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E? .v. 5i. 7 11$??? . . \.\1( N; *1: 1111 - ‘fir, w 3353555352%‘ i] M . llrllllnllllllllllHuil'lll' ,uuu1_|_|,._|_|1 ' l :a Vin-1 F'1'-_J--¢\§_,J','1-\‘ : d.)— (‘Z—n- Al', ‘I - >-\-1_')Q."JI.-P. F To]? I I. _ z _ Wm,_,m.a._.._ “lily... , - THE.vv 611" I...“ ‘.nllwl E. (Taiwan Prelsiib'ééfiissiw .hlwl‘n‘lwl — _ _ _ , - _ = [IE-l .[ l‘l ,7" W" l‘ '“ ~ ‘ WWW‘ _.l "1“ 7" I‘: I ‘ Ifilfl‘iifl ii 3V‘; (955 .FISE 1’: I v Q ' 3 . {1/ _ *4 ' , ‘ ' Q; ' "Y. ,/= .i " "' "if"; ‘ Q t r E I Ill!‘ I ( .7 _ : y“ r ' - ; - {xi/1"?" \f- 1; ‘(if Wfl/J Hui‘d ‘- ‘- A’ U k) Order of Worship for SUNDAY SERVICES Written and Compiled for Temple Beth El, Detroit, Michigan, by RABBI LEO. Ni. FRANKLIN‘ 1904 Jewish American Publishing Co. Detroit, Mich COPYRIGHT 1904 ALL men-rs aclcavco k r 1.12 6/114 ‘v’ > 1,4,4 {0 l '1 ~ 1 0 " a: ' \Z—Zo- 53%‘? Slntrnhurtnrg. This little book has been prepared for the pur- pose of giving to the members of our own congre- gation in convenient form an Order of Worship adapted to their special needs. The author shares With others the hope that ere long a Union Prayer Book for Sunday services may be compiled by some duly authorized committee, but until then it seems inevitable that each congregation should have its own special service. The arrangement of this service is along traditional lines, but sufliciently different from the Sabbath ritual to eliminate the possibility of any one regarding the two as identi— cal. This distinction We believe to be eminently essential. The aim of the author is to imbue the Sunday ser- vice With the religious spirit Without yielding to it the place in the synagog that historically belongs to the Saturday Sabbath Worship. Detroit, December, 1903. L. M. F. (IBrhPr nf gwrhirv. HYMN. MINISTER (then Choir): __ Blessed be he that corneth in the name of God. We bless you from the house ~of God. The Lord is God and He giveth us light. To Him We bring our offering. Thou art my God and I will praise Thee; Thou art my God, I Will exalt Thee. Yes, give thanks unto God for He is good; for His kindness endureth forever. (Ps. cxviii, 26—29. ) Ilnhnmtinn. God and Father, we ‘come into Thy house today to praise Thee and to worship Thee. Thou art the source of every blessing that is ours; the fount of every joy that brightens life. Thou art the inspiration of every thought that lifts man up above the dross; of every impulse that marks the human being as the child of God. Little indeed were we without Thy help and Thy paternal guid- ance. Vain were our every hope, empty our am- 7 bitions, fruitless our striving did’st Thou remove Thy loving care from us. From the helplessness of infancy to the helplessness of age Thou in Thy love dost guide us. And therefore, God, to Thee alone we lift our hearts in praise and prayer. We thank Thee. for Thy boundless grace to us and those we love. We thank Thee for the days during the past week that were bright and full of blessing. Help us fully to appreciate such days. And even for the hours that were dark and desolate, for such hours must come into every life, may we have the courage to thank Thee. Let us learn to take strength out of our sorrows, and from affliction to gain wisdom. And so through earnest self-inquiry may we learn how far beyond our merit has been the blessing Thou hast granted. For this power of self-inquiry, Father, we thank Thee. May we learn thereby our elements of strength so that we use them wisely, conscientious- ly, helpfully. May we learn also wherein we are weak, so that we may direct our efforts to our bet- terment. O God, in Thy guidance we trust. Help us to live pure lives, to do good deeds, to think upright thoughts, to feel within us noble ambitions and to order our whole lives righteously. Then shall We find favor in Thy sight, our fellowmen will have cause to respect us and before the judgment seat of our own conscience we shall gain approval. 8 \Nith this prayer, Father, we enter Thy house today. Incline Thine ear to it, we pray thee, and grant it, Thou gracious God. AMEN. Choir. Amen. Illvzpnnzihv fllrahing. (Psalm xcvi.