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WA/vo.4/voaz /P/PA/r. 434.4/RZ).57-owav. == A A GAAA/GA /X4az = AAA/es//Zzz /X4az /70//7/y of //, //avo/s fr/vº/r. CA/.4/av oa /vocas, J7 Zoo/3. º //oz/7// or ///ssoz/a/ A*/ve/r - 7 Marea horas /wzaaz. XIII CHICAGO CITY WATER SUPPLY. The city of Chicago takes nearly all its water supply from Lake Michi- gan, through tunnels at four different points. In addition to the water re- ceived from the tunnels at these four points, the Rogers Park Water Com- pany supplies that portion of Chicago which was originally the village of Rogers Park through a 16-inch intake pipe extending 1,200 feet into the lake. Norwood Park is supplied with water from an a tesian well. Washing- ton Heights was originally supplied with water from an artesian well, but the flow from the well has decreased until it is very small and part of the water pumped at this station now is supplied from the Sixty-eighth street pumping station through the distribution mains. - The 1ake tunnels, which furnish Chicago with its principal supply of water, are designated as follows: The Lake View tunnel, six feet in diameter, connecting with the Lake View crib two miles from the shore; the Chicago Avenue tunnels, four in number, one ten feet in diameter extending to the Carter H. Harrison crib two and one-half miles from shore, two seven feet and one five feet in diameter, extending to the two-mile crib, which is two miles from shore; the Fourteenth Street tunnel, being two six-foot tunnels joining about two miles from shore, thence continuing an eight-foot tunnel to the four-mile crib, which is four miles from shore; the Sixty-eighth Street tunnel, seven feet in diameter, extending to the Sixty-eighth Street crib, two miles from shore. Inżake Cribs.-There are five cribs as indicated, viz.: The Lake View crib, out from the Lake View pumping station at Montrose Avenue; the Car- ter H. Harrison crib and the two-mile crib, out from the Chicago Avenue pumping station; the four-mile crib, out from the Fourteenth Street pump- ing station; and the Sixty-eighth Street crib, out from the Sixty-eighth Street pumping station. The plans of the Water Department of the city of Chicago contemplate extending the tunnels now connecting with the two- mile crib out to the Carter H. Harrison crib and the abandon ment of the two-mile crib, which will reduce the number of cribs to four and remove the intake for a large portion of the city’s water supply one-half mile further into the 1ake. - Maže Tunne/s —The first tunnel was constructed at Chicago Avenue and was five feet in diameter, being completed March 25th, 1867. A seven-foot tun- nel parallel to the first was completed July 12th, 1874. These tunnels were each two miles in 1ength, connecting with the two-mile crib. The other tunnels have been built and some of them extended, from time to time, until the present. These tunnels have a combined capacity of 415,000,000 gallons of water per twenty-four hours. The average amount of water pumped daily during the months of June, July and August, 1900, was 327,000,000 gallons. Pumping Stations.—Besides the Rogers Park, Norwood Park and Wash- ington Heights pumping stations, which supply only small isolated districts, there are eight principal pumping stations connected with the 1ake tunnels above described. These stations are designated and located as follows: Lake View pumping station, near the 1ake shore on Montrose Avenue, taking its water supply from the Lake View crib; Chicago Avenue pumping station, 10- cated on the lake shore at Chicago Avenue, taking its water supply from the XIV two-mile crib, also having a six-foot supply connection with the ten-foot tunnel from the Carter H. Harrison crib; the Fourteenth Street pumping station, lo- cated on the lake shore at Fourteenth street, taking its water supply from the four mile crib; the Siarty-eighth Street pumping station, located on the lake shore at Sixty-eighth street, taking its water supply from the Sixty-eighth Street crib; the Harrison Street pumping station, located on Harrison street near South Halstead street, supplied by 1and and lake tun- nels connecting with both the two-mile crib and the four-mile crib; the West pumping station, located at Twenty-second street and Ashland Avenue, being supplied by land tunnels connecting with both the two-mile crib and the four-mile crib; the Central Park Avenue pumping station, located on Cen- tral Park avenue near Twelfth street, being supplied by land and lake tun- nels connecting with the Carter H. Harrison crib; the Springfield Azenue pumping station, located on Springfield Avenue near Courtland street, being supplied by land and lake tunnels connecting with the Carter H. Harrison crib. The capacities of the pumping stations are as follows, viz.: Gallons STATION. per 24 hours. Lake View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000,000 Chicago Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ 99,000,000 Fourteenth Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 84,000,000 Sixty-eighth Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82,000,000 Harrison Street.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,000,000 est. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000,000 Central Park Avenue. . . . . . . . . 60,000,000 Springfield Avenue . . . . . . . 60,000,000 Norwood Park . # * * 1,000,000 Rogers Park..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500,000 Washington Heights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500,000 Land Tunnels —The lake tunnels, extending from the intake cribs to the pumping stations located upon the shore of Lake Michigan, have been de- scribed above. In addition to these there are land tunnels connecting the pumping stations which are not located upon the 1ake shore, with the lake tunnels. A ten-foot land tunnel, connecting with the Carter H. Harrison lake tunnel, extends southwesterly under the city to a point in the vicinity of Green street and Kenzie street, where it divides into two six-foot tunnels, one leading northwesterly to the Springfield Azwenue pumping station and the other southwesterly to the Central Park Avenue pumping station. A seven-foot land tunnel starts from the shore end of the three tunnels leading to the two-mile crib at Chicago Avenue, extends southwesterly under the city to the Harrison Street pumping station, thence continuing on its course to the West pumping station. 4. - A seven-foot land tunnel also extends from the shore end of the four-mile crib continuing in a westerly direction under the city to the Harrison Street pumping station. - Water Distribution Mains.—From each of the eight pumping stations de- scribed, water mains of large dimensions radiate throughout the city. The system of water mains is cross-connected so that the entire system of mains can be filled from any one of the pumping stations. Owing, however, to the consumption of water in the vicinity of each station, the water pumped XV from any one station will generally cover a certain district, the boundary of which will vary slightly from time to time. CHICAGO RIVE R. The Chicago River drains the surface water from a strip of territory ex- tending from Eighty-seventh Street, which is the south boundary of the Sanitary District of Chicago, north to a point opposite the north 1jne of Waukegan; a district from north to south of about 45 miles. The width of this water shed from Eighth-seventh Street to the north limits of the city of Evanston is approximately nine miles. From Evanston north to Waukegan, the width diminishes and the east line of the water shed recedes more or 1ess gradually from the west shore of Lake Michigan until it is three miles west of the 1ake at Waukegan. The total area of this water shed is 270 square miles; 98 square miles of which is tributary to the south branch and 172 square miles tributary to the north branch. Under existing conditions the Chicago River must furnish an outlet for all storm water and natural drainage for this territory. - East of the drainage basin of the Chicago River, there are certain tracts of land which drain directly into Lake Michigan; from the north line of the city of Evanston to Waukegan this land varies in width from one to three miles. From North Avenue to the north limits of Evanston, the strip of 1and tributary to Lake Michigan is not over one mile wide and contains an area of 9 square miles; 4.7 square miles of which is in the Sanitary District of Chicago and 4.3 square miles in Rogers Park and Evanston; Rogers Park now being within the City of Chicago, but not within the Sanitary District of Chicago. South of the mouth of the Chicago River and extending to the water shed of the Calumet River, is an area of 31.5 square miles draining directly into Lake Michigan, of which 25.5 square miles is in the Sanitary Listrict of Chicago and 6 square miles south of the Sanitary District of Chicago, a 11 being within the 1imits of the city of Chicago. The Chicago River has two principal tributaries known as the north branch and south branch. The north branch receives the natural drainage and sewage of 172 square miles of territory. The Fullerton conduit was put into operation January 9, 1880. This conduit is 12 ft. in diameter and extends along Fullerton Avenue from Lake Michigan to the north branch of the river where a pumping station is located. This pumping station is to deliver Lake Michigan water into the north branch of the river for diluting the sewage and flushing the stream. The natural outlet of the north branch is through the main river into Lake Michigan. The south branch of the Chicago River drains 98 square miles of Chi- cago territory and has one tributary known as the south fork of the south branch; the south fork 1eads to the Stock Yards slip, located on Thirty-ninth Street, which receives the sewage from the Stock Yards and packing in- dustries. The south fork extends west as far as Western Avenue. The Chicago River, since the opening of the main drainage channel which connects with the south fork at Robey Street, is made to flow west- ward into the Des Plaines River, instead of into Lake Michigan. The flow from the north branch, instead of flowing out through the main river into Lake XVI Michigan, joins with a stream of Lake Michigan water flowing through the main river and through the south branch to the main drainage channel. The south fork of the south branch joins the south branch near Bridgeport where pumping works are located which lift the water from the south fork into the Summit level of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, whence it flows westward. Prior to the opening of the main drainage channel, the pumping works were operated by the city of Chicago for the purpose of discharging sewage into the Des Plaines River by way of the Illinois and Michigan Canal and thus prevent the contamination of Lake Michigan, but the capacity of the pumping works and canal being too small, led to the construction of the main drainage channel. Since the opening of the main drainage channel the pumping works at Bridgeport have been operated to maintain a stage of water sufficient for navagation in the Summit level in the Illinois and Michigan Canal. All of the flow from the south fork which is not pumped at Bridgeport into the Illinois and Michigan Canal flows into the south branch of the Chicago River, thence to the main drainage channel. On August 19, 1900, the flow of the south fork of the south branch was 1ess than the amount of water being pumped by the Bridgeport pumps, so that a part of the water being pumped was supplied from the south branch. This condition will generally prevail when the Bridgeport pumps are in operation, except during freshets. When the intercepting sewerage systems are completed the Lawrence Avenue conduit, 16 feet in diameter, will be used to supply Lake Michigan water to dilute the water of the north branch, and the 39th Street conduit, 20 feet in diameter, will be used to supply Lake Michigan water to dilute the water of the Stock Yards slip and the south fork of the south branch of the Chicago River. The volume of water which will pass through the Lawrence Avenue and 39th Street conduits, is a part of the amount required by the Sanitary District law. CHICAGO INTERCEPTING SEWER SYSTEM. At the present time the city of Chicago is constructing a systern of in- tercepting sewers for