwell, Stepney parish, who have lent sums varying from 21. to 107. Also of 26 who have given sums varying from 2s. to 21. Total of both, 55l. 13s. 6d. [1 page.] 28. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money for the 6 assessors named, presented to and approved by Parliament as assessors of Queenhithe Ward, to proceed in the execution of the Ordinance. [ page.] 29. List of moneys raised by Thomas Py, churchwarden, and John Eade, sideman, in Poplar Hamlet, Stepney parish, from 20 residents named, in sums from 5s. to 101. Total 35l. 15s. [1 page.] ~ Co Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, as scruples arise on a clause in the Ordinance of 29 November, so as the assessment exceed not the 20th part of the estate," requesting an Ordinance of explanation from both Houses of Parliament. [4 1, p. 47. See 14 December, p. 5, supra.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 10 1642. Dec. 10. [Dec. 12.] Dec. 12. [Dec. 12.] [Dec. 12.] Dec. 13. Dec. 14. [Dec. 14.] Dec. 14. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. Dec. 17. Dec. 17. VOL. A LXXVIII. 30. Note of 2 collectors nominated by the assessors of Bassieshaw Ward. [Scrap.] 31-57. Nominations [by the assessors] of collectors for several of the wards of London, arranged alphabetically as to the ward. [28 papers.] 58. List, as presented to Henry Elsing, clerk to the House of Commons, of the assessors and collectors for the several wards of London and Southwark, arranged in the alphabetical order of the wards. [A 1, pp. 37-44. These lists are completed from returns made later.] 59-63. Drafts or copies of the said list. [5 papers.] 64. List of persons to whom orders were delivered for the several wards. [1 page.] 65. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money for the assessors of Whitechapel and Wapping to choose their collectors, and bring in their names to Haberdashers' Hall next Saturday. [ page.] Order in Parliament authorizing the assessors and collectors appointed 29 November to execute the Ordinance without fear or favour, calling before them those who are to be assessed, and giving them notice of the sums they are to pay. The assessors are to use their best judgment not to assess any above the of their estate, but any party aggrieved, after paying half, may appeal to the assessors, and take oath that he is over-rated, and then they have power to abate the sum; the balance to be paid in 3 days, or recovered by distress. Anyone proved guilty of swearing falsely to forfeit all that he was first taxed at. The assessors and collectors to be indemnified for over charges, unless some corrupt or indiscreet carriage be proved in Parliament against them. With order 16 December, that the above order be printed and published. [A 1, pp. 47–50. [A 1, pp. 47–50. Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 887. Printed as under 13 December, but the Order Book dates it Wednesday, 14 December.] 66. Draft of the above, much corrected. [4 pages.] 67. Copy of the above Order filled up for the precinct of Katherine's, Tower. [Printed, broadside, with the names of assessors and collectors in MS.] 68. Order in Parliament, that whereas orders of 29 November and 7 and 14 December have passed for assessing those who are of ability and have not contributed at all, or not according to their ability, the members of both Houses of Parliament, and the assistants of the House of Peers, are not to be taxed by the assessors, anything in the precedent Ordinances notwithstanding. The members are to be assessed by their respective Houses, and the assistants of the Peers by the House of Peers. [23 pages; also A 1, p. 50. See Lords' Journals, Vol. V., p. 494.] Order in Parliament, that all Papists who have estates or are dangerous be forthwith secured, and put in safe custody, and their estates and offices sequestered. [▲ 1, p. 50. Printed in Lords' Journals, Vol. V., p. 496.] Order in the House of Commons that the Committee for Advance of Money see this order for securing Papists executed in London and Westminster and the suburbs, and in Southwark. [4 1, p. 51. Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 892.] Note that from December 9-16, orders were issued to several places in and about London and the suburbs, for bringing in the names of collectors, and for the assessors that had brought them in to proceed. [4 1, p. 47.] Note that the assessors in and about London appeared, and had delivered to them the Ordinances of 29 November, 7, 14, and 16 December, that of the 14th being addressed to the assessors and collectors in and about London, and the blanks filled up by the committee's clerk. [4 1, p. 51.] 69. List of 15 inhabitants of Portsoken Ward, assessed at from 201. to 601. William Lemon, who has removed out of the ward into Coleman Street, assessed at 5001. With note that these sums were beside what they lent, and that all but one refuse. [1 page.] 6 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. : 1642. Dec. 19. Dec. 20. Dec. 20. Dec. 22. Dec. 22. Dec. 23. Dec. 24. VOL. A LXXVIII. Note that many assessors brought in the assessments of the ablest men in their wards. Note that many able men of Langborne Ward, being assessed and summoned, appeared, and were advised by the committee to conform to the Ordinances. [A 1, pp. 51, 52.] "C 70. Return of an assessment of such persons in St. Katherine's Tower, have not lent money or plate upon the propositions of both Houses of Parlia ment, and of such as have not lent proportionably, according to their estates, and do refuse to lend, though now demanded by the collectors;" viz. :— Anthony Whalley, senior, assessed 801. as Robert Tokeley, 50l. Charles Stamford 501. They plead the King's declaration against the Ordinance, and ask who dare to lend ? Stamford saith he had taken the oaths of supremacy and allegiance, and therefore could not pay any." [3 page.] John Lapworth 107. John Leigh 401., more than his former loan of 8l. 14s. 8d. 71, 71a. List by the assessors of Cornhill of the collectors and clerks chosen by them. [2 papers.] Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, that the beadle of the Vintners' Company attend the assessors of Vintry Ward, to warn in such persons as they direct, and that he be paid for his pains. Order that the persons hereunder named, appointed to take subscriptions of money and plate on the propositions of Parliament, repair to the houses of such persons in the ward as have promised to lend, but not paid in, and require payment to themselves or the Guildhall Treasurers. In case of refusal or non-payment, they are to be summoned to attend at Haberdashers' Hall next Saturday, to show cause of non-performance; the assessors, &c., to attend at the same time, with an account of money or plate not yet paid in. [A 1, pp. 54-56.] 72. Appointment by Lord Mayor Pennington and the sheriffs, of 3 additional assessors for Vintry Ward; with holograph note from the Lord Mayor. “In regard the assessors want help, I conceive it reasonable that the addition above-mentioned should be yielded unto, and we appoint them to be assessors accordingly." Signed Isaac Pennington, John Warner, Thos. Andrews, John Towse. [page.] Order that Dr. Burgess take the accounts of the several collectors for sub- scriptions of money and plate, and of the weekly allowance of money for maintenance of soldiers, and of churchwardens who have not yet brought in their accounts of the late loan towards advancing 30,000l. for present supply of the army. Also that he make enquiries into arrears for subsidies, poll-money, or what else has been promised and not paid. Accounts perused of subscription money and plate, and notes taken of the chiefest of those that are behind. Order that the churchwardens of the underwritten parishes attend on 27 December, with an account of the sums advanced towards the 30,000l. for the army, and how much has been paid by the inhabitants of the several parishes. Also that they use their best diligence to bring in the remainder, and if any refuse, return their names to this committee. [à 1, pp. 56, 57.] Summons to the churchwardens of Alban's, Wood Street, to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money next Tuesday, bringing an account of the sums subscribed by the parishioners towards the loan of 30,000l., and the names of those who have not paid, and Order to the sub-committee for the weekly subscriptions, that as 6,6591. has been collected from 103 parishes in London for November last, of which 3,4007. has been paid to Richard Shute, they pay the balance of 3,2597. to the Guildhall Treasurers. Order that Richard Shute attend next Tuesday, to give account of the 3,4007. so paid to him. Order that the several assessors give the collectors from time to time a roll of the persons assessed, with the sums fixed, and that the collectors also return the names and sums to the clerk of this committee. Notice to be left at the GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 7 1642. Dec. 24. Dec. 27. Dec. 27. Dec. 29. Dec. 30. Dec. 30. Dec. 31. Dec. ? VOL. A LXXVIII, dwelling-house of the persons assessed to pay in their moneys. The collectors to deliver the said committee an account of the moneys levied or received, and of the days when the notice was given, every Friday. This order to be printed, and the names of the assessors and collectors filled in. With note that it was sent to the assessors and collectors in each ward 26 December, and that many copies were sent of a notice informing parties assessed that they are 80 assessed by virtue of the late Ordinance of 29 November. [A˚‍1, pp. 58–60.] 73. List of 59 persons in St. Sepulchre's Without the Bars who have not contributed, and are now assessed at sums varying from 301. to 21. Also of 11 who have contributed, but not proportionably to their estates, and are now assessed at from 201. to 21. each. [2 columns.] 74. Note of appointment of a collector by the assessors of Cordwainers' Ward, in lieu of Thomas Bromfield, who has to go to Holland. [Scrap.] 75, 76. Note of assessments, from 2001. to 1,500l., made on 15 persons in Langborne Ward, some of whom are out of town, some refuse to pay any more, and some pay a proportion and refuse the rest, with the reasons for their refusals. Also note of payments by 5 others to Guildhall. Total 1067. [2 papers.] List of 6 persons of Bridge Ward, and of 11 gunmakers, summoned to appear at Haberdashers' Hall on Saturday, at 4 p.m. [A 1, p. 61.] 77. Note of a change of collectors in Cheap Ward, which was admitted by advice of Dr. Burges. [ page.] Order to the sub-committee appointed to raise the subscriptions in the parishes within and without the walls of London for pay of soldiers and arms, to certify the subscriptions, and return the parishes and persons refusing to pay, and the ground of their refusal. David Powell, fletcher, to appear before the committee, 31 December, at 4 p.m., and bring all the musket-arrows, &c., in the custody of himself or his workmen, finished or unfinished, to Haberdashers' Hall, there to receive further orders. [A 1, p. 62.] Note that David Powell appeared, and confessed that he had 120 dozen musket-arrows finished, and 30 dozen more only wanting heads. That he has lately delivered 100 dozen to Mr. Copely and 100 dozen to Col. Holmstead, who returned 300. With summons to John Copely to appear on Monday, and note of an order then made that he should not have the muskets delivered him till he showed the Earl of Essex's warrant. Order that Powell be required to carry to Colonel Rowe, at the Tower Magazine, all the arrows and arrow-heads now in his custody, and those now preparing when finished, and that he now only make on order of the Earl of Essex. The sub-committee for weekly subscriptions of pay-money for soldiers and arms to move the collectors of weekly pay in London and the suburbs speedily to collect the money subscribed for December, and bring it to their treasurers at Weavers' Hall, who are to pay it to the treasurers for plate and money in Guildhall. [4 1, pp. 63, 64.] 78. Notes of business to be moved in the Committee for Advance of Money— For perusal of the order for Papists. For a letter to the Lord Mayor to nominate assessors for privileged places, as: Duke's Place, Bevis Marks, Martin's-le-Grand, if in limits of Ordinance, Bartholomew's the Great. For the assessors' names for Southwark, Westminster, and suburbs to be returned. That it be cleared what places about the City shall be accounted suburbs, that the assessors may proceed. For view of the printer's bill, and other charges. Concerning assessors of Cheap Ward. Whether a methodical book of assessments should be kept. 8 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 00 1642. Dec. ? Dec.? Dec. ? Dec. P Dec. ? Dec. P Dec. ? VOL. A LXXVIII. Powell's performance of the committee's order. Whether those much behind on subscriptions of plate and money shall be sent to, or what course shall be taken with them. With notice to the assessors to add to the sums by them assessed. [1 page.] 0 79. Rules for the number of years' purchase at which the is to be calculated Personal estates according to the value. [1 puge.] Old rents Lands or tenements in fee simple or tail Impropriations in fee Ditto and leases for one life two lives three lives ,, د. "" "" 35 Leases for 21 years and after that proportion for every greater or lesser term Annuities for lives or years in value as leases. Reversions in fee after one life two lives three 21 years Ditto '' and so after that proportion for every greater or lesser term One life after a life Ditto two lives or three "" }} 33 "" "" - "" 1 1 1 Years. 45 15 12 8 9 10 200 7657 y 2 nil 80. Note that there is still great backwardness in the collectors to prosecute the business, because 1. OBJ. The difficulty of receiving where men are unwilling.-ANS. Not as great as is feared; some money is already gathered, and carried in to Guildhall. 2. OBJ. Ill will of neighbours, especially of great rich men, who might crush them.-ANS. "In this time of danger, the fear of men must not take place, but the necessity and equality of the work." 3. OBJ. Some are not sufficiently sensible of the clause of indemnity.- Ans. It would be insisted on, and the work encouraged. 4. OBJ. In case of refusal, they think the assessors are to join in distraining, and to call the trained bands to help.-ANS. The assessors are to be assistant, but the work of levying, distraining, and receiving is proper for collectors. [ page.] 81. Note of 4,000l. carried in to Guildhall by Lord Say in September, 1642. Sir Paul Pindar, Sir Job Harbie, and Sir John Nulls paying 1,0001. each, and Sir John Jacob and Sir Nich. Crisp 500l. each. [page.] 82. Note that Mr. Tilsley in Blackfriars wants another joined with him, and that the Gunpowder Committee want money to pay for such powder as they have power to inquire for. Also query as to what course is to be taken with those who promised to lend on the propositions, and have not paid in the money. [Scrap.] 83-89. Blank Warrants, signed by Lord Wharton and Wm. Strode, for persons to appear forthwith this evening, before the Committee for Advance of Money at Haberdashers' Hall. [7 papers.] 90. Form of declaration to be made by persons assessed, as to the amount of the part of their personal estate, in goods, chattels, money, debts, and leases, and of the part of their yearly revenue in lands, tenements, or annuities, &c. [ page.] Papers relating to the voluntary contributions, viz. :- 91. List of 54 parish churches in London, with the names of the church- wardens, and the amounts contributed on loan by each, the smallest being Ann's, Aldersgate, 907. 158. 6d., the largest Dunstan's-in-the-East, 1,4071. Total, 24,3891. 148. 8d. [34 columns.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 9 1642. Dec. ? Dec. ? 1643. Jan. 2. Jan. 2. VOL. A LXXVIII. 92. List signed by Mich. Bassieshaw and Rich. Predmore, of 64 parishes, with the names of the churchwardens, amounts subscribed by each parish, and notes relative to the payment. Sums varying from 131. Mary Mounthow, to 9791. Dionysius Backchurch, a few left blank as to the sum. [63 pages.] 93. List of 71 parishioners in the Savoy parish who have contributed in sums varying from 21. to 201. Total, 297. 17s. [3 pages.] 94. List of 46 parishioners of All Hallows Staining, who have contributed from 11. to 501. each. Total, 3701. 10s. Total, 3701. 10s. [1 pages.] 95. Like list for Bennet's Paul's Wharf, 35 parishioners, many paying nothing. Total, 94l. 10s. [1 column.] 96. Like list for All Saints Barking, 21 names, the smallest sum 51.; largest, Alderman John Fowler, 1007. Total, 3851. [1 page.] 97. Like list for Redrith, Surrey, 84 names, sums from 51. to 201. Total, 2791. [2 pages.] 98. Like list for St. Bartholomew the Great, 11 names, from 21. to 561. 17s. 4d. by Bridget Helwis. Lady Digby would have lent, but Parliament has taken her two coach-horses, appraised at 401., which cost 50l. [1 page.] 99. Like list for St. George's, Southwark, 37 names, sums from 6s. to 51. Total, 461. 1s. [1 column.] 100. Like list for St. James's, Garlick hill, 33 names, sums from 10s. to 101. Total, 125l. 8s. [1 column.] 101. Like list for St. Margaret Patten's, 12 names, sums from 11. to 201. Total, 891. [1 page.] 102. Like list for St. Mary's, Aldermanbury, 70 names, sums from 17. to 507. Total, 8241.; signed by Paul Isaac and Robert Clifford, churchwardens. [14 columns.] 103. Like list for St. Mary's, Abchurch, 64 names, sums 10s. to 1007. Total; 4751. 10s. Signed Hen. Rand. [2 columns.] 104. Like list for St. Mary Magdalen's, Old Fish Street, 36 names, sums from 2s. 6d. to 31.; with note of 3 other sufficient men who will not contribute; the rest are very poor. [1 column.] 105. Like list for St. Thomas's, Southwark, 41 names, sums from 2s. 6d. to 31. Total, 411. 14s. 6d. [2 columns.] Papers relating to the assessment, viz. :— 106-114. Lists of names in several wards in Londen, some giving notes of the estate and income of the residents named. [9 papers.] 115–119. Similar lists for 5 parishes in London and the suburbs. [4 papers.] 120. Names of assessors for 7 parishes, signed John Francklyn. [13 pages.] 121. Long list of names with sums affixed, from 100l. to 1,500l. (probably the supposed income of the parties concerned). [7 pages.] 122. Note of 22 persons in London who have not been assessed, supposed to be worth from 1007. to 10,000l. [1 page.] 123. List of 19 parishes in London, 3 of which are privileged. [Scrap.] VOL. A LXXIX. JANUARY-DECEMBER, 1643. 1. Approval by Lord Mayor Pennington, Sir John Wollaston, and Aldermen John Warner and John Towse, of Robert Wood, as an added assessor for Billingsgate Ward. 4 signatures. [Scrap.] Order that the sub-committee for weekly subscriptions of pay for soldiers and arms bring an account of money in hand to-morrow. 10 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. Jan. 3. Jan. 4. Jan. 5. Jan. 5. Jan. 6. Jan. 6. Jan. 7. Jan. 7. Jan. 10. Jan. 10. Jan. 10. Jan. 14. • VOL. A LXXIX. Note of 6 persons of Walbrook and 2 of Candlewick Ward, who preferred to lend money rather than be assessed; thanks were given them for their good example, and they were moved to bring in the sums, being from 100l. to 2501. each. With notes as to the payment; James Demetrius offers 400l., but begs that the 1007. lent on the proposition for advancing 30,000l. may be in part thereof. Note of 8 persons in Candlewick and 1 in Bread Street Ward, who being assessed, framed excuses, and were left to be dealt with according to the Ordinance. [A 1, p. 65.] Orders to the Treasurers of the sub-committee for the weekly pay of soldiers to pay 1,000l. to the Guildhall Treasurers on 4 December. [A 1, p. 66.] 2. Appointment by Lord Mayor Pennington and 3 aldermen, of John Lufkin as an added assessor of the Ward of Farringdon Within, for Blackfriars precinct. [page.] Order that if any person assessed or lending money desire it, the sums he lately lent towards the 30,000l. shall be accepted in part thereof, and on his paying the balance, the Treasurers at Guildhall shall acquit him for the same, and the whole sum be repaid from the Public Faith. [41, p. 67.] Committee for Advance of Money to the Lord Mayor. Whereas by vote of Parliament of 7 December, you and 2 others had power to nominate 2 assessors in the privileged places in the several wards, viz., Duke's Place, Bevis Marks, Martin's-le-Grand, and Bartholomew the Great, and return their names to the clerk of the committee:-It is also desired that you direct some of your officers, or other citizens who best know the true extent of the suburbs of London, to attend us to-morrow, and give us particulars. [▲ 1, p. 68.] 3. Notes of committee business. The Lord Mayor to send some person to inform the limits of the suburbs. As yet the assessors' names for Westminster and Southwark cannot be obtained. [1 page.] Note that divers returns were made by collectors of the days when notice was given to persons assessed. Also that divers assessors and collectors not making returns, the following warrants were issued. [A 1, p. 69.] Warrant by the Committee for Advance of Money to the said assessors, to appear before them on 10 January, bringing the names of the persons, and the list of the sums assessed by them, according to an Order of 24 December, they having failed so to do Friday last. [4 1, p. 69.] Like warrant to the collectors for their appearance, with an account of the moneys levied or received by them, and of the days when notice was given to the parties assessed. [4 1, p. 69.] Committee for Advance of Money to Mat. Crutchfield. As you have con- temned the Ordinance of 29 November last, in refusing to be a collector for Bread Street Ward, we shall report the same to the Houses, and that for your contempt, you deserve to be committed. Give answer at Haberdashers' Hall next Thursday, whether you will conform to the Ordinance or not. [4 1, p. 70.] 4. Nomination by the assessors of Castle Baynard Ward of two collectors in place of those returned, whose urgent employments prevent their attendance. 4 signatures. [Scrap.] 5. Notes of returns made from 18 of the wards of London. [3 pages.] Summons by the Committee for Advance of Money to the assessors of Cheap Ward, to appear before them on the 16th, bring in their returns, and give a signed roll of the names and sums to the collectors of the ward. If they fail after so many summonses, they will be reported to both Houses of Parliament. With note that they appeared accordingly, and were required to sign the assessment they had then made, and deliver it formally-they having before only sent in a note of 4 persons able to contribute, but would not assess them, whereupon Wm. Adams refused to sign, as did also Walter Pell and Edw. Browne of Bassieshaw, and their contempt was certified to the House of Commons, who on 18 January ordered the Committee for Advance of Money GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 11 1643. Jan. 16. Jan. 16. Jan. 16. Jan. 16. Jan. 18. Jan. 18. Jan. 20. VOL. A LXXIX. to commit them to prison. They were then summoned and the order read, whereupon they conformed, and a request was made for revocation of the said order. [41, pp. 70, 71.] Order that the Guildhall Treasurers keep accounts in books set apart of their receipts for assessments, and make returns of their receipts every Monday and Thursday, with the dates of payments and the defalcations allowed for previous advances on the late loan of 30,000l. [▲ 1, p. 72.]* 6. Nomination by the assessors of Bishopsgate Ward of 2 more collectors. 4 signatures. [½ page.] 7. Like nomination by those of Farringdon Within of an exchange of col- lector. 4 signatures. [page.] 8. Appointment of John Gillibrand, John Sherman, John Terry, and Miles Fletcher, as added assessors for Aldersgate Ward. [ page.] Form of certificate by the collectors that they have left notices on certain persons, waited the 12 days limited, but received no payment, and that there is not sufficient to distrain upon. [41, p. 73.] Order referring to a committee the execution of a declaration in Parliament, and they are to return account thereof next Thursday. With order of 14 January for the said declaration to be read by the ministers of churches in London, Westminster, Southwark, and the suburbs on 15 January, and the ministers to exhort the people to the subscriptions desired with all expedition. Prefixing, 1. Declaration of both Houses of Parliament, 7 Jan. 1643, showing the necessity of a present subscription of money and plate by the residents in or near London, for further supply of the army. The sums to be paid in 4 instal- ments, within 3 months, Public Faith bills given, and interest to be paid at 8 per cent. [Lords' Journals, Vol. V., pp. 533-535.] Note, that the declaration and order were sent to the several parishes, and being directed to several persons in several wards, were delivered at a Court of Common Council at Guildhall, to several common councilmen in the wards, to promote the subscription. Ón information that divers ministers failed in reading the said declaration, the following order was issued. [41, pp. 72–79.] Order on information that in sundry churches, the late declaration for a new subscription was not published last Sunday, nor exhortation made, that this next Sunday those ministers who have not already read it do so, and that those who have, read it again, and recommend and exhort the parishioners to compliance. The churchwardens or others well affected in each parish to give notice to the committee on Monday of such as fail herein. Order that the declaration of 7 January, providing that, if any thing not named therein will conduce to the better promoting of the subscription, the Committee for Advance of Money shall prosecute it, be distributed by the common councilmen of each ward to the several parishes in their wards, and that the common councilmen in each parish, or such others as they shall appoint, take the subscriptions of as many as they can in church next Lord's day, after the minister's exhortation to this work. Also, that next day they repair to the houses of those who have not subscribed, take their subscriptions, and receive their moneys, two days after the subscriptions, at a month's end, at the end of the second, and at the end of the third month, giving signed acquittances, and pay the sums in at Guildhall within 2 days, certifying the names of subscribers and the sums paid, whereon the treasurers shall give acquittances to the subscribers. Subscriptions in plate as well as money to be taken to the Guildhall Treasurers for acquittance. Form of receipt for payment of parts of the said subscriptions. [41, pp. 80-82.] These books were kept accordingly, and with their Indexes, from Nos. A $8, and 53 to 56 of the papers of this Committee. See Preface. 12 1643. Jan. 20. Jan. 23. Jan. 23. Jan. 26. Jan. 27. Jan. 28. Jan. 30. Jan. 31. Jan. ? [Feb. 1.] Feb. 1. Feb. 1. Feb. 1. Feb. 1. Feb. 3. Feb. 3. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. VOL. A LXXIX. Order in the House of Commons for committal to prison of the under-named persons, for not paying the sums named, the Committee for Advance of Money to take care of the manner of sending them, and meantime they are to remain in custody of the serjeant, viz. :— 501. Laurence Speight, customer 3001. Thos. Nevell, goldsmith 2001. Paul Pinder, customer 3001. Mich. Gardiner, vintner 2007. Wm. Sombes, customer City Gaol, Norwich. 4001. Wm. Langhorne, tin farmer Lynn. 1001. Rich. - [A 1, pp. 82, 83. Commons' Journal, Vol. II., p. 935.] - - Yarmouth. County Gaol, Norwich. Order to the assessors of B*** Ward to make a further assessment of persons held meet, and to return their names next Tuesday. [A 1, p. 84.] 9. Notes signed by Edw. Bagshaw and John White, M.Ps for Southwark, of their nomination of 6 assessors named for each of the 4 parishes of Southwark. [1 page.] 10. Nomination signed by Lord Mayor Pennington and 4 aldermen, of 4 more assessors for Aldersgate Ward, and 2 more for Martin's-le-Grand, within the ward. [ page.] 3 11. Note of replies to be sent to the demands of assessors and collectors of 27 wards named, "in general where certificates have been returned of no distress, to distrain or return them also." [3 pages.] Order to the assessors named for St. Saviour's parish, Southwark, to choose their collectors, and bring in their names to Haberdashers' Hall next Wednes- day, when they will receive further directions. [4 1, p. 84.] 12. to Mr. Coleman, secretary to Lord Chief Justice Banks, lately come from Oxford, leaves his horse to-night at St. Alban's, thence comes up in one of the coaches, and returns on Thursday. You may lay wait for him in Aldersgate Street, where these coaches end, or at his father's house in Fetter Lane. [Scrap.] Order that all who have paid their assessments repair to Guildhall, shew their acquittances, and have them registered by the clerk of the committee, who keeps the accounts of that business. [41, p. 89.] 13. Notes relating to the assessments in many wards in London and some parishes in Middlesex, giving the amounts paid in, the date when the time allowed expires, instructions in particular cases to assessors and collectors, &c. [7 pages.] 14. Order in Parliament that, if any assessed by the Ordinance of 29 November avoid payment by absenting themselves or imprisonment, the Committee for Advance of Money shall issue warrants to any captains of the City of London or other officers, to seize their houses and goods, and to sell and dispose thereof for payment of the assessment. All justices of peace, constables, &c., to assist, and all those employed therein to have the protection of Parliament for their indemnity. [page.] 15. Draft of the above, corrected. [1 page.] 16. Return by the assessors of St. Saviour's parish [Southwark] of their appointment of 6 collectors named. 5 signatures. 5 signatures. [page.] 17. Like return of 4 persons to be collectors for St. George's parish, South- wark. 6 signatures. [1 page.] 18. Like return of 8 collectors for St. Olave's, Southwark. [page.] 19. Order in Parliament that the Committee for Advance of Money have power to commit to such prisons, and for such time as they think fit, those assessors and collectors who are negligent in the service, or who refuse to undertake it. [ page. Lords' Journals, Vol. V., p. 584.] Like order that the collectors for assessments shall have power to break open chests, trunks, doors, &c., on distress for assessments, when the time for pay- ment has elapsed; also to seize money, goods, &c., of the persons assessed, in the hands of other persons. [A 1, p. 91.~~ Lords' Journals, Vol. V., p. 585.] 1 GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 13 1643. Feb. 3. Feb. 3. Feb. 6. Feb. 7. Feb. 8. Feb. 8. Feb. 8. Feb. 8. Feb. 8. Feb. 9. VOL. A LXXIX. Order in the House of Commons that the parson, churchwardens, and vestry- men of Andrew's, Holborn, deliver to the Guildhall Treasurers 600l., part of the church stock, on the Public Faith, to be repaid when the parishioners require to use the money. [A 1, p. 90. Not in Commons' Journals.] Committee for Advance of Money to the churchwardens or collectors of the new subscriptions in each parish of London and the suburbs. There being a pressing occasion of instant sending away a very large sum to the army, to enable them to prosecute some sudden service of great consequence, you are to go about your respective parishes, and get up, and bring to Guildhall, to-day or to-morrow, what moneys can possibly be collected; use all possible expedi- tion, and give in an account of your proceedings at Haberdashers' Hall this evening and on Monday next. [A 1, p. 89.] 20. Appointment by the assessors of St. Saviour's, Southwark, of 2 col- lectors in place of Jas. Howe and John Sterry, who cannot serve, being appointed collectors for the royal subsidies. 5 signatures. [ page.] 21. Martin Dallison, clerk to the Committee for Advance of Money, to the Lord Mayor-You ask, in absence of the committee, the form of the oath to be given to those who complain of their assessment as being above of their estate. The party aggrieved must first pay in within 5 days after notice, or his oath cannot be admitted; on this you and the other persons appointed to nominate assessors may take his oath, and make such abatement as you think just. Form of the oath that the assessment is above of the estate. A book should be kept of such entries and orders, and certificates for abatement brought to me to be registered. [Copy, 1 page.] 30 22. Appointment by the assessors of St. Thomas', Southwark, of 2 additional collectors. 6 signatures. [ page.] Order that on account of the great occasion for present supply for the army, the assessors and collectors for the new subscription of 7 January repair to the houses of those assessed, and deal effectually with them to pay in the sums at one payment, or as much as they can produce, and certify to this committee on Monday. [4 1, p. 91.] Order in Parliament that as several collectors have been taken off from service by other employments, whereby well-affected persons are pressed to further contributions, and others do not contribute in proportion-the new collectors nominated do, after 11 February, give notices of assessments, and when the time is elapsed, repair to the houses, demand the sums, and if refused, take notice whether there is sufficient for a distress, and certify to the Committee for Advance of Money. Also enquire what debts, rents, &c., are due to the persons assessed, and compound for and receive them. Where there are goods, Cols. Randall Manwaring and Rich. Browne, with other officers, are to repair to the houses, and levy the sums by distress, taking the goods to Guildhall or Crosby House for sale. In case goods cannot be found, the said officers are to search for and apprehend the persons, and bring them for examination before the Committee for Examinations, who have power to imprison them as long as they please, their goods still remaining liable. The families of those who absent themselves to be proceeded against. The said officers, and all others concerned, to be indemnified by Parliament for their proceedings. The execu- tion of this Ordinance referred to the Committee for Advance of Money. [A 1, pp. 93–95. Lords' Journals, Vol. I., p. 594.] Order in Parliament that if any persons are willing to lend money for a few days for the army, and will pay it into Guildhall, they shall be repaid from the first moneys paid on the order of 7 January last for new subscriptions, and shall have acquittances given, which will empower the collectors of their parish to pay the money to them and not into Guildhall. [4 1, p. 92. Lords' Journals, Vol. V., p. 593.] 23. List of 62 persons willing to advance sums from 51. to 4001. for the speedy relieving of counties Gloucester and Wilts; total, 5,2851. [21 pages.] Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that all moneys now raised for speedy relieving of counties Gloucester and Wilts be repaid according to the order of Parliament, and if the new subscription do not suffice, they be paid from the assessment. 14 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. Feb. 10. Feb. [10]. Haberdashers' House. Feb. 11. Feb. 11. Feb. 11. Feb. 11. Feb. 13. VOL. A LXXIX. Summons to all well-affected merchants and others to meet at Haberdashers' Hall at 5 p.m., for the present securing Gloucester, Bristol, and all the West of England. Order that the assessors nominated for London, Westminster, the suburbs, and Southwark, proceed forthwith to make a further and full assessment, and deliver to this committee before the 17th a scroll signed and sealed, of the persons and sums, to be sent by the clerk of the committee to the several collectors, who are henceforth to report twice a week the days when notice was given. When the limited days for payment are expired, the collectors are to repair to the houses, and demand the sums, and if not paid, to take notice whether disti es can be had, and to certify. [4 1, pp. 92, 93, 96.] Order that for better levying the said assessment, one or two collectors be added by the assessors in each ward, with the same powers as the others, and have such recompense as the committee shall appoint. They may call to their assistance the captains of the trained bands, and soldiers and all other subjects are required to aid them in making distresses or apprehending persons. If any refuse aid, on complaint, they will be reported to both Houses of Par- liament as contemners of the Ordinances. In case of refusal, the collectors may call to their aid Col. Randall Manwaring, or such as he shall appoint, who are required under penalty to assist them. [A1, pp. 97, 98.] Committee for Advance of Money to The pressing necessities and eminent dangers of the kingdom enforce us to call upon all well-affected persons of ability to contribute to the succour and support of the public, still labouring for life, notwithstanding the care and diligence of Parliament. Being confident of your affection and sufficiency, we earnestly desire you speedily to furnish Parliament with -l. and send it to the Guildhall Treasurers, whereby you will do an acceptable service to the committee, and conduce to your own preservation. You shall have for security the Public Faith of the kingdom, and interest at 8 per cent., and shall be repaid with all convenient speed. We beg your satisfactory answer this night at Haberdashers' Hall. [A 1, pp. 107, 108.] Order in the House of Commons that, as divers sums have been raised on the proposition of Parliament, and paid to treasurers deputed in several counties, who have yet passed no accounts, and as divers sums subscribed are not paid to the said treasurers, or not by them paid in to Guildhall-the M.Ps forth- with bring in the names and residences of those who, in the several counties and places, have been appointed to collect and receive the said moneys, and deliver them within 2 days to the clerk of this House, who shall deliver them to the Committee for Advance of Money, and they shall summon the said collectors and receivers to appear, and pass their accounts, and bring in their moneys to the Guildhall Treasurers, and also the names of such as have sub- scribed and not paid. In default whereof they will be proceeded against as contemners of the orders of the House, and abusers of their trust. This order to be printed and published as the Committee for Advance of Money shall direct. [4 1, pp. 106, 107. Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 962.] Order in the House of Commons that [Corn.] Holland be added to the Haber- dashers' Hall Committee instead of Mr. Spurstow, and [Miles] Corbett instead of Mr. Vassall. [A 1, p. 21. Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 963.] 24. Assent by the assessors of Cornhill to 2 persons named as additional collectors. [Scrap.] Summons to the persons appointed in Cripplegate Ward Within to appear at Haberdashers' Hall next Monday at 8 a.m., and bring the account of those who subscribed plate and money last September, and have not paid it in. [A 1, p. 101.] Order to the assessors of the several wards to add 2 persons named for each ward to the number of the collectors. Order that the clerk of the committee issue from time to time to the new collectors the names of those returned as having or not having goods to distrain, to pay their assessment, that the new collectors may the better execute the Ordinance. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 15 1643. Feb. 14. Feb. 16. Feb. 18. Feb. 19. Feb. 19. Feb. 20. Feb. 20. Feb. 20, Feb. 20. Feb. 21. VOL. A LXXIX. Request to the Lieutenant of the Tower, and the committee appointed for taking subscriptions in the Tower Limits, to certify by Thursday the names of those who subscribed to lend moneys on the propositions of both Houses, and have not paid them in. Form of solemn protestation for those assessed, that the sum of at which they are assessed-over and above what they have already lent-is more than the of the estate, real or personal, of which they were possessed at the time of the making of the Ordinance of Parliament for assessments, of 29 November 1642. [41, pp. 99–103.] 20 Form for Bread Street Ward of notes to be given to the new collectors, of the names of two persons in Bread Street and Castle Baynard Wards who had not, and of one who had sufficient distress for their assessment. p. 102.] [41, 25. Appointment by the Lord Mayor and aldermen of Isaac Barton as an assessor of Cripplegate Without. 5 signatures. Scrap.] 26. List of 138 persons in the several wards reported to the Committee for examination of the House of Commons as having no distress* in their houses to pay the assessments, with notes of orders in 25 cases for their committal to sundry prisons, in many others for their appearance at Haberdashers' Hall, and in some of arrangements for payment in part or in full. [5 pages.] 27. List of 15 Fenchurch parishioners who paid sums varying from 10s. to 50l. towards the loan of 60,000l. Also of 14 more who are able, but would lend nothing. 1 page.] 28. Return of the subscription from St. Stephen's, Walbrook, of contri- butions towards the 60,000l. for arrears of the army; 37 persons, sums 21. to 2007.; total, 9011. [1 column.] 29. Like return for John the Evangelist, of 14 persons subscribing from 11. 10s. to 35l. each; total, 1131. 10s.; also of 7 more who are able. [ page.] 30. Note of goods seized from 3 persons for assessments, with the expenses thereof, and of money paid by others in Aldersgate Ward. 18 and 20 February. [11 pages.] Order that as divers persons assessed have shown disaffection in refusing to pay, conveying away their goods, and absenting themselves, seeking to elude the Ordinance, and putting the collectors to great expense and trouble, where- upon collectors have been lately added for levying by distress, &c.;-these collectors have 3d. in the pound on all sums brought in by them, and have power to distrain for the same, and for all charges of distraint and porterage, entry, stowage, and sale of the goods. Also all charges for apprehending refusers, and bringing them before the Committee for Examinations, and 3d. in the pound on their assessments. Should any pay his money after attachment of his goods or person, the Guildhall Treasurers shall allow the collectors 3d. in the pound on the payments. With warrant to the Treasurers at Guildhall accordingly, 21 February. Order that 2 days before sale of any goods distrained for assessments, bills be stuck up in the Royal Exchange of the time and place of their sale by candle, that all deceit may be avoided. The residue, after payment of charges, to be returned to the person concerned. [41, pp. 103–106.] 31. Order that if any person who is assessed is willing to advance anything towards the loan of 60,000l. speedily to be raised, it shall be deducted out of his assessments, and the Guildhall Treasurers shall give acquittances accordingly, to be entered by the clerk of this committee. [1 page.] Order that as divers collectors appointed to levy sums assessed by virtue of the Ordinance of 29 November last are to receive such allowances for their pains and charges as this committee shall appoint, the Guildhall Treasurers pay them 3d. in the pound on the moneys brought in by persons who have been assessed, refused payment, but yet, after attachment of their goods, have paid without trouble or imprisonment; done for encouragement to the assessed to pay in their moneys without sale of their goods, or imprisonment of their persons. [41, p. 105.] • The technical meaning of distress is goods that can be seized by distraint.-ED. 16 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. Feb. 24. Feb. 25. Feb. 27. Feb. 27. Feb. ? Feb. P March 1. March 2. Hall. Feb. 27. Committee for Advance of Money to the Lord Mayor. We send you a copy Haberhashers' of the order of the House of Commons, directing us to take all possible care for speedy execution of the Ordinance for the weekly assessments, which we also send you. The care of this service in London is chiefy entrusted to you and the aldermen. We therefore desire you to impart this great business to them, and appoint persons to assess and collect the same with all care and industry, the payment to begin from 1 March, and to be levied on all persons liable thereto. March 2. March 4. March 4. March 5. VOL. A LXXIX. 32. Order in the House of Commons to recommend to the Committee for Advance of Money to take care for the effectual execution of the Ordinance for weekly assessments, and to order as many copies of it as are needful to be printed. [4 1, p. 109. Commons' Journals, Vol. II. p. 977.] Like order that the Committee for Advance of Money consider what members of the House are fit to be sent down into the different counties, for the speedy execution of the weekly assessment, and present their names on Monday. [A 1, p. 109. Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 980.] Order that if any person be aggrieved as to his assessment, on paying the moiety within 6 days after notice, he may have liberty to take his oath or protestation before the appointed parties that he is over-rated, whereupon they have power to make abatement. But as many persons wilfully and refractorily suffer the days of payment to elapse without satisfying their assessment, and seek to elude the Ordinance, none are to be admitted to a protestation unless. he has paid the first within 6 days after notice, "unless they be first referred by this committee in that behalf." [41, p. 112.] Declaration of the committee thereon that they will admit no man to his oath after the days are elapsed, but such as the assessors recommend, and will abate only what sum they think fit, on better information since assessment; the certificates of the assessors to be sent to the Lord Mayor, with the reference under the hand of the clerk of this committee. [41, p. 112.] P.S.-You are also requested to send 2 discreet persons to go to each person in the City and suburbs, and in Southwark, to hasten them in what they have promised towards the 60,000l. [A 1, p. 113.] 33, 34. Notes relative to the distraint of goods for non-payment of assess- ments, in Broad Street, Castle Baynard, and Bassieshaw Wards. [2 papers.] 35. Note of purchases of goods distrained for assessments, with the prices, e.g. ; 4 pieces of arras hangings, sold to Governor Blethin, 81.; silver velvet canopy, 12s.; 5 pieces of cloth of silver, 21.; an orange coloured satin kirtle, and a yellow one embroidered, 21. [Scrap, torn.] Order that the offer of divers persons in Billingsgate Ward, to pay their assessments in cheese and butter, on the reasonable valuation of competent men, and the other in money, be accepted by the collectors. [A 1, p. 113.] 36. Return of goods and money, seized from 13 persons in Castle Baynard Ward, and of 2 imprisoned for non-payment. [1 page.] Order that for the more perfect keeping of the accounts brought in to the Guildhall Treasurers, for assessment on the Ordinance of 29 November, they give acquittances to every person bringing in money, giving the names of the persons from whom they receive it, and of those from whom it was dis- trained, or upon whom it was assessed, and for what it is brought in, and that a book of such receipts be kept by themselves. [41, p. 111.] Order in the House of Commons, that the houses of Thos. Massam, merchant, Milk Street, and of Alderman Sir Wm. Acton, be forthwith seized, for laying in, disposal, and sale of goods, distrained on the Ordinance of 29 November last. 4 1, p. 115. Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 989.] 37. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, that the persons named in a schedule annexed appear at Haberdashers' Hall, as often as, and when they are summoned. [ page; also A 1, p. 114.] 38. List of 30 persons in Farringdon Ward Within, who have promised to lend sums from 31. to 25l., for the urgent affairs of the kingdom, on the Ordi- nance of 29 November. With note of tickets delivered 18 March. [1 column.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 17 1643. March 6. March 7. March 9. March 9. March 9. March 11. March 13. March 14. March. March 20. March 21. March 23. March 27. March 28. 50623. VOL. A LXXIX. 39. Order that 13 chests of sugar, bought by Wm. Williamson, be delivered to him on payment of 41. the cwt., ready money upon delivery. [page; also A 1, p. 113.] Order in the House of Commons that the collectors of Cripplegate Ward Within be appointed to execute the order [of 4 March] for seizing the houses of Ald. Acton, and Mr. Massam. [41, p. 117. Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 992.] 40. Certificate by the assessors of St. Saviour's, Southwark, of their approval of their 2 additional collectors. 6 signatures. {} page.] 41. Request by the assessors of St. Olave's, Southwark, for 3 collectors named to be added for their parish. [ page, damaged.] 42. Jos. Marsh, clerk to the Committee for Advance of Money, to Mr. Dalli- son. Request that Jacob Bonnamy and Art. Hollingworth, sent to Peterhouse by their warrant, for divers moneys in arrear, may be released. [ page.] 43. List of 8 distresses made in Langbourne Ward, from 18 February to 11 March 1643. With account of goods and money seized. [1 column.] 44. Brief note of business in the Committee for Advance of Money. Query, whether certificates for abatement, from aldermen instead of M.Ps., are to be accepted from persons in Southwark. Mr. Middleton refuses to be an assessor. Mr. Halsted to take acquittance of 4001. in Sheriff Andrews' hand, as part of his assessment. [1 page.] Order that, -as divers collectors of assessments are found to be negligent, or partial in certifying where distress may be had to satisfy the sums assessed, and where there is no distress :-the clerk of this Committee give to the new collectors the names of all whose days for payment are elapsed, and the sums unpaid; whereupon they, without further certificates of the old collectors, are to levy the sums, by distress or otherwise. If sufficient distress cannot be had to satisfy the sums assessed, the new collectors are to apprehend the persons, and carry them before the Committee of the House of Commons for examina- tions, to be proceeded against according to the Ordinance of 29 November. [A 1, p. 118.] 45. Draft of the above, dated 11 March. [1 page.] 46. Request by Sir David Watkins that Christopher Dighton and John Robinson, under-searchers at Gravesend, may be sent for, and deliver for Parliament's use 1,4007., seized at Gravesend, of which belongs by patent to Edward Watkins, searcher of London, till the difference between him and the Gravesend searcher, now before the Lords in Parliament, be settled; the rather that Richard Ward, the principal agent in the difference, being a great malignant, and assessed at 400l., is fled to Oxford, and that Robinson, worth 40,000l., has brought his family from Gravesend, and lives very obscurely in London, to avoid payment of contributions. [1 page.] 47. Return of 4 persons in Walbrook Ward who have gone away, but 2 hold offices in Poultry Counter, and one in the Customs, which would pay their assessments. [3 page.] 48. Heading of an unfinished order in the Committee for Advance of Money. [page.] 49. Committee for Advance of Money to the common councilmen, church- wardens, and collectors in every place within London and the suburbs. As divers sums subscribed on the Ordinance of 2 January are not gathered and paid into Guildhall, and accounts thereof have not been given to this committee, though orders to that purpose have been issued, you are to gather and pay in the sums subscribed, and bring in writing to Haberdashers' Hall next Friday an account of what is paid in, the dates of the acquittances, and the sums still unpaid. [page. Printed form, filled up.] 50. Order in the House of Commons that the Committee for Advance of Money have power to send for their collectors and assessors, and require an account of their proceedings in the weekly assessment. Also that they B 18 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. March. March. March. March. March. March P March P March ? VOL. A LXXIX. reconcile, as they best may, the objection made by the City against the common councilmen being committees. [ page. Commons' Journals, Vol. III., p. 22.] 51. Return by Rob. Pardon and Jas. Love, churchwardens, of 21 persons in St. James's parish, Garlickhithe, who are able, but have not lent money towards the 60,000l. "Not one man that will subscribe for a penny in this parish." [1 page.] 52-54. Notes of moneys paid in by the residents in Olave's Southwark, and Portsoken and Aldgate Wards. [3 papers.] 55-65. Printed forms of certificates by the collectors of the several wards and parishes, that they have left notices at the houses of the persons therein named that the money has not been paid, but there are sufficient goods to raise the assessment by distress. [11 papers, 1 to 10 names on each paper.] 66-71. Like forms of certificates where there is neither money, goods, nor rents to satisfy the assessment by distress. [6 papers.] 72-76. Certificates by persons assessed above the value of their estates, as to what is the part of their estates, and recommendations, signed by the Lord Mayor and 3 others, that the sums specified should be accepted in full of the assessments, 24 February-31 March, 1643. [Printed forms filled up, 4 papers.] 77. Breviate of the proceedings of the Committee for Advance of Money in levying the and part. 1 20 The assessors gain their information from the books of rates of the several parishes, with assistance of some well-affected persons. They make a roll of assessments, sign it, and deliver it to the clerks, who enter it in a large book, in 7 columns, viz. :- 1 20 1. The party assessed. 2. The sum assessed. 3. Date of the delivery of his ticket of notice by the collector. 4. What he has contributed on the propositions. 5. What money is paid in. 6. What money is abated him. 7. The name of the collector in whose charge he is.* The clerks give signed commissions to the collectors for levying the assess- ment, and fill up the blank notices, and enter the persons assessed alphabetically in a calendar. If the parties appear within 10 days and pay in the, they shall have relief on their oaths if they be over-rated. In default of appearance, if no sufficient distress can be found, the clerks are to issue warrants for their apprehension. In case of distraint or apprehension, the assessment is to be paid before the person assessed can have audience of the committee, which may then accept the, or admit him to make his affidavit. A book of entries is kept of all orders made for persons assessed, and the assessment discharged accordingly. If the collectors are forced to levy rents, they are to give acquittances for them. The collectors have 3d. in the pound, paid by the State, for all moneys that are paid in 10 days; if later, the assessed parties are to pay this, and also all incident charges. [13 pages.] 78. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that those who have avoided the assessment by declaring their willingness to advance money on the late Ordinance, but have not paid it in at Guildhall, be assessed at the sums they volunteered to pay, or more if the assessors think fit. A return of these and others fit to be assessed to be made next Tuesday. [ page, draft corrected.] On 79. Dr. Rich. Zouch to the Committee for Advance of Money. 2 March 1643, an order was granted by the House of Lords, on reading a paper from the resident for Portugal, and delivered me 9 March, to examine whether the goods seized on belonged to Portuguese. The papers were in Portuguese, which few people are able to translate, and it cannot be done till Saturday night. [1 page.] There are 6 of these books, each with an Index, alphabetical as to the first letter only, which form Nos. 61-72 of the volumes of this committee. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 19 1643. April 5. April 12. April 13. April 15. April 17. April 21. May 1. May 1. May 2. May 6. May 6. VOL. A LXXIX. Order that the assessors of Farringdon Without, Fleet Street side, bring in on Friday a list of those whom they hold meet to be assessed on the late Ordinance. [4 1, p. 121.] Order that all who pay in their assessments at Guildhall repair at once to Haberdashers' Hall, and produce their acquittances to a treasurer or clerk of this committee, to be registered, sigued, and delivered to the party concerned. This order to be printed and published. [4 1, pp. 129, 130.*] 80. Order that the collectors of assessments appear from time to time, and give account of their proceedings to the sub-committee or the appointed clerk, on the days named in the roll affixed, or when required. Annexing, 80. 1. Table of appointments of days of the week on which the collectors named of each ward are to appear, being from Mondays and Fridays. With references to folios in the “ Great book," and the collector's book. [2 pages.] Committee for Advance of Money to Mr. Long. We could not refuse to certify Mr. Monger's payment made here, but we would set no ill-affected man at liberty, and we leave him to his proper place, the prison, and to your discretion. We will acquaint Sir Thos. Barrington with the Ordinance for recusants, and ill-affected, and treat with him that you and the rest of the committee may have the oversight and managing of the sequestrations. [A 1, p. 127.] 80a. Account by Hum. Bury, of butter, cheese, and bread received in Billingsgate and Tower Wards, in lieu of assessments. [1 sheet.] Committee for Advance of Money to the Lord Mayor. Hearing that several persons solicit you for warrants to seize goods which malignants endeavoured to convey away, we desire that when you issue them, you command your clerk to copy and send them to our clerk, with the names and addresses of the persons to whom they are granted, that the said persons may be called to give an account of the execution thereof, and the State be satisfied touching such seizures. [A 1, p. 131.] Summons to the assessors for C- -Ward to attend on Tuesday, at the giving up the accounts of the collectors of the part in their ward. Order that whereas divers persons assessed have solicited their assessors to certify that on better information they find cause to abate the assessments, whereon they were referred to make their protestation, though the days limited by the assessments are elapsed, yet as it appears that the assessors have been wrought on one by one to recall the act done by their joint consents-no such certificates be henceforth admitted, unless all the assessors attend the com- mittee in person with their certificates, and give their reasons concerning the same. [A 1, p. 133.] 81. Report by Hen. Browne and Wm. Haycock of horses found in the Mews, and belonging chiefly to servants of the King. [ page.] L4 82. Order in the House of Commons that [Roger] Hill, [Denis] Bond, and Sir Peter Wentworth be added to the Committee for Advance of Money, instead of Sir Wm. Brereton, Sir Thos. Soame, and Mr. Purefoy. [ page. Commons' Journals, Vol. III., p. 67.] Order that any horses entered or listed by any person after his assessment shall not be accepted in part thereof. Order that the 3001. of Sir John Gayre's paid to Mr. Gosse be repaid him, and then paid to him by the Treasurers, that so Sir John may have the Public Faith for it. [41, p. 140.] 83. Order in Parliament-as many have requested an explanation, for their indemnity, of the Ordinances authorizing the collectors to receive rents, tithes, debts, &c., for assessment-that all persons who pay the same shall be discharged against the creditor, landlord, or rector, and saved from any penalty for non-payment. If they refuse to pay, the collectors are authorized to distrain the said rents, tithes, or debts for the assessment. [2} pages, damaged. Lords' Journals, Vol. VI., p. 34.] * There are several volumes of these acquittances forming Nos. A. 39-12, 57, and 58 in the papers of this Committee. See Preface. B 2 20 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. May 6. May 8. May 8. May 8. May 9. May 9. May 9. May 11. May. 12. May 13. May 15. Fleet St. May 25. VOL. A LXXIX. 84, 85. Two copies of the preceding order, printed. [1 page each.] Order in the House of Commons that 10,000l. be sent forthwith to Lord Fairfax, by his agent, Mr. White, out of the moneys of those who have not contributed, or not proportionably to their estates, and that till that sum be paid, none of those moneys be issued. The Committee for Advance of Money to take special care thereof. [41, p. 141. Commons' Journals, Vol., III., p. 75.] 86. List of 98 common councilmen in the several wards who have sub- scribed, and mostly paid in sums from 251. to 5001. Total, 7,2611. [3 pages.] 87. List of the collectors of the several wards, noting the sums they have paid in, and those still remaining in their hands. [7 pages.] 88. Order that for more speedy supply of the army, who are unable to march for want of money, no acquittances for horses listed since 29 November last, nor for weekly assessments as contributions for soldiers of London, be admitted in part payment of assessments. Also as several who have been distrained were released on private affidavits, that no goods distrained from such be released, unless the assessors and collectors and the parties distrained from be heard before this committee, within two or three days of the distraint. The clerk to report collectors who neglect their duty of attendance on the committee, or of speedy execution of warrants, that their offences may be punished. [1 page; also A 1, p. 143.] Warrant to Sam. Gosse to pay to Wm. Hawkins 7001. out of the goods distrained from Capt. Marm. Royden, Capt. Edm. Foster, and Rob. Swinnerton, the 7001. being borrowed from him at the instance of some of this committee, to supply some pressing necessities of the army, with promise that it should be repaid. [4 1, p. 144.] Committee for Advance of Money to the Lord Mayor. We desire you and the aldermen to appoint 26 persons named, and such others as you think fit, as collectors of the weekly assessments in the several wards. [A 1, pp. 145, 146.] Note of the printing of an Ordinance of Parliament for the speedy raising of money throughout the whole kingdom of England and Wales, by taxing such as have not contributed at all, or not according to their abilities. [A 2, p. 7.] 89. Note of what moneys have been recently collected, what paid in, and what remain in hand. [13 pages.] Order that on account of the pressing necessities of the army, the collectors of weekly assessments in London go to the houses of the people, gather in the moneys, and move them to pay the whole assessments for 3 months in advance. That they give to the collectors for distress notice of all who have not paid up, that they may be distrained, and the money paid to the collectors first nominated for weekly assessments, to be by them paid to the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers. This order to be printed and published. [4 1, p. 148.] 90. Thos. Ball to Dr. Burgess, Haberdashers' Hall. My landlord, Mr. Drake, has paid in 121. to Guildhall, and can show acquittances for 81. more. Deal gently with him, and if this will suffice, let him be discharged. Excuse my necessary courtesy, I am tender of anything that looks like disservice to the public. [1 page.] Order to the assessors of Farringdon Without, Fleet Street side, to make a further and fuller assessment in their division, and return it on Monday, as many there have not contributed, or not in proportion to their estates. Order that collectors appear before the committee, to give account of assessments, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 p.m. Order that whereas divers persons have not paid in their voluntary subscrip- tions for defence of Parliament, &c., and that sundry in Southwark and other suburbs are within this subscription, if any of the said arrears or moneys can be got in, and employed for the auxiliaries raised by the Salters' Hall Committee in Bread Street, the same may be allowed on the accounts of the Committee at Weavers' Hall, whereby the persons so lending may have the Public Faith, provided this committee have an account of the sums so employed. [4 1, pp. 154-162.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 21 1643. May 26. May 30. June 2. June 3. June 3. June 5. June 7. June 12. June 17. June 20. VOL. A LXXIX. Order in the House of Commons that the Committee for Advance of Money have power in London, and within 20 miles of it, to call before them those who have not contributed proportionably, and appoint assessors to assess them at, and committees to ease those over-rated. This Ordinance not to extend to the assessing of any members of either House of Parliament, or of any assistant of the House of Peers, as that House shall have power to assess its members and assistants. [12, p. 7. Printed in part in Commons' Journals, Vol. III., p. 105.] Order that-as Sir Oliver Luke inhabits the house of Sir Wm. Fleetwood, who has an assessment of 2007. unpaid, whereby Sir Oliver's goods may be in danger of being molested-his goods be severed from those of Sir Wm. Fleetwood and appraised, and on Luke's paying the appraisement, the goods be delivered to him, and no other goods be molested. Td 1, p. 157.] Order on the Act of 26 May, appointing 10 assessors dwelling in Middlesex and London to assess the inhabitants within 20 miles. [A 2, p. 8.] 91. Order-on information of the Collectors of Weekly Assessments that many are behind hand, and as yet distress has been forborne,-that the collectors do their utmost to gather in the balance, and appear on 29 June before the committee, bringing notes of the total sums assessed in their precincts, and of their payments to the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers, shewing their acquittances, and a note of the balances in hand, with a roll of those who have not paid, and of the sums; stating who are poor, or complain of over- rating, that the collectors appointed thereto may levy the same by distress. [1 page.] 92. Order that the Collectors for Weekly Assessments on the Ordinance of Parliament of 4 March last do their best to collect the arrears, and pay them in before 12 June, and meantime give a note of those who are refractory and refuse to pay to the commissioners appointed to distrain, who are to pay in money to the collectors, and carry goods to Goldsmiths' Hall to Sam. Gosse, receiver therefor; the collectors to pay the distrainers not only the 2d. in the pound ordered by Parliament, but 2d. of their own money, if they are not willing to perform their duty by distraining. The collectors to appear 12 June with the accounts, as named in the preceding order. [Draft, 13 payes ; also A 2, pp. 9, 10.] 93. On information that goods belonging to delinquents and disaffected persons are carried to the house and warehouses of Mr. Smith in Leadenhall Street, order that the same be searched for, seized, and brought to Guildhall, to remain till further order. [3 page.] Order that the churchwardens and collectors for the poor of Hackney parish appear before this committee to-morrow, and bring the books or rolls of the parishioners rated for the poor. [A 2, p. 10.] Committee for Advance of Money to Sir Edw. Scott, and 8 other knights and 5 gentlemen in 5 [wards]. We beg you to use all diligence that the moneys on weekly assessments in your divisions be forthwith collected, and that you certify in writing what moneys are gathered, and what will speedily be collected, and use all haste for sending the money hither to the treasurers, according to the Ordinance. [4 2, p. 11.] 94. Notes of returns from several wards. Castle Baynard cannot make return till a difference is reconciled. The landlords are assessed at 6d. in the pound, whereas in other wards they pay but 3d. [3 page.] 95. Order that-as the assessors of Broad Street Ward have often attended, and declared and certified that divers persons in the ward were rated too high, their assessments being the soonest brought in, and the highest rated, and when they would have altered it on better information, they could not, because it was entered in the book kept by the committee's clerk;-Toby Maidwell and 11 others, assessed at from 207. to 667., shall only pay such sums as the assessors certify to be proportionable to their estates. [1 page; also A 2, p. 18.] Order appointing 25 fresh assessors named for London and within 20 miles thereof, by virtue of the Ordinance of 26 May last. 22 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. June 22. June 22. June 22. June 22. June 23. June 26. June 27. June ? July 3. July 6. [July 6.] July 7. VOL. A LXXIX. Like order appointing 14 assessors for co. Surrey, within 20 miles from London. Like order for 6 assessors for co. Herts. Like order for 7 for co. Kent. Like order for 12 for co. Essex. Order appointing a Mitigation Committee of 11 to ease those who are over- rated in their assessments, and to order abatements on information from the respective assessors. [42, pp. 21–26.] Form of order for the serving of notices on assessed persons, a return to be made to the clerk of the committee of the days when they were served, and of the answers thereto. Form of the notice itself; if the sum be paid in plate or money within 10 days after notice, it will be repaid on the Public Faith, but not otherwise. [A 2, p. 27.] 96. Nomination by the several assessors of 29 persons as collectors. [ col.] 97. Appointment of the said collectors by the Committee for Advance of Money.page; also A 2, p. 45.] Order that the collectors give notice of the sums assessed, and in default of payment after demand, levy the same by distress or otherwise. [A 2, p. 33.] 98. Order— on report to the committee by the collectors that divers tenants refuse to pay the sums assessed on their landlords, and divers are behind in their weekly assessments, and distress in most places has been forborne-that the collectors do their utmost to gather in the remainder, appear on Thursday, and bring a note of the assessments, and of sums paid in at Goldsmiths' Hall, shewing their acquittances, and a roll of the sums unpaid- noting such as are poor, or complain of over-rating-that the sums may be levied by distress. Those distrained on to pay 3d. in the pound for charges. The tenants who pay for their landlords shall be indemnified by Parliament for deducting the sums out of their rents. [1 page.] Committee for Advance of Money to the Treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall. It was ordered that, in case of complaint of over-rating, the plaintiff should deposit his assessment, which is to be set apart and not disposed of, till further order of the Mitigation Committee, either for repayment of the whole or part, or for further payment. You are to certify the committee of these receipts. [A 2, p. 28.] 99. Order that as divers sums will be thus paid in by deposit, the accounts thereof be kept apart, and the moneys not issued till the Mitigation Committee have determined how much each party shall pay; and then none to be issued but by warrants of Parliament, or such as have authority from them for that purpose. [1 page; also A 2, p. 31.] 100. Note of a quarter's weekly assessment for the 58 inhabitants of Hampton, Middlesex, from Lady-day, 1643, the sums varying from 2d. to 2s. 6d. [1 column.] 101. Notes of payments in plate or money made by 55 persons in London, on the Parliament propositions, or towards their assessments, or on their compo- sitions, or towards soldiers' pay, or in gifts of arms or horses. [Book of 24 pages, 16 written.] Order that, as by the Ordinance of 11 May for the and the, it is ordained that the collectors have 2d. in the pound on their receipts, with further allowance for their expenses, and as the levying the moneys requires great ex- pense of time and money, they be allowed one penny more in the pound, for all moneys paid in 10 days after notice. If the money is not paid within the 10 days, the 3d. in the pound is to be paid, not by the treasurers, but by the persons assessed, and for the full sum assessed, any abatement that may be made notwithstanding, and also all expenses of distraint. The treasurers to pay the 3d. for all moneys already brought in on the said Ordinance. [42, pp. 51, 52.] 102. Draft of part of the above. [ page.] Order to the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers to repay from the first moneys that come in, with interest at 8 per cent., 800l. lent by 7 persons, on the present urgent necessity, for supply of the army. [4 2, p. 34.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 23 1643. July 8. July 15. July 15. July 19. July 19. July 21. July 25. July 28. July 31. July ? Aug. 12. VOL. A LXXIX. Like order for repayment of 8007. lent by Wm. Hawkins, merchant, 3 months since on an emergency for supply of the army, with interest for the use of it. [A 2, p. 34.] 103. Order in the House of Commons, on information that many well affected persons are assessed beyond the meaning of the Ordinance, that the assessors take care that none be assessed but such as are fit, and in fit proportion. [page. Commons' Journals, Vol. III., p. 167.] 104. Order that if any assessed person desire that what he has paid on the late loans of 60,000l. and 17,000l. be accepted as part of his assessment, the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers take his acquittances, and give him acquittance on the Public Faith, which shall be entered with the clerk of this committee. [1 page. A 2, p. 42.] M Order that as much delay in payment of the weekly assessments is caused by an expectation of abatement on payment of two-thirds, which remaining undetermined causes much damage to the State,-the Lord Mayor issue warrants to the aldermen of each ward, who, with the assessors, shall call the parties aggrieved before them, hear and determine on the abatement, if any is thought fit, and certify, that further course may be taken for raising the sums that shall be abated. [A 2, p. 38.] July 22. 107. Ri. Willis to Wm. Ball, Chancery Lane. Thanks for your good ad- Star Chamber. vice. I petitioned the Committee for Safety to recommend me to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money for freedom from assessment, and they issued the following order. It is the desire of the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Safety of the Kingdom that Mr. Willis that attends them may be spared his assessment." 105. List of 20 persons assessed whose times for payment are elapsed, "wherein there is matter of question." [1 page.] 106. “An estimation of all the estates, both of lands and goods, of the in- habitants of Ickenham, Middlesex, 19 persons, rentals from 31. to 50l. a year; goods valued at 40l. to 2007., with notes of their assessments from 4l. to 301." [1 page.] I could not find the committee sitting on Thursday, and they will not sit till this afternoon. Let no warrant of distress issue till I attend them with that petition, which shall be, D.V., to-night or Monday. [1 page.] Order on complaint of divers persons that the assessors have been misin- formed of their estates, and taxed them so disproportionably that the which they are ordered to bring in before they can be heard far exceeds their 20 that if persons so over-rated deposit within the limited 10 days as much as upon oath appears to be their personal estate and yearly revenue, they shall be admitted to a hearing by the mitigators, as though they had paid their full moiety. [42, p. 40.] Order that, as many of the persons assessed dwell remote from the City, and have been delayed in perfecting their assessments, and as those who get orders for return of part thereof attend long and are not paid, the deposits henceforth be paid to the clerk of this committee, until the Committee for Mitigation order repayment of the part, or payment of greater sums; and that the said clerk observe the orders of the Mitigation Committee, and make no delay in repayment of money. [42, p. 44.] Order that as the late Lord Digby, Lady Eliz. Digby's husband, died in war against the rebels in Ireland, and had large sums due to him for service, and as most of her estate is in the power of the rebels in Ireland and England, so that she is disabled from paying her assessment, the collectors of the ward forbear to distrain upon or molest her person, without further order. [A 2, p. 43.] 108. Return by the collectors of notices left on 9 persons, several will attend the committee. [1 page.] Order that Martin Dallison, clerk to this committee, pay the 3 officers, for their attendance from 30 Nov. to 31 May last, their salaries from 107. to 31., with 30s. to the maid that washes the committee's rooms, and that he pay the same yearly. [4 2, p. 50.] 24 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. Aug. 12. Aug. 16. Aug. 17. Aug. 26. Sept. 4. Sept. 6. Sept. 6. Sept. 6. VOL. A LXXIX. 20 109. Table of assessments on the Ordinance for and paid from 21 June to 12 Aug. 1643, giving sums assessed, lent formerly, paid to treasurers, and abated, but not the names of the payers. [24 pages.] Order in the House of Commons referring to the Committee for Advance of Money the petition of Jas. Fenn, merchant adventurer. All that desire to pass beyond seas, with their wives or families, are to bring a testimony from that committee before a motion is made. [A 2, p. 55. Commons' Journals, Vol. III., p. 207.] 110. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that the Committee for the Safety of Surrey levy sums from 110l. to 1000l. assessed on 10 persons named, lately residing there, but forbear to levy any moneys assessed before 27 July, and that they proceed in the same way with the rest of the county. [1 page; also 2, p. 62.] 111. Order in the House of Commons, that the Committee for Advance of Money summon Sir John Brownlow and 7 other gentlemen of co. Lincoln who reside here, for non-payment of sums from 200l. to 1,000l. assessed on them by the Committee for Defence of co. Lincoln. [ page.] Order in Parliament that-as many of those assessed for the 2 and weekly assessments, &c., have refractorily and wilfully allowed the days for payment to elapse, and secretly conveyed away their goods, and absented themselves to avoid payment, or have suffered imprisonment and their houses stand empty, whereby they might be free from bearing part of the common charges which these necessitous times require-the Committee for Advance of Money have power to let the said houses, and to employ the rents to pay the assessments; the tenants to be indemnified against the imprisoned persons, in paying rent and parish duties. [42, p. 68. Lords' Journal, Vol, VI., pp. 198, 199.] Order that as Messrs. Brown and Bard have disbursed sums for raising horse for the service, and had a warrant from the Committee of Safety for repay- ment, and as they have bought some distrained goods by the candle at Goldsmiths' Hall, part of which are unpaid for, and there is a difference in the accounts between them and Sam. Gosse thereon, the case be referred to Edward Clapton. [4 2, pp. 73, 74.] Order that the wood distrained on the wharf of Mr. West at Charing Cross be delivered for the use of the King's children, as by affidavit of Abr. Gretton, groom to Prince Charles, it appears to belong to them, and that Mr. Hooker pay the collectors all moneys due to Mr. West, towards satis- faction of his assessment. 112. Order that the collectors lately added to the Weekly Assessment Com- mittee forthwith levy that assessment, and have, according to the Ordinance, 2d. in the pound for all moneys yet uncollected. The former collectors to assist them, go with them with their rolls, and tell them who are behind, and how much. The moneys to be paid to the former collectors, and by them to the treasurers for weekly assessments. Those who do not pay in money or by distress in 2 days are to pay the weekly assessment for 2 months, in addition to the first three months, and their names to be returned to the committee. The collectors to give in their account every Thursday. [page.] The assessment on John Dixon, surgeon, to be discharged, as my Lord General has written that he is very useful to his army, and has cured divers sick and hurt soldiers sent up to London, without recompense. [4 2, pp. 75, 76.] Order in the House of Commons referring to the Committee for Advance of Money a petition of the commanders in garrison at Windsor, concerning their pay, specially recommending a speedy course for providing money. [4 2, p. 77. Commons' Journal, Vol, III., p. 230.] Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, that as 800l. is urgently needed for Windsor Town and Castle, it be paid by the clerk of the committee out of deposited moneys, to be repaid by care of the committee in 10 days. [A 2, pp. 75-77.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 25 1643. Sept. 7. Sept. 7. Sept. 7. Sept. 8. Sept. 9. Sept. 7. Order in the House of Commons that the Committee for Advance of Money call before them Sir John Brownlow and 7 others named of co. Lincoln who were assessed at from 150l. to 1,000l. each by the committee at Lincoln for Defence of the County, but who have neglected to pay their proportions, and that they pay their assessments to Sir Chris. Wray and Sir Edw. Aiscough, for payment of the soldiers of Lord Willoughby of Parham, and for arms. These sums to be allowed in the rate set upon the parties for their 2. [42, p. 82. Commons' Journals, Vol. III., p. 232.] 1 20 Sept. 15. Sept. 15. Sept. 18. Sept. 25. Sept. P VOL. A LXXIX. 113. Ri. Swinglehurst, secretary of the East India Company, to the Committee for Advance of Money. The company represent that Sir Geo. Whitmore, Sir Wm. Acton, Sir Hugh Windham, Sir Wm. Cooper, John Beadle, Chas. Cox, and Rich. Ward, are not adventurers in this voyage from which the dividend now made proceeds. Sir Nich. Crisp has 1,500l. but no division, as he is more in debt to the company; Sir Thos. Abdy had 400l., but sold it away; Sir John Wolstenholme had 3,000l., and has taken out warrants for goods value 3,7501.; he has received cinnamon and calicoes value 1,500l., and has indigo worth 2,2501. in the company's custody. Sir Sir Peter Rychaut had 1,000l. adventure, and has received no division. Thos. Hammersley has 750l., but can only have 600l., division till the voyage is ended, because in case of loss, he has subscribed to bear his proportion. [1 page.] Annexing, 113. 1. Alphabetical list of 157 East Indian merchants who are adventurers in this voyage. [34 columns.] Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, that Hum. Selwood bring in a certificate of all the names returned into the Remembrancer's Office, of collectors who have not yet accounted for the 2 entire subsidies lately granted, and for the 400,000l.; with the charge of every collector, and what money each has paid. [4 2, p. 84.] Order in the House of Commons referring the petition of Thos. Stockdale to the Committee for Advance of Money, who are to furnish him with the necessaries desired. [4 2, p. 85. Commons' Journal, Vol. III., p. 232.] Order in the Committee for Advance of Money thereon that Stockdale have goods value 2001., of those sold by the candle, delivered him by Sam. Gosse, and place the same to his account. [A 2, p. 85.] Order appointing Sir Wm. Aston, Mich. Oldsworth, Ant. Withers, and the churchwardens of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, to let the houses in that parish belonging to persons imprisoned for their assessments, or who have carried away their goods to avoid payment, at a fair yearly rent, which is to be received for the service of the kingdom, according to a Parliamentary Order of 25 Aug. last. [42, p. 90.] Order that Mr. Blakiston, Edw. Harris, and the churchwardens for Martin's Orgar's, let all the houses in that parish put in the Ordinance. [A 2, p. 92.] 114. Names and addresses of 53 persons resident in or near London, of whom 17 are noted as malignants, with the sums [at which they are assessed]. [3 cols.] Order that T. Stockdale have either 2001. of goods ordered him, or that Gosse pay him 2007. in money. [A 2, pp. 92, 94.] Order for letting the houses of persons who have fled to avoid payment of assessments, or belonging to debtors, for satisfaction of assessments and taxes. [A 2, p. 100.] Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that-whereas divers Ordi- nances of Parliament bave been made for raising money for defence of the King, Parliament, and kingdom, by subsidies, poll-money, loans, contri- butions, assessments, &c., and by the sequestration of some delinquents and im- positions on others, and divers collectors and agents have been appointed in the several counties and places, who have passed no accounts, or not perfect ones, so that moneys remain uncollected, or unpaid in; and whereas divers orders made thereupon remain fruitless, for want of able persons in the nature of a sub- 26 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. Sept. ? Oct. 3. Oct. 4. Oct. 6. Oct. 6. Oct. 6. Oct. 7. Oct. 9. VOL. A LXXIX. committee to attend to the execution of the Ordinances,-Hen. Pitt, Gabriel Beck, Wm. Long, Geo. Foxcroft, and Martin Dallison, be appointed to this service; (1.) They are to have power to receive all accounts, past and future, and to pass them; the receivers, treasurers, &c., to report all defaulters in London or elsewhere, and to deliver to the sub-committee copies of all books of subscriptions, assessments, sequestrations, subsidies, &c., that they may see what money, horses, arms, plate, &c., are due from any county, and that no concealment or fraud may be used. (2.) They are to admit no accounts in places where committees are settled, unless attested by the accountants and 2 or more of the com- mittee; they are also to enquire into defaults and obstructions in executing the Ordinances. (3.) They are to meet weekly and report their doings, that further course may be taken to advance the service. (4.) They are to obtain from the clerks of Parliament all orders and Ordinances about the raising of money, which the clerks are to deliver gratis, and with expedition. (5.) They are to obey any future orders of the Committee for Advance of Money, employing needful clerks, agents, and assistants, and to have such allowances as the committee thinks fit, to be paid by the Gold- smiths' Hall Treasurers, London. [42, pp. 78-81.] 115-141. Certificates by the collectors, that notices were left for assess- ments for which the days have elapsed, that the sums have been demanded, but cannot be received, and that there is not sufficient distress for payment, 4 July- 13 September. [27 papers, with from 1 to 12 names on each paper. These certifi- cates differ slightly in form from those issued in March.] 142. Order that—by virtue of an Order in the House of Commons, referring to this committee the care of furnishing 1,000l. for Aylesbury garrison, to be repaid out of weekly assessments;-the clerk pay to Col. Tirrell 3007. of the deposited moneys in his custody, and Sam. Gosse 2001. more; and that the 500l. which is to be paid towards Geo. Mynne's assessment be paid to Col. Tirrell. [1 page.] 143. Order that 28 persons named, of Candlewick Ward, appear before the Committee for Advance of Money next Thursday. [1 page.] Note that "Dr. Burgess appeared, but being one of the Assembly of Divines, and hath no estate in town, he ought not to be rated in the subsidies.” [A 2, p. 102.] Order by the Committee for Advance of Money, and the citizens appointed by the Common Council to further the bringing in of the 50 subsidies, that those who delivered tickets for the subsidies in the several wards warn all persons again to pay in their 50 subsidies. Those who appeared before the committee are to pay in their moneys at the times appointed by committee. Those who did not appear, and whose subsidies are 401. or over, are to pay them next Monday, at their perils. Those whose subsidies are under 401. are to pay half on Monday, and the rest on Saturday week, at their perils. [42, p. 103.] 20 Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, that the collectors of the 2 use all diligence in distraining and collecting the rents of persons assessed, and give written particulars to the clerk of this committee, the moneys to be paid according to the Ordinance, for satisfaction of their assessments. [4 2, p. 104.] Order that the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers bring in to this Committee to Haber- dashers' Hall, on Monday, a note of the names of all who have paid in their 50 subsidies, from 30 September to 9 October, with the sums, and what money they have in cash, and employ a clerk to make out a general account of all that have paid their subsidies. The clerk of this committee to take a note from the messengers who warned the subsidy men of who were in town, who absent, and with whom he spoke. [42, p. 105.[ 144. Order in Parliament for the assessing of such members of either House as al sent themselves, or are in war against Parliament, the assessments to be GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 27 1643. Oct. 10. Oct. 13. Oct. 17. Oct. 18. Oct. 20. Oct. 21. Oct. 27. Oct. 30. Oct. 31. Oct. P Nov. 3. Nov. 4. Nov. 14. VoL. A LXXIX. levied by distraint or otherwise, and persons to be appointed to let or demise their houses and estates to those who will thereon lend money at 8 per cent. for that use, and who are to be indemnified from the owners. [Draft, much corrected, of the Order printed in Lords' Journals, Vol. VI., pp. 250, 251.] Mr. Taverner being assessed at 601. for 50 subsidies in Broad Street Ward, and resident altogether in the country, order that on paying 401., he be no further troubled. [A 2, p. 270.] Order that as the clerk of this committee is much employed in keeping the books, &c., Laurence Newman, who has kept the deposited money under him, take charge thereof, and pay it to the treasurers by direction of the committee, and be accountable therefor. [4 2, p. 113.] Order, on an Order in the House of Commons of 11 October, that [Ant.] Uphill, receiver of the Duke of Lenox's license money, pay to Mr. Pury, M.P., 2007. out of the license money for white cloths, and that he pay it to Major Ferrar, on account for raising men for Gloucester, and the Committee for Examinations are to call Mr. Uphill before them, that the money be forthwith paid. [4 2, p. 116.] [A 145. Order that the commissioners appointed for the, on Orders signed by the clerk of this committee, distrain the goods of all in arrear of assessments or of the 50 subsidies, and in case there is not sufficient distraint, apprehend them and commit them to Peter House. [1 page.] Order that the commissioners employed to levy the 50 subsidies have 3d. in the pound on arrears unpaid, which is to be paid by the defaulters before their discharge. [4 2, p. 119.] Order that the 1001. each this day borrowed of Thos. Man and Thos. Vyrer, and sent forthwith, with other moneys lent on this sudden occasion, to the Lord General's army, be repaid in a month. Order for the money that Rowland Wilson shall lend, on this sudden occasion for supply of the army, be repaid him in a month out of the 50 subsidies now to come in, or the 26. [A 2, pp. 120, 121, 123.] 201 Order that as Mr. Welden tried to bribe John Rolfe, one of the serjeant's deputies, in whose custody he was, he pay Rolfe 51. above fees and charges before he is discharged. [A 2, p. 127.] Order that, as several sums are owing to Roger Hayton, for bells for Par- liament service, and as he has paid or deposited 1007., the of his assessment, the residue be respited till he is paid the money due to him for the bells. [A 2, p. 130.] Thos. Carlton, having paid 30l. towards his 50 subsidies of 1007., and making up to 100 marks, the residue of his subsidies are respited. it Sir Fulk Greville's assessment for 50 subsidies respited, as he has been plundered in the country, and had most of his estate taken from him. [2, 270.] 146. Note of journeys taken by Geo. Dawson and Thos. Jarvis on seques- tration business, in June and October 1643. [ page.] Declaration that as, by the Ordinances of Parliament, none are exempted from assessment but members of both Houses, the estates of wards are liable to the 1 2 and 1. 20 Sam. Moyer, Mr. Read, and Mr. Aires added to the Committee of Assessors. [4 2, p. 133.] Order that as Col. Walter Long has lent, at request of this Committee, for the Lord General's army and Sir Wm. Waller's speedy advance, 3501., Mr. Newman, treasurer of deposited moneys, repay the same, and the treasurers for the propositions give acquittance for the same to the parties by whom the money is deposited. [4 2, p. 134.] Order that Martin Dallison, clerk of the committee, sign from time to time its orders for commitment of such persons as are in arrear in their payments of any sum taxed or assessed on any Ordinance of Parliament, which orders are in pursuance of the powers granted to this committee by Parliament. [42, P. 145.] 28 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 7 1643. Nov. 16. Nov. 17. Nov. 18. Nov. 21. Nov. 22. London. Nov. 23. Nov. 28. Nov. 30. VOL. A LXXIX. Order that, as Serj.-Major Buller has in his custody 80 horse, which should have been furnished by the county of Kent with saddles for the service of the State, for want whereof the soldiers and horses will be wholly lost, 961. be lent by L. Newman, out of the deposited moneys, to Adam Bancks, for 80 saddles at 24s. each, till the county repay the same to this Committee. Accounts to be passed with the treasurers on the propositions and Sir Gilb. Gerard for the money. The Warden of the Fleet allowed to go with a keeper to his counsel on Monday next, and to attend the committee on his case, and after to return to Peter House. Order on information by Mary Kempster that she knows of moneys belonging to well-affected persons which are hid under ground or under water, that she have 2s. in the pound on all that she can discover. Order to enquire how the moneys assigned for arms in Kent are collected. Order that 2001. deposited money be lent by Newman to John Browne and John Trenchard, for provisions for Poole, on their security for repayment before 6 December next. [4. 2, pp. 148, 149.] Order that Mr. Jessopp give an account to-morrow of what is in arrear in the several counties on the first 3 months' assessment, and what he has received on the last 3 months' assessment. Order that Newman send from deposited moneys 1,000l. for the present supply of Portsmouth, according to an Order in the House of Commons, to Rob. Har- wood, appointed to receive it by Sir Thos. Jervoise, Rob. Wallopp, and Rich. Whitehead. [A 2, p. 153.] 147. Order in the Committee for Examinations that all the papers and bills of exchange belonging to Wm. Fletcher be restored to him. Signed, Miles Corbett. With receipt thereof on his behalf, 21 November 1643, signed by Wm. Fletcher and Rob. Deane. [Scrap.] Order on a report from the House of Commons of 10 December affixed, about furnishing 5001. for the security of Guernsey and Jersey, that Laurence Newman lend from deposited moneys 100l. forthwith, and 4007. on certificate that the men are shipped. [A 2, p. 158.] 148. W. Corie to the Committee for Advance of Money :-I am prevented by lameness from attending you as ordered, with an account of the moneys come in from Norfolk; but I paid 10,4727. 17s. 2d. to Sir Gilb. Gerard on the 3 months' assessment, between 9 May and 31 October 1643, and 3,2001. on the 2 months' assessment since. There is 2001. sequestered money remaining at Norwich. [1 page.] Order that as on 26 August, by Parliament Order, this committee is to have the power of letting the houses of those who absent themselves to avoid payment of taxes, and as Dr. Wilson of Westminster, assessed at 1007. for his, has forsaken his dwelling-house, the said house be let to Phil. Nye, one of the Assembly of Divines, the House of Commons having ordered, 26 June last, that the said Divines be furnished with lodgings in the Dean and Prebends' houses, Westminster. Thos. Jarvis, the committee's officer, is to let the house, and the rent to be reserved towards Wilson's assessment. [A 2, p. 162.] Order that Sir Job Harlay and the rest of the tin farmers bring in the books and papers relating to their farm, with a breviate of their accounts. [A 2, p. 168.] Note of the lading of tin in 10 vessels in Cornwall-1771 blocks in all-and of 370 still in the warehouse. One vessel sailed for Rouen, but was driven back to Plymouth. Order that the Earl of Warwick have notice of these vessels, and be desired to stay them till the committee take further order in the business. Order that Lau. Newman pay out of deposited moneys 400l. to the Guildhall Treasurers, to be sent to Sir Gilb. Gerard, Treasurer-at-War, towards a warrant from the Committee of Safety for 8111. to Capt. Cannon, purveyor-general to the train of artillery, for provisions for the army. [A 2, PP. 169, 170.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 29 1643. Dec. 4. Dec. 6. Dec. 8. Dec. 14. Dec. 15. Dec. 15. Dec. 20. Dec. 28. Dec. 29. VOL. A LXXIX. Order that Mr. Bentley, taken by warrant, be again brought before this com- mittee for further hearing, the Committee for Mitigation having, on review of his assessment, reduced it to 491. 168. Od., which is contrary to the Ordinances of Parliament. Mr. Newman to pay into the treasury, towards payment of a warrant from the Committee of Safety for 5501. for match for the army, which is much needed, and to be paid to John Pym, Lieut.-General of the Ordnance, 2751. at once, and 2751. 24 December; also 301. for 40 vats, and for packing and carriage. The treasurer to certify what moneys have been paid to Sir Wm. Waller and Mr. Estwick on their late Ordinance. Mr. Newman to carry in 500l. to Guildhall, towards Mr. Estwick's payment. [A 2, pp. 175, 176.] Order that Newman carry 4007. to Guildhall, to be paid by Parliamentary Order of 5 December, to Mr. Marshall and Mr. Calamy for the Assembly of Divines, out of the first money that comes to their hands. Order that Newman lend Alex. Pym 5801. for match for the Lord General's army, according to a warrant of the Committee of Safety. [A 2, pp. 178, 179.] Order that Newman pay 4001. to the Guildhall Treasurers, to make the 1007. formerly lent for security of Guernsey and Jersey 500l., on an order of Parlia- ment of 7 December 1643 (given), to be paid to Sir Gilb. Gerard, Treasurer-at- War, and by him to Capt. Cranley, for which 500l. Public Faith is to be given. The Guildhall Treasurers refusing to pay this 5007. till former orders are satisfied, Newman is to lend the 4007. Order that Rob. Dunscombe be appointed a collector for the 20th part. [42, pp. 180-183, 185.] Rob. Sanders added to the collectors, at request of Mr. Hill. [A 2, p, 190.] Order that the clerk pay the troopers who took Mr. Armstrong the 40s. ordered 4 December last. [4 2, p. 192.] Whereas Middleton, Paul's Churchyard, is assessed at 1,000l. for his 2, and has already lent 1447. 2s. 8d.; and it appears that most of his estate comes from Gray, whose heir he married, and is now in Chancery and other courts, and detained from him;-order that he pay towards his assessment of such money as he receives from Gray's estate, till the assessment is paid, and that meantime he be not molested for it. [4 2, p. 191.] 20 Order that—as divers sums are due to Mr. Browne, of Somerset House, for keeping the house, and as he is the King's servant, and has had no salary a long season, and is assessed at 1007.,-201. which the committee find to be his, be deducted from money owing to him by the Committee of the Revenue, and that he be not further molested therein. A copy of this order to be sent to the Revenue Committee. The collectors who are to levy the moneys to come in of the 50 subsidies, to be allowed 3d. in the pound on all sums levied by distress, or from persons apprehended by them, to be paid by the said persons, and 1d. on all arrears that come in on notice, without distraint, to be paid by the Guildhall Treasurers. Rob. Cook to be porter to keep the doors of the room where the Mitigation Committee sit, and to have 12s. a week as was allowed to Mr. Vale. [42, pp. 197, 198.] Order that Ant. Rennolds, clerk of St. Botolph's parish, Billingsgate, gather the tithes due to Phil. King, now with the King, and give account to this committee, that they may be employed for payment of his weekly assessment and subsidies. [A 2, p. 205.] 5 20 Order-on information that in the Isle of Ely much money is unpaid of the subsidies and weekly assessments, and that the and parts are very dis- proportionably assessed, whereupon this committee has examined Edm. Scotteu and Jas. Whynell, Sequestration Commissioners, now in town-that Scotten and Whynell report weekly the arrears, the receipts, and the state of the business; 30 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1643. Dec. VOL. A LXXIX. also who are wrongly assessed, and who not at all; the committee have also written to John Hubbard, Geo. Clapthorne, and Wm. Fisher, commissioners there, to assist in the business. Wm. Ford, a collector for the Sequestration Commissioners at Camden House, having informed of a quantity of wire belonging to Sir Basil Brooke and Geo. Mynne, value 1,8517., and the case being referred on Mynne's petition to this committee, as he was assessed at 1,000l., the wire was sold at Guildhall by the candle for 1,851l., from which this 1,000l. was paid; but Ford has never had the 1s. in the pound allowed by Parliament for the seizure;-order that Sam. Gosse pay him 501. for the 1,000l., and that he be paid for the 851l. when it is adjudged to the use of the State. [42, pp. 206, 207.] 149. Note by Rob. Dunscombe, deputy to Sam. Gosse, of his payments to collectors for salary and charges of 2817. 16s. 5d. from 25 February to 5 June 1643, and of 272l. 19s. 2d. from 6 June to 23 December. [ page.] VOL. A LXXX. 1643. 1. Printed form of summons for persons assessed to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money and pay their assessments.[page.] 2-119. Lists, by the assessors of sundry wards in and about London, of persons whom they consider able to lend, or have assessed and left notices. of assessment, with the sums which each is ordered to pay. 2 January- 21 December. A few papers contain notes of the sums actually paid. [117 papers.] 120-124. Printed forms of orders by the Committee for Advance of Money, filled up in M.S., to the several collectors, to send notices to the persons specified of their assessments, and to return to the clerk of the committee the days when they left the notices, and the answers returned. 3 March-28 November. [5 papers.] 125–129. Printed forms of receipts for assessment filled up in M.S. 25 February-30 September 1643. [5 papers.] 130-175. Accounts returned by the assessment collectors of the answers of those who did not pay the sums required. The reasons alleged are— 1. That they are over-rated. 2. That they are unable to lend, having no money, or being in debt themselves. 3. That they have already lent all they were able to lend to Parliament, and as much as their 2. 4. That they are in prison and unable to get at any money. 5. That they are unable to get in their own debts. 6. That they will give bond for the sum, but cannot pay at present. 7. That they will pay part, but cannot afford the whole. 8. That they will pay when the plate taken from them is returned. 9. That they are paying for the weekly maintenance of soldiers. 10. That they have to maintain relatives forced out of Ireland by the rebellion. 11. That they have delivered goods, or rendered services to Parliament, for which they have not been paid, and wish the assessment deducted from the debts due to them. 12. That the tax is against their conscience, and they will not pay it. 13. That they are ill themselves, and unable to attend to the summons, or are prevented by family illness. 14. That they have lost money by the cutting down of their timber to make forts. 15. That their trade or profession is so decayed that they cannot earn money. 16. That they cannot pay in money, but offer bills due to them from others. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 31 16.13. VOL. A LXXX. 17. That they will appeal personally to the Committee for Advance of Money, or to Parliament. 18. That they have paid an assessment in the country. 19. That they will "consider of it." In many instances it was found difficult or impossible to deliver the notices, as the inhabitants left town to avoid them, and the servants refused to take them in, and would give no address. In these cases, the notices were thrust under the door or in the key-hole. The house was sometimes found entirely shut up, to avoid distraint on the goods. In a few cases the persons assessed are noted as being with the King. A few paid under protestation. 2 January– 11 August 1643, and undated. [46 papers.] 176-219. Printed forms of notice for payment of assessments, 4 July- December 1613, filled up in M.S. with the amount appointed to the person named, being resident in or within 20 miles of London, for which Public Faith will be given if paid within 10 days after notice, but not otherwise. Each paper has M.S. notes of the proceedings in the case, the sums deposited, &c. [44 papers.] 220. Note of 16 persons of Langborne and Broad Street Wards summoned to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money, of whom 4 are out of town. [page.] 15 221. Account of the weekly assessment towards the of the inhabitants of six parishes in Walbrook Ward containing 300 houses, the sums varying from 2d. to 11. 6s. 8d.; total, 331. 3s. 2d. With remarks on the proportions paid by individuals and parishes. [10 pages.] 222-225. Lists of subscribers of sums named, varying from 31. to 1,0007. in several wards of London, on the Ordinance of Parliament of 7 January 1642-43. [4 papers.] 226. Complaint by Sam. Wight and Wm. Jackson against Capt. Britt, that he refused to aid the assessors, or let them have any soldiers, and his under officers and men would not assist without his orders, and one of them threatened to run the assessors through, and prevented his breaking open a door. [1 page.] 227. Note that "Wm. Turney opposed the collectors, shut up his doors, laid his hand on his sword, said he would be hanged rather than he would do as they did, for he had rather be hanged for not taking his neighbour's goods. than be hanged for robbing his neighbour." [Scrap.] 228. Request by John Rolle that Mrs. Gardiner, wife of Hen. Gardiner of Little Moorfields, may be excused her weekly assessment, "for I know she is fitter to receive relief than to pay to any rate." [Scrap.] 229. Petition of Rich. Fletcher, of Wessenham, Norfolk, to Thomas, [Edward ?] Lord Howard of Escrick, for the hearing of the cause of Pilcher, on whose behalf he is engaged in 781. that Pilcher shall perform the order of the committee. Is constable of his hundred, and must go home to attend the service of the State. [page.] 230. Request by Rich. Michell, waggoner, to Sir Gilbert Gerard, to pay his warrant, sigued by the Lord General. With certificate that he lost his horses and waggon in Kenton field, and is servant to my Lord General in Staffordshire, and went out with the first team, but is now obliged to return home. [1 page.] 231-233. Rough notes relating to assessment cases. [3 papers.] 234. List of contributions from 17 persons in Woolchurch parish towards the 60,000/. ordered February 1643, varying from 10l. to 1001. each; also list of 11 more who are "able" but have not contributed. [ page.] 32 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1644. Jan. 3. Jan. 9. Jan. 19. Jan. 26. Jan. 29. Feb. 1. Feb. 2. Feb. 6. Feb. 9. Feb. 16. Feb. 16. Feb. 22. Feb. 26. VOL. A LXXXI. JANUARY-DECEMBER. 1644. Poole and Cole to seize a parcel of plate and other treasure in the house of Chandler, which he left to delinquents and others, and to break open doors, &c. Col. Mainwaring to assist. [42, p. 217.] MENNÝ SA Jeremy Clarke of Westminster informing that Geo. Rider is in the King's army, and offering to discover part of his estate, order that Clarke be allowed recompense according to the Ordinance of Parliament for what comes in to the State therefrom. [A 2, p. 222.] Capt. Fras. Vernon acknowledges receipt of 7007. from the Lord General borrowed of him to pay the army, and sent to them, which is promised to be repaid from Haberdashers' Hall. Wm. Williamson added to the Committee of Assessors. The churchwardens of St. Sepulchre's, with Ben. Potter and Fras. Lawrence, to let the houses of all persons in arrear in the parish. Rob. Hanch and the 2 churchwardens of Allhallows-the-Wall, and Fras. Lawrence, to let the houses there, paying rent to this committee. [A 2, pp. 233, 234.] Order that Sir David Watkins and 6 others examine the accounts of receipts and disbursements presented to this Committee by William Viscount Say and Sele, and any books or records relating thereto, taking abstracts if needful, with power also to examine persons thereon. [A 2, p. 246.] Order for respite of the cases of 4 residents in Chigwell and Woodford, the Earl of Manchester requesting the committee not to intrench on his orders, and they being in his association. [A 2, p. 243.] Order that the assessments of 3 residents at Wrotham [Kent] be discharged, they having made affidavits that they live more than 20 miles from London. [A 2, p. 248.] The offences of Nath. Symonds to be transmitted to the Committee of Examinations, by them to be heard and punished according to his demerits. [A 2, p. 250.] 1. The State owing money to Capt. Rob. Vivers, and he having bought goods at Guildhall value 361. 10s.-order that Gosse deliver him the goods, and take his note at 14 days for the money. With his note accordingly. [1 page. The assessment of Alex. Weld of Ware discharged, on certificate signed by 7 of the Committee of co. Herts that he contributed 401. on the propositions, listed 2 horses at 271., and that most of his estate lies in cos. Gloucester and Lincoln, under power of the King's army. [A 2, pp. 253, 255.] John Rolfe to be entertained as a collector for such moneys as he shall give information of. [A 2, p. 259.] The Bishopsgate collectors to be paid for their charges and pains, the sum not to exceed 57. [A 2, p, 267.] Order that as Sir John Parsons furnished Windsor garrison with wheat, hay, and straw, value 417., his assessment be respited till the committee have paid Windsor garrison, and take further order. [▲ 2, p. 268.] Order that the goods distrained by the committee's officers for arrears of the 50 subsidies, weekly assessments, &c., be appraised and sold by them, either in the places where the distress was made, or carried away and sold in such places as the Committee for Arrears in special cases shall appoint. [A 3, p. 18.] Order that Newman deliver to this committee every Saturday an abstract of his receipts and disbursements, and that he prepare speedily a general account of such moneys as were received and paid by him before Monday last. [A 3, p. 25.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 33 1614. March 7. March 8. March 9. March 12. March 13. March 14. March 18. March 18. March 19. March 29. April 1. April 4. April 8. April 10. April 11. VOL. A LXXXI. Order that Newman pay the collectors 3d. in the pound for all moneys come in on assessment, when they have not been paid by the persons assessed, they having the approval of the clerk of the committee. [4 3, p. 40.] The assessments of Thos. Ken and Smith discharged, they being clerks and necessary attendants on the House of Lords. [4 3, p. 42.] Mr. Thompson, of the Old Jewry, London, to be brought up in custody, on information that he is making away his estate, and has money in his hands belonging to the State. [A 3, p. 43.] Mr. Rolfe, collector, cashiered the employment of this committee, for misdemeanour to Nich. Hudson, in his office. [4 3, p. 46.] Mr. Martin [of Lawrence Lane] to be brought in safe custody, for his abuse to the officer in executing his warrant. [A 3, p. 48.] Order that he be committed to Peter House for striking Rich. Cole, an officer of this committee. [A 3, p. 49.] The bill of exchange from Bristol, charged upon Lord Say, to be paid our of the money to come out of Norfolk and Suffolk on Sir Rob. Čooke's assessment, according to an Order of Parliament. [A 3, p. 52.] 2. Jos. Marsh, clerk to the Committee for Advance of Money, to Dallison. Request for Isaac Ratt's release from Peter House, whither he was sent by them for money in arrears. [page.] Order-on examining the account between Mr. Browne and Co. and [Sam.] Gosse about goods which Gosse sold by the candle to Browne for 2,635l. 4s. 11 d., and Browne's reasons for moving for an abatement-that 4001. of the said sum be abated. [A 3, p. 68.] 50623. The estate of Thos. Williams, late of Oxford, having been plundered by the King's forces, and he driven from his habitation, order that he have the house in Shoe Lane belonging to Mr. Harborne, assessed at 1,000l. for his 2, and in arrears. [A 3, p. 63.] Order that the cabinets and glasses brought from Roehampton to Guildhall be not sold till further order, the committee wishing to respite the sale 14 days. [43, p. 66.] Olive, widow of Wm. Reston, who was lieutenant to Captain Aston, and slain in a fight near Worcester, along with her son, to have 2 rooms for herself and children in the house late Sir Ralph Hopton's, at St. John's, near the Charter House, the State being also indebted to her, and her case meet for con- sideration. [A 3, p. 71.] 3. Return by the Assessors of the Tower Liberty for raising 1,0757., their proportion of the 26,666l. 13s. 4d., to be raised [for the Scots] by Parliament Ordinance of the 27 October 1643, of the payments made thereon, in sums of from 51. to 1001. each, by 108 persons named. [2 pages.] Order that a half-penny in the pound on all receipts be allowed to Law. Newman, treasurer to this committee, and the same to Dan. Cox, who attends the committee. [4 3, p. 76.] Order that Wm. Bolton and his wife be brought up in custody, for abusing the officers of this committee in execution of the Order of Parliament. [A 3, p. 77.] April 15. Edw. Rich of Lincoln's Inn, having promised the House of Commons to lend 1007. on Public Faith, for which the House returned him thanks, and ordered this committee to give him the Public Faith and yearly interest :-order that a letter be forthwith sent him, desiring payment of the 100%. On information that divers tenants of persons assessed in or near London forbear to pay their weekly assessments, on pretence that their rents are dis- trained and sequestered for non-payment of assessments :-order that the weekly assessments shall be allowed to be deducted on producing acquittances, and the rest of the rent shall go towards the assessments. A 3, pp. 81, 82.] C 34 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1644. April 15. April 19. April 22. April 26. April 27. April ? May 1. May 1. May 10. May 14. May 17. May 21. May 22. May 27. May 30. VOL. A LXXXI. 4. Jos. Marsh to Dallison. Request that Dr. Simon Owen be released, having been sent to Peter House by the Committee for Advance of Money for divers moneys that were in arrear. [½ page.] 5, 6. Complaint of Art. Coleman, messenger of the Committee for Advance of Money, against Hum. Bury and Lynam Robins, his partners, that though he has for a year performed most of the service, travelling into the country to deliver tickets, inquiring for the tenants of those assessed, and seizing their rents and goods, he can have no allowance towards his charges. That he is debarred of money due to him but received by them, and also that he is debarred from further employment, so that they receive the moneys coming in from his tickets, &c. With particulars in proof of these charges. [2 papers.] Order that 5007. be lent Sir Art. Hesilrigg, on his promise that if there be not so much money coming on the order of 10 August last, for 1,000l. to Sir Wm. Waller, he will repay it. [4 3, p. 86.] Nath. Neale and John Temple, of Cow Cross, to be allowed 3d. in the pound for money that comes to the committee by persons informed by them to be assessed, and collected by them, and 12d. in the pound for those that are de- linquents, and their estates sequestrable. [43, p. 89.] Mr. Newman to detain in his hand 2001. of the money appointed to be paid to Lord Say, until the committee acquaint his Lordship of the petition of Whit- comb of Coleman Street, and take further order. [A 3, p. 90.] Gangbang 7. List of moneys received on the Committee for Advance of Money's last order for assessment, June 1643 to April 1644. Total, 31,284l. 18s. 8d." [Book of 22 written and 10 blank pages.] Order by the House of Commons that when persons are sequestered for non-payment of their, and afterwards pay, their sequestrations shall be discharged. [A 3, p. 99.] 8. Order in Parliament that the Committee for Advance of Money pay the Lieutenant of Ordnance 1,000l. on account, to furnish provisions to enable the train of artillery to march. Capt. Cannon to have the money and provide the materials. [ page.] The assessment of Mrs. Birch, alias Beauchamp, widow, discharged, she having contributed 567. herself, her husband having been a volunteer, and 1,100l. being due to her from the State. Order that as Mr. Clapshaw of Bassieshaw is doorkeeper to the militia of London, and has taken great pains therein, his assessment be discharged. [4 3, p. 110.] 9. Jo. Marsh to Dallison. Wm. de Buck was sent to Maiden Lane Prison by warrant from the Committee for Advance of Money for divers sums that were in arrears, and they now desire his release. [Scrap.] Rich. Hutchinson of Mincing Lane discharged from assessment, because he is a menial servant of Sir Hen. Vane, jun. [▲ 3, p. 119.] Mr. Ceely and Mr. Ketwich, agents for Plymouth, being in town only to attend that service, order that their assessments be discharged. Jessom, M.P., having brought in a particular of his estate, to which he offers to depose, order that he pay to the receiver, for the use of Lord Grey, 5001. for so much assigned to him [Grey] by the House of Commons, or take oath what is his, and pay it to this committee for that use. [A 3, pp. 122, 123.] Wm. Atwood, employed in Parliament service, respited till further erder. [A 3, p. 124.] Joshua Monger's assessment discharged, because he is an officer to the Lord Mayor and City, and formerly lent 101. [4 3, p. 128.] 10. Certificate signed by the County Commissioners for Herts, that John Strong and 4 others, assessed to from 80l. to 1501. each, are well affected, and have contributed, and are acquitted on payment of smaller sums. [1 page damaged.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 35 1644. June 3. June 4. June 17. June 21. June 21. June 24. June 27. June 29. July 1. July 12. July 22. Aug. 2. Aug. 2. Aug. 5. Aug. 9. VOL. A LXXXI. Accounts to be passed between Sir Gilb. Gerard and Mr. Esyste, about a parcel of red wood bought by Major Bromfield, which the committee allow him in part of the money due to him for arms. [4 3, p. 135.] Order that—as Alex. Heatley, alias Heightley, of Covent Garden, is a gentleman of Scotland coming here on business, and has been assessed at 3007., though he has no estate in England but for his necessary subsistence, and his estate in Scotland pays all taxes and contributions, as appears by certificate of the Scottish Commissioners, his assessment be discharged. [4 3, [4 3, p. 136.] There being 341. due to Geo. Okes for his service in the Irish affairs, his assessment respited till he has received it. Whereas Sir John Manhood had license from Parliament 26 June 1643 for his going abroad, and carrying his goods, order that the goods seized by Sol. Richards, be delivered back, on inventory taken of the same. [4 3, pp. 151, 152.1 11. Jos. Marsh to Dallison. Request that Rob Harris, committed to Maiden Lane Prison for arrears, by warrant of the Committee for Advance of Money may be released. [Scrap.] Isaac Tulley to pay 217. in lieu of a horse that was listed, but never sent into service, and Mr. Thompson to have 12d. in the pound for discovery thereof. The assessment of 201. on Hum. Bowers, anchorsmith, of Woolwich, respited till he receive 4001. of the 8001. due to him by the Navy Committee, to whom he is recommended by this committee. [4 3, pp. 158,159.] Ralph Goodgroom, one of the King's servants, having lost his place by reason of refusing his attendance, his assessment of 10l. to be discharged. [43, p. 160.] On deposition of Anne, wife of John Delroy, household servant of the King, and now with him, that 121. 10s. paid in Kent as his full proportion, his assessment of 501. discharged. [A 3, p. 162.] Mr. Jackson, minister of Gray's Inn, respited till further order, he being one of the Assembly of Divines, and his estate being in Yorkshire, from which he has received nothing these 2 years. [43, p. 163.] Commissary Bond having contributed 501. in Lent, 1642, on the propositions, and much money being due to him for service and otherwise, order that his assessment be respited till these debts are paid, and that he then pay the his estate. [A 3, p. 165.] of Order that Wm. Lane, of St. Martin's, be receiver of moneys paid in for the and, &c., receiving a half-penny per pound as allowed to Mr. Newman, deceased, and that he take into custody the cash in Newman's custody at his decease, and place it to his account. [43, p. 176.] As Mr. Carr has an estate in Scotland and pays contributions there, as certified by Lord Maitland, order that his assessment be discharged, and he left to his payment in Scotland. [43, p. 137.] 12. Petition of Thos. Browne, that having been brought up as an accountant, and being able to satisfy the committee as to his honesty and ability, he may be employed in perfecting the accounts of the late Mr. Newman. With certificates by Thos. Collymore and 6 others in his favour. [1 page.] Order thereon that he view and make up the accounts. [4 3, p. 196.] Order that Wm. Kam, serjeant at Wood Street Compter, be committed to King's Bench for arresting Jas. Hart, collector of this committee, though knowing him to be an officer, till further order of this committee or of Parliament. Hen. Heath to be committed to Wood Street Compter for causing Hart to be arrested. The keeper of Wood Street Compter to set Hart at liberty, because he is an officer of this committee, and is to go to Gloucester on the State's service, and at his return, he will be responsible to the said action. [43. [A 3. p. 197] James Hart, to be dis- Wm. Kam, committed to King's Bench at suit of charged. [43, p. 204.] C 2 36 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1644. Aug. 14. Aug. 21. Aug. 26. Aug. 30. Sept. 4. Sept. 6. Sept. 11. Sept. 18. Sept. 23. Sept. 27. Oct. 2. Oct. 7. VOL. A LXXXI. Thomas, son of Sir Thomas Dacres, M.P., living with his father, and having no house of his own, his assessment of 300l. to be discharged, and he left to pay the of his yearly revenue where his land lies. All the goods and estate of Lord Newark, in the house of Mr. Trott, of Twickenham, to be seized and brought away. [A 3, pp. 212, 214.] Order that the goods of a delinquent seized at Twickenham, found in a wood- pile, barns, and other obscure places, and now at Mr. Marshall's, Maiden Lane, be there appraised, and sold by the candle, and the money paid to the treasurer of this committee, and that Lane pay 12d. per pound to the discoverer, 3d. to the officers who seized them, and the charges of seizing and bringing them to London. [A 3, p. 220.] A picture case among the Twickenham goods, appraised at 31., supposing it to be gold eramelled, and sold, appearing to be brass, the party who bought it to deduct 31. from the money to be paid for the delinquent's goods. The assessment of Mr. Shelton of Furnival's Inn discharged, as he has no livelihood but as a clerk in the Sessions' House, and has disbursed money in prosecution of Jesuits convicted. [4 3, pp. 223, 224.] The assessment of [John] Elwayes of Woodford discharged, he having showed acquittances for 501., and advanced 4341. for his son who is in actual service of Parliament. The assessment of Tim. Tirrell of 401. discharged, he having been 4 times in actual service, and in relieving of Gloucester, and shut up his shop for that service. [A 3, pp. 225, 226.] Capt. Rich. Warren's assessment discharged, he having been in service of Parliament, and spent much money therein. All the plate of delinquents in the house of Wiggens, of [Christ's] Hospital, to be seized and taken away, and the discoverer to have 12d. in the pound for it. [▲ 3, pp. 228-230.] The assessment of Owen Andrews of Gray's Inn discharged, as he has been plundered in the county by the King's forces, and driven thence to the city for safety, and has no estate here at all. Fras. Ashmore's assessment respited till he come from sea, he being in service of Parliament A trunk of Popish trinkets in the house of Sir Thos. Reynolds to be seized. [A 3, pp. 230, 231.] Whereas a trunk was lately seized in the house of Wiggens in Christ's Hospital, with 401., 2 diamond rings, and some linen and writings, which belong to Isabel and Dan. Savill, and Thos. Mayor, as appears by their affidavits :- order that the goods be restored to them, unless it be proved by Friday that they are delinquents. John Ducey to have 14 days' respite, he being surveyor of timber to the navy. The brass statue of the late King at Roehampton House to be sold by the candle towards Lord Portland's assessment. [A 3, pp. 232–234.] Search to be made for plate and treasure informed to be mured up in the house of Mr. Fox, Great Bartholomew's, West Smithfield. [43, [▲ 3, p. 239.] Geo. Norman, serjeant, who arrested Mr. Thomas coming from this com- mittee, to be sent to Lambeth House till further order, and also Thos. Mason. [A 3, p. 244.] Thos. Mason and Geo. Norman [or Newman}, committed to Lambeth House on 23 September, having acknowledged their errors, and withdrawn the action, order that they be released. Hum. Bury and Lynam Robins to have 20s. each for charges in delivering tickets of 51. each to poor men who were not able to satisfy. [A 3, p. 251.] Order that all goods which have come or shall come to Guildhall (except Sir John Morley's) be sold by the candle, and the money paid to this com- mittee. [43, p. 253.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 37 1644. Oct. 8. Oct. 11. Oct. 14. Oct. 16. Oct. 18. Oct. 21. Oct. 25. Oct. 28. Nov. 1. Nov. 6. Nov. 7. VOL. A LXXXI. 13. Dan. Cox to the County Committee for Westminster. The Committee for Advance of Money hear that 40l. was taken by 2 constables from tenants; that they were summoned to bring in the money, and appeared, but as the committee was not then sitting, they went away, yet have since paid it to your committee. You are desired to send it up, according to the intent of the first information and summons. [& page.] Order that Evan Tiler, being printer to the Assembly and Parliament of Scotland and having [laid] out much money in that service, his assessment be respited till this committee take special order. John Webb, of Watling Street, to have 12d. in the pound for such moneys and estates as he shall discover of delinquents, or persons absenting themselves to avoid payment of assessments. [A 3, pp. 256, 257.] Hum. Bury, collector, having brought in 1,0067. arrears in the Tower and Billingsgate Wards, and received no satisfaction, order that Lane pay him 1,006 threepences for his service. Mr. Price, of Coleman Street, having sworn that he was not worth 1007., and the Mitigation Committee, finding he was worth more, having ordered him to pay his whole assessment of 801., he having paid 201., and a certificate being presented from Alderman Pennington that he is a poor man, order for dis- charge of the said assessment. [A 3, pp. 359, 360.] Jolly Stone discharged for the 127. formerly paid, 157. being his proportion, but the committee abates 31. for a horse for the Earl of Manchester, which cannot be allowed. [4 3, p. 261.] Order that Mr. Lane pay Sir Gilbert Pickering 501. on an order of 5 August last, towards payment of 50 pairs of pistols, but the residue to be considered, as the committee is informed they may buy pistols 10s. a pair cheaper. Ant. Money being a lieutenant, and now out with the City forces, his assess- ment respited till he come home. The assessment of Mr. Leonard, of Katherine's Tower, of 2001. in November and 3001. in December, 1643, respited till he receive his debts due by the Navy [Committee], he having formerly lent 1027. 12s. Od. [A 3, pp. 262, 264.] Rich. Kemp allowed 21s. for discovery of the estate of Thos. Medlicott, who was assessed and absented himself, on which information 211. was brought in. [A 3, p. 266.] Ald. Andrews to have 3 of the money brought in by persons informed of by him for assessment, towards satisfaction of the money owing him by the State. [A 3, p. 270.] The State owing 2001. to Moses Goodyer of Plymouth, and he having paid much for maintenance of the garrison there, his assessment respited till the 2007. is paid. [4 3, p. 272.] The goods of Secretary Nicholas and Lord Scudamore at Guildhall to be sold by the candle, and Alderman Andrews to have of the proceeds, towards money owing him for arms. Alderman Andrews to have of the money paid on assessments of persons informed of by him, towards the debts due to him from Parliament. [43, pp. 274, 275.] Mr. Lane to pay [Thos.] Browne 251. for his pains in Mr. Newman's accounts, being recommended by the Committee of Accounts, and Mr. Dallison to perfect the said accounts. [43, p. 283.] Mr. Dennis, lately come from France, having freely offered to lend 501. towards the army raised by Parliament, order that he be thanked, and have the Public Faith for it. [43, p. 285.] Paul Grey, of Southwark, ordered to levy by distress on those Southwark residents to be named, in the borough or adjacent within the weekly bills of mortality, the sums assessed on them; to make sale of their goods and chattels, and in case no distress be found, to apprehend and bring them to Winchester House Prison, to remain till the assessments be paid, according to an Ordinance of Parliament of 12 October last, for raising 4,7507. within the Tower Hamlets Westminster, and Southwark, and other places named in the bills of mortality, 38 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1644. Nov. 20. Nov. 22. Nov. 29. Dec. 4. Dec. 6. Dec. 11. Dec. 13. Dec. 14. VOL. A LXXXI. the said persons having had notice of the sums assessed, and refused to pay, or lapsed the days of payment. With writ of assistance. The persons included in this Order are:- Hen. Jesson Magdalen Paul and Wm. Cross - Erasmus Snelling Nic. Chamlett assessed at 501. 501. 501. 507. [4 3, pp. 293, 294, 203, 304.] · Add " " * Sam. Cordwell assessed at * John Bromfield Major Vavasour Fras. le Peepes Nath. Goodland "" "" رد "" 100%. 1007. 251. 251. 501. The Guildhall Treasurers to give account to this committee in 8 days of their receipts from Mr. Newman, late treasurer, and of what they have received since, between June 1643 and 14 June 1644, on the Ordinance for the and 20. [A 3, p. 297.] Edm. Fowell and Phil. Francis respited 10 days, at instance of Mr. Whaddon, burgess of Plymouth. As they have both come to this City on business for Plymouth, and there are divers sums due to them from the State, order that their assessments be respited till the State pay them. Mr. Cottington, late come out of the country, having in hand money collected by him belonging to the State, order that he be brought in custody to answer the same, and that the money be seized and secured. Alderman Gayre to be assessed at 1,8001. for his and, and notice given him accordingly. [4 3, pp. 298, 299.] Edw. Tufton, of Brentford, to be committed to Peter House, for abusing and resisting the collectors in levying the 3 and 2 months' assessment. Order that of the moneys, goods, plate, or estate received by this committee from delinquents informed against by Sir Rich. Strode, be allowed him towards the money due to him by the State for raising 3,000 dragoons for the ser- vice of Parliament. [4 3, pp. 310, 311.] Mr. Bowles, being an assistant to the House of Peers, to be discharged his assessment, he not being assessable by order. [A 3, p. 317.] Capt. Stacey's assessment respited till he is paid the 7001. arrears due to him for service. On information of parcels of money, plate, &c., belonging to delinquents, hid in the houses of Mr. Browne, Stapleton, and Brigham, in Covent Garden, order that Major Hercules Langrish and 2 others search for the said concealed goods, and inventory, seize, and secure them till further orders. With writ of assistance. [A 3, pp. 322, 323.] Dr. Aylett, being an assistant to the House of Peers, to be discharged from his assessment, as by order of both Houses he ought not to be assessed. Hum. Edwards, of Westminster, having furnished in November 1642, horses worth 351., and his estate being under the power of the King's army, his assess- ment respited till his lands be reduced, and till further order. Step. Moyser's assessment discharged, he having been driven from his babi- tation in Devonshire, where he contributed, and fled hither for safety. Mrs. Devereux's assessment respited till she receive her estate, now under power of the King's army, she having contributed 351. Edw. Owner, burgess for Yarmouth, certifying that Mr. Horth has con- tributed 4901. at the opening of the propositions, it is accepted in discharge of his assessment. [A 3, pp. 324–326.] The assessment of Peter Temple, of Leicester, one of the committee there, discharged, his estate being under Ashby garrison. [A 3, p. 328.] Lady Cæsar being assessed at 2007. on the Parliament Ordinance of 12 October last, though she had no residence in London for 2 years past, order that the reason of her assessment be certified, and that no warrant proceed against her till special order of this committee. On information that goods of Dr. Maxwell and other delinquents are in the house of Mrs. Weaver and Mr. Harris in Covent Garden, and of Jackson, tailor, in Drury Lane, order that they be searched for, seized and secured. [A 3, pp. 330, 331.] These two cases are given in the tables-dates 25 January 1642 and 14 April 1643. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 39 1644. Dec. 20. Dec. 23. 1644 ? 1645. Jan. 1. Jan. 3. Jan. 6. Jan. 10. VOL. A LXXXI. The assessment of Wm. Cane, now at sea, respited till further order. The assessment of Wm. Saville-who serves the Earl of Rutland, lives in co. Derby, and has there paid all rates and contributed, and has come to town on his lord's business-to be discharged. [A 3, pp. 335, 339.] Order that the house and garden of Peter Pagan, brewer, Lambeth Marsh, be searched for treasure and plate of delinquents there hid, and that the same be seized. [A 3, p. 343.] 14-129. Printed forms of notice for payment of assessments, filled up in MS., with the amount appointed to the person named, being resident in or within 20 miles of London, for which Public Faith will be given if paid within 10 days after notice, but not otherwise. Each paper has MS. notes of the pro- ceedings in the case, the sums deposited, &c. 1 January-30 December. [116 papers.] 130–139. Lists, by the assessors of sundry wards in and about London, of persons to whom assessment tickets have been delivered, with notes in some instances of the sums assessed. 12 January-7 October. [10 papers.] 140-142. Accounts returned by the collectors of proceedings upon delivery of the said tickets. 28 March August. [3 papers.] Categy de 143–146. Affidavits of persons assessed, that neither at the making of the Ordinance 29 November 1642, nor since, have they been worth 100l. With note of the orders passed thereon. 8 May-17 September 1644. Printed forms filled up. [4 papers.] 147-157. Affidavits, some signed by Lord Mayor Wollaston, of persons assessed, as to the sum that is the full of their estates. 19 February- 23 December. [11 papers.] 1 20 M 158. Blank printed form of an order of the Committee for Advance of Money, for persons to be apprehended and brought in custody before them, to answer objections. With writ of assistance. [page.] 159. List of 33 soldiers now pertaining to Kenilworth garrison, who, during Col. Needham's government there, were behind of their pay for terms of from 3 to 7 weeks. [I page.] VOL. A LXXXII. The house of Mr. Sherwood in Fleet Street to be searched for goods of John Denham, which are to be sold towards his assessment of 1,000l. Noted "none found." [4 3, p. 348.] Col. Forbes and Capt. Barkley informing that they can discover several con- cealed estates of delinquents, order that the moneys coming in on their dis- coveries be paid towards the arrears due to them for their service. [4 3, p. 348.] The assessment of Jonathan Andrews discharged, he having contributed 301. at Worcester on the propositions in the name of Ellen Frogmore, in October 1642, as appears by receipt of Lord Brooke and others; and having since lent 1007. towards the reducing of that county, and been plundered and driven from his house. Roger Fletcher to have 40s. for informing of Sir John Lead and Mr. Symons, who paid 501. each for assessment. [4 4, p. 3.] 12 Col. Ant. Rouse to have the money and estate of delinquents discovered by him towards payment of his arrears, and to give in theirnames before any proceedings are taken against them. Sir John Stanicott complaining that [Fras.] Lawrence, a collector, hired of him a house at 161. a year, and has paid no rent for 3 quarters, order that the committee will not protect Lawrence, but leave the case to common law. [John] Trefusis to have the moneys brought in on his discoveries of Papists' and delinquents' estates, towards satisfaction of his losses sustained in Cornwall. [4 4, pp. 7-9.] 40 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1645. Jan. 13. Jan. 17. Jan. 22. Jan. 27. Jan. 28. Feb. 5. Feb. 7. Feb. 10. Feb. 14. Feb. 17. Feb. 19. VOL. A LXXXII. A trunk of mercery wares seized in Wm. Browne's house, to be delivered to Rowland Witherington, on affidavit that they belong to him. David Ramsay to have of moneys arising from his discoveries of delinquents' estates, towards payment of his arrears. [A 4, pp. 10, 11.] Thos. Vaughan, cook and menial servant to Lord Pembroke, discharged from assessment. Capt. Manby, having formerly lent 701. 7s., respited assessment till the State shall pay his arrears. [4 4, p. 15.] Committee for Advance of Money to the Chamberlains of the City of London and others concerned. You are to deliver to [Gab.] Beck, for the use of this com- mittee, an abstract of all warrants or assignments come to you for payment of sums raised by virtue of any Act under this present Parliament, and of the payments made thereon, and to whom, that this committee may see what remain unpaid. [4 4, p. 23.] Mr. Pester's assessment respited, his estate being at Bristol and Devizes, and he receiving no benefit therefrom, and having no other maintenance. [A 4, p. 23.] 1. Ordinance of Parliament, on information that some few goods in Dorset House, which are enjoyed by the Earl of Rutland, together with the said house, are threatened to be taken away by the Sequestrators of London, referring the case to the Committee for Sequestrations; and ordering that the Earl, under- taking to be responsible for the goods, be permitted to enjoy them till the pleasure of the House be further known, he having suffered much for his fidelity to, and attendance on, Parliament. [3 page.] Order that those who are assessed and make affidavits do not pay above 6d. for the affidavit. John Hewson, of the Baukside, respited till he receive the debts and arrears due to him from the State. [A 4, pp. 29, 30.] Col. Art. Forbes and Alex. Henley to have the money they discover of delinquents, towards the debts and arrears due to them from the State. The first 1007. of the assessment of Mr. Palmer, now in the Fleet, to be for payment of Col. Ant. Rouse. [A 4, p. 32.] Mrs. Thompson's assessment discharged, she having lent 287. 12s. on the proposition, and her husband, being master of Trinity House, having lent in August 1642, 1007. for Ireland. Mrs. Chamblett, assessed at 4007., having made affidavit that she is not worth 1001., yet having a far greater estate, with plate and money concealed, order that they be sought for in her house, and that of Mr. Green, and brought away. Sir John Leuthall to send Ellen Thomas on Friday to answer objections. [A 4, pp. 35, 36.] The assessment of Thos. Byett, of Sudbury, discharged for 301. formerly lent, being his proportion, he being well affected, and the information given by an ill-affected person. Whereas Edw. Ash, M.P., affirms that the house in Martin's Lane of Mr. Garrett, late Mr. Gore's, is charged with 800l. to the State, and whereas the house was some time employed by Ash for keeping India goods for the State's service, and whereas by Ordinance of Parliament the rent of sequestered houses ought to be paid-order that, for the time the house was employed for the State, the rent be allowed, and deducted out of the money with which the house is charged to the State. [4 4, pp. 39-41.] Nich. Hewes to be committed to the serjeant's deputy till he satisfy the Committee for Mitigation for his offences offered to them. With note that he has given satisfaction by acknowledging his offence. [4 4, p. 43.] Thos. Eyre, one of the committee for county Berks, having lent 42l. 19s. 4d. on the propositions, and been plundered in the country, his assessment discharged. Eliz. Hammond's assessment discharged, as she set forth her sons in the army, and one of them was slain, and she has been plundered of 500l. at Chertsey, Surrey. [A 4, pp. 45, 46.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 41 1645. Feb. 21. Feb. 28. Feb. [Feb.] March 3. March 7. March 10. March 14. March 17. March 19. March 21. VOL. A LXXXII. Greg. Gawsell having contributed 2907. in county Norfolk, served in person, and the State being indebted to him, order that his assessment be respited till he is paid his dues. The assessment of Art. Swetnam of Bristol discharged, he being driven thence by the enemy. [A 4, pp. 50, 51.] The assessment of Rich. Scutt, who is doorkeeper to the Committee of Both Kingdoms, respited till his land in Hampshire be reduced. Mr. Lane to lend to Lord H[oward] 100l., which his lordship promises to repay next April. [4 4, pp. 60, 61.] 2. Notes of exceptions made by numerous persons who took affidavits as to the value of their property, relating to certain portions of it as estates under the hands of the enemy, and doubtful or desperate debts-in reference to which they claim exemption from assessments; May 1644 and February 1645. [3 pages.] 3. Rules to be observed concerning sequestrations of delinquents, and their estates concealed, depending before the Committee for Advance of Money 1. The discoverers to give in the charge under their own hands to the clerk of the Committee for Advance of Money, inserting the witnesses who can prove it. 2. The clerk to enter it in the book of informations. [page, imperfect.] The assessment on Rich. Rider respited till the State pay him the debt of 1007. which they owe, he having been a captain in actual service. The assessment of 801. on Edw. Child discharged, he making affidavit that 91. is his proportion, having lent 40s., and there being money due to him for cartage and billetting soldiers. Lieutenant Hen. Fuller to have the money he discovers of delinquents' estates for payment of his arrears. [A 4, pp. 64-66.] Wm. Payne and John Ward, inhabitants of Kent, and at great charges there, to pay their and to the County Committee of Kent, and be acquitted from assessments here. 1 20 Wm. Atwood's assessment discharged, he being one of the Essex Com- mittee, where he has taken great pains, and has contributed. Mr. Lane to pay Lawrence and Ragdale 30s. salary for Mrs. de Deux Ville's assessment of 2001. a year, and she is to pay the other 20s. [4 4, pp. 72, 73.] Lady Hewett to pay Lawrence the salary for Mr. Richardson's full assess- ment. Nich. Grice of Lincoln's Inn to be brought up in custody, being 507. behind of his assessment, and having often been summoned, and not appeared. At request of the Fishmongers' Company, who are landlords of a tenement in Barbican, where Mrs. Holl lately dwelt, they are to have the key delivered up, the house being out of repair, and in arrears for rent. [A 4, pp. 74-76.] No inhabitants of co. Bucks to be assessed here without special order of that committee. The assessments of John Southing and Mr. Abbott, of Denham, co. Bucks, to be discharged, they having compounded in the county for their and, the order of the Mitigators for their payment of 31. each notwithstanding. [A 4, p. 79.] B The assessment on Mrs. Dixon of 4007., and that on her as of King's Langley of 150., to be both discharged, she having been assessed and discharged, 13 October 1643. [A 4, p. 81.] Thos. Walkden to have of delinquents' estates that he discovers towards payment of his arrears, and warrants to be granted therefor. No exceptions to be admitted in affidavits without special directions of the Committee for Advance of Money, or the Committee of Mitigations, and only such as they shall direct to be allowed. [4A 4, p. 84.] On information of delinquents' goods concealed in the house of Nath. King, near the Custom House, London, order that they be seized in that, or any of the adjacent warehouses, and brought away, to be disposed of by this committee. [A 4, p. 85.] 42 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1645. March 21. March 24. March 24. March 28. March 28. March 28. March. April 1. April 2. April 7. VOL. A LXXXII. Lieut.-Col. Cory, Major Edw. Shepard, Capt. Wm. Pease, Capt. Smalpeece, Sam. Trumball, and Capt. Hen. Thornton, to have of such discoveries as they shall make of delinquents' concealed estates. Capt. Wm. Halford to have a like moiety, and warrants to be granted for seizing such delinquents' estates as he shall discover. Like order on behalf of the New England captains, viz., Nath. Phillips, Rob. Sanders, Jos. Wells, Nich. West, Hugh Peters, and Read, towards payment of their several arrears. Örder for the seizure of goods of delinquents concealed in a house not named, to be brought and disposed of by order of this committee. Order that Thos. Jarvis and others search for the goods, plate, and concealed estates of Bierley and Dr. Payle, delinquents, which are in the house of Bierley, in Gray's Inn Fields, and seize, inventory, and bring them away. [A 4, pp. 86, 88, 92.] Information that Luke Wood of Ratcliff, merchant, of the John and Mary, went from Dartmouth to Oxford, and got a commission from the King to burn, sink, or take all ships employed in Parliamentary service, and that Ambrose Chappell, master of the ship, was consenting to it, and fitted out the ship, and built her a deck for a man-of-war. [A 21, p. 2.] 4. Summons for Thos. Fabian and Rob. Dixon, collectors for Kentish Town, to gather in the sums taxed for maintaining the forces under Lord General Sir Thomas Fairfax, levying them by distress if needful, and to pay them to Rich. Graves, clerk of the peace of co. Middlesex, at his house, Chaucery Lane, 3 April next. [Printed form, filled up, signed by John Hippesley and 4 others, page.] Rich. Nicoll to have the money that comes in on delinquents' estates to be discovered by him, towards payment of the moneys he lost in the west. Like order for Col. Burghill and Capts. Thos. Burgis and John Shute, to be employed towards payment of arrears due by the State. Chris. Rudds, who suffered Col. Smith to escape, to be committed to the New Prison, Maiden Lane, till he give security to pay the 501. which the House of Commons on 20 January ordered to be paid to this Committee. Fras. Bellers, having formerly lent 121., and brought in 20 pairs of pistols without holsters, at 223. a pair, the whole being 341.,-order that on paying 61. more, his assessment be discharged, that being his proportion on oath. [A 4, pp. 98, 100.] Information that several goods of Monsieur Tilly, a trader to Dublin, and other quarters of the Irish, are in the house of Hogshead, innkeeper, in custody of his tapster. [421, p. 2b.] Order that they be seized and brought away. [▲ 4, p. 101.] 5. Return of the Kentish Town alias Pancras assessment (see No. 4 supra), giving the names of the inhabitants in Tottenham Court, Green Street, Kentish Town and Londoners, Brick Houses and Londoners, Highgate and Cane Wood; Thos. Weaver, Thos. Hogg, assessors, the sums varying from 4d. to 31. 10s. [4 columns.] Information by several captains and others lately come from New England, that Wm. Stiles, being at Oxford, his landlord, Cole, of Sunbury,- gave intelligence from him, and entertains one that came from him with letters, &c., and therefore ought to be sequestered. [A 21, p. 2b.] Russell Alsop respited the 251. which by his affidavit is his 2, till the State pays him 481. due for arms, on warrant of the Committee of, Safety of 4 May 1643. Order that Major Wm. Knight have the proceeds of such goods, jewels, plate, money, and estates of delinquents as he shall discover, towards arrears for his service, and his losses in Ireland. [A 4, pp. 106, 107.] The assessment of Mrs. Bateman discharged, because she only came to London on a law-suit, and has no residence within 40 miles of London, as Mr. Trenchard, M.P., affirms. [A 4, p. 110.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 43 1645. April 7. April 11. April 14. April 16. April 18. April 21. April 23. April 25. April 25. April 29. VOL. A LXXXII. Capt. Rob. Fiennes, alias Clinton, to have discoveries of delinquents' estates, towards the from the Committee of Safety of 24 March last. Fras. Lawrence. Wm. Ragdale. Solomon Richards. [A 4, pp. 110, 111.] Committee for Advance of Money to the Militia Committee of London. We hear that Capt. Cooke, of the Yellow regiment, has granted a warrant to his marshal to apprehend and carry to Wood Street Counter Martin Dallison and Dan. Cox, our clerks, and Rob. Dunscombe, one of our officers, and there to remain 2 days without bail, because, being his soldiers, they came not out at the sound of the drum, to perform duty. It was the captain's duty, as they are our officers, and in immediate service of Parliament, to acquaint us before he issued his warrant. Consider that their whole time is spent in the service, and they are often out of town. They desire no freedom from other taxes, but this of finding men and arms, which during their employment is reasonable. We send you a list of the 12 officers for whom we desire exemp- tion. I doubt not you will take notice thereof. With list of the names, being the three above-named, and Thos. Jarvis. John Moody. Hen. Starkey. the moneys coming in on his arrears due to him by warrant [A 4, pp. 110, 113.] Eliah Pargiter. Rich. Cole. Wm. Coulson. Order that the moneys that come in on discoveries to be made by the agents of Lord Willoughby of Parham be allowed him towards payment of his arrears, and the other half for Abingdon garrison, and the 3 associated counties, according to Order in the House of Commons of 5 April last. Repeated 14 April. [4 4, pp. 115, 119.] Information that Mrs. Drake, widow, of Fenchurch Street, and Mr. Wilcox, of Tottenham, owe 500l. to Mr. Bradley, of Ivy Lane, who was paymaster to the King's army. [A 21, p. 6.] Information that Rich. Smith owes money to King, the merchant who was in the treason with Tompkins, and that he was executor to Peter Smith, and may have money in hand "owing for wine at 40s. a tun, when the project was, and when it was a monopoly.” [A 21, p. 7.] Capt. St. George Du Bois to have the moneys coming in on his discovery of delinquents towards his arrears. John Middleton to be brought in custody about 4,0001. owing by him to Sir Rich. Crane, delinquent. [A 4, pp. 126, 128.] The assessment of Abr. Holditch discharged, he having lent 2,0007. in arms, &c., and been a captain in actual service. Mr. Nevett's petition referred to the assessors of Langborne Ward, to report what should be abated of his assessment of 3001. [A 4, p. 129.] The assessments of Wm. Wilson, of Tewkesbury, and his son Edward, assessed as inhabitants here, discharged, as William is only a sojourner here, for safety and to dispatch business, and has been plundered by the King's forces, and paid his and in the country, and his son is not worth 1001. [A 4, p. 130.] Information that there is 1007. in the hands of old Sir Jas. Cambell's executors, which he gave towards the building of Paul's, and that young Mrs. Cambell is one of the executors. Markham, of Information by Capt. John Holmes that several Papists' and delinquents' goods are in the hands of Mrs. Browne, a Papist, and of Old Street, which things he desires to seize, and undertakes to pay all charges and damages, if they be not found. [A 21, p. 9.] Order to Hum. Bury and Hen. Wilson to seize and sequester the said goods, and bring them to this committee, to be sold for the benefit of the State. [4 4, p. 134.] Order in Parliament, at request of the Committee for Advance of Money, and on their report of the inconveniences that arise by pretences of dis- coveries of malignants' estates, that no one be henceforth allowed to make such 1 + COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1645. April 29. May 2. May 5. May 5. May 5. May 7. May 9. May 12. May 14. May 21. May 23. May 30. 1 VOL. A LXXXII. discoveries without recommendation to the committee or one of them from the House; but the discoveries already made are to be proceeded upon. [4 4, p. 137.] 6. Six notes of orders relative to assessments. [page.] Order that White, an officer of this committee, who has abused it by his carriage, and not discharged his trust, be cashiered, and no farther employed. [A 4, p. 141.] 7. Joan Garway to Mr. Stroud, M.P. My sad sufferings compel me beg to the benefit of the Ordinance of Parliament that those that endeavour to serve the State shall not suffer for it, which I do. I am imprisoned out of malice, as the executrix of my husband, though I never administered, nor had any of his goods, nor have I money to right myself, my estate lying in the King's quarter. I wrote to your clerk, Mr. Cox, to tell of my great sufferings. Sir Rob. Harley, to whom I made the first discovery, last Whitsuntide, has kept me in hopes ever since that the business would prove very advantageous to the State, but by some means it is discovered, and I am abused by some of those whose names I gave to Sir Robert. End my sufferings by calling me before the committee, to show what service I have done, and can do, if encouraged. [1 page.] Information that there are several wares, goods, and merchandizes in ware- houses of and belonging to the Custom House, which have long been there, and not been taken up, and which are conceived to belong to enemies of Parliament. [A 21, p. 1.] Order that a list be made of the said goods, stating how long they have been there, and to whom they belong, and return be made thereon. Order that Wm. Lane deliver to Mrs. Mordaunt her debenture that is in his hands, making (marking?) the money paid on the back side of it that was paid her out of a discovery made by her. ~[▲ 4, p. 144 ] Mr. Langley, surgeon to the Earl of Essex, to have a discovery made to Mr. Strode before the Order in the House of Commons for restraint of discoveries, towards payment of his arrears. [4 4, p. 145.] The assessment of Capt. Berkin, of Canning Street, who has been a captain of dragoons under the Earl of Manchester, and is much in arrear, respited ti 1 his arrears are paid. [A 4, p. 149.] Information on behalf of the Earl of Stamford, that there is 1,1001. a year about Eltham belonging to Mr. Roper and his wife, recusants, who are at Oxford. [A 21, p. 9. Sir Balthazar Jerbere [Gerbier] to be brought in custody to pay his assessment. [A 4, p. 155.] All whose assessments are respited are to pay salary only for what they pay in. Col. Ridgeley ordered such money, jewels, or estate of delinquents as he shall discover, charges being deducted, and the other half to be employed for the purposes expressed in an Order in the House of Commons of this date. Whereas goods, merchandize, &c., of delinquents have long been in the Custom House, without any knowledge to whom they belong, and have not been claimed according to the custom of merchants;-Order that they be searched for, inventoried, and brought to warehouses and places appointed, to remain until the committee take further order; the Customs' Commissioners to assist this committee's officers therein. Blank warrant for the searching for, seizing, and carrying away of such money, plate, jewels, and other estate of delinquents as remain in private houses. [4 4, pp. 160–162.] Mr. Blakiston to certify what goods of Sir John Wolstenholme and Mr. Gardner, delinquents, are come to his hands, and whether he has any proceeds in hand to satisfy the discoverer [Hum. Bury], who petitions this committee for allowance. [A 4, p. 164.] 8. Order for notices to 6 persons named to pay in their assessments of from 50l. to 3001. 23 and 30 May. [Printed form, filled up. page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 45 1645. June 4. June 6. June 11. June 13. June 16. June 18. June 21. June 27. June 27. June 28. June 30 VOL. A LXXXII. The assessment of Dr. Colleden respited, till the pension of 100l. a year be settled on him for his attendance on the King's children, and then he is to pay his for that pension, having no other estate. 1 20 John Rand to be committed to Newgate, for affronting this committee. [A 4, pp. 171, 172.] The petition of Thomas Ferrers, assessed at 1007., referred to Justice Hubbard and 5 others of the Tower Hamlets' Committee. The assessment of Thomas Davenish, keeper of Winchester House, respited, till he receive much money owing him by the State. [A 4, pp. 173, 174.] 9. Order in the House of Commons, on the petition of Major Rob. Thompson, and 6 others, that the estates of such Papists and delinquents as are discovered by them shall be employed, to pay their debentures, when duly cast up, and the other for sick and maimed soldiers in and about London, and for the pay- ment of apothecaries and surgeons employed in healing them, for their provi- sions and pains. [3 page.] Thos. Herbert being one of the Committee for the Army, his assessment is discharged. Mr. Rea's assessment discharged, he living in Lincolnshire, and only coming to London to pay his rent to Sir Ant. Irby, and about a suit at law. [A 4, p. 177.] 10, Particulars of the Papists, and delinquents' estates discovered by George Wood, to the Haberdashers' Hall Committee, for payment of his own debt concerning Ireland, and for the benefit of the State; in six sums. Total, 11,0907. [1 page.] - Several persons having lapsed time, after due notice, for payment of the assessments levied on them towards the 4,750l. to be raised in the Tower Hamlets, Westminster, and Southwark, their goods and chattels are to be seized, and they committed to Peter House, or elsewhere, as the Southwark Committee shall appoint, there to remain until they have paid their assessments. *Lady Dudley *Sir Mat. Mennes or Mince 100 John Dixon *Leonard Ward - Rich. Draper *Bassett Cole *John Pearce [4, 182, 183.] 50 50 50 · 50 50 11. Roger Hill and Denis Bond to Martin Dallison, clerk of the Committee for Advance of Money. We beg you to send us a list of sequestered houses fit for Sir John Northcote, M.P., and 20 of his family to live in. He lost all his estates and goods by the Dunkirkers, in coming hither by sea from Lynne. [1 page.] 12-14, Petition of Capt. Jas. Francis Delatour and Lieut. John Drowint to the House of Commons. Having served faithfully 2 years in Sir Wm. Waller's regiment of horse, they have arrears due, for want of which, being strangers here, they suffer much. They beg an order for of such concealed delinquents' estates as they shall discover. [2 copies.] With note by Speaker Lenthall, June 20, recommend- ing this discovery to the Committee for Advance of Money. [Scrap.] No counsel to be in future admitted to plead in any cause in this committee without leave, and no affidavits to be taken without special order of this committee. Capt. Fras. De la Tour and Lieut. Drowint, recommended by the Speaker, to have the money that comes in on the discovery of Capt. Pinchbeck's estate, towards their arrears. [44, pp. 186, 187.] Information by them that Capt. Pinchbeck, who died last March, left 1,0007. in the hands of Brampton, in trust for his son, who is a captain in service against Parliament. [ 21, p. 14.] The House of Commons having, through their Speaker, recommended to this committee to sequester persons in a schedule named who reside in co. Lancaster-Order that the County Committee for Lancashire examine whether the cases are within compass of sequestration, and if so, proceed in levying the rents and profits, and transmit the receipts to the treasurer of * The cases of those names to which asterisks are prefixed began earlier, and will be found in the tables under their respective dates. 46 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1645. July 2. July 7. July 9. July 14. July 16. July 18. July 19. July 21. July 7. 15. County Commissioners for Westminster to the Committee for Advance of Dorset House, Money. Having proofs of the delinquency of Thos. Brydle, we sequestered his Channel Row, estate last December, but long after his sequestration, you sent him a ticket for Westminster. July 21. July 25. July 26. VOL. A LXXXII. the Northern Association, to be sent to this committee; and the said treasurer is to issue to Geo. Piggott, late treasurer for Col. Rigby's forces, towards their arrears, on certificate of the Commissioners for Accounts, and the County Committee are to join such others as they think fit with them, for the speedy carrying on of the work. [4 4, pp. 188, 189.] On information of goods, plate, jewels, and of delinquents concealed in the house of Mrs. Catesby, in Long Acre, order that they be searched for and sequestered, and that any suspected Jesuits found in the house be secured, and brought before the Committee of Examinations. The seizure of Mr. Archer's rents to be taken off, and his assessment respited, he being of the Committee of co. Lincoln, and very active there. Whereas it was ordered 27 June that no affidavits be taken without special order of this committee, it is now ordered that affidavits be admitted, but with no exceptions. [A 4, pp. 190, 191.] Major O'Connelly to be paid 2001. out of the first moneys that come in on the first discovery, according to Parliament Order of 1 July. The assessment on the 3 children of Capt. Keightley respited till the arrears due to their father, who died in parliamenary service, are paid. Mr. Bury, the collector, and his partners, to have the 4 pairs of pistols and 2 swords lately seized by them in Long Acre, which were charged against them, as encouragement for their service. The County Commissioners for Norfolk to examine witnesses against Robt. Herne, sen. and jun., and 4 others, said to be delinquents, and liable to sequestra- tion. [A 4, pp. 194–196.] his, and your officers have lately distrained one of his tenants, which disturbs our proceedings. We beg that you will order your officers to forbear further action. [page.] Mr. Devall and his wife to be brought in custody, and the goods found on search in their possession in Covent Garden to be secured till further order. The assessment on the 4 children of Eliz. Bromwood, widow, discharged, their portions being very small. [A 4, pp. 196, 197.] Mr. Lane to pay to Sir Rich. Strode, Capt. St. George, and Geo. Wood, discoverers of the goods lately seized in Long Acre, and sold, 101. cash, in part of the proceeds allowed them by this committee towards their arrears. [44, p. 213.] Grace Degenes and Cornet Rich. Morgan to have their discoveries of Papists' and delinquents' estates. the money coming in on [A 4, p. 205.] Sir John Clotworthy to have Mrs. Catesby's house in Long Acre for his dwelling till further order. Rich. De la Maine to have the of delinquents' estates that he discovers towards his arrears. [ A 4, p. 208.] 16. Note by S. R. and W. Knyveton relative to a warrant required for money payable to a Papist. [Scrap.] Information that goods and estates of several Papists and delinquents are in the houses of Mrs. Hancock in Broad Street, and Mrs. Harris's chambers, Gunpowder Alley, Shoe Lane. [4 21, p. 16.] Order that the said goods be seized, inventoried, and secured. [A 4, p. 209.] Order that the goods lying concealed in and about Haberdashers' Hall be seized and inventoried, trunks and boxes being broken open, and the inventory delivered to the committee at their next sitting; the officers to assist therein, or answer the contrary. [4 4, p. 217.] 17. Inventory of goods [belonging to delinquents] found in the vaults at Haberdashers' Hall, chiefly rich satin and velvet furniture, Turkey carpets, bed linen, pieces of cloth of silver, canopy of cloth of gold, with gold and silk fringe, and of crimson velvet, laced with gold, damask curtains, plate, &c. [5 columns.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 47 1645. July 28. July 28. July 28. July 29. July 31. July 31. July 31. VOL. A LXXXII. 18. Order in the House of Commons referring to the Haberdashers' Hall Committee to receive information from Mary Dickenson about a discovery of concealed delinquents' goods, and to allow her such proportion as is directed by the Ordinance, she pursuing the directions of the House about such discoveries. [page.] 19. County Commissioners for Lancashire to the Committee for Advance of Money. There was an order of the House that Col. Rigby's soldiers should have the benefit of their discoveries of delinquents towards their arrears. They have deserved well, and we will do our best in any just way to procure them money for their pressing necessities, and therefore will not oppose that order, so that it do not extend to persons sequestrable in this county. The Ordinance of Sequestration is fully executed when the people are well affected, but in Col. Rigby's division, most of the people were sequestrable, but few sequestered, because the condition of the county would not admit it with safety; and few of the County Commissioners had taken their oaths to execute the Ordinance. It would be very dangerous to proceed till Latham is reduced, and to pay these soldiers most of their arrears, while the rest of the soldiers now on duty have no such provision, would cause mutiny and discontent. If the service at Latham should be deserted, the whole county would be endangered. Therefore, if such be offered to you as concealments, which we think are not, we beg to be heard before you pass them. [1 page.] Whereas the Sequestration Committee for Westminster seized a year ago the Earl of Worcester's house in Long Acre, lately held by the Emperor's agent, which was long before any seizure by this committee, and the Westminster Committee have let it to Maj. Gen. Skippon, on Order in the House of Commons of 12 July instant ;-Order confirming this, any previous order notwithstanding, and Sir John Clotworthy to deliver the keys of the house to Mr. Burr, agent of this committee. [A 4, p. 219.] On information of goods and estate concealed in the houses of Mr. Gifford and Mr. Mitchell, chandlers, in Lutener's Lane, belonging to John Mircham Arrell [or O'Beal] and Mary Roem Arrell, Irish rebels, order that the goods be seized and secured, and an account returned to this committee. With writ of assistance. [A 4, p. 220.] Information that several sums of money and goods of Mr. Moore, a Papist, are remaining in and about his house near Gubbins, North Mynns, co. Herts. [A 21, p. 18.] Order that the said goods be searched for, seized, inventoried, and brought to this committee. [A 4, p. 221.] 20. Col. Alex. Rigby to the Committee for Advance of Money. I am much grieved by the necessities of my poor distressed soldiers, so faithful to the public amidst many discouragements, and at last I got an Order in the House of Commons which did not limit their discoveries to any place, so I thought it best to seek delinquents in co. Lancaster, in the quarters where they had done most service in the division known as mine. I assigned 4,000l. to Col. Ralph Ashton's soldiers, and mine helped them to get it in, but this caused no disappointment or mutiny. It is said that the sequestration Ordinance has been executed in the well- affected part of the county, but that is only parts of Salford and Blackburn Hundreds; Derby Hundred, the largest, abounds in unsequestered estates, and there I sequestered those of the greatest men, but my attendance in several leaguers in 5 months, and other public service diverted my proceeding further. Other sequestration committees often resorted to my division to negotiate for sequestrations, and if any have slipped their hands, they may be taken as concealments, and their discovery as acceptable to the State. If my soldiers discover them, nothing is diverted from the publle, but due arrears are paid to the discoverers, and the rest to the State. It is said that other soldiers are left unprovided for, but Col. Shutleworth's, in the next division to me, have 48 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. : 1645. Aug. 1. Aug. 2. Aug. 4. Aug. 8. Aug. 11. Aug. 11. Aug. 11. Aug, 12. VOL. A LXXXII. the whole benefit of their discoveries. I wish the subscribers of the letter [see No. 19, supra] knew what it is to hear the cry of the soldiers for pay. I hope they will hinder the illegal proceedings of other colonels. If they obstruct my order, and do not examine the delinquencies, I fear the soldiers will disband, to my great grief. [13 pages.] 21. Commissioners for Lancashire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We will join heartily with Coi. Rigby in any course to the equal payment of the arrears of all the soldiers in the county, but we fear the business before you is contrary to that end. We do not know that Col. Shuttleworth has employed sequestration for the arrears of his soldiers, but if he has, we shall oppose him in it. We hear that the whole profits of the country, and a tax of 4,000l. a month, which is far above what it is able to pay, will hardly keep them together, but they mutiny and desert the service. There was a division wherein Col. Ashton acted, but it was not allotted to him for payment of his soldiers only; 3,000l. of sequestration money was allotted to them, but the soldiers hardly made their money, as it was paid in chairs and stools, and household goods, and it was not an allowance from Col. Rigby, but a debt to Col. Ashton's soldiers, who were most in arrears, and had cleared from the enemy that part which Col. Rigby now takes for his own. Also, Ashton gave him 2 foot companies to begin his regiment, to which he never added 300 more, and has only 1 or 2 officers who were in service when the Earl of Derby was beaten out of the country. Therefore the old soldiers are likely to mutiny, if they see the others paid first. [1 pages.] On information of goods and moneys of delinquents concealed in and about the house of Mrs. Smith, Cursitor's Alley, Chancery Lane, order that they be seized, inventoried, and brought away. [4 4, p. 224.] Order that the goods now in custody of Mr. Nicolls, of Haberdashers' Hall, be not moved or molested without special order of this committee, and before any such order be given, the Earl of Manchester is to be acquainted therewith; the goods brought from the upper rooms to be carried back to the places whence they were removed. Hen. Hartstong and Geo. Lewis, officers to the Committee of Examinations, who kept in custody 6 persons taken at the house in Long Acre 10 days, to have 107. from the money then taken for their pains and charges. [▲ 4, pp. 226, 228.] Order—on information that divers goods, money, and plate of Papists and delinquents are in the house of Mrs. Morgan, Holborn, London, and also the persons of Papists and; Jesuits,-that search be made, and that the goods, plate, &c. in the house be seized and inventoried, and any suspected Jesuits or Papists brought before the Committee for Examinations. [4A 4, p. 231.] The order of 30 June touching the sequestration and disposal of the estates of certain delinquents in Lancashire rescinded, a great part of their estates being already sequestered, and inconveniences like to ensue if the order be executed. [4 4, p. 234.] Information that there are several goods, money, and plate belonging to delinquents concealed in the house of Mr. Emery, Popinjay Alley, Fleet Street. [4 21, p. 23.] Order that the said goods be seized and secured, and locks broken in case of resistance. [A 4, p. 236.] 22-27. Order in Parliament that whereas by the Ordinances for the and, those who paid their money within the time limited to the Guildhall Treasurers should have the Public Faith for the same; and whereas some moneys have not been paid at Guildhall, but to the Committee for Advance of Money, order that those who pay within the limited time, and have the attestation of the clerk of this committee and the treasurer, shall have the Public Faith for their and. The said treasurer and clerk to keep an account unto what persons, and for what sums it is given. [Printed, 1 page, 6 copies.] 5 GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 49 1645. Aug. 13. Aug. 13. Aug. 13. Aug. 15. Aug. 18. Aug. 20. Aug. 25. Aug. 25. Aug. 25. Aug. 25. Aug. 25. Sept. 1. Sept. 8. Sept. 9. Sept. 10. Sept. 17. Sept. 22. 50$23. VOL. A LXXXII. Lieut.-Col. Gee to have the delinquents' estates he shall discover, towards his arrears for service in Ireland. [A˚4, p. 237.] 28. Capt. Rob. Preston, on recommendation affixed of the Speaker of 11 August, informs that in the house of Perkins, in the Savoy, there are 3 trunks of goods of Alex. Courtney, who is in actual war against Par- liament, and 3 of Mat. Williams, also in war against Parliament with Hopton, and of Ant. Homerston, heretofore in action against Manchester, and there drowned. [A 21, p. 24.] Order that the money, plate, &c., belonging to them, or any other Papists or delinquents, be seized, sequestered, inventoried, and brought away. On affirmation of Abigail Steed that the 7 small pieces of plate are hers, and she a Protestant, and lately come from France, and that this is all her estate —order that the plate and a piece of tabby be restored to her. [4 4, p. 237.] Major Geo. Ulrick to have such delinquents' estates as he shall discover towards his arrears. [A 4, p. 241.] A person not named, who has this day made a discovery of Papists and delinquents' estates, to have 5s. in the pound of all that comes in thereon. [A 4, p. 241.] The estate of Capt. Hudson, of Stow, co. Stafford, having been sequestered by this committee before any seizure by the Committee of Sequestrations, order that the tenants pay the rents to none other than the collectors of this committee, and that they pay them in 14 days. [4 4, p. 242.] 29. Deposition of Thos. Field, Giles in the Fields, that Capt. Hildyard, a prisoner escaped from Ely House, induced him to join the King at Oxford, whither he went with Hildyard from Mr. Sherwood's, of Highgate, where Hildyard left clothes and money. [ page.] 3 + Information that there are moneys, plate, and jewels belonging to delinquents concealed in the house of Mr. Bowles in Chancery Lane. [ 21, p. 26.] Order thereon that they be seized and sequestered. [A 4, p. 243.] Information that Sir Hen. Compton has in his hands 2,0001. belonging to Mrs. Arundel, a Papist. [4 21, p. 27.] The assessment of Mrs. Padman discharged, she being a lunatic and in great want, as appears by petition of Sarah Spence. [4 4, p. 245.] Rebecca Downham, Walter Blirton, John Temple, and Grace Degenes, to have the profit of delinquents' goods and estates discovered by them. [A 4, p. 251.] Information that Hen. Knight, of Tarling, Essex, owes 501. rent to Wm. Taylor, now in the King's army, for a house. [4 21, p. 29.] Information that 401., money and other estate, belonging to a Papist not sequestered, has been taken by Lunn and West, constables of Covent Garden. [A 21, p. 29.] The assessment on Nath. Owen respited till his lauds in Shropshire are restored, and 8001. embarked in Portugal be freed, and the seizure of his rents to be taken off, he paying the collector's salary. [44, p. 256.] Wm. Derby, of Dorchester, who has been plundered and driven from home by the King's forces, to live in Dr. Peirce's house, Knightsbridge, with his family, till further order. [4 4, pp. 256, 258.] The writings and papers lately brought from Mrs. Catesby's house in Long Acre, and such as concern the Emperor's agent, to be carried to the Committee for Foreign Affairs. [4 4, p. 264.] Whereas the under-written have, by a Parliamentary Order of 1st July last, been assessed at certain sums for raising 20,000l. for the reducing of Oxford, have had due notice, but have lapsed the 10 days allowed, and neglected or refused payment, order that the said sums be levied on them by distress, or if D 50 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1645. Sept. 25. Oct. 10. Oct. 10. Oct. 10. Oct. 13. Oct. 20. Oct. 24. Oct. 24. Oct. 31. Nov. 3. Sept. 29. 31. Sir Thos. Atkins, Lord Mayor of London, to the Committee for Ad- Old Jewry. vance of Money. Lord Craven's house in Leadenhall Street, in which Sir Hen. Garway dwelt, is now void, and will not let, though it has had a bill on the door a year. If you will let it as houses are now let, I will be your tenant. Lady Swinnerton's house, which formerly let for 150l. a year, is now let for 501., and many great houses are empty at present. Let me know your pleasure speedily. [page.] Nov. 7. VOL. A LXXXII. sufficient distress cannot be found, that they be committed to the Gatehouse, or elsewhere in Westminster, till they have paid the sums charged on them, viz. :- *Lady Thynne *Mr. Leech Wm. Duck Wm. Clifton [A 4, pp. 267, 268.] - J 507. 501. 501. 50%. C Wm. Long Edw. Standthwait *Mr. Holl J 507. 257. 501. 30. Recommendation by Wm. Lenthall, Speaker of the House of Commons, to the Haberdashers' Hall Committee, of Col. Wm. Barton to have the estates of 3 delinquents in Stepney Parish, Hen. Jermin, Mr. Muckmills, and Mr. Lang- ford. [page.] Information that Hen, Radcliffe, Lombard Street, London, has in his house 7,000l. secretly hid of two delinquents. [4 21, p. 42.] Order that the money be searched for, seized, and secured. Tilson to be brought in custody, to show by what right he detains the goods of Capt. Harper, a delinquent. [A 4, p. 290.] 32. Whereas the collectors of this committee have, by divers orders, been allowed 3d. in the pound on all assessments paid within 10 days after notice, and 3d. in the pound for the full sum assessed if the time be elapsed, whereby many inconveniences happen now that the assessments are higher than before, order that the collectors have only 3d. in the pound on moneys received by this committee, to be paid by the treasurer in case the parties pay in 10 days, and if they elapse their time, they are to pay the collectors' allowance for so much as they pay into the State and no more. [1 page.] Rich. Thompson, who has discovered several to have made false affidavits, and has brought in thereby 1291., to have ls. in the pound for his discoveries. [A 4, p. 292.] Mrs. Herne, heing summoned and refusing to appear, to be brought in custody to answer objections. [A 4, p. 298.] Information that in the chamber of Clarke, of the Middle Temple, is 8001. worth of cloth of silver belonging to some delinquent merchants who came from beyond seas. [A 21, p. 47.] Order that the said cloth, and any other estate belonging to the said delinquents, be seized and secured. [A 4, p. 302.] The assessment of Mr. Donum Dei Haggett, discharged, he being poor, and living 25 miles from London. [A 4, p. 309.] 33. List of 22 delinquents assessed at Haberdashers' Hall in sums varying from 150l. to 5,000l. The sums of 1,000l. and upwards are-Earl of Devon- shire, 4,500l.; Lord Noel, 4,500l.; Lord Cromwell, 2,5007.; Lord Sterling, 1,000l.; Marquis of Hertford, 5,000l.; Sir Richard Herbert, the King's Sur- veyor-General, 1,000l.; Wm. Guise, of Covent Garden, 1,000l. [1 page.] Sam. Poole, who has been in the country, to be admitted again to his place as collector. Order that Mr. Ayloffe's assessment be respited till he receive the arrears due to him by the State as colonel of a regiment of foot and troop of horse. [A 4, p. 315.] * Those cases marked thus * will be found in the tables under their respective dates. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 51 1645. Nov. 12. Nov. 14. Nov. 17. Nov. 19. Nov. 21. Nov. 21. Dec. 1. 'Dec. 8. Dec. 12. Dec. 15. Salisbury. Dec. 17. VOL. A LXXXII. Order upon hearing that the sequestration by this committee of a concealed debt of 1501., due by John Foster to Judith Castle, be taken off, the debt having been formerly sequestered and discharged by the Westminster Com- mittee. [A 4, p. 320.] Whereas Geo. Strangways, clerk in the Fine Office, is assessed at 301., and has absented himself to avoid payment, and his office is now sequestered; Order that Chris. Bettscomb be appointed to the said office, with the same profits and allowances. [4 4, p. 326.] 34. Summons to Mr. Sidley, of Chancery Lane, to appear before the Com- mittee for Advance of Money on Friday. [Printed form, filled up.] 35. Petition of Lady Eliz. St. John. In 9 Car. my late father, Sir Rowland Vaughan, demised houses in Bishopsgate Street to Hen. Rouse for 21 years, at 91. a year; these are held by Thos. Nurse, who is 61. 15s. in arrear of his rent, and my father being dead, the reversion descends to me as his heir. As Nurse is sequestered for non-payment of his, I beg you to order these arrears of rent to be paid to me, or allow me to levy them by distress. With note by Dallison that he has perused the lease, and rent should be allowed out of the receipts for those houses. [1 page.] Information by Lawrence Clinton that he owes 181. 10s., besides charges-in- law, to Edw. Stanier, Papist, not yet sequestered. Noted that the information appears to be only to avoid payment of a just debt made over long since to John Butler, and therefore discharged, and that Stanier is not proved a Papist. [A 21, p. 54.] John Bartlett, of Paul's Churchyard, who has suffered much in his estate by the malignant party, to have the estates of Papists and delinquents that he shall discover. The Committee for Sequestrations in Suffolk to examine into the sequestra- tion of 6 acres of land in Stowmarket, which Thos. Barton pretends to be his, and likewise the decays of the house there, and certify the same to this committee. [4 4, pp. 332, 333.] Wm. Coles and 2 others, who have resisted the authority of this committee and its officers, to be brought in custody to answer their contempt. [44, p. 342.] Jas. Hart to be continued in his place as collector to this committee till further order. [A 4, p. 349.] Thos. Alderne's assessment discharged, his estate being sequestered by the enemy, and he come thither for shelter. [4 4, p. 354.] 36. The County Committee for Wiltshire to Mr. Dallison. Our memories cannot contain all we would wish to say, but if we were to write at full the slight opinion the county [sequestration ?] committee and others countenanced by them have of the Committee for Advance of Money, the vile opposing of their orders, to the threatening us, it would be thought that the King's party would not do as much as has been done or threatened by them. Lest we be thought deficient in maintaining the committee's honour and power, we will hazard the utmost, believing they will not allow us, their servants, to be abused and set at nought, and their orders contradicted. We hope the committee will stand up for themselves, for if we are baffled here, the same must be expected everywhere. These fellows should suffer for their insolency, and defray the charges we are put to by their means. Mr. Coles says he has obtained a judgment and elegit from the Commissioners for Seques- trations for the 3 of Sir Jas. Thynne's estate for the old lady, and half the other for arrears, so that the State should have nothing, and this is since we seques- tered the estate. She has carried away 30,000l. in money and personalty, and Coles, being both sequestrator and collector, has delayed sequestrating the estate on purpose to advantage Lady Thynne and prejudice the State. They now disturb us as to estates on which there was no former sequestration, but promise forbearance if we will desist from Sir Jas. Thynne's estate. [1 page.] Mr. Lane to pay 40s. to two persons who have been serviceable to this com- mittee. [44, p. 358.] D 2 52 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 5. 1645. Dec. 19. Dec. 22. Dec. 24. Dec. 29. Dec. 29. Dec. ? 1645, 1645 ? VOL. A LXXXII. Wm. Salkeld to have his discoveries of delinquents' estates towards his arrears for service in the army, and the County Commissioners for North- umberland are to summon and examine witnesses concerning such delinquents, according to the course of sequestration, and report to this committee. Wm. Coles to be brought before the committee to answer his contempt. [A 4, pp. 361, 362.] Rob. Gossage to have the Public Faith for the moneys he has paid in for the 20 of John Hutchins, of Cripplegate Without, whose widow Gossage has since married. [44, p. 364.] Hen. Nevison's assessment discharged, being a soldier of fortune, but lately come out of the King's quarters, and having no estate. [4 4, p. 368.] Information that there is 5007. worth of plate in the hands of Mr. Sopwith, the King's Head, Gray's Inn Lane, belonging to Mr. Alexander, a Papist. [A 21, p. 58.] Order that the said plate and other trunks and goods belonging to Alexander or other delinquents be seized, sequestered, and brought away. Order that 2 trunks and other things in Mr. Aske's chamber, Inner Temple, belonging to delinquents now in arms against Parliament, be seized and carried to Guildhall, there to remain till further order. [4 4, pp. 373, 375.] 37. Notes of 12 persons, including Lord Seymour, Sir Giles Estcott, and Sir Thos. Hall, who were summoned about assessments, and the proceedings on those who appeared, but the larger number did not appear. [ page.] 3 38. Notes of persons assessed from 14 June 1644 to 26 Dec. 1645, with the sums assigned to each, and references to the pages of the assessment-books in which their names are entered. [Vols. A 65 and 69 in the present arrangement. Book of 5 written and 5 blank pages.] 39-76. Printed forms of notice for payment of assessments similar to those of 1644 (see p. 39 supra) 3 January-26 December. [38 papers.] 77-81. Affidavits of persons assessed that they are not worth 100l., to those of 1644 (see p. 39 supra) 3 February-14 May 1645. [5 papers.] similar 82. Account of moneys paid on sequestration from 6 October 1643, to Michaelmas 1645. [Book of 100 written and 12 blank pages.] 83. Note by Thos. Lindsey, collector, of rents and goods distrained by him- self and partners since 24 June 1643, from 16 persons named. [1 sheet.] 84. Note of moneys owing from collectors for goods appraised abroad. Endorsed Mr. Derby. [ page.] 2 85. Information by Zachary Conyers of horses and arms delivered by Mr. Belke of Wootton and 5 others to John Kenton and Israel and Edw. Goodwin. [1 page.] Was 86. Petition of Edw. Russell, mercer of Banbury, for the inhabiting of some sequestered house, till his condition is bettered. Has paid all subsidies for 26 years. In September 1642, lent 63 ounces of silver plate on the propo- sition, for which he has suffered much, both in estate and person. Was arrested in 1644 by the Cavaliers, carried prisoner to the castle, and con- demned to death by a Council of war, on an accusation of seducing their officers to turn to Parliament and giving intelligence to Northampton, &c. 4 days alone in a dark dungeon, expecting hourly to be brought to execution, and then 14 weeks prisoner, till it pleased God to deliver him alive. Meantime his shop and house had been ransacked, and all his wares taken for the use of the castle, so he brought his family to London, where they have been living at the charge of friends. [1 page.] 87. Sam. Gosse to Dallison. John Carter owes the State 11. 15s. Od. for a parcel of swords, and 8517. 11s. 7. for wire, but he says that he has paid 8007. of it, and that the State owes him money, and he will not pay unless the State pays him. Jos. Tiringham also owes 891. 3s. 9d. for bricks. As both are in town, I beg warrants to [Rob.] Dunscombe to bring them before you to give satisfaction. [page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 53 1646. Jan. 5. Jan. 7. Jan. 9. Jan. 16. Jan. 21. Jan. 23. Jan. 23. Jan. 30. Feb. 2. Feb. 4. Feb. 5. Feb. 9. VOL. A LXXXII. The keeper of the Marshalsea to send up Capt. Jas. Smallpiece in custody, at suit of Capt. [Wm.] Pease, and to attend the committee's order concerning him. [A 4, p. 379.] Order that henceforth Mr. Lane pay no money on any Ordinance of Parlia- ment, or order of this committee, in part of arrears on debentures, unless the same be examined and allowed by the Committee of Accounts. Mr. Lane to pay the 2001. ordered by Parliament for Windsor at a month precisely. [A 4, pp. 381, 382.] The persons in Billingsgate Ward who, about April 1643, by direction of this committee, paid their assessments in butter, cheese, and money, are to have the Public Faith for the said sums, having paid the whole assessment without distress. [A 4, p. 384.] Mr. Calthorpe's assessment respited, he being a ward and but 19 years old, and his guardians being Sir Valentine Pell and Capt. Jas. Calthorpe of Norfolk, [A 4, p. 389.] Order that Wm. Tinge be discharged from his assessment of 500l., being but lately come from New England, and having no estate here more than he had with his wife. Erasmus Snelling John Rawlinson [A 4, pp. 394–397.] Also Thos. Manley's assessment respited, as the State owes him a greater sum for oats. Whereas the persons hereafter named were, by virtue of a Parliamentary Order of 1 July last, assessed at several sums towards raising 4,4401. 8s. 10d. within the Tower Hamlets, Westminster, and Southwark, but after due notice, have neglected or refused to pay, order that the sums be levied by distress on their goods and chattels, till the following assessments are paid. Dan. Harvey John Cross and Maudlin Paules Rich. Worsam 3001. 501. 507. | Information that Anne Fowkes owes and Goodman Poole 201. by bond. [421, p. 62.] - 100%. 501. Hadley 1007., and John Langley The assessments of Edm. Moyle and Isaac Desborough discharged, they being sequestrators for co. Cambridge, and only coming to London on the State's service. [44, p. 400.] Mr. Bulgay's assessment respited till he recover the debts owing him by de- linquents and others, or till further order. [4 4, p. 405.] Rich. Levett, of Putney, Surrey, to have the books delivered to him, whereof a particular is taken, being seized as the goods of Fuller, a minister in Surrey, Levett having had the order of the Kingston Committee for the said books. Mr. Gladwell having been only summoned up from Derby, where he lives, as a witness, and having no residence here, his asssessment discharged. Sir Phil. Stapleton to have the last 1007. of the sum ordered him by Parliament, a former order for the Committee of Accounts to examine and rectify his account notwithstanding. [4 4, pp. 409, 410.] Order that Lady Holborne depart the Parliament quarters in five days, or she will be proceeded against as a spy. The assessment of John Plummer, of Windsor, to be discharged for the 1007. formerly paid, he having voluntarily lent divers other sums for the State, which are not allowable in his and. William Brown, who is apprentice to Mr. Boone, a surgeon, to be discharged his assessment. The warrants for money to Lord Lisle to be paid, a former order notwith- standing, on assurance that there is 1,3001. due to him. [4 4, p. 414-416.] The assessment of Edward Boys, of Kent, discharged, he being sequestrator for the county, and a captain there, and having come to London on Parlia- mentary business. [4 4, p. 418.] The assessment on Mrs. Nicolls, attendant on the Countess of Devon, dis- charged. [A 4, p. 423.] 54 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1646. Feb. 13. Feb. 20. Feb. 17. 88. Order in the House of Commons, appointing a committee of 36 persons named to consider the powers granted to the Haberdashers' Hall Committee, to regulate them if need be, and to consider the proceedings of the under officers, and the charges lying on the committee, and for what time it will be fit to con- tinue it. [1 pages. Printed in Commons' Journals, IV. 445.] March 2. March 6. March 9. March 16. VOL. A LXXXII. The seizure of a copper, as the goods of Cooke, delinquent, discharged, it appearing by trial at law that it belonged to Mrs. Harris, and Debenham, in whose hands it was seized, to be left to his trial at law. The assessment of Rob. Pemberton, of Lincoln's Inn, of 220l. to be dis- charged, and he left to his voluntary contribution, and to have the Public Faith for 10l. that he has offered to send in. [4 4, pp. 427, 428.] March 16. John Audley, who lately came from Oxford, to be brought in custody before the committee, to answer the complaints of Fras. Lawrence, who alleges he is threatened his life by Audley. The treasurers of plate, money, &c., at Guildhall, to certify what moneys they have kept on hand in deposit to satisfy the loan of 30,000l., which by Ordinance of 29 November 1642, was to be paid out of the assessment for the, and was borrowed on the credit of that Ordinance. [A 4, pp. 434, 435.] 89. List of 24 collectors of the Committee for Advance of Money to whom warrants were delivered. [page.] 90. Note of 2 sequestrations certified by [Thos.] Lindsey in the return of dis- tresses, viz., Capt. John Hudson, of Stowmarket, and John Britton. [ page.] March 10. 91. Account [prepared from the assessment books, 61-71] of assessments laid, on which no money has been paid, beginning 21 June 1643, to 10 March 1647. Total, 1,413,2997. 4s. 11d. [Parchment Book, small folio.] John Woodcock, late Sheriff of Dublin, when the rebellion broke out, to have of such Papists' and delinquents' estates as he can discover, towards payment of debts the State owes him for provisions for Ireland. [A 4, p. 445.] March 23. March 23. March 27. March 19. 94. Certificate by Edw. Minton, clerk of the committee for counties Dorset House, Gloucester and Hereford, that on 12 December 1645, an information was pre- Channel Row, sented to the committee of the delinquency of Thos. Gold and John Chappell, and that the cause is still undetermined. [page.] Westminster. March 23. March 27. 92. List of goods distrained and rents seized by Hum. Bury and Lynam Robins, from 24 June 1643, to 16 March 1646. [3 cols.] 93. Account of rents seized for the State by Thos. Donald and Thos. Laten, and of the expenses of seizure. [2 cols.] The information against Gold dismissed, on certificate that the matter depends undetermined before the Commissioners of co. Gloucester. 51. to be paid to Thomasine Fletcher, she having discovered several parties who paid in 3001. for their. Alderman Chambers and Mr. Allen to have the cabinets left in their custody, by order of this committee, appraised at their utmost value, and report the value. The County Commissioners for Sussex to be desired to seize and sequester the lands and tenements of Popish delinquents concealed in that county, secure the rents and arrears, examine the delinquency of the parties, and report. [4 4, pp. 454–456.] Information that several goods of Serjeant Francis and other delinquents are in custody of Thos. Wilbard, near the Palace Yard, Westminster. With Wilbard's deposition that he has not, nor ever had, any goods of Justice Francis, nor any goods of others, except a bed and bedstead belonging to John Wilkes, cutler, Newport Pagnell. [44, pp. 21-64.] Unfinished order for their recovery. [▲ 4, p. 456.] 95. Certificate by Fras. Laurence of the houses the rents of which are under his seizure, being tenants of Sir Rich. Gurney, Sir Edw. Bromfield, Sir Rich. Young, Charles, Lord Cockayne, Fras. Coventry, and Thos. Mason, with the rentals. [2 pages.] 96. Certificate by Hen. Wilson that at present he has no house or lands under sequestration for the use of the State." [& page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 55 1646. April 3. April 6. April 8. April 10. April 13. April 15. April 15. April. May 4. May 22. May 25. May 26. June 1. June 22. VOL. A LXXXII. Eliz. Hawes' assessment respited till she receive the 1201. owing to her from Parliament for of the ship Honour, late in their service. 16 Whereas this committee on a Parliament Order demised to John Dethick the large house of John Fownes, merchant, in Mary Axe, with an adjoining tenement held by Thos. Warren, who has neither paid rent for 2 years, nor given up possession, though often required;-order that he be warned to pay the arrears of rent to Dethick, and to leave in a month, or in default, that the house be seized and delivered up to Dethick. [A 5, pp. 4-6.] Geo. Sharple's assessment discharged for the 751. formerly lent, the State owing him 500l. for arms. [4 5, p. 7.] Thos. Puff, who supplied Joan Phillipps in Shoe Lane, tenant to [Thos.] Mason, here assessed, with bread, firing, butter, and cheese in her sickness, to have 10s. in full of his bill of 14s. 6d., her goods, distrained for Mason's assessment, having been sold for 6l. since her death. John Larkin, who supplied her with meat, to have 20s. in full of his bill of 28s. The assessment of Hen. Lloyd [Canning Street, of 1001.] taken off, as he has no residence but in Wales, and there has suffered by the enemy, and the sequestration of his rents for non-payment to be discharged. [4 5, pp. 9, 10.] The assessment of 3001. on [Thos.] Foster [of Chancery Lane] discharged for the 501. paid by his late wife, Mrs. Parker, and the 157. paid by him in Sussex, which is his proportion on oath, excepting lands worth 627. a year, which have been under water for three years. [4 5, p. 13.] Peter Russell to be committed to Peter House, and kept in safe custody till further order, for abusing the committee's officers in their execution of its orders, and for contempt. Order for his discharge till further order. [A 5, pp. 13, 14.] Thos. Lutton [of Mitcham, assessed at 1507.] to make affidavit, excepting his lands in Oxford, Abingdon, and Farringdon, worth 3001. a year, and to be respited till they are restored. [A 5, p. 18.] 97. Certificate by Martin Dallison, at request of Hum. Bury, an officer, that the Militia Committee of London appearing before the Committee for Advance of Money, and pressing them to require their officers to find arms in their several abodes, the Committee for Advance of Money declared that they were exempted during their employment. [page.] 98. Bill of 81. 16s. 3d. salary due to Fras. Lawrence and Wm. Ragdale, collectors, as their commission on money paid in. [ page.] The trunks seized as belonging to Capt. Lorrayne to be discharged, and his assessment of 1501. likewise, he being in service of Parliament. Fras. Lawrence, an officer of this committee, to give an exact account of his receipts and the balance in hand, which is to be examined, and meanwhile he is suspended from his employment. [4 5, p. 30.] Col. Mat. Alured to have the, charges deducted, of moneys brought in on his discoveries of delinquents, towards his arrears of 1,9891. 8s. 6d. [Ă 5, p. 40.] The assessment on Mr. Coppin [of Bedford Street, of 4001.] discharged, he being menial servant to the Earl of Kent. [4 5, p. 43.] 99. Award by Martin Dallison of 30s., to be paid by Lynam Robins to Capt. Jos. Russell, for damage done to a mare used in the service. [1 page.] The assessment of 5001. on George Howe [of Chancery Lane] discharged, as before the assessment, he was chosen M.P. Mrs. Bassett to have the remainder of the 1007. given to her by Parliament, any order of this committee notwithstanding. [4 5, pp. 44, 45.] Thos, Evans to have the proceeds of Papists' and delinquents' estates dis- covered by him, on recommendation of the Speaker and the House of Commons, towards his arrears of pay for service. The inhabitants of Kensington to be paid their billet for soldiers out of the parts brought in on their discoveries of persons living in Middlesex, and the 301. in arrear of Lady Anderson to be paid in part of the said billet. [A 5, pp. 58, 59.] 56 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1646.. July 10. July 15. July 17. July 24. July 27. Aug. 6. Aug. 7. Aug. 25. Aug. Aug. ? Sept. 4. [Sept. 9.] Sept. 9. VOL. A LXXXII. Order that if Capt. Swanley can borrow of any person the 2001. ordered by Parliament, 9 April last, to be paid him by this committee, interest will be paid thereon at 8 per cent. On information that Saunders, a porter belonging to Blackwell Hall, has in his custody divers goods belonging to delinquents, order that he deliver them to Mr. Tichborne till further order. [4 5, pp. 72, 74.] The assessment of Peck, of the Temple [of 1501.] discharged, he having no estate but 241. a year exhibition from his father for his necessary maintenance. S Mr. Lane to pay Captain Povey 501., or borrow it for him, and this com- mittee will pay interest thereon. [A 5, pp. 74, 75.] The assessment of Mr. Hussey [of Covent Garden,] of 6007. discharged, he being chosen M.P. [A 5, p. 76.] On information that divers goods, plate, and estate of delinquents are in and about Lady Drake's house in the Strand, order that the same be searched for and seized, and brought to this committee. [A 5, p. 80.] There being_668 ozs. of plate found at Lady Drake's, it was ordered to be delivered to [Hen.] Starky to melt and coin, and the proceeds to pay to the treasurer, at 4s. 10d. the ounce. [4 5, p. 80.] 100. Order in the House of Commons that the Goldsmiths' Hall Committee and their officers certify the names of such persons as have perfected their com- positions, and of all such as have entered their names to the Haberdashers' Hall Committee, that they may be there assessed, and pay their. [† page.] Order that any who shall advance 50l. ordered by Parliament to be paid to Capt. Povey, and 100l. to Col. Muschamp, be repaid the same when required, with interest at 8 per cent. [4 5, p. 84.] 20 101. Order in the House of Commons that the power of the Haberdashers' Hall Committee shall not extend henceforth as to assessment for or to any but those who have been delinquents, or have not voluntarily contributed in any place whatsoever to Parliament. [page.] 102. List of 31 debts, total 8,5507., discovered 14 August 1646, as owing to Wm. Smith, Papist, and request that some course may be taken at Goldsmiths' Hall for getting them in. With note that 3 of them were formerly discovered, and demanded of the debtors. [1 page.] 103, 104. Note of moneys received on the assessments of 9 men brought in by Alderman Andrews, since 30 May 1645, total, 2667. 9s.; also of assessments laid on 6 others. [2 papers.] Sept. 5. 105. R. Vaughan to Dallison. Pray favour the bearer with a warrant to Derby House. summon before your committee witnesses against 2 delinquents, and the favour shall be retaliated if you have any business with the Commissioners for Sequestrations. [1 page.] Capt. Rich. Rawlins to have, towards his arrears, of such moneys of Papists and delinquents as he shall discover. The collectors to be allowed a noble a day for their horse hire and expenses about the committee's business, and the clerk to allow of their bills. [A 5, pp. 97, 98.] 106. Petition of Mary, widow of Capt. John Blundell, and Martha, widow of Sam. Mosely, late minister of God's Word in Ireland, for leave to dwell in the house of Mr. Darrell, a delinquent, near King's Gate, Holborn, where many who come from Oxford have lately lodged. They lost all their goods, and were turned out of their dwellings in Ireland, and have neither lodging nor means of subsistence. [1 page.] Order thereon granting the petition. Order that out of the first money paid in by any Yorkshire gentlemen on their and, 3501. be paid to Majors Lilburne and Witton, for the officers under Lord Fairfax who were at the taking of Skipton Castle, according to Par- liamentary Order of 5 May last, and Order in the House of Commons of 6 August. [A 5, pp. 99, 100.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 57 1646. Sept. 16. Sept. 18. Sept. Oct. 3. Oct. 14. Oct. 23. Sept. 21. Hall. Sept. 29. 109. Committee for Advance of Money to the Commissioners for co. Haberdashers' Warwick. We hear that divers acts of delinquency can be proved against Nich. Sandford and Ralph Casleton of Birmingham, and that the bearers, Nath. Higgenson and Bart. Perkins, can produce the witnesses. The case is recommended to this Committee by the Speaker. We therefore desire the examination of 7 witnesses named, in presence of the bearers, and return of the examinations with speed. [page.] Oct. Oct. Nov. 6. Nov. 10. VOL. A LXXXII. 107. Recommendation by Speaker Lenthall of Major Wm. Balfour for of the estates of Thos. Hall, Rob. Eyre, Wm. .Wallis, and Walter Norborne, alleged to be delinquents, towards payment of the arrears due to him by the State.[page.] The assessment on Walter Bridell discharged, because Thos. Garle, his predecessor, paid 401., 21 September 1643, for the of the estate descended to him in Martin's Lane, and he has no other estate, and has compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall for 601. for his delinquency. 20 Fras. Lawrence to have 33s. 4d. for his 5 days' journey into Rutland, Isle of Ely, Huntingdonshire, Suffolk, and Ipswich, and 6s. 8d. because he rode extra- ordinary, in wet weather. [4 5, pp. 104, 105.] 108. List of 12 persons summoned for assessments by [Wm.] Ragdale. [page.] 110. Sir Ant. Irby, for the Commissioners for Compounding, to the Com- missioners at Haberdashers' Hall. Many debts due to malignants and Papists are discovered to the Goldsmiths' Hall Committee, and they employ the bearer to get them in. Some may have been discovered to you. Give us what par- ticulars have come to you, with the dates and the discoverers, and we will· return the same to you on demand. This is to prevent the clashing of the com- mittees or their instruments. [ page.] 111. Note by Thos. Vaughan of his journey into North Wales, 7 September to 3 October, to deliver summonses to persons named to pay their assessments. [page.] 112. Note by Rich. Thompson, of a like journey into Lancashire and Derby- shire. [ page.] John Mountford to have the moneys that come in on any discovery of Papists' and delinquents' estates made by him, towards his arrears. The clerk to deliver to Mr. Hunt, of Gray's Inn, the writings in his custody concerning the jointure of Lady Somerset, on engagements to deliver them back when Mr. Bradshaw has perused them, according to an order of the Committee for Sequestration. [A 5, p. 121.] 113. Account of John Base of the receipts and disbursements of the County Commissioners for Suffolk, from 6 October 1643, to 28 September 1646. Receipts, 4,6281. 15s. 1d. Expenses, 4591. 5s. 9d. Paid to Guildhall, 2,7797. 12s. 10d. To the committee for their §, 1,393l. Is. 7d. [2 sheets.] 114. Account of moneys received from the tenants of sequestrated estates in co. Suffolk, 1644 and 1645, and of disbursements therefrom. Total, 4,6287. 15s. 1d. [Book much faded, of 31 written and 13 blank pages.] The business concerning the house wherein Dr. Heath is respited till further order. Mr. Lane to pay 40s. to 2 messengers who have done good service to this committee, without their giving any acquittance therefor. 45, pp. 130, 131.] 115-119. Order in the House of Commons that the Haberdashers' Hall Committee execute effectually all Ordinances and instructions to sequestrators and solicitors of sequestration, and see them executed, and the forfeitures and penalties duly levied. [5 copies, page each.] Nov. 13. 120. Committee for Advance of Money to the Commissioners for co. Haberdashers' Warwick. To like effect with that of 29 Sept., the delinquents being John Daniell and Rich. Goodall. [1 page.] Hall. Nov. 13. 121. Same to the same. To like effect as the preceeding, the delinquents Haberdashers' being Roger Foulls, Rich. Fowke, John Jennings, Wm. Kirtleton, alias Hall. Girdler, and Wm. Winse, counties Warwick and Stafford. [1 page.] 58 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1646. Nov. 20. Nov. 27. Nov. 27. Nov. Dec. 4. Dec. 11. Dec. 17. Dec. 18. Dec. 18. 1646. VOL. A LXXXII. John Ansty, Adam Lawrence, and Thos. Bownest, to have the Public Faith for the money paid on their assessments, Ansty having suffered by the enemy, Lawrence being beyond sea in Parliamentary service, and Bownest having paid 7007. in time, there being a dispute between this committee and the County Commissioners of Surrey concerning it. [4 5, p. 140.] Col. Hampton to have the Public Faith for the money he paid here, be being governor of Uxbridge at the time of his assessment, and his attendance required there. [45, p. 142.] 1 20 Whereas by Parliament Order of 12 Aug. 1645, those who paid in their 2 in the limited time, and such others as this committee should hold meet, were to receive Public Faith for repayment, to be certified by the clerk to this com- mittee and its treasurer ;-order that the Public Faith be given to those who paid in time, or made up their within time, or have had respite, or have not been under warrant or distress. [4 5, p. 156.] 122. Note by Fras. Lawrence of his journey to Warwickshire and North- amptonshire, 9-16 Nov. for delivery of 4 summonses for assessments, with later notes of proceedings in three of the cases. [ page.] Dr. Bennett, one of the masters in Chancery, who lies sick in Wiltshire, to be discharged his assessment, as he is one of the assistants of the House of Peers. [45, p. 150.] Thos. Kenn, Fabian Phillipps, philazers of the Court of Common Pleas, to examine the accounts of Luke Clapham, the perquisites received by him, and his ability for the office of philazer of Yorkshire, sequestered by order of this committee of 3 March 1645 from Fras. Gerard; Clapham to attend them with the office books when summoned. [A 5, p. 152.] In pursuance of an Order of the Committee for Irish Affairs, a list is to be taken out of the assessment books of persons assessed who have not paid their assessments, who may soonest produce the sum of 5,000l. long since appointed by Parliament for the affairs of Ireland, and the money to be paid out of the said assessments. With list of persons given to the Irish Committee for pay- ment of the said money, viz. :- Assessed at Sir Edward Mosely, delin-1,5007. quent Hen. Hudson, Peter Venables Sir Thos. Wilbraham Sir Rob. Bendlow - Lord Molineux [5, 160, 161.] · . - 1,000%. 2,000l. 1,0001. 2,0007. 4,0007. Assessed at 4,000l. 1,500l. 1,500l. Lord Tracy 4,000l. Lord Morley and Monteagle 3,000l. Sir Rob. Tracy 2,000l. 2,000l. Sir John Tracy Lord Cholmley - Sir Walter Wrottesley Sir Robert Markham · Lieut. Sam. Bridges to have such moneys of Papists and delinquents as he shall discover towards his arrears. Major Wollaston, Mr. Turner, and others to be paid the arrears due to them by Order of Parliament, and charged on this committee out of the assess- ments of persons named in a list in Dan. Cox's hands, and no order of this committee to intervene. [4 5, pp. 161, 163.] 123. List alluded to, of 78 persons, with note as the assessments levied on each, and references to the assessment books in which their cases are entered. [2 pages.] 124. Notes of the sums at which sundry noblemen and others were assessed, and of proceedings taken thereon. [Î pagë.] 125. Notes of several noblemen's assessments, with like notes. [page.] 126. Notes by Lindsey of 7 persons who owe debts to delinquents, also of assessments allowed to fall into arrear, noting that he was pursued, and his life threatened by one person, for distraining cattle for rent. [Scrap.] 127. Notes by Bury and Robins of goods of 7 persons named sold by Sam. Gosse at Guildhall; proceeds, deducting charges, 3401. 13s. 9d. [1 page.] 128. Statements of the annual value of the estates of delinquents, with marginal references appended to some of the books in which their assessments are entered. 10 July 1643 to 17 Dec. 1646. [1} pages.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 59 * 1646. 1647. Jan. 1. Jan. 4. Jan. 5. Jan. 9. Jan. 13. Jan. 15. VOL. A LXXXII. 129. Notes of assessments upon noblemen, knights, and others, Jan.-Oct. 1646. [2 pages.] 130. List of 20 counties and places to which papers for the have not yet been sent. 20 131. List of the 52 counties of England and Wales, with London added as a county. [1 cols.} VOL. A LXXXIII.-1647. Mr. Lane to pay Col. Aldrich 1007. out of Sir Thos. Wilbraham's money, and the remainder of the sum assigned to him out of the next moneys that come in from persons assessed, not already assigned. [A 5, p. 167.] 1. Bill of Fras. Lawrence for 14 days' journey to Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Isle of Ely, and Cambridge, to summon 9 persons named to pay their assess- ments, with notes relative to the cases. [page.] 2. County Commissioners for Kent to the Committee for Advance of Money. We received yours of 23 Dec. on 31 Dec., and issued orders to our receivers and treasurers to bring in their moneys, of which are payable to the State, and to the treasurers of the county for its use. We hope not to be thought backward for detaining small sums which would not have paid for their carriage. We returned a schedule to Guildball, in Michaelmas 1643, but since then the Ordinances for Assessments have directed another course. We have sent our accounts as ordered, and hope not to be put to accumulated trouble. The se- questrations here are low, on account of the many compositions of delinquents, and they decrease daily, as do our rentals and schedules. If you will give us time, we will satisfy you as well as our other public engagements will permit. [1 page.] Mr. Young, treasurer to the Committee of Sequestration for Essex, to bring in his accounts and money in hand out of sequestered estates, and pay it to the Guildhall Treasurers, or in default, to be committed to Peter House till further order. Mr. Calthorpe to bring in his accounts of moneys received on sequestration in Essex to Mr. Cox forthwith, and pay in the money, or be committed to Peter House. The letter from the Committee of Sequestration in co. Kent, in answer to a letter from this committee, to be considered on Friday. Geo. Dawson, of co. Herts, admitted as a collector to this committee, with the usual allowances, and a commission to be granted him accordingly. [A 5, pp. 168, 169.] Thos. Davies and Thos. Wakeworth to pay to Mr. Lane the 30%. they are engaged for to him, being money owing to Pritchard, a delinquent. Sir John Temple, who owes 600l. to Sir Chas. Lucas, delinquent, is not to pay it to him, but to this committee. [45, pp. 172, 173.] Thos. Muschamp, who, by order of this committee of 7 Aug. last advanced 100l. to Agmondisham Muschamp, to be paid in course, with interest at 8 per cent. From the first moneys that come in from the persons in the list set apart for Ireland (the 4007. paid by Sir Thos. Wilbraham excepted,) 1007. is to be paid to Nich. Loftus, deputy-treasurer for Ireland, for Capt. Cromwell, captain of the Lord-Lieutenant's guard, according to an order of the Committee for Ireland of this day. Young and Calthorpe, the Essex Treasurers, to pay the Guildhall Treasurers to-morrow, 2,000l., part of their receipts from delinquents' estates, being part of the 4,9311. 13s. 4d. named by the Essex Committee as in their hands, and the rest within a month, or be committed to Peter House. Mr. Pulley, the solicitor for sequestrations in Essex, to bring to committee an account of all profits received from Papists' and delinquents' estates, with the inventories and rentals, or in default, to be committed to prison. Also to account to the committee for the salaries, fees, and allowances received in virtue of his office. 60 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 16-17. Jan. 16. Worksop. Jan. 20. Jan. 21. Jan. 22. Jan. 22. Jan 29. Jan. 29. VOL. A LXXXIII. The treasurers for Kent to send in their accounts, and pay in their balance at Guildhall within 30 days. The Committee of Accounts requested to give no allowances of fees or salary to the county collectors or sequestrators, without certificate from this com- mittee that they have pursued their orders and fulfilled their trusts. The sequestration officers, in the counties to which letters have been sent by this committee requiring an account, who have not performed the contents, are, within a month, to pay in their arrears, and send their accounts, inventories and rentals to Dan. Cox. In case of delay or refusal, they are to be sent to prison. Copies of this order to be sent to each county, that they may conform accordingly. [4 5, pp. 174-177.] 3. Lynam Robins to Mr. Dallison and Cox. I have 900 tenants to deal with; I and 6 more are on horseback daily, and have got 1,2007. from the best tenants, but for the rest, it is a sore tax. Some remove their goods for fear of distress. Send me up some blank summonses for them to appear before the committee. We are troubled how to return the money this dead time. The Earl of Arundel's son, Mowbray, and Maltravers, is assessed for his; shall I stay his rents till the committee are satisfied ? And also Sir John Wolstenholme's rents? With notes of orders relative to the Earl of Arundel's debts and rents. [13 pages.] "" "C The money appointed for Col. Apsley's soldiers to be paid to Major Powell, to be distributed according to their proportions to the rest of the officers expressed in a list remaining with the treasurer.” Mr. Lane to have special care for payment of 1301. ordered to Wm. Roberts. Also to pay Mr. Snowden 40s. for writing over the names of delinquents taken before the Militia of London, and their dwellings. Also from the next money coming in on the Irish list to pay Mr. Loftus, deputy-treasurer for Ireland, 401. 2s. 4d., to be paid to Capts. Vaisey and Knight, according to an order of the Committee for Ireland. [A˚5, pp. 178, 179.] 4. Parliamentary Order that the Earl of Northumberland be added to the Haberdashers' Hall Committee, in place of Lord Brooke, deceased. [✯ page.] 5. Notes from the proceedings of the Committee for Advance of Money for the day. [page.] Major Stephens, Lieut. Clement Forister, and Cornet Thos. Lloyd, to have the money they discover of delinquents' estates towards their arrears, on their being cast up by the Committee for Assessments. Jan. 22. 6. Lynam Robins to Mr. Dallison and Cox. Let me have a reply to my last, Sheffield Manor. for the old proverb is fulfilled, "A man takes much care in getting money, and then more care in keeping it." Mr. Griffith and I have got 17,000l. or 18,000l., and we cannot get it returned. Pray direct us how to get it to London. Some ask 30s. and some 40s. per cent. for exchange. [1 page.] A green cloth carpet to be bought for the great parlour table, paid for, and placed to the account of committee expenses. The Earl of Northumberland added to this committee, by order of the House of Lords of 21 Jan. 1647. [A 5, pp. 180, 181.] 7. Printed order filled in for notices to be given to 17 persons named, chiefly in Somersetshire, to pay in their assessments of from 80l. to 300l. [1 page.] Whereas the Committee of Sequestration for Sussex say, in their letter of 19 January, that they understand the sequestrations of that county are granted for maintenance of the garrisons there, and therefore have forborne to perform the contents of this committee's late letter; and whereas this committee aimed not so much at the disposal of the moneys got in on sequestrations, as at the return of the schedules;-Order that the said committee take care to perform the said letters, and that they send to this committee the orders of both Houses, whereby the sequestrations of the county are granted for maintenance of its garrisons. The clerk to issue warrants for seizing the rents, debts, and estates of those persons assigned for payment of 5,000l. for Ireland who have not made their composition, or paid their assessments. Rich. Braham having an estate for 3 lives in of of the Subpoena Office in the Court of Chancery, and not having compounded for it, being unable to do so, as excepted within the propositions ;-Order that Ralph Darnell, late an GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 61 1647. Jan. Jan. Feb. 3. Feb. 8. Coventry. 2 Feb. 10. VOL. A LXXXIII. attorney of the Court of Wards, who has lost his place by the taking away of the court, be put into the said office, and receive the fees and profits as held by Braham, and give in accounts to this committee, whereon allowance shall be made him for his pains; this order to continue till further order, and the officers to put him in possession. [4 5, pp. 184–186.] Feb. 2. 10. Commissioners for Sequestrations for co. Bedford to the Sequestration St. Alban's. Committee. As to that part of your letter that concerns moneys received upon sequestration, we have sent up our treasurer herewith to pay in his receipts. The last payment he made was 2001. more than he had received, so that we have not been remiss in our payments. The not sending up the schedules of the appraisement of the personal estates of persons sequestered, according to the Ordinance, has rested wholly upon the default of the Solicitor of Sequestrations appointed by the committee, but they shall be sent up by the 25th inst. [1 page.] 8. Notes of proceedings upon 9 cases of assessment on nobles, knights, &c. [1 col.] 9. Note of proceedings in levying, in 1645 and 1646, the assessments on 12 persons named, whose money was to go towards 5,000l. to be raised for Ireland. Also notes of moneys charged by warrant from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to be paid by Sir Adam Loftus, Treasurer-at-war for Ireland. [2 pages.] 11. Notes by Thos. Lindsey and Rich. Cole, officers of the Committee for Advance of Money, of a journey to issue summonses, &c., containing mention of the "gallant house and park, with deer, &c.," of Col. Pigott, at Long Ashton, co. Somerset, who is worth 2,000l. a year, and the "fair house and grounds" of Capt. Norton, Abbott's Leigh, who lives at a high rate, having 1,0007. a year. [1 page.] 12. County Commissioners for Warwickshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have received your order, and that of the House of Commons of 10 November, ordering us to pay in all our sequestration money. This county was the first in the kingdom attempted by the enemies, Warwick Castle and Coventry besieged, and divers garrisons of the enemy were in and about the county, which enforced us to raise a greater militia of horse and foot, and erect many more garrisons in this county than in any other about us, both to drive out the enemy and secure the county. This we did partly by taxes and partly by sequestration, which then yielded very little, because none durst be tenants but the owners or their agents, as the enemy seized the cattle of those who rented sequestered estates, and drove them away prisoners; we had therefore to borrow large sums, which are not yet repaid. Also many of us maintained soldiers at our own charge, for which we have had no recompense, so that all the sequestrations and assessments of the county come very short of the maintaining of the militia, which we carried on till their reducing was ordered by Parliament. Our treasurer has often given accounts to the Committee of Accounts, and the last time there was 1757. due to him. Since the reduction of the militia and taxes, by order of the House, we had to promise the reduced lieutenants and other under-officers a good sum, not yet paid Also by Parliament Order we have disbursed 1,600/. for advance of forces for Ireland, of which we still owe 6907., beside great sums,-for which some Parliamentary men of the committee are engaged-which were borrowed to provide arms and ammunition, aud raise forces, when Lord Brooke first took upon him the command of the associated counties of Warwick and Stafford. We have had no moneys from the State, either to pay the militia or disband them when reduced, or to advance money for those that went for Ireland (being 4 foot companies and one troop of horse) when almost all the counties bordering on the enemy have had liberal contributions from the State. As we have had nothing for our pains, we trust we shall not be left in debt for the public, as we must be if the sequestrations are disposed of before the debts are paid. [2 pages.] Mr. Doyley to have the arrears of his allowance, appointed by both Houses of Parliament, paid. [4 5, p. 191.] 