-xcvii.) Minister. Oh sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth. ‘People. Sting unto the Lord, bless his name; announce from day to day his salvation. ' ‘Minister. Relate among the nations his honor, among all the people his wonders. People. For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.- Minister. For all the gods of the nations are idols; but the Lord hath made the heavens. People. Glory and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. Minister. Ascribe unto the Lord, 0 ye families of the people, ascribe unto the Lord honor and strength. People. Ascribe unto the Lord the honor (due ' 9 unto) His name; bear hit-her an ofi‘ering, and ‘come unto His courts. ' Minister. Bow down unto the Lord in the beauty of holiness; tremble before Him, all the earth. People. Say among the nations, “The Lord rez'gneth,” (therefore) also the world is ever firmly estabhshed that it shall not be moved; He ‘will judge. the people in equity. Minister. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, with all that filleth it. People. Let the fields errult, and all that 'is in them; then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord. Minister. For He eometh to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness, and people with his truth. Choir. Amen. Minister. The Lord reigneth; let the earth be glad; let the multitude of isles rejoice. People. Clouds and thick darkness are round about Him; righteousness and justice are the sup- port of '- His throne. 10 Minister. A fire goeth before Him, and burneth up round about his adversaries. People. Hz's lightm'hgs giveh'ght to the world; the earth seeth it, and trembleth. Minister. The mountains melt away like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of all the earth. People. The heat/ens tell of His righteousness, and all the people see His glory. Minister. Ashamed shall be all that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols; unto Him bow down all the gods. People. Zion heareth it, and rejoiceth; and glad are the daughters of Judah, because of thy decrees, O Lord! Minister. For thou, O Lord! art the most high above all the earth; thou art greatly exalted above all gods. _ People. Ye that love the Lord, hate ye the evil: He preser'zl'eth the souls of His pious ones; out of the hand of the wicked he ever del-ivereth them: 11 Minister. Light is sown for’ the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. People. Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness. CONGREGATION RISES. Let us praise God, who is worthy of all praise. mm :3 his in; Choir: Borchu es Adonoi 'Ham-vo-roch. Boruch Adonoi Ham-vo-roch l’olom voéd. In this restful hour of worship we turn to Thee, O God, who in wisdom hast founded the earth and in love dost providefor those who dwell thereon. By Thy laws and by Thy wise ordinances Thou leadest man to duty and to truth. Therefore it is meet that we meditate upon Thy teachings and take to heart the commandments by which Thou would’st have us live. May we realize increasingly that the fear of God is wisdom and the avoiding of evil is understanding. Mindful of thy wondrous care of ourfa'thers through all the ages that they ‘ were compelled to struggle for the very right to live and inspired by their loyalty to Thee and their 12 heroic steadfastness in acknowledging that Thou alone art -God,-may we too proclaim in the hearing of men the watchword of all Israel. GONG]? EGA. T1 ON RISES. Hear, O Israel, hearken all men, the Eternal our God, the Eternal is one. Praised be the name of His glorious kingdom forever. was on: was r11”? ‘arr’ m’ Choir—' Shma Yisroel, Adonoi Elohenu, Adonoi Echod. Boruch Shem Kvod Malchutho l’olom voed. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might; and these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them dili- gently unto thy Ichildren, and shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down and when thou risest. They shall be as a sign upon thy hand, and as a guide before thine eyes. Thou shalt write them on the d-oorposts of thy house and on thy gates. (Deut. vi.) 7 Thou, ‘O Lord, art the source of strength; in ‘ Thee alone do we put our trust. In love Thou sus- tainest the living and with mercy beyond measure 13 Thou redeemest the souls of Thy servants from death. Thou li-ftest up the falling; Thou healest the sick; Thou loosest the 'prisoner’s bonds, and Thou fulfillest Thy promise of immortal life to those who sleep in the dust. “Who is like unto Thee, O God, among the mighty—— Who can be compared to Thee in holiness, in power, in wondrous works?” ' will? "739 T‘??? ‘D ‘i.’ @7812 "Q'TPWP :syg-nipfi; than my Choir: Mi Chomocho bo-Elim- Adonoi; Mi Komocho nedor ba-Kodesh—Noro S’hilloth—Os-av Feleh. “God shall reign forever and forever.” ‘ on. B??? the’. ‘ Choir; Adonoy yimloch l’ol'om voed. CONGREG ATION RISES. \Ne shall sanctity Thy name on earth, even as the hosts of heaven sanctify it, and as through Thy prophets it has been announced, so we proclaim 14‘ Thy holiness. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of all the earth, all creation is full of His glory. new; we ‘first wit-P. We We .‘i-rib; Choir: Kodosh, Kodosh, Kodosh, Adonoi Tzvo- 0th, m’lo kol Ho-o-retz Kvodo. ‘ Our God and Father, may this day’s worship find favor in Thy sight. May it inspire us to look hopefully into the week to come, determined to do to the best of our ‘powers whatever work Thou mayest put into our way to do. May we be imbued with pure thoughts, holy desires and righteous am- bitions. May we carry with us into our daily lives the influence of this hour’s 'communion with Thee, so that wherever we may be, and whatever we may do, we ‘shall know that Thine eye is upon us and that Thou dost understand the motives that stir within us. Look Thou with favor upon Thy people, Israel, and upon all persons who in sincerity of heart seek a nearer knowledge of Thee and a closer communion with Thee. Bless, O God. every en—I deavor, wherever and by whomsoever made, to make the world better and brighter and life more meaningful. Turn‘Thou not away from the sup- plication of the least of Thy children, but in favor receive the homage and the worship of all the sons of men. AMEN. Choir: Amen. 15 Emitting nf gvrripture. ' ‘The Bible contains the revelation of God’s will to man. In its pages are gathered together the" laws and precepts by which man should live and not die. These laws, basic to every moral code, have lost none of their potency through all the long ages ‘ that have passed since the Bible was compiled. Fundamentally the Bible is a text book of religious‘ truth and as such we should regard it with reverence, and take from it inspiration, light and guidance. At- tend then, men and women, to the Scripture section selected for your hearing this morning. (The Scripture Lesson is then read.) Choir : God’s law is perfect, restoring the soul; the testi- mony of God is true, making wise the simple. The teachings of God are plain and bring gladness to man’s heart; the fear of God is pure and lasts for-‘ ever. A goodly portion has been given unto you, do not forsake it. It is a tree of life to those who cling to it, and those who keep it are happy. Its ways are pleasant and all its paths are peace. 16 Zlntrnhurtinn 1n mnurnvrn’ 5mm. God, who art all wisdom and all love, hear we be- seech Thee, the prayer we make in behalf of those whose hearts are heavy at the remembrance of some great loss sustained. Heal them and console them. Let them see light beyond the darkness that now enshrouds them, and trusting in Thee, let them take hope even in the time of their great sorrow. Let us all, when trouble comes upon us, realize that love is stronger than death and affection more mighty than the grave. True love that links hs to our dear ones while they remain with us on earth shall continue to live, an immortal bond between the living and the dead. Let us honor our beloved departed by realizing the more fully in our own lives the virtues that made their lives beautiful and by perpetuating such of their characteristics as stamped them a blessing to human- ity. Then shall we worthily honor our sainted de- parted and the word of the Prophet shall be ful- filled: “Yichyu Mesecho.” “Thy dead shall live.” With these thoughts and reverently remembering our lost loved ones, rise, and in. the spirit of loving - resignation, praise God’s name with me. 17 fillnurnvm’ 1(ahhiah.