the purpose of diverting the sewage which now flows into Lake Michigan to the Chicago River and Drainage Canal. During 1898 two sewerage systems which originally emptied into Lake Michigan were “reversed” and now empty into the Chicago River. These are known as the Twelfth-street and Twenty-first street sewers, and connect with a 11 of the sewers south of the mouth of the Chicago River as far as Thirty-first street. From Thirty-first street south to Seventy-third street all of the sewage east of State street now flows into Lake Michigan, sewer outlets being located at the following streets, viz.: Thirty-fifth street, Forty-first street, Forty-second street, Forty-fourth street, Fifty-first street, Fifty-third street, Fifty-fifth street, Sixty-first street and Seventy- third street. From Seventy-third street south to Eighty-seventh street, no sewerage system has been constructed. From Eighty-seventh street south to the Calumet, a district extending west about a mile from Lake Michigan, has been drained into the Calumet River. XVII The intercepting sewer system on the south side, which is now under construction, includes a twenty-foot conduit on Thirty-ninth street extending from Lake Michigan to the Stock Yards slip on the south fork of the south branch of the Chicago River. Into this conduit intercepting sewers located along the lake shore from Thirty-fifth street to Fifty-first street, thence ex- tending southward to Seventy-ninth street, are being constructed. These intercepting sewers, when completed, will divert to the Drainage Canal all of the sewage that is now flowing into Lake Michigan between Thirty-fifth street and Seventy-third street and also the sewage from the proposed sewer system which will drain the territory lying between Seventy-third street and Eighty-seventh street, Eighty-seventh street being the south boundary 1ine of the Sanitary District of Chicago. When these works have been completed all of the sewage of Chicago, south of the inouth of the Chicago River as far as Eighty-seventh street, will be diverted from Lake Michigan, and the Cal- umet District will still discharge its sewage by way of the Calumet River into Lake Michigan with n about three miles of the Sixty-eighth street intake crib. North of the Chicago River, as far as Lincoln Park, the sewage now flows into the Chicago River. From Lincoln Park to the north city 1imits, being also the south 1imit of the city of Evanston, the sewage of about 250,000 population flows into Lake Michigan at frequent intervals from about 22 separate sewer outlets. To intercept this sewage and divert it from Lake Michigan, the intercepting sewerage system of the north side contein- plates the construction of a sixteen-foot conduit in Lawrence Avenue extend- ing from Lake Michigan to the north branch of the Chicago River. Leading into this conduit will be main intercepting sewers extending along the lake shore to be connected with all of the sewers now discharging into Lake Michigan. ; Since the opening of the Drainage Canal and the changes made in the Twelfth street and Twenty-second street sewers, the sewage still discharging into the 1ake between Eighty-seventh street and the north city limits is equivalent to the sewage of about 500,000 population. This sewage will be diverted to the canal by the completion of the north side and south side in- tercepting sewer system and the Lawrence avenue and Thirty-ninth street conduits now under construction. In addition to receiving the sewage from the intercepting sewers, the Lawrence avenue conduit is being constructed for the purpose of furnishing 1ake water with which to flush and dilute the north branch of the Chicago River. The pumping station will be located at the river end of the conduit. The Thirty-ninth street conduit is to be used in a similar way to flush the Stock Yards slip on the south fork of the south branch of the Chicago River; the pumping station will be located at the lake end of this conduit. POPULATION AND A REAS. The total area lying south of the Chicago River in which sewers are being completed, and now discharging its sewage directly into Lake Michigan, which area is bounded on the north by Thirty-first street, on the south by Seventy-fifth street, on the west by State street, is 7,983 acres and had an estimated population, by school census in 1898, of 162,208. The area of the district having no sewerage systein, from which sewage will be discharged XVI I I into the intercepting sewerage system, and located between Seventy-fifth street and Eighty-seventh street, is 728 acres and had an estimated popula- tion of 18,399. North of the Chicago River there is a sewer system area of 3,419 acres draining into Lake Michigan, which has a population of 25,400. The sewage from this entire area will be diverted fr in Lake Michigan by the completion of the intercepting sewerage systein of the Lawrence avenue conduit. ST. LOUIS WATER SUPPLY. The city of St. Louis obtains its water supply from the Mississippi River about 1500 feet from the Missouri shore at the point known as Chain of Rocks. Chain of Rocks is seven (7) 111iles below the confluence of the Miss- issippi and Missouri Rivers and ten (1 ) miles above the Eads Bridge. The city of St. Louis occupies the right bank of the Mississippi River, from a point one (1) mile above Chain of Rocks, down stream for a distance of nine- teen (19) miles. For a distance of four (4) or five (5) miles down stream from Chain of Rocks, the valley on the Missouri side, is very narrow and is used for gardening and farming. This portion of the city was annexed so as to include the site of the water works improvements. The 111ain part of the city lies along the west shore of the river and extends back several miles from the river, beginning about (5) 1miles south of Chain of Rocks, thence south to the southern limits. Bissell’s Point is located six and one half (6%) uniles below Chain of Rocks and is the location at which the city formerly took its water supply from the Mississippi River. In 1895, the new pumping station and settling basins being completed at Chain of Rocks, the river supply at Bissell's Point was discontinued and since that time all the water has been supplied to the city from Chain of Rocks. When the water works pumping station was 1ocated at Bissell’s Point it was far above the city and beyond any source of 1ocal contamination from sewage, but the growth of the city inade it necess- ary to change the location of the pumping station from Bissell’s Point to a point further up stream to avoid direct containination of the city’s water sup- ply by its own sewage. The Mississippi River water at Chain of Rocks is always turbid. When the waters of the Missouri River are high the turbidity is very much greater than under other conditions. High waters in the Mississippi produce a con- siderable almount of turbidity for short periods of time. The large amount of turbidity always present in the Mississippi River at Chain of Rocks is due, in most part, to the water from the Missouri River. This turbidity is caused by suspended organic and iOrganic matter, the greater part of which is very minute particles of earth. This turbidity does not in itself render the water unsafe for drink, but makes it very objectionable for a 11 domestic and manufacturing purposes. In order to reduce the turbidity and purify the water supply, large res- ervoirs have been constructed into which the water is pumped and allowed to stand for a number of hours or days and part of the suspended matter set- tles to the bottom of the reservoir, after which the more or 1ess clarified water is drawn off and distributed to the city through the water mains. A X I X number of these reservoirs or “settling basins,” as they are called, were constructed at Bissell’s Point and used in connection with the pumping station, when the water supply was taken from the river there. Another set of settling basins was constructed at Chain of Rocks which are now used for that purpose. Large quantities of mud are deposited each year in the bot- tom of the settling basins and this mud is removed at intervals by scrapers or by other means. The clarification and purification effected by the set- tling process has never been entirely satisfactory, as the water, though very much improved over its condition when pumped from the river, is neither clear nor pure. For a great many years the city of St. Louis has been con- sidering the question of pure water, and its officials have from time to time, devised and recommended plans and schemes for the further purification of the city water supply. These plans and schemes generally have contemplated the filtration of the city water supply in addition to the sedimentation now being accomplished. As early as 1865 the city directed its City Engineer, Mr. Jaimes P. Kirkwood, to 111ake a trip to Europe and there sutdy the methods of filtration in use and report back to the city his observations and plans for filtering the St. Louis water supply. Since that time the subject of filtration has been pressed with more or less vigor, but without action being taken. Within the last two years a commission of consulting en- gineers has studied and made extensive reports upon the improvement of the city’s water supply. This commission, by its several members, made two reports; one recommending that a new water supply be established, to be taken from streams about fifty (50) miles southwest of St. Louis, as this section of the state is sparsely settled and not adapted to agriculture. The other report recommends fiftration of the present water supply in addition to the sedimentation. There is no doubt but that some time in the future, some plan will be car- ried out to provide the city with a pure water supply, either by filtration or otherwise. - The population of St. Louis in 1900 was 575,000. The growth of the city has been moderate but steady during the past four decades and its geogra- phical 10cation is such that it will continue to increase in population and commercial importance so that the demands upon the city water supply will also increase. The daily consumption of water during the year 1900 was approximately 63,000,000 gallons and the estimated amount for 1910 is 110, 000,000 gallons. The demands therefore, of the city are large now with prospects of greater demand in the immediate as well as distant future. Chemical and bacteriological examinations which, are reported in the following pages, were undertaken for the purpose of continuing further the study of the condition of the Illinois River where it enters the Mississippi and of comparing the condition of the Illinois River water with that of the Mississippi River just above the entrance of the Illinois and of the Missouri River where it enters the Mississippi. During the years 1899 and 1900 chem- ical and bacteriological examinations and tests were made under the direc- tion of this Board and published in its “Report of Sanitary Investigations of the Illinois River and Its Tributaries.” Reference is now made to that report for the results of those investigations and for further comparisons with the investigations herein reported. XX Public and official attention has been directed particularly to the effect (on the waters of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers) of the discharge of Chi- cago sewage, diluted with Lake Michigan water, through the main drainage channel from Chicago. That channel now probably receives three-fourths of a 11 the sewage of the city. During the years 1900 and 1901 the flow through the main drainage channel was about 250,000 cubic feet per iminute, consisting of Chicago sewage diluted with Lake Michigan water. That vol- time of water is much in excess of the Ordinary low water flow of the Illinois. The chemical and bacteriological conditions of the Illinois River at various points throughout its course were studied and compared in the previous re- port, above referred to, during the years 1899 and 1900, being the first year preceding and the first year after the opening of the main drainage channel. The results of those examinations demonstrated that for the year in 1nedi- ately before and the year immediately after the opening of the drainage channel, the water in the Illinois River at its mouth was practically free from sewage contamination and better chemically and bacteriologically from a sanitary