62 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1647. Feb. 11. Feb. 12. Feb. 20. Feb. 25. Feb. 26. Feb. Feb. 19. 14. Commissioners for Sequestrations for County Salop to the Committee Shrewsbury. for Advance of Money. In reply to yours of 15 Jan., requiring us to put in execution all ordinances and instructions concerning sequestrations, and send up a schedule of the estates of Papists and delinquents sequestered, and such money as has been received to the treasurers at Guildhall, we beg to state that Par- liament, by their Ordinance of 13 June 1644, taking into consideration the then condition of this county, authorised the commissioners here to apply the moneys so raised for the maintenance of such forces as they should raise for the service of the Parliament, with which forces we have reduced the county to the obedience of Parliament, and have therein expended greater sums than have been, or could be, as yet raised here, and there are yet great sums in arrear to the commanders and officers employed in that service. There is a troop of horse and the two garrisons of Shrewsbury and Ludlow Castle, which are continued until further order, and are to be maintained out of the said seques- tered estates. [1 page.] March 3. March 3. March 5. March 9. VOL. A LXXXIII. 13. Bill by Fras. Lawrence for an 8 days' journey into Lincolnshire, to sunimons 4 persons for assessments of from 500l. to 1,500l. each. [page.] Mr. Pulley to perform the committee's order of 15 January last by Friday next, and attend the Committee for Advance of Money at that time. Further time granted him on his request. The order of 29 January last, granting Rich. Braham's share in the subpoena office to Ralph Darnell, vacated, the office having been formerly granted by the Commissioners of the Great Seal to Sir Hen. Vane, sen. Those who are within the Articles of Oxford to have 14 days' respite from any proceeding touching their No collectors to sequester or deliver tickets beyond 20 miles from London, until the committee be acquainted with the particular business, and give their license. [A 5, pp. 192, 193.] 20 This committee to meet on its business at 8 a.m. every Monday, in the Queen's Court, Westminster. [A 5, p. 196.] 15. List by Thos. Lindsey, collector, of 14 persons whose assessments amount to 17,2001., but they have paid nothing, though they have large estates. [1cols.] The sequestration collectors in Essex to deliver to Mr. Pulley, their solicitor, a perfect account of all their receipts and payments, which he is to present to the committee in a week. Order on petition of Sam. Harlwin, that Mr. Lane take care to pay in the 301. ordered him as speedily as he can. [A 5, pp. 198, 199.] 16. Note [by Lynam Robins] of his expenses for 6 days, at 6s. a day, in deli- vering tickets for 5 assessments of from 400l. to 1,500l. [3 page.] Information by Lieut.-Col. John Raymond of goods in a house in Kent which belong to a delinquent in arms against Parliament. [A 21, p. 83.] The assessment on Mary Dunch to be discharged, unless it appears that she is a delinquent and within the ordinance of sequestration. The moneys that come in on Mr. Hudson's assessment to be employed towards payment of Sir Thomas Meredith's order. Örder that Mr. Vernon (a lodger in Gray's Inn) paying in 100l. towards his assessment of 500l. be discharged, as he did good service at the regaining of Tilbury for Parliament, and other good service since his delinquency. [Ă 5, p. 204.1 The sequestration collectors for Essex to deliver to Mr. Pulley, before 25 March, their accounts, schedules, and inventories, the committee noticing their former neglect and defaults. In case of failure, they are to be brought up in custody. Pulley to attend on the 26th, and give an account of their pro- ceedings. The Committee for co. Leicester allowed at their request till 7 April to bring in their accounts. [A 5, p. 211.] Mr. Frotheringham, who advanced the 2001. charged on this committee for Col. Gen. Poyntz, to have it repaid out of such assessments as he shall discover, and bring in; with note that he discovered Rob. Burdett, of Mark Lane, who was assessed on Feb. 26, and paid in 2001. [A 5, p. 215.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 63 1647. March 13. Gloucester. 1. March 15. March 17. March 23. Bedford. March 24. March 24. March 26. April 9. April 12. April 13. Bedford. • VOL. A LXXXIII. 17. Commissioners for Sequestrations for County Gloucester to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money at Haberdashers' Hall. We received your express, requiring us to send up a schedule of the personal estate of all Papists and delinquents within our county, as also of all money received and paid, together with the balance in hand, to the treasurers at Guildhall by the 30th inst., by virtue of the Ordinance of Parliament of 19 August 1643; but the same might have been more properly given by the committee who transacted the work at that time, and who are now dead, removed, or absent, than by us, who are but newly appointed, and strangers to the work; nevertheless, we have examined the records, and sent up the schedules. Though some of the compositions may seem low, we are confident they were made at the time upon very good reasons, as the country was then in a miserable condition. The money you write of the committee have paid, according to an Ordinance of Parliament of 10 May 1664, for maintenance of this garrison, which otherwise could not have been kept up, and have accounted for the same, so that nothing now remains in our hands. [1 pages.] 18. Note of proceedings in the cases of 8 assessed persons, and of orders in the Committee for Advance of Money relating to them; only Sir James Palmer and Spencer Lucy suspended, the rest to be sequestered. [1 page.] The assessment on John Gold respited, he having done good offices for Par- liament beyond sea, and suffered there for his good affection. [4 5, p. 221.] 19. Commissioners for Sequestrations, co. Beds, to the Committee for Advance of Money. We return herewith the schedules of all the personal estates seized in this county by our collector, who will attend you to give an account for the goods unsold, and the money paid and unpaid. We have directed him to prepare the schedules of all the real estates sequestered, and will send them up with all speed. [1 page.] Annexing, 19. 1. Accounts of Capt. John Smyth, collector of sequestered estates in co. Bedford, of all the personal estates of delinquents and Papists in the county seized since the Ordinance of Sequestration, being an inventory with valuation of the goods of 14 persons. [Book of 22 written and 6 blank columns.] of Whitechapel, that 181. 2s. is her [Printed form filled in, & page.] 3 20. Affidavit of Bridget Colman, full. With note for her discharge. Thos. Muschamp having great and pressing occasion for the 1001. advanced by him to Agm. Muschamp, and ordered to be repaid 15 January last, Lane is to pay it from the next moneys received not already assigned. [45, p. 227.] The assessment on Mr. Maynard to be discharged, he being in Ireland in service of Parliament, and having lost most of his estate there. On motion of Mr. Pulley, Solicitor for Sequestrations in Essex, alleging that he has but lately received the assessments of the county collectors, and they are not digested in form proper to present-order that he have a fortnight to examine and deliver in the assessments; the collectors who have not sent them in are to send them, and those imperfect to be perfected, that they may be given in, and the names of defaulters reported. [A 5, pp. 230, 231.] This committee having a year ago sequestered several debts due to Thos. Browne, Esquire, of London, he being then a delinquent, and required their payment to this committee, which has been hitherto delayed or refused, order that the said debts be again demanded, and in default of payment, levied by distress. With list of the bonds, 10 in number, for sums amounting to 7201. [A 5, pp. 240, 241.] 21. Account by Lynam Robins of his journey to Suffolk, and Norfolk, and Essex, in delivering an order to Sir Chas. Le Grosse, and seizing the estates of Sir Art. Hopton and Sir Hum. Mildmay. [3 page.] 22. Commissioners for Sequestrations, co. Beds, to the Committee for Advance of Money. We herewith send the schedules of all the real estates of Papists and delinquents under sequestration in this county, with the names of the tenants to whom they were let; also particulars of those lands which were not formerly let, and which are valued at such rates as they were conceived to be worth before the wars began. [ page.] 1 64 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1647. April 21. April 23. [May 5.] May 7. May 12. May 12. May 14. May 19. May 20. May 21. May 25. May 25. May 28. VOL. A LXXXIII. Mr. Hartlib to be paid the 3001. ordered him by Parliament on 2nd April, from the first moneys that come in of persons given in by him this day to be assessed. Adjutant Fleming to have the proceeds of Papists' and delinquents' estates discovered by him, towards his arrears. [45, pp. 246, 247.] Order in the House of Commons that those who have letters of recommendation from the Lord General to the Speaker, for favour in compounding on Truro articles, be allowed to compound at 2 years' value of their estates before 1640, except Papists in arms, and those who have been in the rebellion of Ireland, provided they compound before 24 June, and submit to pay their and 26. [A 24, p. 208.] 1 20 23, 24. Note of money due to Rich. Thompson for salary and charges, and upon false affidavits discovered, total, 411. 5s. 9d.; and note of accounts. [2 papers.] The committee not sitting, but Mr. Gurdon being here, Mr. Broughton was respited till Wednesday next. [4 5, p. 251.] The informations of delinquency depending against Sir Edw. Cooke, Fras. Munday, Edw. Pegg, and Rowland Morewood, dismissed, as they are now depending before the Commissioners for Sequestrations. [A 5, p. 253.1 Information that Hu- A· is a delinquent, and has a great estate in co. H- and divers debts owing to him. [A 21, p. 84.] 25. List by Wm. Williamson and 2 others of 36 persons assessed in sums from 50l. to 5,000l. [1 column.] The clerk, in whose custody are the wills proved at Oxford, is to send certain wills with an officer of the Prerogative Court, to be produced in Court, and brought back by the officer. [4 5, p. 258.] Information that Sir Edw. [Bathurst ?], Bart., contributed a good sum of money to the King's party since these troubles. [A 21, p. 86.] Order that Edw. Stockdale be solicitor for the business of this Committee in Yorkshire, obeying the following and such further directions as he may receive:- 1. He is to have a commission to collect intelligence and receive informations about Papists and delinquents who are not yet sequestered, or have been sequestered and compounded with the County Committee, and transmit the same to this committee. 2. Letters will then be sent for examination of witnesses, at which he is to be present, and send up copies, that orders may be given for sequestration, or clearing the delinquents. 3. The County Committec are to advise and assist him. 4. He is to correspond weekly with the clerks of this committee. 5. The tickets for assessments on compounders in the county are to be sent to him to deliver, and he is to proceed thereon as directed. 6. He is to have 6s. 8d. a day for his pains and charges, from the money raised in the county. With note that on 23 November 1647, Jos. Beverley was substituted for Stockdale. [A 5, [A 5, pp. 261, 262 ] 26. Account by Sam. Wight of his expenses in delivering assessment tickets to 19 persons in Lincolnshire, April 1 to May 6; total 131. 13s. 4d. With note that he was allowed 101. for 30 days. [1 sheet.] On certificate of Sir Wm. Cobb, of the Oxfordshire Committee, that the 251. owing by Jas. White of Cowley, co. Oxford, to Edm. Napper of Oxford, was sequestered by that committec before the seizure made by this committee, and that the informer was an officer of that committee; order that the County Commissioners of Oxford proceed in levying the debt. [4 5, p. 260.] name. 27. Deposition of Rob. Cudworth that Judge Vernon lent out moneys in his Endorsed with notes relative to the supposed delinquencies of John Norden, Rowde, county Wilts, who went to the King about the assessment of the county for the King against Parliament. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 65 1647. May 28. May 28. June 2. June 4. June 29. [June 29]. June. July 14. July 20. Aug. 27. Aug. ? Sept. 3. [Sept. 8.] Sept. 14. 50623. VOL. A LXXXIII. Sir Edw. Bathurst, of Letchlade near Farrington, who, since the wars, gave Rich. Lloyd 170l. to procure his being made a baronet, and 207. to be made a knight. [Thos.] Bartholomew, of Martin's Lane, who has moneys in hand received for baronets and knights.* [14 pages.] 28. Petition of Thos. Clent and John Browning, executors of Audrey Jones, of Martley, county Worcester. She made her will in December 1643, and died 4 days after. The passage from Worcester to London being then unsafe, we were obliged, as matter of form, to prove the will at Oxford. We undertook the charge of the will on her importunity, for the good of the church, and the 60 legatees, but we cannot perform our trust, as the will remains in your charge, and are therefore liable to many suits. We beg an order that the will may be brought into the Prerogative Office, that we may fulâl the intentions of the deceased. [1 page.] Order that the will be delivered to them, on security to return it safe and uncancelled in 40 days, there being a suit about it in the Prerogative Office. [A 5, p. 265.] 29. Order in the House of Commons that the Haberdashers' Hall Committee bring to the House the book concerning such as have received pardons from the King, and make the report of those matters this day week. [page.] 30. Bill of Fras. Lawrence of his 7 days' journeys to deliver summons, seize estates, &c. [page.] Order that the Sequestration Treasurers at Guildhall be desired to peruse the bills of charges of Fras. Lawrence and Wm. Ragdale, in carrying orders to divers counties about the sequestrations, and to pay them for their pains and charges, this committee deeming that 10s. a day should be allowed them. [A 5, p. 272.] 31. Blank form of a warrant for payment to them by the Guildhall Treasurers of the sums to be allowed. [1 page.] 32. Notes of assessments on 14 persons named, of from 201. to 3,0007. [ page.] 33. Note of 37. 15s. due to Fras. Lawrence and Wm. Ragdale, on 2 assess- ments paid in. [Scrap.] Whereas Sir Thos. Culpepper is assessed at 8001., and most of his estate is but for life, and he has many mortgages and incumbrances, and waterscotts issuing therefrom, and is very much in debt, and "very ancient "-order that the assessment be discharged. Mr. Lane to pay to Tichborne 30s. 10d. which appears on his account delivered to this committee to be due to him more than he received. [A 5, p. 281.] Col. Fleming to have of such delinquents' estates as he shall discover to- wards payment of his arrears, and a letter to be sent to the Commissioners of counties Carmarthen and Monmouth, to seize and secure such estates as he discovers until further order. [A 5, p. 283.] 34. Notes [by Fras. Lawrence] of proceedings in 4 assessment cases; entered under the cases. [ page.] All those gentlemen comprised in Exeter articles, and assessed here for their and, to be left to their liberty to obtain the confirmation of those articles from Parliament, and meantime no persons within those articles to be pre- judiced, having compounded for their estates at Goldsmiths' Hall. [4 5, p. 284.] 35. Return by Lynam Robins of his journeys in delivering 34 tickets to persons assessed at from 501. to 1,0007., since 26 July. [13 pages.] Whereas several bonds of the late Sir John Hobart are engaged to recus- ants for payment of 2,500l. still unpaid, a letter is to be sent to Sir Ant. Irby, to send in a particular of the lands and tenements so engaged, and for what sums they stand. [4 5, p. 286.] * See his case in tables, May 1647. E C 66 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1647. Sept. 17. Sept. 17. Oct. 13. Oct. 26. Nov. 3. Nov. 10. Nov. 19. Nov. 23. Nov. 26. Dec. 3. Dec. 17. Dec. 24. 1647 ? VOL. A LXXXIII. 36. Account by Fras. Lawrence of rents received by him from sequestered estates towards payment of assessments since 6 May 1646, viz., Sir Jas. Palmer, 481. 10s. Od.; Sir Charles Herbert of Westminster, 132l. 12s. 1d.; Sir Nich. Crisp, 531. 10s. Od.; Sir Rich. Young of Cripplegate Ward, 101. [11 pages.] Mr. Lane to pay the treasurers for maimed soldiers the arrears of 301. a week, out of the first moneys that come in. The only collectors henceforth employed are to be Thos. Jarvis, Geo. Dawson, Wm. Ragdale, Thos. Hamersley, Rich. Cole, Lynam Robins, and Thos. Lindsey, Rich. Vale, porter; the others formerly employed to bring in their accounts of receipts in 14 days, and pay in their balances; they are to give the clerk an account of their proceedings, and to be paid what is due for their pains. Mr. Tichborne to have 40s. for entering the inventory of goods sold abroad, and placing them to account. [4 5, p. 287.] The executors of the late Anne Weston, of Newbury, co. Berks, to have her will delivered to them, on security to return it to this committee. [A 5, p. 292.] Mr. Lane to pay to Wm. Ragdale 181. 6s. 8d. balance of 251. due for salary for Mr. Henley's assessment, 61. 13s. 4d. being already paid. [A 5, p. 299.] The clerk attending this committee, in whose custody are the wills that came from Oxford, to cause the will of Walter Dunch to be produced in such courts of law as Edw. Dunch shall desire. The 401. payable by Parliament Order to Capt. Edw. Thelwall to be paid to him, or to such as shall advance the money, with all convenient speed. [A 5, pp. 301, 302.] Sir Hen. Cholmeley to have the money coming in on his discovery of de- linquents' estates, towards payment of his arrears, stated by the Committee of Accounts. [A 5, p. 302.] Sir Jas. Harrington to be paid 641., the arrears of his weekly allowance granted by Parliament out of the next moneys that come in after the maimed soldiers are paid. [A 5, p. 309.] 37. Draft order recommending the case of a petitioner to the committee of Cardiff, to take speedy course that there may be speedy sequestration of the estates of the person named, that the petitioner may be relieved in her pressing necessity. [ page.] Lane to pay 100l. to Mr. Hartlib out of the money to come in from Mrs. Highlord, after Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Hall are paid.~ [▲ 5, p. 314.] Order that out of 4771. the remainder of 1,2001. paid in Mrs. Highlord, Lane pay 100l. to Hartlib, 2007. to [Dan.] Cox, on an order of this committee of 22 May last, 1007. to Sam. Wilson, who advanced it Col. Carleton on a Parlia- ment Order of 15 May 1616, and the residue to the maimed soldiers, on their Ordinance for 301. a-week. Hen, Barlow, of Chichester, to be discharged his assessment of 110l., it appear- ing, by certificate of the Chichester Committee, that he remitted to them 1607. for maintenance of the garrison, which they should have paid back by Order in the House of Commons, 6 May 1646. [A 5, pp. 317, 318.] In the case of Capt. Rich. Swanley, on his petition about a debt of 501. owing by him to Col. Wm. Beale, which debt Parliament, on 9 April 1646, ordered this committee to pay, and the treasurer has been for 9 months ready to pay it, but Col. Beale refused to receive it without interest, though the debt grew by raising moneys to pay his soldiers, and he now sues Capt. Swanley thereon,-order that report be made thereon to the Committee for Indemnity, that the said captain may be relieved. [4 5, p. 330.] Mr, Lane to pay Mr. Pym 661. 13s. 4d. of the 1007. lately paid in by the Earl of Westmoreland towards the 9871. ordered him by Parliament 21 May last. Also to pay Mr. Loftus, for Sir Hardress Waller, the 2007. to be paid in by Lord Molineux, which is ordered towards the 5,000l. for Ireland. [A 5, pp. 334, 335.] 38-43. Blank printed forms of orders to county committees, for seques- tration and distraint of rents and arrears, goods and chattels, debts and estate of those who have been assessed and have not paid the assessment. [6 napers, damaged.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 67 1647. 1648. Jan. 6. Jan. 8. Jan. 21. Jan. 22. Jan. 28. Feb. 2. Feb. 2. VOL. A LXXXIII. 44. Note of the assessments of 20 persons named, at from 500l. to 1,2007. each, headed “For Charles Pym, Esq." With marginal memoranda. [ page.] 45. Petition of Thos. Boye, in behalf of Capt. John Cambell. On the credit of Haberdashers' Hall, Cambell transported into Ireland 70 horse, completely armed, which troop has done as good service as any there; he had a warrant from Lord Lieut. Lisle for his money out of the 5,000l. appointed from Haberdashers' Hall for that kingdom, and has since obtained an order from both Houses for its payment in 6 weeks, but the money has been bestowed to other uses. As petitioner is going over to Ireland, he begs a positive answer, that he may report to the troop, who have long waited. [3 page.] 46. Petition of Mark Poell, joiner, for payment of his bill for making a new bar ordered. Is a poor man living on his work. [page.] 47. Petition of Dorothy, wife of Thos. Copson,-who is much disabled by wounds in the Parliament service, and has been very long imprisoned by the Cavaliers, -for relief for him, herself, and children. He and his two children have arrears due to them. [1 page.] 48. Committee for Advance of Money to the Lord Mayor of London. Hearing that many persons solicit you for warrants to seize goods which malignants endeavour to carry away, we wish you, when you issue such warrants, to let our clerk have a copy, with the names and addresses of the persons to whom they are granted, that they may be called upon to give account of the execution thereof, and the State be satisfied touching all such seizures. [ page.] 1 20 49. Committee for the Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for the Isle of Ely. We hear that much money of the subsidy and weekly assessments is unpaid, and that the assessments for the and are very disproportionately made. We have therefore called before us Edm. Scotten and Jas. Whynell of the Committee of Sequestration, and enjoined them to report what moneys are in arrear, and the ground of non-payment; what moneys come in weekly, and who are assessed disproportionately, or not at all. We beg you to further them in managing this business. [Draft, 1 page.] 50. Order on a Parliamentary Ordinance of 24 April last, that the Com- mittee of Sequestrations for Essex appear on Friday next, to give an account of their receipts on the Ordinance for Sequestrations. [ page, damaged.] 51. Account of Fras. Lawrence's proceedings, and receipts and expenses on assessment business since April 1646. [Book of 6 written and 2 blank pages.] 52. Account by Thos. Lindsey of his proceedings on a journey into the West, on sequestration business. [ page.] 53. Order that Lieut.-Col. Crowne hare of any moneys that shall be paid to the treasurers of the committee, and are discovered by him, towards payment of his arrears. With form of a letter to the County Commissioners of Stafford and Salop, to take examinations on such cases as he shall discover to them, and send them up. [A 5, p. 349.] Auditor Wilcox to have the accounts of the Committees and Treasurers for Sequestrations delivered to him, to examine, and state. [4 5, p. 352.] The assessment of 3007. on Rob. Burr discharged, his debts being 1,300l., and his father having paid 591. for the same estate, now given to him. Col. John Butler to have the moneys that come in on his discoveries towards his arrears, his accounts being stated and audited. Stephen Kirk, who married the relict of Capt. Hill, to have the moneys coming in on his discoveries of Papists' and delinquents' estates towards Hill's arrears for service to Parliament. [4. 5, pp. 353, 356.] 54. Petition of Chas. Zinzan that, there being 3051. 10s. due to him for service to the State, and he being able to discover a delinquent yet concealed, whose composition will amount to a larger sum, he may receive the said sum from the delinquent's composition at Goldsmiths' Hall. [1 page.] Order that he have towards his arrears the sums received on his discovery of Papists, and delinquents' estates. [4 5, p. 357.] E 2 68 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1648. Feb. 2. Feb. 7. Feb. 11. Feb. 11. Feb. 11. Feb. 18. Feb. 19. Feb. 25. Feb. 25. March 1. March 3. March 8. March 8. : VOL. A LXXXIII. Thos. Williams, merchant, at Sam. Nelson's, Bishopsgate Street, not having contributed on the propositions, to be assessed at 2007. for his 20. [A 5, p. 357.] Order that Sir Rich. Samford, the Greyhound, Holborn, be assessed at 1,0001. for his zo. [A 5, p. 362.] 20 The assessment of Rob. Kirkham, Finsted, co. Northampton, discharged, on certificate from the County Commissioners that he has paid 607. there for his and, and is much in debt. The 107. willingly offeerd by Mr. Williams for his to be accepted, as he has but a small estate. 20 The 6001. ordered 2 February to be paid to Mr. Loftus is, on receipt, to be paid towards 6871. 12s. 8d. due, by Ordinance of Parliament of 9 February, to Capt. Cambell. Wm. Wheeler to attend this committee, and bring all such papers and vouchers as concern the issuing of the 2,5007. received by him on the Ordinance for the sale of woods. [45, pp. 365, 366, 369.] 55. Request by John Munday and 5 other executors, on behalf of 3 pur- chasers of the lands of the late William Cliffe, of East Woodhay, co. Hants, for the delivery of his will, dated 19 April 1643, and required in a Chancery suit, it being with a committee, with such wills as came from Oxford. [1 page.] Order thereon that Mr. Cox deliver the will on security for its return in a month. [45, p. .] The collectors of this committee having represented that, on account of their great charges in travelling, the salary and charges appointed do not afford them a comfortable livelihood-order that they have 6d. in the pound on all moneys coming in on the, or the discoveries or sequestration of delinquents' estates, their bills being first allowed by the clerk of this committee and passed; also, that they have 6s. 8d. a day travelling charges, to be allowed by the said clerk on their returns. In case, after deliverery of the first summons, they be obliged, by reason of contempt, to make further journeys, the persons occasioning that charge are to pay it before their discharge. [A 5, p. 376.] Parliament Order, on petition of Capts. Hum. Dymock, Ant. Masham, and Lieut. Prescott, that on their stating their accounts for arrears to the Com- mittee for Accounts, the Committee for Advance of Money pay their arrears from the estates of delinquents to be discovered by them, and that the surplus accruing above their arrears be paid to the Whitehall Committee for candles, &c., for the soldiers at Whiteball and the Mews. [4. 24, p. 239. Printed in Commons' Journal, Vol. V., p. 468.] 56, Petition of Capt. Rob. Breers for payment, from undervaluations of sequestrations to be discovered by him, for his services, and disbursements for the public; has long attended the House for his arrears, his accounts being stated by the Committee of Accounts. [page.] Order thereon that he have of such estates as he shall discover. [4 5, p. 382.] Eliz. Duffield, of Cawood, co. York, to have of moneys paid in to the treasurer, on her discovery of delinquents' estates, towards satisfaction of her losses. [A 5, p. 387.] Thos. Crompton, chaplain to the regiment of Col. Morgan, late governor of Gloucester, and Wm. Kenion, captain in Sir Thos. Fairfax's regiment in the north, to have the moneys paid in on their discoveries of delinquents' debts or estates, towards their arrears. [A 5, p. 390.] The persons named in a schedule of 5 March, who have compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall, to be assessed for their, and at the sums named. The officers to give them notice, and in case of non-payment, to proceed according to the Parliament Order for the 2%. [45, p. 395.] Whereas several lands belonging to the dean and chapter of Norwich are unsequestered, order that Geo. Dawson or Wm. Ragdale repair to those employed in getting and disposing of the lands and revenues, and demand the rent-rolls and particulars of all the estates, and be allowed to make copies thereof; also that they seize and sequestrate the said lands in Norfolk, Suffolk, GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 69 1648. March 15. March 17. March 21. March 22. March 24. March. April 3. April 7. April 14. April 19. April 25. May 12. VOL. A. LXXXIII. or elsewhere, and receive the rents and profits, and in case of refusal to pay the rents, they are to be levied by distress on the goods, and paid in to this committee. [A 5, p. 400.] Thos. Jarvis and Thos. Hamersley are to repair to the stables of Nic. Henry, at the Swan Portcullis, Lambeth, and seize all horses belonging to Jeffery Cheverie, alias James Givre, a Frenchman in arms against Parliament, and to secure them till further order at the George Inn, King Street, Westminster. They are also to search Henry's house, and seize all money and goods belonging to Cheverie and secure them, and his person if he be there found. [45, p. 403.] Order that Givre, now brought in person before the committee, be given into custody of the serjeant-at-arms attending the House of Commons, till the pleasure of the Houses be known, or till further order of this committee, he confessing that he has been in arms against Parliament, was taken prisoner at Poole, and escaped. [A 5, p. 407.] 57. List of 12 delinquents who have paid part of the fines on their com- positions. Endorsed "Sir Edw. Dodsworth." [1 page.] 58. Whereas by Parliamentary Order of 17 July, 1645, this committee lent Lord Wharton 2,0001, to be repaid out of the estate of the heir of Sir Wm. Savile, but on 21 of March last, it was ordered that Wharton be dis- charged of the said sum, order for his discharge accordingly, Mr. Lane to make an entry thereof in his accounts, and to acquit him accordingly. [1 page, A 5, p. 410]. The petition of John Groom and other collectors, who had the authority of this committee for levying arrears and other moneys for the Weavers' Hall Committee, referred to the committee and treasurers for arrears who sit at Weavers' Hall, to consider their complaints, and satisfy them for their pains in bringing in moneys on the Ordinances named, or show good cause to the contrary. [4 5, p. 413.] 59-66. Receipts by Wm. Liphatt, Nath. Fiennes, and 4 others, from Edw. Husbands, printer, of copies, in numbers from 25 to 1,450, of the Declaration in answer to the Scottish Commissioners' paper; some to be delivered to the members, some sent to the counties, the last two naming also the bills and propositions. [8 papers.] 67. Lieut.-Gen. Wm. Crowne to Mr. Dallison, clerk of the committee. I send you certificates about Atkinson. I am making proof of Sir Edw. Corbett's delinquency; see that he does not compound before I have discovered his estate, and let me have an order to seize the estates of the 2 new men, Whitmore and Jenks, that I gave notice of, or they will convey away their cattle and goods, and deceive the State, and I shall lose my labour. The bearer will pay you for the orders you give, and none shall be more grateful than I. [1 page.] 68. Lieut.-Col. Wm. Crowne to Dallison. I hope you have the return of Mr. Atkinson's business; most of Corbett's estate lies in co. Montgomery, where they favour him so that, unless I find better dealing when the committee next sit, I must report them. Unless you are careful, we shall lose the 1,000l. owing to Atkinson by Sir H. Biggs, for he denies the debt, but I can prove it; let him prove the payment. [1 page.] Mr. Lane to pay to Step. Marshall and Phil. Nye 6661. 13s. 4d. received by him from Mr. Foly, Skinner, and others, as part of a debt due to the State, according to an order of this committee of 15 March last, and a Parliament Order of 24 Nov. last. Repeated 10 May. [▲ 5, pp. 422, 438.] Lane to repay to Wm. Wheeler, treasurer to the Committee for Woods, 2791. 15s. 6d. in his hands, of money received by him as treasurer to the said com- mittee. Wheeler also dismissed further attendance concerning 1,000l. supposed to be in his hands, he having produced Sir Gilb. Gerard's acquittance for the same, according to a former order of this committee. [4 5, p. 424.] Parliament having ordered this committee to pay 50l. to Major Grey, and 30%. to Capt. Nelson, and persons being willing to advance the money for their present supply, order that the moneys be repaid in 3 months. [4 5, p. 428.] Order that Col. Hutchinson have of the Papists' and delinquents' estates discovered by him, towards payment of arrears due by the State. [4 5, p. 436.] 70 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1648. May 16. May 18. May 19. May 26. June 5. June 5. VOL. A LXXXIII. Order on a Parliament Order of 24 April last, that the treasurers of the Commissioners for Sequestrations for London, Westminster, Essex, and Mid- dlesex, appear before this committee next Friday, to give an account of their receipts on the sequestration Ordinances. [A. 5, p. 422.] June 27. On a petition of Hen. Stephens, merchant, and report from the Committee for Ireland, order in Parliament that 1,4007. 1s. Od. be allowed him as a debt of the State, and that 5007. be paid out of the Excise, and 9007. 1s. from such delinquents' estates as he shall discover. [A 24, p. 213.] May. 69. W. Whitfield to Dallison. When your messenger came into Essex, I Chelmsford. was abroad, and could not attend in time with my account. I am busy most of this week, so I send it up, with the balance to be paid at Guildhall, and desire your further pleasure. [ page.] The Earl of Nottingham to be paid the money assigned him by Parliament out of the first moneys to be received by Mr. Lane, not already assigned. Mr. Lane to pay Mr. Plummer only 51. a year for his attendance at Haber- dashers' Hall, from his last payment till further order. [A 6, p. 3.] Mr. Lane to pay the Earl of Devonshire 50l. in full of 500l. to be paid him by former order of this committee, and to pay it out of the money remaining in his hands of the Committee of the West, as the 500l. repaid the Earl ought to to be allowed by the Committee of the West to this committee. [A 6, p. 8.] 70-75. Order in the House of Commons that the and be levied on none but such delinquents as are within the Ordinance of Sequestrations. [6 copies.] 20 1 76. Note of the obstructions that hinder the levying of the part. 20 1. The Ordinance prohibiting delinquents to be within 20 miles of London, so that they cannot apply to the committee to settle their assessments. 2. The Ordinance limiting the committee's power to levy the to those who are under sequestration, so that now they must be proved delinquents before they pay the, though they never paid elsewhere, or not in pro- portion to their estates. 20 3. When they have compounded, they pay their and in the country, and so avoid payment here, though many thousands are charged on this committee, supposing that delinquents pay here. 4. Their debts, chiefly incurred for maintenance of the wars, are averred by them to be so great that, being allowed, there is little left for their 5. The distraction of the times preventing officers from travelling to levy or receive rents. 1 20 6. The irregular meeting of the Committee for Advance of Money, because of the great affairs of the Houses. The remedies proposed are as follows:- 1. Leave for those who have compounded to come to town 10 at a time, for 10 days, to pay their. 2. That the Ordinance may extend only to those assessed after its date, not to those assessed before, many of whom, that were not delinquents, were respited till their lands were freed from the power of the King's army, and many are delinquents not sequestered, and never paid their 26, or not in pro- portion to their estates. 3. That the Ordinance may enforce all that compound at Goldsmiths' Hall to pay their and to the Committee for Advance of Money. ō 4. That only such debts be allowed as were incurred before 24 June 1642. The other obstructions will be removed by time, care, and the constant sitting of the committee. [13 pages.] June 16. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for York. Queen's Court, Nathan Dixon having discovered to you the delinquency of Henry Calverley, Westminster. who is within the Ordinance of Sequestration, you are to allow Dixon of the profits of the estate, as he has great arrears due to him for service to Par- liament. [A 24, p. 5.] Order that Richard Nicholetts, who by Parliamentary Order is to be paid 1007. charged on this committee, have the 100l. paid from moneys of delin- quents who have not paid their and, and are discovered by him. [4 6, p. 19.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 71 1648, July 15. July. Aug. 4. Aug. 11. Aug. 11. Aug. 14. Aug. 18. Sept. 6. Sept. 8. Sept. 13. Sept. 20. Sept. 20. Oct. 4. Oct. 6. VOL. A LXXXIII. 20 77-81. Declaration in Parliament that the order [of 5 June] for raising the and only on delinquents is to look forward only, and that, this order notwithstanding, those who have contracted and agreed with the committee for payment are to fulfil their contracts. [5 copies.] 82. Order in the committee [for Yorkshire] for re-payment to John Crich of 2001. advanced by him to Major Oliver, on an order of 14 July, promising re-payment within a month. Signed, Wm. Morison, Thos. Jervoise, Hen. Darley. [6 pages damaged.] Aug. 23. M. Dallison to the County Commissioners for Westminster. The Com- Queen's Court. mittee for Advance of Money are expecting an answer to theirs of the 18th, and desire you to expedite the sending copies of the inventories named, and doubt not your compliance. [A 24, p. 14.] Mr. Higdon to bring an account of the moneys received by him, and what he has paid, and is chargeable to pay, out of the estates of Fras. Bacon and Chas. Cornwallis. [A 6, p. 33.] Aug. 25. Council for Advance of Money to Ald. John Bernard, of Hull. We hear Queen's Court. that you have sued and imprisoned Wm. Sikes for a debt of 2161., which he incurred by taking up moneys for the State. As he cannot pay you at present, Parliament has ordered him money, charged it on this committee, and wishes us to use our best means for his enlargement. The 2167. shall be paid you in course, or sooner if we can accomplish it, and meantime you shall have interest at 8 per cent. We request you, therefore, to discharge Sikes, showing thereby your charity to him and your good affection to Parliament. [A 24, p. 15.] 83. Petition of Capt. John Cambell that, according to articles with the Com- mittee for Ireland, and on consideration of 6877. 12s. 81, to be paid him from the 5,0007. ordered for Ireland, he raised and transported thither a troop of horse which have done good service, but he has only received 1721. 12s. 8d. in spite of a Parliament Order; begs payment of the balance. [page.] Order that it be paid out of the next moneys that come in. [▲ 6, p. 35.] 84. Parliament Order that 5,000l. be forthwith advanced to Col. Thos. Mytton, on account of his arrears, to be paid out of his discoveries of delin- quents' estates not compounded for, and the county commissioners where the estates lie are ordered to pay the receipts from them to Mytton. [ page.] The County Commissioners of Westminster, who have secured Col. Dalbier and the Duke of Buckingham's goods, they being in the late action against Parliament, are to send in inventories of the goods, as they are to be disposed of towards payment of the Parliament guards, and to see that they are forthcoming. [A 6, p. 40, A 24, p. 12.] - The 2501. ordered Wm. Ryley, clerk of the records in the Tower, by Parlia- ment 17 August last to be paid out of such delinquents' estates as he shall discover, or out of the of such of those who have not yet paid their assess- ments as shall be nominated by him. [A 6, p. 52.] 2 Col. Edm. Temple to be paid 1,000l. in part of his arrears, out of such delinquents' estates as he shall nominate, according to a Parliament Order of 6 September instant. [4 6, p. 56.] 85. Sir Thos. Gell to the Committee for Advance of Money. I waited on you to-day, but you were not sitting, to move that as there are depositions in Dallison's hands to prove the delinquency of Sir Edw. Bathurst, Mr. Norden, and Sir Geo. Pratt, all men of great estate, their Michaelmas rents and other estate should be secured. [1 page.] 86. Notes of orders in the Committee for Advance of Money this day; duplicate of those in the Order Book. [1 pages.] Mr. Squibb and Auditor Collins to appear on Friday. [4 6, p. 59.] Thos. Courton, Samford, co. Devon, and 3 others of cos. Devon and Somerset, to appear at the Queen's Court, Westminster, on 24 October. Thos. Kerslack and John Combes, of Samford, to be brought in custody to answer objections. [4 6, p. 71.] The officers of the committee to search the rooms, vaults, &c., at Foxhall, co. Surrey, where Calcott Chambers and Thos. Wells reside, for the plate, 72 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1648. Oct. 18. Oct. 20. Nov. 2. Nov. 10. Nov. 14. Nov. 14. Nov. 30. Nov. Dec. 29. Dec. ? 1648 P VOL. A LXXXIII. money, bullion, and other goods of Papists and delinquents which the com- mittee are informed to be there, with leave to dig where they are suspected to be; the discoverer to make up all breaches and damages. With writ of assistance. [A 6, p. 73] John Garden desired to present to the House the case of Col. Moore and John Lloyd, a collector. [A 6, p. 86.] The officers of this committee and others employed in searching for plate, jewels, &c., of delinquents in the New Soap-house near Foxhall, in possession of Calcott Chambers, are to proceed no further, and the informers are required to make good all damage done in the search. [▲ 6, p. 90.] 87. "Mr. Lane's business," being notes of receipts and payments by him 1 and 2 November 1648. [1½ pages.] Mr. Royley to have 1007, of Mr. May's money, in part of his Ordinance, and the rest to be at disposal of the committee. 40l. to be paid the Provost Marshal on his Ordinance. Sir Chas. Coote, Lord President of Connaught, to be heard concerning moneys charged on this committee to pay for service in Ireland. [A 6, p. 105, 106.] Declaration that next Friday and the following Monday, the committee will sit at Sir Wm. Broncard's house, Old Palace Yard, Westminster, to give rules and take subscriptions on the raising 5,000l. on the Ordinances of Par- liament, for payment of the guards. All persons interested to take notice. [▲ 6, p. 108.] A debt of 1401. due to Erasmus Purlin, delinquent, by John Buller, merchant of Exeter, sequestered, and Buller required to retain it in his hands till further order. [A 6, p. 125.] 88. Order that Lane pay to John Tarrant 1007., and to Edw. Newman and 9 others named each, it being certified that the money given by this Ordinance cannot be had out of the arrears on the bill of 40,000l. in co. Bucks. [page.] 89. Order that Lane pay 1,200l. to Col. Butler and Quartermaster-General Fincher, out of moneys paid or to be paid on the Parliament Order for raising 5,000l. for the guards attending the Houses, and on an Ordinance of 22 November, and a letter from the Derby House Committee. [3 page.] The clerks to produce a list of persons who have not paid their assessments. and present it to this committee, and the moneys paid therefrom to be towards the 5,000l. ordered for Ireland. [A 5, p. 140.] 90. Petition of Sam. Sambrooke to the Committee for Advance of Money. On 25 March 1647, he leased for one year a house in Love Lane, Alder- manbury, from Edm. Edwards, at 201. rent, of which he paid 15l.; but, in obedience to an order of this committee, detained the last quarter's rent till obliged to deposit in the hands of an officer of Wood Street Compter. Begs that he may not be further molested therefor. [1 page.] 91. Petition of Fras. Bethum, Provost Marshal for Parliament's Guard, and his assistants to the Committee for Advance of Money. On a commission from the Derby House Committee, they have fulfilled their duty, in spite of menaces against their lives by malignants and others; by so doing, those of them who were tradesmen have lost their trade, and have only their pay to depend upon. They had an order from the two Houses for 2001., but have only received 801., and beg speedy payment of the 1201. [ page.] CC 92. Petition of Capt. Rob. Rynd and 5 other officers to the Committee for Advance of Money. Have much money due to them for arrears, and in attendance for payment, have spun out much time, and spent more than they have received. Having heard of an estate, real and personal, of a notorious Papist, whose father was chief actor in that horrid and unparallelled gun- powder plot," and who, finding himself exempted from composition, has fled beyond seas, they beg a warrant to John Elliott, their trustee, to search for, seize, appraise, and sell the said estate, defalk therefrom for their discovery, and keep from the remainder all their arrears of pay. [1 page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 73 1648 ? 1649. Jan. 2. Jan. 6. Jan. 16. Jan. 18. Jan. 23. Feb. 1. Feb. 6. Feb. 8. Feb. 9. VOL. A LXXXIII. 93, Petition to the Committee for Advance of Money of Margaret, wife of Capt. Wm. Gualter, who served Parliament in those wars, lost his estate therein, has arrears of 2007. due, and is a prisoner in Newgate for debt, so that she has not food for her 2 small children. Hearing that some moneys are to be dis- posed of by them for the distressed, begs a part thereof. [ page.] 94. Petition of Wm. Lane, treasurer, that his accounts may be audited, and be discharged from his office. Little expected at his appointment that he would be required so long, and 2 years ago, and often since, has begged an audit, but could not obtain it. Being partner in a trade, his co-partners liberated him 2 years, but the last 2 years he has had to attend according to his bond, and, his father being very aged, he is obliged to attend to the business. [1 page.] 95. Col. John Gurdon to the Committee for Advance of Money. Susan, widow of Giles Greenaway, slain in Parliament service at the last battle of Newbury, is a great object of charity, having 3 small children. There are many arrears due to her husband, so I beg for her part of the contribution for distressed widows now to be distributed. [1 page.] 96. Notes of the cases of 8 persons, chiefly nobles, assessed [in 1645] in large sums, but who have as yet paid little or nothing. [1 page.] 97. Note of debts ordered to be paid to the committee, and still due, from 11 persons named. [3 page.] ୮ VOL. A LXXXIV. 1649. 1. List of 33 persons assessed at sums varying from 150l. to 4,0007., in pur- suance of an order of this committee of 29 Dec. last, out of whose payments the 5,000l. charged for Ireland is to be satisfied. [1 column.] 2. Order in the House of Commons that the Haberdashers' Hall Com. mittee call before them such persons of quality as they think fit for advancement of moneys for the navy, on such securities as they think fit to propose, and that the moneys so advanced be paid to Sir Hen. Vane, jun., Navy Treasurer. [page.] Martin Dallison to sign the orders of this committee about the, and the sequestrations of delinquents, as formerly. [4 6, p. 151.] Hen. de Ballieul to appear before the committee touching treasure hidden in Basing House. The 10 messengers to be paid the money due to them by Parliament Order out of Chas. Cockaine's assessment, and the officers to proceed in levying it. [A 6, p. 154.] Rich. Ayliffe to appear before this committee on Thursday, touching several matters depending before it. [A 6, p. 156.] Sir Edw. Povey to have the proceeds of Angel Grey's assessment in pay- ment of money ordered him by Parliament. Lady Kildare to have the assessment of John Crooke, of Dorsetshire. [4 6, p. 157.] 3. Certificate by the assessors and others of Bethersden [Kent] that the vicarage is very small, and many of the inhabitants refuse to pay anything towards their minister's maintenance, and request therefore that he may be relieved of his sess (assessment). 4 February 1649; with order for his discharge accordingly. [1 page.] "" Order that the Camden House Committee deliver the papers about the delinquency of Edward Beale, to Alexander Garston, informer, part of his estate being out of their jurisdiction. Major Geo. Wither to have, towards the 1,8001. allowed him by Parliament from delinquents' estates, 3067. due to Jas. Gold and Wm. Morehead, merchants, out of Farnham Manor, Surrey, on reprize from John Tichborne, delinquent. [4 6, pp. 162, 164.] Order that Mr. Churchman pay in 3 days the 2901. unpaid on his obliga- tions to this committee. [46, p. 165.] 74 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1649. Feb. 20. Feb. 22. Feb. 23. Feb. 24. Feb. 26. Feb. 28. March 3. March 3. March 3. March 3. March 3. March 13. VOL. A LXXXIV. The Southwark Committee to be requested to transmit such examinations as they have taken against George Tute, of Southwark, delinquent. [A 6, p. 173, A 24, p. 38.] the proceeds of such Capt. Woodward, and Cornet John Pitman to have delinquents' estates as they shall discover to this committee. Hobman, the philazer, to pay in 801. more on his account, and further order to be given about allowances to him. [A 6, p. 177.] On petition of Francis Bethum, provost marshal, for payment of 1201. balance of 2001. due to him, order that he be paid out of some yet unpaid assessment for the 20th part. Like order for Lieut.-Col. Allen. [A 6, p. 179.] Major Oliver Cromwell and Capt. John Gascoigne to be allowed towards their arrears half of the proceeds of Papists' and delinquents' estates discovered by them. [46, p. 180.] Petition of Thomas Almon, M.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, to the House of Commons, that Richard Johnson and Thomas Crouch, and their accomplices, may be called in question for misdemeanors. At the time of the first war against Parliament, the plague being in Cam- bridge, the College was broken up, and most of the Fellows were sent away, but Crouch, Johnson, and 7 others remained; and taking advantage of the absence of the rest, seized on such plate and moneys as were then in the college, to the value of 5001., and 800 ounces of plate, and carried them to York, to be used in the war against Parliament, to the hazard of life, liberty, and religion. Has long expected that these offenders would be called on to make good the damage to the State and college, but instead of that, they make themselves disposers of all things in the College,-though against its statutes, and the Ordinances of Parliament,-tyrannize over those who have been cordial to Parliament, and abet its foes. Can prove what he says, having long lived in the college; begs that the men may be questioned, the college reformed, and God glorified. [A 21, p. 173.] 4. Certificate by Thos. Smith and 3 others that Wm. Munnery's rent is but 81. a year, and yet he is assessed at 51. for the landlord, and 11. for the tenant, when both should only be 12s. Also he is assessed for Ireland at 10s. instead of 4s., and this should be rectified in the assessment book. [3 page.] 5. Petition of John Maudit, sub-rector of Exeter College, Oxford, that the college is greatly distressed for want of the arrears due from some of the tenants, and especially Simmons, of Hanborough, and Dr. Parsons, principal of Hart Hall; and God having provided a redress by Parliament Order, by application to this committee, they beg a summons to Simmons and Parsons, to show cause for not paying their rents. [ page.] Order that it be granted. [A 6, p. 193.] da 6. Petition of John Morris, of Exeter, that being much in arrear for his service, and in great want, he may have an order to receive of delinquents' estates to be discovered by him. [† page.] Order that it be granted, his arrears being cast up by the Committee for Accounts. [A 6, p. 193.] The committee appoint to sit constantly in the forenoons on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. [A 6, p. 193.] Capts. John Lea and Thos. Hughes, Lieut. John Lea, Capt. Lt. Peek, and Ensign John Holsworth, of Cols. Ceely and Sydenham's regiments, to have towards their arrears such moneys as they discover of Papists' and delinquents' estates. Like order for Capts. Woodward and John Sydenham, Alex. Arney and Zachary Sprens. Order that it be a rule henceforth to cast up particulars [of estates] according as they are given in at Goldsmiths' Hall; and allegations for abate- ments, in respect of debts or otherwise, to be subjected to the judgment of this committee. 1 2 Mr. Lane to pay to Hen. Wilson, late officer to this committee, 61. for 2 journeys to Kent and Suffolk, his account this day presented to be audited and allowed, and the money due to be paid. [A 6, pp. 204, 206, 208.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 75 1649. March 15. [March 17.] March 17. March 20. March 22. March 29. April 3. April 5. April 7. April 11. April 16. April 17. Marlborough, Wilts. April 18. April 25. May 2. VOL. A LXXXIV. Col. Thos. Mytton to be admitted to make his discovery of delinquents, and the proceeds thereof to be paid him, according to the Parliamentary Order of 14 August last. [4 6, p. 212.] 6a. Request of Capt. George Shuttlewood and Quartermaster Joshua Hatfield for half the rents of Houlden Park, Yorkshire, for their present subsistence, having waited 2 years, and having 1,000. due for arrears. They live in Yorkshire, and have nothing to subsist on. [page.] 6b. Order that they be admitted to make discoveries of delinquents' estates, and have the proceeds towards their arrears. [½ page; also ▲ 6, p. 218.] Capt. [Rich.] Nicholetts to have the 1007. assigned him by the House out of the first money to come in on Step. Anderson's, and warrants to issue for getting it in. Provost Marshal Bethum to be paid the rest of the money due to him, on the Ordinance for himself and his men, out of the next unassigned money to come in. Mr. Parker to be paid the 201. due on his order from the first money to come in on Hull's estate. A 6, pp. 221, 222.] Parliament Order that John Dove be added to the Committee for Advance of Money. [A. 24, p. 235.] W. Bird, and other poor soldiers to the number of 20, to be admitted to discover delinquents' estates, and have the money paid in from them towards their arrears. ˜¨˜[▲ 6, p. 235.] 7. List of 26 persons added to the general list of delinquents [in Kent], with Sir Geo. Sands, added 8 February 1650. [1 page.] Sir Adam Loftus, treasurer for Ireland, to inform this committee to whom the 5,000l. appointed for Ireland is assigned. Mr. Lane to take care, in payment of the money assigned to the officers before Skipton Castle, to find out what part belongs to Col. Lilburn, who revolted at Tynemouth, and to stay the same, and his share to be paid to Major Grey, in part of the money assigned him by Parliament. [A 6, pp. 250, 252.] Mr. Elliott to have 207. out of the next money to come in unassigned. [A 6, p. 261.] 1 20 Order that when a case of delinquency or of the 2 has been heard and determined by the committee, it is not to be reconsidered, unless new matter be offered, and special order given therein. [4 6, p. 269.] Order that this committee sit on Wednesdays and Fridays in the afternoons. [A 6, p. 276.] 8. Lynam Robins to Dallison. I enclose some inventories and bonds, to show you how far I have gone in my business, and lest anybody, before my return, should appear for Mr. Staples, whom I have secured and sequestered because I could get no security; he promises security, but he wants to shuffle, and convey his estate to others, pretending that his land was seized for rent, and that his son owns his stock. [} page.] Parliament Order that the Committee for the Advance of Money send for Edw. Vaughan, M.P., examine the complaint against him, and take his account for public money received, and transmit it to the Committee for co. Mont- gomery. [4 24, p. 235, Commons' Journals, VI. 188.] Lord Grey to move Parliament that power may be given this committee to examine witnesses on oath, upon information concerning delinquents and their estates, and to dispose of a moiety thereof towards payment of arrears due to discoverers, according to the effect of an Act proposed by this committee, to that effect. Mr. Lane to pay, out of the Bishop of Rochester's fine, the balance due of the 5001. assigned by Parliament to Landguard Fort, and the balance due to the Earl of Nottingham, on his Parliament Order. [A 6, p. 288.] Whereas by Parliament Order the remainder of Mr. Mynns' fine is to be disposed of for Carlisle, Berwick, and other Northern garrisons, and whereas, on a letter from the Council of State setting out the condition of the forces in the north of Ireland, this committee resolved to borrow money for their present supply, and finding part of Mynns' fine was secured to be paid at Midsummer, 76 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1649. May 2. May 4. May 16. May 22. May 22. May 25. May 30. May ? June 5. June 8. June 8. June 20. June 22. June 27. VOL. A LXXXIV. they sent to the executor to pay in 6501. for that service, which he has done. Order that Lane advance the said sum to Sir Adam Loftus, Treasurer for Ireland, to be repaid out of the assessments appointed for payment of 5,000l. for Ireland. [A 6, p. 308.] 9. Order for the seizure and sequestration of the rents and goods of 13 per- sons named in co. Lincoln, towards payment of their assessments specified. [1 sheet. Printed form filled up.] Order that Col. Wm. Barton have, towards payment of moneys due to him by the State, the moiety of moneys discovered by him of delinquents' estates. [A 6, p. 313.] Order that Capt. Devereux Wyatt have, in part of his arrears, the moneys received on his discovery of Papists' and deliquents' estates. [A 6, p. 337.] 10-13. Order in the House of Commons that the Committee of Haber- dashers' Hall have power to examine witnesses upon oath, in all cases where they have power by the Ordinance of Parliament to hear and determine them, and that the quorum of the said committee be reduced to five. [ page, 4 copies, A 24, p. 234. Printed in Commons' Journals, VI., p. 213.] Parliament Order that the Committee for the Advance of Money examine Mr. Faunt's discovery of 1,500l., and order that as much as belongs to the State be paid for the use of Carlisle garrison, on appointment of Sir A. Hesilrigg. [A 24, p. 234.] Order that none be summoned to appear before this committee except by the officers of the committee, under the special direction of the chairman. [▲ 7, p. 16.] Griffith to be heard in a week about his accounts and disbursements. [A 7, p. 24.] 14. Note of Col. [John] Fox's charge His payments in numerous sums detailed Balance due ₤ s. d. 5,774 5 8 4,629 9 10 1,144 15 10 [1 page.] 15. Nich. Kempston to Mr. Cox. I send you, as promised at Major Fincher's, the copy of the subscriptions with the order, not doubting your care therein. [page.] Annexing, 15.1. Note of sums amounting to 1,3291. 12s. 2d., received from Mat. Bateson, Nich. Kempston, and 6 others, on Public Faith bills, by an order prefixed of the Committee for Advance of Money, 21 November 1648. [1 page.] 16. Hen. Darley to Lord Edw. Howard [chairman of the Committee for Advance of Money] Salisbury Lane. I beg your utmost favour for Capt. Bragg, who deserves it, having served the Parliament long and faithfully; he wants nothing but speedy justice. [1 page] Order to pay to Capt. Bragg, assignee of Lord Cawfield, 100l., the remainder of 7007. granted his lordship for subsistence by Parliament, 14 June 1648. [A 7, p. 39.] On information that a trunk with money and plate, and other money and plate were last year conveyed to the enemy at Colchester, and since hid in the earth, order that the committee's officers go to the place where it is said to be hid, dig and search for it, and seize and secure it till further order. [A 7, p. 60.] Bodurda summoued to show why he caused to be inserted in the "Perfect Occurrences a scandalous clause touching the witnesses in the Recorder's business depending before this committee. [4 7, p. 80.] "" This committee to adjourn their sittings to the Painted Chamber [Whitehall]. Capt. Ambrose Rock to have, towards his arrears, of such Papists' and delinquents' estates as he shall discover. Capt. Long, Maximilian Bard, John Blatchford, Hen. Phillips, Col. Jas. Hopam, and Capt. Harding to have the moiety of all their discoveries of Papists' and delinquents' estates, towards payment of their arrears. [A 7, pp. 90, 96-98.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 77 1649. June 29. July 4. July 11. July 15. July 25. July. July ? Aug. 3. Aug. 3. Aug. 13. Aug. 13. Aug. 22. Aug. 31. VOL. A LXXXIV. Lane to pay to Martin Dallison the arrears of his salary due from 30 October last, according to an Order in the House of Commons of 9 May 1643, from the next moneys undisposed of that come in on the part. [A 7, p. 100.] 20 Committee for Advance of Money to the Commissioners for Compounding. There are many discoveries made to this committee of persons who, either by favour from the County Committees escaped sequestration, or whose delin- quencies have been concealed till now, and many of them address you, pretend to have discovered their own delinquencies, and desire to compound on the late votes of Parliament, though there has been a judicial discovery elsewhere, which is an injury to the State. We propose that, before admitting them as their own discoverers, you require them to bring a certificate from the County Committees or from this committee that they have not been discovered before, in order to hinder this abuse. [A 24, p. 53.] On information that the rents and profits of the estates of the Earl of Wor- cester, Sir Geo. Vaughan, John Herbert, and Mat. Herbert, clerk, delinquents in co. Brecon, amounting to 1,000l. a year, were, in and after 1615, received by Edw. Rumsey of Crickhowel, and converted by him to his own use; order that the Commissioners for co. Brecon send for Rumsey, require him to give an account of the premises, take examinations, and state the whole matter. [A 7, p. 163.] Capt. Jeremy Collins, Lieut. Mat. Naylor, and Cornet Mat. Scott to have, towards their arrears, of such Papists' and delinquents' estates as they shall discover. [A 7, p. 159.] Capt. Edw. Botsford to have, towards his arrears, half of the Papists' and delinquents' estates discovered by him. Col. Sandys to be brought up in custody, to answer his contempt of former orders. [47, pp. 188, 190.] 17. List of persons assessed for their and, between 20 Oct. 1645 and 25 July 1649, classified according to counties. With a few notices of proceedings thereon. [4 pages.] 18. Petition of Major Elsinge and Capt. Thos. Chandler to the Committee for Advance of Money. By Parliament Order of 17 April 1648, we have 801. given us for service to the State, to be paid by this committee, which, on 15 April last, you ordered to be paid us in 3 months, but it is not yet paid. We beg payment from the first moneys brought in by Osias Churchman. [1 page.] 19. Orders that Mary, widow of Major John Burton, Major Thos. Swift, John Treherne, and Thos. Wragg have, towards their arrears, the proceeds of Papists' and delinquents' estates to be discovered by them. [A 7, p. 208.] 20. Particulars of the accounts of Leonard Welstead and Wm. Maddox, given to the Sequestration Treasurers at Guildhall, showing that the allowances to them and other collectors for getting in 8,3861. is 1,1201. 12s. 10d. [1 page.] Information that there is money, plate, and other treasure hid near Bethlem, and supposed to belong to a delinquent, and lately conveyed to Crutched Friars, to the house of Matthews, or some other. [A 21, p. 267.] Order that the said money, plate, jewels, &c., be seized and secured, with writ of assistance. [47, p. 234.] This committee to adjourn till Wednesday next. [A 7, p. 240.] A g Order on Lieut. Nich. Sanderson's petition, that he have the receipts from his discoveries of Papists' and delinquents' estates concealed, or not sequestered. [A 7, p. 244.] Aug. 31. Committee for Advance of Money to the Commissioners for Compounding. Westminster. By Parliament Order of 16 Oct. last, the fine of Wm. Stafford on his com- position was appointed as security for those who lent money on that Order, and thereupon several advanced sums. As we hear that he has paid part of his fine, and will soon pay the rest, we beg a warrant for the paying in of the money to our treasurer, for the said uses. [4 24, p. 57.] 78 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1649. Aug. ? Sept. 13. Sept. 14. Sept. 14. Sept. 16. Painted Chamber. Sept. 20. Oct. 23. Oct. 24. Oct. 24. Oct. 24. VOL. A LXXXIV. 21. George Acock to the Committee for Advance of Money. I served under Capt. Vincent Potter, in co. Warwick, as lieutenant of horse, and delivered my accounts to the Committee of Accounts for the county. Their registrar detained it, and I have no copy. I do not know what is due to me. Pray order the rendition of my account. [1 page.] Order in the House of Commons, on petition of Thos. Lister, that 1,0001. be paid him out of sequestrations in Lincolnshire, by order of the Committee for Compounding, and 2,0001. out of the estates of those who have compounded at undervalues, discovered at Goldsmiths' Hall or Haberdashers' Hall, and that the said committees proceed on his discoveries, and make payments accordingly. [4 24, p. 208.] Order on a Parliament Order given of 13 Sept.-granting Mary, widow of Sir Jeremiah Beaumont, 20s. present maintenance till the House take further order, to be paid from Haberdashers' Hall-for payment thereof accordingly. [A 7, p. 274.] On information that there is a parcel of plate, and other treasure of value belonging to the late King, concealed in the hands of Mich. Newberry's widow, order that it be seized, inventoried, and secured. [47, p. 281.] The Committee for Advance of Money to "my Lords and Gentlemen' [Council of State.] By Parliament Order of 16 Oct. last, several well-affected persons advanced money, to be repaid from the compositions of the Duke of Bucking- ham and William Stafford, but have as yet received nothing. We asked that Stafford's composition should be paid to our treasurer, but the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers inform us that they can pay no moneys without your approbation. We therefore beg you to signify to them your consent for this payment, or many persons concerned will be very much prejudiced. [A 24, p. 59.] "" Order on a Parliament Order of 19 Sept., for 20s. a week for 6 months to Mrs. Arthington. [A 7, p. 277.] 22. Statement of Martin Dallison. On presenting my petition for dismissal 19 October, I was ordered to give in my grounds in writing, and to state what allowances I and Dan. Cox bave had from the House or this committee. I became clerk in November 1642. I was at once involved in a multiplicity of employments, so that I was usually at Haberdashers' Hall till 1 a.m., and when I came home, worked till 3, 4, or 5 a.m. This brought on cough, blood- spitting, and disease of the spleen. I lost thereby my profession of public notary, so that the House of Commons settled on me 91. 16s. Od. a week during employment. Mr. Cox was my apprentice, and took my place when, in May 1643, I attended the Committee for Mitigation. Your committee, noting his readiness in taking information of those who had not paid their, allowed him first d. and then 1d. in the pound; and later, when the power of seques- tration was in November 1646 given to this committee, he was raised to 41. a week. My reason for wishing to retire is that now the Mitigation Committee is dis- solving, and Cox has really taken up the work in the Committee for Advance of Money, so I am jostled out of employment, and as I am weak, and unable to carry on the full business, I ought not to be chargeable to the State, but it is groundless to suppose I have got an estate by my employment. My expenses have been 3681. a year, and I have only received about 100l. a year in casual- ties, as Mr. Cox, without my order or consent, has usurped the signing of papers in my name. These are the grounds on which I beg dismissal. [Draft, 33 pages.] Order on his petition showing that weakness disenables him to attend the committee as formerly, that he be dismissed, and Dan. Cox admitted as clerk. [▲ 7, p. 323.} 23. Petition of Capt. Thos. Robinson, of co. Derby, for of concealed Papists' and delinquents' estates to be discovered by him in his county, ac- cording to the Parliament Order thereon, and for an order to the County Committees to examine the cases. Was captain of dragoons, and spent 2251. in raising his troop, and lost 2687. by the enemy. Has only received 70l. 9s. Od. for his service, disbursements, and losses, and his estate is in danger of for- feiture for moneys borrowed. [1 page.] 24. The said ½ granted him towards his arrears. [} page, ▲ 7, p. 321.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 79 1649. Oct. 31. Nov. 7. Nov. 8. Nov. 9. Nov. 16. Nov. 20. Nov. 21. Nov. 23. Nov. 30. Dec. 21. Dec. 28. Dec. ? 1649 P VOL. A LXXXIV. The committee's officers to be paid the moneys due to them by the orders of this committee from the fine to be paid by Wharton. [A 7, p. 330.] Whereas by a Parliament Order of 16 October 1648, the sequestration and composition of the Duke of Buckingham, Sir Thos. Harris, Wm. Stafford, and others were engaged to reimburse persons named who had advanced money on the credit of the said Ordinance; and whereas, by an order of the Council of State, the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers are to pay the composition of the said persons to this committee, for the said purposes, and Sir Thos. Harris has paid in part of his fine; order that 3 members of this committee repair to the Com- missioners for Compounding, and move payment, according to the said order of the Council of State. [47, p. 349.] 25. Petition of Capt. Fras. Messervey, that being in arrears 600l. for faithful service to Parliament in these wars, and there being several Parliament Orders for payment of officers' arrears from such delinquents' estates as they shall discover, he may be admitted to make discoveries for his arrears. as granted. [page.] Noted On petition of Fras. Nevile, order that he be not further summoned for his assessment for his, but dismissed attendance. [A 8, p. 9.] On Mr. Lane's petition for discharge from his employment as treasurer, order that he be discharged, and paid his salary to the present day, and that he deliver to Geo. Dawson all bonds, books of accounts, and writings relating to the office, and all moneys in hand. Order that Dawson receive the said books and moneys, and execute the duties of treasurer, giving good security for making true accounts, and for what moneys come to his hands. [4 8, p. 29.] Robt. Doleman and Phil. Collins to appear to certify on a case depending before the committee, touching Dulwich College. [4 28, p. 3.] 1 20 Whereas on 5 June 1648, Parliament ordered that the and should be levied only on delinquents, but the committee find that many who are assessed, though not delinquents, are very disaffected, and have not voluntarily contri- buted;-Order that the House be moved for leave to levy assessments on such, the order of 5 June 1649 notwithstanding. [4 8, p. 30.] The committee to sit on Tuesday about the disposal of 500l. appointed to maimed soldiers and widows, and touching the wills and records of the Prerogative Office brought from Oxford. [48, p. 32.] The business concerning the parts in the paper of causes to be heard on Wednesday. [A 8, p. 46.] Order that this committee sit every Monday afternoon, to hear petitions and motions only. [4 8, p. 77.] 20 26. The treasurer to take care that no moneys be paid by him till those appointed for Berwick and Carlisle are paid, except moneys brought in on discoveries, and weekly pensions. [page; also A 8, p. 93.] 27. Form of the bond to be taken by informers of delinquents that they will prosecute their discoveries. [page.] 28. Petition of Lieut. Wm. Atkinson and John Hudchen, for leave to make discoveries of delinquents who have not compounded in the North and West Ridings of Yorkshire, and to bave the benefit of the discoveries, and their arrears paid. Served in the North under Lord Fairfax. Hudchen was taken prisoner, had his nose cut off, and was kept 3 years in a dungeon debarred of light; had their estates value 600l. plundered, and are disabled by their wounds from getting a living. [1 page.] 29. Petition of Col. Rich. Dakins. There are lands sequestrable, worth 1,000l. a year, which through negligence or connivance are hitherto freed, aud the owner has defrauded my ancestor of 10,000l. which is now due to me, but I must neglect my title, on account of my undertaking for the service in Ireland. I beg the sequestration of the land, and allowance of my part thereof on account. [1 page.] 29a. Petition of Guy Hatfield. Has long been quartermaster of horse under Col. Bright with Lord Fairfax; has been wounded and sustained much loss. Begs employment under the Committee for Advance of Money. With certi- ficates in his favour by Col. Thos. Hide and R. Harrison. 80 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1649. 1650. Jan. 11. Jan. 11. Jan. 17. Jan. 28. Feb. 2. Feb. 8. Worcester. VOL. A LXXXIV. 30. Petition of Elizabeth, wife of Rich. Munden, of London, for some part of the money to be bestowed on widows, maimed soldiers, and those in dis- tress whose husbands are in service, to preserve her many children from perishing. Her husband exposed his life and fortunes through the war, and is now in Capt. Ellmore's troop in Col. Rich's regiment. His horse was shot, and he stripped and plundered, so that he cannot supply her. [1 page.] 31. Petition of Moses O'Neile, D.D. Suffered much from Popishly affected prelates before the rebellion, and from Popish bloody rebels since, and has remained with his wife and 9 children in this city all winter, unprovided for in the church, waiting on the Assembly of Divines and Committee for Advance of Money, but having no house or lodging; begs that one may be allotted him till otherwise provided for. [1 page.] 32. Queries relative to services performed to the committee by Mr. Farmer, what inventories made when they were first called to account by Mr. Trenchard; what the check kept by him on goods, bills; what has been done wrong as to registering the acts of the committee, &c. [Scrap.] 33. Hen. Hackluit to Mr. Barlow. There was a letter on my behalf signed by Cols. Fleetwood and Harrison. Pray find it out for me. [Scrap.] 1 34. “An account of such persons who are delinquents, and are assessed for their parts, and liable to pay the same, and have not been discharged," with the sums assessed and reference to the assessment volumes in which they are entered. [Vols. A. LXIX. and LXXI. in the present arrangement. Book of 12 pages.] 35-108. Rough notes of proceedings in the Committee for Advance of Money, being drafts of entries in the order books, &c. 6 Jan., 31 Oct. [74 papers.] VOL. A LXXXV. 1650. 1. Whereas divers persons assessed and summoned suffer the time limited to elapse, and do not pay, causing charge and inconvenience-in order to make a difference between those who pay, and those who delay or refuse-order that those who do not pay be sequestered or brought up in custody, and deposit before they are heard. [1 page; also A 8, p. 120.] Parliament Order that the Committee for Advance of Money pay 2001. for relief of the most necessitous of the persons whose houses were destroyed by the late sad accident in Tower-street, out of the first moneys that come to their hands, to Ald. Foulke and 6 others, and reimburse themselves out of the 2,000l. fine imposed on Alex. Reynardson, late Alderman of London, paying the residue according to former orders. [4 24, p. 225.] Order thereon that from the moneys to be received from Sir Jervas Scroope, 2001. be paid to Ald. Foulke and others, to be distributed to those whose houses were destroyed by the late accident in Tower Street, any former order notwithstanding. [48, p. 121.] Parliament Order that 500l. remaining due on Lord Paget's composition be paid to Tempest Milner, and by him to the Mayor of Berwick, for repair of Berwick garrison, and that the Committee for Advance of Money take orders accordingly. [A 24, p. 223.] Order that Treasurer Dawson pay Thomas Lord Grey, of Groby, the moneys received by him from the Earl of Bedford, Lord Mohun, Sir Fras. Vane, and Ralph Snead, till 7501., balance due of 1,500l. assigned him by Parliament, is paid, any order of the committee notwithstanding, Sir Art. Hesilrigg having consented thereto. [4 8, p. 155.] 2. Edward Lisle, clerk at Worcester House, to the Committee for Advance of Money. Before I received your order of 24 January, an Act of Parliament came discharging the County Committee for Worcester from further acting, and requesting them to deliver up their books and papers to a Committee for Compounding, to be nominated for the county, which was done, and my place as clerk having ceased, I cannot fulfil your orders about the delinquency of Wm. Langston and Lawrence Hacket. [ page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 81 1650. Feb. 12. Feb. 19. Feb. 22. Feb. 25. Feb. 26. March 1. March 6. March 13. March 20. March 20. Maidstone. VOL. A LXXXV. 1 3. Petition of Fras. Bethum, provost marshall for Parliament. For the better discharge of his commission, employed 20 men and a deputy, engaging himself for their pay and service. On 22 March 1650, had an order for 351. 17s. Od., the of Laurence Bull, but never received a penny, and is threatened with prison. Begs discharge from his engagements, and an order for 601. balance due of 2001. ordered him by this Committee. With note that the petitioner must state his case, to be reported to Parliament, without whose order nothing can be done. [1 page.] 20 4. Wa. Erle to Edward Lord Howard [chairman of the Committee for Advance of Money]. I told you of the rub in drawing up the order for the remainder of the 1,500l., and the remedy devised. I have been to Westminster, but find nothing done, and am weary of coming and sending about it. I fear the consequence of delay, as some creditors hold their hands, expecting these moneys to come in. [1 page.] The Committee to sit every Monday to hear motions and petitions. Any member interested in any business before committee, from which he may receive profit, is to withdraw while it is discussed, and the same in any case where he is conceived to be concerned, unless he protests that he is not concerned. On petition of Edw. Rich, to be discharged attendance at this committee, un account of other public business-order that Edw. Carey attend in his place as counsellor for the State, and have transferred to him the papers and reports on business still depending. [4 8, pp. 195, 198, 200.] 5. This committee-considering the great inconvenience that may ensue from the loss of papers recorded here, by their being called for by members of the House or others, when the clerks are required at committee, and of the opportunity of embezzling, by persons being admitted into the gallery when the clerks are busy-order that no member of the House or other be allowed, during the sittings of the committee, to call for any paper except such as concern the business in debate, and the clerk is not to deliver any paper, or to allow copies to be taken during the sittings of the committee. None are to be allowed to be in the gallery during the committee's sittings; those summoned are to withdraw till their business comes on, and when it is settled, they are to withdraw to the outer door, and not to the gallery. None are to be present at the debates but members of the committee, or members of Parliament, except those concerned in the business on debate. [1 page.] Parliament Order that as the money ordered for Berwick garrison cannot be paid from Lord Paget's fine, it be paid from money to come in on Tim. Carter's bond, or such other money as comes in speedily. [4 24, p. 223.] Parliament Order that the 1,000l. formerly ordered to Dr. Twiss' children from the moiety of the Grand Excise be paid out of the sequestrations of such delinquents as they discover, and that the Committee for Advance of Money order payment accordingly. [4 24, p. 223.] Treasurer Dawson to pay the Treasurers-at-war 9001. from Viscountess Campden's deposit money, and 3501. balance, with 5001. paid before, of 1,7501. appointed for Berwick garrison out of Lord Lanerick's debt, and the remainder of Mr. Mynns' fine, according to a Parliament Order. [4 8, p. 215.] Wm. Gilbert, Scottshall, Kent, admitted as an agent and officer of this committee, with the same allowance as other officers. Col. White to be paid his arrears out of the estates discovered by him to this committee. Whereas on 1 May 1648, Parliament ordered sick and wounded soldiers to have Ely House, on a rent to be agreed on with the Trustees for Sale of Bishops' Lands, which was to be 2001., and Col. Wm. Webb is appointed to receive it half-yearly,--Order for its payment to him accordingly, by the treasurers of this committee. [A 8, p. 245.] of any Papists' and delinquents' [A 8, pp. 230, 236.] 6. Laurence Godfrey, late solicitor for sequestrations, co. Kent, to the Committee for Advance of Money. I have not the depositions you ask for, against persons named in this county as concerned in the late insurrection. They were, by special order, entrusted to the olerk or registrar of the late committee. [1 page.] F A 50623. 82 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1650. March 26. April 3. April 8. April 12. April 26. April. May 1. May 17. May 21. Carlisle. May 24. May. June 5. June 7. June 7. VOL. A LXXXV. 7. County Commissioners for Surrey to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have summoned the 6 persons named in your order, but none of them are living in the county. Particulars of cases. [1 page.] 8. Capt. Buttery to be allowed the receipts from Papists' and delinquents' estates discovered by him to this committee. [1 page.] The same salary and allowances to be paid to Dan. Cox, clerk, during his continuance of service, as were formerly paid to Martin Dallison. [4 8, pp. 273, 278.] 9. Certificate by Wm. Cappe that, in the accounts of Wm. Watson, he finds that in November 1643, he received by Wm. Turner 1331. 2s. for the wool of Mr. White, of Markby. Also certificate of Col. Edw. King, that this sum was seized by order of the Earl of Newcastle for White's delinquency, and employed in payment of King's soldiers, then at Boston. [Scrap.] Geo. Dawson to have 100l. a year allowed for bis attendance on this committee from 16 November last, and to pay himself out of his receipts. [48, p. 286.] The committee to sit the whole day on Wednesdays, that is, from 9-12 a.m. and 2-6 p.m., for hearing causes, and on Friday afternoons, for hearing motions and petitions. [48, p. 311.] 10. Notes, by an officer of the Committee for Advance of Money, of journeys taken on their business, 4 February to 20 April 1650. [Scrap.] The registrar to sign with his own name all summons for witnesses, in cases depending before the committee. [48, p. 315.] 11. Petition by John Sutcliffe to the Committee for Advance of Money. Having served Parliament through the wars under Lord Fairfax, and the now Lord-General, and knowing divers gentlemen in the north who assisted the enemy, and whose compositions would advantage the State, he begs an order to the county committee to take his informations, and examine the cases, that he may be paid his arrears therefrom. [1 page.] 12. Col. Thos. Fitch to the Committee for Advance of Money. The great ruins of this garrison, and the need of repair, urge me to be importunate in reiterating my desires that you would call on Sir John Wolstenholme for his and and pay it, as ordered by Parliament, to my friend Jacob Willett for these purposes. Else the summer will be almost spent before I can fall to work, for want of money. [page.] 20 The registrar, on request after an order of seizure for delinquency, is to give the person copies of the charge, but no copies to be delivered before then. No witnesses to be cross-examined by any but those who examined them; otherwise the examination to be invalid. [A‍8, pp. 343, 344.] 13, 14. Notes by John Roper, sequestrator, of journeys taken on the business of the Committee for Advance of Money, 4 February to May 1650. [2 par ers.]} John Leech to have a list made of all who have compounded, with their addresses, and the amount of their fines, and hand it to the registrar of this committee. All inventories, rentals, and returns concerning sequestered estates to be deposited with Aud. Sherwin. The registrar to certify from time to time what moneys are ordered to be paid by any persons, and when, and the treasurer to give a weekly account of receipts and payments, all acquittances being registered by the auditor. [A 8, p. 366.] Parliament Order that the Commissioners for Compounding and for Advance of Money have the same power to receive discoveries, and allow the discoverers. of their discoveries, as the Committee for Advance of Money formerly had. [A 24, p. 221.] 5 Parliament Order that the 500l. allowed to Katherine, widow of Col. Needham, slain in Parliamentary service, out of her discoveries be allowed her by the Commissioners for Compounding, and that they give warrant to the treasurers accordingly. [A 24, p. 221.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 83 1650. June 14. June 14. June 21. June 25. June 28. July 5. July 12. July. 23. Chester. July 31. Aug. 8. VOL. A LXXXV. Parliament Order that the Committee for Advance of Money pay 5001. to Berwick and Carlisle garrison out of the moneys to come in on Tim. Carter's bond, which his executors are to deliver up for sooner getting in the money; and for repair of Carlisle, they are to pay the moneys coming in on Sir J. Wolstenholme's . [A 24, p. 220.] 15. Petition of John King, Rob. Holland, Edm. Veale, and Wm. Hodsworth, to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have faithfully served Parliament, some in the field, for which arrears are due, others by great disbursements, and by vigilant bringing in of provisions and goods of delinquents for relief of Parliament forces, and have not only received no reward, but been plundered of most of our estates by the late King's forces, and now we have discovered several estates of concealed delinquents. We beg a declaration that we may have of the moneys that shall come in on our discoveries, and then we will proceed to proof. [1 page.] A paper entitled "A Particular of Ready Money Owing to the Commonwealth,” exhibited by Mich. Cole, referred to the auditor, to examine, and to report in a fortnight. [4 8, p. 392.] Treasurer Dawson to pay to Col. Harrison, Mr. Trenchard, and the rest of the committee appointed by Parliament, on orders of 4 June prefixed, to receive 2,000l. ordered for transport of persons appointed for Ireland, 500l. in part thereof, to be speedily paid from moneys in hand. [▲ 8, p. 398.] 16, Wm. Say to Reading. Pray dispatch the bearer, Mr. Smith, who is referred to you. I send you the administration, which my man could not find in your house. Let both have dispatch. [1 page.] Aud. Sherwin to make his report on Friday on the papers exhibited by Stephen Cole. All who make a motion at committee are to recite the last order in the case, and produce a copy signed by the registrar; or in default, to lose the benefit of the motion. [49, pp. 18, 21.] A second payment of 5001. out of the 2,000l. for passengers to Ireland, ordered, the same on 25 June. [A 9, p. 32.] 17. County Commissioners for Cheshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Particulars of cases. We have taken examination against Josias Clarke, minister of Tattenhall, which we send, and also those by the late county commis- sioners against Rich. Widdens, of Stoke-in-Wyral Hundred, and beg directions; also an answer to our former letter about return of moneys. [1 page.] A third payment of 5001. for passengers to Ireland ordered, as on 25 June. [A 9, p. 61.] 18. Parliament Order, that in all discoveries of deli quents' estates, the Commissioners for Compounding and Committee for Advance of Money, have power to give warrants for payment, from moneys brought in, of or any greater sum allowed by Parliament Order, to the discoverer. [1 page.] That the county commissioners have the same power as former county commissioners to send for witnesses, and to compel them to attend in case of refusal. The commissioners to have power to issue warrants for payment of quit- rents, &c., authorised by Parliament, with arrears since 24 Dec. last, and to repay moneys deposited or unduly received since that time All who, having informed of delinquents, forbear prosecution without acquaint- ing the committee, or compound with the party concerned, or suborn witnesses, are to be punished by imprisonment till the pleasure of Parliament be known, or the commissioners see cause to release them. The commissioners to have power to issue warrants for payment of salaries and incident charges, approved by the Army Committee, which is to report particulars of salaries to Parliament. The Commissioners for Compounding may adjourn to any place they think fit within the lines of communication. F 2 84 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1650. Aug. 9. Aug. 9. Aug. 14. Aug. 15. Aug. 23. Aug. 27. Aug. 28. Aug. 28. Aug. 28. Sept. 4. Sept. 11. Sept. 12. Sept. 20. VOL. A LXXXV. The commissioners may give licences to persons whose cases are depending to come to and continue in and about London, as long as their attendance is requisite, their names and the time of their stay being first presented to the Council of State. [4 24, pp. 218-218.] 19. Committee for the Irish Soldiers to the Committee for Advance of Money. Whereas we have proportioned the rest of the 2,000l. ordered for trans- port of persons to Ireland, to several who have given security to go with their families, and as part of the last 5007. has not been paid, whereby the poor people prepared to take their journey suffer much, we beg a renewed order for pay- ment of the balance of that 500l.; also of the remaining 500l., that the poor people may be dispatched away as intended by Parliament. [ page.] All agents and officers of the committee, after the appraising and inventory- ing of any estate, are forthwith to send a duplicate inventory to the auditor, to be registered by him. [4 9, p. 80.] Order for payment of the last 5001. of the 2,0001.¡ordered for transport of per- sons to Ireland. [49, p. 85.] 20. Certificate by Col. Nath. Lisle. Of the 11,000l. which I received of Col. Vermuyden, which he received of the treasurers in the army under the Earl of Manchester, in March 1644, I paid Major Alford and Capts. Dingley and Sparrow 2601. each, and the other 3201. I paid to my own troop and myself pro- portionably, according to an assessment signed and passed by the auditors, several of this committee, and the Earl of Manchester." [1 page.] Parliament Order that 10,000l. be forthwith provided for a magazine of victuals to be stored at Berwick, Carlisle, &c., as directed by the Council of State, to answer emergencies, beyond the usual provisions, and that 6,000l. thereof be charged on Haberdashers' Hall. [A 24, p. 214.] Col. Barkstead requested to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money, "touching some man. [A 28, p. 73.] "" The county commissioners to carry on the business of the, on instructions from the Committee for Advance of Money. Parliament allowing 6d. in the pound for levying assessments, 5d. is to be paid to the county commissioners, and 1d. to their agents, for all who are in contempt, or who suffer sequestration, to be awarded against them. Instructions to be sent to the county commissioners for better carrying on the work, with summonses or sequestrations against persons assessed. [A 9, p. 125.] 21. Printed copy of the above orders and instructions, signed by the com- missioners. [2 pages.] 22. Imperfect copy of the above. [1 page.] Summonses to be issued to those who are assessed and have not had notice, or have not appeared, for their speedy appearance to pay their assessments. Orders of sequestration to be sent to the county commissioners, for those against whom warrants have been issued, but who have not paid. The registrar to inform the auditor when any payments of assessments are ordered to be made. Acquittances for receipts to be registered by the auditor, and no one to have his discharge till this is done. 20 Orders for setting the to be signed by the registrar, but the discharges on payment by the commissioners. [A 9, pp. 113, 114.] Whereas divers persons, when their hearing comes on, endeavour to gain time by putting off, to the great loss of the other side,-order that if the com- missioners do not think the ground for desiring delay sufficient, the party so desiring it pay costs to the other side. [49, p. 124.] 23, Request by Henry Stephens, for the benefit of a lease of Isleworth Park, for which Sir Thos. Nott, delinquent; has not compounded; also for the benefit of the estate of Brome Whorwood, whose delinquency he discovered, till paid the 9007. Is. ordered him by Parliament. [ page.] On a Parliament Order prefixed of 24 June 1650, that from the money to come in on Tim. Carter's bond, 500l. be paid for Berwick and Carlisle garrisons, and that Carter's executors deliver up the bond to the commissioners GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 85 1650. 10 Sept. 25. Sept. 28. Lincoln. Oct. 9: Oct. 10. Chester. 1 24. Wm. Harvey to Dan. Cox, Haberdashers' Hall. In the absence of the rest of the committee, I have received and sent off your warrants; but there were several mistakes specified in the names, and 2 do not live in this county. [ page.] Sept. 30. 25. Col. John Barkstead to the Committee for Advance of Money. There James's House. is a great mistake in the entry of the Parliament Order for Col. Devereux and myself, it only giving us [of our discoveries whereas the Parliament Order is for full payment of our arrears therefrom. We must be satisfied in this before we proceed, for if this be not granted, our order is of no value. I would have waived my own part, but the House having fastened my arrears on my discoveries, forbids me to take any other security. Had I been an enemy, and had no arrears due, I could not have had less than : I do not doubt your justice, but wish to avoid mistakes. [1 page.] Oct. 11. Durham. Oct. 12. Chester. VOL. A LXXXV. for Advance of Money, that they may sooner get the money in; and also that they pay the moneys coming in on Sir John Wolstenholme's assessment for Carlisle garrison, according to a Parliament Order of 11 April last; -Order that 1,0007. of the said assessment be paid to [Jacob.] Willett, assignee of Col. Fitch, governor of Carlisle, for that garrison. All prosecutors and plaintiffs in causes before the committee to leave with the registrar their addresses, and where notice may be given them by the de- fendant of any order made by the committee, such place not to be without the lines of communication. [49, p. 134.] Whereas by Parliament Order of 23 Aug. last, 6,000l. is charged on Haberdashers' Hall towards 10,000l. to be laid out for a magazine of victuals in the North, to be paid on directions of the Council of State who, on 20 Sept. 1650,. appointed it to be paid to the Treasurers-at-war ;-Order that Dawson pay 3,000l. thereof without delay. [A 9,.p. 141] 26. Parliament Order that the vote of 2 Oct., admitting delinquenta to compound, against whom any information given by any but themselves is depending, or any judgment is given, is to extend only to their real estate, and not to any moneys due to them by mortgage, bond, &c., about which the commissioners are to observe former instructions.. [page; also A 24, p. 214.] 27. County Commissioners for Cheshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Your registrar, Mr. Cox, has sent us instructions about the ', and directions to sequester several persons named for non-payment; also 4 orders for appearance before you on 30 Oct., to which we will attend, víz :— Brock, of Chester, who lives at Upton. Anne Leigh, of Adlington, since married to Baron Rigby, whose widow she now. is.. Randall Roade, of Roade. Thos. Weston, of Chester, who is dead, and his widow removed to Wales, but we shall summon her. Amongst those to be sequestered we find 3 who are dead; Rich. Allen, assessed at 1007.; his son Richard is his heir, and has compounded. Sir Thos. Delves, assessed at 1,2001.; his son, Sir Henry, enjoys his lands. John Worden, of Chester, and his son Robert, assessed at 4001.; the son is in delinquency, and his estate sequestered. We will proceed with the other names in the list. In whom does the right of Courts Leet and Baron of delinquents' estates remain? They are not compounded for, and Court Leet and View of Frank- pledge is a public office, and as such, should not be held by delinquents. [13 pages.] 28. County Commissioners for Durham to the Committee for Advance of Money. We enclose you affidavits of delivery of 9 of the 12 orders about 2 parts; of the other 3, 2 are sequestered, and one lives near London. We will also sequester 3 others as ordered. [1 page.] Enclosing, 20 28. 1.-1X. The Affidavits alluded to, summoning the parties concerned to appear, one on 16, the rest on 23 Oct., to pay their assessments. [9 pages.] 29. County Commissioners for Cheshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Thanks for your letter with instructions for proceedings in seques- trations for assessments, and also summonses for appearance on 30 Oct., all of which shall have our special care. [ page.] 86 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1650. Oct. 18. Oct. 23. Oct. 25. Oct. 25, York. Nov. 1. Nov. 5. Knutsford. Nov. 6. Nov. 15. Nov. 19. Nov. 27. Nov. Dec. 4. Dec. 11. $ VOL. A LXXXV. All causes appointed for hearing next Wednesday to be heard on the Friday after, and notice to be given thereof by affixing a copy upon the door. [A 9, p. 176.] Before exceptions are admitted against any prosecutor or witness, the party exhibiting the exceptions is to enter into bond to pay costs, if the exceptions are not proved. [49, p. 184.] The committee to proceed in setting the on persons assessed according to the former course. [4 9, p. 189.] 30. Ra. Rymer, one of the County Committee for Yorkshire, to the Còm- missioners for Compounding [Committee for Advance of Money]. Since my last, I have returned between 6001. and 7007.; the last week I had promised the Welsh drovers 1,000l., but they did not come for any, and now money is daily coming in. I therefore desire you to charge 2,0001. or 3,000l. upon me, to be paid here, or otherwise direct me how to return it, in case I cannot get returns for it. [page.] Order for payment of 1,000l. more of the 6,000l. ordered for a magazine of victuals in the North. [See 25 Sept. 1650. 4. 9, p. 199.] 31. County Commissioners for Cheshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. By your order and instructions of 20 Sept., we are to sequester the estates of 14 persons named, towards their, but 3 of them are dead, one is sequestered for delinquency, and one produces a discharge. Particulars of cases. [1 pages.] The officers are forthwith to return an account of what business they have in their custody undetermined. [A 9, p. 208.] As divers depositions of witnesses taken by the county commissioners, and other papers, miscarry by post, Vincent, the usher, is to receive from the post- house all letters and papers directed to the committee as Commissioners for Compounding or Committee for Advance of Money, and deliver them to the commissioners at their sitting. Both the registrars are to deliver all the depositions that come to their hands to Mr. Carey, and enter them in a book, and a letter to be prepared to the attorney-general, to desire him to order that all letters directed to the commissioners be delivered to Vincent, and no other. [49, p. 233.] Committee for Advance of Money to the attorney-general. To like effect; adding that the post-masters are to deliver the letters to the county com- missioners to none but their agents. [A 24, p. 89.] 32. Whereas the committee is informed that Rich. Wright, of Southwark, late treasurer to the County Commissioners for Surrey for the, detains in his hands many bonds for payment of sums;-Order that he deliver to the commissioners on Wednesday all such bonds, or show cause to the contrary. [ page; also A 9, p. 246.] 33. Notes relative to cases pending before the Committee for Advance of Money, Sept.-Nov. 1650. [2 pages.] Order on a Parliamentary Order of 14 June last [see 20 Sept. 1650] to pay to J. Willett, assignee of Col. Fitch, 2501., part of the 5001. paid by Sir J. Wolsten- holme for his, for repair of Carlisle garrison. [A 9, p. 269.] Parliament Order, on the petition of the Aldermen, Burgesses, and Common Council of Stamford, co. Lincoln, concerning the renewal of their charters, that 1,500/. be given them from their discoveries of concealed estates, towards making the river Welland navigable; the Council of Trade to take security that the money be so employ ed, and that with it, the river be made navigable to Stamford, The Commissioners for Compounding to receive their discoveries, and after security given, to issue warrants for payment of the 1,5007. from the dis- coveries. The Committee for Corporations to consider the rest of their petition and desires, as to what is fit or not fit to be granted, so that what is fit may be settled for the public good, and to report thereon to Parliament. [4 24, p. 207.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 87 1650. Dec. 13. Dec. 17. Dec. 17. Dec. 17. Dec. 18. Dec. 18. Dec. 18. Dec. 20. Dec. 21. Dec. 26. 1650 ? VOL. A LXXXV. Carey is to peruse the depositions in all cases of discoveries, and where any matter of delinquency is proved, to acquaint the committee, that the estates may be seized and secured. [4 9, p. 280.] 34. Certificate by J. Vile, agent to the County Committee for Yorkshire, of the delivery of summonses to 5 persons named; 3 more were not to be found. [page.] Committee for the Advance of Money to the Army Committee. We present you the enclosed proposals about discovery of delinquents' estates, that if you approve, Farliament may be moved therein. If granted, they would bring in a considerable sum. [A 24, p. 91.] Committee of Advance of Money to Lord Bradshaw, President of the Council of State. To like effect. [A 24, p. 91.] 35. On information that divers records and papers relating to the Public Exchequer are in the house of Barker of Coleharbour, order for search and seizure of all papers relating to the State which are to be brought to Haber- dashers' Hall. page; also A 9, p. 296.] 52 36. Order that all Parliament Ordinances and orders, made before the Committee for the Advance of Money were constituted Commissioners for Compounding, for payment of money from Goldsmiths' Hall or Haber- dashers' Hall, on discovery of delinquents' estates, be collected and brought to the commissioners, that they may report to Parliament such as shall be thought fit. [page; also A 9, p. 297.] (C 37. Petition of Capt. John Lewis, a poor distressed gentleman, and blind." There was 22. 7s. 6d. paid to the Middlesex Committee 3 weeks since, towards a bond of Mr. Watkins, and they have given me 45s. to relieve me and my family, having to pay a broker interest, and my very bed and bedding being in pawn. I beg an order to the Middlesex Committee to pay me the rest of the money in their hands, and to proceed on the sequestration of the estate of Watkins and his sureties. Noted as read. [1 page.] The petition of Jahn Musgrave, containing articles of delinquency against several persons, referred to Mr. Fowle, Solicitor for the State, to examine and register them, and Musgrave is to make proof thereof. [49, p. 304.] 38. County Committee for Yorkshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Our agents have given summons on oath to the persons mentioned. [page.] Enclosing, 1. Deposition by Peter Bryant, officer of the County Committee for Yorkshire, of his delivery of 10 orders to persons specified, 2 others could not be found. 20 Dec. 1650. [1 col.] II. Deposition by Wm. Foster, like officer, of his delivery of 4 orders in co. York. 20 Dec. 1650. [ page.] Rob. Quartermaine of Paternoster Row and 2 others to appear next Friday, versus wine patentees and others. [4 28, p. 89.] 39. Remedies proposed for obstructions in the proceedings of the Com- mittee for Advance of Money: 1. Many persons who have made discoveries of delinquents' estates, and are pre- pared to make more, refrain, because the committee are not empowered to issue the money, and when at great pains and charge, money is received, they have to wait a Parliament Order for its issuing, and this is not easy to obtain, because of the great business on hand, and thus money and estates are lost, or received by the delinquents, and perhaps used against Parliament. 2. Persous employed by the late Sequestration Commissioners cannot go on without salary and payment of expenses, so that the business is almost at a stand, and the commisioners cannot even procure fire, candles, stationery, &c. 3. Divers persons could make great discoveries, if allowed the half towards arrears of pay or debts due by Parliament, and this would save a great deal of clamour at the House door for arrears, and greatly lessen the public engagements. .: 88 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1650. 1651. Jan. 1. Jan. 1. Jan. 3. Jan. 7. Jan. 8. Jan. 17. Jan. 22. Feb. 1. York. Feb. 4. Feb. 6. VOL. A LXXXV. Proposal that the committee be authorized to issue moneys coming in on discoveries according to Ordinances of Parliament formerly made; to pay allowances to officers; and to grant their discoveries to those claiming arrears or debts. [1½ pages.] 40-98. Agenda and rough drafts of minutes of proceedings in the Com- mittee for Advance of Money from 1 Feb. to 7 Dec. 1650. [59 papers.] VOL. A LXXXVI. 1651, 1652. 1. Draft minutes of proceedings in the Committee for Advance of Money. [1 page.] Order for payment to the Treasurers-at-war of 2,000l. balance due of the 6,000l. ordered for victuals in the North. [See 25 Sept. 1650. A 9, p. 328.] 2. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money—on an order in Parliament of 20 Dec. 1650, on petition of Katherine, widow of Major John Balston, that 20s. a-week be paid her for a year from Haberdashers' Hall, in discharge of the arrears of her late husband-for payment of the money accordingly. [1 page. A 9, p. 341.] On request of the Haberdashers' Company, who are much impaired in their stock and estate, for some rent for their Common Hall, used by the Committee for Advance of Money for their sittings and for their clerks and officers-order that 601.a -year be paid, since the time of their coming thither, and for so long as they shall remain. [A 9, p. 354.] The registrar's report about 2501. received of T. Carter's money confirmed, and Willett to give a discharge for the 1,500l. received on Sir J. Wolsten- holme's, and the former orders for payment to him of 2501. for Carlisle to be delivered up, unless Willett show cause to the contrary. [A 9, p. 347]. The committee to hear only 4 causes in one day, and those to be affixed on the door 14 days before, that all parties may take notice and attend. All causes to be heard in course, and no one preferred before another. [A 9, p. 372.] Order for payment to Willett, assignee of Col. Fitch, on a Parliament Order of 14 June 1650 [see 20 Sept. 1650] of 250l., which, with 1,250l. already paid, is in full of 1,500l. paid by Sir J. Wolstenholme as fine for his, to be employed by the colonel for repair of Carlisle garrison. Whereas the commissioners for supply of Carlisle garrison, by their order of 14 June last, paid Willett 2501. out of Mr. Carter's money, which by Parliament Order was appropriated for Berwick, and therefore Willett, by Col. Fitch's direction repaid it out of Wolstenholme's fine;-the said order of 14 June is to be cancelled, and the treasurers are to pay the 250l. to Tempest Milner for Berwick garrison, according to Parliament Orders of 26 Feb. and 14 June last. [A 9, pp. 377, 378.] 3. County Commissioners for Yorkshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have sent out the summonses last ordered. As to the others, we returned affidavits before, and have had no further orders. As for such as are sequestered, their rents are not due till Lady Day or Whitsuntide, and their personal estates are small, many keeping no house. [1 page.] as fines from 6 persons Certificate, on order from the Army Committee of 25 January last, in the case of Margaret, widow of Col. John Venn, that 6977. 1s. has been paid her on the Parliament Order of 8 March 1648, in part of the arrears due to her husband, on a discovery made by him. [A 9, p. 418.] 4. Note of moneys paid to the Commonwealth” named. 1-3 February. Total 105l. [1 paye.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 89 1651. Feb. 8. Feb. 11. Feb. 14. Feb. 11. London. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Salop. Haberdashers' We have sent you summonses for divers persons in your county to appear before us about their assessments, which we desire your agent to deliver, and to take oath before you when, where, and to whom he delivered those, and also our former summons, which oath must be sent to us, that orders may be issued With note of to levy by sequestration on those who elapse their times. like letters to the Commissioners of cos. Chester and Lincoln. [4 24, p. 99.] Like letter to the County Commissioners for Oxon, to whom also instructions are sent. [4 24, p. 100.] Feb. 14. Wells. Feb. 14. Feb. 19. Feb. 27. Feb. 28. Feb. March 7. Taunton. VOL. A LXXXVI. 5. Return by Sam. Hearne, agent to the Commissioners for co. Northampton, of the delivery of 8 orders of 17 January 1651, for payment of assessments. [sheet.] 6. County Commissioners for Cornwall to the Committee for Advance of Money. In reply to yours of 20 January, we sent the orders that were enclosed, but 2 of the parties were not in the county, one is dead, and one certifies payment of his and to the old committee. [ page.] 20 7. Certificate sent by the County Commissioners for co. Somerset of delivery of notices of assessments to 16 persons named. [2 pages.] Order that no petition presented be henceforth received by any one of the committee, but delivered to Mr. Molins or the registrar, and numbered for reading when time permits. [4 10, p. 36.] 8. Order that those who paid in their fines, but did not pay the other within 3 months, be not allowed the benefit of the votes of Parliament of 17 and 20 March 1649, concerning the exempting from assessment those who pay their composition fines, in 6 weeks, and secure the remainder in 3 months. [ page.] про 9. Thos. Jarvis to Many delinquents have compounded at Haber- dashers' Hall on their first particular, and have since compounded on new particulars, either on their own discovery or that of others, on which they have paid no, nor been questioned for it. Many compounded on Oxford articles, which freed them if they compounded within 6 months after the surrender, but for these later estates, they did not compound within 6 months. This is likely to bring in more money than the first compositions, on which all the debts were allowed, therefore none will have to be allowed on this second. I named this to you before I was dismissed my employment, and now it is on my conscience to deliver it. [1 page.] 10. Return by Rich. Carter, agent to the Commissioners for co. Devon, of delivery of the orders of 17 January 1651 to 24 persons named, for appearance before the Committee for Advance of Money. [1 pages.] Order that in all orders of discharge of sequestrations made for the, the registrar insert the clause that the county commissioners are to have their allowance of 6d. in the pound, before the sequestration is taken off. [4 10, p. 61]. 11. Notes of cases depending before the Committee for Advance of Money. September 1650 to February 1651. [33 pages.] Hall. March 4. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' co. Devon. We lately received a return from your agent, Rich. Carter, of the issuing of orders for appearance of divers persons to pay their, 8 of whom (named) are dead, and therefore you must enquire after their heirs and executors, and deliver the summons to them. We also send 2 other summonses, which we pray you to deliver with speed. [A 24, p. 104.] 12. County Commissioners for Somerset to the Committee for Advance of Money. We send an account of the delivery of the remainder of the summonses, according to your orders. [ page.] Enclosing, 12.1. Note of delivery of summonses to 5 persons named in co. Somerset, to appear 21 February to pay their assessments. [1 page.] March 8. 13. County Commissioners for Essex to the Committee for Advance of Chelmsford. Money. We have received your instructions, and will shortly send you affidavits of issuing the summonses for the and 26. [3 page.] 90 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1651. March 12. March 18. March 19. Ampthill. March 14. 14. County Commissioners for Gloucestershire to the Committee for. Cirencester. Advance of Money. On your instructions for summonses for the, we sent our agent, but 2 have no estate here, and one is misdirected; the other has been delivered. [1 page.] Enclosing, 14. 1. Deposition of the delivery of the said summons. [ page.] VOL. A LXXXVI. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Corn- wall. We request you to have the enclosed order delivered to Reynold Loggett, and an affidavit made of the delivery. [4 24, p. 105.] Enclosing, - March 28. Stening. 1. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that Loggett, who received 1001. of Sir Rich. (sic) Courtney, of Trethurfe, co. Cornwall, for his, in 1648-long after the order that all delinquents who had compounded should pay in their to the Committee for Advance of Money-pay over the said sum to Treasurer Dawson, or show cause. 7 March 1651. [A 10, p. 95.] 0 Treasurer Dawson to keep a book wherein to enter every day's receipts, and bring it to the commissioners every morning. [A 10, p. 127.] 15. County Commissioners for Bedfordshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. In yours of 10 Feb., you enclose instructions about the, and direct us to summon or sequester some for non-payment. Before proceeding, we must request the addresses of several not given, and further particulars as to others. The cases in question are- Thos. Abbis. Earl of Cleveland. Sir Lodovick Dyer. Sir Gerard, or Sir Rob. Napier. [1 page.] Spencer Potts. Rob. Spencer. Charles or Hen. Ventris. March 19. 16. County Commissioners for Notts. to the Committee for Advance of Nottingham. Money. In our care for discharge of our trust, and in zeal for the public, we wish to enquire— 1. Whether Sir Thos. Williamson, Bart., of Great Markham, who, in his shrievalty, received 600l. or 7001. of the ship money charged on the county, and spent it in raising a garrison at Newark for the King against Parliament, is to be made responsible for it, and what course shall be taken ? 2. Whether the executors of Thos. Newton, King's purveyor, should not account for and pay the moneys in his hands for provisions in this county? 3. Whether gentlemen of large and plentiful estate, who never contributed to Parliament, nor paid their and, should not be taxed? 20 names suggested. We beg directions. [1 page.] March 25. 17. County Commissioners for Cheshire to the Committee for Advance of Knutsford. Money. We beg information of what some of you told one of us lately in Lon- don, that we are to have 6d. in the pound salary from those who pay their even if they have already agreed for payment, or else we may levy it on them, as several take advantage of their discharge to deprive us of it. We will serve Parliament faithfully, and we desire you seriously to consider the things dis- allowed in our accounts, especially our salary for moneys paid by your order, which we hold to be as good as though paid at Goldsmiths' Hall; also 81. 1s. Od. charged for one of us coming up,-10 days coming up and down, and a month's stay in London on your order. Such deductions "take up a good deal of our salary, far contrary to what we hoped and expected." P.S.-We now return by bill to the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurer 4201., which makes 1,8901. returned in all, and we hope you will allow us a fit salary as treasurers. With marginal notes of reply that the Committee for Advance of Money will ascertain whether 6d. in the pound is to be allowed on the that : 20 a clause will be inserted for their payment in future; and that the allowance will be referred to the Army Committee's decision. [1 page.] 18. County Commissioners for Sussex to the Committee for Advance of Money. Our agents have taken affidavits of delivery of your summonses to persons assessed, to pay their on 18 April. We trust they will appear and pay, or produce discharges. [page.] 20 GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 91 1651. April 8. Lincoln. April 8. April 10. April 11. Maidstone. April 18. April 23. April 29. VOL. A LXXXVI. 19. County Commissioners for Lincolnshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. On your order of 11 Feb., summonses have been sent to 18 persons named for appearance to pay their assessments. [1 page. These persons were assessed 17 Jun. 1651. See A 71, p. 110.] Order that Art. Squibb and Sam. Moyer view Dawson's book of receipts and payments, and report how they find the same. [A 10, p. 176.] Rich. Hincksman, of Chancery Lane, to appear to-morrow in a cause depend- ing before the Committee for Advance of Money. Sir John Lenthall, Marshal of the Upper Bench, to send Hen. Danyell in safe custody to-morrow. [4 28, p. 103.] 20. County Commissioners for Kent to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have been careful to deliver your summonses, but 2 of the 4 persons named live out of the county. [1 page.] Parliament Order that the 20,000l. charged on Goldsmiths' Hall, and the 10,000l. on Haberdashers' Hall for supply of the stores, be paid on warrant of the Council of State to such persons as they approve. [A 24, p. 213.] 21. The commissioners declare and order that the words " seizing and securing" in their orders only mean staying the rents in the tenants' hands, and inventorying and appraising the personalty, sufficient security being given for the forthcoming of the goods, in case the party be adjudged a delinquent; no alienation to be made of any of the estate of persons charged with delin- quency till the cause be heard and adjudged. The party charged, on his request, to have an order for possessing his estate, on security to be responsible for its value, if adjudged of delinquency. Fowle to be acquainted with every order of this nature, and the commissioners to take security in double the value of the personalty, and 2 years' value of the rents. [ page; also ▲ 10, p. 224.] Proposals from auditor, Ri. Sherwin, in order to or control. Requests lists for the time past from the Registrars for Compounding and for Advance of Money of those that have compounded, and been assessed for the, with the sums of their fines and assessments, since the present commissioners began to sit; and also a transcript for that time of the treasurer's books. * That in future, all who compound shall enter their orders with the auditor, before they carry them to the treasurer, and in case of impropriations being accepted as part of the fine, that their gross value be specified in the order. All orders for mitigation of fines to be entered. No acquittances for moneys paid into Goldsmiths' Hall to be effectual, unless entered immediately with the auditor; this order to be affixed on the Treasury door or otherwise made known, and no discharge to be presented for signature without the auditor's signification that he has taken notice thereof. No money to be paid on any order till it is entered by the auditor, and the acquittance to be also entered. The treasurers and auditor to balance their accounts every Saturday, and present them to the commissioners the following Tuesday. The same rule to be observed, mutatis mutandis, in the business of advance of money. All Acts and Ordinances of Parliament for payment of money to be entered with the auditor, before the commissioners give warrants for payment. In reference to sequestrations:- * All orders of discharge of sequestration to be entered with the auditor, and the proportion of yearly rent to be allowed to the compounder specified. *All orders for augmentations, annuities, rent-charges, or fifths to be entered with the auditor, and a provision made in the order that the county commis- sioners admit them not till they are so entered. * The Committee for Plundered Ministers should also enjoin all ministers to whom they grant augmentations from sequestered estates to enter their orders here likewise. [4 10, p. 264.] *These entries rolate more particularly to the business of compositions, conducted at this time by the same men as formed also the Committee for Advance of Money, 92 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1651. April 30. May 2. May 2. May 6. May 6. May 9. May 10. May 13. May 27. May 31. Sarum. June 3. June 4. Derby. June 5. Preston. June 14. Exeter. VOL. A LXXXVI. 5 Order that all who petition for of their discoveries made before 8 Aug. 1850 ito po are to annex to their petitions certificates of the sums paid, and of the date of the discovery; the registrar for compositions is also to certify that no such discovery has been made in his books, and the auditor to certify that there is no return of the sequestration of the party by the county commissioners, and Dallison is to present no petitions without such certificates. [A 10, p. 238.] 22. Rough drafts of proceedings in committee. [3 pages.] The proposals of Auditor Sherwin, in order to a control of business, admitted, and to be entered with both the registrars, and a copy fixed on the door of the treasury at Goldsmiths' Hall and Haberdashers' Hall. The treasurers and regis- trars to permit perusal of their books, and taking of extracts, and to observe what is to be observed in these proposals. [See p. 91 supra, A 10, p. 254.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for co. Wilts. We send you summonses for divers in your county for non-payment of their. Your agent must deliver them, and make oath of the time of serving them, which is to be returned to us within the time limited for their appearance. If any have removed from your county, you must certify their present abode. [A 24, p. 121.] Like letter to the County Commissioners for co. Dorset, also sending several summonses for others to appear. [A 24, p. 122.] Parliament Order on Col. Danvers' report from the Army Committee about payment of 3,3021. 19s., balance of the 4,000l. due to Margaret, widow of Col. John Venn, that the Commissioners for Compounding issue warrants for its payment from Papists' and delinquents' estates discovered by Col. Venn; that she be allowed the same benefit that he was to have by his order of 8 March 1648, and that they pay the said moneys as they come into the treasury, until the 3,3027. 19s. is paid. [4 25, p. 29.] M. Dallison to the [Council of State]. The Committee for Advance of Money bid me send you the enclosed extract of a letter to them from the Com- missioners of co. Notts, the matter being proper for your consideration and resolution. [4 24, p. 121.] 23. Order-on a Parliament Order prefixed of 18 April 1651, that the 20.0001. ordered from Goldsmiths' Hall, and the 10,000l. from Haberdashers' Hall, for supply of the stores be paid by appointment of the Council of State, for the payment of the 10,000l. from Haberdashers' Hall accordingly. [1 page; also A 10, p. 282.] 24. Order to pay the registrar the salary of 150l. [a year] for himself and 2 clerks, and to pay the sum of due to him on 25 March 1651. [Draft, 3 page.] 25. County Commissioners for Wilts to the Committee for Advance of Money. Particulars of summonses sent out on the order of 6 May. Sir F. Englefield is in Holland. John Bennett, of Pitthouse, has no estate in Wiltshire, and lives near Poole, in Dorset. The goods of Rich. Aldworth of Hinton Pipard are seized for payment. [1 page.] 26. Rough notes of proceedings in the Committee for Advance of Money. [1 page.] 27. County Commissioners for Derbyshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have delivered, by your order of 21 May, the summonses for pay- ment of assessments, and have also seized the estate of Rich. Peacock of Ashburne. Particulars of cases. [1 sheet.] 28. County Commissioners for Lancashire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We received yours of 21 May, with summonses for 5 persons to pay their 1 which have been delivered accordingly. [3 page.] Annexing, 28. 1. Affidavit of delivery of the said orders, 4 June 1651. [2 pages.] 201 29. County Commissioners for co. Devon to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have sent you several packets of great concernment the last 6 weeks, but had no receipt. The cry of the country is that, if they are fineable for delinquency, they may know their punishment, according to their petitions and particulars which we sent, and they will submit to your goodness and justice; GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 93 1651. June 17. June 18. June 26. June 26. July 7. July 9. July 12. July 29. Haberdashers Hall. July. Aug. 5. York. VOL. A LXXXVI. "till you give your resolutions herein, they are a humble, waiting people, and are more terrified with fear of the charge and attendance, than of their fines." We have sent you discoveries of undervalues on impropriate rectories, which will produce money speedily, but discoverers are troubled for want of encourage- ment, and we are troubled that, soon after our letters are sent to you, the contents are known here in the county, which causes dishonour and dis-service. Particulars of Sir Geo. Chudleigh's case. The multitude of business has caused us to employ 2 more assistants temporarily, and we hope an allowance for them. Particulars of receipts. [11 pages.] 30. Rich. Hyatt, of Bishop's Cleave, co. Gloucester, to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money on the 23rd, to testify in a case depending before them. [page. A 28, p. 122.] Where charges are exhibited for delinquency, the prosecutor is to ascertain the particular acts, with the time within a year, and the place, on pain of dismissal. Henceforth no charge to be admitted unless so ascertained. [A 10, p. 422.] Ant. Buggs and Valentine Thomas summoned from Upper Bench Prison, Southwark, to answer interrogatories on behalf of the State, and Sir John Lenthall to bring them up in custody. [4 10, pp. 414, 425.] Committee for Advance of Money to Sir Rob. Harlow. For proof of infor- mations of delinquency against divers persons, Mrs. Saville is to be examined, and she says she delivered you some years ago lists of contributors to the late King, and without these she cannot fully answer us. We beg you to deliver the said papers to the bearer, Solicitor Fowle. [4 24, p. 131.] Receipt by P. Richaut from Thomas Bayly, registrar to the Commissioners for Compounding, according to the order of the Committee for Advance of Money, dated 27 June 1651, for four MS. books in folio, and a large bundle of letters, &c. Also for several papers from Thomas Fowle. [G 113, p. 1065.] Parliament Order that the profits of Mr. Say, for which, by order of the Committee for Advance of Money of 11 January 1650, he is to be accountable, as belonging to the judicial place of knight marshal, be retained by him for his own use, and the Commissioners for Compounding are to take notice hereof. [▲ 24, p. 207.] July 22. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' co. Leicester. We send you sequestrations for divers who have not appeared on summons to pay their, and desire you to put them into speedy execution, and return your proceedings. [4 24, p. 146.] Hall. 31. Pem. Reed to Jos. Beverley, at Haberdashers' Hall, London, or to Dallison. The county commissioners directed the delivery of the com- missioners' letter to Sir Thos. Maleverer, but he and his lady had gone to Cheshire 10 days before. I wrote Mr. Bayly about an answer to the propositions I left with him, and they wish you to move him in it, as an answer is much needed, especially about fee-farm rents and Humber banks. [1 page.] Hall. July 22. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' co. Somerset. We send you instructions with summons for divers to appear and pay their. You are to take oath of the time of delivery of summons, that if the parties do not appear, warrants may be issued for levying the amounts. With note of like letters to the Commissioners for cos. Denbigh, Glamorgan, Westmoreland, and Northumberland. [A 24, p. 147.] Like letters for the Commissioners of cos. Berks and Cambridge. [4 24, p. 148.] 32. Order for sequestration of 3 estates in co. Cambridge. [Printed form, filled in, page.] 33. County Commissioners for Yorkshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have received 2501. for Sir Fras. Fane's, which with 5007. other money we have returned by bill of exchange to the Haberdashers' Hall Treasury. We shall return the remainder as soon as we can. We have sent up 6,000l., to Goldsmiths' Hall these last 10 days. [4 page.] 94 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1651. Aug. 9. Taunton. Aug. 9. Leicester. Aug. 9. Reading. Aug. 27. VOL. A LXXXVI. 34. County Commissioners for Somerset to the Committee for Advance of Money. On your order of 22 July last, we have sent out summonses for theo [page.] Annexing, 34. 1. Certificate of delivery of the summonses to 3 persons named. [1 page.] Aug. 19. 37. County Commissioners for Cambridgeshire to the Committee for Cambridge. Advance of Money. In pursuance of your instructions, we send our agent's return on oath. [page.] Enclosing, 37 1. Affidavit of Thos. French, jun., of the delivery of 3 orders of the Committee for Advance of Money, for appearance 29 August to pay the 20th ; the other 2 persons have removed from the county, and have no estate there. [✯ page.] Sept. 3. 35. County Commissioners for Leicestershire to the Committee for Advance of Money. By virtue of your orders and instructions about the, we have levied it on one personal estate, and on another real estate, finding no per- sonalty, and will return the money speedily, as ordered. [ page.] 36. County Commissioners for Berks to the Committee for Advance of Money. According to your orders of 29 July, we sent our agent, Edm. Gardiner, to deliver the summons, and he has taken affidavits of delivery to four of them, Wm. Gwynn, Rob. Mason, Hum. Hydes and Walter Blagrave, but Sir Rich. Marshall has no abode in the county. [ page.] Sept. 10. Aug. 29. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners of Suffolk. Haberdashers' To like effect with that of 22 July to the County Commissioners for co. Som- erset. [See p. 93, supra, A 24, p. 156.] Hall. A letter to be written to the County Commissioners of Bedford, ordering a return on the last letter, or they are to appear in person, or show cause to the contrary. [4 17, p. 1.] Aug. 29. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners of co. Bucks. Haberdashers' We send you sequestrations for persons in your county who have not paid their assessments, and desire you to execute them at once, and send us an account thereof. [A 24, p. 156.] you Hall. When any special order for pre-audience is granted, the grounds of it, and the name of the commissioner who moves it are to be inserted in the order, or it will be void. This order to be posted and observed both by the Commis- sioners for Compounding and for Advance of Money. Order on the petition of the parishioners of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, that the commissioners cannot pay out any of this money to that parish, or the other parishes joined with the Militia of Westminster, the same not being expressed in the Parliament Order. The Committee resolve to give their further judgment this day week on those discharged this day on Oxford articles, and meantime suspend the signing of the orders. [4 17, pp. 12, 16.] Hall. Sept. 9. 38. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' Sussex. We send you suinmouses for divers persons to appear and pay their assessments. Your agent is to make oath of the time of delivery, that orders may be issued for levying the assessment on those who do not appear within time. [1 page.] Mr. Dawson to attend committee next Wednesday. In cases where persons have given security for answering rents and estates, on pretence of titles or otherwise which the commissioners have afterwards disallowed, orders are to issue from time to time to the county commissiouers to re-seize till further order. Mr. Fowle to prepare a book of those whose names have been given in as delinquents, of the prosecutors, and when they gave bond, when com- missions issued to examine witnesses, when publication, and when they were heard and discharged.* Also that a book be prepared for future informations. Order that those who have formerly given security for answering their rents or estates, on pretence of titles, &c., be re-sequestered if the commissioners dis- allow the titles or allegations. [A 17, pp. 21–23.] * This book was prepared and the entries made therein as furnished. It is a large folio volume and forms Vol. 29 of the Advance of Money Papers. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 95 1651. Sept. 15. Sept. 15. Sept. 19. Sept. 22. Ipswich. Sept. 15. 41. County Commissioners for Surrey to the Committee for Advance of The Bush, Money. Particulars of the delivery of summonses for assessments. [1 page.] Kingston. Sept. 16. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners of Essex. Haberdashers' To like effect with that of 22 July to the County Commissioners of co. Som- erset. [See p. 93, supra, A 24, p. 169.] Hall. VOL. A LXXXVI. 39. County Commissioners for Northamptonshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Particulars of proceedings in 2 cases named; request further directions. [1 puge.] Sept. ? 40. County Commissioners for co. Northampton to the Committee for Advance of Money. Report delivery of a summons and seizure of an estate on orders of 28 and 29 August last. [page.] Oct. 1. Order for the registrar to prepare assessments of persons returned for Gold- smiths' Hall that have compounded, that they may pay their 20th parts. Order that when the commissioners are all present, they will consider of the discharge of persons compounding for the 20th part on the articles of Exeter and Oxford. (A 17, pp. 27, 28.] - 42, County Commissioners for Suffolk to the Committee for Advance of Money. By your orders of 29 August, we have delivered the summonses, and we beg that if the moneys are paid in, our agent may be remembered, as it cost him 3 days' riding to find out the parties. [page.] Enclosing, Sept. 24. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Kent. Haberdashers' We sent you in February summonses for divers in your county to appear before Hall. us on 4 April, to pay their assessments, but none have appeared, and we having no return from you of the time of giving them notice, shall forbear seques- tration till you certify your proceedings, which must be done speedily. We now send you other summonses, which you must deliver, and send us depo- sitions of the time of delivery, that we may sequester if the time is elapsed. [A 24, p. 170.] Sept. 24. Sept. 25. Sept. 26. 42. 1. Affidavits of the delivery of 6 summonses, but the 3 other persons are not to be found. [1 page.] Order on the bill of [Edw.] Husbands [printer], that proof be made of the delivery of the goods. [ 17, p. 33] 43. List by Griffantius Phillips of 10 persons within the compass of seques- tration, but not yet sequestered. [ page.] Hall. Sept. 26. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Kent. Haberdashers' We desire you to send us in 3 weeks the names of those who compounded for delinquency with your late county commissioners, and their addresses and fines; also of those who entered to compound, and had their fines set, but have not paid them. With note of like letters to the Commissioners for cos. Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Durham, Essex, Surrey, and Sussex. (4 24, p. 170.] Order that when orders are made and not by all the commissioners sitting, by vote or resolve, that the registrar write only the two first letters of their names. [4 17, p. 39.] 44. Query as to whether the order of August 1651 was not disannulled, and whether it was not agreed, at a public meeting at church, that such as had distresses should have their moneys again, and whether Rob. Rogers, town clerk, did not say, on the bailiff's demand of a warrant to distrain, "If you use these courses, you will set the whole town together by the ears, but being your servant, I must obey." With request for summons for Hen. Lanye, Thos. Bennet, Jas. Leawit, and Rob. Carver. [Serap.] On Lieut. Sanderson's petition, he is to have a copy of the information, and that it was not formerly discovered. The registrar to speak to Mr. Dawson to pay Bethum 801., respited. [4 17, pp. 42, 43.7 96 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1651. Oct. 3. Oct. 7. London. Oct. 10. Oct. 17. Maidstone. Oct. 7. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commssioners for co. Dorset. Haberdashers' To the same effect as that of 22 July to the County Commissioners for Somerset. With note of like letter for the County Commissioners of Devon. [4 24, p. 172.] Like letter to the Commissioners for co. Somerset. [4 24, A 24, p. 175.] Hall. Oct. 7. Oct. 9. 46. County Commissioners for Essex to the Commissioners for Compound- Chelmsford. ing. We hereby certify that the summonses upon Sir Edw. Sydenham and 6 others for payment of assessments, sent us by your order of 1 September, have been duly delivered. [ page.] 47. Order that those who have not paid the last of their fines within 6 months from the date of Oxford articles are not to have the benefit thereof for discharge of their, unless the Committee on Articles of War give judg- ment to the contrary. Proviso that if further time has been given by the com- missioners, they will consider it. [ page; also A 17, p. 50.] Oct. 17. Oct. 25. Oct. 29. Ampthill. VOL. A LXXXVI. Coventry and to be heard first next Friday, and the rest of the causes to stand as they do. [A 17, p. 45.] Oct. 30. Wells. 45. County Commissioners for Devonshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We send you new discoveries and certificates on appeals, which we could not send earlier, because of the late troubles and dangers by the post, among which is Mr. Putt's charge. We believe, by what was done against the prosecutors and threatened against us, that he is the chief cause of the trouble put on us in this journey. The prosecutors have urged warrants to examine more witnesses and complete their proofs, but his being high sheriff of the county made us as modest therein as we could be, lest he should plead that as an obstruction to his work; also we could not well attend to it, because of our employment in the county militia. We send examinations in several cases of delinquents. [Some are in Tables 23 January and 8 July 1651; of the remainder, being eight, there is no further account.] We send particulars of the money received, part is to be paid in to the treasury, and the rest will be returned as speedily as possible. The tenants complain much of an unexpected charge of free quarter, contrary to order, and of high rents; they clamour for allowance, or they will be enforced to leave their bargains. The steward is keeping courts, and is diligent in getting in the arrears due. [1 page.] Oct. 22. Committee for Advance of Money to the Commissioners for co. Bedford. Haberdashers' To like effect as that of 22 July to the Commissioners for co. Somerset. With note of like letters to the Commissioners for cos. Berks and Surrey. [A 24, p. 177.] Hall. 48. County Commissioners for Kent to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have sent out the summonses to 7 persons named. Two have sold their estates in this county and live out of it, and one has been away 3 years. [sheet.] 49. List of 19 persons ordered to pay sums specified on their, from 101. to 3501. between 29 August and 17 October 1651. [ page.] 1 M. Dallison to the Commissioners for co. Devon. You herewith receive several orders for levying the 2, which the Committee for Advance of Money desire you to execute speedily, and return the money to their treasurer Dawson. [A 24, p. 177.] 50, County Commissioners for Bedfordshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. In pursuance of your orders of the 22nd, we sent our agent out with the summonses, and enclose his affidavit of delivery. [ page.] En- closing, 50. 1. Affidavit by Edw. Hawkins of Bedford, of his delivery of the summons on 27 October for Sir Peter Osborne and Owen Brett. [ page.] 50. 11. Printed form of summons for Osborne and Brett. [ page.] 51. County Commissioners for Somerset to the Committee for Advance of Money. We served summonses according to your orders of 7 October. [page.] Enclosing, 51. 1. Affidavit of the serving of 4 summonses to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money on 13 November to pay an assessment. [1 page,] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 97 Nov. 4. Reading. VOL. A LXXXVI. 1651. Nov. 1. for Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners Haberdashers' [Yorkshire]. To like effect with that of 22 July to co. Somerset. [4 24, p. 179.] Hall. Nov. 4. Nov. 6. Nov. 7. Nov. 22. Nov. 25. Kingston. Nov. 25. Kingston. Nov. 26. Nov. 12. 54. Thos. Lawrence to M. Dallison. I send you depositions of Mr. Denis Friday Street, to peruse. I only desire justice, and I hope that will be afforded him and me. Pray help us so far as you can. [page, damaged.] Nov. 28. Nov. 21. 55. County Commissioners for Gloucestershire to the Committee for Advance Gloucester. of Money. We enclose particulars of summonses sent according to your order. [page.] Enclosing, Dec. 3. 52. County Commissioners for Berks to the Committee for Advance of Money. According to your order of 1 September, we sent our agent, and he certifies delivery of summonses to Sir John Darrell. Lawrence Halstead. Edw. Herbert. Lord Lovelace. 1 I Thos. Warcupp and Sir Edm. Pye could not be found in the county. [1 page.] John Peacock. Edw. Stafford. 53. Account by the County Commissioners for Dorset of the delivery of 16 summonses, from 29 October to 4 November 1651. [1½ pages.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Herts. Same as that of 22 July for co. Somerset.. [A 24, p. 180] Order that Auditor Sherwin, in presence of Mr. Baily and Mr. Putt, open the chests of Mr. Dawson, the treasurer, now sick, take notes of all books, bonds, &c., and take them into his charge. [A 17, p. 75.] 55. 1. List of 19 persons summoned by their officers, 13-19 November. [1 page.] Nov. 26. 58. County Commissioners for Hertfordshire to the Committee for Advance Berkhampstead. of Money. We certify that on your order of 6 November, we delivered sum- monses to Sir Thos. Fanshaw and Thos. Hassall, clerk, to pay their assess- ments, but Sir Simon Fanshaw could not be found. [ page.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Corn- wall. Same as that of 22 July for co. Somerset. [4 24, p. 182.] 56. County Commissioners for Surrey to the Committee for Adrance of Money. Particulars of the delivery of summonses on the order of 22 October last. [1 page.] 57. County Commissioners for Surrey to the Committee for Advance of Money. On yours of October last, we send a list of 15 persons who compounded with the late County Commissioners for being in Lord Holland's rising, with the assessments at which they compounded respectively, from 6. to 1801. None others entered their names to compound. [1 page.] Order that Mr. Rea's bill be paid by Dawson. When [county] commissioners come to town, they are to be advised to have recourse to the auditor, to state and adjust their accounts. [4 17, p. 97.] 59. Affidavit by Rich. Carter, agent to the County Committee for Devonshire, of his delivery of 13 orders to persons named; 4 others are dead, 4 are under sequestration, one is not to be found, and for 2 more he requests further particulars. [2 pages.] Order that, as some persons enter informations, for the benefit of the fifth part, against those already discovered by the county committees, no warrants for payment of the 5th shall be issued without a certificate that the delin- quent has not been before prosecuted. The committee of co. Notts to have a copy of the charge exhibited against them. Order that all persons who have paid the moiety assessed on them, and will pay the other moiety within shall be discharged here against their obligations. Order for sequestration of all that were only seized by order of 1 July 1651. [A. 17, pp. 103, 105.] G 50623. 98 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1651. Dec. 3. Dec. 9. Stafford. Dec. 13. Exeter. Dec. 14. Tiverton. Dec. 14. Tiverton. Dec. 16. Dec. 19. Dec. 13. 63. Giles Hancock to Jas. Russell, Watling Street. Having received no Cirencester. orders about letting the estate of Sir H. F. Thynne, or the undervalue in Sir Wm. Poole's compounding, or about the bonds given in this county on part of the Earl of Newcastle's estate, there being 8001. due to the State and not paid, I remind you, because delays will prejudice the State. [1 page.] Dec. 20. Dec. 23. Dec. 23. VOL. A LXXXVI. 60. Bond of Peter Egerton, of Mary Woolchurch, London, in 300l. to prosecute his information against Mich. Brett and Fras. Bland, County Commissioners for Notts for misdemeanours and indirect practices. [1 page.] Dec. 24. 61. County Committee for Staffordshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. At request of Edm. Ashenhurst, we certify you that he discovered to us the estates of Sir Miles Hobart, yearly value, 1061. 6s. 8d., besides the to Lady Hobart, and that of Dud. Dudley, being a rent of 361. from the estate of Lord Ward. [1 page.] 62. County Committee for Devon to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have been in the western parts of this county. Your steward there deserves remembrance for discovering and securing the estate of Thos. Kirkham, recusant, from which he has received 454l. We send you depositions. [See Cases, 13 Dec. 1651, and 10 March 1651.] Particulars of receipts. The former committee have returned their duplicates, but not that for Exeter, though their solicitor promised it to-day. The rents come in slowly, on account of our long absence in London, and we have had to employ an assistant, as one of the agents is wanting. [1 page.] 64. Jas. Clarke to Dallison. Thanks for your furtherance of me. I want the letters that I shall send to the Committee for Compounding, in reference to their commands, entered and taken cognizance of, for attempts are not wanting to prevent just and due proceedings against them [delinquents]. [page.] 65. Jas. Clarke to the Committee for Advance of Money. To like effect, with particulars of undervaluations. [page.] Dec. 19. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Committee for Cumberland. Haberdashers' We have herewith sent you instructions and summons for divers persons of your county to pay their assessment for their, which you are to deliver forthwith, &c. [A 24, p. 184.] Hall. On motion of Mr. Carey, grounded on the order of 15 Nov. 1650, touching delivery to the examiner of depositions returned out of the country;-order that the committee suspend confirmation thereof, or giving further judgment, till their commission be renewed. [A 17, p. 121.] 66. On hearing Mr. Rich objecting that the Committee for Advance of Money have no power by any Ordinance to assess the of the real and personal estates of those who have compounded for delinquency; but only the of their revenue, and of their personalty :-Resolved on perusal of the Ordinances, that they have power thereby to assess of the said estates, real and personal. [1 page.] 20 20 1 20 M. Dallison to the County Committee for [co. York ?] You herewith receive an order for return of proceedings in cases named. The return you lately made in order to the assessing of persons who bave compounded is not satisfactory. You are therefore to certify according to the contents of this order, and to transmit particulars of the estates of the parties who compounded, that they may be assessed for their. [4 24, p. 186.] 67. County Commissioners for Cornwall to the Committee for Advance of Money. On yours of 22 Nov., we sent our agent to deliver the summonses for assessments to the parties concerned (as named), which he did, excepting 3 who are not in the county, and one which is a duplicate. [1 page.] 68. In the cases of those who have not paid their assessments, or do not pay them before 8 Jan. next, the registrar is to issue orders for levying them by sequestration, and also on those who have not appeared on summons. that, where assessments are already set, none are to take liberty not to pay before 8 Jan. according to their orders. [1 page; also A 11, p. 29.] Proviso Robinson, of Milk Street, to be brought up in custody to answer his contempt, he having failed to appear, after 3 summonses left at his house, to answer questions in a case before the committee. [A 11, p. 27.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 99 1651. Dec. 26. Dec. 27. York. Dec. 31. Dec.? Dec. ? 1652. Jan. 2. Jan. 7. Jan. 8. Carlisle. Jan. 9. Jan. 9. VOL. A LXXXVI. The petition of the gentlemen of Cumberland to be heard this day week. [A 11, p. 35.] 69. County Commissioners for Yorkshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. In answer to your request for an account of our receipts on the 2, we state that we have received 6621. 9s. 10d. from 9 persons named, of which we have repaid by order 2167. 9s. 10d. to 4 of them. We send up 3001. the balance is to be paid here. [1 page.] 20 ; 70. John Symonds and 4 others, all of Kent, summoned to give evidence in cases depending before the committee. With note that Symonds would not own the summons as a true warrant, but refused to come, though promised his charges. [1 page.] 71. Queries in reference to the Act of Pardon :- 1. When a man has land in one county sequestered, and land in another county not sequestered, whether the latter is pardoned? 2. Whether, when informations have led to the stay of debts in the creditors' hands, but no judgment has been given, the information be not discharged by the Act? 3. Whether his estate is discharged which, though ordered to be sequestered before 25 Jan. 1650, has not actually been sequestered? [1 page.] 72. Like queries, viz. :— 1. Whether seizure for delinquency before 1 Dec. 1651, on proof, and judgment after given, shall not be deemed sequestration, though the party still receives his rents on security, and has not had notice to pay them to the State ? 2. Whether a judgment on delinquency, and no execution of order of sequestration through neglect or corruption of officers, is not to hold good? 3. To the same effect as 1 on the preceding paper. 4. Whether sequestration, by giving notice thereof to the tenants, be con- sidered actual sequestration? or 5. Whether only notice to the tenants, with receipt of rents, shall be con- sidered actual sequestration? 6. Whether, when a debt is owing to a delinquent, and the debt is seques- tered before 1 Dec. 1651, and some of the tenants warned not to pay rents, the money may be levied on the tenants who are not warned? [1 page.] On affidavit that Thos. Burrowes, gentleman, of Longfield Courtleech, Kent, has received a summons to appear in a case depending before the committee, but refused to come-order that the serjeant-at-arms bring him up in custody to answer his contempt. [411, p. 48.] Order on Burrowes' request that, having been examined by the examiner, he be released from custody. [4 11, p. 61.] 73. The County Commissioners for Cumberland to the Committee for Advance of Money. We transmit you, as ordered, affidavits of the delivery of your summonses. [page.] Enclosing, 73. I, II. Affidavits of the delivery of 5 letters of summonses. [2 papers.] 74. Lieut.-Gen. Chas. Fleetwood to the Committee for Advance of Money. My Lord-General, hearing that you are about to sequester for non-payment of their, several who compounded on Oxford and Exeter articles which is conceived to be contrary to those articles, requests you to suspend seques- tration till the pleasure of Parliament be known, and this he will try to procure. [1 page.] The Committee for Advance of Money to Lieut.-Gen. Fleetwood. On your request we will suspend sequestrations on those assessed for their, who are under Oxford and Exeter articles for 10 days, deeming that within that time, the pleasure of Parliament may be known. [A 24, p. 188.] UgrM G 2 100 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1652. Jan. 14. Jan. 16. Jan. 20. Jan. 24, 25. Jan. 27. Jan. 31. Jan. 31. Feb. 5. Chester. Fcb. 5. Jan. 27. Hall. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Lincoln- Haberdashers' shire. We send orders for sequestration of some in your county, the money to be paid in to Haberdashers' Hall, and a return sent in 3 weeks after quarter-day. You are also to return an account of your proceedings on our order of Sept. 30, for levying certain assessments; also we enclose summonses for 2 who have removed, which you are to leave at their last abode or with their tenants, and give us notice of such serving of them. [A 24, p. 195.] Feb. 9. VOL. A LXXXVI. Committee for Advance of Money to the Council of State. On your order of 22 Dec. last, search was made about discoveries made by Cheshire gentlemen on a Parliament Order of 21 Aug. 1648 towards payment of the interest of 4,0921., but no such discoveries have been entered, nor any moneys paid thereon. [4 24, p. 202.] Jan. 28. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' Cheshire. We send summonses for persons in your county to pay their assess- ments, which your agent must deliver; take affidavit of the time of delivery, and transmit it to us. [A 24, p. 194.] Hall. Feb. 16. 75. Note of proceedings in the Committee for Advance of Money for the day. [2 pages.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Lancashire. We send you orders for sequestration of some in your county for non-payment of their, which you are to execute, not only by inventorying the goods and seizing the rents, but by levying the money, and paying it in at Haberdashers' Hall, not at Goldsmiths' Hall, returning particulars within 3 weeks after each quarter-day or usual day of payment. With note of like letters to the County Commissioners of Kent, Hereford, Chester, and Essex. [A 2+, p. 188.] Like letters to the Commissioners of cos. Commissioners of cos. Gloucester and Durham. [A 24, p. 190.] Like letters to the Commissioners for cos. Cambridge and Northampton. [A 24, pp. 192, 194. . Like letter to the County Commissioners for cos. Cambridge and Cornwall. [A 24, p. 195.] 1 20 M. Dallison to the County Commissioners for Yorkshire. The committee have yours of the 29th Dec. about moneys received on the and re- turned by Mr. Wright; but it being directed to the Commissioners for Compounding instead of Advance of Money, it lay on the table till Jan. 21, when I gave it to the treasurer, who has sent daily to Mr. Wright, but cannot get the money. Wright is in town, but cannot speak with him. As this causes delay and disappointment to those who were expecting the money, the Commitee for Advance of Money beg you will take order that it may be paid, and that you with speed return the rest of the moneys you have received on the. [4 24, p. 193.] 76. County Commissioners for Cheshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have sequestered the estates ordered 26 Jan., but 2 were already sequestered for delinquency. We have also sent the several summonses ordered 28 Jan., for non-payment of assessments, but 2 of these are also sequestered for delinquency, and one is dead. Particulars of cases. [1 page.] 77. County Commissioners for Cambridgeshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have executed your order for levying the; particulars of 2 cases. [1 page.] 78. County Commissioners for Northamptonshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. According to your orders, we return our agent's affidavit of delivery of summonses for the 26. [3 page.] Enclosing, 20 78. 1. Affidavit by Sam. Hearne, agent, of his delivery of 13 summonses for the 2. 9 Feb. [1 page.] 1 20 79. County Commissioners for Northamptonshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Report the re-seizing of one estate, and the discharge of another, according to orders received. [] page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 101 1652. Feb. 25. Feb. 26. Feb. March 5. Durham. March 12. March 17. March 18. 80. Like list, not so full. [1} pages, damaged.] Feb. March 5. 81. County Commissioners for Cambridgeshire to the Committee for Advance Cambridge. of Money. We send you an affidavit of the delivery of your summonses. There is 1,500l. worth of timber belonging to Sir Ant. Cage. [ page.] Enclosing, 81. 1. Affidavit by Thos. French, jun., of Cambridge, before the County Com- missioners, of his delivery of summonses for 1 and 2, to 11 persons, one could not be found. Particulars of cases, 4 March. [2 pages.] 82. County Commissioners for Durham, to the Committee for Advance of Money. Accounts of 6 particular cases on which they received orders, 27 Jan. 1652, for seizing the estates for non-payment of assessments. [1 pages.] March 19. March 23. March 24. Exeter. VOL. A LXXXVI. Whereas by consent of the Army Committee, 150l. was allowed to Martin Dallison and his 2 clerks, who are fully paid to 14 Nov., since which 371. 10s. has become due to them for the last quarter,—order for payment thereof. With note of 18 March 1652, that the approval thereof by the Army Committee bas been signified to the treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall. [4 11, p. 230.] The Commissioners for Sequestrations for London to transmit forthwith all bonds and bills in their custody, for money due to delinquents or recusants. [A 11, p. 226.] 79a. List of causes depending for which dates of publication and hearing have been fixed, from 17 Jan. 1651 to 25 Feb. 1652. [2 sheets, damaged.] Order that on request to registrar Dallison, after search and certificate by him, he draw up orders, with the certificates annexed, for discharge of assess- ments for the on those who have been summoned, but no further proceedings taken, and on those who have been assessed but not summoned, but that in all other cases he have special order therein. [4 11, p. 244.] 20 83. Order that in all cases where informations have been given of delinquency, or of omissions and under-valuations in compounding, the registrars of the Commissioners for Compounding and Advance of Money certify proceedings, and whether they were sequestered before 1 Dec. 1651; and in case they were not, prepare discharges for them for all offences since 30 Jan. 1649, on their taking the engagement. In these cases the bonds of the prosecutors are to be returned for their discharge. Cases of assessments to be discharged where the person is only assessed and summoned, but where the sum has been set, special order is to be had. [Printed form, 1 page, signed by Martin Dallison.] 84. List of 18 discharges on the Act of Pardon of gentlemen in Cumberland and Westmoreland, at request Thos. Wharton in their behalf. [1 pages.] 85, 86. Notes by Thos. Turner of 5 persons, for whom he desires discharge of assessment on the Act of Pardon, all which passed 19 March 1652. [2 papers.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Gloucester- shire. In yours of the 13th, you note that the Act of Pardon has put some stop to your proceedings, and ask directions. All seizings and securings of estates are discharged thereby, if no judgment has been taken; those who apply on this ground we discharge, and order return of their securities, but it would not be safe for you to proceed without special order. No sequestrations made before 1 Dec. last are pardoned by the Act. Send us a list of those in your county who were then sequestered, with their estates, and on what grounds, and we will direct you. Persons behindhand for their 2, who have been assessed or summoned, we discharge on their address to us. But where orders for levying the assessment issued before 1 Dec., we hear the cases before order. As to those who under- valued their estates on compounding, those whose estates were sequestered before 1 Dec. 1651, are not discharged. We can give no rule for further pro- ceedings in such cases, and you are to certify how far you have proceeded, that we may give orders for coutinuance of sequestration, or for discharge. [A 24, p. 205.] 20 87. County Commissioners for Devonshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. On your order of 1 September for sequestering estates for the 25, one was summoned, one cannot be found, and 2 others are dead. Particulars of cascs. [ page.] 102 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1652. March 24. March 26. March 28. April 6. April 7. April 8. VOL. A LXXXVI. 88. Order that in all cases of delinquency, where the charge or proceedings were before the late or present county commissioners, and not originally before the Commissioners for Compounding or Committee for Advance of Money, the registrars are to receive petitions for county commissioners to certify proceedings; and on return of such certificates, if there have been no judgment or sequestration, orders are to be set down for discharge; if otherwise, the case is to be set down for hearing. [1 page; also A 11, p. 293.] Discharges to be also granted on motion or petition in all cases, on the registrars' certificate that no sequestration has issued. [4 11, p. 287.] 89. List of 23 delinquents whose charges or depositions were sent up by the Commissioners for Sequestrations for co. Devon, as also of 5 received from Mr. Bayley, but subsequently returned to him. [1½ pages.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Lancashire. On 31 March last, we, as Commissioners for Compounding, sent you orders touching persons engaged in the late war with the King of Scots, directing you to proceed according to instructions. Our registrar says that some of the estates have been seized 3 months, and no appeal made to us, and that several, if not most, or all of the persons still enjoy their estates. We desire you, according to the 5th instruction, to sequester the estates of all whom you returned to us, except such as have orders from us to stay rents in the tenants' hands, or receive them on security. We desire a report of your proceedings, and an account of such as are not yet returned. [A 24, p. 206.] Whereas petitions are presented, and motions made, in cases where there have been former proceedings, which are kept back by the prosecutors, and the last order in the case not produced as directed, and attempts made to keep from our knowledge former proceedings;-no order is now to be granted till the registrars give a certificate that the proceedings therein named (except published depositions) are all that have taken place in the case. For such certificates the registrars are not to demand fees. No petition to be exhibited in future without such certificate. Where there have been no proceedings, the registrars are to certify the same. They are not to give out any order unless the former orders in the case have been taken out. And that none may plead an excuse for not producing the last order in his case, a copy of this resolve is to be fixed on the door, and another to lie before the committee, so that the same may be duly observed. [A 11, p. 324.] April 8. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Devon. Haberdashers' You sent us last October charges and depositions against several persons, which Hall. CC were delivered to our registrar. Some you have seized and secured, and others we have ordered to be seized and secured. Send word whether any of them were actually sequestered before 1 December 1651. Noted, that no return was made, as it had been made to the Commissioners for Compounding. [A 25, p. 2.] 90. A particular of all estates under sequestration within the county of Southampton, and how the same estates are let, from Michaelmas 1651," arranged in the division of the county-106 estates-total rental 2,6151. 2s. 2d. Signed by the commissioners, Edw. Muspratt, Jo. Champion, and Edw. Hooker 20 March 1652. Exhibited 8 April 1652. With a good index. [Narrow folio book, 16 pages, in parchment cover, much damaged.] April 9. Hall. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' co. Salop. In yours of 29 March, you say that you are proceeding against persons engaged in the late war with the King of Scots. You are to take and secure the estates of those against whom you have proof, to send up the deposi- tions, and to be very diligent in finding out all who were active therein, and proceed according to instructions. [A 25, p. 3.] Hall. April 9. Committee for Advance of Moncy to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' Worcestershire. We received yours of 29 October, with dep sitions against those who had engaged in the late war with the King of Scots, some of whose estates we doubt not you have seized and secured. You are, according to your 5th instruction, to sequestrate all whose estates have been seized 3 months, unless you have orders for staying the rents in the tenants' hands, or receiving them on security. Also to the effect of the latter part of the preceding letter. [A 25, p. 1.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 103 4 April 13. April 17.. Worcester College. 1652. VOL. A LXXXVI. Hall.. April 13. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' Cheshire. Having received, from several counties into which Charles Stuart and his army entered last August, returns of persons who were active and in arms for him, and depositions thereon, we wish you to make like enquiries, and take like proceedings in your county, and send us the deposi- tions speedily. With note of like letters to the Commissioners of cos. Hereford, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Gloucester. [A 25,p. 4.] May 5. Penrith.. May 7. May 7. 91. Like letter to the County Commissioners for Northumberland. [✯ page, draft.] April 20. 93. County Commissioners for Cheshire to the Committee for Advance Northwich. of Money. In answer to yours of 13 April last, we cannot hear of any in this county who appeared for Charles Stuart, son of the late King, except John Sayer [see Tables]. Berchenhead, of Northwich, was discharged from sequestration as not worth 2007.; his estate is only 37. or 41. a year, and his family live partly on charity. He was bailiff to the Earl of Derby, and on Charles Stuart's coming to Northwich, proclaimed him King, went with the earl to Lancashire, escaped in the rout at Wigan, and is now living in or near London. Sonne of Nantwich gave money to Charles Stuart, to preserve the town from plunder; we will inquire into this. Most of this county declared for Parliament, and 4 regiments of foot, and one large troop of horse, raised at the county's charge, marched to Worcester, and were at the battle. The old delinquents that had compounded aided the said troops, and kept aloof from Charles Stuart. Direct us if any discovery is made to you, not known to us. [1 page.] May 4. 92. County Commissioners for Worcestershire to the Committee for Advance of Money. On your order of 19 March, we send you a list of all the persons sequestered in the county since 1 April 1643, and not discharged. We will observe your directions of 9 and 13 April. We have not, nor shall we suspend or discharge any on the Act of Pardon without your order. Particulars of cases. We want an answer to our late letter about Major Blackwell's taking distress of tenants to sequestered estates for 14 or 15 years' arrears of chief rents, and also to the particular of the sheriffs taking distress for the debts of proprietors. [2 pages.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Lancashire. We received yours of 9 December, with depositions against those who had taken part with Charles Stuart; but contrary to our directions, they were taken in a promiscuous way, intermixing divers delinquents in one deposition, and sometimes only examining one witness. We desire you to take further examinations, keeping the persons separate, or publication cannot well: be made in one case without naming the rest, and send us up your proofs speedily. With note of like letter for the Commissioners of co. Worcester. [A 25, p. 5.] 94. County Commissioners for Cumberland to the Committee for Advance- of Money. We send a list of those who were in arms against Parliament in the three wars, and have not compounded nor appeared in the county since, and. their estates have lain under sequestration. The following compounded for the second war, viz., John Senhouse of Seascale [see Cases], Jos. Patrickson of the How, and Wm. Patrickson of Weddicar, but were in arms in the third war,. and have not appeared in the county since. Their estates, real and personal, are secured. [page.] Annexing, 94, 1. List above referred to, viz., Sir Tim. Featherstonehaugh, Kirkoswald; Sir Phil. Musgrave, Bart., Eadnell; Lancelot Walker, Torpenhow; Rub.. Whitfield, Randell Holme. [ page.] 95. List of 11 cases on which discharges were granted for delinquents, and of 14 more to be heard on 7 May. [1 page.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Dorset. Having sent you orders for levying sums on persons assessed, we want to know what money you received before 1 December last, and what goods, cattle, or rent you have seized; you are to return to Haberdashers' Hall, not to Goldsmiths' Hall, the moneys so received, and the names of those on whom it was levied. We have much money charged on our receipt which requires_present payment. With note of like letters to the Commissionere for cos. Dorset, Lincoln, York, Chester, and Devon. [A 25, p. 6.] 101 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1652. May 8. Worcester College. May 11. York. May 12. Chester. May 14. May 14. Preston. May 18. May 29. Kendal. June 2. June 11. June 12. Exeter. June 16. VOL. A LXXXVI. 96. County Commissioners for Worcestershire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Rich. Thatcher discovered in 1650 an estate of Thos. Smith, Papist, of Bromsgrove, worth 11. 18s. a year, and the rent has been paid in ever since; also in 1651 the estate of Wm. Nash, Papist, of Hanbury, worth 171., which has been since paid in to the State. [1 page.] 97. County Commissioners for Yorkshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We send you our accounts for the and. We paid in more than we received, as Mr. Rymer will tell you at his coming. [ page.] Enclosing, 97.1. Note by Ralph Rymer of receipts for assessments, 7481. 6s., and repay- ments, 2761. 9s. 10d., leaving a balance of 4711. 16s. 2d. Also of 5001. and 1007. already paid in. [ page.] 20 98. County Commissioners for Cheshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. You ask us to certify our receipts on assessments for the before 1 December last. We levied no money on assessments before then, as all the persons whom you ordered us to sequester paid in their moneys at Haber- dashers' Hall. The Act [of Pardon] has put a stop to all orders received since. [page.] 99. List of cases and reports set down for hearing. [1 pages.] 100. E. Wall to Dallison. When yours of the 7th came, the commissioners had adjourned, and were on business about their accounts and keeping courts on sequestered estates, but I gave it to Mr. Cunliffe. He fears that if the witnesses are re-examined, many will deny what they affirmed, this being often done in composition cases, and he wants to know whether it is needful in all cases, or only in those where only one witness was examined. [1 page.] M. Dallison to E. Wall, clerk to the County Commissioners for Lancashire. In answer to yours of the 9th, I do not think that by the letter of the Committee for Advance of Money of the 4th, they wished you to re-examine witnesses already examined, but to take distinct, and not promiscuous depositions. [A 25, p. 7.] 101. County Commissioners for Westmoreland to the Committee for Advance of Money. By your order of 13 April, we have examined those who were in arms with Charles Stuart in the last engagement, and sent the examinations, and seized their estates. We will try to find out more. We intend to send up all the Court rolls, and an account of the moneys received by way of fines. We are in hand with the old accounts, but the work is difficult and takes much time. [1 page.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Cornwall. You are not henceforth to give certificates for money paid on the propositions, or for and, on pretence of the originals being mislaid or lost, until you have a certificate from our registrar that the party has not used his acquittance at Haberdashers' Hall by having the money deducted from his paid formerly. In these cases we have taken the acquittances; and if they have new certificates, they may double the money, and thus raise a present profit on what has been already allowed in part of their assessments. ~ [4 25, p. 11.] 102. All cases of delinquency in the former and latter wars to be heard before this committee as Committee for Advance of Money, and the registrar to them as Commissioners for Compounding to transfer the depositions and papers to the registrar of the Committee for Advance of Money. [ page; also A 12, p. 6.] 103. County Commissioners for Devon to the Committee for Advance of Money. On your order of 7 May, we certify that all your orders for summonses, seizures, and sequestrations for the and have been issued from time to time, but we have only had the enclosed return. [ page.] Enclosing, 20 103. I. Returns on a warrant of 29 Jan. 1651 for raising sums on the estates of 5 persons named. [1 page.] 104. In cases of titles and of debts discovered owing to delinquents or recusants, copies of the depositions are not to be given to either party until both certify that they have examined all their witnesses, unless special order is given where there is not effectual prosecution. [page; also ▲ 12, p. 27.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 105 1652. June 23. June 23. June 28. York. June 30. June 30. July 9. July 30. Aug. 6. VOL. A LXXXVI. 105. In all Auditor Sherwin's certificates, he is to say when the return and accounts he has from the late or present County Commissioners begin and end. [page; also A 12, p. 20.] The Solicitor for the State to see that all orders for the benefit of the State be drawn up by the registrars, and sent to the commissioners of the several counties for execution. The registrar and treasurer to have henceforth a special order for granting the Public Faith for moneys paid on the 2, before they grant certificates in such cases. [A 12, p. 27.] 20 106. Ralph Rymer to Jos. Beverley, agent to the Committee for Advance of Money for co. York; to be left with M. Dallison. I send an answer to yours about the 500l. I have directed payment of 2007. more, and if more is due on my books, I will pay it. Baylie has sent an answer to our queries about the papers left with him, but those in Mr. Leech's charge are not sent, nor the contracts which are confirmed, only an order naming that they are confirmed. [1 page.] Enclosing, 106. 1. Walter Rasby to Ralph Rymer. You have written me to pay the 5007. to Haberdashers' Hall, but my master ordered me to pay it to Goldsmiths' Hall. Let me have a line about it. London, 26 June. With Rymer's reply requesting him to pay it to Mr. Dawson at Haberdashers' Hall, and take his receipt. 29 June, York. [1 page.] 107. Mr. Dawson to perfect his accounts with the auditor in 10 days, and Herring and Waring henceforth to be treasurers to the Committee for Advance of Money, and keep separate accounts for them. [3 page.] 108. Whereas by Act of Parliament of 4 Feb. 1652, all titles of honour granted by the late King since 4 Jan. 1642 are made void, and are to be brought into the Court of Chancery by their owners, under a penalty; and whereas Sir Rob. Thorold states that, in a trunk seized by the late Committee for Advance of Money, as belonging to Rob. Squibb, there is a patent for a baronetcy conferred on him at Oxford, 14 June 1644, which he desires to have, that he may deliver it up accordingly; -order that the treasurer deliver over the said patent to the Commissioners of the Great Seal. [1 page, A 12, p. 53.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners of Lanca- shire. On reading your depositions in the case of Hen. Houghton, we find many things in which we are not satisfied, and therefore cannot proceed to judgment, viz., whether the witnesses were examined on interrogatories, or answered viva voce to questions propounded by you; whether they brought their depositions ready drawn and subscribed, which were accepted by you. Some of the depositions in this and other cases are taken before Mr. Sawrey and Fell, who are not authorised commissioners. Were these acknowledged by the deponents before you as commissioners? Many persons examined swore to the delinquency of many in a promiscuous and disorderly way, so we are sending for 4 to be examined by our examiner. [A 25, p. 17. See Henry Houghton, in Cases.] 109. County Commissioners for Worcestershire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Request for directions in particular cases. The cattle of several of the tenants to whom we have leased sequestered estates have been driven away by the sheriff, for the debts of the proprietors of the land, and the tenants expect defalcation of their rents. We send a list of sequestered manors of which the courts are still to be kept. [2 pages.] Enclosing, 109. I. List of 8 sequestered manors in the county, with the names of the owners. [ page.] 110. Whereas the committee ordered all moneys coming into Haberdashers' Hall to be paid to the treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall, and whereas several sums are charged by Parliament Order on Haberdashers' Hall, and the persons to whom they are due beg orders for payment, the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers are to pay the several sums which Treasurer Dawson was formerly ordered to pay, the orders being first attested by the auditor. A 12, p. 116.] [1 page; also 106 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. VOL. A LXXXVI. Hall. 1652. Aug. 6. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' Cheshire. We send an order of the Commissioners of Indemnity on your letter of 14 July last. It is unusual for complaints to come to them under your hands; it should be done by petitions of the complainers, which you should transmit to the committee before the day of appearance. Your letter now sent may be used as a certificate, and the complainants should appear at their first sitting, 31 Aug. [A 25, p. 23] Aug. 7. Aug. 13. Aug. 13. Preston. Aug. 30. Westminster. Sept. 9. Sept. 10. Sept. 24. Sept. 24. 111. Account of paper, pens, and ink delivered to Mr. Vale, for Mr. Dallison, for the use of the committee at Haberdashers' Hall. [14 pages.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Worcester- shire. We hear of erasures in some of your books and orders about Edm. Broad, against whom examinations were taken, and judgment of delinquency given by the late Committee for Advance of Money; you are to examine and certify; also to examine witnesses against Wm. Pardoe, to discover by whom the erasure was made, and whether it be a matter of bribery. [4 25, p. 25.] 112. E. Wall, clerk to the County Commissioners for Lancashire, to Dallison. Particulars of cases :-I find duplicates of orders for sequestrations or discharges are expected. I sent up those since Oct. 1645, when I was first employed as clerk to the late county commissioners, and they were delivered to Aud. Sherwin, also the books of Mr. Okey, late auditor here. I have been at much charge in transcribing the duplicates, and my salary being small, I hope this will be considered in my pay or allowance. [ page.] 113. Geo. Farrington to Dallison. The trustees [for plundered ministers ?] are very anxious to procure orders to the sub-commissioners, as the desires are just, and the neccessities of the ministers very urgent. The sub-commissioners allege the 35th instruction which inhibits their paying without orders. [1 page.] Whereas before 30 June last, several orders were issued by the Committee for Advance of Money to Rich. Waring and Mich. Herring, treasurers of Gold- smiths' Hall, for payment of of moneys paid in for compositions to the dis- coverers of the estates, according to the Parliamentary Order of 8 Aug. 1650, allowing to discoverers, and also other payments to be made from composition moneys;-order that these stand as entered, but that distinct accounts be kept henceforth for the receipts and payments for the Committee for Advance of Money, since 30 June 1652, when they were ordered to be treasurers in Dawson's stead. [4 12, p. 149.] 5 Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Lanca- shire. We find that the depositions sent up against persons for acting against Parliament, when the Earl of Derby and his forces were in your county, were taken by the Militia Commissioners or others, and not by you. We desire you to send for the witnesses, take their acknowledgments of their depositions, and certify us. [4 25, p. 26.] 114. Dawson to pay to Waring and Herring, within 14 days, all moneys in his hands, and due on his account as treasurer. [page; also A 12, p. 151]. Committee for Advance of Money to the Commissioners of cos. Worcester and Lancaster. You have returned several delinquents who are not prose- cuting their appeals to us, but you do not give their qualities or addresses; we think some are persons of small estates, but we desire further par- ticulars, and you are to have their estates in your own or any other county seized. Repeated 23 Oct. [A 25, pp. 29, 32.] Hall. Sept. 28. 115. Committee for Advance of Money to Chas. Pym. The County Com- Haberdashers' missioners for Middlesex have returned a list from the treasurer and ageut of the late County Committee for Westminster, of persons who owe money for delinquents' goods purchased of them, and you are returned as owing 54l. 10s. for goods of the Earl of Derby. We spoke to you of it before, when you said you knew nothing of it, but now we have particulars of the goods, and there- fore, in discharge of our public duty, we request you to pay the money forthwith, or show cause for non-payment. [1 page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 107 1652. Sept. 29. Sept. Oct. 6. Oct. 26. Cardigan. Oct. 28. Nov. 3. Nov. 10. Nov. 10. Tregaron. Nov. 18. Preston. VOL. A LXXXVI. Order on request of the master and wardens of Haberdashers' Hall, for payment to them from Goldsmiths' Hall Treasury, of the arrears of 607. a-year ordered them 7 Jan. 1651, for rent of their hall, and for its payment quarterly in future. [4 12, p. 166.] 116. List of 4 persons adjudged delinquents by the Committee for Advance of Money for acts committed since 30 Jan. 1649. [‡ page.] The committee, being sensible of the great pains of their registrars in alpha- betizing and methodizing their books and papers, whereby they produce them readily when needed, to the great advantage of the State, and they having reported their trouble and time spent in searches, and requesting a certain fee for their searches ;-order that they be allowed 4d. for each search made last year, and other years to come. [4 12, p. 175.] 117. County commissioners to the Committee for Advance of Money. In reply to yours of 19 March, 12 August, and 15 and 16 September 1652, with a printed list of convicted recusants, we cannot learn of any Popish recusants in this or any other county. We have directed warrants to the treasurers, collectors, sequestrators, and all others who ought to give in accounts, to appear before us. Particulars of cases. We have 1601. in hand, and wish the Treasurers-at-war would order the payment of it, on their first occasion for disbursement of money. [1 pages.] Enclosing, 117. 1. Depositions in several cases of delinquency. [11 pages. See Cardigan- shire delinquents, 30 January 1652, in Cases.] 118, 119. Whereas on 13 May 1651, Treasurer Dawson was ordered to pay by Council of State warrant 10,000l. for supply of stores, the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers are ordered to pay 500l. in part of the said 10,000l., Dawson being dismissed. [2 copies, 1 page each; one with certificate by Aud. Sherwin, the other receipted by Maj. Gen. Harrison; also A 12, p. 180.] Mary, widow of Capt. Rob. Pattison, of Brockdish, co. Norfolk, to have the rest of the 2001. ordered her by Parliament, 13 April 1652, paid from Gold- smiths' Hall, the Haberdashers' Hall treasury being dissolved. [4 12, p. 192.] - As many motions are made, and petitions prepared, in which part of the previous proceedings in the case, though copies have been obtained from the registrars, are kept back, whereby the committee lose time, and have to search the proceedings hastily, and thus some may overslip ;-order that in future no order shall issue for suspension of sequestration or seizure, till the registrar's certificate is produced, with copies of all proceedings. The registrars are, in their certificates, to mention such proceedings. This order to be posted on the doors and in the rooms, that solicitors and all others concerned may take notice of it. [A 12, p. 206.] 120. County Commissioners for Cardiganshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have called before us Thos. Evans, registrar to the late sub- committee of accounts in this county, but he refused either to be examined about his papers and acquittances, or to deliver them up. Thereupon we committed him to Oliver Lloyd, mayor of Tregaron, and one of the coroners of this county, requiring that he should be forthcoming when called for. Next morning we sent for him, but Lloyd refused to bring him before us, and used opprobrious words in affront to our authority; so we committed him, and he remains in restraint till we hear from you. Hearing that Thomas Lloyd Bishop proclaimed at Caron, a market town, that some of us were traitors and delinquents, and were incapable of our place, we called him before us, and he said he meant David Hughes, one of the com- missioners. For this affront, we committed him to the high constable, to be brought to the sheriff's gaol, but he would not obey our authority. We leave it to you to maintain our power. Signed by Rees Evans and David Hughes. [1 page.] 121. County Commissioners for Lancashire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We send the names and addresses of the parties against whom we sent examinations, 9 December 1651, with the valuation of their personal 108 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 3 1652. Nov. 19. Preston. Dec. 14. Dec. 21. Dec. 24. [Dec.] Nov. 23. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Haberdashers' Worcestershire. Complain of having received no reply to their letters of 24 September and 23 October about delinquents and their estates, which they repeat, and beg a speedy return. [A 25, p. 45.] Hall. Dec. VOL. A LXXXVI. estates; most of them have no real estates, and those that there are have not been surveyed, but shall be, if required. We send up depositions. [page.] Enclosing, 121. I., II. Depositions in the cases of Thos. Farthwaite and Thos. Fawcett of Caton, and Edm. Newton of Lancaster. [2 papers, see Cases.] 121. II. Valuation of the personalty of most of the Lancashire delinquents hereto- fore sequestered, including many of those Cases in 21 October 1652, 15 April 1653, 21 September 1653. [51 pages.] 122, County Commissioners for Lancashire to the Committee for Advance of Money. On your order of 10 September last, we summoned several witnesscs to acknowledge their depositions taken before the Militia Commissioners, have re-examined 2, but 3 have not appeared; one, Tim. Featherstonehaugh, was beheaded at Carlisle, by order of a court martial; one is dead, and one gone to Ireland, where he lives. [ page.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Worcestershire. We have yours with the list of estates of persons in your county secured for delinquency, and you ask the names of any more persons against whom witnesses have been examined. In yours of 29 October 1651, we find only one witness was examined against divers persons in the enclosed list, and we expected you would have taken further proofs long ere this, many being persons of note, who must have been observed if in arms with the King of Scots at Worcester fight. We beg you forthwith to make further inquiry, and transmit the depositions to us as Committee for Advance of Money. Annexing, 1. List of 14 persons concerning whom only one witness was examined, for proof of delinquency since 30 January 1649. [A 25, p. 48.] Whereas we have several orders from the Committee for relief on articles of War to certify what proceedings are before us, which we directed our registrars to certify; considering the weight of such certificates, for a more regular proceeding therein, we order our registrar and auditor to make certificates of all material proceedings in their custody, and deliver them to Reading or Brereton, to state in a report to be sent to the Court of Articles. [412, p. 289.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners of Worcester- shire. In yours of 8 October 1651, with a list of persons whose estates you had seized for adhering to the King of Scots at Worcester, you said you were finding out proofs. Return speedily those already taken, and where you have not sufficient proof, be diligent in examining further witnesses; and to prevent the prejudice happening by delay, send us speedy returns, for the benefit of the State, whose interest we hope you are not backward to promote. Annexing, 1. List of 43 persons named in the letter alluded to, against whom no depositions have been taken. II. List of 14 against whom only one deposition has been taken. [A 25, pp. 54, 55.] Committee for Advance of Money, to the County Commissioners of co. Cardigan. In answer to yours of 10 Nov. 1651 [see p. 107 supra], you must require Oliver Lloyd to produce Evans, and commit him to custody till he conforms. Lloyd is to be discharged if he produce him; he must appear be- fore us within 3 weeks, to show cause. On the latter part of your letter we give no direction; you might have forborne prosecutions in matters relating only to yourselves. [A 25, p. 56.] 123. Memorandum of 15 cases before the Committee for Advance of Money. June to Dec. 1652. [ page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 109 1652. 1653. Jan. 5. Jan. 8. Feb. 1. Feb. 10. March 2. Preston. March 6. May 6. May 6. Guildhall. VOL. A LXXXVI. 124. Certificate by Geo. Dawson, treasurer, on an Order of the Committee for Advance of Money. There remains unpaid, on 6 Parliamentary warrants named, 6,1137. 6s. 10d. There are orders for payments on discoveries and weekly pensions charged on this receipt. I cannot give an estimate of moneys to come, but there are large sums due on the Yorkshire and Oxford engagements; also from Sir John Danvers, Ald. Reynardson, and Sir Jas. Stonehouse; also debts sequestered before Dec. last, and not included in the Act of Pardon. [1 page.] VOL. A LXXXVII. 1653-1656. 1. Opinion of Mr. Brereton, that though persons are not to have the benefit of the Act of Pardon who have been excepted from pardon by any Act or Ordinance of Parliament, yet an exception from the Act of South Wales would not except from the Act of Pardon.page.] 2. County Commissioners for Worcestershire, to the Committee for Advance of Money. Particulars of cases, transmission of orders, &c. We have searched our books and papers, but cannot give any further testimony. [1 page.] 3. List of numerous papers, depositions, &c., relating to delinquents in co. Lancaster, received from Mr. Bayly. [2 pages.] 4. W. Westrow, to the Commissioners for Indemnity Committee for Advance of Money]. You have summoned Messrs. Deeds, Weller, Greenland, and Curtis, of Hythe, before you as guilty of delinquency, and punishable for being in office contrary to the Act. Being a burgess of this town, these persons have been much under my observation; they have constantly con- formed to Parliamentary authority, and some have shown much affection to Parliament's cause. At the rising in Kent, when many honest men were entangled by the specious pretence of a petition, they and the rest of the town were acquitted by the County Committee, on trial of some of them who were then principal governors of the town. They had not formal [dis]charges, be- cause it was not supposed they would be again questioned. I think this to be a malicious information, and I hope they may be speedily dismissed, or else allowed to examine their witnesses in the country, to save them trouble and charge. [1 page.] 5. County Commissioners for Lancashire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Particulars of cases. We wait directions how to proceed with those against whom we informed you 9 Dec. 1651, and whose addresses we gave 18 Nov. last. [1 page.] 6. Warrant, by Col. Hen. Danvers, 16 Dec. 1650, to Rich. Hopkins and Mr. Spencer, to repair to 14 parties underwritten, who have refused payment of the rents to the farmers of the tithes of Cannock, to whom it was let for a year, and if they do not pay, to levy the sum by distress on their goods. With deposition endorsed that Col. Danvers acknowledges signing the warrant. [1 pages.] 7. Certificate by the county commissioners, that on 16 March 1650, Wm. Temple, Bishopstrow, co. Wilts, subscribed the engagement to be faithful to the Commonwealth, without King or House of Lords. 2 seals and signatures. [Scrap.] 8. Jas. Smith, to Dallison. Sir John Wollaston and the rest of the Treasurers-at-war, ask whether there is any money in that treasury on assess- ment of the 2 persons expressed in the order of the House, more than is already paid the said treasurers. [ page.] Enclosing, 8. 1. Parliament Order, that the sums received from Lords Lanerick and Lauderdale, not already disposed of by order, be paid to the Army treasurers, and by them to Sir Art. Hesilrigg, for Carlisle and Berwick fortifications. 13 April 1642. [} page.] 110 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1653. June 17. Wigan. July 15. Aug. 5. Aug. 6. Worcester College. Sept. 1. Sept. 6. Worcester College. Sept. 21. Sept. 21. Sept. 24. Worcester College. Sept. 27. Oct. 7. Oct. 22. VOL. A LXXXVII. 9. County Commissioners for Lancashire, to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have given notices of hearing and publication in the several causes you have ordered page.] Enclosing, 9. 1. Deposition of the delivery of the said notices to Lancashire delinquents [2 pages.] Whereas on 30 June 1652, the Committee for Advance of Money appointed Rich. Waring and Mich. Herring, treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall, as their treasurers; and whereas the Goldsmiths' Hall have lately appointed Rich. Sherwin and John Leach as treasurers in their stead,-Order that Sherwin and Leach be also treasurers of the Committee for Advance of Money, and receive and pay all their moneys, according to orders received from 4 or more of the committee. [A 12, p. 391.] John Birchenshaw appointed to the office of examiner to the Committees for Compounding, Advance of Money, and Indemnity, lately held by Edw. Carey; salary, 1007. a year, to be paid quarterly. [A 12, p. 416.] 10. County Commissioners for Worcestershire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We gave notice by our messenger to the several persons whose cases were speedily to be heard. The post now demands payment for the carriage of all your letters to us; are we to pay them for such as are on the State's service, and are so superscribed? [page.] Order on request of the Haberdashers' Company that the present treasurers, Leech and Sherwin, pay quarterly the rent of 60l. a year for their hall, as ordered formerly, with arrears. [4 12, p. 426.] 11. County Commissioners for Worcestershire, to the Committee for Advance of Money. Certify the delivery of summonses in 8 cases of delinquency, and the taking fresh depositions in 2 of them. [1 page.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Lancashire. There being several persons in your county against whom witnesses have been examined for delinquency since 30 Jan. 1649, whose estates have been seized and secured, and depositions long since returned, we desire you to proceed in sequestration of all nanies in the annexed list, and certify proceedings. You are also to secure the estates of Wm. Rowe and Lord Widdrington, against whom examinations have been taken. Annexing, 1. List of 60 persons in the county whose estates are to be sequestered. [Entered in the Cases. A 25, p. 71.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for co. Worcester. To like effect. All seized estates are to be sequestered, unless orders are produced on their appeals. [A 25, p. 71.] 12. County Commissioners for Worcestershire to the Committee for Advance of Money. Thanks for yours of 13 Sept., with the particulars sent. Are the following persons to have their estates seized and secured ? 1. Those that appeared at the Scots' rendezvous at Pitchcroft, without arms, and were not drawn up into a body. 2. Those that were drawn up, but without arms. 3. Those that appeared in Worcester while the Scots were there, and had no arms. 4. Those that lived in Worcester, and went out voluntarily to meet the King of Scots and his party. [1 page.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners for Worcestershire. We must forbear to answer your general questions, but when you send up depositions against any persons engaged, particular orders will be given. [425, p. 72.] The auditors and registrars to prepare a list of those who have incurred delin- quency since 30 Jan. 1649, whose estates are now under sequestration, with the value of their several estates, and send it to the Committee of Parliament for preparing a bill of sale; with list 12 Oct. of 8 persons adjudged delinquents since the last list was sent in. [A 13, p. 12. All these names occur in the Cases, but none in the Act for sale.] 13. Folding sheet of a letter missing to the Committee for Advance of Money. [2 leaves.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 111 1653. Oct. 28. Nov. 10. Dec. 7. Dec. 21. 1654. Jan. 2. Jan. 19. Feb. 4. Laleliam. March 8. March 8. March 14. VOL. A LXXXVII. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners of In reply to your queries about seizing and securing the estates of those against whom you have examined witnesses for proof of delinquency since 1649, we en- close a copy of the orders of Parliament by which we now act, advising that you seize and secure on proofs of 2 witnesses, returning us the depositions, with the time of seizing, and the value of the estate, whereupon we will order publica- tion and hearing. [A 25, p. 96.] Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners of Cumber- land. We understand that you gave John Senhouse copies of the depositions against him, that he might make his defence. It is contrary to the proceed- ings of all courts to give copies before publication. We wish you not to do it in future, nor to permit any persons concerned to be present at or privy to examinations. Did you give copies of the depositions taken in Lancashire? if so, that witness must be examined again, as well as the others, and cross- examined by the defendant. [A 25, p. 74.] 20 14. Whereas by Parliament Order of 12 Aug. 1645, persons who paid in their within the time limited, and such others as the then Committee for Advance of Money thought meet, were to have the Public Faith for repay- ment; and whereas Laurence Newman, late treasurer to the Committee for Advance of Money, died in 1644, and his books of accounts remain in Haber- dashers' Hall, and Wm. Lane succeeded him, and the moneys were chiefly received by Newman and Lane;-order that Registrar Dallison and Lane give Public Faith certificates of course to those who paid within the time limited, or were respited by the late committee; but not to those who have been under warrant or distress, without further order. [1 page; also A 13, p. 42.] Order that Leech and Sherwin make a list, from their predecessors' books and their own, of all money paid as public debts of the State, from 15 April, 1650. [4 13, p. 46.] 15. Ar. Squibb to M. Dallison. Pray deliver at once the money for the Westminster poor to Edw. Martyn, that he may be despatched on the public service. [1 page.] 16. Deposition by Edw. Martyn, that on 13 Jan. last, he demanded 331. 5s. Od. of Abr. Raynardson, late Lord Mayor, and Gerard Guy, according to a bond of 21 Jan. 1653, for the poor of Margaret's, Westminster, but they refused to pay, because forced to enter into the bond. [ page.] 17. Reynold Pigge and Wm. Reeve to Jas. Styles. As we went on Friday to Haberdashers' Hall, and after waiting 3 hours, could not see Mr. Piggott, Mr. Dallison's clerk, we beg you to finish our claims [for Public Faith bills], and we will pay your charges and pains. [page.] 18. Order-on reference of 20 Feb. last to the Committee for Advance of Money, of a petition presented by Margaret, widow of Edw. Rood, Minister of the Gospel, to the Protector, requiring them to pay her weekly pension, or certify;that the said pension of 15s. a week be paid, they having nothing to offer to the contrary. page; A 13, p. 81.] 19. Whereas divers sums were raised on the and, whereof the books remain in Haberdashers' Hall, but the persons have had no certificates whereby to enter their claims of the debts owing them for the said sums ;- order that the registrar give certificates for the moneys so raised, expressing whether they were paid within the time limited by the ordinances or orders of the late Committee for Advance of Money, or were out of time, or raised by distress, or levied out of rents, and that he keep an entry of the said cer- tificates. [page; A 13, p. 81 b.] 20. Committee for Advance of Money to the county commissioners. We enclose you an order of the Protector, ordaining us commissioners for dispos- ing of estates under sequestration, and we desire you to pay in your moneys in hand, and to perfect your accounts by the time limited in the Ordinance. You are also to call in the tenants and farmers of sequestered estates to pay in their arrears, and you are to continue to act according to the Ordinance, till you receive further communications from us. [23 pages, printed.] 112 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 1654. March 17. March 21. March. March. June. Sept. 5. Oct. 6. Dec. 4. Dec. 7. Dec. 22. Preston. Dec. 1654 ? VOL. A LXXXVII. In all cases of delinquency depending before the Commissioners, 14 days' notice to be given to the parties concerned before hearing, that they may be prepared therefor. [A 13, p. 84.] 0 21. "Certificates of the and parts, under Mr. Dallison's hands," being certificates of payments made or moneys raised by sale of goods, for assess- ments in 31 cases named 19-25 March 1654. The payments were chiefly in 1643 and 1644. These certificates were probably issued for the obtaining of Public Faith bills. [9 leaves of a book.] 22-30. Blank forms for certificates of payment for the and, printed for filling in. [9 copies.] 31. Note of 6 persons assessesd from whom tickets [for Public Faith ?] are desired. [page.] 32. Book of signed receipts of acquittances for assessments from the Treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall for moneys paid in at Haberdashers' Hall, in sums of from 31. to 600l., from 25 July 1644 to 21 June 1654. At the other end of the book, is an alphabetical list of persons paying in assessments, sums specified, from Oct. 1643 to July 1644. [78 pages.] Enclosing, 32. 1.-v1. Six similar loose receipts for acquittances. [Scraps.] All cases of delinquency depending, in which publication is already passed, to be set down for hearing on 3 Oct., and the registrar to send notice to the county commissioners to give notice to the parties concerned, that they may come prepared. Proceedings to be also taken in the cases in which publication is not yet passed. [A 13, p. 114.] On information that there are in the hands and houses of Drs. Layfield and Dixon, and the widow of Dr. Mountford, co. Herts, parcels of plate and other goods, value 2,000l., lately belonging to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's; and on an order of the Protector and Council of 14 Aug. 1654, the county commissioners are to seize the said plate and goods, and take and send up an inventory thereof. [A 13, p. 119.] 33. The County Commissioners for Cardiganshire to the Committee for Advance of Money. In answer to yours of 28 Nov., there is not in this county one man under sequestration. Those who were sequestered have compounded, paid their fines, and got their discharges, so there is nothing to do in relation to the method enclosed. Notes of cases. [ page.] 34. Note of depositions in several cases delivered to Solicitor Williams. [page.] 35. County Commissioners for Lancashire to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have given notice as ordered. [page.] Enclosing, 35. 1. Depositions of the giving of the summonses, and notices ordered 27 Oct. last, to Lancashire delinquents, for publication or hearing of their respective cases. [31 pages.] 36. List, partially alphabetical, of persons in Lancashire and other counties against whom depositions were taken for acting against Parliament since Jan. 1649, in whose cases the committee doubt whether they have power to proceed to judgment, with notes of the proceedings already taken on the cases. Also list of delinquents informed against, and no proofs taken. Also of those adjudged delinquents, for assisting the King of Scots in 1651, and not yet discharged. [Book of 38 leaves; 2 blank.] 37. Note of lists (missing) of informations depending before the late Com- mittee for Advance of Money and Compounding, in cases of delinquents or Papists, wherein no judgment has been given, but which are conceived fit for prosecution. Also of those about which it is doubtful whether they are fit for prosecution. [page.] 38. Like note of a list of persons against whom depositions were taken before the Justices of the Peace and Militia Commissioners of co. Hereford, to prove their adherence to the late King of Scots when he was at Worcester in 1651, transmitted to the late Council of State, and by them to the Committee for Advance of Money, and who are worth prosecution, if witnesses may be regularly examined. Those who have been informed against, but no proof brought, are not mentioned. [page.] GENERAL PROCEEDINGS. 113 1654 ? 1655. Jan. 13. Jan. 31. Feb. 20. March 13. May 8. 1655 ? 1656. March 4. Stafford. 50623. VOL. A LXXXVII. 39-43. Notes taken from the order-books of the Committee for Advance of Money, relative to transactions about debts due to delinquents, chiefly in 1650 and 1651. [5 papers.] 44. List of 33 persons who have been summoned before the Committee for Advance of Money, and of 14 more who have been summoned to bring in their bonds. [3 pages.] Order renewing that of 7 Jan. 1651 for payment to the master and wardens of the Haberdashers' Company of a rent of 60l., with arrears, for the use of their hall, by the Committee for Advance of Money, to be paid quarterly. [A 13, p. 140.] Whereas, as the late Committee for Advance of Money ordered the Sequestration Commissioners for London, sitting at Armorers' Hall, to appraise and sell 79 black corslets, brought into Guildhall in 1642, seized from Lawrence Goffe, of Leadenhall Street, for his assessment of his, and also 20 pairs of pistols seized from Fras. Berrers for his assessment-order that they be delivered to the Commissioners for Sequestrations in London, to be sold to the best advantage, and the money paid into the Exchequer. [A 13, p. 147.] 45. List of 5 persons who, by special order of Parliament, compounded with the Committee for Advance of Money for lauds in counties specified, viz. :— Rob. Henley, chief clerk in the Upper Bench. Dr. John Warner, late Bishop of Rochester. Geo. Mynn, Epsham, co. Surrey. Sir Thos. Littleton. Sir John Glanville, serjeant-at-law. [13 pages.] Whereas several causes of delinquency in which publication is passed remain unheard, because the parties concerned do not attend-order that this day fortnight all such causes be heard and determined ex parte, in case those sum- moned do not attend to make their defence. [4 13, p. 155.] 46. List of orders in the hands of the late Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurer not yet paid, dated 15 Sept. 1652-27 April 1653. Also orders for payments of 50,000l. on the Irish account, June 1650-Sept. 1652. [2 pages.] 47. John Peirce to the Committee for Advance of Money. Capt. Lea being dead, I answer your letter to him. Aldreth Atwood was sequestered for recusancy in March 1651; and Ralph Cleton about Sept. 1643. His land lies near Stafford. [page.] H (114) CASES BROUGHT BEFORE THE COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY. 6 Dec. 1642. LONDON COMPANIES. Note of moneys unpaid by them for their part of the 100,0007. lent for suppressing the rebels in Ireland, viz. : Vintners, remains of 5,0007. 5,500l. 8007. Cloth workers Barber Surgeons Cooks Brown Bakers Girdlers Painter Stainers, Masons "" Scriveners Embroiderers Musicians "" رو "" "" Plumbers Founders Tilers and Bricklayers 4007. 150%. 1,4007. all ,, "" "" "" د. در 1: [ 1 1 1 1,5007. 2,8801. 4007. 1907. 501. 4007. 150%. 2001. 2001. 100%. 2501. 8007. 4007. 801. 7,6002. Order in Parliament that the Committee for Advance of Money summon the officers of the aforesaid halls, to take the speediest course they can for bringing in their arrears, to be employed towards payment of the Scots' army in Ireland. 1 36 8 Dec. The Vintners to pay in their arrears before Monday next, or appear at Haberdashers' Hall on Tuesday. 6 Jan. 1643. The Scriveners wish one of this committee to attend 79 their quarter court, the better to advance their loan. 1 72 18 Jan. Order that the Scriveners return the answers of such of their company as appeared on the 12th instant as to what they will lend towards the 8007., summon the rest to give in their answers, and report next Thursday. 23 Jan. Order in the House of Commons referring the petition of Thos. Squire [Scrivener] to the Committee for Advance of Money, to consider it, and discharge him if they see cause. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, on his appearance, for his discharge, on taking an engagement to pay before 31 Jan. 501., as his part of the 8001. charged on the Scriveners' Company towards subduing the rebels in Ireland. 28 Aug. 1643. The said 501. to be paid to Rich. Warburton 29 Aug. Note by Martin Dallison, clerk of the committee, that he received the money 30 Jan., and paid it 29 Aug. to Rich. Warburton, under-treasurer to the Committee for Irish Affairs, who gave an acquittance. 18 Sept. 1643. The Clothworkers to appear and give an account of what they have raised, of the 10,000l. taxed by Common Council, and pay in the 500l. gathered by them. 19 Sept. The Vintners to pay in 2,500l. due, the Dyers 7007., and the Woodmongers 400l., being their respective proportion of their arrears of 5,000l. Vol. No. A or P. 1 34 The Ironmongers and the Barber Surgeons ordered to bring in their arrears of 400l.; the Pewterers theirs of 3001.; and the Haberdashers theirs of 3,400l. 3 1 83 1 83 2 69 1 83 2 92 2 95 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 115 6 Dec. 1642. V 25 Sept. The Clothworkers ordered to bring in a book of the names of the Company, and the wardens of the yeomanry to deliver it. 19 Sept. 1643. List of the persons in each company on whom the 88 1-4 said arrears are to be levied. 2 99 Sept. List of the 113 members of the company, headed by 88 Sir Rich. Gurney, and note that their share of the assess- ment was 2,7501., of which they paid 5001. and 2,2501. is unpaid. 7 Oct. 1643. List of 186 members of the Dyers' Company [7 Oct.] List of 21 Woodmongers, not freemen, who use from 2 to 5 cars, and are assessed at 51. a car towards the 4007. to be levied on the company, and of 12 who do not use cars, and are assessed at 51. to 201. each. Total, 4551. Oct. Petition of the Vintners' Company to Parliament. We have willingly complied with the commands of Parlia- ment, advanced 6,000l. from money entrusted to us for orphans and the poor, sold the plate given by deceased brethren, and taken up loans on interest which we cannot pay. Yet an Ordinance has passed for our sequestration be- cause we cannot advance 2,500l. towards the 50,000l. lately required. The result of this will be that the wills of the dead will be unperformed; the poor unrelieved; moneys borrowed unpaid; the stock of orphans and others wasted; and the City of London deprived of a member that for 100 years has borne share in all public charges. We beg that, having done what we could, our company may not be suddenly dissolved or ruined, and we disabled for the future, not having at present enough to pay the interest of money furnished for Parliament's use. 3 Nov. 1643. The Clothworkers and Haberdashers to appear on Monday, and the Ironmongers on Tuesday. 29 Sept. The Ironmongers to pay in 5007., according to 2 100 promise, and then to appeal. 2 101 Also the Dyers to bring in the names of the company, except journeymen. 2 102 Note that the Ironmongers paid in 4007. part of their 1,7007. 7 Nov. The Ironmongers and Vintners ordered to bring in their rentals, and the names of all the freemen. Also the Clothworkers who, having paid 5001., promised 2501. more in 2 days. The Haberdashers desire a little time, and they will call a Court and report. 9 Nov. The Barber Surgeons and Pewterers to pay in their arrears, or else bring in a rental of their estates, and the names of the freemen. Vol. No. A or P. 21 Nov. Rent-roll of the lands belonging to the said com- pany; total, 1531. 2s. 8d.; payments, 2251. 3s. 10d. Debt, 1,4391. 16s.; and they "have been forced to sell all their plate, not leaving one spoon," and have not 301. to pay half their weekly assessment. 5 April 1644. The Clothworkers alleging that a general court is to be held on Wednesday, they are then to bring in a positive answer whether they will pay their arrears by Friday. 10 5 88 6 88 7 88 8 2 133 2 137 10 Nov. Order on the Woodmongers' appearing and declaring 2 142 that they have no stock, that they bring in the names of the company in a fortnight. 2 139 21 Nov. List of all the freemen of the Pewterers' Com- 88 9 pany, journeymen excepted; viz., of the livery, John Child, master; Rob. Leeson and Ralph Mares, wardens, and 48 others; of the yeomanry, 151. 88 10 3 72 H 2 116 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Dec. 1642. 19 Dec. 1642. NOTE 88 15 12 April 1644. They report that they cannot pay any more of the 50,000l. Oct. 1644? Account of what each of the companies has paid, and of what they still owe on the proportions respectively assigned to them. 4 Nov. 1644. Order that the Ironmongers, Fishmongers, Vint- ners, Clothworkers, Dyers, Pewterers, Barber - Surgeons, Brewers, Woodmongers, and Stationers, appear before the Committee for Advance of Money about the arrears on a loan of 50,000l., granted by the Act of Common Council 26 Aug. 1643, and secured by Act of Parliament, to be re- paid out of the weekly assessments. 7 Nov. The proportions of the 50,000l. taxed by Common Council, to be paid by the companies in 14 days are, Clothworkers Vintners 5007. Fishmongers Iroumongers Woodmongers Pewterers 5007. 5007. 3007. 4007. 1007. ("not appeared.") Dyers Stationers Brewers - 2007. 100%. 1002. 7 Nov. Copy of the above. With note of the names and pay- ments of some of the members. 2 Dec. 1644. Order to the several persons named of the several companies to pay their proportions assigned of the respective sums, or in default, order will be given for levying them. 6 Dec. The Fishmongers to have a week's notice to pay in 5007. of the 50,000%. 3. They are compelled to sell their plate to pay this in- terest, their revenue not sufficing. 4. They cannot obtain further loans on the company's seal, because they are so deeply charged. Vol. No. A or P. 3 78 5. The City owes them 6241. 8s., which ought to have been paid long since. 6. Several of their creditors press repayment of their capital, and are willing thereon to abate the interest, but the company cannot accept the offer for want of money. 88 11 3 280. 3 284 88 12 16 Dec. The Stationers' Company respited 14 days 8 Jan. 1645. The Vintners, complaining that some of their number absent themselves, and refuse to join in raising the 500l., they are to call a Court to raise the 500l. arrears, and to return the names of those who do not appear, not exceeding 25, and unless the 5007. is paid in 10 days, it is to be levied by distress. [Jan.] The Vintners represent the present state of their company 88 to show that, in spite of all their endeavours, they cannot make any further advance of money. 1. Their company is very small, and charged with many legacies to good uses in perpetuity. 2. They are 7,000l. in debt, and pay 8 per cent. interest. 3 314- 316 3 322 3 330 4 5,6 GILBERT MOREWOOD, Cornhill Ward. Being summoned to pay an assessment, pleads that he has lent 88 1001. on the propositions for money and plate, 100l. toward the 30,000l. which he will let rest on the Public Faith, will pay in 1007, forthwith, give his bond for 1007., and do what shall be further thought fit. 16 April 1643. Gilb. Morewood to John Mould. I find by yours 88 how hardly I am proceeded against in London; if they knew my condition they would pity me. I am still a prisoner; the Colonel knows what money I have lent Parliament, and would protect me if I would lend him a good sum. They fetch away by cart and horse all the provisions I have about me. To-day, they broke open my stable door and took 5 of my best horses. 13 14 16 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 117 19 Dec. 1642. 19 Dec..1642. I am engaged to the Colonel not to stir out of my house. If I stir, all is lost; if I stay, and the wars continue, nothing can be saved. Some gentlemen about me have lost all their tenants, who are ordered to pay the rent to his Majesty's use, and they are proclaimed traitors. If ever I see London, I promise to give the committee all satisfaction.. - 26 April 1644. Assessed at 1,2001.. 10 May 1644. Order that-as he has paid 4007., which is above his, except of 300l. a year under power of the King's army, -his assessment be respited till his lands are free. 13 Oct. 1645. Order that when he receives 2007. which he assured on the ship Charles, he pay it to this committee's use. 27 Nov. 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for 100%. here paid, he having contributed before assessment, and suffered much by the enemy. SPANISH MERCHANTS, Claimants of the goods on the ship CLARE. Note that the Spanish merchants, pretenders to the cochineal, silver, ginger, hides, and other goods brought in the ship Clare into Southampton, appeared. 21 Dec. Note that the Spanish ambassador's solicitor came to the committee, and averred that the said goods were stolen from St. Domingo, and he would prove that the pretenders thereto were not the true proprietors. 22 Dec. Order in the House of Commons, on report from the Committee for Advance of Money, that the cochineal deposited in Sir John Nulls' hands be forthwith sold, and a declaration of the true state of the business set forth. That the pretenders to the cochineal and other goods be left to their trial-at-law. That the produce of the cochineal and other goods, and of the silver coined, be secured by Public- Faith. That the Committee for Advance of Money order the sale of the cochineal and other goods at Southampton or elsewhere. [Printed, Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 899.] 27 Dec. Order in the House of Commons that publication be made, by bills on the Royal Exchange, for sale of the cochineal on Dec. 29, at 3 p.m., at Haberdashers' Hall, to be sold by the candle, and Sir John Nulls to allow it to be viewed. With note of the publication and the form of the bill. [Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 903.] 29 Dec. Order to Sir John Nulls to permit John Delanoy to view the cochineal. 29 Dec. Note that divers persons appeared with intent to view the cochineal, but were dismissed, as the House had taken the business into further examination, and so they must wait further publication. • Vol. No. A or P. 61 3 4 291 5 142 88 1 52 88 134 110 1 88 1 52 1 88 1 NA NO 29 Dec. Petition of several merchants of London, owners of 88 the ship Clare, lately arrived at Southampton from the West Indies, to the House of Commons. Hearing of an order made by you 28 Dec. to the Committee for Advance of Money, to raise 10,000l. from the cochineal now in your possession ;- also noting the great inconveniences that will ensue if the cochineal and other goods are disposed of, according to an order of 22 Dec., before the property therein has been ascer- tained by law, we having 10,0007. interest in the goods, besides freight and charges, beg to propound- 1. That we will speedily raise 10,0007. more, in addition to. the 30,0007. brought home in the ship, and already used by Parliament, if we may have power to deliver the goods to the true owners. 17 18 1 60-1 88 20 53 19 52 21 ུ 61 22. 118 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 19 Dec. 1642. 29 Dec. 1642. o.c. 3 33 2. We will give security for their delivery to the pro- prietors, they paying the freight. 3. We will give security to answer all pretenders to pro- perty in the goods, provided we be freed from national quarrels or demands, of which we should be free had we not been dispossessed of our goods, and exposed to this danger by power of Parliament. 4. We will discharge all duties, mariners' wages, &c., till the proprietors can sell their goods, and oblige them to answer by law all demands of the Spanish ambassador con- cerning the premises. We beg consideration, to prevent further mischief to English merchants trading to Spain. 2 Jan. 1643. Order in the House of Commons. As the merchants 88 23 and owners of the Clare have paid in, as ordered, 20,000l., which, with the 30,000l. delivered into the Tower, is to be liable to all suits and arrests by the Spanish ambassador or others-order that the goods be delivered up to Ignatius Landahola, and 3 others, for the use of themselves and the rest of the owners, they paying freight, custom, and other charges. The Admiralty Judges and others to take notice of this order. [Commons' Journals, Vol. II., 911.] 