* . Extolled and hallowed be the Name Of our great God and King; Throughout the world which He has made, Let man His praises sing. Eternal life to man He gave; Praised be His holy name, Whose majesty all praise transcends, Whose wisdom worlds proclaim. To Israel, and to all mankind, Who from this earth we miss, May God grant mercy, grace and peace And His eternal bliss. May He who in His heavenly spheres Preserveth peace and love, Bestow on us and all mankind His blessing from above. I '. v"~.' ‘ti ‘ o *Metrically translated for this volume by E. F. R; 18 filnurnera’ Kahhiah. m2"? Rate; m we man van’. that mama rim-#0:; meta m - new “Qt-*1 ‘WP. term #924112 sax-iv n’: '72)‘! was $2521: at???“ OW? em; 8;"! NH: New?! who!) ‘learn name?) than? no; mew‘! we Wm tit-22011. ‘1817.’? mom "will"?! win '7; r: W? ‘W was mm. mm; mm Mami- ‘mans?! ra'va'wi ‘was an ‘781%?! biz we ll"? w ~ was! with: ma w in mm New. to? Na? Ram 821 we new. @2181‘ we? me 51723’? ‘arm “vs-“am, my, . mm, 81mg)??? Na‘! Rage‘ m: we we‘. WI‘?! “.172 my; new‘; mn mam: Bl‘??? me"? an»; mm has???" ‘7; ‘7321 19 SOLO. SERMON. ANTHEM. (Ilnnrlnhing llilrayer. Father, we are about to leave Thy house. May our going be with Thy blessing. May we carry hence influences and inspirations that shall help us to meet bravely every duty of the‘ week to come. May we not forget when we leave this house that we are still in Thy presence and that Thine all seeing eye is upon us at all times. In all our relations with our fellow-men may we so conduct ourselves as to deserve Thy commendation, and may we prefer the reward of an approving conscience to worldly gain. Let us in parting remember that the prayers we have made are vain unless they be translated into resolu- tion to make the coming week more purposeful than the one that has gone before, and inspire the determination to make our own lives an increas— ing source of blessing to the men and women around us. This is the purpose of our worship, for we ap— proach Thee, only in the measure that in deeper sym- pathy and sincere affection we reach out unto our fellow-men. e Let us go hence conscious of our duties as men and as Jews. May we strengthen and sweeten and 20 sanctify every tie of family and friendship, so that our homes become each a temple and every hearth a shrine. May we be keenly alive also to our civic duties, remembering that only in proportion as We contribute .to the communal well-being dare we hope for safety for ourselves and loved ones. For every right we claim let us recognize a correspond- ing obligation. To our faith also, may we be loyal. May we prove our pride in our heroic history, by being worthy of the dignified part that the modern Jew is playing on the stage of world history. Self respecting and true to the ideals that have made the Jew the hero of a thousand moral victories, may we by the integrity of our lives and the purity of our motives gain and hold the respect of our fellows and thus show to the world that'sterling manhood is essential to recog- nition as aJew. Mayest Thou, O God, bless all Thy children who aspire to realize the good that is in them. May Thy blessing rest upon all who have gathered here to- day, and upon all Thy children everywhere, who de- . sire to know and do Thy will. May Thy benediction be upon our beloved country and its institutions; upon our homes, and our schools—nay upon every ‘ good cause and every noble undertaking, and upon the men and the women who sponsor them. Under Thy blessing may we live and work throughout the week to come, aspiring ever toward the highest, yet content to achieve day by day our 21 a6. O .O,_ “a. '0. .00 o. o .i I 0 0°‘ .00 nearest duty. We praise Thee for Thy help in the past; we thank Thee for the hope Thou givest fer the future. AMEN. Choir: Amen. ANTHEM. BEN EDICTION. O on 22 ‘~ t9 . L‘; ('25 P . ""' )5; :32“ iv .34; ' in "t i 1’ * slit.“ 5) I‘ L 1M.’ s'fltgiikfilf - if? a’i-é‘té'igi' , ’ it .€~.1 a i 56 t“ ‘ ,- .\3 ends‘ (33'. a, ‘if; '4'" .. eiffliiifsf ‘m as ,. ‘iii-3; * ' { . v‘, , ‘u... ,9‘ALAT. , ‘17"’! ‘he’: - “w ‘ . a» "1'5- 2, 27s a a‘ ‘--.'‘n {13' 5‘- I: "y “W i 150 l I; 4s“. “'5. M it 1; . ‘aw’ i ! _ - gfiégii . iii: ' r s with! Y ,') i . ‘ a .& ties... if? ’_ ' Y s Fm‘ iiitiigm‘ .v a. l i I 5:" . .s-a-v “3'14; .~." : ‘a. v . #1?’ .1 ‘ f -i 5'! f 31;. t it} ' i it . z I i. a‘i" "i ‘ v‘ .‘i .f. H _ u‘? v ‘2'’ , he I 95?’? t; i. a. ‘t -: N‘ Y’, 19;?‘