standpoint than the water coming from its tributaries. For the investigations of 1899 and 1900 samples of Mississippi River water above the mouth of the Illinois were also taken for analyses and cont- parison with the results obtained by the analyses of the Illinois River water. About 25 or 26 miles below the mouth of the Illinois, the Missouri River enters the Mississippi, the mouth of the Missouri River being about eight or nine miles above the Chain of Rocks, where the St. Louis water works intake is located. The St. Louis intake being near the Missouri shore, it is generally recognized and conceded that a large part of the water which is drawn through the intake and distributed to the inhabitants of St. Louis is Missouri River water as distinguished from Mississippi River and I11 inois River water. There may be times when there is an extensive co-mingling of the three rivers, but there are certainly times when none but Missouri River water reaches the intake. The location of the St. Louis intake, with reference to the junction of the Illinois and the Missouri and the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers, 1eads to the conclusion that an examination of the chemical and bacteriolog- ical conditions of the water of these three rivers near their respective conflu- ences would be of much service in throwing light upon the subject as to the source of greatest pollution of the St Louis water supply. Arrangements were made for taking samples of water during the autumn months of 1901 and the spring months of 1902 from each of those rivers for the purpose of such comparison and the full report of these analyses, as made by Dr. John H. Long, chemist, and Dr. F. Robert Zeit, bacteriologist, are publish- ed here with. The following short table of chemical analyses has been compiled from chemists' reports here with published and previous reports before referred to. This table shows the averages of the chemical analyses through the summer and autumn seasons for three years, namely, 1899, 1900 and 1901 of the I11inois and Mississippi River waters and for the same seasons for 1901 of the Missouri River water. XXI TABLE OF AVERAGE CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF SAMPLES OF WATER DURING SUMMER AND AUTUMN FROM THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER ABOVE THE MOUTH OF THE ILLINOIS AT GRAFTON, ILLINOIS RIVER AT GRAFTON, AND MISSOU &I RIVER IMMEDIATELY ABOVE IT'S MOUTH: PARTS PER MILLION. | | MISSISSIPPI RIVER . | ILLIN OIS RIVER . | M ISSO (J R I RIVER, | 1999. 1900. 1901. | 1899. 1900. 1901. 1901. Total solids....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273.0 347.0 | 183.0 362.0 331.0 || 261. 1294. Loss on ignition, filtered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. 33. . . . . . . . . 47. 36. 29. LOSS on ignition, unfiltered..... . . . . . . . . . . . 53. 36. | . . . . . . . . 57.0 | 40, 82. Chlorine.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.77 2. 1.88 17.50 10.6 16.4 14.9 Oxygen, absorbed, filtered....... 6.82 7.08 6.53 4.65 4.82. 3.21 3.17 Oxygen, absorbed, unfiltered. . . 8,52 11.73| 7.84 5.61 5.85| 4.31 10.28 Free ammonia ..................... O 080 0.07 0.07 0.247 0.07 0.238, 0.10 Albuminoid ammotia............. 0.443 0.5 ! 0.39 0.455 0.36 0.413 0.60 Nitrogen in nitrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0.03 0.08 0.59 0.87 1.042 0.13 Nitrogen in nitrites............ . . . . 0.001 0.02 0.001 0.044 0.03 0.034 ()006 Organic ammonia, Kjeldahl...... tº º ºs e º e g ge 1.49| 0.74 1. 13| 0.81 An inspection of this table shows that the condition of the waters of the Mississippi and the Illinois have not materially changed during three seasons. The Illinois shows the largest amount of chlorine and nitrates. This un- usual amount of chlorine is an evidence of a large amount of sewage which has been received by the Illinois and its tributaries, but the analyses for organic matter and bacteriological examination give little evidence of this sewage pollution, except in the harmless chlorine and nitrates. Comparing by total solids there is no great difference between the Mississippi and I11i- nois; by oxygen consumed the Mississippi shows a greater amount of organic 111atter than the Illinois. The analyses of the Missouri River water, which are only for one year, show that the condition of the water of that river is in some respects more 1ike the Illinois than the Mississippi. It is especially noticeable that the amount of chlorine is high, almost as high as the Illinois. Bacterially the Mississippi and Missouri are very much alike and the Illinois shows a better and safer sanitary condition than either Special attention is called to the report of Prof. Zeit, on pathogenic and sewage bacteria, here with published. Not only the chemical examination above referred to and heretofore published, but these and the former bacter- iologial examinations show that the water of the I11 inois River contains less sewage matter than either the Mississippi or Missouri. Whatever the amount of sewage the Illinois River may have received at its head and from its tribu- taries throughout its course, by reason of its slow flow the time required for its waters to reach the Mississippi has been seized upon by nature's purify- ing agents, water bacteria, and the sewage has been largely reduced to harmless form. The bacteria, so numerous in the Illinois above Morris and again immediately below Peoria and Pekin, have materially diminished and are more frequently found in the Mississippi and Missouri River waters than in the water of the Illinois, where these rivers merge into the Mississippi. As previously stated, public attention has been directed to the Chicago sewage as the chief, if not the only, source of sewage pollution to be serious- XXI 1 ly considered in connection with the St. Louis water supply. Little regard is apparently paid to the many cities of importance located upon the I11inois and its tributaries, the Mississippi and the Missouri, a 11 of which contribute more or less to the pollution of the streams on which they are located. On the I11inois there is a noted example of excessive pollution, Other than Chi- cago, at Peoria and Pekin. Chemical and bacteriological examinations dur- 1899 and 1900 show the condition of the water Of the I11inois River to be better at the “narrows” or Avery ville, immediately above Peoria, than at any other station throughout its course, all traces of the Chicago sewage excepting nitrates and chlorine having disappeared. At Peoria large quantities of sew- age are introduced into the river and the process of purification, from that point to the mouth of the river, does not seem to be as rapid as in the upper reaches of the stream. The purification in the first 40 miles above Peoria is especially pronounced. - A detailed study of the amount of sewage pollution in the upper Miss- issippi and Missouri Rivers has not been made. It is well known, that on the Missouri River especially, there are numerous cities of great commer- cial importance which discharge their sewage into the river. At Omaha and Kansas City especially are large stock yards and packing industries which contribute much to the pollution of the Missouri River. It is also a well known fact that the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers both have very much more rapid current than the 111inois River and that, measured by the time it takes the water of these rivers to reach the Chain of Rocks, St. Paul and Minneapolis, on the Mississippi, and Omaha or, perhaps Sioux City, on the Missouri, are as near to the St. Louis water works intake as Chicago. Kan- sas City, St. Joseph, Rock Island, Davenport and Moline, Muscatine, Des Moines, Keokuk, Quincy and many other smaller cities discharge their sew- age past the St. Louis water works intake when it is several days newer and more charged with pathogenic bacteria than Chicago sewage. The question as to the self purification (may it not be better expressed “natural purification”?) of streams, probably becomes the a11 important one. Scientific investigations have demonstrated that under favorable conditions, the foulest stream will become pure by natural processes. This cannot oc- cur, however, if at frequent intervals along its course more sewage is added to keep up the supply of organic waste material. The I11inois River more nearly 1meets the requirements as to length, time and other conditions for bacteriological purification of the sewage which it receives than either of the other streams. This is fully demonstaated by the fact that twice in its course it is grossly polluted—viz., from Chicago and at Peoria and Pekin—and twice, also viz; above Peoria and again before it empties into the Mississippi, it is so purified by natural processes, that it is of better quality than any of its tributaries, and only traces of the enormous double pollution remain. It seems proper to state the following general conclusions as the result of the sanitary investigations which have been made under the direction of the I11inois State Board of Health prior to and after the opening of the Chi- cago Drainage Canal: The water supply of the city of St. Louis as taken from the Miss- issippi River at Chain of Rocks is not materia11y nor injuriously affected by the flow from the Illinois River, for the reason that the Illinois River XXIII water, as it enters the Mississippi, shows less sewage contamination than the water of the Missouri River at its mouth, and is practically as good as the Mississippi River water itself, so that if the Illinois River could be so changed that it would empty into the Mississippi below the water works in- take of the city of St. Louis there would be no material change in the con- dition of the St. Louis water supply. Furthermore, the city of St. Louis can not and does not hope or expect to have a satisfactory or safe water sup- ply from either the Mississippi or Missouri Rivers without filtering such water. The effect of the increased fiow of water from Lake Michigan through the Chicago Drainage Canal has improved the condition of the water in the Des Plaines and Illinois, especially under low water conditions. Prior to the opening of the Drainage Canal the amount of sewage discharged into the Des Plaines through the Illinois and Michigan Canal was much greater than the natural flow of the Des Plaines at 1ow water and even greater than the natural flow of the Illinois River as far as Peoria. The dilution which has been effected by the 1arger discharge of 1ake water through the new Drainage Canal is much greater than existed prior to its opening. The washings into the streams from the farms, pastures, barn yards and small villages, not to mention the 1arge cities and manufacturing industries, con- tribute an amount of organic matter equivalent to a considerable sewage pollution and taken altogether the natural low water flow of the I11 inois River would probably show a greater pollution than the flow of the Chicago Drainage Canal in its present condition. When the Sanitary District of Chicago shall have completed proper ex- tensions” to the main drainage canal which will carry off the sewage of the Evanston and Calumet regions; when the city of Chicago shall have coun- pleted her intercepting sewer systems which are designed to divert her sew- age from Lake Michigan, the water supply of Chicago will no longer be subject to material pollution, and the inhabitants of that great city will no 1onger be compelled to pay tribute to the springs of neighboring states or to the producers of distilled water or the manufacturers of filters. At easy access they will find a boundless supply of good water, not one which vies in chemical purity with the products of famous springs, but a wholesome water which contains no impurities prejudicial to health. With no pollution at her doors, the city of Chicago need have no fears as to the quality of her water supply. Beyond the reach of sewage contam- ination from the shore, the water of Lake Michigan is known to be pure. Contanuinated though the lake may be by sewage from neighboring states, the probability of this contamination reaching the intakes of the Chicago water supply is too remote to cause serious apprehension. J ſ A ºnlarging the corporate limits of the Sanitary District of Chicago became in force UI y 1, t - * 64, shrie {{. ~~~~ r1, a CA PARø I.L.T. or 2- * **, : Louis # fºalese * Knoxvil | r 32 *6-ards few ri i a Vi Rói Nº ; : I "- *-* * * *- :- awakºorººz. - -ºff --- • while hail ſº 4-6. - f _/ *—I 7, 1 ^ * * sº 34 ºšAlten º § Hartfora/ iTſº # # * J. 6 Y ſ scAMBAIDGE _--~~~ *::: ſº H-–2-S-A- & de lavan * RI werfºr - serºa *] º * *PR; . º ſ awa very T32Tſ a 3 i - #4 º asurvivº * 1. Kº s wategloo 2° ---—g: g?IT 8 – is \ *** 2 * -— -—-—— ” *i. -- ** – • Earlville / Ž i i. A 8 • Mendota I | l * *-** **E== | 3: is PRIrºck row, . --Wºlfº 2-Es Uticºs sº i. º tº AFIL -º-Fºs: • Priº, - Ya - • *). 