2 Feb. 1653. Sentence by Hen. Rolle, Lord Chief Justice of 88 the Upper Bench, John Puleston and Edw. Atkyns, Jus- tices of the Common Pleas, and Robert Aylett, Wm. Turner, and Jas. Master, LL.D., judges-delegates appointed under the Great Seal on the appeal wherein Nath. Hawes and Geo. Paine, and Rachel, his wife, administrators of Joseph Hawes, of the firm of Hawes and Company, are appellants, and Ignatius Landahola, and 4 others, are respondents; whereby the appellants claim all the silver, money, or other goods that were in the St. Clare, captured while trading to the West Indies, on account of the subjects of the King of Spain, and brought into Southampton ;-that so much of the sentence formerly pronounced as enjoined perpetual silence upon the appellants be altered, and that they have liberty to prosecute their suit for the recovery of such lading, but that the remainder of such sentence be affirmed, and the respon- dents pay the costs. Vol. No. A or P. MILES FLETCHER, Printer; JOHN PARKER, Bridge Ward, Wardens of the Stationers' Company. Feb. 1653. Accounts of the claims of Landahola and 5 others 88 25-30 named in the lading of the said ship. [Spanish.] 24 Notice that Parker is assessed at 10l., by virtue of the Ordinance 88 31 of 29 Nov. 1642. 19 Feb. 1644. The assessments of both respited till the moneys due to them from the State for printing are paid. 28 July 1644. Parker assessed at 1007. 23 Aug. 1644. They being again assessed, whilst 2,000l. is due to them for printing, order that the assessment be discharged, and the former order stand in force. 23 Feb. 1643. Order that Fletcher make affidavit what is his 2 160 and, deposit, and be respited till further order. 3 Jan. 1645. John Parker's assessment respited till he be paid the money the Stationers have. 3 11 65 122 3 222 2 Dec. 1644. Each assessed at 101. as members of the Stationers' 3 316 Company. 3 349 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 119 29 Dec. 1642. Dec. 1642. DEP. 88 33 3 Jan. 1643. P.E. 88 35 P.D. 88 36-37 o.c. 6 103 4 Jan. 1643. REP. 88 37B • 5 Jan. 1643. 14 Feb. 1645. Parker respited till Easter, to show his acquit- tances. 11 May 1646. Order that he be paid 1007. out of the 300l. to be paid by the Earl of Westmoreland, or out of Mr. Speaker's assessment. 11 Nov. 1646. The assessments of Fletcher and Parker respited as before, till they receive moneys due from the State. - ART. GITTINS, St. Andrew's, Holborn. Petition that, being young, and having a wife and children, 88 he came to London to advance himself, and spent all he had on the lease of a house in Holborn, which he furnished for lodgers; but the assessors, not knowing his ability, taxed him at 107., which he cannot pay. Begs relief, being as willing as any, were he able, "to further the good work so happily begun." Has paid his weekly assessments. EDM. NEALE, Wollaston, Co. Northampton. Information that he was in arms as captain for the King at 88 Wellingborough in Dec. 1642, and encouraged the soldiers to beat back the Parliament rogues, &c. 6 March 1647. Assessed at 5007. 3 Sept. 1647. His assessment respited till the sequestration be taken off his estate. 4 Oct. 1648. Order for his discharge, on payment of 1007. Vol. No. A or 1. 4 39 7 April 1649. Order that the Camden House Committee certify in the case. 5 31 MERCHANT STRANGERS OF THE INTERCOURSE. Order in the House of Commons that the former order for restraint of the levying of moneys on 26 merchants of the Intercourse named be renewed, and in force till the House take further order. [Printed in Commons' Journals, Vol. II., p. 915, but without the names.] 5 133 RICHARD BULL, Delinquent, London. Notice that he is considered able to lend Parliament 4007., 88 deducting what he has already lent on the propositions. 10 June 1643. The merchants are to appear before this com- mittee about their pretended privileges, and meantime the collectors are to forbear levying their assessments by distress, as they have undertaken that no goods liable to satisfy their assessments shall be removed. 13 Oct. 1643. Order that the merchants of the Intercourse be heard to-morrow, and that the secretary to the Merchant Adventurers attend. 32 34 71 71 5 284 6 70 27 March 1649. Information that Anne Parker, lately married 21 181 to John Dethick, Alderman of London, owes him 3001. 6 259 37A 1 109 2 16- 2 111 14 Oct. Petition that, by ancient treaties with the House of 88 38 Burgundy, the merchants of England and of the 17 Provinces of the Low Countries are mutually exempted from all taxes, and the English there are exempt not only from them but from all loans, even on extreme occasions for the mainten- ance of wars. This present Parliament has freed merchant strangers from subsidies, poll-money, the bill of 400,0001., the, and the weekly assessments. 120 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 5 Jan. 1643. 20 Jan. 1643. o. 2 161 You beg the loan of 1,100l. whereon we summoned the com- pany, but considering the ill-consequences that would follow in future, we must beg to be excused. The unhappy differ- ences in the kingdom have enforced many assessments, and some of us have received tickets of assessment, and this loan would be considered a tax, and made a precedent. We beg you not to be displeased with us, but we fear inconvenience to the company, and offence to the State of the Low Countries, our superiors. 14 Oct. 1643. Order that the merchants be heard about their privileges, and those enjoyed by English merchants beyond seas, and that meantime they be not molested for any contri- bution without further order. 14 March 1645. The merchants of the Intercourse to bring in a list of their company, and show evidence why they should not pay assessments. 21 March. They are to bring a certificate that none have been added to the list of the Intercourse, and at what time they were admitted. SIR GEORGE WHITMORE and his Sons GEORGE and WILLIAM, Langborne Ward. 31 March and 4 April 1643. Wm. Dash, his tenant, ordered to bring in his lease, and pay no more rent to Sir George. 15 April 1643. Order that, as his assessment remains unpaid, Col. Walter Long levy it out of rents or other moneys due to him. 4 Sept. 1643. His dividends and stock in the East India Com- pany to be detained in the company's hands, for non-payment of his assessment. Order in the House of Commons that Sir George be committed to 1 82 prison at Yarmouth by the Committee for Advance of Money for non-payment of an assessment of 1,5007. 13 Oct. 1643. His lands in Essex to be sequestered for non- payment, and the tenants to pay their rents to the collectors of the Committee for Advance of Money. ACCTS. 88 41 24 Oct. Thos. Weldon, his tenant, whose cattle have been distrained, to have them restored, on payment of 441., due for rent. 10 Nov. 1643. A bill of 201. paid to the officers who have distrained his land. 21 Nov. The assessments of 3001. on Wm. Whitmore and 2007. on George Whitmore, respited, because their father Sir George, has given them no allowance for 12 months. 3 May 1644. Balmes Farm and other lands in Hackney, and St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, belonging to Sir George, and lately tenanted by Wm. Dash, let to Thos. Richardson [waggon master-general], of London, for 3 years, at 300l., he leaving it in good repair, the fences, hedges, &c., being now ruined. Vol. No. A or P. 9 May. Richardson to be put in possession of the said mansion house, garden, &c. 2 114 10 May. Sir George assessed at 3,000l., the Public Faith to be given him if it is paid in 10 days; if not, he is to pay 3d. in the pound to the collectors. 4 77 23 Oct. Lord Mayor Isaac Pennington begs forbearance for 88 40 him, as to the seizure of his goods, till his steward comes out of the country. 4 86 1 120 1 127 88 39 2 72 2 111 2 123 2 142 63 94 2 158 3 100 3 108 61 88 157 42 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 121 20 Jan. 1643. NOTE 3 270 0.45 F.C. 4 207 11 May 1644. The keeper of Winchester House Prison to deliver Sir George to the keeper of Lambeth House, there to be detained till further orders, or till he pay his assessment of 1,5007. 7 June 1644. Abr. Condall, of Ramsey, Essex, a tenant who has paid 451. rent to Sir George, to be committed to Lambeth House till he repay it to this committee, and in case of refusal, it is to be levied on his estate. 14 June. As Richardson has 2257. dne to him for disburse- ments, and pays money daily in executing his place, order that his year's rent of 1501. be allowed him thereon, and the 3001. in future on account, and that 507. monthly be paid him till the 5001. desired in his petition is paid. 18 Sept. 1644. Thos. Weldon, a tenant, who owes 2177. 15s. 6d., to pay 571..10s. in 3 weeks, and the rest in 4 quarterly pay- ments. 25 Oct. 1644. Order stating that Hen. Burridge, as executor to his mother, owes 2657. 19s. 2d. for rent, at 741. a year, of Dovercourt Rectory, on Sir George's estate, for which his bailiff distrained, though it was previously sequestered. Also that in August last, Rich. Hurlock rented the said sequestered parsonage for 551. from Sir George, who put Burridge out for non-payment. Therefore Burridge is to be reinstated at 551. rent, and Hurlock considered for his loss and damage in being outed. 18 Nov. 1644. Weldon, who owes Sir George 3007. on bond, to have 1007. excused, if it appear that he has been a great loser by the farm. 25 Nov. Order for repayment to Hurlock of 291. 2s. 4d. dis- bursed on Dovercourt Parsonage, of which 31. 11s. 9d. is to be allowed to Burridge from his next rent. With details of other matters of account between Burridge and Hurlock, and orders therein. 27 Dec. 1644. The wood and underwood on Sir George's estate in Essex to be sold towards his assessment. 7 Feb. 1645. John Staner, of Dovercourt, appointed bailiff to sell the wood on 10 acres, and Rich. Edwards, late bailiff, not to intermeddle, and the tenants to allow the wood to be carried through their grounds. Staner to pay the money to the Committee for Advance of Money, and have allowance for his pains. 28 Feb. The committee recommend to the bailiff for Sir George's woods the petition of Rob. Beart, to be allowed to carry the wood, and also to purchase some on reasonable terms. 11 Aug. 1645. Thos. Gent to have a house of Sir G. Whitmore's at Grays, Essex, where widow Griffin lately dwelt, at il. a year rent. 17 Sept. 1645. Thos. Richardson to be allowed deductions from the 1501. due for Balmes Farm of 191. 6s. laid out in taxes, assessments, and repairs. Vol. No. A or P. 3 113 3 144 3 149 3 240 3 304-6 3 293 3 307 3 311 4 o. 4 191 3 March 1645. The rents of other tenants, co. Essex, reduced, 4 65 and to be paid to the Committee for Advance of Money. 4 April 1645. Information of a debt of 3001. due to Sir G. 21 5 Whitmore by John Gibbon of London. 82 10 16 June 1645. Information repeated by Capt. Geo. Wood 43 14 July 1645. No Court having been held for 3 years on the 4 212 estate of Sir George in Essex, sequestered for non-payment of SS an assessment of 3,000l., so that the rents and perquisites cannot be correctly ascertained, Wm. Foxwist, of Lincoln's Inn, appointed steward of Hobbins and Ramsey manors, &c., and to hold Courts as customary, and haye the usual fees. 33 4 62 4 233 4 264 122 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 20 Jan. 1643. ACCTS. 88 44-47 CERT. 88 48, 49 o.c. 5 60 ACCTS. 88 50 10 Jan. 1643. H. 4 288 20 Jan. 1643. P.D. 88 54 Vol. No. A or P. 31 Oct. 1645. Sir George complains of being assessed at 500l. G. 130 185 for " our brethren of Scotland," though he had not lived in London for 12 months before the date of the Ordinance, and his estate was seized for 1,500. for his, though he pays that assessment in the country where his lands lie. Since his imprisonment, he has been assessed 3,000l. for his, and all his revenue for 3 years seized, and yet by the neglect and charges of the officers, not 1,5007. brought in. Begs discharge of the assessment, or its reduction, when he will endeavour to pay it. 31 Oct. Order that if he make up what has been received from his estate to 3,000l., he be discharged from his imprison- ment, and all sequestrations on his estate for non-payment of his taken off. 20 10 Nov. 1645. Abated 50l. of the 3,000l., because of 4 horses of his, value 581., seized, and other reasons. 20 Nov. 1646. Sir George to appear concerning Burridge 17 March 1654. Certificate of his having paid in rents and moneys 2,664l. Os. 4d., and by sale of goods 561., of which 307. was returned by the committee, but that all the payments were out of time. FLORENTINE TANTURIER, Blackfriars. Lawrence Squibb requests Mr. Marsh to pay Florentine Tanturier 88 100l. in part of the rent owing from his lord [the Earl of Arundel] to Lord Cottington, and that without fail, "" for I know he wants his money, and both our lords' credit lies at stake if he miss thereof." Ge 19 Jan. 1644. Assessed at 2501, 63 140 20 Feb. 1644. Order that Tanturier be brought up in custody 3 14 to pay his assessment. 4 307 THOS. NEVELL, Goldsmith, Lombard Street, Langborne Ward. Order that he be imprisoned in Norwich county gaol for non- payment of an assessment of 3001. 4 317 5 138 88 51, 52 25 March 1644. The 107. deposited by him, with the 561. 75 265 formerly lent, to be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath. 30 Nov. 1643. He being imprisoned, his house is to be let to others. 3 Oct. 1645. Information that he has sent several sums of 21 40 money to Lord Cottington, and corresponded with him. 3 Oct. Order that his estate be seized and secured 23 Jan. 1644. The seizure of his house discharged, as it is not worth more than the 307. head-rent to his landlord. 52A 1 Nov. 1644. On Mrs. Hunt's petition, order for his release from prison, giving security to pay his assessment in 14 days, and abide the committee's order for the rest. 4 283 1 82 2 168 2 236 3 276 Nov. 1644? Thos. Nevell to Dallison. I cannot pay the 88 53. assessment ordered. I have a wife and 10 children, and owe nearly 8,000l. I beg to take my oath as to my estate, or if that cannot be granted, I will give security to pay in 4 months as much of the as is not paid by sale of my household stuff in Lombard Street, or return to prison. Pray obtain mo those requests. 23 Dec. 1644. Order for his release from Norwich gaol, his 3 310 wife giving security to pay 50l. in 3 months, and for his appearance to abide the committee's further order. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 123 20 Jan. 1643. 20 Jan. 1643. 23 Jan. 1643. I am 4 March 1645. Reuben Bourne to Edw. Nevell. involved in disgrace by your brother Thos. Nevell. I hear nothing from him, and have nothing to satisfy the creditors to whom he has miserably engaged me, and then left me to ruin. I have paid some interest for him, but more is due, and I can neither pay it nor the principal, so I must die in prison for the most unthankful man in the world, a monster of ingratitude, who has deprived me of all my means, and left me to pay his debts. Could he not compound for these bonds wherein I am bound, and not leave me totally to ruin and misery ? 5 March. Reuben Bourne to Mr. Dallison. Mr. Nevell having 88 agreed with Parliament, and being freed out of prison to recover the rents due to him in Cheshire, finds his lands there sequestered by the county commissioners, and his goods and rents carried away without order, before the sequestration was granted, so that he can neither pay Parliament nor his creditors, of whom I am the chief. I have not only trusted him with money, but engaged myself for him for 5007. or 6007., which I cannot pay, so that unless he can have his sequestration taken off, and call those to account who wronged him, he had better have remained in prison. If you can help him, you will much oblige your old friend. 5 May 1645. Order that Nevell's assessment of 3007. be taken off for 501. paid and 317. made by his goods, as he has had great losses, and that the County Commissioners for Cheshire, who have sequestered his estate, discharge the sequestration. MICH. GARDINER, Vintner. Order that he be sent to the city gaol, Norwich, for non- payment of an assessment of 3001. 31 Oct. 1645. Order that on his making up the sum, a certi- ficate thereof be given to the Committee for Examinations, that he may be discharged his imprisonment at Norwich, and all sequestration on his estate for non-payment of his. Vol. No. A or P. 88 55 23 March 1654. Receipt by Nevell of a Public Faith certificate 88 57 for the 501. paid in for his 20. 9 Jan., 1646. Assessed at 1007. June 1646. Warfeld allowed a month to take his affidavit before a Justice of Peace or Master in Chancery of his estate, and if he is not worth 1007., debts paid, his assessment to be dis- charged. 29 June. He producing an affidavit to that effect, his assessment taken off, and the sequestration discharged. 56 4 142 1 82 ROGER WARFELD, Minister of Bennet Finkes. Report by the Churchwardens to the Committee for Advance of 88 58 Money. On Tuesday, 14 Jan., we delivered him an Ordinance, which he read, but made no exhortation. We then gave him another, with your order to read it, and exhort the congre- gation thereon. He wished to leave out the first part, which concerned the King, but at length said, "Well, I will read it, for it is their words and not mine; "and he did so, but made no exhortation. Endorsed-" Answers of parishes whose minister have not read the declaration, 7 Jan., or not ex- horted thereon." 4 308 71 8 5 47 5 63 124 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 26 Jan. 1643. 31 Jan. 1643. K. 2. 173 1 Feb. 1643. o.c. 5 249 15 Feb. 1643. RICH. OWING, Rector of St. Swithin's, London Stone. Information by Fras. Barton, churchwarden, that having the declaration of Parliament delivered to him, he read it, but spoke not a word to stir up the people, and at the vestry, would not subscribe a penny, which caused his friends to do nothing, being favourers of the malignants. Mr. Owing has several articles against him of misdemeanour by the parishioners. WM. COCKAINE, Augustine Friars, Merchant of London. Ordered to pay an assessment of 2001. for his 24 March 1643. Receipt of the said 2007. 88 88 23 Aug. 1643. Certificate that this 2007. is in addition to 2007. 88 lent by him before assessment. 2 192 20 15 Dec. 1643. Order that as he contributed large sums, and has large sums owing him by the State, which cannot be allowed out of his, the committee leave him to his volun- tary contribution, and he shall be no further molested for an assessment of 1,000l. for his 2. . 13 March 1654. Certificate that 2007. was levied on him by 88 way of distress, 24 March 1643. Vol. No. A or P 88 59 17 Dec. 1643. Mr. Phillips, of Teddington, assessed at 501. 29 Dec. It being doubtful whether a ticket of assessment on Mr. Phelips, of Teddington, was meant for Auditor Phelips or his son, the assessors are to give information, and if it is Auditor Phelips, the assesment is to be respited till he is paid 1501. due to him from the State. AUDITOR FRAS. PHELIPS, or PHILLIPS, Lime Street Ward, and FRAS. PHELIPS, of Teddington, his Son. The father being assessed at 100l., addresses Parliament, stating 88 64, 65 that it is far above his, his chief subsistence being office fees, which for 3 years past have not been paid him; that he has taken much pains in auditing the accounts of the late Farmers of Customs, and other accounts, and was ordered 1501., but has not pressed for it on account of the times, so that he has not enough for his needs. He begs respite of assessment till paid the moneys due to him. 9 March 1643. Granted the respite requested - · 1 116 63 111 2 208 60 61 62 63 29 Nov. To be brought in custody to answer matters objected against him. 4 March 1644. Order for his release from Peter House, having 88. 66 paid the arrears for which he was sent thither. 5 Dec. 1645. F. Phillips, jun., assessed at 3007. 8 June 1646. The assessment on Fras. Phillips, jun., dis- charged, his father having already been assessed and paid, and he having no estate but what he receives from his father; the goods seized for his non-payment, or the money made by them, to be returned to him. 8 Nov. 1644. Fras. Phillips assessed at 2007. 67 46 29 Nov. Information that Phillips spent 1007. 14s. for collecting 88 67 1,000%. 3 311 69 122 4 4.6. LIONEL PLATER, of Greenwich, and of the Farthing Office. 1 115 Order in the House of Commons that the sequestering the rents and profits of the Farthing Token Office, and calling £8 68 the officers to account, be referred to the Committee for Advance of Money. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 125 15 Feb. 1643. U. 75 97 12 April. Order that Jas. East repair to the Farthing Token Office, and take an inventory of all the farthing tokens, moneys, tools, coppers, furnaces, and other instruments con- cerning the making of farthing tokens, and give an account thereof to this committee on 13 April, according to an Order in the House of Commons. 1 119 15 March 1643. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, that Lionel Plater, employed by Lord Mowbray to manage the 88 69 the Farthing Token Office, do not issue any money from the office other than formerly accustomed, for servants' wages, workmen and materials, without order of this committee, and that he continue the business, and appear with his accounts before the Committee for Advance of Money on 20 March. 12 April 1643. Order in the House of Commons that Mr. Plater be enjoined to make no more farthing tokens, and that the Committee for Advance of Money see that he perfects his accounts concerning the tokens, and seize all those now made and in his custody, with all instruments and materials for the making of farthings, have them appraised by understanding men, and then consider the petition of Jas. East, this day presented. [Much fuller than the abstract in Commons' Journals, Vol. III., p. 41.] Order that Lionel Plater bring in on 13 March all his accounts and patents about farthing tokens, according to the Order in the House of Commons. Vol. No. A or P. 4 Oct. 1645. Plater assessed at 1507. 30 Oct. 1643. Plater having been assessed at 501. and paid it, and now being assessed at 1501., and willing to pay 201. which appears his full, order that his assessment be discharged. 29 March 1644. Letters having been intercepted from Bristol, advising him to bring such money and plate as he has to Bristol, it being probable he has other malignants' estates in custody, order that he be brought in custody to-morrow. - 1 124 14 April. Order that next Monday L. Plater bring in the par- ticulars of 2,318. mentioned in the end of his account about the Farthing Office, with the acquittances concerning the same. 28 April. Order that Martin Pinder take the accounts of 1 132 Lionel Plater, late maker of farthing tokens, from July last, with his acquittances, and report thereon to this committee, and that Mr. East deliver to Pinder the accounts from 20 July last, formerly brought in to this committee by Plater. With note, May 4, that Pinder made his report to the committee, whereon Mr. Corbett signed the account as just and true. · 31 July 1645. Whereas on 15 Feb. 1643, the House of Commons referred the sequestration of the Farthing Token Office to this committee, and it was sequestered accordingly, yet the County Commissioners for London, sitting at Camden House, have seized certain quantities of farthing tokens and other things in the office, and whereas the officers thereof are in arrears of their wages, and have desired the same ;-order that 1 123 4 May 1643. Account by Plater of the receipts and expenses of 88 the office from 20 July 1642, to 7 April 1643. Audited by Miles Corbett. 1 123 3 Feb. 1644. Request in the Committee for managing the said 88 Office, which is sequestered, that if the books belonging to it are under the power of the Committee for Advance of Money, they may be delivered to James or William Harrington, to peruse and produce before the Committee of the House of Commons for regulating the office, they leaving a note of their receipt, and of the number of books received; with list by Wm. Harrington, 14 March 1644, of 17 parcels of books or papers received by him. 1 124 63 70 68 40 41. 2 130 3 64 4 221 126 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 15 Feb. 1643. 16 Feb. 1643. all the tokens in the office be melted down, some of the Cam- den House Committee seeing it performed, and sold, and the proceeds paid to the several officers named, in the proportions specified. WM. GORE, Merchant, Candlewick Ward. Order in the Committee for Examinations to apprehend 88 72 Wm. Gore and Rich. Elton, and bring them to answer objec- tions against them. 8 May 1643. Gore being assessed in 7001., which is unpaid, and divers trunks) of his, intended to be transported beyond sea, being stayed at Ipswich, the collector of the ward is to bring in all such trunks and goods to Guildhall, to be sold towards the assessment, and the parties holding the said goods are to deliver them to him. 29 May. The goods distrained as his not to be sold till further order. 26 April 1644. Calvin Brewen, who was driven from his home in Chelsea, and lost his estate, to have convenient rooms in Mr. Gore's house. 10 June 1643. Gore being deprived of most of his estate by the 88 73, 74 King's army at Oxford, and having paid 500l. towards his assessment for his, and undertaken to pay the rest when the King's forces are removed from his estate near Oxford,-order that his person and goods be freed from all seizure for the 7001., until the King's forces are removed, or till further order. 7 June 1644. The house wherein Gore lately lived in St. Martin's Lane, having been sequestered for non-payment of his, and it appearing that by a lease of 26 Jan. 1630, 787. is to be paid therefrom yearly to Benedict Garrard, of Maldon, Essex, which rent is 1½ years in arrear ;-order that the seques- tration be discharged, and that Calvin Brewen have 14 days to provide himself elsewhere. Vol. No. A or P. 75 16 June. Gore having paid 4007., and being deprived of 2 17 most of his goods by the King's army at Oxford, the 300l. 88 residue respited, his sequestration discharged, and all his goods seized to be returned. 19 Aug. 1644. Whoever inhabits the house lately held by Mr. Gore, of Candlewick Ward, is to pay rent to Mr. Garrard, since the sequestration was taken off, and the goods in the house are to be seized and kept for the State. 9 Sept. 1644. Peter Matthews to be allowed to view his goods in the cellar, and sell them. 1 142 1 136 [Nov.] Particulars of Gore's assessments, subsidies, &c., total 954l. 21 Dec. 1644. Order in the House of Commons that as Gore is a delinquent, and has deserted the kingdom, leaving his assessment unpaid, he is within the Ordinance of Seques- tration, and therefore his estate is to be seized and sold, and the proceeds issued towards the 2,5301. ordered for relief of widows and soldiers. 3 88 3 143 3 218 3 232 11 Sept. The goods of Peter Matthews and John Roberts in Mr. Gore's house to be delivered them, on their giving security to abide the committee's orders as to the house. [Nov. 1644.] Names of persons who have goods, &c., of Gore's 88 in their hands, and transact business with him, viz., his father- in-law, Thos. Smith, of Aldermanbury, Peter Vandermash, St. Martin's Lane, by Cannon Street, and Fras. Michelbourne, Milk Street. 3 234 88 88 76 77 78 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 127 16 Feb. 1643. DEP. 88 79,80 17 Feb. 1643. 17 Feb. 1643. Vol. No. A or P. Dec. 1644. Reasons assigned by Gore against his sequestration, 88 81, 82 with replies thereto. 1. He sailed for Dantzic, where he now resides with his family, by licence, in Aug. 1643.—Answer. He had no such licence. 2. He left the kingdom because the King sequestered his estate [near Abingdon] in co. Oxford, value 4501. a year, and cut down his woods, which, with arrears of rents, came to 2,5001.—Answer. This was not done before his going beyond seas. 3. He was compelled to go over to secure the rest of his estate which was in the Eastland, and the Sound was blocked up by the King of Denmark.—Answer. He had a large estate in London in moneys and debts, and great sums have been delivered by his agents, by exchange. 20 4. Before he went, he agreed for his and his weekly assessments, amounting to 1,000 marks, and then to show his affection to Parliament, lent 1007. on Public Faith. The 50 subsidies being rated six weeks after he left, he gave order for payment, and the bill of exchange is daily expected. -Answer. His assessments were 1,000l., being rather under his neighbours', and he only paid 4001. 5. When he left, he took away 1,500l. in cloth and money, which the King of Denmark seized, and has had many losses in the Eastland, yet he will pay all assessments according to his ability, and will return to England when he can get in his estate in those parts.-Answer. It is reported he got off without loss, saying he was one of the King of Denmark's friends; before the troubles, most of his estate was in England. With notes relative to the persons who have property of his in hand. 3 348 3 Jan. 1645. Harris of Candlewick St. to be examined about the possession of the house in Martin's Lane. Jan.? Notes relative to the possession and custody of the said 88 house. 16 Feb. 1645. Edw. Ash, M.P., affirming that the house in 88 Martin's Lane of Mr. Garrard's, late in possession of Mr. Gore, stands charged with 8001. to the State, which house was employed by Ash to keep Indian goods for the State; and Parliament having ordered that the head-rent of sequestered houses should be paid :-Order that the rent for the said house be paid, and deducted from the money with which the house is charged to the State. M 9 May 1645. Order that Ash show cause why the said head-rent is not paid. 8 Sept. 1645. Wm. Gore to make up his assessment, 7501., and then to be further heard. 10 Sept. He having paid 4007., to be respited 2 months, on paying 3501. more in 10 days. 24 Sept. Having paid the 7501., his assessment respited till his lands in South Lye, co. Oxon, are reduced to the obedience of Parliament. SAM FORTREE, Dowgate Ward. Certifies that he has protested that the 4001. which he has paid in is the of his estate, and should be accepted in full of all assessments. 20 SIR WILLIAM COOPER, of the Insurance Office, Hert- ford Castle. 83 84 4 150 4 254 4 257 4 299 1. 103 Order to apprehend him and his son, and bring them up in 88 85 custody to the Inner Court of Wards, Westminster, to be examined. 128 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 17 Feb. 1643. 17 Feb. 1643. 20 Feb. 1643. RES. 88 87. 4 Sept. 1643. Sir William's stock and dividend in the East India Company to be detained in the Company's hands, for non-payment of his assessment. 2 Dec. 1643. Order that Sir William pay his whole assessment, or that it be levied on his estate. 16 Feb. 1644. Having paid half his assessment, and given security for the rest, a certificate to be sent to the Committee of Examinations to release him from prison. SIR HENRY PRATT, Bart., Silver Street, and Coleshill, Berks. 20 Feb. His assessment being paid, the distress and seizure 3 13 of his stock in the East India Company to be taken off. 29 Nov. 1644. Again assessed at 1,0007. 67 65 16 Dec. 1644. To be discharged on payment of 501., having paid 76 165 4501. on a former assessment, and 5001. being his proportion on oath. 17 April. Committee for Advance of Money to the Lord Mayor and Treasurers appointed by the late Act. You are to pay to the Guildhall Treasurers 500l. due by you to Sir Hen. Pratt, which he is to pay in full of his assessment, there being present occasion for money for supply of the army. 18 April 1644. Sir Henry assessed at 2,5007. Vol. No. A or P. 2 72 Certificate that Sir Henry has protested that 7501. assessment 88 which he has already paid, and 2501. which he will pay 20 February, is the part of his estate. 30 April. Order that as he has paid an assessment of 1,5007., and as his estate is under power of the enemy, his assessment of 2,5007. be discharged. 2 184 5 March 1647. Summoned to answer a charge of delinquency exhibited against him. [Sir Henry Pratt died 6 April 1647.] 2 269 20 17 April 1643. Of the 500l. to be paid by Pratt, 601. is to be 1 128 returned him for a horse and arms employed in service of 88 185B Parliament. 1 129 SAM. GOSSE. Order that he and his deputies daily attend at the warehouse at Guildhall, take into custody goods and household stuff seized and distrained by the collectors of assessments, and sell them, entering into a fair large book the time of sale or redemption, the parcels distrained, the names of the owners and distrainers, and for what sums seized; that they avoid all indirect dealing, and report proceedings every Wednesday and Friday, receiving such allowance as this committee directs. 5 May 1643. All plate brought in on distress to be delivered by Gosse to the Guildhall Treasurers, who will receive it at 4s. 10d. the ounce, to be placed to the account of the respective assessments. 61 128 3 92 85A 5 211 1 108- 110 1 139 2 6 Aug. 1643. Order for the daily attendance of Gosse and his deputies, and their giving account of their proceedings, 88 repeated. 3 Oct. 1643. Order that Gosse make a true and perfect account 88 of all the sums he has received from parties assessed, or for goods sold, also of his disbursements, and of what remains in his hands. 4 Oct. Order that the clerk repair to Gosse, to ascertain what 88 money he has on hand, and report. 98888 52 86 88 89 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 129 20 Feb. 1643. NOTE 88-90. 50623. 16 Dec. 1644. Order that he pay at once to Treasurer Lane the proceeds of Sir John Morley's goods, lately sold, and all other moneys in his hands, for which he is accountable to the Committee for Advance of Money. 10 Feb. 1645. Whereas Mr. Gosse was ordered to bring in his accounts every Wednesday and Friday to the Committee for Advance of Money, but has given them to the Com- mittee for Accounts;-order that he bring to this committee the balance of the said accounts, and particulars of all his receipts since their making up, with account of the owners of the goods, the money in hand, and the goods still unsold. 4 July 1645. Gosse petitions that in fulfilling his service, he has 88 91 disbursed large sums for salaries and payments, and to prevent oppressions or scandals, has never bought any goods, nor taken a penny on payment of moneys, and begs an allowance; a service so heavy has never been performed under 1s. in the pound. 4 193 ACCTS. 88 93, 94 4 July. Order that as he has taken great pains in the service, employed many officers and deputies, and been at great 88 charges, but has yet received nothing, he be allowed 1s. in the pound on his receipts, which have been 22,000l., to be deducted from his account. 92 14 Feb. 1646. He begs summons for payment against John 88 Chandler and other purchasers named of goods, who allege that the goods were not all there, or were bought dear. Equity itself and the Ordinance of Parliament require the return of the overplus of the assessments. Vol. No. A or P. 3 331 6 April 1646. [M. Dallison to the Committee of Accounts.] In 88 reference to Gosse's salary, and the return of overplus money to parties whose assessments are paid, I certify that Gosse's allowance of 12d. in the pound was granted on full debate, and a statement of his expenses, and there was no thought that he should pay collectors' salaries, for if he did, it would amount to above his allowance. 4 37 17 March. The difference between the petitioners and Gosse referred to Dallison and Cox, to examine and report. 2. The goods are much undervalued, because they intend to buy them, and they are discontented if others prevent them in bidding at the candle. 3 March 1648. Sam. Gosse to M. Dallison. I beg orders for 88 97 getting in moneys from John Chandler and 3 other parties named, who demur or delay payment. 3. Gosse does not allow inspectors to have a full sight of the goods, wishing Fletcher to have the full benefit. 4. He delays or refuses to sell goods when buyers are waiting, unless Fletcher is present. 5. Fletcher stands so near the candle that it goes out at the casting up of his hand, or the wind of his mouth at his last bidding, when others would have bidden more. 17 March. Petition of Col. Peter Stubber and John Chandler 88 98 draper. We contracted 4 years ago with Gosse for goods named in a schedule then produced at Guildhall, but on sight thereof, found them differing from the schedule. We have already paid more than their value, yet have been often called on for the remainder of the money agreed on. We beg freedom from further claim, or reference of the case to some indifferent person. 5 407 1648? Information by John Warren.-1. That John Fletcher, 88 99 Gosse's ally, and others, who are the main appraisers of the goods sold, combine before they are advertised for sale, that one of them shall be the buyer, and arrange how the goods shall be divided amongst them. 95 June 96 I 130 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 20 Feb. 1643. 20 Feb. 1643. 27 Feb. 1643. 27 Feb. 1643. 28 Feb. 1643. 1 March 1643. 6. Fletcher boasts that he has helped his kindred to extra- ordinary bargains. 7. Goods were sold in one parcel to George Stoddart for 4,000l., which would have brought double the money if properly divided. By this unjust dealing, Parliament and State are abused, the men from whom the goods are distrained are discontented, and malignants rail against authority. THOS. POULTNEY, Smithfield, or Holborn Conduit. Summoned to pay an assessment of 107. 21 March 1643. Note of payment thereof 10 Feb. 1645. Summoned to pay an assessment of 401. 0 5 March. The 107. deposited to be in discharge of his assess- ment, paying 51. in 10 days, or making affidavit. Vol. No. A or P. ROB. ABDY, Andrew Undershaft, London. Order that if he pay 400l. to-morrow, and_51. 3s. for collector's pains and charges, his goods distrained be restored him. 7 Oct. 1644. Assessed at 1,000l. 88 100 88 101 67 131 88 102 76 749 17 March 1645. Having lent 107. and paid 107., his assessment 76 765 respited till the desperate debts excepted in his affidavit be recovered. March 1654. Ordered a Public Faith certificate for his payment 67 131 1 110 67 21 76 589 23 Oct. Having lent 500l., he is to pay 1007. more in 10 days, and 100l. in 14 days, or make affidavit. 28 Oct. Order for his discharge, the late order notwithstanding, 76 598 on paying 50%. more than the 500l., for which the Public 67 21 Faith is ordered him. HEN. BANISTER, Botolph, Aldersgate Ward. Request, signed by Rich. Morell and 5 others, that the Com- 88 103 mittee for Advance of Money will accept 157. in lieu of the 307. at which he is assessed, as the assessors were misinformed as to his estate, and this is all he is able to pay. 24 April 1643. Certificate signed by Sir John Wollaston and 3 88 104 others, that he has made his voluntary protestation that 157. is of his estate, and they hold it meet that it should be accepted. 20 LADY RICHARD DEANE, Paul's Churchyard. Engagement by Fras. Harman, woollen draper, that the goods 88 105 distrained by the collectors of Castle Baynard Ward for her assessment shall not be removed till next. Thursday, and then if it be not paid, the collectors may take them away peaceably. 11 Jan. 1644. Assessed at 2001. 63 132 14 Feb. 1644. Her assessment discharged for 1257. lent, being 75 215 her proportion. WM. PINSENT, Cordwainers' Ward. Certificate that 127. 10s. which he has already paid is the full 88 106 proportion of his assessment; signed by Sir John Wollaston and 3 others. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 131 T 1 March 1643. DEP. 88 108 C 1 March 1643. R. 4 394 NOTE 88 113 JOHN BOOKER, Captain of one of the trained bands of London. Lord Mayor Pennington begs his release from an assessment 88 107 of 1501. He has well fulfilled his duties, has lately lost 2,500l., has no trade to live by, his rents being only during his wife's life, and his debts desperate, and he has lent several sums, is well-affected, and willing for service. 28 July 1643. He petitions to the same effect; has served at 88 Turnham Green, and for the safety of the City and Tower, and Parliament, and his loans far exceed his 2. 20 28 July. Order that as he has lent 501., and most of his estate is in small rents, which he cannot receive because of his attendance on Parliament, and as he has done many services, his assessment be discharged. SIR JOHN WOLSTENHOLME, Delinquent, Tower Ward, and Co. York. Order to Sam. Gosse that a trunk of linen, &c., distrained by the collectors for Tower Ward for his assessment be re-delivered to the collectors, to be conveyed to the place whence they took it. With affidavit 28 Feb. 1643 of Kath. Matthew and Rose and Thomasine Dardnell, that a trunk left in the house of Sir John Wolstenholme contains linen, &c., and a spur royal, given by Kath. Fanshawe, widow, deceased, to her sons Thomas, William, and John, and are not Sir John's goods. Sworn before Rob. Hylett, Master in Chancery. 4 Sept. 1643. His dividends and stock in the East India Com- pany [value 2,0001.] to be detained in the company's hands, for non-payment of his assessment. 11 Sept. Order that the keeper of the warehouse at Young's Quay, where a parcel of Russia leather belonging to him is kept, do not deliver it up without leave of this com- mittee, as it is seized toward payment of his assessment of 1,000l. ACCTS. 88 111 9 Nov. 1643. Thos. Crathorne, who received for him 1947. 18s. 9d. for cocket fees, to pay it in to Haberdashers' Hall towards the assessment. 17 Jan. 1644. Wolstenholme again assessed at 4,0007. 23 May 1645. Blakiston to certify what goods of Sir John's came to his hands, and whether he has any money remaining of the proceeds to satisfy the discoverer, who petitions for his allowance. 21 July 1645. There being several parcels of plate and money mured up in Sir John Wolstenholme's house in Seething Lane, order that they be sought for, seized, and brought away. 31 Oct. 1645. Sir John to be brought up in safe custody to pay his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 16 Jan. 1646. Sir Thos. Hatton to pay in 1267. 10s. due for rent to Wolstenholme, or it will be levied on his estate. 6 Feb. 1646. The sequestration of Naseby Manor for 621. yearly rent, payable by Hatton to Wolstenholme, taken off, as it is already sequestered by the County Committee. 9 Nov. The keeper of Peterhouse prison to take Crathorne into 88 custody, and keep him till discharged by this committee 25 Sept. 1646. His case respited till further order, he giving security to abide the order of this committee. 2 41 88 110 1 114 2 109 2 72 2 140 86 112 63 135 4 164 1 Dec. 1645. Information that Sir Thos. Hatton of Holborn 21 56 owes Wolstenholme 2 years' rent at 631. 5s. Od. a year, for Naseby Manor, co. Northampton. 4 209 4 311 4 390 4 419 5 106 I 2 132 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 1 March 1643. 3 March 1643. 4 March 1643. 7 March 1643. 17 Oct. 1649. A letter from the Lord-General about his assess- ment for his, and a vote of the House of 21 March last read. The Lord-General's request to be reported to the House. 1 May 1650. Ordered to pay in 14 days 2,000l., 2 his assessment of 4,000l., and then to be further heard. In default of pay- ment, it is to be levied on his estate. 11 April 1650. Parliament Order that he pay his and, and 24 222 that the sum be paid for repair of Carlisle Garrison. 8 315 17 May. He requests further time, but the order of 1 May is enforced. o.c. 9 60 13 Sept. 1650. Order that he be heard on paying 1,000l. 10 July 1650. His rents to be taken, and his goods sold to pay the assessment. 12 June 1650. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of 8 374 the 2,0007. 9 29 18 Sept. Order that if Phineas Andrews will pay 1,000l. to- wards Sir John's assessment, he shall be repaid out of the profits of the estate, and Sir John is to have a month to come to London, and be heard about his assessment. 25 Oct. 1650. Ordered to bring in a particular of his estate, and of what he has paid on his 1 Nov. 1650. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 5007., besides the 1,000l. already paid. 29 Nov. Phineas Andrews, merchant of London, having ad- vanced 5001. on Wolstenholme's assessment, beside the 1,000l. paid on order of 18 Sept. last, order that the 500l. be repaid from Wolstenholme's sequestered rents. 20 Sept. Order that he appear 16 Oct., and be not arrested or 9 136 molested in coming to or returning from the committee. 9 187 6 Dec. 1650. Sir John having paid the 1,500l. ordered, his estate discharged. Vol. No. A or P. 7 305 356 1 20 8 334 JAMES STUART, Duke of Lenox and Richmond. Order in the House of Commons that the alnage taken for the export of white cloths be sequestered by the Committee for Advance of Money, and that the committee formerly appointed thereon consider the grievances of the alnage. 9 128 9 132 25 May 1643. Rob. Lewis and Rich. Bloer of Gray's Inn, ap- pointed by the Duke to receive the profits of the Alnage Office, to bring in all the books and papers relating thereto. 9 201 JOHN SIVEDALE, Cripplegate Ward. His assessment of 1001. discharged, on an acquittance for 257. 88 114 paid on the propositions for plate and money, and on payment this day of 751.; endorsed with note of the payment. 9 251 ARTHUR LEE. Certificate by the assessors, on enquiry from his neighbours, that 88 115 on account of hindrances and losses, his estate cannot bear the assessment of 201., and request that 101. may be accepted. With note that he is to protest that the 107. he has paid is the of his estate. 9 275 1 115 9 Mar. 1643. Ant. Uphill, receiver for the Duke, to appear and 1 116 bring in all the books of account concerning the Duke's licence, and to pay no moneys received thereon till further order. 1 153 7 March 1643. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 16 Oct. 1644. Mr. Stacey, the Duke's bailiff at Gravesend, to receive the rent due for booths and stalls at the fair there, and give account forthwith to this committee. April 1645. 9 April. The Duke being now in arms against Parliament, order that his manors and lands at Bromley, Poplar, Eybury, and Over, be sequestered, and the rents and arrears levied by distraint, in case of refusal. Information that he holds fee-farm rents and 21 3 arrears in Bromley and Poplar, co. Middlesex, and also for Eybury Manor, Middlesex, and Over Manor, co. Cambridge, not yet sequestered. 25 July 1645. Like information of lands unsequestered in cos. Norfolk, Lincoln, Notts, Bedford, Hunts, Hants, Berks, Gloucester, and Wilts. 21 Nov. 1645. Col. Edw. Montague is to detain in his hands the quit-rents due by him to the Duke, till the title to them be cleared before this committee. 19 Dec. 1645. Order to pay 41. charges in levying 517. due by Sir Wm. Palmer to the Duke. 8 June 1646. Starkey to appear and show cause why he molests the officers in receiving the Duke's rents in co. Bucks. 25 July. Order for their immediate sequestration 4 Aug. 1645. The Duke assessed at 5,0007. 4 214 69 63 116 117 11 Aug. Committee for Advance of Money to the Commis- 88 sioners of Scotland. Having received information of goods belonging to the Duke laid up in a room in your house by Mr. McAlly, we desire they may be delivered to our officers, to secure and inventory for the State. 22 June. Col. Montague to be dc-ired to pay to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money 12. due by him to the Duke, whose rents are sequestered or delinquency. The fee-farm rent of 1021., due from the land Lord Cottington in Blew- bery Manor, co. Berks, to the Duke, to be paid by the tenants. to the Committee for Advance of Money, any taxes from the adjacent garrisons notwithstanding, or in default, they will be levied by distress. 29 June. Col. Montague acknowledging that he owes the Duke 41. 10s. Od. due last March for quit-rent,-order that he pay 201. forthwith, and that the rest be respited till further order, and not assigned by any warrant of this committee. 20 July 1647. Order for sequestration of the rents and arrears due by Sir Rob. Tracy to the Duke, from the late dissolved monastery of Hales, co. Gloucester. In case of refusal, they are to be levied by distress. 133 Vol. No. A or P. 3 262 edgar 3 May 1650. On producing from the Committee for Relief on Articles of War, an order on the Duke's petition, about moneys alleged to be received of his rents, contrary to the Articles of Oxford, the registrar is to state the matter of fact, and report. 4 113 21 17 4 331 4 362 5. 48 5 59 5 62 1648 ? Articles of complaint by Thos. Lindsey, messenger to the 88 118- Committee for Advance of Money, against Hudson, for . abuses in counterfeiting the orders of the Committee for Ad- vance of Money, and thereby sequestering and raising money on the Duke of Lenox's estate, acting in the name of Edw. Stephens. Lindsey, the officer appointed to sequester the estate was not privy to his actions. 5 282 8 318 22 258- 8 Aug. 1651. Information that Thos. Welby of Boston, co. Lincoln, received 1,1007. of the Duke of Lenox's estate during 88 119. sequestration, for which he has not accounted, which sum he received from Jos. Peters of Sutton, merchant. Also that Reuben Park received 3001., which he has in hand. With 134 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 7 March 1643. 7 March 1643. 11 March 1643. DEP. 88 120 31 March 1652. Petition of Welby and Park for an order to 88 121 the County Committee to examine the case, as they are aged and infirm. Both plead that they never had any money or other estate whatever of the Duke's in their hands. 11 March 1643. 14 March 1643. note of an order that they show cause why they should not pay in the said sums to the State, and account for their receipts from the Duke's estate during sequestration. 31 March. Order that they account on oath concerning the 11 313 premises before the County Committee of Lincolnshire, the prosecutor having liberty to except to the depositions. CAPT. GEO. MOORE, Thomas', Southwark. Certificate by the collectors of the parish that they left a notice 88 122 at his house for 2001. assessment, and 12 days limited for pay- ment being elapsed, they have demanded the money, but can- not receive it, nor find enough in moneys or goods to distrain for it. ANNE DUCKETT, Milk Street, Cripplegate Ward. Receipts of 651. and 107., total 751., as her assessment for her 88 123 17 March 1654. Receipt of a certificate for the said payment 88 124 [for a Public Faith bill]. Vol. No. A or P. JOHN GRANT, Walbrook Ward. Certificate by the assessors, that though they assessed him at 88 125 507., they find that he is over-rated, and that 257. is his propor- tion, and request that on paying it, he may have the Public Faith for it, and restoration of his goods distrained. With note that on paying 251., he is referred to make protestation. 12 March 1648. Certificate by him that 251. is the full propor- 88 126 tion of his assessment for his, with what he has formerly lent. PETER, or SIR PETER RICARD, or RICHAUT. Order that as 2 chests, seized in the house of Mr. Sanders as 1 117 the goods of Sir Peter, are claimed respectively by the agents for the ambassador of the King of Spain and of the resident of Venice—the Customs' Commissioners certify the entry of the goods. 27 March 1643. Order to the Commissioners of Customs to make diligent enquiry thereon, the former order having been de- livered to other officers of the Custom House, to whom it did not belong. 16 May 1643. Order that Hen. Box, drugster, who owes Sir Peter 2581. 7s. Od., pay it to this committee, and not to Sir Peter. Also like order for Phil. and Abr. Holditch who owe him 666 crowns on a bill of exchange. • 19 May. Order that as Sir Peter is assessed at 1,500l. which is not paid, a trunk of goods consigned to him from Leghorn, and now in the Custom House, be seized and carried to Guild- hall, to be disposed of. 15 Aug. 1643. Order that as the case of the Portugal merchants who claim goods distrained as Sir Peter Richaut's, referred by Parliament to the Committee for Advance of Money on 29 April last, is proper to be discussed by merchants,-Ald. Hendrich and 6 others consider the letters and papers pro- duced, and certify in 8 days, whether the goods belong to Richaut or the Portuguese. 1 117 1 149 1 150 1 151 2 54, 60 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 135 14 March 1643. 15 March 1643. R. 3 233 R. 3 255 261 2 Sept. 1643. Order, on report of the referees that the sugars seized as Sir Peter Richaut's are the goods of the Portugal merchants who claim them-that the distraint thereon be dis- charged, and the moneys due for the same be paid to the right proprietors. 15 March 1643. 15 Jan. 1645. Peter Smart, minister, to have the money that comes in on his information that Claxton and Waldo of Cheap- side owe Sir Peter 2007. 7 Feb. 1645. Order that Claxton and Waldo pay to this com- mittee the 1791. 4s. Od. they owe to Sir Peter. o.c. 6-152 9 Feb. 1649. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of 6 165 his 20. 1 6 176 4 32 11 Aug. 1645. Information that the East India Company owe 21 23 Sir Peter 1,2001. for a ship bought of him. Also that Capt. Goodlad owes him 500l. for ordnance. 20 Feb. He is to be heard on Tuesday about his, and mean- time to bring in a particular of his estate compounded for at Goldsmiths' Hall, that the clerks may compute his proportion. “3 Mârch 1649. His assessment discharged, it appearing that 3501. is his full, that 2881. has already been made by the sale of his goods, and that he has suffered much in his estate. 18 Nov. 1648. Sir Peter, who has attended on summons to 6 115 answer as to his assessment of 1,500l. for his, to be heard next Saturday. MOSES TRYON, Old Jewry, Coleman Street Ward. Promise of Peter Tryon, on behalf of his father, Moses Tryon, to pay an assessment of 400l. by Saturday next, and 2807. be- fore 5 April next. With note March 16, that the 400l. was paid; that 2501., part of the 2801., is to be paid to George Witham, in part of 4001. lent by him 9 Feb. last, on the order of 8 Feb.; 1007. he received back 11 March, and 501.. he is content to pay on the subscription of 18 Feb. towards. the 60,0007. [for Ireland]. Also that the 1007. named was allowed at Guildhall, being the money of Mrs. Brereton of Cripplegate Ward Within. 21 Aug. 1644. Moses Tryon assessed at 4,000%. 4 Sept. 1644. Order that in 10 days he make up his assessment and be heard, or take oath what is his, or say what he will be willing to advance. - Vol. No. A or P. 2 70 23 Sept. Respite allowed him, but all his treasure and estate to be secured till further order. 4 12 30 Sept. Sir Edw. Barkham and 2 others to consider and report what he should pay for his, or he to make oath or pay his in 10 days, and the security taken for his goods to be re- delivered. 6 195 1 119 65 145 3 229 3 244 3 248 + 3 262. 65 145. 18 Oct. 1644. Order that as he paid a former assessment of 1,300., if he pay 2001. before 19 Oct., his assessment of 4,000l. 65 be discharged, and he no further troubled for his, and that he have the Public Faith for the sum. THOS. BOWYER, Coleman Street Ward. Certificate by the assessors of the ward, that they first assessed 88 127 him at 2007., but on better information of his estate and of his good offices, having lent 621., and being willing to leud 1087. more, making 170l., they think the other 301. should be abated. 136 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 March 1643. 24 March 1643. R. H. 2 234 JOHN ROBINSON, Vintry Ward. Summoned before the Committee for Advance of Money on 22 March. 21 April 1643. Order that as he has undertaken to pay 500l., part of his assessment of 1,000l., the collectors forbear prose- cution till further orders. Nov. 1645. Order that he be discharged from sequestration, and set at liberty by the serjeant-at-arms, nothing being proved against him. 2 Sept. 1643. To be heard about his assessment 12 Sept. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money for sus- pension of 6 moneyers assessed, they producing the above Order in the House of Commons. THE TOWER WARDERS AND MONEYERS. Order in the House of Commons referring the petition of the 88 129 40 warders and the moneyers in the Tower to the Committee of the Tower, and meanwhile the collectors of London, Middlesex, or elsewhere, are to forbear levying any assessment on them, or distraining their estates for assessments. 4 Jan. 1643. The moneyers respited 14 days, on motion of Sir Rob. Harlow. 28 Aug. 1643. Note of assessments of sundry of the warders 61 at 101. each. 12 Mar. 1644. Greene to be brought up in custody to pay April 1644. Note by Lord Mayor, Sir Isaac Pennington, to the collectors of loans or taxes in London, requiring obedience to the Order in the House of Commons, of 24 March 1643, pre- fixed, which is reasonable, as the warders' places afford no great profit at the best, and now little or none, and they have received no pay these 3 years, though they have sued earnestly for it, so that they are hard put to it to subsist. With list of the 40 warders, and note of the assessments of some, being from 31. to 157. each. 14 Aug. Edw. Greene, moneyer, of Tottenham, Middlesex, 61 assessed at 1501. 27 April. Order that the warders, moneyers, and other officers of the Tower be prosecuted to pay their assessments. Vol. No. A or P. 2 Aug. 1644. The moneyers who refuse payment of the assess- ment to be committed to the custody of the Lieutenant of the Tower, till further order. 88 128 5 Aug. Simon Corbett, Thos. Robinson, Jas. Clay, Thos. Young, John King, and Edw. Greene, moneyers, to pay their assessments in 10 days and give security, or else to be committed to the Tower. 1 130 22 Jan. 1645. Greene being lately deceased, his assessment re- spited, and Major Mainwaring giving security that Mrs. Greene shall abide the order of this committee about his assessment, the sequestration for non-payment of assessment on his estate in Grub Street, Chigwell Street, value 601. a year, which is engaged for his wife's jointure, discharged. 4 315 69 48 2 70 2 87 8 217 3 47 88 130 131 3 90 3 198 3 200 4 19,21 19 Feb. 1645. Petition of Simon Corbett. Edw. Greene, late 88 132 graver of the Mint, who was sequestered, has lately died; was engaged for him, and is in danger of losing 2001. To cover his loss, has taken the administration of Greene's estate, and begs some abatement of the rent due by him to the State, as other tenants have, and aid for finding and possessing his estate. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 137 24 March 1643. 27 March 1643. 30 March 1643. 30 March 1643. 31 March 1643. [April] 1643. 1 April 1643. 5 April 1643. 1 201 19 Feb. Whereas the late Edw. Greene held of Lord Coleraine, who is assessed for his lands in Tottenham, worth 140l. a year, which rent is 2 years in arrear, of which Greene has paid 70l. into Haberdashers' Hall, and his goods have been seized and appraised, and the tenants warned to keep back their rents: And whereas Simon Corbett, provost of the Mint, has administered to Greene's estate, begs reduc- tion of the rent to 901., and will pay the arrears at that rate, amounting to 1351., and also Greene's assessment, with the collectors' charges:-Order that all Greene's goods be delivered to Corbett, and the house let to him at 901., and that the tenants to pay him their rents and arrears, towards the debt owing him by Greene. EDW. HARRIS, merchant, Tower Ward. Certificate by the assessors for the ward that he has an unexpected 88 133 loss of 2,500l. by the King of Spain's reducing black money to be of no more value than copper, so that he cannot pay his own debts, much less his assessment of 501., and request that he be acquitted of any payment for his. WM. WHITWORTH, Olave's, Southwark. Obliges himself to pay, in plate, money, or horse, 101., the residue 88 134 of his assessment, before 14 April. Vol. No. A or P. 4 48 FRAS. THOMSON. Promises to pay to the Guildhall Treasurers before 12 April 107. 88 135 assessment, which he protests is his. RODERIC POWELL, Vintry Ward. Promise to pay 51. to the Guildhall Treasurers on 5 April next, 88 136 in full of his assessment. WM. DANVERS, London. Declaration that he will pay the Guildhall Treasurers 201. in two 88 137 sums this month for his assessment, unless meantime he produces a certificate of the assessors for abatement as to the of his estate. 20 RICH. MACKERNES, Vintry Ward. Obligation signed by him to pay 131. for his assessment on 88 138 10 April. With note of payment of 6l. 10s. the 10th, and 67. 10s. the 20th April. THOS. FOWNES, St. Mary Axe. Order that the goods distrained from him be delivered to Thos. Ince, who has bought them for 1471. 15s., but that the house be kept till Fownes' assessment of 6007. is paid. 6 April 1643. Order on information that 1607. had been bidden for the said goods, and that the committee was abused in granting the former order, that the 1477. 15s. be made up to 1601. before the goods are delivered. 26 Jan. 1644. Order that Mr. Dethick, Mr. Moyer, Gualter Frost, and Thos. Smith let the house of Thos. Fownes, assesssed at 6007. for such time, fine, and rent as they think fit. 1 122 1 122 2 241 138 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 5 April 1643. 6 April 1643. R. 4 10 17 10 April 1643. 1 July 1644. Mr. Detbick produces a lease, 14 February 1644, by Gualter Frost and Thos. Smith to Rob. Tichborne, of the houses of Fownes, assessed for his, rent 30l. a year.. o.c. 1 128 Sept. 1644. Note of Fownes' sales of indigo to Mr. Amies for 88 139 751l. 9s. 4d., of which 650l. 19s. is paid, and he will pay the balance before May. 10 Oct. 1644. Note that on the order of 26 January, Fownes' dwelling-house at St. Mary Axe was let to Tichborne, a linen- draper, for 15 years, at 30l. a year. 4 4 NOTE 88 140 6 March 1645. Lease renewed to Hendrix for 2 years at the 4 444 same rent. 6 Jan. 1645. Order that Adrian Hendrix have one of Fownes' houses next Mr. Dethick's, at 221. a year. Vol. No: A or Pi 3 165 3 256 1646 ? Demand of Hendrix for disbursements in repairs and 88 141 other losses connected with the house, total, 33l. 2s. 2d. 26 Feb. 1648. Hendrix summoned to appear before the Com- 88 142 mittee for Advance of Money. JOHN MOUNTFORT, or MONTFORT, D.D. He petitions that being assessed at 300l., far above others of his 88 143 rank and ability, he has been sent prisoner by the Committee for Examinations to the Poultry Counter, where he now remains. That 9 horses with arms, &c., value 100l., and his library, value 1,000l. at least, have all been taken for this assessment of 300l. Begs his liberty, on which depends the fortune of his family, and of divers other fatherless children committed to his charge by their deceased parents. 1 Jan. 1645. Order that Mr. Waterhouse pay in the 1007. he engaged to pay for the residue of Dr. Montfort's assessment. 10 Feb. 1645. Order that as Waterhouse has paid 2001. and 1007., he have for security the books distrained from Dr. Montfort for his assessment. 6 April, 1643. Order that as sufficient distress has been taken of 88 144 his goods for the 3001., and security given for payment, on re-delivery of the goods distressed, the doctor be not molested in person or goods till further order. 3 347 4 34 SAM. POTTER, Bridge Ward. Obligation by him to pay to the Guildhall Treasurers 201. in full 88 145 of his assessment. 12 April 1643. DANIEL and ELIAB HARVEY, Merchants, Dowgate Ward. BOND 88 147 Wm. Langhorne having, on distress of their goods for their 88 146 assessments of 1,500l. and 500l., undertaken to satisfy the sum, and paid the 2,000l., order that the goods distrained bo returned to Langhorne, and that the collector who distrained them deliver them all into his custody. 10 Nov. 1643. Dan. Harvey assessed again at 5,000l., and Eliab 63 89, at 2,5001. 23 Nov. Dan. Harvey to be taken into custody till he pay his 2 161 assessment. 18 Dec. 1643. Order that his debtors, viz., Clayton, Wm. 2 193 Prescott, and Mr. Hasilrig, appear and give in particulars of their debts to him. Hasilrig, when ordered not to pay his debt of 1,500l. to Harvey but to this committee, said that he assigned to Harvey in part a debt of 150l. near Bristol. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 139 : 12 April 1643. 0.0. 3 350 Mr. Clayton appearing, was ordered to give particulars of his debts to Dan. Harvey. Also Mr. Prescott to bring in a list of his debts to Harvey. [Edw.] Trussell, of Paternoster Row, to bring in a list of his debts to Dan. or Eliab Harvey. 20 Dec. 1643. The goods seized in the house of Eliab Harvey, near Putney, to be sold towards his assessment. 29 Dec. Mr. Humfreyes, of Paternoster Row, says he owes Harvey nothing. Mr. Trussell says he owes him 247. 30 Jan. 1644. Order that Rich. Piggott have 37 bags of aniseed in Dan. Harvey's warehouse returned to him, he declaring that they are his own goods. 5 April 1644. All Daniel Harvey's rents, goods, and estate to be seized and sold towards his assessment. 31 May 1644. He committed to Lambeth House for non- payment. 14 June 1644. Mr. Prescott not to pay him a debt of 577. 15s. due to him. 1 July 1644. Col. West, having undertaken to pay for Eliab Harvey's goods at Roehampton, Surrey, appraised at 501., is to have 14 days to pay in . 24 July. [Wm.] Reynolds to have a month to pay the money he agreed to pay for Dan. Harvey's goods at Croydon. Accts. 88 148- 19 Aug. 1644. Daniel Harvey to be sent by sea to Plymouth, and kept there till he has paid his assessment. 159 o.c. 3 262 20 Sept. 1644. His goods in Snelling's house, Broad Street, to be discharged, being those conveyed to Langhorne on his payment of 1,500l. for them. 20 Sept.. Mr. Biddolph to pay to this committee 2277. 5s., due by him to Dan. Harvey. 4 Nov. 1644. Edw. Trussell and Wm. Reynolds engaging themselves for payment of 1,000l., in part of the assessment, by Friday, and that Harvey shall abide the committee's order for the residue, order that he be released from Lambeth House. 8 Nov. His sequestration discharged, he having this day brought in 1,000%., which makes up his, and given security to abide the committee's order for the residue; he is to have 14 days to appear and treat about it. 20 Nov. Order that he pay 5007. in a month, and then be further heard. 20 Dec. 1644. Having paid 1,5007. in Dowgate Ward, and 1,5007. to Treasurer Lane, order that he pay 1,0007. more in 6 weeks, for which he shall have Public Faith, and be discharged. 10 Jan. 1645. The party that shall discover the person of Eliab Harvey to have Is. in the pound of all the money that shall come in on his assessment. 5 Feb. 1645. He to be brought in custody to pay his assessment. 7 Feb. Isaac Smith, Eliab's servant, to be kept in custody Susan Greenwell, Eliab's servant, to be committed to Bridewell, she refusing to be examined concerning her master, or to answer the questions of the committee. 14 Feb. Col. West paying 851. 17s. 8d., the appraised value of Eliab Harvey's goods, is to have the same without interruption. Mr. Jarvis to have 10l. 9s. 6d., charges in seizing and appraising the goods, and searching for his person. Vol. No. A or p. 2 193 2 194 2 197 2 209 2 245 3 73 3 130 3 150 3 165 3 191 3 217 3 241 3 243 3 281 3 286 3 296 3 336 4 9 4 30 32 33 14 Feb. Smith to be released, Col. West promising he shall 4 38 appear when required. 4 38 140 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 12 April 1643. R. 4 177 187 12 April 1643. 14 Feb. 1645. Dan. Harvey ordered to pay 2507. to night, and 2501. in 14 days. 21 Feb. Susan Greenway (sic) released, on acknowledging her fault. 23 May 1645. Dan. Harvey to be brought in custody to answer objections against him. 28 July 1645. Dan. Harvey is to pay the collector's salary on his assessment of 5,000l., or in case of default, it is to be levied on his estate and goods. 1 Dec. 1645. Eliab Harvey is to make up his in 14 days, and be further heard; till he do this, he is to be committed to Peter House. 17 Dec. This order notwithstanding, he is to be discharged on paying in 5001. more than the 500l. paid in the ward. 20 26 Dec. If he will give security to make up what has been paid and levied to 1,000l., his assessment of 2,500l. for his to be discharged; otherwise the order for payment of 500l. to stand. 9 Feb. 1646. He having paid in 1007. more, and this committee having further considered his estate, order that his assessment be discharged, if he pay 2007. more in 8 days. 27 Feb. Certificate that he has paid 5007., and 851. 17s. 8d. 3 Feb. 1647. Order for payment to the collectors of 481. 15s., for levying 2,8007. on Daniel and Eliab Harvey, 137. 15s. being for charges, and the rest for salary. Vol. No. A or P. 39 4 4 50 4 164 4 219 4 341- 342. 4 358 4 370 4 425 I will do my best to get money for the army, but I dare not propose a new subscription, as the people are So averse; I could do more if you sent me an order to assess the malignants and Papists in Essex, as you did in London. I have sequestered some of Sir Geo. Whitmore's rents. 88: 160 5 188 28 Nov. 1651. Eliab Harvey's petition for Public Faith referred 17 99 to the registrar, to state and report. 23 April 1652. Ordered Public Faith for 8857. 17s. 8d., paid by 11 352 him as assessment for his 20 24 Sept. 1652. On proof that Dan. Harvey had paid 1,500l. in 12 177 his ward, and 2,500l. for his, and on petition of Eliab Harvey, his executor, and affidavit that 1,360l. was Daniel's full proportion, order that the Public Faith be allowed for 3,000l. of the 4,000l. paid, without interest. WM. MONGER, Olave's, Southwark, Surrey. Warrant from the County Committee of Essex to Sam. 88 161 Clerke, keeper of Colchester Gaol, to take him into custody, because the inhabitants of Rochford complain that whilst sheltering among them, he came not to church for 3 weeks, and dissuaded people from paying moneys for Parliament, and much hindered the public good and peace. 14 April 1643. Col. Walter Long to the Committee for Advance 88 162 of Money. Having lately received a certificate from you that Monger had paid his 401. assessment, and was a constant com- municant in his parish church, I send you the warrant of his commitment. We think his conduct dangerous, where there have been many endeavours to hinder the payment of assessments, and it would much discourage the upright if he were instantly released. I know many untruths have been told to some M.Ps. May 1643. Committee for Advance of Money to Walter Long. 88 163 We do not mean to liberate any man that is ill-affected, but we could not deny Monger the justice to certify what he paid here; we leave him to his proper place, the prison, and to your discretion. We will send you an order about the recusants and ill-affected. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 141 12 April 1643. 13 April 1643. DEP. 88 167 168 P.E. 88 169 E.W. 6 118 L. INT. & Dep. 88 171- 173 PUB. 8 116 88 174 LET. 24 109 30 June 1644. The Tower Hamlets' Committee are to make his peace, and if not done in 18 days, a warrant of distress to issue. SIR HEN. VAUGHAN, Whitwell, York. Statement signed by him, that being ordered by the 88 164 Earl of Newcastle to pay 2001. towards the maintenance of the King's army, he will contribute as far as able, but cannot get in his debts. Out of 801. due to him by John Cholmley, of Braham, for lands in Whitwell, he will give 501. to the army, which he authorizes Cholmley to pay. With note of its receipt, 20 June 1648. Dec. 1647. Charge of delinquency against him, that he fur- 88 165 nished the Earl of Newcastle with men, money, horses, and arms, signed the bill for raising money for his party, sent a fat ox to John Bellasis, Governor of York, to be freed himself from paying assessments, and to have them laid on Parliament's friends; used the Earl of Newcastle's soldiers to distrain for his rents, &c. He denies the charges, and says he was imprisoned for not 88 166 lending money, and was forced to write the letter to Cholmley; was taken prisoner with Sir Hugh Cholmley, and had to pay 401. for his release. Paid 801. to the Parliamentary Committee when tried for delinquency, but was not found guilty. 3 Jan. 1648. Order on information that he is a delinquent, that Jos. Beverley seize, sequester, and inventory his estate, real and personal. Vol. No. A or P. 4 25 16 Sept. 1648. Beverley to seize his chattels and stay his rents 6 57 in the tenants' hands. E.W. 8 16 3 Aug. 1649. His goods not to be sold for 6 weeks, on his giving good security for them. 6 March 1649. Thos. Jarvis and J. Beverley to levy the rents 6 197 and arrears on his sequestered estate, by distress and sale of goods if needful. 25 May 1649. He being a delinquent within the Ordinances of 79 Sequestration, Jarvis or Beverley are to appraise and sell all his goods, and pay the money to this committee. Also to demand his rents, and in case of refusal, to levy them by distress, and pay them to this committee. 26 April 1650. Order that as, on perusal of the depositions, he is adjudged within the Ordinance of Sequestration, his estate, real and personal, be sequestered, and the profits received for the State. Also order to Beverley to appraise and sell the goods and chattels, levy by distress, if needful, all rents and arrears, and give in accounts to the committee. 5 338 19 July 1650. Order on Sir Henry's petition that he be heard, to show cause why his estate should not be sequestered according to order. 24 July. Order repeated, and meantime his estate to stand inventoried and secured, and his rents to remain in the tenants' hands. 7 214 88 170 176 May 1650 ? Vaughan begs a re-hearing. Is 80 years old, and 88 long waited in town to be heard, but the cause being put out of the list, he thought it would not be prosecuted, and thus a verdict was given in his absence; can prove his innocence. 8 307 88 175 9 49 9 55 142 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 13 April 1643. H. 9 204 0. 88 180 R. 5 18 17 April 1643. 29 Nov. 1650. Order that he be not admitted to a hearing, and that his personal estate be forthwith seized and sold, and his rents and arrears levied and paid to this committee. 14 April 1643. ACCTS. 88 178 John Bromfield, now in custody, discharged by the Committee 88 for Examinations. SIR EDWARD BROMFIELD and JOHN BROMFIELD, his son, St. George's, Southwark. 177 14 April 1643. John Bromfield being assessed at 500l. but de- 88 179 claring that 250l. is his, the case referred to the assessors, who certify that he is many ways engaged for his father, and is in debt 4,000l. and should be abated 250l., whereon he is to protest that 2501. is his 2%. 20 23 Feb. 1644. John Bromfield released from imprisonment 3 20 and his sequestration taken off, Ald. Chambers having under- taken that he shall make up his assessment 4501. 3 May 1644. Sir Edward Bromfield assessed at 1,000l., 3 May. Refusing to pay, ordered to be sent prisoner to the Fleet, and 51. ordered for the men that brought him up from St. Alban's. 10 May. Ordered to make up his assessment 18 Nov. 1644. John Bromfield sent to prison for not paying an assessment of 1001. levied on him in Southwark. 30 Jan. 1646. The 1,000l. to be levied by distress on Sir Edw. Bromfield, and in particular those rents that John Bromfield lays claim to, it appearing that the estate properly belongs to Sir Edward Bromfield. Vol. No. A or P. ✰ 9 253 6 April 1646. John Bromfield to produce the deed whereby he claims his father's lands, and prove what money he has paid out of them to Sir Edward's creditors. Feb. 1646? Capt. Thos. Hawtaine petitions. Sir Edw. Bromfield 88 181 granted a lease of a tenement in the Mint, Southwark, to - Heath at 61. 10s., and it was assigned to my mother, Mary Hawtaine, for my use, and I have paid 32l. fine; but I am ordered to forbear payment of rent, because of the delinquency of Sir Edward, and John his son. Thereon John issued a writ of ejectment against me. I applied to you, and you still ordered me to detain the rent. Now John Bromfield and Nich. Hanwell have, in my absence, broken into the house, seized my goods, writings, and bonds, and my lease, which has 13 years to come. I beg that they may be summoned to answer the premises. April? Abstract of the said deed. 27 April. The seizure on Sir Edward's houses in the Mint taken off, and the tenants to pay him their rents, any former order notwithstanding. March 1646? Note from Capt. Hawtaine to Mr. Butler, sending 88 182 him a present of 6 blackbirds killed by a hawk. 5 7 12 March 1647. John Bromfield to appear on a complaint of Jos. Sanders, for disturbing him for non-payment of rent for a house in the Mint, while Bromfield's rents were under seizure. 17 March. It appearing that Sander's non-payment of rent was by order of this committee, and he being now willing to pay rent and arrears, Bromfield withdraws his action-at-law. ISAAC JONES, Sen., and ISAAC JONES, Jun., Augustine Friars, Broad Street Ward. 61 146 3 101 Order that the father be not further molested or troubled for his assessment on the Ordinance of 29 November 1642, he having appeared and paid it. 3 111 3 304 4 406 88 183 5 24 5 217 5 222 1 126 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 143 17 April 1643. 17 April 1643. BOND 88 190 192 4 Oct. 1643. Isaac Jones, Jun., assessed at 1007. 8 Nov. 1643. I. Jones, Sen., assessed at 1,2001. 18 Dec. 1643. The father to pay 2007., which, with 4007. formerly paid, is to discharge his old assessment of 8001. and a late assessment of 1,2007. - 21 Dec. Order that the son pay 251. to make 251. formerly lent to be his, and then be further heard. CAPT. or SIR MARMADUKE RAWDON, or RAWDEN, Merchant of London, Colonel in the King's Army, part owner of the ship Marmaduke. Order that, as Marmaduke Rawden is assessed in Tower Ward at 5001., and has 500l. coming to him out of the Chamber of London, the chamberlain do not pay the 500l., or any part of it, without order of this committee, that it may be liable for the assessment. 3 214 17 Feb. 1644. The assessment discharged for the 251. formerly paid, he paying the officer's salary. 20 Nov. Isaac Jones, Sen., to be brought up in custody to pay his 3 296 assessment. 30 May 1643. Order for restoration to Jos. Rawdon of wines in 2 houses named, distrained as belonging to Marm. Rawdon, but Joseph takes affidavit that they are his goods. With note by Viscount Say and Seale to Gosse that he will not stay this order, the wines seeming to be J. Rawdon's. 23 June 1643. Order that Thos. Lenthall and 7 others meet and report about wines sold by the candle at Guildhall, &c., being distrained for non-payment of Rawdon's assessment, but which are now claimed by other persons. REP. 2 36 17 July 1643. Order, on report that 14 pipes 7 butts of the wine belong to Basil Foster, merchant of Londou, for their delivery to him. 9 Oct. 1643. Certificate that the ship Marmaduke arrived in the Port of London from Amsterdam. 13 Oct. Order for delivery of 16 pipes and 1 hhd. of the wine to Alex. Eve, to whom they belong. 16 April 1645. Information that Mary Corchevill, at the King's Arms Tavern, near Clement's Church, owes Capt. Rawdon money. Vol. No. A or P. 63 40 63 88 2 194 32 2 200 1 125 1 160 2 35 2 37 88 184 2 112 21 21 7 18 April. On information that Thos. Corchevill owes him 88 185 money, Mary Corchevill, his wife, says that her husband owes him money, but she knows not how much, nor will she pay the same till further order of this committee. 16 16 Oct. 1645. Order in the County Committee for London that, 88 186 whereas on 6 October last, they had ordered that the part of the ship Marmaduke belonging to Capt. Marmaduke Raw- don, delinquent-viz., and should be sold for benefit of the State, yet Gilbert Keate [merchant of London] alleging that he has given security to the Navy Committee for that part of the ship, and is willing to do the same here, the former order is suspended. 190 18 Oct. Proceedings in the Admiralty Committee. Gilbert Keate 88 187- and Wm. Ewen, part owners of the ship, petition that, notwithstanding their bond, the County Committee have se- questered and of the ship, as belonging to Rawdon, so 16 13²/20 that the ship is obstructed in sailing. In conference with the Navy Committee, this committee finds that the Marma- duke was seized on her return by the Rear Admiral, and the and sequestered, and bond given by the petitioners 16 32 to be answerable that the ship has since been employed for the 144 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 17 April 1643. LET. 24 144 DEP. 88 204 REP. 88 205 E. W. 28 142 143 145 State, and 2,000l. remains due on account, which the Navy Committee detain till Rawdon's part is paid; therefore the County Committee at Camden House should forbear further meddling. 20 Oct. 1645. Capt. Rawden to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 23 Oct. Order in the County Committee on the order of 18 Oct., 88 193 taking off the sequestration of Rawdon's part of the ship Marmaduke. Vol. No. A or P. 195 2 April 1651. Gilbert Keate and the executrix of William Ewen 88 194- petition the Navy Committee, complaining that, in spite of the former proceedings, the Committee of Sequestrations at Armorers' Hall summon them to be accountable for Rawdon's part in the ship. They beg that what is due thereon may be paid, and their bond restored. 4 298 2 April. Order that the said Committee certify why they seized the said ship, since she was first seized by Lord Admiral the Earl of Warwick, as under cognizance of the Navy Committee. 10 July 1651. Parliament Order that 4007., with interest, 88 196 amounting in all to 655l., due by Marm. Rawdon, delinquent, deceased, to Sir Edm. Wright, Alderman of London, deceased, be paid to Sir Jas. Harrington, son-in-law and executor of Wright-it being part of a legacy given to Sir James's wife— out of Rawdon's personal estate, and the Commissioners for Compounding are to issue their warrants accordingly. 199 15 July. Order in the Navy Committee that as the Committee for 88 197– Sequestrations at Armorers' Hall have sequestered Rawdon's part in the ship Marmaduke, the case be left to them, and Keate and Ewen's bond transmitted to them. [7 signatures]. 24 July. Keate petitions the Committee for Advance of Money 88 200 that, being bound in 4001. for return of the Marmaduke, 201 she was last October surprised by Prince Rupert in the Straits, and many of the men slain in her defence. Yet the bond being sent to the Sequestration Committee, they require him to pay the 400l. due on his bond. He begs that it may be returned and cancelled, being always ready to pay to the State the profits of the and part of the ship. 1 32 Sir Jas. Harrington, that he may attend the hearing of the case if he pleases. 24 July. The said Committee to bring the bond before the Com- 88 202 mittee for Advance of Money, and a letter to be written to 25 July. The Commissioners for Sequestrations at Armorers' 88 203 Hall to bring in the bond on 21 Aug., and meanwhile to take examinations and send a report on the case. 16 27 Aug. 1651. The business to be heard to-morrow, and the 17 Armorers' Hall Committee to be then heard, according to the order of 25 July last. 1 28 Aug. Order on their report, and the other papers in the 17 3 case, after long debate, that Keate and Ewen have per- 88 formed the condition of their bond, and ought not to be accountable both for the ship and stock when seized in 1643, and also for the freight and proceeds since the seizure; and as Keate leaves it to the Committee for Advance of Money to decide for which he shall be accountable, it is resolved that the owners account for the and at the time of the seizure in 1643, and that the freight and proceeds since revert to the owners; therefore the value of the ship and stock in 1643 is to be taken. 32 206 207 28 Aug. Sir Jas. Harrington produces a Parliament Order 17 5 of 10 July 1651, for payment of 6551. due from Marm. Rawdon, delinquent, deceased, out of Sir M. Rawdon's COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 145 [ 17 April 1643. T 88 209 PUB. 17 92 H. 17 120 11 41 LIST 88 213 17 April 1643. CASE 88 208 11 Sept. 1651. Order that George Turberville produce to Mr. 17 Carey the books, accounts, and papers in his hands concerning the ship, and that he take such notes as shall prove the value of the ship in 1643, and annex his extracts to the depositions to be taken in the case. 50623. personal estate, to Sir Edm. Wright, Alderman of London, deceased. The question being put whether 1891. 7s. 2d. received from Rawdon's rents be so paid, order that Harring- ton obtain an explanation of the Parliament Order as to whether rents are included in the personal estate. 5 Sept. 1651. Order that the said money be paid to him on 17 20 security. Also that the word stock be added to the order about the Marmaduke, and that the owners be examined as to the value of the stock, in 1643. Vol. No. A or P. 9 Jan. 1652. Order that the part owners of the ship Marmaduke 11 168 pay, in lieu of Rawdon's share in her when she was seized, 88 210 300.; Keate to bring in their names, and they to pay their proportion in 14 days. 4 Feb. 1652. Keate, Widow Ewen, Nich. Rensford, and other 88 211 owners of the Marmaduke, petition that the ship being taken in October 1650 by Prince Rupert, about Leghorn, 9 months after, Sir J. Harrington obtained a Parliamentary Order for payment of 6501. from Rawdon's estate, and also an order for sending petitioners' bond to the Sequestration Committee, who the day after sent them a warrant to pay the money; to avoid which illegal proceeding, they addressed the Committee for Advance of Money. On the choice being given the owners, whether to be responsible for the ship's earnings since she was sequestered in 1643, or for the value of the ship in 1643, they chose the latter, provided she might be impartially valued, and 2001. allowed for demurrage in the Downs. But since that time, shipping has sunk in value almost one-half. They therefore beg mitigation of the sum of 3007. imposed on them, and leave to petition the Navy Committee for pay- ment, out of the 2007. owing them by the State for the ship's service, of the fine imposed on them, or for its defalcation from the said sum. 5 May. Order that the registrar state the proceedings before the Navy Committee and the Committee for Advance of Money, and report. 23 4 Feb. Order that Keate bring in a list of the part owners 11 174 who will pay their proportion of the ship's value, and then 88 212 the committee will declare what they will abate of the 3001. Carey to return the books left with him about the ship. EDM. MORGAN, Castle Baynard Ward. Being assessd at 2001. for his, the collectors for the Ward are to distrain and receive his rents towards payment. 5 May 1652. The owners beg discharge on the Act of Pardon. 88 214 By the arrest of the ship for the delinquent's part, they lost almost the value of that part before they could get her released, and the money due to the delinquent was not seques- tered 1 Dec. 1651. 11 369 88 215 K 1 126 12 May 1643. Order that he pay 1007. in full of his assessment, 88 216 1007. being already paid, and that of the 77. 10s. Od. rent distrained, 57. be returned and the 21. 10s. Od. go to the collectors for their salary; also on Morgan's giving acquit- tance to the tenant for the 77. 10s. Od. distrained, he is to have an order for the payment of the rent to himself, the former restraint notwithstanding. 146 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 April 1643. 21 April 1643. THOS. ROBINSON, Broad Street. Order that the collectors forbear to distrain his goods, as he has paid 501. of his assessment of 1007., and is sick and unable to attend the committee to give further satisfaction. 15 May 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. SIR NICH. CRISP, Lime Street. The hay, &c., in his stables to be distrained, appraised, and sold towards his assessment, and delivered to the purchaser, the other goods to be brought to Guildhall. 1 May 1643. The collectors of Langborne Ward to take any boats, barges, &c., on the Thames between Brentford and London, to carry from Hammersmith the goods seized in his house, and bring them to London for the use of Parliament; such goods, bricks, &c., as cannot well be transported to be appraised and sold on the place; they are to pay reasonable boat hire. o.c. 2 141 13 Oct. 1643. Crisp's red wood to be put to sale by the candle, towards payment of his assessment. 4 Jan. 1644. Fras. Webb, his tenant, to have his goods restored, but to pay the rent due for warehouse room, &c., to this com mittee, towards Crisp's assessment. ་ 8 May 1644. Order for payment of charges in bringing Crisp's red wood from Hammersmith to London. 2 Dec. 1644. The bills for bringing up this wood, and his house- hold stuff, and for stowage thereof, referred to examiners. 16 Dec. Order on their allowance thereof, that the 481. 15s. charged be paid, and also the salary for as much of his assess- ment as has been levied. 14 Feb. 1645. Sir Nicholas assessed again at 2,000l. 16 April 1645. His mansion house in Lime Street to be sold by the candle on 24 April, and notice bills to be set up on the Exchange 5 days before; with form of the notices. 7 May 1645. Neither Lady Crisp nor any others resident in the said house to remove any of the wainscot, doors, locks, keys, or other materials belonging to the said house, as they will answer the contrary. 9 May. All the timber, boards, locks, sand, bricks, stones, &c., in and about his house in Lime Street, to be inventoried, and an account given to the committee. 13 June 1645. Sam Davies, tenant of a house of Crisp's in St. Thomas the Apostle's, who is 601. in arrears of his rent, but has spent much in repairs, to be discharged on payment of 301. 15 March 1648. Ald. Witham to appear and show cause why he should not pay to this committee the money due for Sir Nicholas' house in Lime Strect, sold to him by Parliament Order. Vol. No. ▲ or P. 1 130 29 June 1649. Whereas Sir Nicholas's estate was sequestered for deliquency, and for non-payment of his, but he has com- pounded at Goldsmiths' Hall, and is discharged from his 0, order that the sequestration on his houses and estate in London and elsewhere be taken off. 3 116 23 Dec. Crisp's tenements, and every room thereof, to be 3 340 viewed, and report made thereon. 1 131 88 217 1 134 2 112 2 216 3 105 3 312 88 218 3 329 67 138 4 124 88 219 4 145 4 147 4 178 5 402 88 220 7 108 5 10 Dec. 1651. Information that John Mills, grocer of Canter- 23 bury, entered into a bond of 401. for payment of 201. to Sir 88 221 N. Crisp, still unpaid; also that Thos. Mitchell, sen., of Faversham, Kent, owed him 147. 58. Od. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 147 21 April 1643. 21 April 1643. 0.2 266 0.3 13 ACCTS. 88 225, 226 23 April 1643. 25 April 1643. A 14 Jan. 1652. Sir Nicholas ordered to pay in his proportion of his 17 151 assessment in 14 days, or it will be levied on his estate. SIR THOS. ABDY, BART., Aldgate Ward. His grain, household stuff, &c., to be sold towards his assessment 1 131 of 8007. 139 5 May, 1643 As he has absented himself, and conveyed away 1 his estate, his stable and hay-loft transferred to Capt. Peter Willett. 4 Sept. 1643. His dividends and his stock in the East India Company to be detained in the company's hands for non- payment of his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 28 Aug. 1643. Order that as the Sequestration Committee have 2 66 sequestered Sir Thos. Abdy, and on complaint made to them by his lady, who affirms that he is not in arms against Parlia- ment, and she will bring him before that committee in 10 days, the sequestration is respited-his assessment for his be likewise respited, pending judgment of the Sequestration Committee. 20 8 Sept. All who pretend a claim to his stock or adventure therein to appear, and show their interest in 4 days. 11 Dec. 1643. Ordered to make up the moiety of his assessment in a week, and then he will be heard. 2 84 28 Sept. Being declared a delinquent, Order in Parliament 88 222 that [John Blakiston, M.P., seize and dispose of his goods, in- cluding his adventure in the East India Company, and collect his debts, for payment of those M.Ps who have advanced money for Sir Wm. Waller's forces, for which they shall have indemnity. 2 72 22 Feb. Ordered to pay the other 4001. of his assessment, half in 7 days and half 7 days after. 2 187 15 Jan. 1644. Order in Parliament that Rob. Abdy, merchant, who 88 223 has received in cinnamon 801., part of Sir Thomas' dividend, pay it to Blakiston; with Blakiston's receipt for 661. 6s. 8d. thereof. 22 Feb. 1644. Sir Thomas petitions that the 8001, at which he 88 224 is assessed for his part, may be taken out of 1,0001. Public Faith money, a bond for which be accepted, in lieu of a debt of 1,000l., due to him from the late Sir Jas. Cambell. Does not ask the defalcation of 1507., the value of horses taken from him, because of the needs of the Commonwealth. 3 18 March 1654. Certificate that in 1644, he paid 8007., and 1507. for 88 227 7 horses; given him to enable him to make his claim at Worcester House. JOHN MORRIS, Linen Draper, St. Margaret's, Lothbury. Certificate by the assessors that the 101. was not assessed 88 228 on John Morris of Peter the Poor, but on John Morris of Lothbury. 31 July 1643. Assessed at 107. - 61 38 17 Nov. 1643. Assessment discharged, not having 1001. estate 75 120 by affidavit. ROBT. LEWIS, All-Hallows-the-Wall Parish, Broad Street Ward. Deposes that he has lived but one year in the parish, and 88 229 being a stranger, was assessed at 301. for his 26, which he was unable to pay, or any part thereof, not being worth a groat, his debts being paid. 200 K 2 148 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 April 1643. April ? 1643. DEP. 88 232 R. 3 174, 190, 196 2 May 1643. WM. HANCOCK, Fleet Street. His assessment respited till 12 May. 11 Dec. 1644 Affidavit by him that, his just debts paid, 2007. is his full, his desperate debts of 2,000l. excepted, and also 2001. a year lying between Worcester and Gloucester, from which he has not received a penny since the date of the Ordinance, 29 Nov. 1642. With order that he be respited till his lands be free from the King's army, or his debts come in. 9 Jan. 1646. The lands excepted being reduced, order that of his 88 230 assessment of 500l. he pay 881., and his desperate debts remain still respited. THOMAS MARSHAM or MASSAM, Milk Street or Cripplegate Ward. List of goods in the house of Marsham which belong to 88 231 Christ's Hospital and to other men. BOND 88 236 30 May. Order that as Marsham was assessed at 500l., 1507. of which is raised by distress of goods, and Futter has undertaken to pay the residue, Marsham's weekly assessments, and the collector's charges, the Sequestration Committee, who hold Marsham's estate, are to see that Futter is repaid out of his goods, shipping, or the first moneys that come in from his sequestered estate. April 1643? Petition of Hen. Futter. Last March he bought 88 233 and compounded for the goods of Thos. Marsham at their ap- praised value, but it was said that part of the goods and a grey mare and horse cloth were not really his goods, whereon Futter was ordered to restore such as, by depositions taken before the Lord Mayor, did not belong to Marsham, but Dr. Corn. Burgess, who has never paid a penny for the mare, keeps her. Beg's an order to Burgess to restore her. Vol. No. A or P. 1 132 88 230 5 May 1643. Complaints of abusive language used by Futter 88 234- towards Burgess, and of Futter's denial of the same. 235 1 159 20 June 1643. Declaration by Burgess that he is prepared to 88 237 show cause why Futter should not have the mare, which they ordered him to deliver. 24 June. Order that whereas on 16 June Burgess was ordered to deliver the mare to Futter, as he had paid the assess- ment of Thos. Marsham, whose property it was, unless Dr. Burgess showed cause, which he has not done-Futter seize the mare, in whosoever's custody it be, and all officers assist him therein 24 July 1644. Marsham assessed at 1,0007. 4 Sept. 1644. Order that Futter pay in the 781. 7s. Od. at which Marsham's goods were appraised, with officer's salary and charges. - 65 115 3 230 2 29 18 March 1654. Certificate of John Tichborne, deputy to Sam. 88 238 Gosse, that Marsham's goods were distrained and appraised, but redeemed by Futter, who paid the appraisement, and also the rest of Marsham's assessment. JOHN and ROB. FREKE, or FREAKE, Helton, co. Dorset. 20 March. Receipt by John Marsham, executor of Thos. 88 239 Marsham, of a certificate for 500l. paid by Thos. Marsham for redemption of his goods, distrained for assessment for his. They having contributed 50%. on the propositions of Parliament, 89 1 a protection from plunder or spoil of person, family, goods, or estate is granted them, and they and their servants are allowed to go about their business. Šigned "Thos. Trenchard, John Browne." COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 149 2 May 1643. 3 May 1643. 4 May 1643. 4 May 1643. 5 May 1643 6 May 1643. 5 Feb. 1646. Mr. Freake, tenant to John Strange at Fifehead- 89 cum - Bagbere, co. Dorset, assessed at 107., to be paid at Cranborne, 21 Feb. - 29 Jan. 1647. Rob. Freake assessed at 400. 15 March 1648. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment O.C. 6 220 5 May 1649. Particulars of his estate and of his debts, 2,5221., 89 3, 4 with his depositions thereto, and statement that his late mother, Mabel Freake, lent 507. on the propositions, and paid 101. asse-sment, with note that his is 81. Also receipt by the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers of 1067. as a fine 89 5 for his delinquency. 20 6 325 - 11 May. His assessment discharged, as it appears that he is greatly indebted. SIR JOHN GORE. Diligent search ordered for all money, plate, jewels, horses, and arms belonging to him, which are to be seized and brought to London. Capt. Willett to assist therein. 15 Aug. 1643. Order that, on his paying 2507. more than the 2501. already paid, his assessment be respited, and he have the Public Faith for the 5007. THOS. BROWNE, Bassieshaw Ward. Three houses in the ward to be searched for his goods, and they to be seized, brought to Guildhall, and disposed of, towards his assessment of 1207. Vol. No. A or P. 2 1 Aug. 1645.. Information that Sir John Rivers, Thos. Savage, 21 and John More, trustees for Sir Wm. Mainwaring, are bound in 8001. to pay Sir John Gore 416., 4 January 1641. WM. DOWNHALL, Lothbury, Coleman Street Ward. Mr. Bedingfield having undertaken that he shall pay his assess- ment of 4007., order that Bedingfield appear and shew cause why it is not paid. 71 63 5 402 8 Nov. 1644. Order that he make up his forthwith, and that the 441. in horses be in part thereof, and then he is to be further heard. 13 Nov. Having paid the 400., order that on paying 1007. more the assessors of his ward certify what they think should be abated on his assessment. 20 Aug. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 2 Oct. 1646. Order for his discharge on payment of, the former order notwithstanding, and also that he ought not to be assessed in any other place. 1 134 2 54 23 March 1654. Receipt by John, son of Thos. Hutchinson, 89- of a certificate for payment of 1007. assessment by Thos. Hutchinson for his 25. THOS. HUTCHINSON, Aldersgate Ward. 1 138 Order that, as he is assessed at 3007., and has not paid, and as there are goods and cattle of his at Pinner, Middlesex, the 89 same be distrained, and sold towards payment. 6 7 19 1 137 1 132 3 286 3 289 4 242 5 111 WM. LAKE, Austin Friars. Note that he was assessed at 2507., and on refusal to pay, sent 89 8 to Yarmouth or Ipswich Gaol, where he now lies. His estate is not 3,000l. in all. As an under-sharer in the old farm of 150 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 May 1643. 6 May 1643. 9 May 1643. 12 May 1643. 13 May 1643. 15 May 1643. Customs, he has paid 2,4007. for the use of the State. He has no goods, and his house belongs to his stepson, yet a friend offers 1007. if he may be discharged. With note of an order in sub-committee of 17 May 1643, that the friend must deposit 1257. till the pleasure of the committee is known, to be restored if not accepted; and if accepted, Mr. Lake to be discharged. SIR JOHN GAYER, Alderman of London. Order that the 3001. assessment paid by him to Mr. Gosse be repaid, that he may pay it to the treasurer of this committee, and have the Public Faith for it. 89 14 Sept. 1643. Receipt by Sir John Gayer of the 300l. to be so paid in by him. MAURICE GETHIN; WM. HAWKINS, Merchant; TEMPEST MILNER; RICH. TURNER, Sen. and Jun., London Citizens. Order for payment to Hawkins, from the sale of goods sequestered for assessment, of 7007., borrowed from him, at instance of some members of committee, to supply the pressing necessities of the army, with promise of payment from sale of distrained goods in a fortnight. 25 Sept. Assessed at 1,000l. - 63 32 15 Nov. 1644. Assessed by special Order of Parliament at 1,800. 67 55 8 July 1643. Order for repayment to him of 8001. advanced 3 months since for the army, with 8 per cent. interest. JOHN GOLDWELL, Vintry Ward. Order that he, being assessed at 1307., beside 701. formerly lent, be respited till 12 June, to prove what he has paid in Kent, or to procure a certificate from the Kent Commissioners at Bexley that he should not be assessed hereafter, as he will lend voluntarily in proportion to his estate. Vol. No. A or P. 2 34 20 Feb. 1644. Order in Parliament that, as they have jointly 89 10 lent 42,9297. 12s. 8d. for the pressing occasions of the kingdom, and received neither principal nor interest, though 12 months are expired-the Committee for Advance of Money pay them 1,000l. every 3 months on account. 1 89 18 Dec. 1646. Notes of the payments ordered by the Committee 89 for Advance of Money, in pursuance of the above order. 20 11 Dec. Her assessment discharged, on her affidavit that she has not 100%. 140 9 9 SIR RICH. BETTISON, Broad Street Ward. Whereas he was assessed at 607., and paid in 301., but since pay- ment, the ward-collector has distrained for the whole 601., and carried it to Sam. Gosse, treasurer-order that Gosse return the 30%. 1 144 29 Dec. 1643. Order that he be brought in safe custody to answer his assessment of 8001. LADY TRESHAM, St. Giles-in-the-Fields. Inventory of her goods, seized for non-payment of assessment; 89 12 total value, 217. 12s. 6d. 4 Sept. 1643. Assessed at 150l. 63 7 4 Dec. 1643. Order that she make affidavit what is the of of 2 175 her estate. 2 187 11 1 147 1 149 89 13 2 209 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 151 15 May 1643. 17 May 1613. CERT. 89 15 17 May 1643. 19 May 1643. 20 May 1643. 3 Jan. 1644. Assessed again at 8007. 12 Jan. The 781. deposited to be in discharge of his assessment, he having lent 781. and 156., being his proportion, for which Public Faith is given. 31 Jan. 1615. Again assessed at 4007. 25 May 1643. DEPUTY TOBIAS LISLE. His assessment of 1007. discharged on account of his great losses, he producing an acquittance for 867., and a certificate for 501., which the assessors of his ward declared should be accepted in lieu of his assessment. NOTES 89 16 1 Sept. 1645. Wilkinson to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. o.c. 4 335 19 Nov. 1645. Assessed at 5007. 3 Dec. 1645. His sequestration to be taken off if he pay his assessment, and give security to abide the committee's order for the residue. GEORGE DANVERS, London. He deposes that he cannot pay his creditors 10s. in the pound, 89 14 and therefore cannot pay the 201. assessed on him, for which his wares of linen cloth, value 30., are taken from him. 15 May 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. WM. WILKINSON, Cordwainer Ward. Order that Wm. Finch, sen., of Watford, Herts, take up the rents of Woodhall Farm, Middlesex, belonging to Wilkinson, receive the arrears, and money due for timber, and let the lands towards payment of his assessment of 5007. 15 Dec. He having paid the 500., his assessment to be discharged, and sequestration taken off, on payment of 2501. more. 3 March 1648. Order that he have the Public Faith for 4461. 13s. 3d. paid in for his, as he applied himself to pay as soon as he was discharged from imprisonment, and could not before then address the committee or pay. REC. 89 18 23 May 1643. Certificate that he has paid 1007. of his assess- ment, and given security to pay 1007. more, and is therefore not to be further molested. 5 Feb. 1645. Order for search and seizure of his goods, house- hold stuff, money, &c., in or about the house of Mat. Raynor, Aldgate, he being a delinquent. Vol. No. A or P. 63 122 75 177 63 122 67 120 DR. SMITH, Shoe Lane. Deposition of Gertrude Remnant that last Christmas, when Dr. Smith was going into the country, he brought her 4 or 5 feather beds and bolsters, and 3 trunks of bed furniture and blankets, but that she knows of no other goods of his. She believes the goods were left there for fear of assessment. 3 116 1 151 1 152 THOS. TURNER, D.D., Olave's, Southwark. Pass for Dr. Turner and 2 servants from Fetcham, in Surrey, 89 and back again. With note that he was released from custody of the serjeant-at-arms on giving security for payment of 1007., and for his appearance before the Committee for Advance of Money next Monday. 4 251 69 113 4 344 4 356 5 390 17 1 155 4 31 1 156 152 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 May 1643. 30 May 1643. H. 93 o. 4 179 0. 4 202 R. 4 232 242 254 26 May 1643. Order that she do not allow any of Dr. Smith's goods in her house in Laurence Pultney's Lane to be conveyed away, but keep them till further order. DEP. 89, 19-21 10 March 1645. The officers to permit Mrs. Murray's servants to enjoy her estates at Ham, and sow the ground till further orders. 2 Dec. 1643. Order that Mr. Gosse re-deliver to Gertrude 2 174 Remnant a bed, bolster, and blue rug of hers, which were brought in among Dr. Smith's goods. WILLIAM MURRAY, St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the King, and KATHERINE, his wife, Ham, co. Surrey. Resolution in the County Committee that lands in Petersham, G 105 165 Ham, Kingston, &c., transferred by Wm. Murray to others named, be considered to belong to them, and that the seques- tration be discharged. 4 and 10 July 1643. Murray assessed at 6001. 19 Feb. 1645. On information of several of his goods and estate in a house near Richmond, and lands adjoining, not get sequestered, order that the goods be seized, appraised, and sold by the candle, the rents levied, and an account given of proceedings. 9 May. The case to be reported to the House of Commons, and as the rents would be in jeopardy by remaining in the tenants' hands, her goods and rents are to remain on security in the hands of Ben. Rhodes, steward to the Earl of Elgin. Vol. No. A or P. 1 156 1 April 1645. Case to be heard on Monday, and meantime 4 109 Mrs. Murray's rents to be brought into this committee. 9 May 1645. Col. Forbes informs that Mrs. Murray is a 21 1 delinquent. In August 1643, Mrs. Murray had a pass from the Lord-General for herself and children, 6 men and 6 maids, and 14 horses, to go to Oxford, but some of the horses being hackney, returned, and the others were of little value. She stayed at Oxford till Feb. 1644, and during that time, her rents were employed in improving the land, paying Parliament taxes, and keeping the servants. When she returned, the County Committee for Surrey sequestered the lands as her estate, but cleared her, and discharged them 26 March 1645. Query whether she is a delinquent, and within the Ordinance of Sequestration ? 28 June. The execution of former orders in the case suspended. 7 July 1645. Her deeds and evidences to be sent to the Com- missioners for Sequestration on their desire. 61 22-29 4 48 18 July. Order, on request of the Commissioners for Seques- tration, that she have 14 days' time, on security that nothing shall be removed. 4 74 19 May. Order in the House of Commons concerning conveyances 4 173 made by Wm. Murray to Mrs. Murray and their children, G 105 169 that the estate as conveyed is sequestrable. 4 172 4 June 1645. The case about the estate having long been in debate, it is to be sequestered according to the above order. June? Case that in 15 Charles, Wm. Murray conveyed Peter- 89 22-24 sbam and Ham manors in trust for his wife and children, and has since become a delinquent and liable to sequestra- tion. The query is whether these lands are sequestrable for his delinquency. 4 149 151 4 186 4 194 4 228 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 153 30 May 1643. R. 4 291 309 322 339 353 369 383 398 R. 4 417 433 444 451 5 3 22 and 26 Sept 1645. The order of 19 Feb. for sequestration of the goods and estate to be carried out. ACCTS. 89 26, 27 30 Jan. The sequestration to be carried out unless Mrs. Murray show cause on Monday next. BOND 89 32 7 Jan 1646. [Mrs.] Murray to be brought up to pay an assess- ment of 1,5001. Vol. No. A or P. 4 266 272 89 25 THOMAS WENTWORTH, Earl of Cleveland, and THOMAS, LORD WENTWORTH, his son. 18 April 1646. Order in Parliament, that Parliament accepts G 105 171 500l. as composition for the estate of Kath. Murray. 5 68 6 July 1646. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, that Parliament having accepted the 500l. which has been G 105 167 paid, her estate be discharged and freed from all seques- tration. 4 382 27 Nov. 1646. Order that Mrs. Murray, having paid 501., part 5 141 of the 1007. in arrear for her fine and composition, have respite till next term for the other 50%. 30 May 1643. CERT. 89 29, 30 Depositions by Wm. Wakefield, merchant of London, that 89 the goods in two bills of sale annexed, are in the house of Wm. Gore, St. Martin's Ongan's, to whom he was ap- prentice, that he is executor of his mother, Mary Wakefield, and that they have never been redeemed by the Earl of Cleveland. With the bills of sale, by the first of which, on 18 Aug. 1641, the Earl sold to Mary Wakefield for 2841. suits of hangings, carpets, embroidered cloths, and a bed with draperies, redeemable on payment of 2951. 7s. Od. before 19 Feb. following. By the second, on 4 Oct. 1641, the Earl sold her for 701. beds and furniture, embroidered cushions, &c., redeemable on payment of 711. 8s. Od. on 5 Jan. next. 4 405 at 2,0001. 17 Nov. 1645. The Earl assessed for his 18 Oct. 1648. Information that Stepney parsonage belongs to the Earl of Cleveland and is unsequestered, and that Edm. Peisley of Whitechapel holds it, and owes several years' rents. 16 Nov. 1648. Edm. Peisley to produce his writings to clear his title to Stepney parsonage, belonging to the Earl of Cleveland. 11 Oct. 1643. Order that, -as a court is this day to be held in 2 108 Stepney manor, Middlesex, to receive rents and fines from the tenants, and as it is informed that the manor belongs to the Earl of Cleveland, or some other in arms against Parlia- ment-the officers of the committee go to the court, and demand and seize the rents, or else that the tenants deposit them with Lieut.-Col. Zachary till further order, without which no rents or fines are to be paid. The steward and officers of the court enjoined to obey. - 28 -30 69 110 21 114 6 113 31 1 Aug. 1651. Information by Thos. Pennington that in 2 Charles, 22 257 Rob. Dixon assigned his lease of Stepney manor, with 1407. a G 111 329 year, for 99 years, to Thomas, Lord Wentworth, and William 89 and Mary Wentworth, children of Thomas, Earl of Cleveland, and the two latter being dead, the estate remains with Thomas, who is a delinquent. In 1636, the Earl let the manor to Edw. Brent, and it has been several times trans- ferred since. Request that it may be sequestered for benefit of the State, that an order may be published in all the 154 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 30 May 1643. 30 May 1643. 30 May 1643. May 1643. DEP. 89 42-44 INT. 89 45 DEP. 89 46-50 E.W. 5 264 R. 5 267 churches next Lord's day for non-payment of tithes, and that Brent and Edm. Peisley, who now holds it, may be account- able for their receipts therefrom. 89 [1 Aug. 1651.] Petition of Pennington, to the like purport as his information. GEORGE EYRES, St. Olave's parish, Southwark. Statement by Dan Mercer, and three other assessors of the 89 parish, that on the Ordinance of 29 Nov. last, they assessed Eyres at 501., but being credibly informed that this is far beyond his, they request mitigation for him. With note by Dallison that he can make no reference on this till the assessors appear, and the committee order him thereto. JAS. FENN, or VENN, Merchant Adventurer, Broad Street Ward. Order that Sam. Gosse re-deliver him the cloths distrained from him, because he has already paid 3601. in part of the 5001. assessed on him, and has undertaken to pay the rest on 10 June. 16 Aug. 1643. Parliament Order referring his petition to pass beyond seas to the Committee for Advance of Money, whose testimony he is to bring before any motion is made in Parliament. 26 Feb. 1647. Order that if the information of delinquency against Fenn be not proved in 14 days, it be vacated, and no proceedings issue thereon. Vol. No. A or P. SIR THOS. HAMPSON, BART., Holborn, and Taplow, Bucks. 33 34 1 158 89 35 13 March 1647. Certificate by John Tichborne, that 33 white 89 36 broad cloths belonging to Fenn were distrained for his assess- ments, 18 May 1643, and brought into Guildhall. 18 May. Order on proof of his delinquency that his personal estate be seized and inventoried, his debts and rents secured, &c. 2 55 0. 5 269 2 June 1647. Lord Howard to request the Lords, and Sir Miles INT. 89 53, 54 Corbett the Commons, to refer the further examination of Sir Thomas's delinquency to the Committee for Advance of Money, in case he prove a delinquent according to the rules of Gold- smiths' Hall. 5 198 Information that he lent the King 2001., and committed other 21 86 acts of delinquency. DEP. 89 37-39 13 June 1643. Examination of Frances Clements, to prove 89 40 that Sir Thomas did not correspond with the King's party, nor pay 5007. on a privy seal sent to him by the King, that he was often searched for by the King's party, who plundered his house, and that he fled to Maidenhead for safety. 15 March 1647. Statement that he lent the King 2001. by 89 41 means of Dr. Wm. Edmunds, of Burnham Abbey, near Wind- sor, parson of Taplow, and suggestions for interrogatories to prove this. lɔ March. Dr. Edmunds summoned to appear in the case 5 220 1 May 1647. Information that Sir Thomas is a delinquent, and 21 85 has assisted the King against Parliament. 5 256 DEP. 89 55-61 5 July 1647. Order in Parliament referring the said case to the 89 Committee for Advance of Money, to report next Thursday. 5 263 89 51- 52 62 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 155 May 1643. REP. 89 64 DEP. 89 65 13 July 1647. Order on examinations that Corbett report to the House of Commons that his estate is liable to sequestration for lending 2001. to the King. 27 April 1647. Printed report presented by Sir Thomas to the 89 House of Commons upon the question of his delinquency, viz., He lived constantly at Taplow, near Maidenhead, but had a fair house newly built at Bradwell, co. Oxon, which he left in care of his bailiff. 28 April 1642, he lent Parliament 1007., a very acceptable service. 29 July 1642, he lent 600l. for Ireland, being a commissioner. 1 October 1642, he furnished Col. Bulstrode with a man and horse. November 1642, the King's army coming to Branford, his house where he lived near Maidenhead, burned part of it, and plundered him of much goods. November 1642, out of care for the records of the Statute Office, he procured an order from the Committee of Safety to secure them in the Tower June 1643, he furnished Sir Peter Temple with a man and horse, and was sequestered at Oxford. February 1644, he refused to lend 500l. to the King on a privy seal, whereon he was indicted and sequestered, and— Ewer took possession of his estate; his house and barns, value 3,000l., were burned, and his stock taken; he was told that he would be saved if he would lend 3007., which he re- fused. With MS. marginal note that he lent 2001. before that, and pleaded this loan at the Sequestration Committee in Oxford. That the King's Governors of Wallingford and Greenland so threatened him that he durst not stay at home; was not at Ox- ford nor in the King's quarters, has paid all taxes, lent more than 1,5007., and lost 2,0001. by free quarters of the Parliament soldiers and the firing of his barns by their negligence, beside forced contributions to the King's garrisons, so that if he lent the 2007., which he denies, he is excusable by the Ordinance for Sequestration. 8 Dec. 1647. Wm. Waldrond, of Wells, co. Somerset, owing Sir Thos. Hampson 4001, of which he has paid 2001. to Turner, both are forbidden to pay any part thereof to Hampson without further order. 15 Dec. Sir Thos. Walsingham, M.P., who owes 2001. to Sir T. Hampson, is not to pay it till further order, there being an information of delinquency against him depending before the committee. 15 March 1648. Order that Miles Corbett deliver the papers in his case to John Gurdon, who is to report it to the House of Commons. Vol. No. A or P. 5 278 E.W. 7 36 30 May. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money, that it be considered on Wednesday, and that Hampson have notice to attend. 63 19 Jan. 1648. Information that Ridge sold him land, worth 21 88 1201. a year, at Marlow, co. Bucks. Also that he had 3001. a year at Bradwell, co. Oxon, with a stock thereon. 5 320 DEP. 89 67 28 June 1649. Granted a month from next Wednesday 5 327 22 May 1649. The case referred back by the House of Commons 24 234 to the Committee for Advance of Money, to be determined according to the Ordinance of Sequestration. 5 401 7 22 20 June 1649. Sir T. Hampson petitions for respite till 12th 89 66 September, and leave to summon as witness John Duncombe, who is now at Wells, has to attend trials at Aylesbury and Oxford, and will not return till 1st September: or else an order to have him examined by the County Committee. 7 69 156 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. May 1643. R. 7 174 INT. 89 68 DEP. 89 69 DEP. 89 70, 71 H. 8 11 H. 8 42 E. W. 28 10 E. W. 28 12 855 89 72 H. 872 E. W. 28 23 H. 8 149 1 June 1643. 2 June 1643. 2 June 1643. 3 June 1643. 12 Sept. 1649. Hearing ordered next term, and no further witnesses to be examined. 31 Oct. 1649. Order for liberty to take further examinations on both sides, the former order notwithstanding. 14 Nov. 1649. Hearing ordered in a fortnight, and all the wit- nesses to be examined vivâ voce. Sir Thomas to have notice to produce his witnesses, and a summons for their appearance if desired. 19 Dec. 1649. The case to be heard, witnesses summoned, and Dr. Wm. Edmunds [a witness] paid 111. 15s. according to his bill. Vol. No. A or P. 7 265 8 1 Feb. 1650. Order on full debate that Hampson is not guilty of the crimes charged, nor within the Ordinance of Sequestration, 89 and that his estate be discharged, all his securities returned, and he dismissed, and left to receive his rents, any orders to the contrary notwithstanding. 7 337 8 13 6 Feb. 1644. Order that Paggan take affidavit as to his 1 19 Feb. His assessment discharged for the 2001. paid in, being his proportion on oath. 8 89 ROB. WARD, Portsoken Ward. Certificate that he is assessed at 201. which is unpaid, and that the rent of his tenant, Thos. Maney, is distrained; but that by virtue of the Ordinance of 9 May last, the tenants of those who have not paid their assessments are protected, in case the rents due to persons assessed be distrained in their hands. 24 Feb. 1645. His assessment discharged on affidavit that he has not 100%. ROB. AUSTIN, Throckmorton Street, Broad Street Ward. Ordered to make his protestation that 9171. was the of his estate, real and personal, at the time of his assessment. 1 160 20 3 June 1643. Certificate that he was assessed at 1,000l., and 89 75 has paid 9071. 4s. 8d., and 127. 10s. for collectors' salary, and 1 has protested that this is the 2 of his estate. 23 Sept. 1644. Assessed at 1,5001. 20 3 March 1645. Maney being warned to pay his rent to this committee, and then Ward is to be discharged of his assess- ment, order by his consent that of the 167. 12s. 6d. due, 8s. 6d. be abated, and Maney pay 11. 4s. on Saturday, and 15l. in 6 weeks, and if he fail, then Ward recover the rent due by law. 67 3 21 Oct. 1644. Discharged on showing his acquittances for 76 524 9071. 4s. 8d. 73 73 PETER PAGGAN, Dowgate Ward. Obligation by John Harley, of St. John's, Dowgate, to pay on 89 76 16 June 2007. on behalf of Paggan, who is assessed at 4001., on condition that he be not molested meantime. 165 74 2 252 3 12 1 161 SIR JOHN NULLS, and his LADY. Note by Viscount Say and Seale that 1,000l. received by him 89 as loan at 8 per cent. interest from Sir John Nulls, 12 Sept. 1642, was lent by Sir John on the propositions, though entered under Viscount Say and Seale's name, for which the Viscount has a ticket. 4 56 4 68 77 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 157 Kse 3 June 1643. R. 41 35 163 172 R. 4 178 198 3 June 1643. 7 June 1643. 23 June 1643. Certificate that Nulls had lent 1,000l. in plate and money on the propositions, long before the Assessment Ordinance, and that this should therefore be considered. 1 Sept. 1643. Assessed at 1,5007. - 61 11 Nov. 1643. He offering to depose that 1,000l. is the full 2 of his estate, his assessment of 2,000l. discharged. 3 9 17 Feb. 1644. Nulls allowed 10 days to make up the assess- ment of his wife, laid on her before marriage, as Mrs. Mary Goodwin. 20 22 May 1644. Order that he make up what she lent on the pro- portions to half her assessment of 1507. 15 Jan. 1645. Order that he make up the 1, and then be further heard. LADY THOMASINE SWINNERTON and ROB. SWIN- NERTON, both of Tottenham. 4 23 May 1645. Hen. Walthew, of Greenwich, to have 14 days' 4 163 respite to pay a debt to Sir John Nulls. 7 July 1645. Walthew to be brought in custody to pay the debt 4 195 Bond by Basil Forster and Alex. Eves that Robert, being assessed 89 at 2001., shall attend the Committee of Examinations to pay, or that they will pay the money. MABEL, VISCOUNTESS DOWAGER OF CAMPDEN, Deceased, and THOS. MAY, her Executor. 4 Sept. 1643. Lady Thomasine assessed at 2501. and Robert at 63 501.; with note that she was before assessed at 4001. and he at 2007. and that they paid the same. Order that 2,000l. payable to the late Lady Campden from the chamber of London be not paid, she having bequeathed great sums to those who are in war against Parliament. Vol. No. A or P. 2 28 9 June 1643. Order in the House of Commons that the Com- mittee for Advance of Money sequester the money and plate specified which she has bequeathed, viz:-To Hen. Noel, half her white plate. To Lady Capel, wife of Lord Capel, now in arms, half her gilt plate and 1,0001. To Lord Capel 5001. To Baptist Noel, now Viscount Campden, 2,0007. To Sir Edw. Alford, 1,000l., 2007., a diamond hatband and 3 pearls; total 4,7007. Whoever detains the said money or jewels to forfeit double value, and the sum to be levied on their estates. 3 123 9 June 1643. The Committee for Advance of Money having failed to find the hatband, recommend to Parliament to accept the following offer of her executor, Thos. May, viz., to pay 1,000l. ready money, 2,000l. due in 4 months on bonds of Aldermen Wollaston and Gibbs, and 2,000l. due from the Chamber of London, provided, on delivery of the money and bonds, he may be indemnified for the said legacies, and be allowed all the other goods, without trouble from the sequestrators, the estate being only liable to any further sums bequeathed to persons liable to sequestration. 80 142 2 89 13 78 10 2 12 13 79 2 14 89 81 15 With engagement by May to deliver the said bonds into such 2 hands as Parliament shall direct, and to release the aldermen 89 81 and chamber, on their paying the money by Parliament's appointment, and on the passing of the Ordinance for his security. 158 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 7 June 1643. 9 June 1643. 12 June 1643. DEP, 89 83 12 June 1643. Order that none of Lady Campden's goods at Kensington be removed till further order. 3 Nov. 1643. The restraint ordered 7 June 1643 touching the payment of 2,000l. due to her from the Chamber of London discharged. 25 Nov. Thos. May, her executor, assessed at 1,5007. 63 105 29 Dec. 1643. Having deposited 801., which by affidavit is his 75 166 2, respited till the affidavit be examined. BEN. STONE, Candlewick Ward, late Parson of Clements, Eastcheap. 3 Jan. 1644. The 801. accepted as his assessment, being his pro- 75 168 portion on oath. 16 April 1644. Order that Stone be released from his imprison- ment at Plymouth, and the sequestration on his rents and tithes discharged, he having paid 60l. to Philip Francis of Plymouth, to whom the State owes much money, and that a certificate be given thereof to the Committee of Exam- inations. Order that the churchwardens collect forthwith the tithes due 2 12 to him, and detain them till further order, as he is assessed at 607. in Candlewick Ward, which has not been paid. With note of like order to the churchwardens of Mary Abchurch. 21 Aug. 1643. Order that the goods distrained for his assess- ment be delivered to his wife Joan, for herself and children, without fee or charge. ALD. SIR RICH. GURNEY, BART., Coleman Street Ward, Prisoner in the Tower. · Vol. No. A or P. 2 17 23 Sept. 1644. Gurney again assessed at 2,0007. 10 Mar. 1645. Rich Wade, tenant to Gurney's house in Lau- rence Jewry Parish is to pay rent and arrears till Christmas, and Walter Debell to have the house for a year from Lady-day. 2 133 2 Being assessed at 8001. by the Ordinance of 29 Nov. 1642, of which only 1137. is paid, a debt of 500l. due to him from the Chamber of London is not to be paid him till further order. 4 Oct. 1643. Gurney assessed at 1,0001. Mar. [1644]. Committee for Advance of Money to Sir Rich. Gurney. Thos. King, your tenant in Laurence Lane, has been summoned to pay his rent, arrears, and 801. fine for a lease towards your assessment. By order of the Committee for the City, you are to make King a lease for this fine, and 41. a year rent. 1 Dec. 1645. Mrs. Hignell to have a month longer to live in the house mentioned in her petition. 29 Dec. Another month granted her 7 Jan. 1646. Order for six of Gurney's tenants to bring in the rents due to him. 3 April 1646. The arrears of Rich. Wade's rent for Gurney's house to be levied. 2 63 3 83 16 June 1645. Mrs. Hignell having been put into the house in the Old Jewry of Sir Rich. Gurney, held by Capt. Dutton whilst he was in service at Plymouth, and his wife was in the country-order that the house be restored to Mrs. Dutton, and one found for Mrs. Hignell elsewhere. 13 Oct. 1645. Jos. Hunt to have a shed of his in that parish at 4 292 47. rent. 4 341 63 40 89 82 16 67 3 4 74 4 181 4 373 4 382 5 сл COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 159 12 June 1643. IND. 89 85 H. 4 458 28 Aug. 1646. The 34l. owing by Col. John Carter to Gur- ney for rent to be allowed as part of the 761. ordered by Parliament 9 April 1646 to be paid to Carter, and he is to have the residue of the 761. as soon as he conveniently can. Oct. 1646. Gurney petitions that being asses sed at 8007., and 89 then 2001. (sic) more, he delayed payment, hoping mitigation, the sum being beyond his estate; but his estate was seized for default, and being a prisoner, he could not inform the committee about his estate, yet has paid most of the sum; begs discharge and leave for his family to live in his chief house in Old Jewry, now uninhabited, that they may preserve it till his whole estate is discharged. 11 Nov. 1646. Order that if Gurney will give security in 14 days to make up what has been levied on bis estate to 1,000l., the amount of his assessment, his sequestration for non-payment of his be discharged. 1 20 27 Nov. Order that as 5551. 16s. has been received from his estate, and several tenements in the Old Jewry and Laurence Jewry, formerly let for 2001. a year, have been sequestered for non-payment,-one of which has been in- habited by the 2 last lord mayors without payment of rent, and several plundered people have been put by this com- mittee into the other-the assessment of 1,0001. be discharged, and the arrears of rent paid to Rob. Austin, who is to employ them, and 1251. in his hands, for payment of the taxes with which Gurney is charged. 4 March 1646. Information that Chas. Burton, of Carshalton, 21 Surrey, owes Gurney 3001. 22 March. A house and 3 water mills in Carshalton to be seized, being mortgaged as security for the debt. 9 March 1646. Information that the debt to Gurney was owing 21 by the late Sir Hen. Burton, and Chas. Burton is his executor; also that there is interest due, &c. 18 May 1646. Order that Mr. Burton. heir to Sir Henry, and Mr. Burton his brother, with Mr. Salway, M.P., are to repair to the Court of Wards, to see Sir H. Burton's evidences remaining there, Hugh Audley to open the trunks in his custody, and allow such notes or copies to be taken as Salway thinks fit. 9 March. Deposition by Chas. Burton that Sir Hen. Burton 89 died 2 April last, leaving deponent his executor; and that he had mortgaged to Sir Rich. Gurney, now prisoner in the Tower, a Brazil mill and lands in Carshalton for 300l., which is unpaid, but Sir Richard has not entered on the lands for non-payment. He knows not what interest is due. 9 March. Order that Chas. Burton pay in the 3007. 29 June 1646. Sir Hen. Burton's heirs are to have the first offer of redemption of the said estate, otherwise it will be disposed of for the benefit of the State, and Chas. Burton is to pay the arrears of rent. Vol. No. A or P. 5 94 6 July 1646. The said estate let to Ant. Fidoe, of London, at 251. the first year, and 351. the next 2 years, unless some one offers more in a week. Charles Burton declares that be cannot redeem the mortgages, but has held the premises the last year. 12 Aug. 1646. Audley to bring in the counterpart of the mortgage between Burton and Gurney. 19 Aug. Chas. Burton and his brother are summoned to appear, and bring with them the keys. 5 133 5 143 84 63 64 4 448 5 41 LO 85 5 38 5 5 63 5 67 5 87 92 160 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 12 June 1643. IND. 89 86 0.5 115 PR. 89 88 21 Aug. 1646. Burton and his brother to allow the counterpart of the mortgage to be copied for the committee, "whereof they are not to fail, this committee taking notice of their slight carriage, and contempt unto former orders." 28 Aug. Audley and Taylor to be brought in custody, for not sending in a copy of the mortgage. 5 96 15 Dec. 1647. Ant. Fidoe petitions that in July 1646, a house 89 with lands, and a mill at Carshalton, was granted to him for 3 years; rent 251. the first year. That he took possession, and demanded rent of Edw. Foster, who had the mill, but finding the house untenantable, he let it the next November to Richmond for a year. But before Foster and Richmond's terms were ended, the son of Justice Long of Clerkenwell turned Foster out, let the mill to Widow Smith of Southwark, and ordered Richmond to pay the rent to him, so that the State loses its right. Begs an order to Foster, Richmond, and Widow Smith to pay their rents to petitioner, and to Long to give an account of his proceedings, 22 May 1646. RUDOLPH WARCOP, sen. and jun., and SAM. WARCOP, to have a week to bring in of 250l. and interest owing by them on bond to Gurney. 5 June 1646. The trustees of Warcop's lands are to pay in the rents and profits towards the said debt of 300l. odd. 15 Dec. Dixie Long to appear and show cause why he has ejected Ant. Fidoe from mills at Carshalton, let to him by the Committee for Advance of Money, by order of 6 July 1646. 1647? Whereas Sir H. Burton mortgaged the said estate to 89 89 Gurney for 350l., still unpaid, and Burton is dead, and the premises sequestered to the Committee for Advance of Money, and now Gurney's heirs and executors have offered to redeem the premises from Burton's heirs, but refused to redeem them from the Committee for Advance of Money, and as Fidoe is willing to buy them, though out of repair, for 350l., order that they be sold to him, and he indemnified by both Houses of Parliament. 10 Feb. 1647. Warcop's trustees to pay to Rob. Austin the 2501. owing by the Warcops to Gurney, with interest, Austin having already paid it to this committee, and then the bond is to be delivered up. Vol. No. A or P. 93 26 Feb. On their non-performance of this order, the debt is to be levied on Warcop's estate. сл 23 Nov. 1646. Sir Hum. Foster, or Forster, who owes Gurney 2,000l., is ordered to pay it to this committee. 5 Jan. 1647. Order for payment of the 2,000l. by Foster renewed. 7 Jan. 1647. Order that he detain the money in his hands till further order, and be not molested for it meantime. 87 12 Aug. 1646. They are to pay in the entire debt 2 28 Aug. The first to be paid 2nd November next, when the bond will be delivered up, on security for the second pay- ment 1 January next. 4 Nov. 1646. Rob. Austin, of London, having agreed on Gurney's behalf to pay the 2501. debt of the Warcops, he is to have the bond delivered to him on payment, and the committee's interest in the debt is to be transferred to him. The former order for payment by the Warcops discharged. 6 Nov. Austin to have a month to pay in 1257., of the 2507. . 5 128 27 Nov. The order for payment of this 1257. discharged 5 145 5 163 18 Dec. 1646. Order that, as Austin has paid in the greatest part of the debt, the Warcops pay him or show cause. 5 328 5 40 5 46 5 87 5 94 5 127 5 191 5 201 5 141 5 340 5 342 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 161 12 June 1643. 12 June 1643. 13 June 1643. CASE 89 92 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. SIR HENRY HENN, Bart., St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, and Folly John Park, Co. Berks. 5 412 24 March 1648. The estate of the late Sir Rich. Gurney having been secured for delinquency, of which this com- G. 116 999 mittee do not find sufficient proof, and as the sequestration is taken off by the County Committees of Gloucester, Wilts, &c., Gurney having also paid 1,000l. assessment; order that the sequestration of the debt owing by Sir H. Foster to Gurney be taken off, and his executors allowed to enjoy his estate, any orders to the contrary notwithstanding. Certificate by the County Collector that he paid voluntarily, 89 without distraint, 401. assessed on him by Parliament, and that this sum, with what he has voluntarily lent, is the full and of his estate and personalty. 20 4 July 1643. Assessed at 2007. - 24 July. Ordered to deposit 601. so as to make up the 407. he paid in Berkshire to the of his assessment. - 8 Aug. 1643. Order that the assessment of 2007. laid on him in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields' parish be discharged, because of his payment of the said 407., and of his losses, to the value of 3007., in Parliament service. Endorsed with particulars of losses amounting to 3087. 19s. Od. JOHN DIGGS, Cornhill Ward. Being assessed at 2501., the collector seizes goods to that value in the hands of Jas. Butler, merchant, as belonging to him; but on deposition that they belong to John Woolst, merchant, they are to be restored. 20 Dec. 1643. Again assessed at 4007. 3 Feb. 1644. John Millett, mariner, of Radcliffe, to be ac- countable to this committee for of the Aleppo Merchant, whereof Diggs is owner, and to deliver no freight or stock therefrom to Diggs, without order of this committee. 22 March 1644. The restraint on the ship taken off, on Millett's undertaking that the profits paid from it shall go towards Diggs' assessment. Also the coals in Diggs' cellar in Cornhill seized to be restored, on affidavit that they belong to others. 19 April 1644. Arnold Breames of Dover to be brought up in custody for keeping goods of John Diggs. Vol. No. A or P. 24 June 1644. His goods which have been seized to be sold towards his assessment for his 61 75 89 2 59 91 90 2 19 29 26 63 117 2 251 3 58 3 59 20 AMB. FERRARS, All Hallows the Wall, London. Letter to the Committee for the Advance of Money. Being 89 too ill to travel, I must make my poverty known to you. 1 was bred a merchant, but losing 12,0007. by the embargo 16 years ago, I was imprisoned 7 years. I was then employed by many merchants as solicitor, but that means being taken away, I cannot maintain my wife and 7 small children. I have paid all taxes and contributed to my uttermost, but am now called on for 51. for my, which I cannot pay, and so beg discharge. 3 85 SIR THOS. ALLEN, Finchley, and LADY TREVOR, his Step-mother. Sir Thomas assessed at 1,0007. 61 2 6 Sept. 1643. His household goods being distrained for non-pay- ment of arrears, a list of bedding and goods given, being fur- 89 niture for 2 rooms, to be left for the use of Lady Allen and her children. 3 161 L 93 75 77. 94 $0623. 162 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 June 1643. P.E. 89 97 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 25 March 1644. Lady Trevor pleads that on her releasing to Sir Thos. Allen, son and heir of Ald. Allen, her late husband, all her title in her dower lands, he became bound in 800l. to pay her 1001. a year for life, but it has lately been unpaid on account of the sequestration made by this committee. Begs the annuity from Sir T. Allen's rents. 25 March. Referred to the clerk of the committee, to examine 3 62 the truth of the claim. 26 March. Order for allowance of 1007. a year to any of 89 96 the tenants of Sir Thomas who shall produce acquittances of having paid it to Lady Trevor. 14 Aug. 1644. Lady Trevor assessed at 4007. for her reserved 65 144 estate. 27 Sep. 1644. Respited 14 days for payment 30 Sep. Mr. Lane to pay the head-rent of 100l. for Sir T. Allen to Eton College, out of the rents to come in for his assessment. 2 Oct. 1644. Lady Trevor's assessment discharged on payment of 1001., for which the Public Faith is given. 10 Feb. 1645. The receipts from Sir T. Allen's rents being 3331. 12s. Od., and from his goods 1167. 11s. 8d., his assessment is to be discharged on payment on 100l. in 14 days, he having compounded and paid 1,000l. at Goldsmiths' Hall. 14 Feb. Estate discharged, the money being paid 6 April 1646. Ordered a Public Faith bill for the 550l. paid or levied on his estate. LADY ELIZABETH ASHFIELD, Aldersgate. Assessed at 5007. 21 Feb. 1644. Order that John Peachy, of South Berstead, Sussex, pay his rent of 1601. due for lands which he holds from her, to the Committee for Advance of Money, and that 801. arrears be paid forthwith. 11 March 1644. Order that as her assessment is made up, if she pay 100l. within a month, it be discharged. Vol. No. A or P. 89 85 SERJEANT ATKINS. 3 246 3 248 HUGH AUDLEY, Inner Temple, London (late of the Court of Wards). 3 250 Assessed at 3,000l. 28 Oct. 1643. Rob. Harvey, his nephew, having undertaken to pay 5007. in lieu of Audley's rents, distrained for his assess- ment, whereupon the sequestration of the estate was taken off, but now refusing to pay, and using contemptuous speeches to the committee's officers, order that Harvey be committed to Peter House till he pay the money. 4 36 4 5 Nov. 1644. Note of her payment of 11 sums, amounting in all 61 to 3501. 61 3 23 March 1654. Receipt by her from Dallison of a certificate 89 purporting her payment of 350l. assessment for her. 3 38 8 3 17 43 3 Assessed at 1007. 61 1 50 21 Aug. 1643. As he is commissioner in the country, and there 75 assessed at 40l., on payment thereof he is to be discharged here. 98 61 1 128 2 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 163 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 31 Oct. 1643. He petitions that the 500l. was charged on Ripton 89 Manor, co. Hunts, and it was sequestered; he undertook to dis- cover the title and owner, or else to pay the assessment in 14 days, for default of which he is committed, and thus much hindered in raising the money. He begs release on payment of 2007., that he may raise the residue. 31 Oct. Released on promising to pay 2001. to-morrow, and 3007. 7 November. 19 Jan. 1644. Order that Audley be free next Friday to come and be heard by this committee. 13 Jan. Order that he make up the 5001. distrained to be the of his assessment, and then be further heard. Also 1 2 that on his own or another's bond to pay the 1,000l. in 14 days, he have liberty to go abroad to expedite it. 26 Jan. His estate being sequestered for non-conformity to the committee's orders, and he having now conformed, order for stay of proceedings, and for his discharge, no other matter appearing to the contrary. RICH. BARRINGER, Fleet Street. 28 Aug. Order that his assessment be discharged for the 4407., he having shown acquittances for 671. 2s. 8d. lent. Vol. No. A or P. 99 RICH. BENNETT, Cue [Kew], Surrey. Assessed at 2,0001. 5 April 1644. To be brought in safe custody to pay his assessment 27 Jan. 1645. Mr. Lamott, who holds his house at Kew, to pay 101. a year for it to the Committee for Advance of Money and 51. to the County Commissioners for Surrey. 3 Feb. 1644. He being assessed at 3,000l., and having paid 15007., and given security for payment of the rest in 6 weeks, in 3 payments of 500l. each, order that all sequestration of his goods, moneys, or estate, for non-payment of assessment, or for absenting himself to avoid payment, be discharged. 15 Feb. A 10 days' respite granted for one of the payments 2 226 1 April 1644. Order that he pay the salary and charges for his 3 68 assessment. 100 March 1654. Petition of Hugh Audley for a Public Faith bill 89 for his assessment of 3,000l., according to the Ordinance of Parliament of 12 Aug. 1645. Was assessed in 1643, and em- ployed his nephew, Rob. Harvey, to pay the 3,000l. without abatement, but as it required some time to raise the money, the officers of the committee by mistake seized his brother's goods in the Temple. They were soon redeemed, but because of this distress, Mr. Dallison scruples about giving a Public Faith bill for the 30007. - 2 131 5 March 1645. Lamott to have a farm of Bennett's at Rich- mond, Surrey, at 157. a year. 2 221 March. Note of an order for the Public Faith for 3,000l., paid 61 1 in 7 sums, from 2 Nov. 1643, to 14 March 1644. 2 226 Assessed at 1,0007. - 25 Aug. 1643. Order that, as he has paid, and John Strange, linendraper, has undertaken that he abide the com- mittee's order thereon, the keeper of Peter House enlarge him, on payment of fees and duties. 25 Aug. Note of his deposit of 4401. above what he formerly 75 lent. 2 241 2 250 61 2 2 61 4 65 55 66 4 61 2 3 73 4 24 4 70 L 2 164 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 June 1643. H. 5 323 327 ACCTS. 89-102 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 3 Sept. 1645. Information that Bennett has lands worth 6007. a 21 year in Leicestershire. 4 252 3 Sept. Order that the said lands be sequestered for non- payment of assessment, and that he be brought up in custody. 17 Dec. 1646. Information that Edw. Hutchinson and others 21 have moneys due to Bennett, a delinquent. 19 March 1647. His house in Richmond let to Edm. Prideaux for a year, at 157. 20 Oct. 1647. Summoned to pay his assessment 17 Dec. 1647. Order for his discharge from his assessment of 2,000l., on payment of 2001., beside the 2007. received from his estate, in goods and rents. FRAS. BICKLEY, Darleston, Middlesex. K March 1654. Note of the Public Faith ordered for 251. levied 61 2 from his rents, 200l. paid, and 1717. 5s. raised by sale of his goods. Assessed at 1,000l. - - 61 5 July 1643. Hearing ordered, on his depositing 3877. 2s. to 75 make up 1121. 18s., to be his . RICH. BLOER, Gray's Inn. Vol. No. A or P. 28 7 July. Ordered to pay in the 3871. 2s., or make affidavit of his 20 75 6 Sept. 1643. This being paid, his assessment discharged, 5001. 75 being his proportion. 5 224 5 294 5 331 89 101 24 Aug. Ursula assessed at 4007. 28 Aug. Order that the bond of Maurice Gethin, Tempest Milner, and others, for 500l. to Ralph Bovey, be accepted in part of his assessment of 600l., as he cannot compass ready money to pay, that Mr. Bovey perform the order of 9 Aug. last about paying the collectors' salary, and giving them a discharge for seizing his bonds, and that 107. be left by him for that purpose; also that he make an assign- ment of the bond; all which being done, the residue of his goods are to be delivered him. 29 Aug. Assignment of the bond as required 8 Sept. 1643. Order that he pay 71. 10s. salary to the collector that seized his, and 20s. for the charges of a guard in seizing; the residue of the 107. to be repaid him. 79 9 Feb. 1644. Ursula Bovey to be brought up in custody to pay her assessment. Assessed at 1,000%. - - 61 4 19 July 1643. Deposited 500l., and was ordered to appear 75 24 July. Order that 1807. of the 5001. be returned and 3207. be in 75 discharge of his assessment. 6 Nov. 1644. Ralph Bovey to swear that, at the time of his mother's assessment, he had no estate of hers in his hands. 75 9 12 68 RALPH BOVEY, Gray's Inn, and URSULA BOVEY, Chelsea, his Mother. Ralph assessed at 6001. - 61 1 8 Aug. 1643. He shows acquittances for 1061. 3s. 6d., formerly 61 1 lent, and 4931. 16s. 6d., now paid. 61 60 89 103 2 67 2228 26 30 Jan. 1644. Order that Mr. Kendrick do not pay any part of 2 244 the money owing by him to Mr. Bovey, as his mother is assessed, and her estate is in his hands. 89 104 2 84 2 261 3 282 # COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.—CASES. 165 F 21 June 1643. B. 4 347 21 June 1643. 0.0 2 102 21 June 1643.. H. 2 70 & 7 March 1645. Ralph summoned before the committee to give satisfaction about Mrs. Bovey's assessment. 2 April 1645. If he do not bring his mother within a week to pay her assessment, it is to be levied on his estate. 4 104 4 299 4 376 13 Jan. Notes on the case, stating that the money was paid 1 89 105 · 5 317 24 Oct. 1645. He is to pay 2001. in 14 days, and 1007. in 14 more, in discharge of her assessment. 5 Jan. 1646. There being 2001. paid, Bovey is to pay the other hundred, with salary and charges. 12 March 1647. His case to be reported, as to whether he should have the Public Faith for his 20- • 10 Nov. 1648. Mrs. Bovey to have the Public Faith för 3001. paid by her son Ralph for her assessment, the lapse of time being by reason of his absence in France.. SIR THOS. BURTON, Holborn. Assessed at 5007. 5 Sept. 1643. Order that he be heard if he pay in 2507. 13 Oct. 1643. Order that he pay the other 2501. forthwith 18 Oct. Having paid in, and undertaken to pay 501. more, the rest of his assessment to be respited till he enjoy his estate, now under power of the King's army. 19 Dec. 1643. Note of his discharge, having paid 3007. 3 Sept. 1645. Again assessed at 8007. - SIR JOHN COKE, sen., Tottenham, Co. Middlesex, and Melborne, Co. Derby, and ELIZABETH, LADY COKE, his Widow, Tottenham, 5 11 Nov. 1643. Order that he pay the collector's salary and 2 143 charges, with the last 501., before 20 Nov. Vol. No. A or P. 4 73 13 Sept. 1643. Order that, as he did not prove his payments, but went away into Derbyshire, the Commissioners for 60. Derby levy 9001., the residue of his assessment, on his estate; if there be not sufficient to pay it, he is to be appre- hended and brought before the Committee of the House of Commons for Examinations. 16 Sept. Order that only so much be levied as shall make up, with what he has paid, his and 6 106 - 61 1 69 79 10 Oct. 1643. Order that, as he paid 100l. to Sir John Gell, 100l. at Guildhall, and 1707. is due to him for the rent of North- ampton Castle and grounds, for which he is content to accept Public Faith, his assessment be respited till further order, and he not molested in person or estate. 61- 2 2 111 2 117 1 99% Sir John assessed at 1,000l. 61 76 18 July 1643. Order that, as he has paid in 100l., and contri- 2 39 buted other sums in cos. Derby, Leicester, and Northampton, he be respited till 20 Aug., to prove his disbursements and contributions on the propositions of Parliament; meantime no distress is to be laid on his estate, as he is said to have contributed his full and 26. 2 91 2 93 2 108 2 125 18 Oct. Order that, though Sir John Coke, jun., alleges the 100l. to have been paid to Gell, yet, on information that 89 106 it was paid in the name of May, without any declaration that it was Sir John's money, the County Commissioners levy the rest of the said assessment according to former orders, the later order notwithstanding. 107 2 April 1644. Sir John to be brought up in custody, to pay his 3 69. assessment. 166 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 5 April 1644. His assessment discharged, as he lent 1007. on the propositions, 170l. to Northampton garrison, and 1007. to Sir John Gell. 13 May 1644. Order that, if he do not satisfy the collectors for their salary, it be levied on his estate. 28 March 1645. Lady Cooke assessed at 1507. 16 April 1645. Having paid 501., which appears to be her whole and, and it appearing that Sir John, in his lifetime, paid the and for his whole estate, of which her jointure was a part-order that she be discharged from her assessment, and all trouble arising therefrom. 20 LADY COVENTRY, Canonbury, Middlesex. Assessed at 6007. 13 March 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment notwithstanding the order of the House of Lords to the contrary." 18 March. Her tenants to pay their rents to this committee, and not to the sequestrators, she being sequestered here. 5 April 1644. She to be brought in custody to pay her assess- ment. 3 June 1644. To pay her assessment, and then her sequestration to be discharged, on Collins' security that she abide the order of the committee. 12 June. Ordered to pay in 5 days 2007. more than the 1007. deposited. 23 April. Deposition by Jas. Mayo that Sir John died last 89 108 Sept., and no will has been found, though he once named having made one. If one be found, If one be found, it will probably contain provisions for Thos. Coke. Sir John Coke, the son, has taken out letters of administration. A 19 June. Her sequestration discharged, she having paid 3007., and given security for 300l. more in 3 payments. ROB. CUTTS, Clerkenwell. - Vol. No. A or p. 3 73 3 115 WM. DORMER, Bednal Green, Middlesex. 67 168 4 124 - 61 77 3 48 3 52 3 73 3 135 3 144 Assessed at 801. 10 July 1643. Deposition that he has only 641. a-year in lands, and that is charged with divers payments; has some debts owing to him, but knows not whether desperate, and owes 4507. He had to borrow the 401. deposited, which is much more than his, and has a wife and family to maintain. 4 July. Note of his deposit of 401. being his - 75 24 July. Order that 107. of the 401. be repaid him, and he dis- 75 charged for the 307. 3 154 61 2 89 109 Assessed at 1,000l. • 61 7 Aug. 1643. Discharged on showing acquittance for 50l. for- 61 merly lent and 2007. now paid. 8 26 2 2 7 Nov. 1643. Certificate by John Rolf, deputy to the serjeant-at- 89 110 arms, that in Dormer's house there was found 1671. in gold, 47. in silver, and several pieces of plate, which belonged to the said Mr. Dormer, but the warrant was for search of treasure of ill-affected persons. 10 Nov. Deposition by Dormer that all the above goods are his 89 111 property, and that he has no plate or treasure of persons ill-affected to Parliament. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 167 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. R. 3 104 B. 3 114 14 Nov. 1643. Note that 1717. 5s. 6d. was taken from him, of which 50%, was his wife's. 15 Nov. Order that the 507. be repaid to Mrs. Dormer's own hands, and that Mr. Dormer make up the residue of the moneys found and taken to 100%., which is to be paid for his 50 subsidies, and thereupon the cup and other things will be returned, but not otherwise. 15 Nov. He petitions for restoration of the said money, plate, 89 112 &c. Has always been well-affected, has contributed beyond the proportion of his estate, and will ever be ready to do the same. DR. DUCK, Chiswick, Middlesex. Assessed at 2,0007. 22 Jan. 1647. He is to show cause why he pretends freedom from assessment, or make up his . - WM. GREENE, East Barnet, Middlesex. JOHN HARBORNE and his Wife, Holborn. Harborne assessed at 1,000%. 16 Nov. 1643. Perkins respited 14 days to pay his rent due to Mr. Harborne. 27 Jan. 1644. Order that John Harborne having paid 201., and paying 207. on Monday, is to be heard, and not to be preju- diced in the meantime. 1 March 1644. John Davies, of Chipping Norton, who has been driven from his habitation, is to have one of Harborne's empty houses till further order. 29 March. Thos. Williams, late of Oxford, who has been plundered and driven from his house by the King's forces, to have one of the houses of Harborne, seized for arrears of his assessment of 1,000l. Assessed at 1,000l. 61 76 10 July 1643. Note that he deposited 5001., but on examination 75. 14 of his estate, 2001. was restored to him, and the assessment discharged. 22 April 1644. Harborne to bring in his assessment in 14 days 6 May 1644. Harborne allowed 6 days to bring in the money 21 May. Mrs. Harborne is either to give security for payment of the 5001. accepted as her assessment, or to pay it in full, and the sequestration on her estate to be discharged. 4 June 1644. John Harborne's tenant of a house in Shier Lane, rent 201., is not to pay him rent without order of this com- mittee. 19 July 1644. The order of 21 May notwithstanding, Mrs. Har- borne is to be discharged on payment of 2001. in 2 weeks and 1007. in a month more, which Mr. Perkins has undertaken to perform. 28 Oct. 1644. The sequestration of Mr. Harborne's estate for non-payment taken off, Perkins having engaged to satisfy this committee. 20 Dec. 1644. John Harborne being assessed at 1,0007., but Mrs. Harborne being allowed discharge on payment of 3007., which Mr. Perkins promises, order that the sequestration be taken off her estate, and that the tenants pay their rents as formerly, any order of this committee notwithstanding. Vol. No. A or P. 2 145 1 Jan. 1645. Perkins to pay in 10 days the 2007. in which he has bound himself for Mrs, Harborne's assessment. 2 146 61 5 75 181 61 77 2 149 2 243 3 32 3 63 3 86 3 105 3 122 3 137 3 184 3 272 3 338 3 347 168 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 June 1643. R. 4 389 R. 4 389 ACCTS. 89 114 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. o.c. 3 232 o.c. 5 288 21 June 1643. R. 2 190 21 June 1643. 13 Oct. 1645. Perkins to be brought up to answer matters objected. 31 Oct. There being still 2007. unpaid of Mr. Harborne's assessment, it is to be levied on his estate, not discharging Perkins. 16 Jan. 1646. John and Mrs. Harborne, and Perkins, having all 4 391 failed in their payments, Harborne's estate, rents, and arrears to be seized for payment. 21 Jan. The 2007. arrears of Harborne's assessment to be levied on his and Perkins' tenants in Bell Yard, by consent of both parties. CHRIS. HODSDEN, Tottenham, Middlesex. 18 March 1654. Certificate of receipts from Perkins and Har- 89 113 borne, for Harborne's assessment, of 2157. 18s. in 4 payments, Dec. 1650-Aug. 1652. Assessed at 2001. 20 July 1643. Note that he brought in 851. to make up his, pretending that he has paid 15l. before. 9 Aug. Orders that the clerk of this committee repay him 201. of the 851. assessment deposited, and that 657., with 157. formerly distrained, be in full discharge of his assessment. ROB. JASON, Shacklewell, Middlesex. Assessed at 5001. 1 April 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 5 May 1647. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment 13 Oct. 1647. Order that on his paying 501. at once, the par- ticular of his estate be examined and reported, and meantime no proceedings are to be taken against him for his assessment. 23 Nov. 1647. His assessment of 500l. discharged for the 501. already paid, as he is greatly engaged, and above 20,000l. in debt. SERJEANT JERMYN, London. Assessed at 3007. 16 Nov. Ordered to pay 501. assessment, and to depose what is his 20. 1 Dec. 1643. Respited 14 days, to prove his great losses 2 Jan. 1644. Order that as he has a horse value 15. in the service, and has deposited 50l., he be discharged on paying 351. in a fortnight, with salary charges. 6 Nov. 1646. Ordered the Public Faith for what he has paid for his, being 857. in all, he having suffered much for his affec- tion to Parliament. LADY SARA KEMP, Islington. Vol. No. A or p 4 293 4 307 • - 4 395 - 61 77 75 23 2 48 89 115 61 75 3 68 5 251 5 292 5 312 61 2 2 147 2 173 2 212 Assessed at 1,5007. - 61 30 June 1643. Ordered to deposit 6301. to make up 1207. lent to 75 her. 5 129 61 3 7 July 1643. Note of the deposit so made 75 19 July. Order that 1301. of the 6301. be returned her, and 75 an acquittance given for the 500l. in discharge of her assess- ment. 75 3 20024 10 25 April 1645. The seizure of her house and goods, on pretence 4 131 of her having delinquents' estates in her house, taken off. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 169 21 June 1643. R. 75 115 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. o. c. 2 234 SIR THOS. LAWLEY, near Twickenham, Middlesex. Assessed at 8007. 2 12 July 1643. Chris. Pack having given him notice of assess- ment, he appeared, and was ordered to deposit the assessment, first clearing that he is not within compass of sequestration, and he is not to be prejudiced meantime. 30 Oct. 1643. Lawley respited 14 days, being beyond seas, and 75 106 having deposited his §. 27 Nov. 1643. Order that he pay his residue of 4001., or bring 75 131 affidavit of his proportion. 30 Jan. 1644. Mr. Pack and Kendrick are not to pay any money, or part with any of his estate in their custody, till further order of this committee, and till Sir Thomas has paid his assessment. 11 Dec. 1643. Being beyond seas, allowed 14 days to make 75 145 affidavit or finish his assessment. 1 March 1644. John Bateman-suspected to bring letters from Lawley in Holland, which may discover his estate-to be brought in safe custody. 4 March. He having long since deposited his half, and being much in debt, and of his lands under power of the King's army, and his service and good affection to the State having been proved, and he showing acquittances for 4007. in plate, order that on paying 2001. more, his assessment be discharged, and also his goods and lands which have been distrained. V SIR ROBT. PAYNE, Highgate, Middlesex. Assessed at 6001. 26 Dec. 1643. Order that he pay 1007., which, with 10 horses, valued on his affidavit at 1507., will make up his assessment, and then be further heard. Vol. No. A or P. 77 61 75 15 26 Dec. Order that-as he is assessed at 6007., and taken in custody for non-payment, and still remains prisoner, and is also arrested for debt-he is to be allowed to pass and repass free from arrest, during the time he is in treaty for his assessment. 9 Jan. 1644. To be committed to Peter House, and kept in custody till he has paid the 6007. 16 Jan. Order for his discharge on payment of 100%., and for liberty to go about his business with a keeper meantime. SIR JAS. ONYAN, Boswell Yard. Assessed at 2501., but noted as gone to the King, and no estate 61 3 to be found. 25 Jan. Order that he have leave to go abroad to procure money for his assessment, and that he be brought in custody on Saturday to Haberdashers' Hall, to answer and abide the committee's further order. 2 244 3 31 3 34 77 61 · 61 76 2 203 2 204 2 222 2 229 2 238 27 Jan. Order that as he has deposited 100% of the 1507. 2 242 ordered, he be discharged from prison on paying the 50l. in 14 days, and the collectors' salary and charges. 23 March 1654. Being lame himself, he cannot attend, but begs 89 116 delivery to Thos. Hewett of a Public Faith certificate for the 1007. he has paid for his; with Hewett's receipt thereof. 170 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. RICH. PEACOCK, Finchley, Middlesex. Assessed at 1,000l. - 61 75 25 July 1643. On his statement that he was coming yesterday 89 117 about his assessment of 1,000l., but was arrested by the Committee for Examinations for its non-payment, order that although was not paid before distress, yet on payment of 5007., he be heard as though he had not been apprehended, or the days limited elapsed. 28 July. Order on his deposition that his debts exceed his personalty, and that his annual revenue is but 7501., that he be heard for mitigation of his assessment. 31 July. Order that 2001. of the 5001. deposited be returned him, 2 46 and he discharged for the other 300l., paying the collectors 89 118 3d. in the pound on the whole assessment. AUDITOR JUSTINIAN POVEY, Hounslow, Middlesex. Assessed at 5007. 61 76 75 7 4 July 1643. Note of his deposit of 1507. 12 7 July. On hearing, his assessment discharged for the 1507. and 75 601. formerly paid. GEORGE PITTS, Harrow, Middlesex. · - - Assessed at 1,000l. 61 22 and 24 July 1643. Notes of his deposit of 2001. and 300l. to 75 make his assessment. - 7 Aug. 1643. Order that 1007. be repaid him, and the rest be in 75 discharge of his assessment. S Vol. No. A or P. 17 Aug. 1643. Note of his deposit of 61. 4s. in part of his assess- ment. · 2 41 THOS. PYE, Blackwall. Assessed at 1501. - 61 4 24 June 1643. Certificate by Hen. Hall and 8 other inhabitants 89 119 of Blackwall, Stepney parish, that he is not worth above 2007., and has but 401. a-year for himself, wife, and 3 small children, and that he has contributed on the propositions and weekly assessments. 75 49 21 Aug. Discharged on showing acquittances for 4l. 16s. lent, 61 4 and 257. 4s. now paid. 75 50 - 1 SIR HEN. ROE, Shacklewell, Middlesex. Assessed at 1,000l. 4 July 1643. Note of his deposit of 5007. 5 July. Respited for 10 days, and a hearing ordered 24 July. Ordered to pay 1001. more in 10 days 75 26 75 27 July. Note that he showed acquittances for 4991. 19s. and 61 1007. · LADY SAVAGE, Recusant. Order that 5 persons named, who owe her money do not pay it in for her use without orders from this committee. 76 24 37 61 75 75 77 75 8. 89 2 20 120 JOHN SMITH, Alienation Office, Highgate, Middlesex. Assessed at 5007. 61 7 July. Having deposited 1991. 4s. Od. for his assessment, order 2 that 701. be returned to him, and acquittance given for 75 1291. 48. Od. 77 10 10 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 171 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. 21 June 1643. o. 3 15 15 November 1644. Assessed at 4007. 6 Dec. 1644. Order that on paying 251. more than the 1807. 76 649 formerly lent, his assessment be discharged. 121 65 54 7 Dec. Certificate that on 21 June 1643, he was assessed 89 at 5001. for his; that on proving to the committee for Miti- gation that he had lent 507. 16s. Od. on the propositions, he was ordered to pay 1291. 4s Od. more [total, 1807.] which was done. That on 15 Nov. last, he was assessed at the Alienation Office for his on review, and ordered to pay 251. more in full dis- charge, and not to be further troubled; with note of the Public Faith given for his payments. 20 SIR EDW. SPENCER, Brentford, Middlesex. Assessed at 4007. 17 July 1643. Note of his deposit of 2007., being his 19 July. Having deposited his assessment, he is not to be prosecuted till further order. 6 March 1644. Summoned to appear on petition of And. Child. 4 Sept. 1646. His assessment of 400l. to be discharged on paying 1007. more than the 2007. already paid. 18 Sept. His assessment discharged for the 2001. formerly paid, being his proportion on oath, any former order notwith- standing. 28 July. Order on his petition that the 2001. deposited by 89 122 him be accepted in discharge of his assessment of 4001. 3 38 5 97 5 103 29 Jan. 1647. Summoned to appear about a debt due by him to a delinquent. AMBROSE TURNER, Holborn, or Clement Danes, Temple Bar. Vol. No. A or P. 67 54 Assessed at 5007. 7 Aug. 1643. Note of his deposit of 501. in part of his assess- ment. 20 Dec. 1643. Order that he pay 257. in 14 days, and 257. 14 days after. 61 76 75 21 2 38 LADY FRANCES WILD, or WELD, Edmonton, Middlesex. Assessed at 1,0007. 12 June 1643. Certificate by the collectors that they have left notice at her house of her assessment, but the time is elapsed, and it is not paid, nor can they find goods to raise it by distress. 5 184 61 2 75 39 2 197 30 Dec. 1644. Again assessed at 3007. 67 91 20 Jan. 1645. His assessment discharged for the 1007. previously 89 123 paid, being his proportion on oath. 79 699 89 124 22 March 1654. Deposition that in 1642-44, he paid 1007. at Haberdashers' Hall, no part of which has been repaid, but he cannot find the receipts. March. Note of his payments of 50%., and of 251., 157., and 61 101., and of the Public Faith given for the 501. 89 23 March. Receipt by Nich. Courtney on Turner's behalf, of a 89 certificate for the said 501. 2 125 126 61 75 89 127 27 Jan. 1644. Order that she have 14 days allowed to deposit 2 242 5001., Sir John Cutts giving security for it. 6 March 1644. Order that she bring in her assessment 3 38 forthwith. 9 March. Sir John Cutts to have 10 days to appear about her 3 43 assessment. 172 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 June 1643. 26 June 1643. 26 June 1643. 26 June 1643. 20 May 1644. [John] Jackson to state what he paid for her wood 31 May. Her woods 26 acres, and lands 48 acres in Edmonton, Middlesex, let to Wm. Chandler at 201. a year. 17 June 1644. Whereas John Jackson, of Edmonton, bought timber worth 31. 19s. Od. of her, and paid her before he heard of any sequestration, order that the seizure of the timber by the collectors be discharged. 22 July. She being assessed at 1,000l., whereof 801. was paid, and she has made it up to, and deposed that 1257. is her proportion, order that 3791. 15s. Od. of her deposit money be returned to her, and the other 401. 5s. Od., with the 80%. lent, be accepted in discharge of her assessment, and if it. should appear that she lent more, the amount to be returned, and her sequestration for non-payment discharged. SIR EDM. BOWYER, Camberwell. Assessed at 5001. 14 July 1643. Certificate by the collectors that they have left him a notice of assessment for 5007., but it is not paid, the days are elapsed, and they do not find goods to raise it by distress. 19 July 1644. Having made up her, she is to make affidavit 3 183: what is her 20. 3 189. 2 Feb. 1644. Ordered to swear what is his proportion for his and, and to bring in the money. 13 March 1644. Order that on payment of 107., being his proportion, his rents sequestered for non-payment be dis- charged. 12 Jan. 1654. He petitions that when assessed in 1644, at 5007. for his 2, he was gone a long journey into the north, and had no notice till his return, when finding the sum far above his, he applied for mitigation, and it was reduced to 1077., which he paid 14 March 1644. Begs a Public Faith bill for the 1077. Passed and allowed. CHARLES COX, the Temple. · 63 1 89 128: 6 March. His goods in the hands of the East India Company having been sequestered for non-payment of his, order that they be freed and delivered to him by the Governor; the better to enable him to pay his assessment. Vol. No. 25 March Order that he bring in 2501. more in 10 days, with a true particular of his estate. A or P.. 3 121 3 131 10 April 1644. Order that having deposited 7507., he be dis- charged on paying 50l., and have acquittance from the Guildhall Treasurers. 3 151 SIR GEORGE CHUTE, Lambeth. Assessed at 6007. 63 5 28 July 1643. Note of his depositing 761., which is the of his 75 revenue, he having no personalty, and order for his discharge on paying 247. more. Noted paid. 26 April. Order that on his paying Mr. Bury, for information of his estate in the East India Company, 40l. for 8007. paid on assessment, and Lawrence 3d. in the pound salary, he have the Public Faith for 8001, his sequestration be dis- charged, and the money and goods re-delivered. • Assessed at 8007. - 61 61 6 Aug. 1643. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment - 1 March 1644. Ordered to pay 500l. assessment, and give security to stand to the order of the committee for the residue. 3 3 29 47 3 89 63. 129 1 1 30 5 5 31 3 37 3 61 3 75 3 87 to COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 173 26 June 1643. 26 June 1643. 26 June 1643. R. 3 301 o.c. 5 101 26 June 1643. 26 June 1643. 26 June 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. His dividends and stock in the East India Com- pany to be detained in the company's hands for non-payment of his assessment. 6 Feb. 1644. Again assessed at 1,000l., and the former 63 assessment vacated. 61 SIR THOS. CRYMES, Camberwell. Assessed at 6001. 63 8 Nov. 1643. Note that he showed acquittances for 741. 15s. 5d. 63 formerly leut. ELIZ. DRAPER, Lambeth Marsh, Surrey. Assessed at 6007. 13 Nov. 1644. Order that she make up her assessment in 14 days, and give security to abide the order of the committee about it, and then the bond for her appearance to be re- turned, and she cleared from her contempt, paying the officers their salary and charges. 6 Dec. Order that of the 3001. deposited by her, 12071. be accepted, being her proportion on oath, and 1807. returned her; also order that she have the Public Faith for the 1207. EMANUEL FINCH, Ratcliffe. Assessed at 4007. 12 July 1643. Ordered to deposit 1, and then to be heard 27 July. Particulars of his estate, personalty, 2,2001; landed property, 631. a year. 4 Dec. 1644. Having made up her, she is to take her 3 317 affidavit what is her and 2. 3 321 3 322 CAPT. ELIAS JORDAN, Ratcliffe. Vol. No. A or P. 2 72 27 July. Note of his deposit of 501. 75 1 & 2 Aug. 1643. Note of two further deposits of 501. each, 75 making in all 1507. 2 Aug. Order for his discharge for the 1507. 75 Assessed at 4007. 11 Jan. 1644. To pay his assessment and then be further heard 16 Jan. To be committed to Lambeth House for refusing to pay. - - 61 5 75 16 89 130 Also affidavit that 100l. is the full, of his personalty, and 201. 89 131 the of his lands. • 8 Feb. 1644. To be released, having paid his assessment and undertaken to abide the committee's orders for the residue. 14 Feb. Order that, as 1,4007. is due to him by the Navy, the Navy Committee certify the debt, and pay 2001. of it to Haberdashers' Hall for his assessment, and meantime he is not to be prejudiced. 152 5 63 1 3 289 1 1 SIR RALPH MADDISON, Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 2007. · 61 7 July 1643. To be discharged on payment of 701. above the 75 1007. which he has proved to have lent. 28 34 35 61 5 2 223 2 229 2 256 2 265 5 12 174 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 26 June 1643. 26 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. Vol. No. A or P. 61 5 Assessed at 1007. 3 124 22 May 1644. To make up his assessment in 10 days. 18 14 July 1643. Note of his deposit of 101. in part of his 75 assessment. FRAS. MARSH, Limehouse. 8 Sept. 1643. Note of a further deposit of 51 10s. 6d. 14 Oct. 1644. To be committed to Lambeth House unless he make up his in 14 days. WM. WYMONDSALL, Patney. 18 Oct. The 50l. deposited by him to be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath. March 1654. The Public Faith ordered him SIR WM. ASTON, St. Martin's Lane. KAN SIR ROB. BARKHAM, Tottenham. - Asseesed at 1,0007. 63 10 July 1643. On his appearing, order that he be heard when 75 he has paid half. 18 July. Note of his deposit of 500l., being his 75 24 July. Order that 2501. be repaid him, and his assessment 75 discharged for the other 2501. Assessed at 2007. 12 July 1643. To be discharged on payment of 407., having lent 1001. 3 Dec. last. LADY BASKERVILLE, Fleet Street. - LADY BERKLEY, Great St. Bartholemew's. - 61 75 Assessed at 4007. 20 Sept. 1644. John Glover, of Lincoln's Inn, to have her house in Fleet Street for a year, paying 201. 20, 23 Sept. She having been long since assessed at 4007. for her which is unpaid, and having absented herself for nonpay- ment of taxes and assessments, order that her house be let to Glover, and the rent go towards her assessment; with marginal note that the rent is to go towards the assessment of Fras. Coventry, who dwelt in the house, and holds it of the lady. 75 69 3 258 3 263 61 5 Assessed at 2001. 61 8 13 10 July 1643. Note of his deposit of 91. 2s. 4d. to make up with 75 901. 17s. 8d. formerly lent, his assessment. 75 25 July. Noted of his depositing 1001. more in two bags Aug. 1643. Note of his showing acquittances for 901. 17s. 8d. 61 and 1097. 2s. 4d. 7 March 1645. She is to pay in discharge of her assessment 101. more than the 81. this day paid, and 121. lent, and under- take that Glover shall remain in her house during the unex- pired time of the lease of the house granted to Fras. Coventry, at 201. Assessed at 1257. 13 Sept. 1643. To be discharged on payment of 50l. With note that she showed acquittances therefor 15 Sept. 61 1 13 22 24 12 16 9 3 243 3 245 61 37 8 4 72 61 15 2 88 15 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 175 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. R. 3 73 30 June 1643. R. 3 31 30 June 1643. R. 3 182 30 June 1643. LADY JANE CÆSAR, Widow, Tottenham. Assessed at 1007. 16 July 1643. Note that she showed acquittance for 100l. paid the treasurers. 16 Dec. 1644. Order that, being assessed at 2007. on the late Order in Parliament of 12 Oct., the reasons of her assess- ment be certified, she having no residence in London for 2 years past; meantime she is not to be molested, and no warrant to proceed against her till further order. WM. CAGE, Lincoln's Inn. Assessed at 1,000l. 30 March 1644. All his woods and underwoods felled or cut down, or fit for felling on any of his lands, to be sold towards his assessment. 12 April 1644. The sale of his wood and other goods to be con- tinued, and the receiving of his rents. He having paid 2007. in Kent, and Mr. Long having under- taken that he shall pay 3001. more in 10 days, order that the sequestration of his estate and the levying of his rents be stayed till further order. 26 April. Order that the 3001. and the 2001. be in discharge of his assessment of 1,000l., he paying salary and charges. 31 Aug. 1649. Ordered the Public Faith for the 3007. CERT. 89 132a March 1654. Public Faith ordered for his payments - 61 61 SIR THOS DIKE, Milk Street and Sussex. Assessed at 6001. 15 Jan. 1644. He apprehended to pay his assessment 3 Feb. 1644. Respited to show what he paid on the propositions 16 Feb. Ordered to make up his assessment - 8 March 1644. Having paid 1181. in Sussex, and given 4 horses, worth 821., and lately lent 521. for the defence of the county, and being but a small time in London for his wife's confine- ment, order for his discharge for 501. now paid. JOHN FORTESCUE, Lincoln's Inn, St. Giles'-in-the Fields. Assessed at 1007. 4 Dec. 1643. His assessment respited 14 days 23 Jan. 1644. He to be brought up in custody to pay it 20 June 1644. He is to make up his in 14 days, and give secu- rity to pay the rest, and abide the order of this committee, and the sequestration will be then discharged. 22 July. Arnold Spencer to pay in 1007. seized in his hands as due to Fortescue. 26 Aug. 1644. The collectors of sequestrations in Middlesex to pay in the 191. 12s. 4d. received from his estate towards his assessment. SIR JOHN HALES, Holborn. Assessed at 2007. Vol. No. A or p. 13 13 24 Feb. 1645. He having deposited 501. last August, his assess- ment to be discharged. 3 330 61 13 3 65 3 78 3 79 - 61 12 3 89 7 243 251 {" 61 12 2 228 2 251 2 269 3 41 3 July 1644. The sequestration to be discharged if he and his 3 166 son give security for payment of in 14 days. 3 190 61. 15 2 175 2 237 3 156 3 223 4 55 - 61 14 176 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. CERT. 89 136 30 June 1643. Vol. No. LAWRENCE HALSTEAD, Leadenhall Street, Lime Street A or p. Ward, and Sonning, Berks. 2 30 Order that—as he is assessed at 8001. which is yet unpaid, neither the Chamberlain of London, nor any other pay away 8001. due to him by the said Chamberlain, without special consent of this committee, but detain it till further order. 15 Feb. 1644. Assessed at 2,0007. 63 155 1 Sept. 1651. Summoned to pay 500l. assessment for his estate, 89 132 real and personal. - JOHN HAWKINS, Ratcliffe, Biscuit Baker for the Navy. Assessed at 1507. 10 May 1644. Petitions that having furnished the Navy with 250,000 lbs. of biscuits for the summer service, he was promised payment in June, but 7001. is still unpaid, and he is delivering biscuits daily. He is assessed at 1501. for his 2, far above his estate, for having lent plate value 371., he cannot pay it. Begs mitigation and respite till he is paid the money due by the State. 10 May. Order that as he has lent 361. 14s., on his making it up 601., his assessment be respited till he receives the money due to him from the Navy for bread. 15 Nov. 1644. Order that as he had lent 1711. 17s., and the State owes him large sums, his assessment be respited till he is paid his said debts. SIR THOMAS and LADY HEWITT, The Strand. Sir Thomas assessed at 1,000l., Lady Hewitt at 5001. 24 Oct. 1643. He having lent 1037. 4s. and deposited 400l. to make up his assessment of 1,000l., order that he be dis- charged on paying another 100%., the collector's salary for the full assessment, and the charges of distraint of his goods in the country, and that the said goods be redelivered to him. With certificate of payment and discharge accordingly. 6 May 1644. Lady Hewitt to make up her assessment in 14 days. 7 August 1644. As she contributed 100%. on the propositions in September 1642, and has deposited 150l., her assessment, order that 501. be repaid, that the rest accepted as her assess- ment, and that she have the Public Faith for 1007. 51 10 89 133 3 111 3 291 61 12 2 123 89 134 3 104 3 202 19 Oct. 1653. He petitions that whilst he was attending in 89 135 1643 to get his assessment mitigated, it being over-rated at 1,000l., the officers, by their forwardness to get their 3d. in the pound salary, took out a warrant against_him. Begs notwithstanding to have a warrant for Public Faith for the 500l. paid in, the default not being in him. 19 Oct. The treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall to give the 89 137 required certificate. 13 43 CERT. 89 138 13 Dec. 1653. The treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall forbearing to give it, because they did not receive the money, order that 89 139 the Committee for Advance of Money Treasurers give the required certificate. EDMOND HOSKINS, of the Petty Bag Office, Temple. Assessed at 501. - 61 9 10 Nov. 1643. Again assessed at 2001., on which the former 63 90 assessment was vacated. 61 9 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 2 260 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. -177 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 50623. 22. Feb. 1644. The assessment of 2001. repeated - his 21 March 1644. Order that be have 14 days to pay in 1007., assessment, Sir Job Harvey and Lady Dorothy Capel, of Oxsted, Surrey, having undertaken that he shall abide the committee's order for the residue. 30 March. He having paid 100%., his assessment, the residue respited till he receive the profits of his office. SIR MAT. HOWLAND, Holborn. 18 Feb. 1651. Order that he have the Public Faith for his 100l. 10 23 as paid within time, having had no notice but his warrant, and perfecting his assessment in 10 days. DR. MICH. JERMYN, Martin's, Ludgate. Assessed at 1007. 12 July 1643. He shows that he was assessed at 201. in Farring- don Ward, and paid it, and the assessors say they levied no more because of his charge of children of his own and his wife's; but they taxed him the more, viz., 46s. a week for the weekly assessment, and he desires the benefit of the Ordinance. Assessed at 3007. - 61 13 36 2 Aug. 1643. Having shown acquittances for 55l. 2s. 8d. lent, 75 and 941. 17s. 4d. now paid, being his half, respited for a month, being sick of the gout. 61 13 3 Nov. 1643. Respited a week that his affidavit may be examined 75 6 Dec. 1643. Note of 901. more paid the treasurers. 108 61 13 LADY KINGSMILL, Charing Cross. 14 July. Having deposited 301., which with the 201. paid 75 in the ward by distraint of goods makes his, ordered to deposit 201. more, the former 201. not being allowed as part of his half. Assessed at 3001. 10 Jan. 1645. Mr. Bretton, the collector, to have 20s. for his charges, and watching Lady Kingsmill. 31 Jan. Assessed at 6007. 75 17 July. The 201. deposited accordingly, and he ordered to pay 301. more than the first 301., and the 201. distrained. 27 July. Discharged on showing acquittances for 801. and 201. 61 distrained. - Vol. No. A or p. 63 169 3 55 3 Dec. 1645. Her estate to be seized and sequestered for non- payment of the said assessment. 3 65 9 Jan. She is to bring in the pass that gave her leave to go beyond seas. 13 Jan. Respited to consider what she will be content to pay, more than the 701. seized of her goods, which were dis- trained, carried to Guildhall, and there sold. 15 Jan. Having this day paid 501. more than the 70l., her assessment of 6001. and all other assessments for her and discharged, her sequestration taken off, and the tenants to pay her their rents. 61 14 75 16 61 1 Jan. 1647. The sequestration on Lady Kingsmill's house at 5 166 Charing Cross taken off, as the reserved head-rent amounts to 501. more than the house will now let at. 19 12 4 9 20 21 14 67 121 4 346 61 5 169 M 5 172 12 5 175 178 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. R. 5 204 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. } 1647 ? Certificate that Lady Kingsmill was assessed June 30, 1643, at 3007. for her, and for non-payment, all the goods in her house at Charing Cross were sequestered and sold at Guildhall, and the house itself sequestered, but that she has since paid the assessment, and been discharged. LADY KNEVITT, St. Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1501. 13 - 61 69 58 21 July 1645. Assessed at 300!. for her reserved estate 854 13 Aug. 1645. To be discharged for the 3017. lent, being her pro- 76 portion on oath. 89 1 Oct. 1645. A later assessment of 2001. vacated because of the 69 previous one. 26 Feb. 1647. Ordered to give particulars of her estate, she having made affidavit that 501. is her, and it is alleged she has a far greater estate. SIR THOS. MERRY, Charing Cross. Assessed at 5007. 29 Jan. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assess- ment. - 13 Feb. 1644. He having paid 1081. for redemption of goods distrained, and 607. for goods at Walthamstow, pretended to be Mr. Skipwith's, but really his, and having had horses taken, value 761., and plate distrained, value 247.;-Order that on paying 201., his assessment be discharged, he offering his oath that it is his 1 20 Vol. No. A or P. 89 140 Jan. 1644? Note that his goods distrained were sold at Guild- 61 12 hall for 941. 2 263 R. 75 48 4 Aug. 1643. Note of his deposit of 50l., being his 5 200 16 Sept. 1644. Deposition by Thos. Jarvis of his payment to 89 141 the Committee for Advance of Money of 201. 1s. 2d., received for 83 oz. of Merry's plate towards his assessment. 61 12 2 244 THOS. MOOTHAM, High Holborn, of the 6 Clerks' Office. Assessed at 1007. - 61 15 July 1643? Petition that he has a ticket from Parliament for 89 142 1007. assessment, and has 9 children, and is now lame at Norwich, and unable to travel, yet has sent in 501., and begs mitigation of the other 50%., having wholly lost his practice for this last year. SIR CHR. NEVILL, Great St. Bartholomew's, and Sussex. Assessed at 6001. 3 Aug. 1643. Again assessed at 3001. 13 Nov. 1644. His tenant ordered to pay 917., his Christmas rent, to the Committee for Advance of Money. 11 Dec. 1644. 1201. belonging to Sir C. Nevill, in the hands of his steward, lately dead, to be brought in by the administrators. - 75 1 Sept. 1643. Allowed till Michaelmas to pay the rest of his 75 assessment. 5 Sept. Note that he has shown acquittances for 1007. paid 61 in full. 37 61 15 61 15 61 42 3 290 3 327 c. 3 327 20 Dec. His goods in his house to be valued and sold to 3 336 Sir Nevill Poole, at the appraised rates. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 179 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. J 4 Aug. 1645. The Committee for Advance of Money request 89 143 the County Commissioners of Sussex not to allow his tenants to pay him their rents, as the 6001. assessed on him in 1643 for his is still unpaid. 2 3 Oct. 1645. His assessment being still unpaid, and 2001. being due by a tenant, who refuses to pay, it is to be levied on his estate. 14 Nov. 1645. Rich. Cole to have 31. for going to Sussex to levy Sir C. Nevill's rents. 19 Nov. Mary Whittington to have 51. for information given of his estate, whereof 1007. is come in. 21 Dec. 1649. The petition of Wm. Chamberlain, mercer, of Cheapside, complaining that lands in Rotherfield, co. Sussex, vested in Sir C. Nevill for life only, and now come to petitioner, are sequestered for non-payment of Nevill's assess- ment, referred to counsel. 2 Jan. 1650. The discharge granted on report Sir Roger assessed at 6001. 10 July 1643. Sir James assessed at 1,000%. 5 Feb. 1644. Sir Roger again assessed at 2,0007. - SIR JAMES PALMER, Dorney Hall, co. Bucks; SIR ROGER PALMER, The Strand, Charing Cross, Delinquent. 28 July 1644. Sir Roger again assessed at 3,0007. 22 Nov. 1644. Order that as Sir James Palmer has not paid his assessment of 1,000l. for his, whereupon the collectors forewarned his tenants not to pay him their rents, and as he holds 100 acres of wood in Burnham coppice, co. Berks, of which 40 are ready to be cnt--the County Commissioners permit the tenants to pay their rents to this committee, and do not inter- cept its officers in cutting and selling the wood towards payment of the assessment. Delivered to Mr. English, constable for Burnham Hundred. 20 Dec. 1644. His tenants to be secured till they give security for paying in the rents and arrears. Vol. No. A or P. 3 Oct. 1645. John Howe, of Dorney, co. Bucks, his tenant, who owes 601. rent and refuses to pay, is to have it levied by distress on his estate. 5 Jan. 1646. Whereas Sir James and Sir Roger are assessed by Parliament at 1,6007., which is unpaid, whereupon their lands at Dorney, co. Bucks, have been seized, and whereas no courts have been kept there for 3 years, so that the rents and perquisites cannot be known ;-Order that Wm. Foxwist, of Lincoln's Inn, be steward of Dorney Hall Manor, and keep courts, receiving the accustomed fees, and that all court rolls and records be delivered to him on demand. -{89 4 Feb. 1646. Sir John Parsons, who married the daughter and heir of Sir John Kidderminster, produced a lease dated 1628 from Kidderminster to Sir Roger Palmer of divers farms, rent 100., and for non-payment of the rent of 1007., he has re- entered the farms. 4 283 4 324 4 329 8 78 78 89 144 61 13 61 21 63 152 65 127 3 300 89 145 3 337 4 282 4 380 4 411 18 March 1646. Warrant by Speaker Lenthall to Wm. War- 89 146 burton and Darby Keykin to seize the goods and household stuff of Sir Roger Palmer, delinquent, in Whitehall, dis- covered by Col. Moore, M.P., to be disposed of toward payment of Moore's arrears. 18 March. Information by Col. Moore that the goods so 21 74 seized are inventoried, and are worth 75l. 12s. 6d. and 321. 3s. M 2 180 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 30 June 1643. R. 5 128 20 March 1646. Committee for Advance of Money to Col. Chris. Whichcott, governor of Windsor Castle. We hear that the goods of Sir Jas. Palmer at Dorney, seized by Capt. Aldridge by order from the County Commissioners, towards payment of his assessment, have been rescued by a party of soldiers from Windsor Castle, and carried thither. We beg you to call your officers and soldiers to account for this, and to have the goods delivered to Mr. Lawrence, our officer, for sale. 21 March. Col. Chris. Whichcott to Martin Dallison. Hear- 89 148 ing that some few troops had broken down a partition in Sir James Palmer's house, and found plate, money, &c., which they intended to convey away, I sent a captain and soldiers to bring it into Windsor Castle to be secured, which they did without opposition from Capt. Aldridge or any other, and I have given an account thereof to Speaker Lenthall. Since then the County Commissioners have sent to me to have them sold, and on my pleading the necessities of the garrison, they granted the proceeds for its relief. They sold for 581. 3s. 27 March. Sir James assessed at 2,000l., but this vacated on account of the former assessment. 71 27 April 1646. Rich. Dell, of Dorney, one of Sir James' 5 24 tenants, to be brought up in custody for refusing to pay his rent to the Committee for Advance of Money. 15 July 1646. Sir Roger summoned to appear on Friday 22 July. Sir Roger appeared, but was dismissed, the committee not sitting. 1 20 14 Oct. Order for the rents and arrears to remain in the tenants' hands till he has made his composition, on security to abide the order of this committee touching the assess- ment of 1,000l., and his later assessment of 2,000l. to be vacated. 4 Nov. 1646. The goods and estate of Mrs. Parr, one of his tenants, to be seized for rent and arrears due to him. Vol. No. A or P. 89 147 22 Jan. 1647. Sir Roger, pretending he is to be discharged from his, is to appear and prove his discharge, or make up the money. 14 Oct. 1646. Sir James Palmer begs that his Dorney tenants 89 649 may not be pursued for further payments till he has made his composition at Goldsmiths' Hall. Lawrence has already received 500l. from them, and in billeting and other ways, they have paid more than the 1,000l. assessment, which is far beyond his proportion, as by plunderings in the wars, he is not worth 1,000l. Also he is in Oxford articles, which free him from all and parts. p.c. 89 150 24 Oct. 1649. Order that, as Sir Roger Palmer assigned this debt to Sir Jas. Palmer, who did compound for it before the discovery, Sir Giles' information be dismissed, and the sequestration of the debt taken off. 21 10 10 5 75 5 78 pr May 5 113 28 Aug. 1649. Information that Sir Giles Overbury, of Burton- 21 271 on-the-Hill, co. Worcester, owes Sir Roger Palmer 6007. on a mortgage, which Sir Roger has left out of his composition. 31 Aug. Sir Giles summoned to pay the said debt 5 127 5 181 77 249 7 329 5 March 1650. Information that Sir Roger has compounded 22 16 for lands in Barnham, co. Suffolk, worth 2001. a year, at only 1001. 17 Dec. 1650. Information renewed, stating that the manor and 89 151 lands were compounded for at 400l. a year, but are worth 5007. 21 Feb. 1651. Information that Sir Roger omitted from his 22 152 compensation 3,000l. owing to him by Jenings, deputy to Mr. Maxwell in the Lords' house, for which he had security in land. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 181 30 June 1643. R. 10 83 o.c. 17 1 o. 17 28 E.M. 17 70 P.E. 89 154 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 30 June 1643. 3 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 21 Feb. 1651. Sir Roger summoned to show cause why the debt should not be sequestered. 8 Oct. 1651. Sir Roger petitions for dismissal, denying that Jenings owes him any money. 8 Oct. Order that the prosecutor prove the debt 24 Dec. 1651. Information that Sir Roger did not compound for 2 debts of 500l. and 3001. owing him on bond by Sir Thos. Palmer, Bart. 24 Dec. Order that Sir Thomas appear, and show cause why these moneys should not be paid in to the State. SIR JOHN PENNINGTON, Whitehall. Assessed at 6001. Noted as with the King SIR ROWLAND WANDESFORD, Clerkenwell. Assessed at 1007. 4 Dec. 1643. Order for his discharge, as he lost his office in the Court of Wards, and his lands are under power of the King's army. WM. WYLDE, Jun., the Temple, London. SIR THOMAS TREVOR, Jun., Enfield. Assessed at 2007. 61 7 July 1643. His discharge ordered, on payment of 201. beside 75 the 501. paid 15 Nov., and 50l. 5 July. SIR EDM. SAWYER [St. Andrew's] Undershaft, Lime Street Ward. - Assessed at 507. 7 July 1643. Order for his discharge, having deposited 251.,75 his assessment. 17 Sept. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 17 Oct. 1645. Respited till the sequestration of his estate is taken off. Vol. No. A or P. 48 10 89 152 23 17 46 23 89 153 8 April 1646. Order for his discharge from this later assessment of 1,000l., for the reasons given in the order of 3 July. 11 39 89 155 SIR JOHN BAKER, Bart., of the Inner Temple and Kent; MARY his wife, and his brother. 61 13 20° 7 March 1645. Deposition by him that, his debts satisfied, 251. is 89 156 his full, excepting for such estate as his father, Wm. Wylde, sen., holds for life. Has not made 15l. the last 1 years from his office of Exigenter of Yorkshire, and others which go therewith. With note that he be respited till his office grow better, or further order be taken. 61 8 2 176 His assessment of 2001. discharged, on his producing an acquit- 2 32 tance of Col. Venn for 1001. given for Parliament use, and on his forbearing 1507. due to him for examination of the farmers' [of customs'] accounts; and also because 7 horses of his, value 501., are employed in Parliament service. 16 Oct. 1644. Assessed at 1,000l. 8 11 61 9 12 Sir John assessed at 6007. 161 14 Oct. 1643. Order in the Committee for Examinations that 90 Sir John be respited to Monday week, and a certificate pro- cured from Kent that his goods there are sequestered, and also that those in Covent Garden were sequestered long before the seizure for his 67 26 4 263 4 297 5 5 30 1 182 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 July 1643. CERT. 90 2,3 4 July 1643. P. E. 90 5 P. D. 90 5 REP. 90 6 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. Oct. 1643. Lady Baker begs that he may be released from ap. pearance, being sickly and unable to travel. The Kent Com- mittee sequestered him last August, and his land, worth 2,0001. a year. His rich furniture in Covent Garden was seized for his and sold for 871., and a warrant is issued for the re- mainder, which he has no means of paying. 23 Oct. Order that he be freed from arrest, paying the collectors' 2 120 salary and charges. 23 June 1645. Assessed at 4007. and his brother at 2001. 18 July 1645. Sir John respited to make up his half 25 July. Order that Sir John, having deposited his assessment, pay the rest in 14 days or make affidavit. CATHERINE BALDWIN, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, and Bray, co. Berks. 8 Aug. 1645. Note of the Public Faith given for 4001. paid by him. 69 Assessed at 1,5001. - 61 14 July 1643. Ordered to deposit 7501. her assessment, and 75 then to be heard. 8 Aug. 1643. On report [that 441. is the of her real, and 237. 15s. the of her personal estate, and that she was assessed at 701. at Bray, and paid in full,] order that her assessment be dis- charged. 20 12 June 1644. Assessed at 4007. 15 July 1644. Her assessment discharged on account of the former discharge. HUM. CLARKE, Edmonton. 6 28 July. Her assessment referred to a committee to consider 90 what is her 20th. 2 58 Vol. No. A or P. 90 4 SIR GERVASE CLIFTON, Clifton, co. Notts. Assessed at 5001. No proceedings 6 March 1647. Assessed at 4,0COl. 69 49 4 208 76 849 · 2 May 1649. To be sequestered for non payment 12 June 1649. Discharged on the votes of Parliament of 21 March last, having compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall, and paid and secured his fine. MARY CRANMER, Hackney, and HEN. CHESTER, her Husband. She assessed at 3001. 29 Jan. 1644. Sheriff Bunce is not to remove or make away with any of her goods in his custody, she being assessed at 600Z. - Assessed at 2001. 28 90 7 - 61 2 Jan. 1644. To deposit his assessment and then to be heard 3 213 25 Jan. Petitions that as ordered, he has borrowed and brought in 857. to make up, with 15l. received from his lands, 100l. for his 20: that his whole estate is but 100l. a year, 501. of which is in tenements about London, by lease for 17 years to come, out of which he pays 201. a year quit-rent, and has a wife, children, and grand-children to maintain, and has paid large sums to Parliament, though he has received no rent for a year, therefore he begs restoration of part of the 1001. 25 Jan. Order that 601. of the 1007. deposited be accepted as his assessment, and 401. be restored to him. 3 239 - 49 28 19 65 70 3 178 61 30 70 71 6 305 48 7 61 31 2 243 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 183 4 July 1643. B. 3 302 R. 4 227 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 27 April 1644. Mr. Chester, who married Mrs. Cranmer, to be brought in custody to pay the assessment of 6007. rated on her before her marriage. 8 May 1644. Chester to make up the assessment in 10 days 16 May. The assessment of 300l. on her to be discharged for the 641. deposited and 861. paid, as Commiss. Copley had 2001. of Mr. Chester on assessments after his marriage. - 11 Aug. 1645. To be discharged, having paid 600l. to my Lord General's Commissioners, and made affidavit that it is his proportion. 15 Nov. 1644. Chester assessed at 1,000l. 24 Nov. The assessment respited 67 55 67 62 11 July 1645. His discharge ordered, having been discharged 76 841 16 May 1644. 25 July. Allowed 14 days to make affidavit, and show what he has contributed. 4 214 4 232 3 Jan. 1644. He being assessed at 5001. for his part, showing that all his estate in England is far short of satisfying his just debts, and his estate in Scotland has contributed to the full towards the present war ;-order that the assessment be discharged, he paying the collector's salary. HEN. DARRELL, or DORRELL, St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, and later of Clerkenwell. SIR DAVID CUNNINGHAM, Sen. and Jun. The father assessed at 5007., and the son noted as gone to Scot- 61 land, at 2501. 2 193 18 Dec. 1643. The father ordered to pay in 14 days his assess- ment, and the collector's salary. Assessed at 1007. 10 May 1644. The houses seized for satisfaction of his assess- ments to be discharged. 4 Sept. 1644. Again assessed at 4001. 4 Aug. 1645. Ben. Ricks and Wm. Walker, who were driven out of Oxford, and lost all they had, to have one of Dorrell's houses in Holborn. 29 Aug. John King, driven from his house at Banbury by the enemy, to live in Darrell's house in Holborn till further order. 1 Oct. 1645. Peter Dormer, who was plundered by the enemy at Banbury, to have another of the houses. 6 Oct. Lady Thornhaugh, who petitioned for one of the said houses, is to have it, according to an Order in Parliament of 20 Sept. last, and the County Commissioners of Westminster are to supply her with furniture, this committee not having any suitable. 7 Sept. 1646. Mrs. Blundell and Mosley, widows, to live in one of Dorrell's houses till further notice. 13 Nov. 1646. Kath. Davies to have rooms in his dwelling- house, on recommendation of Lord Say and Seale, and Com- missioner Fiennes. 19 Nov. 1647. Marg. Booker, late of Henley-on-Thames, to have rooms in his house in St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, sequestered for non-payment of his, she having a recommendation of Sir Thos. Fairfax, 22 Oct. 1647, that she has suffered much by her freeness in quartering Parliament soldiers, and is now without a dwelling. Vol. No. A or P. 3 90 Thos. Jarvis, an officer of this committee, to take notice what persons inhabit Dorrell's house in Holborn, and by what order they possess it. 3 105 3 117 30 2 214 61 31 3 111 65 158 4 226 4 249 4 280 4 284 5 100 5 137 5 309 5 309 184 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. R. 5 149 4 July 1643. 23 Nov. 1647. Thos. Farmer petitions that Mr. Darrell's estate in certain houses in St. Giles's-in-the-Fields is sequestered by this committee, and that rents therefrom value 297. 13s. 4d., are due to petitioner, which he has not received for 4 or 5 years by reason of the sequestration of the houses. He begs an order for receipt of as much of the rent paid to this com- mittee as he can show to be due to him, or else leave to raise the money by legal distraint. With note that the 291. 13s. 4d. appears to be due to him. 23 Nov. Order that as, in 17 Car., Wm. Newton, owner of 5 313 the said ground rent of 291. 13s. 4d., sold it to Thos. Farmer for 3501., Farmer be allowed to recover the rent from the profits of the tenements, any sequestration notwithstanding. 8 Dec. 1647. Anne Loshbury, widow, to have one of Darrell's houses in Holborn, for a year, at 167. rent. 17 Dec. The clerk to view the deeds of Geo. Farmer [of the Inner Temple] concerning his claim to tenements mort- gaged to him by Hen. Darrell, as security for money lent, and to report. 16 Feb. 1647. Order-on view of the mortgage deed, conveying the said houses in High Holborn to Farmer for re-payment of 6001. at a time now elapsed, whereby they have become forfeit to him,-that he take the benefit thereof, and enjoy the profits of the houses till repaid his money with interest. 1 Mar. 1648. The poor plundered people who have been allowed to dwell in the houses now assigned over to Farmer are to depart before 24 March. ELIZABETH DILKS, and WM. DILKS, her Son, co. Warwick. Eliz. Dilks assessed at 4007. 19 July 1643. Order that she deposit her moiety 23 Oct. 1646. Wm. Dilks assessed at 5007. - 20 Nov. 1646. Both respited 14 days for payment of their assess- ment. - Garde 5 May 1647. Their estates to be seized for non-payment 17 Sept. 1647. Their estates to be seized for non-payment of assessments, Mrs. Dilks of 4001. and Mr. Dilks of 500l. - 61 31 75 22 71 46 5 138 15 Mar. 1648. The clerks to cast up the particulars of Mrs. Dilks' estate and report. Vol. No. A or p. 90 8 I 5 251 5 288 5 402 9 17 Mar. They report that she was obliged to leave her habit- 90 ation because it was made a garrison for Parliament, and should not be punished for it by being assessed at the when she should only have paid the and . That her son lives in Warwickshire, and ought only to be assessed in the country. That she owes 3,000l. more than her personal estate; her jointure is 2271. 14s. 7d., and her son's estate 401. the being together 531. 10s. 11d. 17 Mar. Order that they be discharged on paying 501., their proportion when their debts are paid. 5 321 5 331 5 372 5 386 5 407 Mr. Dilks' estate to be seized for non-payment, but note of discharge on payment of the 501. LADY DUNCOMBE, Paternoster Row. Assessed at 2007. 61 31 19 July 1643. Ordered to deposit her 75 29 July. Note of the deposit of 1007. 75 16 Aug. 1643. On her affidavit that 717. is her proportion, but 75 she is willing freely to give the other 291., order that the 1007. be accepted in discharge of her assessment. 5 408 71 46 2229 31 47 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 185 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. P.E. 90 10 SIR RALPH FREEMAN, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 4007., being with the King - at 14 July 1643. Note that the ticket was sent to his Lady living and John Norton, his tenant at St. Martin's, undertakes that none of his goods shall be removed till the assessment is paid, but desires that prosecution may be at Sir Ralph's house. 2 Oct. 1646. Respited on giving security to abide the com- mittee's order when he has made his composition. SIR ART. INGRAM, Covent Garden. Assessed at 4001. 17 July 1643. Note of his deposit of 2001. for his Order for its return, as his estate is wholly plundered, he is much in debt, and has received but 91. of his whole rents due last Lady Day. 20 Oct. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 9 Jan. 1646. Information of goods, plate, money, &c., belonging to him concealed in his house near Whitehall, or in some rooms in Scotland Yard belonging to him. - 61 30 75 20 21 12 Jan. Order that his house be visited, and the goods seized, sequestered, and inventoried. Also note of his showing acquittance for 1007. in discharge of 61 30 his assessment. 15 May 1646. Ordered to pay in on Monday 5001. his assess- ment for his 26. SIR INIGO JONES, Delinquent, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1,000l. 61 29 25 April 1645. The waggons seized in his house to be delivered 4 131 unto 25 May. Having paid his 1, he is respited 14 days 8 June 1646. His assessment discharged for the 500., he paying 101. officers' salary. GEORGE KIRK, Charing Cross, St. Martin's-in-the- Fields, Gentleman of His Majesty's Robes, and of His Bedchamber. Assessed at 5007. 2 Sept. 1643. On his affidavit that 1007. is the full of his personalty, and 501. the of his yearly revenue, order that he pay this sum, and be respited for the remainder till he receives the annuities, fees, and pensions due to him out of His Ma- jesty's revenue. Any sum raised by distress on his estate to be returned him. Vol. No. A or P. 12 Sept. Wm. Wheeler, M.P., having paid the 150l. in Kirk's absence, order that Kirk's goods seized, to the value of 1501., be delivered to Wheeler, unless Kirk redeem them. 61 29 75 18 26 Sept. 1645. Wheeler to send an inventory of those goods of Mr. Kirk delivered him in respect of the 150l. paid by him. 13 Oct. 1645. Kirk's house and household stuff at Charing Cross, sequestered for his delinquency, demised to Lord Shef field and Mr. Lisle, at 50l. a year, till further order. 5 109 4 298 21 59 4 387 5 35 10 10 5 43 5 49 61 2 3 90 30 69 86 89 11 4 271 888888 4 291 4 310 31 Oct. The goods in his house to be delivered to Mr. Wheeler, and the keys to Mr. York for Lord Sheffield and Mr. Lisle. 9 Mar. 1646. Information that some of his lands in Gillingham 21 64 Forest, co. Dorset, are unsequestered. 5 193 12 Feb. 1647. The sequestration of his house discharged, he having compounded for it at Goldsmiths' Hall, saving the arrears of rent due from the sequestration to 3 Sept. last. 2 186 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 1 4 July 1643. o.c. 99 12 17 Dec. 1643. A later assessment of 50%. discharged, because of 63 115 the former one. 3. 4 July 1643. LANCELOT LAKE, St. Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 5001. 14 July 1643. Ordered to deposit his assessment and then be 75 heard. 2 48 8 Aug. 1643. Order that his distrained goods be valued by ap- praisers, and that whoever will pay the appraised value shall have the goods, and the money raised by their sale is to be paid towards his assessment; the residue of the assessment Recorder Glynn undertakes to satisfy. 22 Mar. 1644. Allowed a month to pay in the residue of his assessment of 5001. 19 April 1644. Ordered to pay 1151. Os. 8d., the residue of his half in 7 days, and the other in 14 days. SIR MAT. LISTER, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 8007. 15 Dec. 1643. Having deposited his with what he formerly paid in co. Leicester, respited 8 days to pay or make affidavit. 3 85 May 1644? Note of his payment in full in 3 sums, 2391. 18s. 8d., 61 28 raised by distress, and 1951. and 651. 8s. Od. paid. ELIZABETH, widow of SIR LEWIS MANSELL, Margam, co. Glamorgan. 29 Dec. On showing certificate of 250%. paid in co. Leicester, 75 166 and having deposited 150l., order for his discharge on paying 100l. more. Assessed at 4007. 10 Jan. 1644. Order that 501. of the 150l. be repaid him, 3507. 75 174 being his proportion on oath. Vol. No. A or P. 61 28 19. 19 July 1643. Her assessment discharged, as the assessors were mistaken in assessing her, she not having resided in Middlesex for 2 years. 25 July 1645. The officers to inventory the trunks and bundles that lie about this hall with concealed estates of Lady Man- sell's, and to break open doors if locked. 59 9 Mar. 1646. On information that, she being a delinquent, there are goods, hangings, plate, &c., belonging to her in Covent Garden, order that they be seized, secured, and inventoried. 2 April 1644. Indenture whereby she conveys all her leases, 90 13, 14 goods, chattels, jewels, plate, and household stuff to Edward, Earl of Manchester, and others, to augment the portions of her children. 61 28 75 150 - 61 30 61 30 JAMES MAXWELL, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1,000l. Noted as in Scotland "" - 18 Mar. Deposition that she has not been in London since 90 15 she married Sir Edw. Seabright in Glamorganshire, in April 1644, nor for 5 years past. 4 216 25 May 1648. The officers in whose custody her goods are to 6 7 deliver 2 of her trunks to her servant, David Bennett. 4 449 SIR THEODORE MAYHERNE. Assessed at 1,0007. 61 30 July 1643. The collector reports delivery of the notice to his 79 107 own hand, at St. James's house, but his reply was that "he had nothing to do with it, neither did any man know the of his estate.' 1 20 Sept. 1644. Summoned to appear on Monday 6 3 243 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 187 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. NOTE 90. o.c. 3 38 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. R. 4 100 196 23 Sept. 1644. His assessment discharged on an Order in the House of Commons of 6 Sept. 1643, and one of 15 Sept. 1643, which free him from loans and assessments. 5 May 1645. Allowed 14 days to pay in his assessment of 1,000l. Note of his payment of 5001. SIR MAT. MENNES, MENCE, or MYNNS, K.B., Bell Yard. Assessed at 5001. 22 Nov. 1643. Again assessed at 1,0007 9 Jan. 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment of 1,000l. # 12 Jan. Order that he pay in 500l., his assessment 13 Jan. To be discharged from custody of the officers if he give security to pay his assessment in 10 days, or in default to be committed to Peter House. 16 Jan. The collectors to deliver him to the bailiff of West- minster, on the executions he has against him, to remain in custody till he pay his assessment. - 24 Feb. 1644. He is to be brought in custody to give security to pay 1001. in 10 days, and then to be heard. 6 March 1644. Having deposited 201., he is to give security for payment of 301. more on Friday, and 50l. in 10 days, and then to be set free. 5 Aug. 1644. Sir Matthew having furnished horses, value 50l., paid in 1007. and 521., and made affidavit that 2087. is his and, -order that, on his making up the sum, his assessment be discharged till it be shown whether he has a residence within compass of the Order of 29 November 1642, he having made affidavit that he has no residence in London except when summoned before the Committee for Obstructions. 7 March 1645. Sir John Lenthall to send Sir Matthew in custody to answer objections against him. 28 June 1645. To be sent to prison for non-payment of the 1007. 2 July 1645. Order that he be heard concerning the assess- ment by the Committee of the Savoy. 23 Jan. On information that he has satisfied the judgment 2 236 and execution, he is to be brought in custody before this committee to pay his assessment of 1,000l. 4 July. Allowed his liberty till Wednesday to go about his affairs, on security to pay 100l. to the Savoy Committee, or render himself prisoner. DAVID MURRAY, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Assessed at 1,5007. - 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment JANE MURRAY, Martin's Lane. - Assessed at 1,000l. 18 March 1644. Order that-as she has been assessed at 1,000. for her, and her estate is in pensions, which she cannot re- ceive, and has nothing to subsist on, her lands in Scotland being under contribution, and she paying for them there, and being constrained to live on her children's portions-her assessment be discharged, and she no further molested for it. Vol. No. A or p. 3 243 4 April 1644. The wheat seized by the officers to be carried to 3 71 the garner in Southwark, whence they took it, at the charge of Sir Mat. Mennes, and delivered into the custody of Denis Gauden, who is to give security in 90%. to appear and abide a trial at law concerning the right to it. 4 142 61 30 61 28 63 93 2 222 2 223 2 226 2 231 3 23 3 38 3 200 63 93 63 4 73 4 183 4 191 4 193 90 17 61 30 2 260 61 3 388888 29 50 188 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 4 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. LADY PENELOPE NAUNTON, St. Martin's-in-the- Fields. Assessed at 8001. 8 Dec. 1643. Order that on her paying the collector's salary, she be respited till she receive her rents for her lands and estate in Cornwall. 11 Dec. 1646. Order that the assessment be discharged and she no further troubled, she having still received no rents, and her son, Sir Rob. Naunton, being in the King's Bench, and unable to pay her the moneys wherewith he is charged. SIR THOS. STAFFORD, Bart., the Savoy, Martin's Fields, Strand. Assessed at 3007. With note that the assessment is to be re- spited "till it be determined whether he is within compass of the sequestration." 19 Nov. 1645. Assessed at 3,000l. 2 April 1647. His assessment respited till further order, he alleging himself to be within Exeter articles. SIR EDM. PYE, Bart. Assessed at 3,000l. With note that his goods were distrained 61 30 and sold at Guildhall for 681. 6s., from which 4l. 18s. was deducted for charges. 7 Aug. 1646. Assessed again at 1,500l. * HENRY, VISCOUNT WILMOT, Covent Garden, St. Mar- tin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 5001. 29 Jan. 1647. Assessed again at 3,000l. 12 Feb. 1647. His assessment respited, on his giving security to abide the committee's orders, when the sequestration is taken off his estate. SIR THOS. AILSBURY. Assessed at 300l. No proceedings W WILLIAM KERR, EARL OF ANCRAM. Assessed at 500l. No proceedings. • Vol. No. A or P. 61 29 2 185 SIR WM. BRUNKER, Westminster. Assessed at 2001. No proceedings 3 151 · 71 33 61 29 69 112 5 233 61 29 71 59 5 193 - 61 23 SIR JOHN BENNET, Harlington-by-Hounslow. Assessed at 1207. - 61 26 24 July 1643. Deposited 241. to make up his with 361. allowed 75 24 him by Order of the House of Commons for horses taken from him. - 61 23 13 Sept. 1613. His assessment to be discharged for 401. if paid 75 75 by Monday next, otherwise the whole to be paid. 30 Sept. Note of the deposit of 407. 75 92 18 Oct. 1643. His assessment to be discharged for the 1007. 75 100 paid, because he was not paid for 301. worth of his hay, spent for the Parliamentary forces. - 61 23 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 189 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. Vol. No. JUSTICE JOHN BUCKNELL, Turnbolt Street, Shore- A or p. ditch. Assessed at 501. 2 Sept. 1643. Guarantee by Wm. Bucknell, linen draper, New- 90 gate Market, that John Bucknell shall submit to the Parlia- mentary Ordinance and pay the 501. assessed on him for his, and that he himself will see that it is paid. 8 Nov. 1644. Justice John again assessed at 1507. - 67 45 20 Nov. Order that his goods having sold for 91. 5s. 6d. 76 629 on his former assessment, and he having paid in 47. 14s. 6d., it be accepted in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion. 3 March 1647. John Bucknell ordered up in custody to pay his assessment. Blackfriars. Assessed at 1,0007. 15 Aug. 1644. Order for discharge of his assessment, he having contributed in plate, money, and horses, 8807. 16s. 10d., and suffered much by the King's forces. - LADY BURGH or BURROWES, Westminster. Assessed at 201. - 61 23 67 151 28 Feb. 1645. Again assessed at 2501. 17 March 1645. Her assessment discharged, on affidavit that 76 she is not worth 1007. 765 JOHN CARTWRIGHT, Ayneho, co. Northampton, late of ANNE HOLLES, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF CLARE. Assessed at 4001. Noted as gone into France LADY COVILL, Charing Cross.! 161 26 18 Assessed at 3001. 23 Jan. 1644. To be taken into custody for non-payment 25 Nov. 1644. Order repeated, but no further proceedings SIR RANDALL CREWE. LADY DRUMMOND. - 5 204 · 61 21 2 57 19 Assessed at 1007. 31 August 1643. The levying thereof respited till further order LADY ELIZ. DIGBY, Widow, Great St. Bartholomew's. Assessed at 2007. → 31 July 1643. It appearing that her husband, [Kildare ?] Lord Digby, died in Ireland in war against the rebels there; that large sums are due to him from the State; that Lady Digby's estates, both in Ireland and England, are under power of the rebels, and she can receive no profits-order that her goods be not distrained, nor her person molested without further order. 90 - 61 21 1 61 25 2 237 3 303 Assessed at 2001. - 61 23 29 28 July 1643. His assessment discharged, on a letter from 75 Sir Wm. Brereton that he paid 201. contribution to Sir William, and maintained 10 foot and 3 horse in his regiment, he having paid in 100%. 18 July last. SIR JOHN DANVERS, Chelsea. Assessed at 1007. With note that he paid the 100%. to the 61 treasurers as per acquittance. 61 24 2 67 61 26 25 2 43 190 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. SIR THOS. FARNEFOLD, M.P. for Stening, Sussex. Assessed at 1007. 11 July 1643. Summoned to pay the assessment 2 CERT. 90 23 12 Sept. 1643. Order that his assessment be respited till a week after Michaelmas, as he was returned an M.P., and he is to 90 bring a certificate whether he was assessed in co. Sussex, and meantime the collectors are to forbear prosecution. LADY ANNE EVERARD, or EVERETT, Westminster. Assessed at 1207. 24 July 1643. Certificate by Wm. Wheeler, M.P., to Ant. Withers, at Haberdashers' Hall, that her whole estate is an annuity of 2601., and the furniture of a house, but no plate of value, and that she has obediently paid all taxes, which have fallen heavily upon her on account of her quality. 27 July. Note of her deposit of 607., being her 75 28 July. Order that 301. be repaid her, and acquittance given 75 for the other 301. in discharge of her assessment. 17 May 1644. Assessed again at 1501. 65 18 - - SIR THOS. FOWLER, Islington. GEORGE GERARD, Charter House. - 12 Nov. 1643. Certificate by the County Commissioners for 90 Sussex that he was assessed at 50l. in the county, but the same is unpaid. LUCIUS CAREY, VISCOUNT FALKLAND. Assessed at 3001. No proceedings " Assessed at 1007. 17 Aug. 1643. His assessment discharged, and his person and estate not to be molested for the same. 11 Dec. 1643. Assessed at 2001. 18 Dec. This later assessment also discharged, as he ought not to be again assessed. assessment. Note of his showing acquittance for 1007. paid [EDWARD ?] LORD GORGES. Vol. No. A or P. 24 20 I 61 90 Assessed at 1501. 61 25 31 July 1643. Having contributed 1301. already, ordered to pay 75 33 201. in full of his assessment. · . Assessed at 1007. 13 Sept. 1643. Note of his deposit of 50l. for his 3 May 1644. He having deposited 501., set out 2 horses value 501. more, and contributed 201. on the propositions, and his estate being in the West country, and sequestered by the King's forces, his assessment to be discharged. 61 24 90 21 28 29 61 228820 87 SJR THOMAS FISHER and LADY FISHER, Widow. Assessed at 1007. each 9 Sept. 1643. Note that Lady Fisher showed acquittances for 561. 4s. 8d. formerly lent, and 431. 5s. 4d. now paid in full. 13 Sept. Sir Thomas ordered to pay 501., the residue of his 75 74 61 26 24 26 2 60 99 25 63 110 2 193 - 61 61 23 61 26 61 26 23 75 77 3 101 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 191 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. BARTH. HALL, of the Temple. Assessed at 801. · 2 Aug. 1643. The 107. paid by him 1st Aug. ordered to be in discharge of his assessment, the assessors having reviewed it, and certifying that 10l. is his 2. 3 April 1644. Again assessed at 1507. 26 April. His assessment discharged, he having been plundered in Dorsetshire. LADY HARRINGTON. Assessed at 1007. No proceedings THE RIGHT HON. ELIZABETH, LADY HATTON, Holborn. Assessed at 5001. 28 July 1643. She shows acquittances for 170l. formerly lent, and 3307. now paid. · 30 June 1644. Again assessed at 2,000l. 24 July 1644. Allowed 14 days to make up her assessment, or make affidavit. - 61 23 12 Aug. 1644. Her assessment discharged, she having been formerly assessed at 500l. and paid it, and she left to her voluntary contribution, whereon she promises to send in 1007., for which the Public Faith is given. SIR JOHN HORTON, Fleet Street. Assessed at 2001., but could not be found - - 61 22 21 Aug. 1643. Note of her depositing 801. to make up what she 75 49 has paid to her assessment. Mr. Belew, having undertaken to pay the residue of her assessment by Friday next, no further prosecution be had till that time be elapsed. Vol. No. A or P. 20 35 61 75 61 3 LADY MARY INGRAM, Westminster. Assessed at 1007. 19 July 1643. Order that the 501. deposited by her be accepted in full discharge of her assessment. ALICE LADY JENNINGS and LADY JENNINGS, of the Strand, her Mother-in-Law. 17 July 1646. Information that Ambrose Sanders, of Silvertoft, 21 co. Northampton, owes 500l. to Lady Hatton, a delinquent. - 65 3 116 88 3 65 93 194 161 22 206 93 73 61 23 Lady Jennings assessed at 401. 161 24 63 23 Nov. 1643. Lady Jennings, of the Strand, assessed at 1507. 96 11 Dec. 1643. Order that she be discharged, because she is the 75 146 wife of John Latch, Esq., now in Holland. July 1644? Alice Jennings to Mr. Stroud. Before my going into 90 26 the country, I sent you the 401. demanded for my assessment, and told them I had no estate, and hoped they would have been satisfied; but as I hear from them again, I fear they do not know the truth. My husband made his son executor, and left above 3,0001. debts, to which his goods are liable, and left me no interest but what the law gives. Most of our estate is in the West country, where we receive no rents. Our lands in Hertfordshire-my husband's mother-in-law, Lady Jennings, of the Strand, has 4001. a year out of; I have 12 children beside my eldest son; and we are all to have shares out of the estate. If I had the money I would willingly pay all that is demanded. 192 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 19 May 1647. The assessment of 5007. on Lady Jennings, of Westminster, discharged, it appearing she has but a small estate. SIR ART. JENNEY. Assessed at 2007., but not to be found THOS. KEIGHTLEY, Mincing Lane. 1 SIR PETER KILLIGREW, Whitehall. Assessed at 6007. 20 Nov. 1644. An assessment of 1,2007. laid, but vacated because of the former one. 19 Nov. 1645. Note of his discharge on payment of 4061., for which the Public Faith is given, having lent 1947. 19 Nov. 1645. Assessed again at 3001. 10 Dec. 1645. Discharged, having been formerly assessed Assessed at 507. 11 Feb. 1644. Assessed at 2007. 26 Feb. His assessment to be discharged, as he is employed in service of Parliament, and has not a considerable estate. SYDNEY, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF LEICESTER. - 61 24 LADY LUCEY, Bedford Street. - 61 27 67 56 Vol. No. A or p. 5 258 R. 5 97 18 Nov. 1644. He is to be brought up to pay his assessment - 61 63 Assessed at 2007. - 61 22 17 July 1643. Note that she was respited by the Earl of Man- 61 chester and Mr. Strode, and since new assessed. 22 · JOHN MASSAM, of the 6 Clerks' Office, Farringdon Without, London. Assessed at 2001. 23 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 2 Aug. 1644. His goods in Bartholomew's to be inventoried and appraised, and sold, and Mr. Futter to have them if he will pay the valuation. 4 328 61 27 Assessed at 2501. 61 24 July 1643. On certificate brought by her of 2291. 1s. 4d., 75 contributed in money and corn, for the use of Warwick Castle garrison, her assessment discharged. 24 160 3 27 • 4 Sept. 1644. Order that Futter pay the 781. 7s. at which they were appraised, with the officer's salary and charges. 20 June 1645. Futter having paid the money-order that the goods be delivered to him. 20 Nov. 1646. Massam to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 69 112 4 357 · 61 21 27 25 2 237 3 196 3 230 4 184 5 140 JOHN MORRIS, Bridge Ward, and Isleworth. Assessed at 1007. - 61 27 24 July 1643. Order in the Mitigation Committee that, being 75 25 assessed in Bridge Ward at 2001. and discharged, his present assessment of 100l. be discharged. 3 294 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 193 10 July 1643. R. 5 97 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 50623. 16 Jan. 1652. On motion that he contributed 531. 14s. 8d., and had a ticket for 411. 5s. 4d. left at his house at Isleworth, and paid the said sum-order on his request that he have the Public Faith therefor. LADY PAGET, Dowager, Westminster. Assessed at 5001. 61 July 1643. Having formerly lent 2001., by order of the House of 61 Commons, she is discharged of her assessment. JUSTINIAN PAGET, J.P., Holborn and Hadley. Assessed at 2007. 17 Aug. 1643. Deposited 631., to make up 371. lent to his 8 Nov. 1643. Assessed at 2501. 