3 4- M. Enri B.PI Pº * - Bracººl j º * ! .#: *>\ • Ment Tºrºżeau-l *—sº 25.1. 2 | 1. ACº rº * Ford r1 Ac | | 5 * ! Li M ſtºr A rºttº ſº, | - º - - - rºl, º Nº Feres T. Eureka -vºr Fas ºr ºt , ºwathinaten 3? 38 - - = - - - - - * y Ezrifia- #T/- & t 34 -2 "...# cºm/ ſº i_1,rſ ºf ol. I is tilt tº for ſ * / | / fºort £r % | º * 22°gemºnt charles º ... s yºhèATºrſ - ºr- - naſcervil I T | | - – - *—-—- tº: * > “ker |- 2N. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH MAP OF ILLINOIS Showing Counties And Principal Cities w - cin c. & - Illinois River Drainage Basin Jacob A. Har rrn a rh Engineer: | 9 O 2. AEA ScA.s of sºraruTE hiti-Fs. + º-º-º: r Er Fi º ## wººd 4% & - Zºis, flyolie -1, * Kaykakrk | - * 2é * * ſ º * • Milferdº º : - //YA/Ax 7-2 Coz//Y7/A's * -mºs -- - - -º * PA 41 starionvuke ,’.6 #.r:#f I c. *#en--—--> l - 66 ſº | * * 24%. - - - - - | • MAR55%l. * \º---------, --—l | (22% * * | l | Aá — — — — - * ===== *-* -" - - & . Hii.13 ºrſ 7/ i Y ºr— 38 Ç | f ſ **FFin (; HAM r -—- | | º º s}WAripAl. A i | * Rosins& J - * = —?-------.5 | sºvº. \ 78 iſ —-—A ºf H-------. Nº QT 79, 's go) +- - & 7: - * {31-A y Lawaggºevil-le % s | | ARLYLE, I, SA – EM * * * - * * * tAR LYL H gº U- t t \\ | sA1.8 ot:0 * MA5%; W 11.1 - * Mr. YErtridr gºv I T * | go| •) t “ſº i-ºji rººt- º º - a--~~~ | )* " - - - - - – estron ſ (2 º 93 ºf-ºf-5 e!º ſº "...º.) Oſº rºtºtpHRYSºtº Rs. * HARR1%tºu ºg & * MARI ort i . U. ºne-ºwn –– i | i g; 97. Tºgſ 3 •ºntºl | Iv o ºº: ººººº. * - | V | RNRA) O2 s * TH To wrº - r #lcoxoa § -- -> & * - -i- - /02 / C / II -- 763s, { - S \\ CHEMICAL AND BACTERIAL EXAMINATIONS OF THE Waters of the Illinois, Missouri and Mississippi Rivers BY JOHN H. LONG, Sc. D. UNIDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. CHEMICAL AND BACTERIAL, EXAMINATIONS OF THE Waters of the Illinois, Missouri and Mississippi Rivers By John H. LoNG, Sc. D. UT NI) ER THE DIRECTION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. DR. JAMES A. EGAN, Sec, etary ///inois State Aoaz d of Hea/ſh, DEAR SIR:—In two previous reports submitted to your Board the rate of sewage oxidation in the Illinois river under widely different conditions was discussed. In the first of these reports the nature of the water before the opening of the Drainage Canal, as shown by numerous analyses, was disclosed, while in the second and 10nger one the effect of the larger flow from the new canal was especially considered. Some time aftº the comple- tion of the investigation detailed in the second report the trustees of the Sanitary District of Chicago decided to decrease the flow of water in the canal from the 300,000 cubic feet per inimute standard to a volume nearer 250,000 cubic feet, and as this lowered dilution might not be without effect on the rate of oxidation in the I11 inois a new chemical and bacterial examination was thought necessary. Accordingly, by direction of your Board, I undertook this third series of experiments, but on 1ines differing materially from those of the former investigations. Practically, we are con- cerned mainly with these important questions: What is the condition of the water at the mouth of the I11inois river; how does it compare with the Mis- sissippi above the junction or with the Missouri above its mouth; what is the condition now compared with that of the period just before the opening of the Drainage Canal 2 In answering these questions we are not much concerned with the rate or velocity of oxidation, but mainly with final conditions, as these are admittedly the points in dispute. From this standpoint, therefore, it appeared unnecessary to undertake the further study of waters at a number of places above the mouth of the Illinois or the Missouri, but a closer study was decided upon for these localities. Because of the peculiar questions in- volved in the final discussion it was thought advisable to pay particular attention to the nature of the Missouri river water just above its mouth. Since the conclusion of the former investigations the importance of this line of inquiry has been clearly recognized. In September of 1ast year, 1901, a tour of inspection was made of the river region around Grafton and below Alton, and points for water collec- tion were selected. For the Illinois and Mississippi these were the saline as in 3 the former examinations, with the same collector. In each case a location was chosen far enough up stream to secure water unmixed with that from the other stream. For the Missouri river water a collector was secured from the Illinois side, on account of the more direct shipping service possible, and this man was instructed as to the proper method of collecting, packing and forwarding samples. The place of collection, a short distance above the mouth of the Missouri, was reached by rowing from the Illinois side. In a 11 cases the samples were collected in the afternoon and shipped so as to reach Chicago and be delivered to me before noon of the day following. The small bottles for bacterial examination were well packed in ice, and it may be said here that they always reached me in good condition. METHODS OF EXAMINATION. These have been fully explained in the earlier reports and need not be repeated. I have been assisted in the work by Mr. Frank Wright, Mr. Charles W. Brown and Mr. William Johnson. The identification of patho- genic bacteria was undertaken by Professor Robert Zeit, who will make a special report on this part of the work. RESULTS OF THE EXAMINATIONS. The tables below give the results obtained in the tests. These are di- vided into two series. In the first waters were collected from near the end of September to about the middle of December, that is until the formation of ice began. In the second series the examinations were resumed as soon as possible after the breaking up of the ice in the Spring of 1902. The object here was to secure water under the conditions least favorable to bacterial oxidation. TABLE I—A/outh of | | i - | i l TEMPER- * LOSS ON | “…tº. SOLIDS, IGNITION. | | – | | | 3 || 3 || 5 ||a = | g 3 || 3: Date. Color. Odor. | Sediment. a | F | 2 | # 3 & = (T) e 9. 5 to 2. Ef, g H C : G | . -: (D | r | = | : 3 a a. | 3 || : : rt * | i - : F P. 1901. | Sept. 23|Light turbid... |None........ Sandy. . . . . . . 649, 76° 280 18| 298 42 38 & 4 24 . . $ tº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . 68o 82° 224 50 74 38 32 { { 26|Light & & & 4 71o 849 212 62 274 40 32 ‘‘ 30 Yellow § 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 699 || 800 232 60 292 34 30 * * * * * * - - - Ogt. . . . . . . . . . . . . Good'. ...... ." 10° 30′ 220 32 3T3 4Q 23 { { 7 '' . . . . . . . . . None........ “ . . . . . . . . | 660] iſol 256 52 308|| 40 38 6 & 8| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . - - - - & 4 630 | 669| 254 50|| 304 40 36 ‘‘ 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640|| 72° 248, 60. 308; 30 28 is e tº e - - - - ‘‘ 14| - - - - - - § { 4 4 580 500 244 49| 293 61 68 * * * * * * * * | * g e s - e s - 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § { 58o 62o 232 40 272 38|| 38 * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * ** 17 $ 4 “ . . * 57 of 559 228 42| 270 32 30 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ‘‘ 21 $ $ ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 539| 64° 226 62. 288| 36|| 36 * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * ‘‘ 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 580 | 689| 240 38|| 278 34 32 ‘‘ 28 ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 60°| 64° 212 58; 270 36 22 ‘‘ 29 & 4 & 4 61o 720 : 36|| 268 24 16 & 4 31 & 4 4 $ é & 62o 62o 200 • * * * * * * * * i < * * * * * * * i s is t w a s = - Nøy. 4. ... .........] .. ‘' . . . . . . . . 54o 44° 268 12. 280 46|| 36 5| ‘‘ | * : 4 & 529| 43° 216 40] 256 36|| 36 • s • * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * i = s. * * * * * * $ 6 7| '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 || 48° 242 10 252 28 26 * * * * * - - - - ‘‘ 11] ‘ ‘ . . . . . - - - £ 6 . . . . . . 499 || 64° 224| 38 262 34 26 * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * ‘‘ 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 499 || 45 of 230; 42| 272; 28 24 ‘‘ 14 “ . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 47° 55° 236. 16 252 44, 32 ‘‘ 18 . . . . . . . ‘‘ " . . . . . . . . 420, 429| 226, 22 248| 42|| 30 ‘‘ 19 “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 399 || 43° 226, 16. 242. 44 42 ‘‘ 21 £ tº ſ & 400 50° 222 24, 246 34 26 ‘‘ 25 ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . . None........ 41o 45° 238 4| 242 30 30 ‘‘ 26|| “ . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . [Little........ 40° 48° 214 14| 228 36 36 ** 28 ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 41o 44° 228, 20| 248; 50 46 ‘‘ 29; ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ ........ |None........ 400| 50° 232 4|| 236|| 48| 36 Dec. 2. ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 439| 40° 222 10 232; 54 50 ‘‘ 3 '' ... . . . . . . “ ........ ‘‘ ........ 429| 38o 228 2| 230; 50 48 5| . . . . . . . . . . . . ........|Little... ..... 38° 32° 230, 13 243 #| # ‘‘ 6: ‘‘ ......... ‘‘ ......., |None... ..... 38°| 35° 220 2| 222; 32 32 ‘‘ 9| ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . ...] § 3; 13 #| #| |} '' 10: ‘‘ ......... ' ' ' ........ “ ........ 369| 38° 226 ‘‘ 11| “. . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ ........ [Sandy.......| 37° 34° 150 70 220 36 34 ‘‘ 12 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . 37° 40° 217, 0.3 220 44; 44 & t Means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 5° 229 32| 261 40 36 Q I8' 0 |p30' () ºf 0' I |9|f 0 |S32 () I., '8 Ig’ j |f '91 sex||..... , , |%09 |%g|I ... 36.0 9300 || 03. I | If 0 | 91.0 |38.3 (98.8 g.81 , , . . . . , , |207 |}}03 ... ... 39.0 0300 || 3II 38.0 | 18.0 |f|O. § 96.5 L II ,, .....sunou Oglºgg 206 … #8° 0 |g|IO' 0 || 08' 0 || 97' 0 || 6′,′ 0 |89° 9 |f 8 ' g : fL * , . . . . , , |#09 • . . . . 36.0 |g|I00 GII tº 0 || II.0 99.3 fºr 9.9 I . . . . ...............lºg *"...-l. 3 y 31.0 (0800 ff. I | If 0 | fl.0 98.8 91 f |0 LI ,, .......pide?||ºgg ****N paganby IZII Q300 31. I gº 0 | 98.0 98.8 fgj g.g. , , AQIS , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [OIII 0300 03. I | Of 0 | 83.0 |03.8 99.8 || 9 9 * 2 UIO , , ' ' ' ' ' OE’ I 030' 0 || 88° 0 || 9p" () Ig' () |Of' … if 8. § 0 9T , , || AQIs Ale A sº 9N , , ..., OI' I |030' 0 || ZI' I | 89° 0 || 09' 0 |00' f |&g f |8 &I ,, .....Sºoº...I....... , , pººnbiTIOI, I Q30.9 &II | Ig:Q | 61.0 [gg.8 196'ſ 3.91 ,, . ' ' ' ' ' ' “auo Nſ. . . . , , 0.08% OI. I |030' 0 || 8p 0 | 89° 0 | 6L 0 |99 8 (96 f |g ''g'ſ ,, . AQIs &12A%3 , , |09. 00' I |020' 0 | #9' 0 || 8ſ, 0 || ZZ' () |89' 3 08’ j |g'8I ,, .......ation|º 9N , , paganby I.Q.0 ºn 99.0 69.0 $1.0 98.3 |19. 6. I ,, . . . . Sinou žI]20I ,, .090 "I Of...I gå00 || @II | 01.0 iſ 0 || 8.8 |&I.g. |0.91 ,, . . . . . . . . . . AOIS …, | *ON 0gſ Of' I |030' 0 || 08' 0 | I], 0 || 60' () |89' 3 |z| "g |L LI ,, ... sinoujz sºon|202 09: Of' I 'etro N. ZI' I fg' 0 || 80° 0 |z1, z 98' g |L’9I ,, . . . . . . . . . . AOISA:08 , , |09.I 09.0 9300 || 09.0 if 0 | II.0 |f|O.8 |00 f |0.91 § 3 AQIS Ala A , 3,...] sºon Q0; 01.0 |g:00 || 00I 87.0 | QI.0 |g| 3 |008 |0. I ,, ...sunou falºos/OI '901, 380 0300 || 00. I | 88.0 | 80.0 |09.g. |80.9 |0, LI ' ' |..........…...” , , Q9II 39.0 0800 || Of...I iſ 0 || 0I.0 |26. I (89.8 || 9T , , |... ...'Pºl ..., , , 00I 'f 39.0 0300 03. I | 68 0 || 81.0 |80.3 |Of 3 |Q. I ' ' | . . 'Aoſs ºos º osogy, 93. I |g|IO' 0 || 03' I | OF ' () | g0' 0 |23 Z Zg f |0" LI , , ! ...AQISA12A%8.1%g 080%. , || "...” ‘’ g|O 0 || 00I 0%. 0 || 80.0 |03.8 |8; £ 3.6L ' ' ||.........' AOIS sºon] ..., | pagonbi Izg.0 |0gg 0 || 09. I 88.0 || 01.0 38.3 38 f |I.81 ,, ... sunou 03:09 Seá on 00ſ, 3.0 |0900 | 96.0 | 68.0 || LIQ |&l. 3 ||38.7 0.8I , , || || , , |203 |409 00I '8I ZL 0 |0800 || 3g. I gFO | 61.0 98.8 |8% f |I.8I 9 3 ... . .301 |30I '003'06 79 0 |030' 0 || Of' I g3 0 || II 0 |f|O’g 91 ºf |I'8I , , ... SinoHjø20I '08 038. 3.0 ($0.9 if I 93.0 | 3I.Q (88.3 ſq.; 8...I |... . . . . ." AQIS ..., ...|0%.I. 39.0 (0800 96.0 || Of 0 | II.0 99.3 (98.8 || LI q : ... . . . . sºlºs ººs.” ‘’’’ ‘‘gº’0 |0g00 ſq.0 | 13.0 | 600 88 g is g (3:33 , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . s & e g º e s I & s 093 Z!, 0 |090' 0 || 03' I 13° 0 || ZI'0 |00 f :23' f |g 6L , , |... . . . . . ." Aois sºon sº onloop 28° 0 |080° 0 || 96° 0 || 83° 0 || g| 0 |9|I' f {08 f |I'6I ... . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' %g %03 |007 g9.0 |ggſ).0 || 00I 13.0 91.0 f$8 |87 f || LI ... QN). 3 * º, pºgonby Ilāh Q Q10.0 || 09.1 | 93.0 g|I.Q gl. & Pg.3 || || © º ºs s ſº º e º & 8 tº • ? gº.”Nº.9"I 89.0 |gg00 90.0 38.0 |g|I.0 99.3 |88.3 || 9T e g tº a s s ... sinqū ſalºon|208 Ogg 99' 0 |0}0' 0 || Of' () IZ 0 | 9T' () |&g ‘g |00 f |0" LI * * * * * * * * * 'AQIs Ale Aſºgg º,..]99k, gg'O |Of0' () Of I f2' 0 | f I'0 |00 f |f|9' p 1, '91 - sinou #2 sea on sea on 008 “g gf' 0 |0}0' 0 || 03' I | 62° 0 || 6 I’0 |23' || |08’ f |O'9I : * . tº : £5 ; ; re . : 'E : : : §§ 5 | is 2 $2 . ro 5 : : 3 ā; # | # = : rp $2 te g C . e 3- O t 5 E & QL) :- e r- : º CD E 5 | E tº gº! C * 5 CD & # | 3 | | 3 || 3 | # # É à | # #| | | •- ? Q f* re-d 3– tº gº! & S +: . * -: (ſ) *::: | 5 || 5 || 3 || || || 3 || 2 | dº C. .* : .92 .9-3 | : C a ã. 5 £3. E ~ & So "NO IJ.V.J., wº-t §2. * NCIS) VI NOINIXV CIGI BISIOS8 V y- * C crº - Aº r O 3-4 | - 4. y r, y- ~ F. O NGHINRIGH H O O . O XIIIN Naoxxo O 'uoz/pl/39–42ſ2?y s?ou?/// TABLE II. — Mississippi River— |t L | | TEMPER- OSS ON ATURE. SOLIDS. IGNITION, | }~ k- - || - Z H: Date. Color. Odor. Sediment. ; R’ : gº 3. 3. E: . (T) * O B ºn 8. Ep g - F. : ; . : (D * 3. : 5 . g a. C ſt CD : E; & H Q. g 1901. Sept. 23|Yellow ... . . . . . . None ........ Sandy 610 76° 160 40 200 38 36 & 24|Light turbid. .. . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 649| 820 156 44; 200 40 40 à & 26|Yellow . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 680 849 150 32 182 34 34 ** 30 “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . 67 of 800 150 52| 202 24 22 Oct 1 '' . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . 689 800 140 58 198 34 30 f : 3| “ . . . . . . . . . & 4 '' . . . . . . . . 659 600 150 72| 222 36 32 $ $ 7| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . & 4 " . . . . . . . . 580 71o 136 78] 214 24 22 £ tº 8| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 610 669 144 74 218 40 24 { % 10| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 62o 720 152 96] 248 32 28 $ $ 14| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' ... . . . . . 560 500 152 58 210 34 30 * * 15| “ . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . 569 529 148 44|| 192 40 40 { { 17| “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 550 550 158 50| 208 26 26 4 & 21. “ “ . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 56° 64° 140 52i 192 38 32 4 & 22, “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 57 of 689 132 66 198 40 36 & ; 6 & “ . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 589 649 144 68. 212 46 38 * { 31|| “. . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 600 62o 136 58 194 30 26 Nov 4| “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 529 44° 144 52 196 44 36 £ 4 5| “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 50° 439|| 140 48; 188 40 40 & ſº 7| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 470 || 48° 132 50, 182 30 30 £ 6 11 “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 470 || 64° 142 30; 172 34 34 § { 12| “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 47o 45° 140 36|| 176 30 28 ‘‘ 14 “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 450 || 45° 156 18; 174 36 36 § { 18 ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 38o 429 148 18 166 34 32 f : 19| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 6 & Little. . . . . . . . 37o 439 148 20|| 168 30 28 * * 21| “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 380 500 154 26, 180 24 22 $ 4 25 ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . None..... .. 390 45° 152 2 154 32 32 tº º 26 ‘' . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 38° 48° 136 2: 138 22 20 * : 28 ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . 400 44° 136 10 146 44 34 ‘‘ 29| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . Little........ 39° 50° 140 26, 166 36 36 Dec 2. “ . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . 41° 40° 142 16| 158 40 38 & £ 5| “. . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . None. . . . . . . . 360 32° 150 2| 152 46 44 § { 6| “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 360 350 148 6|| 154 48 48 $ 4 9| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . 35o 340 144 8 152 46 38 & 4 10| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . Little........ 35o 38° 148 20 168 48 44 4 & 11| “ . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 360 340 140 22 162 52 32 ‘‘ 12| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 36° 40° 136 16, 152 40 28 Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 54° 145 38|| 183 36 33 Grafton—Above Mouth of Z//imots. # Sº, Axxonia. Nº ||25 || 3 | ºf 3 | # a- gº *=le O ATION. QS F. 5 § 5 g S. O. :" * * H=4 5 || 2 || 3 || 5 || > || 5 || 5 || #3 # 3- . §. # t e-t- e-H. C- C E; ~ E 'c o > º Eh g o ſº F: : E. E. (D & O : CD : E H. sº. 2 O *t S. º (D Q. g-sº © e-t- O 5 O k-e *—f : 5 § (b | }. F. o E : 3. 9. e & % = g it. . a. : $; * | Plate 1.80 7.68; 6.88 0.06 0.42|| 0 16|None. 0.63|Liquefied. No gas No gas 18 hours..... . . . . . . 2.13 9.12, 8.32 ().04|| 0.41| 0.12| ‘‘ 0.93 1,700 ‘’ 90%|24 hours..... ...... 2.50 8.00 7.36 0.09| 0.35 0.12| ‘‘ 0.63 450 50%|NO gas ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13| 7.68 5.60 0.08 0.44|| 1.20 * * 0.53 1,750|NO gas, ‘‘ “ . . . . . ". . . . . . 2.13| 7.04 6.40. 0.09| 0.42| 0.14|Trace || 0.63; . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No .. 2.50; 8.16. 6.88 0.08 0.45 0.12|None. 0.93|Liquefied. “ 10%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13 8.32; 6.56 0.07| 0.46|| 0.06| ** 0.72 350 ‘‘ No gas...... ....... ‘‘ 1.80; 6.56 6.56 0.07| 0.40|| 0.08 ‘‘ 0.92 300i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g tº & tº * 1.80 8.00; 4.96 0.07% 0.41| 0.08|Trace || 0.72 . . . . . . . . . . . 10% 10%|Slow. . . . . . . . . |No 1.80 7.20; 5.92 ().08; 0.37|None. ‘‘ 0.52 700 10%|No gas ‘‘ . . . . . . . . & 1.80; 6.56; 6.24; 0.06| 0.34|| 0.08; ‘‘ 0.72 450|NO gas 80%|24 hours. . . . . & 4 2.13| 7.36 3.20 0.08| 0.37| 0.06||None. 0.72 5,200 No gas Slow. . . . . . . . . & 4 1.42 11.68, 9.28 0.11| 0.46|| 0.08 ' ' 0.92 2,100 30% 5%|24 hours. . . . . . £ 6 1.42; 7.68 7.04 0.08; 0.44|Trace | ‘‘ 0.92. 550|NO gas 60%|20 hours. . . . . & & 1.78 9.76; 8.48 0.09 0.43i None. 0.100 1,02 4 60% “ . . . . . . . s e = * * * * * * * e º e I e º e º e º e º e s a s \ is e º a tº e ] s e s e e s : * * * * is s | * * * * * * |Liquefied. 5% 50%| ‘‘ . . . . . . * * 1.78 9.60 8.16 0.10; 0.48 0.10|None. 0.62; 750 NO gas No gas 24 hours. . . . . 6 & 3.13| 16.40. 513 Öiö, Ö.43 Öió|^* | 0.62 70 50%|Rapid........ & & 2.13; 9.92 9.60 0.11| 0.45||None. ‘ ‘ 0.82 300 10% 50%|Very slow & 4 2.84; 9.44 8.16|| 0.09| 0.36 ‘‘ $ 6 Q.62 3,550 NO gas. No gas 48 hours..... $ 6 2.13| 7.04 5.92; 0.09| 0.35| ‘‘ £ & 0.80 0 15% 40%|Slow. . . . . . . . . | < * 2.13 8.64 5.92 0.10; 0.36 ‘‘ § { 0.60 450 5% 50%| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . & 6 2.84 6.40 5.92 0.06 0.43| 0.08 ‘‘ 0.60 350 60% 90% ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 2.48; 6.40; 5.60' 0.09; 0.35||None. ‘‘ 1.30 350|No gas. No gas Very slow... . . . “ 2.13 5.76 5.28; 0.09 (). 42 * * $ & 0.60 450 ‘‘ 40%|14 hours. . . . . Yes 1.06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.06| 0.31| ‘‘ 0.025 1.50 100 40%|.... . . . . low. . . . . . . . . NO 2.48; 7.68; 6.08 0.08| 0.36 ‘‘ None. 0.70 450|No gas 100%|Very slow... ‘‘ Trace. 7.20, 5.92 0.06 0.39 0.16; “ 0.60 250 5%. . . . . . . . . 48 hours. . . . . 6 & 0.71; 6,56, 6.56 0.05 0.36 0.12 ‘‘ 0.70 2,200 NO gas 5%|12 hours..... 1.06 7.20. 6.56' 0.06| 0.36||None. ‘‘ 0.70 1,95 ‘ NO gas 24 hours. . . . . 2.48 7.36 7.20 0.05 0.36|| * * & £ 0.70 5 * & * |NO coag..... 1.78; 7.20. 6.72 0.07 0.28 ‘‘ § { 0.72|Liquefied. 5%| ‘‘ |12 hours. . . . . “ 2.13 7.84 5.92 0.06 0.34 “ 6 k 0.72 & 6 No gas 20%|Rapid... . . . . . . . 2.84 7.68; 6.40 0.05| 0.34 * * & & 0.72 & 4 ‘' | No gas 24 hours. . . . . & 4 1.42 7.36; 5.76|| 0.05 O.31 0.04] ‘ ‘ 0.52 & 4 $ $ apid........ ‘‘ 2.13 7.52 6.72 0.04| 0.34||None. ‘‘ 0.50|.. tº £ ‘‘ 28 hours..... & 4 Trace. 6.64 5.52 0.07 0.38. “ $ & 0.62|.. 40% 20%|Rapid........ “ 1.88; 7.84; 6.53 0.07 0.89 0.08 0.004 0.74 TABLE III — Mouth of | TEMPER - | LOSS ON Afüß. solips. 13 ºrds. - - - | } | | | : P. E. = | H z ºr Date. Color. Odor. | Sediment. s ſt to g= 3. 3. : i at 2. 3 & | * = | 3: - at: : c : }*d (D º: | . Cº. § C. £ ; ; * . | : H a. | : | 1901 * - i Sept. 17|Dark Yellow ... None ....... Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.54|| 652; 1006 82 30 ‘‘ 24 $ $ ... Earthy ...... . . . . . . . . . . 65° 83° 304| 2506: 2810: 144|| 48 Oct. 1() § { None . . . . . . . . . . 62° 64° 296' 1690; 1986; 116 22 ‘‘ 14 § { * { '' . . . . . . . . 60° 58° 296| 934. 1230; 78 28 ** 15 $ $ $ 4 '' . . . . . . . . 60° 70° 280 8701 1150; 68; 24 ‘‘ 16 é & ' ' . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 61° 62° 296: 792 1088: 88 24 17 { { ... '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60° 59° 306: 746. 1052, 82; 12 ‘‘ 21 { { ... ‘‘ . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 62° 76° 360 1062 1422, 86 24 ‘‘ 22 $ $ ... “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 64° 76° 384, 1316, 1700 92 32 * 23 tº $ £ 6 & & 64° 80° 330 1508 1838 170, 42 ‘‘ 24 £ tº & 6 '' . . . . . . . . 64° 72° 334|| 1452, 1786, 152; 32 ‘‘ 28 § £ & '' . . . . . . . . 62° 76° 320 948, 1268: 80 18 ‘‘ 29 * { ... " . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 64° 76° 362 872 1234 86. 28 ‘‘ 30 $ $ ... “ . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . . . 64°, 72° 346 916 1262 72 14 ‘‘ 31 ... “ . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 64° 64° 354 1070. 1424 56; 22 NOv. 4 # * | " ... . . . . . . . 54° 43° 340 id; i373 & 24 { { 5 § { ... “ § { 50° 46° 352 1088: 1440i 102 28 § { 6 & & & 5 '' . . . . . . . . | 3:...] §: ; ; 1309| 1: 39 & A 7 * & is § ‘‘ . . . . . . . . 52° 50° 336: 932; 1268; 72. 16 $ 8 $ $ '' . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 50° àjo #0 gig ig; $5 3. ‘‘ 11 $ i ... . . . " . . . . . . . . 54°, 74° 356, 1784. 2140|| 58 22 ‘‘ 12 & £ & { '' . . . . . . . . 52° 50° 396, 1800. 2196. 114 10 ** 13 # * $ $ '' . . . . . . . . 52° 60° 369 1617, 1986. 20. 13 ** 14 ë * { ‘‘ . . . . . . . . 50° 50° 411| 1611, 2022. 104 13 ‘‘ 15 £ & § { '' . . . . . . . . 46° 40° 344 1352, 1696 54, 26 ‘‘ 18 & 4 ... '' . . . . . . , ‘ 44° 67° 328. 1060 1388 84 16 ‘‘ 19 $ $ ... . . . '' . . . . . . . . 44° 46° 322 914 1236; 72. 20 '' 20 $ i & & $ $ 42°| 48° 328 786; 1114ſ 90: 40 ‘‘ 21 * { & 4 { { 42° 50° 350 740. 1090" 62: 34 ‘‘ 22 £ £ 6 § { 44° 48° 326|| 684; 1010, 60. 22 ‘‘ 25 * * ... '' . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 44°| 48° 338; 638 976; 60 18 ‘‘ 26 $ 4 . . . " " . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 44° 48° 388: 584: 972 102 72 ‘‘ 27 * { ... '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44° 44° 340. 608 948 46 28 ‘‘ 28 { { ... " . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 42° 429 362 590; 952| 84 36 ‘‘ 29 i & ... " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 44° 58° 362 532, 894| 74 30 Dec. 2 4 & ... ‘‘ . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 44° 40° 382 506. 888 108; 38 & 4 3 £ £ ... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44° 38° 350 498 848 76. 34 & 8 5 & £ ... " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 40°i 32° 372 434 806 88 46 $ $ 6 £ 4 ... " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 40° 38° 362 #48; 810 52: 36 $ & 9 & 4 ... " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 40° 33° 368 398 766 82 40 ‘‘ 10 & & ... '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38° 450 || 362; 3:56: 718, 76 42 ** 11 & 4 ... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40° 429 || 374| 356 730| 72; 46 ‘‘ 12 § { ... '' . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 429' 540 356|| 3:56: 712| 72 52 Means.