4 Dec. 1643. These 2 sums accepted in discharge of his assess- ments of 2001. and 2501., being his proportion. PENRUDDOCK, of the 6 Clerks' Office. Assessed at 2001. Noted as with the King 23 Jan. 1644. To be taken into custody for non-payment 4 June 1644. Order that he make up his assessment in 14 days. SIR THOMAS and LADY PORTER, Westminster. He assessed at 2001. 28 July 1643. By Order of the House of Commons of 25 July, 75 both their assessments discharged. JOHN VISCOUNT SCUDAMORE, Westminster. Assessed at 1,5007. 1 Nov. 1644. Assessed at 2,000l. 1 Nov. His goods at Guildhall to be sold, and Ald. Andrews to have of the money towards satisfaction of the money owing to him for arms. Vol. No. A or P. 11 110 20 Feb. 1649. He is to pay his assessment in 14 days, and therefrom the Countess of Kildare is to be paid what is due on her Ordinance. 61 26 75 48 63 83 75 139 13 March 1649. His particular to be cast up and reported 22 March. His assessment to be respited on his paying 3007. within a month, as he is in debt. 23 23 61 25 2 237 HUM. ROBINSON, Holborn. Certificate that though he has been assessed at 501., on better 90 27 information the assessors of Farringdon Ward think the sum should be reduced to 401. With note of an order to that effect, 12 July. 61 24 2223 29 4 8 Jan. 1645. He is not to be molested for his assessment till the sequestration of his estate be discharged. P.E. 90 28 25 Feb. 1648. Summoned to appear and pay an assessment of 5 383 20001. for his 2% part. 11 Oct. 1648. Summoned to appear in 3 weeks to pay his 6 78 assessment. 6 174 3 136 61 23 67 41 3 274 N Feb. 1649? Account of his sufferings and losses by plunder, 90 29, 30 felling of timber, sequestrations, fines, law expenses, &c., total 29,6901., besides 20 years' imprisonment with great sickness. Also of his debts when his fine was set, 8,0907. 4 6 206 6 230 194 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 18 March 1650. Information that on 27 Feb. 1643, divers goods, money, and plate belonging to Lord Scudamore, delinquent, were seized in the chamber of Mr. Seaburne, of the Inner Temple, carried to Guildhall and delivered to the treasurers there, but no account has been given of them. SIR HEN. SKIPWITH, Southam. Assessed at 4007. - 28 Nov. 1645. Ordered to be brought in custody to pay his assessment. ** CHARLES THYNNE, Westminster. 29 Nov. To deposit of 3001. and give security to perform the same, or else to be committed. Assessed at 3007. 61 27 23 Jan. 1644. To be taken into custody to pay his assessment 2 237 18 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to secure his 3 295 assessment. 3 310 3 317 3 325, 327 4 Dec. 1644. On giving security for his forthcoming, to have liberty for 8 days to bring in a particular of his estate. 11 Dec. His assessment respited till he receive his estate, now under power of the King's forces. • His assessment discharged, his estate being in the hands of those with the King, and he having no estate to maintain him. 4 March 1646. His assessment respited till his estates in cos. Salop and Oxon are reduced from the power of the enemy. LADY THYNNE, Westminster, widow of Sir Thos. Thynne. Assessed at 1,000l. 9 Oct. 1643. The collectors who distrained her goods are to carry them to her house again, and to be no further employed in that business, and she is to appear on Wednesday to pay her assessment, Lord Howard having engaged that she shall perform the committee's orders. 11 Oct. Her assessment respited that she may prove her pay- ment of 600l. in the country for service of Parliament. 22 Sept. 1645. The 50l. assessed on her towards raising 20,000l. for the reducing of Oxford to be levied by distress on her estate. LADY VILLIERS. Assessed at 1007. 28 July 1643. Respited till further orders, on motion by Lord Denbigh on a report from the Committee for Examinations. SIR ABRAHAM WILLIAMS. Assessed at 50l. No proceedings - Vol. No. A or P. 5a 85 SIR FRAS. WILLIAMSON, Thistleworth. Assessed at 4007. 61 26 2 341 2 117 124 18 Oct. Further respite till she receives part of the estate of her late husband, she having been twice plundered in Gloucester- shire, and paid 6007. out of Chedder Manor, Somersetshire, 90 31 and having to take up money on interest to pay her household expenses. 4 443 61 22 2 106 2 107 4 268 61 23 61 23 - 61 24 61 24 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 195 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. 10 July 1643. R. 3. 51, 65. 8 Sept. 1643. The goods of Mr. Hurlston and his wife, distrained as those of Sir Francis, to be restored to him, Edm. Prideaux asserting Hurlston to be " a man of quality," who will only claim his own. 10 Oct. 1643. Edm. Winstanley deposing that two framed pictures, being the effigies of himself and his wife, seized and brought to Guildhall as the goods of Sir Francis, are his own goods ;-order that they be restored to him. 18 Sept. 1644. Sir Francis assessed at 8007. 6 Nov. 1644. Note that his goods sold for 1891. 9s., as is in- formed, but by Mr. Gosse's certificate for 1847. 9s. 8d.-and order for his discharge. 13 Jan. 1645. Ordered to make up 400l., his assessment, and then to be further heard. 28 Feb. 1645. Having paid, ordered to pay 1001. more, when his assessment will be discharged, and the sequestration taken off. 4 Feb. 1646. Summoned to appear on Monday, on petition of Mr. Henley. DR. WINSTON, Gresham College. Assessed at 5001. No proceedings SIR PETER WYCHE, or WICHE, Westminster. Assessed at 1,000l. 10 Oct. 1643. His goods to be distrained and taken away, unless Mr. Wheeler pay 1007., and the salary and charges of the collectors. 6 Feb. 1644. He being assessed for the of his goods, the money not paid, and the goods distrained and seized in his absence, and being since dead, leaving his lady in a dis- tressed condition, with many small children, and no real estate-order that on her paying in 1501., the goods and chattels be discharged, and the assessment respited till she make her protestation. 20 Sept. 1644. Assessed at 2007. 7 Oct. 1644. His assessment discharged, he having paid the former one. 12 Dec. 1646. Assessed at 8001. 29 Jan. 1647. Discharged on the same ground SIR EDW. YATES, Middlesex, and JAMES his Son. Assessed at 2,0007. 25 Jan. 1644. Ordered to pay in his assessment, and then to be further heard. - - 61 16 4 March 1644. His estate being under sequestration, order that he be allowed his liberty, on security for his appearance in 14 days, in which the business of the sequestration may be transacted. Vol. No. A or p. 2 85 15 April 1644. Ordered to make up his assessment, and what money is levied on his rents meantime is to be in part of his assessment. 2 107 65 168 24 61 65 168 4 10 4 61 ROB. WOOLRIDGE, or WOOLRICH, Gray's Inn. Assessed at 301. 61 22 2 Aug. 1643. He showed in discharge the treasurers' acquittance 61 22 for the 301. 4 417 61 24 2 106 2 253 65 173 3 253 71 52 5 183 61 22 2 238 3 34 3 81 N 2 196 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. ! 10 July 1643. o. 8 135 H. 4 203 R. 4 242 18 July 1643. 27 May 1644, The collectors of sequestrations in Middlesex are to pay in to the Committee for Advance of Money what moneys they have levied or received from his estate. 5 July 1644. Order that, being in arrear of his assessment, he be committed to Lambeth House; and also Rich. Lott, his tenant, who, notwithstanding notice given, has paid him 1007. rent. 12 July. Lott released, having paid in to the Committee for Advance of Money the 100%. rent, and promising 377. still due. 25 Nov. 1644. Wm. Comyn, of Claythorp, co. Lincoln, tenant to Yates at 1,0241. a year, having promised to pay his rent to this committee towards Yates' assessment, the tenants are to pay their rents and arrears to him, to enable him to pay his rent, a former order notwithstanding, and the committee's officers to assist in levying them in case of refusal. REP. 90 32, 33 25 April. On report that he had only a life estate in several lands in Middlesex, and that, he being deceased, the estate decends to Sir John Yates, a recusant,-order that the sequestration be taken off as concerning Sir Edward, and the estate sequestered de novo from Sir John Yates. 11 Dec. 1644. The tenants of Comyn to be brought up to pay their rents towards Sir E. Yates' assessment. 18 April 1645. The deeds concerning his sequestered lands to be brought in and examined. 2 June 1645. W. Wheeler and Palmer to pay in 1057. in their hands as before ordered, towards payment of Yates' assessment. 16 July 1645. Lane to repay to Geo. Lawrence, tenant to Sir John Yates, 142l. 17s. ild., paid by him for a half year's rent of the land he held of Sir Edward, who died last February, and the same descended to Sir John; and Lawrence to pay 951. 5s. 3d. to the Commissioners for Sequestrations for Middlesex, for of the rent sequestered by them, the other remaining here towards Sir Edward's assessment of 1,000l. 28 Nov. 1645. James Yates having given security to make up 1,9007. of his father, Sir Edw. Yates' assessment of 2,000l., in 14 days, the sequestration for non-payment of the to be dis- charged, he paying the officers' salary and charges. 2 17 March 1647. His assessment discharged, he having estate but from his father, Sir Edward, who paid his his lifetime. THOMAS BAKER, Covent Garden, Martin's Fields. Assessed at 5007. no in Vol. No. A-or p. 3 128 20 Sept. 1643. Order that his goods distrained be re-delivered on his paying the collectors 3d. in the pound on the full assessment, and all charges in distraint of his goods, his servant having promised that 150l. shall be paid in a week, which, with 1007. formerly lent, will be his, and he will abide the order of this committee, who have received a letter on his behalf from the Deputy-Lieutenant of Essex. 3 171 6 Oct. 1643. Order that he pay his assessment of 500l. forthwith. 9 Oct. Note of his deposit of 150l., and of 150l. paid for- merly. 3 174 3 301 3 327 4 126 9 Jan. 1646. James Yates summoned to pay an assessment of 71 3001. 90 4 132 133 4 169 4 206 4 340 7 34 5 220 - 61 36 2 96 2 104 75 95 15 Jan. 1644. His pictures at Guildhall and other things to 2 228 be restored to him, his assessment being fully paid. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 197 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 3 April 1644. The seizure on his estate in Holborn to be dis- charged, it having been long since conveyed to Ant. Stringer, Lord Craven's cook. 8 March 1654. Ordered the assessment paid in. 18 March. Certificates of his payment of 1507. 5 Oct. and 250l. 90 9 Oct. 1643, towards his 20th part. Public the Public Faith for the 4007. 61 36 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ELIZABETH and HELENA HARVEY. Assessed at 1507. each 2 Aug. 1643. They deposit 961. 13s. 4d. to make up 56l. 6s. 8d. lent 3 Dec. 1642, to the of their assessments, and this being paid in, order that both be discharged. 27 Feb. 1644. Again assessed at 6007. each 28 March 1644. Allowed ten days to bring in 2 of their estates on affidavit. 20 10 April 1644. They being assessed at 6001. each, and having paid a former assessment, and having an order for review, order for their discharge on payment of 501. more, without salary. 18 Oct. 1644. On information that they have parcels of money, plate, and jewels hidden or mured up in their house, order that the same be searched for, seized, and brought before the committee. SIR RICH. HOBART. Assessed at 150l. Noted as with the King Vol. No. A or P. 3 70 [CLEMENT] KINNERSLEY, Whitehall, Westminster. Assessed at 2007. 29 June 1644. His assessment respited 10 days 12 July 1644. His assessment discharged, he being an attendant on the Houses of Lords and Commons, and the committees of both, and there being much money due to him for these and other services. NATH. PARKHURST, Lincoln's Inn. 61 75 PAUL PARR, Martin's-in-the-Fields, RICE TAMETT. Parr assessed at 1507. 61 81 3 64 3 75 JAS. HUNT, Long Acre, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1007. 2 64 21 Aug 1643. His assessment respited till he is paid 1207. due to him for the billetting of Col. Martin's troop of horse upon him. 90 36 3 265 - 61 36 61 35 36 35 · 61 Assessed at 2501. - 61 8 Aug. 1643. Order in the House of Commons that as he volun- 90 tarily advanced his full, he be recommended to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money to give him all the ease they can in the sum assessed on him. 22 Sept. 1643. No further prosecution of his assessment to be 75 had till further order, as he had horses value 381. listed 29 Nov. 1642, and paid 627. for supply of Sir Wm. Waller. 35 3 163 3 176 & 36 32 37 87 4 Nov. 1643. Order that he attend the committee on Monday to 2 135 satisfy his assessment of 2501. 24 Jan. 1644. To be taken into custody for non-payment 2 287 · 61 35 198 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. 18 July 1643. Vol. No. A or P. 14 Aug. 1643. Note of Parr's deposit of 107. in part of his 75 45 assessment. 23 Aug. Order that his assessment he discharged, he paying 151. to make up what he has already paid to 201., that being his proportion on oath. Also Tamett's assessment to be discharged, and the clerk to repay him 24s. deposited, as it appears by affidavit that 187. is his 20. LADY ST. JOHN, Shoreditch. LADY MARY SKINNER, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 100l. No proceedings. Assessed at 1001. - 61 28 July 1643. Note of her deposit of 501. for her, and order 75 that 101. be returned her, and the other 401. paid in discharge of her assessment. THOS. TRINCKER, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1001. 9 Aug. 1643. Note of his deposit of 201. 13 Aug. He having deposited 201., which by his affidavit appears to be his, order that 40s. be repaid, and the remainder accepted in discharge of his assessment. LADY VAUGHAN, Shoreditch. - HEN. VERNON, of the Temple, Justice Vernon's heir. Assessed at 2501. 18 Oct. 1643. Again assessed at 1,000l. 24 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 18 Sept. 1646. To be brought in custody for non-payment - 61 36 WM. WARD, Martin's-in-the-Fields, and Boreham, Essex. Assessed at 1507. 27 July 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment CERT. 90 41 1 Nov. 1643. He petitions for discharge therefrom. Has lived in Boreham for some years, and been taxed there for his, but being a household servant of His Majesty, has a chamber in Whitehall, and is taxed at 150l. as a resident, though he has no estate value 201. within 20 miles of London. 2 56 38 38a, b 61 35 90 · 61 35 75 40 3 50 90 39 Assessed at 501. 28 July 1643. Note of her deposit of 251. for her, and order that this, with 51. more to be paid, be in discharge of her assessment. 14 Aug. 1643. Note of payment of the said 57. - 75 - 1 Nov. Discharged as requested 10 Feb. 1645. His discharge renewed, he having been formerly assessed and discharged, and living only in Essex. 61 75 SIR MICHAEL WHARTON, Fulham, Middlesex, and Beverley Park, co. York, and MICHAEL WHARTON, his Son. Sir Michael assessed at 5001. 34 29 - 61 32 63 73 2 237 5 105 34 29 45 Q + 61 36 90 40 90 42 2 131 34 4 1 May 1646. To be brought up to pay his assessment 5 29 43 13 May. Affidavit by him that he is not worth 1007., just debts 90 of 2,000l. or 3,000l. duly paid. 61 33 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 199 18 July 1643. P.E. 90 43 a, b. REC. 90 43 c. 25 July 1643. 25 July 1643. 25 July 1643. 3 Feb. 1644. Whereas plate of his, value 8001., was seized and carried to Guildhall, and he is assessed at 5001. for his estate in Yorkshire, from which he receives no rents-order that the said assessment be discharged. 71 77 11 May 1647. Sir Michael again assessed at 2,0007. 75 14 May. The heirs and executors of Michael Wharton assessed 71 at 6001. 7 25 May 1649. Sir Michael to be sequestered for non-payment of his assessment. 12 Oct. 1649. Being assessed at 2,000l., he appears, and produces the order of 3 Feb. 1644, but the committee find on examination that the plate was seized for his delinquency, and is therefore not allowable on his; that he was not then assessable, as living more than 20 miles from London; that he has since compounded, but now ought to compound with them for his 20, according to particulars given in at Goldsmiths' Hall, the said order notwithstanding. 19 Oct. Order that on his paying 3651., in addition to the 1351. paid to Jos. Beverley, his assessment of 2,000l. be dis- charged, and his sequestration taken off. THOS. BOWNEST, Putney, and JOHN, ELIZ., and HENRY ELWAYES, Tottenham, his Wards. Bownest assessed at 1,0007. 20 Dec. He, as guardian of the two Elwayes, having deposited 5 June 1644, two sums of 2501. and 2471. 8s. more, being the of the 2 estates, order that on payment thereof, the 2 assess- ments be discharged, and the Public Faith given for the 7471.8s. 20 63 14 Aug. 1643. Order that if he deposit 5001 on Wednesday, he 75 be not prejudiced, though the 10 days are expired. 15 Jan. 1645. Granted 14 days to pay in the rest of the Elwayes' assessments. 14 May 1645. Mr. Elwayes to be brought in custody, and his assessment secured. Vol. No. A or P. 2 251 15 May 1644. John and Eliz. Elwayes each assessed at 5007. - 65 9 16 Dec. 1644. Bownest to be brought in custody to answer matters objected against him. 3 331 21 July 1645. Bownest re-assessed at 6001. 6 March 1646. Hen. Elwayes to pay in 50l., his assessment, and be heard. Mr. Elwayes paying in 207. more than the 50l. paid to be dis- charged, and have the Public Faith for the 701. JOHN CARPENTER, Martyn, Surrey. Assessed at 1,000l. No proceedings *7 298 SIR EDWARD and LADY GRESHAM, Titsey, Surrey. He assessed at 3507., and she at 150%. No Proceedings 37 16 Also his own assessment of 1,000l. to be discharged on payment 3 335 of 54l., he having paid 900l. to Mr. Newinan, and 467. in co. Herts. 3 65 31 69 2 44 59 4 444 4 444 1646? Note that he had the Public Faith in full, because his 65 9 time expired only by reason of the dispute between this committee and the committee for Surrey. 4 12 63 334 9 4 155 63 CI to 200 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. • 25 July 1643. P. 2 217. GEORGE MYNN, Epsom, Surrey. Assessed at 1,000l. 3 Oct. 1643. Order that if Sir Rob. Parkhurst pay by Thursday 500l., of Mynn's assessment, and undertake to pay as much more as this committee thinks fit, with the collectors' salary of 3d. in the pound on all assessments, and all charges, the re- straint on the estate be discharged. With note that Parkhurst refusing this, distress is to be made for the assessment. 13 Oct. The Camden House collectors claim fees for the wire seized of Mynn. Also Mynn being assessed at 1,000l., and the wire distrained sold for 1,850l. (or 1,8511. 3s. 7½d.); order that Sam. Gosse pay 1,000l. of the money coming in from the wire to the Guildhall Treasurers, and they give acquittances to persons whose moieties were borrowed by this committee, and paid for Aylesbury garrison. 18 Oct. Mr. Gosse to require payment of the 800l. still unpaid for the wire, and if it is not paid to-morrow, to sell 800l. worth of wire, and bring the money to this committee. 21 Oct. Order that if the 850l. balance for the wire is not paid to-day, the whole parcel of wire is to be brought to Haberdashers' Hall to be sold. ♫ 17 Oct. Order that as 8007. has been borrowed from Haber- 90 44 dashers' Hall to repay sums lent for the army on an order of 7 July last, and 800l. for payment of Windsor, as recom- mended by the House of Commons, as also 800l., part of 1,000l. for Aylesbury garrison, the 1,8501. received for Mynn's wire go towards repaying these moneys. Vol. No. A • 63 23 Jan. The 507. allowed for discovery of Mynn's tin [wire] to be divided between Ford and Mills, who took as much pains as Ford. or P. 2 2 102 21 Dec. 1643. Mynn promising an affidavit of his estate, and 2 199 payment of what is due, he is to be discharged. 6 Feb. 1644. The difference between Ford and Mills referred to 3 of the Sequestration Commissioners. 17 Feb. Ford is to bring in the said 50l. to the Committee for Advance of Money, it not appearing due to him, and he is to be committed to Peter House till he pays, Mills having an equal interest in the discovery. 2 111 2 112 45 29 Dec. Order that Wm. Ford, collector of the committee 2 207 who discovered the wire belonging to Sir Basil Brooke and 90 Geo. Mynn, be allowed 50l., being 12d. in the pound on the 1,000l. paid in therefrom, and after the same rate for the other 8517., when it comes to the use of the State. 9 Jan. 1644. William, Lord Say and Seale, to Wm. Stroude. 90 Let the committee know that for the 2001. of the 1,000l. men- tioned in the draft of an Ordinance which Sir Rob. Harley showed me, I knew nothing of it, but the 8001. Harley lent for the setting forth of Sir William Waller at night, when it was greatly needed to make up the 1,000l. which he had at his first setting forth, when my Lord-General went towards Newport. John Carter came to me to Haberdashers' Hall, and told me he would pay the 800l. to Harley, without which I told him he could not have the wire. He said it was too dear; yet as a friend of his laid down the 1,000l., he would take it and pay the rest. The wire was put into Harley's hands for the 8001. and this 2007.; therefore I thought an Ordinance should be passed in Haberdashers' Hall for the 1,000l. 12 June 1644. Mills to be allowed 18. in the pound on 8501. residue of the proceeds of the wire which he discovered. 2 118 2 120 9 Jan. The wire to be delivered to Sir Rob. Harley till paid 2 222 the 8007. he lent for the army. 2 235 46 2 254 3 9 3 147 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 201 25 July 1643. E.W. 5 154 DEP. 90 47, 48 CASE 90 49, 50 PR. 90 52 o. 5 172 o. 5 179 21 June 1644. Mr. Carter to pay in 10 days to Sir Rob. Harley 4001. due for Mynn's wire bought by him, and Carter is to have no money from Haberdashers' Hall till this be paid. 21 Nov. 1646. No person to pay in any money or goods to Geo. Mynn, but to detain them till further order. Sir Hum. Foster to detain all his debt. 27 Nov. On information that John Massingbeard, [merchant of London], treasurer to the East India Company, holds 3.0007. belonging to Mynn, he is to detain this and all other moneys owing to Mynn till further order. 30 Nov. The house of Mr. Arnold, Islington, co. Dorset, to be searched for papers, books, &c., concerning the Office of the Hanaper, wherein Rob. Squibb, Geo. Mynn, Sir John Baker, and other delinquents are concerned, to seal them up in pre- sence of 2 of the County Committee and bring them to this committee. Mr. Lane to pay 101. to the officers towards their expenses in excuting the order. 29 Dec. 1646. Order in Parliament, on report from the Com- mittee for Advance of Money that Mynn is a delinquent, and his estate should be sequestered, that out of the 4,000l. pay- able to him by Sir Hum. Foster, Buls. Whitelocke have 2,0001. for his losses in the late troubles, and Sir John Meyrick, M.P., the remainder of the 4,000l. That Mynn be required to de- liver up all the papers he holds relating to Foster's estate, that they may be returned to him on his payment of the 4,0007. This done, the House will consider about admitting him to a composition for his delinquency. Foster to be indemnified for paying in the money as ordered. [Printed in Commons' Journals, Vol. V. p. 32.] 1 Jan. 1647. Sir John Hippesley to have of the debt due by Foster to Mynn, and discovered by him; Mynn to bring in Foster's evidences, as required. 9 Jan. Warrant to Mr. Lane, the treasurer, to pay the sums ordered to Whitelock and Meyrick, which shall be allowed on his account. Also the Camden House Committee to make no further seizure on Mynn's estate, he being ordered to make his composition. Like orders to the Commissioners for Surrey, Bristol, Hert- ford, and Carmarthen. 16 Jan. Order that Mynn appear before the committee, and bring in particulars of his estate and debts. Vol. No. A or P. 3 157 5 154 5 141 1 Jan. Information that Mynn has a judgment of 10,0001. on the estate of Sir John Winter. 21 22 Jan. The particulars given in by him referred for examina- tion, and the County Commissioners for Surrey to appear on Friday. 5 154 5 155 5 90 2 Jan. Particulars of the case relating to Massingbeard's debt 90 53 9 Jan. Order in Parliament that Mynn compound for de- 5 169 linquency with the Committee for Advance of Money, 90 54 according to the directions given to the Commissioners for Compounding. 5 166 167 165 51 22 Jan. Particulars of his estate and debts; with note that, 90 being an officer, a third part is to be taken, [which is cal- culated at 16,3671. 3s. 10d.] 80 5 170 5 174 21 Jan. The County Commissioners for Surrey ask whether 90 55 his estate is to be sold, that they may take care of the third part, which by Order of Parliament belongs to the county. 56 5 179 Jan. Geo. Mynn petitions the House of Commons. The 90 57 oppressions by persons lately in power did not make him adhere to the enemy; always lived in Parliament quarters, &c., and had in iron and wire 8,000l. in Bristol, 17,000l. in Car- marthen, and 15,000l. in Monmouthshire, total 40,000l. On 202 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 July 1643. P.D. 90 60-62 P.E. 90 63 -72 CERT. 90 73-75 GEO. MYNN-cont. the King's taking of Bristol, all this was seized and sold. In July 1643, there being no orders to the contrary, he petitioned the King to free his goods, followed him to Gloucester, was sent prisoner to Oxford for his compliance with Parliament, and kept 6 weeks, but lost the whole estate seized, save that he accepted an enforced security put on him by Lord Herbert for 5,000l. On account of these addresses to the King, he is declared a delinquent, and a debt of which but is his, disposed of, but he is admitted to compound. Begs that that debt-he undertaking to satisfy the other party for his . may be accepted as the fine for his delinquency. 1 2 the 90 [10] Feb. 1647. Certificate by Sir Rob. Parkhurst that debts of Thos. Brocas, and Sir Hum. Foster, and all that of Sir Basil Brook, and Sir John Winter are his own proper money. Like certificate of Thos. Webbe that the debt of Almott Clench 90 of 1,8007. on mortgage is his money. 12 Feb. Mynn to bring in the writings he has for Lord Howard's debt and Massingbeard's bond, and to perfect his particulars. 19 Feb. He is to deliver the deeds concerning a debt of 4,150l. by Edward Lord Howard, which was sequestered by this committee before he was referred to make a composition, and also the bond whereby Massingbeard is bound to pay him 3,000l. 20 Feb. Note of his delivery of the said mortgage and bond, and promise to bring in the other documents required. Lord Howard allowed of his debt, he having discovered it. 26 Feb. The clerk to write to the committee where his estates lie, to take off the sequestrations on the debts in the particular for which he has compounded. Massingbeard to pay in his 3,000l. in a week. Vol. No. A or P. 1 March 1647. Bond of Geo. Mynn that as the fine of 4,936l. is 90 set upon him, to which he submits and has paid in 1,5007., whereupon the sequestration of his estates is discharged, he will pay the residue at the times ordered, and any further fine set on him by Parliament. 2 April 1647. Massingbeard is to bring in his 3,000l., and it is to be locked up with the bond in an iron chest, till the House of Commons or this committee take further order. 58 5 192 59 5 195 March? Lord Howard requests that as the 4,1507. is due to him 90 as discoverer, the other 1, 2,075l., may be allowed him in satis- faction of 4,000l. losses in Parliament service. 25 June. The bond to be delivered up to Massingbeard, and he indemnified for paying the 3000l. to this committee. 3 Sept. 1647. 40s. to be paid to Joan > she pretending to have made a discovery of Myun's delinquency. 5 196 5 197 5 198 5 202 5 203 1 March. Order that Thos. Hodges report the case to the House, and inform them that Lord Howard first discovered his own 90 78 debt; that Mynn only brought it in at 1,3331. 13s. 4d., but after- wards owned it at 4,150l., so that they may take order therein. Also that Massingbeard's 3,000l. and the 8517. balance from sale of wire, was sequestered before Mynn was ordered to com- pound. 76 77 March? Proposed Order in Parliament that Mynn, being ad- 90 80-83 mitted to a fine for his delinquency, his pardon be prepared, with restitution of estate, except advowsons, but not to free him from composition for under-valuations, or omissions in the particulars of his estate. 79 5 232 11 June 1647. The officers to have their salary for the 3,000l. 5 270 paid by Massingbeard, as due to Mynn. 5 271 5 284 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 203 25 July 1643. 17 March 1649. Parliament Order that the remainder of Mynn's fine be called in, and paid by the Treasurers at War to the Mayor of Berwick, for repairing the fortifications of the garrison. 20 March. The executors of the late George Mynu to appear and satisfy the remainder of the fine due on his composition. 7 April 1649. The executors to pay in 3,464l., residue of his fine in 14 days. 11 April. Petition of Anne Mynn, widow, and Thos. Webbe, administrator to George Mynn. Beg abatement of the fine, on account of losses of 40,0001. by the King's party, and the 16,000l. in ready money or securities deposited, already paid to Parliament. Most of the debts being in the hands of desperate men, they beg acceptance of 1,4361. now, and 2,0007. on Midsummer-day next. Granted. 13 April. Order in Parliament that all the rest of Mynn's fine as well that ordered for Sir John Meldrum, but not yet paid to his heir, as all the residue, be paid to the Mayor of Berwick for the fortifications. 20 April. Committee for Advance of Money to Thos. Webbe, executor of Geo. Mynn. The Council of State writes us that 7007. is wanted to make up moneys for the forces in the North of Ireland. We gave you till Midsummer to pay the remainder of Mynn's fine, but we must beg you to advance 650l. in 4 or 5 days, and we will give you equivalent prolon- gation of time for the remainder. 4 May 1649. On a Parliament Order of 21 Nov. 1646, 1007. to be paid to Sir John Meyrick from Mynn's fine, which, with 2001. paid before, is to be in discharge for his share in the discovery. 17 Dec. 1649. Information that the late George Mynn omitted from his composition 1,7007., for which Sir Thos. Nightingale mortgaged to him the manor of Burnt Pelham, co. Herts. 13 April. Sir John Meyrick to the Committee for Advance 90 of Money. On my discovery to the House of Commons of Mynn's delinquency, they ordered me a share of his estate, but not wishing to be greedy in demanding my arrears, I sub- mitted myself to you, and you ordered me 3001. of which I have only received 2001. As his executors are paying in more money, I beg the other 1007. Vol. No. A or p. 24 228 C 6 259 6 289 90 84 90 85 6 261 24 224 24 90 31 May 1650. Anne Mynn and Thos. Webbe beg confirmation by the House of the composition made, and also leave to com- pound for the mortgage of Lord Howard's lands, which now lies dead in the committee's hands. and then restoration of the mortgage and all other writings, and discharge of Mynn's delinquency. His fine was at of his personalty and 2 years' value of his real estate 4,9367., of which he paid 1,5007. and they have paid the rest, but this mortgage was not allowed to to be compounded for. Beside the fine, Parliament had 4,3007. Sir H. Foster's debt, 30001. Massingbeard's, and 8591. surplus of assessment, total, 13,0957. 10 96 46 6 310 21 323 87 LET. 24 78 31 May. Order for a letter to Lord Howard to desire his 8 355 attendance on Wednesday, when Webbe will be heard about this debt. 5 June 1650. Order on hearing both sides that the committee 8 376 adhere to the orders of the late committee as to the sequestra- tion of the debt, and Lord Howard is to be heard touching the payment. July 1650. Committee for Advance of Money to Lord Howard. 24 83 You are to pay in the debt by 14 Aug., and we will provide for your indemnity. 204 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE. OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 July 1643. LET. 24 87 H. 9 126 136 149 211 LET. 90 89 CASE 90 94 CERT. 90 97 REP. 90 98 o. 17 98 GEO. MYNN-cont. 2 Aug. 1650. Anne Mynn and Thos. Webbe, as guardians of 90 George, son and heir of George Mynn, petition on his behalf for leave to compound for the mortgage, the rather that since the father's death, they have been compelled to pay 2,000l. of the mortgage money which was lent by strangers. 2 Aug. The case to be considered on Wednesday week, and Lord Howard to be requested to attend. 4 Sept. 1650. The estate to be sequestered till the debt is paid, and a letter sent to Lord Howard that, unless he pay it in 14 days, the commissioners will execute the sequestration. 29 Nov. 1650. The registrar to state the business concerning Mynn's composition, relating to the proportion of or . 6 Dec. On motion of the executors as to whether Mynn should be fined at or 3, the case to be reported to Parliament, unless the executors will abide the judgment of this committee without further appeal. Order as to Lord Howard's debt, on hearing him, that as Parlia- ment allowed him as discoverer, he pay 4001. in a month, and 2,8007. in yearly sums of 700l., and Mynns's executors give him a discharge of the debt. 18 Dec. The executors are to give Massingbeard a release from his debt, paid long since. 3 Dec. 1650. Committee for Advance of Money to Lord Howard. 24 90 We have written divers letters to you about this debt, but got no satisfaction. We wish you would make speedy payment, and tell us what you intend; we must else levy it on your estate, which will bring a further charge on you. 21 Feb. 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to Lord How- ard. A month having elapsed and you having paid no part of your debt, we must proceed to sequestration unless prevented by payment. Vol. No. A or P. 88 18 April 1651. John Evett, of Woodhall, co. Worcester, to pay in a debt of 6001. due to Geo. Mynn and not compounded for. 30 April. Order that if Lord allowed him in part of his given for 5007. 9 65, Howard pay in 400l., 1007. be as discoverer, and the receipt be 9 113 9 248 9 270 26 Feb. Lord Howard allowed till the end of April to pay the 10 60 4001., as he cannot pay it till his rents come in. 90 92 9 273 90 90 9 298 90 91 24 101 10 218 90 93 10 234 12 June 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to Lord 24 132 Howard. Your first instalment of 7007. has not been paid. If 90 95 you do not observe the times of payment, we must levy the whole sum on your estate. 12 July 1651. County Commissioners on order of the Committee 86 for Advance of Money, sequestered Lord Howard's estate for non-payment of the debt of 2,800l. 31 20 Jan. 1652. John Williams petitions that he has an annuity 90 96 of 20 marks payable out of Escrigg Manor, co. York, which was paid from 1629 till last Martinmas, when it was in default, because the lands of Lord Howard, Baron of Escrigg, are sequestered. Begs an order for payment. 22 Jan. Order referring the petitioner's claim to [John] Reading 11 107 to report, the estate being sequestered for a debt due to George Mynn, delinquent. 30 Jan. Order that the deed named in the report be 11 161 allowed, and Williams paid his annuity, with arrears since sequestration. 26 May 1652. On petition of Rob. Squibb, one of the wit- 11 402 nesses in Mynn's case, for restoration of a trunk of private 90 99 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 205 25 July 1643. LET. 90 100 o. 12 135 CERT. 90 100 28 July 1643. papers, brought up with others required for his examina- tion;-Order that the registrar peruse the writings named, and report. 31 July 1643. Vol. No. A or P. 7 July 1652. On report from the County Commissioners of 12 5 York that they have levied on Lord Howard's estate by seques- tration 2981. 10s. towards the 2,8001. due of the debt of 4,0001. (deducting 8001. for the and 400l. already paid), and an offer of Chas. Howard, of Norwood, co. York, to pay 6001. a year, if he may hold the lands till the debt is paid-order that if he give in a bond in 4,000l. to make the said payment, he be allowed to hold the lands, but in default of payment, they are to revert to the State. 11 Sept. 1652. Committee for Advance of Money to the County 25 26 Commissioners of York. You are to pay the 3007. to the treasurers of Goldsmiths' Hall, now our treasurers, but to state in all payments whether they are on order from the Commissioners for Compounding or Committee for Advance of Money, as the accounts are kept distinct. 102 14 April 1653. Order that as the sums received, including 12 349 3001. lately received by Ralph Rymer before the order of 90 101 7 July, reduce the debt to 1,9017. 10s., and as Lord Howard and Chas. Howard offer to pay this in 2 years, or sooner if they find a purchaser for the land, provided they may have the writings delivered up,-they be delivered on bond in 4,0007. With receipt by Lord Edw. Howard and Chas. Howard for the bond, 20 April 1653. o. 12 417 14 Sept. 1653. On Webbe's statement that he, being only ad- 13 1 ministrator, has no right to sign the release, which should be done by the husbands of Mynn's two daughters, who are his heirs at law;-Order on Brereton's report that Webbe sign it, and be indemnified against the co-heirs and their husbands. 3 Aug. 1653. Order that as the Howards are in treaty for sale 12 403 of the lands, to effect which they require a release from Thos. Webbe, a draft of which they have presented, that the draft be referred to Peter Brereton, and a copy sent to Webbe to take exceptions, and then he is to appear, and sign and seal it. 14 March 1654. On Lord Howard's request to pay 9017. 10s. 13 82 now, and the other 1,000l. 14 April 1655, provided he may have the former bond delivered up and cancelled-order that it be granted, on bond of the Howards to pay the 1,000l. on 14 April 1655, or earlier if they receive the purchase-money; the bond to be restored on payment. 15 March. This being done, the former bond is to be delivered 13 83 up and cancelled. WM. COURTEEN, Langborne Ward. Order that he pay 3001. to make up with the 1001. already paid 89 117 400l., and 1001. more to make up his, when order will be given about the residue. CERT. 90 104 31 July 1643. Whereas he was first assessed at 1,000l. and then 2 47 the collectors thought 4001. as much as he would afford, which 90 103 he has paid, and whereas most of his estate lies in foreign parts, or under power of the enemy, order that the 4001. be accepted, and 1007. returned to him [he having deposited 5007., his MARG. DANIELL, Widow, Covent Garden. Assessed at 1507. 2 Feb. 1644. Order that if any party of repute will come and give security for payment of her assessment, she be discharged of her assessment and further heard. 61 38 2 249 206 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 July 1543. R. 4 175 31 July 1643. 31 July 1643. 31 July 1643. 31 July 1643. P.G. 90 106 P.D. 107 } DEP. 90 108 31 July 1643. LADY ALICE DUDLEY, Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1507. 13 Sept. 1643. Note of her deposit of 150l., in full of her 75 assessment. 15 Sept. Discharged on showing acquittances for the 1507. 28 Nov. 1644. Again assessed at 8001. 4 Dec. 1644. This assessment discharged, she having been formerly assessed and discharged. 16 June 1645. Her business to be heard, and some of the Savoy Committee to be desired to be then heard. 28 June. To be sequestered for non-payment of her assessment - 25 July 1645. Ordered to pay 50l. to the Savoy Committee, or to show cause. EVERARD FAULKNER, Cornhill, or Couzens Lane. Assessed at 1001. 7 Aug. 1643. His assessment discharged, on showing acquit- tances for 601. and other contributions, he having been plundered by the King's forces in the country. 23 Feb. 1644. Order that his assessment of 5001. (sic) be dis- charged for 607. lent by him on the propositions, and 1001. lent in Rutlandshire, he being very forward in all contributions, having been formerly assessed and also plundered, and coming hither for safety. SIR JOHN FAREWELL, Hoxton, Middlesex. Assessed at 1007. 23 Nov. 1643. His estate being under power of the King's army, his assessment to be forborne till it is freed. Vol. No. A or P. - 61 38 74 · WM. GARRETT, Mughill Street. - 61 Assessed at 1001. 9 Feb. 1644. Fras. Beedon, his servant, to be brought up in custody for refusing to pay his rent to the committee towards Garrett's assessment. 133 31 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment - 3 14 Aug. 1646. Again assessed at 601. 71 36 2 Oct. 1646. Order repeated for him to be brought in custody 5 112 3 Nov. 1645. Garrett having made up 501., half of his assess- ment of 100l., order that he be discharged from sequestration. 38 67 64 3 317 HEN. PITCHFORD, Leonard's, Shoreditch. Assessed at 301. - 28 Aug. 1643. His assessment discharged, as it appears by affi- davit and particulars that he is debtor more than his whole estate. SIR ROWLAND ST. JOHN, Shoreditch. Assessed at 1601. No proceedings 4 181 4 183 4 215 8 Feb. 1644. Bond by Sir John in 2007. to John Hunt, serjeant- 90 105 at-arms attending the House of Commons, in whose custody he now is, for his appearance on notice left at his house. 61 39 75 37 - 61 39 2 160 3 21 61 38 2 261 4 311 61 38, 39 2 66 13 Sept. 1643. Deposition that he was heard to swear that he 90 109 had 801. a year; that the fee simple of his house in Moorfields is 301., and that he confessed a judgment to avoid payment of his assessment. - 61 39 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.—CASES. 207 31 July 1643. o.c. 2 129 31 July 1643. THOS. SQUIRE, the Welyard, Little St. Bartholomew's. Assessed at 6001. 18 Aug. 1643. On information that 4,000l. has been seized by Col. Edm. Harvey in his house, and that he has contributed 851. 12s. Od.; order that the balance, being 514l. 8s. Od., be sent forthwith by Harvey, and that the residue of the money be safely kept till further order. LADY ELIZ. SYDLEY, Highgate, and SIR WM. SYDLEY, Bart., Temple Bar. 31 July 1643. Lady Sydley assessed at 1,5007. R. 75 84 9 Oct. 1643. Lady Sydley being brought up in custody, by warrant from the Committee for Examinations, to be released, Sir Ant. Weldon undertaking that she shall appear and pay the assessment. - 61 38 44 11 Aug. 1643. Order for her respite till the committee speak 75 with the assessors. 2 106 16 and 17 Oct. Note of her appearances, but not being brought before the committee. 18 Oct. On her paying 375l., to make, with 3751. formerly lent, her assessment-order that she be allowed to make oath as to her proportion. 1 Nov. 1643. Order on her affidavit that 3751. is her full propor- tion, that the 3751. deposited be returned to her. 10 Nov. Sir Wm. Sydley assessed at 1,0007. 3 July 1645. Sir Ant. Weldon [Sir Wm. Sydley's guardian] to the Committee for Advance of Money:-I sent your letter to the lady, who says that she has received no ticket, nor has she or Sir William been within 20 miles of London since she acquitted herself by oath at Haberdashers' Hall, and the house has been long since tenanted. A plentiful fortune has soon been swallowed up by necessary payments, not only the ward's [Sir Wm. Sydley's] estate and the lady's jointure, but she is engulphed in the usurer's books, which, I believe, is unprecedented in the kingdom. 11 July. Sir William being assessed at 1,000l. for his and 2, and it appearing that most of his estate is under power of the King's army, and for what is under power of Parliament his guardian pays 1,1601. a year to the Court of Wards ;-order that the assessment be discharged, and neither he nor his guardian further troubled. Vol. No. A or P. 38 2 55 61 2 Jan. 1650. His assessment discharged, as it appears that he is no delinquent, and by the Ordinance of 5 June 1648, the assess- ment is only to be levied on delinquents. ELIZ. WISEMAN, Shoreditch. 2 114 2 117 9 July. Sir Anthony to say what he shall pay, and where, 4 197 put a period therein, and certify this committee. 4 199 2 132 63 91 90 110 11 April 1649. Sir William Sydley again assessed at 1,0007. - 71 96 26 Dec. 1649. He summoned to pay 17 28 со со 8 98 Assessed at 1007. 39 2 53 15 Aug. 1643. Order that as she has been assessed at 1007. as an inhabitant of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, but does not live 90 111 within 20 miles of London, and has only 801. a year within the said compass; also as her pastures have been digged up for turfs for a great fort for the safety of the city-her assessment of 1001. be discharged on payment of 167., the of her annual revenue. 31 Aug. Acquittances shewn for payment of the 167. 61 - 61 39 208 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 July 1643. 31 July 1643. DEP. 91 2a, 2b 26 Aug. 1644. Again assessed at 1501. 18 Sept. 1644. Order for her discharge from this latter assess- ment on account of the former. HENRY SOMERSET, 10th Earl and 1st Marquis of Worcester; EDWARD SOMERSET LORD HERBERT, 11th Earl and 2nd Marquis of Worcester; and HENRY LORD HERBERT, of Raglan. Inventory of the goods and chattels of Earl Henry, a 91 1 delinquent, seized for the State, with their valuation 275l. 19s. 9d., and note that they sold for 2587. 19s. 9d., of which Serj. John Glynn bought to the value of 235l. 5s. 3d. 1645? Instructions for the demanding of the rents of their 91 2 estates in co. Worcester, for 1643 to 1645, with the replies of the tenants thereto, 17 Nov. 1645. Earl Henry assessed at 10,0001. 20 Nov. 1647. On information that several cabinets, trunks, and boxes of goods belonging to the Earl of Worcester are in the house of Mat. Herbert of Wood Street;-order that they be seized, secured, and inventoried. 1 Feb. 1648. Information of sundry arrears of tithes in co. Worcester due for the years 1643-5, to the late Earl of Wor- cester from 7 persons who held the tithes on rentals varying from 307. to 400l. a year. 10 May 1648. Order to accept 401. as the rent of a farm of 1007. a year, held by Wm. Martyn of Evesham, from the Earl of Worcester, as Martyn suffered great losses for adhering to Parliament, and many of his crops were burnt by the enemy. 10 May. Wm. Walmore, tenant to the Earl for tithes in Evesham at 221. a year, to be discharged on payment of 117., having suffered much from free quarter by the King's forces. 21 June 1648. Order that Giles Pidgeon, one of the holders, pay in 401. arrears due for Badsey tithes. 29 June. Order renewed, on pain of being brought up in custody to answer his contempt. 25 July 1648. Order that 51. 6s. 8d. be paid to [Stephen] Kirk for charges in summoning the Earl's tenants. 2 16 Jan. 1649. Ste. Kirk, who married the widow and adminis- tratrix of Capt. Rich. Hill, to have 107., of 201. paid in by Giles Pidgeon, as an arrear of rent due to the Earl, and dis- covered by Kirk, towards the arrears due to Capt. Hill, for service to Parliament. 23 May 1649. The collector for the committee at Westminster to give in the original inventory of the Earl's goods sold by that committee. Vol. No. A or P. 65 153 3 240 69 108 5 304 21 92 - 5 434 5 435 6 15 6 140 6 26 6 153 7 2 15 Jan. 1653. County Commissioners of Devonshire complain 91 3 that the purchasers on the Act for Sale of Chulmleigh barton and lodge, belonging to the Earl, disturb the tenant to whom they had previously let it for 7 years; beg redress, or it will damp the spirits of those who meddle with public work. 13 May 1646. Information by Thos. Lindsey that Earl Henry has 21 1,500l. a year made over to him by WM. SMALLMAN, of Kin- nersley, co. Hereford, in lieu of 6,000l. lent him 8 years since. 16 March 1649. Information by Ludowick Lloyd that the widow 91 and executrix of Wm. Smallman, owes the Earl 5,7147., with interest. 69 4 22 March. Information repeated by Ant. Harrison 21 178 6 Sept. 1650. Certificate by the County Commissioners that they 91 5 have viewed the deeds relating to Smallman's lease, that 4001. a COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 209 31 July 1643. ACCTS. 91 6 I E.W. 28 124 O.C.C. 91 14 year was to be paid to the Earl, and that the estates now pay 4001. a year to the State. That Smallman's personal estate was compounded for with the County Commissioners, and his widow, now wife of Capt. John Booth, paid 701. for her per- sonalty. Also that the Commissioners for Compounding have discharged Capt. Booth from delinquency. 15 May 1646. Information that THOS. WIGMORE, Shobdon, co. Hereford, owes Lord Herbert 2,500l. 21 70 22 June 1646. Wigmore summoned to pay in the 2,5007. 5 90 16 March 1649. Information by Ludovic Lloyd that Thos. 91 4 Wigmore owes the late Earl 1,2007., with interest. 22 March. Information repeated by Ant. Harrison 6 June 1649. Order that as he owes the late Earl 2,100l., beside interest, and has delayed or refused to pay, the sum be again demanded; and in case of refusal, recovered from the rents of his estate, and the sale of his goods and chattels. 25 July 1649. Sequestration discharged on proof that Shobdon Mansion House, with the grounds, is in jointure to Amy, mother of Thos. Wigmore, and that all the goods therein are her goods. Vol. No. A or P. 21 178 7 33 7 185 24 Oct. 1649. Amy and Thos. Wigmore complain that, this order 91 7 notwithstanding, the former sequestrators, with Mr. Codd, an agent for the Irish Committee, on some ancient order, have seized Amy's cattle, and locked up her barns, towards the said debt, though Thomas is now on composition for his reversion of the estate, and have exacted large sums from them. Beg that they may be no further molested. 60 24 Oct. The Committee for Advance of Money complain to 24 the County Commissioners that in spite of the discharge, 91 8 one of their officers exacts money from Wigmore, and beg that he may be punished for exorbitancies so injurious to the people. REC. 91 9 3 Dec. 1649. Trustees for Irish affairs to the Committee for 91 10 Advance of Money. You accuse our agent of corruption in reference to Amy Wigmore's jointure manor of Shobdon; his vindication is that there has been failure of producing the evi- dences to prove her claim thereto. There is a rent of 1601. due from the manor to the Earl of Worcester, whose right is vested in us by Parliament, and we therefore desire that the rents may be paid us according to the Ordinance. 30 Oct. Information by Col. Purefoy and Edw. Cole that 21 312 Thos. Wigmore, of Shobdon, co. Hereford, owes the Earl 2,000l., for which he has a mortgage on his house and lands in Shobdon. 18 Dec. 1650. Order that the depositions and proofs in the case taken before the late County Commissioners be sent up to the Committee for Advance of Money. 13 April 1650. Like information by Col. Edw. Moore and Major 22 37 Wm. Poe, adding that several days had been agreed on for paying off the mortgage, but it had not been done. 9 297 11 91 23 April 1651. Lord Grey requests on behalf of Lloyd, the 91 informer, that the case may be revived, the obstruction of jointure being now removed. 17 Aug. 1651. The County Commissioners enclose an order 91 22 June 1646, whereby the late County Commissioners ordered the payment of the 2,000l. owing by Wigmore to Capt. John Hill, for his arrears, but there is no proof that any part of it was paid. 24 Sept. 1651. Poe and Moore, the informers, beg that as the 91 County Commissioners have now returned the required depo- 12 13 15 50623. 210 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 July 1643. DEP. 91 25 CASE 91 29 LET. 24 196 LET. 91 31 MARQUIS OF WORCESTER-cont. sitions, they may have an order for seizing Thos. Wigmore's estates till the debt is paid. 24 Sept. 1651. Note that on proof being brought of the mother's 17 34 death, further orders will be given. 10 Dec. 1651. Poe and Moore having proved Amy Wigmore's 91 16 death a year ago last March, beg that the property which now descends to Thos. Wigmore may be sequestered till the debt of 2,000l. is paid. Granted. 10 July 1646. Information that SIR HEN. WILLIAMS, of co. Brecon, owes the Earl upon land 3,000l., and that James Parry owes him 1007. on land in Poston, co. Hereford. Vol. No. A or P· 1646? Petition of Jas. Dyer, carpenter, Rich. Corbett, tiler, and 91 Anne, widow of Wm. Aldridge, mason, to the committee for disposing of delinquents' estates. The Earl of Worcester being seized in fee of Poston manor, co. Hereford, let it to Fras. Matthewes, who contracted with them to repair the ruined houses, and went beyond seas, leaving them unpaid, so that 391. 11s. Od., 91. 10s. Od., and 6l. 17s. 6d. are due to them re- spectively. The estate is now let for the benefit of the State; they beg examination of the case by the County Commis- sioners for Hereford, and payment for the repairs. 26 Nov. Order on this information that the debt be seques- tered for the Earl's delinquency, the money paid to this com- mittee, and Stepney saved harmless. Col. Phil. Jones to see this order executed. 23 Nov. 1647. Information by Col. Jones that SIR JOHN STEPNEY, 91 Bart., of Prendergast, co. Pembroke, owed Henry, Earl of Worcester, 2,500l., for which his estate in co. Carmarthen is engaged. With note from Speaker Lenthall, recommending the discoverer. 29 June 1649. The County Commissioners to seize all his goods and chattels, and his debtors and tenants to retain his moneys in their hands, and John Clarke, the discoverer, to be paid his soldier's arrears from the money paid in. 11 21 1 Jan. 1651. Stepney to appear to satisfy a debt of 2,000l. to Henry, late Earl of Worcester, and Charles, Lord Somerset, his son, or show cause to the contrary. 7 May 1651. The prosecutor states his readiness to prove the debt 21 May. The prosecutor producing a copy of a record of 15 Charles, in which Sir John acknowledges a debt to the Earl of 4,000%., is required to prove on oath that the certificate is a true copy. 18 Feb. 1648. Information by John Clarke that Sir John 21 95 Stepney owes the Earl 2,0007. 91 19 5 315 91 18 91 2 73 7 112 20 91 19 Feb. 1651. His counsel appearing and denying the debt, 10 the prosecutor is ordered to prove it. 91 17 66 9 326 21 91 91 22 May. This being proved, John Clarke requests that Sir John 91 may pay the debt, or show cause to the contrary. 36 22 23 24 88 20 June 1651. Sir John to show cause within a month why he 10 426 should not pay the debt, or it will be levied on his estate. 91 26, 27 10 Dec. 1651. On proof that this notice has been served on Sir 17 117 John, the order repeated, and the sequestration to be made 91 28 without further order, unless he pay in a month. 126 14 Jan. 1652. The County Commissioners of cos. Pembroke 11 and Carmarthen to levy the money forthwith. 91 30 23 Jan. Committee for Advance of Money order the County 24 189 Commissioners to raise the money forthwith on the estates COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 211 31 July 1643. LET. 91 32 LET. 91 33 CERT. 91 35 36 LET. AND DEPS. 91 48-51 LET. AND dep. 91 55-58 CERT. 91 59 DEP. 91 60 P.E. 91 61 DEP. 91 62 of which Sir John was possessed when he entered the statute, which can easily be done from the rents. REP. 91 65 13 108 H. 4 Nov. 1652. Committee for Advance of Money express surprise 25 that only 50l. has been sent up from co. Carmarthen, and request a rent-roll of the tenants and their rents. No claims to be allowed upon the estate without order. 14 Jan. 1653. John Clarke begs an order to the Goldsmiths' 91 Hall Treasurers to pay him the said 501., he having prosecuted the debt at great cost and trouble, and having an order in Parliament that he should be paid his debts from his dis- coveries of delinquents' estates. Granted. Vol. No. A or P. 24 Nov. 1652. ANNE, widow and executrix of AUGUSTINE SPALDING, 91 of Wrington, co. Somerset, petitions the Commissioners for Compounding to know why the Commissioners of co. Car- marthen disturb her in raising 1,500l. on Sir John Step- ney's lands, for recovery of a rent of 100l. a year on certain lands leased to her husband 11 Charles, but reconveyed to Stepney, who entered into a statute of 1,5001. for performance of covenants. 12 276 37 1653? He complains that he has no benefit by his discovery, 91 because the lands are sold as part of the Earl of Worcester's estate, and the money paid in to the Drury House Trustees. the case. 24 Nov. The Commissioners for co. Somerset to examine 17 412 91 39 DEP. 91 42 1 Dec. 1652. Petition renewed to the Committee for Advance of 91 40 Money. 41 INT. 91 43 44 1 Dec. 1652. Order that Reading state the case, examine wit- 12 240 nesses in town, and give notice to Mr. Clarke, the prosecutor; 91 Sir John Stepney to have a copy of the petition, and to state what sum is unpaid of the debt. 20 April 1653. Mrs. Spalding begs an order to the County Com- 91 missioners for examination of witnesses to prove her title in co. Somerset, where they live, and an order also to the Commissioners of co. Carmarthen, to certify the cause of their disturbing her. 20 April. Granted, provided Mr. Clarke, the prosecutor, have notice to attend, to cross-examine if he pleases 7 Sept. 1653. She begs an order to the County Commissioners of Carmarthen to examine witnesses. 7 Sept. Granted, the prosecutor having notice 38 34 9 May 1654. Mrs. Spalding pleads that she extended part of 91 Sir J. Stepney's estate in 1650, and received the rents, till the County Commissioners for Carmarthen claimed them on pre- tence that a debt due to the Earl of Worcester must first be satisfied. But as the statute to the Earl was entered into long after that to her husband, and as Sir John in his compo- sition craved allowance for the debt due to her husband, and swore to the same, also as Sir John has a much larger estate than she has extended, she begs to be allowed the benefit of her extension. 9 May. Referred to Mr. Reading to report - 28 Aug. 1654. Order on report that the extent be allowed, but no arrears; that the sequestration be taken off the lands entended, and she allowed to receive the rents till her debt is 38 12 342 91 47 91 52, 53 45 46 12 435 91 54 63 13 91 98 64 13 109 02 212 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 July 1643. * MARQUIS OF WORCESTER-cont. paid, and that she account yearly with the auditor for the profits. 23 Nov. 1647. Information by Col. Phil. Jones that ROWLAND 91 GWYNN, of Taliares, co. Carmarthen, owes the Earl 1,4007., for which his lands are engaged, and recommendation by Speaker Lenthall that Col. Jones prosecute the debt. 26 Nov. Order that the debt be sequestered and paid to the State, and Gwynn saved harmless. Col. Phil. Jones to see this done. 18 Feb. 1648. Information by John Clarke that Rowland Gwynn owes the Earl about 1,500l., not yet sequestered. 8 March 1648. Thomas Lindsey and John Clarke to demand from Rowland Gwynn a debt of 1,6001. due by him to the late Earl of Worcester, with interest for several years past, and in case of non-payment, to levy it by distress on his estates. 25 Aug. 1648. The 2 Gwynns summoned to pay the debt, and abide the committee's further orders. 22 Sept. 1648. The county commissioners to examine witnesses in proof of Gwynn's delinquency. 29 June. The county commissioners to seize all Rowland Gwynn's goods and chattels, his debtors and tenants to retain his moneys in their hands, and John Clarke, the dis- coverer, to be paid his soldier's arrears from the money paid in. 12 July 1648. Information by Col. Butler and others, that 21 105 Rowland Gwynn, and William his son owe the Earl 2,8001. Vol. No. A or P. 14 Sept. Order that Gwynn be brought up in safe custody to pay the said debt by Thos. Jarvis and Capt. Valentine Read, and that the governor of Carmarthen and all officers, civil and military, assist. 1 Jan. 1651. Order that both the Gwynns appear before the committee on 29 Jan. to answer the debt. 5 315 67 91 LET. 91 70 25 Sept. Rowland Gwynn to Martin Dallison, clerk to the 91 71 72 Committee for Advance of Money. I have received the order, and shown the bearer of it my lease for lands value 1107. a year, from the late Earl of Worcester and his son Charles, and the receipts for rent up to 5 May 1646, soon after which the late Earl of Worcester died, and the estate was sequestered, but I produced the last receipt of the sequestrators for the rent of 16 Aug. 1648; the counterparts of the lease and defeasance are with the Earl's papers. I never owed the Earl any money; I will pay my rent in future to the Committee for Advance of Money, if 1 may have the allowances granted by the Ordinance for Sequestration. Being infirm and aged, I beg 6 days' time for my appearance. LET. 91 79 21 Feb. 1651. Clarke pleads that, in prosecution of his discovery of Gwynn's debt, he has made 3 journeys into Wales, spent 2007. and gained no benefit, and begs a lease of the lands engaged by Gwynn for the debt at a reasonable rent. 66 21 Feb. Order that the personal estates of Gwynn and his son be seized for the debt, and that the tenants retain their rents; and unless Rowland Gwynn appear in a month, his estate will be sequestered. 21 95 91 68 5 399 14 Sept. 1649. Request that in the order to bring Gwynn up in 91 custody, Capt. Valentine Read may be the messenger, and that command be given to the governor of Carmarthen to assist. 6 45 91 69 6 63 7 112 CASE 91 74 1 Nov. 1649. R. Gwynn gives in an account of his payments, 91 75 76 and begs allowance of 154l. taxes paid in 3 years, since he accounted with the Earl of Worcester. 73 7 284 287 9 326 91 77 78 91 80 46 91 81 82 10 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 213 31 July 1643. LET. 91 89 LET. 91 92 CASE 91 97 12 March 1651. The Gwynns petition that they paid the rent agreed on to the Earl of Worcester, then discovered the rent to the county. commissioners, and paid them the arrears. Then the Committee for Irish Affairs, who had the disposal of the Earl of Worcester's estate, claimed it; the Committee for Com- pounding also claimed it, and in the midst of these orders, Mr. Clarke brought them a summons to come up and pay it to the Committee for Advance of Money, and appearance was made, but there was not leisure to hear them. Soon after, Rowland Gwynn was again summoned, and though very aged and infirm, came up 160 miles with his papers, and stayed 4 or 5 weeks at great charge; but though he much pressed for it, he could not obtain a hearing. No sooner had he returned than the county commissioners sequestered all his rents, allowing him to be tenant of his estate, and now Clarke prosecutes them with fresh orders to sequester their whole estate, and to take needless journeys to attend the committee, on pretence of 1,500l. concealed in their hands. Beg that the case may be referred to the county commis- sioners, and that petitioners may not be prosecuted in so many places on the same matter; they also beg stay of proceedings meantime. 9 April 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to the Com- missioners for cos. Pembroke, Carmarthen, and Cardigan. You say that you sequestered the rents of the lands in question, engaged for the Gwynns' debt to the Earl of Worcester. They say they discovered the rent to the county commissioners, and paid in arrears. We beg you to call them before you, to examine their deeds and acquittances, and certify the time of sequestra- tion, and the receipts from the lands, when Aud. Sherwin will peruse your accounts. Vol. No. A or p. 91 83-84 24 113-4 91 85-87 22 May 1651. Clarke begs that as the county commissioners 91 88 have made no return in the Gwynns' case, the order of 21 Feb. may be executed. 20 June 1651. Order that as all proceedings in the case have 10 424-5 been rendered fruitless by the county commissioners, they pay 91 90 91 in all their receipts from the Gwynns, levy the remainder of the debt from their estate, pay it in 2 months, and deliver the return of their proceedings to John Clarke and John Mathewes. 1 Aug. 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to the County 24 151 Commissioners for Pembroke. We reinforce our orders about 91 93 94 levying the debt due to the Earl of Worcester on the estate of the Gwynns, and note how the State has been prejudiced by your retarding the business. Mr. Clarke will bring you this order and return your proceedings therein. 8 Oct. 1651. Copy by Gwynn of his receipts for moneys paid on 91 account of the said debt. Nov. 1651 ? Petition of John Clarke, that as Rowland Gwynn, 91 when summoned to appear to pay the arrears of rent, and to become tenant to the Committee for Advance of Money in future, alleges that he has paid the arrears, and will obey orders as to the accruing rents, having allowance for taxes, Mr. Cox may examine his acquittances for arrears, and that from the rent to be paid, petitioner may have the arrears due to him by the State, according to former orders. 95 96 18 Jan. 1652. Exceptions taken by Clarke to the acquittances 91 98 produced by the Gwynns of rents and moneys pretended to be paid by them, and request that the originals thereof may be produced. 28 Jan. The original debt was 1,5007., and the arrears of rent 11 144 for 5 years are 6321. 10s., but all orders for their recovery 91 99 214 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 July 1643. LET. 24 196 91 100 LET. 91 104 LET. 91 105 LET. 91 106 DEP. 91 107 LET 91 112 DEP. 91 113 NOTE 91 116 MARQUIS OF WORCESTER-Cont. being rendered fruitless by the delays of the county com- missioners and Gwynn's evasions; and exceptions being taken to the account he has sent in,-order for the immediate levy of the arrears of rent upon the lands of the Gwynns, who have liberty to reply to the exceptions to their accounts, and they are to produce the original receipts. Vol. No. A or P. 13 Feb. 1652. Mr. Martin, in behalf of the Gwynns, requests a 91 101 hearing on this order. 103 25 Feb. Order on full hearing that the county commissioners levy 11 222 3001. of the arrears by sale of the goods and chattels of the 91 102 Gwynns, and by receiving their rents, the sum to be safely returned to Haberdashers' Hall, and that the Gwynns have 6 weeks to answer the exceptions to their accounts, and produce the original receipts. 109 2 June 1652. Rowland Gwynn being dead, Wm. Gwynn, his 91 108 son and heir, begs discharge of sequestration, or leave to enjoy his estate till the case is heard. Only joined in the sale of the land in 1639 to satisfy the late Earl of Worcester, and had nothing to do with the alleged debt, yet his estate was seques- tered, as well as his father's. Does not consider himself liable for his father's debts, and has never been heard in his defence. 2 June. Order that as the redemise of the lands in Aug. 11 427 1648 was in the names of both father and son, the arrears of 91 the rents be paid into the Treasury, and then further order will be given. 110 111 10 Nov. 1652. Committee for Advance of Money to the Com- 25 34-6 missioners for co. Carmarthen. We find you are held off 91 114 from your duty by the allegations of Wm. Gwynn, who claims the Act of General Pardon. This is frivolous, because the debt was sequestered by the late Committee for Advance of Money in 1647 and 1648, and we have made divers orders in the case. Proceedings detailed; no payment has been made, all orders notwithstanding, and now we wish you speedily to levy the 300l. ordered, and return the rent-roll of the estate, and you shall have indemnity of Parliament for what you do. 24 March 1653. Committee for Advance of Money to the 24 64 Trustees for Sale of Delinquents' Lands. We hear that Wm. Gwynn intends to have the lands in his mortgage surveyed as the Earl of Worcester's lands, and then to buy them back from the State, hoping thereby to avoid our orders, and get them more cheaply than by paying the debt. We desire you to stay these proceedings, and let the money due on the mortgage be paid into our Treasury. 28 Nov. 1653. Order in the Committee for Petitions that Dallison, 91 115 registrar to the Committee for Advance of Money, appear to testify in the case of John Clarke and Wm. Gwynn. 25 Jan. 1649. Information that several parcels of gold, jewels, 91 117 &c., belonging to the late Marquis were delivered to his daughter VISCOUNTESS MONTAgue. 119 16 April 1649. Jas. Scudamore [of Penrose, co. Monmouth] 91 118- to [Corn.] Holland. I send you a note of things I delivered to Lady Montague, by order of my late Lord, for the use of Lord Harry. If these are taken away, I cannot imagine how our young Lord can subsist, for want of money. Be careful in this weighty business. My Lord Marquis told me that the money quilted in canvas was 2,000l. With receipt by Lady Montague from Scudamore of 180 bunches, and 140 lesser bunches of coined gold quilted in canvas, and an enamelled gold chain of 50 links, sent by her father, the late Earl of Worcester, 2 Jan. 1647. 25 April. Order that the said gold and jewels be seized and brought to this committee. 6 289 31 July 1643. INT. & DEP. 91 120 121 PR. 91 123- 125 DEP. 91 133 INV. 91 134 NOTE 91 135 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 30 May 1649. Order on an information against Lady Montague, for examination of witnesses in a fortnight, and she to have liberty to cross-examine; if the information is then not proved, the business to be discharged. 22 June 1649. On hearing, the information dismissed, and Lady Montague discharged from further attendance. 1 May 1649. Information of 8 tenements in Blackfriars, belong, ing to the Earl of Worcester and unsequestered, with names of the tenants, &c. The Earl has received no rents from 1641 to 1643, since when And. Vanley has received the rents, on pretence of a mortgage. 30 May. Order that the tenants pay this committee the arrears of rent due 1642–3, on pain of distress, and that Mr. Vanley prove by what authority he has received the rents. 27 June 1649. Order for distress and sale of goods of the tenants who do not pay, and sequestration of all the Earl's lands, &c., in Blackfriars. 27 July 1649. Order giving the tenants time to produce their receipts for assessments. 1 Aug. 1649. On certificate that from 25 March 1642 to 1643, they paid more for assessment than the rents of their houses, they are dismissed further attendance. 215 ► Vol. No. A or P. 7 17 18 May 1649. Order that all Glynn's money, plate, jewels, rents, debts, and estate be seized, and secured till further orders. 7 87 22 May. Order suspended till to-morrow, on his undertaking that the estate shall not be embezzled or removed. 21 206 91 122 23 May. The messengers to repair to his houses at Twickenham, Westminster, Lincoln's Inn Fields, and elsewhere, and in- ventory in his presence all the goods, plate, jewels, &c., belong- ing to himself or others, noting which were the goods of the Earl of Worcester, but none of the goods to be taken away, he having engaged that they shall not be removed. 7 25 18 May 1649. Agreement between COL. JOHN HUTCHINSON, of 91 126 Outhorp, co. Notts, and Capt. Edw. Mugford, of Westminster, that if Mugford proves 4,000l. worth of money, plate, jewels, goods, &c., belonging to the late Earl of Worcester, Papist, deceased, for the benefit of Hutchinson's arrears, he shall allow Mugford thereof. 10 7 92 8 June 1649. Depositions to prove the falsity of Capt. Mugford's 91 127 accusations against Capt. West and Lieut.-Col. Wm. Throck 128 morton. 7 193 24 Nov. 1649. Depositions of Mugford relative to the preceding 91 129 articles of agreement between him and Col. Hutchinson. 7 205 18 May 1649. Information on behalf of Col. Hutchinson that 21 213 Serjeant JOHN GLYNN, Recorder of London, has several jewels, 214 plate, and household furniture, and effects in his custody, belonging to the late Earl of Worcester's estate, and has con- cealed the same for many years, and that they were delivered to him by Mr. Redman, steward to the late Earl. With note by Dallison that Hen. Parker, of Lincoln's Inn, and Rich. Milner, of Michael Royal, London, are to be examined upon interrogatories with reference to the above. Information entered by Hutchinson for payment of his arrears, the overplus for Major Bingley and Capt. Burton. 6 348 91 130- 132 6 350 7 1 E.W.7 29 1 June 1649. An inventory of the goods in Recorder Glynn's 7 28 house to be brought in, and his witnesses to appear and answer his interrogatories, the prosecutor having notice. 216 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 July 1643. E.W. 91 136 DEP. 91 137 138 DEP. 91 140 -143 E.W. 7 296 DEP. 91 144 -152 H. 91 156 INT. 91 157 DEP. 91 158 Vol. No. A or P. MARQUIS OF WORCESTER-cont. 8 June 1649. Order that there be no proceedings in his case 91 139 without notice first given to him. 29 June 1649. Rob. Owen to be examined on the case, Glynn having notice to appoint some one to cross-examine him, and the examinations to be sent in a month. 19 Oct. 1649. He is to have a copy of the inventory given in to the committee, and a month's time to examine witnesses, as some of them are at a distance. INV. 91 153 27 Nov. 1649. Deposition of Serj. John Glynn, before Wm. 91 154 Hakewil, Master in Chancery, that Mr. Redman, servant to the Earl of Worcester, never delivered him any jewels, plate, or gold of the Earl's, but he had from the Earl a travelling coach, which he parted with on exchange, and it was valued at 61. Nov. Deposition by Hen. Parker, that 6 years since, he was sent by the Committee of Safety with Mr. Milner to Worcester House, to search for money concealed there. That in several rooms he saw sumptuous household stuff, worth 2,000l., but Milner said they were so undervalued that the State would not make above 500l. or 600l. by them, and that some goods were not valued at all, because Mr. Glynn protected them, and for doing it, was gratified with jewels to a great value. That some rooms could not be searched, because Glynn had the keys, and would not deliver them up, saying he would satisfy the committee himself. 7 106 7 316 4 Jan. 1650. Order that as the goods mentioned-e.g. hatbands 8 101 set with diamonds, plate, beds, carpets, hangings, cabinets, sets of pearls, and other jewels-could not be found on search in Serj. Glynn's house, and examinations being taken on both sides, the committee find no proof that Glynn ever had any goods of the Earl, except what he bought from the Commis- sioners for Compounding of Westminster,-the case be dis- missed, and he discharged. 91 155 26 May 1649. Information that THOMAS HUGHES, as governor of 21 219 Chepstow, co. Monmouth, had materials belonging to the late Earl of Worcester and his son for making iron, which he did, and disposed of to the value of 20,000l., and for which he has rendered no account. 27 June. Order that the county commissioners certify how much of the debt of 1,200l. is paid, how long the discovery has been before them, and what they have done therein. 26 May. Information that WM. JONES, of Usk, co. Monmouth, 21 219 owes a debt of 1,2001. to the late Earl. LET. 91 161 8 Aug. 1649. The county commissioners reporting that the debt has been paid long since, and they have therefore discharged the sequestration-order that Jones be dismissed from further attendance. [27 June 1649]. Jones states that on a suit at law with the late 91 159 Earl about a debt 15 years ago, he agreed to pay it by 1157. a year, and did so till the surrender of Raglan Castle, 3 or 4 years ago, and then he thought he might as well have the money as the State have it, and begged the Earl to deliver him up his writings; but the Earl replied he knew no reason why he should give Jones 1,2001., though only 7001. now remains due. 7 81 91 160 7 225 2 June 1649. Information that GEO. HILLIER of Bristol, Iron- 21 225 monger, has several jewels belonging to Lord Herbert, now Earl of Worcester, which he has for a long time concealed. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 217 31 July 1643. DEP. 91 162 H. 8 359 3 Aug. 1643. 11 June 1649. Information that ROBERT GILKES of Oxford, Innholder, in 1643, lent the Earl 1001. upon his own, Sir Richard Minshall, and others' security, and that Wm. Wood- ward of Stretton Audley, co. Oxon. also lent the Earl 2007. upon the like security. 3 Aug. 1649. Order that as Kemys, a delinquent, owes 2,8007. to the Earl, on security of 300 acres of pasture land in Church-Honiborn parish, co. Worcester, the said debt be levied on the lands and rents, and by distress on the defaulters, if needful. 18 June. Information that SIR NICH. KEMYS lent Lord Herbert, 21 243 now Earl of Worcester, 2,000l., which is still due, with many years' interest. 31 Oct. 1649. Order that the sequestration be taken off such 7 336 part of the said lands as were granted to Hugh Peters, for his many good services to the State. 3 Dec. 1649. The trustees for Irish affairs complain of the Com- 91 mittee for Advance of Money for ordering the rents due for the said lands to be paid to them, those and other lands of the Earl of Worcester being settled by Parliament Ordinance of 5 June 1648 on the said trustees, and the deed to Sir Nich. Kemys being since 20 May 1642, when the Earl had no power over his estate, which is now vested in the said trustees. 5 Oct. 1649. Information that SIR HEN. LINGEN, of Sutton, co. Hereford, owes the Earl 2,0007. 14 Dec. 1649. Order that he appear in 2 months to satisfy the debt. 26 April 1650. Order that he appear this day 3 weeks to pay the debt, or show cause to the contrary. 21 283 8 67 Dec.? He denies the debt, begs a copy of the information, delay 91 163 till next term, and to be examined on oath about it. 8 308 Vol. No. A or P. 21 233 Lewis Jones, of Bristol John Cable, Maltman, Trowbridge, Wilts Wm. Singleton, Woollen Draper, co. Gloucester Rich. Street Rich. Savengas and 2 others on bond - 7 222 17 May 1650. John Gosse, his solicitor, requests that as Sir Henry 91 164 cannot come up, being prisoner in Hereford, some of the county commissioners there may take his examination as to the debt. Granted. £ s. d. 91 0 0 15 0 0 52 10 70 0 0 85 0 0 8 370 7 Nov. 1649. Information of the following debts due to Lord 21 292 Herbert, of Raglan, beside 5 others in small sums of 10. or under. 10 Jan. 1650. On information that Singleton owed Lord Herbert, now Earl of Worcester, 521., payable in 1642, for which he was summoned to appear, but is infirm, and unable to travel, order that the county commissioners take examinations about the debt-giving the prosecutor leave to cross-examine-and send them up. 17 Jan. Cable, being a very poor man, and unable to pay, order that he be dismissed from further attendance. 10 8 111 WM. ASHWELL, Alderman of London. Assessed at 5001. - 61 75 23 Aug. 1643. Ordered to pay 1257. in discharge of his assess- ment, the residue being left to his voluntary contributions, 61 he having formerly lent 3257. 8 132 91 165 41 53 41 218 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 3 Aug. 1643. 3 Aug. 1643. 8 Aug. 1643. B. 5 232 3 Aug. 1643. MR. and MRS. ANNE HENSHAW, Charing Cross, or Whitehall. He assessed at 100%. and she at 1507. - 61 41 20 Feb. 1644. Order that she pay 300l. assessment, and have the 92 1 Public Faith for it if paid in 10 days. 1 April 1644. He assessed at 2001. and she at 300l.; both. noted 61 114 as not found. 3 244 3 284 23 Sept. 1644. Ordered to deposit her assessment, and give security for the rest. 7 Nov. 1644. Order that if she make up 1007. in 14 days, the assessment for 300l. be discharged, and the sequestration taken off her estate. March 1654. The Public Faith ordered for her payments 61 114 amounting to 1007. JEFFRY HOWLAND, Fenchurch Street. Assessed at 5007. - 61 16 Aug. 1643. Ordered to make up what he has lent to his 75 assessment. 17 Aug. Notes of his deposit of 71. 10s. to make up his 6 Oct. 1643. He undertakes to pay 100 marks in 24 hours towards his 50 subsidies, and submits to his assessment of 5001. 30 Jan. 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for the 1577. 10s. assessment paid, he laving lent 2421. 10s. SIR HUM. MILDMAY, St. John's Clerkenwell, and LADY MILDMAY. Vol. No. A or p. 30 Oct. Having voluntarily contributed 2421. 10s. and deposited 2 129 77. 10s., order that on paying 150l. more, and the collectors' salary for 250l., his assessment of 5001. be discharged. Sir Humphrey assessed at 8007. 22 July 1644. Order for 14 days to be given for this committee to enquire concerning Sir Humphrey, and meanwhile Lady Mildmay not to be molested. 5 Aug. 1644. His assessment respited till the sequestration is taken off his estate, or till some other estate be found which is not under sequestration or compounded for by Lady Mild- may, he paying the collector's salary and charges. 9 Sept. 1646. Order that he be summoned before the committee 27 Nov. 1646. Allowed a month to bring in a certificate of what he has paid in the country. 15 March 1647. His estate to be seized towards payment of his assessment. 7 April 1647. Order that on his paying 100l. more than the 1631. paid by his lady in Essex for his and, his assessment of 8001. be discharged, and he not assessed in any other place. 40 48 MARY MONOX, Without Cripplegate. 75 49 2 103 4 407 61 42 3 187 3 200 5 99 5 144 26 March. Note that a warrant is served on Sir Humphrey, 92 2 and my Lady is come up to end the business. 5 236 5 219 Assessed at 7501. - 61 40 75 60 1 Sept. 1643. To be discharged if she pay 1007. in a week 6 Sept. Note of her payment of the 100%., and of her discharge, 75 66 having formerly lent 4001. 61 40 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 219 3 Aug. 1643. 3 Aug. 1643. 3 Aug. 1643. 5 Aug. 1643. 5 Aug. 1643. 5 Aug. 1643. ALICE PETTYWARD, Thames Street. Summoned to pay an assessment of 4001. 23 Aug. 1643. Note of her deposit of 261. 5s. 4d. to make up her 75 1 April 1644. Order that she be brought up in custody to pay her assessment. ALEX. SOUTHWOOD, of the Prerogative Office, Baynard Castle Ward. Assessed at 2001. 16 Ang. 1643. Whereas he has been assessed at 401. in his ward, and paid, and been assessed by the assessors for London and 20 miles round at 2001., contrary to the Ordinance of Parli- ment that no one who has paid his assessment shall be assessed again, order that the assessment of 2001. be discharged, and he not molested therefor. Vol. No. A or P. ៩។ ៩៩ WILLIAM LORD ALLINGTON, St. Martin's Lane. Assessed at 4007. GO THOS. SAMBORNE, Mr. Biles', Mincing Lane. Assessed at 2001. 62 1 2 23 Aug. 1643. The assessment of 501. (sic) laid on him for his respited till he is paid the 2001. due by bill of exchange from 92 the Lords Justices of Ireland, for provisions carried to Dublin for relief of the English army there, he having made affidavit that 501. is his 26, whereof he has already paid 251. LADY GOLDSMITH, St. Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 301. No proceedings - 8 April. Order that this be accepted in discharge of her assess- ment, she having before lent 231. 14s. 8d., which makes her proportion. March 1654. Note of the Public Faith given for the money . 61 41 61 2 92 75 281 41 3 61 53 68 2 43 - 61 23 Aug. 1643. Ordered to show his acquittances on Wednesday 75 43 6 Nov. 1643. Order that-as he was assessed here at 4007. and 2 136 has paid 3501., before any notice had been received from the Committee of co. Cambridge of his assessment there-his assessment be discharged, on his paying 50l. to that com- mittee and 401. to the collectors. 92 61 HENRY COGAN, Thames Street, Bridge Ward, and Charing Cross, Assessed at 801. - 21 Aug. 1643. His assessment discharged, as it appears by his affidavit that 11. is his proportion which he has paid, 21. being formerly lent, and 91. now paid. 28 Aug. Again assessed at 1007. 23 Nov. 1643. Again assessed at 4007. 14 Dec. 1643. He is to bring in what appears to be his, and pay the collector's salary and charges. 29 April 1644. He is to be brought up in custody to pay his 3 91 assessment. 41 49 3A 41 61 4 44 63 5 44 61 68 63 101 2 190 12 June 1644. Again assessed at 801. 65 70 15 July 1644. This assessment vacated, he having been formerly 75 434 assessed, and discharged 21 Aug. 1643. - 61 43 220 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 5 Aug. 1643. 5 Aug. 1643. 5 Aug. 1643. 10 Aug. 1643. 10 Aug. 1643. o.c. 3 173 313 10 Aug. 1643. 10 Aug. 1643. HILLARY HANCOCK, Shoreditch. Assessed at 307. 11 Oct. 1643. Deposition before Lord Mayor Isaac Penington, that neither at the making of the Ordinance of Nov. 1642 nor since, has he been worth, in real or personal estate, 1007. GEORGE HOPTON, The Temple. Assessed at 601. Noted as dead with the King" THOS. WINDER, Ludgate Hill. Assessed at 150l. 61 44 23 Feb. 1644. Order that the 591. 3s. Od. deposited by him, of 75 226 which 277. 5s. Od. was rent distrained in the bands of David 61 44 Edwards of Redriffe, be paid the treasurers, and that he pay 251. to-morrow, and 207. in 10 days, in discharge of his assess- ment, having lent 157. 18s. Od. 1 25 May 1649. Order that Winder have the Public Faith for 1047. paid in by him or levied on him for his 26, as he offers to depose that he paid the within 10 days of notice. ELIZ. KIRKE, Widow, and JOHN KIRKE, Mary Axe. She assessed at 401. and he at 201. - 61 44 · WM. BULL, Minister at Lord Newburgh's, the Savoy. Assessed at 50l. With notes of his payments in full, 25 and 30 61 Nov. 1643. Vol. No. A or P. 43 6 · 18 April 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assess- ment. 61 92 61 47 92 7 14 Aug. 1643. He summoned to pay the assessment 21 Aug. She shows acquittances for 251. 5s. 8d. formerly lent, 61 and 141. 14s. 4d. now paid. 47 14 Feb. 1644. John summoned to pay an assessment of 2007. JOHN PRITCHETT or PRITCHARD, Parson of Andrew's Undershaft. Assessed at 1007. JOHN MARSTON, Lime Street and Deptford. Assessed at 801. 27 Jan. 1644. Order that-as most of his estate was in an adven- ture in the ship Clare, lately struck at Southampton, laden with plate and cochineal, out of which the State had large sums-he be respited 12 days, and meanwhile be not molested for his assessment. 7 13 16 Feb. 1644. Order that the county commissioners forbear assessing him at Deptford, where he has only a tenement, and that his assessment be levied in London, where his estate is, the committee being on examination of it. 20 May 1644. Again assessed at 607. 63 92 18 Nov. 1644. Note that he paid 207. in full of his assessment of 76 621 201. 46 164 8 3 84 March 1654. John Kirke petitions for the Public Faith for the 201. 92 9 paid. When the summons was sent, was living at Shoreditch, and was then in the country, but paid the money as soon as he had notice. Hopes his absence and.want of notice will not de- prive him of the certificate. With note of the granting of the Public Faith certificate. 61 61 47 61 46 2 242 2 269 65 20 61 46 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 221 10 Aug. 1643. 10 Aug. 1643. 10 Aug. 1643. 10 Aug. 1643. 12 Aug. 1643. ROB. SHORT, Cheesemonger, Leadenhall Street. Assessed at 157. - 61 47 14 Aug. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 92 10 .75 71 CERT. 92 11 11 Sept. 1643. Note of his deposit of 6l. 10s. Od., part of his 13 Dec. 1643. Order that on his payment of 50s., besides the 75 149 6l. 10s. Od. and 20s. formerly paid, his assessment be dis- charged. BILL 92 15 DEP. 92 20 14 Aug. 1643. 10 April 1644. Wm. Bridges, collector, having received 321. 8s. 6d. of tithes due to him, whereof he has paid 81. 17s. Od. to the curate, 61. 10s. Od. to preachers, and 31. 1s. 5 d. for tenths, so that 141. remains in his hands ;-Order that 25s. be allowed him for charges of collecting and of distraint of goods sold for 91. 178. 10d. at Guildhall, and that the balance of 12l. 15s. Od. be paid in towards Pritchett's assessment. 13 Sept. 1641. Order that on Pritchett's making up his full 3 240 assessment, the sequestration of his estate for his be taken off, according to an Order in the House of Commons in this behalf. 20 - 30 Dec. 1653. He begs the Public Faith for 91. paid as assess- ment for his 26. Granted. K ELIZ. TAYLOR, Widow, Leadenhall Street. Assessed at 10l. (sic) 23 Aug. 1643. Note of her deposit of 81. thereon 2 64 23 Aug. Order that her assessment of 201. (sio) be discharged, as it appears by affidavit that 5l. is her, which she has paid 92 14 accordingly. 0 LADY BARKHAM, Tottenham. Vol. No. A or P. 3 76 . 61 75 19 May 1648. Order for payment to him of only 51. a year from the date of his last payment. FRAS. TYCHBOURNE, Bevis Marks. Assessed at 1607. With note that he was gone away when the 61 notice was left. 19 March 1651. Order that a year's arrears be paid him, and the Army Committee to report what allowance he is to have in future. 27 Oct. 1653. He petitions that as, since the return of the Com- mittee for Advance of Money to Haberdashers' Hall, he has still only received 51. a year, which is now 23 years in arrear, he may have an order to Goldsmiths' Hall for payment of the 127. 10s. Od. due. Granted. 92 12 13 59 92 13 2223 Assessed at 3001. 21 Aug. 1643. She having voluntarily contributed 2201. 18s. Od., the residue of her assessment to be no further prosecuted, and JAS. PLOMER, Porter to the Haberdashers' Company. Order that he have 101. half-yearly during the sittings of the 2 50 committee at Haberdashers' Hall. 6 3 26 Dec. 1650. He quotes their previous order; the reduction was 92 16 made on the removal of the committee to Westminster, when only the Treasury remained at Haberdashers' Hall, and begs payment of three-quarters of a year arrears of the 51. Cox to certify the order already given. 47 52 48 9 128 92 17-19 92 92 21 13 23 61 50 75 61 51 50 222 14 Aug. 1643. 14 Aug. 1643. 14 Aug. 1643. 14 Aug. 1643. 14 Aug. 1643. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. she left to her voluntary contributions. With note that she contributed 50l. at Goldsmiths' Hall for the Scots, and has offered the State a debt of 2007. due to her by Sir. Geo. Sands. ANNE DANIELL, Cheapside. Assessed at 2001. 13 Oct.1643. Ordered to pay 607. to make up 407. she paid in Surrey to be her, and on making affidavit, to be further heard. 9 Nov. 1643. Order that she be repaid 251. of the 601. deposited, 351. and the 401. paid in Surrey being her proportion on oath, and the collectors' salaries and charges to be paid. KATHERINE HILDYARD, Edmonton. - SIR RICH. STONE, Co. Cambridge. The waggoner who carried his goods, being 66 cwt., is to be paid from the sale of the goods, Ill. portage, 4s. his expenses, and 40s. for 12 horses and 3 men. Assessed at 201. - 61 49 75 59 1 Sept. 1643. Note of her deposit of 101. for her 8 Jan. 1644. 15. deposited by her to be in discharge of her 75 173 assessment. 21 Sept. 1643. Sam. Wight and Edw. Lindsey, who, on informa- tion that 2 waggons of his goods were conveyed away into the country, got a warrant from the Committee of Examinations, and brought them back to Guildhall, to have 3d. in the pound for the goods and other charges. 1644 ? Note that the last 51. was not entered in the books, but 61 Newman signed a receipt for it on his ticket. 23 Feb. 1644. Sir Richard is to pay 2007., the residue of his assessment, in 10 days, and on certificate of his payment of arrears, his house and other things distrained will be dis- charged. 8 March 1644. Discharge granted on his giving security to make up his assessment. · Vol. No. A or P. 61 50 2 112 2 139 ANT. WHALLEY, Sen., Bailiff of St. Katherine's Liberty, Tower. DEP. 92 23 3 Jan. 1644. On deposition that the goods left in his house are not his own, but were distrained for debt from Tim. Wing, mariner, and only left at his house, order for re-delivery of the said goods. 49 2 49 2 96 10 Dec. 1645. Assessed at 1,000l. 69 130 22 24 July 1646. He petitions that his mansion house is 50 miles 92 from London, where for 20 years past he has only gone on urgent business; that he had no notice of an assessment till a month ago, when he was summoned, went to London, and has attended ever since. Has paid 800l. here and in the country, and begs leave to depose what his 1 and 2 is. 3 21 3 42 7 Aug. 1646. His assessment of 1,000l. discharged for the 4001. 5 83 paid in the ward, and 300l. at Cambridge, being his proportion on oath. Assessed at 1001. and committed for non-payment to the Counter, 61 Southwark. With note of 40s. paid to Mr. Newman. 2 216 50 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY:-CASES. 223 14 Aug. 1643. 16 Aug. 1643. 16 Aug. 1643. 15 Aug. 1643. R. 3 246 16 Aug. 1643. o.c. 3 115 R. 3 246 16 Aug. 1643. 9 Jan. 1644. He having paid 201., and 301. more being paid to this committee from his distrained rents, order that he be discharged, his goods that were seized restored, and the dis- tress on his rents freed. LADY DOROTHY CHISLEY or CHICHLEY, Clerk- enwell. Assessed at 1501. 19 Aug. 1644. Before her goods are removed, the assessment on the poor is to be paid. 28 Oct. 1644. Again assessed at 5007. 28 Oct. Order that if she will make up her first assessment of 1501., she shall be heard as to this later assessment. 13 Nov. 1644. The Committee of Lynn to take her affidavit as to what is her 26, and she to be admitted to make it. 20 13 June 1645. Her assessment discharged for the 150l. already paid, for which she is to have the Public Faith, and her se- questration for non-payment to be taken off. July 1645 ? Note of her payment of 687. 18s. 10d. which, with 67 541. 12s. Od. lent, and 267. 9s. 2d. raised by sale of her goods, makes up the 1507. SIR WM. HARVEY. Assessed at 2007. With note that on certificate of 2501. lent in 61 Suffolk, his assessment was discharged by an order of 25 Aug. entered in the acquittance book. 14 Dec. 1643. Lady Mansell tendering 401. towards Sir Robert's weekly assessment, which she has deposited with the residue of the assessment, is recommended to the Lord Mayor and aldermen for abatement, and the distress to be taken off on her undertaking to pay the whole weekly assessment if no abatement is granted. With note of her payment of 201. towards her arrears. 20 May 1644. Sir Robert assessed at 800Z. 2 Oct. 1644. His assessment of 8001. discharged, he having been assessed in Broad Street Ward, and the same discharged. JOHN MATHEWES, Gray's Inn. Vol. No. A or P. 2 222 Assessed at 301. 1 Sept. 1643. Note of his deposit of 10%. in part of his 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 18 Sept. 1644. To make up his money in 10 days, or make affi- davit what is his. 20 61 51 216 3 SIR ROBERT and LADY MANSELL. Her assessment of 2501. and 77. 12s. 6d. weekly respited till the 2 49 end of this month, when it is to be paid, or her goods will be distrained and sold. - 67 39 3 273 3 289 4 177 19 Sept. 1643. Sir Robert's assessment of 250l. to be discharged 2 96 for the 1451. paid, he paying the weekly assessment. 2 189 11 Oct. 1644. Order that on his paying 51. more than the 107. he has deposited, his assessment be discharged. 12 April 1650. Ordered the Public Faith for his payments 39 51 65 24 3 250 61 51 75 59 2 260 3 240 3 257 61 51 LADY JUDITH MAY. Assessed at 1007., but respited a few days to show her acquit- 61 51 tance. 924 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 16 Aug. 1643. 16 Aug. 1643. 17 Aug. 1643. 17 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. CERT. 92 29 ✔ 23 Oct. 1643. Ordered to pay the residue of her assessment forthwith, and show acquittances for 401. lent and 60l. paid. JOHN STINT, Broad Street Ward, and MARGARET his Wife. 13 Nov. His assessment discharged, and he left to his voluntary contributions, having been formerly assessed in the ward, and discharged. Margaret petitions, her husband being ill, that although he has 92 always been willing to advance moneys on Ordinances of Parliament for defence of the Protestant religion, laws, and liberty, and has lately set out a light horse in the expedition for Essex, yet he is assessed at 750l., which is an over rate, he having paid 4751., beside 301. for maintenance of soldiers, set out two horses value 167., paid 1201. weekly assessment, and had two horses value 257. seized in Essex. She begs his discharge from any further payment. LIEUT.-COL. WM. BARRIFFE, (late) Cripplegate Ward. He being assessed at 50%. for his, but money being due to him for Parliament service in the army-order that the 50l. be deducted from the said money, and that the collectors forbear to distrain for the assessment, Sir Gilb. Gerrard, Treasurer at War, to have notice to pay the said assessment accordingly. Vol. No. A or P. 51 75 104 .2 59 16 Aug. 1643. Order that, as he contributed 5311. in money, plate, and horses, and is willing to pay 1007. more, he be 92 25 discharged on payment thereof, and no further molested. 1 Nov. 1644. Assessed again at 1,2001. 3223233 61 15 Aug. Order that the said goods be sold by the candle, and the proceeds brought in, and that thereof be for Col. Forbes' arrears. JOHN BAILY, or BAILIFFE, Hackney, Middlesex. Assessed at 1007. 19 Jan. 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody 1 March 1644. Order that the 57. deposited by him, with 55l. lent before, be in discharge of his assessments of 100l. and 500l., 60%. being his proportion. 24 Feb. 1653. M. Dallison to Mr. Bayliffe. The 551. you lent was 23 Sept. 1642, if you have the acquittance, you may have a certificate. As to the 57. paid in to Haberdashers' Hall, on petition you may have a certificate of Public Faith, but I know no way of reimbursement but by selling the bills or doubling. 67 40 3 289 40 67 2 92 SKIPWITH, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. 58 Whereas he is assessed at 2001. for his 26, and 401. thereof is 2 paid by horses taken by the Deputy-Lieutenant of Essex, and 92 27, 28 601. more promised by Mr. Haughton to be paid in 3 days, his case is to be further considered, and the collectors not to distrain or seize his goods or estate meantime. 24 26 June 1645. Information by Col. Forbes that there are goods 21 14 of Skipwith's in the house of Crowder, in the Barbican without Cripplegate. 26 June. Order that the goods be searched for, seized, inven- 4 185 toried, and brought away to be disposed of for the State. 4 241 56 26 92 61 61 2 235 75 235 March 1654. Note of a Public Faith certificate for the 601. 61 granted on order. 30 61 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 225 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. CERT. 92 32 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 50623. LADY ELIZ. BEVILL, Hackney. Assessed at 5007. 6 Sept. 1643. Note of her deposit of 1501., which, with 1007. formerly paid is her assessment, and order that on payment of 1301. more she be discharged. 2 MARY LADY BLAKE or BLAGUE, Kensington, and FRAS. BLAKE, her Executor. Lady Blake assessed at 501., to be repaid on the Public Faith if 61 paid within 10 days. 92 6 Sept. 1643. Note of her deposit of 25l., being her 13 June 1644. She to be brought up in custody to pay her assessment. 11 July 1645. Order for her discharge, having paid 251. and 141. 30 Dec. 1653. Fras. Blake petitions. Lady Blake paid the first 4 Sept. 1643, and then died; a warrant was issued on him as executor, and he paid 141. more 11 July 1645, and the assess- ment was discharged. He begs Public Faith bills for the 251. and the 147. DR. CLEWETT, Vicar of Fulham. - 61 61 75 66 67 Assessed at 1007. 5 Jan. 1644. Discharged on his affidavit that he is not worth 1007. 30 Dec. Order thereon for certificate that 257. was paid within 13 time, and 147. out of time. 92 THOS. DABRIDGCOURT, Hammersmith, Middlesex. Assessed at 101. 8 Nov. 1643. Begs discharge of the assessment having lately lost 2001. a year revenue, and having only debts which, by the distraction of the times, he cannot got in. 8 Nov. Order that the assessment be discharged on his pay- ment of 51. Vol. No. A or p. SIR ROB. FENN, Clerk of the Green Cloth to the King, Delinquent in arms, Kensington, and ROB. FENN, Kensington. 61 92 31 Oct. 1645. Mr. Jennour, M.P., to be allowed to live in Sir Robert's house at Kensington, and have the orchard, as formerly enjoyed by Col. Underwood, till further order. 75 66 3 148 61 61 31 55 2 219 61 33 59 34 61 56 92 35 LADY MILLIER DACCOMB, Edmonton. Assessed at 201. 61 58 23 Oct. 1643. Ordered to pay 51., the residue of her assessment - 75 104 27 Oct. Note that she shows acquittances for the whole 201. 2 138 21 Nov. 1645. Order relative to the trunks of linen, plate, &c., 92 renewed, notwithstanding that they had been redelivered, on sight of an order from the Commissioners for Compounding. Sir Robert assessed at 2001. - 61 60 2 107 10 Oct. 1643. His estate to be distrained for non-payment 9 June 1645. He again assessed at 8001., and Rob. Fenn at 4007. 69 40 28 July 1645. Order by the Commissioners for cos. Glou- 92 36 cester and Hereford, sitting in the Exchequer Chamber, that John Hunt, Serjeant-at-Arms to the House of Commons, seize and inventory divers trunks of plate, money, jewels, &c., belonging to Sir Rob. Fenn, concealed in the house of - Firth, of Kensington. P 4 310 37 226 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 24 Aug. 1643. P.E. 92 40 Jan. 1646 Col. Wm. Underwood petitions that he had com- mand of the horse guard at Kensington, and for his better attendance, took a ruinous house of Mr. Wheeler, M.P., at 5l., agreeing to do the repairs, on which he has spent 407., and which he has used one year and part of a second. Requests continuance therein free, as he took it for Parliament service, aad has made it tenantable, and also lent money for support of this kingdom, and for Ireland, beside adventuring his life in the service, for which he has large sums owing, but only de- sires this dwelling of Sir Rob. Fenn's. 4 Feb. 1646. Col. Underwood is to deliver the key of [Fenn's] house in Kensington, sequestered by this committee, to Mr. Jennour, to whom it is demised, or to the clerk of the com- mittee. 20 Feb. Order that the collectors break open the door of the house, and give Jennour possession. 23 March 1646. Order that, as Sir Robert has long since been assessed at 2007., and his house at Kensington seized towards the assessment, and as Col. Underwood has refused to deliver up the key to Jennour, M.P., to whom this committee has let it, the officers go to the house, demand quiet possession, and if refused, be saved harmless in breaking open the doors and taking possession. 15 April. The said sheriff to appear and show cause why he has not executed the said order. 20 April. Col. Underwood appearing, and promising to give up possession of the house to-morrow, the officers are to repair to the house and take possession. 6 April 1646. The sheriff of Middlesex with his trained bands to 5 8 assist in taking possession of the said house. 5 18 15 May. Sir John Lenthall to bring Sir Rob. Fenn, who is in his custody, before this committee on Monday. Vol. No. A or P. 92 38 4 414 4 433 Magdal 4 460 15 May 1646. Lady Fenn to live in her husband's newly-built 5 34 house at Kensington till further order. 13 Nov. 1646. Order that he have his house in Kensington where Col. Underwood lives for his dwelling, at the rent and fine formerly paid. 5 21 10 5 16 Sept. 1646. Sir Rob. Fenn petitions that having, by leave of 92 39 Parliament, attended on his Majesty in the duties of his office ever since his unhappy withdrawing from London, he was unable to pay his assessment punctually, and therefore his estate was sequestered; but he came in before 1st Dec. last (1645), and is since returned to a better understanding, and by taking the negative oath and national covenant, is enabled to compound. His wife also is now restored to her habitation in part of his new building in Kensington (his former mansion house being yet otherwise disposed of), she paying the same rent as paid by Mr. Firth, who now holds it, but is willing to resign it. Will do his uttermost to satisfy the committee, and declare the value of his estate on oath, and begs to be admitted to a rea- sonable composition for his default, without having to deposit such a sum as he could not advance except on desperate terms; begs also that his wife may be put into possession of the rest of his new building on the same terms. 34 16 Sept. Order that Sir Robert be restored to that part of his 5 101 house at Kensington now held by Firth at 41. a year, and the 7 acres of land held by - Monnyns, Sir Robert paying 25s. an acre. 5 135 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 227 24 Aug. 1643. ACCTS. 92 42 CERT. 92 43 ACCTS. 92 45 INT. 92 47 48 DEP. 92 49 NOTE 92 50 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 17 March 1647. Sir Robert petitions that his estate was sequestered 92 when he was absent in Oxford, by leave of Parliament, for non- payment of his assessment of 2001., and he conceives that that sum has already been paid by his tenants; he begs that an ac- count may be taken, and he discharged of sequestration, having already compounded for his whole estate at Goldsmiths' Hall. 17 March. The account of the receipts from Sir Robert's rents to be made up, and then he to be heard about his assessment of 8007. 0 17 Sept. 1647. Reasons by Sir Rob. Fenn why he should com- pound for his land in fee at of one year's revenue. The im- position is only of yearly revenue, and of personalty, on payment of which the lender may claim the protection of the Parliament army, and there is no fine for non-payment, except the loss of the sum, if not paid in 10 days. When assessed in August 1643, his usual residence was at Oxford; not knowing of it, he could not pay, but he was not considered a delinquent till the following December; was absolved Jan. 1644, and so re- mained till Nov. 1645, when for some unknown causes, he was again sequestered. If it were because he did not return from Ox- ford on the first summons, he was bound in soul by his oath, and in body by a powerful garrison. He did confess hiniself a de- linquent at Goldsmiths' Hall, but he had the desperate choice to do it, or starve himself, his wife, and his children. Thinks the 9001. paid at Goldsmiths' Hall, with his constant paying of Parliamentary taxes through the war, should be his purgation for any crime, as he never bore arms, lent money, or did any act contrary to law or Ordinance, and hazarded all his relations in Court to cast himself at the feet of Parliament before 1 Dec. 1645. 17 Sept. The particulars of his estate to be viewed and reported 20 Oct. 1647. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 501. more than what has been levied on his estate. 29 Oct. He is to appear to satisfy the collector's salary and charges. Vol. No. A or P. 41 SIR ART. GORGES, Chelsea. 5 221 92 5 287 5 294 5 300 18 March 1650. Information that Wm. Wheel r, late M.P., took 92 the rents and profits of Sir Rob. Fenn's estate at Kensington for 4 or 5 years, amounting to 2,0007., beside trunks of money, plate, &c., of great value, for which he has not accounted. Some of these were sequestered by the County Commissioners for Gloucester, Hereford, and Westminster, but he prevailed with the officers, instead of prizing and selling them, to deliver them to him and his wife, for the use of Fenn, to the amount of 2,5001. for which Wheeler's estate is liable to sequestration. With addresses of the witnesses. 15 Sept. Order that the 307. deposited by him be in discharge of 75 his assessment, being his proportion. 13 July 1646. Again assessed at 1001. 31 July. To be discharged, having been formerly assessed and discharged. 71 5 Assessed at 601. 61 60 13 and 17 Sept. 1643. Note of his deposit of 31. and 17., 201. in 75 all. 77 LADY SUSAN GREEN, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 507. 61 8 Sept. 1643. Order for her discharge on payment of 157. above 75 her assessment deposited or lent. 44 46 79 32 81 57 69 $ P 2 228 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 Sept. 1643. Note of payment of the 157., and of her shewing acquittances for 221. 16s. 8d. lent, and 177. 3s. 4d. paid. EDW. HARRISON, or HARRIS, Enfield, Middlesex. Assessed at 201. 26 Aug. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 18 Sept. 1643. Note of deposit of 101., being his - 61 59 92 51 75 80 2 May 1645. His assessment to be discharged for the 107., and 76 798 10s. this day paid, being his proportion. 2 March 1654. Ordered the Public Faith for his payments - 61 59 ROB. HEWITT, Throckmorton Street. Assessed at 2001. 23 Jan. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay 18 March 1644. To be committed to the Compter, Southwark, till he pay his assessment. - 61 60 2 237 51 Vol. No. A or P. 75 80 61 57 22 March. To be discharged on paying 50l. more than the 1007. deposited. 19 March. Lady Hewitt having undertaken on his behalf 3 53 that 1007. shall be paid in a week, and that he shall abide the committee's order, he is to be released on paying the collector's salary and charges. 2 3 92 26 April 1644. Certificate that, he being assessed at 2007., on hearing examinations as to his estate, 150l. was ordered to be paid by him, which is paid accordingly. 19 March 1645. Order that he be brought in custody to pay his assessment. SIR WILLIAM LANGLEY, Enfield. Assessed at 6007, (vacated on account of a later assess- ment). 3 60 17 Oct. 1643. Stephen Windross, his servant, being now in the bishopric of Durham, petitions that his master has been 14 years in the bishopric, that a ticket for payment of 6007. in 10 days was left at his house in Enfield, and that all his estate there is the park bought of the Earl of Essex, and charged with several payments to him. Has tried to let it at 2001. a year, but could not get the rent. Sir William has not made 6001. of it since he had it, all the deer being killed by the common 4 83 8 March 1654. He petitions that, being assessed in 1643 at 92 2007., which was an over-rate, he paid 100l. and begged mitigation, and was ordered to pay 50l., which he did; but meantime the officers, to get their 3d. in the pound, took out a warrant against him. Begs the Public Faith for the 150l., this notwithstanding. Often lent horses and provisions to Parliament, and it was not his fault that he was over-rated. The treasurer and registrar to act according to justice, and 61 60 the Public Faith to be given for the sum paid. 51A THOS. HODGES, Minister, Throckmorton Street. Assessed at 401. - 61 60 13 Sept. 1643. Note that he showed acquittances for 45l. 4s. lent 61 60 19 Jan. 1644. Again assessed at 300l. as minister at Kensington, 63 141 but discharged on showing his previous discharge. 51B 61 59 92 52 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 229 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. o.c. 75 88 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. people, and uone venturing to put in cattle, for fear of losing them, and the goods in the house are not worth 201. Begs longer time and mitigation. His master tried to fly to Scot- land, to avoid contributing to that Popish army, but was brought back, and once got to the sea-coast to come to London, but was brought back by 20 musketeers. 2 Jan. 1644. Ordered to pay in 1007. in 14 days, and then to be further heard, and meantime not to be molested in person or estate. 17 Oct. 1643. Sir William's assessment of 6001. respited for a 2 115 month, that his servants may have time to give him notice, he being in the bishopric of Durham. · 19 Jan. Again assessed at 10007. · 63 141 30 April 1644. Henry Heron, who holds his lands and house at 3 92 Enfield, is to pay the profits to this committee towards Sir William's assessment, until he has satisfied the committee about it, deducting the weekly assessment for the Lord General's army. 29 June. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 3 July 1644. Ordered to make up in 14 days 17 July. Order that as he has lent 1007. to Lord Fairfax, and paid 2001., 300l. in all, his assessments of 600l. and 1,000l. be discharged on payment of 2001., and that he have the Public Faith for 4007. LADY LAWRENCE. 5 June 1644. Langley assessed at 1,500l., but noted as discharged 65 64 by the Lords. 13 Oct. Order that he pay 2501., the residue of his assessment, this day week. 24 Oct. Note of acquittance for the full payments Vol. No. A or P. Assessed at 251. - 61 60 1 Sept. 1643. Note that she deposited 121. 10s. as her 1, and 75 60 was ordered to pay the residue forthwith. [Sept.] Note that she showed acquittances for the 251. 75 60 - RALPH MEYCROW or MACRO, Hackney. Assessed at 301. 26 Aug. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 19 Dec. 1643. Ordered to pay 107. in 14 days, and then to be dis- charged of his assessment. March 1654. Ordered a Public Faith certificate C 2 212 DR. WM. JUXON, Bishop of London, Fulham. Assessed at 5001. 61 55 4 Oct. 1643. Having paid his assessment, respited 10 days, to 75 93 show cause why he should not pay the residue. 2 112 JAS. MEDLICOTT, a Lodger. Order that as Hugh Bowyer and John Gloucester, of Thames Street, Queenhithe, have undertaken to pay his assessment of 1201., or as much as the committee orders, his distrained goods be re-delivered on payment of charges. 18 Sept. 1644. Again assessed at 8001. 3 164 3 166 3 180 61 55 - 61 62 92 53 2 195 61 62 C1 2 65 65 170 230 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. o.c. 3 132 24 Aug. 1643. P.E. 92 55 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. R. 3 83. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1613. 16 Oct. 1644. Order that the 137. deposited be paid, and that on paying 81. 15s. Od. he be respited till further order, that being his proportion on oath. JOHN PECK, Covent Garden. Assessed at 2501. 2 Jan. 1644. Being long since assessed, notice to be given him, and he brought up in custody to pay. 25 April 1648. To be summoned to appear on Friday to pay his, which was respited till further order. HENRY PEYTON, Chancery Lane. Assessed at 401., with note that he showed acquittance for 401. 61 paid. 5 430 SERJ. JOHN POWELL, Clement Dane's. Assessed at 407. 4 Sept. 1643. Note of his deposit of 201. for his 4 Dec. 1643. Order that the 201. be in discharge of his assess- ment, being his proportion. WM. RYLEY, Herald, Acton. LADY ELIZ. STANLEY, Chelsea. • Assessed at 201. - 61 8 Sept. 1643. His assessment to be discharged by order of the 2 House. - Assessed at 601. 4 April 1644. Her assessment respited 14 days 26 April. Order that her assessment be respited, and the goods 3 distrained re-delivered, as her estate is far remote in Lan- cashire, and she can receive no rents, and her jointure is in Oxfordshire. SIR BEVIS THELWALL, Minories. Vol. No. A or P. 76 577 • 61 55 75 64 75 138 13 July 1646. Again assessed at 1007. 31 July. Her assessment to be discharged, she having been already assessed and paid. PENELOPE 61 55 212 2 - 61 3 SYDENHAM, SYDENHAM, Martin's-in-the- Assessed at 3007. 8 Sept. 1643. Note that he deposited 467., part of his 1, and that 1047., lent in 1642 in another name, was in trust for him. 8 Jan. 1645. Allowed his liberty for 8 days, on security in 1007. then to return prisoner to Peter House for the 50 subsidies. 13 Jan. His liberty prolonged 10 days more 22 Jan. 1645. Order renewed for 14 days - 17 Sept. 1645. Order for his removal to the King's Bench 55 లులు LADY Fields. Assessed at 2507. 61 57 4 Sept. 1643. Note that she showed acquittances for 401. formerly 61 57 lent, and 207. lent in Essex, 25 July. 54 85 60 71 87 71 32 5 81 61 53 75 69 22 Sept. Ordered to pay 801. above the 1047. Os. 94d. lent, and 75 86 461. deposited. 4 7 4 11 4 21 4 264 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 231 24 Aug. 1613. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 24 Aug. 1643. 28 Aug. 1643. 28 Aug. 1643. 17 Dec. 1645. Sir David Watkins begs for Thelwall's removal to 92 the Fleet, that he may proceed against him according to law. Has obtained his outlawry in the Court of Common Pleas on suits upon 2 bonds, and a late Order in the House of Com- mons, makes it lawful to proceed against any man under restraint by order of Parliament, but Thelwall cannot legally be outlawed, unless brought to the Fleet, and thence to the Common Pleas' bar. 17 Dec. His removal to the Fleet granted 22 Dec. Warrants to the keepers of Peterhouse and the Fleet respectively to convey and to receive him. THOS. WHEELER, Tottenham. Assessed at 2001. 19 Feb. 1644. Committed to New Prison, there to remain till he has paid his 26. 20 25 March 1644. Being prisoner in Clerkenwell, he is to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money about his assess- ment. 1 April 1644. The lands distrained in Tottenham appearing to belong to his son Charles, order that the distraint be taken off, on Charles' paying 51. which is of the value. 12 April. Wheeler to be liberated, on security to make up his assessment, and abide the committee's order for the residue. 7 March 1645. On his paying in 401., to be admitted to take his affidavit as to the residue of his assessment. 14 March. Order that as he has paid in 50l., he be discharged on paying 201. more, this being his proportion on oath. SİR EDM. WILLIAMS, Charter House. Assessed at 500l., but noted as dead Vol. No. A or P. 56 ISAAC BRINGHURST, Vintner, Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 301. 14 Sept. 1643. Affidavit that 50s., his debts being paid, is the full of all the real and personal estate he had, on the making of the Ordinance for the 2. 1 23 Aug. 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 4 359 4 365 61 58 3 11 3 61 3 67 3 78 · 61 60 4 72 4 79 SERJ. THOS. WOOD, Hackney. Assessed at 1007. 61 62 75 64 4 Sept. 1613. Note of his deposit of 507. for his 17 Nov. 1643. Order that 15. of the 501. be returned, and 351. 75 120 accepted in discharge, being his proportion on oath. 61 72 92 57 3 222 27 April 1645. Respited by order of the House, because he is 61 72 one of the Princess' [Elizabeth's] servants, and the assess- ment is to be paid by Mr. Holland. SIR WM. BROWNLOW, near Warr House, London. Assessed at 3001. 61 71 4 Sept. 1643. Note of his deposit of 877. in part of his 75 65 6 Sept. Further deposit of 107. 16s. Od., to make up his 75 68 69 8 Sept. On tendering an affidavit that he is over-rated, respited 75 till Monday, when Sir Edw. Ayscough or Sir Chris. Wray are to be present. 232 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 Aug. 1643. 28 Aug. 1643. 28 Aug. 1643. R. 2 88 28 Aug. 1643. o.c. 3 292 28 Aug. 1643. o.c. 2 245 28 Aug. 1643. 咁 ​Vol. No. A or p. 9 Oct. 1643. The 501. unpaid of his assessment respited till 2 105 further order. 13 June 1644. Order for the payment of the said 507., and note that the assessment was satisfied. KATHERINE, LADY COPE, Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 501. - 29 Sept. 1643. Her assessment to be discharged on payment of 157., beside the 211. 6s. 8d. lent, and 37. 13s. 4d. deposited. JOHN CRAVEN, Shadwell, Middlesex, one of the Trinity House. Summoned to pay an assessment of 3001. - 23 Jan. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay 15 Jan. 1645. He having made affidavit that 1007. lent to Ireland in 1642 was meant by him to be lent on the propositions, order that he be discharged on payment of 201. more. March 1654. Note of a Public Faith certificate for his assessment 29 April 1644. To be brought up in custody for non-payment 5 Aug. 1644. Order that as he has already paid 201., he be dis- charged on payment of 51. more. March 1654. Public Faith ordered for the 51. - WM. JOHNSON, Eastham, Essex, lodging in Fetter Lane. Assessed at 4007. 24 Oct. 1643. Promise by him and 2 others that by 3 Nov. he shall pay 1007., thereby making up his assessment of 4001. 24 Oct. Order thereon that as he has paid 100l. in Essex, and promised 100l., be be discharged from the messengers and collectors, and be heard as to the residue. THEOPHILUS FLETCHER, Tower Wharf. Assessed at 501. - 61 70 11 Sep. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 92 59 6 Oct. 1643. Again assessed at 201. 63 51 11 Dec. 1643. Summoned to pay this assessment, with note 30 92 60 Dec. 1643, of payment of the 201. 6 Dec. 1643. Ordered to pay 1007. on Saturday, and 100%. more in 15 days. JANE MILBORNE, Widow, Shadwell. 28 Dec. Allowed 14 days' respite, Mr. Gundrey having under- taken payment. 23 Jan. 1644. Mr. Gundrey to be heard in 14 days on his reasons for repayment of part of the money paid by Johnson for his 1 2. Johnson to be brought up in safe custody. 20 1 6 Feb. 1644. Order that 501. of the 3007. deposited in 3 sums be repaid to Johnson, Gundrey having proved that 3007. is his full proportion, and he having lent 100l. in Essex. Assessed at 501. 18 Sept. 1643. Note of her deposit of 101. in part of her 21 Sept. Also of deposit of 31., to make up her 16 Jan. 1644. Order that as she lent 127. on the propositions, and has deposited 137., "her assessment of 50l. be discharged, and she left to her voluntary contribution, which she promiseth she will be forward in, when her ship comes home, wherein is all her means." 3 147 61 71 - 61 70 61 75 - 61 68 92 61 2 123 - 61 67 92 58 2 237 4 12 61 - 72 91 67 3 91 3 199 2 178 2 204 2 236-7 - 61 67 75 83 75 85 2 229 2 254 61 68 | COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 233 28 Aug. 1643. 28 Aug. 1643. DEP. 92 62 R. 5 243 P.E. 92 63 P.D. 92 64 28 Aug. 1643. 1 Sept. 1643. 1 Sept. 1643. 0. 3 299 1 Sept. 1643. CAPT. EDW. THOMPSON. Assessed at 50%. 6 Dec. 1644. Order that the 47. 16s. Od. deposited, with 207. 4s. Od. lent, be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion. SIR_ROB. THOROLD, Aldersgate, and Harrowby, Co. Lincoln. Assessed at 300l., and noted as not found - 29 Jan. 1647. Assessed at 8001. 28 May 1647. Allowed time to bring in a particular of his estate and debts. 2 May 1649. Note of his non-payment of his assessment - SIR JOHN TROLLOP, Leadenhall Street. Assessed at 3001. Noted as not found · 28 May 1650. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 1501. in a month. 4 Dec. 1650. The sum being paid, his assessment of 8007. dis- charged. - 61 71 71 59 5 263 - JOHN CLARKE, Milk Street, and his Wife. He assessed at 5001. 7 Oct. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 11 Oct. To have 14 days to make his 25 Oct. He making up the of his assessment, and giving security to abide the order of this committee, the sequestration on his estate for his to be discharged. WM. BEACON, Shadwell. Summoned to pay an assessment of 301. Noted: "Mr. Bekon 92 hath many tenements." 20 1 Nov. 1644. Having paid 1391. in Cripplegate Ward, and Mrs. Clarke having deposited 1001. and given security to abide the order of this committee for the residue, order that the seques- tration of his estate be discharged. 3 Feb. 1645. He is to pay in the residue in 14 days, or make affidavit what his is. MILES DIXON, or DICKSON, Merchant, Basinghall Street, near Road Lane, Bassieshaw Ward, 5 Jan. 1644. Respited till he come from East India, for the 2 218 reasons named in his petition and certificate. 20 24 Oct. 1645. She paying 611. more than the 2391. formerly paid by her husband and herself, the assessment of 500l. to be dis- charged. 7 Jan. 1646. She is to have the Public Faith for 1617. which she paid in on her husband's assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 61 66 76 647 9 Sept. 1646. His assessment respited till further order, he being prisoner in the King's Bench for debt. - 61 73 3 254 3 256 3 269 6 305 8 351 92 65 9 267 61 71 - 66 3 277 4 23 4 300 Assessed at 1507. 8 Sept. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 5 Oct. 1644. Jas. Herbert, Bennet Fink Parish, guarantees the 92 payment of the money before 11 Oct. 4 381 5 99 92 - 61 80 80 67 68 234 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 1 Sept. 1643. R. 76 639 R. 76 686 1 Sept. 1643. 1 Sept. 1643. 1 Sept. 1643. 17 July 1644. His assessment to be discharged on his paying in 10 days 401. more than the 251. 4s. Od. deposited and 491. 16s. formerly lent. 2 Dec. 1644. He not having paid the 401. till this day, is ordered 76 639 to pay 301. more. 23 Dec. Respited 14 days to perfect his assessment or make 76 673 affidavit. 1644? Note of his discharge on showing acquittances for 61 80 491. 16s. Od. lent and 251. 4s. Od., 40l. and 301. paid, total 1457. 69 8 25 April 1645. Summoned to pay an assessment of 2007. 92 69 76 801 7 May 1645. Order that he be discharged, having been formerly assessed, and paid 1457. March 1654. He petitions that in Jan. 1643 he was assessed at 92 70 501. and paid it; also that the next Sept. he was assessed at 1507. and with much difficulty paid 95l. 4s. Od., in addition of 491. 16s. Od. formerly lent, though hardly dealt with as to the last 301., from which he could not be freed without taking an oath, which he was very tender of. Begs a Public Faith cer- tificate for the 951. 4s. Od. Granted. SIR JOB HARVEY, London. Vol. No. A or P. 75 452 Assessed at 1,000l. 27 Nov. 1643. Summoned to appear before the committee 30 Nov. Ordered a certificate that, having paid 1,000l. on the propositions and his subsidies, he ought not to be again assessed. 21 Nov. 1648. Sir Job Harvey is to deliver to William Viscount Say and Sele a note under his lordship's hand for 1,000l., paid by him to Guildhall, and allowed to Sir Job on his, or to show cause to the contrary. Dec. 1643. Committee for Advance of Money to the Deputy 92 71 and Common Council of Tower Ward. As Sir J. Harvey has largely and voluntarily contributed for his, and paid his 50 subsidies, and has retired to Aldenham, co. Herts, where he pays all assessments, and has now a captain and 6 soldiers quartered on him, and has stated the impairing of his estate by loans-you are not to collect any more money on him in London without special order of Parliament. LADY GOODRICH, Coleman Street. Assessed at 3007. No Proceedings 61 80 61 80 2 168 30 Nov. He produces a certificate that he paid 1,000l. of the 61 80 4,000l. paid in by Lord Say in September 1642. 17 Nov. Order that as he has lent 8177. and deposited 1837., his assessment be discharged on payment of 500l. more in 6 weeks, in sums of 2001., 150l., and 1501. 6 119 - 61 78 SIR JOHN JACOB, Bromley, Middlesex. Assessed at 2,000l. - 61 80 16 Nov. 1643. Order that he make oath as to what is his 2, 2 148 according to the Ordinance of 29 Nov. 1642. 2 152 6 May 1645. Sir John Jacob to the Earl of Stamford. I have 92 received your intimation of a Parliament Order about of delinquents' estates, and your summons to treat for my part of Sir Thos. Darrell's debt of 3,000l., but 1 dare not venture near any public place without protection, and I 72 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 235 1 Sept. 1643. 1 Sept. 1643. 1 Sept. 1643. 2 Sept. 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. "C could not comply if I would, being undone by what I have already paid; I am now resolved rather to suffer once for all than by pieces, which is the worst of evils." 28 May 1647. Order that Sir John have the Public Faith for 5007. part of the 4,000l. paid in the name of Lord Say, 3001. paid in the Ward, and 6831. paid for his 26. MEREDITH MADEY, Minister. Assessed at 801. 5 Jan. 1644. Peter Mills, his executor, to pay 201. in discharge of his assessment. SIR PAUL PINDAR, London. Assessed at 3,5001. 8 Sept. 1643. Affidavit by him that 1001. is the full of all his goods, chattels, leases, and personal estate, and 301. the of his real estate. Signed by him and Sir Isaac Pennington, Lord Mayor. 14 Sept. Note of his deposit of 4001. 18 Sept. Like note for 2001. more 1 Dec. 1643. 5007. paid in by him to be taken to Guildhall and paid to Lord Say, in part of 1,3661. 17s. ordered him by Parliament. 20 Nov. 1646. Mills to have the Public Faith for the 201. paid, 5 140 Madey having had notice but when he was dying. 25 May 1649. Note that in Sept. 1642 he paid 1,000l., part of 4,000l., to Lord Say, and has since paid 1,2001. in 4 sums. 25 May. Order that he have the Public Faith for 1,2001. as paid within the time. Vol. No. A or P. 5 264 61 80 - 75 75 SIR WILLIAM ACTON. His dividends and stock in the East India Company to be detained in the company's hands for non-payment of his assessment. 61 78 2 218 16 Jan. 1644. A house of his at Richmond, and another in Wood Street, being seized for his, order that the goods be inventoried, but their bringing away and sale suspended 14 days, on Lady Acton's giving in security that they shall not be removed or embezzled, and paying the officers' charges for seizure. Meantime Sir William is to bring in his assess- ment and be further heard, otherwise the goods will be sold and the houses disposed of. 27. Jan. Order that on his putting in security in 5007., the prosecution be suspended 14 days, and he heard as to the residue. 61 80 92 73 rypy 82 2 173 JOHN WOODBOURNE, Grub Street, Cripplegate Ward. Order on his petition-that he set forth his brothers in Parlia- ment's service, at his charge of 501., which his assessors knew not of, and desiring to be cleared on paying 251. more than the 751. already paid,-that his assessment of 1501. be discharged, he paying the collector's salary and charges. 23 Aug. 1644. Again assessed at 4007. 65 151 6 Sept. 1644. A fresh assessment of 2007. vacated, because of the 65 161 former one. 61 7 92 80 16 74 23 Sept. His assessment discharged for 1007. paid in the ward, 76 550 being his proportion. 2 69 2 72 2 231 2 242 236 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 Sept. 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. 监 ​4 Sept. 1643. DEP. 92 75 6 Feb. 1644. Order that he pay 300l. in 14 days, and the sequestration to stand, unless security be given for the same, but his person to be at liberty. 1 20 16 Feb. His sequestration for his to be discharged on paying 3001. besides the 2001. deposited, and notice given to the sequestration committee. 24 Feb. He is to appear and show cause why he should not pay the residue of his assessment of 1,000l. and abide the order of this committee therein. 27 Feb. The seizure of his stock in the hands of the East India Company to be discharged. 11 March 1644. Order for his discharge on paying 3007. more than the 5007. deposited, 2007. being allowed for his disburse- ments in the country. 22 March. Order that 1501. be brought in on Monday, and then he shall have 14 days for the other 1501. 25 May 1644. Order that he pay 1007. by Tuesday next 20 Oct. 1645. Assessed at 2,500l. 3 59 30 April 1644. The collectors of his sequestration summoned for 3 93 Friday. 20 SERJEANT ROB. ANGEL, Tothill Street, Westminster. Assessed at 407. 12 June 1644. Order that as his assessment for his is not paid, Sir John Drayton, M.P., who lives in a house of his in Tothill Street, for which there is rent due, and in which are several goods of Angel's, pay no rent till further order, nor allow the goods to be removed. · 23 Dec. 1644. Order that Drayton, who owes 1 year's rent for the house, pay 20 marks a year for the past, and for 2 years for which he is to have the house. Noted that on 24 Dec. he paid 167. 13s. 4d. to Mr. Lane. 3 125 69 97 7 Nov. 1645. Discharged for the 1,000l. paid in the ward, being 76 884 his proportion. 7 April 1645. The evidences of Mrs. Bateman about the house held by Sir John Drayton to be viewed and reported on. 2 May 1645. Order-on proof that the house belonged, not to Angel, who was only a tenant, but to the late Dan. Bateman-that the 167. 13s. 4d. received be paid to Martha Bateman, his widow, and that Sir John Drayton pay his rent to her if he continues to hold the house. Vol. No. A or P. 2 254 10 Dec. 1645. Angel assessed again at 3001. 4 March 1646. Discharged his assessments of 40l. and 3007., not being worth 2007. by affidavit. 2 263 SIR WM. BUTLER, or BOTELER, Bart., Giles-in-the- Fields, and Teston, Kent, and JOAN, his Widow and Executrix, Mother and Guardian of OLIVER, his Son and Heir. 3 24 3 28 3 44 63 6 3 144 3 340 4 110 4 139 69 123 4 443 Sir Wm. Butler assessed at 500l., but not to be found 63 7 23 Oct. 1646. Dame Joan and her son assessed at 1,5007. 71 46 24 Sept. 1651. Sequestration to be forborne against Dame Joan 24 170 Butler, and Sir Oliver, her son, no return having been made of the time of giving them notice. 1 9 Jan. 1652. Order that-as Sir William died in 1644, and the 17 140 assessment was not made till Oct. 1646, and as by Act of June 1648, the is only to be levied on delinquents within the Ordinance of Sequestration,-Lady Butler and her son, now 10 years old, be discharged, the husband being dead 20 before assessment. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 237 4 Sept. 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. 0. 3 238 4 Sept. 1643. II. 75 98 4 Sept. 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. SIR HEN. DAVIES, Westminster. Assessed at 1007. 28 Sept. 1643. Note of deposit of 501., being his 29 Sept. His assessment to be discharged for the 501., being his proportion. JOHN HARRIS, Watchmaker, York House, Strand. Assessed at 107. 7 Sept. 1643. Ordered to be paid in 14 days 18 Sept. 1643. Note of his deposit of 51. 15 May 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 8 Jan. 1645. Order repeated 14 Feb. 1645. His assessment of 107. discharged, as he is em- ployed in divers services for the public. March 1654. Note of a Public Faith certificate given him SIR GEORGE KEMP, Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1507. 29 Sept. 1643. Ordered to pay it or show acquittances 24 Oct. 1643. Shows acquittances for the 1507. in discharge LADY LEWKNOR, Giles-in-the-Fields. · Assessed at 1007. 22 Sept. 1643. Discharged on her affidavit that she has no estate considerable enough for assessment. WM. MARSHALL. Whereas he being assessed at 1507., and there having been 35 oz. of gilt plate, value 5s. 2d per ounce, and 584 oz. of white plate at 4s. 10d., taken out of his house, though marked with his name, on a search for Lord Craven's plate, and melted, and used for the State, to the value of 1507. 3s. 6d.; and whereas the collectors have distrained money and plate of his, value 801.; order that the same be restored, and a discharge given for his assessment for the 1507. 3s. 6d. DR. NEWELL, Westminster. Assessed at 2007. 21 Dec. 1643. His goods to be appraised, and Mr. Herle, of the Assembly [of Divines] to have the refusal of them, paying the valuation. 28 Dec. Order that on payment of 40l. to-morrow and 201. in 10 days, to make up the 407. paid in co. Herts. to 1007., his assessment be discharged, and his distrained goods restored, he paying the collector's salary and charges. LADY ELIZ. RAY, or WRAY, the Strand, Westminster, Wife of Mr. Wray, Ricot, Co. Oxon. Assessed at 501. 24 Jan. 1645. Assessed at 1,0001. 5 March 1645. Her assessment respited 14 days without pre- judice. - 17 March. She being assessed at 1,000l. and having no reserved estate, and her husband having paid 400l. to his Excellency's Commissioners, order that her assessment be discharged. ; Vol. No. A or P. 62 4 75 90 2 101 ន។ 63 10 92 76 75 81 3 116 4 6 4 40 63 2 10 63 75 91 63 7 92 7 63 7 86 75 71 76A 63 6 2 199 2 204 63 4 67 116 4 69 4 82 238 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 Sept. 1643. o.c. 2 74 4 Sept. 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. 4 Sept. 1643. B. 75 95 RICH. WARD, JOHN BEADLE, and Others, of the East India Company.* Whereas Rich. Ward and 5 others are assessed at divers sums, and have not paid their assessments, and have shares in the company, and there is merchandize in custody of the company ready to be delivered to them ;-order that their stock, and the proceeds thereof be stayed towards payment of their assessments, and that the governor and company take special care that no dividend from the said goods be paid to the said parties till further order, and the governor and officers are to attend this committee to-morrow. 8 Sept. 1643. The governor, &c., to appear on Saturday, and give in the names of every adventurer in the company. 9 Oct. 1643. Wm. Cockayne, governor of the company, to-morrow. to appear DR. THOS. WILSON, Prebend of Westminster. Assessed at 1007. 23 Nov. 1643. Dr. Wilson having left his house to avoid payment of an assessment of 100%., and the House of Commons having ordered that the divines of the Assembly be lodged in the dean and prebends' houses, Westminster, order that Phil. Nye, one of the said divines, have Dr. Wilson's house for his own dwelling, the rent to be paid to this committee towards his assessment. Say 10 Feb. 1645. The goods and things in Wilson's house to remain in Nye's custody till further order. C 28 Dec. 1643. Roger Kilvert having given security for 6501. of Sir Hugh's assessment, and he having formerly lent 3501., the clerk of this committee to certify the Committee of Ex- aminations that Sir Hugh may be discharged from imprison- ment; and that the goods and house, and the adventure in the East India Company, seized for his assessment, may be discharged. JOHN WISEMAN, Westminster. 10 Nov. 1647. Order that he have the will and papers about the late Geo. Windham's estate, on security to return them in 6 months, or sooner if required. Vol. No. A or P. 2 72 SIR HUGH WINDHAM. His stock and dividends in the East India Company to be de- 2 72 tained in the company's hands for non-payment of his assess- ment. 2 84 5 May 1645. He is to make his affidavit as to what is his 7 May. Discharged for the 141. 11s. 8d. formerly paid, being his proportion on oath. * The other names are calendared under their respective casos. 20 2 105 63 6 2 162 4 35 2 Jan. 1646. Assessed at 2,5001. 16 Jan. Order that he being so assessed, notice be given him accordingly. 21 Jan. His assessment discharged for the 1,000l. already lent 76 906 and paid, being his proportion. 5 303 2 205 71 4 4 390 Assessed at 201. 63 4 23 Oct. 1643. His assessment respited till his return from 2 120 Holland. 4 143 4 146 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 239 6 Sept. 1643. 7 Sept. 1643. 8 Sept. 1643. 8 Sept. 1643. R. 5 129 11 Sept. 1643. 11 Sept. 1643. WM. PARRISH. Assessed at 107. 16 Nov. 1643. He having deposited 51., his assessment to be respited till it appear that he is paid his billet money, which by his bill is 1637. 11s. 9d. 14 April 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment- 20 March 1654. Receipt by him of a Public Faith certificate for the 51. assessment paid. THOS. STOCKDALE. Parliament Order on his petition that the Committee for Ad- vance of Money be specially requested to furnish him with the goods he desires. 8 Sept. 1643. Order in the said Committee that he have goods sold at the candle to the value of 2001. 18 Sept. Order repeated that he have the goods or 2007. in money. RICH. TREVILE, Bread Street, and Plymouth. Assessed at 8007. 11 Sept. 1643. Order for his discharge on paying 1007. more than the 5001. lent. 18 Sept. Note of his payment of the 100. 6 May 1644. Assessed again at 2,000l. 16 May. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 22 May. Affidavit that 6001. is his full except for lands and debts in the King's quarters, which he believes desperate; lent 6007. on the propositions, is 9001. out of purse for main- taining the cause of Parliament in Plymouth and elsewhere, and pays weekly 91. 6s. 8d. to maintain 40 soldiers at 4s. 8d. a week in Plymouth. Signed by Lord Mayor Wollaston. Vol. No. A or P. 63 12 2 146 4 119 92 77 SIR EDW. BASH, Aldersgate Street, and Co. Herts. Assessed at 1,000l. - 9 Feb. 1644. Order that on paying 3001. above the 2251. paid in Hertfordshire, the 921. 12s. distrained rents, and the 1821. 7s. 7½d. deposited, and the officer's salary and charges, his assessment be discharged. 2 85 2 2 92 63 75 92 85 21 Aug. 1646. Assessed at 4007. 16 Sept. 1646. Allowed till next term to produce what he has contributed in the country towards his assessment. 27 June 1649. Order that he have the Public Faith for the 401. 92 paid by his tenant, it being received at his request. 94 78 75 80 61 147 3 118 79 13 73 22 May. His assessment respited till his excepted lands be 75 344 restored and further order taken. EDM. WILD, Inner Temple. 20 Order that his assessment of 407. for his be levied on his 2 85 tenant, Wm. Garrard, of Much Tottam hall [Totham Magna], Maldon, Essex, who owes him 701. for rent. 71 39 5 101 80 63 13 2 259 DR. CATCHER, Physician of Bartholomew's Hospital. Assessed at 1007. 63 16 2 Jan. 1644. Ordered to pay the residue of his assessment in 2 213 14 days. With note of payment of the 1001. for which the Public Faith is given. 63 16 240 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 11 Sept. 1643. R. 2 203 11 Sept. 1643. 11 Sept. 1643. 11 Sept. 1643. 11 Sept. 1643. 11 Sept. 1643. R. 3 9 11 Sept. 1643. JOHN CLARKE, M.D., Creed Lane, the Strand. Assessed at 2501. 29 Dec. 1643. His assessment to be discharged, he having con- tributed more than he was assessed. DR. DEODATE, Physician. 6 Dec. 1644. Another assessment discharged, he having largely 63 contributed on the propositions, and being formerly assessed and discharged. 8 Jan. 1645. To be taken into custody for non-payment of 4 7 assessment. Assessed at 1007. 2 Jan. 1644. His assessment discharged, on paying the officers' salary and charges. SIR THOS. FOTHERBY, about the Mews. Assessed at 2001. 20 Oct. 1643. Having deposited, ordered to pay the rest in a week, or show cause. 4 Jan. 1644. Ordered to pay the other in 6 days Jan. ? Note that it was paid and the Public Faith given THOS. FOX, M.D., Aldersgate Street, or Amen Corner. Assessed at 1,000l. 8 Jan. 1645. To make up his assessment and give security to abide the committee's order about the residue, or in default, to be committed to Peter House. R - 31 Jan. He having formerly paid 891. 6s. 8d. and deposited 410l. 13s. 4d., order that he be repaid 150l., and his assess- ment discharged, on his paying the collector's salary, and that he have the Public Faith for what remains here, being 2601. 13s. 4d. 23 April 1645. Mr. Newton or his wife to have 50s. for their dis- covery of Dr. Fox, he having paid in 2607. for his ʊ. FU JOHN GIFFORD, M.D., Mugwell Street. Assessed at 2507. 18 Nov. 1643. His assessment to be discharged if he pay 751. in 10 days, more than the 1007. distrained, and the 251. deposited; otherwise he is to pay the whole. 30 Nov. Having deposited 50l. more, he is allowed 14 days more for payment of the other 251. FRAS. PRUJEAN, PRIDGEON, or PRIDDEAN, M.D. Summoned to pay an assessment of 2501. JOHN PENRICE alias DENNIS, Fleet Street, and Co. Worcester. Assessed at 601. 29 Dec. 1643. His assessment respited that the committee may enquire about his estate, which he informs them is all in Worcestershire. 29 Feb. 1644. His assessment discharged, as his estate is in Worcestershire, under power of the King's army. Vol. No. A or P. 15 3 321 63 63 15 2 212 63 16 75 102 2 216 16 63 15 63 4 4 63 16 5 26 16 4 130 63 16 2 155 2 172 63 92 63 15 2 208 3 30 15 81 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 241 11 Sept. 1643. 11 Sept. 1643. 13 Sept. 1643. 13 Sept. 1643. R. 52 44 15 Sept. 1643. 50623. 1644 ? Certificate that he frequents the church, is a Protestant, 92 and not addicted to Popery. 13 Nov. 1646. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 19 Nov. He petitions that he had no notice of the assessment till yesterday, that 3 years since, his house in London was rifled, and his goods, value 500l., carried away, and he could get nothing back, some trifles of silver of small value excepted," so that he would have been in great want bnt for his profession. He begs leave to make affidavit as to his 2. 27 Nov. Order that on payment of 10l., his assessment of 250l. be discharged, as he had no notice. CC EDM. WALLER, Lodger, near Charing Cross Tavern, and Co. Herts. Assessed at 3007. 13 Nov. 1643. Having deposited, he is respited a week 20 Nov. The 1507. deposited, with 81. paid in co. Herts., to be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath. • 5 · SIR JOHN BROWNLOW, Enfield. Vol. No. A or P. 82 CAPT. HEN. HALL, Stepney, Middlesex. Assessed at 801., and summoned to pay 2 Dec. 1643. Certificate that the sum was paid, and the assess- 92 84 ment discharged. 135 92 83 20 March 1654. Rob. Milinly (?) to Geo. Eles of White Friars. 92 85 Pray see Waller's claims entered, and let me know in case of obstruction. With receipt, by Eles, of Waller's certifi- cate for payment of the 1507. 30 Dec. 1644. Ordered to pay his assessment, and the rest to be respited till the Navy Committee pay him the debt they owe him. March 1654. He petitions that in Sept. 1643, he was assessed by the late Committee for Advance of Money at 801. for his; that he appeared 2 Oct., and proved that he had carried in plate to Guildhall a year before, value 221. 1s. 4d., and had heavy debts owing him by the Navy Committee, till the receipt of which he could not pay his assessment, so for that time he was dismissed. On 30 Dec. 1644, he was ordered to pay the assessment, and he should be respited the other till paid by the Navy Committee, whereupon he paid in 177. 18s. 8d. to make up his, but has never had his arrears paid, and fears he never shall, to his utter undoing. Begs a Public Faith cer- tificate for the 177. 18s. 8d. Granted. 5 143 Assessed at 2001. - 63 16 9 Oct. 1643. The 501. remaining due on his assessment respited 2 105 till further order. With note that he showed acquittances for 63 16 much more than 2001. lent. DR. WM. BRUGH, late Rector of Michael's, Cornhill. He being assessed at 501., of which part remains unpaid, order that the churchwardens collect his arrears of tithes and dues, and pay them in to this committee, when further order will be taken. 63 16 75 115 75 122 92 86 63 18 3 346 92 87 63 18 2 98 Q 242 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. ** 15 Sept. 1643. 15 Sept. 1643. 15 Sept. 1643. 15 Sept. 1643. 18 Sept. 1643. i o. 2 128 : 20 DR: WM. FAIRFAX, late Rector of Peter's, Cornhill. He being assessed for his at 751., of which part remains un- paid, and there being tithes, &c., due to him from the parish- ioners-order that the churchwardens collect the said dues and bring them to this committee, and certify the names of those refusing to pay, that further order may be taken. 1 Feb. 1644. The churchwardens having gathered of the tithes due to him 421. 2s. 8d., out of which they have paid 5l. 10s. to a reader and 157. to a preacher-order that these payments be allowed, and that the other 217. 12s. 8d. be paid in part of the Doctor's assessment of 751. 1 14 June 1644. Order that he have liberty from his imprison- ment, in order to procure what money he can for his 20; granted on a letter from Lord Fairfax. JOHN MATHEWES, Ann's Lane. Assessed at 401. 20 Oct. 1643. His goods being sequestered for his assessment, discharged because they belong to his children, but again seized for the assessment, and brought to Guildhall-order that they be returned to his wife for the use of the children. HUM. WELD, Esq., Covent Garden, Giles' Parish. Assessed at 4,000l. 20 Dec. 1643. Order that Gosse sell to Sir John Wray such goods as were seized in Mr. Weld's house, and are distrained and at Guildhall. • SIR THOS. BENDISH, Prisoner in the Tower. Assessed at 8001. 6 Oct. 1643. Ordered a month's time to bring in a particular of his estate, and what he has paid in the country, and then the Lieutenant is to allow him to attend committee with his keeper. ROB. NAPPER, Fleet Street, Farringdon Ward Without. Assessed at 3007. 25 Sept. 1643. Order that as he has absented himself to avoid 92 payment, 3 inhabitants of the Ward lease his house to Rich. Aske, with the goods therein, on such rent and for such term as they think fit. 8 Nov. 1643. His assessment to be discharged for the 2151. which he has paid, it being his proportion on oath, and he to pay the collector's salary for the assessment. Failing to per- form this, he is ordered to pay the salary for the whole assess- ment, or to show cause. Vol. No. A or p. 2 97 9 Nov. As he has not paid the collector's salary, the order of 8 Nov. is revoked, and the collectors are to levy 5851., the residue of his assessment, on his estate. 2 247 3 148 63 20 2 118 63 21 ≈ 888 63 21 2 197 63 21 63 23 2 104 2 138 2 138 2 139 140 11 Nov. Sir Thos. Bendish to the Committee for Advance of 92 89 Money. I did not refuse to pay the salary, though I cannot find by the Ordinances of Parliament that collectors should receive salary for money that has not passed their hands. I offered a full 3d. in the pound on all I had paid, but it was rejected. I refused more, not out of contempt of your orders, but in belief that you would not impose such a burden on me as to pay salary for my whole assessment (which the collectors COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.—CASES. 243 18 Sept. 1643. 18 Sept. 1643. P.E. 92 91 LIST 92 92 required), seeing there was a great mistake in my estate being overvalued to 4 times its value. I lent 4001. for Ireland, and paid all taxes, and my horses were more value than half my assessment. I cannot attend in person, because of my im- prisonment, but I beg I may only pay salary on 1157. 14 Nov. 1643. He is to pay 1001. beside the 2151. already paid, and 3d. in the pound on the whole assessment of 8001., or in default, the whole 8001. is to be paid. 23 Nov. The value of his horses listed, being 381., to be allowed out of the 1007. ordered to be paid by him 14 Nov. HUGH HARE, LORD COLERAINE. Assessed at 2,000l. 16 Nov. 1643. To be sequestered for nonpayment, and the tenants complaining that they must give up the lands unless the rents are abated to what they formerly paid Lord Cole- raine-order that they pay to this committee the former rents till the assessment is paid, and that the residue be abated. 6 March. Order that they bring in their old and new leases, and pay their rents according to the old leases, when their cases will be considered. 11 March. Order that Walter Boothby, who holds Tottenham Mansion House from Lord Coleraine at 1401., pay only 100%. till Lord Coleraine's assessment is satisfied, because he cannot receive his rents from the under tenants. 6 March 1644. Petition of John Wilbrum and 5 other inhabitants 92 90 of Tottenham High Cross, Middlesex. They hold lands of Lord Coleraine at certain rents, and he lately raised the rents so high that they will be unable to pay, and must forsake their farms, which are sequestered, unless they can be relieved. Beg an abatement. 18 Oct. 1644. Order for felling of wood on his estate towards payment of the assessment. 10 Jan. 1645. Two of his tenants ordered to pay in their rents to this committee. 4 March 1645. Wm. Say to Dallison. When Lord Coleraine is concluding his business, take care that his discharge is made conditional on his submitting to all the orders of your committee; and if this may not be, do what you can for my security. Vol. No. A or P. 5 March. On Coleraine's fully submitting to the orders of the committee about his, it is reduced to 2,000l., the sum at which he was first assessed, and the sequestration taken off on his giving security to obey orders. 2 143 10 March. John Etheridge, Coleraine's woodward, to have 20s. for fencing and making gates. 2 160 7 June 1644. Newman to pay and allow 167. due for 8 weeks' 3 144 assessment on his lauds sequestered for his 2. 8 July 1644. Another assessment of 4,000l. made but vacated · • 63 65 63 23 2 150 3 37 3 44 23 100 3 263 4 8 92 92 93 4 70 4 76 13 March. Wm. Say to Dallison. I have waited on you and the 92 94 committee, but not found you, and now I have to return into the country. Give me as early a notice as you can when the cause between Lord Coleraine and myself will be heard. 16th March. Wm. Say to Dallison. If my lord is stirring in the 92 business, let him know I want a review. If that cannot be had, then move, when he concludes his assessment, that he is not to disturb any debtor or tenant who has been commanded 95 Q 2 244 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 Sept. 1643. 0. 4 420 HUGH, LORD COLERAINE-Cont. to pay money or rent toward his assessment, "I would have as many bars upon him as I could, and all little enough to keep him in order." 21 March 1645. Coleraine having given the required security for 2,000l. the sequestration laid on his estate, according to the Őrder in Parliament of 1 May last, taken off, except that, with his consent, his Lady-day rents are to be received by this committee, and the case to be heard on Friday, but no former orders sus- pended meantime. Proviso, that this order is not to suspend any former agreements with his tenants or debtors. 4 April 1645. Order that he pay the 2,000l. at such times as the committee shall appoint, the moneys raised from his estates in co. Herts or elsewhere to be allowed in part thereof. All sequestrations are then to be discharged, and he is to receive his rents and arrears. 8 Aug. 1645. He is to pay to Hum. Bury and Lynam Robins [officers of the Committee for Advance of Money] their salary of 3d. in the pound on his assessment, and also their charges. 26 Sept. 1645. Order renewed; he is to pay salary on his assess- ment of 4,000l. (sic), and also to pay in the balance of his assessment. 23 May 1645 ? Lord Coleraine to Dallison. I beg delivery of the 92 bonds for this year's sale of wood in Tottenham manor, for my wants are great, and the buyers will pay in no more money without the bonds. 24 July 1646. Order that he appear before the committee to satisfy their demands about bis assessment. 28 May 1644. Order that-as William Say and two others are en- gaged as sureties of WM. SANDYS of Fladbury, co. Worcester, to Hugh, Lord Coleraine, whose estate is now sequestered for non- payment of his 2,-Say pay no money to Coleraine till further order. May? List of the said bonds, and note of receipt thereof by Lord 92 Coleraine. 4 230 29 June 1644. Order that the clerk sign an order in this case, and that it be entered among those of 3 July 1644. 3 July 1644. Order that as the above-named are bound for 1,8007. principal, with interest, 7007. being paid, and as Sandys cannot pay, and as the collectors have compounded with Wm. Say for the debt for 2001., Say and his heirs be acquitted for ever from any obligation for the said debt to Lord Coleraine, and be saved harmless against them. Also as Say and Hen. Lea of Hadlow, Kent, are bound to Sir John Honeywood, sheriff of Kent, 18 Charles, to appear to an action commenced by Lord Coleraine against Say for this debt, that they be discharged from the said obligation, and that the sheriff bring it up to be made void also that if Say recover any money of Sandys on the obliga- tion, he be accountable to this committee therefor. } 3 July. Order for the sheriff of Kent to deliver up the above named bond. 17 Feb. 1645. Order that Jarvis Taylor, under-sheriff of Kent, be brought up in custody for refusing to deliver the said bond, and remain in custody till he deliver it to the clerk of the Committee for Advance of Money. Vol. No. A or P. H. 4 70 3 March 1645. Order requiring him to deliver the said bond, and indemnifying him for so doing. 4 89 28 March. Order on hearing Lord Coleraine's allegations in the case, confirming the orders already made; Lord Coleraine is to give security that neither Say nor Lea shall be molested for the debt, and Say is to make over to Coleraine any counter security that he holds. 4 109 96 97 4 271 5 79 3 129 3 164 3 167 3 169 4 43 44 4 67 4 99 3 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 245 18 Sept. 1643. R. 3 344 INV. 92 107 o. 4 219 7 Feb. 1646. Wm. Say to Dallison. Has the under-sheriff of Kent brought in the bond to be cancelled as ordered? I will admit no more delay; also tell me what Lord Coleraine has done about giving security, according to the last order. Feb.? Wm. Say to Dallison. Has Lord Coleraine given his 92 security? if not, what is the cause of delay ? If necessary, I and my friends will appear in it. What has Colman done about Shorditch? If he sleep on the business, I will not. 4 June 1644. Order that as WM. SAY owes this committee 2001., due to Lord Coleraine, and as Rich. Shorditch, jun., of Icken- ham, Middlesex, owes Say 2001. with interest, Shorditch pay the money to this committee. 29 June. Shorditch to be brought up in custody, not having appeared on summons.. 12 July 1644. Order that as Shorditch cannot be found, his rents and estate be sequestered, that he may appear and pay the 2007. 17 July. Particulars of his rents, and list of the tenants 18 Nov. 1644. Edw. Briscoe, and Richard and Edm. Shorditch to be brought up for interrupting an officer of this committee in execution of his duty. 92 100 3 101 2 Aug. 1644. Shorditch's sequestration to be continued till he show 198 cause to the contrary to the committee on his case. 92 102 REP. 92 104 3 Aug. Summons by the said committee to Shorditch to appear 92 103 before them. 3 294 22 Nov. Order that Cannon, who refused to assist Colman against Shorditch, and promised that the corn and horse seized by Colman should be forthcoming, and now refuses to perform, be committed to Peter House, and also Shorditch. 29 Nov. Order upon Shorditch's petition and submission that he be released from imprisonment. 6 Dec. 1644. The horses and beans seized by Colman from Shor- ditch to be sold toward payment of his debt. Vol. No. A or P. 98 92 3 294 18 Nov. John Snaps and Wm. Usmond [Shorditch's tenants] to be brought up by Art. Colman to answer the charges of Wm Say. 22 Nov. Art. Colman, messenger, complains of hindrance in his 92 105 proceedings against Shorditch by John Cannon, constable of Ickenham, Middlesex, who refused aid, allowed some of the corn seized to be taken away, kept back a horse seized, and said he had something else to do than to run about this business; also that Shorditch reviled and threatened him. With note by John Lisle urging redress for him. 13 Dec. Order for his release on bail, security being given for his appearance on Friday. 10 Jan. 1645. Order for his discharge from further attendance 7 Feb. 1645. Shorditch's goods in the hands of Edw. Briscoe to be secured, and he brought in custody to show cause why he detains them. 16 April 1645. The business between Say and Shorditch to be heard on Wednesday, and Shorditch to be protected from arrest in attending. 14 May 1645. Shorditch to be brought up in custody to answer charges. 99 19 May 1645. Wm. Say to Dallison. I want a warrant for taking Shorditch, directed to John Cannon, constable of Ickenham, who will undertake it if he may call whom he pleases to his assistance, and this will procure the money. You may assess me for my 3 137 3 164 3 175 3 321 13 Dec. ? Cannon begs release. Is sorry for any neglect or mis- 92 106 demeanour, and will be more diligent in future in executing the committee's business. 3 299 3 311 3 328 4 8 4 34 4 123 4 159 92 108 246 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 Sept. 1643. 18 Sept. 1643. 18 Sept. 1643. 20 at 3001., which, although I have paid, I had rather leave it in your hands than where it is. Let me know what security Lord Coleraine is bound to give me. 26 Sept. 1645. Inventory of Shorditch's household goods and farm 92 109 stock, and note by Edw. Briscoe of their sale for 2021. 7s. 6d. 17 Jan. 1645. Information that LADY DELAWARR, who lives in Charter 92 110 House Yard, borrowed from Lord Coleraine 3,000l. on mortgage of a goodly house and lands near Burntwood, Essex, worth 3001. a year, the house being built by her father, Sir Thos. Edmonds. 17 Jan. Order that the Lady do not repay the money till further order. HEN. COOKE, London House. Assessed at 3001. 23 Oct. 1644. His tenant, Hen. Vincent, to be brought in custody to pay his rent to this committee. 11 Nov. 1644. Being 501. in arrears of his Michaelmas rent, and having disbursed 191. 13s. Od. for his landlord, order that he pay the remaining 301. 7s. Od. towards Mr. Cooke's assessment. SIR ROB. COOKE, Prisoner in the Tower. Assessed at 2,000l. 10 Oct. 1643. His rents, chattels, and cattle, in cos. Surrey, Suffolk, Norfolk, &c., to be seized, appraised, and sold, and the proceeds paid to the Guildhall Treasurers, who are to give account to this committee. 4 Nov. 1643. Order that, his estate being sequestered for his assess- ment, the tenants pay their rents to the officers of this committee. 1 5 Dec. 1643. Order that as he is assessed at 2,0007., which is unpaid, and therefore Thos. Jarvis, officer to this committee, has seized his rents for payment, but his tenants have since been ordered to pay their rents to the Sequestration Committee,-though the 20 should first be satisfied, the tenants first pay sums amounting to 2,000l. to Jarvis, in doing which they are to be protected by Act of Parliament, and then pay the rents to those authorised by both Houses of Parliament to receive them. 9 Aug. 1644. Order that from the next moneys that come in on his assessment, Mr. Jarvis be paid 397. 12s. Od., his bill of charges on Sir Robert's estate in Norfolk. 11 Sept. 1644. Thos. Jarvis to be paid 36l. 12s. 3d. expenses in levy- ing the rents since 8 July last. 31 Sept. The sequestration to be taken off if Sir Robert will make up his assessment of 2,000l. in 14 days. Vol. No. A or p. 7 Oct. 1644. If he pay in the residue of his assessment, allowed 14 days more for salary and charges. 16 July. Order that the said estate be seized, and the rents paid to the officers of this committee. 4 15 1 Oct. 1645. Order that the profits of Boseham manor, Sussex, be sequestered till the 3,5001. due to Sir Robert Cooke from Geo. Berkley be paid, chargeable with a rent of 600l. a year to Lady Berkley. 63 23 3 267 3 287 3 234 3 248 3 253 Oct. ? Note that he paid in 1,043l. 4s. ld. and 9567. 15s. 1ld. 63 21 Total, 2,000l. 63 21 2 106 2 135 2 186 3 204 14 July 1645. Information that he has an estate of 500l. a year in 21 Sussex, not yet discovered. 4 206 4 278 281 16 Oct. ? Statement that as the rents of the manor are only 7001., 92 111 of which 600l. is due to Lady Berkley, the 1007. left will not pay the interest of the 3,500l. debt, and therefore the com- COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 247 18 Sept. 1643. 18 Sept. 1643. 18 Sept. 1643. PR. 92. 112 14 Nov. 1645. Order that the sequestration of Geo. Berkley's 4 322 CASE 92 113 114 estate, at Cranford St. John's, and Cranford le Mott, Middlesex, be taken off, he giving good security for the rents and arrears, in case it appear that the 3,5007. ought to be satisfied out of the said estate. 18 Sept. 1643. mittee-having notice of other estates left to Geo.Berkley by his grandmother, the profits of which were formerly received by Sir Robt. Cooke and his wife, and which by the deeds are intended for satisfaction of the 3,500l.,-have seized and seques- tered the same. o. 3. 19 R. 75 121 1 Dec. 1643. As he is now in Holland, on special service of the State, the 2007. lent, and 5501. deposited, are to be in discharge of his assessment, for which Public Faith is given. ADAM LAWRENCE, Great Helen's, Bishopsgate Ward. Assessed at 1,500l. 63 21 94 6 Oct. 1643. He is not to be prejudiced for a few days for nonpay- 75 ment, being employed beyond seas by Parliament, having lent 2007., and it being undertaken that 2001. shall be paid to-morrow. 26 Oct. Having deposited his , respited 14 days, when he is 75 105 expected to return and pay the rest. JUDGE [THOS. or SIR THOS.] MALLET, at the Tower, and JOHN his Son, Exeter, County Devon. The father assessed at 8007. 16 Sept. 1646. To be brought up in custody to pay 2 Oct.1646.To appear to propound satisfaction towards his assessment 14 Oct. To be proceeded against according to the Ordinance for the levying of his 26. - 25 July 1649. Order that the assessment on both their estates be discharged, it appearing that they compounded on Oxford articles. LIONEL CRANFIELD 1st EARL, JAMES 2nd EARL, and LIONEL 3rd EARL OF MIDDLESEX. The 1st Earl assessed at 1,000l. 18 Oct. 1643. Order, on the first Earl's pleading that he is a member of the House of Peers, that his assessment be respited till the case has been reported to the House. 24 Oct. Order in the House of Lords that he be assessed at 1,0007. for his · Vol. No. A or P. 15 Nov. 1643. Order in the House of Lords on his petition, that he be heard before the Earls of Pembroke and Bolingbroke, Viscount Say and Seale, and Lords Wharton and Hunsdon, and that, pend- ing their report, there be no proceedings by the Commissioners for Sequestrations or any other against him for his assessment. 25 Nov. Assessed by the House of Peers at 6001. 15 Feb. 1644. Order in the House of Peers that he, being assessed at 6007., this sum be assigned to the Earl of Stamford in part of his arrears. 75 63 136 21 63 23 5 102 5 112 5 115 7 186 63 21 2 117 2 124 92 115 2 163 92 116 63 100 3 10 22 Feb. Ordered to pay 300l. to-morrow, and the other 3007. on 3 19 Saturday. 3 49 14 March 1644. The Earl to be distrained for nonpayment of the second 3001. of his assessment, or, if there be no distress, to be brought up in custody, and a letter to be written to tell him that Lord Stamford has been here to obtain money, and to desire him to pay the sum to the said Earl forthwith. 248 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 Sept. 1643. 20 Sept. 1643. 20 Sept. 1643. 20 Sept. 1643. 20 Sept. 1643. 20 Sept. 1643. 5 Sept. 1649. The clerk and registrar to give Earl James the Public Faith for the 6001. paid in by the late Earl for his assessment. 10 March 1654. Anth. Kempson, solicitor to Lionel, 3rd Earl, begs 92 117 that as the Public Faith certificate for the 600l. is lost, Dallison would grant him another. RICH. BURGESS, Charing Cross, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 157. 63 24 92 30 Sept. 1643. Note of his deposits of 51., and 2l. 10s. Od., being 75 his assessment. 92 118 11 Oct.1643. Deposition by him, before Lord Mayor Pennington, that 51. was the full of his estate at the time of making the assess- ment of 29 Nov. last. 20 15 Nov. 1643. Order that the 77. 10s. Od. be allowed in discharge of 75 118 his assessment, being his proportion. LADY CARY, Whitehall. Assessed at 150l. No proceedings SERJ. CLOWES, late of Martin's-in-the-Fields, now at Stratford, Bow. Assessed at 501. 23 Nov. 1643. Ordered to pay 91., to make up 167. which he has paid in Kent, to his, and then his distrained goods are to be delivered him, on paying collector's salary and charges, he having under- taken to abide the committee's order concerning the residue. WILLIAM, 1st LORD FITZWILLIAM, WILLIAM, 2nd LORD FITZWILLIAM, the Strand, and JANE LADY M FITZWILLIAM. The 1st Lord Fitzwilliam assessed at 5007. 12 Oct. 1643. Lord Fitzwilliam alleging that he has been assessed in the country, and does not know what has been paid by his agents there, order that he be respited 14 days to ascertain it. (Died 6 Jan. 1644.) - PHIL. GREENWOOD, Westminster. Vol. No. A or P. 7 253 Assessed at 301. 16 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 4 Oct. 1644. Order that his assessment be discharged, he having deposited 151. and paid 51., as he sustained much loss by the building of fortifications on his ground. CERT. 92 120 21 Sept. 1653. He begs a certificate of Public Faith for 201. assess- ment money paid by him. 63 24 4 Sept. 1644. The 2nd Lord Fitzwilliam, M.P., assessed at 8001. 07. - 65 158 11 Dec. 1644. Lady Fitzwilliam assessed at 1007. 67 76 10 Jan. 1645. Her assessment respited 14 days 4 7 22 Jan. Her assessment respited again till further order 4 19 21 Dec. 1653. The Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers not joining in the certificate because they did not receive the money, order that Mr. Lane, treasurer to the Committee for Advance of Money, join the registrar in signing it. 24 2 161 63 63 25 2 109 63 25 2 230 3 252 92 119 92 121 21 Sept. Order that the Treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall and the 63 registrar give it him, but without interest. 25 13 4 92 123 5 Oct. 1653. Certificate by the registrar accordingly 92 124 13 49 20 Sept. 1643. 20 Sept. 1643. 21 Sept. 1643. 22 Sept. 1643. 22 Sept. 1643. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. SIR JOHN OFFLEY, Covent Garden, and JOHN his Son. Sir John assessed at 6001. 10 Nov. 1643. Order that having lent 601. and deposited 2401., he pay the other 3001. in 8 days, or make affidavit of his proportion. 13 Nov. Order that he pay the residue in 14 days 23 Nov. His assessment to be discharged on paying 2001. beside the 3001. lent and deposited. 19 Feb. 1644. He is to be brought up in safe custody to pay 21 Feb. He is to pay 61. 5s. to the collector who served the ticket for 600l. assessment. SIR ROB. PHILMORE, Westminster. Assessed at 2001. No proceedings - GRATIAN ALLEN, Silver st. 21 Sept. 1643. Order that his assessment be respited whilst he is in service under Sir W. Waller and Sir Art. Hesilrigg, and till he receives pay for his service, and meantime his goods are not to be distrained. 31 Jan. 1645. Again assessed at 1,000l. 28 April. Respited till his excepted lands are restored, having paid 5007. on a former assessment. 10 Dec. 1645. The son assessed at 8001. 69 130 16 March 1646. His assessment respited, his father having for- 76 920 merly paid 500l., being his proportion on oath. Assessed at 2007. 26 Sept. 1643. Notice to pay the same 19 Jan. 1644. To be brought up in custody for non-payment 249 Vol. No. A or P. 63 25 75 112 75 115 2 160 co co • 67 119 76 796 HENRY LEWIS, Great St. Bartholomew's. Petition to the Committee for Weekly Assessments in London. I 92 125 have adventured myself in the service of Parliament since these wars began, and have 201. arrears owing. I was at Keynton and Edgehill battles, and was shot, and now I am going cornet under Sir Wm. Waller, but I am assessed at 2s. a week, and my few goods likely to be seized for payment. I beg remission of the assessment, that my goods may not be distrained while I am serving my country. 3 12 3 15 · 63 25 SIR EDW. BATHURST, Horton, Kent, and RANDAL BATHURST, his Father. Each assessed at 1007. 0 26 Oct. 1643. Randal Bathurst having made affidavit that one shilling is the of his personalty, and 5l. of his revenue, but it appearing that his estate is larger than his affidavit, order that he pay his full assessment, and incur the penalty of the Ordinance for a false affidavit. 63 27 92 126 2 235 29 Jan. 1644. Ordered to pay 201. more than the 181. 10s. deposited, 75 194 and 31. 10s. lent, 501. being his proportion on oath (sic). 2 97 20 March 1654. Begs a Public Faith Bill for 387. 10s. When summoned 92 127 in 1643 for his 2, produced acquittance for 311. 10s. lent, and was ordered to pay 381. 10s. more. Before he could pay it in, the time for payment had expired, and a warrant was issued in default, but he paid before execution of the warrant. 63 26 75 105 “የ 250 22 Sept. 1643. 22 Sept. 1643. 22 Sept. 1643. : COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 22 Sept. 1643. 26 Oct. 1643. The 557. deposited by Sir Edward to be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion, and the Public Faith to be given him therefor. P.E. 92 129 30 Oct. 1643. He having paid 55l. to make the 201. already paid his, order that 151. be returned, and the other 40l. received in discharge of his assessment. 0.2 173 4 March 1644. Sir Edward to have the keys delivered him of the 3 33 goods distrained belonging to his father, who is since dead. AND. DURDANT, Stanes or Stanwell, Middlesex. Assessed at 1501. · 63 27 Sept. 1643 ? Petitions that he is assessed as And. Durdant of Stan- 92 128 well at 1501., but he never lived there, and his estate is not at such a proportion. Has lately suffered by the firing of 3 stables, 2 granaries, and a hayloft, and has had 6 horses taken, and other losses value 3001., besides paying 201. for his. He begs therefore a discharge. JOHN ILES, Stanwell, Middlesex. Assessed at 4007. 13 May 1644. Whereas he has fled to Oxford, to avoid payment of his assessment, and whereas Rich Storter of Stanes is now prisoner in the King's Bench for a debt of 1007. to Iles, and has paid 50l. to this committee, and given security for the rest, order that Sir John Lenthall discharge him from custody. 22 July 1644. The tenants of Iles having often been summoned to pay their rents and arrears to the Committee for Advance of Money and refused, order that they be brought up in custody to answer therefor. 21 Aug. On Augustine Rawe's producing 2 obligations of Iles' for 2507. before November 1642, the seizure on the rent of a house occupied by him and his mother in Paternoster Row discharged. P.E. 92 131 6 Feb. 1646. Iles' assessment discharged for the 1107. 17s. 2d. levied out of his rents and debts, it being a full proportion for his 20. 19 Aug. 1644. Mrs. Rawe, of Paternoster Row, to prove that John Iles owed money to her and her son before November 1642, and then the sequestration of the rent of the houses will be dis- charged. Vol. No. A or P. SIR JOHN WILLIAMS, Bart., Minster in Thanet, Kent, and Inner Temple, London. 63 26 75 106 23 Nov. 1643. On certificate of the deputy lieutenants of Kent that he has paid 1007. there, and on information that his tenants detain his rents, because his estate is begged by some who are in arms against Parliament, order that the tenants be summoned to pay their rents to this committee, till the assessment is satisfied. 2 129 63 26 3 114 3 190 3 217 3 220 4 421 Assessed at 2007. 63 26 26 Sept. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment. With note of 50l. 92 132 paid 15 December 1643. 2 159 3 Jan. 1645. Again assessed at 5007. - 67 95 24 March 1645. To be discharged for 150l. lent, being his propor- 76 771 tion on oath. 7 16 April 1645. Information that he pays 1001. a year to Carew 21 Williams, who is a captain in the King's army; with note that he confesses this to be true, but it is sequestered at Camden House in behalf of Lord Stamford. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 251- 22 Sept. 1643. R. 5 250 25 Sept. 1643. 25 Sept. 1643. 25 Sept. 1643. 25 Sept. 1643. 25 Sept. 1643. 25 Sept. 1643. 25 Sept. 1643. 19 Oct. 1646. Summoned to appear and satisfy his assessment of 92 133 2001. 92 134 11 Feb. 1648. Summoned to appear before the Committee 10 March 1651. Sir John requests a certificate of the 50l. paid 92 135 by him on Public Faith in December 1643. Granted. 63 26 RICH. BOURNE, Minister of Hillingdon. Assessed at 601. 18 Oct. 1643. Note of his showing acquittance for 201. paid JOHN ANSLEY or HANSLEY, Clerk, Fulham. Assessed at 407. 63 29 15 Nov. 1643. His assessment discharged for the 151. paid by him 75 117 in Essex, being his proportion. WALTER CROMWELL, Ealing. Vol. No. A or P. 0 MRS. EMETT CHESLETT. Order that as she has paid 601., part of her assessment of 1207., 92 136 and 981. has been distrained by the collectors towards the assessment, the 381. overplus be restored to her, she paying the collector's salary and charges. With receipt on her behalf of the 381. 63 33 63 33 Assessed at 1007. 63 29 16 Oct. 1643. His assessment to be discharged on his paying 8., to 75 99 make up what he has lent and deposited to 607. 20 Dec. 1643. The 291. deposited by him to be in discharge of his 75 154 assessment, having lent 231., and this being his proportion, and 63 the Public Faith to be given for the 291. 29 RICH. MEERES, Guildhall. JOHN DOE, Vintner, Kensington. Assessed at 51. · 63 65 15 May 1644. Again assessed at 207. 12 June 1644. He shows acquittances for 51. lent, and 61. now paid 65 within time, for which Public Faith is given. 24 June. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 3 161 19 July 1644. His assessment to be discharged for 61. paid and 51. 75 454 lent. 21 March 1654. Certificate of his having paid 151. for his 92 137 20 16 Oct. 1644. His discharge ordered for 15l. paid, for which the 63 Public Faith is given. Assessed at 1507. 15 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 9 Sept. 1644. Order that he perfect his assessment or make affidavit. RALPH HAYES, Ironmonger, Poultry Counter. Assessed at 501. 63 31 9 Oct. 1643. Certificate before Lord Mayor Pennington that 157. is 92 138 the full of all his goods, chattels, and estate. 31 29 9 9 63 31 2 226 76 532 252 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 Sept. 1643. 25 Sept. 1643. 25 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. 11 Sept. 1644. The 107. 15s. 4d. deposited 6 Oct. 1643, and the 201. now deposited to be paid in, and he discharged on paying 301. more, having paid his in due time. 18 Oct. 1644. Allowed 14 days to bring in 10l., and perfect his 76 582 assessment. Oct. 1644. Note of his loan of 641. 4s., and of his payments, 63 31 60l. 15s. 4d. in all, for which the Public Faith is given. SIR GEO. SYMONS, Chiswick. Assessed at 501. 63 34 4 Dec. 1643. Respited 14 days to pay his 1, being now resident in 2 175 Sussex. 2 241 26 Jan. 1644. John Sere to have 14 days to pay the 181. owing by him to Symons. 2 March 1644. Note of sundry debts due to him, and paid in, 63 total 451. 18s. Vol. No. A or P. 76 536 MASTER and WARDENS of the Trinity House. Their assessment respited, John Craven being one of the masters 2 100 10 Oct. 1643. Order in the House of Commons recommending 92 139 their petition to the Committee for Advance of Money, they being men of great use to the kingdom, and having this Parlia ment expressed their good affection; Squire Bence to deliver it to the committee. 21 Feb. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money thereon, that the petitioners are not assessed as a company, and that when the particular persons appeal for relief, they will have allowances for former contributions, according to Ordinances of Parliament in that behalf. 16 Feb. 1644. Parliament Order referring their petition to the 3 15 said committee to relieve them according to justice. 3 15 RICH. ALPORT, The Poultry. 34 Assessed at 2001. 63 36 3 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 2 215 23 Aug. 1644. His assessment discharged for 401. formerly lent, 3 222 being his proportion on oath. J JONAS COOKE, Minister of Hanwell, Middlesex. Assessed at 201. 22 Nov. 1643. Showed acquittances for 401. paid 28 Feb. 1645. Deposition that his just debts paid, he is not worth 92 140 1007.; his estate worth 1201. a year is in the King's power, and he has only received 401. since the Ordinance for assessment. ROB. CROMWELL, Greenford. 3 March 1645. Note that he is to be respited till his lands are 92 140 restored, or till further order. 63 36 63 36 Assessed at 601. 63 37 129 17 Nov. 1643. The 301. deposited by him to be in discharge of his 75 assessment, being his proportion. 24 Nov. 101. of the 30l. to be returned him, 201. being his propor- 75 127 tion, and the Public Faith to be given for it. 63 37 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 253 29 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. THOS. DONNETT or DANNETT, and his Wife, Pinner, Middlesex. He summoned to pay an assessment of 50l. - 29 Sept. 1643. 4 Dec. 1644. Order that if he pay 227. more than the 57. lent on the propositions and 31. paid here by his wife, his assessment be discharged. R. 2 122 14 Oct. 1644. Order that he have 14 days for payment of the residue of his assessment of 3001. in Castle Baynard Ward, and that the assessment of 1,0007. since made on him as living in Middlesex be discharged. CERT. 92 143 8 Mar. 1654. Two Public Faith certificates given for the 31. and 63 37 the 221. 3 Jan. 1644. Having lent 51. and being gone from his wife 2 years, 75 169 and she having deposited 31. which with the 57. is the of her annuity, and she has no other estate, the assessment is respited, and the woman not to be molested till her husband comes home. WILLIAM FIELDING, EARL OF DESMOND, Heston, Middlesex. Assessed at 1,0002. 9 Oct. 1645. He having promised to go into the country and return in 10 days to pay his assessment, or else to have his wood freely felled to give satisfaction thereto-order that meantime he be not prosecuted on the said assessment. 25 Nov. He having paid 150l. and deposed that it is his, order that his assessment be discharged and his affidavit restored him. 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay 1 March 1654. Ordered the Public Faith for her payment. THOS. HUTCHINSON, Aldersgate Street. Vol. No. A or P. · 63 37 92 141 22 Nov. 1644. The assessors of Castle Baynard Ward are to 3 299 certify how long he has lived in the ward. 3 301 8 Nov. 1643. Having paid an assessment of 300l. in his ward, and making affidavit that 3201. is his proportion, and that he does not live in London or the suburbs, order that his 100%. deposited, and 1007. which he is willing to pay in testimony of his good affection to Parliament be in discharge of his assessment. March 1654. Note of a Public Faith certificate for his payments - 3 318 92 142 ELLIN HAYLER, Widow, Hendon, Middlesex. Assessed at 121. 63 39 3 Oct. 1643. Summoned to pay her assessment 92 144 3 Jan. 1644. Order for her discharge for 61. deposited, paying 75 365 21. in 10 days. SIR_THOS. LAKE, Stanmore, Middlesex, and Laighton, Essex. 63 35 2 106 3 258 N 2 260 Assessed at 8007. 63 37 26 Oct. 1643. Having deposited his 1, respited 10 days to prove 75 105 what his proportion is. 75 110 63 39 63 63 37 63 38 Assessed at 2001. 23 Oct. 1643. He having deposited 1001. is to pay the other in 75 104 10 days. 9 Jan. 1644. He shows acquittances for 2001. paid the treasurer - 63 38 18 June 1644. Again assessed at 1,0007. 88888888 65 83 254 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 29 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. R. 3 240 4 Oct. 1644. His assessment of 1,000l. discharged, he having been formerly assessed at 2001. and paid it, he paying also the collector's salary and charges. 29 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. 29 Sept. 1643. 11 Sept. 1644. His estate to be seized and sold to pay his assess- ment. WM. LEE, LEECH, or LENCH, and his Wife, The Temple, Whitehall, and Adlington. 22 July 1644. To have 14 days to pay in his assessment, or to make affidavit. 16 Oct. 1644. Assessed at 1501. 4 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 25 Nov. Respited 10 days, being sick 4 Dec. 1644. Respited for 107. paid, till his excepted debts be re- covered. Order that as he had a horse worth 91. taken from him, and paid in 2 101 by his wife 31. 10s. to make up his, the residue of his assess- ment be respited till he return home, being now in Scotland. 21 July 1645. Mrs. Leech assessed at 2001. 4 Aug. 1645. Discharged her assessment, her husband having lately been assessed and discharged. 29 Aug. Wm. Leech to be brought in custody to answer matters objected against him. - 21 Sept. 1645. Mrs. Leech to pay 50l. assessment, or in default, to be sent to prison. WM. MIDDLETON, Lothbury. Assessed at 500Z. 24 July 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 2 Aug. 1644. Allowed 14 days for payment of 252l. 10s., the residue of his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 3 234 SOLOMON SMITH, Katherine's. 3 252 Assessed at 2001. 18 Oct. 1643. His assessment respited a fortnight o. 2 137. 18 Nov. 1643. Order that as he is in continual employ of Parlia- ment, and has contributed sums amounting to 831., 331. of the 1007. deposited by him be repaid, and the 677. be paid in discharge of his assessment of 2007. 3 190 - 67 29 3 281 3 301 76 644 69 60 4 226 4 248 Note that there was 2191. 6s worth of his goods distrained on a former 63 36 assessment, and 281. 4s. and 2521. 10s. paid, 2807 14s. in all. 4 268 21 July 1652. Order on petition of Ant. Bateman, guardian of 12 Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. Middleton, that he have the Public Faith for 2801. 14s. paid by Middleton for his assessment, but without interest, as it was not paid in the limited time. 63 36 3 191 3 196 HEN. SMITH, Jun., Greenford, Middlesex. Assessed at 301. 17 Nov. 1643. Order that he pay 157., the remainder of his assess- ment by Wednesday, or make affidavit of his proportion. 8 Dec. 1643. Receipt from him of a loan of 301. 92 145 15 April 1644. Assessed at 801. 61 122 29 April. His discharge ordered for 81. lent, being his proportion 75 306 on oath. 75 63 37 75 119 63 35 2 117 2 155 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 255 29 Sept. 1643. 4 Oct. 1643. 4 Oct. 1643. 4 Oct. 1643. 4 Oct. 1643. P.E. 92 148 P.D. 92 149 o.c.c. 92 150 WM. THOMAS, Limehouse, Middlesex. Order that his assessment of 150l. be respited till he comes home from his service, he being captain of the 8th Whelp under the Earl of Warwick, and large sums being due to him from the navy. SIR BENJ. AYLIFFE, in the Tower. Assessed at 4007. 9 Feb. 1644. Order that on making up his assessment, by seizure of rents or otherwise, he be beard about it. 6 June 1644. Lawrence to give an account of what he has levied on the estate, and why he does not levy it as ordered. 21 June. Order that Ayliffe make up in 14 days, or he will be sequestered for the whole assessment of 400/. Assessed at 1007. 6 Oct. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment o.c. 3 184 18 April 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 18 Sept. 1644. The 41. 14s. 8d. now deposited, with 11. 18s. 8d. lent, to be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion. March 1654. Ordered a Public Faith certificate for the 17. 18s. 8d. and 4l. 14s. 8d. paid out of time. 28 Sept. 1644. Having paid in , he is to be discharged on paying 507. more. With notes of payments amounting to 2501. JOHN BUNTING, Ironmonger Lane. PHIL. LEMAN, Greenwich, Kent. - 29 Dec. 1643. Order that the 761. paid be accepted in discharge of his assessment, it being his proportion on oath. March 1654. Order for the Public Faith for 617. of the 761, which was paid within time, the other 157. being out of time. Vol. No. A or P. 2 100 63 40 2 259 3 140 · 63 40 92 146 3 84 76 542 63 13 July 1649. Ordered to appear and pay his assessment 3 Aug. 1649. To be sequestered for non-payment 3 May 1650. On complaint of Rob. Ducey that the County Commis- sioners' officers have stayed rents extended by him for a debt owing him by Sir T. Nott-order that he receive the profits of the lands till paid his debt and damages, according to the order of the Committee for Sequestrations, and that he give account of his receipts therefrom. 29 May. Order for Sir T. Nott's discharge on payment of 501. 3 159 3 242 63 40 Assessed at 8001. 63 40 147 6 Oct. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment for his 2%, with 92 notes of payment of 611. and 151. 2 209 40 Dec. 1645 ? Request that Lady Thynne may show cause why she 82 should not pay to the State 2,0001. and 10,000l. worth of jewels due to Nott, being left to his wife by Sir Thos. Thynne. 1 Jan. 1647. Sir Thomas assessed at 4007. 63 40 SIR THOS. NOTT, Twickenham, and Obden, Co. Worcester. Assessed at 2501. 17 Dec. 1643. Again assessed at 2001. 63 45 63 111 42 39 4 14 Feb. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 29 Sept. 1645. Information that there are several sums owing him 21 by Lady Thynne, whose daughter he has married, for her portion. 36A 71 56 7 152 7 219 8 322 8 352 256 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 Oct. 1643. 4 Oct. 1643. 4 Oct. 1643. 4 Oct. 1643. 4 Dec. 1650. The restraint laid upon the lands discharged, and Ducey left to recover his debt by law, and the other part of Nott's estate to be sequestered for non-payment of the second of his fine. 4 Oct. 1643. 20 Dec. Certificate that as he has paid his assessment of 50l. in co. Stafford, there should be no seizure of his estate therefor. HUM. NOY, Brentford or Isleworth. Assessed at 1007. 21 March 1644. Rich. Angell, of Isleworth, to have the house of Noy at Isleworth, with 11 acres of land, paying 4l. now and 61. at Michaelmas. - 21 March 1645. Angell summoned to answer for the wastes com- mitted on the house, and enquiry to be made as to the value of the house and lands. 2 April 1645. The house let to Hum. Hurleston, Sheer Lane, at 10l. a year, and the damages awarded for Angell to pay to be employed in repairing the house. LET. 92 151 24 Nov. 1648. Noy's house at Brentford, Isleworth, lately held by Rich. Angell, with 11 acres of pasture, let to Hum. Hurleston, of London, and the sums paid by Angell for damages to be expended on its repair. 20 Jan. 1645. The house to be viewed, and a report made of the 4 17, 18 waste said to have been committed, by whom done, and in whose hands are the goods and materials said to be sold and taken away, that further order may be bad therein. 10 July 1646. The quit rent due for the house to be paid by Hurleston, and allowed him out of his rent. Vol. No. A or P. 9 265 5 73 15 July. The house let to him for 3 years from Lady-day last, at 5 76 101. a year. 6 123 LEONARD SHAKSPEARE. Assessed at 101. No proceedings 9 304 41 63 3 55 JOHN PARSONS, Brewer, Chick Lane. Assessed at 2001. 63 41 6 Oct. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 92 152 12 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 2 225 o.c. 2 226 22 Jan. The 157. deposited by him, with 207. lent, to be in discharge 75 186 of his assessment, being his proportion. · MARTHA TAYLOR, Norwood, and ANDREW TAYLOR, her Son. 4 87 23 Nov. 1649. His assessment not being paid, his house at Brent- 8 37 ford, with gardens and orchard, and 11 acres of pasture, again let to Hurleston for a year at 101. rent. 4 104 25 Jan. Order on examination by the Committee for Mitigation, 92 153 that the sums already paid be in discharge of his assessment of 2007. March 1654. Note of the Public Faith given him for the money 63 41 63 42 Each assessed at 67. 63 6 Oct. 1443. Each summoned to pay their assessment. With note 92 of 31. deposited 3 Nov. 1643, and 17. 10s. paid 6 May 1644. 5 April 1644. Both to be brought up in custody for non-pay- ment. 48 154 155 3 73 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 257 4 Oct. 1643. 4 Oct. 1643, 5 Oct. 1643. 0.4 156 0. 4 169 6 Oct. 1643. : 50623. - 6 May 1644. The 61. deposited by them, with 31. more, to be in 75 318 discharge of their assessment of 61. each. March 1654. Note of Public Faith certificates being given them 48 SERJ. ROB. WALTHEW, Greenwich. Assessed at 1,0007. 1 Feb. 1844. He having long been bedridden and unable to dis- cover his estates, order that he or his eldest son Henry take affidavit of his proportion, and be discharged on paying it in 10 days. 28 April. He having contributed 2001., is to pay 5501. more to make up his assessment, and the Lieutenant is to allow him 2 days' liberty to raise the money. 19 May 1645. He being assessed by the House of Commons at 1,500l. and having paid the 2, is to pay the residue in 28 days and have the Public Faith, and to have leave to go out to provide the money if needful. SIR EDW. HALES, or HAYLE, Bart., Kent, and SIR GEO. SANDYS, K.B., Throwley, Kent. Order in the House of Commons that the Committee for Advance 92 156 of Money have power to pawn their estates, provided the profits be not diverted from the Ordinance for Sequestration. 14 March 1645. Sir E. Hayle assessed at 1,5007. 21 April 1645. His assessment to be no further prosecuted till the business be reported to the House, and they take further order. 25 April. The Lieutenant of the Tower to send him in custody to the committee, to be heard about his assessment. 27 Feb. 1646. Sir George Sandys, prisoner in the Tower, begs a hearing as to a warrant lately served on him to bring in 1,5007. as the of his estate, he not being liable, because for 3 years past he has had no estate within 20 miles of London, all being sequestered in Parliament's hands, and he has no dwelling within 40 miles of the city. 27 Feb. The Lieutenant of the Tower to allow him to attend in custody about his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 2 March 1646. His assessment respited till the sequestration is taken off his estate. 63 63 40 2 248 SIR RICH. BARNEY, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1,5007. 20 Oct. 1643. Having contributed 4001. in co. Norfolk and 10 horses, and divers foot soldiers, and come to London on a summons from the Commissioners of Obstructions, and having promised 1007. for the Scottish expedition, and being content to advance 2007. on the Public Faith, order that his assessment be discharged, 67 159 4 129 May. Note of his payment of 1,300l., for which the Public Faith 67 159 is given, and of 2001. in Kent. 4 133 4 136 4 158 92 157 4 438 4 441 1646? Note that he pretends to the rent of a house in Lime Street, 92 158 worth 601. a year, and has sent several times for the rent. 1 Feb. 1650. Dismissed attendance till further order, he appearing 92 159 on summons touching his, and alleging that his estate is still under sequestration. 30 Jan. 162, Order that as on perusal of his personal estate his amounts to 8997. 18s., he pay 4001. and then be heard as to debts. 11 166 92 160 63 54 2 118 R 258 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. as the committee think he should not be here assessed. En- dorsed with a certificate of 21 Oct. of his payment of the 2007., which is sent to the Lord General's army, and for which he is to have the Public Faith. 20 27 Nov. 1643. Committee for Advance of Money to the commis- sioners for and in co. Norfolk. Sir Rich. Barney, Bart., has contributed in money and plate 400l., set forth 10 horses and divers foot arms in the service, and subscribed 1007. to the Scot- tish expedition, and now residing in London about a suit before the Commissioners for Obstructions, has been assessed 1,500l. and paid 2001. and been discharged thereon. We wish to know why you have again assessed him at 5007., and meantime desire that he be not troubled for the assessment. 30 Nov. Committee for Advance of Money to the Earl of Man- chester. Hearing that, his former payments notwithstanding, Sir Richard had been lately assessed at 5007. in co. Norfolk, we desire you to inform all officers that he is not to be molested for his and, having compounded for the same. JOHN BLACKBURNE, Merchant Tailor, Cornhill Ward. Petitions that, being assessed at 150l. for his, he paid 1101. and took the voluntary protestation before the Lord Mayor, Sir John Wollaston and 2 aldermen, that 100l. was his full, but notwithstanding this, and his suffering in the north by the King's army, who have sequestered his rents, which are most of his estates, for his adherence to Parliament, his estate was seized for the remaining 407., and he could obtain no redress, nor have Public Faith for the 401. Begs the Public Faith as security for its repayment. 6 Oct. 1643. Order thereon that Blackburne paying 531. 6s. 8d. for his 50 subsidies, the 407. be paid in, and he have the Public Faith for it. GEORGE BLAND, St. Saviour's, Southwark. Order that his tenants pay their rents to the collectors of the Committee for Advance of Money, and be protected therein by the authority of Parliament. 17 Oct. 1643. Having paid in his assessment, he is admitted to depose what is his. 20 27 Oct. Discharged of his assessment of 50l. for the 257. paid in, that being his proportion on oath. FRANCES (?) VAUGHAN, COUNTESS OF CARBERRY, Broad Street. Vol. No. d or f. 2 167 - 2 171 92 161 2 104 27 Oct. He petitions that, having been 5 years prisoner in the 92 162 King's Bench, he had to take a chamber in Southwark to follow his lawsuits, and was assessed as an inhabitant of London, though his family live 50 miles away; his ship, the George, worth 2501., was taken, his chamber broken into, and his plate and goods seized; he has lost most of his estate in cos. Lincoln and York, but has paid all taxes; is 5007. in debt, yet has strained himself to pay in his assessment. Begs discharge from the other. 2 102 2 115 2 127 Assessed at 5007. 63 57 16 Oct. 1643. She being aged and sick, and unable to travel, and 75 99 having deposited 501., order that on her affidavit and the assessors' certificate that it is her, she be discharged. 1 Nov. 1643. Allowed 14 days to make her affidavit of her, and 75 107 not to be prejudiced meantime. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 259 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. n 6 Oct. 1643. 17 Nov. 1643. Respited again, on her physician's certifying that she is very sick. GIOVANNI NICOLO DE FRANCHI, Nobleman of Genoa, Mark Lane. 20 5 Jan. Order that as, in his petition to Parliament of 14 Nov. last, he promised to pay the 2,000l. assessed on him for his as soon as he recovered 6,000l. from Verney, he be discharged from prison, paying the officers and collectors' salary and charges. DEP. 92 166 12 Jan. Order that he be brought in custody by the keeper of Peter House. Assessed at 2,000l. 11 Nov. 1643. To be sent to Peter House for refusing to pay 14 Nov. Note that he promises, in his petition to the House of Commons, to pay the 2,000l. as soon as he recovers it from Sir Ralph Verney. 3 Jan. 1644. Declaration by him that he came to England to re- cover ten chests of silver from Sir Walter Stewart; that he has no estate whatever, real or personal, in the realm, except what Stewart owes him, and that he has had to borrow from his friends, to keep himself in Peter House prison, where he now is. 4 Jan. Order that the keeper of the prison bring him in custody, to be heard about his assessment. 5 Jan. Statement by him that he will lend Parliament 2,0001. on Public Faith, out of the money that he shall recover from Sir Ralph Verney, to be deducted by them as they think fit. 13 Jan. Order for his discharge, Mr. Hendrick having undertaken to pay 50s. to the collector, and 51. to the serjeant's man. JOHN FRANKLIN, Jun., Willesden. WM. GOLDSTON, Wapping Wall, Stepney. Assessed at 401. 7 Oct. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 1 Nov. 1643. John Waterton, constable of Ratcliffe, to Dallison. When I assessed Goldston, I thought his estate in Wapping-wall was clear of incumbrances, and then 401. had been reason- able; but now I find that he has a suit at law about it; that his other supposed estate belongs to orphans, and that he is greatly in debt. Also 3 ships in which he had part were cast away, with his 2 sons, and he and his wife are aged, and have 3 grand- children to maintain. Pray ease him in his assessment. En- dorsed with notes of Goldston's estate. Vol. No. A or P. 2 152 JOS. JAQUES, Whitechapel. Assessed at 2501. 63 63 2 143 2 143 2 226 4 Oct. 1644. Again assessed at 500l. as Signor Francisco, but the 67 19 assessment vacated on account of the previous assessment. 15 Nov. Order that 107. of the 201. deposited be returned, and the other 101. be in discharge of his assessment, being his propor- tion, and the Public Faith given for it. 92 163 2 217 92 164 2 218 92 165 Assessed at 107. 18 Oct. 1643. Ordered to pay, with note that he deposited 51. 3 Jan. 92 167 1644, and 31. more 20 March 1644. 12 March 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his 3 47 assessment. 8 March 1654. Ordered the Public Faith for the 51. and 31. 2 225 - 63 63 63 63 63 · 63 61 92 167 92 168 75 118 63 61 63 62 R 2 260 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. R. 250 256 21 Oct. 1644. Respited 6 days, offered Mr. Jarvis for a bribe. 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. 1 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 20 Sept. 1644. To make up his in 14 days and ordered to pay the 40s. he 25 Oct. Having made up his assessment, order that he be dis- charged on paying 757. more. 4 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 1 Jan. 1645. Lane to pay Geo. Burton 40s. for discovering Jos. Jaques. 12 21 23 June 1652. On his request for the Public Faith for 1861. assess- ment, viz., 401. and 1461. paid at several times, beside 141. 63 62 formerly lent-order that it be granted, but without interest, as the assessment was not paid within the limited time. SIR RICH. LUCIE, Bart., Broxbourne, Herts, and Mid- dlesex. Assessed at 1,5007. 21 Oct. 1643. It appearing that he has contributed 2001. and 501. in co. Herts, and has this day paid in 4007. ; also that he contributed 5007. on a public charitable work recommended by Act of Parlia- ment, and that he avers the 6501. is far above his proportion ; order that his assessment be discharged, and he no further troubled in person or estate, and have the Public Faith for the 4007. 24 May 1644. Assessed at 1,0007. 12 June 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 2 Aug. 1644. Respited to bring in a particular of his estate. 19 Aug. When he does this, his assessment of 1,000l. to be dis- charged. SIR EDW. RANDALL, Blackfriars. Assessed at 2501. 63 24 Nov. 1643. The 201. deposited by him to be accepted, being his 75 proportion on oath, he having formerly lent 371. 10s. DR. JOHN WARNER, Bishop of Rochester. Assessed at 2,000l. Oct. 1643. Statement by [the Bp. of Rochester]. Those of my tenants who pay their money to the Committee for Advance of Money do it to their own wrong, for I can prove that I could not be sequestered by them. They have no commission to seques- ter for being in the King's quarters, and for the and; before sequestration they received 2,000l. more than my estate was liable to pay. 1 16 Nov. 1643. Diligent search to be made for him, and he to be apprehended and brought in custody before the Committee for Advance of Money, being assessed at 2,000l., and the day for payment long since elapsed. Vol. No. A or P. 3 96 3 241 3 266 3 269 3 281 3 347 4 Dec. 1643. The goods seized for his assessment to be appraised and sold, and the Bishop's wife to have the refusal of them, paying the appraised price. 8 Sept. 1645. Sir Edw. Randall, a lodger, assessed at 8001. With 69 note of the discharge of 24 Nov. 1643. 16 May 1644. Thos. Ford, who bought goods value 30l. Os. 2d. of the Bishop's, which he lends to Mrs. Warner, to enjoy them according to the intent of the sale. 63 54 2 119 63 54 23 Aug. 1644. Jarvis to deliver to Mr. Hey 30l. worth of books of the Bishop of Rochester's, according to an Order in Parliament of 1 June 1644. 65 39 3 147 3 196 3 217 63 128 81 63 48 92 169 2 147 151 2 176 3 118 3 222 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 261 t 6 Oct. 1643. 19 Feb. 1645. On information that the Bishop, whose estate is sequestered for non-payment of an assessment of 2,000l., lent 6,000l. to Sir Hen. Sanburne,, Monshill, co. Berks, also a delin- quent, for non-payment of which Sanburne's estate is forfeit to the Bishop-order that Col. Art. Forbes and Art. Henfry receive all the rents and goods, distrain in case of refusal, and sell them towards the assessment, and that Sanburne be brought up in custody; Maj.-Gen. Browne to give his assist- ance. 10 March 1645. Maj.-Gen. Browne being unable to give the required assistance, the Governor of Reading or Col. Hen. Berkley are to do it. 9 April. Order that Sanburne, who has been brought up to pay the money towards the Bishop's assessment, be brought to a hearing next Friday, and remain in custody of Col. Art. Forbes till further order of Parliament or this committee. 9 April 1645. Information by Col. Forbes that Sir Hen. Sanburne 21 owes large sums to the Bishop of Rochester, a delinquent, who has absented himself to avoid payment of his 20. 11 April. Order that Sanburne have till Monday to be heard about the debt, and be not arrested or molested meantime. 18 April. Sir Henry declaring his willingness to sell and convey away the manor to pay the debt, the committee engage to pro- cure a Parliament Order securing the manor to the purchaser, against the Bishop or any other claimants. They will also move Parliament to abate Sir Henry 1,0007. of the principal, besides interest, and he is to be at liberty to go about his business in the City or elsewhere, without restraint or interruption. 26 Sept. 1645. Col. Art. Forbes and Thos. Jarvis to levy the debt of 6,000l. on Sanburne's estate, sell his goods, and use all other means to bring it in, the Governor of Reading and others assisting. 31 Oct. 1645. Lane to pay Jarvis 15l. 15s. d. for his expenses in seizing the estates of the Bishop of Rochester and Lord Craven. 23 Jan. 1646. The Bishop again assessed at 6001. 15 May. The lands at Monshill and the neighbourhood, being mortgaged for Sir H. Sanburne's debt, and having been seques- tered, but little rent received from them, the rents are to be recovered, by distress if needful, and also the cattle, goods, &c., of Sir Henry, discovered on the estate, and to be sold towards the Bishop of Rochester's assessment. 15 May. Parliament Order for payment to Rob. Scawen of 2,000l. from the assessment, fine, and composition of the Bishop of Rochester, and the Committee for Advance of Money are to com- pound with him. Vol. No. A or P. 4 47 4 75 1. The carriage of the people, especially near London, to Bishops was such that it was not easy to pass near them without reproach, and even danger. 2 4 112 4 115 4 125 127 71 10 30 4 May 1646. The Bishop to have leave for 5 days to go to Bromley, 5 Kent, and return without interruption. 5 37 4 274 4 308 92 170 23 May. Lord Howard to Dallison. To avoid loss of time, send the 92 171 Bishop word to come prepared with a particular of his estate on Monday, that we may the better proceed in composition with him. [25 May]. The Bishop confesses his delinquency in going into the 92 172 King's quarters, and requests leave to compound. [25 May.] Statement by the Bishop of Rochester 92 173 I left my abode at Bromley, but you shall judge whether voluntarily or no. 262 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Oct. 1643. BISHOP OF ROCHESTER-cont. 2. I was affrighted, morning, noon, and night, with soldiers coming for arms, horses, and money, and calling me a Popish persecuting bishop, though I prosecuted Papists, and never troubled any Protestant for his conscience. 3. What most moved me to depart was that, being assessed Sept. 1643 in Kent for 5007. for my, which I could not then pay, my estate was sequestered, and yet this committee demanded 2,000l. more assessment, and I was told that I should be imprisoned, and my books and goods, even to my beds and coats, were taken from me. I gave the reasons for my departure, hoping I might return after the assessments were paid, and withdrew to some clergy friends in Surrey, thence to Hants and Berks, and then "my ancient near friend, the President" brought me to Magdalen College, Oxford, where I had my diet free, and the use of the library, and settled the possession of some lands near Oxford. Thence I went to friends near Chester, then to the Bishop of Bangor, then to my old friend, the Chancellor of Hereford, thence to my wife's kindred in Bronsfield, Salop, and to Ludlow; thence I came voluntarily to London, and a year since last October, I wrote to a peer and to an M.P. to procure my peace with Parliament. I should have come up in February last, but was prevented by sickness: I came, when better, with a pass from the Governor of Hereford.-I protest that for 5 years past, I have not contributed to the King by advice, action, money, horses, arms, or any other way. 25 May 1646. Order that Dr. Warner have 14 days to send to Shropshire, and have liberty to go to Bromley, and break open the door of a room, sealed by this committee's officers, returning in 14 days. 19 June 1646. The Bishop ordered to appear on Monday. [Dec. 1646.] Petition of Sir Hen. Sanburne-I borrowed 6,000l. of the Bishop on mortgage on Stretley manor, and have long since paid 1,000l., and the manor is now seized into your hands. I appeared before you last March, and declared my willingness to sell the manor, but I cannot find a chapman, because it lies near Wallingford, where the enemy's garrisons are. Also by my restraint, and the practice of John Allen, who intrudes into the manor, I cannot receive the rents towards my maintenance and payment of the debt, and there is great waste and spoil. I beg your assistance therein, as my lady and I are aged, and we have 6 children unprovided for. I have lost 8,000l. by the King's army, and the manor will not sell for its worth at the time of the borrowing of the money. - Reasons for supposing he cannot be without money:- 1. He is very penurious, never spending more than 3001. a year, and has an estate of 1,600l., with a stock value 3,000l., of which he pretends to be plundered. Vol. No. A or pa 2. He has debts of 11,000l. and never paid principal or interest, nor provided for his children. 10 5 5 92 43 [Dec. 1646.] Complaint against Sanburne that, though he en- 92 175 gaged to sell the land, he did nothing in it, and it was June before Colonel Forbes could get him to set a price on it. Then he would not produce the title, and Forbes had to search for it in the Rolls Office. Sir Henry declared there were no charges on the land except 2,000l. to Lady Clarke, but it was found to be burdened with debts exceeding by 6,0001. Sir Henry's valuation, so that nobody will meddle with it, and Sir Henry pretends this is because it lies so near Wallingford, which he knows to be false. Forbes has had to be at all the trouble and expense, as Sir Henry would do nothing. 47 174 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 263 " 6 Oct. 1643. P.E. 5 289 CERT. 92 184 REC. 92 185 REC. 92 186 BILL 92 188 DEP. 92 189 3. He has tried to bribe Colonel Forbes to withdraw the prose- cution. The money may be raised by sale of wood on his lands, but he is not to be trusted, for he never dealt honestly with any one whatsoever. 23 Dec. 1646. Order for discharge of the sequestration on Sir Henry's lands in Stretley, as it appears that they were demised 12 years since to Lady Clarke, widow. p.E. 92 177–180 5 May 1647. His estate being cast up, and his fine at being P.D. 92 181 182 DEP. 92 183 8581., and at 1, 23617. 13s. 4d., order that he pay forthwith 4297., being the, and give security to pay the rest, or any greater fine imposed by the House, in 3 months. 2 April 1647. Dr. Warner to prepare a particular of his estate, and bring it in to committee next week. 27 May. Parliament Order that on his compounding with the Committee for Advance of Money, they have power to discharge his sequestration on his paying his fine. 5 233 16 April. Account of his estate. His debts are 4,2007., spent chiefly 92 176 and in the purchase of lands; 4,000l. has been levied for his 2, the main occasion of all his sufferings and losses, and his 20 spiritualities have been long since seized. 14 Sept. 1647. Order that he pay 1001. at once, and the rest of the first half in fortnightly instalments of 100l., when the sequestra- tion of his estate will be suspended, the other to be paid in such manner as this committee shall appoint. 22 Sept. Order to the County Committees of Kent, Isle of Wight, and Berks, that as he has submitted to his fine, and paid 1, they are to forbear further proceedings on his estate on pretence of sequestration, but he is to be satisfied with the rates at which any part of it has been leased, and he is to enjoy the rents from last Lady-day. 23 Nov. 1647. John Cox, Stretley or Cholsey, county Berks, to be committed to Peter House till he has paid the 207. in arrears for rent for the land he holds of Sir Henry Sanburne, for which he has given bond, but refuses to pay. 11 Feb. 1648. John Allen [of Bassildon, co. Berks], tenant to part of the estate on mortgage to Dr. Warner from Sir Henry Sanburne, to pay to this committee 427. 19s. Od. owing by him for arrears of rent, and to be saved harmless in so doing. In default, it is to be levied on his estate. 16 Feb. On the Bishop's paying 1297. and giving security for the other 2007., he is to have till 15 May for payment. 3 March 1648. John Cox, who holds lands belonging to the Bishop of Rochester in Stretley, to pay to the Committee for Advance of Money 201. due for rent thereof, and to be indemni- fied for so doing. Vol. No. A or P. 21 June 1648. The Bishop's estate to be again sequestered, he not having paid the of his fine as he engaged to do. 5 165 27 June. His sequestration to be suspended on his paying 501. now, 507. in a month, and 1001. at Michaelmas, to make up the of his fine of 8581. 5 251 21 Jan. 1648. The officers to proceed de novo in sequestration of 5 350 Dr. Warner's estate in Kent, because he has not paid the of the fine on composition to which he submitted. 5 289 24 Jan. M. Dallison to [Bishop Warner.]-To prevent new trouble 92 187 coming on you unexpectedly, I advertise you that the committee has ordered a new sequestration of your lands in Kent, but I shall not issue the order till Friday, hoping that meantime you will give satisfaction. 28 Jan. Order that on Warner's giving security to pay 2291. before 25 March, and 1007. next Easter, his sequestration be suspended. 5 286 5 290 5 312 5 354 5 367 5 370 5 391 6 6 17 19 264 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 16-13. By BISHOP OF ROCHESTER-cont. 30 June 1648. Certificate, at his request, in reference to the late Ordi- nances debarring delinquents from remaining within 20 miles of London, that his fine has been set by this committee, by order of Parliament, and he has paid the part ordered, and secured the remainder. 4 Aug. 1648. The 50l. ordered 27 June to be paid at once, or the officers will proceed in sequestering his estate. 1 Sept. 1648. On paying 50l. at once, he is to have 14 days more for the next 501., and 14 more for the 1001. to make up his half, and sequestration to be taken off meantime. 4 May 1649. Order that Dr. Warner make up his fine, and give security for the other in a month, and then the sequestration will be taken off and the tenants will pay their rents as formerly, so as to enable him to make his last payment. 11 Nov. 1648. Bishop of Rochester to Dallison.—I asked till Michael- 92 191 mas to pay the 1501. because I expect to receive as much from the lands compounded for, but from Stretley (for which I have to pay 2007.), I have in 9 years only received 417., and can expect nothing till Lady Clarke, Mr. Barker, and the other creditors, who have extended the lands on judgments and leases preceding my mortgage, are satisfied. From Apse, in the Isle of Wight, (for which I am to pay 3581.) I cannot receive a penny. As to Monkton in Thanet (for which I am to pay 3007.), the lands and rents are sequestered by the County Commissioners, and they require 461. from me for land which they let to tenants who so misused it that now it will not let at all, and there is 28. in the pound for army charges, of which 20s. is paid by the land- lord, and 4d. by the tenant. I beg further time, and assistance to take off the sequestration thus unduly laid on. 11 May. He having paid his fine of 8587., and secured the other ½, order that the sequestration be discharged, and the tenants pay him their rents. 20 June 1649. Order that as he has paid 2001. more than his, he have 30 days to pay the residue. The tenants are to pay in their rents to enable him to do it, or an order will be given to levy them by distress. 28 Nov. 1649. He failing to pay within the 30 days, an order given for seizure of his estate, and the tenants not to pay him any further rents. 7 Dec. 1649. He having completed the payment of his fine, all sequestration taken off his lands, and he to have liberty to receive all his rents and arrears, with particulars of the estate freed from sequestration. 14 Dec. Cox and Allen to be brought up in custody for arrears payable by them to Dr. Warner, and long since sequestered. 1 10 April 1650. Order for payment to Col. Forbes, the discoverer, of 301., being the of 60l. received from Stretley manor, sequestered from Dr. Warner and discovered by Col. Forbes. THOS. SWALLOW, Whitechapel. Vol. No. A or p. 92 190 6 33 6 46 20 6 313 6 322 327 7 61 8 41 92 192 8 53 8 57 8 284 Assessed at 2007. 7 Nov. 1643. His assessment respited 14 days 1 March 1644. Sir Rob. Harley, Miles Corbett, and John Ashe certify that when a J.P., he was a faithful servant to Parliament, is no malignant, has paid his freely, and sent money for Sir Wm. Waller, and would have contributed to the Scots' advance had he been able. That he is ready to take the oath, and owes 9007., and cannot pay it unless he sells his land. Request for stay of proceedings, as too great a sum is laid upon him. 15 May 1644. Swallow to be brought up in custody to pay his 3 116 assessment. 63 53 2 138 92 193 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 265 6 Oct. 1643. 6 Oct. 1643. R. 3 27 R. 3 69 9 Oct. 1643. 10 Oct. 1643. 12 Oct. 1643. 24 May 1644. His assessment discharged on paying 201. more than the 1001. 16s. lent. 5 June 1644. Acceptance of 101. instead of 207., on affidavit that 101. paid in another name, 17 Aug. 1643, was his money. JOHN WARDALL, Fenchurch Street, Bucklersbury, and Greenwich. Assessed at 4007., but this assessment vacated because of a later one 14 Feb. 1644. Assessed at 1,0007. 26 Feb. Dan. Shotterden having undertaken to make up, with what he has lent, his assessment by 13 March, his case respited. 13 March 1644. Being beyond seas, he is respited 14 days, to pro- duce his acquittances of what he has lent on the propositions. 19 April 1644. Ordered to make up his assessment, and then be further heard. 5 July 1644. On his affidavit that 4501. is his, and he has con- tributed 2651. 10s. on the propositions,-order that he make up the 4507. and the assessment be discharged, he paying salary for the full assessment. CAPT. THOS. HUGHES or HEWES, Deptford, and ELLEN, his Widow and Executrix. He being beyond sea, and his wife having deposited his assess- ment of 2007., he is respited 14 days. 5 Feb. 1644. He assessed at 4001. 113 19 Nov. 1645. Again assessed at 1,000l. No proceedings - 69 25 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition that the Public Faith be given 13 70 him for 1847. 10s. paid by him as the balance of his assessment - 63 164 23 Feb. 1645. His assessments of 2001. and 4001. discharged on payment of 801. in addition to 201. paid before, 100l. being his proportion on oath. 20 RICH. ELTON, late of Cordwainer Ward, now of Friars, near Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk. Vol. No. A or p. 75 349 75 367 As he is assessed at 150l. for his, which is unpaid, and security is given that he will pay it on receipt of money due to him on a judgment on the lands of Nich. Bacon, of co. Suffolk,-order for notice to Bacon's tenants, who hold the lands under extent, to pay the arrears due at Michaelmas to Elton, and the County Commissioners to be informed of the tenants' holding the lands under extent, that (when Elton is satisfied) they may be sequestered, according to Ordinance of Parliament. 63 55 63 164 75 229 3 47 3 84 3 170 30 Dec. 1653. Her petition for a Public Faith certificate for 100. 13 60 paid by her husband in 1643 for his granted. 16 Nov. 1643. Order that Elton pay 251. more than the 751. depo- sited in discharge of his assessment, being above his proportion on oath, as he will be benefited by the order of 12 October 1643. * See Errata list. 75 95 HEN. COOKE.* His rents, goods, chattels, &c., to be distrained, appraised, and 2 107 sold, and the money paid to the Treasurers in Guildhall, and an account of proceedings given to this committee. 28 July 1644. Hen. Cooke assessed at 1,5007. 8 Nov. 1644. Hen. Vincent, his tenant, being 501. in arrears for year's rent, and having disbursed or paid in taxes 191. 13s., -order that he pay the 301. 7s. balance towards Cooke's assess- ment. 63 150 75 225 65 124 3 287 2 110 2 148 266 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 12 Oct. 1643. H. 3 121 NOTES 92 196 197 ACCTS. 92 201 CASE 92 202 203 2 Jan. 1644. Elton complaining that he is hindered by the County Commissioners in receiving the residue of the money due on his judgment, order that he be first paid before the estate is sequestered, the rather as he gave information of the estate, which would otherwise have been concealed. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 30 April 1644. On the petition of John Higden [St. Clement's, Temple Bar], stating that he had an extent on Bacon's lands before that of Mr. Elton, who has received rent for part of the lands, order that Higden receive the last year's rents, and that he and Elton appear 20 May, to be heard about their extents and Elton's receipts; the County Commissioners for Suffolk to take notice, and assist therein. CASE 92 195 1 Nov. 1644. On information that, the last order notwithstanding, 20 Higden has put some tenants out of their farms, and threatens the rest, to hinder them from paying their rents to Elton, on pretence of his previous extent; also on proof that Rob. Marsh (who was assessed for his and has paid) had a judgment of 600l. against Bacon for a debt of 3007., and has taken out an extent after Elton is paid, and he and Elton are suing Higden and Miller in Chancery, on plea that the debt was a pretence to save Bacon or Miller's estate from sequestration, both being sequestered delinquents, and an injunction being granted for quieting Elton in possession of the lands,-order confirming all previous orders in favour of Elton, and discharging those in favour of Higden; the rents to be paid to Elton, not to Higden, and Rob. Marsh to proceed on his judgment when Elton's debt is satisfied. Vol. No. A or P. 2 210 Also, as Higden alleges that John Miller had a right to Bacon's 3 98 lands, by an extent before Elton's statute, which Miller assigned 92 194 to Higden,-order that the tenants pay their rents to Higden, any former order notwithstanding, the County Commissioners to take notice thereof; and as Higden alleges that Elton has received 3177. for the Michaelmas year's rents, both are to attend the committee thereon 20 May. 3 91 19 July 1644. Higden having falsified the order of the committee, 3 184–6 by inserting words therein after it was signed by the clerk, and a bill being filed in Chancery to discover whether the debt due to Higden is real-it being supposed to be a made debt, assigned by Miller, who was with the King, to free it from sequestration, the order of 30 April is made void, and Higden is not to disturb Elton in receipt of the rents. 10 Oct. 1645. The two officers who arrested Nich. Bacon when attending this committee to be brought in custody to answer their contempt. 3 277-9 4 288 19 May 1648. The business between Elton and Higden referred to 6 3 the clerks of committee, to examine and report. 2 June 1648. Higden's account of debts paid by him for Miller, 92 198 7477., and of moneys due to him by Miller, 7887.; total 1,5357. July 1648 Statement that Higden confesses receipt of 1,0127. from 92 199 the estate, and that in Chancery he only pleaded payment of one debt of 4401., therefore the rest probably belongs to the State on account of Miller's delinquency. May 1650. Statement by John Base, solicitor to the County Com- 92 200 missioners for Suffolk. The Committee of Goldsmiths' Hall have ordered me to seize Nich. Bacon's estate for not prose- cuting his composition, but it is extended to Higden on an assignment from Miller; the debt was only 600l., and Higden has received 1,014l. 6s. 2d., and still keeps on his extent. I request that the case may be examined, and the overplus secured, that the State be not defrauded. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 267 13 Oct. 1643. 14 Oct. 1643. 14 Oct. 1643. 16 Oct. 1643. DEP. 92 205 17 Feb. 1646. Jane Newman, widow, begs an order for payment of 81. Os. 6d., for 53 dozen [money] bags served for the com- mittee in her husband's lifetime. Granted. 16 Oct. 1643. LAWRENCE NEWMAN, late Treasurer to the Committee for Advance of Money, and JANE, his Widow. Order that on account of the many employments of the committee's clerk in keeping the books, Newman, who has under him kept the deposited moneys, be henceforth treasurer of the said moneys, and accountable therefor. 26 Feb. 1644. Order that henceforth he deliver a weekly abstract of receipts and payments, and prepare a general account of what he has already received or paid. 10 April 1644. Order for allowance to him of a halfpenny in the pound on his receipts. 19 March 1647. Order that Sam. Wight, who owes Newman 241., pay it to this committee, as Newman's accounts are not yet audited, and it is probable he may be in arrear, and Wight to be served harmless for so doing. 4 Nov. 1643. He having lent 3501. for supply of the Lord General's army, and Sir Wm. Waller's speedy advance, which was paid into Sir Gilb. Gerard's office,-order that Mr. Newman, treasurer for deposited moneys, repay the sum, and that the treasurers for the propositions give acquittances for it to the parties by whom the money is deposited. 10 April 1646. Order for repayment to her of 561. lent by her hus- 5 band to make up a sum to be sent to the brethren in Scotland. 5 224 6 Dec. 1644. He deposes that he has lent 381. to the State, by horse and money, and that the acquittances are lost, and not made over to any, but remain his just debt. 6 Dec. The case respited Vol. No. d or p. 2 113 1646? Abstract of Newman's accounts. Receipts, 73,2271. 7s. 2d.; 92 206 payments, 73,2751. 15s. 9d. Balance due to him 481. 8s. 7d. 3 25 COL. WALTER LONG. Note that he shall be repaid 3507., lent this day for the use of 92 207 the army, out of the first moneys that come in, Mr. Estwick and Edw. Aish agreeing that he shall be paid before either of them. 3 76 92 204 4 439 11 DR. COLLINS, Cowley, Middlesex. EDW. TURGIS, Watling Street. He is requested to pay the officers of the Committee for Advance 92 208 of Money 21. 15s. Od. for their pains concerning his assessment. 15 Nov. 1644. Assessed at 1007. - Assessed at 2007. 