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 56° 346 948; 1294; 82 29 - t - - | - ſ I9't 9000-081-0 09:0 Oro II & Szºol sºn ... . . . . . . .pide?I:0g ºl £1.1 out , 18.0 II.0 ft. I gºt 8.31 sº...sinº III ºf ºſ)3 j9' , , alton 08.0 II.0 39.8 fºg ºf II ON ' ' ' ' 'SunOUI aſ:0I {I |. 31, , , 31.Q 98.0 31.0 ſº.3 96.f 8...I sax. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , 20g of .. Z!' , , 800 l8.0 81.0 09.I 83 g 6.61 ON ... . . . . . ; : ['OI 20I º &II , , if I 0 83.0 60.0 99.3 (99.9 3.fſ , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' pycle XI lºof '03 , , , , 3.I.I , , 0I'0 gg.0 01.0 31.3 83 g 8.91 sex ' ' ' ' Sinou RI:03 ... ... paganbiTOI. I auon , , 68.0 II.Q 89.3 80.9 £9 o N ' ' ' ' ' ' ' AOISAOI ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0gg I 06' $ 3 , , 0f 0 600 80.3 f6.9 3...? I ,, . . . . . . . . 3 y %Of . . . . . . . . . Qºl. OI' I * * $ 9 .g3'0 600 #0 g 99 9 3. I ' ' '........ , , ;09 ºo:: Qº0.81 ići ages, auðN gºd Ś6.6 föſ; 33.8 Oli , , . . . . . . . . ; ; ; Of 409 0.03.13 Qg. I 0100 31.0 9.0 QI.Q. 01.3 98.1, 3.11 , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' pycle XI 2.0T ; : G 00I '6 0II etion anon 89.0 01:0 zgºſ ZL. 9 3.6 . . . . . . . Sinou &II:0g 20I 008:gſ 0; I , , 38'0 I.Q. 01.0 ſq.8 £3.1. 8.9 , , ' ' ' ' ' squou #1:0ſ % 8 000 "6 09: " I , , , , Il Q 13.0 36. I fºg I.3.I , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , |209. 303 pagoubi'I'0g. I , , , ,, 190 01:0 zlºz 08' 3 I L ,, . . . . . . . .pudex ºf iž0g Q38.9 06. I | edu.I.L. anon iſº. O 01:0 03.8 00:8 8.31 Sa K ' ' ' ' ' Sinouſ z1|:03 %0 001, OT fog g00-0 |f| 0 || 0 |gi:0 fg. & 366 8.31 oN ....sunolºgised on sº on 9.8% 03.3 go0-0 |&I 0 |IS.0 ft 0 31.3 88.01 3.fſ , , ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' pyde XI:/09 %09 007. Q3.3 eoed L83.9 || 6.9 |&I.Q g! 3 fººt lºg , , ' ' ' ' ' S.In OUI SI/08 %08 00l. i. 0.8 , , 800 g6.0 II.0 88.3 ff.g. Q liſ ,, .....SinºH 9J Sº ON ...g., ...Q09 QI Q: 3 |*Nº º ſº. 180 & 99.0I '8'iz Se R ' ' ' ' ' ' ' proſex||%OI Słłł ON 096 ‘6 ()3 3 , , OI 0 |ZL 0 |g|I' 0 80'3, '93' II I 63 , , SIll OUI #2|%g £g 003 “FI of i legiſlöß:0 glio Görö 26-i Sööf gºi o N. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , |%07 %09 003, Of...I 9000 81.0 |39.0 100 09:g 00:31 (0.11 "Se V | ' ' ' ' ' ' ' AOIS/OI !0g 099 "Q zf. I , , il'0 |&g 0 800 f$.3 08:3T 8.91 O N ' ' ' ' ' ' ' pyde XI |{0g ºI 00I '8T # I , , ºil ºf 0 86.0 93.3 iſ 5 (8.31 , , S.In OUI fal/09 %0% gº. 38.I . . . . $3.0 9.0 ($1.0 ($8.3 ſº. 8. § { sex . . . . . . . p1dex; 202, 20g 093 "I, 99. I eouſ. LQ3.0 |gg 0 80.0 98.8 89.II 18.31 , , sunou iz seño Nises on Oggº. 93. I , , 91.0 89.0 ||0.0 iſ 3 81.3L 3. I ,, . . . . . . . . . , , |%9 %OI 008. II 3g. I , , 06.0 99.0 fo 0 |f|Q.3 36.6 |8. LI ON |' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , | St:3 ON |%03 009 ‘g 93. I , , 80.0 (88.0 91.0 00.j 07:01 ºf I S3 X |'' AOIS 3409 %Of 00; ‘I 30 & QI.Q 19.0 &I.0 ſº. 3 &I.8L 1981 , , ' ' ' ' ' S.In OUI 0.2%OI %g 003 ‘9 33.3 | . , 91.0 18.0 II.0 (88.3 ºf I2 if II ON pIdê XI |}g|I ses on 00I '9 3.3 | . , ſº 0 |360 0I.0 038 fog I. I.3.I , , SInouſ ZI/09 %g 008 '9 g!.3 |otion f3.0 9.0 ft 0 8ſ. i. 33.II (6.6 Se X |' ' ' ' ' ' ' pyde XI 409 %g 009 ‘8I 28: I , , 91.0 |&L 0 if I’0 fogſ (80'08 9.0% , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' AOIS. Stºà oM| Seá ON 002 “91 33. I , , |f| 0 ||9-0 |g| 0 if 8.8 91.8 if II ,, . . . . . . , , Ø09 %06 001. ‘f 38. I eoeil;1.0 Og.0 go 0 99.3 8; 8 8.3E } % tº e , , |%06 %06 00I 'I. ... ..., 39. I , , 98.0 |19.0 800 & # 91.6 9.QI 5 s • ‘SimOUI #2|%OI %I ... . . . . . . 28. I , , 33.0 (gg.0 90.0 36. I (96.8 Q &I , , |' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' AOIS se? ON |%03 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' |zg'z , , if I’O 26' 0 for 0 89°g 00'z.I g’OI , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , |}OI Se:3 ONOlf ‘I §§ 2. Nº.2 gº. 3.9 19.8 g.96 (3.3 ON] ' ' ' ' ' ' prole XI:/02 %3 pºrtero aouai, 87°0 |gg 0 81.0 ºr. 98’ 1, 3" ; | | I ſ | º +4 e 2 : | : " : E : < . • gººd . ‘ſº . C : sº 5 : $2 ## | g g = e # rº **t • O c 2 | ". i. 3. e º ~i-> Cl) C ſº | 3–4 - - *=} --> - 3- := O g | Gl) : C, * * sº c • ‘E c C . . | C. g== º 2- --> 1) $2 <-2 . ro C O 8 | 53 ,-, - $2 E C & O ‘E O *. (ſ) º: | E = < | 3: …, || 2 || 45 3. tº - --. d) S.E C 3 º "NOIJ.V.I. É bºx. * NGI O 'visowny CºW .S. ^* • Aſ y 3-4 - d -*. * : * * ~ E O NGIINRIGIJI i O O ORIJUIN NaoxxO 5 - –- ‘.42ſ2?27 ?-4”03 &2/A/ 2%Z 10 TABLE IV. — Mouth of the TEMPER – LOSS ON ſ ATURE. SOLIDS IGNITION. ; > | 5 |, 5 || 3 z 3. Date. Color. Odor. Sediment. : R : gº 3. i 2. : | e-t- * > O QC ! ſt g : g º * ; *-mºn (D : E. ; ; | 3 || 6. § #| | | | | e : s i : 1902. Feb. 24 None....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little........ 34° 50° 253.2 6.4|| 259. 6. 30.0, 31.2 ſ & * “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None........ 34° 55° 252.8 0.4|| 253.2 45.6|| 48.8 § tº 26|Yellowish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little........ 34° 45° 252.0) 30.0 282.0; 62.4 56.0 $ & 27 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . 34° 44° 239.2 16.4] 255.6 42.0 46.4 * Mar. 3| Dark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muddy. . . . . . 35,9| 40°| 208.8 504.8 713.6% 72 0, 42.8 * ‘‘ 4. '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' . . . . . . 34° 309| 224.0i 429.6|| 653.6 90.0| 62.0 ‘‘ 5| ‘‘ . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . 34° 40° 264.0, 206.0 470.0. 70.4 47.6 { % 6 '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . 34° 45°| 224,0i 335.6|| 559.6; 68.0| 42.0 '' 10 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . 33° 30′ 233.9 161.6 332.5i 29.0) 33.9 é & 11 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . 42° 55°| 198.8l 180.8 379.6, 90,0; 42.4 '' 13 '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº $ ... 12° 30′ 1992, 180.8 380.0 85.2 58.4 '' 17" '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . 44° 22° 214.0, 503.6 717.6 84.0) 38.8 '' 18 '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * { ... 41° 32° 228.0 252.8 480.8 59.2 40.8 Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37° 43° 229.7 216.0, 445.7; 68.4 45.8 . | TABLE V. --The Mississippi River 1902. | Feb. 24 None. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nearly clear 34° 50°| 202.0, 10.8. 212.8 49.6, 62.0 '' 23 '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { { 34° 55°| 205.2 8.4; 213.6 54.8 47.2 ‘‘ 26, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clear. . . . . . . . 34° 45°, 196.0| 1.6 197.6 44.0, 47.2 # * 27 '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . 34° 44° 195.2 5.6| 200.8 33.2; 37.2 Mar 3|Little. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turbid . . . . . . 34° 40° 196.0; 43.6 239 , 6. 30.0' 48.0 ' ' 4. '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . 33° 30° 194.8 35.6 230.4; 45.6; 60.8 $ $ 5 ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . 34° 40° 198.4; 23.6 221.6 34.0 50.4 6 & 6 * * & # 34°| 45°| 190.0] 23.6 2.13.6 42.0 56.0 & & 10| Dark Muddy...... 36° 60°) 178.0) 173.6. 33.1.6) 64.0 52.0 § { 11 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . 38° 55° 158.0| 247.6 405.6 (6.0 24.0 13 '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . 40° 50° 165.6|| 342.4 5.08.0 64.0. 73.6 £ 6 17| “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . 42° 22° 174.0 200.0, 374.0' 60.0| 13.0 - - - ! — <-mº. Means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35° 45° 187.8| 93.0 280.8; 48.9| 49.3 TABLE V1. — Mouth of 1902. Mar. 10|Yellow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muddy...... 44°| 64° 338,0|1184.0|1522.0 134.0 j4.0 $ 4 11 '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 & 46° 60° 320.4|1211.6|1532,0| 148.4 16.8 :k s 12 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº £ 48° 48° 301.6||384.8|1686.4; 164.8 43.6 { { 13 * { . . . '' . . . . . . 50° 60° 384,0|1217.61601.6 158,0| 122.0 & 4 18 £ 4 . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . 48° 42° 346.01600.0|1946.0 50.5.2. 63.6 ‘‘ 19 ... ' ' . . . . . . 46° 50° 306.0||1303.6|1609.6; 150.0 58.0 $ # 20 " . . . . . . . . . * is a s g º º A & = & & # * à é 48° 64° 228.01182.0/1410.0. 116.4 45.6 4 + 21 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . . 48° 52° 210.4|1238.41448.8 111.2| 28.4 Means . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 47.2° 55.20 .3 lºozlº 186.0; 54.0 11 Illinois River—Grafton. O O| O C H-4 : OXYGEN NITRO- c FERMEN- t; # AssoRigºp|AMMONIA. GEN. 2: 5. TATION. à 3. º:. 9.5 E * -3 º-a" a # 'E ‘P Z ºr ºr 5 | E. k=| £ as Ú) E- |-sº e-º- O e O t; H |* E F3 F-5 | O CŞ S’ C. * | * | 3 || S | – 5 'd O CŞ 3 C. :-h g o C gº a jº-da § 5 6p & o º 4 (D $ E º: º 33 -: * 3, (D § C. tº-as {\} -: Q E o . Cl *t : c § 6t, (D -- o | E : (D 9. : : § 9 || : E: a. a, ] . : Śl F 13.49; 2.80 2.64| 1.340|| 0.182 0.280 0.0 1.00 270|NO gas No gas None.... |No. 14.91 2.88| 2.80 0.874| 0.194| 0.240 0.0 |1.00 40|| “." 4 tº “ . . . . . . . 15.62. 3.84 3.20. 1.512 0.216 0.320 .0.0 0.80 180 10%|........ 24 hours. “ 1849 8.0 2.96 1,500 0.168 0.200||*.*||1.00..... ...... 20, 20428 hours. “ 12.78] 12.80. 6.00. 1.592|| 0.744|| 0.200 0.0 |2.40 1,040|No gas No gas 20 hours. ' ' 11.20; 10.00; 4.64| 1.824; 0.704 0.200 0.0 |2.40 560 ...]".”; ; ; , , 12.07 10.00 5.20, 1,684 0.484 0.200 0.0 1.60|}rºd 30%|........ Rapid. ... Yes 11.36; 10.40 5.60| 1.512 0.564| 0.220 ().0 |2.00 280|NO gas No gas!24 hours. No 14.20, 10.72| 5.44|| 1.520 0.564 0.400 0.0 |1. 40 14, 880. “ ** 20 hours. ‘‘ 13.49| 10.80; 6.08| 1.440 0.544|| 0.300|| 0.0 |1.20 4.410; 20%| 20%| “ . ‘‘ 9.23 13.60 6.96 1.180 0.464 0.700|Trace...... 1.40 4, 200 50%| 50%|16 hours. “ 8.52. 14.80 4.72 0.740 0.544 0.800|}*...* {|1.60 550 30%|... . . . . . 24 hours. ‘‘ 12.07| 10.80; 7.20 0.760|| 0.504| 1.120 0. 1.20 820 100%| 100%|18 hours. |Yes 12.49 8.96 4.88 1.344 0.452 0.398 0.003 |1.46 Grafton——above mouth of ///inois. º 4.64; 4.48 0.140|| 0.106; () 100 0.0 1.20 60|No gas No gas/None.... No .. 2,84]. 5.60| 4, 32 0.090| 0.122 0.120 0.0 |1.00 520) “‘ & 6 tº 6 § { 2.13 4.16 4.08 0.072 0.072 0.280|, ...0.0 1.00 420) “‘ & & § 6 $ 4 2.84 4.56 4.00|0.084 0.112None |}*.*{|.... 800 ‘‘ ‘‘ $ $ 4 & 2.84 5.04 4.40|| 0.154 0.112 0.240| 0.0 (1.40 450 ‘‘ & & § { é & 2.84ſ 4.88; 4.80| 0.124| 0.162 (). 100' 0.0 |1.20 60 * * . . . . . 2.13 4.48 3,84 0.102 0.162} 0.100 0.0 (0.60 3, 600|| 10%|... . . . . . Rapid. ... |Yes.. 2.48, 6.24 4,40|| 0.106| 0.162| 0.100| 0.0 |0.60 120 NO gas] . . . . . . . . 24 hours. No . 2.13| 8.80; 7.12| () 370 0.472; 1.700 ().0 |1.60 12,400 ‘‘ |NO gas 24 hours. “ 2.84| 6.88; 4,80| 0.540 0.702| 1.600| 0.0 | 1.60 4, 350 “ ** 14 hours. | ** 2.84| 16.00; 7.60 0.600|| 0 664 0.640|Trace . . . . . 2.00 7,040. 30%. 30% 24 hours. Yes.. 1.42|| 13.76|| 4.24; 0.544 0.544 || 0.640| 0.03 |1.40 420; 50%. . . . . . . . . 24 hours. ‘‘ 2.45 7.09: 4.84 0.244 0.283 0.473 0.003 |1.24 the Missour: A'izyer. Plate 18.46; 11.60. 3.20. 0.360 0.644|| 0.300 0.0 |2.40|Liquefied. 10%|... . . . . . 18 hours. |Yes.. 17.75 13.20. 6.24 0.240. 0.524| 0.240 ().0 |2.40 1,440 35%|... . . . . . 16 hours. |NO .. 19.88, 15.60 4.88, 0.232 0.664| 0.300|Trace . . . . . 2.80 680|NO gas] . . . . . . . . 14 hours. |Yes.. 17.75; 17.20 5.20 0.344|| 0.684; 0.400 3.60 42, 160 80%|... . . . . . 12 hours | No .. 14.20, 20.80 5.20 0.272 1.224 0.960; 0.04 |4.00 9, 300 40%|... . . . . . 20 hours. Yes.. 11.36. 22.40 4.96|| 0.332 1.084; 1.200 0.006 | . . . . 290: 15%| . . . . . . . . 16 hours. ‘‘ 7.81| 18.40; 4.40|| 0.312|| 1.084| 1.200 0.020 (3.60 590 30%| 20%|2U hours. “ 8.52; 18.00, 5.60 0.268 0.884] 0.800 0.020 3.00 160 30%| 30%|18 hours. ‘‘ 14.46) 17.15} 4.96 0.295 0.849| 0.675 0.011 |3.27 12 For the purpose of comparison the mean chemical results are tabulated below, the values a 11 being given in parts per million: E 3. 3. E 3. 3. E’ Hº an 5, J2 E. Up tº ºf § # ÉÉ # § 5 || 3 # # 3. Up - E. º: E" in 5 2. E. : | ; -: i-4 ºf. Hr. $2 Úº gº º Jº º =. H: : E. : F " | 3. & . Solids in solution..................... 229 145 346 230 188 304 Solids in suspension. . . . . . . . . . . ...... 32 38 948 216 93 1290 LOSS on ignition, filtered. . . . . . . . . . .. 36 33 29 46 49 54 Loss on ignition, unfiltered......... 49 36 82 : 68 49 186 ºr " 16.4 1.88 14.9 12.5 2.45 14.46 Oxygen absorbed, filtered. . . . . . . . . . | 3.21 6.53 3.17 4.88 4.84 4.96 Oxygen absorbed, unfiltered. ...... 4.31 7.84 10 28 8.96 7.09 17.15 Free ammonia........................ 0.238 0.07 (). 10 1.344 0.244 0.295 Albuminoid ammonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.413 0.39 0.60 0.452 0.283 0.849 Nitrogen in nitrates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.042 0.08 0.13 0.398 0.473 0.675 Nitrogen in nitrites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ().034 0.004 0.000 0.003 0.003 ().011 Organic ammonia, Kjeldahl . . . . . . . . 0.81 0.74 1.61 1.46 1.24 3.27 i | Several things are immediately apparent from an inspection of the tables. It will be seen at once that in the I11inois river from the beginning Of the work in September to the end of the Fall observations in December there is an irregular but gradual increase in the factors measuring the ex- tent of organic contamination. It would appear that the oxidizing destruc- tion of organic matter has not been as complete as in the preceding year just after the opening of the large canal. But another thing is also evident, and that is that the concentration of the mineral matters is also greater. The figures for chlorine in the Illinois are so high as to indicate a degree of dilu- tion but little in excess of that which obtained before the Drainage Canal was opened. This may be accounted for in two ways. The flow through the canal was allowed to drop from 300,000 to about 25 ,000 cubic feet per ininute which had some effect, but the in1portant point is this, that because of the extreme dry weather of 1901 the flow from the tributaries was very smal1. An unusually large fraction of the water 1eaving the Illinois at Grafton was therefore Drainage Canal water, and the important element of dilution was accordingly not satisfied. The sula 11 volumes of water passing from the slug- gish tributaries into the main stream were comparatively concentrated or- ganic extracts in which oxidation was far from complete. It must be recalled, in addition, that the contamination from the Peoria and Pekin distillery cat- tle sheds is a factor not to be overlooked at this season of the year. It is not an easy matter to secure accurate data regarding the number of cattle fed at these places, but in the Fall and Winter months the number is always large enough to make this form of contamination of the highest importance in de- termining the character of the water in the 10wer river. Somewhat similar conditions prevailed in the Missouri in the Fall of 1901. The river was unusually low and the organic contents correspondingly high. During August and the early part of September I had occasion to ob- serve the river at several points between the mouth and Kansas City and noticed this bad condition. It will be seen that the chlorine in the Missouri is nearly as high as that in the Illinois which points to the same fact of small dilution. The organic matter in the Missouri is derived from several 13 sources. The population and the stockyards industries of Kansas City, Omaha, and other prominent places, contribute a 1arge share, as does Chi- cago to the Illinois, but aside from this an enormous amount of organic det- ritus of vegetable origin is washed into the tributaries and finally into the main stream from the peculiar soils through which the waters flow. The organic contents of the Missouri is even higher than that of the Illinois, and, all things considered, is of the same general character. The sluggish flow in the Missouri for the period under consideration, has this important consequence that it prolongs the time through which oxidation may take place, which is very desirable, especially in the colder months. It is evident that in the case of the Illinois river in the colder weather the flow is too rapid to permit of the fullest possible oxidation. The element of time is always of the first importance here, and with decrease in temperature more time must be allowed for the various stages in bacterial oxidation. The presence of the dams in the Illinois river is, therefore, a factor favoring the fuller oxidation of organic matter since these dams retard the flow of the water to some extent and prolong the contact of the decomposing substances with the oxidizing bacteria. . In each series of examinations new conditions are presented and in a measure new results are obtained. It is not always possible to offer a rational explanation for these results as we are still far from understanding the exact conditions for the most perfect bacterial oxidation. In studying the above figures for the I11inois we are impressed by the high values given for nitro- gen in the nitrate form during the Fall months and with the high free am- monia during the Spring. In the first case the excess, as compared with the 1900 Summer results, is doubtless due to diminished dilution, but the high free ammonia of the Spring is a consequence of unfinished or retarded oxi- dation. In the work of the Spring of 1900 it was found that inore of the nitrogen had been oxidized to the nitrate stage, but on the other hand, in the 1902 work we have 1ess nitrogen remaining in the albuminoid ammonia con- dition. For the Fall months the total organic ammonia (Kjeldahl) and the albuminoid ammonia are nearly the same for the Illinois and the Mississippi, while for the Missouri both factors are very much higher. For the Spring the Mississippi exhibits the best organic condition, with the Missouri far worse than the I11inois. In examining the results obtained in the bacterial tests it will be noticed that the Illinois and Mississippi are unuch nearer alike than are the I11inois and Missouri. The bacterial count is at best a somewhat uncertain datum, but it will be remembered that these waters were taken under the same con– ditions, packed in the same way and that they reached Chicago with the same delay always. The results must have, therefore, some comparative value. In the mean the count for the Missouri river is very much higher than for the Illinois or the Mississippi, and the evidence from the coagula- tion of milk and the formation of indo1 is strong in showing the markedly greater contamination of the Missouri. Everything indicates that the or- ganic matter present in this stream is in a much less advanced stage of oxi- dation than is the case with the other two. As to the character of the bac- terial organisms in the three cases I refer to the valuable observations of Professor Zeit in his report. 14 As It is now almost universally recognized and admitted that the self-puri- fication of a stream is 1argely a matter of successive bacterial oxidations and reductions. The question naturally suggests itself: To what extent may this be controlled or hastened on the 1arge sca1e. It is well known what may be done in the bacterial purification of volunues of sewage, not too large, by the septic tank and contact bed processes, but the sanitarian would hesitate before attempting to apply analogous processes to the treatment of a large river 1ike the Illinois. Yet I believe that something of this character will be undertaken, and probably in the not very distant future. What is taking place in the pool between Peoria and Pekin is a suggestive object 1esson, and what is there done by nature, I believe may be duplicated or controlled by art. The conditions which there prevail make this stretch of the river be- 1ow the cattle sheds of the Peoria distilleries a great septic tank in which by the aid of myriads of bacteria enormous quantities of organic matter are rapidly broken up and put into form for final oxidation. The flow is slug- gish here and time is given for the desired changes. To apply this general process further it might be necessary to artificially widen the river and re- tard the flow at some point below Pekin, and in the basin thus formed to enrich the bacterial flora by greatly concentrated pure cultures of the neces- sary species to rapidly advance oxidation. It may naturally be urged that the efforts of nature towards self-purification cannot be improved upon ex- cept at an enormous and prohibitive outlay, but I can not fully agree with this idea. At the present moment such an undertaking would be practically im- possible because of our 1ack of knowledge of the specific bacteria which are most active under different conditions. But to obtain such knowledge is certainly not beyond our reach, and in general should be secured from char- acteristic cases as illustrated by the following figures. In the Summer Of 1886 and in the Summer of 1899 examinations were made under conditions apparently identical of the water flowing in the old I11inois and Michigan Canal between Bridgeport and Lockport, a distance af 29 miles. The collec- tions were made at the same place and were numerous enough to furnish fair averages. The more important analytical results, in parts per million, were these: 1886. 1899. i Free Alb. Oxygen Free Alb. Oxygen Ammonia. | Ammonia. | Consumed. || Ammonia. | Ammonia. | Consumed. Bridgeport... 26.56 1.63 26.2 19.84 3.22 26.65 Lockport..... 12.73 .75 11.0 19.85 3.37 27.90 In the two cases the water passed through the 29 miles between the two stations at about the same rate, perhaps 40,000 cubic feet per minute, and the initial contaminations from city and stockyard sewage were approximately the same, yet in 1886 we had a very rapid oxidation while in 1899 no change was evident. Why the bacterial scavengers were so much more active in the one year than in the other can not now be explained, but the difference in activity was probably due to some simple conditions in the water which 15 * closer chemical investigations could have disclosed. A difference in acidity or alkalinity or in the amount of gas works refuse present may have had much to do with the bacterial growth and activity. In 1886 when the destruction of organic matter was so rapid in the canal the rate was con- tinued through the river, and at Peoria the water of the Illinois was practic- ally pure and safely potable. Bacterial tests, made at the time, but not published, showed a remarkably small number of germs. This condition of relative purity was not approached at Peoria in 1899. In any event something was lacking in one year which was present in the other, and before being able to undertake the large scale purification of a stream these conditions must be determined by searching bacterial and chemical tests. The nature of the organisms which are the most efficient when the greatest oxidation is attained, under certain conditions of water temperature and mineral content, may be determined by observations extended over a period of time, and I am of the opinion that such informa- tion may be applied to the correction of unfavorable conditions when the Oxidation rate appears to drop. What may be called the normal elements of the sewage as discharged into the canal, that is the household and stockyards waste matters, are prac- tically constant. The increasing and variable element is the manufacturing waste and on the nature of this many of the variations in the bacteria1 activity doubtless depend. These conditions for the Illinois are worthy of a close study. Yours, respectfully, JOHN H. LONG. Chicago, July 15, 1902. POSTSCRIPT. Since writing the above I have had an opportunity of 111aking an exami- nation of the Illinois river throughout its whole length and of 1earning cer- tain facts independent of the results of chemical analysis. These facts have been gathered from the health officers of the several towns along the bank Of the river; froln boatmen, fishermen and others who have been familiar with the character of the stream for years. A11 the information thus obtain- able goes to show a much improved condition of the river as a whole, and special improvement in the stretch between Henry and Peoria. The water appears, in general, cleaner in every respect, and in and above Peoria is even used for drinking purposes by hundreds or thousands of people. The reports of the health officer of Peoria show a practically complete absence of typhoid fever among the users of the river water in that city, Immediately below Peoria and Pekin, on the other hand, there appears to be an increased defilement of the river, which undoubtedly finds its expla- nation in the fact that the more rapid flow hastens the water through the septic basin below the Peoria distilleries and thus gives 1ess time for the oxidation processes which take place there. Under the old conditions a 1arge amount of organic sediment collected