11 Nov. 1643. Respited 10 days to make his affidavit 2 134 3 321 76 652 9 Dec. His assessment discharged for the 381. lent, and 101. to be paid when his goods, value 2001., arrive from Amsterdam, this 67 51 being his proportion on oath, and the Public Faith given him for the 101. JOHN BURBIDGE, Finchley, Middlesex. Assessed at 107. 63 64 26 Oct. 1643. Summoned to appear and pay the assessment, to be 92 210 repaid on Public Faith if paid in 10 days. With note of 51., deposited 5 Nov. 67 51 92 209 1 Dec. 1643. The 51. deposited by him to be in discharge of his 75 135 assessment, being his proportion. 20 March 1654. Receipt by him of a certificate for the said 51. 92 210 63 67 2 142 268 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 16 Oct. 1643. 16 Oct. 1643. 16 Oct. 1643. O.C. 4 51 H. 4 82 16 Oct. 1643. 16 Oct. 1643. 3 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. o.c.5 20 23 28 Nov. 1643. Again respited, being sick 18 Dec. 1643. Ordered to pay 71. 10s. Od. in discharge of his assess. ment. SIR HEN. COMPTON, Lincoln's Inn and Covent Garden, and Erith, Kent. Assessed at 1,2007. 5 May 1645. To be brought in custody for non-payment of his assessment. 21 July 1645. Re-assessed at 3,000l. - 1 Sept. 1645. To be brought up in custody to answer objections RICH. DRAKE, D.D., Cheapside. Assessed at 801. 17 May 1644. Again assessed at 1501. 8 July 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 19 Feb. 1645. He is to give security to abide the committee's orders about his assessment, or be committed to Lambeth House. ROB. HARVEY. Assessed at 5001. 4 Jan. 1644. Ordered to make up the 1167. he has deposited, and the 231. 6s. 8d. lent to 250l., his, in 14 days. 14 Feb. 1644. Ordered to pay the residue of his assessment forth- with. 21 Feb. To be discharged on paying 1001. more than the 231. 6s. 8d. lent, and 2267. 13s. 4d, deposited. DAN. TAYLOR, Stanmore, Middlesex. • 63 65 BARCROFT, Bartholomew Lane. Assessed at 1,000l. No proceedings HENRY, or SIR HEN. BOOTHBY, Bishopsgate Street, and Chittercoat, Co. Oxon. Vol. No. A or p. 2 168 2 193 Assessed at 1,000l. 3 Dec. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 8 April 1646. The Warden of the Fleet to keep him in custody, being lately knighted, till further order. 63 -69 4 143 13 April. He is to have leave to come before the committee in cus- tody, and return to the Fleet Prison, and there continue till further order of this committee. 69 59 4 251 6 July 1646. The Warden of the Fleet, before he discharge him, to send him to this committee to pay his assessment, and meantime, unless he is detained by actions for debt, to let him go about his business, on security for his forthcoming when desired. 72 14 3 173 4 47 Assessed at 201. 63 66 10 Nov. 1643. Order that he pay 40s. more than the 20s. deposited, 75 115 and this, with a horse listed, value 4., is to be in discharge of his assessment. 72 2 116 63 - 63 73 2 265 3 17 63 73 4 346 5 9 5 13 н 4 May 1646. Allowed to go abroad with a keeper, on his own business, but not to be discharged from custody without order. Mr. Tichborne to deliver to him the trunk of his books and writ- 92 212 ings seized in Bishopsgate Street. 5 29 30 5 71 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 269 18 Oct. 1643. BOND 92 214 E.W. 28 93 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. WM. BRADSHAW, Covent Garden. Assessed at 801. 6 Nov. 1643, Ordered to pay his assessment 5 Dec. 1643. He makes affidavit that 101. is his full 20 CERT. 92 217 16 Nov. 1653. Ordered the Public Faith for the 107. paid by him on 16 Nov. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. R. 4 427 18 Oct. 1643. 0. 2 244 1646. Note that he compounded for 2,5001. but has paid nothing, and not paid his assessment of 1,000l. for his 2. 18 Oct. 1643. 24 Jan. 1651. Information that he omitted from his composition at Goldsmiths' Hall lands in Cropredy, co. Oxon, worth 1701. a year, and Broadoak co. Derby, worth 107. a year, and that he under- valued the rest of his estate 4401. a year. SAM. CHAPLYN, Friday Street. Assessed at 5001. 14 Aug. 1644. His assessment referred to the assessors, to consider and determine what is his 20. SIR JOHN COLT, Rickmansworth, Co. Herts. Assessed at 4007. 5 April 1644. To be brought in custody to pay 27 Feb. 1645. Having lent 1557, 10s. Od. in co. Herts, and paying 447. 10s. Od. more, his assessment to be discharged. 23 March 1646. The payment of 447. 10s. Od. dispensed with, and he discharged on paying the collector's salary and charges. 3 213 Having contributed 1407. on the propositions, and the assessors, finding that a great part of his estate consists in debts owing by 63 74 persons under power of the King's army, and that he is contented to lend 201,, which he has this day paid,-order that it be accepted in full of his assessment, and the Public Faith given for it. SIR JOHN COTTON and LADY MARY COTTON, his Wife, Eltham, Kent. · Assessed at 4007. 19 Jan. 1644. Sir John to be brought in custody to pay his assess- ment. 23 Jan. He having paid 1001. in Kent for his 2, is to have 6 days to appear and be heard. 30 Jan. To be discharged for the 1007., on his affidavit that it is his proportion. 26 Feb. 1647. Lady Cotton assessed at 6007. 17 March 1647. Ordered to make her affidavit DEP. 92 219 19 March. Her assessment discharged on her affidavit that she has no estate except through her husband, whose estate has already paid the • ROGER DRAKE, Cheapside. Vol. No. A or P. 82 124 22 139 92 213 63 777 92 215 92 216 13 36 92 217 63 74 3 212 63 74 3 73 4 438 4 454 63 76 2 234 2 236 2 245 71 66 5 221 5 225 Assessed at 1,0007. 63 74 27 Nov. 1643. Order that his deposit of 100l. be repaid, he having 75 132 by distress, &c., formerly paid 4007., which is his proportion. 63 74 For 270 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. MARK COTTLE, Castle Baynard Ward. Assessed at 601. 20 15 Nov. 1643. Order that Cottle's assessment of 60l. for his be discharged, as he was assessed at 301. on the Ordinance of 29 Nov. last and paid it, therefore by the Ordinance of 11 May last, he ought not to have been again assessed. DR. EXTON, Tottenham. · Assessed at 1007. 4 Jan. 1644. Order that he be respited 14 days, to appear and finish his assessment. 16 April. Order that the hay be sold at 20s. a load, and the corn at 3s. a bushel, to go towards the doctor's assessment, and that Rich. Dee's cart and horses bring the same in when required. 12 April 1644. Order that Sir Edw. Barkham appoint 2 fit persons 3 78 to value his hay and corn to Rich. Pym, or others who will buy it, and that Pym enjoy his farm at Tottenham at 1001. a year, to be paid in 6 weeks. 30 Jan. 1646. Exton's assessment respited till further order, he to take oath what his estate is in 14 days. 4 Feb. 1646. His estate discharged, he not having 1007., and 241. 19s. 4d. being made of his goods at Tottenham, seized for his 20. 1 HEN. FIELD, Grocer, Fleet Street. Vol. No. A or P. 63 75 2 146 63 73 2 266 NICH. FRANKLYN, Proctor, Lincoln's Inn and Cripplegate Ward. Assessed at 1001. 25 Nov. 1643. Order that, as he was assessed at 1007. for his, and for non-payment, committed to Ipswich gaol by the Committee of Examinations, and has since had 117. 5s. distrained of his rents, and goods, value 261. 98. sold, if he put in security for 301. more he may be liberated, and on payment of the 301. discharged from sequestration, the committee being informed that he cannot pay the residue. He is also to pay the collector's salary and charges. 3 83 Assessed at 6001. - 63 76 CERT. 92 220 18 Dec. 1643. The 2471. 10s. deposited to be in discharge of his as- 75 153 sessment, he having lent 52l. 19s. 2d. W 4 405 • 4 417 FRAS. FINCH and LADY FINCH, Kensington. He assessed at 2501. and she at 1507. - 63 73 15 Nov. 1643. Ordered to pay. With note that she paid the 1507., 75 115 and he was discharged for 1251. for which he had the Public 63 73 Faith. 63 76 2 164 7 Dec. 1643. John Rushworth to Dallison. If my security may be 92 221 accepted, I promise to pay 30l. to the Committee for Advance of Money, according to the order made for Mr. Franklin, also the collector's salary. 17 Jan. 1645. Again assessed at 2001. - 67 107 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 271 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. R. 4 158 167 172 184 18 Oct. 1643. 0.0.4 297 R. 4 300 0. 4 340 O.C. 4 347 21 Feb. 1645. Deposition by him that 677. 14s. is his full; that his estate of 120l. a year for his wife's life is in the power of the King's army, and he has received no benefit therefrom since 1642. With note 9 Feb. 1656, that as it lies at Stretton-in-the- Dale, between Ludlow and Shrewsbury, no benefit has yet been received from it. SIR THOS. HANMER, BART., Isleworth, Co. Middlesex, and Hanmer, Co. Flint. Assessed at 2501. Not to be found at Isleworth 21 Feb. Order that he be respited till his lands be restored, 76 736 having paid 677. 14s. on a former assessment in Cripplegate Ward, which is his proportion. 2 May 1645. Assessed at 1,000l. 14 May. Sir Thos. Hanmer, Bart., Hanmer, co. Flint, protected from arrest or restraint for 6 days, to come and go to this com- mittee to satisfy his assessment. 8 March 1648. To be sequestered for non-payment - 10 May 1648. Respited till further order, and meantime the seques- tration of his estate by this committee to be taken off. 20 12 May. His assessment for his discharged, it appearing to this committee that he has lately done very good service to Parlia- ment. ROB. HENLEY, Master of the King's Bench Office. Assessed at 2,000l. 18 April 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 10 Nov. 1645. To be heard on Friday, and bring in a particular of his estate, and of what he has contributed. his assessment, and then be further 21 Nov. To pay in 1,000l., heard. 22 Dec. 1645. Order that on giving bond with his son to abide the order of this committee about his assessment, he be respited and his sequestration taken off. Vol. No. ▲ or p. 92 222 12 Jan. Note of its reading in the Committee for Advance of Money, but no order. 63 73 69 76 4 154 5 397 5 433 5 437 63 76 3 84 4 316 4 332 4 364 29 Dec. Order that he do not pay any debts to persons who are 4 374 delinquents or in arrears for their, without leave of this committee. 12 12 Jan. 1646. Petition of Sam. Whitwick or Wightwick, Prothono- 92 223 tary of the King's Bench, to the Committee for Advance of Money. I am joint patentee with Mr. Henley in the office of prothonotary of the King's Bench, and I agreed that he should have the profits of the office, except for me, and I gave a bond of 20,000l. to pay the same to his executors, if he should die, and he did the same as to my. I have always been forward for Parliament in co. Berks, in the Committee for the Associated Counties, and have had my house and goods plundered, and my eldest son carried from his house prisoner, and most cruelly used, almost to death, and I have 8 children. I beg that if Mr. Henley be adjudged incapable of the office for delinquency, the whole office then being mine by right, you will consider my interest and care, and add something to my 4 385 272 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 Oct. 1643. CASE AND CERT. 92 224 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. 18 Oct. 1643. 30 Jan. 1646. It is to be reported to Parliament that Henley has offered 7,000l. composition for the profits of his office, and his other estate, forfeit for delinquency. 9 Jan. 1646. He being ordered by Parliament to compound with this committee for his delinquency, and having made several offers about it, none of his woods are to be cut down and sold, nor his property defaced or removed. 8 April 1646. Order that he pay in 5,2001., part of his composition, and prepare security for payment of the rest, according to the order of the House of Commons of 8 April. 15 May 1646. Having compounded with both Houses of Parliament for his delinquency, they fined him at 9,0007., of which 5,2007. is paid, and he having secured the remainder to be paid at the times limited by Parliament, the sequestration of his estate is taken off, and he allowed to receive his rents, debts, &c. 15 May. The bond of Henley and his son to be taken for payment of 3,8001. the remainder of his fine at the time limited by Parlia- ment, and their former bond for payment of the to be returned. His request for the Public Faith for 2,0007. his to be further considered. 20 20 28 Aug. 1646. Henley having been ordered not to pay any debts due to delinquents or to persons in arrear for their assessments, he is required to compound for the debts due to Richard, Ambrose, John, and Hum. Bennett, Sir Thos. Nott, the Earl of Antrim, Judith Edwards, and others, and meantime to detain the debts in his hands. 25 Sept. 1646. Mr. Lane to advance to Mr. Lawrence 6l. 13s. Od. due to him from Mr. Henley for salary. 3 July 1647. On information that though he has paid his and, he is assessed by the County Commissioners, order for stay of all proceedings and restoration of what has been taken. 18 Feb. 1648. Summoned to appear about a debt of 3,000l. to the Earl of Antrim, a delinquent, sequestered by this committee. 1 March 1648. Dismissed from further attendance about this debt of 2,8901., on proof that it was paid in 1641. 16 Jan. 1649. Summoned to appear about divers debts due to delinquents. GEORGE SCOTT, the Poultry. Assessed at 1,000l. 21 Aug. 1644. Ordered to pay 1007. in 14 days, and be discharged, or else to make up his and be heard, having lent 2501. 26 Aug. Ordered the Public Faith for the last 100l. paid ROGER VIVIAN, Lime Street Ward. Vol. No. A or P. 4 407 SIR THOS. WROTH, Coleman Street, Petherton Park, Co. Somerset. Assessed at 5001. 4 383 200 5 9 5 53 5 36 5 96 5 107 5 274 5 378 5 384 6 152 63 77 3 219 Assessed at 1,000l. 63 74 17 Dec. 1643. The 1007. deposited by him to be repaid, as by his 75 121 affidavit the 400l. which he paid on the Ordinance of 29 Nov. 1642 is above his, and his assessment discharged. 3 223 17 March 1654. Certificate by Martin Dallison, registrar, that 350l. 92 225 was paid to Sam. Gosse, late receiver of the Committee for Advance of Money for goods and moneys on distress, for redemption of Vivian's goods, towards his assessment of 4001. - 63 77 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 273 18 Oct. 1643. 23 Oct. 1643. 24 Oct. 1643. 50623. 16 Nov. 1643. Order for discharge of his assessment, on sufficient information that he is plundered of his estate, and utterly dis- abled to pay his assessment, or any part thereof. SIR ABRAHAM DAWES, London (late), and SIR THOS. DAWES, Mark Lane, and JOHN DAWES, his Sons. Order in the House of Commons that all their estates be sequestered 92 226 into the hands of Sir Rob. Pye and 5 other M.Ps., with 6 other gentlemen sequestrators, who shall have power to let, sell, or dispose thereof, and fell and dispose of timber, the proceeds to be issued as the House shall direct. 17 Jan. 1644. Sir Thomas Dawes assessed at 5007. 6 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 5 April 1644. The order of the House of Commons about his estate to be produced to the Committee for Advance of Money. - 19 April. Fras. Burt, of Gracious Street, and Rich. Stockdale, of Clerkenwell, 2 of the sequestrators, having undertaken to pay Sir Thomas's assessment, and to abide the order of this com- mittee about the residue, his goods seized by the collectors are to be restored to him. 1 Nov. 1644. Sir Thomas to be brought up to answer his contempt, and such matters as shall be objected against him. - 4 Nov. As he is in the King's Bench on an execution, and yet goes to and fro to Roehampton, and abides there, contemning this committee and its officers,-Sir John Lenthall is to keep him in safe custody, and not allow him to be at liberty till further order of this committee. 6 Nov. Burt and Stockdale are to bring him in custody to pay his assessment. 8 Nov. The order of 4 Nov. for his close committal to custody withdrawn. 20 8 Dec. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that, as a fee of 5001. a year, due to Sir Thomas from the Customs, has long since been sequestered towards his assessment of 5007., but nothing paid, that 5001. of the said money be paid to this com- mittee, and for so doing the Customs' officers shall have the authority of Parliament against Dawes and others. THOS. BIRKETT, without Aldgate. 24 Dec. His sequestration taken off, on his giving security to abide the orders of this committee. a 4 Vol. No. ▲ or p. 2 147 63 138 2 255 3 72 3 85 92 227 4 Dec. 1644. The 250l. due to him from the Custom House to be paid as part of his assessment. 1 2 Dec. 1645. Order in the House of Commons, on the petition of 92 228 Sir Thos. Dawes, one of the creditors of the Royal children, that the annuity of 100l. to Mrs. Blythe, and the pensions given by Sir Abraham's will to the poor of Putney, be continued, and the rest of the money raised by the sequestration be paid, to the advance creditors, and the other to the creditors of the chil- dren, two of the chief of whom are added to the sequestrators. The Customs' officers are to pay all fees in arrear to the Daweses to the said sequestrators. Also the assessment of 5001. on Sir Thomas for his to be discharged. 3 276 3 280 3 282 3 285 3 319 4 350 4 372 Assessed at 1407. 63 77 14 Nov. 1643. Order that the sum be paid in 10 days 92 229 6 Dec. 1643. Order that his assessment be discharged on payment 75 141 of 211. 2s. 8d., which, with 787. 17s. 4d. formerly lent, will make up 1007., the loan being before the assessment. S 274 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 24 Oct. 1643. CERT. 92 231 24 Oct. 1643. 24 Oct. 1643. Oct. 1643. Oct. 1643. 1 Nov. 1643. 1646 ? Begs a Public Faith bill for the 211. 2s. 8d. paid according to the Ordinance of Parliament of 12 Aug. 1645. Granted. ROWLAND MORETON, Gutter Lane. CERT. 92 232 14 March. Order that 167. 11s. 2d. be repaid him, aud the other 107., with the 137. 8s. 10d., be in discharge of his assessment, 231. being his proportion on oath. March 1654. Note of a Public Faith certificate given WM. TREADLE, Thavies' Inn. Assessed at 807. 9 March 1644. He shows acquittances for 41. formerly lent, 91. 8s. 10d. paid for redemption of his goods distrained for non- payment, and 101. paid out of time. 11 March. Order to make affidavit what is his, or else his assessment to be discharged for the 137. 8s. 10d. formerly paid, and 261. 11s. 2d. deposited. Assessed at 401. 12 March 1654. Receipt from Dallison, by Sam. Edwards, of a certificate purporting that in Nov. 1643, Treadle paid 407. for his, and that no greater assessment was laid upon him. JOHN or ROB. BOWLES, Gray's Inn and Peckham, Yeoman of His Majesty's Tents at Clerkenwell. or else his 3 43 Also that on 14 and 15 Sept. last, being absent himself, Dan. Judd and others came and seized all His Majesty's tents, 41 of his own, which are now employed in the service under Sir Wm. Waller, and other goods value 2007. Vol. No. A or P. 21 Nov. 1643. His assessment respited till Allen satisfy the com- mittee as to his demand about tents. 92 230 63 77 14 Dec. 1643. His assessment of 2001. at Peckham, as well as the former one of 207., respited till this 1007. is paid. 11 Dec. 1644. Mr. Bowles to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 13 Oct. 1645. Assessed again at 1,000l. 31 Oct. Respited to pay his 7 Nov. 1645. To be admitted to swear to his and, a former order for payment of his notwithstanding. His assessment to be discharged for the 881. paid by him, being his proportion on oath. 5 63 63 THOS. SMITH, Isleworth, formerly Messenger of the Chamber in Ordinary. 3 JAS. MARTIN, Fishmonger, London. Particulars of 10 sums lent by him 12 Nov. 1641 to 12 Oct. 1643, 92 234 on Public Faith, total 1,730l. 77 77 63 He complains that in Sept. 1642, Fras. Allen, of Fleet Street, by 92 235 virtue of an Order in Parliament, took him to the Tower to view 1,000 tents, and to provide poles, ropes, &c., to fit them for service, which cost 907. 48 77 2 157 23 Nov. Assessed at 2007., but respited till 100%. due to him for 63 95 tents is respited. 2 160 2 189 63 78 92 233 63 78 3 327 65 94 4 309 4 313 4 315 Petition that, in obedience to the Houses' commands, he executed 93 1 some services as churchwarden, for which His Majesty cast him out of his place and service at Court, which was his chief live- lihood, so that for affection to the Houses he has lost his support. He therefore begs discharge from the present assessment. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 275 1 Nov. 1643. 2 Nov. 1643. 3 Nov. 1643. 3 Nov. 1643. 3 Nov. 1643. 3 Nov. 1643. 1 Nov. 1643. Order that as he, being one of the guards, has suffered by the soldiers, and his place, which was his subsistence, is likely to be lost, his assessment of 407. be discharged on pay- ment of 107. 6 Dec. 1643. Receipt for the said 107. WM. LEACHLAND, Merchant, Shipowner, and Purveyor of Wines to the King, Tower Ward. He being assessed at 500l., which is unpaid, and thereon his wines having been seized, as there is need of 2 tuns of French wines for his Majesty's children, order that he choose and deliver them for the said purpose. 9 Nov. 1643. Order that he pay his assessment forthwith, and the rest in 14 days. 5 Dec. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that the Navy Committee be requested to certify what they owe Leachland, he stating it at 550l., and to pay him the same. 5 Jan. 1644. He having paid 250l., and the Navy Committee having promised to pay into Haberdashers' Hall 2501., part of the sum due to him for freight, order that his assessment be discharged, and that the Sequestration Committee restore him his wines, &c. 5 Dec. 1643. He petitions the Committee of Navy and Customs for 93 payment of his share, being, of 1,6087. and 3,000l. due for hire of ships for Parliament service, that he may be able to pay the second of his fine, having had great losses lately. RANDALL CREW, Hatcham, Barnes. Assessed at 1,000l. 25 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 13 Feb. 1644. His assessment discharged for 150l. paid in Surrey, which is his proportion on affidavit, he paying the collector's salary, as the State is much indebted to him. WM. DELVE or DELL, the Bishop [of Rochester's ?] Secretary. Assessed at 4007. 28 Dec. 1643. The keeper of Peter House to take him into custody, and keep him till he has paid the 4001. Vol. No. A or P. 2 132 93 2 DR. WM. SKINNER, Beckenham, Kent. 2 134 Assessed at 2507. 29 Dec. 1643. Certificate that he has been assessed and paid 51. 10s. for his and, that he contributed 307. on the propositions, and has paid 801. more now. 2 140 ABRAHAM CALFE, Parson of Lewisham. Assessed at 1007. 63 81 22 Nov. 1643. Having deposited, he is to pay the rest, or make 75 125 affidavit. 1 Dec. 1643. The 341. 12s. deposited, with 157. 8s. lent, to be in 75 136 discharge of his assessment, being his proportion. 2 177 3 2 219 63 79 2 239 2 263 4 Jan. 1644. Order on his petition for his hearing, on making up, 2 216 with what he has paid in Kent, his assessment. 2 223 11 Jan. His assessment to be discharged for the 2001. paid here, and 101. paid in Kent, he paying the collector's salary and charges. 63 79 2 204 63 93 80 4 S 2 276 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 3 Nov. 1643. 6 Nov. 1643. E.W. 28 22 46 47 O.C.C. 93 44 SIR HUM. STYLES. Assessed at 4007. 6 Feb. 1644. His sequestration to be proceeded in, according to the Ordinances of Parliament, towards satisfaction of his assessment. 11 March 1644. He is to make affidavit of what is his bring it in accordingly. 20 and 3 44 18 March. He having lent 267., deposited 501., and made affidavit that 507. is his 2, order that 261. of the 501. be returned, and the rest be in discharge of his assessment. 2 Oct. 1644. His goods, appraised at 87., to be sold towards his assessment, and Mr. Richards to have 10s. for the discovery. WM. GIBSON, Woollen Draper, St. Antholin's, Watling Street. Note of a warrant for seizing his estate, on information that he 93 5 absented himself to avoid payment of assessment, and was aiding in the wars against Parliament. With account of his estate and debts, &c. 20 Dec. 1643. Assessed at 6001. 29 Nov. 1644. Assessed at 1,0001. 28 Sept. 1645. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 63 81 2 254 9 June 1646. Order that, as Watkins has refused to pay 5001. which he owes to Gibson, who is assessed at 1,000l., still unpaid, the sum be levied by distress on his goods. 3 52 12 March 1647. MILES NEWTON to be summoned to pay 3007. owing by him to Gibson, notwithstanding the order of the Camden House Committee, who pretend priority of seizure, the seizure being originally for the 17 Sept. Information by Eliah Palmer that JOHN WATKINS, 21 merchant of Essex, owes Gibson 4801., and the informer will pay all charges if the debt is not proved. 63 117 3 251 5 22 May 1646. Watkins to be brought up in custody to answer a charge against him. 67 65 4 254 3 May. Miles Newton dismissed, and the debt to be levied on Mrs. Newton's estate. Mr. Belt, of Bread Street, summoned as a witness in the case, to be respited till his return from Yorkshire. 5 33 41 52 5 217 22 Oct. 1649. Information that Miles and Thos. Newton, of Lon- 21 287 don, owe Gibson 310l. 10s. 24 Oct. Order for payment of the same 7 25 Dec. 1649. Miles Newton to appear and pay the debt. 329 28 15 43 3 May 1650. He petitions that he believes the debt was paid by 93 Rich. Morecroft, now dead, who was bound with himself for payment, and the rather that Gibson has not demanded it these 12 years. Has lost 12,000l. in Ireland and is now bankrupt; begs consideration if the debt is due. 8 318 8 319 14 Dec. 1648. Information that SIR THOS. SOAME, Alderman of 21 140 London, owes 900l. to Gibson, who has deserted his home and gone beyond seas to avoid payment of taxes, and is therefore liable to sequestration. 10 Jan. 1649. Information that Soame's debt is 1,4631., and that 21 146 Gibson has fled and has not compounded. 1 July 1649. Information that Soame's debts to Gibson are 1,0907. 21 248 and 3381. 9s., as appears by Gibson's book of debts. 4 Jnly. Soame to appear and pay the money due to Gibson 7 115 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.--CASES. 277 6 Nov. 1643. o. 6 161 LET. 24 122 o.c. 10 351 H. 11 51 DEP. 93 11 DEP. and CERT. 93 12 REP. 93 13 LET. 93 15 CERT. 93 16 17 3 Aug. 1649. On Sir Thomas' proving that 1,0001. of the debt was released to him by Parliament Order, he is discharged therefrom, and the prosecutor is to have 6 weeks to prove the residue of the debt. 25 Jan. Information by Nich. Cheltenham that ANNE PARKER, since married to Ald. John Dethick, merchant of London, owes Gibson 7561. 25 Jan. 1649. Dethick summoned to show cause why he should 6 not pay the money. 93 Vol. No. A or P. 7 223 93 6 21 93 10 July 1651. Order that Dethick give security for payment of 93 the money in 2 months, unless Parliament order the contrary, or else in 14 days it will be ordered to be levied on his estate. 16 May 1651. Dethick desires further time, as the case is depending 10 306 before the Council of State, but he is ordered to pay the money in 14 days. 19 Sept. 1651. Cheltenham, the informer, begs an order for 93 levying the 7561. on Dethick's estate. 14 Jan. 1652. Dethick pleads that this debt of 7561. 15s. was sequestered in December 1643 by the Commissioners for Seques- tration of London from Mrs. Anne Parker, his now wife; that Gibson being in Flanders, where he has turned Roman Catholic, attached the estate of Mrs. Parker in Flanders for the debt, on which accouut it has, till lately, been allowed to remain in peti- tioner's hands. Begs an order to pay in only of the debt, Gibson having been sequestered for absenting himself and not paying his assessment, and for recusancy, but not for delinquency. 27 June 1651. The needs of the State being urgent, if the money 24 139 is not paid the Committee for Advance of Money will be com- pelled to levy it. 19 Sept. Order that the 7561. be levied by sequestration if not paid 17 by Wednesday. 19 Feb. Edw. Webb and Nich. Cheltenham complain that this sum does not cover the expenses of prosecution, and beg an order for of any further discoveries of Gibson's estate. If this is granted, they hope to bring in a far larger sum. 151 7 93 157 8 St. Helen's stands bound for it, and has paid 707. on account to the Committee of Camden House, so that 801. remains due. 9 10 H. 17 161 170 14 Jan. Order for the Camden House Committee to examine 11 92 the cause of sequestration, and then the report as to the first discoverer of the debt will be heard. 29 14 4 Feb. 1652. Dethick having paid in the whole debt of 7561. 15s. is 11 172 indemnified therefor, and if Gibson, who is beyond seas, attempt to recover it, the Committee for Advance of Money will report the case to Parliament. 4 Feb. Order, on full hearing of the case, that there is no reason 11 178 to reverse the former order for sequestration of Gibson's estate, as a recusant and delinquent; that the first discoverers of the debt were the late Commissioners for Sequestration at Camden House in 1643, but that as Nich. Cheltenham and the late Wm. Ford have been at charges in renewing the case, they be allowed 1s. in the pound between them, viz., 177. 10s. to Chelten- ham, and 177. 10s. to Ford's children, by the administrator, Edw. Webb. 93 18 24 March 1649. Information that RICH. LEA, of St. Helen's, Lon- 21 180 don, owes Gibson about 577. 30 April 1649. Information that Mr. Liddiate is indebted to Gibson, 21 196; a Papist and delinquent, in 150l., and that Rich. Lea of Great 4 May 1649. Order that Lea pay in 801., part of 1501. due by him 6 310 to Gibson. 278 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Nov. 1643. 0.7 42 0.7 52 H. 7 174 o. 6 243 o. 6 231 REP. 93 21 o.c.c. 93 22 o. 6 311 93 23 CASE 93 20 12 Feb. 1649. Information that SIR GEORGE and SIR WM. WHIT- 21 161 MORE Owe Gibson 520l. 8s. 4d. book debts. 93 19 166 6 H. 7 24 50 H. 7 61 H. 93 24 0.7 148 H. 7 150 174 WM. GIBSON—continued. 16 May 1649. Order on proof that only 50l. of Lea's debt remains unpaid, and that the bond of 2071. to Sir George and Sir Wm. Whitmore was only in trust for Gibson, that on payment of the 507., the debt be discharged, and the bond released. 12 Feb. Sir George summoned to show cause why he should not pay the debt. 20 Feb. The clerk at Camden House to certify what pro- ceedings have been taken about the debt, and why it was not sequestered. 31 March 1649. The executors of Sir Wm. Whitmore to appear and pay the debt, and the County Commissioners to deliver up the proceedings before them touching it. 20 April 1649. Sir George to pay it within 14 days, and to be in- demnified against Gibson for so doing. 27 July 1649. Order that Sir George pay the money, on pain of sequestration, but he may take his remedy at law against the heirs of Sir William, for whom he was surety for the debt. 1 Aug. 1649. Order renewed, the debt now appearing to be only 5001. 16 May 1649. Sir George to prove his allegation that Sir Wm. 6 334 Whitmore paid the money before his death. 17 Aug. Sir George delaying to pay the debt, order that it be levied on his estate. With note that the full sum was paid 18 Aug. 1649. 4 March 1650. Order that as Sir George has paid the debt, and was only surety for Sir William, whose estates have devolved on his son and heir, Sir Thomas Whitmore, Sir Thomas reimburse Sir George the said sum, or show cause to the contrary. Vol No. A or P. 6 338 7 204 1 Aug? Sir George begs that if he pay the money, Gibson's bond 93 25 for the 5001. may be recovered and restored to him, and he allowed to recover the sum from the heirs of Sir William, other- wise Gibson may sue him for the money, and he be obliged to pay it twice over, though the debt was never his own. 6 173 2 Aug. 1650. On hearing of both sides, the order of 4 March con- firmed, on pain of sequestration. 6 243 6 283 2 Nov. 1649. Order that as Sir George Whitmore was only surety 7 341 for Sir William, he may reimburse himself from Sir William's estate, which stands chargeable for debts. 7 194 24 Oct. 1649. Order for its payment in 28 days, in 2 instalments 14 Nov. 1649. Seabright to pay the 1001., the 47. interest being abated, and then to be discharged of the debt, and indemnified against Gibson. 11 March. Sir George begs that the 520l. with charges may be 93 27 levied on Sir Wm. Whitmore's estate. • 7 238 93 26 4 April 1650. Sir Thomas begs respite, and liberty to appear in 93 person, the late Act forbidding delinquents in or near London. 9 65 - 8 212 17 Sept. 1650. The money not being paid, it is to be levied on Sir 9 151 T. Whitmore's estate. 16 May 1651. As Sir George cannot travel, having the gout, his 10 301 affidavit is to be taken by a Master in Chancery, in presence of Mr. Brereton, counsel for the Committee for Advance of Money. 28 23 April 1649. Information that SIR EDW. SEABRIGHT, of Prest- 21 192 wood, co. Stafford, owes Gibson 1041. 7 Sept. 1649. Seabright summoned to answer the debt 7 254 7 327 8 11 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 279 6 Nov. 1643. → 8 Nov. 1643. 3 Sept. 1649. Information that in 1640 the EARL or MARQUIS OF HERTFORD and 3 others became bound to Gibson for 5201., on which 207. interest for one year only has been paid. - 24 Oct. 1649. The Marquis to appear and pay the money 7 326 7 Nov. 1649. Essex House. Declaration by the Marquis of Hertford 93 29 that he never knew nor heard that Gibson was either recusant or delinquent, till the order of the Committee for Advance of Money of 24 October was brought him. 5 Oct. 1649. Information that the EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND Owes 21 3121. on bond to Gibson. 93 23 Nov. 1649. Committee for Advance of Money to the Earl of 24 Northumberland. We hear that you owe 3127. to Wm. Gibson, recusant and delinquent; we desire you to make speedy payment to this committee, when you shall be indemnified for the debt. 19 Dec. 1649. Polworth. Earl of Northumberland, to the Committee 93 for Advance of Money. I have delayed my reply because I could not at first find an account of any debt to Gibson, but I find, from my old servants, that 12 years ago, I entered into a bond for payment of 300l. to Gibson, at request of my sister [the Countess of] Carlisle, but the money was for her use, and never came to my hands. I have written to my sister, and she says the money has long since been paid, and she can prove the payment. 24 June 1650. Committee for Advance of Money to the Earl. We 24 must press payment, unless you can bring in proof that the money has been paid. 5 July. Order for hearing, the Earl to have liberty meanwhile to prove the payment of the debt before Mr. Carey. 19 July. Case dismissed, on proof that the debt was paid in 1647 Vol. No. A or P. 21 274 John Randall, merchant of London, 155l. Lawrence Chambers, of London, 1561. Geo. Warner and Edw. Westfield, merchant adventurers, 4007. on bond. 2 July 1650. Earl of Northumberland to the Committee for 93 32 Advance of Money. I had hoped to have no further trouble about Gibson's debt, but have ordered my servant to attend you thereon. 13 Nov. Cartwright to appear and pay a bond for 1001. due to Gibson. JOHN ADDERLEY, South Myms, Middlesex. Assessed at 4007. 13 Nov. 1643. Summoned to pay the assessment 16 Jan. 1644. To be brought up in safe custody to pay his assess- ment. 9 47 30 Oct. 1649. Information of other debts owing to Wm. Gibson, 21 288 viz.: May C 282 30 64 13 Nov. 1649. Information that Mr. Cartwright, late of Cannon 21 299 Street, London, owes Gibson 1007. on bond. 8 6 · 63 31 81 9 17 1 Dec. 1653. Certificate of the preceding and of his full payment 93 and discharge. 83 93 45 2 231 20 Jan. Having deposited 521., ordered to pay 607. more, when his 75 216 assessment will be discharged. 46 15 Dec. Petition for a Public Faith bill for the 1127. as an Ordi- 93 47 nance of the present Parliament promises such bills to all who have debts due to them from the State, if they enter their bills at Worcester House before 25 March next. Granted. REGISTERE 13 93 48 45 280 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 8 Nov. 1643. 8 Nov. 1643. 8 Nov. 1643. 8 Nov. 1643. BISCOE, Aldenham, Herts. Assessed at 1,500l., but noted as dead 4 years ago JOHN BRIDGES, Bassieshaw Ward. Assessed at 3001. 63 88 1 Dec. 1643. Order that the 341. 19s. 4d. formerly lent, and 271. 3s. 6d. 75 137 now paid, be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion. 8 Dec. 1652. Ordered the Public Faith for the 271. 3s. 6d. HEN. COGHILL, Aldenham, Herts. · Assessed at 1,5007. 15 Jan. 1614. To be brought up in custody to pay 2 19 March 1644. Order that he make up his assessment or give security for it in 10 days, remaining in custody of the Serjeant's man meantime, and that in case of non-performance, he be com- mitted to Peter House. * - DAVID EDWARDS, Redrith, Surrey. Vol. No. A or P. 63 88 1 April 1644. Allowed 14 days to bring in an affidavit of his 366 and 2%. 1 Assessed at 4007. [18 Nov. 1643.] He petitions that, being assessed at 1001. by the County Commissioners last August for his, he shewed that he had paid 281. on the propositions, which they allowed and accepted 51. for the present. That last November he had a ticket for 4007. from the Haberdashers' Hall assessors. The County Com- missioners bade him make oath before them as to his 2, which he said was 45l., and paid 127. to make it up. He then stated his case to the Haberdashers' Hall Committee, but was told he must make up his payment to 2007. before he could be heard. This being impossible, he elapsed the 10 days for payment. Was then ordered to make oath before the Lord Mayor and to pay 171. more or be committed; and now Jarvis, an officer, demands 51., being his salary for the whole 400l., and 10s. for the warrant, which petitioner was obliged to pay. Begs repayment, having shown his affection to Parliament by a liberal contribution. 12 235 12 April. His assessment discharged for 150l. paid to the Lord 3 79 General's Committee, it being his proportion on oath. 63 88 63 88 53 3 - 63 83 93 49 23 Jan. Order that the money he paid in Surrey after he was re- assessed be repaid him, and that the 51. paid, and what was formerly lent be in discharge of his assessment, being his pro- portion on oath. 29 Dec. 1643. Order that the 177. deposited by him, with 281. lent, 75 165 be in discharge of his assessment, it being his proportion. 12 Jan. 1644. County Commissioners for Surrey to the Committee for 93 50 Advance of Money. Statement of Edwards' case as above detailed. On hearing it, you said he ought not to pay two-twentieths, but should have his money restored, yet he is denied, on some claim that he ought to pay an assessment laid on [Thos.] Winder. We are obstructed by such complaints (which reflect upon us who sit to advance the service) that people who have been assessed by us are again assessed at Haberdashers' Hall, and we beg redress. With notes of reply that it was Edwards' own fault to pay more in Surrey when he had once cleared; that there had been no stay of repayment on pretence of Winder; and that if persons were re-assessed by the Committee for Advance of Money, they could clear themselves on oath as to their proportion. 2 237 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 281 8 Nov. 1643. R. 75 173 8 Nov. 1643. 8 Nov. 1643. 8 Nov. 1643. Vol. No. SIR THOMAS HAMPSON, Bart., Holborn, and Taplow, ▲ or p. Co. Bucks.* Assessed at 1,000l. 63 82 18 Dec. 1643. Respited 14 days, having deposited, and having 75 152 urgent occasions, so that he cannot attend the finishing his assessment. 1 Jan. 1644. Respited 8 days more, being very sick 12 Jan. His assessment discharged if he pay in a week 3001. more than the 4501. deposited, and 501. lent. 23 Feb. 1644. Order that he pay 31. 12s. 6d. salary due to the collectors, it being dubious whether he deposited the moiety of his assessment within 10 days. 21 May 1642. Sir Thomas was made a baronet. 17 Nov. 1643. He was assessed at 1,000Z. 28 March 1646. Having paid in all 501. and 750l. at Haberdashers' Hall, order that he have the Public Faith for it. March. Notes in the case, viz. :- - 2 Dec. 1643. He showed acquittance for 501., lent towards 30,000l., but not on Public Faith. 18 Dec. He made up his and was respited 14 days, and had 2 other respites. WM. HANCOCK, Redrith, Surrey. 12 Jan. 1644. He was ordered to pay 3001. more than the 7501. deposited, and 501. formerly lent, and then to be discharged. - 75 167 75 177 Assessed at 1007. 16 Nov. 1643. Summoned to pay the assessment 8 Jan. 1644. To be brought up in custody for non-payment 29 July 1644. Order that the 50s. deposited, with 101. paid in Surrey, be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion, and he having been at sea since 16 Nov. 1643. JOHN HODGES, Andrew's, Holborn. March 1654. Shewing acquittances for 107. lent and 21. 10s. paid in, ordered the Public Faith. Assessed at 507. 27 Nov. 1643. Having deposited his, with what he has lent, respited 10 days. 16 April 1644. Order that he be brought up in safe custody 22 July 1644. His assessment discharged on payment of 5l., he having lent 131. 2s. 6d., deposited 11. 17s. 10d., and paid 51. since. MYNNE, Hertford. · Assessed at 3001. 21 Dec. 1643. His assessment to be discharged, he undertaking to bring in an affidavit of his estate, and to pay his fit proportion. See list of Errata. 1 23 Dec. He deposing that 107. is his 2, paying 51 and de- positing 51., his assessment discharged. 3 20 4 454 63 82 93 51 - 63 75 75 63 84 93 52 2 221 76 472 63 84 20 April 1653. The Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers to give him 12 343 2 Public Faith certificates for 11l. 17s. 10d., and for 5l. paid for his out of time. 63 3 84 132 3 83 84 188 63 88 2 199 2 200 282 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 8 Nov. 1643. 8 Nov. 1643. DEP. 93 53 8 Nov. 1643. 8 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. SIR PETER OSBORNE. Assessed at 1,0001. 11 March 1644. He or the Sequestration Commissioners paying the 1,000l., the distress on his rents, &c., to be discharged, or else to proceed. Vacated. RICH. PORTER, Broad Street, and Putney, Surrey. Assessed at 5001. 21 June 1644. He having formerly paid 2001. and now deposited 50%., order that his assessment be discharged, on his giving security to pay 2007. more. 19 July 1644. Allowed respite for the last 50l. 29 July. Ordered to pay in 14 days 7 Aug. 1644. He having paid 2001., deposited 50%., and then paid 3 more sums of 50l., order that his assessment be discharged, notwithstanding the former order for payment of 50l. more, and that he have the Public Faith for the 4001. - + 24 Sept. 1651. Judgment on his petition (missing) respited till the 17 Committee have sight of the Ordinance in Parliament allowing Public Faith. Vol. No. A or P. 88 3 45 1 Oct. 1651. Order for depositions that he has had no certificate, 17 nor made sale of the 2001. for which he claims Public Faith; also of the manner of his paying it in at Guildhall. 26 Nov. 1651. The Public Faith granted him for the 2007. SIR ROB. WOOD, Bassieshaw Ward. Assessed at 6001. 12-April 1644. Discharged of his assessment, because, being one of the Committee for Safety of Surrey, he contributed 2707. on the propositions, has been plundered of his estate at Kingston by the King's forces, and has a fort built on his lands at Islington. 63 ነ 63 88 3 159 3 183 3 194 3 203 JOAN CHAPMAN, Widow, and MARY CHAPMAN, Spinster, her Daughter, Newington, Middlesex. LADY WINWOOD, Farringdon Without. Assessed at 500l. 63 88 1 Dec. 1643. Having made up what she has lent to her, allowed 75 135 8 days to appear and be heard about the rest. 14 Dec. Deputy Adams, executor to the late Thos. Chapman, and guardian to the daughter, to pay her assessment by Saturday. 6 Dec. The 1021. 28. 8d. deposited by her to be in discharge of 75 141 her assessment, she having lent 1471. 17s. 4d., which makes her proportion. 33 RICH. BOOTHBY, Stratford Langton, Middlesex. Assessed at 4007. 16 Jan. 1644. Order that, having listed horses value 477., and 801. being his proportion on oath, he pay 33l. more and the collector's salary and charges. 22 March 1654. Public Faith certificate of this payment granted - 93 42 17 96 63 88 3 79 63 86 2 229 54 The mother assessed at 250l. and the daughter at 1501. 63 87 8 Dec. 1643. The mother discharged on showing acquittances for 63 87 1307. paid. 2 189 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 283 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 18 Dec. 1643. Most of her estate being in the chamber of London, she being an orphan, and Deputy Adams having paid in 757. and promised 751. more in 10 days, order that the 150l. be allowed him out of her estate, and that the chamber allow it accord- ingly. 10 Nov. 1643. THOS. COLWELL, Bartholomew Lane. Assessed at 6007. 20 Nov. 1643. Ordered to pay the assessment 4 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody for non-payment 15 Jan. To be sent to Peter House if he do not make up his by Saturday. 10 Nov. 1643. WM. CROSSE, Botolph Lane. Vol. No. A or P. 2 194 · 63 87 93 55 2 217 2 228 13 Feb. 1644. He having made up his, his assessment to be dis- charged on paying 1007. more. 14 Oct. 1646. Summoned to pay an assessment of 6001. 93 56 16 Oct. His assessment discharged for 1991. 10s. lent and 1007. 10s. 76 935 paid, being his proportion. 8 March 1654. The Public Faith granted for the 1007. 10s. • 63 87 GERARD GORE, Paul's Churchyard. Assessed at 4007. NOTE 93 57 11 Dec. 1643. Order that on his paying 100%., his assessment be discharged, he paying collector's salary for 2001. Assessed at 1,000l. 63 90 11 Dec. 1643. Order for his discharge for 2261. lent, being his 75 146 proportion. JAS. DEMETRIUS or DESMAITRES, Abchurch Lane. Assessed at 1,000l. 63 86 24 Nov. 1643. Having contributed 5407. on the propositions, and 75 127 promising voluntarily 501. in 10 days, his assessment discharged, he having lent his house 2 years gratis for Parliament use. 2 263 MICH. GRIGG, St. Paul's Churchyard, and Hadley, Middlesex. Assessed at 1,500l. 19 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody before the Committee for Advance of Money. 22 July 1644. Chas. Chamberlain, draper, who rented a house in Paul's Churchyard from Grigg at 1001., which house is seques- tered for non-payment of the, is to have a lease of it from this committee for 12 years, at 50l., rents being much lessened. 27 Sept. 1644. Grigg's houses to be searched for plate and money, and if any be found, it is to be seized. 5 Jan. 1644. Notes of 1551. 7s. 5d. paid through Sam. Gosse, and 63 89 45l. and 100l. 7s. 6d. paid since. 30 Sept. Order repeated, and Grigg to be brought up in custody to answer objections. o.c. 4 51 15 Aug. 1645. He declares himself willing to compound both for his delinquency and his assessment. 63 89 2 188 63 89 2 235 3 187 3 247 3 248 4 248 284 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 Nov. 1643. o.c. 93 60 MICH. GRIGG, continued. 1 Sept. 1645. Order that he pay 1,000l. composition for his real estate in a month, and then be further heard. 17 Oct. 1645. Order that he be committed to the New Prison in Maiden Lane, and remain there till further order. 19 Nov. 1645. Chamberlain to hold Grigg's house in Paul's Church- yard till Midsummer, and pay the rent in arrear to this com- mittee. 4 Feb. 1646. Order that he make up his and be further heard 27 Feb. His petition. I was forced to travel to get in my debts, that I might meet my engagements and pay my taxes. Before I left, I willingly paid iny, as assessed by those who knew my estate; but in my absence, I was assessed by strangers at 1,500l., though I have no personal estate, and my lands will only pay my debts, and feed my 14 children. I beg that, in pity to my aged mother and children, you will not utterly ruin me, my estate having been sequestered 3 years, but release me, allow me the benefit of my protestation, and leave me to com- pound at Goldsmiths' Hall. 27 Feb. Order for his discharge from prison, on giving security to abide the order of this committee about his assessment, and for discharge of the sequestration on his house in Paul's Church- yard, the better to enable him to procure money for his assess- ment, and for his fine and compounding at Goldsmiths' Hall. 14 March 1646. Order that being assessed in 1642 in Castle Bay- nard Ward at 2007., which he paid, and then at 1,500l. for his whereof 921. has been levied on his estate, which he deposes to be his proportion, his assessment be discharged, and he freed from sequestration and imprisonment. 1 20 13 May 1646. The Committee for Examinations to send in Grigg's accounts thereon, seized by their order, as the business depends before the Committee for Advance of Money. 12 June 1646. Mr. Reading to deliver up the said accounts which are in his custody. 6 July 1646. Grigg to appear touching his accounts for repair of St. Paul's. 6 July. On information that Chamberlain's term in Grigg's house expiring this Midsummer, Grigg refuses to accept the 501. rent at which the committee let it :-Order that he accept it, or appear to show cause of refusal. 8 April 1646. The Chamberlain of London to send particulars of 5 9 moneys paid to Grigg as paymaster for the reparation of Paul's, and the County Commissioners to send in all documents relating to his accounts, as he is to account with the Committee for Advance of Money therefor. 14 Oct. 1646. A letter to be written to the committee for the revenue of Paul's, that Grigg is before this committee on his accounts in that business, which is almost brought to a con- clusion. With the letter accordingly, 16 Oct. Vol. No. A or P. 4 250 4 Nov. 1616. The clerk to examine Grigg's vouchers and report 24 Dec. 1647. A letter to be written to the Camden House Com- mittee, who have summoned Grigg to give account to them for the repair of Paul's, to say that this committee has examined and audited the accounts, which are ready for report, the case being one for them to hear and determine. With draft of the letter, requesting them not to trouble Grigg further in the matter, which is nearly completed. 4 297 - 4 330 4 414 93 58 4 440 4 451 20 5 5 сл دد 5 32 10 July. He not appearing, order that Chamberlain do not pay 93 59 Grigg rent till both have been heard. Also that Grigg be brought up in custody to answer his contempt for not appearing. 55 66 5 66 93 5 114 61 5 127 5 335 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 285 10 Nov. 1643. LET. 93 62 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. o.c. 3 17 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 31 Dec. 1647. Order that Grigg's accounts for Paul's be sent to the committee for the revenue of Paul's, sitting at Camden House, there being need to examine the vouchers, as many of the workmen are yet unsatisfied. 21 April 1648. Mr. Cox to deliver to the committee for the revenue of Paul's the accounts examined by him concerning it, and other moneys received by Mr. Grigg towards repairs, and his disbursements therein; also all the books relating to Grigg's accounts, and the Paul's committee are advised to satisfy Cox for his pains in examining, auditing, and stating the accounts. JOHN HOBSON, Boston, Co. Lincoln, lodging at Ware, Co. Herts. Assessed at 1,5007. 22 July 1644. Order that as he has paid 1237. 19s. 4d. for his and in Lincolnshire, he be respited till further order. 20 16 Sept. 1644. He is to be brought up in custody to pay his sssess- ment. 22 Jan. 1645. He is to be discharged, having no residence in London, but only bringing cattle to sell at Smithfield. 4 - 63 91 Se 3 190 BRETT or MEREDITH JONES, Plaistow, Essex. Assessed at 1007. 6 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 16 Feb. Order for his discharge for the 121. paid in Essex, being his proportion on oath. 25 Nov. 1644. Again assessed at 2001. - DUDLEY PALMER, Gray's Inn. Assessed at 1,000l. SIMON MIDDLETON, Paul's Churchyard. Assessed at 1,0007. g 15 Dec. 1643. He having lent 1441. 2s. 8d., and most of the estates of — Gray, whose heir he married, being in Chancery and other courts, order that he pay in from time to time, as he receives money from the estate, the thereof, till his assess- ment be paid, with the 1447. 2s. 8d., and that he be not molested meantime. 20 SIR EDW. OSBORNE, Bart., Kiveton, Co. York, and ANNE, his Widow. Sir Edward assessed at 8007. - 24 May 1650. The widow petitions that her husband had only an estate for life in his lands, compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall and paid his fine, and died intestate, and much in debt, in Sept. 1647, yet since then an assessment of 5007. has been laid on him for his Prays that the assessment, part of which is on her jointure, and part on the estate of Sir Thomas, the eldest son, a minor, may be discharged. Granted. Vol. No. A or P. 5 337 5 426 - • 67 64 15 Dec. 1643. To be discharged on payment of 321. more than the 1181. deposited, and 501. lent, 2007. being his proportion on oath. 4 Aug. 1645. Again assessed at 1,000l. 25 Aug. To be no further troubled, having been already discharged. 3 239 4 20 63 87 2 255 2 267 63 89 2 191 8 345 G. 108 639 63 90 93 62A 63 91 75 151 69* 66 4 244 286 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 Nov. 1643. NOTES 93 63 64 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. ? DAVID POLHILL, Otford, Co. Kent. Assessed at 8001. 17 Jau. 1644. Order that the 4007. deposited by him be paid in, and on paying 2007. more now, 80l. in 6 weeks, and showing acquittances for money and horse for 201. more,-700l. in all,—his assessment of 8001. be discharged. Vol. No. A or P. - 63 87 75 180 23 March 1654. Polhill to his cousin King.-Being required by a 93 65 ticket to pay 8007. assessment, I trusted the matter to a friend to make a composition, and pay 6801. and get my discharge, but he died, and I have been unable to get my papers. I beg you to attend to the business for me at Haberdashers' Hall, and whatever you do, I will ratify. March. Note of his Public Faith certificate granted HEN. POULSTED, Bishopsgate Ward. Assessed at 6007. 23 Nov. 1643. His assessment discharged because he lent volun- tarily 4861. 2s., and he left to his voluntary contributions. GEORGE PRICE, of the Friar and Nun, Cornhill. Assessed at 5001. 1 Dec. 1643. His assessment respited 14 days, and he is to procure a certificate from Col. Harvey of the 2281. 12s. and 5 horses alleged to be had from him for the State's service, and then to be further heard. 20 Dec. He is to make affidavit of what his 26 is 1 20 8 Feb. 1644. Having deposed that it is 250l. which he formerly lent, his assessment to be discharged. SIR HENEAGE PROBY, and ELLEN, or ELIZABETH, LADY PROBY, his Wife, near London Stone. Lady Proby assessed at 3001. 63 87 - 63 .86 2 160 63 89 2 174 63 85 2 221 9 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 11 Jan. She to have her assessment discharged, and be left to her 2 223 voluntary contributions, having formerly lent 1371. 2 198 2 257 17 May 1644. Sir Heneage assessed at 1,0007. · 65 19 20 12 June 1644. Affidavit by Sir Heneage before Lord Mayor Wollas- 93 66 ton that 607. is the full of his personal, and 401. the of his real estate, excepting 1001. a year which he cannot receive, it being under the power of the King's army. With note, 17th June, that on paying 1107. more for his, he be respited until his lands be restored to him, or till further order. 17 June. Sir Heneage having lent 1001. 4s. 8d., and deposited 1107., 75 394 his assessment respited till the land excepted be restored to him, or till further order, this being his proportion on oath. 3 July 1644. Sir Heneage's lady assessed at 4007. for her reserved 65 65 99 estates. Dec. 1644? Note that he has many thousands of pounds at interest, 93 67 and lands in mortgage in county Bucks. Also that he had 4 or 5,000l. with his lady, and she had as much by her sister. 93 68 20 Jan. 1645. Lady Proby deposes that she has never had any 93 reserved estate since her marriage, but all that she has had before or since is at Sir Heneage's disposal. J 26 Jan. She is respited, and Sir Heneage is to bring in a particular 4 17 of his real and personal estate. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 287 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 164 3. R. 3 21 R. 3 84 CASE 93 70 10 Nov. 1643. o.c. 3 35 R. 3 50 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Nov. 1643. 10 Dec. 1645. Sir Heneage to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment, he having refused to appear on summons. SIR RICHARD SALTONSTALL, Aldersgate Ward. Assessed at 2001., but discharged because of a later assessment 5 Feb. 1644. Assessed at 8001. 27 & 28 June 1646. Lady Proby being assessed at 4007., she and her husband both depose that she has no reserved estate. 5 May 1647. Sir Heneage to be brought up in custody for non- payment. Aug. 1647. Sir Heneage being assessed at 1,000l., and 4001. for his 83 lady's reserved estate, and nothing done for a year, a seizure of their estates suggested. 16 Feb. Order that he pay 4007. his assessment in 10 days 7 March 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment. Vacated. 8 March. Respited till the committee enquire whether he has had any habitation in London since the Ordinance. 22 March. Having paid, to be discharged on payment of 1007. - JOHN THOMPSON, of the Petty Bag, Covent Garden. Assessed at 3001. 3 Jan. 1644. Assessed at 2001. 16 Feb. 1644. Assessed at 6001. 19 Feb. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 6 March 1644. To bring in his assessment or make affidavit 20 19 March. It appearing by a letter from Mr. Barber that he paid above his in co Herts, and is well affected aud useful in the county,-order that his assessments of 2001., 3007., and 6007. be all discharged, and he left to his voluntary contribution. 3 Feb. 1645. An assessment of 1001. vacated because of this dis- charge. JOB THROCKMORTON, Gracious Street. AUDITOR TUCK, Aldersgate Street. · Assessed at 2507. 23 Nov. 1643. Order that he be heard by the Mitigators, being within time. DR. THOS. VANE, Crayford, Kent. Vol. No. A or p. 4 352 893 69 76 93 more. 5 April 1644. To be discharged on payment of 501. more 3 30 April. Certificate that being assessed at 8007., he has paid 450l., 93 which is accepted in discharge. March 1654. Note of a Public Faith certificate given 63 154 # 5 251 63 87 63 154 75 217 3 40 3 41 3 60 72 71 34 co co co 63 90 63 123 63 162 3 12 37 3 54 3 Assessed at 1,000l. 63 89 4 Dec. 1643. Having lent 701. and deposited 3307., he is respited to 75 139 bring in the other, or make affidavit. 67 124 63 85 2 161 30 Nov. His assessment of 2501. discharged, he having formerly 2 172 lent 481., which he avers is his. Assessed at 1007. 63 87 4 Dec. 1643. The 151. deposited by him, with 101. lent, to discharge 75 138 his assessment, being his proportion. 288 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. Vol. No. CHRIS. VERNON and ELIZABETH, his Wife, Aldersgate A or p. Without, and Co. Herts. He assessed at 3001. - 63 85 20 Nov. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 93 72 73 CERT. 93 74 7 Dec. 1643. Mrs. Vernon appeals against the assessment, because 93 it is more than he is worth; he was before assessed at 1001. for a house in Aldersgate Street, which he had left long before the Ordinance came out, and his estate was seized, but discharged on his appeal; then he was assessed in the country at 281.; the benefit of his office is taken away, and they have a great charge of children and grandchildren, so that if, after all their trouble by former mistakes, "that little household stuff which we have left should be taken from us (whereof the beds which above 20 of us lie upon are the chiefest part), they would bring Parliament little, and expose us to great misery in this hard time of winter." 13 Sept. 1644. His assessment discharged for 301. lent, being his 76 538 proportion on oath. 10 Nov. 1643. 17 Nov. 1643. 17 Nov. 1643. R. 3 70 · LADY CLEERE. Order that her assessment be discharged on payment of 1007. 21 Dec. 1643. Order that-as she has subscribed 50l. to Lord Fairfax, which is now to be paid, and Sir Peter Wroth under- takes that 50l. shall be paid to-morrow-this 50l. be accepted, and the other 501. ordered to be paid on November 17 be respited till further order. SIR JOHN MORLEY, the Strand. Order on information that divers parcels of goods, plate, money, &c., belonging to ill-affected persons, are hidden in Serj. Rolls' house without his privity, that Hum. Bury and Thos. Jarvis seize and bring to Haberdashers' Hall all such trunks, packs, &c., and in case of resistance, break open locks or doors. With writ of assistance. 11 March 1644. Order that he have apparel for his own wearing 18 March. Order that of the goods distrained, he have the apparel of himself, wife, mother, and children. · 20 Nov. 1643. Order that Sir John Morley give an inventory of 2 156 his goods seized at Serjeant Rolls' house, and that a copy be taken, and the goods examined thereby, to show what goods are his and what not. 21 Nov. Order that his wearing apparel be restored him, he pay- 2 157 ing the expenses of the inventory, and that the rest of the goods 93 be returned to Rolls' house, till this committee is satisfied about his 20. 23 Nov. Assessed at 4007. 23 Feb. 1644. Order that his goods be sold, but he may either buy them or redeem them at the appraised rate, towards payment of his assessment. - 22 March. The sale of his goods respited, as he is about to clear his sequestration and to pay his 2. 30 Aug. 1644. His goods to be sold unless he pay his assessment in 14 days. 7 Oct. 1644. His goods excepted from sale 23 Oct. His goods to be sold by the candle, and the money paid to this committee. · 2 152 2 199 16 Dec. 1644. Sam. Gosse to pay in the proceeds of the sale 15 Jan. 1645. His writings and evidences to be restored him, and an abstract made of them. 2 154 63 75 76 95 3 20 3 45 3 52 3 60 3 226 3 253 3 267 3 331 4 13 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 289 17 Nov. 1643. 21 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. R. 3 200 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. 50623. 7 Feb. 1645. His assessment to be discharged for the 2001. made by sale of his goods, he having compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall. 16 June 1645. Again assessed at 5007. 8 June 1646. 5l. 1s. 3d. to be paid to the officers for disburse- ments in the sale of his goods. CHAS. YEOMAN (late), Broad Street Ward. The restraint on his estate taken off, as it does not appear that he left any legacies to delinquents, as was informed to this com- mittee. 31 March 1645. Statement by Roger Quatremaine, provost marshall, that Yeoman died worth 15,6301. 18s. 3d.-his executors have paid 4,4381. 1s. 4d., and have in hand 11,2167. 168. 11d. He was assessed for his 2 at 5001., and 2817. 10s. is still due. With note that it appears by Yeoman's papers that he died worth 30,0007., most of which is in the hands of Wm. Powell, baker, Saviour's, Southwark, to whom the collectors should be sent. 20 HEN. BAINBRIGG, Threadneedle Street, Bishopsgate Ward. Assessed at 6007. 23 Feb. 1644. Order that he make up his assessment in 10 days and be further heard, and be released from imprisonment on giving security to abide the committee's orders. 27 Feb. Having so done, order that he be released from Peter House, being committed for the 50 subsidies, which are satisfied. 16 Oct. 1644. Order that on his paying 501. more than the 3007. on assessment in his ward, his later assessment of 6001. be dis- charged. 3 Dec. 1645. Order that the 507. which he was to pay in discharge of his assessment of 6007. be respited till further order, he paying the collector's salary and charges. 29 Feb. Order that he be discharged from prison and further heard. 1 March 1644. Order for his discharge, and Lawrence to pay him 40s. and all his charges while prisoner, because he was formerly assessed, and deposes that he is not worth 1007. ROB. CHARLTON, Esq., Mincing Lane, and Co. Salop. Assessed at 1,5007. 20 Dec. 1643. Order to Thos. Jarvis to seize as much tin belonging to Charlton as will pay his assessment, lay it in a warehouse, and keep the keys. 15 Jan. 1644. Mr. Smith and Job Throckmorton having under- taken to pay in 7501., and the collector's salary for the 1,500l., with the charges of the distress on the tin,-order that the tin be restored, and the rest of the assessment respited till Charlton comes to town. Vol. No. A or p. 4 32 69 46 5 49 2 157 93 77 63 92 3 20 ANT. BROWNE, Moorfields. Assessed at 301. 63 92 2 260 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody [to pay his assessment] 21 Feb. The keeper of Peter House to take him into custody, and 3 17 not allow him to go at large, because he is assessed at 307., and refuses to pay. 3 28 3 262 4 346 3 30 3 32 63 91 2 198 2 227 T 290 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 3 April 1644. Order to pay to Jas. Hart and Wm. Ford 1s. in the pound on the 750l. paid in, for their discovery of the tin. 20 30 May 1649. Charlton certifies that 750l. was the full of all his 93 78 estate, on the making of the Ordinance of 29 November 1642. 30 May. Order on the above premises that he be discharged from further assessment, and have the Public Faith for the 7507., it being paid within the limited time. 7 22 JOHN CRATHORNE, Jun., Tower Hill. Assessed at 1507. 5 Dec. 1643. The assessors to certify on what ground they assessed him, he having been before assessed at 150%, and 501. abated on protestation, and he respited meantime. 8 Dec. Order that on the above grounds, his present assessment of 4001. be discharged, as he ought not to be again assessed. 1 Jan. 1644. Order that—as the said estate beyond seas is in con- troversy between him and his factors, they alleging that his estate was transported in a ship lately fired, -the 30l. which he paid be in discharge of the 150l. assessment, as he has valued the commodities in hand at their utmost. 11 July 1650. The Public Faith given him for the 30l. paid in 22 Dec. Order that he pay the 150l. forthwith, and incur the 75 159 penalty of the Ordinance of 14 Dec. 1642 for false affidavits, he having declared that 301. is his, but omitting in his valuations 3001, which he has beyond seas. MARTIN DAWSON, Hampstead, Middlesex. Assessed at 401. 13 Feb. 1644. Order that the 57. he has sent by his wife, absenting himself on account of his debts, be accepted in discharge of his assessment. LADY FOSTER, Egham, Surrey. Assessed at 3501. No proceedings - JOHN LEE, Goldsmith. Assessed at 2007. 3 Jan. 1644. To be brought in safe custody to pay his assessment 13 March 1644. The 20s. deposited by him, with 447. lent, to be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath. K Vol. No. A or P. 70 3 - JOHN LYNN (late Alderman of Exeter), Watling Street, now at Winchester. Assessed at 3001. 12 Dec. 1643. To be sent for in custody to pay 10 May 1644. To be brought to this committee about his assess- ment. - 63 93 63 93 2 177 11 May. Cuthbert Gilpin to be apprehended, and sent to Lambeth Prison, because he conveyed away trunks of Lynn's, in the very interim whilst he was brought up to Haberdashers' Hall. 17 May. Gilpin discharged from his imprisonment 17 July 1644. The Earl of Essex having exchanged Lynn for John Lydston and Nich. Sanders, of Devonshire, and the ex- change being allowed by the House of Commons-order that Lynn be released from his imprisonment at Lambeth House, and the 31. 6s. taken out of his trunk be paid to the officers for their charges about him and his assessment. 2 182 2 211 63 93 2 264 63 92 63 93 2 215 75 251 63 91 2 188 3 112 3 113 3 120 3 182 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 291 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. 22 Nov. 1643. o.c. 93 80 23 Nov. 1643. NICH. PENYNG, Langbourn Ward. Assessed at 4001. 19 Dec. 1643. Mr. Brome to appear concerning him 21 Dec. Penyng to appear and finish his assessment with the Mitigation Committee. THOS. ATWOOD ROTHERHAM, Minister of John Zac- harys. Assessed at 2007. 1 Feb. 1644. Order that he be brought in custody to pay his assess- ment. 22 Dec. Order in the said committee that the 501. deposited by 75 161 him, with 1557. 12s. formerly paid, and 197. 8s. which he is content to pay, be accepted in discharge of his assessment, 1901. being his proportion on oath, yet he having paid in all 2251. 17 March 1654. Note of delivery to him of a Public Faith certifi- cate for 1501. levied by distress on his estate, for his assessment of 1501. in the ward. 29 Feb. Order that as, before assessment, he contributed 571. very freely on the propositions, and went in person to Aylesbury, and found 2 men in service of Parliament, his assessment be discharged. ROB. SMITH, Lombard Street, and West Ham, Essex. Assessed at 1,000l. 19 Jan. 1644. Again assessed at 1,000l. 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 13 Feb. Whereas he is assessed at 1,000l., is one of the County Commissioners and a Deputy Lieutenant, has paid 1007. in Essex, his estate, co. Oxon, value 4007., is under power of the King's army, and he has lost 1,000l. stock there, and he has 1001. a year in Middlesex-order that he pay 207., being his , and be discharged. DR. ZOUCH, Doctors' Commons. Assessed at 3007. 15 April 1644. His distrained goods to be inventoried and ap- praised, and the inventory to be returned to this committee for further orders. - 4 Oct. 1644. Colonel Scrope paying in 10l. to have the goods of Dr. Zouch in Broad Street Ward, he having been formerly assessed in the ward and paid the assessment. RICH. THOMAS, Bermondsey Street. Assessed at 2001. 2 Dec. 1643. Order that he pay 1001. of his 2001. assessment by 9 Dec., and do not convey away any of his goods meantime. 15 Dec. Order that the keeper of Peter House take him into custody till he has paid the 2007. 19 Dec. Order that he be brought before the Committee for Advance of Money to be heard, and abide their order as to his assessment. 28 Dec. Order that the keeper of Peter House discharge him from custody for non-payment of his 2001. SERJEANT ATKINS. Assessed at 2001. Vol. No. A or P. 63 91 2 195 2 200 93 63 63 93 2 248 79 91 63 93 3 29 63 63 92 63 141 2 260 2 261 91 3 81 3 252 63 92 2 174 2 192 2 195 - 63 2 205 99 T 2 292 23 Nov. 1643. 23 Nov. 1643. 23 Nov. 1643. R. 3 13 39 55 71 23 Nov. 1643. 23 Nov. 1643. 23 Nov. 1643. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 20 Dec. 1643. Order that of the 601. deposited by him, 207. be returned, and 401. accepted as his proportion, he having lent 401. and 801., and also that the Public Faith be given for the 407. paid. BARNARD, or BERNARD, the Temple. Assessed at 1,0007. 19 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 21 March 1644. Order that as he lives at Huntingdon, and the Earl of Manchester certifies that he has paid his and in the country, his assessment be discharged on paying the collector's salary and charges. 20 31 Oct. 1645. Assessed again at 6007. 19 Dec. 1645. Ordered to produce acquittances of what he has paid in the country. DR. JOHN BATHURST, Farringdon Ward Without. Assessed at 2007. 6 Feb. 1644. His case respited 14 days 27 June 1644. John Tunbridge, his tenant, to pay 151., part of the rent due to him. 5 Jan. 1646. Having been formerly assessed at 1,000l. and dis- 4 376 charged, his assessment of 600l. to be discharged. 21 Feb. 1645. Order that in 14 days he produce an acquittance of what he has paid in Yorkshire, and what here, which will be allowed in part of his assessment, and that he make affidavit in that time. SERJ. HEN. CLARKE. Assessed at 5007. 3 Jan. 1644. As he contributed 100l. at request of the Deputy- Lieutenants of Kent for the service, also 30l. on the propositions, and other sums in money and horses, and as his is 375l., order that his assessment be discharged on paying 2001. more in a month, he also paying the collector's salary and charges. 20 Vol. No. A or P. 75 156 63 99 SIR RIVETT ELDRED, Fleet Street. 63 99 3 12 56 3 69 100 4 362 3 March 1645. Order that he be respited for 10l. paid in Farringdon 76 748 Ward Without, 151. received of his tenant and paid into Haber- dashers' Hall, and 431. paid in Yorkshire, being his proportion on oath. . 63 95 2 253 3 162 4 51 63 94 2 214 Assessed at 6007. 63 96 27 Nov. 1643. Order that having deposited 1801. and lent 1207., 75 132 which is his, he be discharged on paying 2501. more in 10 days. SIR SIMON EVERY, St. Andrew's, Holborn. Assessed at 1007. • 63 98 19 Nov. 1645. Again assessed at 2,0001. 69 111 25 May 1646. Order that he be respited till the sequestration is 5 44 taken off his estate. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 293 23 Nov. 1643. O.c. 13 49 23 Nov. 1643. 23 Nov. 1643. 23 Nov. 1643. ROBT. FENN or VENN, Broad Street Ward. Assessed at 5001. 13 Dec. 1643. Note that he paid 3007. in his ward, 90l. to Mr. Newman, for which Public Faith is given, and 107. to Sir Wm. Waller. 13 Dec. Order thereon that his assessment be discharged, as he is 75 149 willing to pay 1001. more. 12 March 1647. The clerk to report his case, and whether he may have the Public Faith for the money he paid to Sam. Gosse on distress. 17 Jan. 1644. He having paid 907. of the 1007., and shown acquit- 75 182 tances for 101. paid to Sir Wm. Waller, it is accepted in dis- charge of his assessment. 13 March. Certificate by John Tichborne, deputy to Sam. Gosse, 93 that Venn being assessed at 3001. (sic), 36 packs or pieces of cloth belonging to him, and 12 pieces of plate were seized and brought to Guildhall, 12 March 1643, but he redeemed them, and paid 41. 2s. collector's salary and charges. - 93 25 May 1653. He petitions that, being a citizen of London, and a merchant 26 years, he conformed to Parliament, paid all its taxes, amounting to 1,000l. these last 5 years, besides customs, &c. Yet in March 1643, an assessment ticket was left at his house for 2007., of which he knew nothing till the time for payment was passed, when the managers, for the sake of the 3d. in the pound allowed them on distraints, entered his house in London, and though his wife promised payment the next day, took away 500l. worth of cloth and 501. in plate, which he redeemed a few days after. He begs that as there was no wilful neglect, he may have the Public Faith for the 2007. Granted JANE HOPKINS, Widow, The Strand, and Coventry, Co. Warwick. Assessed at 4007. 18 April 1644. Order that she be brought up in custody to pay her assessment. 23 July 1644. Certificate of the County Commissioners that she paid 251. on the propositions, and gave hopes of more; that they assessed her in May 1643 at 1001., but reduced it to 601. on her oath that the of her lands were extended, and she has received very little rent since. 5 2 Aug. 1644. Order thereon for her discharge, she paying her and in Coventry. Vol. No. A or P. 63 94 63 94 CAPT. THOS. KERRIDGE, Broad Street. Assessed at 4007. 13 Dec. 1643. The 901. deposited, with 501. more to be paid, and 1607. lent, to be in discharge of his assessment. 26 Dec. Ordered to pay the 50l. on Wednesday next JOHN LE THIEULIER, Lothbury. Assessed at 5001. 9 Jan. 1644. Being beyond seas, to be respited 14 days if 1007. is brought in to-morrow. 5 218 8 Feb. 1644. Having made up, respited three months to make his affidavit. 81 82 12 267 63 99 3 84 93 83 · 63 95 75 149 3 196 75 163 63 95 2 221 2 257 254 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 23 Nov. 1643. R. 3 167 23 Nov. 1643. 23 Nov. 1643. 23 Nov. 1643. 1 Nov. 1644. Order to pay the rest of his assessment in 14 days, and be discharged, and to have the Public Faith for 4201. paid, he having formerly lent 801. 23 Nov. 1613. WM. NORTHY, Old Ford, Middlesex. Assessed at 2501. 8 May 1644. Ordered 14 days to bring in his assessment, and the sequestration to be taken off his estate, he having given security to abide the committee's order. 21 May. Order that of the 1257. deposited by him, 251. be repaid him and the residue be paid the Treasurers as discharge of his assessment. GEORGE SMITH, Chelfield, Kent. Assessed at 2501. 29 Nov. 1643. Summoned to pay 30 Jan. 1644. To have liberty to be heard by the Mitigators for 8 days, without prejudice for the salary. 16 April 1644. Ordered to pay 251. now, and bring certificate for 100l. which he pretends he paid in Kent, and to give sccurity to abide the committee's order for the rest. 17 July 1644. To have 10 days to prove what he lent on the pro- positions. 8 Jan. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 23 March 1654. Receipt by William, brother of Geo. Smith, of a Public Faith certificate purporting the payment of 25l. for his assessment. 12 Sept. 1649. Order that he have the Public Faith for the said 7 263 1007. CAPT. FRAS. VERNON, Covent Garden, Martin's-in-the- Fields. Assessed at 5001. 14 Dec. 1643. The State owing him 3,000l., his assessment re- spited till he is paid, and he consents to the deduction there- from of the 5007., though it be far above his 2. 1 15 July 1644. The assessment of 500l. renewed. 28 Feb. 1648. Information that Vernon has concealed in his hands 4981. 19s. 4d. which he received from the Excise Office, London, 11 May, as part of 3,000l. ordered to be paid to the reduced officers, but which he has not paid. With note that Vernon and Smithies are summoned to appear on the case. o.c. 5 384. 3 March 1648. Mrs. Vernon ordered to pay the money next Wednesday, her husband being dead, and it remaining in her hands, or it will be levied on her estate. LET. 93 86. 8 March. She, having related her condition, is dismissed till further order. Vol. No. A or P. ADIELL WOODWARD. Assessed at 2007. 15 July 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 12 Aug. 1644. The 501. deposited to be in discharge of his assess- ment, being his proportion. 2 276 63 95 63 3 98 105 3 122 63 95 93 84 2 245 3 82 3 180 4 7 93 84 63 99 104 2 190 67 105 93 85 5 391 5 393 63 98 3 179 76 495 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 295 23 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. R. 3 153 0.5 205 BOND 93 90 E.W. 28 98 o. 10 372 25 Nov. 1643. 6 July 1649. To be allowed the Public Faith for 50l. as he paid his proportion within 10 days after notice of assessment. 17 Nov. 1645. Earl Thomas assessed at 3,0001. 15 July 1646. March, his steward, to appear on Friday LET. 93 87 17 Dec. 1646. The rents of Henry, Earl of Arundel, to be seized for bis 20. 1 THOMAS HOWARD, 23rd EARL OF ARUNDEL AND SURREY, and HENRY FREDERICK HOWARD, 24th EARL OF ARUNDEL AND SURREY. Earl Thomas assessed at 1,000l. 3 June 1644. The assessment respited, and his agent, Wm. March, to bring in what money he can procure towards satisfaction thereof. 10 Sept. 1645. On report that a parcel of plate is concealed in Earl Thomas's house in the Strand, the same is to be seized by force if needful. 10 Feb. 1647. The Earl to have the Public Faith for 1,000l. paid for his and 2. 12 March 1647. The estates of the Earl being seized for his, be- fore the seizure for delinquency, the tenants are to detain their rents, and only pay them on order of this committee. 12 March. The Commissioners for co. Derby to be certified that the Earl's rents were seized by this committee 9 Jan. last for his, and their restraint is but 17 Feb. last. 10 Oct. 1650. Information that the Earl is a recusant; that he sent arms to Charles Stuart, and that on his late composition, he concealed 12,000l. a year of his estate. - 69 20 93 17 Feb. Thomas, late Earl of Arundel, being dead, and his son Henry a delinquent, the bailiff of the estates in co. Derby is to deliver the rents to the County Commissioners. Vol. No. A or P. 7 124 23 May 1651. The Earl pleading that, by an Ordinance of Parlia- ment, he was discharged from delinquency and from and 2, on payment of 6,000l. which is paid, he is to appear and show that he has settled the impropriation of Arundel, according to the said order. 63 100 3 134 4 258 111 5 74 5 159 CATHERINE RUSSELL, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF BEDFORD. Assessed at 1,2007. 23 Jan. 1644. Whereas she was assessed at 1,2001., and is said to have contributed 1007. on the propositions, and deposited 2007. in part of her assessment-order that she have 14 days respite to prove payment of the 1007., and to show what is the of her estate. 20 5 190 22 22 15 March 1651. Information that he has concealed 20,0001. of the estate of the Countess of Arundel, a recusant, kept back the 93 dowry of the countess dowager, whereof belong to the State, and not compounded fully for his and 5 216 22 93 88 5 216 888888 93 30 April 1651. Committee for Advance of Money request payment 24 117 of his assessment of 4,0007. 93 92, 93 10 10 325 89 165 91 17 13 2 Sept. 1651. Order that of the Earl's estate be sequestered for 17 his recusancy. 24 Sept. Information that the Earl has been at mass since 1642, 22 278 and is bringing up his child or children in Popery. 93 94 63 104 2 235 296 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. JOHN EGERTON, EARL OF BRIDGWATER. Assessed at 1,000l., by order of the House of Peers, 17 July 1644. With notes that he paid 5001. 26 July, 3001. 9 Aug., and 2007. 16 Aug., in full, for which the Public Faith is given, this being within the time limited by Parliament Order 24 July 1644. EDW. BISH, Jun., M.P., Lincoln's Inn. Assessed at 1507. 16 Feb. Having lent 301. in Surrey, deposited 1207., and taken oath that 1007. is his, 507. is repaid to him, and 701. taken to discharge his assessment. 8 Feb. 1644. Ordered to make up his moiety in 14 days 13 Feb. He shows acquittances for 501., and 30l. paid, and de- 93 95 posits 1207. 2 268 8 March 1644. A certificate given for the remaining 201. 13 Nov. 1646. To be brought in custody to pay an assessment 19 March 1647. The acquittance for the 507. lent being allowed, Mr. Lane repays the other 501. - STEPHEN BROCKDEN, Crutched Friars. Assessed at 1007. 25 January 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay the assess- ment. 12 Aug. 1644. To have 14 days to bring in the money at which his goods are appraised in Crutched Friars, or they will be sold. 23 Aug. His assessment respited till he is released, being im- prisoned in Lichfield Gaol by the King's forces, or till further order. 4 Oct. 1644. Being now at liberty, to have 14 days to bring in his proportion on affidavit. 25 Oct. Respited till his estate in Lancashire be recovered, not being otherwise worth 1007. EDW. BUCKLE, or BUCKLEY, Old Street, and DOROTHY BUCKLE, his Widow, Giles's, Cripplegate. He assessed at 1507. 12 Dec. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 22 Dec. To be discharged on paying 401., having lent 761. 14 Feb. 1645. Mrs. Buckle assessed at 3007. and summoned to pay, with note that she is to be heard by the Committee for Mitigation. · ❤ - Vol. No. A or P. 63 100 JOHN BURTON, Farringdon Without. Assessed at 1007. 15 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 21 March 1644. On his paying 50l., his assessment, and giving security to abide the committee's order for the rest, he is to be released from prison, and his rents sequestered for non-payment discharged. 63 100 2 165 2 257 - 93 95 5 137 93 95 63 102 2 239 3 206 3 221 3 252 3 268 14 March 1645. Discharged for the 1161. lent and paid by her 76 762 husband. March 1654. A certificate of Public Faith granted them 63 102 93 95A 75 157 67 133 93 95B 63 102 67 138 63 105 2 266 3 55 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 297 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 March 1644. Being prisoner in the Fleet, he is to be brought with his keeper before the committee about his assessment. 28 March. Order that he be released, and the assessment levied on bis estate in co. Herts. 26 April 1644. Order that of the rent received from his tenants be allowed to his wife for maintenance. 15 Jan. 1645. Edm. Larkin, of Benjoy, Herts, his tenant, to have 107. of his 481. rent abated. 22 Jan. Burton's assessment to be discharged for the 581. levied on his rents, he paying 127. more, and salary and charges. 27 Jan. The order of 15 Jan. about abatement of Larkin's rent vacated; Burton having paid his assessment, Larkin is to pay the rent to him as before. BASSET COLE, near Charing Cross. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 8 Jan. 1645. Protection for him to appear before the committee without restraint or interruption. 10 Jan. To be discharged on paying 1001. more, having paid 1067. in the country. 15 Jan. To be discharged on paying 647., instead of 100l. as ordered 9 July 1645. Deposition that when he was summoned for his assessment, he said that Mr. Strode sate as a prince at Haber- dashers' Hall, and that he was an unjust, unworthy man, and would undo all the gentlemen in the country, and that he had trusted in Lord Howard, but now saw he was as unworthy as Strode and the rest. WILLIAM, LORD CRAVEN. Assessed at 2,0007. 25 March 1644. His estate to be seized and secured towards pay- ment of his 0. 12 April 1644. All his goods to be sold by candle towards payment of his assessment. 5 June 1644. Order that the goods be put to sale at Lord Craven's house in Watling Street. 17 June. Order that 67. 10s. Od. be paid to John Jones for goods discovered by him belonging to Lord Craven, and sold by the candle at 130l. towards his lordship's assessment. 24 July 1644. Mr. Hall, jun., to be taken into custody concerning Lord Craven's estate. 9 Aug. 1644. Mr. Laue to pay to Fras. Atkinson 43s. for books sold at Lord Craven's, which books belong to Atkinson's late brother, who owed him 501. 26 Aug. Widow Evans to pay in to Treasurer Lane the rent due to Lord Craven. 13 Nov. 1644. Two tenants of Lord Craven to pay their rents of 301. and 201. a year to the Committee for Advance of Money, and one to have 57s. 4d. allowed and the other 20s. for repairs and weekly assessments. 6 Jan. 1645. The Lord Mayor to pay in such moneys as are in his hands belonging to Lord Craven towards his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 3 61 3 64 3 89 4 4 4 24 93 June. Mary Smith informs that at the sale of the goods, Mr. Kilvert 93 urged people not to buy because they were appraised too highly, and offered 51. or 10l. to those that came to buy to prevent their bidding, pretending that he was to buy them for Lord Craven, and when they were put up, he bid 1007. less than the appraised value, but informant begged that the candle might stand, and offered 2007. more than Kilvert. But for Kilvert, they would have fetched 100 marks more. 13 3 303 4 6 4 8 4 14 96 20 63 100 3 62 3 80 3 138 3 153 97 3 191 3 205 3 224 3 290 4 3 298 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 Nov. 1643. 0. 4 262 WILLIAM, LORD CRAVEN, cont. 2 May 1645. Lord Craven having suffered his days of payment to elapse, order that his rents, goods, &c., be distrained towards payment, and the money raised thereby paid to the treasurer of this committee; the deputy lieutenants, and committees of the several associated counties and all civil officers to assist herein. 16 June 1645. Order on information that the Lord Mayor holds a house in Leadenhall Street from Lord Craven, at 1501. rent, of which the year's rent is due, and has been often demanded by the officers of the Committee for Advance of Money,-that he pay in this and any future rents to the said Committee towards Lord Craven's assessment, having the security and indemnity of both Houses of Parliament. 2 DEP. 93 99 6 Oct. 1645. Edw. Baber to have 14 days to show why the 2007. owing by him to Lord Craven should not be paid to this committee. DEP. 93 98 6 May 1645. Information that CAPT. [WM.] AYLOTT or ALLOTT, a 21 10 draper in Cannon Street [Candlewick ward] owes Sir George and Sir Wm. Whitmore 2001. on bond (in trust for William, Lord Craven.) 9 May. Aylott, steward to Sir G. and Sir W. Whitmore, to pay it to this committee, and Sir Wm. Whitmore to appear and deliver up the bond for the 2001, 25 July 1645. Whitmore to produce the bond, or else to be seques- tered, and Aylott to pay the money to this committee in 10 days. 10 Sept. 1645. On failure of payment, the money to be distrained on Aylott's estate. 22 Sept. Sir George Whitmore is to give Aylott a release for the 2001. remaining in Sir George and Sir Wm. Whitmore's hands, for the use of Lord Craven. 10 Nov. 1645. Sir George is to release Aylott from his bond in 2007., in trust for Lord Craven, and to be saved harmless for so doing. 6 March 1646. Sir George to be brought up in custody for con- tempt, if he do not bring in the bond in 10 days. Vol. No. A or P. 4 138 28 Nov. 1645. Lord Craven again assessed at 5,0007. 27 Feb. 1646. Order that as the greater part of the assessment of 2,000l. laid upon him by the House of Peers has been raised from his rents and goods, if he will make up the sum, his estate shall be discharged from sequestration. 4 181 3 April 1646. Order that 501. of the 100l. paid in by Capt. Aylott be allowed in part of Lord Craven's 2,000l., and when he has paid in the balance, all his estate is to be discharged, and the Committee for Advance of Money declare that he ought not to be assessed in any other place whatsoever for his and. 4 285 4 148 4 215 4 259 4 265 4 317 21 49 31 Oct. 1645. Information that Lord Craven has lands value 700l. in co. Bucks, and 500l. in co. Berks., not yet sequestered. Order 4 305 thereon that the rents of the said estates be seized and secured. 4 441 69 118 4 440 5 5 3 April. Committee for Advance of Money to the Commissioners 93 100 of co. Worcester. We hear that you have assessed Lord Craven at 2001. for his for his estate in your county. This is con- trary to the Ordinance, he being a Peer, therefore you are to forbear any further prosecution, and repay any sum you may have received. 14 March 1651. Sir Thos. Whitmore, who owes 1,2001. to Lord 10 116 Craven, to keep it in his hands till further order. 22 May 1651. Information that the Earl of Berkshire owes Lord 22 210 Craven 2,0001. on a mortgage on Berkshire House, St. James's, 93 101 which is forfeit for non-payment. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 299 25 Nov. 1643. BOND 93 103 o. 93 108 12 386 CERT. 93 109 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 0. 3 85 25 Nov. 1643. 8 July 1651. Information that Thomas, son of Edw. Moore, of 22 237 Berwick, Northumberland, owes 2,000l. to Lord Craven, a 93 102 delinquent. 4 Nov. 1652. Information by John Clarke that there is in the 23 81 hands of Ant. Palmer, minister of Barton-on-the-Water, co. 93 104,105 Gloucester, or of the feoffees for his wife and children, Wm. Palmer, of the Inner Temple, and John Barnard, of Rissington, co. Gloucester, 1481. 10s. Od., remainder of a fine for an estate purchased from Lord Craven in Washperton or Washborne Manor, co. Gloucester, and forfeit for his treason and de- linquency. 8 Dec. 1652. Clarke begs an order to Palmer and his trustees to 93 106 show cause why they should not pay in the said money. 8 Dec. Order that they appear to show cause · 93 107 10 Aug. 1653. Order on certificate by Wm. Palmer, one of the 12 411 feoffees, that the money is unpaid, that it be paid to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money, and Palmer indemnified therein. 11 Aug. Order for payment of the said sum of 1481. 10s. Od to 12 413 Clarke, in part of 1881. 1s. 8d. due on his account. JOHN, LORD CRAVEN, Drury Lane, and Ryton, Co. Salop. Assessed at 3,000l. 8 June 1646. Order that his assessment be discharged, he having paid 5007. on the propositions in Sept. 1642, 4007. for his and at Coventry, and 2001. at Northampton. 63 100 25 March 1644. Assessment renewed 61 107 61 26 Jan. 1646. Information that he is a delinquent, and that Wm. 21 Whitmore of Clement's Lane owes him 1007. 5 46 20 1 Dec. 1653. Edw. Wykes, of Ryton, co. Salop, begs that John and Eliz. Fownes and others, who have taken possession of the furniture, &c., of Ryton Hall, belonging to Lord Craven, to the value of 1,000l., may be called to account for it. 1 Dec. Order that they appear and show cause why they have em- bezzled and concealed the said estate, and why they should not deliver up the goods to the Committee for Advance of Money. JOSIAS ENT, Merchant, Bow Churchyard. Assessed at 2001. 20 Dec. 1643. Assessment repeated · - Vol. No. A or P. 11 Jan. 1614. Ent to be brought in custody to pay his assessment 13 Jan. Order that 24 pipes of wine distrained as his, but not belonging to him, be restored to their owners. 6 March 1644. Ent allowed 14 days to prove that the wines are not his own goods. 30 March. To be brought in safe custody to pay his assessment. 1 May 1644. The wines distrained for his assessment to be sold, and bills of proclamation of the sale set up accordingly. 10 May. On affidavit that the wines belong to others, they are to be restored, Ent paying the charges of the collector, and of the cooper that looked after them. 31 May. Ent to be brought up in custody to pay his assess- ment. 93 110 13 39 63 105 63 117 2 224 2 226 3 38 3 65 3 96 3 111 3 133 SIR THOMAS ERSFIELD. Assessed at 8001. for the of his estate, by order of the House of 2 165 Commons. 0 24 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 3 127 3 300 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. R. 3 264 25 Nov. 1643. 7 June 1644. Ordered to make up his in 14 days, and on giving security to do this, and to stand to the committee's order for the residue, his sequestration for non-payment to be discharged. 20 June 1644. Having deposited 4007, and paid 757. in the country, 3 156 order that on paying 3001. more, his assessment be discharged. 28 July 1644. Again assessed at 8001. 16 Sept. 1644. His sequestration to be discharged, on an Order in the House of Commons of 21 June last, and all contracts made in the country concerning his sequestration to be vacated and re-delivered; the County Commissioners of Sussex to see this performed. SIR JOHN EVELYN, Surrey. EDW. EVERETT, Bow, Middlesex. Assessed at 6007. 63 100 16 Feb. 1644. Notice of the assessment to be given him 2 267 26 Feb. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 2001. 3 25 more than the 1007. already paid, and the Public Faith given him. 63 100 LADY DIONIS FAIRMEADOW, at Mr. Duck's, Cornhill. Assessed at 1007. 29 Dec. 1643. To be brought up in custody to pay her assessment THOS. GEE, Castle Baynard Ward. Assessed at 501. 11 Dec. 1643. Summoned to pay his assessment 12 July 1644. Ordered to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 15 July. The 61. 5s. Od. paid in to be accepted in discharge of his 75 444 assessment, being his proportion on oath. March 1654. A Public Faith certificate ordered him 63 106 Assessed at 2507. 7 June 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 26 Aug. 1644. To make up his in 14 days - 2 Sept. 1644. He having paid formerly 851. Os. 4d. and now de- posited 641. 19s. 8d. to be discharged on paying the other 1501. in 14 days. - 63 106 93 111 3 176 Vol. No. A or P. 3 140 · 20 Sept. Having paid, to be discharged on payment of 501. more, the previous order notwithstanding. 65 129 3 238 7 Nov. 1644. Order that as 1201. is his, he be repaid 301. of the 150l. paid for his, and be discharged of his assessment. - EDW. HARRISON, Bennet's, Paul's Wharf. Assessed at 2007. 7 June 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay 21 June. Order that he make up his assessment in 14 days 5 July 1644. Note of 201. paid in Castle Baynard Ward, and 801. now paid within the time limited, for which the Public Faith is ordered, as he had not notice till 17 June 1644. 3 242 3 284 11 Jan. 1654. Ordered on his petition the Public Faith for 13 341 19s. 8d. (sic) paid by him for his 2. 20 63 102 2 209 63 104 3 144 3 224 3 228 61 63 104 3 144 3 159 63 104 20 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition that he have a Public Faith 13 certificate for 801. paid in by him; granted on the Ordinance of Parliament of 12 Aug. 1645. 65 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 301 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. R. 2 253 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. JOHN HARVEY, of the House of Commons. Assessed at 5007. 16 Feb. 1644. Assessment repeated 23 Feb. To make up his in 14 days 29 Feb. To pay 1001. and be further heard - - SIR EDWARD HENDEN, Baron of the Exchequer, Bid- denden, Kent, SIR JOHN HENDEN, and EDWARD, his eldest Son. Sir Edward assessed at 2,0001. 6 Dec. 1643. Notice to be given to Baron Henden that he is assessed at 2,0001. by the House of Peers for his 20 6 Dec. Order in Parliament that the said 2,000l. be employed for defence of Poole and Lyme, co. Dorset. 11 Dec. Sir John Henden assessed at 1,0007. 23 Dec. The Lords agree that the Committee for Advance of Money proceed according to the Ordinance against Baron Henden. Also order in the Committee for Advance of Money that the 2,000l. be levied forthwith, and in case there be not sufficient goods to raise it by distress, that Henden be brought up in custody to pay it. @ 0 5 Jan 1644. He having deposited 500l., the other 5007. is to be paid on Thursday to make up his . 11 Jan. Sir John Henden having deposited 1,000l., of Baron Henden's assessment, is to be heard on Monday. 13 Jan. Baron Henden being dead, Sir John Henden allowed to go to Biddenden, in Kent, to take order for the funeral, and return in 21 days, provided that meantime he deposit 5001. more of the assessment, or appoint someone to treat about it. 26 Jan. 5001. of Baron Henden's money to be paid for Lyme and Poole, according to Parliament Order. 2 Feb. 1644. Sir John to pay in 5001. of the fine on Wednesday 16 Feb. 1,500l. being paid, the remainder is respited 14 days 20 Feb. 2501. of Henden's fine ordered for the service of Lyme 29 Feb. Sir John to have the Public Faith for 2,0001. on paying the remaining 500l. within a month. The clerk to certify that he has paid the 2,000l. and is to be discharged of the Baron's and his own assessment for the. 29 Feb. Order that as Sir Edw. Henden was assessed at 2,000l. and Sir John at 1,000l. but Sir John has paid in the 2,0007., the as- sessment on both be discharged, and the 2,0001. received in full of their assessments. 18 March 1644. 3007. of Baron Henden's money to be paid for Plymouth. SIR JOHN HOWLAND, Streatham, Surrey. Assessed at 8001. 29 Dec. 1643. Having contributed 150l. in Surrey, and being willing to pay 501. more, order for his discharge on its payment, and the Public Faith to be given. SIR THOS. JERMYN, M.P., Rushbrooke, County Norfolk. Assessed in the House of Commons at 1,0007. 25 Nov. 1613. Ordered notice that his assessment is to be levied according to the Ordinance, and all civil and military officers to assist. Vol. No. A or p. 63 100 2 267 3 20 3 29 63 100 2 179 2 180 63 110 2 201 2 219 2 223 2 232 2 240 2 249 2 269 3 13 3 29 3 31 3 36 3 52 63 103 75 165 63 103 63 100 2 165 302 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 Nov. 1643. 0.8 77 R. 3 88 25 Nov. 1643. 0.3 28 R. 3 46 48 63 79 NOTES 93 113 114 CERT. 93 115 25 Nov. 1643. R. 2 191 208 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 16 Jan. 1644. Ordered to pay his, and then the committee will acquaint the House of Commons with his petition and reasons for mitigation. 26 Jan. Respited 14 days, as Robt. Roan has undertaken to pay in 5007., his assessment. 2 240 13 Feb. 1644. Order for his discharge on paying 501. more than 2 262 the 5007. lent and deposited. 23 March 1654. Receipt on behalf of Lady Mary Jermyn, his 93 112 widow and administratrix, of a Public Faith certificate for 63 100 4831. 6s. 8d. total paid by Sir Thomas for his. With notes of the dates of his 4 payments, and of 661. 13s. 4d. formerly lent. SIR PHIL. PARKER, M.P. Assessed at 8007. 23 Jan. 1644. Allowed 14 days to pay, or bring in his affidavit as to what is his proportion. 13 Feb. 1644. Ordered to pay 1507. forthwith, and 2501. in 14 days, to make up his . and then to be further heard. 27 April 1644. The 3561. deposited by him, with the 441. formerly lent, to be accepted in discharge of his assessment. 23 Jan. 501. of the 450l. to he returned to him, and the 4007., with 1501. lent, to be in discharge of his assessment, for which the Public Faith is given. SIR THOS. ROWE, Woodford, Essex, and his Lady. He assessed at 6001. 16 Feb. 1644. Notice to be given him of his assessment 3 June 1644, The seizure of his goods and sequestration of his estate for his assessment to be taken off, provided he pay in 10 days 1501., and strike a tally in the Exchequer for 1501. more, or depute the committee to receive as much from his rents in county Gloucester. Vol. No. A or P. 2 231 March 1654. Note of a Public Faith certificate given him for the 63 100 amount, though paid out of time. SIR WILLIAM PLAITERS. Order on an Order in the House of Commons that he be assessed at 63 100 1,200l. 6 Dec. 1643. Allowed 10 days to bring in his 12 Jan. 1644. Having deposited, he is to appear on Tuesday 16 Jan. Having deposited 450l. and formerly lent 150l. which is his, respited till further order. · 25 April 1645. Lady Rowe assessed at 2001. 19 May 1645. He being dead, and having in his lifetime paid his own assessment, that on his wife to be discharged. SIR GEO. THROCKMORTON, Sheer Lane, Clement Danes. Assessed at 3007. 63 100 2 165 2 236 2 262 IR 3 90 93 2 165 2 225 2 229 63 100 2 236 63 100 2 267 3 134 LADY ELIZ. SOMES, The Cloisters, Westminster. Assessed at 2007. 63 103 20 Dec. 1643. The 1097. 10s. lent by her to be accepted in dis- 75 155 charge of her assessment, being her proportion on oath. 69 8 4 158 63 102 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 303 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. 25 Nov. 1643. o.c. 3 84 o.c. 3 157 27 Nov. 1643. 27 Nov. 1643. 30 Nov. 1643. 29 Dec. 1643. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 5 June 1645. Again assessed at 4001. THOS. TWISDEN, The Temple. Assessed at 1007. 2 Feb. 1644. To be discharged on paying 251. in 14 days WM. WATTS, Westminster. JOHN YOUNG, the Soho, or Holborn. Vol. No. A or P. • 2 209 69 37 Assessed at 507. 63 101 3 Feb. 1645. His assessment discharged for the 107. deposited, 76 715 being his proportion. 11 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition that he have the Public 13 63 Faith for 101. paid by him for his, 12 Aug. 1645. Assessed at 157. 12 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 24 June 1644. The 107. deposited by him to be accepted in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath. → THOS. TOMLINSON, Islington. Deposition that 1007. is his full. Also note that he had 4 men and horses billeted on him 7 or 8 weeks, and is never free from some; that he maintains a man in the army, and has paid all his taxes, which has been hard upon him. WM. DAWE, Thisleworth. 20 Affidavit before Lord Mayor Wollaston, that 157. is the full of 93 116 all his estate, real and personal. With note that he deposited 201., 19 Oct. 1643. ROB. VALENCE, Bishopsgate Ward. His house, tenanted by Mr. Reynolds, to be viewed, and report made of what should be paid for the rent, towards satisfaction of Valence's assessment. 18 Dec. 1643. Four of his tenants, who have often been summoned to pay their rents to this committee and have not appeared, to be brought up in custody. 10 April 1644. Valence assessed at 1,5001. 15 July 1644. Dominic Turner to have 101. a year abated on the rent of 501. for White Hart tavern, Bishopsgate, held of Valence, and to pay his arrears forthwith. 2 Sept. 1644. Order that Reynolds pay 121. a year for his house, and 2 years' arrears. 6 Nov. 1641. Mr. Everett's rent of 271. for 2 tenements held of Valence, reduced to 221., and he is to pay in 221. arrears. 63 103 2 249 28 April 1645. Order for payment to Nath. Fielding, and Wm. Jening, churchwardens of Alban's, Wood Street, of 51. a year rent for the George in Sepulchre's Parish, and 4 houses adjoin- ing, from the rents of Rob. Valence, who holds the same on a lease of 9 James. 16 June 1645. Ant. Wainwright, late of Chesterfield, a godly minister, who was driven from his dwelling and plundered, to have rent-free a house of Valence's in Bishopsgate Street, now standing empty. 63 101 2 225 3 162 93 117 2 172 2 195 61 127 3 179 3 228 3 283 4 135 4 180 304 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 30 Nov. 1643. o.c. 4 207 1 Dec. 1643. Dec. 16 43. o.c. 2 192 4 Dec. 1643. 14 July 1645. Whereas Valence has been assessed at 1,5007., which is unpaid, on which divers of his lands are seized and sequestered, and among them Vesey's manor, Stratford, Suffolk, and whereas no court has been kept for long in the said manor, so that the rents and perquisites cannot be known ;-order appointing Wm. Foxwist, of Lincoln's Inn, steward of the mauor, to hold courts and receive the customary fees. 16 July. Whereas a farm and lands of Mr. Valence's in Stratford, Suffolk, held by Chris. Hudson, were sequestered 25 March 1643, which notwithstanding, he is molested by John Base, county solicitor ;-order that Hudson pay his rent to this committee and no other, till Valence has paid his 2, and that Base forbear to trouble him. 8 Dec. 1645. Eliz. Vanderbenden to pay in the rent due by her for her house to Rob. Valence. 4 Feb. 1646. Order that Valence, giving security to abide the committee's order about his assessment of 1,500l., be discharged from imprisonment in Norwich Gaol, for non-payment of an assessment laid on him by the assessors of Bishopsgate Ward, of 500l. for his. With warrant to the sheriff and gaol-keeper at Norwich accordingly. 20 4 349 19 Dec. Chris. Hudson holding lands of Valence in Suffolk at 80l. 93 118 a year, which have been seized for his assessment of 1,500l., petitions that he paid his rent till last Michaelmas, but is now straitened, having lost 407. by 2 great land waters last summer, and begs an abatement, when he will readily pay the residue. 19 Dec. The year's rent reduced from 40l. to 30l. 9 Feb. Nich. Marshall, Valence's tenant, to be brought up in custody for non-payment of rent. 27 Feb. Order that on paying 100l. more than the 8341. 7s. 8d. already received from his goods and tenements (221. 10s. 2d. being paid out of it on annuities charged on his lands), and 1007. paid to Mr. Lane, and on paying the collector's salary, his assessment of 1,500l. be discharged; he having thus paid 9117. 178. 6d. Vol. No. A or P. 4 203 211 4 207 4 382 27 Feb. Valence pleads that he was assessed first at 5007., which 93 119 was far beyond his means, and committed to Norwich gaol for non-payment. That in April 1644 he was assessed at 1,5007., though deeply engaged to several persons, and his rents only leases. He begs to be admitted to protestation as to his zo 20 ARMSTRONG. Order that the 50l. paid to Mr. Barber at Hertford be repaid to Mr. Newman, it being the money of Mr. Armstrong; that out of it 40s. be paid to the troopers who took Armstrong, he being assessed here at 801., and that he have an acquittance for 501., he having given bond to pay 50% more in 6 months, for which he shall have the Public Faith as a voluntary contribution, and that his assessment be discharged. GARDINER, Lombard Street. Thos. Kitchen, of Little Moorfields, to have his house and pay 101. rent to this committee, Gardiner being assessed at 3001., which is unpaid. 4 362 4 415-6 JOHN BREWER, Broad Street. Certificate that he was assessed at 401., beside 201. which he had 93 120 lent before, and that he paid the 401. 4 439 61 127 10 March 1654. Certificate of his payment of 341. 8s., he being then 93 121 collector for Broad Street Ward. 2 175 2 176 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 305 4 Dec. 1643. 6 Dec. 1643. CASE 93 126 H. 6 160 23 May 1645. Blakiston to certify whether there is any money from the proceeds of his goods to satisfy the discoverer. ALEX. PYM, Son and Heir, and the other Children of John Pym, deceased. Lawrence Newman to lend Alex. Pym 5801.. for match for the Lord General's army, according to a warrant of the Committee of Safety. 14 Dec. 1643. Newman to lend him 1007. in part of the arrears ordered him by Parliament. 8 Jan. 1644. Another 100l. to be lent him on account of his arrears, to be deducted from his account when perfected. 3 and 19 June 1644. Another 1007. ordered him 10 Nov. 1647. 150l. and 50l. paid or to be paid from several assess- ments allowed Alexander on his Order in Parliament of 21 May last for 9871. 10 Dec. 1647. 3001, ordered him in part of the 9871. to be paid him by the said Order in Parliament. 5 Jan. 1646. Order in Parliament settling the lands of Thos. 93 122 Morgan, Heyford, co. Northampton, and John Preston, alias Sir John Preston, Bart., Furness, co. Lancaster, notorious Papists and delinquents, on trustees in behalf of the children of John Pym, with proviso of compensation from other lands, if they be evicted from part thereof for any estate therein possessed by Jane, widow of Thos. Morgan, or her family. Also ordering them for the same uses 500l. a year from the royal revenues. Vol. No. A or p. 4 164 Her husband in 1637 conveyed certain lands to her and her 3 daughters; but afterwards taking arms against Parliament, his lands were sequestered, and by ordinance of Parliament of 5 Jan. 1646, vested in trustees, who entered upon the lands reserved for herself and daughters. Has recovered part of the lands by law from them, and has suits pending for the remainder; but the trustees summon before the committee those who pay her their rents, and commit great waste in the woods. Begs redress. 2 179 4 Jan. Mr. Pym's case, being "instructions" ments in the preceding petition. 2 190 2 221 NOȚE 93 123 14 Oct. 1648. Order that the committee's officers repair to the 6 84 tenants of Morgan and Preston and demand the rents, with arrears, and in case of refusal, levy the same by distress and sale of goods; with writ of assistance. 4 Jan. Mrs. Morgan to be heard on Tuesday, Mr. Pym having notice thereof, and proceedings upon the sequestration stayed meanwhile. 3 135 154 25 July 1648. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that 6 25 -as by Order of Parliament of 5 January 1646, the lands of Morgan and Preston were sequestered, but Morgan's tenants refuse to pay their rents to the sequestrators, and pay them to Ant. Morgan, recusant ;-the said tenants' goods and estates be seized and sold for the use of the State. 8 Feb. 1649. Case referred to the Solicitor General and Mr. Hill 27 April 1649. Order of 14 Oct. 1648 renewed, laying upon the tenants the charges of the proceedings against them. 13 Sept. 1648. Order in Parliament that the Haberdashers' Hall 93 123 Committee carry out fully the Ordinance of 5 January 1646 for payment of Mr. Pym's debts, and provision for his children. 5 303 5 323 4 Jan. 1649. Petition of Jane, widow of Thos. Morgan, on behalf of 93 125 her daughter Mary, and her grandchild, John Preston, against the state- 93 127 6 143 6 162 6 299 50623. 306 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Dec. 1643. 7 Dec. 1643. LET. 93 131 8 Dec. 1643. R. 3 199 214 11 Dec. 1643. 27 April 1649. Alex. Pym petitions for continued execution of the Parliament Order of 13 Sept. 1648, by which the tenants of Northamptonshire were compelled to pay him their rents, which they now refuse on an Order in Parliament of 17 March last. Begs help in gathering in the rents, which are a year in arrears, the rather that the profits of the rest of the estate have been 2 years in the tenants' hands, through the suits of Mrs. Morgan. HEN. BOONE, and EDW. FLEET, Surgeons. 93 129 They petition the House of Commons for discharge from assess- ments. They have long been employed in the hospitals, in recovering the sick of the Earl of Essex's army, and spent much on medicines, and are willing to proceed in their work, yet they are assessed for their, and are unable to pay. With reference 93 130 thereou to the Committee for Advance of Money. 2 Jan. 1644. Order thereon by the said Committee that there be 93 132 no further proceedings on Boone's assessment without further consideration. 20 Dec. 1644. Fleet's assessment respited till further order 3 Jan. 1645. Boone's assessment also respited SIR THOMAS and LADY HAMERSLEY, Aldgate Ward, ANDREW and MRS. COGAN. 8 Dec. 1643. As Lady Hamersley is assessed at 2007., and has paid 1007., and as her estate in the East India Company, value 1,000l., has been seized, order for a certificate as to whether the goods belong to Sir Thomas or Lady Hamersley, or Mrs. Cogan; if they belong to the lady, her assessment for her 50 subsidies and her weekly assessment are to be respited, and she restored to her house, and the goods delivered to Mrs. Cogan, who paid the 1001. 19 Dec. 1643. On certificate that Sir Thomas' East India goods, viz., indigo, calico, and cinnamon, were worth 7507., but only sold for 520l. which was spent to pay advances to Sir Wm. Waller, order that Lady Hamersley be restored to her house seized for her, and the goods delivered to Mrs. Cogan, ac- cording to Sir T. Hamersley's deed of trust. 15 Jan. 1644. Cogan of Aldenham, to be brought in safe custody to pay his assessment. 8 July 1644. And. Cogan assessed at 4007. 10 July. Lady Hamersley assessed at 3007. 22 July. As 250l. worth of goods in the East India Company were held by And. Cogan in the name of Sir Thos. Hamersley, but Cogan being in the Indies, they were received by Mr. Blakiston; order that the same be allowed Cogan in part of his assessment, and that he be heard concerning the residue. · Vol. No. A or P. 93 128 THOS. DUDLEY, Vintner, Cheapside. Assessed at 2007. 3 June 1644. Discharged for 107. lent before, and 401. now paid 3 335 3 350 2 184 - 2 196 30 Aug. 1644. Order that Cogan pay 1007. more in 14 days, or 3 226 make his affidavit. 2 228 - 65 101 65 101 3 186 13 Aug. 1645. The sequestration of the East India goods of And. 4 238 Cogan and Lady Hamersley taken off, on affidavit that they are held by them in trust. 63 110 63 110 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 307 11 Dec. 1643. 11 Dec. 1643. R. 75 192 200 11 Dec. 1643. 11 Dec. 1643. 11 Dec. 1643. 11 Dec. 1643. 14 Dec. 1643. March 1649? Note that in 1636 he demised the house called Carvers, at Sudbury, Suffolk for 1621. to Hugh Cock, tallow chandler of London, who has paid 501. of the money to the County Com- missioners, and is willing to pay the other 1121. if he may have the house according to his lease. Also that Col. Allen and Lieut. Col. Ambrose Tyndall desire towards their arrears, and the discoverer 1s. in the pound. 1646, by the Committee of Accounts to Tyndall. JOAN EWER, South Myms, Co. Middlesex. Assessed at 1007. 3 Jan. 1644. Having lent 147. and deposited 361., making, respited 20 days to pay the rest or make affidavit. 9 Feb. 1644. The 367. deposited, with 147. lent, to be in discharge of her assessment, being her proportion, and the Public Faith given for it. MICH. NICOLLS, London or Kinton. With certificate, 14 Feb. 93 134 that there is 6041. 8s. due GEORGE ROGERS, Harrow, Middlesex. 1 2 Assessed at 201. 63 107 26 Dec. 1643. The 67. deposited, with 101. lent, to be in discharge 75 163 of his assessment. Assessed at 201. · 17 March 1654. Receipt of certificate purporting his payment of 201 for his in 3 instalments, for which the Public Faith is given. 6 Feb. 1644. Ordered to make up his by payment of 61. 2 253 16 March 1654. Receipt by John Smith, his executor, of a Public 93 135 Faith certificate for 61. paid in by him 26 Dec. 1643 for his · SIR JOHN WORLEY, at Capt. Wroth's. Vol. No. A or P. 93 133 EDW. RUSSELL, at Lord Carlisle's, Castle Baynard. Assessed at 1007. 2 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 9 Feb. He pleading that he has had no residence in or within 20 miles of London since the making of the Ordinance of 29 Nov. 1642, but was sent for by the Earl of Pembroke on business a fortnight before the assessment;-order that his assessment be respited till his residence is proved. 3 Sept. 1645. Assessed at 3007. 19 Aug. 1646. His assessment discharged, because his and are discharged by the Ordinance of Parliament of 19 March 1645, discharging his delinquency. 63 110 75 169 75 211 63 110 - 63 107 93 136 63 107 NATH. WITHERS, Tower Ward. Order on Mrs. Trivilian's deposition that the house in Tower Ward, occupied by Mr. Harris, and seized, does not belong to Mr. Withers of that ward, that the seizure be taken off, and that the rent be payable to Mrs. Trivilian. 63 107 2 250 2 259 69 79 5 91 Assessed at 2501. 63 109 8 Jan. 1644. The 901. deposited by him, with 107. lent, to be in 75 174 discharge of his assessment, being his proportion. 2 189 Dec. 1643? Withers deposes that he gave his mother nothing for 93 137 the lease of the house at 227. a year, which he let to Harris in 1637 for 21 years. U 2 308 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 14 Dec. 1643. 16 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 2 Oct. 1644, The sequestration of his estate to be taken off, on his paying his assessment and giving security for the residue. 23 Oct. The 201. deposited by him to be paid the treasurers in 3 267 discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath, JOSIAH SLADE, Blackwall. Receipt by the treasurers for plate and money brought in by him 93 138 on the propositions, value 127. 10s. SIR THOS. ALCOTT, or ALCOCK, St. Martin's Lane, late Lieutenant-Governor of Carlisle. Assessed at 1501. 29 Dec. To be brought in safe custody to answer his assessment 3 Jan. 1644. Respited 14 days, for the committee to enquire about his estate, when he will again be heard. 15 Jan. His assessment respited till he is paid the money due to him for service, or till further order, - AUDITOR BINGLEY, The Strand. Assessed at 2001. 12 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 26 Jan. The assessment respited till he receive the money due to him by the State for service. 8 July 1644, The 2001. at which he was assessed 27 May last, as well as the 2001. assessed Nov. last, to be respited, as the moneys due to him by Parliament are yet unsatisfied. SIR THOS. BISHOP, Giles-in-the-Fields, and Hemswell, Co. Lincoln, Assessed at 400l., but not found 11 May 1647. Again assessed at 5001. 2 May 1649. Noted as not having paid his assessment 7 Feb. 1651. His estate being calculated for his, and de- duction made for his debts, order that he be acquitted on payment of 201. Vol. No. A or P. 3 251 LADY BROCKLEY, at Mr. Hinshaw's, Old Street, Assessed at 1001, but not found, No proceedings 13 Oct. 1645. His assessment discharged, there being much money 4 292 due to him for service in the army, and no assessment to be levied on him in any place, • 63 112 2 206 2 214 2 228 63 114 2 225 2 240 3 173 11 Feb. He having paid the 207., his assessment of 5001, dis- 9 421 charged, and all seizure for non-payment taken off, 3 Jan. Order that being summoned to Haberdashers' Hall to finish his assessment for his, and being arrested as he left at suit of John Pulford for debt,-Pulford and the serjeant who arrested him be taken into custody, and kept till Parliament or this committee give further order. 63 114 71 81 5 305 9 419 - 63 112 CAPT. CONINGSBY, South Myms, Co. Middlesex. Assessed at 1001, 63 114 3 Jan. 1644. To be discharged, on affidavit that he is not worth 75 169 1001. 2 214 DEP. 93 140 4 Jan. Pulford pleads that he has committed no contempt of the 93 139 privileges of the Committee for the Advance of Money in his arrest of Coningsby, as his assessment was completed, and begs perusal of his deposition. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 809 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. B. 3 433 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 4 Jan. 1644. Thos. Snelson, the arresting serjeant, begs discharge, 93 140 as he knew nothing about Coningsby's being engaged on his assessment. THOS. LEGATE, at Dr. Prideaux's, Mugwell Street. Assessed at 8007., and summoned to pay JEREMY ELLOWAY, or ELWES, Canning Street. Assessed at 1,0007. 63 112 20 Dec. 1643. Assessment repeated at 1,0007. 63 118 3 Jan. 1644. He having lent 100%. in co. Herts, and paid 4007., is 75 169 to be discharged on payment of 3007. more in 10 days. 63 118 2 Jan. 1644. Order that he have notice of the assessment, and be brought in custody to pay it. 19 Jan. Order that this 601. be accepted in discharge of his assess- ment, it being his proportion on oath, and that the seizure of his estate be discharged. 15 March 1648. Ordered the Public Faith for his 601., as he only had notice 5 Jan. 1644, and paid 19 Jan. SIR GILES OVERBURY, Isleworth. Assessed at 2501. 11 March 1644. Discharged because his estate lies under power of the King's army. THOS. OVERMAN, Sen., Southwark. Assessed at 1,000l. 14 March 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assess- ment. 21 March. He having formerly paid 4001. and pretending that he has paid 1407. in Surrey, is to produce acquittance thereof, and pay here 2601. 27 April 1644. To be committed to the Serjeant's deputy till he has paid the remainder of his assessment. PENRUDDOCK. Assessed at 401. Noted as with the King. No proceedings LADY MARY RICHARDSON, Widow, Fleet Street, Covent Garden, or Sheer Lane. Vol. No. A or p. Assessed at 5007. 30 June 1644. Again assessed at 1,000l. 1 20 17 July 1644. To be secured for payment of her assessment 19 July. To be brought up in custody to secure it 24 July. Affidavit that her debts paid, her is 56., except an estate of 400l. a year in co. Gloucester, from which the last 2 years she has not received enough to pay the King's rent, and estates in Sussex, value 8001. a year, of which she never had possession. '1 Văn 63 116 93 142 2 212 2 234 3 90 May 1644? Note of his payments of 4007. in the ward [Bridge Ward 63 115 without], 100l. to Mr. Newman, and 1401. and 1601. in Surrey. 64 5 402 18 Jan. 1654. He being dead, and his son and adminstrator, Thos. 13 Overman, jun., begging the Public Faith for 1007. assessment paid by his father, order that it be granted. 63 111 3 44 3 115 3 49 3 55 со со 63 111 · 63 115 65 94 3 180 3 182 93 143 310 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. 17 Dec. 1643. R. 4 298 18 Dec. 1643. 20 Dec. 1643. 24 July 1644. On payment of 5s., to be respited till possessed 76 465 of her estates, or till further order. 31 Jan. 1645. Another assessment of 250l. respited on the above 67 118 order. DEPUTY WM. TAYLOR, Paternoster Row. Assessed at 6001. 6 June 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 12 June. His assessment discharged for the 1461. formerly lent, and 41. now deposited, being his proportion on oath, and for which the Public Faith is given. SIR ANT. VINCENT, Stoke, Surrey. Assessed at 7007. 12 Jan. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 25 Jan. To have 14 days to make affidavit what his proportion is for his, and meantime he is not to be prejudiced. 6 Feb. 1644. He is to pay no more to Lady Vincent or any others in Devonshire in hostility against Parliament, without further order of this committee, but to keep the money in his hands. Also having produced acquittances for 1007. paid on the propo- sitions, 501. in Surrey for his, 123. in horses and money, and 171. deposited here, total 2907., being the sum named in his affidavit, his assessment of 7001. to be discharged. SIR WM. WASHINGTON, Isleworth. Ássessed at 300l. No proceedings SIR HERBERT WHITFIELD, Eldest Son and Heir of Sir Ralph Whitfield, and LADY DOROTHY WHIT- FIELD, The Barbican. 6 Oct. 1645. Each allowed 14 days' respite for their assessments 24 Oct. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 1501. Also her assessment discharged on payment of 501. - Vol. No. A or p. · 63 112 3 139 3 146 63 112 12 April 1644. To be allowed no abatement out of his tithes, as he contributes nothing voluntarily to the maintenance of ministers. HAMOND CLAXTON, Jun., Holborn. 15 Jan. 1644. His assessment to be discharged on affidavit that he 75 179 is not worth 1001. 63 114 2 225 2 239 - 63 111 22 Sept. 1645. Sir Herbert again assessed at 1,2001. and Lady 69 85 Whitfield at 8001. 69 87 4 284 4 299 4 300 Assessed at 3007. 18 April 1644. Order that he be brought in custody to pay his assessment. 25 Aug. 1645. Allowed 10 days to pay his moiety - 2 252 2 255 OWEN JONES. Ordered to pay 2001. in 2 weeks which, with 4001. formerly paid, 2 194 is to be in discharge of his old assessment of 8001., and a late assessment of 1,200l. 16 Feb. 1644. Order for his release, he having been sent to Peter 93 145 House by warrant from the Committee for Advance of Money for moneys in arrear. 3 78 63 117 3 84 4 244 # COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 311 20 Dec. 1643. CERT. 93 146 CERT. 93 146 20 Dec. 1643. 20 Dec. 1643. 21 Dec. 1643. 23 Dec. 1643. 22 Sept. 1645. His assessment to be discharged for 301. paid [in South Arpingham Hundred, Norfolk], and 70% now deposited, and the sequestration of his estate to be taken off. 27 March 1646. Again assessed at 3007. 8 April 1646. Ordered to pay the assessment 寒 ​22 June 1646. Discharged, having paid in 1507. on a former order of this committee. SIR WM. HICKES, Augustine Friars. Assessed at 8001. 16 Jan. 1644. To be sent for in safe custody to pay his assessment 23 Jan. Order for his discharge on paying the collector's salary and charges, as he contributed 1201. 7s. 4d. in plate on the pro- positions, and part of his estate lies in cos. Notts and Gloucester, under power of the King's forces, and as he is deputy-lieutenant for Essex, and a Parliamentary Commissioner. 1654? He petitions, being prisoner in the Fleet, for a Public 93 147 Faith bill, having been assessed 3007., and discharged for 1007. which he could not pay in time, being in the country. SIR JAMES STONEHOUSE, or STONER, 1st Bart., and LADY ANNE STONEHOUSE, his Mother, both of Blackfriars. Sir James assessed at 1,0001. 15 Jan. 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment 19 Jan. Lady Stonehouse assessed at 4007. 22 Jan. Summoned to pay the assessment - - 1 Vol. No. A or P. 4 265 71 22 5 9 5 60 63 118 2 230 2 235 63 118 63 118 93 148 63 140 93 149 63 140 24 Jan. Sir James having deposited his, respited for further 75 189 bearing. 2 Feb. 1644. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 75 201 2001. beside the 500l. deposited. FRAS. LUCIE. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment of 5001. 26 Dec. 1643. To pay by Monday, and then to be heard, Sir Rich. Lucie having undertaken for his appearance. 7 Feb. Discharged for 1501. more this day deposited 75 207 14 Feb. Lady Anne to be discharged on paying 301. more than 75 215 the 101. deposited, and 50l. formerly lent, being her proportion 93 150 on oath. 26 Aug. 1644. Lady Stonehouse assessed at 8001. and Sir James 65 153 at 6001., but both assessments vacated. 19 July 1650. On Lady Anne's petition, claiming an interest in .9 41 several lands and tenements sequestered as Sir James's, order for publication of examinations in the case, unless the prosecutor show cause to the contrary. 13 Sept. 1650. Order for examination of witnesses in Lady 28 Stonehouse's case. March 1654. The Public Faith allowed for payment of her assess- 63 140 ment. 77 THOS. WYAN, London. Whereas he was assessed at 3001. for his, but has shown that 2 199 most of his estate lies in the power of the King's army; that 93 151 he contributed his proportion on the propositions for plate and money, and has done faithful service for Parliament, as appears by a certificate from Lord Admiral Warwick, and the Navy Committee;-order that the said assessment be discharged. 2 200 2 203 812 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 23 Dec. 1643. 26 Dec. 1643. 29 Dec. 1643. 29 Dec. 1643. 29 Dec. 1643. 29 Dec. 1643. 1 Jan. 1644. The assessment to be discharged on his payment in a fortnight of 1501. more than the 2501. deposited. With notes of payment: JOHN PEPIS, or PEPYS, The Temple. Refusing to deposit his, being 2007., the keeper of Peter House is to take him into custody, and not to suffer him to go at large till he pay his assessment of 4001., or till this committee order his discharge. 16 Feb. 1644. Allowed to go abroad with a keeper for 4 days 20 Feb. Order that he pay 1007: now, and give security to pay 1001. in 14 days, and to abide the committee's order as to the residue of his assessment. This being done, he is released from im- prisonment, and his sequestration discharged. 4 March 1644. He having deposited 1007. is to pay 1001. more, and go and assist Serjeants Rolle and Pheasant in printing Lord Coke's book for the good of the Commonwealth, which being per- formed by him, the committee will either admit him to make his protestation, or accept the 2007. in discharge of his assessment. 7 March. He having satisfied the committee, his sequestration is discharged. 9 Aug. 1644. Ordered the Public Faith for the 2001. paid - JOHN BILL, Printer. * 2 Oct. 1644. Mr. Proby, common crier of the City, to appear in his case. · 16 Oct. 1645. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen to pay to this com- mittee the 1,0001. due by the chamber of London to John Bill, delinquent. 8 March 1648. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of the 1,000l. assessment. CHARLES DEERING, Langbourn Ward. Vol. No. A or p. 2 210 93 152 Assessed at 1,000l. 63 126 12 April 1644. His estate in the chamber of London to be stayed 3 80 and paid to this committee. 3 251 HEN. KETTLE, Islington. 2 203 2 269 3 13 3 14 3 35 3 40 3 205 4 290 5 397 Assessed at 2007. 11 Nov. 1644. Ordered to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 17 March 1654. Certificate that 1067. 5s. 10d. levied by distress on 93 153 his estate, was for an assessment for his 63 127 3 288 SIR EDMUND FOWLER, Ash, Surrey? Assessed at 1007. 63 125 14 Feb. 1644. His assessment discharged, he having lent 501. 28. 8d., 75 213 and deposited 351. Assessed at 807. 63 126 4 Jan. 1644. Ordered to appear and pay the assessment. With 93 154 note of 201. deposited, 15 Jan. 1644. 30 Jan. To be brought up in safe custody to pay his assess- 2 245 ment. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 313 29 Dec. 1643. 29 Dec. 1643. R. 3. 39 29 Dec. 1643. 29 Dec. 1643. 29 Dec. 1643. R. 2 240 16 March 1644. To be discharged for the 201. deposited, being his proportion on oath. March 1654. The Public Faith ordered him for his payment as within time. 30 Dec. 1643. FRAS. NEVE, Witchingham, Norfolk. Assessed at 1,5007. 22 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 19 March 1644. Order that on paying 100l. more than the 4107. formerly paid, his assessment be discharged, paying the col- lector's salary for the 1001. and the charges for the journey, as he ought to pay here and in no other place for his estate here. 17 Dec. 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for the 1007. paid on his 26, having paid his and in the country before he was assessed here. 201 o.c. 3 288 14 Feb. 1645. To make affidavit of what is his MARMADUKE SCOTT, Temple Bar and Camberwell, Surrey. B. 3 40 1 March 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 3 32 15 May 1644. Assessed at 1007. 65 11 20 Nov. 1644. The assessment discharged for 21. now lent, and 137. 76 627 formerly lent. 4 39 CROMER or CRANMER STEED, Southfleet, Kent. Assessed at 4007. 14 Feb. 1644. Allowed 10 days to prove whether he came to town on law-business or not. 16 Feb. The Dep.-Lieutenants of Kent having certified that in money and horses he has contributed 2501., and 2637. 10s. Cd. being his proportion by affidavit, 1861. 10s. Od. of the 2001. deposited is to be repaid, and the other 137. 10s. Od., with the 250l., is to be in discharge of the assessment. Assessed at 801., but the assessment vacated on account of a later 63 127 one. 24 Jan. 1644. Certificate by the Committee for the Safety of Surrey 93 155 that he was assessed by the County Commissioners last Novem- ber in 50l., but was discharged on his producing an acquit- tance for 51. contributed, and a note of the seizing of a mare, value 157., and of his now contributing 51. more, and a horse value 101. EDITH YELVERTON, Spinster, Addle Street. Assessed at 100l. 19 Jan. 1644. Order that she have liberty for 8 days to come to this committee, and compound for her assessment without prejudice. Vol. No. A or P. 75 216 2 Feb. 1644. Order that as she is in debt, and has only an annuity of 1007., and has contributed 51., she be discharged on paying 101. more, for which the Public Faith is given. 63 126 63 127 3 19 3 53 5 159 63 125 2 265 2 269 63 126 2 233 2 249 63 126 WM. HEATHFIELD, Farringdon Ward. Statement by Martin Dallison that Heathfield was assessed at 93 156 401., that 81. was distrained upon him, and 591. 4s. 5d. made by sale of his goods. Therefore that, after deduction of collector's salary and charges, the balance should, by Heathfield's consent, be carried up to the treasurers towards payment of weekly assessments and subsidies. 314 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 1643 ? 2 Jan. 1644. 2 Jan. 1644. B. 3 31 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. SIMON WOOD. Petition that for 15 years he has had no concern in the City, and for 7 years no house, and only comes in on account of lawsuits at Westminster. Has very little money, having laid it out on lands in cos. Lincoln and Notts, now under the power of the Cavaliers in Newark. Has paid freely on the propositions, con- tributing 401. in Essex, and is maintaining 5 men here in the city, and paying weekly moneys for maintenance of the forces where his lands are; yet the parishioners of Aldgate, where he lately sojourued in an inn, have assessed him at 500l., and 40s a week, sought his person, though 70 years old, and seized 301., being most of his money. Begs discharge of the assessment which he is unable to pay, "that his grey hairs may go to the grave in peace." With note that he lives at Mr. Trafford's house, Walthamstow, hard by Sir Wm. Rowe. 1644. WM. HURT, Bishopsgate Ward. To pay 50%. his assessment, and then to be heard, and bring 2 212 security for payment of the residue. 19 Jan. 1644. The 50l. deposited to be in discharge of his assess- ment, he paying the collector's salary and charges. 1 6 Feb. 1644. It appearing that when he was assessed in Feb. 1643, he was in Warwickshire, and has suffered by the forces there, order that he make affidavit what his is, and that it be paid out of the 501. deposited by him, and the rest be repaid him, notwithstanding the order of 16 Jan., as the committee were not then satisfied in the premises. 8 Feb. He swearing that 107. is his 2, 401. to be returned to him 0 JOHN LEGATT, Cripplegate Within. Note of his payment of 30l. to Mr. Newman 19 Feb. 1644. Order that, paying in his assessment, and giving security to treat for the other, the seizure of his estate be taken off. RICH. AWSITER, Norcott, Middlesex. Assessed at 1,2007. 29 Jan. 1644. The 801. deposited by him to discharge his assess- ment, being his proportion on oath. Vol. No. A or p. 93 157 SIR CHAS. CAVENDISH, Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 2001. Noted as not found 2 229 18 March 1654. Order that he have a Public Faith certificate for 94 1 301. paid 1 March 1644 for his 1 20 2 252 2 256 94 1 3 12 63 121 75 194 63 119 SERJEANT CLARKE. He having proved that he lent and contributed 100l. towards the 2 214 service in Kent at request of the Deputy Lieutenants, 307. on the propositions, and other sums of money and horses, his being 3751., order that his assessment be discharged on pay- ment of 2001. more, paying also the collector's salary and charges. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 315 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. R. 3 40 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. LADY CRANE, Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 1,000l. 3 Feb. 1644. Respited 14 days for her assessment 26 April 1644. Allowed 14 days to prove what she has paid for her 1 and in the country. EDW. DAVENPORT, Islington. 9 May 1644. Order that as she has paid 7001. in the country, her assessment be discharged, and she left to her voluntary con- tribution. - Assessed at 301. 8 March 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 27 Dec. 1645. Hum. Bury to bring him in custody - May 1646. Deposition by Bury. Davenport being assessed at 100%., declared that, his debts being paid, he was not worth 100%., that on appearing at committee they ordered his discharge on pay- ment of 40s., but he refused to pay, declaring that not being worth 100%., he was not bound by the Ordinance to pay, and he abuses the committee and their officers, slights their warrants, and threatens to arrest me for laying hands on him. I saw him selling hay in Smithfield, 28 May 1646, and he much abused me. Seeing Col. Long, I asked him to protect me, but Long said that we at Haberdashers' Hall were a company of rogues, and dis- graced the Parliament, and charged Davenport to bring me before the Committee of Examinations, and he would have me punished; so if I had tried to distrain on him, I might have lost my life. LADY GARRETT, Lambeth, and Co. Herts, and BENJ. MADOX, her Ward. Lady Garrett assessed at 5007. 63 123 3 27 26 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay her assessment 11 March 1644. Order that the 150l. now deposited by her, with 75 248 501. lent, be in discharge of her assessment, being her pro- portion. · 1 April 1644. Two thirds of Madox's revenue being paid into the committee for the King's revenue, forts built on part of his lands in Giles-in-the-Fields, and his lands and estates several ways encumbered, order that on his paying 50l. in 14 days, his assessment of 4001. be discharged. 15 April. He and Lady Garrett to have 14 days more to pay the said assessment. WM. GILES, St. Katherine's, Tower. Vol. No. A or p. - 63 119 2 251 3 89 3 106 13 Aug. 1645. She again assessed at 5007. 15 May 1646. Lady Garrett to have the Public Faith for 150l. paid by her 11 March 1644. Also Madox to have the Public Faith for 501. paid 27 April 1644. Assessed at 1007. 12 Jan. 1644. Allowed 14 days to make up his assessment, he having lent 251., and having money due from the Navy. JOS. GRAVES. Assessed at 100%. 63 119 3 42 4 375 94 2 3 *67 3 81 70 5 34 5 34 69 2 Feb. 1644. Order that if, out of the first moneys the State owes him for shipping and victuals, he make up the 251. to 50l., his assessment be discharged. 21 March 1644. To be brought in custody to pay 1001. assessment - 3 63 120 2 225 2 249 57 63 120 810 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 3 Jan. 1644. o.č. 3 151 3 Jan. 1644. 9 Jan. 1644. 8 Jan. 1644. B. 4 356 3 Jan. 1644. R. 3 13 26 Feb. Summoned to pay his assessment 3 Jan. 1644. 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 13 Jan. 1645. His assessment discharged, he having formerly lent 931. JOHN HALSY, Lincoln's Inn: Assessed at 1007. 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 63 119 2 260 94 3 1 March 1644. Respited 14 days, having lent and deposited his 75 233 15 March. Ordered to pay 291. 15s., which, with 201. 5s. already 75 253 deposited, and 251. paid later, is to discharge his assessment, or 63 119 else to make affidavit. Match 1654. The Public Faith granted for his payments 63 119 ► DR. JOHN KING, St. Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 401.; noted as gone to the King Lady Littleton assessed at 2001.; noted as not found 9 Sept. 1644. Sir Adam assessed at 1,0007. SIR ADAM POYNTZ LITTLETON, Bart., North Ockenden, Essex, and AUDREY, his Wife, Giles'-in-the-Fields. - 00 28 Oct. 1644. Lady Littleton again assessed at 8007. 0. 4 Dec. 1644. She deposes that whereas she is assessed at 8001. for her and she has no estate except what is in her husband's disposing; that the lands in Essex, worth 600l. a year, which he has in her right, are sequestered, and that of those lands the widow of Mr. Poyntz, lately deceased, claims her thirds. · 63 119 14 March 1645. Sir Adam assessed again at 1,0007. 19 Nov. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 5 Dec. 1645. To make up his 1, and be further heard 10 Dec. This order notwithstanding, he is to make affidavit what is his 20: Vol. No. A or P. 2 260 4 10 6 Dec. Order that she be respited till the sequestration is taken 76 650 off, or till further order. 29 Dec. To bring in particulars of the 4,000l. debts named in his affidavit, and to whom he owes them, without any prejudice in point of salary. 7 Jan. 1646. Allowed 14 days to pay in the money due by his affidavit, and to bring particulars of his debts excepted. JOHN MUNS, Islington. Assessed at 101. 63 119 65 162 67 38 94 4 67 159 4 329 4 348 4 351 4 372 4 381 16 Jan. Sir Adam Poyntz Littleton summoned concerning the 76 904 6001. a year that he has in right of his wife. JOHN MASSINGBEARD, of the East India House [Treasurer] of the East India Company. Assessed at 800l. 63 120 26 Jan. 1644. Respited a week, and then to pay his other or 75 191 make affidavit. 2 Feb. 1644. His assessment discharged for 3001. deposited, 2001. 75 200 lent, and 1001. paid in Surrey. 63 119 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 317 · 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. R. 2 265 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. 24 Jan. 1644. Affidavit signed by his mark that he was not worth 94 1007. at the time of the making of the Ordinance of 29 November 1642. 2 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 7 Feb. Order for his discharge, as not having 1007. THOS. OVERMAN, Jun., Southwark, Surrey. Assessed at 4007. 26 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 6 March 1644. To be heard when he has made up his 7 March, Order that the assessment be discharged, he having deposited 1037. 4s. 10d., and 96l. 15s. 2d. being distrained from his rents, he paying the collector's salary and charges. SERJ. WM. PRICE, Holborn. - Assessed at 201. 16 Jan. 1644. Order that-as being the King's serjeant, he has lost his place at Court for his affection to Parliament and residence here, and as there is a contract pending for the sale of his lands to Sir Wm. Waller, to enable him to pay his debts, and his assessment of 201.-he be respited till Waller has paid the contract money. 17 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition that he have the Public Faith 13 for the said 1031. 4s. 10d. JOHN SLANEY, Panshanger, Co. Herts. Assessed at 8001. 6 Feb. 1644. Ordered to show his acquittances, and make up his in 14 days. - 63 122 3 27 3 38 3 9 Feb. Respited for hearing by the Mitigation Committee, and not to be prejudiced meantime. SIR JOHN THIMBLEBY, Irnam, Co. Lincoln. - Assessed at 3001., and noted as sequestered · 29 Jan. 1647. Assessed at 8001. 21 Feb. On certificate that he lives without the compass of 20 miles, order that the Commissioners of co. Herts levy his assessment, and that he be discharged here. 9 April 1647. Respited till his sequestration is taken off 1 Nov. 1650. His assessment discharged, it appearing that he is sequestered as a recusant. Vol. No.. A or P. 4A 2: 0 9 March. Summoned to pay his assessment 8 April 1644. The 401. deposited by him accepted in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion. 2 250 75 206 18 Oct. 1644. Order that the Popish books, pictures, and trinkets found in his house be publicly burnt, the silver cup and other books, and the priests' garments-being first defaced-to be sold towards his assessment, and the linen surplice to be sent to the maimed soldiers, www 88888 39 64 63 119 2 230 - 63 119 71 59 5 237 9 200 63 121 2 254 RICH. WATSON, St. Ellen's, Holborn. Assessed at 3001. · 63 121 63 161 16 Feb. 1644. Assessed again at 2001. 2 March 1644. Deposition by him before Lord Mayor Wollaston 94 5 that 401, is the full of his whole estate, real and personal. 2 260 3 16 3 43 75 284 3 265 318 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 3 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1644. CERT. 94 5 F,G. REP. 94 5 H. 3 Jan. 1644. 5 Jan. 1644. 9 Jan. 1644. Vol. No. A or p. 1649. Information that Sir Wm. Waller and 2 others are bound in 21 153 6007. to pay Watson 3001. 16 April 1651. On his petition that the ticket was left at his 10 207 house for bis twentieth part, but he and his wife being away, the time lapsed, yet he afterwards paid his 401. ;—order that a Public Faith bill be given him for the amount. SIR JOHN WATTS, Ware, Co. Herts, late Governor of Chirk Castle, Co. Denbigh. Assessed at 3507. 8 Feb. 1644. As Watts is assessed here, and the knights of the shire certify that he dwells 22 miles from London, order that his assessment here be discharged, and that he pay it in co. Herts. 11 June 1646. Parliament Order that 2007. be paid from Haber- 94 5A dashers' Hall to Watts, in discharge of Col. Mitton's engagements to him on surrender of Chirk Castle. With order in the Com- mittee for Advance of Money, 10 July 1646, accordingly. 26 March 1647. Order that Lane pay the said 2001. out of the next money received by him not already assigned; with assignment 2nd July 1647, by Watts to Roger Kilvert, merchant of London, of his interest in the said 2007. 21 April 1654. Kilvert petitions the Protector. I long ago advanced 94 Watts the 2001., but in spite of the Parliament Orders for payment, it has never been paid. With order that the Com- mittee for Advance of Money pay it, or show cause to the contrary. 9 June 1654. Order on report that the Treasurers at Goldsmiths' Hall pay the said 2007. 27 April. Order in the said Committee that the registrar certify 13 what he finds in the case, and that Reading report. 94 THOS. WILCOX, at Sir John Cordell's. Summoned to pay an assessment of 1001. 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody for non-payment 22 Jan. 1645. His assessment discharged for the 501. formerly lent, on payment of 201. more. 20 • 63 122 2 256 - RICHARD FARRANT, Mitcham, Surrey. Assessed at 4007. 1 Feb. 1644. Order that the 15l. deposited by him be repaid, and his assesment discharged, as it is well known to this committee that all his estate is sequestered near Abingdon, and he is fled into these parts only for protection. 5 230 94 5B,C THOS. CULLING, or CULLEN, Merchant, St. Christopher's Parish. Ordered to pay 50l. on Monday or make affidavit 15 Jan. 1644. Order that, on his paying 1001. more than the 1007. formerly lent, and the 501. deposited, and protesting that it is his 2, his assessment of 3007. be discharged. 1 27 Jan. Order that on his paying 50l., the other 507. be respited till the moneys due to him from the Navy are paid, and he is not to be molested meantime, and the other 50l. is abated. 14 March 1645. His assessment respited till his debts come in, or 76 761 till further order, as with that exception, the 501. deposited is his March 1654. Public Faith certificate granted on order 13 5D 63 94 94 5E 104 121 6 2 260 4 20 63 121 63 123 2 248 2 222 2 228 2 242 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.--CASES. 319 9 Jan. 1644. 9 Jan. 1644. 10 Jan. 1644. 10 Jan. 1644. 26 July 1644. Assessed at 6007. 14 Aug. 1644. His assessment of 6001. vacated, he having been assessed twice formerly. GEORGE RYDER. Jeremy Clarke, of Westminster, informing that Ryder is in the King's army, in actual war against Parliament,-order that Clarke be recompensed for any part of Ryder's estate that he can discover. 7 Aug. 1644. Thos. Shephard to be brought in custody, he refusing to appear, and having in hand 7001. of Mr. Ryder's. 21 Aug. Thos. Shephard, who owes 600l. to Ryder, now at Oxford, assessed here at 800l., to pay the same to this committee, or in default his lands to be sequestered. 28 Aug. 1646. His assessment discharged, and also the sequestra- tion on the debt, Ryder having paid 9301. out of Gowen's estate of 1,1361. CASE 94 8, 9 28 Aug. 1646. Ryder begs discharge of the sequestration of the 94 said debt, which is only payable to him as executor to Thos. Gowen, who lent Shephard the money on mortgage, and it is to pay debts and legacies. Is ready to depose that he is not himself worth more than 2001. ROBERT and WILLIAM ALDEN. Rob. Alden, sen., of Bassieshaw Ward, assessed at 5007. 25 Jan. 1644. To be brought in safe custody to answer his assess- ment, to remain in the serjeant's custody till to-morrow, and then to be committed to Lambeth House. 1 Feb. 1644. To make up the 1831. proceeds of the distress made on the former assessment to 2507. his moiety, and the overplus in hand of his weekly assessments, and of his 50 subsidies to be paid in part of his moiety. 6 Feb. To be set free, and have liberty to treat about his assess- ment, paying the collector's salary and charges. 28 May 1644. An order given to the Sequestration Committee to discharge his estate, as it can be proved that the 250l. paid is his 1 20* 13 Oct. 1644. Both having lately come from the King's quarters, to be brought up in custody. 17 Oct. 1645. Mr. Alden, sen., to be committed to Feter House, to remain in safe custody, and Mr. Alden, jun., to be committed to the New Prison in Maiden lane. 24 Dec. 1644. Both to be brought to Goldsmiths' Hall, to enter their names before that committee. 2 March 1646. They are to produce certificates that they have entered their names at Goldsmiths' Hall to compound. Vol. No. A or P. 65 118 3 213 JOHN BALL, Budgrowe, at Mr. Riley's, Cheapside. Assessed at 1007. 12 June 1644. Assessed again at 2007. 3 July 1644. Ordered to depose what is his and 2 222 3 202 3 219 7 5 94 63 129 2 238 2 247 2 253 3 130 4 293 4 296 4 296 4 368 4 441 1646? The creditors of Robert and Wm. Alden petition for their 94 10 release. When they absented themselves, they were made bank- rupts for recovery of debts, and they returned at request to make a full discovery of their estates, when they were taken into custody. No order. 63 131 65 70 3 166 320 << COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 Jan. 1644. o. 3 178 10 Jan. 1644. B. 2 244 10 Jan. 1644. 10 Jan. 1644. R. 4 115 10 Jan. 1644. 10 Jan. 1644. 8 July 1644. The assessment to be levied out of the estate of Mr. Riley, of Cheapside, who holds his property. 24 July. Having deposited 100l., respited for further hearing 5 Aug. 1644. The 100l. to discharge his assessment, on oath of Mr. Riley, his guardian, he being a lunatic, that it is his proportion. 21 March 1654. Receipt of a certificate stating that John Ball paid 94 11 •1001, for hig 20 March. The Public Faith granted for his payment - 65 70 DAVID DAVISON, ropeseller, Wapping. Assessed at 2007. 19 Jan. 1644. Alleging that he has far above that sum owing to him by the Navy,-order that he be respited till Friday, and be not prejudiced in point of time for the salary. 16 Feb. 1644. Ordered to pay up his assessment in 14 days 19 June 1644. He having lent on the propositions, and having debts owing him by the Navy,-order that for every 1007. he receives from the Navy, he pay 20l. to this committee, till his assessment be satisfied. ALICE HALL, Widow, at Mr. Ornby's: Assessed at 50l. 18 April 1644. To be brought up in custody 2 May 1644. The 4l. 16s. Od. deposited by her, with 201. 4s. Od. formerly lent, to be in discharge of her assessment, and she allowed the Public Faith because she lent 201. before assessment. THOS. SMITH, Sen. and Jup., both Milk Street, and Co. Lancaster. The father assessed at 1007., and the son at 2001. 19 Jan. 1644. The assessment of Thos. Smith, sen., discharged for the 361. 5s. Od., and of Thos. Smith, jun., for the 401. deposited, for which the Public Faith is given, these sums being their proportion on oath. 28 Feb. 1645. Thos. Smith, of Milk Street, assessed at 601. 2 April 1645. Order that as he was driven from his habitation in Lancashire, and has contributed several sums, his assessment be discharged, and he left to his voluntary contribution. 16 May 1645. He having brought in 65 oz. of plate, worth 187., order that he have the Public Faith for the money, and that this be taken as a mark of his affection to Parliament. PHILIP SMYTHE, 2nd VISCOUNT STRANGFORD, at Sir Thos. Fotherby's. Assessed at 5007. 6 Feb. 1644. Order that he have 14 days to bring in 2501., ₫ his assessment, which Sir Thos. Fotherby undertakes. 4 March 1644. Order that he bring in 1007. within 12 days, and then the committee will consider the residue of his assessment. 22 March. Order that Sir Thos. Fotherby bring in 1007. for him within 14 days. 1644? Note of his payment of sums amounting to 350l. LADY VERE, Bartholomew's. Assessed at 2001. Vol. No. A or P. 3 174 -.) 76 463 76 482 63 129 2 233 2 269 3 154 63 130 8 84 3 97 63 130 63 130 75 183 185 63 130 67 148 4 105 4 157 63 130 2 252 3 33 3 59 - 63 130 - 63 130 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 321 10 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 3 Jan. 1645. Lady Cambell to pay the 1007. in 14 days R. 4 33 7 Nov. 1645. Order that as Mrs. Corcellis has only received 1,0007. of her portion, and accepted a debt of 1,000l. due from Sir Rob. Carr in discharge of the rest, that she pay 501. of the 1007. assessment for the, and the residue be respited till she receive the said debt. R. 3 13, 29, 45, 61, 74, 86, 104, 120 19 Jan. 1644. Note that she showed acquittances for 2601. formerly 63 130 lent. LADY RACHEL CAMBELL, alias MRS. CORCELLIS. Assessed at 1,0007. 29 Jan. 1644. The 1501. deposited, with 1507. lent, to be in dis- charge of her assessment, being her proportion, and the Public Faith to be given her for it. 16 Dec. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 27 Dec. Whereas Sir Jas. Cambell, deceased, bequeathed 2,0007. to Mrs. Corcellis, in case she married with consent of Lady Cambell [sen.], the money to remain meantime in Lady Cam- bell's hands-order that she pay to this committee 1001., being the of the said 2,000l., to be deducted when it grows due; and on payment thereof, Mrs. Corcellis is to be further heard as to the residue of her assessment. 0 10 Dec. 1645. Order that she have the Public Faith for the 507. so paid. SIR ROB. CRAWFORD or CRAFORD, Holborn, and Carshalton, Surrey. Assessed at 8007. 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 14 Feb. The 251. deposited, with 501. lent, to discharge his assess- ment, being his proportion on oath, and the Public Faith given for the 251. 14 May 1647. Again assessed at 1,0007. 29 Aug. 1651. To be summoned for nonpayment of his assessment March 1654. Ordered the Public Faith for 201. paid · 63 133 75 194 63 133 FRAS. GARDINER, Theobald's Park, Herts, and Histon, Co. Cambridge, and HUM. GARDINER, Histon, Co. Cambridge, his Nephew. Fras. Gardiner assessed at 407. Vol. No. A or P. 19 Jan. 1644. His assessment to be discharged for 441. paid in co. Herts, being his proportion on oath. 8 Feb. 1644. He allowed 14 days to produce a certificate of what he has paid in the Isle of Ely. 3 331 3 344 345 EDW. DACRES, Cheshunt, Co. Herts. Assessed at 2007. 63 134 2 244 12 30 Jan. 1644. Order that as he lent 501., and had 90 loads of his hay, at 15s. a load, employed for Newport Pagnel garrison, 30l. 94 of the 501. he deposited be repaid him, and the other 20l. paid to the treasurers in discharge of his assessment. 11 Dec. 1644. Again assessed at 500l., but noted as discharged 67 76 14 Feb. 1644. 3 349 4 314 4 352 63 132 2 260 75 214 63 132 71 75 24 158 63 124 63 133 2 243 2 256 30 May 1644. Certificate by the County Commissioners of Cam- 94 bridge, that Hum. Gardiner of Histon was assessed there for lands in the Isle of Ely, of his own, and of Fras. Gardiner his uncle, at 177. 10s. which he paid, and which is their full . The 13 50623. 322 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 11 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 11 Jan. 1644. 1. 1 C 20 3 June 1644. Order that as Francis paid 81. 15s. for his and in the Isle of Ely, which he deposes to be the full of his estate, his assessment here be discharged. 18 June 1645. Mr. Gardiner, of Geansbury, Hertfordshire, again 69 assessed at 2001. 4 195 7 July 1645. Discharged, having been formerly assessed and dis- charged. SIR ROB. HATTON. Assessed at 2001. 22 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment- SIR THOS. HATTON or HUTTON, Gray's Inn, Holborn. Assessed at 4001. "C 3 Feb. 1644. Being assessed as inhabitant of Holborn, and this being the suburbs of London," and it appearing that he has a lease of 400l. a year, determinable on a life, order that he pay 301. for the lease, and that the rest of the assessment be levied in the Earl of Manchester's association. 19 March 1644. This order revoked at request of the Earl of Man- chester, who has Sir Thomas in prison, and who desires that his and be paid there. With note of the Earl's certificate that he has received satisfaction. 1 20 2 May 1645. Again assessed at 400l., 19 May. The discharge of 3 Feb. 1644 renewed 17 Dec. 1645. Again assessed at 6001. ** 29 Dec. His assessment discharged, he having been twice before assessed and discharged. Vol. No. A or P. 3 134 JOHN RUDIER or RUDIARD, Wood Street. Assessed at 2007. 22 Jan. 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment 47 63 134 3 19 63 134 2 251 3 54 6 Feb. 1646. Certificate of the County Commissioners of Cam- 94 14 bridge. Hatton is charged with having delinquents' money in his hands; he answers that he has freely contributed to Parliament. He has a large estate in our county, but we know of no such contributions. He did not pay taxes except by compulsion, and has several times refused to take the National Covenant. 69 14 4 158 69 133 4 371 LORD HERBERT, Tuthill Street, and Chirbury, Co. Salop. Assessed at 5001. - 63 135 3 Feb. 1644. His assessment respited till the House of Lords be 2 251 acquainted therewith, and meantime he is not to be prejudiced by lapse of time or otherwise. 6 March 1648. Assessed at 1,000l. by order of 11 Oct. - - 71 91 SIR STEPHEN LEONARD, Wickham, Kent. Assessed at 2007. 63 132 9 Feb. 1644. Order that his assessment be respited 10 days, to 2 259 produce a certificate of what he has contributed. 16 Feb. Discharged on showing acquittances for 1147. paid in 75 218 Kent, being his sworn proportion. - 63 133 94 14A E COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 323 11 Jan. 1644. 12 Jan. 1644. 12 Jan. 1644. P.R. 94 17 15 Jan. 1644. 15 Jan. 1644. 6 Feb. 1644. Order that 501. of the 757. deposited by him be paid in discharge of his assessment, and that the residue be returned, he having formerly lent 251. 23 March 1644. Receipt on behalf of Wm. Rudier, his executor, of 94 a certificate for 251. paid for his 20. 1 20 WM. HUMBLE, Langborne Ward. Certificate that he was assessed at 3007. for his and has paid 94 the assessment. 24 May 1644. Again assessed at 1,000l. 1 July 1644. On payment of 100l. more, for which the Public Faith is given, within time, and having paid 3001. in the Ward, respited till part of his excepted debts, worth 3,2521. 19s. 9d., be recovered. PETER LEONARD, Dowgate Ward. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment Feb. 1644 ? He being assessed at 7701. and having paid 2411., order that—as he has furnished the Navy with beer to the value of 1,8001., and is content that the 5297. balance due shall be paid by the Navy Treasurers to Guildhall for his assessment, and has promised a receipt for it, he have Public Faith for it, and that it be accepted in discharge of his assessment. THOMAS, LORD COVENTRY, Croome D'Abitot, Co. Worcester. On information that Lord Coventry has money and goods in the East India Company, order that they stay all belonging to him in their custody. 1 Nov. 1644. Mr. Cockaine, who owes Lord Coventry 100l., to pay it to this committee. 10 Feb. 1645. His estate to be sequestered forthwith, unless his assessment be satisfied. 11 April 1645. Parliament having assessed him at 1,500l., and the same not being paid, all his goods and chattels in his house at Westminster are to be seized, inventoried, and sold by the candle, towards satisfaction thereof. Vol. No. A or p 2 254 133 63 WILLIAM CAVENDISH, EARL OF NEWCASTLE. Information that his plate is in the house of Lawford, of Clerk- enwell, and order that it be seized and brought away. 19 Jan. 1644. The plate and goods to be restored to Lawford, as it appears that they are his own goods. 17 Nov. 1645. The Earl assessed at 10,0007. - 15 15 April 1644. Assessed at 3,0007. 20 May 1644. His assessment respited till Friday - 61 122 3 121- 65 171 20 Sept. 1644. Assessed at 1,500l. by the House of Peers 21 Sept. His rents to be seized, and his goods and chattels sold for 94 19 non-payment of this assessment. 16 65 41 75 413 65 41 2 225 94 18 2 227 3 277 April? Note that Lord Coventry paid at several times sums 65 171 amounting to 1,500l. 4 36 4 118 2 227 2 234 - 69 69 109 X 2 324 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. EDW. DARCY, Epsom, Surrey. Assessed at 4001. 30 March 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 31 May 1644. Again assessed at 1,000l., and the former assessment 63 vacated. 65 94 13 July 1644. Account by Jas. Hart, jun., of passages relating to Darcy's assessment for 400l. His ticket was delivered him, but he pleaded that his land was under sequestration. Finding no such order, we got a ticket to apprehend him, and as he is non- resident, we had great difficulties in finding and getting hold of ` him, though I saw him in the Bishop of Winchester's Yard, view- ing the riding of the great horse, but he had many armed ac- quaintances with him, and we, being unarmed, could not seize him. I stayed his rents in his tenants' hands, and had been in- vited to a venison feast, intending to seize him there, but he did not come. I went to Surrey and found the sequestration was taken off his lands, and I got to the house of a tenant where he was, and stayed all night, but could not get to see him. I said I would stay a month but I would see him, and then he sent for me to his room, where he was sighing and groaning over his debts and engagements. I advised him to come to this com- mittee, promising him freedom from arrest; he came, and also took his affidavit before the Lord Mayor as to his estate, but they enjoined him to pay 301. more than his protestation was for his lands in Kent. He said he had paid and lent in money and horses 600l., and his lady had a statute for 6,000l. for payment of 4001. year, and a Parliament Order for its payment. His lands in Derbyshire will not be worth 8001. a year for 5 years, because of raising portions for his sisters. His yearly revenue is only 5007.; his personalty consists of his clothes, and horse, which any man may have for 157.; his debts are 1;5001. He offered me his estate for 400l. a year, but his mother having been kind to me, I would not take advantage of him. I hope you will grant his discharge. 5 Aug. 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. SIR WM. COCKAYNE, Comb Park, Surrey. Assessed at 600l. No proceedings SIR WM. HART, Morden. Assessed at 2007. No proceedings Vol. No. A or P. 63 136 3 65 JOHN GARDINER, Field Lane. Assessed at 157. 63 135 12 July 1644. He not having paid the for his lands in Kent, order 75 442 that he pay 301. in discharge of his assessment, having paid 1007. in Surrey. Assessed at 2007. 23 Feb. 1644. Ordered to make her affidavit as to her 8 Jan. 1645. Ordered to pay 400l. assessment LADY ALICE HASTINGS, Great Bartholomew's, Dowgate, and Covent Garden. I - 21 20 April 1653. He petitions for the Public Faith for 107. paid. 94 Was assessed 22 Jan. 1644, at 157., paid 77. 10s. as his 1, and then 21. 10s. more. Granted. 12 345 Ō 136 55 20 · 63 136 - 3 201 63 136 63 136 3 21 67 98 94 22, 23 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 325 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. B. 2 266 R. 2 29 48 62 77 82 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. 17 Jan. 1644. 31 Jan. 1645. Respited 14 days 14 Feb. 1645. To be discharged on paying in 1007., and as Lord Bridgwater owes her several sums, he is requested to furnish her with the 1007. 21 Feb. Her assessment discharged for 107. 10s. 8d. formerly paid, and 891. 9s. 4d. this day deposited. March 1654. A Public Faith certificate ordered her CICELY MANNERS, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF RUT- LAND, Goswell Street. Assessed at 5001. 30 Jan. 1644: Order that she have till Tuesday next to appear and be heard. 1 Feb. 1644. Her estate being under sequestration, she is respited 14 days. 22 April 1644. Order for a respite and for the Countess to be heard 4 May 1644. On information that her estate is sequestered, order for respite of her assessment till her estate is freed, or till further cause appear that she ought to pay her, and then she is to have 4 days' notice for her appearance. 31 Oct. 1645. Information that she is a Papist JOHN SARIS, Field Lane. * 23 Dec. 1646. Having paid in discharge 181. 10s. and 41l. 15s. Od., and having now some debts come in, and grown sperate, which formerly were desperate, and being willing to make up the 601.-ordered the Public Faith for the 607. SIR FRAS. SWIFT, Waltham Abbey, Essex. Assessed at 4007. 9 Feb. 1644. The 267. deposited, with 1107. paid in Essex, and horses value 551., to discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath. SIR JOHN TUNSTALL, Croydon, Surrey. Assessed at 2007. 6 Feb. 1644. Referred to the Committee for Surrey, to pay there, according to this committee's agreement with the said com- mittee, Sir John having no lands but in Surrey. SIR PETER VANLORE, Lincoln's Inn Fields, and KATHERINE, LADY VAN LORE, Westminster. Sir Peter assessed at 4007. 23 Sept. 1644. Sir Peter to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 11 Dec. 1644. Lady Vanlore assessed at 5007. 27 Dec. Respited 10 days, and to bring in a particular of what debts are due to her. MARY YELVERTON, Barbican. Assessed at 2007. 22 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment Assessed at 601. 63 13 2 Feb. 1644. The 187. 10s. deposited by him to be in discharge of 75 198 his assessment, being his proportion. · Vol. No. A or p. 4 26 4 38 41 4 50 67 98 63 136 2 245 2 247 3 86 3 103 21 50 5 164 63 134 63 137 75 208 63 136 2 252 63 137 3 120 67 76 3 344 63 138 3 125 326 17 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 7 June 1644. It appearing that she has no estate, but is left to the discretion and tuition of Sir. Chris. Yelverton, her assessment to be discharged. MARY ALLISON, Widow, Salisbury Court. Assessed at 1507. 24 Feb. 1644. Order that her assessment be discharged on pay- ment of 201., having her estate in Yorkshire under power of the King's army, and having 12 grandchildren chargeable to her for maintenance. JOHN BEADLE, Allhallows, Broad Street Ward. Rob. Hanch, and the churchwardens of Allhallows, to let Beadle House to Capt. Vivers, and to let other houses, paying rent to this committee. 17 May 1644. The keeper of Winchester House to bring Beadle in custody to pay his assessment. 20 May. The seizure of his house in Broad Street discharged, on proof that it belongs to [John] Mayer, and that Beadle is only a tenant. 24 July 1644. Beadle assessed at 1,5007. 21 Aug. 1644. Col. Vivers to appear and show cause why he should not pay to John Mayer the head rent due for the house he lives in. 25 Oct. 1644. Note of information that Sir Paul Pindar owes Beadle 1,000Z. 10 Sept. 1645. Order for his discharge from his assessments of 750l., 1,500l., and from prison at Winchester House, on paying 5001. in 8 days. Vol. No. A or p. 3 141 ZACHARY HIGHLORD, Mark Lane. 63 141 3 23 2 234 Y 3 120 3 121 65 116 3 219 3 268 JAS. BEVERLEY, Charterhouse, and Clophill, Co. Bedford, lodger at St. John's. Assessed at 2007. 26 Jan. 1644. Certificate by Sir Beauchamp St. John and Sir Oliver Luke, that in Feb. 1643, he subscribed 201., which was his full proportion, he having a father living and many children. That as a committee man, he attends to Parliament affairs in the country, though on approach of the King's forces, he removed his family into the city for security. 6 Feb. 1644. Order thereon that his assessment be discharged - 2 252 13 Dec. 1644. Again assessed at 1,000l. - 67 79 7 Feb. 1645. Again assessed at 3007., but freed on the former 67 129 discharge. 4 256 SIR GERVASE ELWAYES, Blackfriars. Assessed at 8007. 63 139 19 Feb. 1644. Discharged, he having paid a former assessment of 75 219 3001. in London, and having since then lent 40l. towards the advance of 60,000l., which 407. he is content shall rest upon the Public Faith. 63 140 94 24 Assessed at 6001. 63 139 9 May 1644. Again assessed at 8001. 61 156 9 April 1645. Note of his having paid in 1007. at Haberdashers' Hall 94 25 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 327 19 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan, 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. 19 Jan. 1644. 22 Jan. 1644. R. 3 24 R. 3 31 9 April 1645. The 100l. paid, with 3511. 1s. 1d. lent, to be allowed in respite of his assessment till the land excepted be restored, or till further order. March 1654. Ordered a Public Faith certificate for his payments SIR JOHN PARSONS, Langley. DR. ROB. KING, Civilian, Doctors' Commons. Assessed at 2501. 63 141 9 Feb. 1644. The 207. deposited by him to be in discharge of his 75 210 assessment, being his proportion. 12 Nov. 1645. Another assessment of 1007. vacated 69 107 Assessed at 4007. 5 Feb. 1644. Respited, having deposited 1307. 16 Feb. 411. allowed in part of assessment, for wheat and hay supplied by him for Windsor. SIR STEPHEN SCOTT, Haies, Kent. - 63 140 75 208 2 268 75 218 19 Feb. He having formerly paid 701. to my Lord General for his and 20, and listed a horse value 81., and there being 411. 63 140 due to him for wheat and hay for Windsor, and he having deposited 1311., so that the total is 2507., the said 1137. is to be allowed in discharge of his assessment, and the Public Faith given for it. RICH. TISDALE, Finchley, Co. Middlesex. Assessed at 1007. CERT. 94 27 7 Feb. 1644. Order that he pay 207., beside the 101. deposited and 401. lent, and then be discharged of his assessment, being very much in debt. March 1654. Note of the Public Faith given him Vol. No. A or p. 76 780 SIR ROGER SMITH, Peter's Hill, and Co. Leicester. Assessed at 5001. 2 Feb. 1644. Order that as he is come out of Leicestershire, and has shown acquittances for 2501., besides other disbursements for Ireland and Scotland, and his lands are under power of the King's army, his assessment be discharged. 61 156 Assessed at 8001. 63 140 7 Feb. 1644. The 1431. deposited by him, with 1477. lent, to dis- 75 206 charge his assessment, 2901. being his proportion on oath. 10 March 1644. Receipt from him of 1431. on the propositions for 94 26 loan of money and plate. Signed by Lord Mayor Wollaston, and John Warner. SIR CHRIS. ABDY, Martin's, Ludgate. Assessed at 5007. 25 Jan. 1644. Assessment repeated at 5007. 4 Feb. 1644. Notice to pay the assessment 31 May 1644. Assessed at 8007. 65 52 19 June 1644. To be brought up in custody to secure his assessment 3 155 6 Feb. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 13 Feb. Being out of town, respited 10 days, and to be heard by the mitigators. 63 140 2 249 63 139 75 207 - 63 139 63 143 63 146 94 28 2 255 2 264 328 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 22 Jan. 1644. R. 3 61 22 Jan. 1644. 14 March 1644. To be discharged on paying 301. more than the 301. paid in this day; with note of the payment 1 April, and note, signed by himself, of the respite granted him. CERT. 94 31 23 Dec. 1653. Ordered a Public Faith bill for the 60l. advanced 13 by him. 48 94 30 22 Jan. 1644. 22 Jan. 1644. 23 Jan. 1644. 23 Jan. 1644. 25 Jan. 1644. 25 Jan. 1644. ALICE FAIRFAX, Houndsditch, Bishopsgate Ward. Assessed at 1001. 63 143 26 Feb. 1644. Having paid 107., ordered to bring in 101. more in 10 75 228 days. March 1644. Note that she paid 207. in discharge, for which the 63 143 Public Faith was given. 3 Nov. 1645. Assessed at 3001. - 19 Nov. Her late assessment to be discharged, on her paying an arrear of 107. on a former assessment. 24 Nov. Her assessment to be discharged on paying 207., having been formerly assessed, and having but a small estate. 5 Dec. 1645. She having on this order deposited 107. till it should appear that she had paid 207., which is now proved;-order that the 101. be returned to Col. Searle for her use. CHAS. SOUTHWELL, St. Giles-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 401. 9 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay 26 Feb. The 307. paid in by him to be in discharge of his assess- ment, being his proportion on oath. - Vol. No. A or P. 29 48 ADAM CARDONELLA. Order for discharge of his assessment on paying 51. more than the 451. already paid, and for restoration of his goods. 27 Sept. 1644. Again assessed at 1501. 20 March 1654. Note of 2 certificates [for Public Faith bills] given to him, amounts not stated. THOS. CAMBELL, Clayhall, Essex. Assessed at 5001. 94 3 DR. OTWELL MEVERILL, Lawrence Parish. Assessed at 6001. - 63 143 7 Feb. 1644. The 527. 16s. 10d. deposited, with 2477. 3s. 2d. lent, to 75 205 be accepted in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath. JOHN WHITING, Esq., Delinquent. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 21 Oct. 1645. Information that Hen. Dry, of Langham, Norfolk, owes him 3007. as yet concealed. JOHN AUSTELL, Covent Garden. Order that as he is now at Oxford, in arms against Parliament, Thos. Smith, his tenant, is to pay him no rent till further orders. 69 101 4 328 20 April 1653. Order for Public Faith to him for 301. paid by him 12 345 . within the time limited in 1643. ❤ 4 337 4 348 63 142 2 260 75 230 - 67 6 94 32 2 236 2 237 21 43 2 238 · 63 144 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 329 25 Jan. 1644. R. 75 238 25 Jan. 1644. 25 Jan. 1644. 25 Jan. 1644. 25 Jan. 1644. 14 Feb. 1644. Having lent or deposited, respited to pay the rest or make affidavit. 26 Feb. Order that he pay the other 2501 in 10 days, or make affidavit. SAM. CORDWELL, Gunpowder Maker, Southwark. Ordered to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 30 Jan. 1644. Order that after he has received 5001. of the moneys owing him by the State, he pay in 300l., or powder to that value, towards his assessment. 11 March 1644. Order that of the 1381. deposited, 501. be returned, 63 144 and the other 881. with 1127. be in discharge of his assessment, 75 249 being his proportion on oath, and that the Public Faith be given for the 881. 18 Nov. 1644. Order that he be sent to prison for non-payment of 1001. assessment. 3 Feb. 1644. Summoned to pay, but pleaded that he had received 2 245 nothing of his debentures, and showed a warrant for damages to his mills. SIR HEN. GARWAY, Leadenhall Street. To be brought up in custody for not appearing on summons, to show cause why he should not pay to the State the tithes due by him to the parson of Andrew Undershaft. 16 May 1644. Order in the House of Commons that if he or any other fail of the money appointed to be paid by them to Sir Thos. Middleton, on 13 May, the Committee of Haberdashers' Hall have power to distrain for the money. Vol. No. A or p. 75 214 75 229 KATHERINE DUXWILLIS, or DE DEUX VILLES, Bucklersbury. Assessed at 2001. 63 145 9 Aug. 1644. Having deposited 1001., she is to pay the other 1007. 76 491 in 14 days. 11 Sept. 1644. A respite of 14 days granted her. 76 535 3 Jan. 1645. Again assessed at 4001. - 67 95 23 Aug. 1650. Note of her payment of the 2001., for which the 63 145 Public Faith is given her. GEO. NURSE, of Aldermanbury. .2 239 2 245 Assessed at 50l. 9 Jan. 1646. His assessment discharged for 10., being his pro- · portion on oath. · I 3 304 6 June 1644. Order thereon by the Committee for Advance of 3 139 Money for distraint of the money due by Garway to Sir T. Middleton. 2 238 2 Sept. 1644. Garway summoned to pay an assessment of 500l. for 94 33 his 20* 4 265 22 Sept. 1645. Order that having paid 3007. in the ward [Bishops- gate], he be discharged on paying 1007. in 14 days. 4 292 13 Oct. 1645. This notwithstanding, order for his discharge on payment of 50%. 22 Oct. Certificate by Dallison of the payment thereof, and of his 94 34 discharge. 22 March 1654. Receipt by John Garway of certificates for his 94 35 father, Sir Henry's, payments of 300l. and 501. 3 138 63 146 76 903 330 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 Jan. 1644. 25 Jan. 1644. : 25 Jan. 1644. 26 Jan. 1644. 27 Jan. 1644. 29 Jan. 1644. Vol. No. A or P. 36 Receipt by Edw. Peryam, who married his widow, of a Public 94 Faith certificate for 10l. paid by him 16 Feb. 1644 for Nurse's ZŌ• THOS. PULLEN, Westminster. Assessed at 1501. 21 March 1644. To be committed to Southwark Compter, till he may be sent to sea and has paid his assessment. Order that, as he refuses to pay his assessment, and has given peremptory words to this committee, and threatened the col- lectors, the keeper of Newgate prison take him into custody and keep him till he has paid. With note that after he was committed, he said he would spend his assessment in prison. 1 April 1644. Order for his release on paying, and giving 3 66 security to abide the committee's order for the residue. 3 76 10 April. Order that as he lent 5l. 14s. 8d., and deposited 201. 58. 4d., his assessment be discharged, and he released on payment of 14l. more. Assessed at 3001. 12 Feb. 1644. Summoned to pay her assessment CERT. 94 40 1 March 1644. The 217. deposited by her, with 507. formerly lent, to be in discharge of her assessment, being her proportion. CERT. 94 42 9 Sept. 1653. Order that the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers and the Committee for Advance of Money give her a Public Faith certi- ficate for the 217. so paid in. 22 March 1654. Receipt by him of a certificate for the payment of 94 38 341. 5s. 4d. ANNE YEANE, London Bridge. - THOS. LANGWORTH. Being committed to Peter House for non-payment of the 50 sub- sidies and other taxes, order for his release. 63 144 3 56 3 57 JOHN RYE, Bread Street Ward. Mr. Marshall, dyer, and Mr. May having undertaken to pay 1501. of Rye's assessment of 300l., he is respited till further order. 13 Feb. 1644. Whereas he is assessed at 3001. for his, and has deposited, and has lately been assessed elsewhere, order that the sale or disposal of his goods seized for non-payment be forborne till he have paid his assessment, and till further orders. 22 Feb. Note of information by the assessors that Rye was a scrivener in Friday Street at the time of the assessment and long before, and that his man still carries on the trade for him. there. 63 145 94 39 75 234 27 Jan. 1644. Jos. Marsh, clerk to the Committee for Arrears, to 94 Martin Dallison. Requests Langworth's release. With note that he was discharged 27 Jan. 12 438 94 41 2 241- in the association, they be respited 14 days, till the committee be further informed. 43 2 243 2 262 3 18 8 March 1654. Request for a certificate of his payment of the 1501., 94 44 with receipt therefor, 11 March 1654. WM. BURROWES, Woodford, WM. NUTT, Chigwell, MR. and HELEN PLOMER, or PLUMER, Woodford, all of Essex. Order that, as the Earl of Manchester has written to this com- 2 243 mittee on their behalf, not to entrench on his orders, they being COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 331 29 Jan. 1644. R. 4 405 29 Jan. 1644. 1 Feb. 1644. 13 Feb. 1644. Wm. Burrowes to make up what he has lent 1007., or make protestation what is his and 26. 23 Feb. Ordered to bring an affidavit of having lent 50l., and then to be further heard. 27 Feb. To bring in the money formerly ordered 1 April 1644. Burrowes to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 15 July 1644. His assessment discharged, he having formerly lent 501., and now deposited 501. 26 March 1645. Earls of Warwick and Manchester, and Committee of the Associated Counties, to the Committee for Advance of Money. We assessed Burrowes according to the powers given us by Parliament at 3001. for his 1 and 2, compounded with him for 1001., and certified the same, but you gave no credence to our certificate, and you proceed in levying his and in your country. We beg you to forbear molesting him, or we must report the case to Parliament. 20 19 April 1648. Burrowes, lodging at the Green Man, at Ludgate, twice summoned before the Committee for Advance of Money. 19 April. Mr. Cole to have 10s. for summoning and attending him. 13 Feb. 1644. Nutt having paid 1007. in Essex, is to pay 201. more in discharge of his assessment of 5001., he averring that 1201. is his full proportion. 5 Aug. 1644. The assessment lately made to be discharged, he having been formerly assessed and discharged. 13 Feb. 1644. Helen Plomer to make up her assessment in 10 days 8 March 1644. Discharged for the 251. formerly lent, and 1007. deposited. o.c. 3 171 25 Nov. 1644. Mrs. Plomer respited 14 days to finish her assess- ment. 13 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 5 July 1644. Mr. Plomer to be brought in custody to pay his assessment. Vol. No. ·A or P. 2 264 10 Jan. 1645. John Harrison, who discovered her, to have 40s., she having paid in 861. and absconded. 3 21 22 Sept. 1648. Information that Burrowes is a delinquent, and has 21 110 lands at Burrow and other towns in Leicestershire. RICH. HYDE, Cow Lane. Being sent prisoner to Peter House for arrears of several assess- ments, the Committee of Arrears desire that he may be released from imprisonment. 3 3 22 Sept. Order that his estate and goods be seized and secured, 6 63 with the rents and profits, till further order. 28 68 20 Oct. 1648. Committee for Advance of Money request the County 24 26 Commissioners to report speedily what proceedings have been taken against his estate. FORTH GOODDAY, Merchant Tailor, late of Mary Wool- church, Walbrook Ward. Ordered to deposit his moiety, when he will be heard 3 178 4 97 5 425 5 435 2 262 3 199 2 264 3 41 3 115 3 171 3 302 4 9 94 45 2 Aug. 1644. Assessed at 1507. 65 130 6 Sept. 1644. Discharged on showing acquittances for 301. formerly 76 529 lent, which is his proportion on oath. 2 247 332 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 1 Feb. 1644. 1 Feb. 1644. R. 4 285 292 2 Feb. 1644. R. 4 104 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. 8 Feb. 1644. He is discharged from imprisonment at Ipswich, having paid, and Wm. Williamson undertaking that he shall abide the orders of the committee as to the residue. 26 Feb. Ordered to pay the rest of his assessment in 14 days 24 May 1644. The assessors of Walbrook Ward to say what ought to be abated on his assessment. 4 Feb. Order that his assessment be discharged, he having paid 1257., his proportion on oath, and the undertaking of William- son and Goodday on his behalf also discharged. 4 Feb. 1646. He petitions. "In 1642, when I dwelt in Walbrook 94 ward, I was assessed at 2501., which is more than the utmost of my proportion. On my petition I was ordered to bring in 125l., of which I had to borrow 100l. at interest. On payment thereof, I had a discharge for the whole 2501., but Wm. Williamson, who undertook for me, has sent for me from Suffolk, where I now live, and told me that he is called on for 125l. remainder of the 2501. I have had to surcease my trade for want of stock, most of my estate being in debts which I cannot get in. I beg release of the 1251. and the Public Faith for the money I have paid. SERJ. ROB. WALTHEW, and HENRY his Son.* Order that as Robert has been long bed-ridden, and unable to discover his estate, he or his eldest son Henry make affidavit what is his proportion for his 26, and paying it in 10 days, the assessment of 1,000l. be discharged. 21 June 1644. Henry to bring in a particular of his father's estate in 10 days. 3 Sept. 1645. Mr. Walthew to be taken into custody to answer matters objected against him. EDW. JOHNSON, Inner Temple. 23 March 1654. Certificate by Thos. Colclough of Cornhill, who 94 48 married his daughter, of receipt of a Public Faith certificate of the payment of his 1251. assessment. Assessed at 1007. 18 April 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 15 July 1644. Allowed 10 days to depose to and bring in his, or make up the ½, and pay the collector's salary. SIR EDW. ALFORD, Offington, Co. Sussex, at Lady Kent's. Assessed at 8007. 28 July 1644. Assessed at 1,5007. 25 July 1649. Order for his discharge on the votes of Parliament of 21 March last, he having since compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall, and paid and secured his fine. 27 July. Whereas be and others are sued to an outlawry by Wm. Hodson and Thos. Jorden, delinquents, for 120l.,-order that the debt be seized in Alford's bands, and he required to pay it to this committee, and the sheriffs and bailiffs of Sussex, &c., are not to molest him concerning the same. THOS. AUSTEN, Thames Street. Vol. No. A or p. 2 256 Assessed at 1,500%. 21 Feb. 1644. Order that his assessment be discharged on his pay- ing 2001. more than the 5201. lent, for which 2001. the Public Faith is given. 3 27 3 126 * See list of Errata. 4 485 47 94 46 2 248 3 159 4 253 63 147 3 84 3 178 63 152 65 123 7 187 7 195 63 153 3 17 153 63 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 333 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. o.c. 5 404 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. Vol. No. A or P. 49 27 Jan. 1645. Having lent 2007. towards the 22,000l. ordered to be 94 raised at the beginning of this Parliament, when residing at Hoxton, complains that he is now assessed at 501. for the Tower Hamlets, and does not think that he should lend in both places. 27 Jan. Order that the said assessment be respited - SIR WM. BEECHER, of Putney, Surrey. Assessed at 1,000l. 6 Feb. 1644. Order for all his money, plate, and estate to be seized and secured. 26 March 1647. Like order for seizure of his estate, assessed at 1,000l. 12 May 1647. Order for discharge of his assessment, on his paying 201. more than the 201. paid in Surrey. SIR WM. BELSORE. Assessed at 6001. No proceedings * DR. BERNARD, Croydon. Assessed at 3007. 18 April 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 6 May 1644. To make up in 14 days 16 May. He having paid 257., order that his assessment be dis- charged on paying 50l. more, being his proportion on oath. JOHN BUSBY, Co. Bucks, lodger in Gray's Inn Lane. Assessed at 1,000l. 9 May 1644. Assessed again at 1,0007. 26 March 1647. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment. 8 March 1648. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment - EDW. CLAXTON, Cheapside. Assessed at 1,000l. 16 Feb. 1644. Respited till further order, having made up his FRAS. FLYER, Fenchurch Street. - 17 June 1644. Order that as he has paid 257. in Surrey, and 701. in 3 153 Sussex, and will depose that 251. is his, he be discharged from his imprisonment in Peter House. Assessed at 8007. 23 Feb. 1644. Respited 14 days to bring in his assessment 6 March 1644. Being sick, respited 14 days more 18 March. His assessment discharged, as he has paid 3001. on the propositions, though the acquittances cannot now be shown, the committee being well informed of his affection to Parliament, and he having 2 sons in the service. 4 24 63 152 2 255 JOHN HOBSON, Merchant, Coleman Street. Assessed at 3007. 22 March. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 4 April 1644. Order that as he contributed voluntarily on the propositions, and has paid an assessment in his ward, his assess- ment be discharged, and he left to his voluntary contribution. 5 228 5 254 • 63 150 3 84 3 104 3 118 63 152 63 154 61 156 5 230 5 397 63 151 75 218 63 150 3 21 3 37 3 51 63 150 3 60 3 71 et 334 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. R. 3 144 o.c. 3 164 R. 4 28 o.c. 4 242 273 5 Feb. 1644. R. 3 28 31 35 5 Feb. 1644. Vol. No. DAN. HOLLINGWORTH, Watling Street, Bread Street A or p. Ward. Assessed at 7007. 1 April 1644. To be brought in custody to pay 8 May 1644. Ordered to pay in 50l. assessment and then to be further heard. NOTE 94 53 23 Dec. 1653. He petitions that he was assessed at 7001. for his 2, 94 and being far from home, a warrant was issued for non-payment, but on his return to town, he satisfied the commissioners and was discharged. Paid large sums from affection to Parliament, and begs a Public Faith certificate for 150l. paid. Granted. o.c. 11 28 16 May. The assessors of his ward to certify what abatement should be made on his assessment. 7 June 1644. Order on hearing that his several assessments be discharged on his paying 501. more than 1507. deposited, and 501. formerly lent. 27 May. Being assessed at 2001., besides 501. lent, ordered to bring 94 52 in 1001. and then be further heard. THOS. HARMAN, Ratcliffe. Assessed at 2001. 63 150 18 Feb. 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment 94' 56 CERT. 94 57 23 Feb. The 501. deposited to discharge his assessment, being his 75 226 proportion on oath, for which the Public Faith was given. 7 June 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 5 Aug. 1644. Order that he make affidavit as to his 20 30 Aug. Order for his discharge on payment of 401. 63 151 3 68 3 105 94 50 - 3 117 94 51 CHARLES LLOYD, Barge Yard, Bloomsbury. Assessed at 5007. 22 Feb. 1644. Allowed 6 days to be heard without prejudice 6 March 1644. Ordered to make up his, or make protestation what is his in 10 days. 1 3 141 WM. KNIGHT, Shadwell, Middlesex, lodger in Cheapside. Assessed at 501. 63 150 75 241 4 March 1644. The 251. deposited to discharge his assessinent, being his proportion on oath, and he to have the Public Faitli 63 154 for it. 1 54 13 50 94 55 - 3 142 1 63 151 3 19 3 38 3 199 3 226 14 March. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 3 50 901. 14s. 8d. more than the 84l. 5s. 4d. formerly lent, as his 63 151 lands lie under the power of the King's army, and the Public Faith given for the latter sum. AUDITOR CHAS. MAYNARD, Walthamstow, Essex. Assessed at 1,000l. · 63 154 19 Feb. 1644. Ordered to bring in his by affidavit in 10 days 3 11 1 March 1644. Discharged for the 401. lent, and the 51. 5s. Od. deposited, being his proportion on oath. 20 3 31 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 335 5 Feb. 1644. 5 Feb. 1644. R. 3 199 217 5 Feb. 1644. 6 Feb. 1644. ·· 7 Feb. 1644. GEORGE MOORE, Highgate, lodger in Fleet Street, Farringdon Ward Without. Assessed at 6001. · 14 Feb. 1644. The ticket for the 6007. having been left with Rob. Moore of Twickenham, who is not the man intended, and who was assessed at 50l. and had lent 1101., order that it be carried to the right party. 16 April 1644. Geo. Moore to be brought in custody to pay his assessment. 20 May 1644. His assessment respited 14 days 24 June 1644. Order for his discharge on paying his assessment, and giving security to abide the committee's order. GEORGE PASFIELD, Redrith, Surrey. Assessed at 3007. 29 June 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 6 Dec. 1644. Ordered to make up his, or take affidavit as to his 20. 20 Dec. His assessment respited for the 201. this day paid, till his estate in Spain, which stands engaged to answer a sentence to be made in a criminal cause there, be restored. HEN. VAUGHAN, of the Temple, lodger in Barge Yard, and of Co. Montgomery. Assessed at 2501. 19 Feb. 1644. All his estate being in Montgomeryshire, and under power of the King's army, and he fled hither for safety, articles being exhibited at Oxford against him, order that his assessment be respited till he receive his said estate. 28 July 1644. Again assessed at 1,0007. FRAS. CHAMBERLAIN, crop Merchant, Cripplegate. Committed to Peter House till his assessment of 501. is paid 8 Nov. 1644. His assessment discharged for the 100l. paid in his 3 285 ward, and the 701. paid Mr. Lane, for which he is to have the Public Faith, and as he has been ill 2 years and could not appear, Lane is to pay Lawrence's salary for 3001. 8 Feb. 1644. Released on giving security to obey the committee's order about his assessment. 16 Feb. Admitted to his protestation as to what is his SIR FRAS. CAREY, Beddington, Surrey. Assessed at 8001. 8 March 1644. Order that he be brought in custody to pay his Vol. No. A or P. 3 July 1644. His assessment respited 14 days, on certificate of the Surrey Committee that his estate is sequestered. 63 154 75 213 3 83 3 121 3 150 63 150 3 164 3 322 3 339 63 151 3 11 65 129 2 254 2 256 2 260 63 149 3 42 58 assessment. May 1644? The County Commissioners of Surrey certify that they 94 have sequestered his estate, allowing to his wife and children, and sent a ticket to him for his 1 and, as he belongs to the country. 27 June 1644. Statement that on 24 Feb. 1644, he was assessed at 94 59 8001. for his, apprehended 24 March, and promised to attend the committee, but did not; was again apprehended and promised to appear, but failed on excuse of illness. 3 166 336 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 7 Feb. 1644. 7 Feb. 1644. B. 3 88 7 Feb. 1644. 7 Feb. 1644. . 7 Feb. 1644. 15 April 1646. Allowed till Wednesday to produce his account of what he has paid for his and. 24 April. He is to offer to the committee what he will lend on the propositions. DOROTHY HICKS, Isleworth, Middlesex. Assessed at 407. 12 April 1644. Her goods distrained to be returned on her paying her assessment, Mr. Tate promising that she shall abide the committee's order. - 10 May 1644. Her assessment discharged on receipt from her distrained goods of 10l., her estate consisting of an annuity on the lands of Edw. Middlemore, a sequestered delinquent. MARG. RAYNS, Duke's Place. Assessed at 501. 16 Feb. 1644. Respited 14 days, and meantime the executors to bring in an inventory of her husband's cstate, for better dis- covery of her 20. 12 April 1644. Ordered to make her affidavit 19 April. Her assessment of 50l. discharged, she offering to take her oath that she is not worth 1007. RUTLAND. Vol. No. A or P. 5 19 JOHN PORTER, Fig Tree Court, Temple. Assessed at 507. 63 149 12 Feb. 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment 94 60 24 Oct. 1645. Order for his discharge, having been discharged 4 300 16 Feb. 1644 for 401. then paid. 5 30 April. Order that her assessment being 500l., and she paying 1007. deposit, the residue of her assessment be respited till her lands are freed from the power of the King's army, she paying the collector's salary and charges. 63 3 18 Feb. 1648. Order that as her estates in counties Oxon, Leicester, Derby, and York, are now reduced to the power of Parliament, she pay her assessment. CASE 94 62 21 July 1648. Order that her assessment be discharged for the 1007. paid, her estate having yielded her little benefit during these times. 23 148 78 3 112 63 148 27 Dec. 1644. Again assessed at 501., with note of the former 67 89 assessment and discharge. FRANCES MANNERS, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF 63 148 2 267 Assessed at 5001. 63 149 15 April 1644. Order that she pay her assessment in 14 days, 3 81 and on Mr. Brewer's engaging that her goods shall not be moved, the distress made on them stayed. - 3 79 3 85 26 April. Particulars of her estate given in, showing that her 94 61 personalty, debts deducted, is only 250l.; and of her jointure of 1,9001. a year, she has not received for 2 years any part of 8001. from county York, lying in the King's power; nor from lands in counties Lincoln and Leicester, near Beauvoir Castle, worth 2007. a year, for 14 years; nor from 2001. a year in county Warwick, all lying in the King's power; and the 2001. lying in Herts only produces 601. a year, all which she avers on her honour. Signed by herself. 3 93 5 376 6 22 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 337 8 Feb. 1644. 8 Feb. 1644. 8 Feb. 1644. 50023. STEPHEN ESTWICK. Order for payment to him, on a Parliament Order, of 5007. now, and 500l. in 3 weeks, due to him for clothing the army; the same to be paid by Newman out of deposited money to the treasurers on the propositions, by them to Sir Gilb. Gerard, treasurer-at-war, and by him to Estwick. 3 2 April 1644. Like order for payment to him of 4001. in part of the 10,000l. ordered him by Parliament. 16 Dec. 1644. The Common Council of London having in 1643 promised to lend Parliament 50,000l., and rated the same on the City companies, for repayment of which Parliament made over to them 2 months' weekly assessments of several counties, amounting to 60,000l.; but as great part of the 60,0001. came not in time to hand, the Militia Committee borrowed 1,000l. of Steph. Estwick, to be repaid from the first money of the companies that came in; and many of the Militia Committee have spoken of Estwick's great prejudice in being kept so long without his money, and in Oct. 1644, presented a paper, under 11 of their hands, desiring that the City companies might be coin- pelled to pay in their arrears, or that the Militia Committee might be enabled to repay Estwick the 1,000l., which has been done by this committee;-order that the treasurers of money and plate at Guildhall, London, pay Estwick the 1,000l. out of the money paid by the said companies, and do not dispose of any part of it till Estwick is paid. Also that the Militia Committee give the like order to the treasurers, according to their several engagements to this committee. Vol. No. A or p. Sept. 1644 ? Note, endorsed "Mr. Estwick," relating to the obtain- 94 ing signatures, probably to the paper alluded to in the following order. JOHN DOWNAM, D.D. Order that as he has contributed 261. on the propositions, in the names of his sons Nathaniel and Francis, who are apprentices, and is sick and not able to attend, but deposes that this is his full-his assessment be discharged. 2 257 258 WM. LEVERSAGE, Sən. & Jun., Wheelock Hall, Co. Chester. Order by Sir Thos. Fairfax that-whereas the elder Leversage has 94 been violently turned out of his house by the younger, now ensign to Major Coxton, who pretends a title thereto, and accuses the elder of delinquency-the elder be restored to his house, on security to be answerable to the County Comissioners if his delinquency is proved; if not, the younger is left to his remedy at law; the goods to be inventoried, and those taken away by the younger restored; and if he does not leave the house at once, he is to be compelled. 3 332 13 Feb. 1644. The younger Leversage refusing obedience, he is 94 to be proceeded against as a disturber of the peace, and to satisfy the elder for all goods wasted or taken. 2 257 15 Feb. He is to be brought before Fairfax for disobedience, and 94 Major Coxton is to call off his musketeers from the house, or answer his contempt. 23 April 1644. Certificate by the County Commissioners to the for- 94 wardness for Parliament of the elder Leversage, his joining the militia, sending men to Sir Wm. Brereton, and only flying to the Baron of Kinderton's house to save his life when the Parliamen. tary forces were defeated at Middlewich; deposed to as true by Leversage, 11 Aug. 1646. 69 Y 62 63 63 63 64 青 ​338 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 9 Feb. 1644. WM. FRANKLIN, Fenchurch Street. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment. 30 April 1644. Ordered to make up his assessment in 8 days 27 May 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay R. 3 132 26 July 1644. Respited 14 days to pay the 75l. remaining of his assessment. 9 Feb. 1644. 9 Feb. 1644. R. 3 45, 59, 73, 84 93 116 o c. 4 164 9 Feb. 1644. - · 18 Oct. 1644. To be discharged, paying 601. in 14 days, or else to pay 1001. besides. 9 July 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay ROB. GALE, Clement's Lane; JOHN STEELE, Vintner, Langbourne Ward. Gale assessed at 4007. 23 Feb. 1644. Order that his assessment be respited, he having lent 1597. 14s. 8d. and promising to pay 1001. out of every 5001. he receives of the money due to him from the State, amounting to 1,0007., for which he has orders signed by the Committee of Safety. 18 April 1644. Order that Steele be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. THOS. HARRISON, Myms, Surrey? 28 May 1644. Order that-as about 20 Nov. 1542, Gale sent to the Lord General's regiment at Turnham Green a butt of sack, which he bought of John Steele, vintner, price 187., of which he paid 101., and 81. is still unpaid, the 87. be accepted in full of Steele's assessment of 100l., 201. being his proportion on oath, and that Steele have the Public Faith for the 81., and Gale for the 101. 26 Feb. Steele assessed at 1007. With note that he showed acquit- 63 162 tances for 127. lent. 3 85 Assessed at 5001. 23 Feb. 1644. To make up his assessment in 10 days 26 Feb. If Capt. Cuthbert pays in 1001. for him, the assessment to be respited till he returns from Yorkshire. 27 May 1644. Order that, having paid 1001., he have 14 days to bring in his moiety. 7 June 1644. Order that, having deposited 100%., and paid 81. in Surrey, he be discharged on paying 501. in 4 days. 4 Aug. 1645. Discharged, having been already discharged 7 June 1644. Vol. No. A or P. THOS. MARSHALL, Crutched Friars. To be apprehended and brought up in custody to answer objections 13 Feb. 1644. The keeper of Peter House to receive him into custody and keep him till further order. 2 260 3 93 3 128 3 193 3 263 4 198 3 April 1644. Order that as he has money due to him from the State, and has made affidavit that 107. is his, his assessment be respited till further order. 63 155 3 19 3 129 3 142 7 June. Note of payment of 81. in Surrey; 1007. 27 Feb.; and 42l. 63 155 now, for which the Public Faith is given. 4 227 63 155 3 20 3 26 3 127 2 260 2 263 24 Feb. Order that, as he was committed to prison for arresting his tenant, John King, of Abchurch Lane, for 33s. rent, which King detained by Ordinance of Parliament for his landlord's part of the weekly assessment, which should have been allowed out of his rent, and as he acknowledges his error, he be released on payment of costs and fees. Also that Mr. Rolfe repay what he 3 24 has received of him above a noble a day for his fees, or be committed to Peter House. 3 23 3 70 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 339 9 Feb. 1644. 9 Feb. 1644. 9 Feb. 1644. R. 3 77 9 Feb. 1644. 9 Feb. 1644. R. 9 83, 94, 68 13 Dec. 1644. Assessed at 4001. 10 Jan. 1645. His assessment discharged on payment of 101., being his proportion, for which Public Faith is given "for that money of his lay here, due to him by Jones." 11 Feb. 1644. ABR. NUNS, Joiner, Aldermanbury. Assessed at 401. 63 157 26 Feb. 1644. The 57. 14s. deposited by him, with 17. 16s. lent, to 75 231 discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath. 14 Sept. 1650. Note of the Public Faith being given him for 63 157 57. 14s. paid in. 2 Aug. 1651? Deposition by him that when Sir John Wollaston 94 65 was mayor, he paid 77. 10s. assessment, and received a note therefor, which he has mislaid, but which he never alienated nor assigned. EDW. PALMER, near Waltham Abbey. MARY POULTNEY, at Capt. Wroth's, Enfield, Middlesex. Assessed at 5007. 29 March 1644. Allowed 28 days to make up her assessment 63 157 3 64 94 R. 3 84 1 May 1644. Allowed 14 days more, and then no further respite 3 to be given. 17 May. To be heard by the Mitigation Committee 3 120 20 May. To bring in her assessment in 14 days 3 121 3 June 1644. Note of her discharge for 1207. lent, and also 1401. 63 157 paid, for which Public Faith is given. 75 364 Assessed at 3007. 19 Feb. 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment 27 Feb. Allowed 14 days to bring in or make his affidavit 13 March 1644. Having made up 1, respited 14 days 10 April 1644. To be brought in custody for non-payment 9 May 1644. Referred to make his oath 11 May. Order that on paying collector's salary and charges, and 217. more than 591. deposited, and 951. paid by him in Essex and Herts, his assessment be discharged, this being his proportion on oath. March 1654. Note of a certificate that all his moneys were paid out 63 156 of time. Vol. No. A or P. 67 80 76 690 67 80 I I HUM. SHALCROSSE, Fleet Street. Assessed at 3007. 17 Feb. 1644. His assessment respited, because the State has used 8211. 8s. 4d. of his in the Exchequer, which is not yet repaid. 23 Feb. Order for his respite till he receives the said money EDW. BROOKES, Old Change. 2 Aug. 1650. On information that the said money was not Shalcrosse's, he is summoned to pay the 3007. or show cause. 25 Oct. 1650. Shalcrosse appearing and offering to pay 100%., it is accepted in discharge of the 300l., and he is to have the Public Faith for it. Assessed at 1007. 18 April 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 30 April. To pay 201. in 10 days, or make affidavit - 63 156 91 66 3 28 75 251 3 76 3 107 3 113 63 155 3 9 Co CO 3 21 9 64 94 67 9 187 - 63 $ to co 3 159 84 92 Y 2 340 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 11 Feb. 1644. 11 Feb. 1644. 11 Feb. 1644. 11 Feb. 1644. 11 Feb. 1644. 11 Feb. 1644. 12 June 1644. To pay 501., or be committed to Lambeth House 17 June. Capt. Hewer, of Cheapside, having undertaken to pay 207. for him forthwith, and 307. in 14 days, and that he sball abide the committee's order for the residue, he is discharged from Lambeth House. 21 Feb. 1645. Having paid 71. 10s., in addition to the 201., his 76 736 discharge ordered, this being his proportion on oath. MRS. BROOKES, Clerkenwell. Assessed at 3001. 12 March 1644. Respited till Mr. Holland come to the committee and declare what may be said on her behalf. 22 March. The deputy-lieutenants of Suffolk certifying that she has paid 51, there, the committee, being informed of her affection to Parliament and her inability to pay more, order her discharge. SIR HEN. CROKE. Assessed at 4001. 4 March 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 18 March. Ordered to make affidavit of what is his 1 - 22 March. His assessment discharged on his affidavit that he is not worth 1001. THOS. KEN, Furnival's Inn and Guildhall, and SAM. SMITH, Box Court, Fleet Street, both Clerks of the House of Lords. Ken assessed at 2001. 29 Feb. 1644. Both their assessments respited 10 days, without prejudice. W Vol. No. A or p. 3 146 3 151 WM. TULLEY, St. Martin's. Assessed at 4007. 26 April 1644. To be sent to Peter House till he pay his assessment 16 May 1644. To be brought to-morrow with his keeper before the committee. 63 159 3 46 BERNARD HIDE, Mincing Lane, Tower Ward. Assessed at 1,0007. 63 159 5 June 1644. To be discharged for the 8001. lent and 100l. more to 75 372 be paid in 14 days. 94 69 1645 ? Order that, as he was assessed at 600l., the Tower Ward 94 Committee not knowing that he had lent 100l. on the pro- positions, 1001. be abated, and he discharged on payment of 5007. B. 3 125 138 3 July 1644. To have his liberty, his wife giving security that ho shall abide the committee's order about his assessment. 3 58 63 158 3 35 co co 3 51 3 59 8 March 1641. Their assessments discharged, they being clerks and necessary attendants on the House of Peers. 18 March 1644. Smith again assessed at 2007. - 61 13 May 1644. Ken again assessed at 2001., but this vacated, he 65 having been formerly assessed. 20 May. Order of discharge confirmed in Ken's case 5 July 1644. The same in Smith's case 63 158 3 29 3 42 97 6 3 121 3 172 63 159 3 87. 3 117 3 166 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 341 11 Feb. 1644. 13 Feb. 1644. 13 Feb. 1644. 13 Feb. 1644. 14 Feb. 1644. R. 3 49 14 Feb. 16-44. 15 July 1644. Order that as he has lands only in cos. Lincoln and York, whence he receives no rents, he have a month's liberty to get in his rents, giving security for his return. 7 Aug. 1644. The liberty extended to 2 Nov. next - 13 Feb. 1644. Ordered to make up his assessment, and then he will be heard. With note that he will pay 721. before the 25th of the month. MAT. BARKER, Wood Street, Cripplegate Ward. He petitions that he was assessed at 1501., and desired acceptance 94 of 807., which was then of his estate, but it was refused through misinformation; he became a defaulter, was distrained, and his goods, value 1007., sold for 34l. 5s., and he, for fear of restraint, left his wife and family, whereby he was branded as a malignant, and is now unable to pay the 801. Hopes his poverty will not be thought a badge of disloyalty. Has cheerfully taken the blessed national covenant. Begs that his goods may be accepted for his assessment, and he may enjoy the privileges of a well-affected subject. WM. TOPPESFIELD, West Ham, Essex. Order that as he is of the Essex Committee, and has contributed there 617. 17s. 4d., on payment of 201. more his assessment of 2007. be discharged. 11 May 1644. Order that the Earl of Manchester's Committee in Essex be requested to forbear to assess him, as he has before been assessed and paid. HEN. WOLLASTON, Keeper of Newgate. Order that he deposit half his assessment, and then be further heard. 4 March 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment Dec. 1644 ? Petition that in Jan. 1643, he was assessed at 1001, but the case forborne, on his declaring that he was 4501. out of purse for charges of prisoners; last October he received another ticket for the 1007., and in November one for 3001., but he has received none of his debt, now amounting to 7211. 4s., and is at continual charges. Has lent money, and paid all other assess- ments. Begs that this one may be reduced, and payment forborne till he has received his disbursements. ABR. CORSELLIS, Katherine's, Wapping, and East Smith- field. Assessed at 4007. 1 March 1644. Respited to show his acquittances and make up his , he being now beyond seas. JOHN HARVEY, Jun., M.P., Mary Hill.* Assessed at 3007. 29 Feb. Order to make up what he has lent to 1007., when he will 3 11 be further heard. - 21 June 1644. Having shown his affection by contributing 151l. 12s., and a horse value 201., order that on paying 281. 8s. more, to make up 2007., his assessment be discharged. * Sec p. 301 for the carlier part of this case. Vol. No. A or P. 3 179 3 202 94 2 262 71 70 3 2 261 ลา 113 2 263 288 28 3 35 94 72 X 63 163 3 31 3 158 63 164 342 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 14 Feb. 1644. 14 Feb. 1644. 15 Feb. 1644. 16 Feb. 1644. 16 Feb. 1644. AM o.c. 4 264 4 March 1644. Certificate that it was deposited 22 March. To be brought up in custody to pay 12 April 1644. Order that 601. of the 150l. deposited be repaid him, and 901. discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath. SIR RICH. HULSFORD, Eastcbeap. Assessed at 1,2007. [21 Nov. 1648.] Note that he died shortly after paying the 1007., 94 and that the Public Faith should be moved for. 21 Nov. Public Faith to be given accordingly HULFORD, or HOLFORD, 26 Feb. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment - 4 March 1644. On allegation that his estate is sequestered by Par- liament, and that he has come up to obtain the benefit of the late declaration-order that his assessment of 1,2001. be respited till further order. 2 Nov. 1646. To pay 1107., and give security to abide the com- mittee's order about the residue of his assessment, and then to be further heard. 27 Nov. To be discharged for the 110l. paid, it appearing to be his proportion, debts of 3,8001. excepted. 19 Oct. 1646. Another assessment of 1,000l. vacated because of the 71 previous assessment. DOROTHY SEYMOUR, Whitehall. Assessed at 2,000l. No proceedings LYMMING DICKENSON, Sussex. To make up the 1007. formerly paid to 250l., his assessment, or make his affidavit what his proportion is. Vol. No. A or p. 94 73 27 Jan. 1645. Again assessed at 1207. 17 Feb. 1645. Allowed 14 days to prove that the 100l. paid by him in Sussex was on the proposition of 12 June 1642 for maintenance of the army, or for his and, or else he is to pay salary. 3 60 75 290 14 Oct. Respited to bring in a particular of his estate, and the 5 113 clerk to peruse his writings, and report thereon. WM. FREEMAN, Billingsgate Ward. Assessed at 4007. 6 March 1644. On his petition, order that he pay in Surrey for his estate there, and then here for his personalty out of that county. 21 March. He being imprisoned here for the assessment charged in Surrey, order that he make an end of his assessment there, that he may obtain his liberty, and that made here is to be discharged. 17 Sept. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment ww 74 6 118 63 166 3 27 3 34 38 5 129 5 142 63 155 2 267 3 March 1645. Allowed 6 days to prove what he paid in Sussex 4 64 7 March. His assessment discharged for the 1007. paid in Sussex, 4 73 on the proposition of Col. Herbert Morley, being his proportion on oath. 67 118 4 43 63 161 3 38 3 57 4 263 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 343 16 Feb. 1644. 16 Feb. 1644. 16 Feb. 1644. 16 Feb. 1644. 16 Feb. 1644. 16 Feb. 1644. SIR EDW. LEECH, Clement Danes. R. 3 82 22 April 1644. Allowed 14 days to bring in her assessment, or declare her on affidavit. Assessed at 6007. 26 Feb. 1644. His assessment discharged, he being an assistant of the House of Peers. ELIZABETH BERTIE, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF LINDSEY. Assessed at 6007. 8 March 1644. The House of Peers having ordered 7 March that her assessment be forborne, the committee declare that by the Ordinance of 29 Nov. 1642, she living in the Strand, and being neither a member nor an assistant of the House of Peers, is assessable. 1 4 May 1644. Her assessment to be discharged on bringing in the 2 of her estate on oath. 20 8 May. The 1007. deposited by her to be paid in discharge, being her proportion on oath. SERJEANT ROLLS, Old Bailey. Assessed at 4007. 24 Feb. 1644. Order that-as he is well known to have contributed according to his estate on the propositions, and is wholly deprived of his estates-his assessment be discharged. Vol. No. A or p. NATHAN WRIGHT, Mark Lane. 63 161 3 29 63 161 3 41 3 86 MAT. PINDAR, one of the 6 clerks [in Chancery]. Assessed at 3501. 63 163 21 Feb. 1644. Summoned to appear - 3 16 21 Feb. The 1007. deposited by him to discharge his assessment, 75 222 being his proportion on oath. 3 103 3 105 63 163 3 24 WM. SANDERSON, alias SANDERS, near Carter Lane. Assessed at 1,000l. 63 161 4 March 1644. Respited 14 days, and meantime his affidavit to 75 238 be examined. 18 March. The 57. deposited by him to discharge his assessment, 75 255 being his proportion on oath. Assessed at 1,0007. 26 Feb. 1644. Order that, -as before assessment he contributed 2271. on the propositions, and has deposited 2731. to make his assessment of 1,000l., and there is 1,000l. owing to him, which he advanced for the relief of the Northern parts, and he is engaged in 5,0001. for 6 months for the defence of Plymouth, and also there is 2,3501. due to him for his share in the ship Cæsar, taken for Parliament's service-the residue of his assessment be respited till he is repaid the 5,000l. and paid the 2,3501., and that meantime he be not molested for assessment. Also that 63 161 he have the Public Faith for the 2731. deposited. 63 161 3 26 344 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 17 Feb. 1644. 19 Feb. 1644. 19 Feb. 1644. 19 Feb. 1644. 19 Feb. 1644. 20 Feb. 1644. 20 Feb. 1644. THOS. HUCKLE. Having made up his assessment, and given security to abide the committee's order as to the residue, the Committee for Exami- nations are to be desired to release him from imprisonment. 20 Feb. 1644. Request accordingly by the Committee for Arrears for his release from Peter House. JAS. HARRINGTON, Westminster. Assessed at 1501. 13 March 1644. Ordered to bring in his in 14 days 10 April 1644. Order that on paying 251. more than the 501. deposited, his assessment be discharged, and the Public Faith given for the 251. 18 April. To be brought in custody to pay - 13 March 1644. Respited 14 days, having made up his 23 Aug. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay 14 Oct. 1644. His assessment respited till he is paid the 80%. which the State owes him for books and paper. Mar. 1654. Ordered the Public Faith for his assessment AND. WEST, Candlewick Street. Assessed at 4001. PHILEMON STEVENS, Paul's Churchyard. Assessed at 1007. 63 167 23 Feb. 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment. With notes of 281. 94 76 lent, and 227. deposited. 12 March 1644. To be brought in custody to pay 11 April 1644. Order that having formerly lent 277., and now paid 337., his assessment be discharged on paying in 201. more, which is his proportion on oath. SIR THOS. WISEMAN, at Dr. Aylett's. Assessed at 1,500l. No proceedings - ་ LADY DIONIS FAIRMEADOW, Martin's-in-the-Fields.* Assessed at 3007. * See also p. 300. Vol. No. A or p. 3 9 94 94 75 168 63 3 47 3 75 3 84 24 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition granting him the Public 13 71 Faith for the said 331. and 201. - 63 167 1 75 252 3 222 3 259 63 166 3 47 3 77 JOHN BIRCH, Vintner, Cheapside. Assessed at 6001. 61 86 11 April 1644. His assessment respited 14 days, Thos. Allen, of 3 77 Cheapside, undertaking that he shall appear. 19 April. Respited 14 days to bring in his 3 84 26 April. Ordered to bring in an affidavit of his, the former order 3 notwithstanding. 27 April. The 351. now deposited, with 657. formerly lent, to be in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath, and the Public Faith given him. · 63 167 3 61 *888 90 86 61 84 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 345 20 Feb. 1644. R. 3 75 86 20 Feb. 1644. R. 3. 145 R. 3. 217 21 Feb. 1644. 30 March 1644. Allowed 14 days to bring in her assessment 30 April 1644. Discharged on payment of 501., which she deposes to be her proportion. HEN. HILDYARD, Horsley, Co. Surrey. Assessed at 1507. 18 April 1644. Again assessed at 3007. 17 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 27 May. To pay 1007., and the residue of his assessment of 3007., to be respited till his lands in Yorkshire be restored. 3 July 1644. The 100l. to be paid without further delay 26 Aug. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay the assessment - 20 Dec. 1644. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment 27 Jan. 1645. His sequestration taken off, on his giving security to abide the order of the committee about payment of his assessment. SIR GEORGE BENYON, Delinquent, Cheapside and Muswell Hill. 14 Feb. 1645. Sir G. Benyon assessed at 2,0007. 13 Oct. 1645. Order that 2 worked chairs, a stool, and other goods, part of those stolen from Sir George's house in Muswell Hill, and seized in Shoreditch, be sold at Guildhall towards his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 65 3 20 Oct. Sir George to be brought in custody to pay his assessment 1 Nov. 1648. Information that Sir George has 4,0001. debts in other men's hands, some of them M.Ps. w c 3 Mrs. Gilpin, Coleman Street, London, and Finchley, co. Bucks, 94 summoned before the County Committee of London, at Camden House, for a debt of 1,000l. to Sir Thos. Hyde, a delinquent against Parliament. 23 Feb. 1644. Appearing on summons, she confesses the debt of 94 1,000l., but it is to Sir Geo. Benyon; she lent 5001. of the money to Mr. Smith, burgess of Buckingham, who has gone to the army raised against Parliament, and is living on the other 500l., having all her own means taken from her by the forces raised against Pa liament. 61 86 61 132 3 120 3 128 3 166 3 224 3 338 4. 24 92 78 CC 28 Nov. Cor. Holland to the Committee for Advance of Money. 94 I do not believe Mrs. Gilpin owes this debt. She is a very good woman, but ancient, and lives 40 miles off. Do not trouble her without cause, as she and her son have been very faithful to Parliament." 79 67 138 4 273 4 298 21 118 1 Nov. Information that Mrs. Gilpin owes the 1,000l., was 21 116 questioned about it at Camden House, and removed into the country to be out of the way of that committee. 2 Nov. Information repeated 21 117 7 Nov. She summoned to pay the debt, or it will be levied on her 6 100 estate. 80 6 Feb. 1649. Three of the Camden House Committee to attend the 6 160 Committee for Advance of Money about the debt. 10 Feb. Thomas Martin [clerk to the Camden House Committee ?] 94 81 to Dallison.-Take notice that Mrs. Gilpin owned to a debt of 1,000l. to Benyon, a known and notorious delinquent. Her oath should be taken in the business. 346 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 Feb. 1644. 辔 ​R. 7 215 94 84 o.c. 8 28 O.C. 9 34 R. 9 49 0. 9 86 E.W.28 71 SIR GEO. BENYON-continued. 13 Feb. 1649. Thos. Martin to the Committee for Advance of Money. Search being ordered by you in our books about this debt and the bonds relating thereto, we can find no book or bond, for Sir George's writings of consequence were conveyed away before the sequestration, so that we can certify nothing more. 14 Feb. It appearing to be a mistake of the writer that the debt is owed, and no proof made thereof, Mrs. Gilpin is discharged further attendance. H. 7 176 1 June. Corbet to appear and show cause why he should not pay the debt. 14 Feb. Wm. Byrd [prosecutor for the Commonwealth] to 94 Dallison.-The County Committee came here in person to certify as to Mrs. Gilpin's debt. It is either to Hyde or Benyon, and Hyde is charged as a delinquent at Goldsmiths' Hall, and has not compounded; so if an Ordinance is passed to get such moneys in, Mrs. Gilpin will again be troubled about the debt. 12 Sept. 1649. Sir Vincent to pay the debt or it will be levied on his estate. 1 June 1649. Information that Sir Vincent Corbet owes Sir George 21 226 4007. 7 29 12 Oct. 1649. Order that 3 messengers apprehend Benyon, and bring him up to answer for contempt in refusing to deliver up his bond for a debt of 3001. due to him from Sir Vincent Corbet. 18 May. Order that Sir Hen. Croke certify what lands belonging to Lord St. John, and extended by Sir George Benyon, are in lease to Sir George, and yet unsequestered. Vol. No. A or P. 82 94 16 Jan. 1650. Order that as Benyon obtained from the late King a lease of certain lands in Essex and Bedford, described at length, belonging to the late Lord St. John, which are not sequestered, agents be sent down to seize and sequester the same, receive the rents, and distrain for non-payment. 16 Jan. 1650. He is to appear and show cause why the debt should 8 128 not be levied on his estate. 14 June 1650. Order for a letter to Sir Oliver and Sir Sam. Luke, to appear and pay the 3,000l. owing by them and Lord St. John to Benyon. With the letter. 6 168 18 May 1649. Information by Wm. Byrd that Sir George Benyon 84 96 a receiver for the late King, lent LORD ST. JOHN, 4,000l., for which Sir Oliver and Sir Sam. Luke were sureties. Sir George sued for repayment, and got a lease of some lands of Lord St. John, and has enjoyed them ever since. Request that Sir H. Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, may state the case. 26 June. Sir Sam. Luke summoned to appear and be heard about the debt. 5 July 1650. Mr. Brereton to report on the protest of Sir Beau- champ St. John, against the sequestration of part of the manor and castle of Bedford, included in the order of 16 Jan. 83 4 July 1649. Information by Guy Norton that Sir George had 21 248 4,000l. in Lord St. John's hands for which he had security. 19 July. Sir Samuel Luke appearing, and denying the debt, the prosecutor is ordered to prove it. 25 Sept. 1650. Hearing ordered, the County Commissioners to receive the rents meanwhile. 7 271 94 85 6 342 8 130 8 379 81 1 24 9 9 20 9 47 9 144 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 247 21 Feb. 1644. 19 March 1651. Order on complaint of Wm. Byrd, prosecutor for 10 127 the Commonwealth, that though these lands were sequestered 11 years ago, no money has been paid into the Treasury, that the County Committee demand and receive the rents and arrears, and pay them in forthwith. Vol. No. A or P. 24 Sept. 1651. Rich. Wildbore of Southwark to be taken into 17 35 custody unless he signs his deposition in Sir George's case. 181 18 Feb. 1652. Petition of William Byrd. Entered information 3 years ago about the debt of 3,0001. due by Lord St. John to Benyon, and has spent so long time in attendance that he doubts whether he did well in refusing the composition offered him at first. But a small part of the rents having yet come in, begs that the County Committee may be compelled to pay in the rents and arrears which are meanwhile enjoyed by Sir B. St. John. 14 Nov. 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to the Sequestra- 24 tion Commissioners, co. Bedford. We have yet received no reply to our letter of 14 March; we wish for one, and you are to take the oath of Sir Oliver Luke and Sir Beauchamp St. John, how much they were bound to Benyon for Lord St. John. 29 Nov. Sequestration Commissioners, co. Bedford, to the 94 86 Committee for Advance of Money. We have, as ordered, se- questered the estate named in co. Bedford, taken depositions of the tenants about rents and arrears, and sent you the money, with other Michaelmas rents. As to the oath required, Sir Oliver Luke is dead, and Sir Beauchamp St. John in London, but we will send for him on his return. 94 87 18 Feb. Order thereon that Sir B. St. John appear in 3 weeks 11 207 to show cause why he should not pay in the arrears and growing rents of the lands on lease to Benyon. 19 Feb. Statement on his behalf that he is ready to show cause, 94 88 and desires a hearing. 25 Feb. Request of Wm. Byrd that Sir Beauchamp St John 94 89 may be summoned before the committee, to take the oath which he refuses to take before the Committee of Bedfordshire, and be taken into custody on further contempt. 10 March 1652. Order accepting as good cause Sir B. St. John's 11 237 statement that he has received and paid the money as in trust for children, and knew of no sequestration. 12 March. Request of Wm. Byrd, prosecutor, that his affidavit 94 90 may be heard in the case, viz.: that he was informed by Thos. Arnold, a Sequestration Commissioner of co. Bedford, that although the said Commissioner had, as ordered, received some of the rents of the estate in question, Sir B. St. John's bailiff had received other rents, and that they intended to call him to account for the same. 31 Ang. 1649. Order that Rodolph Warcop pay in a debt of 701, due by him to Sir George Benyon, delinquent. E.W. 28 169 18 March. Request of Wm. Byrd, prosecutor, for respite of the 94 91 order in favour of Sir B. St. John till his affidavit can be read, and a true understanding of the business come to; otherwise the Commonwealth will be prejudiced. 17 July 1649. Information by Captain Thomas Evans that RODOLPH 21 254 WARCOP of English, co. Oxon, owes Sir George 801. by bond. 7 239 31 Aug. Petition of Capt. Thos. Evans. Has faithfully served 94 92 Parliament till the disbanding of Gen. Fairfax's supernumeraries, with wounds, imprisonments, and great losses. On 13 Sept. 1648, Parliament granted him payment of arrears from such estates of Papists and delinquents as he should discover. Has since discovered 801. due to Sir George Benyon by Rodolph Warcop, who was summoned, acknowledged a debt of 701., and was ordered to pay it in; begs an order to receive the same in part of his arrears. Granted. 7 242 348 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 Feb. 1644. 0.9 30 94 94 H. 12 64, 94, 104 SIR GEO. BENYON-continued. 21 Nov. 1649. Information by Jos. Johnson and Hugh Jones, that Sir George has a judgment of 1,000l. on the lands and parsonage of SIR LEWIS PEMBERTON, of Rushden, co. Northamp- ton, deceased, which parsonage and lands are now in the occupation of John Elkins, and valued at 4001. or 500l. a year. July 1650? Dan. Searle, prosecutor for the State, begs an order to examine witnesses, and a speedy day of hearing. 2 Aug. 1650. Rob. Pemberton, of Bow, co. Essex, summoned for a debt owing by his father to Sir G. Benyon. E.W. 12 79 9 219 6 Nov. 1650. Order, on information that Benyon had an extent for 1,000l. on Rushden parsonage, co. Northampton, and other 94 £5 lands of Sir Lewis Pemberton, and that Mrs. Poultney has also an extent on the same for Sir Lewis' debts; that Mrs. Poultney appear and give account to Auditor Sherwin of her receipts and dues. 30 April. Order that the said depositions be used, and the same witnesses, if still living, be again summoned. 18 Dec. 1650. Order that Mr. Searle, prosecutor, inform Mr. 94 Brereton what interest Benyon had in the said lands, and that 9 he report thereon. 9 April 1651. Petition of Johnson and Jones that Mrs. Poultney 94 97 may make good the former order to account for her receipts- they having got a copy of the depositions in the House of Lords. 9 April. Order that Mrs. Poultney show cause why the depositions 94 in the case before the House of Lords should not be used for proof. E.W. 28 105 10 April. Note of a motion on her behalf that they be not used, 94 99 as she was no party in the case when they were taken. Vol. No. A or P. 21 307 94 93 3 March. Order for the case to be heard in a week, and no disturb ance of possession meanwhile. 9 63 4 June 1652. Order for counsel on both sides to report on the case in relation to the Act of General Pardon; if the prosecutor can bring further proof of the debt, and it is not pardoned, the case will be considered. DEP. 94 101 3 March 1652. Petition of Mary Poultney. Sir George Benyon 94 102 had an extent upon the said lands. Petitioner is no delinquent. Sir L. Pemberton died before the wars, Mr. Searle, when required, could not prove the extent, and she thought the business dismissed till their order of 17 Dec. This was founded on the petition of Johnson and Jones, who have not dealt fairly in their report of previous proceedings; begs to be left in quiet, as none of the prosecutors have made good their claim. 10 268 [Nov. 1651.] Petition of Johnson and Jones for copies of her depo- 94 100 sitions, without which they cannot proceed in the case. 28 July 1652. Order, on Mrs. Poultney's request, that she be dismissed, having long attended, and no proof made of the debt. 96 294 98 DEP. 94 108 25 July 1654. Order on hearing the report of counsel,—that Mrs. Poultney's statute against Sir Lewis Pemberton is of older date than Sir G. Benyon's, but that she is already satisfied, and therefore ought to be accountable-that she give in an account of the profits, and that examination be made thereof. 18 June. Order that the prosecutors prove the debt within 12 36 3 weeks, and that Mrs. Poultney have leave to cross-examine witnesses. 11 233 94 103 11 430 12 101 28 July. Order, on the prosecutors' plea that some of the witnesses 12 101 are gone the circuit, and have not yet appeared, that he proceed 94 105 to prove the debt. E.W. 94 106 14 Sept. 1653. Petition of Johnson and Jones for publication and a peremptory day of hearing, they having been long prosecuting the business. 14 Sept. 1653. Order that the registrar certify the proceedings in 13 4 the case. 13 108 94 107 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 349 21 Feb. 1644. 11. 13 122 ACCTS. 94 110 22 Feb. 1644. R. 75 246 22 Feb. 1644. R. 3 130 o.c. 3 163 R. 3 193 Vol. No. A or P. 5 Sept. 1654. Order for dismissal of the cause against Mrs. 13 114 Poultney, unless the prosecutors show cause to the contrary in a fortnight. 19 Sept. Order for a re-hearing, the prosecutors praying perfor. 13 116 mance of the former order for her to be accountable for the profits of the estate, and her counsel pleading that she is not accountable, as the debt, not being assignable, is not sequestrable, no interest being reserved to Benyon therein, and moreover, it not being sequestered before Dec. 1651, it comes within the Act of General Pardon. DEP. 94 112 20 March. Order that, notwithstanding her plea, that the parson- age in question was vested in her before the statute was entered into, she be accountable for the same. 24 Oct. 1654. Order that she give in her accounts for the estate, 13 123 giving prosecutors a copy, to surcharge if they can. [Nov. 1654.] Petition of Johnson and Jones for confirmation of 94 109 the order of 25 July, for her to be accountable; they have been at great charges in prosecuting the cause for the Common- wealth, and on the day that it should have come to a hearing, she obtained an order for its dismissal. 25 Feb. 1655. Order for a hearing of her report 13 145 6 March 1655. Johnson and Jones take exceptions to her 94 111 accounts, as leaving out the parsonage, rent 251., and beg that she may bring in fresh accounts, or that they may levy the 1,000l. on her estate. 6 March. Order that the accounts be made on oath, and that 13 148 Mrs. Poultney's counsel answer the exceptions of the prosecutor about the omission of a parsonage, which is part of the estate. MARY DUBOIS, Osith's Lane. 26 Nov. 1651. Information that VINCENT CRANFIELD and SIR BEVILL 22 336 GREENFIELD Owe 300l. to Benyon, whose estates are lately ordered 94 113 by Parliament to be sold. Assessed at 1,5007. 21 March 1644. She having made up her assessment, and being beyond seas, order that the residue be respited till she return, or send an answer to this committee why she should not pay 1,000l., which when she has made up, her assessment will be discharged. 17 Jan. 1645. Order that she pay 1001. to-morrow, and then be further heard. 20 Jan. Order that her assessment be discharged for the 4807. formerly lent, the 2701. paid 8 March 1644, and the 1007. paid this day, for which the Public Faith is given. GEO. EVELYN, Wotton, Surrey. Assessed at 5007. 27 May 1644. Respited 6 days to make his affidavit 14 June 1644. Allowed 14 days to make up his assessment 12 July 1644. Col. Harvey having received 501. from him for the army, by virtue of a commission from the Lord-General, order that 501. of his assessment be respited till Harvey bas made up his accounts with the Committee of Accounts, and this com- mittee see how the 501. was disposed of. 7 Aug. 1644. The 507. paid to Harvey allowed as part of his assess- ment, and as before assessment he paid 150l. more, and has since deposited 501., the taking of his affidavit respited till further order. 13 153 63 168 3 57 CO 4 16 4 63 17 168 63 170 3 128 3 149 3 175 3 203 350 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 22 Feb. 1644. 22 Feb. 1644. CERT. 94 113 A 22 Feb. 1644. 22 Feb. 1644. 22 Feb. 1644. 22 Feb. 1644. 22 Feb. 1644. 22 Feb. 1644. Vol. No. A or P. Sept. 1644? Having showed acquittances for 2001. formerly lent, 63 170 the Public Faith allowed him for the 50l. lately paid. WM. GARWAY, Merchant, Throckmorton Street. Assessed at 8001. 1 18 March 1644. Having paid 2501. and made affidavit that it is his 26, except his lands in cos. Dorset, Devon, Somerset, and Here- ford, value 4001 a year, which are within the King's quarters, order that he be discharged till his lands are restored. LADY HANDFORD, Woodford, Essex. Assessed at 501., but showed acquittances for 501. formerly lent ROBT. HUNT, of the Exchange. Order that he be brought in custody concerning his assessment 16 May 1644. Order that as he contributed 2007. on the propositions, his assessment be discharged and he left to his voluntary contribution. WALLER MILTON, Lothbury. Assessed at 807. 13 March 1644. The 107. 10s. deposited, with 97. 107. lent, to discharge his assessment, being his proportion, and he to have the Public Faith for it. WM. NICHOLLS, Finchley, and ANNE, his Wife. Order that he make affidavit what property of his late son has come to his or his wife's hands, or pay in 10 days 50l. more than already paid for his assessment. 7 March 1644. On their joint affidavit that the son had not 1007., and that Nicholls has paid 300l., order that his later assessment of 3001. be discharged; the collectors to have 20s. salary and charges. 11 March. Assessed at 207. - - NICH. STAUGHTON, D.D. 63 169 75 256 63 171 Assessed at 6007. 10 Jan. 1645. Allowed 14 days' respite for his assessment - R. 4 30 19 Feb. 1645. Whereas, when the enemy was in Surrey, he fled to London for refuge, and has since remained, only to do better service, has spent money and time in the public service, been proclaimed traitor by the King for adhering to Parliament, and has contributed 967., therefore he ought only to be taxed for his and, and as his estate and engagements are not known to this committee,-order that he be left to his voluntary contri- bution, and he not molested for his. He is to pay the collector's salary for his assessment. 3 18 3 118 61 87 94 114 9 April 1644. Ordered to pay the assessment 22 April. To be brought in custody for non-payment 3 86 340 20 May 1644. Discharged for 31. deposited, being his proportion 75 on oath. 87 23 March 1654. Receipt of Public Faith certificate for his payment 61 of 31. 63 170 75 250 63 170 3 18 3 39 HEN. OVERTON, Physician, at Mr. Arnold's, Brewer. Assessed at 1507. 63 169 18 March 1644. His assessment discharged for the 107. lent, being 75 255 his proportion on oath. 63 170 4 8 4 46 म (2) COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 351 22 Feb. 1644. NOTE 3 91 SIR RICH. YOUNG, London, Gentleman, and SIR THOS. GLENHAM, Mary Aldermanbury. Order that as Young has been assessed at 2001 and has absented himself to avoid payment, and Parliament has in such cases referred the letting of houses to this committee, on which his house has been assigned as residence to Wm. Strode, M.P., who has been at great expense in repairs, and has paid the taxes, which were high, because Young lived there;-Strode have the house one year at 201., deducting parish duties; the rest to be received by this committee towards Young's assessment. 4 May 1644. Order that Barth. Edwards enjoy the house wherein he dwells, belonging to Sir Rich. Young, assessed at 2007., for 7 years, at 101. a year, he doing needful repairs, and deducting taxes and charges. 20 Dec. 1644. The goods and estate of Young at Waybridge, Surrey, to be seized and sequestered, he being a delinquent, and to be brought for this committee's disposal. 24 March 1645. Strode's lease of Sir R. Young's house renewed at 201. a year. 6 Feb. 1646. Mr. Edwards, who holds a house in Aldermanbury, sequestered from Sir R. Young, which appears to be the estate of Sir Thos. Glenham, is to pay to Serj. John Gay 55s., post fine on the alienation of the house by Sir Richard Young to Sir Thomas Glenham, which is to be allowed out of his next rent. 2 March 1646. Whereas Sir Richard Young was assessed at 2001. and Sir Thomas Glenham at 1,000l., yet unpaid, and the house where Sir Richard dwelt in Aldermanbury was let to Wm. Strode, M.P., now dead, for 2 years, of which one is expired, and the house still belongs to Young or Glenham-order that it be let to Sir Edw. Barkham, Bart., for 2 rears, at 201., deduct- ing parish taxes, the rent to be paid towards the assessment of Young or Glenham. 7 March. The committee being informed that Sir Thos. Glenham claims Young's house, let to Edwards, either for himself or another, order that the lease to Edwards be effectual, whether the house be Young's or Glenham's. 1 July 1646. Sir Thos. Glenham appearing before the committee, they declared they would proceed justly with him, conformable to the articles of Oxford. 16 Oct. 1646. Sir Rich. Young respited a month, and then to be heard concerning his writings. 2 Dec. 1646. Lawrence to deliver him his writings, that he may make his composition. 15 March 1648. Sir Edw. Barkham, who holds Sir Richard's house in Aldermanbury, to give him the keys at Lady-day, and to leave there the cisterns and other things belonging to the house, any former restraint notwithstanding. Vol. No. A or P. 4 Jan. 1649. Young and Edwards having agreed concerning the said 51., the Wood Street officers are authorized to pay it. 3 22 3 103 3 338 4 97 4 418 4 442 446 4 449 5 73 5 116 5 147 5 401 16 May 1648. Grder that as Barth. Edwards is dead, and the 94 115 interest of this committee in letting him Young's house for 7 years was only for his dwelling therein, Edm. Edwards, his son, and Mr. Willoughby, lately possessed of the house, leave it within 14 days to Sir Rich. Young, or to whom it may apper- tain. 25 July 1648. The 51. claimed by Edm. Edwards, executor of 6 26 Barth. Edwards, from Sam. Sambrooke, for rent of a house in Aldermanbury which Edwards held by order of this committee, which 57. is now in the hands of the officers of Wood Street Compter, to remain there till Sir Rich. Young show his title to the said house. 6 143 352 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 23 Feb. 1644. 24 Feb. 1644. 27 Feb. 1644. 27 Feb. 1644. R. 75 273 CLEMENT AUSTIN, comfit maker, near Somerset House, Executor of Hen. Bradstreet, Papist. His assessment respited 14 days March 1644 ? Edw. Reed and others, bound to him as sureties in 2007. to pay 1047. debt to Bradstreet, offer to pay the money to the committee, if the suit may be stayed and the bond delivered up. MAIMED OFFICERS and SOLDIERS. Mr. Newman to lend the committee for maimed soldiers 150l., to be repaid out of the proceeds of the sale of the Bishop of York's goods, according to an Order in the House of Commons of this date. 26 Feb. 1644. The Guildhall Treasurers to deliver to Mr. Gosse the Bishop's goods discovered by [Fras.] Collins, to be sold at the candle, that the proceeds may pay Collins, and the residue go to maimed soldiers. 29 Feb. The goods having been sold for 4281. 15s., the 150l. ad- vanced by Newman to be repaid, and the balance of 2781. 15s. to be paid to Collins, in part of 3811. which he craves as an allow- ance of 1s. in the pound on his discoveries of plate, money, and goods of delinquents carried into Guildhall, and the balance of 1021. 15s. to be considered on his next discovery of delinquents' estates. 8 March 1644. Newman to lend them another 1507. till the House take further order. 22 March. Order for a like loan 16 June. Order in the House of Commons referring the petitions of 27 reduced officers, and 10 widows whose husbands lost their lives in the service, to the Committee for Advance of Money, to proceed effectually in paying their arrears from the discoveries to be made by them, and also from the 11,6167. 10s. mentioned in Mr. Dove's report. [Printed in Commons' Journals, Vol. VI., p. 235.] Agg Vol. No. A or P. 3 20 116 94 ZACHARY EVANS, Clerk, Hanworth, Middlesex. Assessed at 401. 8 May 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 24 May. Order that he be discharged, not having 1007. by affidavit 3 24 3 25 3 30 19 June. Like order on behalf of Widow Cowell, for her husband's 24 232 arrears to be paid from the 11,6161. 10s. [Also printed, Vol. VI., p. 237.] 3 42 3 60 24 233 22 June 1649. Lane to pay to the maimed soldiers 501. out of 7 8.1 Jenning's fine for his, according to a Parliament Order. July 1649? Petition of Anne Cluett and 12 other wives and widows, 94 117 whose husbands have lost their estates in the wars, and have large arrears due, they having many children who must perish without speedy relief, for payment of arrears, being informed that there is a sum at disposal for soldiers' arrears. 61 81 3 105 3 127 EDW. CROPLEY, Cheapside, Farringdon Within. Assessed at 3,0007. 61 83 5 April 1644. The 100%. deposited, with 9007. paid before, to dis- 75 275 charge his assessment, being his proportion on oath, for which 61 83 the Public Faith is given. 15 March 1654. Certificate that there was 4491. 13s. 4d. raised by 94 120 sale of his distrained goods and by payment in money, and 51. 10s. in arms. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 353 27 Feb. 1644. 27 Feb. 1644. 27 Feb. 1644. 27 Feb. 1644. 1 March 1644. 4 March 1644. 4 March 1644. 6 March 1644. 50623. HEN. MARSH, Northall, Middlesex. Assessed at 1001. 22 March 1644. Allowed 14 days to bring a certificate from the Committee of co. Herts of what he has paid there. 1 April 1644. As he is well affected, has served in person, and contributed for his in proportion to his estate, his assessment to be discharged. 20 SAM. PLAISTOW, Camberwell. Assessed at 407. - 20 18 March 1644. His assessment to be discharged for the 51. lent by him, 101. being his full 2 on oath, because he has been a collector for Sir Wm. Waller, and brought in by his industry much money, as appears by a certificate from Grocers' Hall. BASIL SMITH, Clerk of Andrew's, Holborn. Assessed at 2007. 18 March 1644. Discharged on affidavit that he is not worth 1007. GILES VAN BRUGH, Walbrook. DR. JOHN KING, Parson of Botolph's, Billingsgate. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 1 April 1644. His tithes being sequestered towards payment of his 20, order that therefrom 101. be allowed to Mr. Allen, who has • taken pains, and officiated there a good space." 19 July 1644. Allowed 14 days to make his affidavit what is his 9 Oct. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 22 Sept. 1645. To be brought up in custody to answer matters objected against him. - WM. EWEN, Greenwich. Order that he make affidavit that 1007. lent by him in August 1642, which seems by the acquittance to be for Ireland, was on the propositions for maintaining the Lord-General's army, aud so intended by him, and then, on paying 50l. more, that be be further heard as to his assessment. 11 March 1645. Order on his so doing that the residue of his assessment be respited till he receive the debts owing him by the Navy Committee. CHRIS. MAYNARD. Whereas he is assessed at 501. for his, and for non-payment committed to Ipswich by order of the Committee of Exami- nations, and has paid in 127. 10s. and given security for 127. 10s. more,-order that a certificate thereof be given to the said committee, that he may be discharged of his imprisonment, and heard before this committee concerning the residue of his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 82 61 3 Assessed at 8001. 61 81 22 March 1644. Having lent 4701., to be discharged on paying 75 261 1301. more, for which the Public Faith is given. 61 81 61 3 3 66 3 Co Co 61 81 75 255 3 CO 58 3 cro 82 51 52 3 183 3 255 4 266 8888 Z 32 68 35 44 3 33 1 April 1644. Order that he appear on Wednesday without molesta- 3 68 tion or arrest, to pay the residue of his assessment. MAT. BENNETT, Parson, near Brentford, Middlesex. Assessed at 1007. 15 July 1644. To be discharged for 401. lent on a former assessment, being then at Harlington, and for 201. now deposited, for which he has the Public Faith. 61 92 75 445 61 92 354 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 March 1614. 6 March 1644. 6 March 1644. 6 March 1644. RANDALL BRISCOE, and his Wife, Cripplegate. Assessed at 1007. 12 March 1644. Summoned to pay the 1007. 94 121 22 May 1644. Ordered to pay 161. 8s. more than the 831. 12s. lent, 75 262 and this to discharge his assessment. CERT. 94 124 13 Dec. Granted, he having lent above the half before being 13 assessed. 94 26 Aug. 1645. Mrs. Briscoe summoned to pay the 161. 8s.; with 94 122 note of payment 26 Sept. 6 March 1644. 13 Dec. 1653. Randall Briscoe begs an order for a certificate of the 94 123 payment of the 167. 8s., that he may enter it at Worcester House within the time limited by Parliament for a Public Faith bill. PHIL. EDLYN, Parson of Pinner, Middlesex. Assessed at 507. 5 April 1644. The 231. deposited by him to discharge his assess- ment, being his proportion on oath, and he to have the Public Faith for it. 6 March 1644. LEAKE, Baron of the Exchequer, and his Son. Order that Walter Young and Sir John Young have the Baron's house for their habitation till further order, and that his goods being inventoried and appraised, the Youngs have the use of them during their abode there. 2 Oct. 1644. His son assessed at 2001., but not found 24 Oct. 1645. Baron Leake to be brought in custody to pay his assessment. DR. SAM. JOHNSON, Mr. Horn's, Cheap Ward. Assessed at 3001. 61 92 7 March 1645. Respited till he is paid 3431. 10s. for the sheep taken 76 753 by the Parliament forces, or till further order. 13 Nov. 1646. Order that Leake give security to abide this com- mittee's order when he has made his composition, and be respited meantime. 15 March 1647. Order for his appearance on Wednesday WM. PAINTER, St. John Street. Vol. No. A or P. 61 92 - 61 75 61 Assessed at 4001. 7 June 1644. Respited 10 days at request of Capt. Lee 12 July 1644. Capt. Lee having left 2007. with Mr. Newman till he should call for it, but it was entered by mistake as in part of Painter's assessment, order that it be restored, and the assessment proceeded with. 17 July. Painter consenting to abide the committee's orders is to have 4 days to deposit 2001., his assessment. 22 July. Having deposited 2007., order that on payment of another 1007. his assessment be discharged. JOHN RUSSELL, Minister, Chingford, Essex. Assessed at 801. 26 April 1614. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 4 Dec. 1644. Order that on his paying in the 100%. the goods distrained be delivered, and he have the Public Faith, his living being in Kent, and notice having been left at a house in John Street, where no person dwelt. 1 41 125 91 278 91 3 36 - 61 92 3 142 5 175 67 16 4 298 5 136 5 220 3 180 3 190 3 318 61 92 - 61 93 3 88 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 355 6 March 1644. 6 March 1644. 8 March 1644. 8 March 1644. DEED 94 129 24 June 1644. Having formerly paid 107., his assessment to be discharged on payment of 301. more. 16 Nov. 1646. Discharged for 201. formerly lent and 107. now deposited. 12 March 1649. Summoned to pay an assessment of 801. March? He begs discharge from further molestation, having long since paid his and, and being unable to pay the 801. because he has been 2 years sequestered from his living. R. 3 72 84 SIR JOHN UNDERHILL, Greenwich. Assessed at 2007. No proceedings R. 3 130 148 163 11 March 1644. 12 March 1644. Ordered Sir Thos. Culpepper's house in the Old Bailey during pleasure. 11 March 1644. PAINTER, Minister of Exeter. Being driven from home, he is to have convenient rooms with 3 42 household stuff in Lord Maltravers' house in Lothbury. Order in the House of Commons, on report from the com- mittee on the Countess' petition, that the sequestration be taken off the land to which the Earl was only tenant for life, and which was conveyed upon marriage, and that the land in tail be re-committed, to see whether the lands of those that died in arms against Parliament are forfeit. HENRY SPENCER, late Earl of Sunderland, and DOROTHY, Countess Dowager of Sunderland. 11 March 1644. 2 May 1649. The Countess to appear and show cause why the estate of the Earl, who died in arms against Parliament, should not be sequestered. JAMES BAKER, Holborn Bridge. Assessed at 1007. - 61 93 WM. BAKER, Uxbridge, Middlesex. SIR RALPH CANTRELL, Chancery Lane. Assessed at 1,000l. Vol. No. A or P. 3 161 61 89 94 129A 3 111 ACCTS. 94 130 10 May 1644. Order that, having lent 201., 57., and 101., 351. in all, deposited 157., and paid in 101. more, total 601., his assessment 61 be discharged, and a Public Faith certificate granted on order. 89 5 118 94 126 94 127 . 22 March 1644. His assessment respited 14 days 17 May 1644. Respited 14 days, as the business between him and Commissioner Copley is not determined. 3 CO 3 April 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for what money he has paid on his. - {6434 Assessed at 1501. 30 April 1644. Order that he be discharged for the 201. formerly lent, he averring that he has but 30%. a-year and a few goods. 13 March 1654. Certificate of his payment 17 June 1644 of 111. for 94 131 his 94 128 45 6 307 - 61 87 3 92 61 89 3 58 3 119 10 July 1644. His assessment discharged for the 2007. lent, 1507. 75 438 being his proportion on oath. 5 3 Z 2 356 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 11 March 1644. 11 March 1644. 11 March 1644. R. 75 301 PAUL CARRELL, Andrew's, Holborn, and Lincoln's Inn. Assessed at 1,0001. 12 March 1644. Order that-as John Hill, one of the Lord-General's Life-guard, has informed of Paul Carrell, an able man who has not contributed on the proposition, that he may be assessed 1,000l.,-Hill have for his information 1s. in the pound of what is paid by Carrell. • 20 2 May 1644. Order that Carrell pay 5007., his assessment, in 14 days, and be discharged of his imprisonment on commitment of the Committee for Examinations, he being remitted thence hither only to give satisfaction for his 2ō· 3 May. Whereas Mr. Hill, one of the Lord General's Life-guard, discovered the state and person of Mr. Carrell, assessed at 1,2001. (sic.), and ordered to deposit-order that he have 201., part of the sum found in Carrell's trunk, in part of the money allowed him by a former order of this committee. 4 May. Sir Paul Pindar to bring in of a debt of 5001. due by him, Sir John Wolstenholme, Sir John Harrison, and Sir John Jacobs to Carrell. 9 May. Carrell to be brought before the Committee for Advance of Money in custody. : 16 May. His bonds, writings, &c., to be restored him, detaining only such bonds of 500l. value as shall be thought fit, and he to have 14 days to make up 2501. of his assessment. 19 June 1644. The 2507. deposited, and the 227. taken at the Com- mittee for Examinations, to be in discharge of his assessment, and his bonds returned. JOHN HOBSON, Aldersgate Street. 11 March 1644. WM. HUNT, Lamb's Chapel. Assessed at 1001. - Vol. No. A or P. 87 46 SIR EDW. LITTLETON (late M.P.), Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal. Assessed among the members at 1,000%. 28 July 1644. Again assessed at 1,000l. 11 Sept. 1645. Information that in the chambers of the steward of the Countess of Exeter, there is a trunk belonging to him, also divers parcels of goods in Lord Burleigh's lodgings. 8 Oct. 1645. The said goods to be seized and sequestered 61 3 M 3 97 Assessed at 4007. 161 88 18 March 1644. Order that as he is Lieut.-Colonel to the West- 3 51 minster regiment, is in service for Parliament, and has lent 471. 6s. 8d., his assessment be discharged till further order. 3 100 3 103 61 87 25 March 1644. Summoned to pay the assessment 94 132 10 April 1644. Having deposited 501., ordered to pay the other 501. 75 286 in 14 days. 3 Dec. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 15 Dec. Order that he pay the 501. residue of his assessment, and be discharged. 3 106 3 117 3 155 March 1654. Order for a Public Faith certificate for the assessment 61 87 paid within time. 4 345 4 356 61 65 21 89 126 31 4 294 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY-CASES. 357 11 March 1644. DEP. 94 132A. 11 March 1644. R. 3 81 11 March 1644. 11 March 1644. 5 30 Dec. 1645? Note of the disposal of his goods, viz., MSS. in two 94 132в trunks, with hangings and other household goods, and his rich robes; and also note of persons to be examined for their recovery. DEP. 94 132C-E 4 May 1646. Order that his goods, now at Guildhall, be sold by the candle, and the proceeds paid to this committee's treasurers. 15 May. There being a difference at the sale, and 227. 13s. Od. being the price at which they were sold, order that John Searle, a broker, have them for 301., which he is to pay to Mr. Tich- burne, who is to deliver the goods. 26 June 1646. 20s. salary to be paid for bringing the goods to Guildhall. 12 March 1644. 12 Nov. 1645. Information that he was a delinquent, and that there are a trunk and several things belonging to him not yet sequestered, in the Countess of Exeter's house in the Strand. 15 March 1644. 12 Nov. The countess to permit search to be made for the said trunk, which is to be brought to this committee. BENJ. MADOX, Ward to Lady Garrett. Assessed at 4007. 1 April 1644. To be discharged on paying 501., as 21. of his revenue is paid to the Committee for the King's Revenue, forts are built on his land in Giles-in-the-Fields, and his estate is many ways encumbered. 15 May 1646. Ordered the Public Faith for the 501. paid in GEO. REEVE, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Assessed at 5007. 2 Aug. 1644. His assessment respited, and inquiries to be made how long he has resided in London since the Ordinance of 29 Nov., he saying he is there only at term time, and at other times about his occasions. 12 Aug. Respited, having paid 1257. in Suffolk, which is his proportion on oath. 25 April 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 16 Jan. 1646. Discharged for the 1251. formerly lent FRANCIS and HEN. PRATT, Lawrence Lane, Cheap Ward. Their goods having been distrained for their assessments and ap- praised at 691., order that Geo. Booth of the Exchange, paying 301. and giving security for the remainder, hold the said goods for his security and indemnity, till the Pratts shall come home. 3 Nov. 1645. Each assessed at 2001. SIR BART. WHARTON, Cheshunt, Co. Herts. Assessed at 6007. No proceedings WM. DANIELL, Cheapside. Vol. No. A or P. 53. 21 Assessed at 1,000l. 1 April 1644. The 1501. deposited, with 1501. lent, to discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath, and the Public Faith given him for it. 4 321 5 35 5 62 61 88 3 67 5 34 61 88 3 195 3 206 4 133 4 390 61 88 61 69 103 24 Nov. The Pratts respited 10 days 4 336 1 Dec. 1645. Their assessments discharged for the 501. paid by 76 891. each in Cheap Ward, being their proportion on oath. 3 46. 61 97 75 271 61 97 358 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 15 March 1644. 15 March 1644. 15 March 1644. DEP. 94 135 15 March 1644. 15 March 1644. R. 75 276 25 March 1644. The assessment renewed 7 Aug. 1644. His assessment to be discharged for the 501. 15s. 4d. lent, being his proportion till the sequestration is taken off. 18 March 1644. SIR WM. DENNY, Bart., Doctors' Commons. Assessed at 8001. JOHN ELLIOTT, at the Dancing School, Tower Hill. Assessed at 401. No proceedings 18 March 1644. GEORGE GELDORP, or GELTHROPP, Merchant, Black- friars. Assessed at 2007. 28 March 1644. Deposition by him that all his estate, real and personal, is not worth 100l., signed by Lord Mayor Wollaston. 29 March. Respited till his affidavit be examined, and discharged 75 267 on affidavit that he has not 100%. 12 Nov. 1645. To be brought up in custody to answer objections Nov. P_Statement that 9 years ago he took a house in Blackfriars, for 1207. fine, and 401. rent. He lived there for 5 years, till the troubles began, and then was disquieted by searchers, and questioned for his religion, and his house assaulted by 4 or 500 of his neighbours, so that he retired elsewhere for safety. Four years since, the Committee for Advance of Money leased the house, in order that the surplus of the profit above the reserved rent might go to the State, and to this he consented. He there- fore considers himself discharged of rent to the landlord, having besides spent 607. in repairs. The house, being long unlet, will cost 1001. to repair, but he will return to it, and pay 251. during the 8 years' residue of the lease. WM. MEADE, Jun., Lime Street. - 61 96 Assessed at 3001. 5 April 1644. Respited till further orders, as he is content that the 75 278 Committee for Advance of Money dispose of his house at Black- friars, for which he pays 401. a year, but it is worth 60l., the increase of rent to be for the State during his lease of 7 or 8 years, and he to have the Public Faith for the profit, and he promises to join in any assurance to any tenant. Signed by him. 16 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 20 Sept. Order that on making affidavit that he has no other estate than what his father left him, his assessment be discharged, his father, lately dead, having paid his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 97 SIR SELBY PARKER, Westminster. Assessed at 1,000l. No proceedings 61 61 107 76 483 THOS. PECK, Spixworth, Co. Norfolk, and ANNE his Wife. He assessed at 1,5007. 61 97 94 133 5 July 1645. His estate to be sold and brought to this committee in payment. CAREW RAWLEIGH, Sunbury, Middlesex. Assessed at 2007. 61 97 3 May 1644. Order that he be discharged for the 1301. by him 3 99 formerly lent, his lady being under contribution of the King's army in Gloucestershire. 4 320 94 134 61 97 3 238 3 242 61 98 61 98 3 172 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 359 18 March 1644. CERT. 94 136 137 E.W. 28 85 o. 9 269 E. W. 28 90 BOND 94 139 PUB. 10 100 142 H. 94 140 18 March 1644. 14 Nov. His assessment discharged, on certificate from Gold- smiths' Hall that he has compounded, and paid and secured his fine. 9 Nov. 1649. Certificate that Peck has paid at Goldsmiths' Hall 94 316l. of his fine of 9001. 8 12 15 March 1650. Information by Arm. Warner that Hen. Philpott 22 of Thruxton, co. Hants, owes Peck 1,000l. 28 June 1650. Information repeated, adding that for this debt Peck 22 has not compounded. 18 Oct. 1650. County Commissioners to examine the case 15 Nov. 1650. Philpott summoned to auswer to the said debt 18 Dec. 1650. Philpott not to pay the debt to Peck or his trustees, and they to appear, bring the deed, and give a release for the money. 26 Sept. 1651. Order that, whereas by order of 15 July last (missing) Anne Peck was required to take the oath of objuration, which on 1st August she refused to do; and whereas on their marriage, she being Hen. Philpott's sister, he settled 9007. on Fras. Read, Edw. Mileham, and Dan. Wicherley, in trust for her, whereupon it was declared that the said trustees may receive all the sums due on the deed, to be disposed of at her pleasure, and that after her death, it shall revert to Peck; it is now resolved that the said debt was not a debt before Peck's composition, and therefore can be recovered from Philpott by him; also that of the profits of the 9001. are to be paid to the State, and also of the principal, in case Anne Peck survives her husband. Vol. No. A or P. 138 1 Aug. 1654. Arm. Warner pleading that the trustees have not paid in a penny-order that Wicherley show cause in 10 days why he does not pay the money, or payment will be enforced. JEROME WESTON, EARL OF PORTLAND. Assessed at 1,0007. 1 April 1644. His cabinets and glasses, brought from Roehampton to Guildhall, not to be sold till further order. 11 April. The goods brought from Roehampton to Guildball, and pretended to belong to him, to be respited from sale 14 days. 26 May 1652. The trustees not having paid a penny, Warner begs 94 142 an order for sequestration against Wicherley, who had all the money, and who says if he is troubled about it, he will sue Peck. 2 May 1644. His cabinets and glasses to be appraised, but not sold till further order. 21 26 May. Order thereon for a hearing, and Wicherley to have 94 143 notice. 11 413 13 May. They are to be conveyed to Ald. Chambers, and he and Mr. Allen to see them sold to any who will buy them, either in particulars, or in one parcel, first acquainting the committee. Out of the proceeds, 3331. 6s. 8d. is first to be paid to [Chaloner] Chute, to whom they are pawned, and the rest to go to Lord Portland's assessment. 59 10 May 1654. Arm. Warner, the discoverer, begs that the of the 94 144 profits ordered may be paid into the treasury. 11 Sept. 1644. The statue of the King on horseback, in brass, at Roehampton House, to be sold by the candle towards the Earl of Portland's assessment. 9 178 9 223 10 May. Order that of the profits be paid, and of the principal, 13 if Anne Peck be dead. 100 94 145 9 297 17 41 94 141 13 13 112 61 98 3 77 3 97 3 114 3 234 360 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 March 1644. 18 March 1644. R. 3 124 20 March 1644. 20 March 1644. R. 4 191 16 Dec. 1644. Order that the 1057., proceeds of the horse, be paid Mr. Trenchard for buying arms, according to an Order of the House of Commons of 18 Oct. last. 17 Nov. 1645. The Earl again assessed at 1,500l. 8 Sept. 1647. Chute to have delivered to him the Earl's cabinets and glasses, now at Ald. Chambers' house, near Dowgate, which were engaged to him for security of moneys lent, it seeming that they are not of greater value than the money for which they are engaged. 27 Feb. 1650. On information that the Earl holds 2,000 acres of fen land, called Flag Fen, Isle of Ely, order that the same be sequestered, and that the tenants no longer pay their rents to the Earl, but to the Committee for Advance of Money. 13 March 1650. The sequestration taken off, on a Parliamentary Order of 14 Sept. 1647, discharging the sequestration of the Earl's estate. SIR BROCKETT SPENCER. Assessed at 3001. 1 23 May 1644. Respited 14 days to bring in his assessment 7 June 1644. Order that he bring in 1007. to make up 50l. paid in Surrey to be his, and then be heard by the Mitigation Committee. - ARNOLD, of the Mint. Assessed at 5007. 5 June 1644. Being now prisoner in the King's Bench, he is to be brought by his keeper to this committee, to be heard touching his assessment. 16 Aug. 1644. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of his assessment. 20 Sept. 1644. The officers not to trouble his person, or seize his apparel and chamber furniture in prison, without order from this committee. - 61 98 3 125 3 140 21 June. Allowed 14 days to pay the 501. residue of his moiety 3 157 5 July 1644. The 501. before deposited, 50l. now paid, and 201. 75 431 more to be paid, are to discharge his assessment, he having formerly lent 501. 23 Jan. 1650. The Public Faith given him for his payment Vol. No. A or P. 3 324 11 Nov. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 17 Feb. 1645. Having escaped from the custody of the serjeant-at- arms, order that he be committed to Peter House for non-pay- ment of an assessment of 501. for his 2. 69 109 5 284 285 3 March 1645. To be released, on giving security to pay in 14 days, and abide the committee's order as to the rest. 8 205 9 July 1645. 251. being paid by him, or collected of his rents, he is to have his liberty, giving security for the residue. 25 July. Having paid 127. 10s. Od., to be discharged from imprisonment. 10 Oct. 1645. Having paid 257., to be discharged from his assess- ment on paying 101. more. 8 229 61 98 61 100 3 128 GEORGE HOUGHTON, Poultry, Walbrook Ward. Assessed at 1007. This was vacated because he was assessed at 61 100 50l. in his ward. 3 215 3 242 3 288 4 43 4 64 4 197 4 215 4 289 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 361 3 21 March 1644. R. 3 105 21 March 1644. 21 March 1644. 25 March 1644. Summoned to pay the assessment 21 May 1644. Having formerly lent 251. and deposited 75l., if he pay in 501. more, the rest is to be respited till he receive the greatest part of the debts owing him by the Navy. With note of a Public Faith certificate ordered him therefor, March 1654. 4 Nov. 1648. Information that he supplied arms and money to his son Stephen, who was with Lord Goring in the late insurrection in Kent, and was made a captain. 21 March 1644. STEPHEN ALCOCK, of the Slaughter House, Tower Hill, Navy Victualler. Assessed at 2001. R. 3 83 8 & 28 Nov. Interrogatories and depositions thereon, but no further order. 22 March 1644. 21 March 1644. 22 March 1644. • DOROTHY SALWEY, Widow, Temple Bar, Strand. Assessed at 1307. 2 April 1644. Her assessment discharged, because her estate lies in Worcestershire, under power of the King's army, and she has been plundered and lost all her goods, and has only fled to this city for refuge. 9 Oct. 1644. Assessed at 1507. - 61 99 94 146 122 3 61 99 22 Nov. 1644. Her assessment to be vacated, she having been formerly assessed and discharged. WM. HUCKLE, Vintry Ward. Order that the 351. deposited by him be received in discharge of bis assessment of 701., it appearing to be his full proportion. 16 March 1654. Receipt of a Public Faith certificate for the 94 152 money. TREVILIAN (late). The sequestration on his houses, which were made over to his wife for her jointure, to be discharged, but the rents due for them to Christmas last to be collected by the officer, towards pay- ment of Mr. Trevilian's assessment. RICH. STANLAKE, Westminster. Ordered to make up his ber, abated 20s. in his this committee. by Monday. Also his tenant, Phil. Com- year's rent, because he has paid it to 13 Jan. 1645. Assessed at 3001. 31 Jan. Having being assessed at 1001., and paid it, and being now assessed at 3007.,-order that the latter assessment be dis- charged. Vol. No. A or P. JAMES CRANFIELD, VISCOUNT CRANFIELD.* Assessed at 8007. 5 April 1644. Allowed 14 days to prove what estate he has, he pleading that he has none at all. 1 May 1644. His assessment discharged, on his avowing that he has no estate to the value of 1007., besides apparel and horses. * See also p. 247. 94 147 21 119 94 148- 151 3 56 61 32998 3 69 67 24 3 298 JUSTICE THOMAS COOKE, Barking, Essex. Assessed at 6007. 61 103 4 Sep. 1644. His assessment to be discharged for 301. lent and 5l. 76 527 now paid, being his proportion on oath. 3 56 3 57 67 104 4 25 61 1 3 72 3 95 362 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 1 22 March 1644. DEP. 94 154 155 DEP. 94 156 157 22 March 1644. 22 March 1644. 22 March 1644. 22 March 1644. ROB. HOLT, Blackwell Hall, Bassieshaw Ward. Assessed at 3007. 25 March 1644. Summoned to pay the assessment 17 April 1644. His assessment discharged, he having lent 1267. 19s. 4d. and deposited 231. Os. 8d., which is to be repaid on his bringing an acquittance from the Guildhall Treasurers for so much paid in by Chas. Winstanley, and turned over by him to Mr. Holt for debt, he being poor, and having no other means to pay; 150l. also being Mr. Holt's proportion on oath. 31 May 1644. Order that he be brought in custody to pay his 3 133 assessment. 5 21 20 April 1646. To be brought up in custody to answer his contempt to this committee. C 12 Jan. 1653. He petitions that he was assessed at 3007., but having 94 158 paid 1261. 19s. 4d., was discharged on payment of 231. Os. 8d. more, for which sum he begs the Public Faith. SIR FRAS. LEE, Wickham, Kent, near Croydon. Assessed at 1,5001. 13 Dec. 1644. Again assessed at 8001. No proceedings SUSAN MITCHELL, Charing Cross. Assessed at 4001. - 1 April 1644. Allowed 10 days to make affidavit, and pay in her assessment on oath. - 61 101 1 67 74 Vol. No. A or P. · 61 102 94 153 75 295 12 April. Ordered to pay 50%. forthwith, and give security to 3 80 abide the committee's order for the rest of her assessment. 1 May 1644. To make up her in 10 days 4 May. Ordered to make up her assessment to 100l., paying 501. more when she receives any part of her estate, which she pre- tends is in the Court and in France, and it is to be accepted in discharge of her assessinent. - SAM. PENOYER, St. Ellen's. 26 April. To be heard further on paying 51. more than the 207. 3 89 deposited. Assessed at 2501. 3 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 29 July 1644. The 1257. deposited is to discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath. 3 201 5 Aug. 1644. She being assessed at 4007., and having made up 100%., according to Parliament Order of 4 May, her assessment is 61 102 vacated, and the Public Faith given for the 1007. 1 61 103 3 66 18 Oct. 1648. To be allowed the Public Faith for the 1257., the reason for elapsing his time being that his brother William, who had moneys due to him from the State, laboured that the assess- ment should be allowed to him in part payment, but failed to obtain it. SIR FRAS. STEDWELL, or STIDOLPH, near Leatherhead, Surrey. Assessed at 1,0007. 3 94 3 103 61 103 3 102 76 472 6 86 61 101 10 April 1644. The 101. deposited, with 2001. paid in Surrey, to 75 286 discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 363 22 March 1644. 7 23 March 1644. 25 March 1644. o.c. 3 348 25 March 1644. R. 3 69 84 101 25 March 1644. 25 March 1644. WALSH, Covent Garden. Assessed at 1,5007. 19 April 1644. Respited till he come from Northamptonshire 1 May 1644. Allowed 14 days to prove what he has paid on the pro- positions in London and co. Northampton. 17 May. His assessment to be discharged on making up the 357. he has paid in co. Northampton to 100l., and paying the collector's salary, most of his lands being under command of the King's army. 7 June 1644. Respited till he comes from Northamptonshire, where he now resides, or till further order. 25 March 1644. FRANCES ALSTON, London, at Dr. Alston's. Assessed at 4007. 30 March 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 23 May 1644. She being assessed at 5001. (sic), and having suffered the day to elapse without payment, order that her rents, goods, &c., be seized and sequestered, and disposed of towards the assessment. With writ of assistance. DR. JOHN FRYER. Jo. Marsh, clerk to the Committee for Arrears, to Dallison. 94 159 Fryer was sent to Peter House for being in arrears for 50 subsidies, and the committee being satisfied, desire his discharge. - 29 June 1646. Allowed 14 days to prove that the estate she is possessed of has paid the 20 ARNOLD BEAKE, Billingsgate Ward. Assessed at 2001. 28 March 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment 22 May 1644. To be brought in safe custody to pay his assessment 31 May. Order that as he has contributed 1111. on the propositions, his assessment be discharged on payment of 391. March 1654. A Public Faith certificate ordered him SIR WM. BRERETON, BART., or LORD BRERETON. Order that Newman pay him 1,000l. by Parliament Order, and place it to his account. 20 June 1644. Order for payment to him of 6881., to pay those of whom he bought arms. 22 March 1648. Order that he be respited till the committee's first sitting in Easter term. DEVONSHIRE. LADY CHESTER, Long Acre. Assessed at 3001. No proceedings CHRISTIAN CAVENDISH, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF Assessed at 1,0001. 5 April 1644. She having contributed 3001. before the assessment, and most of her estate lying in Derbyshire and other places under power of the King's army, and paying in the country the rates for her estate under protection of Parliament;-order that her assessment be discharged, and she left to her voluntary contribution. Vol. No. A or P. 61 103 3 84 3 95 3 119 3 141 - 61 104 94 160 3 125 61 105 3 65 4 166 5 63 3 132 61 104 61 104 3 62 3 158 5 410 61 105 61 105 3 72 364 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 March 1644. 25 March 1644. 25 March 1644. R. 3 339 R. 4 61 R. 5 120 25 March 1644. 25 March 1644. R. 7 303 26 March 1644. P.E. 94 163 164 Assessed at 4007. Vol. No. EDWARD, first LORD MONTAGUE, of Boughton, and of A or p. the Savoy. Assessed at 1,2007. Noted as dead DR. CHENEY ROE, at Sir Wm. Roe's. 1 61 105 15 April 1644. To be discharged for 90l. paid in co. Cambridge, 75 293 being his proportion on oath. LADY SPENCER, Drury Lane. - 61 107 Assessed at 6007. 61 107 14 Aug. 1644 Another assessment of 600l. vacated because of the 65 141 former one. 11 Sept. 1644. Allowed 14 days' respite [to pay her assessment] 13 Sept. Respited till Mr. Wallop, now in the country, comes to town; she having paid 1007. is to have a certificate that it is her and 2%. 20 11 Dec. 1644. On paying 501. more than the 1007., she is to be discharged. SCIPIO SQUIRE, Long Acre. · 16 Oct. 1646. Order that in default of payment of the 501., it be levied out of her estate. 30 Oct. Order for her discharge from payment of the said 501. - *** 3233 3 236 9 Nov. 1652. Order that the treasurers and registrar give him a Public Faith certificate for 1221. paid within time, for his 2, with interest, according to a Parliament Order of 12 Aug. 1645. 3 325 Assessed at 1,000l. 61 105 17 April 1644. The 107. deposited to discharge his assessment, 75 295 being his proportion on oath. 5 117 NICH. TUKE, or TOOKE, Dartford, Kent. Assessed at 2507. 61 107 8 May 1644. Discharged on paying 107. more than the 1127. 75 321 deposited and 131. lent, being his proportion on oath. 5 123 - 12 202 JOHN RADLEY, Shenfield, Essex. 162 The inhabitants of Shenfield petition the County Commissioners. 94 161 There have been differences in the parish, which hinder service, now when religion and laws are at stake, and we should be united against the common adversary. John Radley has occasioned much strife by a rate for raising 3 dragoons, which he has levied very unequally, and he has had warrants issued to distrain on those who never denied payment, but were only hoping to be righted. He also suppressed a poor-rate legally made, and raised one unequally rated, without consent of the churchwardens and his fellow overseers. There being no sessions of peace, we present these disorders to you and beg relief. 3 May 1644. Radley assessed at 2001. 61 141 18 May. Deposition of Radley that 301. is the of his personalty, 94 165 and 137. 16s. the of his real estate. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 365 26 March 1644. P.E. 94 167 169 DEP. 94 170 LET. 94 171 172 INT. & DEP. 94 174 1 April 1644. 3 April 1644. 20 May 1644. His assessment discharged for the 45l. 18. 7d. formerly 75 336 lent, being his proportion on oath. 3 June 1644. Wm. Angell informs the Committee for Advance of 94 166 Money that the taxation for the and has been very uneven, and that Radley has a good estate and stock, and should have paid 1207. instead of 437. 16s. 20 3 June. Radley to be brought up in custody to answer matters 3 135 objected against him. 14 March 1645. He having a greater estate than is expressed in his 76 763 affidavit, as appears by his confession and by testimony of the inhabitants-order that on paying 156l. 4s. more, he be left to the mercy of the Ordinance to pay a double assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 31 March. Angell gives further details of Radley's misdoings; 94 173 his stock was worth 2,000l. and is now worth 1,0007. Has travelled much, but never met so wicked and malicious a man. 4 April 1645. John Radley paying 4l. for his son's lands, his 76 777 assessment to be discharged, any former order notwithstanding. 18 April. Note of his payment and discharge 19 Aug. Order that he be respited till Michaelmas, that the Miti- gation Committee may examine his estate, and either acquit him, or make him pay if faulty in his affidavit, this order being made at his motion, and consented to by him. RICH. HARRIS, Chapel Warden, Covent Garden. Assessed at 807. 26 April 1644. On information that he has disbursed 4001. for the parish, by reason whereof be cannot pay his assessment-order that it be respited till a bill now depending in the House of Commons for making the place a parish be passed, when money can be raised for his repayment. 30 Dec. 1644. Assessed at 2507. 20 Jan. 1645. The former order renewed, he having disbursed much money for the parish. 19 Aug. 1646. Earl of Warwick to Sir David Watkins. My 94 175 tenant, Radley, has done good service for the State, and proved before the Commissioners for Sequestrations that he has lent to the best of his ability, and been active for the public good. I know not by what bad instruments he has been put to the charge of appearing before you, but pray procure his discharge, and let not Parliament's friends be prejudiced. THOS. BROOKER, Sundridge, Southwark, Surrey, or Sevenoaks, Kent. Assessed at 5007. 1 May 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 17 July 1644. His assessment respited, on certificate of the County Commissioners for Surrey that his estate is sequestered. 19 July. This order notwithstanding, the assessment of 5001. is to be levied on the rents of bis estate in Southwark. 11 Sept. 1644. Order that John Hodges be contiuued steward of Old Paris Garden Manor, St. Saviour's, Southwark, whereof Thos. Brooker, assessed at 5001. for his, is lord, and as many Uor M 61 141 5 91 61 111 3 89 67 91 4 17 3 184 12 Aug. 1644._Overington Blunden, his tenant, who has done good 3 206 service to Parliament, excused a year's rent of 261. because he has laid out 301. on the house. 61 115 3 96 3 182 3 233 235 366 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 3 April 1644. 3 April 1644. 3 April 1644. 3 April 1644. 3 April 1644. offences have been committed in the manor, and fines made by jurors thereon, he is to issue warrants for raising the fines, to keep courts, and to perform his usual duties. Also that Roger Taylor be bailiff, and be accountable to this committee for his receipts, which are to be in part of the said assessment. 27 Sept. 1644. Lancelot Johnson to desist from his office of steward of Old Paris Garden, John Hodges being appointed thereto, and he is to pay in all his receipts to this committee, or in default, to appear before them. 5 Feb 1645. Order that out of the money coming in from Brooker's assessment, the 101. due from his lands and rents to the poor of St. Saviour's parish and the Grammar School be paid. 9 July 1645. Assessed at 2,000l. 20 Dec. 1644. Brooker's tenant, Fras. Comber, complaining of his mplaining of his 3 337 rent, as rents are now much lessened, 30s. deducted from his former rent of 51. 16 Aug 1645. Order that on his making up the receipts from his rents to 6007., his assessments of 500l. and 2,000l. be discharged, and his sequestration for non-payment taken off, he paying the collector's salary and charges. THOS. BRUNSELL. Assessed at 1,200l. 16 May 1644. Respited 14 days for enquiries as to what residence he has had in town since the Ordinance of 29 Nov. 1642. SIR SIMON FANSHAW. Assessed at 6001. No proceedings HEN. PHILPOTT, Mile End Green, and Thruxton, Co. Hants, and THOS. PHILPOTT, Thruxton. 9 July 1645. Assessed at 8001. 15 Dec. 1645. Again assessed at 1,000l. 21 Aug. 1646. Thomas Philpott assessed at 1007. Vol. No. A or P. 25 Sept. 1646. Geo. Lawrence, who holds 60l. a year in land of Hen. Philpott's in Bow and Mile End, to pay his rent to this committee towards Philpott's assessment of 8001. and to be protected therein. 3 246 SIR ROB. KING, the Strand. Assessed at 3007. 61 113 8 April 1644. His assessment discharged for the 2751. formerly 75 281 lent in his wife's name. 30 Oct. 1646. Lawrence is to hold the land at 601. rent, and to be secured for payment of his last year's rent to this committee. 20 Nov. 1646. His sequestration to be discharged, on his giving security to abide the order of this committee as to his assess- ment. - 61 113 4 30 61 Henry assessed at 4007., but the assessment vacated because of a later one. 2 Dec. 1646. The grant of the house to Lawrence vacated, as Philpott had no notice thereof, and he to deliver it to Philpott on 1 March, being excused the rent from Michaelmas. Philpott having given security, his sequestration is discharged. Maou 69 56 4 241 61 113 3 117 113 69 56 69 132 39 5 108 71 Nov. Lawrence begs a 3 years' lease of the house, as Phil- 95 1 pott threatens to turn him out for paying his rent to the com- mittee. Paid it before to the Commissioners for Sequestrations for Middlesex, who abated 201. a year, because much of the land was taken from him by building of the forts. 5 123 5 139 5 147 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 367 3 April 1644. CASE 95 1A DEP. 95 1B P.E. 95 lc P.E. 95 1D P.D. 95 1E 3 April 1644. 5 April 1644. 5 April 1644. 5 April 1644. 15 March 1647. The sequestration of Hen. Philpott's estate to pro- ceed. 26 March. Lawrence to hold the Mile End farm at 601. rent from Lady-day. 28 May 1647. The 5551. balance due of Philpott's fine to be paid by Mr. Austen, of Hogsdon, Middlesex, on sale of his lands. 4 June 1647. This order vacated and Philpott's estate discharged for the 4007. that he has paid. 16 Feb. 1648. 50l. to be returned to him, the 4001. being above his proportion. 30 Nov. 1648. To be sequestered for non-payment of his assess- ment of 1,0001. 18 May 1649. Thos. Philpott to be sequestered for non-payment 7 Dec. 1649. His assessment discharged, as his debts amount to more than the value of his estate. CAPT. RICH. WILD, Tower Hill. Assessed at 3007. 24 March 1645. Respited till Oxfordshire be reduced, or the lease of lands excepted be restored, or till further order, having lent 161. 4s., which is his proportion on oath. SIR FRAS. CLARK, Coleharbour. GREGORY COLE, the Temple. Assessed at 5007. 4 June 1644. To have 14 days to bring in the of his assessment 19 June. Allowed 10 days more, and on non-performance, his estate to be sequestered. 24 June. To be brought up in custody to pay the assessment 4 Sept. 1644. The 3007. which he paid in Oxfordshire to the Lord- General's Commissioners to be accepted in part of his assess- ment, and on payment of 1007. more, he is to be discharged. 18 Sept. Allowed 14 days to pay 501. of the 1007. 2 Oct. 1644. He is to pay the 501. residue in 14 days 16 Oct. Notes of payment of 501., 481. and 21. in full 4 April 1645. His estate, with that of his tenants having been seized on a mis-information, it is to be discharged, and the informers are to pay the officers their charges. JOHN HARMER, Wanstead, and Old Bailey. Assessed at 7007. 11 May 1644. Affidavit that 1007. 10s. is his full, his houses at Cirencester, and his desperate debts being deducted, and his own debts paid. Noted to be discharged. Vol. No. A or P. 5 219 5 229 Uor M 5 265 23 Oct. 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for the money paid in by him, both that paid within the time and that paid snddenly after. 5 268 5 373 Assessed at 4007. 61 117 19 April 1644. Discharged for 807. Jent, being his proportion on oath 75 297 6 127 - 6 349 8 51 00 61 113 76 770 61 113 61 117 3 136 3 154 3 161 3 229 3 240 3 250 61 118 4 108 · 61 61 117 95 1F 13 May. His assessment to be discharged for 71. 6s. formerly 75 327 lent and 931. 4s. now paid, being his proportion on oath. 5 121 368 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 5 April 1644. o.c. 3 120 8 April 1644. 8 April 1644. 10 April 1644. o.c. 3 142 10 April 1644. 10 April 1644. EMERY HILL, Westminster. Assessed at 507. 1 May 1644. Order that 381. owing to him by the State, for which he has a warrant to Sir Gilbert Gerard from the Committee of Safety, be accepted in discharge of his assessment, and Sir Gilbert be desired to pay the same to this committee. 3 May. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment DEPUTY JAS. THURSBY, KATHERINE, his Widow. Assessed at 3007. 22 April 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 26 April. Ordered to make up and then be heard 27 April. The 551. deposited by him, with 957. lent, to be accepted in discharge of his assessment. Grocer, Smithfield, and 1652 ? The widow petitions for Public Faith security for the 55l., although on account of her husband's illness he did not pay it within 10 days, but she wishes to double the whole money on the late propositions of Parliament. THOS. WALLIS, Old Bailey. Assessed at 601. 19 April 1644. The 71. 14s. deposited by him to be accepted in discharge, he having lent 177. 6s. and this being his proportion on oath. JOHN CLEMENTS, Bridge Ward. Assessed at 1007. 15 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 17 July 1644. To make up his assessment in 10 days 15 Jan. 1645. Ordered to send in 30 pairs of good pistols, with holsters, to be viewed by Col. Owen Rowe, and allowed towards his assessment. JONAS JAMES, Deptford. He having contributed 1507., and having 5001. due to him from the Navy for freight, order that the residue of his assessment be respited till he receives his money from the Navy. 21 July 1652. Order that he have the Public Faith for 77. 14s. paid 12 by him with interest. 20 May 1644. Assessed at 5001. 14 June 1644. This assessment to be discharged #sou - Vol. No. A or p. 61 119 3 95 G MARY MILDMAY, Romford, Co. Essex. Assessed at 801. 1 May 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay her assessment 8 May. Allowed 14 days to prove what she contributed on the propositions. 21 May. Her assessment to be discharged on payment of 201., she having shown her affection by frequent contributions in Essex. 3 102 61 118 3 86 3 87 3 90 95 10 19 Nov. 1645. To pay 30l. in discharge of his assessment in 14 days, and have his pistols back; and if he fail, he is to pay the whole assessment. March 1654. A Public Faith certificate ordered him for the 301. 61 121 paid. 61 118 75 298 75 61 121 3 116 3 180 13 4 4 329 3 75 65 23 3 148 61 121 3 96 3 105 3 122 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 369 10 April 1644. 10 April 1644. 10 April 1644. 11 April 1644. 12 April 1644. 10 April 1644. 15 April 1644. 50623. JAS. PARROTT, Walbrook Ward. Certificate by Law. Newman of his payment of 157.¨in full of his assessment, according to order. THOS. WILD, Lewsham, Kent. JOHN PAULET, MARQUIS OF WINCHESTER. Assessed at 3,000l. No proceedings Assessed at 801. 121 1 May 1644. Discharged for 101. deposited, being his proportion 76 311 23 March 1654. Request by him for the Public Faith for 101. paid 95 in 1644 for his, with receipt thereof. - 61 RICH. BRIGHAM, Covent Garden. His assessment of 500l. discharged, most of his estate consisting in debts owing him by the King and others at Oxford, and he having made waggons and done work for the Army, amounting to 881. 3s. Od. · JAMES STANLEY, EARL OF DERBY. Messengers to seek for and bring in any plate, money, or jewels 3 77 belonging to James, Earl of Derby. 17 Nov. 1645. The Earl assessed at 10,000l. for his proceedings. 27 Jan. 1645. Assessed at 1501. 25 Feb. 1645. His assessment respited till his excepted debts are paid, or till further order, not having 1007. V CAPT. BRIAN STAPLETON, Blackfriars. Assessed at 501. 17 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 12 June 1644. His assessment discharged, he being driven from Lincoln, and his estate under power of the King's army. 1 61 120 - - 1 No 69 110 20 18 Feb. Ordered a dwelling in the house, Shoe Lane, granted 7 Nov. 1645 (2 rooms excepted) to 3 women who lost their estates in Ireland. Vol. No. A or P. 95 2 MICHAEL BAYLEY, tallow - chandler, near Holborn Bridge. Assessed at 3001. 19 April 1644. Summoned to pay the assessment 16 May 1644. Ordered to pay up in 14 days 4 Nov. 1644. To be heard after he has paid in 1 22 Nov. His tenant, Edw. Foden, ordered to pay in to the Committee for Advance of Money 1291. due to Bayley for rent, in part of the assessment. 3 Jan. 1645. Like order to Foden to pay in 1667. 13 June 1645. Bayley to be discharged, having paid 1507. 10. 2A 18 Feb. 1646. He petitions that he lost an estate of 4001. a year by 95 3 the rebellion in Ireland, has been in service there and in England, often shot, and is now in distress. Begs room for himself and children in Mr. Mollen's house, Shoe Lane, granted to some who never inhabited it, nor paid a penny for repairs, as he cannot obtain his arrears. 3 80 69 118 76 737 61 121 3 120 3 146 4 432 - 61 125 95 4 3 117 280 3 3 300 A A 3 349 4 179 95 5 370 15 April 1644. 15 April 1644. 15 April 1644. 15 April 1644. 15 April 1644. 15 April 1644. o.c. 3.288 15 April 1644. R. 4 131 202 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. March 1654. He petitions for the Public Faith for the 150l. Lent 3007. in 1651, and has neither received principal nor interest. Was assessed at 3007. in 1644, but being very aged and infirm, got his friends to solicit for him, and deposited 801., but that not being accepted, paid 407., and his tenaut, Mr. Foden, 601. Now lives at Finchley, and is unable to help himself. Granted. WM. BEHETHLAND, Billingsgate Ward. 20 His assessment of 401. for his discharged for 201. already paid - 22 March 1654. Receipt on his behalf of a Public Faith certificate for payment of the said 207. JUSTICE CONYERS, Walthamstow, Essex. LADY DOROTHY CAPEL, Oxted, Surrey. Assessed at 5001. 61 123 8 May 1644. Her assessment discharged for the 801. lent in Surrey, 75 324 being her proportion on oath. Assessed at 4007. - 61 126 May 1644 Note of the Public Faith given him for payments 61 126 amounting in all to 931. 10s. 8d. 17 June 1644. To be discharged on payment of 101. more than the 75 395 1001. already paid, being his proportion on oath. THOS. KEN, Lombard Street. WM. DUNN, Limehouse, near Dickshore, Middlesex. Assessed at 601. - 61 124 3 May 1644. The 147. 10s. 4d. lent before, and 51. 9s. 8d. now to 75 313 be paid, to discharge his assessment. Assessed at 1007. 31 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 18 Nov. 1644. Ken to make affidavit as to his 21 July 1652. Order for a Public Faith bill, without interest, to be 12 75 given him for the 57. 9s. 8d. Vol. No. A or P. 6 95 20 1 Jan. 1645. Order that he pay in 201., and bring in a particular of his estate. 61 125 13 Jan. Ordered to bring in particulars of debts due by him and to him. 3 81 95 7 24 Feb. 1645. Order for his discharge for the 10l. already paid, being his proportion on oath. - 61 125 3 133 3 294 3 347 LADY MONTAGUE, the Spittle. Assessed at 1,2007. 8 July 1644. Her estate to be sold and disposed of towards pay- ment of her assessment. 23 Dec. 1644. She to be brought up in custody to pay her assess- ment. 23 July 1645. Order that her assessment be discharged on paying 1207., she paying 301. more after the reducing of Newark and Belvoir, having 300l. a year under Newark garrison. 4 Feb. 1646. Assessed at 4001. No proceedings 4 10 4 55 61 125 3 172 3 343 4 210 71 15 15 April 1644. 15 April 1644. 15 April 1644. 15 April 1644. 15 April 164-1. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. Vol. No. A or P. - 61 126 12 May 1644. Deposition by him that 401. is the full of his 95 real and personal estate. STEPHEN NIGHTINGALE, Grub Street. Assessed at 807. 1 20 14 May. Order for his discharge for the 261. 14s. 10d. lent, and 131. 5s. 2d. now paid, being his proportion on oath, long since made, and now de novo, and for which the Public Faith is given. ABRAHAM SMITH, Chandler, Smithfield. Assessed at 2001. SIR GEORGE STRODE, Squerries, Co. Kent. Assessed at 1,000l. 15 Nov. 1644. All his stock, money, and adventure in the East India Company to be seized for payment of his. 3 March 1647. His goods and household stuff in the hands of Sir Wm. Sidley in Kent to be seized and disposed of, and Sidley and all others to assist. 61 126 19 April 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment 95 8 3 May 1644. His assessment discharged for 187. 10s. lent, 317. 10s. 75 316 .deposited, and 101. more now to be paid. JOHN TUFTON, EARL OF THANET. Assessed at 1,5007. Noted, "assessed elsewhere' 24 May 1644. To be brought in custody for non-payment 30 May 1645. Again assessed at 2,0007. 1 20 11 July 1645. Respited to make up his, or take affidavit in the country what is his and 0. 23 July. The assessment to be discharged on payment of 1,0007. in 14 days, for which the Public Faith is given. 1 Oct. 1650. Information of numerous debts due to Sir George 22 Strode. 1645? Martin Dallison petitions the House of Peers. The Earl of Thanet being assessed on the Ordinance of Parliament for his, and the time for payment elapsed, the collector pre- sented me printed warrants to sign according to the usual course against him and many others, not naming, as he ought to have done, that he was a person of honour, and his a particular case, and therefore by oversight I signed it. This committee has always taken care, as in the cases of the Earl of Middlesex, Lord Coventry, &c., to acquaint the House of Lords with their pro- ceedings in such cases, and the warrant not being signed with my knowledge, I beg that my oversight may be excused. 22 Oct. 1651. His assessment discharged, he having compounded 17 and paid his fine according to the resolves of Parliament of 17 and 21 March 1649, and his estate being sequestered till then. WM. WIGHT, Lunatic, London Wall. Assessed at 1007. 9 Aug. 1644. Fras. Gilbert, his [father-in-law and] guardian is to make oath what is his proportion, and to have 14 days to bring it in. 371 76 940 61 126 1 7A 61 125 3 291 5 207 90 91 61 61 123 3 127 69 34 4 199 4 210 69 34 95 9a, B AA 3 61 126 3 204 21 Aug. The 77. 10s. deposited by Gilbert to be accepted in dis- 76 510 charge of his assessment, being his proportion. 372 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 15 April 1644. 16 April 1644. R. 4 43 18 April 1644. HEN. WYNN, Wimbledon. 18 April 1644. Assessed at 1,000l. 24 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 24 June 1644. Ordered to pay in 14 days - R. 4 87 104 12 Sept. 1645 Chris. Dorrington assessed at 4007. 15 July 1644. Ordered to pay 1001. more than the 2001. already deposited, in discharge of his assessment of 1,000l. Aug. 1644. Note of his payments in five sums; total 3007. 16 Sept. 1646. Order that as 2007. is more than his, 1007. be re- paid him out of his discoveries of any who have not paid in their 2. 20 2 April 1647. Lane ordered to pay him the 1001. out of the money paid in by Sir Hen. Audley for his. 7 Jan. 1648. He having only received 50l., order for payment of the other 501. from money paid in by Sir John Borlase. - 61 123 3 127 3 160 3 178 J CHRIS. DORRINGTON or DODINGTON, Blackfriars. He is to be brought in custody to pay his assessment 13 May 1644. Being assessed at 1501. and his father-in-law, Dr. Grize, having made up, the residue is respited till he come home, or the committee take further order. - 1 Oct. 1645. To pay his assessment, or be committed to Peter House. 16 Jan. 1646. His goods and estate in his chamber in or near Whitehall to be seized, sequestered, and inventoried. WM. BACON of Westminster. Assessed at 201. for his, and summoned to pay 30 Jan. To be discharged imprisonment, on making up what he has paid on the propositions to 2001., and to give security to pay the rest in 6 months. 9 Feb. 1646. Having paid his, to be released till further order, and to be heard touching the residue of his assessment. 3 March 1654. Public Faith certificate given for the payment • Vol. No. A or P. 95 89 5 101 5 234 5 342 3 83 3 114 84 69 4 278 4 392 4 405 4 423 69 84 61 130 95 10 321 CERT. 95 11 8 May 1644. To be discharged on payment of 2l., he having 75 already lent 17. 13 1 Sept. 1653. Order that he have a Public Faith bill for the said 13 21. 95 12 15 Oct. 1653. Public Faith bill granted accordingly 95 13 JAS. BENNETT, Sen., of the Strand, and of Tooting, Surrey. Assessed at 1007. 61 129 6 May 1644. The 251. deposited, with 51. lent, to discharge his 75 318 assessment of 301. last December and 1001. in April, 301. being his proportion on oath. 20 Dec. 1653. Asks a Public Faith bill for 251. paid ut Haber- 95 dashers' Hall for his 2. 13 March 1654. Receipt of the same, the 251. being paid at 95 Haberdashers' Hall 6 May 1644. 14 14 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 373 18 April 1644. 18 April 1644. CERT. 95 17 18 April 1644. 18 April 1644. 18 April 1644. CAPT. RICH. BLITH, Jun., Deptford and Addle Hill. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 10 May 1644. John Bateman, constable of Deptford, to be committed to Lambeth House, because when Lawrence and Judd, the committee's officers, came to levy the assessment on Capt. Blith, he imprisoned Judd. Also Blith to be brought up in custody to answer his contempt to the committee's officers. 13 May. Blith assessed at 1007. 28 May. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment ROB. LUNSDELL or LUNSDEN, Westminster. Summoned to pay an assessment of 501. 2 Nov. Order for a Public Faith certificate both for the 13. 15s. paid within time and the 137. 15s. out of time. 23 Dec. 1653. The Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers refusing the certi- ficate because they did not receive the money, Wm. Lane, late treasurer to the Committee for Advance of Money, is to give it. 15 May 1644. The collectors of his assessment to forbear distress or sale of Sarah Spikerman's goods, till her husband, Peter Spiker- man, Lunsden's tenant, returns from the Low Countries, and till further order of this committee. 5 Aug. 1644. Lunsden to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 28 April 1645. To be discharged for 91. 18s. and 31. 17s. paid 76 796 before, and 131. 15s. paid this day, being his proportion on oath. ALICE PECK, Widow, Fetter Lane, and Co. Norfolk. Assessed at 5007. 21 March 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay her assessment 24 March. Her assessment being unpaid, her estate is to be seized and sold for payment. 5 Jan. 1646. Being assessed at 5007. in co. Norfolk, the County Commissioners are to take her affidavit as to her, and to certify what they have received from her. 9 March 1646. It appearing that she has given 857. in the country, and that this is her full proportion, her assessment to be discharged, and the sequestration of her estate taken off. Vol. No. A or P. 3 84 3 111 112 2 Nov. 1653. Being much decayed in his estate, he begs a Public 95 16 Faith certificate for the 277. 10s. paid, although he could not make the second payment of 137. 15s. within the 10 days assigned, and therefore a warrant was issued to take him into custody, but he borrowed the 137. 15s. and got his discharge. GEO. READE, Sen. and Jun., Holborn. Assessed the father at 401. and the son at 301. 23 May 1644. Order that as there is much money due to the son for military service to Parliament, his assessment be respited till he receive the money. €5 1 3 130 61 131 95 15 3 116 3 13 95 13 95 61 4 4 201 29 18 48 19 128 92 96 4 377 4 450 61 131 3 125 24 May. The father's assessment to be discharged for the 207. 3 126 deposited by him, for which the Public Faith is given. 61 131 ROB. SAINTHILL, Lime Street, Agent for the King in Leghorn. Assessed at 1,000l. 61 128 29 April 1644. Note of Public Faith given him for 4507. and 507. 61 128 374 18 April 1644. 18 April 1644. DEP. 95 21-23 11 Aug. 1645. Information that he and Mr. Wright sent a ship laden with ammunition for the King's use to Bristol 2 years since, and that Sainthill has in lands in Middlesex, and in goods in his partner's hands, 20,000l. o. 3 164 18 April 1644. 19 April 1644. 22 April 1644. 22 April 1644. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 26 April 1644. 3 May 1644. Having made up his, respited 10 days 10 May. Order that his assessment being paid, the residue be respited till he returns from Leghorn. Also that Mr. Keats, having paid 507. more than was formerly lent by Mr. Sainthill, be respited till Sainthill comes from Leghorn. JOHN SMITH, Leadenhall Street. Assessed at 1,000l. 2 May 1644. Having formerly lent and paid 5007., he is to pay 1001. more or make affidavit. 10 May. Having lent 5007. he is to be discharged on paying 501. now and 301. in 14 days. 12 June 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment HAMOND WARD, Merchant. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 24 May 1644. To be brought up to pay the collectors their salary - 19 May 1647. He petitions that he was ordered to pay 701. 6s. 8d., to make 1291. 13s. 4d. paid up to 2001., the of the ticket sent when he was out of town. This being 401. more than his propor- tion, the 407. was to be returned, but could not be spared. Brought 717. 14s. 8d. to Goldsmiths' Hall in 1642. Begs the Public Faith for the 701. 6s. 8d. 19 May. Granted, though the time was elapsed, because he was out of town when the notice was given. MARY DOBBS. Her assessment respited 10 days 30 April 1644. Respite continued, "it appearing that she is under coverture, and her husband remote from hence." JOHN BURT, Stanmore, Middlesex. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 1 May 1644. To be discharged on payment of 157. DR. RICH. HALL, Barking. Assessed at 1007. 20 May 1644. Again assessed at 1007. 28 May. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 5 June 1644. Shews acquittances for 20l. paid in Essex 17 July 1644. He being assessed 22 April last, and discharged, and now re-assessed at 1007., the assessment to be discharged. Vol. No. A or P. 75 315 3 111 3 112 1 21 95 61 3 128 97 3 110 3 147 3 84 3 126 24 95 23 20 3 21 March 1654. Receipt by him of a Public Faith certificate for 95 31. 6s. paid on his 2. 5 258 3 85 3 92 3 86 95 25 - 61 127 65 26 3 130 61 127 3 180 EDW. ALLEN. Order to have a week's notice to provide himself with a house, and 3 88 to remove from that in possession of Thos. Kitchen. May 1644 ? Begs leave to dwell in half a tenement in Little Moor- 95 26 fields belonging to Mich. Gardiner, now prisoner at Norwich, and seized by the committee, and to have half the garden, paying 51. rent. It was let to Roger Drake for 107., and he 26 April 1644. 26 April 1644. R. 3 115 137 26 April 1644. 26 April 1644. 26 April 1644. 26 April 1644. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. allowed Thos. Kitchen, porter, and the petitioner to live in it reut free, but his lease having expired, and Kitchen being ordered to pay 107. rent, he has given petitioner, who is poor and aged, notice to quit. MARY BODE, alias TROTTER, St. John's. Assessed at 3001. 8 May 1644. She is to make up in 10 days 8 July 1644. To be taken into custody for non-payment 22 Nov. 1644. Her assessment to be discharged for the 507. paid 29 June 1649. Order that the Public Faith be given to Rich. Trotter, who married Mary Bode, lately deceased, for 501. paid by her for her, before her marriage with Mr. Trotter. LADY MARY CLITHEROE, Cheshunt. " FARRATA. Assessed at 1,000l. Noted as discharged Assessed at 4007. 61 133 8 May 1644. To be discharged for the 2001. 5s. 4d. lent, being her 75 323 proportion on oath. ว DR. THOS. GWYNN, Doctors' Commons. Assessed at 3001. 10 July 1644. Again assessed at 1001. 21 May 1645. Gwynn to be brought up in custody to pay his assess- ment. 375 Vol. No. A or P. 22 Jan. Messrs. Wheeler and Palmer to pay to the committee for Advance of Money the money in their hands belonging to the late Dr. Gwynn, whose sequestration is taken off, towards the assessment of 3007. for his 2. 20 61 132 3 105 3 174 3 299 7 108 95 27 - 61 134 65 104 4 160 17 March 1647. His tenants to pay their rents to this committee towards his assessment, as he was served with a ticket for 1007., and has since been assessed at 3001. 15 Jan. 1647. Mr. Gyttings, of Watling Street, ordered to bring 95 28 in the moneys in his hands of Dr. Gwynn's, towards his assessment. 61 134 9 April. Order that the sequestration on Dr. Gwynn's estate be taken off, and his assessment respited, and that his tenants and debtors pay their rents and debts as formerly. 5 183 5 221 9 April 1647. Alice Gwynn, administratrix to the late Dr.. Thos. 95 Gwynn, complains that, being under-tenant by a lease expiring at Midsummer at a heavy rent, to the Earl of Pembroke and the executors of Wilson, her tenants refuse to pay her their rents, being required to pay what moneys they have of Dr. Gwynn's to the Committee for Advance of Money. She begs that as he was no delinquent, nor lived within 100 miles of London, was never sequestered before, and is long since dead, the summons may be discharged. 29 5 237 LADY JOYNER or JENOUR, Garlick Hill. Assessed at 2001. 61 133 8 May 1644. Her assessment discharged for the 431. lent, being her 75 323 proportion on oath. 376 26 April 1644. 26 April 1644. 29 April 1644. R. 75 388 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. THOS. MASON, Pye Corner, St. Sepulchre's Parish. He being sequestered [for non-payment of his, the claim of Thos. Halton to his house in Pye Corner to be examined, and if it appear to belong to Halton, the sequestration to be discharged. 30 April. Discharged accordingly, any former order of this com- mittee notwithstanding. 14 Feb. 1645. Mr. Blakiston to have Mason's house in St. John's Lane, it being first sequestered by this committee, on paying head-rent and duties. 12 Nov. 1645. Edw. Russell, of Banbury, who lost his estate, was imprisoned in the castle there, and condemned to die by the enemy's Council-of-war, but escaped, is to live in Mason's house in Pye Corner till further order. 14 Nov. Eliz. Way and her family, and John Browne and his family, who lost their estates in Ireland, are to live with Mason's tenant in a house in Shoe Lane. 3 Dec. 1645. Jas. Robins, his tenant at Pye Corner, who owes 481. arrears of rent, is to be discharged therefrom on paying 107. presently and 57. in a month. 22 Dec. Thos Walker, his tenant, is to pay 107. in hand, and 207. in 14 days, and then to be heard about arrears. 5 Jan. 1646. Mr. Lane to pay to the Goldsmiths' Company 33s. 4d. for 2 years' arrears of rent for the houses and garden of Mason in Gunpowder Alley, Shoe Lane, and 13s. 4d. a year for a garden and encroachment. 23 Jan. Thos. Walker, having paid in 301., to be discharged from a rent of 401. due to Mason. 16 Feb. The collectors are to give in an account of what moneys they have levied towards his assessment. 12 March 1647. Order that if he make up the 871. 3s. 6d. received to 1007., at which sum he is assessed in Faringdon Ward Without, east part, his sequestration be discharged. 26 March. It appearing that he is assessed above his proportion, the sequestration of his estate is discharged, and the tenants are to pay him their rents as formerly. • Vol. No. A or P. 3 87 3 91 4 42 16 Feb. 1647. Mason begs discharge from sequestration. Com- 95 30 pounded at Goldsmiths' Hall for his delinquency, and was there discharged, but is since informed that his estate is sequestered for his and 26. 20 EDM. or EDW. BRENT, Haberdasher, of London and Heston, Middlesex. 4 321 4 324 * See his petition on p. 52. 4 345 4 364 4 379 4 401 5 202 5 216 FRAS. ROWDEN. Petition that, being sequestrable for residing in the enemy's 95 31 quarters, after the loss of his personalty, he compounded for his estate, engaging his lands to pay the fine, and is again assessed at 5001. Begs discharge, being unable to raise the money. 5 229 3 26 April 1644. Order for his discharge from a former assessment on payment of 107. 89 Assessed at 2007. - 61 135 3 121 20 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 7 June 1644. The 657. deposited, with 357. lent, to discharge his 75 376 assessment on payment of 501. more. 28 June. Allowed 10 days to pay 107. still behind of the 501. 75 409 ordered. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 377 29 April 1644. 29 April 1644. 29 April 1644. 29 April 1644. R. 75 352 Assessed at 3007. 15 May 1644. Her assessment respited 14 days R. 3 156 219 26 July 1644. Her assessment discharged at request of the Com- mittee for Surrey, to whom the assessment was referred, her husband having been slain in Parliament service. 29 April 1644. 1 May 1644. 20 13 March 1649. Petition that, living in the country, he ordered his son to pay all assessments imposed, and having an order to pay 2007. for the in 10 days, he appealed for mitigation; for this, petitioner was sent for, but could not arrive till too late, and a warrant was issued against him for not appearing. Was not at the next meeting for want of notice, and his assessment was set at 1501., far above his proportion, but he was denied the Public Faith because a warrant was issued against him. Was the first that disbursed money for Ireland, and has lent several sums. Begs that the unintentional delay of one day may not deprive him of the Public Faith. LADY KATHERINE FANE or VANE, at the Earl of Westmoreland's. 13 March. Order that he have the Public Faith for the money paid, 6 208 as the lapsing of time was caused by his being out of town when the notice was left. TOBY MATHEWS, Holborn. THOS. PAYNE, Middle Temple, and Petworth, Surrey. Assessed at 1,0007. 17 May 1644. Respited 14 days that his affidavit may be examined 12 June 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment - 61 Assessed at 2007. 61 136 20 May 1644. His assessment discharged, on affidavit that he is not 75 340 worth 1001. 21 June. His assessment to be discharged on paying 131. 13s. 4d. more than the 661. 6s. 8d. deposited. JOHN REYNELL or REYNOLDS. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 30 April 1644. Order that he make up his in 10 days 6 July 1646. To be brought up in custody to pay 3 Aug. 1649. Ordered the Public Faith for 801. paid for his, because his ticket was left in the Temple and he lived at Petworth, and paid within time after he had notice. - 61 61 136 75 334 3 147 75 401 1 July 1644. His discharge ordered, the 801. paid being his propor- 75 414 tion on oath. 7 208 29 Jan. 1647. His assessment discharged, he having lost the benefit of his office at Worcester, and suffered much in his estate since these troubles. Vol. No. A or p. 95 32 FRANCIS GREVILLE, late LORD BROOKE, and JOHN BRIDGES, his Executor. Bridges discharged from his assessment, having done good service as governor of Warwick Castle, and paid an assessment in the country.. 61 135 3 116 3 193 22 June 1644. Geo. Nash having lent Lord Brooke 507. on a Parliament Order of 28 Feb. 1643, the same is to be allowed him in part of his assessment. * 3 91 3 93 5 67 5 184 сr сr со со 3 99 1644 P Note of moneys, 1707. in all, lent to Lord Brooke on his going 95 down into Warwickshire on the Ordinance, and which he pro- cured to that end. 3 186 33 378 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. ~ 1 May 1644. 1 May 1644. 1 May 1644. 1 May 1644. 1 May 1644. 2 May 1644. 3 May 1644. R. 3 161 172 177 11 Nov. 1651. Deposition of Wm. Jessop that he holds a bond of 19 Nov. 1637, wherein Robert, late Lord Brcoke, and the late John Pym, were bound in 1,000l. to Wm. Bevill for payment of 5201., and that they were to pay it in proportions. MARY, Widow of JOHN SAVAGE. Assessed at 301. 11 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 1644? Petition of Robert and Nich. Fletcher, tenants to the lands of Compton Scorphin, and of John Webb and other "agisters of cattle and sheep on Upton Ould lands. The lands of Compton were granted by the late John Savage for jointure of Mary his wife, and she has received the rents since his death, and threatens to sue petitioners for those which, by order of 3 April last, are detained in their hands. The cattle were seized as belonging to George Savage, whereas they belong to petitioners, and the rents to Mary Savage. Beg discharge of the said order. THOS. GOOSE, Teddington. "" Assessed at 301. 10 May 1644. The 31. 13s. 4d. deposited to discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath. 8 Sept. 1652. Order that he have the Public Faith for the 31. 13s. 4d. paid by him for his assessment. SIR NICH. MILLER, Kent. Assessed at 8001. No proceedings HESTER RAINES, Widow, Angel Alley. Assessed at 501. 7 April 1646. She petitions that, although her late husband was lame and had but 101. a year, he was assessed at 501. and im- prisoned for non-payment, till this committee, on hearing of his great misery, released him. Now this extreme assessment is imposed on her, and all her goods, to her very bedding, distrained for non-payment, and she is threatened with. new assessments, and driven to beg charity. Prays relief and for- bearance of distraint till the case be examined. Vol. No. A or p. 34 95 61 3 95 - 61 ARNOLD BREAMES, or BRAMES, Dover, Lodger in Cornhill. Assessed at 6001. 28 May 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to satisfy his assessment. 14 June 1644. Ordered to make oath what is his 22 July 1644. Order that, as he has paid 2507. in Kent for his and 1 lent, 2 horses for the service in Ireland, and 201. ou the propositions, and deposited 301., which 3007. is his proportion, he be discharged. 138 288 35 61 138 75 326 12 135 61 141 7 April. Summoned to appear before the Committee for Advance 95 37 of Money. 61 140 95 36 ROWLAND PITTS. Having been sent to the New Prison for moneys in arrear of his 95 38 assessment, the Committee for Arrears request his release. 20 Nov. 1646. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his 5 140 assessment. 61 146 3 130 3 148 3 189 " 3 May 1644. 3 May 1644. 3 May 1644. 3 May 1644. 3 May 1644. 3 May 1644. 3 May 1644. 3 May 1644. 6 May 1644. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 9 Aug. 1644. Order for payment of 67. 17s. 6d. charges in collect- ing Breames' assessment. [See also Kent Delinquents, 6 Nov. 1650.] NICHOLAS BURNELL, and MARGARET, his Wife, Finsbury. He assessed at 8007. 22 May 1644. Respited 10 days, till his affidavit be examined 3 June 1644. To be brought in custody to satisfy the committee's order.. · 20 July 1644. Summoned before the Committee for Advance of 95 39 Money. 18 March 1654. Receipt by his wife of a Public Faith certificate 95 * 39 for the 351. paid by him 22 May 1644, for his 20 30 June 1644. Assessed at 4007. 5 Aug. 1644. The 321. deposited, with 281. lent, and 101. paid before, to discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath. ROB. COOKE, Proctor of Paul's Churchyard, and Chiswick. Assessed at 50%. 61 142 20 May 1644. Having lent 281., to be discharged on paying 101. 75 338 more. GEO. DUNCOMBE, Clifford's Inn: Assessed at 1,000l. 6 Dec. 1644. His assessment to be discharged for the 2501. formerly paid, being his proportion on oath. SIR FRAS. HOWARD, son of Mr. Howard, of Surrey. Assessed at 5001. 27 May 1644. Respited 6 days to make affidavit of his estate 30 May. He having paid 601. in Surrey, and made affidavit that 927. 2s. is his 2, order that his assessment be discharged on 201 paying 321. 2s. to the Surrey Committee, his lands lying there. 26 Dec. 1645. Assessed at 1,5007. 4 Feb. 1646. Respited till further order JOHN LEADER, Westminster. His assessment of 107. discharged on his pleading that he is a serjeant in the trained band, and has been in actual service at Basing and elsewhere. 379 Vol. No. A or p. 3 205 SIR EDMOND RUSSELL. Assessed at 5001. No proceedings 61 146 75 345 3 135 WHISTLER, Serjeant of the King's Woodyard. Assessed at 2501. 22 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 24 May. His assessment discharged for the 107. deposited, being his proportion on oath. SIR NATH. BRENT. Assessed at 5001. 65 93 76 482 61 144 3 322 61 146 3 128 3 131 69 134 4 414 3 102 · 61 143 - 61 143 3 124 3 126 - 61 148 380 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 May 1644. 6 May 1644. 6 May 1644. 6 May 1644. 6 May 1644. 9 May 1644. R. 3 133 Vol. No. A or P. 22 May 1644. Respited till his estates in cos. Northumberland, 75 343 Warwick, Berks, and Oxon, now under the King's power, be restored, he having lent 2001. before assessment, which is his proportion, these estates excepted. 9 Nov. 1646. Summoned to pay his assessment 11 Nov. His assessment discharged for the 2201. paid on the propositions. 15 Jan. 1650. Information that he has committed several acts of 21 delinquency. RICH. MAUDITT, Fleet Street. · Assessed at 3001. 17 May 1644. He pleading that he has contributed sums amounting to 3001. for the State, but only 501. can now be allowed, because the other acquittances are wanting: order that as he has volun- tarily paid 401. more, and has been very useful by his pains for the service, order that his assessment be discharged, and the Public Faith given for the sum paid. LUCAS LUCEY, and MRS. LUCEY, his Mother, Thames Street. He assessed at 5007., and she at 2001. 147 75 337 20 May 1644. He respited 10 days, his mother being sick 7 June 1644. His assessment discharged for 1637. 8s. lent, being 15 374 his proportion on oath. - 61 - JOS. BRAND, Tower Street. 95 JOHN WELLS, sen., the Temple. Assessed at 8001. 15 May 1644. Being assessed at 800l., and having been formerly assessed and discharged, and the Committee for co. Bedford certifying that he has contributed according to his estate, belongs to their committee, and has shown good affection in his pains for the public;-order that his assessment be dis- charged, and he left to his voluntary contributions. 5 15 Aug. 1645. Ordered to bring in a particular of his estate 22 Aug. Having paid 2501. assessment, order that he be discharged on paying 257. more, and have the Public Faith, and also bring in his particular as before ordered. Assessed at 6007. 22 May 1644. Respited 10 days to show acquittances, he being out of town. 21 March 1654. Receipt for payment of the 41. 10s., for which he 95 had a Public Faith bill. 39 A MARMION WALKER, Erith, Kent. Assessed at 1007. - 61 147 10 July 1644. His assessment discharged for 31. paid in Kent, and 75 438 41. 10s. this day deposited, being his proportion on oath. 40 133 340 61 148 3 119 61 148 61 149 3 116 4 240 4 245 - 61 149 3 125 3 137 4 June 1644. He having lent 1307. on the propositions, besides loans and contributions to the value of 1,000l., and undertaking to pay 61 149 1007.;-order, that if he pay the 1007. in 4 days, his assessment be discharged. The Public Faith given him for the 1007. which is paid. 9 May 1644. 9 May 1644. 9 May 1644. 9 May 1644. 9 May 1644. 9 May 1644. 9 May 1644. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. Vol. No. A or P. Assessed at 801. - 61 154 24 May 1644. The 117. paid by him to discharge his assessment, 75 346 being his proportion on oath. 22 March 1654. Public Faith certificate given on order - 61 154 GILBERT DETHICK, Blackwall. GEORGE ENT, M.D., Mary Colchurch. Assessed at 2507. 31 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay 17 July 1644. The 301. deposited, with 301. lent, is to discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath, and 50s. is to be repaid, he producing an acquittance for 50s. paid on the new subscription. JOHN HOBART. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment of 5001. 10 May 1644. His assessment discharged because he has no resi- dence in London, and has only come on his business at the term, he having contributed voluntarily on the propositions. SIR THOS. HYDE, Aldbury, Co. Herts. Assessed at 2,000l. 16 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 2 Aug. 1644. His assessment not being paid, and he pretending he has no residence in London, but in co. Herts, 28 miles distant, -order that he be discharged till proof is made of his residence in London, or within 20 miles, and till further order. JOHN TURNER, Castle Baynard Ward. SIR THOS. URQUARD, Clare Street. 381 - THOS. WALTER, Vintry Ward. Order that he make "affidavit what is his proportion, as he has paid and lent 1347. 61 152 3 133 75 450 Assessed at 407. - 61 151 19 June 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 3 135 3 157 21 June. To deposit his half in 14 days 8 July 1644. To pay in 201. in 10 days 3 173 7 Aug. 1644. To be admitted to his affidavit 3 203 9 Aug. His assessment discharged, on affidavit that he has not 76 490 1007. 10 May 1644. On his affidavit that 1301. is his proportion, his assess- ment to be discharged. 3 106 3 110 Assessed at 1,0007. - 61 152 16 May 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 3 117 21 May. His assessment respited till he shall speak with the 3 122 Scottish Committee and take further orders, he engaging to appear whenever required. 61 152 3 117 3 198 3 106 3 112 382 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 9 May 1644. 10 May 1644. 10 May 1644. 10 May 1644. RICH. WILLIAMS, Coleman Street. Order that he be brought in custody to answer for arresting Mr. Bridges, officer of the committee. Whereas Wm. Bridges, an officer of the Committee for Advance of Money, coming by order of the Lord Mayor to search in bis house what abuses were committed on the Sabbath, was assaulted and beaten by Williams, who said Parliament had "been too busy in making of laws, and if they go on still, let them take heed they have not more hands about their heads than their own, for they will cause the best subjects to leave the City, and then see what will be the issue." Also that since then, Williams has arrested Bridges, though on service of Parliament, on a plea of trespass;-order that the keeper of Lambeth House take Williams, and keep him in custody till Parliament or this committee give further orders. 16 May 1644. Order that he be released from imprisonment till further orders. ALDERMAN ABEL, alias SMITH. Assessed at 1,000l. 13 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 22 May. Order for payment of 30s. to those that brought him up, which he is to repay before he is discharged. < 28 May. To bring in 5001. of his assessment in 6 weeks, and giving security therefor, to be discharged from custody, or else committed to Peter House. 31 May. To be committed to Lambeth House till he has paid his assessment. 19 June 1644. To be removed from Lambeth to the Fleet, there to remain till he has paid his assessment, and Mr. Shaw to have liberty of law against him about debts. 20 June. His charges at Lambeth House, and also to Mr. Lawrence, to be paid before he is removed. 15 Jan. 1645. On his paying 1007., beside what is collected, the committee will deal with him in as ample a manner as if the were deposited. 3 March 1645. His sequestration to be discharged and he released, on giving security to make up his assessment to 1007. SIR ROB. BENNETT, Windsor. - 61 ROB. BUSBIE, co. Bucks. Vol. No. A or P. 3 106 3 108 14 April. Ordered to make his affidavit what is his, having paid 1301. in co. Bucks. 3 113 1 June 1647. His assessment to be discharged for the 1307., on his affidavit that it is his proportion. 156 3 115 3 124 17 Sept. 1647. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of the assessment of 2,5007. 3 129 4 65 21 April 1645. The keepers of Lambeth House to bring him in 4 129 custody on Wednesday. 3 131 3 155 Assessed at 1,000l. 61 156 14 June 1644. To be discharged for the 1407. lent, being his 75 385 proportion on oath. 3 156 4 12 Assessed at 2,5007. - 61 156 5 April 1647. Note that he was summoned, and has come up to 95 40A London to end his business. 5 242 5 266 5 288 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 383 10 May 1644. R. 3 125 10 May 1644. S ABRAHAM CHAMBERLAIN, Mary Axe. Assessed at 1,000l. 61 156 368 5 June 1644. His assessment discharged for the 5321. lent, and he 75 left to his voluntary contribution. ROB. FOSTER, Justice of the Common Pleas. Three rooms in Justice Foster's house in Whitecross Street, assigned to John Osborne, of Bristol, and his family, he having been driven from his habitation and lost all he had. 24 May 1644. John Rusten, and 3 others who are driven from their habitation, are to live in his house in Whitecross Street. 7 June 1644. Also Kath. Bowyer and Wm. Phillips, driven from Bristol. 14 June. Also David Barrett, of Wells, co. Somerset, driven away by the enemy. 8 July 1644. Foster's house in Whitecross Street, demised for a year to Maj.-Gen. Skippon, for his wife's habitation, paying 101. rent, and parish duties. 15 July. The 10 families placed in Foster's house to be continued there, the late order for Mrs. Skippon notwithstanding. 22 July. Judge Foster assessed at 1,0001. 9 Aug. 1644. Rich. Moone and Jas. Cole, driven from Bristol, to live in his house. 16 Oct. 1644. John and George Brett, plundered and driven away from co. Stafford, to have 2 rooms in Foster's house in Giles's Cripplegate, and stable room there for 2 horses. 29 Nov. 1644. Chris. Smith and family, plundered and driven from Salisbury by the King's forces, to have rooms in his house in Whitecross Street. 16 Dec. 1644. Elizabeth, wife of Sam. Gervis, of Lyme, recom- mended by the Committee of Safety for Plymouth, Lyme, &c., to have 2 rooms in Foster's house, and Moone and Foster to be put out for abuses committed. 22 Jan. 1645. Edw. Teackle, of Tetbury, driven away by the King's forces, to have 2 rooms in the house in Whitecross Street. 7 March 1645. Two rooms allotted to Hen. Butler and his wife, who were driven from their habitation in Berkshire. 14 May 1645. Foster's house in Whitecross Street, assigned as a dwelling for Col. John Venn, and the poor people in it to be placed in some other convenient house. 23 May. The last order recalled, there being 12 plundered families in the house who cannot be removed. 6 June 1645. Mr. Pick to have the rooms lately held by Mr. Judd in Foster's house. 20 Oct. 1645. Sarah Fisher, a woman plundered in Ireland, to have the room which Mrs. Gervis lately had. 24 Oct. Simon Wrotham, who is in Parliament service under Capt. Lane, and has suffered much, is to dwell with his wife and children in the room lately held by David Barrett. 24 Nov. 1645. Joan Grandford, widow, of Beltarnett, co. Cavan, Ireland, to live in the kitchen and closet of Justice Foster's house, because of her great losses sustained by the enemy. Vol. No. A or P. 6 July 1646. The plundered people in Justice Foster's house to remain there till further order. 3 112 3 126 3 143 3 150 3 172 4 71 March. Notes of the letting of the sundry rooms in the house 95 41 to the above-named and other tenants. 3 177 65 110 3 205 3 261 3 310 3 329 4 22 4 154 4 162 4 174 4 298 4 301 4 335 5 66 : 384 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 May 1644. 10 May 1644. 10 May 1644. 10 May 1644. 10 May 1644. 10 May 1644. R. 75 405 3 166 13 May 1644. R. 75 381 17 July 1646. The said people to remove thence in convenient time 4 Sept. 1646. They are to remove before 12 Sept., without defacing the house. SERJEANT JOHN GREEN, Old Jewry. Assessed at 5001. 61 157 22 May 1644. His assessment discharged for the 3007. lent, being 75 345 his proportion on oath. MAT. HALE, Lincoln's Inn and Covent Garden. Assessed at 3007. 15 May 1644. Again assessed at 4007. 3 June 1644. The 81. deposited by him to be paid in, and his assess- ment of 3001. vacated, and that of 4001. respited till his lands excepted be restored, or till further order. - 15 Nov. 1644. Again assessed at 8001. 67 49 2 Dec. 1644. His assessment vacated, he having been before 76 640 assessed and respited. SIR EDW. POWELL, Westminster. · ELIZ. LAMOTT. Assessed at 2,000l. for a reserved estate 61 156 22 May 1644. Having deposited 5661. 8s. Od., and lent 433l. 12s. Od. 75 342 she is respited 10 days for further hearing. 13 May 1644. Lampton assessed at 801. Noted as not found 7 Aug. 1644. On certificate of Mr. Blakiston, M.P., that Lampton is well-affected, has taken the covenant, and was plundered and driven away by the enemy, with his wife and children, order that he be repaid 387. 19s. Od. which has been paid in. 21 June 1644. The said sums to discharge her assessment, being 75 401 her proportion on oath. RALPH LAMPTON, Newcastle, Northumberland, De- linquent. The bailiff of Southwark to bring to this committee the 407. in 3 112 his hands on the execution at the suit of Lampton, recovered of Smith, of Southwark, that it may be sequestered. Vol. No. A or P. 777 5 5 98 Assessed at 1,000l. 12 June 1644. The 1907. deposited, 300l. to be now paid, and 3107. lent, to discharge his assessment, or he is to make affidavit. ROB. BATEMAN, Mincing Lane. 61 156 65 8 75 363 12 July. Having paid another 1001. respited for the last 1007. 26 July. Respited 14 days for 607. still unpaid 8 July 1644. Note of the 4901. being fully paid, and the Public 61 156 Faith given him therefor. 9 Aug. 1644. Respited 14 days to pay 241. due, or bring acquittance for its payment at Weavers' Hall, and Public Faith given for 5261. paid. 65 5 3 202 61 156 75 380 Assessed at 1,5007. 65 2 3 June 1644. He having lent 550l. and deposited 2007 to be dis- 75 363 charged on paying 3501. more, or to make affidavit. 17 June. On paying 501., respited 14 days for the other 3001. 1 July 1644. Having deposited 1007. more, respited for the other 2001. 75 393 75 416 75 443 76 467 76 490 65 2 13 May 1644. 13 May 1644. 13 May 1644. 13 May 1644. R. 3 197 R. 4 13 50623. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. EPHRAIM and BRIDGET COTGRAVE, Bishopsgate Street. He assessed at 3001. 3 July 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay 13 July. To bring security to make up his or take affidavit, or to be committed to Lambeth House. - 22 July. Discharged on affidavit that he is not worth 1007. 10 March 1645. She assessed at 1007. for her reserved estate 31 March. He ordered to pay 61. for this estate, and her assess- ment discharged on affidavit that she has no reserved estate. 28 April 1645. He respited to pay 21. in arrears LADY FENNER, Isleworth, Middlesex. Assessed at 4007. 12 June 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 12 June. Respited 14 days 13 May 1644. Granted 14 days to pay her visit, and to appear on her assessment. 6 June 1644. Remanded to Peter House, to remain till further order. MARG. GARWAY. Petition to the Committee for Examinations. Has been 9 months 95 prisoner in Peter House; begs leave to go to her daughter, who is near her confinement, and be with her during the time, giving caution to be a true prisoner, and to be forthcoming at 2 hours warning. With note by Wm. Garway and Geo. Smith, binding themselves in 1501. for her appearance to answer her assess- ment of 1507. for her 2. 20 Sept. Her sureties, Wm. Garway and Geo. Smith, to appear to pay her assessment. 13 Jan. 1645. Order that on her paying 1007. in 6 days, and paying salary, her assessment for her be discharged. 1 20 CAPT. WM. GEERE, Cheapside. Vol. No. A or P. 65 1 3 169 3 178 3 189 67 158 76 773 20 76 795 16 Sept. 1644. To be removed from Peter House to Lambeth, and 3 238 kept in custody till she pay her assessment. 3 241 - 385 65 3 3 145 3 145 18 Oct. 1644. Lawrence to put the order upon her in execution 3 263 3 319 ་ 4 Dec. 1644. He is to bring her in custody to pay her assessment - 16 Dec. On account of her sickness, she is discharged from her 3 330 imprisonment for a month, giving security then to pay her assessment. 3 115 3 139 42 Assessed at 4007. 24 June 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 3 161 15 July 1644. To give security to pay or be committed to 3 177 Lambeth House. 19 July. Admitted to depose what is his 4 11 65 26 June 1646. Information that he is a delinquent, and that Geo. 21 Lyssant, of Taunton, co. Somerset, owes him 1801. 26 June. Lyssant not to pay the money without order from this committee. 15 July 1646. Geere to appear next Friday - 5 BB 10 3 183 5 72 5 61 75 386 13 May 1644. 13 May 1644. R. 3 161 170 175 13 May 1644. 13 May 1644. 13 May 1644. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. NICH. LOVE, one of the 6 Clerks in Chancery. THOS. MANWOOD, Do. do. Love assessed at 2001. and Manwood at 150l. 5 June 1644. Love discharged, not having 1001. except for property excepted in his affidavit. 13 May 1644. 13 May 1644. 7 June. Manwood to be discharged on paying 157., which is his 75 374 proportion on oath, or producing an allowable acquittance for it. SIR WM. MARTIN, Walthamstow, Essex. Assessed at 4001. 6 June. His assessment respited 14 days 15 July 1644. His assessment discharged, he being a deputy- lieutenant of Essex, having contributed large sums to the State, being daily in the service, and expending money therein. AND. PALMER, Co. Herts. CERT. 95 43 21 Aug. 1644. Having paid 357. in co. Herts, ordered to be dis- 76 512 charged on paying 301. more, being his proportion. March 1654. Note of the Public Faith paid him for the sum 65 5 WM. PERRY, Gracious Street. Assessed at 1007. 3 June 1644. Order that the 417. lent, 97. paid before, and 201. now to be paid, be in discharge of his assessment of 1001. Assessed at 3001. 65 5 7 June 1644. He being now prisoner in Cambridge, order that 3 142 he have 14 days' respite, and that a letter be sent to the County Commissioners to certify the cause of his imprisonment. WM. TRESHAM, Coleman Street. Vol. No. A or P. Assessed at 5007. 1 June 1647. His sequestration for non-payment of his assessment to proceed. 65 3 75 372 9 July 1647. His assessment discharged for the 901. paid in co. Northampton, it appearing that he is no delinquent. THOMAS, LORD WENTWORTH. Assessed at 4,000l. No proceedings 65 6 3 140 25 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition (missing) that he have the 13 Public Faith for 91. paid by him to make up his assessment, and for 207. more, both paid in. MARY WITHERS, Widow, Grays or Little Thurrock, Essex. Assessed at 801. 29 May 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 27 June 1644. Her assessment of 201. in Essex being respited, because ber hushand raised a company of volunteers, and died in Parliament service, and 3201. is due to him for his arrears ;- order that her assessment of 801. here be respited till the said arrears are paid. 3 179 65 4 75 366 71 65 2 5 266 5 276 65 6 65 3 3 130 162 3 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.—CASES. 387 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. R. 3 171 183 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. SIR HENRY POPE BLUNT, Covent Garden. Assessed at 5007. 31 May 1644. Order that—as he has 1,000l. on the lands of Sir John Harper, of co. Derby, which are sequestered, and as this is the greatest part of his estate, and he is in arrear 1,500l.-his assessment be respited till he receive the 1,5007. 9 Jan. 1646. Assessed again at 8001. No proceedings HEN. BRABOURNE, Philpot Lane. PHILIP BURLAMACHI, Bartholomew Lane. Assessed at 2001. 7 June 1644. Discharged on affidavit that he has not 1007. estate DR. CHAMBERLAIN, Whitefriars. Assessed at 4007. 7 June 1644. He being so assessed, Mr. Saunderson, who receives his rents in Blackfriars, is to pay him no more money, and unless he pay his in 14 days, the rents are to be sequestered. 21 June. He not paying in the said, his estate to be sequestered 29 June. Allowed 8 days to prove what he lent on the propositions 11 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment Assessed at 1,0007. 65 7 3 June 1644. His assessment to be discharged for the 4007. lent, 75 363 being his proportion on oath. 16 July 1645. His assessment respited, and the sequestration taken off till he return from France, he having lent 1581. FRAS. COVENTRY, the Temple. - Assessed at 8001. 3 July 1646. The Commissioners for Sequestrations of cos. Middle- sex, Surrey, and Sussex, and wherever he has any estate seques- tered, to certify what estate they have sequestered, of what value, what has been received therefrom, and for what cause, and to give answer in 14 days. 14 Oct. 1646. Order that, on his making up his assessment and giving security to abide this committee's order as to the rest, letters be sent to the Commissioners for Sequestrations of the several counties, to take off his sequestration for his. 17 Dec. 1646. Order that on his making up what has been levied on his estate to 2007., his assessment be discharged, and his sequestration taken off. ROB. COYTMORE, Holborn. HEN. FEATHERSTONE, Blackfriars. Assessed at 8001. 31 May 1644. Shows acquittances for 3031. 4s. Od. lent, and 971. paid. On payment of 2001. more than the 971. deposited, his assessment is to be discharged, or he to make affidavit. Vol. No. A or p. 9 133 65 3 71 8 65 12 3 140 65 11 3 141 3 157 3 163 3 288 4 201 65 9 5 65 5 115 5 160 Assessed at 3007. 65 9 7 June 1644. His assessment discharged, not having 1007. except 75 375 the estate which is excepted in his affidavit. 65 65 75 75 354 00 00 8 8 12 June 1644. This order notwithstanding, his assessment to be 75 379 discharged on payment of 1201. more than the 977. BR 2 338 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 15 May 1644. R. 75 403 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. R. 3 134 R. 75 396 o.c. 6 173 H. 6 178 o.c. 8 56 R. 8 62 P.E. 95 45, 46 P.D. 95 47 5 July 1644. Having paid 601., respited 14 days for the other 607. 23 March 1653. Order on his petition for the Public Faith for 2171. paid for his, and on the certificate of the registrar touching payment, that the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers give him a Public Faith bill, according to the Parliament Order of 12 Aug. 1645. SIMON GEERING, Ludgate Hill. Assessed at 1501. 65 13 7 June 1644. The 201. deposited to discharge his assessment, being 75 375 his proportion on oath. 22 April 1653. The Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers to give him a Public Faith certificate for the 201. assessment being paid within time. SIR HEN. HOLCROFT, Eastham, Essex. Assessed at 5001. 5 June 1644. His assessment respited 14 days 14 June. He having contributed 1007., and being active as a deputy- lieutenant of Essex, order that his assessment be discharged. JOHN HOLLOWAY, Bevis Marks. - Assessed at 8001. 31 May 1644. Having formerly paid 600l. on assessments, respited till his lands in Yorkshire are restored, or till further order. 5 May 1647. Order that on paying 501. more than the 600l. already paid on a former assessment, his assessment of 800l. be dis- charged, and be have the Public Faith for the 501. RICHARD, VISCOUNT LUMLEY, the Strand, and FRANCES, VISCOUNTESS LUMLEY, Broad Street Ward. Vol. No. A or P. 403 75 12 322 26 March 1647. On paying 100l. more than the 6001., or making 76 939 affidavit, his assessment to be discharged. 5 250 Lady Lumley assessed at 4007. 1 July 1644. Having paid in 2001., respited for further hearing 15 July. To be discharged on her payment of 2001. and 107. more, and to have the Public Faith for the 2107. 12 354 27 Jan. 1654. On petition of Hum. Theyer, his executor, for Public 13 69 Faith for 4551. paid by him, order that it be granted. 9 Feb. 1649. Lord Lumley summoned to appear and pay his assessment, or sequestration will be issued against his estate. 27 Feb. Ordered to bring, in a month, a particular of what he compounded for at Goldsmiths' Hall. 65 7 3 138 3 148 28 Dec. 1649. To be discharged on payment of 1607., having paid 1007. in co. Sussex, and 250l. to Sir Wm. Waller. 65 7 75 356 8 Dec. 1644. Lord Lumley assessed at 1,500l. 21 March 1645. Whereas rents in Houndsditch and elsewhere have been seized and sequestered as the estate of Viscount Lumley for non-payment of his, but they appear to belong to his wife, formerly wife of Sir Wm. Sandys, and are in trust for payment of her debts-order that the sequestration be discharged, and the rents paid to those to whom they belong. 11 Oct. 1648. Lord Lumley and his son to appear and pay their 6 78 respective assessments for their. 6 165 65 8 75 416 65 75 445 8 45 190 44 67 4 95 6 183 8 93 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 389 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. R. 3 154 170 R. 3 239 R. 5 113 E.W. 28 120 CERT. 95 47C, D, E 15 May 1644. LADY MORETON, Broad Street Ward. Assessed at 2001. 4 June 1644. Order that as she paid an assessment of 251. in Broad Street Ward, and is now assessed at 2007., she be discharged therefrom on paying 157. more. 12 June. The payment of the 157. respited till she receive the 8007. due to her from the Exchequer. 13 June. Note that she showed acquittances for 291. 16s. Od. 29 July 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment LADY POWELL, Chelsea, and THOS. CROMPTON, Chancery Lane. She assessed at 3007. - 7 June 1644. Her assessment respited 14 days 16 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 2 Oct. 1644. Allowed another respite, but no more to be given 5 Feb. 1645. Allowed 14 days to make affidavit of her 2, or pay up. 10 Feb. Her assessment respited till her lands under the King's army be restored, she being not else worth 1007. by affidavit. 16 Oct. 1646. Ordered to make her up forthwith - 21 Oct. Chelsea. Sir John Danvers to the Committee for Advance of Money. The enclosed petition will be verified by oath, both of the lady petitioning, and of Mr. Crompton, executor to Lady Vanlore. Being a trustee for Lady Powell, and having observed her and Mr. Crompton's fidelity to Parliament through the wars, I beg favour for her, as she has suffered" afflictions unexpressible.' Crompton has also shown good affection to serve Parliament. >> 21 Oct. She allowed 14 days to bring in 1001. more than the 501. deposited, and then to be further heard. 6 Nov. 1646. On paying 50l. at once, allowed 14 days for the other 501. 11 Nov. Having paid the 1007. she is to be heard about her assess- ment, any former order to the contrary notwithstanding. SIR THOS. STANLEY, Laytonstow, Co. Herts. Assessed at 3001. 24 March 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 4 Aug. 1645. Assessed at 7001. 20 July 1646. He petitions that the committee's officers have for- bidden his tenants to pay their rents on pretence that he has not paid his, but having leave to go beyond sea, he never received any ticket, and has paid his and in the country. Is 2,7007. in debt, so that he dares not stir abroad, and begs to receive his rents. 1 20 · Vol. No. A or P. 65 12 3 136 20 July. Ordered to send in a particular of his debts 9 Sept. 1646. His assessment discharged for the 461. paid in the country, being his proportion on oath. 3 145 65 12 3 194 BOND 95 47B 29 April 1651. Information that she and Mr. Crompton in 1643 22 190 sent 500l. to the King at Oxford to aid him in the war, and held correspondence with the enemy. 65 7 3 140 3 238 3 250 4 30 4 35 5 95 30 April. Witnesses summoned for examination in the case 28 108 21 July 1652. Order on Mr. Crompton's request for his discharge 12 65 on the Act of Pardon, provided he was not actually sequestered 1 Dec 1651. 5 120 5 129 5 133 117 47A 10 10 65 12 4 69 95 5 2 94 66 48 5 72 99 390 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 15 May 1644. 15 May 1644. 17 May 1644. 17 May 1644. 17 May 1644. R. 75 439 455 17 May 1644. RICH. WILSON, Crutched Friars. Assessed at 5007. 21 June 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment 21 June. Order that he have 10 days to make his affidavit 24 June. Order that as he had lent 107. 1s. 4d. and deposited 321. 8s. 8d., and deposes that this is his, except 600l. desperate debts, and the of a ship abroad-he be respited till he comes home from sea, and then pay the of the ship's profits. 16 SIR EDW. WORTLEY, Highgate. 11 Nov. 1644. Hen. Hartstonge to have 20s. because he procured 3 288 Rich. Wilson's assessment, and brought in 327. thereof. March 1654. Note of the Public Faith given for his payment 65 12 Assessed at 5001. 1 Nov. 1644. Assessed at 4007. 18 Nov. His assessment respited till his estate come into his hands, he having promised then to contribute his proportion. - PETER BULTEEL, Austin Friars. Assessed at 1,5007. 5 June 1644. The 3381. deposited, with 1627. lent, to discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath, and the Public Faith given him therefor. - ANT. BROWNE, David's [Thavie's ?] Inn, and the Temple. Assessed at 50%. 4 June 1644. He having formerly paid 251., and his estate being taken from him, his assessment of 501. discharged, he having paid his proportion. 5 June. An assessment of 1007. vacated, he having been assessed 65 62 before. DEPUTY ROGER GARDINER, Barbican. Assessed at 6001. 21 June 1644. Order that he be brought in custody to pay his Vol. No. A or P. 12 JOHN LANEY, Gray's Inn, and Ipswich, Suffolk. Assessed at 4007. 19 July 1644. Being prisoner at Winchester House, he is to be brought up in custody by his keeper. 65 95 49 3 159 3 160 22 July. He is to make up his in 18 days, or in default, the collectors are to proceed in levying it. 2 Aug. 1644. His assessment to be discharged on his making up 2001. with what he has formerly paid, and paying the collectors' salary and charges. 65 9 67 41 3 293 16 Aug. Allowed 14 days to prove that 581. paid by him to Mr. Base in the country was for his 1 and. assessment. 1 July 1644. Deposition by him to the particulars of his estate in 95 Berkshire, Kent, and London, and of his debts. With marginal notes showing that the estate is undervalued, &c. He pleads a debt of 1,800l. to the Chamber of London. This is noted, "He takes orphans' money out of the Chamber at 4 per cent., and lets it out at 8 per cent, and then saith he owes money." 65 15 3 136 65 14 75 373 65 14 1 July. Having brought in particulars of his estate, respited 75 411 14 days. 65 19 3 159 50 65 16 3 184 3 188 3 195 51 95 3 214 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 391 17 May 1644. R. 3 225 NOTE 95 53 17 May 1644. 17 May 1644. 17 May 1644. 20 May 1644. 20 May 1644. 20 May 1644. 2 Oct. 1644. Mr. Base, the solicitor for sequestration in Suffolk, to show cause why the sequestration on Laney's estate be not dis- charged, according to former orders of this committee. 14 Oct. The sequestration of his estate to be discharged, he being assessed at 4001., and having paid 1417. 5s. 2d. and 581. 14s. 10d., being received of his rents in the country by Mr. Base, which the committee have accepted in full discharge. March 1654. Ordered a Public Faith certificate JOHN POERY, St. Martin's-le-Grand, Aldersgate Ward. Assessed at 1007. 3 June 1644. On showing acquittances for 297. 19s. 6d. paid in the ward, and 61. now paid, his assessment discharged, that being his proportion on oath. THOS. SYMCOTTS, Vintner, Newgate Market. Assessed at 3001. 17 June 1644. To be admitted to make his affidavit, or else the 25l. 13s. 2d. lent, with 1241. 6s. 10d. deposited, to be in lieu of his assessment. 1 21 June. On his affidavit that 451. is his 26, 1057. of the deposit money is to be returned and the assessment discharged. SIR CHRIS. YELVERTON. 10 March 1654. Certificate that his goods were distrained and sold 95 23 March 1644 for 14l. 1s., towards his assessment, and that on 5 June 157. 18s. 6d. more was paid to Sam. Gosse, late receiver of the Committee for Advance of Money. [ALICIA BUTLER, VIS-COUNTESS CARRICK. Assessed at 5001. Noted as dead Vol. No. A or P. 3 251 • CARTER, London. Order that he have of moneys that come in on information of assessments made by him, towards payment of an Ordinance for 1,0001. owing him by the State. 3 260 52 95 - 65 16 3 157 11 March 1654. Request for the delivery to him of a Public Faith 95 certificate for 197. 6s. 10d. assessment paid by him for his 20, and receipt thereof accordingly, being the balance, with the 251. 13s. 2d. lent, of his 451. 65 18 75 361 Assessed at 1,5007. 65 15 3 June 1644. His assessment discharged for the 1001. lent, being 75 361 his proportion on oath. 54 65 14 3 152 65 55 25 3 121 16 Oct. 1644. Order that having goods in his house belonging to Mr. Faunt, assessed at 500l., he be saved harmless for delivering up the goods to Lindsay the collector. Also that all moneys received on assessments informed of by him go towards payment 3 262 of 6001. unpaid of his Parliamentary Ordinance for 1,0007. 4 Dec. 1644. Order changed to the money to be paid in 3 318 3 261 LEAH FORTREE. Assessed at 1,5007. 65 26 12 June 1644. The 1581. deposited, with 1187. lent, to discharge 75 380 her assessment, being her proportion on oath, and she to have 65 26 the Public Faith. 392 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 20 May 1644. 20 May 1644. R. 3 184 20 May 1644. 20 May 1644. 22 May 1644. 22 May 1644. 22 May 1644. JAS. LEMAN, or LEMYNG. Assessed at 5001. 22 May 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment - 16 Aug. 1644. Allowed 10 days' respite, to show acquittances for what he paid in the country. 30 Aug. Allowed 14 days to make affidavit what is his 20 Sept. 1644. His assessment discharged for 501. 12s., to be paid forthwith, being his proportion on oath. 10 Feb. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment SIR SYDNEY MONTAGUE, Westminster. Assessed at 4007. 12 June 1644. His assessment respited 14 days 5 July 1644. Order that, as he married Anne Payler, of West- minster, who in 1643 paid 401. for her, and her house makes him assessable, the 401. be allowed him in part of his assess- ment. He respited, having paid the assessment. 28 July. Again assessed at 1,5007. 2 Aug. 1644. Order for his discharge from his assessment of 4007., he having paid 1207. in the country, and advancing voluntarily 801. more; also for him to have the Public Faith for the 801., as though it had been contributed before the Ordinance for assessment. LADY NEWTON. Assessed at 3007. 10 Feb. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment SERJEANT WALTHEW. Assessed at 500l. No proceedings* • NIC. HARMAN, Chelsea. Assessed at 5007. 15 May 1646. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 12 June 1646. Order to pay his and be further heard, to which he has submitted. LADY HARRIS, Fleet Street. - 24 July. He having paid up his, and made affidavit that 1007. is his proportion, order that 1501. be repaid him, his assessment discharged, and the sequestration taken off his estate. Assessed at 6007. 31 May 1644. The 51. deposited, with 1507. paid in Essex, to be her present proportion, and her assessment respited till her lands, which are in the King's precincts, be restored, or till further order. Vol. No. A or P. 26 3 124 3 215 * Probably the same as Serj. Rob. Walthew, p. 257. 65 3 226 3 242 4 36 65 23 3 145 3 171 65 127 3 197 65 27 4 36 65 23 65 5 17 July 1646. Having made his affidavit, he is to bring in a particular of his estate and of his excepted debts. 10 10 5 5 30 36 54 77 5 79 65 28 75 354 ROBINSON HAYWARD, Fenchurch Street. Assessed at 1007. 65 31 24 June 1644. Order that the 157. paid discharge his assessment, 75 406 being his proportion on oath, till he recover the rents of his houses in Smithfield. 10 Dec. 1651. To have the Public Faith for the amount named in 17 118 his petition. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 393 22 May 1644. o.c. 3 227 22 May 1644. 24 May 1644. 24 May 1644. 24 May 1644. 24 May 1644. 24 May 1644. R. 3 162 Vol. No. ANT. MOOREWOOD, Cornhill, and Hasleborough, County A or p. Derby. Assessed at 4001. - 65 28 21 Aug. 1644. Ordered to pay his assessment 3 220 3 221 23 Aug. Ordered to pay his, or make his affidavit in 10 days 6 Sept. 1644. Order that, having paid 1007., he make affidavit or 3 230 pay his in 7 days. 9 Sept. Having paid 1007., respited till his debts be recovered, and 76 532 his lands under power of the King's army restored, or till further order. 17 Nov. 1652. Order on his petition (missing) that he have the 12 218 Public Faith for the 1007. paid in. WILLIAM WENTWORTH, EARL OF STRAFFORD. Assessed at 3,000l.* SIR WILLIAM BARNES, Woolwich. Assessed at 5007. 65 35 24 June 1644. Respited till further order, on his affidavit that he 75 404 is not worth 1007. THOS. BENNETT, at Mr. Lamott's, Chancery Lane. Assessed at 1,0007. 65 34 24 June 1644. Having lent 2007. and paid 2007., respited 75 404 14 days. FRAS. BURT, Gracious Street. - 65 28 5 July 1644. On his affidavit that 5001. of his personal estate is 75 408 desperate, to be discharged on paying 157. more, and the Public Faith ordered for the 2151. 409 65 34 17 Jan. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay 4 16 Assessed at 501. 19 July 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 22 July. He being assessed at 50l., and pretending that 6001. is due to him from Mr. Holland, for poultry for the King's children, order that Holland pay the 501. and defalk it from the said debt. SIR THOS. CLARKE, Plumstead, Kent. SERJ. JOHN GODBOLD. · 65 Assessed at 2501. - 65 39 3 July 1644. His assessment respited till further order, and the 75 426 31. deposited to be paid in. - 42 3 184 3 188 Assessed at 4007. 65 35 3 July 1644. His assessment discharged for the 667. 18s. 8d. lent, 75 424 being his proportion on oath. * The rest of this case will be found on p. 102, 394 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 24 May 1644. 24 May 1644. 24 May 1644. R. 3 349 O.C. 4 448 JER. HIBBINS, Bassieshaw Ward. Assessed at 2001. and summoned to pay in 10 days - R 65 42 95 56 3 July 1644. To be brought up in custody for non-payment 3 172 3 July. Affidavit that 251. is his full, except 2001. desperate 95 57 debts, and 3007. a year in lands under the King's power, from which he has not received a penny these two years. 10 July. The 51. deposited, with 201. lent, to discharge his 75 439 assessment, being his proportion on oath, till his excepted lands be restored. 8 March 1654. He shews acquittances for 201. formerly lent, and 65 42 51. now paid, out of time, and has a Public Faith certificate. SIR MILES HOBART, or HUBBART, Fleet Street, and Plumstead, Norfolk. SIR JOHN PAGRAVE, Fleet Street. Hobart assessed at 4007., and Pagrave at 5007. 29 June 1644. Both discharged from assessment, being now in London on Parliamentary service. Vol. No. A or P. 9 Dec. 1651. County Commissioners for Stafford certify that 86 6 Edm. Ashenhurst discovered to them the estate of Sir Miles Hobart, delinquent, yearly value 1061. 6s. 8d., besides Margaret, Lady Hobart's fifth. WM. JOLLY, Soper Lane, and Leek, Co. Stafford. Assessed at 1,000l. 2 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 27 Dec. 1644. Ordered to bring in his acquittance for what he has paid of his 2- 3 March 1652. Order on Ashenhurst's petition, granting him of 11 233 the proceeds of Hobart's estate. G.92 131 20 Jan. 1645. Ordered to bring in his acquittances for what he has paid, and to whom, and for what use. - 65 42 3 228 3 344 11 April 1645. Ordered to make up his ½, or depose what is the of his real and personal estate. 17 Oct. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 2 Dec. 1646. His rents and estate to be seized towards his assess- ment, he having allowed the days of payment to elapse. 65 34 35 3 163 18 Dec. The above order suspended, and he allowed a month to produce his acquittances of what he has contributed on the pro- positions. 29 Jan. Order for his discharge from assessment, he having con- tributed 2007. on the propositions. 4 18 4 116 4 296 5 147 148 5 161 Dec. 1646 ? Account of his loans and payments in Parliament 95 58 service, total 7957. 29 Jan. 1617. He petitions for dismissal from further attendance, 95 59 having been detained many weeks. Is ordered to pay 3007. in addition to former payments. Is one of the County Commis- siouers for co. Stafford, where his wife and family live. Has no trade in London, only came up on family business, and must return. Can have a good testimony as to his conduct, and is not in arrears for his 20 5 183 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 395 24 May 1644. 24 May 1644. 27 May 1644. 27 May 1644. 27 May 1644. 27 May 1644. 27 May 1644. 27 May 1644. Vol. No. LADY BRIDGET LIDDELL and MR. LIDDELL, Battersea. A or p. Each assessed at 4007. 65 34 75 424 3 July 1644. The 51. deposited by her, with 757. lent, to discharge her assessment till her excepted lands be restored, or till further order. WM. MORRIS, Curate of Plumstead, Kent. Assessed at 107. 24 June 1644. His assessment discharged on affidavit that he is not worth 1001. MARTIN BOOTHBY, Westerham, Kent. Assessed at 4001. 21 June 1644. Being now in Ely House, and weak, he is ordered to have a month's time to visit his wife, who lies sick in the country, on security to return at that time. - 65 39 75 410 15 July 1644. Allowed 14 days to make up his assessment 29 July. Allowed 14 days more upon the former security to bring in 501., and then to be further heard. 12 Aug. 1644. His assessment discharged, on security to pay the residue in a month. SIR JOHN MANHOOD, at Sir Wm. Barnes, Woolwich. Assessed at 5001. 17 June 1644. He having had license 26 June 1643, to go abroad with his goods, -order that the goods seized be delivered back, an inventory being taken of them. FRANCES MUSKETT, Clement Danes. Assessed at 2007., and summoned to pay SIR JOHN LENTHALL, of the King's Bench. Assessed at 4007. 65 43 28 June 1644. His assessment to be discharged for the 507. lent, 75 409 being his proportion on oath. 1 July 1644. Ordered to be brought in custody to pay her assess- ment. CLEMENT PAGRAVE, the Inner Temple. Assessed at 2007. 28 June 1644. Respited on payment of 40s. till next term, to bring a certificate from Norfolk that Sir John Pagrave has paid the of the 2507. named in his affidavit, or till the 1007. owing him in power of the King's forces be reduced. 20 65 49 3 159 - 65 45 95 60 3 165 RICHARD RICHARDS, ward, Wandsworth, and JOHN RICHARDS, his Guardian. 3 177 3 194 3 207 The ward assessed at 2001. 5 July 1644. He being assessed at 2001. and John having paid 127., the of the ward's real estate, and there being in the Chamber 8 July. The 1007. deposited to discharge her assessment, being her 75 435 proportion on oath. March 1654. Public Faith certificate ordered her for it • 65 45 65 43 3 152 65 50 75 410 65 45 3 171 396 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 27 May 1644. R. 3 257 27 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. of London 1,0601. belonging to the ward, who is an orphan,- order that 531. be paid out of the said chamber, and Richard respited till further order. 18 Sept. 1644. The ward assessed at 4001. 7 Oct. 1644. Respited till Friday next JOHN WALCOTT, Bread Street, Soapboiler. Assessed at 2501. 28 June 1644. The 31. 15s. deposited by him is to be paid in, he having lent 157., and he is to be respited till the 2001. excepted in his affidavit be recovered. BENNETT, ward, Dartford, Kent. M Assessed at 1507. 15 July 1644. Order that as he will not be of age till July 1645, and has no estate till that time, his assessment be respited on security then to pay his proportion. ANNE GRIMSTONE, Holborn. Assessed at 100%., and summoned to pay 11 March 1654. Desires the Public Faith for the 31. 15s. Od. paid in 95 by him on the assessment for his 2. Granted. 65 29 Nov. 1644. Order that, he being now assessed at 1,000l., and having been formerly assessed at 150l., which is paid, and paying 1,2507. a year to the Court of Wards, and having only 1201. for his maintenance, his assessment be discharged. · 19 Aug. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay · March 1654. Public Faith certificate ordered her M · - M SIR EDWARD and SIR THOS. HARTOPP, Co. Leicester. Each assessed at 8007. 19 June 1644. To be brought in custody to pay their assessments 20 June. Respited 14 days, for enquiry whether their estates are, as they allege, all sequestered by the King's army. S Vol. No. A or P. 29 June. They having contributed in the country, Sir Thomas 1451., and Sir Edward 901., and their estates in Leicestershire being under power of the King's army, their assessments respited till they are restored to their estates. 65 168 3 254 65 44 75 409 6 44 65 55 3 177 JOHN HALES, or WALE, Lincoln's Inn. Assessed at 3007. 65 53 2 Sept. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 3 228 1644? Certificate by Jas. Powle and John Hewes, churchwardens, 95 63 that by reason of his poverty, he does not pay any tax or contri- bution to the church or poor. 3 311 65 53 95 62 3 218 53 65 65 52 3 155 3 156 3 163 GEORGE HUNT (late). Request by the Committee for Arrears that John Clarke, executor 95 64 of Geo. Hunt, who was committed to Maiden Lane Prison by a warrant from the Committee for Advance of Money for non- payment of 100l. arrears of Hunt's assessment, be released, he having paid the money. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 397 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 31 May 1644. 3 June 1644. JACKSON, Minister of Gray's Inn. Assessed at 507. 29 June 1644. Respited, being one of the Assembly of Divines, and having received nothing these 2 years from his estate, which is in Yorkshire. THOS. MEADE, Ware Parsonage, Co. Herts. Assessed at 2007. 12 July 1644. Order that as he lent 421., and is one of the [county] committee, his assessment be discharged, and he left to his voluntary contribution. LADY SPILMAN, Dartford. Assessed at 1007. No proceedings - JOHN STEPHENS, Staple Inn, and Bromley, Kent. Assessed at 307., and summoned to pay - EDM. THOMAS, Orpington, Kent. Assessed at 157. 8 July 1644. The 51. deposited, with 40s. paid in Kent, to be in discharge of his assessment. MARMADUKE DARRELL, Fulmere, by Uxbridge, and his Sisters ANNE and MARY. March 1654. Note that he lent 47., and paid 10l. and 167., for which 65 the Public Faith was given, and receipt of certificate. 95 He assessed at 5007., Anne at 1501., and Mary at 1007. 8 July 1644. He is to have 14 days to pay his 1, and what he con- tributed towards Gloucester to be part. Vol. No. A or P. 65 53 2 Sept. 1644. Respited till his estate be restored, or till further 76 522 order, having lent 20s. on a former assessment. 3 254 7 Oct. 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody for non- payment. 29 Jan. 1651. Information that he was in arms in Lord Goring's 22 153 rising in Kent, and assisted the late King with arms. 26 July. He respited a week to make up his and take his affidavit, being lame, and his sisters likewise to make affidavit. [July.] The sisters discharged, not having 1001. estate 3 163 65 54 3 176 65 16 Aug. 1644. He is to make affidavit, and pay what appears to be his and in 10 days. Top 20 26 Aug. He is to make up his in 10 days, and bring a certificate what he has paid. 4 Nov. 1644. His estate to be seized for payment of his assessment 23 March 1654. Receipt by him of a Public Faith certificate for payment of the 57. 95 PATRICK WINCH, Temple. Information that he has 4007. in the hands of Geo. Moore, of High- 95 gate, who was a cutler at Temple Bar. Moore to be sent for. 27 June 1644. Deposition by Mocre that the money is in part of a 95 mortgage of 6001. on the Red Lion, Fleet Street. 65 51 95 65 65 75 55 65 51 65 52 433 65A €6 67 56 3 174 3 192 193 65 56 3 215 3 224 3 281 398 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 3 June 1644. R. 3 328 0. 4 344 June 1644. 5 June 1644. 29 Nov. 1644. His sequestration suspended, on security to abide the Committee's orders. 16 Dec. 1644. He is to pay 2501. in May, and then to be heard concerning the residue. 5 June 1644. 31 Jan. 1645. Allowed 14 days to make up his 10 Dec. 1645. His assessment of 500l. to be discharged for the 2501. deposited. 5 June 1644. SIR JOHN LAWRENCE, Iver, near Uxbridge. Assessed at 5007. 8 July 1644. His assessment respited 14 days 17 July. Thos. Turner, serjeant-at-arms, committed to Lambeth House for arresting him at the gate of Haberdashers' Hall, when he came to this committee about business, this being contrary to order. Marked vacated. 5 June 1644. 5 June 1644. 17 July. Sir John making affidavit that 607. is his 1 and 2, order that he paying it in 14 days, his assessment be discharged. SIMOND EDMONDS, Aldermanbury. EDWARD SACKVILLE, EARL OF DORSET. Assessed at 5,000l. 12 July 1644. His estate and goods to be seized and inventoried 10 Feb. 1645. An inventory to be made of his goods in Dorset House, and brought to this committee, that further order may be taken thereon. SIR THOS. HAMPDEN, Lemsted, Surrey. Assessed at 2501. No proceedings · - SIR WM. LANGLEY, Charter House. Assessed at 1,500l. Noted as discharged by the Lords # Vol. No. A or p. 3 310 40 - - WM. RAWLINS, Coleman Street. Assessed at 1007. 5 Aug. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay 14 Aug. He having lent before 371. 1s. 4d., the 127. 18s. 8d. deposited to be paid in, with 50l. more, which he is willing to pay, and the lapse of time notwithstanding, Lane is to pay the collector's salary for the 621. 18s. 8d. Assessed at 1,000l. 65 65 3 July 1644. To be discharged on paying 1327. more, that the 5937. 75 423 lent, and the Public Faith given for the 132l. 65 65 3 330 4 26 4 352 14 Oct. 1644. Order that having paid in 831. 6s. 8d., he be dis- charged on paying 51. more, the former order notwithstanding. 65 56 3 172 3 180 3 181 64 3 176 4 36 65 - 65 64 65 62 65 62 3 201 3 213 3 260 CASE 95 68 6 Jan. 1654. He petitions for a Public Faith certificate for the 95 money paid in, although from his being out of town, it was not paid within the 10 days limited. 6 Jan. Granted for 51l. 5s. 4d., which was paid in within the time 13 limited. 65 69 59 62 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 399 7 June 1644. 7 June 1644. 7 June 1644. 7 June 1644. R. 5 18 7 June 1644. 7 June 1644. 7 June 1644. SERJEANT AILIFFE, Serjeants' Inn. Assessed at 4007. 5 Aug. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 1 Oct. 1645. His assessment discharged, he being an assistant of the House of Peers, and therefore exempted from his and 20, and the seizure of his rents to be taken off, and they paid as formerly. SIR RICH. CRANE. Assessed at 2,000l. No proceedings SIR JOHN BURGOINE, Bart., Warwick Lane. Assessed at 1,0007. 65 69 22 July 1644. Order that as he contributed 2007. 3 Nov. 1642, and 3 188 is well-affected, he be left to his voluntary contribution. SIR GEORGE, or SIR RICH. GRIMES, Peckham. Assessed at 3001. 15 July 1644. His assessment respited 14 days, his estate being sequestered. · R. 3 194 207 9 Sept. 1644. Allowed 14 days more to give satisfaction about his 3 232 assessment. 14 Oct. 1644. To make up his in a month 2 Feb. 1646. Ordered to make up his moiety, when he will be further heard. - 27 March. Again assessed at 2,0007. - 13 May 1646. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment SIR ROB. NEEDHAM. 2 March 1646. Order to make up what he has lent to his assess- ment in 14 days. - 65 67 3 259 4 408 4 441 March 1646? He deposes to a long catalogue of debts, his estate in 95 Surrey not 801. a year, his revenue in the North but 1767., of which he has not had a penny the last 3 years, and all the rest of his estate is out in jointure. SIR RICH. PIGGOTT, Tower Hill. Vol. No. A or P. 69 Assessed at 5001. 19 July 1644. To be discharged for 20s. deposited, and 1001. lent, being his proportion on oath, unless his estate be restored, or till further order. 65 3 201 4 281 Assessed at 4007. 20 Nov. 1644. Assessment at 4007. repeated - 13 Dec. 1644. Deposition by him, that of 451. plate and money lent to the State in the names of John Piggott and Wm. Shreive, 351. was his real plate and money, and is now due to him. 65 66 178 3 71 22 5 32 SERJEANT PETER PHESANT, Lothbury. Assessed at 1,000l. 65 66 17 July 1644. To be discharged for 501. paid, and 3501. lent, being 75 452 his proportion on oath. 70 65 66 454 75 67 95 65 66 56 71 13 Dec. Affidavit that 1377. 14s. Od. is his full, except for 95 his estate under power of the King's army, having had little benefit these 2 years from his estate of 7001. a year in Quainton Parish, co. Bucks. 72 400 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 7 June 1644. 7 June 1644. 12 June 1644. 12 June 1644. 12 June 1644. 12 June 1644. 12 June 1644. 12 June 1644. 13 Dec. 1644. Having lent 1371. 14s. Od., which is his proportion on oath, respited till his excepted lands be restored, or till further order. 16 Jan. 1646. The respite renewed, his lands not being yet 76 904 restored. WM. SMITH, Eaton. Assessed at 501. 15 July 1644. Allowed 14 days to procure a certificate from Col. Venn what moneys he has paid, or what service he has done for the State. THOS. BURRARD, Lymington, Co. Hants. His assessment respited to produce acquittances, he pretending that he contributed largely on the propositions. 24 June 1644. He having paid 401. for maintenance of the garrison of Lymington, and had a barn burnt, and other losses, his assess- ment discharged. SIR ROBERT and LADY CARR, Westminster. Lady Carr assessed at 3001. 19 June 1644. Her assessment vacated, her husband, Sir Robert, being alive. 22 Sept. 1645. Sir Robert assessed at 4007. 8 Oct. 1645. His assessment respited till further order, as he has been a great sufferer by the King's forces. · · ROB. GORE, Garlick Hill, and Shacklewell. Assessed at 2501. 29 June 1644. Again assessed at 4007. 12 July 1644. Respited till he have satisfaction for his losses or debts, having lent 927., being his proportion on oath. SIR ROB. HEATH, Brasted, Kent, Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Vol. No. A or P. 76 662 Assessed at 1,000l. 22 July 1644. Again assessed at 2,000l. No proceedings SIR JOHN LEAKE, Chigwell, Essex. 65 65 3 179 3 145 ANNE MARSH, Limehouse. Assessed at 2001. 9 Aug. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 19 Aug. To have 6 days to make her affidavit 21 Aug. Discharged as not being worth 1007. 3 160 29 July. The later assessment of 400l. discharged, because of the 76 469 former one. 65 70 3 155 24 Nov. 1645. Summoned to appear and bring his ticket of ac- 95 73 quittance, which had been entered by mistake at 927. instead of 827., whereon he paid 101. more 28 Nov. and was discharged. 69 85 4 287 65 71 65 90 75 441 65 74 65 110 Assessed at 1007. 65 72 19 July 1644. His assessment discharged, as he came from Ireland 75 455 hither for relief, and has no estate here for his maintenance, but has been relieved by Parliament. 65 70 3 205 3 217 65 70 | COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.—CASES. 401 12 June 1644. R. 3 204 R. 5 294 14 June 1644. ACCTS. 95 74 9 March 1646. Page to have 3 acres of pasture with his house, paying 101. instead of 61. rent. Also Ŵm. Chalkhill, of Ham- mersmith, to have a house of Taylor's (who is assessed at 2007.) for 71., putting it in repair, as it was lately let at 77. 10s. Od. 14 June 1644. P.E. 95 75, 76 P.D. 95 77 DEP. 95 78 14 June 1644. 50623. RICH. TAYLOR, Sheer Lane. Assessed at 2007. 12 Aug. 1644. Ordered to make up in 14 days 14 July 1645. Wm. Page, of Hammersmith, to pay the arrears of rent of 101. for the victualling house he holds of Taylor, and to pay 61. in future, as it is to be a private house, and his taxes to be allowed. 10 Feb. 1647. The sequestration of the estate taken off, Rich. Taylor having lately died, after payment of the for the lands, the sons, Richard and John, having paid their proportions. 20 NICH. BACON, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Assessed at 5007. 31 Oct. 1645. Again assessed at 500l. No proceedings BAPTIST NOEL, VISCOUNT, and JULIAN, DOWAGER VISCOUNTESS CAMPDEN. He assessed at 4,0001. 31 Oct. 1645. An assessment of 4,500l. vacated on account of the previous assessment. 17 Nov. 1645. Respited 6 days for payment of his assessment 21 Nov. On giving security by Mr. Noel that he will abide the committee's order about his assessment for his, respited till he has compounded for his delinquency. 18 Feb. 1648. Mr. Duncomb and Sabyn to have 131. 15s. salary of 1,1007. paid in by the Countess Dowager as her. 3 March 1648. Viscount Campden ordered to pay his 4,000l. at once, or his rents and estate will be forthwith seized and sequestered. Also Vicountess Campden ordered to pay 100l. to make up of her assessment, or her estate will be sequestered. 3 April 1648. Order that Viscount Campden's rents be only secured in the tenants' hands, as it is undertaken to pay his assessment by 1 May next. 19 May 1648. His assessment discharged on payment of 1007., being greatly indebted. ・や ​16 Jan. Order that the County Commissioners take examinations thereon, and send up the depositions. THOMAS LORD CROMWELL. - 65 77 Vol. No. A or P. 65 72 Assessed at 2,000l. 31 Oct. 16-45. A later assessment of 2,5007. vacated because of the former. 7 3 207 4 202 12 Jan. 1648. Summoned to appear and pay an assessment of 5 344 4,000l. for his 2. 20 4 450 5 190 6599 £ 65 77 69 99 99 4 327 4 337 5 375 21 334 7 Jan. 1650. Information that Lunne Woods, co. Leicester, be- 21 longing to him, are not comprehended in his composition at Goldsmiths' Hall. 5 391 5 391 he 6 1 5 415 65 69 CC 8 127 77 99 ܀ 402 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. i 14 June 1644. B. 4 339 353 361 R. 5 253 14 June 1644. 14 June 1644. WILLIAM CAVENDISH, EARL OF DEVONSHIRE. Assessed at 4,0007. 31 Oct. 1645. A later assessment of 4,500l. vacated because of the 69 99 former. 14 Nov. 1645. Order that he be respited 14 days 12 Jan. 1646. Order that, being assessed at 4,000l., if he pay 1,000l. now, and 1,000l. in 6 months, he be discharged, and that he pay no salary to the officers. 6 July 1646. Order that if he pay 500l. of his 1,000l. at once, he have 14 days for the other 5007. 28 May 1647. Order that-as on treaty with the committee, the Earl agreed to pay 2,000l. on the Public Faith, or 1,500l. without it, and the committee wanting money for the service of Bristol, gave Public Faith for 2,000l., but since find that their so doing might be a precedent to others, he having compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall as a delinquent-the 500l. to be repaid him, and the Public Faith bill for 2,000l. cancelled. MR. M. LEAKE, Warwick House. Assessed at 1,000l. No proceedings - WILLIAM WENTWORTH, EARL OF STRAFFORD. A parcel of hangings belonging to him to be delivered to Denzil Hollis, M.P., on his promise that if Lord Strafford is assessable for his, they shall be forthcoming when required. 31 Oct. 1645. Information that the Earl is a Papist 14 Nov. 1645. Order that his estate be seized and sequestered 26 May 1648. Committee for Advance of Money to the Committee 24 3 for the West. As we have been obliged to repay to the Earl of Devonshire 500l. which came to your hands for Bristol, and we have special and urgent occasions for money charged on us by Parliament, we think this 500l. should be allowed us out of the next money you are to receive on Ordinance, that we may be able to fulfil our pressing engagements. [See p. 70, 26 May.] 28 Dec. 1647. The hangings and other goods of Lord Strafford's in custody of Wm. Railton, of Fulham, Middlesex, or any other, to be seized and sequestered. Vol. No. A or P. 65 77 21 Jan. 1648. Mr. Railton, who was summoned about having goods of the Earl in custody, to be dismissed, as he alleges that they belong to Mr. Hollis. 4 322 4 386 5 66 PUB. 10 101 19 March 1651. His rents being seized by the Commissioners of co. York, 10 Jan. 1651, and he having sent over servants to prove where he was, he begs a hearing and discharge, and no prejudice to his estates meantime. 5 263 نا 65 ryrj 3 150 21 50 4 326 5 336 5 348 9 Dec. 1650. On report that the Earl was with the Prince, the G.30 483 Commissioners for Compounding order his rents to be seized till he appear. 27 Feb. 1651. On his request for suspension from sequestration, G.14 32 interrogatories to be prepared for examinations in the case. 95 78A 19 March. On a Parliament Order of 17 Nov. 1642, granting him 10 123 a pass to go abroad, and on depositions of his servants that he has been 7 years abroad, and was seen by them at Calais last February, and on hearing counsel on both sides-order that be appear within 2 months to take the oath of abjuration, and that meantime the seizure of his rents and estates be discharged. 7 May 1651. The Earl being ill of the stone, and unable to travel, 10 259 time is allowed him till 24 Sept. next. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 403 14 June 1644. CERT. 95 78c, D 14 June 1644. 14 June 1644. 14 June 1644. R. 3 321 18 June 1644. 18 June 1644. 18 June 1644. Vol. No. A or P. 24 Sept. 1651. Deposition of Thos. Phelpes, of Wentworth, that G.145 285 hearing of the Earl's illness, he went over to France to pass 95 78B some accounts with him, and found that he had been dangerously ill of a fever, and was unable to travel; he therefore begged 6 months' respite or he would be at the expense of a commission to be sent over to give him the oath of abjuration, which he thought no Protestant would refuse to take. With note 7 Oct. that he was to appear on 20 Jan. next. 20 Jan. 1652. Order for his respite till to-morrow, Sir Geo. Went- 17 160 worth having appeared for him. 21 Jan. He having appeared and taken the oath of abjuration- 11 109 order that he be dismissed, and all seizures of his rents and estate discharged. SIR LEONARD THURBY, Paul's Cray, Kent. Assessed at 300l. No proceedings SIR PAUL TRACY. Assessed at 2,000l. No proceedings ROB. WILSON, Theydon Garnon, Essex. Assessed at 401. 22 July 1644. Ordered to make up his assessment in 14 days, or make affidavit of his. 6 Nov. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 20 Nov. Discharged for 81. lent, being his proportion on oath - GEO. FLETCHER, Dunstan's East, or Tower Street. Assessed at 3001. 26 July 1644. Deposition that, his just debts paid, he is not worth 1007., except in desperate debts amounting to 14,000l. due to him by his Majesty and several men in the West country. ADAM GROVE, Clerkenwell, and RALPH GROVE, at Mr. Mudford's, Milford Lane. Ralph assessed at 4007. 8 July 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 23 Sept. 1644. Adam Grove assessed at 401. 4 Nov. 1644. Like order for Adam Grove 65 78 3 May [1645]. Note that Mr. Grove was assessed at 1307., and having paid 501. to Sir Wm. Waller, was ordered to bring in the 801.; the 501. paid to be in part of his assessment. 65 77 65 76 3 187 26 July. Order that he be respited till these debts are paid, or till 76 468 further order. 79 3 283 76 626 11 Feb. 1646. He affirms that he has not yet received any of the 95 King's 7,000l., nor of the other excepted debts. 11 Feb. Again respited, as not being likely to receive them 76 914 65 82 95 79 65 80 3 173 3 3 281 95 80 67 WM. MORGELL, Gray's Inn. Parliament Order that the M.Ps who are members of the Inns of 95 81 Court meet the benchers, and advise with them to prepare an Ordinance for disposing of the chambers in the Inns belonging to delinquents; the benefit of the sale to go to the maintenance of the ministers and officers of the said Inns of Court, and they to have power to remove such as are not fit to be continued. 14 Aug. 1644. Morgell assessed at 2007. - 65 141 CC 2 404 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 June 1644. R. 4 239 245 254 278 R. 4 296 307 18 June 1644. 18 June 1644. R. 75 489 R. 76 543 561 R. 76 610 630 646 670 682 698 708 29 June 1644. o. 3 219 231 0.4 248 9 May 1645. Order in the County Committee for Middlesex, dis- 95 charging Morgell from the sequestration ordered on information that he was in arms against Parliament in co. Chester, as he is now living privately in co. Bucks, and it is deposed that he has not been in arms, and that he opposed the Commissioners of Array. 23 May. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that as he is a delinquent, his chamber in Gray's Inn be let at 41. a year to Capt. Clinton, alias Fiennes. 21 Nov. 1645. Order that on paying 207., he be discharged of his assessment of 2007. 24 June 1645. The Readers of Gray's Inn to the Committee for 95 Advance of Money. Capt. Clinton has shown us your order, but the chambers here are at our sole disposal, and by a late Parlia- ment Order, the disposing of delinquents' chambers is left to the benchers. Also the Middlesex Committee have cleared Morgell of the charge of delinquency, and his chamber is liable to a debt of value due to the Society. We therefore beg recall of your order, and leave to dispose of the chamber. Nine signatures. 8 Oct. 1645. The sequestration on his chamber and goods in Gray's Inn taken off till further order. SIR GREG. NORTON, Westminster. Assessed at 5001. Noted as not found THOS. WITHERING, the Postmaster. Assessed at 8007. 26 July 1644. Having lent 4671. 10s., respited 14 days to bring more acquittances. 23 Aug. 1644. Allowed 14 days to finish his assessment 4 Sept. 1644. To be discharged on paying 1007. more, or to make affidavit. Vol. No. A or P. 82 SIR HENRY AUDLEY, Essex. 4 95 Assessed at 8007. 26 July 1644. Order that as he reports his estate to be under seques- tration, he bring in a particular thereof. 7 Aug. 1644. Order that he pay in 400l., being his assessment, in 14 days. 165 83 20 Sept. 1644. Order that as he has paid 701. and deposited 1207., the residue of the moiety be suspended till the sequestration on his estate is taken off. 84 4 287 4 332 11 Oct. 1644. The 201. deposited, with 501. more to be paid, and the 76 570 4677. 10s. lent, to discharge his assessment, the former order notwithstanding. 65 82 25 Oct. Respited 14 days to pay the 501., or produce an allowable 76 593· acquittance for it. 65 80 76 466 14 Feb. 1645. Note of the Public Faith given for the 201. and 65 80 the 501. paid. 76 515 76 526 65 89 3 192 3 201 3 241 16 Sept. 1646. Ordered to make up his assessment of 8007. on 5 101 pain of sequestration. 1646? He states his case, that he was sequestered as a Papist, cleared 95 85 himself, but the sequestration continuing, and much wood being sold, he compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall for 1,5007. Then he was assessed at 8007., and has paid 3001., being more than his share, because he lost 3,000l. by plunder in 1641-1642; was sequestered COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 405 29 June 1644. 0.5 288 294 o. 5 381 384 29 June 1644. 29 June 1644. B. 3 206 223 233 246 256 269 29 June 1644. 29 June 1644. 29 June 1644. 29 June 1644. 2 years, and timber value 2,0001. sold. He holds the estate only for life, has no son, and has 1,300l. debts. His estates in Essex are worth 7001. a year, and in Suffolk 2001. 15 March 1647. The sequestration to be proceeded with 2 April 1647. To be heard if he pays 1007. in 14 days, and 1007. in 14 days more. 28 May 1647. Order for his sequestration, unless he make up the whole 8007. forthwith. 1 June 1647. Order for the seizure of his estate 18 Feb. 1648. Order that he pay 1007., to make up the 3007. paid to his . 3 March 1648. 507. still due on his respited till 25 March B. 3 298 8 Nov. 1644. Order for further respite, his sequestration not being yet taken off. SIR JOHN HEWITT, Lincoln's Inn. Assessed at 5007. 29 July 1644. Order that he be respited 14 days, his estate being sequestered. 20 SIR JAS. LEWING, Gray's Inn. Assessed at 6001. Noted as not to be found - DR. JOHN DORRINGTON, Cornhill, and Ongar, Essex. Assessed at 1501. 65 87 3 213 14 Aug. 1644. Ordered to make affidavit of his 16 Aug. Respited till he is paid his excepted debts, and till his 76 500 suit, now depending, be determined. 21 March 1645. To be brought in custody for non-payment 4 93 SIR WM. LUCKING, Essex. Assessed at 7001. No proceedings I JOHN POWELL, Longditch, and Bassieshaw Ward. Assessed at 1507. 26 July 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 28 July. Again assessed at 1007. 1 Aug. 1644. Discharged on his affidavit that he is not worth 1007. 16 Aug. Respited till he receive his desperate debts, not being else worth 1007. Vol. No. A or P. 13 Sept. 1644. Ordered to pay his whole assessment, as having a greater estate than appears in his affidavit. 5 219 5 232 5 264 5 266 5 375 5 391 65 86 3 194 3 285 65 86 65 89 65 89 3 193 65 122 76 474 76 500 76 538 18 Sept. Discharged, this order notwithstanding, as his debts 76 543 appear to be 77ŭl. SIR JOHN THOROWGOOD, St. John Street. Assessed at 5001. 65 89 29 Nov. 1644. To be discharged on paying 15l. for his excepted 76 635 lands in Yorkshire, having lent 100l. in Berkshire, which is his proportion on oath. 406 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 29 June 1644. 30 June 1644. 30 June 1644. R. 3 207 224 R. 3 230 244 R. 3 339 R. 4 4 30 June 1644. 30 June 1644. R. 3 200 3 July 1641. R. 3 234 R. 3 248 Vol. No. A or P. 65 86 17 Sept. 1645. Having paid 1607. in Essex, to be discharged on 76 866 paying 101. more, being his proportion on oath. SIR RICH. WISEMAN, Tirrell Hall, Essex. Assessed at 6001. MARTHA BARNES, Gravel Lane. Assessed at 1001. and summoned to pay 2 Aug. 1644. She having paid 107., and deposed that 30%. is her full, order that she have a month for payment of the other 201. 30 Aug. Having deposited 201., order for her discharge on paying the other 107. March 1654. A Public Faith certificate given her BRIGG FOUNTAINE, Inner Temple. Assessed at 4007. 12 July 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 30 Aug. 1644. Respited 14 days to show his acquittances 11 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 18 Nov. Respited 14 days to make his affidavit what is his 20 11 Dec. 1644. He making affidavit that 2251. is his 20, is to bring it within 14 days. 21 March 1645. He being assessed at 4007., and suffering his days to elapse, so that his assessment is yet unpaid, his goods and estate are to be seized and sold, and the money raised by distress paid to this committee. 28 March. The execution of this order suspended till further order, and he to appear on Friday. 1 June 1645. His assessment discharged for 607. formerly lent on the propositions, he having lent other sums for other services. · SIR JOHN ST. JOHN, Battersea. Assessed at 2,0007. 29 July 1644. The 301. paid, with 2001. lent, to discharge his assessment, being his proportion on oath, for which the Public Faith is given to Clement Oxenbridge, contractor of Dean and Chapter lands. Ch ROB. WILLAMOT, Gray's Inn. Assessed at 1,0007. 22 July 1644. To be brought in custody to secure and pay his Also to make up his in 14 days, or bring his assessment. affidavit. 21 Nov. 1645. To be committed to Peter House till he make up his assessment. LADY CAGE, Woodford, Essex. 24 Nov. Order that as he formerly paid 1177., he be discharged on paying 2007., former orders notwithstanding. 65 94 95 86 3 197 3 225 Assessed at 2007. 30 Aug. 1644. Respited 14 days for her assessment 20 Sept. 1644. Ordered to pay 107. in 14 days 11 Oct. 1644. Order for her discharge for the 107. deposited, she making oath that 201. is her and, but the 107. is accepted in regard of her many children. 65 94 65 93 3 176 3 65 94 3 188 3 190 4 332 4 326 25 Dec. 1645. Deposition that when the King set up his standard 95 87 at Nottingham, there was a party at the Earl of Devonshire's, and tickets were sent out to the gentry of co. Derby, and that upon such ticket Willamot lent the King 1007. 226 3 288 3 294 3 327 4 91 4 99 4 171 65 90 76 471 65 90 65 96 3 225 3 241 3 257 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 407 3 July 1644. 3 July 1641. 3 July 1644. R. 3 226 8 July 1644. 0.3 222 8 July 1644. JOHN CHRIS. MAYHERNE, Blackfriars. Assessed at 3007. Noted not found 14 Nov. 1645. His assessment discharged, being a German, and a poor man. - GERTRUDE PARKHURST, Woodford, Essex. Assessed at 4007. 30 Aug. 1644. Her assessment respited 14 days 13 Sept. 1644. Her assessment discharged, she having lent 1007. in Sept. 1642, and other sums since, and she is to be left to her voluntary contributions. JEREMIAH WHITWORTH, at Deputy Peck's. Assessed at 2001., and summoned to pay 13 Aug. 1644. Respited 14 days 20 Sept. 1644. Further respite granted, he being in the service of Parliament. 11 Nov. 1644. To be brought up in custody for non-payment of his assessment. WM. ESSINGTON and THOMAS, his Son, Swithin's Parish, and Morton, Co. Gloucester. William assessed at 8001., and Thomas at 4007. Summoned to pay the 1,2001. within 10 days 9 Aug. 1644. Allowed 14 days to make up their moiety 6 Sept. 1644. The moiety to be made up in 10 days without further delay, 2 respites having been granted. 13 Sept. Their assessment discharged, as they have lent 4797. 14s. and paid 1207. 6s., and their lands lie in Gloucestershire, under power of the King's army. Vol. No. A or p. 95 4 323 65 DR. FRAZER, Philpott Lane. Assessed at 3007. 22 Dec. 1647. On information that the late Wm. Corbett, of Threadneedle Street, merchant of London, owed 2,000l. to Dr. Frazer, and that no administration of his goods is taken, order that all his goods, estate, and debts be secured and inventoried. 65 96 3 225 3 236 65 95 95 88 3 212 3 243 3 288 65 99 95 88A 3 204 3 230 3 237 17 Dec. 1646. Information that Wm. Essington, prisoner-of-war to 21 80 Major-Gen. Massey, then Governor of Gloucester, broke prison, took with him 3 or 4 of Rupert's commanders, and fled into Tewkesbury, then a King's garrison, where Sir Wm. Vavasour, governor, entertained them, and gave them a piece to drink. That he lived there awhile, and then went further into the King's quarters to Worcestershire, where he remained a time. 22 Dec. Certificate by Major-Gen. Edw. Massey that Wm. Essington 95 88B was once his prisoner-of-war, as a malignant who frequented the enemy's quarters and refused to lend anything to Parliament, but that he escaped from custody. 23 Dec. Order that Sir Rob. Tracy and 10 other persons named, who owe money to Wm. Essington, a delinquent, have notice not to pay him any money till further orders. March 1654. Ordered a Public Faith certificate for their assess- ments. 5 164 65 99 65 99 5 333 408 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 8 July 1644. 8 July 1644. o.c. 3 336 31 Dec. 1647. Mrs. Corbett, his widow, and Dr. Frazer to have notice when the committee will hear the charge of delinquency against Dr. Frazer, that he may be heard in his defence, and meantime the goods seized are to be secured. 12 Jan. 1648. Security to be given for the forthcoming of the goods, 5 345 or they are to be removed to Guildhall. 5 348 21 Jan. Mrs. Corbett and Dr. Frazer summoned, and Mr. Puckle, who has Wm. Corbett's account books, to bring them in to this committee. 28 Jan. Mrs. Corbett and Smith to be brought up in custody to answer objections. Also the case about Dr. Frazer's delin- quency to be heard, and then proof to be made that the debt of 2,000l. owing to him by Mrs. Corbett was, at the time of lending, specified to be for orphans, and not the doctor's own money. o.c. 8 2 15 March 1648. Mrs. Corbett summoned to pay 2,000l. owing by her to Frazer, a delinquent. 16 Feb. 1648. Leave to Mrs. Corbett to dispose of her house without 5 371 restraint, being accountable to this committee for the overvalue above the rent she pays. SERJEANT SIR JOHN GLANVILLE, Broad Hinton, Wilts, Prisoner in the Tower. Assessed at 3,000l. 9 Aug. 1644. He petitions Parliament.-I have had notice, dated 31 May 1644, to pay an assessment of 3,000l., to be repaid on the Public Faith if paid within 10 days. I live 60 miles away, where I pay scott and lott. I cannot attend you without your leave, being a prisoner, but if you will order this, I will declare my condition and estate. I am imprisoned on a charge of treason, and cannot even pay my prison charges, much less so large a sum, as my tenants pay me no rent, and my credit is taken away by my unhappy condition. I beg relief, and free- dom from the penalties of wilful neglect. 16 Aug. Allowed 14 days to make up his 10 Dec. 1644. Order in the House of Commons that he be admitted to compound for his delinquency, and for his and, and that the first 2,000l. raised by his composition go to Portsmouth garrison, and the next 2001. to Rich. Jones, for arms taken from him for Parliamentary service, for which he is imprisoned. - Vol. No. A or P. 5 337 16 Dec. On the above order, the Lieutenant of the Tower is to permit Glanville to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money to compound for his delinquency. 10 Jan. 1645. Statement by Serj. Glanville of his own case. did not desert Parliament, but going away by leave, on his return, was taken prisoner and carried to Oxford, where he did all the good offices in his power. Being returned to his house in Wiltshire, the Lord-General sent a party of horse for him when he was out, but he wrote for a pass, obtained it, attended his lordship, and having his pass, returned to London. He is old and in debt, and has a wife and 6 children. His estate lying between Oxford and Bristol, and about Plymouth, has been unprofitable 2 years, and part is sequestered by the King's commissioners. 5 355 356 9 Aug. Order that he have no prejudice in point of time for 3 205 10 days [for payment of his assessment]. He paid in 1642 600l. towards the reducing of Ireland. He begs that 2,4001. may be accepted as his fine and composition, to be paid part in land, and the rest as soon as he can borrow it, and that he may have a subsistence left for himself and family, and a Parliament Order to free him from all delinquency and punishment, and from his imprisonment, and all seizures, 5 402 65 95 98 89 3 215 95 90 3 325 He 95 91 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 409 8 July 1644. H. 5 334 1. 5 338 • CERT. 95 94 P.E. 95 95- 104 CERT. 95 105 censure, restraints, &c. Noted that he is to pay 3,000l. on days appointed, and 1,000l. more when his Ordinance is passed by Parliament, to whom the last clause of his request is to be represented. With note of his consent thereto. 18 May 1646. The assessment of John, alias Wm. Glanville, of Lincoln's Inn, his younger son, taken off, he having no estate, but a small exhibition. 5 Jan. 1648. He is to bring in particulars of his estate, in order to his composition for delinquency. 20 20 & 21 Dec. 1647. Certificate to the Commissioners for Com-G.88 343 pounding that Serj. Glanville's composition for his and is referred to the Committee for Advance of Money, and leave granted him to stay in town to attend it. 28 Dec. He deposes that he did not return to Oxford willingly, 95 92 but returning towards the House of Peers in Parliament, he was seized in bed at an inn near Newbury, and before he could dress, was taken prisoner by 20 of the King's troopers, the Friday in Easter week, 1643, and conveyed to Oxford. On 4 Oct. 1645, it was ordered that compounders should be dealt with on the propositions of both kingdoms, but this should not apply to me, as I had surrendered 16 months before. Pray cast your eye on the articles for the surrender of Oxford. The propositions of 11 July 1646, laying a heavier fine on ser- jeants and counsellors at law, should not affect me, as having surrendered before 31 Oct. 1644. Vol. No. A or P. Arguments in favour of a reasonable composition. The County Commissioners of Devon and Cornwall have, since my submission to Parliament, received 3001. or 4001. out of my estate; and in May 1647, when I went, by leave of the House of Peers, to Bath to recover my health, the County Commissioners of Wilts sequestered my estate, and sold stable and goods for 8001. I beg a day for hearing, no report having been made to Parliament in 3 years, and many things material having occurred. 12 Jan. Order thereon for a hearing, on his preferring a petition acknowledging his delinquency and wish to compound, bringing in a more perfect particular of his estate, cast up by the clerks at, and certificates of his taking the covenant and negative oath. 5 38 12 Jan. Observations on his case, by himself.-I am without 95 93 money and in debt. The Parliamentary soldiers took from me horses value 150%. I surrendered 14 June 1644, when the King had great armies and strong garrisons, and on 20 June 1644, was committed to the Tower. On 10 Jan. 1645, desiring to obtain my liberty and practice for a maintenance, I cast myself on the favour of Parliament, and submitted to a fine of 4,000l., and had then been in prison 7 months, and I so continued 2 years and 2 months after, during 6 of which I was greviously sick, finding the Tower a place of great charge and much restraint. On 14 May 1645, when the rumour of my submission came to Wiltshire, a party of the King's forces burned my dwelling- house at Broad Hinton, worth 8,0001. 21 Jan. Order thereon, and on certificates of his having taken the oath and covenant, that his fine be proceeded with to-morrow. 5 340 5 344 21 Jan. He petitions to be admitted to a moderate fine for his 95 106 delinquency, having been long away from home, and in the King's quarters in 1643 and 1644, and also composition for his and 5 348 22 Jan. He begs to have but one moderate fine set for delinquency 95 107 and for his, not to exceed the rate of Oxford articles, with mitigation for his long imprisonment, the burning of his home, 410 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 8 July 1644. R. 5 361 375 NOTE 95 114 o.c. 6 33 DEP. 95 115 116 SERJEANT GLANVILLE-cont. and the levies on his estate since his submission. Also a present order to take off his sequestration, and a speedy and favourable report to the House of Commons. 10 109 22 Jan. 1648. Order thereon, on consideration of the particulars of 95 108 his estate, for his fine at 2,3201., out of which deducting 1,3507. for Lamerton parsonage, co. Devon, value 90l. a year, which he is willing to settle for maintenance of ministers, the remainder will be 9701. ;-that on payment thereof in 10 days, and assuring the said parsonage, the assessment on his estate for delinquency be taken off. He is also to pay within a month 1,1601. for his assessment, and the case to be reported to Parliament, that he may be freed from delinquency and imprisonment. 28 Feb. 1648. Certificate that he has paid his fine and secured the rest, and order thereon to the County Commissioners of Wilts, Devon, and Cornwall, for discharge of his estate, with the usual provisoes. 3 March. Order that he be respited from further trouble on giving a bond to pay 1,160l. within 14 days after Parliament has passed an Ordinance for accepting his fine. Vol. No. A or P. 1 3 March 1648. He petitions that having settled the rectory, and 95 113 secured the 9701., he cannot borrow money to pay his whilst under an impeachment in Parliament, and bound in 2,000l. with 2 sureties in 1,000l. each, to appear on notice. He begs to have a speedy report to the House of Commons, and to incur no pre- judice for non-payment of his 26, till he can borrow the money. 9 June 1648. Prideaux to report his case and composition to the House to-morrow, according to an Order in the House of Commons in that behalf. 21 July 1648. Mr. Corbet to report the business to the house 25 July. Order that the 4007. which, by order of this committee, he has paid to Wm. Lane, treasurer, for present occasions, be in part of his assessment, for payment of which he has entered into bonds in 1,8007. and 2,000l. 5 392 95 110 -112 5 389 6 10 6 22 6 26 2 Aug. 1648. Order that he pay forthwith 5701., the remainder of 6 31 his fine, and appear about his assessment. 9 Aug. Order that he pay 2751. 8s. for his assessment, being of 6 34 his yearly revenue, ordered by Parliament on 2 Aug. to be accepted in discharge of his assessment; also that he pay 2701., part of his fine, whereon his bonds will be delivered up to be cancelled, he giving bonds for payment of 300l., the remainder of his fine. 23 April 1652. Thos. Larkham, late minister of Tavistock, for 95 117 himself and the inhabitants, petitions that when Lamerton rectory was settled on the ministers, it was ordered that 501. should be paid to Tavistock, which was done, but Walter Godbeare, clothier, and Wm. Grills, merchant, the surviving trustees, and John Pointer, the tenant, keep the profits, and are insolvent; out of 4 harvests, petitioner has only received 50%., so that many thousands of poor ignorant people are like to be without a minister. Begs redress of this abuse. 23 April. The County Commissione rsfor Devon to summon God- 11 364 beare and Grills to account for the profits of the rectory, and pay the arrears, or show cause to the contrary, and to examine Pointer as to what he has paid to the trustees, and how he holds the premises, and to take other examinations to discover the abuse. 119 24 May 1652. Grills, Godbeare, and Pointer to the County Com- 95 118 missioners. We showed you our deeds and accounts last summer, and have not received any profits since. We had an order from the Committee for Plundered Ministers to pay them the remaining profits after the payment to Tavistock. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 411 8 July 1644. LET. 95 120 121 DEP. 95 125 LET. 95 126 LET. 95 127 This business does not concern you. Sir John Glanville would not be so indiscreet as to make over to us what he had no power to do, and there is a deed in the Parliament chest which will take off all scruples. 4 June 1652. Committee for Advance of Money request to see Glanville about the tithe sheaf of Lamerton, co. Devon, which he settled on the State, in part of his composition. Vol. No. A or P. 95 122 22 June. Larkham petitions that the rectory was sequestered on Glanville's delinquency, the profits, being 901. a year, were taken in 1645 and 1646 by Pointer, in 1647 and 1648 by Thos. Stert of Curriton, and in 1649-51 by Grills and Godbeare, so that the State is defrauded, and petitioner has only had 501. instead of 501. a year for the 4 last years. Begs that as the offenders refuse to attend the County Commissioners, their dishonesty and obstinacy may be punished, "and they be made to know what it is to contemn your power," and that he may have his rights. 22 June. Order thereon that, as the reply of Grills, Godbeare, and 12 12 29 Pointer is not satisfactory, they appear to pay the arrears, or in default, be brought up in custody by the serjeant-at-arms. ACCTS. 95 124 [July 1652.] Grills, Godbeare, and Pointer petition that they are 95 123 men unfit for travel, the youngest being more than 60, and one very ill. Beg that the accounts sent in may be accepted, and proved before some gentleman near; are willing to pay over the surplus to the Committee for Advance of Money, if they may have a discharge. 25 11 21 July. Order that the County Commissioners call them to 12 12 76 account, allowing for just disbursements, and that they pay over the balance to the said Commissioners, who are to pay Larkham and the other ministers their arrears, and that Larkham have liberty to take exception to the accounts. The County Commissioners are also to certify why the sheaf of Lamerton was let at 751. when Glanville compounded for it at 901. 8 Dec. 1652. Larkham petitions that, as the offenders have not 95 128 appeared before the County Commissioners when summoned, and Stert also refuses to give in his accounts,-they may all four be taken into custody to answer their contempt, and there remain till they have performed the orders. 8 Dec. Order that the four named pay their surplus to the County 12 241 Commissioners, who are to allow reasonable taxes, and to pay the ministers, bring in the deed of settlement, and in case of default, be taken into custody, and that the said Commis- sioners take the sheaf of Lamerton into their own possession. 20 April 1653. John Pointer, the tenant, remonstrates against 95 129 the order for the County Commissioners to take the sheaf into their hands, having a lease of it in July 1649 for 11 years, at 751., and having held it for 4 years to the content of the parishioners. He begs to be confirmed therein for the rest of his lease. PET. 95 130 13 July 1653. Pointer renews his petition to retain his lease, as 20 April. County Commissioners to certify the value of the 12 341 rectory, and other matters suggested in the petition. LET. 95 132 5 Aug. 1653. County Commissioners to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have let Lamerton sheaf at 901. a year, its full value, but the tenants exceedingly complain of the trouble given them by Pointer, who claims the sheaf by his lease, and threatens law, and so disturbs them that they will be unable to pay their rents. 95 131 the change will be a great trouble to the parish, undo him, and be no benefit to Larkham or the ministers. Complains of the conduct detailed of the trustees and the County Commissioners. 13 July. The order of 20 April reinforced, and the County Com- 12 387 missioners to certify the value of the rectory, &c., in 3 weeks. 95 133 412 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 8 July 1644. R. 3 220 224 229 232 R. 3 254 8 July 1644. 8 July 1644. HEN. HODGES, Common Crier of London. Assessed at 2001. 7 Aug. 1644. Ordered to pay, or take his affidavit and pay his proportion. CERT. 95 140 141 12 Aug. To be discharged on paying 451. more than the 57. lent 23 Sept. 1644. Allowed 14 days to make up his or take his affidavit. 8 July 1644. THOS. RICH, of Fox's Ordinary. SIR WM. RUSSELL, Bart., Tower Street, and Strensham, Co. Worcester. BOND 95 136 16 Dec. 1650. Information that he omitted from his composition 4001. a year in cos. Worcester, Gloucester, and Hereford, and divers parcels of lands. Assessed at 1,000l. - 65 98 2 Aug. 1644. Having been formerly assessed and discharged, his 3 197 present assessment discharged, and he left to his voluntary contribution. 9 Nov. 1649. Order that he be assessed at 2,000l. for his, with note that he left his lodgings 13 Dec. 1649. Assessed at 3,000l. 65 98 30 Aug. 1644. Order that he make up his assessment of 1,000l. (sic.) 3 225 in 14 days in Tower Ward, or make his affidavit. 3 234 1 * 11 Sept. 1644. Order that his assessment of 3,000l. be discharged for 500l. paid in Tower Ward, he deposing that 801. is his 2. 22 Feb. 1646. The County Commissioners to take examinations 95 134 touching his delinquency, and return them. Vol. No. A or p. 65 100 3 201 3 207 3 244 P.D. 95 137 16 May 1651. Order that on payment of 1307. in a month, he be 10 304 discharged from his assessment, and that the 7007. which he owes to Sir Martin Sandys, delinquent, he pay to the Treasurers of the Committee for Advance of Money in 6 weeks, or show 7 March 1651. Order that the County Commissioners of Worcester, 10 82 Gloucester, and Hereford enquire into the case, and send up examinations. cause. DEP. 95 138 29 Aug. 1651. Order that he be discharged from the 7007. debt to 17 9 Sandys, on affidavit that it is already paid. THOS. SMITH [Edmonton]. 7 353 71 109 Assessed at 2007. 11 July 1645. To be discharged for 201. lent, 401. paid before, 40l. paid this day, and 20l. to be paid. Having paid 107., discharged, the former order notwithstanding. 22 122 95 135 7 Nov. 1651. Order for examinations as to his undervaluations, he 95 139 having 6 days' notice. * These three first entries may possibly relate to some other Sir Wm. Russell, as he is not styled Bart. 25 March 1652. Sir William begs discharge, no part of his estate 95 142 being sequestered 1 Dec. last. He has been for a year causelessly troubled about undervaluations, but could not procure publica- tion or a hearing. Granted. 11 289 65 100 76 841 76 842 25 June 1651. On Thos. Smith's petition that in July 1644, a 10 428 notice of his assessment was sent to his house at Edmonton, but he and his family had removed to Sussex a year before, and : COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 413 8 July 1644. 8 July 1644. 10 July 1644. R. 4 250 10 July 1644. 0.3 239 R. 3 215 2 Sept. 1644. Ordered to pay his assessment or make affidavit 13 Sept. He deposing that he has had no residence in London for 20 years, and showing a certificate from Gray's Inn that he never had a chamber there, and having formerly lent 421. and now deposited 821., which is his full and 2,--order that his assessment be discharged, and the Public Faith given. 0.4 39 II. 4 78 0.4 299 313 10 July 1644. 10 July 1644. received no notice till a warrant was issued against him, on which he paid 901., and begs the Public Faith,-order that it be granted, according to the Ordinance of Parliament of 12 May 1645. HUM. STEWARD, Gray's Inn. Assessed at 1,2007. 29 July 1644. He pretending that he is no inhabitant of Gray's Inn, but has let his chambers, and does not live within 40 miles, -order that he make affidavit what is his } and. 2 Aug. 1644. Respited 14 days, and enquiry to be made what resi- dence he has in London. CAPT. PETER ANDREWS, Mary Axe. Assessed at 3007. 7 Aug. 1644. Having contributed 501., and the State being indebted to him, his assessment respited till the debt is paid. 8 Sept. 1645. On certificate that 4807. is due to him from the Navy Committee, and that he contributed 507., his assessment respited till the 4807. is paid. - SIR ROB. BENDLOSS, or BENDLOW, at Lord Newburgh's. Assessed at 8001. 12 Aug. 1644. Order that he be respited 14 days 13 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 18 Oct. 1644. To bring in particulars of his estate, and who has his wife's marriage portion, and where it lies, or else to make up his half in 10 days. THOS. POPE BLUNT, Tittenhanger, Co. Wilts. Assessed at 1,000l. 29 July 1644. The 201. paid, with 2007. lent, to discharge his assess- ment, being his proportion on oath. 27 Sept. 1644. The plate and other things belonging to him, seized at Mr. Wiggen's house, to be delivered to him, and he to be thanked for his good affection in being willing to lend 100l. to this committee on the Public Faith. HEN. BAX, Cheapside. Vol. No. A or P. 65 99 3 194 3 197 3 228 3 237 99 65 Nov. 1644. Particulars of his estate in cos. Lancaster, York, Dur- 95 143 ham, and Westmoreland, value 3,2401. a year. Lady Bendloss' portion of 3,000l. was paid May 1640 to Sir John Byron, out of the Chamber of London, by some merchants who hold the acquittances. 65 103 3 201 4 255 65 104 3 206 3 237 3 263 65 102 76 471 3 246 Assessed at 1,000l. 65 103 12 Aug. 1644. Having lent 3127., respited till his excepted debts 76 492 are paid, and his lands restored. 414 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 July 1644. BONDS 95 144 145 LET. 95 146 DR. LAWRENCE BRITTON, BRITTAIN, or BRETTON, Delinquent, Hitcham, Suffolk, lodger at Mrs. Bowyer's, Old Jewry. Assessed at 4007. 65 106 24 March 1645. Information by Thos. Walkden, haberdasher of 21 2 London (who has been in service of Parliament in the north, under the Earl of Lincoln, and in the west under Sir Art. Hasel- rigg, and lost his leg at Devizes, and has 1401. 16s. Od. arrears due to him, besides the great charge of his care), that Bretton, who is assessed at 4007., and cannot be found, being a lodger, has 1001. due to him by John Smith, sen., of Hadley, co. Suffolk, which may be levied towards his assessment. 10 April 1645. Information of debts owing to Britton, amounting 21 4 to 941. by 5 persons, 4 of whom are of Semor. 4 163 23 May 1645. Whereas a house, &c., in Bildeston, co. Suffolk, has been sequestered as belonging to Britton, who is in arrears for his, but it belongs to Naomi Catlyn, spinster,-order that the sequestration be discharged. Also order for sequestration of all Britton's estate and goods at Hadley and his parsonage at Hitcham. 16 June 1645. Assessed at 1,000l. "" 4 July 1645. To be brought in custody for non-payment 69 46 4 193 19 1 Aug. 1645. Information of the following debts due to Bretton:- 21 201. Rob. Hubbard, Hadley, Suffolk Ant. Hudson 407. 301. 201. 201. 101. -Stanley, Polstead John Marsh, Kersey Rob. Cutbeard, Pecknam Geo. Greene, Laham "" "" * - 22 Sept. 1645. Mr. Hudson allowed 14 days to pay in the 407. due to Brittain. Vol. No. A or P. 1 Aug. Order that the officers demand the debts, and in case of 4 222 non-payment, bring the debtors up in custody. 4 265 21 36 22 Sept. Information that John Baker of Clafton, Essex, owes Brittain 1007., for which Richard and Thos. Baker are bound. 14 Nov. 1645. Thos. Stevens and Rob. Scarpe of Bildeston, are each to pay to the Treasurer of the Committee for Advance of Money 107., with interest, due on bonds [in 401. each] made to Naomi Catlyn, in trust for Britton, for payment of 201. 16s. Od. each. 23 Jan. 1646. Hudson, Hubbard, Stanley, and Rob. Colbert, who owes 201., all having been summoned to pay their debts to Brit- ton to this committee, but neglected or refused,-order that the debts be demanded, and levied by distress if refused. 23 Jan. Information that Stephen Tanner, of Boxford, Suffolk, owes him 501. 16 Feb. 1646. The seizure of the debts and bonds made over by Lawrence Britton, executor of Wm. Britton, to Rob. Cooper, on his marriage with Eliz. Clarke, to be discharged. 18 Feb. The following debts to be demanded, and if needful levied by distress, the debtors, not having appeared on summons, viz.: John Baker, Clafton, Essex, and 2 others, in a bond for 1007., Benj. Harrison, of Aldham, and John Dyves, Hadley, in one of 607. for payment of 31l. 5s. Od. 4 168 23 March. Thos. Stevens and Robt. Scarpe, of Bildeston, Suffolk, who owe 201. 16s. Od. to Naomi Catlyn, of Hitcham, but the debt is really due to Brittain, though taken in her name to conceal his estate-to pay the money or have it levied by distress on their es- tates, and if sufficient cannot be found, to be brought up in custody. 4 325 4 402 21 62 4 429 4 431 9 March 1646. Account of rents, debts, &c., received out of his 95 147 estate, total 2791. 15s. Od. 4 457 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 415 10 July 1644. 10 July 1644. R. 4 161 163 R. 4 178 184 186 198 10 July 1644. 10 July 1644. R. 3 230 10 July 1644. 10 July 1644. 1 May 1646. The 2 bonds made by Thos. Stevens and Rob. Scarpe, for payment of 40l. to Naomi Catlyn, are to be delivered her forthwith, as Lawrence Bretton, who was conceived to have a right to them, has no interest therein, but she is not to claim more on Bretton's estate than the 401. 14 Oct. 1646. Note that the hart's horns seized at Britton's house 95 148 were given to Gamaliel Catlyn, and only held by Britton in trust. 9 Jan. 1647. Order for their delivery to Mr. Catlyn accordingly 20 July 1647. Whereas Eliah Palmer, who owes to Britton 601., and has delayed payment, has goods, paper, and an impression of small English testaments, in the hands of John Dawson, stationer of London ;-order that they be seized and taken to Guildhall. SIR CHARLES CROFTS, Lincoln's Inn, and Suffolk, and JOHN CROFTS, Dowgate Ward. Sir Charles assessed at 4007. and John at 2007. 21 Aug. 1644. Sir Charles' assessment discharged, he having paid his and in Suffolk, and having no habitation in or near London. 23 May 1645. John Crofts discharged, not having 1007. by affidavit. 9 June 1645. Sir Charles respited, and to be heard about John Croft's assessment. 31 Oct. 1645. John's assessment discharged for the 557. formerly lent. LADY CROMPTON, Charterhouse. - Assessed at 4001. 14 Aug. 1644. Assessment repeated, but no proceedings LADY DOROTHY DACRES, St. John's. Assessed at 5007. 2 Aug. 1644. Assessment repeated 16 Aug. Respited 14 days to procure a certificate of what she has paid in Kent, and when. - LADY DENNEY, Holborn. 30 Aug. Respited 14 days, having paid 501. in Kent 13 Sept. 1644. On certificate of the Deputy Lieutenant of Kent that she has contributed 107. and paid 401. for her and 26, order that her assessment be discharged. 20 - Assessed at 3001. 7 Aug. 1644. Respited 10 days for her assessment 21 Nov. 1645. Her assessment discharged, she being very poor 10 Dec. 1647. Lady Denney to be paid 41. a week henceforth, according to former orders of this committee, and to have what is due to her on the said orders "with what conveniency may be." SIR BALTHASAR JAVERE, or JERBERE, [GERBIER], Bethnal Green. Assessed at 4007. 14 May 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment Vol. No. A or P. 25 5 5 168 5 282 65 106 3 219 4 164 4 175 4 307 - 65 103 65 130 3 215 65 106 65 140 3 225 3 236 65 105 3 202 4 333 5 322 65 104 4 155 416 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 10 July 1644. 10 July 1644. o.c. 3 218 13 July 1644. 0.8 92 97 95 148B 16 July 1644. 16 July 1644. R. 3 204 R. 3 293 319 ELIZ. LUCAS, Whitehall. Assessed at 3507. 14 Aug. 1644. Ordered to make affidavit about her estate in 14 days. 19 Aug. To be discharged on paying 201., having lent 1007., and 76 509 this being her proportion on oath. 2 Sept. 1644. Allowed 10 days to pay in the 201. 3 227 DOROTHY MAYNE, Fenchurch Street, and Bonenden, Co. Herts. Assessed at 1,000l. 11 Sept. 1644. Her assessment respited, and she not to be molested without special order. Also her assessment discharged, she having formerly lent 1311., which, by her affidavit, is her full and, and having no estate but at Bonenden, 26 miles from London. The Public Faith granted for her payment. 14 Nov. His assessment respited till the committee take special order. WILLIAM RUSSELL, EARL OF BEDFORD. Parliament Order that the sequestration of his estate be dis- 24 206 charged. 10 Nov. 1645. Assessed at 3,0001. 5 April 1649. Summoned to appear and pay his assessment 30 Nov. 1649. Order repeated 7 Dec. 1649. Allowed 3 weeks to bring in a particular of his estate and debts. · 23 Jan. 1650. Order that in three weeks he bring in a particular of his estate and debts, to be cast up by the clerk. SIR CHRIS. BUCKLE, alias BULTEEL, Banstead, Surrey. Assessed at 2007. 14 Aug. 1644. Being sick, respited till 21 Aug. 21 Aug. Further respite of 10 days granted MARY FLOOD, FLOYD, or LLOYD, Sen., Widow; MRS. FLOYD, Jun., Surrey. Vol. No. A or p. 65 104 3 213 The elder Mrs. Floyd assessed at 1507., and the younger at 100l. - 1 Nov. 1644. The widow to be brought in custody to pay her assessment. 13 Nov. Respited till special order, her estate being sequestered, as she is a Papist; Mrs. Floyd, jun., also respited. 65 104 3 233 65 104 30 Jan. The Earl of Bedford's assessment to be discharged on his paying 2001. forthwith, and the clerk to deliver up his papers. 10 Sept. 1651. Information that he was in the first Newbury fight, and then went to Oxford, when a King's garrison in 1643. 24 Sept. Summoned to defend himself against the charge 26 Sept. Requested to appear in 14 days to defeud himself 3 Oct. 1651. The Order of 13 July 1644 being produced, discharging 17 43 him from sequestration, order that he be freed from the present charge, and also from his assessment, he having paid 2007. to the late committee. 29 Dec. 1645. Mrs. Floyd's business to be heard first cause on Monday. 69 105 4 323 6 250 95 148A 8 48 8 142 95 148c 8 146 22 277 92 148D - 17 36 24 171 65 107 3 213 3 219 65 107 3 276 3 290 4 373 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 417 16 July 1644. 19 July 1644. R. 4 430 5 166 172 P.E. 95 150 151 P.D. 95 152 153 DEP. 95 154 155 22 July 1644. 22 July 1644. R. 3 225 0. 3 244 R. 3 256 22 July 1644. 22 July 1644. 22 July 1644. 50623. Vol. No. A or P. 65 109 Assessed at 4007. 76 498 14 Aug. 1644. Discharged on affidavit that he has not 100%. 17 Oct. 1645. Assessed at 450l., but discharged because of the 69 previous assessment and discharge. 96 SIR ART. SMITH, Fleet Street. SPENCER LUCIE, Charlcott, Co. Warwick. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 16 Jan 1646. To have 14 days to produce his acquittances 23 Oct. 1646. Assessed at 3,0001. SAM. AVERY. 9 May 1649. Order on a letter from Thomas, Lord General Fairfax, certifying that he was to have the benefit of Oxford articles, and has compounded for his estate, that his assessment be discharged, and the seizure taken off his estate. Assessed at 1,0007. 14 Aug. 1644. Respited 14 days 16 Sept. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay - C SIR JOHN BACKHOUSE, Blackfriars. - 18 Jan. 1647. Certificate that he paid on 4 Nov. last 201. in full of 95 149 his and in co. Warwick. 20 6 69 29 Sept. 1648. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of his assessment. Assessed at 7001. 14 Aug. 1644. Allowed 14 days to prove what he has paid 6 Sept. 1644. Allowed 14 days to pay his or make affidavit 18 Sept. Allowed 6 days for another affidavit of his estate, he having brought in one which does not concern the question. 20 Nov. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment SIR JOHN BANCKS. Assessed at 3,000l. Noted as dead. No proceedings 17 Feb. 1645. He having paid 3221. in the country, and made affidavit that 4007. is his, order that on his paying or securing 78., his assessment be discharged, and the tenants pay him their rents and arrears. LADY DARCY, Wife of Dr. Darcy, Epsom, Surrey. Assessed at 4001. 30 Aug. 1644. Respited till the sequestration is taken off her estate, and then to make her affidavit. 3 184 4 392 WM. FULLER, Fleet Street, Minister of Giles's Cripplegate. Order that, as he has been assessed at 5001. for his, and for non- payment the profits of the rectory seized, and as divers ministers have officiated and had no certain allowance, the Committee for Plundered Ministers be desired to consider what should be allowed to the Minister of Giles's Cripplegate out of the tithes of the parish, and that order be taken to see them paid, and then the rest of the profits be levied towards Fuller's assessment. 71 46 6 317 65 112 3 213 3 239 65 114 3 214 3 231 3 239 • 65 110 3 297 4 42 65 111 3 225 3 191 3 188 D D 418 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 22 July 1644. LET. 95 156 22 July 1644. 22 July 1644. 2 Aug. 1644. Report of the Committee for Plundered Ministers, that Thos. Weld and John Storer have taken great pains with the parish for 11 years, and deserve 1201. a year each, but Weld has only received 907. and Storer 50l. Also that the former collectors of the tithes should be called to account and fresh collectors named appointed ;-order thereon that Weld and Storer be paid at the rate of 1201. a year for time past and to come, out of the tithes and profits of the vicarage. 13 Aug. Archdale Palmer, Major Manwaring, and John Christ- 3 211 mas to gather in the rents and profits, pay the said preachers, and pay the residue to the Committee for Advance of Money for Dr. Fuller's assessment. 16 Aug. Order that their deputies be allowed 6d. in the pound on all the moneys they collect. 13 Nov. 1646. Wm. Frisby to be heard concerning payment of tithes to Cripplegate rectory. 29 Jan. Some of the inhabitants of St. Giles's to appear about arrears of their tithes. 158 29 Jan. 1647. John Storer, minister, complains that he has only 95 157 received the stipend of 1201. allowed him, and no arrears, so that 2001. is unpaid, and begs that the sequestrators may be sent for, to know the reason of this neglect, and course taken for redress. 2 April. The Committee for Plundered Ministers to take such means as they think fit to recover the tithes from the inhabitants for better payment of the ministers, and the sequestration on Fuller's estate suspended till further order. 5 Jan. 1648. The of the profits of St. Giles's Cripplegate, seques- tered for the delinquency of Dr. Fuller, and for non-payment of his, to be allowed to his wife and children, beginning from Christmas, according to an order of the Committee for Seques- trations of 22 Dec. last. 26 Feb. 1647. The clerk to draw up a report to the Committee 5 202 for Sequestrations on Fuller's case. LORD NEWARK. Assessed at 2,000l. No proceedings 2 April 1647. Weld and Storer, petition jointly the Committee for 95 159 Advance of Money. The sequestration of Giles's Cripplegate depends on you for Dr. Fuller's non-payment of his, and you (on advice of the Committee for Plundered Ministers) have appointed us to officiate at 1207. a year, arising from the dues. But by the malignancy of some, the errors of others, and the poverty of the rest, we are 3001. short of our allowance; though on our petition for relief, divers of the parish who have not paid have been summoned, this course has proved ineffectual, through their not appearing, and the committee's not sitting or having important business. We beg redress. DOROTHY PAINTER, Richmond. Vol. No. A or P. 3 208 Assessed at 1001. www 3 216 14 Aug. 1644. The plate distrained for her assessment to be sold, and the discoverer of it to have ls. in the pound. 5 136 19 Aug. The plate to be restored to her because she has relieved maimed soldiers. 5 184 5 233 5 341 65 114 65 114 3 213 16 Aug. Discharged of her assessment, on affidavit that she is not 76 503 worth 1001. 3 218 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 419 22 July 1644. 24 July 1644. 24 July 1644. 26 July 1644. 26 July 1644. 26 July 1644. R. 4 184 H. 4 192 28 July 1644. SIR JOHN POOLE, Bow. Assessed at 1,0007. 26 Aug. 1644. Having lent 1007., respited till his excepted lands are reduced; with query whether he has taken the covenant. LADY DUNCOMB, of the Tower. Assessed at 3001. Noted as not found. No proceedings COL. HOLMSTEAD. Assessed at 2007. Noted as gone to sea, and since dead JOHN HERBERT, Newgate Market. JOACHIM LAMEERE, Wentford Street. Assessed at 601. and summoned to pay - Assessed at 1007. 65 19 Aug. 1644. His assessment discharged on affidavit that he is not 76 worth 100%. 5 19 June 1646. His assessment respited till he receives his wife's portion, he undertaking to pay his as he receives it. ANNE LEA, Widow, the Strand Bridge. "I • 65 115 Assessed at 4007. 21 Aug. 1644. The 351. deposited to be paid in, and she respited till she receive her excepted debts, or till further order. 3 Feb. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 9 June 1645. Being assessed at 6001. (sic), and not having paid it, she is to be summoned before the committee, and Fras. Webb, who owes her 4701. is not to pay it till further orders. Vol. No. A or P. 65 111 76 518 7 July 1645. On Mr. Clobery's promise that she will pay her assess- ment, the order of 9th June revoked, and she left to recover her debt from Webb by law. EDW. ACTON, Aldenham, Co. Salop. 65 115 11 Nov. 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 2 April 1645. Discharged for 67. lent and 41. paid, being his pro- 76 774 portion on oath. March 1654. Ordered a Public Faith certificate for the money 65 120 118 506 57 65 120 95 160 3 288 24 March 1645. Information that being at Lady Fenn's, and having 21 2 notice of the assessment, she absented herself, and is not to be found, so that her estate is liable to sequestration. Mr. Farr can tell who employed him to solicit her assessment, and can probably tell where she is, or what is her estate. 65 118 76 511 3 127 129 4 175 R. 4 247 1 Sept. 1645. She having paid 501., order that she be respited till 4 251 she has received the debts of 1,000l. excepted in her affidavit. 4 194 22 March 1654. Note of her payments of 351. and 157. in 1644 and 95 161 1645, and receipt of a Public Faith certificate for the payment of 501. Assessed at 8001. 65 123 18 March 1652. Order for his discharge on the Act of Pardon from 11 254 his assessment. DD 2 420 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. P.E. 95 164 165 DEP. 95 166 28 July 1644. R. 5 201 28 July 1644. JOHN ALFORD. Assessed at 1,000l. 30 Sept. 1644. Respited till the House of Commons is made acquainted therewith. WM. ALLESTRY, Gray's Inn, and Derby. Assessed at 6001. 18 Sept. 1646. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment Oct. 1646? He petitions that he recived a ticket last January to pay 6001. assessment for his, but had time allowed till he had per- fected his composition, yet has lately been summoned again. Has paid at Goldsmiths' Hall 7371., which much exceeds of his whole estate, considering that he is much in debt and at present debarred from his profession as barrister-at-law, yet with great difficulty he has raised 6007. of it, and has hardly wherewith to support his family. Begs moderation in his assessment. 11 Nov. 1646. Order that on paying 401. his assessment of 6007. be discharged. R. 5 56 230 9 April 1647. Their assessment discharged, they having but life estates in the lands, which are charged with 6,000l. debts. 22 Sept. Lady Anderson respited on security to pay her when the sequestration is taken off her estate. - 18 May 1646. Sir Henry to be brought in custody to pay 12 June 1646. Their assessment respited till the sequestration is taken off their estate, on their security then to abide the com- mittee's order. SIR HARVEY BAGOTT, Field, Co. Stafford. Assessed at 2,000l. and summoned to pay SIR HEN. ANDERSON, Chancery Lane, and LADY ANDERSON. Sir Henry assessed at 1,0007. 65 123 3 Sept. 1645. He assessed at 8001. and she at 2001. for her reserved 69 77 estate. - CHAS. BALDWIN, Co. Salop. Assessed at 1,000l. 30 Oct. 1646. Again assessed at 4001. 12 March 1647. Allowed 14 days to produce acquittances - 1 Vol. No. A or P. 1 65 123 3 248 WM. BASSETT, Claverton, Co. Somerset. Assessed at 1,000l. 11 Nov. 1644. To be brought up in safe custody to pay his assessment. 65 123 5 115 95 162 19 Aug. 1646. Assessed again at 1,5007. 11 Nov. 1646. Begs respite of his assessment till he has perfected his composition, and has his sequestration discharged; is assessed at 1,5007. for his and, and was summoned to London, but the County Commissioners have taken all his personal estate, value 3,000l., and his real estate lies under sequestration. 11 Nov. Respite granted 5 134 4 265 9 June 1648. On proof that his estate is only worth 1,7457., and 6 11 that his debts are 3,1201., the assessment discharged. 20 20 5 39 5 54 5 237 65 123 95 163 48 5 217 26 March. To be discharged for the 501. already paid, it being his 5 230 full proportion. 65 123 71 65 123 3 288 71 38 95 167 5 133 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 421 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. CERT. 95 168A P.E. 95 168B, C DEP. 95 168J o. 95 168K LET. 95 168L DEP. 95 168 M,N LET. 95 168 o,P DEP. 95 168Q-s REP. 95 168T 28 July 1644. R. 4 215 21 Feb. 1651. As his estate is still sequestered for non-payment of his fine at Goldsmiths' Hall, and his case under report to Par- liament, he is respited from his 20 7 Oct. 1651. Commissioners for co. Devon report that he was sequestered 3 July 1646, and discharged 29 May 1650, between which times he received some arrears, and some are in his tenants' hands. They send a certificate in pursuance of an order to levy an arrear of 1,6267. 9s. upon him. HEN. BELLASYSE and JOHN BELLASYSE, Esq., London. Each assessed at 2,000l. 17 Sept. 1647. Order that John's estate be seized and secured until he pay the 2,000l. - 17 Nov. 1647. Order that he be discharged if he pay 2007. in 14 days and the officer's salary and charges. 65 123 5 288 5 306 9 356 10 Jan. 1651. Order that as Hen. Bellasyse died in 1647, and had only a life estate in his property, except in the remainder 95 168D, E of a lease of tithes from Trinity College, Cambridge, worth 11.5l. 5s. 4d. a year, these tithes be made liable to his assess- ment of 2,000l. for his 26, and the County Commissioners levy the same and discharge the rest of his estate. 20 12 March. Petition of Grace Bellasyse for discharge of the seques- tration, and leave to enjoy the lease, for which she paid a great fine; holds the tithes for 21 years on rent of 181. and 24 qrs. each of malt and wheat. Vol. No. A or p. 42 1 Feb. 1651. County Commissioners for York state that they cannot 86 3 sequester, as ordered, Hen. Bellasyse's lease from Trinity College for his, because the order does not mention where the tithes lie. 10 95 168 86 45 12 March 1651. The Master and Fellows of Trinity College beg a 95 168F discharge of the sequestration. They demised their tithes in Cockswold, co. York, to Hen. Bellasyse, but had to resume them before his sequestration for non-payment of rent. In 1647 they let them, on payment of 500l., to Grace Bellasyse, who has enjoyed them till the late sequestration. 27 May. The County Commissioners to examine the deeds - 4 June 1652. The sequestration discharged on the Act of Oblivion SIR THOS. BOWYER, Bart., near Charing Cross. Assessed at 1,500l. 18 June 1645. Again assessed at 4007. 14 July 1645. Respited 14 days, his estate being under sequestration 11 Aug. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay it 12 March. Order thereon for examination of what arrears of rent 10 107 were due at the time of the re-entry and its legality, and whether there was any private agreement between the College and Grace Bellasyse, and whether the College had the profits before cause of sequestration. The County Commissioners to certify the date of Henry's sequestration, and whether they received the profits of the premises after that time. 95 168G 7 May 1651. Grace and her father, Sir Thos. Barton, petition. She 95 168H, I states that on her marriage, her jointure being small, her hus- band let the manor of Oulston and other lands to Sir Thos. Barton and Sir Wm. Bellasyse in trust for her during the residue of his lease of 18 and 19 years, and she held them till sequestered for his assessment. She begs to have a reference of her title, and to enjoy her rights meantime on security. Also for leave to prove the trust deeds before the County Commissioners. 7 May. Reference thereon to Reading 10 259 10 322 11 432 65 123 69 47 4 202 4 233 422 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. H. 6 115 118 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. HEN. BRETT, Hatherley, Co. Gloucester. Assessed at 1,0007. 4 Dec. 1648. Respited, as it appears by certificate of General Fairfax, 20 June 1646, that he compounded on Oxford articles, and ought to have the benefit of the same. SIR ORLANDO BRIDGMAN. Assessed at 2,0001. 10 July 1646. Respited till the sequestration is taken off his estate SIR JOHN BROOKES. Assessed at 2,0007. 10 Nov. 1648. The business between Sir John and Mr. Dove to be heard, it being alleged that the lands sequestered by this com- mittee are under extent, and not liable to sequestration. 5 April 1649. Sir J. Brookes summoned to appear and pay his assessment. SIR WM. and FRAS. CARNABY. Sir William assessed at 2,0001. 22 Dec. 1645. Whereas Sir William and Fras. Carnaby, delin- quents, are supposed to have money and debts due to them, and also lands, goods, &c., which ought to be sequestered, and whereas Major Wm. Salkeld has sums due to him from the State, and is ordered to have his discoveries of delinquents' estates towards them,-order that the County Commissioners for Northumberland take examinations relative to the goods, debts, plate, jewels, lands, &c., of the Carnabys, secure them till further order, and report to this committee. 13 April 1646. Order repeated as to examining witnesses relative to the sequestration of their estates in cos. York, Northumber- land, and Durham. THOS. CHICHLEY or CHISLEY, Temple. Assessed at 1,000l. 20 16 May 1644. Whereas Arrington Parsonage, co. Cambridge, was sequestered in November 1644, towards the assessed on him, for which 401. is due for the year's rent, but 101. 9s. has issued in taxes, &c., and 137. 8s. in rent to Trinity College, order that the rent to the said college be paid so long as the estate is sequestered, and that the residue go for the assessment. 10 Nov. 1645. His rents in co. Kent to be levied towards his assessment, and then his lands and rents to be resigned to the Committee for Sequestrations. Vol. No. A or p 65 123 6 130 65 123 5 73 65 123 6 107 6 250 65 124 4 367 5 15 65 124 4 156 4 316 95 1 20 14 Jan. 1646. Ro. Yoward, solicitor to the Commissioners of co. Cambridge, to Martin Dallison. Isaac Desborow and Edw. Male will attend you with their receipts from Chichley's estates. There have been disputes before the Committee for Sequestrations about the from delinquents' estates, which they think should be paid to the sequestrators. Pray let them not be troubled about it meantime. With order of the Com- mittee for Sequestrations, 22 Dec. 1643, that no or should be received from any Papist or delinquent's estate, but returned to the sequestrators, to be paid to the Earl of Manchester, and to Guildhall. 169 170 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 423 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 10 April 1646. Whereas Chichley has long been assessed at 1,000l., towards which his estates in cos. Kent and Cambridge have been sequestered, and the County Commissioners of Cambridge have in hand a year's rent for his lands there, sequestered by them for delinquency, though they had no right to sequester them, being formerly seized by order of this committee-order that they pay in the rents received, and do not molest the tenants or interrupt the officers of the Committee for Advance of Money in receiving the rents. HUGH, or SIR HUGH CHOLMLEY. Assessed at 3,000l. 10 May 1648. Respited till his sequestration is taken off 29 Aug. 1651. Chichley's assessment discharged, as he compounded 17 7 on Oxford articles, and paid his fine within the time. JOHN CORYTON, Newton, WM. CORYTON, Do. PIERCE EDGCOMBE, Mount Edgcombe, RICH. EDGCOMBE, Bodregan, WM. GLANVILE, THOS. LOWER, St. Winnow, Lady Nan- ton's son, AMBROSE MANATON, RICHARD BOYLE, VISCOUNT DUNGARVON and EARL OF CORK. Assessed at 5,000l. - 65 124 17 Nov. 1645. Earl of Cork assessed at 10,000l., but the assessment 69 108 vacated on account of the former one. MAJOR NICH. SAULE, WM. SCAWEN, WM. TREVISOE, all of Cornwall. Pierce Edgecombe assessed at 3,000l., and Lower at 2,5007., Manaton at 8007. and 11 May 1646. Lower again assessed at 6007. - 25 May. Lower respited his assessment till his business be reported to the House, or till further order of this committee. 15 Feb. 1647. Orders in the House of Commons that all the above (John Coryton and Trevisoe omitted) be admitted to compound for their delinquency at 2 years' value, and be exempted from assessment for their and. Feb. Peirce, Rich. Edgecombe, and Trevisoe beg discharge of an assessment made on them for their and, being discharged by the above Order of Parliament. 6 March 1647. Scawen assessed at 2007. 26 March. Pierce Edgcombe and Scawen discharged from their assessment on the Order of Parliament of 15 Feb. Vol. No. A or p. 12 сл 2 April 1647. Order that the 2 Corytons, Rich. Edgcombe, Lower, Manaton, and the officers of Mount Edgcombe be respited from their assessments till the pleasure of both Houses of Parliament be known.. 65 124 5 433 65 125 126 127 71 25 5 43 {05 10 12 95 171 172 95 173 -175 71 70 5 231 5 233 DEP. 95 177 12 Feb. 1651. Order on the Parliament Order of 15 Feb. 1647, that 10 95 176 12 Lower be discharged from assessment for his. 2 May 1651. Certificate by Hugh Peters that John Coryton is 95 178 within the compass of the articles of Milbrook, Cornwall. 424 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644, 28 July 1644. L.C.C. 95 179 P.D. 95 180 -182 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. R. 4 354 28 July 1644. 2 May 1651. Order that-as by Parliament Order of 15 Feb. 1647, the gentlemen who were at Mount Edgcombe and Milbrook were to compound at 2 years' value, and be freed from their and, and as it appears by the certificate of Hugh Peters, who was at the place, that Coryton is comprised in these articles,-he be discharged from assessment for his. 21 Nov. 1651. Order for discharge of Rich. Edgcombe and 17 90 Trevisoe from assessment on the above Parliament Order. 17 March 1652. Wm. Coryton discharged on the Act of Pardon - 11 252 SIR FRED. CORNWALLIS, Bart., Bromhall, Co. Suffolk. Assessed at 1,0007. - 65 124 26 Sept. 1651. Commission to the County Commissioners to 17 38 examine witnesses as to his debts, which are great. 17 75 7 Nov. 1651. Case respited a week, and meantime, the registrar is to examine which of his creditors are delinquents. CERT. 95 185 22 June. Order for his discharge from assessment, he having compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall on the articles of Exeter. 14 Nov. Order that he pay 501. assessment, and give in the names and addresses of his creditors. 87 24 Nov. Edm. Harvey, on his behalf, sends in the 501., and the 95 183 list of creditors as desired, and begs speedy dispatch in the case. JOHN COVENTRY, Barton, Co. Somerset. Assessed at 3,0001. 65 124 11 May 1647. Again assessed at 3,0001. 71 86 13 June 1649. Order for the distraint of his estate for non-payment 95 184 of his assessment. 7 72 - Vol. No. A or P. 10 242 SIR PATRICIUS CURWEN, Co. Cumberland. Assessed at 2,000l. 23 Jan. 1646. On his giving security to abide the order of this committee as to his, when the sequestration is taken off his estate, order that he be respited till that time. 12 Aug. 1646. His assessment discharged for the 2007. paid in Cumberland. - * 17 SIR GEORGE and SIR WM. DALSTON, Co. Cumberland. Sir George assessed at 1,500l., and Sir William at 1,000%. 65 124 17 Nov. 1645. Sir George assessed at 2,000l., and Sir William at 69 111 1,000%. 65 124 4 399 SIR RALPH DUTTON, Delinquent, and JOHN, or SIR JOHN DUTTON, his Brother, Sherborn, Co. Gloucester. John Dutton assessed at 3,000l. 5 85 5 Dec. 1645. Sir William having appealed and submitted to the 4 347 committee, and giving security in 10 days to abide its orders, the sequestration of his estate is to be taken off, and he respited meantime; but this to be no prejudice in point of fees or charges. 12 Aug. 1646. Sir William's assessment to be discharged for 2001. 5 85 86 paid in Cumberland, and his bond delivered up, he having suffered by the armies on both sides. 65 124 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 425 28 July 1644. H. 6 119 H. 9 43 0. 9 53 LET. 95 189 DEP. 95 190 0. 9 277 31 Oct. 1645. Walter Powell, clerk, owing Sir Ralph 2,600l., the debt to be sequestered, and he to pay the money to none but this committee. K 3 Dec. 1645. Sir Ralph assessed at 3,000l., and Sir John at 4,000l. 69 119 21 Oct. 1646. John Dutton's assessment renewed 71 45 5 436 12 May 1648. John Dutton being within the articles of Oxford, respited till further and special order of this committee. 8 Nov. 1648. Powell, who still holds the debt, to compound with this committee for it, and to be indemnified. 28 Dec. 1648. Information that Sir Gerard Fleetwood has a judgment of 3,000l. on lands of Sir Ralph Dutton. Vol. No. A or P. 4 309 6 101 21 June 1650. The debt of 2,2001. (sic) due by Powell to the late Sir 8 391 Ralph Dutton, being claimed by his brother John Dutton, the case is to be heard on 10 July, and Dutton and John Poole, his solicitor, to attend, and bring the deeds and writings relating to the debt. 21 143 28 June. Powell complains that, Sir Ralph Dutton being dead, his 95 186 brother John lays claim to the money, and enjoys the profits of the land till it is paid. He being absent two terms, to obtain a hearing in the case, John Poole, Dutton's solicitor, and 2 or 3 other malignants, obtruded another minister into his living, that he might not have means to prosecute the case. Begs dis- missal, or a speedy hearing, or a summons to Dutton and Poole to attend and make their defence. 11 Aug. 1650. Order on hearing the report that that part of the Standish Manor and other lands belonging to Sir R. Dutton, extended by Sir Gerard Fleetwood, be sequestered by the County Commissioners, and that Fleetwood account therefor. Also that Sir Ralph's heir and Fleetwood prove their respective interests in the premises, and then orders will be given for a composition. 13 July 1650. Powell begs speedy hearing. Owing to the delays 95 187 of John Poole, the cause, which was second in order of hearing, now stands 20th, and thus these delinquents try to weary him out. 15 Sept. 1650. Order for an account with the auditor of Fleetwood's receipts, to which Powell may make exceptions, and Fleetwood is to depose before the County Commissioners that the statute entered into by Sir Ralph is real, and without fraud, and has not been released by him. 19 July. Poole petitions that Mr. Dutton lives 60 miles off, and is 95 188 debarred by the late Act from coming to London, and that the writings are in petitioner's custody, 80 miles away; there have been tedious suits of law in the case, so that longer time will be required. He begs time, reference of the case to a few persons to state it for a hearing, and the sparing of Dutton from personal attendance. 9 48 19 July. Case to be referred to Reading, and Poole to attend for 9 Dutton. 9 90 9 140 18 Dec. 1650. Order on a debt of 2,6001. on mortgage of lands in 95 191 Standish Manor, co. Gloucester, long since extended for a debt to Sir Gerard Fleetwood, compounded for by John Dutton, Sir Gerard's assignee, on the late Act for mortgages, and on Powell's relinquishing his interest in all other estate of Sir Ralph Dutton's, that Powell be dismissed attendance about the debt. 17 Jan. 1651. Order that Powell be dismissed personal attendance 9 371 95 192 426 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644. R. 17 108 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 17 Dec. 1651. John Dutton, being assessed for his 2, and his counsel pleading exemption, because he compounded on Oxford articles, order that he be discharged as to the estates first com- pounded for, but he is to pay for that compounded for on the Order in Parliament of 22 Oct. 1650, because the fine was not within the time limited by Oxford articles. The assessment is 6501., to be paid in a mouth. 18 Feb. 1652. Powell petitions for fulfilment of the order of 17 Jan. 95 193 1651.-Is 60 years old, has a wife and 9 children, and a parish depending upon him. Sir Ralph Dutton received 1,000l. for the lands, and his brother John compounded for them. Complains that he has been kept prisoner 12 months for not making a per- fect estate of the lands compounded for. 18 Feb. Order renewed for his dismissal 19 Feb. Thos. Harris informs that he doubts the authenticity of the mortgage which was discovered by Powell, and requests leave to examine into it. 25 Feb. Poole states the case in full 24 March 1652. Order dismissing Powell from attendance on this information, and confirming the Order of 18 Feb. SIR SAMPSON EURE, Gatley, Co. Hereford. Assessed at 1,5007. 4 May 1649. His assessment respited, as it appears by a Gold- smiths' Hall certificate that he has compounded on Oxford articles, and is comprised therein, and has paid his fine. THOS. FANSHAW, Jenkins, Essex. Vol. No. A or P. 11 20 11 207 23 66 95 194 95 195 11 276 G110 471 Assessed at 8007. 65 125 22 Oct. 1651. Ordered to pay 7121. assessment, and on payment of, 17 65 to be heard as to his debts. 31 Oct. To be heard in a fortnight, Mr. Lane averring that he 17 69 compounded on Exeter articles. 73 65 125 6 311 7 Nov. 1651. Lane pleads that he was in Barnstaple, and that the 17 articles of Barnstaple are the same as those of Exeter. To be heard in a week. RICH. FRANCKLYN, Eaton. 14 Nov. On paying 1, to be heard as to the said articles, and as to 17 his debts. 19 Nov. To be discharged on payment of 501. 1 20 . SIR THOS. FANSHAW, Ware Park, Co. Herts. Assessed at 1,000l. 65 125 26 Nov. 1651. County Commissioners certify delivery to him of 86 58 a summons to pay his assessment. 86 1 30 Jan. 1652. Order as to his assessment for his that, as on 11 166 perusal of the particulars of his estate, it appears that his is 95 196 1,000l., he be heard as to his debts on paying 2001. in part. · 17 90 Assessed at 1507. 65 121 19 Aug. 1644. Order that 251. of the 757. paid be returned to him, 76 507 501. being his proportion on oath. 67 18 4 Oct. 1644. An assessment of 2001. made, but vacated on account of the previous assessment. 20 April 1653. Order that he have the Public Faith for the 501. 12 345 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 427 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. JOHN GRIFFITH. Assessed at 2,000l. 1 Nov. 1644. Order that, as he has been in the public service, and has much money due thereon, he be respited till the State pay him. RICH. HALES, Windsor. Assessed at 3007. 21 Aug. 1644. Respited till his house be clear of the sickness 2 Sept. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 13 Sept. The 307. paid, with 801. lent, to discharge his assess- ment, being his proportion on oath. 1 Nov. 1650. Public Faith to be given him for 301. paid by him for his, although not paid in 10 days after notice, because he had sickness in his house. SIR JOHN HARRISON, Delinquent. Assessed at 2,5007. 17 Oct. 1645. Information that there are goods plate, jewels, &c., belonging to him in the house of Brockett, a plasterer, and Holland. 24 Oct. The said goods and all his estate, real and personal, to be searched for, seized, and sequestered. 31 Oct. Harrison to be brought up in custody to certify his assess- ment. · 65 121 76 510 3 228 76 538 9 198 12 Dec. 1645. Stay to be made of the sale of his goods in the hands of Wm. Hollins, who is to prove his debt. 15 Dec. The carpets and hangings to be returned to Hollins, on his deposition that they were delivered him by Sir John, before his going into the King's quarters, towards a debt of 1631. 58. 7d. SIR HEN. HERBERT, the Strand. Assessed at 1,000l. 30 Jan. 1646. Assessed at 2,0001. 6 March 1616. Respited till the sequestration be taken off his estate, or till further order. 11 Oct. 1644. John respited till further order, he having long been prisoner in the Tower. Noted that both lost their heads. SIR THOS. INGRAM, Sheriff Hutton, Co. York. Assessed at 1,5007. 20 Feb. 1652. Being assessed at 6121. for his, order that he pay 2001., and then be further heard. 19 March 1659. Granted his discharge from assessment on the Act of Pardon. Vol. No. A or P. SIR RICH, LEVESON, or LUSON, K.B., Trentham, Co. Stafford. Assessed at 1,5007. 65 125 3 276 65 125 21 45 SIR JOHN, and JOHN HOTHAM. Sir John assessed at 2,000l., and John at 1,0007. 65 125 27 Sept. 1644. Sir John's assessment respited, his estate being 3 247 sequestered, and he in the Tower. 4 301 4 311 4 353 4 357 65 126 71 13 4 444 3 257 65 125 65 126 11 215 11 260 · 65 126 428 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644. 19 June 1647. County Commissioners of Salop to the Committee for Advance of Money.-Being ordered to raise money on the propositions, we assessed Leveson, who paid part of the money, and gave security for the rest, and now we hear he is summoned to London, to be again assessed, and to pay there the money due to us. We have lately had an order for payment of soldiers, and have paid 3 regiments going to Ireland, so that our payments grow greater, and our receipts less; we therefore beg we may receive the moneys assessed on Leveson and others in this county. 28 July 1644. 20 July 1647. Committee for Advance of Money to the County 5 280 Commissioners of Salop.-We desire your reimbursement, but 95 198 you must not proceed against Leveson, because he has been assessed as one of the M.Ps., who, in 1643, deserted the House. Also all who compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall, are to compound with the Committee for Advance of Money for their . You are to restore the goods taken from him by distraint, or their value, and proceed no further thereon. 17 Sept. 1647. Leveson's estate to be sequestered for non-payment of an assessment of 1,5007. 5 288 o.c. 5 294 1 Nov. 1647. Committee for Advance of Money to the County 95 199 Commissioners of Salop.-In spite of our order, and though Leveson has compounded with us for 500l. for his, you are distraining him for it. It is unjust and scandalous to make a gentleman pay twice the same duty, and if you proceed further, you will be reported to Parliament. 23 Nov. Leveson summoned to pay his assessment - 26 Nov. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Com- missioners of Salop. You ought not to compel one who has compounded with us to pay, yet you have so done. We cannot have our orders disobeyed, and again desire you to restore what you have taken, and forbear further prosecution. 3 Dec. 1647. Leveson to pay 500l. to the Committee for Advance of Money, which he has promised shall be done. 5 318 10 Dec. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 4501., he 5 322 having paid 507. in the country. 4 Nov. 1648. Information that Thos. Piggott, of Chetwin, co. Salop, owes Leveson 2207., which was left out of his composition. Vol. No. A or P. 95 197 24 Sept. 1651. Thos. Wilkes, of co. Stafford, petitions that Leveson 95 201 has omitted from his composition lands in Salop and Stafford, value 4001. or 500l. a year, and he can prove this; he begs leave to have a commission to examine witnesses, and of his dis- covery. 24 Sept. Granted, and the information to be entered 30 Sept. Information by Wilkes accordingly 30 June. Granted, except that Barleston tithes, value 457. a year, which Col. Danvers has received, are to be paid to the use of the State, and Leveson is to take the engagement, if he has not done so. - 17 36 22 289 95 202 13 Nov. 1651. Information by Capt. Rob. Girdler to like effect, that 22 323 he undervalued his estate 400l. or 500l. a year. BOND 95 203 E.W. 28 150 CERT. 95 204 CERT. 95 206–17 June 1652. Request on his behalf for his discharge on the Act 95 205 208 of Pardon. 12 37 SIR THOS. LITTLETON. 5 311 95 200 Assessed at 1,000l. 6 March 1647. Again assessed at 1,500l. No proceedings - * 21 119 - 65 126 71 73 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 429 * 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. P.E. 95 210 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. SIR GERARD NAPIER, Bart. 16 Oct. 1646. Allowed 14 days to bring in particulars of his estate and contributions. Assessed at 3,500l. 14 Aug. 1646. An assessment of 1,500l. made, but vacated because 71 84 of the former assessment. 30 Oct. Respited 14 days for his assessment of 3,5001. 13 Nov. 1646. Respited till he has made his composition, on bond to abide the order of this committee. 20 April 1649. Information that Gilbert Ironside, Stepleton, co. Dorset, owes Sir Gerard Napier 300l., for which Sir Gerard has not compounded. 2 May 1649. Napier noted as in arrears for payment of his assess- ment. FRAS. NEWPORT. Assessed at 1,500l. 29 March 1649. Newport to be discharged on payment of 1507. 20 April. Order that the 300l. be sequestered in Ironside's hands 6 278 for the State, and that he pay it in within a month, or show good cause to the contrary. SIR WM. OGLE, alias LORD OGLE. Assessed at 1,0001. 20 Feb. 1649. His assessment for 500l. to be respited till further order, he being comprised in Oxford articles. SIR GUY PALMER, Ashwell, Co. Rutland. Assessed at 1,5007. 15 July 1646. Summoned to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money on Friday. 13 June 1649. Ironside begs delay, and stay of the money in the 95 209 tenants' hands till it is decided by law whether the money belongs to Sir Gerard or to petitioner, who is maintaining the right of 11 fatherless orphans. Granted. 1 20 Vol. No. A or P. 65 127 9 May 1649. Assessed at 8001. 12 March 1652. He begs discharge from his assessment, for which he was never summoned or molested, on the Act of General Pardon. Granted. JOHN, LORD POULET, or PAULET, and SIR JOHN POULET, his Son, Hinton St. George, Co. Somerset. Sir John assessed at 3,000%. 5 116 17 Nov. 1645. A second assessment on him of 2,000l. vacated, on account of the previous assessment. 17 Nov. Lord Poulet assessed at 6,0007. 9 March 1646. The sequestration to be taken off Sir John's estate, on security that he will abide the orders of the Committee, and meantime his assessment respited. 15 July 1646. Like order for Lord Poulet's estate 5 123 5 135 21 192 6 306 65 127 6 236 13 Nov. 1646. The sequestration of his estate for non-payment of 5 137 his taken off, on his bond to abide the orders of this committee. 65 127 6 173 65 127 5 75 10 71 97 95 211 11 258 65 127 69 111 69 111 4 448 5 74 430 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. R. 4 358 P.E. 95 213 28 July 1644. 16 Jan. 1647. Order that as Sir John has entered into security till he has made his composition at Goldsmiths' Hall, the Commissioners of co. Somerset, who threaten to distrain his goods and estate for his assessment for the and, forbear so to do, as by order of Parliament of 9 Oct. 1643, he is seques- trable only by this committee. 23 April 1647. Order that his assessment be respited till the Com- mittee for Compounding report the fine set upon him by the House of Commons, any orders of this committee notwithstanding. 9 Oct. 1648. Isaac Pryn, Lord Poulet's tenant, summoned before the Committee for Advance of Money, a former order to the contrary notwithstanding. SIR THOS. PAYTON. Assessed at 2,0007. 25 Oct. 1644. To be brought up to pay his assessment 21 Nov. 1645. To be further heard on making up his assessment of 2,000l. 20 March 1650. Crewkerne.-Rich. Freake to Lord Edward Howard. 95 212 Armiger Warner has been as violent as not only to distrain my goods, but to take a bond of 201. and 21. 12s. 6d. ready money, all I could borrow, which I could not have been forced by law to pay. I beg you to ease me of this insupportable business, and intercede against my ruin by procuring an order for my reparation, there being no bond with Lord Poulet for what has been forced from me by Warner. 3 Dec. 1645. If he pay 2007. now and 300l. in 14 days, the case for his relief to be further considered, but if this is not performed, the former order to stand. 19 Feb. 1651. On proof that Lord Poulet and Sir John compounded 10 24 for their delinquency on Exeter articles, they are discharged from payment of any assessment. Vol. No. A or p. 5 177 WILLIAM, or SIR WM. POOLE, Bart., Saperton, Co. Gloucester. Assessed at 1,500l. 29 June 1646. Ordered to be brought in custody to satisfy his assessment. 5 248 15 July 1646. Order renewed, the Governor of Gloucester to send such aid of horse and foot as shall be needful for its execution, and all officers required to assist. 6 76 3 Aug. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of his assess- ment. 19 Dec. Ordered to bring in a particular of his estate 16 Jan. 1646. Having paid 500l., ordered to pay 3001. more in 6 weeks, and then his assessment to be discharged. 6 April 1646. Order for his discharge on paying 2007. instead of 3001. 5 7 65 127 3 270 4 331 4 344 4 361 4 389 65 127 5 63 5 75 6 March 1648. Assessed at 8001. 71 90 263 1 Aug. 1649. Information that he has compounded for his de- 21 linquency in the first war, but Sir Wm. Constable, Governor of Gloucester, has a letter taken from Sir Wm. Poole's man last summer, while he was going from him to a colonel of the King's party, by which it appears that Sir William then held intelli- gence with Lord Byron and others of that party. 7 219 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 431 28 July 1644. PUB. 9 421 DEP. 95 224 NOTE 17 212 28 July 1644. 6 Dec. 1650. Information by Margaret, widow of Col. Venn, and Jos. Collett, that he has undervalued and concealed part of his estate in his composition. 28 July 1644. 13 Dec. County Commissioners to take examinations as to the true value of his estate, and what was omitted on his compo- sition, and certify. R 5 139 162 L. 24 205 24 Jan. 1652. Poole's assessment to be levied, and the money re- turned to Haberdashers' Hall, not Goldsmiths' Hall. 25 June 1651. Request on Poole's behalf that these particulars 95 216 may be brought in or he discharged, and that till this case is settled, his assessment for his and may be respited. 25 June. The prosecutor to give particulars in 14 days 10 428 P.E. 95 217 26 June. Further particulars given; total yearly undervaluations, 22 231 218 6891. 12s. 6d. 95 219 95 220 24 Sept. 1651. The prosecutors, Mrs. Venn and Collett, request publication, the depositions having been sent up 9 months since. 55 26 Feb. 1651. The prosecutor to give particulars as to what part 10 of the estate has been concealed or undervalued. G128 483 21 May 1651. Particulars given of certain concealments and under- 22 201 valuations, but the prosecutor expects to discover more. DEP. 95 221 24 Sept. Granted in 3 weeks, unless cause be shown to the contrary 17 32 25 Nov. 1651. The County Commissioners to seize and secure his G128, 473 estate, he having compounded for it at 6351. a year, whereas it is worth 1,3401. ENDYMION PORTER. Da 16 July. Mrs. Butler to produce evidence why she claims the goods stayed at Woodhall, and meantime they are to remain in the house, and the keys to be delivered to Lord Howard's steward. 17 Feb. 1652. The prosecutors renew their request for publication 95 222 and a hearing. 223 3 Nov. 1645. Order that Porter pay 141. 6s. for salary and expenses in seizing and appraising the goods. Vol. No. A or P. 16 Jan. 1650. On information that Dr. Chalton owed the late E. Porter 101., for which Porter did not compound, order that Chalton pay it to this committee, unless Porter's executor, Sir Wm. Russell, show cause to the contrary. 22 114 95 214 Assessed at 2,000l. 65 127 2 July 1645. Order that his goods, which are at Lord Butler's, 4 195 Woodhall, co. Herts, be seized and secured. 4 205 9 282 95 215 12 July 1650. Information that Rich. Mannings, of co. Wilts, took a lease of Porter of coppices in Frinckley Forest, co. Hants, rent 257.; that he was a colonel in the King's army and there slain, and that his brother, Edward Mannings, of Salisbury, has received the profits since 1644, contrary to Ordinance of Parliament. JONATHAN RASHLEIGH, or RASHLEY, Menabilly, Cornwall. Assessed at 1,2007. 19 Aug. 1646. Again assessed at 6001. 11 Nov. 1646. Order that when he has made his composition, he abide the order of this committee touching his assessment of 1,2007. - 487 24 190 14 April 1650. The County Commissioners of Hants and Wilts 9 88 to take examinations in the cases, and return them. 4 312 8 126 22 65 95 225 65 128 71 38 5 133 432 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644. H. 10 83 AFF. 95 227 28 July 1644. CERT. 95 226 18 April 1651. Order on his producing a certificate of payment 10 217 of 2157. in the country, that his assessment be discharged, on his giving up his acquittances, or taking his oath that they are lost and shall not be used. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. CERT. 95 229 28 July 1644. 14 March 1651. Order that he pay 2001., or procure a certificate from the County Commissioners that he has paid as much or more in the country, when further order will be taken. 30 May 1651. Order on his affidavit, as required, that he be dis- 10 354 charged from his assessment for 6001. SIRED W. RODNEY, Covent Garden, [and PILTON, Co. Somerset]. Assessed at 1,2007. 20 Oct. 1645. Assessed again at 6001. 12 Nov. 1645. To be committed to Ely House till further order, and all his letters, papers, plate, money, and jewels to be seized and secured. 19 Nov. The sequestration to be taken off, and he released, on giving security to stand to the order of this committee for his. 1 Dec. 1645. The security being given, his release ordered 9 July 1647. Allowed 14 days respite for his assessment 4 342 5 277 1 Jan. 1650. Summoned to appear before the Committee for 28 18 Advance of Money about an assessment for his • JOHN SALISBURY. - Vol. No. A or P. 10 114 1650? He pleads that having offended Parliament, he took the 95 228 first opportunity to submit, on the delivering up of Bristol to Sir Thos. Fairfax, when the inhabitants were to enjoy their rights and liberties. Had Fairfax's pass, and intended to com- plain of breach of articles by the county commissioners in sequestering him, but as the precedent might prejudice Parlia- ment, he decided to compound. Having submitted his poor fortunes to the mercy of Parliament, begs liberty of his person, restrained by order of this committee. Assessed at 1,2007. 23 Oct. 1646. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 29 Aug. 1651. Order on his pleading exemption on the votes of 17 7 Parliament of 17 and 21 March 1649, and producing certificate that he was not freed from sequestration by the Commissioners for Compounding before 2 May 1649, that he prove that his estate lay under sequestration till 3 May 1649, and thereon further order will be taken. RICH. SMITH, Alnham. EDW. SEYMOUR, Berry Pomeroy, Co. Devon. Assessed at 2,0007. 9 Jan. 1646. Order that though his estate and the goods in his house at Maiden Bradley, čo. Wilts, are sequestered, his wife dwell in the house, and have all the goods and household stuff she shall borrow, for her own use and her children's, but that no timber be felled without order from this committee. 65 128 71 97 4 319 31 Oct. 1649. Discharged on certificate from Goldsmiths' Hall that he compounded on, and is comprised in the articles of Exeter. 4 330 Assessed at 100%. 2 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment - 65 128 5 122 65 128 4 383 7 331 65 121 3 228 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 433 • 28 July 1644. o.c. 3 254 28 July 1644. R. 5 178 28 July 1644. R. 5 236 DEP. 95 230 P.E. 95 231 232 P.D. 95 233 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. R. 5 139 50623. 6 Nov. 1644. He having lent 331., and paying 71., which on his affi- davit is his and, order that he be discharged, and that Lawrence's charge of 50s. be paid out of the 77. SIR WALTER SMITH. Assessed at 2,000l. 7 Nov. 1645. An assessment of 4001. vacated 18 Sept. 1646. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 15 March 1647. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment 2 April 1647. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 1107. 21 April. This order notwithstanding, he is to be discharged on payment of 501. more than the 501. already paid. COL. RALPH SNEAD, or SNEYD, Keel, Co. Stafford. Assessed at 1,000l. 26 Oct. 1647. To be sequestered till he has paid his assessment 8 Nov. 1647. The sequestration to be proceeded with 17 Dec. 1647. Assessed at 2,5001. 20 March 1649. To be sequestered for non-payment JOHN TAYLOR. 2 Jan. 1650. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of an 8 97 assessment of 2,5001. o.c. 8 286 13 March 1650. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 95 234 1681. 8 235 SIR JAS. THYNNE, Co. Wilts. - 65 128 69 103 5 105 5 219 5 232 5 246 W J Assessed at 1,500l. 20 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay 20 Oct. 1647. Respited on Mr. Michell's undertaking for his appearance. • Assessed at 5,0007. 14 May 1647. Again assessed at 2,0007. 20 March 1649. Summoned to pay his assessment 25 April 1649. His assessment respited, as he compounded on Exeter articles, and paid and secured his fine, and this has been done in other like cases. PETER VENABLES, Baron of Kinderton, Co. Chester. Assessed at 2,0007. 30 Oct. 1646. To have 10 days to give security to abide the com- mittee's orders about his assessment; or the officers to proceed in sequestration. 29 Jan. 1647. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 12 Feb. 1647. His assessment respited, on giving security to abide the committee's order when the sequestration is taken off his estate. Vol. No. A or P. 3 282 24 March 1648. To be summoned to pay his assessment, he having compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall. 65 128 5 301 5 397 71 52 6 223 65 129 3 197 5 294 65 129 71 75 95 234A 6 287 65 129 5 123 5 186 5 193 5 412 EE 434 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. R. 5 225 254 10 May 1648. To bring a particular of his estate, that the sum may be cast up. 21 June 1648. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 3001. in a month. 20 March 1649. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment of his 20. SIR RICH. VIVIAN, Trelowren, Co. Cornwall. Assessed at 1,500l. 19 Aug. 1646. Assessed again at 1,0001. 20 Nov. 1646. The payment of his assessment respited 14 days 65 129 71 38 5 139 14 March 1651. His assessment of 1,000l. discharged, he having 10 100 compounded on Exeter articles for his delinquency. JOHN BODVILLE, Llangriffe, Anglesea, JOHN MOSTIN, or MUSTION, Tregorneth, do. WM. or SIR WM. THOMAS, Aber, near Bangor, WM. MORGAN, and WM. HERBERT, Brecknock. Bodville assessed at 2,5007., Mostin at 1,000., and Thomas at 65 125 8001. 127 129 - 23 Oct. Note that Bodville has 1,8001. a year, Mostin 1,000l. a year, and Thomas 8001. a year, and that there being no Parliament Committee there, their lands have never been sequestered. 23 Oct. Order that they and Thomas be brought up to pay their - Vol. No. A or P. 5 434 North Wales. 20 Sept. 1644. Thomas to pay 201. in 10 days, or in default, the 3 242 officers to levy the whole. 21 Oct. 1646. Herbert assessed at 2501., and Morgan at 8007. 6 15 6 223 12 Feb. 1647. Having lapsed the time for payment of their assess- ments, order that their rents, goods, &c., be distrained for pay- ment. SIR GEORGE WENTWORTH, Woodhouse. SIR GEORGE WENTWORTH, Wolley, Co. York. Each assessed at 2,0007. 2 Oct. 1646. Order that when Sir George, of Wolley, has made his composition at Goldsmiths' Hall, he become bound to abide the orders of this committee as to his assessment. 8 March 1648. To be sequestered for non-payment of an assessment of 2,000l. assessment. Dec. 1646? Note that Bodville was a deserter of Parliament, and 95 236 a collector for the King last September, when his ticket was delivered, but there was then no committee settled in Anglesea, nor any lands sequestered; also that his sequestration was respited on giving security to abide the committee's order when his sequestration is taken off. Also that Mostin was a collector for the King, and that all three deserted Parliament, when notice was given of assessment; that their estates were unsequestered, and they were all in town last November, but did not attend their assessments. That Morgan was a Parliament man, and Herbert a captain for the King, and when notice of their assess- ments were given Dec. 8, they were not sequestered, and have made no appearance. 71 43 44 95 235 5 122 5 194 95 237 -241 65 129 5 110 5 397 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.—CASES. 435 28 July 1644. P.E. 95 242 243 6 March 1649. Both to be sequestered for non-payment P.D. 95 244 O.C. 6 264 28 July 1644. 28 July 1644. 7 Dec. 1649. Order that the assessment of Sir George, of Wood- house, be discharged on payment of 501., it appearing that he is very much in debt. MICHAEL WHARTON. Assessed at 1,500l. 20 Nov. 1644. Ordered to make up his in 14 days SIR THOS. WHITMORE, Bart., Apley, Co. Salop. Assessed at 2,5007. 26 Sept. 1648. To be sequestered for non-payment - 14 Feb. 1651. Being assessed at 735l. 15s. Od. for his, order that in 14 days, and then he will be heard touching his he pay debts. M John Arundel, Bodnam, Cornwall, 1,000l. Rich. Arundel, Cornwall, 1,5007. John Ashburnham, 1,5007. Baskerville, 1,5001. Richard Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, 1,5007. Sir Rich. Cane, 1 5007. Sir Alex. Carew, 2,000l. "lost his head Rich. Catlin, 1,5007. Rich Chichley, 1,000l. James, Lord Compton, 3,000l. Co. Conisby, 1,000l. - Hum. Connisby, 1,0007. Wm. Constantine, 1,0007. Sir Rob. Crooke, 2,000l. Sir John Culpeper, 2,0001. Sir Thomas Danby, 1,500l. Sir Alex. Denton, 1,5007. John Digby, 2,0007. George Fane, 1,0007. - John Fenwick, 1,500l. John Fettiplace, or Phettiplace, 1,0007. Fras. Floyd, 1,000l. • Walter Floyd, 1,000l. Gamwell, 1,000. P.D. 95 245 19 March 1651. His debts [totai 5,7131.] being considered, order 10 123 that if he make up the 3677. 17s. 6d. already paid to 5007. his assessment be discharged. 27 March. This sum being paid, order that his assessment of 10 148 2,5007. for his be discharged. 20 28 July 1644. The following assessments were laid, but no proceedings taken 65 thereon:- - 1 1 1 Sir Theobald George, 1,000l. Fras. Godolphin, 1,0007. Col. Goring, 1,0007. Sir Edw. Griffith, 9007. Sir Thos. Hale, 1,500. Rich. Harding, 1,000. John Harris, Liskeard, Cornwall, 1,0007. Rich. Herbert, 1,000l. 33 Rich. Herbett, 1,0001. Wm. Herbett, Cardiff, 1,2007. - + I · · ↓ • I 1 - 65 ... 1 Vol. No. A or P. 6 199 1 8 48 # 129 3 296 65 129 6 65 10 14 123 123 123 121 123 124 124 124 123 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 126 125 126 125 125 EE 2 436 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 28 July 1644. 2 Aug. 1644. 2 Aug. 1644. Edw. Hide, 8007. Serjeant [Rob.] Hide, 8007. Sir Ralph Hopton, 3,000l. Sir Rob. Howard, 1,500l. Thos. Howard, 1,2001. Robt. Hunt, 1,000l. Sir Chris. Hutton, 2,5007. Sir Rob. Hutton, 1,2001. Jas. Jeane, 1,000l. - Thos. Jermyn, now Lord Jermyn, 1,500l. Arthur Jones, now Lord Ranelagh, 2,0001. Rich. King, Inner Temple, 1,000l. Kirby, 1,0001. Thos. Leeds, 1,000l. Rich. Leigh, 1,500l. George Lowe, 1,0007. Sir John Mallory, 1,000l. William Mallory, 1,0007. Henry Cavendish, Viscount Mansfield, 2,5007. Thos. May, 1,0007. Sir John Meaux, 1,5007. - Sir Wm. Morley, 2,500l. Sir Phil. Musgrave, 1,500l. Sir Wm. Packington, 3,000l. · Jeffrey Palmer, 1,5007. Dr. George Parry, 1,0007. Edw. Phillips, 1,500l. William Pladull, 10007. Sir William Portman, 4,0001. Wm. Prior, 1,000l. Herbert Pryor, 1,000l. - · G 1 - LADY AGAR, Holborn. Assessed at 6007. No proceedings. - Sir William Saville, 2,5007. Jas. Scudamore, 2,2007. Sir Rich. Shagborough, 2,5007. Sir Hen. Slingsby, 1,5007. Sir Thomas Smith, 2,0007. Wm. Smith, 1,000l. Ferdinando Stanhope, 1,5007. Wm. Stanhope, 1,000l. Sir John Stepney, 1,5007. Sir George Stonehouse, 1,6007. Sir John Stowell, 6,000l. Giles Strangways, 1,000l. Sir John Strangways, 4000l. - Sir Rob. Strickland, 1,5007. Rob. Sutton, 3,0007. Sir Jos. Sydenham, 1,5007. Sir Simon Thelwell, 1,0001. Thos. Thompkins, 1,000l. Phil. Warwick, 1,000l. Nich. Weston, 1,0007. John White, at the Earl of Dorset's, 1,0007. Sir William, now Lord Witherington, 4,000l. • 1 Sale - t 1 T SIR HEN. SPILLER, Laleham, Middlesex. Reynolds assessed at 3001. I 1 0 I I 200 S SIR THOS. REYNOLDS, or RAYNELL, the Strand, and Waybridge, Surrey. · Vol. No. A or P. 65 126 125 125 126 125 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126. 126 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 128 128 128 129 128 129 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 129 129 129 129 129 129 65 130 65 130 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 437 2 Aug. 1644. さ ​31 March 1645. Information by Capts. Stent and Burgis that both are delinquents, and that goods belonging to both, yet unse- questered, are in Spiller's house at Laleham, Bartholomew Farm, and Waybridge, in custody of [Thos.] Goldlock and others. 31 March. Order that the goods be searched for and brought away, to be disposed of as this committee orders. 2 May 1645. Order that the said goods, discovered by Capt. Burgis, be sold by the candle, and the profits paid to this committee, and also such other goods as shall be brought in. 5 May. The trunks belonging to Spiller and others, which have been seized, to remain in custody, and not to be disposed of till further order, 23 May. The 211. 4s. 4d. spent by Capts. Stent and Burgis in dis- covering and bringing in the goods to be deducted from the proceeds of the goods, and paid them. 7 July 1645. Also 5l. 4s. 6d. to be paid to Hen. Starkey, the com- mittee's officer, for his charges therein. 10 Sept. 1645. Order that Goldlock pay 5l., part of 101. 6s. charges in recovering the 561., the rest to be paid out of the 561. · 18 July. Order in the Middlesex Committee that Thos. Goldlock 96 pay them 561. for rent of Bartholomew Farm, held of Sir Hen. Spiller, beside 561. for the crop of corn. 21 Aug. 1646. Reynell again assessed at 400l. 28 Aug. Hen. Starkey to have 55s. salary and charges in levying 607. on Spiller's estate. 14 Oct. 1646. Reynolds being sick at Weybridge, respited till able to appear. R. 5 352 277 20 Oct. 1647. His debts and rents to be sequestered for non-pay- ment of an assessment of 300l., and Spiller's for an assessment of 4,0001. Vol. No. A or P. 21 2 8 Aug. 1645. Like order that—as he has not paid the 561. and says 96 he will get in the corn and avoid payment-he be summoned to show cause why he does not pay the debt. 20 Sept. 1648. Both their estates to be sequestered for non-pay- ment of the 6. 4 101 29 Aug. Like order, at request of Capts. Stent and Burgis, that 96 Goldlock's debt, and also 601. arrears of rent paid in by [Chris.] Barry, tenant to Sir H. Spiller, be transmitted to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money, to whom they made the discovery. 29 Aug. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that the debt of 561. be demanded from Goldlock, and on refusal, levied on his estate. 4 139 9 Nov. 1649. James Herbert to receive the profits of Spiller's estate, cos. Berks and Oxon, or anything he holds in right of his wife, and pay them to this committee, and till the assessment of 4,0007. is discharged, he is to receive the said rents and profits. 10 Jan. 1651. Herbert to appear and pay the assessment, or show cause to the contrary. 4 143 17 Jan. Herbert, who has married the late Sir Hen. Spiller's heir-at-law, is to have the assessment discharged on payment of 4 164 4 194 4 258 1 Dec. 1645. Chris. Barry to pay the officers 41. 10s. 7d. charges in 4 343 levying the rents due by him to Spiller. 20 March 1646. Sir H. Spiller assessed at 4,0007. 15 May 1646. Reynolds and Spiller to be brought up in custody for non-payment of assessments. 1 2 71 3 4 249 71 21 5 34 40 5 96 5 114 6 58 20 Sept. Reynolds to appear and show cause why his houses in 6 the Strand are compounded for at an under value. 2 May 1649. Both to be sequestered for non-payment of their 6 305 assessments. 8 4 5 297 60 9 361 9 373 438 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 2 Aug. 1644. DEP. 96 10 BOND 96 6 17 July 1651. Information that Sir Henry, by procurement of his second wife, left most of his estate from his own children to a youth bred abroad in a Jesuit College, and the conveyances are in the hands of Lady Spiller, [John] Latch [of the Middle Temple], and Rich. Proctor [of Fuller's Rents]. Request that they may be ordered to produce the originals to be examined, that the State's title may appear. 5 Aug. 1644. REYNOLDS AND SPILLER-cont. of 8707., which is to be reimbursed from the estate, except from the dower of Sir Henry's widow, which is sequestered for her recusancy. R. 3 248 252 15 March 1651. Information of the portion of Sir Henry's estate which is dowerable, whereof is sequestered for Lady Spiller's recusancy. BOND 96 8 23 July. Information by Stapley that Sir Henry, in his composi- tion, undervalued Laleham Manor, &c., worth 5277. 11s. 8 d. by 1077. 11s. 8d. 18 July. They all summoned accordingly 19 July. Particulars given by Tomson Stapley of Spiller's estate before and after the sequestration, and of what it pays at the present time to Sir Thos. Reynell. 11 Feb. 1652. Tomson Stapley begs a hearing of the case, the proofs being clear of the undervaluations and omissions in the composition discovered by him, although Sir Thos. Reynell has made opposition, and procured months, now elapsed, to examine witnesses. Vol. No. A or P. JEREMY BECK, Inner Temple, and Castle Acre, Norfolk. Assessed at 1,5007. 30 Aug. 1644. To be discharged on paying 6977. 15s., having already paid 2407., and this being his proportion on oath. 13 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 16 Sept. Declaration by this committee that he is assessable by the Ordinance of 29 Nov. 1642. 22 168 96 4 20 Sept. To be committed to Lambeth House for threatening the officers with their lives, to remain till further order, and to be kept in custody meantime. 22 242 96 23 Sept. To appear on Monday 7 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 8 Nov. To bring a certificate where his estate lies, that it is under sequestration from the County Commissioners, and on giving security to pay his when the sequestration is taken off, not to be further molested. 20 22 96 Aug. 1651. Reynolds' estate to be sequestered for non-payment of 24 158 an assessment of 400l. (sic) for his 2. 17 Feb. Order on information about Spiller's undervaluations 11 that Carey has given out books to the prosecutor before any order for them, that Carey show cause for so doing, and that 3 weeks' time be given Sir Thos. Reynell and the prosecutor to examine witnesses about the undervaluations, and the County Commissioners are to send up the examinations. 5 28 135 22 248- 250 31 Oct. 1651. Rich. Proctor and Lady Anne Spiller summoned to 28 148 appear on the case, to be examined. 17 69 96 9,10 96 11 сл 150 7 198 65 132 76 520 3 237 3 238 3 242 3 244 3 284 3 286 23 Dec. 1644. Respited to bring a particular of his estate 3 341 13 Jan. 1645. Respited to bring in particulars of his sequestration, 4 11 where, by whom, and for how long. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.—CASES. 439 5 Aug. 1644. 5 Aug. 1644. o. 7 21 K. 7 69 5 Aug 1644. 21 March 1645. Being assessed at 1,500. and having lapsed the days of payment, the sum is to be raised by distraint on his rents and goods. 11 Aug. 1645. Mr. West to have 14 days to prove that he paid 5501. rent to the Norfolk Committee by contract for Beck's lands, and the tenants to have 14 days to pay the rents and arrears to this committee. 1 Oct. 1645. On giving security to pay the balance ordered by the Mitigation Committee, and paying it and the collector's salary and charges, his sequestration taken off, otherwise he is to pay his whole assessment. FOUR DAUGHTERS of the late ROB. CAMBELL, Citizen, Alderman, and Ironmonger of London. THOS. CONISBY, Jun., North Mims, Co. Herts, Delinquent. Each of the 4 daughters assessed at 2007. 23 Aug. 1644. The guardians of the 4 Cambell sisters to make affidavit what their proportions are for assessment. 23 Sept. 1644. The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen desired to pay 8001. out of the money remaining in the Chamber belonging to the 4 daughters of Mr. Cambell, for their assessment. 21 March. [Hen.] Proby, common serjeant of the City, to certify what money belonging to Rachel Cambell is in the Chamber of London. CERT. 96 13 5 April 1649. Certificate being made that there is due to Rachel, daughter of Rob. Cambell, late alderman of London, 2,836ł. 6s. 11d., the Lord Mayor and aldermen are to order the money to be paid to this committee in 14 days, or show cause. 10 Oct. 1645. The sum of about 2,8267. due to her being long since seized and sequestered in the Chamber of London, but not yet paid, order that the Lord Mayor and aldermen command payment. Vol. No. A or P. 4 90 4 232 24 Feb. 1645. On information that 4,000l. due to Rachel Cambell, -4 58 late an orphan of the City of London, now married to Thos. Conisby, remains in the Chamber of London, so that it ought to be sequestered,-order that it be not paid without further order, but that the sum be certified, and the Chamberlain and other officers take care therein. 14 Sept. 1649. Whereas Thos. Conisby came in to Parliament in 1644, and has since lived quietly in the country, and has no estate worth 2007., so that he should be discharged from seques- tration, having taken the covenant and negative oath,-order that his sequestration be discharged. 4 279 11 March 1645. Certificate that there remains in the Chamber of 96 12 London for the use of the daughters 5,5881. 19s. 10d. 4 88 65 133 3 221 3 244 4 290 6 251 9 May 1649. Order renewed, with promise of indemnity against 6 320 Thos. and Rachel Conisby, and all others. In default of payment, effectual course will be taken for levying the sum, 7 276 16 Dec. 1651. Order that Thomas, son of Fitzwilliam Conisby, be 17 121 summoned to show cause why his estate should not be seques- tered for his delinquency. SIR THOS. EVELYN, Long Ditton, Surrey. Assessed at 1,000. 65 133 26 Aug. 1644. To be discharged for 1401. formerly paid, being his 76 517 proportion on oath. 440 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 5 Aug. 1614. 7 Aug. 1644. 7 Aug. 1644. R. 3 250 7 Aug. 1644. R. 3 259 7 Aug. 1644. 7 Aug. 1644. 7 Aug. 1644. 7 Aug. 1644, RICH. MILLS, Michaels Royal, Co. Oxford (?) Assessed at 3001. Vol. No. A or P. 65 132 3 297 20 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 10 March 1645. He deposes that 967. is his full, excepting 96 14 desperate debts of 800l., and an estate of 30l. a year lying in the King's quarters, from which he receives nothing. 10 March. His assessment respited till his excepted debts be 76 755 recovered, or till further order. JOHN BANES, at Judge Green's, Old Jewry. Assessed at 1007., and summoned to pay 30 Aug. 1644. Order for his discharge on paying 201. or making an affidavit in 10 days. 6 Sept. 1644. Discharged on payment of 81., being his proportion 76 528 on oath. March 1654. A Public Faith certificate ordered him JOHN BUXTON, Brentwood, or Burntwood, Essex. Assessed at 5007. 27 Sept. 1644. Allowed 6 days' respite for his assessment 25 Oct. 1644. On information that he has no residence within 20 miles of London, but lives in co. Norfolk, that committee is to take care that he pay his and to them, and send a certificate to this committee, when his assessment here will be discharged. 20 CROSSE, Brook House. 65 136 - 196 15 3 226 MARY, Widow of Assessed at 3007. 16 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment - 6 Nov. 1644. Her husband having been long in service of Parlia- ment, and lost his life therein, and there being much money due for his arrears, her assessment respited till it is paid. SIR THOS. DIKE, the Temple. Assessed at 5007. 27 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment JOHN GREEN, Magnus Parish. LADY PAULET, Lambeth. Assessed at 3001. No proceedings 1 65 136 65 136 3 247 3 270 65 134 3 238 3 382 65 137 3 247 Assessed at 2007. 65 137 9 Aug. 1644. Summoned to pay the 2007. 96 16 4 Sept. 1644. To be discharged for 81. 10s. paid and 597. lent, which 76 523 is his proportion on oath, till he receives his debts. March 1654. The Public Faith certificate ordered him - 65 137 65 137 MRS. SHERMAN, Widow, St. Tanus, Co. Lancaster. Assessed at 601. - 65 136 5 Jan. 1654. Ordered the Public Faith for 91. paid to Mr. Lane, 13 57 within time, and for 50s. paid out of time. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 441 7 Aug. 1644. CERT. 96 21 7 Aug. 1644. 9 Aug. 1644. 3 $ L⭑ EDWARD THURLAND, The Temple. Assessed at 2,000l. CERT. 96 20 21 Sept. The Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers to give him a certificate, as he did not receive his notice till 16 Nov. 1644, and paid his money on 22 Nov. 9 Aug. 1644. Summoned to pay his assessment. With note of 10l. paid by his late father, Edw. Thurland, sen., and 157. deposited by himself. 23 Sept. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 15 Nov. 1644. Respited 10 days to show his acquittances, which have only just come to hand. 16 Nov. Request by R. Hill, who undertakes that he shall 96 appear, for 10 days' respite, he having been long absent, and only found his ticket on his return. With note of his discharge, 22 Nov., for the 251. 21 Dec. 1653. The Goldsmiths' Hall officers not giving the certi- ficate because they did not receive the money, order that the registrar and late treasurer of the Committee for Advance of Money give it. 21 Sept. 1653. He begs a Public Faith certificate for the 15l. paid 96 18 in by him. THOS. ARPE, Chertsey, Surrey. Assessed at 5007. 11 Sept. 1644. The sequestration taken off the rents supposed to be Thos. Arpe's, assessed for his of Chertsey Parsonage, co. Surrey, and a house in Chertsey, on proof that the premises belong to Anne and Amy, daughters of Peter Arpe, the late 20 tenant. 7 Oct. 1644. Mrs. Arpe being dead, and the estate descended to Thos. Arpe, order that the rents be paid to this committee to satisfy his assessment. 15 Nov. 1644. Order confirmed, and the tenants to appear before the committee. 20 Nov. Order that after the year's rents are paid, then according to the deed, Anne and Amy Arpe enjoy the same, without restraint of this committee. Vol. No. A or p. 65 137 96 17 3 247 3 292 19 Nov. 1645. Mr. Arpe's tenants to pay their rents to this committee, according to the order of 7 Oct. 1644. ROB. WATSON, Heston, Middlesex. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 3 203 13 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition that the Public Faith be given 13 64 him for 127. 10s. assessment paid for his 2. 13 96 65 15 May. Sir Art. Ingram to pay the 3007. due by him to Arpe, to this committee, and they will consider about the interest. 13 96 17 5 19 137 48 22 65 139 3 235 3 254 4 328 6 May 1646. Information that Sir Art. Ingram owes 3007. on bond, 21 68 and 2,000l. for rent-charge on lands in Lincolnshire to Thos. Arpe, delinquent. 3 292 96 23 3 297 5 35 15 May. Sir Chris. Martin petitions that he has duly paid 201.rent 96 24 for a house in the Savoy, which he holds from Arpe, till he ran 13 years in arrears, because his land near Knaresborough Castle, let at 2401. a year, was sequestered by the Marquis of Newcastle. It is now let at 1301., which does not pay billeting, taxes, and assessments, and he is 1,0001. in debt. Begs to be excused the arrears, and to take the house at Midsummer at a reasonable rent. 442 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 9 Aug. 1644. 9 Aug. 1644. 9 Aug. 1644. 9 Aug. 1644. 9 Aug. 1644. 15 May 1646. Respited the payment of the 301. due for rent till further order. 5 8 June 1646. Geo. Wood and Capt. John de Bosco St. George to be allowed 101. out of the moneys that come in as due by Sir A. Ingram to Arpe, which were discovered by them, and the moiety of any other discoveries of delinquents' estates made by them. 11 Jan. 1647. Ayliffe, who lived in a house of Arpe, a delinquent in arrear for his 26, having left the kingdom owing 2 years' rent,-order that his property in the house be seized. 15 Jan. The officers now in the house, having inventoried the goods, are to leave them in possession of Dr. Heath, he engaging that they and the house shall be disposed of as this committee think fit. 20 15 March 1647. Ingram paying in 2001. remainder of the 3001. due to Arpe, and proving that he owes only 300l. on the grant of a rent of 1001. a year on Laughton Manor, his bond for 300l. to be delivered up. 14 Jan. 1648. Sir Arthur having paid 2501., and secured the other 50l., his deed of grant of the rent to be restored him, and also the bond to be cancelled, and he saved harmless against Arpe, or any who claim interest in the said debt. LADY CADE, Wood Street. Assessed at 2001. Noted as not found SIR JOHN JAQUES, a Lodger. Assessed at 5007. 18 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 11 Oct. 1644. Respited till he receive his excepted debts, or till further order. SIR JOHN TIRRELL, Chancery Lane. Vol. No. A or p. 5 35 26 Aug. Allowed 14 days' respite, he averring that his estate is under sequestration, and if it be taken off, he will acquaint the committee. 48 5 171 5 175 18 Sept. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 1 Nov. 1644. His goods to be sold by the candle towards his assessment. 15 July 1646. To pay in 14 days the 257. still due for his 5 219 5 347 96 - 65 138 25 26 JOHN LACEY, Sen. and Jun., Hammersmith, Middlesex. The father assessed at 100l., and the son at 607. 65 139 4 Sept. 1644. The son discharged on 4 Sept., on payment of 51., 76 524 being his proportion on oath. 6 Sept. The father discharged on payment of 6l., being his 76 529 proportion. 22 March 1654. Receipt of a certificate purporting the son's pay- ment of 51. on his 2, for which Public Faith was granted by order of 8 March 1654. 65 139 3 240 76 572 Assessed at 1,000l. 65 140 14 Aug. 1644. An assessment of 1,000l. vacated because of the 65 144 former one. 65 139 96 27 65 3 223 6 Sept. 1644. His assessment to be discharged on paying 50l. 76 529 more than the 1007. lent, being his proportion on oath. 3 240 3 274 5 75 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 443 14 Aug. 1644. 14 Aug. 1644. 14 Aug. 1644. 14 Aug. 1644. R. 3 246 257 23 Sept. Respited for payment of his assessment 14 Aug. 1644. SIR HUM. FOSTER, Poultry Compter, or Covent Garden. Assessed at 5001. 3 Feb. 1645. Again assessed at 5001. - 2 May 1645. To be brought in custody to pay 5 Jan. 1646. Respited till further order SIR CHARLES HERBERT, Rickmansworth, Co. Herts, and Westminster. Assessed at 3001. 26 Aug. 1644. Again assessed at 6007. 13 Sept. 1644. Again assessed at 6001. 16 Sept. Information that he has a great personal estate, beside 1,000l. a year land in cos. Herts and Notts, London, and West- minster. He sold one of his houses in Westminster, and removed his goods to another. 25 Oct. 1644. Mr. Pester to have his lands at a rent to be agreed on, and take his stock at a valuation. 20 Dec. 1644. His mansion and house near Rickmansworth, co. Herts, where he lately dwelt, with the garden, fish-pond, and 80 acres of land, let to Wm. Pester, of Bennett's Castle, London, at 501. a year. 22 Dec. 1645. The same let to Pester for another year at 601., Sir Charles' estate being seized for non-payment of his assessment. 9 Jan. 1646. John Andrews appointed keeper of Moore Manor, co. Herts, belonging to Sir Charles. LADY HIGHAM, Sleighford, Essex. Assessed at 2001. 10 Jan. 1645. Respited 14 days SIR JOHN LEEDES. - 19 Jan. Thos. Weedon having suffered his goods and estate to be distrained for rent due to Sir Charles Herbert, who is assessed for his at 600l. which remains unpaid, the said sequestered goods are to be sold, and the money paid to the Treasurer of the Committee for Advance of Money. May 1646. Accounts of receipts from his estate, since Oct. 1644 96 27 B-E Assessed at 500l. 18 Sept. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay 7 Oct. 1644. Allowed 14 days to make up his assessment or take his affidavit. JOHN MAYO, Shoreditch. Vol. No. A or P. 65 141 67 124 4 141 4 377 65 142 65 154 65 165 27A 96 Assessed at 8007. 4 Sept. 1644. Respited for further hearing, having lent 5407. 6 Sept. Order that as he lent 5407. on the propositions, and thus showed his good affection, for which the committee return him thanks-his assessment be discharged, and he left to his free contribution. 3 244 3 268 3 338 4 365 4 383 4 393 - 65 141 4 8 21 Oct. The 50l. paid 18 Oct. to discharge his assessment, 76 586 being his proportion on oath, and to be considered as paid within time, he dwelling out of town, and not having notice till 30 Sept. 65 142 65 142 3 240 3 253 - 65 142 76 526 3 231 444 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 14 Aug. 1644. R. 3 240 14 Aug. 1644. ACCTS 96 29 30 REP. 96 31 SIR JOHN OGLANDER, the Strand, and Isle of Wight. Assessed at 500l. 11 Sept. 1644. Allowed 8 days' respite for his assessment 16 Sept. Ordered to make affidavit of his and 16 Aug. 1644. 20 20 Sept. He having formerly paid 1007. in the island, order that he be discharged on paying 151. more, that being his proportion on oath, and that the officers have only 30s. salary. - 13 Nov. 1644. The 157. to be paid for the use of the Isle, as he is 3 289 there, and ought to pay his and there. 4 31 5 Feb. 1645. The 157. having been paid to Lane is to be repaid to such persons as Sir Hen. Worsley, Sir Hen. Lee, and John Lisle appoint. CHARLES LORD STANHOPE, Harrington, Co. North- ampton, and LADY DOROTHY, his Wife. He assessed at 1,000l. by order of the House of Peers 30 Aug. 1644. He ordered to bring in his assessment 13 Sept. 1644. Order renewed, or the whole assessment to be levied on his estate. P.E. 96 28 18 Oct. 1644. His tenant, Edw. Chamberlain of co. Warwick, to bring in his rent towards the assessment, or else it is to be levied on his estate. 30 Sept. Order that as he has been assessed at 1,000l. by the House of Peers, and has lapsed the time for payment, his rents, goods, debts, &c., be seized and distrained, till the money is raised. - 65 1 Nov. 1644. Order that Chamberlain pay in 1007. of his rent, and that the clerk examine his assessment and report. 4 Nov. Order that Chamberlain pay 1001. more, and as he asserts that he paid 281. 5s. 3d. contributions to the King, and has to pay 181. 1s. 1d., also 321. 6s. 3d. to Parliament, and has to pay 211. Os. 43d. more; order that the 181. 1s. 1d. and 21l. Os. 4 d. be allowed him out of the next year's rent. 29 March 1619. The Public Faith to be given Lord Stanhope for the 1,000l. paid by him for his 2. 20 Vol. No. A or p. 65 141 3 232 3 238 3 242 Baskerville, Wiltshire, 1,500l., noted not found Lady Clarke, Wrotham, Kent, 3007. Col. Smith, Poultry Compter, 1,5007. W 144 3 225 3 236 3 249 18 Dec. 1650. Information that he and his lady assisted the late 22 124 King with arms and money in the war. 96 32 83 # 3 264 7 March 1651. County Commissioners to take examinations and 10 send them. NICH. STEWARD, Papist Delinquent, Hartley Mawditt, Co. Hants; and RICHARD and ANNIE STEWARD, Delinquents, Children of the late Dr. Simeon Steward. Hum. Steward, executor to Dr. Steward, confesses on examination, that the Doctor gave to Nich. Steward, a Papist, now in arms against Parliament, the surplus of his estate, after legacies paid, and Humphrey Steward has now in hand 1907. 13s. 10d., which he is ordered to pay in to this committee towards Nicholas' assessment. 3 276 3 281 22 9 Dec. 1651. Information that in 1642 and 1643, he sent the late King a horse, man, and arms, who continued in the service 2 96 years. 6 241 9 Dec. County Commissioners to take examinations 29 20 14 Aug. 1644. The following assessments were laid, but no proceedings taken 65 thereon:- 343 33 140 141 144 3 214 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 445 16 Aug. 1644. c. 5 109 96 34 H. 5 303 27 Sept. 1644. Thos. Lindsey and Hen. Wilson, who discovered this debt, to have 91. 10s. for their discovery of the 1907., accord- ing to the Ordinance of Parliament. 2 Feb. 1646. The sequestration on Nich. Steward's estate for his 2 to be taken off, on his giving security to abide the orders of the committee. 20 29 June 1646. Order that Major John Ingoldsby and Capt. Hen. Ingoldsby have such delinquents' estates as they discover, towards payment of their arrears. 7 Aug. 1646. Order that the Commissioners for Compounding be certified that Major John Ingoldsby and Capt. Hen. Ingoldsby gave information 29 June last, that Sir Rich. Ingoldsby owes Rich. Steward, who is now on composition, 1,2507., which is sequestered in Sir Richard's hands, and he is not to pay it without order. Also request to the Commissioners for Com- pounding not to admit composition for this debt, but remit it to this committee for the further benefit of the State. 12 Aug. Order that Sir Richard do not pay the said 1,2501., nor 5001. due to Annie Steward, till further order. 25 Aug. Order that, out of the 1,2501., Sir Richard pay_1847. 10s. to the treasurer towards arrears due to Capt. Hen. Ingoldsby, on his account, cast up by the Committee for Accounts, and detain the remainder; with certificate of payment of the 1841. 10s. 29 June. Information by them that there are several sums in the 21 72 hands of Sir Rich. Ingoldsby, Lenborough, co. Bucks, or Mr. Steward [or Serjeant] of Hartley, co. Hants, belonging to Nich. Steward, delinquent. Also that Annie Steward is a delinquent not sequestered. Also that Sir Richard has 1,2507. belonging to Rich. Steward, delinquent. 2 Oct. Order that, as time has been given for the proof of Annie Steward's delinquency, but it has not yet been proved, she be dismissed further attendance, and the information discharged. Vol. No. A or P. 3 247 15 Jan. Sir Richard summoned to appear to bring in the writings touching the 1,2507. debt to Rich. Steward. 4 409 5 63 26 Feb. 1647. Rich. Steward summoned to bring in the bond by which Sir Richard is bound to pay him the 1,250l. 5 84 2 Oct. 1646. Request that Annie Steward's sequestration be dis- 96 35 charged, for want of charge or proof. 5 87 5 107 2 Jan. 1647. Committee for Advance of Money request [Sir R. 96 36 37 Ingoldsby] to pay the remainder of the debt due to Nich. Steward, or give security. Also to pay in 5001. due to Nich. Steward, of which they have allotted to Major Ingoldsby in part of his arrears, and the remainder they will respite till further order. 5 112 5 174 96 38 Jan. 1647. He pleads that he is too infirm to appear, but sends a cer- tificate of the debts, being 1,2507. to his nephew Rich. Steward, and 500l. to his niece, Annie Steward. 29 Jan. Nich. Steward assessed at 1,000l. 71 62 5 185 29 Jan. Sir Richard ordered to pay 4401. 10s., the remainder of the of 1,2501. due to Rich. Steward, which is to be paid to 96 39 Major John Ingoldsby, towards his arrears, and the other 6251. is to remain in Sir Richard's hands till further order. With note of payment of the 4407. 10s. 5 200 5 May 1647. No part of the money received from Sir Richard or due to Nich. Steward to be disposed of till Mr. Steward has been heard concerning it. 26 Oct. 1647. Nich. Steward respited 8 days to pay his assessment 5 298 5 251 309 446 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 16 Aug. 1644. H. 5 358 R. 96 42 H. 5 365 H. 5 371 380 383 P.E. 96 47 DEP. 96 41 2 Feb. 1648. Whereas Sir R. Ingoldsby and Rich. Serjeant owe 500l. to Nich. Steward on 2 bonds in 600l. and 400l., and Steward has prosecuted Serjeant and obtained 2 judgments, Steward is to appear and show cause why the money should not be paid to the State, as he has not compounded for it. H. 5 390 NOTE 96 48 NICH. STEWARD, &c.-cont. 3 Dec. 1647. The business between Mr. Steward and Sir Rich. Ingoldsby to be heard in a fortnight, and notice given to Sir Richard, and Captain and Major Ingoldsby, that the business may then be determined. 7 Dec. Information that 500l. is owing by Sir Richard Ingoldsby and Mr. Serjeant, of Hartley, co. Hants, to Nich. Steward. 5 17 Dec. It appearing that Rich. Steward gave in a particular of his estate at Goldsmiths' Hall 5 May 1646, and that most of the 96 debt of 1,2501. belonged to the children of Simeon Steward, deceased-order that the sequestration be discharged, and Sir Richard, and Captain and Major Ingoldsby, left in the condition they were in at the time of their making discovery of the debt, and that the receipts and papers be taken in and vacated. 16 Feb. Order that Sir R. Ingoldsby pay in forthwith 6257., balance of the debt of 1,250l. due to Rich. Steward, delinquent. Vol. No. A or p. 5 317 1 March 1648. On information that the debt due by Ingoldsby and Serjeant to Nich. Steward was not mentioned in his composition at Goldsmiths' Hall, this committee relinquish further prose- cution thereon; but as Steward has not paid his assessment of 1,000l. for his, he is to produce the particular on which he compounded, and the clerk is to report what his will be, and the 500l. is not to be paid him till he has paid his assessment. 21 21 87 4 Feb. On later information that Rich. Steward did not present his petition and particular at Goldsmiths' Hall on 5 May 1616, as alleged in the certificate, but only asked leave to come to 96 London to prove his particular, when it was ordered that if he sent his pass and took the oath and covenant, the particular would be received, and he did not take the oath till 22 July 1646, and did not come to town; also that Richard and his sister pretended in Chancery a title to the whole 1,2507.;—the order of 17 Dec. last, discharging the sequestration of the debt vacated, and all receipts and papers thereon to stand good. 1 8 March. Nich. Steward to pay 1507. more than the 1907. 13s. 10d. formerly paid, and then his assessment of 1,000l. for his will be discharged. 330 40 5 358 5 363 364 43 44 5 370 5 385 1 March. As Sir Rich. Ingoldsby, in contempt of the order of 5 386 46 16 Feb. last, has paid to Rich. Steward the 6251. debt, and 96 45 the money is at Lady Richardson's in Covent Garden, the officers are to repair to her house, seize all sums belonging to Ingoldsby and Steward, and deliver them to the treasurer to be kept till further order. With writ of assistance. 3 March. The trunk, with money seized by order of this com- mittee, 1 March, sealed by Nich. Steward, and carried to Haberdashers' Hall, to be opened in presence of Steward, Treasurer Lane, and the clerks, the money taken, the trunk sealed up again, and report made next Wednesday. 5 390 7 March. Nich. Steward deposes that 3 of the bags in the 96 49 trunk seized, containing 2301., were in part of the debt received by him and his sister Anne from Ingoldsby and Serjeant, the debt with interest and costs of suit being more that 1,5007., and that he knows not of any money received by Rich. Steward from them. The other bag, containing 921., was money that he had for supply of his family. 5 393 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 447 16 Aug. 1644. DEP. 96 50 o. 6 158 H. 9 326 DEP. 96 55 56 REP. 96 57 H. 10 33 96 58 H. 10 122 96 59 8 March 1648. Sir R. Ingoldsby's estate to be seized and secured till he pay the 6251. due to Rich. Steward, and he to appear, or answer the contrary. 22 March. Order that on Nich. assessment be discharged, and is not Rich. Steward's money. up the trunk. Steward paying the 1501., his the trunk restored to him, as it Also order for Lane to deliver 12 April 1648. Order that unless Nich. Steward pay the 1507. assessment due, it be taken from the money in the trunk, and the residue restored to him. 2 Jan. 1649. The tenants of Sir R. Ingoldsby summoned to pay their rents towards satisfaction of 600l. due by him to Rich. Steward. Vol. No. A or P. 5 394 395 23 Aug. 1648. Order that any one who will advance 3001. due by Parliament Order to the Earl of Nottingham, or 2001. to Col. Jephson, be repaid out of the Michaelmas rents of Sir Rich. Ingoldsby, seized by this committee. With note of a letter to 96 Ald. Bernard that this committee will satisfy him. 5 410 5 412 5 419 6 41 18 Dec. 1650. The Commissioners of the Great Seal to the Com- 96 mittee for Advance of Money. As to the debt of 1,250l. to Rich. Steward, we find that Simeon Steward left his estate for life to his wife, Lady Dorothy Pigott, and then to be divided among his 4 children. That she giving security to abide the orders of the Court of Chancery, the money was paid to Sir Rich. Ingoldsby, and she is now dead. Suggest that the sequestration should be discharged, both of the debt and Ingoldsby's estate, and that the children should not be injured by Richard's delin- 51 52 6 142 quency. 20 Dec. Case referred to Solicitor Fowle to report 9 9 8 Jan. 1651. Case referred to Brereton to peruse the depositions in Chancery, and state how many of the children were living when 96 Rich. Steward compounded, and Captain and Major Ingoldsby, who received part of the debt for their arrears, to appear and make good their information as discoverers of it. 17 Nov. 1654. On proof that Sir Richard only paid 147 10s. of the 6251., but gave a bond to Col. Henry for 1701. residue, and to Major Ingoldsby for 4401. 10s., though the sums were entered as paid, but Major Ingoldsby compelled payment of his 4407. 10s. ;-order that though the committee are satisfied that 1707. is due to Col. Henry, they cannot order the return of the debenture, as Treasurer Wm. Lane must keep it as a voucher. 53 300 349 54 28 March 1651. Order on Brereton's report and review of the whole case, that the sequestration of the 6251., and of Sir Rich. Ingoldsby's estate for payment thereof be discharged, but that the Commissioners of the Great Seal be informed that this com- mittee cannot enforce repayment of any part of the other 6251. paid in, or do more, but leave it to their judgment. With letter 24 112 to the Great Seal Commissioners accordingly. 174 96 60 10 61 March. Major John Ingoldsby complains that Nich. Steward did 96 62 not appear at the hearing of his case about a debt of 5001. due by Sir Rich. Ingoldsby to Anue Steward, but with all speed got into his hands the 6251. that this committee ordered Sir Richard to pay to themselves, also his own 5001. and his sister's 5007., and gave Sir Richard a bond in 2,000l. to secure him from this committee. Begs an order to Nich. Steward to appear and answer the premises. 14 Sept. 1654. Col. Hen. Ingoldsby states that he signed a receipt 96 63 of the 1841. 10s. to be paid him by his father, Sir Rich. Ingoldsby, at his request, though not receiving a penny of the money. Begs that his debenture may be delivered up and his receipt vacated, that he may be able to recover the money of the State elsewhere. 14 Sept. Referred to Brereton to report 13 115 13 130 131 448 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 Aug. 1644. 21 Aug. 1644. 21 Aug. 1644. R. 3 280 283 o.c. 4 313 21 Aug. 1644. o. 3 252 259 HEN. BANFORD, or BAMFORD. He writes to Mr. Shephard to interest himself about his assess- ment, and get a certificate for the 50l. paid. Wants only what is fair, but understood that those who paid in time were allowed time for abatements. 21 Aug. 1644. Order for Mr. Bamford's discharge for the 807. lent, given at request of the assessors, they having been misinformed as to his assessinent. FRANCES FAUNT. Assessed at 5001. 11 Sept. 1644. On affidavit that she is sick of the plague—her assessment respited 6 weeks. COMMISSARY LIONEL COPLEY, Rotherham, Co. York. Assessed at 1,5007. 65 147 233 3 11 Sept. 1644. His assessment respited till further order -67 9 May 1645. Bonds whereby, on an Order in the House of 96 65 Commons of 7 May last, he binds himself in 1,000l., and 2 securities of 500l. each, to attend the orders of the House. 1646 Interrogatories for examination of witnesses before the 96 Committee of Accounts on behalf of Commissary Copley. 1646 ? Statement of his accounts, showing that he has received 96 9071. 5s. 6d. more than he has brought in as paid in his account. + 20 13 Nov. A note to be taken of her writings, and then they are to be delivered to her. 16 Dec. 1644. She to be brought in custody to pay her assessment 25 April 1645. She is to pay 707. more than the 107. paid, and then to be further heard. 3 April 1646. She is to bring in a schedule of the desperate debts excepted in her affidavit. 10 April. Her assessment discharged for the 1177. 7s. 9d. received from her, and her jewels to be restored on her paying the collector's salary. WM. PALMER, Waltham Abbey, Essex. Assessed at 1,000l. 13 Sept. 1644. Palmer, now prisoner in the Fleet, ordered to pay in his assessment in 10 days. Vol. No. A or p. 96 64 16 Oct. 1644. Mr. Carter, who had some of her goods, to be saved 3 261 harmless for delivering them to the collector of the Committee for Advance of Money. 28 Oct. She admitted to make oath what is the of her real and personal estate. 20 11 Nov. 1644. Order that her box of writings and her jewels be delivered her, on putting in security to pay for them, and taking her oath as to her 23 Sept. His estate to be seized and sold, and the proceeds dis- posed of towards his assessment. 3 219 8 Nov. 1644. Rob. Berners of Aldersgate Ward, having paid in 401. at Guildhall, 25 Oct. 1642, in his own name, but this sum being in trust for Palmer, Berners is to pay 407. in lieu thereof, and to have the Public Faith for it. 2888 68 69 70 65 147 3 233 3 273 3 287 3 290 3 331 4 133 5 3 5 11 65 145 3 236 3 245 3 287 2 13 Nov. Order that Palmer make up his in 14 days, notwithstand 3 290 ing the collectors are to proceed in levying his assessment. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.--CASES. 449 21 Aug. 1644. 21 Aug. 1644. R. 3 234 244 21 Aug. 1644. INT. & DEP. G. 156 305-325 P.E. G.156 329 31 Jan. 1645. His steward, Rich. Williams, to be brought up in custody. Feb. 1645? Rich. Williams, his steward for his estate in Sussex, 96 being accused of lowering the rents, pleads that he only did so when the King and Parliament's armies were there, and tried to raise them afterwards. He denies having any of Palmer's rents in his hands, and begs dismissal. 21 March 1645. Order that as Palmer has been assessed at 1,000l., and the days for payment are long since elapsed, all his estate, goods, chattels, &c., be seized and disposed of for payment. 14 May 1645. Mr. Richards to have 157. 4s. 5d. charges in levying Palmer's rents, and this to be placed to Palmer's account. 18 August 1645. Sequestration discharged on his giving security to pay his in 14 days, and abide the committee's orders for the residue. 25 Sept. 1646. His estate in the country to be seized, and his rents levied towards payment. ACCTS. 96 72 21 March 1654. Peregrine Palmer begs certificate of the sums paid 26 Feb. 1647. His estate to be discharged on his making up what has been levied upon it to 7001. 17 Sept. 1647. His estate to be seized till the 1,000l. is paid 20 Oct. 1647. The officers to proceed in levying it, he not having fulfilled the orders of the committee. 26 Oct. Order that if in 14 days he pay 1801., which, with what has been levied, will make up 7007., his assessment for his be discharged, the late order notwithstanding. Vol. No. A or P. 26 4 BENEDICT HALL, Highmeadow, Co. Gloucester, ANNE HALL, his Wife, and the late HARRY HALL, his Brother. 71 4 85 4 159 4 241 5 109 96 73 in by her late brother, Wm. Palmer, being his executrix. With 65 145 note of receipt of 2 sums amounting to 600l. for his, and of 100l. formerly lent, and of the Public Faith for 1657. 14s. 10d.; the rest being levied on his estate. 5 201 5 288 5 294 5 298 THOS. SYMONDS, Blossom's Inn. Assessed at 801., and summoned to pay. With notes of payment of 96 74 251., and of order, March 1654, for the Public Faith for the sum 65 146 paid. Information before the county commissioners that Benedict is a G.156 305 reputed Papist, and has land in or near Newlands, worth 1,000l. a year. 23 Sept. 1644. His estate sequestered, his personal property valued G.110 903 at 4947., and his lands at Highmeadow at 4001. a year. 330 Oct. 1644. Note of a composition made by Mrs. Hall with the G.156 329 County Commissioners of Monmouth for of her husband's lands, value 1,0847. in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, and Monmouth, to hold them for a year at 1007. rent, and to pay 5007. for his per- sonalty, he having paid 4007. for the garrison. Oct.? Agreement that as he has suffered much loss by having a G.156 331 garrison in his house at Highmeadow, he shall have bis lands in co. Gloucester at 1201. a year, paying the usual contributions. 2 Nov. 1644. Order that of his estate, real and personal, be seques- G.110 908 tered, he being a Papist. 11 Jan. 1645. Fras. Smith, his servant, requests in his behalf a G.110 904 confirmation of the composition made at Monmouth. FF 3 Sept. 1645. Committee for Advance of Money to Sir Thos. Soame. 96 75 We hear that you owe 1,500l. to Mr. Hall. who has left the king- dom to avoid payment of his. You are to give particulars of the debt, and to forbear payment till further order. 50623, 450 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 Aug. 1644. 1 INT. 96 78 DEP. 96 79 P.E. 96 80 INT. 96 81 82 DEP. 96 83-87 DEP. 96 89 0.5 304 BENEDICT HALL, &c.-cont. 20 Oct. 1645. B. Hall assessed at 2,0001. 17 Dec. 1645. The assessment repeated RA 69 133 3 April 1646. His wife appears to compound with the County Com- G.110 904 missioners of Gloucester for 3 of his lands in that county, valued at 5571. a year. 15 May 1646. Information that John Brinton, Stretton, co. Here- 21 70 ford, owes him 1,0007. 5 90 22 June 1646. The officers of the Committee for Advance of Money to demand from Brinton this debt. 29 June. Information that B. Hall, recusant, is a delinquent, and 21 has assisted the King against Parliament. 7 Aug. 1646. His assessment to be levied on his rents 2 Sept. 1646. Commissioners for co. Hereford to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money. You order a debt of 1,000l. owing by Brinton to Hall to be seized towards his assessment of 2,0007., but we have already tried to recover of it as Papist's money, and only belongs to Mr. Hall, so it will be a loss to the State if you give security for repayment of the whole as assessment. With note of reply that it is all to be paid for 1 the 20. Vol. No. A or p. 69 97 2 Sept. ? Note that Brinton's goods and corn, value 500l., were seized, and he undertook to appear and pay, but not doing so, leave is asked to sell his goods and levy his rents for the residue. 5 Sept. Information that there are houses in Southwark worth 21 100l. a year, part discovered and sequestered by the Surrey Commissioners, part undiscovered, with much rent in arrear, belonging to the late Hen. Hall, recusant. Also that Mrs. [Anne] Monington, of Sarnesfield, co. Hereford, owes him 1,000l. on mort- gage, 2 years in arrear; Mr. Bodnam, of Rotheras, co. Hereford, the same, and that he has a house and lands leased to Thos. Clifford, of Trepenkenet, co. Hereford, at 40l. a year. 6 Oct. 1647. He is to have a month to examine witnesses named, and in case he delay, the committee will proceed upon the infor- mation given. 5 96 20 Oct. Order thereon, enforcing that of 6 Oct. as to the exami- nation of witnesses, and those examined for the State may be cross-examined by him. 96 14 Jan. 1648. The County Commissioners for Monmouth to send up the bonds entered into by Edw. Barker, Thos. Foly, Rich. Skinner, and others for 3,6007., due for wood belonging to Hall, sequestered by the County Commissioners for recusancy and delinquency, 2,000l. of which is already paid to the said com- mittee, and the other is sequestered for Hall's delinquency. 72 84 76 20 June 1647. Benedict Hall ordered a copy of his charge and 14 5 280 days to answer. 77 he 14 Sept. 1647. Order that whereas, being a Papist in arms, ought not to receive of his estate, as he has done hitherto, his whole personal estate be seized and secured, and his rents stayed in the tenants' hands. Also that he have a copy of 5 286 his charge, and leave to examine witnesses. 5 291 75 20 Oct. Hall begs that-as his witnesses live in distant places, 96 88 some near London, and some in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Monmouth, and Brecon, and as he cannot have them examined, being wholly sequestered, and having nothing to support his wife and 12 children-warrants may be issued for their exami- nation where they reside, and the examinations submitted to the Committee for Advance of Money, before any censure pass against him. 5 285 5 295 5 346 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 451 21 Aug. 1644. INT. 96 90 DEP. 96 91 92 14 Jan. 1648. Mr. Barker, who owes Hall 533l. 6s. 8d. (sic.), to de- tain the money till further order. 15 March 1648. Barker owing to the State 3331. Cs. 8d. (sic.) for wood growing on Hall's lands, and Mr. Husbands, Thos. Foly, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Skinner also owing 6661. 13s. 4d., all are to pay in the said debts to the Treasurer of this Committee, on pain of their being levied by sequestration, and they shall be indemnified against Mr. Hall therefor. 15 March. Hen. Herbert, one of the witnesses, to have 107. for his journey from Monmouthshire to London and back on Hall's business. 14 April. Foly, Jones, Skinner, and Husbands, having paid in their debt, are acquitted and indemnified accordingly. 19 April. Barker not having paid in his debt, his goods and chattels are to be seized for payment. 1 May 1648. Barker acquitted and indemnified on paying in the 6 April 1648. Committee for Advance of Money request the Com. 96 missioners for Sequestrations to send them the depositions taken in Hall's case. money. 14 June 1618. The seizure of his goods for non-payment to be taken off. BOND 96 96 15 July 1650. Information by Capt. John Smith 2. That Sir John Winter, a notorious Papist, who kept a garrison at his house at Lydney, came and encouraged the soldiers, and exercised them. 3. That before Hall went into Wales, fearing the Parliament forces, he excited the soldiers to fight by large promises of reward. 4. That when he left, he was taken prisoner at Hereford, when that garrison was surprised. 5. That he long concealed, and then conveyed away Sir Jacob Ashley, who had a great command against Parliament. 6. That in contempt of divers Acts of Parliament, he still keeps arms in his dwelling house, and his servants wear them, to the terror of the well-affected. 7. That he sent Wm. Wade and others to strengthen Hynam garrison, near Gloucester. 8. That his servants, John Penn and Wm. Brethers, on any alarm of Parliament forces coming, drew out a party of soldiers from the garrison, ordering them to fight or escape to the garrison to give an alarm. 9. That Hall rode armed in Lord Herbert's troop against Gloucester, and Fras. Smith and 4 others of his servants were there. Vol. No. A or p. 5 346 5 96 21 March 1650. Information that Ann Monington, of Sarnesfield, 22 co. Hereford, owes 1,000l. to Benedict Hall, as executor of his late brother Harry. 19 July. County Commissioners to take examinations, and in case of delinquency, to secure his estate. 22 1. That Hall, a notorious Papist and delinquent, in 1612 kept 96 a garrison of 40 or 50 soldiers in his own house at Highmeadow, which he fortified, supplying them with arms, &c., and he and Ann, his wife, encouraged them to fight against Parliament, and turned out those who refused. LET. 96 97 22 Sept. 1650. Hall to appear 2 Oct. and show cause why his estate should not be sequestered for his delinquency. LET. 96 98 5 402 5 420 421 5 424 409 93 5 438 6 13 94 27 Sept. Note of galls, silks, and other goods of Hall's in Mr. 96 Smith's warehouse in Leadenhall Street, 26 9 51 67 95 9 123 99 { FF 2 452 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 Aug. 1644. E.W. 28 83 NOTE 96 102 o. 9 192 REP. 96 101 9 Oct. An estate of his in money and goods in the hands of Mr. Barker, of Coleharbour, London, to be seized and secured. E.W. 28 84 85 BENEDICT HALL, &c.-cont. 27 Sept. 1650. His goods said to be in the house of his wife and Fras. Smith to be seized and inventoried. 2 Oct. 1650. On request made on Hall's behalf, the present charge and the former charge before the Committee for Compounding referred to counsel. 16 Oct. Order that the articles 5-8 of the late charge against Hall are new matter, and not within the charges from which he was acquitted by the Committee for Sequestrations, and that the pro- secutor prove them and ascertain the dates of the delinquencies; Hall to have a copy, but no witness to be examined again on the old matter. 18 Oct. The prosecutor allowed another week to bring in the additional charge. 6 and 12 Nov. 1650. Additional charge by John Smith, giving the dates required and further details of delinquency. That Hall protected a Papist major, who died in his house, and was buried at Stanton with soldiers' honours; that he sent provisions to Lydney and Gutheridge garrisons, issued warrants to raise money for the King, aided Langhorne's insurrection in South Wales, and fraudulently concealed his estate, to hinder the taxes for his recusancy and delinquency. That from 1642-1645 his wife sent the enemy letters sewed in women's clothes, bidding them be careful, as if found out, they risked her life and their own. That he sent a trunk with much money and plate to Gutheridge Castle. 18 Nov. Certain goods seized as Hall's, but belonging to John Loope, to be inventoried, when the committee will give further order. 22 Nov. Order for the restoration of divers goods and jewels, seized as belonging to Hall in the house of Mr. Barker, of Cole- harbour, but which really belong to Wm. Pitt, of Hartley Waspell, co. Hants. 22 Nov. Like order for goods and household stuff which belong to John Loope, of Westminster. 22 Nov. John Millington petitions that he lately bought some pictures beyond seas, paid customs and excise, and left them in the house of Mr. Barker, but they are seized as the goods of Benedict Hall. With list of the pictures, 30 in all. Begs order for their restoration. Granted. 25 Nov. Note of houses in co. Hereford worth 1301. a year claimed by Hall, and not yet discovered to the Committee for Advance of Money nor to the Commissioners for Compounding. 27 Nov. Petition of John Smith, prosecutor. Hall's personal estate, inventoried aud secured last August, was appraised at 7007., being much undervalued; it has been much diminished since, and his wood, coals, ironworks, &c., have not been se- cured, and many of his goods concealed away; to cheat the State and defraud the poor of Stanton and Newland, co. Gloucester, of 5,000l., he has conveyed away to Major Wildman, 5 or 6 years ago, part of the estate of his late brother Henry, a deceased Papist. Begs order for seizure of the following particulars : His ironworks at Redbrook, coals and wood, money and goods hidden in his house, or conveyed away. An estate in Southwark claimed by Major Wildman, who dis- trains the tenants' goods for rent. Vol. No. A or P. 9 148 9 152 96 100 9 161 9 175 9 180 96 22 103- 105 99 9 233 9 236 9 236 96 106 107 9 236 96 108 96 109 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 453 21 Aug. 1644. E.W. 28 89 E.W. 9 330 331 (2) Debts due to him as follows:- Mr. Bodnam, Martill, co. Hereford with 10 years' interest Mrs. Mannington, Amill, co. Hereford with interest for 8 years Thos. Clifford, Tripping Cannon, co. Monmouth, for 1 10007. 800 1000 600 140 100 rent Kitford Brayne, Forest of Dean, on mortgage Houses in Southwark, rental 1801., sold to Major Wildman for 2,2001. Land, value 400l., sold to Gwynn, of Pennycoyd, co. Mon- mouth. - Smith requires an order to bring in those that have en- deavoured to suborn witnesses. 29 Nov. 1650. Orders on this information for the seizure of each of the said debts and lands, and the rents to be stayed in the tenants' hands till further order. BOND 96 112 4 Dec. Information by the prosecutor of how things were carried on before the Commissioners for Sequestrations in 1648, in Hall's case, viz.-That only one point of the charge was ex- amined; that Hall's witnesses were heard, but not those for the State; that though it was proved that he rode in Lord Herbert's troop at the siege of Gloucester, he was discharged; that a deed between him and Perkins, to deceive the State, was proved to be fraudulent; that his witnesses, Fras. Smith and John Col- combe, were his servants, and contradicted themselves in their examinations, and they themselves pursued Parliament soldiers and compelled them to serve the King, one of whom, Wm. Bad- dam, was taken by Col. Massey and hanged. 1 Dec. Order that the same be forthwith delivered to Clotworthy 4 Dec. Order, on Hall's plea that the new charges are the same in substance with the former ones, that Carey peruse the charges and see whether they be new, and the prosecutor is to bring in writing his charge against the late Commissioners for Com- pounding, for unduly discharging Hall's estate from sequestra- tion. 1 Dec. 1650. Note of goods seized in the house of Edw. Barker, 96 110 ironmonger, Coleharbour, as the property of Ben. Hall, but which really belong to Sir John Clotworthy. 20 Dec. The charge this day given in against Hall by John Carey, deputy to Edw. Carey, to be admitted and registered, and the Commissioners of cos. Gloucester, Monmouth, and Hereford to examine witnesses thereon. 20 Dec. Order on request of the prosecutor, that the said Commis- sioners examine witnesses on articles 5-8 of the new charge, they being new matter, and not on the old charge, from which Hall was acquitted; also that they take examinations on the additional charges; also that Smith, the prosecutor, give notice to Hall before any witnesses are examined. Vol. No. A or P. 9 2:2 253 17 Jan. His estates in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, and Monmouth to be seized, appraised, and inventoried. 9 193 9 264 96 111 9 302 9 302 1 Jan. 1651. Order that the charge against Hall for keeping a 9 329 garrison in his house at Highmeadow shall not be re-opened, it being old matter, from which he has already been acquitted. 9 374 22 Jan. Three weeks more time granted to examine witnesses, and 9 334 notice to be given to Mr. Hall to attend. 5 Feb. 1651. Smith, the prosecutor, begs a day appointed for 96 113 hearing the cause, in presence of Mr. Wildman, who alleges that the County Commissioners for Gloucester and the prosecutor deny Hall the names of the witnesses. 454 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 Aug. 1644. E.W. 28 102 (2) 7 Feb. Publication and a hearing ordered 9 420 E.W. 28 95 26 Feb. Order on allegation that the County Commissioners and 10 51 Capt. John Smith denied Hall the names of the witnesses, and on certificate of Mr. Hancock, one of the County Commissioners, and of Smith, that he might have had the names and opportu- nity to cross-examine, but had delayed-that the prosecutor give him the names, and that Hall bring up the witnesses against him within a month to be cross-examined, and any whom he pleases to examine in defence, giving their names to Capt. Smith, the prosecutor. BENEDICT HALL, &c.-cont. 5 Feb. 1651. Order that [Giles] Hancock, one of the County Commissioners, certify the truth therein, when further order will be given. 7 Feb. Request for publication, the sending in of all depositions, 96 114 leave for Hall to examine witnesses, and Thos. Clifford and for Rich. Ballard, alias Brown, of Westminster, to be examined vivâ voce. DEP. 96 122 AFFT. 96 123 • Vol. No. A or P. 9 415 19 March 1651. Hall complains that Carey refuses to examine on 96 115 2 of the interrogatories furnished, and requests an order for him to do it. 19 March. Granted, and Smith to have a copy of the interro- gatories. 10 124 26 March. Order at Hall's request, in presence of Smith, that 10 145 either party have leave to except against the witnesses. 96 116 10 170 28 March. John Wildman objecting on behalf of Edw. Barker to the seizing of the Redbrook furnaces, Forest of Dean, as thereby the work stands still and the stock is much wasted, and offer- ing security if the works may go on-order that on his giving security in 500l. to be responsible for the premises, valued at 2501., if they be within the Ordinance of Sequestration, the work and stock be left unmolested. 1 April 1651. Exceptions taken by Hall against the witnesses, 96 117 with note in most cases that they are not allowed. 96 119 10 April? Request for speedy examination of witnesses to prove 96 118 the exceptions, as they live 100 miles away, and are leaving town. NOTES 96 120 16 April. Motion of Capt. John Smith, prosecutor. I was ordered 4 Dec. last to bring in my informations, but while I was exam- ining witnesses in co. Gloucester, the order of 1 Jan. last was passed that the old examinations should not be used, though some are very material. Mr. Hall having had a month to ex- amine witnesses, I beg publication and a hearing of all the depo- sitions. Also that Vaughan, the registrar to the Committee for Sequestrations, may be examined for proof of corruption in the case. E.W. 28 107 16 April. The prosecutor alleging that the order of 1 Jan. last 10 192 was made in his absence, and that there are many important things in the depositions then ordered to be suppressed-order that all depositions be used at the hearing, and that the excep- tions to witnesses be given in next Friday. Also that as Hall 96 121 complains that the witnesses for the State will not be cross-ex- amined, and demand unreasonable charges, they be summoned for examination, and Hall pay them 4s. a day, and 4 days each allowed for their going and returning. 29 April. Capt. Smith to give in his exceptions to Carey, and to 10 230 re-examine such as he allows. 10 246 1 May 1651. Capt. Smith allowed to examine the exceptions against Jas. Reynell, who terrified the witnesses by saying they were Judases, who had their hands in the dish with Hall, and would now betray him; also those against Fras. Smith, for swearing falsely before the Barons of Exchequer, and not delivering to the County Commissioners for Gloucestershire the names of Mr. Hall's children, which he said he had delivered. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 455 LET. 96 124 125 DEP. 96 126-130 R. 10 364 H. 10 381 H. 10 401 417 21 Aug. 1644. PUB. 10 259 22 May 1651. Capt. John Smith's affidavit referred to the County 10 318 H. 10 335 Commissioners to report on before the hearing. LET. G. 156 328 Aug. 1651 ? Smith petitions that, though his new charge was entered by the registrar, it was delayed, and he put to charges by an order to Carey, to see if it was not the same as the charge before the Commissioners for Sequestration, who discharged Hall unduly by dint of corruption. That much corruption is now used by Hall and his agents, and the depositions were only certi- fied by a counterfeit certificate, which he holds himself obliged to discover. Begs that as an order has been given to examine his miscarriages, there may be also one to examine those of the Commissioners for Sequestrations through corruption, and also the present corruptions, and that Giles Hancock, one of the County Commissioners, Edw. Carey, and their clerks, may be examined vivâ voce, and all depositions produced. Vol. No. A or P. 11 July 1651. Order on full debate, that upon the present charges 96 131 and proofs, Hall is not a delinquent within the Ordinance of Sequestration, and that the cause be dismissed, and he discharged further attendance, and the seizure on his estate taken off, and the Committee for Advance of Money will appoint a time to consider the miscarriages of John Smith, the prosecutor. 96 132 Aug. ? Order thereon that as Giles Hancock appears, and deposes 96 133 that the signature to a letter of 7 Sept. 1650, subscribed with his name, is not his writing, but written by Jeremy Buck, the other signer, and as his clerk says the depositions were delivered to Buck, to be transmitted, that Buck is to take his oath in the case. 10 Oct. 1651. Renewed charge against Hall, by John Smith, that 22 300 he voluntarily left home, and went to Berkley, a King's garrison, 96 134 co. Gloucester, and rode armed there and at Lydney in 1643. That he commanded a party of horse in Chepstow garrison, and was at Monmouth and Raglan most of 1644 and 1645. That in 1643, he set forth soldiers at his own cost, under Sir Baynham Throckmorton, and furnished them with clothes, arms, &c. BOND 96 136 17 Oct. On motion of Mr. Wildman, in Hall's behalf, the charge 17 60 referred to Carey, to see whether it be not the same in substance 96 135 with the former charges, from which he has already been discharged. 27 Nov. 1651. Devereux Poole, Hancock's clerk, to be examined 96 137 on the charge of altering the depositions in the case. Carey to deliver back to Hancock the original depositions, and hasten his report, showing wherein the new charge differs from the old one. 6 March 1655. Order, referring a motion on Hall's behalf, for restora- 13 149 tion of a box of his writings, brought to Haberdashers' Hall frora Mr. Barker's house in Coleharbour, when a charge of delin- quency was depending against him, to the solicitor, who is to peruse them, and restore them, unless he find something in them concerning the State. 19 July. County Commissioners to take examinations, and in case of delinquency to secure his estate. 21 May 1647. Information that Fras. Smith, servant of Benedict 21 85 Hall, is a delinquent. 15 July 1650. Information by John Smith that he is a notorious 22 66 Papist, and when in garrison in his master's house against Par- 96 138 liament, he led several forlorn hopes, charged the men to fight with all their power, and said he was their captain, and they should want for nothing. That he impressed a drummer of dragoons, and rode armed at the siege of Gloucester. 9 51 + 456 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 Aug. 1644. BENEDICT HALL, &c.—cont. 11 Sept. 1650. His estate to be inventoried and secured till further order. 4 Oct. 1650. He begs a copy of his charge, leave to examine witnesses, and license to come up to town on the case. Granted. 23 Aug. 1644. 1 Jan. 1651. Leave granted him to examine witnesses in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, and Monmouth. 23 Aug. 1644. - 5 Sept. 1649. Information that James Reynell, Bickner, co. 21 275 Gloucester, bailiff of Benedict Hall, went into the enemy's gar- risons, and furnished them with horse and arms. 258 7 Sept. County Commissioners to examine witnesses against him 7 28 Nov. 1650. Information that he was in arms under Hall, and 22 119 often rode as scout into the Parliamentary forces, and carried intelligence to the enemy in 1643. Vol. No. A or p. 9 123 96 139 18 Dec. 1650. County Commissioners to examine witnesses against 9 298 him. 18 Dec. 1650. County Commissioners to examine witnesses against him. 96 140 9 158 9 15 July 1650. Information by John Smith, that John Penn, Papist, 22 68 servant of Benedict Hall, bore arms against Parliament at Highmeadow, and exercised his malice on the well-affected. Also that in Nov. 1649, having a fowling-piece in his hand, and being questioned for it by a Parliament soldier, he shot at him, calling all rogues who questioned him or his master for keeping arms. 20 Nov. 1650. Information that John Calcomb, Snowdel, co. Hereford, was in arms in 1642 and 1643, and was captain of a company raised by Benedict Hall, and that he killed one Parliament soldier and wounded another near Monmouth. 18 Dec. 1650. County Commissioners to examine witnesses against him. 332 333 19 July 1653. County Commissioners to take examinations, and 9 51 in case of delinquency to secure his estate. 20 Nov. 1650. Information that in 1643 Wm. Probin, servant of 22 118 Benedict Hall, rode among the King's forces under Sir Hen. Lingen and Commissary Lingen, of Gutheridge Castle. Also that he took up quarters for the King's horse in Monmouth, obtained them provisions, and ordered the people to provide hay and straw for the King's horse. 21 March 1654. Deposition by him that on 22 June 1643, he showed a receipt for a Public Faith bill of 461., which was entered in the Haberdashers' Hall registry, but is now lost, and that it was his own. With receipt for the payment, being so much towards his assessment for his• JOHN DORRINGTON, Covent Garden, and Breamore, Co. Hants, and his Widow. 100 9 298 THOS. BUCKMASTER, St. Andrew's Wardrobe. Assessed at 2007. 65 148 11 Sept. 1644. His assessment to be discharged, he having lent 807., 76 534 which is his proportion. 22 119 9 298 96 141 A, B 65 150 67 19 EDW. DORRINGTON or DODDINGTON, Fleet Street. John Dorrington assessed at 1,000l., but dead before assessment 4 Oct. 1644. Edw. Dorrington assessed at 1,5007. Oct. 1644 ? Information that John left Edward Dorrington lands in 96 142 cos. Hants and Glamorgan, including his mansion house and demesnes of the dissolved monastery at Neath. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 457 23 Aug. 1644. 23 Aug. 1644. R. 3 261 23 Aug. 1644. 23 Aug. 1644. R. 3 266 271 R. 3 289 296 310 325 336 346 4 5 16 22 28 37 50 64 78 94 106 119 130 140 152 161 169 178 184 188 196 210 227 232 241 248 254 262 28 Oct. 1644. Edward Dorrington respited 10 days, during which time Mrs. Dorrington (widow of John Dorrington) is to send a certificate, and the contents of the will are to be reported, pro- vided John's widow, now with child, have not an heir male. 1 Nov. 1644. Order that the assessment be respited till her delivery, or till further order. 6 Dec. 1644. Mrs. Dorrington assessed at 6007. 23 Dec. Respite for 3 months granted, to await this contingency - 19 May 1645. Order that Edward Dorrington pay in 100l. assess- ment in 3 months, and if he have then received the profits of his estate, that he pay 1007. and that then his assessment be discharged. MAT. HOPKINS, Southwark. AUGUSTINE GARLAND, Great Ilford, Essex. Assessed at 1507. 65 150 25 Oct. 1644. To be discharged for 371. 9s. 4d. lent, being his 76 593 proportion on oath. Vol. No. A or P. 3 271 8 Nov. 1644. This order notwithstanding, he is to pay 501. more 76 611 for a chamber at Lincoln's Inn. 3 274 20 Nov. This last order notwithstanding, he is to be discharged 76 627 on paying 167. 10s. 8d., beside the 377. 9s. 4d.. as it appears that 65 150 his estate in lands is but for life, and the Public Faith to be given for the 167. 10s. 8d. [MAGDALEN GREY] COUNTESS DOWAGER* OF KENT. 67 70 3 340 4 159 Assessed at 8007. 9 Oct 1644. Order that she be respited 14 days 4 Nov. 1644. Order that she have 14 days to show what she has contributed on the propositions or any other way. Assessed at 407. 65 149 Aug. 1644? Petitions the "Committees Assembled in Parliament." 96 142A Is assessed at 301. (sic) through the mis-information of envious persons, and it is nearly as much as his whole estate; has a wife and 5 small children, no trade these hard times, and most of what he has is abroad in other men's hands, and he cannot get it in by reason of the times. Cannot pay the part demanded without ruining his family. This lady is only twice (65 150 and 4 130) styled "Countess dowager," but all the entries seem to belong to the same person. 16 Sept. 1644. His assessment discharged, he having lent 261., 76 540 which is his proportion on oath. 65 150 3 255 3 280 458 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 23 Aug. 1644. R. 4 276 286 298 307 313 327 336 341 349 357 368 375 384 394 405 423 429 436 441 448 451 458 R. 5 8 13 20 23 31 23 Aug. 1644. 23 Aug. 1644. 23 Aug. 1644. 23 Aug. 1644. 26 Aug. 1644. R. 3 256 B. 3 275 289 17 Sept. 1645. After numerous respites, again respited 14 days to produce her acquittances. 18 May 1646. After further respites, order that the Countess, who has been forward for the service of the State, be discharged her assessment of 8001. NICH. POULTON, or POULTNEY, St. James'. Assessed at 1,000l. 65 151 2 Dec. 1644. To be discharged for the 100l. paid in co. Berks, 76 641 being his proportion on oath. JOHN RIDLEY, Minister, Islington. CHRIS. SEARLE. Assessed at 801. 65 150 11 Sept. 1644. His assessment vacated, he having been assessed 76 536 and discharged 17 Jan. 1644. Assessed at 3007. 2 Oct. 1644. Order that his assessment be discharged for 1071. 9s. formerly lent, and he left to his voluntary contribution. ELIZ. WATTS, Widow, and ELIZ. WALLER, Widow, her Daughter, both of Southwark. Mrs. Watts assessed at 801., and Mrs. Waller at 1501. Vol. No. A or P. 4 264 5 38 -765 65 148 3 250 16 Sept. 1644. Mrs. Waller to be discharged on payment of 251., 76 541 being her proportion. ROB. CONISBY, of the Wild. 65 148 149 18 Sept. Mrs. Waller deposes that 50l. is their full, all their 96 142B debts being paid. Both to be discharged on payment of 76 544 the 501. 27 Dec. 1644. Mr. Pickering to pay in 100l. which he owes to 3 344 Mrs. Watts. Assessed at 4007. 18 Oct. 1644. Having sworn that 427. is his, and paid 257., ordered to pay 171. more in discharge of his assessment. 28 Feb. 1645. Wm. Shaw, sen. and jun., to pay in the 70l. that 4 60 they owe her. 20 Nov. 1644. Having paid 251. and listed two horses value 251. under Sir Art. Haselrigg, order that his assessment be discharged. 13 Nov. 1646. Mrs. Watts petitions that she and her husband 96 142c and family lived near Banbury, Oxfordshire, before the late wars, and there were plundered of most of their estate in cattle and goods; that her husband left her with 8 children living, and her eldest son died in Parliament service, having 1007. due to him. Being unable to pay house rent in London, she begs some rooms now void in Justice Dorrell's building. 13 Nov. Granted a garret and a room in the said house 5 137 65 154 3 263 3 296 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 459 26 Aug. 1644. 26 Aug. 1644. 26 Aug. 1644. 26 Aug. 1644. 26 Aug. 1644. RALPH COOKE, Minister, Fenchurch Street. Assessed at 501. 4 Oct. 1644. To be discharged on paying 201., having lent 51. SIR EDW. FRANKLYN. Assessed at 4001. Noted not to be found << SIR JOHN LEE, Hackney, Middlesex. Assessed at 3001. 65 153 17 March 1645. The 301. paid, with 501. lent, to discharge his 76 765 assessment, being his proportion on oath. 18 June 1645. His chattels to be seized, and he committed to Peter House for non-payment of 501., part of 4,7501. ordered by Parliament 12 Oct. last, to be raised. o.c. 4 227 23 July 1645. Allowed 10 days to be heard by the Savoy Committee. 25 March 1653. Receipt of a Public Faith certificate for the 301. 96 143 paid in by him 15 March 1645. Vol. No. A or P. 65 152 3 252 LEONARD WARD, White's Alley, Southwark. Assessed at 507. 65 153 3 250 2 Oct. 1644. Respited 20 days, being now at Salisbury 11 Oct. Ordered to make up his 3 256 28 Oct. The 201. deposited by him to be accepted, being his 76 596 proportion on oath, and he respited till further order. 4 183 ANGEL GREY, the Temple, and Kingston Marwood, Co. Dorset. SIR JOHN DANVERS, M.P., Chelsea. Sir John Danvers acknowledges that he owes Grey 3,000., and was ordered not to pay it without direction of this committee. 9 Sept. 1644. Grey assessed at 1,6001. R. 5 232 17 Jan. 1645. Danvers appears and says he is not able to pay the debt, or interest for it, his estate lying under the King's quarters, nor would he pay it if he were able. 65 154 o. 5 361 5 Jan. 1648. A letter to be written to Sir John about this debt, discovered in Aug. 1644 by Gilb. Hide and Art. Mallack, and also to the Commissioners for Compounding, and Sir John to appear 14 Jan. 16 Feb. 1648. The money still to remain in Danvers' hands, and Grey to bring in his bond for it. 4 210 3 223 4 Aug. 1645. Committee for Advance of Money to Danvers. You 96 144 appeared about this debt a year ago, but neither principal nor interest has been paid. You are requested to pay part of the debt, or at least the interest. 65 162 4 15 5 340 5 371 21 95 15 March 1648. Information that Danvers owes to Grey the 3,000l., 21 with interest for 7 years. 10 May 1648. Information by Dan. Searle, that Danvers owes the 21 100 3,000l., and that Grey has left it out of his composition. 2 Aug. 1648. Gilb. Hide and Art. Mallack, informers, plead that 96 145 they discovered the debt 10 Aug 1644, and though several orders have been made, the money has not been paid, nor they rewarded for their discovery, Sir John alleging that he would answer if the bond were brought into the committee. They beg encouragement, having spent much on the business, 460 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 26 Aug. 1644. R. 9 48 o. 9 59 LET. 24 86 REP. 96 149,150 H. 9 168 R. 9 181 ANGEL GREY, &c.—cont. 21 Sept. 1648. Plymouth.-Col. Ralph Weldon to the Committee for Advance of Money. I have a Parliament order for 4,000l. which I much need. I hear that Sir John Danvers owes Angel Grey 3,000l., and he is a man of such honour that I doubt not he will be willing to pay it, to be employed in the State's service in this place. 18 Oct. 1648. Grey to show cause why the debt sequestered for his delinquency should not be paid into this committee. 30 Nov. 1648. Grey ordered to pay an assessment of 4001. for his 71 94 6 126 6 244 31 March 1649. His assessment respited till further order, as he compounded on Oxford articles. 5 April 1649. Information renewed of the 3,000l. in Danvers' 21 186 hands belonging to Grey. 31 Aug. 1649. Grey to appear on 21 Sept., and bring in the bond 7 249 or security for the debt. Aug.? Hide and Mallack beg that the 3,000l. may be paid in 96 147 forthwith, as the delinquent cannot deliver the bond, many writings having been plundered during these wars. 17 Oct. Grey allowed 14 days to prove his allegation that the 3,000l. is not his, but was left by Lady Griffith to his children. 17 Oct. 1649. Grey pleads that the money is due to Lady Griffin [or 96 148 Griffith] and her grandchildren, but security was taken in his name; they are no delinquents, and he is only in trust, and it would be hard should they suffer loss. Begs leave to prove the trust. 18 April 1650. The debt to be sequestered unless Grey show cause to the contrary 6 days after notice. 17 May. Grey is to deliver in the bond, and then Lady Eliz. Griffith [or Griffin] and her grandchildren will be heard as to their interest therein. 19 June 1650. Danvers is to pay in the 3,0007. next Wednesday, unless Grey or Lady Griffith show cause to the contrary. Vol. No. A or P. 96 146 5 July 1650. Lady Griffith, who holds the bond for 3,000l., is to deposit it with the Treasurer, before she is allowed to plead her interest, or that of her grandchildren to the said debt 10 May 1650. He not showing cause, the debt is sequestered, and Danvers desired to pay it in, for which he shall be indemnified. 17 May. Grey pleads that his name was only used as security, 96 148a and that the money is in trust for Lady Griffin and her grand- children. He was summoned 31 Aug. last to appear 21 Sept., but is old and infirm, and lives 100 miles away. Having com- pounded for his estate in Goldsmiths' Hall, and received a full discharge, he begs dismissal from further attendance. 12 July. Danvers is to pay the debt, or to swear that he does not owe the money. 6 87 4 Sept. 1650. Lady Griffith not producing the bond, the County Commissioners for Dorset are to demand it, or in default, to send her up in custody. 2 Oct. 1650. The registrar to report the proceedings had in the case. 11 Oct. Danvers not paying the money, the Commissioners of cos. Wilts and York are to recover it by sequestration on his estates there, and sale of his goods. 18 Oct. On hearing Auditor Wilcox and Capt. Parsons, resolved that they are not the discoverers of this debt. 18 Oct. Order that Grey either deliver up the bond, or sign and seal a release for the debt. 7 312 8 290 8 327 8 332 8 383 9 20 9 34 9 116 9 153 9 170 96 151 9 176 9 178 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 461 26 Aug. 1644. REP. & CERT. 96 154, 155 R. 10 49 REP. 96 158 159 PR. 96 160 161 13 Nov. 1650. Order on Danvers producing Orders in Parliament 9 224 for moneys due to him, that Brereton peruse the said orders and 96 152 report. 29 Nov. Lady Griffith to appear peremptorily next Wednesday 9 255 and bring in the bond. 13 Dec. 1650. Gilb. Hide and Art. Mallack beg of the money 96 153 brought in by their discovery, in following which they have spent 1007., and of what else may be paid in by Danvers. 13 Dec. The registrar to certify who was the discoverer of the debt of Danvers to Grey. LET. 24 93 7 Jan. Walsingham pleads ill health as the ground for non- appearance, acknowledges Hide to be the discoverer, but knows nothing of Mallack. 1 Jan. 1651. Order on a letter from Lord Howard and other members of the late committee, stating that Sir Thos. Walsing- ham told them that the discovery should be entered in Hide's name, that Walsingham appear, and show cause why the should not be paid to Hide and Mallack. Vol. No. A or P. 5 Feb. 1651. Walsingham's motion about the discovery to be con- sidered on Wednesday. 9 287 9 327 96 156 29 Jan. Order on hearing that they are the sole discoverers, and 9 399 should have the benefit of the discovery. 9 415 28 Feb. The order of 29 Jan. confirmed, unless Walsingham show 10 cause to the contrary by Wednesday next. 62 LET. 96 157 5 March 1651. Order confirmed, and Hide and Mallack are to have 10 72 2007., being the of 1,000l. paid in by Danvers in respect of the debt. 19 March. Order on petition of Rich. Cole, officer to the late Com- 10 119 mittee for Advance of Money, for salary for the money paid in by Danvers, that if the prosecutors have employed him, they must pay him. 1 May 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to Sir John Danvers. 24 117 The urgent want of money causes us to remind you of your 96 162 proposition to pay the 2,000l., balance of your debt to Angel Grey, by 5001. each term; as Hilary term is past, and this term coming to an end, we beg you will provide the sums proposed. 21 May. Committee for Advance of Money to Danvers. Nothing 24 121 being yet paid by you, the needs are so great that we must in 96 163 faithfulness to our trust levy the sum on your estate, unless you prevent us further trouble by paying 1,0007. in 14 days. 131 12 June 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to Danvers. When 24 we pressed you to pay this debt, you produced a report about 96 164 5001., which, by Order in Parliament, you are to receive out of the Marquis of Winchester's estate, and begged that this might be accepted in part of the debt, but we cannot make this allow- ance, and we hope you will not expect what Parliament does not empower us to grant, but will forthwith pay the 1,000%. 166 19 or 24 June. Committee for Advance of Money to Rob. Wallop. 24 136 Sir John Danvers being ordered to pay in a debt of 3,000l. due 96 165 to Angel Grey, delinquent, produces an Order in Parliament of 14 Sept. 1649, whereby lands of the Marquis of Winchester, in cos. Hants, Devon, and Cornwall, were settled on you till 10,000. be raised towards your losses, but with proviso that 5007. should be paid, with interest, out of the money first raised, to Geo. Phipp, according to previous Orders in Parliament. This 5001. was borrowed for the Marquis, and paid, with 3631. 6s. Ed. interest, by Danvers to Phipp, he being bound with others for the money. Sir John presses us to call upon you for your part of the debt, you having only paid 501. There is so urgent a want of money for Ireland, &c., that we trust you will speedily + 462 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 26 Aug. 1644. DEP. 96 168 DEP. 96 169 REP. 96 180 181 DEP. 96 182 ANGEL GREY, &c.-cont. pay your part, as we are obliged to press Sir John for payment. With letter to like effect to Sir Thos. Jervoise, who has paid 581. 9s. 3d. towards his part. 9 July 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to Danvers. We 24 139 wrote to Wallop and Jervoise about the 500l. they are to pay you from the Marquis of Winchester's estate, but have no answer. We are obliged to say that if 1,000l. be not paid in 3 weeks, we must levy it in discharge of our trust. 12 Aug. 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to Danvers. As you still do not pay the money, and 3 terms are past, we have been obliged to make the enclosed order. We must press payment of what has so long been due. 30 July. Danvers having paid in 1,000l., but not the remainder, 96 171 though often requested, order at the request of the prosecutor that he pay 1,000l. in 10 days, or the other 2,000l. will be levied on his estate without further order. 3 Sept 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to Wallop and Jervoise. Unless you pay the money requested on 24 June, we must levy it on your estates. We request you to meet us with Sir John Danvers, that we may come to some conclusion. CERT. 96 176 P.E. 96 177 178 Vol. No. A or P. 27 Aug. Mr. Hamersley to acquaint Danvers that sequestration 17 must pass unless the money be paid. 24 137 96 167 7 Oct. 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to Wallop and Jervoise. Having long waited the fulfilment of our orders, we are now obliged to order your rents to be stayed in the tenants' hands till the 5001. due to Mr. Phipp has been paid, and we hope you will not force us to levy it. 24 154 NOTE 17 41 17 Sept. The case to be considered Friday week, and Jervoise and 17 24 Wallop to be present, and there being 1,1401. due over and above what is alleged may be had of them, further order will then be given. 3 Sept. Committee for Advance of Money to Danvers. Hearing 24 162 that you are too unwell to come to us about your debt, we give you till Friday week, when we have desired Jervoise and Wallop to be present. 17 Dec, 1651. Aud. Sherwin to report the state of the debt, and letters to be written to Jervoise and Wallop to pay their propor- tion, and to Danvers to make up the residue. 17 24 21 Jan. 1652. Petition of Lady Eliz. Griffin, and of Audley, Henry, Elizabeth, and Katherine Grey, her grandchildren, and children of Angel Grey, for justice and relief. In 13 Charles, Lady Griffin invested 3,000l. with Angel Grey, in trust for herself during her life, and then for the children, and it was put out to interest to Sir J. Danvers. When Grey compounded on Oxford articles, this 3,000l. was named as in trust, yet by mistake it is returned as the concealed estate of Angel Grey, and part of it is paid into the treasury, and the rest to be paid, to petitioners' utter undoing. 21 Jan. The registrar to report the orders made in the case 22 Oct. The stay of rents on Jervoise's estate suspended because 17 he has undertaken that before 1st Jan. 3801.-his proportion of the 8157.—shall be paid; the other 435l. is due from Wallop. 26 Nov. 1651. Order on R. Cole's petition that the registrar certify 17 it, and that it be then referred to the Army Committee. 17 24 3 11 161 43 173 174 61 7 May 1652. Committee for Advance of Money to Danvers. We 25 are forced to be urgent on you for payment, being importuned by divers poor men for money charged on us. 97 11 38 17 122 96 172 96 173 -175 11 126 96 179 18 Feb. 1652. Order on report that there is no ground for revoking 11 239 the former orders, but that Grey is to bring in a bond or release, and Danvers to pay in the remainder of the money. 6 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 463 26 Aug. 1644. LET. 25 46 CERT. 96 190 LET. 25 58 11 June 1652. Order that Hide and Mallack have their of the 2001. 11 430 paid in by Sir Thos. Jervoise of the said debt. Vol. No. A or P. 16 June. Committee for Advance of Money to Danvers. There 25 being only 1,2001. paid in of the debt of 3,000l., we being moved by the prosecutors, have ordered the County Commissioners of Middlesex to levy the remainder on your estate. With letter to the said commissioners accordingly. 9 July 1652. Order that the report of the auditor that the debt is 12 8631. 6s. 8d., of which Danvers has received 1087. 9s. 3d., and begs that the rest of the debt may be required of Wallop and Jervoise, cannot be allowed, but that the rest, deducting the 2007. paid by Jervoise, is to be paid by Danvers, after which the remainder of the debt of 3,000l. will be considered. Danvers' sequestration to be suspended for a month. 15 Sept. 1652. Order on Sir John's pleading therefor that 5547.17s.5d., balance due of the debt with interest of 8631 6s. 8d., deducting 2001. paid by Jervoise and 1081. 9s. 3d. to Sir John be levied out of the Marquis of Winchester's estate, and that the 1,245l. 2s. 7d. remaining unpaid of the 3,0001. be paid in 3 in- stalments, before 20 Dec., and he indemnified against Grey, who is to bring in the bond to be cancelled 14 days after notice. - 13 54 12 140 96 183 184 2 Nov. 1652. Petition of Lieut.-Gen. Chas. Fleetwood, Walter 96 185 Strickland, and John Chicheley. Jervoise and Wallop being vested by Parliament in the estates of the Marquis of Win- chester, assigned their interest in them to petitioner. To avoid great trouble to the tenants, petitioners have paid in the balance 554l. 17s. 5d. due from the estate to Geo. Phipp or Sir John Danvers, and they beg a release from them for the same, and an order for quiet receipt of the rents and arrears, and repayment of what has been received by any sequestration committee. 2 Nov. Granted, as to receipt of rents and repayment 12 201 3 Nov. Mallack and Hide, the discoverers, beg of the 554l. 17s. 5d. 96 186 now paid in. 3 Nov. Granted on their bond to repay it, if Parliament shall 12 188 order repayment of what has been received of the debt of 3,0001. 3 Nov. Sir Jas. Thynne, who owes Sir John Danvers 2,000l., to 12 194 appear and show cause why he should not pay in the remainder of the debt due by Danvers to Grey. 10 Nov. Rich. Cole begs an order to the discoverers for the usual 96 187 salary paid to officers of the committee, he being the only person employed in carrying letters and summonses in the case. 14 Nov. The discoverers to appear this day fortnight, and the 12 190 registrar to certify what is customary in such cases. 8 Dec. 1652. Cole pleads that his last petition was referred to 96 188 Mr. Martyn, counsel for the discoverers, but they will give him no satisfaction unless compelled. The officers have always been paid their salary first, and then the discoverers have had of the remainder. He begs that his case may be reported to the Army Committee, as to the part of the salary due to the State, and that he may have present relief, being ready to perish in prison. With certificate of Ralph Cobbett and 5 others in his behalf. 8 Dec. Order that the discoverers pay him forthwith 6d. in the 12 248 pound on their receipts, and that his salary be referred to the 96 189 Army Committee. 12 Jan. 1653. Mallack and Hide to have 491. Os. 6d., being of 12 274 2451. 28. 7d. further paid in on their discovery. 12 Jan. There being 1,0001. of the 3,000l. debt still unpaid, it is 12 270 to be levied on Danvers' estate in co. Wilts, and paid to the Goldsmiths' Hall treasury, to the account of the Committee for Advance of Money. 464 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 26 Aug. 1644. ANGEL GREY, &c.-cont. 21 Jan. 1653. This order suspended, on Danvers appearing and stating that he has settled his estate on trustees for payment of his debts, provided the trustees engage to pay this debt with interest before 1 May. 28 Feb. 1653. The trustees, Wm. Yorke and Thos. Yates, to the 96 191 Committee for Advance of Money. We are willing to pay the debt as ordered, but beg that the bond may be ready to be delivered up and cancelled, or it will be a great loss to that part of the estate on which it was secured. 9 March 1653. Order thereon that the trustees give bond within a week for payment of the debt, or that it be levied on the estate according to former orders. Vol. No. A or P. 12 288 12 311 9 March. Order that Grey and the other persons concerned in the 12 317 bond deliver it up in 14 days, or be brought up in custody by the serjeant-at-arms. 27 April 1653. The trustees not having given the required bond, 12 353 the debt is to be levied by the County Commissioners of Middlesex, Wilts, York, &c., on Danvers' estate. 12 May 1653. The County Commissioners of Middlesex report 96 192 that they sent and seized and inventoried all Danvers' goods in his house at Chelsea, and took security for them, but they are claimed by Judge Atkins on a bill of sale from the Sheriff of Middlesex, which he took in execution at the suit of Wm. Toomes, for a debt of 2,0001. o. 12 360 19 May. Order that the County Commissioners of Middlesex obey 12 372 the former order in levying the 1,000l. out of Danvers' per- sonal estate. DEP. 96 193 14 June 1653. Hearing requested on behalf of Angel Grey and 96 194 Lady Griffin, who are ordered to bring in the bond. H. 12 421 20 July 1653. The case to be considered this day week, as to 12 398 whether Lady Griffin and her [grand] children should be heard in the matter. o. 96 196 July ? Cole begs his salary of 6d. in the pound on the 3,000l. debt, 96 195 according to an order of 18 Feb. 1648. He jeoparded his life in carrying messages in the case, the King's army being strong in Dorsetshire, and the Army Committee, to which his case was to be reported, is now dissolved. 197 31 Aug. 1653. Audley, Mary, and Katherine, 3 of the younger 96 196 children of Angel Grey, and grandchildren of Lady Eliz. Griffin, plead that their grandmother settled the 3,000l. on them and their sister Elizabeth, since dead, on 24 Jan. 1638, reserving a life annuity of 240l. to herself, the principal to be divided among them after her decease, but the debt being supposed to belong to Angel Grey, a delinquent, the bond is ordered to be brought into court. As their livelihood depends on this debt, they beg a hearing, and not to be deprived of their just rights by any order made against Angel Grey. 12 422–3 31 Aug. Order that the bond and money be brought into court, but not disposed of till the children have been heard, and that they 96 198 have liberty to examine witnesses before the County Commis- sioners of Dorset; but if the bond is not brought in within 3 weeks, Angel Grey and Lady Griffin are to be taken into custody for contempt. 31 Aug. The order for levying the 1,000l. on Danvers' personal 12 427 estate confirmed, the claim of Judge Atkins thereto notwith- standing. Also his estates in the several counties to be distrained 12 429 on for payment. E.W. v. 13 3 23 Sept. Danvers to appear about the debt 8 Sept. 1653. Order, on request of Judge Atkins, suspending 12 434 the order to dispose of the goods in Chelsea, and allowing him 3 weeks to make good his claim thereto. 13 3 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 465 26 Aug. 1644. LET. 96 199 INT. & DEP. 96 200-202 DEP. 96 203 REP. 96 204 o. 13 39 H 13 43 30 Aug. 1644. 2 Sept. 1644. 2 Sept. 1644. R. 76 553 608 50623. 30 Sept. 1653. Danvers to come up and be examined, and to have 13 protection from arrest in so doing. 30 Sept. Brereton to report on Judge Atkins' claim to the goods 13 at Chelsea. NOTE 96 206 4 Jan. 1654. Order on Cole's petition that for his salary and 13 charges he be allowed 407. on the money paid in, and that the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers pay him the same. 23 Nov. 1653. On motion on behalf of Grey's children, for a hear- 13 ing of Brereton's report on their petition;-order that it be heard on Monday week, notice being given to the prosecutors. 29 Dec. 1653. Order on hearing the claims of Angel Grey's chil- 13 dren, and reading the report thereon, that the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers deliver up to Sir John Danvers his bond for payment of the 3,000l. Also order that the 3,000l. is a debt to Angel 13 Grey, and thereby forfeit to the State. Vol. No. A or P. 5 25 Nov. The County Commissioners of Middlesex report that they 96 205 have levied and received the 1,000l. balance of Danvers' debt. CAKEBREAD, Delinquent, in the King's Army. His goods in the house of John Cooper, tenant to Mr. Brooker, who is assessed for his, to be brought away. 9 Sept. 1644. Cooper, who holds a house from the State at 161. a year, to be abated his rent, because 2 of the rooms are occu- pied by Cakebread's goods. [WILLIAM ?] LORD BUTLER. Assessed at 8001. 23 Sept. 1644. His assessment discharged, he being an idiot, and committed to the tutelage of Lord Howard of Escrigg. 7 4 Jan. Order to pay to Hide and Mallack, discoverers, 2007., 13 56 being of the 1,000l. paid in. DR. ROB. GILL, or GELL, Aldermanbury. Assessed at 1007. 20 Sept. 1644. Respited for the 167. 12s. paid, and 271. lent, and to produce his covenants with his father-in-law, on his marriage, concerning a college lease. 22 Nov. 1644. To be discharged for the sums already paid - 36 5 Jan. Order on allegation that Hide owes money to Dawson, 13 57 treasurer of the Committee for Advance of Money, that only 1607. of the 2007. be paid, and that the 401. remain in deposit a few days, till Dawson appear; and if he do not appear, that it be paid. 21 July 1654. Petition of Lieut.-Gen. Chas. Fleetwood, Walter 96 207 Strickland, and others, for repayment of all the moneys received from the part of the Marquis of Winchester's estate purchased by them. Have had 1001. out of the 1997. 18. 51d. received in co. Devon, and 1147. 8s. has been paid in co. Hants. With order that the County Commissioners pay the sums named as moneys unduly received, unless they have already been paid in to the State. 50 54 57 G G 3 226 3 232 65 155 3 243 65 155 76 540 76 630 166 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 2 Sept. 1644. 2 Sept. 1644. 2 Sept. 1644. 4 Sept. 1644. 4 Sept. 1644. 4 Sept. 1644. 9 Sept. 1644. 13 Sept. 1644. MARG. MANLEY, near Charing Cross, Westminster. Assessed at 601. 30 Sept. 1644. Her assessment respited 14 days 15 March 1645. She discharged from a complaint that she had a better estate than she made affidavit for, it appearing to be otherwise. SIR RICH. MANLEY, Lambeth. SIR WM. MIDDLETON, Threadneedle Street. Assessed at 3001. No proceedings Assessed at 6007. 65 155 23 Sept. 1644. His assessment discharged on affidavit that he is 76 650 not worth 1007. RICH. BRIDGMAN, St. Ellens. Assessed at 1,000l. 11 May 1646. His assessment discharged on affidavit that he has not 1007., he declaring that he was discharged † a year ago. KING, M.D., Coleman Street, Lothbury. ROBERT, LORD RICH, Covent Garden. - 65 155 Assessed at 8007. 30 Sept. 1644. Respited 14 days from payment of his assessment, he pretending that he is a member of the House of Peers. Assessed at 1007. 65 159 23 Sept. 1644. Respited 14 days 3 244 2 Oct. 1644. His assessment discharged for 511. 1s. 2d. lent, being 76 559 bis proportion. CHRISTIAN HUTCHINS, Widow of ROB. HUTCHINS, Cripplegate Without. Assessed at 1007., and summoned to pay 18 Nov. 1644. Order that she be respited 14 days Nov. Like summons and note · 29 Nov. The 10l. paid, with 351. lent, is to discharge her assess- ment, being her proportion on oath. March 1654. Note of her receipt of a Public Faith certificate Vol. No. A or P. SIR JOHN BUTLER, or BOTELER, Peter House, and Woodhall, Herts. 65 156 3 248 4 35 Assessed at 1.0007. 18 Sept. 1644. Assessed again at 1,000l. 7 Oct. 1644. Ordered 14 days' grace, when the Committee for Advance of Money will enquire whether the 2001. alleged to be paid by him was paid for his and. 23 Oct. Ordered 14 days to make up his assessment, and the 2007. paid at Cambridge to be part of the moiety. 65 159 76 927 65 159 3 248 65 162 97 1 3 293 97 2 76 636 - 65 167 65 168 3 253 65 162 3 267 6 Nov. 1644. Order that he be brought up with his keeper on 3 283 Monday. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 467 13 Sept. 1644. 14 Sept. 1614. P.E. 97 5 16 Sept. 1644. 18 Sept. 1644. 18 Sept. 1644. 18 Sept. 1644. 25 Nov. 1644. Order that as he is compounding at Goldsmiths' Hall, the taking of his affidavit for his and 2 be postponed till he has made his composition. 18 Sept. 1644. 12 June 1646. Order that he be now permitted to make his affida- vit, and enquiry to be made whether the 2001. paid at Cambridge was in part of his 2. 1 18 Sept. 1646. Order that 1951. deposited by him be repaid, and his assessment discharged for the 3051. formerly lent and paid, being his proportion on oath. 10 Feb. 1647. Order that the 1951. be paid him out of the money to be paid in by Lady Peterborough. 24 Sept. 1648. Assessed at 3007. 29 Sept. Summoned to pay his assessment 17 Nov. next 2 Jan. 1649. His assessment discharged, he having paid 2007. in the country for the and on the propositions. 1 20 MICH. RUTTER, Quenton, Co. Gloucester. Certificate by the Committee of Parliament for cos. Gloucester 97 3 and Hereford that he has twice paid 1007. towards Gloucester garrison, which they accepted as a free contribution, and also as his full and 26. 1 · HOPKINS, Warden of the Fleet. Order that he be removed from the House, and sent by sea to Plymouth, till he pay his assessment of 4007. MAT. BATESON, Cannon Street. - 14 Oct. 1644. The order suspended, on his paying 1001. within a month. 4 Dec. 1644. His assessment discharged for the 1001. paid, the sequestration discharged, and he released from imprisonment for non-payment. ROBERT SYDNEY, Earl of Leicester. Assessed at 3,000l. No proceedings Vol. No. A or P. 3 302 5 54 5 103 5 191 30 Sept. Affidavit that 51. is his full, his debts being paid, that his estate of 600l. or 7001. a year is in the power of the King's forces, and he has 1,6007. in debts deemed desperate. 71 92 97 4 6 142 3 238 3 260 Assessed at 3001. 65 170 11 Oct. 1644. The 167. paid, with 1147. lent, to discharge his assess- 76 571 ment, being his proportion on oath, and the Public Faith given 65 170 for it. 3 318 JOHN COVERT, Kensington, or the Strand. Assessed at 1,000l. 65 169 30 Sept. 1644. Respited till his sequestered lands are restored and 76 558 his reversions come into possession. 30 May 1645. Again assessed at 4007. 69 31 18 June 1645. This assessment vacated, he having been formerly 76 830 assessed and respited. 65 169 THOS. LEVISTON, or LEVINGSTONE, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Assessed at 4007. 65 169 30 Sept. 1644. The 51. paid accepted, and he respited till his lands 76 are reduced to his power, and his excepted debts paid. 557 97 6 GG 2 468 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 Sept. 1644. R. 76 903 NOTES 977 P.E. 97 8 18 Sept. 1644. O.C. 4 247 20 Sept. 1644. 20 Sept. 1644. 20 Sept. 1644. 25 Oct. 1644. Ordered 14 days to make up his 16 Jan. 1646. To be discharged on paying 3007. in 6 weeks for his 76 904 lands which were excepted. 2 Feb. 1646. Having paid 1007., respited, as some of the lands are 76 911 still under the power of Wallingford garrison, and he receives no rent from others in the Parliamentary quarters. 3 March 1647. His lands being free, and his rents in his own 76 938 hands, ordered to pay the other 2001. 5 334 24 Dec. 1647. To be discharged on paying 50l. in 14 days, for which he is to have the Public Faith, he having formerly paid 1057., and received little benefit of his lands since they were reduced. JOHN YOUNG, Crosset or Crutched Friars, Yeoman Tailor of the Wardrobe to the King, Purser to the East India Company. Assessed at 1007. 65 168 28 March 1645. A fresh assessment of 801. discharged, because of 67 169 the former discharge. 4 140 4 340 14 March 1654. Request by Jo. Blount, his executor, for the Public 97 9 Faith for 131. 6s. 8d. which he paid for his. With receipt thereof accordingly. 15 May 1645. Being a prisoner in King's Bench, his assessment to be discharged on payment of 20 marks. 28 Nov. 1645. His assessment respited till he recover the arrears of pay due to him from the King. SIR JOHN BRAKIN, Charing Cross. Vol. No. A or P. 3 268 Assessed at 4007. 65 173 2 Nov. 1644. The 377. deposited to discharge his assessment, being 76 561 his proportion on oath. JOHN EVANS, at Serj. Turner's. Assessed at 4007. 8 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 11 Dec. 1644. Order that he bring in an affidavit of his real and personal estate. 23 Dec. Order for his discharge on payment of 801., that being his proportion on oath. 23 March 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for the said 801. WM. FALDOE, Tower Hill. Assessed at 801. 25 Oct. 1644. Order that he be brought in custody to pay his 65 171 3 287 3 326 3 341 4 453 65 172 3 270 assessment. Oct.? Note that he holds a lease of houses from the Dean and 97 Chapter of Westminster, for 30 years yet to come, from which he receives 1427. a year, and his own house, value 10l., besides some houses untenanted. He pleads that he has laid out much on repairs, but the Mitigation Committee think he should pay 40%. for his 26. 6 Nov. 1644. Order that he pay 401., the ½, in 14 days, or make affidavit. 18 Nov. His assessment discharged, on affidavit that he is not worth 100%. 10 3 282 3 294 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 469 20 Sept. 1644. R. 3 252 263 23 Sept. 1644. SIR WM. SALTER, Jun., near Colebrook, co. Bucks. Assessed at 3001. 1 Nov. 1644. Ordered to pay in his 1, or make affidavit 6 Nov. Discharged on affidavit that he is not worth 1007. LADY ELLEN DRAKE. Order that Mr. Lane lend her 1001. till an Ordinance can pass for her use. 3 April 1648. Whereas by Order in Parliament of 30 March last, she is to receive 1,500l. from money in the hands of Lord Paulet's tenants, order that Rob. Hacker and Nath. Denham receive the said 1,500l. from the tenants, raising it by distraint in case of refusal, and the tenants are required to pay their rents to them, and shall be saved harmless in so doing. Also order that on receipt of the said sums, or any part thereof, they pay it to Roger Hill and Wm. Chaplin of Taunton, who are to return it to London for the aforesaid use. 21 April. Order for payment of 3001. of the said money to Lady Drake. With further order that as Treasurer Lane has not yet received it, Wm. Chaplin pay it forthwith, and then Lane pay it to her. 26 May 1648. Order for payment to her of 9001. of the said money, and as it has not been received, Chaplin is to pay it at once, and then it will be paid to her. Vol. No. A or P. 65 173 3 274 76 607 [3 April 1648.] Committee for Advance of Money to the Com- 97 missioners of co. Somerset. We request you to give Hacker and Denham copies of Lord Paulet's rentals, and assist them in carrying on this business. 3 243 5 416 1 Nov. Others summoned concerning rents for lands of Lord Paulet's in their hands, assigned to Lady Drake, and Lady Paulet to produce her order for claiming the same as her, granted her by the Ordinance for Sequestration. 5 415 29 Aug. 1648. Committee for Advance of Money to the County 97 Commissioners of Somerset. We sent you down 4 months ago the Ordinance about Lady Drake, but there have been such obstructions raised to proceedings on the orders about Lord Paulet's estates that, though in 4 months the rents are nearly 2,000l., besides the demesnes of Hinton, allotted to his lady for her, yet only 600l. has been collected, though the parties have used all diligence. The rents of Petherton rectory, though ordered to be kept in the tenants' hands, have been received by you, and converted to other uses. You are to call before you the tenants who detain the greater sums, and order the restoring of such as have been diverted to other uses. With note of like letter, mutatis mutandis, to co. Devon, making the rents 6007. instead of 2,000l., and the receipts 150l. instead of 6001. 5 431 11 6 5 [1 Oct. 1648.] Nath. Denham complains that in 6 months he has 97 13 only been able to raise 8721. 4s. 9d., being so obstructed by the refusals of the tenants, some of whom say they have paid their rents to Lord Faulet or others, some to the County Commis- sioners, some to Lady Paulet for her, being much more than it amounted to, and others refuse with threats to pay at all. He begs a summons against 6 tenants named, but if all their rents were paid, the sum would still be 4007. short of the 1,5007. 6 12 1 Nov. 1648. Geo. Sampson, of Lopen, co. Somerset, who was 6 93 summoned to pay in 91. due to Lord Paulet and assigned to Lady Drake, discharged, on proof that it is paid. 96 6 Nov. Letter of John Pyne, stating exactly the lands in co. 97 14 Somerset allotted to Lady Paulet for her . 470 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 23 Sept. 1644. 23 Sept. 1644. 23 Sept. 1644. 23 Sept. 1644. 23 Sept. 1644. 23 Sept. 1644. 23 Sept. 1614. 27 Sept. 1644. 27 Sept. 1644. 14 Nov. 1648. Accounts ordered of the money received therefrom for Lady Drake, and of the payments therefrom. 1 June 1649. Whereas by Order of Parliament of 30 March 1648, 1,500l. was assigned to Lady Ellen Drake out of rents in the hands of Lord Paulet's tenants, and this committee ordered to levy the same, order that the said sum be levied accordingly, and in case of refusal, the rents are to be taken by distress. 2 April 1650. Order that Arm. Warner, officer to this committee, pay Lady Drake all the moneys he receives for Lord Paulet's rents till the 1,5007. is discharged. KATHERINE FAUNT. Her estate to be seized and secured for payment of her assessment, a former respite notwithstanding, but not sold or disposed of till further order. 28 March 1645. Rich. Mills to have 61. for discovering her estate, she having absented herself from payment of her. LADY SARAH FISHER, Islington. Assessed at 2001. 18 Oct. 1644. Order that the 51. this day deposited by her, be paid in, and her assessment respited till further order, she having lent 957., and 1007. being her proportion, except desperate debts of 2,000l. WM. HONYWOOD, Mercer, Cheapside, Farringdon Within. Assessed at 1,000l. and summoned to pay; with note of 5007. levied on him by distress and 2007. lent in September 1642. ROB. MOLLINS, Lothbury. Order that he make affidavit of what is his and 13 Nov. 1644. Assessed at 1007., and summoned to pay 9 Dec. 1644. Discharged for 181. lent Nov. 1642, and 31. 10s. deposited, being his proportion on oath, and the Public Faith given for the money. SIR ROB. NEEDHAM.* Assessed at 600l. No proceedings WAKE, Merchant of the Intercourse, Crutched Friars. Assessed at 1,500l. No proceedings SIR EDW. FISH, The Strand. Assessed at 3007. 16 Oct. 1644. To be discharged on affidavit that he has not 1007. LADY PERRYN, The Strand. Assessed at 300l. No proceedings - * Probably the same as the Sir Robert Needham on p. 399, Vol. No. A or P. 6 110 1 Nov. 1644. Note that he was discharged for what he had paid 67 3 in the ward. 25 Nov. Order that he be brought up in custody 3 302 77 - 35 8 272 3 244 4 98 67 2 76 583 67 97 3 15 3 243 67 50 97 16 76 652 67 50 67 2 67 3 67 8 . 76 578 67 8 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 471 27 Sept. 1644. 27 Sept. 1644. 27 Sept. 1644. R. 3 266 27 Sept. 1644. 30 Sept. 1644. R. 3 322 o.c. 3 341 8 Jan. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 4 March 1645. Having paid 601. in Surrey, and deposited 3907. here, his assessment to be discharged on paying 207. more. 17 March. Ordered the Public Faith for the 4107. paid SIR PETER PRIDEAUX, Co. Devon. Assessed at 2,5007. 67 4 8 Oct. 1645. Order that if he make affidavit that he contributed 1007. on the propositions, and that being appointed to levy the 97 400,000l. subsidies in the eastern division of co. Devon he paid 15,000l. to Parliament, and that afterwards the King's party, by threats and imprisonment forced him to pay it again to them, then his assessment will be respited till further and special order. WM. SHERMAN, Lambeth. Assessed at 6007. 25 Oct. 1644. He is to make up his assessment; the 501. paid in Surrey, and 107. to Major Gen. Browne, to be allowed in part thereof. 11 Dec. 1644. If he pay in 501., the committee will consider what time they can give him for the other 501. 6 Nov. 1644. Having paid, he is to pay the other in 14 days, 3 283(2) and give security therefor, or be committed to Lambeth House. 18 Nov. On his paying 2001. of the 3007. ordered, the other 1007. to be abated, and his assessment discharged. 3 293 3 326 21 March. Mr. Combe allowed 31. and Mr. Jarvis 40s. for discovery of Mr. Sherman, who has brought in over 300l., to be given from the last 701. brought in, and the rest to be paid to Col. Venn, on a Parliament Order. SYMONS, Oxfordshire. Assessed at 3007. 28 Oct. 1644. Having paid in 501., and his estate lying near Oxford and Wallingford, order that his assessment be discharged, and he left to his voluntary contribution. THOS. THOROLD, Laurence Pulteney. - SIR JOHN BORLASE, or BURLACY, Westminster. Assessed at 5007. 8 Oct. 1644. Ordered 14 days to make up his assessment 1 Oct. 1645. Assessed again at 2,0007. 29 Dec. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay it 28 Dec. Having lent 2 horses, value 487., to be discharged on paying 581. 10s., for which the Public Faith is given. - 22 July 1646. Having suffered his time to elapse, his rents are to be seized, and the sum levied by distress. 17 Sept. 1647. His estate to be sequestered for non-payment 28 May 1647. Having paid in 2007., and his estate being but for life, and he in debt, order that he be discharged of the 2,0007. on paying 1501. more. o.c. 5 317 17 Nov. 1647. Allowed 14 days to pay the 1507. Vol. No. A or P. 7 67 7 3 208 4 4 4 4 Assessed at 1,0007. 67 4 Dec. 1644. To be discharged on payment of 781. 10s. more than 76 643 the 6217. 10s. lent. 287 17 76 67 7 78 67 8 3 271 69 83 87 CT 5 669 5 67 9 4 287 88 4 374 5 78 5 264 5 288 5 305 472 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 30 Sept. 1614. 30 Sept. 1644. 30 Sept. 1644. 30 Sept. 1644. R. 3 266 30 Sept. 1644. 30 Sept. 1644. 30 Sept. 1644. 7 Jan. 1648. He petitions that his debts are 4,0607., and he has lost 5,000l. during the troubles, and had soldiers living on him at free quarter many months, wherefore he begs remission of the 1501., which he is really unable to pay. 7 Jan. Order for his discharge on payment of 50l. more THOS. KNIGHT, Co. Oxon. Assessed at 5001. 7 Feb. 1645. Order for his discharge from assessment, he being driven out of Oxfordshire, and plundered by the enemy, and being treasurer for cos. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. HENRY FREDERICK HOWARD, LORD MALTRAVERS." Assessed at 4,000l. No proceedings MAJOR-GEN. POTLEY, Spring Garden. Assessed at 2007. 25 Oct. 1644. His assessment discharged because, being in the King of Sweden's service 30 years, at 1,500l. a year, he came to England to serve Parliament, and has 1,2001. arrears due to him. 28 Oct. Order that he be brought in custody to pay his assessment Vol. No. A or P. 18 97 · 5 342 25 Nov. Assessment laid accordingly 17 Dec. 1646. Ordered the Public Faith for the 2001. paid in, she being now Countess of Warwick. 65 10 4 33 67 9 JUDITH RICHARDSON, Widow. Order in the House of Commons for 2,000l. to be paid to Sir 97 19 Gilbert Gerard and others, for distribution in sums not exceeding 1001. each to 16 officers, or officers' wives and widows named, among whom Mrs. Richardson is one. SIR HEN. WOOD, Hackney, Middlesex. Assessed at 5007. 25 Oct. 1644. Respited 10 days to be further heard 28 Oct. Being now in France with the Queen, his assessment to be respited till his return, if he pay 50l. in 4 days, as the committee can find no estate for payment of his assessment. 67 10 3 268 Dec. 1644 ? She petitions that her husband was slain in the service, 97 and died much in arrears, leaving her with 4 children and many debts, so that she has much ado to subsist. Has long solicited his arrears, and gained many orders, but being sickly, and having to go into the country, she lost the 1001. granted, and is ready to perish. Begs 100l. towards her transport and maintenance. 3 273 COUNTESS DOWAGER OF SUSSEX, Syon College. Assessed at 1,500l. 67 10 25 Nov. 1644. Order in the House of Lords that she be assessed at 3 313 2007., and no more, for her and 2, and that the Committee for Advance of Money and all other committees and sequestrators take notice, and forbear to make any other assessment on her lands and goods; the Committee for Advance of Money to exe- cute this order. - 67 20 63 5 159 67 10 67 9 3 270 3 272 5 June 1649. Information that he is a delinquent in arms, and has 21 226 otherwise assisted the late King, who knighted him at Exeter; and that he has been agent to the King and Queen in France. * Sce his case, in connection with his father on p. 295. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 473 30 Sept. 1614. H. 4 287 288 DEP. 97 21 2 Oct. 1644. 2 Oct. 1644. 2 Oct. 1644. 2 Oct. 1644. THOS. WOODWARD, the Temple. Assessed at 6001. 7 Nov. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 6 Oct. 1645. The sequestration of his estate for non-payment of his assessment continued, and the tenants to pay their rents to this committee till further order. 13 Oct. Order that on his paying 50l. forthwith, his assessment for 6001. be discharged, and his sequestration taken off. 31 Oct. His assessment discharged 3 Nov. 1615. Order for payment of 81. charges in levying his assessment. J BASSETT COLE, Charing Cross, Strand. Assessed at 8007. 25 Nov. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 8 Jan. 1645. To have license to appear before the committee without restraint or interruption. 10 Jan. To be discharged on paying 1001. more, if he proves that he has paid 1067. in the country. 15 Jan. To pay 641. more, the late order notwithstanding - 18 June 1645. Ordered to be sent to prison for non-payment of an assessment of 50l., his share of 4,750l. to be raised in West- minster, &c. JAMES LEVISTON, or LIVINGSTON, Keeper of the Privy Purse to Charles I. Assessed at 1,000l. 24 Nov. 1645. The Earl of Loudoun and 3 others request favour for him, he having resided in Scotland the last 3 years, per- formed all required duties, and paid 4007. in taxes. 28 Nov. Order that on bond to pay 1001. in 4 months, his assess- ment be discharged. 12 June 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for 1007. paid for his, he being in Scotland at the time of the assessment and long after. THOS. MAY, Allhallows the Great. 28 Oct. 1652. Order that he have a certificate of Public Faith for the 131. 8s. Od., on a Parliament Order of 12 Aug. 1645, he showing acquittances for 121. formerly lent. Vol. No. A or P. 67 10 3 284 4 288 WM. NOYES, or NOYSE, Michael's, Crooked Lane. Assessed at 1501., and summoned to pay 4 291 4 308 4 312 67 14 3 303 4 6 4 8 4 14 4 183 21 Dec. 1655. Certificate that there was no information of de- 97 21B linquency against him, but that he was assessed at 1,0007., and 1001. accepted in discharge, for which he had a Public Faith certificate. 67 16 97 21▲ 4 340 5 54 Assessed at 407. 67 14 585 21 Oct. 1644. The 131. 8s. Od. paid, with 127. lent, to discharge his 76 assessment, being his proportion on oath. 12 67 180 14 67 13 97 22 22 Jan. 1645. Order for his discharge on payment of 67. more than 76 703 the 197. lent, being his proportion on oath. 23 March 1654. Wm. Noyes requests delivery to Peter Noyes, his 97 23 servant, of a Public Faith bill for 67. lent; with receipt therefor by Peter Noyes. 474 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 2 Oct. 1644. R. 3 324 328 4 Oct. 1644. ASTON YEARLEY, or ERLA, Martin's-in-the-Fields, and OLIVE, his Wife. 10 Oct. Mrs. Erla respited 8 days 28 Oct. Erla to be respited and search made, whether a declara- tion of the Commons that none should go to Oxford did not precede the date of his pass thither. R. 3 312 4 Nov. 1644. Erla to have 14 days for his appearance, and to be respited from his assessment. His house to be searched, and his goods and estate brought away. Also Sir Rob. Payne to be examined about a debt due to him. 9 Oct. 1644. Assessed at 3007. 18 Nov. Mrs. Yearley to produce her writings for better clearing her estate from sequestration. 1 Dec. 1644. The point of Yearley's delinquency respited till the committee have the opinion of some of the Commissioners for Sequestrations whether he was a delinquent or not. 20 Dec. Captain Farmer having, by Order in the House of Commons, discovered the estate of Mr. Erla, a delinquent who died at Oxford, order that it be seized, brought away, and sold, paid to Farmer, and the rest for arms and ammunition for the West. 1 Jan. 1645. The officers to have 30s. for charges and pains in seizing and appraising Mrs. Yearley's goods. GEORGE BEARE, in the King's Bench. Assessed at 5007. 4 Dec. 1644. Order that he be kept in custody till he has paid his assessment. 4 Aug. 1645. Order, on payment of 507. for him by John Arscott, of Tedcot, co. Devon, that he be released, and the assessment respited till further order, and that Arscott be reimbursed from Beare's estate. 24 Nov. 1648. Order that Beare forthwith reimburse Arscott, or show good cause to the contrary. Vol. No. A or P. 3 250 NOTE 97 24 20 June 1649. Order that he be brought up in safe custody for contemning the order of the committee for payment, unless he discharge the debt, when he may be released on payment of expenses. 67 25 3 256 3 271 3 Jan. Captain Farmer to have 157., the proceeds of Mrs. Yearley's 3 350 goods discovered by him. 29 Nov. 1650. Order that he pay the 50l. in 10 days to the Treasurer of Haberdashers' Hall, or it be levied by sequestration on his estate. 3 280 3 Jan. Whereas Wm. Payne and Robert his son are bound in 1,000l. 3 352 to John Salmon, of Barton Stacey, co. Hants, that whereas Salmon, on 12 June last, sold them for 4,000l. Barton Stacey and Newton Stacey Manors, co. Hants., on payment of an annuity of 40l. to Rachel Cooper, widow of Thos. Salmon, 500l. of the purchase money to remain in the hands of the Paynes during her life, but to be paid within 30 days of her death; and whereas John left part of the 500l. to his children, and made his wife Olive, and her son John, executors, and after his death, she married Aston Yearley, who went to Oxford a year ago, and died there; and whereas information was given that the Paynes owed Yearley the 500l., and Mrs. Yearley had been molested about it, and is summoned before a Committee of Parliament-order that the case be drawn up and certified. 3 293 3 329 3 335 3 347 67 17 3 317 4 228 6 122 7 91 9 249 7 Feb. 1651. Order to the Treasurer of the Hall to whom the 501. 9 424 has been paid to repay it to Arscott. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 475 4 Oct. 1644. 4 Oct. 1644. 4 Oct. 1644. R. 3 289 296 317 329 R. 4 5 20 29 45 64 77 99 114 131 145 160 170 188 202 214 231 244 254 265 R. 4 298 299 4 Oct. 1644. JOHN BELL, Staple Inn. Assessed at 601. and summoned to pay 10 Jan. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay 18 April 1645. Ordered to make up his , according to a former order. 2 May 1645. Order that, having formerly lent 157. and now deposited 107., he be requested to depose to his estate, real and personal, paying salary and charges. March 1654. Public Faith certificate ordered LADY BINGLEY, Westminster. Assessed at 4007. No proceedings 1 Nov. 1644. His assessment respited 14 days 27 Dec. 1644. After 4 respites granted 14 days more, his estate being under sequestration. 26 Sept. 1645. After numerous respites of 14 days each, ordered to bring in a particular of his estate. 28 Nov. 1645. Order that he be respited till discharged from sequestration. SIR ROB. KEMP, Gray's Inn, Fleet Street, Finchinfield, Essex, and Gissing, Norfolk. 33 - 67 19 SIR ROB. JENKINSON, or JENKINS, Fleet Street, and Blackfriars. Assessed at 8001. 67 17 16 Oct. 1644. An assessment of 5001. vacated, because of the former 67 29 assessment. Vol. No. A or p. 26 June 1646. His assessment of 8001. being unpaid, his estate to be seized, sequestered, and inventoried, and his goods sold. 4 Sept. 1646. He is to appear before a Master in Chancery in co. Norfolk, and declare what is his proportion for his and 20 6 Nov. 1646. His assessment to be discharged on paying 2001. in a month. o.c. 5 101 R. 5 121 E.W. 28 102 11 Dec. 1646. Three horses set out by him and worth 301., to be accepted in part of his assessment, and he discharged on paying in 100%. to-morrow. 67 97 4 4 125 18 25 9 4 140 67 18 3 275 3 344 Assessed at 8007.; noted "No such man to be found - 67 19 16 June 1645. Again assessed at 8001. 69 45 6 Aug. 1645. Order that he make affidavit as to what is his and 4 229 25. 5 64 5 97 4 271 4 340 10 5 129 5 152 18 April 1651. Iuformation that in the late Essex insurrection, he 22 186 furnished Col. Saire with 2 horses, saddled and armed, enter- 97 26 tained the soldiers of Colchester garrison at his house, and otherwise assisted them. With note of an order to examine witnesses in Essex, allowing him to cross-examine. 476 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 Oct. 1644. 4 Oct. 1644. R. 3 288 4 Oct. 1644. 4 Oct. 1644. R. 3 266 280 291 310 324 351 7 Oct. 1644. 7 Oct. 1644. 7 Oct. 1644. 23 March. Gissing.-Robert (son and heir of Sir Rob. Kemp) to Edw. Peck. I have lost my 4 Public Faith bills, one of 100%. and one for 301. from Haberdashers' Hall, and two more, for which latter I have sent up what will satisfy, but I want a copy of the other two for my father's executors. With receipt by Peck of a certificate from Dallison of the payment of the 1007. 23 March. Edw. Peck to M. Dallison. You are requested on 97 28 behalf of Jane, Lady Kemp, and Sir Wm. Doyly, executors of Sir Rob. Kemp, to give copies of 2 bills, one of 100%., the other of 301. for 3 horses, in order to claim the debt, which you know must be done this afternoon, or they will be lost. You ask a certificate that Sir Rob. Kemp was no delinquent. This cannot be procured in the time. I know he was no delinquent, but all I ask from you is, not a certificate, but a copy of these two bills. CAPT. STEPHEN SMITH, Blackmoore. Assessed at 6001. 16 Oct. 1644. Allowed 14 days to deposit and to take affidavit what is his and 26. vyb 28 Oct. Having lent 797., to be discharged on payment of 361. more, being his proportion on oath. 15 Nov. 1644. Order for his discharge on payment of 201. more, he being a captain, and having expended money in the service. SIR EDW. STOWELL, King's Bench. Assessed at 8007. No proceedings. - EDM. WALLER. Assessed at 1,0007. 11 Oct. 1644. Respited 14 days 5 May 1647. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment · RICH. HILL, Salisbury, Wilts. SIR CHRIS. MARTYN. Assessed at 4001. Noted "Not to be found WILLIAM, LORD PAGET. 1 Assessed at 2501. 25 Oct. 1644. Order that, being driven from his habitation and plundered of his estate, his assessment be discharged. • Assessed at 2,000l. 28 Oct. 1644. [Rich.] Thompson, the collector, to be no further employed, because he procured Lord Paget to be assessed. - Vol. No. A or P. 97 27 1 Nov. 1644. Lord Paget being assessed at 2,000l. according to a Parliament Order of 9 Oct. 1643, of which this committee were ignorant, the order of 28 Oct. for discharge of Rich. Thompson as collector vacated, and he to be continued collector. 15 Nov. Lord Paget's assessment respited till further order 65 174 3 94 3 261 3 273 3 292 67 18 65 174 3 256 5 251 67 20 3 269 67 23 67 67 20 3 271 3 275 3 291 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 477 7 Oct. 1644. 9 Oct. 1644. 9 Oct. 1644. P.E. 97 32 JOHN PEPPER, or LE PEEPER, Peckham, Surrey, and SUSAN, his Widow. He assessed at 1007., and summoned to pay - - 1 Nov. 1644. Having paid 101. and lent 407., respited 14 days 9 June 1645. He having died, his widow summoned to pay the 1007. March 1654. Note of the Public Faith given for the 5017. SIR JOHN BRAMSTONE. Assessed at 1,500l. 1 Nov. 1644. Order that as he is an assistant of the House of Peers, his assessment be respited till both Houses of Parliament be acquainted therewith, and declare their opinion, when this committee will take further order. CHARLES, SIR CHAS., or LORD COCKAINE, VIS- COUNT CULLEN, Rushton, Co. Northampton. Assessed at 2,0007. - 10 April 1646. Ordered to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 15 April. Order that he give security to abide the order of this committee about his assessment, when he has compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall. 15 June 1647. Summoned to pay his assessment 17 Sept. 1647. Order that his estate be seized and sequestered till the money is paid. 17 March 1648. Ordered to be brought up in custody to pay the said assessment of 2,000l. 13 May. Order that he bring in the particular on which he com- pounded at Goldsmiths' Hall, and the grounds on which he has obtained a review of his fine, and then his assessment will be considered. 14 June 1648. His particular to be perused, cast up, and reported 3 Oct. 1648. Certificate by the County Commissioners that goods of his to the value of 1731. 7s. 3d. have been seized and sold for his assessment. With inventory thereof. H. 6 178 179 20 Feb. 1649. Ordered to appear and pay in his assessment 6 March 1649. Order that on his paying 1,1307. in a fortnight, his assessment be discharged, as he is much in debt, and has paid 1701. for his in co. Northampton. 5 April 1649. Ordered to pay the residue of his assessment or his estate to be sequestered. Vol. No. A or P. 11 April. Order that on paying forthwith 5301. more than the 5007. paid, he be discharged, in respect of the 5,5001. due by him for his last payment at Goldsmiths' Hall, any former order notwith- standing. With note that the 1,0301. was paid. 67 22 97 29 76 600 97 30 67 22 67 25 3 274 67 24 5 13 UT 5 13 May 1648. He petitions that in his assessment no allowance is 97 31 made for a debt of 5,500l., the remainder of his composition fine. Has paid 500l., and is willing to pay the remainder if he may have abatement for this sum, which is no more than has been allowed to delinquents in arms. 19 5 270 5 288 5 408 21 Nov. 1648. Allowed 3 weeks to prove what was made by the 6 118 County Commissioners from his goods seized, and whether they were seized for delinquency or for his and 2. 5 437 6 13 97 33 6 173 6 200 6 250 6 265 67 24 478 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 9 Oct. 1644. 9 Oct. 1644. 9 Oct. 1644. 10 Oct. 1644. DEP. 97 39 41 LET. 24 129 Vol. No. A or P. 67 25 97 34 4 Nov. 1644. The 61. now deposited to discharge his assessment, 76 606 being his proportion on oath. 11 Jan. 1653. Order that he have a Public Faith certificate for 12 the 61. 276 97 35 HEN. PEARCH. Assessed at 507., and summoned to pay his assessment COL. PORTLAND, Bread Street. Assessed at 1,000l. Noted "No such man to be found 14 Oct. 1644. To be brought up in custody to secure his assess- ment. در LADY MARTHA SOUTHCOATE, Holborn. Assessed at 2001. 18 Nov. 1644. Having lent 50l., respited till her estate come into her hands. 10 Oct. 1644. Discharged from any cause of sequestration by reason of the said articles. 67 25 3 260 RICH. JONES, Litlington, Co. Bedford. -38 Information before the County Commissioners that he holds the 97 36 parsonage, worth 160l. a year, is a malignant, will not pay taxes without distraint, often absents himself, has had the inhabitants plundered by the Cavaliers, whom he feasted and taxed the parish for them, and that he is a swearer and a turbulent man. 67 24 3 2.3 7 Nov. 1650. Information that he left Parliament quarters and re- sided many months in the King's quarters; that in 1643 he had several well-affected Bedfordshire men plundered by Prince Ru- pert's forces. That he invited the King's friends to his house and feasted them, and that he declared it was not fit to make assessments by Ordinance of Parliament. 7 Nov. County Commissioners to examine witnesses, and in case of delinquency, to seize and secure his estate. DEP. 97 47 1 April 1651. Information before the County Commissioners to 97 45 4.6 like effect; also that he spent 51. on beef and mutton for Prince Rupert's forces, when they came to Newport Pagnel, co. Bucks, and gave his soldiers money to drink, to welcome them into those parts. 97 42 99 43 44 5 June 1651. Begs reference of the case to counsel, to report whether the new charges are not the same in effect, though not in words, as the former ones; and if there be any new matter, leave to bring up the witnesses at his own charge, to be examined in London. 22 97 9 219 16 April. Jones petitions that he long ago purchased the impro- 97 priation, and has had the tithes paid till lately, when some, re- fusing to pay by persuasion, he has been obliged to compel them, on which they pretended to prove him a delinquent on an accu- sation in 1644, from which the County Commissioners cleared him; but now it is renewed, the tithes stayed in the tenants' hands, and his goods inventoried and sequestered. Being old and weak, and having a wife and 9 children, begs leave to hold his estate on security, and examine witnesses in his defence, having a copy of his charge. 16 April. Granted, as to the charge and witnesses, and the County 10 203 Commissioners to say when the estate was secured. 97 49 97 50 30 April. He begs return of the examinations taken in 1644, finding the charge to be the same from which he was then cleared. Granted. 48 10 97 97 237 51 52 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 479 10 Oct. 1644. LET. 24 149 97 54 LET. 97 55 o. 17 21 o. 17 24 97 56 o. 17 32 97 57 REP. 97 58 DEP. 97 61 E.W. 28 163 11 84 91 PUB. 11 196 LET. 97 62 CERT. 97 63 INT. 97 64 DEP. 97 65 66 CERT. 97 67-69 LET. 97 53 9 July 1651. County Commissioners requested to send up the pro- 24 141 ceedings, and meantime to allow Jones to receive his tithes and profits on good security. 16 Oct. 1644. 16 Oct. 1644. 16 Oct. 1644. R. 4 119 16 Oct. 1644. Vol. No. A or P. 5 June. 1651. Reading to report how the charges differ and what is 10 361 new matter, and then Jones to have liberty to examine. 27 Aug. 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to County Com- 24 159 missioners. There is great delay in your returning the proceed- ings in Jones's case. We expect their return in 14 days, or you will be required to appear before us, and declare the reasons of your delay. 21 Nov. 1651. The prosecutor to certify the time and place where 17 the acts of delinquency were committed, and the parishioners of Litlington to prefer a charge if they can state time and place; but without these, no charge to be received. 3 6 Dec. 1651. Information renewed stating the dates of the delin- 23 quencies as between Aug. and Oct. 1643. 97 59 60 GEORGE DAY, Goldsmith, London. Assessed at 1007., and summoned to pay 7 May 1652. Order on his request for his discharge on the Act of 11 385 Pardon, not being sequestered 1 Dec. 1651. 20 Dec. 1653. Order for a Public Faith certificate to him of his 13 payment of this 81. 10s. 97 GEO. FAUNT, Holborn. 15 Nov. 1644. The 81. 10s. paid, with 81. 8s. lent, is to discharge 76 621 his assessment, being his proportion on oath. CHRIS. HUDSON, Smithfield. Assessed at 1,0007. 19 March 1645. His sequestration for non-payment of bis assess- ment to be discharged, on his giving security to abide the com- mittee's order. 94 9 April 1645. Ordered to make affidavit of his 16 April. He having paid 351. 14s. Od. on the propositions in Dec. 1642, and several sums in co. Lincoln, where he had losses, order that his assessment be discharged, 801. being his proportion by affidavit. Assessed at 1,5007. 67 29 18 Nov. 1644. Discharged for the 1841. 2s. 7d. lent, being his pro- 76 623 portion on oath. 20 67 28 97 70 THOS. ROPER, Paul's Churchyard, and Buckden, Hunts. Assessed at 2007. 20 Dec. 1644. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 46 71 67 28 4 84 4 112 4 124 67 29 3 339 480 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 16 Oct. 1644. 16 Oct. 1644. 16 Oct. 1644. 16 Oct. 1644. 16 Oct. 1644. 18 Oct. 1644. 27 Jan. 1645. Order that on his paying 171. more than the 271. de- posited, and 71. lent in Hertford and Essex, his assessment be re- spited till the 221. a year named in his affidavit as excepted be restored, or till further order. R. 3 289 R. 3 328 21 Oct. 1644. 20 July 1649. Ordered the Public Faith for 441. paid, on depositions 7 164 that his ticket was left at Paul's Churchyard in Oct. 1644, but he had left 2 years before, and that he paid the assessment January following, 10 days after notice. ROBERT, Son of Sir Wm. Rowe, Waltham, Essex. Assessed at 150/. 5 Feb. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay 9 April 1645. Discharged on affidavit that he is not worth 1007. 21 Oct. 1644. SIR JOHN SYMONDS, Clerkenwell. Assessed at 8007. Noted as Gone 3 years since "" · ALICE BACON, VISCOUNTESS ST. ALBAN'S. Assessed at 3007. 67 13 Jan. 1645. Her assessment discharged, having lent 507. on the 4 propositions and paid 251. 19 - JOHN PIPPIN, Delinquent. Geo. Goodman, of Northampton, who owes him 477. 10s., to forbear to pay it till further order from this committee. Vol. No. A or P. 29 67 76 708 21 Oct. 1644. This restraint taken off, if Major Shephard give se- curity that Pippin's proportion of the debt due by Goodman to him and Jas. Newman, partners, shall be paid to this committee, unless it appears within a month that Pippin is no delinquent. 20 Nov. 1644. Pippin producing certificates from Coventry and Compton House that he is no delinquent, to be cleared from the charge here, and make affidavit what is his 20. - my GILES VANDEPUTT, and PETER his Son. 67 27 The father assessed at 1,000l., and the son at 3001. · 13 Nov. 1644. Their assessments respited, they having lent 76 617 67 27 2581. 16s., and paid 911. 4s., and 3501. being their proportion, ex- cept desperate debts. The Public Faith given for the 911. 4s. THEOPHILUS ARCHER, Aldermanbury. Assessed at 1007. 4 Dec. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 20 Dec. His assessment to be discharged, he having lately come from Holland, having no residence in England, and having vo- luntarily offered to lend 201., for which Public Faith is given, as he was not held assessable. W JANE, LADY BACON, Covent Garden. Assessed at 2,000l. 1 Nov. 1644. Allowed 14 days to procure an acquittance of what she paid on the propositions, and in that time either to bring in her and, or an affidavit of her estate. 67 29 4 31 76 781 5 24 Nov. She is to make affidavit before the Suffolk Committee 20 Dec. 1644. To make up her, or to come to London and to take oath as to her, this being the third time of hearing. 27 11 67 26 3 264 3 266 3 296 67 32 3 319 67 32 3 335 97 72 67 34 3 275 3 310 3 336 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 481 21 Oct. 1644. R. 4 99 H. 4 174 21 Oct. 1644. 21 Oct. 1644. 25 Oct. 1644. 3 Jan. 1645. Ordered to pay in 4007. on her assessment in 14 days 17 Jan. Allowed 14 days' respite for bringing in the other 2007. 31 Jan. Having paid, she is to pay 500l. more in 14 days, or make affidavit. Ordered to pay 1007. a month, till she make affidavit. 28 Feb. 1645. Ordered to pay 100l. in 14 days R. 4 26 50629. 13 June 1645. Further payment respited till her affidavit be heard touching lands in Yorkshire. 27 June. Order that 2201. of her deposit money be returned to her, and her assessment discharged, and that she have the Public Faith for the amount paid. o. 5 311 320 1 Dec. 1647. Information that Sir. Hen. Rosewell, of Ford, co. Devon, owes him 2321. 3 Dec. Ordered to retain the money in his hands 10 Dec. The County Commissioners to send in copies of the exam- inations about Barcroft's delinquency, and meanwhile no pro- ceedings to take place touching recovery of the debts. - JOHN BARCROFT, or BEARCROFT, Sen., Chard, Co. Somerset. Caleb Cockroft to pay in 317. which he owes Mr. Barcroft, towards Barcroft's assessment. o. 5 343 345 31 Dec. Barcroft to bring in all the securities for Harvey's debts, and Harvey to pay in the 1,2301. before 13 Jan. Barcroft to have a copy of his charge, and a month allowed before hearing. 17 Nov. 1647. 1.2301. due by Fras. Harvey to John Barcroft, of Chard, to be paid to the Committee for Advance of Money, the debtor indemnified, and Barcroft to bring to the committee all bonds and writings relating thereto. 7 Feb. 1648. Wm. Wise and Chris. Emerson, Walden, Essex, to keep in their hands 500l. and 3001. due by them to Barcroft. 5 Sept. 1651. Note that he was fined for delinquency 18 July last 19 Sept. He pleading Exeter articles, judgment is respited and meantime he is not to be prejudiced; and touching a debt of 3001., owing by Sir Thos. Astley to him, as the prime debt was but 1567. Sir T. Astley is to pay of the 1441. remaining, and Mr. Barcroft to be discharged from further attendance touching the said debt. The committee to consider the discharging of those who have compounded on Exeter and Oxford articles from payment of 20 SIR THOS. MEWTIS, Covent Garden. Assessed at 3001. 28 April 1645. Respited 14 days, but without prejudice to the committee's officers. 8 Oct. 1645. Ordered to make up his in 10 days 17 Oct. The 1501. deposited to be returned to him, and his assess- ment respited till further order. LADY DOROTHY HARVEY, Paul's Churchyard. Assessed at 2001. Noted "No such lady” 28 Feb. 1645. Respited 14 days, to produce her acquittances . Vol. No. A or P. 3 349 4 15 4 25 26 4 60 4 178 4 186 3 266 5 305 24 April 1649. Information that he is a delinquent and worth 21 20,000l. 97 73 5 318 5 323 5 337 5 362 17 17 192 15 28 67 34 4 135 67 67 4 H H 4 287 4 297 36 59 482 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 25 Oct. 1644. R. 4 43 R. 4 77 156 261 25 Oct. 1644. 28 Oct. 1644. 28 Oct. 1644. 28 Oct. 1644. R. 3 301 28 Oct. 1644. 28 Oct. 1644. SIR PHIL. KNEVETT. Assessed at 4007. 67 27 Jan. 1645. To have 16 days' respite to be heard by the Mitigators 4 3 Feb. 1645. Ordered to bring in 251. which appears by his affidavit 4 to be his 20. 3 March. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 4 64 SIR HAMMOND LESTRANGE. Assessed at 1,000l. 13 Nov. 1644. To be discharged for the 300l. paid in Norfolk, being his proportion on oath. - · ANTHONY and JOHN BASSANO, Halley End, by Wal- thamstow, and Katherine's Coleman, London. Anthony assessed at 300l. and John at 801. 67 37 28 Oct. 1644. Anthony summoned to pay his assessment 97 74 13 Nov. 1644. Anthony to be discharged for 281. 2s. 8d. lent and 76 617 221. now paid, being his proportion on oath. 15 Nov. John to be discharged for 801. 16s. 8d. lent, 91. 3s. 4d. paid, and 151. to be paid, for which the Public Faith was given. March 1654. Note of order for a Public Faith certificate for Ant. Bassano. - SIR DUDLEY CARLETON, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey. Assessed at 3001. 13 Nov. 1644. Ordered to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. March 1645. Note that he was assessed at 300l. and on non-pay- ment, his goods seized, but discharged because already sold to Thos. Carleton. 19 March. Having paid 5l., his assessment respited till his ex- cepted lands are restored, or discharged on his paying 261. more. 18 May 1649. The Public Faith ordered him for 317. paid by him for his, as he never received the first ticket, and the other ticket was not delivered till 15th March, and be paid on the 22nd. JOHN, LORD EGERTON, VISCOUNT BRACKLEY. Assessed at 1,0007. 18 Nov. 1644. His assessment respited 14 days 2 Dec. 1644. The assessment laid on him by the name of Lord Egerton discharged, as it appears that he has no estate, but an annual allowance from his father for maintenance. JAMES RAVENSCROFT, Lodger at Stepney. Assessed at 6007. 9 May 1645. Allowed 14 days to appear, and be heard about his assessment, and meantime the rents seized are to remain in the tenants' hands. 5 19 May. Order that having paid 300l. for his and 2%, he pay 501., and then his sequestration be discharged. HENEAGE FINCH, EARL OF WINCHELSEA. Assessed at 1,500l. No proceedings Vol. No. A or p. 36 24 29 67 36 76 615 76 619 67 37 67 37 67 37 3 289 97 75 76 766 6 350 37 67 67 38 3 293 3 312 67 38 4 148 4 158 - 67 38 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 483 1 Nov. 1644. 1 Nov. 1644. 1 Nov. 1644. 1 Nov. 1644. 1 Nov. 1644. 4 Nov. 1644. 4 Nov. 1644. 4 Nov. 1644. 4 Nov. 1644. LADY MARY DRURY, Hertlingfordbury, Co. Norfolk. Assessed at 3007. 10 Oct. 1645. Allowed 14 days to make up the 154l. 11s. 2d. paid in Norfolk to 2501., or to make affidavit. 5 Dec. 1645. This order notwithstanding, she is to be discharged from her assessment, 154l. being her proportion on oath. LADY JANE FENN, Widow, Bassieshaw Ward. Assessed at 6001. and summoned to pay SECRETARY [SIR EDW.] NICHOLAS. Assessed at 8001. 1 Nov. 1644. His goods to be sold by the candle 18 Nov. 1644. To be respited, on showing acquittances for 300l. 76 623 formerly lent, this being her proportion on oath, till her debts are paid. 17 March 1654. Receipt by Sir Wm. Martin, her executor, of a 97 77 certificate that her goods were distrained and sold, and the money paid to Sam. Gosse towards 3001. assessment for her. : RALPH SADLER, Standon, Co. Herts. Assessed at 1,000l. 8 Sept. 1645. To make up his, or take his affidavit 10 Sept. Having lent 1301., to be discharged on paying 1251. more U JOHN STYNT, Broad Street Ward. Assessed at 1,2001. 13 Nov. 1644. To be discharged and left to his voluntary contri- bution, having paid an assessment in his ward. JOHN ABDY and NICH. ABDY, both of Lime Street Ward. John assessed at 5001., and Nicholas at 4507. 11 July 1645. Their assessments respited till they come home 17 Oct. 1649. John and Nich. Abdy ordered Public Faith bills for 751. each paid for their 20th parts, they being beyond seas at the time of their assessment. +1 - 67 41 - 97 76 20* SIR WM. MORETON, in the Tower. Assessed at 3001. No proceedings Vol. No. A or P. 67 41 4 288 - 4 347 - JOAS GODSCHALK, Fenchurch Street. Assessed at 1,500l. 67 42 29 Nov. 1644. Having lent 6021. 2s. 8d., respited till he recover 76 637 his excepted debts, this being his proportion till then. 67 41 3 274 67 41 4 254 4 256 SERJEANT WM. KNIGHTLEY, Westminster. Assessed at 3001. 67 44 17 Feb. 1645. Having lent 731. 4s. Od., to be discharged on paying 76 732 667. more, being his proportion on oath. 67 40 3 289 28 Feb. Respited for payment of 101. behind hand - 76 743 20 Jan. 1654. Order for a Public Faith certificate to him for 66l. 13 63 paid on his assessment for his 67 42 76 842 7 309 - 67 43 HH 2 484 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Nov. 1644. 8 Nov. 1644. 8 Nov. 1644. 8 Nov. 1644. 8 Nov. 1644. 11 Nov. 1644. WM. DALBY. He and Mr. Cross to have 2 days to nominate arbitrators in the case between them, and the arbitrators to meet and report the case in 10 days. With note that Capt. Rich. Country and Sam. Moyer were the arbitrators. 13 Dec. 1644. Cross to make affidavit that he owes money to Dalby, here assessed, and then to be discharged of the said Dalby's claim. With note that the affidavit was made accordingly. JOHN BIGGS, Barnard's Inn. Assessed at 1007. 25 Nov. 1644. Respited 14 days, to show his acquittances - 9 Dec. 1644. To be discharged on paying 81. 16s. Od. more than the 76 653 61. 48. Od. lent. 16 March. Receipt of a certificate of 81. paid by him for his 2 20 MRS. BUDGETT, near Paul's Churchyard. Assessed at 3001. No proceedings 8 March 1654. He pleads that in Michaelmas 1644, he had a 97 78 printed ticket to lend 1001. on the propositions, and though he had been taxed in Suffolk, yet, having part of a chamber in Barnard's Inn, he was assessed as an inhabitant of London, and had to pay about 97. 18s. in addition. Begs a ticket on the Public Faith for the sum, so that he may put in his claim before Lady-day, according to the Act. GEORGE HADLEY, Lawrence Lane. Assessed at 1,000l. 20 Nov. 1644. Order that he be assessed at 1,000l. 22 Nov. Order that as he has paid 5651. on the propositions, and 6001. for the service in Ireland and otherwise, he be discharged and left to his voluntary contribution. - Vol. No. A or p. 3 283 3 328 1 20 5 25 Nov. 1644. Order that, as he has taken the covenant, and paid 607. for his and in co. Herts, he pay 1007. composition for his absence, being a year's revenue of his lands under Parliament's protection, and thereupon the sequestration to be discharged. 4 Dec. 1644. Order that, as he returned from the King's quarters on the Speaker's warrant, has never borne arms, has taken the covenant, and paid 601., he be discharged on payment of 1007. more. HEN. BILLINGSLEY, Windsor. Assessed at 4007. 11 Dec. 1644. Having paid 501. in Berkshire, to be discharged on paying 501. more, being his proportion on oath. 67 46 3 301 - 97 79 THOS. OFFLEY, Servant Extraordinary to the King. Note that he appeared and showed a certificate signed by 3 286 Mr. Price, of the Assembly of Divines, that he has taken the national league and covenant, and submitted to this com- mittee; and order that he have 14 days to procure a certificate of what he has paid on his and, and what has been received on his sequestration. 67 45 67 46 3 296 3 298 3 302 3 333 67 47 76 659 19 Dec. 1652. To have the Public Faith for 50l. paid by him 12 217 16 Dec. 1644, according to the Parliament Order 12 Aug. 1645. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 485 11 Nov. 1644. 11 Nov. 1644. 11 Nov. 1644. P.E. 97 80 R. 5 248 11 Nov. 1644. R. 4 332 R. 4 418 11 Nov. 1644. 13 Nov. 1644. R. 4 87 DEP. 97 83 R. 4 119 JAS. DE GRAY, White Friars. Assessed at 1,000l. 67 76 13 Oct. 1645. To be discharged on paying 671. 10s. Od., having paid 1101. in Norfolk, and to be allowed the Public Faith, not having 67 notice till 4 Oct. 1645, the ticket lying in the collector's hands because he could not be found. JUSTINIAN ISHAM. His assessment respited, he being solicitor to my Lord-General, and employed in his service. 3 Dec. 1645. Assessed at 4007. 26 Dec. Respited till Friday next 2 Jan. 1649. To be discharged on payment of 607., being much in debt, and his estate greatly incumbered. SIR ROB. HURLESTON, Chancery Lane. Assessed at 5007. 67 47 29 Nov. 1644. To be discharged on affidavit that he is not worth 76 635 1007. SIR CHARLES SHERLEY, the Strand, Bart. SIR ROB. SHERLEY, his Brother, Bart. Sir Charles assessed at 6001. 10 March 1645. Respited 10 days, and to be heard by the Com- mittee for Mitigation of the 20 • - 24 March. On plea that his estate is in the King's quarters, and he, being but lately come of age, bas received little of it, and has little residence in London;-order that his assessment be respited till a particular of his estate, and where it lies, is brought in. 14 May 1645. He is to be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 8 Dec. 1645. Order that he pay in 3007., being 1, in a month, and thus be heard. 20 Feb. 1646. Having paid in, he is respited for the rest till Banbury and Ashby-de-la-Zouch garrisons are reduced. 22 May 1646. Those garrisons being now reduced, he is ordered to pay in the other 3007. 8 June 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for the 6007. paid in. 19 Aug. 1646. Sir Rob. Sherley assessed at 1,000l. 2 Oct. 1646. Allowed 14 days to perfect his assessment 16 Oct. He alleging that he has no estate but what descended to him by the death of his brother, Sir Chas. Sherley, who paid 6001. for his, order that he be discharged from any further payment, and no proceedings taken against him. LADY WILLIAMS, Covent Garden. Assessed at 5001. Noted as "run away " Noted as SIR EDW. BULLOCK, Falkbourne, Essex. Assessed at 3001. and summoned to pay - 3 March 1645. Order for payment of his assessment 2 April 1645. Ordered to pay in 507., then to be heard - Vol. No. A or P. 48 2 875 48 3 288 69 119 4 370 6 142 67 47 4 74 4 93 4 159 4 349 4 433 5 40 5 49 71 39 5 110 5 116 • 67 97 67 47 49 81 82 4 64 4 106 486 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 13 Nov. 1644. 13 Nov. 1644. 13 Nov. 1644. R 3 349 4 16 26 40 61 78 98 13 Nov. 1644. 15 Nov. 1644. 15 Nov. 1644. 15 Nov. 1644. 15 Nov. 1644. 2 May 1645. Order for his discharge, for 1007. formerly lent, and 501. now deposited. 29 Dec. 1653. He begs the Public Faith for the 501. deposited. 97 84 Paid 100l. assessment, though being 34 miles distant from London, yet in Nov. 1644, was unduly assessed, and paid 50l. more, though the 1007. was his full proportion, but having lapsed his time, a warrant was issued against him. 29 Dec. Ordered a certificate of Public Faith SIR ARTHUR MAINWARING, Co. Salop. Assessed at 4001. 6 Dec. 1644. Respited 14 days to perfect his assessment 20 Dec. Allowed 14 days to bring in a certificate for what he has paid. SIR LEVENTHORPE FRANCK. Assessed at 3001.; with note that he was discharged on affidavit 67 that he had not 100%. 9 April 1645. Respited 14 days, and one of the County Commis- sioners of Salop to appear about a certificate for 1007. produced by him for his in that county. 18 April. He having paid 1007. in the country and deposited 401., which is his proportion on oath, his assessment discharged. PARKER, Gray's Inn. Assessed at 1507. 3 Feb. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 15 Feb. Ordered to make up his assessment forthwith 4 Aug. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 6 Feb. 1646. Allowed a month to show his acquittances · NIC. DOWNES, Clerk to the Prince's Kitchen. Assessed at 2001. 8 Jan. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay SIR HEN. GIBBS, Martin's Lane. Assessed at 5001. 16 Dec. 1644. His assessment discharged, and he respited till he receive his rents, not having 1001. estate except what is under power of the King's army. JOAN GOUGE, Lambeth, Surrey. No. Vol. A or P. 4 141 THOS. WITHAM, Barbican. 13 97 Assessed at 2007. 16 Dec. 1644. To be brought up in custody to pay CERT. 97 87 7 May 1645. On payment of 607. his assessment to be discharged, and the seizure of his estate withdrawn, he paying the officer's salary and charges. - 67 49 3 322 3 335 54 85 4 114 49 4 125 67 4 67 49 4 29 35 4 4 228 4 418 67 22 March 1654. Receipt of a Public Faith certificate for 61. paid by 97 her at Haberdashers' Hall 11 Dec. 1644, for her. Assessed at 507. 67 52 655 11 Dec. 1644. To be discharged for 91. formerly lent, and 61. now 76 paid, being her proportion. 86 53 3 324 54 7 67 55 3 330 4 146 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 487 15 Nov. 1644. 15 Nov. 1644. R. 3 322 18 Nov. 1644. 20 Nov. 1644. 20 Nov. 1644. 21 March 1654. Receipt on behalf of Thos. Witham, jun., executor of the said Thos. Witham, of a Public Faith certificate of pay- ment of the said 601. DR. WRIGHT, Charter House. Assessed at 500l. 21 April 1645. His assessment discharged, as he was before assessed and discharged. o.c. 3 320 8 Jan. 1645. Aurelian Townsend to have 5 pieces of hangings and a box of books, which are his own, and were left in Thayne's house. 67 54 3 346 13 Dec. 1644. His assessment discharged for the 3451. lent, he 76 659 averring that he has paid 1001. more, but has lost the acquittance. 30 Dec. Order that he make affidavit that the money lent in the name of a person unknown, and for which the showed acquit- tance, was his own money, and is still his debt; also that he show cause way he should not pay the residue of his assessment. 14 Jan. 1645. Again assessed at 8007. THAYNE, Gentleman Usher to the House of Peers. On information that several parcels of goods belonging to Sir Edw. Herbert and other delinquents are in his house and in places adjacent,-order, with assent of both Houses of Parlia- ment, that the said money, plate, and goods be seized (so that it be not in the house of a member or assistant of either House of Parliament) secured till further order, and inventoried. With writ of assistance. 28 March 1645. Thayne to show cause why the said goods of Herbert, and the Earls of Portland and Newport, should not be sold for service of the State. MICH. JONES, Lincoln's Inn and Cheapside, Cheap Ward. Assessed at 1501. 18 Dec. 1644. Assessed again at 501. - 17 Jan. 1645. Assessed again at 3001. Feb. 1645? Deposition of Thayne relating to the "muring" up of 97 the goods, the walls being taken down in Aug. 1643, and the goods put in, including 2 cabinets of the Earl of Newport, and 2 of Lady Tufton, also 2 trunks of the Earl of Portland. 17 March 1645. Being assessed at 150l. and again at 3001., order for his discharge, on payment of the 1507. in 14 days; otherwise he is to have no benefit of this order. Fol. No. A or P. 89 97 11 April 1645. Order repeated, with note that the money was not paid till Oct. 1645, as - Puliston held his lands in sequestration on a pretence of delinquency now cleared. 67 114 4 129 14 April 1645. Notes about witnesses to be sworn in the cases of 97 the above concealments by Mr. Thayne and Mr. Fisher, his father-in-law. 3 295 4 July 1645. His assessment to be discharged on paying 3007., he having lent 2007. on the propositions. 4 5 88 4 102 89 67 56 67 83 67 108 4 83 4 116 18 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition (missing) that he have a certi- 13 65 ficate of Public Faith for 1007. paid in 1645. SIR WM. PASTON, the Strand, and Norfolk. Assessed at 2,000l. Noted not found 67 56 25 Nov. 1644. Assessed again at 2,0001. 67 61 28 21 May 1645. Assessed at 400%., having been before assessed at 69 2,000l. 4 192 488 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 20 Nov. 1644. 20 Nov. 1644. 22 Nov. 1644. 22 Nov. 1644. 22 Nov. 1644. R. 4 19 27 7 Feb. 1645. Both ordered to make affidavit of what is their and 2, and to bring in . 25 Nov. 1644. R. 3 343 o.c. 5 408 P.E. 97 90 P.D. 97 91 25 Nov. 1644. 25 Nov. 1644. 25 Nov. 1644. 12 Nov. 1645. Respite and protection for him till 12 Dec., to come to London, and depart at pleasure. 5 Dec. 1645. His assessment of 2,000l. discharged, he having lent 1,1007. at Norwich. CAPT. JAS. SILVERLOCK and LADY HIGHAM, his Wife, near Grays, Essex. He assessed at 4007., and she at 150%. 10 Jan. 1645. Their assessments respited 14 days 7 Feb. Their assessments discharged for the 701. formerly lent by them, it being their proportion on oath. LADY FINNETT. Assessed at 2007. 27 Jan. 1645. Discharged, having paid her and in Lincoln- shire, and her estate being sequestered by the enemy. 20 MARY VILLIERS, VISCOUNTESS GRANDISON, West- minster. Assessed 6001. 6 Dec. 1644. Order for her discharge, on affidavit that she has not 100%. · WALTER MONTAGUE, of the Tower. Assessed at 4001. No proceedings 10 Jan. 1645. Ordered to give security that he will pay his as soon as the sequestration is taken off his estate. 18 Sept. 1646. If he do not appear and satisfy his assessment in 14 days, the officers are to sequestrate his rents. 4 Dec. 1646. His assessment of 1,000l. being still unpaid, his rents and arrears are to be levied and seized, and the money paid in to this committee. 17 Sept. 1647. His estate to be sequestered till he has paid the 1,000l. 10 May 1648. His assessment to be discharged on his payment of 1007., he being 11,000l. in debt. ART. HARRIS, Lincoln's Inn. Assessed at 1,000l. No proceedings THOMAS POPE, EARL OF DOWN. Assessed at 1,000l. 67 62 16 Dec. 1644. Respited 14 days for payment of his assessment, his 3 329 estate being under sequestration. 4 8 HORTH, Merchant. SIR WILLIAM KINGSMILL. Assessed at 1,000l. No proceedings - - 67 59 76 648 1 Assessed at 1,000l. 11 Dec. 1645. His assessment discharged on certificate of Edw. Owner, burgess of Yarmouth, that he contributed 4907. on the opening of the propositions. 1 Vol. No. A or P. 4 319 4 347 67 56 4 8 4 31 4 33 67 58 4 23 67 59 5 103 5 150 5 288 5 433 67 61 67 61 3 326 67 61 • · 67 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 489 25 Nov. 1644. 25 Nov. 1644. 25 Nov. 1644. 29 Nov. 1644. R. 3 322 R. 3 349 R. 76 704 R. 4 79 R. 4 100 SIR RICH. KINGSMILL. Assessed at 5001. 25 April 1645. To be discharged for what he has suffered by the enemy. 7 May 1645. Order that his assessment be discharged, he living in co. Hants, and only having come up to London on summons, on business before the Committee of Examinations. 1 Jan. 1646. Assessed again at 6001. - 29 Nov. 1644. FRAS. OWEN, St. Thomas the Apostle. Assessed at 2501. 16 Dec. 1644. His assessment respited, he being a merchant of the Intercourse. P.E. 97 92-94 27 Dec. 1644. Order that as he has had great losses by iron works in the Forest of Dean, paid 501. in Nov. 1642, and is well affected, his assessment be discharged. 1 Aug. 1645. On information that he is a Papist, and is to receive 150l. at 8 a.m. to-morrow, order that the same be seized and brought away immediately after receipt. 4 Aug. Order for return of the 150l. so seized, as Owen is a merchant stranger, and not subject to the Crown of England, and is of the Intercourse. HEN. PECK, Blackfriars. Assessed at 1507. - 71 5 HEN. DAWTREY, Lincoln's Inn, and Doddinghurst, Essex, and WM. DAWTREY, of Sussex, his brother and ad- ministrator. Henry assessed at 4001. 4 Dec. 1644. Order that he be brought up in custody to pay his assessment. 20 Dec. Order that he have 14 days to show his acquittance of what he paid in the country. BENJ. GOODWIN, Gracious Street. Assessed at 4001. and summoned to pay : Vol. No. A or p. 61 67 4 131 17 Jan. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment - 10 March 1645. Ordered to be kept in custody till he make up his. 4 146 24 March. Having deposited his 1, to be heard on Friday - 2 April 1645. Order that 1007. of the 1241. deposited by him be returned, and the other 241. with 761. lent before, accepted as his assessment; 47. of the 241. to be paid the collectors for their salary. 8 March 1654. Ordered the Public Faith for his money 67 61 3 331 4 223 4 228 17 Jan. 1645. To be discharged for 501. paid now, and 50l. to be 76 698 paid in 8 days, being his proportion on oath. 95 1 March 1654. Wm. Dawtrey asks a search for an acquittance for 97 1007. paid by his late brother, the former one being lost, and requests that it may be entered with what he paid in Sussex. With Note of receipt of the certificate 14 March 1654. 8 March. Note that the Public Faith was granted - 67 61 3 343 67 66 3 319 3 339 67 66 67 65 97 96 4 16 76 4 4 94 4 106 97 97 67 65 490 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 29 Nov. 1644. 29 Nov. 1644. 29 Nov. 1644. 4 Dec. 1644. 6 Dec. 1644. 6 Dec. 1644. 6 Dec. 1644. R. 4 16 9 Dec. 1644. JAMES LEY, EARL OF MARLBOROUGH. Charles Vaughan to appear and bring a box of pearls of the Earl's, now in his hands. 2 Dec. 1644. The pearls being brought, to be left with this com- mittee till further order. 1 Dec. 1645. Assessed at 3,000l. SIR ROB. NAPPER. Assessed at 1,500l. No proceedings WM. WITHERS, Bartholomew the Great. Assessed at 401. 11 Nov. 1644. Affidavit that he is not worth 100l., his debts of 4001. paid, and his lands worth 600l. a year, under power of the King's army excepted. 3 312 - 69 118 - 11 Dec. 1644. Order for his respite until his lands are freed, he 76 658 not having by affidavit 1007. besides. LADY COPE. Assessed at 1,000l. Noted as not found Vol. No. A or P. 3 311 - 67 65 97 97 98 13 April 1646. Respited further, because though his lands are 97 98 freed by the resignation of Dunnington Castle, yet he has had no benefit from them. 29 Jan. 1647. He is to be brought in custody to pay his assessment 23 Dec. 1644. Order that 201. be lent him, to be repaid from the moneys that come in upon his discoveries. 19 Feb. 1645. Mr. Lane to deliver him his debenture for his arrears, he endorsing it with a receipt for 377. 10s. Od., and he to take a copy of it, as Sir Gilb. Gerard's deputy will not pass accounts unless he keep the original debenture, which is far above 400l. The Major may borrow money upon it, a former order for passing accounts with Sir G. Gerard notwithstanding. 28 March 1645. Lane to pay to Anderson 4l. 10s. Od. for his dis- covery of Mr. Prinsepp, who paid 901. for his 67 67 MAJOR ANDERSON. Allowed of such moneys of delinquents as he shall discover in 3 320 part of his arrears. 3 341 THOS. LENTHALL, Southwark, Surrey. RICH. WINDSOR, Fetter Lane, and Upton, Co. Bucks. Assessed at 5001. 27 Dec. 1644. Assessed again at 2001. 3 Jan. 1645. Respited to procure his acquittance 15 Jan. Having paid 601. and declared 80l. to be his proportion, allowed 10 days to pay in the other 201. 22 Jan. His second assessment vacated because of the former one 5 184 4 45 4 103 MAJOR VAVISOR, Horsey Down, Essex. Assessed at 601. 67 71 23 Dec. 1644. To be discharged for 197. lent, being his proportion 76 675 on oath. · 67 72 - 67 70 67 89 3 349 4 14 4 30 Assessed at 1007. 67 75 27 Dec. 1644. To be discharged for 101. formerly lent, being his 76 675 proportion on oath. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 491 9 Dec. 1644. 9 Dec. 1644. 9 Dec. 1644. 11 Dec. 1644. 13 Dec. 1644. 13 Dec. 1644. 13 Dec. 1644. 25 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition that the late treasurer Lane give a Public Faith certificate for 15l. (sic) paid by him on his assessment for his 20. SIR EDW. MONINGS, Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, Fleet Street. Assessed at 3001., and summoned to pay 2 Dec. 1645. County Committee for Kent to the Committee for Advance for Money. Sir Edward has had a ticket from Haber- dashers' Hall. You well know that the service of deputy lieutenant draws on a charge sufficient to free from further payment, and he has not been backward. We beg that no tickets may be granted against any deputy lieutenant, and that his may be re-called, as he has no house or estate in London. SIR WM. WITHYPOOLE, King's Bench. Assessed at 1,000l. 4 Aug. 1645. Assessed again at 1,500l. No proceedings EDM. PHILLIPS, London. Order on petition of Jos. Turner, tenant to Phillips, who is assessed here-that he cannot pay his rent, the house not being worth the money, that the house be viewed and its worth reported. 20 Dec. 1644. Order on report that he pay only 301. a year rent to this committee, till Phillips' assessment is paid, and further order taken. 3 Jan. 1645. John Underwood, Phillips' tenant, to pay in his rent. 10 Feb. 1645. Payment respited, he being engaged for Phillips in 501. 14 Feb. Phillips' assessment to be discharged, on his making up what has been received to 1007. - 67 - 69 LADY BROOKE, Wife of SIR WM. BROOKE, Covent Garden. Assessed at 3007. 14 Feb. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 28 Feb. Her assessment discharged, she having no estate but what Parliament allows her for maintenance, her husband being in their service. MRS. MARSH, King Street. Assessed at 2007. 24 March 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 6 June 1645. Ordered to make an affidavit as to her 11 July 1645. Her assessment discharged, she having paid her in co. Herts. Vol. No. A or P. 70 13 - 67 74 97 99 97 100 SIR JOHN BODILEY, Streatham. Assessed at 4007. 67 79 10 Feb. 1645. To be discharged for 201. lent, and 121. 12s. Od. paid, 76 724 being his proportion on oath. 74 65 3 326 3 337 3 348 4 35 4 39 67 78 4 40 4 60 67 78 4 95 4 174 4 199 492 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 13 Dec. 1644. R. 5 304 13 Dec. 1644. 16 Dec. 1644. DEP. 97 106– 109 CASE 97 110 111 JOHN ROUS, Huntingdon. Assessed at 8001. 7 Feb. 1645. The time for paying his assessment is not to elapse till 14 Feb., and then he is to make affidavit. 1 20 15 Feb. He is to pay his and on affidavit, and what he has paid thereon to be allowed, and to-morrow he is to attend the Committee of Examinations concerning the covenant. - 21 Feb. His assessment discharged, having paid 100l. which is 76 737 his by affidavit. DAN. SEARLE, Cornhill, Merchant of London. Assessed at 301. 67 78 3 Jan. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay his assessment 4 26 28 Feb. 1645. Assessed again at 1007. 67 150 19 May 1645. Respited till his excepted debts of 7001. be recovered, 76 having paid 301. on a previous assessment. 809 (2) Vol. No. A or P. 78 4 32 67 24 Jan. 1654. Order on his petition for a certificate of Public Faith 13 71 for 301. paid by him to Mr. Lane, treasurer of the late Committee for Advance of Money, in 1644, for his 20th part. 4 · SIMON GREEN, (late) St. Martin's - in the - Fields, and RICH. GREEN, Delinquent, his Son and Executor. Reference by the Sequestration Committee of Westminster, of 97 101 the petition of [Katherine Thomas, Fras. Chote, and other] legatees of Simon Green, to Capt. Chas. Ghest, to certify the state of the business. 27 June 1645. Rich. Green's assessment respited till the seques- tration of his estate is taken off. 35 Feb. 1645. The said legatees renew their petition for payment of 97 102 their legacies from the estate, Capt. Ghest not having certified thereon in 7 weeks, except by his former vivâ voce reports, and they being ready to perish. 16 July 1645. Whereas Simon Green left by will the remainder of his estate to his son Richard, who is sequestered, and several petitions have been addressed by the legatees to the County Commissioners of Westminster, who ordered them payment of their legacies from the profits of the estate, John Thorpe, the administrator also pleading for the same: the said order is confirmed, and the legacies to be paid accordingly. K 28 March 1645. Order in the County Committee of Westminster 97 103 that John Thorpe and Wm. Dalton, legatees of Simon Green, have a fortnight to prove what he died worth, what debts were due to him, what estate belonging to him is in the hands of the delinquent, and what charges and legacies have been disbursed therefrom. 2 May 1645. Order in the County Committee that the sums dis- 97 104 allowed on Dalton's account are to be taken as a discharge for so much of the legacies, and the remainder to be paid out of the rents of the estate. 105 18 July. Order that Mauditt have paid to him 1207., being a debt owing him by Green, and 80l. to those whom he presents, to- wards their arrears, to be paid out of the said 5007. discovered by him, and the rest to go to the State. 21 July. The Grocers' Company to pay the 500l. to this committee, and Mauditt to deliver up the bond to be cancelled, and for so doing they shall be indemnified. 18 July. Information by Rich. Mauditt that the Grocers' Company 21 15 owes 500l. to [Rich.] Green, now in arms against Parliament. 4 208 4 186 4 235 4 209 218 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 493 16 Dec. 1644. 16 Dec. 1644. 13 Aug. 1645. Order on Mauditt's desire that 1201. and 401. be paid as already ordered, but that the other 401. go towards the relief of poor distressed people. With order to Lane for payment accordingly. 25 July 1645. Mauditt to appear and bring the Grocers' Com- 4 214 pany's seal for the 5001. owing to Green. 10 Sept. [Geo.] Green and Edm. Edlyn, debtors to Rich. Green, are to pay in their debts. [28 Aug.] Edw. Jones and Katherine his wife petition the Com- 97 112 mittee for Advance of Money that the legacies being ordered to be paid, and Mauditt having brought in bonds for 4007., the sum may be paid to Katherine, 3007. being her legacy, and 1007. a debt owing her by Rich. Green, who is only to have the residue of the estate after payment of legacies, and meantime they are in great want. 2 Sept. 1645. Report by Capt. Chas. Ghest that the County 97 113 Committee has much trouble about the estate sequestered from Rich. Green, who is with the King at Oxford. Particulars of previous proceedings. 22 Sept. Mauditt to pay to this committee the 1507. he owes Green, and then the bond will be delivered up. 26 Sept. Edlyn having paid in his debts, order that he be abated the interest. Also [Geo.] Green having paid in 50l. of his debt, is to pay the other 1007. next week. 17 Sept. Information that moneys are owing to [Rich.] Green by 21 William and Ant. Langston, Rob. Jason, Richard and Walter Elton, and And. Stackey. 26 Sept. Edm. Edlyn having paid in 1001. due to the late [Simon] Green, order that his bond be delivered up, and he saved barmless from the executors for so doing. 1 Oct. 1645. Like order on behalf of Geo. Green who has paid in a debt of 1501. 8 Oct. Order that from the moneys received for delinquency of Richard Green, executor to Simon Green, there be paid 2007. legacy left by Simon to Edw. Jones and Katherine his wife, 100l. to Major Knight, for his losses in Ireland, and 1007. remain in deposit till other moneys have been received from the estate, and that Jones pay the officer's salary and charges. 24 Oct. Hen. Herne, of Cheshunt, confesses a debt of 40l. with 5 years' interest to Simon Green. 14 Nov. 1645. Sir Robert Osborne, of Godmanchester, owing Simon Green 157. 12s., the debt is to be demanded, and on refusal, levied by distress. 21 Nov. Hen. Herne, of Theobalds, who owes 407. to Rich. Green, is to pay it to this committee, and be saved harmless, or in default, it will be levied on his estate. 6 Feb. 1646. Osborne having paid in his debt to this committee, the bond in 301. for its payment is to be delivered him, and he to be indemnified. Vol. No. A or P. SIR SIMON CLARKE, Bart., Broome Court, or Newhall, near Coventry, Co. Warwick. John Clarke to have the estates he shall discover, due to Sir Simon Clarke and his eldest son, delinquents, in payment of their debts to him, not to exceed 5007. 4 238 270 23 Dec. 1644. A trunk of Sir Simon's to be detained till further order. 4 256 36 4 267 4 271 4 272 4 271 4 281 4 286 97 114 4 324 4 333 4 419 3 330 3 342 494 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 16 Dec. 1644. DEP. 97 115 116 P.E. 97 117 P.D. 97 118 E.W. 9 204 18 Dec. 1644. R. 4 126 18 Dec. 1644. 20 Dec. 1644. R. 4 15 3 Jan. 1645. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Com- missioners for Warwick. There is a large estate in your county due to Sir S. Clarke and his eldest son, who is with the King, and has lent him large sums, and they owe 500l. to John Clarke, citizen of London, whose public service deserves respect, and who will discover the said estate. He having been at great charges in the prosecution, is to have the receipts from the estate, not to exceed 5007. 5 May 1645. Information that Sir Simon is a delinquent, and has 21 a concealed estate not yet sequestered. 4 163 23 May. Hen. Whittingham to pay the Committee for Advance of Money 20 marks due for rent to Lady Dorothy, wife of Sir Simon Clarke, or it will be distrained on his goods. 1 Oct. 1647. Sir Simon assessed at 4001. 31 Dec. 1647. The sequestration on Whittingham's house in Bishopsgate Street taken off, as Sir Simon Clarke has com- pounded for it with the Commissioners for Compounding. 19 Feb. County Commissioners to examine witnesses, not allowing any one to be present. 22 Jan. 1648. Order that his rents be stayed in the tenants' hands till the assessment is paid. 22 March 1649. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 1007. 14 Feb. 1651. Information that in his composition, he has under- 22 147 valued his estate in the county by 1,500l. a year, and his per- sonal estate and a mortgage of lands by 2,0001. 16 April. Granted, giving the prosecutor notice 11 June 1651. Further examinations allowed, each party giving notice to the other, but they are to be taken privately, and none else to be present. SIR THOMAS BOWES, Giles'-in-the-Fields, and LADY BOWES, Lincoln's Inn Fields. She assessed at 2001. - 6 Jan. 1645. Her assessment discharged, she being under coverture. 6 Jan. He assessed at 5001. 4 April 1645. His assessment respited 14 days 2 May 1645. He discharged for 100l. paid, being his proportion on oath. - 16 April 1651. He petitions that he have a copy of the information, 97 119 and leave to examine witnesses. JOHN MATTHEWS, Essex. Assessed at 4007. 31 Jan. 1645. Order that he have 14 days' respite, being sick 14 Feb. 1645. To be discharged from his assessment, he having been assessed and paid in Essex. JOSIAS CLARKE, Hitcham House, North Ockenden, Essex. Order that he have 14 days to pay his assessment 3 Jan. 1645. Having paid in 100l., he is to have 14 days to pay in , and then be heard. Vol. No. A or P. 3 351 - 3 March 1645. Respited 10 days, but this order not to prejudice the officers in point of salary. 24 March. He is to perform the former order about his assessment, and the officers then to deliver up the barn, corn, and other things distrained by them to the parties from whom they were taken. 71 89 5 338 1 5 351 6 229 9 35 9 302 9 374 67 83 4 3 67 97 4 108 76 798 67 82 4 26 4 39 3 335 3 349 4 4 94 65 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 495 20 Dec. 1644. 22 Dec. 1644. 23 Dec. 1644. MARY STONEHOUSE. To be brought up in custody to pay her assessment 3 Feb. 1645. Her assessment respited till she receive the portion of 1,000l. left her by her father, she not being otherwise worth 1007. WALTER CURLE, Bishop of Winchester, King's Almoner. Mr. Glyde to appear on Monday next · 30 Dec. 1644. Rich. Glyde, mercer of Cheapside, to pay in 2007. due by bond to the Bishop, on composition of the estate of Hugh Cholmley, mercer of London, felo de se. 13 Jan. 1645. Glyde to pay in 1007. of the money to-morrow, or it will be levied by distress on his goods. 24 Feb. 1645. The Bishop having become a delinquent, and Mr. Glyde, treasurer for the creditors, having paid to this com- mittee 1001. of the debt, order that if he pay 507. more, he be discharged of the debt; but on refusal, it is to be levied on his estate. 28 April 1645. Whereas Cholmley's creditors compounded with the Bishop for his goods, and besides sums paid to the Bishop and his officers, John and Hen. Cholmley and other citizens of London, and 4 of the creditors entered into obligations for pay- ment of 2007., which debt has been sequestered by this committee, and Glyde, ordered to pay it in; since which time the committee has accepted 1507. in lieu of the 2007., and Glyde has paid it in- order that Glyde be saved harmless from the said creditors and others, for paying the said debt. K 30 Oct. 1646. The Bishop of Winchester assessed at 1,0001. · 23 Dec. 1644. Order that the keeper of Wood Street Counter liberate Tichborne to follow the affairs of the committee till discharged, the committee undertaking for his appearance when required. Also that Wilson and Portar, the serjeant who arrested him, though they had notice that he was an officer, be committed to Peter House. 30 Dec. The order for release granted 17 Sept. 1645. Order that Tichborne have 30s. a week from 2 May 1645 for his attendance on the committee. 19 Nov. 1645. Order for payment to him of 51. 8s. Od. disbursed for porters to 18 Oct. last. Vol. No. A or P. 3 338 4 29 13 April 1646. Order that he deliver to Rich. Vale, doorkeeper, a green old moth-eaten carpet, which is among Lord Littleton's goods. 3 344 346 3 4 11 JOHN TICHBORNE, Officer of the Committee for Advance of Money. He petitions for relief, being arrested at suit of Baanah Wilson, 97 120 for a pretended debt of 401., because he was one of the securities to a bond signed 2 years ago, and the others are dead. 4 54 57 4 136 71 50 23 Dec. Order that as Wilson arrested Tichborne without notice to this committee, the sheriffs of London order the keeper of the prison to set Tichborne at liberty. 30 Dec. Baanah Wilson and Wm. Portar, poor men in Peter 97 121 House, petition. Wilson is poor and aged, and most of his sub- sistence being in the hands of John Tichborne, he employed Portar, an officer, to arrest him, not knowing that he belonged to the Committee for Advance of Money. Is willing to submit to their pleasure as to Tichborne's discharge. Both beg an order for their release, and a discharge for their great mistake. With note that Tichborne is discharged, and the writ with- drawn. 3 342 3 342 3 346 4 262 4 329 5 14 496 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 23 Dec. 1644. 27 Dec. 1644. R. 4 59 79 99 116 27 Dec. 1644. 12 Aug. 1646. Order that he bring in his assessment next Friday 4 Nov. 1646. He petitions that, being appointed 2 May 1645 to receive, inventory, appraise, and sell goods brought into Guild- hall on distress, he spent his whole time therein, and by order of 17 Sept. 1645, was to have 30s. a week till further order, which was not till 12 Aug. last, when he was ordered to bring in his accounts on the 14th, which he did, and it was shown that he was 19 weeks' salary in arrear. Begs payment, and order for the salary since due, having had to borrow money in his necessity. 4 Nov. Order thereon for payment of his arrears up to 14 Aug. last 29 June 1647. He begs the remaining 11 weeks' salary due 4 Nov. 1646, and his disbursements, after which he will be content to be paid for such business as he may do. Has in charge im- portant papers, which he can only deliver himself on special order, and owes his landlord 101. for rent. 29 June. Refused as unreasonable, he not having since been em- ployed in the service, nor the committee requiring any attend- ance from him. 12 Jan. 1648. Order that he deliver up to Martha Harper her writings, she having been assessed, but discharged as not worth 1001. COL. EDW. APSLEY, the Temple, and Warminghurst, Sussex. Assessed at 6001. 14 Feb. 1645. Allowed 14 days to make affidavit as to his he promising to pay salary for it. · 20 25 April 1645. Allowed 7 days more, but no further respite to be given. 2 May 1645. To make up his in 10 days or make affidavit 14 May. To make up 1007., being his proportion on oath, and to be allowed to go into Sussex to procure the acquittances for what he paid on the propositions. 13 Oct. 1645. From the first moneys coming in on his assessment, 1507. to be paid to his officers and soldiers, according to Parlia- ment Order of 13 Aug. last. R. 4 381 21 Jan. 1646. The collectors to give notice to his tenants in and about the Strand to pay their rents to this committee towards his assessment, any former order notwithstanding. BRIDGET FRYER, Holborn. 1 May 1646. His officers to have the first 150l. paid in of the debt of the Earl of Westmoreland. 22 May. He desired to certify who were his officers • Assessed at 3001. 10 Feb. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 4 April 1645. Some tenements in Little Britain, seized by the collectors as belonging to Bridget Fryer, to be discharged, as they appear by writings to belong to Ralph Snowden, who has paid his 15 March 1648. Her assessment discharged, and she left at liberty to recover her arrears of rent from Giles Robson, of Harleson, co. Cambridge, seized by this committee 10 March 1645, she giving security to pay el. for her, within 14 days after reco- very of the arrears, unless Robson meantime pay the 81. to the treasurer of this committee on summons. Vol. No. A or P. 86 сл 5 97 122 123 5 126 97 124 5 273 5 345 67 4 6 Feb. 1646. Whereas he has been assessed at 6007., which is still 4 421 unpaid, though divers orders have been made, order that his rents, goods, and chattels be distrained and disposed of towards the assessment. 888 4 132 4 140 4 154 38 4 291 4 395 10 5 27 5 40 67 90 37 4 4 108 5 403 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 497 27 Dec. 1644. 30 Dec. 1644. 30 Dec. 1644. 30 Dec. 1644. 0.4 191 200 R. 4 226 R. 4 250 50623. WM. WEBSTER, Duke's Place. Assessed at 2007. 23 April 1645. Order that he make affidavit in 10 days of what is his 20. 1 24 Nov. 1645. His assessment to be discharged for the 201. lent, 76 889 being his proportion. SIR JOHN GILL. 15 July 1646. Request by the Committee for Arrears for his 97 125 liberation from Maiden Lane Prison, to which the Committee for Advance of Money sent him for non-payment of arrears. Assessed at 3001. 28 March 1645. The collectors to carry his writings and evidences to such place as Mr. Selden, M.P., shall direct, there to be kept in safety. 10 Dec. 1645. Assessed at 1,000l. 17 Dec. On his giving security to abide this committee's order, his sequestration to be taken off, and meantime it is respited. 26 Dec. His assessment respited till further order - ANNE JONES, at Lady Fenn's, Bassieshaw Ward. Assessed at 1001. 7 Feb. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 28 April 1645. Her assessment of 201. discharged, on payment of 107., she being a servant with Lady Fenn, and having little estate. - 0 LADY NEWBURGH and MARY NOEL, Widow, her Daughter, the Strand. Lady Newburgh assessed at 1,0007. 31 Jan. 1645. Mrs. Noel assessed at 8007. R. 4 69,84 14 March 1645. Order that Lady Newburgh be respited 14 days, but that this do not prejudice the officers in respect of the fees. 16 April 1645. Lady Newburgh and Mrs. Noel to have 14 days to bring in their assessments or make affidavits what is their 20 7 May 1645. Order that Mrs. Noel, having lent 1007., and deposed that 1407. is her, be discharged on paying 401. more. Lady Newburgh to depose what is her, or to pay her other in 14 days. 14 Feb. 1645. Mrs. Noel ordered 14 days' respite for her assess- ment. 14 May. Lady Newburgh discharged on payment of 150%., which she deposes to be her proportion, and for which Public Faith is given. Vol. No. A or P. 67 89 4 130 21 May. Lady Newburgh having paid 1007., and deposed to 1501. as her proportion, but the committee being informed that she has a much larger estate, she is to produce Lord Newburgh's will, a particular of her real estate, and an inventory of her personal estate, debts, and goods. 25 Aug. 1645. Order that she attend the Committee next Monday 67 92 4 102 69 127 4 359 4 369 67 90 4 33 4 135 67 92 67 122 4 39 4 78 4 123 4 146 4 154 67 92 21 May 1645? Note that she has 1,000l. a year for life, and to 97 126 dispose of for five years after death, and 3 or 4,0001. personalty. That her daughter, Mrs. Noel, has 1,000l. a year for life, and 2 or 3,000l. personalty. That Lady Stradling, another daughter, has 1,000l. a year for life, and the three widows all live in one house in the Strand. 4 161 4 240 II 498 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 1644? 1 Jan. 1645. 3 Jan. 1645. 3 Jan. 1645. 3 Jan. 1645. 3 Jan. 1645. 6 Jan. 1645. 8 Jan. 1645. AND. CROOK, Stationer, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Queries to be proposed to Mat. Billing, scrivener, Paternoster Row, as to Crook's business transactions, his estate, real and personal, the making of his will, his legacies, choice of executors, &c. 1645. JONES. Order that he be paid 2007. on a Parliament Order of 19 Dec. last 28 Feb. 1645. Mr. Jones to be paid the residue of his warrant, and Marshall, to whom Jones owes 150l., to be paid, with charges in suit. SIR GEO. AISCOUGH, Chancery Lane. Assessed at 3007. - 14 Feb. 1645. To be discharged for the 391. 3s. 4d. lent, being his proportion on oath. 10 March 1645. Marshall to be paid his debt, deliver up the bond 4 74 to be cancelled, give Jones a full discharge, and pay 50s. to the officers for salary for his 2. EDW. HUSBANDS, Bell Yard, by the Temple. Assessed at 801. 17 Jan. 1645. Respited till paid the 3001. owing him by the State, having lent 157., which is his proportion on oath, the said debt excepted. Vol. No. A or P. 67 127 3 347 4 61 LADY QUARLISS, Grays, Essex. Assessed at 2001. No proceedings MARY, LADY BANKS, Martin's Lane, and JOHN BANKS, her Son, of Gray's Inn. Lady Banks assessed at 300l., and not found 30 May 1645. Again assessed at 1,000l. 22 Sept. 1645. Lady Banks to be brought up in custody to satisfy her assessment. 1 Oct. 1645. To be committed to Peter House till further order for non-payment. 3 Oct. To attend and give security 6 Oct. To be discharged on paying 5001. forthwith, and 5007. in 14 days. 67 95 76 729 INHABITANTS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. They are to show cause in a few days why they do not bring in the 3 350 sums at which they were respectively assessed 12 Oct. last, or why the amount should not be levied by distress. 67 95 76 696 PETER VANDERMARSH and his Brother, both of Martin's Lane. He assessed at 2507., and noted as being a merchant of the Inter- 67 93 course, and his brother at 1007., and noted as being beyond sea, and living there. 67 96 - 67 99 69 34 4 266 4 277 4 282 4 285 8 Jan. 1645. 8 Jan. 1645. 8 Jan. 1645. 8 Jan. 1645. • 8 Jan. 1645. 8 Jan. 1645. 8 Jan. 1645. 8 Jan. 1645. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 March 1648. John Banks assessed at 6001. [24 May 1648 ?] John Banks petitions for discharge of the assess- ment. He is now 22 years old, but by his father's will he does not come into the property till he is 24, and meantime it is in the hands of his mother and Giles Green, to raise portions for 9 younger brothers and sisters, and he only receives 1601. a year. His mother paid 1,000l. for the estate in Oct. 1645. 24 May 1648. On payment of 1007. the whole estate of the late Sir 6 4 John Banks, Lady Banks, and John Banks, and that wherewith Sir John's trustees are entrusted for John Banks and the younger children to be discharged, Lady Banks having already paid 1,000l. to the treasurer of this committee. 27 April 1649 ? Dallison informs Mr. Banks that after the days 98 limited by the Ordinance, plate will not be accepted in lieu of assessment at 5s. 4d. per ounce, but at what it will yield in ready money. LADY ELIZ. DYER, Old Bailey. Assessed at 1007. 21 Feb. 1645. Discharged on affidavit that she has not 1007. LADY VERE GAUDY, Covent Garden. Assessed at 2007. 24 Jan. 1645. Discharged on affidavit that she has not 1007. - LADY LAKE, Covent Garden, and MARY LAKE, her Daughter. 499 Vol. No. ▲ or p. 71 91 1 98 LADY CHRISTIAN LEE, Croydon. Assessed at 5001. 28 March 1645. Discharged for 701. paid, being her proportion on oath. LADY RICHARDSON, Charing Cross. Assessed at 3001. 31 Jan. 1645. To have 14 days to pay 1001. in discharge of her assessment. 24 Feb. 1645. To be heard on Friday, paying collector's salary and charges. 28 Feb. To pay 101. every 14 days till the 1007. is paid LADY MARGARET HOBSON, Covent Garden. Assessed at 3007. 67 99 31 Jan. 1645. Discharged, not having 1007. beside her excepted 76 712 estates. THOS. RICHARDSON, Covent Garden. Assessed at 5001., and Lady Hewlett, his guardian summoned to pay. No proceedings. 2 67 99 76 738 The mother assessed at 2501. and the daughter at 1007. - 27 Jan. 1645. Lady Lake respited till the sequestration is taken off her estate. 27 Jan. Mary Lake discharged on affidavit that she has not 1007. - 76 707 67 99 76 705 67 99 4 24 67 99 76 772 67 99 4 25 4 55 4 62 67 98 98 II 2 CO 3 500 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 8 Jan. 1645. 10 Jan. 1645. 10 Jan. 1645. R. 4 33 37 10 Jan. 1645. 10 Jan. 1645. 10 Jan. 1645. Vol. No. A or P. LADY ANNE SYDENHAM, Covent Garden. Assessed at 2001. 67 99 24 Jan. 1645. Discharged as not having 100l. without her excepted 76 705 estates. 4 44 17 Feb. 1645. Her goods, money, jewels, and plate to be seized and brought to this committee, her husband being in arms against Parliament. JOHN BAKER, scouter, Westminster. Assessed at 4007. 14 Feb. 1645. Ordered to pay 751. 6s. in discharge of his assessment, being his proportion on oath, he having formerly paid 107. 19 Feb. His assessment to be discharged, on affidavit that 857. is his proportion, he having paid 107. in the country and deposited 751. 6s. 4 April 1645. Order that 40s. be paid to Wm. Reynolds, who dis- covered him. SARAH, LADY BOSVILE. Assessed at 3001. 5 Feb. 1645. Allowed till Friday to pay her assessment 14 Feb. Ordered to pay 307. in a month, when her assessment will be discharged, 401. being her proportion on oath. 28 Feb. Her assessment respited till her estate is freed from sequestration. EDW. HAVERS. - 10 Feb. 1645. He being assessed here for his, and making affidavit that 50l. is his proportion, order that the County Com- missioners for Norfolk examine witnesses concerning his estate, and report; the discoverers to have ls. in the pound on all that comes in upon his assessment. 23 May 1645. To be brought in custody to answer matters objected against him. 13 June 1645. He being summoned on a complaint that he had undervalued his estate in his affidavit, which is not true, order that he be dismissed and discharged from custody. 15 July 1646. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment SIR RICH. NAPIER, Lombard Street. 67 101 4 38 Assessed at 6001. 24 Jan. 1645. His assessment respited 14 days 3 Feb. 1645. He having contributed voluntarily 1357., and deposited 1657. to make up his, and contributed several other sums which are not thus entered and allowed, order that the 1657. be repaid him and his assessment discharged. 4 46 Assessed at 3007. 67 101 24 Jan. 1645. His assessment discharged for 50l. paid in Norfolk, 76 704 being his proportion on oath. 4 34 4 108 67 101 4 30 4. 39 8 4 60 4 164 4 178 5 56 67 101 4 22 4 28 ROBERT and FRANCES SNOW, Lombard Street, Robert assessed at 407. - 67 101 20 March 1654. Receipt of 2 Public Faith certificates for pay ment 98 4 by Robert of 4l., and by Frances of 4l. 15s. 4d., for their. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 501 10 Jan. 1645. 10 Jan. 1645. 10 Jan. 1645. 13 Jan. 1645. R. 4 105 13 Jan. 1645. 15 Jan. 1645. ELIZ. WINCHCOMBE, New Street, Covent Garden, and MARY WEBB, Old Bailey. Assessed at 8007. 20 Jan. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment MARY WRIGHT, Covent Garden. Assessed at 1007. 22 Jan. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 31 Jan. Respited 14 days, her estate being under sequestration R. 4 37 24 Feb. 1645. Order that as she has but 60l. annuity, and the rents charged therewith are badly paid, her assessment be discharged on payment of 101. 6 weeks after Lady-day next. 17 Jan. 1645. 67 101 Mrs. Winchcombe assessed at 1,000l., and Mrs. Webb at 4007. 20 Jan. 1645. Information that Mrs. Winchcombe has an estate of 98 5 1,500l. a year, and Mrs. Webb of 400l., and they have neither contributed on the propositions nor been assessed. Being lodgers, they should be secured, because on notice given, they may hide themselves. 20 Jan. Order that they be brought up in safe custody to pay their assessments. 31 Jan. The 57. 10s. and the 17. 10s. deposited by Mrs. Webb to be in discharge of her assessment, being her proportion on oath. LADY WISEMAN, Essex. 4 18 24 Jan. Mrs. Winchcombe's assessment respited till her thirds 76 705 excepted be set out and settled on her, or till further order. 27 Jan. Mrs. Winchcombe to be brought up to answer objections - 31 Jan. The order made by the Mitigation Committee about her to stand in full force. - 25 April 1645. Her assessment discharged, this order notwith- standing. JOHN MATCHELL, Clifford's Inn. MARY STEED, Lombard Street. Assessed at 1007., and summoned to pay Assessed at 1,0007. 2 May 1645. Having lent 251. and paid 351. 8s., total 601. 8s., order that 101. be returned him, 501. 8s. being his proportion on oath. - GOMELDON, Delinquent, at Oxford. Sam. Lucy to bring in the sable skins which he has of Gomeldon's, and appear to be heard. 7 Feb. 1645. The skins to be forfeited and sold by the candle, and bills of notice set up a week before. WM. EDWARDS, Seething Lane. Assessed at 2007. NOTE 98 7 7 Feb. 1645. To be discharged for 51. more than the 10l. paid, and a horse listed, value 101., 201. being his proportion on oath. March 1654. Ordered a Public Faith certificate therefor 24 Feb. They are to be sold privately, and not by the candle, the former being to the best advantage. - Vol. No. A or P. 4 23 4 25 76 713 67 100 4 19 19 Feb. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay 19 March 1645. Discharged on payment of 401. more than the 221. 76 767 lent, being her proportion on oath. March 1654. Note of Public Faith given for the money 67 103 67 101 4 21 4 26 4 55 4 132 67 102 4 141 - 67 67 103 97 6 4 48 4 13 5 32 5 56 67 109 76 722 67 109 502 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 17 Jan. 1645. 17 Jan. 1645. R. 4 27. NOTE 98 10 17 Jan. 1645. 17 Jan. 1645. R. 4 27 17 Jan. 1645. 20 Jan. 1645. 20 Jan. 1645. SIR JOHN FITZJAMES' 4 DAUGHTERS. Assessed at 2001. each, 8007. - 31 Jan. 1645. Respited till their estates come into their hands EDM. MOUNTJOY, or MONJOY, Wethersfield, Essex, at Col. Tichborne's, Cheapside. Assessed at 2007., and summoned to pay 10 March 1645. Respited 14 days, to produce his acquittances 11 Aug. 1645. Deposition that 207. (his just debts paid) is the his personalty, and 247. the of his estate, and that the 100l. a year in Banbury, being in the King's quarters, is reserved by his wife to herself. SIR THOS. MURRAY, Martin's Fields. Assessed at 300l. No proceedings 13 Aug. Order that paying 251. more than 91. paid in Essex, and 76 854 the 461. already paid here, he be discharged, it being his propor- tion on oath. March 1654. Note of the Public Faith given him for his payments 67 107 · SIR WM. ROE, Ilford, Essex. Vol. No. A or P. - 67 108 4 25 SIR FRAS. PYLE, Lambeth. Assessed at 6007. 21 March 1645. Being high sheriff of co. Berks, respited till further order. ANNE CANNON, Newington, Surrey. 4 74 of 98 9 - Assessed at 7007. 19 March 1645. Allowed 14 days to produce his acquittances, and make affidavit of his and. 133 2 April 1645. Allowed 14 days to make up his assessment 18 April. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 25 April. His assessment to be discharged, he having lent 301. and paying 501., according to the order of the Committee for Mitigations. - 67 105 SIR TIM. THORNELL, Fetter Lane. Assessed at 5001. No proceedings 67 107 98 8 - 2 May 1645. He having lent 347., deposited 501., and made affidavit that 651. is his proportion, order that 197. of the 501, be returned to him, and his assessment discharged. 67 109 4 86 67 106 4 83 4 104 4 128 4 132 4 140 Assessed at 407. 67 111 10 and 14 Feb. 1645. Order that on her payments of 57. in Surrey 76 731 and 71. 10s. for her assessment, she be discharged, this being her proportion on oath. 23 March 1654. Receipt by John Reynolds, one of her executors, 98 11 of a certificate for the said sum [for a Public Faith bill]. 67 110 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 503 20 Jan. 1645. 22 Jan. 1645. JUSTICE ANT. WITHERS,* Queen Street, Covent Garden. Hum. Bury and Lynam Robins to be allowed 51. 53. for information of the brass horse, and 45s. for charges, in full of their bill of 91. 68., and Ant. Withers is to pay them the 77. 10s. 13 Oct. 1645. His goods and other estate in his house to be seized and sequestered. 21 Oct. Information that he is a delinquent 27 Oct. Deposition that some pictures, framed and unframed, and other goods of Withers, were carried to his house in Queen Street, now in possession of Lieut.-Col. Popham. 12 Feb. 1651. Withers petitions the Committee for Compoun- ding. I was sequestered 5 Jan. 1646, by the Committee for Sequestrations, but they thinking this was hard measure, on 8 Jan. referred the case to Parliament. After long waiting I renewed my petition, and the case was before the Commission- ers for Sequestrations, Commissioners for Compounding, and Barons of Exchequer, and was sent to the House for a rehear- ing, and the sequestration was suspended till, by your order of 20 June last, my remaining goods were seized by the sub- commissioners, and are now exposed to sale, unless there be a stay. I will do my best to get a hearing in Parliament, but meanwhile beg reference to counsel, and a report. 4 295 · 21 43 98 12 12 Feb. Capt. John Lewis petitions that, as the County Commis- sioners of Middlesex, on his information, seized and secured some of Withers' goods, they may be ordered to sell the goods, and from the proceeds to pay petitioner according to his Ordinance. Noted as received and read. o.c. 10 149 28 March 1651. Brereton to draw up a short report to be presented to Parliament in the case, and meantime Withers to enjoy his goods and estate 2 months longer, on security. 15 April 1651. Report that in 1645 he was charged with concealing and protecting the goods of Sir Rob. Holborn, who was in Oxford in 1643, and of his lady, and holding intelligence with them, for which he was sequestered 2 Jan. 1646, but the sequestration suspended, and the case referred to Parliament. Vol. No. A or p. 4 18 1 12 Feb. The County Commissioners for Middlesex to enquire 10 whether the brass horse in Covent Garden Churchyard belongs G 132 215 to Withers, and if so, to seize and secure it, giving Withers 6 weeks to get his case reported to Parliament, and Brereton to state the case and report, proceedings being stayed. 20 Jan. 1652. He petitions that, as his cause has been pending 7 years, he has had to change some of his goods, value 801. 10s., and begs that this may be allowed; also all taxes paid since his sequestration; also his wife's, as he was sequestered on slender grounds, and there is no new offence. Also that their apparel may be restored. Also that the Committee for Advance of Money would perform the order of the Commissioners for Compounding, and pay the rent of his house for so long as they used it. Also that all proceedings may be stayed till his case is heard in Parliament. 20 Jan. Proceedings stayed for a month SIR GEO. RAYNER, Rowtham, Kent. Assessed at 5001. No proceedings * See part of this case in the Committee for Compounding Calendar, 4 March 1650. 98 98 13 98 98 14 10 172 13 May 1651. Withers complaining that his goods are seized for 10 279 parochial duties, although on their seizure for delinquency by the County Commissioners for Middlesex, he gave a bond to be re- sponsible for them-order that none be seized or carried away, and if any have been so seized, that they be returned. 10 187 11 June 1651. Withers ordered his goods and estate 6 weeks longer, 10 371 as the report is not yet presented to Parliament. 98 15 98 16 - 11 106 67 112 504 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 24 Jan. 1645. 24 Jan. 1645. 24 Jan. 1645. 24 Jan. 1645. 24 Jan. 1645. 27 Jan. 1645. 27 Jan. 1645. JANE BENNETT, Chancery Lane. Assessed at 2001. 4 Aug. 1645. Again assessed at 1,000l., but this assessment vacated 69 on account of the former one. 14 March 1646. On payment of 251., respited till possessed of the 76 763 money and lands excepted in her affidavit. ALICE BELL, Wimbledon. Assessed at 2007. 8 Oct. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 25 May 1646. Order that she have the Public Faith for the 107. now paid in, having formerly contributed 321. 12s. 8d. SIR THOS. JERMYN, Bushey Park. Assessed at 600l. No proceedings THOS. SMITH, Gray's Inn. Assessed at 8001. 5 Feb. 1645. His assessment discharged, unless it be proved that since Nov. 1642 he has had a residence in London, he living above 30 miles from it. 19 Feb. The discharge made absolute JOHN, or JOSHUA COPPIN, Attorney, Furnival's Inn, Strand, and Canterbury. - 67 116 LADY MARY ROGERS, Aldersgate Street. Assessed at 6001. 67 116 19 Feb 1645. To be discharged for 170l. lent, being her proportion 76 733 on oath. Assessed at 2501. 14 Feb 1645. Respited, and to have 14 days to produce acquittances 3 March 1645. If it be not proved in a week that he has had no residence or chamber in London other than in term time, his assessment to be discharged, he affirming that he lives at Canterbury. - 10 March. Discharged, as having no residence within 40 miles of London. Vol. No. A or p. 67 114 66 19 Nov 1645. Again assessed at 1507. 13 Feb. 1646. Order that being an attorney, and coming to London on business, his assessment be discharged. FRAS. GARRETT, or GERARD, Clement's Inn, and the Philazer's Office for Yorkshire. Gerard assessed at 3007. 21 Feb. 1645. Whereas he has absented himself and been in arms against Parliament, whereby his office has not been duly executed-order that his office be sequestered and transferred to Luke Clapham, who was bred iu the office, and to whom the books are to be transferred until Parliament takes further order, he giving accounts to this committee, who will give him an allowance for his pains. 67 114 3 137 4 286 43 3 March 1645. Order confirmed, stating that Gerard has been 2 years in the King's quarters, and not taken the National LO 5 67 116 4 30 4 46 67 117 4 40 4 64 4 74 69 112 4 427 67 118 4 53 4 67 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 505 27 Jan. 1645. 27 Jan. 1645. DEP. 98 18 DEP. 98 19 R. 4 292 R. 4 300 League and Covenant, so that his office is sequestered by Ordinance of Parliament, and by this committee for non- payment of 300l. assessment; adding also that Clapham has suffered much for his affection to Parliament. 11 Dec. 1646. Thos. Vienn, Fabian Phillipps, philazers of the Court of Common Pleas, to examine the accounts of Luke Clapham, the perquisites received by him, and his ability for the office of philazer of Yorkshire, sequestered by order of this committee of 3 March 1645 from Fras. Gerard; Clapham to attend them with the office books when summoned. 3 March 1647. Clapham not having given in the accounts of his office as required, order that he be suspended from office till he has brought in perfect accounts, and also a certificate from 3 prothonotaries of the Court of Common Pleas, that he is competent to discharge its duties. Meantime Rob. Hobman, clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, is to perform the duties and receive the profits, till further orders, giving accounts to this committee, who will make him an allowance, and Clapham is to deliver to him the chambers, goods, and records which were Gerard's. 8 Dec. 1647. Clapham to be brought in custody to give account of the moneys received by him in the Philazer's Office for Yorkshire. 16 Feb. 1648. Rob. Hobman to give in his accounts of moneys received in the said office. 29 Aug. 1645. Order that all his goods, money, plate, and jewels be seized, and carried away from his house. Sept. 1645 ? Note of his tenants in Bell Yard and Fleet Street 29 Sept. 1645. Order for a distraint upon his tenants, to pay the rents and arrears due to him to this committee. Vol. No. A or P. 7 Nov. 1645. Order for a hearing of his creditors, to make their defence about his estate sequestered by this committee, and the Camden House Committee are to testify their proceedings thereon. 5 152 25 Dec. 1648. Lord Chief Justice Oliver St. John to the Committee 98 16A for Advance of Money. Gerard becoming a delinquent, the profits of his office were sequestered; there being then no Chief Justice of Common Pleas to swear in another officer, the office has been executed by a person of whom the Court can legally take no notice. I beg you to discharge the sequestration, that I may swear in a fit person, who will be accountable to the Court. 16 Jan. 1649. The sequestration of Gerard's office for non-pay- ment of his taken off, and the Lord Chief Justice left to dispose of it. 20 Also Hobman and Clapham to give an account of their receipts in the office, and pay in the moneys due to the treasurer of this committee. DEP. 98 20 12 Dec. 1645. The creditors pretending a right to the estate by virtue of a commission of bankruptcy, and Trefusis pleading that Poulson was a delinquent, and his estate sequestered before the commission was taken out-order that this committee pro- ceed to sequester the estate, the bankruptcy notwithstanding, the money to be paid to this committee, and Trefusis to have 1. 5 207 210 5 321 22 Feb. 1649. Hobman to pay in 801. forthwith, being part of the 6 177 money due on his account, and the committee will give further order touching the residue, which he craves to be allowed him. 5 370 THOS. POULSON, Goldsmith of London, Delinquent. John Trefusis discovers that there is 1,0001. a year belonging 21 1 to Poulson in and about London, not yet sequestered. 4 23 4 249 6 152 98 16B 98 17 4 277 4 313 4 354 506 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 27 Jan. 1645. 31 Jan. 1645. 31 Jan. 1645. R. 4 112 31 Jan. 1645. 31 Jan. 1645. 31 Jan. 1645. 31 Jan. 1645. R. 4 125 19 Dec. 1645. Poulson's rents and arrears to be demanded from the tenants, and raised by distraint in case of refusal. 16 Feb. 1646. The officers are to lery on the estate the 841. a year due to Poulson, beside the head rent due to Mr. Perkins. 6 March 1646. The sequestration of his estate in Bell Yard, near Temple Bar, to be taken off, and the estate left to the Commis- sioners of Bankruptcy for the creditors, divers of them being well-affected to Parliament. THOS. GUNTON, Clothier, Gracechurch Street, and Suffolk. Assessed at 1,000l. 67 121 14 Feb. 1645. Respited to produce his acquittances 4 40 45 19 Feb. His assessment discharged for the 787. formerly lent, he 4 being only come to town about term business. MARY HALL, Widow, Recusant, Fullwood's Rents, Holborn. Assessed at 407. 17 Feb. 1645. To be discharged on affirming that she has not 100%. 16 April 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 18 June 1645. On information that several parcels of money, jewels, and other treasure are hid in the chamber and study of Fras. Joyner, in the house of Mrs. Hall, widow, Fullwood's Rents, Holborn, who is a recusant, and never contributed on the pro- positions, or paid assessments, but lives obscurely to avoid them -order that all the said goods be seized and inventoried. MARY, LADY HARVEY, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Allowed 14 days to make up her assessment 14 Feb. 1645. Assessed at 6001. LADY HOWELL. Assessed at 300l. No proceedings • SIR WM. LISTER, Covent Garden. . - 1 24 Feb. Respited 14 days to produce her acquittances 4 59 10 March 1645. She deposes that 1007. is her full, her lands, 98 21 worth 2001. a year, at Maulton Murry, co. Warwick, being near Banbury, and in the King's quarters. 10 March. Respited till her lands be restored, or till further order, 76 756 she having lent 100%., which is her full proportion, these lands excepted. Assessed at 3007. 14 Feb. 1645. Discharged, his estate in the country having been ruined by the enemy, and his houses burnt down. Vol. No. A or P. 4 363 4 429 4 445 LADY ELIZ. LYNE, Rickmansworth, and MARY LYNE, her Daughter. 67 121 76 731 4 122 4 182 C 4 26 67 136 67 118 67 118 4 39 The mother assessed at 300l. and the daughter at 801. 5 March 1645. Lady Lyne respited to make affidavit of what is her and 2%. Also the guardians of Mary Lyne to make affidavit as to her 4 20 69 93 24 March. Lady Lyne and her daughter to have 14 days' respite 4 2 May 1645. Lady Lyne's assessment discharged for the 201. paid, 76 798 being her proportion on oath; and Mary Lyne discharged on affidavit that she has not 100%. 67 119 4 69 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 507 31 Jan. 1645. 31 Jan. 1645. 3 Feb. 1645. o.c. 5 43 5 Feb. 1645. Vol. No. LADY STRANGLEY, or STRADLING, Widow, the Strand. A or p. Assessed at 4001. No proceedings 67 122 CAREW WILLIAMS. To be brought up in custody to answer matters objected against him. 4 26 10 April 1645. Deposition of Sir John Williams that Carew 98 Williams went to York when the King was there, and has probably been with him ever since, or he may be dead, as he was sick in May last. Has to pay him 100l. a year on lands in Kent, but the annuity being sequestered by the Camden House Committee, has paid it to them since Michaelmas twelvemonth. COL. HEN. NEVILLE, alias SMITH, Christian Temple, Essex, and his two Sons. · The father assessed at 6001. 67 124 21 Feb. 1645. On plea that his estate is under sequestration, 76 737 respited of his assessment till his lands are discharged. 8 June 1646. To pay 300l., his assessment, in 14 days, and the rest in 14 days more. 8 May 1646. Summoned to pay his assessment 76 926 11 May. Ordered to pay the 6007. in 10 days, and then to be dis- 76 926 charged. May 1646 ? Notes of the case, adding that he has compounded for 98 his delinquency. 5 47 5 54 12 June. To pay the 3001. next Wednesday, and Mr. Lane to pay it to John Browne, in part of his order. 17 July 1646. To pay in the second 3001., which is also to be paid to John Browne. c. 5 92 12 Aug. 1646. To pay in 2007. still in arrear 2 Dec. 1646. Ordered the Public Faith for the 6007. which is paid 24 Nov. 1648. The Committee for Advance of Money remonstrate with the County Commissioners for requiring him to pay 300l. to them; he having already paid in his and, he ought to be again questioned. SIR THOS. PEIRCE, the Strand, and Kent. Assessed at 4007. 19 Feb. 1645. His estate being 25 miles from London, and he having commanded 4 troops of horse under Sir Wm. Waller, and being one of the committee there, ordered 14 days to show what he has paid in the country. 5 24 Feb. Discharged here and referred to the country, there being 1237. due to him for service under Waller with a horse regiment, and he having no estate within 20 miles of London. 10 10 5 21A 5 86 146 24 32 DEP. 98 23 24 11 Nov. Information that two brothers Neville, of Christian 21 122 Temple, are delinquents, and before the yielding of Colchester, they agreed to give money for raising forces for the King, which was done accordingly. CERT. 98 25 6 July 1649. Information that Col. Hen. Neville is a delinquent - 21 250 3 Feb. 1645. 22 71 -{ - {8 67 124 4 44 4 54 JOHN LANE, Inner Temple. Assessed at 2007., and summoned to pay 67 126 98 26 19 Feb. 1645. The 61. 10s. paid, with 331. 10s. lent, to discharge 76 734 his assessment, being his proportion on oath, till his excepted 67 126 debts are paid and his lands restored, and the Public Faith given for his payments. 508 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. ! 5 Feb. 1645. CERT. 98 27 10 Feb. 1645. 10 Feb. 1645. 10 Feb. 1645. 10 Feb. 1645. P.E. 98 31 P.D. 98 32 14 Feb. 1645. 14 Feb. 1645. 22 Nov. 1653. He petitions for the Public Faith for the last 61. 10s. paid in, having been discharged on his payment by the Committee for Mitigation of the. Granted. JOSIAS CLARKE, Friday Street, or Wethersfield, Essex. Assessed at 2007. 14 March 1645. Ordered to pay 1007. in 14 days, with what he has paid, and on giving security so to do, the seizure of his estate to be taken off. 2 April 1645. He, asking further time, is to pay next Monday, and the other in 14 days, and Mrs. Poyntz to be summoned to show cause why she should not pay the debt she owes Clarke. 5 Jan. 1646. Clarke to be brought in custody to pay his assessment LADY HART, Castle Baynard Ward. Assessed at 2501. No proceedings - 18 Feb. 1648. The assessment of 2007. discharged, he having been assessed before and discharged for 301. Vol. No. A or P. 98 28 98 SIR EDW. BISHOP, the Tower, and Parham, Sussex. Assessed at 8007. 27 Feb. 1647. Again assessed at 2,0001. 15 March 1648. Bishop's estate to be seized towards payment of his assessment. 67 4 13 June 1649. His estate, seized by the Chichester Committee for delinquency, to be sequestered for non-payment. 22 March 1650. Order that his estate be sequestered for non-pay- ment of the 2,0007. 29 LADY BLUNDELL, the Strand. Assessed at 2001. 23 May 1645. To be brought in custody to pay 132 ROB. HAWKINS, Tower Street and Bishopsgate Street. Assessed at 4007. 67 131 3 March 1645. Having deposited 2007., respited 14 days 76 747 14 March. His assessment discharged for this 2007., 241. paid in 76 763 Essex, and 201. to be paid in 14 days. 56 1 Feb. 1647. An assessment of 1,000l. vacated because of the 71 previous discharge. 1 79 THOS. LEMAN, Aylesham, Co. Norfolk, and Furnival's Inn. Assessed at 2001. 67 132 17 Nov. 1645. Order that his assessment be discharged for the 30l. 98 30 formerly lent, being his proportion on oath. 76 887 5 374 4 105 4 380 20 Aug. 1648. Information that Leman, of London, is a de- 21 106 linquent, and that Sir Hen. Audley owes him 2007. 67 130 22 Sept. 1648. Sir David Hasteville informs that he has an estate 21 109 not sequestered. · 67 137 71 67 5 404 7 70 8 256 10 April 1650. Committee for Advance of Money to the County 24 Commissioners for Sussex. We hear that Sir E. Bishop, a delinquent and recusant, enjoys his estate, or part of it, not- withstanding several orders of sequestration, and is thus able to foment differences and disturb the peace. Tell us who enjoys the profits of his estate, and whether it has lately been discharged from sequestration, and by what order. 72 67 136 4 144 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 509 14 Feb. 1645. 14 Feb. 1645. o.c. 4 263 R. 4 297 R. 4 311 o. 4 318 14 Feb. 1645. 14 Feb. 1645. 14 Feb. 1645. 14 Feb. 1645. JAS. DORVILLE, High Ongar, Essex. Assessed at 1501. of all 20 7 March 1645. Affidavit by him that 411. 11s. is the full bis estate, real and personal, except 50l. a year near Beverley, in co. York, of which he has received no benefit these 2 years. 17 March. Having lent 41l. 11s., respited till these lands are restored to him. · HEN. GOODWIN, Harp Lane. 76 753 12 Jan. 1646. Summoned to appear 98 32B 21 Jan. To be discharged on payment of 101. for his respited lands 76 906 in Yorkshire. 6 Feb. 1646. Note of his discharge on payment 98 32B · Assessed at 5001. 28 Feb. 1645. Allowed 14 days' respite to pay his assessment 18 April 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay it 7 Nov. 1645. Ordered to make up his moiety 24 Nov. Order that 50l. of the 2157. deposited by him be repaid him, and his assessment discharged for the 1657. residue and 351. formerly lent; Public Faith to be given for the money, and Lane to pay the collector's salary and charges. LEWIS HELE, of the Temple, without Temple Bar, and of Co. Devon. Assessed at 3007., but the assessment vacated JOHN IRETON, Paternoster Row. Vol. No. A or P. 67 138 98 32A PHILIPPA and MARY NEVILLE. 67 138 4 62 4 126 4 314 4 336 - {679 19 Feb. 1645. Assessed at 4007. - G92 392 2 Dec. 1646. His assessment discharged for the 1007. paid in 5 147 co. Devon. Each assessed at 2001. 3 March 1645. To be brought in custody to pay 10 March. Mary's assessment respited till her debts be recovered, paying 401., which is her proportion on oath, and Philippa dis- charged till her debts be recovered, not having 1001. besides. 24 March. Mary Neville to be brought in custody to pay 67 134 67 142 14 Dec. Certificate by the Committee for co. Devon that he G92 393 did pay 1007., his full, and has never borne arms against Parliament. Assessed at 2007. 67 138 10 March 1645. Respited for 391. 4s. 8d. lent, being bis proportion 76 758 on oath, until his excepted debts are paid. 67 134 4 64 76 758 4 95 LADY JANE ONYON, alias ENYON, near Somerset House. Assessed at 2501. 67 136 28 Feb. 1645. Respited till her excepted lands be restored, having 76 744 lent 501., which is her proportion on oath. 9 Feb. 1646. Respite renewed, her lands lying at Cloydon, within 76 913 4 miles of Banbury, co. Oxon, and not yet free. 510 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 14 Feb. 1645. 14 Feb. 1645. 14 Feb. 1645. 17 Feb. 1645. 17 Feb. 1645. 18 Feb. 1645. Vol. No. LADY PETTO, Widow of Sir Edw. Petto, near Somerset A or p. House. Assessed at 2501. Respited till paid the arrears due to her husband, who died in Parliament service, and not to be assessed elsewhere. LADY GRISELL POYNTS, Chelsea. Assessed at 3007. 16 Feb. 1645. Mrs. Poynts discharged further attendance on her summons till further order. JANE TORY, High Ongar, Essex. Assessed at 1507. 24 Feb. 1645. Summoned to pay her assessment 67 138 98 33 10 March 1645. To be discharged for 301. paid, being her proportion 76 756 on oath. SAM. LATCH, Lombard Street. Assessed at 2001. 16 May 1645. Having lent 421., he is now to pay 81. and be respited, that being his proportion on oath, until his respited debts are recovered. With note of the Public Faith given, and “ memo- randum that the ticket I mislaid at the entry, and so it is not in bundle." 11 Nov. 1653. She begs a Public Faith ticket for the sum she paid 98 34 on her assessment of 150l. Granted. 67 138 HEN. PIGGOTT, of Bedfordshire, Lodger in Basing Lane. Assessed at 2001. 1 Aug. 1645. To be discharged for 401. lent, and 1407. now paid 1 Feb. 1654. Sir D. Watkins to Martin Dallison. Piggott paid 1401. for his and, but his acquittance was lost when his house was plundered. Pray give him a certificate, that he may make his claim at Worcester House. With note of the payment, 21 Aug. 1645, and receipt of the ticket for the sum, 16 March 1654. ELIZABETH, Wife of Gilbert Coates, Reigate, MARG. COPLEY, Gatton, EDW. COTTON, Lye, JOHN CROOCH, Woking, HEN. FOSTER, Woking, WIDOW FOSTER, Tandridge, THOS. LUSH, Mersham, RICH. LEVELL, Woking, EDW. ALDERS, Mersham, BARTH. PIPPIN, Woking, CECILIA RUDGE, Widow, Woking, EDW. SOUTHCOTT, Mersham, All Recusants, of Surrey. 67 136 4 61 · 67 135 4 123 Order in the House of Commons that the petition of Col. John Holman be referred to the Committee for Advance of Money, and that the concealed estates discovered by him shall be towards payment of Abingdon garrison, and the other to himself, till his arrears of pay are satisfied. 2 67 141 76 809 67 141 67 140 76 852 98 35 4 62 14 May 1645. Information by Col. John Holman, on an Order 21 in the House of Commons of 18 Feb. last, that the above-named are all convicted recusants, and have not conformed, whereby their estates are liable to sequestration. 11 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 511 18 Feb. 1645. CERT. 98 36 L.C.C. 98 37 38 CERT. 27 137 o.c.c. 98 40 CASE 98 41 DEP. 98 42 19 Feb. 1645. L.C.C. 98 39 11 July. Order to the keeper of Peter House to discharge them 7 Nov. 1645. The sequestration on Mrs. Cotton's lands taken off, but that on her goods to stand, unless it be proved that they were inventoried by the County Commissioners. 19 Feb. 1645. 21 Feb. 1645. 21 Feb. 1645. 14 May 1645. Order that their personal estates, having been con- cealed, be seized and secured, and their rents sequestered. 27 June 1645. Mrs. Copley, Cotton, and Southcott respited a week R. 477 9 July 1645. Marg. Copley and Mary Cotton to be taken into custody till further order, as the County Commissioners have ordered the commitment of the officers who searched their houses. 28 Nov. The sequestration of Edw. Cotton's goods taken off, they having been sequestered by the County Commissioners. 2 Feb. 1646. On information of the County Commissioners that they have long since sequestered Mrs. Copley's estate, the sequestration of the Committee for Advance of Money is taken DEP. 98 42B 14 March. Order that his assessment be respited till the debts are 76 762 paid, or till further order, not having 1001. by affidavit. LADY or MRS. MARG. PAGETT, for the Estate of Eliz. Cage, in Fleet Street. Assessed at 3001. off. 15 April 1646. The sequestration of Southcott's goods and lands 5 19 discharged. SIR JAS. HOY, Westminster. Assessed at 4001. Noted, not to be found Vol. No. A or P. 4 153 4 187 DENHAM HUNLOCK or HUNTLOCK, Citizen and Mer- chant Tailor, Sheer Lane. Assessed at 100%. 67 142 14 March 1645. Deposition that, his debts paid, he is not worth 98 42A 1001., except desperate debts of 7,000l. in Ireland, from which he has received nothing since 1642. - 4 197 4 199 4 313 4 339 4 409 67 142 10 March 1645. She having the wardship of Eliz. Cage's lands, is 76 755 respited without prejudice till further order. 7 March 1645. The parties having been summoned and refused payment, order that the 5,000l. be levied by distress on their estates. 19 March. Harby allowed 8 days to address the committee about the debt. - 67 145 DOROTHY SEYMOUR, Delinquent. 53 Whereas Sir Paul Pindar, Sir Abr. Dawes, Sir John Jacob, Sir 4 52 Nich. Crisp, Sir Job Harby, Sir John Nulls, and Sir John Harrison [old farmers of customs] owe her 5,0007., which sum is this day ordered by the House of Commons to be paid to this committee for the garrisons of Abingdon, Portsmouth, Glou- cester, and service of the West,-order that security be given forthwith for payment of the money, or in default, it will be levied on the estates of the debtors, for present supply of the said places. Also that 1,000l. thereof be paid by Monday next. 24 Feb. 1645. Order that Harby pay 1,000l. forthwith, or it will be levied on his estate. 4 57 4 80 $ 83 512 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 Feb. 1645. ACCTS. 98 43 o.c. 5 34 56 96 115 0.5 200 DOROTHY SEYMOUR-(cont.) 11 April 1645. Order that Jacob have 14 days to pay in 500l., and a month more to pay 2001., which is accepted as his portion of the debt, and on payment, he shall be no further troubled about it, and the sequestration of his estate shall be discharged. 14 April. Order that if the said farmers pay in the debt due to Mrs. Seymour, the Committee for Advance of Money will move the House of Commons that they shall not be troubled for any other debts due to delinquents, and this committee promise not to trouble them for any other debt. 11 April. Information of divers moneys owing to Mrs. Seymour by 21 the old farmers of customs. 16 April. Harby declaring his willingness to pay 7001. of the debt, ordered to pay 2001. at once, when his sequestration will be taken off, and the committee will consider the time for pay- ment of the 5001. 21 April. Nulls to pay the 7007., his proportion, in a month 28 April. Harby and Nulls ordered to appear and pay the debt, and Nulls to be protected from arrest. 5 May 1645. Sir Paul Pindar ordered to pay 2001. at once, in part of his share of the debt, and the other 500l. in 14 days, and mean- time to be protected from arrest in going up and down to procure the money. 9 May. Nulls' order renewed, and he is to have 10 days to pay in the 5007. remainder due. 29 Jan. Order that Lane pay Cheltenham 261. for his discovery of the debt out of the next moneys received by him. 15 March 1647. Sir John Nulls summoned to pay the remainder of his part of Mrs. Seymour's money, and protection from arrest granted meantime, that he may go about his business. 21 Jan. 1648. Jacob is to pay in his balance of 11. 16s. 11d., and Nulls his of 231. 4s. Vol. No. A or P. 5 May. Information that Dor. Seymour is a delinquent, and has 21 1 5,000l. owing to her by the old farmers of customs. 7 May. Harby allowed 14 days to pay in the 5007., and protection meantime. 17 Oct. 1648. Order that as Pindar, Jacob, Harby, and Nulls have paid their shares of the debt, but Dawes, Crisp, and Harrison have not paid, the estate of Harrison be secured, unless he pay the debt in 8 days. 4 115 117 27 Feb. 1649. Harrison having paid part of his proportion, and secured the rest, but Crisp and Dawes having paid nothing, they are to pay their proportions in 8 days, or their estates to be seized, Sir Abr. Dawes's to be paid by Sir Thos. Dawes, his heir and executor. 27 July 1649. Order for sequestration of the estate of Sir Thos. Dawes for non-payment. 2 Oct. 1646. Order that as the House of Commons required the persons concerned to pay their shares of the said debt, and as Pindar has paid 7147. 5s. 9d., he be no further molested therefor, and be indemnified against Mrs. Seymour and all others. 29 Jan. 1647. Nich. Cheltenham, messenger of the House of Com- 98 mons, pleads that on 16 Jan. 1645, he discovered to the Camden House Committee this debt of 5,000. belonging to Mrs. Seymour, who is with the King's army, and intercepted a letter from her, showing that Sir Paul Pindar had sent her 2001., which letter he delivered to Miles Corbett, M.P., and on this the House of Commons ordered payment. He begs recompence as the dis- coverer. With notes from Corbett and Thos. Hoyle in his favour. 1B 4 119 4 123 4 129 4 135 136 4 142 4 145 4 136 5 112 118 44 5 184 5 220 5 349 6 85 6 186 7 194 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 513 24 Feb. 1645. 24 Feb. 1645. 24 Feb. 1645. R. 4 79, 87 R. 5 143 225 28 Feb. 1645. 28 Feb. 1645. 50623. 3 Dec. 1651. Dawes' and Crisp's estates to be sequestered for non- payment. 17 Dec. Dawes pleading that he has no assets from his father, but was joint purchaser with him, he is ordered to produce his deeds, and Brereton to report. 26 Dec. Nulls ordered to pay in 231. 4s. which is behind in his 11 proportion. 16 Jan. Cheltenham, the prosecutor, requests an order for Dawes 98 to be taken into custody, because he has not produced his deeds, or else an order to levy the proportions due by Dawes and Crisp by sequestration. ALEX. BAYNHAM. There being suits in the Chancery and Admiralty Courts be- tween him, John Kirk, Ald. Berkley, and Wm. Bradley, the registrars and clerks of those courts are to allow searches to be made and copies taken of the proceedings, as they will be useful to the State. 13 Jan. 1652. The sum being paid, Nulls is to be no further 11 105 molested, and to be indemnified against Mrs. Seymour. 46 17 Sept. 1645. Order that Berkley and Kirk have leave to cross- examine Mr. Bromley, whose examination has been taken on their case before the committee, and that they have a copy of the examination. 16 Jan. Order that unless Sir Thomas Dawes, executor of Sir 11 119 Abraham-who pleads that he has no assets, but was joint purchaser with his father-produce his deeds in 14 days, the proportion be levied on his estate. Also order for levying Crisp's proportion. SANDS, Covent Garden. 23 April 1645. Baynham to have notice to appear in 10 days, and his estate in the hands of Berkley and Kirk to be seized. 26 April, and 14 and 15 May 1645. Depositions relative to the 98 nature of the ladings of ships with wool, rice, pepper, &c., one value 10,0001, the goods being said to belong to Baynham. Assessed at 2007. 21 March 1645. Order for him to be brought up in custody 2 April 1645. His assessment respited till his lands in CO. Gloucester be restored, or till further order. 04 Vol. No. A or p. 17 105 21 Jan. 1646. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 22 March 1647. Summoned to pay an assessment of 2001. - 11 98 A GEORGE SAYERS, or SAIRS, Bassieshaw Ward. Assessed at 4007. 23 May 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 4 July 1645. His assessment discharged for the 751. 5s. 4d. lent by his uncle, Capt. John Sayers, of Fulham, and 1241. 14s. 8d. now paid, being his proportion on oath. - 17 45 36 4 56 4 131 47 -50 4 263 67 147 4 89 4 105 4 396 98 51 67 148 4 166 76 836 67 148 21 July 1652. The Public Faith to be given him for 1247. 14s. 8d. 12 75 without interest. ISABELLA COMPTON, COUNTESS OF NORTHAMPTON. Assessed at 1,000l. 67 148 17 Dec. 1646. Ordered to make up the moiety of her assessment 5 159 Jan. 1647. Note that her assessment at is 9001., and that she is 83 gone to Oxford, where her land is. KK 00 514 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. A 28 Feb. 1645. 28 Feb. 1645. 28 Feb. 1645. 28 Feb. 1645. 3 March 1645. 15 Dec. 1647. Her estate to be sequestered for satisfaction of her assessment. 8 March 1648. She being comprised in Oxford articles, her assess- ment respited till further and special order. THOS. PRINCEPS, Coleman Street. Assessed at 6001. 19 March 1645. Mr. Princeps having been assessed at 100%. and paid it, and since contributed 107. to Sir Wm. Waller, and being now assessed at 600l., order that he pay 901. in 14 days, in dis- charge of the assessment, or make affidavit. With note that it was paid 21 March. WM. STONE, Green Arbour. Assessed at 1507. 24 March 1645. He being bound for Dunkirk, his assessment re- spited for 6 weeks, till he come from sea. 28 March. Respited further till the State pays him the debts due for several shippings, he having paid his and in co. Herts. 20 DR. WALTER WALKER, Covent Garden. Assessed at 2507. CECIL CALVERT, LORD BALTIMORE, Papist, Delinquent. Order that goods and other concealed estate of his in the house of Sampson Calvert, of Dunstan's Churchyard in the East, London, be seized and brought away. 7 March 1645. Order that the said goods be sold by the candle, and the money paid to this committee. Vol. No. A or P. 5 327 5 393 67 151 4 84 67 151 24 March 1645. Having lent 577. 5s. 4d., which is his proportion on 76 770 oath, his debts excepted, respited till they be recovered. 67 149 4 93 4 102 - 4 63 4 4 24 March. Order that 2s. 6d. in the pound of the money brought in by the sale be paid to the officers who discovered and brought in the goods, with their charges in seizing, appraising, watching, and selling them. 10 April 1645. Depositions relative to fustic and green-wood 98 claimed by Simon Parrott, but supposed to belong to Lord Baltimore, because lodged in Calvert's warehouse. 17 Nov. 1645. Lord Baltimore assessed at 2,500l. 27 March 1649. Information that Lord Baltimore has lands in co. York unsequestered. 27 March. County Commissioners to certify to the Committee for Advance of Money what are the lands not sequestered. 73 94 52 53 69 110 21 181 6 242 25 July 1649. Information that he left Parliament quarters in 21 260 1644, and went to Bristol, then a King's garrison, and procured a grant for the custom of four ships, viz., the Elizabeth, David, Reformation, and another, which being found rotten, was taken to pieces. The Elizabeth, 160 tons, laden with 556 hogsheads of tobacco, paid in custom 800l., the David 190 tons, with 417 hogs- heads of tobacco, 600l. The Reformation was lost in Ireland, coming homewards from the West Indies, but was compounded for. Baltimore compounded with the above owners for the customs, and received the money by virtue of the Great Seal. It is conceived the King was not then in a condition to bestow so great a gift, and it is doubted whether the Seal so produced was the King's Great Seal; and if it were, whether it were not procured upon promise of bringing some of the Parliament ships to the King. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 515 3 March 1645. 3 March 1645. 5 March 1645. 5 March 1645. 5 March 1645. R. 4 229 6 March 1645. 5 Sept. 1649. Order that the committee's officers seize, inventory, and secure his real and personal estate in London, Middlesex, Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and York, and forewarn his tenants and debtors to detain their moneys till further orders. 14 Sept. Order for stay of proceedings, Lord Baltimore to have a copy of the charge and examinations. March 1650? Information that ANT. PENISTON, Southwark, Surrey. His assessment discharged on affidavit that he has not 100%., though his desperate debts amount to 20,0007. 7 276 Catchmaid, fishmonger, in Old 98 Fish Street, took a bargain of fishing of him at 1201. a year, and paid him 501. as earnest, and the rest will be due Michaelmas 1650. SIR ROB. STONE, Westminster. Assessed at 2501. No proceedings 10 Jan. 1646. Summoned to bring in a particular of his desperate 93 debts. With note that they are in Wales, and 7007. owed by one Kent, who died in the King's Bench. SIR JOHN YATES. Vol. No. A or P. 7 26) 4 Assessed at 1,0007. 25 July 1645. Sir John to have 14 days to come in and pay his assessment. Wm. Comyn, his tenant, to pay the arrears of rent for satisfaction of Sir John's assessment, and meantime to pay 50l. to Lady Yates for her present use. Also to accept the sur- render of the part of the premises let to Wm. Pyne, who is to be freed from payment of rent from Lady Day 1644, and to deliver up Pyne's bond for his rent of 16., in recompence whereof the committee will abate of the 167. rent. 1 Oct. 1645. Sir John paying 250l. more than the 477. 12s. 4d. already received, the sequestration of his estate for non-pay- ment of his to be discharged. 98 WOOLLEY LEIGH (late), Thorp, Co. Surrey, son of Sir Fras. Leigh, and ELIZABETH, his widow. MAJ. GEORGE WITHERS. Ordered such estates of delinquents as he shall discover, for pay- 4 70 ment of his arrears and discoveries. 18 June 1651. On a Parliament Order of 26 April 1649 for payment 10 422 to him of 3001. from his discoveries of delinquents' estates, order that his discoveries entered between that date and 8 Aug. 1650, be admitted as discovered on the said order, and proceeded with towards payment of the said 3007. 1 67 156 54 63 55 56 Mrs. Leigh complaining to the County Commissioners of the 98 sequestration of her jointure lands in Thorp, Egham, Chertsey, &c., co. Surrey, and producing the deed whereby they are settled on her-order that the sequestration be discharged. 67 155 4 215 4 216 4 279 57 25 Sept. 1646. Information that Woolley Leigh lent Edw. Maria 21 75 Wingfield, of Reston, co. Hunts, 1,300l. and in 16 Car. sued him to an outlawry for non-payment. That Leigh was in arms against Parliament, his estate was sequestered, and he is now dead. A fine is pleaded in the Exchequer and a deed in 10 Charles, vesting Wingfield's estate in trustees, but the deed is supposed to be fraudulent, and made to deceive the creditors who had judgments on the estate, as Wingfield let and sold land without consent of the trustees. KK 2 516 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 March 1645. DEP. 98 58 59 o.c. 5 19 BOND 98 65 E.W. 28 121 138 141 WOOLLEY LEIGH-cont. 23 Dec. 1646. Wingfield summoned to appear 15 Jan., and pro- tection from arrest granted him. 13 Jan. 1647. His lands being sequestered for a debt of 800l. due to Leigh, order that he pay in the debt due to this committee in a month, and that he may procure the money, he is not to be arrested or interrupted by any one. 29 Jan. Whereas Wingfield's lands were extended 16 Car. for his debt to Leigh, who since became a delinquent and so died. And Wingfield, being summoned to pay the debt, says he cannot do it without sale of his lands,-order that all who buy the said lands shall have them clear of encumbrances, and that Wingfield shall be indemuified against Leigh's executors. 14 July 1647. Mr. Lane to pay Rich. Cole 3s. per pound salary for the 8007. paid by Wingfield as a debt to Woolley Leigh. 13 Nov. 1647. Wingfield being threatened by the executors that they will levy the debt on his lands, though he has paid it to the Committee for Advance of Money,-order that the sheriff have notice that the debt is paid and stay proceedings, or appear and show cause to the contrary. Vol. No. A or P. 5 165 12 April 1648. Order that they be brought up in custody, having been summoned and not appearing. 5 173 5 188 5 279 22 Feb. 1648. Order in the House of Commons that 1,000l. be paid 98 60 to Rob. Fenwick, for great and good services to Parliament, out of such concealed delinquents' estates as he shall discover, or out of the surplus of those who have compounded and not given in true particulars. 5 313 1 March 1648. Petition of Rob. Fenwick. Having this order, he 98 61 agreed with John Keet, of Drury Lane, and Rob. Hall, of St. Clement's, for a bond which they have for payment of a large sum to a delinquent in arms [Woolley Leigh], which would not only satisfy petitioner but afford a surplus to the State, but Keet and Hall now refuse their covenant, intending to conceal the money, by compounding with the parties bound, and to deliver them the bond to be cancelled, to the prejudice of the State. Begs warrants to them to appear and give an account of the business. Granted. 5 387 5 419 21 9 June 1648. Information that though Leigh died a delinquent in arms, his estate is concealed and not sequestered. Also that 98 Mrs. Leigh, his widow, was at Oxford when her husband was in arms against Parliament, and her estate is concealed and not sequestered. Ap 23 April 1650. Parliament Order on the petition of Ald. Wm. 98 Hobson, citizen of London, showing that he obtained a judgment against Leigh for 1,2001., and is entitled to 2007. by assignment from Leigh,-that Hobson be empowered to receive the 1,2007., and 2001. from any of Leigh's estates not sequestered at the time of his death, giving discharges for the same to his executors. 101 62 63 64 11 June 1651. Information by Hobson that John and Fras. Wayte, 21 220 of Clerkenwell, are bound in 2,000l. to John Minton, or Mintern, 98 but that the money really belongs, not to Minton, but to Woolley Leigh, a grand delinquent. 26 Sept. 1651. Publication to pass, but Mintern's counsel to be heard 17 39 as to his interest in the recognizance. 98 66 14 Oct. 1651. Order that the heirs and executors of the Waytes 17 55 show cause why the debt should not be levied on the estates of 98 67 which they were seized at the date of the recognizance. 7 Nov. 1651. Hobson petitions that having prosecuted for a debt 98 68 due from Leigh, but taken in Mintern's name in trust for COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 517 6 March 1645. E.W. 28 151 152 LET. 98 74 DEP. 98 75 76 E.W. 12 354 358 R. 12 367 (2) DEP. 98 77 78 H. 13 46 REP. 98 79 98 21 Nov. Brereton to state the case and report, Hobson having 17 notice, and no executions against Keythorpe Manor to proceed. BOND 98 73 26 Nov. Information that Woolley Leigh, on settling his estate at marriage, reserved power to charge part of his lands with payment of 3,000l.; that when at Oxford, and under seques- tration, he conveyed part of his lands to John Thynne and Sir Hum. Tracey, empowering them to receive the 3,000l., and they have held the lands for years, and made no composition. Also that Mrs. Leigh holds lands and leases of houses in the Strand without composition, and conceals divers goods of her husband's. Mrs. Leigh summoned to appear as a witness. 7 March 1645. Leigh, and the case being ready for publication-notice be given to Leigh's executors and Mintern, to show cause why publication should not pass and the case be heard. Granted. 21 Nov. 1651. Petition of Rob. Wilson, guardian to his brothers 98 Richard and Thomas, under age. Their mother, in her widow- hood, 5 years since, bought Keythorpe Manor, co. Leicester, of Fras. Wayte, and left it to his 2 brothers, who have held it till lately disturbed by Hobson, who had a Parliament Order to raise money from Leigh's estate. Hobson found that the Waytes entered into a recognizance to pay Mintern 2,0007. on behalf of Leigh, long before this manor was purchased, yet he tries to raise 1,000l. on this estate. Begs that Mintern and Leigh's executors may recover the sum in law, dormant securities and matters of trust against purchasers being only examinable in Chancery. Vol. No. A or P. 19 Dec. 1651. Mrs. Eliz. Leigh to bring in her deed of jointure, 11 wherein power is reserved to charge lands in Addington, which were sequestered by the late County Commissioners, with 3,000l., or else to appear and show good cause to the contrary. 22 98 28 Dec. Order that the debt owing on the recognizance is not pardoned by the Act of Pardon, there being a judgment in Oct. 1651, before that Act; that it was in trust for Leigh, and that 1,000l. was his own money, and forfeit for his delinquency. But as there is no proof that the Waytes bought the bond, and as the recognizance was to be vacated on entering into a new one to Mr. Dudley, which was done, and 500l. paid him thereon, to the end that Hobson may have such remedy as Leigh's executors ought to have had for recovery of the debt,-order that the County Commissioners for Leicester secure in the tenants' hands the rents of Keythorpe Manor, and that Rob. Wilson prefer his bill in Chancery, to ascertain why the Waytes entered into the recognizance to Minton, and what agreement was made for cancelling it, and entering into one to Dudley. If any Chancery injunction be had, the seizure will be taken off such part of Keythorpe rents as shall be obtained by order in Chancery. But the debt on this recognizance is not to take precedence of any other recognizance, or judgment of older date. 23 Dec. 1653. Order that on the Wilsons paying Hobson 208., the 13 hearing of the report be delayed till Wednesday. ELIZABETH, alias JOAN ALKYN. Order for payment to her of 40s. for several discoveries 14 March 1645. Order for payment of 40s. more, as she avers by petition that she discovered [Geo.] Mynne's wire. Sept. 1647? She petitions that she was employed during the wars as a spy by the Earl of Essex, Sir Wm. Waller, and the now 69 70 92 71 23 March 1653. The Waytes and Minton to attend Brereton, that 12 321 the report may be perfected. 50 335 72 21 13 51 52 20 61-64 4 72 4 77 98 80 518 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 7 March 1645. 8 March 1645. Lord General Fairfax, has done much service, to the hazard of her life, and her husband was hanged in Oxford by the late King's party. Has lately done good service in discovering printers and publishers of scandalous books, and last week dis- covered some presses in Dugard's custody, in Merchant Taylors' School, which are all seized, and Dugard committed to New- gate; has had no recompense, though she has spent all she was worth in the service. Also discovered the delinquency of Mr. Mynne and others to Wm. Mills, late collector at Camden House, and he has received the whole benefit, 2001. or 300l., and not allowed her a penny. Begs payment to her of 401. belonging to Mills, which is in the hands of this committee's treasurer, as she is likely to be cast into prison for debt. 7 Feb. 1650. Mr. Dawson, the treasurer, to pay her 40s. for service to the State. · 8 171 29 Sept. 1652. She pleads that Parliament granted her a house 98 worth 71. a year for her services, but the house being lately sold, she has lost it. Has found another sequestered house in King Street, Westminster, belonging to Sir Rich. Lichford, delinquent, for which 107. a year is paid. Begs this 101. 10 March 1645. 8 Oct. 1652. She thanks for the order for a house, worth 71. a year, for a habitation. Begs an order to the committee sitting at the Wardrobe for the 2 quarters' rent due, which is paid to them, and which she is ordered to receive. 29 Sept. Order that as the house of Captain Rawden, a delinquent, 12 163 granted her by Parliament, is sold, the London Committee grant her a sequestered house of the same value. 10 March 1645. 11 April 1654. She petitions that on a Parliament Order of 15 Oct. 98 83 1647, and on their order of 29 Sept. 1652, she had a sequestered house worth 71. a year, but since the late change of govern- ment, the present commissioners scruple to pay her. Begs an order to the Committee for Sequestrations of London to continue the payment. 11 April. Order granted accordingly Vol. No. A or P. SIR PEREGRINE BERTIE, Co. Lincoln. Order in the County Committee that his tenants in Evedon and 98 84 Thurlby be discharged of arrears since the first sequestration of his estate till Michaelmas, on paying 1607. 13 Oct. 1645. He assessed at 5001. 27 Dec. 1645. Sir Peregrine to have 10 days' respite for his assess- ment. HENEAGE FINCH, The Temple. 81 · 13 92 • 29 Dec. The sequestration taken off, and he respited, on giving security to abide the orders of this committee. 98 82 - 69 94 4 372 25 Sept. 1646. His assessment of 500l. to be discharged, on his paying 1007., 50l. in November, and 501. in February next. 4 375 5 106 Assessed at 1501. 67 157 18 April 1645. Respited till his estate comes to him, or till further 76 790 order, not having 1007. on affidavit. WM. THORNTON, Salisbury Court, and Wyham, Co. Lincoln. Assessed at 3007. - 67 158 3 Feb. 1647. To be discharged for 100l. paid in Lincolnshire, 76 937 being his proportion on oath. 11 May 1647. Again assessed at 3007. 71 81 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 519 = 10 March 1645. 14 March 1645. * P.E. 98 85 P.D. 98 86 21 April 1648. He is to produce a certificate of the time of his composition at Goldsmiths' Hall, when his assessment will be considered. 25 April. His assessment of 300l. to be discharged, as he was formerly assessed at 3001. and discharged, having lent 1007. in co. Lincoln. AUGUSTINE HOLL, St. James's, and Higham, Co. Norfolk. To be brought in custody to answer matters objected against him - 14 March 1645. 14 March 1645. 17 March 1645. Committee for Advance of Money to Capt. Milton, Whitechapel. You have in your custody 2 horses and a case of pistols of Mr. Holl's; he having cleared himself of the suspicion on which a warrant was issued to stay him, you are to return him the said goods. 11 April 1645. Assessed at 4007. 67 174 R. 5 168 180 28 April. Respited till the sequestration of his lands, worth 1,000l. 76 796 a year, is taken off. 23 Oct. 1646. Again assessed at 1,000l. 10 Feb. 1647. Respited till further special order 2 May 1649. Note of non-payment of his assessment 13 March 1650. His assessment discharged, the debts and charges on his estate being greater than it will satisfy. 17 March 1645. 17 March 1645. - 71 47 5 190 6 306 8 231 Lady Creamer, 4007. Neville, St. John's, now a Colonel with the King, 1,000l. Lady Soames, Covent Garden, 4001. Wilde, Clement's Lane, 1,2001. Vol. No. A or P. 426 5 CAPT. WM. JACKSON, at Mr. Pennoyer's. Assessed at 1,5007. - 67 159 24 March 1645. Another assessment of 1,5007. vacated 67 167 9 April 1645. To be discharged on affidavit that he has not 1007. - 76 780 5 428 The following assessments were made, but no proceedings 67 taken thereon:- 7 Sept. 1646. Ordered a convenient room in Mr. Darrell's house, Holborn, 4 79 80 4 81 INHABITANTS OF ELY RENTS, Holborn. The difference between themselves, who say that they, being in Middlesex, are overcharged with payments by the City, and the Committee of Arrears, to be heard on Monday. JANE, Widow of Cornet Beck. Petitions that her husband was slain in the service at York, 98 and when the Cavaliers fired Birmingham, her house and the town was destroyed. Has come to London with 3 children, and begs a room in Justice Foster's house, where she has been a fortnight, but he threatens to turn her out, and bring in goods. 17 March 1645. Granted a low room in the inner garden, and a little cellar till further order. 22 March 1645. Several warrants having issued from this com- mittee for levying taxes and arrears, assessed by the City on the said inhabitants, and it being disputed whether the Ely Rents are 4 160 160 159 159 87 82 5 100 4 81. 4 93 520 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 17 March 1645. 17 March 1645. 19 March 1645. R. 4 110 21 March 1645. 21 March 1645. 21 March 1645. 21 March 1645. B. 4 124 in the jurisdiction of London, order that the case be decided by Common Law, and that no further distress be levied on the inhabitants till it be determined. 24 March 1645. Order repeated, saving only that some small dis- tress is to be levied on some one inhabitant, on purpose for a cause of action at law for trial of the question. THOS. HAYLE, Clerk, of Edmonton. Assessed at 801. 2 May 1645. To be discharged on affidavit that he has not 1007. THOS. TRESHAM, the Strand. 1 17 Sept. 1645. Tresham to be heard by his counsel 3 weeks hence 10 Oct. 1645. To make up his in 10 days 14 Nov. 1645. As it appears that he is only tenant for life, he is to be discharged on paying 251. of the 145l., this being his pro- portion on oath. * ROB. GRAVES, Tower Hill. Assessed at 1001. and summoned to pay Assessed at 5007. 67 163 4 164 23 March 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 21 April 1645. To be discharged for the 801. paid in co. Northamp- 76 791 ton, and 1451. more to be paid, this being his on affidavit, and he is to bring the deeds of covenant on his marriage. 20 2 July 1645. Mr. Bradshaw to be brought in custody to pay Tresham's assessment. 11 July. Deposition that Mr. Bradshaw was bound for Tresham's 98 appearance before the Committee for Advance of Money, but when summoned, he told the messenger he "would not be ordered by no prating scrivener." · MORRIS BARROW and EDM. HARVEY, Gray's Inn. Barrow assessed at 500l. and Harvey at 1507. 9 May 1645. Both discharged, being of the Committee in Suffolk, and active there. Vol. No. A or P. 4 95 67 161 76 798 4 191 88 4 262 4 289 76 885 67 165 4 148 67 164 98 89 9 April 1645. The 51. deposited by him to be in discharge of his 76 780 assessment, on his paying 6l. more, being his proportion. LEONARD HEADLAM, Co. York. Receipt of 1007. from him in part of his composition made with 98 90 the County Committee for his. With order in the County Committee that he is to pay the balance of 10l. 10s. in 10 days, and meanwhile the sequestrators are to forbear meddling with his goods. CAPT. JOHN INWOOD, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. Assessed at 1201. 67 166 9 April 1645. His assessment respited 10 days 4 112 6 May 1645. Certificate of the County Commissioners that he has 98 90A lost 1501. by the King's Forces, and adventured his life under COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 521 21 March 1645. R. 4 150 163 173 21 March 1645. 21 March 1645. 21 March 1645. o. 9 35 R. 9 48 EDM. JORDAN, Charlwood, Surrey, lodger in Fleet Street. Assessed at 3007. 23 July 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 2 May 1646. Deposition by him that he never knew of the assess- ment till a fortnight since; that for 4 years he has not lived within 20 miles of London; that he served Parliament at Arundel and Basing, and has 600l. due to him; also that he enlisted a horse worth 81. and spent 601. worth of plate in the State's service, and that his proportion, debts deducted, is not more than 50%. Sir Wm. Waller in Parliamentary service, for which 1007. is due to him, and has contributed money, and therefore they recom- mend him for discharge of assessment. 10 June 1645. His assessment respited 10 days 15 May. Order that he be respited till paid his arrears, and any seizure on his estate be discharged. MARY PEACOCK, Widow, Finchley, Middlesex. Assessed at 4007., and summoned to pay Vol. No. A or P. 5 May. County Commissioners certify to his loyalty, having been 98 92 twice high sheriff, and expended in the service much more than his and. If assessed at all, it should be in his county, but they did not think fit to assess him. 4 185 67 166 4 211 98 91 24 Oct. 1649. Order to the Worcester House Committee to state his accounts, and give him a debenture as instructed by Parliament. 6 34 67 165 98 93 28 April 1645. Her assessment to be discharged on payment of 24l., 76 795 being her proportion on oath. 2 May 1645. Certificate that on examination by the Committee for 98 94 Mitigation 241. was found to be her full proportion, and that this has been paid, and her assessment should be discharged. March 1654. Note of the Public Faith given her for the amount - 67 165 CAPT. HEN. THORNTON. Ordered the value of the discoveries he makes of concealed 4 86 estates of delinquents. 4 Sept. 1649. Petitions Parliament. Being close prisoner in the 98 95 Fleet, and daily expecting death, begs relief, and reference to the Indemnity Committee, to obtain release, and part of his arrears for his wife and 4 small children. Being many hundreds in arrears, got an order for the of delinquents' and Papists' estates that he should discover; but wanting money, took as partner Capt. Wm. Pease, who was to spend 201. in the prosecution, and the committee to defray the charges. Many large discoveries have been made, but they never obtained a penny, whereupon Pease has thrown him into the Fleet, and Capt. Smallpiece into the Marshalsea, but Smallpiece has compounded for the debt, and is discharged, whilst petitioner is illegally detained. 7 323 17 Jan. 1650. Thornton petitions this committee that, Parliament 98 96 having referred his accounts to the Worcester House Committee, he has got them stated, and begs that the cause of his imprison- ment and state of his accounts may be speedily reported to Parliament, and that 1741. 5s. Od. disbursed by him for his company, and stated in his accounts, may be paid. 17 Jan. The case referred to Rich to report • 8 132 522 ว COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 24 March 1645. NOTE 98 100 DEP. 98 101 24 March 1645. 24 March 1645. Particulars of her estate, confirmed by the will of her husband, 98 proved 18 April 1642, and an inventory of her goods taken 2 Sept. 1642. RICH. GLOVER, "as Guardian to Anue Higham for 1,000 marks to her given, or to whom it shall belong." Assessed at 1007. 67 167 14 April 1645. Discharged on paying 331. 6s. 8d., being the 2 of 76 the 1,000 marks. 785 BOND 98 102 E.W. 28 49 50 LET. 98 103 E.W. 8 369 370 MERCY, Danghter of EDWARD and MARY ARCHBOLD, St. Clement's Parish, and Widow of WALTER CROOK, M.A., St. Giles' Parish, Middlesex. WM. HUDSON, Delinquent, Stowmarket, Suffolk. Information that he was in arms against Parliament, was taken 21 2 prisoner, escaped from Newgate, and is now at the King's garrison at Winchester, and has an estate of 241. a year, con- veyed by John Wriothesley for 120l., for which Wriothesley now offers 601. if it may be assured to him. 24 March 1645. PUB. 8 393 E.W. 9-8 28 62 25 April 1645. Information that Rob. Culham, of the White Hart, Stowmarket, Suffolk, has in his hands 451. of Hudson's estate. Vol. No. A or P. 8 Sept. 1645. Order that Culham hold the White Hart, late belonging to Hudson, for a year, at 251. rent, without being troubled by the County Commissioners. 17 Sept. Thos. Lindsey to have 4l. 13s. Od. for his charges in levy- ing Hudson's rents at Stowmarket. 4 264 25 Sept. 1646. Order that as it appears by affidavit that Hudson's 5 106 debts are 1,300l., and he is not worth 1007., and also that he has compounded at Goldsmiths' Hall for his delinquency-his sequestration for delinquency be discharged. LADY GRACE MANNERS, Southampton Buildings, Gray's Inn Lane, London, and Ayleston, Co. Leicester. 97- 99 22 May. The County Commissioners for co. Leicester to take examinations and send them up. 21 21 9 Information that she has sent 2,000l. to Sir Lewis Watson, a 21 2 delinquent, now in Oxford, 1,7001. being paid to Rob. Lambert, linendraper, of Temple Bar, and 3001. remaining in her hands. 31 March 1645. Assessed at 3001. LET. 98 107 19 June 1650. On statement that the County Commissioners of Notts have issued their warrants to bring in her rents, order that they seize and secure her personal estate, and detain her rents in the tenants' hands, but do not dispose of anything till further order. 4 255 67 171 18 April 1645. Note that she showed acquittances for 3201. 67 171 41 1 May 1650. Information that she gave the late King 1,0007. the 22 year before Leicester was taken by his forces. 5 July 1650. Witnesses to be examined, but she allowed to take exceptions to any, and copies of the exceptions to be given to the prosecutor. 8 98 24 May. Information repeated, stating that the money was sent to 22 Gen. Hastings, who was in arms at Ashby-de-la-Zouch - 24 May. Order that she give in an answer to the charge 41 98 105 8 343 98 106 May. She states that she is 77 years old, has always resided in Parliament quarters, and never gave money or anything whatsoever for the service of the late King. 339 104 8 383 9 19 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 523 24 March 1645. E.W. 9 22 o. 9 41 55 E.W. 9 57 74 28 72 75 (2) 76 0.9 93 E.W. 9 95 101 PUB. 9 128 132 R. 9 136 o. 9 152 98 109 LET. 98 110 o. 9 156 167 E.W. 9 173 H. 9 177 180 186 : 28 March 1645. 28 March 1645. 30 March 1645. 31 March 1645. P.R. 98 115-117 DEP. 98 118 21 Aug. 1650. She accusing John Coates of tampering with the witnesses to swear against her, and then offering to bring her clear for a sum of money, the exception is allowed, and she is to prove it, and have liberty to bring in further exceptions. 25 Oct. 1650. Order on full hearing of the case, that she is not within the Ordinance of Sequestration, and that therefore she be discharged further attendance, and the seizure of her estate taken off. COLE and WM. STILES, both of Sunbury, Middlesex. Order that as Cole is a delinquent in the King's quarters, and Wm. Stiles corresponds with him, their estates be seized. LADY WOODWARD, Ivey Bridge. Assessed at 3007. Noted as run away 14 July 1645. To be brought in custody to pay 31 March 1645. On information that there are goods of his at the Dead Man's Head, Old Bailey, order that they be seized and secured. 21 April 1645. Information that Warkman gave money to Hezekiah Turvil, employed in seizing his estate, to forbear prosecution. 5 May 1645. Hearing of the case ordered BEN. LODGE, Middle Temple. Assessed at 2001., and summoned to pay Vol. No. A or p. 9 90 98 108 WM. WARKMAN, alias CLERKE. Information that he is a papist, within the compass of the Ordinance 21 8 for Sequestration, but not yet sequestered. 98 111 102 4 9 189 3 April 1646. Order that he have the Public Faith for the 301. paid. 4 103 67 168 4 203 21 8 98 111 4 143 67 171 98 112 7 May 1645. Order for his discharge on payment of 301. 4 146 113 22 May. Certificate of the payment of the money, and the dis- 98 charge accordingly. 5 3 2 Oct. 1651. Whereas Jonathan Haley, of Addle Street, produced 98 114 two papers purporting payment by Lodge of 301. assessment, and demanding a Public Faith certificate for it, but the registrar says that the Public Faith has been already given; and whereas Haley says he received the bills of - Baker, a Drury House officer, who says he had them of a servant of Abr. Stubbins, servant of Ralph Clark of Ludgate Hill, who bought them of Lodge ;-order that Lodge be brought up in custody to answer to the premises. 3 524 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 March 1645. 31 March 1645. March 1645. O.C. 4 143 DEP. 98 129 REP. 88 130 21 Oct. 1651. Lodge deposes that he has not the Public Faith bill for the 30%. Thompson, officer to the late committee, says that it is lost, but he produces the assignment. Lodge bought the bills produced from Abr. Stubbins for 10s. PETERS, Ongar, Essex. Assessed at 1,000l. 67 171 25 April 1645. Order that he be respited till he receive his of his 4 132 land which is sequestered. Vol. No. A or P. 98 119 JOHN FORTESCUE and KATHERINE his Wife, St. Giles'- in-the-Fields. Mary, wife of John Williams, petitions that her husband having 98 120 discovered a judgment of 460l. against John Fortescue for re- cusancy, Fortescue, out of hatred, has caused his servant Griffin ap Richard to sue petitioner, and got an execution against her husband, whereby her goods are seized, and he lies in prison, and is thus prevented from prosecuting the discovery; begs that he may be enlarged, and Fortescue dealt with for his contempt. 18 April 1645. Fortescue deposes that there is a judgment of 460l. 98 121 against him, for default in not appearing at church, though he never had notice that his wife is a recusant, but his children. live with him, except one who is with the mother; he allows his wife 401. a year, and she has little personal estate. 21 April. The judgment of 460l. of 18 Car. against John and Katherine for recusancy to be levied, and the money brought to this committee. 4 129 14 May 1645. Information that in 18 Car. there was a judgment 21 14 obtained in the King's Bench against the Fortescues for 460l. still unpaid. 14 May. Order that the sheriffs of London and Middlesex levy the said sum, according to a writ from the King's Bench, by the usual course of law, sell the lands and goods extended for the 98 sum, and pay in the money to this committee. 4 June 1645. Order that the Committee for Advance of Money join 4 171 with the Revenue Committee in demanding execution upon the judgment in the King's Bench against the Fortescues. 20 Aug. 1645. Committee for Advance of Money request the 98 123 Revenue Committee to proceed in levying the money, that the State may have its right and the prosecutors their due; no pro- ceedings have yet been taken, and Fortescue molests the tenants, and receives part of the sequestered rents. Fortescues, though unable to prosecute the case, having been a prisoner since 28 Feb. 1646 for 201. borrowed to prosecute the discovery made by himself and others. 4 152 155 122 3 July 1651. Capt. Hen. Thornton, prisoner in the Fleet, petitions 98 124 to be admitted as the discoverer of the fine to be levied on the DEP. 98 125 31 Oct. 1651. John Fortescue petitions that, an order having been 98 126 127 made 6 Aug- last, for sequestration of his estate for non-pay- payment of the 4607., he may be heard to show cause why the sequestration should not pass. 17 69 31 Oct. His petition and affidavit referred to Brereton to re- port, and meantime all proceedings against him and his wife 98 128 stayed. 24 Sept. 1652. On report-stating that on Capt. Thornton's peti- 12 157 tion, he was ordered to prove that he was the sole surviving dis- coverer, and the fine was ordered to be levied on the estate, that the case is not within the cognizance of this committee, but is to be recommended to the trustees at Somerset House, who have the care of the late King's goods and debts, to prosecute the fine, and consider the claims of Capt. Hen. Thornton and Wm. Pease, as discoverers. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 525 1 April 1645. GEORGE COLLINGWOOD, Recusant, Dawdon, Co. Durham. Information that Rob. Lisle, Felton, co. Northumberland, owes him 7001. 16 June 1645. Information repeated E.W. 28 87 July 1645. [Lisle] to be summoned to state what he owes to Collingwood, and in case of refusal, to be brought before the Committee for Advance of Money. PUB. 10 305 R. 12 370 13 95 1 April 1645. R. 4 223 245 254 J 2 Aug. 1650. Lisle summoned to pay the debt 27 Nov. 1650. On his appearance, a hearing ordered 4 Dec. 1650. On his denial of the debt, the prosecutor is ordered to prove it. 27 Dec. Lisle denying the debt, which is said to be a mortgage on Coxlodge lands, near Newcastle, the County Commissioners are to examine witnesses, and send up the depositions; also to require Lisle and Mary Errington, widow, of Denton, to bring in the mortgage, and send up an attested copy. WILLIAM, or SIR WILLIAM MAINWARING, and HESTER, LADY MAINWARING, of Holloway, his Wife. - 1 Aug. 1645. Information that Randall Mainwaring, grocer, and 2 others are bound to Sir John Gore in 4001. for payment of 2041. That Sir Benj. Ayliffe and Wm. and Jas. Ayliffe are bound in the same sum for 2081. That John, Lord Rivers, and 2 others are bound in 8001. for payment of 4167., all the said persons bound being trustees for Sir Wm. Mainwaring. Vol. No. A or p. 21 5 82 99 99 99 Information that he was in arms against Parliament, and has 21 2,0007. in the hands of James and Martin Noel, brothers. 4 April 1645. The Noels, on examination, deny the debt 15 April. Information renewed, stating that Wm. Mainwaring, 99 lately knighted, has 2,000l. in the hands of Jas. Noel or Rob. Hanson, scriveners, and part of it is at Col. Mainwaring's disposal. This estate was conveyed by the late Chris. Wasse to Sir John and Wm. Gore, in trust for his daughter, one of his co-heirs, married to Sir Wm. Manwaring. Wasse died holding an estate of 400l. a year. With note of witnesses to be examined. 9 70 9 240 9 268 9 322 21 10 1 1 Aug. Information that he, being a delinquent, now in the King's 21 quarters, bas an estate in co. Cambridge worth 3127. in the hands of Sir Miles Sandys and Humberston Marsh, and 5201. in the hands of Sir Alex. Denton and 2 others. 3 2 3 4 19 20 99 5 5 Aug. Sir Miles Sandys [of Wilberton, co. Cambridge] to the 99 Committee for Advance of Money. You summon me to pay 3121. due to Mainwaring. I owe divers sums, which my father borrowed at interest when he adventured large sums with the Earl of Bedford in the draining of the fens; but during alarm in these troubles, I have moved my writings about, so that I do not know where to find that relating to this debt, and I could not pay 1007. now if I had to go to prison. I have had to sell all my land to pay my debts. We are now busy sending away horses and dragoons for Oxford and Banbury, and I cannot come to London for fear of arrest, unless Parliament settles the fens, whereby I may have some recompense for the sums my father laid out. Pray defer the case, as I have long served Parliament on commissions and in committees. 5 Aug. Humberston Marsh, who was surety for Sandys, writes to 99 6 the same effect. 10 Sept. 1645. Sandys and Marsh respited from further prose- 4 256 cution, on giving security not to pay the money to Mainwaring, but to order of this committee. 526 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 1 April 1645. SIR WM. MAINWARING-cont. 26 Sept. 1645. Order for the debt to be levied on their estates 29 Sept. Jas. Ayliffe, Mildred, co. Cambridge, who has long owed Sir Wm. Mainwaring 200l. with interest, to pay it to this committee, or it will be levied on his estate. INT. 99 9 DEP. 99 10 11 R. 4 408 13 Oct. 1645. The bond being in the name of Sir John Gore, Ayliffe is to pay 1007. in 14 days, and Sir John then to bring in the bond, when further order will be taken. 17 Oct. This order vacated and that of 10 Sept. confirmed 27 Oct. Disclaimer by Sir John Gore of Gilson, co. Herts, of any debt owing him by Jas. Ayliffe and others, but he has heard that there is a bond in his name, in trust for Mainwaring. - 31 Oct. Ayliffe ordered to pay in the debt of 2101. dae to Mainwaring to this committee, and Sir John Gore to give a release for it, and to be indemnified therefor, by authority of Parliament. 7 Nov. 1645. The clerks to view and report on the writings con- cerning the debt. 12 Nov. Sir John Gore and William Gore summoned [to bring in the bond]. 3 Dec. 1645. Mills and Beauchamp, who seized the marriage settlement between Dr. Mainwaring's son Sir William and the daughter of Chris. Wasse [of Holloway] to produce it, or show cause of the seizure, a discovery concerning some moneys named therein having long depended before this committee. o.c. 4 349 8 Dec. On hearing counsel on both sides, Lady Mainwaring being present, the 2001. due by Ayliffe to Gore for the use of Sir W. Mainwaring, which he had delayed to pay, is to be levied on his estate, and Ayliffe brought up in custody. Lady Mainwaring's deed to be brought in. 12 Dec. The deed brought from the Committee of Examinations, concerning Lady Mainwaring, delivered to Wm. Gore, he under- taking to produce it when the committee requires. 19 Dec. The seizure of Ayliffe's estate to be taken off if he pays the 2001. in a month. CASE 99 8 26 Dec. Lady Mainwaring to be heard about her claim to the 2001. sequestered owing by Mr. Ayliffe. 29 Dec. Lady Mainwaring's business to be heard in a fortnight, and also the proofs of delinquency against her. 5 Jan. 1646. Ayliffe to have till Wednesday to pay his first 1007., and Gore to bring in the bond, which Mr. Rich undertakes he shall do. 7 Jan. The Committee for Examinations to be desired to certify the proceedings against Lady Mainwaring. 16 Jan. Sir Benj. Ayliffe being bound to pay the 2007., order that when Jas. Ayliffe has paid the second 1007. he shall have the committee's assistance to recover it from Sir Benjamin. 9 Feb. 1646. Lady Mainwaring assessed at 1007. 9 Feb. Order on hearing for discharge of the sequestration on her estate. 16 Feb. Order-on proof that the sequestered money is her own property, and that her husband, Sir William, had no right thereto, that the 2007. paid in by Mr. Ayliffe be paid to her, she paying collectors' charges, and that she be left to recover the interest from Ayliffe by law. Also that her assessment be discharged, she paying 401., which is her proportion, in 14 days. Vol. No. A or p. 4 295 4 277 4 291 4 296 99 7 4 310 4 314 4 320 4 345 4 349 350 4 354 4 361 4 370 4 372 4 378 4 382 4 389 71 16 4 423 4 429 430 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 527 1. April 1645. CERT. 99 13 14 2 April 1645. 2 April 1645. 2 April 1645. 2 April 1645. 2 April 1645. 2 April 1645. 4 April 1645. 18 Feb. 1646. Ayliffe's assessment to be discharged, because he has paid in the country, and has only come up to attend this com- mittee. Counsel to be heard on both sides in Lady Mainwaring's case on Monday. 2 March 1646. On further hearing of counsel, the order of 16 Feb. confirmed. 26 Feb. 1651. Jas. Ayliffe petitions that being indebted in 1645 to Sir Wm. Mainwaring in 2001., he brought it in to the Committee for Advance of Money on their order, and begs return of his bond, which is in the hands of Mr. Dawson or Mr. Cox. MR. ALICE, Westminster. Assessed at 2,000l. No proceedings R. 4 197 23 June 1645. Assessed at 2001. JAMES ALTHAM, Gray's Inn Lane. Mrs. CHOLMLEY, Widow, Covent Garden. Her assessment respited till the 1,9001. due to her late father, Mr. Cholmley of the Temple, by Parliament Order of 20 June 1644, be paid, and this committee take further order. Assessed at 1,2007. 67 172 4 June 1645. To be discharged for the 2361. lent, being his propor- 76 819 tion on oath. 8 Sept. 1645. The case respited till the committee take special order. - 67 173 · SIR ALEX. RATCLIFFE, Chancery Lane. Assessed at 6001. 25 Aug. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay 10 Nov. 1645. Respited till further and special order of this committee. Vol. No. A or P. 4 431- SIR JOHN SHELLEY (late), Bart., and SIR CHARLES SHELLEY, Bart., Michel Grove, Co. Sussex. 4 441 99 12 13 DAME MARY TRACY. Assessed at 1501. No proceedings 4 106 69 50 4 254 Information that much treasure, plate, money, &c., belonging to 21 Sir John, a recusant, lately deceased, is walled up and concealed in his house at Michel Grove. 67 172 4 246 4 317 3 2 April 1645. Order that it be sought for, brought away, and used 4 107 for the service of the State, with leave to break down walls, and break open or dig in any place suspected. 2 Nov. 1649. Information that Sir Charles was born and bred up 21 290 in the Romish religion, and is now beyond seas. His estate in Sussex, Kent, Warwickshire, &c., is worth 3,000l. a year, and Col. Jas. Temple, M.P., holds it as bailiff or guardian, but no account has been made to the State. 28 Dec. 1649. County Commissioners to take examinations as to 8 95 his recusancy and return them. 67 172 BLACKMAN, Ratcliffe Highway. Information that he was a surgeon with the King, and there died 21 3 a delinquent, and has many goods in his house there. 4 April 1645. Order that the said goods be seized and secured 4 109 528 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 April 1645. GEORGE VILLIERS, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, and LORD FRANCIS VILLIERS, his Brother. Information that Lord Fras. Villiers has 4,000l. a year in Rut- 21 landshire, given him by his grandfather, the Earl of Rutland, is supposed to live in Rutlandshire, and is now with his brother, the Duke of Buckingham, in France. 14 April 1645. Information that the Duke of Buckingham who is 99 now in the King's army, has goods at York House, Strand, Suffolk House, &c., value 20,000l. in pictures, beside other rich goods. They were attached 2 years ago, but they are there still, and no money brought to the State. The Earl of Northumberland has given a man 40l. a year to look after them; Mr. Withers sent to offer the man 12,000l. for the pictures, and 1007. for himself for selling them, but in vain. Also that Mr. Swan, commander in the King's army has houses in Whitecross Street, worth 500%., come to him by the death of Flanders. 4 Oct. 1647. Order of the House of Commons, that the House con- curs with the Lords, in order that the sequestration of the real and personal estate of George, Duke of Buckingham, be taken off, and all County Commissioners and others concerned are to take notice, and yield full and ready obedience. 2 Aug. Order for a letter to the Countess of Rutland, to show cause why the goods, jewels, plate, &c., given by the late Earl of Rutland to Lord Fras. Villiers, should not be sequestered for his delinquency. 28 July. Order that the estates of the duke and his brother, Lord Fras. Villiers, deceased, at York House or elsewhere, not yet sequestered, be seized and secured. 6 2 Aug. 1648. Like order for seizure of their goods and estate at Chelsea. 4 Aug. Order that the Countess of Rutland have 14 days to pro- duce some person that will buy the interest in reversion that Lord Villiers has in divers goods of the late Earl of Rutland, and then the committee will give further order. Vol. No. A or P. 13 July 1648. Parliament Order that the estates and revenue 24 228 of the Duke of Buckingham, of Lord Francis his brother, and of Sir Fras. Ratcliffe. in the Northern association, are to go to the maintenance of Maj.-Gen. Lambert's forces, when not other- wise engaged. 18 Aug. Committee for Advance of Money to the Sequestration Committee, Westminster. The profits of the Duke and others engaged in this late action against Parliament are to go to pay the Parliament guards. You are therefore to send us the inven- tories of his and Col. Dalbier's goods lately seized by you, to the Queen's Court, Westminster. 18 Aug. Mr. Pulsford of Westminster to bring in a rental of the Duke's estate next Wednesday. 25 Aug. Order that Thos. Jarvis and Thos. Hamersley repair to York House, seize the estate and goods of the Duke, lately inventoried and secured by the Westminster Committee, by an order of the House of Commons of 16 Aug., and have them ready for disposal. 1 Sept. 1648. Order that Jos. Beverley, agent to the County Com- missioners for York, repair to the tenants of Kirby Moorside, Helmsley, and other lands descended by the death of Lord Fras. Villiers to the Duke, and require them not to pay him any rents or arrears, he having been lately in arms against Parliament. Those who have contracted for the sale of wood not to pay money without further order, and the further felling, sale, or carrying away of wood to be stayed, and a certificate to be returned of what is already contracted for or felled. 5 15 99 16 6 28 31 6 30 6 33 24 12 6 40 6 40 6 43 6 48 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. €29 4 April 1645. 50623. 1 Sept. 1648. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Com- missioners for York. The estate of the Duke of Buckingham is sequestered by order of the House of Commons, and the profits to be disposed of by us. We have appointed our agent Jos. Beverley, to seize and sequester his rents and estate, so if you have seized any of the rents, you are to take off the seizure, and assist Beverley to execute his order. With letter to Fras. Thorpe and Jos. Beverley to like effect. 6 Sept. Fras. Durley appointed receiver, and Fras. Thorpe steward of his estates, co. York; Thorpe to keep courts and give in an account of the profits. 11 Oct. 1648. Order that the Westminster Committee pay to Mr. Lane, treasurer of the Committee for Advance of Money, 3501. received for proceeds of the goods of the Duke of Buckingham, and that the residue be forthwith levied and paid in for the present necessary supply of the guards. 4 Feb. 1649. Information by Sir Art. Blundell, that the Duke has an estate at Buxton, co. Derby, the tenants of which are bound to pay fines at the Duke's death, which were promised before the last rebellion with Lord Holland, but not paid, and are worth 4,0007. 13 April 1649. Order for sequestration of Wallingford House, St. Martins-in-the-Fields, co. Middlesex, now inhabited by the Duke of Richmond and Lenox, on information that it belongs to the Duke of Buckingham. 15 Nov. 1648. Information that the tenants of the Duke in Derby- 99 shire are bound to pay a considerable fine at the death of every duke, provided the heir be of age, and come to demand it in his own person. The last Duke being slain at Portsmouth a little before the late rebellion, the present Duke sent to his tenants that he would come, and they must provide the fines, which they did. With request by Col. John Moore, Capt. Chris. Parr, and 4 others, for a grant of the said fines, being concealed moneys, in lieu of their arrears. Vol. No. A or P. 24 18 -20 6 Like information, requesting leave to call a Court in the Duke's 99 name to levy the fines, to be held by Capt. Chris. Parr, one of the discoverers. 20 June 1649. Order for a lease to Bulstrode Whitelock and John Lisle, Commissioners of the Great Seal, of [Buckingham House] the Duke's mansion, house, gardens, &c., at Chelsea, co. Mid- dlesex, on such rent as this committee shall appoint, they being authorized to dispose of the said lands by Act of Parliament, 16 Oct. 1648. 21 July. Order fixing the rent of Buckingham House, with stables, orchards, park, &c., at 401. on lease of 21 years, the walls and wainscot of the house being much pulled down, the windows unglazed, the gardens destroyed, and the whole house much defaced by the soldiery quartered in it. 6 79 25 April. Committee for Advance of Money to the Sequestration 24 Committees of cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Warwick, Salop, and Northampton. By order of Parliament of 16 Oct. 1648, the sequestrations and compositions of the Duke of Buckingham and others were assigned for raising money to pay the guards attend- ing Parliament, and the County Committees were ordered to pay them in accordingly, and on security thereof, several persons advanced money: but as yet this committee has received no answer from you to their letters and orders thereon. speedily to send an account of what you have done thereon, and a rental of their estates, and note of arrears, &c., and to assist Rich. Heywood, our agent, therein. You are 52 53 17 21 157 18 6 272 LL 49 7 62 20 July 1649. Order in Parliament for the said lease, on such rent 24 230 as the commissioners think fit. 99 19 7 183 99 20 530 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 April 1645. 0.8 79 H.8 99 0.867 DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM-Cont. 11 Dec. 1649. Information by E. Thomas that the Duchess of Buckingham is dead, and that by her death, Wallingford House, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, and other houses have descended to the Duke, who is a delinquent. 12 Dec. Like information by Hen. Dawson, relating to divers houses in the Strand, value about 1,000l. a year, which the Duchess had in jointure. 12 Dec. Order thereon that as Wallingford House has thus 8 57 descended to the Duke of Buckingham, a delinquent, it be seized and sequestered. 26 and 27 Dec. Information by Hen. Stephens, merchant, and 4 others, that the fines on the Duke's Derbyshire estates are on proviso that the heir call a court and receive them himself. The late Duke being slain at Portsmouth, this Duke sent to the tenants to provide the fines, but falling into the rebellion at Kingston, he fled the kingdom. The fines are worth 7,000l., and the tenants willing to pay, if the State will secure them from further trouble. Vol. No. A or P. 21 315 14 Dec. Grant of Wallingford House to Edward, Lord Howard of 8 63 Escrick, for a year, from 25 Dec., on rent of 407. 8 64 Also order that the Earl and Countess of Rutland, who inhabit Wallingford House, avoid possession of the same in 14 days. 21 317 21 20 Feb. 1650. Order that the lands, &c., descended to the Duke in the Strand be seized and sequestered, and in default of payment, rents levied by distress on the tenants. 22 April 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to [Lords Com- missioners Lisle and Whitelock]. The Sequestration Commis- sioners of Middlesex ask us what rent they are to return for the Duke of Buckingham's house in Chelsea, but as you hold it, and we do not know the rent, we beg you to acquaint us what it is. 3 Jan. 1650. Information of 19 tenements belonging to York 21 333 House, Strand, the property of the Duke of Buckingham, rated below their value, giving the names of the tenants, the amount at which each house is rated, and what it is worth. 21 21 329 99 21 8 191 24 116 99 22 6 June 1651. Commissioners of co. Notts to the Committee for 99 Advance of Money. In answer to your enquiries about the Duke's rents, &c., Nottingham Castle with its Park, being all his lands in this county, was seized by the late Sequestration Committee, on information that it belonged to the Duchess of Buckingham, then married to the Earl of Antrim, and in re- bellion against Parliament. It has since been used as a Parlia- mentary garrison, and therefore not discovered by Capt. Wood. 23 10 June. M. Dallison to the Commissioners for co. Notts. You 24 130 are to particularize the date of sequestration; the rents the committee inquire about are those in the level of Hatfield Chace. 14 June. Commissioners of co. Notts to the Committee for Advance 99 24 of Money. The Duke's estate was sequestered in 1643, but we know nothing of any discovery relating to Hatfield Chace. 16 Jan. 1652. County Commissioners for Middlesex and Westmin- 99 ster to the Committee for Advance of Money. We have sent our agent to Lisle and Whitelock for the rent of the Duke's house at Chelsea, and have told them your resolves that it should be paid into your treasury, but they reply that they have their lease from the Exchequer, and must pay their rent there, and it would not be safe to pay it elsewhere. Endorsed with note of reply that the commissioners expect the rent to be paid according to the Act of 25 Jan., which was after the grant. 22288 25 26 27 Jan. Committee for Advance of Money to B. Whitelock and 24 192 J. Lisle. Recapitulation of the preceding. We wish you to con- sider that the house was sequestered for the Duke's delinquency, COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 531 4 April 1645. REP. 99 29 o. 7 24 CASE 99 32 NOTE 99 33 INT 99 34 DEP. 99 35 the rent ascertained by the late Committee for Advance of Money; and by the Act of 29 Jan. 1650, all rents of sequestered estates are to be paid to the Goldsmiths' Hall Treasurers, with a penalty for default, so that we doubt not but you will be safe in so paying the money, which we hope you will do. 16.Nov. 1648. Informations by Edm. Stephens, Miles Hill, and 21 128 others, that the Duke of Buckingham has divers lands unse- questered in and about Leominster, co. Hereford, with par- ticulars of the same. Also request that the discoverers may farm the lands at a fit 99 rental, and note that Sir Walter Pye, the Duke's steward, is a dangerous delinquent, against whom a petition has been sent to Parliament, and that he has lately raised large sums from the Leominster estate. ACCTS. 99 28 4 Jan. Order appointing Lynam Robins or Edm. Stephens re- ceivers thereof. Vol. No. A or P. 4 Jan. Order that Edm. Stephens, of Leominster, Capt. French, and Alex. Garston have the moiety of the proceeds of the seques- tration of the Duke's estate in co. Hereford, and that the sequestration officers pay the same to Stephens, who is appointed receiver. 16 Nov. Order for sequestration of the said estate, the tenants to 6 112 have notice to pay their rents and arrears to this committee. 4 Jan. 1649. Information by Miles Hill, Capt. French, Capt. 21 144 Stephens, and Alex. Garston, that the Duke has still lands about Leominster unsequestered. 29 June. Case referred to next term, the receiver to examine the true value of the rents meanwhile. 6 146 27 6 146 20 March 1649. Order that Mr. Cox report on the business 6 222 depending about the Duke's estate in co. Hereford, &c., and the claims thereto of the Earl of Pembroke and Sir Robt. Pye. 25 June 1649. Information by Capt. Gasking and Edm. Stephens 21 244 that in Dec. 1647, 2,7001. was raised out of the manor of Leominster belonging to the Duke, by Sir Walter Pye and Hen. Powle, his agents, the greater part of which still remains in their hands; but the other part, since the Duke appeared in arms against the Parliament, has been paid to Rich. Hollins, of York House, Strand. A month since, a farm belonging to the said manor, and of the annual value of 101., reverted to the State by the decease of Widow Knight. July 1649 ? Note of lands belonging to the Duke in co. Hereford 99 to be let. 7 106 21 4 April 1645. Information that in 4 Charles, the King contracted with Sir Cornelius Vermuyden, for the draining of the level of 99 Hatfield Chace, in cos. York, Lincoln, and Notts, and granted him the level, manor, and divers adjoining manors, at the former rent, with an increase of 1,2001. a year, which improved rent he granted to the Duke of Buckingham; also that 5.0007. or 6,0001. of these improved rents are in arrears to the Duke, who is a delinquent. With note for Walter Mercer to be ex- amined thereon. 16 June 1645. Information by Capt. George Wood, that the rents 82 due to the Duke from Hatfield Chace, and in the hands of Walter Mercer, his receiver, are 4,000l., and the growing rents 4851., which at 10 years' purchase is 4,8507. 19 Oct. 1649. Order that since Parliament, on 28 Sept. last, settled 7 320 Leominster and other sequestered lands of the Duke of Buck- ingham on Hen. Martin, the sequestration be removed, and the tenants ordered to pay their rents to him. 30 5 31 10 LL 2 532 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 April 1645. o. 6 291 II. 6 311 324 342 DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM-Cont. 25 June 1645. Order that messengers be sent to take account of the arrears, and that no more rents be paid except on order of the Committee for Advance of Money. Walter Mercer, the receiver, to give in his accounts of arrears, and to summon those who refuse to pay before the committee, to answer their contempt. 5 Dec. 1645. Mercer to be brought up in custody, to answer matters objected against him. 5 Jan. 1646. Mercer to enter into security to give a true account of the Duke's moneys received by him, and meantime to remain in custody. 5 Jan. On information by Sir Rob. Harley that divers of the tenants are in arrears, order that the sum raised by his discovery be paid to the State, and to Harley and his son, towards the arrears due to them. Also that the tenants be forewarned not to pay any rents to the Duke, and that order be taken to know the certainty of the rents and arrears. Vol. No. A or P. 4 187 4 348 4 377 4 378 5' 125 20 Oct. 1646. Order that John Gibbon, having often been sum- moned and not appeared, be brought in custody to answer objections against him in reference to the Duke of Buckingham. 4 Nov. 1646. Capt. Geo. Wood, Hum. Bury, and Lynam Robins to levy the rents of the Duke in Hatfield Chace, and forthwith to proceed in the same. Also, as the Ordinances of Parliament 5 132 for sequestration have not been executed upon the estate, they 99 36 are forthwith to proceed thither, demand the arrears, and if refused, levy them by distress on goods and chattels, and summon the refusers to appear and answer their contempt; the County Commissioners to give their assistance. 4 Dec. 1646. The business of the Duke of Buckingham to be sus- pended till further hearing. 8 July 1648. Information by Capt. George Wood that the King, on his sale of the level of Hatfield Chace to Sir Corn. Vermuyden, re- served an increase over of the old rental (which was 203l. 9s. 11½d.) of 1,2281. 17s. Od. which he granted to the Duke of Buckingham, and Walter Mercer, the Duke's receiver, certifies that nothing has been paid thereon since 1641, so that the arrears amount to 8,6011. 19's. 5 124 5 149 21 99 2 Sept. 1648. The Militia Committee for co. York authorize Frad- 99 sham Lund to collect the arrears of rents of Hatfield Chace, due to the Duke of Buckingham, a delinquent, for the use of the State, and pay them to the Receiver-General of the West Riding. 99 39 30 July. Capt. Geo. Wood to Martin Dallison. I have given the 99 summons and interrogatories to Mr. Gibbon and return his answer, written to gain time. He and the other tenants bought from Vermuyden-not from the King-and were to pay certain sums to make up the reserved rent of 1.2281. 17s. Od. He should be summoned for to-morrow; he lodges in the Temple. I want a protection from the House of Lords, for I am under arrest in the Marshalsea for 21. 10s. Od. which I cannot pay, unless the State will pay me part of what they owe me. 104 37 21 May 1649. Statement concerning the discovery of concealed 99 rents in the Chace, that the late King granted part thereof, co. York, to Sir Cornelius Vermuyden, on a reserved rent of 4851., and other parts, cos. Lincoln and Notts, for drainage, on rent of 7431. 17s. Od., which reserved rents he afterwards granted to the Duke of Buckingham, to whom they were paid till Michaelmas, 1640, but have since remained in arrear, in the tenants' hands. 6 June 1649. Tenants summoned to answer the charge against them. 328898 7 13 April 1649. Some of the Duke's tenants summoned to give 6 271 account why they do not pay in their arrears to this committee. 40 41 36 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 533 4 April 1645. H. 7 215 ACCTS. 99 45 29 June 1649. Order that the County Commissioners, who have sequestered part of the said rents, receive no profits therefrom, as they are to be paid to this committee. 8 Aug. Order on hearing the case between the prosecutor for the State, and Mr. Gibbon, who desires defalcations, as assignee of Sir Corn. Vermuyden, confirming the order of 29 June, and accounts ordered of sums already received by the Sequestration Committee in co. Notts. 7 29 June. Auditor Broad and 2 others to examine what debts the tenants owe for rent, and also their demands for defalcation. 3 Aug. 1649. Order on full hearing that in lieu of part arrears of the rent of 1,2281. 17s. Od., 2,0001. be accepted; what has been levied 99 by distress on the tenants already to be accepted in part thereof, and the residue to be levied in proportion. Vol. No. A or P. 7 110 7 110 14 Nov. 1649. Order for a report on what has been levied, and if it reaches 2,000l., proceedings to be stayed. 24 Aug. Sequestration Committee co. York to Lord Howard and 99 the Committee for Advance of Money. Parliament ordered, on 28 Sept. 1648, that the revenues of lands sequestered on new engagements should be employed to maintain the new militia, and the county forces being in arrear, and the soldiers furious and insolent, we employed the Hatfield Chace rents to pay them, and cannot now recall them without enforcing the soldiers to further tumult and mutiny. ; 8 Aug. Order that Lynam Robins and Edm. Griffith, officers of 7 231 this committee, repair to the said level, and levy the said sum by distress, or apprehend those who fail to pay, the sums so re- ceived to be paid to the treasurer of the committee. 31 Oct. 1649. Petition of Sir Gab. Vernatt, and Mark Valkenburgh, 99 for the owners of Hatfield Chace Level. The late King granted large quantities of the drained land in Hatfield Chace to Sir C. Vermuyden, reserving a rent of 1,228. 17s. Od. to be paid in proportions by him and those who purchased from him. Vernatt was to pay 181. 15s. Od. for his land in Yorkshire, and the same for his land in Lincoln and Notts; Valkenburgh, 42l. 15s. Od. for Yorkshire, and 181. 17s. Od. for the rest; and Vermuyden was to pay 2001. 1s. 8d. for Yorkshire, and 4871. 3s. 1d. for the rest, and his interest is now joined to John Gibbon's. In 13 Car., these rents were granted to the Duke of Buckingham, and paid to him many years; since the sequestration, they have been paid to the respective county commissioners. Gibbon being 7,000%. in arrear for his proportion, charged petitioners therewith, and got 2 officers to levy moneys on them by his directions, drove away Vernatt's cattle, sold 8 of his horses, 2 of them worth 507., for 247., levied money on the tenants, and drives all before him, by which means he hopes to free himself of the 7,000l. and gain 10,000l. Beg a stay to his unjust proceedings. 31 Oct. Order that Vernatt and the others be heard on their petition. 7 239 230 42 99 8 21 Nov. Petition of Sir Gabriel Vernatt, owner of land in Hatfield 99 Chace Level. On the delinquency of the Duke of Buckingham, owner of the fee-farm rent on this level, the County Com- missioners of York required payment of rents to them, and petitioner's share was stated at 1507., but abated to 100%., 50%. to be paid at once, and 50l. at Michaelmas. But before Michael- mas, Mr. Gibbon came with 2 officers and the committee's orders to receive the rents of the level. He informed them of his agreement with the York Commissioners, but offered to pay them his proportion for his lands in co. Lincoln, and they were content and promised not to proceed. Yet under Gib- bon's direction, the officers seized his horses and beasts, valued at 3007., sold for 441., 10 horses worth 150l., forced from his 43 7 331 46 10 44 47 534 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 April 1645. H. 8 49 INT. 99 50 DEP. 99 51 INT. 99 52 ACCTS. 99 53 INT. 99 54 55 H. 8 181 190 E. W. 23 37 39 0.8 304 H. 8 318 o.c. 8 323 DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM-COnt. teuants1107., and one bond for 1527., beside the 507. he had paid the York Commissioners, and this without any refusal from him to pay his dues. Begs restoration of his horses and his bond, and examination of his accounts, when he will pay anything found to be due. 31 Nov. 1649. Order thereon staying proceedings, as he declares 8 31 that the 2,000l. is already levied. 48 Nov. 1649 ? John Gibbon petitions that he compounded with the 99 Committee for Advance of Money for the arrears of a fee-farm rent of 1,2001. from Hatfield Chace, for 10 years, for which the committee agreed to accept 2,000l. for all arrears to 3 Aug. last (1649), considering his claims for defalcations, because he could not enjoy the proportions which the late King sold, as 16,800l. was paid into the Exchequer for a fine. He begs leave to make an agreement for the present year in like proportion. 14 Dec. 1649. Order on debate touching the discovery of the premises said to be made by Col. Venn, that it is not a dis- covery, as the Committee of co. York had sequestered what lay in their jurisdiction; also, that the differences between the tenants as to their proportion of payment be referred to Sir Wm. Allinson and 4 others. Also, that for the arrears in cos. Lincoln and Notts, such proportion be accepted as would have been charged had the committee's former orders held good. The rents to be received in future by this committee's officers, and employed as directed by Parliament. 11 Jan. 1650. Order on the portion of the Chace belonging to co. York that it be left to the county committee, but that Col. Venn is the discoverer, and should have the benefit of the parts in cos. Notts and Lincoln. Major-General Lambert, or his solicitor, and also Mr. Gibbon and other tenants to appear before the committee thereon. Vol. No. A or P. 25 Jan. Order that George Johnson, who arrested Mr. Gibbon, knowing that he was summoned before this committee, discharge him at his own cost. 8 Feb. 1650. Order giving Baynes time to prove that co. Lincoln was reputed to be in the Northern association at the time of making the order of Parliament granting the Duke of Buck- ingham's estate to the Commissioners of York, for payment of the county forces. 20 Feb. Note that Capt. Baynes disclaimed, on Lambert's behalf, any claim to the profits of the Chace in cos. Lincoln and Notts, and left it wholly to this committee. 8 146 56 25 Jan. Order that Capt. Baynes, Lambert's solicitor, have time to prove his assertion that the part of the level in cos. Notts and 99 Lincoln was sequestered by the County Commissioners before the sequestration made by this committee, and that the county of Lincoln is part of the Northern association. 27 Feb. [John] Gibbon and Walter Mercer summoned to appear on the case. 6 March 1650. Case referred to Mr. Carey and Mr. Cox, to examine the accounts, &c. 3 April 1650. Order that Gibbon pay in 6977. arrears collected from the tenants of the Chace, and deliver their bonds for 4901. 15s. Od. more. 19 April. Order repeated-notice to be left at the Upper Bench Prison and at his lodgings in London. 18885 19 April. Order that as soon as the treasurer has received 2,0007. arrears from Hatfield Chace, he pay it to Col. John Venn, towards the arrears due to him, he having discovered the same. 17 May 1650. Note of Gibbon's appearance and delivery of seven bonds for the 4907: 8 66 99 49 8 117 8 146 8 175 99 57 8 193 99 58 8 204 8 221 8 274 8 304 8 297 8 334 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.—CASES. 535 4 April 1645. o c. 9 56 24 May 1650. Petition of Capt. Wm. Farrer, for himself, Mark 99 Valkenburgh, and other owners of land in the Chace. The level was to be drained by Vermuyden, he, the King, and the com- moners having each one-third; the King's third was conveyed to Vermuyden, as well as his own third, on rent of 1,2281. He sold part to Dutch gentlemen, part to Mr. Gibbon and others. Gibbon was to pay 6541. a year, and was much in arrears, but by untrue information, got defalcations, and was only to pay 2,000l. in lieu of 7,000l. due. Instead of paying this himself, he levied 6971. from persons who were to pay little or no rent, and got bonds for 4907. 15s. more. Beg restoration of the money and bonds. With account of the proportions of the fee-farm rent of 4851. granted to the Duke of Buckingham which are to be paid by John Gibbon and 8 other tenants, according to a calculation made 12 July 1637. 24 May. Order thereon that the committee cannot give relief, but leave the petitioners to their remedy at law. Also order for Gibbon to pay in the remainder of the moneys. 31 May. Order confirming former orders, Gibbon to report what moneys have been received from the county commissioners in part of arrears, before the order of 3 Aug. last. 21 June 1650. Order that as John Gibbon was ordered to pay in 6977. 1s. Od., part of 2,000l., accepted from him for the arrears at Hatfield Chace, and has only paid 300l., and the balance was ordered to be levied on his estate, it be so levied by sequestra- tion, sale of his goods, cattle, &c., and seizure of his rents. 5 July 1650. Order on a Parliament Order of 3 July for pay- ment of 6971. 1s. Od., received from Gibbon as arrears of rent for Hatfield Chace, to Margaret, widow of Col. Venn, by whose prosecution it was discovered. 5 July. Note of request of divers tenants of the level that the former orders may stand in force. 10 July. Gibbon to have time to prove the sums levied by the York Committee, &c. 24 July. Counsel for the Commonwealth to report on the rent due, and the defalcations to be allowed. 28 June. Order that the officers of the Committee for Advance of 9 9 Money and George Wood levy the sums due from those who stand engaged for 4901. 15s. Od., in part of the arrears for Hatfield Level, unless Mr. Gibbon show cause to the contrary; as there has been but 6971. 1s. Od. of the 2,000l. paid, and bonds given in for 4901. 15s. Od., Gibbon is to pay the balance by Friday next. 23 Aug. 1650. Gibbon begs further time, because when the order of 10 July passed, he was prisoner in the Tower; and when released, the tenants were busy harvesting, and could not testify their payments. 23 Aug. Another month granted Vol. No. A or P. 59 60 4 Oct. 1650. Order on Gibbon's non-appearance, that he prove the premises in 14 days, or pay the residue of 2,0001. 8 342 8 356 8 389 9. 16 9 19 9 21 9 54 99 99 61 9 98 99 62 9 157 19 Oct. The County Commissioners of York report the receipts 99 to have been 9287. 7s. 10d. and 1871. 29 Nov. 1650. Receipts by Geo. Dawson, treasurer of the committee, 99 of 4751. 15s. Od. rents of the Chace. 26 March 1651. Order on petition of Capt. George Wood that the 10 registrar state what money remains unpaid of the 2,000l. of Gibbon's composition, view the certificate of the County Com- missioners of York and report, that Gibbon pay the balance 14 days after notice, and that the County Commissioners of York levy the arrears now due of the fee-farm rents. 63 64 65 204 536 .4 April 1645. CERT. 99 66 o.c.c. 99 67 E.W. 28 115 125 LET. 99 69 CASE 99 71 CERT. 99 72 R. 17 48 NOTE 99 74 CERT. 99 75 P.O. 99 79 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM-cont. 30 April 1651. On petition of George Wood requesting 1 of the proceeds of Hatfield Chace Level, as being the first discoverer, order for a certificate from the auditor as to whether any dis- covery was made before his of 8 July 1648, and if not, the County Commissioners are to certify when the rents were sequestered, and by whose order, and by whom discovered. Also order that the County Commissioners of York certify to 10 250 whom the moneys received by them were paid, and that they collect the rents of 1,2287. 17s. Od. due from Hatfield Chace, with arrears. Vol. No. A or P. 10 242 2 July 1651. George Wood petitions that no return is made by the 99 68 County Commissioners of York or Lincoln as ordered, and that the County Commissioners of York detain 7321. received since 3 Aug. 1649. He begs that they may obey orders, and he receive his of 475l. 15s. Od. already paid in. Also that officers of the Committee for Advance of Money may be empowered to levy the rents, and to take into custody those who refuse pay- ment. 7 Aug. 1651. Committee for Advance of Money to the County 24 153 Commissioners of York. We send you our orders about the rents in Hatfield Chace, and desire careful performance and speedy report. We wish you to employ therein Jos. Beverley, your agent, and Capt. George Wood, who has prosecuted the business, and knows the lands and tenants. 7 Aug. Committee for Advance of Money to Lieut.-Gen. Chas. 24 152 Fleetwood. As opposition is made to our orders for levying the arrears and rents in Hatfield Chace, and cattle seized are rescued, you are to send 2 troops of horse to assist our agents in execution of our orders. 11 Sept. 1651. Same to the same. You excused yourself from 24 165 obeying our former orders, by the state of affairs in Scotland and in the Northern parts, but our late happy success makes way for the renewing of our request, and we rely on your forwardness to advance the public good. 1 Oct. 1651. Wood renews his petition as discoverer, for his charge 99 70 and pains, of the of 4757. 15s. Od. according to Parliament Order of 8 Aug. last, 6971. 1s. being paid to Mr. Venn. 1 1 Oct. Order on Capt. Wood's demand of of the Duke of 17 43 Buckingham's estate as discovered by him, that the registrar certify who was the discoverer, and whether there was any former discoverer. 6. Nov. 1651. Capt. Wood, having to go into Yorkshire to receive 99 the rents due from the estate, petitions that if, in his absence, the registrar declares him the discoverer, he may have an order for 1 of the 4757. 15s. Od. paid in. Also that Lyman Robins and Edm. Griffith may be ordered to pay in 471. 17s. Od. long since received by them, and not accounted for. 7 Jan. 1652. On Col. Venn's Parliament Order, the question whether, in case Capt. Wood shall swear that he entered the information of the estate on behalf of Col. Venn, it may be allowed him, negatived, the discovery being made in 1645; Capt. Wood's dis- covery in 1648, having no name, cannot be allowed. Also order that the case be referred to the Army Committee. C 73 17 135 99 76- 78 DEP. 99 81 82 15 Jan. George Wood petitions for an order to the County Com- 99 80 missioners of York to examine witnesses touching the rescue of cattle, seized by Jos. Beverley on their order of 30 April last, for arrears of the fee-farm rent of Hatfield Chace, these obstructors preventing the bringing in of the arrears. 28 Jan. The tenants of the Earl of Mulgrave, and freeholders of 99 West Butterwick, Isle of Axholme, co. Lincoln, petition that 83 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 537 4 April 1645. LET. 99 91 LET. & DEP. 99 92 93 DEP. 99 94 they are summoned to pay an arrear of a fee-farm rent due since 1649 to the Duke of Buckingham, as given him by the late King; but they know no right which the King or Duke had, except to a fee-farm rent of 51. Os. 11d., which the Earl paid in. They will pay anything rightly due, but beg time till Easter to clear the charge. 9 signatures. 28 Jan. 1652. Reference thereon to Brereton, to state the patents, and the petitioners are to prove their allegations, and George Wood, the prosecutor, to have notice, but no proceedings on former orders to stay. Vol. No. A or P. 11 11 157 81 99 7 Feb. 1652. Petition of the inhabitants of Misterton, co. Notts, 99 to the County Commissioners for co. York. Complain that although their lands of North and West Carr are not chargeable with the fee-farm rent on Hatfield Chace, yet Wood and Beverley have levied on them 1447. 15s. 4d. and 221. charges, and have distrained them for 1601. for which they took bond, for land under water called Thack Carr, no part of the Duke's lands. Beg restoration of their money and bond. With order thereon that the petitioners must apply to the Committee for Advance of Money, the County Commissioners for York having no power in co. Notts. LET. 99 86 25 Feb. Petition to the Committee for Advance of Money to like 99 87 effect of the inhabitants of Gringley and Misterton, who have entered into a bond of 6007. for payment of 3197. 19s. Od. and paid .32 charges. 2 March 1652. Committee for Advance of Money to the County Commissioners of Notts. We are very sensible of the com- plaints of these petitions, and wish you to prevent any just cause of grievance, and transmit your proceedings with all possible speed. 25 Feb. Like petition of the inhabitants of Misterton and Stock- 99 with, that Wood and Beverley demanded 1631. 3s. 6d., and sent soldiers to drive their cattle, thus forcing them to pay 1907. 13s. 10d., 271. Os. 4d. thereof being for charges. 85 88 25 Feb. Order on these 3 petitions, that the County Commissioners 11 228 for Notts examine the case, giving the petitioners notice; meantime no further proceedings to be had, and no oppression for fees or quartering of soldiers. If the petitioners are not found liable to the rent, the repayment of the money and charges will be considered. 24 203 14 April 1652. Wood requests that Martin Dallison and 5 others 99 89 may be summoned to depose as to who first discovered the Duke of Buckingham's estate in Hatfield Chace, and to answer questions for clearing the committee's judgment in the premises. 14 April. Order on reading his affidavits touching his discovery 11 342 and prosecution of the rents on behalf of Col. Venn, that they be affixed to the report, and the Committee for Advance of Money testify that Venn prosecuted the discovery till his decease. 21 April. The inhabitants of Crowle petition that Wood demanded 99 90 their rents, though he knew they did not hold the Duke of Buckingham's lands, and on their refusal, he brought 50 soldiers to compel payment, kept them 5 days, demanding 101. a day or free quarter, and after this be went with only a constable to the proper tenants, and distrained them for their rents. They beg satisfaction, being always faithful, and having raised soldiers for Parliament under Lord Fairfax. 358 21 April. The petition to be sent to Wood to answer the charges - 11 5 May 1652. George Wood complains of the order granted last 99 95 Feb., without a hearing for himself and Beverley, in answer to 538 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 April 1645. • F.w. 28 170 171 172 · DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM-cont. the complaints of the inhabitants, who have not proceeded in making good their charge, but have riotously taken possession of the lands, and obtained an order not to be molested till further examination. Requests that as he and Beverley have only done their duty in obeying orders, the counsel for the State may examine the late King's articles of agreement, the Duke of Buckingham's patent, &c.; that if he and Beverley have ex- ceeded their orders, they may be punished, but if not, that they may be relieved; that the order respiting the payment of money on bonds may be reversed, and the rest of the order of 30 April 1651, confirmed. DEP. 99 96 97 5 May 1652. Order thereon that Reading report on the case, and 11 372 that meantime the inhabitants of Misterton, Stockwith, Gringley, and Crowle show cause why they should not pay in the moneys for which they have given bond, and the growing rent. Vol. No. A or P. 11 May. Marg. Venn, widow and executrix of the late Col. John 99 98 Venn, petitions that, according to a Parliament Order of 9 May 1651, they would order their treasurer to pay her in 475l. 15s. Od., paid in from the estate of the Duke of Buckingham in Hatfield Chace, which by a Parliament Order of March 1648, her husband, by his agent, Geo. Wood, discovered, and from which she has already received 6971. 1s. Od. 11 May. Order on the registrar's report that the discovery of the estate in 1645 cannot be allowed as Capt. Wood's, because no name is set down, but the case is referred to the Army Com- mittee. That the discovery of 1648, being entered only as Capt. Wood's, cannot be allowed to Col. Venn, though he prosecuted it till his death, and Wood has prosecuted it since; but this is also referred to the Army Committee, with the papers on the case, and their opinion requested as to the payment of Col. Venn's arrears out of the estate, and the allowance of Wood as discoverer. to 11 375 99 99 14 May. Order on hearing counsel on behalf of the inhabitants 11 368 of the fens, alleging that the rents of the Duke of Buckingham are unequally levied, that the several inhabitants be heard on Wednesday, and Capt. Wood have notice to be present. 19 May. On hearing that the County Commissioners of Notts have 11 390 sent up the examinations, whereon publication is requested, but Wood denies that he had notice of the examinations, though Beverley was present-order for 3 weeks more for the exami- nation of witnesses before the said Commissioners, both parties having notice. 23 June 1652. Petition of the inhabitants of Epworth, Isle of 99 100 Axholme, to the Committee for Advance of Money. Their share in the rent of Hatfield Chace was 2401., but the lands being common, and not the late King's, the Exchequer has decided that the rent is not due; but in Oct. 1650, the late King's patentees entered them by force, and they have since lain common. Yet Wood and Beverley have levied on them 1,0007. as parcel of 1,8587. 12s. 6d. arrears, and 2s. in pound fees, being 5001. more than their proportion. Beg relief. 23 June. Petitioners to make good their statements, and Wood and 12 27 Beverley to answer as to their receiving the fees. 7 July 1652. Answer in detail of Wood and Beverley to the 99 101 charges. 7 July. Order that the Epworth inhabitants proceed to prove their 12 petition, having a copy of Wood's answer, and that Wood and Beverley give in particular accounts of all their receipts from Hatfield Chace Level, when the case will be heard. E.W. 28 173 (2) 23 July. Some of the inhabitants not having examined their 12 witnesses, case postponed a fortnight. 47 91 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 539 4 April 1645. ACCTS. 99 103 o. 99 104 REC. 99 105 DEP. 99 106 6 Aug. 1652. On depositions in behalf of the Epworth inhabitants, that they are not liable to the rent, and that if they were, Wood and Beverley have levied more than they ought to have done, besides the 28. in the pound fees; and on reading Wood and Beverley's accounts of their receipts, and their orders for levy- ing the rent, there being no decree apportioning the rents on the different manors, it does not seem that Wood and Beverley have trangressed orders, but they are to bring in particulars of their charges in levying the fee-farm rent, and the causes will be heard next term. The tenants are to pay the next year's rents to Wood and Beverley, and in case of refusal, they will be levied. Also Ralph Rymer, treasurer to the County Commis- sioners for York, is to send in an account of all his receipts towards the rent of 1,228l. 17s. Od. Vol. No. A or p. 12 Aug. Order on hearing the declaration of Marg. Venn, and the opinion of the Army Committee of 5 Aug., that the rents of the estate should be paid as they come in to Mrs. Venn towards her husband's arrears; and that when Treasurer Dawson certifies what has come in, an order will be given for payment thereof to her, till the arrears ordered her by Parliament are discharged. 13 Aug. Order for payment of 1001. on account to Mrs. Venn Aug.? Marg. Venn renews her petition for payment of the 4751. 15s. and also for 2,0761. which she hears Ralph Rymer has in hand from the estate. With note of order for payment of the 4751. 15s., and when Rymer pays in the money from the level, it shall be paid her till she is satisfied. 12 12 122 11 Aug. The inhabitants of Gringley, Misterton, and Stockwith, 99 102 petition for stay of proceedings till hearing. The County Com- missioners of Notts show that they are not liable to the rent, and Beverley has often declared the same, yet he and Wood say that though the case was not heard, they will go into the country, and levy 3197. 19s. Od. claimed, and the Midsummer year's rents. 11 Aug. Order for stay of proceedings, and that part of the order 12 117 of 6 Aug. for levying the year's rent, suspended as to these parishes. 12 12 121 12 125 99 107 14 Sept. 1652. Ralph Rymer, receiver for co. York, certifies that 99 108 he has paid in from the levels 2,155l. 11s. 11d., part into Haberdashers' Hall and part into Goldsmiths' Hall. 12 Nov. 1652. Order that the several inhabitants of the fens prove 12 222 that the lands now enjoyed by them as common are not com- 99 109 prised in the level, and charged with the fee-farm rent. Mean- while the inhabitants of Misterton, Gringley, and Stockwith are to pay to the County Commissioners for York all the moneys for which they have given bond, and the arrears of the fee-farm rent, or on their refusal, the moneys are to be levied on them, and the said County Commissioners are to account to the Com- mittee for Advance of Money therefor. CERT. 99 110 8 Dec. 1652. The inhabitants of Epworth, co. Lincoln, petition that 99 111 towards the rent of 1,2281. 17s. for Hatfield Chace, 7431. 17s. is reserved by the late King's second grant, viz., 4627. 17s. from Epworth, Belton, Haxey, Crowle, Snaith, Cowick, Rocliffe, Misterton, and Gringley, and 2811. from Missen, as appears by Wood and Beverley's answers to former petitions. Of the 1,1577. 2s. 6d. due from these manors, their portion is 6001. if they ought to pay it (which they think they ought not, having lately had an Exchequer verdict against the late King's patent- ees), yet Wood and Beverley have levied in Epworth alone 1,1117. 1s. Od., being 500l. more than their due. They have also levied 2401. for the last year. Beg that no more may be levied till their title is tried by law. 8 Dec. Order thereon for a hearing this day fortnight 12 236 540 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 April 1645. CERT. 99 113 REC. 99 115 CERT. 99 116 DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM-cont. 12 Jan. 1653. Mr. Noddell, who prepared this petition, not being in town, though Capt. Wood and his counsel are present, order for a hearing next term, when costs will be considered for Capt. Wood for the delay, and Noddell is to produce his authority from the Epworth inhabitants to prosecute the business. 12 Jan. Petition of John Allen and Phil. Hauxworth, for the 92 112 inhabitants of Misterton and Stockwith. Wood and Beverley were ordered to collect the 1,2281. 17s. Od. rent due by John Gibbon and other drainers of the level, and Gibbon persuaded Wood, who had been his servant, that the common lands were chargeable therewith, whereon Wood demanded 5401. and dis- trained for it, &c. They beg renewal of the orders for stay of proceedings pending hearing, and suspension of the fee- farm rent till they can prove that their commons are not chargeable. 12 Jan. Order that this be read with the Epworth petition 12 270 23 Feb. 1653. Marg. Venn petitions that as out of the 4,000l. 99 114 ordered her, she has received only 7977. 1s. Od., and the Gold- smiths' Hall Treasurers have received 1,3401. 8s. 2d. from the level, they may be ordered to pay her the said sum. - 23 Feb. Granted 1,000l. in further part of the debt due to her 12 307 husband. 25 March 1653. The Epworth petitioners to be heard if they have 12 322 anything fresh to present. 25 March. Also like order for the petitioners of Misterton, &c. 14 Sept. 1653. Marg. Venn begs payment of 660l. more, lately received from the estate. Note that she is to have 3001. Vol. No. A or P. 12 270 14 Sept. On the Army Committee's report that Mrs. Venn 13 1 should have the rents of the level till she has received 3,2021. 198., appointed her by Parliament Order of 9 Aug. 1651, being the balance of 4,000l. ordered her 8 March 1648, and on her petition, order that 300l. more be paid her. 30 Sept. She petitions that 6601. has been brought in out of 99 117A the estate, and that she has only an order for 300l., and wants the other 3601. 9 Nov. 1653. She begs payment of 353l. 6s. 6d. more, lately paid in CERT. 99 119 9 Nov. Granted, but afterwards only 2001. ordered, the rest being in Beverley's hands. 30 Sept. Order that she have another 100l., provided she pro- 13 6 mises to desire no more money for 3 months' time. REP. 99 122 16 Dec. Referred to the registrar to report - 12 325 99 117 16 Dec. 1653. Wood begs to be allowed to be the discoverer for 99 120 Col. Venn of the said estate, whereby he will be encouraged to further service; the estate is now to be sold, and will bring in a large sum, and only through his pains. - CERT. 99 124 11 Jan. Marg. Venn petitions for payment of the 2657. balance of 6657. in the treasurer's hands, 400l. being paid her. Granted. • 99 118 13 31 11 Jan. 1654. Order on his report, and on statements of Wood's 13 demeanour in prosecuting the case at his own cost, that he be declared to be the first and only discoverer of the estate, and the prosecutor thereof at great pains and charges. 13 44 99 121 62 99 123 13 60 19 Feb. 1651. Sam. Bolles petitions that he has 85 acres in Hatfield 99 Chace, lately held by John Gibbon, but sold by a Session of Sewers for non-payment of scotts. That by an order of 8 Aug. 1649, he is assessed towards payment of 2,000l. composition for the arrears of fee-farm rents of 1,2281. 17s. on the Chace, but his land is not liable thereto, being part of that allotted to the undertakers for drainage. He has not held the lands 2 years, yet he and his tenants have paid 61l., part of the 811. demanded, 125 126 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 541 4 April 1645. DEP. 99 136 and are ready to pay the other 201. Begs that his case may be referred to Counsel, Mr. Gibbon attending, and that he may be relieved. DEP. 99140 141 REP. 99 142 26 March 1651. Bolles pleads that Gibbon, though served with the notice, has not attended Reading, and begs that either he may be compelled to do so, or that Reading may give credit to his own case, which he can prove. E.W. 10 281 26 March. Order that he prove his case, and Reading proceed with 10 the report. 195 99 131 132 Vol. No. A or P. 35 19 Feb. 1651. Case referred to Mr. Reading, ånd Gibbon to have 10 notice to attend. 99 127 99 128- 130 13 Aug. 1651. Edm. Griffith, a witness in the case between Gibbon 99 133 and Bolles, summoned peremptorily to appear, or in default to be brought up in custody. REP. 99 135 29 July 1653. Order on report in the case that Gibbon pay into 12 404 the treasury the 811. unduly levied on Bolles, unless he show cause in 14 days, and the commissioners will consider the costs. Also as there is a large part of the composition of 2,000l. unpaid, and Gibbon has detained the money for which the tenants of the level gave their bonds, he is to show cause why it should not be levied out of his estate. 31 March 1652. Bolles begs relief because Edm. Griffith, one of his 99 134 witnesses, refuses to answer questions. Noted, the examiner's certificate to be produced herein. [Sept. 1653.] John Gibbon petitions that in Aug. 1649, the Com- 99 137 mittee for Advance of Money agreed to accept 2,000l. for all the arrears of 1,2281. 17s. a year due from Hatfield Chace by delin- quency of the Duke of Buckingham, and what had been levied in any of those counties was to be accepted as part of the 2,0007. It is now found that what has been levied exceeds the demand by 3051., beside 611. received by Mr. Wood from one Mr. Bolles, total 3661., and beside 2001. charges. Begs repayment of the 3661. and allowance for the charges of collecting. 19 Oct. 1653. Gibbon petitions that he was told 2 years ago that 99 138 his case was referred to Reading, and waited on him about it, but was told he was dying, and has never heard of the business since. Begs a hearing of his former petition for repayment of money, and for no order to be passed against him till he has been heard. E.W. 13 17 19 Oct. Order that both sides appear this day fortnight, and if 13 18 Gibbon do not appear, the order of 29 July be carried out. 26 Oct. Order, on a hearing of both sides, that Gibbon have 13 23 another week given, and that his statements be added to the 99 report, provided he pay the other side 40s. costs of delay. 139 16 Dec. 1653. Case to be heard on Friday, and then Lynam Robins 13 is to pay in 407. in his hands of the fee-farm rent of the level. 23 Dec. On Reading's report that Gibbon has offered nothing new in the case, the former orders made absolute. 23 Dec. Robins pleading that there are sums of money due to him, 13 order that the accounts be produced. 13 27 Jan. 1654. Order that Gibbon pay to the Committee for 13 Advance of Money the 817. unduly levied on Bolles, with costs. 27 Feb. 1654. Order that-as a large sum of the 2,0001. for which 13 Gibbon compounded with the late Committee for Advance of Money is still unpaid-examinations be made, when further order will be given. 46 50 49 72 77 542 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 4 April 1645. INT. 99 143 9 April 1645. 11 April 1645. RALEIGH SANDERSON, Delinquent, WM. SANDER- SON, Clare Street. 11 April 1645. Information that Wm. Sanderson holds, for the use of his brother 21 Raleigh, 2 ballast gins, with boats and lighters thereto belong- ing, worth 1,0007. 16 June 1645. Information repeated by Capt. Geo. Wood 11 July 1645. Enquiry to be made of Wm. Sanderson thereon, and if he refuses to certify, he is to be brought before this committee. 11 April 1649. The executors of Raleigh Sanderson, and Fras. Smart, of Evesham, to appear and show cause why they should not pay the 2007. they stand engaged to pay to Parliament by bond of 1 Aug. 1644. DEP. 99 144 31 Aug. Ordered a copy of his charge, and leave to examine witnesses. E.W. 7 245 3 Aug. 1649. His estate to be seized, and the rents detained in 7 212 the tenants' hands. Vol. No. A or p. 25 July 1649. Information that William Saunderson is a delinquent, 21 256 that he seduced [George,] eldest son of Sir Balthazar Gerbier, persuaded him to run from his father and fight against Par- liament, and provided him with 107., a horse, and a sword; that he has expressed himself to be very ill affected to the Parliament in the presence of Lady Gerbier and her daughters, and maid, and cursed the Parliament several times, and said he hoped to see them all hanged. He is said to have an estate of 7001. a year in co. Worcester, inherited of his brothers, where he has water works and sluices, and he has also a house and lands near Worcester; gravel gins on the river; Horsleydown Wharf; and a store of goods at his lodgings in Clare Street, kept by Mrs. Lee, as also at his maid's house in the same street; at Ald. Ashwell's, next to Abchurch Lane; at Mr. Webb's dwelling, near the Queen's Head Tavern, Ratcliff Highway; at May's, an attorney in Ironmonger Lane, where one of his cousins lives, and at Walker's, a schoolmaster, between the Dutch and French Church in Broad Street. 11 Dec. 1649. Publication and a hearing ordered, both parties to have notice. 9 April 1645. Order that his estate be seized and sequestered, and the rents received and paid to this Committee. 5 82 10 4 201 DR. MOURTON, or MORETON, in the Tower. Assessed at 5007. 8 June 1646. Respited 14 days 6 267 21 Nov. 1649. The prosecutors to show cause why there should 8 25, 30 not be publication of the examinations. THOS. VILLERS, Moore Clack. FRAS. THORNDIKE, Scamblesby, Co. Lincoln. Information that he was in Gainsborough when it was the King's 21 quarters, and was made prisoner when it was taken by the Parliament forces, having aided the enemy by his counsel, and that he has lands and rents in Scamblesby. 7 244 245 8 63 4 4 114 67 174 5 49 Assessed at 801. 67 174 30 May 1645. Respited till his lands or debts come in, not having 76 817 1007. besides. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 543 11 April 1645. 12 April 1645. 12 April 1645. 14 April 1645. 14 April 1645. 11 June 1645. He having made affidavit that he is not worth 1007. when he has paid his debts of 9001., but it appears that he only owes 501., order that he pay 421. 10s. Od., and incur the penalty for false affidavits. AND. SCOTT, Harness Maker, Martin's Lane, and JOHN SCOTT, his Son. 20 June. Order that he pay 217. 10s. more than the 201. de- 76 831 posited, and incur the penalty for false affidavits. 1 Oct. 1645. Having paid the money, his assessment discharged, 76 869 and he freed from any penalty concerning his affidavit. 20 24 April 1645. Depositions to prove that Andrew Scott fled from home 2 years ago, when assessed for his 2, and that his son demanded a debt of about 187. due to the father by John Tully, coachmaker, Martin's-in-the-Fields; whereon a bond was given for payment. Information that [And.] Scott has fled from his habitation and 21 been abroad these 2 years, and that Tully, of St. Martin's Lane, owes him several moneys. 19 May 1645. John Scott to be brought in custody to answer objections against him. 20 June 1645. Andrew Scott to be discharged his assessment for the 81. raised on his goods, and a bond of 177. owing to him by John Tully, Martin's-in-the-Fields. Vol. No. A or P. 3 Sept. 1645. Order that the debt be demanded from Tully, and if he refuse to pay, levied by distress on his estate. 76 76 825 GRIFFITH WILLIAMS, Dean of Bangor. Assessed at 1,5007. 8 Sept. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay 19 Nov. 1645. Thos. Dyer, of Kent Street, in regard of the charges of 311. for repair of the houses he holds of the dean, to have 51. abated of his rent of 201. till further order. 4 99 145 146 4 159 4 185 4 282 THOS. SWAN, Beverley, Co. York. Information that he is a delinquent with the King, and has several 21 4 houses in Whitecross Street and Shoe Lane. 14 April 1645. Order that the said houses be seized and seques- 4 122 tered, and the rents paid to this committee. 26 Sept. 1645. Information renewed that he is a delinquent with 21 38 the King, and not sequestered. 6 June 1649. Information that Wm. Johnson, junr., of Beverley, 21 227 co. York, has 401. concealed belonging to Swan, and that Johnson has often frequented the enemy's garrison. 69 2 4 254 4 329 29 June 1647. The sequestration on houses in Kent Street, seized 5 272 by this committee as the rents of the dean, who is assessed for his, taken off, as the rents belong to the Free School of Bangor, co. Carnarvon; Thos. Meredith, the schoolmaster, to have the 421. 19s. 1d. already received, and the tenant to be no further molested. MATT. BRADLEY, Ivy Lane, Paymaster to the King's Army. 6 Information by Sir Rob. Harlow that the widow of Timothy 21 Drake of Fenchurch Street, and Thos. Wilcocks of Tottenham, 99 148 owe Bradley 5001. 99 149 16 April 1645. Deposition by Wilcocks that the bond for this debt 99 was seized by the Sequestration Committee at Camden House, and is in their custody. Also note that the 500l. was given 544 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 14 April 1645. 14 April 1645. 14 April 1645. 14 April 1645. 14 April 1645: 14 April 1645. 14 April 1645. 14 April 1645. 14 April 1645. 16 April 1645. to the wife and four children of Sam. Bradley, goldsmith of London, killed in the Parliament service, and the interest is secured to them monthly for maintenance. JOHN BUTT, THOS. PEIRCE, EUW. TREMBLETT, all of Bozom, near Chichester, Sussex. Information by Sir Rob. Harlow, that in Dec. 1642, the King's garrison being at Chichester, Tremblett and Peirce took Jobn Mills, sent by the militia of London to Sir Wm. Waller, as prisoner, railed at him as a Roundhead, carrying letters for Parliament against the King, and sent for some cavaliers to secure him, and have him hanged at Chichester; but a friend of his sent to Waller for a party to redeem him, and that party arriving first, he escaped. LADY HARBUCK, the Strand. Assessed at 3001. No proceedings SIR RICH. KINSMAN, the Strand. Assessed at 3007. No proceedings 16 July 1645. Information that all three are now in arms against 21 16 Parliament, and the informer, Eliah Palmer, will pay all costs, if no benefit arise from their estates. 16 July. Order thereon for seizing and securing their estates LADY MORE, the Strand. Assessed at 150l. No proceedings I ROB. OAKLEY, Assessed at 807. 2 May 1645. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 151., his estate lying under power of the King's army. 26 Dec. 1645. Particulars of his estates, cos. Oxon and Salop Co. Oxford. • LADY DOROTHY PEYTON, the Strand. Assessed at 2007. 28 April 1645. Discharged, on affidavit that she has not 1007. Vol. No. A or p. - 21 99 6 150 - 69 1 PHILLIPPS, Chancery Lane. On information that several trunks of plate, money, and other goods of delinquents are concealed in his house, order that they be seized and secured. 4 204 69 1 69 1 69 3 4 140 LIEUT.-COL. OWEN PARRY. Information that he is in actual arms against Parliament, and 21 1 has divers goods, moneys, &c., in the house of Middleton in Fleet Street. 99 147 14 April 1645. Order thereon that the said goods be seized and 4 121 sequestered. 69 1 4 120 15 April 1645. Lord Willoughby of Parham certifies the conceal- 21 5 ment of the said goods. NICH. CRISP, Seaton, co. Rutland, Recusant and Delinquent. Information that the Earl of Westmoreland owes him 2,054l., not 21 7 sequestered. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 545 16 April 1645. R. 4 327 12 Nov. 1645. Request for payment repeated 18 April 1645. 12 Oct. 1645. Committee for Advance of Money to the Earl of Westmoreland. We hear that you owe 2,000l. to Crisp. We request you to take speedy order for its payment to this com- mittee, and you shall then have the bond delivered up, and be saved harmless. 50623. 12 Feb. 1646. Request renewed for payment, the Committee for Advance of Money being unwilling to take any other steps. 1 May 1646. The Earl to pay 6007. in 14 days, and then to be heard as to an abatement to be made to the interest due, and as to the time for payment of the said debt. 11 May. Order that the 2,0001. be paid in 6 sums of 300l. half- yearly, and the 2001. the last half year, and that the Earl be secured against Crisp and others, and his bond restored on the last payment. 15 April 1646. Committee for Advance of Money to the Earl. We 99 154 marvel that no satisfaction or answer is given us, after so many letters, and again desire you to pay the debt, lest we be driven to take some other course, which hitherto we have forborne to do. 4 Nov. 1646. Order-on proof that 1,2007. of the said sum belongs to Crisp's 3 daughters, and was given them by Mrs. Mallory, by will in 1637-that only 8007. of the 2,000. be levied, out of which Crisp is to receive his as a recusant, and that the sequestration on the 1,2007. be taken off. 20 July 1647. Order for the Earl's payment of the 3001. due at Lady- day last. 25 July 1648. Order that on the Earl's paying 2007. more than the 7001. already levied on him, on a bond of 1,8007. in 1640, fər payment of 9187. to Nich. Crisp, the said bond be delivered up to be cancelled. 28 July. 1001. of the money paid in by the Earl on the bond for 9181., to remain in the treasurer's hands, on information that the children of Crisp are in a nunnery beyond sea. 9 Aug. 1648. Nich. Crisp being dead, his son John petitions, on behalf of his sisters, that the bonds in Mr. Lane's custody for the 1,2001. may be delivered to him, to whom his father assigned them for the livelihood of the orphans, and also that he may have the 1001. paid in, towards his sisters' legacies. 9 Aug. Order thereon that the bonds remain in Lane's hands, but that 100 marks be paid John Crisp, as his of 2001., out of the next money paid by the Earl on bond to Crisp. REP. 99 159 12 July 1650. The order to the father confirmed, and the Earl's obligation for payment of 1,144., part of the 2,000l., to be delivered to John Crisp, as heir and administrator of his father, on which 9001. has been levied, and he permitted to levy and receive the remainder. 28 June. Order that as 8001. of the money has been paid in, Carey examine the case, and report. Vol. No. A or p. 99 151 99 152 99 153 28 July. Mr. Lane to detain the bond of 1,1007. due by the Earl 6 27 to Crisp, till further orders, on information that the debt belongs to several daughters of Crisp, who are in cloister beyond seas. ALDERMAN WM. BERKLEY. KIRKE. Berkley ordered to appear on Monday, and Kirke to be brought in safe custody. 5 27 5 31 5 126 5 281 6 26 6 27 28 June 1650. John Crisp begs the continuance to himself of the 99 157 order for payment of the 1,2001. to his late father. 99 155 6 34 99 156 9 8 99 158 9 40 4 126 14 May 1645. Witnesses to be examined by both, and on Thursday 4 154 week, both sides to be heard by counsel. M M 546 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 18 April 1645. R. 4 255 H. 4 318 19 April 1645. 24 April 1645. E.W. 4 278 6 Oct. 1645. Berkley and Kirke to be allowed to examine Mr. Fleetwood or any other on their side, in the matter depending, and Glover, counsel on the other side, to have notice, that he may cross-examine if needful. 25 April 1645. 25 April 1645. 25 April 1645. PR. 99 161 + 4 June 1645. The case being heard, both parties to have copies of the depositions, and the business to be heard again, and mean- time, counsel to meet and state it. 17 Sept. 1645. Berkley and Kirke to have notice that Branley has been examined in the case, and to have leave to cross-examine him. 8 Oct. The business to be heard, and the clerks to draw up the case. Berkley and Kirke to show what those debts are that are suggested by them to be the consideration (?) of the bill of sale from Branley to them. LADY MARG. BRETT, Blackfriars. Assessed at 2007. 31 Oct. 1645. To be taken into custody for non-payment SIR ANT. CAGE. SAM. WHITE, Mercer, Oxford. Information that he has been and is very active against Parliament, 21 8 being an informer against honest and well-affected men, and has maintained men in arms there, and has 500l. in the hands of Mr. Sparkes, at the Ship, in Friday Street. SIBOURNE, M.P. JOHN FITZJEFFRY. Information that Sibourne is now at Oxford; that Fitzjeffry is a 21 8 delinquent, and has an estate of 500l. a year. Assessed at 3001. 1 Dec. 1645. To be taken into custody for non-payment - - DR. MATTHEW WREN, Bishop of Ely, in the Tower, and, his Children. Vol. No. A or p. 4 170 4 263 2 19 4 284 19 Nov. 1645. On hearing the cause concerning the sequestering of Risis Farm at Brettenham, Suffolk, which it appears does not at all belong to the bishop, order that the sequestration be discharged of all except two-thirteenths, which belong to Mrs. Wren, the bishop's wife, 117. of the money received is to be paid to [George] Coney, in trust for the children of the bishop, and the other 11l. detained for for the year ending last Michaelmas. 4 287 - 69 7 4 311 13 Jan. 1647. The tenant of the estate to appear to pay his arrears of rent, two-thirteenths of which belonging to Mrs. Wren are sequestered by this committee. - 69 He assessed at 3007. 69 12 May 1645. Information that he has a farm unsequestered at 21 Brettenham, Suffolk, and that there is much rent in arrear from his tenant. 69 7 4 343 9 9 13 1645 ? Case of George Coney, in behalf of Dr. Wren's children, 99 160 showing that in 1641, of the estate were settled on Elizabeth, daughter of Thos. Cutler, and wife of the bishop, on Matthew, the eldest son, and on the other 9 children. 13 4 330 5 73 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 547 25 April 1645. 25 April 1645. 25 April 1645. 4 244 266 255 282 R. 29 April 1645. 2 May 1645. ROGER PEMBERTON, Cursitor Alley. RALPH PEMBERTON, St. Alban's, his Sons. JOHN PEMBERTON, Roger assessed at 2001. 69 9 May 1645. Roger to pay in 301. in discharge of his assessment 4 17 Sept. 1645. Ralph discharged from his assessment, his father having paid his in his lifetime. 4 20 his 26 Sept. This order notwithstanding, Ralph summoned to pay assessment, he not having discovered his whole estate to this committee. - MARKHAM and MRS. BROWNE, Papist, both of Old Street. On information that several Papists' and delinquents' goods are concealed in their houses, order that such goods, money, plate, &c., be seized and sequestered, and sold for the benefit of the State. GEOFFRY NIGHTINGALE, Cheapside. 9 Nov. 1649. Note of the Public Faith given for Roger Pemberton's 69 301. Assessed at 3007. 15 Aug. 1645. Order that he be respited 14 days, to show his acquittances. 10 Oct. 1645. John Pemberton to make affidavit what was his 4 289 father's and 2%, and what his own estate. 6 Oct. 1645. To make affidavit what is his. and to produce his father's will, and the deeds whereby his estate is settled on him. 13 Oct. Order that he be discharged, having no estate but that left by his father, who paid his, he being menial servant to the Earl of Warwick. Vol. No. A or P. 29 Jan. Daniel's assessment and the sequestration of his estate discharged, he having paid 2001. in co. Norfolk. EDW. BRADBORNE, Cheapside. ROGER NOTT. Bradborne assessed at 6007. and Nott at 1,0007. 4 274 8 69 149 261 4 134 99 162 7 4 241 8 DAN. WIGMORE, late Archdeacon of Ely. Note that Gilbert Wigmore is to bring in Dan. Wigmore's 82 6 particulars. 4 284 4 291 21 Aug. 1646. Daniel assessed at 8007. 2 Oct. 1646. His assessment respited, on his giving security to abide the order of this committee about it, when he has made his composition at Goldsmiths' Hall. 2 Dec. 1646. Order for seizure of his rents and estate, to pay his assessment of 8001. 20 Jan. 1647. Gilbert Wigmore to have a fortnight to bring in 5 178 particulars. 5 184 69 26 Sept. 1645. Information that they are both in arms against 21 Parliament, and have estates worth 2.0507. 10s. in the Earl of Carlisle's hands not yet sequestered. 24 Oct. 1645. Bradborne to be brought in custody to pay his assessment. 71 39 5 111 5 147 148 12 14 38 4 298 MM 2 548 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 2 May 1645. BRADBORNE AND NOTT-cont. INT. 100 i 7 Nov. 1645. Fras. Wayte to have liberty to come to this committee DEP. 100 2-4 free of arrest. 0.5 258 264 June 1646. Note that Nott was sequestered by the Camden House 100 5 Commissioners in 1613 as a delinquent, and his goods sold; that on 22 April 1646, Rob. Reynolds and Barth. Hall had an order to be satisfied their arrears out of such delinquents' estates as they should discover, and 4 June 1646 they discovered 1,2001. owing to Nott. 16 April 1647. Order in the House of Commons that-whereas Roger Nott and Sir Thos. Nott owe 4167., on a bond of 8007. in 1640, to Rob. Reynolds, M.P., of which 2801. is due; and whereas they owe Barth. Hall 3061. on a bond of 6007., on which 4047. is due, and whereas Reynolds and Hall have discovered a debt of 6001. or more, 1,2007. on recognizance of 2,4007., due by Fras. Wayte, of Keythorpe, co. Leicester, to Mr. Nott,-[Kath.] Highlord, of London, widow, who holds the moneys due on this recognizance pay out of the debt due to Nott, the debts with damages due to Reynolds and Hall, and the surplus to the State, Wayte and Mrs. Highlord to be saved harmless in so doing. CASE 100 6 12 May 1647. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money that Mrs. Highlord appear, and show cause why she should not pay the said money, and that she do not dispose of it without further order of this committee. 1 June 1647. Reynolds and Hall to produce proofs of Roger Nott's delinquency, and then the cause between them and Mrs. Highlord and Nott's creditors to be heard. 0.5 302 17 Nov. 1647. Whereas Kath. Highlord, who has bought lands of Wayte, detains 1,2001. on recognizance of 2,400l. of the pur- chase money for discharge of the said recognizance made to Nott, and whereas she and Wayte were to fulfil the Order in the House of Parliament of 16 April last, and the 1,2001. due to Nott is sequestered for his delinquency,-order that she pay the said sum to the Treasurers at Haberdashers' Hall, and that Reynolds and Hall bring in the particulars of their debts, and be paid therefrom. Also that the creditors of Nott, who lay claim to the 1,2007., appear to be heard thereon. 23 Nov. Order that from the money to come in from Mrs. Highlord, the Treasurer pay Reynolds 2961. for debt and damages, and Hall 4271., on which they are to deliver up their bonds, and Lane is to retain the rest of the 1,2001. till further order. 26 Nov. If Mrs. Highlord do not pay in the whole money by Tuesday next, it is to be levied on her estate. o.c. 5 342 24 Dec. 1647. Orders for cancelling the bonds, on releases being given for the debts, by all the parties concerned. 7 Jan. 1648. Order that on Nott's giving a general release to the parties concerned, the 1,2001. being paid, the order for vacating the recognizance for 2,4001. be cancelled. 5 310 8 19 Nov. The creditors of Nott, who have a commission of bank- ruptcy against him, requesting a hearing, which has been 100 granted,—order that Mrs. Highlord pay the 1,2001. to this committee, and thereupon the record thereof be vacated, and she and Mr. Wayte saved harmless. 14 Jan. The 1,2007. being paid in, Mrs. Highlord and Wayte are indemnified. Vol. No. A or P. 4 315 3 Feb. 1648. Order in the House of Commons confirming the indemnity. 25 Feb. Reynolds and Hall, and Mrs. Highlord, to show cause why they do not deliver up Nott's bonds, the debt being paid. 5 326 5 253 5 266 5 307-8 100 7 5 311 5 314 5 334 5 342 5 347 5 362 5 382 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 549 + 2 May 1645. 2 May 1645. 2 May 1645. 2 May 1645. 5 May 1645 1 March 1648. Mrs. Highlord pleading that her recognizance is not yet vacated, and therefore she cannot give up the bonds, order that they remain in the treasurer's hands till it be vacated. R. 4 266 1 March. Mr. Broughton, one of the clerks of the Rolls, to be summoned for his refusal to vacate a recognizance of 2,4007., wherein Fras. Wayte, of Keythorpe, co. Leicester, is bound to Roger Nott, and it is ordered to be vacated by both Houses of Parliament, and by direction of Speaker Lenthall. REP. 100 10 23 Jan. 1655. Order on report for delivery of the bonds, unless 13 142 Reynolds and Hall show cause to the contrary. CERT. 100 11 16 March 1655. They declaring themselves satisfied, the bonds 13 150 delivered up to be cancelled. LADY GOLDSMITH, St. Katherine's. Assessed at 3001. Noted as dead 21 Dec. 1654. Roger Nott begs the delivery of Reynolds' and 100 9 Hall's securities to himself and his son, Sir Thos. Nott, to be can- celled, and payment of the balance of the 1,2007., it being all his estate, and there being no colour of delinquency against him. Referred to Dallison to report. MARY JACKSON, the Strand. 27 Feb. Order that they do not pay any money to Mrs. Jackson, as she made affidavit that she was not worth 1007., but that they pay the debt by order of this committee. 27 April 1646. Mrs. Jackson to be brought in custody to pay her assessment of 3001., having made a false affidavit and refused to appear on summons. Vol. No. A or P. 5 385 Assessed at 3001. 69 12 2 July 1645. Hum. Hurleston [Sheere Lane] ordered, on a Par- 100 12 liament Order of 6 May 1643, to pay to the Committee for Advance of Money 3001. in his hands belonging to Mrs. Jackson, who is assessed at 3007. 5 384 8 Sept 1645. Her assessment discharged, on affidavit that she has 76 863 not 100%. 9 Feb. 1646. Hurleston and his wife summoned before the Com- 100 13 mittee for Advance of Money. 24 April. The executors to be discharged from the assessment, as they allege that the estate, which is 3701., was left him after he made affidavit that he was not worth 100%. 69 PETER ROGERS, Staple Inn. CASE 100 14 May 1646? Details at length of business transaction between 100 15 Hurleston and Mrs. Jackson. Assessed at 807. 10 Sept. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 22 Sept. Ben. Griffith, who arrested him when coming to this committee, and John King, at whose suit he was arrested, to be committed to Peter House till further order. 6 Oct. 1645. On King's withdrawing his action against Rogers, he and Griffith to be released. 12 INGOLDSBY PROCTER. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 4 141 15 April 1646. Deposition that, being assessed at 307., he died on 100 16 7 April last, and that his executors, after paying small debts, have 2501. in hand, and bonds for 1501. 4 439 5 23 5 69 22 7 16 4 259 4 266 4 285 550 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 5 May 1645. 9 May 1645. 9 May 1645. 9 May 1645. o.c. 8 383 PUB. 9 177 100 19 R. 9 192 THOS. DYER, Shobrooke, Co. Devon. Information that he is in the King's quarters at Bristol, and that 21 Hen. Seare, of the Blue Bell, Bread Street, owes him 1007. June 1645? He begs a copy of his charge, and leave to examine 100 witnesses in his defence, to prove his innocency; also the name of his prosecutor and of the witnesses against him, and leave to cross-examine them. SIR HUM. ST. JOHN, Hogsdon, Middlesex. Assessed at 3001. Noted, no such man there Vol. No. A or P. 10 SIR JOHN GARRATT, or GERARD. Assessed at 5001. - 69 21 69 23 14 May 1645. Assessment renewed, but vacated 19 May. The assessment discharged for 4381. lent, being his pro- 76 809 portion on oath. • JOHN LONG, Haw, or Monkton, Co. Wilts. Information that soon after Rundway Hill battle, in co. Wilts, he 100 said that there were none but rogues and base fellows left in the Parliament at London. That he gave 2 horses for the King's service, and said he thought nothing too good to give. That hearing of a Parliament ship put into harbour, he said he wondered they did not take the ship, and hang the rogues, for they were rebels against their King, and hanging was good enough for them. That being summoned before the County Commissioners, he said he feared nothing but being put to his oath, for he had taken the King's protestation already. That this is proved before the County Commissioners, but Long has been discharged by favour, on adding something to what he paid for his and 20 9 May 1645. Order that he be brought up to answer the charge against him. 13 Dec. 1649. Information by Katherine Symons that he is a delinquent. - 69 18 · 17 18 4 147 19 Dec. County Commissioners to send up the depositions and 8 77 proceedings before them touching his delinquency. 7 March 1651. Request on behalf of Long for publication 100 20 12 March. Order thereon for publication and hearing, unless 10 104 Mrs. Symons appears on Wednesday, to show cause against it. 21 318 PUB. 10 129 2 Sept. 1651. Long petitions for dismissal from his unjust prosecu- 100 tion, the case having depended a year on pretence of new matter, whereas there has been nothing fresh produced. 15 July 1651. Long begs that, as by an order (missing) of 100 21 25 June last, the prosecutor was to show cause why the cause so long depending should not be dismissed, and has not shown cause, he may be discharged from further attendance. not appear whether he is the same John Long who appeals for discharge of Kellaway Manor. 22 2 Sept. Order for publication and hearing, when a former discharge 17 12 in the case is to be considered. Dec. 1651? Petition of John Long. I have served Parliament 100 28 faithfully through the wars, but Robert and Thos. Long, my uncles, being delinquents, in my absence on service, Kellaway Manor, co. Wilts, which is my estate, has been sequestered as belonging to them. I beg that the sequestration may be taken off, and that I may enjoy my rents. CERT. 100 24 21 April 1652. Order on petition of John Long, of Haw, or 11 354 -26 Monkton, for his discharge on the Act of Pardon. It does "-va COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 551 12 May 1645. 12 May 1645. 12 May 1645. R. 5 192 19 May 1645. 21 May 1645. SIR WM. ANDREWS, Covent Garden. Assessed at 6007. 21 Jan. 1646. Having lent 351., he is respited till further order LADY MARY SCROPE, alias JANE BASS, Covent Garden, Wife of LORD CAREY. Assessed at 1,000l. 30 May 1645. Assessment repeated 9 June 1645. To be sent for in custody to pay her assessment 13 June. Order that of the 1,6007. paid in by Lady Mary Scrope, now wife of Lord Carey, as her assessment for her, 8001. be repaid her, and 8001. remain in the treasurer's hands till the case is heard this day month. · - 69 ACCTS. 100 28 13 June. Affidavit signed by her, that 2757. is her full 2; 11,5007. 100 was to be raised out of lands, value 1,6001. a year, but they are sequestered on supposition that they belong to her brother, Scrope, who is excepted from pardon. 4 July 1645. Order that 6007. is her full assessment, but as she is willing to lend the other 2007. for 3 months, it is to remain with the committee, and she to have the Public Faith for the 6007. The committee also declares that in this assessment she has paid her full for her interest in a lease, and the money raised thereby, made by Emanuel [Scrope], Earl of Sunderland, to trustees, for raising portions for the lady and her sisters. - 69 28 Nov. 1645. Order for repayment of the 2001. 20 March 1646. The city marshal to have 20 nobles for his pains in discovering and seizing the 6007.; and for the 531. found by him of Ransone, a German, which was paid for his 2. Vol. No. A or P. 22 JOHN SWAYNE, Grazier, Holborn, and Isle of Ely. Assessed at 2007. 21 May 1645. Order that he be respited till next term, to show what he has paid in the country, he being only come to town on law business. 16 July 1645. His assessment discharged, he having paid his and in the country. 20 4 394 22 69 34 4 175 4 177 179 28 4 192 207 4 339 4 452 69 21 4 160 ALTOM, or ALSHAM. Information that he is a known Papist, and has a house worth 21 401. a year in St. Mary Hill, Loudon, in which Mrs. Freeman, a widow, dwells. 21 2 July 1645. Information repeated, stating him to be a delinquent also. 4 205 12 14 ROB. BLAKE and his WIFE, Knightsbridge, or Covent Garden. He assessed at 2007. 69 28 25 Aug. 1645. His tenant, to bring in particulars of the lands 4 244 he holds, and the rents due thereon, and when and to whom he paid the last rent. Also the seizure on the lands of Mrs. Blake at Knightsbridge and Westminster to be taken off, as they appear to be her jointure. 17 Sept. 1645. Rob. Blake to discharge from prison Leonard Rhodes, whom he arrested for rent paid to this committee, and to pay all charges and damages, or else be committed to prison. 1 Oct. 1645. Order that on his paying 451. more than the 1057. levied on his tenant Rhodes, fulfilling the previous order, and paying salary, &c., his assessment of 3001. (sic) be discharged, and his sequestration taken off. 4 244 4 261 4 279 552 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 May 1645. 21 May 1645. 21 May 1645. 23 May 1645. 24 Oct. 1645. Ordered the Public Faith for the 1507. paid, on affidavit that he paid it within 10 days of notice. DR. THOS. DIKE, Thisleworth. Assessed at 2001., and summoned to pay - 4 July 1645. To be discharged for 271. 5s. Od., being his propor- 76 837 tion on oath. LADY THOMAS, near Somerset House, and her Daughters, KATHERINE, MARY, and ELIZABETH. Jan. 1654. He petitions that he gave full satisfaction to the late 100 30 Committee for Advance of Money by paying 271. 5s. Od., and was discharged, but never had a Public Faith certificate for it, and as by a late Act, all who have Public Faith debts are to enter their bills at the Worcester House Committee, or the debts will not be acknowledged, he begs a certificate for his 271. 58. Od. Jan. Certificate granted accordingly - 100 31 Vol. No. A or P. 4 299 She assessed at 1507., and her daughters at 50%. each 69 27 16 June 1645. Katherine and Mary respited, not having 100l. 76 828 beside their excepted debts. 18 June. Like order for Eliz. Thomas JAMES, Son of JAS. MOLLINS, Jun., Shoe Lane. Assessed at 3007. 7 Nov. 1645. Order that Mary Rowley, Thomasine Thistlethwaite, and Dorothy Venables, who have lost their estates, and their husbands slain in Ireland, have their dwelling in his house, he not having paid his assessment. 69 28 100 29 76 829 8 Aug. 1645. Lady Thomas' assessment discharged for 61. paid, 76 853 being her proportion on oath. - 69 29 4 315 Feb. 1646? Note of a lease of the house, 10 April 1641, from 100 Aurelia, widow of Jas. Mollins, of Andrew Holborn, and Jane widow of Jas. Mollins, jun., clerk, of Dunham, co. Norfolk, and guardians of James and Jane, children of Mollins, jun., to Thos. Jarman, of a house in Shoe Lane, at 201. rent; that lease was assigned to Sir Hum. Stile, but Jarman is sued by Jane Mollins, as guardian, and yet summoned to pay his rent to the Committee for Advance of Money towards the assessment. Also Mr. Shardlow is assessed at 1007. 26 June 1646. Shardlow respited concerning his son-in-law Mollins' assessment, to prove that he has paid it in the country. 2 Dec. 1646. Mollins' assessment discharged for the 201. paid by him in Norfolk for his estate in London. 13 May 1646. Order that Mollins' sequestration be taken off, 5 32 Shardlow giving security for his assessment, and he may go to trial of Jarman, the tenant, but he is to forbear judgment and execution till further order of this committee. RALPH WINKFIELD, or WINGFIELD, Holborn Bridge, MARG. LUNN, St. Martin's, JOAN DYE, Hammersmith. 32 5 61 5 146 23 May 1645. DEP. 100 33 Information that Wingfield has held correspondence and traded 21 11 with the enemy, and done other acts within the compas of sequestration. 23 May 1645. Information that the husband of Marg. Lunn, a 21 lodger in St. Martin's, was with the Earl of Newport ever since the King went away, and coming to London a year ago, was apprehended for malignancy, ran away, and has gone to the King's quarters. 12 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 553 23 May 1645. 23 May 1645. 30 May 1645. 30 May 1645. R. 4 265 285 300 332 30 May 1645. R. 4 198 H. 4 228 R. 4 254 284 31 May 1645. Also that Joan Dye has been a year past in the King's quarters, 21 and keeps intelligence therewith almost every week, and keeps many goods of the Earl of Newport. 23 May. 1645. Order on information that Mr. Lunn has goods and personal estate in the house of Mrs. Lunn, that all the said goods and money be seized and secured. Also that all the goods of the Earl of Newport concealed in Mrs. Dye's house be seized and secured. 23 May. Order that Wingfield's estate be seized and inven- toried. 4 June 1645. The execution of the above order to be forborne, as on further hearing, it appears that he is no delinquent. COL. CLARKE. His case respited till further order 26 Sept. 1645. On information that Clarke is, or has been, a Colonel for the King, for which his estate should be sequestered, and has houses, goods, &c., in Abingdon, Weake, and Isbury, co. Berks, order that his estate be seized, and the rents levied by distress, and the proceeds paid to this committee; the Governors of Abingdon and Reading to assist. · HENRY, LORD CAREY, the Savoy. Assessed at 5007. 11 July 1645. To be discharged, on affidavit that he has not 1007. ELIZABETH CECIL, COUNTESS [DOWAGER OF EXETER, St. John's, Widow of William, 2nd EarÏ. Assessed at 1,000l. 17 Sept. 1645. Order that she give satisfaction for her assessment forthwith. ELIZABETH MORDAUNT, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF PETERBOROUGH, Ryegate Priory, &c. Vol. No. A or p. 12 4 167 · 4 165 4 172 4 162 4 273 69 34 76 842 69 34 4 261 Assessed at 1,000l. 27 June 1645. Allowed 14 days to pay her assessment 9 July 1645. Committee for Advance of Money to the Countess. 100 You propose by your servant to pay 1001. down, and 501. at Christ- mas, or 1001. down, and 100l. to be set off your husband's arrears. The Committee's only plan is to pay down the assessment, and make affidavit; but as you are a person of honour, to whom they would show all respect, they offer to you to state, without affidavit, what is the of your whole estate, or what the of the personalty, and the of the yearly revenue. 2 11 Aug. 1645. Allowed till Friday next, to be heard without prejudice. 69 4 34 186 34 4 232 4 240 4 300 15 Aug. Allowed a composition for her assessment of 5001., viz., to pay 1501. in 10 days, 1001. more in a month after, and to be allowed 2501. on her debenture for the late Earl of Peterborough's service. 24 Oct. 1645. Order that she pay in the money by Friday next 26 Feb. 1647. Ordered the Public Faith for the 5007. paid Easter 1657. Order to search for the fines passed in 1656 or 1657 100 35 by the countess, on the marriage of John Mordaunt, by which some estate is passed to him, or in trust for him. 5 202 JOHN HILL, Lime Street, Westminster. Information that he has in his house plate of the King's, and a 21 13 great broad trunk, belonging to one who died in the King's quarters, or if removed, that they are in his son-in-law's house. 554 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 May 1645. 6 June 1645. 6 June 1645. 6 June 1645. DEP. 100 37 -39 DEP. 100 41 42 CHRIS. POULTER, Tothill Street, Westminster, and JAMES CLARKE. Information that Poulter maintained his son in arms against 21 Parliament, and that Clarke, his son-in-law, is in arms with the King at Oxford. ELIZABETH CECIL, COUNTESS [DOWAGER] OF EXETER, Clement Danes [Widow of David, 3rd Earl]. Assessed at 5007. 14 July 1645. Respited 14 days 25 Aug. 1645. Again respited, having the sickness in her house SIR PETER TEMPLE, M.P., Queen Street. Assessed at 2007. Noted "Parliament man "" FRAS. GREY, or GRAY, Wellingborough, Co. Northampton, Clerk of the Peace. Vol. No. A or P. 13 69 37 4 202 4 244 Bond in 500l., with 2 sureties, that, being committed by the House 100 of Commons, and released on bail, for business in the county, till 1 Nov. next, he will not remove out of the county without leave of the Committee for Examinations. Jan. Information against him on the following articles: 1. That Gray, with other country gentlemen, met privately several times near Wellingborough, and agreed that if any of them should be fetched away by the Parliament forces for disobedience, they would raise their party about the country to rescue them. 2. That Gray was fetched from home by a party from North- ampton, and that he and his servants opposed them, and gave orders to chime the bells backwards, so as to raise the town.and county, which being done, the townsmen rose, and the county came in, and divers were slain, and amongst others Capt. Sawyer, a most godly and eminent man to the Parliament cause, and a justice of the peace for the county, who came to persuade the people to be quiet. 3. That Gray sent his kinsman, and one of his servants, with two horses and arms, to the King's army; and two years after, when his servant, Wm. Soanes, returned home, he gave him free entertainment, but his kinsman was slain at Newark-on-Trent in the King's service. 4. That Gray animated and encouraged the officers of the town and county when the Commission of Array came into those parts, and said that this carried meat in the mouth, was according to law, and of more worth than the militia, and thereupon issued warrants under his own hand in pursuance thereof. 5. That he advised divers persons, if they should be fetched away for not conforming to Parliament, to rise and plunder the Parliament's friends. 69 1 Dec. 1648. Committee for Advance of Money to the County 24 Commissioners of Northampton. You are to examine witnesses against Gray, and send up the depositions speedily. 6. That he advised divers persons to go to Kettering, upon the summons of the Commission of Array for the county. 7. That he refused to send in his arms and ammunition upon the summons of the country to bring them in to the garrison of Northampton, for security from the enemy, but bought more at the beginning of the late troubles, some of which were called blunder pieces. 8. That he commanded, in contempt of the Ordinance of Parliament, proclamation to be made, the Wednesday before the Fast Day, that the market should be kept every Wednesday, 16 Jan. 1649. County Commissioners of Northampton to the 100 Committee for Advance of Money. On your order, we send up his charge and depositions. 100 36 36 36 40 43 -45 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 555 6 June 1645. DEP. 100 47 48 o. 791 E. W. 7 100 R. 7 169 0.8 10 INT. 100 65 66 DEP. 100 67 -73 PUB. 8 42 11. 8 50 without any respect to the monthly Fast Day, and he still causes his men to set out stalls upon that day, although the minister of the town, and some well-affected persons, duly observe the fast. 9. That he molests divers persons who have yielded obedience to the orders of Parliament. With notes of witnesses to be examined thereon. 20 Feb. 1649. Grey petitions for the heads of his charge, and leave 100 to cross-examine witnesses. Was accused before the House of Commons in Dec. 1642, taken prisoner, his cause referred to the Committee of Examinations, and after 9 months' restraint and several bailments, was discharged Oct. 1645. Has lately been informed against anew, but at the trial, some of his witnesses were either dismissed unheard, or their examinations not all put into writing. 20 Feb. Witnesses to be examined within 5 weeks · DEP. 100 50 20 April 1649. Order for discharge of sequestration, and Gray's dismissal. -52 CERT. 100 53 DEP. 100 54 -58 H. 6 262 PUB. 6 271 Vol. No. A or P. 6 174 15 March 1649. Order that his goods be seized and inventoried. 6 210 Also that such witnesses as he desires shall be cross-examined, and others examined in his defence. March. Petitions for an extension of time. Presented the order on 100 49 March 6th, the only day when the Committee for co. Northampton sat, but Thos. Pentlow, the only member present, said he could not act, and the committee will not sit again till April 11. 6 100 April. Petition of John Hodges and Jas. Bond, for a fresh hearing 100 of the case, giving them time to perfect their proofs, &c. Gray got his discharge by informality in the examination, but is a person who was "the principal actor in that horrid and bloody insurrection, and if so notorious a malignant " escape, it will be a discouragement to the well-affected. 46 25 May. Gray begs the heads of the new charge exhibited against 100 him, and the names of the witnesses. Granted. 7 16 Nov. 1649. Order giving the prosecutors another fortnight to examine Paul Ferriott and others on new matter against Grey. 879 59 60 25 May 1649. Information by [Bond] that Gray, by means of his 21 222 office, had a privy sessions, purposely to indict and punish the 100 62 well-affected of that county for endeavouring to do good to the State in Kettering, and that he contemned several Ordinances of Parliament, issued for raising money upon the Public Faith; that he kept two horses for two months, and in the interim, conveyed them to Banbury, then a garrison for the late King, and would have hired Geo. Hodges to go to Oxford, then a king's garrison, to invite Prince Rupert to come and fortify Wellingborough. 61 63 14 77 26 30 May. Order that as there are charges against him, new, or not proven through absence of the witnesses, the County Commis- 100 64 sioners examine witnesses for the State, allowing him a copy of the charges, and leave to examine or cross-examine witnesses. 8 June 1649. Case referred to the Sequestration Commissioners 7 41 of co. Northampton. 8 18 556 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 June 1645. E.W. 28 11 12 13 16 REP. 100 75 H. 8 186 201 CASE 100 76 FRAS. GREY-cont. 27 Dec. 1649. The new matter only to be proceeded on; case referred to Mr. Rich, counsellor for the State. 8 March 1650. Order dismissing Gray from further proceedings, and discharging him from sequestration, the new charge against 100 him being mostly contained in the first information, from which he was discharged. Vol. No. A or P. 8 88 100 74 19 Feb. 1651. Petition of Jas. Bond for leave to proceed, on the 100 enclosed articles, against Gray, by whose means much blood was spilt, but owing to the absence of some witnesses, he has escaped justice. He was again indicted, but by shortening the time for the prosecution, got a discharge by indirect carriage of Mr. Cox, then clerk of the committee, before some witnesses could be brought. Lord Gray and 7 other members of the committee would not sign the discharge, but he procured the signatures of others who knew not the case. BOND 100 82 26 Feb. Articles against Gray; that he was Commissioner of Array, associated with malignants, and threatened, by ringing of bells, &c., to raise 10,000 men against Parliament, and raised forces against the Parliament troops who came to Welling- borough to prevent unlawful assemblies, &c. Also that he had a privy sessions held, and indicted some Parliamentarians for throwing down a cross, &c. With note that this is a new charge, and allowed on bond. - 22 159 88 80 81 28 Feb. and 5 March 1651. Order that the county commissioners ex- 100 amine witnesses on the case, not allowing anyone to be present. 19 March 1651. Petition of Jas. Bond for leave to bring in a fresh 100 charge against Gray, his discharge being got by the indirect 100 carriage of Mr. Cox, late clerk of the committee. With articles against Gray. He put his head out of the window to raise the town against Parliament officers, having kept his doors fast, so that they had to break in to apprehend and take him to Northampton. He caused his servants to make great store of bullets against the round-headed rogues; he rang the bells at night, and raised 3,000 men to take the Parliament garrison in Northampton. 19 March. Order that Bond give surety in 50l. to prosecute the 100 charge against Cox, and to pay costs if he fail to prove it. 19 March. Order that the new matter against Gray be admitted, on 100 Bond's security to prosecute; that the registrar examine and report on the case; and that Gray have leave to prove that Bond's witnesses were suborned. 19 March. Committee for Advance of Money to Lord Grey and 100 other members of the late Committee for Advance of Money. We wish you, having refused to sign the discharge of Fras. Gray, to certify what you can remember of the case. 216 177 78 79 10 April 1651. Statement by Gray of Bond's repeated prosecutions 100 against him, the first lasting 5, the second 10 months. There was time enough to produce witnesses, but Bond suborned them, promising them 3007. out of Gray's estate, if he were sequestered, and Marshall told them what to say. There was a full committee at Gray's discharge, and several M.P.s present. Begs dismissal, and reference to counsel about perjury and subornation. 2 May 1651. Order for legal examination of the case - 100 7 May. Sir Gilb. Pickering to Mr. Squibb, of the Goldsmiths' 100 Hall Committee. I hear that Gray is trying to procure a discharge before a hearing. If he prevail, it will be no wonder, for he had very good friends, and I do not suppose he has lost them. I think God himself will take that man's cause into his 83 -87 88 89 90 91 92 21 March. Order staying dispatch of the said letter, because 4 of 10 153 the 5 members present at the debate signed the discharge. 93 94 95 96 97 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 557 6 June 1645. REP. 100 99 100 DEP. 100 101 6 June 1615. own hands; the most active, valiant, and gracious man we had in our county was barbarously murdered in one of his rebellious confederacies, but he has great friends and weak prosecutors. If the whole business, as well as the new, could have had a fair hearing, it would have been a satisfaction to all who fear God in that county. 14 May. 1651. The registrar to give in copies of the charges for 100 98 Mr. Carey to report what new matter is in them. 18 June 1651. Order on Carey's report that he finds no matter 10 398 beyond what is contained in the former charges, for Gray's dismissal, unless the prosecutor show cause to the contrary in 14 days. 2 July 1651. Gray begs dismissal, as ordered, unless the prosecutor 100 102 showed cause to the contrary in 14 days, and that the charges of subornation and perjury may be prosecuted. AMBROSE JENNINGS, late of Birmingham, Officer in the King's army. 4 July. Plea of Bond against Carey's report that the charges 100 103 contain nothing new. NOTE 100 104 9 June 1645. Order that the said house be sequestered, and the goods inventoried and secured. Information that the Catherine Wheel in Gracechurch Street 21 13 belongs to him, his estate being under power of sequestration. CASE 100 106 that the rents be kept in deposit till the case is determined. 1 Sept. 1645. Order that the 467., which he owes on a judgment of 17 Car. to Wm. Staples, he paid out of the money to come in on the sale of his sequestered estate. Also that the 6007. due by him to Peter Pagan, on a judgment of 3 April 1645, be not paid from his sequestered estate. 6 Aug. 1645. On plea that the house was made over to him in 4 229 1639 by a friend in trust for his children, and that the convey- 100 105 ance is among the writings of the Salters' Company,―order 1 Oct. 1645. Order that it be proved within a month that he is dead, and if this is not done, the sequestration is to continue. 12 Nov. 1645. His house in Gracechurch Street let to Jas. Hayes, linen-draper, the present tenant, for a year, at 601. Vol. No. A or P. 12 Jan. 1646. The rent of the house to be deposited with Roger Norton till the business of the sequestration is determined. 23 Jan. The rent to be detained in the tenant's hands pending a hearing. 2 Feb. 1646. On plea on the behalf of the widow of Wm. Staples, who obtained a judgment of 461. on Jennings' estate, and on behalf of the discoverers of his delinquency; also on plea that, after Jennings' mother's death, the estate was only his for life, with remainder to his children,-order that if the judgment be proved, the 461. be paid by 10l. quarterly from the rent of the house, &c., and that Roger Norton still receive the rents on behalf of this committee. 23 Feb. Order that of the rent be paid to Roger Norton, for the use of a child of Jennings who lives with him, and that Norton have the house after expiration of the lease to Hayes, at 601. rent. 4 Dec. 1646. Pagan's judgment on Jennings' estate allowed, it appearing duly obtained, and he is to have the rent of the house in Gracechurch Street till paid his 600l., Mrs. Staples to receive the proportion ordered, and the rest to be paid to Norton. 4 176 4 250 4 251 4 280 100 107 4 320 4 386 4 400 4 410 4 437 5 158 558 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 June 1645. 6 June 1645. 9 June 1645. CERT. 100 109 0.5 239 R. 5 243 9 June 1645. R. 4 205 218 232 24 March 1647. The sequestration of the estate taken off, as Ambrose Jennings is dead, and the estate descended to his son William, to whom the tenants are now to pay their rents. 7 April 1647. Widow Staples ordered 51. of the rent, and the tenant to detain so much and pay it, in case those to whom the rent is fallen refuse. With note that Jennings died before Christmas, so no rent is due. 16 Aug. 1648. Information that Sir John Meaux, of the Isle of 21 106 Wight, a compounded delinquent, owed 2001., for which he never compounded, to Amb. Jennings, who was in arms for the King, and in Dec. 1646, was killed in France. 6 Sept. 1648. Order that he do not pay it to the executors, but to 6 53 the treasurer of this committee, and he shall be saved harmless in so doing. SIR JOHN COTTON, Westminster, and Lanvade, Co. Cambridge. RALPH LATHAM, Goldsmith, London. Deposition by Wm. Latham that Ralph Latham said "The devil 100 108 take the Parliament and all committees, for they will undo everyone, and have undone me already.” Assessed at 1,000l. 10 Sept. 1645. Respited 14 days to show acquittances 26 Sept. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 17 March 1646. Being assessed at 1,000l., his estate to be seized and sequestered for non-payment. A Vol. No. A or p. 5 227 5 235 17 May 1647. Certificate by the County Commissioners for Cam. 100 110 bridge that Jane Hinde paid 601. for her estate in that county, before her inter-marriage with Sir John Cotton. 11 Feb. His assessment discharged, the estate he had with his lady being assessed already. 17 Sept. 1647. Sir John Cotton returned in a list of persons to be 5 288 sequestered for non-payment of his assessment of 2,0007. FRANCES CECIL, COUNTESS OF EXETER, Clement Danes, Strand [wife of JOHN, 4th Earl]. 7 Feb 1648. Note of his composition fine 3401., and fine for assess- 100 111 ment 3601. Since his composition he married Jane Hinde, by whom he had 7001. She has paid 601. for her 2%, and 501. by her guardians. Assessed at 5007. 30 June 1645. Respited 14 days for payment of her assessment 69 39 4 259 4 269 5 222 15 Aug. 1645. Statement of her losses in the present war. house and goods at Newark burned, and her timber felled to the value of at least 20,000l., loss of 1,000l. yearly revenue, in cos. Notts and York, total 3,000l. From cos. Northampton, Rutland, and Lincoln, where the best part of her revenue lies, she gets little or nothing, partly by willing payment of taxes to the Parliament garrisons, and partly by the great impositions of the enemy, and the violence of levying, which forces her officers to avoid lodging in their own houses. Begs they will not deprive her of support for her family by expecting further contributions, for if these unhappy times continue, she will have to fly to them for maintenance. 15 Aug. Order for her discharge, she having paid er proportion - 5 365 69 37 4 188 Her 100 112 4 240 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 559 9 June 1645. R. 4 210 219 9 June 1645. 9 June 1645. R. 76 883 887 892 896 900 903 9 June 1645. 13 June 1645. 16 June 1645. R. 4 299 R. 4 385 LADY ANNE FANE, St. Martin's Lane. Assessed at 1,500l. 16 June 1645. Assessment repeated 9 July 1645. Respited 14 days, to make up her or make affidavit 4 Aug. 1645. Her assessment discharged for the 781. 14s. 8d. for- merly sent, and 707. deposited 28 July, being her proportion on oath. LADY HARE, Temple Bar. Assessed at 8001. No proceedings - RICH. SHERBROOK, Paul's Churchyard. Assessed at 2007. 3 Nov. 1645. Respited, being in Holland, and having made up his. 21 Jan. 1646. Having lent 947. 18s. 4d., and paid in 5l. 1s. 8d., to be discharged on paying 101. more for which he is to have the Public Faith. MORRIS ABBOTT, Coleman Street. FRANCES TUFTON, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF THANET. Assessed at 1,5007. 7 July 1645. Respited 14 days 11 July. Respited to pay her, or to take her affidavit in the country what is her and 0. 20 thereon:- Lady Dorrell, Holborn, 2007. Sir Rich. Howell, Clerkenwell, 5007. Sir John Longville, Holborn, 5001. Rich. Middleton, London, 1,000l. P - 69 38 Assessed at 1,000l. 69 40 83 24 June 1645. Respited till his lands are free, having lent 1001. 76 and that being his proportion on oath. 16 June 1645. The following assessments were made, but no proceedings taken 69 ……… - 69 37 76 833 4 394 NICH. SOUTHCOTT, Temple Bar, Clerk in the First Fruits' Office. Assessed at 2007. 16 July 1645. His assessment discharged, he having no estate except what he is trying to recover by law suit. 15 Dec. 1645. He being sequestered for non-payment of his assess- ment, 1,5001. due to him by Wm. Tirrell is to be sequestered, and paid to this Committee. Vol. No. A or P. 69 39 69 45 4 197 4 226 17 Dec. Southcott being a delinquent, those who hold the bond whereby Tirrell is bound to pay him 1,500l. are to be required to give it up, and in case of refusal, it is to be seized. Also Sir Edw. Leech ordered to give up the recognizance, there being a suit in Chancery about the debt. 7 Jan. 1646. 21s. to be paid for a copy of Southcott's answer in Chancery to Tirrell about the debt. 23 Jan. Edw. Buller to repair to the County Commissioners of Hants, to procure witnesses as to Southcott's delinquency, and to have 40s. charges. 69 37 4 194 4 199 69 44 4-4 44 44 44 4 205 4 357 4 359 4 360 4 382 4 401 560 16 June 1645. H. 4 415 R. 4 423 INT. 100 114 DEP. 100 115 E.W. 4 432 DEP. 100 116 117 CASE 100 118 DEP. 100 119 P.R. 100 120 121 16 June 1645. 16 June 1645. 16 June 1645. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 2 Feb. 1646. Certificate that in October 1643, Southcott sent a 100 113 horse and arms to Lord Hopton at Winchester, then a King's garrison, and also went there himself, and rarely came back to the Parliament quarters. 20 March 1646. Order on hearing, that the sequestration of the 1,5301. paid into Gray's Inn Hall by Mr. Tirrell, and brought to this Committee, be discharged, and that counsel on both sides attend to consider the discharge to be given to Tirrell by Southcott. 23 March. The 1,530l. to be carried to Mr. Glover, and remain in his hands till Southcott discharge Tirrell. Mr. Glover to pay Southcott's assessment for his 2. 1 SIR WM. RIDDELL, the Tower. Assessed at 3007. 16 July 1645. To be kept in custody in the Tower till he has paid his assessment. 23 July. On his proving that he is a prisoner at war, and has no estate, order that he be released, and appear before this committee. 8 Aug. 1645. The Lieutenant of the Tower to send him in custody, to be heard about his assessment. Vol. No. A or P. 6 April 1646. Tirrell to have 107. for his expenses in the case, and the collectors 61. 9s. Od. 28 Oct. 1650. The Public Faith given for 501. assessment paid - 69 44 11 May 1646. Allowed till Monday to make an offer about his assessment, or make affidavit of his proportion. 4 452 4 454 5 7 GEORGE WOOD, Commissary for clothing the Soldiers in Ireland. 47 4 206 69 4 210 13 Aug. The restraint laid on him by this committee taken off, 4 240 the Lieutenant of the Tower to take notice hereof. 4 231 5 31 VAUX, Delinquent, in Arms. Information by Capt. Geo. Wood that John Gibbon, of London, 82 owes Vaux 2401. July 1645. Order that Gibbon state under his hand what moneys 82 he owes to Vaux. 18 Feb. 1651. Nich. Arlash, of co. York, to appear concerning him 28 10 20A 96 4 180 He pretending that the State owes him 800l., is to be paid the same, in case 5 or 6,000l. be paid to this committee from 100 122 delinquents' estates discovered by him, at the rate of 10 per cent.; also 28. in the pound if he discover any that have not contributed on the propositions, or paid their 20' 8 June 1646. He petitions that on this order, he and Capt. 100 123 St. George discovered the recusancy and delinquency of Mrs. Catesby, of Long Acre, by which 1,300l. was brought in, besides her bonds and evidence, on which a large sum will be paid in, yet he has only received 457. towards his arrears, the rest of the money being sent for the relief of the West, except 1007. just brought in by Sir Art. Ingram. Begs that the moneys due to the State by his discoveries may be collected and paid in, and that he and St. George may receive towards their arrears, and 10 per cent. as discoverers. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 561 16 June 1645. 18 June 1645. 23 June 1645. 23 June 1645. 23 June 1645. 27 June 1645. 30623. 58 8 June 1646. Order that he and Capt. John De Bosco St. George have 101. of the 1001. brought in by Sir A. Ingram as due to Mr. Arpe, and have their discoveries of delinquencies made on Mrs. Catesby's bonds towards their arrears. 1650? Wood begs an order for securing the moneys due on his 100 124 discovery of a bond of 300l. for a debt of 801. payable by Thos. Gregson, Minister of Panton, co. Lincoln, to Wm. Lincoln, a delinquent, and for Lincoln to bring in the bond. ROB. BURGESS, Felo de se. 15 Order in the House of Commons that 6801. owing by [Wm.] Violet 21 to [Rob.] Burgess be paid to the Committee for Adrance of 100 125 Money, and that therefrom 3001. be paid to Col. Rudgley towards his arrears, 2001. to Major Owen O'C nnolly, for arrears of his pension, and 1007. to the County Commissioners of Gloucester, for the garrison there. With note of witnesses to be summoned. -128 July 1645. Statement of the case, the money being a mortgage 100 126 on lands in Norfolk, and claimed by Edw. Brograve, who married Alice Burgess, but not being compounded for, it is due to the State. Request for an order to- Violet, and to Geo. Pyke, whose daughter Violet has married, and who has become his trustee, to pay in the money. Also notes of warrants re- quired, and of the addresses of witnesses and others concerned. BURRELL, Westminster. Vol. No. A or p. 5 48 2 March 1646. Deposition of Ric. Pulley that Pyke showed him 100 129 the mortgage deed, and told him that Burgess' executors demanded the money, and that he was willing to pay it, but knew not whether to pay it to the executors or the State. Assessed at 8001. 10 Nov. 1645. His assessment to be respited till further order 24 Dec. 1645. His assessment discharged, the ticket being delivered since he was a member of the House of Commons. MICHAEL HARDING, Merchant, Walbrook. Assessed at 1501. and summoned to pay NOTE 100 131 11 July 1645. Discharged for 107. 10s. Od. lent, and 97. 10s. Od. 76 843 paid, being his proportion on oath. ROB. LADD, or LADE, Gray's Inn, and Barham, Kent. Assessed at 1501. 69 49 4 317 4 368 - 69 48 100 130 29 Aug. 1645. Allowed 14 days to pay in 201. (sic) · 4 248 23 March 1654. Receipt on behalf of George Walters, who married 100 132 his widow, of a certificate for the payment of 91. 10s. Od. 49 - 69 6 Feb. 1646. Note of his lands at Barham as worth 801. a year, his 100 133 personalty 301., and his debts 3001., so the valuation is 9301., of which is 46l. 10s. Od., of which he has lent 207. 16s. 8d., and should pay 25l. 13s. 4d. 9 Feb. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment 4 May 1646. Order that, having lent 207. 16s. 8d., he make it up to 757., his assessment of 1501., in 14 days. 19 June 1646. Order that he have till next term to pay 5 57 his assessment. 4 424 5 29 сл ABIGAIL CRUMWELL, Covent Garden. Assessed at 2501. 9 July 1645. Her affidavit accepted with the exceptions 11 July. To be discharged, not having 1001. beside her excepted 76 841 estate. 69 51 NN • 562 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 27 June 1645. 30 June 1645. R. 5 43 2 July 1645. R. 4 214 2 July 1615. 2 July 1645. 7 July 1645. THOS. WISEMAN, St. Ellen's, Bishopsgate Ward. Assessed at 4007. 14 July 1645. He is to be discharged, and to make up the moiety of his assessment in Bishopsgate Ward. 25 July. Order that he be brought up in custody 25 Aug. 1645. His assessment of 801. in the ward, and 4007. since, to be discharged for the 25l. paid in the ward, and 151. now deposited. R. 4 314 SIR HEN. FRED. THYNNE, Channel Row, and Co. Wilts. Sir Hen. Frederick ordered to give security to pay his assessment where he has compounded for his delinquency. 5 Jan. 1646. Assessed at 3,0001. 6 July 1646. To be brought in custody to pay his assessment ANNE MILLER, Essex Court. J LADY MOUNTGARRET. Assessed at 4007. No proceedings 10 Oct. 1645. The assessment discharged, she having no estate but what is in delinquents' hands. SIMON PLAYER, Lombard Street. Assessed at 807., and summoned to pay R. 5 216 13 Aug. 1645. Having lent 331. 1s., order that he be discharged on payment of 71. more. 20 Dec. 1653. Ordered a Public Faith certificate for the said 71. Assessed at 1007. 69 53 28 July 1645. Respited 14 days for her assessment 4 218 6 Aug. 1645. She deposes that, her debts paid, she is not worth 100 134 2007., except a debt due from the late Lord Spencer, which is hard to get, because the present lord and the two sureties are in the King's army or King's quarters. 13 Aug. Mrs. Miller to be brought in custody to pay her assessment. - - 71 5 5 67 PHIL. STONER, Co. Norfolk. The County Commissioners to take examinations on a charge of delinquency against him. 10 Sept. 1645. He to be brought in custody to answer objections H. 4 297 3 Nov. 1645. His sequestration business referred to the County Commissioners of co. Norfolk, who are to examine his delinquency, and certify in a month; meantime all proceedings against him are stayed, on security that he will appear and abidə the committee's order. Vol. No. A or P. 51 4 203 69 17 Dec. 1645. The business on Hart of Norfolk's information against Stoner, to be dismissed from this committee, Mr. Stoner to be no further molested on this committee's authority, and Mr. Hart to pay charges to Jas. Hart, for his going into the country. 4 215 4 245 4 406 4 240 4 290 69 53 69 52 100 135 4 239 13 46 100 136 4 196 4 257 4 312 4 358 1645 ? Breviate of the depositions against Stoner of transactions 100 137 relating to his assessment, in which he forswore himself; his delinquency in refusing Parliament taxes, hindering the COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. £63 7 July 1645. 11 July 1645. 11 July 1645. 14 July 1645. 16 July 1645. DEP. 100 139 CERT. 100 140 O.C. collecting thereof, opposing the Earl of Manchester when he went down to demolish crosses and superstitious pictures, and blaming his conduct; molesting Hart in discovering the Earl of Arundel's estate in Norfolk, holding intelligence with the King's party at Oxford, &c., &c. Vol. No. A or P. ELEANOR HERBERT, LADY POWIS. Information that she-being the wife of [William] Lord Powis, 21 14 who is now in service against Parliament, and a recusant, has a house well furnished in Queen Street, and other recusants' goods. 11 July 1645. Order that the said goods, money, plate, &c., be seized, inventoried, and secured. 4 200 JOHN SMITH, Isle of Ely. Information that he is a supposed delinquent, and to be tried by 21 the County Commissioners of Ely. With note of an order to the Sequestration Commissioners there. LADY ELIZ. GURNEY. Assessed at 2001. for her reserved estate 69 57 8 Aug. 1645. To be discharged for the 121. paid, being her 76 853 proportion on oath. CAPT. WM. TYNT. Information that he was in service for the King under Lord 100 138 Hawley, then governor of Bristol, and to prevent his com- pounding, procured a commission for Ireland, where he commanded [Carmond Castle] a very strong, well-manned, and well-provisioned castle near Cork, which he might well have kept, but he delivered it up to the rebels without fighting, to the great prejudice of the Parliament forces there. 3 Dec. [Hen.] Darley to report the case to the House of Commons DEP. 100 142 24 Dec. Summoned to appear before the Committee for Advance of Money, and defend himself from the charge of delinquency. 18 Feb. 1648. The 1007. seized to be disposed of by this committee unless he appear and show cause. 5 382 14 June 1648. The 1007. seized to be restored to Capt. Tynt, on an 387, 419 Order in the House of Commons of 1 June. 24 17 Nov. 1647. Information of 1,000l. in Mr. Poulston's house, 21 87 New Street, near Martin's Lane, belonging to him; also of divers bonds, bills, plate, jewels, &c.; and also of 3001. of his in Sir Adam Loftus' hands. 21 Nov. Order that they be searched for, seized, and brought to 5 307 this committee, and remain undisposed of till further order. 3 Dec. 1647. He petitions that the officers of the Commitee for 100 141 Advance of Money,-on a pretended warrant, on information that he was a malignant, and had 1,0001. in plate, jewels, writings, and goods,-searched his lodgings in New Street, Covent Garden, and took 1007. which he had provided for maintenance of his family till paid his arrears, though he proved that he was no malignant, and showed them his commission. Lost an estate of 4001. a year by the bloody rebellion in Ireland, in which he served at his own charge, and is much in arrears. Begs restoration of the 1007. 6 5 319 5 334 100 143 5 375 12 NN 2 564 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 21 July 1645. 21 July 1645. 21 July 1645. R. 4 249 21 July 1645. R. 4 282 DEP. 100 147 P.E. 100 148 21 July 1645. Vol. No. JOAN COLES, Paternoster Row, and Wichampton, Co. Dorset. A or p. Assessed at 1007. 69 61 4 247 25 Aug. 1645. To be brought in custody to pay her assessment 21 Nov. 1651. Her assessment discharged on consideration of her debts and estate. 17 91 LADY ELLIS, Petty France. Assessed at 1007. 4 Aug. 1645. To be discharged, having lent 301. KATHERINE, LADY GARGRAVE, St. James'. Assessed at 1,5007. - 69 61 July ? Statement that she received 9001. or 1,000l. of [her brother] 100 144 the Earl [of Danby] about the time of his death, and has received his Oxfordshire rents. That she coined 300l. worth of plate, and it was believed to be for the contribution at Oxford, and she was said to be well-affected to that party, if her brother did not pervert her. 6 Aug. Order ou making her affidavit, and bringing a particular of her debts, and paying 100l. in 14 days, that she be respited her assessment till the 1,5001. a year is come into her possession. 5 Aug. 1645. Affidavit by her that, her debts paid, her personal 100 145 estate is not worth 1007. That of her jointure of 3001. a year lying near Pontefract Castle, she has received nothing for 3 years, and not 1007. from an estate of 1,500l. a year left her by her brother, the Earl of Danby. 15 Aug. Respited 14 days on paying in 501. 22 Sept. 1645. Order that she pay only 51. salary to the officers ANN HARRIS, Widow, Tower Hill. Assessed at 4001., and summoned to pay 23 Sept. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay her assessment 10 Oct. 1645. To be discharged for 101. paid, being her proportion on oath. 69 4 a year, and 8 untenanted houses in Whitechapel, and debts due to her, order that she be discharged on paying 601. more than the 101. previously ordered. 60 227 - 69 61 100 146 4 276 76 874 JANE MARROW, Widow, Fleet Street, and Street, and Chester, 13 Feh. 1646. On discovery by Thompson, the collector, that she 76 914. has a larger estate than named in her affidavit, viz., 145l. 15s. 4d. Cheshire. Assessed at 3007. 16 Sept. 1646. Order that as she has elapsed the days for payment of her assessment, it be levied by distraint on her rents and estate. 4 229 4 240 4 265 23 March 1646. This order notwithstanding, she is to be discharged 76 921 on payment of 201. besides 101. and 301. already paid. 11 Nov. 1646. Her assessment discharged, her Cheshire estates being sequestered, and she having no estate in London. 69 59 5 102 5 Oct. 1646. The County Commissioners for Chester certify that 100 149 her estate was sequestered 2 years ago, and has since then been employed in the State's service. 5 133; COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 565 21 July 1645. P.E. 100 152 -154 P.D. 100 155 20 Jan. 1647. Allowed a month to produce a certificate of what his mother [Ann, widow of Sir John] Strode, paid in the country for her and 26. CERT. 100 156 5 May 1647. His effects to be seized for payment of his 23 July 1645. 24 July 1645. JOHN STRODE, Southwark, and Parnham, Co. Dorset. Assessed at 5007. 28 July 1645. Ordered his liberty, without restraint about his assessment, and notice to be given to his keeper. Also a letter to be sent to Thos. Windham, of Felbrick, co. Norfolk, his guardian, desiring payment of bis 2 23 Oct. 1645. Again assessed at 1,000l. J assessment. 20 March 1649. Order for sequestration of his estate for non- payment of his assessment of 1,000l. 21 July 1645. The following assessments were made, but no proceedings taken :- Lady Cornwallis, Southwark, 4007. Sir Geo. Ratcliffe, 500l. Capt. Venn, late Consul at Sally, 1501. 20 12 Sept. 1649. His assessment to be discharged on payment of 401. more than than the 601. already paid. - - 29 Aug. 1645. Order that the said sum be demanded, with interest, and in case of refusal, levied by distress. 16 May 1649. Order that on his paying 1301. more than the 150l. 6 333 paid by himself and his mother in co. Dorset, his assessment for his be taken off, and the seizure of his estate discharged. 17 Sept. 1645. John Trefusis, the discoverer, to have the 521. when paid in by Kent and White. Vol. No. A or P. 58 218 69 4 7 263 13 June 1651. The County Commissioners having summoned him 10 405 to pay an assessment of 1.0007., and he producing the previous order, and a certificate of the payment of the 401., order that he be discharged from his assessment. 22 Sept. Order that if Kent pay in 507. he be discharged from payment of interest. 71 5 DR. CASTLE, Delinquent, Westminster. Information by John Trefusis that he is a delinquent, and that 21 Hen. White, Griffin Kent, and Chas. Kent, of Southwark, owe him 521. 25 May 1646. Dr. Castle assessed at 3007. 7 Aug. 1646. Order that he be brought up in custody to answer matters objected against him. 19 Aug. Order that he give Kent a release of the debt of 501. which is paid in, or deliver him his bond to be cancelled. 5 251 6 220 100 151 6) 1 Oct. 1645. Information of 7 other persons who are indebted to 21 him. 46 178 4 249 4 262 4 266 26 Sept. Information that John Foster, of the George, King 21 Street, owes Castle 1501. by bond, not yet sequestered. 71 20 60 59 59 40 17 Oct. Order to pay the officers 31. and Trefusis 17. from the 4 296 debt to be paid by Kent to Dr. Castle. 17 39 28 84 5 5 92 AND. and SIMON VESEY, or VOYSEY, Dartmouth. Information that Andrew is a delinquent, and insured 1,000l. on 21 15 the Charles of Dartmouth, now castaway, and that the causo is depending before the Court of Merchants. 1 Oct. 1645. Simon Vesey or Vosey to be brought in custody to 4 280 answer objections. 566 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 24 July 1645. IND. 100 157 25 July 1645. 25 July 1645. Vol. No. A or P. 8 Oct. 1645. He deposes that his father, Andrew, now mayor of 100 156 Dartmouth, insured the Charles of Dartmouth, and that Mr. Herring is now suing for the insurance money. Dec. 1645. Request by Col. Moore, informer, for an order to the 82 insurers to pay the insurance of the Charles of Dartmouth, which was cast away, it being insured to the use of Vesey. 24 Feb. 1646. Committee for Advance of Money to the Court of 100 158 Merchants. Request for speedy determination of the case of the insurance for 1,000l. of the Charles of Dartmouth, by And. Voysey, delinquent, that the money may be recovered. 18 Sept. 1646. Certificate of the County Commissioners of Devon 100 159 that And. Voysey was hearty in the Parliament's service- 1. He lent 1007. in plate on the first propositions. 2. He adventured 1007. in the war for Ireland. All dat 3. He became bound, with others, for 1,000l. to pay the Par- liament armies, which money is still unpaid. 4. He was made a commissioner for the, and was very active. 5. When the town was taken, he was carried on shipboard and cruelly used, though aged, weak, and sickly, for refusing an oath demanded by the King's party. 6. He still retains his affection to Parliament. 36A 18 Sept. Order thereon that the sequestration of his estate by this committee be taken off and discharged. 5 103 Feb. 1647. County Commissioners for Devon to the Committee for 100 160 Advance of Money.-We can testify to Voysey's fidelity to Parliament. He tried to defend the town against Prince Maurice, though being ill, and under engagements to a family then in the enemy's power; he claimed the benefit of the articles of surrender and remained in the town, yet he still remained faithful to Parliament, though under the power of a cruel enemy. FRAS. CONN, Papist. Information that Lady Wiseman and 4 others have in their hands 21 18 money, debts, and estate owing to him. 25 July 1645. Order thereon that the said debts be seized and 4 217 sequestered, and brought to this committee. JOHN HILTON. Information that Sir Wm. Langley, Bart., Sir Wm. Lambton, 21 17 and Sir Rich. Bellasis owe him 250l. for timber, on bond 100 161 for 5001. due 2 years ago, so that the interest is 401., and he will abate nothing, they having a very good bargain. Lambton is dead, and Bellasis is with the King's garrisons in the North. Langley is best able to pay it at a day's warning, and right himself on the others, so there is no reason to admit him to pay, for if one of the obligers is discharged, all are discharged in law. With note that Langley acknowledges the bond, but asks time to prove what is paid thereon, and naming the debt as to Hilton and Rob. Carr. 11 Aug. 1645. Deposition of Sir William Langley relative to the 100 162 purchase of the timber for 500l., of which 250l. was paid, and they gave a bond for the other 2501. With note of an order that Langley is to pay of the 2501., on which he and Bellasis are not to be molested, and Lambton the other third. 11 Aug. Order that if Langley pay 1661. 138. 4d., being, it shall be accepted for him and Bellasis, and the rest shall be recovered from the executors of Sir Wm. Lambton, who is dead. 4 233 260 25 Aug. Order for indemnity to him and Bellasis, he having paid 4 247 the money. 260 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 567 25 July 1645. 26 July 1645. 29 July 1645. 31 July 1645. AND. KING, Delinquent. Information that he has 2007. in the hands of Wm. Sherrow, of 21 Fleet Street. 11 Sept. 1645. Information that King is a delinquent in the King's 21 army, and has 15 houses in King Street, Westminster, and other estate in the Parliament quarters not yet sequestered. EDW. BABER, Westminster. Information by Major Edw. Sheppard, and 2 others, that he has 21 taken up arms against Parliament since 29 Nov. 1642, and if the discovery produces no benefit, the informers will pay all costs. 1 Aug. 1645. Order thereon that his money, plate, and rents in Westminster, St. Giles-in-the-Fields, and Ham, in Essex, be seized and sequestered, and paid to this committee. 15 Aug. His goods and chattels to be sold at Guildhall by the candle. 1 Sept. 1645. Out of the goods seized, 51. 9s. to be paid for charges of seizure, carriage, and sale. 1 Oct. 1645. The sequestration on his estate in Westminster, Essex, and Middlesex taken off, and the writings and keys seized to be re-delivered. Vol. No. A or P. 17 MARY TOWSE, Widow of John Towse, Alderman of London. To be assessed at 1,2007. for her, and a ticket to be sent her accordingly. 25 Aug. Ordered to make affidavit what is her and what she has contributed, that it may be allowed. o:c. 4 297 24 Dec. 1645. Ordered to make up her assessment at once, or to make affidavit of her 2 27 Dec. Her exemption of 2,6001. desperate debts admitted 30 3 Sept. Order to pay to Major Sheppard and 2 others, towards 100 163 their arrears 15ì. 15s. 6d., which is, charges deducted, of 371. made of the said goods. 18 4 223 4 241 4 251 4 279 15 Aug. 1645. Assessment confirmed, she being assessed by Par- 69 liament Order of 29 July 1645. 4 245 4 220 73 4 369 JOHN ILES, Staines, Surrey. Information that Mr. Stapely, of Laleham, owes him 201., and that 21 he is a delinquent. 4 372 4 430 16 Feb. 1646. She making affidavit that 4157. is her, and that her husband lent on the propositions 1551. 11s. 4d., half of which 69 73 belonged to her, and she having paid 2591. 8s. 8d.,-order that she be discharged on paying 777. 15s. 8d. more, and Lane to pay the officers' salary and charges. The Public Faith to be given for the 3371. 4s. 4d. paid. Dec. 1646. Sir J. Wollaston and Ald. Thos. Andrews petition 100 164 that they, with John Warner and Ald. John Towse, both deceased, being joint treasurers for the money and plate brought in on Public Faith to Guildhall perfected their account in Aug. 1644, when Towse was brought in debtor 145l., having used so much of the State's money, which they, being joint treasurers, have had to make good. The widow, though often requested, obstinately refuses to pay; beg that she may be called to account for her denial. 22 March 1649. Mrs. Towse summoned before the Committee for 6 229 Advance of Money. 18 568 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 31 July 1645. July 1645. 10 Oct. 1649. Information by Wm. Baker and Lieut. Edw. Dudleston that Ralph Norton, of Southwark, owes Iles 501., and that Iles has been in arms against Parliament, and served in the first and second war. 329 24 Oct. Order that Norton pay in this debt in 14 days, Iles having 7 325 left it uncompounded for, and he is to be indemnified in so doing. Also order that the 501. be paid to Lieut. Edw. Dudleston, in satisfaction of his arrears. Vol. No. A or P. 21 284 Oct. 1649 ? Lydia Woods begs to have the 501. paid to her, in part 100 165 of her husband's debentures, entered at Worcester House. 11 March 1650. Receipt by Ralph Norton of the bond to Iles in 100 166 2007. for 104, on which he paid 50l. to the Committee for Advance of Money. GEORGE BAYLIE (late), Recusant. JANE, his daughter, wife of THOS. EMERY, lunatic in custody of the Court of Wards. WM. GARBUTT, Emery's guardian. Jane Emery petitions that her father, being aged and infirm, and 100 167 there being divers rooms in his house in Long Acre, she lodged there during her husband's absence in the country, and placed there the evidences, accounts, &c., of estate, with husband's goods, linen, and apparel, beside 101. cash and 5 silver spoons which Capt. Greyson took from her. She, with others in the house was taken before the Committee for Examinations, com- mitted to a messenger, and referred, by order of 7 July instant, to this committee. Is ignorant of any offence, and her poor husband greatly suffers by her absence. Has lent and paid freely from his estate on the propositions of Parliament. Begs that the captain may restore the money and spoons, and the rest of the goods and writings, and she may be set free. 7 May 1646. Deposition by Jane Emery that her late father was a 100 168 recusant, but not a delinquent, and that all the writings belong- ing to his estate, and that of her husband, who is a lunatic, were taken away last July from her father's house in Long Acre, and Wm. Garbutt, her husband's guardian, has been unable to recover them. 8 May. Information that Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Carrell owe moneys 21 68 to Baylie, as appears by papers in the hands of the Committee for Advance of Money. [29 June 1646.] Garbutt petitions. Emery, being a Protestant, was 100 169 disposed of to the daughter of Mr. Baylie, a recusant, and Emery never had 200l. with her, though promised 1,000l. Becoming a lunatic, his tuition was granted to John Apsley, of Gray's Inn, on bond with Sir John Shelley, to preserve the estate, but he much neglected it, on which petitioner got the tuition trans- ferred to himself. Baylie, having sold lands of value in cos. Lincoln and Herts, died last August, and part of his personalty should have come to his daughter, Emery's wife, but Capt. Greyson had, a little before, taken away all the writings, and brought them to this committee, where they remain. Begs the evidences concerning the lunatic, Mr. Baylie, and Sir John Shelley's estate, which he has separated from other writings found in the house, and so much of Baylie's estate as belongs to his daughter, and will then further the State as to what is due to them for Baylie's recusancy. Begs the immediate restoration of the goods, deeds, &c., or leave to recover them by law, as the tenants detain their rents, and the sea walls and houses decay for want thereof. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 569 July 1645. 1 Aug. 1645. 1 Aug. 1645. 4 Aug. 1645. 4 Aug. 1645. 29 June 1646. Order that a servant of Thos. Emery, the lunatic, be allowed to see and copy the writings. [10 July 1646.] Wm. Garbutt begs restoration of the evidences of 100 170 the lunatic, taken with goods of divers Papists from the house of his father-in-law, in Long Acre, last July. The lunatic is n Papist, though unhappily married to one. no 10 July. Order that Emery's papers, now at Guildhall, be restored to Mr. Garbutt, his guardian. 13 Jan. 1647. Mr. Baylie's writings to be viewed, and a report 5 172 made. 17 Sept. 1647. Wm. Garbutt to have all Baylie's writings delivered 5 287 to him, on security to restore any that may belong to others. AMOS, Russell Street, Covent Garden. Information that he is a known Papist, whereby his estate is liable 21 19 to sequestration. 1 Aug. 1645. Order for seizing and securing all his money, plate, 4 222 jewels, and personal estate. Vol. No. A or P. 57 5 WELSH, Irish Rebel. Information that there are divers goods, money, plate, and other 21 20 personalty belonging to him in the hands of John Gardiner, coach maker, of Queen Street. GEORGE BARTLETT. Assessed at 1,000l. No proceedings - 2 Aug. 1645. Order that the said goods be seized and secured, and 4 224 an account thereof returned to this committee. 5 73 ANNE, LADY BEAUCHAMP, near the New Exchange, and Eddington, Wiltshire. EDW. LEWIS, her Son, and WM. LEWIS, his Brother. 3 Dec. 1645. Wm. Lewis assessed at 1,5007. - - 69 66 Lady Beauchamp assessed at 1,500l., and Edw. Lewis at 3,000l. 69 67 4 306 23 Oct. 1645. Edw. Lewis having lapsed his time of payment, all his estates in cos. Wilts, Somerset, or elsewhere are to be seized, and his goods, &c., distrained for payment; the Governor of Bristol and all other officers to assist if required. - - 22 Nov. 1645. John Ashe writes to the Committee for Advance 101 1, 2 of Money on Lady Beauchamp's behalf, enclosing an account of her payments towards the Parliament forces, total 5151. 13s. 7d., beside pasture land near Bridgwater, worth 100l. a year, held by the governor there. He pleads that her son, Edw. Lewis, has been 3 years in France, spent all his revenue, and brought a great debt on her, but she will not let him and his brother come home, lest their uncles, the Marquis of Hertford and Earl of Dorset, should engage them in the war. She has no house within 20 miles of London, living 80 miles away, and therefore should be discharged, and she is sickly and cannot travel at this season without danger to her life. 3 Dec. Order that Lady Beauchamp's estate in Wiltshire be sequestered for her assessment of 1,500l., and that of her son Edw. Lewis for his assessment of 3,000%. 69 118 4 346 570 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. A 4 Aug. 1645. P.E. 101 4 P.E. 101 6 o.c. 5 258 4 Aug. 1645. 4 Aug. 1645. 15 Dec. 1645. Thos. Jarvis, sent to execute this order, complains of 101 opposition from the County Commissioners, who will allow no orders of the Committee for Advance of Money to be executed by any but themselves. 19 Jan. 1646. Committee for Advance of Money to Lady 101 5 Beauchamp. The Wiltshire committee has assessed you at 300l., but the Committee for Advance of Money at 1,5007., which latter sum should be paid, as being laid before the other, but if the tenants pay any money on the Wiltshire assessment, it will not be allowed on that in London. 6 Aug. 1646. Mr. Lewis' assessment respited for 2 months 13 Jan. 1647. Jarvis to proceed in levying the assessment on his estate, according to a former order. 4 May 1647. The officers to levy the assessment on [Wm.] Lewis' estate. 9 Aug. Proof to be made of Lady Beauchamp's residence in London since the Ordinance of 1642 for the, and meantime the sequestration to be suspended. 1647 ? Notes on the case, adding that Edw. Lewis went into 101 France and died, and that his steward was ordered to keep what he had in hand toward the assessment. Also that on 28 Nov. 1645, Wm. Lewis, his brother, was assessed at 1,5001. LADY BRERETON, Swithin's Lane. Vol. No. A or P. 3 Assessed at 4007. 29 Aug. 1645. Respited till her estate in Wales and Cheshire is recovered. 4 Aug 1648. Lady Beauchamp's goods, rents, and estate in 6 32 cos. Wilts, Somerset, &c., to be sequestered for non-payment of her assessment of 1,500l. DR. EDEN (late), M.P. EDEN and his TWO SISTERS, by ALD. BUNCE, their Guardian. 5 93 5 173 TA 5 249 13 Oct. 1647. Mr. Eden respited 14 days, and meantime particulars of the debts owing to the late Dr. Eden to be sent to this committee by Ald. Bunce, his executor. 7 6 34 Eden assessed at 2,0001. 69 65 27 April 1646. Ald. Bunce, his guardian, to appear, and pay the 5 23 assessment of Dr. Eden's son (sic). 69 66 4 247 o. 5 57 Aug. 1647 ? The collectors beg directions, Mr. Eden being assessed 101 8 in 2,000l., and Ald. Bunce having often promised to pay and never appeared. 17 Sept. 1647. Mr. Eden's estate sequestered for non-payment of 5 288 the 2,0007. 5 291 25 Aug. 1648. Bunce is to bring to the committee a particular of 6 41 Dr. Eden's estate, and what he has received therefrom, when further order will be given as to the assessment on Eden's kindred. Meantime the tenants are to keep the rents in their hands. 4 Sept. 1648. Statement that Dr. Eden left his kinsman 1,4007. a 101 9 year, and 8,000l. to his kinswomen Philippa and Anne Eden, Philippa being since dead. She was assessed at 300l., Anne at 2001. Bunce had 1,5001. legacy, and was made guardian. Most of the estate was seized Jan. 1648, but since then Bunce has told the tenants the business was ended, and persuaded them to pay their rents to him, promising to save them harmless. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 571 4 Aug. 1645. P.E. 101 10 4 Aug. 1645. 4 Aug. 1645. 4 Aug. 1645. 4 Aug. 1645. 4 Aug. 1645. 4 Aug. 1645. 6 Aug. 1645. INT. 101 12 DEP. 101 13 -16 0 9 Oct. 1648. The assessment for the to be discharged, it appearing that Dr. Eden, in his lifetime, contributed very freely on the propositions, and the sequestration on his estate for non- payment to be taken off. LADY FRANCES FOSTER, the Strand. Assessed at 1501. 69 65 8 Sept. 1645. To be discharged, on affidavit that she has not 100l. 76 863 SIR RICH. HOWELL, Cloth Fair. Assessed at 6001. 25 Aug. 1645. To be brought up in custody to pay - 6 Aug. 1645. Whereas by Order in the House of Commons it was recommended to this committee by the Speaker to proceed against her according to the laws of sequestration, and whereas her estate is in co. Lancaster, order that the County Commis- sioners examine the case, and if she is within the Ordinance of Sequestration, levy her rents and arrears, and transmit them to this committee, with an account of their proceedings. SIR ANT. ROPER, Hogsdon, Middlesex. Assessed at 4007. Noted as dead ELIZ. RAWLINSON. Information that she entertained the King's party in co. Lancaster, 21 21 and committed other acts of delinquency. 4 227 SIR ROGER TOWNSEND, Norfolk. Assessed at 2,0007. 14 March 1646. To be discharged on certificate from the committee of Norfolk that he has lent 1531. 6s. on the propositions, which is his proportion. Vol. No. ▲ or p. 6 76 - 69 66 10 Nov. 1645. Order for sequestration of the said 501. a year, and for demand from Mr. Morgan of the 150l. arrears, which is to be paid to this committee. SIR JOHN PENNINGTON* (late), former Admiral of the Fleet, and Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to the King, Delinquent. 69 63 4 247 MARY ANDREWS, Widow, St. John's, Clerkenwell, Papist. Information that Mr. Morgan, who married the widow of Jas. 21 21 Mayne, of Bovingham, near Walferne, owes her 50l. a year, of which she has received nothing these 3 years. * See his assessment on p. 181. 24 Nov. 1645. Ald. Pennington to bring in a catalogue of Sir John's debts, and then to be heard about the money due from him to Sir John. 69 67 4 451 Information that there is 3,0001. of his money and some plate in 21 21 the hands of Isaac Pennington, alderman of London, and 1,5007. 101 11 in the hands of Mr. Pennington, of Ongar, Essex. 4 316 13 Aug. 1645. Information that he left a good estate in the bands 21 25 of Alderman Isaac, Capt. Thos. Pennington, and Capt. Rich. Fitch. 4 336 572 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 6 Aug. 1645. DEP. 101 17 -19 H. 7 270 101 20 H. 8 127 o. 8 152 REP. 101 22 -24 BOND 101 26 H. 8 192 SIR JOHN PENNINGTON-Cont. 3 Dec. 1645. Order repeated; the will is also to be brought in, and Capt. Pennington is to deliver his release and mortgage deed. 15 Dec. Capt. Pennington and Fitch to be brought in custody to answer objections about Sir John's estate. 22 Dec. The alderman is to bring in the defeazance of the statute entered into with Sir John, give an account of the bed and furni- ture left with him by Sir John, value 501., and propound a course for payment of the moneys due on the statute, with interest; Capt. Pennington is to prove the payment of the 1,500l. due by him to Sir John on mortgage, or the sum, with interest, will be levied on his estate. He is also to say when he delivered the trunks named in his examination to Mr. Pine, who was known to be a delinquent. Capt. Fitch is also to pay, with interest, 300l. in his hands due to Sir John's estate, or show cause to the con- trary, or else it will be levied on his estate. The lease of Sir John's assart lands, with the arrears of the rent, is to be forth- with sequestered. 10 April 1646. Capts. Thos. Pennington and Rich. Fitch are to appear and show cause why they should not pay 1,500l. and 300l. due by them to Pennington. 18 Sept. 1647. Ald. Pennington, being summoned, says he can pay no part of the debt till Parliament compensates him for his sufferings. 10 Dec. 1647. Rich. Cole's petition for his salary and charges in discovering Sir J. Pennington's estate referred to Isaac Pennington, to satisfy him. 1 Jan. 1648. Ald. Pennington allowed to pay his debt of 100l. to Thos. Cooke, Sir John's servant, a former restraint notwith- standing. 21 Nov. 1649. Capt. Pennington, of Chigwell, to appear and answer about the debt. 26 Dec. 1649. Also to appear about the debt and several moneys and other things due from him to Sir John. 30 Jan. 1650. The papers and information about the debt to be given to Rich, to report. Vol. No. A or P. 4 344 4 357 4 366 6 12 14 June 1648. Cole's bill of charges referred to the clerks of the committee to examine. 18 May 1649. Information that Capt. Thos. Pennington, of Chig. 21 215 well, or Stapleford Tawney, Essex, owed Sir J. Pennington 1,5007., with 8 years' interest, and has also in hand 1,2001. worth of plate belonging to Sir John. 18 May. Summoned to give satisfaction to the committee thereon. 25 May. Ordered to appear about the plate - 13 June 1649. Capt. Pennington not having appeared on summons is to be brought up in custody. 8 Feb. 1650. Capt. Pennington to prove his payment of the debt, and then the case to be further heard. 5 12 13 Feb. John Pennington, one of the executors of Sir John, to ap- pear, and the registrar of the Probate Court to produce the will and affidavits of proceedings in that court about it. 5 104 7 27 June. He is to produce proof of payment of the debt, or in default it will be levied on his estate. 5 322 5 349 6 345 7 7 7 52 55 90 8 28 8 86 8 152 21 178 25 8 180 101 8 101 7 Nov. 1651. Cole's case recommended to the Army Committee, 101 Ald Pennington refusing to pay him, and he having been a faithful servant to the committee, though now out of employ- ment. 17 Nov. 1652. Thos. Pennington petitions.-About 17 years since 101 Sir John Pennington lent his nephew, [Capt.] Thos. Pennington, of Chigwell, Essex, 1,500l., on a statute for 3,000l.; Sir John 27 28 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 573 6 Aug. 1645. CERT. 101 31 BILL 101 33 died near Gloucester in delinquency, May 1646, and 6 weeks before made his will, bequeathing to Thomas 500l., to be deducted from the 1,500l. debt, and to John, Thomas' eldest sons all his plate, value 1,000l. In June 1649 I discovered this to Capt. Hen. Roe and others, for the benefit of the State, but I am told they have fraudulently compounded with Thos. Pen- nington for 501. I beg that they be examined and the truth discovered. REP. 101 30 17 Nov. 1652. The proceedings of the late Committee for Advance 12 208 of Money on the discovery to be certified. 101 29 Vol. No. A or p. 31 March 1654. Petition of Rich. Cole, late collector of the Com- 13 mittee for Advance of Money.-Made many journeys into Essex 101 and Bucks to summon witnesses on the discovery of 3,000l. concealed debt due by Ald. Isaac Pennington to Sir John Pennington, but Parliament ordered the 3,000l. to Isaac Pennington. Spent 211. therein, and appealed to the late Com- mittee for Advance of Money for payment; they twice referred him to Isaac Pennington, who would give him nothing, then to the Army Committee, which was dissolved soon after, so that there is due to him 21l., 431. 15s. 6d., being his salary at 3d. in the pound, and 451. for other expenses in the service, total 1097. 15s. Begs payment, being in debt, and his wife and family in danger of ruin. With note that the claim is just, and the committee would willingly relieve a "godly, honest, poor man, but they have no power. Also notes of previous references on the case. ?? 11 May 1654. Petition of Cole to the Protector to like effect, 101 begging an order to Goldsmith's Hall for payment of the 1097. 15s. Granted. Signed by the Protector. 12 May. Order in the Committee for Advance of Money accord- 13 ingly. 7 Jan. 1646. Information by Lady Petto, Lieut.-Col. Edw. Petto, 21 and others, that the Earl of Northumberland owes 1,2007., with many years' interest, to Sir John Pennington, who died in arms against Parliament. 85 32 P.O. 101 35 4 July 1649. Committee for Advance of Money to the Council of 24 State.-Parliament on 22 June ordered that a debt of 1,5001. owing by the Earl of Northumberland to Sir John is to be disposed of by your order. It is named in a list of his debts in his own hand and in his will. He has been desired to pay, but being then of the House of Lords, it was not pressed, but we have revived the case lately, and he is willing to pay. One half we appointed to a gentleman who has arrears owing, and we hope that he may enjoy the benefit. 34 97 59 20 Feb. 1646. Lord Howard to request the Earl to pay this debt, 4 435 and to return his answer to this committee. 22 June 1649. Parliament Order that the Council of State examine 24 232 who discovered the 1,500l. forfeit to the State and reward them, and pay from the 1,000l. part of the arrears to Col. Midhope. Also that the executors of Sir John Pennington, to whom the 1,5001. was payable, deliver to the Council of State the bond given by the Earl of Northumberland for payment, and that the Revenue Committee pay the 1,5007. to the Council of State, in part of the money to be paid to the Earl, and on his acquittance, deliver him the bond. 53 Aug. 1649. Committee for Advance of Money to [the President of 24 56 the Council of State].-We received a letter from you and the Council of State 31 July last*, desiring us to certify about a debt of 1,500l. owing by the Earl of Northumberland to Sir John Pennington. On 7 Jan. 1646 we were informed, on behalf See Calendar of State Papers, 1649, p. 256, for the letter. 574 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. V 6 Aug. 1645. P.E. 101 42 43 SIR JOHN PENNINGTON-cont. of the widow of Sir Edw. Petto, and others who had arrears due to them, that the Earl owed 1,2007., with interest, to Pennington, and in Feb. we desired Lord Howard of Escrick to speak with him about it; but he being a member of the House of Peers we could not then enforce payment. The Earl promised to consider of it, but nothing has been done. Since the dissolution of the House of Peers, we have intended to press payment. The informers are to have half for their arrears, the rest is for the State. Col. Midhope and others have no interest in the discovery. 3 Aug. 1649. Order on a letter from the Council of State about 7 215 this debt that the clerk report the case. 5 Sept. 1649. Committee for Advance of Money to the Earl.-We 24 58 beg you to pay the debt, and let us know when it will be paid, that we may provide for your indemnity against Sir John's executors. 14 Sept. The Earl's request for respite till next term about the debt granted. 24 Oct. 1649. The executors to appear and produce the bond whereby the Earl is bound to pay the debt. 2 Nov. 1649. Order to pay 7501., the 1,500l. paid in by the Earl to Lady Petto, for Edw. Petto, the discoverer, in part of the arrears due to him by Parliament. Also order that Lane receive the 1,500l. from the Earl, and give a discharge for it, and that the Earl be indemnified for the payment. Vol. No. A or P. 16 Nov. Order on his appearance that 15 days be allowed him to produce the documents. 23 Nov. Lane and Dawson, treasurers to the Committee for Advance of Money, are each to receive from Capt. Falconbridge 2501., part of the debt of the Earl, and pay it, according to the orders of this committee. 7 275 9 Nov. [John] Pennington, the executor, to be brought up to answer his contempt in not bringing up the deeds relating to 101 the Earl's debt. 7 305 7 343 5 July 1650. Rose not having appeared on summons is to be brought in custody. 21 Aug. 1650. Skinner to appear and pay the debt, with interest, or show cause. 20 8 8 101 8 7 Dec. 1649. Further order for delivery of the bond, and indemnity 8 49 of the Earl from all claims of Pennington's executors, &c. 21 Nov. 1648. Information that Sir Ant. Percival, and Mr. Skinner 21 130 of Dover, owe Sir J. Pennington 1,000l., with interest. With 101 38 note that it is 1,2001. 39 40 DEP. 101 41 9 May 1649. Information that 12 years ago the late Sir J. Pennington 21 205 lent Sir Ant. Percival, of Denton, Kent, 1,2001. at 8 per cent. 101 interest, Dan. Skinner, a great rich merchant of Dover, being bound for the debt, and that the debt, with interest, is now 2,3361. Pennington and Percival were both delinquents. Pennington's executors are Thos. Pennington, Chigwell, Essex, and John Pennington, of the Inner Temple. 9 28 June 1650. Mr. Rose, attorney, to appear, and bring with him an obligation whereby Percival and Skinner are bound to Sir 101 John. 8 36 19 37 34 9 101 9 101 3 44 45 18 46 88 47 16 April 1651. Order on information that Wm. Habberfield, 10 199 of Lyon's Inn, attorney, owes Percival 600l., that he appear, and 101 48 show cause why he should not pay it in towards the 1,2001. owing by Percival to Sir John. COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.-CASES. 575 6 Aug. 1645. 0. 11 218 CERT. 101 53 34 94 E.W. 28 168 18 Feb. 1652. Skinner to appear and show cause why he should 11 198 not pay in the 1,2001, for which he stands bound with Percival. 101 49 50 8 Aug. 1645. 11 Aug. 1645. 23 April 1651. Order-on Habberfield's stating that he was ad- ministrator of Percival's will, and has passed his accounts in Chancery, that he produce an account of the estates, and of how he has discharged himself therein. 12 Aug. 1645. NOTES 101 59 60 Also the prosecutors to proceed with the charges, they not having 11 appeared for a long time, and then their pains and expense will 101 be considered. 6 Oct. 1654. Skinner and Habberfield to show cause why they 13 120 should not pay in the money, and attorney Rose why he should 101 52 not bring in the bond. CERT. 101 56 31 Jan. 1655. Order on report dismissing Habberfield, Skinner, 13 141 and all persons concerned, from further attendance in this business. 57 REP. 101 58 Vol. No. ▲ or p. 10 224 14 Nov. 1654. John Pennington, the executor, pleading the Act of 13 126 Pardon, as the debt was not sequestered 1 Dec. 1651, the registrar lul 54 and auditor are to certify, and Reading to report. }both of Covent Garden. 16 Nov. Habberfield pleading that he has already accounted with 13 134 the auditor for Sir A. Percival's estate, he is to attend Reading, 101 55 and his answer to be given in the report. FRAS. SYMONS, }both 211 51 8 Aug. 1645. Order that their estates be sequestered, their houses scarched for Papists or Jesuits, and they brought before the Committee for Examinations. Information that they are delinquents, and their estates seques- 21 22 trable. 11 Aug. 1645. Order that the County Commissioners for Norfolk issue warrants to seize the plate, and examine witnesses in order to the finding of it, and send it to this committee; also that they sequester the whole estate, and send up the rente. 22 Sept. 1645. Steeper having writings in custody of Mr. Lowman of Symonds' Inn or at Newgate Market, order that they be searched for and secured, and that the 1,5001. be demanded of Price; and if he refuse to pay, his estate secured till it is paid. CLEMENT PASTON, Recusant. Information that he has 1,5007. in plate seized by Capt. Rich. 21 23 Browne, not yet accounted for to the State, and 1,500l. a year in Norfolk or elsewhere. 4 230 4 233 WM. STEEPER, Shoe Lane, Delinquent. Information that [Wm.] Price has mortgaged for 1,5001. houses in 21 22 Chancery Lane, the Castle Inn in Smithfield, &c., to Steeper, who is in arms against Parliament. With note that Hen. Wilcox, of Kingston, Surrey, on behalf of Newdigate Steeper, demands the 121. a year payable to him. 4 275 4 355 61 o.c. 4 327 12 Dec. 1645. The houses in Holborn, Smithfield, and Clerkenwell mortgaged by Price and his son to Steeper, being charged with 101 601. a year to Sir Rob. Wood, 481. to Mary wife of Steeper, and 121. to Newdigate her son ;-order that the head-rent being paid, of the residue of the moneys received shall be for the State, and the other paid to Mary and Newdigate Steeper. 570 COMMITTEE FOR ADVANCE OF MONEY.--CASES. 12 Aug. 1645. NOTE 101 63 ACCTS. 101 64 CERT. 101 65 13 Aug. 1645. 13 Aug. 1645. 13 Aug. 1645. R. 4 296 328 13 Aug. 1645. 13 Dec. 1645 ? Mary, wife of Wm. Steeper, petitions, on behalf of 101 herself and her son Newdigate, that the foregoing order may be enlarged to include the Michaelmas rents, and that the tenants' rents may not be abated without hearing of her counsel. Through her husband's improvidence, has been forced to sell an inheritance of 007. a year; the Court of Chancery decreed her and her son 601. a year, yet they are now distressed for maintenance. 29 Dec. Two houses in Clerkenwell belonging to Steeper, which were let at 87. a year, let for 61. to John Ansell, who promises to spend 21. in repairs. 20 Feb. 1646. The rent gatherer to certify the rent of the Castle Inn, Smithfield, the tenant having sued for an abatement. 18 Sept. Order that his sequestration be discharged, and he restored to his rents, the committee being satisfied as to his absence, and that 441. 14s. 3d. received from his rents, and his trunk of clothes and writings seized be restored to him. 20 25 Sept. His assessment of 3001. for his to be discharged, on his affidavit that his estate is not worth 1007., his debts of 2,0001. being paid. 18 Sept. 1646. Steeper petitions that he has been 3 years in the 101 country collecting his debts, and has been entertained gratis by Sir Gilbert Cornwall; that during his absence, his houses in St. John's Street have been sequestered for his taking up arms against Parliament, which he never did, and 447. rent, which is all his maintenance, taken. He begs restoration of rent and discharge of sequestration. COL. EDM. HARVEY, Aldermanbury. Assessed at 1,0007. 29 Aug. 1645. Discharged, having contributed 3781. 12s. 8d. on the propositions, and being in arrears for his service. Vol. No. A or P. 62 SIR GEO. MUSTION, Covent Garden. 1647? He being dead, and his estate sequestered for non-payment 101 67 of the, Mary, his widow, begs an order for payment of the 607. secured to herself and son by the Court of Chancery. Assessed at 1,000l. 1 Sept. 1645. Respite ordered. [Twice renewed, but no further proceedings.] 4 375 LADY STAPLETON, Gray's Inn Lane. 4 434 Assessed at 2001. 29 Aug. 1645. Allowed 14 days to procure a certificate that her estate is sequestered. • 66 MARY LAWRENCE, Widow, Wandsworth. Assessed at 1007. 69 69 31 Oct. 1645. To be discharged for 157. lent, 351. and 151. paid, 76 882 paying 101. more. 5 105 13 Jan. 1654. Order that Mr. Dallison, registrar to the late Com- 13 64 mittee for Advance of Money, give her a Public Faith certificate for the 607. paid by her on her assessment. 5 108 69 71 4 248 69 71 4 250 69 70 4 247 در ! 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 05071 9353 辈 ​ilašam L zenyakitkatten „Jákaghast erili Compa 1 **•}%«»'4* *