in this part of the river and decomposed gradually. Now much of this is carried farther and may be noticed at times as far as Havana perhaps. The effect of this is, therefore, to retard the completion of oxidation and leave certain reactions to be car- 16 ried out in the lower portions of the river. Of course, exactly the same results could follow from the increased flow of perfectly clean water from Lake Michigan or from heavy rains, as the organic matter here in evidence is the slop refuse and cattle shed waste from the Peoria and Pekin distil- 1eries. This matter is now hurried along instead of being allowed to settle or to accumulate in the form of islands of filth. Below Beardstown the increased volume of water in the river has resulted in furnishing generally improved conditions, which are the subject of com- ment by the river people. The old stagnant stretches are no longer found, and nothing remains to suggest by appearance organic pollution. At the time of the present writing the river is unusually high and thousands of acres are covered by the overflow. This condition is not normal and does not favor rapid oxidation. But the 1arge normal overflow area along the Illinois is sufficiently great to provide, in ordinary seasons, time and place for important oxidation and purification processes. This fact should be Rept in mind if the river is to be considered as a source of potable water. J. H. L. April 25th, 1903. Identification of Pathogenic and Sewage Bacteria Found in the Illinois, Mississippi and Missouri Rivers By F. ROBERT ZEIT, PROFESSOR OF BACTERIOLOGY, Northwestern University Medical School, CHICAGO. IDENTIFICATION OF PATHOGENIC AND SEWAGE BACTERIA FOUND IN THE ILLINOIS, MISSISSIPPI AND MISSOURI RIVERS. B Y F. R O B E R T Z E I T, PROFESSOR OF BACTERIOLOGY, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL, CHICAGO. DR. J.A.S. A. EGAN, Secretary of the I//inois State Board of Płealth: DEAR SIR:—A comparative examination for pathogenic bacteria found in the waters of the Illinois River at its mouth (Grafton, Illinois), the Miss- issippi River just above the point of entrance of the I11inois, and the Mis- souri River (a short distance above its junction with the Mississippi) during th months of October, November and December, 1901, and February and March, 1902, reveals the significant fact that during these months the Miss- issippi and Missouri Rivers contained more pathogenic and sewage bacteria than the Illinois River. My former report showed that bacterial self-purification of the Illinois River begins below Morris and is practically complete between Henry and Upper Peoria and any marked pollution found at Grafton must be due to other causes than the drainage canal. The results of the present examina- tion only tend to strengthen the views expressed in my former report. I have tabulated the results of the bacteriological investigation and the bacteria which have been identified. In accordonce with your request to examine only for pathogenic bac- teria, no attempt has been made to establish the complete bacteriological flora of these waters but I have identified nearly all the bacteria grown on our Agar plates. The water samples received by Prof. J. H. Long were plated out on Agar and Glycerine Agar and grown in the incubator (37°C) for ten days, during which time they were under observation, Control plates were made in all cases. Pure cultures were made on different culture media whenever necessary for purposes of identification and in a number of instances the pathogenic effect of suspicious cultures was tested by intra peritoneal inoculation of Guinea pigs. The number of water specimens examined is: Illinios River, 38. Mississippi River, 37. Missouri River, 36. The Agar plates grown at 37°C of the I11inois River water near Grafton remained sterile six times: Nov. 11, 12, 21, 26, 30 and Dec. 6. A11 the plates of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers showed growths. 20 Of the bacteria identified the following were found inost frequently: NUMBER OF TIMES FOUND: ILLINO IS MISSISSIPPI MISSOUR I 13 19 26 Bac. Coli Communis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proteus Vulgaris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 21 Bac. Mycoides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - • * * - - - - 11 15 12 Bac. Mesentericus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - e º a 4 e º 4 º' 11 19 14 Bac. Megaterium . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6 11 9 Bac Subtilis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 15 13 Bac. Liquid us . . . . . . . . s • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 6 2 Bac. Enteritidis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * - - - - 1 3 4 Bac. Acidi Lactici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - 2 0 4 Mic. Candicans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 11 A number of other bacteria have been identified and are given in the following tables under “Other Micro-organisms.” During the early spring many of the water specimens from all three rivers contained numerous spores of hyphomycetes, Mucor, Aspergillus and Oidiu in. I, Tabulated List of Findings, Illinois River. II. Tabulated List of Findings, Mississippi River. III. Tabulated List of Findings, Missouri River. Respectfully submitted, Chicago, July 18, 1902. F. ROBERT ZEIT.” 21 # : i Wa/er Specimens from Z//inois A'izer. 3 & ; i ;-- : Other Micro-organisms. | ; | - * * * - - e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mic. luteus... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . ..., | Bac, aurantiacus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bac. aurantiacus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- * * * * * * * * * * * * ' - w w w w = * * * * * s | * * * * * * * * - - - - Sterile. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - . . . . Sterile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - • * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * i = e s = | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; , ~ * * * * * * * | - - - –H Sterile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * s a , , t → • * * * * * * | * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . Sterile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sterile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . -- - e. • * - - - - - - e º s = º a s a e - e º - - - - - * * * * * • a e º e º 'º e s s s a 22 Water Specimens /rom Mississippi River. J’ 7 -- g z - g| F | 5 |-|3|_; ; , ; ; ; =: at ps ~ - 93 |- ps o º - Q3 º Q) ºn *** * 5: E = 3 3. º, E G |G: G | G | 0 | | | c. -3 E. E. ſt in E . . . - | 2 | # 3.0 # | 3 || || = | | | | | | Q |-tº (ſ. C (ſ. Ǻ |: 3 6t, ë E E. 2 Oth Mic - ic, “ . . ." ; : ; E: 3. {ſ} (D . . | : | -- J º F | E. * ... . * | * ; t '** 1 * * w & s & | Oct. 8 642 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Streptothrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 10 64; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarc. aurantiaca . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 22 661 . . . . . . . . . . . T . . . . . . . . ; ** 28 666 ---- ‘‘ 29 669 . . . . . . . . . . . . --- --- • * * * : - - - - ** 31 673 - + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 4 676 . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 5 679 -- . . . . . . . . T . . . . | 11 687 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " * 12 690 . . . . . . . . . . . . --- ------ s s e = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' ' 14 694 . Bac. aurantiacus. . . . . . ‘‘ 18 698 . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * 21 705 . . . . . . . . . . . . '-- ‘‘ 25 709 . . . . . . . . . . . . *—- --- ‘‘ 26 712 . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - # ‘‘ 28 7 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . - | ' ' 29 719 - - - , , , , -- . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 2 722 . . . . -- ! - * * * * - * * 5 727 . . . . . . . . . . . –--- - ‘‘ 6 73.) -- . . . . . . . - ‘‘ 9 732 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |… ' ' 1() 736 . . . . . . . . . . . --- | . . . . . ‘‘ 12, 742 . . . . . . . . . . . . | | 1902. { Feb. 24 745 . . . . . . . . . . . - -- - - ‘‘ 25 747 ‘‘ 26 749 -i- . . . . . . . . -- & ‘‘ 27, 751 –- . . . . . . . . - –– s = e s s a s > s • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mar. 3 753 –- --- -—ºr- Sarc. lutea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 5 75 - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 6 757, -i- - - -- —º-º-º: * * * * 7 759. H- -T- | it ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘‘ 11 761 -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | - –– . . . . . Aspergillus and Oidium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | : 23 6 J’ Water Specimens from Missouri River. :ă i i ; | | i | | Other Micro-organisms. ! : 1 Nov. 4 || 675 ‘‘ i)| 678 ‘‘ 6| 681 ‘‘ 7| 682 ‘‘ 8| 685 ‘‘ 11 686 ‘‘ 12| 689 : “ 13. 692 ** 14| 693 ** 15 696 ‘‘ 18, 697 ** 21| 704 ‘‘ 22 707 ‘‘ 25| 708 ‘‘ 26 711 . . 28 715 Dec. § { 3| 724 ‘‘ 5| 726 • ‘ 6, 729 ‘‘ 9: 734 .. 11| 738 12 1902. Mar. 11' 762 ! } a sº º sº e ∈ E & I gº & & # ºr # i gº º ºs e e s tº e i e º sº º Bac. albus putidus; streptothrix. . . . . . . . . Bac. albus putidus; sarc. aurantiaca M. flavus liquefaciens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bac. acidi lactici.......................... • e º 'º e º s & 4 & 8 a. º. a s a s e e º s ºr e º ºs e < * s tº e Micr. luteus.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. acidi lactici • * * * * * * * g e º s : s s s e º ºs e º & e g º e e Sarc. aurantiaca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e & E is Mucor..... . sº g º ºs e º e < * * * * * e = e º & © tº º is e º & * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s tº a s gº º is a tº gº ºs e s a e e s tº e º e s is a w & & 6 e º 'º e a s gº t e º & e s e º 'º s e tº s s s is a e s e e º sº º e º e º e s & e g º e º is a a e & Bac. albus putidus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aspergillus * * * * * * * * e s is a tº e º s e º 'º s a s tº a ç e º 'º & e . . . * * * * | * * * * * * * * | . . . . ... ''''' + + + + * . . . . . . . . | + + • s & s s a e º e = * * + + 1 + -- –– -: -- + - *—- –– L' . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e < e e s tº º –– . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * & s as s a g º & –– | t ...'........ —i- –4– | | | | ............ | • * : * * * * | * * * * * * * * * e º sº º sº a s | . . . . | | * * * * e s a s a ſº e s { | ... ... . . . . . . . —- & © tº ! l –– * * * * : * * * * ' & e º e º ºs e e º e g º & tº e g º B & e s & e º e = * * * * * * * * * * * * s e tº e # 8 s e & e s tº e s º a s a s s a s & e e s e s e e s º s a s s a 4 e º e s & 4 tº º sº tº s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s ∈ º tº a e º a e º 'º * * * * * * * * * * * * |-|| || TT - # * \ſ. Tº vić, a | Map of CHICAGO AND VIGINITY Showinq Main Drainage Channel of The Sanitary District. Of Chicago The Chicago WaterWorks Intake Tunnels --- -—j.---------. ºf Cind | | | ||ſ a | Location Of Woter Works Pumpinq Stations. Compiled From Records Under Direction Of The ILLINDIS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH By Jacob A. Harrnan Enqineer. Nove MBER 1902. Scal-E of Miu-Es. H–1– o ------ - : . - : - ---------> - ------ --. - - : - -- - : - - - - - - - . - . . - - - - -: -------------- - | f : : : - TREºsFº : : - . -- : . . - : - - - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - !--- f-TR-# -Er: _ C H. * M * INDEX To Pumping stations. Q) 14ts staeer. G) as restseer. G) Noarº. 6) west. G) Lake – view CENTRAL. \ G) cent R A L-PARK Ave. Haarison SFRING FIELD Ave. A/ B \ \ - - - - ---------- - - - : ; : . - - !---ºutlerten–Aze. *_\___________º_. :*n. A v. - #Chicago-i-Az: º Nºi... Nº - #3-sºn 34% ch i- º Öi º ºl.......jegºš... }. *-ºs--- A Ux I L I ARY STATIons. © Roge Rs PAR k. QD NoF wood PAR ºr © WA5HINGTon HE IGHTS. --------- --- - *E----------- !--roºt . - Hili-E +MH-0+N irr II : : ºsa; j-tº-º-º-º: in i_i < ; : Tºtº- — i i ºi= Nºw lººp; ------------------------------- t - | Tº - - & t ; iſ × ·&& ºs ſºs :ZĘ Ë ¿ §§ ſae º ae §. g(x;$ $ $ $ ! ºſº.№ * ¿ & ∞ ¿ ſae ae ∞ §§ §§ §§ <!“ ( ) §§ ? §§ *¿¿.* ºšť. ſae e º ºg ↓ ↓ ↓§j· § 8. ***, *ſ, ſaeº, ¿ §§§§©®°¶√¶ ¡ ¿ ſae; ſaeº.)*****.**) ºº:: * > * { * : * ~ * §§ §-* ·(;) ¿ § ## * zº { .*¿¿.* .*;;: